11 iii|||,„ , firti^ lii i 11 ■iiiiii!' ill iliii m \m t ] ^iliiiiiiiil ■IP'- iliilii' 1 -*—-••. .^-;- ♦ ~"y* TRUTH'S AND raOMTBIiY Anti-J^ek^eii Expositor < BY AN ASSOCIATIOX OF INDIVrDUAI.8. € \ CINCINNATI: LODGE, VHOMMEDIEU, AND UAMMQNO^ PRINTERS. 1828. Ebsc I. V V' V INDEX. A Addieii, - " • *^-' " ■ " "^ AdmiiusU'nUoQCoavcutioii, i^ B%t^- • " - 31 Another Pas:onomy of, - - - - fUS A Negro Tr.-tder, - - - . 3:^, Bttrrismot - - -•-...-. . 3,13^ jr,, [:i Florida, - - . 3p, Commiiiissioner. - --•-.<► l.ei;i?lator. ------ 3^*, • Spanish Officers, ---.--- Jnckson Samuel attack on, - - . .07 K Kendall and Penn, liCgit-lativt; in.-truction, L .New Lie. i\('\v-.?fi-sey, Ne«-Orl«vin~ Pageant at. t>pp^ili<... o p KcmlnUcenccs, Kcflertions Giirrral, Ki'igi! of Tetroi, KetrcnchnKiit UepoH. Satan Quotii , 1 Sloane's Rcmcvv. K S T li Literature and Priociplcs, > - 2(^, . MiKi Worship. - - - . - 4j, Military Preti'ii?ioiK», - - . . . Xiilliia .Men Siv, - - - . , McGraw, Thomas - . - . , 12: '2C< P.irlic*. Pftjiliral Statistic?. Poopic of the United State?, to . - 39 Preeidoncy in IS'ii!. - . . . Question the, .I'.i TnrilVllie. - . . . J.a. ■■'?' Wood's John. - pn 111 ,-. o^ ■Uhi.fUn-bing Committee,- - ' - "•'"''^2! TUrTH'S ADVOCATE AND MONTHLY ANTI- JACKSON EXPOSITOR. CINCINNATI, OHIO, JANUARY, 1828. ''.■ } i ADDRESS. It is usual, when u new work is an- nouiicf'l, to make known the reason? which i.iduce the publication, a;;d llie pri^ri|>lcs upon wiiich it is to be coii- ducled. ^Vith this usage, the Editors of tiic proposed work deem it their duty to comply. It is now well understood, that be- fore the present Administration of the National (iovemr.ient was arranged, when oidy the chief executive officer was chosen, and when no course of .^ measures could possibly have been in- dicated, the elements of a malignant opposition were put in a train of com- bination. The nucleus was supplied ; and unsupported by any color of e\i- Jence. In the progress of this combination, iis aggregalioiis have been of a most -ingular chtiractei'. Elements not mere- ly without :iny quality of adhesion, but even s(roiif,ly rc{)ulsivc, have become united, apparenily in the closest amity. — It is well known, that to the early machinations of the arch-intriguer, C;;!- houn, and to tlic subsequent unlicensed and profligate assaults of the satellites of Gen. Jackson, the high-mi:. ded and estimable Crawford was libelled into discredit with his countrymen. His, is a striking exam])Ie. of wliat may be ■ f- fected by the (lan.;g of unmea-urcd by one of the defeated rival candidates. ' detraction. And, strange fatuitj! this In the celebrated Sw;.rtwout letter was > man, once regarded as the very -ou! of commenced that system of unjust ac-! honor, is iiow ibund in association witli cusation, dark insinuation, and low in-: his ioul defamers, his unprincipled dc- vective, which has been pursued and jstroyers. There is a mos^slruositv in amplitied with an unrelenting intensity connexions so unnatural, well ci'.icula- to the present time. We /io?c know, ^ ted to terrily aid coniound the minds thiiX the original motto of this combi- of upright men. It indicates an alanrs- nation was, '• JVe ictll put doztJii the Ad- , ing de^tilulion of the moral sense, most iniiijftration, though pure as the angrl.< ; fatally confirmed by the conduct of the /hnl mhiistcr in heaven."' Wc know, too, ! principal parties, that its mode of warfare, and its insti-u- An individual of no common preten- ments of attack have been, and con- [ sions, dccei\i(:g himself with the vain tinue to be, in unde^nating accordance ' fancy that he neither seeks nor de- with such a motto. jclines otlice, and attempting io [nss the As this opposition was partly organ- ' same deceptior. upon others, so far for- iz'^'d, and put in action before the Ad- 1 gets wliaf is due, even to appearance?, ministration had commenced, it neces- , as to become an active agent in giving sarily follows that their destruction was I ciiculation to a false cliarge of degrad- resolved on, without regard to their j ing protligacv, against his Iale coni- ncts. And as they had attempted no j petitor. Polliiciais, statesmen, jurists^ measures, there could be nothing to (men who occupy hish stations, who condemn; consequently there could ex- possess various knowledge, reversing ist no ground of accusation, but such all established rules for ascertaining as falsehood and calumny miglit supply. ! truth, lend t'le weig'it of their names, Tlius, we sec, that the combiivtiun or- land the intlnencc of" their talents, to ganiz?d to prostrate the Administration, [make plausible that wliich they admit is one of the most extraordinary experi- can be sustained !)y rto tangible pr(>of". ments tliat ever was attempted. It is ' Tiiey prartirally adopt the dctest;;blr neitlier more nor Ics'^, than an elTort of , doc'.riiies of ihe Inquisition, that acct;- defeaied aspirants for office, (o pros- salion atiaches guilt, \vhich tlie accused trate their more smcessful rivals by pouring upon them torrents of obloquy tnd reproaches, unfounded in truth. must wipe away bv testimony. Char- ges are made, whicli, without i!ie clear- est proof, honorable aicn should be ADDRLSN. asliamcd to utter, and when promptly";' violeut fc'elinf;s and sudJen impulses: contradict' il, liy the partic- iinplirntod. in?aiiablc of prai>e, iinplacalk- iti oi.- aro ju^iitied on tlie monslrou? po^iiion. niiiy; di?ti:igui.-l'.cd Ibr i:o irilellectiial tkit denial is «ol aciiuittal; but that c-xiellei cc, bui abou ding in the i^ame t!ie accu-cd mu-t e«iaMi?!i his iano- irats tliat securc-s immunity to the ccncc. In proof of this, il is only nc- tiger of the dt-scit, the bully of the cossary to suggest the cahminy*pr6pa-'hiiCv;-tield,a id the tyrant of Uic tavirn. gated by Gen. J.'M^kBon. upon the fabi-i- 1 For more than tifty >ears of riis lijc, as catcd autiiority of Mr. BuchVmix, and a public man, he was known or,!v as an the more recent O'tp, circulatfjBasiainst am'iitious preteiid-T, who attempted to Mr. Adaii> uul V'v'cliitor bv IMr. Cole- ! di-chargciiie duties ofditferent otiices. man a -d .Mr. Rilciiie, wiil.out evcn»a|3Mi name to support it. This moan and orlious vice ^lyiiitr. adopted by tlie chiel^ains, as cfWe very essence and vitality of tiie combination, extends to all its active mi.'inber5. A strikiiij; instance has recently occurred ii cd them all, under an ac- ^d sense of his own ircomiu - Tiie glare b£ a brief, succesi- ful military career, nas converted this mere common morttd, into ahA^o and a salesman. U'j|p; otiif rs Ijave ac. Jackson is claimed both by j;, nioltcn calf, and we tlni;k this is a tiie advocates ar.d oppos-.-rs of lhe>c ; crossness of ignorance, in'o which we miasures, it is surely strange, that ' could not fall. Let us honestly ask men should haziir.l declarations of this ourselves, in how. much we are wi^cr. kind, and, at liie same tim^ expect to 'or better, if we loin to prostrate lonu escape the ip)utation of conlenvdng! tried, fai'.Lful, upright public men, by ''""'I'! t > ! *'«•* l»->'tnm r>i!nuii of bold frd.-ehood and With this untoward sy-.!cni of defa- 1 dan'orous "denunciation; or if wo rais^ mation on one hand, there is connected | our voices to utter adulation, fulsome on the other, a system of adulation c- i a;;d false ci-ough to nauseate and dis- .jually faise,df_'radiuu',a!id deleterious. I gnst anv well organized mind. A inirc mortal m.an, most distiiictM Such is the slate of our countrv: marked by the weaknesses and vice^swli the cliaract.r of the etlorls made that defor.n Inmianity, is set up atul a- ; [f<-<-p;il flo7ni' the wise and the worthy, ilorned with perfections almost divine, and to exalt the unfit and the undo- No onS denies to him the chara. ter of serving Like every people that b;i* l»0!U -ly in iiis private coi.tnicts. B-\ ond , preceded us, we are vieldirAour-erv ev tins truth < an a-lvance but little to re-lviclims to the blustering effcfts of am- cosnmend him. Be h»s rendered public biiion, and^the Abtle marbi-.ations services.but each has boe.i tari-.iripli!:ed, nwrked by 'overthc feelings aiid adcciioRS of h'is ADDRESS. viQuntrymen. All known monaichics I points lliat relate to the Presidential have tims been founilcd, and we have liardlj a case in liistory, where liie tir> adv.ciros were as undissuised as tiiosi- whic'* are now passinfj before us. We Rnef-rat danger, as idle a d riJieulons. This cor.(ide;!ce, this securitv, are as panquly of strengih^a sliicld and hue ier for llie assailants. We deride its ideots, or doriourice as enemies, those catl^'ass. The falsehoods, caiiininies, iiul misrepresent.ilions, started by the L'QiTibiiiiition, in every month, shall be presented, reviewed, exposed, ai d re- futed, as iliey arc got up: the authors ii atcertained, aiid suiyccled to the cas- tigatioi) ihey may jjeserve. In this dcparLment of the work, the necessary biograplical slfetches shall be drawn who warn us o^ our danger. So did with a sirict regard to truth, but with the Jews denounce their propliet: so do pas-ion aid prejudice ever le- gard tile saggcstiOTis of caution and of foretiiouglit. V^et it is not less the dut) of \lie patriot to sound the alarm, and proclaim tiie daiiger. Bui this is not euough. The danger mu-t not o:ily he made known: it must he met and repelled. To coi tribute soni-'thing to an object so imporlani, the present work is proposed. It is Ijclicvcd that there is vet a large majority ofdie good ^ense and th.e calm judgment of the American People un- coiilaminaied with tiie mania of oppo- sition. The infectioTi has readied but lew. except those who were predis- posed to receive it; and now an eflort should be made to arrest a;.d stay its furtlicr progress. In a coiitest so im- portant, even "//« weak cm give so7nc fwlp.'' And no one can kiiow but that it may be his part to stand ^•betwcm the living ani the dca, nor the most despicable of the new converts of Ohio, a subject too low for animadversion. The audacity of the great nod the proiligacy of the lit- tle shall ])e alike exposed. Besides (he avowed partizar;s, tlie notaiile crew of po]itic:il s/iiHjiT--, who affect to occupy neutral ground, but who, like their pre- decessors of a former struggle, dcsfgn to deceive and plunder all, sliall re- ceive their proper share of notice. Great care shall be taken not lo de- part from t.'ie principal title of (he work. Tr.uTn's Aftvor.vTE should dis- seminate nothing but truth; and nolli- ii:g of e,uestionabic veracity shall' lie promulgated as true. (^JThe moat scru- pulous pains sliall be taken tjisecure full coiilidence in whatever is stated as fact. \>.\ this particular, it is dctsr- .vhelm their authors. It is a fatal' spect to the style a;?d manner of v.ri- truth, that calunviv soars oa the wings of an eagle, whilst correcting truth pursues her with .the creep of a snail. at a cri^like the present, when false- hood is*sys'em Uic uliy disseminated i:; air^ie forms thaidtSappoi||ted amhition and hungry expectati-.w can devis'e. As one means of effecting the proper counteraction, it is |)ropo'-cd to collect, :.rrange, and conden-e monthly, llie I'.irrent facts necessary to conunuiii tind no ground of objection. W'ith le- tin I ing,it would be idle to give aatpledge, n this, a- in other cases, tastes i-it to be disputed. At i!;-c5e;;t. tlse pul.lic appetite, in liierary and jx-liffeal mat- ter, is a go.Tl (!; ;•! sated wiLh strong viands. A ire of cayenne is received w.... . .,. ilc relish; it is consequently inferred that a vigorous style, well intcrspc.--.ed withrtj;illiets, will be the most acccptahM^' Tile work -.vill be free from'lhe rc- slraiiit.i of advciti.-in_" custom and ii,o\- .I'e rorr. Tt informaMon on lhejg|fious ' en.mvnfe-.l palror.ag.?. It depends nn- GE.\KRAL JAfKSON'S on no joi)S and fears the loss of i.o cus- tomers. It will owe no obligations, and Le sul)je< t to no accusation ol in-i gratitude. Trui.'i. ihercfoie, can be and sIikU be plainly "-poken. To do so puts no man's bread in jeopard v. — VVhctlicr it be spoken of the wisdom of the Pre>ident in lioldint; it a pulilic duty to n.-lain men in oJlice, wiio aid in dcfamii.g his character, ad y iiitiniidalion. 1 l.'ave marked the einplo}rn.'ni of these means and their ellcct--: a; il I have been alike unmoved liy the violence of one party, or the thivcring moderation of many amongst I the other. M\ own Judgment has long lieen clearly satisfied, that it was an affair in which the National cliarac- j ter, the National interest, and the Na- , tional morals, were all deeply involved, ■ and that, therefore, it was a proper subject ot public invesliiration. and cx- I I'Osurc. This, it was my determina- I tion should, at a proper time, take place. In my judirment. (hat time is now, and I proceed upon my own rc- spnnsibilily, and wiihou( consnl(a(ion with a siniile individual, (o (he per- formance of what 1 deem a solemn ;du(y. Whatever may be (lioui.'h( or said of olhcr olhces, every candid man must I agree that the otlice of President ne- cessarily brint's (he immediate family of the oihcer, into direct connexion DOMESTIC RELATION*. xrith the public. It is impossible to separate them from public observation. If t'le President he a married man, hi;- wife at least, must share the distinc- tion of the station he occupies. If slie does not, the reason will be sought after. If she does, her ion. We must see a degraded female placed at the head of the female society of the na- tion, or wc must proclaim and urge the fact as a ground for excluding hex husband. GENEUAL JACXSON'.S The case of Gen. Jackson and his: %Tife, i>:, in every rc?pecl, an unrommo:. one. Whi.-rever lie was know;!, pult- lic rumor had circulated suspicion* a' (o the correctness of his matrimonial aUiaricc, long before he was dreamcii of as a man, in whose connubial con- ^exio^.^ tlic nation could liave anv pos- fciblc interest. It wh- no case cf mere surmise against an unmarried female, arisin;^ out of possible ii'discrction, and resting upon a peculiar freedom of manners too little recardful of the re- straints of society. On tlie fontrary, it involved an accusation of the most exceptionable character, extendins; to fhc gentleman a? well as to the lady, and resting lor proof, upon a h gisla- tive act, and the record of a court of justice. It was an accusation of gross adultery, in wliich outrage upon the right* of (he liushand was urged against Gen. Jackson, and desertion from her hu-band to the arms of a pammour, was charged against tlic wile. Sucli ■were the charges; such the evidence npon which they rested. Whether Iruc or false, necessarily became a matter of public concern, from tlie fact, that tiic parlies accused were present- ed as candidates for the most conspi cuouf station in o'lr country, in which the accused female must be placed at the head of the female society of the land. Were she iniioccnt of the crimes alleged against her, their long circu- lation, the strong evidence to sustai- them, and Iho serious manner in wliich they alf't li'd tjio present claim-; of her husiiand, conduced to call for invcii- gallon. An upright and an honorable man. confident of the purity of his wife, and sensible that he occupied a statioi; which coniiec ted that purity v.-ith the eharacler of his country, would have rejoiced at an opportunity to repel a lo:ig endured calumny. He would have seen, in a call for inquiry and in- vestigation, no spirit but that of manly patriotism. lie would have regarded the man whn movi-d it, as the fiieiid of him-el( a:.d of the coinlry, and lie v.onld have met it, rejoicing as one who l»as found a peaii of great price. It liiLs not been so received; it has not been so met. V\liy it has not. there Can be but one opinicr. ' Mrs. Jackson w.is the wife of Lewis Robards. of (ilercer county, Iv i.tucky, then a component part of tne Coininon- wcalih of Virginia. l>i DeciniDer, '790, Lt;wis Robards applied to the Legislature of \ irgi.,ia, ciiarging bis wife wiih aduhery, and ibr that cause praying a divorce. Such proof was otlered a? induced the Legislature (o act upon the charge. A law was passed directing a judicial investigation, and providing that if it were found true, Lewis Robards should stand divorced Irom bis wife. The>.e proceedings were instituted and proseculerf 'o tinal trial. In September, 1703, twelve men. con- stituti'.g a jury, after bearing proof, declared upon their oaths, that Mrs. Robards was guilty of the aduhery charged upon her, and Lewis Robard* oi)tained the divorce pravcd for. The law of Virginj;;, ;ind the record o( the Kentucky court are inserted at the end of this review, so as to place the mat- ters be\oiid all dispute. Tills fact bcieg thus esiablisiied. the question fairly presents itself to a Chris- tian and moral people, ought a convict ed adulteress and her paramour hus- band to br- placed in the hisbest offices of this free and Christian lairl? It it u.-eless to answer with ranlins vitupe- ration. It is a [ilain and a fair ques- tion; one which every citizen has a light to ask: one wliich no citizen should be denounced for asking. Was I lie offence cemmiltcd? Can bipse of (ime eradicate its contamination? Par- ly prejudice, party passion, miy answer •IS the.y please. Those who value good character, and the institutions, at.d mo- ral sentiments that prescn'e it, can give but one answer. An answer has been rittr m].tcd. not !)y denying the f ict of l!ie adultery, but l>y ailmitting. and attempting to excn-c it. This vindication is the work of abb- men; it has been skillully adapted to the sympathies and the passions of the nvilliliide, totally disro;iardieg all mo- ral feeling and just intelligence. It >'iall be reviewed and exposed, not by ajipeals to passion and ^u^gar preju- dice, but b_> submitting such a com- mentary as is applica'ile to every ca^e similarly rircuinstanced. The Na-hville c'.rainiltcc commence DOMESTIC RELATIONS. their vindicalioa by noticing an allega- tioa against tin- cliastitv of Mrs. Jack- son, which none hati jjeforc objectcil against her, in any tangibl;! form. A numixM- oi \vitiioss('« arc i)rouglit for- ward, whotcstifv that her liiisband was jcalons of her before she was acquaint- ed with Gen. Jackson. Judge Overton is made to namellie iidividual of whom lier iiiisljand \va« jealous, and to slate tliat sonieofttie facts transpired u-.der his own observation. 1 am unalde to perceive how these facts can lie d<'cm- ed elucidatory of Mrs. Jackson's good conduct. Bill I rely nothing upon them as proof again-l her. I would l)e the last man to imjioach a lady's chas- tity, upon t!)e si:glc circumstance of ber l!usl)ai-dis jealousy; x'et every nuin must admit, that tliat jealousy is very odd evidence to bring forward in sup- port of her character. And when a second fit of jealously turns out to be well founded, it is singular enougli to allege t!)c lirst to excuse it. Such, however, is the case I)efore us. Jud^e Overton professes loije conu- zant ofnll the facts implicating the con- duct of Gen. Jackso'i aiid Mrs. Robards at their early acquaintance, and also, many of the f-icts that relate to Mrs. Kobards.ard Kcr husband. lie comes happily together." He conversed with Robards, who expressed regret for what had passed, acquitted his wife of all impropriety, and joined in re(jucst- ing the Judge's good oilic;.s to restore harmony, and this the Judge under- took, in consequence of Robard's assur- ance, that he would give up "all non- sensical notions about jealousy."' In Marcli, I7G9, Judge Overton wa« at Mrs. Donalson'5,mi»t!ier of Mrs. Rob- ards, iu Tennessee, where he and Gen. Fack.son about that time became board- ers. The Judge "frequ-.-ntly convei-s- ed with Mrs. Robards, on the subject of livi-.gliapi)ily willi her liusband,'" and she assured him of her disposition to do so. He communicated this to Rob- ards and his mother, aiid received their thaidcs, and Robards and his wife be- came re-uiited in 1788, or 1780. Ih the arrangement for re-nnion, Rohard»i agreed to reside in Tenttessee, and for a time at Mr^. Donalson's. "Not many montiis elapsed before Rob.irds became je;dous of Jackson," atid his upbraid- ings reached tlie ear of the Judge, who remonstrated with him, but to ro ef- fect. The Judge then informed Jack- son, who determined to remonstrate with Robards. This resulted in a quarrel, and Jaclcson left the house to brward as the apologist of them i)oth, | board elsewhere. ''Robards remained at this time; and it may he fairly as- sumed, that he makes the best case for them. His statement is also published at tb.c close oC this article, and I sliall make it the basis of my exposition. Judge Overton lived in the family of' tb.is, again Mrs. Donnlson told t!iQ Robards";; mother, with Robards i'.i:d ; Judge, "her daugitter intended to g» several montlis with his wife, and then went to Kcfitucky in company with Mr. Thomas Crutcher." There came a report, that " Ruhards intended lo corns and lake his wife lo Ke.nlncky."' After his wife, in 1787 and in 1788. They lived utihappily, in consequence of his' jealousy; and in t!;e fall or summer of 1787, Mrs. Rohards's brother, at the don-n the River to Natchez, to some of their friends, m ordek to kecp out of THE WAY OF Robards, a? she said he had threatened to haunt her." Jack- request of Robards, v.ho had said, he sot) became greatly distressed, and did not intend to live witii her any i made the judgu his cor.lidcnt, commu- longer, removed her to her mother's in' nicating "his inlc.ntions of s^oin;^ h Tennessee, leaving Robards in Kcu-\^'\'rilchez u-itk Col. Slark, irithn-homjlrs. lucky. This removal "was said to be ; Eobarrh -u-as to descend the river, sm/ing a final separation at the instance of that she had no friend or relation to Robards." The whole family held I ^o n-ith her, and crsif I in preventing Mr. Mrs. Robards blameless After her departure, the elder Mrs. li I S!arJc, his fumit;i and Mrs. Robards from heinis massacred by the fiidians.'^ He Robards spoke to Judge Overton, who wotitaccordinglv.aiid returned in Mav>, was about to settle in Tennessee, to|1791. About orshortly after this time, interest himself, to "get her son Lewis, i information was received, that a di- nnd daughlcr-ia-l»w Rachel, to live ivorcc had been granted, upon thraj"- GENERA I. JACKSON*9 plication of Robards, Jhc Jnd^e re- 1 ^irms this, in terms, and he st;ites clear- marks: '-THIS APPLICATION HAD BEE.N I V, that after Juckson left tnc housc of ANTiciCATKD BV ME." Jacksoi. fcturi 'U-^.Doud\>ou,'-Rohanisremninai sever- ed to Natchez ill the summer of 1791 ; | / nvniths vilh hu^ infe, mil ihtn zrenl to and in the fall, brought Mrs. Robard '. Kentwky. in ri,mp. I have seen ]Mr. and Mrs. place the seduction and adultery, in as Robards teg- ther at Nashville, and prominent and reprehensible a light, as it is placed by the legislative a'd judi- cial proceedings themselves. Jack on avows his attachment to a married liavc seen them together at Col. Hav's. where they have staid days and iiighis." Qithc pirtinghe ;-ays: " When I was ready to set out on mr woman, and his determination to travel journey, I w erst l)y Mrs. Donalson"s for with iieras her protector, in a journey i Captain Robards; o . mv arrival I (buud undertaken avowedly, to "/rfyj out of Mrs. Robards aid her mother busily the u'ny of her husbinul."' Tlie apology j engaged in packing up his clotl'.es and for this journey, is, that her hushai d : provisions. , I suppose it was about an threatened to take her to Keituckuj liour before Cap(. Robards was readr Jackson united himself as a husband to to start. When we were ready to this same married woman, upo- the 'start, Capt. obards, with much ap- mere report of a divorc e. a"d lived parent friendship, took his leave of with her lictween two ad three year-. ' Mrs. Do.alson. mu/ his zrife, walking to inopen adiilterv. For this, the plea oi ,//;<; o^o/f with him, in a very tcnrlcr and ignorance is advanced : as if the perpe- 1 "Jjectionatc mnnner took her l»iir of himJ" trator of an acknowledged enormity. I Thus the parties lived, and thus the? which nothing but the knowKdgc of j separated, after Jackson left .Airs, facts could palli ite. miglit be permit ' Donalson, whicli Overton savs wasscT- ted to jusiify himself upon the pica of eral months. Robard"s jealousy sub- ignorance. I sided, when the o'iject wa5 no longerin In the whole course of my life, I have ! association with his wife. Let us cn- ncver witnessed a defence, even of the quire what he was subsequently guilty lowest criminal by tlie mcai.est petti- i of, that should justily a wife m abjur- foger, of such a demoralizing and i ing his authority and society, profligate tcndenc}, as the o!:e here] On this journey he said to Afr. attempted. It is mainlaif.ed that ajCrulcher, that, "he be damned if he convicted and avowed adulteress si. all t would ever be seen in Cumberland be permitted to sa\, that, tiie ur'fourd- j again;" Mr. Cruicher replied ''the ed and unjust accusations of her hus- 1 /rfVnrfs ofjMrs. Rnbnrfis irouH not like, band were the occasions of her crime.', mul pcrhnpsiroultl not coxsrxt for her to and constitute her apology. Assuming I go back to ICenluckif to tii-e.'" '■'He siiirl, ht an innocence, negatived by every part i ■/»>/ not can- ii-hot they liked or disliked, •fthe transaction, as the very grout'd of I he shon'.l do -rluit hr thought proper.'' the defence, making strong and almost ' ]\Iest me';.l 'ielieve,act prettvmucli irresistible presumptions of <£uill, ar: I nnon this principle. Bui few certainly excuse for its undisguised consumma-l -Icemit i.cct-ssary to consult "'■the likes tjon.'" >r thrdisb'kes"' of their wives* friends, a*: Thcaftertion of Robards forhis wife, to their pl;ice of residence. And surely and his anxiety to enjov her eompan>, no man, who values our instiiuiion«_. in peace, is evident from all tlie sla;^^- ' i d the social intercourse founded upon Oirnts furnifihcd. Judge Overlou at- Ihcm, can coutcad that a jealous tens- l>OMESTTC RET,ATIO?rtifv Mrs. Rob- ards and Gen. Jack>on, Robards never could have thought of a divorce. — Judge Overton has inadvertently fur- nished pretty good proof of this. He says, he had himself nnticipated that Robards would apply lor a divorce. AVhatever he may say now, it is very clear he did not then anticipate such an application in behalf of Robards, without a supposition that he had ome cause for it. The idea would be ab- surd. Robards had confessed the in- There is no essential difference in the I justice of his first suspicions, and he case, whether she left her husband's | had become reconciled to his wife, af- own house, or that of her mother, ; ter his second htofjealousy,had parted where he left her in kindness, and in j from her in tendeniess,and wished her tjontcmplatioii of meeting her again in j to come and reside with him in Ken- the same spirit. The facts of the case, i tucky. These were the events of the as exhibited by Overton, in connexion I stmimerofl790.as the committee would with Crutcher, when divested of the ' have ushelieve. No impi-opriety t'.ad strong opinions which the gentlemen themselves give, present a case of very gross misconduct in both parlies; and such' as the record evidence would na- turally lead us to exjiect. Among the curious anomalies which then, it is prelended, taken place on the part of Mrs. Robards. She had not then, as the witnesses say, descend- ed the river with Jackson; yet Judge Overton " anticipated" that Robards would apply for a divorce! Nay, he this vindication presents, it is not the evidetitly intimates his '• AXTicirATiON ' least sinsjular. that its authors boldly I that the application would be success- assume and asseit, what their own wit- nesses and authentic records prove to be impossible. They say: " At the time when Mr. Robards se- parated from his wife, applied for a di- vorce, obtained il. and Gen. Jackson married her, when all the facts were fresh and distinct, public opinion was formed, and the contemporaneous judg- ment of the society in which those per- so'!S resided, came to a clear and de- wsive result in their favor." Of the twelve persons whose state- ments accomoany tiie vindication, two onlv, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Bowcn, ven- ture to make this assertion. Even Judge Ovcrtoa is ciu-eful not to say ful; and (iiis is done for the purpose of explaining why the fact of the divorce was taken upon trust. Though not much in point for this purpose, it is a strong inlimalion of what were the real fads. The Judge knew that Robards had just ground to apply for a divorce; hence, he '■ anticipated" both the ap- plication and success. Gen. Breckenridge is also brought out to contradict the record, and to prove that the passage of the law was predicated upon no proof against Mrs. Robards, Fie is absurd erough to ing to be divorced' case for the indulgence of sympathy, from her on that account; that with a would be almost incontrovertible, jn full knowledge of his vileness and her worth and innocence, and with a strong conviction that separation was neces- sary to her inippiness, they enacted a most cases of female aberration, there are very many extenuating circum- stances, by which sjTnpathy in one sex. and both sympathy and gallantry in law autliorizing a judicial encjuiry, the other, would he almost persuaded whether she iiad or had not committed i to forgive the ofl'ender. It is because adultery!! This law, enacted because of this, that a stern, uncompromising a separation was necessary to her hap piness, did not allow a sejiaration un- less siie was judicially found guilt\ of judgment of censure is universale past. The unfortunate is resolved to have fallen never to rise again, imless all adultery!!! and of this the framer* of memorvof her fall can be obliterated, tlie law believed her iimocenf. When j So great are the temptations, so nu- a man of sense uttei-s such absurdities merous and so seducing (he approaches as tiiese, we know he does not speak to the commission of the otfence in the truth. His assertions arc in direct question, notliing short of utter and ii- contradiction to our common sense. ] remediable disgrace is sufficient to They prove his readiness to stultif\ ' hold it in proper check. Can fort) him-iclf to support Gen. Jackson, and j years of exemplary virtue restore the thev prove nothing further. I wretched Kl«ie D.Whipple to the sta- ll is useless to insist that .in a caseation she has lost in societv? Would where a single man has avowed his af-|not we be startled at the bare sugges- fection for another man's wife, (for tiie ' tiori, that forty years hence she might admission to Judge Overton "that he j he placed as the wife of our President, was the most Jinhufpi/ of men. in luu iiig at the head of the females of our coun- been iiinnrcnllij and unintenlionallv the \ trv? There is no record proof of her cause of the loss of peace and ha])piness . adulterv, and no evidence to charge ol !\Irs. Rol)ards. whom he l)elieved to her with further crime, but the asscr- he a fine woman,'" amounts to neither tions of a most abandoned villain. The more or less,) and who accompanies cases are not analogous, but the prinri- that wife in a long jonrnev to "keep pie is the same: and however painful out ol her husband's way," and " place it mav be felt, the more recent one is a herseit beyond his reacii ;'' and where decisive illustration of the unsoundnes-* the «;i/i'(/;;n/ swain and ihe^'fiurrromnn" of the apologv in question. \'\\v in union as man and wife,and their That oblivion had not cast her shade co!u!u. t i> made the subject of legisla- unon the oflence of Mrs. Jackson, i- DOMESTIC RELATIONS, 11 most notorious; nor has it, in the can- vass for tlic Presidency, been raked up from a comparative forgetfuhiess, to be used for the purpose oi prejudicing lier husband. From the period of (he transactions thcinselves,tlic sul)ject lias never ceased to circulate, and supply a theme of conversation, wherever Gen. Jackson was known. Of this, the vindication itself gives one decisive item of proof, in the letter from A. Fos- ter, to Calkb Atuater, written in re- ply to enquiries with respect to it, in 1824. Had public opinion, at the time, been as is now represented, the fact itself would have furnished no ali- ment for tittle-tattle, and might have been forgotten. In (he view here presented of the case, upon the facts s(a(cd by the vin- dicating committee themselves, no in- telligent mhid is permitted to doubt, that Mrs. Jackson was unfaitliful to her marriage vow with Robards. No man of the world can believe that she would have been guilt}' of tiie great indiscre- tion of flying beyond the reach of her husband, with a man charged to be her paramour, were she innoccntof the charge. Her conduct, his cond ict in the (light, in the alleged marriage, in the illegal union, in the subsequent le- gal marriage, furnish presumptions of guilt, which admit of no explanation consistent with correctness and duty. It would be as rational to give credit to asseverations of innocence, had they been found at midnight, undressed, in the same bed. In tliat case there "would be proof of a single indiscretion, wliilst in the real case there is a suc- cession of corroborative facts, which could not, in any probability, take place, were the parties innocent. It has been urged, (hat the effect of Ihe record is invalidated by tiie fact, tjiat the proceedings were ex park. — But with what propriety can General Jackson, or any one of his advocates advance this argument? The transcript docs not show when the judicial pro- ceedings were first instituted. But Judge Overton places the first union of Gen. Jackson and Blrs. Robards, in fhc summer of 1791. AV'hen they as- sumed the open relation of husband and wife, it was an illegal and criminal act. it is asserted, (hat (hey supposed it to be legal. They were upon their own assumptions, gready mistiken. — How was it pracdcable to eflcct such a state of tilings, as to make it lawful for them to continue in the relation of husband and wife? The answer ad- mits of no dispute. It could be in no way effected, bu( by penni((ing Robards to obtain a divorce. It is no where pre- tended that Mrs. Robards could apply for a divorce wi(h any hope of success. Robards c^ uld only obtain a divorce under the law, by proving the facts of desertion and adultery upon his wife. Gen. Jackson and Mrs. Robards, therc^ fore, voluntarily, and for the gratifi- cation of their own appetites, placed themselves in a 'situation to render it necessary that Mrs. Robards should be convicted of desertion and adul- tery, in respect to Robards. To this conviction they must submit, or sepa- rate, or continue to live in open defi- ance of law and decency. It is absurd to suppose, that, in such a predica- mcht, (hey could either of them desire that the application of Robards should be defeated. It is obvious to tlie mean- est understanding, that they could scarcely do otherwise than pander to their own disgrace, or remain quies- cent and hope for it. We are told (he first marriage took place, in confidence that the Legis- lature of Virginia had granted a di- vorce upon the application of Robards. He could not apply upon an allega- tion of his own misconduct. He must have charged some derilcctionof duty, some crime upon his wife, as the foun- dation of granting to him a divorce. He must have adduced some proof in support of his charge. The parties both knew this; and they married in 1791,if indeed, they did ilirn marry at all, of which there is no proof, with a full Icnowlcdge (hat the capacity to do so, arose from a legislative conviction of crime against Mrs, Robards, and none other than adultery could be supposed. Those, then, who believe that an adulteress, who has become, after n time, the legal wife of her panimotir, is not a suitable person to be placed at (he head of the female society of the United State?, cannot with proprietr m GEKER.iL JACKSOX'S vote forGpnernlJackson. Those wHoj in the >umnftr of 1789, we hear of ne are of opinion that all enquiry, as to, difticultios between Robard< and lii* the charatter of a President's wife, is] wife, until the fall of 1790, when his improp'T. and arc therefore indilVcrent 1 det'-rmination to remove bis wife to what her character may he; a'ld those ' Kentucky was made known. Thai w!io conceive that a fallen female mav ' new troubles arose ; thex ^'IIu whole af- be restored by subsequent good con-\ fair gave Gen. Jackson grcalniuasiiicss;'' duct, may conscientiously ecive General ' then he informed J udge Overton »• hs Jackson their support. But to ground nas the most unhappij of men. in having themselve-i upon an affected belief, that ihnoccnily aiul unintentionally heen the cause the allegation of unihanitv is not true, of the loss of the peace and liajipines-i of is to defy the lights of truth, and ioMrs. Rjbards,iahomhebeHevid to be afim- close the understanding against con- i ^"'""°''-" viction. " I This disclosure is utterly irreconcile- The state of facts, as the exposition' able with the whole case set up by the. I haye made shows tliem to have ex N.ishville committee, of which Judge isted, vitally affects General Jackson's Overton is the main eifective witness, pretensio'is to (he Presidenrv, in manv It is an additional in>lance, to the ihou- views. ttiat relate principal'lv to him- sands that liave occurred, ! ow very self. Thev atfecl him as a "man. as a difficult it is to give a gloss to matter* husband, as a patriot; in each charac- of fact, ditTerent from that which they tcr evidencing his unfitness for the sta- naturally iniporU How, in the fall of Xion to which he aspires. I ! 790, was General Jackson •• iniwceiitltf T-iey alfect him as a man. His ac- and uninientionallt/ the cause f th- loss of quaintance with Mrs Robards com- '^« /'^ace anrf A/i^./.uieiif/Vrj. A'oftarrfs.?'' menred in March. 1739. He was then ' t'l'ik •' "''1 P»"-^<^ J'"^>^^ Overton, a veritable stripling to cast the eves ^"^ tl'P Nashville Committee to boot, of affection on anotlier man's wife, ig" then, Mrs. Robards liad conceived no [twenty-two years old, and a fow 'alfeclion for Gen. Jack=on. It could months in the countrv:!] ''•added Vt not be the corroding canker of unhal- his en^agins: and sprii;hlhj manners, sere (owed attachment that destroyed her enou^rh 10 income the mind of poor Rob pp;,^,,, ^nd happiness, of whicli attach- arh:' TI.ev certainly did inflame the ,„^„,^ q^,„^ Jack'on was the innocent Blind of Mrs. Robards, and a percep- „!,je(t. Robards had become rccon- tion of this would very naturally in- ri|,.d to his wife, :mkI there is no pro- flame that of her husband. i ,,,„(,(. tbat he bad either deserted her, We learn from Judge Overton, the or was in the habit of upbraiding her, Pandarus of the play, that after Gen. upon account of Jackson. AVhy,then, Jackson and Mrs. Robards became ac- was she unhappy, and Jack>on the quainted, "not many months elapsed, cause of that unhappiness? Was it a beforeRobardsbecame jealous of Jack- 'continuance of the unl'oundcd jealousy S0;i," but '•vllhoi'l ihchasi frroiind." — of Jackson tbat indiirtd Robards to T:iis unfounded jealoiisv broke out in wish llie removal of his «ilt-? Tlws reproaches against Mrs. R«bards, and does not appear; if it did. upon what violent altercation with Jackson, who. common principle of action would it in consequence, cha: ged his residence ^ make Jackson *'//w viofi unhappij of to keep out of the way of giving of nis;i?" or wherefore should it cause wAe fe ce. After this. Robards rcnrMnvd loss nflhr peace and hoppinrss of J\!rs. Rob- sevf^nil months with his wife, and part- »irrfs/" She.ronscious of innocence.and cd from her in apparent contid<'nrESTIC RELATIOXS. 13 sionnl society nf a man against whom I wife, while a icsidcnt in tho bosom of he had cntei taiijcd suspicions. On the | lier family, and indulging that attach- coi'trarv, such removal was pui-suing the plain path of prudence and of dutv, and was exactly that, which should have given confidence aiid comfort to the mild of an ellcctionate wife. Jack- soi> having felt no altachment himself. coTiscious that the lady felt none, and douhly conscious no act of his had given cause for the jealousy ofRobards, could have no reason to feel unhappy, or indulge regret. If there was no in- tercourse between Mrs. Robards and himself, but that of ffoinmon politeness, he could have no k'lOwledtje of her meiit so as to secure a reciprocation from its object. We tind him accom- panying her in a llight, (o get beyond her husband's reach, finally giving oc- casion for a divorce, upon the broad ground of the w ife's adultery, and af- terwards making her the partner of his life, and probably mother of hia ! children. Were an occurrence like this now to take place, no matter what waa the conduct of the husband, how >hoiild we estimate the youtliful hero of such an adventure? Let us exclude Gen. Jackson's case " /oM of pence mid hrippinrss^' much less j from our recollection, until we reflect weie it possible for him to know, that I upon the proper answer to the inquiry he was the occasion of it. After the ebullition of jealousy which had escap- ed Robards. every principle of pru- deoi e, of duty, oi' decent respect for themselves, ai^d for the society in which they moved, lorbade any intercourse lere made. To indulge an aiTection for a marri- ed woman, even in a man's own secret heart, is a great aberration from cor- rectness-, i< is permitting unhallowed passion to obtain the mastery over rea- but that of distant civility, between j son and duty. To approach a married Gen. Jackson and Mrs. Robards. Had woman with a declaration of affection, sucli been the feelings and tiie conduct is an indecent outrage. If she does of the parties, there could have been not so feel and receive it, she is already no " /os'f 0/ pence"' on one side; no "otos/ more than half a participator. The unhnppii of men'^ on the other, Tne avowal made, that Jackson was most unhappy, because he was inno- cently the cause of the "loss of the peace" of Mrs. Robards, inevitably as- outrage against society and the hus- band is not the less; and he who has the hardihood to make such an ap- proach, would at once be regarded as a youth prepared to sacrifice his own serts a stale of facts totally different ! duties, and the riglifs and happiness of from that which the vindication at- others, to the gratification of his own tempts to make out. is includes the appetites. Wiu'ii the rein is so given admission, that Mrs. Robards was at- tached to Jackson, that he reciprocated this attachment; that this mutual at- tachment bad been mutually disclosed, .md had deeply allccted the peace and liappiness of both. In such .circum- to indulgence, that it runs the whole race, and ends in divorce and marriage, the most favorable estimate" we can make of the parties, is, that they are the mere creatures of passion, and t!)o victims of itsungovenied predominance. stances, it is possible that the grossest ' We should draw the conclusion, that he indulgence of this criminal attachment , whose career of appetite was not re- had not taken place? But when the , strained by a regard for his obli<;ations parties so far forget what is due to themselves, and to the world, as to be- come partners in a journey avowx'dly to society, nor by a dread of reproach, nor by an apprehension of vindictive, or retributive justice, could never be to place the wife '•'bfi/nnd the nacir of a safe depository of power over others, her husband, it is an insult to our com- 1 Such would he the natural inference moM sense, to talk of their virtue, or to j in the case slated, and 111 Gen. Jackj- tell us that the man is incapable of se- son's case, his whole life shows, that during his neighbors wife. jtiie deduction would be a correct one. Here then ^^•e find Gen. Jackson, in! Thus does this transaction vitally affect the first stages of his manhood, conceiv- ' Gen. Jackson's pretensions to the Presi- .ing an pUnchment for his neighbor's 'dency. It does nol stand an isolated M GENERAX JACKSON'S date. And more especially, were he a true patriot, who esteemed the honor» the fame, and the interest of hi^ roan- try as deserving all consideration, he would feel tliat hi^ matrimonial rclaliou ought to exclude him from the office oC President. Since this affair was brought before the public, we have had a goodly por- act of self-willed gratification, regard- less of duty and of right, but it stands the first in a series of similar acts, ex- tending over his whole lil'e, and assimi- lated in principle, though not always in degree, with much of his conduct. It touches him loo, in the relation of husband. Notwithstanding the criminality at- tending their courtship and marriage. ,. r ■ ,, , ,• i - • ^ .1 ., /nil .k . I lion ot ?irk V and mawkish sentiment, the evidence is hill and clear that. ;is L. ,,,,,•,, , . ,i /^ i Ml 1 „ »i,„i.,i,-- , „„j.,^f !,„„ irom >lr. W al>li, and rom.Nlr. Coleman, rs. Jackson, the lady s conduct hasL. ■-, ,r/- i . n i. ». I 1 "• III Irom Uuli (.ireen, and Amos rlolton, been exemplary and irreproachable, i . „ , ', , , • m, ■ •» ,• ,1 . • t ahoul trallantrv, and the respect due to There is no situation that imposes on i ,. , *= , •': , , ^ ,. 1 1 i I J lemale cliaractcr, and the cowardice a man higher and more responsible du- ,, , ,' ■ j i .• .- it ji 1 ,• rk 1 1. ' and baseness of drajiging a ladv be ore ties, than the relation of husband to a ., 1 1- • ,. ^^ ,■*' , . ■ , ,1 r 11 r the public, in matters o electio;iecrine woman once known to have fallen from ' ,,,, ... , ° the virtue of chastity. If he were the , ;:«"^'^'""- ^ '"-•*« /hings sound very ... ■(■ I f 11 1 linely, and would always aijplv when original occasion ol her lall, and con- ^ -, n j ,- • ",■ °, r ti ^i ■ . •. lemale crime called (or investigation izant of all the circumstances, unites ■ n - .u . land exposure, ;is well as in the pre^eilt But what would constitute fe- his character with liers, lie owes her! the most scnipiilous delicacy of deport- ment, as well as the tendcrcst atTec- tiohs. She is a bruised and broken flower, wlucli be alone can proper- ly appreciate and cherish. To raise her to respectability, to obliterate the remembrance of her offences, to recon- cile her to herself, to restore her peace of mind, should be the great effort of his male excellence, if no diffeicnce were made between her who subjected all heractions to the restraints and regula- tions of propriety, aiid her who gave, a loose, to her feeliig.s, inclinations, and passions, regardless of the decorum which alone renders the sex estimable. I have already noticed the imperi- life, to which his whole conduct should ous nccessitvfor impo-ing severe pen- be directed. Unoiitrusive retirement allies, upon certain (emale aberration*, from the world, and respectful defer- 1 If she who has offended in this particu- ence, for those with whom he associated, I lar so rankly. that her offence has he- would be the plain course of a man j come matter of Legislative and Judicial who felt as he ought to feel, in such a( record, may a«pire to high places, and predicament. He should do iiolbing.| may claim to silence all censure, and all say nothing, place iiimsclf in no position i eiuiuirv. who does not see the danger- which would bring his wife before the i ous consequences thatmay be produced public. To act otherwise, is to be in society? Wiiat virtuous woman, as regardless of her feelings, as he what upright man can call for such a had formerly been of the feelings of relaxation of public morals? AV hat fa- others, and to expose her, in the way- t her, who descants earnestly upon tin- ward indulijence of his own temper, to, duly of throwing a mantle over the do- tbe rimruks and sarcasms of those mestic relations of Gen. Tackson, shall whom he encounter-. It is no cvi-'bc at lilierty to reproach a fallen dence of a good, or of a great man, to at- daughter! In such case, what daugh- tempt by a high hand to force a susjiect- 1 ter may not shelter her frailties under cd wife into society, or to imagine thatisurh an illustrious example? No true the tongues of men are to be paralized . patriot would seek distinction, when to by terror, AVere Gen. .Jackson pos- obtain it, would be to inlVict a stab sessed of the enlarged, the subdued,, upon the morals, and u])on the female and ttie corrected intelligence, essenti-; morals too, of his country. The maxim al to the propi'r discharge of the Presi- of Caesar was a correct one. The wife dential fiinclions, allc'Ction for his wife, of a distinguished public man, should and tenderness liir her feelings, would! not only be pure but unsuspected. It hare decided him never to be a candi- her character be stained with suspicio*,^. DOMESTIC RELATIONS. 1& ■it affects all around her, the whole ••ommmiity of which slio is the head. Gen. Jackson cannot be insensible to the true state of his own case. He cannot be deceived by the glossing's of his vindicators; though possibly enough lie may be mistaken as to public opinion. But were ho a lofty patriot, such as he is rcpre>ienled to be. his love of country would compel him to decline being a candidate for the Presidency. He would never consent that the wife of his "bosom, should be exposed to the ribald talints, and dark surmises of the profli- gate or to the cold civility, or just re- mark of tlie wise and good. He would never consent that his name should be associated with sneers at his country, or with suggestions of evil and danger- of the country, like a stab into its own vitals, has been invaded and cruelly outraged. That some of the members of the present administratiun of the general goverjiment. are accountable for the slan- der and persecution of General Jackson and his zinfe, is reluctantly, though solemn- lij asserted. A'o moral distinction can be draun betzneen the act of hiring a man to commit a crime, and that of re-uardirig him after he has committed it; and it is noto- rious, thai the prostituted 7niscreants, wha invent and circulate these slanders, are tho continued objects of ministerial favor, par tronagc and pay. Hired witli the mo- ney of the very people wiiose willing^ gratitude and just. admiration, are the real causes of this defamation and ran- cour, this foul injustice not only ag- gravates the demerit of its procurers, but should endear to his country the ous examples to her daughters. The truth of what I have asserted, must be hero w ho sustains it." felt by every candid man. It presents an obstacle to the election of Gen. Jack- •son, which can only be surmounted by the head-long devotion of party. The denunciations which have been uttered against those who consider Gen. Jackson's domestic relations a propersubjectofinvcstigation.havenot , ..-i -. i . , ,. ,- , been confined to the wdters of news- iP"'>l'shed with rejpect to Mrs. Jackson, I make no remark upon the principles avowed, or the language employed ii» this extract; God help us, wlien such morals and sucii taste prevail in our Legislative assemblies! But it is an actof duty to repel the insinuation, that Mr. Clay is accountable for any thing paper essays, or to the declaimers in booths and taverns; nor have these de- fer it would be atTectation not to under- stand the allusion to some of the mem- ations'bern'Tev^ied only- atThos^e \'f'^ of the cabinet, as being aimed at iiim. 1 he following extractor a letter from Mr. Clay, dated Washington, December 23, 1826, and copy of a let- ter from myself to Major Eaton, will show how this matter stands. nuncia -who were concerned in perpetrating ihe alleged otFence. The Legislature of Tennessee have made them the mat- ter of a solemn legislative resolve, and have included '• some of the membei-s of the present administration'' in their charges. The following is their lan- " But the retreats of private life are nolongersacred. This beloved citi/x'ii, this genuine republican, venerable for liis age, illustrious for iiis services, and >till more illustrious for his inflexible patriotism, has seen, not only his con- duct distorted by slander, and his glory | which I had collected, for the purpose tarnished by calumny, but the partner of an attack upon Mrs. Jackson, which '• I had a curious call the day before yesterday from Major Eaton. He came at the instance of Gen. Jiickson to in- form me that the General had receiv- ed a letter from some person in Ken- tucky, (whose name was not given) communicating to him, that you had, during your visit to Kentucky, last summer, obtained f|j|xn mc, papers of his bt)som traduced ;ind expo'^ed for tbe sport of the idle", and malice of the infamous. That couch which has so ollen been forsaken, that others miglit sleep in safety and peace; that you were preparing; and to enquire if I had furnished any such pajiers. As (here was ii(;t a particle of truth in the communication which had been made to the General, I of cour>c, contradict- brcast that hits so often braved danger, edit, adding what is perfectly true, that others might not even feel its j that I had never seen the papers rela- alarmsi wliich felt a stain on the honor ting to. the transaction referred to--- ia ilLSERAV JACKSOX'S nor did I know that you had. on your'' What use 1 shall make of these docu ab.ive mentioned visit, procured any ments, and the (acts connected wit)i sucli papers. I have now, i.o recollec- 'them, must depend upon future events tion tlial the case of Mrs. Jatk^on form f (I any topic of coiivcr.-aiion between us, when you were at Lexington."' ^'■Cincinnati, Jan. 3'/, 1827. I meditate no attack upon Mrs. Jackson; I do i.ol view the character of tlie Gen- eral ii. a hf^iit so favorable as you. and ma'iy others do, and I propose to use this afl'air in no otiier manner, than to Sir, — " I am advised information has j elucidate my estimate of that character, been communicated to Gen. Jackson,! 1 wish to^luin iio'propcr re-ponsibilitv, tiiat Mr. Clay had furiii>lied me with land should I make any j)ublicat!Qi , it certain documents, in relation to Mr'-. ; will be accompanied with my ijame. Jackson, upon wliich I am preparing; '*This letter is addre-sed to you in a an attack on her. 1 deem it an act of spirit of frankness, to prevent any mis- justice to say to you, that this i,. forma- ,coiiceplion of my intention, and any tion is whollv incorrect. I never re- 1 mistake as to the channels through ceived fiom Mr. Clay any paper or document upon that subject; it was never but once a subject ofconvcrsa- tioii between us. " According to my present recollec- tion, from my eilrlie^l knowledge of which I derived my information. Respcclfullv, vours. &:c. C. HAMMOND. J. H. Eaton, Esq." These papers show conclusively Geii. Jackson's character, 1 had heard j that Mi-. Clay i.-in no respect "account- exceptions taken to the manner in al)le" for the investigations that have which his connubial relation was com- taken place, through my agency, afd menced. I bad heard vaiious stories j they warrant the inference, that he with respect to it. AtColunilmsinthe has in noway interfered to aid, or Bummcr of 1C24. 1 enquired of .Mr. i countenance the course pursued, his Clay, what was the true state of facts, ju^l that he should be exonerated from He stated, that he knew nothing but by i an imputation so wholly unfounded iiv report. The relation he gave was pal- i fact. liatory; and he expressed his opinion | Gen. Jackson's application to Mr. that the subject ought not to be ! Clay, was cerainly a '• ci/i-/oi(5"'onc. — brought before the public. I mention- ^\ liilst Gen. Jackson made his domes- ed this conversation to Col. Ahiln-w lie heartli. and ^ocialcircle. the theatre Mack of this city, on our return from Ibrutterig various imputations against Columbus, who is now and was theij, the character of Mr. Clay, what just a warm supporter of Gen. Jackson for j cause of olTcnce could he taken, liad ihi' I'residency, and he expressed him- ; Mr. Clay furni>hed papers bearing up- self entirely satislied with the conduction the General himself, through his of.^Ir. Clav. I wife or other relation? Suppose Mr. "It has been for some time nn opin- Clay had collected co))ies of the diller- ion, that the matter should be investi- ent papers in existence, touching tiir gated. And 1 set on foot an enquiry divorce of Mrs. Rohards, and had put to obtain the informal ion, that would enable me to (le< ide. for niy~elf at least, how far the public were interested in it. Fnim .Mr. Wlward Day, a travel- ling collector for merchants in LJalii- more, I obtained such reference as cn- abh'd me to find the application of Roh- ards for a divorce, addressed to the Leei^lature of Virginia, i^i 1700: the Lot;i^lati\e acl that was passed by that )ody Decemlier ^Oth, of the sam;- •ear«« and thi> judi'ial iiroceedi'i-.'s bunded upon it, it) Mercer county, Ky. these papers in my hands, what ritrhf had Gen. Jackson toqueslion him al)0ui it? I can conci'ive of none. General Jackson had put an end to all rclalioaf ofaniilv wilb.Mr. Cla\,byhis Swar- loui letter and oiher slanders. As an avowed antagonist, Gen. Jackson could have no just preten'-ion (o prescribe to Mr. Chiv, the weajions he -hould um-. or thr m.iiuier in which he should em- plo> tliiin. It is tlierefore matter of "liirinut" speiiilaliori what could be the object of the call, and upon wln-l / DOMESTIC RELATIONS. 1*^ ground the General assumed the right | to make it. The most obvious conclu-| sion is, that it was made with the in-! tention of opera iiig as an engine of in- 1 timidalioii. As much as to say, the standing of my wile shall not be im- ; pujpied by any man I hold my equal, ' but at the risk of direct responsibility. If a more apposite explanation he given, I shall be glad to hear it. I Tliose who have perused this article, are now apprised of the ground on wliic!i 1 have deemed this investigation a proper and a necessary one. Thcyi arc possessqd of what 1 think, a just view of the case. It is for all who have preteiisiotis to intelligence and candor, to say, whether the subject is not one, which it is the right and the duty of a free and moral people to investigate? and whether the facts are such, as to justify the charge of slander and calum- ny against all. who hav(> dared to speak plai-'lv, the clear coiniclions ot' tlieir judi;ments upon it! lam prepared to abide the sentence of just and reflect- ing men; of men, who do not judge of fit' ess and propriety, m reference to a paricnlar case, but who make the) broad principles of general right the fou dation of their judgments. The censure, or the ai)plausc of those who accommodate their oi)inions to tiiecir-j cumstances that surround them is of! but little consideration. The one in-] flicts no pain, the other gives very par- [ Hal satisfaction. I C. HAMMOND, i APPENDIX An act coDcernini the inarrinjp of Lewis Rob- anls (P:issimI the 2011. of December, I'9— .) Sect. 1 . Be it enacted by the General ^Issem- 6Zy, That it shall, and may be lawful, for Lewis Robards to sue out of the office of the Supreme Court of the District of Kentucky, a wT't ajainst Rachel Rohards, which writ shall be Iramed by the Clerl<, and expre^^ the nature of ths ca-e, and shall be published for eii;ht weeks Bucces'ively, in the Kentucky Gazette; whereupon the plaintifT may (ile his declaration in the same cause, ami the de- fendant Diay appear and plead to issue, in which case, or if she iloes not appear within two nonths after such publication, it shall be set for trial by the clerk on some day in the suc- ceedins court, but may for cood cause shewn to tbc Court, be continued until the succeeding term. Sect. 2. Commissions to take depo.°itions and siibnoenis to summon witnesses, shall issue »s in ntlirr ra^c^: lished in the Kcntuck/ Gazette, shail be suffi- cient. .Skct. 4. A jury shall hi> suminoned, who shall oe s»iirn well and truly to inquire into the allegations contained in the declaration, or to try the issue joined as the case may be, and shall finl a verdict accorilinp to the usual mode; and if the jury, in case of issue joined, shall find IVir the plaintitf, or in case of inquiry into the truth ol the allegations contain> d in the declaration, shall find in substance, that tlie defendant hatk deserted tite jHaiiitiff, and that the hath lirtd in adultery leith annllie.r man since sitcli desertion, thi- -aid verdict shall be recorded, and, Thekevpon, the marriage between the said Lewis Robajds, and Rachel, shall be total- ly dissoliid. — Sec Henninj;'s Utaturs al laige, vol. 12,;xj»e i'2~. The following is a true extract from the r(i- cord anil proceeding in the Court of Quarter Ses-ion*, for the county of Mercer, wlunin Lewis Rohards is plaiulili", and Rachel Rohards is defendant. Kentuckv sct. Lewis Rohards complains of Rachel Rob- ards in custody, &c. of a plea of adultery, for this, ti' wit : That whereas, the said Rachel ItobariN, on the day of in thi year 17 wa' in due form, according to the law, joined in the holy bands of inatriiuony, with the said Lewis R ibards; nevertheless the said Rachel in violation of her most solemn promise, did, on the 1st day of July, in the year of our Loril one thousand seven hundred aud ninety, elope iVnm her said hu-band Lewis, and live in adultery with another man, and still continues with the same adulterer: Therefore the said Lewis, prays that the said marriage between the said Rachel and Lewis may be dissolved, according to an act of .Assembly, in that case made and proviiled. J. BROWN, for Plaintiff. At a Court of Quarter Session--, held for Mercer count\, at the Court House in Harrnds- burgh, on the JTth day of September, 1793, this day came the plaintiff by his attornej , and j thereupon came also, a jury, to wit: James j Bradsbery, Thomas Smith, Gabriel Slaughter, John Lightfoot, Samuel Work, Harrison Davis, John Ray, Obeiliah Wright, John Miles, John 1 Me-.ins, Joseph Thomas, and Benjamin Sanless, ! who being elected, tried, and sworn, well and trul) to inquire into the allegation in the ilain- tilf's declaration, specified upon oath, do say, that the defendant, Rachel Robards, hath de- serted the plaintiff, Lewis Robirds, and hath, and doth, still live in adultery- with another man. It is therefore considered by the Court, that the marriage between the plaintiff and ' the defendant be dissolved. j Mercer sct I do certify, that the above and foregoing, is t a true extract from the record in my office. — ! Given under inv hand, as Clerk of the Court aforesaid, this, bth day of A. -u-t, ims. TIIO.VLAS ALLEN. [Note. This transcript of the re- cord was made out for Mr. Edward Day, in 1825, at his own request, a:id without anv suggestion from me. It was in 182G, that J first convt^rsofl wiifh him about itv (? 18 GE.VER.Vt J.VCKSOVS HanD< finished my stiidiee in the winter of '80 — 9, it wa' (It-teriuinfil to fix my resilience m the touDtry ni>K- callirl West Teufmssce. — Previously u> my departorc from .Mrs. Re«lly entreated nie to ■1M> my exertions to net her son Lewis, and diiightcr-in-law Rachel, to live happily to- gether. Intimations have been thrown out,' <■'<•<"'■ ''aoghter of the family, at that time, ex not only that the pfocccding* were (M ' >re='^ the m«=t favorable sentiment; of her. parlr, hut that the directions of the law were (-oi ("oMowed, either hy liie mode of proceed!. ig, or in respect to the court where the proceedin'j;'^ were had. Oti this suhject, it is onlv ncccssarv to remark, that wc are bound to pre- sume, the . o'lrt took care to see that it "^^''^ ^fPp'at"'" for » considerable time, had 1 1 . . I ,. 1 .L » .1 1 occasioned li.r treat unea'inefs. as she apicar- had jari-dictioi), .ind that the law un- ed to be much attached to Ltr d:,u?htcr-in.la«-, der wnich it acted, was complied with. '"'J *he to her. Capt Lewi^ Rohards ap:cnr- Itnaay be further remarked, that if this ''' to'x'u"J'»^'i'v,a>>'l the old lady told me he •j . . f • 1 1 r 'P-retted what had taken place, and wisi eW!S RibarcU, id Mercer con iitj, Kj Cai>t. Robard'* and '.is wile, then liv d with old .Mrs. Koburds. I had nut l.ved there wi=hed to live with hi? .life, and requested that 1 waitd use my excrtioiuto resiorre haruio:iv. — I told him I Would Uiidertak,- it, providril he «on!d thrc w .-i e al, n.inscn^ical notions about jnatou^y, for whirh I was cu. >i .ced there was no irround. and treat his wife kindit, a« other men. He assured me itsfiouki be «<>; and it is impression now, that I received a messaiio many weeks, before I understood, that Capt 1 1^*"" "''' ■^'f'- '^"•'Hnl--, to Mr--. Lewis Robards, Robards .ud hts wife hve^l very unhappily, on ' "■'"'^'' ' >'el'vcred to her on my arrival at hf^r account of his beini je.ilous of Mr. Short 'mother's, where I found h.-r some time in the M) brother, «ho wa? a boarder, infurrued me l"'""'^"! Kebriary or .March, iTilO The situ- th;!t ii.'eat uneasiness had eMsted iu the faiuih' •''^"■^" °^ the country induced me to solicit Mrs. for so e time before my arrival, but .is he hail ^'""'''-0" to boani me, good accommodation^ the onfidence and s;ood will of ail parlies a I"'."' '>"!"■'''"? '"''"S farely to be met with— tj< portion of his coiifidence fell to my «hare. par- lii-u. -rly the old laly'-^. than whom, perhaps, a more amiable woman uevt-r liveil. " The an- which she readily a-siiitcr any loncer. tertain it is. ihal .''"ceil hiju into the family as a boarder, alter Mrs. Roharils'- hp'ther, samui 1 Doi el-on, came i •>' cou.inir acquainlcil with'l.im. So i; was, we uptocarr\ her down to her mother's ami nn Icoinnicnreil boiirdini; there, about Ihe same iiniTession i«, in ihe fill or sunnmr of 17K0 I jtime. Jacks.in and myself, our frirn.is, and cli- was prc'cnt Hhen Mr. Samuel Donclson, ar- *^'''*> ^c. nccup) in:; one cabin, and the family- rived at Mrs llohards's, and when he start, d ' «"olher, a few steps from it. uvta\ wilh 1ms sister, and mv clear and distinct i ^°' " *'^'cf "')■ arrival, I ha.! frr.iucnt con- rceolleciionis, thatit was said to he a final -ep- virsations wiih .Mrs. Lewis Robards, on the arn'inn at the instmce .' Capt. Kobards—for |S'il>iect of iun? hapj ili with hor husband— 1 well recollect the distress of old .Mr-. Rohanls, I -'"' w't'> niuch sensibility, assurejl me, th it no 0-. account of her daeght. r in law, Rachel, I '""^"^ '"''"'"> "•'•J"''' 'wwimtiii.e on her part : g..in!; away, on account of .be scpiiraii.fi that I"'"' ' cnmmiiriicateil the result to Captain w-!s about to take place, toi;ether with Ihe cir-l •^"'"""'''"""' '"' "'olhcr, from b.ilh of whom ciimsianoe of ttic oM Unix's embracing her-af ' ' ffceived coiiirralnlations and thai.ks. Capl. feciionaiely. In unr(.si-rveoii and lUMrCll' boiirct odiiitue fiimil> o( .Mr>. Uonclson— lived in the ciibin room, ami slupt m the same bed. As youiii; men <■( the same pursiiu« iiiid |>rol'es?ioi), with but t'tw oUur«i in the coiiiitrv, with whii.n to associalf — besiiles -harinu', as wc fiei)iiemly did, common danaers, such an intimacy cii- sucil, a« mi^lit reasonably be ex|iectod. ^ot irany months elapsed, bckire Robards became jealous of J acliSDii, which I felt conti- dent was withou' the least gruuiid. Somi' ol his irritating coiiver«ilion on thi-* snbjecl, with his wile, I lieard amidst the ti ars of her- self and her mother, who were greatly distress- ed. I urjjed to llobards th^ unmanlines." of his coniluct, after flie pains I liad taken to produce Uarnionj, as a mutual I'rici d oi both families, and my honest convietion that his suspicions were i:rouiiflless. Th'-si- remon>tr.tn- ces seemed not to have the desired effect; as much commotion and unhappinees prevailed in the family, as that of iSIr. Robards in Ken- tucky. At length, I communicated to Jackson tlie unpletisarit situation of living in a familv, where there was so much dis'urbance, and con- cluded by telling him, that we would endeav our to get some other place; to this he re:idily assented, but where to go, we did not know. Being conscious of his innocence, he 'aid he would talk to Uobards. What passed between Capt. Robards and Jackson, I do not know, as 1 WIS absent some where, not now recollected, when the conversation and results took place, iiiit returned soon afterwards. The whole af- fair was related to me by Mrs. Donelsou, (the mother of Mrs. Roba|d«) and as well as 1 re- collect, hy Jackson hftsclf. The sub-tance of Uieir acccouiitAvas, that Mr. JacUson met Capt. Robarils near the orchard fence, and began mildly to remonstrate with him, respecting the injustice he had done his wife, as well as him- self. In a little time Rnbarils became violently angry and abusive, and threatened to whip Jackson, maile a show of djing so, &c. Jack- son told him he had not bodily strength to fight him, nor should he ilo so, feeling conscious of his innocence, and retired to his cabin, tel- ling him at the same time, that if lie in- sisted on fighting, he would give hini gentleman- ly s itifaction, or words to that effect. Upon Jackson's return out of the house, f'apt. Rob- ards said that ho did not care for him nor his wife — abusing them both — that he was deter- mined not to live with Mrs. RTibanls Jack- son retired from the family, and went to live at Mansker's station. Capt. Robards r< luained several months with his wite, and then wf nt to Kentucky in company with Mr. Thomas Cru- ther, and probably some other persons. Soon after this affair, .Mrs. Rob;irds went to live at Col. Hays', who marned her sister.—- After a short absence, I returned to live at Mrs. Donelsoii's, at her earnest entreaty, every fami- ly then desiring the association of male friends, »s a protection against the Indians. This af- fair took place, to the best of my recollection, in the sprint: of I'OO. Some time in the fall following, there was a rnport afloatj,thatCapt. Rohard- intended to come down and take liis wife to Kcntueky ; whence it oriijinated, I do not now recollect, but it created great uneasi- ness, both with Mrs. Douelson and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Robards; the latter of whom, was nioch distressed, as s\x wa» convuic"'! aftfr two 'air trials, as she said, that it would be impos- sible to live with Capt llobards, and ol this opinion was I — with all tlei?< 1 conversed with, who were acijuaitited with the cij^cuuistaiices. Some time allerwaids, during the winter of 1791, Mrs. Doiielsnii told me of hi r daughter's intention to go ilowii the river to .Natchez, to some of their friend^, in order to kiep out of the way jf Capt. Robards, as she said, be haxl thre (tened to " haunt her.'' Knowing as I aid, Capt. Robards's unhappy jcahus disposition, and his temper trowing out of it, I thought she was right to keep out of the way ; though do not believe that I so expressed myself to the Old lady, or any other person. The whole alfair gave Jackson great un- easiness, and this will not appear strange to one as well acquainted with his character as I was. Cotditiuallv together during our at- tendance on wilderness courts, whilst other young men were induliring in familiariti.'s with females of relaxed morals, no suspicion of this kind of the world's ctiisure, ever tell to Jackson''s share. In this — in his singularly delicate sense of honor, and in what I thought his chiv.alrous conceptions of the female sc\, it occurred to me, that he was distinguishable from every other person with whom I was ac- quainted. About the time of Mrs. Donelson's commu- nication to me, respecting her daughter's inten- tion of going to Natchez, 1 perceived in Jack- sn, symptoms of more than usual concern. 1 determined to ascertain the cause, when he frankly told me, that he was the most unhappy of men, in havinj innocently and unintention- ally been the cause of the loss of |)eace and happiness of Mrs. Robards, whom he believed to he a fine woman ; in this [ concurred with him, but remonstrated on the propriety of his not giving himself any uneasiness about it. It was n it long after this before he communicated to me his intention of going to Natchez with Col. Star'^, with whom Mrs. Robards was to des- cend the river, sayinsr that she had no friend or relation that would go with her, orassistin preventing Stark and his family, an I Mrs. Rob- arils frombeinj massacred by the Indians, Ihen in a state of war, and cxceclingly troublesome. Accordingly, Jnrkson in company with Mrs. Robards and Col Stark, a vener.ihie and hijhiy esteemed old man, and friend of Mrs. Robards. went down the river from Nashville, to Natchez, some time in the winter or spring of 1791. It was not however, without the urgent entreaties of Col. Stark, who wanted protection from the Indians, that Jackson consented to ac- company them, of which I hari:i»er of I7PI) — 1791 ; I was ill Keiitunkv in the siininierof 1791, rcmaiii'd at oM .Mr>. llobanU' mv former - place of residence, art of mv time, iiir.l never 'e^l'l'Dg niea>Ures ol t .e piVSCDt Ad- unilcrstood otherwi-e than that Capt. llobanJs" I ministration, and e-|)eciailv to that »VS- d.vorce wa, fi. al, uot.l H" ial'*;' Part of the ■ j,,^ ^,- y ^| j ,, ,,.^^ ," adopted year 1793. In tlie «u.n .crol 1 ,91, Gen, Jack- ; r . » • , . son went to Natchez, and I understood, mar-|Iorthe protection ol the o;reat inten sts ried Mrw Robiird*, then believed to be freed i of Agriculture and IMaimf.icturts, all from Cap. Kobards by the div.,rce ; in the | ,,q ^f eleclinir him lo the Pre>ideaCy fall of 1791, returned to Nusb.dlc, »ctlle'l "> ', , . i'^ . i ,- / the neiphhorhood of it; where fiiev hive live-lj must be abandoned; heiice, we h.id» ever since, bel.,ved and esteemed by all rli^-cs | thai hi* friends, a,S they are falsely About the month o. Occember, 1"9', alter ^ ,..,|ig |f,.,,j^ .^^ Senators, (who ex- Gen. J.ickson and iinscll had slur'cd to Joiii-s i , .u ■ i •.• i borough, in East fennessee, where we prac- P^ct lO promote their own amblllon by E tised law, I learnt for the first time, that Capt Robards had applied to Mercer court, in Ky., for a divorce, which had tiicn, recently been granted; and that the Lci;islatiire had not ab- solutely granted a divorce, but left it for the court to do. I need not express to you my fiit. irise, on learning that the act of the Vireinia Legislature, nad not divorced Capt. Robards. I informed Gen. Jackson of it, who wis equally surnrijed; anH ilurins our convetsation. I sug- gested the propriety of his proourinc: a license on his return home, and havin; the murriagf ceremony apain performed, so as to prevent al' future cavilling on the subject. To this supscslion, be replied, that he hm! long since been married, on the belief that a i!i- vorceliad bt-en obtained, which was the under- standinc of every person in the country; nor was It vvilhout difficulty he could be induced to believe otherwise. On o;ir return home, from Jonesborough, in January, 1791, lo Nashville, a licence was ob- tained, "and the marriage ceremony performed. The slowness and inaccuracy with which in- formation was received in West Tennessee, at that lime, will not be surprisiin:. n hen we con- sider its insulated and d in:;eroiis situation, sur- rounded on every side by a wilderness, and b\ hostile Indians,' and that there wis no mail citabluhcd, till about 1797, as well as I recol- lect. Since the year 1791, G.n. Jackson and ray- self, liavc never been much a aeart, except « hen be was in the ariiiy. 1 have been intimate in Ills family, and from the mutual and uninter- rupted happiness of the Gen. and Mr-. Jack- son, which I have at nil times witnessed ivilh iileasure, as w.ell as those delicate and polite atti-iitioiis which have ever been mntiiiilly re- ciprocated botweeo them, I have been loll- conlirmed in the opinion— that there never ex- isied any otimr than what was believed to be the most honorable and virtuous inlcrcoiirse l)e- tw€-eii them. Before their going to Xutcliez, I had daily opportunities of being conyinenl that there was none other; beiorc being married in the Natchez onimtry, alter it was iinderstooti that a divorce had been granted by the l.egi>- Uitiiro of Virginia, it is believed there was Done. JOHN OV KRTON. Thi' Hon. R. C. FosTKii, Cli!^nt: all labour inrcssaiitlv to niis- li-ad tlie people, aiid betray them into the hands of their enemies. In the free states, the citizens arc told that the H'-ro is a friend to roads and canals, ai.d to tlie American S\s- icm; and this is asserted with ^U(■!l. daring effrontery, that hundreds and perhaps llsousaiids of will nKaiiing people, unacijuaintfd with the black arts of unprincipled demagogues, give credit to the falseliood. Every art is practised, and every trick resorted toby profligate and des- perate hircli;ii;s;, I'or the pnipo«eof cor.- ceaJi! g the truth, and preventing the people from examining for tiiemselves. Noise, violence, and intolerance, art made to sup])ly the place of arguuienl; obJeclioMs are replied to. by a loud irv of'^IIiizza for J;ickson!" "the hero of Orleans ai;d of lyvo wars'.! the .second Washinglon!!!" I?ut these tricks will not deceive much longer they become stale; tlie people begin to inquire lor information, they ;tsk for proof — aiui lliey siiall have abundani [inHil that Gen. Jackson was broui^hi ('orw;ud, and is now supported chiellv by thosu st:ites, and those persons, who h;ive been, and now arc most distingui^iled among tlie enemies of internal improve- ments, and domestic manufactures. Gen. Jackson was fii-st nominated iu Tennessee, in which stale he re?ides; lie has an exlensive landed ctale t lere, and large numbers of s|;ixcs, who-e la- bour is priticipally employed in th*^- AMERICAV SYSTEM. »! culiivation of cotton. His long resi- dence lias allbiHlfd to llie cidzins of that state, an opiiortunity of k.iowing his seiiliments upon poliliial ((uestions of importance; it niiisl Im- presumed tiiey do know tlicm, and that his senti- ments and tiieirs are in unison; what then arc theiropinions in regard to 1^1- tcriial impro\ements and domestic manuliictures? The votes of tlicir re- presentatives in Congress afford a con- clusive answer to this (luesllon. On the bill of 1818, to protect do- mestic manufactures in the House of Representatives, the journals show, that six votes from Tennessee were against it. On a similar bill of 18-21. all seven votes of Tennessee were against it. On the tariff of last session, all the votes of Tenness e, except one absent, were against tlse bill. [n the Senate the votes upon the same bill stood thus: For. Jlgainst. Mnenl. 7 Northern States, II 3 8 ^otittiern Stiites, n 4 4 Middle Slates 3 4 1 5 Western States, 6 4 20 20 The bill was lost by the casting vote of .lohnC. Caliioun, Vice Presid>'nt, aiid thus the most important bill lor the Acrirultural interest of the Eastern, Western, and Middle Slates, that ever came belbre Coinrress, was rejected. It is remarkaijle thai not a single vote of ill;' T''nni'=3ee delegation, was given in lavor ofeiihcr of those three bills. It will i;ot be denied tiiat Gen. Jack- son Is the favorite candidate of the Southern States, and that he has been warmlv supported by Virginia, North and South Caroliiia, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and his own state, the whole ol' whose Representatives voted against everv tariff bill, from the vear 1818, to the" present time. Will it be believed, that the Southern politicans are ignorant of the opinions held bj the person whom tliev have selected as a candidate for the Presidency/* or that they would support him with a knowl- edge that he entertained opinions di their hostility to which, is so violent, that the) tlireaten to se'cede from the union, rather than submit to its opera- tiois. Can it be p()-sii)l<- tiial any man believes tlie Souliierr. [leopleare so ig- norant or so stupid? No man believes it who possesses common sense, and none but designing knaves, will even pretend to bcli, we will again refer to-the journals of Congress. On a bill authoriz,ii\g a subscription of stock in the turnpike from Colum- bus to Sandusky, every serialorial vote from Virginia, Nortii and South Canv lina, Georgia and Tennessee, was ! against it, except i\lr. llaton who was ; absent. j On motion to strikeout an appro-] priation (in a bill from the House ol j Representatives) for surveys in aid ofj internal improvements, the same vo! was given as in tlie last case, includiii','' Mr. Eaton and Mr. Rowan, in favors of the motion. Oti engrossing a bill for the repair and proteciion oft: eCuriiberla:.d road, all the senators from tlie slates a..ove named, were agai; st the bill except Mr. Eaton: Mr. Rowan absent. But a proposition tlie object of v\-hich was to reduce the revenue,and thereby deprive the goven;meni of ti;e means necessary to make intereal impiove- ments,very readily meeis the suj>port of Southern g«M,iiemen. Thus on a proposition to reduce the duty on for- eign wii'.cs, cotiee, and tea, every sena-. t'T from the eig!>t Southern States, voted for ihe measure, except four « ho were absent. Enough has been shown, to prove that the friends of ihe Hero are not the friends of interral improveri'enis nor liomestic inanulactures; it has !>ecn shown tiiat his o" n slate is opposed to both. ai>d identilied as iieiswitli south- ern i lerests, being a slave hold' r and ciiltivatoi ol Southerri products, (he conclusion is irresistible that the Hero himself, is also an enemy. Were he ati open ei-.emv, tiiere would be notliingto fear — but l.e i.-an enemy in disguise. It is true, that in the South lie is known to be an enemy, but in the ^Vest his advocates sny he is n friend to the tarilf. A^d the Hero himselfcountenances his friends ii rall- ii'g him what tiiev please; hecare^ not a straw, so that t!ie\ make him Presi- dent; hence he pursues what he call? ajudicious course — taking care so to express his opinion as to admit a con- struction favorable to both sides. The Richmond Enquirer, a leading Jackson paper, says: "as to con- stitutional nuestions, we k!;ow I'rom a letter we saw many months since i(;»- dcr Gen. J.ickiion^f oirn fuind, never in- tended to be u-ed, tb.at he was astonish- ed and startled by the extravagant en- croachments supported in l\Ir. .Adams" first messatje." Here is a lurther evi- denci'ofGen. Jackson's political senti- ments, liul Ills Iriln jnis nrctr intended li/bcusedl For what purpose was it written? tlie Cincinnati Gazette gives the true answer. '•To let Mr. Ritiliie a;id the Rich- mond Junta know what he dare i>ot le; DOMESTIC sTsmr. 23 the VVostcr . j>ei.i)l ■ k uw, '..ar In- is up posrito inlernal Improvemrtil ami riomcslic iri'imtfaclnm:: Virgiiu-i i-'^ opposed to tlie taritr, but her support is essential to tlic eliclion of Gen. Jacksoii. Hi- writes private letters, ["'never into .dcd to be u-ed!""] to let the lea(l be rscdr '•Cir'How long is it since General Jackson began to be ^'■ai-lonislied nnil alirmcd at encroachmrnis upon the Con- ftiltilion .' .'"' Again. At a meeting of General Jackson's friends,' on the 29th of August last, at Clairborne in Alabama, to take into loiisidcraiion the policy of protect- ing domesiic manufactures, by an in- crease of duty on foreign importations: a rcsoluti(.n was adopted, ■' that all du- ties, except such as may be necessary for revenue, or for the purpose of ad- vancing the interest of some of the United States, at the expense of the rest are impotilic and unjust, and that the taritTof 182j, particiilailv on the articles of hemp, cotton bagging, and cotton good>, was unjust, and unequ;il in its operations, and oppressive to the Southeni Atlantic States, and that the duties imposed by that law should be reduced."' AVhalwill our farming and manufac- T'lring friends in Mnrvland, Pcnnsrlva- la. iS'evv ,K rse}, New York, aiid Ihfi Western slates say to this? Will tlicy shut their eyes to evidence, and consent to be hoodwinked and iinjiosed upon by the partizans of Gen. Jackson, who laNely represit him to be a friend of Naiional I' dustry, and American man- ufichires? After the repeated proofs of liosliliiy to the tariff, shewn by the •supporters of the General in the South- ern States, can any one doubt as to the General's own sentiments upon this subject? No one can doubt that the General must support those who sup- port him — the southern cotton grow- ers. Gen. Jackson and his followers may play upon words, and prate as mucli as thcv please about "n judicious tarijf',''' but they dare not come out openly and avow in the Southern States, that the Hero is a friend to the protection of American Matiufactures. His strength lies in the Southern States, and were, his I'riends (here to use the same argu- ments in his favour by which they seek to make him popular here, his interest, would be destroyed in a moment — hence we find that in our section of the union, he is falsely said to be a friend to the tariff, while on the other he is known to be an enemy — and is publicly supported upon that ground. General Jackson has been fre(juently called upon for his opinions on this ques- tion; why does he not come boldly be- fore the public, and put the matter at rest ? "//e seeks no concealment." Let iiim then without equivocation, at or.ce answer the question. Is he friend- ly to the woollens hill rejected by the casting vole of the Vice Preside;.! la-it winter? The prosperitv of the agri- cultural and rnanufac'uring interest of the country hangs suspended npon thi.s question; hundreds and thousand of the American people are uiixiousl/ a^s-aiting its decision. The people will not be satisfied with such a reply as may be interpreted to mean one thing on the South, and another on the North of the Potomac. The American people ought to know what were the "^ extravagant en- croachments"' to which the General al- luded ill his letter 'under his own hand,' which was seen bv the editors ef thct :A P.VnTIEK— -POLITICAL STATISl'ICg. Ri'li.iiond E quirer — LiU u-hich u-oa I tiieii would have been suflicient cause never intrn'ted lo be used. Will the Gpiij for makiiig so much din a.d bustle; enil permit his am lition to tiiumpli but a.- no o'C is I'ool-hardv cuou-^h to over lis political iiitcgrity; and, by | say that society labours under anv of filivouding his opiriii,n> in obscurity, . these periluu- evil-, thc-re can be no Avoim himself into the hishest otHc<; in other conclusion drawn than that the tlic gift of a free, but unsuspecting pco- j party cxeilfinent of the present da> pie? It is to be -hoped that he will i springs from that eAon .sptriV, the powei rather attempt to imitate the example , of (7//6fro/ seitioiml pnjwlice. Down of the champion of the American Sxs-j with the Yankee.-! wasthe placard of tem, Hfnrv C'lav, who with that fnink- ' the New Yorkers, aid of course it fol- ness a:id tearless independe;.ce, which lows, up with the slave holders. Down peculiarly be land's to his character, with republic ani-in, and up with aris- gave the whole force of his geniu- and tocracyl Down with civil rule. a\\<\ talents, to the support of the tariff of , up wiih military dictation! Down 1824, altliough he knew that by doii.'g' with the penurious Re|)ublican Gov- so, he should i^ive a death l»!ow to all erninei>t, and upon with a stroag and hopes of .-upport from the Southern ^ splendid one! — The opposition is con- States, to his claim for tiie Preside icy. j ieiuling for no imf«)rtant principle vio- Ilis sentiments were always under- lated: neither does the clamor pro- stood — he wrote no letters '•/i<-.erj/tyf;i6/-'ceed upon the old partv grounds, be- Gcl to be useiP'' — his opinions were inc.- cause the measures of the g<,veri>meat preyed every where alike — he. in Irnth are purely republican. It may lear- sought no conccidincn!. | lessly be demaiidid. wliat has the pre-- sent adminisiration done to forfeit the — 's^QP — ;coii|idei:ce of the countr\ ? Has it lacked zeal in the public service? Has PARTins. its measures been marked with any hos- It will no doubt be recorded in the tility to republican principles? Why is history of this couilry,' as one of the it not as wortiiy of support and co:!li- most extraordinary events of the pres- d<-:iceas any of the preceding admin- ent time, the unprecedented partv pro- istrations? Is tiie noisv, senseless cry cecdings against the ensuing govern- 1 to be raised, and the watchword given, ment of the United Slates. Such down with New England! — Savs John has been the dextrous perseverance with which '-trilles light as air'' have been magnified into matters of impor of Roanoke. — When we gel i/ou doten again, eople have the instrument to nail tu! or bni/onet u> Ijeen amazed at the stir, strile, and c\- doirn. What think you, shall he not citement, wliich has been made to meet with some resistance ! — Bofl. Pat. spring up without any legitimate, or j BUNKER-HILL. even tangible cause. The members of ! the government have been i onslantly ! kept upon the defensive. The a«:saii-! ants availing themselves of every spe- ] cies of ambuscade, whether in ditch,! defile, bog, brarnl)le, bush, fence, tree. rOMTirAL STATISTICS. Wf have often heard the manner o\ Mr. Adams' election objected to, and or wall; now creeping upon all fours, nothing is more common than to, hear now upon hands and knees, now dodg-, hi« opponents declare, that he was not ing, now cringing, twisting, and turn- ing in every possible direction, like the wiley serpent, whose everv movement is guile atid deceit. Had there l)een any real grievance to complain of, such as embargoes, non-intercourse, what evidence have we that be was war, taxes, oppressinii.persecuiion,con- not the choice of (he people. The spiracles against lile and liberty, there,' election IxMngcast into die House df the choice of the people. As to the manner.it was such as is pointed out bv the constitution of the land, and we slwuld tlierefore, suppose it to be in tliat respect utiobjeclionable. But PaiJTTr \l. si ATISTU S.—TO ci>ti!i2 their scvenil vtnt" \'ind elg/i/y too more freemen than those sovcrcisjMtieshacl (oart for the people, did who voted (or Gen. J.'.eksoii, and Nov.- lot >i? «ee how the accoiirit i.tar;d'^. and what portion of the frcenner.of th' nation Trcre represented hy the states which voted for Mr. Adam«.as well a-^ the otiier candidate: Accordiig to hree niiihon, two hundred sixty eight thousand, six hundred and filly four more tlian did those who supported Mr. Crawford; and it will he seen fur- ther, that they also represented ou'; th> last censu--, tlie frrr 7i-hilr populntion million one hundred k. tliirty three ihoii- of the United States (exclusive of tlie district of Columhia, which has no voice in the matter) amounted to seve' millions, nine hundred and eishteen thousand, three hundred and forty seven: and were thus distrihuted: in Vrrmont, . - - 234.8-(b- .M.unc, - - - 29:.\;-io Now lluinijshirc. - - 2J3,-2.>J Ma«iacliiiselt5, - - 510,419 Rlio.lc l--!anJ, - . - 79,113 Connecticut, - - - 2fiT,lKl New York, - - - l.;!3 2,744 Neiv Jersey, . - - 257,409 Pennsylvania, - - - l,017,i)M Delaware, - - - 35,282 Jlarylaud, . - . 260,J22 \'irginia, - - - 6jJ,n74 North Carolina , - - 4I!',2'"> -Diith Carolina , - - 237,440 Georgia, - . 189^506 Alabama, - - 96,245 Louisiana, - - 73,?,J3 Mississippi, - - 42,175 Tennessee, - - 339,727 Kentucky, - - 434,e-!4 Misbourij - - 65.988 InJiana, . - 145.758 Illinois, - - 53.788 Obio, - - 57t>,572 Of these, the states of New Hampshire, Maine, X'trinont, Mas;a< husefts. nhuile Island, Connecticut, New York, Maryland, Kentucky, Ohio, Louisiana, Illinois Missouri, sand two hundred and five more free- men than did tliosc who voted for Gen. Jackson and J\Ir. Crav/ford, to- gether. Surely no freeman can com- plain that thisconstitutionaldccisio;! led to the result. — Albany Adv. TOGEX. ANDREW JACKSON. Sir — It must be known to you t!ia! the last Presidential election was con- ducted upon principles altogether for- eign to the old party distinctions of Federalist and Republican. Whether it was right or v. rong to desert the old landmarks of party, it is now too late to enquire — it is suScient for us to know that such was the fact, and tlial the election proceeded entirely upon new grounds. I need not adduce proofs to substantiate this remark, for you well know tliat every candidate in t!ie field could number in the train of his supporters, prominent and influen- tial men in botii iiolitical sects. Some eflbrts were made to keep alive ancient feuds; but new interests -had arisen, and they were soon laid aside. Tiie new subject of party contest is equally well ui.dcistood. In brief embracing a free vhile. population of i '=i'-gi'='^<^ 't '^•'.v he called the -Do.mev -1,5-25,776, voted for Mr. Ad.*ms. The states of TIC System," and it is about this, so far as principle is concerned, that the Amer- Vennsylvania, »can people are now divided. The 'iVnnessee, system embraces Internal improve- Missisiipi, ments, at the expense cf the National emS.racing a free uhite Dop*/o/w,i of ?°'"'=''''':"'="f'''''^ ^''« ^"'^^"'•"^'^™'^''t of -'.135,564, voted forGen. Jackson. DomesUc Manulactures,by proleclinij New Jersey, ijoutli Carolina, Iniliana, Alabama, The states of D' la ware, Vii'?inia, Xorlli Carolina, Georgia, duties. I allude to the protection of such articles only as we have the means of manufacturing at home, and to such duties, as will exclude foreign embracing a free vhiie pr/pxdnlion of competition. The present adminislra- 1,257,122, voted for Mr. Crawford. jtioiiof ihc Government have indicated Tims it will be seen tliat on a final a decided preRrence for this course of ijuestion, tliose voting for 3lr. Adams in . policy, and so lar as w ithin their pow- f'ongress represented .'no m/YZ/OT, /Arecler have pnvsned it. A large portiss ■26 XOGE.N. AM)RE« JA{K.SO.\. oftlie Union cmhracing :«11 the free ■ leave you and tlic <|uestion would then state?, Kentucky, and a part of Vir- stand upon it? incrit.*. Is k honorablt- jjiniii, U equally f:ivorable. The South for a man thus fituated to remain si- !- opposed, 'i'h'j people of that Sec- lent? Would you trust him — nay. lion liavc conceived a deailly hostility would }ou not spjirn him from youi to the system, and are niakinj; violent : presence? struggles to arre>t its progress and to | But it will be said by your friend> destroy the inlluence of those who sup- and perhaps repeated by yourself, that port it. 1 have thus plainlyl and con- Aour sentiments on the subject before cisely named the parties and slated the us are well known. I moan to be plain grounds of their variance. It remains ' with yon. and therefore 1 dtielarc' dis- wlih me now,-<^ir, as you arc a prom- tmetly and positivelv. that tiiey are no: inent man. to rel'er to i/mir printipl(!s known. Everv thinp you have said or and to tlie part which you liavc taken done, thoui^h a few of each party might ill the great subject in dispute. i know what you meant, has been so Vou will agree wilii me. that etpiivocal in relation to this matter, every man who aspires to a responsi- tiiat the great mass of the peo|>le unow l)!e office in tiie Goventnieiit is houird nothing of your real sentiments. Vou i:i honor to declare if de>ired, his senti- have played a double game, holding •uieiits on great political and national out one set of colors to the Boulhern <]uestioiis. The man who is silent or ' people, and another to the Xorth-east i-quivocal in party times, and will mean- ' and the AVcst. H.avc you not done so? Iv court contending parties to gain If not, why did you write the celebra- ihcir su(>port, is unfit to be trusted. — ; ted, but equivocal, letter to Dr. Cole- He should be discarded by both, and man of North Carolina? Tiic ques- tri'aled with scorn and contempt by all. ' tion was then di>tinctly put to you. An eneniv in the guise of friendship is Asa plain man, having notliing to coii- ;lie most detestable wretch on earth. | real, why did you not answer distinctly, This is eiinallv true in politics, as in whether you were frie ml ly or inimical the adiiirs of social intercourse. AV'hat ' to the Domestic System? It is true then, sir, arc your seiifiments in re- 1 you said much about revenue — some- u'ard to the American System? Vou i thing of yoflr own modc'ty and patriol- area candidate for the Presidencv — it ism — spoke of a "JiKlicions tarijl-'' and is im[torlanl vour opinions should be ' there left the subject, just as much in known. You are sujtporied in the South, the dark as to a development of yoiii :.ind by a large body of jieople in the real sciitinient, as when you eon>- x)iher stated, upon principles diametri- ' menced il. Vou wrote a longchaptei < aliv opposed. In one section your are ' of (juibbles and evasions, zrhcn five hun- el-iimed as a 7'f((j//"and iii the other as 'rs/ lines, expressed >vith the ("nniknes^ an .'7n//-fariil' man. To which party 'and boldness of a grt'ai and good man. do you l>elong, and which do you in- would have set the mailer at rest, and tend to deceive? Hoth claim.you, and satisfied t!ie inuids ofyour counlruncn. while tlie contest iis raging, cnrrting 1 1 repeat, as a prominent man of the witl- it discord and conlji-ion.you look i United Slates — as a patriot haxing the cold on, by regardless of the peace of welfare of the nalion at hear!, you the country and cart-ful oidy of your oinxhl to have answered the queries of own ^aggrandizement. Sir, if you- Dr. Coleman in the most explicit and were Icnown to be lifflilc as some of une(|ui\0(al terms — in such a manner vour prominent Snulhern supporters that there could have been no misin- are. to the Domestic Sytem. you could terpretation of sentitnents or motives. iiol o')t:iin live thousand votes north- Out wni adroitiv poised your opinions west of ibe tl'iio. Kven Pennsylvania to ileceive both partie-. and leave each woiilil desert )on. and your prospects to claim vou. would be limited to the liounds of the Until vou wrote that letter, sir. Southern States. On the other hand, llioush not in fa .or of your election. I if you were known lo be decidedly i thought vou one of the most unwaver- //■:>»»'//7to the syslom. the South, would ing. intrepid republicans of the age. TO CEX. AXDUEW JACKSOV. ST A man who woiil'.i sacriliec any thing to the cause ol" twitli and the lio:iest| .md fearless expression of his senli- ; nients. It is said you do not seclc of- ■ flee nor decline it — that you are ahove ■ ail concealment of your opinions — you' are called a second Washiiiijlon, a Cin-; ciimatus, and the like. Does it com- i port with this liiijii character to evade | a direct question on a subject of| vital interest to liie country? If you, cared for nothini; i)ut tlie j^ood of the people, would vou have writi en more , than a column in a newspaper, in an- ■ ■:wer to a plain (jui^siion which re- quired but a simple declaration of > our; sentiments? Such a declaration would J have saved your countrymen much | ^peculation and angry debate; and J would have justified ihc fovourable (^pinion of vour intrepid candour and | frankness. To show that I have not misjudged you, I will now refer to the letter in question, and to some other matters connected with the subject. At t!ie time yotr wrote it. it was well under- stood, iioth bv yourself and the mem- bers of Conijress, what was the extent ; and meaning of the tariff. There i could be na misapprehension ; — 3'ojii | were a member of the Senate and well knew what was the construction I put upon the views of the tariff and anti- j tarilf men. The one party was friend- ly to protecting duties, and the other ; to such only as would increase the revenue — the one to the TarilVthen re- commended, and the other to what was called a '■'■jarliciovi tcirijf'.''' This last phrase was used by the opponanls of the S3stcm as a cloak to their (l<;signs. They covered themselves with it as with a mantle. You look the same disguise, and have thrown it off, and i)ut it on, as it best suited your purposes, from that day to this. You commence the letter by saying, •■ that my name has brcn hrovzl'l brfore ihf. notion b;i the PEOPLK. without anv AGEXcvop mink; for I wisli it not to be forgotten that / haxc never aoliriteil of- fice-, nor when called upon by the con- stituted authorities, have ever de- clined, when 1 conceived my services <-ould be beneficial to my country." Have vou the least idea. Sir, when the piirenzy of the present time has pa- away, that, tliis declaration will Im credited? Your name brought be- fore the nation by the people, \\\\\\- out any agency of yours!! Wiia; people? Was not the first serious mention of your name for the Presi- dency, made in Tcnnaxe^ in your own neighborhood, and by yqur own inti- mate and bosom friends? Were these the I'EOPi.E and the constituted authori- ties to which you refer? And was it without any agency of yours? Siircl) Sir, it cannot lie proved that you had anv agency in it; but when it is considered your friends and neighbors declared your fitness for the station, it will take strong proof to convince the world, ;hat it was not with your apppobation and consent. But you '• nv'sA it not /i he. furf^olti n tJiati/oti ^evv.b. soliciteo or- fice"!! Pray, Sir, what had this to do with the simple (juestion put to 3011 by Dr. Coleman? Yon not solicit' of flee! The very language I have just quoted, is one of the strongest but most insinuating solicitalions for oHlce to be found u])oii record! What did C'lT-sar do when the crown was oflercd him. Would he have it? Nay, he put it by thrice, and the deluded mob fell a shouting and threw up their dirty caps. But why was it, 30U wished it not to be forgotten, that you did not solicit plficc? Sirange when a pl:uii question was asked you relative to other matters, that this subject should have struck your attention ! Did it not discover some anxiety, some hankering after oflice? but I pass to the sub- stance of the letter. You say '• I am in favor of a 'jurlici- oiLs' examinalion and revision of the Tarifl^ and so far as the present Bill embraces the design of fostering, pro- tecling and preserving within our- sel\"C5, the means of national defence and independence. parlicularl3' in a slate of v.ar. I won hi advocate and sup- port' it." What did" \ou iiu-an by a "/)W/f!OM.<''eX(iminauoii and revision of the Tariff? Here you will discover lhat30u used tb-c language I imputed to you. Did 3-0U not intend bv it !<> conciliate the South? The politicians from that quarter repeated ;ind reiter- ated tlie same expression; but after is To GUS. ANDREW JACIOOX. all rotccl n;;;iinst llie Bill. Cautious not to commit vour>clf, and wishing also lo coiciliatfc the other party, you concluded the sentence Uy a:-!*ertiiig'*so lar as the hill provided for national (I'fcitvc aivl iivlfywlciicr. pmiiaclarly in n sifitr of Tiar, ipit viul-l iitpiioil it." S':i-ii\in^lil thi* is a declaration in fa- vour of the system. It was w-ll ralcu- lafed to deceive the puMic. But what application had it? If analized ai.d (■oin[)arcd wttii the provisions of the Bill, it will l>c di.-icovered to have none at all. Even tho most inveterate ene- mies of the Tarift" in the Soutii, are in lavour of providing for our tuittonnl dr- frii'T. mid indrpciifk.ice. Rut the ques- tion returns; what arc tiic means of our " inlioiuil defence mid indepcndcivc ■*" A judicious Tariff sav you. U'liat is a judicious tariir? A^ainyou answer, such a Tariff as wril provide for the "national defence and indepcndenec, pai'iicn/arlif in a ft'dr of ?f«r/.'"' Tlius you reason In a ring, evading the point, thougli youse«n to meet it withdccis- ioti and fairnes?. I [)ass over your remarks in relation to the last war, and ron>^ to t!ie foJIow- ini; paragrajjh, wiiicii I tjuole entire, that you may not accuse me of dealing unjustly. " Hi-aven has filled our mountains nnd plains with niinemis, with Lead, Iron and Copper, and given us climate and so;! for the growing of hemp and wool. T.'iesc being the great materi- als of our ntliiml dnfi-iice, they ought toliave extended to them adequate and fair protection, that our manuf.ic- tories and labourers mav l)e placed on R f:iii- comprlitiim with lho?e of Curope, and that w-^ miv have within our coun- try a suppiv of those f-aJing and im- portant (irticl.'i so ESSENTIAL IV WAR. Beyond thi-, 1 look at the Tarilf, with a" eye to the proper di'>lril)Utioii of la- bour and rmeuitf, and with a view to the discharge of our lutliontil debt !'^ T'lis quottillon carries with it the tame doiMe aspect as tiie otIuT. You semi to Ur- fricndiv to tlie Tariil"; hut to what sort of a tariff no man can tell. Oni- moment you speak of '■'■w.'fjjualc and fiir prti'ertion, a proi^pv distribtilio • of /fih>nr\"' and the next of a Tariff, fnr raising n reccnur, and for the dis- charge of tiie .ynli'Mwl debt /'' Did you I not know. Sir. that. in these two posi- I tions.lie all the subjects iudisputc? The j Southern people contend for n-enuf, I the other slates for protection — the I former for light duties, aid the latter I for sucli as will divide labour, and ex- clude foreign compeiiiion. You blow ' hot android at the same breatli; — vou ■■ talk a little on one side and then on the i other; and linallv wind up, by advo- j eating such a Tariff, as will discharge ! the national debt? If any man in Lis j senses can tell what you mean, other ; tlian to mistify vour own senUmenls, he : must he gifted with an uncommoa [ »hare of discernment. To .-ay that a ; TarilT shall be laid lo increase the j revenue and pay off the National debt, [ ;ind at t!ie same lime, to divide labour and protect American minufactures. is tantamount to saying nothing on the ' subject. The qucsiion, as ai)ove re- ! marked, again returns, what sort of •a Tariff would this be? I After saying that you are not GDC of l.tliose. who " believe that a National j debt is a Natioi-.al bles.-ing,'' whit h. bv ' the way, is not believed by any sensilde i man, \ou agtiin remark: "Tiiis Ta- riff- l.MEAN A JUDICIOUS ONE! possesses more fancilul, than real dan- ger." Vou ti>en proceed to give some excel. cnt reasons, « by American indus- try should be protected from foreign competition, and conclude thus: — >• It j is tl>ereibre mv opinion, that a careful InwAjntlicimis Tarilfis much wanted, to {pay our .Xationnl debt, and afford us tlie j means of defence, &;c. And last, though ■ not least, to give a proper distribution to our lal)our!" Here we have tlie same to protcctins; duties? Are ton so weak H man, as not to perreive tliat the ade- rjiiato protcrtion of maiiurarturcs of lro;i. Wool. Hemp aud Cotton, eaaiiot rortiilmie l>\ way of rcrmta' to the pav- nieiitorthei*Iatio!:al debt? If tlicse arti- cles are '■^ adequnlcly protected^'' one in siicii a iifaiK'.eras to eriiplo\ pcrnianciil- Iv the capital av.d labour ol'oiir cmiiitrv, (ar"3 ;.o other ;.roteelioii is worth seek- ing.) we sliall manufacture thorn at hoiii': — their importation will cease, and the revciiuc arising iVom them, as a con- sequence, must also cease! Yet you talk about protection, the paunent of the Natioiul Dhicii was put opon it i)y d:trerei't parties at the time. 1 am only sorry, that I have not in pos- session, all the i)romi!ient journals that noticed it. Two or three I have, and their remarks shall be repeated. I will assert, however, tliat the conflicting constructioi'S given to the letter, were general, and tliat you have not seen lit, so far as I have been informed, openly to correct them. The North Carolina Star, printed at Raleigh, a leading paper in the South, and the one in wliich the letter was published early in June, Ifl-Jl, as- serts positively, tlial it furnishes ii:du-! bit'able proof of your o^yjW//o« to the taritr. It declares that your opinions and Mr. Crawford's correspond — and gives an extract from the latter gen- tleman's reports to Congress, in which the Tarilfis recommended with a view j solely to the increase of revenue, and | not for protection. The Siar says: •'//' u-ill be seen by a reference to Gen. Jack- sons leiler ptibliaked in another column, lehal reliance is to be placed in the slaie- inents of certain partiznns of Mr. Craw ! for'Kivh) haze been INJURING THE POI'ULARITY OF GEN. J ACKSON BY REPRESENTING HIM AS \[ THOROUGH GOING TARIFF j JIAN!!'' In this is fully recognized the constnicfion to which I ha\c al- luded: from the Star the impetus was given, and the decl, nation was spread fhrougliout all the Southern Stales that according lo > our oiivi confessions, you were opposed to the taritf. Norwasit strange that such a conclusion should be drawn; for your letter as fairly im- ports hoslilily as friendship to that sys- tem of policy. But a construction quite the reverse was put upon the same letter by your supporters in sectfons of the country friemlly to the Taritf. They knew it would be death to your prospects, if it should be known that you were inimi- cal to the system. Your own remaiks about '•'prntcrting duties — inrlepcndencc — naiional defence and equal division of labor," gave the cue, and you were at once declared a decided friend to the domestic policy. Hence, the National Republican of this city, once your violent enemy, but afterwards prosti- tuted to your service, and thencefor- ward a leadirg oppojition paper ol the west, remarking upon the letter, observ- ed, "■ It has often been said, that Gen. Jackson was no Statesman — that ho did not possess that general knowledge of our national concerns, which is ne- cessary to conduct the atiairs of govern- ment, and alcove all, that he nas opposed to the Tarijf! But being called on for his sentiments on the great question of the tariff, and his great dignity not being in the way of a Adl and fia. k disclosure, he has replied in the following letter, wliich we invite the friends ol' domestic manuliicliiies, and of a liberal and en- LIGHTF.NED INTERNAL POLICY tO lead witll attention. It contains more pure re- publican sentiments, and more political wisdom, than all the speeches made in Congress last session!" Such was the construction here of the very smne letter v^iiich was quoted and referred to in the South, to prove the opposite doctrine! You see, therefore, that I have drawn from your declarations no forced nor uncommon conclusion. The two pa- pers I Lave mentioned, piomulgaied far and wide, their 0))posite construc- tions; jouinals of less note, gave circu- lation to the respective statements, till it is as lirmly believed by your sup- porters ill the West, that you are a Tariff man. a* it is in the South that 80 TO HEX. ANUJIEW JACK:»OJS. you arc opposed to it. If such a po<;i- Riclimonfi Juiifa and (lie soiitlii rii poli- tion he lioiioraljlc, and f(rale(ul to llio ry; hut he did uol. in a liiij^le instance, /eelings of a good man, I pray God that trench upon the spirit, or «vcn Icttcrof jour seiisihilities may he «iuickeiied tlie Constitution. Is it not evident. ?ir, to receive from it, all the consolation it; that you wrote dial letter ('-IsEVKR is calculated to impart. Intrifiue and j INTENDED TO BE USED!") for the Corruption, Bargain and Sale, in the ; express purpose of divulging > our real worst forms char;;ed, cannot, in the esti- ; sentiments to tin- Iticiiniond people, and Illation of po-terity. sink a man deeper , to court their approbation and support, in degradation ami contempt, than the How tame Uitcliie, voar leading sup- just imputation of a dogged and supple porter in Virginia, to see a letter -of servelliance to opposite and contending I yours, (NEVER INTENDED tore parlies. ; used!) and to puhli>h that jmrticn of its In conclu-io!i. I have to refer you to contents which accorded with thcopin- one other circuni-itance not connected ionsof the Virginia poliliciaiir ? Giles, with your letter to Dr. Coleman, hut Randolph, Ritchie and other~,dcclaini- hearing upon the suhjcct. In a late cd in the most vociferous manner against nuinhcr (j|' the Richmond Enquirer, is the message. They were startled and an extract tVom a letter of yours, which ' astonished at its encroachments upon not only show s that you seek office and 1 the Constitution. Vou have nothing meddle in the affairs of your election, ! to conceal — not seeking office — the hut alfords a complete demonstration. I accents of congratulation to the I'resi- if it he true, of your duj)licilv. The [ dent still warm upon your lips, write a para^craph is as follows: "As to con- letter (Hcrtr /»i/f;i^c'i /o ic itscc/) declar- stitutional questions, icc hnov froina let- ter we saw many months since, c.v- DER Ge\. Jackson's ow.v hand, xever 1.VTE.VDEB TO BE t.SED. that hc WIIS ing also your alarm and astonishment at the message ! ! What, I ask, was tlie ohjccl of this letter? How came Ritchie to see it? What induced him astonished and startled hy the extrava- , about that period, having opposed your gafit encroachments supported in Mr, ' pretensions with the most intemperate Adam.'-'s first message!" The vera- violence, to become of a sudden vour city of Mr. Ritchie it is neither j servile and supple supporter? Did, not my intention to question, nor business i the letter have some effect upon liini! to support. He was once an honora- Mark the phraseology: Mr. Ritchie hie and creditable man. So far as 1 1 says. "/Aflrc .«c(»i o /i:«cr UNDER GEN. know, hc is still entitled to the same j JACKSONS OWN HAND never in- character — at all events I am bo md to tended to be n-ed. in which he express- believe hc has spoken the truth. Wliv ' es his astonishment at the encroach- did you write sucii a letter to youriments of Mr. Adams's hrst message, friends in Richmond, and why was it upon constitutional questions!" Notl\- not intended to be used? 1 thought ! ing more than this was wanted. Mr. vou had nothing to conceal! It is said , Ritchie and hisassociates were opposed you are open, decided :>nd fearless in to the Administration — they were de- llu- declaration of your sentimcits! lf|termined to support no man for the Mr. Adams h;is encroached upon the I Presidency who was not also opposed, con.-titution, and you ha\e nothing to \ Your letter (neverintended to be use at which you were so startled and astonished? 1 have read Mr. Adaaw" first message with great care ditional fer\our. the ••allinwlivt , the only safe candidate for Virginia I" From your own acts and word.- have I judged you. If I have mistaken and attention, and tind nothing adverse - you, it is your own fault: no man in this to the provisions of the constitution. ; country need be misunderstood! If True,he recommended (;i/rr««/ /;;i;>ro;(- I h;ive been plain, or even harsli in my mrnts, and some oilier measures at va- , expressions, loiily regret that you have I'iance with (he |>olitical wisdo:n of the deserved it. AUHIMSTRATIOX CONVENTION • M ADMINISTRATION CONVENTION. ; member?. Maiiy had to stand, and ii The nicctiiit; of the Administration nas dilUcuU to pass from one jiarl of Convention at Columbus, on the 28th j the room to another. There were, of Decenilier, gave decisive earnest of however, no (hiiicultics or interrup- the intcrrest taicen. in supporting the ! lions, and but hlth' disrussion. It |)resent system of National pohcv, and was in truth, an imposing assemblage, tile pulihc men wlio maintain it. Every ' and condurled as became a thougiilful eircumslance was adverse to tiie Con- and considerate people. Upoil the venlion. For weeks the weather had ; next day, many of the members dej)art- lieen dull and disheartening. Great j ed for their homes, with increased good tpiantities of i-aiii had lallen, the roads ; feelings for each other, more dce|)ly were in ari almost impassi])lu condi- devoted to the cause, and stimulated tion, and the waters swollen to a dan- . to more active exertions in support ol' gerous height; and in addition to all it. No douiit tlie asst:mbling of this liiest;, a dce|) snow fell on Friday night ] convention has produced very advan- [>receditfg, which was carried of with I lageous results, in extending accjuain- rains that fell nearly the whole of Wed- ' tancc, and dilVusiiig coirect intbrma- nesdav and Tliursday. 13ul the mem- ! tion, and in securing facilities lor fu- bers of tiie Convention were neither j ture concert in action, disheai'leiied or deterred. And when The resolutions and address ;ire they assembled, H was found that up- j temperate and dignified, and at the wardsof two hundred were present. — j same time (inn and explicit. Whilst ilany of them aged and inlirm, most of | they assert an undiminished confidence them advanced in life, a*ul all highly; in the slatesm<'n who conduct the af- i'esi)ectable. fairs of the nation, and a strong ajjpro- The proceedings of the Convention bation to their measures and coi;duct, were characteri/.ed by good oriier,and no attack is made upon the character strict attention to business. Tlie com- j pr principles of the opposiiig candidate, mittces appointed, promptly attended j In delineating the incorrect course of to the duties assigned them, and (he I the opj)osition, the most respectful utmo=t liarmony and unanimity pre- 1 language is used: neilhcr (lie motives vailed. Tiie dclef^atcs trom each Con- [ or integrity of any one is assailed, and gressional district, hcK» separate meet- , no inuendoes arc employed or insinua- ings and agreed upon the candidate fori lions tiirown out. The whole will be elector in tlieir District, which w as re- 1 found in a tor.c adapted (o the occasion, por(ed to the committee appointed j such as fellow citizens, dilTering from upon that subject, and thus the list was j each other, ought upoii all occasions to made out. [adopt when acting or deliberating in An address had heed previously pre- '■ priniaiy or secondary assemblies, pared. The committee to whom that, It is understood that (lie Jackson Con- raatter was referred, examined it v ith venlion on the 8th, are to convene un- carc, and agreed upon it, with amend- ' der the beat of drum and roar of can- ments, which were incorporated into it, i non. How unaccountable is this delu- and the report prepared, and submit- j si on!! The very object of employing ted to the Convention. The utmost ■ these agents, is to act upon the senses, attention was evinced while it was , by producing an excitement of the ani- read, and it, with the resolutions and mal spirits, calculated to renderthe sub- ticket of electors, were uiianimously ject of its intluence reckless of thought adopted. I and reflection, and empowt;r the senses The Convention met at (en o'clock ' to shake oH'the controul and silence the in the morning, aiid about half after | admonitions of reason. Tiiis different twelve adjourned (o (bur. It me( course of ac(ion, by the (wo parties, again at lour, and closed its inisiness ' ought (o make a deep impression upon and adjourned about six the same (}vcn- ' peacel'ul. sedate and quiet men. The ing. The meeting was in the United i friends of the Administration exhibit Slates Court House, which had not Ian example of noiseless, uncxcited, sufTirient room to contain seats for the ■ thoughtful movement. The supporlei-^ sa AU.Ul.MSTRATIO.N CO.VVtWTlOIf. Of Gei.. Jackson appeal chielly to ,l,c , Dart-} Ar„ , r ,r,., J x-l VVo„„ senses ai,d to ll,e passions. Tmy art- '~""''-t^-— *.'=.„, Aur^rt.u.ie, called to rallv round their hickorv Tho^fT/Vr '"* '^'/"u""' ''"'"''^ ^«^«ar., standard, to hoist the swine as th.-ir' ^^•IZ:;'^:^::'^:;^;^,,,, , i^ymbol, to march to the ciaMiror of the '«";"'•'-<*;: <'i^Of'.-, vvifilau, Trtrjie j,'i?o '.-pint stirring drum,- and lo discanj all Juiln Cr'c.l'''°'^'" '^'^"^' *^'''"'"" CuuI..on, ni?niment, by subtsi:uting lor it the , /-e,;-j„n,e.Gallo«a3, J„n. Kober. Dob bra«i.ng exclaniniion: Hurrah for owl'""/' «"''"' ^-^i^, ^^ :li^...- Kn^.k, "''" hukory! Hurrah for the hero o/" .A«r-! w^h'^r?''~'''*'"»"'; ^^^•'''"'■.'^"•'crllJ. Moor, Or/can.!.' In such a mood the Lun.l ' B.il '"''"•''''''""'''■ '■^--''•'^'»'-^'' good sense ef the wisest man is render- 1 f''""?--?""'"'-' ^Vheeler, Cbarlcs C P-.,ne fcl nn iiicn.'ii.-.'. „„J . J.. 1- 1 'ol.iiioii Kii:!;-bury. '»-■ «.uiii.. ed an insecure and unsteady director. How can safety or prudence he expenV:r^n;;:i'G:uK: "1™^"; "'"T' 'V od Irom the consuhations of those'wim ^;•■"^^.a^b.,fl^;:;;.,;:t^'„^'i;r:' ^':± iv-ort to such methods of preparinir'Nn'.'."'." ,• '>'""'■'"''■ thurle, G. swain, tlHMnselves for dehherating upc^ el K:;:br 'd v ,,' K'^'r^:)'"- Ir'""- f"- o^t .raveand important matters? U\fr{''r^'^'''"^^^^^^^^^'^^^ ould seem ni.lv i.Pr,.c..,.. #„ ., "-P'- ,.h!lrt;;S;:;! ^''°°'^' •"'-'' »--. eh. i^tt-rcficf— tlijah Krsmptoii ^;r^; ""'^r■^^''!■.^•M•cuIlou,.;• Delegates lavoraMe (o the re-election I H-um Paaer«.„,JacJbRHHfi •''^""'^"■^"• ot Joijv Qincv Ad»ms. to the office of'^;'^7<^°'''''?~;V*-'''''''''^f ^^'-ui'-sJuhustum,, IVsideiit of the United Sliles n,of ..f ^'' ';'""•* "'(^^ tiporte B. Holt. '■ the Court House in ^.^^rrK^t.f ;!:::i--'':^".^''l--- A..CoI..„a„,,sa„e the Court House in Columbus: for ih^ ] ii9::^LS:.fn^:-,;^i^:!;;!r::i^r (•urposc o( i(iri?iititj an electoral Ticket ' ""'■'"'"'»— ^^iiihu.. ri..,r. u ., „ • |)heii Kitchen. "■•■•^i, rrarr/,rrf-Joseph CnlTee, Wm. Walker UrU„rare-\\,„ ^ Drake. Charles Carptn- ttf, Leonur.lll. Coivles. I .•"^'jf""','— I^l'ilip Lewi?, Jo=pph .^^Elfi.-h Joh.. U. (....my, Joseph Chnshalan, Ste^^hen Moore A,Tj,lla Poland, John \V. ^i.ni.C' Jaiaes bunihaai, Kei:beii P. Mann JI/i«, John Angustine SA.74./— ^Vni. FieUlin-. ienrra—Asircen In^raham, Jo?iah Hcilgcss. iii«(/iKA-i/— Sauuiil M. Lockwood- The Convention, on motion, proceed- ed to the appointment of a Chairmnn, when Jeremi\h Morrow, Esq. ol' War- re!! county, was unanimou.sly cliosen; whereupoi), Mr. Morrow took the chair; a':don motio'!. IVdi. Do'UThrrti/oi'FrMik- iin county, and ThonvK Cinfin. oi War- ren couiity, were appointed Secrota- iie?. On motion of General McArlhur. ot Ro adopted: Resolved, Tliat a commiUee of six teen mcmhers be appointed by the Chairman, to prepare and report an A Idress and Resolutions, touching the object of this Conyention. Agreeably to which resolution, the Chairman "am-oui.ced the followin.c; ge tlcmen as composing said Commit- tee, viz: Duncan McArthur, Charles Ham- mond, Thomas Ewiiig, Samuel Wiicel- er, Elderkin Potter, J. Patrick, Gus- tavus Swan, AVm. R. Putnam, W. B. Hubbard, George J. Smith, Quintus F. Atkins, Nathan Linton, James Gal- lov,-ay,jr. Stephen Kales, Alfred Kelly, Cliarlc'sG. Swain. Col. James Robinson, of Coshocton coujity, olferod a resolution, wliiclt on motion of Mr. Powel. of W'ood county, a' d Mr. Curtis, of K\iox county, was amended and then adopted. as follows: RcsokcH. That a committee consist- ing of fourteen delegates, one from each Congressional District, be ap- Athcr- ( made by the Delegates, that said com- mit'.ee nonnnale such candidate or cand dales to this meetiiig-,and further, that they shall nominate liie two aiidi*' tional Electors to which tliis state is entitled. On motion of Mr. Kelly, the Chair- man wasauthoiized to appoint the last mentioned Committee: Whereupon, the following gentlemen were selected to compose the same, to wit: From the 8l!i Congressional Di>triot, Col. James Robinson; 1st do. Thomas Gatch; 2d do. James Heaton; 3d do; John Johnson; 4th C. Antony; 5th Nathaniel Beasley; 6lh John Barr; 7th do. Henry Birtlctt; 9th do. Wm. H. Moore; 10;h do. William Skinner; 11th do. William Tingley: 12tii do. Thomas M'Millan; 13th do. Sunon Perkins: 14th do. Reuben Wood. Whereupon on motion, the Corven- tion, adjourned until 4 o'clock, ihit evening. Four o'clock, P. M. The Convention again assembled-, when Gen. D. M" Arthur, from the com- mittee appointed for that purpose, re- ported a preamble, resolutions, and ad- dres.=. wliich were severally read, and consid'ved, and the preamble, ResoliT- •ions a kl Address, were unanimously adopted, as follows: Wmere.^s, this Convention has been called into existence and organized for the purpose of nominating a Ticket of Electors, favorable to the re-election of Joha Qninn/ Adams^ as President of the United States, (o be sujiportcd at the Electoral Election, of Novomlicr, 1828, in the State of Ohio; and whereas it is considered proper that this Convention sh(Hild cxprc'ss an opinion upon the matterK of public policy, connected witli the present administration of the Na- tional Government: Therefore, Resolved, As the sense of this Con- vention, That the present administra- tion have pr^tdently and wisely pursued the policy of their predecessors, both with respect to our domestic and foi- pointed to receive from the Delegation ! eign relations: and that the general, of each Congressional District, the ; prosperity of the nation is evidence ol nomination of a suitable ca .didate for the correctness and vrisdom of th^rf pilf^rtor- r>tid •^ho'ild nfl nomination be mcasnrc*-.. E ^ ADMIMSTRATXON CON VENTION.— JEFIliKSO.V A JAtJiSO.V. Risolved, That it is equally unwise I JEFFERSON & JACKSOX. and u'iiist, to change the public fur.c- 1 In the summer of 1 820, a toast giveu tionan>~ of Govoromont, upon the ' many vearsajio, at LviKJilungli, hv Mr. ground of personal preference alone; Jeirerson. was so modelled as to make unwise, because it endan^ei-s the pub- it convey a direct compliment to Gen. lie good, without any equivalent corre poi'de!)t advantage; unjust, because it rcHects censure upon the conduct of Jackson. From the dale of that coun- terfeit to the present time, the idol- izcrs of the General have been labour- punlic men, without foundation, and ; ing to gain support for him, from the thus destrovs tiie strongest incentive to ' opinioris of the sage of IMontirello. — patriotic action. | Gov, Giles, the late Gov. Randolph, Resolved, That this Convention en- Mr. Kditor Ritchie, and others, have tertain a liigli sense of the inte£;rity. been labouring (o hunt up something falenls, and patrotism of Juhti ^^wiHcylsaid or written by Mr. Jefferson, from .lr/nni.«, President of the United States, j which a co- fidence in Gen. Jackson' and are firmly persuaded that his re- 1 might be inferred. Their elVorts have, election as President, will tend (o pro- however, recoiled upon themselves, mote the general interests of the whole ' Truth, as the General said, is mighty, t^nion. I and has prevailed. Rcsoi'ved, That this Convention re- ] The late Gov. Coles of Illinois, has gard the charge \irged a;;ainst tiie been comjielled to speak what he liim- Presidentand Secretary of Slate, of a !self heard, and what was communica- corrupt coalition, Ijy which one was j ted to him by othei-s. His statement elected President, and the other placed is in the following words: in the Cabinet, as a scandalous iinpu- '-On the 1 1th of Aui;ust. 1 8-25. ■while lalion upononrcou'itry and i'lstitulions, on a \isil to i\Ir. Jelll-r-on. at i\Ioiiti alike unsupported by e\idence, uu- cello, 1 had a very long and highly in- *ortiiy ot belief, and discreditable to, tcrestii:g conversation with him, in rc- tll who give it countenance. jlationtothe last preside: tial election; lie^ulval. Tiiat this Convention enter- 1 in which he spoke very freely and ful- tiin the highest respect for the just ly of men and of things, and dwell at views of our National policy explained considenible length on the character, and recommended in the late Re|)ort of princi[iles, and conduct, of the gentle- the Secrelnrv of tiie Treasury of the men who had been candidates. He United Sti'tfs, upon the subject of a j expatiated dispassionately, and with- National Tariff; and hereby express an out resen' ■; drew comparisons, made earnest hope, that our )neml)ers of Con- ; discriminations, and described, in his gress will emit no exertions to obtain usual forcible language, the good and legislative protection for the objects bad traits in the character of each. fecommcnded in said report. The following is the list of Electors recomme'.dt-d hv the Convention: JF.RF.MIAH MORKOW, Wurrcn. Pr.TEK 111 If llCdCK. Gcouga; WII.I.IAM HL;FFI.\,Hamilloii. .iA\ir.iM'HKinF,,r.uti.T. .I0-;F.PI1 IIAWKIN-. IVI.lo. Dr.NJ.\MlN nillTKM.AN, Green. .lOIlN S^!1TII, Hu'l,lir.BORNE. Frnnklin. WILLIAM K F.NnALL, Scioto. rSAAC \ A.\IK)i;.\K, Mi,on. and one wlio soldier, and undei'standing the;e, he cannot fail to see how Mr. Jetrei'son appreciated the quaiiticalions of Gert. Jackson for the Preidency. Instead of respecting Gen. Jackson's preten- sions, it appears that Mr. JcllL-rson held them •' in almost contrinphiutis c/cr/.'.wn,'" and looked upon his possible success, in being elected President, as furnish- ing cause to " doubt the durahilitij nfovr free iii.4it- lication conlaining strictures upon tl • proccedijigs. This publicalion was made the 3d of March, 1815. For ma- king this puiilicalion he was arrested, a. il with his arrest the outrage com- menced. He was tried by a Court Martial upon the following charges: 1. Mutiny. 2 Kxciting to rauliny. 3. General misconduct. 4. Being a spy. T;. Illi'gal and improper conduct. 0. Disobedience of oi'lers. 7. Writing a willful and conipt libel against (be General. E. U -oldieily cj..duci. 9. Violation of a general order. Tile publieati>n in question wa< ad- duced as a specification to support t'very one of these ciiarges. This ar- ticle, wliicii was made to include the Commission of so many atrocities, is here inserted, and thereader is respect- liillv re(|uested to read it carcfullly, a,id ask him-ell, what tliere is in it that can be mi*chiivous or criminal. ** Mr. Editor : To remain silent on the la>t genenil orders, directing all the Frenchmen who now reside in New- Orlcaig, to leave it within three days, and to keep at a distance of 1 20 mib-s of it, would be an act of cowardice which ought not to be expected from a eiiizeu of a free country; and when everj O'lC laments sucli an abuse of authoritv, , the press ought to denounce it lo the people. In order to encourage a communica- tioi. helweeii both c>iun(iies, the 7tk and 8t of Tear, they consent to cease to be Fri-nch citizens, would tliey by such an abjuration, become American citi- zens? No, ccrtai.ly they would not; the man who would be powerful enough to denationalize them, would not be powerful enough to give them a coun- iry. It is better therefore, for a man to remain a tliithful Frenchman, than to snircr himself to lie scared even by the martial law; alaw useless when the presence of the foe and honor call us to arms, but wiiicii becomes degrading, when their shameful fliglit suller us to enjoy a glorious rest, which fear and (error ought not to disturb. But could it be possible that the con- Our law*s protect stangers who come to settle or reside among us. To tlie Sovereign alone belongs the riglU of de- priving them of that protection; and all those wlio ktiow how to appreciate the title of an American citize:i, and who arc ac(|uain(ed with th.eir pre- rogatives will easily understand that, by the Sovereign I do, by no mea is, intend to designate a ftlnjor Gei cral, or any other military commander to whom I williiigly grant the power ot issuing general orders like the o!;e in que?tion, but to whom I deny that of having them executed. Ifthe last genera] order has no other object but to inspire in us a salutary fear, it is only destined to he read ; if it is not to be tbllowed by any act of vio- lence, if it is only to be executed by tho-c who may chuse to leave the city ill order to enjoy the pure air of tho country, wc shall forget that extraor- dinary order: but should any thing elsehiippen, nc arcofopinion that the tribunals s!iall sooner ot later, do jug. tice to tlie victims of that illegal order. Every alien friend who shall contin- ue to respect the laws which rule our country, shall continue to he entitled to their protection. Could thatgeeer- Ftitution "and the laws of our ce-niifrv :nl. or'ior be applied to us* V''o- fhoulU <■» .IA«»KseN A- NEW -ORLEANS. calmly wait until we were forced hy\ tioii of Fort Bo\rjer. The taking of violence to execute it, well convinced: this fort, on the l:2tli of February, wds of the firmness of the magistrates who; the last act of hostiiity done by tli^ are the organs of the laws in this part Enfilisti forces, admiral Cocivijuru liay- of the Union, and guardians of public ing been inibrmed, oii trie ensuing day, order. llie 13th, hi an oUicial bulleiiri rec<^ivcd Let us conclude by saying, that it is I'rom Jamaica, that a treaty ot j. ace liigh time tiic laws should resume their empire, that the citizens of this state Hhbuid return to tiie full enjoyment of their rights; that in acknowledging that we are indebted to Gen. Jackson for the preservation of our city, and the defeat of the British, wc do not feci much inclined, tlirongh gratitude, to had been signed at Ghei t, on ihe ■24tl» of December. \Ve see page 226, oi the Historical Memoirs already cited, tiiat immediately after the c.ipiiul.ttion of that fort. General Lamt>ert, and admi- ral Cockburn, expcciing at every mo- ment the ratilicaiion ol" t!;e tieaty by the President and the Senate of tlie sacrifice any of our privileges, r.nd less ^ United States, made the necessary pre- than any other, that of expressing our, parations for the cmiiarkatiou and Je- opinion about the acts of his adminis- 1 parture of their troops, tion; tlial it is time the citizens ac- My pul'lication appeared in the Cou- ■cusedofany crinae should be rendered ' rier, 21 days after Col. Fdward Livings- to t'leir natural judges, and cease to be ' ion (now our represe^ta!i\e in Con- broug'ht before special or military tri-|gress,) had returned from ihe English buiials, a kind of institutions held in ab-, lleet, a::nouncing to Ccn. Jackson tiie horrence, even in absolute Govern- arrival of the sloop of war lJrazen,whicli jnents; and that after having done had brouglit the news of the sigiiingof enough for glory, the moment ofmod-i the preliminaries of peace, eration has arrived; and finally, tliat| Finally. the publicaiion represented (he acts of authority which the inva-'as (ending to disorganize tiie army, sion of our country and our safety may made its appearance 33 days af^e^Gen. have rendered necessary, are, since the .Jackson had written to the Secretary evacuation of it by the enemy, no Ion- of ^Var, that he considered Louisiana ger compatible with our dignity and as deli\ercd from the enemy, durnig our oath of making the Constitution respected.'' which 53 days, with the exception of the taking of Ibrt Bowycr, no ei:gage- That every honest enquirer after mcnt took place between tlie English truth may know the circumstances in and American forces." which the above pul)lication was made, I The injustiic of Gen. Jackson's at- Ihe following statement is extracted tack upon the c!-hozrn a :cnl and philnnthro- near the battle ground, to return io\ pi/ ihnt ilocsliimtht hii^hrst honor.'" New Orleans: 2d^ Forty-three days after the evao- ijation of Louisiana by the F.nglish; And I wen! v da\s aOer the capi'i-Ia- Gen. Jackson, in a letter to Mr. Post- master IM'Leap, written in lo2-l,to pre vent Mr. Fuller Skipwith, who ^yas Sprnker of the J^ei.ate, when New- JACKSON & NJirW-OnLEANS.— JACKSON'S THREATSl ■4SS Orleans was invaded, from getting a post office appointment, represents the Conduct of himseir and some other members as very suspicious.' From a work entitlid-HistoricalMemoirsof the War of 1 8 14- 1 1^ ! &,'' by Major Latour, wi-itlen principally to build up and sus- tain Ihe fame ofGen. Jack-on, the sub- joined extract is given, to prove how very unjustly the General casts out this imputation. and Soullie, who co-operated with him in his honorable exertions, a sufiicieni reward, yet I must be allowed to pay those gentlemen, the tribute of applause so justly due to them." In further proof of the same fact. Gen. Carrol, in a letter written at camp Henderson, and dated March 2d, 1815, holds the following language: " I hope you will convey to the legis- lature the grateful sentiments with "The deplorable condition of a great : which 1 am impressed for the honoi- number of militia men of this and the j done me and the troops whom I com- adjacent states, who were in want of mand clothing, in an inclement season, and obliged by the nature of the service, to Ijc constantly exjjosed in the open air, excited the sensibdity of the citi- zei^s. Mr. Louaillier, the elder, a member of the House of Representa- tives, obtained from the Legislature the sum of six thousand dollars, which was pat at the disposition of a committee " i cannot withhold the expressionV of gratitude due to the people of New Orleans, for their benevolence in fur- nishing our autlering soldiers with warm clothing, during the inclemency of the weather, while they were be- fore our works. "They have administered to our sick and wounded every friendly at- formed for their relief. Subscriptions ' teiition, and extended to them all the were also open at New-Orleans for the | rights of humanity." same purpose, and another sum of six i Yet do the idolizers of Gen. Jack- thousand dollars was soon subscribed, , son say, that his arrest of Mr. Louail- and it is to be observed, that the Or-lier, and all his subsequent violations of leans volunteers and militia, not satisfi- law, disregarding the writ of habeas od v.itli discharging their dutv to their corpus, and imprisoning judges are country, by their presence in the camp, justified, because of the existence of sent for a subscription list, and tilled it treason, in the vicinity of the enemy, with their signatures. Tiie country i The facts herr stated show that there of the German Coast subscribed about , is no foundation for this apology; and tliree thousand sis hundred, and that of ' leaves the General justly obnoxious to -Attekapas remitted to the committee , the charge of acting only upon the im- five hundred doll irs. The whole sum,' pulses of his own passions. Still he is thns obtained, incKidi- g what was j honored with a civic feast at New Or- voted by the Legislature, amoun'ed to i leans. The supporters of the General sixteen thousand one hiniilred dollars, [are not unlike the ox decorated foi- and w;is laid out in purcliasing blankets ! slaughter: tmd woollens, which were distributed ! " PUasui to the last, he empped thcjlowtnifong^ amon" the ladies of New Orleans, to be ' -^'"' ticked ike hand jtul raised to alied his blood.'.' made into clothes. Within one week — "^^jf^ — twelve hundred blanket-cloaks, two' nE\. JACKson's threats. hundred and seventy-five waistcoats, A statement hasbeen made and ob" clcven handredand twentv-seven paira ; tained circulation, that Gen. Jacksoa of pimtiloons, eight hundred shirts, four hui.dred and ten pair of shoes, and a great number of niattrasses were had avowed a detennination, to assail Mr. Senator Eppes with violence, in the Senate Chamber, and was only re-- made up, or purchased ready made, strained by the determined inter- and distriliuted amonc; our i)rct!iren| ference cf Com. Decatur. The truth inarms, who stood in the greatest needt of this statement Gen. Jackson has de- ofthem. Though the gratitude of nied, in a letter written to Mr. Grundy; their fellow citizens, and the conscious- but the denial is altogether technical, ness of the patriotic services, be, to 3fr. T.ouaillie'', p"d to Messr?. Dubij's and confined to the language used, and circumstaiices coiinected with ih.c stale- id 91SS. JACKSON'S TIIKEATS. ment in relation to Com. Decatur. We believe Gen Jackson as far as his statement goes. But he has not ven- tured to deny the principal and materi- al fact", in which the statement most evidently had it: foundation. Gen. Jackson visited Washington, in the commencement of the year 1819, when his condurt, in the Seminole war •was under irivesligation in Congress. He at the same time visited Baltimore. Philadelphia, and New York.a^ ittlicn seemed, for no purposi_', hut to receive such public attentions, as might make an impression, on the proceedings of Congress. The papers of the . day stated that he was at Baltimore, par- taking of a public dinner. w''.en the Feport of the senate wa< received; and that he uttered much violent and me- nacing language. He proceeded im- mediately to Washington, where, it was alleged, he continued tlic same tone of conversation. It was Just at tlic period of the adjourruncnl of Congress, and an article was published in li»e N'^ational Intclligencer,containing strong animad- versions, upon the senatorial report. This was attributed to some one or moreof those who w ere in theOenerars suite. Gen. Abner Laroek, who was a member of the senatorial committee, re- mained in the city, and immediately made a publication in reply. He com- mented with dignity and moderation, but with severity, upon the publication, and al~o upon tlie conduct of llie Gen- eral, and t!iO;0 who attended liim. Af- ter speaking of the language used by the latter, he adds: " Their |iprsoiiiil invcctivc-i correspond en- tirely with Gen. Jackson's nbsi rvMlii.ns in the public taverns und hiill rooms of Washinjton; for it i' a fact notcrions, anil ciuinot l>cilenic(l, tliat on those occasions Iie wjh i-'iri/erotix in his imprrrutions, and rinlml Inliis threats n/ personal vcni^eanrc, even to mK (LTTING off tuf, KARS nf some nf Vie ntemt/ers nf the Selfct Com- mittee, anil Ihie, while tlic suhject was hcfo-c the Senate: iin>l sorni- nicnibnrs of the Mouse of fle|iresentnlivcs, who dared to aniinnilvert mion his conduct, or even to donhi his iufullihility. u-erc menaced nearli/ in the snme ?nan/w/"'\','/ This, it must he observed, was no anonymous publication. Gen. Lacock subscribes it with his name; l!ien it was not contrndiclod, it is not nov.- con- tradicteil b\ Gen. Jackson. Tlieditrcrence between tlio two state- ments consists m'^re in matmcr and place than in matter. The General did not wail in the anti-chamber of the Senate to assault Mr. Eppes. He was not restrained from donjg so, by Com. Decatur. He did not declare bis in- tention to the Conunodore, and recvive a reply that he should not execute the threat i)ut over the dead body of the Commodore. But, neverthele^?, the General, "in the public Imerns uiid ball room^, oflViishinglim"' was '■^vociferous i/i his imprccatiojis, and tiulcnl in his threats of personal vcngcnncc acn to the cut- ting OFF THE EARS of some of tlic mem- bers of the select committee." This violence and these Uireats against mem- bers of the Senate, for a fearless performance of their duty, arc the substantial grounds of ob- jection against the General. It is of no great importiincc where they were made, or by whom their execution was prevented. Perhaps it may be deemed the most reprehensible course to hold such language in taverns and ball rooms, and finally to let the whole end in empty gascon- ade. It is certainly more inconsistent with the conduct of a brave man than that which the General has (hmied. To form a rash determi- nation and make arrangements to execute it: then to be deterred by the timely and rosolutii remonstrance of a respected friend, seems more in character with greatness nf mind, than blustering lu taverns, or brawling in ball rooms, without an effort to do wh.it was threatened. Gen. Jackson and his friends have thoiighf that it was incumbent upon them to put in a denial, with respect to the alleged scene, in the ;inti-chaiuber of the Senate. They thus con- cede that the conduct imputed to die General, in that ease, U well calculated to show his un- litiiess for ihe Presidency. The actual facts, as stated by Gen. Lacock, are not, and nevei have been disputed. They are us eonclusivi .. as those denied, to show the General's disquali- fication for that high ollicc. They are in ac- uordance too, with much of the General's past life. Taverns have neen the thiatre where he has most frequently displayed himself: violence and threats very common weapons in his hands: empty bhisterin.; olten the re=ult. Patrick H. Dirby, Esq. of Frankfort, for some time a rcident of Na.duille, and in intimacy with the Geniral, has made a publication, st;iting that about the time of these transac- tions, he I'requenlly heard Gen. Jackson hold l.inguige of tlie same tenor witli that referred to, by Gen. l..acock. A recent number of the I'iltsburch Gazette, makes the sulijoincd re- mark, upon the letter of Mr. Grundy : " The letter of Gen. Jackson to Feli\ Grun- dy, gins the lie completely to the Untement frei)iitnllij made upon the same siihiect by Hen- ry Baldwin. Where did Mr. Ualdwin get hi^ account of this in:itter? llu was at Washing- ton in inin. Mr. lialdwia slinukl publish hu account in his own Jusliucation." Here we rest this Mibject. \o doubt, «e think, can exist, but that the Gen'l.utleieil tlie threats imiuited to him Should such a ii'anlie olaeed in llie highest oflicc of a free, a nrarcablc !»lt>'- christian people? ■II III II ■ ■ m iiwi ■ J 'Aj a juntm ' MMsuiB Kv tx. mam M TMUTM'S ADVOCATE AND MO\THIiY ANTl-J\CRSO\ EXPOSITOR. CliVCINNATl, OHIO, FEBRUARY, 1828. LIFE OF <;E>E1!AL JACKSON. Few men, iiitlie woild, have enjoy- ed the opportunity to obtain high rcpu- tU!on,so ciieaply as Gi'n. Jackson. Un- til he had passed the 46th year of liis ago, he was little known, except in his own state. Stations of distinction had f)eeii CO fcrred upon liiin. But lie re- tained them only lor a short time: and abandoned them, without being dis- tinguished, either as a Statesman or a Jurist. However he may liave been estimated amongst his immediate friends, he was in a great degree un- known to the nation, who were conse- ion of the British forces, from the at- tack upon New Orleans, and acquired a high military reputation. His ope- jatioas had been conducted principal- ly in a wilderness country; he had sub- dued the Creek Indians, and made a treaty with them of his own dictation. He evidenced high militarv talent in most of his movements, and tlie victory of New Orleans had idcuitified him with the interest, the glory ,and the pride of the nation. All this had cost him but u labour of sixteen moiitlis; and had lie possessed only a common share of mode- ration and discretion, he iNould have -tood amongst the first of her citizens, in the atfections, and in the esteem of Lis country. I think it may safelv be asserted, that no man ever acquired an equal standing at so ciicap a rate, i His attack upon the freedom of the ! citizen and the liljertv of the press. f»nd ; tlie open contempt and dciiancc of law, j tiiat closed his career at N . Orlcans,were deeply regretted througli the counlrv, I •not only upon account of their pernicious I example, but becan>e (lioy ca.-.t a deepi .-.hade Uj)onthc good and ihegreatnanie,! which all were willing.shonld be ronce'd- (Arl!ob-:n. Soardentwas'l't-ntiKHc f"cl-l ing in his fa^or, that with something like universal consciit, the outrar'cs were permitted to pass in silence, or noticed ivith very disqualified approliation. In 1818, he was charged with con- ducting the Seminole War. Here again, successful in hi- main object, he pushed hissucci ss to alarming extremi- ties calculated-lo involve the peace of the nation, ajid endanger its traiiquility. Altiiough the to;ie of disapprobation was now raised to a strong expression with many, still the country was indis- posed to scrutinize closely, or censure severely, one who was so much a fa- vorite. Appointed, in 1G21, to the of- fice of civil Governor of Florida, he again indulged, in excesses of authority, which though none could juslily, most were still ready to exiuse. There has been no instance of the same de- gree of forbearance, in cases of eveu much less injurious character, towards any citizen ofour Repul>lic. In 1822, he was nominated a candi- date for the Presidency, and though the canvass was, on the part of his sup- porters, exceedingly acrimonious, still, with a lew partial exception?, he wai treated with respect. Defeated in his prospect of success, at the moment hope was the highest, his friends and himself, assuming that a mighty wroi;g was done to him, commenced their assaults upon the characters of others, and have continued them, until i'lc attention of the country has naturally been drawn to that of the General himself. Investi- gations have taken place, facts have been disclosed, and traits of character developed that have greatly ch.anged the general opinion of his meiits. He is no longer the favorite of the nation. He is now but the chiet of a party, who become more vociferous ar.d un- qualified in their commendations, as they become more doubtful of their justice. Amongst the means resorted to for the purpose of extending his etiebritv, on'- was tiie publication of bis biogri'.- li LIFE OF GE.\LKAL JACKSON. pliy. This work made its appearance, in lar£;c octavo,in the year 18i!4, in the verv heat ot" the Presidential canvas^. It wa? written by the General's partial iVieiid, and under his own observa- tion: and it is throughout a labour- ed eulog)-, rather than an imparti al history. There are some facts dc tailed in, and connected with this work, that serve stron;.'ly to ilkistnite. at once the true character of the General him self, and the means employed to give him repulation, whether he de^ei-ve it or not. It is my present intention to give a full and fair explanation of two transactions noticed in tRis biographv, in a manner which the facts do not war- rant. I have selected these two, be- cause I iiavc possessed myselfof authen- tic documents, whicli show that they are not correctly stated. In the 18th page of "The life of Andrew Jackson," '% Jnhn H. En- ton, Senator of the United States.''' — we have the following account of his services as a member of ihc Senate: "The following year his reputution continuing to increase, and every bosonj feehns: a wish to raise him to still higher hunori). he was chosen a senjilcr of l!ie United States Congress, and took his seat on the 'J'jn (lay of November, 1797. A- noxious lo the reputilicans of this country, at the srs-i r.n of 1798. were Anderson. HlooiUvorth. liionn. Foster. Green. Jack- son, LHiigilyn, Livermore, iMaitin, Mason. Tiizpnelj. AgMin-t the tepeul, I hip- man, t'laylon, Gooiiliue Hillhouse, How- ard, Laliuier. La-^rence, Lloyd, .Vo./A, P.iiiie, Head. Jiutlttrjord, Sedgwick, Sion, attending to his own "iu- fiitr.^s of an importnnt aivi private nature,'^ This argues very little for his attention to public dutVs 'ri«re ci^pc. i^dly r.s it was at a lime when party feeling ran high, and when tiic strong measures of tlie elder 3Ir. Adams's administration were in agitation. During this period the obnoxious Satilion Lnxv was passed, and Gen. Jackson, was not there to op- pose it. But, '•on the alirn lav hoic- ncr, ami the effort to npeal the stainy ficl he v:iispreKnt, resting (voting) in the minority and on the one side of the Republican principles of the country."' I Tiie language here employed, leaves it doubtful whether the author menni to assert that the General voted on the passage of the alien law. or on an^ other proposition in respect to it. Bui bout the middle of April, business of an I '" the note, it is stated as a vote, 'for a itnporiaiil and privati- natuic. imposed I r.^uca/ o///u o/fV/i and stamp acts v^ and on him the necessity of asking leave of | the yeas and nays are given. The reader of course, concludes that Gen. Jackson vo!cd to repeal the famon* alien lav.-, regarded as a twin brother of the sedition law, and always asso- ciated v. iih it. Such, however, is not absence, and returning liome. Leave was granteil. and before the next sessi'^n he resigned hisrcat. lie »\ as but little more than thirty J ears of age. and lipnce scarce- ly eligible, by the constiiuiion, at the time be "as elected. The sedition law liiiir ■■<: ...1= cin,itn. 1 IIU M^UIIIUII iaW,,iK, r,„. ri-i 111. . about which so much concern and leelino- 1 '^ ^ , ^.^ "'""''^ subject is most has been manilestcd through tliecoimtrv, was introdiirerl ir.lo the sen:tte, by JlV. Lloyd of .Mary bnul, in .tunc, and passed that body on the 4!h of July followmg; hence the name of Jackson, on ing to the IcriTC of abiciicc wiiichhiid been granted him in April, does not appear on the journals. On the alien lau\ ho-^-ever, anri lite cJfoTt to repeal ihc stamp a^t he was present, resting in the iniaoniy, and on the .«ide of Ihc Itcpublican principles of the country." To this a note is appended in the following lerni^: "Those senaors who voted for a repeal of the alien and si trangely misrepresented," as may be put beyond all doubt by a refereii^ce to the journals of the Senate, for that session. The proposition which linallv result- ed in the passage of "the alien lazr," originated i:i the Senate, on the 25th of April, 1798, [Journal 249.] on the motion of IMr. Hillhouse to appoint a committee. Tlie bill was reported by Mr. LivCrmore, from the committee, on tlie Ith of May, read the lir-ttime a;,d ordered to its second reading. [Jo rrnni 269.] It W.1S continued under lonsid- enition until the 8lh of June, when it imp acts, so Ob- pa«sed the Senate [Journal 338] and AJLIE-V A>U STA.UI' ACiji FORl^ JACKSON l>ONATiO\. 43 was sent to tlie House. II passed bofli' real grent men require the aid of tricks Houses on the ~22d of June,and was ap- like ilii;;, to secure them reputation? proved by the President on the 2jtli. Tlie Journal shows that on the l'2tli of April. '-Mr. Jackson obtained leave of absenee after Monday next for the re- mainder of the session." Of course he •ouid not have voted '-/or a repeal of ihc riic other transaction, which I pro- pose to notice, has been occasionally glanced at, but.those who have toudi- ed it, have omitted to probe it to the bottom. Tiie docmneiils and puhlic proceedings have been carefully l.id alien act,^^ which was not in agitntion| away without publication; and the antil n-ficrhe left bis seat!! ; glossings of the biography have been A vote to repeal the stamj) act i strangely associated with the alleged vote to repeal tlie '■'■aVun act.'^ ^fothing in Legislation, would be more impro permitted to pass for truth. This pro- cedure I shall now correct, by present- ing the facts as they really took place. After subjugating the Creek nation of bablo than uniting tiiese two subjects '"dia'is, General Jackson was appoint- together, and taking upon them a joint ed to make a treaty with them, aided vote. That no such vote was taken is 'w Col. Hawkins, who Uad long been that the alien law an Indian agent of the Government in clear from the fact was not in existence to be repealed. At (be prceeding session the law usu- ally called '■Hlie stamp acl.^' had been pas- sed. In Uie Senate of the United States on the 8th of January, I79S, Mr. Greene of Rhode Island asked tor leave to bring in a bill to repeal thi •'■stamp act "k\nA leave was refused, ayes ll,no<:sl5. The ayes are precisely the same stated, in the note before quo- ted; but the noes are as follow: 7i;'/(i; that coiiitry. The treaty was held at Fort Jackson; and after some time spent in negociation a treaty was con- cluded on the 10th of August, 1811. — We are tokl in tlie work of Major Ea- ton, page 197, that "General Jackson was directed to treat with the Creeks as with a conquered people, and to/;rf- seribe^ not negociate the terms and con- ditions of peace." A singular Iransar. tion took place during the time, whilst hxim, Chipman, Goodfme, Gunn, HiJlj ^CJicral Jackson was>y)-e«r/i//,gass without detection. Here! '°'^' 7"''' ^'f ""1"""' ■■'' ^" '"•■'""■^5"t ., . ' , . I -1 .1 Jto waat was (lone Uc rcfusctl. therefore tlien IS conclasive record evidence thai;, „ ,,^.,^ -, ,.„^^^,^^;. ^,„,, ^^ ,.^^ ^J,^^^ Gen. Jackson did not vote upon any, ^ea^on, that the instructions under >vhicb proposition to repeal tne alien law, and; he was acting, required it to he a cae- tlVat the journal of the Senate havej it„i:.iion, not a treaty. 7flc wtxT work. been mis'pioted lor the poor purpose of:,. N-c. Itnj.-ever, ii7ic.i they met in covndt to maintaining thai !if did so vote. — Do ^/^'n 'bo )«srr"?n»>T.',tIic chiefs delivered to u LIFE or t.E\. JACKSON. the general :i paper, expressing a wish.- and disclo'-iiig iheir reasons, ihai a reser ' valion to hiinself. — colonel ilawkiof, and I iMaytield, who being made a prisoner io ' his yo'ilh, had always resided in the na •ion. might be a-^^enfed to; and requested ■ it to he forwardeii on anrl made Imoirn ', to the government. Jackson consented to do su, and In recommend its adoptvm; but | tiiat the reservation that ihey had thmiuhl \ prupcr Io rei]iip^t, it assented to. he laoutii I accept fifon no other terms 1,'ian their father I the preaident sHOVLl) dispose uj it,aniiap-\ ply the proceeds to tho-e of the nation on \ xvhom distress and prrvcrlfi had heen brojtght j by the ti-ar. !^Ir. Ma ■isoii siibsequenllj ■ liroiight this matter to the consideration of I he Senate of the United State's, and in | rccomoiending its adoption, higlily com- plimented the delicacy "ith which the j propo^iiion had been met \>y general j Jacksoa; it was however, never acted on | and asscnied to by the Senate." I According to this stalcincnt, the In-' diaiis proposed toinscrtthe donations in ' tlie treaty: bxit^'to this the Gcn.objcclcfl," : — " He refused to have it jn.?r/-W." A'cjct j morning, however, zvhcn they met in couiuril i tosigii lhcin^lr>imrul,the chiefs presented a f aper disclosing the reasons of the ' reservation, and a wish that it might he i assented to, and made known to the ; Government. To this tiie General as- ! sented. But in relation to- himself, if, the Government assented, '"/ir zcoiild ac- j cql on no other tcnmthan ihnl their ftilh- \ er, ihr President, simvi.d dispose of it"'j for tlve benefit of tiie poor among the ' Creeks themselves. This is Major! Eaton's account, in which Gen. Jack- j son is first made to play the part of a' stern, rigid, and disinterested patriot; and second, that of a kind and bcnefi-! cent hcnefaclor to tlie poor amongst . the Creeks. Let us now look at the ' true state of tiie c.ise, and sec how far it sustains these compliments to the ' General. It is siiown. by the followin-; ] copy cf the proceedings made under the | direction of the commissioners at the' time, and transmitted to congress, bv ! the Prcsidont, in l]fc mess.nrre referred ; t(<, m the above extract O'om Major Eaton's work: '^Kxtracltfrnm the minutes of oreurrenees at Fort Jackson, during the nreoeialion nf Jarkjon's Treat,!/-'' "lith August, ISIJ. •The Chiefs of the Creek Nation ns- seoibled at their Square, and sent for Gen- eral JackMiTi and Col. Hawkins, tu visit them. On ariiving iheie, the Speaker I'ostunnuggee Thliicco. said, he Rishcd to confer with the Geiieral.on some points relative to the boundary "p Coosa river, particularly to accommodate .\u he-coo- ' he at the 9oli>'italion of li-ao-l;i>.-he, Ly t;i\iiigback 80i;ie Iniids west of Coosa. The tjeiieral oi jt'Cled Io the accommoda- tion, as the pcopie ill that quaiter bad heen already suliirionlly pro\ men for. and ihe ground asked foi h.id l>ecu the thor- ough fare of the murrierers. •' The Speaker then addressed the General: — 'I'he points aow about bounda- ry are pretty well settled, and we shall sign it; tuit before we do it anil yield it up. we haie something to say to you We are a poor disire??ed people, involv- ed in ruin, which we have brought on ursejves. It is not caused by a foreign people among us, but of our own colour, of our own l.uid. and uho speak our tongue. They arose against us Io destroy us, and we could not h>lp ouiselves. — We calieil on thiee brothers, Clierokees. Chickasaws. and Choctaws, to help, but they did not come; we then called ou Col. Hawkins for our while fiieiids and brothers to help and you came Vou have saw our red and white brothers nii:t iheir blood in battle. Vou have risked your life fiT us. and come fiere, and here we meet — Vou have saved my lite, and I am thankful for it. We have put our heads together, and consulted on it. and have roine to one opinion about it, and what we should do. U'e, the Creek Ac- tion, give ynti three miles square uf lanil, to be chosen zrhcrc yon like. fro.m wiht wk AKK COINC TO GIVF. VV. We wisll yOU tO take it where you like, and as near us as you can, as. if »ve have need of you, you will be near Io aid and advise us. •• We give yon lli s in lememhrance of the important services you have done us, and as a token of gratitude of the oaticn. There is a man near you. Col. Hawkins, Ihe same we give him. three miles square, lie has been long among us, helping ot us, and doing good (or our nation, and is Iheir friend. He and I met at Colerain and were young men, iMid are now old. His children iire born in our land. He is Io select the land we give where he choo.'es in Ihe land we nre about to give up. and to fpt iind it i;ecessary for politi- cal motives and purposes, to run a line from Ofucekee through our lands, which commences on the dividing ridge, between tne waters of the upper and lowei' Creeks, to Chattiboacbee, and thence Easiward- ly to the bouiiiiary of Georgia, within which there is a g.eat quantity of lands actually our properly, for which he, as an equivalent, leaves to the conquered Indians, lands between Consa and T^dla- i>oosa. We do not dfem the exchange as an equivalant; it shall not, however, interfere with the run.)iiig of the line, as we rely on the justice of the United -States, to c:iuse justice to be done us, ann on these condition? we request that General Pincknev's letter of the 23d .April, to Col. Hawkins and the answer thereto, of (he 2oth. be sent on with tiie Treaty, which we V ill sign after deln ering this instru- ment. 1st. Wishing to give a national mark of gratitude to JIajor General .Andiew Jackson, for his distinguished services rendered us, at the head of the a. my from ''ennessee, we give and grant him, anfl his heirs forever, three miles square of l;ind. at such place as he may select out of the national lands. 2d. Our nation feel under obligalion.s no powers about them, they will sign the | to Col. Renjamin Hawkins, our .Agent, and line with him.it bch.g demanded by him jtoM.s. Lavinia Hawkins, his wite for the and advised by theirfriend Col. Hawkins, nnwearieri pains they hi'.ve for a long 40 UFE OFGKNlJtAL JACKKO.N- time taken to introduce the plan of civili i apply the proceed? to those of the na- en.inree miles sqimrp! ■ i ii i , ■ i . ... of land, to him and h,^ heir, fcrever: T'^'"'''"''?"'/ '''"^ *^'"'^. "r'°"""- to be located in such part of the nalional ^'"^^"" ""'^*^'' "■°""-'" '^"^ chlldrcn."- iHnds as Col. Hawkins may select, in one tract or survey of one mile square each. 3d. We give to George Maylield, an interpreter with General Jackson, a white man raided in our lam!, one mile square of land, where he may select, as a mark of our respect for his honesty and !ise- fulness to us as an interorelcr. But if the President did not so appro- priate it, win theu the General got it — and all was well. Here too is the "paper"' W/ic Chiefs delivered to the General,'' which it ap- pears was drawn up according to the previous arrangement and uiideistaiid- inc; hctwecn all the parlies and execu- ted, i,ot on the morning they met toex- 4th. and lastly. We pive and grrani to ccute the treaty, but on the 9fh, the day Alexander Cornells a half breed, and old ! hcfore the signing the treaty, and the and la.thtnl interpret»r. who, has been day after the General had"agreed'to Ion? in the public service, one mile square of land, at bis o|>tion, to be lo- cated by him. We finally request that the Gov- ernment of the United Stales, will ratify (he forecioinff acts of nalional gratitude, and by suitable deed^ of conveyance, to enable the parties to receive and hold the said lands, agreeably to our lyteolions us herein expressed. Given under our hands at the Treat' ground at Korl .Iack~r>:).Otli Aucust. 1814 TIJSTLNNUGGEE TIILUCCO. Speaker oj ihe .\'at ion of upper Creeks [Signed by Mothers,] In prescnrn of J. C. WxUNEU, assist- ant Asfent nf Indian Afl'airs. R J.MKIGS, .%"* C. jValion iccept. Notwithstanding Major Eaton says the "General at lir«t refused and subsequently, on the day the paper was presented, gave only a conditional con- sent." Before 1 further examine this mat- ter I will proceed to investigate the correctness of the final statement in the paragraph (juoted, " Mr. I^Iadison fjbsequenlly brought this matter to the consideration of the Senate, and in recommending its adoption, highly complimented the delicnry with which the proposition hid been met by Gen. Jackson: it was however, never act- ed on. and assented to by the Senate." Tills is true as far as it goes: it is RORKii'V KVTLKB., .SdJHUint General, ■'levertheless far short of the whole truth, and by no means conveys a just view of the proceedings in Congress up- on the subject. The following is a Ai.kxandki; Mavfield, AlRXANUER CoRiVELLS, GcORGE LOVEI.L, Public Interpreters Having compared the ivritten transcript with the original, [ certify it to be a true copy thereof CHAIILES C.\SSADy, acting Secl'y. Fort Jackson, Olti August, I8M. copy of the message referred to* To the Senate and House of lirpre- senlatives of the United States. The accompanying extract, from the I orcurreiKCS at Fort Jackson, in ."August Here we have the plain unvarnisiied j I8N. durinff the negociation of a treaty truth of this matter; tiie conference, ' "'''h the Indians, shows that the friendly the assent, and the conveyance. And ' Creeks wishing to give to (Jcneral Jack- here are no ohirclions, no nfusoh, ;, J *"!". Benjamin Hawkins and others a iin .stated in the biography. The offer is ' """='' "^^■""^ "' "'«""■ Rratililde and regard, made and the rca..>ns assigned at the ! '^"•;'7<^''.\" "'P'" respectively a donation same time, not upon a >ay,o-," hut in | "I'^;"' •."■''''=* ^^'Yr' '','*'•'''' ^''•'"'' '"'f"^' 1 ,. ' rp,, ,^' ' , ,. lie (lulv coiihrmril, by the jrovcrnment ol oralconk-rance. The General replies n.e i],i„ed Slates. ' at once "Ac should arcrpl."" Not a word about "o» no other Irrms than that the President «iioui,t> dispcv; of it and Taking into consideration the peculiar circumstances of the case — the expedien cy of in:'ul!jinij the Indians in wishes FORT JACKSOX DONATION. 4: which they associated with the treaty, mitigate hen.. Find..- tl.e Gene a si'' eel by them . an.l that the ca.e .nvoh es inexorable they conclude i.ey .nu.t an mvitin- oi.nortunity lor he.towh.g on accede to the term? i.roi,oc it was referred to the committee on public land.[./o«n!o/ 109.] On the 27th of March the committee reported. [Journnl 537-8.] Their re- port is not inserted on the journal, tho' it is a remarkably brief one, iK'iiig in I'lese words: "The committee recommend the fol- lowing resilution: AVso/icti lliat it is in- 'expedient to ratify the donations of land as recoram-nded." This report was committed to a committee of the whole House; hut on the 27th of April, the committee were discharged and the report indefinitely postponed; [Jounial 744.] a quiet and civil method of getting rid of an un- pleasant recommendation. Thus, it appears, that the subject was not referred to the Senate alone, as a part of the treaty making power: but to Congress as an affair that requir- ed legislative enactment to give it ef- fect. Though never acted on, in the Senate, it was acted on in the House, and there condemned and rejected. The silence and delicacy manifested by Congress prove their strong reproba- tion of the thing itself, and their tender- ness for Gen. Jackson with regard to it. Let us now fairly examine this trans- action as it really appears in proof be- fore us. The Creek Indians were a conquered people, and in treating with them, Gen. Jackson was directed to ^•prescribe terms' to them as such. — These terms had been prescribed ; the Indians had manifested great aversion to them, and had laboured several days, *iid hv varioms means t* s»ften and .n" come to this com hision, they assem- blc a'ld send for the General and Col. Hawkins to visit llitm. This visit is made, and the conference opened Ir. the Indians. They first ask some accommodation as to the boundary, which is peremptorily refused. Then a speech is made enumerating the dis- tresses of the Indians, and the obliga- tions they are under to Jackson [for subjugating tlicm and prescribing terms of peace] followed by the ])roposition to •'ive him three miles ^^qu;ueof land,to be chosen where he pleased " Fuoai WH.\T THEV WERE GOING TO GiVE UP.'. The reader has no doubt often heard of an '■•Iiuliangift.'' Here is one in strong colours. Having been compel- led to give vp the land to the United States, they propose to make first, a donation of part to those who compelled them to give up the vhole ! ! By this the Indians could lose nothing; all they [gave away must be taken from the United States, to whom they had al- ready con'^cutcd to give it up. There is an artifice in this, for which (he Ldi- ans could have no motive. It bears the impress of an interested trick, on the part of those who were to receive the land; and every one acquainted with the manner of managing Indian negotiations cannot fail to see it, in its true character. No sensible man can believe that the suggestion came from the Indians. Let no one suppose I mean to insinuate that it came from Gen. Jackson. Far otherwise. The other parties interested were evidently those who made the su^geslior. True, Mr. Hawkins takes occasion to say to the Indians that it '■h csulted from- the impulse of their oivn minds; not from any intimation from the Gen'l, or himself.' This, as the logicians would say, is a negative presnant. Its very introduc- tion is a ground of suspicion; for it betrays a consciousness that the proposi- tion did not look natural and right; and although Mr. Hawkins did not make the intimation himself, I think there is little question he knew who did make it. But no matter whence it originated. The General promptly acceded to ir. J?> Lire oi. GEX. J ACKsox. and minifc-.4cd an entire willingness to ' port it. In the second, language is pu( receive the land. The remark that into Ger.end Jackson's mouiii, and coc- the President " might if he would," duct attributed to him, which he neith- makc other disposal of ii, is very plain- , er ufered nor pursued,as is fullj showii ly ttiroi:\n inforcirectohly;theGener-: by the official document,- connected al never losing an opportunity to afreet ; with the transaction. And in the same the character of lofty and benevolent i manner an incorrect account is given feeling. Ti.e General well knew the of the proceeding-; of tiie President ai:d President " wollo" wA, if he " miout," ; Congress, wliicli brings into view the make the disposition suggested, and 1 ' compliments bestowed on him, bv the therefore hold it clear, that he wished President, and keeps out of sight tbf to obtain the land. The donation to ' disapprobation of Congress. Hawkins met the General'sdecidcd ap- 1 Jn his prelace Major Flaton says: probation. " /ic vias well pleased :" — • "To pre-^ent things truly as they occar- ■ thor conduron lh,s head n-as mneh to , ^^,1 has been the wish of .he Hu.hor. and thcoT'lU of the naaon. | ,,e believes he has s..cceera- jor Reed's children, but to aid Gi'neral Jackson's aspirations for the Presidc.;- cv.'' There is great injustice to Ma- jor Reeds children, in permitting their properly, in the work, to be pirated for G'.iierai Jackson's benefit. A consid crable portion of the first edition is yet or hand, as we may i.'ifer, iVom the fact that it is found as a drug in almost eve- ry book store. The edition published here was got into circulation, by the in- dusirv of a subscription hunter, and the aid of politicid enthusiasm. The profits were pocketed by tliose concerned.— General Jackson's share, being the ad- vantage of circulating an eulogium on himself, the prejudice to the children of Major Reed, that of keeping on hand the fdition published for their benefit. This too, may be higli-nfLnded and hon- orable, in the Jackson system of etiiics, t» my opinion it is dishonest. C. H. M VN WORSHIP. The adulation offered to Gen. Jack- son, on the 8th of January, is without example in our country, or in that from which we dli>si>sippi, and levelling as it goes, not all, but almost all that stand before it."' An account of the celebration at Washingion is before me, and I regiet to say, it exhibits a scene little calcula- ted to raise us, in our own estimation, or in that of otlier people. The com- pany consisted ol all the principal poli- ticians of the country, tiien at U'ash- ington, opposed to the present Admin- istration, and favorable to the election of Gen. Jackson. They were a collec- tion of eminent and able men. It would be equally foolish and unjust to su|)pose that they are not sincerely devoted to, what they consider, the tru(> interests of the nation. Yet all that was said and done is strongly marked by incorrect feeling and iiy bad taste. In all thmgs Gen. Jackson is first, and the country, when noticed at all, only second. One can scarcely read the account witliout a mel.'Micholy recurrence to the history of Rome, from the time of the Caesars. Mr. Livingston made a speech contain- ing a studied eulogium on Gen. Jack- son. The auditory were the conscript fathers: the senators and rcpreserita- tives of a Republican people, and claiming to feel, in the highest degree, an affinity with the people in republi- can sentiment. Nevertheless, as the orator proceeded in his strain of hy- perbolic eulogy, he was acconipanied with enthusiastic reponses, and thun- ders of applause. The prostrate Sen- ate pressing Tiberius to accept of pow- er; his rejdy, that "to choosb or to DECLINE would ill bccomr. the man tcho tcished to be dis^pcnsed with (ihogHhn-^'' the soothing panegyric of Asi;iiu G;d- lus, pronounced upon the same occa- sion, forcil)ly obtrudes n|)0M the mind as presenting a somewhat similar sce-ie. Mr. Livingston's eulogium and t' e regular toasts having been gone thro', Mr. Verplank introduced what he termed a "a noble poetical cjfimion," writ- ten for the occasion at New York, to be sung t!iere,nccompanied with music, which was ibrwarded to him, to be read 10 the compaii\ at AV.ishin's enemies can Hou*ltoly discnbed than that of Alci- Icn a book." , biadrs. It is "stigmatized with ever\ reproach," and "honored with ever\ This was no doubt intended to retal-'eulogium.'' And an eminent writer liate upon Mr. Clay, here described ai has observed, that "we cannot charg< tlic "mo(/rni .//r/WrtrfcV for the ligure j the former with injustice, or the latter which Major Eaton cuts in the ''book." with partiality."' But, in whatever It is not an appropriate or happy refer- [lipht „,• con-ider the rharacter o( ence. On the contrary it is calculated [ Alcibiades. it embraces as manv |)oinl. todireil public attention to times and { resemblinii that of Gen. J.ackson, as characters, with which com|.arisons ! H.at of Mi\ Clav. In beauty of pen-on. maybe drawn, not very favorable to ■ neither of them resemble him, and in the company assembled with Major j what other points the resemblance ex Kalop, when the toast was given. i isfs may he very stroiiijlv di>puled bv The anecdote of the dog is thus re- i the fri'ends of i-ach. AJcibiade- was iated by Plutarch: , „„ orator, so is Clay, and Jackson is MAN WORSHIP. SI not. He was a distinguished General, so is Jackson, and Cla}' is not. It was not so much as an Oialor, as a "Mihla- tary Ciiieftain" tliat he inflicted injury upon his country. Ho is accused of licentiousness, so arc Clay and Jack- son botii. Tlie (irs(, that kind of licen- tiousness, in which most men indulge. The latter, that which is considered much the most reprehensible. He was accused of ambition, so are Ijotli Clay and Jackson. He indulged in luxury. So, too, to make himself popular, in Sparta, he shaved close, bathed in told water, eat coarse bread, and black broth, and like Gen. Jackson, " had the very extraordinary art of engaging the affections of those with whom he con- versed." In one other transaction his situation was not unlike that of Mr. Clay. The demagogue Androdes got up a false accusation against him, which he attempted to sustain by slaves and sojourners. This Androcles, was his bitter enemy, and with others '■'■persund- "d certain oralors, who ii-cre not reputed to he his enemies, but zcho hated him as hearti- ly as the most professed ones,'- to insist on sending him into foreign service, whilst the proceedings went on against him. In another affair there is a strong analogy between his case and General Jackson's. He trampled on the laws of his count'-y, and the rights of his fellow citizens. But in progress of time these things were overlooked, and forgiven, and his return to those whom he had injured, is thus described by Plutarch. "When he was laiulcd, tlie niultitndp lli.lt came out to raeft hiin, dil nut vouclisatV so much as to look upon the other Generals, lint crowded up to him, hailed him with shouts of ?oy, condu'-ted him on the way, and such as could not a;ipr>ach him cp>wn('d him with garlands. While tho'e that could not come up 50 close viewed him at a distance, and the old men pointed him out to the young." Tiiis scene which occurred some- thing more than twenty-two hundred years ago, is not unlike one, which look place within tlie last tw'.'nfy days, in which Gen. Jack^on was the Alcibiades or principal pageant. In another respect there is a striking resemblance between Alcibaides and General Jackson. The first " so gained upon the Athenians that they connived nt his errors and spohr of them with all imaginahle tenderness." Just so a cer- tain part of the American people act in r(!spect to Gen. Jackson. There is a whimsical similarity be- tween Alcibaides and anoihcr great man of the present day, so closely allied with the gentleman of the celebration, that his health was '■'drank standing, with reiterated and thundering applause.'''' "He had great advantajjes for introduciog himself into the management of public affairs; from his birth, his estate his riersoual valeur, and the number of his Iriends anu relations, but uliat he chose above all the rest tiy recummcnd himself by, to the people, wastherbarms oi his eloquence. He was famed far hisbreed of horses, and thenuraber of his Chariots." Alcibiades flourislied at a time when the bad passions of bad men had a mis- chievous sway, upon the councils and people of Athens. Those Avho may take the trouble to acquaint themselves with the history of public affairs at Athens, in the days of Alcibides, can- not fail to be seriously struck with many analogies to what is now in transaction before us. One circumstance is thus narrated by Plutarch: "There was at Athens, one HypERBOLUS of the ward of Perithois, whom Thucidydes makes mention of, as a very bad man, & who was a con- stant object of ridicule for the comic writers. But he was unconcerned at the worst things they could say of him, and bcini; regardless of honor, he was also insensible of shame. This, though really impudence and folly, is by some people called fortitude -ind a noble daring. But thous;h nn one likrdhini, the people nevertheless madi rise of him uhen they wanted to strike at persons in authority. At his instigation the Athenians were ready to proceed to the ban of o-trarism, by which they pvtl doirn and expel such of the citizen" as are distinguished by their dignity and power therein consulting their envy rather than their fear." Here we have a description to the life of a certain Hypcrbolus now '•'•made use of at Washington; a person whom ^•no one likes,''' but at whose instigation, many, " consulting their envy rather than their fear,'' are ready to "/«cn in power. Where tlie end was the same, the means seem to have been prettv much the same, in Rome as they are in Washington. Mr. Hamilton gave a toast. "Mavour country have passed to its credit the dilTerence between that man who has van- tiuished a living hero, and him who is only able to spit his venom on the grave of a dead one." This pcrcontra of the balance sheet. smark« much more of the counting au MAN WOR!«inP. hou5, charac- terized the most ferocious of our spe- cies. The Red Rover of ihe seas, has been alfected by them ;is wel as General Jackson. Tlie author ol VVaverly hardly tiioughtthat he liad in- vested HalbcTt Glciidenning «it)i a trait of charrter that might exempt him from all vi.Ience of feeling and harshness of temper, when he put him to carry the new born infant of Julian Avenel from ihi- tieldof battle, nli ongh old Staworth Bolton commen'ied the deed. Nevertheless the anecdote is cr ditable to General Jackson, and like old Siaworth, 1 would pardon him seme half dozen of his misdoi;.gs, uj)on that account. Foreigners, admirers of monarchical government, ard contemners of Rejub- lican, cannot but exult, when they re- ceive the accounts of the recent cele- brations. They are devoted to a sir.gle man. Bonaparte was never more be- praiscd by the enslaved F^rer.ch. F.i^g- laiid never witnessed such man service. WTien they compare the character a;id services, the pretensions and talents of this idolized being, with the adulation poured out before him,they can sav little ravonil cam ot fail to see that we are (asl pushinginto the current that 'las swept all ri-piibiican governments into tiic vortex of monarchy That we '•outly dispute both the iiicts and the Terence argues little against their ex- "•■tence. 'Were onr eyes open to our REMINISCENCES. J3 dais-.T, it would lie a- an end. and such, pie. But they weie open in their wa» the condiuon of all who have pre- opinions of the unfitness of General ceded us. i Jackson for the station of President. Januarv -2>>. 1S28. i After the election ol Mr. Adams, they j adhered to rbeir old views, occasionally ^ — expressing themselves very sensibly. upon the comparative and respective REJii.MSt E.NCES. , qualifications of Mr. .Adams and Gener- Oiie of tlie rciTular toasts of the great a! Jackson, for the proper discharge Ja' kstin dinner at Washington, is in of the ex'-cutive duties. At different diese Words: i periods. the different gentlemei, became __ . ' irterted with a certain political disease .r..tsm f-KuiepmrTh- con-cienc«ofpub- once Called n/^H/ra%. but now more Kc ftien, and seltin; jart buunds lo tbeir ambj- : generally described as ^^ stradling the tsfn." fence." And since July last, in each A more correct sentiment is seldom case, this disease has assumed the type uttered, ar.d t.i give it practical t-fftct of a confirmed Jackson fever. is tiie -ole oi.icci for whicii tiie present But before I proceed turther. it may work is esia..li-ned. Much good has not be amiss to give some explanatioa l>e;.a effected by a free discussion of of those affected with the disease I have pri.'K-iples and measures. But the mentioned, and its usual probable ter- moit ffficient ageitey ot the press, is that mination. Edmund Burke, a most pro- wi.ich is employed, in a critical exami- foui.d political casuist, thus describes naiio.i of the pretensions and motives of the subjects of this disease, as they ex- th.>se who hold, or are candidates for isted in Ecglcind, about llie jear 1793: office : or who otiierwise disti:iguish | tlie.-n-f-lves in public affairs. Even! " Sach men can serre no cause, for this plain 1 -1 L- _A- _. *' Ti reason — th»^v bave no cauae at heart. They man bears easily his portion Ot general ^„ ^^ be^^^ork onlr as mere mercenaries.- cer.sure. Not so, does he leel a critique Jhej have not been guUtj of great crime* ? bat a'»on hi« own dearlv beloved self. — 't '- "nly because thev have i;ot encrcv of mind Hence ti.e press, to be -#W should '^J^^^Z k'^^'^thtTr^fr^se^a'bTe occa5:o:ially take up and examine the fowls whose flijht is not abovs their dunghill political historv and political preten- or hecruost. Bet they tremble before the an- ■•_ ,- J.1 " I J I „^„. „^„ „r.k„ • Ihors of these horrors. They admire them at a Sions ot the^ould-be great naeo ot the ; ^^^ ^^^ respectful dUti-Jjce.-* Tlere nerer was land. To do this Ul a proper manner, | a mean and abject mind that did rot admire an ha« a two-fold good effect. Just pun- ' intreHi! and delteroos TiUain. In the bottom ishment is indicted upon the delinquent, °^ j}':;\^''Z\^'\wlV^ 2^,6^1l ^i . r T creants to be the only men qualineu lor ^reat and a salutary (ear imposed upon such aflairs^if von set them to transact a business as mav incline to follow an evil exam- with »ach persons, they are instantly subdned. pie. Within the period of the last sea- Tbej dare not somuch as look their antagonist i r in the lace. Thev are made to be their sub- SOn. three eminent characters in UtllO, jects, not their arbiters or controllers. These have pur-ued a S>mewhat extraordi- men. to be sure, can look at attrocioas acu Dar%- course, and some two or three "ilhout indi^aUon, and c,n behold saffenn; , , , Tirtue without sympathy. 1 nerelore thev are great men of lesser note have borne tbem considered as sober and dispassionate men.— company. As thev are all politicians. But thev have their passion?, thonsh of another •ind occupants of. or aspirants after of- ^"«ii f »d which are infinitely more likely to c . . \ , ' - 1 carry them out 01 the path 01 tneir duty. They face. It IS deemed proper lO give them a are of a tame, timid, lansuid, inert temper. place in the .Anti-Jackson Expositor. tehenmrthe ice//ar» o/ others u f»n«nwrf. In At the last Presidential election the ' ^<^ ""'^' =^° they bare no moUve to action, ^, 11 J J 11 I -1 : they never possess any real abUitT, and are to- gentlemen alluded to. were all hostile • „,iy destitute of all resources." '>theonly thing to the election of General Jackson. ! that occurs to such a man, when he has ^ot a Thev were neither active nor efficient '-nl"*^.'"' °^r' *■»» ^i* ^^nds, is, how to .f - L 1 1- ,^ L 1. , :iiake his own tortone oot ol it. Insteaa ol in their hostihty. (I mean the three of , .hinkinz how he shall defend r is grnond to the eminence) because thev are vour pru hist, and if forced to relreat, how little he shall dent cast of men. who' seldom expose | -iye "r, <*"^ fei"^ o'" "a" considers how much , , , , . . ' 1 01 the intt-rest ot bis emploTer he is to sacnhec themselves to labour, inconvenience. , ,„ ^j. adrcrsary. Having'nolhing but himself •or reproach for the good of other peo- in view, he kno'w?. that in scrrins his principa*. 54 BEJUIxMSCENCES. with zeal, he must probably incur some resenl- ment from the opposite party. Hisobjccit is to obtain the pood will of the person «ith whom becouteiids. that when the agreement is made, he may join in rewardiun him. I would not take one of the?e for .ny arbitrator lur ?o much as a fish pond, for if he reserved the mud to me he would be sure to give the water that feil the pool to my adversary." Now, I do not take upon me to say thai our gentlemen of the fence are en- tirtly of (l,e same character liere de- scrihetl. Nor do I assert, that, after sittinsupon tlic fence the appropriate period, and then dismounting on the side oppo.-ite to that from wiiich they ascended, they are still to he consider- ed and estimated, as though they re- m:iiiied upon tlie fence. In general, however, it is very certain that thev ascend tlie fence for the purpose of ta- king the hest possible survey of the contiguous pastures, and, no doubt, ( with the intentionof dismounting upon that side uhicli thev deem the most rich and luxuriant : 'and should they gel into a field of cheat, we mav he very sure that they mistook it for "timo- thy. Probably their object is as cor- rectly described in another metaphor, .-ipplicd to the same general class ol poliliciaus, at a diflercnt period: " They stand in sight And (|uiei|y see the parties fijht, Judgiugthc stroncest side the right, Till anc prevail. Syne, smack, to fa' wi' a' their might, On them wha fail." But to return from this digression to Ihc eminent personages of whom I pro- pose to speak. I must, how ever, pre- 'nise that I find some diliicullvin intro- ducing them, all having been dii^nila- nes enlided to the courtly appellation of i himnrnlitc, \ knttw not how to give a pre- ference, in the order of naininc ihem, Hiat shall be satisfactory to them all. Tliey all commenced their public ca- reer together in high stations, which they all abandoned lur other vocations, where Ihc gradation oflheir importance has been changed, literallv making the first la,-l. and the last first. To follow the prciferencc, as it was arranged, when their honors first blushed upon them, whil>t it graiihed hii,i who would thus he preferred, would lo namini: A//)i last, who has attained the highes'i -tations. and who ..lands now ""most prominently before the public. This might seem inviduous. On the other hand to give him precedence, w ho is now most conspicuous, might be regard- ed as a mean attempt, on my part, to court the rising sun; a thing that I abhor as I do bad wine at a good din- ner. But, in either case, I am compel- led to place much the greatest man, in his own estimation, in Hie middle, wbcrebv I shall certninlv gi\c otfence, for though lliere may be safetv, in a medium there is no honor it. ' To cut tlien this gordian knot, let me sav bluntly: I refer to the late lion. T. Scott, and to the present Hon"*. \Vm. W. Irwi.v and Eatha.v ,\. Brown. In the year 1810, these gentlemen were appointed judges of the Supreme Court of Oiiio, contrary to the constitu- I tion, and in violation of the undoubted rights of the then existin<; Judges. Then this was matter of controversy. .'\orc it is indisputable. It is onlv refer- red, to as evidence that the gentlemen are liable to fall into \ er) capital er- rors, on politic at subjects, where tliev are personally concerned and as evidence also, that, in times by gone, they were willing instruments ofa'tem- porary faction.aiid lent ihemselvesto the erroneous doctrines, the faclionisis set up, lo prevail once, aiid lo be everafter abandoned. After a service of about five years. Judges Scott and Irwin, becanie se- riotisly impressed with the belief that theirhigh lalonts were not sutlicientiv compensated with as;,|.iry of one thous- and dollars p-jr aninim. And because the Legislature would not increase it, they took a lit of the pouts, and, in the midst of the circuit of the court*, with most significant dignilv. sent in their resignations, and returned lo the pro- fession of the law. in the fiill of It!|;>. .ludge Scott was elected a member of the House of Kepreseiilatives from Ross county But he dodged and /omAc/ so man v im- portant ipiestion.s, that the people of [loss coiinly hnt all confidence in him, and he could not be re-elecled. In ini7. his honor who had resigned the chief justiceship with a salary of oric thoqsand dollars. wa,s a cantlidate for the office of President Judge wiih thr KEKIINISCENCES. aamc salary, and [;ol a few votes, so as to stand third on tlic list. From that time, his honor was a standing caiidi- dato for judicial stations, wliencver there was a vacancy, up to 1824, and with about the same prospect of sac- cess. In 1824 his honor warmly advo- cated tlie election of Mr. Adams. A- mongst other Ihinjjs lie wrote a long es- say vilifying Mr. Clay, and General Jackson, which he sent to the Adams committee, at Citscinnati, for puhlica- tion,bu( which.they deemed it impolitic and imprudent to publish. After the election of Mr. Adams, his honor set it down as certain, that the laljourer was worthy of his hire, and accordingly, up- on the first suitable occasion, put in his claim. Conceiving that by (he pas- sage of a new law, or by the death of Judge Tod, there would be a vacancy in the bench of the supreme court of the United States, in the winter 1825- 182G, he drew U]) a i'Ccommendatio!i of himself for that office, and personally solicited subscribers. Having obtained ?omc thirty or forty, he proceeded to Washington, where he bored the Pres- ident, Secretaries and others, with such pertinacious indecency, that it became impo>>il)lc for even their politeness to conceal their disgust. He was disap- pointed, and came home a gentleman of the fence, where he sat gazing a- round him until July, 1827, when the declaimers (i)r General Jackson so be- clouded his virion that he mistook a crop of cheat for timothy, and slid himself down upon the Jackson side of the fence. He attempted a miserable a- pology and again presented hhiiself to the people of Ross county, a candi- date for the Legislature. But mene lekel was written in the ballot boxes, and the ex-chief justice,would-be Presi- dent of Common Picas, w'ou Id-be asso- ciate justice of the Supreme ("ourt of the United States, is left to follow his profession, and sing hosanah to Gener- al Jackson. Next in rotation comes the honora- ble \Vm. IV. Irwin. His honor, having abandoned the supreme judge-ship in 1815, was again willing to take that station in 1817, was a candidate and received a very paltry vote. Again, in 1819. there beins a supreme judge and a senator in congress to choose, his honor long debated, in his own mind, which ol'tue two olliceshe would oblige the people by deigning to accept, aiid finally learned there was no possible chance for him to obtain either. In 1 823, he conceived the state stood in great need of his services for governor, and ol)ligingly consented that his name might be u>cd ; but the ballot boxes bore testimony that his honor's good opinion of himself, had again deceived him. The county of Fairfield, in 1825, compassionating his yearnings for pub- lic employ, elected him a number of the House of Representatives, and he was chosen S[)eaker. Again he felt his budding honors fresh upon him; and a vacancy in the Senate of the Uni- ted States being near at hand, he con- sidered himselfcertainly placed in that station. Sensible that a majority of the Legislature of Ohio, was Anti-Jackson, he took occasion, when out of the chair, to make a flourishing Anti-Jackson speech, on the Tennessee amendment of tlic constitution, which gave him con- siderable repute with the supporters of the administration. He was again e- lected to the House of Reprcsenta- (ives, in 1 826, but not again elected speaker. The election for senator in Congress came on. His honour was a candidate, and voted for, under the impression that he was a friend of the administration, but a belter tried friend was preferred. Disappointment again beset him, and in 1 827 he dis- covered that he bad been a lacksoninn for the last several years!! His seat upon the fence was of short duration. He floundered from one side to the j other, with all the confidence of a dri'.nken sailor,and deserted old friends and courted new ones in a style which Arnold himself could not have exceed- ed. Next fall his honor is to be a can- didate for Congress. As 1 am no pro- phet, but an historian, it behoves me to be silent I come now to the Honomhle Ethan Alku iSroavi, who, from a lawyer with- out practice, was made a judge of the SupremeCoiirt. in violation ot'the Con- stitution, and in violation of (he right of another judge; and who was re- elected judge, because he had kept his 56 KEHINISCENCKS — VIRRIMA CONVENTIO.V. station when hi.s colleagues resigned in digiiilicd dud<;eon about salary: who ivas afterwards elecled Governor to get liinr off the bench, in opposition to a candidate, a Bee-hcxter by prolcssio', who could hardly write hi* name And who was re-elected Govertior when no one else sought the station. Accident and the unpopularity of the opposing candidate transferred him lo the Senate of the United States, in the descent from which station, his fall was com- passionately broken, by the appoint- ment of Kund Commissioner to the ca- nal. The offices conferred upon his honor were matters tangildc to his senses: the chapter of accidents by which he attained them was too sulitle for his comprehension. He fancied h\mse]( a pro-'Ii-ffi-ous great man, and his greatncsship has taken offence, at we know not wiiat. He mumbles miser- able F'rench. and therefore thought he should have been sent minister to Mexi- co. He could not see or feci a reason, why he was not conliyucd in the Senate of the United States, for he had no comprehension of the accidents that placed him there: So he became soured and mounted the fence. He once lived in New York, and Dcwit Clinton had accorded him the honor of being one of his retainers, ten degrees removed, about in the station occupied by Caleb Afwatcr; consequently Ucwit Cliriton must be the greatest man in the world; Dewit Clinton him>elf sat upon the fence, looking which side he should take, and the honorable Ealhan Allen Broivn was conformable. At length Dewit Clinton declared for Jackson, and the honorable Enihnn Allen Brozrn exclaimed. "/ en/ diltn." For this he heads the Jackson tiiket in Ohio, and linds hini-elf rcparated from most of those, who helped to make him a great man, and associated wilii those who have uniformly opposed him, and <.'ven affected to despise him. F.rce ■ji^niun! Of the /«.<£»• great men, I will now name only two. Firstly. The Honorable David Smith, his ride ujton the fence and tinal lounge into the cheat |)asl ire are larless selfish than that of his compeers. He is more zealous than mcrcenar)'. But unfortunatelv he is also more zealous than discreet. Those who si.oulu i:ave cherished him as a colleague.have heat 'lim off as a drone. He ascei.did ihc fence reluctantly, and sal upon if cast- ing many a "longing lingering look" U|>o)i tlie field-i from which he was ex- p' lied. His case is a hard one, and calls for commiseration rather thnn censure. Second. The Honorable John C. S!>orl,a gentlemari who^e moritid sen- bilities became desperately excited, at some fancied insult to the niaiies of a deceased relative, in reveiige of which, he felt himself constrained so to act. a? to excite suspicions, in the mi ds of many, again-^t living ones; taking care however, to reap lor himself, an imme- diate reward for bis change of course. His seat upon the le^ce was briet^ if ii.decd he sat all. His change of po- sition resembled the leap of a breaciiy horse, and his apology bears all the marks of being manufactured for the occasion. He has been cordially greeted bv his confederates; and tliey mav,no doubt safely trirst him. I am very sure liis ca-e is not that of Sear- gcant Champ, v. h:itever else it m;'.v be. RFMRMBRANCER. VIHGIXIA COXVFrVTIOX. The subjoined extract, from the Ad- dress of the Virginia Anii-Jackson Con- veiilion.is considered a particularly ap- I pio|)riate article to be inserted it' tlie I Anti-Jackson Expositor. It pourtrays , in vivid colors, the strong objections j that exist to the election ot Gen. Jack- ! son. President of the United States, ai:d I it is recommended by the consideration, j thai it proceed* from tliose who were I neither original >uppor!ers of ]\Ir. Ad- lams or Clav. The base and stale I charges of coalition, bargain, and trans- j feree, can in no sense he applied to the framersor adopters of this address. — They were neither Adams men, imr I Clav men, nor have they been engaged •in supporting or eulogizing either ol these di>tinguished men. They are meii of higli standing, of mature age, and of the first order of character in I Virginia. The opiiiioi,* they advance ■ are not liable to the objection thatthw VIRGINIA COJIVEJJTION. 57 are pensioned editors, or beggarly of- lice seekers. Tiiey occupy siations in life to which the^e iniputuiions cannot attach. Ami wliatcver they assert is entitled to the higiest conlidcnce. — Nothing is more maiiilest than that a regard Cor t!ie cou-itry, and just apprc- hosionofthc coiisequence of rnaknig Gen. Jackson President, arc the sole motives of their action. And surely the redecting part of the community cannot permit themselves to disregard sened. F om wliat lia? r. cci; J. t i iS- pired in Congress, it would seem ; lat tiie illegality nf this execution is noi to be longer dispulcd; anaticnipt is lo be made, to ca>t the blame ironi Gc'ienil Jackson to Governor Blount of Tennes- see; this cani.ot succeed. It was the duty o( Gen. Jackson to know tne law, and the ign )raiice or indiscretion of Gover;;or iilount, w!io was noi called to decide in a case of liie and d*'ath, can- not be ^et up as a ])lea lor him. He the opi'iions of such men, called out i perpetrated a %„/ murder, if that under such circumstances'. I which the law did not aulhorize can Thev are not tlie men, who in lG24,jbe considered legal, if not, then the denounced Gen. Jackson, and depre-i homicide is v\it;ioul any justification, cated his election as a rwxc upon //icj But furlherintrodu.tiouis useless. Tiie anintri/. Thev arc not the men anathe- 1 extract from the address speaks for if- matizcd by Gen. Jackson at that time,' self. Let every well meaning man read tar otherw'isc— Those who manifested it, and, if he can, lay nis hand upon hi« so much horror then at the thought of i lieart, and vote ibi Gen. Jackson. Gen. Jackson's success, are nozv his ac- "The fnenUs of Gen. Jackson have cofiacBt-. live supporters. There seems to have i b h^ia hun up, as the favorile of the People— 1 a; •• ft • *!,„:.. .^., I have iusi ted ihut, 111 the last election, liis plu* been an aftmity of temper in their mu-! ^^,,^^y ^,|.^^j^^ _,_.^;^,l ,,„^j^j^^ n.e choice of the tual violence, that recommends them , nalion— and have bitt.rly cdi.ii.lamed, that to each other. Like all extremes they i <('«' choice was impro. eriy disapijointcd by the meet and harmonize. The supporters of Wm. H. Crawlbrd, have brought themselves to ofler adoration to Gen Representatives in Congress. Never was there a n.orc direct appeal to thos« prejjdicesand passion?, which, on ail occasi(jnp„ the good shoiilil disdain, anil the \vi:e should Jackson, and to support John C. Cal- repre-s: ntverwasa complaintmoreultprlv un- , r> t iL ti Til' J J iloundeil; and neverone niore characteristic of houn. But the authors of this address ,hat disr.^ard f,.r the Con-iitutn,n, which ha. notof the number. A\ hilst they vin-i been maniiested on more occasions thaii one, dicato the I)ublic course of Mr. Adams, »''«" ■'-' l"-ovi>-iou stood in the way of General , I I ,1 1. 1 ■ -n 1 Jackson's Uiarcli. thev do not Hatter him, eitlier as a pub- 1 ., ^ , , • ,. o , , r ,. • . ^ rrii \ i Whether Gen. Jackson IS the People's favo- hc or private man. ihey content '^^^ „ to be tested b:> the evmt, not a,?uined as themselves with speaking the truth,' the bails of the pei.dins eliction. 'that his naked and unad. rned. Neither dol plurality of votes prove,) him to be ti.echoiceof , . , , . ,. ., ,. ■ I the nation at the last elecuoii, we conlidentlr tlicy indulge m ranting vituperation, or j ^1^,,^. ,( .^^^^ ,„.ri,ap., be found, upon exam- Vulj;ar invective against Gen. Jackson. | iaalion, that, w idle Gen. Jackson had a plurali- And whilst thev expose the mischiev-; 'V of electoral v.,les, Mr. Adams had a phirali- , , - ' , ^,. 1 I tv ol voles at the poll- ; and we are corlidenf, OUSand dangerous tClidencyof Ins pub-j^,,,ti|Mr. Crawford and Mr. Cla^ had beer lie conduct, diey ex;>ressly actiuit him I withdrawn from the canvas.^, and the come' of any evil design against the public l had been single-handed between Gen. Jack>or , ■' , ,, ,.^,1 . 1 i . ti and Mr. .\danis, the election would liive resulti good. In all this their conduct is the L^, ^^ ,t has done, in the choice of .Mr. Ad- rcverse of that pursued by the support- ams. trs of tiie General. Tiiere is a tern- But this isnot the li?ht in which this question ,.^ 1 1 i. ii • J 1 diserves consideration, riieuiindsol the peo- per a- diik-rent between this adiliess, ,,,p „„^,,j „„t ,„ ^e influenced by such exirane- aid tlie JiroceedingS of t!ie Washington ous considerations; and above all, t!ie i>nnci- Jackson dinner, as if they took pl;ice h''e' of ""■• Constitution ou-hi not to be abused, , ,, ' , f y./j- ,' bv ailiiiiltiiis; fv>r a moment, iliat the nluraiity amo.lgst the people ol a ddlerent COUn- | „f ^.^i^, ^„e„ ,„ General J nckson, -honld hnVe try. They Sta:id in as strong con- 1 i^ovemed the choice of Ihi- Hou>^-*"'''- V ''" "°t meai to say, that a ,_,,"_,, . . . ■ 1 iiroocr res.. ert for the wishes ol the nation, lair fuul Ebonji. The one is characterised by a dig litied moderation, tlie other b\ a desperate a"d reckie?-; violeme. In this aii!;ht not always to be observed by its Reoresi-ntaii'es. Rut we do say, th'.t the present t hicf .MaRitrate holds his se.it t.y (he will of the pennl of the IJhiied States, I'iU arly exjiressed, in ili.-o:ily way in v. hirti an expression of that will has any authority. s» VIKGINIA CDNVENTIOJT. They hnve uilleil, in the uiost soicnaii form — in the I'onii or a CuiistitutioD, which Ihey de- clare thall be llie sujirtme law of the hind — that a plurality of votes sliall n>>t coDstituteaii election; that, when then' is such plurality, the Hepresentativcs shall cU ct, voting hy slato. Thus withdrawine from the people, that equal- ity ol influence whioh is ;iivcn them m the lir-t vote, ai.J tran-ierring it to the stales in the secoiui. This provision ol" onr Con'tituli m is in tue true spirit which pervades the whole of it, anJ which oiark^ it the result of a conference between state-i, siirreiidenngin part, and retain- iusin oart, their political equahty Shall tin* •pirit bi; appealed from, on every occasion in which it was intended to sooUie ind conciliate, and tiie spirit of faction be invoked, to osnose our lllngi^t^ate3 to unpHt prejudice, and brins ou"^ ihstituti.na into discredit! These Ihinu'' are revolutionary iu their tendency, and oughi to be diicniraned. Of like character is the complaint again^it the Ken'u. ky delegation. Cor di^i«t,'arding the in- tttnctions of their Legislature. We have too loucli rt-:i|iect for the Lepslatiire of Kentucky losup;>o-. It was i.. the office of Sec- retary of state, bestowed on Mr. CI ly. If thi; were true, we should not hesitate to a.firai,that It stamps inlamy on the characters of the guilty, ai~i.jcnders tliem forever unworthy of public trust. This charge, not so strongly, howcv r, a* hai oeen here staled, was made for the first time, .•endi.ig the PreddentiaJ election. It was roiuptly met, and challengoil by ^Ir. Cl.iy, and deserted hy its supporters. They rallied a^ain, aft r the election, gave it a form soiiiewhat va- reid, drew to it some imposiii^ circuiiistan- ces, and, at last, gave it the public sanction of General Jackson's name. Mr. Ciay again publici) denied it, called for thB proof, and c!;allenged inquiry. No proof has appeared to sustain it, no inquiry h:is been ^nttituie'i. and now in all iLs ph.dy of jiroof, so s tron; an i 'i) c niviiiciiig, at to re^piire from the li-astchdrilalile. its open dis- avowal, and from the most 'us|,ici,„,5^ ^ candid ackiiowledgciuent, th.it they have done injus- tice in even thi:ikiiig it probable. It may not be unw«»rthy of notice, as one of the means by which the public mind has been preju liced and lollamed.th.it opiii;ons,the most olTensive to a Rep'-hlicao peuple.have been nu- warrantalily auduiicaiilidly irfered from s.jiue ■ rete.l, niid used as the utilhorit) upon which the Prcs i^leiit is charged with the heresy, that a representative owes no oblieation to the I rtillof his constituents. On another occasion, I incautiously taking it for grauled that eiery j one wuul 1 uuderstanil thai the high obligation of an oath was lierived from Heaven, he has again, perhaps, witiioui innch felicity of phrase, I made an obvious, though not avowed rtferencj I lo hisoith of oiBcc, as im osing an obligation above all human law — and this reference is tor- t tureil into .1 pualic avowal of the oUious doc- 1 Ihae, that his political power was jure divino. j If these hod been the taunts and the railing of aiionyiuou* newspaper scribbler*, they would I have been dnen.ed unworthy of this public 110- I tice. But when such ch.irges arc seriously made and reitenUed, by men hohling high sta- tions in r.e go*trnuient, ami exercising strong iadueuceover pnohc opinion, they cannot be loi' -tr,«igly Condemned. Mr. AJains, it is .said, is friendly lo a regula- tion of the Lirilf of duties, with H view to the enconraeement of American nianiifaetures, and [ this is clnjii'een treated, be- fore the public, as if .Mr. .Adams were the found- er of a new and odious dortrine, and the father of the me. isures to which he hid given biilh.— Nothing ran he further irom the truth. Not a sinxle act of covernment. on this snhiect, has its (e within his administration. And so far is he from bcinc the foumler of the doctrine, (lint it istraieil to the earliest and purest limes ' of the Republic, uvowed and acted upon from VIRGINIA CONVENTION. Sfi thi: Ibumlaiioa of the Governnn^nt when the F;itlu?r olhisCuiiutry presided ovrrits dc?tiiiK-s. Bi.r.ire the adopti );i oi'the Federal C'onstitii- tii)i., the power of regiilutiiigcomiiicrce, anil ini- pgjing duties oil ini iDfts belonged to the ^lite Governincnts, and such nfthein, as doenn d it expedient, s;> r»gul*ted their tariff of duties a* to •^ive encouragecoenl to tlieir niiiii;ifactiire=. — The (^u!i!n, advoca- t('d hy James M'l .ison, and signed b)' George VVashinsTton, on I'le vcrniiciit, 'orihe diseh irge of the deblsof the United States and the encouraff^'ment and proti'ction of inanufactures '' This doctrine was ai:ted upon, by e\ery ^ucccedinir Adminis- tration, by the older Adams, by Jeirersou, by Mndisun, and >I I'.roe. The policy of protecting Sz encoiira:;in^ tnannfactiires was recommend- I cdhythem di; the t irilF was increased from time to time, wiih a view to that object ; and yet, no champion ol tlie Constitution, thougii many and bold in<\ able there were, always at their posts, e\er ctiall'iiged the authors of these measures, as invader- of constitutional crouiid; until, during the administration of the last Pres- ident, whi'nthe fathers of the Constitution, hav- ing mist of thim retired from the field of action, a nii'iibcr ironi Virginia suggested, in Congress, tlie wait III con'litutional power to give pro- tection to manufactures. On this question we forbear to enter the field of argument; and content ourselves with sav- ing, that the power of Congress to regulate the taritr of duties, so as to give protection and encouragement to agricultiir'', manufactures, Ciunmerce, and navigation, cannot be denied, without dnnyiiig to the letter of the Constitu- tion its plain import, and to its spirit its most obviousandcs-enti il attributes, w th.jut alfirin- ing ihat those who have adiuinislend the Gov- ernment, from its foundation to the present day have either misiin lerstnod the charter of their powers, or wan'only an I habiiually yio- lat"dit; wiinait coming to tile e>;tr lordinary conclnsiiin, either that a power which existed in the State Governments, and was freipienlly esercise.i by them before the adoption of the Fed. ral Constitution, was annihil.Ued by the secret and magical influeneeof that instriiinont, or 'hat such powerdoes not properly pertain tu the Legislature of any free People The exercise of this powcris necessarily refer- red to the sound discretion ofCongres5,tobe just- Iv anti impartially employed for the common bemfit of all — not to he perverted to the purpose of advancing the interests of one class of com- munity, or of one part of the country, at the ex- pense of another; and whatever some of ns may think a» to its abuses uniler a former adrnini-- tration, or of the danger of such abuses under the present, ill must noncurin the opinion, that the remedy is not to be found in the electiim of General J.icks'in; but, ifsought at all, should be looked for in the vigilance and exertion of faithful and able Senators and Representatives in Congress. The opinions of Mr. Adam=, and his reeom- aicndations to Cengrets, in relation to internal improvement are iinpopuhvr in Virginia, and have been urged against hiiii with much > arie'st- ness, & perhaps with some ilT -i t, even though it cannot, witti any *oior of reason, be contended, that his comjietitor, 'ren. Jackson, is exposed to precisely thf eame objection. We tloliot vindi- cate tiiese opinions, or discuss them, because they fall within the interdict we have imposed upon ourselves — wedilfer in opinion concerning them. But we will remind you, that the^e opin- ions, whatever may be their merit, have produ- ced but few and unimportant act-, during the present .\liuiHistrati')U: and we will avail our- selves of the occasion to ap|ie il to the good sense and feeling of Virginia, and invoke itf inll leiice in tempering the asperity of party politics, and securing to every subject of nationn al interest, a deliberate and candid considera- tion. VVe beg leave also to remind them, that the questions of Constitutional law and State policy connected with this subject, are.impor- lant, d'dicate, and of acknowledged dilliculty ; that there are array 0(1 on cither side ofthein, ] .Staiesuien of approved patriotism and talent, I whose opinions should be examined with great consideration, and whose measures, if deemed wrong, after being judged with candour, should he opposed with reason,not with passion — with ; firmne-s, not with violence; — that those among us, who deny the Constitutional pow'er, and condeiiiii the policy, should entitle ourdoc'rineS 'o respect, by the fairness of our views, and the force of our reasoning, and give weight to our opposition, by its temper and its dignity ; while those who alfirm the power, and approve the policy,shoud observe the most tespectl'ul def- erence for the opinions of the many and the wise, who differ from them ; and should consult the public interest and tranquility, by confining their measures to objects of acknowledged and general interest, by infusing into them a spirit of the most exact justice: and by observing, in all things, scrupulous care in the exercise of a power so delicate, and so much coiitrovtirted. Thus far, we have endeavored to correct er- ror and disarm prejudice, that reason m giit be left free to estimate fairly the present AdmiiiiE- tration, and its principal measures. VVe have oU'ercd no panegyric on the present Chief .Ma- gistrate; — vve cheerfully leave you to estimate the value ofhis long and varied public services, his great experience, his talent, his learning, and his private virtues, — and to set off against tiicm, wh.atever your fancy (■ • your judgment may iiiid to blame, in his private or public life. Wh'Mi you have done this— rellect on the char- acter of the office you are about to fill — incjuirc what fe lings, what tompor, what talent, what acijiiirements, what habits, are best suited to the discbarge of its high duties; and then care- I'iilly compare John Q. Adams with .Andrew Jackson, in reference to the great question. — Which of them is best qualified for the first office in the nation — which most likely to preserve to us the distinguished blessings we enjoy — (roai which is most ila'.ger to he apprehended to our peace and happiness, our live- aad liberties? It is not in wantoness that vve secak; but, in the sadness of onr hearts, we are compelled to declare, that, while we yield our confidence to the present Chief Magistrate i.i very different degrees, we are unanimous and unhesitating in the opinion that Andrew Jackson is nltogcihei unfit for the Presidency, and that his eltction j would be eminently dangerous ; tl,a.t, ivliile mc (iO VIR«rXIA CONTENTIOX. cheerfully Hcrord tn him hi« full share of the glory »li]'h rciijers the aiiiiiv>-r';irv ol' the 8ih ofjiiu iry, a day of joy and triuii>|)h lo uni IhiiiI, wp niu$t,in the must l avow ihil nothint; has occiirretl in the history of our coiiii try so much calculate I tosh ike our confidence in the capacity of the people for sclf-guvern- Jiient, :i» the hiT .)rls wliirii have been made, an are yet i.iakin.-, to cicvale to thi; tirst .itiice in military subordinate to the ciril power; that luercy evento the guilty, and humanity always lo the conquered and the captive, are pan of the law ofCioil and wan, found in etery civili- sed code, written iji every human heart, and iiidisjieneable to the true glory of the Her p. General Jackson h 19 bc'-n unmindful of these truth!:. Though he has enjoyed cubordiiiation b. precept, and enforced ii by authority, he lii-" not recoinnienilol it by example. Hoha-oiri r- cd indi,-nity to Itie ?ecrrtar) of War, in the then iiioM, V'C linn, who, disob'->i'ii{ the onlers very letter which aMiijiKil his reasons for ilisO' of hii nuperi'irs, tr minlin; on the laws and Con sti'iition of h 9ciiu:.tr>, sncnficini; the liberlie- and lives of men, ha^ in.'i.le his own arbitrary will the rule of hi? conduct. In ^tatiii;; anopi'tion «o unfavorahlo to d dis- b. ying un order to iiisbiiml hi- troops; he his placed his own autliority in o position to ih it if the War Ueiiartmcnt, by a general order, fir- bid lin^ the oiLcers nf his command to obey the iinlersofth t t)-partoi"ni, mile-- th y p;isfcd tin^jwisii.-d lua., who has rendered valuable scr- | through the channel which he ha I chosen to rice* to hi- country, a proper re-poii his trial, when to have coii- vvHs ample o;> ■ortunity for di-tinctlon, if he ' demneil and executed him, wouhl haveexi>o=ed po-»s-ed the talent, taste, and application suit- j the actors in the fatal tragedy, to the legal cd for civil eminence. B.it he resigned three, ! pains of death; by suspending, of his own arbi- aail paivseil through all of these stations, a-- I trary will, the writ of habeas eoqwf, when the k'lowle'ging his unlitncss in two instances — Legi-^latiirc of Louisiana had refused to susiend manifestly lecling it in all — and leaving no sin- it on hisapplication, when no law ofCongress g'e act, no trace behind, which stamps his | aiithorizeii it, and no iin i.inent danier pleaileil (jiialiacitijns above mediocrity. F'lrcivil government — and in no station more etufiiiatically t!ian :n that of President of the United States — .iwell governed temper is of ad niittid i iipurtance. General Jackson's friends laaient the impetnosity of his, and all the world has vi'lenceof its fierv mi-rnle. Ti maintain peace and hanoony in flic deli- e:i'.-rela!i.>n» existing between the Government of the Union and (he various State Government- in iMir Ciinfeler icy, reipiires a courte-y and f irbearane.e in their i.itercourse. which no pas s;!''i shoiil.l di-t irb. Let the spirit of d.niiina ts apology ; by arresting and imprisoning Judge Hall for is-ning the writ of haocas corpus to re- lieve Lonaillier trom illegal confmem.-jil, and nrrc'tingand imiihsoninc two other oliirers of the law, lor ap|)ealing to civil pricess against his tyrannic rule; by the arrest, trial, and esc- culioii of il to the freetloni of iiian'ktnd. Military men should lever be allowed to for- re'. !li'»t the obligation 1. 1 ehey being the sole f.iiindati n of th aahurily to comiii ind, thev sho.ii.l i'i.:nle^iesrih.irdiiialion, nil by precepi only but by ex-Miiile; that profoniitl re-[»ect for the laws .mil C«iMstitiition of their eoiinlry, i- a'l iiidi'neasahle guar.intee of their worlSines- to lie eiilrnsted with the sword which is drawn to defrnil them; that Ihi-y sho'ild lose no fit oc- '^-isi'iii tor niaiii cersof the militia, to the stales respectirely ; and by making w.ir U|Km the Snanish territory, seizing and hoi liii; Spanish iiost*, in violation ■)f the order of his government, and whil-t peace exictcd between Spain anil tlie United States. That mercy an'l humnnity may unite with the olTen'led La« ami Constitution, in acciisiiij; rjen. Jack«on i>f being unmindful of their voire, tiid in refusimr to his laurel crown the rays of true cliirv, will he aeknowlc'lced by impartial nosteritv, when they review Ihe lii''t'>ry of his I idtaii cani'tai^ns, and es'>ecially when they ting that respect, bv practical i read the stories of Ihe coM blooded massacre a"t illustriDn. of the principle, saered in every 1 1 le H.rse Shoe; of the deeoved and slaughter- well ordered Republic, whiel» proclaims the led Indians at St. Marks; of the wantoii and VIR&INIA coxvEvrro?f. fii nnexampled ex..c.ition of *'"''"»'"' ^"^L ! d.slima,., tbun.l 6fM„x?, it .' true, .n the rank. If thM Sem.noles b.H taken |.r.soner. tr.c.1, I doo.ur.l to a miUler punishment, and execut.-, bv..r>ler o. the comman l.n- General, a^.in.t the.entcnce of the tr.bn.ial appo.nte.i b.v hu..- self: an.l ..fthe st.U ..iore inj .red Arbntl.n .t, a„„ I.er Br.ton, not beanjii arms at all,oMl> fo.in.l :m..,nc th^ warring IimI.hm^ a trider, aiid auadvoc ite lur peaee. ... ^ , We have doae with thi« -icUeninj catalisTMe. Y.o, have now a bnef Mi,n...ar.> ol the oyid. ncc, on 'he anlhoritv of which we r jard General Jaok«on a- wholly d.^qnaltfi. .1 for the Pre=ulen- cv, i.id lo k t. t;ie ,-ro^..c. t of his election with til' ino't £;1 >omv forl■b.)dl^g^. You think, oerhans, we oav a I'Oor corapli- me'it t> the virtues of our p.'.>ple, and the .tr-M-lh .ifo.irinHitnti'.ns b. i id il-inj m ap- prrhJii'i'.isofdn.'er from the en .roachment. of ..iliiarv ,)OW.r, m tie voiith an 1 usorof our R .i.iblic,andinthe niid=t of ir.f..und peace. Wh should, inieed, do ^r^.'l i i.i'i^ice to the virlni- of our People, the cir.-.utnst..nces of our coinirv,am! the value of our Government, if we in iu:g.-din the idle fe^r, (hat an open altuct ,M>..n our liberties, male with any m.litarN f„r-e which General Jack-on cnld probably rommaiid la the course of his adiiunistralion, would bri.i? us under the vok ol his POwer — These arenotoura.nrehen-ions: we woul 1 bid a pr )ud deSance to hi- i.o.ver, il he should so J ,re our liberties. .\ .r will we do hina the in- i'lstice trtcharjK hi< ambition with any ilesigns, at (iresent, on 'the liberties of his country, or withhold our acknowledgement, that, if they were availed by oth-r=, we h lieve 1 he would proinplly and boldly drawn bis sword to detend But we have no security for the continuance of peace, in whatsoever hands the Government mav be placed; and it is not unreasonable to thiiik, that in the hand* of a man of military pride and talent, and of ungovernable temper, the danger of w.ir will bo increased. .\ foreign war may come, niay ra5e with violence, and fiml Gen. Jar.kscu at the h'-ad of the civil gov- ernment, and commander-in-chiet of the land and naval forces. Dissentient views araonj the States may arise, controversies crow up between the State and Federal authorities, asdis ensions and controversies have heretofore arisen ; and who, then, we pray you, can answer lor the consequences uf that spirit which sail to Gov- ernor Rabun, fVlien. I a.n -n tlic field, you have no audfriti/ to is.tuf a miliUiri/ onltr? Reflect on this question, we beseech you— on the pecu- Jiar structure of our government; on the colli- sions of opinion, and the threatened colli-ions ofnction, both in peace and war, which have already occurred between the State and Feder- al -tuthorities— and then tell us. whether the fear is altogether visionary, that the first foreign w»r, seriously waged acainst the United States, with Gen. Jackson their chief, would bring danger of civil discord, dissolution of the U- ni H^and deatlito the hopes of every free govern- ment in the world. We say nothins of the danger of civ.l discord. even when no foreien war should afflict us— tlwiiigh the retrospect of a few short years would teach us that such ilanjer is not imagin- ary—and that the slishtest want of tact, in its management, the least indulgence of temper, -xi the part of the Chief Magistrate, might in- flame the whoK- nati in, and light the luoeral pile o freedom. There arc dangers of another kind. If we art; "-■rrect in the detail of offences committed by G iieralJackson, against theiuo^t sacred prin- ciples of our Government, what will be the mor- al effect of the direct sanction given to these of- fence-, by rewar.ing the offender with the first ho.ior oT the nation ! Can we preserve our love and revereice for institutions which we suffer 1,1 be violated, not onl) without censure, but with applause. Will not our affection and our Trneraiion be transierred from thode-pised La«s and Constitutions, to the lionored 1I« ro wlio his abuse 1 them — Irom republican simplicity and virtue, to military pomp and glory J Will you not,inCne,by sucii example, lay the sure f.in- ilatiou of that moral depavity, and admiration of irms, whicli must soon reduce us to the con- dition in which Greece was eu'l ived by Ales ander; Rome, by Caesar; F.-igland, by Crom- well; France, by Bonaparte ; and in which we will assuredly li'id «oine future J ickson, not too fastidious to' accept the proffeied crown, and erect a military despotism on the ruins of the last Republic. We appeal to the people of Virginia, to ■iay what there is in the present party pilitics, so alluring on the part of Ihe O|iposilion. so Irighiful on the part of the Administration, a? to reduce them to Ihe fraternal ernhraie. or drive them under the piotection, of snch a man as .-\ndrew Jackson? We ask an answer to this ques tion. not from their otTeiided priue, not from the prejudice which attarhment t party never fads to beset; bul we ask it from" their love of country, their love of truth atiH virtue; we ask i!. afler a deep and dnpassioiiate consideration of the true state of the question; after a candid esti- mate of the Itltle to he possibly gained by the rejection of Mr. Adams, the incalcu- lable mischiefs winch may probably attend the success of his rival If you indulge the faint hope, that, under the Adminis- tration of Ciener;»! Jackson, the trilue which asrricultiire will pay for the encour- a;jement of domestic industry ;ind eiitcr- pri-e. will be someivh it lighter than at present— we ask you fiist. whether the hope is not groundless? and next, wheth- er it is wise to insist on enjoying the profits of your estates in the uttermost farthing of their fancied value, at the risk of hav- ing your free allodial lanas converted into military tenures or liefs of the crown? If vou are fighting liie battles of General Jackson, in this political contest, with the vain hope that victory will conquer from your adversaries some barren spot ofcon- stitiition:il ground — He ask whether you will wage such a war w iih your counlry- men. at the hazard of laying all your con- quests, and all your former possessions — tne Constitution itself, and the freedom if 82 VIRGINIA CONVE.\TiO\.~'-TIIE Ql ESTION. was intended to protect — at the feet of a j gamcnt. The ^ilsehoud assumed in thi« propo- (Icspot ? This does not become the char- j sitioncau hardly now be denied by rxiiy hcuest aclcr of Virginians! j man. The pruof leares no room i .r il.mbt.— In tlie uncient state of political parties. | And the most iaiprndpnl ptrvorsioncan do lon- rihen federali>t ■ k lepiililic ins couten'iei.' [ gcr say any thiiii; to give c»li>r to the charge, for ascendency, there was something in j Mr. Clay's Address and tbedocumtnts accom- • llie great question? of foreign policy, iu : panyinc it, have settled the "t/ie question." the leading principles of const.-TjctioM ap- 1 In this ?tatc of the case, thecentnl while- plied to the conMitution. bearing strongly , wa=hin?c..ra.iiittee at Washington have i.^sued on the C'f-enlial character of the Govern- 1 a proclnmation for proof, and have m..dc a loud roent,and worthy of a generous struggle! ,.„unt of what thev intend (o do. And the between the statesmen, »vho. on the "no i felograph Colonels ;,ar no6,V^ /ru't.nn, a pair hand sought lo guard ag nnst a dissolution of nohle broih.-rs h'-v opened their .^wr. of of the I n.oii, by strengtnening the F ede- ibiii.o^g^te u-on Gen. McArthur, Col. Brent, ral bond, and, on the other, endeavored to i^nj ^,|,„,. ■J.^^^ Annies and blackzii^rds in avert consolidation, by establishing more , Congress and out; th.' Deshasand ihe Di«->,ns firmly the Slate authorities. But this state ^^,^. Enquirers Repoblican., and .Merrurie,, of things has passed away and the fee!- ^<,,th, South, F.ast, and Wcsf,_open ,n cn- ings and doctrines to which it gave rise.,,, rt. The scene is not nnl.ke one which may though not entirely forgotten, are almost I (,,. sometimes witnessed in a court of ju^tic^, iinknow-nin the party di-tinctions of the j „.,,^„,^„„,j ^„^„^^,^^„^^, ,^ ^„^^^^ ^^ .„ day Federalists and republicans mingle U^^^^^,^ ^^^^^j^,, ^ ^^ ,^^„^ ^^^, tojether in the ranks ot the opposition — I , . u „ i • i- f", ., ,, ^ . .1 I J 1 , champions, who arc ready to swear, lie, or and, tosrother rally aroifnd the standard of , .' , . . •' . ' ' .V • ■ . .■ >ni, 11 1 tieht lor her, as occasion may require, the Administration. There will be no ^,, . , ... , ;, /... , , r- ,.,■ 11, .1-1 It IS now beyond dispute tht this cliarje of ereat principle of political doctrine to (lis- , •' , ■ ^ ^^ ' , ^. .', ,. ' I .L i-> . ■.■ ri I bargain and corruption originated wilh General tmiruish them, unless the Opposition, fol- 1 , = ,» o •, , =. . , 1 ., r . . c .1. I Jackson. xVlr. Buchanan had loivmg too closely the lootsteps ot those had a conversAtion with hira, which the general entirely luisun- who trample on the Laws and Constitution . , ,,,... of the country, should give to the suppor- j '^'="'°'"''. '^"'' ""^°'" f«f ""I"'"? '" '"^ for tersof the.Vlministralion some daim to I "l'"''"''^''"' I'^"''"?'"^'* ''" misu.ken version, be the champions of civil rule and consti- ('"J^""""^ conversations with various persous intional law. Shall our parties be hereaf , ""d at various places, notwithstanding which, in his Beverly letter, the Gencr.il hail so little regard to the real state of fact, as to say that the "6e^innin?q/"fie;noU'^« General Jackson, hating Ucn prtiioushj ner at Columbus, very candidly confessed thnl!?"i'f the rnersc." Major Eaton asx-rt., too, Mr. Adams was to be turned out of oilioe, not that until this time Mr. Clay had concealed hi? for what he had done, but because he was in. Uo distinctly asserted— "the ftiTSTioN I'j ni/ ir/iot he has done ? but hoie he ;;rul the infer ence so much insisted upon, that I must have told the same thing (o Mr. Kalon and others of his political I'ricnds, is wholly er- roneous; for, having no authority from .Mr. Clay to promulgate his inlontions, 1 only spoke of them in the boMimof a pri\al<; family at two hundreil ii.iles distance Irom Wasliinglon Since that period, and es- pecially during the present summer, 1 have on several occasions, and sometimes in the presence of political opponents, when the coufs.- of conversation led me to it, men- tioned «hat I knew of Mr. Clay'a early intention to vote for Mr Adams; and in this way I came to speak of H agam, some two or three weeks since, in the house of my father-in-law, where I liad lirst spoke of it near three years ago, and whence, with some additions and variations, v ith- oul the privity of any one present at the conversation, it lias crept into the paper which you have sent nie. No one ever asked my leave to publish what I said; if any one had, the author of Ihe puldi- jor Katon's infeiencts are dispersed as to the I ctiop [^ the Lexmgton paper might four winds of heaven. False— false— false is \iy^^,p beg,, spared an oflke which nuisl have been inexpressibly painful to their honorable feelings, as I should' not have written nfon themby thchandofMr. Bi;Uton,oDe of themselves, a leading luembtr of the combi- nation. Mr. Be.iton confirms Dr. Drake's statement and the statements of others, and DulT Green dare not denounce Mr. Benton. — The question, then, which the Columbus "/a- lile orator''' siys is the true and only que, is an- swered aal the answer stamps falsehood up -n the orator's inferences, as well as upon the in- ferences of his superiors Mr. Adams "g-o< Ihere," was made President oy the votes of those who preferred him to Gen. Jackson, as he will again be made Pre»ident by the same uieaas. So much for "t." — Cin. Gas. COLONEL BENTON. Washinglitim Cilij, iJcc.lllt. 1827. Sip. — your letter of the 13th ult. cov- ering theLexingtotiV irginia Intelligencer of tlru date, has been duly received, and in answer to the enquiries you put to me, 1 have to state that the article to which you invite my attention, is substantially, not verbally, correct, so far aa respects me as saying that I was informed by Mr. Clay in the forepart of December, 1821, refused lo the adminisliation any testimo- ny in favor to give, notwithstanding the character of the war which the great body of their forces are carrying on a, gainst me. Vouis. respectfully. TllOM.\S II. liENTON THE CO-liPANV. Mr. Vice President Calhoun and hi? princi- pal supporters, dined on the 8th at Washington, with Mr. Van Buren and others that were ac- tive supporters O' Mr. Crawford in 1824. la March, 1824, the Washington Republican was in the interest, and supposed to be under the influence of Mr. Calhoun. The following char- acter of a portion of the company of the 8th, was published in the Republican of Feb. iJth, 1824, the day proceeding the cnncus that nomi- nated Mr. Crawford. It will be seen that there was no sparing of scurrilous epithets. Faction, Trmion and Traitors, wpro as uncereineni- «A T1:E COMPANY TO t;EX. AXDREW JACKSON. Haste Hwaj, llifii — c;irpe dii-iu! Tho«e th.il woulil |irevciit ^ou— fl^'ero! Youth arift iis:c, with dilfereut facei; All who hopetir ^-k for plnces — Folly with hiscaj) auiJ belU — Ra'ifiie'iS «:th?<;.l>oiic itthatswclU — All, with em.it^ '.onu- to luock us Stragcliug, one hy oue, to Caucm. ouslv applied to the \"aD Buri-ns, Forsj thes and Cobbi", as it is uow, to those who administer the govirniiicnt. These Traitors and Faction- iitf, are now io happj unanimit) and brother- hood Kith those who thvi'. described Ihcm. — VoriJy, Uiose arc singular associations. PARODV. Wend you with the liadt to night — Tall and short — ami wc*ak and witty — Slaiiy >iiicjothat h.itts the lij(ht — An I I .ves confusion— more's the pity— 1 ..,.,.„ , . ,^.-onv Sh.illuw knaves, w.th form= to mack us, TO (.L%. ANOiU.M JAC»t.>>0]S. Are ilra.-linc one by one, to caucus. \ g^ \;^ ^^_^^^ ^,^^^ j^ COIISciouS ol' There the fears lor the future — the paugs i , . ... , ,„|, ;,„,,,. for the past having perlorincd ins diiU to his couii- May be swell'd or expunged as the r.ids try and to lii> tV-llow men, can oojoc i to 'win or loose: a candid examination of Lis conduct. ■'"''''w.llbeca!!',''' ' 1^' i^''"^'- *"^'''-' ^'^'^/"'^^ OIUSW..O.C That will make' many wish their stiff i private and public life will bear, in all ] respects, a strict and lliorou<;li inve>ii- gation. It is liuman to err. We all ; therefore, stand in need of the forbear- ance and ciiariiiej of eac.i other. Fault? of ^outll,and the minoi otiencee I of manhood and age. should be over- j looked and forgiven. J«ol?o, however, I in resjard to crimes and olTences of a I deeper die. Thes-e it is always lijjiti- ' mate a: id proper to notice, both for ihe necks in a noo^c. Wend you with the Radi to nipht — Sixty -five perchance they'll niLsler — There'll be none of niinil or iuii;h( — Uiit sonic three-^core in a lln^ler — General Chandler wiil be then — Toudi as steel, nd bidd as Hector — Bats'l, with Virginia air — /on, the Albany dinctor — Forsi,Ui,v:H\\ his I'orenrn graces — Edieards, U i//iiinij, in a f-tew — riotiins brains and dirty faces With the blushes rediicninic thro'— , _ ;Miallow knaves, with forms to luock us, : sake o( piil)lic morals, and lor llie Strajri^lin^ one by one to Cancns. punishment of tiic olTender. The Wenil yon with the lixids to nicht — i practice is sanctioned bv our law^ and A motley crew, and bad the best-- j imposed bv neces>i*v. " In addressing Win.'in; Irom Ihe boalh their (litht— • , ,•• ,• "i^ ■„,„ ,-,^ I With two poorstra-Jersfruiuihe West- vou therelofp. I invade no ri2:iU; ior I "Ti« the tide of fad ion llowin^- ' Tis the noon of treason's rci^-u, — i/o',r(of Maryland is joitie — DicI.erson — and Holmes of M.iine — Western Thomas looking grimly — From Xew York, a hagard few, Led by Lot Clarke., seeing dinily. Spectacles and va]iour thro' — i^hallow knaves, with form= to mocks us, Straggling, one by one to Caucus. Wend you with the Radi to-ni.ht — Where all eyes will gladly meet you — If you area proselyte 'EviTy ■^oiil will -I'nng to greet you — Where the demon of dispuir Reigns the tyrant of the hour, And every dark intriguer there, Jostlesin the race for power, — J,ahoriT«, suited lor the job, Will he there at thecio'e of ilay, Sarbour, h'loydy and Fuol, anil CobL— Lamttan, ready for hi- pay — Both the JlarOours, men mistaken '■ — ■Sint/t/i shall scarcely save his bacon — Gailanl Cock from Ycnnes--c— Some in uloom and some in .jlee — Shallow knayes, with forms to mock us, Straggling, one by one, to Caucus. Wend yon with Ihe liadsfo night— Caneusin his court presides — Proiiii»es-Jind power invite — Traitors point — and faction piidcs. shall only call your attention to a sub- ' ject which has been made public by vourself, ai-.d which relates to matter- of K^cat political interest. As a candidate lor the Presidency you will at once admit, that it became you to observe a l*gh mind d and h. norable course in reference to your I competitors. It is your conduct to- ' wards Mr. Clav, which I propose tc ex- amine. )Vhatever may have been AiV I faults, they alVoni no apology for yours, I vour duty was i)lain — to remain silenL or to sav nothing concerning him that ; was not strictly true and susceptible of I i)roof. " Lnpifssion':'^ and •'Ulirj"' fur- I nish no excuse for the circulation id Islander. Otherwise the calumniaioi might go unpunished. a!>d the laiiest I reputalions be ruined without tlio pos- i sibility of redress. It i- equally reprc- j hcnsible for ;i man to assail another by insinuation and surmises. This mode 1 of attack is more fatiil and malignant, ' though it possesses at thesauie time, all ■ro orv. Avntn^wj ACKsov. 66 the Jani:iiiig • i .i, •.:■ oi tii a <•• ■ i ni *inv:irdice. Ii ^dire-st's itself to tiie HI iri)id iinagiiiatioiis of t!ie vulgar, who Biagiiify a nod or an iriue'ido, inlo a (h- rec charge, while the defamer shrinks fri>m re in voar letter to Samuel Swartwout of N. York, dated at Washington, the 23d of Feb- ruary, 1825. The election of Presi- dent had ju>t transpired. You soon after congratulated Mr. Adams upon his success, showing by your conduct, that you had every confidence in his in- tegrity and talents. After speaking in the most bitter terms of Mr. Clav, in your letter to Swartwout, vou proceed In the following manner: — "When the penple failed in their cnl!pj;f« to make rhoice of a Presiriciit, nu rahnls entered in- f?, to persiia ie any one V> a viotction of p!i dgrs girm, or of instructions rectirei. By ME n/i t>lans were concerted to impair the pwe principles of our rrpuljliran institjUions, nor to proslrat' that Ajnda'nental maxim idiir.'t mrtii'tnias (he supre- ^•c^of the rKortle'srrftl'" 1l is a iiuiuer of asiOi'.isnnie t i . n a man of your rcpui.ition, and situated as you were at the time, should hate writ- ten such a paragraph as this. It is .-till more astonishing, after having writ en it, and knowing that it was publish. 'd^ that you siioulil have written and >aid other tilings in direct contradiction to it. For you have said in another lei rf;r which I shall notice presently, th.t; i/ou •> ■iave ot been Mr. Ctay^s accuser."' Read the extract and inform the Amerf- can people what you intended t!.ey >hould understand by it. Was not Mr. Clav in your mii;d when vou wrote it, and did you not intend every word of it to apph to liim? You were writi, g to Swartwout about him — you spoke of him in terms of harshness and re-" proach, and immediately fall into the above strain of saying that you had r)ot intrigued, &c. &c. No other fair in- terpretation can be put upon the quotat- tion, ttian that you believe Mr. Clay, was guilty of the very practices of which you boasted yourself to be free. It was so understood by the people. In the bitterness of jour soul, sharpened by disappointment, you poured forth your Complaints into a kindred ear, embody- ing all the charges which had-ther, or have since been preferred against Mr. Clay. Yet you have'lihe audacity to come before the publrc,.and declare that you are not Mpj 'Clay's Accuser! I grant sir, thus far^tharf in Hire d krrns, you were not Ms p>1?cusef. You availed yourself of the usual subterfuge of the slanderer, and covered your ciiarges under expressions of such a character, as vou thought would leave you room to escape. But it is in vain to attempt it. The import of your language is plain — it hats been published to the world, and yo\i must abide the conse- quer.ces. Fully written out it would read as follows: "Mr. Clay has sought through art and management to entice Representatives in Congress to disre- gard their own responsibility and the wishes of their constituents. He hag burnt midnight tapers, and entered into secret conclaves and cabals to persuade them to violate pledges given, and in- structions received. He has concerted [)lans to impair the pure principle*^ of our republican institnMons, a»d fo J. C6 TO GEN. ANDREW JACKSON. prostrate that fundaniental maxim, which maintains the supremacy of tlie people's will.''' I defy you, sir, or any of vour apologists, to escape from the rei'li'ig I have here given the quotation. True, the text has not the redeeming qualily of bold and direct assertion; bm< it is i rte:idcd to have the same forro andeffct. It discovers a willing- ness on your part, to calumniate witliout th- manhood to me'it its responsibility. I -^unmit to you and tne country wheth- er F 'live not taken a just view of the ma;i3r in question — leaving the point witn this remark: that you did on the 23d of February, 1825, charge Mr. Clay in terms too plain to be misunder- stood by the puMic. wit'! all the in- tr'2ue and conuplioii, which Kremer and otiiers have preferred against him. Tii'j next thin;^ connected with my subitct which I shall notice, is your coi'duc*^. or rather silence in the Senate ef the U:iited Slates, when Mr. Clay's nomination for Secretary of Slate came before that body for coi.firmation. — You were a member, ar'd according to your ow.i showing, were in possession of afi the information relative to the pretended bargain, whicii you ever had. Rilleet upon your position — a grave Se .alor, sworn to support the CO'istitution and bound in honor to i-ro- tect the parity of the Government. Be- sides, you had that reputation for severe justice, which wouhl not permit you for a moment to look upon intrigue, even in its mo-l fascinatirig furm-. You had bee!; m:ide ac(|uainted with Mr. Cla^s alleged miscoiduct, early in January, The appointment was some time subsequent. But what did you do ? Did you rise in your place as an hoTiorahle and high minded man, ami protest against tlie appointment ! Rt,'i;ardless of private iirterest, and solely bent \i\m\) the good of your coun- try did you call for a committee of investigation, that you and Buehaiian, and your other inlbrmants might dis- close to the Senate the infamous mon- ster tliey were about to ap[)oinl ? No Sir, you did nothing of tlie kind. ^ ou gave a silent negative vole, ami let the njan whom you have branded as the basest i:!triguer. pa.^s into ollicc with- out a single manly eflbrt to prevent it. Consideri.ig your character, ai d the in- formation you pretended to have, wiial ought a reasonable public to think o! your conduct ? Mr. Clay was at hand — the witnesses were all present — the pretended bargain had just been made — the thing was fresh — tlie Senate had power to investigate it ; and you looked silentl) on, and in tendaysafter- wards wrote a letter to New-York, pre- lerring in substance all the charges against Mr. Clay, and boasting that you were free from them ! Sucli conduct is certainly very extraordinary. — What the public in general may ihiik of it, I know not; but for mv«elf, 1 can give it no other construction than tlial you did not know any tliingagainst Mr. Clav, or that you had not iionesiy aiid boldness enough to assert it. Review the case and see how it stands. Early in Jauuar}, you say, a friend called on you, and told you of the intrigue that was going on between 3Ir. Clay and Mr. Adams, you diil a'tpposi he came from Mr. Clf-y, ikoiigb he used the term ^'- Mr. Clay's friends." Again, Carter Beverley asked you wliether the over- tures imputed to Mr. Clay were well founded ;yourreply was,"/nw:;f;-f 5/ him cann'illy, Lcing unable, as rrf// as Kuinll- >ng to refuse lelliitff things I had heard and KNEW TO BE TRUE!"' You knew the things you had heard to be true! Yet « iiii all this ii-.lbrmalion you pennitted Mr. Clay's iiomination to be confirmed, without a struggle. Did you do your duty as a man or a Senator? Certainly not. The truth is. Sir, notwithstanding all your verbosity and circumlocution.your tales in letters, tayerns, and steam boats, you knew nothing against Mr. Clay or 31 r. Adams. Enough has been developed of your character, to convince any man of ob- servation- that yon would have trampled Mr. Clay to the dust long before thi?. if you had had it in yourpower. -Vlthough I have relerrcd to youi- denial of being Mr. Clay's accuser, still 1 deem it proper to examine that point iii a particular manner. Korthis pur- pose, I Millrecapitulaieinsubstar.ee your remarks, and add such as I have not iierototbre noticed. Your char- ges in (lie SwartwDut letter have al- ready been quoted — it would he sufli- TO fiRN. AN'DRFW JACKSON. er cient to rest tiie aigument on tiiisj point alone. But I do not stop liere. Voii have bet-n vociferous in your de- nunciations of Mr. Clay from the time of the election to the present moment. On your way from Washington city to the Hermilagf, just after the election had transpired, you made use, both in taverns and steam boat-;, of the follow- ing language. — " If 1 had made the same promises to Mr. Clay that Mr. Ad imsdid, i might have been elected .President!" This language is proved upon you by the most respectable wit-j nesses. I need not mention their | names — they are already in your pos- session. If any thing further were wanting on this head, I could refer to your conversation which took place on Sims' poarch, a tavern kept at Wheel- ing, Va., where you said in public com- pa-iy, the same thing, though at that place, you acquitted Mr. Adams of any participation in the '■hcirgain.^ You repeated tlie same declarations in dif- ferent parts of the country — you made no secret of your sentiments, though you took care at all limes to provide a way for retreat. On arriving at your ■seal in Tennessee, in answer to Carter Beverley's enquiries, you declared be- fore '• seven VirginiiDis, awl a crowd of company, that Mr. Claij s friends made a proposition to your friends, that if they zcould promise for you that you ivould not put Mr. jdams into the seat of Secretary of Stale, that Mr. Clay and his friends would in one hour make you the Presi- dent!" This language Mr. Beverley published in the Fayettville Observer; and on the 2Gth of June you confirm the publication, and add: '■'I anitvrrrd Mr. Bc-cerley freely and frankly ; and did SUPPOSE THE GENTLEMAN WHO INFORMED ME, CAME FROM MR. ClAY^ ALTHOUGH HE USED THE TERM Mr. ClAV's FRLEXDs!" In your address to the public on the 28lh of July, you continue the sub- jecl, by saying; '•'■Mr. Beverley requested to kmne of me, other gentlemen being pre- sent, lehclhcr the overtures imputed to Mr. Clay, zt'ccc ii'cll founded, awl if I had any knomledge of the fact myself. I ansu^er- cd him candidly -^ being nimble as well as un:L-illing to refuse telling thinss I hid lie^rd awl KNEW TO ^?E TRUE!" Vo'.i then repeated ihr overtures which you pretei>ded had bt place vou say, tl.at laling resen-atioii, that I can attribute Mr. Buchanan visited _vou"ca/7i/ in J: n- it to nothiiiji; hul an utter depi-.iviiy j i/an/, 1825" — made lo you the mer- bothofthe head and ot' the heart. Is i ture^, tc. Mr. Buchanan says it v as it ii of .Ad ins other informants haf said, before you : were urgi: g as a reason to ii dure the ve;iti>red toacld ihe woiifhtofyonriiame friei ds of Clay to accede to their prop- to a public declaration of it. You -ay, ' osition, that if you were elec'ed Ppsi- **ifyou were incorrect the gen'leman dent Mr. Adams uoiild be contii.u. <■ informing vou could explain?'' surely Secretary of State, (ii uei do th( re if 'le could ox|)lain to the pul'Ilc, he would be tio room for Kentuckx.)" could liave e.\.|)hii"ed to I/OK. He was This is your accoui:t of the ovi rture. within vour reach; and a man careful You aver di>iii'ctly that Mr. Buclian- of reputation and witling to be just, an told you tha' the ii trisrue was goi; g Wiiuhi have >oug!U the explanation be- i on between the friends of Mr. Adcmsaua jbre he had ventured to circulate "de- \Mr. Clay. Clay"« friei.ds had told l.inj oeptive rumours among the crowd."' 1 iso — overtures had •ll^^•ady been made, repeat, there wa:* an indifference and i &c. ?Jo\v hear .Air. Buchanan"s own callifii-ness of feeling in your conduct, i version: he says: '"1 staled to Gen. Jr.ck- w lich calls for tlic severest animadvcr- \son there tras n report in eirmliiliiu thi t he Sion. The charges against Mr. Clay, or ifyou please, your insinuations and ©pinions, were of the blackest cliarac- ter. If true, they were sutiicient to H.VO DETEHMPCED HE WeiUD ATIOINT Mr. Adams SECRrTABv or Stafe, jn ease he Tverc elected President; aid that 1 wished lo ascertain from Mm whether he had de-troy him Imth as a politician and as [ ever intimau-d .-uch iiitti'lioi'. T'r.at a man. Yet vou repeat them, confe>s- ' he musi a' o ice perceive how injvirirus ing at the same lime thai you may be ' to his election sucli a rcnort might be!"' wrong, but takiiig no pains though you • Does this corrc'po d !'• the least v ilU had the means to be right! Ou the | your assertions? So far fioui it. Mr. same principle a man may slander his, Buchanan was t.ilkii g, not about Mr. neighbor's daughter or his wife \\Uh\ Clay''s friends, at^d what thev aid the ini|)Uiiily. He may say, "//"//ii.uc (Aj/sc | friends of Mr. Adams were doii g: tut her injustice the gentleman informing me I what it was reporlt'd i;ou had said, and can explain!"' Such, sir, is not the I what _i/oti were I'oing lo do. He came moral feeling of the people of the Uni- 1 to you, accordiiig to his own dela- ted States. ration, not to trll tf any intrigue, but 'o 1 pass now to a comparison of your know whether yo^i hnd said cerl'iin statements with those of I\lr. Buchan- j /A(')(<^.s- which he conceived wonM le an, a witness produced bv yourself and j injurious to your election! Mr. Buch- on wliose testimony uMi relv for justiti-i aiian then proceeds to give his rea'^ons catio;t. So great is the discrepancv i :c/iy the report in circul.Tlion would lce. He denies, but in teims of as much delicacy as he can, that he ever gave \ou reason to liclieve that he came from Mr. Clay. Yet it is said and by your permission, that he supports you in all your material assertions! I close the subject by expressing my entire convic- tion tiiat vou are not altogether so dis- interested in this business as you and your friends pretend. You have spo- ken against Mr. Clay without cause, and have charged him without proof, you have lent yourself to a faction, organized for personal agraridizcmerit, regardless alike of the peace and hap- piness of the country, and of tlic repu- tation both of yourself and your oppor nents INDIANA CONVENTION. The following^ Electoral Ticket was agreed upon by the friends of the Ad- ministration in Indiana on the 14th ult^' Joseph Orr, rf Ptiinam county John Watts of Dearborn, Joseph Bartholemew of Clark, Isaac Montgomery of Gibson, James Abmstrovg, of Mnnrnr'. GE.\ERAL RErLECilONS). «;E>ERAL, ItErLECTIONS. ( Truths wliicli assail our vanity by expo-ii]g weaknesses in our character, are seldom received with satisfaction, aiid are most generally, either resented as impertinent, or rejected as inappli- cal)le. So fal-ehoods which (latter our pride, by ascribing to us virtues which We do nolpossess, are geperally receiv- ed with complacency, and secure to of denunciation against the man, who is honest and independent enough to give them utterance. T.n the other hand, they swallow as with a greedy appetite, and often re'ward with their special favour, the honeyed cant and flattery dealt out to their credulity by designing demagogues about " the peo- ple's riishtf, the. people's iiilelligcnrc, and ihc priipli'spovcr,'^ &-c.; while the heart which such miserable (lattery disguises, is replete with studied policy and de- liberate falsehood. It is the purpose o( tliis paper to speak the seiuim< nts o( truth arid soberness, without a (ear of consequence;, and without a fastid- ious delicacy in the choice of terms, whoever, or hewsoever many may take offence thereat. And should the happy consequence result, of awaken- ing the people to a proper con.-idera- tion of ihtir claims iipnn ihcinsehrs, as well as upon those who are ca'ididaies for their sulFrage, the etibrt wliicli pre- sumes to treat so plainly, and with such certainty of odium, a subject of so much delicacy, will be abunuai'tly re- warded. It is a grand mistake, and may one day prove a fatal one, to suppose that the American people have arrived to such a degree of intelligence as lO be proof against designs on theircredulity, or to such a dijiree of moral power, as to place them beyond the pos-ibilit\ of an improper and wayward induliienti- of their passions. For all tiie ordi^ ary purposes of maintaining the integrity of their institutions and ensuring the pres- ervation of their form of government, their every day habits and modes ot thinking, suggested and regulated by their most direct ard palpable indi- vidual in'erests, are doubtless a sutli- cient guaranty against their going radi- cally wrong. But this proves nothing of superior intelligence — nothing of extraordinary virtue. The boy has an C'lual claim to either, \\h>-> has so learn- ed his way to school, and loves so well to travel it that he could not lose it. if he would, and would not if he could. It is only in times of great political emergency and excitement, when some 1 formidable revolution is scugbl to be jetTcctcd either in fundamental princi- I pies or (ixed habits, that national intel- ligence can display its greatest power, and national virtue exert its influence with the most sensible elTect. It is only in times like those refered to, that aiiy moral necessity exists to call out the genius of a people, or to put their virtue to its strongest test. Hence, that people reposes in a (alse security, that relies upon that sort of inielli- gence, which reters to a routine ol principles merely habitual, to meet the emergencies of extraordinary events-. GENERAL REFLECTIONS. and Uj)on tbf^M^ of moral strength, that answers ^^11 enough for the smooth and steady sei of life, but is lost to its proper sphere of action, when it encounters ilie whirlwind and the storm. Unless the present alarming excite its projected application, must date a new era in the political history of our Republic. The task is too great, for cither friend or foe, to undi-rtal dancerou*. and which if successful in' blood of AnrioncaH ritizen* \\;\? shed ington. Our language is too j)oor and too cold to express the half they feel to- wards him. and too limited in its num- ber of hii;h pounding and adulatory ep- ithets, to keep pace with their phrcn- zied zeal in applying (hem. But the} never remind you that (he field of his itt* GENERAL REFLtCnONs. even to thelastebbo<*Ufe, in the mere waTilon'icss ol powt-r, without the ro- ni'>t^»t die. ate of policy to recommend it, or oven tru* common forms of law to ju-tifv or warrant il. Tliev never re- mi il yoii that the first and most sacred pr!i;lc(Tpof tMe Constitution — the writ of Habeus Corpus— was suspeuded — that tlie freedom of the pre^s was out- ratjed by liie w.iiiton imprisoi merit of an independent citizen who liad the bold'iess to assert and exercise it; and. in tine that all the departments of the civil (government were virtually hatid- ed over to the keeping of a soldiery, with the certain understanding, that the severest mililarv inflictions would mark the slightest act of disobedience to a military despot's will! * These are matters which it is not nominal file leader, but in fact, its mis- erable tool. T'le decencie.- of deliber- ate discussion have no quarter i;i such places; and tlie cliaracteristic modesty of sound argument always retreats dis- gusted, leaving tlie boisterous passions that opposed it, in full and confirmed possession of the field. Hence the grand secret of General Jackson's popularity in relation to the Presidency. All the worst passions of the heart, undisciplined ')y moral prin- ciple and uncontrolled by thought, arc warring in his favor; and honest but de- luded ignorance is enli-ted in the cauh- er of his country, to do his utmost to ar- rest its course, and if he cannot alto- gether put it down, at least, in some de- gree, to neutralize its moral influence. •Viixious forchodincs have frequently with tiic degrajingqualificalions which i been expressed by some of the soundest properly hehing to them. But in the , Statesmen of our country, in reference taverns and tlie cofl'ee houses, in the I to the great problem of the durability grog sho|)s and the shambles, at the of our institutions. The spirit ol the bear baits and in the race fields, the revolution is rapidly jiast^ing away; a Ger;eral is known only as '• the Hero oft new race of men, with new feelings and New Orleans" — ''the Saviour of his new motives to action, is fast superced- country," and every attempt, however ling the generation of patriots to whicli honest and prupiih dirf-cted.lo retnove : the revolution ^ave existei.ee and char th<' veil which cover-the grossiniquities acter. Men are more selfish now. th.m ofhls military liie, and thcdark deprav- j then, because they have ]css pulp-iblc in- ity of h- moral character, is met with ducement to.l.e patriotic. They look the gross abuse and hull\ing defiance | more lo themselves, &, less to their coun- that arc suited to the c-i'.isr which nrjres i tn .because their country seems capable hJsprct(n«ioi.s,andtothonw,>»whoisit's'of takins (are of itself witi»out ihetV GKNERAL UFri^CCTTONS THE PAfiFANT AT NEW OHT.EANS. •rs assistance; thev have no enemy at tiieir gates to dispute witli them the posses'-ioii of their tiiosidcs; no cry tor the (lefooce of liberty, to di^tiir!> the sile-it repobCoCthe nigiiUor, in ti'.eday time, lo draw them from the iiOTie?t laHours of their pcareful lives, to the on.T.itioiis of the tented field. T!ie qa stioii, then, of los-^ a .d gain, in the acC'iu:it current of individnal interest, de'eriiii'.ie> most men to look to the in- d^s^idual advantage ti\cy are to acquire, before they make up their minds to hazard pcrsoinil interests upon the un- certainties of political aflliirs. If this he true, and we iiave examples of it e\erv dav, what great permanent and abiding pri'iciple of i;aiion;il cha.ractcr ca ■ we rely upon, to sustain us in fu- tur:' conflicts, with the storms of fac- tioii? Here is a diflii ully full of dan- ger to the permanency of our ii:stitu tioiis; a'!d, if the matter be not greatlv inisiudjed, tiic period of time that shall change our form of government, will be marked with the blood of conteidir.g parties; who, if they each be asked whether a better form of goverr>ment could be devised tiiaa ihe one they are overturning, would eacii prompilv an- [ swiT, no; and yet would each sacrifice ' their country in the co'test, rather ; than lose a paltry triumph to them- j selves. This sort of spirit exists in I embryo now. It will grow with our | growth, and strengthen with our I strength, U!itil its full maturity of gesta- tion shall invite some future JACK-| SON to perform the office of its birth, a."d christen it with the cognomen of I MILITARY DESPOTISM. We may ' no: live to see that day, bi^t it may rOME. f'l. TTTE PVREANT AT NEW ORLEANS. There is one historical fact of unde- niable correctness, which ought strong- ly to arrest the attention of e^ery con- siderate American. England is the O' ly country in which any thins like liberty and security lia^ been perma- nently maintained through her whole national existence as detailed, in au- tbe':tic historv. I-i English liistorj' we have pf» instanw oftiie nation, or any respecta!>Ic portion of it, abandoni"g themselves to the idolatrous worship of a si; gle man. No political pageai.l.or religious Jug^cnaut !.as been set up in lliat country for u:.iversal ailoralio;i, in the person of a mortal man. Her Alfreds and Williams, her Edwards and Henrys, her Elizabeth, Charh ^es and Gi'orgcs, have had their paras'U'S and pulfers. But the nation recOcj' i- zed no one of them as an object of ;>.'i- oration. Nor did the Hampdens a d Sidneys, t!ie Fairfaxes, or the Crom- wells of the Commonwealth, receive from the people the adulation, too com- monly bestowed upon men in power or professed supporters of the public gopd. Ergli~hmen have in all aues l)iefen bigoted, factious and vindictive, hut never the suppliant idolizers of men no better than themselves. When we turn to the historv of other countries, we find that ma:'.-vvorsi>p has been a very common idolatry: a. d we find too, that subservience to men, and the prostration of put-lie lioerty iiave, in most cases, bee^' coixurre-.it events. I speakofgeteral results, a d do not mean to specify particulars. — Whoever has read historv, Itnow:. tJ:at from Alexander of Macedoii, to Boi'.a- part(' of C'or>ica. successful military ciiieftaius have bee;: deified, by their countrymen, the military ci'ieflaii s of ! England alone excepted; and Englav.d alone has preserved even the semblaicc loflibert\. This fact speaks volumes I of instruction and of rcl)uke to the A- merican people. I The recent events at New Orleans, '.associated as they are witli surrou d- ; iiig circumstances, cannot be regarded j with too much attention. All that -er- viie svcophaiicy a'.'.d impudent impiety ' dare attempt to confer honor upo;i a frail mortal was there attempted. Tite I whole scene is calculated to create a 1 loathing disgust, in an upright and iit- ! dependent mind. Tite following arti- cle, copied from the New OrIea:'= Ar- gus of the third of January, pair;t> in strong colours, f l;e follies that were ex- , pected to take place. I "No custom has longer received ihc sanction ol"mai>kind, than that of ceb'- ' hrotinc witi: m^I nr ri'es. parable-- and Ifeslivit&s, those da)9 that have been t* TIIE PAGELiVT AT NEW ORLEANS. rendered meinoraMe by the occurrence of great and important events. The advent of the Redeemer is thus com- memorated throughout chrib eudom. The hirih of great ai.d distiniruifhed mjii, the achievement of victorio*. and the elfeciuation of grt-at political ac- complishme t;, are e^ery wlicre ac- claimed by punlic Cflebration, to con- tinue tlip impress^ion of their import- ance upon tiie mind* of the p'-ople. Who does not feel the fervor ofpat riot- ism upon t'le a:iniver!-ary of our inde- pendence? Who does not feel gratitude to the great disposer of events upon the birtb d:iy of \Vae it thus abused. The roar of cannon, the ringing of bells, the shouts of a multitude, tlie strains of music, and all the poinj) and circum- stance th it can bo <;ot up. are intended to e\ dt in public opi'iion a man, who stanN CO- demned lief>re the world, as ».vioiater of tiie coustituiion and laws , of our country — whose hand is stained I with the lood of his fellow cit;ztns, I slain in premeditated malice and cold- j ncss of heart — who delights in blood land carnage'. — who ha* outraged the j best laws of social order and whose lips have habitually uttered the most hideous profanitier — who, to repress ! the rising prospects of hi- rivals, has as- serted the most calumnious falsehoods, and sealed them with an oath swora by the God of Heaven ai'd Earth. "The puppet of a faction he is to be- made '•to tiglit his battles o'er again," and like the u^ly idol of Juggernaut is to lie iield up for the adoration of slaves and children, fools and denwgogues. "All this absurdity would only be worth V of contempt and ridicule, were not the sacred rites of religion to be in- fringed upon! It might have beea hoped that these would not have been put in requisition upon this most unhal- lowed occasion. I3ut the *Hero" is to be conducted into the temple, dedica- ted to the living God. surrounded by the admirers of Voltaire and Tom Pnine, and thrre the most venerable prelate of ourland is to congratulate him upon his hop.ors, and rail down blessings frorr». the sides upo;i a man who holds reli gion in contempt, -id audacioaslv pro- fanes the nnmc of God ! y invoking it I for the most wicked purposes'. Tiic , venerable Fa'jier, v.ho. bendiug u-der j the weight of eighty years is to be diag- iged forth O'.i this ocrasio'".- has the w-armest aftV-tions of our population; I and how ji.iinful w Ml il be to see. (possi- , biy) tlie la^t clei ic^i act of his life, ron- trilnitiiig to the fulsome purpose of oiler- ling inceise to a njan ''Utanointed and unannealed" by any redeemir.g act, feeling or sertimcnt, from along life ol vioieiice and profligacy!!! "After all this mummery, this modest and unassuming; repuidican will return to his Hermitage, stuffed to bursting with ttie '-vanity of vanities," and then claim tlie suffrages of the people of the United States for the highest office in their gift."' 1 have not ret seen a detail of all the particulars: but I have seen enough to satilymc.that it was.in truth a pageant for '^staves on/i childrni. fvnh ami dnna- A pageant in which dcraa tilep.i<:e.4.nt at new-orleans. w gogues were the principal actors,slavcs, children and fools llic mal'Tials wil' which it was intended to produce an iinjwsi' g ctTect. In the eyes of m-jn of undor?taiiJiiig it was a complete fail- ure. But upon those it was never ex- pected to operate. If it produced e(- tecl upon the minds of imbecility and ignorance, it lias answered every pur- po.--e contemplated hy its authors. Some twelve niont'is ago, one of your Taclv.-onian under workers, whom I do not remember, proposed to the Legisla- ture of Louijiana, to invite Gen. Jack- son to join in the celehration of the 8tli of January, at New-Orleans, in I8'28. No man could >"i?iake the oiiject, but that truckling spirit, whicti, in all ages. oftlic hero, give him eclat, and strength- en his pretensions to distinction in tue public mind. Gen. Jackson well knew surh was the object, aiid contemplated result. AVhen lie accepted the invita- tion with this knowle-EW-ORI.EA>S»'. geaiit lia.- bce:i characterised ;>\ eil'ort to produce efffct. The manager* ks.ow well cnouiili thit in all that co reriis inti-ilectual excellence, General Jack- son is l)op»'l(.>-l_v deficie:.!. They kmsw also there is little o;' moral heautv iii his character. Con'ei)iiei tly he is not a man to gain upon liie understand! as or kindly social feeli. gs ol'men. His way raa>t l)o made good b\ recomine."- dations ahogciher extrinsic o!' hims.-lf. Hence it is : ecessarv lo dccoraic !.im like a show bullock drive:, through the streets of a city previous to his slaught- er. This is a com mi i! device of a butcher who wishes io ^-ell !iis beef at an u common higli price. Her.ddres- «es the eye. not tlie palate of the gour- The childu'P, -laves, and fools were no 'Joul)t d-lig'itcd and astonished. — T'>o master spirits could not bu'. laugli, ai Ge ■. by ostrich, cannot but fei-I that the pro- which men are deceived. Nothi ij ceedi::g is, in some degree, disgraceful, need be more humiliating than a move- Andeachle'idaha;.dioconsummatetne ment like th's, w!ien krown lo be 'he. follv which he hop''s others do not per- mere eirort of party mammerv. No ceive as di>iinclly as himself. It is ma'i has been made more ridiculous true men deceive themselves oftner than General Ja Lson, i)v i>xhibiiio;,s than thcv deceive other-; ; yet they are iof 'h'schariiet- r. No one has ever been not always deceived, when tiiey appear! pla\ed olfso frequently and so palpably to be so. Hence we frequently fii.'d , for political etrect alone, as this same persons exceedingly testy, upon occa- liero, wiio for his very gullibility in sul)- sio s, when they feel that the foll\ of miitiiig to lie thus u^ed, might i' xur tii"ir conduct is scarcely compatible the im[)utation of an egregious block- witii ih(;ir cliaracter for unders;anding. ,liead. Their good sense ti Us t'lem tliat what I It is now something more than I'om they are about stamps fool or knave years, since he was first brought out. against all propriety. F.ven those con- cen:ed,yyho have as mucli brains as an upon their foreheads: and they are en raged tliat any one should presume lo read it there. Those concerned in getting up a ri- dicalnus pageant and actiiiga conspic- uous part in it, are ever ready in their hearts, lo doubt tlie sincerity and ques tion the motives of others. Their own hearts tell them, that much, that pro duces public regiird, is but a trick. piTulised on the senses of those who do ot care I" lliiiik. Thcv make their 0^^ n conduct the sta d ird of their judgment and consequ(>iilly pronounce cond'-ninalioii. During the last Presidential canvass, the east had their candidate, the .-ouik their candidate, and the west LMeii candidate for t!iat high ofhio. General Jackson yvas got up, a sort of South- western candidate. It is asserted up- on apparent good authority, that the friends of the Mastcrn candidate set him up, to break doyvn the candidate of the South, and this wears a goodly face of pidbabilily. But far (Vom ins- pecting the maiKiuvre, the Gen. per- >uaded him>elf that his pretensions yvere of the first grade, and thought of Mottling less tlian being made a mere Rvcry step of this Neyv Orleans pa- 1 man of «-traw. The conceit that he fWE PACKANT AT NEW-OU LEANS?. lY was ilocmed fi( for President, infused i a belief into iii^ miiid. that he was a statesman ai'd jioliiic iaii Full of tiiis notioi', he lugaii to look wisely and talk ; ohscureh ; and tinally took a stalion in j the councils of the nation, as Senalor | from Tennessee. When he proceeded to Washincrton. the scheme of jjlaying liini olF to make a division in favor of tlic Eastern candidate, was prosecuted with iiicrcased activity, \Ve all re- ■lember the party given hy iVIrs. Adams, on the eighth of Jantiary, 1824, iri honor of Gc.i. Jackson. Tlie Hero did not take up the distalf. as he of old, to cultivate a tender passion. But a mis- guid.'d ambition made liiTii the pageant of a !adv"s tete. for belles and beaux to wovder at: and whilst he attracted at- ter.tion, like the newest rarit\ in a mu- seum, he was tuiconscious th:u even tlien, he was showed off for political affect. I The friends of the Southern candi- | datt^ perceiving that the (jieneral was likeh lo be a useful puppet for those : of the Eastern one, determined to work j with hmi also. Tiiey plied him with presents and praises, whicii were re- ceived with equal relish. And the I General was acrually vvorkea up into a kind of universal iiero. Tlic •' adini- i rrihie Cnihlon" was riothiiig to him. j Ladies and dancing-masters, gour-j inands and anticjuarians made court! to him, until the general imagined ; himself, not merely a Iuto and states-' man, but an Adonis, connoiseur and \ ir- 1 tuoso. Tents, pistols and jc-wcls, cards and compliments, almost overwhelmed him. The puffers and donors regard- ' od liim as one, from whose political prelC'isions nothing was to be appre- h'^nded ; whilst he, poor man. attributed all the honors and atteiitions bestowed upon him, U) the irresistible attractions of his own perfections. It was amusing enough to see the south and the cast blowing up Gen. Jackson, as. they sup- jjosed, boys blow bul)i)les in a tul) of soap suds, which the\ can cxtinguisti again by touching. And see them final- ly intlate him to such a pilch as actually to press him befort both their own can- didate«,and sivehima character, which re.'dered 'iin ' dnng'-ious rival to both. This rcsnlt disclosed (he bllo^ancv of the General aiid his peculiar fitness for a poliliral pageant: and, since the election of Mr. Adams, he has been dcxtcrou-ly used to turn the tallies upon those who (irst pulT'd him into notice. In 1 828, Mrs. Adams would feel no disposition to make the 8th of Ja- nuary a gala day, in honor of Gen. Jack- son. Page mt as he is, he is now iu other hands. He is used as he was in 1824, for tlie same purpose, but by dif- rent managers. The pi'escnt pageant at New Orlca: s, is but a new and en- larged and embellished edition of the pageant at Washington, in 1824. How far this foUv and extravagance can be yet extended, and how long the Gene- ral may l)e preserved for sinnlar exhi- bitions, are matters for curious sjiecu- lation. It may be that four years hence, other hands may play hiiti off, to the great annoyance of his present mana- gers. Van Buren mav put iiim at Cal- houn, or Car.uuiM at Clinton. So long as lie lives, tliose who wish to delude the people with a pageant, will soTnc of them make Gen. Jackson the princi- pal puppet. AVe learn that the late exhibition has produced no effect favorable to the chieftain or his cause. It degenerated into the grovelling rancour of party, and was as remarkable for virulence of 1 sentiment as the dining party at Wash- ' it:gton. The Geneial, we understand, ; had rot been well instructed in his va- ' rious parts. His speeches were so I written that he read tliem with ditii- Cnllv, arid once or twice commenced the wro g one. The show in the Legis- ; lature, the church and the theatre, was ' not of the talents and character and [ property of the country. — but rather { of ^^ slaves nml cliihlren, fnnis and dimu- ' p^o^ursj''' There was a parade of gun- i boats, and a roar of cannon, and a crowd of such as attend a crim. con. trial or an execution. Such as. threw up their greasy nig!it-caps and shouted when Ca Tiie delegates from New-York, ^'■prit down the present adminhtrUwn,lho'\thrijn^h Mr. Hamilion, dohvered a pure lis the angels that minister in hinxen.''' \ speccli. It m:i» cotniiig behind others Every thing appears well on paper, for fulsome tlatlery aiid bold assertion. Speeches upon speeches were made at . Let one specimen sutfice. the General, and replied (o bv him.: "In discharge ui ihe immt-rous and bif^hly His replies, more than anv tiling else, ' i'"P"f'a"« civ.) trusts to winch ^ou (,»«■ be.n mc> iv.^. .. , .. iv- _ J, ' j c;illed Ir.m a MTV f:arl\ period uf '-.iir n:iti..i)al expose the true character Ot the pa- ! e^,,tericp almost'to ihe prescm d:..,, .you hare geant. No m.m can suppose that thev! luviinaoly muced talents, prudinci- and Ill- were prepared by the General hiuiseli. i «*snt), alik. hoLorabu-to jour*t;l.-..na condu- _,,■,', •' . /• .1 u i cive t'l the i.uIjIic welfare. ' The style betrays them, for t he v bear .1 . .. . .. r \i „ ) , ^, . •' r k 1 , I . -„^ Alas! that the sou of Alexander the mipress ol a scholai, arid a prac-l.. ., , 1 . 1 1 ». ■ 1 .. , ' .. ,.-, ' f„ ' . I Hann ton sioulu Hod this language to lised writer. \Vlien a great m;in sub-i i 1 11 00 mits to have speeches put in his mouth, ^'"''"cw Jackson.. we can be at no Joss to estimate his .Mr. Hamilton presented the Gene- ral •' in tlie name of the cor|>oration of the city of Ne«-Vork, with a m. dal, struck in commemoration of the corn- true character. The add re jses to the General.abound in the most extravagant hyperbole. ,- .1 i- ■ r> 1 i ,r>u c u • . t f „ . I P etion ol the Lne Laual, ana a copy The following extract from one, ma> ' ' ai r- 1 1 • ,u n t " J c^\ ■ ^ „i ol Mr. Colden s memoir on the Canals serve to give some idea ol tlieir general I \- 1 •■ -p^, r- 1 1 ■ ^ '^ " iol New-iork. The ucneral wa? al- character: . 1 1 1 1 *i i\ ,. ■ most overwhelmed bv the •• Haltering "The Legislators of our country have sus- 1 , . •) ,- .1 " < j .1 peiided their, leliberation=-tl.e multitude cover, dlstllXl ions ol ti.tt present, ai.d thc the banks of this gnat river — the temples are) supersidded Compliments and COiigra- opened— theincenseburn9,ascen.linetoheaven,iiy|;,t[Qjjs of the "Republicans of the tosrether with the blessine? of a eratelul people! j . , » rxi \T 1. •' 11;, i? ] ,. . ,. . . , , -.. . thean^hcrsary; for a mora; and relijrious Hfe ; a divine blcSSing invoked, a divine ben- is a constant appeal to the lav r of heaven, auii edklion dispeil'^ed. And carnal pride, j« a sure guarantee of faithful and heroic patno- ;,„(1 „oildly ambition and political ran- *'■■"■' j cor were the predominant sentiments What a commentary upon the Gen- Uf the pretended xsorshippcrs! And erals own life ! VVliat a precious speci- j holy men sanction such an abuse of ho- ment o( complimentary nonsense! | |y oflices, and connnend the prodiirfte The "pious lai)ours"' of father Sfdilla Uzza'iswho put forth their unhallov. -d. in the "■community'' of New Orleans, hands, to touch holy things, and were *Hn a gred degree" achieved the victory, not stricken dead', wliicii "crowned the valor" of the Gen- The Ursiiline nuns too, -kctc intro- eral and his comrades. It must then duced into this pageanl,all carnal, sen- have been the "mora/ «w/rc/i'fi'W!W /(W sual and voluptuous as it was. That of the New Orleans militia, which sc- these holy Virgins acted upon their own cured '■Hhc favw o/" Aroifvi" upon the impulses is not to be believed. The army of defence. Of course the Gen- trick is more gross than all the resf. — eral himself, and the men of Kentucky The\, who are retired from the world,, and Tennessee had no part or lot in the and its vanities and strifes, its enjoy- niatter. Thev had not been benefiited ment- and delusions! they, voluntarilj by father Sedillas '■'■pious labors^'' they ; mingle, in political disputes, to invoke had no pretensions to "a moral and rcli- heaven's blessi:igs, upon one of (lie chief gioiii lift,'^ could make no '-appeal to ' combatants, a profaie and relentless the favor of heaven,'" and were without man! The thing is incredible! But "guarantee ol faitiiful and heroic pat- they have been brought before the riotisiiv'!!!!!! Such is the plain read- world in this character. And so in! ro- ing of this sentence. It is absurd e- duced, the Ursuline nuns, have found nough to have been manufactured by favorwiiere pure and undetiled religion General Jackson himself— i)ut the style i could never hope to find it. In the is not that of -'o mirror tu slimululc /o , Bachanalian orgies of a political feast: future exerlioii."' at the Washington, 8(h of January One of the most reprehensible parts ^ dinner, the Ursuline nuns were made of this pageant is the attempt to make the subject of Volunteer toasts!! — religion bear a share in it. There can ' There is impurity in the association. — be no proper connection between re ligious feeling, and a cause so unholy, or an individual whose life has exhib- ited such unmitigated profanity as that of General Jackson. There is a daring, in attempting the association, that c- vinces the profligacy of the managers. There is an unhallowed impiety in some of the movements calculated to shock and confound a truly religious mind — a political Jugeernaut,a(tended by a rab- ble of political enthu>aisls, and put in motion by political demagogues, is to be wheeled into the temple of the liv- ing God; and there under the impious To be applauded by such company caimot but affix a stain,on vestal purity, unless the applause be altogether gra- tuitous. Have vestal nuns so con- ducted, as to be in fit association,&, nat- urally call forth approbation at a polit- ical carousal? Then have they certain- Iv forgotten their characters. For light and darkness cannot be more op- posed than the proper avocations of a religious reclu5e,& apolitical bacehinalj a timid, a virtuous female, and an impu- dent, and presum|>luous political aspi- rant. 1 doubt not, the simi)ncity of these nuns was imposed upon, by some Dretence of wor-hip, is to be made the! intriguing ecclesiastic; and the fact spectacle of curiosity and an object of' shows the profligacy of the means u-.ei:ig tliem wit>i shows and spectacle:, tor poliiiral pur- poses. It is nothing to caknniiiate ilie wise and the good— it is nothing to lav- ish applause upon the undeserving: it is nothing to palliate crime, to vindi- cate "^eduction, adultery and homicide: it is nothing to attempt elevarLig to high otfice a weak and a wicked man, a contemner of law, an indulger of his own appetite, a follower of his own will. — It is notliing to subvert princi- ples, to de-ert connections, to abuse religious otlices. and mi-lead religious votaries. All this is notirnig, is v.-nial, nay laudable, if it do but te id (o pro- mote the great political end— o(" pros- trating tiie present administration. — Can that be right, in its thus stated by a writer in the Keoluc^y t "The dav on Mbicli Woods commilted the |\)ffi-nce forwiiicli lie expiate: with t>is life, he ] WHS on guard Ttit oiEciT wlu co.iiiiiaiiiirJ ! the guaril, hail piriiiiltfil Woods .fter hU relifi i to "o to hi-^ ti-nt and snutch a hasty bri-.ik ist. . 'lis tuesj had unished, and left somi;thiiie r'.ir i him in a skillet. Seat J on the ground by llu- side of this skillet, he was cnj'iyiii!; an humble mia't, nerhaos thinking ofhi? hume and the friends he had left behind, when a in-tty, -elf- iniportaiit assistant to a stalf oiTi^cr. passed aloii;:, who ordered Woods to pick n > and car- ry off some bones that lav scattered abujt ne ir the place. "V.iods refused to comply wit. the order, statin? that ne was on guard : — the Ml.cr with an oath swore that he should do ii, and also cursed him ror leavin;; his guard-lire. Woods still refused, and rose to return to his guard, savins liiat he obtained leave of his ollicer for hi? absince. By this time the lialf- ofTicer fairly swe'led with rngo, and itew to a jun tliat was layini; in >lie mo^ith of a teiii, tociu- pcl him to obey, or to take him prisoner; but poor Woods, nuthin^' daunted, primed his tun, and told the little ollicer or any one else, not to approach him at their peril; and then dcliherr atel\ walked to his guird, and surrendered him- self pri-oner to the ollicer on duty. Who, hut (Jen. Jackson, would have ; thought of pulling a militia man to death, for a transaction like this? By the ivay I Major Eaton says not a word of Harris I and his C'lmraiies who weie sliol. He is silent even about their desertion. — lie I kiieiv it tvas a dark affair that could iicr! JOII.V WOODS. The case of this militia man. executed under the direrlion of tien. Jackson, at J'oitSlrothcrin 1813, is a curious inslance of giving col'oi in the manner of telling a story. Gen. Jackson's eulogist, .Maj. Ea- ton,"tlius relates it: "The execution of a private, (John Woods,) who had been sentenced by a eoiirt-iiiarti.il, on a charge of inutinv, produced at thi> time, ffreat excitement, iind tiie most salutary elTects. That inulinous spirit, which hi.d so frequently bro- ken into the camp, and lor a while sii=peiulcd all active operalioiis, reiiiaiin'd to be cheeked. A lit occasion was iioiv at hand lo evince, thai although militia when al their liiv-si.ies at home, hoa~t an exemption from coiitroul, yet in a field, tlioM- 1iis;h nolions were to be iibiin- (loncd, and subordination observed. Painful as it was to the feelings of the general, he viewed it as a sacrifice e-*eiiti,il lo the preserra'ion of •rood or.ler,nnd left the smtence of the court to | hfiinllieled. The execution was productive ol (he happiest cllVcts; order was produced, and; that opiiiiiii, which had so Ion,- prevailed, that I :i iiiiliti;i-iiiaii wa^ privdeged, and for no <.f- fence liable to «iiircr death, was from that mo- ment abandoned, Mild a stricter obedience than had been practiced, afterwards cliaracteri/ed j the army." Maj. Eaton is careful to say nothing of Wx" circnmstanceo of Woods'' oftencc. It l>ear the light. Fiom the .Marjilandcr. GEN. J At' K SON.— The late election cering trip of this personage to N-Orleans. should, we think, disgust all men of proper feeling. If the system of personal solicit- ation which has been (iractiserl bv ramh- dates for inferior ollices is to be extended to that of the rreii.iciit there will be lui end lo every thing like iii;:nity abotil llie situa- tion, "riiat nolliingbut the selfish molivc of lisbingfor the votes of Louisiana, could have induced him to travel that far no one will doubt imlecd nothing short of thai could have prevailed on him. after the very pointed neglect ol the legislature of that state in It! 1 5, to accept their invit;itioii at this late day. .^nd considering the Gener- al"s aversion to overlooking suposed or real injuries be is really presenting bimselt in a very humiliating posture, lie must in- deed consider his cause as desperate, when I he stoops to such miserable artifices to cre- ate an exiileinent in his Civour. liom'V- er, the iiiipeiial C;esar wooed the peoph- n the market place. TiiUTM'^ ADVOC^ATE AND MO TIILY ANT5-J iCKSON EXPOSITOR. CINCINNATI, OHIO, MARCH, 1828. GENERAI. JACKSON'S .cations were in every respect liis su- periors. Thcv :;1! went tlirougli ;i A pamphlet eii'aiied, "Truth is no [sfrles ot"hard.^lii[\s .-ind dilHcullies iiev- Slander," piibli.slied at Natchez, i'.i i er exj>crienced by Gen. Jackson. Ycl J827, and wrilton by Ci/;;/f;/;i Clemknt, flc are told lie is a second Washington, lias been sent lo iis by liie jninter: we make from it the lollowini; extract. the se<'oiid Saviour of his countrv, &c. He did his duly merely as a soldier for liiis he has been amply rewarded. To exalt him hii;her is fulsome anil dirgiisting adulation. Evlract. , , , ,, r.i 1- 1 *i "Truth is miohtv, and shall pre- he such by gentlen.cn of the highest I, ^,^., thu. Gen. JacLeu begins a let- repu'.ilion m this city. What he hasjter to a gentleman in Baltimore, dated said is ;.poken in a plain nngarnifched |4th of September, 18'2i;, wliich has style, and comin<«, from a person whojhocn publi^l!ed in many of the news^ was an eve witness, is entitled to a ^o.ip<'-P^\''' ber and Jandid examination. i _ ^Iter^such an introduction and ap. in submitting- to the public this por- tion of the pamphlet, it is proper to -tate that Capt. Clement is a man of integrity, and veracity, and !:no\vn (o We know it is coiisidered by the GeneraVs sychophantic admirers to be Iiigh treason to doubt of Ins military qualifications and capacity. Because he won the battle of New Orleans, or J-aiher because that battle ivai von, he lias been compared to Washington and set down beside the greatest military heroes of the woild. History, how- ever, will doliim ju.-tice in this respect peal, it is but fair to conclude that the General meant, not only to call in the aid of truth, to refute charges injurious to his character, but to cliailenge, thro' trutli.an investigation of his morals, his veracity, his public services, and what- ever else might concern the ])ublic, in order to enable it to form a just esti- mate of his fitness and capacity to dis- cliarge the duties of the olHcc for vrhich he Is a candidate. Whether the General intended to invite this liberal application of the A single successful engagement gives i '■"""' or no!, I think it iught to be eX' no warrant for milifarv'skill. General I ^^"'^,'il ^^ 'j'^'' '" ^^^^'^'^P with every Jackson can never justly be compared with many of our military leaders. — Brown, Scott, Miller, Harrison, Ripley and several others, were, to .sriy liic least of it his equals in the last war. candidate for public f-ivoK I think it is the duty of every American, who takes an interest in the prosperity ot his country, and in the wisdom and in- tegrity of ' iis rulers, to set forth /acta relative lo a candidate, as thev'com6 .,,„,,. , . under his own observation: or as he Ri the Revolutionary war, leaving j^.^j. ' ^ Washington out of the ipiestion, who should be compared to none of them. Generals Greene, Lee, Hamilton, Gates, Marion, and others were supe- vior to him. For impetuosity and rash- ness, Allen, Putnam, Wayne, and Mor- as conclusive reason to believe they id transpire. Upon this principle J shall proceed to make a few remarks on what occurred at Nev»- Cleans. ai«3 its environs, during the time that the General was in command there; and in order to be explicit, or as much so as my scope of mind will enable mo to ^n. hesiitos eombining eth'^r qualjli-'be. 1 "h-iH have j^mejimps Cperiwps l.>VhS«tNN MILITARY PRFTKNSIONS. jthe manner in which I was engaged duri'ig the time; which, by ^ome, will no (loul)t be thought cgotislick, and a •Jti^iik of vanity. On the 9tli of December, liciiig in command of tlie 5icam-!)oat \ c-, amounting, as I afterwards un- derstood, to 2,900 or 3,000 men. The next day I procedoil down tiie river, pvcrtook and passed Gen, Carrol, and either at this place, or somewhere be- low, received his aid, Col. Havie, on bojid, as passenger for Ni'w-Orleans. ():i titc evening of the l-2t!i 1 arrived at Natchez, and on the following day took onboard 120 recruits, belonging either to the 7ih or 44lh regiment, which of them I do not remember; I Ihen proceeded to New-Orleans, On the 15lh I made a stop at Baton-Uouge, wliete in a group of persons, who evinced a great deal of anxiety, I «as told thai our gu"boats ne-;ir New-Or- leans had been laken by the British; thit the number of British troops upon the coast W'as computed at 17,000, and that they were fully of opinion that liew-Orleruis would be cajttured be- fore I could get there. I went on, and arrived at New-Orleans the iv^xl day, Nvhere I found great anxiety, and much •drspomieiicy prevailed: and indeed the appreiiensio'is of the citizens arc not to be wondered a(, for llie British for- ce.-, liiO amount (jf wliith was various- ly e-limnled. hut by all exa^;gerated, W'TC iiourly ex[)ectcd to land; and at the lime, the only defence of' the place cpnsisied of the town militia, amount- ing to about a thousand men, with parts, of the 7th and '14th regiments, mostly raw recruits and a small num- ber, probably 150, sailors and marines, ii''dpr the command of Commodore Patterson, Here let il be particularly remark. cd, I'lat there was at this time, and had been for a month previous, within three hundred miles of New -Orleans, a 'rcf under Gen. lackson's command, 'lilfciTcnt points, of more (ban four inousaiid inen; one jodv ol wtiicn, ac cording to Col. Russel's statement, consisted of tlie '*2d, 3d, and 8th regi- ments; none of them," he says, '• but little more than half full, and some i.ot that; detachments of the 24lh, witii a (tiW companies of artillery, and the mi- litia." In another part of his letter, he .-ays, •'the militia were from Geor- gia, Tennessee, and Mississippi, with about six or seven hundred Cliickcsaw, Choctaw, and Creek Indians." This force was stationed at Mobile, and from the above statement we may safe- ly conclude that it amounted to, from three to four thousand men; indeed I understood at the time that the num- ber was mucii greater than I have now estimated it. The other body was Gen- eral Coffee's brigade of mounted rifle- men, containing 1.550 men, stationed at Sandy-creek, a place more than 140 miles in the interior. Again: let it be remembered, that il was not until the morning of the 15th, four days after it was known in New- Orleans, that the British were on the coast, and two days at'ter an attack up- on, and destruction of one of the gun- boats, that Gen. Jackson sent an ex- press to Gen. CoflTee, ordering him to march with haste to New-Orleans. Now, I will ask any impartial man. whether it is not strange and unac- countable, that a place containing tb« wealth, and being in every way as im- portant as New-Orleans wa«, should have been thus jeopardized ? Can Gen. Jackson — can any man, give a plausi- ble reason why more than three thou- sand men, some of them the best troops 111 the United States' service, and Cfjual to any in the world, sliould Ik- station- ed at a place so insignificant as Mobile iheii was, when New-Orleans (some ol the ware-houses of which contained more moveable wealth than the whole town o{ Mobile, and all its dependen- cies) was left destitute. F know that Gen. Jackson's biographer, who b) most impartial persons is considered as the General's mouth-piece, or amanu- ensis, has said that the General was grea'ly concerned for the safety of Mo- bile, and the settlements on the .Vlalia- bama and Tombigbee rivers. But who will yHow tliis to lie a snfljcient reason GCN'EKAL JACKSOSi-^ ItJU-tlTARY PKKTE!VS10JiS. A^ why three or four thousand troops j Mobile, and at Saiuly-creek,* in order to pi-cvent iNcw Orleans lalling into the hands of an invading eiiemy? Leave the capital, the emporium defenceless, in order to protect some of its depen- di'nries, when it was known the capi- tal, il not the entire, was the ullimato ohject; ami wlien tli.it capital, left de- A'liceless, was as assailaiile as any of tliose dependencies — cover the liinbs with mail, and leave tlie heart exposed. How ahsiird, how nugatory such lears andsuclianaiigenionts — a fear of tiieil- landing ill the province of Texas, aiid thence Kai'ihig command of ti)e Missis- sippi, would have been much better founded. Whoever will take tlio trou- ble to look at a map, and observe the bearing and distance of these different should be allotted for its preservation, and a place of a hundred times its value li-'ft defenceless. What would now Iiave been said of Gen. Jackson's talents, had New-0 Teans havefillen in conseijuence of this iniu(liciou> distribution of the forces un- der liis command. And it was mere accident ttiat it did not; for had the British landed any day previous to the evening of the 19th, there would have been none to defend it, except the town militia, in whose patriotism, it has been argued, tlic General had no confidence, and six or seven hundred undisci|)Iined soldiers. iMorcover, the General's biographer in defending him against the ciiarge of having tyranni- cally continued martia! law, after not a | pk'ices, will see that the idea suggested shadow of necessity for such a measure , '•>' this biograplior, was almost as chi- existed, defended hiin by alleging that merical as to iiave imagined tlic Brit- the British were still upon the coast, ar,d that a few hours might bring them to t!ie shore. If he meant liiat in a few hours they might land, and again attack New Orleans, in their then dis- ronifited and greatly reduced condition, if was untrue. But when thev first ar- rived upon the coast, thev might have landed in a few days, almost without opposition; for Jackson had neglect- ed, strangely and culpably neglected, to concentrate his forces to oppose them. As for Coffee's hrig.ade, it would atem that Jackson had entirely forgot- fen he had such a body of men at his <7Dmmand; for it was not until the fifth day after he knew the British squadron was upon the coast, that he sent for them. His biographer has indeed made some remarks which may per- haps have been intended as an excuse ibr this egregious blunder, or neglect; he says the Goncr.il apprehended that the British might capture '^Mobile, the left bank of the Mississippi be gained, all communication with tlie western states be cut off, and New-Orlean? be Chus unavoidably reduced." I cannot find language to convey m\ idea of the futility of such an appre- hension, and ot' the means apparenth taken to prevent the occurrci'ce. — Wh^t, a general station his iorrc? at oils had turned dragons, would take v.insi and aliglit, not at New-Orleans, but somewhere in the interior. Some will excuse themselves from passing judgment upon these proceed- ings of Gen. Jackson, upon the ground that they arc not military moe, and tlie re fore cannot presume to judge oT the propriety, or impropriet) , of mili- tary operations; but every man knows (hat to effect any purpose whatever, it is necessary to have the means within his reach, and that it is culpable remiss- ness to omit colloctii'.g (hose means^ when they are attainable, and when great disaster and molestiition, may cn'- 5ue from sucii neglect. On the evening of the 18th, I receiv- ed orders from Gen. Jackson to pro- ceed up the rivi;r, with tlie stcam-boa(. to meet Gen. Carrol, for the purpose of taking as many of his men on board, as the boat would contain, and ining- ing them direct to New-Orleans. On (he morning of the 19th, I met Uim. about twenty miles above Ne>»-Or- leans; he having by great and praise- worthy exertions, retarded as he wa? by wind and weather, di^-cended (he river much further (h-'n could iiave been expected. T!'C weather, when I met him, having become fine he de- '-innHy-ore'k rmpties into the Mi^aissjpp'i twrnty.*V7n miles nbove Baton Rmi;c M GENKRVl, JACKSON'S .TMIiTAIiV I'ilETKShiOXS. jcliiicd letting anv of his men leave the 1 tiiis hatt.-ilion, posted where it iiad flat boat?, ami thalaflenioon ho landed l hcen. wmild have hccn in a roiidilion with his command at Ncv.-Oileans. — | *oniev,!;at similar to tiic Dutch teii The following; da^ Gen. Coiiio, by ex- [ raj>tair., who.'wiien lie i:ct upon a for ertions and (hliguo sullkient lo pros-|Cign coast. i"ouiiabout seven, and immediately made my town at about 1 o'clock in the after- ' disposition for attack. His lorce;, noon ofthn 23d. A( fn-:' it was gen- [antouiiling at liiat time on land to about, rtraliy tiiought th.t; not more than a 1 three tlioiisand men, extended about thousand men had latidcd at this point.; iialf a mile on that river, and in tiie and that tliero Avould Ue a .^imiiltancou? i rear nearly to the wood. Gen. Coffee attack from some oilier j.>oiiil. That ; was ordered to turn their right, while this was (lie o])inion giiei; lo Gen. | willi Ihe residue of the force, 1 attacV-' Jackson, and tliat he coincided willi it, I am induced to lielievc from tlie cir- cumstance of his taking no more than 2,1 C7 men with him to attack ii;r»( ed hi'- stro'igcst position on the lel't, neai- the river. Com. ratterson iiav- ing dropped down (he river, in llu,- schooner Caroline, was direc(ed to Body of (he Bri(is!), and leaving the open a fire or. their camp; which In- residue in the town and its precincts, ejcecutod about half alUT seven, (hi; 1 will here relate an incident v. hich | l>ci;^g the signal ofailack." pcriiaps by some, may be liionglit wor-l Now let il lie rt marked, tliat Gcner- thy of notice, and a malter from wliich I al Jack<)n, by ibis statement intended an inferciicc may he drnwn. Major j (hat it should be iiiltrred that Conimo- Plaurhe's battalion, of .-ibout 400 men,] dore I'atterron was under his command, who had been encamped several days | This I can u'.V.csitatingly say is not on the bayou St. John, and who had] true. Commodore i a(tei¥on, like all now started logo with Gen. Jackson (o other na\al ofticers. would have dis- the attack, were under (he necessity of dained to obey the orders of General being halted, until a sujii'lv o( carl- j Jackson, or anv oth'^r Gener:il. Pat- ridges coulrt be obtained fioni tiie forl;;terson would not have delivered a car- the men not liiivingiii Ihcir cartridge-; trid^e of powder lo the order of Jack- boxes more tluui from four (o seven j son; (his I know, whether (he General cartridges each. IIkJ the British ap- knows il or not, and could iclalean oc- proached New-Orleans liy (he wa\ oficurrence that goes lo prove it. but it is lak;" Poncfi.irtrai!., the diicclic.:' lu ' unuece-sarv vhii.ii (hey were cxjiecled lo approacli. ' (^aplain H-nlry, under Patterson, (JENEitAL JACKSON* MILITAUY PREl'E^fSIO^S'. 6{* commanded the Caroline tliat evening; j his fame, to be considered as the com- a:ul Oil hoard the steam-boat in tom-lmander, not only of the soldiery, thu pany wiili myself and several others, militia, .md the jndieiary, but of the he rclalod the occurrences of the oven- ■inj; nearly as follows. l> jt let it be jpremiscd, that at that time the river was not more than a foot or eighteen jntiics below the level of its banks; and the bai;ka and coiuitry arc almost as level as the water itself. '-'rhe Biitish," s;iid Captain Henley, "were encamped aleni; the hank of ih.e river, and were standing and sitting, iii grou[)s aromid the tires, cooking. I diopped down, and came to anchor abreast of them, about one hundred yards from the shore. At lii-si the British appear- ed to take us for a (rieiidi) vessel, for several came to the walei's edge and hailed, '•schooner ahoy, wliat have you got to sell," I made no reply, but got every thing snug. As soon as 1 had got all ready, I fired a broadside of grape and cannister shot among them, and there never was a finer lime for .Idlii'ig men. Immediately I heard the orders of, "out tires ; l)ring tiie rockets."' Some of the rockets they threw at us without any effect; our fire on them was as brisk as possible; they fled from (h(; shore, and soon after that the firing (intlie land commenced. Shortly after lhi> 1 found the Americans were beyoiid the British troops, and between them aiKl the wood, and thoug'it tiiai my fire would be as likely to kill (he Ameri- cans as the Britisii, 1 therefore ceased firing." r think Captain Henley remarked, that he thought liie hre of the Carolii;c, killed and wounded as ntanv of the ene- mv. as the whole of the land forces, nnder General Jackson did; if he did not make this remark, m.any otliers were of th.at opinion ; and the account of the action, given by a British ofKeer whose hot k has been reviewed iii one of tiie late numbers of tlie Edinburg Review, confirms this opinion. .lackson and Patterson had an agree- ment, no doubt, a? naval and land offi- cers ought to do, upon the manner of at- tacking tiie enemy ; but I feel safe in assertirg that Jackson no more com- manded Patterson, than Patterson com- manded him. The General appears tp have thought, that it would add to r.ava! lorces also. The General, in many instance?, shows his fi)ndness for telling a good story; not a mere dull matter ol' fact tale; but oise that has pilli and nerve' in it. This disposition i-* evinced in another part of his statement respect- ing the events of tiie 2:3d. Of the New- Orleans rifle company he says, "tliey liaviiig penetrated into the midst ol'iho enemy's camp, were snrrounded, and fouglit their way out with the greatest her;'isni; bringing with them a numbei of prisoners.'' Now one of this company was mv brother, and 1 am well satisfied that neither he, nor any of the rest, in- te!)tio!jally, penetrated into the midst of tiie enemy's camp, armed as they were with rifles and knives, although there were as brave men in the com- pany as any in the field. The facts of this incident are nearly these. In the darkness and general confusion that prevailed, this comiiany got divided, and separated into two nearly equal parts; one part, twenty-five 1 think in numlier, seeing a body of men standing, took them to he Americans, and march- ed up to tnem; when very close, some of them cried out "iiuzza for Tennes- see;'' t!ie British soldiers, tor such tiiey proved to be.onlcrcii them to lay down liicirarms: lliis they immediately obey- ed, ai'.d surrendered, for resistance would have been vain. The otlier part of the company took a different direction, and got to the main body of the Americans,aiid on their way picked up seveial stragglers ofthe enemy. Perha])s no action which ever took place in this country, has been more misrepresented, ar.d whicli the people of Ih.e United States are more in error upon, than on this: no one can. or ever could,! conclude.givc a true detailed ac- count of it. I have seen many state- ments in print respecting it. some of v.liich were so iiidatcd and bombastic, indeed so ridiculously falac, that 1 sup- pose no man in his sober senses, would for a moment believe them. Even Gei;eral Jackson's statement is not to he ielicd upoi ; 1 even think that when ho mad" it he did not give it to the bcrf M GE.VRKAL JACKSON-'S MrLriAKV FRl:i ENSIONS. of his information. From ail tlie infoi-[ flown and miery ground, in tlie wood- mation wiiicii I havf l)pcn able to salli- This idea, Irom statements 1 tiiink to be er, of tiie manner in wiiicli it proceed- relied upon, oiiginated witii, and tiie ed, I i)elieve itcommejiced with very work was commenced by some of tlie fittleconcert, and ended in total confu-: privates of the militia. The nesl sion. "I arrived," says the General,! morning, pursuant to ordere from Gcn- ''near the enemy's encampment, ahout eral Jackson, a great number of spade? seven, and imnndiately made uiy dis-i were collected in town, for the purpose position for attack. His forces, a- j of e'ffectitig the uork. and it was con- moiiritinf; at that time on land to about I secjuently executed, but in a very uu- 3,000, extended about half a mile on j skilful manner, which will be perceived that river, and in the rear nearly to the I by a description of the manner in wood. General Coffee was ordered to I which il was construc'ed. It will be turn their right, while with the residue understood that the earth which had of the force I attacked his strongest po- 1 l>cen thrown out of the canal, in diggii;g sition, on the left near the river." lit. had raised a ridge upon its side. This Il)elicve is correct as respects 'The object now was, to elevate thi? Coffee's brigade; but Phiuche's baltal- ridge to the height of a man's head, lion, owing to its detention, waiting fori To effect this object, earth was taken cartridges, had not yet got up. In his i from the upper side, and thrown upon advance he was met by an officer ofone the ridge; thus the level and smooth of the regular regiments, and ordered 1 surface was broken, where the men had to n'j)iiir to a certain point; b»it the officer was evidently so much intoxica- ted, that his orders were not obeyed. and, as I have been informed, and be- lieve, Plauchc took a different direc- tion, and was fortunate in arriving at a place just in tim" to meet, and to batlle the riglit wiiigof the British; and pro- babh, hv his uinxpcctrd appearance, afterwards to stand. Tl>e surface wa^ taken off from six to ten imhes deep* ar:d to the extent back from tiic breast work, oflrom twenty to tbrty feet; thus in many places making reservoirs for rain water, which were soon converted into slough- of mud. It will be judged wtiethei-this rude piece of military en- giiier.' did not greatly contribute to impressed them with n;i idea that the ' the sickness which afterwards so extcn- American force was niudi greater than j sively prevailed amongst the men. — it really was. and thus prevented a total I Had a new ditch been formed, immedi- route of our forces. The General ad- ately above the old one, of twelve or mits there was some cont'nsion, and the fourteen feel wide, the earth from it British officer who has written upon would have been sufficient to raise the the subject, says it was total confusion, i desired breastwork: and thus an aJdi- I presume he meant on both sides. | tional harrier would have been opposed Towards morning, after a consulta-' while t'le defenders would have had a tion of tlic officers. General Jackson smooth surface to stand upon, and a concluded to fall back, ahout a mile and a halt", toward town, and post him- selfon the bank of ai\ old saw-mill race, through which, wiien the river was full, as it was al this tune, tlic water ran in considerable quanlitv.nnd spread in the swamp, or annually inuinlated woodland, which every where borders the Mississippi river. To this jilace the Tennessee militia, or Caroll's brig- ade, who had been left in and about town, were colh-cted in the moniit'g. During the day (the 24th) tlie idea be- came general of erecting a breastwork on the upper hank of this s,a\v-mill canal to'o"Xlcnd from the vi^cr tn^he ovct- much more healthy, and in every res pect eligible sittiation; and all this, with the men that were there, could have been ellected in six hours. The side;- of the breastwork, owing to the adhesiveness of the earth, could be formed almost as perpendicular as a brick wall. This wall of earth, situated immediately upon the bank of a ditch nearlv hlled with mud and water, was almost a p advanced in the art of gunnery, may judge what! upon the town, firing them would have degree of knowledge the general pos-j liad no other effect than that of making sessed >ipoM the subject of artillery, and; a noise. Had Gen. Jackson been a^ to what extent the public service was- well skilled in the use and management probably benefited by these visits. I of cannon as from all accounts he is i^i Early on the morning succeeding the! the art of gaffing, trimming and pre- cvciiing on which the British landed, I! paiing cocks for battle, he never coul4 took the crew of (he steam-hoat, went' have pn.ssed those guns, without seeing down to the Fort St. Charles. a!id olfer-, they were in a condition that made it ed my services to captain Humplirey,' impracticable to use them to any effect, who had been in command of liie fort.! 1 have several times adverted to state- He told mf lie had received orders, andj ments made by Jackson's biographer; was then preparing to go down with: that in many instances they were made his light artillery, to join General Jack-! k'*' ^'^^ Generars dictation is probable, son; heref<-iied me to Major Nis, of: considering the relation in which they the infantry, who from an accidental i stood to each other, but that they were wound, was unable to join his regiment, j made by his uppr..hation, no one can ■jnd was in consequence placed in com- , doubt ; i caniiot refrain from referring mand of the fort. The Major immedi- j lo another of tliaae statements. It is atcly accepted of my proffered service,} written by this friend of the Generars, and captain Humphrey then went with j that the vigilance in Jackson's tamp to me round the fori, to shew me thecondi- i prevent ni;y siippiies. or intelligence, be- tion of the guns. He made some re- |ing carried from New-Orleans to the nuiiks explanatory of the reasons why j enemy, was so gfetit, that a log could some of the guns were in tlieir ruinous j scarcely passdomi the river uuobserv- -t.-rtc, and whslied me (e d<9 what I'ed; a? an eviH(*nc t he savs (.page .323.) «a GE-VERAL JACKSON'S amJTAIl\ PRirr£N'SlO.\& »Two flat bottomed boats in a dark night, were turned adrift above, to as- ■certaiuil" vigilanrc were pn-scrvcd. and wi.etiier tiiere would be any chance of passing safely to the Briti«ii liin??: the light boats discovered them on their passage, and on the alamj being given, they were opened upon b\ the Louisi- ana sloop. and the b.ilteries on tl>e shore ; and in a few tainutos were >unk."' Wliat 9 notable expedient ; who but Gen. Jackson would have fliought of one so ■excellent; who but him would have •chought of tun.ing two flat boats adrift , at the same time, in order to ascenain , ■whether in (>eamen"> phrase) his senti- i nels were on tiie look out. Ttjose who have not seen this ki:id of l»oais. ivill from ade^triptior. of their form at-d di- mensions, be able dged on board. On I'.ie eve'iif.g of the i?7th, be- tween 9 and 10 o'clock. Mr. Charles Harrod, deputy i|>iarter master, ci'me to me, and told me, that he had jast received orders from heid quarters, to send down immediately, a quantirv of thick plank ;u'd scan Jings, which were it) a saw inill yard, above town; that he could hiiv no'jody. and there was no way of getting it down, unless T would, with the crew of the steam beat take it down: of course I could not re- fuse, or even hesitate. I received from Mr. Harrod, written authority, to take aiiy I'oat that I could find at the levee, of suitable size; I soon found one. manned her, a;^d went up, and got the timber en bo.-ird, ai>d proceeded down t!>e river; when from the distance f had descended. Ihad as I supposed, ap^ proached near the American camp. ! sheared in to^vnrds the land, and kep! along .ibout fiftv yards from tl>e shore, expecting to be hailed bv i!-.e tir?t sen- tinel that I came to, no? douliling but at that time of night, it being between one and two o'clock in the morriirg, & vigilant watch would be kept; when hailed, I intended, after satisfving the sentinel who I was. to enquire where the timber was to be landed: tiic night was not dark, but there was a little bank of log resting upon the margin of the river; I soon heard men talking upon the shore, and had no doubt, but wlicn i got abreast of them. I should bo hailed, a".d ordorod to give an account of myself, but although making a noise with the oars that might be lieanl a mile. I pas-ed them without being no- ticed: 1 began io thir;k of hailing the siiore myself; but, thought I, what hail a military tamp? I shall be considered a real fmmpkin, I certainly shall be liailed when I get low enough. I kept on, under tSiis impression, passing sev- eral sjroupcs of men witliout being no- ticed, until not a voic.e was to be hear^ «E!(£RAL iACKSOS* MlhlTARY PRETE5W05*. *» »n either direction. I then cooclodrti The Bntish encampment was about a it would be imprcdent to proceed far- mile and a half lower down the river: ther withoai kwjwirig more of mj ^itu- thev had at IbU time no breastwork, ■ation: I mljcht 1 ihoudit. get down to bat relied solely upon their arms for Hi':: British camp, in which case 1 liad ^-fetr, their bofiness, was to attack, -not a doubt but 1 shoald be imittd to not to keep under caver and deiead ^re an account of my=elt 1 accord- ibcmielvei. In making the attack, ingl V taracd the boat to the shore, and upon the Americans, they had to march Jinding nobody upon the bank, was at up over a plain so level, that from the first in do-jbt,' whether the men whom fir?t step in advance, thej were expo*- / had paM*tl were not loiterers, and ed to the American's caimon, and to whether 1 had vet descended low the uninterrupted fire of the musketry *:nough to reach the camp, but I re- and riflemeo. wiien they had arrived solved to go back and enquire- 1 there-' near eooo^ for such aniK to take cf- fore rowed up by the shore, and soon feet; when arrived at the ditch, ther with a good deal of anger, discovered had it to wade before they could chaise men about the breastwork: and did the Americans; its opposite bank to not fail to taunt and reproach them for climb, and then to inoant the breast- fheir seemir:g ignorance of duty. I work, both muddy, in doing which, forthwith went to !iead quarters, to re- their hands would unavoidably become port mvself, and related to the Geror- so besmeared with mad, that they hI's volunteer aids^e-camp- this most could not use a musket or any other unsoldierlike negligence of the senii- weapon to any eflect, and all this time iieJs: or unmilitarv police of the camp, the Americans had noth'mg to do. bat The people of the United States raise their beads above the breaitwort have beard so much of the Hero of to point their guns down upon them. New-Orieans, and of the glorious and dmot them — it is proper to remark fjghth of January, so much esaggera- that the river bank, and after a ^wri rion, and misstatement respecting it. distance from it, perhaps an hucdrcd that thev have learned to consider the yards along the breastwork, the ditch. repulse of the British, on that day. as owing t>3 the falling of the river gnoe .1 brilliant victory, and an evidence of the 23d of December, had become -uperior gecerahhip and valour in the nearly dry. so that here the obstacle* ■ omnvirjder: but this opinion never above mentioned, to the success of tlie would have prevailed, ha-] they have enemy, or their close eccouoter with had a true knowledge of the situation the Americans, was not so great as is of the two armies- Had Gen. Jack- other parts- 'on and his army met the enemy upoa The cumbers of the Briti^ have by .-quai groand. harid to hand, arnl foot some of the biuy newspaper " slang :o foot, as Gen. Brown did at Chippe- whangers" been greatly exaggerated, •^-T- and at Bridgewater, and h?.d the and the number of the Americans a« British in such a contc-sl. been defeated much extenuated. J have seen a •ind destroved, as tliey were at New- chronological table printed at Boston. Orleans: then might die General have in which tfie number of the British tnx^ l>cen lauded with proprietv. But let on the Sth of January, was set down us for a moment consider wLat the real at thirleen thousand : and the number -ifuation of the two armies at ?»ew-Of- of Americans at considerable less than fcans was: and from it draw conclu- four thousand: but why rate the force rioas what degree of generalship was of the British at only thirteen thoasand Jisplaved. Their p<»itions were near- — if the object is to make a marvelous Jv as follows: tlic American?, as I have j tale, why not give the roar>d number of before stated, were on the upper side twenty thousand, or forty thousand, but of a high wall, made of adhesive and if truth should prevail, the supenority -lipperyer.rth: Wvond tliis wall at its of numbers will be found much to pre- itase, was a ditch twelve or fourteen ponderate on the American sidf, for icet wide, from three to four feet deep. irr>m the best sources of infonmtion MVtn-lv fillf^ w'fh mud and water. — re?pecRng tfi** nomber? •f ibe Bri'>*^* •0.0 CENKR.VL JACKSON'S SOLITARY PRETEN'srOSS. and ill k-ed liie oidy sources tlial are I tlic hiiiiJijii saiiors and iiiuiiiies, nude entillcd to credit, which i? Gen. Jack- his attack. son's own account, and that of the If Gen. Jackson had no more thau British officer hcforc alluded to, there 4,600 men at the breastwork, it must worceight rP£;imcntsof the Briliih.and 'have been because more could not be from six Inmdred to nine hundred mari- engaged at it to any advantage. In- nes and s;iilors. Admitting all the i deed conside g the length of the regiments to liavo been full, when they j i)rea=two-rk, w'iik h certainly did not ex- landed, a circumstance totally improli- j cccdtwehohundred yards; and further, able, they amounted to eight tliouiand, I taking into view that mew cannot ac' and the marines and sailors, eight in battle in a less space than three hundred, tl>e whole force which was feet, it is probal.de there was not more eight thousa'id eiglit hundred; it must | than that number immediately at the betaken ii-.to account however, tluit i breastwork; for if each man occupied Erevious to the eii;l)t!! of Jaiuiar)', there- 1 a space of three feet, or one vard, ad been several co'.cfiicts, and accord-] twelve hundred men, sii gle file, would \ng to :dl accou'its their efficient force,] have occupied the whole length of the had Iicen reduced about eight hundred. I breastwork, and 3,600 would have tilled te.iving seven ihousaid two hundred ' it three deep, which is as many 1 think, reL;u!ars; this number, however, did not I as could be advantageously engaged. all .idvauce upon the American lines. Colonel Mullen, refused to lead his regi/nent to the attack; the force, there- fore, that did advance to the attack on The General had more than twice 3,600 men on that side of the rixer, hut where posted, or what their coudilion for bat- tle was, I do not know, at least I did the left bank of tlie river on the eighth I not see; I was that morning employed of Tinunrv, did not exceed six thousaiid i in Fort St. Charles. th:-' t liu'idred men. Gen. Jackson I If Gen. Jackson could not empio} rate.s hi? own force at the breastwork, more than 3,600 men to advantage at at three thousand six hundred men; and i the breasfwdrk. how can if he inia^in- savs notliii'g of tlie thousands which lie | cd the British General could attack to had in the rear. There arc public advantage with a greater nunjber, when documents and other proofs to siiow, he had no greafer space lo act upon that Jackson had at his command on ' than CJen. Jackson had. The Britisii that day at New-Orleans, more llian I troops could not fire while they wen- nine thousand men; the following list •>dvancing, except the front (ilc, and w-ill be fon.d very near correct, orj'beybut once without stopjiing to r<- rather a low estimate. Jfi'K-Orlonns militia nnd voliintorrs, 7tli ami 41(1) rr:;imi-iit;i of rocnlars, Loui^iiinn and Mi^siisippi mi.itiii and volunteer-, at Ipiist Com. Patterson'^ s lilors and marines, CotTie's Hrii;.ulo Triiiir-sce ri.'lfnien, Carrol's I>rii,'!ulo IViiiit«-i "'hen thev rose up to lire. As I lia\e '2-200 ■ " tlu-m to be seen by the British but their 9200 before remarked. />ne thousand m-n. situated as (he Americans were, wc.uKl be equal '^ ("ur. if not live thousand. Beside, it is but reasonable to sup- 1 situated as the Brirish soldiers were. piNp, that some, if not all the 350 men \ And where, Iwould a-k, was there anv ot Co lice's brigade, who were left at genoralshipdispla\ed bv our commatuj- Sandy Creek, knd ere this followeiland jer? ^Vhcre was th.-re'an opportui;il\ joined the army. Palterson's sailors to display miliUirv skill? There was no .■2 CBNEHAL JACKSON'S MILITARV PRETE\S10,VS. varication, to have omitted it would 'and that it was little short, of blasphe- hrfve appeared to man}-, that 1 was de- my to censure, or even etiquire into the sirous of hidiiig fact-:; and some, who, propriety of their conduct. General like the modern judf(e of Israel, think; Jackson had declared martial law that all is fair in politics, would eaf^erly ! wlien there was this justification for it: seize the opportunity of manufacturing . it was necessary that every man should a tissue of faUehood. I be a soldier. But it is very doul)t/iil On the niiiht of the 18th of January, I whether hy this violation of the coi;- the British force retreated; at which stitution tiity men, or even one man. time, owing to the loss which they sus- was brought ifito the riinks, who would taincd on the 8th, and the previous not by tiie existing laws, or their vol- conllicts, their whole number, regulars, \mtary will have placed themselves sailors, and marines, could not accord- there. It will be seen, by refer.ing t» ing to Gen. Jackson's estimate of their| the acts passed by the legislature or losses, have exceeded five thousand Louisiana, a few days previous to tiic men. Tlic joy of the citizens of New- 1 landing of the British, that that body Orleans was unbounded. The French of men, unpatriotic, or traitorous as people are said to be le"s phlegmatic, > Gen. Jackson would make it appear or in other words, more enthusiastic : they were, had taken the most zealou's . than the Americans, and now, in the . and energetic measures, to bring every overflowing of their joy, they wanted man that could he found into the de- to select some object, tangible object, fence of the country. Two of these- on which to bestow their benedictions, acts are contained in the appendix, anA They too, some at least of them, had in i there arc several others, passed in the their native country been accustomed ; same animated spirit. There was noth- to shows and pageants. The present ' ing in the conduct of these men, in they thought was an occasion which their legislative capacit}', that goes t» would justify such an exhibition ; they, sliow they were less earnest or desirous as well as the Americans, were in that | for the successful defence of New-Or- mood, in which they iiave raised up leans, than Gen. Jackson himself wis. and crowned an idol, or a man, whom Indeed they had as strong, or strorger they have called their king, or empc- incentives to protect the pl.ice Irom ror, and who soon became tlieir tyrant, the ravages of an enemy, than the Gen. Jackson was the man they select- Gen'l. had; they, many of them, had cd, on whom to bestow these insignia their fimilics, their lionour, and their of honor, or tokens of adidation, and , property to protect, while Jackson had b • it would appear, nothing loth, be- only military fame to acquire, came, as some would say. the pujjpet of But llie circumstances under which tliis most anti-repuMican spectacle. A (jen. Jackson had declared martial triumphal arch was erected in the pub- law, had long ceased to exist. When lie s<|uare, l)efore the church, avid Gen. [ he incarcerated a member of the leg- Jackson pompously marched under it, I islature, a national judge, a district at- wcnt into tl;ecathedral,an(l wascrown-l torney, and banished the consul of a ed by the bishop. "Freedom shriek- 1 foreign nation; when martial law was ed when Kosciusko fell," and Freedom ! declared, and invasion by British troops frowned a .d sighed, when Gen. Jack- [in great force was hourly expected, so:i was crowned. ! but a monti) belbre those high-liandeil It is a n'atter for speculation, wheth- nicasures were enforced, tiie Brili>li er the heiiar, and homage, tiiat ou the liad been discomtited, had lost nearly above named occasion was m so high a half their nundier, and had gladly eflcct- degrec p.iid to Gen. Jackson, was not ! 3.1 a retreat, or escape Irom the banks the cause of his acting in so tyrannical' of the Mississippi; and further, at this a manru'i- as he al'terwards did. Men; lime, our Ibrce was near or quite dou- o( muc'i more strength of mind thaii ble what it was when the British land- Gen. J.i-kson possesses, have by lion-.ed for in addition to the arrival of the orsaiui .iistinctions. been led to believe J Kentuck). the Louisiana, and the Mis- ■ey Ijcld their power by divine right. I sissippi militia, the 3d regiment of the GENEKAI- JACKSO.V'S MIMTAKY I'RETKNSIDNS. Ha tJnited Stales' infantry, six hundred | the 3d, 7th and 44th regiments of roc;a- stronsi, had arrived from Mobile, and all hi IS, containing upwards of thirlt-cn were" eonipletcly equipped with the hundred troops; these men he kept in bestof arms, for, in addition to about 'garri^^on near his person; forwhat pur- one thousand stand of arms taken from 1 pose, I will scarce venture a conjecture, the British on the eiglith, a boat had J It is well known, however, for what rtrrivid from Pittsburgli on tlio 10th or 1 purpose tyrants have generally used lltli of January with 5000 new nuis- troops of this description. Icets; Gen. Jackson himself proves' by | The militia of the town, some of one of his oHicial dopatehes, that he them at least, were kept oil' at a dis- had no apprehension the British would jfance, stationed at disagreeable po'tsj lieturn, and if they had returned, itjit was this arrangement, and the Gon- wouldonlvhavebeento bcraptund, for eral's treatment of French Pul)je( tt', Jackson had more than double their j that Mr. Louaillier, a member of tlic numbers. The General writes as fol- ' Legislature com])lained of in a ne\vs> fows. "Whether it is the purpose of! paper; and for this complaint. Gen. the enemy to abandon the expedition | Jackson sent a t"de of these regulars, altogether, or renew his cHbrts at some and took him into custody. Mr. Lou- other point, I do not pretend to deter- mine with po^itivencss; in my own opinion, however, there is but little doulil that his last exertions have been made in this quarter, at any rate for the present season, and by the next, I hope we shall be fully prepared for them. In this belief, I am strengthened not only by the prodigious loss he has sustained at the position he had ju>t aillicr, by a friend,a])plied to the district' Judge for a writ of habeas corpus, the Judge granted it, but Jackson instead of obeying the writ, sent another tile of these regulars (or the body of the Judge, whom he kept in custody for;t week, and then banished fiom the town ; from these, and many other illustrations of character, and disposition in tlie General, I sliould,wcre I tohazard an o- quit, butby the failure of his fleet to pinion,conclude that ifhc had athisi nnv pass fort St. Philip. '•His loss on this ground, since the debarkation of his troops, as stated by the last prisoners and deserters, and confirmed by many additional circum- stances, must have exceeded four thous- and, and wac greater in the action of (he eighth, than estimated from th(! most correct data then in possession by the inspector general, whose report Las been forwarded to you." But although there was not a single ♦•nemy on our shores within three hun- dred miles of New Orleans, and al- though not a pretext of necessity re- mained for military law, being contin- ued paramount to civil authority; yet Gejcral Jackson found that dic- tatorship was convenient and very mand an army of one hundred thousand of these rcgulars,undcr good discipiiae, and good pay, no man within these U- nitcd States, could with impunity, pub- licly spcak.or publicly write, any tliiag which the General in his w isdom, wc'idd deem an improper meddling; and i! he should be elected President, the very first year of his administration rt ould proI)ably involve us in a broil with some other nation, and the General would deem it expedient to raise an army; then what his friends now boastii-igly call his energetic character, would in- cite him to iiave an energetic or numer- ous army; and by the time this army was well drilled, he would (ind that martial law throughout the United States was necessarv; and then, if any pleasant. His brow too, still retained i man, in any p;irt of the nation should the exalting sensation which the crown | complain of his proceedings, he would had impressed upon it: he felt that he 1 find, as he did in the case of Louaillier, had the power, and that conscious- 1 that they had committed a dozen oll'en- ness gave him the disposition to over- ces against the rule> and articles olwar, come all opposition to his mandates, and [each of which, ought to be capitally to silence all public enquiry into the | punished; perhaps ho might merciluIN propriety of his arrangements. Jack- , mitigate their punishment, and only son at this time, had at N^'w• Orleans consing them to a d-ingcoTi, 34 GEN. JACKSON'S 3IIUTARYPRETESSIOVS..~~THEOFPO.SlTlO.\. But (say his .idvocates) after peace took pl.K e, he surrendered himself lo the judicial autliority of this same judge, a^'d tliu-; proved his respect forthi- l;nv>. and for the civil autliority. I would ask these advocates, what could he that tile diameter of the person fixeS upon as r.; ;. I demagogue possessed suf- tii-ient bi i!Ii:ii;<.y"to i)osed to be the course most iikeU to insure success vised as substitutes for sound doctrine and patriotic principle, was a misfor- tune which they found it difficu.t to remedv. In this emergency it seemed expedient to avow some political doc- trine that should be common to the wiiole party throu£;iiout the United States. And as has usually happened in such cases, the southern politicians have been able to dictate the doctrines that arc to be supported by the party. But to discover any thing which ! In former times, according to i\Ir. John should serve as a common bond of uni- Randolph, the southern members were on, and have at the same time any | aide to //u;/ as many »doup;h faces' a- ihej (icmblance of principle, has been a dif- ireiiuired to carry any particular meas- fkuM tasL At Grst it was supposed 'ure, But on the pres"::t occa-ion^ it /«U.. THE OPPOSITIOPT. 95 does not appear (hut they have incur-] but they did not possess the tale'.ts of reii any pecuniary expense. An oppo sition to the American system seems now to be the bond that unites the dem- agogues ot'tlie soutii and west.ahiiongh itls well Icnown that in nothing have the people of the west ever been so unani- mous as ill the opinion that the adop 'the ediior of the Tiller, and therefore failed.* Not satisfied, however, with these two taslcs, our great man in hii course is accomplishing a tliird, viz; the destruction of the English lan- guage, and substituting ore in its stead, entirely i;idcpendent of rules tion of that system is indispcnsiblc to I of grammar or any such like restraints the prosperity of tiie country; and it j upon his genius. In this latter work must have been a very grievous affair I he goes on prosperously, and by the for our opposition members to be oblig- ed to adopt it without receiving any pay in advance. But in truth, it would have been asking too nun ii of them to require that t!iey should withstand the dictation of the valiant "hero of lute- time the people are enlightened enough to understand what he writes, the other two tasks will uudoul)tedly be accomplished. To tliese powerfiri supporters of the opposition in Ohio, another has been lately added, pcihaji!: string and Cologne,'' backed by the re- j somewhat inferior in talents but doutable champion of Roanoke, who , equally useful: we mean the Cques- mifht'-nail them to the coun'er like ajtrian statue lately erected by Mr. pie'ce of bad money," if they refused | Letton at his museum. This last to believe that the constitution is a | would have been more efficacious if -fai>faroaade of abstractions,"' or "blow! Mr. L. had attended to the advice of a. them sky high,"' if they refused to a-' friend, and exhibited the six militia bandon the interests of their constitu cnts at hisbiddlng. But how are the people of the west mer, with their general. These would have given more character to the ex- hibition. The mere representation of fo be made to adopt docrines contrary | one man on horseback, dressed in re- to those they have so long cherished?! gimentals, is rather too much like our fn this Congressional district, indeed, I every day exhibitions of dressed up- the powerful talent, of ouf represen- j officers, and the latter possess one tative will do much, and if ^e should ! advantage over the former, — they arc not be entireiv equal to the task, our able to parade the streets. As to late representative will aid him. Of their comparative real utility, there these distinguished characters it is dif- will be, doubtless, mucii dilfcronce of I'lcult to decide which is the greatest opinion. man: either of them would in ordinary The importance of the task of sup- times, be sufficient for one stale, but porting Gen. Jackson for the Presi- theold remark, that when great events, ,|cncy, is surelv manifest f:om the im- are to be achieved, great men are rais-i portance of the characters we have re- ed up to accomplish them, 's doubtless ferred to, who, with many others of a the best method of accounting for their j similar stamp, in. other parts of the U*. appearance in the same age and coup- j States, have assumed it. And the labors try. It will unquestionably require and sacrifices requirca of all his parti- the exercise of talents of the highest or- j z^ns attest it no less .-Urongly. In spcak- der to induce our people to relinquisli i Jn^ of the sacrifices required, we do not their most lavouritc doctrines, merely | refer to that of consistency, which was made by most of the leaders, nor to those of an external regard for trutli fcid decencv. These seem to .have because the people of the south require it. One of our great men, indeed, seems to possess the proud conscious- ness of being more than equal to this task, and he therelore devotes some of [~7 his surplus talents to the additioral modest one, of overturning the chris- tian religion. In this attempt Hume, Gibbon, Voltaire and many others. ^ g,.n„c,„an of good education, good morals were very zealous. Ilio' unsuccessful :' ivnd goo'l «pnsp. nre informed tli-it the Tillftr Ins l.itely passed into other h.nila and will in fntnre bo conducted with deceni;y. Of course llie ahove remarks will not be 5U.iipo?i-d to be nppliciible to llie present editor, -ivlio we are infortaed is ao THE OV POSITION. been made witliout any effort. But to I Aost deep and ingenious intrigues in be o'oligod to adopt such sentiments and i liis power. They would never know sjjrii language as Joiin Randolph, Gov. any tiling more of his peculiar talent Gil;-, Duir Green, and McDuflie are . than his countrvmen do of his political •in tiic liabit of retailing — to he forced principles. How tlieri can such men he •lo adopt these, as the sentiments and j expected tocountenance manufacturing /ccliiigs of the party, is really tasking 'and the mechanic arts. No power less iiuman endurance to the uttermost. — than that of an Emperor could create The pi>or Egyptians who were forced 1 rcw ards sutricient to satisfy such nu-n. to acknowledge as Gods, the most loath- If industry should be cherished and some and unclean animals in nature, j protected, where should we be able to furnish the onlv instance we recollect rtind men to gaze at the pageants gol of such a hardship. And if the merit I up in honor of the Hero? Whert- of any work is to be measured by its j would be the "greasy knaves to throw disgusting nature, the followers of such [ up their caps" and cry "hurrah fur men may fairlv assume a high degree, j Jackson."' And if liabitsof attention to But will all the olliccs and all Ih-! business should become universal, treasures of the nation i)e sufficient to whi^c should we find suitable materi- reward so many men for such sacriticcs? als for the distinguished leaders abovr- Truly, we fear not. A Republic m'jst ! referred to, to operate upon, and wha' alwaysbe toopoortosatisfysueror who, if the treasures dreadful apprehension that the powcr- of his own country wore not suflicient, ful states of S. Carolina and Georgia, could rob his neighbors to enrich his>vill withdraw their support from follower-. : the Union if they do not abandon To I'o-ler ar,d ciicri-h manufactures it. The secession of these states, and encourage indu>try. would enrich would leave the rest of tlic union the nalio'i, but would the riches thus as weak and feeble as an oak il gainedgointo the pockets of the leaders the support of an ivy should br of the opposition? If they would not, taken from it. But this is not all, ran they be expected to do otherwise there are the New- York and Boston tlian oppose these interests? Could merchants, who are opposed to the mv lord John of Roanoakc be expected An»erican System, and the latter have to' descend so low as e\ en to touch , already published a memorial, ponder- w ealth gained bv a manuHictory ? U'hy ; ous enouu'li to overpower the senses ol the very idea would be a* horrible as J a wlxde arm>, and if need be. the that of his coachmaivs giving a vote at • New-Yorkers can import another from h\ election, and t!uH neutralizing that ' England ecpially weighty, and equally of his mailer. And can it he supposed correct, both as to facts and inferences, that Lord 1\1< Dull' could use cologne i They have long had it in their po«- walerofthe m inufarlurc of //i/x coun- er lo check any particular branch o! try? Why bo would tiiink it a decoction American niaimfucture^ by glutting of oakbark And the sublime Cover- the market with importations from i>or of Virginia, what would become of; England, and thus preventing the A- all his ideas, if he were once to see a merican fabrics from becoming knowu manufaftory in operation? Would not,) and preferred, and they are cndeax- the whirlingoflliewheelsand the noise, louring in the same way to preveni and the incNplicable varieties ofmolions. our own doctrines of political econ- eoinnli'lrlv aiinihilatethem? AndMr. !omy from being adopted, hi InUh yan Ihiivii, w hat can he do in the way case< they are in the habit of •sending of his vocation with a parcel of facto- to this country inferior article-, such ries? 'J'hrir wheels will always keep as have for their chief recon«nenda- whirling the same way in spite of the tion cheapness and eitcrnul poli>b; iilK OPPOSITION. 9^ of such as are ver>' little used in G. i cm planters with tlie Eastern mer- Briiain. I chants. These two Imdies have liith- If by this course, — by tlius lending | eito been more regularly and constant t'lemselves to l)ecome tools ot the British maiiuiUcturers, the merchants secured to themselves the advantage of even being the Inat to be devoured, their conduct would not appear so ex- traordinarv, but as tiiev are among Iv in op|i(),-ition, than any oth.cr, and it would be very pleasant to see thcni at lengtli united, it'it were not for the cir- cumstance that tlicy have united to oppose what their own interests, as well as those of tlic country, should the lirst to be ruined by those charges j have caused them to unite to suj)|)0! t. The planters, however, are not so ex- clusivelv governed by interest, as their new associates. They possess a great deal of j)ride and much magnanimity. But to carry the latter quality so far as -to restore, voluntarily, to G.Brit- ain, all the beneiits she cither derive? or .asks from colonies, viz: those of taking all their raw materials, and supplyiiig all their manufactures, is re- ally carrying this good (piality a iitilc too far. It has been supposed by some, that where slavery exists, a state of colonial subjection in the mristers, i? t'lcir only proper political condition. We hope our Southern brethren arr not anxious to prove the troth of this maxim. Con-ideving that the slavery whicli now exists among them, is not their fault but their misfortune; those of us who know from experience, the many excellent and amiable traits ol character they possess, would willing- ly believe that this misfortune canrot so obscure and cloud their me: tal fac- ulties, as to carry them such lengths as tliis. AVe all know that the blird en- t'.msiasm, which, among the ignorant, supplies tiie plare of political knowl- edge, does not, in the case of General .J. exist in the South. Too n^any of his pcct'.llar traits of character, have been exhibited there to admit of this belief. Perhaps if they could he '-xclusive benefit of existing manufac- 1 brought to forgive Mr. Adams for hav tnrcrs. — That every citizen can, and j ing been born north of the Poion.ar. a goodly number always will, embark | they might yet be induced to refust in any pur-uit that they observe to be! their assistance toward elevating to profitable ; and the wealth acquired by 1 t!ie Presidency a man. whom they successful occupation, is as likely to he l«urely cannot love very heartily, .and generally dilTuscd among the people.! whose success can hardly afford nfuch if that occupation be mechanical, as if! gratification to their pride, it be mercantile. I If Gen. . I. should be elected Pro|i- Among the strange associations which ! dent, the task of pulling the wires will the nomin.ation of Gcu. Jackson for the not occupy a suiricient number, to Presidjcncy, h."^ caused, none appears I quiet all the restless spirits that are ■^lore sinsiilar, than that of the South-) expecting to he ergaged in the bus; wliich are occasioned by an extraor- dinary glut of liie market at one time, and a forced scarcity at another, their combiiiiijg with the enemies of the American oystcm is a course of policy trul>' unaccountable. As long as they pursue this course successfully, they can calculate upon what they have hitlierto experienced, viz: at periods of five to seven years, regularly, a num- ber of bankruptcies sufficient in the course of an ordinary life, to include nearly all the members of the mer- cantile .commu:iity. A suitable en- couragement of manufacturing indus- tr}", by diverting some of the compe- tition, would reader commerce more secure and safe for those who choose to pursue it; and would offer to those who choose to emi)ark in other pur- suits, opportunities of safe and profit- able investment of capital. It seems somewhat singular, that no one has yet undertaken to inform the eastern merchants and southern planters of a fact, which from the rea- sonings of their remonstrances, reso- lutions of Ch.ambers of Commerce, &c. thcv seem to be profoundly ignorant of, viz: that the manufacturers of the United States are not a distinct and separate chiss irito which no one else can enter, and that the protection that mav be granted to them, is not for the 9» TTIE OPPOSITTOX "TnE BAHGAIN." ncjs, ai.tl t'.e.M what will ijeioinc- oiieDiiu t?. Li. stroy thece, ai.d tojilii- those u: fortunate wretches that must |sit>n and anarchy must inevitaljly en- be crowded outol'the places they have jsuc; and all our free instiiuiio.is turn- set tieir heart- upon orctipying? It is oie ii.io ruin. The importance, there- rcally melancholy to think what a num ber of men are disqualifying^ t^'f-m- selve- for engi^ing in any laud- bl" fore, of keeping up a correct and prop- er uiidcrsUiiidi g huiween those who ^rnrit, and those who exercise clHcia! pursuit by endeavouring to qualify I power, must -fjc obvious to all; — in or- thc.nsclve- for this. To a majority of 'der to do this, it is equally obvious, the supporters of the General we i that both parties are hou d by every believe a more dreadful di.-appoint- jcoisideratio;. of palrioti.-m and hoijC«ty, ment would be caused by his success, to be candid and just. Tiieir recipro- than his failure, a>id it would be real- cal intercourse should be charactcr- ly piaiseworthy to save them from this I ized by mulu;il act- of kindness a:.d shuck. They would certainly feel cr nlidence. As on ihe one lianii, wll much less chagrin in being defeated Ly their enemie-;, than in being shaken off" by their pretersded friends. We have many of t'lese unfortunate beings in the wrs!,and what is (o be done with them afler the election, is a subject whicii ought to occupv tiic attention of the humane and cliaritalile. We have many charitable societies, hut we have not yet established one for the relief of disap])ointed oflicf-seekers. As this is almost t!ie only one that is really need- ed in tiic west, il is time (!iat our lead- ing p'lilanthropisls should take il into consideration; and we hope it will not be neglected. It might, if properly or- ganized and directed, be the mca's of reforming many young m"n, whose brains liave been turned by poliiital ambition; and of restorit^g tiuin to- usefulr.ess. and in time to a correct es- tim;ile of their own talents. The pat- rons of such an institutio-i, would re- ceive the blessings of a comniM.iiiy whii-h would l)y tlieir means be deliv- ered from a conslantlv increasinr; evil; aiid the portion of peace a-d quiet %vhich would iie restored (o the publii . niple remuneraUo ■ for X. Y. would br an t^ie expense. In repuHrn*- there is no pnlilical re- lation so intorcsting, and so sacred, as tliat which exists between the peo- ple and their representatives. TFfl- connexion i? the result of that specie- of confidenci' and trust, wliicli are alone the support of all elective gov- pride a; d consequence of otlicial sta- tion, should be avoided ; so on the oth- er, every mean prejudice aid unfound- ed suspicion should be discarded. — There should exist a harmiiiuous coin- cidence of feeling, a co; firmed habit both on the part of (he governors and the governed, to promote tne happiness and prosperity oi'the country. T:ie man wl;o has spent his life ai^d taler.ts iii the seiTiceof the puldlc, has a right to expect, and receive from the people, the reward of their co; tidence and ap- proba'iiof. A confrarv treatmcn'.. is not only aa attack upon him, but upon the very spirit and essence of the elective fraiicliise. Has not allhis- iory, proved liie irnt!. of this re- mark? Hiiw often did t!ie citizens of (jrcecea d Rome weaken the lorco of their free instiiutions by unjustly as- sailing and condemning their public men? The reputation, theref"re, of magistrates a.-.d rul.^rs beli);!^:- 'o the countrv. It should be treated as a pearl of great price; and '.v'len sullied by doubts and suspicions, the accu-ed slionld be heard with the utmost can- dou*-. Is not tliis dot trine correct ? If public men are amenable to tl-iC people — if a reliance on iheir fidelity is the foundation of the elec(i^■e svstem, it is our iiilrrrst. 'osay nothing of Jiislicc, to hear and ajipreciafe thrir defence, when accused? Not to hear a man who has been falsely assailed is a dere- liction of the plainest principles of equity. Not to awartl him a verdict of acciuittal. when proved to be isnio- cent. is unnianK and cruel. To per- sist after all this, in a repetition of false and exploded flunders is worse than *» THE BARGAIN." 9» open and s of t!ie lieart, and has ol'ten, in other countries, led to the most terrific scenes of" idood and carnage." With' the above introductory re- marks. I pass to the consideration ofi the aliet;-;d '•Bargain'.'' between Mr. i censured. I will not say he wm jnsli- firr/, bat I ti(Y/ sm/. that lie obeyed the impulse of an honest but indi(;nanl spirit, betrayed into an indiscreet ex- pression 113' the wantonness and iirutal- ily of lliechai'f^e. Tiie accuscr.George Kremer, of Pennsylvania, who acted as has been since proved, as the pion- eer of a more detestable and abandon- ed corps of slanderers, was soon unveil- ed and brought to an open coii(e-sion of the fad, e of con- seized upon this species of fimxse., iuuijvicting .Mr. Clay, hut to keep the ball have spared neither labour nor pains i of >lander still rolling and to show that to turn it to their account, ixot one I Arf mf r had really heard certain things word, liowever, of the resolution, norl" hinted, rcporlal and iiittnuited;"' but the rcLii purpose for which it was in- [whether true or faUe, was no part of troduced, his been candidly a'id fiirly .Mr. McDulKe's intention. He express- represented. Nay, it iias been mo>t Iv stated his object, which Ishall:ioice grossly perverted. From the Jackson presently, to liavc no reference to Mr. presses, every thinj; in relaiion to it, Clay's trial, l)ut to Kremer's. But lias been distortion, falsehood and de-j here is the resolution: ceplion. Because Mr. Clay's friends | '•^Resolvc'l, T liat the said committee in Congress, o/jpfw/ the resolution, his, be instructed to enquire whctiicr the enemies have declared tliat be slirnnk| friends of Mr. Clay have hinle.l tiiey from the invcrligation! Tliev have would light for those who would paj had the grri-s dupLciiy to publi-h this! best, tc. ; and whether overtures were: statement, without tiie candour to give [.wr/ to have been m>dc by tlu- frioids at the same time, Mr. McDuffie's oion of .Adam> to t!ie frie 'ds of Clay, otrii- ientiments and vie^vs upon the subject. — ing him the appointment ofScreiary, Had they have done so, the public '&c.; and whether the friends of Clay would have understood his object, gave this information to the friends of Thev would have seen that the trial Jackson, and /i(»ip/ that, if the frierids of Mr. Clav was abandoned — tliat all of Jacksbn. would otler the same price hope of proving the charges against thev would close with them, iic; and him was given up, and that the only wiietber it was said or believed that in intention was to provide some plausil)le consideration of tiiis ahandoJiment of retreat of the accuser. If there be yet duty to his constituents, Mr. Clay was lef! in the Jackson ranks a single desire ; to be appointed Secretary of State, fori ruth, or a spark of honest investi- ;&c.; and that said committee be au- gation, thev shall be correctly informed thorized to send for persons and pa- o'l t'iis subiect. I will ^tate the casclpersi!" fairly, and appeal to their most intelli- 1 Now what is tiie purport of this gent men for its truth, j resolution, and what bearing had it up- f>et it be remembered that wiien ion the question bclbre the house? Mr. Mr. t^lny marie his application for (he Clav had bren wantonly assailed in a th ■appointmoitoflhecommittee,heput public newspaper, by a fellow member enquiry upon the broadrsl i{rinind.s, and I of Congress. Insinuations and charges chdlenged the mo.-t rigid and severe | of the blackest character had been investigation. Mr. Kremer rose and j publicly circulated against him. Every with a great show ofconfidcnce, accept- i bod V at ^Vashington <-ity, had"/»eor(f" ed the issue. Tiie committee as al- them! True, they were couched in readv staled, wa< appointed — finding tiie language of slander; but until Kre- Mr. Kremer woulil not appear before them, tiiey reported that lacl. and add- ed, that ^^if thetj hnrw of invf reason for the investigation,, the}i would have aslc- cfl the horite to ciolhc them vilh llie ptm-cr mer appeared in the "Columbian Ob- srr.-cr,''' they had ai-sumed no tangible shape, and could be traced to notli- insi hut vague report. Mr. Clay appeal- ed to the House to have a coniniittce to send fir persons an"' papers.^'' It wits jjippointed to ixvESTioATK the truth or previous to this, and during the discus- !t»ik mattep. — to ascertain whether In- sion, in the house, of Mr; Clay's appli- wr.s •:^iiitti/ of the crimes with v.hich cation for Ihe enqniru thai Mr. JIcDuf-j these ^insinuations and reports'^ had fie f,.'eseein!X tiio event of the proceed- 1 cliargi'd him. But .Mr. .McDu|Vk'"> re- ings and wisliing (o save Kronir from a >olntion had no such ol>ject in \iew. — total prostralinn, both political and nior- It asked nothing of this kind. It pro- al. introduced the resolution referred to, I posed to invest the co:i;tnittee with as an amendni' It (o !hc one which was 'power to ascertain that which Mr *' THE B.VRGAIN.' 1 01 Clay and his fn "nds admitted, viz: that certain ca/umntmis slateincnls had heen " made, hinted, reported, said, and believ- ed.'''' It was not an investigation of this sort that IMr. Clay sought. If it had been proved by a thousand witnesses that such hintf, i>isiiui(!lio)is and reports, were in circulation, the question would still return, arc they true? This was the point, and the only point, he made in his appeal to the house. He had heard enough of reports aitd insimititiom and was determined to bring the mat- ter to a close, by an honest and open investigation. He challenged these re- porters of hints and nods to come to the test. His promptness alarmed them and interrupted their schemes. The scape ^ont of the party, assumed at first a bold frort, hut was obliged to yield at last to the fate of all slanderers — the contempt and indignation of all good men. Mr. Clay's friends saw the oh- ^ jcct of Mr. McDuffie's resolution and fthe ocfwyfr had heard them »• INTIMA- real object of this investigation) the pom risht u-hich belongs to ezery individual irhcn he is to be tried P'' Here then we have a developement of the whole mat- ter. Mr. Kremer, and 7iot Mi-. Clay, was to be tried! Pray what was Mr. Kremer to be tried for? Wli^', truly, to ascertain whether he had not hcurd certain slanders '■^hinted, reported and «((VZ" against Mr. Clay — not whether these tilings were true, but whether he had not /iforrf them! ! Now was there ever any thing more ridiculous, and foreign to the real subject which was in hand ! In the name of common sense, what light would this kind of proceed- ing have thrown upon the subject? — Appoint a committee; — for what pur- pose ! to try the truth of the charges against Mr. Clay. Give them power to send for persons and papers: — for what purpose? Why really not to prove the CHARGES, but to prove that opposed it. It amounted to a mere nullity, and was very properly and honestly rejected, by a large majority of the house. Now to make this mat- ter perfectly plain, suppose the com- mitte had been invested with the pow- er desired. It is clear, they would TED and REPORTED !!!•' Now, this is the real state of the case. It was so reported at the time, in the proceed- ings of Congress; and yet it is said, that 71//-. Clay shrunk from the investi- gation! It is a base and malicious slander, propogatcd by political knaves. have been bound to pursue the pro- to gull the weak and the simple. The visions and instruction of the reso/M/i'oH. I truth is, 3Ir. McDufiic found Kremer In that case, they would have proceed- 1 in a difficulty. He had been impru- ed to enquire whether this celebrated j dent in declaring, that he was ready to charsje of "inrg-«m" had not been \pro-je what was not true, and what was '^hinted, said, reported and believed !'' I never intended to be circulated, ex- To this extent they would have gone, ' cept in '•^hints, reports and insinuations T and no further. Supposing all this had , The efforts of the party were there- been proved, that is, that it had been i fore exerted to relieve him. For this HINTED, SAID, REPORTED and purpose they e/";Hg'f'///ieg-/-oi<,K/ o/.Vr. BELIEVED, th;it a bargain had lieen Clay's application — made Kremer the made ? Would this have reached the [)arty to be tried, and vainly hoped to case proposed by IMr. Clay? Certainly not. As I have already remarked, all these ^^hinls and reports'^ were conceded to be in circulation. It was to PROVE THEIR TRUTH, and to bring the vile retailers of such slanders to tlie hook, that Mr. Clay made his appeal. — succeed, by showing before the com- mittee, that the poor wretch had pub- lished nothing more in the -OnsF.RVKR,' than what he had hcurd " hinted, re- ported and said!!"' I should not have dwelt so long up- on this part of my subject, but for the Neither he or his friend* would accept constant misrepresentation liy the Jack of the contemptible (luibblc offered to screen the accuser. But hear what Mr. McDufhe further savs upon the subject: "The oiiject of mv resolu- tion," said he, is to accord to Mr. Kke- .«ER, (who, and iv:t Mr. Clay, !s the son party, of the nature and object oi Mr. MrDuffie's resolution. Thousands have believed that'.Mr. Clay recoiled from the investigation. Thousands have reported it, who knew to the con. trarv, I have now slated tijo matter 102 ' THE BARCVI.N." fairlv. and piil it (o every honest man 1 have boon promptly disproved, both to determine for him?elf, whether the 'by Mr. Burhaiiai and Mi. Mirklcy. assertion is founded in truth? Even | Hi; fricuL-; however, it is ba.d. liist Gen. JACKSON, in liis letler to tlie tampered with Mr. Adams, a;id ilien public, has lent himseU" to this mi^er-;with Gen. .lackson, ai:d tiidiiig ihc ai)le and contemiJlible misrepresenta-j latter would make no terms, /Aoh Mr. tion! He says that Mr. Clay is " re- 1 Clay closed with the former, and re- joice/ that a specific accusation, bya|Ceived as the reward of liis vote and responsible accuser has at lensxth a[)-i influence, tlie office of Secretary of pcared."' Then referring to the reso- 1 stale." I think 1 iiave stated the lution, he says: ^ ilcovercfl more sromifll charge fully and fairly: — now Ictus than his communicalion to Brzerlry!" — examine it. Again: '-More than two years ago, an| In the first place, if this vile talc be ncai^er respectable, and an occ«,w/?'o« correct more than /a-cn/y gentlcmeti of snro'/ic. were both before him'."' Thus Congress have prrjimd themselves', he goes on through two or three para- For in order to make the charge at all "raphs, allc'ging in substance, that plausible, it is alleged, that Mr. Clay"? IVIr. Clay and his friends avoided the frirnils and coUcapies were iniluenced investigation! Yet General Jackson by him to vote for Mr. Adams'. A is represented by his supporters as a -great maiorit\ of these nave unequivo- man of f/iscfJ HWic;!/, integrity, and hon- cally and soicmidy staled, that tlicy our! After the exposition given of the 'were nol thus iiifluc .ced,and ib.at tiicy resolution, comment upon the Gener- knew nothing of (he matter. Now what al's assertions is unnecessary. They a stra'ige and improbable case is here betray great ignorance and stupidity, presented? Certainlv Mr. Clay n/onc, or a want of candour in every way de- could not have elected Mr. Adams! — rogatory to the character of a gen- He might have given his vote in any tleman. i manner he chose, & still it would have The failure so pr.ive the '-ioririi'i," been the vote of a single man. How and tlie nioitificaiion which attended then is the pretended bargain made it, |irovoked the op|)onent5 of Mr. Clay out? Would .Mr. Adam~ intrigue with to many a< ts of hostility, which at pre- Mr. Clay and promise him the second sent, I shall forbear to notice. I pass oflice in tlie government merely for one therefore to his late address to the pub- voiel Surely not. To get on with the lie, and to some documents accompa- 'charge then, Mr. Clay"s/n'f/i'/« must of nying it, which have also been tiie necessity be brought into the account, subject of much misrepresentation. — But these have declared that he said not The eilrnt and nnturr of the charge a word to them about it, and many of against Mr. Clay, I believe is well un- them did not know how he intended to derstood. The slander has been so of- vote himself. Are they all foresworn? ten repeated by the Jacksonians, so Has it come to thi-, that twenty or widely extended and circulated, that thirty men, members of Congress. cFk»- cvcvy inhabit.int, even in the most oh- 1 sen from the bosom of the people, and secure parts of tlie union, must have noted heretofore for their talents and heard it over and over again. But for integrity, will perjure themselves? For the purpose of comment, I will here re- , what purpose? Setting aside all mor- pcat it. I al considerations, what had they to In substance the charge is tliis: — ^nin? 1 appeal now to honest, consid- ■•That Mr. Clay went to Washington jerate men; not to the Simpsons, the ( itv, and after learning that he would ' Greens, and the Dawsons of the day. not be one of the tiiree highest candi- j liiit tohonestnien, what had these pcr- dates returned to the liouge."/jc/'/ /(/m- 1 sons to yain? Did they seek ollice? arlfin ri:te for Mr. Adams, there could cerlainiv be None but kuavcs and fool> will citlier i no reason for the supposed bargain. circulate,, or believe, that tiiey do. Review the subject. Mr. Clay made n "corrupt bargain" with Mr. Adams, But 1 proceed still lurlher. General Lafayette, a man whom we all prize for his exalted character, and for a thing lie had hecn olFered, but j especially for.liis services to our toun- would i.ot take, before, and which he try, is a witness on this occas-ion. If and al! liis frici.ds, and even many of his ; the Ja< ksonians will not believe liim, ENEMIES k.'iew ai.d granted lie mii,'ht they would not believe, though one rose veceive, if he would^ wiihout a si:>gle from ttic dead! He says, in answer to effort! VViiy then should he bargain i Mr. Clay's letter to him, in substance for it? But furtlier, twenty or thirty as follows: "In the latter end of De- of his friends, elected from ditrere!it|ccml)er, you being out of the Prosiden- parts ofllie -country, of ditlcrent views tial candidature, I allowed myself to in polities and religio:', accountable to put toyou a simple,unqualilied(iueslioii God and their (ountrv, for the ho lest i respecting vour ehctioieering f^ntcs^ and faithful discharge of their duties, i and YOUR INTENDED VDTE.— .\LL roxsriRE i\ I'ROiriTUTiNO ANU PER- j Your an? wer was, t!;at in \our o|)iiiion, 3URING themselves! a:'d for what pur- j the actual state of health of Mr. Craw- pose? Why,really, to ort.mn for Mr. ford had limited the contest to a choice Clay an office he could have had ; between Mr. Adams and Gen. Jackson; WITHOUT THEIR AssisTAN'CK ! ! Can any '• that a claim fouivkd on military achitve- nian, in his senses, believe a tale so ut- 1 meiit did not meet your prrfi-rencc, and lerlv destitute of all human reason ' Mr// YOU HAD CONCLUDED TO to support it? I have thus far pro- j VOTE FOR MR. ADA.MS"! This i-eeded upon the grounds as assumed conversation took place between Gen. bv Mr. Clay's opponents: I will now Lafayette and Mr. Chiy wliile the Ge- attend to other matters. [ nerai was in tliis country in 1 824. Now, The ciiarge alleges that Mr. Clay what are we to make of it! Has the held himself "in reserve — th.ai through good Lafayette lent himself to the'"6f/r- the medium of his friends, he bartered gun"? Has he also perjured himself? v.iih both parties," &,c. &,c. Now, it | For 1 coiisider cvvry man as morally it can be shown, that he had deter- [ gu'lty of perjury, who will tell an un- niiucd to vote for Mr. Adams in pre- i truth upon any serious and important ferencc to Jackson ichik he himself. v-as I occasion. Mr. Clay, then, had formed a candidate, and before, and after, he ; and expressed his determination to vote went on to AVashington, the whole ! lor Mr. Adams long before the election charge must fall to the ground. For ' took pl;>ce, or all these witnesses, in- this purpose, let facts be submitted. — i eluding Lafayette, are guilty of the As early as November, 1024, it is tea- ; most wanton and unpardonable false- tified by a number of respectable gen- 1 hoods! Will any man believe a con- tlemcn, and among th m Dr. Drake ' elusion so monstrous, and derogatory and John J. Crittenden, Esq., that Mr. I to human nature? Where, then, is Clav declared, that in a contest be- the "/wrn-sm".'' where the •'cornyj/Zon".-' tween Adams and Jackson, he should i where the '• i-«f;-r,'' or holding back unhesitatingly vote for the former — to see '■'ivho 7C0iiid pay best"? The nav, he declared that he could not ro/c' charge and the proof ca:. not lioth stand for Gcn.Jaclcson under any circumstances J iof^cUier. One or the other must be The communications of these gentle- ' given up. and I submit it to tlie public men arc before the public, and it isjto determine the matter for lhrn\- unnecessary at present to notice them' selvei. But one word further. lui • TJIE BABGAIN. ■ JACKSO.VS pe- ciallv during the last summer, I have [ on several occasions, and sometimes in '■ the presence of political opponents,: when the course of conversation led , me to it, mentioned Tchal f kiicu- of .Mr.'. Clay^s early intention to vote fur Mr. i Adams.'^ I will not remark upon Mr. Benton's long and unaccountable si- lence npon a subject so itUcresting to Mr. Clay and upon account of which ho was daily recieving the most unpar- alleled and wanton abuse. But I ask the Jacksonians,ifthcy will not believe the witnesses produced by Mr. Clay,' to believe their own. This they are [ bound to do bv every principle of hon j or and of justice. VViiat then can they , make of it? Connect it with the tes- 1 timony of those already mentioned, and j what does it prove? Does it prove, that Mr. Clay was guilty of the '•'bar-' ^ain"} No. Does it prove that he held himself in '-rfscnc'' till just l)efore| the election? No. Does it sulistan-j tiate the statement made by General ' .Fackson in reference to his suppositions ; in the case? No. It prov-cs directly' the reverse. It shows that Mr. Clay, though he did not publis'.i it in the' Ncwspa[)ers, nor j)roclaim it in th(»^ Capitol, had determined to \ote for Mr. | Adams, and that he had so declared ; himself to a great numberof his friends, j At the time of tliese declarations he liadncllher motive nor opportunity to; bargain with Mr. Adams. He wasj himself a candidate and spoke of his i intention as predicated upon liie rela- tive characters and fitness of the two men between whom a choice was to bei made. The story fif ''bargain and sale; is but a nev.' version of the old charge of corrupt coalition" priorto the elec- j Mon of the college--. T!ie crv then' was, that Mr. Clay and Mr. Crarrfonl were intriguing together. The Jack- son prints were full of plots aud < ounter- plots, in all which Mr. Clay was tlie chief manager. At last the day arrived, and all ti.eir schemes wcre'ex- }doded,as in that case so in the present, the mig'iiiness of truth must prevail! In conclusion I have a word to say to the Jackson Editors. Why have they not pu!)lished the letter of Col. Benton and Ge.eral Lafayette? I have no recollectio ■ of seeing either of them in a single Jackson paper in the U''ion! Ouuht not this circumstance to puttlie people on their guard? Siialla promi- lient citizen of the United States, be ac- cused of the basest corruption and then be denied the privilege of defence? Aiid what better is it, than a denial. when the Press through which the slander wao circulated refuses to pub- lish the refutation? What is there in these two letters that makes it neces^ sary to witlihold them from the Jack- son coninmnitv? I answer, they con- fain a tiiumphant vindication of Mr. Clay, .ind show him to liave been an injured and persecuted man. I ask therefore, the people to read and ex- amine for themselves — they have no interest in being deceived, and I am confiderit tiiat investigation will lead them to the truth. JACKSON'S cnni QUAx^xF catzons. The ha|'pv government under which we live, is singnlarl} unique in its cha- racter, prolbund in its general provi- sions, complicated in its details. It was established in an age extraordinary for its moral and political ca>t, and by a class of men, distinijuished for tlicir virtue, their wi.-dom, and the sternness of their patriotism. Designed to em- brace several provinces, this form ol gnvernmenf was necessarily the result of compromise, in order that these pro- vinces might he induced to unite in a general confederacy. Tlie.'sess a profound know- ledge of the policy and intricate rela- tions of those powers. It is true, that all treaties made bv the i" resident, mnst be ratified by the Senate; but in this vr.ry circumstance thi^rc is a powerful reason why the Executive should be possessed of (he proper qualitications for forming such treaties as will meet the wisdom of tlie Senate; inasmuch as tlie national character and tlie na- tional interests may often be seriously impaired iiy the disappointment and delay attending the rejection of a t reaty by that body. Whether viewed as it regards the condition of the state go- vernments, the exercise of the powers delegated in relation to commerce, re- venue, internal improvement and the protection of home industry, or w!ie- ther contemplated in its extended and multifarious foreign relations, it is e- qually obvious, that a successful ad- ministration of the government of the United States requires great political experience, talents and wisdom. It may indeed be questioned, whether any station can be pointed out, requi- ring in the performance of the duties incident to it, a greater exercise of the moral and intellectual eneri^ies of a public officer, than is necessary in dis- charging the functions appertaininf; to the Presidency of the United States. Talents of the highest grade, deve- loped by a long course of stud\. — fm- bracing within its range civil polity, the law of nations, and particularly the svstem whicli has grown out of the federation of the United States, ;i;id the republics of the South, conjoiiied with prudence, moral intrepidity and deci- sion of character, comprise a portion of tlie requisites in a Chief Magistrate of this country. An individual may be qualified in an eminent degree for tiic performance of the duty of a Secretary at War, but it would by no means follow that he is prepared for that of the Pre- sidency. He may be intimately ac- quainted with the general arrange- ments and minute details of tlie navy, or he may be an able financier, and pre- side with dignity to himself and honor to the nation over the Treasury depart- ment, and yet be found unqualified for the discharge of the duties belonging to the executive chair. These are pro- position":, which may be so readily com- prehended, that they need not be en- forced by argument or illustration. It is useless, therefore, to dwelt longer on this part of Ibr' subiect-. O lOfi JACKSOS'S CIVIL (iUALIFICATlONS. When a candidate for the hi?h office of Prfsidetit is presented to the com- munity, cither by himself or a portion of hi? fellow citizen;, it becomes ar) im- perative duty tiuit tlic people of the United States should institute an in- <|uiry of the mo*t rigid kind into liis claims and qualilications to the ollvce, and having divested tiieuisohes of both prejudice and prepossession, to decide Avith a single referetice to the giK)d of the country. It is a question in which no feeling of personal consideration, nor pas-ion, nor gratitude, unless for ci\il services, should ever be suffered to min- §](.; Sti rn patriotism should bring the claims of the asjiirant to the proper standard, and love of country should be the only principle of decision. In the present canvas? for a Chief Magis- trate two candidates a-e before the people. They are from different sec- tions of the Union, possess different qualitications, and are respectively sup- ported from different feelings and with opposite views. Without embarking at present in the question of the quali- fications of the one who is now the in- cum'jent of the Presidential chair, it is my purpose to bring those of his com- petitor to the test, and endeavor to as- certain whether they arc of that kind wliich entitle the possessor to a prefer- ence over 3Ir. Adams, and whether, in- deed, the former lias under any circum- stances a legitimate claim to the office. If it can be demonstrated that he has not, it becomes a sacred duty to oppose his elevation by all honorable means. Throughout the whole of the pro- tracted eiri)rt to secure the elevation of General Jackson to the Presidency, notwith?la;iding the warm and infuria- ted zeal of a large part of his support- ers, 1 have never yet, met with an indi\i(hial who would so far hazard his character for candouras to say, that /'(id Gfitcn:! Jnfk.tdit unt foiij^hl ihc but- tle ofjVr.i) Orleans, or had fu- been iiri- swccasfitl in that e))i:;(ii;cmenl, he eper ivonld luive been thoii£;lil of, mueh less se- riously urged upon tlu: jlmcriean people, (IS a candidate for the Presidency. 1 wish to be di>tinctlv understood on this point : it is an important one, and 1 design to urge witli some considerable 'arne-lncss Ibe ded'Jctions wliicli mav be drawn from it. I then ask, whether it will be seriously urged, that if Gen. Jackson had been defeated on the plains of New r,rleans he would now be a candidate for the Prcsidenc}. 1 do not hesitate to make the assertion thai no one of his followers who values the character ofa landid, sensible man. « ill risk his reputation by an affirmative answer. It then resolves itself into tliif, tliat a single successful battle, is suffi- cient toqual'fy a man for the high civil duties inseparably connected with the office of the Chief magistracy of the Union. This is a simple deduction from (he premises and one from which the (bllowers of General Jackson can- not escape. It does but little credit it is true to theirjudgment, but it neces- sarily fastens upon them, and I feel no hesitancy in making the application. Now admitting for the sake of argu- ment, and it is oidy for that purpose that I am willing to make that admis- sion, that in gaining the battle of New- Orleaii", General Jackson displayed all the requisites of a great and skillful rommander; — that his generaUhip on tluit memoraiile dav entitles him. to a rank among the distinguished warriors of aiicient and modern times, and that it had not been for him, defeat would have ensued, and the city have fallen into the hands of the enemy, and what docs it avail his followers? By what system of logic will they seek to provi his civil qualihcations from the tomed to form is required in regard to the various com- etri.ge associations with individuals munications from our ministers at for- tiian tiimself. It would hence be a i eign courts and from the resident min- siuzular course of induction, to con-jisters of other powers at our court, elude that in filling offices he would i With a weak executive, having duties lav aside all prepossessions for and to perform, such as have been fechly against his friends and his enemies. i pointed out, what would he the result? He may, or lie may not; tiie weight of 1 1 ask if the objections to General Jack- evidence is certaiidv against his doing] son's want of qualifications is sufficient- so: but for ihe sake of argument let il ily answered in the fact of his havi'ig be gra'it'.^d, that, if elected. Gen. Jack- 1 around some able Secretaries? To SO' v/iU rail to iiis aid the best taleiits'my plain understandin.; it is not. On of I le country. Wiiat will the admis itiie contrary I should infer, that wiih- si avail iii the present argument? ou* an able Executive, there might be I V' 11 examine this matter, and evdea- something to appreheid from having V'nto give a simple illustration of it. men of very di-linguished abilities con- T')e members of the cabinet may be nectcd with the Cabinet, sa d to perform, in regard to the Prcsi- I am not laboring for the purpose of d< .i.whut the senses ofthe body perform I meeting the declamation of dema- for t le brain. . Tlie sense of touch niav ! gogues, nor is autjlit expected but con- be acute, the eye, the ear, and the I lumeU from those supporter- of Gener- ta?te, may all be good and exercise al Jackson, whose only argument in fa- their various functions in the most per- Ivor of his election, consi-ts in shouting, fe t ma.iner, Imt unless the capacity of hurra for the hero of New-Orleans. 1 the head be such as to enable the brain I would address myself to the sober and to arrange and combine tlie impres-tliinking portion of his advocates, those giohs carried to it, it matters tiol iiow , who are searching for the truth, and well these se:ises may have performed the duties assigned them in the econo- my of human life. It is not o'lly neces- sary that t'lere should exist the inteUi gei'ce for deciding upon the accuracy oi'tlie rt^port made by otie of the sen- ses, but upo I the correctness of all of tli'-m. Nor is this all. There must ai-o be the capacity of combining tliem: Doticiencie- inu>i he supplii'd, redun- da' cies lopped oflT, ai.d such modifica- tions made as will promote the union, harmony, and integrity of all the parts. arc willing to be guided by it. If tlie positions and conclusions here enforced be incorrect, I ask from tliis class their refu ation. If the duties appertai'ing to the office of President, or the talents required for the performance of them, be overdrawn, it mav be easih poi ted out. If the civil qualitications of Gen. Jackson are such as to enable him to discharge those duties with credit to Himself, and advantage to the countrV;, the proofs of it are urgently demanded. It is believed that no man can live to Siich are the iTidi'-tructible relations j the age of .-ixiv vears, and successively between the ditfirent members of the ! fill the civil offices which have been Cabinet and the President. He must 1 conferred on Gen. Jackson, if he be h ive i'lielliiiCDce to enable him to pre- truly a t;reat man, without leaving be- side.overall the departments of his ca- hind him tlie wav-maiksof iiis towering biiu't, — to keep each within its proper tnhnts. of his uncommon attainments, sphere, — to pass, if necessary, upon tlie i In vain may the vestiges of (he Gen- de'fiilsof each in all itsmuliipllid ram- ieral's greatness he soiisiht for, — having ilii alioi.s. — and fi.nally to adju^t the re- 1 no existence, thev will never be foufid. por:-- troni eacii, in fiich a manner as ■whili; it accords wiili the spirit of our Constitution! and tlie genius of tlicGin- crnmcnt, will most eU'eclually promote tlie happinex- of the people and the -glory of the nation. W as it alone in If General Jackson would ha\ebeen taken up for the pre.-idency, were his name not associated with the battle of New Orleans, it is certainly susceptible of some species of d"n1on^t^atioll, and au important benefit will be cojifcrrcd JjlCKSON'S ClVlt QUAMPICATTONS. 14)9 ypon the public by having the proofs ; lithe violent and nne;overiiable tem" ('xliibited. This nc-cd not be expected,! per, which has marked his whole life» for no such proofs are iii existence. 1 was called up, -hurra lor (he Hero of deny thai tlie wliole ranks of his sup two wars,"' has been shouted in re- portei-s can furnisii a solitary individu- 1 ply. al with the hardiiiood to venture the If GencralJnckson's disregard of the declaratioM, that he tiad contemplated constitution and the laws of his coun- GeiiCral Jackson before the battle of try, which has characterised most of l^ew Orleans, as destined to preside the public ads of his life, was adduced over the councih of the nation at an> as an o!>jection (o his elevation, it has future time. 1 deny that from tiic pe- riod of the battle which conferred dis- tinction upon the General, down to the present time, any thing has occurred in his career, calculated to make him a prominent man for the office to which hi? inordinate ambition now prompts him to aspire. I appeal to the candour of every man ofboth parties to say, what were his impressions when he first heard of the nominations of Gen. Jackson for the Pi\ sidoncy which were made in one oi the Western counties of Peim- sylvani;i and in Tennessee. Where is tile individual who did not consider those nominaliotjs as importing notliing more than a compliment to the Gener- al's military services? And why were these impressions univessal. Simply beei> met by pointing signilicantly to "the plains of Is'ew Orleans." If tiiosc wlio "cannot look upon blood and carnage with composure,"' have raised their voices against a military Chieftain, who both in public and in private has manifested a carelesssicss of human life, and has rather sought tlian avoided tlu; blood of his fellow ciiizcns, their ears have been astound- ed by the shout of "gratitude to the de- fender of the booty and beauty of New- Orleans." If the question be here asked why should we elect Gen. Jackson? we are met by tlie resistless argument, "he is the Saviour of his country, because he saved New Orleans" ! ! Those persons who are determined to put down the administration right or because no man entertained the belief! wrong, the opponents of internal im- that the qualifications of General Jack- ! provement and the protection of domes- son were such as to qualify him for the ' tic industry, the disappointed otficc hunters and noisy demagogues of the nation, have arra} ed themselves under tiie banner of the " Hero of two and shouted hosannahs to his Presidency. These tirst impressions were the correct ones, and must still be entertained by candid, reflecting minds. Other nominations followed those re- ferred to. Some of the partizans of | name, until a feeling of enthusaism has the other candidates, in order to favor seized upon all those wl\ose capacities their respective leaders.promoted these enable them to comprehend the mean- demonstrations, by dwelling upon the ing of the word /jf////c; and has also borne wars," military renown of the General, a mat- ter which addresses itself more direct- ly to the passions of the great mass of mankind than any other; and thus was commenced the tide of popular clamor in his favor. If the superior claims of his compel down the discretion and good sense of a large number of worthy and respecta- ble citizens. Where it will carry the nation and when it will subside cannot be predicted. It is a flame the pro- gress of whicli it is not easy to resist, sets at defiance l)oth reason and gress for it itors were mentioned, it was imme- . judgment, and appeals directly to the diately met by the reply that "the passions; it spreads like the wild fire General is a second Washington, he i which occasionally overruns our forests has saved his country." ]an"d savannas, and like that must run. If his want of civil qualifications was ' perhaps, its course in defiance of hu- urged against liis election, the unan-j man agency. Its duration cannot he swerable replv was tjiven "Gen. Jack- 1 long, but in its progress, it may scathe son whipped the British at New Or- 1 tl»e noblest institutions which freedom leans." 'has ever erected^ and consume in its>, 110 " EXTERMINATION.' desolnting inarch, those who, like the huntfTs of the pniirie, have wantonly applied the torch. Manlius. " E^TERJWINATION." "■This morning xve killed sixteen."' If General Jackson is a man of cor- rect and honorable feelings, is it not remarkable that his offici il as well as private life should he conne( ted with so many acts of inhumanity and vio- lence? Is he charged improperly? if so, he is one of the most unfortunate men in existence. For there is hardly a transaction m which he was ever en- gaged, that does not present sometiiing of questionable policy, if not of direct and barbarous outrage. Were I here to enumerate them, they would present a catalogue of dark and bloodv deeds, shocking to humanity and sutlicient to appal the stoutest heart. But I shall refer to but a single instance, ^and to Gen. Jackson's own account of it. In 1814, the General proceeded a- gainst an Indian village situated at the hend of the Tallaponsie. It contained about a thousand Indians, and, in his own language, with their squnvs and children " running about among their huts."' In a letter, dated the 28th of March, 1814, to Gen. Pinckney, Gen. Jackson gives the Ibllowing account of his plans and operations: "DETERMINING TO EXTER- MINATE them, I detached General Coffee with the mounted men ai d near- ly the whole of tiic Indian force, early on the morning of yesterday, to cross the river aliout two miles below llie cncampment^and to surround the bend in such a mSliner as that none of them should escape hy attempting to cross the river."' He then says: •'■ Fiir huii drcrl and fiPi/-.-fn.Tn were left dead on the Penii;siila, and a great number of them 7ccrc killed In/ ihr liorsemrn in at- lempling to rroas the rivrr. until we wkre FREVENTED BY THi; NIGHt! WE CON TINUED TO DESTROY wonv of ihnn iiiho hail amrruled themselves imdrr the hrinks rf llie rivi r,\\u\\\ wo were iire- venfedbvUienicht. THIS MORNING WE KILLED SIXTEEN, WHICH HAD BEEN CONCEALED"!! Now this is Gen. Jackson's own ac- count of a transaction, which for cold- blooded cruelty is not exceeded in tiie annals of the most relentless and 5a\age warfare. •' Determimxg to extermi- nate"' them, he fell upon these poor deluded and half starved wretches with all the ferocity of the tiger; nor did he stay his hand, so long as a tremlding victim of his vengeance could be found. Do we carry on wars oi exierminulion? Do we butcher in cold blood? Will a Christian people sutTer a public agent to "exterminate."' without regard to age, sex or condition, even the misera- ble remnant of a tribe of native Ameri- cans? Did not the imperious Spaniard hunt with blood-hounds the fugitive Mexicans, and has not all posterity cursed liim for the inhuman and bloody deed? How much better are we? One would suppose it was a sufficient hard- ship for a humane man, to be obliged to destroy at one time five hundred hu- man beings! But this was not a suffi- cient olfering of blood. The wretciud fugitives from slaugiiter were pursued to the caves and bank«, were dragged from their hiding places, and were cut down the next day, like beasts of the forest. How many women and chil- dren were sacrificed in this fatal war of "extermination,"" heaven only knows; and I pray God, for the honor of the American name, it may never be known! Was this foul deed like Washington, like William Peiui, like Franklin, like the good Lal'ayette, or like any other great and good man? Had we not mingled in the poor Indians" cup of af- fliction enough of l)itterness and blood- shed? Was it reserved for Jarkson. after we had driven them from forest to forest, from river to ri\(r. iVom the Atlantic ;ilninst to the foot of the Rocky mountains, to commence upon their en- I'eebled tribes a war of " extermina- tion"? He. who can look with com- posure upon such blood and carnage, and avow the intention above quoted, is unlit for any civil station in a free ceunlry. I know the Indians are a snl)tle and a cruel foe; but they are men. and sliould be treated as men. 1 A I)RA9IA. II] coiiolude with an oxlrcncl (Vom a Balti- more paper on tiie same subject. "We ask you to p;iuse iind reflect that tlie a- bove tragic narr:>tioii olcold-bloodod and luer- cilcss cruelty, i* tukcn froru an ollicial comimi- nicationniaiie by General Andrew Jackscni, — and that alter being the chief actor in this de testable butchery, and so fixing an indelible stain upon the character olourceuntry, lor hu- ina ity, he has the hardihood to ask those whom he thus dishonoii'ti, to lend themselves to his ambitious purposes, anti by their sanction oT hi- ronduct to adopt it as their own. We all recrdlect the sensation created tlmmghout this land when we heard thiit at the battle ot'tlie riv- er flasin, our countrymen h.d been murdered by the joio,'c allies of England, while Britons Inok ed on without raising an arm to rescue from the tomahawk and scalping-knife, those wlio had sprung from the same stock as themselves. We recollect that the vengeance of this nation was then invokeil against the British, fur <|uietly overlooking those horrid transactions, the reci- tal of which had filled every breast v/ith un- speakable sorrow andinilignation. If the Brit- ish were -o justly censured, ami that they were so, no one will attempt todeny, how much more so was GeneralJackson: — thry plead in exten- tiation of their crying sin, tiiat, the Indians being so much more numerous than their own troops, they cnuld not control them; not so can plead General Jackson — he has nothing to of- ler in palliation of hi* outrage upon hniuanity : nor does he attempt to conceal his monstrous de- termination "/oeiiTOTinaff" the miserable race exposed to his fury. His crime was commissive —that of the British emissive; they, perhaps, left undone what they ought to have done; but he absolutely did what he ought not to have done. l-.et us recapitulate: — The General, after sleeping (with what composure we cannot say) through the nitrht ensuing the tragedy we speak of, awoke in the morning, surrounded bw the corpses of " five hundred and seventy" Icllow creatures, to ciiiise by way of worthy afterpiece, sixteen others to be dragged from their conceal- ment, and put to death in cold blood. We can- not boast iif more than common sensibility, but wo must think, that to witness such an act would make ours a little cold also. What are the General's words? These: "this morning we killed sixteen which had been concealed,"' — and the man who acts and speaks thus: who has half as much blood upon his conscience, as he iias upon his hands, — be, forsooth, is to be called the peer and like of Washington the hap- py warrior. A dhama. TO TIIE EDITOns OF TRUTn's .^.DVOCATE. I have tlosigncd forwarding to you :Jomc extract.s from a dramatic piece called '•The Hero of Two Wars;" — thotigli it is not yet time for its exliihi- tioi) on the American statue. Vet when truth shall have triumphed over false- hood, and time shall have thrown a- round it the drapery of years, it may be esteemed at least for its historical accuracy, and serve to hand the Hero down to everlasting fame, like Eratos- tiatus of old. For while the annals of history retains the name of the incen- diary of the Ephefian temple, the iiv cendiary of [)olitical discord must also come in for iiis share of immortality. I. have ventured to suggest something in shape of what you may deem proper to appear as editorial, when revised by yourselves. W. n TIIE HERO OP TWO WARS, A DRAMA IN FIVE ACTS. Act \sl, scene \st — An Inn at the Cajnio! E^■TEIl Hero. Hero. Kremcr,importingchargcof vile intrigue, Corruption, nianogement, and base design Against the op|)osers of my great intent. Has laid the corner stone on which I '11 build The glorious edifice of future fame. Born in the tempest of tumultuous war, I relish not these "piping times of peace;" Hero must be foremost, or be nothin!r, Sink to oblivion, and be kuown no more, "Ormount the whirlwind and direct the storm.'" Propitious now the season to begin, I 'II fan the spark of Slander's fi^iry brand, L'ntil I 'II wrafi the nation in a flame. That shall consume my foes, though they wert pure As min'string angels from the r?alms of light. " Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous," By inuendoes, nods, and dark surmise. That if the nation be as credulous " As I am subtle, false and treacherous," Then shall my rival's triumph be but short. The disafl'ecled first I '11 conjure up — Miichief! how apt a counsellor art thou, Kor now thou dost remind me ol a wretch Whom once his couutry at her bar arraigned For deep conspiracy against the state: And though he 'scaped the meshes of the law. Yet dark suspicion fastened on his name. For which he bears that country deadly hate To him 1 '11 write the account of my defeat, -•Vnd leadliim to infer my rival did Do Wo:— which 1 '11 with emphasis declare I did not do. (ui-iles) ^Vo midni^ltl taptrbamt III/ mr — 710 secret eonrlaict held — 7i« planr A'l) cahah vnlnrtd into lo persuade Thr violation of inttrurlions ^irtn, •^iid proHrale all Vie fundameiitul rules Whieh shoutit maintain Vic high nipremaci/ Of the People's Kill. {folding Vie Utter) He wants no prompter But his strong revenge — no spur to action But his, a»ires bow to their supremacy. Now both these aids have I, examples stronj To marshal mc tlic way. We pa.ss over the remainder of this s'cene, in which the Hero meets his late rompetitor, and conijratulates him on his elevation with all the seeming can- Congress if they chose. They, tliem- selves were hut the mere agents of the people, and when they undertook to direct another agent of the same peo- ple, sent abroad for a different purpose, they neglected their proper bu»i.'iess, and travelled bevond the bounds of their autlioritv. To illustrate the souid- dor of an honorable and higli-minded ness of tliis position, .el us suppose opponent. We purpose giving m our next an extract from the scene at the Hermitage. LEGISLATIVE INSTRUCTIO\S A large portion of the opposition to for a moment, that, at the same time the Legislature requested Jlr. Clay to vote one way, his own proper contitu- ents instructed him to vote in anoilier. Which was he bound to obey ? Surely those who elected him, clothed liim with authoritv, and to whom he was the present administration is directed | accountable for his conduct. What to .Mr. Clav. It is said, but for him, | then becomes of the power, or right to Gc.i. .Iack>on would have been elected instruct, arrogated by the Legislature? President by the House of Represcnta- It vanishes at once, and shows the ut- tives. Although the General's party ter absurdity of its assumplioi). had no claims upon Mr. Clay, yet they But it is said, that .Mr. Clay had always atl'ect to be greatlv disappointed, that agreed to obey the voice of his consti- hc did not vote with them. He is charged with having '•' chcutid ihrm mit of tlicir chincc, and among other things, is accused of having '» violnle.d the in- slru(iio)isofhisconslitiicnls. This latter subject I propose to examine. I do so, because it has been a constant theme of wicked and wilful misrepresentation. Those who believe in the right of in- tuents, "in whatever manner indica- ted,"' and that the members of the Kentucky Legislature, knou-iitg their wishes on the subject, did but express THEIR will! They became the clian- nct of infonnation. This is the argu- ment; but how came they to know the will of Mr. Clay"? constituents better than he did himself? At, or about the struction, have been played upon and i same time he went to Congress, the deceived. I members elect from his district went Before I proceed, 1 admit with cheer- 1 to Frankfort. He had the same op- fulness, that Mr. Clav declared on a portunilies for information which tliey former occasion, that he fell hound to obey the voice of his constituents — that had. He had been recently elected; had lifed in the district more than half if he could /aw:c their ii'i/l, he cared not ^his life; knew almost every man in it: through what channel it was indicated, and vet these few persons at Frankfuri he would obey it. I admit also with the same )>lcrisure, that a majority of the Ki'ntuckv L'-^^islulurr ^'■reqiicflnr' undertook to inform him what were the wishes of his friends and neighbors! Becavi^e he considered he knew as. Mr. Clav and his colleagues in Con- ! much about the matter as these gen- gress to vole for Gen. Jackson. Hut I ' flemen. and chose not to obey their do not admit, that by disre^nrding this request, he lias been branded as an apos- request he violated his obligation to i tatc from his principles! I have pro^ his constituents. J ceeded thus far in this paragraph, ob In the first [)lace. the members of the; the ground that the members in the Legislature of Kentucky had no right Kentucky Legislature from .Mr. Clay's to instruct !\lr. Clay or anv oilier mem- district, voted " lo request" him to sup- ber of Con-ire^s in regard to the duties -port Gen. Jackson. Granting this to he had (o pcrfonn there. Tiii\y had j be the case, I have ^hown clearly that iio;jonrr to do it. Thev did not elect [the request was without force. It is hun; — (hey could not call him to an ac-' not allied to any>nown or ackrow- rount for neglect of. dulv. nor prevent leds-^d republican principle. It waf the pcojilo from a^nin returning him to predicated upon no additio:ial infor. lEGXSLATIVE iNSTnUCTIOV. U3 mation or expression of the people's will; and could be rc^nrded by Mr. Clav as nothinsi more than the wislics of a few individuals. But I am well assured, that a inajoiitv of tlic Repre- sentatives from that district were op- posc'i to givinji Mr. Clav any instruc- tions on the subject; ancl 1 am equally •well assured, tliat those of the delega- tion, who voted for the re-olut'O'i, vio- lated the wishes of ikrir co'istituciits. I am justiftc.l in these assertio s, from the fact that tliose gentlemen ^t:!l lo- main the friends of iMr. Clay, and al.-o from the circumstance that a very re- spectable portion of his constituents signed and sent to him the following instructions: '' VVc, the unilcrsiTned votPrs in this Conjrr'- «ioi)nl ili reason* connected with so rnomeniou? an occa- sion, hereby iniJruri onr lli:pre-ientative in Con- gress to Vote on this occasion ai;ree.ible to his own juilfirinent, and by tlie best huhis he may have on the subject, wi'h or without the consent •f the Legislature of Htnlucky." Tills was accomoanied with letters to Mr. Clay, inlbrmiiig him, that so far as an expression of public sentiment could be had, '• it contained the wishes of a majority of his constituents" ! But further, at the very next election to supply Mr. Clay's seat in Congress, Judge Clarke, a warm and decided friend of his, and a strong opponer of General Jackson, was elected. He was «ne of the very men who sub-cribed the document above quoted, and was open and decided in his approbation of Mr. Clay's vote. Where were the Jack- sonians at the time? Where were those who felt so nuach aggrieved at Mr. Clay's disobedience of instructions? — They existed not in the district, nor in th(5 state; but among those in other parts of the Union, whose uncommon solicitude for the^oor Kentuckians has led to an exposure and a just repro- bation of their motives. Tlie Honora- ble Mr. Kremer, in his address to the Pennsylvanians, was first and loudest in his lamentations. He was aiaaaing- ly distressed, that the people of Mr. Clay's district siiould havi.- been so clieated and abused! Tlie small frjj^ if smaller ca:i be found, joined iii the wailing, till the bowels of compassion of (ho whole Jackson party yearned iii symnafliy Jor this degraded and insuR- <."d people! But how have they repaid t!ie kindness? instead of permitting six or seveu men in the Legislature to control Mr. ' lay, (hey, to a mueii l;iri;c!' number, had the tem:M'iiy \.o ''■iiv^trucC him to do as he ihought best! W.ien ■lis seat ill Congress was to be supphed, instead of electing a Jncksoninn, they chose, by a liirgc majority, 'one of his warmest supporters and friends, and a decided advocate of the Administra- tion! Wisat demonstration of enmitj and dis'^ust! How mu-;t tlir-se co isti- iueiits have h'athed aiul haled Mr. Clay for violalmg their instructions! and how graieful thej' must feel to- wards those out of the state, who have 50 kindly interfered in their behalf! From the circumstances and facts ta wliicii 1 have reierred, I am warra'ited in ttie conclusion, ttiauio reasonable man has a right to sa;f that Mr. Clay violated the wisiiesol the people of his own district. Thev were pleased at liie time with his vote, and have since, b\ every possible demonstnition, m mi- fested tiicir approbation o( !us co;iduct. Who, then, has a right to complai.:? If ihrif were satisiied, 1 ask, who has » right to complain? I know the next point which is start- ed. It is said that " a mrijor.iti/ of ihrl pruple of K'nturky are for XvJfmn," a;id therefore Mr. Clay ouglit to have com plied with their wishes. Both of thesi positions I deny. The people of Ken- tucky were not known to be ibr the General, although the Legislature de- clared it. But granting iiivas so; still I maintain, that Mr. Cl-iriiad noiliing to do with the instructions of any peo- ple but those of his own district. If hr obeyed them, it was all that could be required of him. To illustrate niy as- sertion, let us suppose that iti the three ' electoral district* of Kentucky, at the last election foi' President, the vote fov the colleges stood thus: In the lirst ilis- trict, five Ibr Jactebq, chosen over ihc elector'^ f«r VdamB ^y a raajority o^- 114 LKGISLATIVE IKSTRUCTION.— A FRAUD ETPOSEX). twenty votes; in the second district,' can liave no force nor possible applica- also five for Jackson, chosen by (lie tion. If those ou( of the district liuve ^amc majority; in the third district, four for Adams, clioscn over the Jaclc- son electors by a majority of two thou- sand. In tiiis case, there are Icn elec- tors for Jackson, and four for Adams, But if we take the majority of two thousand votes in the Adams district, and add them to tiic lar<;e Adams mi- a right to interfere, upon the same principle nery boily has a right to in- terfere. In such an event, the right of instruction would become a mere nullity. I need not illustrate this ar- gument further — every reasonable man must see its force. The Representa- tive is amenable to no other pcoplr, and speaks for ihcm, acts for them; and if Ihcij approve his conduct, no one elf has a right to complain. norities in the Jackson districts, there should obey none otiur, but those, who would be a handsome majority of the i created him and gave him the power people's votes in Keiitucky for Mr. Ad-|to act. He is empiiaticalh/Z/r/r agent, anis. This fact being known to the electors, when lliey arrive at Frankfurt, how ought they to vote? Should they obey the voice of their respective dis- tricts, or should they all vote for Mr. I Adams? No reasonable man will hesi- tate for a moment in what manner to' V I'nAin rxposED. answer the question. Notwithstand-I There, perliups, never ivas a grosser ing Kentucky as a state might be for|='"«'"M" -'^ pfhtical fraud and imposition Adams, sHll these ten electors „ouldl "!'""/''« '>°"«f' crc.luhty of a conli.linsr be bound to vole for General Jackson, i '',"°1''V """ '^'" '",",'""'' !^' '"'"I'r.*'* Thev were elected on that conditlon.l^,^." ' ''° "'It v".t '° "'^^''f V- 111 1 • ^ 1 ^ J 1 the impression in the Jsotliern and West- -and were pledged and instruct.-d to doj^^,, y^,,,^,^ „,. ^^■^ j^^.^,^^, attachment to ^o. What, then, becomes ol the argu- 1 ,1,^ cause-of Intkrnal Improvement and mcnt, in refer^ce to Mr. Clay? Hisj d„„kstic Mamfactlrf.s. Nor is it at all case is precisely the same as tlie one Lingular, in a cause so desperate, sustain- supi)Or-od. He voted agreeably to the ed liy men so unpiiucipled, and requiring instructions of his district: and if l)ound j the aid of ;:n argument so indispensable to disregard this, and vote according to 1 to its success, that so base an attempt the alleged wisjies of the state, onthe ' should be resorted to and prosecuted with same principle the ten Jackson electors *"'■'> '"'tiring zeal, and such unblushing would have been bound to vote for Mr. 'mp"dence. Adams. In homciv phrase, we cannot , No man of commt^n penetration, can make flesh of one atld ti^h of another, ''^^"■'''*' '» "'°">^"' '° believe, that in the If il would be right for the ten electors to follow. the instructions of those who elected t/iem, and vote for Gen. Jack- son, it was equally right for Mr. Clay to vote agreeably to the wishes of those •who had elected him. They had each a single vote to give, and so had he. — Botli referred to the same subject, and should be governed by the same prin- ciples. In the above remarks I say nothing cither for or against the right of in- struction. I have, in a concise man- ner, di-^cussi'd till' subject as it was pre- sented to me, — that is, whether Mr. riav fli'l or ilifl not oliev the will of his states North of the Ohio and Potomac, the knoirn hostility of any Fiefiilential candidate to the policy of a Tariff Svs TF.M, with the express view to the pro- tection ol l)oMr.3iic Indcstrv, would, to a moral certainty, deprive such can- didate of every electoral vote which it belonged to those states to give. What, but his being the acknowledged tile le.nd- er — the able and indefatigable champion of the cause of Internal lni(irovement. gave to Mr. Calhoun that towering puliiical coiiseijuence in the >latP of Pennsylvania, wliicli, had she been decidedly seconded by any other state as powerlid as herself, woiih', four years ago. have | r .-red him upon (lie Union as the most proniir.ent ind the most deserving candidate fir (he constituents. 1 think I have placed presidency? And what, but the deep the matter upon its true grounds. Un- rooted conviction of Gen. Jackson's en less we (online (he power to instruct, (ire and derided fiiendlincss (o the .Anfri <• I With the views thus suggested, we will I suppose the Southern politicians lookino- ! around them for a Presidential Candidate. I Id making up their minds to the selection, lie A FHACD EXPOSED. werp tliev inlloedi-ed l>y no oth'-r ooii^i'le- rationslhan those ol tituessialhe iudividu- al. their holle^l preleieiice woulu doubllerfc fall ii|>on aorae entKietil citi/eii, tlistin gui^be'l lor exalte>i ahiliies riiiil long tiled services as a Statesman autl Civilian — a citizen, who, hni lor the single excepuon ot lii:j hostility to the Do.iieslic Svsleni. woui'l pjoperly unite the actUaiaUoiis ol •tcgrees belotv tluir standard of luiellectu* ul ajAUCialion. It ia, then, solemnly contended. that up- on every princi|.le of vatiniial in\Pf liga- tion, inde^iendent of the pOMiive innofs we have ol Gon. Jacks'in's- cqnivocaiiont jii the rarilT.-iibjecl. the iuiereuce of his iioa|ili(y lo the protecting system, diawn ihe whole union in his favour. Bui ihe i limi, die political chaiarter ol the le.iding most common obseivation must admouijli i -ii. ( •; ii.d men that unile in his support, them, that the same Northern strength i hiy conclusi* e For. when we ivhich for ye:irs bad suifes>l'iilly resisteil iie vast dissimilarities of mind, their attacks upon the Di'mestic System. ; iMi^.iif.-fiire and ta>te, already alluded to liy its Uepresentatives on the floor of Con- I between Gen Jackson and lie men » Ln gress, would, ai^aiii^t such a candidate. ; frm the phalanx of bis stiengtii on the meet tiiem iu the tield of the Presitieiitial 1 lioor ofCongri ss; when we consider the canva>s, and ta successfully achieve a ; univeisalty recognized IV. t ol" his entire conquest there. A candidate ot such a ' "ant of iMaim to pi.-emiiienl. oi even or- characler, would therefore, not subserve Idinary distinction, on the score ot inipor- iheir purpose 'I'liey must then tind one, who, to the same deteruiined oj. position to the Douit'stic J>ysttm, which they themselves maintain, unites the advan- tage of its cooceiiment from that portion tant Civil services !■ iidered to the slate; wi.en we copsider, that but tor the magic iiilluence of iiiilitaiy achi< vment. eniola- ironing his name in all the empty, but im- posing glories of chivalry, he would not of the people with whom that opposition ' iiave been known beyond the limits of would l>e regarded as an iiiyuperable ob- ; his own .-■;ate. nor cventheie hut as a very jectiou. — and one, in the gener.il estimate of whose pretensions a.iy paiyahle dfti- ciency oi <(uali^ications for tlie oliice. is oidiuary citizen; and when in connectiou with all (his, ne recollect that tne wis- dom, ihe intelligence, the profound and supplieil bv some peculiar and iinposinsr | peoetialing gfoius and civil abilities of ([uaiilv of character, which, in its intlnence 1 the ablest of his supporters, must secretly to enlist the passions, assures a truce lo the ' unite in the lienuuciaiion of hi? claims, a* exercise of reason, and is thus made to I lomided upon thoseabstract considerations extort iVom the hone-'t conlidence of the I of fitness wliich every one acquainted h ith people, those suflVages. which a wary and the subject, must giant io be. at least jealous investigation, and a perfect knowl ■ theoretically, indispensable to the charac- edge ol' the subject would ucver sailer j ler of the executive head of our govero- thcin voluntarily to bestow. ment; I sa_\^ when we consider, or recol- lect all these things, it is impossible to Sucli a candidate, has fortune, inone of escape the conviction, that some other her blindest and most capricious moods. | powriful motive than that of mere refer- llir 'Wn across their path, in the person of ' ence lo the Illness of the individual, influ- GliN. ANDHLW J.ACKSO.N; a man ] encts the politicians of Ihe South, to the between whom. and themselves, there ex- ! support of Gen, Jackson for the Fresiden- isls no similaritv ot character, except in icy. And tvliat other motivecan there be the inveteiate biiterness with which they can proieoule a purpose, and in Ihe in dilleience with which they can bend Ihtir consciences in tlie choice of means for its acrc^mplislirnent : a mm between whom, and the iMcDulhes, Ihe liamiUons, the Ilavne.s and the Kandolphs, of the South. than that which idenlitie" Ihe elev.ilion of a particular man h ilh the trinmpii of a particular systeni? Ves, it is a tearful Irnth.and cinnoi be too boldly urged, nor too altcntivf ly considered, that the efforts lo establish the Anii Domestic or Foreign Svslem. in the ordinary mode ot Icsisla- ^siinilarily of education has established no | rtoii, having worn out all the weapons of common sytn;)albies, and similarity of piiisiiit no common interests; a m.in in tine, who, but for his acciilenl,il lilncss to pla> liie Part of a pliant tool lo carry a great political purpose, would be very justly .!iscard(enlary discussion, have driven its supporters to a liiial and desperate expe- dient of manufacturing a weapon of another and faclitiocs sort, without refer- ence to iis conipalihilily with the exist- ence of civil libcrlv. or lo its litncss to Qourse of those men, &3 being very many 'answer any other purpose but that great A FKAliD EXPOSED.— eCNEKA-Ii JACKSON'S m »da ulleriour one, at which all their effort.- aim. Such, then, is the man, such the candi- date, who, although but ?ix j/ears ago, the very mention of his name in roniicction witii the Presidency, t^avoured much of the ridiculous, is now selected by Soutlien. politicians, as the great engine by which they propofc to prostrate the manufactur- in"- eneru'ies of the Noith, and to punish tiie presumption, which, for the last ten years, has ^iiensuchan impulse to the INDUSTRY of the country, as that millions and tens of millions would not balance the account of blessings which its auspi- cious influences has showered upon our land . if the views hastily presenteil in this Jiaper, be well fuuiicied.if it be true that a host of able and iniluential men, enjoying elevatea confidence and distingiiisheil honors, are pei verting these powerful ad- vantages to the purposes of a grand par- ty enler[)rise. wliose maxim is, that -the f.nil Justifies the r/nans;" and that that end shall be accomplished, though desi.lation and ruin shall supervene, then it is time foi the American people to awake and re-assert the majesty of virtue. The KOKTH shall ari.-e from her lethargy, and turn upon the enemy that would stab her to her ver3' vitals. The south shall re- buke with honest indignation, the daring insolence that would falsely represent her as tfaitress to tb« genius of the Constitu- tion; and the whole UNION, struggling with the agonies of a poison, which, but for the timely discovery of her danger, would inevitably have wrought her disso- lution, shall exhibit from her deepest bosom, throughout all her territory , and IS appear to liavo- been equally silent But it lias been extensively read .a- nioiigst the people. A large edition of it, in patnplilet form, has been published and distributed. It begins to be prop- erly understood: and it will not muck longer avail the Jacksonians to de- nounce the discussion of this affair a* an ui.mauly and dishonorable act. — They have done niuch with this im- pudent fallacy but the moral sense of the community begins to assert its proper inlluence, and assign to seduc- tion and adultery their appropriate es- timation. The following communication is from a plain, unlettered gentleman, of un- questionable character, who is pcricct- ly conversant with the facts to which tiie interrogatories refer. The public may rely upon the correctness of the deductions to he drawn from the ques- tions put. They show the despicable character of Jackson's defence and the more despicable character of Overton his principal witness. The pretence that Mrs. Robards descended the river with Col. Starke's family turns out to be a journey with a family of slaves, no white female being in "company.'" — After this, what can the world think of the parties concerned in this defence, or of those for whom it was made? Let any honest man give the answer. TO THE EDITORS OF TRUTh's ADVOCATE. Jimuarjj, 1828. Gentlemen — Your first number hag overall her borders, the salutary cemon- just come to hand, and I have to ac- strations of a profound and intense alaim. knowledge witii astonishment the error The mischief not yet done, the means] into which we were going headlong, in '" "^ " placing a man in the chair of state, and a female as preceptress to the Ameri- can fair of this enlightened age, who had lived in violation of the laws of God and man, as appears from the showing of the Hon. .lohii Overton, from the winter of 1790 to .lanuary, 1794; and that from July, 1 790. to Sep- tember, 179.5, this same female was the wife of another man (to wit, Lewis Robards.) Now, as you arc Truth's Advocates, I wish through you to hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And as all the testimony from Nasliville has been ex ptirle and inso- made use of for its consummation, shall then shrink from their unhalloued pur- pose, and carrying back their poison to the bosoms whence it sprung, shall wit- ness io the disgrace and degradation ol iheir authors, the majestic triumph of vir- tue, and the renovated vigour of the Con- slitutiOD. G. (;E?fERAT> JACKSON'S DOSaC! S VTC IUEI.ii.T'ONS. The article upon this subject, in our first number, has excited very consid- erable attention. The Jacksopians iiere very prudently forbore to no- rce it. And the administration press-Uicited, of course the cflusions of warm \\H DOMESTIC REI-AIIONS. feelings for a neighbor and friend, I •wish you, in your next number, to put the following interrogalories to the said John Overton, Chairman of the 7D/iilc-7i:ri.ikitt^ Committee : 1. What is the distance from Nash- ville to Mercer county, Kentucky, the respective places of residence of Gen. Jackson and Lewis Robards in 1790 to 1794? here, because it serves to illustrate the true character of Gen. Jackson. Lnst sununer, when the pa!nj)hlet of the white washing committee was publish- ed, vinditaciifg tiie General ior tiie se- duction of Mi's. Robards, and vindica- ting also, the open and continued adul- tery of the General and his wife, a copy of tiiat pamphlet was forwarded from Nashville, to the editorof the National Do you not know there was much; Jounial at AVashington, upon a blank travelling on horseback and intercourse between Nashville and Mercer county, from 1790 to 1794, along the same road or path that you state in your letter to Robert C. Foster, of tlie" 3th of May, 1827, you and Mrs. Itobards (now Mrs. Jackson) travelled in the summer of the turpitude of this scene LOOfiKS all its leaf of which, there is the subjunied note, in the hatid writing of General Jackson. To Uie Editors of the Wasiniiglon Jnurnal. When the midnight ASSASI^iS plunges hi; dajger into the heart and RIKKLF.S your goods, 1790, when she went to see her mother, and you to commence the practice of the law at Nashville? 3. Do yon not know and believe that Col. Stark had no white female family with him in descending the river from ' of the sentence, and the spelling would Nashville: and that he was not related all lead to the conclusion that it could horrors, when compared >yilh the SECRKTK ASSAMN.V FOIGNARO levelled against KE- MALcharEcter by the hired miuiuus of (io«er. The sentiments expressed in this-, morceau, the grammatical con.-lruetion to Mrs. Robards; and tliat it would have been rash in her to have descend- ed the river with Col. Stark and his negroes? 4. Do you not know and believe that Starke and Jackson ocrupiMl two boats in descending the river; and do vou not believe, if Jackson and Mrs. Rob- ards had been married at or near Nat- iiot have come from Gen. Jackson. — The proof, however, is too strong for this presumption. No one accjuainted with the hand-writing of the General, and who has iu\y value for character, after seeing the copy, will assert that the General did not write it. A short time since this note was pub- lished in the National Journal. It crc- chez. they would long since have pro-,atcd a strong sensation at VVasliington, duccd some evidence to sujiport ihei own assertions, and that vou would have ])tiblished it to the world? b. Do you think it possible, that Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were ignorant of her being Robards' wife from the spring of 1791 to the winter of 1794, the date, you sny,of their lawful marriage, after notice of Robards having obtained a divorce ? All these interrogatories present themselves to every impartial reader of your letter, and true answers are Mr. Senator White, and Mr. Represent- ative Polk, of Tennessee, called to see it. Mr. AVhitc asserted himself well acquainted with the hand-writing of the General. But after examining the writing, he refused to say whether it was or was not in the General's hand- writing. -Vnd its authenticity has not yet been publicly questioned. Tiiis fact leaves no room to doubt, that Mr. White considered it as genuine. It is thus demonstrated, that General Jackson, wiien out of the hands of his expected by all friends to the laws of keepers, can neither write nor spe God and man; for we are told in Holy \\'rit. that when the wicked rule, the <^arth mourns. \ rr.lEN'D TO TRUTH. There has a circumstance been d l)e tlie case, it will be nc-j ccssary rnid proper to take measures to cou:iteract tlie whole scheme; and sol far as^py humble efforts can be avail- ing, I intend they shall not be wanting. Jf the Advocate is of the character 1 have taken it to be, (for I have not! seen it) it will be of great use to the rause of civil liberty, and the more it is circulated the better.*' f true spirit of our benign Constitution I of gover.smcnt, as if an invadiiig for- : eign foe, was about entering tlie bor- j ders of our country. It is more preg- I nant witii alarm to the sober-mmded pa- j triot: a foreign enemy would meet j with a prompt repulse li-om the uhitcd ' exertions of our citizens, « hil.-t the .present attempt to sap the fout.dation i of our political edifice, by placing it in I the care of an individual wliose claims are solely bottomed upon military dis- tinction, is of so insiduousacharactcr.a- to derive aid and support iVom the bes!: feelings of our nature, and is calcu- lated, before we arc jiware of it, to make us the slavish \ ..sj^/s of our svr- rp,? post, and be engaged in using everi- fair and honorable means to avert the impending danger." From a Gentleman in jXashviUc, Tennessee. " Several persons in this place want copies of the work. I have read the first number, which was sent me, through the politeness of Mr. Jarvis Kibby, of your place. I "I sincerely hope. Sir, tlie friends of | the present administration there, and i elsewhere, will contribute to give ] "Truths Advocate" an extensive cir-1 culation — jiarticularlv in those states ^iViendly to the "American System" so called, and who espouse the cause of the Hero of tn-ozmrs! on the ground! (hat he is in favor of the Tariff, for the protection of American Manufactures,' and Internal Improvements. The fact I is. his views and opinions on those iia- ' tioi;a! subjects are not woint of liglit, tlie desperate charac- ters of those who support Gen. Jack- son, and the desperate means they cm- ploy to sustain their idol. These can- not be more fully illustrated than by repnblis!)iii<; the dilFercnt statements, >vil!i proper explanations. The pui)lication in tlio Reporter, purported to be written by "A Te.\'- ] KESSEEAN," and contained several facts ript extracted into the Expositor. These related to the personal demeanor of Gen. Jackson towards Woods, and were of such a character as to appear somewliat doubtful in my estimation, thoun;h it now appears they were sol- emn truths, from the statements which shall be here published. Upon the appearance of this publication at Nash- ville, a certain colonel Joel Parish, made the following pui)lication: '• Sir — Vour paper of the 30th of Jnn . contained a puhhcation, in the sha[>e of a letter, aildies^ed to you as Editor, delail- jnp; the circumstances which were said to have occured in relation to the trial and execution of John Woods, a soldier in the Creek War, while under the command of Gen. Jackson. " Being one of tiie members composing- the Court-Mart al, which tried and con demned the unfortunate Woods at I'ort Slrollier, I am compelled to say that the whole publication over the signature of ".4 Tiiinessreaii,"' is false; and I do not be- lieve that such as von have given publici- ty to, was in realitv ever written by a "Teunesseean,'''' but like tbo Ikmous Harris /'tier, }■< another shaft ol' iiiif/uiti/ sent forth to sully the reputation and fame of 'he ertat tenefaelor nftln-mtrimii "If however. 1 should be mistaken, and such a letter as you have published did emanate from the state of Tennessee, J proniiunce the author of it to be a base anil insidious caliimnialor who kntvr uhat lie 9t;ited In be falst^.and who>e tread pollutes the soil on which he walks. JOEL PAUISH. About the same time, a person who calls himself Samuel H. Miller, a resi- dent of Greene County, Ohio, made ;i l)ul)lication also, in contradiction of the account jjublished in the Expositor, which is here inserted. "TO A CANDID rUBLIC. Perceiving a false statement from the Kentucky Reporter, (which has been ex traded into the columns of Truth's Advo- cate.) in relation to the execution of Jo!:n Woods, a militia man I deem it a duly ] owe to the public to ijive a (ru? stalemtnl of the facts connected with that transac- tion. The truth is as fdlows: John Woods deserted from his post, and started for home. On his way he was met by a com- pany of men on their march to join tlie army. Woods, on seeing Ihetn, hurried trim the path, and sought concealment in a cane brake, lie uas taken, howev- er, and brought bacic to camp, wliere hf was tried for desertion, found guilty aiid condemned to be shot. Foi' this oflence he was P.MIDO.NED by Gen. Jacksorj. and on promise of future subordination, lie was returned to his duty. In al)out two or three weeks al'terwards Woods was a ffain placed on cuard. On a certain morn- ing he stuck bis bayonet in the ground — bung his cartouch box on the butt of hi.s gun, and deserted bis post — on pretence of going to his tent for breakfast. \h passing the lines, be arrived at Majoi' 's tent, (I fiiget the Major's name.) The Major a-'kcd Woods where he wat^ jToing. — Woods replied to get his break- fast. — The Major advised Woods ver_\ ^trongly to return to his post — oltserving that he would soon be relieved — and o( fermg him some corn bread and meat, told him tliat i( he did not return to duty, he would certainly betaken; but Woods persisted in his determination aiul "o"-U not returns i-tti JOU.V WOODS. About this time the ofBcer of the da}- came up. and h.u-ing heard a part of the conversation, turned to the Hue's and en- quired who commanded tliat coiopany? 'I'he Captain an^ivered " I do." The ol- riccr of the da}' then tohl him to send a guaid, and take John \Vood^ to the Pro- vost guard; where lie was tiic I hv a Court Martial and a second time linmd guilly and condemned to be shot When the d.iv arrived for the execulion of the eentence of (he Court Martial, Oeneral Jackson came to the phice of execulion ,and delivered a disrnurse tvhich alfected fcvery heart, hut iliat of the hardened i ■Wdods. By this lime di'^alfection pre- N'ailc'i amon;^ several of the niilitiameii I Woods in padicular was very turbulent.! General Jacks- n offered Woods his par- don a second lime, on condition ihat he' would serve hi- country like a true andi f.iilhfwl soldier; but Woods defied the General and Court Martial too; and swore; with Mil oath tliat tliey dare not execute the sentence of tlie Court Martisl. After many unavailing' efforts to persuade Woods to ciuiforni to suijordinalion, point- ing out to him llic consequences result- ing to the army (rom sucli conduct, and Woods still icmaining siutihorn and irre-' claimable — and sweajini; the Court M.ir-| tial dare not execute tlieir sentence — the] General turned Jiis horse and rode off; iind Woods was shot before my oun, and the ryes of the whole army. SAMUKL li. MILLF.R. Green covntij, Ohio, Feb. 21, I8C3. The i'cader will recollect that in Ma- jor Eaton's account of this transaction tlie particulars of Woods" olFc! cc are not slated. There was a publication 111 tde on this subject in Tennessee in 1S24, viiidiratms; the conduct of Gen. Jackson, which is in these words: '•With regard to the execution of John Woods, mentioned iu the -ame page, we Jiave only to remark that he was the se- cond soldier tried fo^r mutiny ami cleser tion. TitP first was pr.rdoned. and Woods roanemned by a regularly organized court martial, who did not recommend him to mercy. The example was author- ized liy the rules and articles of war, and was no doubt considereil by the court as indispens ible to preserve subordination, and indeed the very existence of the ar- my, by the suppression of mutiny and de- -citinn " ]\ thus appears. Uiat neither Eaton, or Parish, or the writer last quoted, ha* ventured to give the facts that consti- tuted theoflence for which Woods suf- fered death! This omission is AilJ proof to my mind, that i-here was notb- hig in them of aggravated cliaracier. Parish says he was a member of the court martial. But he contents him- self with the round as~eilioii, that the account published by a '• A Te\.\es- SEEAx," is "fulif," adding a daub of praise to Gen. Jackson, ^' the great ben- (Jcilor of the nation," and concluding with a tissue of vulgar abuse in the true Jacksonian style of argument: ••/ pronounce the autlv r to be a base and in- sidious calumniator, scho Anar ztluil he slated to be fahe, and uhose tread pollutes the soil on which he a-n/fe." This reckless publication, induced the '•TEy.\EssEEAN'"to piocure and pub- lish the following documents, which the reader is requested to peruse with care and attention. St.\te ok Tennessee, Bedford Co. FeLruary 14, 1828. Being called upon to stale what I know of ihc crime and circum'lances. which led to the execulion of John Woods in ihe Creek Nation at Fort Slrother, while the Army lay there under the c-mmand of General Jackson; I hereby certify, that I was a private in tho s.ime company with Woods— that I occupied and messed in the second tent from him, distant ten or fifteen yards— that lateoric morning I was reposing in my lent, when my atlentioR was arrested by a \iolent and loud alter- cati n between some persons, which caus- ed me to go out, i^en I immedia'elv dis- covered that the dispute was between a man by the name of Camp, who I under stood belonged to the Quarter Master"? . ami kfpt under were any witnesses called lo testily in his gii ird III the 30th licgiment, but was nnl , behalf I do not know it. neither ilo I he- ki-pt long ironed as I iinder-loi>d. .\fter , lieve il; after looking on awhile my heart some days the fnonds of Woods, among yearned for what I then considered was whom was his brolhcr. became uneasy at the jierilous silualinn of the boy, and I his delenlion in conlinemenl, but withoul turned away and left the place, and he;iid any apprehension of Ibc sad catastrophe nothing more of his fite. until next d.iy which WIS to follmv. j was requested to from ten to twelve o'clock, it was read in speak lo Geueral Jaciison, and according- general orders that Woods was lo be shoi JOHN WOOUS. ISA at 12 o'clock next (lay (14th.) Soon after | hood, did not know that they were »his I received inieiliijence thai Woods j ihfm.">m, I'e no douht, hopes lor reward, some other person I do not recollect. Af- 1 io me he is unknown, ai.d wiih uch ler some general conversation on the sub j a wretch I have no wish ever to i.econir. ject, I approached the General and told | aciiuailited. His story, that General him thai the prisoner had requested me .Jackson came to the place of execu- to go and stay with hini until his death, lion and offered Woods a pardon, upon This the Gen. did not refuse; but before condition he would promise to conduct ? started 1 made another ellort to obtain j himself with propiietv,and that Woods his paidon I begged the General to take | ^q, only refused lo do "so, hut cursed and into consideration hi3 extreme youth and defied 'him, is absolutely in. redihle. mexperience, that he had lelt behind him ^^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^,^^ 1,^^^^^.^ ^ ^^_ iwo aeei parents who depended upon him .■ a .- ,i i- » . . s \ . r . • ,1 1 r • ment s reflection upon the sub eet. can tor support and comloit in their dechuing: -i c? u a- u » years that such a de^h would c«u.=e,l ^flieve it. Such an offer could not have been made by Ocn. Jackson, without great impropriety; and n» them great sorrow and distress. The Genera! replied that be was sorry for his _ ... jjiirents. that there had been several ca-l man under sentence of death, could ex ses t>efore approaching to mutiny in the camps, that there was need ot an exam- ple, and said he by the Kternal God he must be the example, or he must die. 1 pect pardon, upon otijer terms. The wickedness that could invent such a falsehood, and the folly that could give it currency, are lamentable evidci^es lelt him and went to the prisoner, w here i of the blindness of party zeal, and of 1 staid until the guard came to take him j the intemperance of party passion. to his death. jj seems to me, that upon the certifi- wi!l further remark that at the request ^^^^ f,.^^^ Tenicssee, there can re- ot the prisoner, 1 wrote down a stalenient > i i . xi ^ n- i of his feelings, and his last farewell to h„ I mam no doubt, that Woods was a mere Father and .Mother, and sent them in a I you^'' of about eighteen years of age. letter to my wife, which was done m I "ho had been m service only about six rhyme and the public are at liberty to j weeks, when the alleged offence was see it. committed. Mr. Brock states, he was On the news of the death of her son, i mustered about the 2-.'d of .lanuarj. old Mrs. Woods (as I have been inlbrmed ! 1814, and he was executed on the 14th by my wit'e) fainted and appeared like i of March following. As some days dying all night, of this 1 feel certain that j intervened between the commission of she never recovered the shock, and in a the offence, and the time, it is evident few years laid her grey hairs with sorrow j]^p could not have been more than in the grave. PDnrir 1 about six weeks in service, aid daring GLUKGL A. bKOCK. j,^;^ short period there is no allegation The documents presenting both sides of the question, so far as any have been published, are here placed fully and of misbehaviour, on his pari, ( xcept in the case for which he siiff'red. AVhen I say there is no allegation of this na- fairly before the reader, without omit- ture, 1 lay the statement of Miller out ting any part of them. Every candid l.of the case, as wholly endeserving' of man is asked, to say for himself, whcth- 1 the slightest credit, for the reasons that er he does not believe that the Tennes- | have been already stated. Let us then SEE,*N gave a true account of the case | look at (he character of ^Voods, the of Woods? and whether those who ■ nature of his offence, the co;uliict of have attempted to brand him with fahe- ' the commanding General toward; hiiT; nc JOU.\ WOODS. and the cruel punishment inflicted up- 1 concerned, must have penaded the on him, and ask ourselves, honcsth, if | minds of all independent men. The there could well be a more wanton and |ljrst nii^tit operate upon the worthless barbarous execu ion perpetrated u..dcr coward: nothing but indignation and the forms of law? dciiance could enter the minds of the Major Eaton admits that the exccu- brave. h>ucli were, in fact, the conse- tion of Woods produced "great excite- \ quenccs, as stated bv Major Eaton him- wen<." He adds, it produced ** /Ac j self, in direct contradiction to his own ■most salutary effects.''' Tne first allcga- 1 assertion, that ^ tlie cxeailion was pro- tion is true — 1 sliali show bye and bye, 1 iluctive of the. happiest effects.''' that tiic second IS not — Why did the | This assertion is to bdjlund on page execution of Woods produce "t''«o'f*x- 152, of Major Eato:r> botjk, and the cilanenlf'' Tliis is not usually produc- time relates to about the middle of ed in an army, ny the execution of one, March, 1811. Oidy two pases furliicr, who has committed a military of- on page 1.04, we are informed . that fence deserving death. The admis-1" every thing was moving in opposition sion of Major Eaton, [iroves conciu- to his [the Gcnerars] wishes. The sively t!iat tiiere was something uncom- east Tennessee brigade, under the mon and extraordinary in the case of command of Doherty, having been ic- Woods. And who that reads the facts, structed to halt, nnlil adcfjuatc supplies can say, there is not? should be received at head quarters. The ^•sacrifice," Major Eaton say <, ^ had ahead j manifested ?,i(7)i_y si^mploms was " essential to the preservation cf good of revolt, and rras ztilh diffuvtiy restrain- ori/cr.'^ The General said '■'■there was cd from abandoning the field, and rc- necd of an example.''^ W oods was made ' turning imnicuiatrly home.'' And again, this ^•sacrifice,"' this '' rxa/n/j/f." And upon the same page it is asserted, ~on Woods was a youth, almost a child, the morning that General Dohcrty was He was executed for the first otlencc; about to proceed to iicad quarters, he an olTcncc committed in camp, upon was astonished to hear the drums beat- sudden excitement, and under great i ing up for volunteers to abandon his provocation from an insolent sulialtcrn ramp and return hohie. J\'''jt:i'ith':tnnding superior. Surely there could be noth- 1 all his cforts to prevent this injurioiix ing salutary in such an example ! Com- 1 m/^nsurr, one hundred awl eighty deserlcl.'''' misscration and indignation were ncces-j Major Eaton's book is miserably de- -arily the predominant sentiments. — | fective in many particulars. tVith ilence the -'^reaf exaVf men/" spoken of j respect to dates, it is so remarkably by Major Eaton. I contused, that one may well doubt The conduct of the General, too, whcdier this confusion does not pro- was calculated to etlect any tiling; cecd from design rather than from any rather than a salutary example. He ; other cause. We have days in abun- acted like a savage partizan, — '■•SAi)9/! dance, but it i* oltcn impossible to find the damned rascal .' shoot the rfwrnncry ' by any reference to the preceding nar- rascal! put ten balls through the damned h'ni'ive, in what month tiie davs arc ras.'alP^ Three witnesses certify that i noted. It is so in this case. Tiie exc- the General used tlii^ language. — ! cution of Woods is placed '■'■ ahoiU the W'itntsses who live in Tennessee, and j »ii'/'//<'o/"/A'' ni>»//i."' What mouth wo cxpt>se themselves to all the vengeance' seek for in vain, in the !\Iajor"s book, of the General and his partizans. We It is connected, however, with the ad- cannot suppose that they would thus vance of Lhe troops under General expose lhem=elvcs, unless t'.iey felt all Doherty. The disposition to revolt, the consciousness of asserting truth, and the actual desertion of one hun- tliat makes an honest man rosjardh'ss of drcd .ind eiglitv are related as or- conser|tionces. What salutary exam- curringin Gen. Doherty 's command, as pie could be effected bv the execution' subsequent to the execution of Woods, of Woods? None other than that of; and prior to the battle of the Horse- fear and horror. If the first wa* ex I shoe, which was fought on the C^7th of ecutcd, .so a deep abhorrence oftiiose' Mircli, 181 I. Now let these ficts be JOHN WOODS.— SIX MILITIA MI.N. 1 31 connected, and we sce,at a £;lance,with I effect it. I trust there is a spirit, in the uhal easv nonchalance Major Eaton country, th:it will rise superior to thc^^e (Forts of falsehood and domination, and (hat, standing t'ortii ill t!ie majesty of truth, will, coTisign liie perpetrator oftlie wrong. ai:d his syco[)iiantic min- ions to the toritempt and ncjjlect tliey all deserve, verifying the maxim ''that truth is mighlij cmd shall pmail.'' asserts the thing that is not. Wood was shot on tlic 1-Uh of Man h, lull. The Major tells us — "rkceicaUion u-tts productive uf the happiest rjfixts: order WAS PRODUCED, and tfiat opinion which had so lottg prevailed, that a jnililia man ■u-as privileged, and for no offence liable to suffer death, icas from that moment td)andoncd and^ stricter obedience than HAD BEEN practised AFTERWARDS, tharacterised the army."' Two pages •• aftcni-ards" in the book, and between the 14th and 27th of tlic same month, we are intbrmod tiiat tlie east Tennes- jthc six" militia men, executed at 'ma«//c*/t'r/ 7«f/»_i/ «^"m^/om.s ' Mobile, in Feb. 1815, under orders iif revolt" — that "one hundred niul eighty \ from Gen. Jackson.art'. familiar to every deserted." And on page l.'>5, we are ^ political reader. Mucli has been said told that '•'instructions Inj Major Gen. and much written and pu!)lished cov.- SIX JiiLiTiA :.ii:.\. The general outlines of tlie case of Coc/ce, had been given, than in t)w. event any number of the troops should be marched back, he icould take upon himself to dis- charge them from all responsibility, on l-hcir return to Kaosville. All these acts ofinsubordination, and of actual desertion appear to have taken place immediately after the execution of.Iohn Woods. Yet Major Eaton has the assurance to allege that "the cxe- cerning it. There has been some con- fusion as to the true state of facts, anu some attempts on botii sides, to disguise if not misrepreseiit them. The docu- ments recently laid before Congress, connected with other facts embodied in history, enable every candid and fair man to take a full view of the whole ground. This view 1 have tjiken care- fully and attentively, with the fixed de- cution was productive of the ha[)piesl termination to' inibrni mvself rightly elTects." Surely never man wrote ' and make up a judgment, upon which biography with »uth ardent zeal to ex- 1 1 would be w iliing to rest my character alt his hero's reputation, and with so ' as alawy^jr, stkI a man of integrity. ;J little regard to his own. never have deliberately and linow- The facts I have collated, and the ingly attempted to pass any deception reflections I have made,' in my opinion, upon the public: and, in a case of such clearly demonstrate that the execution i high importance as this. 1 should deem of Woods, however it might be str-ctly j it highly criminal to make such, an at- legal, was a most cold i)looded and bar- \ tempt. My present purpose is to prc- barous aj^ It was not calculated to ; sent the whole subject, in the light in be u-efui%i an example, and it had no which it is impressed upon my such effect. It was a wanton sacrifice of life, in a case where every feeling of the human heart, every sentiment of mprcssea upon my ovrn mind. This 1 shall do with reference to its diffe ent l)earings upon the lecal rights of the individuals who suffered. the soldier, every motive of a sound and upon the considerations which niafl just policy called for mercy instead of i have operated w ith Gen. Jackson to severity. It shows how injudicious as j inflict tliat sutJeriiig, ai.d .i[;on the con- well as cruel.Gen. Jackson would act, sideration which ought to have induced and it plac -s beyond all reasonable doubt, his unfitness for the station of chief ruler, either in the camp or out a diflerent result. The mditary committee in Congres-. witli all those who support the Gener- ofit. The conduct of his vindicators, !ars course else^vhe^e, seem to think from Major Eaton to Samuel H. Mil- that if theiegality ofthe sentenceof the ler, demonstrates a determination to sustain their hero, no matter what sac- rifice of truth orofhonoris necessary to court martial is made out, they have made a complete defence for the Gen- eral. I entertain a very ditlerfnt oj)in- iM SIX MILITIA MEN. ion. Ill crises involnnij llic life ofaltained no limitation of the number of portunt, but it is not of the highest ira- 1 On the contrarv, it authorized tlie jjortancc, espetially to those who are ' President '■'lo mil furth such number of empowered to administer tlie Uiw^ltlie mililia of (/te stale or stales most cou- without strict regard to their letter. — | vcniait to the place of danger, or scene of Tiiis is the province of a commander- j oc/jo/i, as he may judge necessari/J'' in-chief, xvho»e duiy it is, as it should be always liis primary object,to temper justice « ith niL-rcy. Such an otlicer may be deeply reprehensible for per- mittiiii; the law to take its course. In- On the lOlh of April, 1812, Con- gress passed another law " to authorize a detnchmrnt frtrm the mitilia of the Unit- ed States.'" This latter law was of a different character entirely from that deed he may incur a more severe cen- j of Feb. 1795. It directed the President sure for an omission to moderate the u,o reijuire of the Executize ;e, where full time was allowed to; ures to organise, arm It- equip acconling 10 delibera'.e. tiian for the hastv exccu- ' /oti'. ami hoU in readiness to march, at a tion of an illegal sentence, under ptcu- 1 mom nts -xarning, ilieir itEsHEiTivK fbo liar circumstances. rvH-noM^^of one hundred llwusand militia. T"! TM-Vi. r^^ •.4i„ Ciu TJ„. „ , ofRcers includ il, to be *ppoi\tkd hv the The MilitaryCommittecol the House ^ ■ , , c.l ,t ■, , c-, , r ,11., -„ •■ . , . il ^ ,L 1- .' rrtsidenlof trie Lntted States tromtlte latest of Reprcsentatiyes state that the tirsti .... / . ,, r, ,•' , ^„. .. .r ,111 [mxUlia returns tn tlic JJciKirtmcnt of liar. question presented by tiie documents j(,. ' There is this marked distinction bc- , ,,., ,1 .1 /^ » err tween the two acls: Under the first thi- '• \\ hether the Governor of Tenncs- „ • i . 1 1 n ^ /• ,1 , , ,, . I , .1 President could call '"from the. slot-- sec, had tiic power to order out the , • , , ,j. ; /• j > / L , /-.k vr c.l * f t mos conrrnnnt to the pi tier of dnnszer, detachmentsof the mihtia of that state,' , , /■ ,1 '■,,■ j^ ,, . .• J , ri \^ such number of the mtlilia as he may for a SIX month tour 01 duty? . , v. n j .1 j i" „„ . •• ,, , ., Ijudscneeessan/. Under the second he 1 hey nionnuare ail opinion that the y -^i , , " 'h r « „u 1 . •. -, • ' ,.^ !., ,, ■ could only call from each state, it< Governor ot Tei'nessce did possess tni> " •■ ,- 1 1 i .1 ► ■ • i,i ^ 1 i'"HROPORrio\ ol one hundred thousano. power. This opinion they ground up- r, . , . ,. ^ ,, , ' , ./ r •'," ,1 I Both laws remained in force. Ittlieex- on an aut lonly conferred upon the 1 . 11,1 ,1 n 1 " ,. rr.-' 1 ,1 n ■ iigencv could not be met by a call under Governor ot Tennessee, by the PrcM- »,-'„„, ,-,^ ,,„ .-r,.^. „._ dent, dated January lltli, 1G14. I'. the law of 1 SIC. the law of I79j, was entertain directly the re- in force to enable the President to an opinion iiiiL:i,u> im,- il-- , n /• ai 1 r r *i ,.,,,' 1 1 .I- r, make a call for the defence of the verse ol that advanced by the military ] , u . ,1 ,!„ a:- . 1- u I 1 II J.' country. But there was a wide di>- coininittee. (or which 1 siiall proceed to ^. ^. • . . .. ,. ^,1 r,„ ■ ' tincfion in the situation of the militia state inj reasons. On the 28th of February, 1795. called into service under the dill'erent i acts. Under the first they could be Congress parsed a law -to provide for ^.^^^p^n^.j j^ serve only three months, calling forth the mililia. &:c."' This j^^j they were subject'lo be punished law authorized a general call of the ^^^ regular soldiers," even to the dogra- militia, according to the exigency of j.^j^^,, ^f whipping. The third see- the case, it contained the following ^1,,^ of the act of 1012, provided "//wf provision: I the said detachment should not be com- "No officer, nor commissioned onicer.i,(.//(;f/ /„ scr;r a lonser time than sir or private of the militia shall he com- < months after they arrived at the place of p.Ued to serve more than three montlis.' rfjirfe^roits". And the 5th, 6th. and ailer his arrival at the place of ren- 7th sections provided, that whipping (l(Zvous,in anyone year, nor more than should not be inflicted, and substituted in due rotation with every other able other punishment-. Thus stood the bodied ni.m, oi the same rank in the law when on the 11th January the battalion to wiiicli he belongs." I'rcsident conferred upon the Gover- Under this law no mililia man could ; nor of Tennessee, the power relied be re(iuired (o .serve more than three , upon to legjilize the draft for six montb» months. One thing must be remem-j in the case before us. bercd. Tlii« law was general and con- Srs MILITIA 3IEV. i5f unless sootier discharged by llie order of the Presidenl."' It is proper to remark here,that these dociimfiits sh9w (hat tlie Gojieral Go- ver'.mcnt and St.ilo Govcriimciils act- ed upon tlie coriHtruction of the acts of Coiigress, that tlin^e a>sunied to he thft correct one. The drafts were made for no specific period, being considered subject to " (W other liinilntion to their f^cnicc, thin snch asTvas provided /or by the acts of Congress." Ill this lottcV of Ihe 10th of Decem- ber. Governor Blount hpving stated the claims of the troops and the nature of the call, proceeds to explain the grounds upon which the claims "are made, in a manner favorable to the troop-;, a!:d asks the dcterniinalion of the President as to theirdischarge, and if dis'harged •' b:/ Tehose orkr, and how their phices are. to be supplied?'''' To this letter the Secretary of War wrote an answer, dated Januaiy 3d, 1814, which in respect to tiio miliiia contaiiis this direction: "The militia may be considered as havii'g been calh^d out under the law of 1705, which I'mit-; the service to three months. The President is the lished, is dated December 10, 1313.— n^^re disponed to make this decision, as It states the nature and cliaracter oi ji,(. ^^^^^ j^^, provid. s that a period of the Tennessee troops called out to act | (hree months shall be d-cmed a tour agamst the hostile Creeks: and n Lfdutv. and as the spirit and patriot- states also the clanns th-y advanced to ,5^ ^p, kvxkssee leaves no doubt.that he discharged at particular period--.— , ^^ s„(,j,^ss,o^ op cori-s. roMPErf:fT to Ol the mihtia the G .verier says:"/] ^j,j. „Pj,f .j,^ op govern-ment, will be uji'/frs'/rni'/ [they] m-cofopuuon thu thc,r\ regularly furnished."' term ')f senice hhU expire at the end of -j-i,;^ ip^gj. contains noihing in an- To give a correct construction to titiis power we must consider, the laws in loice wiien it was given, and tlie particular facts and circumstances that gave rise to it. Tile au'.hority given by law to com- pel the service for three or six mont is, depetidi'd upon the nature of the call. {(■ called u uler the act of lSl2,aspari of the ''detvchment"' of one hundred thoa<:a id, th^ mil tia might be cnn- pelli'd to serve six m > it is. Ifcallel under the law of 1795, it was limited to three. In neither case wasany par- ticular discretion vested in the Presi- dent. The draft v.a-< made accordiig to the cxigeicv. The persons dratted coul 1 not bg d'.-tained longer Ibanil-.e legal p-riod of sciTice. The officer in comma'id could discharge thCni earlier if the oSjects of the draft were earlier efTccted, a id not otherwise. Such was (lie law in January, 1G14, when the power in questio-i was conferred upo'i the Gover-ior of Te;ines?ec. I will now explain the circumstances undor which that power was given. Tlie first letter from Gov. Biount to the Secretarv of War, wiiic 1 is pu'> tJirec viontha from their entrame into ser- vice : ih'il being cpiinlcrci by the miV.tii ffTJj of the sl-iie, passed prior to the act of Congrc's under which the del'ichnirnt zcas mule, as a tour of duly."' He adds: "When these troops were c:ilied in- o service, the term they were expect- ed to serve was not mentioned, in the i.istructions I received Irom t'le War Department, or in the act of the Gener- d Assemblv of tliis state, under whic! swer to Governor Blount's inquiry, if the troops were to be discharged '■'by u-hose order nnd ho:o their places are to be mppUci?"' — ^Tiie letter of the llth of January is evidently written for the purpose of conveying the iuformatioii required, and is in these words: '^ You are authorized to supply, by militia drafts or by volunteers, any de- ticiency wliich may arise, in the mili- tia division under the coniniai'd of Gen. d part of the force was called ou'.| Jackson, and without referring on this neither was it mentioned in my orders } head to this department. It may he well talUntr them out. I not havirigbee: that your Excellency should consult advised of the most acce jitahle term to ! Gen. Pinckney on such oi casions, as he the Government, and knowing no other ! can hist Judge of the whole number neces- limitalionto their service than such as | sary to the uttiiiument of t'^e public «W- wa« proTid&fl by the ft^t #f Congress,' je;t-=.' 13* SIX 9IIUT1A MEN. These two letters from the Secreta- ry of War of January 3, and January II, relating to the same subject, and evidently written to make a complete reply to the ap]ilication ol" Governor Blount, in his letter of' Decctnlier 10. jTi-eccdin^, must be considered in con- nexion, and >ucii construction given to them a-: shall comport with the fair meaning of both. sons assigned for making this decision were such as must continue to operate. They were •• ihe laic of iht ■ilaic,'^ and " the spirit and patn'olinn nf Tennessee," which insured "A succESbios of corps competent to the ohiccls of Government,''^ Wiiilsi t!ie law of Tennessee, and "the spirit and patriotism of Tennessee" re- mained, the causes which i.ifluenccd the President":- deifrmination lemaincd The military committee conceive | in full force. It would seem obviously that tlie letter of tiie 1 1th '• vested absurd, that tiie President should cm- ple:iary powers in Governor Blount, | |)owcr the Governor of Tennessee to until it was rcro/rc*/ either iiy express I overrule a decision, made, by himself, order, or by peace, to call out such j upon such obviously just cossid-.ra- militia drafts, as, in his discretion, tions. Notliing but the most uncquiv- he might think necessary, for ttie. ob- 1 ocal and imperaiive terms could jus- taini.ig the public objects under the j ti(y such an iiiterprclation. ar.'.-V/'io- Ifiws."' The ordcr,conic;rringthe power,con- Thi> position, ifconfined in interprc- tains no language importing an iiitcn- tation, a« it is in terms, to powers UU' derthe laws existing when the author- ity was conferred, that is, under the tion to vest the Governor of Tennes- see, with any other power than that, which the President had previously laws of 1795 and 1812, there would | exercised, which was to call out the be no occasion to controvert; for it does j miliiia. \vithout defining the period ol not affect tlic argument. Neverthe- less, it is proper to enquire wlietlier this '•'plrmmj pomcr"' was intended to vest a discretion, ii> the Governor of Tennessee, as to the time of service, Jis well as in relation to the propri- ety of tlie call, and the numbers to l)e called. My opinion is, th.at.the (erm= in which the antliority is given, and the attendant circumstances concur, in sliowing, that the power conferred re- lates, not 'o the time of service, but to the exigency and the number to be called. Il has been already shown t'nat whe- ther the call were made under the act of 1795 or of 1812, the Executive dill not undertake to s])ecify the pe- riod of service, but left that to be de- termined bycircumstances,subject only to tlie limitations conveyed in the law- tliem-^clvcs. It is unreasonable to sup- pose that a power, not previon.-ly exer- cised, would be conferred in general term-!. The attention of the Presi- dent had been specially called to the subject. The indisposition of the Ten- nessee militia, to serve for a longer pe- riod tlian three months, had been ex- plaii'cd to \\\m. Hchadjust decided that the rail shouUI be considered as made ur.dcr the law of 1 795. The rca- the c;il!, and subject only to the limita- tion of law. On the contrary, it con- tains language most distinctly import- ing that such alone was the intention of the President — The Governor is ex- pressly told that •• it may be well he should consult Gen. Pinckney on such occasional as he can best jcdge, of ihc \yHOLE XUMBE1 ncccssarif to the attain- ntrni of the public objects.'^ A power is vested in Gov. Blount: i>ul he is ad- vised to consult with another ofliccr on the '•occasion''' of exercising it — he is to cotisull with this oflicer for tlie reason that he can '■'hrsi jul^e' how the powei- should be executed. The order poiatr out the subject on wliicli tliis judgment can -best" be employed: " Of the ivholc number necessary to the attain- ment of the public objects." This same olficer could also "Acs/ ;Wto" of the time of the service for which the call should be made. It cannot,! thiidf, be reasonably doul)ted, that, had the Prcsideiit referred to Governor Blount a determination as to timk, he would have, been directed to consult General Pinckney upon tliat subject also. This rel'erence being made specially, as to numbers only, fonlincs the interpreta- tion of the power, to th"^ s;une subjects, to whiclt its previous exercise, and ail SIX 3IIL1T1A MEN. lUl the attending cirrunistanccs nouM nat- arnllv conruic it. It was plenaiy fur the attainine'ii of its objerts: hut lo regulate the period of service was not oiie of those objects. Ttie act of A])/!!, 1812, v.-as special in its object* and temporary in its du- ration. The n^ilitary conuiiittee say •' it was an enlargement of tlie act of 1795." This position is untciiable. — Tile act of 1795 was left in full force, and wholly unafKcted bv the act of 1012. They related to'dilVereiit ob- jects, as has been already shown, and might l)oth, or either, i,elf had deem- ed it good policy to adopt t!ie sViOrles! term of service, when he might legal- ly liave enforced the ionge-t, he, at tiie same time, meant to confer upon GovTrr.or Rlount a '■'• plcnaiy power"' to pur-ue a directly adverse policy. It is thus clear (o me, that under the laws in force, when the power was confer- red, it did not extend to a determina- tion of the period of service. I pro- ceed now to enquire how far the power was aflfected hy the act of April 18, 1814, under which the six militia men were put to death. This latter act, as its title imports,is in addition to the act of 1795. It re- peals no single provision of that act; hut, on the subject of the time of ser- vision. The 8th section is in thc^c words: "The militia, when called into tlie service of the United Slates, by virtue of the before recited act, may, if in llw. opinion of the. President of the United States, the public intnrsl requires it, lie compelled lo serve for a term not ex- ceeding six montli>, after their arrival at the place of rendezvous, in any one year." It will lie observed that the act of 1795, which has been alnady cpioted contains simply a limitation of the time for which the militia may he compelled to ser\e. The act of 1812 contained a similar provision; the act of 181 4, for the first time, vested, in the President, a discretionary power, with respect to the period of service, and. at the same limo limited the extentof that discre- tion. The provisions, of tiie act of 1795, were not repealed, by those of the act of 1814. They were left, in full force to be acted upon, unless the President should decide to enlarge them, as empowered to do by the act of 1014. Thus, if a call were made for ;i tour of duty, it would be made under the act of 1795; for the act of 1814 looks to that of 1795, as authori- zing a call lor militia. The period of service would be thiit limited by the act of 1795, unless it were altered hy the proper act of the President, in ma- king the call. And here the tiuc question as to the legal liability of Col. Pipkin's corps, to serve six months, is fairly presented ; and it involves two en- quiries, First: Could the President of the Ufiited States legally delegate lo the Governor of Tennessee the power conferred by the act of 1814? Second. Does it appear that the President has ever attempted to dele- gate tliat power? I cannot suppose that it is necessary lo say much on the first point. The doctrine that *^ elelcgalus non potest dele- oari," is as well established as any oUier, Mithe whole region of our juris- prudence. A delegated power cannot be executed by substitution, because it is a person;;! or official confidence. — The question whether militia, called into service, may be retained longer vice, it enlarges that particular pro- 't'lan flirce months, in one year, is made IZZ SIX 3nLlTIA M^S. cretiun, should d- facto anl liejure. be Ihi* opin- ion .It llif Fresidenl, •' llial -uclj .Irifls were re- miiri'd bv the pubUe iiilt 'est." This ijifcreiir:, viurCtiumiiltre rnore.m-ri*-- kfrc, lithe-, thought it iierei-i!i tie art of 4i>r:l,l8l4, in the ictiiil li-creti.in which wai vested iu the KxecuUves of sc'vorul of tile stales." T!ie firit para' i'l'-' pu'ilic interest.'" 1 do tijem no injustice. This argument implies .tiial there was no authority in the President to call out militia, after the act ofl8l4. "After the pa'sncre of (his nrt, it ilops not ap- pear that tlie President rfiofrfrf tlie pnrrT which I ' he hail Kiv.-ii Gi>verii.,r Bloaiit? hv virtue or;<^sc,''pf u idcrthat art. Ileiicc the dc- ihcl,ur-,y,fthes..,r,iirv ..f W-.r/orthe nthjdnclion t!iat tile continued art- of Gov auiOlstoIJa iTirvJS 4: l)iithr..e.Mi.siohavellJ|„„.,, . ,, '" "'^'0\- been willing from his filenre, ro,i:,le.l «ith th.. I ,*"'^ "'^^'^" 'l'fO!-"''-li 'll hy the PiVsl- iiotorious fact "f (> iv. BLmii's ciiitiiiuiii- to [ ''<^'''f? •'^' founded Upon that act. But or,ler.mt miliila .IrafU, ..n.lorthe l.screli ir.y 1 this in CVorv view of it. is an i .correct auni..rit\ ol 111 .M- lellrrs(.i cnn-ii.iir thit «iichl -.• 'ni "' '■• i^ "" i .corrcc r dniftsa- Gov. lilo-iiit shoni.l onler o.it,«ere, I'li ■ Pos'tion. 1 ho art of 179j, was in full his opinion. r>(|iiiroii "by i\tv pw'j/ic intrresi." j lorcc, when tile powcr of .Faiiuarv 1 I ;^.'.''' .:V''."''.i"":'"."*"™ "''•,'.'•' "'" '.*"* 1'^'>P'- 1 1811, was conferred. It contiimed in" «iii >n maybe nut more ■iiliriiiiillvei\ , (o wit . that it wris lhe".i;.inio>i of the Presiil'-nt, ihat the niibliciiiii'reit iliil reniiir""' tliat G.ivc-riMr Bloiiit «h .'lid, iiieler the advi-cnicnj, or hv tiic rc<|ii|siti.)nH of (Ji-ii. PiiieUiiey, have the p'owiT to order out oiililia ilrrifts, either lor thiiv. or six months, as tlie ••xigei.cie* of the fcrvice shoold rentier neces-ary, ^'■irilh-iil k/ti;,,,^^ „„ tA/j /(corf," to the Pri'.-lilent, for «|iceiul lii< h pn-veiitel thr Prefiilrnl irom exi're?«tiiij his opini.in, Ihron-h ((eoer.il iiislriii'tioiK, lo the Kxeciitiieof a ■till full lorce. for every purpose of exerci- sing that power, alter tlic pas,«age of the act of 1814. The Jhet. that Gov. Blount continued to act u-iderthe pow- er, proves nothing, bec.-iuse it wascom- petent for him to do so. if he did not connect with it, an exercise of the en- larged powers conferred upon the Pres- |idenl, by the act of 1814. Tl:e recog- jniiion and silence of the President, therefore, proves nothing. wlioso order? for militia draft., iiudcrfiich (lis-* The second paragraph goes a step SIX Mll.lTIA ItTESr. 133 fuillicr than the lii-^t. The commiKcc sa\, tlicy " Ihiiilc ihin proiwsilion mav if p>'t more ajlnncilivcli/."' ^Vhclhev tiic> ihieiid, upon thoir own responsihilily a'lC ri'pulalion, so to put it, is certiiinl) diuUtlul, as every one will discover, wlio atlrmpts to fcrutinize the very sin- sulfir manner in which they predicate their sei:lc' ces. In the lliird paragraph tlie commit- tee assert tliat the\ consider tiie de- duciion suggested in the scco ;d one as " iiresiflible ami fo?ic/w«rcf,'' and for the nota!)le reason, " that there ions nothing «.\ TIIE ACT OF Ahril 18, 1814, vhkh light for the committee aiid for Gen. Jacksoi , when I admit that it may be douhilul whether the power could be, iir was conferred. Sui)po^e il doubt- ful, how then siands the case? The committee, those rigid construc- tioni-ts of power, are ready to jnsiify putting men to d.atii upon queslioiis of deduclion Mvi iiiferenrc. The propo- sition, upon which lilierfy, life, aid dealh have been suspended, tiie advo- cates of the ce''sured party •' think MAY be pill more nffirmativrli/."' ''Tiiis DEDUCTION they fonstV/p/- irresistible." — ''Tills iiifrrence they belin-f might be mu-t be the opinion of impartial men, when partial friends ve;ture to employ no stroi ger terms thai- these! For my- prdcnled the Preai'kul Jrom rTpressingl^u-ut for. six months. — in the manner suggested. — But assu redly, there is much out of that act, in the general principles of [olicy and law that prevents the Presideiit from express nghis opinion, bi/ rrmoining 'ilent, O'd from subs'itnting others, by im;>li-] catio., to express the opinion the law [ requires him to express himself. T le committee themselves do not pretend that Governor Blou't pos- sessed the power, in question, except, bv deduction and inference. If 4he President could ifht legally confer it. as I think has been fully shown, tlie'^ Gov. Bliiunt could not be invested witli it. — If it be matter of just and reasona- ble doubt, whether the President could invest Gov. Blou;it with this power, then nothing can be more unfair than an attempt to clothe him with it, by de- duction and inference. Tnis would be fastening upon the President an il legal ac', by implication, contrary to every just principle. For if it were doubtful whether the President meant The committee say" he specially re- to confer the power in question, and dou!)tful also.whether he could legally «onfer it, both doubts ong'it to be so resolved, as to exonerate the Presidct from even the imnutation of wrong. — I put the case in the most favourable PORTED this regiment of 1000 rtun to the Serrrtary of War as in srrzirr for six months; from which fact the infirenc( is inseparable that they were co"-id- ered leijallv in service, or it was the bomiden duty of tlie Secretary to have i3t SIX flnriTfA MEX. •rtlortd their immediate disrharge." — Thev add, " if any confirmation was wanted for the original aiKhority, bv which the draft was made, for six nio.iths, Gov, Blount's report of 19lh oi;()clober,and the implied sanction of the President, inconlcstibly furnish'it."! Here is another resort to inferaiec\ and impliailion, and the irround upon ' which they are predicated is not fairlv | stated. The reader would naturally j conclude tiiat Gov. Blount's report of October 19, was made specially and pin-- poi'chj to advise the President that this draft had been made, and for six montlH. Tiiis is not the fact. An; examination of that K'ttcr will show that it is mentioned incidentally, a^ wojild ai)pear, only to inform the" Pre- sident of tlie whole number ofTemies- see troops tiicn in service, for the pur- pose of obtaining a Major Genemrs comniuid fur General Cirroll. I( is not I of military officers ; and t>et>vecn proreedings I withiii ttie builjr ..t the country aiid those on llie hiL-h seifi. That iiu|,licit obciliciice which mili- tary luf-n usui.llv pay to the onlcTs oi" their su- I'crii.rs, which indeed is iudr5[>eiifubl^ Di;ce!»ary to every military system, appe^ired tomesiiong- ly toim.dy the i;.-ii)cipleth:it those onlers, II not to perlorm a ;.rohibitcd act, oui;ht to justify the persoii whose general duty it is to otjcy them, and who is placed by the laws of his coun- try in a situation which, in jjeneral, rcsiuircs th;it he w.oiild chej, them. I was stronjlv in- clined to think that where, in con^etiueucc oi orders from the Kvilimate authority^ a vessel is seized with pure intention, thr claim of the in- jured party f.ir d.images would be aiiainst that government from wnich the orders proceeded, and would be a proj er julicct fur negotiation, liut I have been convinced that 1 was mistak.n, and have rereiled from ihis first opinion. I uc- ■piiesce in that of my brethren, which is thit t.ie mstruclious cannot change the nature of the transaction, or Icgaliie an act which, with- out those instructions, would have been a plaia trespass." lilvely that the period oflime, forwhicli ' the call wasinad-;,all!acted the atten- 1 tion of the President: And if it did, his I silence could not sanction it, or make it legal, had he designed l)v silence (o [ give it that character. T\w. infcrenee\ and implicalion of the committee ngjin | fail them. The fact is not made out, ' and if it were, the inference attempted ' could not be legitimately deduced j from it. I Tlie committee do not, in terms, maintain that the call and muster for ! six mo!i(hs, w hcllicr warranted by the order of (lie President or not. subject- ed the parties lo military law. This has been elsewhere asserted, and seems to be about half insinuated in the re- port. Sucii n doclrine is w hollv unte- nable. It is tlie law, and the law o.dv, that imposes a duty. The assumption of authority by unauthr.rized iidivi- duals cannot do it. This is the plain doctrine of common sense. It is the doctrine of the law (oo, as thus laid down by Chief Jtistice .Marshall, irr (he rase of Li/l.'c el at. vs. Boire.me cl al, '"> Crattc/t, 179, "I confess tlic first bias of my min.! w,i^ very strnn; in favor of the opinion, that (hnu.;h the iiislniclioiis of the executive could not 't;ivc a richl,lhi>y mljht vet excu'e from dnmaees. I wa.« much inclined to think that a distinction i on^ht to he tjkeii between nrt« of civil uuti those ' In the view here presented, the call for sis months is considered as unau- thorised, a!:d consequently as imposing- no obhgalion upon the men to continue in service. 'I'hose who regard the matter in this light, cannot but consi- der the execution as a legiili-e'lmmder; leg(ili:at, because perpelmted under the forms of law. But other highly important views of the matter leinai'n to bu taken, including all the facts and circumstances of the case, and testing the conduct of Gen, Jackson by them. It is certai:ily clear, that theGeneral ;!nd his advocates can claim nothin" more than that, in the opinion of them^ selves., s(-ict right was on their side of tliti question. They canno). with anj* face of propriety, d(?iiy that there exist- ed much room for lionest doubt, and conscientious difference of opinion,— This being assumed, as a concession that must be made, let us look at the (acts that actually occurred. The men were mustered for a term of six months, as they believed, without any legal auliiority. Difficulties had arisen amongst the previous drafts, as to the time tbiy were liable to seiTe. Gen, Jackson had in.sisted tipon keep- ing them in service. On an appeal to the President, an order bad been made for their discharge, at ihc end of three nionihs. The sentiment amongst the citizens of Tennessee was strong in favor of a service of three months only. The whole coitdiictofthc militia proved Mix WIMTI.\ MftV. 13d tliis. Gov. Blount liimscll, in a letter to tiio Secretary of War, d.Ued Jan. 5. 1814, urges forcibly t!ie propriciy o! adopting this teivii. He says: •• The idea of a longer term to mili- tia, wlio, I believe, are all alivt; to a sense of duty, and anxious for a final and via;oroiis pros- troops began to manifest a discontented and mutinous spirit. Whilst the existence of this spirit is strongly pourtrayed. and its opcV.itions minutely detailed, r,o ade- quate cause is assigned for its origin. as they supjiosed they had a riglit to do. It was from no spirit of ii.su'ior- dination, no design to prejudice tiie public service that they acted. So that if they were in fact mistaken as to tlieir legal rights, they were guiliy in act, and not in intent. The offeiirc was that of technical guilt, not of deliber- ate, or innate profligacy. In every Illations, between tlie commander and the men and their oflicers. Tiiough no cause is given for the commencement of the discontents, the question as to the period of service, very soon came up and cop.stitnied the ground of dis- pute. Gen. Jackson insisted upon de- taining the men beyond tiie period for whicii they considered tiicmselves bound. The ofScci's claimed their dis- view of the case, it was one to which i charge. Governor Blount rccomaiend- clemency ougiit to have been c-xtcnded • far as life was cor.ceri.cd. It is very important to enquire and ascertain, if possible, the considera- tions which must have operated with Gen. Jackson, to inflict the most rigo- rous punishment, in a case, where a dil- lercnt course was so o!)viously proper, and so much more in accordance with the feelings of humanity and tlic senti- ments of justice. An attentive perusal of the work of Major Eaton cannot fail to impress, up on every reader, tlie singular fact of the many difficulties that arose between General Jackson, and the Tennessee troops of every description, under his command. — He took the field in Octo- ber, 1813, with three descriptions of force — a corps of United States Volun- teers for one vcar, who entered the ser- vice December 10, li)12, a corps ol Tennessee militia detached, under a re- quisition from the War dcpariment, cd it, all grounding tiicmselves upon the validity of a three montlis term on- Iv — Jackson threatened, expostulated and coaxed. Actual disregard of oir ders ensued. Gen. Roberts dischar- ged his corps. Lieutenant Kearney arrayed his men, and presented liim- self in hostile attitude to the very per- son of the commander. All resultea in the men effecting their olijccf, re- turning home, and escaping piinisl'- ment. None can doubt the mischief of tills example, but it certainly pro- ceeded from tkc unjustifiable attempt of Gen. Jackson to compel that, which the law did not warrant. After all these events. Gov. Blount issued his order of the 3d January, 1814, for a draft of 25 hundred men '■'for a term of three months'' expressed upon the face of it. Thus aliirming the opinion prevalent in Tennessce,that three months was the legal term of service. Theunfortuiiate John Wood'^, fnd a «)rps •( volunteers, without a executed at Fort Stroiher (or mutiny. -ise SIX .MILITIA 3IEV. M irrh 14, was one of these. General '■ Corko al«o bro!ig'rit into the fi-ld 2500 ! Die .u iderBriyidierGcncral Dolierlu TIk- lethality of t!ie draft, u ider wliicli tliey '.v.-re called, was made a e< anu- ope Iv ; mtitiiii.iis, and "one hundrel mid ci^hliA desiThd."' W'e liave no accoirit lint: any of tiiem were punished, thoujrh : J;ick-o;i issued an order "to seize and send II der (.'uard lo Kort Strothcr ev-! cry o/KcT, without regard (o \\\< r.mk, who should he found, in a'ly manner. | afeinplinii to incite his arniy to mu-| tiny." The hatlle ol'Uie Ilor-e-i^hoc, whirl put an end to the Creek War, wa> foiii^hl on tiie 27!h of .March, 1814; on the 20;h of .April Gen. Piiick'nev ar- rived ar,d took the command, and on the 21st an order was issued for tho Tennessee troops to be marched horn a'ld di-chari;ed, except a portion from East Tennessee, left to irarrison the forts. Gen. Jackson's command bein<,' tcnni-ated, he rel-jnicd hon.e, and ie t!ic moMth of June following, he re ceivod the appoi'ilment of Major Gen- eral from the United Slates. Fr.-.ni tliis brief recapitulation of facts, it is manif.!st, that Gen. Jackso;' had felt a stroMj; di?i)..n-ibilily, or .Ji^sckci-i.e .lain the feelinjrs and motive*, that led to Ihe catastrophe of the six militia men, at Mobile. The General determined to make them such an example as should strike terror every where, and efli dually silence all objeclioiis lo his own arbitrary notions about miiitia service. They were called into service .ns the military committee informs us, "iu compliance with the requisition of Maj. Gen. Pincknev. and in fnrliierance of the views of fJoven mo: t, bva l;ilitude ■,'ivcn to liitn (Gov. Blount) by li.e War Meparimenl. in regard to ealls to act 'i!;iiinst the C/w/i-.<:,"aiid rendez\oused on the 24'h June, 1814. The call is justified upon the aiiihori- ■y of tiu' power co iferred. bv the leiler rom t'lc \V;ir DeparlniPiil of January 1 1, 18M. By iliat lettor the Govci^ior 81X "t'lT.ITI I MKV. JTi druTs a.'iy d.-Uciencics wucii m;iy "mr }fi //;• milltdri/.iivisio.i itih.icrlhc 'vtiiinund o/Gm. J.ickxon.'' Wluni llio reqiiisilion ill (^'iL-stion was made, Gen. .Jack>oa \v:is ot ill tlie ^•commanfi" oi' a"*' militin dhi':ion." The case did Mot exist for making the ca 1 uadcr tlio lelicr of , Ja: u ly 11.1814, whicii did not ex- tend •» to calls to act agiiiiist the Cirdcs" in aiiv circumstances, aud at any time. Ii -vas coifined in express terms, lo •'•niti/ drjictency which may arise in the miiilia 'liviiion vnrler the cnmmand of Gen. Jackson.''^ Tiiat divisinn was no 16n case hut tiieirs, in which men, thus dcmcanitig themselves, "ere considered proper subjects of rigorous example. I have adv^er'cd to the fact that no such spirit of di.--ro;,tent and mn■i^y was manifested b^ a:'V militia during the late war, as by tiiose from Tennes- see, under Gen. Jackson. For this, there must have been some origi:'al or primarv caoise, and in secknig for it; wc would naturally ask, were the T.u- nesseans more turiinhnt than any other citizens called into service? If tUis The first campaign of Gen. Jacksoii was made at the head of 2600 Iwehc months' volunteers, who mustered for upon both of the grounds here suggest- ed, lo wit, that Gov. Blount's power did not embrace the case; and ixisti:)gl service on the lOtli December, 18)2, fai ts did not authorise a call, even by land with whom the general proceeded the President. Thus, an analysis of fromMashviile toiSatchez.in the m-.ii.th previous facts to ascertain ttie origiii of Gen. Jackson's feeling toward-; the of January, 1813. For wiiat purpose, and under what orders he made (h.is m htia, discloses new and irrefragal>le march, is. and always has been, un- gr; u'lds to prove that Ih.e mci: were il- Uigally called, and illegally detained in service. T'lc considerations which ought (o h.'vr weiglied with the commander, to vt';^w wit 1 leirit v the •'■> idurl of tf;«i.-ie mnn lo .-eacLer ot tl.e Bapu>: Ci.urch, .-.d- j'.iii his coniiiiiny, ami serve out hi? linn i. . ,„ j ■ 'i , • , , ' , o.--e,uce. ordi.y,.. a .-..thiMl .ol.l.e, :.■'"?•*'" ^?'"'' "•\"\" d i. del. , a d l»e ish.Teby pardoned, on reporln... ;iin,-^"f '•''"l"^'' ''I '"'-e Clilldrei , seve seltio Lis companj . of Col. P. P.pk.n*. ""O'!;^ »'tTf .vou.g ad l;.lplc^^, ivithoiil d reoiineni ivithoiit delay, suljcii 10 tlie will ■ I l!i.> commmiling Genera). The oflirers conimamiii.g sit stniions, ar-^ dire<-|p(l to f-inii-h him with rations, an! the CMiti David Morrow i$ permitied ♦( j in Ca, i. lilackmore wl;o wiil siilT^ r hiiti to iio *o. in nrder more safely <<• pur- sue. his proper journey to his [ roper sta- tion, by cmniiind: GtO Dl FFiF.LP. Jlil-iJt-Camp to tSria Ulu Taylor.'' lof tlu- Generals ov u adini.-si-n, ii ..p- pears i at 'lie culprit wrote a lei.cr to him, alter his triwl. VVitli liie ciii- tei ts o! tha; Icttc- \vc are not acquaint- ed. That it was to obtair a (.aruon by stating his ca^c. ad exprc si:ig coii- iritioi! for lii.- oili- .ce ca : o; e rea.soi- abh doubted. But he made :.o suc- cessful impr.S'io 1. T ;e iiea.t o;' :e commander was stieled. hv ^oin- c use or other, against the pleadiigs of m-^^ cv. It would seem to me that a stroi'.ger "'^^" addressed to him in the i!:o.>t 'C-'-e for rlf-menrv than thai made out ' movi: g vJluallDii, a f:i!!:er implori,.e ;o for M Tiow IS seldom found, nhoro ' ''''spared to aid in tiie suppori ola ii. Ip- thcrc i ad even !)ecii origir,al guili. ; lc?s wife and children. Tie had voluntarily returned (o nis| IIknrv Lev.is. Hcwas fou-d ?u;I- l.ige , , - . ..re "as y t he «-as deemed a necessary victim , no law to compel militia to serve Ion. or to ex mnlify ju'^tico' ' ■ • ... x,^ ..au .•.,u,.i...i.T iLiuiiicu iw iii> iiKNRV LEV.IS. Hcwaslou'd d ity, confessed Lis error, maidfesfed I ty of asserting in presence of a d -ep pcDJence, ard implord merr\ ; I portion of the troops, that there .foH.N Harris. M'ich notoriety lias than three moi'ths, thai lie would go home on the 20th of September, a, d would lake provisions wbere he ci'ii'd get it, ai.d olmarchins off at the 1,'ad of the mutinous pari of Caj>t. Mcijaiie'e be n attached ro this man's case. He wa.-; convicted of going throu^ih tl.e c^mp 'o get signers to go home on the 20th of September, stating that i Company. he wotild soon have a lar<;er company ) than Captain Kilnatrick, of receiyinjr I No outrageous or viol-nt conduct ad cooking his part of the flour a .d j "^■''s l""o^'d against him. His dof re berf forcibly faken.and ofmarchinir ofi 1 '^■•''* ll»esamc in substance with thai o[ with the mutinous party, ai:d ornnt re- purling those who were of the mutin- ous party. -No aggravated conduct was proven against him. His defence follows: •• The prisoner slates, in his defence, th it he >va< tot;il!y unacquainted wiib the nature of militia -eivire; that he had fi' (lueiitly heard his oflicers say they ktifiv of no law compclliiin; mililia to re- main in service longer than Ihiee months: and r om the opinio;i of other men of re spc' t.ibility and inf innalion. he conceiv- e.l his lerni of spr\ ire had expired; re- luriiwl Ins gim to his Captain, uiufer that impression, took up th.'? reci-ipt he had givon for it, and departed from Fort .I:ir!v«on. conscious of having tlischarsred hi- duly." He (00 was sentenced to death. Harris. In addiliop, he expressed re- gret for his disgraceful cour.-e. ad threw himself on the mercy of the court. But the court and theGei'eral wece alike deaf to the cr\ for mercy. Lewis was a mere youth, \y!io had served Iwo previous lours of three montiis, with re[)ut;i1ion ai;d honor. David HrxT. The facts of wliicli Hunt was convicted, were sayii^g hn would go home, breakiitg the guard- house,going oll^viththe mutinous party a.'id n-ceiving a sh.ireof the provisions Ibreihh taken. His defence was suh- •itantially that of the others, the belief that there was no law to compel iiio'c than three months service, " that he was ihrcalened into the act by others; erred tiirongh iciioraiice,issorrv lor his improper conducl, and solicits t))c T)'MUc;h 1 ni eoled in the rc'-ord, the ! mercy of the court."' Hi- •solicit;' 'on. .prniliaritios (^l' hi* case must l:avc'^w;ts as vain, as that of all who had SIX unriTIA MEV. iii preceded liim. His lil'o alone could General,! ihouglu there would be do dan'^ su;i-ry his Judges and iiis Goneral. ' gpr in my son's returninc; to Ins post, and Tiie facts disclosed in the followinsT, iicknowleaginij his error 11 lie commitioit (x^riificatcs, show (lio characlir and;'""'- JA.MESllUI^T. CO iduct of Daviii Huiil,in that ligiitinj SicrncJ in presence of Joiin Hoover, which ihfv oug-:t always Lo III' roi^ai-d- 1 \V. 11. Itoberismi. ihomas Dunjuviiy' 0 highly gratilied to hear that in all the battles that were fought with the Ciopks. he acted the part of a brave man. as well as that of an orderly sobiier. In IK'14, my son became one of tlie gariison stationed at Fort Jackson. He went there as a sub.-iilutp lur another man Wiicn he engaged ivitb this man it was the nncer-landing that the term of service would expire at the end of three months. .•Accordingly, at the e.\[iiration of (his term, my son came home «ith st-vf ral others, both oificers and soldiers. 3Iy S'O told me that he was advised by persons qualitied, as he believed, to give advice on such occasions, that he could n (I be compelled to serve a longer period than three months Soon aflcr my son returned home, it w i' ruaioiired that he had done wrong in leaving the fort. U'e rellected (hat it wa* possible he might have committed an error. 1 theielore iinmedialely equip- ped hiui nilh suitable clothing, and he re turneil as early as he could to his post, uilliDUt the least apprehension of danger On his return, however, he was taken and kept in confinement until the 21sf of February, 1813 On which day he was put to death. When I beard of his death I was greatly surprised — the intollieence I j i ii i , i- i n, I ' .11 .,- every lolcr.able undc-istandiii'r to com was allogelher unexp cted. I mvselt ' i j ,i had been a soldier. 1 had fought in the P'"'.;"*'"" " * "i.- war of the Uevobition under Washington. I -^'>' contlusi.ins are: Fi -m the little kirnvledt'c 1 had acquired [ First. — T.at Col. Pipkin's regiment, fif military discipline ut'.der lhi« btiloved • of wliich tliei'e men composed a.part. Edward Lixsf.y. He was convicted of opening liie doorof tiic issuing Isouse, taking out Hour, issuing it oii(,r('ccivi,.g apaiiyaiid goingoir with the mutinous parly, a:'d o( speaking words tending to lead men to the act of mutiny. Defence—" Acted incorrectly through ignorance, regrets the impropriety of his conduct, and implores the mercy court." Semcnced to be shot. . Suc!i is a brief outli^.e oC the facts, in the case of the si.\ militia men. I do not intend further to disgust the reader by detailing the cases of those sentenced to the lesser jjunishmcnts. As the ciiaracter of the transactio'is is (he same, it is to be supposed that these .six were singled out for exam- ples. Let all who are capable of just reflection, decide for themselves, whether the circumstances ofextei.ua- tion which accompatiied eacli case, were not such as to mark wiih cruelly ar:d injustice, the rigorous execution of the sculcncc. I commenced this investigation, for the purpose of taking a clear and dis- liassionate \ iew of the whole case. .Appeals to paisioii, to feeling, or to ])it'iudice, arc iiicomiiatible with such a view. I have, therefoiC, abslaiied from all such appeals. In consequet.cc of this, I am sensible that many read- ers may regard what 1 have written as tame and spiritless. I could easily have escaped this imputation: for, in wading through the tr.insaction, rny spirit has been often deeply stirred; but 1 laboured, I trust successfully, to repress it. I am persuaded tli.at I have, narrated the material fai ts with lideli- tv, and so arrainjed them as to enable 142 SIX miTLlA .1.IEV.>~HERO OF TWO WARS. was not !■ 'J^Hy called into the service of the UiHled States lor six months. Because, i.> luthority was conferred, ujion the Governor of Tcnni.'isee, by tlie letter from the War D paitmeiit,<)f J.iiiuary U, 1814, to make a call of militia for six montlis, in Junt; follow- ing the dale of that letter. Because, the terms of that letter did not authoriz J the call in the state of facts that existed in Juiie, 1 81 4-. Second, — That the offences i?hargcd and proven, -were acts done in the be- lief, that (')■! perpetrators wore exer- cisi.ig their lej^al riglits; and in such And slander's venomi-d sting. Untouclicd, uc moved, By passion? coiuiDun to uurtulity. Untrmpti'd bi ambiiiun; — to ri'Vt-nge , An utter str.inger, :inLt froiu entnuu:- thought As far ri:mo¥ed, as heaTen'saiij;t'lic piace, i'roni IhL'deuioniar rage oldeciiest lifll. ButtiKse wtTf vision; all' What do I lind? All imitative palace-, planned in lasti-, Toirratiiy poor pndf and low aoibitinn, St:iiiclin2 exposed, as be.ginj lor apiilausc. Surrounded by a hundred Siuoking huts, All tC'ianled by Haul's posieritv^l Who to the ciiicftaiu vassal homage pay, Cringe at his noii, and startle wiien he frowns As for the chief himself, hiiu ivhoai I deemed ' Of soul ex.ilted far beyond the touch j Of grovelling passion-, far above the reach ] or the bise flatterer's sycojibantic arts — Hiui I hiiv-" found surrounded by a crew case It is enuallv contrary 'O ithe prin-! Of needy worlduigs, wretched parasites, lirv. nml lh.> dirtRtes I .\y''o'■'•*'™.'^^ ^ "S'" '^.""'='>»^* '"a'le their ciplesof sound policy, and th<; dictates of humanity, to inflict exemplary pun- ishmt-iit, even if the law were against the accused parties. Thirrl. — That the contests between Gen. Jackson and the Tennessee: militia. To greet his flattering hopi s, which indicate, That he e'er loiii may do them service. Domesticated in the House, I lind A tu.jd-eater, in high authority. Fawning upon the chief, and flouting all Who approach to court his favour, or who claim Reward for service rendered heretofore. — during the Creek war, had im,nlanted IJ!!''- *''«■•"=- '"-^.[''''/"'^O''^'''^''"?' °'>'0"1. " • J- • 1 ■ .1 • i 1 hat due necessity thus drives me on, angry prejudices in his mmd against ; Ami binds my fortune to the chiettain's car; them, to the indulgence of which, these ! 'of iioorly quahCed is he. ihe helm unfortunate men were sacrifitcd. I 2L^^';','_''!''l'J'''''i!:°';"^'^'."'':".'''''l'"'.^ am much mistaken, if mo«t men, who take the pains to read what I have written, do not come to the same con- clusions. I -ubscrihe my name, because I am willing to be responsible for tlie farts, arguments and opinions that I have advanced. C. HAMMOND. !\Iarch 24. 1827. I'tirther Extrarls fiQin the Hero of Two ll'ars. A\ r.NPt-'BMSnPD IMl.lMA. Act II. — Scene l- [Bark portic of the Hermitage. Enter ./in<». ■juary, musing.] „inl. Wli It strange qreations fancy can sup- ply : 1 had pictured in my mind the Hermifncre, .Secpiestered from tlie nidc and bustling world : Iiuliiisouicd 'mid the deep and shady groves. Which art had planted. Iliad thoujht to lind The humble ivy circlinj round its walls; A gr.en sward lawn, ia front, on eilher sirle The sportive himbkin fii^ikim in the ^hudo, r.iublem' of irino(-enre and sweet liiiiiiilitv, .Vrcordant ivilh tlic Chieftain's character; Ada lied well in tranijiiilize the iiiiiid, liivi coratr (he genius, and couiluce To thought refined, ami aiitiiinarian lore. The ma-ter I had a strong report that in your land. The arch Magician Harry, bears the sway, .-^nd holds, Securely a' hi? own, the people's hearts. .inl. 'Tis hilt a hollew coalition voice: For none Imt Hero holds the peoples' hearts, .\iid their true feeliugs weekly arc proolaimcii By faithful friend*. The Advertiser teems — Hero. With falsehood most ab-urd. He likf the ass. In fabled story, brays most lustily. But can'Kit hide his ears. The lion's skiu Disdains to cover such an animal. His brayingsdo me prejudice. Who trus(= To insolent, absurd, and ribald calumnies, Does injury to all connected with him : Of this I've recent proof. The busy fools, W ho urged ine on to call Buchanan out. Have prostrated, almost, my highest liopc; . But you, — I feel 1 owe you many thanks For past and for prespective services. — Ant. .My service runs before my salutation.-- I came not here wilh cmpty-liaiided promises. Which empty thanks might well reciprocate. For labour done a present compensation Miiy well be claimed ; f.ir that to be performed, Promise may be against a promise set. And ilecmeil a reciprocity. Wf ro. .Viid docs the m;in of learning nud re- search, Visit me as the licggared vagabond ! — like Bcv- rrlcy? "^ And such as lie ? — to ask for present pence '. -erenc and nnrourcrned miibt faction's slornis.' And future o'Viee' -Tis humiliating THE HERO OF TWO WARS. MILITARY finEFTAIN. ^•■s Alrcatly many hij;li ili^tiniuishcil namc!', Stand in the gupol'lirst prilVi luent — wlienoc, If I'm in.itle President, llicy'll iie'i-r retreat, Without the >tiice claiiulil. — And thry have chiini?. — Lady Hero. They've laboured much, and should have their reward. The cock that scratches must be allowed to pick. Thoush 'tis a ease of hardship, there's no help. Where there's more pigs than teats, some pigs mu>t starve. — ^nt. (aside) Sampson's Delilah! — what a speech was there! Hero. I did concede thou hadst some service done. Though what it was, I am not well informed. The concession was of courtesy ; T^i boast a service is lo c.ncel it. Yet ivould I hear for what I am indebted, That I maj judge, if a reward be due. — ' ' JliU. vireat men have treacherous memories. Thisl Cud, Istrue, even at the llermitage. And to refresh them, By modest hint, is hel e regardless of all truth. All candour, fairne.-s, and good character! And wherefore? For tLis very potent reason, lbu< kied on my armour in 'liy cause, And looked Hot back. Whatever was avouched, I took upon me to maintain f>r truth. You were proclaimed the hero of two wars, ilow idly you w II know : but I maintained it, Boldly as Eaton, roumlly as yourscll'. In the famed Swarlout letter. — 'Twas pro- claimed You were a Cincinnatus, — second Washington. — Encore! 1 -houtcd. Glory to the chief! The very Hector oflhi? mighty nation! Hector and Hickory are derivatives From the same root — By the same cause im- pelled. I stoutly swore it — 'Twas Paris ravished Hellen , Hector stood forth the champion of the deed. Of lust the apologist and vindicator. This wa? your great example, — "Booty and Bfauly.^'' — Jlcro. What mean you, Sir? 'Ti? vile insin- uation. Jlnt. I crave your patience. You're too sen- sitive. "Booty and Reauty''' was the watchword given For your destruction. — Was it f/i«(i a slur? Fair Hellen left her husband — and for what? Was beadog ordrunkard? a poor knave? A e7iiar''el?omp, ieiiloT'=-pated. horned crea'n-"? I said not so. — But Pans, we're instnieted. Was a most (iroper man in parts and manners, To attract a buxom lady's best affections — Lady Hero. So was my Hero, in his days of vigour. Oh, 1 shall ne'er forget — Hero. Madam be silent. And let no folly now escape \o!ir tongue Lady Hero. By all the cats! the ctiicftain'sit a pet, As if he'd kicked the kiver from himself And left us naked. — Hero. You'd soon make us so. — Proceed, Sir! I am fain to hear you through- ^Inl. I see no cau^e for so much huflishness, For reprehension rude, or tart reply. Hellen was booty to her ravisher ; Her beauty stood before all other women. Thus she was beauty and ^as booty too. Paris enjoyed both; — and what of that? Booty., — be it of gidd or pretty woman. Is ioo/y still; the last — the best possession. Say 'st not thou so, great chieftain? .And beaut<. stolen, Is sweetest in the enjoyment. Hero. Prating knave, Forth:3, thy insolence, thy ears shall answi^. Here. Toady ! give this scoundrel his deserts ; Let him partake the late' of that vile slave. Who felt my veogeance, when the knave Buc- hanan Dared to assert I had not spoken truth. And left me in the lurch to save his bacon. ^ Ant. Hold, honoured Sir! and hear me but t word — Hero. No! Mot another! I've enough beei^ outraged What, Toady! — ho! Perdition! Vengeance Vengeance ! Ant. My heels shall save me. 'Tis a righ' gootl oflice They have before performed. But little thought That thus wonld all my labours be rewarded. I'll hie me home ; and this shall be remcmbercri. ]HII,ITARY CHIEFTAIN. The following extracts, from a speech delivered by Mr. Clay, in 1819, on thr, subject of the Seiniiioie war, ted lie should be ii.dulgen »»ilh sumo effect of moral caufC and coiij^ideraioni-, | fen retlectionf upon the danger ol i er- attach ig-iioininv to that mode of death, j milting; the conduct, on wliich it bad l.teii Ami the gallant, aiitl retined. and high hi.- painfnl duiy to animadvert, to p.iis minded man, seek? by all possible means ' wilbont a Milemn expiession ol the ili-^ip- to avoid It. 13ut, what care* an ludian i prob.ition of this Ib^u.'e. liecal to \>.ui whether you bang or shoot htm? The recollei-ti'in. s:iid he the Iree nali. ns moment be is captured, he is considered | which have gone befoieii.-. Where irre by his tribe as displaced, if not lost. ' they now. and how have they lost their 'I'hev, too, are indill'erent about the man- lii)crlies? If we .;oold transport ourselves ner in which he is ilispalcbed. liut, .Mr. , ba' k to ibe ases when Greece and Kume C. said, he regarcfte'l tiie occurrence with flourished in their greaiest prurpeiitv. and, grief for otiier and biglier coiisideiations. I mingling in the throng, ask a Grcnan it' It was" the first instance that he knew of, he did not fear sonie daring mihlary in the annals of our cmiiitry. in which re-i chieftain, covered h ith glory, some Pbibp laliation. bv executing liidian captives, or Alexander, "onlrl one day overthioiv had ever been deliberately practised, bis liberlies? No'. No! the contiflput There may have bi'en exceptions, but if and indignant Grecian would exrlnim, there were, tlicy met with contemponi- we have notinng to fear from our berimes; ueous condemnation, and have been re- our liberties « ill be eternal ll a R. njan prehcnded by the just i)en of impartial citizen had been asked, if he did noi ie .r history. The gentleman from Massachu- the conqueror of Gnul inigbl tstablir! c. sells may icll me, if he pleases, what he throne upon the ruins of the piibltr libeiiy, ])leasc5 about the tomalKuvk, scalping he would have instanily repelled il.c knife — about Indian enormities and for- ^ insinuation. Vet Greece bad fallen, eign miscreants and incendiaries. I, too, Ca;':ir had passed the liu' icon, and the liate them, from my very ?oul I abominate patriotic arm even of lirulus could not them. But. I love my country, and its preserve the liberties of his couniiv! constitution; I love liberty and .safety, i The celebrated Jladame de Siael, in her and tear military despotism more evrn ' last and perhaps best work, has said, that than I hale tlie*e monsters. The gentle- in the very year, almost the very moi'th. man in the course of his remarks, allu.led iwlien Ihe ('resident of lie Directory • e- to the state from whitli 1 have Ihe honor ' dared that mon ,ichy wnuld never im le to come. Lillle. sir, does he know oflsbnw its fiiahtful head in I'raiK e. Poi'a- ihe high and magnanimous sentinirnls ; parte wiih his grenadiers, entered liie of the people of that state, if he supposes palaceofSl. Cloud, and di-persin?, \Mlh ttipy will approve of the transaction to i the bayonet, the depi-.tifsof ihe pei'|Me, which he referred. Hravcand generous, limn.inity and clemency towards a f.illeii foe constitute one of their noblest charac- teristics. Amid'st all the struggles for that fair land between the natives and the present inliabit;'.iils, Mr. C. saiil he defied the gentleman to point out one in- stance in which a hvenluckian had stained deliberating on the atlairs of the >',ale, laid the loundation of that vast fabrir of despotism whish over-hadowcd all Eu- rope, lie liopcdnntto be misunderstotid; he vas far from intimating that Gen. Jackson che'i>hed any ;8minionstbem?elrcs were tinnlly com- pelled t.. unite in the geneial praises be- -towcd upon our government. Beware iiiw you (orffit this exalted character, tiewaic how you give a fatal sanction, in ibis iid.int period ot'our republic, scarcely yet two score years oloiia- I a te. anil, that, if we vvould escape the r.ick on which they split, we must avoid their errors. liow different has been the treatment of Gen. Jackson, and that modest but heroic young man, a native of one of tbr smallest stales in the union, who' acbiev I ed lor his country, on Lake Erie, one ol the most gloiious victories of the late I war. In a moment of passion he f(,rgof , himselt, and offered an act of violence, [which was repented as soon as per|)eiial led. He was tried, and snltejed the {judgment [uonounced by his peers. Puli- j lie justice was llioiight not even then to I be satistied. Tiie press and Congrf ss I took up the subject. My honorable fiiend from \'iigiiiia, (.Mr. joh'.son) the faithful and consistent eenlinel of the law and of the constitution, disapproved in that instance, as he does in this, and mov- ed an inquiry. The public mind remain- ed agi'.ated and unap[>eased until the re- cent atone.Tient, so honorably made by the gallant commodore. .And was there to be a distinction between the officers of j (he two branches of the public service? Are former services, iiowcver eminent, to I piotect t'rom inquiring inti> recent miscon- I duct? Is thereto be no limil,i)o jirtiden iiil j bounds to the national gratitude? [!e was not dispi'sed to censure the President for not ordering a court of iiiqiiirv or a I general court martial. Perliaps, imptdl- 1 ed by a «e :se of that giatitnde, he de- j termined, by ani.iiij.atinn, to extend to the ! g.-jneral that pardon wiiich he had the i undoubted right to grant after senterce. I Let us. said .Mr. C. not shrink from our jdu'y. Let us assert our constitulinr.al [ powers, and vindicate the iastiun)cnt from [ military violation. He hoped gentlemen wou'.d deliberate- j ly survey the awful position on which we stand. They may bear do« nail opposi- I lion; ihey may even vote the general the 'public tbnuks; they rn:iy carry him tri- ^umphi-.ritly through Ibis honsr. But, il' ' 'hey do. in my bumble judgment, il will ': be a triumph of the principle of insubordi- ■nation — a triumph of l',e miirtary over I the civil authority— a triuoipb over the O M6 THOMAS M'cnAU.— CHARGES A PROOF. powers of this house — ;t triumph over the constitution f f the land. And he prayed most devoutly to heaven, that il might not prove, in its ultimate eflects nnd con ask those "four I'ellow citizens who wen .present on I Iain; '• id Hill, on the day of 11-, anticipated exicuti a. awaiting in dreadfu suspense the awful oment when the ordi r o " fire" was to de|argaiii and armiigcnu'iit Ix'lwceii Mr. .Adams and .Mr. Clav, liave been made, and the proof adduced to sustain them, present a most singular anomaly. The propo-'itions, from which the i)jre;ain is inferred, are alleged to have been made hv ccrlain friends of Mr. C'lav: and tiic proof tliat thc\- were made is drawn from the declarations of tin- person? who made them, tiioufrh disavowed \n themselves. This is considered suffi- cient to establish the fact. A brief re- capitulation, cannot but interest all. who would arrive at truth. Gen. Jackson asserted, that a j)ropo- sition w;is made to him, on the part of Mr. Clay, and was indignantly re- jected. — Hence it was, in the opinion, of the General and his supporters, a fair deduction, tliat similar oilers were made to, and accepted by, ;\lr. .Adams. After ringing the tale, upon some thou- sand changes, the General is, at length, brouglit to name his proposer. It wa« Mr; Buchanan. But .Mr. Buchanan denied making any communication to Gen. Jackson, of the import slated. .'\Ir. Marklcy was named as one who hud conversed upon the subject. He too, negatives all tliat is imputed to him. Yet the charge is not abandoned, it is insisted, that Mr. Clay is bound to prove that no bargain was made. He lias solemnly denied it. — He calls upon all his iVii'nds, through whom it was cliarged that the proposition was made. They auswer, one and all, that Ihej never were agents, in anvsurh affair; that they know nothing of any such arrangement: and do not believe it ex- Mcd. — Rut Ibis is not suflirieiit. The next resort is to fasten giiill upon .Mr. Adams, and Mr. Clay, by proving tiiaf •heir friends, who notv deny, most ex- :dicitly. any Jnn. — They repiibli-:b from an iilinnis print ;: gross calumny on Gen. Jackson, as?pitlntr at the same time, that they were in pos session of ftroiig corroboralinir evidenci •f its authenticity. The statement wa« promptly denied by us, and Ms aulliois called upon for llieir proof Instead, how- ever, of accepting the cballenue, and pro- reeding to sulislanliale llie bi.ellous alle- gation, ibey have the assurance to demand of us theanlhonly upon which we cuntra- dielcd the slander! Having made the af- tinnation, they modenh) invite us to prove lis negative.'.' And this is the game that the coalition gentry of Kentucky, have heen constantly playing since the last presidential election. 'I'hey refer lo old records in support of their caKimnies, and call upon t;s to piihlisii ihem. They an- nounce lo the world that Gen. Jackson, at sundry times, has heen concerned in various di.sgracefn! transaclion-, and in- vite his friends In pi)i)iisb liie ultending circumstances. And, to cap the climax, they allege that at a specified time, on a particular occasion, he puf.lirh/ uttered foul and profane language, and then thev challenjce the editors of this I'aper, to prove tliat he ilid not use the expressions by them attributed to him I "We cry you merry, master Stephen." Make good your allegations; sub«tHntiale your accu- sation, or you stand convicted tiefore the world of a B.ASE AND INFAMOUS FALSKItOOD." Even so, gentlemen, even so. — Make good your allegations against Mr. Clay and Mr. Adams, or your chieftain is in the same predicament. Vonr whole course towards Mr. Clay has been ex- acMy that which you so justly con- demn. You have drawn a picture of your own coriduct.and you have drawn it justly. There are, however, other resemblances, in this transaction, lo that, in which you have assailed Mr. Clay, that it is proper to trace. VVlicn the allegation of Gen. Jack- son's profanity became public, and be- gan to circulate, in the new.spapers, if seems there was a certain Doctor Jes- se Miller, resident at the mouth of Cumberland, who felt a strange kind of consciousness, that Gen. Jackson might suspect liim to I)e ibe author of it. This Doctor Miller, therefore, de- termined at once, to wipe olT such imagined imputation against him. frr.m the mind of the General, and accord- ingly addressed him a letter. Thi.e letter the General has put into the iands of the Editors of the Nashville Republican, and they have published an extract from it, as follows: 148 CnARCFJiA- HROOF. '^Smitltland. k'y. I fnim twenty to thirty mtmhers f>f Con- D.. . „ c.„ -pun „i :^-i _r tu- i„,t^ -.^ ' sresi friim the Wesl. n ho voted for A'l;nis. EAR biR — 1 he oiiiect ol this letter is ■ ,. 10 remove from iny.elf any cei.-ure. 1 ;'''''"'' "''''V' "' >''i°7'K^'* '"""'••^""•- which in all i.rohalMhtv m;.v rest upon \ "''•^-JP"", ,t.eneral Jar.k.on m^inifestecl me-l have .een ..n.l re..l in mo.t of the i '•""^'■""^"'^ ..""g*"^^ Mrelcheci ••■th h,= a.lmini»trat.on na|.ers of Kentncky. „ arm. ami rephecl. -By »/.. .rmnar«/a(f Gorf m.hrio... report, relative to ,,hat ,'„.i f "^ "." f °"'/, V''""" '""' ** ''"^'•"'f' 9ho„M havesairl conrerniu- Mr Clay an.l | ''<"'• "/■'" ^o^'^' .;"« ° m-irderer or. ihe hisfrieml^. Permit me. Sir. to slate to Z'"/ '/^ <"'?""• , . , ^, you that I am en.irely innocent, and j < ''^ D .lor .epeated ronnderable more equally ignorant of howihe report onm- ■ "f ""''^ '^''"^•^'■'«""" re^i ectu,^- elerl.ons. nated-l.ei Iff with you durin- the short "'"<^*>- »■* =' ''"<-."<>< ■<"late to the charge 3lay you made at the mouth of Cumber- land. I aai prepared to say. 'hat nothiuer indecorous escaped your lips, to me. or to any of the company. I well recollect of asking you, if you harl seen Mr. Clay's pamphlet, and after giving you a laconic statement of what it contained, instead of showing any irascihility of lompfr. you ■imiled and Sijid , nothing would aflord you more pleasure than to know Mr Clay in- nocent of the charges that were laid against him. JESSE Mir.LER." Here, attain, is a strict analogy to the case of i\Ir. Clay and Ocn. Jaik- son. — Mr. Biiclianan faiioil to sujiport the Gcncr.il, wlio reli"d upon iiim as aut'ioritv. Doctor M.llor has volun- teered to contradict tiiose ivho rely upo:i tiim as auihority. But the analo- gy docs not stop here. The Editor of the Illinois Gazette comes out too, wit!> liis proof — Not, as in the case of Mr. Clay, by puhlis'iinii dot.ichod and iijarl'led stalenienis of his friends, as the foundation for an itiference. But with direct a;)d positive proofs, as to the langUHge used by Doctor Miller, iu the jiapers, it is unnere?sarv to repeal .lEssE i'vr''Ei:->^ON, TUOM.XS WILLIS. DOCUMENT NO. 2. Copy of a kiltr to one of tite Fditors. SSIITHLA.M), Ky., Mahcii 19, l8iR. Dear .Sir. — I see in a number of the public prints, that you are den' unced as Ilie piopagalors of uh:it lbe\ teim an in- fimous slaiwler upon the character of General Jackson, fur first [sed a great deal of anxiety to sec the jiamphlel, and askerl what it cor»laiiied. The Doctor replitd. thai it H ;;s a rtfiitalinn ol the charges of bargain, sale, intrigue, iS-c. and that he (Clay) had the cerlilicates of twenty oi thirty members of Congress from the west, proving hi* innocence. The Gen- e.'al appeared to tly into a great pnssion. raised his arm, and -wore, by the immac- ulate God. Clay was a grand rascal: By the eternal God. sir. he accused me with being a murderer on the floor of Congress 'I he General then ask< d him how he thought the election wouhl go in Kentuc- ky for Governor. The Doctoi- replied Very resfiefi fully vours. JESSK i'ATTEIiSON. P. S. The above is substantially the conver-iati in as related by Dr. Miller — I may he a little incorrect as to the pre- cise words. J. J>. Now it is obvious to every rational man, thai Doctor Miller has asserted a falsehood, in his letter to General Jack- son, or ill his conversation with Mr. Patterson and Mr. Willis! — or that the latter gentlemen make a false accusa- tion against him. — It is not for us, who know none of them, to take upon us to decide the question. The pre- sumptions are against Doctor Miller: two witnesses agree to iii.s statement. And his prompt denial to Gen. Jackson, before he was pul)licly accused, indi- cates something like co', scions wrong. — Bui how, upon just principles, does this aflect Gen. Jackson? He is ac- cused, upon tlie authority of Miller, and Miller distinctly acquits him! There i- fal-ehood somewhere. But surely there can he no justice inaflect- iiig to . i.nsider, that Gen, Jack>on is convicted of liavii g used the language imputed to him. li Patterson and wTl- The General said no — that a fiiend o( Wiiliam T. Barry was never an intrudei on him. lie hoped the Doctor's senti- ments as to the Presidency W'U d change. kc. They Ibeii shook hands and paitelt included, will join iti the coi elu- sion here suggested, as being strictly correct, in the case before us. — Does ilot every reader perceive that the same conclusion resulls from (lie state of facts, in regard to the charges against Mr. Clay? Yet the Jackorii- ans, including the General liimself, iii- •^ist upon a directly adverse conclusion. Thcv prove iMr. Clay's guilt, by making his friends CO- tradict themselves. By hnt do not recollect who was of the nnm- (he same rule, the General's guilt is IM CUARGl^ AXD PROUfr'.— ANUTUER rAGEANT- r?tal)lislu-(l in thi-; case. — A very clev cr aiKumcfit could be m:ide, to show see, svmptoms of independence were manifeslcd, and men were itupudtnt how iin]! robahic it was, tiiat Doctoi I enoiii;h to talk of Adams" Electors for !\Iiiler would invent sach a monstrou> lie, and associate it with so much plau- sible matter; and how very probable it was. that he mitrht be bought off, — tliat is, obtain th'- promise of a douceur, in future, for making a bold retraction, to serve the chief.— But such sort ol arguments would be as base and vile, as those now used by the Jacksonians against Mr. Clay. Let every honest man compare the cases, as I have here briefly sketched them, and I do not doubt, he will lind in them a strong resemblance, and will come to the conclusion that what is unjust in one, must be unjust in both. President. iVeithcr ^ ictory nor mar- riage festivals being at hand, the man- agers bethouglil ihem of the General's birthday, and it was resolved that a farce should be " cnacltcC at Murfrce^- boroiigh. This is the seat of govern- ment of the state of Tennessee, some thirty miles distant from ^Nashville, con- sequently in the neighborliood of tht General. A birthday day dinner i> proposed; the 1 6th day of March beisii: the natal day of the mighty chief. The in\itation is given in the name of the county of Rulht nuhvidu-ils aKo,a hand- ^ ,_^_ ^^^, ^^^^^.^^^ ^^ ^,^^^.^^^ ^^, character some sum , ,, /-. 1 1 1 • ! liy mv enemies , and the General and I'ls ^ ,_^ ,,^-,, my public and private life, it has Tommittees. New York, Ohio, and Kentucky — The cotton merchant i|uar- happened th;it no action deemed worthy of being remembered, has been deprived ter master, who was courted, and the^| ,|,p icslinionv necessary to .Tii.ilvze its deah-r in lumber, who was neglected, all felt that it was a failure, though , motive and test its moral value; and Hhilst, in all those vvhic!i have hern as some swore that it was not. The ef-| snilcd, I am vindicated by the favorable feet was disiistrous. Fven in Tennes-' judgment of thc^e of my feltow citir.ens. AXOTIIER PAGEANT. 151 who have examined them impartially, and l)y tlie approbation of my own con- science, 1 need not assure you that the shafts of calumny have fallen harmless from me." The easy flowing style of the Geni'iars domesticated XNliite-washcr, is very pci'ceptibk' ia tills reply. The writer had discretion enough to for- 1 hear all allusion to domestic matters, | and the chieftain, obedient to the dic-i tation of his keepers, was content to let it pass. When the General arrived at Mur- freesboroiigli, he was greeted with an address, delivered by a certain Sam- uel H. Langldiii, Esq. It is puj', puff, all puff'. Political motives are dis- claimed in such manner as to convince all candid persons, that the fact and •, , ., , >.. the disclaimer are dire ;llv adverse to void of even the appearance of rcproadi — considering how very often tjie chief- tain made himself a proper subject to be prosecuted. The assault upon Robards, the murder of IJickinson, the outrage upon the Bentuns, and many other similar acts, are instances that tile General was never fea/ful of en- coutitering "prosecution"' for '■'■crime" in Tennessee. The fervor of the ad- dresser carried him on. "We have seen a national benefactor made the ot)ject of the most uns-paring persecution. VVc have seen hio public & private actions & motives i'alsitied k mis- represented. We liHve seen his domestic peace assailed by the tongues and pens of slander and detraction. JVe have seen the •^•ifc of his Losijiii—one-^hoae '^hole life has been a continued series of virtuous, chari- la'de, pious and praise -worthy actions, dr each other. Hear iiiin: "This interview lias not been solicited lor political purposes. We ultcily dis- claim all such motives. It has been made the innocent object of the venal li- beller's blackeit defamation. Hut pro- tected by truth and honor, we have also seen the shafts of calumny tall harmless from him and his house, "and our hearts ,., ., c ,, ..,. ,. r r ■ r 1 ■ ""™ mm ana nis nouse, and our hearts sought for the cratiticafion of friendship i,.,,._ „„•■- ... ,, „ ■ i, „' J 1 /- 1- /■ . ,■ ' "a\e reioiced at the sisht The hearts ailH OTlrtl-I rpplino- icv flirt filll-t.r.c-rt .-if t«^ ., -^ . _ 'fs''^- *•" I * C d I Ih and good feeling — for the purpose of tes lifying our uiidiniinished estimation of the great "moral value''' ofpubiicand private virtue united ivith the most distinguished nihilities.'' of our wives, of our sisters, and of our daughters, have been made glad." Considering the admitted fact, that ojw act of this lady's life was, to live If all this be true, how happened it \ l"""^ ^'''■<^'^, .^"7' ;'' 'h<5 ^'^ of Gen. that the Murfreesborou-h folks never ' ^''7'*",'' "''"^^ *'"^ '^S='' "i''^' o-'" Lewis before thought of celebrating the f^o.''='''^S ""'1 considering that a legis- Hero's hirth dav? The -moral valur' '• ''*''f ^'^'' ''"^ j^'l" '.'I record, lix upon of ^^public and private r/rtw," might by i !^'''" ^, 'i""^^" ^^ adultery and descrt- ^ome be thought, in the nature of a ! !PS ^l'^^ 'Hisnand, this, it must be con- ^neer. But tliere can be no doubt of '<=**^ed, is a pretty well wrought speci- men of hyperbole. The General re- plied to it, in his best manner, and by selecting some of his most approved epithets. " Ves, sir, it is true that myself and bo- som oompaiiioD have been assailed v.itli malignant shafts of calumny and detrac- tion, but truth is omnipotent and «ill pre- vail over falsehood and error." This does bravely for a man wlio knows that he is speaking oi" a woman whom he seduced from lu-r husband. liie siiiijile sincerity of the addresser Hear him further. '•We all know you from the greatest to the least; from these gray headed vete- rans of the ^{evolution, to the most juven- ile spectator in this extensive crowd. — To all. tliis day and this occasion, bring an a-sociation of pleasing reminiscences. The aged remember you as the uMe and jiealous advocate ol' your client's rights — the energetic prosecutor of public crime — as the enlightened -tatesman who mainly assisted in framing liie constitution under j and ^vhom the law separated for that which wenort- live in the enjoyment of free dom and happiness, anu as the stern and even-handed dispenser oi "justice and right," from the bench of the highest judi diciil tribun,;lof the state." seduction. It shows what adulation can say upon one side, and confidence Eciterate on the other. The domestic white-washer was probably not pres- „, . . , ent, or the two principal 'subjects of Ihis reference to the prosecution of this paragraph, would have been kept public crime, is rather a liome Uirust, I out of si-ht. His " ho^om comminij" tat ANOTHER PA»;EANT. and the ''•omiu'potence of Inith,"' are more. Some tifteen or ci^lueen years to(>irs which the General should never' asio. (his -inan of sense'' wus a ( aiidi- toiicii. Comiiigfromtiiin.tliev give rise date ior Congress in Virgini.i, avowing to wicked associations ill t:ie mind oC the Ihc highest t..ned fedL-ralisn). ai.d pub- reader, which it were better should not lislied an address in which be niyrlnl ;,fije, l!ie errors ami follies of tlie Jefu-r.-oii We have no account of tiie dinner, ' school of polilic>. to the entire sjiiis- tior of the regular toasts. But there faction of John of Roanoke, and other are volui.ieers in abundance. The I worthies of the same stamp! He mar- first is from a Col, Burton: 'ried a lov ly woman with a cood es- . \ late — but it isgo.e. A \outiilul sister " Sterde indeed «ms t!,al Claj, »v".ch, ^,,- ,,;^ „.„-^ .uSu.^v estate came under did not promote the gro.vth ol "^ckory^W^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ while there, her es- an.l much .s ,t to be leared ibai an ex-, ^^^J^^^^^^, ,^^,^ reputation both vanished, nosurc to the suiincams ol r.Kei.uuve in- r, , • . i- , ■• -. ■ i !, ,1 . ,• ,, •, „ J.,; „ .. Kedured to hve bv his wits, he adveii- lluence, will not meliorate its Cv>aaitt This we have long known was the '. present vocation, that of " recording tfy head and front of Mr Clay's olll-nding. : actiutis ofuur second U'ashington.''' Not He ''■did not promote the gr07rtrt of hick- onlv his »• literary mtriis," but his moral DRY."' And according to the notion of perioptions •• arc e/jual to the task,"' and Hickort) worsliippeFs, this is a mo='" S' V7" '"■ inton:-one of the company toasted l'^"P>^- »"■' '^ J'^;!!''^/''";' ^""•, , CI H. Bcnloii ' B\ Ma). John D. Fletcher.— Slamler- -Ihr honorable 7 /< .,^k;.s rt. ticnion. I ers of" ,-nx^Uc character: -verily, verily which the General must have taken l(,,g shall have iheir reward.' ' with great zest. foUowintr: Another cave us the Ithey I '-By G W. Damon. Ksq. — The presi I dcnlial election: those who are net for U5, ire asaiasi us." '•The author of JpflTerson. in the lale Nashville l*rpi)blic;;-i. in answer to Mi. , . /-, ■ Johnson's .Vlams convention a.ldress: A • ""rst to sa_>, that the General wa* chip of the ol.l Kevolulionarv block, his ; of Jelfer- son's public life, his furious reviUr. The " old bloik'' of whicli he is said to be a chip, performed good service in the revolutionary war. But his last warlike feat was that of commanding the lalhiui; hatchet company, in Balli- lor !iis purpose. When V. e rocollect how exceedingly I modest the Hero is represented to be, wc cannot but think the following rather a rank oblation: " F>y Dr. McConrchie. The memory of GpiiPral Washington, and his surerssur in miUl^n/ fan'r. our honored guest: roajf A>OTnER PACEAVr.—TO «E^. AlfPRFW JArKSOX. 153 flie Mier. like the former, tj.hai.ge a 1 TO «;i;>. A>DUKW JACKSox. laiiiel wreath tor aci*ic crown '' [ Si-?.— Having n, my lornrn r c ri mu- i iiicatio'.r. treated of your eitraoriliiia- T le General asse.ib to the preten- 1 ^^ coi duct since the ccmmencemtnt sioi that '.e U the « swxesiorinmintnry ^y ^^^^ prcidenlial canv;i>*.I pass wilh- ,/-;,if" to Gen. Washington. I shou.d t,mpj.e,-;,ce or apoloz^. to -ome other ii .s to know to what poriioii of W a*h- ^^ ^^. ^.^^^^ ,;.-g^ equallv ^cp^ehen^ihle, ii-oi's military fame i.e has succeed a„j goiiallv unberomirg a gentleman ela.d how tlic succes-^ion has been ^^d a pn-.lic officer. I comiuenre v.,:h ea<. upon him. Is it Uaihinxtons ^^^^ treatment to Governor RaS-in, c. a JO,.? his humaMty? his respect for -^^^ ^^^ ^^ the time, the chief iri.;g- the civil aut'ionty? his pu^ictihous j.trate of Georgia; aid whose coi ..-ti- o'. lience to orders? his amenitv to hi5 turional power" vou der.ied, and at- e-jals? his urbanity to h-s in(er.ors? tempted to set at'd.tiance. N . e but his parasi'es. or p<.h!ical de- , ,.^ y^^^,^_ jg,o_ ^.^^^ proceeded ^^Ith ▼ . ef -, who know nothing ol ium, Lave ^ y^^„^ ^^^^^ f^^^- f^^^ gcott. and its cf.-rredthe-etrai'sot character upon ^eighWhood. on vour marcli agai' si G .i. lack>oii. Thougt. it w.,uld seem the Mickasukee towns, the; ce you went tna. he is entirely willing to take , ^^ g^ ^^.^^^^ ^,,j g„^jj^ to Peasacoia. th -m from the hand of any_ Pillgarhc ^t or about the time.and after vour de- w :o is di-poscd to offer them. _ 1 oe ^^j.^^ the Indians on the froVtiers of SiiO g wish expressed to "exchange th • laurel wreath for the civic rroicn," indicates the haokering so commo:- to * military chieftains," on thai subject. T:ic good compa; y at Mirfecsbo rough, seem materials the exchange referred to. Georgia, became exceedingly trou')Ie- some. sacrificing the lives of the border settlers, and carrying off their proper- tT. Governor RabuQ was infonncd of these events, and eame-tlv solicited to :m to have partaken of all the '^^ ^j^^^ sufferers. That he might usuall.v engaged in effecting j;^^ ^^^ ^.j^j^^^^^ ^.^^^ knowledge, or in any way interrupt your plans he ad' dressed to vou tl;e foil letter requesting your Thev man- ife-ted a right kind of temper to be- , ^^^^.^j-^^ ^.^^ ^i,;^ folbwi"r,g respectful come subjects: To flatter their leader, jitter reouesting vour aid and to reprehend all waodo ijot Hatter | him, are the true characteristics of tluise who have put off the cit-z-n to put on the vassal, in all ages of itie world "TVIiLLEDGEvntLE, 21stMarch. 1818. General Andrew Jackson. Sir. — lou have 1.0 doubt been apprised that since Tiese continued effort? to preserve ; vour departure from Harllcrd, with the the GeneraFs standing, hv exhibiting Georgia militia, the Indians have him as a spectacle, are depradi .g to been hoverir.g on the Irontier of Te.- f c counti-v-. They demonstrate the /air county: that they have M//frf « -Wr. f.'.ji.v of both his 'followers and him-, Bwh, and icounde'l his son, and being 3(1. 'All decent pride is discarded, ; pursi-ed by the citizens of that county, all •^elfre-pcct abandoned, when a man have met them in hostile array, when 3n-f"Ti himself to be ha»v ked aboui for an engagement took place which li.st- po'itical effect, as a partv coloured ed nearly an hour, in which ourhitle Merry \ndrew, and piebald horses arc : detachment (co, sitting only ol ihirty- parad<»d through the streets to at-, tour men}lost screra/ A:i//f:)te general apprehenfion. I of the OcVmulgee, aid at. or near. I. e uiort Pis^ilHhie points below that place. V 154 TO GEN. ANDREW JACKSOX. If it is not convenient for you to furnish thi' .lecessary lorce, you will please giv;,' 'i tructions (or supplying such de- tac inie lis as may, in that evcrit, be ordered into the service un'kr the an thority of the stair, with rations, &c. I hope you will write me on this subject u-ilhoHl 'ielay, as sfrt-at alarm has been produced, by the liostile attitude which the enemy has assum"d."' Tiie above letter is exceedingly cour- teous in its language and reasonable in its demands. It embraces matter which was of great interest lo the Georgians, and which, ■situated as you were, ought to have claimed your immediate and prom[il attention. But how did you treat it? I'islead of answering it, as Tcquesled, you observed a perfect si- lence on the subject till tlie 17th of August f)llowing, aiid then barel\ al- (ion, if it should be found necessary. The forces were directed to proceed against the Indians on the east side of Flint River, generally deiiomipated Hiprinnccs and Philemmees. Captaia \Vriglit, whilst on the march, ascertain- ed that Hopaunce, one of the chiefs, had leP his own village, and was then at the Cheh'iif tuu-n: &Luithuul authority, he immediately proceeded against it. The result was disastrous to the poor Indians of tiiat plvte. Several of them were killed, and the captain found, after it was too late, that he had bee« precipitate, and made war upon/rifHci^-, instead of ennnies! 1 have detailed the circumstances of this unfortunate alFair for purposes already evident, but which will be more conspicuous as I proceed. I must, however, pause for a moment to itiquirc, whether you l liim !o aid in tlie expedi- been guided by reiison and humanity, TO eEN. ANDHEW JACKSON. US »he constitution would not iiave been violated, ;ind the six militia-men whom you sent to untimely graves, niiglit hixxe been living monuments,! will not eay of your clemency, but of your sense of justice. But 1 return to the subject in hand. When you were informed of the un- authorized attack upon the Clieiiaw Tillage, vou flew into a violent passion, issued an order for the apprehension of Wright, commanding iiim to be con- fined in irons; and. witiiout knowing the circumstances, vented your rago upon Gov. Hal)un, in the most insulting and bullying language. By what au- thority did you order Wrigiit to be apprehended and confined in irons? He was not under your command — had never been mustered into your service, nor was he in any way attached to your army! He had been acting under the authority of the state of Georgia, and for his disobedience was amenable. are the first man in tiie United States who has violated the constitution with impunity! When it became known that Capt. Wrigiit had disobeyed orders, and had attacked the fntivhy instead of the hostile Indians, Governor Kabiin ex- pressed the deepest regret, and imme- diately wrote to the Indian Agent on the subject. He had Capt. Wright ap- prehended and while he was engaged in pacifying the Indians, and assuring (hem tliat the attack was unauthorized, he received from you a letter, couch- ed in the most bitter and insulting terms. Here, then, is another evidence of your ungovernable and outbreaking temper. Instead of seeking correct information, or writing a letter in t!ie language of a gentleman, you proceed- ed in the dark, and poured out your invective in all the ribald style of a per- fect bully. Why did }0u write to Gov. Rabun at all? Were you so not to ywi, but to the law^: which he had 1 ignorant as not to know, that you had tr-msgressed. Yet he was actually taken into custody bv your soldiers, and if he be yet living, he may thank God that you were not present to suspend the writ of Habeas Corpua, bj' which, and the civil oflicers of that state, he was wrested from your deadly grasp! But. let me iiifiuire, at the time you is- sued this tyrannical order, where were i/ou, and what had yon been doing? You were in a Spanish province, on your march to Pcnsacola! While Wright, through mistake, was attacking the no command over him? Did you not know that he was the chief magistrate of an independent state, and that he was not amenable to yni for his con- duct? A man of your reputed infor- mation should have known all this, and knowing it, should have been gov- erned accordingly. But it seems, nothing was too high or too sacred, to escape your imaginary power. You towered above the constitution, and with the same hardihood with which vou invaded a neutral province, un- wigwams of unofTcnding savages, you Idertook to reduce the Governor of a were storming tlie forts of a nation state, to a servile submission to your with whom we were at peace! You will. Your letter was not only insult- were knojvingli/ acting in violation of ing; but discovered in every line, the jour constitution, the lawofnations.and the positive instructions of your govern- ment!! \Vas it well for a man thus situated to order a free citizen of the United States to be confined in irons? I will not pursue this sjbject further. The transaction is in perfect accord- ance with the whole tenor of your life. Were it not for the achievement at Ncw-Qrlcans, which has spread a veil over your crimes and infirmities, there is nofrone American in a lVi(iu>and who would, not look upon you wiih the great- est abhorrence. Your hands, Sir, are ■■'ninedwith innocent blood, and ^on ignorant and inflated tyrant. Full oi your own consequence, and setting at naught the civil authoritv, vou say to Governor Rabun: "YfUl," SIR. AS GOVERNOR OF A STATi:. WITH- IN MY MILITARY DISTRICT, HAVF NO RIGIIT TO GIVK A MILITARY ORDKR \VH1LST I AM IN THE FIELD"'!! Can you find in the range of your experience, in all the acts of petty tyranny, a more arro- gant and wanton assumption of power? Whnt right had you to command the Governor of Georgia? Whence your authority to forbid him to exercise (be i5« TO r-.r^.S. ANWOKW JAJ KSO\.~KEl>rT>ATT. A VVSS. CO o[ilUiiO.;al lu iClioils Ot' lli> (ili^cl Wijoemp.>»veied ^o)« to call iiirn to ac- count? Ifliif had he no riglii to give i a military order w.ieii you was in the field? Was not the fio itior of Georgia ' expo-'jd? Had not you left it with a powerful arin\, open to Uie invasion of the savages, and nas it for tiie Cov- er ;or to wail till it might i/leasf vou to return? B'.sides, Sir, you were not in ■\h'- "Jiehr to wUich you so iiaughtily al- 1 luded. You had left the United States, i T'le frontier settlers of Georgia had' .been massacred, and tlie Governor had ; no otiier alternative but to resort lol co'.s itntional inea:;5for dele cr!. Had yo'i ecr^ present wilii an army at your , he'iU. your u;iprincipled a :d wantoi , conduct in otlier cases, leave no room | to Jou'it what would have been your course in this! The constitution aiid . the laws would 'lave afiPird-d no pro- tc'-'ion. The Governor "oidd iiave paid for his temerity by impriso :ment, ifi.ot with hi'< lif^. I have a right to ir.fer this from your letter,, and from! the host of bloody deeds, which mark- ed vour footste[)s duri >g (he war. — H 'd you been guilty of no other vio- \i\ ion of duty, and of law, it might be attiibiited to the excitement of the m ment, and passed over in silence. I i"^, howevf-r, i>ut a single link in a !.• % chain of Ti^igrant abuses, for w!iich you can offer no apology, and for w' :cU tlv'rc can be no atonement. T e love of dominion is still burniiig in vour breast. You are not yet sated w fi power. Yourvaiiity has prompt- ed you to aspire to a wid(-r, an has received, ihrough his new j poliiiral frie.';ds at U'a^lii' gton abou' j t>yo thousatid dollars, bv wav of com- 1 pe:jsa U' , Pari Ioui.cl:, ai.J pai . .d- vanced (or sui.scrlptoil^; his venahtj is thus liilly estai)l'?!ied. Kc.d.ill and Peon, were, for a long time, hitler adver^aries; Penn and tiie Pope> acicd in cohcert, fr<>m jealousy otandnaired towards M;. Clay. Iv. n- dallwa?on tile other aa.d tue protei; -e o| Mr. Cl.i>, and his tturdy advoiate. Bui Mr. Clay could noi give him an oliice Willi a salary of loOO dollars, and Kendall made a bargain wiih Mr. Clay's opponents. Penn and ihePt | -s oppose I'.e Administration, heinn^e they hate Mr. Clay. Kendal) o\ | o- ■^es it for a coa-si-dc-rati-on. T us u ited in o'ljfct, and upon a par in principle, Kendall and Penn arc tne champions of Jack-o. , and the de- UMuncers oiAlr. Adams and Mr. Clay. The Argu- of Ke-dall. arid ihe Ad- VI rtiser of Penn, are tjuoted far a id near -y the Jack-r"! papers, as deserv- ing o.'credit, and entitled to confidence. It is, therefore, important that they should both be better k. own than tluy are. The editor of the Commentator, published at Krankfori, Kc; lucky, lias brought tiieni out to uive the character of eatii olher. We give his article. From it the reader may form a just coiceplion of the true character of tiiese two worthies. ' r.ut who it re ihey ? Who are thev i»ho aie (lerpettiilly ijpvisinu' '•shimlets^' and 'Mvilfiil misre|iresenlations''' agninst this paper ami its eiiilor? A hopelul pair of asmriates. in a cause worthy of such sujipnrlers, who knnw earii olher well. Let thetj give some account of them- selves. They can do it ni terms sniud tolheirown tastes. &aiiproprnite en.Mii;!). Let Air. Kendall, who stanrls as leader, speak (ir>l. and tell us who J'enn is— ^ Hear hini!" •' The vagnbon I Penn, wandered about awhile, ihsronsolale. until lie»as picked up \y whom he has ever .since been used as a hlackouanl and bully, to abuse and iroa-- bca( all thai is rqtuilican in Jefler-on louDty and the state.''' — Jlrgus of October 10. 1825. ••Very well. — Now Mr. I'enn. please to lellwho. and what .Mi. Kend^ill is. be- -i.lrs lieing yonr a— riate, friend anf' (ile-lcader. * Hear bim'" KEXDAT-L & PENN THE BARGAIN. 151 •»Fohl That's worse Ihan Paine ami the skui\Us — Now, are not you a pielly pair til' polecal.-i to be accusing otiicrsol sland- ei' and niisiepresentaliou?'' "OCr-Mi'. Kendall will certainly be dis- 1 aptiomied, if he imagines that the editni I of this paper will descend to re>pond to | hi-> vulgar and peisnnal abuse 'The lash has been successfully applied to him as an editor — -the gaird jade Tvinces"' — and he resorts to a species of personality, of which, contemptible as he is, he may yet have cause to repent." — Louisville Jldver- (iser.ofSept. ?, 1825 '■Oh, that's pitiful xcliining — Cant you I tjon of every honest politician. It give lis somct^ir«£r more spuidvy ?" I shows how monstrously unjust is the "This compromisrmig\n be speedily accusation of Gen. Jacksoii, that he THE UAUGA1\. Tlic following article explains itself. We recommend it to the serious attcn- effected, if (be members of the Lesfisia- ture COULD BE AS CIJKAFLV BOUGHT AS AMOS KENDALL.' — Ltiuisville Adv. Aug. 4, lo-5. '• Not so very cheap cither Mr Penn — .■^1610. if no otiier was paid or promised. w:is a good round price, ihe full worth .ind more too. Yim know he oiTeied hunsclf to .Mr. Clay for ^1500. You re- collect his testimony before the Senate might by a hargain with Mr. Clay, have become President. We copy it from tiie JNew Hampshire Journal, of March 24. THE LAST PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. '• The charge of coriuptioti and intrigue in the last Prsiden!iale!ectin[i,lirst brought against .Mr. Clay by a member of the House nf Kepre=ent;;tives, and there abandoned however, proceed — and donl stop to talk I by its author, having been since given to of '•compromise''' now.'' •'Amos Kendall is acting the part of a political desperado. Me has now but one object in vie.v, and that is, to irritate those, whose virtue and good sense have taught them to detest him The Argus the |)ublic under the .-anctionof Gen. Jack- son's name, has justly escited the atten- tion of the people, in every part of the country The nature of the charge it- self not less thanlbc b;gh standing of the parties, (both the accuser and the nccus- has become t!i>: pitiful vehicle ol dirty j ed.) h .s given to this controversy an im- arl nice, falsehood ano vulgar abuse, its pnrlance which justifies every new at- editor, viewing the peojile, as actuated by I tempt to throw light upon the subject, a mean sort of selfishness, and susceptible The late address of Mr. Clay to the pub- of being misled by those who rely on lie has brougtit to my recollection certain political chicanery and a niggardly species circumslaoces, vvhi(-h appear to me t" have of low cunning, continues to give currcn-jsome bearing on this subject, and which cy to statements, which men of half sense ' therefore I shall proceed to state, must, at the tir't sight, pronounce impu- At the time of tlie late presidential elec- dently false.' — Lou. A 'v. Hci. 1. 1826. '• That's smarter — pretty well Wr. Penn, and there is a good deal of truth in vour remark, which you see, cuts.— What do you say to it. Mr Kendall? "Pitiful is the soul of that man. who can attribute to others no higher motive of act on, Ihan a job of printing!"' '■ But of Penn we know much. In pre tion, I had Ihe honor of a seat in the (louseof Representatives; and my anxiety to give effect to the known wishes of my constituents forthe election of Mr. Adatns, did not sulYer me to neglect any opportu- nity o| informing myself, minutely, of the progress of events, and of their causes. \Vith Ihe friends of theseveral candidates, particularly those of Mr Adams, Mr. scribing uncomfortable predicaments and Crawford, and Mi. Clay, my iolcrcoursc attitudes for others, he is doubtless aided | was con-tant. intiniale and extensive, by c.cpcri''nce. He <;annot have f)rgoten j With many of them. I conversed freely, tiie unsavory place into which he was and frcipienlly on the subject ; and became plunged, in attempting to escape from the vengeance of an insulted husband. The Ohio may have washed his clothes and skin clean, and given him the appearance of a decent and respec'able gentleman; but the waters of the ocean cannot cleanse the fiul heart which led him to attempt to insult and flishonor hisneiglihor." — Ar- iT"'. Oct. 31. IS? 5. early acquainted wilh their differeot vieivs and feelings, in relation to it. as well as the motives by which they ap- peared to be inlliieaced: and 1 can safe- ly declare, thai the result of all my in- quiries, in respect to Mr. Clay, in par ti' iilar. was a conviction, (founded on in- numerable farts aid indicali"!!^ of opin ion. oc^iirrincr under mv own observation. ' 15S THE BARGAIN. that, in this difficult and delicate juncture, has there adduced, it i^ in nay power to his coiiiiuct was disiintjuislied by purity , add tlie followiug. It was my practice ef motives, by a deep sense of public du- 1 while a memberorCongress, to note down, ty, and great prudence and discernment i at the cl >!'e ot" each fessioo, in a journal in the course proper to ot pursued. It , »vhich I kept for that purpose, whatever was seen I'rom the commencement of the occurred to me, of uninteresting nature, session, that his opinion would hive great during the session tliat had just closed, inlluence in the election; and the iViends i The (ir-t ^esainn of the Icilh Congress of Jr. Adams never suffered themselves closed on the 27th of May, 1824. The to believe that Mr. Clay, — himself an experienced statesman, bred (rom his youth to the civil set vice of the country, would thiow the decisive weight of his powerful influence into the scale of a '•military chieftain,'' before whom all merits and ah services, merely civil, seemed to disappear. In his high office of Speaker of the House, he seemed anxi- ous to preserve his usual impartiality be- tween the coidlicting parties; and though among his intimate tVien.ls, his opinions wee known, he neither obtruded them upon the members generally; nor, so far as I could ob.-erve. did he take any undue pains to conceal them. With respect to his friends, (by whom I mean the members of Congress from those states which had voted for him tor President,) it appeared tome that, gener- ally speaking, tiieir attachment was not to Mr. Clay as an individual merely, but asa public man — as a statesman, whose general views of policy were in accord- ance with their own; an.1 that, finding they could not make liiti President, they looked round among tbe candidates for the man iviiose views of policy nearest resem'de those of .Mr. Clay; particularly en tlie two creit questions, of Inter- nal Improvement, and Domestic Manu- factures. This was especially the case with the Ohio members; and I was ex- pressly told by one of them. (Gen MWr- thur.) tliat ehirjlij vpontliest grounds. \)\ey had come to the determination of voting for ' r .\'lams. bclore they had ascertain- ed what would be Mr. Clay's course on this occasion. loUowingextract from this journal isunder date of ''June, 1824;" and was wrilttn by me immediately on my return from Wash- ington. "I spoke but twice this session, to Mr. Clay on this subject. The tirst- was on the caucus, against which lie declareil himself; hut professed to be governed in tliis wliole matter, eiitlre- Iv by ills friends' advice. The other conversation related to General Jack- son. It was soon after Pennsylvania declared for the General; and when he seemed, f'lr the moment, to carry all before him. He spoke with equal truth and feeling on the subject. He said it was truly dismtra^his to see lb» peojde so intoxicated aiid drludod, by a little military glory — that a man totally unknown to the civil history of the country. — who knew nothing of the constit'ition or laws of the land, — and who, in short, had no other recommen- dation than liiat which grew out of liis forlunnle campaign :it New Orleans, should he thought of for president of the Utiited States, and even preferred to all others. — at a time, too, when some of tlie ablest men the country had ever produced, (he did not mean, he said, to include himself in the numtier) — men who had grown grey in the civildepart- ments of the government, in Congress, in diplomatic missions, and in the cabi- net, were before the public, ascandida- tes for that olVirc — was, he said, such a i symptom of tlie diseased state of pub- It is not however so much the object of j Ijc sentiment, as must be equally alarm this communi'-ation to express my own ] ino- and di.-s, "Ifl had received the vote of Louisiana, and been one of the three candidates returned, I had resolved, at a time when there was every probability of my receiving ilj that I would not allow my name, in consequence of the small number el votes by which it would be carried in- to the House, if I were returned, to constitute an obstacle to an election.'" This statement is confirmed by the let- ter of Mr. Johnson of Louisiana, to whom he made known his determina- tion, before the meeting of Congress. j It may be further confirmed by the fol- lowing extract from my journal, under date of "March, 1825," wjitten immedi- ately on my return from the session of 1824-5. '•General M'Arthur, of Oliio. told me, that, meetii'g Mr. Clay one day, when it was thought that he would re- ceive the vote of Louisiana, he told him that if he came into the House, it would be by so small a vote, that ho was afraid his friends could do him I very little service llure — that .Mr. Clay answered, he hoped he should not be ] returned as one of the candidates. I since it was evident that his election, if it I could take place, would be contrary to j the expressed opinion of a vast majori- fv oftliC pc'inlc — and thai if returnf*^ iOn THE BARr;AIN.— A UEClSlVESMiN.— THE KARMER OF TENNESSEE. to tlip House, under such ciicumstan-lthcir meetings the cotHn handbill, »\ith cey. by receiving tiie Louisiaiia votes, the deiiuiiciatioiis of iiifamou5,di?grtKC he should tliink it his duty to decline tiie support of fils friends, and use his own influence in support of one of the oilier f andidales." The preceiJing extracts appear to ful. i:c. On the 28ili of March, wc were told, it iiad been "cxhibilerl to llu JacJisun mceliiigs, held this veeit. it: the severai icards of this cili/." And it wm added: " It /'■-" unitccrssuri/ to May it hat: me entitled lo more weight than any prodwed one uiii-frsal >etilimenl of dis- statement 1 could make from mere re-\gust,anrl indignctiim with all vlto Azc cclleLtioii; as they were \>ritlen ntl seen it.'' One of the Jackson papers, the time, for my use only, and with no | called upon their aJiierents, not to he expictation that they would ever be i remiss and sutler Truths Advocate to seen by any other person. If the facts' trumpet a victory to its five thoujai.d they contain should add any thing to the [subscribers. It hi^^ing bee'i distinctly ju-t defence of an injured fellow citi- stated in the C'ii*l8Sttati G .zette. ;i at ze- , my object in their publication,! the election woul^ b4a tc-t of pany will have been accomplished. To! strength, a Jackron ha .dbill was stuck stand by, in silence, and see another j up, all through ti:e city of. the moning urjuslly assailed, when it is in my {of the eUclion, in the foUowhig terms, power to aid in his defence, by the ex- hibilion of fads known only to me, wouhl in my opinion, be little less criminal, than to be myself the author of the wropc. WILLIAM PLUMf:R, JunV. Eppitig,A: n. March 18, 1828. ATTENTION ErECTOIlS!!! " Thi- P.jll for Towijfhip oBiccrs open? at t oVlock. A. ^1. iiiid clo'es :it C o'clock P. M. '• Tlic Poll for Citv oiBcer- op-iis at 9 -tratie(»i men met them on their own ground. Tlie battle iuis been foii:i;ht. and the Heroitcs completely vaiKUUsiied. The city is divided into five lllriis. e.ich electing three council- nicii. Twelve of the lificen council- men, arc supporters of the administra- it a more general circulati< Tnr. FARM KR of Tes.nf.ssee.— The Logis lalureof Loui*i:ina have passed a law nri;,rQ- imaUnirTKN THOUSAND ih.llars to dclraj the e\iicii'cs of Gen. Jackson's visit to ?imof thai rqtHlilicansii'npiiril;/ which we have I. .I'll pronii.scil .m the election of General Jirk- -•u'. A |irctU e\ainple of that lenilcr rare for '• '. 'j ii.'.iii^u. wlii'l' i' to 'istinciii'h Gin- H.:.'s U ■ Only T.r- so l>oi.r «i: ■ ■'^'^'- TiiUTH'l^i ADVOC^ATi: AND MONTHLY ANTI- JACKSON EXPOSITOR. CINCINNATI, OHIO, MAY, 1828. GE.N'KRAI, JACKSON'S VIOLENCE. It li;i? been objected against General Jackson, (hat he is a man ot" violent and ungovernable temper, and, for that reason, ought not to be elected Presi- dent. His supporters partly deny, that he is more rash or violent, than men in general; and partly insist, that no evil is to be apprehended, from the iiuiul- gence of his passions, were he elected President. It is the purpose of this paper, to examine both these sugges- tions: Proofs will be produced upon the first, and some illustrations attempt- j ed, upon the second; and to Ijoth, ihe attention of the reader is requested. In this i'.vestigation, I shall draw no proofs from the atjnals of the General's private life, and none from the history of his proceedings in the late war. I shall conline r.ivself to his own coi-.duct, since he became known to the nation, and since his reputation was. in some degree, identified with that of his country. Public distinction, not only confers honor, it imposes arduous du- ties. Many indulgencies may be allow- ed, to a mere private man, which ought not to be tolerated in one of eminence. perform his duties, as Major General, in the (juiet and respectful manner that luame the office. James Madison was Pusident of the United States, ajid Gen. Jackson knew that he was not a man to countenance a system of "i/ooti and carnage.'''' In March, 1817, Mr. Monroe was inaugurated President. Towards General Jacksoi, Mr. Moi.roe iiad manifested no common respect. — They stood in the most friendly rela- tions to each other. Communications and consultations had taken place be- tween them, as to the formation of the Executive Cabinet, certainly the very highest evidence of mutual esteem. — ■ It would seem tiiat General Jackson regarded the elevation of Mr. Monroe as an event that removed all necessity for him longer to impose restraint upon his course of conduct. I have no knowledge what was the cause, but it is well known that Gen. Jacks( n cherished very unfriendly feel- ings towards Mr. Ciawtbrd, who was then Secretary of War: And he took an early occasion, after Mr. Monroe became President, to ofler outrage and insult to tl;e Government, in the person , In one case, the example can work buti of the Secretary of War. The follow- ► a partial evil; in tiie otlicr,itsmi5cliiels I ing general order, was issued by him, may be incalculable. Self command | on the 22d of April, 1317. and self respect are almost inseparable. A.d he who cannot or does not control him-elf. is unfit to govern others; be- cause, though he may be feared, he cannot be respected by them "DIVISION ORDER. AdJI'TANT Gt'NERAL's OfFICE, H. Q. Division of the South. Nashville. April 22. 1317. The commandiDg general considers it The outrages upon tlie rights of in-uJue to the principles of subordination, dividuals, and the laws of the country,! vvl)ich ought and must exist in an army, perpetrated bv Gen. Jackson at the ''' prohibit the disobedience of any frder close of his career at New Orleans, made, at the time, a deep and sol- emn iinpressicn, on the public mind. No loud voice of condemnation was raised: but there was a strong and mixed sentiment of regret and censure that pervaded the countrv- General Jackson perceived it, and very wiseh emanating from the department of war, lo officers of this division, who have re- ported and been assirned to duty. iiide.'S coming through him as (he proper organ ofrommunicalion The object of (his or- der is to prevent the recurrence of a cir- ciiniPt-.'nce which removed an important ofiicer from the division without the kimw- ledge of the commanding general, and in- bubmitled to its silent chastening; j deed when he supposed that officer enga- Forabout two years tic continued to' ged in his official dcties, and anticipated 162 GENERAL JACICSON'^ VIOLENCE. hourly the receipt of his official reports on a subject of sreat importance to hi* comnoHnd; also lo prevent ilic topograph- ical reports from beiwj; matte public through the medium of the neH«-paper«. as was (lone in the c i«e alluded to. there- by enahlinff (he enemy to obtain the ben- elil of all our topographical researches as «oon as the general rnmraanilit.g. who is re'p'insihle for the division. Superior of firers liavinjr commands assigned tliem are held responsible to the guvernmenl for the character and conduct of that command; ami it miglit as well he ju.-tified in in oifirer senior in command t.i givej orders to a s'lird on duly . iviihout pass- in? Ih;it order throiigh the otli'xr of th-tl guard, as that the department of war should couiiiprm.irid the arr:ingempnts of com^landillg grnrrals without giving llieir orders thr.Mjeli thr proper channel. 'i\> | acquiesce in .«uch a course, would be a i tame surren.ier of military rights aud etiquette; and at once subvert the estab- lished principle'' of subordination and good order Obedi«'nce to the lawful commanils of superior officers is constitu- tionally and moriilU requiied. \.<\i\ there is a rh.iin ofcnmmunicalion that biqiis the military compact, whirh if broken opens the door to disnhedience and disrespect. ' and gives loose lo the turbulent spirits I who are ever rendy to excite to mutiny.! All ihysicians able lo perform dut\,wlio are absent on furlough, will I'orihwilli re- pair to their respectixe posts. Com- minHiiig olhcers ot' regiments and corjis are nrder<.(l to report specialh/ ail officers absent from duty on the SOlh of June next and their cause of absence. The array is loo small to tolerate idlers, and they will be dismissed the service By orderof Major General Jackson (Signed) IIUBEKT liL'TLKU. % .\djutant General it i; not my intention to off^r .-iny comnK'utbf rtiyowii, ujion this order. I iittrj luce it as tlic fust of a series of exlfWa.;;iiKics, that marked the ca- reer ot'Gen. Jackson, throiis;!) the res- idue of the year 1017. Besides, it is rC|>uMislied as se led to a roiitroversy helwecii' (Jen. Jackson and rien. Scott, and a ■orrespoiideiifo between them suhse- Tiier.tljlaiJ beiorc the jMiMir. Iml not vory exteusively circulated. One let- ter written by Geu. Jackson to Gen. Scott, is, perhaps, the most extraordi- nary specimen of indecent violence aiid outrage, that, in modern times, has been addressed hv one gentleman to another. It serves, in a peculiar and forcible manner, to illustrate the tem- per and disposition of the General. — it cannot be properlv estimated with- out reading it, in .connection with the matter that gave ri^e to it : and for that reason the whole is here inserted. "GEN. J.ACKSO;5i«TO GEN. SCOTT. Head Quarten, Diiisionof llie Sautfi\ Nashville. Sepiember 8, 1817. Sir. — W ill) that caniiour due the char- acter you hav. sii^taincd as a»snldier and a man of lionour. and with the frankness of the latter, I addressyou. Enclosed is a copy of an anonymous letter, po?t maiked. New Ynrk, I4;h Au- gust. 1817. together with a public.itioo, taken from the ('olumbian. which accom- panied the letter. I have not permitted myself for a inoQient to believe, that the conduct ascritied to you is correct. Can- dour, however, induces me to lay them bel'ore you. that you may have it in youf power lo say how far they be incorrectly stated. It my order has been the subject ot your animadxersions, it is believed you will at once admit it. and the extent to which you may have gone. I am. Sir, respectfully, Your most i-ibe'ient servnnt, (Signed) .ANDREW J.^CKSON Gen. \V. Scott, L'. S. .Army AiioDVnious Letter .iildrps^ecl to Maj. Gei-. Andrew Jackson, po»lmarki-r the copj jou have sent state. IVew York. j me And whilst on the subject "lv< li ing Cerlitiet a prisoner in the hands of the dience. Queries to the Editor of , j enemy, I have not written, nor ^i^u^ed any and other learned casuists. 1 . Suppose | o'^^^'l" write a single line fir any gazette the Government of the Inited Stales give j whatever, since the commencement of the orders to a general officer, or delicately '<*'^ "'*'"• signify their wishes and intentions, to re- Conversing with some luo or three pri- move from ace rtain command, one of the | ^"'^''^ gentlemen, about as many times, on generafs protegees and favorites? These i 'he subject of the Division order, dated orders, or intentions of Government, aie j »' Nasliville. April ii2d. Ibl7, it is true not plea.Hng to either the ciuef, or his ' 'h;>t I gave it as my opinion, that that pa- subordinate. They, therefore, employ 1 per was. as it respected the futur<", muli- their joint faculties of manoeuvring to , """' 'f its character and tendency ; and, frustrate the object of Government. By I "S 't respected the past, a reprimand of artilices. evasions, and pretended misap- ! the Commander in Chief, the President of prehensions of meaning, they have so far j 'he United States; for although the latter pievailed as to hold a command in deli- U'e not expressly named, it is a princii)le aice of Government itself, for nearly a year. Does not this case prove, that Govern- ment, when restricted, according to the well underst .od,lhat the war department, without at \e;i^ihh supposed sanction can- not give a valid command to an ensign I have tl'.us. Sir. frankly answered the dictatorial system of General Jackson, ' fjueries •iflilres'etl to me, and whicli were may not only he trirkeil ami insulted, but j suggested to jou by the letter of yur absolutely nulldkd? What redress would I anonymous correspondent, liut on a ques- an interested court martial alTord? i lion so impoitant as that which you have 2. Suppose that thnugh the same Gen [raised with the war department, or in oral, positive orHers ivere given, by Gov- o'her words, with the President of the ernment, for another officer to supersede | United States, and in which I (ind myself hispiotegecand favorite in the command i incidentally involved, I must take leave to of his usurped place. Suppose these pos- illustrate my meaning a little: In doing ifive orders, a- '.hey were not susceptible ' wnich. I shall employ almost the precise of quibble or subferfuje. be pocketed, laid : fanguane -jthich ti-aj used on the occasions aside, delayed, and not executed, for more i above altui/ed to. months than it would be necessary to cm- 1 Take any three officers. Let A be the ploy days or hours; would this case prove ' common supeiior, B the intermediate the utility of Government relying for the commander, and C the junior. A wishes execution of its ordets solely on the in 'to make an order, which shall aliect C. (egrity of a commander? Perhaps it may The good of the service, etiquette, and be alleged th^l such cases aie purely inia- courtesy require, no doubt, that the oider ginary; let facts which have occurred in should pass through B; or, if exjpedilion less than a year be examined, and it will |and the dispersed situation of the parties then be known whether they vary in any I make it necessary to send the order direct respect, from the cases as above slated. I to C, (of which necessity A is the judge), .A QUERIST. ifhe good of the service, etiquette, and — ! courtesy require, with as little doubt, that GEN. SCOTT TO GEN. J.ACKSON. •■ ( A notify B thereol". as soon as practicable. H. Q. \st and 3d Mitifary l^cpartments, \S»ch notice, of itself, has always been Acts For/.-. October 4th. iS\T. j held sufficient, under the circumstances Sir,— I have the honor to acknowledge ] last stated But we will suppose that A l4 GENERAL JACKSO\»8 VIOLENCE. tonoiirv B thereof; — "tnil such appears loj F.xecutive will he offeocfed at the opinion, be the precise case alluded to in the or-' that it h is committed an irregularity "> der bei'ore cited. Ha? B no redress apainst this irregularity? He miy un- questionably remonstrate n ith A, in a res- pectful manner; and if remnnstrance fail, and there b-? a higher military aulhoiily th;in ^, 15 may appe;il to it for redress — N'>»v, ill the case under con«ideration, there t:xi«tpd no such higher authority; — the vv;ir department, or in other words, Mc the traosmi-sion of one of its-orders; and, a- to yourself, although i cheerfully ad- mit that you are my superior. 1 dc-ny that voii are my commanding otiicer, within the meaning of the 6th article of the rules and articles of war. Even if I had be- longed to your division. I should not hesi- tate to repeal to you all that I have said, at any tiuie, on your subject, if a proper Frcsu/eHf. being the common superior(Aj, occasion oflered. And what is more, I and tlic general of divisiOD.the iiitcrine di.ite commander (B) A private and re>pectful remonstrance, therefore, ap pears to hive been the only mode of re- dress which circum-tances admitted of. — An appeal to the army or the public, be- fore or after such remonstrance, seems to h:ive been a greater irregularity than the meisiire coniplaine« I -po Maj. Gen" A. Jackson captain obeys, you arrest him. But. i( in comjiliance with your prohibition, he sets the commaiuls of the President at n:itifrbt. he would liiid himself in a direct co.diict with the hiijhest military authori- ty under the Constitution, and thus would presseo tliuse ordeis, &c. The author is iielioved to he a young man o( the aiiny, and was, at the time of publication, in this city, hut not unil« r my command, and with whom I ha\e never had the sm.i.'lcst intimacy. I torhear to mention his i itae^ because it is only known by conjecture. 1 have the honour to be. ^-c [Signed] W.SCOTT. GEN. JACKSON TO GEW,8C0TT. //. Q, Division of the South. Nashville, Dec. ,*5, 1817, III, — 1 have been absent from lliii have to maintain, against that -fearful j place a considerable time, rendering the odds,'' the dangerous position laid down | last friendly ollice I could, tn a particular in your order. Surely this consequence j friend, whose eyes I closed on the CDth c.-iuld not have been toresecn by you, I ultimo. Owing to this, your letter ol the when vou penned that order. " : 4!b of October, w.as not received until the I must pray you to believe. Sir, that I | 1st instant, have expresse.rmv opinion on this great 1 I'l-on the rerc.pt of the anonymous nupstion. without' the least hostility ,„ | communication, made me Irom New Kirk vourselfpersonallv.^ind without anvview II hastened to lay it belore you. Th:it ofmakmg my coui't in another qnarler. .is course was suggested to mc by the respect jq ms.nn.ted by your anonymous corres M frit for you as a man and a soUhcr. >'.nd pondcnl I have nothing to fear or hope th:,! you milfhl have it in yout power to from cither party. K is not likelv that the answer how f;ir you had been guilty of GENERAL JACKSON'S VIOLENCE. ICi so'i.-io init ioexi"iis:iii|p coiiducl. I.iile- pei> lent of tfie service? you had rendered yoMr cnuntry. the circumstance ot' your wealing the badge and en^ignia of a sold- ier, led me to the conclusion, that I was addressing a gentleman. VVilh these fteliii£js you were written to; and had an idea been for a moment entertain- ed, that you could have descended from the high and disrnitifd charicter of a '^lajir General of the United States, and used language so opprobrious and inso- lent, as you have done; rest assured. I should have viewed you, us rather too contemptible tn have held any converse xuith you nn the sulject If yon have lived in the ivirld thus long, in entire ignorance of the ol/'i^iitions and duties xohicli honour impose, you are imleed, past the time of leiniiiig: and surely he must he ignorant of 'hem. who seems so little under their influence. Pray, Sir. does your recollection serve, in what school of philosophy you were taught; that, to a letter enquiring into the DHtiire of a sujiposed injury, and clothed in laoguage decorous and unexceptiona- 1 ble, an anS'ver should he given, rou'hed in i pompous insolence and hnllying expression? I ha I lioped.lhat what was charged up- j On vol] by my anonymous correspondent,} wa- UTifoinded ( h^d hoped so, from a belief that General Scott was a soldier and a jtntleman Bu; when I see ltio»e staieiiiPTits doubly confirmed bv his own wields, it becomes a matter of inquiry, how far a man of hofiourahle feeling*, can reconcile them to himself, or longer set -ip a claim to that character. Are v~'u ignoiLint. Sir. that hafi my order, at which your refined juigment is so extremely tourt.pd been ma^e and guilty passions dwell, is not the placeto look for viiiue, or anv thing that leads to virtue, illy notions. Sir. are not those now tauglil la m'wiern Schools, and in fashionable liigb lilf. They were imbibed in aiK.crit. days; and hit! erto hjve, and yet bear me to the conclusion, that he who can waul. 'n- ly outrage the feelings of another. — who, withoui cause, can extend injury where none is done, is capable of any cttii.c, however dele-table in its naiuie; and will not fail to commit it, whenever it may be imposed by necessity I shall not stoop, Sir. to a jusliGcatioa of my order before you, or to notice the weakness and absurdities of your tin.'el rhetoric. It may be quite conclusive with yiiiirself; and I have no disposition to at- tempt convincing you, that youi ingenuity is not as profound. as you have imagined it. To my governmeot, whenever it may IGG GEVEUAL JACKSON'S VIOLENCE. please, I holit!!t/ing expression?"' ■what that should forfeit for him the characlerof a '^sofiiiernwln nrnllrynnn ?^' prove him '^is^noranl of the ubli^ations an I rltilics vhich honour impo.te" and rciider him '-/oo contrmpliblc to hold any converse with ?" What that manifests the "f/r.s/iTd.s ofnn nssosain,'^ or an inten- tiovi '•'•to ass'iil in the dark the reputation of another, 'ind atabliim at n moment zehrn hr eannni rrprct it?"" What of "the her- torin'j bull I/?''' of ^^tlctrartion ?" of '•hlnn- lieringhchin'l his hack n brother offirer?^' of " corruption." or of '■'base and gniltp w/«wof(.^.'" What that should stamp liiin tin '■;'iWTMCiW//»(,!r pimp and. spi/ of the 7i-or dcpnithient?" The request is repealed; let (he candid reader point out, if he can, in the letter of General Scott, any thing to warrant these harsh, coarse, and discreditable imputalioas. Gen. Jackson had issued an e.Ktra- ordiiiary order, contravening, iii direct terms, the orders of the President ; for every- order from the war department, must be received as emanati'ig from the President. He had couched his order in no termsof me isured respect for his superior. It was published to tiie world, and excited a great deal of remark and speculation. Many spoke of it as mu- tinous in its tendency and character. Amongst these, was Geiicral Scott.-" His opinions are conveyed to General Jackson, through the suspicious and discreditable channel of an anonymous letter, imputing, al-o, to Gen. Scott, the authorship of an anonvmous publica- tion, in a newspaper. Upon this. Gen. Jackson calls upon Gen. Scott for ex- planation. He assens '• if my order has been the subject of your nninuidversions, ii ii believed you will at oiuv admit it, and the extenl to lohich you may have gone,'"' Gen. Scott meets this expectation. — He says, frankly, that in two or three privaleconvcrsation5,with two orthree private gentlemen, "/ gave it as my opinion, that that pfip^irwas, as it rejtpectcd the future, mutinous in its character and tendency."' Gen. Scott proceeds to il- lustrate his opinion, by stating two oi three supposed cases. This is done in the most respectful manner, and in tiie most courteous terms. No sentiment is manifested towards Gen. Jackson but that of respect. Gen. Scott says, in so manv words, ^ I have Gr/>rf«.c,v/ my opinion on this great /^uent ion, vrithoiit the leaft h/>flilily to yourself personally. / ;du)uld not hesitate lo repent to you all thai I haze s'li'L on your subject, if a proper occasion offered, and :chat is more, I should expect your approbation.^'' In this Gen. .lackson finds opprobrium, insolence, but- li/ing, heiioring, assassimilion, slandering, intermeddling, pimping, and much more that proves Gen. Scott ignorant of the ob/irrations of honour, destitute of the ch'iraettrislics of a soldier and a gentle- man, and too contemptible to have converse xeith." Certainly, no gentleman, of a well reculated and disciplined iniiid. would irdulccin th? use of terms like these- GEXERAL JACKSON'S VIOLENCE. 167 towards a man of character and stand- ing, no matter how improperly he had been treated by liim. Tiie) are terms wliich disgrace a genthmaii, in utter- ing them, rather tiian liim upon whom they are cast. If they have recently obtained a passport into good compa ny, tbe General may well claim t'le credit of introducing them. Before combat, by a sense of rehgion. But lest Ihi* motive should excite the ridicule oi' geull«men ot libetul hiihils of thinking .ind acting, I beg leave to adtl. tbiit 1 de- cline ihe honour of your invitation from patriotic scrui/tes. My ambition is not that of Eio'lraius. I should think it would be easy for you to console yourself under this refusal, by the application of a few epithets, as coward, 4ic., to tbe objecf his adoption and use of them gave tlienl of your resentment; and here 1 promise sanction, they found little countenance to leave you until Ihe next war, to per- among men of honour and decency, suade yourself of their truth anv where. Your famous order bears Hate the 22d The reader cannot but perceive April. 1817. At intervalsof three or four what was the real nature and extent of', months thereafter,- that is, when it had General Scott's olTence. He had dared to question tlie correctness and propri- ety of a public act of General .Jack- son. This aroused the General's in- dignation, which vented itself m the unseemly reproaches, which hi-= letter contains. May not the inquiry well be been officially published to the troops of your division, and printed in almost every paper of the l^iiion. — as if to challenge discussion, — I found myself m company where it was the subject of conversation. Not being under your command, I «vas free to give my opinion on that public act, a- any one else. For I presume you wdl made, whether he, who is so impatient 1 p^t assert, that vvhere aooOjceris not ex under a respectful scrutiny and censure I pres^iy restrained by (he military code, of his public conduct, and who resents them with so much bitter virulcice, is a suitable person to be trusted with high authority, in any government? It is assuredly an inquiry which well de- 'serves consideration. he has not all the rights of any other citi- zen. For this fair expression of opinion, on a principle as universal as the profes- sion of arms, — and which opinion I, after- wards, at your instance, stated to you. in all its detail. — you are pleased to charge The object of this article is not to >"« with having slandered you behind your vindicate Gen. Scott, but to exhibit i ^"^'^'-'-^^ accusation which I consuier _ -, , . II • V . u i the more amusing, as I never had the hon- Gen..Tackson,ashereallyis \ et, hav- j ^_. ^,. -^ -^^^^ „r«c«ce.' in all ray ing pubhshed Gen. JacKSon s letter ol |,i(-g, , ^^^ .^^^^^^ ^f^^^ Sir, that nothing outrage and insait, it seems due to Gen. I j,y, „,y ^^^^1 respect (or your superior Scott to accompany it with his reply. ; j,gg .^„(j services, prevents me fiom in- Tiiis may be the more acceptable to ! dulging, also, in a little bitter pleasantry our readers, as very likely many of on this point. them have never had an opportunity to i It seems that you are under the further peruse it. The spirit of moderation i impression, that if you had been brought and dignity that pervades it, stands in ; to tri;il for publishing that order— (an idea happy contrast, with the very difTercnt , ti one% side, in order to obtain aiiprobalioT- I had no other care in its comj">!'ition, tli;.- to avoid every thing, personally offensive 85 far .li the truth, nn't :i fnir i\ scu^mou of the ?ut'ject wmuUI [lermit; and I 6lill re?l j)erf'ii!i led. that the /acf corresponds with niy intention. It i? true. lh:it I «poke of you. and treated you. as a man. «ilh- F.diior of the Kcnturky Rtporter, vhich was soon exierded to General \dair, and continued, through the ummpi of that year. This controver- sy related to his censure of llic Ken- tucky troop?, at New Orleans, i>iid oripinatcd about a matter, with wl.ich Gen. Jackson had been for some time cm (he petty qualittrations^rcommon ^^^^'l "'■'l"'''''ted. but which he did not opuge: l.ccause in adlressin? you. they jtl'ink proper to stir, until that time, were then cnn-idered as so many rliminu-j In conducting this coi.troversy, he tives; hut 1 am now to apirehend that indulged in great virulence of lan- univer«al success and applause have some- guage. towards his opponents, and es- vkbat spoil.'d you; and that I shall ult<- pecially towards Gen. Adair. The mately be oblieed to fall into the comnmn place habil, u^ed in respect to common place people, and consiiier you as nothing more than u gentleman. Permit me lo request, — I think I have a ri'^ht to demand, — a sight of the orii^nal anonymous letter which has given rise to this discussion. If I mistake not. your following is given as a specimen. It is take!) from a letter of Gen. Jackson, dated July '33, 1817. '•1 amaslonislied at your impudaice, lo talk of fightii!g battle- over again. — You well know. Sir, that your misrep- rrsentoliou'- and fulsrhoodf, combiM<'d correspondent is a greater perso, age than! with those of your colleague and i.ic you, perhaps, imagine— nay so high, thai ' editors of a new-paper, have been dis- he has once essayed to set himself above { turbing the public mind, by eiideavor- the highest in our political sphere Tht- ing to cast a stigma on the well carr.ed letter shall be returned as soon as the hand i fame of brave and meritorious officers, is compared with that of a certain agent ;,nd seeking to convince the world, that of the|iersoiiage alluded to. | men are heroes, who ingloriou-ly tied I cannot close this letter ivilhouf ex- 1 l„.fure the enemv." prc-ing a belief, that on the return ofj ^,^j. j^ .^ ^^\ ^ ,^ ^,. „,^, ^^^_ your wonted magnanimity I shall be re- ^ ^^ j^^jj j^^. ^.^^^^ Jackson to a dis- quesled to burn the one that has e ic.led , ^ - ^ citizen, who felt it, by way ol apolopy for the inpiry i! does i .,*".. ^ ^ , » . . . , me. .accordingly, it has been soon, as yet. > '! !'•* duty not to acquiesce ... .mputa- bv but one individual (of my Stan.) and he t'on*' ^'^•I'lch he deemed unjiist, liut Lebi in reserve.until a certain time has ! which Gener.il Jack.son iiisisied to ias- elapsed— attending that just expectation. I ten upon the Kentucky militia. Its In the mean time. I shall have i.'ie honour to re.mainjSir, Very respectfuly, Vour most obedient servant. ' [Signed] W. .SrOTT. To Miij. Gcii. .\. Juckson, mpropriety, indeed to speak in plain terms, its vulgarity and i.isolence, must be manifest to every one. The wide scope given by Gen. Jack- son to his inasciblc feelings, and his propensity to indulge in coarse abuse, I have already remarked , that the! duiing the summer of 1817. docs not commencement of the pre-idency o(1 -eem to have allectcd his standing \\ith ilr. Monroe seemed to .cmove from j Piesidenl .Monroe. In the spring ol Jackson every thing like re- 1 1818, he was engnired in conducting Oen 8train(,u')on the .latunil impulse and the Seminole War. Here he indulged . '. ', . .1 ,• 1 ■ 1- • ■ _ ..• 1 1:.._ *„ U! ir I... W.y.', indulged violence of hi.s disposi- tion. I do not deduce this inference .^om the circumstances of his conduct, in a violence peculiar to hiinsell. He gave full scope to his appetite for Hload and carnngr,'" by hanging cap- tov^'ards the Secretary of War and ' tive I.idians,a.id by putting white men, fSen. Scott. It was in April, 1317, seized as pri;oi:cri of war. to death, rliat l.i' commciced hostiliiies against ; upon grounds, a'ike unknown to muni- the w.ir department, lh:it led to hi> cipal or to national law. He took into \varfaie with Gen. Scott, h. March,! his hands all the powers of Govern- ;'£!7,hebe;iap a C''''''"'^'''r-v •'■•i;-! •'■'-'"'<•"•■ v.-irc! •■vnv ur-H- Son^fi. and GENEKAL JACKSON'S VIOLENCE. ICO seized her forts and territory. The Government disavowed liis acts, and restored to Spain all that Jackson had wn-jted from hor. But Jaclvson him- self was permitted to escape rebuke. Whilst engaged in this war of his own making, General Jack-^on found occa- sion to" indulge his temper upon Gov. Rabun. But, as this was fully exposed in the last number of the Expositor, it is unnecessary to repeat it hers. In 1819, the conduct of General Jackson, in the Seminole war, became a subject of discussion in Congress. He visited Washington, and distinguished himself by the violence of his demean-, : i. j„ ^„ 1 1- /• 1- \ • J „,„,; «:«.,o the vear 1819. My aidsde-camp were or. and the fury of his denunciations _ -^ , /- n j r^ . ■ r^ . ' rr.L ui, anu nil lui^ ".'.'. ... General Call and Captain Easter. The slandered you — and Commodore Decatur staled that you should not enter the Senate door unless over kis dead body In a short lime you agreed to desist fiom your pur- pose, &c Be so obliging as to furnish an answer as early as convenient. Your?, respectfully, FELIX GKUNDY, Gen. Andrew Jackson." "JVashville Inn, Aov. \5lh, 18B7. De\r Sir: — Your letter of this day has been received, and i hasten to answer it. The statement to whidi you allude is wholly destitute of truth. I was not in the Senate Chamber or anti-chamber, in against those who had the boldness to censure him. It was at this time that he was accused of forming the de- sign of attacking a senator in Congress, in the Capitol, and of attempting to carry that design into effect. This subject was noticed in the first number of the Expositor. But it is i ecessary to notice it here more particularly. The accusation made last summer against Gen. Jackson, that he had placed himself in the anti-chamber of former is still living, and will satisfy any person who will inquire of him, that the statement is untrue As to Commodore Decatur and myself having such a con- versation as is stated to have taken place in the anti-chamber of the Senate, we never had such a conversation there or elsewhere. Commodore Decatur and myseU were friendly at all times, and no harsh or unkind expression ever passed from one to the other. So far from my visiting the Senate Chamber, 1 was invited to do so by several of the members of the Senate for the purpose of attacking ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^,j„^,, j^, ^^^ ^^^ ^^ a Senator, was deemed by his fnends | ^^ j ^^ ^^^^^^^ ,g^ ^y conduct. and himself, deserving of reply and re- futation from him. This was brought about by means of a letter from Mr. Grundy. That, and the General's re- ply arc here inserted. ".^"as/iI•^7/e, Aoi>. i5lh, 1827. "Deah Sir,— On this day I received a letter from a frienhcr. wberr he bad atiirmativelv. ^id alter some f«rlhcr I'.O GESEUAL JACKSON'S VIOLEXCE. remarks yoa declared your determina- tion to chastise Mr. Eppes iti the Sen-, ate chaml>er, where he had sla'idired you, and Com. D'catur slated, thati you sliould not enter tUe Senate door.i unless over hi.- dead body." ] Gen, J.ickson's negative is very carcf.iUv confined to this conversation, and the place of assault designated in it. Trulii may sustain him in thi< de- nial and yet the subtance of the charge against him exist as a fact. That the Getieral was loud and ve- hement in his threats, at taverns and ball rooms in Washington, has never been denied; and that he took a stand in sonic part of the capitol for the pur- pose of assaulting a Senator, is confi- dently bfli'.-vcd, by most of those who Were a< Washington at the time, and co:;versant with the circumstances. Gen. JacljsoM will not venture to deny that iie formed the determinafioti of attacking a Senator in the capitol, that he made his arrangemenis to do so, and took his staiid accordingly ; that a friend, apprised of his object, applied to Com. Decatur, who was with his lady in the Senate chamber, to intcrlere: that Com. Decatur left his lady in the Se .ate Chamlier, and by the most urgent persuasion, not by threats or rudfuess, did intiuerce tlie Ge-ieial 'o desist. 1 say tliat Gen. Jackson will not deny the substance of the transac- tion liere narrated. Ho cannot but ki.ovv that Com. D-catur commuriicat- ed the facts to Mr. Monroe, in the hear- ing of more than one person, who is now alive. He must k -ow that tliev arc familiar lo the recolle-tion of Mrs. D •calur. 1 speak not of tlie minutije, b 'tof the general facts, which 1 believe to !ie incontrovrlible. This was in 1D19, when t!ie Geiteral was so lucky as to escape the censure of Congress, bv the etl'orts of most iiiduslrinus fiends. He returned home, and «e do not ag\in hear of him as engaged in ar)y new violence, until about two ye.irs afterwards, when acting as Gov- ernor ol Florida; for such was the de- votion of Mr. Monroe to Gen. Jackson, that he conti'-ued lo wink at all his violences, a'ul confer public eniplov- menls npon him. Jn ICOl.lhcanny w,-'- ^'^ hv reduc- ed tliat no command remained for Gen. Jackson, and he was let down from his command, by the appointment of Gov. of Florida, hi the discharge of tliis office he gave a wide range of indul- gence to his native violence and iin- petuositv of character. Before the possession of the Terri- tory w ii.- received from the Spanisii au- thorities, a good portion of angry feel- ing was excited between the General and the Spanish officers. Afier the delivery. the General was easily stimu- lated to acts of violence. One ol the parties to an old controversy about the est itc of a deceased person, con- trived (o enlist Gen. Jacksun in the cause. He took sides, in the true spirit of a partizan, and under the persuasion that he was administering [justice, in the character of a Judge, perpetrated one of the most unheard of enormities. I say nothing as to the real justice of the case, about which, a good deal may be said. But admit- jting that the General espoused the right side of the cause, his proceedings 1 were wholly unjustifiable. He seized I by a queer mixture of civil and milita- [rv power, upon the person of the late I Spanish Governor, and upon the i person of others, and impri>oiied them. , Judge Fronientin issued a habea> corpus, a process at which the Gen- eral seems to be instantly transported into furious wrath. Instead of regard- jing it. Gen. Jackson sent a process 'citing Fromcntin before him. Upon I his appearance an accommodation took I pi ice, and Fromcntin was pennilted to .retain his libert\. Jackson proclaim- ed that Fromcntin had apologized, this Fromentin denied, when followed a scene of recriminations little credita- ble to either. Botli addressed them- selves to the Secretary of State. The ! following are extracts from Jackson"* |ow!i letters. The reader is requested I to read them with particular attention. " The lime when llii- interference was nrnli- I r< n lers his cunduet still more n'prt-heiHible; f heiliil kiimv tliiit upmisiiion bv lurcc hiij been ! threalcnoil liy C:i'lnva ;im) liis Spanish olTiei r?, to my nuthorily, aiiliil, a* tlie.v Im.l a rinht ti. Itt'Iieve, by *onie of ni}' oJlicer>. Tiii* as you will iliscovcr, I put iloivn, as itonirhl to Ic>m been; ami the lecture I cave t!ii' Jmliie w , i he c'lme betun* nic, will, I trust, tor tin- i . cause liini to obey llicsi'irit of liis comnr.-:. i GENERAL JACKSON'S VIOLENCE. iVi aid in the execution of thp liiws and ndministra tion ot the government, inslciiil ot;ittcnii)ling to oppose me, under Spiinisli inllmncu." ''Judsc Froiucntm wits represented to he no lawvcr,'bnt lavorably spoken of as a man ol literature; hut I could not have l..rmed such an idea of his want of legal knowledge, as this transaction. lisplajs. I am, therefore, more in- clined to ascribe bis conduct to weakness, than any other cause." " Cclonel t allava's powers havint; here with the surrcndi r of the country, it was a display, and so considered by iiie, ol in hiselaim- • of one 6electe you with a rope round my neck, 1 can afford protcctioo to nobody here, much less to myself." Surely, the man, who acting in a subordinate capacity, adventures to "S^m/^r d"^:ur^:f:::':;:'iXt:^ 'produce such a eondii^ i'r2 GENERAL JACKSON'S VIOLE.VCE. here exposed, must possess noordinar> | C'tv and marched apUnst the enemy, on the share of ungovernable violence, and • "If^' ?' "j^ "^"^ "' Decembrr, 18I4, I wa- conmnplfor pul.lic ooinion. I,, th. I^'^!* '^.iTrJ!.l?.'i™>: '^'•'i '" -"-»-"'. contempt for puMic opinion latter he was well sustained In the having no otbt-r conCcicntial officer tha"l"coMld - -. Various be spared from command. A f. w dajs after, attempts were made in Conirre". h, r^'"'-. ^^"P«',"'."" per^"". ijppl'fd to m> Aid to tlie «p««inn nf iROi i Qoo . I ■ "e informeii what would be my conduct if ilriv- thi ,f, r^t f A ' ' J""^ "^' ■ '-" ^'"■" ."> ""•'^ °f •J'-'^""' «"'' compelled to miySUDject lor discussion and investi- , "trtal through .\ew-Or)ean?— whether I wouiJ gallon, but it was smothered. Gen l ''*'"' ''"-'-"FP'"* '"''the enemy or deUrov tin m» Jackson wasa ntvorite with the cabinet. ! t^^J^ ^ Z ^^ll'hir:^,^ 'I^ t^ 'l;:; At least ne was so tar a favorite with "'•^''t'on was to destroy them, th.y mi^ht the President, that Mr. Adams was re- ^J^H 'f^. "'"^ "'.'' ?-n'--n_!y. Obtaining "no ^^*V^^*^'' ''■'"" "uy Aid, a Committee of three waited up.in me for fati.-laction on this subject. I u them I replied. " if I thouirlit the hnir oV my qui.ed to exert his high talents in vindicating all his enormities. As ■ "'"em ' replied, "if i thouirht the hnir o"i my Secretary of State, this was a duty !'!f''!55"="">> 'houirhis,! woul.lcutitoffii.urD w.^chM,-. Ad.ms could notdeciini;|;!,;;;^;^r".:::;i;:;'.^rri:l;f^j::;:!,;t;^ a.id It is now urged against him. tliat "»te as to be driven from the lines I then occu- he approved ail that he thus vindicated, i ?,";''' a°'' com;,elicd to retreat through .New It is hideed douhta.1, whether an, ?&:S'-^.;°t^:;-^ -™ -— ;:;^^ thing but the elTorts of Mr. Adams, ""til the evenins of the 8.h of January wheu saved Gen. Jackson from being over- "' "''■-•■"• -" ' ' - ' • whelmed by public detestation. Gen. Jackson reward^ him by atitempts to bla^t his character, and destroy his standing with the people! There is another and a more recent act of Gen. Jackson's, so unwarantable and so unjust, that it is eniitlcd to a place in this review. In 1824, whilst a Senator in Congress,Gcn. Jackson was induced to intermeddle in the appoint- nv :it of Post Master, at New-Orleans Col. Croghan, and others were candi- dates, amongst them Fulwar Skip- wiTH, Esq., a soldier of the revolution, and a man of well established charac- ter. In a letter to the Post Master General.dated Wajhingtoii. March 22d. 1824, Gen. Jackson made an attack upon tlie character of Mr. Skipwith, in the following manner: "It has been stated to me that Mr. Fulivar Skijuviih IS an applicant for that office. If'^o, I loci It a duty to make kiMwn his conduct du- ring the assault on Now-Orleans by the British ' army in the late war. 31r. .-^kipivith ro 'e down to consratnlate me on the event, iroai the foregoins"you can jud^e how much he merits the bounty oi his Gdvern- uienl, to the cxclu-ion oitho'se >vho have real claims for imjwirtant seriices niidend " Gen Jackson well knew that the charges here made against Mr. Skip- with were unjust. A full investigation of ihe whole matter took place at'^ew- Orleans, at the very moment the charge was made. A < ommittce of the Legis- lature examined into it, traced it to'its -■urce, and demonstrat.-d that it had originated partly in malite, partly in misapprehension, and partly in precipi- tancy. I do n^t ?pcak of the spccifit. charge against .Mr. ."^kipwith, but oftht general one includii g the whole legis- l.iture. Of that against .Mr. Skipwith no proof was ever adduced, and he has repelled it by a strong and indignant denial. The complaint that Mr. Skipwith would not adjourn or prorogue the Legi.-lature, is evidence how't'xceed- ingly ignorant Gen. Jackson is of the consequence thereof, received mine. Krom hi« 1'^"^^"^ prorogue 0rad)0urn the Leg- situation I expected much aid from him: you | '"'hiture is vested in tlie Speaker of ^^?^5^!^??^'^^^"^'^tl : :J:1^ '^••^"^''' '" ^--'- - -3 other .... , o, - - ...... ..v.11.111 ueieiice til the coniilry, in the then trying crisis, he was found wilh those who were enirajied in para- lysing my defence, lie would neiiiierproroeue the Aspembly noradiourn it to Haton Roi;ue, and when Ihe minority abandoned Ihe .A-^em- bly, and tendered their services as voluu- terrs, at my line of defence, .Mr. Skipwith re- The interference of Gen. Jackson, a Senator in Congress from Tennessee, and a candidate for President, in the appointment of Post Master at New- Orleans, in Louisiana, manifested none nance, which .uaim.d wiih those wh7 w^re chj i^ " vUh o ' 1 b / r , f , th. d,.M,n to.Miver (he city to. ami make" V ^chcate forbc terms Wilh (he enemy. One part of his con- "".-'"t to mark the conduct of a -ivai 'ttK^tit ,s necessary to dctaU. WhcD 1 idt the ' mail. An unlo-jjided attack upon the GENERAL JACKSON'S VIOLENCE. IXi private reputation of a candidate for -ed with imputations of the coarsest and the office, whom he did not favor, most odious ciiaractcr. and is taunting- evinced a disregard of propriety and jl) detied to mortal coml)at. violence of enmity which ought to Gen, Adair questions the correctness discredit any man. Gen. Jackson, in of charges urged by Gen. Jackson iiis extraordinary letter, written last against the Kentucky Militia. He is July to Mr. Owens, observes correctly " As a public or private man, speaking of transactions which concern the reputation and character of others, evert/ manly fteling should remind him that he oujrht to be guided by estab- lished fads, not by the hearsay of a party.'' How widely he departed from this i-ule, in the case of Mr. Skipwith, every reader can perceive at a glance. This covert attack upon the charac- ter of Mr. Skipwith, shows conclusive- ly how inveterate and enduring are file enmities of Gen, Jackson. He catechised for his '■'impudence and futsc- hood,'' in terms, only proper from a master to his slave. Mr. Eppes in the discharge of his du- ty as a Senator, censures in respectful and moderate terms, some very extra- ordinary transactions on the part of Gen. Jackson, and he is made the sub- ject of degrading epithets, and of vio- lent threats, nay, even personal injury is meditated against him. Judge Fromentin, in the exercise of ground for doing so. The nif^mbers lepelled his charges, and >j,ave to the General explicit evidence that they were not afraid to express their resent- ment of the injury. A spirit of ran- cour was Uuis excited in tlie bosom of the General towards the members. He wreaked his vengeance, in pari, on Loiiaillier, but it still rankled in his mind, and, at the distance of nine years, he atiain jioured it out upon Mr. Skip- witlK in all the distortions of disingenu- ous misrepresentation, if not of direct falsehood. Were General Jackson as much slandered now, as his supporters allege, it would be but a visitation upon him, of his own injustice to others. When a dispassionate view is taken of the instances of outrage and violence 1 have enumerated, it si^ems to me, impossible that any reflecting man, can believe, that the perpetrator ougiit to he trusted with the executive power of the nation. In most instances, the attack has been made upon Gen. Jackson's equals, and co-ordinate func- tionaries of the Government. The in- justice complamed of in all the cases, was, that the party had presumed to censure some public act of the General. General Scott had but publicly de- clared his disapprobation of an order issued by Gen. Jackson, which elicited very general condemnation. He firm- ly and frankly, bui decently and re- spectfully, repeated his opinions to had denounced the ' Legislature of] his judicial functions, issued a W'rit Louisiana, in 1815, witjbout sufficient lefore him, lectured and aiscnargea, and subsequently villified, in a strain of the most disgusting billingsgate. Mr. Skipwith had not submitted to the imputations, that he, with otliev members oi the Legislature, had enteF> tained traitorous intentions and con- tempi. itcd r.cting upon them. But he had joined with his brother members to repel them, and to expose tiie out- rages committed by Gen. Jackson, in closing the doors of the Legislature by military force. In none of these cases, is any allow- ance made for difSirence of opinion, or any thing conc(>ded on the ground of ernial right To dilTer from Gen. Jackson, in respect to any of his public acts, and express that difference, oi act upon it, is to be criminal and merit punishment. And where Gen. Jack- son can do nothing more, he gives vent to his violence in impotent, vulgar, and malicious reproaches. Whether this proceeds from infirmity of temper, or perverseness of heart, is matter of lit- tle importance. It is fraught with equal mischief to the jiarly, and threatens equal danger to the country, should the aggressor be promoted to high office. There can be no secmily that Gen. Jackson may not indulge in the same outrages, against all who might dare to thwart bis opinions, in any matter ol public policy. The bad effect such a Gen. Jackson. For this he is degrad- ' temper might produce, upon our for- 114 f;ENEn.VL JACKSON'S VIOT.FAtE. — JOHN WOOD. eign relations, is incalculable. The mii-'cliicf it would most probably dif- fuse into our domestic allairs, cannot be imat;iiied, muili less enumerated. It is idle to talk of wise counsellors, and more calm re (lections. Tlie-e, never yet controuled a man in l;ii,'li autliorily. wliere they failed to co'rtroni him in lower stations. Supreme rule inflates, rather than moderates an intirmmind. It is more likely to i.icrca-e irritnbility than patience. Neither i- it the natur- al tendency of supreme rule to subdue irrascibility, and indure respect and deference for the opinions of others. It* tendencies are directly contrary. Moderate men are apt to become im- patient and testy, when clothed with power; the violence of tiie violent never fail> to increase, 'i'iie evidence we adjutant io the most disrespccifui and imubor- ilinatr laneu.i^e — tlial ill resist. iiico to aa uriicr •o arre-i liim l"..r this ili$obetiiuijii3' He has. in this, followed the example of K.aton, and the General's other a- pido^i'ts. The)' are all afraiii to (rust tlie pub- lic with the fact- proven against Wood. They iirefer to rely upon Iheir own ge'icral assertions. This conduct ought to satisfy every candid mm that they know the truth cannot bear the light. Col. Parrish gives us a copy of the General Order, issued by Gen. Jackson on the day of execution, a Idicssed to John Wood, h^ con- taining a fair exposition of his case. We in- luive before us, of the conduct of Gen. jsert it, that our readers may judge for tlicm- Jackson, towards the public me", ,viih whom he has been brought into coUisiovi, ou(;ht to convince us, that it would be tjnwise and unsafe to elect him Presi- dent. He is not ma>lerof liimself, bow then tan he be (jualified to rule ad- vantageous!) over others? FROM THE ri.NCIN.NATl GAZETTE. .lOIIX WOOD. An.ithcr attempt has hern made to gloss over thei normity of this execution. Col. Joel Par risli, who has already figured as a witness in the tves. The General's advocates have been cireful to publisli only one side of this question. We have preferred t'l give both. It is the best posHhle evidence of the desperatn>ii of a cause, when its supporters are afraid to present it fully and fairly to the people. "GE.NF.FIAL ORDER, "John Wood: — You have bei ii tried hy a Court Martial, on the charges of ilis ibediencc of orders, di-res;iect to winr rommaiidiiig olfi- cer, ami mutiny : and havt-hem fouml guilty of all of Ihim. The Court which has found you guilty of these charges, has sentenc«l you to sulFer death, by sho.itiiig; and this sentence the Comin^inding General has thought proper, and even felt himscll bound, to approve, and to or- der it (o be executed. " The offences of which you have been Tiund guilty, arc such as cannot be permitted to pass lasc, a volunteer witness too, and who was one „npunishe iv\ low soMiers, and by Ihal of two ollicers, thai he had positi\cly refused to obey aii-order from his brought back; and, notwithstanding the little claim you hail to mercy, your General, uuwil- lin; to inflict the s«'vcrity of the law, and iiillu- ence the hope that yon would atone, hy your future good conduct, for your past error, thought proper to grant you all a pardon. This ought to liave produced a salutary iinpre-siiin I on a mind not lolally dead to every honorable I sentiment, and not perversely and obstinately bent on spreailing disorder and confusion in the army. It, iinfortiinatrly, proiluced no such ini- I prosslon on jours. But a (rvi weeks after you I had been brnusfht back, you have been found ruillv of oll'tiices not Icel ciiajiaal than thoiu jfOlIN WOOD. 11-3 lor whicli you had so rccenlly been pardoned. aii'l whicli, il'thr liiw liiid been ri;;iilly uiiloiceil, woulii bave subjected >im to li-.i'li. I'liis e^ viiicts, but too rinnitestly , an iucorrii;iljlc ilis(>o- siti.m of bearl — a reheiliuus, an obstinate tem- per of mind, wbicb, as it cannot be leclilieil, ous;bt nut to be permitted to diffuse ilsinUuence amongst others. ".in army caniiotexistwhi re order and subor- diinti.)n are wb'illy di>re£;ard«l— it cannot ex- ist uitb nauh credit to itieif, or service to Ibe CO. ntry which employ s it ; but whire tbej are observed with the most punctilious exactness. Tee disobedience of orders and the contempt ot olEcers speedily lead to a state of disnisj.iniza tion and ruin ; and mutiny wiiicb includes t lie others, aima still more iinmtdtateU at clieilisso- luuon of an army — ol all these olfciices you have been twice trailty, ami have once been pardoned. Your General must forj^et what he owes to the service he is ensraged in, and to the country which employs him, if by pardouiusj yon again, he should furnish au example to sanction measures which would bring ruin on the army he commands. This is an imfiortant crisis, in which if we all act as becomes us, eve- ry thing is to be hoped lor towards the accom- plishment of the objects of ours; vernment, — if otherwise, every thing is to e feared. How it becomes us to act, we all know, and what our punishment shall be, if we act otherwise, must be known also. The law which points nut the one prescribes the other. Between that law, and its offender, the commanding General ou^bt not to be expected to iuter;ii their en!.ai;e- meuts and return home, without gaining even a sight of the camp. To ilie iuiM;onduct of their general wasitjiistlv to be attributed. By halt- ing them in the neighbourhood, until he could go to lie. id ijuirtersand '^ make terms" fur tlieir accejitaiue, lie had iiii[.'ressed them with the be- lief that Ibeir obligations as yet extended only to himself; from which ho prouii^ed to absolve tluim, if the terms he should be able to make, should be less favorable than they ixpcetcil. — And even after General Jackson had assented to all that was or could bea'ked in their behalf, ind that assent had bctai reduced to writing, Roberts, either from not understanding what was done, or from a oesire to injure the service, hasteJied back to his men, — informed tb. lu that he had been unable to eli'ect an accomplish- ment of their obji-ct — seriously lamented hav- ing iii'liiceJ them frum their liome.s, and conclu- ded b\ gravely remarking, that he freely exon- erated them from all the obligations they were under to him. They, just as gravely concluiled they would go no further; and, turning about, they commenced their return home T'le affair, however, was soon presented ver} ditlerently to his uii.id. The careless indifference with which he had at IJrst treated it had subsided; and his tears took the alarm on receiving from general Jackson, an order to parade immediately be- fore the fort the men he had repo-'ed to have brought into the field. He came forward, now, to excuse what h.id hap(>ened, and to solicit pcriu'Ssioii to go in pursuit of .he refugees, whom bethought he should be able to bring back. — Overtaking them, at the distance of twenty miles, he endeavored, in a very gentle manner, to sooth their discontents, and prevail on theiu to return ; but having been discharged, and ab- solved fully from the ensagemenfs they had at first entered into, tliey lauibed at the folly of bis errand. Unabie to effect hi* object, hr- re- mained with tliem during the night ; and in the morning set out for camp, and his new recruits for home. On arriving at head quarters, he as- cribed his faiUre to the practices of certain offi- cers, whom he named, and who, he said, had stirred np a spirit ol iiiutiny and desertion among the men to such a degree, that all his efforts to retHin them hati prove*! unavailing. Jack«ori could not view this incident with the saise care- lessness and iiidilI\Ten<-e that Roberts did, im- mediately issued an order, directing him to iiro- ceed, forthwith, in pursuit of the deserters, and li:ive tturin apprf-benjed anil brought back. In f this order, he was commaudeit I the execution -. "General Roberts, who had been ordered [to call to his aid any troops in the United State_ back to supply the deficiencies in his brigade, I service within the county of Madison, or in the returned on the 27th with one hundred and state of Tennessee, and to exert all his power ninety-one men, mustered for three months.— and authority, as a military officer, within his Having halted them a few miles in rear of the i own brigade; and in the iv'ent he should not be camp, he proceeded thither himself, to learn of j able to collect a sulTicient force to march them the commanding gentr.:!, whether the troops he safely to head-quarters, to confine them injails, had brought on would be received for the term and make a report theieof, witliont delay. Thi, thcv had stipulated, inasmuch as they were un- [ order was accompanied with an assurance, tha willing to advance further until this point wasijiUwIio si settled. Jackson answered, that although he greatly preferred they should be engaged for six months, or during the c;:mpaign, yet he hail no wish to alter any engagement made with gener- al Roberti, and would glad ly receive them for the i'ov;.i 1 Ihrv !,a'l b-,-iTi'mi;s'.ert"I- a< '!:■.• "y- ir.\- hould return willingly to their iluty, exceiit those olTicers who had been reported a- the instigators, would he pardoned. Many oi the mrn and .several of the officer-, v^ho had been charged as encouraging the revolt, learn- ing the nature of the proceedings which wet' ;i'if.iii ti bo enforced against th"'!!- -.-'e-n"' JOHN WOOU. heir own accord to canip ; and coururred in as- cribing Uieir lute miscunduct entirely to their general. He was afterwards arrested, and upon this and otiicr charges exJiibited against hiui, scutciiced by a court-martial to be cash- iered." Now let it be remembered that Wood was but a mere youth, little over eighteen years of ≥ that in this mutiny and desertion he act- ed upon the suggeition of Gen. Roberts him- self, thi't he was ouderno obligation to remain Now it if clear from the General Order, ihit Wood deserted with many others, and was brought back as stated by major Eaton. It if clear that he was never tried, and that the par- don extended to him wa? a general one to all concerned. So much for this lie. Miller ?ays again : ■'Gen. Jack -on iffcred Wood his pardon a sec- ond tune, on cuudition he would serve hi- roun- tr\ like a true ;ind faithful soldier." — "Alter many unavailing efforts to persuade Wood to in service, and the world can judge with what i conform to subordination, pointing out to him fairness he is accused of previous otfeuce, as an l^^ consequences resulting to the army from apology for putting him to death, upon a charge l""*" conduct, ami Wood^^still remaining stnb- k- 1, • . • I . <• .u . 1 . r . 'bornandirrcclaimable, and swearing the Conrt which it IS evident, from the introduction of accusation, the General himself felt did not de- serve that punishment. When it is remembered that Wood was a ' lie direct No pardon of any kind, or ufjou mere boy ; when it is known that the charges of any condition, was offered to Wood in the Gen- iwariial dare not execute thrir sentence, the General turui'd his horse and rode off."' To this statement the General order gives the *' ditobedicnce of orders, disrespect of his comman- ding officer, and mutiny,^' were all acts of sud- den impulse, in a controversy with an officer to whom he did not conceive himself responsible, and who, no doubt, behaved badly, or the evi- dence would be published to show the truth, candid men cannot but wonder that Gen. Jack- son should gravely assert " there were no circum- itatKCS of alkvialiun.''^ The circumstances that are so solemnly enumerated in aggravation, pre sent no sirch character. The whole case is one of trivial consequence. Wood was liable to the letter of the law; but to enforce it was un- just and cruel. 1 say again, the failure to pub- eral Order. On the contrary, the General de termined at once that the sentence should be c.t- ecuted upon him. I understand that this captain Miller is a man not much esteemed for veracity, in geuiTdl mat- ters, where he is best known. His certificate was manufactured for him, by some one more an adept with the pen than himself. It has been generally circulated in the Jackson pa- pers. And there is no reason to expect that its falsehood will ever be acknowledged by those who have used it. Vet they who thus manufac- ture and circulate a notoriou- lie, have the con- fidence to talk about truth', \erily tLc.c are lish the evidence, is conclusive upon this point. ' queer times, and queer instruments are employ- Were it of a character to sustain Gen. Jack- edfor queer purposes. Time was, that to detect son, it would have long since appeared in print. : a man in a naked lie, or a man or partv in fa- The testimony adduced by the Tennesseean, bricating one, would affect their standing, evcu that is, the oaths of four witnesses, is thus dis- amongst one another. Now this seems a re<-om- posed of: i mendation. Those who court Gen. Jackson, "The misstatements of Dr. Armstrong's wit- i recommend themselves by some such act, and nesses arc too numerous to be noticed anil tniir I . , n , , . ,, testimony altog.Khcr too vague and unsubstau- J^'.'''"' gravely about repugnance at investi- tial to be regarded." " Piling a base act, or being concerneU with an This kind of contradiction is certainly too 'nfouious m.-in."' Col. Parrjsh, who sland^-rs general to pass for refutation. In just about i P°°'' ^^°°'^ '° subserve the cause of Gen. Jack- the same number of words 1 could dispose of '°"' »ho talks about the records of a trial, auLl Col Parrish's whole article. It is indeed " too ' ""^ testimony of witnesses which he takes can vague and unsub?tautial to be regarded." i °°' '" publish, holds this language. The uii-> I cannot cloie this article without again pay- worthy wretch who procured the false certii;- ing my rcsj^ects to captain Milltr, the famous I "^atc of Miller, no doubt would put on tbcsamt Greene county witness. The General Order, P™'*^'"^'^- -^nd, in the slang nf the party, they arc all the friends of virtue, of the people, am' of Gen. Jackson: Like a famous band of an- cient assassins — ' Ihey are all honorable men"' .'.' It is stated in some of the Jacksun prints, here published, shows there was some commix- turc of truth in his story. Dut it stamps with indi'liblc falsehood its two principal allcirations. Miller says : "John Wood deserted from his post and start- _ _ ed for home. On his way he was met by a ; that Gen. Jackson was appointiVrhy Vv.Vsi.Tng- cou.panv of men on their march to join the ar- ] ton. Attornev General of the U. States, or ul my. Wood on seeing them, hurried from tho ' Tcniiessco. "This was never the rase. We have path and sought concealment in a cane brake.- no reason t.> U-lievc that Wa^hinclon ever He was taken, however, and brought back to : Jtiifir the "A/n THE Rr.PORT OP THE COMMITTEE OF AV.VVS & BIEAlS'S. m THE KEPOltT OFTUE CO!YliarTTTT OF WATS AND IVIEANS. Tlie maniresto against the Ameri- can S)stcni, brought before Congress by the committee of Ways and Means, under the title of a " report on the state of the Finance?," is a doniment whirh we itchoveto lie inrivalle'l in premises destitute of truth, and com his^ions en- tii'elv ninvarranted: — a document in- buhingtotiie understanding, and paying Utile respect to the knowh-dge, of its readers, [ts undisguised object is, to sacrifice the interests of a vast majori- ty of the American people, to the sordid a;id avaricious designs of an aristocracy, consisting of some of the soutliern planters, and a small number of thfe Anglo-American merchants. The latter class does not include those merchants tliatare real .•] nierirons, who havea general interest in tlie prosperity of the country, hut it consists of yerv few besides tho-;e who locate them- selves here, solely with a view to amass wealth, which they take care to keep in such a state as to be able, at any time, to transfer it to any othercou'itiy. This report like most articles of the kiiid, is so dry in its details, its mean- ing so involved, and so ditficult to be un- derstood by most readers, that it is very seldom, and but bj- few, examii)ed men infinitely wiser than themselves, by the meml)ers of the committee, are sufiicient to characterise this report as oi the Ir'jc Jacksoiiian sciiool. desigiied to promote the election of the military cliieflain at whatever sacrifice of honor, of interest, or of our liberties, it may involve. The principal blunders of the com- mittee on this occasion, appear to us to arise from the datum they have assumed, that " the selli;rs of grain, wool."(i.e. the farmers generally,) "and manufacturers, constitute a minority of the people in every state in the uiion, and a very small niinority in the union at large." An assumption so much the reverse of the tact, & so well known to be so, that the impudence of asserting it is really astounding. The commit- tee could not possibly be ignorant that the sellers ol wool, grain, and manufac- ture*. constitute so great a proportion in a majority of the states, as to com- prise nearly all their inhabitants, and in all, except some of the southern states, they comprise a vast majority of llie people. And yet the statement, above (juoted, is assumed as unquestion- able, and the weigiit of most of theii;' arguments (that have any weight) de- pends upon its correctness. The opposers of American industry have devised a number of cant phrases with such care as to enable them to ! for the purpose of gulling the people, comprehend exactly to what it tends: and tlie evil to be apprehei ded from it, is, that many may look over it curso- rily, and to avoid the labour of under- standing it, merely glance at some of its sophisms and be led astray by them. It is so "lengthy and tedious" that on tilt present occasion we shall not have room to review the whole of it, but shall endeavour to give an idea of its rliaracterand tendency, by a notice of M much of it as our limits will admit. Ti)c first feelings excited by this document, arc those of humiliation and shame, tliat men capable of forming fuch an instrument, should be fouid among our statesmen and leaders of parties. The stupendous falseiiood- adduced as facts,' the ridiculous in fercnces, in many instances, and the outrageous misrepresentations through- t>iit: with t!ie impudent n.-^sauits upon airxmg which, that of "taxing the con- sumers for the benefit of th(; mariufac- turers," seems to be quite a favorite. And it is used in such a way as to con- vey the idea, that the efforts made and making by the friends of the American System, are for the exclusive benefit of the few manufactories already estab- lished. That men of mature age. and ordinary understanding, should be gulled by such cant is extraordinary; but such appears to be the case, and it is requisite to inform many members of the community, that the persons whom those that are laboring to establish liie American System propose and ex pect to benefit, arc not a few individu- ds, but a large majority of the people of the United States; all who chuse to profit in any way, either by establi?h- ing factories, or oMierwise. by the gen- eral prosperity wliicb wHj flow frfTw J78 tifE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEK OF W AVS \ MEA^S. the increased indulat«r'. Thi'V arc, however, decoctions of oak hark, for the use of the men who are to i)e benefited hv duellists. the American system, ai:d they are the ' The author of the report, proceeds same men who arc to be taxed for that to speak of increasing "tlie dilliculty of hiMHlit, iiitlie same way that a farmer. obtaining bie;rti," with as much self- taxes him-eif to ciearand impi-ove iiis complacency as if he had been previ- farm, and to m ike roads to enable him ou-iy stating faels,. and drawing- cor- to transport his produce to market. i rect inferences. It appeai-s very "It may," say tiie committee, (p. 11) strange, that any man should be igno- ••be asserted, indeed without any quali- ant that the evils under do not which the fication, that duties upon foreign country labors, do not .irise from the merchandize can allord protection to didicurty of oi<((i;t(;i^ bread, wool, &c., but iVoni the difficulty of getting any thins for those ai'ti( les. 1 in (his cil\ during the past year, tlu" rival pnxluclions of liomestic in- dustry only i)y prohil)i(ion.&c."' Now that tliis assertion, unqualified as it is, isuntrue.rnay be seen bv the lollowingisome hundreds* of slieep have been quotation, from page 32 of the report. I slaughtered, and their Hesh thrown ''We exported in 182G, domestic cot- away, the skins and (allow constituting ton mai.ufactures to the amount of all their value. In such a state of .$1,1 38.1 -'5, and re-exiKirted British things, to be apprehensive of tliedaiiger mannlactures of the saim kind, to the of raising the price of bread and wool, amount of ,"s2.'22G.0y0." The object j is too absurd for a serious rejjly. ■of the friends of the American Svstcm, ' "The committee regard it as a clear is not to exclude, entirelv, loreign | proposition, that the wealth of a nation fabrics, but to prexml them from ijc/w/- i cannot be increased by enhancing the i/iif our ^jnimnwifa-lurr!! front 0!e great staples of exportation." This to our cottons. Our manufacturers of I proposition is indeed, aliout as " clear"' (his article have been protected, and I a* most of those advanced !)y the com- al the same time we import large jniiUoe, witii such perlect conlidencc quantities of cot(on goods, bo(h (or pind apparent .admiration of their own consumption and exportation; then- -airacity. It is oneof (hemost universal- by, proving clearly, that dcnit^tit manutbrtures may l>c prot(!cted by duties on ("oreign merchaiidize, v ilh- out prohibition, '\\ known and establisbed (acts, among low i( can posMbly "?<:cm to the nuantiiy. *The writer lias bpcn informuil, ttiut the wliolo mioibcr 14 about 4IK1ioned by a demand for tiie maniifacturiiig towns in New England, or for any other country, tiie etlect i-; tlie same,. 7'hose who hayc lived in Cincinnati from 1819, to the present time, have had an op- portunity to obseiTC the etfect of manu- facturiiiE; industry upon society, which, altiiotigh n|)on a small scale, is c;dcu- latcd to give as correct ideas upon the su'jject, as perhaps any course of expe- rience whatever The idea advanced with so much confidence, and maintain- ed with such pertinacity throughout this report, and upon whicli so large a proportion of its deductions are Inised, viz: ihat wo can iiave no increase of wealth, except what wc obtain from foreign commerce, may, perhaps, not be loo moi:strous and ridiculous for some pans of the southern states; — we have committee have said generally, to the people of the United States. '•But it is obvious," (says the report) " that the scheme of the Secretary of the Treasuiy proposes to <"nhance the price of manuliictures, of .g-iaiii, and of raw wool in our n'ari^'nfcnient of the price of those his land, building fences and barns, by thelaboiirsof iiimself and his sons, and having his clothing made by his wife and daughters, from his own wool and flax; and yet if we v.ere to treat any individual so mucli like a simpleton, as to tell him this seriously, and expect him to believe it, we should only be saying to him individually, what the *Thcrc is an anecdote very froqnnntly re- pealed here bv thn hiboiiriri? clnss, illustnitinr 41ie corrcctni-55 of their ideas on tlii> mbji-ct. It h of nn Irishman, who, upon his fir^t lamlini^ in America, was onqiiirin? the prices of differeiit articles of provisions, and exclaiming against Iheirenonnity-'-What:" says he, "half a dollar lor that quantity of potatoes, why in Ireland I could get thimfor sixpence," — "Why then," he was answered, "did yon not stay iii Ireland, where you cofild live "so cheap" — "Because I could not i;et ttie sixpence there, and I can get -^he half dollar Ucre," articles will increase tlie facility of obtaining them." The committee have a great deal to learn besides this, before they become competcat to teach others, and we t.ecomniend. thtini to abate some of their flippancy and dog- matism until their learning i« some- what increased. Now in this commu- nity every one knows, that it is much easier for even the poorest individual to obtain the necessaries and comforts of life, at the' present time, than in 1820, wiien tlour wa- at -SI 50 per bbl. and and other articles of food in like pro- portion; and they know as well that the causes which have raised the price of our products, are the same that enable them to olitain them with more facility. To the supposition that**"the govern- ment had the power to promulgate and J80 THEnEPOUTOFTHKcn.M.1HTTEE OF WAY<*&.MEA\S. enforce a decree rai?ing Ihe price of; grain from one to two dollars a Ixisliel," we reiterate, that it is not fhod that our country wants, but the meai.3 of; making our surplus food procure us the ot.ier necessaries and s not, .'md has not contronled this or anv other branch of our le<;islatio'! : if i( had done so, we should have had no cmbaigo, no non-interrom"se, no war. But as the committee arc pro- posing a mode of legislation for the benefit of the British nation, perhaps they forget themselves here, for a mo- ment, so far as to imagine tliat thev were in Groat Britain, and 'peakine cupiditv it is necessary to be ronslanllv on our guard. The (-ommillee next proceerl to their arjjumcnts in favour of, our returning aiiain to a state oi vassalage to Great Britain; and in this they display an au- dacitv of impudence which scarcely any Briti-^h politician would dare to as- sume, and which is worthy of such men a- in tiieir anxiety to be thouglit duellists, once insulted the public by several publications of their own shami.'I'ul and ridiculous conduct, unlil they became a bye-word aiid a proverb, a laugnii.K stock and theme of satire throughout the United States. The amouit of their argument (for it IS too tedious and disgusting to be quoted) is, that if we exclude British manufacture-;, they will refuse to j>ur- ciiase our cotton and toI>acco. In their reasoning on this subject, they display (or suppose in their readers perhaps,) an ignorance of the policy of Great Britain, of the causes of the present slate of things, and of the naiural course of trade. t!iat is truly contemp- tible; and what is worse, they mani- fest a slavish, truckling disposition which it would he flattery to call con- temptible. Tiie committee sa\, "it is e<|u all\ true tiiat the reaso*. whv it is her (Great Britai.i's) interest to pur- cliase from u>, aid why s'lc takes iVom us double the <|uanlity she lakes 'rom the whole world besides, is because we have hitherto been her best customers. As long as we continue to take her m.inufactures, it will he her interest to take raw cotton (rem u», but :io lon- ger." Now everyone who knows any thing about trade, knows, that Great Britain does not take our cotton cit'ier because we arc her best customers, or for any other reason but the plain, ob- vious a: d ~imple one, (hat she ca'iiiot get it ;is cheap (rom an\ other source. The purchasers of cotto:i in Great Britain never think or care vvheti er it comes from their '-best customers*' or their worst enemies, tmd would iis soon purchase it from the one as the other. And as to the British goverii- ment, they h;>ve always miuleit a rule to prohibit every thing which they themselves, or their colonies could tur- iiish, without stopping in the li'ast to enqtiire how their measures would ;il'- (ect their best cu-tomcrs. So far have tliey been from showing us anv partic- ular Javortind taking our cotton to the. I'HE REPORT OF TIIE COM.inTTEE OF WAYS AND MEANS. 181 exclusion oflliat of other nations, thati tlicv Ikkc done what the commitlce are so fearful tlicy mm/ do, — endeavor- ed 'o raise up rivahy to us i:i this ar- ticle in South America, in Eirypt, in the East Indies, ai.d in the Mediterra- noa;; Isles- Indeed, for our siatesineti to pretend that Gr.at Britain has ever favored u? in aiiy thine, wlicn her own interest did not compel her to do so, is to calculate entirely too larsicly on the weakness and ignorance of the Ameri- ca'. People. Where the jealousy of American rivalry exists to such a de- gree as (o pervade all classes — to exhih- it i'self in every thinir.from (hemo>t im- portant governmental rciinlalioiis down to the rocepiion of a pla\er, it is real! v loo mortifying to liave (he fear of losing Brilish patro'iage iirousht forward to Eanction a most suicidal course of Icg- Isl.ition. It is ccrtaii ly as much for the interest of our cit'zens that Great Britain should take otir hread stuffs as cur cotfbn, atid yet when has the con- sideration of our iieing her "best cus- tomers" influenced her in this respect, in the smallest degree. But it is too ab- surd to talk of favors done us by Great Britain in taking ourcotton or any thing else.* The limits of this tirticle do not allow ns to go further with the report at this lime and we propose returning to it hereafter, — but we cnniiot dismiss it without noticing the monstrous assump- tion, '-•that very nearly as many per- sons arc employed directly and indi- reclly in the importation of a given quantity of cotton and woollen ma'su- factures as are employed in the fabrica- tio I." It certainly employs a irreater Jiumbirof persons to transport goods across the mountains from tiic Atlantic cities to tliis place than to import them from Europe, yet wc doubt whether * With rc5pect to ourcntlon, all the Le;i!-la- tion that can be deviled will not .ilter its course. We po^^css 5uch an extent of tirritory favorable for i's cultivation, and so iiiiich ciitrrpriac wl'icli has been called forth hy its profn.ihlcncf--, that its riiltiire would (from the rliaracter of our pcoide) be increased until all the markets of the worlil were plulted, if we hatl the innnoply o! thiiii all, — the business then bic^niin^ unprnfi- tabh-, the idanters would turn liieir allcntioo to sonjelbirgclse. the most hardy Jacksonians among tis would veiiture the assertion that it gives employment to a greater number of persons to l)ring our merchtii dizc across the motii'ttiins than to m;inu fac- ta re it oursehcs. There is perhaps no place in the Ujiited States, l>etter situated to illus- trate the advantai'ges i>©th of com- merce and manufactures than Ciiicirt- nati, ai^l we see here that they mntu- j ally benefit each other,;ind the aLiricul- i rural i'terest also. In every country I where neither commerce or manufac- I tures are in a flourishing slate, agricul- :ture I;mguishes; where commerce a- lone flourishes, it is sometimes pros- perous ai.d sometimes ot lerwise; btst where maiiufactures flourish, it is al- ways prosperous ar.d must necessarily be so whatever be the prices of the dif- ;ferent articles of trade. For at what- ever prices they may be lix^ d, tlie real practical result is an excha.ge of one kii;d ol labor for another, a^d wherever people are tree to cIkxisc th<'ir eniploy- iments the value of the dilKrent kinds of labor will find its level a- naturally :as water. In our city every i^ew man- ufactory gives employmer.t to an addi- tional number of families — these fam- ilies require ati additional qnantilv of provisions, which cDaldts ;'.m additio:^;il number of farmers to cultivate an ad- ditional quantity of land, and all these, require ;m additiontil quantity of goods from the merciiant, and various fibrics from the mechanic. There is tilsu the r;iw material to be furnished by the in- itervenfion of th.e merciiant in one way I or other, and a portion of the manufac- itured article is distributed by him to various parts ofthe counliy. Our pe- culiar misfortunes have enabled every one among us to observe i; is course I of things more phiinly, than u.-ually occurs to any community. When e\erv tliii'g was paralyzed by the destruction [of trade, Seethe pres-ure of poverty jwas universal and so heavy that every slcj) by wiiich it was allevitited was 'seen and felt by all. It «as |>erceivtd that every mar.ulat luring establish- 'meiit. — every etTort that gave employ- jmeiit to industry, — contributed to res- tore to us life and animation; and n? . spQn a^ labour became in demani},- SS3 THE III-RO OF TWOtVARSb prosperity returned, and the most ig-l noiaiitof all our citizens became bet-' ter versed in the printiples of |K>liticuI [ economy than l!u- Committee of Ways j and Means, of til e Congress of the Uni- ' ted States. 1 Further ErtfocU from the Drama of lit'. iii:i{o or TWO n ars. Act II — Scene 2n(l. The Hero's study in the Hermitage. [Hero much digitated holding TnUJt's .3dio rate tn his hand] Hero. Although our fuulU mav slocp from year to year, Perchance unhoarci of, yet thcy'r chroniclwl Deep ill the memory, from which thiy burst Like the volcanic llauie long smothered in The womb of earth, and blast our blooming: hopes. This book announces to the piping v.orld, Oinncps I had vniidy ho|«"d fori;otten; And like (he blood hound tracks my winding step-. Through the wild mazasof illicit love, And scenes of violence in riper asc; Nor pauses there, but still piirsiiei me down The vale of years, and =t>imps with verity, \Vhat loud-tongued rumour had proclaimed be- fore. I am depicted a? a man of blood. Devoid of temperate and cool discretion; As if the (Inij-star's fiery pestilence Poisoned my birth, and centered in my breast. The vile compound of ev"ry vengeful pas=ioii That renders man ferocious. — And wherefore? Secause 1 dar'd to execute the laws Of savage life, on ,=avagc man ; because I dared exterminate their skulking band. Oh had I but the power strong as my will, * I'd lash the ra-cals naked through (hi' world'" AVho dare expose me thus. Succeed or not. They yet shall feel the weight of my revenge: And circumspect Buchanan too shall feel At least, the chilling frown of my contempt. Had he but played his part as I designed, Nor paused at coward coi»sciencc as he did, I'd lieen secure of my gn'at enterprise. Let moralizing fools say what they will. None are for me who boggle at a lie. " I'vcset my ife upon thecast," nay more. My martial fame is blasted if I fail. Were all my oilicers like Gi ncral Dufl", We'd gull the simple and confound thewisr, — Vrt'ss iraud and ctrciiinvention in our cause, — Pii'on the I ublic ear 'gainst (hose in ollice, — And in the sequel push Hum from theirseats. (^The cluck strikes ) 'Tis midnight, weary na- ture chilled with age. Invites me to re ose, where for a while 1 may forg'-t the bustling world. [Jhro Vtrotvs himsrlf upon a rour/i, vvikc heard nt ndistanrr^ Itecomcs imirr distinrl until the fvt- iiiring words arc heard sun;; In/ mani/ loices] "When midnight o'er the moonless tkies, Her pall oftrancient death hatli spread. When mortals sleep, and spectres ri-e. And none arc wakeful hut thedrad," Then horror brings in dread review, From lonely in:iiisions of the grave. The >heeted forms of those he knew, Whoec lives he luighl, but would not save; Let hissing snakes ami wild dogs howl, Thtir direst music ouhitenr. Commiiuleil with the boding owl. And wrin;; his ?iunibcring soul with fear; Alecto. with thy snaky hair. And torch, and whip, torment his dreams, And daiDiK'd spirits of despair. Awake him with demoniac screams. [The iHusic ciases. Ghosts enter and st'iiti around tlie slfrjiitii; Hera's roiirh.] Ghost Is/. The memory of Woods distarb thy dreams. Think of my tender years by thee cut short, And 'remble at thy crimes. Ghost ind. The (laming sword Of retribution fla'h upon thy mind, Then think of Lewis, whose frail thread of life. Thoii didst ill wanton cruelty cut off. Ghost otill liauiit* my soul. One |inncipal objoct of tin, work, is to col- \auiitiiii; ambition goaili nie up the steep , led and embody authentic facts, with respect orHMrkllv^'anie, while conscience whisper* me, Beware!— The dangerous hiiv'ht ihoci canst not climb. {Knkr Toady.) Toadv. What, Chioftain! — III CO. Whose there ?— (»"'j ft least, upon the faith of his verbal as- surance that the title was gooil. This specu. There 's not a soul of them cares aught for Hero, i^jim, he gave nj), upon receiving'the sum of But forwardrd .Mif cause to forward his. . ^^^^^ dollars! It seems very imj.robable, that ' Jackson could have recovered these lands, in 1 10 000 ('( Kow, that they can no longer serve their chief, • . ' . rill v 'llleave metomy late. Oh, desperation Tvady. Great Chieftain! well thou know'st | equity. My opinion would be, upon the case the love I bear thee, ! hcrepiesented, that he could, not have recovcr- .A,nd will forgive what honesty compels j g^^ ^^ ^^,j ^^^ ,.^,j k, oqo dollais, That Ishou dsay to you. ' I is downright mad- I . . ncss. ' w'>'ch is certainly a pretty penny for giving Thy dreams have touched the soundDQ.=e of thy t up a vejy desperate claim It is hoped the reason. read r will peruse attentively, the narrative and Go court repose. Thy eye looks wild, and , ,„,, j^at follow : glares i \s if upon the spectres of the night. EDITOR KF.XTUCKV REPORTER. I '11 to the the post house ; whence I '11 bring gy,. — ^\ , ] „ 5,5 neither brought up nox 184 GENERAL JACKSON'iS LAMJ SPECULATIONS. of vulgarity, the puMick need not ex- on the same grants to this very lain! — peci .-ne to uS" the languai^e conimo:i and endeavored to convert the wliolc lo liis pupils a;i^l retainers. ]M\ (j'lj'ct of it to his own use, and his associali>. is to give inform itioii to the cnnimunity. A:id let it be distinctly understood, that touchii g the cliaiartcr, history and if GencralJacksoii had done the husi- morat fitness of an individual, who asks iness correctly in the first instance, in nothnigii-ss at their hands, than the the foreclosure of the Mortgage, there highest office within tiieir gift. I will never would have hecn any foundation therefore neither tunt to the right hand, for this second claim pretended to be nor to the left, to bandy epithut^i with houglit from the heirs of David Allison; any of iiis inao.t,- — nevertheless- I will and if so. will it not be manifest tiiat cheerrully answer them, when I tliink ; General Jackson took advantage of his ' ' own wrong, to ruin those who had plaeed confidence in him? they act under tiie instruction and in- fluence of the General in denying mat- ters of fact heretofore slated by nie. I cannot even permit myself to animad- vert on the r(/>r production of a "Mr. Jo'ni G. Anderson of Nasiiville,"' re- puplished in the '• Wiiig ai'd Bannei That David Allison, before the vear ISOO. gave a .Mortgage Deed, to Nor- ton Pryor for 8j,000 acres of la d on Chirk River, to secure the payment of S'21,S00, with interest, will not be de- of the nth inst. but will take for grant- jnied; therefore the first document to cd that he has authority from General i which I shall refer is the articles of Jackson to pronounce the facts slated ' agreement entered into, between Nor- iii the 2d number of the "Tenne-sean" ^ toi^ Pryor of Pniladelphia and Joseph falfe, relative to the Duck River land Anderson of Tennessee, bearing; date speculation. I rely more especially the 9tl] May, 1800, and witnes-ed by on this contradiction as being author- W, C. C. Claiborne and William .Ahis- ised by the General, because I under- sey. This instrument gives Joseph staiid Mr. Anderson is the *lcp-son of | Anderson power, as aliornev. "to tile a the sister-in-law of Gei'.eral Jackson, a bill in Chancerv for the purpose of a-.d a frequent inmate at the Hermit- .foreclosing the equity of redemption, age; and because he asserts that he 'in and upon the said ^Mortgage."" "It knows the narrative of facts therein: is therefore herebv agreed by and he- staled to be ''false"' of his own know- , tween the said parties, that in case the ledse. This being the case I will now jland so mortgaged as aforesaid, shall by introduce some documentary cvidiMice virtue of a decree in chancerv. be ex- in support of my former allegations, posed to sale, that then and in that Thi' pleadings are made up, and issue lease. the sidd Anderson shall purchase joiiR-d — now for the proof. |the said land tlir the use and benefit of 1 wish tile public to bear in mind the I the said Nortor Pryor, and said Joseph ly to the foregoing agree- ment, and promise, the bill in equity was tiled, and proceedings regularly had thereon between Norton Pryor, Complainant, vs. ■I.i.in Allison, Will. Allison,1 Alexander Alli?on, Pegsy In Equity Allison, SiiUy Allisun, Is- y bc!l Allison, and Jane Alii- J Decree, son, heirs and devisees ofj David Allison, doc'd. Dcfeniiants. The decree was entered up by "Harry Innes and John M'Nairy, Esqr*., two of the Judges of the Court of United States for the District of West Tennessee, at October term, be- ing the 21st day of October.l 801." In which decree it is set forth, that " in consideration of the Mortgage Deed and Note '.erinvith tiled, it is decreed and ordered that unless the said De- fendants do on or before the 20th Jan- uary next, pay unto the Comjilainant the sum of twenty-one thousand eight hundred dols. with interest," &c. '• the said Defendants and their heirs and all other persons claiming by. from or un- der them, shall be thenceforth barred and foreclosed, of and from all right of Equity of redemption."' The decree then specilirally mentions seventeen grants of 5000 acres each, in all 85000 acres — and then goes on to direct the marshal, that in case of failure in the Defendants to pay the debt, interest and cost, "after giving sixty days pre- vious notice thereof in the Tennessee Hazette, to make sale of the before mentioned tract or tracts of land, con- taining in the whole 85,000 acres, in the town of Nas'aville, at the Court House, at public Auction, for ready money, &c." I have not at hand the return of the marshalVsale in obedience to the be- fore recited decree; but reference to that returti will prove my i'ormer state- ment on this point correct. T!io fol- lowing extract of a letter from Gener- al Jackson to Joseph Andeivon, daicd 25th May, 1802, will also prove it:— " The conveyance to Norton Pryor shall be made by the Marshal agreea- ble to the numbers in his letter men- tioned. Number 35 agrcenb/e to vour letter and number ?A that adjoins it, i shall have conve)ed to me and my or- der. The Ballanrc to yourself, and when we meet we shall aceommndalc the Ballanee due me." "'The land sold for fifteen hundred and fifty dol- lars — The above and within is a roush statement of the business relative to the land sold under the decree of Nor- ton Pryor in conformity with our agree- ment. (Signed) ANDREW JACKSON." If the foregoing recapitulation, end- ed the history of this unpleasant trans- action, my pen never would liave been employed to tell it to the world. But when I feel conscious that scenes of tniqiiily followed, in which General Jackson bore a conspicuous part; and when I see thousands of my lellow citi- zens bowing down, and proclaiming him a fit person to preside over these United Stale." — ought 1 to have remain- ed silent? Every feeling of patriotism says, No. Before proceeding any farther, I ask, if there is any candid or honest man who will say, that Gen. Jackson could voluntarily, and honestly, place him- self in a situation to exert all his energy and influence, to do away the effect of the foregoing decree and sale, to the prejudice of Pryor and Anderson, and those who had bought under !hcm; especially when he had advised such purchase? Or will ni^y person say, that a lawyer and Agent, is under no moi-i.l obligation to his emplover. or client — but in jmtice may appropriate. 186 GEVERAL JACKSON'S L.IND SPECTLATIONS. all the proceeds of the matter in con-' fore the sealing and delivery of these troversy to his own use? Surely not. presents," 'vlo barfjain. sell, assis;n. ^Vas not General Jackson the Agent transferand sel over, unto said A. Jack- and attorney of Pryor and Andor>ou?, son, all their rifjht. title, claim and in- 1 answer em]iliatica]ly, yos. Then i terc?t. ei.hcr in law or equity, in and why was our Court Docket crowded (o all laiids, tenements and heredita- with suit? in the G'lururs nonu, to up•lm^•nt^or other estate whatsoever with- set their claim? I in the limits of the said state of Ten- Ahout the years lS06-7and 3, Alex- ! nesse," "which were liolden or claim- ander Outlaw, the father-in-law . of i ed h\ said David Allison, either by Judge Anderson, and lames Patton ; grants, entrie?, or convevances of any and Andievv Kiwin, became largely in- 1 kind, or in any other mai.ner whalso- terested in these lands, — the former by | ever, and .-111 E/^uiliis of Ridaiiption. or purchase from Judge Anderson, and [other equitable claims for lard, or any the latter by purchase from Pryor and j interest in, or proceeding from lands, Anderson. Colonel Erwin, one of tetiements or hereditaments, and also tliese individuals, bcfoie his purchase, ' lo all land warrants and certificates ioT had consulted Jcnkin Whiteside, as lost lands, orlands that cannot be identi- well as General Jackson, in reference ' tied,' &c. signed by all the heirs of to the title, and was assured by both David Allison. that it was good. I am aware, that | Did any person ever read such this fact has been controverted by Mr. sweeping clauses, and such caution to Whiteside as to himself, i)Ut with what keep out of view the real quaititv of truth I tliink wesliall see in the sciiuel. land, and other claims said to be held It was also about this time that many by the deceased in any other Deed? other individuals consulted both Gcti- 1 /Vnd ail for the pitiful sum of .S500, eral Jaclcson and Jenkiii Whiteside i (and it is stated by one of the heirs about the title of those land>; but be-i that even that sum was never paid) fore I introduce their testimony, I [besides some stale old namcle--; debt--, think it proper to show why it became The ground work of the •• fiaud" is nece?sarv for tliem to refer lo these consultations. In tlie year 1812, after the innocent now laid: lichoid tiie super>li ucture. Soon after thi- time, the General w:is called lo command a detachment ol men purchasers had been in possession of I from Tennessee, "for the defence of the lands five or six years; and after the lower country;" and it is presuma- the land had become four fold more , ble that having now buckled on his valuable, General Jackson pretended Military Armour, he could not attend that lie had discovered that no legal in person to this weigiity matter. Or process could run to sell lands not re- perhaps his own h\;al taleiis wire not linquishcd by the Indians; or when sullicient to carry him through such a neither of the parties lived in the state Isuit — nor was his j)urse stroi g enough — although such lands might have been to pay the money calKd for in this granted, and witliin the chartered limits "K((uily of Redemption." Be this as of the state. Sucii was the situation 1 i' may, on the 9lh dav of Januar^ , 1 81 3. of the land ai)ove described. In the I after the troops wcie organized and in month of Augu>t, 1812, we find the General in the stale of (Georgia, wheed- ling the heirs of Da\ id Allison out of these same lands. Tiie Deed of pur- chase, by Gen. Jackson from those heirs, hears date, 3d August, 1812. And as a consid'Hilion it is ftatcd, "That; said David Allison was largcls indebt- ed to said A.Jackson in his life lime. and died so indebted; and of the sum of five hundred dollars to them in hand. camp near Nasiu ille, and only a few days before the General sailed to Natchez — 1\ partnership was formed be- tween him>elf and James Jack>on, a very wealthy merchant, aid the be- fore mentioned Jcnkin AN'hiti'^ide. who was said to be lhegreate>l land lawver in the state; by which agreement and partnership, the Gi'iieral let each of lliem into an equal share of his pui- chaso, from (lie heirs of David Allison. paid by Ihe said Ji. Jack-on. at or be- Tlic special part to be acted by 31j I fcENERAL JACKSON'S LAND SPECUI^TIONS. 181 doubt communicated the information to otiiers. lliader, suppose you were foemploj- a lawyer, and pay l.im a very large fee, to bring suit for tlie rcco\cry of a tract of land. The business progress- ed, and judgment fnialiy rendered in your favour — your lawyer then (old you that the title, was good, and thai you might settle on it, or sell, and mak(; warrantee deeds. \ ou arc not acfiuainlcd with tiie tcclniical niceties of the law, and put faitli and credit in the honour and judgment of >our counsel. You settle on the land your- self, and sell part to otliers: alter years of labour and toil, iu which time, the land has become ten times more val- uable, your lawyer then thinks he has discovered that the business was at first wrong done — goes to your former ad- versary, (without apprising you of the facts) and buys up the claim tliat he had once defeated — comes back and brings suit against you, and those to whom you have sold. ^Vould you think he was an honest man? Or would you think he was a fit person to be President of the United States? — Such you will discover, was the con- duct of Gen. Jackson. I .icknowledge, that 1 am not pre- pared to give a correct history of tim first acts of this comhiiiation^ but it will be sufficient to state, that in the year 1813. tliey commenced some kind of suit for the recovery of this land — and VVhile-iide, as declared in the agree- ment, was to "commence and |)rosecute all suits and actions, either at law or in Equity, that may l)e requisite for the recovery or security ol said lands, &LC. After stating the duty to be performed by each partner, and the obligations they were under to each otiier, tlie in- strumeiitgoeson to say, that "said A. Jackson further covenants, &c.,to and with tUe said James Jackson, and Jenkin Whiteside, that he will convey one equal third part of all the lands, land wananls, aarl other pioperty so assigned to him, that may be secured, recov red, or redeemed, to said J. Jackson, his heirs, ice, and one other equal third part of all said lands, land- warrants, &c., to said Jenkin White- side," ed hy Jcnkius wards the orator proceeds: ''And the Whiteside, Esq. that he believed the said John Grav Blount and Thomas Blount, afterwards, on the 9th day of October, 1794, sold, and bv indcntun title of the said Norton Pryor, a good title to the land acquired as aforesaid, under said mortgage, decree and sale. of l)argain and sale, conveyed said i And at. or about the s:mie time, he • 85.000 acres of land, to David Allison, was informed by complainant, A. Jack- then of the city of Philadelphia — your ■ son, that he considered the said title in ora'.or further shews, that the said N. Pryor, as good a title as any in the David Allison afterward^;, on tlie first state — said Jackson informed liini at day 1795, being indebted to one Nor- that time, that he had heard of John to!! Pryor, of the said city, in the sum I G. Blount having some equitable of 21,800 dollars, gave his note of that | claim from the hi;irs of said David Al- dale, to said I'ryor, for the payment of; lison, for the whole of said 85.000 said sum, 90 days after date, and the] acres, but that he claimed a part, un- better to secure the payment of saidjder a similar title to that of Pryor; sum, said David Allison, by indenture, that he had sold, and made general of barp.ain and sale, bearing date the j warrantee deeds, and would continue same day and year, bargained, sold to sell the balance which he owned in and conveyed to said Pryor, his heirs the same manner — and that said Jack- and assigns, in fee. said 85,000 acres, hon then infonned him. that the mort- so granted to J. G. Blount and T. g'''ge had been absolute more than. Blou;it." We have already seen this orator engaged in fore closing the equity of redemption on the above /■even years, w-hich would bar an equity of redemption, and that the tatute of limitations would be a bar, moitgagc deed, for Norton Pryor — and that no writ of error could be then now he is swearing for himself. But the bill also says — " Your orator fur- ther represents, that by some agree- ment or assignment, from said Norton Pryor to Joseph Anderson, Esq. of Jef- ferson county, Tennessee, said Ander- son set up a claim to a part of said 85,000 acres of land, included in pa- tents 218, '220, 22.', 230, and parts of s;iid four tracts are now claimed bv William Finch," &c. And is it Gen- en«l Jackson who intimates that the claim of Judge Anderson is a mvstery to him? How could this man ever charge ••bargain and cijrruption" on Mr. Clay, wiien he is so deeply involv- ed himself? Iirought to reverse the decree — and that there was no danger of Notion Pryor's title. And the said Jackson then encouraged this respondent to purchase the said lands from said Pry- or, and after ( did purchase, continued to assert his confidence. Whereupon, this respondent, A. Erwin, for himself and Jamc< Palton, contracted for the same as above set forth, and obtained said deed therefor." The following is extracted from the answei of Stephen Booth, one of the defer.dants: "Sometime in the year 1809, this defendant went to the resi- dence of the complainant in Davidson county, to purchase from liim a part We will now attend to the answcrsj of one of the tracts of land w iiich he of part of the defendants to General had bought at the IMaYshal's sale, allu- Jarkson's hills in equity, and sec whali ded to, in the answer of Patton &; Er- they say on this matter. Andrew Er-{ win. That part, complainant had win, one of the late firm of Patton fcj promised to convey to a female rela- Erwin, after staling at large, the na-| lion, who would not consent for it to tureiif his title, a^ derived ftom Ni)r- be sold to defendant on his arrival ton Pryor and iuiige Anderson. re|)re- there. Complainant seemed much ir- sents, - that while the defendanl. A. ritaied at her refusal to sell, as he had Erwin, was in T'-iine?see, actii-L' as (he before promised it to defendant, and GENERAL JACKSON'S LAND SPECULATIONS. 189 proposed to the latter to let him have part of the same tract where one Cof- iVe Hvcd — defendant said he would look at tiiat land, but it was proi)ai)le he would i!0t like it; that he had been olRred Some land which pleased him very well, by Alexander Outlaw, claiming under Anderson, but that he had been afraid to purchase it, as he had iieard that Outlaw' was insolvent, a.id t^iere were fears with some re- sjiccling the title; that he wished com- plainant would inlbrm him whether he could be safe in buying that land- Complainant answered that he would be perf ctly ?a!'e in purchasing it; that Outlaw's or Anderson's title was as good as any in the s;ate, that there was no doubt of the title. This expres- sion, or the same in substance, was sev- eral times repeated, and sworn to by CDmnlainant. He said tiiat tlie busi- ness had been coiidu'led l)y him, that he had the management of the fore- closure of the equity of redemption, and that he knew it was correctly done."' "He xvcnt home, endeavour- ed to purchase from Outlay.-, and fail- ing in that, afterwards purchased said six liundrcd and twenty-two acres, from said Patton and Erwia."' "S/a/e of Tennessee, county of Bedford. Agreeably to a bill filed in the 4th circuit, Andrew Jackson rs. Whitehead and others, John Whitehead doth sol- emnly swear, that in April and May, 1 806, 1 met with Gen. Andrew Jackson, and asked him whether he knew the title to the land on Duck river, claimed formerly by John G. and Thos. Blount, but then owned by Alexander Outlaw from a title derived from Josepli An- derson, was a good one ; upon which he was answered by the said A. Jackson, that it was as good a one as any in the state, and if that claim would not hold, none in the state would. And upon the faith of the representation of the said Andrew Jackson that the title was a good one, I purchased four hun- dred acres of Alexander Outlaw, sometime in April or May, of the same year, a kvf days after the conversation with the said A. Jackson (but that I have since lost 100 acres of it by a claim of T. Dixon's) and that I have had peaceable possession of said land ever since. And alter I had purchased the above named land, the said A. Jackson was at my house where he gave me the same assurances of the goodness of the title to said land. JOHN WHITEHEAD. Sworn to and subscribed beJbre us this 11th September, 1819. NoBLK L. Majors, J. P. John Scott, J. P." '■^Slatc of Tennessee, Bedford cmtniy. This 17th day of April, 1823, per- sonally appeared before me, M, D. Mitchell, a justice of the peace for said county, Henry Conway, and made oath that either in the year 1806 or 7, he called on Jenkin Whiteside at Nash- ville, and enquired of him, as to Col. Alexander Outlaw's title to the lands granted to John G. and Thomas Blount, about the three forks of Duck river, which Outlaw held urder Joseph An- derson, who held under the marshars sale on the foreclosure of Norton Pry- or's mortgage, under the decree of the Federal Court, some years previous to that time. Said Jenkin Whiteside as- sured him tiiat Outlaw's title w^as per- fectly safe; as good as any in the state, and he believed one of the best in the state; and as a proof of his opinion, he said he had made himself largely inte- rested in part of said claims, having l)ought 2,500 acres of it. (n conse- quence of which advice, 1 did purchase 1,250 acres from Outlaw, at two dol- lars per acre, or thereabouts, which was then a fair price for good titles. After I had bought, I think in the year 1808 or 9,1 rode in company with Gen. Jackson and the late Col. Benj. Bradford, from Jetforson to near Ben- net Smith's, and on the way Gen. Jack- son stated that the title under the mar- shal's sale to Anderson, Pryor, and him- self, were as safe as any titles in the state, and it was imi)ossiI)lc it could ever be set aside. H. CONWAY. Sworn to and subsciibed before me. M. D. Mitchell, J. P."' '•George Strong, another defendant, corroborates the statements of Booth and Whitehead, and Benjamin Brad- ford and William Norvell corroborate 190 GENERAL JACKSOJTS LAXD SPEeri^TI05S. the oaths of Col. A. Erwin and H. Con- way; and if it bi'comes necessary, their stalpments, oil oath can he produced. I \Tiil now add an extract from the cer- tificate of Alexander Allison, one of the heirs of David Allison, relative to the General's purchase. '•'■Georgia, Green County. "1 certify, that in the year 1812,1 was infornned by my brother Will. Al lison, that my deceased brotlier David Allison had left considerable lands in Tenncsfsee, which might possibly be recovered, and that Gen. A. Jackson of Tennessee, had offered to procure and recover said lands, upon beiii"; l, equal with myself and brothers; and that in order to do this it was necessary for me with my brothers to sign an instrument in writing to Gen. Jackson, operating as I then thought, as a power of attorney, authorizing him to transact the busi- ness. It was my understanding at that time, that General Jackson was to do the business, and on the final settle- ment of it, that Gen. Jackson was to come in for an equal interest with me and mv brothers, in the land secured. Under this impression, I put my name to the instrument with my brothers. At the time of doing so. I was not in- formed by my brother William, or any other person, that my brother David had died in debt to Gen. Jackson, in any sum* whatsoever; — neither did I then know, nor for a long time after- wards, that n)y brother David in his lifetime had mortgaged the lands in Tennessee to Norton Pryor, or that such lands had been foreclosed, or the land sold; nor did I then understand or know that my brother David AHi?on had made a will disposing of his prop- erty. 1 further state that I never re- ceived one single cent for signing that instrument ofwriting. ALEXANDER ALLISON.' '•DifficuKies continued to accumulate on the side of the Generars comiiina- tion,as the suit progressed, but it was formid of mettle not to be overcome without attempting a dernier resort: and accordingly we find Jenkin White- side, (one of the parties) on the 21st , day of March, 1320, relinquishing all 1 his right, interest, and claim, lo all this I land, for the trilliiig and inadequate sum of one thousand dollars, including ; his services as a lawyer for seven) ears; and this was done for the purpose of getting his testimony in favour of ::is former partners. The deed of release bears the a'jove date, and was acknow- ledged in open court, January term. 1821, before R. M'Gavock, clerk. "It was about this time, that P. H. Darby, Esq., having risen high in the eslimtition of Gen. Jackson, was ap- pointed by him prime mi i?ter, in tlie management of this Duck river land speculation, over the heads of his other counsellors, G. W. Campbell, W. L. Brown, A. Hays. O. B. Hays, and Jen- kin Whiteside. Esquires; and lie ac- tually took him into pdrtnership, as will be shortly seen. The apponitment of this gentleman to his lolty pre-emi- nence, is pul)lished in the Nashville Whig of April 18th, 1821. " NOTICE. Being about to leave the State, for the Florida, I have regularly empow- ered Patrick H. Darby, Esq. of Nash- ville, to transact my business relative to the estate of David Allison, dec. — All persons having business to transact with me relative to said Estate, will please call on said Darby during my absence. Signed ANDREW JACKSON.'' '' Having accepted the al)ove agen- cy, the business will be regularly at- ' tended to i)v me. 1 Signed " PATRICK H. DARBY. ( ^ I Not long after this time. Mr. Darby 'became the Editor of the " Constitu- tional Advocate," at Nashville, and wc find his paper frequently hllod with lengthy essays and investigations rela- tive to this land speculation — exhibit- I ing the novel sight of a press devoted to the examination of a law case still I pending, and all on one side, in order to prejudice the minds of the commu- 1 nity. This took place in the year 1 822. I or 3, and no doubt under the eye, or by ' the consent of Gen. Jackso'i. What could a set of ' a desperate combination? farmers do against such tJEN. JACKSON'S L.\ND SPECULATIONS—CHARACTERS & CONDUCT. 1«» 1 shall not enlarge in reference to | the Documents which conchide the liistory of this transaction. In the fall of 1 823, a compromise was eflbcted, h} which tiic defendants agreed to give ten thousand dollars, and pa) certain <:osts;&thecomplainant, A. Jackson with J. Jackson, agreed to permit a decree to be entered at the next court, and give a quit claim deed, ^^'hen tli". decree was about to be rendered Mr. Darby objected, and was about to (ile his bill to prevent it, alleging tiiat he was equally interested with the others. The consequence was, that Mr. Darby received S'o.OOO of the compromise money, and joined his worthy partners in signing the deed of quit claim,which is now on record at Shelbyville, Bed- ford county. [ am aware that the apologists o*" General Jackson, have attempted to screen him from the moral turpitude attached to this proceeding, by plead- that Da\ id Allison, (before his death) was legally indebted to him, as well as to Norton Pryor, and that therefore, it was not morally wrong to make him] self safe. Will not this plea prove too much? — For if such was the fact, and the General did not put in his claim at the time he was transacting the busi- ness for Pryor and Anderson, does it not argue a presumption, that he com- mitted an intentional error in conduct- ing their business, in order to benefit himsell at a future day? I know also that the General is laud- ed by his partizans, because he com- promised these suits for ten thousand dollars. Who of us thanks him? I can assure the public, that nothing but a split in our ranks, and the desire of a secure and certain home, together with his weight and influence, induced the settlers to accede to the terms of com- promise ; as many were firmly persuad- ed that he had become convinced that the case would be decided against him. Besides, the General had just before been nominated by the Legislature of Tennessee, for the Presidency, and he did not wish this matter to weigh him down as a dead weight — as did the ghosts of those murdered by king Richard, in his battle with Richmond. CHARACTERS AND CONDUCT. The evijs, anticipated by many, from the election of General Jackson to the Presidency, have been gradually devel- oping themselves, in the progress of the canvass. His incapacity is not the most serious objection to his success. Much greater mischief is to be appre- hended from the examples he may set, and the company which must naturally collect around liim. Mr. Benton cor- rectly anticipated results, when he said that Jackson, if President, would be surrounded with desperate naen, and that Congress would have to leg- islate armed with dirks and pistols. — Tiiis may be made manifest noiv by a few well attested facts. There now resides at the Hermitage, a man of the name of Henry Lee, with his family. He occupies a building near the residence of General Jackson, and is engaged in daily intercourse with him. His business as avowed, is to write a biography of General Jack- son. He attends, however, to other things. A long article criticising the Virginia Anti-Jackson address, has been written by him. He accompan- ied General Jackson to New Orleans, and the public newspapers noticed him as escorting Mrs. Jackson, to the boat, as she embarked to return home. He was toasted at the Murfeesborough din- ner, and the supporters of General Jackson, in Virginia and elsewhere, begin to commend him as a man deser- ving encouragement. It is proper to a correct exposition of General Jackson's character, and of the means employed to sustain him, that this Mr. Lee should be known. This %vork was established to speak the truth, whenever the pub- lic good required it to be spoken — and to speak it plainly and without fear. This shall be done iu respect to Mr. Lee, because his association with Gen. Jackson, and with the sup- porters of General Jackson for the Presidency, gives him at this time a factitious importance which could not otherwise attach to him. Mr. Lee is the son of Henry Lee of Virginia, distinguished as an officer ol the revolution in the war of the South- em department. He is a man of finf talents and superior attaiwnents as .. 19:: CHARACTERS A.ND CONDtXT. writer. But he is a man without mor- al iiitegrit}', or hoiiorabie principles. He has been guilty of perpt'traiing one of' those eiiormities,whitli is never tol- erated ill society, and which alway? overwhelms llie perpetrator with dis grace. Mr. Lee seduced his wileV sister, an inmate of his own house, as is aliened, I'y a series of deliberate acts practised upon lier, a young and inex- perienced temale, who regarded him in llie light of a brother. For this deed he was driven from the society where it was perpetrated, and for a time couched beneath tiie general odi- um that it fastened upon him. In the present struggle to make General Jack- son President, Mr. Lee's talents have been considered as of some account. It is not uncommon to recruit an army from the prisons, thus converting a con- victed felon into a hero, and a cham-j pion of public rights. Just so, the sup- porters of General Jackson seek for rc( ruits amongst those men of talents whose misconduct has rendered them suspicious or infamous. Swartwout was sunk into deserved oblivion, from the period of his discharge from imprison- ment upon an accusation of treason, until General Jackson selected liim as a correspondent, and thus again gave him character. So Mr. Lee was ex- cluded from society until General Jack- son received him into his service, and gave him countenance. It seems to me tliat there is a disre- gard of moral obligation to society, and of decent respect to character, in this association, that ought to alarm, if not shock the minds of upright men. If youthful passion, or other circum- stances may be pleaded as an apology for General Jackson's own transgres- sions upon the marriage rights of oth- ers, he ought not, in his present con- dition, to encourage an enormity so much greater than his own, lest an in- ference be deduced that he has really no moral sense on the suliji'ct. \Vhat arewe to say to it? Our President se- duced his neighbors Avife, and lived witli her in an adulterous intercourse until she became his own! — He takes to his society and confidence, under his patronage and protection an adulterons and incestuous seducer of virgiu iiuio- cence! And the public men of the country, their wives and daughters, are to as-ociate with this leprous fiend in nuaian form as nitli a genili'nian! His talents are to be prais'd, his wriii.igs admired, his crimes to be forgotten, whilst, on his part, liiere is no toke of penitence, not even that which delect- ed guilt usually inariiiests. And for what is all this humiliation to ' e en- countered and endured? For the sin- gle reason, and no other, that this protii- gate can be made useful. So, in other countries, can bravos and as.-assins.— :- But even where such instruments are used, their cmplo\ers do not degrade themselves by associating with them as equals. This employment of Lee. at the Hermitage, is in character with other matters in transaction at VVashinglon. Dutr Green is certainly less infamous than Lee. But who tliat looks hack upon his course could wish to see him- self in connection with him. Then there is Col. Jarvis, also a political adventurer, who, as well as Green, seems to have been employed, pretty much on the principle already stated, of enlisting recruits where ever they can be got. from the stews or the pris- on, with or without reputation. These two men are the champions of General Jac*on at Washington, and they ap- pear to be so completely inflated, with self importance, at their present posi- tion and elevation, as to promise no lit- tle trouble and prejudice to their em- plovers. Both of them have sought occasions to commit a breach of the peace, within the walls of the capitol I itself; and in ca-es where the disputes originated in p:uty politics. Men of decent maiuiers. and correct feelings would have avoided such courses, for their own sakes, and for the credit of their party. But these two men seem to have thought it would be a recom- mendation to liiem to attempt that, from whicli ccntlcmen would shrink with an intuitive disgu-;!. When Green assaulted Sparihawk. the Senate treated the outrage as a matter that did not concern them, l! was said it would he as proper to inter- ('ere in an atl'ray between two Dray- men. The perversion of correct judg CHARACETRS AND CONDUCT. 193 ment whicli induced this sentiment ouglit tlien (o have been exposed, and those who acquicscd in its correctness, or witlioul so acquiescing, permitted it to pass, iiave found tli.e consequence, in the attempt of Green's ("ellow labor- er to attach an equal distinction to him- self. The assault upon young Mr. Adorns is one of those preconceived and delib- erate outrages, which calls for loud and decisive reprehension. The proceed- ings of the majority of Congress with respect to it ought to tix on the mem- ber the stigma of continued reproba- tion, such as is described, by making a man an o'oject for "/Ae hand of scum to point its sioic ami movitu; finger at." Jarvis, who has devoted his talents to the reprobation of Mr. Adams, per- sonally and politically, and who aids in casting upon him tlie most degrading reproaches, neverdieless feels himself at liberty to visit Mr. Adams in his own house. Because it was an occa- sion of public visiting, Mr. Jarvis seem- ed to su|>pose that he had a right to present himself, and that he was en- titled to civil treatment. His right was that which w'ant of correct feelings confers upon an impudent man. — Ci- vility of treatment the President owed to himself, and to the nation, whose representative he is. — But the Presi- dent had a son — a youth, and probabl}' nota very di>crect one. This young man made >ome improper remarks, very natural for a young man to make, whose feelings were easily excited, as every deserving son's ought to be wlieii his parent is insulted. How would a discreet man have acted, placed in the situation of Mr. Jarvis? Either he would have been deaf lo tlic imper- tinence, or he should have made it known to the President, whose dutv it was to correct his own household, and make proper atonement for a wrong committed, iipon such an occasion, by any member of his family. But in- stead of pursuing this course, whicli propriety and decency diclated, Jar- vis sought a private (juarrel with the younger Adams. The answer he re- ceived, that no answer or explanation would be given, was, most likely, what he wished: it was ceriainlv what alone U he could expect. He then sees Mr. Adams, in the House of Representa- tives, delivering a message from the i'resident to Congress. He goes out of tlie Hall, and attacks hini in another apartment, ttirough which Mr. Adams passed on his way lo the Senate wi h a m-.'ssage. — He assaults Mr. Adams with blows — And what lollows? For the honour of our common nature, for the honour of our public men, for the hon- our of our country. 1 wish our aniials were not to be disgraced with a narra- tion of what followed. The assault was \ ommitted on Tues- da)-. Neither House of Congress took any cogniz-mce of it, on that day nor on the next. On Thursday, the President communicated tlie fact, by message to Congress. In the Senate, the message was read and laid on the table. In the House, it was referred to a select com- mittee, which was appointed on Friday. On tlic same day, Mr. Jarvis addressed a letter of explanation, to the Speaker of both Houses. It, too, was read and laid on the table! This letter avowed the knowledge that Mr. Adams had brought a message to Congress, which he had delivered, asserted an intention to assault liim in tiie Rotundo,not to in- jure him, but (o pull his nose and slap his face; — in other words, to disgrace him. Such arrogance as this is surely without parallel in the history of legis- lative bodies. The organ of commu- nication between the President and Congress, known to have just delivered a message, is assaulted, lor the purpose of disgracing him. The fact is asserted to those who participate in the dis- grace, by way of apology, and is by them received willi conii'la'ency !!! Few readers of the present day are not conversant with the entertaining and instructive Wavcrly novels. The penalty in which poor Nigel irixolved himself, by committing an assault, with- in the roval precincts, is familiar to the recollection of •■"any. Yet the law that iiil'icted the penalty was founded in salutary prii ci|)lcs. Its great ob- ject was to secure the public peace, in the vicinity of the sovereign. In our country, the legislature represents tiie •iOverei<;n power, and discharges its fujictioii'. And, when the legislature 194 CHAnACTEns ANDCOTJOrCT. is in session, it is a higli offence ti. fhis country and himselQ as to assa.ilt per|>i't rate any kind of outiagc r aim- or insult the Presidoiit. lu'i-J 10 disturb or inllucnce their d ■ The assault committed upon Mr. li lie rations. It is called a breach of Adams was a gross breach ofLegisla- priviluge, as in the famous case of! live privilege, both in respect to the Jiiha Anderson, who was subjerted to the jurisdif tioii of the Hou-e, for a person assaulted, and the place where ihe assault was commiiled. Aiid the su|)po>ed attempt to tam|)er with the i reason alleged for it, greatly aggravates integrity of a member To assail a member of the Legisla- ture, or at'y of their otlicers, or persons in official employ connected with legis- lation, is a brcaih of privilege. So it is to raise disturbances and riots, in their vicinity. And, in all these cases, there is an inherent power in the Lcgisla the outrase. It was intended to de- grade and disgrace the individual that constituted the organ of communica- tion between the President and Con- gress. And it is mere affectation, not to assert at once what everv one l»- lieves, that the individual rela'ion is which the person stood to the Pri-i ture to puni-hU.e offender, as for a '(^"^"^ V' °''^ ^""'"^^J^.''' '-"\"""'T.'' co..to.npt of privilege, in a summary ^a^e the attack.-The (eeln.gs of tl„ . „ ■ . I father were to be outraged as well a- mauner. & those of the patriot. Now, this privilege does not exist for Xhis relationship constituted a the personal security of the public of- |rpj,so„^ ^j,,. Congress should have art- ficers alone— And when It is violated, .d promptly and upon their own mo- punishment is not inllicted to avenge or ijo,,, Xhey should not have impo-ed frdress Ihc individual wrong. It ex-^pon the President, the delicate re- isis for the preservation of the public sponsibility of submittins; tamely to an safely, the public morals, the public outrage on the public service and honor, all that is us.ful and dignilitd character, or of incurring the imputa- in national character. \\ '"en it is tjo,, of |,pi„g^(.,u;j,pd l,v ppr^p,,.,! f^^.j. tram|)Kd upon and set at naught, every iiij^s.and a desire of revens;e. Magnani- ma;. in the nation is insulted. A great ^o,j^ ^pn, thoash political opponents, p.i'dic wrong is committed, which can- io„^ht to have felt what was due to the not be redressed in the ordinary man- : president, and have relieved him from ner, but which must be instantly : tijjj unpleasant responsibility. The puiisbed, so as to restrain others from course pursued evidences a bitterness a repetition of it. of feeling, and an obliquity of judgment During the session of Congress the sirkeningand disheartening to a dispas- Pr'sideiit is a component part of the , sionate mind. Every step taken, up Li>gislature. He communicates to! to Sunday, April 20, seemed to wear a them, the subjects that, in his opinion, ' studied aspecfof asgravated insult. — require legislative provision, and all The insulting letter of Jarvis was laid legislative acts arc submitted to him ' i|uietlv on the table, bv the side of the for approbation or rejection. Tlu- ; Pre--idi'nt"s message. No sleps were same privileges, therefore, extend to taken to vindicate the outraged laws- him and his organ of communication , In the Senate, both rested like a bad with Congress, as it is extended to the penny nailed to the counter as counter- members and their officers. When feit. In the House, t.ic select eommii- Coiigress is not in session. Ihe President ' tec nesjli'ded taking any steps. Thus being a mere ministerial officer in | deliberately manifesting a total in- cxecutintj; the laws, has no pri\ilegf I ditference to their own characters, and attached to him. No provision has i to that of the country. Asa party been made to protect him or thosi- man, wishing to see the followers of whom he employs from insult, because, j Gen. Jackson exhibit, by pregnant heretofore, it would have been con- proofs, their principles and foeliiiirs. I sidered a caliimi.y upon our country- am well pleased at tlie cour-e thev hav( im-n. to all.ge that anyone of them, i pursued. The pei^ple can see, though could solar forget what was due to ihe leaders at Washioston are blind — CHARACTERS & CONDUCT.— JOHN HAKRIS. 195 Aiid tlie people will not sanction this kind of insult lo the national character, to indulge the Kditorsottlie Telegrupli. iti lining that with impunity which would cover a man ol" good characier witli in/amy. Had the Jackson men promptl\ denounced the outrage, had they immediately called Jarvis to ac- cou:it. and inflicted summary pulli^il- ment upon liim, they might have turn- ed Ihe thing to some accouiit. Tneir adherents might have said — There was too much magnanimity to let party- predilections inllui'nce the Jacksonians. By this example, the apprehension that ' foim the Jacksoaiaiis would indulge in, or encourage violence, is put to tligltl. — The letter bearing dale 4th of Sep- tember, 182G, was lirst puijlished in llie Bahiinore Repiudican. The sub- |i)ined extracts .tre ciijiied iVoni Miles' Register, June 23nl, 1827. p. -'S'i. "Truth is might} and sliall prevail. Intrigue and management, iiicapal)le ot blind-lijlding tiie virtuous yeomanry of m\ country, will fail of their ends; nor can tliey impose any otiier ta>k on me than that ol defending myself against tlieir imputations, whenever the au- tiiois cIioojc to unmask thenu-elvos — a task which I am' always ready to per- " The cause that you allude to might as well be ascribed to tlie President o! the As it is, the converse of these asser-^ United States, as commai.der-in-chief tions may be justly proclaimed. All i of the land and naval forces, as to me; is given up to party; and the present; but as you ask for a statement of facts, instruments, are not ordy used, but i I send tiiem in a concise form. countenanced, protected, and cherish- ed. JOHN HARRIS. Tolhc editor o[tlu. (Ktnlxu.k;i) Riporler. 1 deem it necessary to make a true statement of the case of John Harris, "In the year 1814, Col. Pipkin at the head of hisdrafted militia, was charged with the defence of fort Jackson, in the heart of the Creek nation, and within my mililary district. Whilst thus in command, part of his regiment muti- nied. At the head of this mutiny was a Mr. Harris, a preacher, and, as my memory now serves me. of tlie Baptist one of the six militiamen who were , prof(^ssion. He broke open tlie corn- shot at Mobile. I slionid not have missary stores, knocked out tlie heads troubled the public but for th'; com- motion many niistatemenls have thrown our country into. 1 did not know this was the case until lately, and it seems to have been by accident that I heard tl. \\ e had declined taking anv news- of the flour barrels, taking what he wanted, and destroying wliat he pleas- ed — proceeded then to the bake-house, and set it on (ire, and marched olFiiv open defiance of the Colonel, leaving the garrison without provisions, and so papers, and were surrounded by Gen. | weakened by desertion, that it might Jackson's friends. M\ brother James i have fallen a sacrifice to the Indians, was enipiired of. if lie was the so.n of j I was then at Mobile. Informed of JMr. Harris tliat was executed at Mo- this mutiny and outrage by express, 1 bile; and if he had heard what .'ack- ordered the mutineers and deserters to son and others were S"ying about him be pursued, a|)prohcndcd. and brought in the public prints. } baik for trial. The ringleaders, Har- I determined to see what had been ; ris at tlieir lit^ad, after some time, were -aid, and was favored with newspapers apprehended and bniugiit to Mobile in by mv friends. i irons, after I had left tiierc for New- Of all the statements that 1 have seen, those made by General Jackson, in a letter to a gentleman in Balti- more, and in a letter to Mr. Owens in Keiitucky. are the most de-titute of truth. The first letter is a pack of in- famous lies, that a heathen would shud- der to tell; and part of the otiier 1 can prove to be false. Orleans, and had charged General Winchester with the command of that section of the country. They were tried by a Court Martial, and condemn- ed to die — live were shot and the bal- ance pardoned. The others who had deserted, before they reached home, became alarmed at their situation, re- turned before Harris and his party iga JOHN HARRLS. Were arrested, joined me and were for- 1 he ought to be guided by establislied given — were witii me wiicii [ marclied- facts, not by the hearsiiy of any lioiiv.'' to Pe:.sacola in 1814; followed me, thence to New Orleans, wiien they re- gained their former good, character by their valorou> and soldiery cotiduct. and were honorably dischartred. The bakehoufp was thrown into the river four or five weelcs hei'ore they left tiierc, or had any thought of coming home; nor did my fatiier have any band in it, or know of it when it wa: These proceedings are on tile in the | done, department of war, where those who Late in the year 1813, my brotlier wish for truth, can be informed by ap-j James cnrolhd himself; he was then plying to the record. | 16 years old; and shortly after our "It is for the public to judge, whether house was burnt, and we moved on tl>c this professed embassador of Christ,! Indian la d, about eight miles from did not well deserve' death for the i where we lived, to a t-alt peirc cave, crimes of robbery and arson; and this where my father had a fur. .ace to make outrageous mutiny, which jeopardized! petre. Not long afterwards, James not only the remainder of the garrison! was drafted in his old company. — from its exposed situation, but the' Father, thinking him too young to go safety of our country — and whether ^ without protection, took the place of this wolf in shee|)'s clothing was not aj Samuel ^herrel, and went with him. fit subject of example. Harris whenj After thev had fer\ed three months, condemned to die, acknowledged the | my father, believing their time was out, justice of his condemnation, and stated land getting no satislaction from his of- he had no hope of a pardon here, but jficers, came home, not '•»« open defiance that he had of forgiveness hereafter — of the Colonel" but nfler giving up Aj? which I trust he obtained, through the mediation of our blessed Saviour, and a sincere repentance of his i rimes that broiight on Irim his condemnation. "Let it be recollected, that this mu- tiny occured at a period «hcn every nerve of our country was strained to protect it from ihc invasion of an over- wlielniing Bi itisli force, whose agdts were then engaged in stirring up the Creeks to the indiscriminate murder of our defenceless border citizens. These are the facts of the case, for your in- formation." 1 set out with Jackson's motto — "Truth is miglnyand shall prevail."' 1. Gc'i. Jackson says, Harris '"broke open the conunissary stores, knocked out the heads of the Hour barrels; taking what he wanted, and destroying what he pleased — proceeded then to tlie bakeliou-e, and set it on fire, and gun and lifting his receipt. Soon after he got home, he learnt that Gen. Jackson had ordered them back by express. He stayed at home three or four days, and started back of hii oun aceord. Many of his neigbours- tried to prevail on him to keep out of the way; and every means was ollered him to iiave done so, till tlie heat of passion had subsided; hut he rciused, and frequently s;iid, that lie was con- scious for what they had done they could not be hurt, and that he feared notliing even before the most preju- diced court martial, excepi one thing; that was a paper on which he li.id talcen down the names of th.ose that wore going home, though he had no fears from ihol. if they would give him /u.v/^rr. Col. Pipkin had told some of the men. if they vtould go home wiiether or not, and would give him tiieir names, he marched otf in open defiaiice of the I would make provision for tlum to draw rations. If I had any confidence in the Coloners oath, I would ask him if lie ever made any such statements or not. This is the paper above alluded to. ^Vhen mv liiher started to trial. I Colonel." Now, not a word of this is true. See John May's certificate below, and the charges lor which he \v;is tried hy the Court Martial. Gen. Jarksoti ought to ha\e recollected. "As a public or private man, speaking of; went with him ton or twelve miles. — tran-actions which concern the rejiuta- 1 AVe passed the house o( op.e Salmon, tion and character of others, every who said he had come hack for the oianlv feeling should remind him, that men. My father stopped and fold him JOHN HARRIS. 107 he was going back; and Salmon told mv father if ho would wait a diiy or two at Wiiicliester, which was about fourteen inibjs from there, they would go togetlier. My father waited a day. Some of his friends ])er.«uaded him to enli>t; hut he-refused to do it, because he tliought himself in no danger. — of forgiveness hereafter." And in his letter to Mr. Owens ol Kentucky, that this man (Harris) never wrote but one letter to me that 1 ever saw or beard of boiore this publication, and in that he acknowledged himself guilty of the en- ormous crimes charged against him, and stated bis willingness to meet the They tlien went on to Fort Jackson, i just sentence of tlie court." It is in- when they gave up to Col. Hart. I i human to suppose this to be true^ and have lately been told that Salmon gave ill so, why docs he suppress the letter? him upas a prisoner, which I do i;ol' My lirother James was with him all believe: But 1 will be able to state; the timt;, and of course knew the se- explicitly before b.r.g. Col. Hart was crets of his breast; and he licard of no on piiradc and about to marcl) for Mo- such acknowledgment nor saw any bile when they arrived. Tliey went such letter. ■with Hart, who, to add to the fatigue j Read the words of my father in a of mv liither, I am ti>ld, had him hand-! farewell letter to my mother: Dear cufled. In two or three days.as I un- wile, I take this opportunity of writing der-tand, they were taken off. Aftertoyou (or the last time. / «;;rrf .... the\ got to Mobile and had tiieir trial, / (•/)'(/ 7iot expect to have had this mcful and they knew the decree of the court | iiejcsto 7cntc to you; but my sentence is martial, my father was advised to wiite! come, to-morrow, by 12 o'clock, which to Gen. Jackson himself, as he was ac-| is an awful thing to think of."' quainted with the General, aiid tostate After 1 saw the statemenis of Jack- the circumstances under which he was; son, I wrote to him, requesting him to tried and the situation be left home, j give me his reasons for making them, and pray him for a pardon or at least ' ar.d to send n^e the contents of tiie let- a new hearing. Afier he wrote liis , tors addressed to him by my father. — first letter to Gen. Jackson, his friends As vet I have received no answer or wrote another, petitioning for a re prieve. Gen. Jackson, in the most unrelent- ing manner, ctiarges my father ''of robbery and arson." I have previous- ly di-^j)rovcd this savage charge. He audaciously asks "whether this wolf in sheep's clothiiig was not a fit subject of example." "Idid hope, that a liber- al and ffencrous feeling on the part of Gei'. Jackson, "would show" the char- satisfaction. This seems to be a 'task' that he Is not "always ready to per- form." 1 am a citizen of Lawrence county, Alal)ama. If any one wishes to scru- tinize what I have said, he can call and he shall have satisfaction. JOHN HARRIS. I do hereby certify, that some years before the last war, I was acquainted with Joiin Harris in Franklin county, acter of mv deceased fatlier, "at least"' ; Tennessee, and that he was tliere elect as far as "those assaults which slander jed Coroner of the said county, and and lalsehood delight to inflict. In I served in that capacity; and that as that I have been"' egregiously "dis- 1 far as I knew, he supported a good appointed." IMy father was an honest j moral character. Given under my man and a kind and protecting father; hand, this 18th March. I82f5 which can 1)0 proved by many of Jack son's friends. [See a certificate be low.] And 1 boldly say, if he had jus- tice, he would be "o fU subject of ex- ample.''' Jackson has the eflfronlery to state in the face of the world that " Harris, JAMKSM'CORD. Sliite of Alahnma., L,(mreitce county. This day personally appeared be- fore me, Samuel Irwin, an acting just- ice of the peace in and for said county, John May, and after beingduly swore, deposeth and sayeth, that as much of when condemned to die, acknowledged General Jackson's statement in Niles' the justice of his condemiiation, and Register, June 23d, 1827, as relates to stated he had no hope here, but he had Harris' breaking open the commissary 10* JOHN DAItRIS.— THE tXRIFF. store and knocking out the heads of the flour barrels, and taking what he w;iiit- ed and deslrojiiig what he pleai-id. IS FALbK; that he ncitliir took nor dtf- troyi'd; and as for burning the bake- house, it is ALSO FALSE- and tlie said John May further slates o'l oath, that he belonged to the same company and was there at the time Harris kfi there, JOHN MAY. . Sworn to and suhscribcd bclbre me, this the 2Glh of February, 1828. Samuel Irwi.v, J. P. JOHN HARRIS'S LAST LKTTER TO HIS WIFL. (a literal copy.) February 15, \S\ 5, Mobile, Fori Char- Me. Dear wife. I Take the oppurtuniU of Writing to you for the Last timeas'l exspcct and is well at present thanks Be to God for his Mercys and I Hope these Lines May find jou and all the rest in helth 1 Did not exspect to Have Had this awlul news lo awrote to you Bui my sentence is Com and to Mor- row I have to encounter Death to Mor- row by twehe o'clock whitch is an a^vful thing to think of and I Know from your Tenderness to me as a wife to a Husband Has been so Greale that it must be a Gieaf to you anil as such I yyish you to Meet it witli as mucii foiti- tude as posable I !iope we >liall meet again in tlie worlds above I wish you to Do all y ou Can to Keep my Children to gather if possible James lias promis- ed me that He yvill Stayyvith you and I flope that my other Two Sons Charl -s and Joim" will Do all they Can to Keep IlierLiitle Sisters and Broth- ers from suthriiigl wish you as soon as Jame> Return- to Mooye into the set- tements and Do the best you Can for yourselves it Grieves me Hard lo part yvilhyouall Bull must IU>i>rn to God and wo Have to part some time and as such I H<»pe you will Bring mv LiKle son up in the learofGod and my Little Daughters also whitch from vour Con- duct I have no Reason to i)oubt But my Little sons you arc yongand Cirow- in up into Life Be ccarfull of \yhat kind of Company you ki'cp and never Brjiig yourtcUes to any ])isgracc j Learn in time of youth to Ix>ve Boalh 1 Gi-iceaid truth my mi iHs pestired a d I Can not write as I would wish R. m m- ber me to all inquiring friends so my . Dear wife and Children I h^d you a Due t^;is from your Loving Hu>band and Father untel Death JOHN HARRIS? Mrs Polly Harriss. THE TARIFF. The Tariff Bill, prupan-ii by the Jacksoi. pretended tariff uien.of Xiw Vi.rlt and Heun- -vlvania, pas>etl the House of UeprL>eniati\ei on lUe 21st, by a vote ol 105 to 94. 1 be 5>.ulh- ern anti-tarill" men all voted against it, and «ora<- lew frienilf ol' ll.e AJuiinistrution, who conceived its provii-i.-ns too unjust and ui.eijual to warrant them in fu;.poitiiig it. Our reader.- rccullect, thai at the laft fes.ncerl in action, they determined to bold a eoiiviiition, that the wanU and views of till might be the better understood by communica- tion with each other. The convention at Har- risburgh was proposed: but the Jacksoiiians immediately took the alarm, and denounced the mea-ure .is a mere party trick. Th« ir con- duct in Cincinnati »vas a spe-cimen of their doings every where. They broke uji, by vio- lence and noise, a meeting contencd to chusc delegates. Kinding they had gone too lar, they called a meeting at a distant day. They met, agreed upon a ranting and fusti;in n port in fa- vour of protecting manufactures, proposed some plan of a tariff, that none, who understood (lie subject, believed feasible, agreed upon a nieiuo- rial to Congress in support of it, appointed com- mittees to obtain suhscriber>, and there the thing end 'd. Nothing more was done : and all this " trtar and tear of braiiu"' w as iindergunc for the pur|>ose of putting a deceitful face upon their real views, which were to court Southern support for Gen. Jackson. \Micn Congress met, the .'acksonians from THE TAniFF. IM fruiu lU ancient and 6rm friends; and the hue and crv was sosn raised that tbe administration The ef- .. A-Yor , PeoDsjlvan.:., Kenluckj and Ohio, , .lumtd Vike tamiot to haxtil ionenow and be ta- uniTed m electing a Jack^oniai. Anti-Tanii *«" ""'"'*;»"'-'•' , . .. Speaker: who appomted a Jacksonian Coma^t- >otw.lt^u.nd..^ these open and undisgn.aed te^ of Manufaclures pr. UM...in< to De favora- evidenct-s of settled hostilitj , the pretended ta- . . Ti ;. i--.r..,...ii/.«. rpru.rip.1 -^ riH" Jaf^ksoiiinns of New York, Pcnc«}lTania, blf to protection. 1 bis l^omiinltee rcp<'rieo t . , ~. . . ..i bill ..y no means agreeable to the views of tbe | Kentuck, and Ohio, conunued to vote with the real fnends of protection to Domestic ludustrj . j eue.i.ies of tbe system against everj proposition Tbe object of this bill wis well uad T'tooit. It i was intended to compel a larse portiui. of the I true fnends of the svsteio to v,.te ;.ga.H-t it, an.l ' tad determined to destroy the tanff. thu. defeat a Tariff =ind cast the blame ujK)n | ''ront"}' *''h which this assertion was made was the friends of the admin.straUo.i. \ i" character with Uie whole proceeding of the In tbe proCTPss of the bil ,thi5 object became ] party, obvious and manifest to th. most ordinary under | The Telegraph started the accusation, which standing. Every amendment, proposeu bj Oie ! -^as re-terated in regular progression, in every supporters of th.- .dm.Mstraiion, was voted •"rectio" ''""> t^^ capitol. We bad the follow- down, by tl,c combine.! and unile,! f.rces of tbe '"f «l't""> °f " '"''■« '" Cincinnati : r 11 T s- c.^ ik,..^....!!. -leiii of It-.islalion; buldsthe^ wanted a Ta- riff he wa^ for makiDsr it ge eral, aii'l il it wa' all made uniform and consistent, it a-as lite b< tl vay in deftat il. "Mr. Cii!BEEi.E>G said that ke thiywd nolrole for Vie bill, but be wished it to bf fill mail parLSi N'lles ir tliere j leldjng them all the a'si^tance in his power.'' Bait. Rcpxii. The letter writers from Washington gave their assistance. The following is a specimen, which is copied from the American SeiUirul of Philadelphia. " Exlrarl of a lelUr to the Editors., doled of tlie country that wire for 1 Tar:ir. He trotdd \ Washi."sctos, April 16, 1828. rok to hare U as obnoxious as it could bet: Mon, j „ .j,^^ ^^^^^^^ .,j,^^t j. j^at the admin.slra- and in that way to let those understand what il ; ^j^^ ^^^ ^ .^.^ ^^^^^ ^^ j^^t j5,^ tariff bill, was who were •" f^vor of the schem.^. The ^^^ j^__^ ^^^ .j,^^^. ,, „ ;„ ^,. a,„,rta.ned short- prmciple be thought It fair to be gov. rued by. | ,y ^„ the S-w"England 6o»oin friends of the "Mr. Livingston said thnt he wouM not ^ prj.;i,],.„t are against it. Should the bill be make his peojdi- alone the vi tims nf the tariff ;„j^ some of theadmini'tratiiMi men who voted pol'cy, and as the hill might pass the Hou-e, ,-„fj,„.,i) have to c/tan^f tA/ir cn/our*. If they be woulil vote to tax every thing that could should kill th. bill, it will not be the first time be raistd in the country, an.l let tho=e in lavor | jj^p fia^i .':ave voted in oppo-ition to the .Ameri- of a Tariff see th" effrctol thesystem. If the | ^an ;'dic* of encouraging our home in lostry. — : — :.!„ ,„.,^ _„..,! r»..»r,o.> ..-1= „«,.,! iv^r^ll — ; ., j, j- /.,i,^ thpre i- a great tr.iublf- in tbe wig- wam, and all because ti.e Yankees are unwilling principle was^o"d for one it was good for all — He should act on this principle, and by l/ial ■iiirse the uhole must be de/faled. •• y\r. Mitchell, of South I 'arolina,said that lUc more ojxprtssire the duties iccre to the great mass of Utr people^ Uie boru and sineir of th-- eouit- tri,; the more ann'ovs he teas to tnte for tfiem. — He voted on that principle. We want no pro- traction in South Car.'lin I — haiid> uff — keep Toiir distance. He should not rtmsenl to lessen to sop their bread, on oniy one side in Foreign molasses. The .irntri an Hyslem is bad, when applied to jVcir Ens.land, but goo worm, and preiu 'lined, and denounced as plotting treason :iLainft the public. Vou do me tuo much tion- '•r, however. That pledge icat made and accep- ted, and, I icill add, relitd on, too. In truth, we never had any laith in the apostacy of .Mr. -Ad- ams — liis principles remained unchanged. For one, I doubled not thai his altachnieut to the men uf our faith remained unshaken, unlil af- ter his preference ul a noted deiuocrat for the (iifice of <'i-trict i'ldgu was made known. You know enough . f Ncw-Jersey, tiowever, to know- that the av'pointmeiilof an wM federalist to that uliice, would havcbi-cn fatal to his then dubious interests here ; and perhaps my friends were ask- ing too much, w!.eu Ibey demaniled Ibe fnilil- ment of a Vi.luntary pledge. The letter was showni me at ISisbaiu's, in Trenton, in presence of iMr. Hupkiiisou and one or Iho others. 1 know Mr. .A.'s hand wri'ing well, anl was per- fectly siitisIJed of its being genuine, by its txing interlinedbjj him. Ti.e substance of the pledge hak b.-en correctly given in the papers. I have thus rrinkl\ an.-wert.d, in detail, the qne*;lion3 yuii Live pro, sunned ; and, whatever inlhiurice tlie?e avowal? may Irive upon >our mi'ul, I am =Hre of being exonerated by you, of inconsisten- cy, in having changed ground.'' The late Richard Stockton was an honorable man, aiid it is certainly a great reproach upon his memory to suppose him the author of so base a letter as this. It avows, the reader will perceive, the dishonorable conduct of having been party to the allege, illiterate, vulgar and violent. As a piece of composition it would be dis- creditable to a school boy of twelve ■years old. We speak of the ortliogra- phy, of the proper points, and of the use of capital letters. The grammati- cal errors in concord, government, and punctuation, cannot be noticed by any distinctive mark. The ordinary read- er cannot fail to detect many of them, as they arc of so gross a character. — The spelling is more easily exposed, and we have accordingly printed in SMALL CAPITALS, the words that are not spelt correctly. Our readers are thus enabled to decide at a glance upon tliis matter. Although the General may sary to extend our comments upon a document, which, in almost every word, speaks so loudly the desperate and reckless character of the man who wrote it. The Honorable George W Campbell Esq Sir You will receive herewith inclosed, the certificate of John Gordon and Major Thomas G. Bradford editor of the Clareon on the Subject of the card bearing date September 1 Ith 1 812 pub- lished in the Clareon on the 26lh of Sept. 1812 from Silas Diusmore united States agent to the Chocktaw nation being in the proper hand writing of the said Silas Dinsmore you will also receive enclosed, the paper of the 2Gth. Sept. containing the card of Mr. Dins- more which I bog you to lay before not spell Congress with a K, it will he i the Sf.cratarv of War, as soon as the seen he reverses that mode of spelling, j re;ich you, and I beg you to conimuni- by spelling Kaskaskia with a C. jcate to me wittiout delay his determi- Tlie illiteracy of Gen. Jackson is nation as it rf.spect tiic remov;il of Mr. now so fully proven, that the most in telligent of his supporters give it up Dinsmore. When I rf.cd your letter of the 10th of April last inclosing me But by way of apology, they have tlis-'an extract of the Sf.cratary of ^Vars covered that the great Duke of Marl- 1 letter to Silas Dinsmore agent to the borough, who foiled and so often de- feated the armies of Lous the XIV, could not spell, consequently they seem to infer that ignorance is proof Chocktaw nation, I. nor the citizens of West Tennessee, hesitated not, to be- lieve that Silas Dinsmore would cease to exercise over our citizens such law- of greatness. So much for that. It {less tyranny as he had been in the hab- comes however, from Virginia. But litof, and tliat our peacefull and hon- wc jiresume it will hardly be swallow- 1 est citizen* would be left to enjoy the ed by the people of the free states, j free and unmolested use of that road who have taken so much pains, and as secured to them by treaty — you can spent so much money to diffuse inform-! easily Judge and so can the [Secre]- ation by establishing a system of free Itary of War, our surprise and indigna- schools. The principles'of this letter ition, at the wan[lon iiijsult offered to are as wicked as its composition is! the whole citizens of West Tennessee wretched. It threatens murder and by the publication of his card in the ar-on with as little ceremony as if they iClarion — in which he boasts — that he W( TC mere ordinarv events. He would !has set at defiance the Solfm treaty that "/(i-.o/re Silris Din'smor' in thfjlamca f/j secures to our citizens and those of the hif own nfrency hmisc."' This would be United States the free and unmolested taking the law in his own hands with | use of that road as well as the express 1 vengeance, fnitwe hold it unneres-l inptriicHon= of the SEcnATAnv of Wttt V HKi LrlTEK.l'rURE AND PRINCIPLES. of the 23rd of March last, acid boast liis detention of ;i defenceless woin^nii ;uid her property — and for irliiil ! the waiit ofa passport — /"and mij go(l\ is it come to tlii:- — are yfcfrte men or arc a- Slaves is ihis real or is it a dream — lor what are we involved in a War with great Brituiti — is it not for the Support of our ri};hts a? an independant pcc;ple and a nation, Secured to us by nature and natures god as well as Sollm treaties and the law of nations — arid can the Secrat\rv of war, for one mo- ment retain the idea, that we will |)er- mit this petty Tyrant to Sport with our riglits secured to us by treaty and wliicli by the law of nature we do pos- sess — and Sport witli our feelings by publishing his Inwkss lyranny exercised over a helpless and unproleeted female — if he does he thinks too meanly of our Patriotism and galaxtry — were w<» base A\ouGH to Surrender our indepen- dant rights Secured tons bv the brave- ry and blood of our lore fathers, we arc unworthy the name o( freemen — and wc view all rights Secured to us by Solem treaty, under the constituted autiiority, rights Secured to us by the blood of oar fathers and which we will never vield but with our live.-, — Tiie iiidigna- tioiiof our Citizens are only restrained by assurances lljat gove"nincnt so Soon as they arc notified of tnis utiwarraiita- Lle insult, added to the many injuries that Silas Dinsmore has h'.-aped upon our lioncsi and unofevdixg Cifiz.'iis, that he will be removed — Should we he docieved in this, he fran/c with the SiXRATARV of war that we are free men, and that v.e will Sui'Ort the su- premacy of the laws, and that the wrath and indignation of our ciiiizens will swELi'K from the earth the inva- der of their b'gal rights and involve Silas Din'imore in the ihuiios of his a- geiii-y house — we love order, and noth- ing but a SupoRT of our legal and ina- lienable rights would or could prompt us to an act, that could be construed a^^ wearing the ajipearancc of rashness — nut Siiould not the Source of tiie evil be removed, our. rights secured i)V tr('a[ty ristjored to our citizens — the agent, and bis houses will [bej demol- isiied — and when government is ap- plied to- and 60 oftcu notified of the iii- I juries heaped upon our Citizens and ;hcy will adhere to the agent who de- Ights in treading under loot the rights 'ol the Citizens, and exults in their dis- I tres.-es — the evil be upon the goveru- inent not upon the people who l.ave So lofien complained without redress — we nally hope tliat tiie evil will be cut otT I by the root, by a removal of the agent, I should this not be done v.e will have a right faiilv to conclude that the admin- j istration wiidis at tiie agents conduct under the rose, iiotwithstanding the iii- . structions of the Secratary in his Ict- ' ter to Mr. Diismore of the 33id of 'march — the right of nature occurs — and if redress is not afforded. I would , despise the wretch that Slumber ia i QUt-T one night before he ruTT up bj , the roots the invader of his Solem rights, reguardless of consequences — let not j the Secratarv of AVar believe that we want more than Justice, but both .Vom iDiA.vs and indiaii ngents, we will enjoy tlie rights secured to us Solem treaty orwe'nill die nobly in their Support, we want but a bare fulfilment of the treaty — we neither under Stand the Tyranny of the agent in open violation of our rights Secured to us by treaty — or the Creek law, that takes fronj the United States the right guaran- tied by treaty that the ii;dians who commit murders on oar Ci'izens, shall be delivered up when demanded, to I be tried by the laws of the united ! States & punished — the Creek luzv so^j ! the Creeks xcill punish thenu, ihemsehes — These innovation without the consent of the constituted power of the gov- jernment being tirst had our citizens do not understand, the information of Colo Hawkins U. S. agent for the Creeks and the information of Genl James Robinson agent of the Chick asaw Nation, to the contrary notwiih- I standing neithei can we the citizens of I Tennessee believe without better raooPF that the hair of the head of one of the nuirderere of Maniocs I'lm- ily and Crawleys at the mouth of Duck river are disturbed by the creeks, when we have proof that they lately jiassed near to Caskaskia fifteen in number to Join the Prophet — In this parlicluar we want and do expect the murderers delivered up acrkeable ta IITTIR ITtBE A rniKTCIPtES. GEN. JACKSON & COt BlfKR. 203 leagues or tools of Burr, also excited some surprise, and when, in 1817, he provoked tlici'olJDwing retort from Gen. Adair,meiiof caiidorcouKl notbut recoi- led and admil liicrc \va< Mimetliinc of suspicion attached to him in that busi- ness, "Extract of a letter wiitten by Gen. Adair of Kentucky, to Gen. Jackson, 1817. ''Wliatever were the intentions of Col. Burr, I neither organized troops, nor did I superintend ilie building of ,.,.,,. . boats for him; nor did 1 write confi- Uvo Subjects that has for some tm.e ^j^,,,^;.,, ^^.^^^.^^ rerom.nendiMg him to my tViends; nor did I think it necessa- treaty — this is only Justice this we ask of Government — this we are entitled to, and this we must (Sooner or later) and will have — This may be thought strong lar.guage — Init it is the lan- guage that freemen when the are only claiming a fulrilment of their right> ought to use — it is a language that TUF. ought to be tought to lisp from (iieir CREDLES — and never when they •ire claiming rights of any nation ever to abandon Pardon tile trouble I have given you in this long letter — it relates to tlie luiTATED the publick mind, and is now readv to burst Ibrth in vrxcENCE — I am Dr sir with due regard Yr mo ol) sent ^Signed) AiNDREW JACKSON. JACKSON AND Btnn. During the late Presidential canvass 1 suggestion was made that General Jackson had been engaged with Col. Burr, in his conspiracy, whatever it was, against the uiiioii or against Mexi- co. At that time very little was known of General Jackson, especially of his history before the commencement of his career, in tlio late war. The public were unwilling to listen to anv suggestion of this nature against him. But the events that have since trans- pired and the developemcnts which have taken place of previous transac- tions have produced great changes of opinion as to the character of General Jackson. One of the first circumstances tliat excited surprise was the f ict that Gen- eral Jackson should be upon terms of intimacy with Samuel Swartwout, who was notoriously one of Burr's agents and instruments. It was to this per- sonage th;il Gen. Jackson poured out his complaints, as to a bosom friend, upon the subject of being disappoint- ed in obtaining tiie Presidencv. This naturally excited remark,forMr. Swart- wout had not been in very favorable odour, with the public, from the day of his discharge from an arcu-ation of high treason. The assimilation of General Jackson, with many of the col- ry, after his followers were universally known, tornisf myxrlfhy lurning'ivSorm- cr or slate witness." The accusations here conveved are too obvious to be mistaken. Tiscy a- mount in terms to the charge of build- ing boats, organizing troops, and wri- ting contidential letters recommending him. These charges our readers must remember are made by Gov. Adair. Tliey are corroliorated by various pieces of evidence vviiich we shall here publish. We give first an exti-aclofa letter recently received in this city, in which names are mentioned with so mucli confidence as give strong indica- tion of truth. It is as follows: "The following is a charge made by bv Judge AViltiants, oneof the (Jircuit Judges of this state, of undisputed ver- acitv; viz: OCr THAT GENERAL JACKSON WAS ENGAGED IN BURR'S CONSPIRACY, & THAT HE OFFERED HIM (V\illiams) THE POST OF CAPTAIN IN BURR'S AR.MY, and said, I will live OR DIE KV THAT.'' "The rumor reached Virginia and has created strong excitemf^nt with the friends of the General. Mr. Donald- son, his lackev, passed through Cai<- tliage o:i his way to Judge AVilliams' Circuit, to get him to contrarlict tiie re- port, but failed as it was whispered on ids return." If in these surmises and extracts we have done General Jack- son injustice, '-the gentleman can ex- plain.''' The fact that Colonel Burr was on terms of intimacy with General Jack- ^ot GKN. JACKSO.N AND tUL. BUiCK. son is proven by reference to an ex-j let his conduct in Richmond show, tract from :i Nashville paper pulilisli-i where, during Burr's iria!. every body ed at the time, stating that Burr wa;; on a visit at the Hermilage, afier sus- picion had been scattered far and wide against him. We give this extract aisn as recently publi^llc•d with comments in a Staunton paper. knows the elfort Jaclcsoii made to shield him from cojiviction, and throw ^11 tiie guilt from tiie shouldei-s of Burr, on those of General Wilkinson. These things arc suspicious at least. Let the people look to it. CIVIS. The correctness of the extract is in- disputable, because it purports to be copied from the Richmond Enquirer, which would tiJa- tional Gazt-ttc, in selecting the great- er part for the last page of his No. 1065, (22d January) suffers himself to be betrayed into an allusion to the his- torical importance of your testimony, merely because you were an eye-wit- 1 ness of what you have related. It is j time to arrest tlie progress of so pal- 1 pablc an error. If to the brilliancy of i your eloquence, to the (luencv, polish, j and refinement of your language, to i the pithy preciscness of your narrative, i the praise of historical accuracy, of un- questionable veracity, could be added, [ then indeed, would the speech deliver- 1 ed by you on the 8th of Januaay, pos- ] sess historical importance. But altho" j the consummate artifice and skill ; which lies at llie bottom of this speci- ] men of your oratory, may escape the ' eye of ordinary scrutiny, it cannot fail' to strike one, who like myself, has been for nearly twenty-five years a dispas- sionate, an unbiassed, and an unsus- pected observer of your private, pub- lic, and political llounderings. In the trancjuility of agricultural pursuits, in the indulgence ot the utmost indilVer- cnce towards the petty political squab- 1 bles and party intcigues of this section of the Union, (in which, by the bye, i you have never fiiilcd to take an ac- 1 tive and conspicuous part whenever ' you had a chance of doing so) and in ' the retirement of the clo>et, the eye of | constant, acute observation was not shut — F have followed you through all the sinuosities and ramilicatione of your political ■wanderings with att' . tion, with interest — with increasi' . admiration at everv fresh display your talents, and with increasing r iiret at every additional prostitutji and departure from the path of rei tude. I am able, I am willing, 1 :. bound to tell the truth. 1, too, 'h;n ( been an eye-witness of all, of much more than you have, than you could have related from personal experience and obsenation; and I owe it to the land of my nativity, to the country in which I did not to be sure, receive my education, but in which my most im- poitant interests arc at stake, to tear the veil from that deep laid plot, wliich as 1 have said before, oriajinaled entirely with yourself — the plot to raise Gen. Jackson to tlic Presidency. The consummate artifice and skill which lies at the bottom of your ora- torical display on the 8lh of January, might be matter of easy di>rovery where you are known, sufliciently known to be understood. But not on all occa-ions did you wear that holi- day garb, in which you are wont to appear at Washington, and which, un- til your great object, the elevation of Gen. Jack-on to the presidency, is at- ' laiiied. you will continue to wear. "Dans les grandes c'loses (says that profound observer of human nature, Cbampfbrt) les hommes sc montrent commc il leurconvient de se montrer; dans les petiles, ils se montreat comme '. ilssont."' This applies no less to your- self than with greater force still to your idiil. All the |)ufrs and f ilsehoods of party and partizans notwilhstandi. g, there remained with the reflecting, so- ber minded part of the great American community, a deep impression, .an in- ternal conviction that, setting intre- pidity aside, all the other qualities of a great, of a high-miMded man, had been denied to General Jackson. This you seem to have felt — this was the blank that required Idling up. Vet the best of declamations, the highest colouring of eloquence will not give a man that which he does not possess. What ox- (raordinarv quality of the head and ot* the heart did this bu, that they had shown Ibrlh all ofa|yourown. It was you. sir, who made the sudden, in an ctfulgence of glory, dur-Gen'l. familiar with Ihe motley mixture, ing the defence of New-Orleans — i which is called the population of Lou- ueithcr before nor after. Every in-|isiana; nor have I forgotten, although jtancc of prudence, of humanity, ofj others may, that Gen. Jackson's lirst creative genius, and of courtesy, which' and leading measures were adopted on you relate, is taken from that short the strength of your advice. The two- period of the General's life, and fromj fold motive of crushing your old an- no other; and this is done in the true tagonist (Governor Claiborne) and bit style of an able pleader, to complete p^'rty, and the far nobler one of dis- the parallel between Gen. Jackson's; charging the duties of a friend to his electioneering days, and the times when the immortal author of the Dec- laration of American Independence was raised to the presidential chair — two men, who have not one single point of affinity between them. One part of your eloquent discourse, country (whicli your aberrancies not- withstanding, I sincerely believe you to be) equally influenced your coun- sels. I am, as you perceive, not dis- posed to withold from you this passing tribute of justice, and the impartiality which it bespeaks, will I trust, offer and the only one, is entitled to the | the best justification of the necessity, praise of the' utmost historical correct- j •''nd the best apology for the severity ness — it is the account which you give of my censure of }our polilical frauds of the state of our defence at the time of the appearance of the British squad- ron in our waters. But that it is not easy to recognize, in certain expres- sions, the writer of the General's offi- cial de>patches, you will not deny; and the very allusion to national pre- judices, which, among the sundry in- habitants of this country, of different nations and origin, "were converted and artifices. That the 1500 men — the only disposable force of the coun- try — who hastened to meet the enemy, on the 23d of December, 1814. march- ed gaily and cheerfully to the rencon- tre, is true; but it is not true, that they had "a perfect knowledge that they were about to attack in tl»e field three times their numbers." — five hundred men had been seen about Villere's into the nobh-st emulation,'' is only a plantation — this is all that was known repetition of the production of your ''nd said on the subject. And when own pen in Gen. Jackson's general ad- vou «ay : "that none but such a lead- dress to the army on the ::ist of Jan- er couid have planned such an attack,'' uary, 1815.* You cannot, however, you seem to ibrget (and indeed you onlj seem, for you well knew to the • Thpse are llic words ; "Natives of variou* oountrics, for the Cr-t time uiiiti-d in one ami the same cunip, as different from each other ir Habite a^ in lauguage, tkc«e very cir^amUia- ece which seemed to contain the ^ccds of dii- I rust and divi-ion, only became the source o.< tlic noblest emulatiun.'' L aoa JACKSON AND LIVrVtiSTOK. contrary) that there existed no other! plan than to meet the enemy, a'nd ; figlii. Here is Gcii. Jackson's princi-] pal — here is his only merit. He was ' honest in his determination; he was sincere in his wish — it was iiis hohby to fight, at any price, at any hazard. And this as you triilv say, decided the fate of the campaign — 'Mt tauglit the enemy to respect our courage; it led | liini to overrate our numbers, and i made iiim wait."' Tlius far I agree] with you. But tl)e judicious choice ! of the position after th(; attack, was not tiic General's choice. His inten- tion, well known in tlic httle band un-| der his conimand, was to renew tiie •ittack after the dawn of day; and not until he learned that two thousand men more had landed from the British fleet; not until you had pres.-cd upon him the cxpcdieiicy of sending fori Maj. St. Genic, an experienced French ! odicer, who comniand,cd (he second company, the dismciuntcd dragoons in Plauche's battalion; not until he had cautioned the General against the risk ] of being surrounded by ;i force treble] in numbers, did you succeed in pre-; vailing upon him to retreat before day- j light, and to take up the subsequent i position, which Maj. St. Gcme had pointed out, in accordance with the i opinion of Gen. Moreau, v.ho a few years before, had visited and surveyed i the country, and whose experienced j eye had pitched upon it, as the one af- fording the greatest facilities for de-| fence, being little more than half n. mile in breadth, bordered upon oncj side by an impenetrable wood, on the other i)y _ tiie river. Here again was! your advice of infuiitc value to thC' country; and althougli yon have sac-! rificed on the altar of your idol, every j personal credit which you could have, claimed on the occa-ion. it is not the| Jess due to you. But iierc. too. I must; take leave of every sliareof credit that i should l)elong to jou. I To use again your own words: — ! "Let us examine what followed."; Yes, let us examine those acts, in which | you think the General evinced all those great qualities, for which it is impossible to lind in his own history, before and atlcr the defence of New-' Odcans, eitlier precedent or parallel; and whilst we proceed to this exami- nation, do not let us overlook that empty oratorical flourish, that at the very moment you were on your legs — to use the fashionable parliamei.tary language, "a scene was exhibiting at New-Orleans, which coald have done honor lo the classic days of Greece."' What, the intoxication of hall a dozrn militia oflicers, the shouting of a negro rabble, the hollow verbosit}' of your brotlier-iii-law,.Mr.Davez;iC,thespeech- yfying attempts of the illiterate Marig- ny, done honor to the classic days of Greece? The declaration of manial law at New-Orleans, shortly after the Generafs arrival, in 1814, was a most salutary, a saving measure in a commu- nity made up of so many heterogene- ous material-, as liie New-Orleans com- munity was at tliat period, and wiih -ome modllications for the better, is still. The knowledge of the adoption of such a measure alone, was suflicient — it acted upon the timid, it gave con- fidence to the courageous, and unity to tiic military measures whicli were a- doptcd, and in wliicli the civd aulliori- ties heartily concurred. Let it be re- membered, that there was not a sinule occurrence which rendered its exer- cise necessary ; the good sense of the better portion of the community ga\c an example to the rest; and every body felt, that Zf^al and alacrity in the de- fence of the country, were its only -al- valion. Tiic end whicli the General had in view, and in the attainment of which everv body lent a helping hand, had been arcomplislicd; the remnant of the British force had been embark- ed, and the Gcncrars ollicial despatch- es to government, contained ttiosc memorable words: "In my opinion, there is but little doubt (hat the ene- my's last exer(io!is have been made in this quarter, at any i^te for (he present season." Tlie Bri(isl, haxing carried away some slaves fron> the few planta- tions upon which tliey had been en- camped, you were sent by Gen. .lack- son to visit your old friend Admiral Cochrane, in company with Mr. R. D. Sju'pherd and Mr. M. Wiiite. to make an attempt at redeeming them; and on your return from this visit to the Bri! JACKSON AND LIVINGSTON. 209 liih fleet, you brouglittlicdlUci.il account | and actually French subjects, and had not taken the oath of allegiance to the United States; whereby (hey would, It was generally understood, become exonerated tVotn the jien'ormance of militia duty. The French Consul, re- lying upon the GeneraTs permission, obejed his instructions; but the Gen- eral, declaring that he had not, to be sure, objected to the issuing of those ceriiticates, but that he had not pledged himself to respect them, disre- garded the enoouragem<;nt which he had given; and now the -'cloven foot** began to be exhibited — the arrests com- menced. Mr. Louaillier, a member of the Legislature, was arrested on the 5th of March (fully three weeks after the General knew of the signing of the of the signint; of the Ghent treaty, fihicli Admiral Co( hrane liad put into your hands. Messrs. Shepherd and tVhite were not restrained from telhng this piece of intelligence, but nolhing authentic could be known from Head- quarters — tlic General's aulic council sat in conclave, and with him, as well as witii his volunteer-aids, the leading sentiment was regret at the necessity of relinquishing so soon, '>the little brief authority"' which had been assumed. (2) It was now that the citizens of New- Orleans were told that the ivhok town formed a part of the General's camp, and that they were to feel the severity of martial law. On the 21st of Janu- ary, the encampment below the city, Ghent treaty) for complaining of the which had been so emphatically called I General's treatment to the French sub-» "Jackson Linos," was abandoned. — jects: Judge Dom. A. Hall was ar- The troops actually engaged in the ' rested for issuing a writ of habeas delence of that position, were march- 1 fo;]p!, that he would Consul for relief, and (he French a!)ide by tlie result of his trial before Consul promi^ed it, after having made; a Court-Martial. Tiic bond was the General acquainted with the in- 1 drawn up by yavrsc/f, Sir, in j/oiir ovn structions which he had received (mm ihund-HTUiiij^, the very morning of Hol- tlie Frcncli Minister at Washington, ' lander's arrest; and notwilhstanding all and obtained his permission to issue | this, the same individual was arrested a second time, on the s^ime day. w'liilst at dinner, by Major Augustus Davezac, your brotlicr-m-law, a volunteer Aid of I the Grueral's like yourself, sl-nUti-ng certificates to those amongst them who could prove themselves virtually (2) Sen \onemnT. No. J. 210 JACKSON AHD LIVINGSTON. with his cpauletsbefore a file of soldiers, because it had been reported sit Head- quarters, that an application had been made iora writ o( habeas orpus. The trial actually coinnicnced before a Courl-Martial, Major Davezac con- ducting the proceedings as Judi;e-ad- vocate; and when the news of peace, and its ratification, arrived from Washington, Hollander as well as other "military olTenders of the same sort, were graciously pardon'.'d."' This fact may artord some elucidation of your comment, that not a single punish- ment was inflicted for a military ollcnce during the campaign. And now. Sir. the younger Lafitte, likewise a nolon- oils pirate/ — When both of you were the never-tailing source of relief to the Domini>iues, the Beluches, the Ganibas, the Lafittes, and the rest of the pirati- cal crew? Have you forgotten, that at the very time of General Jacksone arrival in this country, in December, 1814, Dominique Von, the pirate, now one of the Cunimittcc of Vigilance of tixe General's Iriends, was in jail upon a charge of piracy ? That you were employed, upon conditions not general- ly known, but fairly guessed at, to re- lieve him and the partner of his toihs and of his profits, (the very Major was it by means like these that the ! St. Geme, commander of the dismounl- country was saved ? Was it by acts of ', ed dragoons in Plauchc's buttallion, this description, hy such wanton ag- 1 whose able roun-cl you advised the gression, that the '-spirit of the law was ' old General to follow) from the inevita- preservcd," as you have the hardihood 1 ble infamy that awaited them! Here to assert? (3) Another still more im-jWas the opportunity to indulge your portant fact deserves to be generally I charitable dispositioa; to render known, for amongst all the misropre- | " Some gracious service imexpre5>.'i! sentations of which your speech | "Ami from itsVige* only to be guc^AI,- abounds, it is the grossest. 1 allude. and to do also some ser\ice to the to your account of the GeneiaPs ap-i country. It is a deception to say, that pearance before Judge Hall, to an-' these pirates would have had it in their swer for his contempt of the laws. You ' power to assist the invasion of the speak of the silence which he imposed British. But that they were usefully on "the murmurs of an indi^^nanl audi- 1 employed in the service of the country, encc," of his oiler "to inter|)os<' liis admits of no doubt. It was not. af person to protect the tribunal from you have thought proper to say, "that disturbance." Infamous deception! j moral force which is inspired by a love It is only necessary to say who com- of country"' — for what country do posed this a-idicnce, from what source I pirates acknowledge? but it was the proceeded these "indignant inunnurs,"! love of life, the promised exemption to understand at once the harefared-' from the gallows, that drove tiiem trom ness with which tliis falsehood is pro- 1 the post of danger; and whilst they claimed to tiic world. Have you for gotten, Sir, those piratical times, wlien the self-stiled Ilinpcror Lafittc, your client, had hi> 1 lead-quarter.; at Barra- taria; when every inlet, everv creek saved their necks by your assistance, it will give me pleasure to learn that your pocket was not assisted by blending the salvation of their necks \>ith the salva- tion of the country. AViiat else cculd in tliis state, was infested with his j these people do. than hasten to the gang; when lo^cihcr with your United Slates" l^istrict Court, when broiher-in-law (^omctimes Doctor, , Judge Hall [who, iiy the bye, attached sometimes Major, sometimes Alder- 1 but a partial share of blame to the Gen- man) Davezac, you were the constant :cral for the intemperance of his leg il adviser, the permanent counsel measures, and chielly laid it at your of those pirates that occasionnllv fell ' door, never failing to consider you, and into the hand> of Justice? Whoii this the late A. L. Duncan, as the perfidi- unexicptional'le model of a husl)aiKl. ous counsellors whose pernicious ad- ofainan of honor. Doctor, Major, Aider- vice had led to them] what else, said I, man, was seen in daily company with, could they do, than till the Court and 1 raise those "indignant murmurs"" when (3) Per Appcnilix. No. III. their great liberator, the old General, JACKSON ANB LIVINGSl'ON. 2tt was summoned before the authority of the law, to answer (or its violation? The Court was tilled, not indeed with disinterested spectators, but with the members of St. Geim.'s comi)any, chief- ly made up of smugglers and jfirates, marshalled by your brother-in law, Au-i'istus Davezac, the Major and Judge-advocate par cxieUen'e; and when the General left the Court-house, it was not, as you pretend to say, a crowd of "grateful citiz.Mis" that bore him off in triumph, but these very men, (hese "acquitted felons,'' andiioother, who were bid to do so by your fellow- aid, then Major and Doctor Davizac, and now. neither the one nor the other, nor indeed any thing thai would entitle him to something beyond tiie passing notice of idle curiosity. That Gen. Jackson paid himself the fine which he was cond'-mncd to pav. a fine ef one thousand dollars, which you call heavy, when, had it been a fee, particulaily tVom a pirate in jail, you would have called it light, is perfectly true. But that the offer to reimburse him was from the inlmbilants, that it was unani- mous, is a fresh departure from truth. Your fellow-aid, llie late A. L. Duncan, who had enjoyed bis share of applause "for his cool bravcrv and in- tn.'pidity,"' v,'ben neither 30U nor him were to be seen in camp on the "glori- ous 8th of January,"' and Mr. Joseph Saul, cashier of the Bank of Orleans, were the prime movers, the great originators of a subscriplion to niise the amount of the fine of one thousand dollars. It was understood that no body would be allowed to subscribe for more than one dollar, in order to give to it the aspect of unanimity amongst the inhabitants. The expedient failed. The present Marshal of the United States District, Mr. John ^l'icholsoli, a nephew of the late A. L. Duncan, was seen skipping about the streets, the list in his hand, and collecting the signature of almost every clodpate he ■ rnct in congenial mood. With all this exertion of his activit}T lie gath.ercd about 400 subscribers only, and ocea- .lionally a dollar wiiiiout a signature was tendered to him. Amongst the persons to whom he applied, was Mr. Peter Roche, the captaio of the flank company in Plauche's battalion, called Carabinicrs. "If the General wants a dollar" — said the worthy officer — "I will give it to you with pleasure, but I will not swell the list by my name.'' Mr. Nicholson's reply was, that it was his name, and not his dollar, that was wanted. Was this unanimity? Anoth- er instance of the real feelings of the community, on the subject of the Gen- eral's unnecessary acts of oj)prcssion, deserves to be rescued from oblivion. '■ When the confirmation of the news of i peace arrived from Washington, your ' great idol "graciously pardoned"' all j offenders, against the military authori- 't}'. One of these offenders, whose i punishment from confinement in the barracks had been commuted into ex- ile beyond the limits of the camp, was I Judge Dom. A. Hall. He was at that I lime living at a plantation about four 'nilles above the city. Some of the I most respectable citizens, IMr. R. D. Sbepheui, Mr. Wm. Nott, and many others, immediately determined to form a cav;Ucade and escort the Judge to town. At the head of this cavalcade, composed of about sixty gentlemen ot the first respectability, was to be seen, I and much to his credit, Mr. John R. |Giymestlie late District Attorney for ttie Lhiiled Stales, who, at the very time, was. like yourself, one of the five volunteer-aids to Gen. Jackson, and the j only one amongst them to whom the f praise of bravcrv and intrepidity Ii«d ! been justly due; for on every occasion, 'during the short campaign, had he been 'seen anxious to seek a post of honor and of danger, disdaining to resort to the batteries of inkstands, and to the mining in the secret recesses of the Camp. (1) I How lar the same spirit animated I you, may be judged from the circum- stance th:U as soon as it was known in ' the General's family, from the commu- nications of the late Major-general , Laronde, who on the Cth of January, i had dined at his own country seat, ; with (ieneral I'ackenham and the rest i of the British stalHand in the course of the Till, brought the intelligence that. a general attack was intended to be (•<) See Appendix, No. H. 2i: JACKSON AKD t,IVI.\GSTO:i. made on the 8lh, n bowel-complaint • on the carpet, the vote of Kentucky took vou at once to the city on the) became of importance; nothing was evening of the Tlh, and that you did I left untried to put the people of that not re-appear at head quarters until jSl;ite in a good humour- Thus it is the afternoon of the Sth — a long time found that at the close of your oration, after the fate of the day had been de- la higii compliment is paid to the brave- cided, which you accidentally learnt | ry of the Kcntutkians. which you say on the balcony of your residence in j your constituents would blame you lor, Conde street, en robe de chamirc. An- 1 were it omitted. The Kentucky mili- other of the volunteer aids, the late tia. properly armed and commanded. A. I- Duncan, was likewise to be 'as it was under Gen. Adair, behaved seen in the city during the whole mom- as well as any other troops on the ing of the "glorious eighth,'' galloping ground : and that the drafted militia on up and down the streets, and bcati:g the right bank, armed with pikes and lip for reinforcements amongst the old hay-=takcs, under no command, would ■women, with or without petticoats, have run away when there was no of- who met at ti)e corners of the streets, ficcr to stop them, might have been This was '"cool bravery'' indeed! , expected. 1 shall say nothing of those patches \ I have called you the father of thp of scarlet, witii which you have plan to raise Cieneral Jackson to the thought lit to ornament the General's Presidency, and the first whispers that uniform — of those traits of humanity were circulated in Loiii>iana, even be- to which you allude — for tliere is no fore it had been ascertained what ( f- man in his senses who can be deceived feet the deliverance of N.Orleans would by so shallow an artifice, and think the have at Washington, are in every body's deep stains which the habitual barbari- remembrance. This prospect gave the ty of his character, the Indian massa- first relief to the almost desperate cres, the unnecessary murder of Am- situation in which the struggle for the brister and Arbuthnot, and other in- possession of the Batture. and other stances of the kind, have left in the scheme?, had left you; it was thesheet- midstof theorbofhis military glory .well anchor of your hopes and expectations, ■wiped otT by the trilling exertion to the corner-stone for the re-conslructiou exempt the British prisoners, enlisted j of your fallen fortunes. To a certain by General Humbert, from punish- ^ extent you liave succeeded — the idol ment; by the tritling attention paid to of Juggernaut triumphantly rides on the British woundeil. left behind by the necks of the repulilican partv; but Major-general Lambert, and especinlit/ ; whether they will continue to worship reronimcrK/f/ to his care and protection, i an idol whose tnices are blood — Fudge! To w-iid up, it may not be , whether they will consent to remain unnecessary once more to expose the 1 prostrate before the man, who, in the pliancy, t!ie flexibility of your time-; midst of so many vices, possesses but serving policy. In the military ardour , one solitary redeeming tjuality which wiiich pervaded vour breast aflcr the. can be called his own, martial intre- eighth of January, whilst penning the , pidity, and, w iih a childish loudness for otKrial account to government, a cliange, desert another, whose many severe censure escaped you upon the ', private and political virtues ought to unarmed Kentuckians who deserted j endear him. wheresoever the unavoid- the mud bank on the right shore of ablealloy of the common foibles of maii- the Mississippi — sometliing was said kind, from which he is no more exempt about " ingloriou* llight.'' This was t!ian any other human being, does not too strong for the stomach of the j throw a temperorarv shade over their Kentuckians — they talked of tarring mild and benignant liffht; who. unfortu- and feathering: the old General, who. ; nately for himself, >l\\] more unfortu- for some years, avoided the limits ol j nately for his cause — which is the cause tlwit state. Hovr the times are altered! I of his country — is deficient in political Ever since the elevation of the Gener- 1 :act, but certainly not in rectitude^ nl to the I'rcsidercy, w as brought up- ' time alone.will show;< JACKSON AVD tlViyGSTOJf. 213 APPENDIX. No. I. The reader may justly doubt the evidence of his seni-cs, when he learnt that ihi- news ol° the Eigning of the Ghent treaty, reaelietl Ne^r-Or- leaDs on the 15lli of February; tliat Mr. Liv- ingston was the bearer of it; that the arrcrtof Judge Hall took place on the oih oi March, three weeks afterwards; aiid that lo these •' 'Tis not in mortals to command success," Say.s Addison, but it may be deserved as well as usurped. The history of our days has furnKlied striking in- stances of the truth of this obser- vation, and were those men who, like yourself, pull the wires of the great political puppet show, entitled high hamied lueHsures, to the.-e wanton viola- te that faith to which VOU have long' tj""' o' the oouslitution of the Lj.ued States, , . ., J •, . ,1 I hecould, 13 vears alterwards, unblustungly as- since forfeited every claim, the cata-| ^^^^ ^^^^ i.rc.ervation oi "the spirit of the logue of heart-sickening anomalies of j laws" by the very man who has never failed this kind, would be likely to receive a csTO.\, j integrity, the JuJge was lelt with the choice FROM THE English fleet, and publisu^d | of an alternative of epithets, -'un malheutev i.v THE ciTi'. tquine connait pas se» deToirs" or "uu misera- The commandinp; General again culls upon , ble qui les oublic." Accordingly "The Friem' bis fellow citizens and soldiers to recollect that , of the Laws," of the 28th March, 1815, appear- it is yet uncertain whelhur the articles which j ed with the following Editorial article : hi>ye been signed «t Ghent for the re-establish- ., gentleman, for whom I entertain a. mucl, ment of peace, will be approved by those whose „,^^S ^^ ^„ Saturday la=t, approba .on IS necessary to give efficacy to „„ ad,ertisen.ent. which I declined publishing them. Until thnt approbation .s given, and These are my reasons: The object of this a^^- proper y announced, he would be wanting to i •"""- ""^ •": '^ !.„.,„.„ .i„, ^ .li.. !u . „. . »-. ..,1 ;-k k,.,„ k „ „i- I vertiiemcnt w as to make it Known that a uiii- the important interests which have been conn- ,, , . „f ,„.>„.■•(,.. im.' , . . L- . .- -i-k ■** J 1 ner would lie iriveu in honor ol a man wno hat- ded to his protection, if he permitted any relax- :: T. J » ", . j , ,- „ ,k„ lUii, ;, .r ' . .' ,•' ., been nicked ai', dead aru'U, Iroin the nitli in ation in the army under his command. How 'r ' . J ,\ ,j. /-,„■.,,., i.nc ,■ /-I 11 1 . 1.4 .k f'the streets; who like n. cowardly J iigilne, hat disgraceful as well as disastrous would it be, if | V ' ,, , .• k „-^ .i.„ .„„ . ° J • 1 1111 been been icnoblv dcscrtin? hs post the mo- by surrendering ourselves crcdulou'^ly and "=>-" "->-» 'b'"'"'.' k . r.Ai .... i „«,«■ •' , , , » ., , f. ■' ment the first cannon shot was fired, and ncvci weakly to newspaper pub ications — often pro- ! . i i i i i i ■„ tk,».„ir,^ - ..-',. • 1^ ' "^ . , ,- ' , I stopping untillic had succeeded in throwing ;. rom Ignorance, but more Irequcnt y ' 7 i-uf r/ion, from the proper source. By command, JOHN REED, Aid-de-Camp. Jtr, Collen, Editor of Ihc Louisiana GaselU. NO. n. Amongst the daily visitors of .Mr. Livings- ton's (amily at that period, was a fellow by the name of / bail. These were mortal oH'enccE, that could not be pardoned at immaculate dejeuners., and the Judge, whose vigncity in iliscoveriiig tin* drift of those shifts that were resorted to fur ^ho purpose offcrceniug the pirates from capi- NO. 111. The reader will not forget that the arrest ui Mr. Louaillier, and Judge Hall, took place on the Jth of March. On tho 6th, fif irry ner dnfi. General Jackson wrote us follows to M;: jor-general Lambert; '■'■Head Quarters, ti/A Mareh, 18l.i. ".^IR — I have just received intellitencc from Washington, which leaves little doubt in my mind, that the treaty signet! at Ghent, between the I'nited States and Great Britain, has been ratified by the President and Senate of tin' United States; but," ic. &c. Vet, on thi^s same day, the arrest of Mr Dick took place, and he was confined in tho barracks until flic l9Ui of ."Vlnrch. On the 3th TRUE CHARACTER OF GENERAL JACKSON. a 1,1 of March, the Gcoeral rescinded the order by which the "refractory Krenchmeu" were exiled to Baton-Rouge; but he made an exception with the Cons^ul, the Chevallier dc Tousard, against whom he felt, lor some reason or other, peculiar spite. All this was done, no doubt, as Mr Livingston said, to "preserve the spirit of the law." TRUE CHARACTER OF GENERAL JACK.SON. Tlie fiistory of the world, as well as the experience of an ordinary life, es- tablishes tlie fact, that individuals often obtain a high name, and extensive rep- utation, from accidental circumstances rather than real merit. Such usually figure for a short time; bright and at- tractive as a meteor. Their course is as soon at an end: but its progress is al- ways full of mischief. Every commu- nity, whether a great nation or a small village, is, at times visited by one of these meteoric characters. Sornctimes a hero, sometimes a politician, some- times a clergyman or a physician. — And whilst his day lasts, he is the uni- versal favorite, endowed, for the time, with every virtue and every talent; and set up as a Sibboleth to be lauded by all who would stand in favor witli the multitude. If we take but a glance at that por- tion of history with which all are fami- liar, we shall find these characters in great numbers. The Jews were con- tinually running astray after Korahs. Dathans and Abirams, Absalom, and puch like men. Ro.nie had her Man- lius, her Gracchi, her Claudius and ma- ny more. Greece was ever distracted by characters like Akibiades. The Thomas .\ Beckcts, John Wilkses and Lord George Gordons of England fig- ure through her whole history. The U. States, as a nation have but just ac- quired somethirig like the vigor of man- hood, and have their General Jackson. Look at the separate states and we shall see the Bidwells of Mas.sachusetts, the Tompkinses of New- York, the Findlays of Penn.sylvania, the Deshas of Kentucky, each the Hero of liis day, and the man of the People. Descend still lower into the scale of communi- ties. We have liad our Gazlay in Cin- 'Snnati. our neighbours of Greene county have had and still enjoy their Gardiner. In all these cases the indi- vidual's extraordinary popularity, was the result of accident. It grew up sud- denly, no one knew why, liourished iL« season out, and when at an end, was remembered only as a source of morti- fication and shame to those who had been its instruments. In no case, however, has the popu- larity of an individulal, been raised so suddenly to the same height, as that of General J.ackson. When war was de- clared in 1812, he was only known, in Tennessee, and the VVeslern country. His character was that of a turbulent and fiery man. One who had princi- pally distinguished himself at the cock- pit, and on the race ground. One who had seduced his neighbor's wife, and made her his own; had killed his man in a duel, and had bullied his way thro" the world with little regard to the right of others, or his own duties as a citizen. That such was his general character where known, is within the recollection of all who knew him, and who now allow themselves to think justly and speak truly. The first year of the war transpired without any thing being done by Gen. Jackson to benefit the country or ac- quire credit to himself. He obtained a General's command of a body of volunteers, whom he marched from Nashville to Natchez, at a great public expense, and no public benefit. ' .\t Natchez he committed an act of 'open mutiny, and set an example, I which led afterwards lo the most dis- lastrous result, within his own com- {mand. He marched back his men at ' the public expense and discharged j them to rest and amuse themselves. 1 This was his first campaign. His sec- ond was against the Creek Indians. J He subdued them. The country knew j nothing of the mean.s or the cos!; but they rejoiced, and praised General Jackson. The government gave him a Major Generars command and he was followed by the public applause. He commanded at New Orlean?. and was j again succes-ful, and again his '.-uccess I was, without scrutiny,rcceivcd asproof I of merit. Here closed the career of General Jackson's usefulness. Hi= VI 6 TRUE CIIAn\CTKR OF GENERAL JACKSON. subsequent history is but a repetition of] taking to himself reputation for that wrongs and outrages. | which he did not perform. He was At the close of the war the impres-! known to be rash and violent in his bion was almost univer-^al,that Gen. i temper, and to have committed several Jackson had displayed high military ; excesses, which were by most men, at- taleiits, in his war with the Creeks, tributed to meretemporary excitement, and in his defence of New-Orleans. How stands his character now, that it The details were unknown, but the has been subjected to the ordeal of results were certain. His public cor-, strict scrutiny and close investigation? respondence was written with force; What has been his private life? and precision, and though not eitlier He commenced by invading the sancti- accurate or elegant, was respectable. ; ty of his neighbour's matrimonial He obtained credit for the authorship, couch. A legislative act, and judicial and was thus placed before the nation record have been produced, predicated as one of her most eminent citizens, upon his criminahly, and fastening up- The opinion tims received, it was the: on him the oH'ences of seduction and wish of no one to have shaken, until adultery. His white-washers have Gen. Jackson, by sulfering hims Jf to been compelled to acknowledge thi- be put up a candidate for the otlice of' fact, and attempt its palliation. Yet so President, made it the duty of every ] strong is their sense of its enormity, considerate and reflecting citizen to that the newspapers that support him, examine the re;d and true nature of his no longer feel at liberty to notice a ca>e pretensions. This investigation was of seduction, or publish a trial foi commenced witii reluctance, and pro- adultery. This fact should sink deep ceeded tardily, uniil the extraordinary into the minds of all thinking men. violence of the General's supporters, HeJastened a quarrel upon Dickin- and the alarming practices they adopt- ,son about a horse race, and killed him ed, have stimulated inquiry to all tlie in a duel, under circumstances that ex- active exertions necessary to dcvelope cited a strong sensation in the commii- and make known tiie truth. Much is nity : and then attempted, by bullying, now generally known of Gen. Jackson, to prevent a token of respect to hi- which was known to very few at the ■ memory. adjournment of Congress, in March, | He was prosecuted for an assault 1827. Fourteen months of scrutiny, j witii intent to kill, for stabbing Samuel have produced a great change in public' Jackson, and was acquitted, as was sentiment, with respect to the true Aaron Burr, and many other notorious character of Gen Jackson The combination to promote his election to the Presidency, was com- pleted at Washington, in Feb. 1827. The plan of carrying him on tlic felons. He incurred strong suspicions of having been associated with Aaron Burr, inhis treasonai)le enterprise, and of having saved himself, like Wilkin- shoulders of the pe;>ple by means of i son, by becoming an informer, public me(;tings, was lliere concluded He engaged in land speculations of upon, and in March, 1 827, its openi-| a most fraudulent '. alwavs with him; Major Eaton too, has bad the care of him. Now he is in the hand- of M ijor I^e. lluis tiie fact is made clear, that General Jackson, instead of being a man of strong and vigorous intellect, of Fiigh and honorable sentiments, is at best an ig;ioramu<. willi'ic; to be guided by oi'iers, and poor siiirited enough to a- dopt and pa-i- tioM of his movements at N. Orleans, made by Capt. Clement, were not then be.'oiethe country. The disclosures in the le'tcrto Mr. Livingston, publisheil,in this number, wcr • not tlien made. By these even bi>. military c nbic to meet thi scoundrels wbo dare to'iii^inuute ll.i' ctmrgr. ■.,m\ .-.mfounJ ttirm with tho Iriitli, we puMisl. the following letter from Oen. .'iickson to M' JACKSON AND flVRR. 310 Claiborne. Gnveriiur of Louisiana. So far from i heiiif; concerned in t'lat infamous conspiracy, he , j«M the first man iclio t;aic th.~ alarm. We will j stake our lives lliut no respectable iiiiiii, no | man who lias any character to loose, will ilare to make the charge againsi him." | Thus sort of denunciation is not cal- culated to deter an independant and just man from recording historical facts, nor is it evidence that tlie party fop wiiom it is employed is invulnera- ble. On the contrary it partaktjs a good deal of the blusfcrinii; of con- scious guilt. In coiiseq.ience of ob- taining and perusing the letter to Clai- borne, i have been induced to investi- gate more closely the whole case, and I shall present the result of my inves- tigation with my views upon it, to the reader, totally regardless of the feel- ings it may excite, or the language it may elicit from the General's worship- pers. Gen. Jackson's letter is as fol- lows : "Sir: — AlthouRh it is a lone; time since I wrote J'on, still that friemlship that once ex- isted remains bright on my pari ; and although since I have had the pleasure of seeing you I have waded through diiricult and disagreeable scenes, stiH 1 have all tha» fondness for my old and former friends tliat I ever had, and tlieir memory has been more endeared to rae by the treachery I have experienced since I saw you by some newly acquired ones Indeed I fear treacherif, has become the order of the day — This induces mc to write to you. I'ut your town iu a slate of ilefnncc. Organize your mi- litia, and defend your city as well against in- ternal enemies as external: my knowledge does not extend so far as to authorize me to go into detail; Ijutl fear you uill mtel iciUi anal tack from ijuarttrs ynu do not at pn sent crpeel — Be upon the alert; keep a watchful eye upon our General, and beware of an attack as well from our own country as Spain. / fear tliere is sonielliin^ rotten in the state nf Dcnmatk. You have enemies within your own city, that miy try to subvert your government, and try to sep- crate it from the Union. You know I never hazard ideas without good grouiMU-, and you will keep these hints to yourself But I say izain.bc on the alert,. /our goirr/im<>»<; /earl fro^ authentic documents. The two 'J in danger. I fear there arc plans on fool m- , . . .■ . , • i j i ^micatioUieUnwn. latter are the most material^ and I Whether they will be attempted to be carried therefore give the evidence upon whiclj Tliat we may fully understand tlu^- letter, it is important to review c;iix> fully, many preceding and subsequent facts, which now are established be- yond all controversy. Col. Bi'HR traversed the western country in the summer of i805, and visited the principal towns of Oiiio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and on the Mis- sissippi. He had an interview with Gen. Wilkinson, and associated with most of the principal men. In August. 1 80C, he left Philadelphia for tlie west; was at Pittsburgh on the 21st of that month, and left it on the 24th, pro- ceeded by Washington and Wheeling, to Marietta, where he arrived about the 1st of September. He remained with Blannerhasset son'e days, and a- bout the 1st of September, the publi- cation of the celebrated essays, signed QuKuisx, was commenced, in which tiic policy ol dividing the Union was discussed. Sometime in the same month, he reached Cincinnati, from whence he proceeded to Kcntuckv, and it is believed to Tennessee. On the 26th of October, he was at Lex- ington, and on the 5th of Novcmi)er, he was ;iccused before the federal court of Kentucky. A grand jury was convened to meet on the 8th, and ad- journed to the l-2th, when they re- fused to return a bill, and Burr was discharged. He \yas prosecuted ;.- gain late in November, and early in December again acquitted. On Sun- day the 14th of December, he arrived at Gen. Jackson's, and remained there and at Nashville, until the 22nd, when he descended the Cumberland river with two boats, hut without any body of men. I have carefully collated these facts into effect or not, I cannot siy ; but rest assur tjd they arc in operation, or I calculate boldly. Beware of th(f month of December. I love my country and government: I hate the Uons; I woHld delight to sec .Mexico Tcduced, but I will die in the last ditch, before I would yielil a foot to the Dons, or see the Union disunited. This I wTitc for your own eye, and for your own safety ; profit by it, and the ides of March re- member. With sincere respect, I am, a? usual, your sincere friend, Andrew J.\ckso>. Nov. 12, 180C. they are st;ited. In the United States Gazette of January 26, 1807, I find the following: Nashville, Dec. 20. "Col. Burr arrived on Sunday evening last at Gen. J.*CKS0N's,ninc miles from this town, and has been in this place several times this week. He appears to be preparing for some movemonts we know not where." Upon cxamiiuition it Is found tha mo JACKSdN AVD Bt'RR. Dec. 20th, in the year 1806. was upon None of tbc=e admonitions have any Saturday, consequently, the preceding natural and obvious application to Sunday was the 14th. Burr and his coadjutors. The danger The s.'ime papor contains an extract piinted out, was to be apprehended of a letter from Knoxville, dated Dec. from " oi-r general;" " from ocr own 19th, to a nienibcr of Congress, con- 1 colntrv,"' not from a band of traitors. taining the following information. "A rcH'dayssincc Col. Burr was at Naslivillc. Arrangcnionls wore ni:ide at Nashville for de aceii'ling the rivor with a number of provifioii bont>, said to be iiitcuilisl to acconipaiiy hiiu iu his uiikDowii expedition. Last evening a man arrived from Nashville, who says Mr. is (;oiDg and several others. Application had been made to Captain to do.-iceiKi as a pi- lot, lie refused unlets he was informed of the place of destiiuilion ; l;e could not riceivc that information and was not cmplovcd." The time and manner of Burr"s de- parture from Nashville as stated above is taken from Presidcn* Jellbrson's message to Congress of Jan. 22, 1 807. From these facts it is clear, that whilst The fears expressed of plans on foot inimical to the Union, and the vaunt of love of country, and a determination to die in the last ditch, are altogether con.>-istcnt with the usual conduct of a traitor to traitors. The various '■/cars' which afflicted the General, a|>pcar somewhat ridiculous. And all tliesc 'fears' were witliout knowledge enough " lo go iulo dtlail." This sort of let- ter is just that which a conspirator would write, who was not certain what course it was safest to take. And in almost every point resembles that which one of the conspirators of the _ ,. ^ . , . ; gunpowder plot, at of those mountains. That such views are witlely dis- seminating throuch the Westttru Statu-, is a fact, and that a few men of desperate fortune and character espouse them b no longer doubt- ful." These sentiments were soon ascei^ tained to be those of the great mass of the community. They were strongly expressed wherever the doctrines of the ^ Quf.rist"' travelled, and the conspir- ators found thev had deceived them- selves most egreglously, as to the feel- ing of the Western people, towards the National Government. On the 5th of November, Col. .1. H. Davief,then the United States Diitrict Attorney for Kentucky, made, in open c<>url. a for- mal accusation against Burr, who was then in Frankfort. F'rom the 5th to the l^th there was abundant time for the information to be communicated from Fraiilvfort to Nashville, and it is not to be and instructions, with those to the neighbour- ing states, were dispatched by express to the Governor, and a general oflicer of the Western Division of the state, and on the 23d of De cember, our conf.dential agent, left I'rankfort for Nashville, to put into activity the means of that state hIso. But, by information received yesterday, I learn that on the -Z'Zd of December, Mr Curr descended the Cumlerland with two boats merelv of accommcdntion, carrying from that stall! no qiieta towards his unlawiul en- terprise." Here it is placed beyond nil doubt, that the President was not apprised, until verv late, that any boats were building on the Cumberland, or that apv hostile moven.ent- were making in 222 3ACKSON AND BURR. Tennessee. Gen. Jackson, thougli by; his own assertions, fully apprised of the movements of tlie co..>pirators, ! and alarmed at the threatening char-| acter of their preparations, gives noi information to the Executive of the | Union; Ijut after the bul>ble began to hurst, after in<(iiirv was wide awake, •wrote an ambijjnous letter to the Gov- ernor of New-Orl'.'aiis; and his follow- ers have the hardiiiood now to aasert, that "Ae was the first man to give the a- larni\'.'! VVI.en the facts I have here collected together, arc compared and understood, it seems to me, tiiat the letter of November 12, to Governor Claiborne, may be regarded as a strong corroborative evidence of Jack- son's guilt. But there are other views! to be taken of this subject. i la the proclamation of the 27th of; November, tlie President recites, that ; sundry citizens are setting on foot an , unlawful and criminal expedition, "that for this purpose, they are fitting out and arming vessels, in the Western Waters of the United States, collect- 1 mg provisions, arms, military stores [ •and other means: arc deceiving audi seducing honest and well meaning cit- : izens, under various pretences, to en-j •gage in their criminal enterprizes: are ! organizing, otfirering and arming them- j selves coiitrar\ to law," Sec. And in i tlie same proclamation, after warning all concerned,, to desist and withdraw' themselves, u.ider the legal [Mjnalties, the President proceeds: " aiifi I hereby '. enjoin and rcfjuirc all ojficfrs, civil and j mililary, of the United Stales, or of any of the States or Territories, and especially', all Governors and other executiir authori- 'ics, all judges, jttslices and other oljirers of the peace, all military officers of the army 4- navy of the / '. Slates,and OFFICERS OF THE MILITIA, /o be vigilani, each ivithin his respciiivc department, and ac- cording to his functions, in searching out, and bringing to condign pnnishment, all persons engaged or concerned, in such en- terprizes : in seizing and detaining, sub- ject to the disposition of the laics, all vessels, military stores, or other means providcfl or providing for the. s«i»c" In the quotation already made from the President's message, it is seen, 'hat the etVects of this proclamation " had been trusted to for some time in Tennessee," consequently there can be .10 doubt, that it was made known there, as early as December 22, if not earlier. Yet Gen. Jackson, the., a General of the militia, one to wjom the proclamation was specially ad- dressed, received Burr an inmate in his house, where lie remained Irom the 14th of December, to the 22d of the same month, and then departed with two of the ver} vessels prepared lor the expedition, denounced by tlic. proi'lamation as criminal and unlaw- ful!! Does not all tliis necessariU in- volve Gen. Jackson in stroag suspieinn? I have already shown that public alarm existed at Cincinnati as ea ly as October the 14th; that, on the 5th of November. Burrwas accusi,'d at Frank- fort, and that on the I9th of December the stale of Burr's preparation? at "Nashville was known at Kiioxville. A letlerwrittenatSt. L"uis,Nov. 9, 1806, pul)lished in the Western World, a'.d republished in the Western Spy, of December IG, 1800, contains th" fol- lowing passage: '•' great consternation prevails throughout the Territory, in con- sequence of some recent communications of Col. Burr, containing military commis- sions, for the purpose of endeavouring to dismember the Uniotu^' When, on De- cember 14, Gen. Jackson received Col. Burr, as an inmate of the Hermitage, it is here made manifest, that he was a subject of distrust, apprehension and alarm, through the wiiole ^Vesteni Country, t'rom Pittsburgh to St. Louis; and if we take the General's own let- ter to Claiborne, daied Noveml of a good citizen? It i,- only by regarding him as a party con- cerned, that his conduct is reconcilea- ble with the ordinary course of human action. By receivmg and countenancing Burr, Gon. Jackson subjected his pa- triotism to suspicion, and from this sus- picion it has never been rescued. H' JACKSON AND Bl'ltK.—31K- SLOANE'S REVIEW. 2lJs may have repented him of the evil: fcut tli;it cannot negative the fact of participatiaii. Tills however, is not the only odious feature in the conduct of Gen. Jackson. His letter to Gov. Claiborne, iiad denounced a wielded conspiracy. The General, or his friends for him. say. that this denun- ciation applied to the conspiracy of Burr. What deceit and liypocrisy must have governed the conduct of Gen. Jackson, in taking to his hospital- ity, and treating as a friend, him, wliom he had thus denounced? But tlie fact IS one wiiicli requires no illu:ot «C!"mlikelr tfj •« pT?r>-*^.'in"him. He still sustains himself, and manfully advocates the cause in which he is engaged. Whilst the reader is examining the review now subjnittcd to him, we wish him to bear in miml, that Mr. Sloane is a plain, unlet'ered mechanic. He is no lawyer, no educated na- bob, no high toned aristocrat, faring sumptu onsly every day. Many years ago, when .Mr. Sloane was an efficient member of the Ohio Lc gislature, and speak .t of the House of Repre- sentatives, he was advantageously known to the public men of the state, as a decided Je/Ter- soiiian Kc,iublican, and he has never lost that charhcter, except amongst those who now seek to prostrate him for party purposes. The me- chanics of Ohio ought to feci proud, that one of their own nuinber,a wheelwright by trade.and a man who long laboured in that business, is now an eminent and leading man in Congress, sue- cessfull) contending upon grave and important legal questions, with the legal dons of the Southern aristocracy, and deemed an object of sufficient importance to attract the abuse of these same dons and all their satellites. Fiew of trie report of tke Committee of Mititari, ^'iffairs, ill relation to Iht proceedings of s obtain cd, in all departments of the Governiuent. The Committee, by way of prelude, have thought proper to enter into a 'criticism,' which, in the absence of every thing else in the least calcula- ted to sustain tiieir report, may by them have been considered of great mnincnt ; but which, to my mind, seems to be siirh a resort as no cause, resting; upon a subitantial basis, need to have called to its support. This ' criticism' of the Committee shows how much more they were inclined to suipect error, in the conduct ot the jiresent Socrelarr of Wnr, thin loclucnlale facts. To sustain this opinion, 1 give the fol- hrwimr: The rVtii"iiittee, after rcfcrinr tu tl»e Oil MB. SLOANE'S R£\1EW. lieUeri of Governor Blounlt orthc 10th and 24th ' of Occember, 1813, saj " to both ul' which the jfcttcrof the third of Januar)',l8l-), ol the Secre- tary of Wnr is an answer." Thi» assertion of the Committee, made in what thry call a 'criti- i cisiii uu the numerical classification, made by that Department, of the letters composing this, correspondence,'' »ho«s, inconlcstiblv, the bias under which they were laboring, and [luw mach that bias disposed them tumake injuhoils char- ecs which there wore uj facts to siippoTt. This ! fetter of the Secretary of War, which the Coin- • mitleesay was in ansvcer to tl>c letter of Cover- [ oor Blount of the :24tb December, I81J, contains i no allusion whatever to that letter; and had the \ Committee sulTered themselves to reflect with I due calmness upon the subject, they conld not have failed to discover, that it was in the na- ture of things impossible, that a leltiT writt(*n ' at Nashville on the '24th of December, 1813, j could have been received at Washington and | answered on the 3J of January, 1814, a i^eriod I of only ten days. This I say was impossible, j I'or even now, with all the incrfasctl facilities I given to the transportation of the njail,it is 15 days in its passage between these points. View- ing all these things, and disposed to entertain all due deference for the opinion of the Commit- tee, I cannot help remarking, that their course forcibly reminds me of some of those ingenious devices, often practiced by crafty advocates to prejudice the mindsofa jury infavorofa client; buch for instance as the insinuation, that the court had improperly restricted them in the ad- mission of testimony, or had otherwise acted to their ]>rejudice. I have often seen this course adopted in despsrale cases, and sometimes with success, when every other recourse was consid- ered hopeless. Ua\ing?aid this much in reference to the'critici'ni' of the Committe upon the ar- miigement of the correspondence, in the Secre- tary's communication, I shall now proceed to the consideration of the report, under the differ- ent heads into which the Committee have divi-i Jed the subject. I The first proposition which the Committee i presents is, " wlictber the Governor of Tennes- see had the power to order out detachments of i the militia for a six months tour of service." — | This! s a question of very easy solution. It is' one which must wholly depend upon the then existing laws. Ingenuity may sop/iuticate, and ; obscure the subject, but legal knowledge and ( plain comm.in sense w ill find no diiriculty in de- termining it correctly. By the muster rolls ol" ] the dctaciiiucnt, it appears that these men en- . tered the service on the !20th day of June, 1314. The law of that period is well known. l)n the j 28th of February, 17?j. Congress passed " an ' act to provide for railing forth the militia to ex- 1 ocute the laws i.f tlie I'nion," Ac. The 4th i section of this act provides -s follows: ".And' that no ofTicer, non-CLinmiissioned officer, orpri- i vateof the militia, shall Le compeliid to serve j more than three months after his arrival at the place of rendezvous, in any one year." This is the periuanent law upon tlie subject of militia drafts; see I.aus of the I'nileif States, vol. 'J, I page 47y. To tliis act an umendment ^vas pas- ^ inil on the 1 nth of April, 1S14, to eonliiiue in i Tirce iliiring the war with most unhesitaMiigl), there was no author- ; be deemed a tour of duty : .ind as the spirit and ity to detain them HI ;:er\ ice longer than llirto patriotism of Tennesii c leaves no doubt but momhs; and I challenge the production of a th.it a s\trces!fion of carps, competeut to the ob- titleof testimony showing law to the contrary 'jects of the Government, will be regularly pro- Having submitted these ob'ervalioLS, 1 will vided." Hero is laid down, ill language as now proceed to examine the reasoiiinj ol the clear as possibly could be eiiiployd, the inten- committee upon this point. Their attempt to tions of the President, in regard to the period it .Icrivc the powf r, to authorise Governor Blount, w:i» expected that the Tennessee rnilitia would .in the 20ih Ma\, 1814, to order out a miliia ti;ereifter seive. The Sc-retary sa\s — "The dralt lor the term of six months, from a letter i militia may be considered as having b:>en called of the Secretary of War, of the lltli January ! out under the law of ITflo, which /»;»iij thcscr- preceding, is such an overstrained coustrn-tion, ; vice to three months." The reasons assigned that it seems to rae it must ever be viewed as : for the President having made this decision, one of the greatest curiosities in Congressional 1 had an iniportam bearing on the ([uestion — proceedings. Itexposesa fact that no one un- | They are of a two-foM kind. Isf. " That the acquainted with what political exciteniPiit is 1 State law provided tUat three months should he capable of producing, could lor a moment be- i deniiod a tour of duty." id. " I hat the spirit lieve to be possible. There i-. certainly nothing j and patriotism of Tennessee leaves no douLl in the letter of the Secretary to warrant such j but that a siuccssion of corpj, competent to the a construction; even had he been authorized i objects of the Govern:neii«, will be regularly by law to grant the power contended for. Tiie provided." These reasons were of a specific nhraseolo-y and tenor of that letter lead to a and p rmanent character. They could not be direct contrary concl-.sion, a= I think I shall be 'misunderstood. The President had, in subslaucc, able clearly to demonstrate. Were the terms ' decided, that as the State law required but a used in this letter such as to favor the construe- | three months tour of duty, and the militia hc- tion put upon it by the committee, the whide of j ing partial to that 'term of service, he wonld a- thcir reasoning is destroyed by tee fact, that it do>t it for his government. Whilst, then, llio was written more than three months before the ' State law remained unchanged, and "the spirit pa-sage of the act grauling to the President the ' and patriotism of Tennessee" contiuued to ex- jiowcr it is pretended that letter transferred to ist, there was no room to^su-ncct a t^hange ol ihc Governor of Tcnnes.<-ee, to be exercised by him as the Deputy of the President. A power confided to the President to be cxcrcisetl or not, as his opinion of its tendency to [iromote the public interest might dictate, transferred to a jiroxy, is rather too extravagant an idea to meet with general encouragement in a coiuiuu- ujty asenlishtened as this is. .Although I feel satisfied tiiat the circumstance of this letter being written more than three months before it could be known that the law the coiniiiitioe makes it views on the part of the President. Mark Iho language in reference to the latter reason. •■'■A surccssion of corps.'' That \— one draft follow- ing another; and coming in the place of unoth- er° required to perform thq same duties, and un- der the same liabilities, unless chang.d by other hiws, or varied by subsequent ord( rs. This, 1 think is, beyond a doubt, a fair interpretation of the letter of the Secretary of War, of the nth of Jaii!iar\, 1814, in connexion with that of the 3d, and the reasoning of the Committee on the im nort of the former. Tins letter they that authority, which It on which the reoorl of , . . operate,issui!!cienttodestroythewholelhenry; as=urcus,i5the b.isisol -.-.,;.„ i,„ I'will, notw;li.standing, endeavor to follow | was lawful for Governor Blount to exerce. by them Ihroucb their whole argument. Indoing a cull on the militia for a six months lour otdu- this, it shall be my purpo e to show, Uiat even ty. The lett.r is in the lollo-v.ng word-. You had this htter been written after the passage are authorised to»uw;'y,by imluia drali ,or ny of the law of the 18th of April, 1814. n.i grant | ro/nn/ffr.., any dr/n^iry which may arse in of the power contcn.led for could f.irly be m- | the militia division under «'':;, '=''"''";7 ;';'"; fcrred from anj thine which it contains. jor General Jackson ; and without --^f;^"'''!? " In o'rder to a full and fair understanding o(\u,is head. ''> this denartmcnt. I"»nyJ°^ *; the ease, it will he necessary to be a little more that your Excellency sn..uld consult General particular than it seems t« have suited the Pincknevonsinhoe-a .oi,sa.shecaybe.. . ge liewsof the committee to he. It will be proper of the whole «"'n*fr.''''<^'-"ff'*'i/° '■ V! iXr •o take up the subiect from the beginning. Du- mcnt of the public obj.r--. i hn i» Wit iewr - y ^S6 MK. SLOANE'S REVIEW . which the Committee say "verted Governor , clutirely that the procee<)iugs of tde Goveroor Blount with plciinry power until it was rcvukod, I of Tmnessee, io orJering out a deticliiueut of either by express orders, or by peace, to call militia for a tour uftliree monihf, Ha^^ in exact out 'uch militia drafts as in his discretion bet conformity nilL the powers intended to be con- niipht ttiinU neci-sfary for the altainmeiit of tlicl ferrc'l U(Kin him by the li-lii>r i> the Si-cn-tary public obji'cts under existint laws for cither! of the 1 1 Ih of January. The Secretary says in three or six months." Will the lanjuapc of' hi» lettrr of (he 3lst of January : "My lettei this letter bear out the cominittccin their asscr- 1 of the llth will have anticipated your enquiries relative to further dciai-huicnts of oiilitia.' As much as to say, your desire to confii c llie tour of militia duty to three months was knowu by your previnus coiuniuiiicaiions — the Prt-si- tion7 I think that no one can look at it, and, with- out prejudice or prepossession, answer in the af- firmative. So far from this letter bciUK a pTaiil . . of Reneral and "plcimrv power" over the whole I dent has acquiesced m your views; of which i-uiiject of the militia drafts, for all aiifc- 1 whatex'er kind, granted to the Governor of narv poiccr" claimed for the Governor must bc|Teuncs-ee by the letter of the Secretary of coiiVnied: and that was limited to the militia di- War of the llth ofJauunry, IKM, became re- vision under the couimanl of General Jackson;] moved of course, because they were conlhicd and slill farther limited by thedirectiori to con- to thateomniHad. sull General Pinckncy, as being better able to The Crei-k war closed in April, 1814. This decide as to what mrnbcr lui^ht be necessary. — fact was aii.iounced by General Jark-oii in a It must be a very singular kind of "nlemry | letter to the Secretary of War, ila'eil the 8th ol power" that wa= so circumscribed. To me it j May. 1814. No. 9, of ilociiment 146, communi- appears that language could not be more expli- 1 cated to the House by the Secretary of War, on cit. You are authorised "to .supply anydefi-ithe 14th of February last. Geii. Ju' kscin in ciency,&c. without referring on Wiij /lead to this I that letter informs the Secretary that "the Department." On what Aeorf.' On the head of Creek war being lermin.iteil, the \Ve:t ("eiiiies- icugth of service ! By no means. That noint j see troop? will he .litcharpeil at Kayetleiillft left to garrison tde posts, will be settled th It ihe spirit and patriolism of Tenne»- ! discharged at Kingston as -oon as they can be see were such, that a longer tirm tlian three marched there." Here we have the olBcial an- inouths would be unnecessary. Should any far- i nunciation of the fact bv Gen. J.ioUs.)n himself, thereluciil.itionof this point he called for, it is ' that by his own ordir his riililia division was atforded in an ample manner in the letter of the ili'bnmled early in .M.ty, 1814, and xith it ter- Governorof the 5lh of January, 1814; and tliiit ininafed the "plenary powi-r" of Governor of the Secretary of tlieSlstof the same mouth, i Blount. This ili«bandingof"the militia divis- In his letter of the 5tli of January, the Govir- ^ ion umlcrtheeoiumiind of Major Gemral Jnck- nor states that he had made a cull for 2,500 mi- i son," took iilacc ten ■' lys previous to the is-u- litia,and encloses his order, issueil on the oce.i- \ in;, by the Governor of his famous order of the sion. He proeeeiN further to enl'Tce U|ion the [ -iOlh May, 1814, calling these men into service, uiiiid of the Secretary the necessity of confi- 1 That this lUot was know toGo\enior Blount it niiig the militia drafts to a three mouths tour ol , anparent, from his directing his order to Gencr- service — dei lares that the troops will eel dis- ' al Jackson, who had returned iVom the cnm- custe 1 at the iilea of a longer tirm — expresses | iiaiiru. This is corroborated by the cireum- nis fears that any attempt to extenil it might i stance of nil orders issued by the Governor lead to great evils; anl induKesa hope tli.it the ! whilst thcGcneral was in the field, being direct- President will approve of hiseondurt. To tbi' I eil ti the "eldest Brigadier General, in the ab- letter the Secretary rciilies. on the 3|st of Jan., sence of Ihe Major General." The li-ht in in the following language: "I have had the hon- or to receive your Excidlency's letter of the otli inst. My letter of the llth will have aiiticip;i- tcd your enquiries relative to farther det.ich- inonts of militia." This reply of the Secretary shows most con- which the Secretary of War viewed this "plen- ary power," which the coinraillee contend he h.iil vesteil in Governor Blount, may be further ilhistnted by the circumstance of his alter or- diTs being such as to exclude the idea that he understood nnj- such power as liavinc been MR. SLOANE»S REVIEW. 22t graiitcil. Hail lie iiii.kTstooil Governor Blount as being vestoil witli "|.liMiary |iower," in all tliinn* appertaining to tile calling out ol niiliti • v.>uUl have been no ncci'ssitv lor aiiyn-lilitional orilcrion that subject. Yetwc fiii.i that on the 4th oC J 111), It! 1 4, the Sp.iet.vr , of War, ilul ifsue his order to Governor bluiinl, rciiiiiiiii< liini to "organize onil hold in readiness iJm luditia, uikU r ihe laws of the 'igth ol i eb- ruarv, IT95, and the IHlh ol' April, 1814.— This" order goes conlu^ively to provec that the letter oV the Secretary of War, ol the llth of Januarv, 1814, w.is intended to apply to nothm:; more" than the aufpl^^iitg, by niililia drafts the (/';/ifi>n(.v which might arise in Gen- eral Jackson's divi=ion wliil.st engaged in the prosecution of the Cieek war. In the view which I have presented, 1 cannot but ihink It clearly shown, that there was not in the letter .d' the S-cretarv of War, ol the 1 1th ol JaiMi..rv, It;i4, any authority to the Govern- or of Tennessee, to call out militia draits lor a period of six mouths' service. But that on the contrary, this letter, taken in r«uneclioii with those which preceded ami follow it, Eives am- ple nroof that tnc intention ot the I resKtent was to limit the service of the rennessce tnihtia, en -aged in the Cre.k war, to Uircc months. It must be borne m mind that this currespomleiice, , and the decision of the President toon place duriuff the existence of the law of the 10th of ] \pril, 1812, whicii required a si\ months ser- 1 vice; and wh.-ch law expired on the 10th ofi Aoril 181''. With these lact= before us, let us, inquire if it i. at all probable that the Presi- , dent, who, at tne earnest solicitation ol the , G .vernor of Teiinesbec, consented that men wtio were legally required lo serve =ix months, «hould be discharsed at the cxpiratDn ol three months- and who said that he depended u|;on the smrit and pa^Mim of the State thercaltcr to sunpl. '■« '!«"■« oTiq/Vor^s, competent to the obiecls of the government,-' would within eight da>s sub-eq.i?nt to that deoi-ion, attempt to confer a power, which at that time he did not himself possess to compel men to serve sii , months, who by law were only liable to serve ; three months? Common sense must revolt at | the promulgai.inofsuch anidea. j There is still another fact that has an impor- tant bearin; upon this question, and which ap- pears to have entirely escaped the ■"•"""■»';'; Committee. It isthU: that the law of the 10th of \onl, 1812, expired by its o\7n limitation on Ihe lOth ol April, 1814; and the law which au- thorized the President tocxereise bis discretion, as to whether the militia shouhl serve for three or sis months, di.l not pass until the 18th of \- mil, 1814, Icavinjan intervening period of cigh lavs,duriut: which no discretion as to length ol service, couM be exercised even by the Prf .; | dentbim=elf: the law of 1795, which l.ni. ec. the term of service o three months, bcinu' tne only law remainiug in force. The Committee ,n their report say, that the letter °f I '« ^^«7<^; tarv of War.ofthe llthJanu,.ry,1814,"vc-ted Governor Blount with plenary power to call out militia drafts for either three ors.x months, until It was revoked either by expres, orders or bv peace." Hiw will this declaration of the Comnnttee stand the let to which I am about to put it? Suppose that on the llth day of .V pril, 181-., one day after the expiration of the law requiring under any circumstarices, a six months term of service. Governor Blount had SPen proper, under this fancied "plenary pow- ■r" of the Committee, to issue hia orders for a six in.uiths draft, is there any man who woiik risk his reputation for sanity, and contend that ,iien might legally be shot to death for relusing lo serve after the expiraliun of three months, in obedience to such an illegal order? I think not; yet, in principle, the case i- the same with that contended for bv the Committee of .Milita- ry Affairs. To contend that aftei theexpiration ofall Ijw except that which related to a three months tour alone, the discretionary power to rciuiri! six months was still vested in the Govei- nor,bv virtue of an authority derived from the President, before the passage of any law under which the President could claim to exercise the nower iumself: and before it conhl have been known that any .«uch power weuld have been given to him, i such an unreasonable stretcool influence as most men would wish to avoid ; nnd which nope would adopt, except driven to tha necessity of doing so, in defence of a desperate cause. Such, however in substance, is the rea- soning of the C imniittee. Havinir shown, bc- yond'all doubt, that there was a time between the writing of the letter of the Secretary of War ofihe llth of January, 1814, and the order for calling out thisdraft of militia, when no power_ existed any where to require a longer term ot service than three months, an interval during which this pretended "plenary power" had cea- sed to exist, had become extinct; I should hUe to know by what kind of legal argument the 1 Committee will undertake to resuscitate it; tins ! ground is utterly untenable: it cannot be sus- tained; it must be abandoned; and with it must fall the whole edifice of sophisms with which it stands connected. But after all that has been presented on this subject. If it be possible th it a single doubt should remain in the mindsof any one who hon- estly wishes to un.lerstand U, that these men were not requir d by law to serve beyond the perioil of three months, 1 feel a confidence that that doubt can easily be dissipated. The Pres- ident of the Uuitcl States, as Cominander-m- ■ Chief of the Army thereof, is fully authorired at ; all times to order the discharge o' •>"/ P;*^' "[ the militia in the public service 1 he order ol ! G ;;! Blount of the ^Oth of May, 181 ■•, ca ling ' these men i-do service, aUbough it assumed the illc-al authorih- of calling them into service for six months, required that term only on the con- .lition of their not being '■^""»«' '".T'J"^"' "^ orcVr of the President of the United Stales. A question now presents itself of vast .mport- ancc to the issue did the President order the a" charge of these men: and, if he did, when waftha't order given? ^''-'J/^ 'r, °C such an onler v^as given bv «''« .< 7" V "'; '' must convince even the most "^^I'l'"V/, ' ^ Gov of Tennessee, Gen. Jackson, and the com- ^;.e of .Military Aflairs, have al! n..-onstrned "he letter of the Secretary of War, of the 1th of January. 1814. An order by the President lierVfore they were entitled to a discharge im- m edi ael • on the receipt of the order by the romn-anL- General but as to the order itsell; documen No. 146, of the present '^s-ion, al- rraT referred to, contains a letter from the "cr -ary of War' to General Jrck«,n; it n 228 MR. SLOANE^ REVIEW. No. 2, of thatdogiiment, and is dated the i4th I sionsof deTotioii to the priiici; lis of suborc1in;t of May, ISU. The following is aiiextract from tiou in military aflair-, than G-iicral Jack^^jo; that letter: — "-If the hostile part uf the Creeks ! and ciTtaiiilv there i:. no njan, in modern times 19 rtallv broken down: if they are pro'traled i who ha^ eiven so many pralical evide-nce^ of a before us, and even beggint frum us the mean* ' total disregard of all orilers issued by fujicriors, of -iibsisteuce; ami if the fnendlv part oflhc'when they did not suit his convenience or ca- nation, has, in itself, any force and a friendly | price. Thi' remark will be sii»tainetl by docQ- dispositiou to euipliiy it, [and of all the«e facts oieiits appended to these observations — The thire is no doubt,] why retain in senice any last of these documents, it will be o. servetl, is a pi-rtion of the militia! The 3il and S^th of proclamation of disre:rardNof the orders of the the line f with the friendly Cre'-ks] will be am- j President of the I nited States; which ujion ply sulGeieiit to cover the ne^ociation, and that ■ General Jackson'- own avuwfd rrinciples, was terminated, [as you think it may be,] even these ijjav be carried promplly to New Orleans, where their services may be wantetl." Here we have a direct opinion of the President, that the services ol militia were no lonicr nccc-sary such an act us must be con'iilered a mutiny of the most ai^jravated character — .tne lor which he nui^ht to liave had awanleil to hi:n the most rigorous penalty of the law. It was a procla- ruation of a liuld defiance ofihe hiie't mililarv But this is not the only letter on that subject ; ' authority known in this CMinitr\ , ami which, in No. 3, of the same document, is another letter : any other country, would hav resulted in the from the Secretary of War to (iencral Jack- i forfeiture of the life of theanlhor. eon: it hear- date the '25th of June, 1814, and When all these factsare duly considerad, Ido holds the following language: — ">'o faith w'as think that sophistry it-elf will not d«re my given to the iniornrttion received and coor but patriotic mili- moved by the-e letters. They constitute the very tiaman, from the persecutions of the ignorant e.ipress orders rcipiirid by the committee in re- minions of an as'.iniig and -anguinarv le-id.r. vocation of the faneii'd "plenary power" of Believing that 1 iiiivedeinonstrate.'t Irom facts Governor Blount. They go farther than an or- | that cannot be coulioverlcd, that the lirst cn- der revoking his pretended authority, and bring- I qiiiry of the Committee must be answered in inj; hack the militia term of service to three | the negative, I shall now dismiss that part of the moDlhs: they order the discharge without refer- i siihjec't, and proceed to examine the otherpoints cneeiothe term of service; and had General ; of the report. Jack-on evinced the one twentieth part of the The second inquiry of the Committee is, proiiiptiiud' in carrying into elfect this as wel | "Whiiher Col. Pipkin's reeiment was so order- as other orders of the President, as ne has ul- ' cd out, and in eonformit) with suchauthoritv." wa)» shown in exacting ol>cdienec to his com I This inquiry of the committee reipiires but a niandi, of whalevir nature, these unfortunate ] few words to answcrit, and toshow that it h.is .men woiilil have been 'li-chargml long before the , little or no bearing on the case. Power, ex- exi|irati..n of three moiilhs from the time of erted against law, gives no rieht to inllict a their entering the service. i punishment lor a refusal in sui'iiiit to its ii=ur- II is beheird that there never wasn man who, i patioii. llaviu; .shown that the (Hiwer eser- 1=0 short a career, has made more prctcn- i ci-ett by Governor Blount, in ordering out mi- MR. SIOANE'S REVIEW, 229 liti^i ilrafts for a ?ix muiitli*' tour of duty, uii- drr color of uutlioritj- ilerived Iroiii the Prcsi- deot of the Uuiteil ritiitf!', W!n a violation of law and an outi age upon tlie ri;;hts of the citi- 2e,i^ — a parlicuiardtlailorthcuiauncrin lyhich this outraeo \va- coiurnitto.l, bi'couics perfcctlN will urue the i^'iioraiice of a poor friendless uii- litiainun, as cuii?tilutower to re- 1 chosen from the crews of the different shiio.— fer to, the most comprehensive and explicit, is i \\ hat is it f.iir to presume in the case of tiic E. Samuel, whose work was pubhsheil in Lon- Tennessee militia ? Can it for a mopient be su - don, in 1816. This author discusses the suject posed that they intended to prejudice the «.er- at some IcULith, examines the history of the vice, or felt an* wish to paralyze "the arm of the mo"t prominent cases in the British service, GoTernment ! By no means, and Dually concludes that mutiny is, " rebi llirg j It is shown by the testimony that a very zv\ ag'inst lawful authority." I presume that no eral impression prevailed in the camp that th' . one in this country will accuse an Engli-h wri- 1 were entitled to a discharge at the end of Ihi ter, whose work is dedicated to his royal hi^h- 1 months, .ill previous drafts h.ad bffn so 'd a: men in question refused to yield obedience; and, 1 plications had bi en made to the Colonel ai: at the expiration of three months, they quit I other offivay of satisfying th eivc command of .Militia officers ; their aiithori- j minds of the men, who, it seems, could not f.pr ty to command had expired with their term of service; there was, therefoie, in the breaking up of the corps, and the return of the men to their homes, no rebellion, no mutiny It was a sort of interregnum in which there was no legal military authority. Such instances were corn- get tlat thev wire American citizens, and ha rights. The taking of provisions on the 19th i September, and the preparations for going hoim appears not to have met with the slightest resis- tance. The Cquisitions of the law, deter- mined to return home ; such as doubteO eliose to reihain. There was nothing new or extraordi- nary in this. 1 he letters of Gen Jackson show it to have been a very rominon occurrence. In- deed such a state of things was to have been ex pectctl, iVom the continual disposition erino- eil by the General, to require more from the mi- litia than the Trcsidont, the chief of the coun- try and the array was disposed to exact. .A lew months service in the militia is not sufficient of muiiiiv cannot be fairly associated with the jto^iblitcrate from the mind of an American nini|ile wish on the part of a militia corps, to re freeman all recollection and knowli-dge of h turn to their respective families and friends, af- Irights; and it is in vain to expec from him the Mn. SLOANE'S HEVIEW. S31 ibject ?ervilil^' of a scapoy. Wheiievur he is was under iid obligation to sustain tbc illegal ■educed tn t!mt condition, even when under i proceeilincsol the Governor olTeniicsscc. The inns, ilmt spirit which ha? heretofore nerved his j facts which have since been developed, in hia irui, and taught the invaders .if our soil hi« su- , correspondence with the Governor of Georgia, )erioritv, will have departed forever. Let the j in 1818, shows with what delerence he has been asionarv. abstract, the.ireticalreas.mers on mil- ! disposed to treat the persons anil opinions of governors of States, whenever those opinions cuiue in conflict with his views. General Jack- son must have known that, in order to make a local draft of six months, it was indispensable that the special orders of the President, requi- ring it, should have been given. I am aware just. If he v\as then satisfied with his aiithori- ! thattottiis it may be answered that, in as much ■ ■ * ■ 'as the i;overnor had issued his orders for a six tarj discipline, relied on this part of the sub. ect. General Jackson was at the post where this jlle);ed mutinj took place, for s.ime time pr.Vi- )us to its occurrence. He concluded a treiity here with the (reek Inilians, on the 9th of \n y tn continue ihihdelachiiient in service for six iionilis, it was due to a body of I, IK)0 yeomen jf the country, that 'he authority should have seen explained to them. But nothing of this kind was done. The proccediucs of this court martial show, most conclusively, that it wa incntbs draft, he was bound to [.resume that such an order had been given by the President. This presumption, in the absence of all evidence to the contrary, would have been sutlicient to govern him in deciding a <|Uestion of orilinary for the most part composed of an ignorant or j or minor im| ortance ; but certainly would not bloody minded set of men— men regardless of j warrant an order which was to lake the lives of i.iimau life — men wholly unlit for t.ie trust in six American citizens. When the life of an A this instance reposed in 'them. 1 here is a p-il- [ merican citizen is at stake, inference must be pable disiligcnuousness on the face of the whole transaction; for although the plea is still kept ui' that these men were hound to perform a six moiiihs tourof duty, yet none except one were ollieially charged with desertion. If the parties who col up this prosecution had been salislicd that the men were legally hound to perform a six months tour, why not charge those who had left the service at the end of three months at once wilh desertion 1 This would have greatly implified the case. The law and the fact would then have been brought to the test. But it was discovered that to ensure a conviction on a j charge of desertion, it would be necessary to ] produce the law of the lOlli of .April, 1814, and the order of the President, extending the term of service to six months. This could not be lone, for the plain reason, that no such order had ever been made. Hence the preferring of thechargeof mutiny was resorted to, as the re- sult of an after thought — a charge trumped up to suit the occasion without any thing substan- tial lo sustain it. The last branch of the third inquiry presen- ted by the Committee remains to be answered. "Whether the commanding General, approv- ing the proceedings of this court properly ex- ercised the power and discretion v&stcd in him by law!" This is a very important inquiry. It contains the gist of the whole matter. But it will be un- necessary to recapitulate the facts and argu- ments already adduced : they will be recollect- ed, and their bearing on the case must be obvi- ous. To the mind of a calm dispassionate man, one not heated by the excitement and delusion of party feeling, the case presented by the sen- tence of this court martial for the decision of General Jackson, must appear one of great plainness. It was one which is almost e-.ery day submitted in our courts of justice to the iie- cisioii of the common sense of our ordinary ju- ries. It was nothing more nor less than a requi- sition to decide the law ami the fart. These men b.id been called into the service by his own order, in compliance with the commands of Governor Blount. True it is, that when he issu- ed that order he was acting as a Major General of militia, in a subordinate capacity to the Gov- ernor, aud had then no discretion to exercise. — But his situation was now entirely changed they tend to the security of liberty. But I do He was now a major general in the service ofi hope that the good people of this country will 'V I'fMtcd States'. In this nev; situation he' after all. settle down in the plain, commou-scnst* abandoned. The clear, unquestionable, "in- disputable facts," Ixith of law and crime must be shown against him before he can be condem- ned. Whenever the day shall arrive, on which the people of these States shall sanction, by their approbation, the taking of the lives of our militiamen, ou the princijiles advanced by the Committee on .Military Affairs, the transition to a different system of government will not be so dilTicnIt to effect as many of our ardent patriots, iu the How of their zeal for the duration of Re- publican government, had supposed. But General Jackson was under no necessity, in this case to rely on t c authority of Governor Blount as to the legality of a six months draft. He had received instructions direct from the War Department, which contradicted, in the most |)Ositive terms, the inference now attempt- ed to be drawn from the letter of the Secretary of War of the 1 Ith of January, I8i4, to Gover- norBlount. He had received the orders of the President, stating that, in hisopinion, no militia force was in that quarter necessary, and order- ing that they be discharged. He k.iew that it w owing to his oicn disobedience of this ordet of the President, that these men were, on the inth September, in a situation which admitted of the charge for which they were thus illegally deprived of life. i have now finished my reference to facts and documents, and am ready to answer the enquiry propounded by the Committee. I s:iy unhesita- tingly, that" the commanding General, appro- ving the proceedings of this court martial, did NOT properly exercise the power and discretion vested in him by law." I say, that in approv- ing the sentence passed upon thise men. and in ordering their immediate execution. General Jackson acted a mosi cruel and sanguinary part: one which ought, in justice, to have subjected him at least to the pointed displeasure of the Government, if not to the punishment of our laws. But at all events, it ought at this time to call down upon bim the conileranation of ev- ery man who regards the stability of our Gov- ernment, and the protection of the constitution- al rights, of our citizens. The votaries oi military power, and the eulo- gists of martial achievements, may boast as much as they please; these are all well, when •i3Z .MR. SIX>A\E'S HEVIEW. opinion, th.it the ^ccunti of ,'ersoiial liberty ou^ht to be the principal object oi ull gorem- Dieut; and that he who, umlfr any prettiit, however specious, without auttioritj of law, bh:ill take the life of a fellow cituen, ia guiltv of tyranny, wlmtever pretences he may fet up of dcTOlioii to public iiiiercil, unil the |>co|;le. They, it is liopul, will refuse to aid in the at- tempt to shield from just condemnation conduct at once so cruel and illegal; conduct such as has no parallel in this country : and the Ijke ol which has, of late ycTirs, rarely been displayed in any country enjoying the ad\'unta^es of civ- ilization. I know that it is natural 'or men who i^ive loo^e to feelintr^^ of military enthusi asm, to look with indifl'erence on tl.e civil ri£;hts of the citizen, which it is the main object of nur G-nerninent to secure ; A: hence it is that uiilitary predilectiou=arcsodancerousiua republic. The chief value of a republican government consists not in its superior adaptation to the repclliuc of attacks from foreign foe". Were thai the main object of jovernment, it is still a matter of dis- pute whether it is cntvtleil to a preference. — The real excellence of a republican iroverniuent is, that it is always under the control of the oub- lic will, and the ri:hts of the hujiihlest citizen i= secured from the encroachment of power and oAicial violence. It is the beauty and excel- lence of our system, that, if fairly administered, it equally secures the rights of the humble ploughman, with those oi the wealthy landlord whose fields he tills. It is this free principle of our civil polity that we now see an effort made to impair. It is now, for the firs time in this country, that we are called to witness an at- tempt to justify the illegal anil wanton destruc- tion of the li\es of our butnblc ei'izens who form the rank and file of our armies, bi-cause, forsooth, their destroyer has gained a splendid victory!! Such a sentiment, if it once gels possession of the people of this country, will, I fear, in e very short time, bliu'hl all thf hopes of the real friends of human liberty. .Military service has ever been the capital stock with which usurjiers have commenced their career; and public gratitude has altva\ s been the fund on which their drafts have drawn. Unfortu- nately for the world, too few of these drafts have been protested. It has ever been the dispo- sition of the people to give men possessed of mil- itary fame credit for every goodquality. Knter- taiuing a just pride on account of the superior- • ity of our institutions of government, it is t be feared that we arc growing careless of the inan- ccr ill which, on some occasions, certain branch- es of it have been administered. Wise states- men have ever regarded indications of that kind as giving iust cause for alarm. \Ve have ever been taught to regard European governments as treating with indifference the rights of the great body of their people. To a certain ex- tent, the opinion is certainly correct. But i there are instances in English hi-lorv of oflieers whose conduct nearly re'embloil that of Gen. Jackson ill the present case, who have forfeited their lives for the crimes thus committed. The case of Joseph Wall, sometime Governor cf Gorce, in .\frica, is u prominent instance of that kind. The history of the case may be found at large in the 'Jllth volume of Ilowell's State Trials ;'it is long and tedious, and 1 will only refer to n few of its principal feature-, in order to show the analigy which exists hetweon it and the jaic now under coHsidcration. Tho case of Governor Wall is familiar ti> -very person of le- j iral research. He was luuicud lor the murder ; of Uenjaiuiu .Armstrong, a.d tried at the Kid I Uailey, on the JOtb of January, l'M2. Arui- I stroi g was a serjeaot of a company composing I part of the garrison. He hao olTenOed the Gov- { emor by apjieariug at the bea J of a portion of ] the men before the g.>vernmeiit bouse, to oeinand I certain alleged arrears of ompens ttioD. 1 Ley I were ordered toj'eturn to their uuarlers ; but ou a second appearance in the same situation, the Governor ordered a drum-head court martial, under a pretence that a rt-xjuest to be paid what i tfaey alleged »asju-tly due totnem, was an act j of mutiny. The -eult;itce ol th.s court w.is. j that Armstrong should receive ii l.irgc iiutuber of I lashes, of which, a few days aiurwanls, he di- j ed. Twenty years afier the perpetraUuii of j this outrage, Uie culprit was arrdignei- I dence of the just conception of the dilfiieiice between the execution of legal aulhorit;., and j cruel tyranny, very creditable to a people i-ii|>- I posetlby many amongst us to have become the ; mere slaves of pow?r. If, under a covernmcat such as that of EitcUnd, the niun who tra>ji !es , on the rights of indii iduals, ainl wantonly lakes the life of an humble private soldier, is cundcmn- I cd by an English jury to suffer lor his crimes upon a gibbet, shall uc submit to be told, in this country, by those who are evr and anon de- claiming about the rights of the people, th.it acts of the same character, when coniiuittod here, shall be a passport to public fa>or ; that it is our duty to hug such persons to our bosoms; con- sider thero as public benefactors, and conk-r on them the greatest honor in our power to besto^v ? I trust in Heaven, that such doctrines will nev- er be generally sanctioned by the public votes i:i this country ; but, on the contrary, that it will be the unau'iiious decision, that l.e who, iu tliis manner, may have contemned our 1 iws, ought never to be entrusted with their udministratiou. J. SLOAN E. (Note A.) (Copv.) Wah Department ^ Fcbru,,ri/6lh, 1»13. J Sin: The causes of emboilying and march- ing to New Orleans the corps under your com- mand havinccea-ed toexist, you will on the re- ceipt of this letter consider it as disaiissed from public service, and take measures to have de- iivereit over to -Major General Wilkinson all the articles of public property which may have been put into its possession. Yon will accept for yourself and lh« corps the thaidis of the I'resident of the Uuilei! Stat.-. I have the honor iic. J.ARMSTKO.NG. Major General J \cKso^', .Vcir Orhans. Mississippi Trrrilori/,-22d Mare/i, lUlJ. Sir: .My letter of the I5th inst. inlnrraed you, that I had received yoursoflheSthof Jan- uary, 1813. I have now tlie honor to inform you, that I receivfd undor cover from .Mapir Gen Wilkin- 'oii, ofdatc .March Qth your notitiralion to him, without date, but post marked February 8tb. 1813. which runs as follows. / MR. SLO.WE'S RE%7EW JACKSON AND DICKINSON. 233 " Sir : Tlie militiu force organiztnl by Gov- ernor Blount, ii!m1it coiiiniaiid ol CetieralJack- lon, expedited to Ncn-Orluaiis early in l:ist nioiitli, 15 dischiirgtd Irom fuithi r fervice. Tlic Gcri. isrequireil to liave deliverfdover to your uireclioDs, such nrticit^ of public propcty nt have been comuiitteil (o thcni. JOHN ARMSTRONG. Tour notlticntion to me, reeeivod as above, 411(1 haviii!; 110 Wiiilitia force organized" miiler my commaiiil, places me in a delicate situation. I have the honor to coiiiiuaiid only an organ- ized volunteer cor])S enrolled and tendered to the I'residcut of rlic United Stati'S. under the act of February Clh, 131;!, and whose service?, with my own, were acce[ited and made knov.u to me through Governor lilouiit; but tl.c Pres- ident, under date, War Department, July 11th, 1812, and all the ollicers under my cominanc[. this your impartial rule; and this reward to whom ? men of the first character, patriotism and wealth of tha Union; who left their com- fortable homes and families for tented fields, to support the F.agles of their country atany point ordered by thcconstituteil authoritie!'. ANDUKW JACKSO.V. (Note B.) Extract from General Jackson's order. "DIVISION ORDF.R. Adjutant General's Ofitce. Head Quarters Dhisionojthe SauVi. Nashville, 2Jd April, 1817. "The commanding General considers it due to the principle of subordination which ought and must exist in an army, to prohibit the obc- don n to a C;iptaiiu have been oomiiiissioneil by ! dicncc of any order emanating from the De- the Vre^dent of the l/nited States, on the 21st of Nov. lOl-J, in juirsuanee of his authority uri- a duel, in be paid and discharged at Baton Rouge. Vour note of the olh of Jan. 1813, directs thai two thousand vpell organized volunteer?, nniler the acts of Congress of February 6tb, and J uly tJth, 1812, are to be dismissed at New Orleans, ^tboutpayora compensation for ration). Js 7. heen explained. But it is conceived proper to insert them in the Expositor, that tliey may he preserved more cer- Uiinly, and more coiivenjeiilly referred 10. than in a newspaper. •At JACKSON AND DICKINSO.V. in consequence of which he received the following note from Gen. Jackson: "Mr. Kastin — I ani iuforiaed thnt at the request of jundrv citizens of Snshvillc, and iu Ticmitv, you are about to dress your paper in .M0UKN'I>G, as a 'tribute ofr^sp.ct for the memory, and regret for the u.ntimely death ol The following statement of the cir- cumstances, was published last sum- mer by a person who received them from Doctor Catlctt, the second of Dickinson. "Geocral Jackson and Mr. Dickinson made , - r> ■ , a race, and run the four mile heats for five thou- Charles Dickinson sand dollars ; the heats were broken, and each Y, n.- paper ,s the publ c rehic e and .s al- heat tightU contested. Mr. U.ckinson's rider way, taken to be the pu.l.c «-.ll, unles, he «.id h/had loa ther.cebv foul fdav, and .hat 1 f -J^^'f > APr'Tv' Mn r « V I'v / . ?hU v.f ^ ^." Gen. Jackson's nders had jostled him near the '-IC IS NOP IN MOLR.MNG at this event, ,u close of the last round ; Gen. Jackson, on hear- (justice to that public, it i> only lair and right in?thi. charge, said he would hold any man i to «■» forth the names ok those ciTIZE.ns, personally responsible, who dared to accuse his i who have made the re.,ue=t. The thing is so rider of foul play. Dickinson answered, "1 be 1 novel, rhat the names ou^i.t to a pear that the lievc my boy's statement to be correct, for I : public m.?h.judKe the true motives ol the sign- never knew him lo deviate from the truth." , "a 'were a tribute ol respect lor the deceased,' This was followed by a dispute, whi.h ended ; or something else, that at nrsl sight does not by Jackson's sending Dickinson a challenge, i apP^ar. Yours with esit^ni, ^, which was accepted. The terms agreed on 1 A^UKtvv J;\C,kSU.>. were— that the |>arties should fisht at ten prices, June "> '=>"»• that a snap was m-t to he considered a fire,i-c. | jj^j- ^.^\\ ^f Qf.j^^ Jackson, induced Mr. Overton, Gen. Jackson's second, and Ur. i • j- ■ j i j.„ .. ..kj »k„;.. Catlett, Dickinson's second, threw up for the [Several individuals to «lthdiaw thcil word; Overton won it. When he gave the | names from ihc request to drCSS the word 'fire,' both Jackson and Dickinson piilli d Ip^ppp ju moUminE;. their triceers at the same instant. Dickinson's," l„, ^ ^ ^ ^ . . , b .llVrazed Jackson's breast, slid.tiv touching | These facts i.ie of great importance the skin: JACKSON'S PISToL \\F.NT TO in forming a just estimate ot Gen. HALK-COCK. HK .NODDED TO THH Jackson's " character. No inference TOOK''DluBER':4Tt'AIM,rNl.Ki^^^^^^^^^^^^ drawn from the MR. UICKliN-f'N. Mr. D. after firing stood j causc. in wiiich the duel originated. — firmly and silenti.v, and received Cen. Jark- Unfortunately for the couiitrv, most of son's fire. The imblic excitenjent thence i , ,. , •' . .y ■ rju-! i.: ,j „..„ arising Hcainst Gen. Jackson was so ,i.at, that I the hves lost, in atlairs ol thl> kind, are Mr. Overton was induced to offer a certificate, j sacrificed to discreditable quarrels, for Dr. Catlett's signature, prepared with a : jjiowine OUt of transactions, ill which view to allay It, which certificate Dr. C. refused ;^,^^ J and virtuous men have no con- cern. Fut the mani'erin which Dick- Lest the candid reader may :>PP'^^- inson was killed, thou-li aerecablv to hend thai this is an elecliom-erin^ tale, ^j^^ j,,,,^,^ ^,- ^^^ j„pj_ „ .,,- ^^■^^^^^: ^^_ got up now, to afloct Gen. Jackson s , p,.„.,p|,,u) {<, Qgn, Jackson. It is the election to tie Presideiiry, it is deem- I pre onlv instai cc now in general recollcc- ed adviseable to publisii several cor- ;. jj^^-^ -^^ ^^,1^;^,^ ^„^,,^ advantage over an roborating testimonies to which "'o j,„t,,^,„„ij,f_ j,^.,, i,pj.n i,„j,roved. It de- such objections can be made. monstrates a feeling of rancour, and a At the time of the duel, there was ', thirst for vengeance, that resemble^ an pubUshed in Nashville, a newspaper, evil demon, more than a human being, entitled "7'Ac Impartiul Rceicu; «Hrf | No doubt it was owing to this circum- Cumbi riand Rcposit'iry. Tliis paper of | stance that public feeling was so ' stronglv excited. Tlie very fact of the excitement, is |Hoof of something uncommon in the manner ol the duel: for the thing itself was not unfrequent in that country. Gen. Jackson's note to the editor proves both his callosity of feeling and The same paper contains aUo otluMi his arrogant and overbearing disposi- interesting details in relation lo the tion. He had murdired a felloe citi- transaction. The editor statc^, thai zen, esteemed and respected by his a written request had been made to i neighbours. Those neighbours, b} him, by sundry citizens, to dress his : way of indulging their ow n sympaihies, paper in HKiurning, upon the occasion ;' and for the purpose of soothing the the 7th of June, 1806, contains an ac- count of the duel and of the funeral of Mr. Dickinson. It adds: "There have been few occasions on which stronger impressions of sorrow, or testimonies of greater respect were evinced, than the one we have the unwelcome task to record." JACKSON AND DICKINSON.-GROAMNGS OK ONE A- -W J N. 82f5 sorrows of analllictcd wife and friend?, proposed that the newspaper in which the death and funeral would be an- nounced, should be dressed in mourn- tng. At this proposal Gen. .lacUson lakes otfence, and, in a manner not to be mistaken, insists upon having made public, the names of those who nmde • it. Thus saying almost, in terms, the public take no interest in the fate of Dickinson. The true inoiivc, of this movement, is one inimical to me, and as such 1 shall resent it. Surely, little favorable can i)e said of the state of so- ciety, in a place where such things as these are tolerated. The arrogance of the homicide was even more intol- erable than his brutal insensibility. At the very time wiien tlie victim of his vetigcaiicc lay a cold and lifeless corpse, in the habiliments of the grave, sur- rounded by a frantic wife, and mourn- ing children, he was not only untoucii- ed by remorse, and unmoved by com- passion, but had the audacity to min- gle in the affairs of tlie funeral, and indicate a dcteimination to embroil the surviving friends in a furtiicr quar- rel, .anless they look counsel from tear, and submitted to liis dictation !'. Vve know nothing of the kind, in which hu- manitv and decency have been so scandalously outraged. In other cases, the successful duel- list has deemed it a duty, so far to re- spect tiic feelings of relations,' and the opinion of the community , as to with- draw, for a time, from the scene of the homicide. Upon most occasions, the survivor is deeply alilicted at the result, and a man, who feels as a man should feel, at occasioning the death of his neighbour, could never think of resent- ing public sympathy, as an offence to himself. But Gen. Jackson was then, ' as now, so much wrapt up in himself, and had so long given the rein of indul- gence to his imperious temper, tlial he could brave that, which any other man would shrink from, as from infamy.— What would now be thought, in any part of the Union, should a surviving duellist ol)trudc himself into the fune- ral obsequies of the deceased, with a publication like that of Gen. Jackson? We are much mistaken if he would not be instantly overwhelmed with one universal expression of contempt and execration. Is the deed less charac- teristic of savage feeling — less to be condemned and reprobated, because perpetrated twenty two jears ago by Gen. Jackson? V\'e think not. And as «e are not of the number, who hold that a deed is excusable or cen- surable in reference to the person who commits it, we deem it proper that the public should be made acquainted with the offences of Gen. Jackson, against morals, law, and decency, the commis- sion of which, spreads over his whole life from the seducton of Mrs. Rob- ards to the slander of Mr. Clay, GROANINGS OF ONE A \V J — — N. TO BE HEARD DECEMRER, 1828. "Cxsar aut nullus, was bis aim, Caesar non venit — "nui/i« caiuc '." Oil I lud I am di.=hec! — Oh sous I I'm undone, 1 must give mjsclliip to despair — For Adams, that rascally turucoat has won, And is still ia the President's chair. In vaiu did I fight so, behind cotton bags. Which gained me such glorious renown — In vain turned so pious — the curst Adams wap Said the world would not swallow it down. They say I don't know e'en our G'ography here. But I know enout,h plenty forme; I know Washington's up in the District some- where, Ani\ Kentuck I know a'nt Tennessee. But a phoo '. for your laming — for where is the use? If a man should go off on a (our, There's any black nigger, that's walking the street, Can tell him the way, I am sure. 1 murder King's Englisli, they say — so 1 will — For it shows true American pride — I lialK all your im»t, and your Englishmen too, And every thing Kngliili beside. Then a nice xcriling-'man I have hired for my U5C, To hide the bad spcUn I skratcl, .\nd tkein are assart how ray grammar is bad. Don't know nothing about it at all. Though spouting sometimes in the Senate, 'lis true, I've stammcr'd most sadly and blundered ; But if I've occasion to make a speech now, Van IJuren will write me a hundred. "The three R's — honest 'Rithmctic, Reading and 'Kiting, 1 think, I can say, I'm no fool in — Considering my time was so took up in fightinf. That I only had three quarters teltooling. 330 GROANl.\G'S OF 0\E A W J- •WUITI>\V ASHING COManTTEK 1 bateCliiy— 1 hale bargain— exce;>t a? a bet i 3. Did a man of the name of Swan On againc-rock, orhor*Dat the race.; ever challenge Gen. Jackson, in consc- 1 like une of Clay s acts, though — 'tis so much . = , ' ,. , , like me, quciicc of a quarrel OH a race ueld? When he fought with slim JoUnM ten paces, | Did Gen. Jackson refuse to meet liinn, Ami then about that -Mr«. Robardf afliiir— [and afterwards assault him with a That, loo, the>-ve t.,lil Adams and Claj— ; posscof mvrmidon«.anddid Swan throw Had it never Uakid out, I'll make bold to uc- f. i i . i i u ■ .i »; y ,u„ ' the redoubtable Hero m the hre? clarc 'Twould not be known to this Jay. Then poor Mrt. Gin'ral — I blush when Tts told, IIow tliey laughcd-(I can never forgive her)- Mfhen she said that "^becotch'd a most xioleut colli. For the Gin'ral had kicked off the kiver.'" Though every objection I've answered enough. Still the Adams mfn jabber and squall, 'Bout militia rnvn — marriages — mornit i siuJT, And war — and the deuce knows what all. 3. Did a quarrel and duel ensue in consequence, between N. A. McNary and Gen. Coffee, in which Coffee was wounded? Did a paper war follow, between- j McNary- and Jackson, concluded with a challenge and a compromise? 6. Was Jackson second in a duel be- tween Tiios. Dickinson and Thomas ,, , r, J . . . , . I Overton, in which the latter was bad- Make me President once, and the scounilrr is , i i . shall feel- ly wounded? With my /j£ 'gainst the wall would I jam | 7. Was Gcn. Jackson Second in a rr.u ^'."Ir . .1. ■ ■ uu u .u i , t ducl Iiclween Alexander Donclson. If they still made Ihcir jabber — by thunder ami • <■ a< i i it w ■^ steel I nephew oi illrs. Jackson, and J. \\ ni- I'd j/ioot every rogue of 'em — d — nVm" I ston , two lads about eighteen vear< of age? and did the}- light at six feet distance? 8. Was Jackson second in a duel between Jesse Benton and Gen. Car- rol? Wa- Jackson charged with foul plav, out of which gr<-w (lie celebrated aflVay at Nashville, between Jackson, Coffee, and the Bentons ? 9. What was the character of (he Hero's quarrels with John McNairv, low one of vour own bodv, David TRASH. *NoTE. The author is no more blaiueahlc for the "/iflicT icori/.!" made use ol by the Iltro, than Milton and Byron for the blasphemies put into the mouths of Satan and Cain. The lan- guage and sentiments must be characteristic of the speaker. — .V. J. Englc. nHlTE-WASIIING CO.-tf.lIITTET:. Gentle.'>iex: — You seem to have suspended your operations, and resign- j McGavock,Wm. Polk. Robert Weaklv, ed your functions, (o (he redoubtable j John Strothcr and Robert Haves? edilor of the Nashville Republican.— 10. Did John Brown, a soldier of As his labours do not appear likely (o the Revolution, die in jail, at the suit be more clficacious than your own, and of Gcn. Jackson, for debt? and in what as you have not formally renounced manner did Brown offend the chieftain, your official character, I take the %- soas to provoke this rigor? certain suggestions, of n. What was the" nature of the - eriy of makin matters t'lat seem to require your es- pecial ititerfercncc. Your attention is earnestly asked to the following sub- jects: I. W'as Hugh L:twson White's brother, tried for murder before Gcn. Jackson, when a judge, and the trial pressed, iV tiic absence of n nntenal wilnc«,sfor the state, so as to secure an acquittal, and attach the said H. L. '\\ hite. to Gen. Jackson ? castigation the Hero received from Hugh .Monlgomery, and who relieved the said Hero from its further inflic- tion? For what did Jackson challenao, and fie;ht n dud with Col. Kvery? — Can Gcn. .Adair give any expl.ination of the matter? 1 Q. For what offence was Jackson bound,lo keep the peace towards on(> I Lewis Kobards, before Robert Wejikly, 2. --Had Gcn. .Tackson ever an at- ^ I'sq. a justice of the peace, about the fray with a man of the name of .Mack- year 1700? lin? Did Gcn. Jackson get a cudgel- j" 13. Upon wliat account did the lingin that alliav; and what part did Hero quarrel with John Donelson?— Gcn. Colico and W. T.Lewis bear in it? 1 Where was he when a warrant sued WHlTE-WASHim; COMM1TTEE..-PRECIOUS CONFESSIONS. 231 of 1825, when Mr. Clay had the inde- pendence to prefer Mr. Adams for President, over Gen. Jackson. Upon that occasion Mr. Clay spoke of Gen- eral Jackson as a '■'-mililary chipftain,^' and although many of those who now shout '•hurrah for the Hero^' had pre- viouslv designated him by the same terms, they at this time steadily de- nounce Mr. Clay, as the first who ap- plied these terms to him, and speak «f them as highly offensive. It has been Mr. Clay's misfortune re- cently to give new and very heinous olFencc to the chieftains worsiiippers, in relation to the same subject. In a short address to a tew select friends, in Baltimore on the 14th of May, Mr. Clay held the following language: "Regardless of all imputation'; and proud ol the opjiortunity ol Ircu and unrestrained inter- course- with all m V fellow citizens, if it were phy- sically possible and compatible witli my official I duties, I would visit every state, jo to every town and hamlet, addre'^s every man in the Union, and sntreat them by their love of coun- try, by their love of liberty, for the sake ol themselves and their posterity — in the name of their venerated ancestors, in the name of the liuiunn family, deeply interested in the fulfil- ment of the trust committed to their hands — j hy all the past glory we have won — by all that awaits us as a nation — if we are true and faith- ful, in gratitude to Him who has hitherto sig- nally blessed us — to pause — solemnly pause, and contemplate the precipice which yawns before us; If indeed, we have incurred the divine dis- ples.sure, and if it be necessary to chastise this *^ i people with the rod of his vengeance, I would more into detail. It « ill not do, to : humbly prostrate myself before Him and im- land with with any or a blind out against him, by J. and \Villiam Donelson, was ret'irned not found? 14. For what occasion did Jackson tnko,witliout leave or license, thecanoo of Tim. Dcsmambrum, subjecting him- self to a suit which was prosecuted, and judgment recovered against him for the same? 15. VVIierefore did the Hero quarp^l with Governor Sevier a J Gen. Rob- inson? Why did he challenge Sevier. and how was the ([uarrel adiusl'^d? — Had a man of the name of Van Dyke any hand in it? 16. What was the nature of the General's connection with two Vir- ginians, of the name of Coleman and Green? (not Gen. DulF.) and did his wrath against Dinsmore, grow, in anv way, out of that connection? 17. Was there a funeral at the Her- mitage, shortly after the address of Buchanan was received there, last summer? Does there hang any tale by this interrogatory? You will perceive, gentlemen, by these interrogatories, that I am in pos- session of more or less information, upon many matters involving the character of your idol. I have named, for the present, persons only. If sat- isfactory explanations arc given, the subject may he put to rest. Other- wise,! may, at a future time, go a little say by ,that this mode of putting .meries. I p'^'"'^'"'' ""^'''=)' '""'■' "i"" favored •111 • .1 X ■ I war, with pestilence, with famir.e, anonymous scribblers, l, the trueLeourge other th.n military rule,o. assassin mode of attacking reputation, and heedless enthnsiasm for mere military ic- Remcmber, it was thus the mvrmidons ""wn-" of your chief attacked Mr. Clav. It The wrath of our Jacksouians at is thus they have assailed, and con- 1 *^'c em])l63 ment of these terms is al- most boundless. The recital of them operates on their senses as violently as the coflin hand-bill, or the words Mrs.' Robards. It transporls them out of all discretion. And the eflect is the same from the highest to the lowest; from Hugh Lawson White to Amos Ilolton. Irom Moses Dawson to his correspon- dent Knickerbocker, or the Down Looker of the Republican. One and all, they insist thai Mr. Clay has put ward .Mr. Clay, bears date, from his J up a prayer for war, pestilence and peech on the Seminole war. This, famine, rather than the election of tinue to assail Mr. Adams and Mr Webster. If you stand mute, you convict your principal; and I warn you ia be careful how vou answer. QUKRIST. PRECIOl S CONFESSIONS. The hatred of General Jackson to- hatred has been gradually transferred from the Hero, the mock Hero I should say, to his followers, since the election General Jackson. They do not sec that by this interpretation, they neces- sarily admit that the success of General 338 PRECIOUS CONFESSIONS.— HERO OF TWO WARS. Jackson wouW be to inflict the '■^scourge of military rule,''' and "a bluid and heed- less cnlhisiasm for mere rniUlurij renoum iipon the country.''' Mr. Clay would prefer war, pesti- lence and famine to what ! To '■'the scourge of military rule.''' Will the election of General Jackson inllict this "scourgcV^ If it will, then does Mr. Clay make the application lo General Jackson. If the elurlion of General Jackson will not indict this '* scourge,'''' then Mr. Clay's imprecations do not touch Gen. Jackson. So of the ^'blind and heedless enthusiasm for mere military renown.''' Is it this, and this alone, that attaches to General Jackson, the fol- lowers that laud him to the skies? Then does Mr. Clay"s remarks apply to General Jackson ; otherwise they do not. The denunciations ol Mr. Clay's remarks arc neither more nor less than open confessions of their trutli and application, both lo the chief him- self and to his satellites. By their clamor tliey acknowledge that his elec- tion would inllict the '■•scourge of mili- Inry rule," upon the country: that they are themselves influenced solely by "a hlind and heedless enthusiasm for mere militanj renoicn.'' These are "precious confessions,"' and the people ouglit to treasure them up with careful remem- brance, as evidencing the undisguised approach of military despotism. IIKRO OF TWO WARS A DRAMA. .ict o, Scc>>c 1, — Street in JVc-.c-Orteans. ENTER TWO CITIZENS, MEETING. 1 CiT. So, you have been a party to this pajjeant. Got up by (lemagofurs to sound abroaJ, And cheat the public to believe, that we. Who know this chieftain, and l.ava seen our friends The victims of his lawless outracros, Can honor, culocise, almost adore him. It shames me, that a firm substantial citizen. Should join a herd of idlers, slaves and chil- dren, Who run and shout, as demagogues may bid them, I^rndin; yourself to the ambitious views Of one, who climbs to power that he may crush you. With all who dared to thwart the sclfi*h plans, Of the base flatterers, who seok to raise him, That thry may use him for their owa \ile purpose. 2 CiT. Hold you, nor censure thus un- sparingly. 1 CiT. Hold me! I have little patience to be calm. Have you forgotten all his deeds of violence. When flushed with victory, by others won. And rendered giddy by our weak -ipplaiise. This chief bec.xme the ready inarumeiit f*f ^ 1' a!id U— c-^ii, and their trib« ! Of pirate clients, rabhiefulloivcrs? His powers usurped, were wielded at their will-. To gratify their vengeaiices, and serve The Ignoble purposes of private m:Jice: Making the public safely, the ,.retLXt To imprison every man who dared di-pute. The power supreme of his Diet jtorship. Have you forgotten, how our citizens. The strength, the bone and muscle of the city. Were cooped in cam|i, at distance from their homes, Their wives and children; mijst a pestilence That swept them to their graves by lens and scores. That this same chieftain might, in greater safety. Rule with despotic sway o'er all around him ? That those, who set him on to this f.iir work, Subiecting Louaillier to marshal iavr. And placiug life and death upon the blast Of his own nostrils: pro-trjliug at his nod, Tho laws, a:id .all called to administer ihein. Could with impunity indulge their passions ? 2 CiT. Nothing of this, have 1 lorgottcn yet. 1 Cit. Yet you have run lo hail and worship him, To aid in trumpeting abroad hisfanie> And cant and pipe about his victories, With which he vainly hopes lo gull the people; Or did you go to indulge an idle gaze, To please his worshippers, and win their smiles^ Thus crowds do often swell uoconsiiouslv. The pageantry of despots, which they nse To make the vulgar think it pure respect. 2 Cit. You have berated me with bitin - censure. Nor time allowed for word of explanation. Though I have been a witness to the pageant, I was no party to il. From my soul. The >vcak, vain tyrant that is idolized, I do despise ; and his idolators Hold in profound contempt. Kull well I know, 'Tissiichus they that tyrants always use, To work their own destruction, and destroy That very freedom they pretend to love. I CiT. Why joined you then the rabble, why be present, To countenance this folly, and bo counted As one uniting in its wicked object? 2 CiT. A motive just and laudable im- pelled me. This Hero and his partizans are wont. To build themselves a fabric up from ("alschood^ A very Irillc, by the aid of fiction. Is magnified, embellished, decorated, .And thus exaggerated, made to »cem What it was not; then passed upon the country Porreal ; when in fact, 'twere but mere seeming. Now, of this pageant I was fain to see Its realty ; to witness who was present. To observe ftho played the sycophant, and how The parts of all the actors were performed. That I might make a true report, and check ' What impudence and daring might invent. 1 ("it. 1 stand corrected. It was well conceived. HERO OP TWO WAns—GEN.JACKON'S LAND SPECULATIONS. 239 u • .i..-K;»f^;rriimstanccs' , An honored name, with talents of high order: ' •'2^=iJ,-."\".^:',!,:rJ^lf "/ Xr^Uh^alf whose vor, tech, un honest .nan should feel I A volume might be tilled wi' of tllOIU. Folly herself, iiiiijht hang her head, at some, Confused and shamed ; nt others, Nothing but folly could refrain from laughter. Asrain, at others, a deep in(li,u'"i>"o"i iVJust rise un£rcry .legal plimderers are honorable men!! thing v:r.iil oil ^uiUly nnd smoothly.'''' A bill was prosecuted, in the federal court, against the heirs of Allison. A There is no branch of the practice of the lav* more simple than proceed- ngs in chancery, to foreclose a mort- dccrcc was obtained against them, as ! gage, or obtain a sale to rai«c the mort- nhsent defendants, requiring them to | gage money. ^Vhy was it thought ne- pay the mortgage money with interest icessary to engage so mM\y great men by a certain day, or be forever fore- > in 'his jjlain and ordinary case? If ciosed of their title. And directing that in case of failure of payment, the Marshal sell the land, for the debt, on nothing had been contemplated but the common and usual proceeding, all this was unnecessary. But if a plun- a day fixed. The naoney was notldcring speculation v.as the principal paid, and the laud was sold. At this object, then the course adopted w.-p •".lie. Pryor nurcbascd fortv thousand I thi- only safe and prudcjit one. A ' 242 THE JfASHVn-LE \7BfDICATIOX OF did he give Tor this land? Clearly the responsibility ol" his agency- and why was this worth so large a FEE? Be- cause, with his countenance the spec- ulation was practicable, without his countenance it would probably fail. I The arrangements between Prvor. son, disabling him from attending to i .^„jgr5on, Jackson, Overton and Whitt- the business himself, he contracted .[,1^ placed them in a certain legal rc- wilhGeneral Jackson, then a judge of ,.,jj^,„ ,^, ^..^^^^ ^^^^^^^_ What was thai relation? Did it constitute tliem part- ners, or dill it create a principal and sulvasiencies? Wiiotlier one or the Anderson was at Philadelphia, and there made the contract, to get half the whole land,for transacting the business. Why did lie make application to Jack- son and engage him in it? Tiie vindica- tion says: '•The official duties of Judge Ander- the Supreme Court of this state, not that he should transact the iinsine-s in per- son, l)ut that he sliould HA VF. i< «/o;u." It was not then expected or intended joihcr^the consequence is the same. If that Jackson sliould "transact the buM- 1^^^,^. ^.^^.^ partners, then the act of one- ness in person, but that he should . ^.^^ (i,^, ^^t of ail, and tlie le^al and HAVE it done."' In such a state ofl^,q^i(J,^,le remedies against them would things the question forcibly recurs why ,,^4 ,,^, i„djviduallv as individuaU, but apply to Jack.onat all? collectively as partners. Anvattempt Anderson knew Ov.-rton and U hitc- j qC^^j, p-^rtner to prejudice the risht» side, why not appl\^ to tliom luinsel/, ^f bis copartners would be a fraud,'up- oa the other partners, and upon those claiming under tliem. On th° other liand. if they were not partners, the le- gal relation between them was that of instead of engaging he agency of Gen- eral Jackson, tiien a judge? There must have been some reason for this application to Jackson, for it is of un- common character. A judge ought to pi-incipal and agents. Prvor isas tht- keep aloof from the litigation ot the principal. All the others 'were agents country where heofliciates. Heoag'it , ^j^^j^^^ 1,;^^ with an interest in the sub- to he no man's counselor ngetit 1 1 coii- ij^,,,,^ j^'^^, |,(; ^.j^^ |,a, a^ted as an a- trovertcd matters. Every rule of pro-' j,^^,^ in .,„y particular matter, rs not pnety and every sentiment oi delicacy i permitted to assume, at a future dav, unite in requiring this. Yet in viola- , ,|,echaracter of principal, to prejudice tion of them all. General Jackson is ^ the right of liim for whom he acted a? seloLtedasanagcntto "HAVE ■certain ^sent!; in relation to the same subject, claims litigated and enforced, lor j -j-,^^^^ ^,,^^1 lai„t is so ofiensivc to hon- which he is to receive a FEE m part |^.j^.^ g„j djg temptation to vice so of the controverted subject. A move- 1 ^^^g^j^ ^^^t ^.^.^ry attempt of the kind mentso improper in itself and so out ol.j^ |,^.jj ^^ ^,p ^ fr^uj ^^,. ^^^ ^^y^^^ j^^ ^ the ordinary co-use of business, must | f^..^^^ j„ ^^ ^.^.^.y nature, so tiiat no hon- have originated in some strong motive. | ^^j^. ^j- purpose' can make it valid. Tlie only obvious one is this: He wa> 1 engaged as a sop to Cerberus. The; Although it is manifest that the object speculation was too great to succeed | of Pryor. Anderson, Jackson, Overton, without his aid. or against his inclina- ; Whiteside, was a combination of inllu- tion, therefore, he is made a party in- 1 ence and talent to prevent any interfe- tcresled. If anv other plausible' mo-- rence wit!) their contemplated spec- tive can be assigned I shall be glad to! ulation, so that a quasi partnership ex- hear it. ^ i^t^ between them, still it seems to According to his Nashville Vindica- 1 me. their legal relation was that of tor, Generat Jackson wa- himself to do' principal and agents. .lackson, in nothing. He was to '•HAVE" the ' virtue of his contract with Andei-son, business doi.e. But, for doing this was the age:.t of I'ryor, to pro( ure a nothing, he -secured five thousand acres of land ! Uj)on what principle of sound molality could General Jackson up foreclosure of the mortgage: not to trans- act the business himself, but to "HAVE ll fhnr." He was then equally respon- propriatc to hinxclf .5000 acre- of land -ible to both Prvor and At derson to •or doing nothing? What con«ideratiou ' "HAVE )/ ie'' correctly: and could r.E.Milt-lL JACKSOJi'S 1,A?H> SPECCLATIONS REVIEWED. !i3 be permitted to do nothing, inconsis- tent willi an iiitellij^ent and faithful performance of his a^jency, whether he performed it iiimseif, or by aid of others. As Pryor and Anderson pur- chased ail the land, cxeept that pur- chased by Jarksoii himself. Jackson be- came tlie agent throu<;h whoni they de- rived their titles, a relation of as higli trust as that of attorney at law, and surrounded with all the same incidental consequences. Here an important and interesting question presents it?elf. Can an a- gent, engaged to com|'ktc and per- fect a title to lands, wjjo goes on to "HAVE IT DONE," and receives his compensation fordoing il. sub-eqiicnt- ly take advantage of his own blunders, and defeat, for his own benefit, the ti- tle he was paid for completing? Is there an honest man in the nation, wiio would not i>«)mptly answer this ques- tion in the negative, did he not know it mi^ht be brought to bear upon General Jackson? I am sure there is not. I proceed now to the subsequent branch of this case, as presented by the Vindicator of Gen. Jackson, "/or fevcral years every thine; went on quietly nml smoothly, the validity of the cleercc an/ sale teas not quastionc'l." The pur- sy Ited Geo. W. Campbell, whose opin- ion coiniided witii that of Whiteside; and Campl)oll advised Gen. Jackson to take measures to secure himself as to the '•^lanfl.'! held by him under the de- cree and Marshal's xa/t'."' To protect himself against his own warranties of title, and also to secure a debt due (Vom Allison to Jackson, contracted in 179G, General Jackson was stimulated to make an instant etVort to purchase up, from the heirs of Allison, theirrigh't to the lands in question, which consis- ted of the equity of redemption; that is, a right to repossess themselves of the title, by paying tlie mortgage mon- ey and inter compel hi< adirrsan/ to receive his morl^a^^e money trith interest, u-hieh he had previously ten- dered to him, awl deliver up the land."' This, the reader will understand, i? the state of t!ie case made by General Jackson's Vindicator, the Editor o{ the N.•l^hviil- Repui)lic:m. Ft varies very essenlialh from the state of facts ap- consequence of a defect of jurisdiction pearing from written engagements and in the federal court. Er\vin purchas-j judicial record^. But admit it to be ed notwithstanding, and to secure him- self, took from Pr\ar an assignment of the mortgage, assuming (hat, if the pro ceediugs were a nullifvj ib.e mortgage was still in force. After this, that is, afler 1 808, but the precise time is not stated. Gen. Jackson learned from Whiteside, that, in his opinion, the le- gal proceedings were void. He cop- true, and how stands the case? In October, 1800, Gen. Jackson a- greed, with Joseph Anderson, to 'HAVE/ Pryor's mortgage foreclosed for one eighth of the whole tract of land mortgaged, which eighth was e- qual to ten thousand si\ hundred and forty five acres of the land. He pro- ' ceedcd 'o "havk it dcve," through th'^ 2A4 TUE XAbUtlLXJ:: \ INDiCATIUA UF agency of Messrs. Overton and White-j side, and received and ^old the quanti- ty of land >tipulated. The legal pro-: cecdiiigs instituted by those whom he. employed, wes-.- supposed to be utterly | void and inoperative. Upon this sup-] pogition,Gen. Jackson,intcndiugtotake advantage of his own ignorance and wrong, for the ignorance of those he employed is legally imputable to him, purciiases the very title he had under- taken to have legally transferred, and insists to treat the assignees of tiiose, for whom he acted as agent, as mere strangers — claims to assume the very title he had been paid to defeat, and demands to rcdecjnlhe land mortgaged, in the rig'Uof the original mortgagor! I All this his Vindicator supposes to be perlectly rightaiid proper,just and hon- orable!'. Good Heaven deliver me from such notions of justice ;uid honor. It is singular enougii that respecta- ble a;:d eminent lawyers should sup- pose a claim like thiscwild receive the sanction and aid of a court of equity. L'. t us examine it but for a moment. No principle of law is better settled than this. He, \\\w undertakes to act for another, in any mattir, to receive a r/ward ("or his senire. is liable in dam- ages to his employer for his negligence or want of skill, in the matter he un- dertakes, if the employer be preju- diced by that negligence or want of skill. An attorney at law is liable for the mismanagement of a cause ; so is every description of agent liable for his misconduct, whether of negligence or blunder. Every lawyer knows this ; no man of any character in his profes- sion will controvert it. AVhen Gen. Jackson contracted with Anderson to "HAVE'' the mortgage forecjosed, his agreement enured for the bcnetit of Pryor, for « horn Ander- son was attorney in fact, with an inte- rest. It was, in its operation, a con- tract between Jackson and I'ryor, and it necessarily included an engagement, on the part of Jackson, that he would *'H A VE'' the business 'Htonc" in a legal and obligatory manner. If he failed todothi? he was unquestionably liable tol'ryor in an action for any damages ■wstained bysuc'.i failure. If, as between the parties, or over the subject, the federal court could ex- ercise no jurisdiction, it was the duty of Jackson to have kno«-n that fact. He resorted to thai tribur.al athijown risk upon these points. The stale courts of Tennessee were competent to decree a foreclosure of this mortgage, hi them the jurisdiction was indisputable. If, then, the proceedings were null and void, because instituted in the federal court, it was Jackson's fault, ard for that fault he would be responsible ii> damages to Pr}or. Had the heirs <>i Allison, upon their own account, pro- jceeded lo set up their rights, and suc- • ceeded in doing so, upon the principle that the decre*- and sale were void, i tiiere can be, I think, no doubt, that I Jackson would have been accountable I (o Prvor for all the damages sustained I inconsequence. j It was Jackson who confided the case ' to Overton and Whiteside, and he, ' therefore, would be responsible to Pry- jor for their conduct, if Pryor chose so I to consider him. Though Pryor might j have passed Jackson bv, and treated I Overton and Whiteside as his iiamedi- [ ate counsel, and looked to them for re- muneraticui. Assumini; that the alkgcd j error was committed, that the federal 'court had no jurisdiction, and that the jdecrceand sale were utterly void, there ■can be no doubt of Jackson's liability to Piyor, in an action on the case for negligence, in the perforn>ance of his contract and agency to foreclose the equity of redemption. His being the judge ofthe Supreme Court of Tennes- jsee, and his undertaking being, not to \"lrnn. 1813, he contra^^ed with James Jackson and the same law- yer Whiteside, to take them in as part- ners in the speculation, each to own an equal share. After this, compro mise was no longer in Ihe power of Gen. Jackson. They commenced pro- ceedings in 1813, and abandoned them to commence new ones in 1 8 1 o. It was not necessary, to an honest and fair de- fence, to make this misrep.'esentation. Dr. Armstrong's allegation wa-. that Gen. Jackson purchased the claim of Allison's heirs tor a mere trifle. The vindication asserts, that a considerable sum was paid foi if, which it makes out thus: Allison was a debtor of Jackson in 179<3, .5G676, upon pronussory notes. These Jackson assigned, but owing to the failure of Allisoi:, had to redeem at a great sacrilice of other proprrt\ . This debt remained ui:paid, and was the consideration of the purchase from 'could not be called upon to pay it, even the heirs of Allison, amountii^g. pri'ici- if they had inherited property from paf and interest, to near 20,000 dollars. ! their brother. An nltcmpt to obtain However plausible a tale like this may I from the heir? a preference for his debt, appcaron paper, it cannot endure the and to monojinlize lo himself a fund yet it might have been then attempted with much more credit than when re- sort »'d to. ll". in fact, Allison died insolvent, leaving nolliiiig to his heirs, his debts was no concern of theirs, and could be no consideration for obtaining any thing from them. Such interest as remained to him, in the lands in question, descen- ded to his heirs charged with the pay- ment of liis just debts. But it was no subject which they could legally bar- ter, to cancel any particular debt, or make any profit to themselves. The equily of redemption in these lands, if it existed, was a common fund for dis- tril)ution amongst all the creditors of Allison, and could only be legally rencli- •d through hi* executor or admijistra- •or. The debt d '.r icom Alli-on to Gen. Jackson, was due from his estate in the hai>ds of his personal represen- tatives, and r.ot in tlic hands of his heirs. It was only of the executor or admiiiis'rator that it could be deman- ded; and uiilil c-lrihl:slied against the executor or admiiistrator, the heirs test of legal scrutiny. It presents sev- eral aspects, in no one of which it can be viewed with much credit to the present pretension. When, in October, 1800, General common to all the creditors, w as an at- tempt to commit a fraud upon both the heirs and other creditors. 1 entertain no doubt, that if the ground of defence, assumed by the vindication was correct. Jnckson contracted with Anderson, to | as to the existence of the equity of re n» THK JfASHril.lR Vl.NWCATION Of demption, and the manner of obtaining j previous conduct and character had it by Jackson, that the oilier creditors inot been involved in the ibsue. of Allison could have reached tiuirl The vindication winds up with a fine proportion of it in his hand-. That llourish about an ambu«cadc practised Gen. Jackson and hih le;;al advisers did upon the veteran by Mrs. Erwin, in not think so, oid\ goes to prove that ■ which she is made to acknowlcdce all i1 __4 •! .1 1.. _. . I • ■ .. . . . ^ . they were not thoroughly conversant with the broad and just principles of aquity applicable to such a case. The vindication assumes, that the purchase cf Gen. Jackson from Alli- son's heirs, and his attempt to enforce that purchase against the claima'its un- der Pryor, is strictl\ defensible, I'Ot on- ly upon legal principles, but upon the plain maxims of justice between man and man. None but parties interes- ted, politically or otherwise, can unite in this opinion. When all the facts asked for, by the vindication, are admitted, they lav bui a very narrow foujidation forattiibutirii,' any thing like libendity to him. Hi> debt was of 18 years standing, agaiii'^t a deceased insolvent. The obviou,- presumplion is, that it was barred by the statute of limitations, and by the presumption of payment from lapse of time, so that it could not have becii le- gally enforced. We have no evidence of its existence, but the recital in the deed, and the assertions of Gen. Jack- son. How it arose we know not, and whether of legal obligation at its com- mencement, may be made matter of question; bu(, in 1812. when made the consideration of this purchase, it was worth little to Gen. Jackson. Tiie consideration which he paid, consisted entirely of this supposed antiiiuated debt; and his s-olc motive to make the purchase, as his Vindicator says, was to protect his own cx)nvevances. A liberal man. in such a c«se. standins; in the relation which he stood to the title, would have been content with a very moderate comiiensalion. He would have extended his proteciion to tlie assignees of his ronfedcrates. in the original speculation, fora verv small sum: Because it was right and proper that he shoulil do so. The ten thou>and dollar^ linally paid, was vastly more than hi> alleged debt was worth; and he should, at first, have been satisfied ■with a smaller sum. even if his own his justice, and make an appeal to Ids generosity, accompanied with tear* and supplications. And this produced im- mediate etTect I! The General aban- doned all compensation for himself, but stipul.ited fortiie pa%ment of ten thou- -and dollars to his confederates!! This took place in the fall of 1823, so that after eleven years pursuit of tliis spec- ulation, the General was moved bv the tears of an old woman, to abandon ii for the paltry sum of 10.000 dollars!! This tine story wants proof — I give iv no credit myself, because the writer ha.- paid no more attention to truth in hia wlmle article, than usually characteriz ed his predecessors of the White- Wash- ini; Committee. But admit that the lompromise was cHected in the man- ner stated, its merit de|)ends upon en- quiring what was, at that time, the Getieral's prospect of success? and how miglit the continued prosecution !>( the suit aflcct his opening projects of political ambitioi:? In my opinion, the prospect of suc- cess was very far fron) being of en- couraging character. This prospect depended altoizether on the legal (pies- tion, wlietlier the decree of the federal Circuit Court, under which the sale was made, was, or was not, void ? This ground is distinctly staled by the Vin- dicator. "Tt.e title was invalid, he claiiueil Ihroiidi tlic Mnrshiil's sale, uhieh ij arlcnotclcdfed on all fian'slj liatebeen null and loii, for wniit of jii- ri'diction ii> the Icdcril oourl, both the parlie5 to the proceeding residinj out of the state." i do not believe that it was ,"ae- knon-lerl^erl on all hand!'.,"' that the pro- ceedings of the federal court were "nuU and Toid"' for the want of juris- diction. I do not credit this, because I cannot suppose that .an error of this kind co»il(l be universal. A* the par- ties, in fact, resided in ditfcrent states, if was a clear case of jurisdiction, un- der the constitution; but tile law, or- ganizing the court, had not provided for its exercise. Hence a decree, where the record did not show the parlies tc OENERAL JACKSON'S LAND SRECliLATIONS REVIlfiWEU. 217 be citizens of dilTercnt states, would be decree void, erroneous, and miijlU i)C reversed; but, until reversed, would I'iud ;dl tlie par- ties and privies. This is now decided and settled to be tlie law, w hatevcr o- pinion might bave prevailed in 1808, or in 1812, when Gen. Jackson em- barked in this speculation. 1 am per- suaded there is qood rca.--on to believe, that, in 1 823, when the compromise was made. Gen. Jackson and his counsel were apprized, tiiat there was strong reason to apprehend, that their dec- trine about the invalidity ot" the de- cree, would not be sustaii>ed in tlic fed- eral courts. The states of Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio, compose the seventh circuit of the United States" Circuit Courts. Judfje Todd was the supreme judge, who held the circuit coarts, in these rJtates. In 1822, the case of McCor- micks, vs. Sullhant and others, reported lOlh IVheaton, 192, wag decided in the Ohio circuit, by Judges Todd and Byrd. This case involved ibe very "point, up- on which Gen. Jackson rested. To the compiai:iant's bill, the defen- dants set up by way of bar, the fiict that the same complainants, against oth But this reason proceeds upon aa incorrect view of the chariictrr and jurisdictiou of the inferior courts of the United States — They are all of limited jurisdiction : but Ihe.y are not, on that account, inferior courts, in the technical sen«e of those words, whose jude- ments, taken alone, are to be disregarded. If the jurisdiction be not alkjjcd in the proceed- ings, their judgments and decrees are errone- ous, and may, upon writ of error or appeal, be reversed for that cause. But tboy are not'ab- solule nullities." It will be seen that this decision ^oes to the foundation of Gen. Jackson's speculation in these iand'^. The decree of the Circuit Court, under which they were sold, was not a nullity, but was a binding decree, and therefore the sale undcr it was a valid .sale. The time hadelapsed. in which it couldbe revers- ed for error, so that the title of the de- fendants was perfectly safe and secure^ the speculation of Gen. Jack.son utter^ ly hopeless. What credit is then due to him for the compromise? Perhaps it may he said that the Su- preme Couit had not made the decision quoted, wlien the compromise was effec- ted. This is true. But the Circuit Court had made it, and it h a just iu- ference, (hat Judge Todd had made the fact known to some of the Tennessee er defendants claiming the same land, 1 ^'T- It was a common thing, with the had filed a previous l)ill. which had j J'udge, to communicate, to counsel in been answered, iicard a'ld dismi-sed. I Oliio, deci^ions made, upon new points Tlie complainants replied, setting fortii J '" other parts of the circuit ; and hence the record, and alleging that the pro- 1 1 esteem it a fair inference, that be- reed ings were coram •iwi^u^t'cc, the re- jt«'^"<^n January, 1322, when this de- •;ord not showing that the complainants <-''ion was made, and October, 1823, and defendants were citizens of differ- h'lc period of the compromise, some rnt slates, and consequently that the ''"o«l<-'Jsc of it had reached General decree being a nullity, was no bar to a ; -'^ckson a;id his counsel. Besides this new suit. The Circuit Court decided I various decisions of the Supreme Court, that the matter of the plea was a good i 'cading to the same conclusion, had bar, which went to "cj// up by tlie routs," the entire ground upon which the Gen- eral relied to maintain his claim. The complainants appealed tliis cause to the Supreme Court of the United States, where it was decided, February term, 1825, and the decision of the Circuit Court affirmed. In de- livering the opinion of the court, Judge W.ashingtonsays, (10/A fi'heal. 199) '•The reason assigned by the replication why been made, and were becoming more familiar to the western lawyers, his. therefore, in my opinion, a rational in- ference,thRl doubts about ultimate suc- cess operated more etlt-ctually, to produce a compromise, tiian the alleged tears of Mrs. Erwin, ailmitting the sto- ry told to be true. Thus much is now certain, the ten thousand dollars paid by the defendants was the price of peace, against a claitn, which could that decree cannot operate a« a bar, is, that j "^t have been enforced, had the defen the proceedings in that suit do not fhow»that dants continued to Contest it the parties to it, plaintitfs and defendant', ,,-, , , , •sere citizens of ditrercnl states and that, conse- *^ "'-'" '"<^ whole ground of General wcntly, tic suit was eoram nonjudiee, and tic Jackson's speculation is attenliveU ox- •us THE NASHVILLE VINDICATION OF amitied, connected particularly with its j And I am persuaded that every unpre- beariiigs upon his character, and the judiced man, who makes himself ac- probabiiify of succeeding in it, togeth-' quainted with the facts, and the legal er with his public relation as a candi-[ principles applicable to them, must u- dateforthc Presidency, the comprom-i nite with me in opinion, ise, in my opinion, does him no credit. \ It is not proper that I should close If he succeeded, it would lie ni con- sequence of an error of his own. For as he received ten thousand acres of the land, as a fee, for ^'iMvimr the Intsi- /IMS done,'' it was his duty to sec that this review without some notice of the style and spiritof the vindication, which the Editor of the Republican has put forth, in a semi-ollicial form. Tiiis doc- ument is characterized by nothing thai it was well and safely done, for the in- [belongs to candid argument, or gcntle- terest of his employers. There are , manlv discussion. There is all the few minds, so constructed and orgauiz- coarseness of vulgarity, all tlie rudeness ed, as not to feel some consi iousness of of manner, all the illibcraliiy of insin- blame, some sense of doing wrong, at : uatioa-, and all the rashness of asser- gainiug an immense estate, in conse- tion that belons to the Jackson school quence of a blunder of its own. It re- of composition. The spirit that vdi- flects no credit upon Gen. Jackson, if tied Scott, insulted Adair, and blnck- his mind was ai perfect ease, in the ' guarded Fronicntin.pervadeslhe whol<' prosecution of this claim. He had production. Was tiiis necessary to de- purchased it witlimit the advance of a: mo;istrate the integrity of Gen. Jack cent, and sivea tor it nothing but adcs- son's conduct? perate and hopeless delit of sixtccnj The vindication is introduced bv years stai'ding. against a deceased in- solvent. He was pressing the suit a- gainst purcha-eis from his own col- the-^e terms: "jMunler, A lultcrif. Trea- son. Siciiulling." h there any doubt !li it Gen. Jackson is a liomicide? The leagues in the original speculation, who der.'Jt of Dickinson was a l.gal mui- had paid him a fee, ((> transact the very; der, ho^vever gilded witii otiier delini- business, in which the error was com-j tions. The cohabitation with Mrs. mitted, that was made the foundation Robards, before the divorce trom her of his present claim. His success would husband, was open and unqualified a- be to establish, judicially, liis own mal-lduUery. If Burr was a traitor, as he feasance, in t'le discliarge of an im-| has been pronounced, the aid and couii- porfant agency, wiiicli would be, in the tenance shown to him, by Gen. Jack- plainest sense, taking advaiitfigc of his son, in December, 130*3, was little short own wrong, and growing rich by it. — j of treason — and tiie transaction 1 have The man who could serenely and quiet-, been examining, if practised upon a ly push a claim thus circumstanced.] smallscalc. by some poor starvingpetti- inust be. In a great degree, insensible fosiger. would be characterised as swin- to the value of good character, and to dling. Di>gmaticism of assertion can- J|he good opinion of his I'ellow-citizcns. ! not ut the developement of hi? pre- 1 fore vulgar and abusive. For pursu- viou= conduct necessarily lend to place ing this course, 1 have been reproached him on totally ditrtienl 'siround. ; in the mo-t unwarranted and unmcas- Mr. Adams, loo, is introduced. — ; ured main.cr. I have not de.med it There is not one particle of proof that i necessary to repel the innumerable at- Mr. Adams has said or done any thing ' tacks to which 1 have been subjected, impugning the /jrwenf or yBrr.f'ouj char- 1 Thty are never of specific characler, acier of Gen. Jackson. For what is land are conhncd usually to the general writ'en and published hy others, Mr. j charge of beuig a slanderer, in all the Adams cannot be ju>tly held responsi- 1 various modes of asserting a charge of ble. He has no power over the press (that untrue nature. My sole reply is, that supports I :im; no more in iact than point out an instance in which I ha\e tiie pri.-i3 that opposes him. Does the Vindicator of Gen. Jackson suppose that the author of the Tennessean would be staid in his course bv tlie sug- Adams? Docs he be- asserted, as fact, what is not sustained by evidence desening credit, and 1 will so far submit to the justice of the imputation, however the incorrectness may have proceeded from error, rather meiidiifity. My calumniators dare not do this. And I am cohtent that t!iey shall enjoy all (he consolation and all the credit, iwir and licrrofftr, of the course they have pursued, and gestions of Mi. .H-..1II3; j^^v^ .... .j^. | h'nt- ;hat thi< review would be either tban wrilteri or withheld, were Mr. Adams to interfere in resfject to it? He caii have no foundation for such belief, un- less h>* feels that he might, himself, be so influenced. He does ii justice to j continue to pursue toward me. Gen. the free spirit of the counti), and to I Jackson's clKuacter ougiit to exist in tne independent prirciples of his fcl- 1 dependent of mine. Wtien 1 assail low-citiz -us, as well as to Mr. Adams" jl.im I proceed oponly. and I state the sense of propriety, in making this grounds of my arcusation. To repel charge and he ought lo be ashamed of these, if incorrectly stated, involves no it. question, who or what 1 am. \N hen Fii ally, upon this head, 1 assure the proof demonsti-atcs 1 have utteied boih Gen. Jackson and his Vindicator, a cahimny, there is no occasion to call tii-it it is an egregious inist.ike lo sup- me slanderer. But when Uie prool pi.se, that all the priiuipal allegations, : fails to do this, there is an obvious mo- tive for garnishing it will) somewhat of abuse, the only sui)stif.tle that remain,-, when the just conclusion is against the object of the argument. C. HAMMOND. GENERAL JACKS0n"s LANU SPECl'LATIOXS, .Mm-dcr. AdidUrt), Tirasoii, S:cind/ing .' The desperation of the Coalition, like "that of an unlucky gamester, increases as the final consummalion of tiieir ruin draws near. No discomfiture^ howev- er great, can for a moment check their mad career — no defeat, however sig- nal, can induce them to relax their ix- ertions. There is no subterfuge so dica'ted. He appears to my most ian- i pitiful, that they disdain to resort to it: dul iudgmcnt, a bolJ.badman; a weak j there is no act so daring, that they fear and' incapaliic politiciin. Believing ' to attempt it. The singiflar and de- this, ilism. right -is a freeman, in a ; grading spectacle is now presented, of land i>f freedom, 'o as-erl il. Tlii^ I a s> >iematic attempt lo ruin the repii- have done openly and taiily. But al- latioii of a great national bencfactoiv made against Ge:i. Jackson, are not credited by those who urge them. — Whellier those who accuse, or those who pallia'e and justify are most delu- ded, may be no:r a ipieslion. The con- fidence of the Vii dicators is not stron- ger than the convictions of the accu- sers. I shall not take upon myself to sav that I am above the ordinarv hiascs of iiiunan action. But this I do say — ( seek most earnestly to avoid iheirin- fiueiiccs. 1 have said nothing of Gen. Jackson that I do not conscientiously believi!. I liave urg<'d no argument that [ did not consider warranted hy the preniise? upon which it was pre- GENERAt J4CKSON'S LAND SPFCl'IiATIOXS. 351 l>rcau?e liis popularity threatens to wre*t Ironi the ;^ra<[i o(" unhallowed iimbition, iis ill-::;otten power. It can- not be believed, tiiat the enemies of General Jackson, atiach the sliihteft credit to the numtroas accu^atioMs, with which Ihey hope to overwiielm liirn. Tiicir former conduct precludes all bi'lief in their present sincerit}. In 1 825, Charles Hammond was the warm eulogist of the man. on whose head he is now exhausting the poisoned ing to the world, a true statement of the facts, on wh'ich t'le charge of"smii- ilinsr,'^ has been reccjitlv foui'ded, a'd preferred, by one Dr. J. L. Armsloiig, of Bedford county. After the weari- some repolLiion of stale accusations, with whicli the public mind has been so long sated, it may well be imagined, that tile partizaiisof the Coalitioi' were as eagerly desirous of novi/li/, a» tue tnonarcl) who offered a reward for ihe liscowry of a new source of pleasure. It cup of slander! So late ;is the 8lh of; will be readily believed therefore, that January 1824, Mrs. Adams was proud the charge of "sw(W/»!£'," was hail<-d to hang on the arm of him, whom the I with suitable acclamations, and rereiv- mi^iions of her husband now have the jed with every mark of approbation.— audacity to braiid with the epithet ot • adulterer! In the lall of the same year. Mr. Clay was desirous of extending the hospitalities of his 4iousc in Lexington, to a man, whom his hirelings now pro- claim to the world, as a traitor and a murderer! A few years since and the eloquence of the Secretary could tuid no nol)ler theme, than the glory which the Uelender of New Orleans had shed upon his country. At a subsequent period the \>e\\ of Mr. Adams trium- phantly defended him, from some of the most atrocious charges, which the Coalition prints are, now. so zealously circul.aing. Ijut time has wrought a change among his I'ormcr eulogists a,:d dei'enders. Old relalions have been broken, and new connections formed. Bv the force of circumstances, the de We have even been taunted by the Ad- ministration prints, for delaying so long to take up the glove which was thus thrown down bv the gallant Doctor; and that oracle of truth — Charles Hammond — has said, that the con- duct of General Jackson, as detailed in the numl)eis of the '■'■Tcnne.fssean,"' on this subject, wears rather a "knavish aspect." If the publication of Doctor Armstrong wear not a ^-knnvhh aspect,''' by the time we have finished its exam- ination, then we will confess that our ideas of ktutvery are extremely erron- eous. Indeed he committed an egre- gious blunder in omitting to consult a certain friend and neighbor of his, err he ventured before the public witli his sii:iii'i!iiifr accusation. Col. Andrew Krwin,of Bedford county, the father of struction of bis character, both public a son-in-law of Mr. Clay, knozDs, as well and private, has become necessary to as any man living the qualities of Gen- preserve tor his 9i/n)i//u(« friends, that I eral Jackson's heart — he knows that wliich they value more than life, — poru- 1 General Jack-on is not a. swiiifller. If er and ut/ice, — a'ld to w hich they adhere i Col. Erwin had deemed Gen. Jackson with all the pertinacity which charac-:an unfeeling swindler, lie never would terizesthe struggles of a dying man. — {have bethought him, of employing the All their efforts, however, will he fruit- eloquence o[Mrs. Eru-in, to obtain from less — the people are too virtuous and him a relinquishment of his claims — if onlishtened, to be estranged from the | General Jiickson had been a swindler, object of their choice, t'.iough oceans of the tenrx oi' Mrs. Encin would no! have calumiiv and dclractir>n should be pour- prevailed. It is plain then, that it od upon him — the great tide of public D.ictor Arm-trong had consulted Col. opinion is rolling rapidly along, and Krwin, bclbre he came out with the must eventually sweep from before it, every obstacle that offers a resistance. With these rcflection=, which the current of events a few months past, and the nature of our present task, very naturally produced, we shall pro- ceed to fulfil a former promise, by giv- charge, we might have been spared the trouble of this defence. As he failed to do so, however, he must pay the penalty of liis neglect; but nsthis pen- ;ilty consists in nothing more than bei'ig cor.victcd of disseminating wros? and malicious faUehood^, it will.doubll'^Si 2S2 THE NASHVILLE VINDICATION OF be borne with christian resignation by | tir«t information that he rec< ived of a one, "ho has so frequently d'-monstra- j fatal defect in the procxedings, on ted 10 the world that he regarded the i which he could rely, was from the Hon. ple^e^v•ation of the body, ai the thief 1 G. \V. Campbell. He then toIl^ulted duty of man. and '■•corporal sufferance," jJenkin Wiiiteside, Ksq. and found that a> the mo't formidahic evil that "hu- his opinion coincided with Judge- man flesh is heir to." But to proceed iCampheirs. with the iifliction of this penalty. — Lastly, it is positively untrue, thai It is untrue, that Gen. Jackson at'Generaj Jackson purchased the claim certain land sales in the state of Ala- j of Allison's heirs for a mere "/n/.V."' bama, I'id olTat government price, Pig/i/| He gave in exchange for their claim to quarter ?ections of land, by which he Ini d? in this country, just and legal dc- virtually received iVoin his fellow cili-|niands to the amount of i-.ear twenty znns, a donation of some forty or lifly I tliou:,and dollars, which he held against thousand dollars. j Itic estate of David Allison. As this averment has no connection The truth ofthe above assertions will with the main subject, and was proba-lbe apparent from the following detail biy thrown in — to use a legal phrase — I of facts: byway of induiement or asgravulion,\ In the year 1795, David Alli^on, foi we will despatch it at once, before we the purpose of securing the pavment proceed to the consideration of the olh-j of S;? 1,800, due from him to I^orlon cr mi?represento gave him a written memorandum spe< ifving the place and manner of proceeding, and acrced that he should have a certjiin portion of the land for his services. Gen. Jackson then engaged Judge Overton, an emi- nent lawyer ofthe day, to obtain a lore- closure of the mortgage, and handed him the written instructions of Jud.ie rot expected, or even understood, that I Anderson. In pursuance of these in- he >hould transact the business in per- ; structions, a decree of foreclosure « as son. jhad in the Federal Court in the fall of It is wickedly and maliciously false, the year ISOI, and in the spring (ollow- as slated liv Dr. Armstrong, that a dis- ing, the lands were piiblii ly ^old by the covory of a ihnv i Mlie ti'lf. "was made ' marshal. At this sale, Ki.OOO acres of by General Jacksou liimself."' The land were bid off in the name of Noc- GENERAL JACKSON'S LAND SPKCl'LATIO\S. 2.-,3 ton Pryor, 35,000 in the name of Judge Anderson, and the remaining 10,000 in the name of Gen. Jackson. Five fhou>and acres of that which was bid .)ff in the name of Gen. Jackson, pur- suant to ail a>;rceinent lietwien the him by Pryor, would, to h very great extent, secure him. And liere anoth- er question arises: How lor.i^ would a man of" sense, partiicularly a shillftd tra- iler, holdii'£;vahiahh' propeity hv a title which 111' knew wa- defcrtivo, ni-trloct parties, were deeded hy the mar-hal to>ecure iiimsilf by the purchase of toJudv'e Overton and Jenkin White- side, Esq. For several years, every thiii^ iceiit on quietly and smuolhly, the validity of the decree and sale was'not questioned: Gen. Jackson disposed of his part of tlie land, skiving in many in- stances general warranty deeds, whicli is proof positive, that lie considered the title good ; and to as many persons as desired to know his opinion about the title, did doubtless express the ut- most confuirnce in its validity. In 1807, Col. Ervvin and parlner. appear- ed as the agents of Norto:i Fiyor, re- surveyed the lands, and exercised oth- an ou:standi"g tide, w hicii could ho ea- sily obtained, without labor and with- out expense? It is i'lcredible, there- fore, that Col. Krwin, knowing he ac- quired i'oli;lelo tlie -10,000 acies of laid purcliKsed ol PrNor in 1808, would have remained quiiily and contentedly, for the S|)ace of five years, without ta- king an assignment of the mortgage, which he was well aware would se- cure him to a certain extent, and possi- bly, altogether. A conclusion then inu?l tiirce itself upon the rniiid of tlie reader, that if Col. Krwin never did lake an uhsolute assi-rnmeiit of the er acts of agency. It was while Col. | mortgage from Pryor until the year Erwin was acting as the o^f/i< of Pry- or in the early part of the year 1 808, that he was informed hy Jenkin White- side of the nullity of the proceed- ings in the Federal Court.* — Y-jt, with a full knov.ledge of this — and | to all intents and purposes, was beyond we wish tiie reader to bear it in mind — i the reach of any grasp save his own, it appears that on the 23d day of Au- 1 We have been thus minute on this gust, 1808, Erwin and Palton became part of our subject, because it was im 1813, as stated in his answer, matters were nevertheless so arranged between him and Pryor, that he could ohtain an assignment at any moment when it suit- ed his views, ami that th(^ mortgage, the purchasers of Pryors right, under the marshal's sale, which sale Erwin had lieen previously informed, was wholly null and void! Thus we lind that this bu-iincss of pui chasing up de- fective titles for the purposes of specu- lation, was commenced by Col. Envin. Here an inquiry naturally arises. — With what view could Col. Fjwin, a portant that the reader should know who was the real aggressor in this busi- ness of liuyiiig up old and defective ti- tles, with ulterior views of speculation. The truth is, that instead of General Jackson's having made the discovery of the flaw of title himself, the knowl- edge of it w as in the possession of Col. Erwin sometime before it ever reached man of sense, have purchased 40.000 ' bim. Jenkin Whiteside deposes, that acres of land, held under a decree and Gen. Jackson came to learn his opinion gale which he A-xrm to be void? Tlie ! of the validity of the decree and sale, conclusion irresistibly follows, that hi- nficr he (White.-ide) had informed Col. never would have knowingly purchas- 1 Erwin that they were void. And the ed £0 larne a quantity of lands held I presumption is fair, thai Gen. Jackson bv a defective title, unless he knew of' would lose very little time in ascertain- sorne device b\ which lie could strength-' jng the validity of a title so important enthistille. Now. Col. Erwin knew 1 1.) him, after the rumor of its invalidity well enough, that if the foreclosure of first reached his ear. No sooner^ in the mortgage was informed and void, fict, did it reach him, than he hastened the nnortgage itself was in force, Hnd that an assignment of the mortgage to •S. t J. WhitcsiJc-s deposition in ttic clerk's ilfice. to Judge Campbell for the purpose of learnine his opinion. That opinion was uiifavorahle to the validity of the de- cree and sale und< r wiiich Gen. Jack- son claimed; founded, wc presume, on 5 it TUKWsIIVfLLE Vl>mcATIO\ OI' a want of jurisdiclion in the Federal [he transferred these notes by endorse- couiU neither party to the pi'OLced-' ment, and to his great astonishment i:ig- having been residents ot" the state, i and alarm, soon after received iiifor- Judge Campbell, furthermore, states' matiou of the failure of Allison, with in iiis deposition, that he "suggested a notice to prepare to cover his en- to him [ficn. J.] as a friend, the pro- priety of taking such stepi, on his part. dorsements. To enable him to do thi he was compelled to sell 30,000 acres as the case for further examination i of hind at 23 cent-; per acre, and was mi'^iit seem to require I) secure, his own right to thai part of iho^e Inndi held by him un'kr said decree and mirshars sale, as he to whom the said lands were orig- inally granted, intended to commence somj legal proceedings, it was suppos thereby brought to the very brink of ruin. Nothing hut the utmost energy and. activity couM have prr-served his credit. The principal and interest of these notes ampu ,ted, in the vcar iSli, to about §13,000; which," together ed, by offering to pay the mr)rtgage with some other claims against D ivid money in the name of Allison's heirs." | Allison, increased his demands agai.>st Tlie opinion of Judge Campbell (he estate, to near S20,000. This is having bfu'n quickly confirmed by that the trijle that Doctor Armstrong spoke " " of, as the price given by General Jack of Jenkin VVhiteside, Esq. the situa- tion of Gen. Jackson became truly a- larming. His deeds of warranty made him liable to the ditli^rcnt iiidiviiluals who claimed under him; and the mca- son (or the claims of Allison's heirs. Influenced by the considerations above mentioned, General Jacksoft, in lol2, mounted his horse, rode to tiie state of sure of dain iges recoverable in such i Georgia, and purchased from the heirs cases from the warrantor, at //w< pe- 1 of Allison (he equitv of redemption. — riod, was not the purchase rno'iey with I We appeal to the justice and common interest, which is the rule in force now, sense of every man, if there be any but the lull value of the land at the thing qnfair or dishonorable in such a lime of eviction. Unless, therefore, he purpose. He had previouslv been could make good the titles of those ' brought to the very verge of ruin bv the claiming undi-r him, he was absolutely , failure of Allison; was ii strange then, Tuined. Tims situated, the principle or improper, that he should leel desi of self preservation promptc^d him to prepare for the coming storm, and the rumor previously mentioned to him by Judge Campbell, that the Biounts in- tended to attempt a recovery of the rous of recovering the large sum- which as the endorser of Allison"; notes, he had been compelled, at an en- ormous sacrifice, to pay ? The whole tenor of his conduct, atter his return lands, by otTering to pay the mortgage iVom the slate of Georgia, bears the money in the name of Allison's heirs, 'strongest evidence of the uprightness of doubtless directed h's attention to the feasibility of preventing the ruin which on all sides threatened to overwhelm him, by purchasing the claims of Alli- soirsheirshimself. Independently ofthe strong desire implanted in the breast of every man, to protect himself tVom bis intentions. He did not immedi- ately resort to the legal tribunals, to obtain satisfaction for his undoubted claims, but inlbrmed Col. Krwin. of the true nature of his rights,and expressed a great desire that their respective claims should be amicably adjusted. imminent danger, another inducement : Col. Erwin expressed a similar wish, equally natural, and almost as power- but never offered any terms that could, ful. operated on Gen. J., and urged him ' with any sort of propriety on the part to thepurcliaseof the claims ol.\lli>on's heirs. The nature of lhi> inducement ■will appear from the following futs. About the year 17011, David Allison became indebted lo General Jackson in the sum of §6,076 on three several notes of hand. Havin'r the utmost of Gen. J., be accepted. I'rior (0 the commencement of suit by Gen. J., and during its pendency, frequent al(em(its were made lo effect a compromise. On one occasion,arbitrators were appointed — among whom were Judges Overton, While, and MrNairv; and these gen- ronfidcncc in the solvency of Allison, llemen can sav, whether (ien. Jncksor GENERAL JACKSON-S LAND SPECUL.\T10i\S. i;5j did not, on that occasion, as well as on evei\ oilier \\ hitti came within their knowledge,inanilc.--t every disposition lo have tiic inaiter liiirly and hoi.or.ibly comprornised-they can say whether the propositions made by him, were char- actfristic of the griping swindler, or oi an honorable high-minded man. The purchase from Allison's heirs was made some lime in the \ ear 1812, and it was no( till 1814, after General Jackson had used every oKertion to eflect an amicable adjustment of his rights — that he resorted to the judicial tribu- nals ol his country for redress, ixnd Jited a bill to compel his (idicrsary lo receive the mortgage money inlh interest — u-hich fic hctrl previously tendered to him — and de- ';i'( ;• 1/^ the lands. Let us now take a brief view of the opposite and conflicting claims set up by General Jackson and Col. Ervvin — their justice and equity, and particu- larly, the manner in which they had been obtained. We have seen that Gen. Jackson, at the Marshal's sale mentioned hereto- fore, in the bona fide belief of its validi- ty, became the purchaser of a large body of valuable land. This land be- ing sold out by him to diflcrent individ- uals, for the most part, with general warranty deeds, he became liable to them, in case the title through which he claimed, proved invalid. The title Tcaa invalid — hr elainird through the jMar- sfUiPs sale, ichieh is acknowledged on all hands lo have been null anti void, for the u-ani of jurisdiction in the Federal Court, both the pari ie J to the proceedings residing ■nit of the Stale. The individuals lo whom he had sold, became alarmed at tlicir situation. For the purpose of pro- tecting them and himself, and with a view to recover from ihe estate of Alli- son some renuineration for the sacrifice of nearly his whole fortune, which Al- lison's failure had caused, a t'cw years before, he obtained an assignment of the equity of redemption from the heirs of Allison, by releasing to them aclaim of about .^'SO.OOO against the estate, and then came forward and claimed a right to redeem the mort- gaged lands, by paying up the mortgage money with interest. It may not be irrelevajit lo observe here, that the right of redem])tion is aKva>s regarded with pe< uliar favor iiitliee\e of the law — ca-^es have oc- curred where parlies have been per- mitted to redeem after the lapse of thirty, forty, ai;d even fifty years — with so much jealousy, indeed, docs the l;iw rcg.ird the power of the mortga- gee, thai no conijiact or agreement how- ever soli mn on the part of the mortga- gor, can deprive him or his represenla- lives of the right of redemption. — Armed with a rigiit thus sanctioned and favored by the law, which was obtain- ed for the purpose of sell preservation, and also, to recover a large sum of mo- ney, which at an immense sacrifice, he. had been compelled to pay tor Allison some years before, did Gen. Jackson stand in 1814, when he filed his bill in the Chancery Court, with a view to re- deem the lands. How diiferent is the case of Colonel Erwin? Ho made no purchase in good faith, and wa^ deceived — he bought the lands from Norton Pryor, kmncing the title was a bad one. Jenkin White- side in his deposition, now in the Clerk's Office, states, that in a conver- sation wiih Colonel. lirw in, while he [Erwiii] was the agent of Pryor, and before he had jiurchased or.e foot of the land, he informed him that the decree of (oreclosure in the Federal Court, and the sale under it, were entirely null and void. Whiteside further de- poses, that when Colonel Erwin was charged in hi.; presence by Gen. Jack- son, with having had r full knowledge of the defect in the title at the time he purchased of Pryor, he did not pre- tend to deny it. We should like to know, therefore, what claim injuitice or equity Colonel Erwin had to any thing more, than to the mortgage money and interest, t!ie right to which he had acquired by taking an assign- ment of the mortgage from Pryor? But it is alleged, thai Gen. Jackson having acted as the lawyerof Anderson, and having frequently expressed a be- lief in the validity of the decree and sale, to sundry individuals, was estopped in honor — it is not even pretended he was in law from availing himself of the equity of redemption which subse- quenily came into his possession. If A 256 GENERAL JACKSON'S LAND SPECXLATlUAs. then, be employed hy B, to engage C to manage a pieceof piopeily, and Cart- ing in obedience to the dircciions of B. manages it badly, is A debarred from urging any substiptcnl right to llie pro- perty lie may afterwards acquire? Vei tliis wa? Gen. Jackson's case precisely. Judge Anderson never rould have ex- pected, that he a Judge of the Supreme Court of tlie State, would do any thing more in the matter, than merely to place the matter in the hands of some cmi ient lawyer, and direct him to pro- ceed according to law. As to the assertion, that Gen. Jack- son was, in honor, debarred of his right to redeem, because he had frequently said tlie decree and sale were good and valid, it involves the grossest absurdity. When a man warrants the title of u' tract of land, he proclaims to the world his i)eru'f in its validity; yet, will any one pretend that i)y this act of warran- tv, lie debars himself from setting up a hitler title to otiier land held under the same title which he had previously ■warranted lobe good? AVe imagine not. G.jn. Jackson filed his bill against Er- ■win and Fatton in 1814. Being unable to raise the mortgage money and in- terest, James Jackson and Jenkin Whiteside became interested with him. Whiteside alterwards released all his interest, to James and Gen. Jackson, and Patrick Darby was employed to assist in conductii:;; t!)e legal proceed- ings, and to attend to taking of deposi- tions, &c. During the pendency of the contro- versy, which lasted for several years, various propositions for a compromiye were subniilted bv Gen. Jackson, one of which was, that a decree shoulil be entered in his favor; that Erwin should pay Gen. Jackson and James Jackson, $•20,000— that Gen. Jackson should convey to Erw in, all the lands not w ith- in the bounds of other claimants — and that each paru siiould pay their own costs. This propo-ilion, though so just and reasonable, was not accepted. At length General Jackson was noti- fied by Colonel Erwin, to attend, on a specified day, at a place calb'd thi Stone Fort, near the Coloners resi dence, in Bedlonl countv, where tlu depobitions of CLTtaiu witnesses were to be taken. After his arrival, Mrs. Eruin sought an interview with li m, which was immediately acceded \o by General Jackson. \\'c are greatly tempted to stop here! The vilest cut of the coalition pack — the prince ol slanderers, Charles Hammond — the most infamous of forgers, John Binns, can instantly anticipate the result of this interview between Gen. Jackson and Mrs. Erwin ! The subject of the law suit, was without delay introd iced by the latter. Gen. Jackson observed* that all he required was simple justice, and as an evidence of his sinccri:y. n> fcrred her to tiie propositions whicli li. ' had previously submitted, and which ' ne have already slated. Mrs. Erwir acknowledged the reasonableness t.. the terms, but urged, that simple ju-- ticc to him, would leave her family in i;idigence. She tiicn with tears in Lei eyes, intreated him in the name of theii former friendship — she conjured him. by all tliat he lield dear, to otlcr such terms, as they could without ruin li themselves, accept. This appeal, xrr. of course irresistible. The gullai ; defender of New-Orleans, was no! proof against the tears and distresses of a woman. He immediately con- sented to release, icithoitl compensa'iotiy all claims which he had against tlic property in dispute; but stipulated, that Mr. James Jackson, who was a parly concerned, and whose rights he could neither release nor interfere with, should receive some remunera- tion. His proposition was joyfully ac- cepted — James Jackson received xlO,- 000 for his inicrest, from Colonel Ei- win — Gen. Jackson not one cciU: ai the intercession of Mrs. Erwin, he ga\( up every thing, and afterwards, as the Clerk niformcd us but a short time since, paid upwards of ,S-,700 out of his own pocket! Thus ended this nifindliiii^ transaction of Gen. Jackson, by which he volunlarih' resigned jusi iS; equitable claims to an enormous amount, because he had a heart tliat glows w ilh the kindest feelings of humanity . Hi merely stipulated for the protect ion of the individuals whoclaimed under him, t granted tothe te.irsof a woman, that, w'licli on every principle of honor, jus- tice and equity ho was fairly entilh-d to. St PPLEMENTARY KKitlARKS. X5? SUPPLEMICXTARY UEM.litKS. Since the foregoing articles were put to press, the sivei.tii number of the TexxkS'SEan has been received, uliich is devoted to an inve^iigaiion of the su!)ject. Jt is a refutation of this same Nashville vindication, by the devel- openieiit of additional facts, as well as by argument, f extract from it some olthc most material parts of the docu- mentary evidence, \vhich seems to show the utter disregard of truth, that characterizes the vindication. It is proper to state, that Joseph Arderson, the original contractor wiih Pr» or, is now Comptroller of the Trea- sury of the United S.ates. Although it waseitireiv throu:;h him, that Gen was " acknowledged on all hands to havi been null and void-;'' and conlirms the disbelief of this fact, asserted by me in the foregoii'g review. The Vindicator, it will be found, makes several references to the tc-ti- mony of VVhitesides, who has testified that he communicated the fact, that the title was det'eclive, in consequence of the nullify of the decree, to Erwin, in I COT. This I consider of little im- portance, cither in a legal or a moral point of view. Erwin attempted no speculation upon Pryor, but bought of him lor §25,000, and Pryor never com- plained, so far as is made known. But the parties considered it of great im- portance, and to ohtain the advantage Jackson was let in, for a share of the! of the testimony of Whitesides, the original speculatio'i, it appears that in otiier partners, Gen. Jackson and Sam- thc new speculation, he was also to be [ uel Jackson, purchased out his interest, sacrificed. The Tennesscan gives the j and took Patrick Dari)y into partner- following extract of a letter, written by i ship with them, to transact the law Mr. Andci-sonto Mr. Erwm, after Geii. J'^^rt of the concern. The impression Jackson had filed his bill. made ui)on the community, by this .. .... „ , . I movement, is evidc ced by an act of '^knoxville, 9lk .4ugv,t, 1814. i the Legislature of Tennessee, passed I am astonished beyond the expies-[at the session of 1821, of which the fol- sion of language, at the i,7/ which I j lowing account is from the Tennes- nave seei coming from Gen. Jackson, igga^: I could not be persuaded that he would j ' ever contemplate such a measure.— "Need I add anv more on this part On my return home, I will examine my |*''^ '"J' s"''.it-cl? Surely not. Inde. d papers, and carefully select every one,i*"'^''^ '■''^^ ^'"^ consternation and alarm that will aid in deleating the scheme i <^''<^'''^'^ '" ^'"^ ^^^^^ of Tennessee, in so unti£^htcoiis/y formed, against the I *^°"*^'1"*^"'^^ °^ *'*'' *^°™'''""*'°" ^'"""g holders,'^U',derlhc decree of "the Feder-'^ '^'^'■'■'"" '•'"^^ of lawyers (a large pro- al Court. New and strange must be ] Portion of this profession, I esteem as the d-«ctrine, if a state court can re- i ^^""'""'''''^ ""*^ "l^'igli' "ne'O and others, verse a decree of one of the Federal!'** ^^''''^^* property from the innocent Courts— even if there had been an er- 1 P"'"*^'^'"'^'"*' ''''''• ^''^ Legislature ror in the proceedin->. How Gen.K!)*'"*'''''^ '" "t^cessary to pass a severe Jackson could avail himself of it, in anv Champrrh, law. hi this law, it is en- way, (even if an error had been com-i'"=^^^' "'^^''^ "'^ practising attorney, mittcd, which I deny) I cannot well,*''' P'-''^*'" "''^ ''^^ ''^'-'" '"* practisnig conceive, for it is a maxim iti law, thai 110 man can take advantage of his oion long, (Signed) JOS. AN DERSON." This is the light in which Mr. An- dei-son viewed the conduct of General Jackson, and this is the view entertain- ed by a respectable lawyer, of the doctrine, that the proceedings of the Federal Court were void. It puts the attorney in this state, shall be permit- ted to give testimony against a client, or person who consulted them as at- torne}', with a view to employ him or them, by disclosing any communica- tion made to them, as attorney, either during the pendency of the suit, or af- terwards to their injury. Nor shall any allornoy or other person, under the pretest of having transferred their in- terest to real estate, or obligations for seal of falsehood upon the assertion of | the performance of contrac's, or notes tlie Vindicator, that the Maiskil's sale' for money during tlie pendency of any C c 259 CEVRnA.?- TACKSOV'S TA^Tt SVErVI.ATlOSS. suit ai l;.w. be j-crmiltet! to nwn lesti- winch o\ij.M to -sfd »honly aficr lie leased fiom anv liability to pe.rfoun Ivid purchased out Wliitesides, and im- co:itracts or pay money." T'is Uw proved hiin a> a witness. The iiiler- was pa-sfd alrno-t iiearii'^ousl) : ard crce is irrc-fisrible. al.Moiigh Mr. Diiby, on heiialfol tiim- The advocates of Gen. Jackson, sell". Air. W'litesid'v. and Gcii. Jack- seem to have inihibcd, in a peeiiliar SOI. attacked it most violently in his | maimer, the tniils ofconduci that usu- "' "onstitutional Advocate"' — and altho' ally characterise the most subservient several aitempl- ha\e been made since parasites. Where his conduct is hast to repeal it. lliey could not succeed. In ' defensiide. they attempt not merul\ to fact Mr. Uarby alleires directly in his palliate, hut insi-t to besiow hmh (om- "Advotate" that the liw was passed i nif^tidation. In this case, the iSashville purposelv to nllect Gen. Jackson a-d Vindcator makes an etfort to ob'ain Mr. Whitesides, relative to the Allison ; credit for the General in compromising estate." the claim. He finds in it evidei ce of [the nio-t unbounded benevolence', and Many of our readers know, that Mr. leils a mighty atlec ing tale about the Darby has made loud complaints, that {lear^ of Mrs. Erwi,i, and the generous, t!>e Legislature of Tennessee had as- 1 liberal, and instant concessions of ihe sailed, by l.-gislative en.ictments, his General. In the preceding review, 1 piivate riglits. Tliis short quotation expressed my doubts of the accuracy explains the- whole matter. The law of the Vindicator's str.tements on f!ii- its'lfis demonstralive of a monstrous ' point. It turns out that I was rlifhi. state of society. The Icgul profession ; The whole i*^ a gross and shnnicAil mis- cannot but feel them-clves much scan-i repre;e-'.talio:i. as the subjoined doc- dnlizi'd. that, iii any state, t!;c coii- uments prove, wliic'i, witS the in'ro- duct of t'v-ir legal brethren, should , ductory remarks of the Tennesseao, have made such a law necessary. — are given at length. Notliing hut the most outrageous! scenes of legal combination and chi-| "ii the defence it is sta*ed, f ha: -ai canery, could have called for this kind ; length Gen. Jackso" was noiified b\ of legislation. Such a law, if exis'i-ig Ccl. Erwin. to aitesd on a specified circumstances required if, to protect day, at a place called th(? Stone Fort, the cU'Zcns against combinadons a- near the ColoneTs residence in Bed- niong-- lawyers, to join in spcculalionfc ford countv, where the depositions of swear to aid one another, even by dis- certain witnesses were to be taken." closing tiie secrets of former clients, , Part of this extract is /nic in the Icttti, was n jnet one. Here, Ihe proposi-jbut all is false in the spirit of it. It tion we.uld shock u«. We have no conveys the impression to the mini of court of (he least intelligence, that; the reader, that this was the only would permil a lawyer to disclose the place named in the notice, in order to communicalioii- 0)' his former clients, i assist in the inference, that the notice Tiie lav^ ver who should attempt to do! was designed for the purpose of a meet it. would be shunned as an aba-jdoned ' inL' between Gen. Jackson and Mrs. Ki- viilaiii. Fi'ii ii: Tennessee, where Gen. : win; now the (!ulli is. there was a Jacksrtn !i:is bee,- looked up to. as the'stiii:g of five or six places pointed oat tutelary gei;fus of ;>oth ben(h and bar. to take, depositions at, in the no'ice, a very difll-rent moralitv seems to have commencint; in Warren Gounty. ^hen • prev.iiled. And a legislative act wa*.; in Franklin count\, and then in Bed- decn.i'd i>p. es-i-iry to prevent General ' ford conntv. The Stone Fort i* in Jackson l!''.)self, from thus using one Franklin county, a distance of fifteen ot his com' Jenites. Tliere is a dc- mile> iVom Col. Frwin s residence; the grce of lurpaude implied in this law, next place, w;is to have been within SliPPtEMENT.vnY REMARKS. SSO two or tiiiee inilcs of liisl.oiisc in Beil foid cou.it) ; ii.iil il any c/eyj^rt was in- t.'i.dcd, this would luive been the most ii.itiir.d phicf. 1.1 Waircii county, the Goneral and Col. Erwin m.'i,anj iifter laking a de- position, tne iiexl day roJi^ ict^'-tiiiT to the Stone Fori. Wliat ^oolc place aClc-.i nrriving there, will De u.iderjtood by •reading the Ibllowing H-.temenls, in an swer to Icttt-rs iVom me, reiim^ting in- formation on th(> su'ject, fioni Coiono! Er»vi;i, M ijor Mariax. and .Mr. ^^ m. JH. -Murraw " Brdford CoHiilt/, oik June, 1 828. ^ Dr. J vs. L. Armstrong. JJcir Sir: — Your note of Ihe 3d inst. is before nic. The statement ui llie 'R publicarr alluded to, is untrue. — The facts are these: In tlie fall of tni the Sfone Fort in Fra ikliu coufuy, it which place we arrived the rexr al'tcr- i.oon, ami put up at the house of an (;ld •scquaintance and intimate friend of mine, whose wife, accompanied by my • ou'i^est so!i, and a iL>. Mi Crew, had Lhat d*.y, (just before our ariival.) set out to North Carolina, on a visit lo her rflations, (and our's also) in that »ia.e. M'S. Erwiii, for the ;>urpoie of accom- paiiji's; her s^m and 'ler 'icighbour, Mrs. McGrew, and o' vi>iting and ron- VtTsii {V i\i'h JMrs. .Murray, before ^he started, i.ad arrived ih'-re the preia".c in the evenma, the year 1S23, Gen. Jackson and hi» part- Qp,_^.^.,, 3,,j ^,^rj_ £,.^^j„ wcic "intro- ner and agent, .Mr. P. H. Darby, w'ere ^^^^^^\^ ^„(j having never seen each notitied by me, (on behall of rnvseh. ■ ^,,1,^,^ l,(,,^,re that time, although he and and the other dcl'endants.j that I should ^jv^clf had been at law for nine years, on certain days specilied, proceed lo {^r^.^, ,j>f,ri,in_'. after breakfast, the sub- take deposilions at various places, tf' ject of the land dispute was introduced be read in our defenee, commencing m ^, General Jackson him^e.f, to Mrs. Warren county, then in Franklin cou'i- j,2,.^ij, ^yhen some conversation en not the most distant idea or cxpecta- |,j^QPg„jp3yoyp,,(j to excite' his sym- tion of seeing or meeting Gen. Jackson 'p_.^tj,i,,^^ is utterly untrue. Wuhout at the taking of these depositions, he .,^y advances on my part, or of Mrs. havi.^g never before attended in per- i7r\,i„^ t|,e General commenced the son himself, except when the place was I j,Q„^.j.,.g.^i„„ about a compromi-e. — Nashville, to any of my notices, al- j j^^jj ,i,^. General then, lhat 1 tiever though the suits had iiecu on hand i^,,j viewed his claim to ihe lat'.ds in nine years, and although at vario.is dispute, as worth 12 1-2 cents; hut as other times and places depo.>itions had )„, jjaj created a division in our ra; k», been taken: being uniformly represent- by m.-aiis of two of his friends who ed by some of his partners or lawyers. ,ii\pj ;„„y,,g U5^ I would agree to u mil After I had been at Mr. Reynolds's [jj^ proportion lo the settlers on tic some short time, lo my surprise Gen. land, to take $-10,000; but at the srime Jackson made iiis appearance, a;id fori (i^jj. assured (.^j^,,^ | „.ould not per- ihe first time in many years, cxte ided ' ^uade iIk m to ac cdc to jl ; believing. to me his hav.d, and seemed desirou to be on l)etter terms. The deposi tion taken at that place, was very im- portant to the defendants, and I was then well conviticed the General's de- sire was increased to elTect a compro- mise. We were next lo lake three depositions of a 'iir.ilar character, al as ] did, tha.if 1 lived, iley were in no danger of losing ll eir l:nds — and the peo; le know this was ti.c course I pur sued with tl em. lOU .. re pcvj fuly, A. ER-.VJN: 7G0 GE-V. JACKSON'S I^ND SPECf LATIOS. Franulin County, June 5lh, 1 828. Doct. Armstron'c, Dear Sir: — i'ours of the 3d inst. is oefore me; in reply to waidi, I cat. state what I saw, aud wliat 1 Ijelieve al)out tile meeiing between Mrs. Erwin and General Jaikvon at the SionS Fort, at (lie time alhuled to. I have a per- fect recollection of Mrs. Erwin's ac- companying her yoiingi.'st son, and her neighbor, Mrs. McGreW, to mv house at the Stone Fort, the evoniig before General Jackson and Col. Erwin ar- rived there; and the next day Mrs. M -Grew and my wife set out for North Carolina, in company with Mrs. Er- win's son — a youth about seventeen years of age. I accompanied them a lew miles, and on our way met General Jackson and Col. Erwin going towards the Fort. I returned honic that eve- ning. Mrs. Erwin had remained with mv soifs wife. General Jackson and Col. Erwin, had spent the evening in explaringthe Fort. Mill, Shoals, &c. a- bouLone mile distant. Mrs. Erwin said she had never before seen Gen. Jack- son, and could not then he introduced to him, as she had come there entirely unprepared to meet company, that she had been taken entirely by surprise. and that unless Mrs. VVm. Murrav. my son's wife, could supply her w'ilh a dress &LC. she would not be intro- duced to the General. 3Irs. Wm. Murray tells me she Hid assist her in this way, and after General Jackson and Col. Erwin returned in the eve- nine;, she was introduced to him. We all - 1 jped and breakfasted together. I hf'.ird of no co.iversatio.i a:")ut the Ux'mU by any of the compa ty, until alter breakfast the next m'lrning, about the tim': the wit lesscs beg m to arrive. I feel entirely confident Mre. i:rwin had not mcntio icd Jackson's name, and that she had no expectation of -eeini; him— nor do I believe, from all thaU pi-«'d, -le left home with any expec-l t::ti<):i of meeting Col Erwin. I am! C" limied in this opiniSn, from heri bein;;so unprepared io meet company, | a fl her >yisii lo return home, the day G-ner.d Jackbon ajid Col. Erwin ar- 1 lived. iJA.MUEL iMURRAY. I I certify, that I was at the house o f my father, at the Stone Fort, both when Mrs. Erwin arrived, and when General Jackson and Col. Erwin ar- rived — and was present during their stay, which of the latter wa- about 24 hours: and I fully concur with my fath- er, in the foregoing statement. I am entirely confident Mrs. Erwin had no expectation of meeting General Jack- son; nor do I believe she expected to meet Colonel Er\vin. WM. H. MURRAV. The reader is requested to look- back to page 256, of this number, and there carefully read what the Vi dica- tor has said about the inlerforence of I Mrs. Erwin, and then compare it with j the facts here stated. If he be an ] honest man, though a supporter of ! Gen. Jackson, ! ask him lo say wliether j he has ever witnessed a more scanda- I lous misrepresentation of facts? What should be thought of a vindica- tion, where falsehi od is resorted to. ; with so little ceremony. Their is one view of this affa'r, to whcii I would ask the attentioi; of every man. The allegation of the Vi.idicntor, as to the part acted by Mrs. Erwin. is r learly, and, a.- I think, most fully filsitied,iiot by the assertion of Mr. Er« in alone, but bv that asser- tion, contirmcd by the statements . f I' e two Mr. Murrays, and other cor- roborating cirrum-tanccs. Did Gei • eral Jackson originate this falsehood with regard to Mrs. Erwin? It could originate with no other person: foi I here is no prelcnci-, as the story is lohi, that any other p.-rson was conVer- sant with the pretended facts. Can it be, that honorable men will continue l was made on the pari of Morgan, to sup- port tlie Kentuckians by a detachment from the bieast work. He suUered them to maintain the conflict alone, .i':d was un(|Ucstionahly, wholly to hlame, for the disasters of the day. It was iniposMble for two hundred men. btrnng along a ditch to the extent of two or three hundred yards, to main- tain their position against righJ /iui>- '^ed BritisU regulars. It was unrea- I sonable to expect it. This little band I liad been under arms all night — tliey i had exit nothing for foubtekn hovrs- , they were wretcliedly armed — they 'liad advanced and met tlie enemy; af- iter tiring and retreating, as descrii)cd- 'hey had again formed along llic ditchi jhere they >tood unaided and unsup^ ported, till the enemy had turned tlu-irl i right, and was passing to tiie rear,] I when they wereag;iin eumpclled to re- j treat; iiitd for ihir, thry have been brand- \td-cith ftirCOUARblCK. 1 have here. Sir, given a concise and I correct account of the Kentuckians, I whom you so basely slandered in your 3 I report to the Secretary of War. In ' proof of my accuracy, 1 submit poriionS ; of the testimony given belbr- ihc court I of enquiry which was expressly con- vened to investigate the truth of \<«ur charges. Colonel Ford* testified a= follows: '• ric occupied abont tiic crntre of Culoni . I D ivis's line. Tlio rrtrrat of th • rijlil diJ iiul I conitueuce nnitil ibi' aniiv liad gained our liiii b ' on the riu'ht tlaidc, anil were advancing upon Iheru. He hail three men vroundcd hy the fire loflhern^mj u lit iMd crossed (/'if /tnf, and tnrt \Jirtng on his rear. The enemy in front keitt up ] a hot fire and were about lOi) yanh diifuit. He faw no general oflicer on horsf-buck: tlic arm<5 of Colonel Uavig^sineu were in lery bad order; many of the guns would H'l fire at all."' The following is from t e testimony of Lieutenant Stevens: " He was about the centre of Col. Davij' line, when the firini; commenced. He |'n;>cd several timet along the line from ri^'ht ti' left; our men lired rciierally from Mrcf to/tx rou:idt. He thinks llie cDciny, when the Kcnluckians commenced retreating, were within 60 or 70 I yards. Ho was wounded at the commuice- ' ment of the retre.it. On netting up he found ! I lie enemy liad i;olt thej fired from three to 'even rounds. Tueir iirms wiTc in wretchcil order, and a co isiderahle number would not fire at all. He thinks the *■ Thi' was" Col. Fonl, formerly a Rupre- I e»ntali\"e from Shelby county, Kentucky, and « ^ .ry correct and intelligent farmer. KENTI!CKIANa CAI,IJ»mrATED. 2G3, Frenchmen on his loft nearest tlio breast work, I by Com. Patterson." In this, your co.uin.nowl retreating about tlic fiuuv. »'"»" carelessness in th.- Mad-mcnt of f-irls with Col. O.ivi.'. I.ft. The fir.; ufUie enemy | '^'"e'essncss in in., stall mcntol lacls, was warm, lie neither saw Gen. Morgan, nor any other field olficer, riding: along Col. Davis's line after he had Jormed on the right." From the testimony of Cols. Dejan and Cavaliier of the Louisiana militia: and tendency to prevarication, are both conspicuous. You say, your strength was very .ittlc iccrea'-ed, be- cause a " small portion onh/ of the de- tachment could be armed! In the next breath, you declare, tiiat a ^•ilrong "The Krntnckians were almost exhausted i i , j ,i) r .1 . with r.tigue and hnnjer, having taken no re- j ''«'«'''""e"' of the same troops, OCCU- freshni nt< lor FoeaTEEN HOUR*. They were pied the entrenched camp with Gen- aho bi.llv armed and uncuvereii. They be- , oral Mor., ^ j ■" ij ,■ ; j j ' creased, a finall portion only armed : and lUei/ cnuld fiave formed their respec'.ive regi- nieiics, to !-up('ort Com. Patterson's artillery. Gen. .VIiir:;un, Rave no orders to that effect, nor yet you sent a »' strong detachment'^ of this small portion" to reinforce Mor- any order to ehango their i-osilion or to form on | , , j -^,^f^^^ inability to un- any oti.er groniid. 1 , . 1 ,• 1 ■ 1 • 1 I derstand any nianwuvre of this knid.- Commodore Patterson, in his testi- 1 In truth, it is gi oss and palpable con- motiy, expresses his belief that, Mor- : tradictioi>. It nevertheless, shows your fran after the retreat of the right, might iljiherality to the Kentucky troops, and have changed his front and supported a disj)o.«ition to magnify the mischief the artillery. He says: " /;>/((ce(/^iwr occasioned by their retreat. In your cotifirlenci in Uw Knituckians, and relied ^ report to the -Secretary of War, you murh ujwn thnr support.''' Again, he proceed: says: ^Thc Kentucky troops^ tirre vervJ >. jhe entire destruction of the enemies' ar- BADLY ARMED,- QTvl HE WOULD REI.LT-|niy was now inevitable, had it not been lor an TANTLY HAVE RISKED HIS LIFE v>ith (I ' unfortunate occurrence, which at this moment , .. /■ .1 „ I I.,, /<,„.„ " / to(jk place on the cher «idc of the river, .'i- great portion of the arms used by thtm. ! , „,„„anc..usly with his advance on my lines, he Other evidence was before the | had thrown over in bis boats, a cousiderable POUrt of inqniry, to the same effect as , force to the other side of the river, t hcse hav- Ihe above. It 'all tends to the point, i"g.'^'nJ«d, were hardy enou.-h to advance 1- against the works of General Morgan; aud and shows conclusively, that tiie fault what is strr.ngc ajid difficvlt to account for, .It of the defeat, was 'm Morgan's want of] the very moment when their entire discora- „' / „„J ,„j .„ il,^ ^,^-,.,.«/l■.-,. nf fiture was looked for, with a confidence an- gcncra.ship, and not in the co.Lar(icc of ^^^^^^^^^.^^ ^^ cenainty, THE KKNTUCKV flu Kcniurktans. No men could be-, Kt;i,\fo,{^Ci;ivi''.NTS (CJ-INGLORlOUShY have with more decision and gallantry j I'i-tD^pij druuiug a/tir them by thcU example-, in their exposed and defenceless con-, <^ ''•^"■^■^■'»-'^''/ '^'^/<'""•"•'•• dition. Thev were acquitted by the ^ I have already stated, that at thc- court, and you barely gave a cold as-|time you made tiiis report, you could sent to the dcci'^ion. | not be accurately informed of the facts. I will now turn sir, to your account j The court of enquiry had not then of the transaction. On the 9th of Jan- been held. But subscquciuly, the tes- uarv. and of coui-se, before the truth itimony as above quoted, \vas laid bc- of the matter could- be fairly known,! fore you. Yet you have never with YOU wrote to the Secretary of AVar, as! drawn the charge, but have repeated follows: '■ Although my forces, as to { it in the most aggravated terms. The number, had been increased by the ar-j {veiituckians were dissatisfied with the rival of the Kentucky division, my 1 treatment they had received, and re- strcngth had received very little addi-j quested General Adair, to make ap- tion ; r; .t?)in///)or/!on on/// of that detacli- plication to you, for that repajation ment, beini; provided wiih arms." and justice, to which the evidence be "General Morgan with the New-Or- fore the court of enquiry so clearly leans contingent, the Louisiana militia,! entitled them. On the 20th of March, ard a strong detachment of the Arn-lhc addressed you a letter, repeating lucky troopa, occupied an intrenched the facts, and requesting from you, a canrip, on the opposite side ol^the riv- more explicit approval o( the conduct er, protected by strong batteries on of his troops. But you were deaf to ibe bank, erected and superintpc'ctai)le men was entirely overlook- ed. The slatcmi'ut of I'atlcrson ai:d Morgan, was par.iniount to every thing, else. Tlicy inlbrmed you — on thcnii you relied — and because titci/ said »-o, I you declared that the '•^ KnUuchians in- g/oriiiiish/ Jlcd! Two hundred mcn.i wlio had been under arms all niglil. who had i)een lourtoen hours without , refreshm^Mit, wiio were badly armed. j who had advanced and met the enemy leaving Morgan's fresh troops, safely i behind their breastworks, were brand • ed wit!) cowardice, because they gave ] way in an exposed situation, bel'ore a i much superior I'orce. I'ray sir, did it' never occur to you, that Morgan] (your great witness,) with his ten orl twelve hundred fresli troops,, might! have iitl'orded these Kentuckians some I little support? Did you suppose a| ftw raw militia, with h;wl arms, posted ; thinly along an open ditch, would i stand the appioacli of six or eight bun- [ dred liritisii regulars? When; was | Morgan all this lime? Did he not! kiiow, that an enemy of common sense, would allcnipl Lu the lirst place, the' weakest part of his lines? Did hi* visit the position? Did he encourage Davis, or otfer him any supi'ort? It is not pretended, eitier by _\our?elf or any Ixidy else, that he did. And yet this very man, who ordered exhausted troops to meet the enemy, then posted them where only peril could be ex- pected, is the chief witness, on whom you have said you relied, to cliargc thoM,' tr(iop« with cowardice! As for Patterson, he was a half mile furt'ier up the river, at his battery. He could know notliing of the retreat, nor of the certain j)osiuon of the British at the lime: — for aceording to his own ad- mission, the testimony of Col. C^ald- well, and Morgan himself, whose words I quote, "•the fug vas fO thicJc, that thrif could not see one hundred otid Jifty i/ards.^' I repeat, Morgan was the man chiefly to bhime. He lost the day. and was interested in shifting the cause of the defeat, iVom his own, to the shoulders of otiicrs. I have already presented sufficient evidence, to convince the world of your great injustice, and wilful blind- ness to the truth. Had the mallet slopped here, lime and the indulgence of your countrymen, might perhap* have buried the whole transaction in oblivion. Bui there are greater incon- sistencies behind. You seem to have been chosen, but for what purpose I know not, to concentrate and exhibit within yourself, all those contradic- tions and moral deformities, which in most ages, have been diversified and dispersed among many individuals. I would not have noticed this allair, if you had not added to your injustice, the most palpr.ble falsehoods. Such falsehoods sir, as you can never explain away, and as will loUow you to the end of life, and mark you as a perverse and deliberate liar. I use harsh terms, but I appeal to the following fiicts to sustain me. Recollect the position you first as- sumed. You say as to the llight of the Kentuckv troops, uiur statement was founded on that made to you by Com. Patterson, and General Morgan, which you not only did believe, but was bound to believe!! You did not for a mo- ment. preti.Mid to know any thing of TO GEN. ANDREW JACKSO.V. 285 *hc fact yourself, that is at the time j a half, what Caldwell could not see, when you in ide the charge in }0ur re- port to the Secretary of War. That Patterson and Morgan misrepresented the mailer was amply proved hefore the court of enquiry by at least half a dozen most respcclal)le witnesses. — Still von was deaf to tiie cry of justice, and wiien pinned down l>y Adair, and forced to abandon your reliance on Pat- terson and Morgan, instead of declar- ing like an honest man, that you had on account of the roc, (uo hundred yards! But further, Gen. Morgan, your own witness, disclosed in terms not to he mistaken, thai -ihe itcather was so thick, he could not see one hundred and fifty yards !!'^ Other witne-^ses tes- tified to the same fact. Now, sir, did all those men lie? Did ihey perjure them>elves? if they did, why was you so long silent on the subject? VVhy did you not expose tliem at the time? bc(Mi deceived, ) on state: "The rir.i. and above all, why did you rely on viF.w WHICH 1 HAD FROM THE PARAPET ' PattersoH and Morgan, when you had OF MY Li.vK OF DEFKNCE, GAVE MK FULL the ovidcnce of your own eyes, of the EvniENCE OF THE (fJ-'^GLORIOUS j alleged "/)n;7or/o«s///>/(^''"'' The truth FLIGHT of the troops, on llic right 6a;iA: is,sir, you liave not only prevaricated, before the enemy."' This assertion was' but have been guilty of the most gross made in 1817. How does it compare i and deliberate falsehood. Vou riever sir, with your previous declarations ?| Mai the Kentucky troops ingloriously Did vou not say, that von relied upon! fly! You could not see it. At the Patterson and Morgan? Did you pre- J time, you did not pretend to see it. — tend at the time to know anv thing of Driven to extremities you assumed the the matter /jt)-jo/!«//^? Surely you did ' character of the braggart, and swore not, and for the best reason imagin-; to that in the oir/, which had never en- able; everybody knew, that situated ' tered your mind in the hrginning, — US you were, vou could have no per- 1 There is a perverseness of disposition sonal inform ition on the subject. Y'ou i about the wliole of this transaction, were a mile and a lialf distant, and the ' which marks you the stubborn, unyicld- fog, says Patterson, and several other ; ing, and uncompromising bully, witnesses, was so thick, that objects There is one other point, upon which, could not be seen at the distance of] as an olHcerand a gentleman, you was tifty yards! This you knew at the Abound not to be mistaken. You have time, and therefore never once intima- reterred to it several times, in your let- led, that you saw the flight. But in tei-s and reports, and in every instance 1817, three years afterwards, you saw : have misrepresented tlie truth. I through the OCr'fog and mist on a level ■ speak of the rfjiciency of Com. Patter- line of a mile and a lialf in' extent, : son's battery in the atfair of the 8th, when every body else could not di=cov- on the right hank of the river. It is in i^r objects, at the distance of a few hun-I connection with your pretended person- dred vards! But I will refresh your al knowledge of the inglorious flight, memory by giving the testimony. It wear« the same reckle-s and stub- Gen. Adair, who was standing by born aspect, and shows with what im- Ml at the time vou pretended to have pndent clfronlery you misstate impor- ■ en the flight, says: 1 tant fact-, in order to make out your •The distance from »' to the tro^ns wa, I ^f <; .\" » letter to Governor Adair, more than a milf an'i a lialf— rt^T\\ZKT.\0\ April 11th. I8l /, after dcclarmg ^ "" ■' " " the f^n 1 mc''^ '-'i lilt; ii\"-»|»:-^ *\_"vi iiu«^*> »ii^ iCRf^rC WAS A THICIC FOG, AND I CONFESS I (hat VOU saw from your parapet, I '7r"M%^ARVlY'35,''""" '"''"'''' ^n flight ofthe troops, Nou add: -Xouh did I hrhotif, thill mnnly defence, uhich I Col. Caldwell, of the Louisiana mi- litia, testilied, that. -iirh was the /"o? and mist townrdsthe river T-TIIAT HE COULD NOT SEE Col. Da- . 5 line but he hoard tlm fire." expeiteH, exerf)t from Piitteryon^s LrltTies, WHICH WEliK WELL SKRVEDI!" Now, sir, this can be no other than a malicious and deliberate falsehood. — Patterson never fired a gun. His bat- It seems, however, that you sawl tery was not served at all. unless the ■arlv. at th'' distance of n mib and' spikins of his guns was th^kind ofser- D -1 kl iM TO fiKV. ANnnBW.JAtKSO\..-TE.N.\KSSF.K...Hi:KO OF TWO WAR.t, Slal' 'twa;. vice ol "hicll be spoke, in prrxif of. ttuVier extraeU from Oie Drama of IJtt What I bR>, I submit Palt.-i,o.>--. ov.-.! ^j^j.^ ^„, ,,.„^^ „. ^^j. wordi, delivorcd in te>timony l-.cfon | t\<." court of enqoiry. •'77ie i-/V/i< o/'j AC T IV — SCENE I. Xj/gTft's hue in Ihdr retrral, prrssfd nn j fMvnrm.:E«nomn.oii.— Si e.i br/ore Ih- til', eight pii'ces of orlitlenh under mu com- i iivuir. J'a-o citiams meeting ] //i7-»/,w//itv;- PRKVKNTKDFKOM; , ,,,. j,„. jj^ ^f March arr come : FlixIN'G, iiftr Itinuiiu lltfTii for lli'il oithi»iliiy, punm.it, fur fear of injuriwz thr men \ ^^^" "to'""^' '" *"•">'' ''^» usurpation, I n I " V I ■■ I Lif- 1 ' 1 1- lute our wi<-f onc« have (U'COMrrv Diauc, WwA'A kc. Ai^aiM lie ?ays: "I- l.ld-!T,,^.„l^^„f Vi.rcl, are Hero's natal dav. in^' myself abandoned by tlic forcu- 1 re- 1 ^ct. l\, ixuy siy, iliat at cnr Htr..', i.:rtb, lied UOOn to support niV battery, I «^as,j" The frame and Imseiuundatioii of tiiceanli ujhr dcslroi/uig my poiokr, and apiking \ ^^'''^"^^!^\ * cowanl,- a? ut that of Glcn- ■niy guns, compdlal to abandon i-£, . Paiterjoii liim-eil" gives of bis share i"^''" ""jV "" '^"" ^^^ '""uuiain,, and tht theac'.ion. I repeat, lie did not lire a , w^^^jtranftly clamorous to the frighted gun — he gives the reasons a-Ay he did I fn-Kis." no'. Yet you say, that ''vou no v/here i 1 Cir. lii^ Gatter^rs dosa; niucb absurd as witnessed that m.inlv defence, \v!»i«;h| , ,^'''' .in oi , , - . ,, , An>l lie can v:iuiil as loirl'v as Glemlower, you expertcd, except Irom r.(^'f»SO»i fjOl c;;illin:r>'s,.iri»3fruiu thr>"rasU ileeii," blttuif.S WHICH VVERK WE!.;, sKRVtijl!!! " j And o*hcr a viia s'jr.uu-ipp luoilal mHn: You said this, i.i order (o in.i-:;!iiry the t Cli;'!^ij|si"' !'.iir«, lo check ...crea« oi kuo«l- disgrace of Keuiuckians. You meant \ And !o°.;i'ing offhis hand as pmishmcat, to Insinuate tiat they were well sup- i For o'er pr..'--unit.iui.'U;> tnri.i^iiy: por ed ; a-id in fncl, were tlie o.dv cow- 1 Ofv'-'df'S «^«"l' i" .ca,* .i;.J ;*-;.llow hiia, ards on tiie held. !>ow, sir, did vou i CiT. lli» birth dtiynowii laadfii fistival sre from your r>irap'"t, "P i n'ERSON S ] '"ulieiuier-vj for iln- Hit">i "f I'^rni' »5ee, BATTKrtv WELL skrved," ordidyounot? T'le "^'ip^'-j' Was it not the same kind of a vision, you had through a dense fog, of (iie iiiKloriou'; flight — I mean an nfler v:?- io teii.'.'it jl ail Ueniiit:!^!:. 1 Oir. Full thirty years iliiii Liriii.t I have kn.jirn, And mm y day by him ni idc io<>ninrable Myself hadi WitutssiO, au-l liutb heard dii- coarscd of. Thirt- vvediiing days ami n thrice wedded bride, WVrf- oncp liie coiuinci. pnvin o' the land. generated by stuliboriiness. malig nity, and a deierniitiation, ai all liaz ;!r.js Io support VOUr previous c!iarges?i The -ist'i ..f Jun« c:in never ho luri tl'c.n.nuc widow and bti i...h^s, ,', .' I 1 .• , 1 : Went OCT the Ln,-bii.d and the father loft; oes, and by indubi.able le.-tiinjny ; and; »Vhil-t tin- «h.de i.Bn,,|c were in 'adne»i wrapt. yr)U must re-^t Uin' -r tiie iniputalion of! l-Vrthe uuiimely faleof one helovrd, having basely sj.n. lere.i your iollow ri | ;^"'' '""i^i to u.ake some imhlic demi.njlration, ,. ^ II- T ■- I ()f , ahlic uirrow, si'ci'.i'.in;; irivate sri. I : tiZins. a!id aiierw:inN ol bavil.'i ;»>((.-«| .-|-„;,s ,i.i.„,,.vei. then, tl.i/. darin:: hi inieide, baselv falsified the teMlh,tO •jUslain vour-; Unluocbtd by that romor»e, v<'hiet» otlitrs Icel, sr-lf. " Such a man 1 ran never support 1 .^y""' '" =', "'"'."'■"' ".' ''"".''r"'' P"'-'""' , , ., . Q, 1 •»■ 1 I- Have shwl Iheir brother ~ life; nim">vrd uv pil> (..roflire; and it th' lvi:vrUCKiAvs r.-i",! ,ie^„r,,l^,j,,„y of|,„,,lir ^,.i„„„,,,„^ •' • th»'y arc not that i;ioU MI\Di:D, CIIIVaI.- i Rui1cI> »s;=ailcil thefreeilom of the (irci--, noo~ PEOPLE, TUf.v H.wF. nEKA' RF.pnc- j *^ '"' "^"'^V"-' y™^"''"'" ^''''f*'' '•" j,"''''''''"''-- ' biiiMving friend'', and cheek the swelling strcati' Of ceueriiui iyiii|>a(liv, in iitliers' voc. .And deeds like thi:' have cincijuered all hi:> life, Uispeiiiing grief and tomiw round his ji.ith. 2 CiT. tle'3 not th" le-s ii Mtint, tor w hat you say, fOIeolon of] Granlinv; it true, even to the very letter '■'■- " " - 1 'Tis dcedsof blood llial piiii renown for man: I \^'lio lives to fame, but in the v.iice ofolher.i. ^ Hero i; now in'ide great, I' a» like a mirror, N, f'.i>.| f.\iu that of boots and stimtilntuii; fame) He may reflect the frcatnci'of ^,^? luaki ■■- 3E.NTE1). Tr..\M:sSKK. Admini-tratifiii eimll.l ites for rrnaileiit uml Vii:ePri.'iid. id h;i«' naied Ml llir •!■ Oi'lrict« •>!' !'• Tie jVn.'-iV' r>,5'i HERO OF TWO W.VUS.— CO\GRESS.lI.4.\ » VMUL. 26T Tli.y hrinij him furll" to sho\ be ijiipt^l lip '"• i ir.'l, r!e rnii't ln'iir u •iii'rcli .if I'lilsdine jiraisi.s, A . ti'.iTi ru--rr!io Mil llic iioifonso l.iicb, A> ifh 5-,(;|, ul'iiii in, a? M ilfiMin''! iui."t Qltinjr, ■ T" tnkle '■iirs >iii Iirici5wiihi.ui rdiixliuti. S' ..■ c.ii c iv.,lc:i'l-- in (••Sill iii'vii.iCts — V. ■ , •• (i/ii lirnaiulnure'^ lo ftir one's I 1 . 1 i;;liltr! Kiir other feeling should F w nvi humiliation, ■; :. ••! fri t-ild'ii's happy laud, 9 ■, tliii: hi^h.lesli.ij". ._, ^vc ^hOL'irl iiiuurD and <. ;i -• ih'iiin fast, A ; i'r|>nse 1" k. t«»'.ify. The kiiiil timl j;ra'.ci«i f'Ciii.e- of our heirtr, Tm e\iddin.im«hon was shot — the treble wedlinu'^. Orator. The ugcd remember you Ihe ad- vocate " ii" Cliei fs rijilit". (JiriZE>, oHfff. Uanil rlirnt^, I suppose. Obaior. The prosecutor against public criiuc*. CiTizKN, a-nde. Unless when [ttrpetrated by him^^elf or friends. Orator. The stern, ioipartinl, even handed , .i"'lg'*- ^ Citizen, aside. When Wliite, his Iji'olber honiicide waK fried. Orator. We h ive seen the benefactor of li.e nation v-=adi'd by most unsparing perecution; M- pnvate actions, his mo-t hidden deed',' Drugged into light in all tlieir odious features; WiitiMiit rt'sard to his don.e-tic |eace. We have seen hi^ bo-o.u Inend, his lovely wife. .\ rareuxtiniple of most ri,'uf viniie. Thro' her whole lile, chas-U; U5 Liicrstia's sdf, Kiiiil, pious, ch.'ir:tab!f, ;ill th.u man Coiiid wish in woiiiati, husband in a vvilc, l'"ree fmni v.j roach, as even niitlit cuutout Casar hiroseif, in nio'^t fustidious mood. Citizen, asiVfe. llecord* were nothing in th« days ofCVsar. Orator. This lair example of unblemished virtue, The venal libeller has dared as-ail Willi blackest del.imaiiun Hero. Ves, yc.-, my friends, malignant snii Its have speit. Against my peace. Bat truth omnipotent O'er fal.-ehood and o'er irror must prevail. CiTi'ZEN. Then Hero sinks fo'cver, for with truth. He and Ims friends have slight association. Hl'ko. rerditiou! what damned voice dare niter Such mutiny in this assembled house? Let him he Ibnnd, let the infernal villain Be seized ; orif he run, (hen shout him down, Put ten balls through him, make destruction sure: Insult on insult! TuriesI ria(cue=, and Hell!! [^/Jcrii raras, slamj)!:, chmKliet his jiati, and Olt cuicmi'l^ dissnlvc in cnnfusion.'] COKGRESSM.VN DANIEI,. There resides, somewhere in the state of Kentuck), ii:i obscure ig.:o- i\iinu>, wl.o writes Iiis name '•' H. Dcttie.iy Tiic same cxiravagaiit ab- surclilj wliifh lias nnide Andrew Jack- son a candidate for tlio Presidency, lias made this " H. DAMt.u'" a mem- Iier of the Congress of tlie United Stales. Who he is, what his profes- sion, w'lat his character, where lie re- sides, I knox i;ot. I know notliing ahoui him, hut what I collect from » twenty-four pafje pamphlet, addressed ^ to the Pfiiplp. of tliP. ftrsl Congrmfioiial Dislrid, in the stale of R'enlucki/.," dated '•\Vashiiic;toii City.April 21.if;28. and siil)-ciil)ed ""H. L'ANir.r,."' This p;im- plilet is now bcf'ire mt . and for down- riglit impiidcht faUrliood. low.dirlv in- siiiualion, coarse vulgar hlackguardism, and ridiculous ecotism, it has very few parallels. Of himself. ai:d upon ac- count of liimself " H. Daxifi," would be ui. worthy of notice. But as a he- loilo libeller, and com'tinalion mem- ber of C'ongre>s. a factitious impor- tance is attached to him. It becomi^s •MS CONGRESSJkLlN DAMELr proper to expose him as one of the in- 1 moving in a circle at its extent, flat strumcnts wliich are made u>c' of, to ' footed, and upon all fours, or propped subserve a pur[K)s.c, al a time, when the public intelligence and the public morals are out of joint. The fir>t eif^ht pages of this address are devoted to '• IL [)anif,[," himself. Their contents would he compressed by an Indian chief, into about live words: '• Big ttvin m<\ QipUiin John." The burthen of the story is, that one Mr. Thomas Curry, "liad bi;en hrou-iht from Kentucky to this place, (Wash- ington) owl piiiil out of the cnnlingent or secret sen-i'c fuwl, to watch mv move- ments, and misrepresent mv ixto," and bad accordingly very grcviously mis- represented both " H. Daniel" and his vote-i. The assertion, that Mr. Curry had hern brouirht to Washington, may be true or false. 1 know nothing about it. upon its haunih, atlected to stand up- right, and look ciiiminglv around, could make no dilTerencc. lis range of bodi- ly motion, and of intellectual exertion, would not be more eflecluallv limited, than were tlie Coiigresifinnal move- ments of " //. Dantil." whose forward- ne-s of mann<'r. and ror.fu^ion of ideas, rendered hisetforts impotent in all tliat could produce political rtfect. No money price could be paid upon ac- count of such an animal, except by mere ideols. And a^ Mr. Adams anil Mr. Clay arc allowed to possess some maiiagement, it is ridiculous to sup- pose that " H. Damel" ever attracted their consideration. To treat the subject seriouslv, noth- ing can be more absurd, false, and I wicked, tiian the assertion quoted .-i- The object of his visit may have beenh,„m a spy upon "H. Daniel," being to >'xvalck H. Daniels" movements, U;^„,-^ o«/ 0/ //ic co»./»>iec«^ or ^tnr/ ser- and misrepresent his votes. 1 say this .,„.p ^„„j/ v -j'he writer knew it was may have been his object. But it false— knew it was destitute of proba- would require strong proof to estab-. ijim^.^ ^^j made the allegation in con- lish the fact. This -11. Danif.l isi tempt of all the feelings.^ which alone certainly too msignihcai.t a personage distinguish the upright man, from the to be worth any such troul>le, or any kind of expense. Men who had mo- ney to expend, must have had more sense than to expend it so foolisiily. Judging from this address, it would seem manifest, tliat '• II. Damel," is most degraded of his species. From himself, ^^ Big mnyi me. Cap- tain John," '• II. Damel" passes to an attack upon the pecuniary transactions of Mr. Adams. And here he shows a too legitimate a Uron-^hcad, to be dan-|^^'?'>t .^-^'^P'?';". «<^ common sense.— gero.is to anv bodv, but hi. friends, p""^':'""' "','"* !'}^" "''^'■'P-'^'^"X "^ Impudence a'vails nothing, unless ac-K"/"! even a plausible lie. upon matter, companied with some tact. False- 1 ?//'"°""»'"^ avails himself of Mr hood, unless ingeniously contrived, ^^omas P. Moore s labours of lies, and does mischief to those who use it: and i'l"«t<^' ^"'"^ six pages of garbled ac- even vulgar assurance mav be so gross, I ^"""f^' /'"'' m'^stated propositions, as to disgust its own partizans. how- ^'"^'1 <'"s ^«'"e Mr. Moore had for- ever vulgar or inprin.ipled. The as-l^^^.b' ^•■^•'^ "P"" "'.'^ P." '.''^- ,/" *•'»= sertion. that Mr. T. Curry was ";,«/f/i ''^Jj'"^ "P ^'^^ ^o"!'* "' '''^ colleague. ovi of the ronlingn,t, or the secret .«,-•/>,"«. Damel • acted out his real char- fun.l," is mo Uiat it was bt/ divine rislu tliat " Mr. ^dnms, in his mesaagc to Congre^^a, claim- ed the power to imolvc the nation in a ciii/ war." This is that sort o'f false hood, which none conlvl utter, but a most abandoned knave. Piorecding in the same strain •' H. Daniel" asks, " To whom does Mr. Adams look for sup- port?'^ and then rejilies, '■^Mt to the Re- puh/icans of the Jefferson school; bvl to the old federalists and plotters of the Hartford Conrenlion.''' Indeed. Were not the Bells and Plummers of New-Hampshire, the Lin- colns and Silsbees of Mas-achusetts, the Spencers, Youngs, and Porters of New- York, the Southards and Condicts of New-Jersey, the Gallatins, Careys and Lacocks of Penns}lvania, the Madisons, Munroes, and Stuarts of \'irginin, the Clays and Slaughters of Kentucky, the Jlorrows, Gen. Van Homes, and Sloane"s of Ohio, Repub licans of the JelltM^on school? Noth- ing but a compound of ignorance, folly, depravity, and impudence, would as- sert the conUary. And let me ask, who were more in- veterate opposers of the .lefTerson Re- puljlicans, than Timothy Pickering, Thomas J. Oakley, Louis .McLanc, James Ross, Jo'-eph Hemphill, John Pope and John Rowan? \Vho was a more principal plotter of (he Hartfo.'d Convention, than Harrison Gray Otis? Who were its stronger apologists, than Timothy Pickering and AVilliam Cole- man. Vet are all these vehement in their opposition to Mr. Adams, and ar- dent in support of the Hero. Verily, »* H. Damf.i," is a suitable instrument for the combination to employ. He pays as little regard to Irnlh. as the Hero himsell'. Mr. Clay is next denounced, as making bosom friends of men whom he formerly- abused as federalists: " The old and firm Republicans of the Jefferson school, are cast off and slander- f.d by the hirelings of Ginernmenl.'"' Who, in the name of common sense, arc these old and firm republicans? Are Amos Kendall, Shadrach Perm, and John Pope, Moses Dawson, Klijah Hiiyward, James B. (iardincr, Cadwal- ladcr Wallace, John M. CJoodenow, John Mathews and William Stanbery, of the number. Or are we to look eastward for them, and find them in such men as Stephen Simpson, and Dabney Car, DufI' Green and Russel Jarvis? or risiig a grade higher, is it to V\'m. B. (iihs and Hdward Liv- ingston, or to John Randolph, that the allusion is made, as "old and firm Republicans of the Jifferson school " who "«re cast offf The charge is a false one, apply it in whatever way it can be applied. In one part of this address " H. DA^'lKL'' has placed himself in happy and appropriate association. He takes up as his colleague and compeer, our famous Greene county witness, '■'■Sam- act 11. jMillcr."' This vagaboi d faUifi- er"s statement, stamped with fal-ehood by a dozen witnesses, as wc 11 as by its owri intrinsic absurdity, in relation to John Woods, is published in the ad- dress, and vouched to be the ''true his- tory of that transaction." Those who know how fully this Miller's statement has been disproved c;in, at once, un- derstand what sort of a genius this "H. Dan'iel"' must be. The insertion of Miller's falsehood is followed by a paragraph abG BEAD, Man. Sir Francis, your servant. SirF. Cousin Manly! Mnn. I am come (o sec how the f im- ily goes on here. Sir F. Troth, all busy as bees! I have been upon the wing ever since t! o'clock lbi« morning. fONCRESS.HAN DAl^EL. Zli Man. By your early hour, then, li Sir F. Icod, I shot him flying cousin! su|)()osc you havi: been making your sonic of" } our haw'l-witted ones, naw, Court to some of ihc great men. would ha'hummcd and hawed, and Sir F. Why, faith you have hit it,] dangled a month or two after him, be- sir! — 1 was advised to lose no time ; so I fore they durst open their moutlis about I e'en went straight forward to one i a place, and may hap not ha'got it at great man, I had never seen in my life [ last neitlier. before. | Mm. Oh, I'm glad you're so sure .Mail. Riglit ! that was doing busi- ', on't — ncss, hut who iiad you got to introduce' Sir F. You shall hear, cousin — '-Sir you? I Francis," says n\\ lord, "pray what sort S/V F. AVhy, nobody — I remember 1 1 of a pla. e may you ha' turned your fiad heard a wise man say — my son, be | thoughts upon'?'' — "iMy lord," says I, bokl — so. troth, I introduced myself. | "brggars mn-tnot lie choosers; huton- M my power;" so he gave me n ment. A. id tho'f I know, sir,, you have ' s(|uceze by the hacd, as much as to >ay, no extraordinary opinion of my par!s,j give yourself no trouble — I'll do youi ye;, 1 believe, you won't say 1 missed | business; with that he turned hinri it now. I abawt to somebody, with a coloured Muti. Well, 1 hope I shall have no | ribbon across here, that looked in my cause. Sir F. So when I found him 30 court- eous — "My lord," says 1, "1 did not thihk to ha' troubled jour lordship with thoughts, as if became for a place too. Mm. Ha! so upon tlicse hopes, you are to m.ike your fortune? Sir F. Why, do you think there'.' business upon my first visit; but, since i any doubt, sir? your lordsliip is pleased- not to stand [ Maiu Oh, no, 1' have not the least upon ceremony, — why truly," says I, 'doubt about it — for, just as you havf.- ■•J think naw is as good as another] done, I made my fortune ten years ago. time." [ .S(V F. Why, 1 never knew jou had Man. Right! there you pushed him , a place, cou.-in." home. I .Viju. Nor I neither, upon my faith. Sir F. Ay. ay, I had a mind to let cousin. But you perhaps, may have him sec that I was none of \ our mealy- belter Ibrlune; <()r 1 suppose my lord mouthed ones. has heard of what importance yon Man. Very good. were in the debate to day — Vou have Sir F. "So, in ?horl my lord," saysl, been since down at the house I pre- ••I have a good estate— but— a— Its a lit- i sumc? lie awl at elbows; and, as 1 desire to I Sir F. Oh, yc*; I would not neglect serve my king, as well as my country,' the house for ever so much. I shall be very willing to accept of a i Mm. Well; aud |)ray what have place at court. they done there? Man. So, this was making short i Sir F. Why, froth, I can't well tell ■vorkon'l, I you wliat tbey have done; but I Ciui 272 CONGRESSMAN DAMEL — GEN. JACKSON'S VERACITY. tell vou what 1 Jid: .ind I think pretty |iiig the charge as made at Gen. J..ck well' in the main; only I happened to make a little mistake at last, indeed. Man. How wa!^ that? Sir F. Whv. th( V were all got there son's own hoii>e. before all his compa- ny. It is as loUows: oirr. r.in.i... . ..v.^-.. j,-- «* Eailv ia January, 1 82 1, f membci into a sort oi" puzzling debate, about of Congress of high respectability, the good of the nation — ind 1 were; visited me one morning, and ob:-erved alwaysfortnat you know — but in short,! that he had a eommunitation he was the arguments were so long winded , desirous to make to me; that he was in- on boih sides, that, wamids! I did not formed there was a great intrigue well understand "um; haw-^omever, I going on, and thought it was right I was co.ivinced. and so resolved to vole I should be informed of it ; that he camt right, according to my conscience — so, 'as a friend, and, hi me receive the wnen they come to put the ()uestion as' communication as 1 might, the friendly ihcy call it — 1 don"l know how it "twas motives through which it wa- made. — but [ doubt I cried, ay! when I |,e hoped, would prevent any change should ha' cried no! of friendship or feeling with regard to Man. Hjw came that about? him. To wliieh 1 replied, from his Sir F. Why, by a mistake, as I tell ;ii^uainted with veu," j commu.ication, my feclii.gs towards aijd so with th:ii takes me by the sleeve,! him would remain unaltered. The aJ. rig with tiie crowd, into the lobby— i gentleman proceeded: He said he iiad ^ l\new nought — l)ut odds flesh! I been informed by the friends of Mr. Clay, that the friends of Mr. Adams had made overtures to them, saurg, if Mr. Clav and his friOnds. w ould ui.ite in aid of the election of Mr. Adams, Mr. Clav slnnild l)e Secretary of Scale: that Ihe'friends of Mr. Adams were ur ging as a reason to induce ihe friends of iVIr. Clay to accede to their proposi- tion, that if I was elected Pnsident. i\lr. Adams would be continued Sccre- — - tary of State, (inucndo. there would Thai the slanderous charge against I be no room tor Kentucky.) That the air. Ail'.i-^ • "' ^I.-. Clay, of a corrupt I friends of Mr. Clay stated, the West . I with Gen. .Jackson, did not wish to separate from lln ■ longer admits of a Wesl. and if I would say, or permit .eniu-less important, any of mv confidential friends to say. is ui>on this subject, ; (hat in case I was elected President. a,„,,.,w 1 before the puMic in Mr. Adams shouhl not be continueu a conden^eil (ornu and in their prop- Secretary of Stale, by a conipleu er order, that the reador may bo al)le.lunion of Mr. Clay and his friend;. w.'h liltlc labour, to compreheiiJ the j they would put an end to the Presiden- wmle c:i'i.>. This is here done, and ' tial' contest in one hour: and lie av:is of ev< rv ho:i.-t man i? requested to read! opinion it was right (o light such in- tlieni carefully and then form his own trigu<'rs with their own weapons. To opinio,!. {which, in su!)blance 1 iepltcd. that in First, we give an exlrarl from the fa- j politics, as in every tiling else, my i»ous letter uj Carter Beverly, specify-, guide was principle, and contrary to bargain himself doubt, thai th' ahniild GEN. JACKSON'S VERACI'ri% 2T3 the expressed and unbiassed v/ill o( f of this matter was at m^ own house and (lie people, or llii-ir ronstitiilcd agei\ts, 'jirisidc, irhac sureli/ o freeman may be I never would step into tlie presiden- {permitted to speak on public topics viilhoid tial chair, and requested liim to say to \h(Tcing ascribed tv him improper desimis. Mr. Clay and his friends, (for 1 did sup- 7 have 7wl gone into the highways and pose he came from Mr. Clay, altliough Uhe market places to proclnim my opin- he used the terms Mr. Clays friends.) I ions, anil in this I feel that I have differed tliat before I would reach the Presidcn- from some, aha, even at public dinner ta- tial chair by such means of bargain and corruption, I would see the earth npen and swallow both Mr. Clay and his friends, and myself witii liim. If thev had not confidence in me to be- bles, have not scrupled to consider me as a legitimate subject of a speech, and the en- tertainment of the company. And yet for this, who has heard me complain. No one. Trusting to the justice of an lievc if I was elected, that I would , intelligent people, I have been content call to my aid in the cabinet, men of to rely for security on their decision, the first virtue, talents, and integrity, against the countless assaults and slan- not to vote f')r me. The second day ders which are sought so repeatedly to after this communication and reply, it : be palmed upon them, without seeking wa- announced in the newspapers that I to present myself in my own defence; Mr. Clay had come out openly and | and still less, to become the " respon*- Clay or any avowedly in favor of Mr. Adams. It may be proper to observe, that in the supposition that Mr. Clay was privy to the proposition stated, I may have done injustice to him; if so, the gentleman informing me can explain."' Mr. Clay, having in a pul)lir ad- dress, denied that this allegation was founded in truth, Gen. Jackson, on the ISthof July, also published an address, in which lie named Mr. James Buchan- an, as the member of Congress, who made to him tiie proposition of bar- gain. That address contains this par- agraph: " One further remark and 1 am done, with a hope that, on this subject, I may lot be under the necessity of again ap- (iraring in the newspapers. In sating what 1 have, all the circumstances con- -idoied, i have felt it was due to myself] I introduced the subject. I told him I and to the public. My wish would \ wished to ask him a. question in rela- lave been to avoid having any thing to] tion to the Presidential election: that I siblc accuser" of Mr. other person." Gen. Jackson having made Mr. Bu- chanan the author of his charge, that gentleman appeared before the public. His version of the conversation uid NOT correspond with that given by the General. The reader shall judge for himself. Mr. Buchanan says: "A abort time after this conversation, on the 30th December, 1824,(1 am en- abled to fix the time not only from my own recolleelion, but from letters which I wrote on that day, on the day i follotring, and on the 2d January, 1 825) I called upon General Jackson. After the company had left him by which I found him surrounded, he asked me to take a walk with him; and whilst we were walking together upin the street, ^ay or to do in this matter, from an ap- prehension well conceived, that per- sons will not be wanting who mav knew he was unwilling to converse upon the subject: that therefore, if he deemed the question improper, lie charge whatever is done to a desire to 'might refuse to give it an answer. — affect others and benefit myself. My | That my only motive in asking it, was own feelings, though, are of higher im- i friendsltip for him, and 1 trusted he portance and value to me, than the i would excuse me for tiui> introducing opinion of those who impose censure a subject about which I knew he wish- where it is believed not to be deserved, ed to be silent. I have been actuated by no sudi de-' "His reply was coiaplimcntary to sign, nor governed by any such con- myself, and accompanied with a re sid'^rations. 77'/r origin, the Ijeginningl q\iest ihat 1 sbould jprnceed. I (bcu it* UFJi. JACKSOSi'S VERACITV. staU d lo liim that there was a rt'iiorl in circulation that he li:id dettrinined h< woM a|)i)oiiil Mr. Adam^ Setri'tar) of State, in cate lie were <"lccted Pies- ideiit; and that 1 wi.-lied to aseertain from him, whether he liad ever inti- mated such au intei tion. Tiiat he niii=l :it once perceive how injuriou.- solely as his fiicnd upon my individuiil pressly denies ac^ln^ in the cliaractei of a friend of Mr. Clay, or approaching Gen. Jackson as coininu; fioin Mr. Clay's friends. Tliis is his language: " I called upon General Jackson on the occasion whic'i I have mentioned, respoiisiliilily, and nut as the agent ol Mr. Clay or any other person. I never have been a political fricnil oi I\lr. Clay since he became a candiilate lor the oflice of President, as you very well know. Until I saw General Jackson's letter to Mr. Beverley of the 5th ult. a!;d at the same time was informed by a letter from the editor of the United States Telegraph, that I was the per- son to whom he alhided, the concep- lioD never once entered my mind, that he deemed me to have been the agent of Mr. Clay, or of his friends, or tiiat I had interided to propose to liim terms of any kind from ibeni, or tiial he could have supposed me to be capable of expressing the 'opinion that it was right to (iglit such intriguers with their own weapons." Thus it nppcan:, that Genernl Jack- son had no authority for making tlic assertion which he did make, against the character of Mr. Clay. In liis nublic address he attempted to pal- liate that slander, hv al!?sritg. that "THE ORIGIN, THE BEGINNING*' init al his OT-n ho'isr anri firfsi'k, and l)y assertine; that he had not i,'one " INTO THE HIGHWAYS AND MARKET PLACES TO PROCLAIM HIS OPIN- IONS."' That these vaunting decla- rations were untrue is now retidered positively certain, by the testimony of numerous individuals. This testimony has been recently made public, by Mr. Clav, and we give tiie maferial parts of it, as slated by each witness. Mr. William Sanii'ie, a respectable the ortices of Govemmeut wit'i the citizen of Washington county, Peiui- men whom at the liini' be belic-ved to sylvania, states as follows: be the ablest and best in the country." « On Tuesday, the 23d day of March, Here is no account of the pomi)ons! 1805, when Gen. Jackson was on bis message to be borne to Mr. Clay. :i- way from Washington city, to his nsi- boal"/;,j)Wf;i'a nnrl rfirruplinn,"' and "ilii :den(ein Tennessee, he, witi) a mnnber eartli't npcniii^' lo svnlli^ fmlli Mr. C/"7 <>f the citi2<'ns of ^\'ashi'•gloll. PcnnsU- (uid /i/.vwc//." And Mr. Buchanan ex- vania, and of the county, were in the to his election such a report might be: that no doubt there were several able and ambitious men in the country, among whotn I thought Mr. Cl:;y might be included, who were aspiring to that office: and if it were believed he b.ad already drtermined to appoint his chiif conipciihr, it might have a most uahap- py ellect upon their exertions, and those of iheir friends. That unless he had so determined, I tbougltt this re- port should be promptly contradicted under his own authority. " I mentioned, that it had already probably clone liini some injury, and proceeded to relate to him the sub- stance of the conversation which I had held with Mr. Markley. I do not re- member whether I mentioned his name, or jnerely described him as a friend of Mr. Clay. '■ After 1 had finished, the (IJeneral declared lie had not the least objection to antwer my (luestion; that hethough' well of ]\lr. Adams, but had never said orintiimited that he woidd,or would not appoint him Secretary of State. Th.it those things were secrets he would keep to himself— he would conceal them from the very hairs of his head. That if he helieved his right hand then knew what his left would do on the subject of appoiiilments to office, he would cut it olf and cast it into the tire. That if he should ever be elect- ed President, it would be witiiout so- licitation and without intrigue on his part — that he would then go into ollice perfectly free and u'ttranimelled, a-id would be left at pt-rlect liijerly to till GFN. JACKSON'S VERACITY. 275 p'i!ilic lioii-e of Mr. Cianilicr--, in ll)( ti'.w.i of West Alexaiuli-|:i. Mr. lOdwarcl AJfGlaiii;l.li,i, a cilizi'n of D^Micgal towasliip, V\ as.!iirigton counfy, Peiwi- syivar.ia, called at the public house for the special purpose of seci'it; Gun. Jack;o;i. Mr. E. M('T>au^hliii was in- troduced 10 the Gciioral; and after llic commoii salutation of .-ihakiiiij hands. Mi. iMcLaughliii said, "Well General, we did all we could for you hcie, hut the rascals at Washington cheated you out of it." To this expression, Gen. Jackson made tlie following reply: — •'ladced my old friend, then; wn&chenl- iii^, and comiplion, and hribenj too. — The Editors of tiie National Intelli- gencer were briLi'd lo suppress the pul)- lieation of honest Gcoruie Kremers letter." Tile Rev. Andrew W} l< v» Frosident of JelTerso.'i ("ollege, and a highly re- jpeclal)le clergyman of the Preshy- terian cliureh, slates a conversation with Gen. Jackson, on his return fiom Congress, in March, 1826, of which the subjoined is a part, himself described ^s A., and Gen. Jackson as 13. •'A. It is more houoralde, however, G(?(ici'al, to lose than to win in sucii a co'itest, as that lately concluded at (he Fe-Jeral City, if, indeed, things were managed as lias been reported. B. And who can doubt it? A. Why, Gen. one would hardly sup- pose, that such men as J. Q. Adams and H. Clay, would in the face of the na- tion, engag-_ in sucli a transaction. B. But let any man in his senses, take a view of (he circumstances — let him compare, for instance, the predic- tion of honest George Krcmer with its accomplishment. A. LJut, were not the talents and lo- cal situation of Mr. Clay sufticicnt to ju-tifv liic conlidenl expectation of his appointment? There is, however, another circumstance, wliich, if true, will settle the point. B. What is that? A. The proposition that is said to have been made to you — was that a fact? B. Yes, sir, such a |>ropo?i(ion was made, f said to the b( arer — Go, tell Mr. Clay, tell Mr. A.lams, thai if 1 go into lliat chair, I go with clpeatedly s|)ealJng of Mr. Adams and l\Ir. Cl.'iy; and in speaking ofllie Presidential election, 1 under- stood him to sav, that propositions had been made to him (Gen. Jackson) either liy or through the friends of Mr. Clay — I do noi now distipclly recollect whether it was bv Mr. Clay's friends, or throug!' Mr. Cla\'s friend'. — that if he. Gen. Jackson, would say he would 370 GEN. JACKSON'S VERACITY. make Mr. Clay Secretary of State, iliai i Gen. Jackson was returning home in Wr. Clay and his friends would vote for i the spring after the Presidential clcc- bim, and that they woald settle the |tioii took place in the House of Repre- Presidential election in one hour, and I scntatives. he saw him at a tavern in furt'ier understood Gen. Jackson, that i the mouritains, and heard him say. that he told the messenger, that he might j Mr. Adams and Mr. Clay had obtained go back and tell Mr. Clay, that he [ their otfices by //urg'cu'n «« disseminate a slaruler in the belief it is true. The Stronglv There arc none, amongst the supporters of excited feelings, and irritatiil'^ disap- C.euerulJackson for the IVsidency, who have pointmcnt of Gen. Jacksoii, mav have ''"'"■ '"'" more mi^chicl, th.iu certain busy spir- discolored every thing in his judgment, 'l* herein Cincinnati. Throuih their olTicious He might believe there was a bar- '*S«^"'=J '"*'^'''.«''"""5 have been coerced which gain, and therefore, asserted it. So r"*™ '■'^'"'"''' '"''""'"J ""'""'"'n^t'lj f>^r the far, some apology might be made for | G''"""! hnnsell. and lor those who have been his sense of veracity. His own ac- \ count of the reply made to the alhged proposition, charity might attril)ute to the hyperbole of an heated and exas- perated imagination, always accustom- ! to minister something to teed the .;..viii:r"s of an inordinate vanity. But made witni's-cs and apologists for him. It was through the interference ol these men, that the white- washing committee, at Nashville, at- teuinted to white-wash his matrimonial adven- ture, in doing which (hey luadc mauifc-t the » hole case in its most deformed features. And, at the same time, by (heir stippres^iious of some facts, and discolonitions of others, brought none of these excuses can be made fori their own integrity of assenion into strong dis- the declaration that he had only spoke | credit. From recent pul>licali..n«, it appears his opinions in this mailer, at bis own ' that «ome of the same ofirious gentlinifn, havo fireside, emphatically enforced by the taken upon themselves to make entiuines with assertion " / have not gune into the hi^h- respect to the ntiack on Samuel Jackson, and •/? and market places to proclaim my ' aioiisP ft is impos-ible that Gen. Jackson :ould have forgotten how often, to low many persoi^s, in how many pub- ic place-, he had '■^ firorlaimtd his ojun- om," So that in making litis dccla- •ation no escape is left liini from the mputation of intentional departure rom the trulli. 1 take no plea.sure in speaking thus f Gen. Jackson. The more he is link in degradation, the deeper is the have elicited answers, from two scjiaratc indivi- duals, written nt different times and without concert, anil publisheil also without concert, in different p.ipcrs in this city. The facts statul by these two white-washins witnesses, arc in singular discord.incc with earh other. The statement first published is that of "J. \V. Overton." His letter is dated Mashville, June 7, !8;8, and adrlresscd to " M. Dairtan, tsi/r." It transmit! a copy of thereconl of the trial, which appears to have been held before Darid Campbell, JOH.N OVERTON, Ic .Samuel /'oiecll, /r»9<-j.. Judges of the superior ciiurt, &c. j In the letter, the writer says: " From tiie rec- tain indicted on our country: the jord it mi.ht be inferred that I po^c-sed minute iter her humiliation. Were ho in- 1 information of Uie circumstances of the case; d, a •• militiiry chieftain" of splendid ' thj; is not the fact, for my recollection only ena- ilo ATTACK ON SAMUEL JACKSON. blcr luu to sa^ thai the defendant lua.le out a ioui;.lctf ju-tification." It woukl Wein, from tlii=, that the writer, uoIh ilhu^uiilii'g the inter- polated W, is the viii.eidiiUicil John Overton, alias " Ju^e Otcrto/i," who fi4;uris at the head of the vvliite-wa'hiiigcoiumitt.e, & who staii.lB conspicuous as the principal ctiUfcaU man iu the aflnir ol Robar.l? and hit Mrifc. Mr. Over- ton thus narrates the transaction: " Samuel Jackson thrn lived in Nnshville, on a street now called Market-street. General JacksoD, in the ordinary pursuit of his business, was passinj,' Sauoiel Jackson's door, walking with a cane which had a sword in it, not nnii- sual even in these days, but much more so then, vtithoiit having any cause to suspu.t that Sam. Jackson had any intention ol ntuking an at- tack on him. So it iffls, fiialas the Genefal pas- jfrf t'lc door, Sam. Jacksdii, icho icas unseen, and ulth ulany PREVIOUS l.\T IM AllON, Oirew a lan^t rur'k at the head of Vie tJeiitral, leinc/i, if it had stnfk him as Init/ided, from ih fict and form, maslhareiiut anendto hisf.eislence. Up- on this large htoiie or r..ck '.)eini.'di;charg'd with- out effect, Sam. Jack-on instantly stooped down to pi.k up niiother, always at hand in this city of rork.s, and in ti.e attitude of throwing the second stone, the (ieneral made a thrust at or towards him, with his drawn sword, which he hail scarcely time to extricate Iroiu his cane. The ran* piened a liose cnat thai Sum. Jackmn liadon,h'JT -NOT 1113 FLK:?H, which cuus- C'l hini to drop hi"- rock an I close in with the Geieral, who threw aw:!y the sword and cane, and a violent .sculile ensued, which, however, was soonVut nu en>i to by the bystanders; ail that was rh.ne, was in an instant, cNcept the nriiseculi >n, from which bam. Jackson, the prosecnior, derived no credit. Kelix Grundy, Esq. of Nashulle, was one of the counsel, and no douht rcccllccU all the circumstances par- ticularly." FcIjx Grundy, who is here referred to, is Ihc same Felix Grundy, whohasal'O made somelj- ^■ire as a eertijitale manful Gen. Jackson, in respect to the General's accusation of perjury against the Legislature of Tennessee. .Mr. Grundy, as early as Hi of May, 1828, had made lii« statement, addressed in the form of a letter to ;^Ir. llanicl Graham, Secretary of State. John R. Lvti.e, Ksq. of this city, upon a recent \isit to Nashville, obtained a copy of Mr. Grundi/'s statement, and forwarded it to the .National Republican for publicnliou. Mr. Gnindv states the matter thus: necessary course of his conduct, growing out of the violent and danrerous aitack made ouhiiu by a man of spirit and superior bodily powers. — On that groumi he was acquitteil by a very in- telligent jury." "It was proved by some of them, who were nmlerstond to be nspectahle and impartial, that tlie parties eommenrfd an auimatcd and icLi-'ii eontirsatio7i in the ttrirt, in A'listnill : — tl at the liisl per-iiniil visdenee offered by iiiher was thai ol SaiiMul Jack-on throwing a stone, with great violeum at (ieneral Jackson; that while he was in the net of throwing another, GenrraU'ieks >n dre■' the parlies commenced an animated and inarm cunversaliun in Uie street.''' If this he .\ndrew Jackson most have " SEEN" Sdiul Jackson, and must have "seeV enough to "ive " caiuf to suspecV the attack. Both the witnesses cannot speak the truth. Again. Overlon says "fit cane pier«rr Ihc Samuel Jackson case in favor of the Cliief.— They are in fiat conlradicUon to ciieh other, with respect to the very same transaction. Wr avor(l to cut thee in two, that ind called to it in the most sooihing terms. The poor thing even manifest- ed its attachment, and a williiigness to forgive the injury. But its brulal mas- ter was calling to it, in mrrr mockery, arid sutFered it to expire without the least feeling of inquietude. This is recorded as an instance of most exqui- site cruell> ; hut how much shorl docs it fall of .Jackson's cor.duct towards the si.x militia men? Thi' gieat battle of the war he may destroy you. With that all the assem- 1 , • i .■ i i i / , bly cried out with a loud voice, and prai^d the eighth liad been (oughl- i:sht tend to Icf sen the general joy, Qi I ■280 SATAN QrOTlNG SCRIPTURK, iC. TARNISH THE American CHARACTER."./;:^! 1 '"- carried into full effect, four day? Let it be remembered tl»:it tlie^e were after the promulgation of this order, ai the word* of Gen. Jicksoii, and while i the place or post, where they ma^ be, professing to be under their inliucnce, , under the direction of the senior officer lie sent to their fuud nccounl, QirSIX present." >II'>N, fji- 7W oUi(r crime, than MIS- 1 TAKING THEIR RIGHTS'.! Tlic fact in relation to the twelve regulars noticed in the above article, is lully established by the subjoined ex- tract from the General Order. What O^Many and very great vexation' have been encountered in the cirrula tion of this work, especially toward the southwest. Tiie numbers have a thirst for blood must have been felt been forwarded a first, second, and by General Jackson, who thus, in the third lime, aud we still receive advice? short space of seven days, could order that they, are not received. We have the execution of EIGHTF.EN of his, made no complaints, becau>e we know felloKv citizens, without enquiry into any of their cases- that these disappointments are neces- sarily incident to every work of the kind. [" Extract from the General Order, W'e make no general complaint a datcd,'Adjutant General's Office. New gainst the Post Office, altlioiigh wo Orleans, January 28lh, 1311, Head know that maiiy of the Post iMastcr? Quarters, 7th Military District," on arc not very friendly to the ditTusion of the proceedings of the 'General Court the doctrines which the work contains. M irtial, held at Nashrille, on t!ic 19th Yet we do not suspect them of at- October, 1314, and continued by ad- 1 tempting to restrict its circulation by journmcnt till the 29th of November, I unfair moans. It is of considerable loll.'] J bulk, and is distrili'Jted in great num- '•Was also tned the following named ] bcrs. ft m'lst, we know, frequently men, soldiers of the army of the Unl-j encumber the mail, and, occasionally, ted State-;, severally charged \\\\'^ 'C weight of the packages have a ten- ^-oriion,"' viz: Richard Wnl!, .^t Vjcy to rub them lo pieces. So loi-.c Regiment; Jacob Porrcgin, o ve had on hand, a supply of copies. Regiment; both of Captain Wih, ^ | "'e laveconri.nued io se.d tliem again. 3Iarlin's company; John Jones, of the | wheie there was complaint of failure. 25th Regiment of Infantrj-; William! But our supply is nearly exhausi< d, Myers, of C.iptain Humphreys' com- 1 and however" much wo regret it, our pany of Artillery; Jacob King, of Cap- friends must bear the loss with us. — tain Reed's company, said corp-:; lien- ; ^\ e request all Post Masters where tiiey find tlie work loose in the ma'l. lo return it to us. We may thus be ena- bled to furnigh numbers where Ihev fail. janiin Harris, of the lllh Infantrv; John Young, of the 39tli 1 ifantry; Na- thaniel Chester, of the corps of Artil- lery ; Drury Pdckctt, of the 2 Ith Infan- try; Wy.itGrantl, of the 39t!i Infantry; Joseph .Miickelroy,of tlie 24th Infantry; ■and James McBrid •, of the 2.1 Riile Regiment; they scri[)tion. T'le arrearage's are not the sentence passed on the above , numerous, but tiieir discharge is ipdis- named soldiers of the Army of the pensible to ^ final settlement with the United States, and orders tlio same to printers. TRUTH'S ADVOCATE AND illONTHI.Y ANTI-JACKSON EXPOSITOR. CINCINNATI, OHIO, AUGUST, 1838. [The subjoined article is copied froili the Ohio State Journal, of December, 1825. The reader is requested to give it an attentive pe- rusal, and a serious consideriition. When pub- lishc justice. The ex- posures it uiBkiiS, ouijht now to be generally cir- culated. They serve to show the teal char- acter of Gen. Jackson.] TUF. PRESIDENCY ina;i of correct and just conceptionj, could be i'dtfiTent. In tlii;; ibrbear- at'co, Ger;eral Jack-'in s<-em? to have all the mild disi.ity of ibe p!iilo«opher and patriot. He appeared in the same character at tlic inau^;iiraiion of Mr. Adams, and a strong impressio" was made in his favor. Happily for the nation, it was soon removed. He had disclosed to a failhle>s correspondent, the irue state of hi_- tceliugs. The- publication of the Swartwout letter, furnished full proof th;it his apparent resignation, philosophy and patriotism, fou.'d nothing hut aliment for his ownj was hollow hearted cant, aiid deep hy- vanity. ^ jpocrist. Upon its appeanince he He received the greatest number of| threw off the m.isk he had assumed, electoral votes, and therefore, he con- 1 and united witli his cohorts in their cry ceives, titat in the '■'• spirit and rfe?iVn | of corruption, and their attack upon of th'-'cofisti:ution, and !)y the y^nnri- ' the constituiion. Hi? recent move- ple.^ of our free ffoi-fnimenl,^^ he cuiiiltt to ments de-crve particular animadver- Jiave heen Prc"-ident. His failure is a sion. matter of grievous complaint. And The Legislature of Tennessee, by hi- does not hesitate to hold out to the [joint resolution of both houses cn- world, that wc have a President con- lered on their Journals, in all the for- stitulionally elected, co^itrary tothe'mality of a legislative act. nominate spirit ind de«ign of the constitution, i him a candidate for the Presidencv. aird against the pri!iciple« of our free ; Inforinrition is given to him. and he is government. A liigh and lofiy spiri(. ' invited to repair to the seat of govern- a pure and liberal one, would look mcnt, tliat the imporiant public nieas- something it the means by which his |ure may beofticialh commuiiicaied to votes were obtained. He would ask. J him p-rsonally. in the personal presence if they were the free will ofTering ;ot both hou?es, and his acceptance re- of the U'dcrsfandirig, preferring iceived. He attends accordingly, with him for his superior qualitications. — !Mrs. Jackson in his train. He if Does he noi !y with the . , ..!.,, ^. , H>ark of his hn.ml, thus; and then the people fi I! te.it was exnibited. Swartwout and |a «houtint:. Bnu. What was thp second noise lor? Casca. Why, for that loo. O Hailen. pur nubile fnitum. |>ropo-ed o coinnien<-p operation* by giving the General a dinner. He declined it in last crv for' Bhi;. TIfy shouted thrice — what was tho THE PBESIDENCY tS 1828. ««3 Cas. Why, fortliilt loo. Bru. Wns the crown offircd him thrice? Cas. A», iiKirty, was it, and he put it b> thrice, every tiuie gentler iluui the other; u ml nt every pullinj; by, luine lioucst neighbours sliouletl. Cassius. Who offered him the crown? Cas. Wh\, Antony. Uru. Tell us the mnnuer of it gentle Casca. Cas, I can .is well be h:ineed as ttll the man- ' uer of it: it was mere foolerj I did noi mark it. I saw Mark Ant nn offer iiini a crown ; yil "twas not a crown aeither, "tv.as one of these ' coronets; — and as I told you lie |nit it by once; but for all that, to mv thinking, hi- would fain ; have had it. Then he offered it t.> hiui again; ' then he put it by ai:iiu ; but to in) tbinkin;,-, wasver\ loath to lay liis fingers off it. \iid then he offered it a third time; he put it the third timi b) : and 'ti 1, as he refused it, the rabbi.-- ment hooted, and clapped their chopped hands, ' and threw up their sweaty night can«, and ut- ' tered such a d>al of stintLing breath, because j Cs-ar refnseil the crown, that it had almost cho- i ked ' -.t-sar; forh.* swooneil and fell down. .And ' for iiiiiii' own part, I durst not l.angh, for fear of opening my lips and receiving the bad air. CAssits. But soft, 1 pray you; What! did Cx-sar swoon? Cas. He fell down in the market place, and foamed at the month and was speechless. Bru. 'Tis very like, he hath the falling sick- ness. Cassics. No Cassarhath it not ; but you r.nd 1, and honest Casca, we've the f.tllini sickness Cas. 1 know not what you mean by that ; hut I am sure Ca.sar fell down. If the rag-iag peo- ple did not clap him and hiss him, according as he pleased and disj. leased them, as they used to do the players in the theatre, I'm no true man. •Bru. What said he, when he came to him- self? Cas. Marry, before he fell down, when he ' perceived the common herd was glad he refu- sed the cr )wn, he plucked me op^' his doublet, , and offered them his throat to cut-and so he fell. When he came to himself a^'ain, he said if he, had done or said any thing amiss, he desired their worships to think it was his infirmitt. — i Three or four wenohes where I stood, cried, Alas! good sOuI! and forgave hiiu with all their j hearts; hut there's no heed to be taken of them, i if Ca;sar had stabbcil their mothers they would } have done no less. ! Bri;. And after that came he thus sad away ! I Cas. Ay. Cassius. Did Cicero say any thing.' Cas. Ay, he spoke Greek. i Cassivs. To what effect? , Cas. Nay, an I tell you that, t'll ne'er look I yon i'the face again. But thoic that understood him, smiled at one another, and shook 'heir heads; but r>r miric own part, it was Grce* to me. F could toll you mote news too: Mar- cellus and Flaviu-^, for puUintr scarf' off Ca;.sar's images, are nut to silence. I'are you well — Tliere was more foolery yet, if I could remem- ber iLie. In-thc Murfreesboroui;!! farre,'(here is ■" more foolery" than I liavc yet du- ,'cr'')ed. After rospond'mg and echoiiisr b;i(k the roar-e flattery with whirli iIr- ■'peakers had bedaubed liim, IbcGcije- ral. a> ii lihal defoumeiit to the t-x- iiibilio'.i, I'aiiiled in bis ivsignation of liis seal in tlu; Sen:»tc of the United Slates. A;id this doiiiintnl. as preg- iia t with lolly as tlie Swartwuut let- ter, is. liki- that letter. Inimpet.-d forth as further evidciire "of t'l' virtue, (he inteliigeiice, ai d tlie patrioii^rn of i!iat valuable ciliz.-n!" A little dissection will show how well it deserves that character. The General rommences by the com- plitnentary a.s-ertioii to himself, tirat when he was ;ippointed two >ears ai;o, ii was " Kiiso/zciVcf/,'" ai-d take.-^ occa- sion to gnisp another compliment, by adding, tiiat it was " arceptp'r in con- formity with his principle, neither to seek or decline office. There are few- men, who, in the same short space, and with the same casv coididenre, could chiim for themselves so much commen- dation, t-joldsmith says of Garrick^ "Of praise a mere glutton, be swallowed wtiat caii;e, .And the iintfof a dunce, he mistook it for fame, 'I'ill his relish srown callous, almo.'t to disease, Who pcjipered the highest, was surest to please." In this particular, the General seems to have been peppered by others, and to have peppered himself u;itil he has lost every feelinti of modesty. I have heard of a Senator in Co'if^ress, who when a brother Senator on the floor, commenced an culoi^ium upon him, at first looki'd up, then around him, ther> blushed, and lin;illy sunk his face upon his desk in deep confusion. When af-- lerwjirds a-k''d what he thought of the comnliinenis paid to him lie replied wifii clviracteristic blt^lltM»•^^, "//tey z'T'-r rutlii-r ihick."' But nothing is too thick for Gi'n. Jackson. The General proceeds — ".Awan of the pr:ictice which had long prcvaih d, ofselecti'ig from each extreme of "le State a person (brthc high and respec- table station of Senator. I fdl rrgru at beinr; brought forward to disturb a sys- tem whicli bad ro lo.ig prevailed; )et, inaMnuch as ihe kgi\!alurc, jvithoiil any knowledzf f>r understuwting on my purl, lirni called mi- lo ihc situation, it was im- possible to withhold my4assent; aud ac- ronli.igU. tile appointment, was. tiio' reluctantly accepted; not» however. 284 THE PRESIDENCV IK 1M3I». without it being profe<^d by my friends that a longer term of !-en-ice than one Congress wo il'J neither b« required nor expected.'' Til- Geaeral's memory w.os certainly at fa alt when he wrote this paragraph. It asserts his regret at disturbing the system of electing one Senator in East and one in ^Vest Tennessee; it asserts the f'lct, that the legislature, icilhout any knouledge or underslaruHiig on his part, had called him to the stntionx''^ and it asserts the proiession of his friends that he would neither be expected nor required to serve more than one Con- gress. There Ls incontestible testimo- ny that the second of thc-e assertions is not true; and there is strong reason to question the literal correctness of the other two. The following corres- pondence took place before the election of Qeneial Jackson in 1823. MtfRFREESBOROUGH, Sept. 20, 1823. Dtar General — I am particularly requcsleJ, by mui'y frieiidj uf j»iir», to enquire if you are wiiliii; to }ie've lu the Seaate of the U. States. The general -h here, is that you may assent to what jour irlitnds earnestly desire, and enter upon a service which, thout;h at war with your individual interest, is yet une which it is hoped you will not decline. Indeed, lookinj to the declaration made by you to thi: coiumittoe of tlic state of IVniisylvania, that olfice should be neither sought for nor declined, a strong dis- position was entertained to venture your name for the proposed appointment witlioutini|uirine; of you aught about it; but considering that yon are at a convnient distance, I have thought proper, at the de"ire oi several of the members, to propose it in ronjidfjue to i/oit. If you shall consent to let your name be used, it is probable that the three !;ciil!enien who arc at present before the leu't>luture, for the appointment, will decline; if this however, should not be the case, even then, although some of the members have become pli(l;ed, and allUou^li Vie sectional divis- ion of Fast Ttnnessce rigkta, mat/ somewhat o//c- ra'e, still I feel authorized to say, ami entertain no il "ibl of the tact, that you will be snnporied b' a I irsjH mijiirity of the legislature. .4// let leant, is a helirf that yn* i£-i7/ permit i/our name to l/e used. I am, with ercut respect, Your most obedient, ABRA.M MAURY. GcD. Andrew Jackson. ANSWER. HKKM1TA..E. Sept. 21,18-23. Dear Sir: Your Ictt' r of yesterday has reached me, staling it to be the desire of many members of the lejislature, that my name may be proposed for the appointment of Senator to Conitress. It is very true, as you remark, that I have njt only tuid, but have, I believe, through life acted upon the principle, that office, in a republican government like ours, should not be solicited, noryat when conferred, declined ;5tUI, I would sngi^est to uiy friends, whether they ousht not to excuse me from accepting the ap- pointment they have propose*!. i here arc many better qualified to meet the fatigues of the journey than myelf, and on icAnj .'tm«», a re- lianee/or a tiiru: to come, tcilh a prospect of be- romlng bHteras they adeanee, tTiight be safely re- posed: lehereas, from heall'i impaired and admn- ring age, neither one nor the other eould be expect- ed from me. .Knd besides, it might be Ihousht, nay, would be said, that my slate had conferred it upon UH, and that it had been sought for too, by me, with a view to other objects, and for other purpose* which are at present pending before the nation; 1 have, therefore, earnestly to request my friends, and beg of you, not t< press me to an acceptance of the appoint- ment. If appointed I culd not de. line, and yeli in accepting it, I should do great violence to my wishes^and to my I'eelings. The lengtli of time 1 I havf passed in public service, authorizt-s me to make this request, which, with ray friem^s, I trust, will be considered reasonable and proper. With great regard, I am, Very respectfullv yours, ANDREW JACKSON. Major Abram Maijrt, Member of the House of Representatives. These letters place it beyond all doubt, that the General was not called to the situation xcithoul any knozcledge or undeislan'/in[; on his part, as he broad- ly asserts in his letter of resignation. In this particular he has asserted an untruth. Major Maury, in his letter, mentions "the sectional divnions of East Tennessee righls." The General sayssnotlung a- bout them in reply. His reasons a- against acceptance apply to his owii gracious sell"; the rights of East Ten- nessee form no part of them. To have urged liieni then, might have given them some weight; they might have presented a more serious olijcctioii to his election than any relating to himself. I These, his friends could not fail to sec, j were like Caesar putting by the crown. I He would fain have had it: lie was ' loath to lay his finger otf it. If then, he felt regret at disturbing the right of East Tennessee, it is strange it was not expressed among his other regrets. — His failure to make this expression, connected with the manifest untruth already detected, casts suspicion upon the assertion. Tiiese letters tend to render ques- tionable the assertion that his "friends professed that a longer term of service THE PRE5ENCY IN 1828. 2«a Ihan one Congress, would neither be required or expected." Nothing of ihis liind is here professed ; and it must be reniemhercd, that the letters W(;re published, to prove to the world the manner in which General Jackson was brought forward, and the grouiids upon which he was elected. If this;;n)/p?,«io/i of his friends was really made, and the fact ■suppressed, it rellects no credit up- on them nor upon him. Besides flii>, the General in his letter, speaks of a reliance upon services for a time to come, iciih a propped of grouing better as they udvancr, and allege*, that, owing to ill health and nd-nnced asi', this cannot be ■ expected of him. Ail this was supi^r-j fluou-s and idle, had his friends "//ro- ' fcssed,"' and he understood, he was to I serve for one Congress only. | But further; the General says, the| service for one congress had been per- 1 formed, and he wsiS^^stil I pondering and i in doubt zchclhrr exceptions to his resigna- tion might not be taken.'' Exceptions by whom? His friends had ^^professed'' | that a longer term would not be 'vt- i quired or expected,^' They surely could i not except; and to whom else did the] stern, the inflexible, the prompt, and i fearless General Jackson feel himself accountable lor holding or resigning his seat? Did he fear that his enemies might except'! Or, was the alleged pro- 1 ftssions of his friends got up for the oc- j ration? a mere invention to grace the ' Murfreesborough farce and give him- ; self eclat before the nation? Tliis, in I my opinion, is the fact, and upon the evi- dence before me, I express it williout reserve. j The General's ^'■pondering''' and j ■^doubts" were suddenly terminated by the resolution of the Legislature nomi- nating him a candidate for the Presi- dency. He knew of but one matter ofi great national importance likely to romf ; before Congress; an amendment of the Constitution, in relation to the choice ! of a Chief IMagistrale ; a subji-ct upon which be says, ^^grrat interest uilh the people of llic United Slates exists; and on 7chieh the security of our republican system may depend."' He greatly doubted whether it might not be his duty to ap- pear in the Senate and extend his '■'fable '. '■' toward effecting this object; but,' the nomination made, •'doubt yielded to certainty," and he forthwith askcJ leave to resign. "My nam-, he says, presented to the fn-cmen of the U.nted Srales. for the tir^t office known to (he Constitution, I could not, with any thing of approba- tion on my part, couseni either to nrge^ or to encourage a change^ which might wear the appearance o! I>eing induced from selfish considerations, from r de- sire to ;pd> ance my own views."' And again — '-As from late everts it might: be inferred, that tl:i nrospects of your recomniendat!i>n tould be rendered probable, oiJy h; the people having the choice gi^-en to them direct, abun- dant room would beaffiirded to ascribe any cxt rtioiis 1 might make to causes appertaining exclusively to myself." This mawkish affectation of delicacy, i» just in character with Caesar, when •'Af plucked me ope his doublet., and offer- ed them his throat to f »/," and it is calcu- lated only to deceive such, as upon thai occasion, cried, "o/fls, good soulP'' Tile Geneial professes to shrink wilk intuitive sensitiveness from a possible imputation of urging or encouraging or makiiig any exertions which might "arf- vance his own views."' And at the same time all men, with their eyes open, must perceive that the very matter in action, all that he is saying and all that lie is doing are but exertions to urge, to encourage, to " advance his can views.'" His parade of delicacy, in the situation where it is made, is even more ridicu- lous than the moral cart of Philosopher Square, when most ludicrously detect- ed behind llie arras in i\lolly Seagiim's apartment. The whole farce was got up to adzeniec the Gericrars views upon the Presidency, and to effect that ob- ject he engaged to play his part. — That the performance was a wretched one, afTects his capacity not ]ih principle. Having declared that he could i:ol consent to urge or to encourage the change in queition lest it miglit wear the appearance of acting from seltish considerations, he proceeds, in (he very next paragrapli of his lettter to recom- mend and urge that very change. — "Permit me," be says, "to suggest to you some remarks upon the proposed a- mendment of the Conslilulion of the Uvi- 3A6 THE pnrvinENri' in isae. ted Sl:tte.s." After making these suj^- tilt- General"* preten>'ons. [. subvert- ^e-.tio!is, he adds, "upon tliis priucijtle in repect to the ofllce oT President, the I venture freely to accord with you in fundamental pillars of the constilu- the contemplated change proposed loition. it is the boldest step toward coii- the constitution: and indeed would go solidaticm that has yet been taken; lie- farther.'" How is this palpable violation cause it is utterly impracticable upon of professions just uttered to be account- 1 the present organization of the Govern- ed for? Does General Jackson mean ; menl. And yet so great is the infatu- to advance the doctrine that a candi- 1 ation with which General Jackson pur- date lor the Presidency, occupying no • sues the office of President, he would public station, may, without indelicacy, j attempt this measure, because it may pursue any measures to advance his be '^iufprreiC that without it. Iiis ^'•pros- own views, and that a public ofixctr, pals" o( success carinot be '•'• rcndend should shrink with abhorrence from the /J/ofti/We;"" for this, at last, is the only same course? That Andrew Jackson, intelligible reading that can be given a private citizen in the midst of the' to (he jargon he has suggested about it. Tennessee Legislature, may honorably ' Indeed, the General seems to cob- do that, which Andrew Jackson a I ceive that the Presidency was his Senator in Congress, could not honora- birthright, of which, like Essau he has bly do in the Senate chamber of the been deprived, and that everv thing United States. Certainly no sane man should yield before his eflbrts to regain can attempt such a distinction: and yet it. \S\\y is a candidate to be got up unless some suih distinction can be in 1828 to the exclusion of the present made, General Jackson, in the samci incuml>enV? Not because there is evi- moment of time, proclaims a principle deuce that the public good will require, in theory and violates it in practice, i it, but that G neral Jackson may be There is no possible method by 'elected. Why should the Constitution which General Jackson could so elFec- be amended? That General Jacksoii tually promote the proposed amend- may be President. A\'hy does a fair ment as that which he has taken. His constitutional election constitute "a nid in the Senate would, indeed, be dangerous precedent ?" Because Gei> 'yeibk." But by publicly recommend- eral Jackson was excluded. Why is ing the amendment and casting out the the President reproached and the Sec- suggestion that his election depends up- retary of Slate denounced? To aid on its being made, l)e rallies in its su|)- the views of General Jacksosi. Why port all his adherents, and puts in (Mrly does General Jackson talk about '* ror- requisition all their means. His profes- riiptiou,'^ and sneer at ^'lonscicntiuiis anc- aions of disinteresled'icss and delicacy, lijices,"' and *''■ prarcdaUs for the public An contrast with his conduct, deserve igoorf.'" Because he would make the no other character than that of rank impression that no man can act "<*«- hypocrisy, the most common and mean- siinilioush/," and no "■prcrcdcnt fur ih est art of the demagogue. The dis-/«(6/("(iroof/,"" can be set, unless both one guise is but a thin one. Yet one ' and the other contribute to further his equally gossamary has o^'teii served his views. \\\>y does General Jacksoii so turn. He who can cheat himself and ! often repeal that he did not descend others with the miserable sopliism that! from independent ground and degraiK a good citizen ought not to dtclini, bull the trust reposed in him by inlriguiii. ma V at any time irsi'^jn an oflice, mav for the ])residential chair? For tin well be satisfied witii very ilimsv lire- text'-, for anv conduct vNliatexer. ])urpose of casting suspicion uponotl. and thus promoting his own prospi ■ The ])roposiiion to carry thf election of obtaining tiiat very chiiir. Thjs of President direct to the people, com- : presidential chair is at pivsent the itigas it does from the Lecislainiv of j alpha and omega of General Jackson*^ Tennessee, with the sanction of Gen. whole life and conduct, and yet Ih- Jackson, must certainly startle such real', weak old man would persuade the pi politicians and statesmen of lhecounlrv,i |)le that he never ser.h of/icc.'.' a<« might feel disposed to countenance This article is already to long: I'- niE PRESItoENCV IN 1828.— JACKSON AND SWARTWOUT. IS* there is one other view of the proceed- ings at Murfrcesborough which I canno. omit. Let it be conceded that upo- account of the "dangerous precedent."' or for other jiist cause, a respectabi' portion of the American ])eople enter- tained the opinion tliat Mr. Adams ought not to be re-elected; th.at the public good required his exclusion, ought there not to be some consultation between the dilFerent sections of the country as to tije person who should be named as a candidate in opposition? Can there be any reasonable hope of preventing the re-election of Mr. Adams] if different candidates are brought out inditferent states? There is a distin- guished citizen, who, together with his friends, at the recent election, gave to General Jackson a most hearty and ef ficient support. This gentleman's qualifications for the office of President, are admitted by all. His talents and his public usefulness arc of the fii-sl order. If public principles called for an effort to exclude Mr. Adams, surely men of disinterested feelings and pub- lic spirit could liot reject the claims of Dewitt Clinton. The Murfrecsboro' nomination rejects them. I have no doubt one of its objects was to cast them into the shade to postpone them abso- hitely to those of General Jackson. — This alone gives character to tiie whole transaction and to the parties concern- ed in it. Tile public good was not considered. To gratifv the personal ^fnbition of General Jackson was the sole and single purpose. WARREN. JACKSON AND SWARTWOTJT. Tlic lolloning letter from GencralJackson to Samuel Swartnout of New York, with tbe com- ment!, is tnken from the Cincinnati Gazette, of March, 1825. The letter W!i3 writttn soon aftfT the election of .Mr. Adam?, and 13 a docu- ment which ought, for many reasons, to be pre- serrcil. Nor should tbe commentaries be lost: they arc so appropriate, and so completely il- lustrate the spirit and meaning of the text, that both ought to go together. The allegation from Jackson, that he never charged Mr. Clay with corruption, and that he had only spoken of the matter at his ^'■oicn ,/?rc-'T>/e," canntrt be fgrgoffan. \V« contend, that this declaration is hypdcritical and false. We ruaintain, that the Gciietal has both di- rectly and indirectly charged .Mr. Clay with .(II thai has been alleged against him. and that he was one of the FIRS i' to set tht- f.ul slander in motion. He hawked it abiiut in steam boats ■ind in tavcins, in the country, by the way side, and in the cities; at home and abroad, both io speech and by letters. Unfortunately for the General, he has furoisbed the cvwlence of his own guilt. Out of his own mouth we convict him:_F'or, before he denied being Mr. Clay's accuser, hs had written the letter to Swart- wout, which for egotism, insinuation and ui^ founded charges, has scarcely been surpa-sed by the most profligate of the party, from that day to this. General Jackson's Letter, Washington Cily, Feb. 22, 1825. MY DEAR SIR Yesterday I received your communication, adverting to the- rea.sons and defence presented by Mr. Cla) to Judge Brooke, wh^ duty and reflection imposed upon him the neces- sity of standing in opposition to me, be- cause of my being, as he is pleased to style me, ''a military chieftain."' I had seen the letter belbrc, and when it lirst appeared, 1 did entertain the opin- ion that some notice of it might per- haps, be necessary — for the reason, that the expression seemed to convey with it, the appearance of personalityj. m()re than any thing else; and could the opinion be at all entertained, thai, it could meet the object, which was doubtless intended, to prejudice me in the estimation of my countrymen, I might yet consider some notice of it necessary — such a belief, however, I cannot entertain, without insulting the generous testimonial with which I have been lionoured by ninety-nine clectore of the people. lam well aware, that this term "mil- itary chieftain,"' has, for sonic time past, been a cant phrase with Mr. Clav and certain of his I'riends: but the vote with which I iiave been honored Jjy th^ people, is enough to satisfy me, that the prejudice which was thereby sought to be produced, has availed but little. This is sufti( ient for me — I en- tertain a deep and heartfelt gratitude to tujf country, for the coi fidence whjcJlt lihc hfi^ manifested towards wf- 2SS JArKSON & SWARTWOUT. leavirii^ to prej'idicod minds, whatever tliL-y can make of the epithet "inihtary Jiiollai!.'" It i- for ingenuity greater than mine And if these opinions ai.d sentiments shall entitle me to the name and char- acter of a " military chieftain," 1 am content so to be considered — satisfied to conceive what idea was intended to; too, that Mr. Clay, if he pleases, shall be coaveyed by the term. It is very | give that as a reason, to the citizens of true, t!»at early i:i life even in the days the west, why, in his opinion, I merited of niy bo\ iiooii, I contributed my mite ■ neither his own, nor their contidence. to shake olfthe yoke of tvrai.ay, audi Mr. Clay has never yet risked him- to build up the labrir >( free Govrn- self for his country. He has never meiit. A-id when lately, our couitry I sacrificed his repose, nor made an ef- was involved in war, bearing then the 1 fort to repel an invading foe: of course, commission of Major General of militia i ''his conscience'" assured him, it wa< in Tenne-isee, I made an appeal to the I altogether wrong in any other man, to patrioLic citizens of the west, when ' lead his countrymen to battle and vic- 3000 went witli me into the field losup- tory. He who fights, and fights suc- port her Eagles. If thi? constitute me a "military chieflair.," 1 am one. Aid- cessfuUy. must, according to his stand- ard, be held up as a •• military chief- ed bv the patrioti-m of the w-esu-rn , tain." Even Washington, could he a- people, and an indulgent Providence, gain appear among us, might be so it was my good fortune to protect our | considered, because he dared to be a frontier border fr'irn the savag' s, and j virtuous and successful soldier — a cor- successlujly to defend an important | rcct rnati, and an honest statesman. It and vuhierable point of our Union. — is onlv when overtaken by disaster and Our lives were risked, privations en-' defeat, that anv man is to be consider- dured, and sacrifices made — and if Mr. cd a safe politician and a correct states- Clay pleases, martial law declared — man. not with any view of personal aggran dizement, but for Ihe preservation of Defeat, might, to be sure, have brought with it one benefit, it might all and every thing that was dear and ihavc enabled me to escape the notice valiable — the honor, the safety and and animadversions of i\Ir. Clay; but glory of our country! Does this con- j considering, that by an opposite result, slitute the character of a " military | my country has been somewhat benc- chieftain?"' And are all our brave n■l^■n | fitcd, I rather preler it, even with the in war, who go forth to defend their I opprobium and censure which he seems riglits and t!ic rights of the country, to disposed to extend towards me. To be termed "military chieftains," and liitn tliank God. I am in no wise respon- denounced therefor? If so, the ten dcncv of =urii a doctrine may be, to arrest t!ie ardour of useful and brave men, in future times of need and peril; with me, it will make no dilference, for my country at war, I would aid, assist, and defend her, let the consequenres to mNl^elf, be wiiat they might. I iiave, asyoi very well know, been charged, bv some of the desisning pol- siblc. There is a purer tribunal to •vhich I would in prclorence refer my- self. To the judgment of an enlighT- ened, pntrioHc, and uncorrupled peo- ple. To that tribunal i would rather appeal, whence is derived whatever of reputation either he or I may po^ sess. Bv a reference there, it will be ascertained that I did not solicit the of- fice of President : it was the frank and ticians of tills country, with liking bold | flattering call of the freemen of tliis and high-handed measures; but as they 'country, not mine, which placed ni_\ were not designed for any benefit to | name before the nation. When they myself I should not, under similar cir-j (ailed in their colleges to make a choice, <*uni^tanco~, i-.iV.iin from a cuurse e- 1 no one beheld me seeking tbrougii art quailv bold. Tliat man, who. in timrs j or management, to entice any reprc- €>f diilionlty and danger, shall halt at scntative in Congress, from a con-ci- any course, necessary to maintain the j entions responsibility to his own, orthe right-^, privileges, and independence of wishes of his constituents. No mid- .l«is country, is nnsuited to nuthorilv. ' ni?ht tap' r burnt by me; no sccrc' JACK^iN i SWAHTWOUT. 369 conclaves were held, nor cabals en- tered into, to persuade any one to a vi- olation of pledges given or of instruc- tions received. B}' tne no plans were concerted to impair the pure principles of our republican institutions, nor to prostrate that fundamental maxim, whicli maintains the supremac) of the people's will. On the coiUrnry. hav- ing never in any manner, either be- fore the people or Congress, inter- fered in the slightest "degree, with tlie question, mv conscience stands void of offence, and will go quietly to the rights and interests of the coun- try; as a ninrilif, Icntperate, and con- vincing vindication of his own charac- ter. To this, I object nothing. It is perfectly consistent with their admi- ration of Mr. Kremcr, and of the pro- ductions of Caleb Atwater. Every class of men have their peculiar tastes, and I have not now to learn, that the same matter is viewed in vtrv liilfcr- ent lights, as personal predilection or political association, may happen to af- fect us. In my opinion, the letter is one with me, regardless of the insinuations ; which exlu!)its the true character of of tho:*e, who through management, | tiie writer. It evidences an unbound- may seek an influence not sanctioned \ ed egotism, a peevish and fretful im- by integrity and merit. | patience, wluch betrays a large share Demagogues, I am persuaded, have of vexation and disappointment; and done more injury to the cau^e of free- it indulges in a strain of insinuation, dom, afld the rights of man, than ever| whicli is unworthy of a cultivated and did a military chieftain, and in our] liberal mind. country, at least in times of peace, It is no recommendation to the let- should be much more fean^d. I have ter, that it is addressed to Samuel seen something of this in my march , Swartwout. There is great truth in through life; and have seen some men, | the maxim, that you may know a man too, making the boldest professions, i by the company he keeps. And I can- who were more influenced by selfish |not think that Samuel Swartwout is a views and considerations, than ever; man with whom an American patriot they were by the workings of an honest I and statesman should be found in habits conscience. I of close intimacy. I became a soldier for the good ofj He is the same personage who, in mycountry:ditlicultiesmct me at every the year 1 806, carried the famous cy- step. but 1 thank God, it was my good ! plier letter from Burr to Wilkinson, Ibrtuiie to surmount them. land who, according to Wiflciiison's af- TliC war over, and peace restored, I [fidavit, informed him that the New-Or- retired to my farm to private life, i leans territory would be revolutioni- where, but for the call I received to .zed. that there would be some seizing the Senate of the Union, I should have 'at New Orleans; that they merely contentedly remained. I have never 'meant to iiorrow, and would return it; nought office or power, nor have 1 ever but that Burr and his 7000 men must been willing to hold any post longer j equip themselves there. I repeat, it is than! coald be useful to my country, not no recommendation of the letter, that myself, and I trust 1 never shall. If it is addressed to a person who these things make me one, I om a "mil- once acted as an agent in plans like itary chieftain.'" Itheiie — and who since i:a3 rendered no I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant. ■Signed) ANDREW JACKSON. To Samuel SwarlTvout, Jthi; York. REMARKS. Till- supporters of General Jackson regard the foregoing letter, as a supe- rior production, breathing the purest Uate and public usefulness — General patriotism, the most perfect devotioiii Jackson's correspondent, a subordinate service to his country, by which the in- ! discretion can be obliterated, j The letter is meant as a comment I upon one addressed by Mr. Clay to j Judge Brooke. How different the as- sociation! Mr. Clay'i correspondent, a finished scholar aud accomplished gentlemen, an able Judge, universally respected and licloved, for a life of pri- 290 JACKSON i S« ABTWOUT. agent in the conspiracy of Aaron Burr! I ^^contributed his mite to shake off th yoke Mr. Clay objected to giving J;lck!^Oll of ti/i-tiniv/, nnit buiH up the fabric of free his vole for President, because his only government." pretciisions were those of a military chieftain. By thi? suggestion, tlie great man is galled to the quitk. He writhes in agony, and having no power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, or send a military guard to seize Mr. It is obvious, that the occasion ir sought to make a boast of this mite of service — as well as of the exploits of the last war. And in making tiiis vaunt, the General adopts the wretched slang, which chanicterized his sup- Clay, he writes a peevish Idler to Mi'. : porters during the recent canvais. 1 Swartwoiit, vaunting himself as stand- , had hoped, that he would never be ing on the same ground witii \\'asliini;-| thus identified with them, ton, and casting on Mr. Clay, a tissue i The General roundly asserts, that of insinuation m akind of spirit which i those who have charged him with tak- it is not necessary to define. i ing highhanded measures arc^dcsignitig The term military chieftain, Gcue-\ politicians." Why are they so? The ral Jackson says, has been for some i General does not pretend that the al- time a " rani i^rufr xiilh Mr. Clay awl certain of his friendf,''' and the Genera adds, it reqviires greater ingenuity than " he possesses to discoirr n-hat idea mm inleruled to be conveyed by the term." Is this assertion (rue? If the Genenil does not know what idea was intended io be conveyed, why take ortencc ? whv carp at, or objict to the term? It l''gation against him. of taking '■'bold awl high-handed incisures, is uiiliju'ided in fact: on the contrary, he admits ihal 'le did take such measures. Does it comport witli the feelings of a mag- i:animous, lofty, and liberal spirit, to assert thai those wiio do not com.nend 'Itcsc " hioh-hnivleil mriisures," are *^ de- signing pol:tician$." In tiie mouth of is myopinioi;, that IIk; General clearly ( George Krenicr, a ^ugge-tion of that conceives, and well knows what idea , nature is in perfect character... And was intended to be conveyed. H>- when the General himself makes it, if has never beendistinguished as a jurist, furnishes a strong proof, that he is of a statesman, or a politician. He j George Kremer the worthy compeer, knows it. He knows, that in these | The apology niade»by the Genera! parliculai-s he is inferior to a thousand 1 for his '* hold and high-Iumded mcas- men in the llnitetl States, who have I »rcy," is of itself a fold one. Such never been thonglit of for President. — I measures were not taken '•icilh a viearof He has been distinguished as the suc-i;>fr.w;w/ nggntndizement;"' '■'■they wn cessful commander of an army. This| iu)t deigned for any benefit to himself success has given him a character in the country. It is upon account of this success, that he has been brought forward as a candidate — not by the If a sordid ambition, or mean ava- arice, does not actuate a man's con- (hict, he may take ^'bold and hisih-hcind- ed measure:," and deserve no censure. it.lelligent and rellecling portion of the j Such is the General's doctrine. The community, who select a man for of- | pratilicalion of revenge, the indulgcncf of anger may be allowed. An abuse o*" power is quite harmless, if '• persotial aggrandizement," or bcnr/it of one- self, do not occasion it. The Inie ty- rant's code of ethics. But can an\ tjcc on account of his superior talents: but by that ckiss who act upon impul- ses of feeling and passion; who, in all republican governments that have heretofore existed, have coiitrilnilcd to make a mililaryelurftain an eni|)eroror ' just andilispassionate man say that it i- :» king. This is the true point of ihi sarcasm. 'I'he General knows it, and feels it; and his allectation of igno- rance, is alike discredital'le to hisjudg- iiM'nt andipen(lence of his coimtrv, is 'lecnuse. in th'- div^ of lys boyhood, he unsvited to autliority."' *• Holt at A^"\ JACKSON & SW A.RT WOUT. 20 i the war w-as declared? Surely Gen, Jackson tan know notliing o( (!tc anxiety fell by an honorable m'fd. in the success oCnjeusurcs upon whitl. Iiis own credit, and his country's liO'ior and prosperity must depend? The mi'i'd to storm tl-.c fjarrison of Ismaei,! coward fear of death, in a base and lie disarmed a body of his own ?ol lirrs t;rovellii:g mind, is no doubt most ex^ course!" This is. I believe, the true kfiilimatc doctrine of the i/o/.v Alliance. They halt at no course, they conceive necesaary to maintain their own auihor- it). When the Cossar Su« arrow, dctcr- a;id ;liove ihcm into tiie ditch. (o make a bridge over which to march the hc- sieffiiisi tbices to the attack. T'.iis wi^ noi halting at any course nercs^an/ to ensure success. And tiic General's pri ciph; can leaf" to no other result. The man in authority, is to judge of the ncccjisily and the mcwiii. He is to hall al nothing, prt)vided he has no view of '•^ pcrionnl aggrnmlizcment, or of pri- vate benefit.'''' How admirably these seMtimenLs do accord willi those of Aaron Burr, and how appropriate arc they when addressed to one of Burr's principal agents!!! "Mr. Clay,"" the General asserts, "never yet rigked himself (or h\s coun- try. He has never sacrificed his repose nor made an effort to repel an invadinjj foe!" Upon this theory, no man does any thing for his country, who does not risk his miserable carcase, by exposing it to the shot of an enemy. Repoic onlv can he sacril'iced upon the tented Held. What a gross conception is this, (ou.ided entirely upon the animal pre- po.'dcrante in man! Did he risk nothing in tidvocating the declaration of war, that furnished flic occasion in which the General dis- tinguished himself? J)id 3]r. Clay make no sacrifice of repose v.dicn he stood forward in Congress, exposed to the atticks of Qaincv, and Webster, •ind Grosvcnor, and Hniison, of John Randolpli and Daniel ShefTey? Wfw there no risk in main.taining a course of measures, condemned, nay repro- bated by men like those! Could his pillow be that of undisturbed ■repo. crutiatiiig; but among men of iiigher cast, bodily pain is much less afflicting than mental anguish. A brave soldier can sleep in the presence of an enemy; i)ut for care and anxrely of mind there is no refreshing repose. Shame on the man who, assuming a station among tlie statesmen and patriots- of a country, can didiberately assert that one of the most distinguislied, most laborious, most Zealous of her legislators and ne- gotiators, has never risked liimself, nor sacrificed iiis repose for his country! '•Even Gen. Washington, could he appear again among us, might be con- sidered [a military chieftain] because he DARKD to be a virtuous and success- ful soldier, a correct man and honest statesman."' So 503-3 Gen. Jackson; and his saying so, admits of no olhei reading than this: — "I tike Washing- ton, am called a military chieftain, be- cause, I like Washington, daeed to be a virtuous and successful soldier, a corrcr' man, and an honest statesman.^'' A poet of some fame has said: "■O/boasting more tlian of a bomb afraid, ,A soldier sliould bf modest as a maid.'' The General's notions of propriety seem to be formed upon a very diflTci eiit model. In the same strain of boasting, but in much more reprehensible spirit, tin General thus vaunts himself: ''No one beheld me seeking, through art or management, to entice any re presentative in Congress from a con- scientious responsibility to his own, or the wishes of his constituents. No midnight taper burnt by me; no se- who had daily to combat the intelli-l cret conclaves were held, nor cabal? genco, the argument, the sarcasm, of i entered into, to persuade any one to a men whose powers, zeal and firmness, were ahno-t uncipialled? Did Mr violation of pledges given or instruc- tions received. By me no plans were Clay not risk himself for his country. 1 concerted to impair the pure princi- when he became one of her negotiator> 1 pies of our rcpul)!ican institutions, nor for peace, v.hcn it was made hisdulyto prostrate that, fundamental maxim o abandon the question of impres--| wliich maintains thcsuprcinacy of the nont, the main ground upon whirJi 'peoplc'p will.'" 302 JACKSON A. SWABTWOUT. This tissue of =elf-panegyric, ii» e- would an honest man take by the hand qually otFensivc for its inflated cgotissn the incendiary who had wrapt a city aod unfounded insii.uatioo. Indeclar-j in flames — the parricide reeking with ing ninr-elf free Irom the practices ■ the hlood of hii lather, here elated, ^>e i'ldirertly asMJits that' Tliis demon>traUon of respect for they were resorted to by others. — ' Mr. Adami places General Jackson in Dots Gen. Jackson believe that Mr. a dilemnia, neither horn of which can Clay pursu<>d the course here describ-j do him much credit. If he believes ed I He ought to say so without peri- that Mr. Adams was made President by phrasis. Docs lie believe that the 1 the means he has intimated, and has re- election of Mr. Adams was effected by i warded the principal contriver with the practices he htrre intimates? Does, his confidence and respect, his di>play he believe that secret conclave* were , of regard wasany thing but correct. If held? that cabals were entered into? he does not believe tliis, what shall wc that plans were concerted to impair 'say of his veracity? the pure principles of on -^ republicxan j When the Gen. recapitulates his miVc institutions? Does he Relieve this, of service in the revolutionary war,when and yet be among the first to press j he sets out his exploits in the late — his forward and take Mr. Adams by the j leading 3000 citizens to the field to sup- hand in the face of his assembled coun- 1 port the eagles of hi? country — his suc- try? He cannot be less base than those i cess in protecting tlie frontier border whom he accuses. from savages, and in defending an im- It cannot hfc said that these prac-i portant and valuable point of the Union tices were the work of Mr. Clay ! — when he adds to these the the risfc of and not of Mr. Adams. Mr. Adams takes the benefit of these cabals; of this conspirac}-. Nay he constitutes A/e, the privation endured, the sacrifice made; and closes witii declaring mar- tial law, and asks, "rfocs this coiislilulc a the chief perpetrator his most conti-; »i(7i7«)-^ chieftaiiit" it is proper to re dential adviser. In morals, as well ply, that if it does not, it constitute* as inlaw, he who receives the goods nothing: Is not a citizen soldier, if he and rewards the thief, is a principal i be a commander, a military chief'. At culprit. I all events the services here enumera- Gen. Jackson penned this accusation ted do not constitute a statesman or a on the 23d of February. Nine days politician. And if for these service^ afterwards, on the 4tli of March, in the j the presidency is to be conl'crred, it capitol of the nalion, upoii tlie consum- j is conferred only upon the militarv mation of IhcbC nefarious practices, chief. It would have been some tiling the General was present, and his con- to the purpose had the General tnu- duct is thus described: '-Gen. Jackson j merntcd his services ia the legislature, we were pleased to observe, 7vasamonir i or in llic cabinet — in statistics, in coir- the enrliest of ihosc u-hn took the haul mercc, in foreign ncgociations. — in pre- of the Presi'lcntf and ihoir looks atul de- portment towards each other, were a. rebuke to that bilternessof party spirit which can sec no merit in a rival, and paring systems of revenue, or jurispru- dence, it is in these matters a Pres- ident shOuM be civiinent, not in leading armico, or in raising volunteers — in or- feel 1.0 joy in the honor of a compeii-| ganizing courts maitinl, or in declaring tor."' martial law. In this attempt to rcpe! If' such were his conduct, tiie Gen- 1 tiie suggestion that his only claims are cr:il must be a conaun'niate liyiiorrite. those of a militan/ thirfia} :• . the gencr- 'r.i!;<' 113- the hand , witl^. a look of grat- 1 :il actually confesses that it is just. If I am not uiucii mistaken, this let tcr of the General will so operate ; i very soon to pl^ce him where he ough' to be. It scorns to dcvelope his real ulaliii:i, the man who had gained the high oliice of President, by arl,i>icn:igc- Tucnt, cnliccmeni, sccrrl coitdavcs, cabals, violated p/c/gw, and plans concerted In impair Ihr pure principles nf our »f/jii&-i character, — hi. moral feelings. his piin- 'iion institii'ioiis! Take such a char- < iplcs lual his political intelligence, actcr joyfully bv the hand! A"" snop. ia?jd il di«f loses the society wliich he «.;E!*EBAI. JACKSON AND cm'ERSOU SHELBY. •i'J3 prefers. U yet he has given no evi- dence oi talent, except as a military chieftain. He is now in a slatioii wlieie talent of a ditfeicnt order, if he possess it, must he displaced. He says he has never been willing to hold ajiy post longer than he could be useful to his country, not to himself. Two ses sions he has held (he post of Senator in Congress, to what useful purpose for the country I know not. If he contin- ues (o hold this post for the remaining four years, the public may be enabled to form a better judgment than they now can, bow well he is <|ualitieJ for a politician and a siate^mrm. and wh fh- er he has any other claim to distinction than that of a ''miUlart/ chirflqin.''' Tiiis character he now flings from him as a reproach; and when it is 1 1- ken away, what fame has he left? None certainly that ever would liavc brought him before the nation a candidate for the Presidency. L. ensure himself and friends a large grant of land; stealing away from his vener- able colleague, and j>a«siag1';c nii;ht in (he r,u^erablc hvtsif th'- SAVAGF.^, for the purpose of gnttii'g (horn to REFUSE TO NEGf)Tl \'rE, unless a don -.on was made to J-'-n-s Jaclcson; hulhi g the venerable Shki.by in the language of a blarkguard — a man almost old enough to t)e his 'a; her. iv'iose hair was vvhiie with the frosts of nearly eigiity wint'is: — n Hero of kcm: than Izvo wnj-j, and wlioso memory w dl only die, if ever, with the M)erlies of cur country. pon thi.inia-i, so venerable and venerated, «V.ose name, whose cge, who^o woith, who^e services, w ' i!d have insured him hiial respect r,M,n ci\iy hut a savage, Ciei.. Jackscn woui i :• ivc CirMADE A VIOLENT PEl^S^NAL ATTACK, buv K-r the interposition of frund% Wlio thini can vote for Gen. Jack^on without shoAving diTisnect to :: e memory of the Hero of Ki;.g's Mountain? «E\. JACKSO.V & GOV. SlfELBY, The following letters from Charles Scott Toun, and Thomas H. Shelby, c.Tc respectfully submitted to the con- f sideration of all tiiose who are anxious ro uNDERsrAND tiie true character of the man who is a candidate for the highest otlice in the gift of the Ameri- can People. No man will have the hardihood to deny the truth of tlic '■ statement made in these letters. The writers are men of high character and' standing, and kearly related to thi; ! vE:,ERAiiLE SHELBY. Col. Todd gal- i bnlly distinguished himself daring tlie last war; he was the Aid-de-camp of Gen. Harrison, during the whole of the campaign in the north-west, and possessed in an eminent degree, the confidence and alfection of his General. Coming as these letters do, from the so:; and soii-m-laz-! of Gov. Shelijv, who feel deeply interested in what ever concerns his memory and his fame, ^vho will deny their truth? But the ijuost.onis, iuwhata light and attitude do they phice Gen. Jackson? A ne- gotiator OCron the part of the United States USING every means to effect [I AN INTRIGUE WITH THE Indians to for the focus. Messrs. Editors — 1 have read in the supplement to Mr. Clay's address, late- ly published, a statement by Colonel Todd, &.S to Governor Shelby's opin- ion, in relation of General Jackson's conduct at the Chickasaw treaty. — This developement ef '.he " Hero's" character is very well — but the people have a right to know the whole history. Would it not be well to call upon Col- onel Todd, to give us a full account of it. I presume he has it in his pov/er to do so; and as some of tiie fiiends of the Hero in my neighliourhood, affect to entertain doubts, whether Governor Shelby held the opinions attributed to him; and if he did, whether Jackson reallv acted as it is represented he did on that occasion; I am anxious to sec the whole truth spread before the people. A SUBSCRIBER. We unite with the writer of the a- bove, that the whole truth should ap- pear, in relation to the f'liicka-aw treaty; and we call upon Col. Todd, to communicate all the information ,he has in his possession, to the public. ' It is dun not only to the public, but tr. 2»i GENERAL JACKSON AND GOVERNOR SHELBY. Col. Todd himself, and to the memory truest a statement in detail, on the sub- of Governor Shelby, that the people jecU from his son T. H. Shelby, who wa-- present at the treaty. An extract of his answer is hereto annexed, which not only confirms the autaenlicity o£ the opinions entertained and expre^>ed by Governor Shelby, of Geik-ral Jack- son, contained in my statement to Mr. Clay, but estahlislies abundantly, ai;d bevond the reach ol contr.idiction, tlie should be enabled to understand the subject, ami judge for tliemselves. To the Editor of the Kentucky Advotnle. Sir: — A correspondent in the "Fo- cus,' presuming that I may be possessed of more particular information, in rela- tion to General Jackson's conduct at the Chickasaw treaty, in October, I circumstances on which the opinions 1815, than is contained in the state- I were predicated: circumstances which ment forwarded to Mr. Clav, of a con- lOirF.XHIBlT (iEN. JACKSON, ON vernation on that subject, between him • THAT OCCASION, IN THK TWO and Governor Shelby, has requested FOLD ATTITUDE. OF KNDF.A\"- thc editors of that paper, in the last DURING TO EFFECT AN IN- number, to make a call upon me for a TRIGUE WITH THE MISERABLE further Jt,velopen>ent, sue;<;esting;, at REMNANT of the Chickasaw tribe of the same time, that some of the friends of General Jackson in his neiglibour- Indians, FOR THE BENEFIT OF HIS PERSONAL FRIENDS; and at- bood, had aflfected to entertain doubts, ! tempting also, to play the part for whether these opinions were held bv 1 which General Ad:iir, said in 1817. Governor Shelby, and whether the i" NATURE HAD DESIGNED HIM. conduct of General Jackson, was such j THAT OF THE TOWN OR TAV- , as it is represented to have been on jERN BULLY,'' '"wards the venerable that occasion. The Editors have pro- SHFLB^, whose uame is the rich inher- ceeded accordins;lv, to mike the call, itance of tiie state, and whose judg- which, looking to (he suggestions of ment was as ounicular, as his integrity their correspondent, they considered j nnd pat^ioti^m were unijuestioned, to be t'je. not only to the public but IO| with all parties throughout the repub- myself, and the memory of Governor' lie, to which he devoted a long life of Shelby. In this state of the case, 1 do usefulness and glory! not feel myself at liberty to resist the application. Under any ordinary circumstances, { could not have expected to encoun- ter the insinuation contained in the By the terms of the treaty negotia-* ted in October, 1818, with theChicka- saws, a reservation of some valuable land, including the Big Spring, near to Colbert's Ferry, on the Tennessee riv- suggestions of this correspondent of er, was made in favor of George and the Focus, but the present is a period Levi Coli)ert, two of the principal of extraordinary excitement in the i chiefs, and on the very day of sigi'.ing p'lblic mind, and exhibits numerous j the treaty, those chiefs convoyed the instances of illiberal treatment exten- 1 reservation to Jamks Jackson, for twen- ded lo tliosc who mav have contribu- 1 tv tlion-and dollar-. But Governor ted, by the display of futs and argu- : Sliell)y having REFUSED lo concur nients, to dispel the prejudice existing! in any arrangement, which permiUcd iTi relation to Gen. Jackson's qnalifica- j the Indians to sell to private iudivid- y, in re- accepted (his condition, James Jackson lation (o him, or (lie fart*; on which j was required to assign over to (lie L. tho>e opinions were founded, 1 deemed | States, the beiielit of tlie arrangcmei.t it an act of prudent caution, to re- ' which it was the purpose of the in GENERAL JACKSON AND GOVISKrtUK siici.BY 29» trigue al tiu' treaty jfrouml to t-flett. The resei'vatioii to certain Iiidiu' chief-, who, as General Jackson, hni* previously me diOMed to Governo; Sholi.v, "Oir WOULD HAVE TO BK B'.UGHT OVER;"'^::0 'he undet- standi/ig, tliat the Government should have the pre-emptive right on a com- pliance witli the terms of their con- tract, which stipujaiion, the firmness and disinterested patriotism of Gov- ernor Shelby, required the friends of of the General wl\o were on tlie ground, and had negociated a private contract with the cliiefs, predicated on riic proposed resenaticn; together, with the description of tiic reservation itself, and its value, were all communi- cated by Governor Shelby to the Presi- dent, through a gentleman of Washing- ton City, who was in the confidejice of the Government, and was present at the treaty. In conformity with this imderstanding, James Jackson of Da- vidson county, Tennessee, on the 15th day of May, 1319, conveyed these res- ■ rvations to the United States, for tl>e -uin of twenty tiiousand dollars, the !irrci.. He has same Jnnu.> Jackson, who was inter- ested in tho Land Speculations of tl>e General, in Tennessee, lately de- , been formally nominated by the Leg- I islature of Tennessee, and the nomina- vclopcd by Mr. Darby and Dr. Ann- strong, and who was associated with' tion has been as formally accepted even Mr. Senator E-:ton and others, in cer- tain large speculations in Florida, not before the policy or measures of the. ])rescnt administration could be luUy long before tlie General invaded and ' developed. The people, then, have a conquered that province of a foreign i right and it is their duty, to inquire int(j power, contrary both to the constitu tion of the United States, and the ex- press orders of the President. Governor Shelbv often mentioned to! his public conduct; especially on the occasion of a solemn treaty, the negotia- tion of which his UNWARRANTA- BLE DEPORTMENT HAD NEAR- mc his belief that the (Kj-CONDUCTjLY DEFEATED AND THE OB- AND VIEWS OF GENRRU- JACK- JFCT OF WHICH WAS QJJITF 206 GENERAL JACKSOU A>I> GOVERXOR SUELAV. AS INTERESTING TO THE CITI- ZENS OF TENNESSEE AND KEN- TUCKY €i3 were tliL- provisions of that of which he so often refers in liis letter to G. VV. Campbell as having been vio- lated by Si!ns Diismore the l-idi;in A- cent wliiim Hf thrL-.ire fd to "BURN nal visit from hi« colleague by stu.licd silence on the s-iibject. I did u...Lt- stand by some means, that tbo General passed the nia;-;l with Col'^ert, one of the pri'icipal Chiefs. My father ex- pressed to m. his suspicions that"tl;erc was bonK-thi.ij .iOt rii^ht going on." IN TFIE FLAMES OF HIS OWN. B.fore anwou.icil liad convened, the HOUSE.'' j Ge.terrd informed his colleague "that I prc.-icrii this view to the i^ublic, asj some of the principal Cliiefs were vio- well in vindic ition of liie statement | lontly opposed lo selling land, and thai made to .Mr. Clav su* in lhe«xcroiee of | those fellosvs would have to be boiiglit my right, i.i.n in discharge ot ni'- duly, . over." At length a council was callrd. ;isa citiz. I of the ilepnhlic. to contri- ' \inoiig other objections made bv the butcbyallhoiioraolc means to whatever I !ndiai:s to the Rolling of their land, it may have a tet'dency to eiillg!ite:i ti.e wis urged by thtm "that tlic Uiiitcd the public judgment in the impending; States were largely in arrears to their: crisis. and until old debts were paid, they C. S. TODD. I would not contract new ones." The Commissioners found it necessary to Extract of a letter iVom Thomas H. i send to Nashville for money to pay Shelby, dated, | those claims, and thus remove the main Grasslnnd, Ajvil 28, 18-2o. ! difficulty. In about a week the nic;- '•My filher set out o- tiie lOt.i Sep- rengcr to Nasliville arrives — the money tembcr, I BIG, and arrived at General; is distributod agreeably to the census Jackson's on the loth, where he re- oi the nation taken during his absence, maincd a f^-w days, and in company i A second couiicil is convened — Gen-- with his colleague proceeded to Nash- ville. In a day or two wc set out for the treaty ground, accon!]):inicd i»y eight or ten gentlemen frlciids of (Gen- eral Jackson, with all of wliom, (ex- cepting Colonel Butler) my father was 'macquainted. During the jounicy littlc was said on the subject of the treaty. I heard the General, («n one .':>200,000 Jackfcon inquires of the chiefs. "What do you ask for this lacd?" ^ Interpreter — "We don't know— what will yon give? Gen. Jackson — "We will give vfju ■S' 1 50,000. Interpreter — "We can't lake it." General Jackson — '•We will give yoii lnter|)eter — No, wc cannot take it." Gen. Jackson — "We will give vof. 5J250.000. Interpreter — "No, no." *-.s;,'?00,000,'' r occasion, ask my father how high he was willing to go for tiic Indian boun- dary. My t'atiicr replied (liat he was prepared to go as high as S'.jOO.OOO rather than not eircctthc purchase — j says the" Genei-al. — My fattier left th but said ho, "General Jackson. 1 have i table and the Council broke up. — Thf not the least idea that we shall lind itiCJcneral observed to my father in con necessary to giv,' half (hat sum.'' Af- j ver».-!tion that the Chiefs contender ter this conversatioa a profound silence! for the pri\ilegc of selling a larg. was observed by (Jcneral .I.vikson ,ind ,' reservation of land to whom ihcy niigiit the friends, accompanied lijm, on the I think proper. ]\ly father o'ojected t;- subject of the treaty in my fatlirr's pres 'this proiiosition. lie said "they might scl! ence. At length we arrived at tlijc j it to the king of E.igland." " The G-n. Treaty ground, — the Indians asscm- observed, "tliat there was then a corn- bled. My fithersoon observed grc^l pany of genllem-.-n o'l the ground that intercourse between the Ger.l's. frit-ad- would p.iy them down their price .'s-20,- and the Indians, of whicii he s{>oko frc-.OOO.'' My father nefuscd posilivclv quonlly to mc. On one occasion, the | to permit the Indians to sell laml to pij- General and apart of his suite were'vatc individuals. He contended thai abs(;nt finm camp all night — the Gen- 1 the Government should have the o]i- •:ral witliheli! the motive of h]^ noctur- tijn of faUing the /ee'^rvation at the GENERAL JA.CKSON AND GOVERNOR SHELBY. SOT price stipulated and the General and the Chiefs were in tlie end obliged to to consent to it. My father told the General tivit he had made the Indians otFers that he could not sinction. '•WHY GOV- ERNOR, GOD DAMN it, DID NOT YOU SAY THAT YOU WOULD GIVE ,9300,000?" NO sir, I j,'ave you no autlwrity to speak for me, I am here to speak for myself.'''' Whv Gov- ERiVOR, God damn my soul if yob did NOT SAY so." 1 (lid not authorize you to make any stich pioposition." Tlie parties seemed on the very point of coming to blows, when I stepped be- tween them, laying a hand on each, and entreated them to talk the matter over more dispassionately. My father told me afterwards, that it was v/ell for the old rascal that I interfered, that he should have knocked him twenty feet. Not a word passed between the commissioners untilthc next day, when (he General broke out upon his col- league in a strain, if possible, more? rough and boisterous than before. I again stept bcttveen them and called on the friends of the General to inter- fere. Old Maj. Smith stepped up and observed, '"Gentlemen I am no dicta- tor, but I will be moderator," and we kept them apart. My father told the General "he should leave him and go home." Go Governor," re|ilied the General, "Bv God, I will nwke the treaty without you." While our horses -were saddling, the friends of the General urged me to use my influoKe with my father not to go. He at length agreed to remain. Another council was called. The Indians demanded the §300,000, and would treat for nothing less — finally the treaty was made. MY FATHER THOUGHT THAT GEN. JACKSON'S COR- RUPTIOjV AND FOLLY, HAD COST THE GOVERNMENT fnnn The more we investigate the char- acter of Gen. Jackson, the more we find it stained with iiKonsislet.cies and crimes. He has iieen all his life time a turbulent, overbearing, selfish ;md cruel man. In the instance recorded above, he is exhiliitetl by honest men, as a sordid groxx'lling speculator, re- gardless both of the interests of his government, and the rights of his col- league. Gov. SnEr.BY was treuied witii rudeness, insulted and abused, and for what purpose? Was it to ad- vance the interests of the nation? Was it because the Governor had propoaed any thing derogatory to the mission? far from it; — The venerable Shelby saw that a plan was on foot to MAKE MONEY out of the treaty and that Jarkso7i was (Kr PREPARED TO SACRIFICE THE INERF.STS OF THE NATION, in order to accom- plish HIS OBJECT. He set his face against it and determined, tliat the tventy thousand dollar speculation sJtonld not be carried into execution. Jackson thus foiled in his enterprise, became as usual, outrageous ai d allusive. He cursed, and swore, aiid raved, in a man- ner tliat would have disgraced the most profligate and abandoned boaiman. It is in vain for Uie friends of Jack- son to smooth over and hide from the people, his innumerable acts of sor- did avarice and violence. This is not. the first, nor the only instance where he has attempted to aggrandize him- self and friends, at the expense of honor, honesty, and good faith. He is more certainly and shrewdly caught in this than in some others; but his life is a chaiu of profligacy. He has always lived, and moved, and had his being in scenes of mi-chief, turmoil, bloodshed, and cruelty, and in all these* his cupidity has been conspicuous. It is not a little singular, that James Jackson, the General's associate in the «ilOO,000 (11 Sjji200,000. HIS; Duck river speculation, should have MIND UNDERWENT no CHANGE been the s^ranlcc of the reservation, to UPON THIS SUBJECT TO THE the two Colberts. He seems to have DAY OF HIS DEATH. | been a convenient person for all the 1 have thus given you a detail of! General's side- way manoeuvres. Why feet?, Tvkich cartiv under my ozmi observa- was he at the treaty? How happened //on, you are at liberty to make what /ic to be the grantee? Where did he use of it you may think proper. Your get twenty tiiousand dollars to pay for 'rjend. THO. H. SHELBY, 'the lani? and above all, what'wa^ 11 b •Mi» TO TIIK PEOPl.K OF THE INITFD STAT'ES. Ge.ieral Jackson doing night after I see tiiese United Stales l)ear a reseno- ni-^ht with tlie two chiefs, ibr whom | hlaiire to one of those bodies bloated the reservation was made? Tliere is j with disease, whose bulk is only a svmp- a connection in this business, which I torn of i's wretchedness, speaks in ihe voice of liuiiider — it can- 1 To witiio-s the punctual and vigorou^ not be mi-taken — it comes fkom thk : administration of the guveniment can- GRWE OF THE IMMOKTAL AXD VKN'F-RABLE Shklbv, and discloses Gon. Jackson a base and infamous intriguer, for the ag- not fail to inspire us with confidence in' oursehcs; lor vigor of government is essential to thosecurilv of liberty; tiie grandizcment of liimself and his min- opposite of whicii will create a spirit of ions of corruption, dislru-(. That the course pur-ued by Mr. Adam>i has i)ecn marked Iiy a s;rict regard t<;tlie supremacy of the laws, is a fad which cannot be dciied by any [The lollowm; well nniun o-n> on ihr ...h- ] unprejadiccd mind. He possesses ex- jeci of tae Presiiloiicv is ("rom "/rv iiie People,'''' | tensive and varied information, soimd a pa ler piiliHshed in vv'a=hington city. His iud . and t'lo iitile prudence! The supporters of Gcti. Jackson, in their persevering silence as to liis civil qualifications, or rather his want of tliem, furnish a striking, and in theni selves, n)osl rare illu-tralion of the oiii iiipoieiice of truth. Allhougli the god oftl)eir idolatry, it is only as the god of war that they adore him. And even CM this point, they find themselves re- stricted to limits altogether too narrow for the range of their inventive imagi- natiohs. They call him tiie "H'lv of Iko h'i7«." But wiieii asked to turn 'o the page of revolutionary histor\', on which his battles and victories are de- scribed, they are silent. His revolu tionary services when investigated, arc reduced to two cx'iloits, viz: in being once gallantly taken prisoner by the enemy and suifering u;>kind treatment, and afterwards spiritedly runnitig away vihen they attempted to capture him a second time. These impottai.t facts are not related, to be sure, by Marshall or Ramsay, but are vet mat- ter? of grave tradition. At tlie com- mnncemcnt of the late war, it would seem that Gen. Jackson was not known to Mr, I\Iadison, for had he been the distinguished military chieftain he is jiow represented, he would have un- .;lebrated speech of Mr. Storrs, inthe arid lot found as spies lurking in or j House of Representatives, when the res- about any fortitica«ions,&.c. had incur- 'olution to disapprove of the coi.duct red ti.e penalty of this section, and that [of Gfueral Jackson, in the Seniirole "had the good city of Hailford been j war, was urder co- sideration. "With within his (Judne Jackson's) m!litar\ iny consent," said Mr. Storrs, "tl'esp di'^trict, he v.ould have frit himself transactioi.s shall never be recorded by boM;,d to have HU^'G the members of! history as the acts of the nation. Of said Convention." In the execution of jirfipite consequence will be the eCTect Aibuthnot a.,d Amhri>ter, as otttlau's\o( our vote on the national char- and pirates, though they were never .atter. We profess to be the onlv free citizens of t'>e U.rited States, aiid were gover->ment on earth; that our inter- not fouiio i;pontiie hipl. seas, but upon course with foreign nations, is charac- the f.:nu', XV have a decision of Judge terizi'd by moderation and ju-tice: that. Jacksu '» II nor the law of nations. Bui our institulio'is are pure and unspot- tiiac these decisions have be-ities. we are -ot aware. That they lyond reproach. Above all, wc pro- never W'il.OCrrNTlL OUR LIBER- 'fess to be christians. Go, follow the TIES ARK CRUSHED UNDER A track of this christian armv through the MILITARY DESPOTISM, we arc Floridas. It can easily be traced. Ev- fully co!ifident. Oppressed with a con- J ery footstep is trodden in i>lood. The virtioii of his utter disqualification to path is strewed with the unbleached administer the government himself, his bones and livid carcasses of its slaugh- frie'id* .is:-uic us that "Ac zvill seltul nn itcrcd inhabitants. Survey this fright- able cabinet" Here then, is a distinct I fill u-aste of human blood; the awful ca- admi^sioii of his incapacity. Instead lamities Mhich have been inflicted ou of coi'centrating in himsell, the superi- j our 'pcrics, a!id say if our posterity or talents and information, which ibrm will not blush lor their ancestors. Aq the ossenlial difloi-ence between the inciuct which occurred during this election and hereditary chief magis- campaign, carries with it the keenest trale, Gen. Jackson's only qualification ' rebuke to our professions of christian- i", that he has tact enough to select ality. Duncan McRimmon, one of the prime minister!! But what assurance I Georgia Militia, wiu; captured by the • vvc )ou. that he will be able or dis- ! Indians in the early part of the war; : -ej to do even this? Who are. they i he was condemned bv Hir.i.is Hadjo . hold this language? The very i to death; the victim was bound In , and they alone, who hope to get | his presence, and the iristrument of liiselves ihto power under him; the j torture was prepared. The daughter ■. -.^ ho hope while Jackson is nom- '. of this chief,an artless and uneducated v, to he t'')cmselves President in;ch'.ld of the forest, who had never The most al)le and patriotic , heard of the precepts of our religion, MiiU'-t present a wide diversity of whose onlv instruction had been re- ceived from her father, at the awful moment when he was about to sufier V^itli >ut an executive fullv en- the cxcrutiating death to be inilicted ■'■Tg his own prime minister, 1 by savage ferocity, this Indian gni, • .Id be our situation with a , nishiag bct'nee!! liim and his murder- led anil dis racled by tl;e | ers, imj^lored his life. On her inter- jealousies of its members?! cession, it was granted — the life of niu- and vieivs. recjuiiing a master recor'cile, com!>i:;e, and direct TO THE PEOPLE OF THE tJNlTED STATES.-~TnE CASE OF WOODS. 301 fellow countrymen was spared. That father, wfio thus listened rind jiekltd to this supplication of mercy, was tlie Pr'/jhet Franns, whom Gen. Jackson afunvards excculed.'^ " Sir," said lie, '• is thi? the era of the world, when A- merica shall sanction those acts of in- humanity? If these deeds of cruelty are to receive the sanction of this house, here, before God and man, 1 was!; my hands of their hlood.'' With such well authenticated facts staring you in the face, is it possihlc that you can cive your support lo Gen. Jack-;on? If so, I tremble for the fu- ture destinies of our country. For, aspiring men, intriguing and amhitious, may assail, in its essential part, with impetuosity, the baltlemeijts of the constitution! But I indulge the fond hope, fellow-citizens, that that noble chart of our liberty, purchased by the treasure, toil, and blood of the heroes and fathers of the revolution, will be preserved and remain the admiration of future ages, as a scroll of wisdom, independence and fame. How often is the sun, when gallantly marching on iu its majestic course, suddenly ob- scured by clouds and storms! Yet its powerful rays soon break forth in efful- gence and glory: so, in some respects, our Constitution, that polar star of our country, is often darkened and obscur- ed by the tempestuous vapours of hu- man intellect and ingenuity; yet, like a strong ship, amidst the storms of the ocean, she resists the tempests, and rides upon (he mountain waves, carry- ing her gallant crew in safety to the destined port. Having thus touched upon the rela- tive merits ar.d conduct of the two can- didates, and the dangers which may possibly result from (he elevation of General Jackson to the Presidency, I bid you for the present, a respectful idieu. COMMON SENSE. THE CASE OF WOODS. ■Many months have elapsed since the trial and execution of the unfortunate V\oods was made a subject of investi- gation before the public and of serious charge against general Jaclvson. I( i? probable that this and many other acts of bloodshed and violom e on the part of the general would never have been noticed, had itnol l)een fcr (ho incoi.sid- erate zeal of his parlizans to make him not only a man ol courage bul one of unexampled mildness and humanity. These are attributes which do not be- long to his character, — bis whole life shows the fact; and I will i.oi for one, tamely sit by and sec him iiivesied with" them lor purposes so unholy and (lagi- tious. He is emphatically a man of bluod and carnage, and has ;-.lways been violent and reckless in whatever he has had to do, both ii. public and in private life. I would have no such man a Sen- ator or a judge, much less the Piesitient of ihe United States. The execution of Woods has been much discussed; but I am confident, after all, that a great majority ol the people do not understand the case. There has been great difficulty in getting at the facts. The friends of General Jackson have been uncom- monly vigilant to keep them from the public eye. They have resorted to every means to screen their hero from the shame and confusion which the truth of this transaction must inevitablj- fix upon him forever. But they have not succeeded. Neither Eaton nor Parrish nor Miller, nor the committee at Nashville, has bet;n a'lle to stop the spirit of investigation. It has gone on, and we have a perfect developement of the whole aflair — such a one as marks the general as a hard-hearted, merciless tyrant, and his volunteer apologists as a craven set of polilical knaves. — That I do not speak rashly shall be ful- ly evinced as I proceed ; for I intend tc make, from fiicts in my possession, a re- cord of this wanton murder that cannot be easily overthrown. Woods was executed lor '-disobedi- ence of orders, disrespect to his com- manding officer, and for mutinj." — These arc the pretended char^' lamous witiies« in Green Couiitv of till; state, wlio volu!ileere(l "his siemcrs in white w-nshing tlic Gen- eral, also allosed Uic same ju-liruatior She ibipiUe, April 20th, 1828, Being e time for whicii thev were received — do cer- tify, liiat I comniaided the company of Volunteer Liglu I ifanlry, to which John Woods wa^ attached, and had A.i07i"." This is shown to he a lie received oid-rs from Gilc- Barnett, •from hegiimiiig to end by Major Eaton's] Colonel of the 28lli regiment. That account, copied into the 5tii No. of i the volunteer light infantry rendcz- Truth's Advocate,page 175. General : voused at Fayettevillc, Lincoln coun- Jackson in his general order which pre- ty, on the 17li) inst. (December, 1813.' ceded the execution says, "This is the " in order to be mustered into servic(. secotui lime you have violated the duty against (he Creek Indians," — that 1 ac of a soldier — the xnond tnnr you have cordingly notified tlie men attaclied (o been guilty of offences the punisiiment my command, of this order, and the of which is death." The whole order is [ company did, on the 17th of Deceni also copied into the Advocate, niimber| her, isi3, rendezvous at Fayelteville. and page as above. [ 57 strong. At this time, rumor w;is Now the truth is, and let il be spoken j among the soldiers, that some diflieull; to the everlasting disgrace of Parrish. | or misunderstanding had occurred Miller and General Jackson iiimself, Woods teas never guilly of any other of- Jenee but the one for zchick he zcas inhu- with those then in service, as to the time for whicli iliev could he legally detained. To prevent a like oceur- manly executed. He was never /;jW, I rence with the soldiers of my company, nor pardoned for any forreier offence,) J called upon General Roberts, to as- NOR DID HE IN FACT BF.t.oNG TO THK ARMV ; certain of him tlie time of seivice to at the time he is alleged to have mm- be required of them, and atler some ■mitted it! He never f/(wr/"/ ♦he army, conversation upon the subject, to fore He was not with General Roberts' de- stal ivery dillicnlty. 1 had drawn up. tathnicnt that turned back from fort , in the handwriting of the present Colo- Strothcr; and did not join the service ! ue\ William Barnett, of ihis county, a tilltiie troops were re-organized at Fay-| roll or list of tiie names of every man ctteville, and then as a substitute for (hon ]iresent. superscribed with the William Rager. It will he reinemlier- 1 following conditions, upon which my ed that the desertion so much spoken fompanv entered tiie service, to wit of which is alleged to have constituted |> Wo, the undersigned volunteers of the Woods' /fr.?< offence, was the defection | light infantry of the '2Stli regiment, do of Roherti'commandiiear fort Sirother, agree to serve a tour of dutv of three Woods, I repeat, was not then altaelied months against the Creek Indians, ii he was not one of the not sooiicr discharged," — and upo;; to the service number wh and of course committed no crime, if | found — and that upon said paper o crime it was. and needed no pardon, i roll, between two columns, in lur:ied back or '■^de-erted^'^ j which. John Woi ds"s name is not to In whi( Yet Parrish as well as the General and the rest of his defendei-s talk of a '•first ajrence'' — of a ^'■pnrdou^'' and thus justi- tiie names of the men stood, Genf-ral Roberts wrote with his own hand.a- follows: '• Received Captain Harris"> fv the execution of a raw itiexperienrcd companv, agreeably to the aliove con- boy,\vho according to their own account djtions. IS.AAC RODl^RTS. B. G." liad been enrolled but '■• n few trcehaV \ General Rolieris assured the troops. J submit the testimonv obtained and Ithat (hev should he received bv Gen- iurnished by Dr. .Arm-trong of Tennes see. ;;'id extracted from the Kentucky Reporter. oral Jackson for the term of serv ice fur which they considered tlieiaselvcs vohinlceiing. lo wi(: three month=: i TICE CASE OF WOODS. Mi and we in a short time took up the lipej wards dismissed, and received their of march, and tlie troops manifested discharge Jor three morths. great checrfuhicfs ami disposilioii to J A.MES HARRIS. enter tlie servii e and peribrni every] requisition that could l)e legal!) re- j The undersigned certify, that we be- .juired of a s^oldier. When we had ar- longed to the company commanded by rived within a few miles of the Ten j Captain James Hard?, of a detach- Island-s General Roberts halted his nient commanded b\ General Roberts, troops, and went to General Jackson's ■ and were out when the detachment ramp to acquaint him of the arrival ofl fir>t went and progressed, near the Ten the troops, and the terms upon whit h [ Islands, from which place we returned. they entered the service. The nexi i William Rager with us, and alterwards^ morning, Roberts' brigade, or the re-assembled at Fayetfeville, at which; troops taken out by him, received a communication from General Jackson, place John Woods ji ined the compa- ny, as a substitute, in the place ol Wil- throughColontlSittler, that they could liam Ragcr, and went on and joined not, nor would not be received by him the army at Fort Strother, duriiig for a less tern) than six months. Gen- ! which time, we were all in the habit of eral Roberts then told his troops they seeing Woods every day, and during were dischar^'ed. and at liberty to go that lime, know of no act of divobedi- home, or join the commanding general, '• ence on the part of Woods, or insu'->or- as they pleased, to which, as well as I ,dination, until the affair for «luch he' recollect, Colonel Siltler said to the was executed. Woods had deported troops, that if they attempted to go himself, so far as we know, as uell as home, they would be sto[)ped. The the soldiers commonly of that compa- soldiers, or must of those attached to ny or any other: and we all know and my company, did go home, myself with positively certify, that he never before the rest, and with them, Htll-am /.(/-that time, either deserted or had been ger, in Tchose place, John Woods did «/^! guilty of mutiny. And 1. Williaw! h-ncards, upon the srcond return of the Stev/nrU further certify, that I had Com/jany/o Frt^e«fr(7/f, on their way to known Woods from a small boy, and the Creek nation, substitute, as 1 know, KNEW he had never sei-ved any other of my own knowledge, and which is ; tour of duly, than the one in which he further shown by the company roll i was engaged at the time he was shot, made out at that place, at the >econd j We have also heard the statement of rendezvous, upon which his name ap-^ Captain Harris, a great part of which pears as a substitute. This roll is now i we know to be correct, and have cn- in my possession. Woods was not quite J tire confidence in the truth of the eighteen years old, and not yet subject j whole, to militia duty, according to (he infor-| mation I then received; hutliavingaj brotiter, William Woods, g<>i;ig out in' the companv, he spoke of volunteering, i but while at Fayetteville, during the' second rendezvous of this company, he| ded by Captain Harris, and was with substituted, as I have before said, and his company, when they first went out went out in that character: and until near to the Ten l-lasids, and returned the 30th of February, 1814, when 1 j with them. John Woods was not then left Fort Strother for Huntsville, by; along. When the company re-assem- order of the commanding general,! bled at Fayetteville, 1 understood Woods conducted himself as orderly | Woods had substituted in the place of as any other soldier belonging to the! William Rager, and from that time, company, so fir as came to mv knowl- went on with the company to Fort ed<;c, and was notduriiis that period, Si rother. If he was auilty of disobc- guiltv, or tried, of any oifence, so far! ted lo stnte what 1 le- ijjM-nKer o(' the crime and circum3t.-»ri- C''> IV iich led to tiie execution of John Woofh. at Fort Strolher, a soldier un- der tue coniinind of Gc'Cral Jackson, — do hereby certily and decHre, that I belo.iged to the same company with Wnoi-, and was leinin<^ on a pole, (havii)!» been sick lor one or two weeks previous,) with. n eight or ten steps of Woods, who-was seated on the ground, eating his breakfast, having just come from his guiird fire, when a man by the name of Camp, who was said to hold some commission in the Staff De- partment, w.is pa-:sing along, and bcgtm to curse and abuse tlie company for permitting filth and bones to lav scat- tered about. Some one or two of the men were dTf^cted to carry olF the bones, and proceeded to do it. Woods still contiiineH to eat, when Camp also' called to !iim, and cursed him to get op and assist i:i taking oH' the filth. — j ^V.iod- observed, thr;'- he v/as on guard, and had obtained Icav- of his otficer lb." his absence. Camp cursed him for leaving his guard, and ordered an ensign to take a file of men and take him to his guard. Woods stated he was going liiiTiscH', and rose and start- 1 ed, i, iii!vw t'te priming out of his gun, I &, primed 't al'resb.'fc the i went straight on to his gu.ud tire. VV^iiile he was] going. Camp iiallooed to the Fort lo ' General Jacksoii, and told him there \V«s a damned d'-ericr would not be ' taken. General .Iii'k>on came out of the Foit, and hiUooed, shoot the damned r;usi;al if )ie would not be ta ken. Woods went up to tlie guard and surrendered himself prisoner. Al guard from the regulars, soon came iiid look him into cii«todv. Woods was ironed in the black-smi'h shop, (and I saw the irons put on,) and then tiikcii to the camp of the regulars, and kept there until he was shot. I was also a witness before the court mar- ' tial, and was within tlie lines of the i S;.nard, whilt; the trial was progressing, ' I General Jackson walked backwards ' aiid forwards with his hands behind 'li^ back, and remarked to the court mar- tial, " to be cautious, and mind what they were about,'" for he said, "by the Eternal God, the next man (hat was condemned, he would not pardon him. a!;d this was a hcartv, hale young fel- low." I think .Major Wilhani R. Hess, was Judge-Advocate. No person ap- peared as AVoods's friend or counsel to defend him. WILLIAM STEWART. I George A. Brock, of Franklin coun ty.and the State of Tennessee, do state that neither Col. \. Erwin, nor any part of his family, ever spoke to, or conversed with me on the case of John Woods, a soldier who was shot at Fort Strother during the Creek war; nor was the certificate given at his rei|uesf, or at the request of any of liis family, nor was his name mentioned (to ni) knowledge) during that transaction. I gave the certiticate published in the ''Kentucky Reporter," at the request and to the person of Dr. James L. .Armstrong, and hereby reiterate that the same is correct, to the best of inv knowledge and belief, with the e.vcep- lion of the name of the Judge-.Advo' cate. In this case 1 expect I was mis- taken, as I was not nearer the court than tilteen or twenty yards, and was but slightly acquainted with either Col. Williams or .Maj. Hess. I further dc dare, (hat I was one of the original volunteers wlw turned out under the orders of Gen. Roberts, for three months; that this detachment marche deny their knowledge cf the gentle- men referred to? 7'he fact is now clearly proved, that Woods was executed for the Jirst of- fence; and that offence was a refusal lo do camp duty while he was on guard, and a determination not to surrender his gun but to the officer of the day. What then becomes of General Jack- son's general order, and all his parade about the "PARDON"! What an in- sult to the poor wretched prostrate boy, to talk of a pardon for a former offence which he knew nothing of, and to ;*ggravate the injustice and relent-, less cruelty of his execution, by heap- ing upon him crimes of which he never had been guilty! But it may be said, that General Jackson was under a mis- take, and that Woods did not make a proper defence. And can this be urged in extenuation? Shall precipi- tancy excuse the shedding of blood, and shall the life of an ignorant youth be taken, because he did not know how to make his defence? Was it not the duty of General Jackson to look into all the facts of the case? Surely it was: — and had he done so, he would have found no apology for his general order, or for the execution. fclvery thing in relation to the '•pardon'''' is a sheer fabrication. Not a word of it, nor of any former oflcncc, was before the Court Martial. It was assumed by Jackson graluitomly, and appatcntlv for no other j)urpose, but to furnish some grounds lor the barbarous mur- der he was about to commit. Shall such a man be President o{ the. United States? I :<06 GENERAL JACKSON'S TBREATs. GENERAL JACKSON'S THREATS, i ingtoii. where he arrived at day light on The time has arrived vi hen it is r.o i the 3d March, the last day of the ses- lon2;(r possible to conceal the fact, that ■ :?ion. During the evening of that day Gi'ieral Jacks&n threatened in the | lie was seen at the Brick Capitol, as it most positive and savage manner to in- was called, where congress then hold diet personal violence upon those mem- bers of Congress, who in ISlC, investi- gated his^ official conduct. While they were progressing in their examination the Gi-neral arrived in the city of Washington, and by his awful impreea- tions and bold denunciations attracted its sessions, accompanied by his frie* ds Dr. Bronaugii and Col. Kemprr. — Coannodorc Decatur visited the Capi- tol on the same evening, accomp-iniod by his lady. At"ter escorting the latter to the lobby of the Senate, he returned to the. outer passage, where seeing the attention of Presideiit Monroe. — j General Jackson greatly agitated and This pacific, humane and intelligent | having heard of his threat to eister the man, believing tliat General Jackson i Senate chamber, and the.rc ofTer vio- hnddonc the country some service and knowing that bis bullying and swagger- ing conduct was calculate] to bring himself and the nation into contempt, took the occasion to interfere, Mjid to perHiade him from his designs. The following is a brief account of the in- terposition, extracted from a recent number of the jSaiional Journal, a.'id is vouched for in the most positive and unequivocal terms. lence to some of its members, he ac- costed Mr. Kemper, and entreated him to dissuade the General from his pur- post. This gentleman, however, in- stead of comnlying with Decatur's wisti- es, expressed his own concurrence in the design, and his hope tliat Jackson would carry it into ctTcct. Meeting with this rebulV from Kemper. Commo- dore Decatur rcxt addressed himself directly to the General, and asked if the President Monroe, upon hearing of- threats which he heard aicrilt to cx- Ou the 24th of the same moiith, Mr. i ecute his threat." The mild and Lacotk made his report to the Senate j friendly manner of Dccaturs rcnKui- on the Seminole campaign. On the : strance at length had its effect: and 2d of .March Gen. Jackson was honor- iGenerrtl Jackson was thus saved from ed with a pu! lie dinner at Baltimore. |the comniission of a nime which would Manv of the Gentlemen who were at |have bias'ed all his laurels in the bud. that dinner will recollect how abruptly In addition to the above, wc have the testimony of the Hon. Abncr La- cock, then a member of the Senate, and- as worthv a man as ran be found bers who had dared to call liis coaduct ; iii thr state, when- he resides. He was he left the table, assigning as a reason that he wished to be in Washington be- fore the Senate adjourned, where it was his purpose to chastise the mem- in question, particularly the chairman chairman of the committee in the Son- of the Committee, and Mr. Eppes, by ate, that reported against the conduct whose casting vote he ur'dcr.slood the ■ of Jaikson and of course was one of charattcr of iLe report had been deei-ltbc number designated for vengeance. de4. A few ninutes aftpr leaving the^ He v.rote a bold and fearless account ompany. he ,\ as on the road to Wash? of the tr,iii;actelicve, and if il was never stated by Commodore Decatur, who w< re the author- of tliis vile slan- der upon Iho General? That Messrs. pable of deiiving, as they would be of fabricating a (alst report against their neighbors. In short, if the outrageous conduct charged upon Gen. Jackson be not true, and these gentlem"n hav- ing been given as the authors ot the re- port in question: and if they never did receive the fact, as stated, from Com- modore Decatur, is it i.ot a duly ti.ey owe to themselves, to General Jackson, and to the public, to suj; so? Can their silence, on this occasion bo jusiitied or excused, on any principle oi' truth, jus tice, or honor? — unless it be coupled with the concession (hat the facts, as stated, are substa'itially true — and in such case it could hardly l>e expected from a thorough going Jacksonite to turn states' evidence, and tints convict his favorite candidrtte of faJsehooJ n:id deception. I most conscientiouslv lic- lieve the facts as here stated, and thev are candidly submitted to tlie serious consideration of the intelligent and peace-loving citizens of Pennsylvania, by their friend and fellow citizeai. A. L.\COCK. Spring Dale. June 28, 1823. Further comment upon this subject is unnecessary. Those who are still incredulous, would not believe, thoun:h one were to rise froin tlsc dead. Im- parting history, however, will do jus- tice to the country, and to the parlies conccrr.cd. It were well for the fame of the Hero if his evasive and dishon- orable letter (o Jlr. Grundy could be blotted from tite annals of tlie times. But it will live as long as his name is known.asonc of Iho min> i'vidc:5ces of iiis jialiry mcannoss and numerous j)rc- varications. Further Extracts from the Drama of llif IlEKO OF TUO WARS. .]rl 6//i, Seme 3rl. Si-ene — the lieitMiTAnK — Hero's Studv. Enter Hero: tiro Jitters in his liauJ. IIkro. This, lliis ii damnable — why, liy llic IIIitiimI, 'Tivould task ibc pnticncc evcu of .'ob liiai^r'' HERO OF TWO WARS. 30ti And ting to madness men of calmer mood — Not choose my own associates I not retain Beneath mj roof, my bcstanri dearest friend ! Whose spirit woumlcd by the barbed shafts Of truihs malicious, in kind sympathy Mingles assimilated tcriefs with mine. •Tis past endurance — and for what offence? W hit mighty mischief against natiin's law, Do canti.ig moralists rtqiiirc this sacrifice? I have it here — a letter postmarked' /i/r/Vnio7irf,' The writer — foh ! Iiis odious name associates With recollectioDE slron;;, of insults past. 'T would choke me to rcjicat it. Only hear him: Reads — " The good, the virtuous, feel them- selves ofi»^nded, That you should take to your d*mestic circle. And cherished ooTd'idencr, a man like Toady. Of ivhom 'tis hinted, lie ha; been guilty Of base seduction, and adulterous incest. The coalition clamour loud about it. And wield it greatly td our disadvantage, And to vour own. "Tis therefore meet and proper That he sliould be discharged. The common good, Requires this of you — and you miut regard il." And here's again another precious scrawl. From Lexington. Kentucky. Goodly monitors. Amongst inglorious cowards may be found. Reads — " Most honored, most respected, glorious Chief, With painful dillidencc your friends approach you. The subject is most delicate: we feel it. As strong!^' for 3-ourself, as for the cause. Urgent necessity, and patriot duty, Compel us to speak plain. We pray your pa- tience, There goes an ngly and an ancient proverb. To this effect : Jj great mail's character. May well be knotvn by his associatiotis. This silly adage has obtained high credence With moral mongers and religious whiners, ^Vhom we must now conciliate, right or wrong. The hireling writers of the coalition. Have late discovered the true character Of your dear friend and worfhy privy coua- seilor, Some twelve months since placed near your precious person, To share your burthens in the passing canvass. With matchless impudence they have pro- claimed it, And none, you know, dare venture contradic- tion. The public mind is startled — if allayed not, It may be roused to fury, and the torrent, Once set in motion, roll impetuous on. And with resistless force o'crrtliclm us all. We beg 30U, gracious Chief", to bear with us; The signs are ominous. -May Heav'en avert The contiimmation of our dread forebodings. Could you endure a ^lartial separation From your dear friend, one cause of great offence, A stumbling block of mighty magnitude, Would be removed. We are jour humble servants." Now by the soi;! of me, but here is modesty! These Richmond gcntiy send their orders forth: 3iat(ers stand so and so. '('Iii; is RKQUIRKD, And thi^ MUST be regarded. ;\U'ST tome! From (hose, too, who out openly proclaim Theirstron? con'omiit and 6\cd d-j'craiinatjon, To raise me for a purpose of their own. Pt-rdition on them all; May I become Emasculated, as the sqiuaking compound, Of ail the vile, base, and maiisnant passions, Whom they so meanly worship, when I heed them. Ai:d what are these smooth silvery sycophants. Whose honied accents greet me from Kentucky? Professing so much love, such high respect. For my own precious person, (damn the sneer,) Calling upon me to rietacb iiiyself, For this same cause, from my most useful friend. To tear the he»t affections from my heart. And root ap all its warmest sympathies ? 'Tis well I know them. When were they my friends? ■' Mean cowards as they are, they too, would use me. Their dastard spirits, filled with rankling hate And spiteiul envy, long had cowered with fear, Beneath the manly front and piercing eye, Of their own fellow citizen. A man, Born to command and awe ten thousand slaves Of such ignoble mould. Were he my friend! Oh were my destiny but linked witii his! Faith, courage, eloquence, un?u!lit>d honor, Unawed by rabble clamor, undismayed By fearful combinauons of had men, He marches onward, in his own good cause, His foes receding as the crayon rook. Skulks from the Eagle's glance Ha! How IS this? Where am I? I'm trans ported. Involuntary homage I have naid. To my great rival. And he well deserves it ; Nor will 1 now retract a single word... But these my " humble scn-anl.s''' of Kentucky, So fullof patriotism, love and duty. What seek they? 'i he prostration of a rival. One whom they dare not meet in open contest, And manly controvcr.=3', ^'^'^^ t" face. Hence, they enlist themselves beneath my banner, Hoping to have their wishes consummated, Without incurring danger to themselves. And shall 1 yield myself to their direction, Thinly disuuisedio form of mere suggestion ? They shall far better know me. {Walks in deep meditation. Cursed be the ill-omened day I first permitted. Thedemon of ambition to possess me. 1 am no longer master of myself. Butlike a tiger chaine! and kept by others, -My time, n.y fortune, every darling passion, All, all are put in daily requisition. How many keeper; have I? None can tell, Wliore tliry reside, nor what their character. Boar, and forbear; give, withcut measure givs, Is the eternal din of all around me. Are ail men beggars? Is the world diseased? Vi'hy has r.iy home become a Lazaretto? Are all li.e hiza.-s that the teeming stews Of politi.'s give birth to, cast upon me! Who crowds my parlour? who surrounds my board .' Who claims my bounty, as a debt incurred ? Byvvhom am I devoTTed ? Surh a crew ' 'Twoald sink a Bagnio, were they all its in- mates! .Amongst thorn, one, one only have I found, Of soul and spirit with my own congenial! Him, i must banish ! i3e forsooth, is infamous '. \ neccadill 1, a mere mole hi!) criin'?. Is f isteucil on him. 'Twas a natural impulse. il» ilEltO OF TWO WAKS. That prompted the commission. And it damns liioi, Vf hiht I, viho act seduction, murder, treason! A life of boisterous violence I 'Ti» well — None dare accuse me. — But nlasl poor Toady, He luust be made a scape goat : — All the sins Of Kendal, Green and Jarvis, heaped upon him, And driven to the wilderness. For me, Prospects of office, patrongc. and power. Present a panoply of safe protection. What odious hypocrites! Ha! who comes there 1 [^Enter gentleman ufher. UsuER. A mCEsenger, great Chief, requests admission. Alleging matter for your private ear. Htiio. Whence comes he? and what is his port and bearing? UsHKii. He brings the appointed passport to your person, From where he comes, he said not. His port and bearing are in ordinary. He seems a neat, spruce, dapper gentleman. With lady's mien and lii),anJ roseate cheek, A chin, oil which, if razor ever crossed it, 'Twcrc but to put away llie velvet down, AVhich kidy's chin might wear with pleasing grace. His speech is flippant, and lie twirls his whip. And cracks it like a smart automaton, 1 marked nought else about him, worthy notice. IIcRO. Let him bejntroduccd. [Eril Usher. Some begging jackanapes, Seeking good quarters for a week or two. And cash to hear him hence, lioasting besides, IIiJ various service, and preferring claims To l«ture office. Shall this never end? [Enlcr Usher introducing Messengrr. Mess. General, your most obedient. lam happy. Thus to renew acquaintance. Hero, (coldlt/) Who are yon? Mess. Dear me! have forgot? Now that's a good one. Hero. Nay, my dear youth I no disrespect is meant : but 1 cannot remember every face, Nor every name, with which I make ac<]uain- tancc. Mess. But mine! — face! — name! I thought I'd some pretension. Well let it pass : see — here are my credentials, f Gii'in^ papers. \lhrn ojieiis the jiackft and starts. Hero. Hah! here's a oaiuc never to be nc- jrlected ; An old lirni friend with me to rise or fall. Ilfher, I'd be alone. My gentle hny — Some gingerbread — a glas.s of Canary : your wants shall be hreiled ; pray retire. Mes.s. Coy! 'i'l)i> is usage I did not expect. Why, docs he" lake mu for a Ganymede ! A lady's page? l,a second Junius — Hero. (To Usitrr, impatient!;/.) Take, take the imp away. What mean you ? [Uslifr di-a^s the JVe(scrt<;^r ovtt ( Hern reads : medilnlc!. .flfler a long pauit,) '• And you too r.rutn§," I may well CNcluim, As C:e=:ir did. when stricken down with wounds. He spied the reeking dagger of hi« t'riend. And JVnnsylvania, too, conspires against me. -Vour Toaiiy '. the wholf pack Imvc opened on him. The Richmond junta never could have mot e<( me. Nor could Kentucky sycophants prevail: But Pennsylvania — my old Pittsburgh friend: 'hat is another story — Oh my heart! Toady ! dear Toady ! He must separate. And who shall bear the fatal message to biin ! — I'll even send a slave, for such black tidings Should be borne by slave*. Congo! IloCungo' [^Enler Congo. Go bear this message to your master Toady. \ETit Congo, bearing a IctUr. With all the clogs that weigh me to ihe earth Shall I e'er reach the Presidential chair! That's indeed the question: to try — to run, And by that race, to win the highest pr'ze That flesh is heir to : — " 'Tis a consummatioD Devoutly to be wished," to try — to run, — To run! perchance to fall; — '-Ay, there's the rub," For in that fall, how low 1 may descend. When twice I'm fairly beaten from ihe field. Should bid me pause ; — " There's the respect" That makes the worthy oft abstain through life, From ^truggling after popularity. For who that would not run where clory points. But for the dread of scourging in tlie r, ce, — The insolence, .and spurns and -coHV that pour Like torrents on our heads, — our e:iriy faults. Our sins of riper years, — our nndnight cnines, Thai wc had vainly thoiigul, were hid frum all But the Omniscient cy< , ii.ay rouje lo ligbt, And be lik"^ raountnins piled upon our ba ks " Puzzles the will," and makes the wi^eiieclinc To tread .the dangerous way. Popularity, Kverineonstant as the nodding plume, Shukin; capriciously at every step, May quite desert its votary at last, .Vnt! j.iuDgo him down lo deepe.-i infamy. While all his crimes are trumpeted abroad, Which but for his ambition might havesle|>t. And with liim been forgotten in the tomlv. .And should I ever reach the chair of statt, I'd only be a more coi.spiruous mark, At which the scoffing world would point and sa v. There sits a man of blood, — of lechery : Of outrage iincNanipled m his day, Hung'riiig for Mammon— thirsting for blood: Whose whole career is like the wbirlwiod's rage. Where tempests flap their angry wings o'er e.irth ; This could 1 bear, if I could but succeed. But opposition still ko'ps gathering .strength, More than coinmcnsHratc v.illi all my ell'ortf. Conciliation has been tried in vain, And falsehood, fraud, and circumvention fail. Th' chivulric sous uf Boon whom I denounced As recreants, spurn me from them with con Iciiipt, A'oi Hull tJiiy /ot r mi/ rival — Inil they hate THEIR SLANDLIIKK. The venerable shadt or Shei.bv, too, has risen in my (Nith, The elements* confound nie, and impeach My trnlh, — legal records rise in judgment To proclaim my avisricc and my lust. The spirits of the dead wake from their groves, .And stalk at miJnichl roun^l my restless couch, linoking imprecations on my head. ""The fog nf the battle of New-Orleans, though, which the Hero nearly throe years af- terwards saw, or pretended he saw so distinctly. {Sec his Islters to (Jen. midair.) HERO OK TWO WARS.— BUUR'S CONSIMUACV. an K'eii (loath Iiiin5rlf has hurlM his vciiumed dart, Anil called the Master Spirit of the North From my embrace?', to his spacious realm. And ill the South, where shone iiij brightest hopes, Where olt I've played the lordliiig over slaves, Why, even there my cause is fust deolining. Impudence '. () Tal^ehood! must I fall At !a>t, with all your matchless aid, ttrugglini; To save mo fr»m iricniedinblo chauie? O! that I weri- indeed an anchorite, The tenant of some wild un'rodden vale, Where I might find l.elhean springs to drink Ohlivnin to the past. Conscience! conscience' Could I but fly where thou couldst not jiursue 1 yet might lind reposo. Again I say, Curst be the ill-omened day I lirst permitted The demon of ambition to possess mo. [Hera murk agitated, walks the Jioor, Toady enters. Hero darts.] Seek not to know the reason of ray message, 'Tis not my will but policy that dictates, \ se|)aration.'tweeu myself and friend. Toady. Wherefore startle at my entrance Hero .3 Hero. There's not a knave in all the spacious earth, But he's a coward. ToAoy. There's not a madman On this spacious earth, but thinks he's something Which he is not : — some fancy they are kings. While others promulgate self degradation, And think themselves more wretcheil than they are. Thou art bravo, madly brave, and bravely mad. Hero. 'Tis true indeed, I am reputed brave, >ror would 1 shrink from man, nor would I skulk in time of battle, from the front of war; Yet notwithstanding, I'm a recreant. For never do 1 turn my thoughts within. But I recoil and tremble at the past. And if 1 turn ray glance upon the future, I sec posterity scolTingly point To the historian's page, and mock my name With that vain appellation which my friends liiive given, "'The Hero of Two Wars." ToADV. Thou art ever looking on the dark- est side Of all that does concern thee. This clamour Of thy foes will cease when thon'rt exalted 'Ta> the Presidential Chair. Great Chieftain, Let not thy mind thus brood o'er fancied ills, Go to your chamber aod compose yourself. {Exit Hero. Alas, the Chieftain hath sudicient cause Tor ids foreboding, — Every mail arrives With some disastrous news portending ruin. The land where once he triumpied o'er his foes. Where shone the rtashee of his conrju'ring sv.ord, Hath sealed adhesiim to bis rival's cause. The land of Poiin, where late he was so strong. From t^ast to West is now denouncing him. Falsehood, and fraud, and art, have failed to win Tlie generous sons of Boon to Hero's ranks. These things so ominous of )ds defeat, Admonish me to look about myself. I must be banished from the Hermitage, And wherefore, even Hero will notte.H. To leave my fortunes chained to Hero's car, Or cut them loose at once, behooves me to Determine. But how to escape I know not, Should I go -over to the enemy? — Why they perchance, may spura Die from Ihcif ranks, — ThU mustfce maturely weijhed. [Er-l Ti^adu. BUKR'S CONSPlR.4C'r. Extract of a tttter from Judge JValhatiie! fV, Wil/iams of rcnnessee.,to A'alhanul JV. IF. Kerr, Bsq. dated the 1 Stii De- cember, 1827. "My Dear Sir: It in niailnes;; (o think <>f" Jackson for President of the United States. This Burr matter I cannot be mistaken about; iny eyes and cars are^ my witnesses. IJe (Jackson) oHered me a commission of Captain in Bun's arm), or told mc I could get one if I would accept; And during this affair he said to me, in the presence of Judge , (who though now says he does not remember it,) depend upon it, gen- tlemen, the division of. the U. States has taken dee]} root; you will find a number of the Senate, and a number of the members of the House of Repre- sentatives, deeply involved in this scheme." General Jackson lo Jttrige Williams. Hermitage, Feb. 23, 1828. Sir: Having received a lettcv from a high-minded, honorable gentleman from Virginia, who loves truth and knows hoio to appreciate character, I lose no time in laying before you the post- script of his letter, which is in the fol- lowing words, to wit: "It may be wrli 1 to say tiiat a letter was handed about I at the .hlams Convention, I hear, accu- sing you of being concerned in Barr"^ conspiracy, upon the authority of a Judge Nathaniel Williams, of your State. The report is, that this .Tudg^ Williams writes, when a young man, he applied to you, then a Judge, (o sign his license as a lawyer, that you did so, but recommended to him, as you conceived him to be a man of promise, to push his fortune by joining Burr, 3c/io was then in your hmt.se, promising if l;c would do so, to procure for him a commission as captain in Burr's army. This story is going (he rounds from tlie Adams Delegates, who have returned home, notwithstanding they ought to know that you was the fh'st person to put Governor Claibourn on his guard against the schemes of Burr. VER- BO.M SOT."' The records of the country contra- dict tliis statement, as it is well kno\m that I resigned my appointment ot"^ Judge before Colonel Burr ever i«f.": 'V* 313 JACKSON'S COVSPIRACV. the ■state uf Tennessee. I cannot, then, for a moment, permit myself to believe that you, elevated as you are. to a seat on file judicial bench of Tennessee, could give your authority to such an unfounded fahohood. Duty to myself ns well as justice to you, therefore, re- quire that 1 should without delay, ad- vise you of this libel upon my charac- ter, so liiat you ni:iy at once declare whether you are or arc not the author of this calumny, before I expose it as such. I am, and have been, well advised of a SPC"-:'t '(iinbiiiatiou of a base ami zcick- edf'ii- in Ten.icssee, whose object is to slander "lie, but, until itoiv, I iiave never henrfi (,r had ihe least intimation that yon were '^P^y ''J ^''".■«. Jtirfcso)^ Sparta, Feb. 27, 1828. After copying from Gen. Jackson's letter to me, t'le report as stated in his letter, I wrote as follows: I can very frankly deny ever having written the letter- spoken of by the gen- tleman who wrote you from \Vashi!ig- tpn, but I did write a letter to a relation of mine, at that time in Richmond. The letter, if seen woukfshow that it was designed as a conlide;Uial one. 1 do not, at tiiis time, recollect accurate- ly what the letter did contain; I believe- though 1 can remember a part, if not the whole, of what I intended at the time; and I will state it, as it is but just that what has been by any means priva!el\ f^rcnlated. should be publicly avowed under the necessities of this case. Some time after Burr had passed Nashville once or twice, to the lower country, before Mr. Jefferson's procla- mation, in riding froin Gen. Jackson's house to Nashville, General Jackson, in reference to that conspirac}, or what wns afterwards called by others a cou- spi;-acy. said to me, "that I could if I would accept it, obtain a commission of Captain."' Afterwards, during the setting of the County Court of Sumner, at a time when Patton Anderson told me that either Burr, or Adair, or both of them, were at General Jackson's house, in a room of a tavern then kept by Edmu:id Crutcher, General Jackson said to mc — 1 think Judge Smart was then in the room — '-Take notice, gentlemen, you will find that a division of the United States has taken deep root; you will find that a number of the members of the House of Representatives are deep- ly involved in the scheme." 1 am not ^certain that the above was contained in mv private letter to Mr, Nathaniel Kerr; but as 1 have madi; those statements privately, it is but just that I should now avow them. 1 am in hopes, sir, that this lettei w ill be altogether satisfactory to you, for Gen. Jackson may be assured (the presidential question aside) no man can ieel more bound to General Jackson tb;ri mvself, for the great honor confer- red bv him on mv country. (Copy,) NATH, W. U'lLLlAMS. Gen. AxDREw Jacksox. Under the belief that it is my duty to m.ike the follewing statement,'' '[ make it. 1 moved to Nashville, Ti li- nessee, from the county of Pittsylvania, Virginia, in the fall of the year 1801. at the age of twenty-live; that is, I moved from Virginia in 1803, to IIa\.-- kins' court house, East Tennessee, and from thert^ I removed to Nasinilic. In 1 GOG or 7, these Burr matters trans- pired. I, before protesting against Ihe proceedings of Burr, had been fre- quently employed in General Jackson's collecting business, and other suits of his. I think in the spring or fall of 1800, in ridinc from tlie General's BURR'S CONSPIU.U'Y. 313 house to Nashville, near the Clover Botloni, he spoke to me in relnlion to a commijsioti in Burr's army. And in the same year, at Gallatin, he iiia time, that Mr. Jefferson's proclamation had any ellect on the persons tlu-n about Nashville, who were from tlieir conduct justly r.ai)le to our suspicior-.s, and I thiidi I took some pains to ciKiuire into that circumstance. Sometime afterward-:, our party, lo show their further irdig- va'ioii^ burnt B irr publicly in efiigy. I have always believed that, daring il:i> Burr matter, that Major Tiiman Uixo.i informed me, by letter, that Generi! Cofl'ee had been engaged in pio.uring boats and provisions for Burr, Oil Cum'.ierhmd river, though the ]<;tter, if there was one, I caimot now fnid, and I have examined for it. It was my uaderslanding at the lime, that Colonel Stokely J). Hays, went oif as one of Burr's men, in his boats, and 1 jiavc never heard it disputed since. Colonel Hays is a nephew of Jlrs. Jackson. Although I never was at General Jackson's house, with Burr, *et, I am tclerahlv well s,a!i';*ie(l. ac- K cording to my recollection at this time, of occurrences then, that in the (all of 1806 and the winter of I 807, Burr and (Jen. Jackson were very intimate, ant} I hat Burr was freciuenlly at the Gene- ral's house. The above is a statement of the most prominent facts as they are lixed on my recollection. If I am mis- taken about any thing it is about dales, and aboui them I do not pretend to ac- curacy. NATH. W. WILLIAMS, .J liii of the gentlemen in the ball room at the time, and zvho were present in the jjublic square af A^ashville, when Burr" iDus burnt in 'ffigt/j as well as ?ioa) re- collected. G. ly. I,. Marr, K-^. attorney at law. Win. Smith attorney at law, aud i>ow clerk of llie Circuit Court of Williamson county. Thos. .Sican, ofVa. attorney at law, Cdead.^ I>r. Ifalkins, of E. Ten. Jolm G. Blowil, of N. C. .htdi^e Forlcr, of Louisiana. r. Tonsal, of Fitlsyhania OT. Va. K. S. Hall. Cttrry, former Postmaster at Nashville. I am not certain that the gentlemen referred to were present, if not they can say, the greater part 1 am pretty confident were present. I very well know there were at the bnrning of the eflitjy irom one to two hundred indi- viduals. N.W. WILLI AM.S. lETFURTIIER EVIDENCE ! IJI^ From the Louisville Focus. Some facts relative to the connec- tion of these gentlemen came within my Imowledge, which I will now state to the public. I was at Nashville it December, 1806, seeking a passage down the riv- er. I was shown two fine flat boats, belonging to Col. Burr, in which he was about to descend the river, and I was advised to apply for a passage in them. Disliking the association, I de- clined it, and soon after t6ok a passage in an open keel boat. AVe overtook Burr with his fleets in the Ohio, con- sisting probably of 40 or 50 boats — flats, barges, keels, &lc. In the boat with Col. Burr, I found Slokley D» Hays, Esq. a young gentlem:'.n, who is the nephew of (JiMi. Jackson, and who was app;ircntly a member of the mili- tary family, or an aid of Col. Burr. 1 was iiif'^rmed by Mr. Ha vs. that h" wa^ k 314 BVKK<^S COSPIRACY. not eiit;aged absoJutd) and iincondi- go lurther in Bun'? project!-, than an tionallv in the enterprise, but thai he ' expedition against Mixico: that he Jiad .1 hitter from his uncle Jaik>on to' feared Burr and Wilkinson would take GoA'. C'laiboriie, with whom he was to ' possession of Orleans: and that his consult al Orleans, and then fniallv to : letter to Claiborne was intended to delermine on his course. Duritig our prevent them from doing it. by putting voyage, we were frequently in com- [ tlie city in a condition tor defence. — pany with the (leet, occasionally pass- fie was willing al least to join in an in'^ and-repassing each other. These ' unlawful expedition against Mexico. JObEPH BUCHANAN. REMARKS. The foregoing documents have no arc ;he facts, which came within my ; owii knowledge. I have had information from others, | whi':'! I believe to be correct — that Geiieral Jackson sent another of his room to doul)t the connection between nep'iews with Col. Burr; that he en- Jacksox and Burr. How far Jackson deavoured to induce other men to go w:is really possessed of Burr"; projocis, with hiui: and that he superintended ' may be made a question: but that he the buildi'ig of the boats for him, and ' was his associate or his dupe, is now paid the workmen. most manifest. The veracity of judge J have heard the late Col. Bruin, ^Villiams is not questioned, and Gen. then judge in the Mississippi Terri-| Jackson, in his letter to him, treats him tory, relate the following anecdote. — j as a man of good character. Besides He lived in the Mississippi at the mouth this, he refers to circumstance; and to of Bayou Pierre, and had been inti- 1 persons with so much particularity, as mate willi Burr in the revolution. — ; would lead to certain detection, were Burr landed al his liouse, aiid after v\-', he fabricating a slory. chansiine salutations. &,c. judge Bruin,' The reader's attention is requested handed him a papcj', just received from! to the letter of Gen. Jackson, and Nalche?;, containing an account of Judge Williams's reply. They show Wilkinson's preparations against him. ! the true character of the Hero, in a He appeared to be very much sur- 1 strong point of light. In judge Wil- prised and agitated bj' this news, ai.d i liams's letter to Kerr, no mentioi! declared that Wilkinson Imd been as- ; wiiatever is made of the circumsta:ice, soriiied with him in his projects and that tiie ofler of a coinmis-ion ie Burr's had betrayed liim. It has been said, that Burr had de- army, was made, when \ViHiams ap- plied to Jackson, as a judge, for a li- ccived Jackbon, and made him behcvc.' cense to practice law. When Jack that our government connived at Ids son writes to tlie judge for an explana- prnject; and that when undeceived tion, he puts this matter forward as ;t by the active measures of tiie Pre.!- principal circumstance, hanging the dent against Burr, he abandoned him; others upon it. He then gives Wil tnit It was after these measures, tliat.liams a plain hint, that as he had rc- Burr was hospitably entertained at thc-lsigned the judgeship before Burr's ex- Hertnilage, that the boats were de-' pedition, the stoiv could not possibly fucred to him. and thai the nephew of: he true. It is plain to my mind, thai tile General was sent with him on the tills part of (he story was thronn in. (e expedition. All these were done too, 'invite a general denial from Williams, afier the letter of Gen. Jackson to Gov. and cither silence tln^ story, or plac( Clai';orne. in Novt'mber. Gen. Adair ; Williams in an awkward situation. — manifestly considered Gen. Jackson as; But Williams seems to have perceived acting the jvart iu)t of an undeceived the trick, and taken care to prevent man, hut of a traitor to tlie project, ; it*i elVect. lo save himself when he feared it' Ho had written no letter, such n^ would lail. ■ .the General represented: but lie had The must favorable conslfuclion. I written a letter ionveyin<; the same, dial can be put on till" conduct? of Gen. and a stronger im|>utalion upon tin Jackson, is, (hot he was unwilling to General. What was Ihc charge «•» nimR'S CONSPIRACY. 31» •stated in tbe letter of Gen. Jackson? It was this- "You recommcnrleit loliim,as i/ou rntmivcd him to be a man cf promise, li push Ids forhme b;/ joining Burr, promisiiif^ him, if he vioidri do ,vo, to proeurefar him, a commission of captain in Burr's army." Williams replies, that he did not miike tliis statement, in time and man- ner as set out. But he tells General Jackson that he had written to a friend, asserting, that Gen. Jackson said to him, in reference to Burr's plans, ^'•ke r,oulfl, if he KOidd accept it, obtain a commission pf r/ipluin :" That he had also written that Gen. Jackson had said in reference to the same move- ments:" ^'•Take notice gentlemen, yoii vUl find that a division af the United Sliites has taken deep root: Yon will find 'hat a numhrr of the members of the House of Riprescniddves are deeply involved, in the scheme.''' The charge is, Jackson reeommended him tojoin.promising if he would, to pro- cure him a commission. The admis- sion is: he eoi'ld if he toonld accept it, obtain a commission. In substaiicc, there is little variation between these two allegations. The latter, in fact, implies about all that is expressed in the former. When one man says to •inother, you can, if you will accept it, obtain this or that, it amounts to a re- commendation to lake, and an engage- incnt to aid in obtaining. But the second admission is of a still more aggravated nature. It ac- cuses Gen. Jackson of speaking, at least with complacence, of a division of file Union; and of asserting a knowl- edge thai a number of public men' were '•^invohcd in the scheme.''^ Now if Gen. Jackson possessed this knowl- edge, it was his duty as a good citizen to have communicated it to the Presi- dent. If he did not possess it, it was highly criminal to make the assertion. It was criminal because of its injustice; and it was criminal as tending to mis- lead those to whoih it was spoken, and when connected with a declaration ihat it had taken deej) root, as tending ■ilso to shake their confidei;ce in. and atlarhmcnt to the Union. How does *^5en. Jackson act in the two cases here rc?cnted ' His Virginia letter contains but the least ofFeiisive half of the chargee against him. He sends a special mes- senger with a blustering note, request- ing an explanation. Denounces the charge as "'on m founded falsehood,"' — •V/ librl upon, his character;''' and calls upon Williams to declare whether he is, or is not, the author of the calumni/. before he exposes ii as such. And then in a more soothing tone, asserts his in- credulity, tliat Williams "fot(/rf6p so lost to virtue ami truth, as to have originated so base a calunmi/." This call is made on the 23d of February, 1828. On the 27lh of February, Williams replies, informing the General the charges he jhad made. Tliese are in fact more j serious than the one complained of. — But docs any exposure follow frorh I Jackson ? Not a word. Nothing is said j of falsehood, or of "/Ac/," or of '■^cal- umny.'' The General's indignation I subsides, and he remains as cfuiescent as a lami). How is it to be explained, that in the one case, the General was so rank for an explanation? So appar- ently prompt to elfcct an exposure, whilst in the «thcr he takes no steps whatever? It seems to me, that but one explanation can be given. In the first case, the General expected to si- I lence a witness: In the second case, he ! was afraid to provoke him. How could any man remain silent, placed in the situation that Gen. Jack- son was pkiced in, by Williams's an- swer to his note, unless he felt con- scious that to stir a ste|) turther, was to insure an exposure? A deep indig- nation had been expressed at the sup- posed imputation of a concurrence in, ! or comiection with Burrs plans. A j reply is given avowing that the impu- tation iiad l)cen m.ade. Was not this I calculated to further provoke rather than to conciliate? Did liot Ibis ad- mission of making the charge render «n exposure of its falsehood more ne- ecssai-y? If it were injurious when only whispered aljout, was it not more ii'jurious when avouched and repeated bv its author? It seems to me impos- sible to read Jackson's note to Wil- liams, .Tnd his reply, connected with the inc\ o! Jackson's sub-^equofit si- lence, witJiout feeling a conviction of ska BCRR'S CONSPIRACy.— KEIGN OF TERRQR. Jackson's guilt. Had not the truth of! sword, is now actuallj in succtsffiii Williams's stiiU-mcnt been iMf, atid a experiment. Force, armed military consciousness prevailed (hat it could ' forte, is >-ubitiluted for art'uniri.t: the be made out in proof. Gen. Jackson 'pistpl and the bhidgco. , are the logic would have hurled back the inipula- introduced by the candidate for Sic tion wit'i contempt and defiance. He j peaceful liorors of a free rjation. — seems to have felt for once, that to j Threats of disupicn are ever, wbcrc bluster further would avail nothing, 'sounded, (he prcat majority of the >ico- andthat in this case, ti)ere v. as reason pie are to he bullied ii;to submission to apprehend, "/n(M 7vas mighty aniJ ^\iy dhhnna^ A rddicrs, mcp of biokr-n KoukI prevail." for'u'ies and (erocioik; character, (he Wclr-arn that since judge Williams's; wrecks of war and parties, traired publication was made, a MOB of He- at d disciplit.ed bv demagogues, as roites have attempted to commit vio- reckless and desperate as themselves! le-ce upon his habitation and upo» Nay, treason- speaks in our Icgisla- liim'ielf. This i< all in cliara'-ter. It tive b^lls, ar« the ermine of (ho judge is in imitation of the Hero's former is begrimod with its pollution. Ti^cse courses, and agendo fore(aste of what arc fearful things, but they are true! may be expected, should he be made Let the [leoplc look to it. They arc President. i eagerly, but (lioughtlcssly. lending themselves to cslablish (God grar.t it — t^Qr^^-» may not be perpetual!) "a r.Eicx or j TERROR," in the procress of which, the THK REIGN OF TERROR. i mo^t obnoxious measures of Xhi'.fdrral The exiravaganccs which hurled the adnunistration, will he reverted to and late John Adams, from the government [regredcd, a* models of mildness, for- of this nation, if not (he result of hon- ! bcarance. and patriotism. fist intentions, were at least veiled nii- ; These romrnks have been suggested dcr legal or constitutional forms. — by one of the most outrageous and sav- They were, however, properly dc- age acts of barbarity, which have dis- no'inccd by (he people, and the brief graced our annals, jieriod of their existence was properly; General Jackson and his parlizar.s, denominated "the reign of terror.'' have frequently been charged with in- Then we were jealous of our rulers. } temperate and oppressive conduct: but All that smacked of restraint, whether j the recent attack upon old Dr. Arm- it regarded person, property, or opin-^ s'rong, for cxprcsing his views, in re- ioi;. was deemed hcrrtiral, and free- lalion to the PresideniinI contest, is rot doni of speech and of the press,, were exceeded, if it can be parallelled, in the V. atch-words of Amciican?. ,Tlie I the records of cowardi'-e am! atrocit). subjection of the military to tirc civil] His letter is here introduced, and power, was a part of oar political creed. The appearance of a soldier, was sutHciont to waken our sensii)ili- ties, and "standing armies," '■military oppressions," and the '-rights of man," rang througii every city, town, and hamlet. These, thoiigii (he danger iniiiht be over-rated, were auspicious omens lor our land. They evinced to t!ie world, that we knew and appreci- ated our rights. speaks volumes in recard to the system wliidi is prepared for us, but u:;der wiijch, ii is to lie hoped, we arc not destined to live. Copy M a lotlrr from DK. JAMF-S L. -VaM- P'lr.ONG, niilluir of "The Tcnnc5«fiin,' ilatwl '-UaviOi Mill;, Bcdroril Co., Icnn., ITlh July, 1328. "In thp 3il No. of tl:n Tcnnes- to Maine, would iiave grasped (he sins had seated themselves in the back room ol REIGN OF TERROR. Sir nav fho;/, with tliejr bncks towards me, two be- ' Has it como to this? tliat an Ameri- inV ot, each suie of the door. As soon as 1 had ^^^ j^^^ ^^^ ^,^ ,^j^ .. ^ cnterea and discovered who they were, i was . . j r u it i convinced some outraice was intended. Tiic as- llic Hazard o! hiS lile? s3s.«iiis were by name, MALCOM GILCHRIST, j That OH SUCl) exi TCise of llis riglits, rrom Alabama; JESSK TAYLOR from the ,,,p .;^^,,, ^^ ^ inilitaiv aspirant, wcMern (lis'.rict of Tennessee; and WILLI A.M J ,,. , , •' I'""'"-) GILCHRIST and ARCHIBALD YF.LL, from t are to beset his house,a..d pour out his Sh< Ibyville, Tcnn. On caslins my cjes around, blood tjpon his OWn lieart'istone. I discovered that th.y were arn.ed with large ; gi,^,, ,^^j ^^^ [^^ entilicd to its immu- clubs ; and also in tlic breasts of several, I coulil cee the hanifles of dirks and piftole, cspecialiy the as'assin Yell. This is the same Ycil wlioi-. a ineiuber of our legislature, and figured as tlie Jackson bully ;it the last session. He is the same Yell who certified for Parrish, that I was the author of the ' Tenncsscan," and procur- ed certificates against the character of John Woods. These fellows very soon produced a paper, which they said I must sign Perceiv- ing; it was their intention to force mc to sign soinething disgraceful, I told them I was un- armed and alone, and that it ivasvery unfair to be thus set upon in mi/ oirnhoiae. .At this time, 1 was standing near tlio back door of my sliofi, .and had time to reflect that there was a neigh- bor who livt-d about three hundred yards dis- tant, acro's the crrck, where there was probably .some company, and also v. here I might procure arms to defend mj self. I dete.-mined to risk be- ing shot rather than sign the paper, — which I did not see, not i^o I now know its contents. — I Seeing me disinclined to look at the paper, one ; of them swore 1 should sign it, or he would — at ' this moment, believing from the movements of I the parly, that they certainly designed to assas- 1 'itiate rae, 1 sprung out of the" iionse, and rcirea- 1 they cannot lie : and they arc altogeth- led as fust as I coul.l, to DaTi^•s Store— the | ^r worthy of the Calm consideration of .as.sas-ins follnwed me rapiilly. One of them, ,, i r i ji j i- •(Malcolm G.!ciivis(,) who lives in .A:abama. I t]}r' '"^er of truth, and his counliy. Iiad been selef-led to perform the deed. nines? Are not grey hairs to be a pro- tection atjainst the violence of mffiar.s? The faullering limbs of a f.vthkr and GRANDFATHER, a sufficient safeguard? AMERICANS! will you not pause? Have you no apprehension for your- selves: your families: your children? — If such deeds are perpetrated by your idol and his followers, without right, or the shadow of authority, what are you to expect, wlien jou shall have invest- ed them with power? Reflect tiien, while it is not jet too late: consult your judgments, not your passions. Scan the merits of those who aspire to your confidence: their experience, and their character as PUBLIC servants and private citizens. Facts, can be ascertained by all: This The measures of the present Admuiif- fcUownort pursued me in front of t.he others, ' Oration, are such as have distinguisiied and iu endeavouring to diaw hio piotol l.-orn h:s 1 ,, i . ■ i r it j breast, I.e dropt and lo^t .t. The pistol has i ^^"^ ^cst periods of oiir liKstoiy, and arc ince been found, arul was heavily loaded— and {those, which a Vast majority of thc it is now in my posscisitm. On the return of people have repeatedly Sanctioned. — One or two, selected as objects of cnvtl, havt;been misrepresented by the oppo- sition; het the t eminent acts of the govermneiif, are surh as canrot be as- thc assassins i:^ their horses, a crippled youth ■•ho was near my 'hop, sawthirin looking Ibrit, ■.ml heard the .^■liow say how he had lost it. I was pursued :icro5s the river and in attempt- ing to climb the bank on the other side, the two Oucfirisis overtook me and knoclced rae down with their ri'ihs. and would surely have killed mc, if Mr. L'avis, and a number of other men ha I not come to my relief. I am nW, a. id Ijave f;rand-r!nidrrn, — the assassins were a// compar- atively J'oun^ men. I am bruised and mangled all over, and my brad is cut to the skull, .ind am just able to holil my pen, and cannot do this sub)ect justice, I ,• ' .i,„.. „'„ v„ I...fl;i»l« ,• .i,=n „(' as ! feel a considerable weight and" concussion ! '"'•"' "'^••'-' P^" t^f Utt little C.^USC of I dilierence. It is tlioielore, a contention ! in regard to m-.n ; and their adaptation sailed with safety, for they .ire com- pletely Qxcfi in the favour of the peo- ple ; mid ihe 'rppofilmi pl€'lp:r. themspkes to Oieir nuppoti', as an vicciilive to publv' i.onfifJmrr. tJpon the ground of general policy, of the braic. On last Monday mor!iitiglwa« in Shelbyvillo, I procuring documents to write a iS'o. on Genera) ] .Lickson's intimacy with Bnrr. This no doubt j these fellows had beard, and it was dolermincd , to put me out of the way, or dissroce me.- Thank God, they have not, as yet, done cither. I Hut I really cnsidcr ni) life in danger, and' \„ (V,..l„-.l.. , '.„^i.^A ♦!,-,* V'.. therefore suppo,e I shall be compelled to desist i"l-'^ ''« feaile^K i.^ei led, that H.r. irom giving iufonnation to the people relative 1 ^ 'lams is unas.-sailable. Without en- 10 Gen. Jackson. As a parting word, 1 a.-k mv | .cring into detaih. it is sufficieit tO ^T'I^i^S7l^:^:t^^:'^ l:r i l-»^ •« the his.ory of our country, (i,r President. JAMES L. ARMSTRONG." 'upwards ot thirty years past, where i to c:v!L GOVErtNMi'NT, and standard I of CHARACTER, bccome questions of t jjreat interest. Upon tbese two .grounds, then, SIS RKIGN OF TERROR. his name is found identified wilii even | A Boyhood measure, leiidiiin; lo hcrpro-pcritj and | Of idleness and ignorance, and ofchar- gloiv. Tiiis will not, cannot be coti-jacter so equivocal, that his partiznns tioverlcd. I claim for him. as the first step in hero- His personal chamcler, from his i'^m. the distinguished merit of /-f/i/^ui^/ cradle upwards; through youth, man-i'^ <#« "/ *'>'^' ''''":/' '" « British nibal- hood a:id ai;e,in the seclusion of study, I '^'■"• the calm and unohtrusive scenes of do- 1 A Ioltw, mestic life, or the perplexity and nnx- 1 ^'^i^rked by the habits and fate of a ietics of public alfairs, has been \Tith- , 'pendt'inff; improvident, reckless, and out slain, and unsuspected. It may i ""-cHled. be doubted, whether any character,! -^ Manhood. Stained by violence, proftigacy, seduc- tion, bloodshed, and almost treason. Advancing age, and an extended in any age, has been subjected to a scrutiny more intense, severe, and re- le.itless, than that of JOHN QUIN- CY ADAMSjandit will bedifliculttoi^iere of .iction, has not (ailed to point to one, that has come brighter l*^''''''^'^ ' enormities. Ev- the republic. He has supported the if>' '^•'^>" however, strengthens the evi- honor and dignity of his country, rey. i'^cnce against hmi: and crckltv, viola- crenced the jaw^, preserved our insli- h"*"' °' ^"^ ■'"''' ""''?' '''''^»'-^^'"> tutions from the vi.flence of faction and "vnocRisv. tvranvv and oppress.ox. y „i ,i,„,„u ,u , „ ,-, 'area 1 fastened upon him. bv TESTIMONY treason: and though the storm stnl , . , ,- i i i*^ j •• ■ „ - ^ . •, w iich falsehood and cunnins; caxn'ot waicnes its progress. ' '^ F.VADE. That these various charges may not be attributed to mere declamation let us examine the evidence. For the history oC his youth his hi ographers may be safely cwnsultcd, and thev establish the facts, which have vages, he calmly waicnes its pi and parries against its dangers. But ^vho is it, in the day of peril, that ^'c would substitute for this irreproachable •man? The very reverse, certainly. No two individuals were ever more un- like: i\lr. Adams' history is known from 'been asserted. Jiis infancy, and he has stood l>tfoie M ^^>I„)0D: the people, for more than half his lil'e.j ]. f'iolnicc.—'^ce tiie letter of Col. r-mployed in their service, (ieneral | Benton, detaiUng the attack upon him .Tacksoii, until his forlunatc career as a |,ind his brother, by (lencral Jackson soldier, was not known Ueyond the ; and some of his friends. Al>o. the in- precincts of his adopted slate; and .fended violation of the Senate Cham- there, he was never distinguished for l)cr. onlv prevented by llie firmncs-^ one qualification, fitting him for civil life. One !)ri!liant action, at the age md patriotism of Decatur. 2. Prnflirrncji and Sri. — STlic of fifty years, introduced him to the records of a court of Jtistice, added fe notice and fivonr of hi< ready before the public ; and comment is umiccessary. 4, Ahwsl Treason. — Read the letter of Judge Nathaniel WilHams, detailing tlie intimacy of Generajl Jackson, and the Arcb-traitor Burr. Remember the memorable words of General Jackson: <'2ft/rt notitt gentlemen, y(M xeill find thai a dizision of the United Statea has taken deep root.'' Mark these words, and the conduct of his most violent advocates NOW. If further proof be wauling, it is to be found in the absolute tender, to Judge Williams by General Jackson, the commission of a Captain, in Burros army. Matuue ac;k. 1 . Cruelly. — Indian captives deluded and hung in cold blood. Defeated, sheep's clothing of having their wives and childreir starved, and half their nation butcher- ed, were anxious to bestow upon Gen- eral Jackson, a tract of country, nine nfiles ill extent. The baseness of the transaction was too evident, and it was scouted from the Senate house. See also, the history of the land speculatioir connected with the heirs of Allison. 5. Hypocrisy. — Is it lieccssary to en- ter into any other evidence than what- lias been detailed to show that Andrew Jackson, is not a religiow; man? surely not. And yet he sutlers the Rev. D, Ely, to trumpet him forth as a professor of religion, and a pions, peaceful disciple of Jesus Christ. Beware oi' wolves in supplicating, and terror stricken foes, put to the sword. His fellow soldiers. ril) and illegally shot, after peace was' 6. Tyranny and 0//pression. — See the laws enacted by Gen. Jackson, when Woods, Harris, and others unnecessa-1 Governor of Florida. The officer of a foreign, and frieiully power violated" declared, and with tiie shouts of joy lorn from J«s family, in the enjoyment and victory, ringing in their ears, min- of domestic privileges, and imprisoned- ^d in imagination with the cries of in a dungeon; his papers seized, guards- ihe widowsand helpless babes!! | placed over his house, and insult hea 2. Violation of ihe laws. — The civil Iped upon injury. power put down at New Orleans by! This then is the character of the in- martial la\r, under the plea of expedi-j dividual, who is sought to be made the eney, a legislative hall, closed by bayo- ; guardian of the persons, property and nets, and garrisoned by soldiers. The ' lives of American citizens! May that. Habeas Corpus- iau-,Tnost shamclasly out- \ time be far off! Tiie struggle is be- rogcrf, and the Judges who dared, to.tween wisdom, virtue, character and protect the riglit of the citizens impris-t patriotism, and presumptuous ignoi- oned,and threatened with death. And.ancc, reckless, degrading immoralityj lastly an honest and patuiotic free-' and selfish desire of jiower. Between MAN almost forced to the HALTER, | enlarged, liberal views of governmen.; and only saved hy the mercies of a! calculated to raise us to honor andim military commission.* jportancc, and a narrow, wretched poli- 3. Profanity. — See the letters of T. I cy, looking onh' to ephemeral popular H. Shelby to Col. Todd, for a horrible example of this vice. "WHY GOV- ERNOR, GOD DAMN it, DID NOT YOU SAY THAT YOU WOULD ity, local and personal advantages, the gratitlcalion of base passions, or a mis erable desire of revenge. In fact, the crisis cannot be misunderstood. The GIVE .>'300,000!" "Why Governor, j habits acquirements, and materials ol GOD DAMN MY SOUL, if you did the two parties are totally dissimilar, not say so!" '-Go Governor, BY GOD i and a few able,and designing, and dis- I will make the treaty without you." 4. .ivaricc. — See the same letter, containing the strongest circumstantial appointed men, would exterminate all that we have deemed venerable, digni- fied and U'^eful, and-subslitute lor fhat evidence, that General Jackson, tuidcr, eminence, which a free pfople, should . his situation as a commissioner, was en- j always accord to worth and talents, a deavoring to secure a large tract of i miseni.ble equality, only worthy of the Valuable land (or hiinsc fend his friends, inifiidiiin of Paris, in the days of Jacob- Look into the Creek treaty, whcre+ism, and which draws no distinction be- thcse wretches, grateful for the favo r | tween the accidental achievement of "" animal fourcgr and brute force, a'ld th'~ L'Jua^Ucr's c.xposiUo.n. / 3S0 REIGN OP TERROn.— M4.DISON & JACKSON. order, resulaiity, and beauty, resulting from ih.^^uiiiibrm, and auspicious oper- ation of an ENLIUHTENED MIND. XENO. MADISON & JACKSON. AH wlio wsh t.j uiiilf r«taii(t why Ouii. .lack- ^^ ,011 ciuertaine.l but a poor oi.iiuon of l'''*''';'""M an Miulisoi', in.1% Hnrt m exnlaiiulii.n in the loMow- 1 iDgUiiciiiufUt, which, exc^^)t so f;ir as le! ■ de Ti.iifard. Tliese documeots have bissii a.: nied wilh a ?tnieraenl, thut od the o'l. ... MRrch, the writer of the |/jhlicalicri of the3J of Maioh, Mr. L"uaill.er, a tiiem- lier o{ the Legislature of the stale of Louisiana, ivas arrcslfl \>y your orucr, th' |.eo-)le rule, ought long since to havo been . . . „ . ,...jd confined in the barr;icks; that on the :;'~::i";:;'Xc -mc day. Mr. IL,I:. .be distnct j^a^e before the pubhc. De/m.t.^ent of H'ar, April nth, tSlo. Siu_-A« soon as the lir=t credible ac- issued a Hibeas Corpus, in tne c.\6e ot Mr. Louaiiiier, but before the writ was served, the Judge himself was arrested ^,,^_-„- 3„.... ,._. .... j by your order, for ireuing it, 6. conducted xounl of pe:ir.e was rt-ceived at Washing- \ under a strong guard to the barrackr; that ton, a letter stating the fact w;u addressed \ ^^ (|je sth of March, .Mr. Dick, llie At to you from this Dep.utment, dated thetoiney of the Inited States, having ob- l6th of February, and as soon as theltajoed frora Mr. Lewi.s as :eiale judge, a treaty of peace w:'? raiitied by the Presi-j„rit of Habeas Corpus, in the case ol dent and Si-nate. the event was commu-'jmjge Hall, which vvas served upon you, nirated to you in another letter, dated i he was arrested by your oider. ar.d lodg- 17th February, with instructions fox the Ld in the barr.icks; that Judge Hall was disposal of theforce under vour command. I reie;,ced on the 12th of .March, but was cw in- disposal 01 ine loict; uuuc-i >"ui ....Mini."..". ] i.t.i(j;i^,^u (.ui im: i-iu «» ..*.;..,.., .^ .. . It is regretted, tlmt any accident should I eg<-orled to a place out of the city ofN prevent'" the delivery of either of those ! Orlean.^. with orders not to return until ... letters in due course, but I presume, that ' formation of peace was officiady receiv- ooth of them have lung •inct reached Ld, and oaicially announced; ami that Mr. your hands, and that the instructions have , Dick was released on the same day, and been carried into effect. I permitted to remain in toivn, but with oi- I assure you. sir, that it is a very pain- : ders to report himself from day to oay, ful task, to disturb for a moment, the en until discharged. joyment of the honorable gratitication which you must derive, as well from the From these represcntuliuns, it would appear, that the judicial power ol' the United itattihai which you must derive, as wen nom w e — -.^^^j;^,;' .iberty of the pre., has been consciftusness of Ihc great service.* ."'"' | syspgnjej, ami the consul ai.d subjects of a you have rendered your country, as trom I ,^jp,„lly j-ovemment, liave been expos u to 'he ext)re'<«'ons of anprobalion and ap-i <;rcai mconveniencu by th.jcKerci;(: uf military plause, which the nation has bestowed on force and comman,!. The Pre,i.lei-t v.e,v. the those services. Cat repre^^entations have been recently made to the Fresident, re- specting certain acts ol military op]x>si- ; lug n.onvesui juui ...j..""--., ...- ..---.- •--■■■ lion to the civil ma, u> u!c cvi,,,/. ..• •■"- ; /v„ii m ine lueuii iime, ii i- picjuim.., ...... ■■■ Louisiana Courier, dale i the 'J 1st Feb. of Jexfraordinarv csertionof military authority ha vn.ir General Order, dated the aCth Feb. cc.nsea,iiiconsequcuceoflhecc-salionofall.lan yourUeneril uiuci, u.uiu i , ,^ Lrer.oi.cn orcovert.uiH.n the rcsloratio-i of peace, .-cotiimaiulmg certain iMCnchsubjec, to !,<■^»I^'-p^^^.,^_^^^,^;^ „,^ ,^t,k^ „.is op- retire from New -Orleans; ol a pubhci ' |j^,j,i,„jtj, of requesting' that a <:oiioiliatory dc- lioo in tlie Louisiana Courier, of the 3d ; p„rtmont may be observed towards the stite au- of Mardi, under ^^ ^f^^u^.S^^^^:^^'^^^^^^ niadveHingu|io', the gen. order, the order 1,|_^_., ^^^ i„.r defen.e and safety, and that of the.'ithof March, enforcing the older ol | ,|„.,,, v, ill be no disposition in any pirt ol thena- Ihe '8th of Febrnnrviof voui letter of ■ tionio review with sevent) the efTorts ..l .a eom- tne -om Ol r..i-i 11.11 _, . . ,1,.. .,„ I ,,,„„i,.r letineinucr - solunpirrclleled dilTicuI- the null ol February, a.inoiincii.;^ the uu^ |.'",-'';;;:„^,;'',?;^'';;;",.„ of the' purest p ..notism. oflictal intelligence of peace, a0b IM;,; (> • .\ V-.cksox ^■■nnMniita TiiUTH'^ ADVOi.;ATE AND MONTHLY ANTI-JACKSON EXPOSITOR. CINCINNATI, OHIO, SEPTEMBER, 1828. VINDICATION ■ lis now, as he ever was, n Federalist, OF THE POLITICAL CONSISTENCY OF using this apficllatioii in tiie party and JOBK QUXMCY ADAMS. The character of a renegado, reli- gious or political, is so justly and uni- versally despised, that the readiest ex- pedient to destroy our enemy, is to endeavour to lix upon him this stigma. There is nothing, however, more esti- mable in the character of any individ- ual, than that ingenuousne-^*, whicii is ever ready to exatiiine the evidence on which his o|)inions are formed, and to renounce them as soon as they are dis- covered to he erroneous. The dispo- sition is however, so general, to impute (o .ictions the wor.-t motives, that it { prospects and to those of' the country, odious sense. We therefore see, almost weekly, the same papeii? in one column accusing Mr. Adams of apostacy, and in the iiext asserting that he never changed his opinions.* It is, however, admitted on all hands, that atter the winter session of Congress. 1 307 — 8, Mr. Adams acted with the llepubli- can administration, and one of the strongest proofs of his adhesion to the Federal paily at any time, bears date April, 1807. Therefore, if he evw went from one party to another, it was between Apiil, 1807, and January, 1 808. Let us look then, to the situa- tion of Mr. Adams at that period, to his requires the higiirst degree of moral courage, to openly renounce opinions long and pal>licly maintained. (Villi these brief preliminary re- hiarks, we will show to every candid mind, that Mr. Advms never changed his political opinions, or political course, ar.'d thai lie never entertained any opinions hostile to the Republican parly or Republican principles; and that, if he had changed his opinions, at the time, and under the then state of things, the very circumstances of the and the great parties into which it was then divided, and see under what cir- cumstances that change was made, if change there was. Immediately after Mr. A. returned from his mission at Berlin, at the first election, (April, 1802,) he was chosen ^'From the Bostnn Statesman, the Inading Jackson paper in Massarhusetts, the Kdit.or of which, eleven years sincp, edited a Federal paper: — " Mr. Adams's conver^iion. U'hen and AVHERE, did this wonderlul event take case" would hrive been sufficient to:P'"'=^- When imd Whi-re did he 'jecome I convened to Republicanism? WheU St Paul was converted, we t.-nov tlir lime and place. Jt have satisfied any mind not predispos- ed to condemn, that his conduct was the result of the higliest and most ex- alted sense of duty. But we need not the aid of this last defence; a consis- tency unbroken, needs no adventitious support. Amongst those whe charge Mr. Ad- ams with apostacy, there is so much discrepancy, thai thatalone,in ordinary cases, would be a sufficient refutation of the charge ; and some ol those who have been loudest in this charge, have found it so difficult to obtain any evi- dence to support it, that they have alto- gether quit (his ground, and say thai f^^t.'^Z/J^Tol't''''''-''' '^^' ^''- r^T' ?, , , ' , o ' r . ""' ""' consider VQRt te was rcnjuntin!' rederIr. Adams has rot changed: thathe'aiism was when he was on a journey to Damascus. But on what journey was Mr. Adams wlien the scales fell froin his eyes? It will be dij)irall to Jix the fame and place and even to establish the SArr of his ctnversion fir the truth is 0:^/=Hn NEVER Din RENOUNCE THE POLITICAL PRIN- CIPLES, in which he had bet- n educated, ami which he cherish.ed with ardour aud maintained bot^i by profession and practice, until he leached Ujc meridian of life. J. Q. Adams ia a consistent j)otiUcian, in respoct to liis priiici- phs, whatever he nifiy be in relation to bis friendships. He is the same man in pnncipk NOW that he was in (he beginniui: of his conrsc. Mr. Adams's Iriends fix the perind of his conver- sion, at the time of his vote in faior of the em- bargo." This, the writer cont< nds was not the ca-.e, and says: "There art also some fatts 322 VTXmc VTTOV OP THfl POIJTTCAl CONSlSTEN(?VOF by the Federal party, Senator to the i he had done so — rather than reproacl: State Legislature. At the next winter he would deserve Irom h'n couutry all session, he was elerttd by thai party [the gratitude duo to llio>e, who in de?- in llie Legislature, a nieirber of ihCiperate extremities hazard their all for Senate of the L'nifed States, and thus | their country. For it was amidst tlie the earliest occasiens were sought by 'shadows aDd darkness which then ovcr- that party, to bestow on him their high- 1 spread the land, that John Q.Adams est honors and oflices. Tlii= party, i and Samuel Dexter, ijreasted the lury also had the control of the Harvard j of the tempest, and those who were University, and by them he was elect- then in New England, know how much ed professor of Rhetoric, with a liberal ; is owing to these tAvo individuals, that salary, and with hbertv to retain his : our country passed unharmed through seat in the Senate of tiie United Slates: those disastrous days. At the very a liberty never allowed to any other moment too, when IMr. Adams is al- professor. When Mr. Everett accept- j Icged to have apostatized, that party ed his. seat in Congress. tlie corporation , which he was opposing, he well knew inunediately declared his professorship would eject him from office, as they vacant, and elected a successor. At, did do at tlie next session of the Legis- or about this tirae also, the Presidency lalure. His defence of the admi:)is- of the University was ollercd to Mr. tration of ^Ir. Jefferson, in his embar- Adarns. Thus, "if it was pos*ii>le to; go letter, and his attending the caucus chain a man to them by favours, and by j which nominated Mr. Madison, evinced the assurance of every honor at the i his determination U> do his duty, fear- disposal of the party, they had taken, less of personal consequences, the readiest mode to attach Mr. Adams To prove Mr. Adams" apostacy, no to their party. The prosptcts of this atlempt has ever been made to -I ow party loo, were (hen very briglit. The that he acted with the (\epnbUcai' p \r- face of affairs of 'the country, wcrcjty; this Was too evident to re',u're then embarrassed: war, and its atten- proof; but the whole attempt has been dant tiixes and destruction, threatened to pursue in tlie train of ttie embargo; to siiow that he was once a Federalist. Now we ask, if such had been the .and the threatening cloud did not dissi-j case, would it he possiid^ that those pate, until it had expended its thunder- 1 who alleged this fact, would he com- bolis and deluging torrents over our pelled to search over nearly forty ) ears land. New-England became united I of his life, nr.d then onh find llirec or against the administration, and the | four isolated facts, on wl.ich to build, calculating politicians of New-Y»rk, j and at last to rely more on his descent were ready to join the northern league. I from John Adams, than on any other Anl l!ie downfall of Mr. Madison and fact? But the fact on which more his administration, was predicted, with i has been said than on any other, is his assurances almost amounting to cer- having signed the proceedings ol a taiiity. Was this then the |>eriod for [ Federal meeting, as chairman: good an ambitious man to quit a rising pav- 'prima fiuit evidt-nce, unquoslionably. ty, ready to bestow on him all their | We not only admit this, but that he honors, and join one who were not wil- also attended another Federal caucus; liim to jgdge him by his acts, but who and we will show that his object on coiilinned for the first two years i^flerlboth of these occasions, was any thing his return, to ineet him with the coars-' rather than party ends, and that no est party abuse in advance, because he ; stronger evidence can he adduced ol hiTppened to be son of John Adam-, his wish to sustain llip Republican whom the uninitiated partizans of the ' system, than these two caucusses otl'er- d;iv, supposed was the leader and a,ed. The truth is, that Mr. Adams liivorite of the Federal party ?— Vet [ never wa* a Federalist or a Refubli- surh was the lime, :uid under such | ca\, in Uie parly sense, liut was al- circumstanccs, Mr. Adams is alleged j ways a Fiperal Rxn ulican in the (0 have .lultted the Federal, and lo 1 constitulional sense: that is, a warm^ Ijavc joined the Democratic parlv. If'fiiend of the Republican system of JOHN QtilNCY ADAMS. 323 government, and the federative princi- 1 pie which would preserve the states, or | tiieir integrity, and not consoHdate ! tlicm, according to the proposition of Gen. Hamilton and some others. — Though the parties had their l)irth with the Constitution and the British treaty, yet the difl'erence on these subjects soon subsided aud the two great parties did not take their stand and draw their lines, until the adminis- tration of John Adams. At that time, the present President was out of the theatre of the parties, in a distant land. He was situated like an indi- viJual on the top of a lofty mountain, who loses the minute proportions of a coi irjctcd space at the mountain's base, and only sees the grand divisions of a large territory. Thus, Mr. Ad- ams was so situated, that he could wit- ness the beautiful political features of his own clime, contrasted with the rag- ged features of other countries. In the pure mountain atmosphere, he saw things in their true light, and not thro' tiie false ni'^dium caused by the impure vapours of the lower regions. He saw that the party strife was epheme- real, but that the great priHciples of our government, rested on the eternal foundation of justice and the rights of' man; hence, on his return to America,! he did not take part as a partizax, with , any party, but he went about as a pat- i RIOT r,very lohcrc when he could do §oof/. If he had ever acted as a partizan^ the evidence would be too clear to be de- batahle. Tile range of our defence will be limited, by the range of the attack. And it is no little compliment to Mr. Adams that his opponents have found io little recent matter of accusation that they have gone back thirty-five years, a whole age, to seek evidence to support their charges. The first at- tack upon him, is grounded on garbled extracts fi-om his Publicola, published "•in 1793. The proof adduced against him from these papers, is of tlie same character as would be an attempt to prove from the bible that there was no (lod. These papers are contained in eleven numbers. Mr. A's.friendsinMas-i sachusetts have republished these pa- 1 oers as the best refutation of the false ' inferences drawn from them, and as the best proof of his republican piinciples, and the soundness of his eaily opinions. Id concludii;g tliose num^jers, Mr, Adams says, "I will now conclude these papers, with requesting that those o;)ly who READ them, would JUDGE of their PRINCIPLES; and I am per- suaded that the canlic will not take MISREPRESENTA- TION for REASON, nor INVEC- TIVE for ARGUMENT." Mr. Ad- ams' opponents have not deemed it pru- dent to publish these papers: extracts which pervert the sense, have better suited their righteous purposes. But it so happened that these very papers, and two other scries written by him the same year, one in defence of a sys- tem of neutraiitj", before the issue of the proclamation of neutrality, and the. other defending the cause of Mr. Jef- ferson in his dispute with the French Minister, attracted the attention of Washington and Jefferson from their soundness and ability, and induced Jef- ferson to recommend him to Washing- ton for a foreign mission, to which he was nominated, without the knowledge of his father, then Vice-President, the subsequent year. Mr. Jefferson's ac- quaintance with Mr. Adams commen- ced in Europe, immediately after the peace in 1785, where he was the fellow boarder of Jefferson and Franklin, and when Mr. Adams came home, he brought a letter from Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Gerry, in which Mr. Jefferson thus speaks of Mr. Adams: '"This will be delivered you by young Mr. Adams; his being the son of your particular friend renders unnecessary from me those commendations of him, which I could with truth enter into. I congratulate your country on their prospects in this young man." This was no open letter of introduction containing the mere cant words of politeness. Mr. Jeffer- son could not introduce Mr. Adams to Mr. Gerry, for he knew they were al- ready acquainted. It was contained in a long private letter to Mr. Gerry, in which Mr. Jefferson states to Mr. Ger- rv,tt)at he had obtained contracts,which were advantageous to our oil fislieries and requests Mr. Gerry to have them taken up, &:c. Gov. Randolph, son-in- 324 VI.NPIC.VnON OF XUE POLITICAL CONSISTENCY Ol law of Mr. Jefferson, says, "I never heard Mr. Jefferson speak of Mr. Adams fri>ni ilie year 1792 witliout acknowl tomli. Mr. Adams went on his mission lo the Hague, iti 1794, and returneil in September, 1801, from Berhn. No at- cis^i'ig tliat he was an ahle, learned I tempt has be:"!! made to assail his con- ai.d lionest man, to whirh he OFTEN i duct during that period. But during added, before the p'-riod mentioned, this absence he wrote his letters frlility, he would | Adams, l-lvery means was used (o en- nol dislionor when dead, and all ho^- j gage his influence in its favor. Stock tility bad been hurled with him in '.' entered his protest against there is, therefore, no surer test, that a it ;iit il< journals. He was also on imemlier tis cortsidercd friendly to an the copini;' ee to answer the Gover- nor's ^pceri:, this answer contains not an allusion to paity politics. These were the onlv occasions when any thing pelitical occurn>d, during his term of service in the Senate of Massachusetts. It will be thus perceived, that the first year after liis return fiom Europe, he acted uniformly with the Republican members of the Legislature. But as the jounialsof this state are not pub- lished, and very little of their proceed- ings ever known beyond the walls of the veech on the subject, may be seen in flie Na- tional Intelligencer, of that period. — Mr. Adams has however, been accused of hostility to the acquisition of Louis- iana, and that too, by those who accuse him of lafitudinarian doctrines, be- cause he believed an amendment of the Constitution would be reqiiiicd, before that territory could bo admitted 32C VLVOK ATION- OF OF THE POMTICAL CONSISTENCY OF into the Union. His answer, however, to Alexander Smylhe, whicli every one should read, fiirniBhesa complete rclii- tation of this and many other attacks on him. By a similar nik of judginji, Mr. Jetferson might be accused of hos- tility to Louisiana, for he says, in a let- ter to Mr. Dunbar, (July 17, 1803,) " That the treaty may be ratified in time. I have found it iK>ccs'-ary to con- j vene Congress." "It is the more ne- cessary, because they will be ol)liged j to ask from the people an amendment | of the Constitution, authorizing their receiving the province into the Union, and providing for its government; and the limitationsof power which shall be given by that anvjiidment, will be unal- terable but Ijy the same authority." — Thus it will be seen, that on tliis sub- ject there was an entire concurrence in the opioions of Mr. Adams and Mr. Jetferson. The Republican press, at this period, began to do Mr. Adams justice, and never afterwari>, of the same pe- riod; ali.iding Repiiblir.an paper, patroniaed by the Hou. Levi Lincoln, .\ttornej General of the United States:— "The Hon. John QuiNcy Ao.tMS (the colleague of Col. Pitkcrini; in the Senate of the U. S.) will certainly be denounc- ed and excommunicated by his party. \CT^i all Ihr leadins measures of the Senate HK H.A3 ACTLU WITH THK i.'KlEM)S Of THE ADMINISTIIATIO.N. On the resolution f.v carrying into elfect the Convention with France, bo delivered a concise, nervous, manly, enerjetic, and uncquivocat eulogy on the measure.'* From the Philadelphin .'liiroro, same date: "The 'jiecch ofMr.J. Q.. Aiums is peculiarly- gratifyiuc;. He is an ePisteru m;in, yethe tells u> that the acipiisition of Louisiana is an event of such jrreat importi'.ncc, that to be able to Uiltil the treaty, an f.mcmlraent to tlie Consti- tution oui;ht to be made if necessary, and he declared his helicC that every state in the Union would be vn favor of "it. Such lan- guage we repent ^s gratifying. Already have tuch soutuneuts, expressed by such men, si- lenced some of the disalFected, ond wc hope to lin pose, let them come from what souite they may. FOrRTH SESSION" 180G-T. At this session Mr. Adams was chair- man of the Judiciary committee; also, chairman of the Library committee; also, chairman of the committee on all bills, resolutions, and amendments.-^ He was also on all committees in rela- tion to th« Army; Public Debt; inter journals of Massachusetts and of the United States. At this session, Feb- ruarv 23. Mr. Adams introduced the FIRST RESOLUTION EVER intro^ daced into Congress in relation to INTERNAL IMPROYEftlENTS,, which produced at the next session, Mr. Gallatin's famed report, which was then, on motion of Mr. Adams, printed. To rebut this whole mass of teslimon}', we are met in the press and and in tire halls of Congres?, Vv-ith a little satirical song v/ritten at this pe- riod, (June, 1807.) Too unimportant in itself to notice, and only deriving its importance from the use that has been made of it. This song certamly con- tains no political heresy, for it contains no political principle. A proposiiion was made by Mr. Barlow to rob Colum- bus of a ray of his glory, and confer it on Captain Lewis, by changing the name of Columbia river to Lewis's. This proposition was justly ridiculed in tlic song attirbuted to Mr. Adams. The only allusion to Mr. Jetferjon in this song, is to« slander on him, which the writer classes with other things, which in his belief had no existence. It was written to a most intimate friend, without a view to publication, and got into print without the knowledge of course with S(. Domingo; fire at Ports- |thc writer, or the person to whom it mouth; Weights and Measures. He j was addressed. Wits, in their satire in was also on the following committees, private parties and in private corres-i his election to which, shows in the jpondenre, spare neither friend nor foe, strongest degree, the confidence re- land the most liimiliar friends are often posed in him by the Administration, most severely lashed in this way. In atnd in t«liese measures he acted iir. oi> rf^lation to iJii'i and oth^-r ad'-mptito 3:i8 VINDICATION Of TUE POLITICAL CONSISTEJftY OF slander hin» in his relations with Mr. i JelTorsoii, Mr. Adams thus wrote in his' answer to Alexander Sinythe: "I hope I and trust this paper will pass underi tlie I ye of Mr, Jcffenon himstif. I say.j without fear of being disavowed by| liim, that he will not approve of the] vse of hii7iam€ by any one, lor the pur-j pose of casting odium upon mc.''' He 1 also adds: " 1 never gave a vote, cither in hostility to the Administration of Mr. Jeirersoi), or in disreij-ard to Re- publican principles, or in aversion to; Republican patriots." i Just after the close of the session, April, 1807, Mr. Adams did attend a Federal caucus for i.omiuiUing slate' otlicers. and his name appears to their! proceedings as chairmaiu 'i'his would be a strong fact to s1r;w him a parly i man, if it could not be explained. But we have a most ample explanjition of it. To this |)criod,uot\viihstaiidiiighis independent support of the administra- lion, he yet ciiir)ycd the confidence of, most of tile federal party in Boston,: uiid the time iiad arrived when it was] important to endeavour to unite that . party with those who supported the iialionai adininislration. The mea- sure of our wrongs was full. In the Senate of the Union, these wrongs} were all suomitted to coinniittees of| which Mr. Adams was a member, and! lie rtcarly saw that tlic only way to ob- tain redress was to unite the country! in support of such measures as the ad- ininistralion migiit take to obtain r<;- i ■dress. That the Republican jiarly would support sutii measun-*, was clear, and it was a great object to ; anite the Federal party also, In the same cause. Tiie plan Was neither quixotic nor \ isionary, for at the pR>- vious session in the Seuate, the votes on concurring, had been iinauimous, even Col. Pickering having voted thai Great Britain had violated our rights. Who was Governor of Massachusetts, was of small moment, pro\ided liial state and ihe rest of New F.ngland would sustain the administraiion in a war, if war ensued. An unfortunate •ccurrence in the Massachusetts legis- lature, had a tendency to excite a spirit least conformable to a united action of Hh two part iiL-;. Gov. 'strong received ) some three or four hundred more votes than Judge Sullivan, the Republican c;uulidate. Both brdnches of the le- gislature were Republican; and in the Senatv, by a manage'mcnt di~gra';eful to ttic iiepublicau party there, but such as all parties in times of excite- ment may yield to, so many votes were rejected as to defeat the election of Governor Strong, and thu~ also defeat (he voice of the people at the poles. — This report, which was accepted in the Senate, caused great excitement. It was, however rejected in the House, and the voice of the people in the elec- tion of Governor prevailed. At the eiisui'ig election, this violent attempt to defeat the election of Governor Strong, wa^ to have been made the ral- lying jjoint of the Federal party, and to effect this, some most-inflammatorv resolutions were prepared to be olfer- ed to the meeting. Mr. Adain* heard of this, aiid determined at all hazards to defeat them. With this view, and for the first time, he allended ;i party caucus of the people. He tuoveJ the commitment of these resolutions; he diveisted them entirely of an inllamnia- tory and party character, and reported merely sound abstract prim rples, to which any one could readily accede. Hi' report was accepted. The chair- man of ilie meeting, the laie John Phil- lips, afterwards President of the Sen- ate, the intimate friend of Mr. Adams, was named in tlio?c resolutions as ji Senator; he therefore declim-d puilirig his ivame to thcni. and reijue-ted Mr. Adams to take (be ciiair for (hat pur- pose alone. Had Mr. Adams ileclined. he would have put to hazard the vic- tivry he had thus achieved, and would have be>n incapacitated from farther power to aid the adminisl ration in uniting all parties for national de- fence. I'^nder tlie circumstances of the case, all will ap|>rove his course, and every one must admit, that it proves any thing, rather (ban thatat this lime he was a Federal pariizaiu It ii highly propable that the election of Gov. Sullivan, the subsequent week, was much aided, if not ei,>urcd, by the spirit of union he infused, and by sliding the rising tempest in its birdi. A few weeks after this meeting, Ihfi. JOHIV QUIJifCV ADA>tS. Hid Clifsapeuke frigate was attacked in i most powerful; the recoil was greater leaving our watei's by a Biilish !*qii;id- ! tiian the sluMrk, aiui Ntw England was ion. Mr. Adams requested tiie select- j undeceived, and awakened to her sen- meu of Barton to call a mectiug on the ses again. The legislature of Massa- e which reported the patri acts. What a iKjble example toother otic resolutions there adopted. Ten Senators, similarly situated. The Re- lays after, tLe presi^ure of ])Ublic opin- publicans of Massachusetts in\ited him ion induced llic call of a town meeting to stand as Governor, but as he thought in Boflon; at this meeting. ]\lr. Ad- the oliice belonged to Lieutenant Gov- ams was appointed Chairman of the eriwrLiiKoln, he refused to be run. — committee to prepare the resolutions, Mr. Madison appointed him minister to and the resolutions tlien passed, were • Russia, and before his departure, the from his pen. After this meeting Republicans, with Houestus, Be.vja- Doclor Charles Jarvis, the leader 'mix Austin, at their head, invited uiin of the Repul)lican partv, being ask- to a public dinaer. Before Mr. Ad- c^l liow he got along with his old. ams left the country, he wrote the re- opponents, naming them. Afts^r his view of the works of Mi, Ames, in reply to the queslion, he said there which he pointed out the daiigerous was one man on the committee whoac principles therein defended, and warn- coaduct had inspired him with the ed the people against such measures ni)=l perfect conlidenoc, and that man as led to the Hartford Convention,, was J. Q. ADAMS. I and as will inevitably follow from the late proceedings in Soutii Carolina, if riFTU SESSION, I SOT-S. | persevered in. For this review, and As no act of Federalism, after this liis embargo letter, he deserves the period, is alleged against Mr. Adams, lasting gratitude of his country, and he is now admitted to have joined . The Tindication of Mr. Adams is the administration at this period, it ■ now completed; we have shown by a is unnecessary to name the committees j mass of evidence, that he never wa.-> a on which he s'erved. They were more Federalist in tiic parly sense. From numerous than at the former sessions. ! the burthen of the evidence it might Ali our wrongs, and the measures for, well be contended, that ■duri-.g ihe their rcdress,'were submitted to him, j whole pcriotl of his life, lie wa'- a Re- arid lie took the lead in the Senate. — publican in the party sense. But such To him was committed the outrage on' a posifon, though resting on much the Ciiesapeake ; he was on the com- stronger evidence than the converse, mittee which kcponod tlie imbargo ! would not be correct. The zeal of hill, and he made the report for ex- ' party never animated him, but the pelling John Smith from the Senate, fire ol' patriotism ever burnt brigiit in for concurring in Burr's conspiracy, his bosom. To a friend v,ho five years sincej wrote to Mr. Adams, in relation to tlife slanders on his character, he replied in a private letter: "That cbaractcrs of persons prcfcnleiJ In tlie imblic lor election to otlices of trust, .'.lionM be trictlj an J Rvcn sevcrel) scrutinized, is both Pickering and l.l<"'"^"" ^l"'''"'''''- Far from objcrtin): to the , • J ,, • J r .1 J ■ • .'xercisc of this censorial power as re«nect? my- sustai;:cd the w.^dom of the admmis ,eK, l ,lo i ->. cou,. lain that u i- rx'.-.dcU to tration. The cflfcct it produced was! the tranaacyions of mj private life, and sraroh- M w During this session, lie attended the meeting which ruiminatcd .Mr. Madison. At the close of (his session, Col. Pick- eringissued his iiitter philippic k against the embargo, in a letter whidi -iiook New Kngland to the centre. But Mr- Adams in hi'^ answer thereto, com pletely refuted Col 3M- FROM VEW-JERSEV.— <:EN. JACKSON A JiEGRO TRADEtt. es my religious opinions; That it (liscus=os my, close, but with proper e:*ertioii, ihc manner-, m> dopoKinent, my tomprr, and '"" j C AUSF, OF THE PEOPLE MUST quiri-^ '^veii of the orikr of my docuculic ccoii- . , .,, , . , ■ • . . i fl return visit':. Not that I have the prp- turbulent, aud disingenuous opposi- iiintion to imapinp that, in tlie is»uc of this f_p aminatiun, 1 can ccapc the detection of cr- ' . rs ami inlinuitios, hut because it is necessary I The SOUrce? of Uiy mforndation, arc omv. andtbe principles upon which 1 rcccivc[^nd will triumph over an inlatuatcd, and sumn examina Tors ! , to the full aail ptrfcct dtvcloprnirnt of the j by no means doubtful, and I tliink 30U cl^ectivc franchise; ana l,ocQ.jsp,rel.vin?up«| I f, j j^,,,,^ ourniaiority at the justice of thf people, I ran neitiier refuse to I • r>' 1 J J nhidc by the sentepr.c of their judtcment, nor | 3000. But let US not presume or Our reluct at tUc e\hii>itioii before them of alllhei slrenfjlh. and anticipated superiority, cvKlence which may , end to enlighten their dr. ^„ J thereby relax into snpincncss and cisiun. It is not to bcexpc-tcd, that under the . . . " , • ■ ■ n -n 1 excitement of aJl the passions, incidental to a , inactivity, thmkitip; all will be well, po)iular election, the laws of truth will be ol>- j but let Us bc up and doing, and render ,er»ed in tbe charee«ofhcnteJpYV"'''='''''^ I if possible, our success doubly Sure. amuNt all the bilternoes with which I have been 1 • 1 1 .1, .1 i i_ 1 as.-ailcd, I hav(' derivr4 much satisfaction, by j ralsicd :)e the arm that hangs down in inlerring from tlie natur»of thecharjes broiijht a pood Cau«c. The end is to bc at- ngai.u.t Bie. the absence of such as might have j^i„pj p,^] , t,,p ^^^ ^f n^^^ns, and been less answerable. ' ,, ,.•'.•' .1 ,1 ^ .- , I the objecl is worthy the allention ol From a conviction of the justness of j e^^rv patriot. The iionor and welfare these principles neither Mr. Adams ^f p^^ beloved country is at stake.— nor his friends have relucted at the se-l „ formidable opposition, fharshalpd by verest scrutiny. The defence has ne-| ^ f^w disappointed political aspirant;, cessanly been long, for it has covered' ;, jr,.j„.„ ^j, ;„ b-mje array,— the vo- a space of twenty years, and exter.dedj taries of niwlcrii Joah, transported with back forty years. It during the latter ni.,j enthusiasm, and the dazzle of mar- portion of the time. Mr. Adams's con-j ti^j gio^y, seem strangely de;ermined duct has the appearance of more de- ; to tram-.wl the wherls'of governm-.-nt. votion to the administration it wasthe;.,nj overturn the fair fabric 01 our result of the existing state of atFairs. f^ce instiMitions. by madlv exchai.i'ing In a quiet and prosperous course of, ,1,^, REPUBLICAN STATESMAN, things, the patriot need not take any very active part in the affairs of his country; but when that country' is in danger, and her honor invaded, lie will FOR A MILITAIIY DESPOT! Is not tiic Rei^ii of Terror impenu- i-ig? Arc not the friends of a wise ami prttrioiic .Administration. caH'-d upon not hesitate to rally with all his cnev-\^^ p^t forth their mightiest ollort.s?. gies to support the adaimistraUon, Let us remember tiie Ides of March! whicli is sustaining her honor and de- fending her riEfhts. the downfall of the Roman Republic! and be zealous in a good cause: the cause of the people: rely upon the arm of L-rael's God for strength, and HE will orderour political battle, and crown us with victory, and ultimatt success. AN OLD SCHOOL DEMOCR.\T -V. J. Jiugust, 1828. tiEXFKAI. J VCKSON A KEGI^O TRASER. [No room is left for doubt, that (ienrra .larks. in, anion!;^t other mean- to accunjiihiti wealth, engaged in the business of huyini; ne groes and sending theni to market. The fol- lowing e'litrart from .a piihlirntion made by Andrew Krwin, and puSli'hed in the .National Banner, printed at Nn«hville, Anqiist C, 18JS, ie '• military chieHain"."—, '■""''""'/"" ""^" ",'' ""' .'!V'' ;''"'■'-■'''' }'•''• *nnn>it it to "iir rrader* without comment' — , FROM JfEW-JKRSEY. Amoiic;-;! the many flattering ac- counts of Oluo's attachment to the cause of her country, I am happy to learn from ti>c lip,* of a gentleman, lately from Warren in that state, (a man of information and unquestioned Vfiacitv,) that Ohio will mi)>t assured- ly go for the. Administration by an overwhelming iniijority, — the .Jackson humbug to the contrary notwitlistand- ing. And I venture, sir, confulcntlv to assert, that New Jersey will tilso give her vote to the <;latesman, in prel crcncc to Thccontcst, I know will be warm and Certainly, it rcq'iires none.] GEN. JACItSON A NE'JRO TRADER. 331 " A; d now si,, it remains lor nie lo redei m the pledi^e 1 iiavc givin to i\n: pu lie, to prove } on a «eifu trader, n you dated io den^ it. I consider the pubiicatiuns of the 30th ol Ma}' and the I llh of July, in the Rtp .nlicau, as intei'dcd to be a flat denial on j'our pan, of the charge, parlicularly the latter puMication — and both evidently by your autlioritj. U is manifest in- deed, you do not wisi) it to b> believed. It has been pronounced by your sup- porters, a calumny seriously tmpliailing your character, and has been called by your printers, under the impulse of a too hasty zeal, 'an infamous falsehood.' But, when a statcnicsit is made by those :iamc printers, on your ov.n authority, of the circumstances of one transac- tion of the kind, enough, more than enough, is admitted, rompletcly to sus-i ■Iain the charge. This has been al- j ready shown, in the very conclusive and unanswerable letter of Dtictor McNairy, which neither you, nor ■any of 3 our p;irtizans, have even attempted to controvert. It is remarkable, how- liver, that you did not contrive a story in the fu-st instance, which you and your friends could steadily adhere to. On the contrary, we find your news- paper giving one account on the 30th of May, and quite a different one on the 11th of Jul}. Besides other ma- terial variations, it will be seen tliat ihe former represents the amount of the first payment, at S20G0, while the latter fixes" it at §205d Yet great exultation is expressed, on the pre- iumjition of the minute accuracy of vhis latter statement, in the idea tiiat ihc sum of §929,45, is not a propor- tional part of $2050, and consequent- ly, could not have been your share of the first payment to Epperson. But before I proceed with any further com- ments on your own admission?, I will lay before you and the public, a little ovidencc on the subject, derived from another source. A purchase of nc- •.;roes is acknowledged to have been made, in 181 1, by the firmof roleman, Green Sc Jackson. The members of ihe firm were, Joseph Coleman, Hor- ace Green, and yourself. I will in the first place, present you with the state- ment of your partner, Mr. Horace Green, wlio, you know, was in iSash- ville a few dajs since, and «as seen airf by Capt. Coleman, and Gen. JacK80N. The negroi were taken by me to Natchez, for s.ile, and a [lart of theni sold. — In the month of December, (I think) of the same year, I received letters from Gen. Jack- son, (which letters are at this time mislaid) dd- \iimg me (f^he had purchased out Cajit. Cole- man, in BOTH tht.v: transaetluiis,and offering to sell out t> mc al cost, by securing him, or lo Be V ME OUT, and refunil t> me the advames wliich I had made. 1 tliouglit proper to sell. In rela- tion to the purchase of the negroes, aUh^'U^h I had no understanding to thatetTect, Irora eifher Capt. Coleman or Gen. Jackson, I thought he stood in the s.4me sitcation as in the pur- chase of Ihe cotton and tMbacco, from thi; cir- cumstance, as I then lielieviJ, it w\s his CREDIT WHICH HA1> 1;>.\1II.ED US TO MAKE THE PURCHASE Capt. Coleman made the negotiation, and I made the selection. The negroes were, at the time of the transaction, at Capt. Coleman's plantation. Hear this plsce, and 1 do 'lot now recollect that he saw them Ijcfore they ilescemled the river. I am, rcsjiectfully, H.GREEN. It seems then, from this statement, that a partnership was formed in the year 1810, between yourself, Joseph Coleman, aad Horace Green. You 3a2 GESf.. JACKSOV A NEGKO TRAUEn. wereappJifd to, in the first place, it is true, to become a securily, but you in- sisted on being placed in the light of a pnrlner, A firm was therefore consti- tuted under the style of ^ Colcm;in, Green, & Jackson;" and in the spring of 1811, a pirchase was mxide by the i\rm, with your nsstnt; (for your prin- ters admit, that the contract with Ep- person, was signed by yourself, as well afi by the other partners,) for tiie pur- chase of TipoToci, to the aimmiit of ten thousand dollars. One-tliird of that portion of the purchase money which was required in advance, Mr. Green expressly tells us was paid by him, aiid tlie other two-thirds, he undcr- stoo'l, were paid by Captiiin Coleman a^d General Jackson. Now sir, let us see what jpm yoimsclf say, as to the payment of these two-thirds. TIk: Ibllowiiig is an exact copy of a mem- orandum, in ifo\tr haiul-nritios;, which, in ectioB with the above state- ment of Mr. Green, leaves no room for th :• slighiest doubt, a.s to the nature of this transaction. A. Jackson amount of pfoporirj)i of cash ibr negrooa l>ot of Ilioti:iril Ep|ierson, $9i0 45.— J. ColemaJi i« to pay tbo note in Bink for in- teri'st on purchase ofcoium from B. Smith, (or $fil3 39, ami the sum of $191*, which be is to pay, anil the ?um of ^125 for biwit, makes up his jtfoporhon, A. Jackson has paid for Kct-I- bont. $X. I'o Capt. Wethcrall iliscouiit, t!U< 'iO(/ia/Aw. Ifill, on the liiilreinittc(: \V. Jack- son i: CO. on Jamcj Jackson 4c co. $U 51 ; anil al?o §16 on note cnHorsfcove is in your own hand-wri- tiug — all in one paragiapi.. and could not have bocH written previous to the ■20tli of Noveml)cr, yet it corrc-ctly re- cites your payment (o him of the 21sl of May, and was my authority for sav- ing it appeared by your own Iiaiid-wri- ti"ig, that yot payment to Kpperson. Now sir, [ know nothing about the a- in'iunt of your first payment, (and u-vrsaid F did,) except from yourown statomeiit above quoted, ami now from the additional st;ii(>ment of Ilorac*' Green. But it will not do for you to rely upon anv private nx'njoranilum or agreement of your own, in contradic- tion of these statements, unless yon candidly develope the whole matter, briieg Ivick all your books and papers, which Aou have withdrawn from bank with so much trepidation, and release the bank ofiicers from ;UI obligations of secrecy, so that we may have a full view of this transaction, as well as of some others perhaps of a similar kind. It has l)een .siid indeed, that the .s029,- •1.5 spoken of in the memorandum, as paid by you to Epperson, might ha\e i)een the expenses attending the at- tempt to sell the negroes, ascertained and refuiHled by you after they were brought back. Miserable subterfuge I That amouiil sir, you know full well, was p;iid by you to Eppeison, three days after the alleg<'d date of the con- tract for the parcha.ie of the negroes; and the above memorandum tonciu- sivcly shows^ that Coleman was (o pay H sunx almost precisely equal. By adding together the three sums, .5'G1.3,- 39,19i,.33, and 125. we Ikwc the a- inount of .S'029.72, which is 27 cents more than the sum paid b_v yourself. Green likewise paid a similar amount; and he tells us dis'inclly, that he paid one third, and that the balance, as he understood, was paid by Captain Co!e- njan and Geiioral Jackson. It is pos- sible indeed, that the aggregate sum thus advanced, may have paid not only the first instalment to Epperson, but also sundry expenses attending the transportation; such as the purchase of a bo.it, provisions, &z.c; and this is the more prol)alile, as it is stated in the memorandum, that .S'12.5of tiic amoui't paid by Colenian, wa< for a boa;. But it is quite uiineressary for me to puzzle myself about the details of these trans- actions; it is enough that you arc con- rhisiyply established as a NEGRO TR.A DER, not as SECURITY, for that idea i- perfectly ridiculous, but AS .\ P.\RTNER in the transaction. \o\i were solicited to be a security ("or Cole- man and Green, in the purt li.'i'-e of cot- ton and tobacco, but would not, on ac- count of the magnitude of the risk, consent to lend your capital and credit unles> admitted as a partner, and Mr. Green, one of your firm, says, that al- though nothing special was said about CE\. JACKSON A NEGRO TKADER. 333 llie relation you were to occnpy in the ucgro speculation, h.e considered you as standing " in the snmo situation as in the lunchaiQ of tlie cotton and to- bacco," tor the very ol)vio\is reason, that your cralit enalded tlie (iini to make tiie iiurchasojand lie ;nii;!it liavc iidded tlie still nioic concl'.i.^ivt circuni jstancc-, that you signed the cu;i(iatt as a partner, and actually paid down in cash, one third part ot' tjie amo»int reuuired in advance. It is perl'ectly ridiculous, indeed, (or you to expect to ESCAPE the odium of this transaction, by representing youscif as a security, and not a principal. You paid your money, risked your credit, signed your name to a contract, drew bills, gave notes, wrote checks, and afterwards purchased out tiie interest of your partners, became yourself solo owner, went to the lower country, and tinuing yourself unable to sell thcni to advan- tage, yoa brought part of the objects of your speculation back with you, passed the Choctaw agenc)- in triumph, a^nd afterwards, no doubt, deposed of them in some other way, as you admit vou sjdM the greater part of them. Is it not then a pi:Lful story to say you were not a voluntary agent in those transactions? You were a security forsooth: and how do you attempt to prove a thing so improbable and absurd? Not by your friend, who wAs himself concerned in the fransodion. He says you refl'sed to lie a tncre secu- rity; but insisted on being a PARTN'ERi! that your credit enabled the tirm to make the purchase, and that he under- stood, yon advanced your projvortion (one third,) of the purchase money. How then flu you attempt to prove your ridiculous talc? The only parti- cle of proof otFered by you, is an al- leged copy of a mrmoraivlum of ymtr ';zt7!, contradicting all your other mem- moranda, and exhibited only to a few of your chosen confidants. If you are so ready to refer to a part of your doc- uments, wh\' are you not etpially ready to expose them all? Why have you not candidly exhibited all your books and papers, which cannot fail to dis- cover how the transaction really was, and boldly called on friend and foe to ♦"omc forward and examine tbcni? We should then see when the payment was made to Epperson, which 1 assert, was three days after the alleged date of your agreement. On the contrary, you have hurried all your document* away to your private dcnk, where they icmain carefully concealed ; atid in the vain \\n[Hi of picventing the produc- tion of evidence, you have taught your printers not only to hint "at the in- Jignaiil Jlasliiiii^ of your eye.''' but to at- tempt to intimidate peaceable, citizens l)y tlireafs on tlieir part, promptly to assail tlic private character of any man who shall dare to give testimony unfavourable to you. ^Vhat confi- dence then, under such circumstances, can be reposed in this alleged memo- randum, on the back of your agree- ment ? Does it i!0(. rather create sus- picions of something wors-,: than has hitlierto bicn discovered? But sir, without dwelling longer on this point, I will call your attention, and that of the American people, to the following letter from a gentleman whose high standing is well known to the citizens of Tennessee — a gentleman not only above reproach in private life, but dis^ tinguished for his public services in the Legislature of the state, and the Congress of the nation. Lockeland, June Hlli, 1828. Col. Andrev/ Euwi>', SiK ; — In answer to your letter, aiidresseil tomeofthe 2Gtli ult. making enquiry relative t.j what kuowliclire I iiuve respecting Gen, Andrew Jacliu»iuore was iiol th.-rc-, or iroui home. He told thciii to tell -Mr. Uiusmorc, he r-hould have been glad to have seen him, but he could uot wait, that he was j;oing on home with hi^ necroks. A fellow i iiiiined John .\nip, whom 1 riiued, and ttun sold , 6yut in frout as the General then tated.— The .ibove is a true >tateuieut ■ f wluit I hturd Cei. Vniihew JAcKSO.Nsay in Na-.hvitle, after his return from Natchez. It maj not be the precise words, but it is the substance, to (behest of «i¥ now rctoUeclion. 1 am, sir, )Our« re- spectfully, H. \VE.\KLEY. It seems from this letter, that the purchase from Epperson was not the only negro spctulation in wiiich your firm was concerned. You bouglit ol John Brahan, and probably, if all the transactions could be brought to light, of several other persons. But my main object in introducing the above letter, is to show your respect for the law? and constituted authorities of your country. You even boasted, it seems, of having armed your negro slaves, in order to FIGHT/Acirii-a^/, if necessary, rather tlian conform to the rer^tlotions af goiernmenl, and procure and pro- dnce a passport for ther". This, sir, iS perfectly consistent with your dec- laration, in your celebrated letter toG. W. Campbell, about sweeping (rom the earth the invader of legal rights, and involving Silas Dinsmore in tlie flames ofhis U'^ency house!! Is this a spirit to be patronized and cherished by the people of these United States? Does this not also explain the hcighlh and depth of your untiring, malignant per- secution of myself, who, alone, or near- ly so, defended my unsuspecting, poor, but honest neighbours, again-^t your ■iwinrllins; comlnnniion to 0O~DEl*R' V R THEM OF THF.IR HOUSES .\ND HOMES, so fairlv and honestly bought and PAID for, Ijij them, as set forth in transcripts from the records, by the "Tenncsscan," in his numbers, from two to seven, each included. Dins- more was threatened with consuninig lire, forgiving you the trouble of ob- taining a passport in strict conformity with the laws of the country, and in the laithful execution of (lie confidence re- posed in him by government. -Vi/ crime was of a deeper dye. 1 deprived vou of sweeping three or fourliundred thousand dollars wortli, of iny neigh- bors" lands, into your own [locket by taking advai.iage of }our own agci.cy, so well described in Judge Anderson's Iciier, (in the sevenlli number of the 'Teiuiesscan,') for which you l)ad not p.iid one dollar: neither had your part- ner, P. H. Darljy, who got"<;5000 of the .'5IO.OOO you so uiiriglitoously ex- torted out of the people, ralhcr than be longer harrassed by you and him. — You also got 6 or g'OOO worth of land from me, for your individual benefit in said compromise, about which yoa have been very silent; and are yet — in open violation of that article of compromise — causing five or sis of my worthy, but poor neighbors, to be har- rassed with lawsuits; although every iota of the agreement has been com- olied with on our part. This accounts ibr the perpetual torture I have un- dergone for ten years, by your printers, partizans, dependants, and expectants; and particularly for my p'l-scculion here ai:d elsc>vherc, by co-workers in the fireside business. Eaton and Cal- jhoun, who Bsed Wirt's oflicial charac- ter, for your special benelit, I do not positively say, knowingly on his part. Is a man to be elevated to the Presi- dency, who will not only resist, himself, the constituted authorities of the coun- try, and Ijoast of liis arms as his only passports, but will even encourage his negro slaves in rebellion, and ordei them to tight their way, and if resisted, to spill the blmid of respectable freemen, engaged in the discharge of public du tics!'.! I will now ask your attention to the following brief extract of a letter writ- ten bv you to a gentleman on business, (not in bank) and dated Hermitage; .March lOlh. 1812. "HaWugto attend Wilson circuit court, it wii. not be in my power to be in Nashville neJl week. I am very much enpated to arrance m> I)iisine6s JO that I can leave home on tho trip WITH MY NEGROES tOll S.\LE." The letter containing the above sen- tience, is in vourowii hand-writing, and is signed 'ANDIIKVV ,1 AC'KSON. 1 shall not trou!ile myself to conjee- - ture whether it relates to some of the same negroes purchased c '" E;]t!)eKai»^ GEN. JACKSON A NEGHO TRADER. 33;;^ by tlic firm, Coleman, Green, and JACKSON, or whether it refers to another speculation. It is enough to show, at any rate, that you did not. hes itate to speak freely, at that time ol" your being actually eni;ai:;ed in ncpo traffic. Nor is it necessary to dwell upon a dispute between yourself and Epperson, which was referred te the arbitration of Judge Haj-wood and , Judge Overton, respecting a oegro fellow OirYOU BOUGHT FOR thk EXPRESS PURPOSi; OF SELLING to Kennar and Henderson at New Orleans, expecting (o obtain for liim the enormous sum of §2000, provided you could procure the certificate of D. Moore, and others, as to his being a good blacksmith. You no deubt re- collect tlie circumstances of that case; and notwithstanding the reluctance which may be felt, to encounter, un- necessarily, the '■•iiiliffnanl Jlashiiin- of your c^e," something can be produced in relation to it, ia yoni- own hrmd vritiiiff likewise, if it should be found expedient to recur again to the thread- bare topic. I have already made this communi- cation so long, that 1 will only trouble you at present with one other little document relative to OirANOTHF.R INSTANCE OF NEGRO TRAFFIC, IN WHICH YOU WERE CON CERNED. The writer of this letter is a re»peciable citizen of Sumner county, and he is well supported by the records of a controversy about this same negro in court, of manv years standing, in the nam<'S of JACKSON and Hutching*, vs. Rollins. The fol- lowing is I\lr. Blythe's letter to a friend : ~1sh. Groi-e, July '20tt, 1928. Sir, — In reply to j^our inquirj as to my ■knowledge of Gen. Jackson being concerned in buymj; and felling slavei, I will briefly state, that about the year lf!05 or 6, Gen. Jackson and n Mr. Ilutchin.j«, (his nephew by marriage) had a store in Gallatin. Abniit that time 5rfc:GRO BO V, AND SENT HtM TO THE LOWER COUNTRY TO SELL. The negro h id been pre- viously in the hands of Dr. R. to cnre ti sore leg, and was sold by Rollins to them, with a knowledge, by both paigties of that fact, as 1 nnder^tnod at the time. Some time after- wards I had been up the Ohio, and on my re- turn by the way of Smithland, 1 came to the' place ca-Ued tho Horse Ford, tt.low Eddvvillp. I where Ixvits were cumpelled to stop, by reason 'if low water, where 1 saw the negro above al- uded to, in a barge on his return from the low- er country, where they had been unable to sell mm, by reason of his lee breaking out afresh. When the ne;.;ro oauie hrorae, hi' was put under Dr. Ward, anil died, jickson and Hutchings sued Rollins for a fraud in the negro; the suit was pending several years, and finally decided i'l favor of Rollini. I was summnned as a witness in the c.i'se. I have heard that there were OTHER SLAVES I'URCHASED BY OirJACKSON=CO anJ Kutchints and =ent to the lower country for '.ale; but it is so ionc since, that I do not a'cllect any other particu- lar case than the one named; and this one is impresKd onmii metnory Irom the circnmstancp of the long and vexation-, lausint, to which Dr. RolliiH wa< subjecli d, niid the other facts- re- latoE<;K0 TRAUIIR.— llETHENClIIIKST RKPOIIT.' ces with wliich you are connected, is a' misapplication of Ibose to whom it serious injurv to you and your cause. . must lie intrusted. You should show hy your pr.iclice a* i ft is in the very nature ol" things, ■wi II :is your professions, that you are ! that ilie dishOrscrs and rocoivers of incapabli- of mananivrin!; Ijo avoid re- public money should he displeased at sponsihilit). Witiiuc,- wliiit lias hcfal- ='11 enquiry into their various opera- leu vou by denying tliat you nvulo any tions, where any possible discretion advances of cash to Richard I'^pixTson, may Iw. or has been, exercised. Kvery fortliose negroes, and the inlroduc tion thing is disagreeable that touches our of your own certificate attested J. A. intei-esls or our convenience. Tne u])on your own agreement to l)uy ne- { wisest men know that discretion is, at groes, which you Considered conclu- beet, but matter of ofrinion, Consc- sive; when t'.ie fact is, it is conclusive ■ (|ucntly, lie, «ho placed in the situa- against you, as ihrce days after that i lion to ex.rcise it, would have decid::d date, your payment to Richaid l'4)ix,'r- ! in exactly ihe same way, when called son, for ,5-929.45, which }ou stated, six \ upon to judge of its L-xcrcise by aiioth- months after, was made for lliat ex- i er, would unrc;ervedly coi.demned it. press purpose, renders your own cer- ; And, in either case, 'Tould be equally tihcate null and void, to all intent* i honest in his opinion: tlic dilTe.cncc and purposes, and places you before trit.sulting from l)eing placed in dillercnt the American people in a new dress, j circumstances. 'But the very reasons which 1 would not wear for ten times which render such invcftigations dis- as many bubbles as have l>ccn floating agreeable to those wiio handle the j.ub- about vou, and the favour of all your j lie money, opci'ale upon those irom iiiders and abettors in concealing your whom it is collected, to require that Orimcs." I they should be frequently institut- , I cd. The apprehension of a strict scnitiny would, of itself, restrain many aberrations from correctness. — UKTnENfll.UCNT Ki:i-OKT. | But tlie ])rineipal benetil is to be ex- pected from (lie correction of abuses, in their early stages of existence, be- fore they h;ive ripened into precedent, or ellerled an} serious mischief. The reile- ject, (here is a proncnew to abuse, I lied me; that the recent appointment .■-ecmiiigl) inseparable from our nature. ' of a committee of Ihe Hou-e of Rcprc- wiiich can only be kept in check, by senta(i\es, to examine into the slate of Ihe most active and incessant \;il, (o re- j exjienses might be- retrenched, wasr gard the jjublic ptirse as one u[)oniiiot only a corrtct, but a judicious wiiJi every kind of depredation is al-' measure, lowable, jirovidcd it is so committed, 1 regarded it as no objection, that i( as not to incur legal pnnislunenl. 1 was a (inie of high party ex< itcinent, Men, in other cases ninderate and up- 'and a majority in Congress well di«- right, appear to lose all cons.cience, [vosed to detect and expose all abuses ulien exliibiling claims against the pub- that might really exist: or even exag- Hc. It would seem as if the rage forj gerate that into abuse, which was not public cilice, that pervades all conn- reprehensible in itself. There is too liies, might have its orighi in the hope much reason to l^elieve that, except in of obtaining an np|>or(unily to batten I sueh a state of parties, no cla-e and upon the public spoil with some degree' Ihorotigh esaminalion would Ive niadc. of inipunit\. The conviction (hat , A cennnittee. indisposed to fnid limits, such was and is a prevalent disposition. ■ would be very apt to overlook Ihcni, gave rise to all tlic eonstitutional and | whilst one determined to find them at legal cheik-. nhieii have !>een devised,' any rate, woub' !>c ^ure to ferret them fo protect the pnblii- pursp from the out, if they existed. I'^rom a commitr RETItE.MCKMK?(T REPORT. MT t«e opposed to (he whole body of men j happen witlioiit fault being attached to engaged in administering the govern- any one. For as the population and ment, and resolved to disposses tiiem 'lusiness of (he country increases, pub- of power, if possible, the country \vou'ld j lie labour and public expenditure must be fure of obtaining an exposition of : increase «-itli Ihein. all that could be ecnsun^d. Thus the | From these comparisons the Conn- people would kr)ow the worst that ' miltee pass to something like specifiea- could be said of their servants, becaiise j tions; and thev first recur to a slander said by their worst er.emies, with all whispered about last winter to the pre- the means of detection within tiieir ! judice of tlic late Daniel P. Cook. — reach. With a reference to this state j This subject was ])rought before th« of" facts, the report of the Committee ! Committee on the 25th of April, bj *hould be reviewed and examined. I Mr. Hamilton, tlie Chairman, upon the The report itself occupies 41 pages; i suggestion of a citizen whom he "rftrf the documents 39 pages; the journal | ?(0forturic ol being taken sick in llic public employ ougiit not to deprive him of compen- sation. The Committee think he ought to have received notiiing, or "a/ all fxcnts,"' not more than tlie payment of this subject, that serves to charac- terize the spirit in which the whole re- port is written. In spccilviiig to whom the amount was paid, the Committee set down: '• Morgan, Lodge ^ Fisher, prinifrsfor C. Ilamnwnd.' No man can mistake the objcc t for of his passage to Buenos Ayres. No i whicli my luime is dragged into thi3 doubt they now thiiik tiiis a very just view of the cnsc. But shoukl (ien, Jackson be elected PresiJrnt, Martm Van Buren be Secretary of State, and statement. It ir obviously intended to give color to the thousand and one Arabian Nights' Tales that are circu- lated about my connexion with the Mr. Cliarlcs Wi'.klilfe be sent b'-arer t Secretary of State. Mr name did of despa'.che*, and encounter a simi- i not appear in the account, and could lar mislbrtune, — it is clear to me, the ! have no possible relation to it. The gentlemen who composed the majority i assertion thus made bv the committee, of the Committee, would then view ; is not true — Morgan, Lodge ^ Fisher, the thin'*tee. Nothing but the delusion ish part of the document. The reason assigned for noticing this item. is. that in the opinion of the Committee, the amount, $3,253, greatly exceeds "what ought to have been paid for such an uid phrcnsy of party excitement, could induce any toleralile lawyer to suppose, that money, paid on the order ol' the President, for services like those of Mr. King, could be recovered back in object." This, it will be seen, is a mere { '^ «"'' at law- question of expediency, upon which I The sum of , $1000, paid to Jonathan diirerent men might very honestly dif | Elliot, for 100 volumes of a book enti fcr in opinion. tied " the Diplomatic Code," is also T^erc is a litdc affijir in the notice objected to, as bcvond the value ol the RETKESCH.UBST RErORT. 3St article purchased, and a misapplication of the foreign intercourse fund. Lastly, th<; sum of ,$16-23 IG cpn's, paid by tlic State Department for Newspapers in three years, is no- ted without specific or general objec- tion to it. Such is the whole sum and substance of the specilication? of unnecessary ex- pendiiurc, detected by the commiliee, in tiie State Department. For each of these expenditures, the previous usages of the office furnish abundant precedents. But admitting;, that in every case, smaller sums might have been allowed by other individuals, than the one at the head of the de- partment, that proves nothing to the discredit of the present Secretary. — He has considered the laborer worthy of his hire, and I think It will be found that in no period of the Government, a captious and fault finding committee would have found less to condemn. Let Gen. Jackson be three years Pres- ident, and Mr. Van Buren Secretary of State, and I will vouch their ac- counts will be found much more liable to exception. The affairs of the Treasury do not seem to have interested the committee so much as those of the Department of j were rather disappointed that they report, say they deem the explanation entirely satisfactory. It would require too much room to state here, tlie expla- nation referred to. It may, liowcver, be stated, tJiat the dillcrcncc of ex- pense is accounted for, by showiiig.the differeiit nmou'it of labour to be per- formed in dillcrent years, and tho steady increase of business in 'he office. The case of the fourth Auditor, is singled out from tliose of the o'her Auditors, manifestly for political cliect, and because an accidental increase of expenditure, in the last year, gave some color to the contemplated object. The committee object to the annual appointment of Examiners, to examine Land Ollires, and refer to the case of Mr. John Scott, of Missouri, employed for that purpose last year, but pass no opinion upon it. There could be no- motive to thus introduce and dispose of it, but the discreditable one of af- fording aliment for the vile insinuationt of the Jackson prints with respect to it. The expenditures for books, maps, and charts, and other small contingeii' cies, are objected to. They " seem /ar^e," the committee say, and they re- commend an eiibrt to diminish them. It is quite manifest, that the committee State. The Secretary gave it as his opinion, that the expenses could not be reduced. The committee " withhold could find so little to censure in the Treasury Department, and they pas* in haste to the Navy, where they were their concurrence." They find that i not more successful, the cost of newspapers have annually I The expenses of some Court Mar- increased, and that the expense of ad- 1 tials arc objected to as excessive, and a vcrtising is much augmented. The j few hundred dollars for stationary, aggregate contingent expenses have newspapers, clerk hire, and printing, eradually increased within the lastiare represented in the same light. three years, and exceed, by about nine tliousaiid dollars, those of the three "j^ considerable sum" the committee say, " varying from one lo two hnnHrca last years preceding. The expenses rfo/^ars, is anmially expended in pur- of the General Land Oflice have di- chasing books for the Secretary's of- minished. The account is stated, but j ficc alone." This is not positively con- the fact is not otherwise noticed. Mr. T. Watkins is the fourth Auditor. He is very much attached to Sir. Clay, and is supposed to write occasionally upon political subjects. Particular pains are taken to show that the con- tingent expenses in his office have greatly increased. The committee say the explanations offered are not suf- ficiently satisfactory to justify it. Messrs. Everett and Sergeant in their demned, and can only be introduced; ad cnjiiand\im. The War Department is introdui . 1 with a high compliment to its " JnU - ministration" in other words, to !>■•; Calhoun. This evidence of tl-.e ;-. tial feelings of the committee was < ^' necessary. But if any doubt exist-, J of that feeling it is sufficient to remove, it. No fact is better established, than the profusion of Mr. Calhoun, in his i^ KEIRt.\C«a»*J«r Hiii-OAT. management of the War Department, i serve the remembrance of thera, and No head of tliat Department ever paid | also to gralif>- and please them. It ha« less rt:^ard to specific approjuialioii'^. ' been Uic praclice ^il.C(: the formation in directing expenditures of public ',of the gov-, riiment, and thi? llie tonv monej. Yet a committee especially |niillec well knew. The purpose of engaged in seekin};; out abui^es, and nojo (>bji:c ting lo it cannot be mistaken, cliarged with enquiring for a correc- 1 Amon;»st olheri, exception is taken ti»e, step out of their way to compli- j to an allowance made Mr. McKennv, ment Mr. Calhoun. i the head of tlie I'idian Department, In the first place, rarious coinpara- for his pergonal services, expenses, &,c. tive Tiews arc given, all of which re- i Commissioner at Green Bay, and visit- suit, according to tile opii^ion of the I ing Southern Indian?. The amount i« committee, disadvantagcously to the |>?7,212, for about six mouths service, present state of the Department: and, ' Mr. McKenny was the special favorite conseijurntlyTat every step, anoccasion |of Mr. Calhoun, and under him im- ig taken to eulogise its condition under • bibed his notions of expenditure. We the late admini.-lratiGii. The miiiOrity [ should naturally expect him to be lib- of the commi'tee allege, that the con- ' eral enough. Bui. accordmg to the clu'^ions of the majority, wlio make the , minority of the committee, the nett report, arc produced by " an assumed i compensation to Mr. McKenny, al'ter statement of ficts,"' founded upon deducting his actual expenditures, in " some misapprehension, which the mi- ] travelling expenses and presents to the nority ask le.iTC to rectify." This! Indians, would onlv be about 1 '200 dol- rectilication, appears to me most con- lars, which is a little less per day. than elusive. But we have no room to in- Bob McHat'on or James Kindlay re- scrt cither tl::e assumption or the cor-;ccive, for franking Jackson docamcnts rcction. ' and extra Telegraphs iVom Washing- When the committee resort to speci- ; ton. And posed to detract «nT I thing from the merits of the Postmaster $753 000 I General. Yet I am well persuaded ,-,^ fj()Qi that the same grounds of exception icKX) 0()o' might have been tbund to various ex- 3HI0 00*1 penditures in that department, that With other charge? — for Indians' j liave been so dilig<'ntly searched out board, &c. when in Washington. jin others. I recollect, that la't vcnr The likeness of the President is cn-l the same advertisement, for proposals graved on a silver medal, to be pre- j to carry the mail in Ohio, was publish- sentcd to the Indian chief«. And the led at Columbus. Ixibanon, and Cincin- port raits of ludiaM arc taken to pre- natl. at an eij>en<:c of something like arc soinething like these: To a Clerk, For boiilis of pi)Iitic<, te. An sill arcoiint, Dr. Sibly. Takiiij I're«icli'iit Aduais' liksoA^s, Indiiiii portrait!*, Hi.VjRJ'JU.liafi.XT Rl^lHlAT. 3.1J 1 30 dollars at each place. Had the Postmaster Genera! stood in the same ntkiiowledc;e(i relation to tlie adminis- tration and the ojiposition, that the heads of the other departments stand, the committee, 1 iiave no doubt, would have found out, that this expenditure exceeded " i';> amoitnl, that vhich ought to have beat paid for such an object.^' I notice this matter only by way of il- lustrating the eflect that political feel- ing has evidently had upon the judg- ments of tlie committee. In no part of their report have the committee pursued a more unfair course, than with respect to the *^ Ex- ecutive patronage of the press.'^ Thej exhibit a table of the "amount paid for printing, advertising, and subscription to newspapers, by the Executive de- partment at the seat of Government for the last three years; and for the Gene- ral Post office for the last two years." No reason is assigned for assuming these ditFcrent periods. In the four principal departments, they state the separate account of each for newsp<->- pers and for printing; the post office account is given in the gross amount, and no explanation is given why this course is pursued. The whole amount in round numbers, is seventy-eight thousand eight hundred dollars, The committee express great appre- hension and alarm at the use that may be made of this patronage, and they propose to take it from the executive department, and transfer part of it to the clerks of the two houses, regulate the disposition of part so as to vest it in Congress, and give part of it out by contract to the lowest bidder. To all I this 1 have no objection. I do not bo- 1 lieve that, in any of these modes, the i work will be done better or cheaper, nor do I believe that the existence of] ihis patronage strengthens the Execu- 1 tive, or that being deprived of it, will weaken that department cf the gov- ernment. I doubt whether the exer- cise of it, has not always rather preju- uiced than aided the executive. But JO much clamor has been made about it, I would prefer to see it vested in other hands. When the Committee conie to epeak oft\^ nxtubcrs of Congress th^^nfelve*. and their officers, they admit the sub- ject is one of difficulty, in which there is room for great discrepancy of opiii- ion. They saw no room for tliis, when scanning the conduct of the Executive officers, thus verifying the maxim, that chaiity begins at home. They seem as if hopeless of applying any remedy to the enormous expenses incurred bj long sessions, innumerable calls for documents, and enormous charges for newspapers and printing. The sug- gestions made of the best means of remedying the existing evils, convey strong imputations upon the conduct of the members themselves. To expedite business, and thus shorten the sessions, the}- propose tl.at eight dollars per day sh.all be given every first session up to the first IMorv- day of April, and after that but two dollars per day. This proposition sub- stantially asserts that the sessions arc prolonged for the pay — that were tl.is teniplatio;i removed, the public busi- ness would be despatched, and the members return home. 1 do not know tiiat one should consider it surprising, that men, who attribute such unworthy motives of action to each other, should grieviously suspect the integrity of oth- er public functionaries. Some remarks are made, on the sub- ject of calculating mileage, that imply a great destitution of integrity in those wlio have given occasion for them. — The remedy proposed is in character with those, to which an honest man would only resort, when necessity con>- pelled him to employ one he knew to be a scoundrel. A portion of dissatisfaction is ex- pressed towards Meirsrs. Gales and Sea- ton, and some pains taken to display the whole amount of money received by them for public printing, which it §271,883 37. Messrs. Gales and Scr- ton arc, however, competent to their own vindication. One item of information is disclosed in this reporl,which,butforif, would most probably never have been divulged. — At the time the report was made, 501 reams of paper had been consumed in folding or enveloping packets, sent bj members of Congress. The cost was $2008. If we sappAMi, as was praWSy 343 RETREflVllltKMT KKFOJtT. certainly the case, that one hall the j have led to important results. It was sheets were divided, so that each sheet here tliat I\Ir. Calhoun made himself enveloped two packets, and the oilier conspicuous. U'ho does not remem- half the sheets enveloped one, the , ber the Johnston contract, and the fa- whole number of packets would amount mous caseof Gilbert C Russel? There to three hundred and sixty' thousand. The committee recommend tliat this practice be prohibited, and the privi- is not a case of more outrageous favor- itism, to the prejudice of the public in- terest, any where to be found, than this lege to each member of subscribing for I of Russel. In an attempt to wrest a three daily newspapers, at the public contract from Russel, and bestow it in expense, be abrogated. I fact upon Samuel D. Ingham, but nom- It appears, from the journal of the ! inally upon a friend of his, Mr. Cal- Committee, that when the members ' houn not only lost to the government divided in opinion, it was usually upon ! .'5-90,000, illegally advanced to one of party ground, an evidence that the ] his favorites, but subjected it to pay judgment is too often made pander to! Russel $J9,000 and upwards lor dain- thc feelings of the moment. I ages!! Congress is fully acquainted It is a matter worthy of serious re-] with all the details of this nefarious in- mark, that this enquir), upon the • trigue,)ct they not only remain silent, subject of retrenchment of expense.<,j but Samuel D. Ingham is appointed a was confined principally to questions of member of the Committee to seek out Clerk hire, compensation for printing, contingent expenses of foreign inter- course, and other incidental matters of abuses and recommend retrenchment! This is one, of the many instances, to show with what impunity a certain the same character. For the year class of politicians may attempt to ag- 1826, the whole expenses were .Sl3,-j grandize themselves and their follow- 0G2,316, exclusive of the sum paid up-| ers at the public expense. The most on account of the public debt. The , pregnant proof is in print upon this whole amount of tiiis large sum, which subject, contained in two reports of the came within the view of the retrench- , Committee of claims, with the accom- mcnt Committee, was .$189,770. Oflpanying documents. Congress have this latter sum, all is paid upon speci- [founded two laws, in favor of Russel, fic appropriations, except about §-80,- upon this proof. Both passed in si- 000. This sum of .$80,000 per year, lence. Ingham dared not open his is the total amount of expenditure into I mouth in exculpation or vindication of which the Committee were directed to j his conduct. And the nation arc left enquire, and according to the views of the minority of the Committee, there m Ignorance of the whole transaction. Though charged home upon Ingham, is no reason to suppose that dillcrence by Jonathan Roberts, no enquiry has of opinion would arise about the ex- 'been excited, whilst the payment of penditure of more than one-tenth of; tifly dollars for an t*ld billiard table, by this sum — that is, about eiglit thousand 'the President's son, has been rung in dollars. The smallness of this sum is! all the cabins of the nation. Such is not stated as an apologv for its misap-lthc unequal course of enquiry and ex- plication, if in fact it lias been misap- { amination into abuses of public cx- plicd. But it is slated to «-how how ; penditure. — Cin.Gsclos,.re, of h,^^^^^^^^ .... ., • J- ■ 1 ' opinions, he roulJ not be inc Af;>u/»/ii-aii caniii- proporlion ol tins is paid upon indlVlU- j ^jj^j^ j^^ j^ resiiccted as a callunt soldier, but ual contract* with the department; in | he stands in the minds of the people of thi« making which, a wide door is open ^^^p''^^^'^''''l^^^\^^''lit'^in^^l '^ , 1 /- •,• -n ■ I from the Kxenitive Chair. Hu notxu, ssiii* improvuUnce and tavoriti'^m. inquiry ,-^,^ ,,j^ politic*, art ^»(< too mmmaty f ttheTnc.'" The reader mu't observe; that this letter names no particular time «ir place, when or where. General Jackson t^dd Judge Williams he could get a commission in Burr's army. It is also to he noted, that Judge Stuart is not sta- ted to have been present, when that offer v/as made: but at a different time, and at a different conversation, which related not to Burr's army, but to n division of the Union. These two facts must be carefully home in mind, in order to un- derstand the TRICK of the defence. Now let us ascertain what is the charge, as it is stated by Gen. Jackson and his friends? — The Gener.il himself gives it in these words: "The report is, that this Judee Williams writes, when a young man he applied to you, t'len a judge, to lign his license as a lawi,er: that you did so, but recommended to hiiu, as you conceived him to be a man of promi:e, to push his fortune by joining Curr, v/lo teas then in your house, promising if he would tlo so to pro- cure him a comuiission as captain in Burr's ar- my." Here arc two allegations interpolated into the statement of Judge Williams, which he did not make. One, that the commission was pro- posed at the time he applied to Jackson us a judge to sign his license to practice law ; the other, that Burr was then in Jackson's house. — Having added these two facts to Judge Wil- liams' statement, the General and his friends set oat to discredit that statement, by disprov- ing these ficts i.f their own suggestion! and this constitutes the main ground of llieir defence. — The evidence offered is the certificate of Judge Stuart, a cerlifirateof the time Jackson resign- ed the olTice of Judge, anil ;i statement maiic by Mr. .Alston, a member of Congress from N. Carolina. Judge Stuart is called upon to tell what he knows, not in relation to Jackson's conversa- tion about a division of the union, but in re- spect to the offer of a commission to Williams. The following is an extract from his reply : "In answer to your letter of Feb. 28, in which, amongrt other things, you enquire whether 1 I ever heard General Jucksen offer to obtain a commission for Mr. Nathaniel Vt'illiams under Burr or any other person, A;c. 4:c. 1 respond, that I never did: that to che best of my recol- lection, I never was at Gen. Jackson's house when Burr was there, nor do I rciueinbcr ever being there with j\ir. Willianis." As Judge Williams did not allege that Judge Stuart hear.d Gen JacUjoa offer the cuiiiui:s- iion, as hciiui not allege it was oUerca at Jack- son's house when Buir v/as therr?, it is manife-t that Jo Ige S'uart's statement had no possible bearing on tlie case. Not one word is said by Juiige Stuart about that part of Judge Wil- liams' statement, in which reference is made to him, as h'lvii'ig h ard General Jackson's decla- ratMiisabo'it the division of the Union. It can scarcely be necessary to remark, that this con- tradicting wdiat was not asserted, and remain; ing silent as to what was asserleil, wears any appearance rather than that of fair vindica- tion. Gen. Jackson's resignation ol (he office of Judge was in the forepart of the year 1804. John Overton was elected his successor on the 1st of August of that year.— This too has noth- ing to do with the case: — For Judge Williams ilid not allege thiit Jackroa was a Judge when the Btirr commission was offered. Why then is this proof adduced? For no obvious reason, but that of misleading the public mind. Next comes the certificate of .Mr. Alston. It is as follows: " I hereby certify that in a conversation with Mr. Jefferson, then president of the United States, respecting the movement of Colonel Burr in (lie we't, I observed that the rumour of the day was, that General .Andrew Jackson had joined Burr. Not so, or, not true, said Mr. Jef- ferson, for I this ilay received a letter from him (General Jackson,) informing ine that he had seen B;irr, and that Burr said his enterprize v/as sanctioned by the government, it he, Jackson, had been tenilcred a tiigh command by Burr, and asked of Mr. Jeffrtrson tic views of the gov- ernment, tendering his services, if wantert to make a descent upon Mexico, as staled by Burr, but if Burr was not authorized by the govern- ment to carry on bis enterjirize as stated, then be, Jackson, was ready to :irrest him. WILLIS ALSTON. C/iamberoflhe H. of Representatives,} Fibruanj II, 18-JC. $ Without placing much confidence in the ac- curacy of .Mr. Alston's recollection, it mav safe- ly be admitled, tlu't he heard Mr. Jeil'erson hold the language stated. — And what dues it prove? Certainly it proves nothing hut that Jackson was tampering with Burr. It is Jack- son's own acknowdedgment that Burr offered him a high command, and that he thought nf accepting it. Before lliis certificate can be made bear upon the innocence of Jackson, it ii important to know when the conversation was had with .\lr. Jeil'erson. Upon this mo^t mate- rial point Mr. Alston is conveiiienlly sih nt. Let ns look a little at f>me well authenlira- ted facts. On the -iTth of November, 1806, Mr. Jefferson issued his proclamation denouncing Burr, and sent .Mr. Graham a special agent into Ohio and Kentucky to apprise the state author- itiesofthe treasonable nature of Burr's objects. On the -ZM of January, 1807, Mr. Jefferson sent a message to Congrcs's giving them information 3«i JACKSON'S BI'BRIKH of ki< proaeedingi in resfMct to Burr, and ttiCi projccU ware sujpected all eTcr the coaotrrt inttlligcnce obtained of his morcments. In that, yet Gen. Jack?ou was THEN giving him credit nx^'sii-p h" thus eToFKsscj hiiuielf: " NOT AP- ' by cmlor^inj bis bilh! On thi- lOlh of Nutciu- PaiSEI) UNTIL VEIIY LATELY TH \T| ber, or abjiit that lime, Mr. Eastan purchased AVV BOATS WEllE HL'ILIMNG ON THE this bill of Burr in Nashville: on th; l-2lh of CU.ViilEllLA.VI), t'lf rffcrl of L'lr proclamatinni Ihc same m'>iith, Gen. Jackson wrate his hid 'Kcii trusted It for iiirif Inn.- i.i Teitntuee.^' \ fumius letter to Chiiborne. This was singular This is cdiiclii'ivp pro.if tint (J n Jack^^on had i comluct .An agent to build boati and buy Flat conimunicat'^l to -Mr. Jcffi-rsou an acooiinl | irovisions fjr Uurr, endorsing his bills to obtain of the movements in Tenncswe. It was not j him money, givin; the President no informa- known at Wa^hitijton, that Burr had boats | tion that boats were building on the Cumber- building on the Cumberland. .Much less was it I land, but writing a confused letter to Claiborne, known that (Jen. Jark'ion was Unrr's agent to I hinting at danfjer, not from Uurr, but Wilkin- build the boats. That fact is now placed be- j son, and entcrtaininc Burr at his own house, yond all dis|>iitc. up to his final departure, on the -22d of Decem- In 181?, whon Gen. Jackson was at Natchez, ' her, ISOfi. Such was the conduct of General as comiuanJer of tiie Tennessee Tuluntrers, Jackson, as is now pKiceil beyond controversy. Blennerhassct sued an attachment agains*. Burr' .Viid in the face of these facts, what does Mr. »• a non-resident debtor, ;ind summoned Gen. ; .Mston's certificate amount to! — Just nothing, Jackson as a garni-'hce, alleging that money, the property of Burr, was in Jack'on's hancfs. In answer to this suit Gen. Jackson alleged that Burr was in his debt, and pr:)tlMced the arti-ia- as to exculpating Jackson from the charge of Burrism. For th.it is now fastened on him, by the allidavits of Gen. Coffee and Mr. Eastau. The letter written to .Mr. Jefferson, mast have vits of Gen. Coffee and of William Eastin to | been written ourpoiely to deceive. It commu- prove the fact. The proceeilin^i and docii- 1 nicated no useful information : it was silent a« mnnts, in thi« suit, have been recently published, I to Curr's aclu.il moveuieuts, and kept out of at Natchez The f.ilJowing is an extract of j sight thefact that boats werebnilding by Jack- Oen Coffee's ileposition : "Sometime in the year 1806 (lo the best of my re-ulloctjon; .A.miii Burr w.is engaged in an expedition or enterprise diiwu the Mi^'issiopi, and which he fail he was authorized lo do by government; and for the purp.r^e of procuring provisions and boats for his contemplated plans, I , .. ,. he, the s lid Uurr, did forward a sum of beiwcen I """ ."•':"'";• '' ""' ^'f .^ "' ''".y "'"'^' '° »^- three and fo'ir Ihousa:,,! dollars in Ken' ucky I "'■'■"" '" "'"•^ /",'' «' »houM. in all cases bank not.s, to Gen. Jackson, with a rerpiest ''?^« '''=«" «^<-"t-'>'n^''' before a man received th.it he woul I procure f,.r him. by purchase the I *"* '"°"*"y'. '""^•""'^ ^.s agen , and endorsed n,. At the time I f'T"'' -^"^ " *^ Alter having partici- son for Burr, on the Cumberland ; Had it com- mniiicated these important facts, in proper siiason, .Mr. Jefferson would not have remained ignorant of them until about the 2h\ of J aiiuary. The suggestion, that Burr stated to Jackson and others, that the Government approved hit movements, can have very little weight in Jack- nmouut in boats an, I provisions. .'M the time Ge I. Jackson received the sum alluded to, I was connected with him in mercantile business, at tlie Clover Bottom, 'i'eiinessne, and on the receipt thereof, the General shew me his in- •truetions, and hamled the moiiey or notes over paled in his projects, and contributed to carry thera into effect, it is a poor storv to say — Burr told me the Governnicnt approved thera. If, when Gen. Jackson received Burr's ibo- ney, and bi'caine his agent to buihl boats and to me, with a retpiest that I woiiid transact the 1 '"') [>rovisions; if, when he endorsed Burr's p«. bu-incss. for Mr. Burr, aii he believed the Government approved bi> cantit' firm, atme alluded to, I did to; and made projects, why has he ever deiied his connection eontractt fvT teveral boaU for Mr. liurr.'i wi"i Tiwr'' Why did he not at once avow it, and give the explanation? If he believed the Here is indubitable proof that Gen. Jackson Government approved what was going on, received ininey from Burr, to employ in the I surely it was as innocent to engage men, "as to purchase of boat.- and provi>ions. This money I buy provisions, or build boats; why then be- was expended by Jackson's own partner, (Cof- ; tray so much excitement, at the allegation of fee,) in lunkiiig purchases. No one would ex- Williams, about a cominis-ion in Burr's army* peel that Gen. Jackson or (Jen. Coffee, woulil ! ".'J litxl," — "a calumiit/,"' — "a base calumny,'" now coufe-s that they knew burr's object to i are the terms which the General himself ap- have been unlawful. But they were agents: — [dies to the charge of offering Uie commission, received his money, and contracted for the I repeat, to enlist men, waa no worse than to building of boats. Anil of this fact, the gov- build boats, and if the latter was done in inno- ernment was kept in ignorance. For it must ^ cent ignorance, the j'ormer might have been he remenihered, that on the '22<1 of January, , [daced on the same ground. Gen. Jackson 1S07, Mr. Jefferson said he was not apprised, ! might have said, and in my opinion woulil havo until »ery lately, that boats were built on the I -aid, "I do not recollect offering a commission Cudiberlaiwi. The following is an extract froii tan'a adidavit : Mr. Eas I to Mr. Williains, but I may have sngcested it to him. I had confidence in Uurr. 1 believed he was acting with the approbation of tbegor- I eminent. In that belief t aided hini; was h'» agent to build boats and buy provision, until 1 discovered that he was not acting with the I knov.lrdce «( the Government, and then I abandoned him." This would he the natural language, was Gen. Jackson irapofeil upon by I Burr. Mis denial, and his allegation that the It was early in November, that Tlurr was ar- i charge wuj a base calumny, show that he wat 7M»H fn T'rnnkfTi, J»rjrl tli»n his trra-'Tnible ' nir >> ^ipr, but a pnrti.'ia of Burr • 3(ii>i Js "I d» certify, that sometime about the lOlh | of November, 1896, I purchased n bill of ex- j change from .Aaron Burr, drawn by him on 1 George iM. Ogden, of New York, at ninety days «ii;ht, lor five hundred dollars, with An- drew Jackson n< endorser." JACKSON'S BURRISM. 345 the legitimate deOuctivn from the whole con- duct of hisparlizans. But they caiiuot rescue him from the odium of beinj; concerned with Burr. That is a fact they can no longer dis- pute. It is hung upon high, by the testimony of Coffee, who was also concerned with hira. ft now rem iins fjr the General and his parti- zans, like all detected culprits, to justify, what they have lienied. And we may expect soon to Bee them maintain, that it was perfectly inno- cent to do that, which a short time past, they denounced it calumnious to allege against th'ir chief. There is nothing more difficult than to patch up, and ^.Jt together :i consistent story, where the object is to pervert the truth. The advocates of Gen. Jackson have experienced this in their cffurts to rescue him from the im- putation of a participation in the projects of Barr. Whilstlhey have been buMly engaged in the east, in collecting scraps of testimony to show he nei-er was concerned with Burr, the teftimony of his confidential friends and part- ner ha.' been brought to light in the west, fully establishing this charge. Whilst one tale ha's be- 1 told at Richmond, and another at Char- lotiisviile, each supnorted by documents, n document has been published in the west, put- tinjc them both completely down. One day we hnve published in Cincinnati, a certificate of a member of Congress, stating Mr. Jefferson's declarations exonerating .iacksxiu,— the next- mail brings us the document addressed to Mr. Jcffer-on himself, stamping the Congressman's certificate with incorrectness. We have already noticed the Richmond de- fence, in connexion with Mr. Alston's certifi- cate,— we now proceed to notice the Char- lottesville defence, which is published in the Virginian Advocate of August 2il. The first effort is to prove that Judge Wil- liams really did allege that the commission, in Burr's army, was offored to him, when be applitd to Gen. Jackson to sign his licence as a lawyer. The whole effort on this head is a ve- ry unfair one. But it is not necessary now to notice it. JVe ^lave siven the charge as really made by Judge Williams, which the Advocate omitted to give; and it puts this suggestion at rest. and " though somewhat diilrusled by tome, wa' considered an ettgant acqinsition to it." He also makes the following statement ; " Sometime previous to the Ball, a young gen- tleman who resided in my fmnily iu Nashville, appeared anxious to go with Col. Burr — he af- terwards cooled off. And questioned on the subject, by myself or some one in my presence, he stated that a Mr. Caffery, I think was the name, had been about that lime advised— ver- bally or by a letter, I am not certain which by Gen. Jackson, to have nothing to do with Col. Burr's expedition." Now let it be remembered, that tlie Nash- ville Gazette of December -20, 1806, contained the following article; " Col. Burr arrived, on Sunday evening last at Gen. Jackson's, nine miles from this town, and has been in this place several times this week. He appears to be preparing for some moTements, we know not where." Let it also be remembered, that the Presi- dent in his message of January "22d, 1807, states, that Burr descended the Cumberland the 22d of December, 1806, and it follows conclusively, that Burr was at this ball under the patronage of Jackson, being then an inmate of bis family, ■lunng the Very last act of his preparation in the West. G-^n. Jackson was his agent to build loats and buy provisions. Gen. Jackson en- dorsed his pafier. Gen. Jackson received him into his house, and associated with him, at a ball, in Nashville, almost a month alter the President's proclamation denouncing him as a traitor. And yet we are to be made believe, that Gen. Jackson abandoned him so soon as the character of his plans was suspected ! 1 Who in his senses can believe it? A statemeut is also given from Mr. Joshua Baker,in reference to a communication made to him by a Mr. Caffery. We give the following extract : The next argument is, that supposing Jack- son to have made the offer, unless he made it af- ter he knew Burr's projects to be unlawful, it was not criminal. This argument, loo, we have answered. Before Gen. Jackson lent himaelf to Burr, afid gave cougtenance to, and recom mended bis schemes, be ought to have been snie what was their character. To participate in guilty projects, and afterwards to profess igno- rance of their character, is the common case of all persons detected in crimes. Had be acted »n good faith, there was no occasion to deny so vehemently as he does, and his partizans for him, any act or part in the movements of Burr Misconduct woaid have been acknowledjrcd and vindicated. '° The defence concludes with an attempt to discredit the statements of Judge Williams bv certificates, and Gen. Jacki-on's letter to Mr JeflersoD. These require a little examiuation. . r 7I?„l^- ^^'»"''"s states, that in the win- ter of 1806 or 7, he was a member of the dan cmg assembly of NashviUc, that Burr came to town and was invited by the managers, that some objection was made, a fall meeting called, I loa the invitation sanctioned. Burr attended, I double game, or they miy .■Te'^^r to shoirtia'? " Burr visited Tennessee, staid sometime at Nashville, and was often to see Gen. Jackson, A friend of Burr went to see Gen. Jackson, and while in familiar conversation with him, asked him what he would think of the man who had the talents and means to separate the Western States Irom the Eastern, and make the moun^ tains the dividing line. The General replied that he would consider him a traitor to his country, and would be one of the first to take his life. Here the conversation ended. This friend of Burr returned to Nashville, where Burr then was, and no*doubt communicated to him Geo. Jackson's answer to this oblique question. This conversation awakened Gen. Jickson's suspicions, (or he wrote to Governor CLuborue, putting him upon his guard agianst Burr. I ;laiborne was then Governor o( the territory of Mississippi. Gen. Jackson also re- called from the service of Burr all his young rel- atives who had been induci*d to join Burr under tUe belief that he was going to revolutionize the Spanish dominions in North Amerifa. Mr. Caffery was one of them. I think (though I will not be positive,) that Mr. C showed me Gen. Jackson's letter to hiiv, advising him to abandon Burr." The facta here stated, at second hand, may serve to show that General Jackson played a 34» JACKSON'S Bt'RKlMM. alter Burr La J been generally abaudont-d, tt.e , This tender of services is in iUelf, not a little Gen. r. too g .vt- l.im up. But thc> ca.iuot be yn^ular. It .8 on., to be bindi,,^ unde the received to disprove the facts now bcl.re the command of the Grntral himsel. Hi- is .,ar •'^^'''ull I "^'''"^^ ""^"^'■'""'""''°"'^™*''M *"^"''' '"">'■' "THAT IS, C.NDER MY COM-' of h.shill, the r,:,-cjvin? -.im at his house ami j MAN U." And these volunteers were onl> t,/be keeping h.m a week on the very e^e of his de, offered aud a-cepted, ,f command.^ -iv M«r part.ire, are now establi-hod bc,ontl all doubt. ; mm n,iireri,and SUCH \5 MAY IJE RKc''>l And they speak a ianirnage not e.\:.ctly in ac- j ME.NUEU BV THLIR GENER-v- ■• T„^ cor1iu.cc with this rrrtihcate. 1 „huk- was to be s.. „r^an,^ed as that "THEIR But Jack^n's letter to President Jefferson, GE.NERAL " should be o,uu..«ite„t w.thVh^n that cerlaiuly must put the whole s.ury at rest! Why all this precaufon, if nothing extraordi Her It 1.., and it speaks for itsclt. j uary was on fool ? "THE rnEsiDE.NT OK THE I'MTED STATES, I - '* '■"l""5>t>le to Say in what light .Mr. Jef- SiK,— In the event et insult or aggression ' •«""■' viewed this offer. Han he considen-d it made on our government aud country fro.m im- '"^'^. "' P"blic chamcttr, it would have been de- . attached but little importance to arc such, of such a aiture and such a kind, that I I take the liberty of tenlering their stnices— ; "The Charlottes\ilIe Advocate prints the that is, under my comiuand :— and at one mo- | words ••fhom a.nv (iL'.»RTER"in smal, capitals, mriifs warning: after your signification that ,>""' attaches great importance to them, .s in- this tender is acceptable, my orders shall be ' 'ending to include Burr's plans. Thi.- i- a far given cviformably. ; fetched inferi nee. Why not frankly a<'visetnc 1 '.e« leave to offer to your view, the enclosed ; I'r> s dent .f Burr's moveme.its? Why nt t say orders fjme short time ago is-ued by me: since '" '"™' ' ''ave been deceived by th.s man— He ■which time I have not been furni-hed with com-' *••'* I'"' money into my hands — 1 hive made plete returns of Ihj volunteer companies: but purchases fi r bim— I have endorsed his notes fr.jMi tJie iniormatiou I posses, I have 'lo rioubtj ' "•» fe-i'ly to atone forthiserror bv prompt ac- thi.t ihree regiments of volnn^e^rs (to be com-! ''°" *"''a>' his course? Had Jackson held Ian- man ul b, their own officers, and such as may ' S^'ige like this to the President, it would tend be recaminended by thnr Gtnenil) can be!''''"''"''''-' to '"S exculpation. The lanu-uagc brought into the field, ready to march, in t-wen-j ^'^ ^^a? held prove* only that he meant to de- ty d, ys Irom the receipt.il' orders | ccive, and prepare the way to secure himsel'in Aonrnf ..«=..,cn„„= ..." „... u.-u : ,_ .. 1 »n„ „„„>, j^g ,„oto to the President, and J •^■■j^ ■i^.-u* tui ii.i^(;jfiv iH oFuers | ..^•»-, .iiiu picparc ine way li Accept assurances of mv hiu-h consideration ""J' ("veut. He wrote to tl and respect, A.NDflKW JACKStJN, made a pompous tender of M. G. 2d Division, Tennessee."! mained silent as to the trinsa The reader will perceive that this letter :' ^^^^^,''^"'': ''^'i^'^^^''"'^^ ^^encoMnbutiu^'hU witho.d..e. his^wever en^^d':;^;! i!^:^.^ ^:r:^::;,..J'' "■^'•■"'^'^ services. He . . ■actions of Burr, to Jeffcrsui. >is re< Pivi-li Nov. 24, ia)C. It iscer- tai'dy d'^ (lit to se.c how it proves any thing, inference is strongly against him. This letter to Mr. Jefferron, however, serves one useful purpose, upon account of which it is 11 Jill (l> i* V.^-. U _•(-■■ ■. . bi- ■. .t tieneral Jickson was xhoniK,..! , "' °"<^,"-'''"' PUfpo»e, upon account of which it is purchasing It nromiscd 'o I'l h ."^l T, ?^ > "'"i'^'^i ■'' 'o it= being sanctioned by the gov- A N r BUAT.-^ WHiE urjlf r)l\r nv i lir ^°"""""'< °^ "bout being ready to arrest Rtirr. Cv\IBKRL.i.\D" "LJ't-W.NG O.V HI K It shows very conclnsively that -Mr. Willis Als- So lar Irom regarding this letter as evidence !v'it'h'"]r''?UT"'"^, '*''"",'. ''i!' "'»^-^"»"°° that Oon l-»rlAnn ,^1- n„. „ ' . . 5 ' " •''^•■'*"^'^°"- wlio could have no mot ve Burr, U ^em; tome a d^cn^meiU oCr'; -^s"' ' ]"'T "'^" ""'" ""' i'^, '"^' '|«^ ^''- "''• cious' character. He l,.-id o de ed his ^iv"s 'on ' Mr A.rrT' '"'^1 T"^ '"vT/k %""" f'"*'"'' ^^ to h« ready for action, he commn, icatnV h^ h L n^! t-r?' ^ fact to the President wiih ^irr.,Z T r I l'''l«-rs. Here, then, is, one certificate-man patr- tl "a H hid o n? ? professions of I put to silence. What a pity the busy-bodies. 'ordered mo " vi t 1^", bt .rThe' "^l of T '"' '."t •=";'''^"*^ '"'"'" '■"^' •='"''' '""' the constitute.! authorities. So lar he preoired l- ve T 'V ." ^'i^'.'^'">' '""«"•' ^^^i ""^^ the way to dec.ve both the e.ocmi^:::!:;';^^^ 'n::: ^^^t :^r "'''"'"''' '''""' "''''''■ iltl'\T,e Ki.,:;^^;h^^' '" '°''"' M , '"--'"-onofthissubiec,.Ir«,„esttherea- vvould appear very differently undel other cl;: ^"'-i^"" -'"en „, Oct-.ber or early ,n No- cumstances. Again. VVhy w.-w this call upon the mililia, and tender ol service made ! Ihe cxi-cutive had not orvtered it : and without «u-h order, ii wa'- at lea-t rather an officious act. Doing lo veinber. At that time the projects of Burr were the general theme of conversation in the we.st, and a dark cloud of 'uspicion rc'-tcd upon Ihem. Gen. J.ick-oii wrote to the Pre-ident in reference to Ihe public safety, t was silent a the grave with respect to Burr and his projects o the v. V ev >r l-"t""""- I ^^^^''-^o^"-^' Let It be remen.bered, that in Ihe mid t of ai mo e lo, • ,n 1 V. t"-^'"*-- •" "'•' .""•■'")■. ^->\ 'his alarm and apprehension. Gen. Jackson- SlTti r. „M sTw'" P"'"--'-^'-^ °f '°J- ".orcantileconcen;,' conduct..! b, Ge... cX ally t^..M i,y of bis countrjmea. I ,v« biiiWin; boats, and buying provi'ious. fc THE PnOOr MrLTIPT.IES. 341 Burr; that Jack=on wa3 endorsiog his papir, aii-.l entertaining him ill his tiouse; e:o*Oe witl. hi.i. to balls, anJ trpatiuj; him as an hon.'rable .man. Lpt all this be remoiubered, as now ( s- tablished to bp true bejond con'rovers) ; aod with tbee recollections, let every honest man giv.what character he can to the letter in qup<- tion. Further comment cannot be necessary. 16. THE PROOF Ml'LTIPLIES. The nail is clinched. Whilst the V'irginia ■advocates of Gen Jacksou are quilting togeth- er a miserable defence of shreds and patches a- gainst the charge of Burrism, direct proof, to contradict them, is elicited and multiplied upon the very theatre where the transactions took place. The deposition of Gen. Coffee fully es- tablishes the fact of J ackson's agency for Burr, in the receipt and expenditure of money, for boats and provisions. Mr. Eastan's deposition proves the fact that Jack'on, about the 10th of November, 1806, endorsed a bill drawn by Burr for f.50O. We have now before us, two origi- nal letters, written by Gen. Jackson, which go still further. They are given to the rublic by Dr. Boyd M'Nairy, of Nashville, in an article published by him, in the Whig and Banner of August 1'2. And he asserts that the originals, in the hand wnting of Gen. Jackson, are in his hands for inspection. Copy of a letter from General Jindrc-w Jackson, dated Hermitage. Sept. 25, I80fi. Col. Burr is with me, he arrived last fiierht — I would be happy you would call and see the Col. before you return — say the Gen. O. tliat I shall expect to see him hereon to-morroiv with you— Would it not be a.e/< for us to do something as a mark of attention to the Col. He has al- ways and is still a true and trusty friend to Tennessee — If General Robertson is with you when you receive '.his Be good enough to say to him, that Cnl. Burr is in the country — I know the Get). R. will be happy in joining in any thing— that 7i;ilt tend to sho-j) a mark of respect io this wor- ruY visiT.\sT. With due Esteem. ANDREW JACKSON. Copy of another teller fr in the same. .Dear Friend I send ynu live hundred dollars. It ap- pears to me I said I would send ynu g 1000. Hut when I came (o myself i found there were appropriations made that I knew nothing of. This I learnt at the store, and Two Journeys to perform, and e.xpences '.0 be born that my recollection did not Jerve me with at the moment — Tomorrow when you come up arrangements shah be made, 90 as to accomodate as far as I cao — My dear sir, do not fail to come up tomorrow, at ten o'clock I will meet you at my house; I have to see Gen. Smith in the morning at his house — The Boats I think you said five in number and some P.irk you would furnish— these must be done against the 20th of December next but more of this tomorrow — you must set out inaverry few days, I will furnish the neerifull — The cash now sent is in part for the boats — the ballance on delivery — Ei- ther in bank bills or a Draft on New Or- leans the ,'53(X)0 being all the cash that can be fuioished,this must be appropriated to the best Possible advaBiage — and to the last shilling will be put in your way if you can furnish the Boats and Pork except so much as will meet the engagements al- ready entered into, — I send you twenty $-Z0 bills and ten §10 bills — which I wish sate to hand, and begjounot to (ail come- ing up tomorrow — 1 -^cish to start amesseit- ger on monday next — Health'and respect ANDREW JACKSON. On the 25th of September, 1806, Col. Burr was at the Hermitage. Gen. Jackson sent a note o I invitation to his friends to come and visit Gol. Burr, and suggested that it wouM "■be veil li dn something ts a mark of attention to the Colonel " He named Gen. O. (no doubt the fa- mous Geo. Overton,) and Gen. Robertson. — The latter he knew would "6e l^appi/ in joining in anij thin^ that would tend In slific a mark nf re- spect to this WORTHY visiTAKT." — " 'Vorthy vis- itanty The publication of the Querist, feel- ing the public pulse upon the subject of dissolv- ing the Union, w as commenced at Marietta the forepart of September. Burr h&d jn^t left that place. He tnivelled in haste to Nashrille, and this publication was scattered through the Wes- tern country, diflTu-iiig doubt and sus]iirion. — At the Hermitage he is a worthy visitant — one to whom some mark of respect ought to be shown; because, forsooth, ho was always '■ta true and Inisti/ friend to Tennessee." The llich- mond Enquirer writer had the folly to assert that, on Burr's visit to the Hermitage, h& was "■cldli/ received,'''' and remained ^^only two or three hours." This note of warm commenda- tion, under the General's own band, asserting that Burr came last night, ami inviting visitants lo-morrinc, is an a|)propriate csposition of the correctness of this part of the defence. Gen. Jackson was the warm friend, the delighted host, and ardent eulogist of Aaron Burr, .it the close of the moath of September, 1806. But ;i48 THE PROOF MILTII'LIES. this it not all. The other letter is pregnant with equally important matter. " I send you 500 dollars. I promised lOOO.— But there were other appropriations. Two journies to perform, and expenses to be borne' that I did not remember. The Boats, five in i number, and some pork — must be done by the 20th of December next. You must set out in a very few days. I will furnish the needful. I wish to start a messenger on Monday." Here it is manifest that the person to whom this letter was written, was employetl in many tfiiegs. He was to furnish boats and pork, and >7as also to go on siunc urgent mission upon which he " MU.ST set out m a few dai/s."—'" 1 tcuh «o slarl a ME:SSEN^GEli on Monday.^'— Can any reajionabJe man doubt what it was that involved the Gouernl in such a hurly-burly of business? Let it be remembered that it was om the 22d of December that Burr, in fact, left Nashville disappointed and disheartened. Let it be remembered that ihc firm of Jackson and Coffee were engaged in procuring boats and provisions, by the sworn admission of Coffee, when adduced aA a witness by Jackson himself. Let these facts be connected with the warm re- ception given Burr, at the Hermitage, in the Jettcr of September 25, and there can be no question that nil this hurry and bustle was the consequence of active co-operation with Burr. Two journey's were to be performed — a meascn- gct was to bo sent — money to be paid, all in the Bervice, or upon account of Burr. What can impudence itself now say, to exculpate tlie Gen- eral from the charge of Burrism? The excuses, apologies, and denials of his Virginia advo- cates are scattered to the four winds of Heav- en. Scepticism itself can no longer doubt. The proof is irrefragable. One fact corroborates another. Received in his house — recommend- ed as deserving tokens of respect — company in- vited to visit liim — money reccivetl — money ad- vanced — agencies |)Prformed — messages sent — journics superintended ! In September, again in December, (^ to the last nu>ment that he was in the country '. What more could be done, except it were to join him in raising the standard of rebellion, end signing a proclamation declar- jpg war against the Government? Compare the facts here established, with Ihosr pr»vcn upain«t John Smith, whom ninctei^n Senators voted to expel as Burr's associate, and it will bo seen that Jackson's case is much the strongest. Whst was the proof against Smith? lie re- ceived Burr, at his house, and treated him re- spectfiiily. His son carried a letter to Blan- Berhnsscfs Kland, supposed to be sent by Burr. He wrote u letter to Burr by Peter Taylor, in- quired of him what the people said of Wilkin son, imd advised him not to go to o tavern lest the people sift him with questions. Burr drew an order upon him for 500 dollars, which be paid, and another order for an equal sum which he did not pay. He made Burr a visit, at Frankfort, Kentucky, in the forepart of De- cember, 1806, and he received a letter from Burr shortly before that time — These were the allegations against -Mr. Smith, except the testi- mony of Ellas Glorer, which was considered as discredited. All these allegations were ex- plained, or contradicted. Yet nineteen Sena- tors voted to expel him. Amongst them, Mr. Crawford, and Mr. Smith of .Maryland, both of whom would now make Gen. Jackson Presi- dent! The facts now established against Jackson, arc a great deal stronger than any thing charg- ed upon Smith by color of evidence. He took Burr again and again to his house, eulogised and recommended him, advised men to join him, bought boats and provisions, lent money, endorsed bills, sent mtssengers, and finally al- lowed his nephev\- to accompany him on his C nal departure. He clung to him to the last, and never advised the Government of a single circumstance of all Burr's movements. His letters to -Mr. Jefferson and Governor Clai- borne say not a word of Burr, not a word of hi* movements, and only serve to involve Lim more deeply in the charge of duplicity towards both Burr and the Government. So complete is the evidence of his Btirrism, and of his double deal- ing, that the only matter for doubt is, whether the letters, to Mr. Jefferson and to Governor Claiborne, were written to aid the treason, or to provide a retreat for himself in case of failure. To the facts, as they are now presented, uo man has a right to shut his eyes, or to refuse hiscfedencp. No man who examines them can hesitate. Jackson was the active co-operator of Burr, and never deserted him until he had ta- ken his final departure. He has concealed and denied this co-operation, which is always deemed the criterion of guilty intention. When the proof is exhibited, he uov remains silent. He stands mute. Every friend of the country, every upright man, is bound to look to it. It is treason against all good principles to permit party predilection to blind the understanding or warp the judgment. To aid in electing Jack- son President, with this proof before the world , Ls not less criminal than it would be to elect the arch conspirator himself. What confidence can henceforth be repo?rd in public virtue, if the people of the United State, with the full proof before thorn, elect the coadjutor of Burr, President of the United Slates. Heaven for- bid that such a stigma should come upon our countrv. Cin. Ga7 FUNERAL OP DlCKINSOjr.— GEN. JACIiSON'S ECONOMY. 34SJ FUNERAL OF DICKINSON. ' We again republish the particulars of the Suneral of Dickinson, killed, in a duel, by Geo. Jackson. These particulars are taken from a paper of the period, whou the events occurred, and could not have been prepared lor election- eeriuj; purposes. They speak for themselves, and every man should read them with atttu lion. The unfeeling and dictatorial spirit of Gen. Jackson appears in its true colors. What now, would be said of a man, who, in simdar circumstances, shoHld act in this manner? — ib. FUNER.\L OF U1CKI.N?()N. PROM THE IIHP.\RTIII, REVIEW ANI> CUMBER- LAND REPOSITORY. Nashville, June 7, I8OI). On Friday the 23d ultimo. Gen. Andrew Jackson came into this oiTice and told the Edi- tor he hid received information that -Mr. Chas. Dickinson was about 'o have a piece published, ivhich respected himself; and demartied a sight of it, his request was complied with; a few hours after which, we are informed the General challenged Mr. Dickinson which was accepted, and a meeting agreed upon in the state of Ken- tucky, on the Friday following', at 7 o'clock \. M. They acpordiiigly met with their friends. Gen. Thomas Overton and Dr. Hanson Catlett, near Col. Harrison's on Red River, at the hour appointed ; where upon exchange of lires Mr. Dickinson received a mortal wound, of which he died in a few hours; Gen. Jackson was slight- ly wounded by the ball passing through his left breast. On Sunday evening last, the remains of Mr. Charles Dickinson were committed to the grave, at the residence of Mr. Joseph Erwin, attended by a large number of citizens oi Nashville and its neighborhood. There have been few occa- sions on which stronger impressions of sorrow or testimonies of greater respect were evinced, than on the one we have the uawelcome task to record. In the prime of life and blessed in domestic circumstances with almost every valuable en- joyment, he fell a victim to the barbarous and pernicious practice of duelling. By his untimely fate the community is depriv- ed of an amiable man and a virtuous citizen, his friends will long lament with particular sen- sibility the deplorable event. Mr. Dickinson was a native of Maryland, where he was highly valued by the discrimina- ting and good — and those who kncio him best — respected him most. With a consort that has to bear with this, the severest afflictions, and an infant child — his friends and acquaintances will corilially sym- pathize. Their loss isabove calculation. May heaven assuage their anguish by administering such cojisoK;tions as are beyond the power of human accident or change. The subscribers, citizens of Nashville, and its vicinity, respectfully request Mr. Bradford and Mr. Eastin to put the ne.\t cumher of their pa- pers in mourning, as a tribute of respect for the memory, and regret for the untimely death of Mr. Charlfis Dickinson. Hanstm Catlett, Thomas E. Wagaman, 1 homas G. Watkins, Boyd McNairy. John Mc ' Nairy, Wm. Tait, Duncan Robertson, John H. Smith, Thomas VVdhamsoii, Wm. T. Lewis, John Nichols, Thomas C. Clark, Daney Mc- Craw, Johu Maclin, Jeremiah Sc .les, Timothy Demonbrum, Eliscia J hiiston, Jas. P. IJuwnes, Wm. B, Robertson, Wm. Ljtle, D. Moor, Kobt. Stoteart, J.Gordan, J. B. Craighead, ?. B.ium, .Alexander Cruighcad, John Read, Robert P. Currin, Roger B S^appingt in, Roger B. Cur- rty, Thomas Swaon, Ernst Henoir, V\m. Y. Probcrt, C. Wheston, J. Lfaird, firrvey Lane, Samuel Finney, Wm. Black, R. Hewett, Thos. Kam!.c\, Natfiauiel .VlcCrairys, Thomas Na- pier, Robert Hughes, James King, Robert Bell,. Felix Robertson. Mr. Eoftin, — I am informed that at the re- quest of sundry citizens of Nasnville and its vi- cinity, you are about to dress your paper in mouriiii g "as a tribute of resptct for the mem- ory, and reijret for the untimely death of Chas. Dickinson." Your paper is the public vehicle, and is al- ways taken as the public will, unless the contra- ry appear— presummg that t/ie public is not in mniiming at this eii Turkp\ town Do. from Turkey Town to Nashville 1817. men', upon his own ;n'f:ouiit», iK.s man- ifested as much greeHiitss as ariy po- litical shark in the couitn-. We deem it proper to repuhli-h, in coniieciioii. certaii: transcripts of accounts, charg- ed and received by Gen. Ja( kson, so that the reader may at a single view observe tliem ail. G<;n. Jackson was appointed a Ma- jor General, on the 8tii of June, 1814, a. d continued in that office to the .31st j of May, 1 821 . U is true that the Gen- 1 eral in his letter to Samuel Swartwout, 1 subsistence " - " - says: '•^The war o&r and peace rc«re'/, | Extra rations / mired to iny firm, TO PRIVATE , Forage * , LIFE, uhere bit for the call J received to ^:'^„t;-,'^^^r'^'' \ " the Senate of the Union, I should have , Quarters contentedly REMAINED." It is caual- Fuel - - - 1} true, however, that in makm^this statement, Gen. Jackson did not speak the truth. He "REMAINED" in 1818. public employ, as Major General, and p^ ■was besides, appointed to negotiate i Subsistence three Indian treaties, at different pe- 1 Extra rations riods, and with different Indian tribes. ^°"|«^ K,;,ervanls ' - And at the determination of his office | Transportation of Major General, he was appointed iQuartcM-s, 6 months anJ 24 days commissioner to receive posseasion at Florida, upon account of which office, he received a salary up to the 1st of Januarj, 1822. The following is the account of cash received by him from government, whilst in the office of Ma- jor General. \vffli 00 536 35 489 78 26* 75 200 00 576 00 113 78 41 45 &4 64 $6890 62 2400 00 1095 00 1095 00 672 00 680 80 298 00 400 00 45 00 1814. Pay from 8th June to 3l Pay Subsistence . . - Extra rations Forage ... Pay, &c. for servants Rent of Quarters - - . - Fuel - - - - - Transportation of baggage Services as Commissioner for treating with Chickasaw liulians 41 days, at 8 dollars per day 2400 00 1095 00 1095 00 672 00 680 80 400 00 16-2 00 531 20 328 00 $7,364 00 1820. 181G Pay ■jubsisteiK e $6056 46 2400 00 1098 00 Pay - - - 2400 00 Subsistence - - - 109!i 00 Extra rations ... - 1098 IK) Forage - - - CJ-' 00 Pay, ic. for servants - - 672 96 Rent of Quarters - - - - 400 00 Fuel - - - 224 00 TransBortation of bagcago - 166 40 Iloldiiii; treaty with Choctaw Indians, travelling expenses for self anil suite to ni.kcs' stand . - - - 425 0.1 Pay as CnmnuMioner, from 14lli Sept. 1 to 2lsl October, 37 days at !i dollals- . 1 per day - - 296 00 Expenses for Gen. Jackson and suite on tboir return - - - 351 on GEN. JACKSON'S ECONOMY. 351 Pa^ as Cummissiouer on return, 21st Oct to I8th Nov. 20 dajs, at 8 Uoi- lars per day - - - - 160 00 $8,109 6; 1821. Pay to May 31st - Subsistplioe Extra rations Forat'p Pay ilc. for servants Quiirtcrs to April 14 Fijtl the same time 1000 00 13:1 00 453 OO 280 00 279 iO 116 54 74 67 Tliree months exira [Kiy and travel- line; allowance - - 776 65 Additional subsistence - - - 75 00 $3507 06 The General has himself told us, that when the war wa? over, he " re- tired to his farm."' Tlie war was closed in 1815, and the General returned from New-Orleans to his farm, in the Ma}- of that year. From that period the General resided on his farm. There was his head quarters, there his home and residence. It appears from the foregoing accounts, that he con- ti.nied to charge the government the full amount of every dollar of expense that he could .'arc charged, if in actual service. Extra ratinns, Joragt , pity for servants, rent of quarters and fuel. Thus, although General Jackson is at home, he receives annually, 1093 dollars for extra rations- 672 dollars annually, for finding his own provender and grain to his own horses: 672 dollars for the hire of his own slaves, who remain at their regular work on the farm. For the rent of his own house, 400 dollars per year, and a very considerable sum annually, for fuel, consumed at his own house, for his own family use. These charges may be legal. But they are uniust and unreasonable. Pay for feeding horses, and for hiring servants, for fuel, and rent for quarters, coul.d not be honestly charged, unless actu- ally expended. The man who could denr>and it, when not paid out, in any form, can have no right conception of moral honesty, and never can be safely relied upon to retrench public expenses. Although receiving full pay and full compensation for every service and ex- penditure. Gen. Jackson charged 8 dollars per day, for holding Indian trofttics, and ctiarges for His expenses in addition. These expenses were of no moderate character: on the contra- ry, they evidence great profusion. On the 1st ol June, 1821, General Jackson's office as Florida commis- sioner commenced, and from that day, he drew a salary. It will be s'-en by the two kist items in the foregoing ac- counts, that Gen, Jackson received also his extra pay and subsistence, as Majwr General, for threi^ mouths in ad- vance, from the 31st of Ma\ , amounting io ,S-813,65. Thus the General had no scruple to receive double pay for the months of June, July and August, 1821. Another proof how little he is qualified to retrench piiblic expendi- ture. The General returned from Florida to Nashville, whilst acting as Gover- nor, early in Novembci. 1821. He states himself, in his lettc lo the Secre- tary of State, of November 13, i821, that he arrived at Nashville on the 5th. From (hat time, he could have per- formed no duty as Governor of Flori- da, yet he drew the salary to the first of January, 1822: pocketing two months pay, and doing nothing. The following is his account for expenses and salary, as Governor of Florida. VV. Harvey, for passage of Gen. Jack- son and family, from Nashville to Washington, Mississippi, 238 00 Peabody and Chamberlain, for do. in steam-boat^apid, 170 00 H. Munro, do. in sloop Herald, from New Orleiins to Blakely, 270 00 J. Austin, for transportation of Gc!i. Jackson's ba>,gnge from Blakely to Montpclier, 45 00 Do. for board of G^en. J. his family and suite, at Blakely, 275 75 Blue and ShiDme, bill of stores, 244 31 Manuel Gon's. subsistence and forage from 16th June, to nth July, 1821, 200,00 E. A. Blanc, forage at Peniacola, 146 42 Incidental expense*, 370 15 E. A. Blaiie, bill of sundries, say wines, &c. ic. for the use of Gen. Jackson and his family, ^047 39 R. K. Call, bringing horses from Nash- ville to Blakely, 125 93,f Gen. Jackson's salary as Governor of the Floriilas /rom 1st June, 1321, to 1st January, 18-2?. 2,921 19 $6,056 H There is certainly very little evi- dence of economy in any of these charges: on the contrary, they are marked by something like wa.nton ex- 352 GEM. JACKSON'S ECONOaTt". The General seems al- ways attended by a ^\famJi/,'' .or a travagatice. " 2 do. Ciller, 7 00 " 2 do. real London Porter, T 00 " 31b Gun Powder Tea, 3 00 " 2.7 lb. Cuffee, 40. " 274} Ib^. Bacon Hams, 15 00 " 44 ibs. siiiej, 10 1,50 " i I'o. lime juice, " 1 Ymn rnisins, " 1 do Almoiidf, 36 lb 30 " 1 qr. box Spanish s%cars, " 4J callous (4th pruof) Brandy, 4 00. 18 00 " 41 do rve whiskej, 75, 3 37* " no Sjiamsh segars, 1 00 14 00 14 00 9 00 10 00 4 174 4 40 \J. 00 13 OO 8 2a 3 00 6 00 10 HO 5 00 $v:44 31 " suil."' that undcrsiand covsumiiig the eood tliiiiffsof the country through ..." 1 rr'i 11 * I " ^14 los. Slue?, lu which they pass. They all seem to, ,, i doz. dr.ed torpuee, have live.'l under the coinlbrtable con- « i hali'barrei Klv Miirket beef, viction, that Uncle Sam paid the} " 6 bottle. hme, "i 87* score, ard that con-^eque itly, it was; for t'«. ^ii.drew Jackson, Commissioner for riaivins the Flotidas,frovi the 29t/i .iprit. to tfie Sth of.^ay, !8-21, /ir boardinc; himself and famili/ios per bill rendered, $277 75 the narcotics that destroy it, make the principal figure. Spirits, wines, and segars of the be.sl quality, and at the hignest prices, seem to have been the principal articles of consumption in the General's family. A sum of 370 dollars 15 cents, is charged for" mdd<.ntal expenses;'' what thtfv consist of we know not. As the charges for transportation, for forage, , foj' board, for stores, are all specified, From tliis it appears, that the charge \ j^ ^,^y,^, ^^^^ si;,gular what expendi- ftf,§277,75, IS for about ten days lH.ai-^,j,.^^ ^^„,j ^^ i.-.^urred, to raise this ding, making an average ol 27 dollars Li.jjrge. It might include secret ser- 75 cents per day. VV hat family the , ^,-^^ montv. for various serv ices not General had with hnn, living thus at ! ^^ ^^, (^^ enumerated in the accounts free quarter upon the Government. T,- ^ p„,,,j^, ^jjj^.^^^ ^,^^ \nwwn oi ly to do not know. Why this lamil.y should , „^p privale purveyor for his various be fed at the public cost, I am unable ^o^f^,.ts. The subjoined specifica- te state. But unless the number was . ,j^^,j declares them to have been h.erej- excessively great, th \~.th Juli/, 1821 To nceessan/ erpinscs incurred bii him from the livte of his arrival at .Vfir-Or- leans, ■until he rectircd possession of Pen- sneola, and for ichirh >io rercipls ictre token, and uhich arc not included m anil ether acrount, §370 IS / crrlifi/ Hint three hundred and seienlu dol- lars and fifteen rents lerre arluallu trpendid as ahive charged, and for irhieh no risular roxidtets u:rie obtained. J. G. BROXOUGH, P.Sec'ii.JurOov.Jaeixari, Pciuaeola,nihJulil,m\ GEN. JACKSON'S ECOSOMV THK HIKO OF TWO AVARS. 3C3 The next charge, " Bill of sundrks, sat/ ivincs, , at 5 00 I.S7 50 IC'J do. olil whitUtj, 57 cents, 14 62J 6 boxes of claret, 12 (H) 12 00 5 do. small liottlwl, 13 00 £0 00 J cask of Porter, 8 doz. 3 50 £8 00 1 doz. syrup, 8 00 1 doz. No} eau, 8 Oj 3 bottles bitters, 3 00 ISO lbs. rice at 2 1-2 cts ppr lb. 5 ilS 2 boxes pickles, at 4 50 9 Oi) 6 boxes scgars, at 4 50 ?4 Oi) 1 box tea, 4 lbs. 1 50 C 00 2 boxes ca:idlee, 61 lbs. at 60 ct». 32 00 2 do. of soap, at 3 00 6 00 2^:0 lbs. brown sugar, at 9 cts. 19 ilO eOlonf Elisor, 25 20 00 66 bams 968 lbs. Bacon at 6 cts. 58 C8 J keg of lard, 7 93 BeeffiirniEbed, Jtily 10, to A1J5. 7. 52 4:!| ,1 bagofcutrco, JGl lbs. at28cti. 50 CS 1 do, of salt, 2 00 Hains,ut 15 cts. 6 67i fuller 75 lbs. at 374 58 13 24 Mackerels' 1 51 2 cords of wood, 7 00 2 boxes of syrup 24 00 2 barrels mjicrfne FLOUR, al 5 10 00 1 iarrc/ CORN MEAL, 4 400 iS2 loaves of bread, al>ii unt>, 15 73 June 21, to Aug. 7. rVegitables, 109 48 f Fro^l, fijh, 30 JJ- Chickens, 53 a \ Kresh Pork, 30 Turkeys, 12 F.-s, 10 .Mutton, 15 Repairs for ont-buildingi and stables, for General and suite's liorses The Steward for 47 days, at 1 dollar per aay, 4 31 00 00 §1,047 30 This bill seems to cover the time embraced in the other bills, running through May to August. And it ex- hibits quite a Lordly style of living for a plain Republican. What family ihe law allowed the General to ([uarlcr upon the public, I have never been able to ascertain. 1 can find no law giving him either a private secretary or a steward, or any other family or suite, to be fed at the public expense. Who- ever they were, it is ])lain they were a set of jolly livers, Avho considered themselves entitled to the best and most costly disiies and viands. It is my firm conviction, tiiat every dollar of this money was p^iid without the sanction of law. Tiie extravagance of the expenditure therefore, is not tlie only olijectionfoit. Gen. Jackson ingratiated liimself into the good gra- ces of BIr. Monroe, and he seems to have known how to tui-n that favour to his own account. We can in no other way account fur these allowances. The question is now put to every reader, who has perused fhesa ac- counts; Does he think Gen. Jackson a. man who would be economical of pub- lic money? I feel confident thi; an- swer must be in the negative. Is it not then worse than folly to elect liim President in the expectation that he will aid to reduce pu!/Uc expenditures? Most assuredly it is. And I venture the prediction, that should Gen. Jack- son be elected President, his adminis- tration will be the most prouigate tiiat has ever been known to the country. Further Exiracls from the Drama of the HERO or TWO WARS. Act v.— Sce.ne 1V.-^A Libr.^rt. Director, alane. Director. I have peril'd much already in this cause. And now a desperate measure is proposed, Of doubtful poliny; most desperate luen Must be confideIis friends are ia repute, und hu looks upward : A st^cond Mi^rius from the il'ist of Afric, Rising to wreiik his vtnj;eanceon hie cmntry, And dif with i^lontinj joy, a hloody dotard. His hopt'S are in lull action, uuil awake him To old ambitions and deep smothered ven- geance. 'Tislong since he were soothed with courtier I in.:uage, 'Twill ste:il upon his «ou!,as I fhall use it, — Oh thou 1 the subtle genius, by vthnse aid I have threided the dark imiie of policT, In all its crooked windings, ami h;iTC reached. The lofty pinnarlp. on which I stand'. Inspire me now with MachivcHan skill; Grant that the bhind insinualinj «niilc, la all its softest tints may rest upon mo; Let every look trince sincerity. And every motive seem as undisguised, A« maiden bluihe« at a tale of love. Give me the eyes of Argus : let me hear As with a thousand cars: let nought escape me. For now the crisis of ray fate approaches, I rise to power, or fall to rise no more, [i'xil. Scene V. — A parlocr — Outcast. — Ci/plicr. Out. What) the Director seeks a private meet- ing With me) and does not naroe the object of it? Cyp. He does to; and he says he has (ood reasons, Which, when disclosed, you will appreciate. He speaks you fairly, as it is his wont. When he would serve himself by others' aid,— Matters of high import, of deep coiicerniupnt, To you, your friends, the country ; — Thus he speaks: Smiles pr;>ciotisIy, and crasp* the yielding palm, Presses it softly, loo'iing woadroin things. Out Why what a minioul J^nd are these the Hrl» That politicians now descend to use, In cnurtinj men? They better far become, A lady's boudoir, than a st^itesnian's closet. I nnderslaiid him: ii is very well. He shall be met as secret us he pleases, — Appoint him at otir private re-"!' zvous An hour hence, at any other honr. That best may suit him. Have this note de- livered. Without delay. Advise our chosen friends, That ears and eyes are needed where they wot. When time and place are fi\od by the Director: Return with speed, and give me infiirmation. [Esil Cijpher. Outeait (atme.) Now here's a cunning knave I thi^ wi.'e Director'. Bv shallow arts has managed shallow men, Within a narrow circle here at h you doubt my word ? \'8 BUKRIsn A6AI*. JACi:sO\'S ntHRIS.TI AG.UX. The ]-,.ct of General Jackson's association with liurr is Eo fully establishc.I, by (be atii.la- vili of (Jc/Tcc and Enst.in, an.l Uic lelters pub- Ii='.ed by Ur. M'Nairy, th;;. it is useless toofiVr provision; and as such, he had not U'e for iill the boats, ilmt had been D)a.;e f.ir bio — two 1 believe was the -nucLber he made use ot tor himself and these with him. The '■alance of ihe boats, the number I do not r ... - . , . ■" v.>u«.,c,-=iuoii^r • •"•"■>-t: "I uie Doais, iiie number I do nol rj.arr,,roofor.t. A faiat attempt ha, be. n I recollect, was left hv Mr Buir- and Hf- m.-.,le to maintain, tbat after Barr', rl«..» b.^ Imnaros Ly virlne of h,s or.ler i'n favour came susf„c,(.,,^, Jncksoa abando.u-.I bi, con- I of Patten Andcr.wn, the boat-, or the uro- Dcct,on«,il. Aim. Tl,;. =.,.„,.;„„ ;. ._ ceeds thereof « .19 h^injed or paid over to li'Ti, Mr. Anderson: When Mr. Burr waj. at the Clover Bottom, Uen. J.ickjon iir.J ir.v^elfmaJea sedJemenl uiih him Ine said Burr, and afitr chargine. him itiih Ihe boch and other crtich, fuTniibcd him for h,s vcjaoe do-^n the river, I returned mm all the balance of his money, in (he very same notes frst sent on iy 'him, and the accounis »vas then compleieiy clofed I and paid on both sides as I understood." I In (bis statement, dales of every (bing, ei-- I cept tho year, are omitted, and itis very care- fally all.'ged tb-it, upon bearinc; that the gov- er:initnt would n.-.t countenance Burr't plani. Gen Coffee, by and ivith the ndvice of Gen. Jackson, quit making further contracts for Uurr. liut it appears that several boats wer« built for Burr, (hat some provisions were pur- chase.!, that Curr took his final departure Irora Clover Byttom, an.l, a( the (ime of (hat depar- ture, a scltieuiiat took place betx-een Jackson and Coffee, an.l Burr. After charcinj Bnrr Dcction Will. if, the General shetv roe hi.-s in- P'*^'"'^' remained in Jackson's hands. That St Mictions, and h.indedihe money or note J "f"'"'"" ""-^ '■^^™ the fact of a paper, in tho over to me, «nh a lerpicpt that [ would ''""'^ "'"''"? of G.-n. Jackson, stating an ac- raH.c,>ct the l.u-.ness, for Mr. Burr, andj'"""' h,t,veen Burr and hi.uself, beins in tho in Uf na.t ol the mercanlile firm above al- pO'-^-^'ion of Blennarhasset. Of this "accouDt luded to, I did so; and made contracts for several boats for Mr. Burr; ,vhen report ie.r:he.| 1 ennessee. that his projects or plans «as nnt, r.or «o,..|d not, be cjun'.en- iince.l by governmrrd.-On hearing this rumour, by and n.lh the advice of Gen' Jackson, I declined making contracts for Mr. Burr any lurther thm had been done hefirethat time; and still held in my pos- session H consi.lerable part of the suni liist remitted by Mr. Burr, to Gen. Jack«on- !S')iiie time after that, when fllr Buri^ c ime on to Tennessee, on his xi-ay do^i-n t.ie nvcr, he stopped al Ihe Clover Bottom ■K'.uwiMch place lay fome of ihe boats I lit I hal conlrn.ted for his use, and wheie he titt.id himself out forhi- vovact dovn the river. The report of his actipfr «o r,ppo*it, ,n to the wi,.hes of the gotero- m«nt, prevented bis prccoriny scppHcs of the following is a copy : '-3. B. in account lith A. '«06, - " '■■'jj^ Oct. 4. Expenses of J. C. and postage, « enclosed orders, some short time ago issued by advanced October 4, in a draft on Bustard & E. Thus we see that this account and the state- ment of Coffee are in harmonious accordaac* with each other. 1 have already remarked that the first items of debt and creilit arc on the 4th of October, and that Burr was confessedly, nt Jackson's re- sidence a most welcome visiter on the 25Cli of September prcc»ding. How lonj he remained, I do not know: it is assertsd in the National Journal of the ITth of July, that he left Nash- villc on the Gth of October. The time between these two dates, was no doubt occupied in ma- king all the necessary arrange.ments between Burr and Jackson. Within this time some things were transacted, which Avear tlie appear- ance of singular coincidences, to say the least. la General Jackson's letter to Mr. Jefferson without (late, recently published as evidence that he had no connection with Burr, we find the following: ^^ 1 beg leave to offer to your view. en the same day ^'■Expense of J. C. and Postage, $6 6-2 J." We sliould like to know what expenses Jack- son paid for Burr, and what correspondence he carried on upon his account. These items have no obvious connection with building boats and buying provision. Cash paid to .inderson and eash paid to Yates, are in the same predicament. Then comes " Donclson Caffery't uages and ex- penses, $29 00." This Donelson Caffery has been introduced before into this Jackson dish of Burrism. The Virginia .\dvocate gives us the certificates of Watkins i Baker,that Jlr.Caf- fery was advised by Jackson, not to go with Burr. He sent him nevertheless on some expe- dition for Curr, and paid his expenses. In the second letter, published by McNairy, Jackson speaks of his sending a message, & adds he will furnish "ttf needfiU." We see here that he did furnish it. rive flnt boats and one keel boat were built, and paid for. Coffee did not recollect the num- ber. He remembered that Burr used but two, and left the remainder, which, or their proceeds, were delivered to P. .\nderson. One large i^era, 700 dollars, of this account was paid to Mr. Amierson. Coffee tells us thnt Burr was en^a- fcd in "an expedition or enterprise down the Mississippi,'^* an uM depend for its legality upon the counte- nance of the President ? That which was, in its nature illegal, could not be legalized by the cour:tenance and apjirobation of the National Executive. Conspirary against the laws of the '■ countrv, can di-rive no sanction from ihe Pres- gencer of Au;;ust COih, cannot be too stronrlr ideiit o'r his cabinet. . They are as answerable i considered. It gives a strong glimpse at leist, . . , .1 in . 1 . ,; of the prospect betoreus.1 to the law as others. Had Burr contemplated i a trading or emigrating expedition, it did not Is il JOUr intention fcllow-citizens require the countenance of the executive to 1 that the right of succession to the make it lawful. There was no law reprehend- 1 Presidency of the United States shall ing such an expedition. The admission that j henceforth reside in the armv? enough was known, by Gen. Jackson, to assure i That is a question which we solemnly bim that the enterprise needed the sanction of the Government, includes a confession that he knew it to be illegal, when he engrged to aid it. From this conclusion he cannot possibly escape, but by making himself an idiot, simpleton, and a ridiculous dupe. None can believe him to have been such. On the contrary, the just con- clusion is, that he was a principal confederate, and that both his letters to President Jefferson and Gov. Claiborne, were wriiten, in concert with Burr, "/or Uie purpose of foncarding hit plans." When, on December 22, 1806, Burr left Clo- Ter Bottom with two boats, the expedition was prostrated. Tlje public voice had denounced nnd defeated it. There was no hope of success, and Burr could only go on, and trust hii despe- rate fortunes to circumstances. Every motive that government, made it proper for General Jackjon to stop, and endeavour to escape lus- pi««ii. Bt this eonrse k* might still remain propound to you; aiid i; is one which you, as far as depends upon you, are al)out to decide, by your votes at the approaching election of electors. Are you, we repeat, ready to sanc- tion the principle, that the President of the United States sh.d! always be taken from the line of the army, or from among those who have but re- cently retired from itf It you arc obliged to admit this pro- position, applictl generally, to be an absurd one, wherein is it less absurd to ap|)ly it in a particular case? You cannot elect a succession of Presidents at once, so as to make the rule general by a general vote. You cannot chuse but one at a time; and if you clius« that one upon the military principle, you heg-in the succession ; which bcinf HILITARY rRETENSION. 35* yielded to-day, may come to be de- manded to-morrow. Upon what [jrinciplc is General Ax- drew Jackson supported for the Pre- sidency? Is it upon any other priix-i- ple than his military fortune! With- out entering into an examination of his claims to the rank of "a hero," what but his military qualifications have re- commended liim to his supporters? Nothing whatever. In one word, he is a bold and fearless man, spurning controul, disregarding both law and the orders of his superiors in authority, and reckless of consequences. To civil qualifications he lays not the slightest claim. He has resigned, af- ter short trial, every civil appointment he ever received; and we have tlie re- cent evidence of one of his friends (Judge Breckenridgc) that he did not pretend to execute, otherwise than by deputies, casually selected, the civil functions belonging to his office of Gov- ernor of Florida — a couple of his friends undertaking to find out for liim what were his powers in that office ; and afterwards, under those powers | whole, but no more than the whole, of making ordinances which, with his sig- 1 the creed of those who first set up the nature, passed/orAis. It cannot be de- 1 claims of Gen. Jackson to the Presi- nied, that his claims to the public suf-jdency, and who have gathered around frage are ;3urf/^ military. their original party a large body of We come now to the circumstance citizens, attracted by other considera- which led us to this train of thought. I tions to the military standard. Were The first number of a new paper, pub- 1 we not told, by his original supporters lished at Clarksville, in the slate o/" at Philadelphia, as a reason for offerin" snatch, by force, the honors which you deny him by your sulfragcs. But say that the services of the soldier, and tlic successes of the patriot g»^neral, shall be repaid by commensurate rewards in the admiiiistralion of civil alTiiirs, you take away the incentive to perpet- uate military command, and to convert the sword of the conqueror into the sceptre of the monarch." Here is an unsophisticated man, who speaks openly and plainly his prin- ciples; who either has not the art, or disdains to veil his real sentiments. — Gen. Jackson, he tells us, has his sup- port, not only for the qualifications which he supposes him to possess, but for those which he is most sure of his possessing, and therefore more dilates upon. ^'Military serzices,"' he (ells us, 'yvrm a LEGITIAUTE CLAIM to public support — that is, for the Presi- dency, oi whxch he is speaking. Here is tlie doctrine boldly avowed, thai tlio most succesf III soldier }ms .i RIG HI to the Presidency. This is going the Tennessee, by the title of the Clarksville Gazette, has just reached us. In the him the Presidency, that if he had been so minded, he might with a victorious Editorial Address, the political views army at his back, have assumcd-not the of the editor are disclosed. Towards [ Presidency — no, the IMPERIAL PUR- the close of it, we find the following j PLE? And did we not hear the same passage: sentiment, the other day, from one of the Generals of Militia in a Southern "One other topic only will be touch- state, who said that he would rather ed, and that but brietly—the Presi«|vote for JACKSON to be EMPEROR dential Election. General Jackson 1 than for Adams to be President? But has our support — a preference found ed not only on liis patriotism, his integ- rity, and his knowledge of human char- acter, but on the military services he has performed: for military services our brother in Tennessee does not stop here. He goes on to lay down propo- sition after proposition, each more and more calculated to startle those who know how to discriminate between form a legitimate claim to pulilic sup-: Republicanism fc Despotism-bctween port. If you witiiiiold from the citizen 1 Election and Usurpation- — between warrior all prospect of obtaining the i Freedom and Slavery — between Lifa high oivic honors of the state, you not 'and Death. "If von' withhold from only deprive him of the strongest stim- 1 the citizen WARRIOR all prospect of ulus to exertion, but you tempt him to 'obtaining the hioh civic honors of the 360 .tllLITARY PRETENSION FIRE AND FAtiCOT. state," our editor tells you, "you not i only deprive him of the strongest | Btimulus to exertion, [thus mrikin<; him | fight for the crown] but vou tempt him ' to SNATCH BV FOKCK TIIEi HONORS lohkh ym deny him by your', suffrages.'''' Uocf tiiis need translation? '] Is it to he endured, that the partizans | ofa"Mihlary Chicflain,"' as the Rich-! mond Enquirer has entitled him, shall j endeavor to force him upon this pco- ) pie as tiicir Pn-sident, 1)V threats of j 05-SNATCHlNG THE HONOR BY FORCE, if it be not voluntarily be- [ stowed? Or, \(ihe thirat he not de- j signed, is the idea itself to be borne? Can any countenance he given to it hy | any who are not ready for the collars and chains of a base servitude? Let us follow on our candid friend in Tennessee, to tiie close of his further cogitations on this subject: '-Say that the services of the soldier, and the suc- cessp.s of the patriot General shall be re- paid by commensurate rewards in the administration of civil alliiirs, and you take away the inrrutivc to PERPET- UAL Mli.ITARY COMMAND, ^md to CONVERT THE SWORD OF THE CoN- QUF.RER i.vro THE SCEPTRl'] OF THE MONARCH!!!" So, this u-orlhy Ten- nessccan is seriously of the opinion, that if ihc successes of Gen. Jackson — he might as well have named him — be not "repaid by commensurate re- wards in the administration of civil af- fairs," (the Presidency, to wit,) an "in- centive" will he allordcd him OCr"/(> (on-DCrl the sv-ord of the Conqueror into the SCEPTRE of Ike MONARCH!!!" This is the plain meaning of his stately periods; a meaning not (o be disguised : ft sentiment on the contrary, ostenta- tiously put forth as a cardinal princi- ple in the creed of a new adventurer in the field of politics! Now, follow citizens! Jacksonians! Vou who are so from mere prejudice, or casual association! Vou who have not gone too far to retreat! Are you ready to jield assent to such doctrines as these? Are you prepared, hy any act of yours, to countenance the doc- trine, that not only all the honors in in your gift, but all t!iat you hold dear — your liU'. liberty, and property, are subject to Uie disposal of any mere w\- dier, who chances to win a battle f This view of the matter puts aside all questions as to qualification or char- acter. In one word, are you willing to admit that it is in the power of any military captain in this country, refused the Prefideiici/, bv vnur suifrages, to be- come (KrVOLTx' SOVEREIGN BY HIS WILL? That you are so, is the doctrine promulgated by this newly es- tahliished press in the Stale of Ten- nessee. We do not say that this is the senti- ment of Gen. Jacksoi! — we trust in God it is not. It issuCirient to create alarm, that it is the doctrine of some of his liege supporter?, and we fear of no small number of tb.em-— of that class who, in the language of the Reverend expounder of the Gospel at Piiiladel- phia, are more likely to pr.y respect to the word of their Hero than to tlie aord of God! FIRE AM> FAGfiOT. We learn from Knoxville, Ten- nessee, that the Jacksonians in that vi- cinity, finding other arguments ex- hausted, have applied to that of fire and faggot. Truth's .-Idvocalehas been made tl.e sulject of an auto defe. The I Honorable Jacob C. Isaacs, member of j Congress discharged the functions of I Jack-Katch, fxo//tcw. At Westminster, i he collected a body of men good and ] true, to the hero, and assimilated in I character with himself, and burnt , Truth's Advocate, the Richmond ^\ big, j Knoxville En(|uirer, and other papers, at the foot of the whipping-post. This j is always the last resort of Tyranny. j The books of Gallileo were thus burn- I ed. The works of the great reform- ers shared the same fate. We never dreamed that our ephemeral, would have obtaiTied this distinilion. But it j marks the spirit of tiie times, and tiic temper of the Jacksonians. Those who I woiilil burn llic book, would nUo burn the milliori. We .'ce tin: path b( larR us, in the^c proceedings. Birt we lni«t there ii a fccline in the community, ci]u;il to the repul- sion of such nttcmpts at violciir.c nml intimiils- tion. They ili^gracc our country, an J more p»- periallv ilif^^nicc it, when we find a member cf CongreM ii cagnpjd in thecn. TRUTH'S ADVOCATE ANO MONTHLY ANTI- JACKSON EXPOSITOR. CITfCINNATI, OHIO, OCTOBER, 1828. JACESON DN PI.OaiDA. Jn (lic preceding numbci-s of lliis ■. oik, Gen. JacksotJ has been cxliibil- ed as a military comrr.ander, and a$ a private citizen. Some prominent points of his conduct, in botii tl:ose reialion;:. liave been investigated, and pH'scntcul to the country, in their true colours. TJie just inference fronn Ihco. ex- jiojures, i.-. that he i? not cither in tem- per, habits, or capacilj, qualified for ^' civil rule. This result, whicii sccnis inevitable, from the facts <'drt;ady spread before the public, is most con- clusively sustained by liis course of conduct, when placed in the oftice of a civil maj;istrate. Fortunalcly for Otose, \v'io sincerely vvisli to make a just es- . tiiTiate of Gen. Jackson's fitness for the Executive office of the nation, he has been called to ofticialc as a Chief Ex- ecutive ofricer, in a piiroly i;ivil capa- city. His conduct in that otiicc, is matter of history, and is preserved i.n pnblic and oflicial documents. PVom these it is now intended to compile a full and fait'nful account of his proceed- ing's, connected with such cxplanalioHs and reflcctior^=. as may servo to present the w'lolc in a just light before the nation. U will not be practicable to compress this; narrative, with the ne- cessary docutncnts to sustain it, within the space tiiat could be wislied. But although the article nsust W; a long ■ one, it will be found to comprise a liody of inforinatio!! liiprldy interestinfr to the politician, t'jo historian, and to every Isoncst enfpiircr. after the true cliaracter of Gen. Jaclison. Tiio general fact is well knov.n. I';at in 1821, Gea. Jaci<-on wr.s ap- (loin'ed by President Monroe, to re- ceive possession oftlic Florida-, from lh.«:Spaui.-!i antiiorirics, and to olliciafc i- (lovcrnor over the territory. It is ■;;iia!ly well known, that in tlic per- formance of these duties. Gen. Jackson "jav^lved l.irosclf in desperate quarrels R j with the Spanish oflicers, and with the I United States Judge. The active and oj)eratinii motives that produced these resulls, and the discreditable conduct into which Gen. Jackson's passions hurried him, are little known and al- most for:»oltcn. !t is only l)y a perfect knowledge of these, that the demerits of Ids proceedings can be fully under- stood. Early in tlicyear IGIO, a treaty was conclndiKl at V\'a>liingtoii, between Don Onis, the Spanish minister, and Mr. Adams, Secretary of Slate, for the cession of the Flori^las, by Spain, to the I'niicd Slates: ;ind Congress, in anticipation of its ratification b) Spain, passed a lav/, providing for taking pos- session of, and governing it. The ra- tification, however, did not take place nnliltlic 24 Ih of October, 1820, o;i the part of Spain, and on the 18th of Feb- ruary, lOI'l^ it was ratified by the Senate: tlie ratifications were ex- changed, and the treaty promulgated at Washington, Februaiy 22nd, iC21. Congress tltcn proceeded to enact another law presiding for taking the possession of, and for the government of the country. Tins second law was'' considered as superesding the law of 1819, and all that was done under it. By the 1st section of this law, the President was anthorized to take pos- session, and to remove tiie oflicers and soldiers of Spr.in, according to the pro- visions of l};c treaty, for which pur- pose ho was empowered to cmphn' any part of the army and navy of tlic United staks, or the mililia. By the second section, it was provided: "That until the end of the first session of the next Congioss, uidcss provision for the temjiornry government of said terri- tories he sooner made by CongrcsF, all the miiilary, (ivil, and judicial powrrrs, exercised by the oflicers of the exist- ing government of the same terriiorie?, shall be vested iu juch person and pc-r- V" UC2 JAYKSON'IN ri,ORIPA. sons, an J shall be exercised in sach j ernment of the said territories, so ce- manner as the President of the United I dcd by Spain to the United Slates: States sliall direct, for the maintain- Provjrfff/, howner, and it is the true ing the inhabitants of said territories intent and meaning of these presents, in the FREE ENJOYMENT of their that the said Andrew Jackson, or any liberty, properly, and reUgion." Tliis ' person acting nmlcr him, or in the said •ection furthur provides for the en- 1 territories. siiaUiiave no power or au- forcemeirt of the revenue la\vs of the ' thority to lav or collect any new or Union, within the territories; the sub- 1 additional taxes, or to grant or confirm sequent sections provide for executing to any persrtn or persons, whomsoever, certain specific stipulations in the ; any title or claims to lands within tlu treaty, appointing commissioners for 1 same." dilicrent purposes, fixing their com-i pensation, and appropriating one hun-t The special commission, after rc- dred thousand dolla's for carrying the [citing the treaty, tlie law, and the law into effect. The provisions of the powers given as Governor, is in these second section, as above quoted, are a words: transcript of the law of 1803, with re- spect to taking possession and to the | '•Therefore, be it known, that in vir- goveriiment of Louisiana, ' jtue of the above recited act of Con- Under this law, the President issued | gress, I do, by these presents, appoint three commissions to Gen. Jackson; and authorize you, the said Andrew one appointing him to receive posses- 1 Jackson, to administer the government sion of the F'loridas; one appointing' with the existing authorities, in tlu- him Governor of the Floridas; and a best manner in your power for the special commission for carrying into I present, and to report wthout delay, effect the stipulations of the treaty. I the actual state, with such alterations It is only the powers conferred by the, as you may think advisable, that fur- two last commissions, which it is ne- ther instructions may be given respect- cessary to undei-stand. No difficulties ; ing the same: and I do authorize you arose about tlie firft. After reciting I to suspend any officer or ctlicers in the treaty, and the act of Congress, the said territories which the public tlic commission of Governor proceeds: good may seem to require, with the I exception always, of such as are, "Now, know ye, that, reposing spe-jor may be appointed by the President dal trust and confidence in the integ-.ofthe United States, making a report rity, patriotism, and abilities, of J\Iaj. jio this government of your procted- General Andrew Jackson, I do, in vir- tue of the above recited act, appoint him to exercise, within the said ( eded Territories, under such limitations as liave been, or may hereafter be, pre- scribed to liini by my instructions, and by law, ail the power.- and anihorilie ings therein. The two fii-st commissions are dated March lOll.: tlie 1 i>t M:!r. h ;0!!i. 18-21. The President also appointed Coi. heretofore exercised by the Governor' Forbes to proceed to Havana, and re- and Captain Creneral and Intenikml ofjceive from tlu-- Governor cf rlain arch- Cuba, and by the Ciovernors of East ives and public documents, bclongin;; and West Florida, within the said [to tlie Floridas, and to receive iVoni provinces respectiv\al officer; and Charles Jenkins, of South Carolina, Surveyor and iBspector of the Revenue, at Pen- sacola, Gen. Jackson was apprised of his appointment, by a letter from the Sec- relaiy of Slatc,'da(ed March 12, J821. This letter contained particular in- structions for the performance of the various doilies assigned to Gen. Jack- son, and from it, the iollowing extracts are made ; " It is the President's desire, that you should appoint Gen. Gaines, or such other officer as you may deem ex- pedient, to receive possession of St. Augustine; and that the same instruc- tions should be applied to the execution of that service. The United States brig Enterprise or schooner Porpoise, will be ordered to proceed to that place, to escort the transports which are to convey the Spanish oHicers and troops thence to the Havana. The care of providing the transports at both places is referred to you. The number af troops at either place is not known, but supposed to amount to ahout 300 men at each. The stipula- tion is understood to include civil as well as military officers, and provisions as well as passage. '■Instructions will be given by the Secretary of War, to the Quarter Masters and Commissaries, to furnish to your orders, provisions and trans- ports for the conveyance of the Span- ish officers and troops, it is expected they will be supplied at New Orleans and Moi)ile, for those to embark within Ihc Gulf.and at Savannah and Charles- ton, for those going from St. Augus- tine. * * * * " As soon as the possession shall be transferred, }'oti will, in pursuance of your autiiority over the ceded terri- tories, issue proclamations announcing the fact — a form adapted from that which was issued on the first occupa- tion of Louisiana is herewith enclosed, to be modified as the ciicumstances, in youi- opinion, may require. "Tiie power vested in you by tlie enclosed commissions, are also conform- able to those which were entrusted to the Governor of Louisiana, under an act of Congress of similar import.— The President is satisiied th.at they . will be exercised by you with a due regard as well to the privileges and usages of the inhabitants, under the government to which, they have been sui)je(l, as to tlie personal and social rights to which -tiiey will be entitled by the stipulations of the treaty, and as asif>ciates to the union of ihese i 3A4 JACKSO.V IS ri.ORIDA. sl.itcs. The money paid into thcl treaty. His own account of hi* move- Spanish treasury hcfoie (he d'^livcry of m<;iits, aiitl his own opinion'^ of the re- pos50i^ion, and whatever may be due siihs, are here inserted, as tlie first spe- thereto at that date, is to be consider- cinien he has given, of his views of the c(l .'IS the property of Spain. Pay- powers and duties of civfl onkcrs: niriits and dcbU sub>oqu<'nl to llial the government thereof. ■• I am. Sir, &.C. i '■ANDREW J.\CKSON." •{""enclosures i\" the above.] '^Major Stanton to GoTCrnor Jackson. "New Orleans, April 25, 1!521. '•Sik: AjtrccaMy to \ our request of this morniflfr, I waited on (he C'aehicr of the United States branch bank, and stated to 'liim your wisli to negotiate through his bank, a draft oti Washing- ton, for ten or fiilecn thousand dollars, which he peremptorily declined doing. Knowing ihe importance of oljtainiag funds, and that money could not l)e lie ohli(|uidy censures botli (he Clsiiier of the i)ranch bank of the United States, and the Collector of the Cus- totiis, because tiiey would not, e;ther of thein, disregard their oflicial duties at; his bidding. He admitted that he had no authority to draw a draft on the Slate Department, yi-t he determined to draw such a draft!! Tlie Cashier of the brat.ch bank declined purclias- ing this uiiauthorized dr;ift, because his " instruc/wns forbade his rw.goliolhif^ drafh.''' The Collector could not ad- vance money upon the draft, because, without particular instructions from the Sc'Crclary of the Treasury, he had no authority to dispose of the public money. Yet Gen. Jackson is eviden.t- ly dissatisfied. What possible security could there be for puldic monies, if it had in market for drafts, but at a dis-j were allowable to pav them wit upon count, I ventured to state to tlie Casli- L.iauthorized drafts, contrary to posi- ier such reasons as presented them- 1 five instructions, or without' the legal selves to my n*iDd, wh)- the favour re und of ac- lic money in my hands. "1 am, fcc. '•BEV. CHEW." lion. He reasoned with him (o induce disobedience, and seems (juite surpris- ed that he should think proper, to re- fuse ''r(j//Ao«/o.?.v/:,'7i('/(:,'-«»iy '///«■)• >'ftf,?o;j.'' It is here seen," that the habitual dis- An selected as the person to make the same." ' This reply was dated the 4th of; May, and was received b\- Gen. Jack- son on the ~th. hi communicating the' facts to the Secretary of State, Gen. Jackson took upon himself to express surmises as to the cause of Mr. For- bes's delay at Havana, very discredita ble to the Spani4.h authorities. The following is an extract of his letter, «lated Blakely, May 7th, 1821 : '•I am at a lois to conjecture the! causes of llie delay of the Hornet : a I fewd;iys will give us the niasou, and 1 Impe it may not bo found to exist in any understanding existing between an as- sociation of our nierihants nnd the (iov- ernor General of Cuba: but, sir. it is i rumoured and believed here, tliat sucii ■ an attempt will be made by merchants.; to prevail upon the Governor Geueral ' to withhold the order for the delivery of the Florida?, until the last moment to give time for the arrival of large shipment of goods for Pensacola." This rumour &, belief imphes a scai»- dalous imputation upon ^mir merchanls,'' as well as upon the Governor GenM. of Cuba. And it is no evidence of purity of intention, to be so ready upon mere rumour, tu believe and give expression to a charge of such degrading character. We may no doubt trace to this species of ungenerous suspicion, the disagree- able events that followed, after Gen eral Jackson obtained possession. This, it will be seen, is not the only instance in which the General allowed himself to cherish and express suspicions higli- ly derogatory to the Spanish officers and to our own citizens. On the 14th of I\Iay, Captain Call was again at Pensacola, with a mes- sage from Gen. Jackson to Governor Callava. Certain propositions were made, and on the IGth, Gov. Callava returned an answer, concurring in the propriety of all that was suggested, but declining to act upon them, be- cause he had as jet received no orders, and was without authority. This re- ply appears to have been perfectly satisfactory to the General. In com- municating it to the Secretary of State, on the 21st, he observes, it " will shew you the feelings of the Governor, and that nothing is wanting but the arrival of Col. Forbes, to place us in posses- sien of tbe ceded country." Capl. Call, in making report on the 2 1st of May, of his interviews with Gov. Callava, thus expressed himself: "I had repeated interviews with tb.e Governor, and as far as 1 had an oppor- tunity of forming an opinion of his character, I believe him to be a frank, ' ingenuous soldier, and that evcrv con- t'ldeiice may be placed in the profe-- sions which lie has made. Of Ihij I am sure, he is not le^snnxious to leave, than you are to occupy, the ceded country." Previous fo the receipt of this com- inunication from Gov. Callava, and of Capt. Call's report. Gen. Jackson had ciilortaincd diflerenl opinion^, :iiid tb.ir- COM»nsSIONER. 36? expressed (hem, in a letter to the Sec-i retary of State, dated Moiitpelier, May 1 9th."' " Believing, as 1 do, that, as soon as the Spanish agents are notified of the ratification of the treaty and the ex- change thereof, there can he no rea- son for delay, the moment the Hornet arrives, I shall move to Pensacola, and having taken possession, shall organize and exercise the government of the country, «? a thing which we have a perfect right to do at any time. The evacuation of the fortifications by the Spanish officers and troops, and the transporting them to Cuba, is another th-iiig, to accomplish which they have six months, if it is not possible to with- draw them sooner. Here, from my instructions, I am to remain until the arrival of Colonel Forbes; but on his arrival, if any de- lay is attempted, it cannot be attribut- ed to the government of Spain, but a wanton act of her officers, not warrant- ed by good faith, or by tiie treaty. In this case, therefore, I have a right to present myself, and demand possession. This course I intend to pursue, if ne- cessary, and my conjectures that this course may become necessary, grow out of the delay of the arrival of Col. I-'orbes. From reading his instruc- tions, I cannot see any real eause for Iiis delay, or how it has occured, or why he has permitted it." On the .30ih of May. the first unfa- \ onrable impressions, which seemed to have been removed on tlie Cist, had rigain taken possession of the General's mind. He thus writes to the Secre- opc 1 m;iy bo agreeably disap pointed in my forebodings, but, froni tiic declarations of some Americans I that we will not get, nor have a I right to demand, possession, until the i expiration of the six months, and that i even then w^ must negofj-ile for pov 3(M JACKSOX m FLORIDA. ?essioi'!, a<.rv delay will be expoiicuci-d, {jurcrl re.doii can properly cojuplain, (liat tlie Spanish ©(liccrs tiiiiik will bo lor take rtdres<: Info it? own hand=. f^i'jmitted to by tlie American govera-i Anv other doctrii.e w''oiild lead to tlie jnci'.t." ■ <• •- * ' mo^t inisehievous coriscqiiences.' a;id' ■ - ■ would plRce it in the powder of every 'W'cii bad occurred betv.cen (liejiiot headed, and every idler piihlic 2lst and ti)e 30th of I^Iay, to revive j functionary to cornpromi' the peace of ihesc suspicions, and iaspirc the Gen- j nations and of the world. i tral v.'ith siiro unfavorable 5cntim<*Tits. i Until the ecded country wr.s deHf- "C liave no means of ascertaining;. | cred to Gen. JackeonVhy the Spanish Xo facts are dotail'jc! in lite rorrespon-' authorities, he v/^as not authorized to di>nco, to warrant the General's opin-j exercise any power over if. The iins: and tiie whole of his sii.-pirions ■f;ovcrnment«rcmained with Spain. «n- ^cvm to Ite predicated upon the delay til transferred to the U.iit-'d State? un- ofCcI. F.ivbeH. But these suspicions !der the treaty; aud that Jlicf '•..-i-: ; ^ L.- are not moi'e unreasonable tlKin the made known by proclamiti- doclrine he ad\ances. in connection for which, was sent to Gen. .< ■ , on v.illi them. iscxtfHordinary. by the Secrclar}^ of State. Tiie two. By tlie 7th article of die trcMy, it Governments were careful to provide was ^i'rpulaled that "//k- nfftrcrs nir'V | atjhinst ' any possible collision of ai:-' troops." in the territories ceded, should thority. betv.een their officers, cm i - be withdrawn, and possession of the'ing their functions at the same liii.: ; places occupied by t'lcm should be | over the same countrj'. Gen. .Tacly- '•T-/-r»i" lo the commissioners ofthcU. 'son was vested only with tl; -: ^ Slates appointed to receive t^iem witii-'of ( 'onimissimier to receive ;• , in six mon!!is from tlic ratification of and yet this mere ministeriai .. : the treaty. The i^;-f-»ident had rQ-\propcse< ^'to t-ike r">^erfsionhy fl,.' rofl;nized the Uflccssttv of a delivery by ' Let us only remark upon t': , ^ Spain to a i ofnmissianer appointed :char;wters it became neces- *i>r that purpose. The King of Sp;rin sume in this proceeding. '! had mad;^ ;'.n order to the Capfain-Gen- Cumraissioner, :.(:cus."i !' . ' ' ;- cral of Cuha, to cause delivery to be ficcrs ofvioliting the trc r'l: made. The President of the United i he sits in juil;;ment upon iWis a.xusa- i^tatcs had appointed a commissioner, { tion. and pronounces it (rue. Third:. ;r.id sent him to Cuba with the order he proceeds, a? Judge, to pronoui-cc of the King of Spain, to obtain the re- jseiitence and invest hini-elf witb a ijiilsitcand necessary order for the de-!ri<;ht to execute it. And fmrlh: be li'.crv. In this Slate of the c:usc, the ; takes commend of the ni'liiarj- fovcc Commissioner takes upon himself to of the nation to enable, him. by force, set up a new interpretation, and do- to carry his own jud-^aient npo;: i. • terrainesthaf he has a ri^ht, under the 'own accusation, on his own (e.-liiiu j . treat V, to take immediate possession. I into otTIrt. Is not this Ibc very es- \*ithout waiiinjr for the formal act ofjscncc of tyranny, even in Hie cas-^ "!' dehverv. And this doctiine he founds an indivldiia!? AVhat ctiairactcr upon the proportion as-nmed by him-, properly be ijivcn to if. whea its i'-.- ^.■lf. in (he nlisernc of rdl proof, thai 'simjucik e Ts to emb:;oiI his o^yn with a Use dflav \'ii.ho*'itiinln,inctoflhr ."^^'ik- I foreign ;,'overnmen(, m the very f.icti': ifii o'/itv)'.*, wo/ uiarr'"'"' ■"' 'V'""l fmlli or \ executins; a treaty of ;imily, setticme;.> t/:; ihc iKrtltjy ' ! iiiid limits between thern ? Jhc Inv.- Tins nssumplron :s (\;:;uar> to all and the comity of nations forbade *Ir;t comity betv.een nations. ' ,Tt is by pub-' the ;^overnment of the Uai:e;l M . \':r functi'v.iaries thal.aU f.Menimcnts ;i?(.-!f. sfioidd have pursued flny s.irh art: Ifsucii functiouanas (1i'*r6gard course. The prop-isition of a mere (lieir duty, tiie plain c6ufs:,c is to make 'a?;ent, that he would pursue it, upon representatioR' to their t I am indebt- ed to him, for most of what 1 shall say upon the subject. The ordiiiante now l)efore us, creates a political corporation, and con- fers upon its fun( tionaries, powers ut- terly incompatible with public safety, and indi\idual liberty. American le- gislators, have, at all times, proceeded with the most jealous caution, when giving powei-s to political cori)orations. I recollect 110 case in which such cor- porations have been created, without a restraining clause, prohibiting the ex- ercise of any power inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the Uni- on, or the state. But here, this des- cription of corporation, was clothed with nowersabsohitelv and uiiconlroul- in them. That of imposing taxes, is usually most palatal>le to public tunc- tionaries; and we have a specimea ol its indulgence in this case. "AN ORDINANCE, Passed in the City Council, on the XlOt October, 1821. Be it enacted by the Gty Ccnincil of St. Jlus^ftine, That the following taxes be laid and collected within the city: Tzi-cnly-fivc cents on each hundred dollars on landed property. One dollar tor each slave above the age of seven years. Tico dollars on each FREE person of colour, over the age of seven years. Fiif dollars, yearly, on each riding carriage with two w.icels. Ten dollnrg on each riding carriage with four wheels. Fire dollars on each cart or dray. Tjcelve dollars, half pearly, on each retailer of wines and spirits. One per cent, on the amount of stock in trade, seven and a half per cent, on GROSS AMOUNT of salcfi at auction. Tiro dollars on each dog. ubly despotic. Their own (li?cie(ion| 7j», (whicii Gener- al Jackson's council considered a '■•ju- dicious''^ one.) a second time, and ask himself what ho thinks of it? Then let him examine the summary mode of • oUecting them. Assessed the 17th of October, to be paid by the lotli of November, and the market tax to be paid instantly, and daily, upon every article, or an immediate seizure and sale to follow. If he should feel sur- prise or disgust at such l.igh handed inenstiies, let him, bv way of recon- ciling himself to ihem, turn back to page 362, where he will find General Jackson's commitsion as Governor, containing this clause: "Provided, however, and it is the true intent and meaning of these pre- sents, that the said Andrew Jackson, or any person ucljng under him, or i\ THE SAID TERRITORIES, SHALL IWVC NO POWIlR or Al'THORITY, TO LAY OR COL- LECT ANV NEW OK Ar>I)rilo«JAr, T>XF,9." In direct and open conlradijclion ot this restraint upon himself, or any per- son acting under iiim, or in the terrri- . tory. Gen. Jackson expressly author- ized the council to"Li:vv such taxes AS MAY BE NEOESSARv." And the Coun- cil, in the very spirit of their commis- sion, and in defiance of the limitation contained in the President's commis- sion, proceeded to levy taxes, making their own opinions of "necessity" the standard for the amount. We' have here a full length view of Gen. Jack- son, and those appointed by him, em- ployed in the administration of civil government. Are there any persons, in this Union, who can wish to sec the same Chief and similar agents, en- gaged in the same vocation, for the whole United States? If there be such, they may support Gen. Jackson for President. None other should sup- port him. The sixth article of the treaty is in these words: "The inhabitants of the territories which his Catholic Majesty cedes to the United States by this treaty, shall be incorporated in the Union of the United States,- as soon as may be con- sistent with the principles of the Fed- eral Coijititution, and admitted (o the enjoyment of all the privileges, rights and immunities of citizens of the Uni- ted States." The interpretation put upon this ar- ticle, by Gen. Jackson, acting as Gov- ernor and legislator, is amongst the most extraordinary imaginations that ever entered into the mind of a jurist or of a law-giver. It is embodied in the subjoined document. 372 JACKSON IN FLORIDA. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the .Naiurnlizalinn of the inluibitanls of the cedfJ Terrilori/, by Maj. Gin. AxDREW Jackson, Gover- nor of the Provinces of the Ftoridas, exercising the potcers of the Cnpl^in transmitted, nnder the seal of the said Mflyor, or other persons appointed t» open register?, to the Secretaries ol" the said Territories. Sec. 3. That, from father, and had got possession of other MO additional litntre" upon his name, propert}': That various judicial pro- should it be conceded that he yielded i ceedings had taken place, and decrees himself to the direction of Messrs Dun- 1 had been made in favour of the lega- can and Brackenridge. Whatever I tees, and she produced a record ol share of the reprobation they may i part ol" tlie proceedings. All the choose to take, cannot diminish the ' papers connected with these proceed- odium that rests upon Gen. Jackson, j ings. of right, ought to have remained It was not only as Commissioner and I in tbe Alcnde's ollice, and upon en- Legislator, that Gen. Jackson display- 1 ijuiry by iMr. Br.'icivCnridge, he ascer- ed, ia Florida, his qualifications for I tained that the papers in question civil office. He took upon himself to '■ were in possession of a man named olliciate as high justiciary of the conn- 1 Soiisa, and that tbere was reason try, and it was his judicial acts, that I lo believe, an intention I'xisfed to car- made the most noise, and attracted tiie ly them out of the country, Ihough. most attention. A brief exposition of under the second article of the treaty. these proceedings is indispensibk; to a correct compif hensioo of Gen. Jack' son's qualifications for civil rule. they ought to remain as evidence ot priv.'itc right to property in the coun- try. Sou^a held the papers in some According to the provisions of the | way as otliccr or agent, for Ccd. Calla- :ict of Congress, the Spanish laws were I va, who was the Spanish Governor oi to remain in force and tlie power of I the province, at the time of its surren- executing them, was vested in such jder to tbe United States. Mr. Brack- person and persons, and to be ever- lenridge being at n los? what course to cised in such manner as the President i [uirsue, mentioned the case to the should direct. The President author- 1 Governor, who replied: ^Tkat if then ized Gen. Jackson as Governor io'.tfere snfjirifnt proof to warrant it, an op- make suliordinate appointments, uii- 'plication made to him in tcriting, skmihl der which authority, he appointed H. 'is atlendrd to." M. Brackenridge Alcade of the town of 1 According to thi> suggestion, Mr. Pensacola. The office of Alcade was ' Brackenridge, as Alcade. on llie ei'< tiOVER.NOR ANI> JUD«E. 375 of August, 1821, presented a written statement to Gov. Juckson, witli (he address, " His Ex'cy. Rlaj. Gen. An- »RE\v Jachson," alleging the fact re- specting certain documents, relating to estates, in the place, being in the hands ofSousa, and requesting that his "cx- ulkncy authorize some one to make a ir^- ular dcmnml 'if the said durnmtnts." In exact compliance with this request, Mr. U^■llton, Secretary of West Flori- da,'H. M Brackenridge, Akadeof Pen- sacola, and John Millei-, Clerk of the County Court of Escumbia, were ap- pointed, and directed (o make the de- mand and report iniinodiately, if the papers were not delivered. The de- mand, was made, the papers not obtain- ed, and the facts reported on the 22nd of August. Upon the reading of this report an order was Instantly issued "•'to CoJ. Robert Butler of the army of the United Slates, and Col. John Mil- ler, Clerk of the county of Escumbia,"' (o forthwith seize the body of Sousa, with the papers, and bring him and Hiem before the Governor. This or- der was promptly executed: he was in- terrogated, and acknowledged that the papers were in his possession when the demand was made; and "that after the demand had been made, lie went to Col. Callava and stated that he wish- ed to free himself from the responsibil- Vty of keeping them, and that he had this morning, at 1 1 o'clock, had them carried to Col. Callava's house, by a negro, and there delivered to Fullarat the Major domo of the Governor." — Sousa further stated, that when he ex- |)ressed his wish to free himself from re- sponsibility, Callava said nothing, and that he did not know whetiier tlie Gov- ernor had received the papers or not. The next procfuss was against Col. Callava and his Major domo Fullarat. An order was made that Col. Butler and Dr. Bronaugh ;iccompani«'d by Mr. Brackenridge, wait upon Callava nnd Fullnrai arid d(;maiid the papers, and that if they were not delivered the said Callava and Fullarat, ''be forth- with broii;rlu brj'ore ihf. Governor ol his o^re," , ' and safely keep Don Joje Callava. t 2\, 22, and 23, the case of Miss I'ldol had produced no slight degree of excite- I mcnt and agitation, amongst the digni- itaries at Fensacola. Tiie proceed- ings were exlraordii);iry in ilK-mselvcs.- In doing right to fhi> f.btv. in the territories hereby ceded to the United States, shall be icilhdraicn, and posses- sion of the places occupied by them shall be given within six months after the ratification of the treaty, or sooner if possible." And whereas, it has this day been made known to me, that the following ot^cers of His Catholic "Vfajesty, to wil: Marcos dc Villicrs, Bernado Pricto, Louis Gayarre, Civilio Ijcssassier, Arnaldo Guillimard, Carlos do Villiers, Pedro de Vegas, and Ma- riane Latady, and who, according to the said seventh article, ought to have withdrawn fioni the said ceded terri- tory, with the troops of His Catholic Majesty, without the permission of the, existing autiiorities, have, contrary to the said seventh article, remained in this city and its vicinity : and whereas, it has been made known to me, that the said officers acti:ig in a distinct body, inde- pendent oi, and disowning even a tem- porary allegiance to the government of the United States, as existing in tile, Floridas, have been engaged in stirring up disaffection thereto, and in sowing discontent in the minds of the good people of this said province; and whereas, it appears that they are the authors of the following false, scanda- lous, and indecent publication : " In speaking of Col. Callava's ap- pearance before Gen. Jackson, H. B. ought to have stated, that none of the interrogatories and highly offensive ac- cusations of the General were faith- fully interpreted to Colonel Cal- lava, any more than the replies of the latter to the former. It was therefore out of the power of our chief, not knowing what was said to him, to make the auditory und-!rstand how innocent h» was of tile foul charges with which his unsullied honor was endeavoured to be stained. Such, in sum, are the observations we had to make on the statement of H. B. and we hope, that he and the public will be convinced, that we acted upon no principle of pusillanimity; that if, on the one hand, zee shuddered at tlu: violent proceedings ex- ercised against our Superior, we knew also, what wns due to a govern- ment which was on the most friendiv footing with our own, " We are, &c. " The Spanish officers in thisplacf." And whereas, the said publication is calculated to excite resistance to the existing government of the Floridas, and to disturb ^he harmony, peace, and good order of the same, as well as to. weaken the allegiance enjoined by my proclamation, hcretotore published, and entirely incompatible with any privileges which coiild have been ex- tended to the said officers, even if per- 380 JACKSON I'S FLORIDA. mission had been expressly given to remain in the said province, and, un- der existing circumstance?, a gross a- buse of the lenity and indulgence heretofore extended to them: This is thciefore to make known to the said ofliccrs, to wiilidiaw them- selves, as they ought heretofore to have done, from the Floridas, agree- ably to the said seventh article, on or before the third day of October next; after which day, if they, or any of them shall be found within the Flori- das, all ofhcers, civil and military, are hereby required tu arrest and secure them, so that they may be brought before me, to be dealt with according to law, for contempt of this my proclamation,'''' The provisions of the seventh arti- cle of the treaty referred to, in this Republican Letter de Catchet extend no further, than to provide, that the offi- cers should be withdrawn from the discharge of their official functions within the territory of the Flondas. Their individual right to remain in it, was not, in the slightest degree affect- ed by the treaty. It remained as per- fect as that of any other Spanish officer visiting the United States or their terri- tories, and Gov. Jackson had no other legal power over the Spanish officers, than he had over other strangers in the Fioridas. The .itlompl to predi- cate his proclamation upon the treaty, was as preposterous as the proclama- tion itself was illegal and unjust. We have heard much of the arbi- trary and oppressive acts of despots, in punishing men for expressing opin- ions unfavourable to their oppressoi-s. I doubt whether a case can be found, of a more arbitrary punishment tor so slight an offiince, than this case ex- hibits. The Spanish officers asserted, that the interrogatories to Col. Cal- lava, and his replies had not been faithfully interpreted: that consequent- ly, he could not make it undtTslood how innocent be was of {]\efmil charges urged against him. This character of the charges against Colonel Calla- va Governor Jackson took to himself, and tiic assertion thai what passed was not corroctiv interpreted, he considei-s an impeachment of the candour of Mr. 'Brapkenridge, and he decrees banish- menl as ttie punishment of tlie oHen- dcrs ! ! The idea, that the Congress of the United States can confer upon an I officer of its orwii crearion, no matter where his functions are to be exer- cised, a power to banish mdi>iduals, jfor an alleged indecency of language j towards himself, is utt..Mlv inadmi?sible. : Gov. Jackson derived his authoritv from '. Congress. A more tndecext concep- tion, could not enter into the mind of any man, than that Congress intended to confer such power. None but meii whose minds were temporarily derang- ^ed, by the exercise of a brief despotic ! authority, could suppose them compe- [tent to do it. Here is an instructive illustration of Gen. Jackson's regard Ifbr the liberty of speech and of the press, and a warning example of his I manner of obtaining power, by con- 'strucfion to punisli the alleged abuse of them, where he is himself made I the subject of censure. ! The taste of despotic power, is to most men, like the taste of blood to the jlion: it sets him ravenous for more. — The rabies generally extend* all a- i round him. Subsequent events, in jthis case, illustrate the truth of the maxim. General Jackson left Florida early in October, when the duties of • Governor devolved on George Wal- iTo\, the Secretary, who h;;d taken I part in the proceedings against Colonel jCallava and others. About the first I of J.-inuary, two of the banished offi- icers returned to I'ensacola, when dep- uty governor Widton, took upon him- I self to inflict the punishment threat- ened by principal governor. Jackson's I proclamation of September C9th pre- i ceding, for contoinpt and disobedi- 'ence of that proclamation. The i following military I^ttre de Oitchft i was issued i>y him. in exact imitation of his Superior: ' "To Capt. AVilson, the officer of the day. ! '• You are hereby commanded, ibrlh- with to apprehend and bring b< lore ; me, at the executive chambers, Marcos de Villicrs and Arnaldo GuiUemard, itbat they may bede;dt with according to law. for the contempt and disobe- 'ditnccofa certain proclamation is- CASE OF THE srAXrSH OFFICERS. 38 1 sutd by his Excellency General An- , drew Jackson, on the 29th day of Sep- { tember, 1821, requiring the said Miir- cos de Villiers, and Arnaldo Guille- iDfird to withdraw themselves from the Kloridas. "Given under my hand, &c. this, 2d day of January, 1822, &c. /- ' GEO. WALTON, Secrcinri/ and acting Governor nf IV. F. By the acting Governor, "Samuel Fk^^ Private Secretary.^- It will give the reader some just no- tion of the influence exercised by Gen. The arrest of these'^en wis the greatest outrage that had yet been committed. They had departed it\. obedience to the illegal proclamation, leav'ng their families and pi'operty behind them. They came back di- vested of their commissions in the character of private citizens. Tiie wife of one was extremely ill. They were arrested for disobedience to the proclamation, having violated no oti)er law by which they could be judged. The poor cringing wretch of a Gov- ernor deputy, who had (he boldness to do an illegal act, to gratifj' the ven- J, over his subordinates, and of the geance of Gen. Jackson, had not the fear he infused into them, to read Mr. | i^ourage to indulge in an act of clem Walton's account of his proceedings towards these otUcers, as given to liis superior: ("Extract) From Col. Walton to Gov. Jacksoiit dated. .^. -,. . .. ,-vi • Pknsacola, Jan. 7. ''A few days ago, two of the Spanish officers, Col. Marcos de Villers, gen- f rally called Col. Coulton, k. Arnaldo Guillemard, arrived here in a vessel from Havanna. * * * When ar- rested, by my order, and brought be- fore mc, they declared they had come with the intention of asking permission to attend, in person, to the settlement of their private affairs, and the "re- moval of their families. They solemn- ly declared, that they had not return- ed in defiance of the proclamation, which they had promptly obeyed, and that tiiey were ready to submit them- selves to ;iny order which should be taken in their case. For the present, I ordered them into confinement; but the Calabouse being in no condition to receive them, for, excepting the offi- cers' room, it has no fire place, and as Coulton is a very old man, and his wife at this time extremely til, I thought it best to confine them in their own bouses. The situation of old Coulton was sucl), that it would have been cru- el to confine him in (he dungeon with the common malt factors, and 1 could not, •with propriety, make a distinction with respect to Guillemard. They '.hen presented the enclosed memorial ihrowing themselves on the mercy of the Governor." ency, for fear of offending his chief. A strain of miserable whining runs thro' the whole of the foregoing ex- tract, and he finally shelters himself from blame under the sanction of ad* vice from others: "This course was not adopted by me, until after consultation with Cols. Fenwick, Clinch, Major Dinkins, and Judge Brackenridge, who all concur- rod in the opinion that this whs, un- der all circumstances, the most prop- er." Congress being in session, when this latter arrest took place, a representa- tion was made to the House of Repre- sentatives, by a petition from the offi- cers themselves. This petition was referred to the committee of Naval Affairs, and on the 23rd of February, 1822, tlic chairman moved that the committee be discharged, and the peti- tion referred to the President. A mo- tion was made to lay the resolution on the table, on which a debate arose, that continued for several days, and in which a strong sentiment of disap- probation was manifested towards the conduct of Gen. Jackson, by many, who are now ready to make him Pres- ident. "Mr. Floyd could not conceive any powers which the Captain General of Cuba could have to violate the liber- ties of those who should fall within his jurisdiction. Here were men linger- ing in confinement — and we wer.? not 383 JACKSON or FLORIDA. now he said, deliberating at the point] The most serious consequences might of the bayonet, but in peace and safe- be expected to result, if, after charges tj, deciding whether or not to lay the of this sort, were niiidc sgainst hn in- petition on the table. The man who dividual, the House shoolc^ avoid could have the temerity, in tiiis house,; meeting the (piestion, should put tlifnn to lie by supinely on s-uch a subject, to sleep by permanetitly la^itig them may well tremble should he happen to on the table." ''' ''"* •>^'' (• be within the power of another govern- "Mr. AncnER terference of the House." uments which had l)ccn presented to this body, that there had been miscon- duct and malversatiort, eitlier on the "Mr. Randolph thought this House! part of the Executive, or of some oth- could not, w%hout gross violation of its I er officer of the Government, in regard duty, turn a deaf ear to the man, who ' to the transactions in Florida ; and he says he is in bonds against law, and un- . told gentlemen of this house, who der our authority. It was not for us j were the friend? of the executive and to sit here with stoic apathy, under cir- of Gen. Jackson, that if the inquiry cunistances like the present. It wasj were shrunk from, an inference would worse thau mockery to turn over the be drawn by others, that they wished subject to the President of the United to suppress all inquirj' on the subject. States, who is known, if not to approve, i He told this to them, not as an ad\'er- yet not to disapprove of the conduct of, sary, but as a friend. Some gentle- the Captain General of P''lorida. The | men had said, that the executive had Congress, sat here as the guardians of j declared itself satislied with the con- law and liberty. Were we asked duct of Gen. Jackson. If that was a whether we could not yield our confi- ; good reason why no inquiry should be dence to the executive! He answer- 1 made, let the House say so. He was ed, no, — for that person was surround- 1 not of that opinion liimsell", and he en- ed by a multitude of counsellors, inhered his most solemn protest against whom there was no safety, for like it." Ishmaelites, the hand of each was rais- ed against his brother."' "Mr. Stephenson, (now Speaker,) was in favour of laying the nwtion on the table, for the reasons that had been "Mr. Floyd made a few general remarks. Gentlemen had told l<)c House, that the Executive approved the conduct of Gen. Jackson. It might be so, but Mr. F. enquired of gcutle- assignedby the gentleman from I'enn- ^ men, upon what authoiily they made sylvania, and should vote in favor of the assertion." * * "When we are the motion on that ground: But he \ toUl thid perfect li/mtoii/ can be eslublith- protested against voting for it, fonthe purpose of putting it at rest. He hoped it would hereafter be taken up and fully discussed; and he asked, whether any one, after looking at the volume of documeriL=;, would say that rd in one of the territories, and that the executive approvc-s of it. it is a fil subject for inquirj." ^' No inquiry k>bk place. The' reso- lution was laid upon ttic talkie, and the the subject ought to receive the go- j go-by was given to investigation. Nw by." man raised his voire in vindication ol "Mr. Bi'CHanan wasof opinion, that, | Gen. Jackson's conduct. But it Wa,- aflcr what had passed, a full invcstiga- j ascertained that the President had is- iion ous;ht to be bad on this subject. | sued orders for the discharge ol the A charge had beew preferred against i officers, and a majorily wished to gel a public officer, of high character, not ! rid of a matter which they could noi ■ oidy of an intention to violate the laws, ' ai)prove, and did not wish to < ondemn. of f lie country, but of haVing actually violated them; and, said Mr. B., wc, t^ie Reprtsentitivcs 6f the people arc bound fu investigate this charge. — Mr. Floyd, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Steph- enson. Mr. Bu( hanan, and Mr. Archer, are all now willing to appiovc the con- dnrf of ("Jen. Ja<-k<;oi). and m;><y a subni!.^>ive n- truth, andin this I do pronounce that|pology. vou have slated another deliberate falsehood The insults and ouiiagoui tui^ ha- Icr, were aggravated by the fact, that "I have barely to add. thai I reconi-jit was alike impossible for FrOmentin cncnd to you to keep within \ our legal • to resettor avenge them. Gen. Jack- JUDGE FROM£NXIN. M5 son was Captain General, commanding army, navy, and posse commitatus. — Though uot the fountain of all law, he placed himself above all responsibili- ty. Fromentin did not venture again to address him, but gave vent to his feelings in letters to the Secretary of State. This fact came to the knowl- edge of Gen. Jackson, and cn\ the 13th of November, froui Nashville, be ad- dressed a letter to the Secretary of State upon the subject. The following are extracts from that letter. '•This expose furnishes a satisfactory view of the whole ground in dispute, and incontestibly proves that judge Fromentin has been guilty of willfully and uickedli/ fabricating the most pal- pable falsehoods. The evidence of sucii wiblusliiug (Irpmvily and corntp- lion should be placed in the posses- sion of the President, and in strict jus- tice, deserves to be exposed to the ex- ecration of the whele American peo- ple. When an officer of such high re- sponsibility, under the Federal Gov- ernment, manifests suc4i baseness and obliquity of heart, it ought io excite our nlarm, and stimulate the proper au- thority to apply the most speedy and efficient remedy." "This course of proceeding, may very well comport with the corrupt and inquisitorial system o( former Span- ish tribunals,hut they are clearly aftd palpably unjust, and merit the unqual- ified reprobation of every honest and intelligent American, i can assure you, that so far as I have been enabled to collect an expressiiqa of public sen- timent relative to tljeyonduct of judge Fromentin, i( Lbs oviAently renderwd him so oflious' and (■onltmptibic, that his name is only mentioned in cfntebl r4RCL«s to be Heprecatcd and ikspiseJ. It is considered bo Jlagrant nw\ flitgitious a departure from justice and propriety, as lerioBsly to impair hi« standing, and rather to produce disaffection, than rn- -«pire respect and confidence in the A merican authorities in Florida." "Situated subject of public investigation. Good sense, as well as the best pohcy, would certainly have dictated a very differ- ent procedure. After his concession* and opca acknowledgments thtit he had acted hastily, and without due con- sideration of the case, it could not have lieen'cxpected that the most abandoned and projligalc would have denied the facts, particularly when those declara- tions were made in the presence ot several gentlemen of the most unim- peachable integrity. The man who eould thus proetitute his signature, for the propagation of such glaring and barefaced falsehoods, evinces an effron- tery almost without a parallel, and a deslitntion of principle very incompa- tible with the character of one select- ed to administer the laws as judge of the United States. Elevated as he was, I had hoped that I should meet with a manly feeling and lofty integrity cor- responding with his honorable station, but I sincerely regret to say, that he has displayed a want of honesty and can- dour only becoming an apostate pries/, and which is enough to suffuse the check of depravity itself irith a blush.'^ The reader mast remember, that the letter, from which these extracts are made, was written more than two months after the events to which it re- lates. Time was given for the excite- ment of the momefit to pass away; yet does General Jackson work himself again into c*! most unbecoming passion, and indulge in the use of language, which i¥0 circumstance or situation could excuse. It has been said that it is not that which entcrcth in, but that whirh Cometh out of the man, that de- fileth hira. It is Gen. Jackson, and Gen. J.-^ckson atone, that is defded by tiiis indecent departurfc from all that is becoming and respectable amongst gentlemen. What language is this to address to tlie executiveof the nation! How well might I parody a part of it, and say: "The man who could ihua pioBtituto his sfalion, in the employ- have had (he hnrdHfjoi and tcr. ■\ mcnt of such course. aD**, vulgar laU' 5P'',ndcuc rv of Sla^i tuatcd as judge Fromentin was,| euf.ge. In his corrcsprnjjcuce with the I did not anticipate that he would j Secretary e, eviuces an ign«- - - .cmrtily to ' ranee of prop'-'_(.tv. almost without par- r^rivo fM? h ^rwvtfon, iiu) t)'.*lo-'it alaUiJ.anf;" . .,t,. ■v;,V7.-,n1v v<-rv \nroxv.- 3«ft JACESOK iNJnAyja^tAf patilile with tTie cliaratrter of orre se- leclc' "^r high office, under the United S^atc^." ^Ve have non' disposfd of the impor- t,*tnt cOll itcr.ll maili-r!- that arose out of the cise of ihe fair muuiUo. whose origi 'al a|)phcatio;i wa- to ol)tain pos- upon Mr. Sessioa of cert:un documcts, Tr'iirh her rights depended. Brackenridge made the apphcatioii, in hts officirtl chararter as Alcade, claiming paper3 th.it properly belong- ed to his otfine. Having elioded this purpose, he appeared in a new char- acter, that of attorney for the fair mu- laWjvinA her co-beirs against Joiin In- nerai'ity. An application was made to Gov- ernor Jack'on, a? invested with the supremej'idirial aut ority of the coun- try, to proceed in the case, as it was presented by the documents obtiined from Callava. This application waS' in the form of a petition, praying to have Innerarity cited to show cause tvhy a decree previously rendered by Gov. Callava should not be carried in- fo effect- This prayer was allowed, August 28. R. K. Call, the Inte aid of Gen. Jackson, and H. M. Brarken- rdge the Alcade, acted as attornies for the petitioners. On the 29th. of August Mr. Innerarity appeared, and •subsequently filed a plea to the juris- diction of Governor Jackson, and as- signed reasons why there should be no further proceedings against him. — Gov. Jackson, by some process or oth- er, associated wi'H hims'-lf, as supreme judge or Captain General of Cuba, one J. C. "^litchel, wlio figures in the pro- ceedings asoi.e of his excellencies wit- ness's. And before these two judges, til'.' cau=e was pressed to final hearing; every ^plea and ririfument of innerarity and his counsel beiig overruled, and a Jackron, but are neverUiele«a singular builesques upon legal ajid equitable prii>ciplc^. but I do not intend here to njvicw theni* v j^i . Auditors were, appointed under the interlocutory detree, who made a re- port. Innerarity, on the 8lh of Octo- ber, 1821, petitioned for furtlicr time to object to tl»e report. The follow- ing is an extract from this petition: •" "The defendant again intreats and implores that these &icred oracles may not be disregarded or overruled. • These are the laws in which he has been nurtured. Hie bonus &ise. They lead to safety and security. They are a pavilhon in the tinr>e of danger, and the defendant's only refuge in the hoiK? of need. Your Excellency's procia- mation solemnly gunmnties the boon oi the contiiiUHPce of the Spani-h laws; it is a pledge too precious to be par^ ed with; it is the plank to which the defendant clings when be sees all the elements warring around hiro. It is the ark of safely, a -sanctuary in the season of di>tres'i. He is now in that extremity. He has b -en told b> voof Excellency, that you sit as his judge in the first instance, and en dernier re* sort ne plus ultra, wit'iout any other resource, or means of redress, inas- much as all power is combined in your Excel Icncy. •'The defendant humbly hopes that he will be permitted to. say, with alt possible respect, that such a situation is critical; nay, awful indeed! It is without a solitary precedent in niod« em annals; at least if they do Airnisb- one, it is far beyond his ken, or the ut- most range of cou'isel. He is, in a word, without hope, without confi-' dence, except in the justice of his ex« reptions to the report, which he will decree pronounced, on the 17th of make, if he is eranted the privilege of September, lR2l,in the nature of an interlocutory decree. The two opin- ;r>ns, one over-ruling the plea to the iup;m,';'-tion. the other deciding in fa- vour of x»J''^* Vidal, who, it should havf; heen'^jooJ'^'" *'''*'^'^' ihough pro- ceejinr i„ )icr*"i7v, "'''" """*^' '♦P!'*'^'*^ to have ha the ser. vices required, he should oraw ujioo the State_ Department. ^STRICT 389 JAVamOHltl FLOBtUA^. ECONOMY is to be observed in inatr-[ ring (kem,''^ v/i>s it)c injunction of Mr. Sccrftary Adams. ,, Gen. Jackson set! out on this service in April, and reach- ed Mftntpelier in May, where he re- mained until the firntof June, during all which time, he was in (he service of the Government as Major Genei al, and was entitled. to, and did actually receive , from Uite Governnoent not only his pay, but his subsistence, extra rations, for- age, pay for servants, rent of quarters, aod iucl; and yet he claimed and was ajlowed for his expenses as if he were riot btherwiae in public employ. Capt. Call Lis aid, and surgeon Bronaugh, also received all their allowances as military officers. Yet the following are the charges for the perssnal ex- penses of Gen. Jackson, within the pe- riod stated; , W. Harvey, for pMsape of Gen. Jack- »on and femily, from Nashville to VVushiDgton, Missi»sippi, 238 00 Peabody and Cl-'tanberlaiii, for do. -fa steamboat RJ»9id, 170 00 H. Mnoro, dt^ W sloop Ileraid, from / sJN«jr Orleans to Blakely, 570 00 J. AtiEtii), for transportation of Geo. Jacluon's baggage from Blakely to Montpelier, " 45 00 pi), for board of Gen. J. hi? family and Giiite, at Blnbcly, 575 75 BJueaod Shome, bill of store?, 2,44 3l $1243 05 This .nmount of TWELVE HUN- - DRED AND FORTY.TllUEE DOL- . LARS SIX CENTS, is a round sum ^ to bfe paid for mere personal cxpeudi- ^titfc in about sLx weeks, and paid i» men, receiving full pay and rations of ^etery descriptions, in their military .^character. If this was the obsci-vancc of "slricl fcononv/" according to Gen. JacT^ion s notions of »t, I do not see ^ bow it cat! be expected that he shogld ; rijjor'm Ine poveinment in matters of ^«Kpcnsc.' His whole charg,e for per- j, so'Wil expenses, in this service, amouul- ■cH to fi^y Three thousand Dttr. HUNDRED AND THIRTY- ^rOlJR- DOLL.\RS Mucty-live cents. , He Vas' abjtcnt, from the Hermitage, ^'"dboiJtV(x jpontiiE. fait of the time '^\iiV6l't^■c4 Ilia Major Gcnci;d"i pay i'ahd perqi'isii'ej^ Eor the residue, he rfccired m the Vale of FIVE THOU- SAND DOLLAfUB pera3 Gov- ernor. This .5'3134 96 cents, is inad- dition to both, incurred^ acco.nding to , Gen. Jackson's opiiHon, with "fVrci ■economy.'''' ^i .. -urij/i-.. I . . ^O tOr|f n. II , I There is too much reason to appre- jhend that at the present moment, a j portion of the public mind is closed against a candid consideration of tbc , important facts here presented. It was, nevertheless, a duty to collate &, present them. This may be one means i of preserving thera in a regular con- nection. If, at some future day, when I the present misguided devotion to I Gen, Jackson stall have passed away. I this paper- should fall into the hand? jof an American Statesman, properly I devoted to free institutions and equal j laws, he cannot be otherwise than as- I tonished, that the principal actor, in j such scenes, should have stood promi- nent as a candidate for the Presiden- tial chair. Let him be careful that, when filled with astoilishment al the I political aberrations, of those who have I preceded him, he docs not himself j become the dupe of party, or the vic- I tim of passion and prejudice. Here- tofore, we, of this generation, havt i considered our institutions as securely and permanently established. We I have prided ourselves in the belief, that they were calculated to endure, and extend the blessings of rational liberty from generation to generation, until time should be no more. But this proud hope begins to be abated. i We sec with sorrow and with alarth. I that the very same causes, which have j overthrown nil tree gfivernments, exist and operate in our own. Love of {glory and devotion to military renown, , infatuate our counfrj'nicn ns they 'have infatuatfd all others, and with jthis differen<;e against us: In other countries, public bberty-h»>s been sur- rendered to profound talents, to long public services, to repealed military exploits. We propose^to deliver our- selves into the hands of a victor in a single battle;— the sum of whose ic/w/r ■ talents and public services, that distin- ;guish him from bis fellov\s, is writt.en in four words, 'TAc Lallle of J^'ev. ' Or/cn/i,v/" II£CO OF TWO WARS. 386 •ji '■ t- UERO OF TWO WARS. I ■ b'-M 'A ,n)Ui!iall be seized, il' by tJie last resiirt. This has been weighed maturely, and Che traio, Is safely laid lor action ; and to spring it. Needs but a word from one of desperate furtime. Knr \¥lK*thaTe 1 to lose, whose itiys, at best, ; g^'c almost iiumbercd?— Who shall cQuut the , ' gain? Hf best can count it, who has keenly felt. The sweets of deep revenge on hated foes, VVlio like the great Archangel fallen proclaims, The unsubdue^l and stern resolve of pride. Rather "to rule in Htll, than serve in Heaven." So do I feel, and sflch is my resolve. And ioB^ mind, exposed as I have been, LaiKed irito fury, by the blazoning forth, ' Of a long life of folly to the gaze, Of the astonished multitude, whose stare Sears ray braiu witli fury uncontrouled. . To reign supreme one single month, is worth The utmost consequence of life or death. Then shall these people well repent, that they Opposed my wishes, or exposed my crimes — I'll make them fear me, whom they would not love, ■ And cower beneath the sceptre I shall sway itjupreme, where on,ce this proud Republic stood. The pride and wonder of the admiring world. The disaffected spirits of the South And East and West, from Maine to Mexico, Stand ready for revolt. The signal given, They rush around their chief, and hurl dafiance i At all who talk of laws and constitutions. | And shall 1 pause, when glory points the way, > /nd deep revenge incites me to the field? j Shall 1. who've trafficked human flesh for gain, 0oubt if I barter liberty for power? ° I Shall I bind slaves, and not bind freemen too. Who crowd around me, begging to he slaves? Dark ministers of Fate have whispered oft, That I shall scourge the hind. Then be it so I but obey my destiny : the blame -Rests with the F^tes, not me:— I yield me to them. I will, like Alaric, " the scourge of Gotl," The ruthless spoiler of Imperial Rome, I'our forth the furies of my breast, and blast Like him, the herb.ige of the earth, \vher6 c"rc ! turn my footsteps through the trembling laud. Oh! glorious thought! My longing soul's on fire, TobursUike vEtna on the astonished world. To march resistless o'er my prostrate foes, Mailing their necks my footstools, as I mount. The Imperial car that crushes them to death : Then shall this hated coalition crew, This C**», and all his minions writhing feel, The tortures that luy vengeance dare inflict Who comes to interrupt me there? Avauut !-^ Ala«: the spell is broke^the vision fled; Eti tcr Hiela tor. Lutestring and Ci/plier. Lute. All, a II is lost! Proud with saccesv your rival . ^ Smiles on the courtiers that around bim throng. With grafulatious warm. Meantime, your friends In sullen gloom retire from the r^rowd, Desponding at their fate. Cv. They must be cheered, With a new enterprise they know not of. The sfcret once disclosed, their swelling soule< Will burn for action^ in the high emprise. DiR. A cast to desperate should be well con- sidered. Hero. Away with cautioti and considera- tion ! They both are dastard traitors to truedarin»: Seize the Director ! he cannot be trusted. — Here ! this to my Major Domo — this to him. Who ruled my councils in tiie field of Orleans .•Vnd this to Outcast: — Let no time be lost. AnJ this— atrd this—. Observe you the Director. Here, wev'e ten thousand men already levied With these we'll storm the Capitol, and U Omnes in great eonfusitnt. Cvrtainfalb slowli/—lime, ' The death of Lilierty.' FURTHER ILLUSTRATIONS OFKHSN. JACKSON'S TRUE CHARACTER. Almost every day developes some new fact, illustrative qf the (rue char- acter of Gen. Jackson, and demonstra- ting the mistakes (hat have prevailed with respect to his talents and informa- tion. It is humiliating to be made cer- tain of the extent of his ignor.Tnce: and yet it is a duty to ascerfain that fact. The reputation he has acquired, the stations he has occupied, and that t«» which he aspires, all altach importance to him. We naturally ask ourselves, can it he possible, that a man of very slender capacity, of no learning and of no experience in public aflTairg, by the mere force of arrogant pretension, could occupy so much space in the minds of an enlightened people? We feel the reflection cast upon us, by an affirmative answer to this enquiry, an* we rue therefore reluclanl to make it. The fact, however, cannot be negatived by our unwillingness lo admit iu No doubt can remain, upon the impartial and the intelligent mind, that Gcm-it-! Jackson is, and ever luis been, a lash, vain, and presumptuous ignoramus: that it is to a good portion of animal sop. .riniTHFR IMT;8TKATI0N« oj coura!y^5 and to.ap uncommon share of vindictive" (jir);j united with an impt lijr ous temperj tfiat he bas made an im- pression 'upon fhose aroutid him. How ' discreditable to our country that such a man should he selected, for h<'r high- i est stations," aiidheld up as a paragon of | virtue and of talents'. How disgrace- 1 fal! how pregnant with misthief. should the infatuation of the people pfnce him ui that station! In Gen. Jackson's puhlic correspon- dence, upon puhlic aflairs, th'^re is a decent accunicy ofcompositio-i, which would indicate a tolerable scholar; and, although the language is very often exceptional for its rudeness and coarse- ness, his writings might pass for those of a plain, unlettered, but intelligent man. When, however, his correspon- dence, such 33 is actually and unques- tionably his own, comes to he inspect- ed, it is found of a totally ditltrent de- scription. All the rules of composi- tion, of orthography, and of syntax, are disregarded, and a most reprehensible ignorance is made manifest. Only a few specimens have fallen into the hands of those who have deemed it right to expose them. They have been sutTiciently conclusive. Still it cannot be amiss to multiply the proofs upon this head, and. for th it purpose, I here copy exactly, with the exception of punctuation, two origin;il letters from Gen. Jackson, ■' They deserve to be preserved, in tliis work, as curiosi- ties, in more particulars tlian that of their literary pretension. Tiiey pre- sent, no doubt, a fair specimen of the writer's mind, and of the sulijects tliat occupied it, at the time they were written. He was then forty years of age, in the prime and vigor of man- hood,and the medic) of criHJiiics which these letters contain, seem to have been the chitf pahulenoon wWK his intel- lect subsbted. . n .. II.- •> > ■> •i'^" . '" '■ "i fectf, ypurnoic': its consents qu\y obscrv- eJ. tho ^e<^eipts as diVfcloil I b^ir tmainnl. tbp'necrb Oirl nanied, iflikflvint a fiiir (iricp, I will r*<*ive. I have cccil Si>im' Commiiiiica- lion«from the Ptetiilpnt nnd Sccrutary of War, and yonr prp«eure'ii required, iit My hMi«r to morrow Kietiini;, or F.arly. Monday Morning to consult nn Menns t Mei.'iire, ,iiid to deter- mine the latitiirti- of the aiitliorilj. it is jthe , iT.frtst old wonan letter from the ?(cr»tarj that you •verSawr. your presence on S'jnday tveninj mil bti cxpecteil, and your nre^eure on nionday morning at 9 oc!.)ck cannot bt dis-' pen'Td wjih. you must attend. I have Sunt' nn express to the mouth ol Cuniberiand ii to, MaMac to kee and hear, and nu.ke obserra- . tn'ns. I have wrute to Capt. Uisele: but Iroin iniori.iation reed, at ttie mouunt th*- Meiscii-- Ker was Staitin^, Givef me reawn t<>t>elieTe' that Bi-=le is the Host oi A. B. V\ i;Aijson hat deuounceil B. us n- traitorafler he nAilid that he was iuiplicated. tliis ia Ut'tj* policy, lie has obtained thereby the Ci-uninand of New Orleans the Gun tioat; ariued hL'J hif plan cac now be exiculeil wifhout resistance. But we luust he there m dui- finie, before fnttificatiotie can be erecteil. and re'stom to our (»overiini«nt Nfw Orleans and ihe vreelrrn Coujiuerxe. you uiu«t aliend. Gi»e tti those Offieers that »oq see assurances that all V(duiifcer C'oinpauic* ' will he Greatfulli aoceptetl off. we must have thirty, 36 or 40 Companies into the field, in fifteen or twenty days; ten oir li in lour, t have it from the i'resident, I have it frOiu UiX' on thill all Volrnteers uill be «;ratelully RO cepted. Tomorrow n:;:ht Winchesler will l>e with me, 1 wish yu there, the Secralarj- of ^Var IS not 6t for a Grany. I fear J. Kandolphs Ideas were too Correct; but duheruus as he has wrote there are bufficient authoril* to net. Act 1 «iil, and by lujLt mail I utcr3' eo- ergy." This letter is without date, but i£ endorsed as written the 4tb and re- ceived the Gth of January, 1807, and was addressed to Waj. Wm. P. AmjLR' SON. The occasion of writing it, as . will be seen, was the receipt of tlic President's proclamation respecting Burr, and a letter from the Secretary atVVar on the same subject. And il . is certainly remarkable for the cool iO" difFercnce with which private receipts, n negro-trading bargain, cbntfitipt for the Secretary of War,. and consulta- tions for the f uppressipn^ol' a.supposeti . wide spreading freaStS at6 commin- gled together. " '' . _^' '■ ' If wc rightly conlprehehd thi.sdocti. men(, an express had.arrived with let- ters from the I'loident-and Secretary of War, informing Gen, Jackson that a . diabolical and. treasonable conspiracy was in full action, and. tJi.U his own neighbourljood Jiad been one theatre of iti' operations, and himself a dupe to aid it. lie is otllcd upon to make • iijiioedra^j^ «i)rod^lj^'' at head quarters, ed with treason. Then comes the would hare soon consigned such brag- promise of great tilings to bp perform ea for the country by the General him- self, in recovering New-Orleans, and restoring Western commerce. The utter ignorance of military atTairs manifested in the proposed mihtary ar- rangements is truly ridiculous. Thir- ty, thirty-five, or forty companies were to !)e in the field, in fifteen or twenty days, to reach Ncw-Orleans before the conspirators could fortify it!! How was New Orleans to be fortified ? I low ■was an army of 4000 men to be organ- ized, supplied with the necessary arms equipments, provisions and means ol trnnsportation in twenty days? All fbis was to be effected by the single prowess, the mighty t tlents of Andrew Jackson, in whose estimation '•Hh.e Sec- retary of War was not ft for a granny^'' and whom he undertook to '■'instruct in his duty,'''' as a matter for which he was well qualified. The flippant iijnorance evinced in this letter, is only equalled by the spir- it of calumny and insubordination that runs through it, and by the silly pre- sumption of proposing to instruct the Secretary in his duty. We have here Tihder Gen. Jackson's own hand, an account of his conduct towards his su- periors, in the very first instance o/re- ceFviiig authority to act from the Ex- ecutive of the Union. Tl»e Secretary of War stood in relation to Gen. Jack- son as his superior officer. It is a first principle of military disciphne, that the inferior shall treat the superior with deferential respect. To apply to him terms of reproach, is a military offence, and punishable, not under the second section, but under the sixth ai^ tide for the rule and government of the army. To speak of the Secretary of War as n ^hTxcrc old renmcn^ a5 '■'•ntA Jit for a grormy^^ was a contempt and disre^ct of that office-, of & highly gadocia impertinence to its proper noihii gncss. 1 doubt, indeed, if any letter like that threatened, was ever written to the Secretary at War. Mr.' Jefferson was not a man to be bearded either in his own official character, or in that of his Secretaries. The second letter is as follows: •'Richmond June 16. 18S7 ' " I am still detaiuetl here, and at frhat time I will bf able to.lfiivcit js.uncertaiu. Gen«3 Wilkinson, alter ilelaining the Court 20 dajs, • has at TeriKth arrived'and tlie bills against Burr are sent up to the Grand Jury. VVhethor the TeBtiiuony will be sufficient to convince the Minds of thi- Grand Jnrv that guilt exist Either as to treason or Misdemeanour is problimatical. I am more ronriijced than ever that trcasati never was intended bj jBurr — but if ever it wa."! you ICiiDW My wishef — that he may be hung, . I am Slill more Convinced that whatever uiay^ huNe been the project oi Burr, James WiikinsoB, . 'a-Ai went hand and hand with bimi but EalonH like, wheu he (bund that such was the iutegriU.w and virtue of the wistirn citizens' tl.at'a suffi. ." oient force Could ni't be obtained he became the. patriot to save himself from the fmwns and indij;uati',n of an insulted people, und to bring about that event by a lawless tvrany that whicli he lound conld not be cariev opiiiion that it is just to sacrifice one as a peace, otfering to policy, and periiut others of ciinal ^ jiUilt to pas? ivilh impunity. lam Scrrj tO*C Say that tbi? thing ha«, in part, assmctd Ihe^ shape of a piiliticafpprsecu'ion, and lor whic^ I refer you to the papers of this place, J am tolij ' you Recitvp them, a subjicena has been sent ou for the President, with a Lh.cu tecum, whp*. • may be the return I know not. but it iipptar^.^, .Mr Hay, by a change, i« placed in the opposite '"' Situation that he acted in when Calender wa(S-3J tried, and his own doctrine is us-ed against him. as scon as the Grand Jury have acted on thi»» thiog, I will advise you Ihenof. — at,the racel^j^j hope you will see Mrs. J.ickson. tell her iiottoi^^r be ureasy, 1 will be home a' soon as my, obe-,- t dience to thepreceptof my Cuntry will permit. „,. I have onl^ to add, as to the race, that the V- mare of Williares is thought here to be a £cst. — rate animal of h«r sizi; but, if she can be pui "■ up, she will fail ia one heat, it will he thcu pr./pef topL'tficr up To all sljc kflOKi at cnce "Adifeu "A. iACKSOX" .a»2 •lO I*. W. CAIU'BELL, ESQ. TOt. W. CAMPBELL, ESQ. Thii U, to be sure, a rare medley of i tittle tattle, rude insiwintion and horeej racing inslructionj. It is impossible t/> | lead this epistle, and not perceive in it ^^^^ ^^_^^_^ ^e writer's strong prediiettion for , ^^^^ ^^^ Burr. He wns well .:onv,nced.that ^^ ^^^^\,^. Wilkinson was as guilty as Burr, lie impeaches the integrity of Ealm and .declares his opinion, that the proceed- ings .gainst Burr had "■assiumd the shoj/e of political perseculioH.'^ All this W4S the exact slang of the Burritee "fjj,'!"^^ tbajt dav. And what does it amount j ' ■■-' rr> ' . 1 1 il_ I name. mij l^V.T_ll t«.v-i:w»_ .«.. fcv- to? Toneithermorenorless,thanani^^^^ ^^ j,.^ count i^, ow assertipn t!«l Mr. Jelloi-on was the,^.^ ^^„^^ ^.^.^^^^^ ^,^j ^, persecutor ol. Burr, Wilkinsoo perjur- -ed, Eaton a scoundrel inlbrmer, and • Gen. Andrew Jackson a m^sl patriotic Sin; — You were once known as a distinguished and leading member o< • the National Legislature. Subsc- Sccietary of the Treasirty- Ignited States, and again as U. S. Minister, resident at Russia. 1 was not a little surprised, when in March; 1827, 1 discovered your name as cine of a Committee of Varnishers, raised purposely to white-wash the clwracter ~en. Jackson. Every man. whose gentleman, who wished to see traitors hung and innocent men acquitted!! ■. The horse-racing instructioHS are in exadt clxaracttr with the rest of the letter. Mrs. Jackson is elegantly jum- bled up with the horse race. Informa- tion for her, and directions about Wil- liams's mare, are most delicately asso- ciated together. "Pf(/ her up to all she knows a: oitce," is doubtless the slang of the turf. Tht knowledge of a race horse!. How would it compare with the knov/ledge of Gen. Jackson? Let the candid reader take these two letters as the index of Gen. Jack name has been associated with the es much to omelhing to- himself. He is not at liberty to"" be- come conspicuous in a discreditable vocation, "because his degradation may discredit other?, and prejudice hi> countr)-. It was upon this principle, that Cajsar acted, when be said that his wife must not only be pure, bm above suspicion. An. individual may consult his own feelings in forming his associations, becanse they affect no person but himself. A public mar. must select his course in life, with a reference to his pubUc character. He must avoid improper courses, and un- fit associations, lest his example might do mischief. So, a man who has once occupied a large space in the cotin- :x 01 uen. .>at K- i .^ ^^ j^j^ country .is required never to jon's mind, as a fair specimen ot ^ttie j^^^^^ ^^^^ .^ imposes a particular rule of circumspection, upon his whole sub- subjecls that occiipied it: Let him take them as a' sample of his literary "acquirements, and who could imagine that the author would ever be thought of for President of the United State*? Jack Cade condemned the clerk of diatham to dealh, because he had a ;J|=^'-^'- ^^'^"^^ "wbat uas Hie object sf or President 01 tne unitea otar«n ^^^^^j^^,,^^ according a k Cade condemned the clerk of ^^^ oraanizafion may sequent life. Have you preserved this remembrance in a proper manner? Associations are reprehensible oi as their ob- he one or ject and organi ,'. i appropriately named ■ tlie Navh\ille ' I White- washing Committee? The a- book in his pocket, with red letters in; ^^^ association to which von beloni;, it, and because he wrote "cowri Ao«J llaid any despotic^ sovereign, ^who ob- jour frUow citizens, for (ruth. The tu was urony: When you en- • transaction irom all censure. "-Did gaged in his defence agr.lnst the vari- you sir, and your compcersj fn" this ous objections which have been urged work, ieel a just roaptct for the Amei- against him, you then know you were icau people, when you presented -to attempting to impose falsehood upon them vour etlbrt a! vinJif-atio'^? I*r^ai VJfc outtrjf, iiji.o^ea (Jeclftnition th.if you xellcci! eui:Ic deep in tlie minds of ail the° tipori (Fci^ Credulit}^ JJiid their prejadi- ■ tuoUi lina tjic; good. ' . tiib. youti .ce?! ft was all idsuH, sir, to the conf»-' they may,' for* a ttme, pbrmit pfTriy jnon sense of every unprejudiced muid, rVicns anJ pnrf^ ereltemfint, to sflenca Ft wai an, e;spression of Contempt; it I llieirjUst toflH:tioAV.' But tKcy cannot \va^ spfie^nii jrpiiyi it was Isittcr ridi- !'!)e ejctirigoishpd. Nhy.^iKfj must'lWc cijle/ It WTjs holding up your fellow- ilcepf (Vesh in rec6lVoifVioii':,^iy btfjcr citijy;ns,iat least your devoted parti- 1 Cvenfs. Do you hot' knO\NV rir, tti^t ians, to the EcoHVof oliiers, and to the since your vindicrvtiob (3* this cfirrfc t onfeJsed degradatipn of themselves. — ' has been spread before the world, *OTnc ft wa^ requiring them to write fool, or'of its secret perpetrators have alnoost dupe upon their own fronts, and to { tlirown olT their distjnhc ? ^Have ywi wear, the inscription in naked ex- j not heard pf ii .n-' -icrj' like that 61 ■ posurc tp the world. That you judged V'riah? ' Ar*-' the porpctriiitors otter • orVecliy of the devotion of your par- stranger? toybu 7 Know yon notlihig Ijzans, r admit. You may make any pro- ! of a inatii tfihigh Efatioii, whofjc dbrtfe- posilion with impunity, even to a lady, tic relations are neither to be seen err when Fier passions are excited to a [named'! h there no instancfj even of But when tlic excite- j female aberrntion, where it certain point. ment subside--, and rctleclion returns, t have been thought imposiblct- A\r — ■" '- - ' ^- -*■ --- — 1.1 >- — . .1 ._ • r,fk would I she will know how to estimate you. ' spetit to your toosciousne'^, nt'^Ho So, when the tu^nia (ijal has seconded |yoyr conscience. 'T iuaniip^'De dle^eGr- ytJur claims for Gen. .fackson shall jed'abobt the response of cfthef;'^', "'"',' be removed, lijid political healtli re- Have yon, sir, 'dealt rdndidly" wilb stored, the .people must feel, hs up- 1 the country^ and arconfing totnc Wst light pei-sons should feel, toward? of your judijment, iii the cuif; of;tfte those who have insulted both their j Six Miutia Mek? Would ydd'dofflnlit j)riiicipjes and their understanding', jyour profeisioDal rcffotatioo;' by {living In all ages of the world, crime as Ian individual opinioh that the law war- well as vice, when attributed to the! ranted their tx^cution? 1 CHnnctlic- idol of a party have found apologists, licve' it." KSperiencc dcmonMrates. Of all the dark catalogue of crimes,' that Ivodic^ot infcif oftoi; say and 'do none hatJ produced more mischief and that, for wilii^^h" ho one of them \njt^ horrore than the indulgence that vio- become iiidlVidtiallj' lBsponsiblc."^\<- latcs the seventh pit;cept of the deca- Are \'Ca 'vre|)?.i't;d to st^nd ^bcTcJtc " the nafib^ a'hJ rindicatt the tratr^c- tioi-.s Vrtb/fhe l^eiti oV AtLrsbN-?— Would .t1ot,,\t)ar lilorar se^ue r6tolt ■whole Jro- tice otpf IfiV.lc that* a 'On3,art hut its ordinary c6hsbrjticn(^Ci<. I studied tnisrc^fcsehtatibn of faets fi'as History, sacred and profane, tlie ;ui- been put forth in tluit case? Arc you uals of public and private men, all, not thoroiitihly "coiiiinccd that ine set- leach the same lesson. The murder 'fiT-fiaust have iifevaMfdf^" J5o fou lo^tfe.' Whether wi; examine its ef- fects upon the affairs of. tv^tionS, con> initlcd by Kini;s and rylers, oiwhcth- of Uriah, and the rape, of IJotcn arc htit common instances. Similar ones occur in all age^, and in all couhtricF-.thp compromlsfe?' Kvery year we have more than one! la.-c of the kind, where murder fol- lows adultery, even in our own con».- irv. What then should a v" not'kiibw tlwif Hiis i;oh\l'ctia^, (fic-^n;- !!ultoflntrea^sPd'h^{bi%aag&-pni9DS;cil ■the compromlsfe?' '■•^^^^'''^ '■">- ■ But sir,lKeJ»Ffnd?tiJl1 fetifect bTthJ3 ictteiv IS to review- thtr'',Tiitiffsl efTcrrf of your association: the 'attciTip^ to tps- irtuons! cue .your idol from the' consequence of people tliink of those, who associate j his ccmvifctio^' Vith A.-irdn Burr ajui rogtther, professedly to "make apologies _ _ . for this enormity committed^ under ahy possible circutyistanct:^.' Do not dc- his conspiracy. Tliis effort is a chief tic oitvrr, even for the Whitewashing Committee. I, shall fHssect withont Hr^-crib'ia^-?*'., ^''" ' ■ ' ■ """ " ■■ ^--^JTOG. W.,C.VMPBELl,. ESQ. 3i«2 teca r. • . -Iljcominences wi.tb a.iaij'tlqfous iin- { buspiciou vvaa l)roaclawaKe, scTcntec I.|rHUi.. Xjj^ ctjcirgfi^ucH n^ ,it is, ^wus [ ('a^'s before the first Ja^- of Npyemhei jjDptJ^^f. ^jil^i^v,*'.Q!^rytj^ treated as a maKer c^^pr'evibu's (5.3^- .JBudo kncivji' to . the party . accjised, I istence. How, sir, sliould a inan .Of . nine njontha b€iofe,r/flefWo/'/7(<; co(i-; honor foci, tlius comicled of a t^tal ./a*/.*' Mixt iin B'i'li ih'" fiiH^hov>d, jw«i/i' falsehood is resorted to, in assuming ^p/ JCovtmber, 1 606, H'oift<>^7'^e .siis- 1 premises, and (hat is as'serfcd ns fact, jjiKMptrkwi uf (rersoiiy or^.q.7),ij\' project wt-| which has. ho foundaUpn in truth. — /rkiidlti to the peace or, iategrity of //i<*Su.>picion did exist .on ll;c,3d of No- rJJniied Slates, had any. etisU^nc'e in tJoi\ vemher. It riot only existed, hut had I'.coioitri/.^'' That this rtsacrtion is not | been proclaimed loudly and distinctly, ^f&uhded in truth, is susceptible of the, twenty dajs be.'brc this money was re-> y-cloarest proof, and that too, by testi- ceived, and its expenditure commcnc- ,^tfK)uy that cannot err. The Westehn \Sfv, of October 14, 1806, printed at J Cincinnati, contains an article, frorn which the iollowing is ah eitraqt; , . .'. ' « Fellow-Citizens :— That there is a ..plan in embryo to dissolve the sacred ^c6mprtct of our Union, is. no longer a secret: the principals and their emisa- ciea hcn they may souiid the alarm,] sentation, I might well say falsehood, t^nd speciously deceive you to rally 1 of a donble aspect, that indicates the i rott))d their rebelUous standard." Upicit of the whole article. It js a?- . . • , jsr.rted, thatGen. Ji.ckson, wliilst iri the Hfre i3an'inequivotal.refutaiion QfiScnaic of the. United .State?, ni ,1797, your assertion, '-thaf up to the moiith [ became well acquainted with Burr: of November, nothing Ukc suspicion j that tlien»_§nd Iqpg aOiSr^.Burr . stood had any existenre in this countns"— 'hish in the estima'tion of tl^^ Repub- ■■ '-; - •- - - ~z-=rP:sfi anyit attention lo its iotcrc;:ts. rrom.thcn, j'^-liTy yonrsclf, m « m.uji oi ^rs gti^^rnph, ever}" rondtr voiiUl jl)onor, fci lonlliiig vour iramo to palm .'nfer, fliat Burr was a mcmbev of the tl)ciuas triilh* upon tlif puMit? Senate, or at least a iin'mljcr of ("on- !»Te8Af When Jarkson served in tlf;i( hod}'. Bill the fact ig nbtsa, anuToii, fir,; knew it. ;Mt. Liuvrencc an/T Mr. f lobart were Senators from Netv York', tlui - 9C«sio;i that (jen. Jark-on served ift the Senate. Burr wa> not a mcrn- hcr of Coiigro^, on the contmr}-, be ^Cas a mnnibcr of the New York legis- fatbre, and no opportnnitj was afford- ed, to Gen. .fncksoQ to become well ac- (fnainted witfi hitn. The asSertiori. thtU General Jnrkson berame -jvcll ar- Tlif l^tlqr to ypur^tlf, which you have 9d<:iHted to e.xpluin (ien. Jack"-' Mia's c^dact, is c' state!, Y/'m. lakm.v — and who was moreoveri salif- '■t?97-S.) and lonpnHer, stood hif;h in fied that she had boe;i deceived, rnighf 'be i'Jtimation of the Rep'ibiiran par- well be suppo.-cd to tell just such o t Ji* . This is true, but it i= a tnith =o *torv. Let us sujipose htir writing a fitted as to deceive the reader. In iatter to her confidential friend* coti- • 1-900^ Burr -was the Republican randi'|.''cio'.u. guf}(. and apprehension of. Ue- ilatc for Vice President. lie Ki-itection, both preying updii her mind- nis^aed for the Presidency agfsirist M]-. [Would n()t die foliowing, he very prob-- FeJfcrson. and iVoin that raoinenf. the abJ-y^J^uir janguagc ! Rcpilblican party ceased to conudc in him. Ko man knows th); better than yourself. He -wjir a eandidnti? for <'«OTeTS:>i' ■nf thrj state of New Ynr*,,-, in Mnr» 1 804. •nfra^in-^t Jlorgan Lewi?. \\"U8 «oted for bv a kind 6f coatitioa — Lewis rereivinff the Rejnildirnn volts. He vrrxs defiented— foosht a duel wit^ FederaJists not to support him, nnfl t-fcfm' the fatal issue of that duel, was •??tcen-ied a desperate nrni. The language yon have i;-od^ cpOr ve}T the opinion, tliat in IBO.j.at]d JoOcli, when Bnir v[ ■ Tl'is I know you will never believe, until you hear it frorri nvypclf, or trom o source (hat yon know caanot err. Should you Hamilton, because of hisitdvife lo the] ever hetir my chastity impeached, be- lieve it r.ot; Should you hear tlint I had listened t9 licentious discouryes, pnd been silent, i)elieve it not. or that I would not put any;m.iii out of exist-, cnce.wha wc'.ihl n;}.me sMch n thing to tnc bcfori; inar|7a«e<. If B* . ''-"l nny designs a^airjst my virtue, he Ig, the i asc.-lcrted governor of New Ydrk^ rind thnt he liiid not even been re-iSen(ri5nnicd''for the o(&:e, of Yicc PreFtdcnt. Wonld ybii, sir, as a pri- '"afp" fTTill'Tmn. in a nriVate '■iir!i\ ral. ideas of marriage on his p;»rt. I stecn- ly asked him if be was intimate with R ITe said lie bareVv knew him. &^ l^' '"'^" ^^P^«'"ed, not for your In ^becnse supposed, does this para-| i!!^"™'"*''""' ''"' '•^•' t^at of the reader, grapb wear even the semhlanre of i . '^'* '"cmnrk of Gen. Coffee, is grattN j.jitous andetters. ■?: ^i.-„r- .•.• ^'ext, the testimony of Gen. CoflTee and of Mr. Ward is introduced as "cow- pletely expianahry of aU thf ciraim- ■- eral to be satisfact«ry. Gen. Coffee tells us, the particulars detailed, were founded upon papers written ut the time, and in his own hand writing. Dates then must have been in his pow- .. er. Why not give them? At what-? date was the mmicv received ? Whei^'- were contracts first made for buildinc'-! boats? When djd tho Agency cease^ St,.tesnnd Spain, and m^de^^impre; The Lr i '' .'\' T""'' "^'^' sion that, in "that event, he wouMhavc ^orirl , i'T ""^'t ^^^^"'^'^r,^- the command of an expedition \<.aTnstbn^v^'^ "O" d h?v'r etcitcd, (Might to , Mexico. After this he wZTeHe ''.nbl.H'e". ''^- 7^^3--ouId have ^ to Gen. Jacksoti, and Gen. RobS, i B nt L. c'^' %"i "^ i!"^^'' wJicthe,; .-, r..Ue.ing th.m to =end him ^^^^f iSm^re^rS^tr?;:^;^^ ^S ' •ftf'fc.'fr. CAjll^Jx,itici' iam **«»pidon tfis spJ^r'.^l^ abroad against ■•Mfhen » witnc^ft,— '%Jien a friendly fear that he, mighl be iloceivtdi pr <»♦ creed into gum? Wluit »Ould tlie world sajr of oi\e,ir ho should (KuQCicd vitDP^*, gFves tt parte te^tmiony, and ! jour.p feroulc to t^c direLliob aiid aoci- mbftiiuto hi- own goiienl aBstriioiiijcty of a svi-jxcted j.>roctjrt^, KJilLia- ft»r fir jiar'icnlar detail-, upon wliich |ctruc'uon.. - ,, ..Ju'l 1,0 H"i« entitled to With weight. Would quail) rcprehvuslble. thetc dcui!!-- have forti&cd and confirm- '< , Ttc account gitcn j.l iLe cool nr etf- the general slatement of Gtu. 'ccRfio!.:of Burr, at Naahvlllt, in Dc Coffee, they ought to have been given; ' cembce, I 80C, i« at variaur.e w'uh the I h^^e no doubt tliey would have be<,u ; fac^establishedbyctlier proof, that he ^T«n. The omission to give th«^j, ' was iuvij,ed lJO-a,J>al], nt.Hua.tUnt- Diul ttnrrants the inference thit they would ihtcodmJedby.Geii^Jacjtson. . Aijdthj*- conflict witli hih own coHclusions. The ' fact vouhuie ii^lheraUeini('.edto ctja- HHden.ce derived from other soorcci). iroverf or lo e^plair.. Jlr. JV^^ ^> ossijrt! OS this nfKiiicy was received in ' introduced :o rcpcr-t, the hearty -of 7*<'yle dt' y*ar' coiifoieratcj may persUade your, signs agaiust the Govcrtunent,''^jack-. pfirtiir^Df;, ttiat Burr was not then sus- son and Ovcrtou waU^d upon Biirriit pected; but notorious factsare against Clover Bottom, informed i'tm olthertl. you, and independBDt men could not mnr and rcquiiedhim tD.^tatobiis views. edncUrwith )ou. This vou well knew, He protested upon the honor of a geu- rrnd, therefore, Gen. Coftee omitted Ihe tloman they wirre not inimical to Xbc parliculam wLirh every sear, lus last vi-it to that it seems, was at tlie Clover Bottom place, he lodged at a lavom at (he Clo- ] when the first rwivr caac. It did not vcr Bottom, and 'waH cooly rei eived. precede, it followed him to Tennessee, That he was visited liy Jackson and in December, 1806. There is wave Orcrton, arid infoniied of the snspi- discrepancy between ttu*as.ertiQn, and ciors attached to his movements. Burr your fourth established projwiitjon, protested that he contemj)Iated nothing that suspicion had been alltiifi'i, by the illegal or hostile to the Governmenf, last proce^diogs in K.on> ttie General to leavt; Burr should son and Overton vi^itedBurr. at Clc^ he discover lii>- designs to be illegal!!' !ver Bottom, to demiutd cxpUiiiafioaBj The l»ttt>r part of this shitoment dis- 1 why was he " f iicf foa//y,7 m>'*" ki»-first akMrn a ver; extraoniinary and unttat- j arrival, by his forpior. friends? Ax- Onil proceeding. Gen. .Inrk^OTi en- 1 cording to the testi^on* of Ward a'lid tnstf'a' yoons relative to the protfec- ■ youi fourth position, there coold be no ttw> and guidance of n suspected irai- reason for this " roo/m^." SuspifkMia lOf, relying, for hix vafrt\, upon in ad- were allayed, and rumor silr:iced. ft B»f>itio'i t> h-nve him '*!'oh his (reason is somcwlint unforiunatr tr..'.t the- gto- <4lRttlii k>e ns^vrtained. ' 'Was there no riesoftwo witnesses, ^o-'/ii/ and d<> tKwr tliut,in iUfhhnndi^thc yrtungwan ati'ir," shojild stand ii< direct coutwt- mufht K^ rnrrnpK^l? Wi«; there tin dlirtion.upnn an important point'. TO G. V. CAJIirUEIX, ESQ. 3M TTiiV tf^tinicny of Ward Is iu ih- 1 (er suspicious of Burr and his conlcd- ctcparirV'^^.'" another pitrire'Of your crates were generally entertained, no (^WdtfecT t/)o^ jt it'agsirf, Sir,.aiid j imiiroj)riety could attach to the Imn- ■JoflfHf find'ft'c^p^lile of^iJt'oric in-|giiage uttribiited to Gen. Jackton.--. ft^cftttioni- '-'So* sooil aii VWr/ifir.'ramo JHcfcvoh ahFf>v'ert<*ii'ian«'5 'Jpoa Bu- r', staled the rOtrjir. i^n^rVquiredeti-lan- aWt)ns. \yt rhu ^as new and frCih. The insrtntifnttuhc orpatri-lr feeling ttpon the fif*t -cuggcftion of •louht— 1 repeat it: this 13 the seii^ > .-i which Vr.wA mnjt h} a:)c ai^ ciated with Burr. It were much n>orD likely t'lal an hoi;est man should ml^ t;;ke the time, than that he sliould t»bf ricotf! the whole coiiversation. X^9 one m(ig-/(< be iniioceut, the other »b«s* be criminal. It secme to rnc, 'hai pt^ jadice cannot mistake this argumei^tt} that eopliistry cannot elude its foic*» If your position be correct— :-if Oefk Jackson gave roontcaanceto Barr-ir if he liatened to his suggesliouj — iflje officiated as his agent, in fariiiiliirig- a list of names, ar.d in making jurcha^^ with an unauest.ionable int'^grity -cj puiposc, and with a full j;er,5uafioji( etatiematjt'ofWr.rd. It would require that the GQveinmcnt approved bii sothc legal skill to rc^roncile them. Yoa a^c at length brought to the ^teiner:- of Jo'lge VV'ilTiamo, and gr^at paiiis are taken to demonstrate that his j think, he impossible to mintake it. IjiDf than the attack upon th*'verac;t\ off doubt not I fcommended ••it. .,^ j^ Williams, You Ijaveadrtiitted, youjthou^'it BurrV plan? were legal; ui)- htn e proved, that Gen. Jackson ' orrcs- ; der ihat impre?sioii 1 gave hitn coutk^ ponded witti Burr, !.'d Ihaf he furnish Itf nance and nssistance. I recollocfi ctf him a list of the nimcs of joi^ng'sending himai(stofi,3me.?^wi!h.a viftfr jli'rn^ fit tc be employed iri an cxpcdi- j to the parties'being cngjagad by tiia* tioh a^jainst IklcS'eo. This yoU insist j Quite likely Mr. Williams wri« amongst, ^as al! done in the simplicity of isno-jthem, utid that I epoke toi.in? ahout.it^ give UI the real nam- * Capt. filled ypoii Jackson about tl:c 10th of Novcrtiber. Prom his conversation SOBpicioo'* rujAfrf like lightning'''' into fTie'wfthd ofOen. Jack?on against Burr. *rbis'«usptcicn was conveyed to Barr "& tpyng trrrm"^ by letter, and a writ- Icti atigwer was received with stro;ig pl«3gC8. This previous saspicion and etplarrtixtion is at variance with the movements; what would have Iieen-i^, conduct, upon hearing ji the stat.emcr,js made bv Willinms? It wou^d,! shou^ ccncjC. Whilst the impressio-'S pre- vailed, under Avhich this list was fur- niih«d, where is the impi-obabllity that Getii JncksoD shr-ntd suggest to Mr. Wil^Ams tliat he. iiiigfei ad\aucc him- enflj h^^' t.a1clrig - a- 'co^rimi'ssion under Borr'r? ' Whft-e'rfic criminality of ma- ^Tig -such sigitesfibn? Beyond all doabt it were a^ innocent to male the soggebtion to H'lUiams. as it v,a? to fur- tdsh the list to Burr. ■ Agare. If wpre very easy, innoci-nt- ly to mike a nistake as to time. Sup- jfe;e -(he recollection of Judge Wii- liaiT' to be incorrect, ns to the time of ttie conversation, in presence of judfo t?^!??! J ftr^'tD ^r^tlvf to'ot; pla'""e , a-f- As to ttie couveryatioii about dissolvip^ the Union, and n new Govenimcilt ia the West, it »)o doubt took place. Batr he is mistaken, as to tl'.e time. I ncveiv thought of !-iu,h a thing ur.til Burrs projects were developed.. I tpialie freely of ituftcrwardsi.'' • '. i This language, sir, woold hate J'tca i:i perfect accoidance^ with thj; jfects you admit, and the grounds, upoi^ which you vindicate tLem. But tbh was rjot the course pui^urd by .Qen; J.Tcksos. TJ.at whicH t^ did puriue^ is not compatible v^ith ibe defenr? vcu >et up i'oT him, is in i;xt, iudicatrvc of co;iscipus criminal iiy, Geti. J:^* son proxiou»2es fbc tngifest'cr*. ora.^ nt i.. w. cASiPHKu., am. eortiol^ that he hud offtTed Mr. Wil-i kiiowledgod, and q purt of it ii con- liano* Q commission in Burr's st-rvicL,! ceaicd. The first principle of evidence n groM i'aiiJinr.v. He well iincw that applies: — He who offei^i tccoodarv lie li.id Tarnished Burr a hst o{ iwmes proof, when that of the fir>t order isiu li>r o(fic',-ni for two rcgimcnis, from his possession. coiife^-*es tlnit he is ft* Coloiieli< down to ensij^iis. Surciv, if fraid to produce it. and cannot be u^ it were innocent to corre^pond with i lowed to use anj other. Burr, atid name to him individual* /or| There remains yet one topic to whicb officers, it would not be criminal to in- I must call \our uttcntiou. You arc form an individual tliut a romniission tliorou^tilv acquainted with Gfn. Jack- was in bis poiver, and recommend him Kon, and liilly apprised of hii illiterucv, lo take it. Why then, bhould General and utter incompetence to v»rite v»"itb Jackson denounce the assertion of detent correctness upon an) subjctt- AVilliains u cnlunuiy? There can be Vou know that he is no jurist, no states- but one answer. Either he was con- i man, no politician; that he is destitute t^cious of guilt, or conscious th.nt his of historical, political, or statistical owncot duct had been so equivocal, as knowledge: that he is unacquainted to fairly subiect him to the imputation with the orthography, concord, ami of guilt. He wiilud, tor one of these government of his own language. You reasons, to silence cnqniry, and there-know that he i? a man of no labour, do ibrc took such ground, ni he trusted, patience, no investigation, in short, that, would intimidate Williams into a re- his whole recommendation is oninwl traction. If any other r.itional exposi- fierceness and organic cnorgy. He is tjon can he f^iven. I sliall he ready to' wholly unqoalified by education, habi' hear it. It is this denial, this denunci- : and temper, for the station of Pirsident. .ition that most strongly attiiches sus-; All this you know, and you know too, picion to Gen. rHtkson. Ftlany acts i that were the people possessed of your ribslractly considered are innocent, or^ knowledge of hira, his pretensions indifferent. Guilt can only be attach- vrouid he laughed to scorn, hclJ in ab- <^, by the circumstances under which solute contempt and derision. Do you they were commiited, or from tliecon-jnot practise an imposition upon the dutlof the parly when accused. De-. country, by rounteniincing prctcniions ninl and concealment, arc ever regard- 'so unlbundcd, against your better cd us chnptctcristic of crime. In re- knowledge? Let the application bi- sect to the facts slated by judge Wil- made to a case in private life. Would liams, such 1ms been the course of you address to your friend a written rc- (Jcncral Jack'on. He has denied commeiidatioi. to receive into his futui- vjnd denounced thim, though rest- ly as the teacher of his ihild re n a man :ng upon the testimony of a witness, whom yon knew lobe rash, violent teni- Ibrtified by the pregnant probability peied and illiterate, totally incapable arising out of his own admissions. — 1 of (caching to advantage? You ain- 'J'his exposition cannot be further j not but feel the mere suggestion us un pursued, though many points of im-i insult lo your honor. Is it not evcu portancc remain untouched. 1 more dishonornblc to unde^^vri(•:^ ai; Upon what principle, >ir. do you jimpo>-ition tjpon your countrv? hold yourself justified, in iittemfiting to i ]>ass upon the public, extracts froiui uocaments, and glozings of their con! tents, for satisfactory proofs? Suspi-i cion must evci :iltach tojuch acourse. • Von have, a letter from the conspirator' Ijurr. Do we not know that its whole it 68 -=^y^ <;Ol . SIIKLBV 4- GtX. JAi Gcii. Jamci Slielb)-, a bod of tli^^e Crui . ; Shelby, lias uj.pliod to Gen. Jucksou to give liit contents would be published, wcrej^g„,j„t thai certain inJiridunU ocquainto: they favourable to your aruumcnt?— (^.jn, ^.^ lacis oounoctod with tLe CMckasa*- Sir. we cnnnot (CCCive your garbled | treaty, thnuWrtlatc all tliey know rr.pecting;-.. pfoois us cvideuce of any thinj» but Igmi. Jackson bai rcfmeJ:— Vet lie Eceks ^^ gailt. The correspondence is ac- couccaliccui. >0 U in* 5aRV of CONbKtSS 011895 457 9 ^ ii •if liii^ IP Hi:. .:ii!iiii iiii ■liiiiili: '^^'^■'''^^'' ' . ^ i f M J^^HHlM^HU