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^. A ^ ^^d< .1 ^ '^z.O^ -% ^.- ;::'.% ,6" ■'o- o c Q,^' O- % \^ . '-e %, cv ■«V/' ^AO^ ,0^ ^^ ^ /^ «? ■r ^^' .>^ .f i^ o^ \> ^' ■0' <^, ''^^ cP^ ^ % • cP -0^ A Z ^. a^ tf 9 ^'r''\% ■4' ■^n ■^^0^ ^ 0^'' .-W.X--,- oj ^"'••■'d^: ^•"/■^ ■r "^ 7. "^AO^ 0°- 1907 Simon Xob6eU-l646 of flDllforO, Conn. Hnb 1Hi8 H)e8cenbant8 CompileD anD ipublisbeO 3uUa Ibarrison Xob^ell Bicbolas Xobben {%obbcii)-l635 ot IKinobam, /IDass. Hn^ Some of Ibte De0cen^ant6 WHAT WE ARE WORKING FOR " Let it not be thought that we are working for ourselves alone, nor for those only who are now living ; but let us remember that thou- sands vet unborn will bless the pious hands that rescued from oblivion and destruction our precious records. Nor is it to New England only that we devote our labor and our efforts. The star of empire has risen in the western sky, and its trail of light streams across the con- tinent, touching the rock of Plymouth upon the Atlantic coast." Hon. William Whiting, LL. D. f7l DEDICATED TO MY GRANDCHILDREN WARRKN LAM SON LOBDELL RUTH LOHDELL HARRISON LOBDELL CONTENTS CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF SIMON (1) AND PERSIS LOBDELL PAGE PAGE Mary (2) . . . 13, 15, 16 Anna (2) 14 Elizabeth (2) . . . .13 Rebecca (2) . . . 14, 15, 16 Joshua (2) . . . 13, 18,26 DESCENDANTS OF SIMON (1) LOBDELL THROUGH THE CHIL- DREN OF HIS ONLY SON, JOSHUA (2) LOBDELL CHILDREN OF JOSHUA (2) LOBDELL— MARY BURWELL AND EUNICE OLMSTEAD. (SIMON fl] ) Samuel (3) . 18,26, Caleb (3) . . . 19,20,254 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34 John (3) . . . . 20,258 Joshua (3) .... 18 Darius (3) . . . 21,22,306 Sarah (3) .... 18 Elizabeth (3) . . . 22,329 Mary (3) . 18,210,211 Simon (3) .... 22 Ebenezer (3) . . . 19,214 David (3) . 22,23,332,333,334, Susanna (3) . . . 19,251 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340 Sarah (3) . . . . 19,251 THROUGH JOSHUA (3) LOBDELL AND MARY REYNOLDS. (JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) CHILDREN Mary (4) .... 36 Jacob (4) Joshua (4) . 36.37,38.39,40,41,42 Daniel (4) Ebenezer (4). 2,7, 38. 39, 107. 108, 109 John (4) 39,40,110,111 . 40. 161. 162 41, 190,191. 192,193 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOSHUA (4) LOBDELL AND SARAH SCOTT. (JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) Joshua (5) . . 42,45,46 Huldah (5) .... 44 Isaac (5) . . . 42,64,65 Abraham (5) . . 44,91,92,93 Sarah (5) .... 43 Abijah (5) . 44,94,95,96,97,98 James (5) ... 43. 79, 80 Mary (5) .... 45 Hannah (5) . . 43,44 Rachel (5) . ' . . . 45 Simon (5) . . 44,84,85.86 Rebecca (5) .... 45 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOSHUA (5) LOBDELL— JANE POUCE AND JANE YAW. (JOSHUA [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) Joel (6) . . 45,46.47.48,49,50 Abraham (6) . 45,51, 52. 53. 54. 55. 56, 57, 58 Joshua (6) . . 46,61,62,63 Sarah (6) .... 46 Abigail (6) .... 46 Philip (6) 46. 58. 59, 60 Hannah (6) 46 Daniel (6) . 46, 60, 61 Electa (6) 47 John (6) 47 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF ISAAC (5) LOBDELL— MIR- RIAM POMEROY AND JERUSHA LOBDELL. (JOSHUA [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1]) PAGE PAGE Mirriam (6) . . • • 64 Olive (6) • • • ' „ ^1 Lois (6) . 64,65,66.74 Princess (6) . . • 64. /0, 7/ Anna (6) .... 64 Jerusha (6) . . • 65,71 Isaac (Jr.) ... 65. Lovisa(6) . . . (>%n,12- 66,,76.77.78 James Hervey. Sr. (6) . 72.73.74 Joshua Pomeroy (6) . 64 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF ISAAC (6) LOBDELL. JR.— NANCY UDELL, AND CLORINDA CHAPIN BABCOCK. (ISAAC [5], JOSHUA [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) Luman (7) . 66.74.75,76.77,78 Harriet (7) .... 67 Justus (7) . ■ • .66,75 Mirriam (7) . . . • 67 j^^jie(7) .... 66 IsaacD. M. (7) 67,68,69,70,76.77 Nelson (7) . . . 66.75,76 Mary Jane (7) ' ' ' ^IJ Hervey (7) . . • • 67 Emily M. (7> . • • 70 Loretta (7) 67 Francis W. (7) . ■ • 70 Margaret (7) . ■ • 67,76 Victor P.. (7) ... 70 Joshua Tompkins (7) . 6/ CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JAMES <5) LOBDELL AND MARY VENABLE. (JOSHUA [4], JOSHUA [3], TOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) Elizabeth (6. ... 79 Sarah (6) " " ' " ^^ Gilbert (6. .... 79 Mary (6) . • • • ^^ John (6) . . 79.80.81,82,83 James (6) . . • . /V, eu CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF SIMON (5) LOBDELL AND GRACE POMEROY. JOSHUA [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) Rebecca (6) . . 84,85 Enos (6) Simon, Jr. (6) . 85, 86. 87. 88. 89. 90 Lydia (6) Jacob (6) .V . • 85 James (6) Gideon (6) 85 Grace (6) . James (6) .... 85 Mirriam (6) Daniel (6) . . . ■ 85 85 85 85 85 85 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM (5) LOBDELL AND SARAH KENNARD. JOSHUA [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1]) Mary (6) .... 91 James Alexander (6) . 91.9 Abraham. Jr. (6) . . 91,93 Wm. Carter (6) • • ' ^ Sarah P. (6) .... 91 Lydia C. (6) . . • • ^1 Alfred (6) . . . • 91 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF ABIJAH (5) LOBDELL AND MARY LITTLE. (JOSHUA [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [21 SIMON [1] ) PAGE PAQE Abijah, Jr. (6) . . 94,95,96 Wm. Scott (6) ... 94 John Little (6) . 94,96,97,99,100 Henry Milton (6) 94 Sarah (6) . 94,101.102,103,104 Charles Sidney (6) . . 94,98 James Alexander (6) . . 94 Finishes the line of descent of Joshua (4) and Sarah (Scott) Lobdell CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF EBENEZER (4) LOBDELL AND DEBORAH PALMER. (JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) J-icob (5) . 107,110,111 Chloe (5) 109,115,134,135 Ebenezer (5) . 107,112.113.114 Anna (5) 109,115,139,140 Deborah (5) . 108. 114, 1 15 .l.i9 Mary De Lancy (5) . . 109 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JACOB (5) LOBDELL— BETTY WHITNEY AND REBECCA MOREHOUSE. (EBENE- ZER [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) Anson (6) . 110,116 Joshua (6) .... 110 Nathan (6) . . . 110 Samuel (6) . . . 110 Abigail (6) .... 110 Mary (6) . . . 110.111 Betsey (6) . . . . 110 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF ANSON (6) LOBDELL— ELIZA PURDY AND SARAH TOWNSEND. JACOB [5], EBENE- ZER [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON [11 ) Anson, Jr. (7) . . . 116 Betsey Maria (7) . . 117 Clark (7) . 116,126 Susan Jane (7) . . 117.118 Maria (7) . 116 Sarah Ann (7) Jackson Perry (7). 116, 126. 127. 128 Wm. Townsend (7) Charles Decatur (7) 116 Julia Eliza (7) Anson Whitney (7) . 116,128 Alex. Frazier ( 7 ) 119 Almira Jeanette (7) . . 116 Almira Jeanettc (7) 118 118 118 120, 128, 129 119 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF NATHAN (6) LOBDELL AND ANN ELIZA LYON. (JACOB [5], EBENEZER [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON 1 11 ) Mary Jane (7) Jacob Lyon (7) Abigail Frances (7) Samuel Harvey (7) 121, 122 Caroline l^liz; bcth (7) . 121, 123 121,122,129 Hiram (7) 121 121,122 Henry (7) 121,123 121,130, 131 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOSHUA (6) LOBDELL— ELIZA MILLER AND SALLY BRADEN STEVENS. (JACOB [5]. EBENEZER [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) PAGE PAGE Samuel (7) 124,131,132 John (7) 125, 134 Joanna (7) 124 James (7) 125, 126 Mary (7) 124 George (7) 126 Elizabeth (7) 124 Sarah Eliza (7) . 126 William (7) . 124, 132, 133, 134 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF EBENEZER (5) LOBDELL AND CHLOE KEELER. (EBENEZER [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSH- UA [2], SIMON [1] ) Henry (6) Ebenezer (6) Jonathan (6) Nathan (6) Isaac (6) 112,136,137 112,113 113 113 113.114 Mary (6) Deborah (6) Annice (6) Minerva (6) Chloe (6) 114, 137 114. 13S 114 114 114 Finishes the line of descent of Ebenezer (4) and Deborah (Palmer) Lobdell CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JACOB (4) LOBDELL AND RUTH BOUGHTON. JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1]) Ruth (5) .... 141 Jacob. Jr. (5) ... 142 Sylvanus (5) 141,144.145.146,14/ Boughton (5) ... 142 Levi (5) .... 141 John (5) 142, 143, 156, 157, 158, 159 Elizabeth (5) ... 141 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JACOB (5) LOBDELL, JR. AND HANNAH BOUGHTON. (JACOB [4], JOSHUA [3], JOSH- UA [2], SIMON [1] ) Geo. Anson (6) 148. 152, 153, 154, 155 Chester (6) . . . . 148 Anna Palmyra (6) 148, 149 Chester (6) ... 149 Nancy (6) . . . 149 Sophronia (6) . . 149 Finishes the line of descent of Jacob (4) and Ruth (Boughton) Lobdell. Caroline (6) 149 Levi Boughton (6) 149 Hannah (6) 150 Jacob Lyman (6) 150 Ruth (6) ... 151 Wm. Wallace (6) 151 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF DANIEL (4) LOBDELL AND ELIZABETH LOCKWOOD. (JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SI- MON [1]) Daniel (5) . . . . 161 Joseph (5) 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172 Zadock (5) . 162, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180 Finishes the line of descent of Daniel and Elizabeth Lockwood Lobdell. 162 Isaac (5) .... Samuel (5) . 162, 163, 181. 182, 183. 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189 Two daughters (5) . . 162 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOHN (4) LOBDELL AND ELIZABETH SHERWOOD. (JOSHUA [3], JOSHUA [2], SI- MON [1] ) PAGE - PAGE Elizabeth (5) . 190,191,197,198 Nathaniel (5) 191. 194, 195 John (5) . 190, 192, 193, 198 Sarah Sherwood (5) 191 Jerusha (5) 64, 65, 190 Ruth (5) . 191 Tertullas (5) . 190,201,202, Mary (5) 191 203,204,205, , 206, 207, 208, 209 Theodosia (5) 191,195,196 Stephen (5) 190, 199 Lewis (5) 191.196,197 Daniel (5) 191, 193, 194, 199, 200, 201 Finishes the line of descent of John (4) and Elizabeth (Sherwood) Lobdell Also finishes descendants of Joshua (2) Lobdell through Joshua (3) and Mary (Reynolds) Lobdell CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF EBENEZER (3) LOBDELL AND REBECCA BENEDICT. (JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) Elizabeth (4) 214.217 Burwell (4) . 215.239.240,241, Rbenezer (4) 214.217, 242.243,244,245,246,247 218,, Rebecca (4) ... 215 223.224,225,226,227,228 Samuel (4) . . . 215,216 Thomas (4) ... 214 Sarah (4)' .... 216 Uriah (4) 214,229.2.30,231,232, Susanna (4) . . 216,217 233,234.235.236,237,238 Jared (4) . . . . 216 Rachel (4) . . 215 Josiah (4) 216,248,249,250 Sarah (4) . 215 Finishes the line of descent of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Benedict) Lobdell CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF CALEB (3) LOBDELL— ELIZABETH , BETHIA PADDOCK AND RUTH . (JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1]) Caleb, Jr. (4) . 254,255 Paddock (4) ... 255 Philip (4) . . . 255,256 Finishes the line of descent of Caleb (3) and wives, Elizabeth Lobdell and Bethia Paddock Lobdell. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOHN (3) LOBDELL AND RUTH SHERWOOD. (JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) Ruth (4) .... 258 Sarah (4) . . . . 259 John (4) . 258.259,260.261, Abigail (4) . . . . 259 262.263,264.265,266, Hannah (4) ... 259 267,268,269,270,271,272 Daniel (4) 259,292,293,294,295, Caleb (4) . 258,273,274.275, 296.297,298,299,300,301 276.277,278.279.280, Lewis (4) . 259, 301. .302, 303 Chloe (4) . . . 259,304 286, 287, 288, 289, 290. 291 Finishes line of descent of John (3) and Ruth (Sherwood) Lobdell CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF DARIUS (3) LOBDELL AND MARY BALDWIN. (JOSHUA [2], SIMON [1] ) Mary (4) . 306 Rev. Jacob (4) . . 306. Eunice (4) . . . 306 317,318,319,320,321 Darius (4) 306,307,308,309,310, John (4) . . 307,321,322 311, 312. 313, 314. 315, 316 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328 Finishes the line of Darius (3) and Mary (Baldwin) Lobdell NICHOLAS LOBDEN (1) (LOBDELL), HIS CHILDREN AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS Isaac (2) 353,354, .Mary (2) 350 355, 356, 357. 358, 359, John (2) 354,355,356 360,361.362,363,364, Nathan (2) . 350 365, 366, 367, 368. 369, 370 Sarah (2) 350 I.OBDELLS MENTIONED IN COUNCIL OF APPOINTMENT IN MILITARY RECORDS NEW YORK STATE, 1783-1821 Essex County BOUGHTON LOBDELL— Appointed Second Lieutnant Artillery, July 3, 1804, and EBENEZER RICE appointed Second Lieutenant vice BOUGHTON LOBDELL. moved, 1806. JACOB LOBDELL— Ensign. Riflemen Thirty-seventh Regiment, 1815. JACOB LOBDELL — Lieutenant, Riflemen Thirty-seventh Regiment, vice HASCALL, moved, 1816. JACOB LOBDELL— Captain Riflemen, 1819. JOHN "LOBDEN "—First Lieutenant, vice TROOP, promoted, 1811. JOHN "LOBDEN "—Captain, vice GEO. TROOP, 1812. SAMPSON SMITH— Seventh Regiment Cavalry, First Squadron, vice LOBDELL, resigned. SYLVANUS LOBDELL— Quartermaster, vice ASA FORBES, re- signed. 1802. JARED REYNOLDS— Quartermaster, vice SYLVANUS LOBDELL, resigned, 1807. Dutchess County EBENEZER LOBDELL— Lieutenant Sixty-first Regt. Infantry. 1817. Ontario County JACOB LOBDELL— Lieutenant. 1805. JACOB LOBDELL— Captain, vice ELISHA BRACE. 1806. JACOB LOBDELL— Captain. 1,S07. Oneida County JOHN LOBDELL— Cornet in Captain (Theodorus) Ross troop ( E- sex Co.). Reg.. First Brigade of Cavalry, First Squadron, 1808. Montgomery County JOHN L. LOBDELL— Ensign, Thirty-fourth Regiment Infantry, ISIQ. JOHN L. LOBDELL— Captain, Light Infantry, 1820 STEPHENSON LIVINGSTON— Capt., vice LOBDELL, moved, 1822. NATHAN B. LOBDELL— Captain, 122d Regular Infantry, vice BROWN, moved, 1817. CALEB W. SLOCUM— Captain. 122d Regular Infantry, vice LOB- DELL. resigned, 1820. Westchester County JOSHUA LOBDELL— Lieutenant, Thirty-eighth Regular Infantry, vice STRATTON, promoted. EXPLANATIONS b. stands for born. m. stands for married. bapt. stands for baptized. d. stands for died. An interrogation point means uncertainty. The different generations are indicated by exponents placed after the Christian names — thvis : JOSHUa (2) LOBDELL means JOSHUA LOBDELL of the second generation from the emigrant. In a parenthesis — as, John B, (6) ; Wm. (5) ; Samuel (4) ; Sam- uel (3) ; Joshua (2) ; Simon (1) — means: John B. of the sixth gen- eration was the son of Wm. (5) ; Wm. (5 ) was the son of Samuel (4); Samuel (4) was the son of Samuel (3); Samuel (3) was the son of Joshua (2) ; Joshua (2) was the son of Simon (1) (the emi- grant). PREFACE The present work is the result of eight years of labor by the com- piler, and also embraces the researches of many who have kindly placed much valuable information in my hands. When commenced I never thought nor intended putting it before the public in the form of a family history, but started to trace the lineage of my husband that I might give to my grandchildren some knowledge of their Lobdell ancestors. After securing this, as no history of the family had been published, I undertook to put in a permanent form the genealogical history of its different members, taking Simon Lobdell (whose name, with others of the pioneer fathers, hangs in the Town Hall at Milford, Conn.) as the root of this branch of the family. The tradition of the family is, that they came from Wales, but search made by a descendant fails to verify this. Every available source of information has been consulted. Letters of inquiry have been written to every Lobdell de- scendant to be found, and it seems impossible that any shall escape representation in the book. Although nearly every state in the Union is represented in this work by descendants, Connecticut was the birth- place and last resting place for the majority of the first three genera- tions. The leading occupation of the male descendants has been agri- culture. Three towns in the United States have been named after de- scendants of Simon Lobdell — viz. : Lobdell, La., a short distance above New Orleans, where, in close proximity, reside the descendants of Abraham, James, and John Little Lobdell, the pioneer Lobdell set- tlers of Louisiana and Mississippi, for whom the place was named; Lobdell, Clinton Co., N. Y., named after the descendants of Jared Lobdell ; Lobdell, Lane Co., Kansas, after the Hon. Charles E. Lobdell, formerly Speaker of the Kansas House of Representatives, who is also a descendant of Jared Lobdell. In my extensive search I have found an honest, industrious, sober people, many awaiting the revelations of the Lobdell genealogical history, and to me it is a matter of deep regret that so many who have faithfully assisted me have fallen by the wayside ere my work was ^completed To each and every one who has in any way given me " the least bit " of assistance in gathering together the data for this work, I wish to gratefully thank, and I pray for God's blessing on themselves and their households. That each one may enjoy the work's revelations and history in the same measure that I have in its compilation is the fervent wish of {cM-^.^ FIRST GENERATION. SIMON LOBDELL. The name of "Simon Lobdell" appears among the "after- planters" names of Milford, Conn.— about forty- — a framed Hst of which is now hanging in the Town Clerk's office at Milford, Conn. My supposition — after much study — is, that Simon came as a young lad with one of a party from Hereford, England (a shire in West of England, bordering on Wales) in 1645, at which time history tells us the second party came — that his sisters Ann and Elizabeth came at same time but remained in Boston. From public records at Milford it appears that Simon Lobdell, in 1646, had given him by the "first planters" of the town, for a house lot, a triangular shaped half-acre of ground.* A. In 1655 we find his name given as a resident of Milford. He took the freeman's oath at Hartford, Conn. May 21, 1657 and was a tax-payer of that place in 1667. A. He went to Springfield, Mass., probably through the influence of his brother-in-laws (his sisters both having married prosperous men of Springfield.) There he was prison-keeper from 1666 to 1674, and there he must have accumulated considerable property. B. In 1681 Simon purchased 60 acres (but was not a settler) at Stony River, between Springfield and Windsor, and had interests in Hull, Mass., in 1682. No. proof of his marriage nor birth of IMary, his first child, has been found, but I assume without proof * These first planters formed a general court under whose direction and an- thority land was distributed among the so-called after-planters. The deeds from the original planters are short and have an informal tone, simply stating as in Simon's case. A. Persons were made Freemen by the General Court of the Colony, and also by quartely courts of the Counties. None but Freemen could hold offices or vote for rulers. This regulation was so far regulated by Royal order in 1664, as to allow individuals to be made Freemen, who could obtain certificates of their being correct in doctrine and conduct, from clergymen acquainted with them. B. Burt's First Century of Springfield tells us that on 3 Dec, 1670, he is granted 3 acres of land near by Goodman Thomas; 28 Aug., 1671, 5 acres, be- yond Cornelius Williams; 13 Dec, 1671, 5 acres, and in 1673, 20 acres, on thfe west side of the great river, next to Lieut. Cooper's. From records, he appears to have given liberally to the church at Springfield, although not a memlier. 9 that he married Persis Pierce, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth Pierce of Charlestown, Mass., and that the famiUes were members of the same party on their way to the new home in New England. Simon returned to Milford. Conn., where his wife Persis was admitted to the First Church of Milford, 7 January, 1677, and on 9 April, 1710, Simon united with the same church. At Milford, his children married and there Simon died, previous to 4 Oct., 1717. as on that date, at Probate Court held at New Haven, Conn., his son Joshua Lobdell of Ridgefield. Conn., moved for administration on the estate of Simon Lobdell of Milford, late- ly deceased, which was .granted on his bond. The same adminis- trator exhibited a jointure made between the deceased and the widow, of full satisfaction. Names given: Joshua Lobdell, son of Simon; Wm. Roberts; Deliverance Downs ; David Wooster. (All in right of their wives.) Anna Lobdell ; Joseph Benedict of Ridgefield ; a debt of John Shep- pard and a bill for funeral expenses. In the will of Simon Lobdell, he calls himself Lieut., but as the records kept are very imperfect. I fail to find the proof. WILL OF SIMON LOBDELL. "To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come, I, Simon Lobdell, send greeting in the Lord God everlasting. Know ve, that I, Simon Lobdell (Lieut.), of Milford m the colony of Connecticut and county of New Haven in New England, for and in consideration of my fatherly affection unto my only son Joshua Lobdell. have given, granted and confirmed and by these presents do freely, clearly and absolutely give, grant, endorse and confirm unto the said Joshua Lobdell, his heirs and assigns forever, all my lands, rights in lands, housing, out-housing, orchards •and whatsoever freehold estate or leases or interests in or of anv lands or orchards lying within the bounds of Milford afore- said viz.: my house-lot containing about one acre, be it more or less, bounded with Walter Smith, his lot north, with all the buildings, orchards and whatever privileges and appurtenances thereunto belongeth; also one parcel of land containing twenty- seven acres, be it more or less, lying partly on the west side of the road and partly across the westerly part of the Mill River and being bounded with a highway or New Haven line eastward, 10 and Capi. Sani'l Ulls" land southward and a highway westward and John Terrill's land northward, with all the privileges and appur- tenances thereunto belonging. Likewise all my rights in the two last Indian purchases of lands within the bounds of Milford made by the inhabitants of Milford, and all other leases, rights, interests and privileges I have in other lands or orchards the said Joshua Lobdell is to have and to hold to him, his heirs and assigns forever. And further, J, the said Simon Lobdell, do covenant and promise for myself, my heirs and assigns that those who so possess, hold and enjoy the premises without any lett or molestation from any person or persons whatsoever that shall lay any legal claim there- unto. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of January, 1703-4." SIMON LOBDELL (Seal.) SISTERS OF SIMON LOBDELL. Ann and Elizabeth Lobdell. Ann Lobdell. of Boston, Mass., married 3 Jan., 1660, Samuel Terry of Springfield, Mass. Children : 1. Samuel Terry, Jr., b. 1661, m. a dau. of Miles Morgan of En- field, Mass. It is on record that a child of Samuel Terry, Jr., was the first white child born in Enfield. 2. Ephraim Terry ; b. 1663 ; d. young. Thomas Terry; b. '65. Mary Terry ; b. 1667. Rebecca Terry : b. 1669 : d. young. Ephraim Terry ; b. 1672. Rebecca Terry; b. 1673. Elizabeth Terry: b. 167.^: d. young. Anna Terry. Elizabeth Lobdell, of Boston. Mass.. m. 20 Oct.. 1651, Jonathan Burt of Springfield, Mass. The only child of this union of whom I have found record, is Sarah Burt. b. 4 Sept. 1656, m. 14 Sept. 1676, Luke Hitchcock; n tlie.r dau Mercy Hitchcock, b. 'l Feb., 1681, „,. Ig April 1700 Ebenezer Day ; their son, Luke Day, b. 2 July 1706, ,n 9 No" m' Jerusha Sk,„„er: their dau., b. 4 Feb 1747 ni 2Q N„ ™ Nathaniel Gayiord ; their son, Nathaniel Gayord Jr b „!' ^j. . -. .n. .si^.78^n,r^.ro. ^;:^^:^:-orF - ^:^ N. J., who k„,dly g,ves this record for those interested. ^ and Nathaniel. Jo™**' B^rt t k o :: s^r b"' i" i^r"? ' "'"' Hett;."-^' '° f"-"^"' ^"^<'^"- He r«„::ef f s h:;!.: rk „h ,^'"^»°f"ote- He was a church deacon. Henry Mor onVof theT ";■ '°'' °f SP-'g«*l, mentioned bin, as being Ll^, one of the leading n,en of the town, • wise and sagacious ' but 'well dvanced „, hfe;- says he was 'for a time town cle'rk.' He d n Oc 1715. One of h,,, dauglners, Sarah, n,. (in that memorial year for Spnngbeld w e„ on Tuesday, 5 Oc. ir,",,. out of 45 houses nTpri,^g field 32 were burned by the Indians , rtenjamin Dorchester of Sp W- th W ,% '""^."" "''' '''' "■■ '" ''''' Luke Hi,chcock."-(Fro- the West Sprmgfield Ball Family.) * 12 SECOND GENERATION. CHILDREN OF SIMON AND PERSIS LOBDELL. 1. Mary. 2. Elizabeth. 3. Joshua. 4. Anna. 5. Rebecca. i. Mary, b. about 1667, not knowing where. She m. David Wooster, b. 1666, eldest son of Edward Wooster of Milford, Conn. * David Wooster d. 29 March, 1711 and left his wife Mary to administer his estate. ii. Elizabeth, b. at Springfield, Mass., 7 Oct., 1669, m. Wm. Roberts, whose parentage and descendants I am unable to find. iii. Joshua, an only son, b. at Springfield, Mass., 23 Dec, 1671, m. for his first wife at Milford, Conn., 11 Aug., 1695 — Gov. Robert Treat performing the ceremony — Mary, dau. of John and Alice Burwell, early settlers of Milford. Upon one of the stones of "Memorial Bridge" at Milford, is carved the name of the father of Mary. No record can be found of her death, but perhaps it occurred soon after the birth of her dau., Susannah, who was bapt. 5 March, 1710, and on 9 April, 1710, Simon Lx)bdell, then an old man, was admitted to the First Church of Milford. I have often wondered if this did not immediately follow the burial of Mary, ( The following item of Joshua is contributed by Mr. Henry Lobdell of Salem Center, who is now living on part of the original farm in the manor of Cortland, Westchester Co., N. Y., leased by his great grandfather — Ebenezer Lobdell before the Revolution — of Stephen De Lancey, and afterward purchased by him at sheriff's sale.) "After the death of Mary, Joshua, with his children moved to the town of Ridgefield, Conn., "in 1712, in which year on 3 March, he bought of James Brown of Norwalk, Conn., one twenty-ninth part of the town of Ridgefield. (The above James Brown was one of the original proprietors who purchased of the Indians, in * The will of Simon Lobdell was drawn 19 January, 1703 or 4, at which time David Wooster was alive. Simon's estate was administered 4 Oct., 1717, and mention is made of David Wooster as son-in-law. 13 1708, all that land, now called Ridgefield.) During the succeeding twenty or thirty years Joshua was continually adding to his estate by purchase from the proprietors or their grantors. The date of the death of Joshua cannot be determined from Ridgefield records but it must have occurred before 31 Oct., 1743, as on that date. Caleb agrees to assume the support of his mother, Eunice, widow of Joshua Lobdell (deceased), late of Ridgefield." From Burt's first century of Springfield, Mass. : "In 1743 a deed in Book S. Springfield records mentions — "Samuel Lobdell ; Caleb and John Lobdell ; Jabez Northrup and wife Sarah; Seaborn Burt and wife Susannah — all of Ridgefield, Conn. Samuel Plum and wife Mary, of Derby, Conn., and Joshua Lobdell of Cortlandt Manor, N. Y., to Ebenezer Lobdell of Ridge- field. Conn., all interest in estate of our father Joshua — and land that formerly belonged to Simon Lobdell, formerly of Springfield, Mass." *About 1713 Joshua m. for his second wife, Eunice, dau. of Lieut. John Olmstead and his wife, Mary Benedict of Norwalk, Conn. Eunice was b. about 1689. and was aunt of Rebecca St. John, who m. Samuel, eldest child of Joshua and Mary (Burwell) Lob- dell. iv. Anna Lobdell. b. at Springfield, 1 Dec, 1674, was at the time of her father's death, unmarried and residing at Milford. V. Rebecca Lobdell, b. at Springfield in 1677, m. Deliverance Downs, b. 1669, son of John and Mary Downs of New Haven, Conn. Rebecca d. at Milford, 2 Feb., 1740. * Lieut. John Olmstead. bapt. at Hartford, Conn., 20 Sept., 1649, d. at Nor- walk, Conn., 1704-5; m. 11 Nov., 1670, Mary Benedict, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Bridgum) Benedict. The inventory of his estate was taken 22 Dec, 1704-5, at which time Eunice was fifteen years old. From Norwalk Land Records : — "Joshua Lobdell of Ridgefield sells land in Norwalk, in 1718, his right — that was one of the daughters of Lieut. John Olmstead of Norwalk, (deceased). She had it by distribution from Lieut. Olmstead's estate, March 23, 1722-3." 14 THIRD GENERATION. CHILDREN OF MARY LOBDELL AND DAVID WOOSTER. 1. lerusha. 2. Persis. 3. Tamar. i. Jerusha Wooster, b. 1702 at Derb}-. Conn., m. McFar- land (no record.) ii. Persis Wooster, b. 1704, m. 2 April, 1724, Ephraini Gillett, son of Eliphalet and Mary Gillett, of Milford. iii. Tamar Wooster, b. 1707. m. Enos Brooks. From Beers Commemorative Biography of New Haven Co., Conn. : — "Capt. Enos Brooks, b. 15 Feb., 1708, at Cheshire, Conn., spent his entire life in Cheshire, where he owned a large amount of land. The present Brooks' homestead stands upon the original spot where in 1732 Enos and his wife lived. He d. 22 Sept., 1771. Tamar d. 7 Oct.. 1775. Both are buried in the family burial ground at Cheshire. "He was Capt. of a company of militia; w^as a liberal supporter and an active member of the church. Rev. David Brooks, his son, m. Elizabeth Doolittle." Daughters of American Revolution Lineage Book, Vol. 19, gives the following: — "Enos Brooks, wife Tamar Wooster." CHILDREN OF REBECCA LOBDELL AND DELIVERANCE DOWNS. 1. Rebecca. 2. John. 3. Mary. 4. Elizabeth. i. Rebecca Downs, bapt. at Milford. Conn. 26 June, 1709; m. David Northrup, b. Aug. 1701, at Milford. David was a brother of Jabez Northrup who m. Sarah Lobdell, a niece of Rebecca (Lob- dell) Downs. ii. John Downs, bapt. 1709. iii. Mary Downs, bapt. 1709. iv. Elizabeth Downs, bapt. 5 March, 1710. 15 FOURTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF PERSIS WOOSTER AND EPHRAIM GILLETT. 1. Ephraim. 2. David ^Vooster. 3. Freelove. 4. Mary. 5. Joseph. 6. Benjamin. i. Ephraim Gillett, b. 1725. ii. David Wooster Gillett, b. 1727 at Derby, Conn., 6 July, 1748. iii. Freelove Gillett, b. 10 Aug-. 1729, m. to Eden Sperry, b. 27 June, 1725. iv. Mary Gillett, 1732. V. and vi. Twins. Joseph and Benj. Gillett, 1). 1744. CHILDREN OF REBECCA DOWNS AND DAVID NORTHRUP. All bapt. 1734-35-38. Northrup by name : — 1. David. 2. Isaac. 3. Rebecca, 4. Eunice, 5. Sarah, 6. Elizabeth, 7. Joshua. 16 Children and Descendants of 3o$bua<2>CobdelK (Simon' ) ( 1 ) mife, mm Burwell (2) lUife, Eunice Olmsttad THIRD GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOSHUA AND MARY (BURWELL) LOBDELL. 1. Samuel. 2. Joshua, 3. Sarah, 4. Alary, 5. Ebenezer, 6. Susanua ; all born in Alilford, Conn. I. Samuel; b. 2 Feby., 1699; m. lb Dec, 1722, Rebecca, dau, of Samuel and Rebecca (Olmstead) St. John. While a young lad he moved to Ridgefield, Conn., with his father and probably resided there during his life, altho I find no record of his death. On 28 May, 1721. Joshua conveys to his beloved son Samuel, three acres of land in that town (Ridgefield records). Samuel Lobdell, Caleb and Ebenezer paid church rates to St. Stephen's church 24 Oct., 1744. (Ridgefield history.) Sam'l., John, Caleb and Ebenezer were of Ridgefield, 1746. (Fairfield Co. History.) Of Samuel and his w^fe, 1 can find nothing further. II. Joshua, ii, b. 16 March, 1703; m. Mary, dau. of Joseph Rey- nolds of Ridgefield. They resided in Ridgefield, for several years after marriage, presumably after 1730 they moved over the line — from Ridgefield, into Courtland Manor — North Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y. state. Joshua was Capt. of Westchester Co. Militia Com- panv for several years, and many of his Company with Joshua as their Capt. volunteered for the French and Indian wars of 1755-60. History records the death of Capt. Joshua, as before 1769, — prob- ably in 1767 — as on that date his son, Joshua, third, was appointed administrator of his estate. His widow survived him, residing in Courtland Manor in 1768 at which time a deed is recorded at Ridge- field in which she joins with her children in selling land in Ridge- field to John Whitlock of Ridgefield. A rare historical document — through the courtesy of the late Philip Verplank of Yonkers — has been placed before the public, being accurate copies of muster rolls from the Verplank family papers, containing the names of Westchester County Volunteers who fought in the famous French and Indian Wars of 1755-60. Among the names given are those of Capt. Joshua Lobdell and his^ five .sons — viz., Sergeant Joshua Lobdell; corporal Ebenezer Lob- dell ; privates Daniel. Jacob and John Lobdell. III. Sarah Lobdefl, b. 1 Febv., 1702; d. young. IV. Mary Lobdell, b. 30 Oct., 1704; m. Samuel, son of John Jr. and Rachel (Bunnell) Pluni of Milford, Conn. Samuel Plum bought 18 land in Derby, Conn.; in 1728, d. there M;irch, 1790. aged H? years. I have no record of the death of Mary. \'. Ebenezer, b. 24 Feby., 1707 ; m. 28 Dec., 1732. Rebecca Bene- dict, b. 1713; dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Barnum) Benedict. Ebenezer was evidently a man of property. History says that he was one of the principal inhabitants of Ridgefield, 1784. In 1743 he bought from the heirs of his father the property that was formerly the property of Simon Lobdell. Tn 1751 Ridgefield court granted him license to keep public house and sell strong drinks. (Fairfield Co. court records). Husband and wife died where they had lived, he, in 1801 ; she, 1 Aug. 1798; aged 85 years. VI. Susannah, b. 27 Feby., 1709; m. Seaborn Burt; b. 4 July. 1706; son of Benj. and Sarah (Belding) Burt of Ridgefield. From Burt's History I copy the following, which I know will be of inter- est to descendants: "Benjamin Burt, (David's youngest son), with his Avife, was captured by the Indians at the burning of Deerfield. Mass., and taken to Canada. Ensign John Sheldon of Deerfield, made four expeditions to Canada, to redeem his fellow-townsmen and finally on 30 May, 1706, left Quebec with over forty of them, among whom was Mr. Burt, his wife and child. They went down the St. Lawrence and thence by sea to Boston, where they arrived on Aug. 2." On the voyage Mrs. Burt gave birth to a son, who was named "Seaborn." from the place of his birth. An old deed is in the hands of a descendant with Seaborn Burt's signature dated 12 March. 1749-50. deeding land in Ridgefield to his brother, Daniel Burt,''' who m. Hannah Benedict. Burt's historian says : "After disposing of his land, he removed to place unknown to the compiler." CHLDREN OF JOSHUA 1, AND EUNICE (OLMSTEAD) LOBDELL. (Sev..n2> yards of Camblet tes 16 shillings pur yard to 1 Quarter of Tee 15 Shillings 1 04 03 03 16 00 00 15 00 09 11 00 Brought In to N. Y. money 9 Pounds 1 1 Shillings old Tenor which makes 1 £.^4 S. 3 D. 01 04 03 N. Y. Money III. John. b. 21 .\uo-.. 1721. m. 25 Tunc. 1744: Ruth. Sherwood, b. in Ridgefield. 29 March. 1723. dau. of Daniel and Ruth (Bradley) * "Old tenor" — that is, in the bills of credit issued by the Colony. 20 Sherwood — dau. of John and Hannah (Sherwood) Bradley of Ridge- field. They resided in Brookfield, Conn., where John d. in 1778. and his sons John and Caleb were the administrators on his estate. Ruth d. 4 May, 1787. *The following, of great interest, is kindly contributed by Mrs. Eliza (Alvord) Millaux of Waterbury, Conn., granddaughter of Dennis Barlow Lobdell. "In 1729, Joshua Lobdell bought for $340 a tract of land lying in that part of Connecticut now known as Brookfield. In 1742 John Lobdell. Joshua's son, received from Daniel Sher- wood, his father-in-law, various sums of money and tracts of land on his wife Ruth's account. In 1746 John being ver}- sick and thinking himself near to death, made his will, giving all his posses- sions to his wife Ruth and an unborn child, and of this will he says : "I appoint mytrusty brother Samuel Lobdell, Executor," but strange to relate, John recovered and lived until 1778. having nine children in all. In 1778 we read the division of his property among these chil- dren as follows : John Lobdell, Jr. Caleb Lobdell." Lewis Lobdell. Ormand Lobdell. Sarah Lobdell Peck. Orpah Lobdell Dunning. Hannah Lobdell Hepburn. Chloe Lobdell. Married, Ruth Lobdell Bradley. All these children and their property we lost sight of — Grand- father (Dennis B. Lobdell) having only possessed his father's papers. In 1775 the British raided through Brookfield and Caleb's losses were great by their marauding of various flowered coverlets, linen sheets, tankards, etc. In 1776 Lewis was taken into the Federal Army. John Lobdell married a Miss Barlow and lived to have five chil- dren * Abigail, Orpha, Ruphine and Dennis ; Clark, the youngest, dying at the age of two years. "This T have copied word for word as it was given me some twenty years ago. Several papers were found after Grandma Northrop Lobdell Barnum died, she having been married twice; Dennis Lobdell being her first husband." IV. Darius, b. 18 Oct., 1729: m. Mary, (dau. of Jerjali and Mary (Ingersol) Baldwin of Litchfield, Conn.), 16 Jany.. 1751. She * The dates and names of children of the above do not accord with mine, hut I give it as given by the descendant. 21 was b. 30 July. 1730; bapt., 17 Oct., 1743. She had a sister Ann, to whom in 1752 Darius Lobdell of Litchfield was appointed guardian. Darius, d. 29 Nov., 1796; aged 67. Mary, d. 6 March, 1825 ; aged 95. From records I find that on 4 Dec, 1744, — after the death of his father, — Darius chose his brother Caleb as his guardian. In 1754 he removed to Derby, Conn., where his half-sister Mary lived, but in 1756 returned to Ridgefield, and in 1759 migrated to Filkin- ton or Philipstown — 9 Partners, Dutchess Co. History of Danbury, Vt., tells us: "In Fall- of 1763 or Spring of 1764 a road was laid out by Darius Lobdell and Samuel Rose — formerly of Nine Part- ners, N. Y. — from Bennington to Danby, Vt. Darius Lobdell set- tled in Danby, about the time of the revolution, — was an active, industrious and energetic pioneer, progressive and closely connected with town affairs. He was a blacksmith by trade, — a member of the Legislature in 1784." Was a Revolutionary soldier, having participated in "Battle of Bennington." His energetic, business methods have been transmitted to his descendants instanced, by a family record being kept, — from the time of the birth of children of Darius, — until the present day. V. Elizabeth, b. 14 Nov., 1732; m., as his second wife, Isaac Northrup, 16 Jany., 1752. His first wife was Harriet Gunn. Isaac, b. 10 Nov., 1725 at Ridgefield, was son (*) of Joseph and Susannah (Roberts) Northrup. Isaac and Elizabeth lived in Ridgefield then moved in 1773 to South Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y., where Elizabeth d. about 1790., Isaac d. 9 July, 1810. VT. Simon; b. 1739. I have no proof that Simon was a son of Joshua, but among the names found in second annual report of N. Y. State Historian, we find the name of Simon Lobdell. He enlisted for the war against Canada on 8 April, 1758 — aged 19 years. Born in Conn. He, perhaps, died, as I find no further mention of him and no other Simon until the fifth generation. VII. David, b. about 1739, (I find no record of the birth of this David, but according to dates, given later, he must have been either the son of said Joshua I, or — of Samuel, the eldest son of said Joshua, and as David gave to his only son the name of Joshua, I think, without doubt, that he was Joshua's son.) David m. Phoebe, dau. of Daniel and Hannah (Benedict) Burt of Ridgefield, where Phoebe was b. 15 July, 1738. They resided in Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y., until 1791, when David received a letter of dismissal from the church of which both himself and wife were charter members, organized at Warwick in 1765. Mr. * I assume — without proof — that Susannah (Roberts) Northrup, "mother of Isaac", was dau. of Wm. and Elizabeth (Lobdell) Roberts, and grand dau. of Simon and Persis Lobdell. 22 Thomas Burt of Warwick kindly made search of Baptist church records and tells us that David was a loyal member of said church, appointed on committees to look after the poor; to maintain order during service and reconcile members to each other when they were at variance. On the whole, his church life appears influential and honorable." I find no record of his wife's taking- a letter of dis- missal, nor any record of her death. David was road master of the town of Warwick in 1789. He later was residing in McConnells- town, Penn., and in 1808 he went with his son Joshua to St. Albans township, Licking Co., Ohio, where he d. in 1809, aged 70 years, his being the first death, and burial in the township. He was buried on the Drake farm, nearly a mile west of Alexandria. David and his son Joshua were among the number that organized the Baptist church on the Welsh Hills in above township in Sept., 1808. As regarding Simon and David being twins and sons of Joshua, first, I have submitted the facts, and leave the solution to the opinion and judgment of Lobdell descendants. 23 €l)ildren and Descendants of Samuel (^)Cobdell, (Josbua^^), $ittion«)) mu, Rebecca St. 3m FOURTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL AND REBECCA (ST. JOHN) LOBDELL. 1. Rebecca, 2. !\Iary, 3. Abigail, 4. Samuel; all born in Ridgefield, Conn. I. Rebecca, b. 1 Oct., 1723. II. Marv, b. 8 April, 1725. III. Abigail, b. 26 Oct., 1726. IV. Samuel ii, b. 10 Sept., 1728, migrated to Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y., where he m. Elizabeth, dau of Thomas and Katherine (Weesner) Blain of Florida, Orange Co. At Warwick, their children were b. and Samuel d. about 1792, as his will was recorded in Surrogate's office, 11 Sept., 1792.) He evidently was an able, patriotic citizen. Under date of 14 Sept., 1775, we find him as a Second Lieutenant of Warwick Company; and 5th Sept., 1778, as an exempt of Orange Co., possibly at that time too old to be in the service. On page 73 of a manuscript volume entitled "Military Returns, 1775, Vol. 26, in the custody of the regents of the University of the State of New York, in the State Library at Albany, the name of Samuel Lobdell is recorded, under date of 14 Sept.. 1775, as a Second Lieutenant in Capt. Charles Bardsley's Company, belonging to the Florida and Warwick Regiment of Orange Co. Militia, com- manded by Col. John Hathorn ; and that the above record shows that the said Lieutenant Samuel Lobdell performed active service in the Revolutionary War. Last will and testament of Samuel Lobdell, of town of Warwick., Orange Co., N. Y. (Recorded in Surrogate's Office. 11 Sept.. 1792.) "Give to son, Wm. Lobdell. all lands that belong to me at my death, consisting of mountain lands, &c. Give to daughter, Anna Lobdell, and to dau. Mary Lobdell. 1 good cow & calf, 1 feather bed, bedstead, &c. 26 John Bi>ain Lobdell (G) (Will. [5] ) (1804-lSGl) (Page 28) Give to clan. Elizabeth Wilson, wife of Joseph Wilson. ' Rebecca, wife of Nathaniel DeKay. " " " Catherine, wife of Cornelius Lezere, " " " Sarah, wife of Peter Alyea, each, — the sum of two pounds. Appoint Wm. Lobdell and Cornelius Lezere, ex.'s." David Lobdell; Tives Heywood, John Hathhorn, witnesses. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL II. AND ELIZABETH (BLAIN) LOBDELL. L William an only son, b. about 1769; m. Elizabeth Todd. They resided at Goshen, Orange Co.. N. Y., during the first part of their married life, then joined the exodus of many families for Seneca Co., N. Y., settling at Romulus. TlVe daughters : in. Mary and Anna unmarried at the time of their father's death, 1792. IV. Elizabeth : m. Josepli Wilson. V. Rebecca; m. Nathaniel DeKay. VI. Catherine ; m. Cornelius Lezere. VII. Sarah; m. Peter Alyea. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM AND ELIZABETH (TODD) LOBDELL. 1. Peggy, 2. Sail}'. 3. Polly, 4, Samuel iii, 5. John B, 6. Wm. Hickey. I. Peggy, m. Mr. Tompkins; d. at Williamston. Ingham Co., Mich. II. Sally, m. Mr. Hibbard, d. at Palmyra or Auburn, N. Y. III. Poll}', m. Mr. Newberry, d. in Mich., not knowing at what place. IV. The oldest son was Samuel iii., b. 26 March, 1799, at Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y. He removed to Romulus, .Seneca Co.. N. Y.. proba1)ly as a young boy, 27 with his parents. He m. as liis first wife. Susannah, dau. of Wm. Stout, d. 1833-4. He then remarried, at Ronmhis, 3 Nov.. 1836, to widow, Mary Ann (Wyckoff) Lyon. b. 14 Jan., 1808, at Romulus ; d. same place, 25 April. 1889; dau. of Peter and Anna (Pruden) A\'yckoff. Mr. Lobdell was a successful farmer. In Seneca Co., Probate is a record of deed from Samuel Lobdell and wife to Elizabeth Lob- dell. presumably his unmarried dau.. dated 1889. He lived to a ripe old age, dying 7 Aug., 1891, aged 92 years. V. John B. (probably John Blain). was b. 4 Sept.. 1804. d. 8 Nov.. 1861, at Grand Rapids, ]\Iich.. aged 57 years: m. 22 Feby., 1822 ; Charity Daken, b. 20 June, 1804. at Romulus, d. 22 July, 1874. Mr. Lobdell was the proprietor and landlord of the Lobdell house at Williamston, Ingham Co., Mich., before 1860, was a Democrat; and himself and family of eleven children, all Methodists. VI. Wm. Hickey, lived in Romulus, Avith his wife Laura ? had no children. During the gold excitement he went to California, where he died. His widow d. srion after. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL (6) LOBDELL. (1) wife, Susanna Stout. (2) wife, wddow, Mary Ann Lyon. Bv (1) wife. Susanna (Stout) Lobdell. 1.' Marv Ann. 2. Wm. S., 3. Samuel A.. 4. Elizabeth, 5. Abel H. I. Marv Ann. b. 8 janv.. 1822; d. 20 Mav, 1842. II. Wm. S.. b. 2rjune, 1824: d. 8 Nov., 1894, at Stanley or Flint, Ontario Co., N. Y. : m. 3 Dec, 1856: Elizabeth Woods, dau. of James and Elizabeth (McKnight) Woods of Flint. The widow (1903) is living with her son-in-law, Mr. W. E. Cook at Flint. Wm. S. had two children. (1) James W. (8), d. 5 April, 1891. (2.) Mary E. (8). b. 28 May. 1867." d. 3 Sept., 1898: m. Wm. E. Cook, b. 11 Feb.. 1865, son of Wm. F. and Elizabeth (Richardson) Cook of Flint, N. Y. III. Samuel A., no record. IV. Elizabeth, b. 19 Sept.. 1829. Is (1907) living with Miss Ann E. Lyon at Romulus, N. Y. (her step sister). V. Abel H. ; b. 8 Aug., 1832; m. Emily Harding; has two sons. 28 Samuel Lobdell (G) (William [.",] ) (1799-lSOl) of Koiinihis. N. Y. (Page 27) Elizabeth Lobdell Wallace (T> (John B. [G] ) of Griiiuell, Iowa (Page 30) Sakah Lobdell (7) Conxelly (John B. [6] ) (1832-389;) of Muskegon. Mich. (Page :n) John B. Lobdell (7) Jr. (John B. [G] ) (183G-1897> of Georgetown, Mich. (Page 31) 1. Samuel H. (8), of Pontiac, Mich. 2. Eugene (8), of Holly, Mich. No answer from either. By second wife, Mary A. W. L. Lobdell. 1. Gilbert, 2. Augustus. VI. Gilbert Randolph; b. 2i July, 1837. In 1858 resided in town of Varick, Seneca Co. ; d. 23 Nov., 1895, at Belleview Hos- pital, N. Y. City; m. Mary Carr, at West Troy, N. Y., 1891. CHILDREN. 1. Bertie (8), dead. 2. Genevra (8), dead. 3. Blanch (8) ; b. 23 T"lv. 1873 ; m. Otto Fischer, living at Troy, N. Y. 4. Roy Fred (8) ; b. 22 Oct., 1876. 5. Marion (8). 6. Sidney (8) ; living at Troy, N. Y. 7. Gerald (8). VII. Augustus C. (7), b. 9 May, 1843; living. No record. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOHN B. \, AND CHARITY (DAKIN) LOBDELL. 1. Anderson. 2. Fanny Jane. 3. Wm. Hickey. 4. Eliza- beth, 5. Sarah Hibbard, 6. John B. 11, 7. Abraham Dakin, 8, Polly Lucinda, 9. Charity, 10. Annette, 11. Henry L. I. Anderson S.. b. 28 Jany., 1823; m. Mrs. Charity M. Leroy, and had one son (8). The only record I have is taken from a local paper of Muskegon, Mich. "W. H. Lobdell received a dispatch Sunday announcing the death of Anderson S. Lobdell, his brother, at the Soldiers' Home, Grand Rapids, that morning. May, 1895. He attended the funeral Monday afternoon. Deceased was over 72 years old and never recovered from the hardships of war. His relatives deemed best to have him among his old comrades where every care and attention was given him. Sometime since the surgeons decided that amputation of both legs was necessary, but the old veteran replied that he had but one death to die, and he purposed to die that with his legs on. He was born in the town of Friendship, Alleghany Co., N. Y., and came to Michigan in '36 when the present State w^as a territory engaging in sawmilling and farming and afterwards prospected several years among the Black Hills. He was an uncle of the editor, and we visited the Home Monday with W. H. Lobdell. although unable to 29 remain to attend the funeral. It is one of the grandest of our State institutions and its roof is a canopy of heaven to the army of old vets, who hobble about among its halls and partake of its generous messes. Deceased leaves many relatives scattered throughout Michigan and some who remained back on the old New York homestead." II. Fanny Jane; b. 18 April, 1824; m. Jonas Kent; d. at Sand Lake, Mich., Oct., 1893. Had three children. III. Wm. Hickey, a lumber inspector of Muskegon, Mich., was b. 27 Jany.. 1826, at^Friendship, Alegheny Co., N. Y. ; m. 8 Nov., 1855, Mary Hallett, b. 1830, July 14, at Aurilius, Cayuga Co., N. Y. His onlv son (8), b. 20 April, 1863 ; d. 26 Dec, 1894, a dau. Carrie V (8), b. 9 Oct., 1857 is the wife of H. L. Bourdon. 339 Lake St., Muskegon, Mich. They have one son, W. H. Bourdon, engaged in business in Chicago, Ills. IV. Elizabeth, b. 4 Nov., 1829, at Friendship, N. Y. ; m. Warren P. Wallace, b. 10 Sept., 1825, in Steuben Co., N. Y., son of James and Margaret (Aulls) Wallace of Cohocton. Steuben Co., N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace resided at Grinnell, Iowa. As the following copy of a clipping from their local paper tells you of his sickness and passing away. I will add he so longed to see his family all together, before his summons came. On the last day of May, children and grandchildren met at the old homestead and made glad the parents' hearts. One son, Scott, who had not visited the old home in twenty-nine years, came and with him his wife, and the days passed all too quickly, for they were happy and joyous days. "Warren P. Wallace, who died at his home on South Park street on August 16, 1905, was born at Cohocton, N. Y., on September 10, 1825, and so was nearly eighty years old. In 1855 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Lobdell and in the same year came to this struggling little town out on the Iowa prairies. To this union were born eight children. The mother, seven children and four grandchildren re- main to mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband, ])arent and grandfather. He passed away last Wednesday afternoon after a lingering ill- ness. The funeral services were held from the late residence and his own sons acted as pallbearers. Mr. Wallace has for many years been a familiar figure on the streets of this city, having been one of the early settlers in Grinnell. Indeed if he had lived until October he woidd have celebrated the fiftieth anniversary both of his marriage and of his coming to this city. In all these years he has borne a spotless reputation and has led a good life. In the dark days of the early sixties he joined the Union forces to fight for the country he loved ; his health was under- mined and during after life he never fully recovered from the effects 30 AUKAIIAM D. LOHDELL (7) (John B. [G] ) of Hndsonville, Mk-li. (Page 32) LUHAUA LOBUELL BURDIt'K (7) (Jolm B. [(J] ) of ^Yirt Center, X. Y. (Page 32) Annette Lobdell Lock wood (7) (John B. [G] ) of Williamstou, Mich. (Page 33) of his armv experience. Consequently lie letl a quiet life but one which left only an honored name and a loving memory to his children. His comrades in the G. A. R. and his many friends will miss the sight of his familiar form on our streets, but those who were near and dear to him and who cherish his memory will rest in the knowl- edge that in answering the last muster he has joined the better and brighter army of eternal peace." V. Sarah Hibbard, b. 9 Sept., 1832; m. James Smith, who d. leaving three children, viz.: Dolly Smith (8), Fred Smith (8) and Edwin J. Smith. She remarried to Mr. Patrick J. Connoly, who d. in 1894. The following tribute from her home paper testifies to her worth : "Mrs. P. J. Connolly died at her home, 181 W. Western Ave., at noon, 30 March. 1893. She had been a long and patient sufferer, bearing her misfortunes in a most patient manner. The first serious a])prehension of her condition was felt last Monday night, when she suddenly became worse and continued to fail until death came to her relief. Mrs. Connolly was born in Wirt Center, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1833, moving to Grand Rapids, from where she came to Muskegon in 1869. She has been an active worker in the cause of temperance and was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps and the Lady Garfield Union at the time of her death. She was a woman of warm heart and tender sympathies and possesed of a disposition that gained for her the admiration of all who knew her. Pier husband, Patrick J. Connolly, was simimoned from Chicago shortly before her death. Her son, Edwin J. Smith, postmaster at Whitehall, and a daughter, Mrs. M. W. Decker, of 56 Unity street, Avere at her bed- side at the time of her death. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Central M. E. Church, Rev. W. A. Huns- berger officiating." — Muskegon News. VI. John B., Jr., b. 13 May, 1836, at Wirt, Allegany Co., N. Y. ; d. 6 July, 1897, at Georgetown, Ottawa Co., Mich. ; m. Katie Wilson, dau; of Ebenezer Wilson of Georgetown. Mrs. Lobdell d. at Jeni- son (Georgetown), 29 Aug.. 1871, leaving one son about four years of age, named Frank Eben (8), b. 11 Oct.. 1867 at Georgetown; m. at Wirt Center, Allegany Co., N. Y., 23 Jan., 1890, Elizabeth Fanny Bur- dick, b. 6 Dec, 1872, at Titusville, Pa., dau. of Willett Francis and Polly Lucinda (Lobdell) Burdick of Wirt Center, N. Y. Mr. Lob- dell resides upon a farm in Farowe, Mich., is a Democrat, and in religion, a Baptist. Has two children : 1. Reba Esta (9), b. 22 June. 1893. 2. Frank Ivan (9), b. 7 Sept., 1895. After the death of his first wife, John B. re-married, 21 Oct., 1873, to Mara Anna Ellsworth, who having had no children of her 31 own, has faithfully supplied the place of mother to Frank and his family. Mrs. L. resides at Farowe and to her we are indebted for the following : J. B. Lobdell was born in the state of New York in 1836 and was one of a family of eleven children, seven of whom are still among the living. My husband's parents came to Michigan when he was a year old and settled in Ingham county, and town of Dexter, if I remember right, having been a resident of Jenison for a number of years, and lastly removed to his farm in Georgetown, where he has since resided. He was a man of very quiet demeanor and gentle manners, but underneath that great self-possession lay a warm heart that wakened to the touch of friendship and love, and those who knew him will long remember him as a valued friend. His health has not been good for some years, and a short illness this summer was followed by a convalescence which his friends hoped would terminate in a recovery. He assisted his son Frank one day in haying, and at eventide took his milk pails and went to the barn to milk. His wife becoming alarmed at his long absence went to see the cause, and found him lying where he had fallen, nearly or quite dead. Thus had the messenger come, silently and without a moment's warning, and wafted his soul to the realms above. The physician pronounced his death due to dropsy of the heart. Mr. Lobdell was united in marriage to his present wife. Miss Mary Ellsworth, in Greenville, Montcalm county, Mich., October 21, 1873. His death occurred July 6, at the age of 61 years. He leaves a wife, a son, Frank, by his first wife, his son's wife, and two grandchildren to mourn his departure, with the sympathy of friends on every hand and the promise of a meeting beyond earth's tears and sorrow. VII. Abraham Dakin, b. 13 Feb., 1839, in Ingham Co.. Mich.. is living with his family on a beautiful old farm on the town line between Georgetown and Blendon. He m. at Muskegon, 1 Jan., 1874, Marion Scott, b. 19 Feb., 1852, at Hamilton, Canada, dau. of lohn and Catherine (Seeber) Scott. Mr. Lobdell has resided in dif- ferent cities of Michigan, viz.: Dexter, Lansing, Muskegon. Grand Rapids, Manistee. Mr. A. D. Lobdell served all through the Civil War; was ser- geant of Compan}' A, Sixth Michigan Corps. He has two sons unmarried, at the home farm. Charles Weslev (8), b. 3 Feb., 1876. Scott Earl (8)' b. 6 Sept., 1881. And one daughter, Grace Alice (8), b. 15 Jan.. 1878; m. John Nibbelnik, and living near. VIII. Pollv Lucinda, b. 12 Jan.. 1842. in Ingham Co., Mich.; m. 18 June, 1870, 'at Belmont, Allegany Co., N. Y., Willett Franklin Burdick, b. 18 Julv. 1844, at Wirt, N. Y., son of Wm. and Avis L. (Thurston) Burdick. Mr. Burdick is a farmer, a Democrat, and in religion a Seventh 32 Wm. Hickey Lobdell (7) (John B. [6] ) His wife; daughter; her husband and son of Muskeixon, Mich. (Page 30) Day liaptist. They reside at Wirt Center, N. Y. Have one son: Corda Abram Burdick (8). 1). 26 March, 1871 ; m. Nellie Victoria Biirdick. IX. Charity M., b. 12 Feb., 1844; m. Eli P. Loranger. She d. in Lansing, Mich., 13 Nov., 1899, leaving three children: one dau. (8) living in California and one (8) living at Montcalm, Mich. Mrs. Loranger was identified with Ingham township nearly fifty 3^ears, and was sincerely mourned by many. "Since the death of her son Fred, about two years ago, mother has graduall}' been nearing the valley of the shadow. Her suffering in her last illness was intense, but the final passing away was like unto sleep conquering the drooping eyelids of a child. Of ten broth- ers and sisters, seven responded to the call of death as follows : A. D. Lobdell and John Lobdell, South Blendon ; Wm. Lobdell, Mon- tague; Anson Loljdell, Grand Rapids; Henry Lobdell, North Mus- kegon ; Mrs. Chas. Lockwood and Mrs. E. P. Loranger, Williams- ton, Mich. Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace, Grinnell, la.; Mrs. Willett Burdick, Wirt Center, N. Y., and Mrs. Jane Kent, Sand Lake, Mich., were prevented from coming by sickness. There were many kind friends who lent willing hands, and the victory of the silent Harvester was softened b}^ their sweet ministrations. A woman in whose heart there was no room for thought of self, but whose life was filled with, yearning and sacrifice for the welfare of others, she passed away, strong in the faith and with a benediction for those left behind." — (A local pap^r.) X. Annette, b. 2 Sept., 1847, at Danville, Ingham Co., Mich. ; m. 19 Sept., 1876, at Friendship, N. Y., Charles E. Lockwood, b. 15 Dec, 1838, at Barre, Orleans Co., N. Y., son of Ebenezer and Eunice (Angevine) Lockwood. Mr. Lockwood and family reside at Wil- liamstown, Ingham Co., Mich., where he is engaged in business as merchant and produce dealer. Is a Republican and a Methodist. Children : 1. Fred S. Lockwood (8), b. 25 Feb., 1878. 2. J. B. Lockwood (8), b. 2 Oct., 1880. 3. Ada Grace Lockwood (8), b. 6 July, 1882. 4. Effie C. Lockwood (8), b. 5 June, 1885. 5. Neta Lockwood (8), b. 18 Aug., 1887. XI. Henry L. (7), b. 26 Oct., 1850; m. Elizabeth McMann. Xo further record, as my letter of inquiry w^as never answered. 33 EIGHTH AND NINTH GENERATIONS Children of Elizabeth Lobdell and Warren P. Wallace: 1. Mayo Charles. 2. Scott Henry. 3. Margaret Eliza. 4. Frank Otto. 5. Carrie L. 6. Fred Sheridan. 7. Lottie Lenora. 8. Etta May. All born at Grinnell, Iowa. I. Mayo Charles Wallace, b. 13 Aug., 1856; m. 9 Jan.. 1890, at Omaha, Neb., to Nellie Theresa Kelly, who d. 10 Jan.. 1894. Re- sides at Omaha. Is conductor on U. P. R. R. II. Scott Henry Wallace, b. 7 April, 1858; m. 1894 at Little Rock, Ark., Is depot agent at the City of Old Mexico, ]Mexico. III. Margaret Eliza Wallace, b. 29 Jan., 1860; m. 29 Nov.. 1881, Angus McDonald, b. 12 Sept., 1843, at Goodrich, Canada, who d. 6 Dec, 1890, leaving a widow and two daughters : 1. Nellie May McDonald (9), b. at Winterset. Madison Co.. Iowa, 10 Aug.. 1886. At this time (1903) is attending college at College View, Neb. 2. Sadie Elizabeth McDonald (9), b. 24 Jan., 1888. IV. Frank Otto Wallace, b. 8 Feb., 1862; m. 1891 to Mary L. Schultz. V. Carrie L. Wallace died in infancy, 1864. VI. Fred Sheridan Wallace, b. 31 March. 1866; m. Maggie A. ]\IcMurray. Resides at Junction City, Kan. VII. Lottie Lenora Wallace, b. 26 Oct., 1868; m. 17 Nov., 1892, Henry C. Boggie. VIII. Etta May Wallace, b. 13 Oct., 1870; m. Edward Ells- worth Craver. a grocer of Harvey, 111., 1901. No children. Later moved on to a farm three miles out of Marshalltown, Iowa. 34 Cakhik Lobdell Bourdon (8) (Wm. Hickey [7] ) of Muskegon, Mich. (Page 30) Frank E. Loboell (S) (John B. [7]. Jr.) of Wirt Center, N. Y. (Page 31) CORDAN A. BURDIt'K (8) (Lucinda) of Friendship, N. Y. (Page 33) Children and Descendants of 3o$b«a(»> Cobdell (^osbna^^), $imon^'>) WU, mary Reynolds FOURTH GENERATION Children of Joshua (II) and Mary (Reynolds) Lobdell : 1. Mary. 2. Joshua (III)!''^ 3. Ebenezer. 4. Jacob. 5. Rachel. 6. Daniel. 7. John. 1, 2 and 3 were b. in Ridgefield, Conn.; 4, 5, 6 and 7 were 1). in Cortlandt Manor (Salem), Westchester Co., N. Y. 1. Mary, b. 6 Dec, 1725 ; m. Robert Pedrick, Jr., bapt. 22 Jan., 1727 (b. 30 June, 1726), son of Robert and Hannah Pedrick of Oyster Bay. No further record. The name of her husband, Robert Pedrick, Jr., is among the list of Westchester Co. Volunteers who fought in the famous French and Indian Wars of 1755-1760. - LI. Joshua (ITT), b. 13 April, 1727: m., about 1750, Sarah, dau. of David Scott of Ridgefield, Conn. They resided in Cortlandt Manor until after 1767, when the family moved to Rensselaerwyck, Albany Co., N. Y., and settled in that part of the colony that on 29 March, 1784, was formed Stephenstown. When the boundary line between New York and Massachusetts was settled in 1786, I assume that the farm land of Joshua (III) lay in Berkshire Co., Mass. (in I.anesboro), across the line from Stephenstown, N. Y. There his three youngest children were bapt. b}^ Rev. Bostwick, and there Joshua probably died. His widow remarried to James Wiley of Stephenstown. No date of her husband's death, but as Widow Sarah Wiley she was a charter member of the Presbyterian Church at Stephenstown Flats 19 July, 1794. In her extreme old age she made her home with her sons, Isaac and Simon Lobdell, at Westerlo, Albany Co., N. Y., where she died 3 Feb., 1823, aged 103^ years. Is buried in Chesterville burying ground. The following is copied from Ridgefield, Conn., deeds, but the year was not sent me. (1765-6?) : "Joshua Lobdell, Jr., and wife Sarah of Cortlandt Manor; John Rockwell, Jr., and wife Hannah; Joshua Rockwell and wife Mary of Ridgfield; James and Daniel Scott of Ridgefield, sells land for- merly belonging to D.nvid Scott of Ridgefield (deceased. 1765). 36 Joshua was corporal in his father's company in the war against Canada (1755-60). and is also recorded, under date of 21 Ma3^ 1783, as a private in Capt. Cornelius Wiltse's company, under Col. Thad- deus Crane, Westchester Co. militia, and ])crformed active service in the Revolutionary War. III. Ebenezcr, b. 1 Dec, 1730; m. Deborah Palmer, b. 29 Dec, 1734, at Greenwich, Conn., dau. of Jonathan Palmer, b. 1699. She probably was of Westchester Co.. as Jonathan Palmer — evidently her brother — b. 6 Dec, 1724, was in same company as her husband in the wars of 1755-60. I have been unable to find maiden name of her mother, but Deborah was granddaughter of James Palmer (of Greenwich) and Sarah, dau. of Rev. Thomas Derham of Rye. N. Y. (The family of Jonathan Palmer consisted of 13 children, viz: James, Sarah, Jonathan. Anna. Sarah, Robert, Samuel. Deborah, Winans. Hannah, Gideon. Nathaniel and Elizabeth.) During the Revolutionary War, in 1783, Ebenezer and his son, Ebenezer, Jr., provided substitutes to fill their places. This is to certify that the names of Ebenezer Lobdell and Eb- enezer Lobdell, Jr.. appear in "Manuscripts of the Colony and State of New York in the Revolutionary War," Volume 25, folio 148, as follows : "To all to whom these presents shall come, W^e the Major Part of a Class in the Regiment of militia of the State of New York, Commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Thaddeus Crane in the County of Westchester, having, under an Act entitled 'An Act for raising Troops to complete the Line of this State in the Service of the United States and the two Regiments to be Raised on Bounties of Unappropriated Lands and for the further Defense of the frontiers of this State passed the 23rd Day of March last, engaged John Ed- wards to serve in the Company Commanded By Captain Thomas Hunt untill the first day of January Last Past in the Ridgment of Levies Commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Weisenfels, his heirs asines Do hereb}^ grant, transfer, assign and Set over unto Nathaniel Delivan, Esquire, all our estate, right, title and Intrust to any Lands we are or may Become intitled to for engaging the said John Edwards to serve as aforesaid By or in virtue of the said Act. to have and to hold the Estate, right, title and Intrust aforesaid of. in and to the said Lands unto the said Nathaniel Delivan, Esquire, his Heirs assigns for Ever, in witness whereof we have hereunto 37 Set our hands and Seals the Sixth Day of Februar\ in the vear of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three. "Ebenezer Lobdell. "Ebenezer Lobdell, Jr. "Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Stephen Delivan. Peter Crane." Ebenezer d. between 23 Feb., 1709, and 12 June, 1799, as on the former date his will is dated, and probated on the latter. "He re- sided on a farm at North Salem, of nearly 2(X) acres, leased by him from Stephen Delancey — before the Revolution, and afterward pur- chased by him at sheriff's sale." At the Register's office at White Plains, N. Y., we find deed from "Epenetus Ward to Ebenezer Lobdell," dated 15 April, 1771 : 10 acres near the "house that Jacob Lobdell formerly lived in." Also "Samuel Lyon to Ebenezer Lobdell. 6 Sept., 1788, 160 acres in Cort- landt Manor." now in possession of Ebenezer Lobdell — ^"adjoining lands of John I^obdell." Ebenezer was closely identified with St. James Episcopal Church. I think one of its first trustees, after its incorporation, 3 June, 1786. Ebenezer was corporal in His Majesty's Seventh Company of Militia in the upper battalion, in Westchester Co., in the French and Indian wars of 1755-60. in his father's (Joshua II) Co.. under Col. Wm. Willett. Copy of the will of Ebenezer Lobdell : In the Name of God, Amen. I, Ebenezer Lobdell, of North Salem, in the County of Westchester and State of New York, being at present under considerable indisposition of body, though sound in mind and memory — blessed be God therefor — and calling to mind my own mortality and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, I make and ordain this my last will and testament : And first I recommend my soul to God, who gave it, and my body to the earth, to be buried in a decent and Christian-like manner at the dis- cretion of my executors. And as touching my worldly things wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with, I dispose of in the following manner: First, it is my will that all my just debts and funeral charges should be paid by my executors out of movable estate. Secondly. I give unto my loving wife Deborah the im- provement of all my real and personal estate during her natural life after my just debts and funeral charges are paid. Thirdlv. I give 38 unto my son, Jacob Lobdell. ni}' dwelling house and orchard, bounded on my son Ebenezer on the west, and down south by said Ebenezer so far that a due east line to the highway will include the orchard ; thence north by said highway and west to the beginning at the land of the said Ebenezer Lobdell to be taken by my son Jacob after the decease of my said wife, Deborah. Fourthly, I give unto my sons, Jacob Lobdell and Ebenezer Lobdell, and to my daughters, Deborah Field, wife of Isaac Field; Cloe Brown, wife of Nathan Brown, and Ann Reynolds, wife of Benjamin Reynolds, the Remainder of my real and personal estate, to be equally divided be- tween them after the decease of my said wife Deborah, excepting one equal share with one of the above mentioned to be equally divided between my two grandchildren, namely, Jacob Bailey and Deborah Bailey, heirs to my daughter, Mary Bailey, deceased. And I hereby appoint my son, Jacob Lobdell, to be my executor to this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this twenty-third day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine. Ebenezer Lobdell (X) (his mark). (Seal.) Signed, sealed, pub- lished and pronounced to be the last will and testament of him the said Ebenezer Lobdell, in the presence of Daniel Lobdell, Nathan Rundell, Joseph Cable. IV. Jacob, Sr., b. about 1732; m. 28 Aug., 1757, Ruth Boughton, b. 16 July, 1737, at Stamford, Conn., dau. of Eleazer and Elizabeth (Seymour) Boughton. They resided on a farm in Cortlandt Manor, where most of their children were born. We find in the deed of purchase by his brother Ebenezer. that in 1771 he had left the farm. He probably had moved with his family to Rensselaerwyck, where his brother Joshua was living. (The Manor of Rensselaerwyck was formed into a "District" 24 March, 1772, and as Rensselaerwyck was the only colony which remained uninjured by the w^ar, as a consequence many farms were taken up and the population generally prospered.) His land, like his brother Joshua's, lay on soil that, after the bound- ary line between New York and Massachusetts was settled, was in Berkshire Co., Mass. Jacob's in West Stockbridge, adjoining Lanesboro. the home of Joshua. Jacob probably d. in West Stockbridge, Mass. His wife, at the home of her son John in Westport, Essex Co., N. Y., 16 April, 1816. "This is to certify that on page 53 of a manuscript volume en- 39 titled 'Treasurer's Certificates' in the custody of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, in the State Library, the name of Jacob Lobdell is recorded as a private in November, 1781, in the company commanded by Captain Ephraim Lockwood, belonging to the Fourth Westchester Co. regiment of the New York State Militia, commanded by Col. Thaddeus Crane ; also that this said regiment was employed in active service in the Revolutionary War." V. Rachel, b. ? m. Jacob Rundle. Can reach no de- scendant. From a muster roll of W^estchester men who passed muster for service : "Jacob Rundle, b. 1732; enlisted 14 April, 1758, age 26; born in Conn.; by trade, a weaver; 5 feet 8 inches high, grey eyes; a scar on his upper lip. VI. Daniel Lobdell, b. about 1740; m. 12 Jan., 1764, Elizabeth, b. 24 Aug., 1743, dan. of Joseph (b. at Fairfield) and Agnes Money Lockwood. Daniel was a farmer, residing in Cortland Manor until 1774, when he sold his farm of 123 acres to Gershom Hanford, and with his family moved to "the Royal Grant,"* Herkimer Co., N. Y. They settled in a place called Salisbury, where they suffered privations such as we of the present day can scarcely realize. From Revolu- tionary records I have secured the following, which will give us some idea of what they endured. I have no record of death of Daniel or wife. His children re- mained in Herkimer Co. "This is to certify that on page 79 of a manuscript volume en- titled 'Assembly Papers,' volume 16, in the custody of the regents of the University of the State of New York, in the State Library, occurs the following affidavit : Montgomery County. To the Honourable Board of Commissioners appointed by the Leg- islature of the State of New York, etc. : "This may certifie that Daniel Lobdell of Palentine Town in the County aforesaid did belong to Capt. John Cuizer's Company of * "The Royal Grant" contained nearly 100,000 acres of choice land, mostly situated in the county of Herkimer, N. Y. Was formerly the property of Sir Wm. Johnson. The title to this land was confirmed by the British government, hence called Royal Grant." * Herkimer Co. was not organized till 1791 when it was taken from Mont- gomery Co., so that Daniel Lobdell served in a militia organization of the latter county. 40 Molitia in my Ridgment in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty, and was so fare in actual Service as to be held Ready for Service at a minute's warning, and being at home at his own house in the Royal grant on the third Day of April in the year afore said, was Taken prisoner by a party of Indians, him- self and three sons, one of abought Sixteen years of age, the other two younger, and Carried prisoners to Canady and theire cept three years and a half stript of His property Sutcli as they Could Carry away, and Left his wife with the Remainding part of his Children in Distressed Surcomstances. "February 12, 1793. "John Keyser. "Jacob Klock, Led. Corl." YH. John, b. 10 March, 1743; m. 30 May, 1764, Elizabeth, b. at Ridgefield, 16 May, 1744, dau. of Daniel and Jerusha (Whitney) Sherwood. They resided on a farm in Cortlandt Manor, close by the farms of John's brothers, Daniel and Ebenezer. There his chil- dren were born, and it is thought that there John and Elizabeth died— Elizabeth, 22 July, 1804; John, 15 Oct., 1812. In register's office. White Plains, Westchester Co., N. Y., is copied a deed from Stephen De Lancey and others to John Lobdell, 15 Aug., 1774, 160 acres of land bounded east by the "Oblong" line and west by "Ebenezer and Daniel Lobdell's farms." Also — "John in 1795 bought another piece of 27 acres, adjoining him on the southwest." In 1787 John was sherifit' of Salem, N. Y. In 1787 John sells the portion of the estate of Sarah Sherwood, who was a maiden sister of his wife, b. 1751. Nov., 1781, John Lobdell is recorded as a private in the com- pany commanded by Capt. Ephraim Lockwood, belonging to Fourth Westchester Co. Regiment of the State Militia, which regiment was under the command of Col. Thaddeus Crane ; also, that said regi- ment was employed in active service in the Revolutionary War. 41 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOSHUA (4) AND SARAH (SCOTT) LOBDELL. 1, 2 and 3, b. at Ridgefield, Conn. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 b. at Salem, N. Y. 10, 11 and 12 bapt. at Lanesboro, Mass. 1. Joshua i^.. 2. Isaac, 3. Sarah, 4. James, :?. Hannah, 6. Simon. 7. Hiildah, 8. Abraham, 9. Abijah, 10. Mary, 11. Rachel, 12. Rebecca. V I. Joshua -Pf., b. 1752, m. for first wife, Jane Pouce and for his second wife, Jane Yaw. He d. in Westerlo. 13 May, 1813. aged 61. Here, he and his wives are buried. II. Isaac, b. 8 March, 1755. When a lad, his parents moved from Cortlandt Manor (Salem), Westchester Co., N. Y., to Lanes- boro, Berkshire Co., Mass., at which place Isaac m. Mirriam Tom- eroy of the same County for his first wife ; she was 1). 12 Jiinc. 1759. In about twelve years Isaac and Mirriam moved to Westerlo. Albany Co., where, on the Baptist church records, (cluircli organ- ized in 1800) we find the names of Isaac and ?^Iirriam Lobdell amons;' the charter members. Mirriam d. at Westerlo, 11 Sept., 1802, a-ed 43 y. 5 m. Isaac m. for his second wife, Jcrusha Lobdell (his cousin) dau. of John (Joshua II), and Elizabeth (Sherwood) Lobdell of Salem. N. Y. Jerusha d. at Westerlo 2 May, 1849, aged 80 y. 3 m. Mr. Orville Lobdell of Westerlo found the graves and copied the al)ove from the two gravestones between the two, the body of Isaac lies, he having d. 24 March. 1838, aged 83 y. 16 d. The first mills in Albany Co. were erected in 1795, at Westerlo, by Isaac Lobdell and one Mr. Baker, sold afterward to his sons, — Isaac, Jr., and James Hervey I. Isaac was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. He entered the service at Hancock, Mass., and was drafted in the month of August. 42 1778, for the term of 3 months and joined Capt. Joseph Uarnes' Co. and Col. Simonds' regiment and immediately went to Pittsfield in Mass. where he joined the said Co. and then with said Co. marched down through Danbury and Reading, to New Fairfield and there joined the said regiment and went with said regiment to Kings- l)ridge and there joined General Washington's army. He was then ordered to Valentine's Hill where he and the said company and regiment built a fort. After this he marched to a place called Tuckahoe, and then to White Plains and engaged in the Rattle at that place. He continued there until in the month of Nov., when he was dismissed and returned home, ha\ing served at this time three months. In the month of Aug. of the next }ear, he again entered the said service at Hancock aforesaid, and joined Capt. Smith's Co. and was immediately marched to Lake George and was at the taking of Burgoyne. Was at Saratoga, and other places at the northward until late in the fall when he was discharged and returned home. He made an application for pension on 25 July, 1832, at which time he was 77 years of age, and residing in Westerlo, N. Y. His pension was allowed for six months' actual service as a private in the Mass. troops. Witnesses Wm. Wheaton, Simon Lobdell. HI. Sarah was bapt. 28 Feb., 1752. Ww John Little Lobdell in his letter tells us "she m. for her first husband, Mr. Sprague and had children. For her second husband, Daniel Hubbard of Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass., and had 1 Daniel Hubbard (6) who m. and settled on the Onondaga River, Broome Co., N, Y., and 2 Sarah Hubbard (6) who m. — Seymour; also settled in Broome Co., N. Y." W . James was bapt. at Salem, N. Y.. by Rev. Dr. Deblee, 13 July, 1757, resided with his parents at Lanesboro, Mass., and while there m. Miss Mary Venable of Stephenstown, N. Y. James was a Revolutionary soldier, having joined the army at Hancock, Mass. He afterward moved and settled in Warren Co., ]\Iiss. V. Hannah, bapt. at Salem, N. Y., 24 June, 1759, m. Jeremiah (son of Elijah, Sr., and -Margaret (Gillett) Goodrich) b. at Hancock, Alass., 4 Aug. 1757. "They resided at Hancock, had children, viz. : 1. Jacob Goodrich (6), b. 27 Jan., 1782. 2. Lucy Goodrich (6). b. 19 March, 1784. 43 3. Hannah Goodrich (6), b. 13 Sept., 1786, m. Thomas G. Hubbard. 4. Jeremiah Goodrich (6), b. 1 Feb.. 1789, m. Melared A. Watkins. 5. Sarah Goodrich (6), b. 12 June, 1791. 6. Abraham Goodrich (6), b. 8 Nov., 1793. 7. Abijah Goodrich (6), b. 15 Oct., 1795, m. Miss Wallis. 8. Seymour Goodrich (6), b. 11 Dec. 1797. d. single." — (Goodrich Genealogy.) VI. Simon was b. 25 Feb., 1762, resided with his parents, at Lanesborough, Mass., where he m. Grace Pomeroy of Berkshire Co. (a sister of Mirriam, who m. Isaac, the brother of Simon), b. prob- ably at Lenox, Mass., 10 June, 1762. They moved to Westerlo where their children were born and where both Simon and Grace d. and are buried. He, 19 Dec, 1850, aged 88 y., 9 m., 24 d. She, 12 Oct.. 1845, in her 84th year. V'll. Hulda was baptized at v^alcm, N. Y., 5 June, 1763. Accord- ing to Mr. John Little Lobdcll, she m. John Hamlin and removed to the County of Chenango — or Otsego, N. Y. She had three children : 1. Gilbert Hamlin (6). 2. John Hamlin (6). 3. Marcia Hamlin (6). Vin. Abraham, bapt. at Salem, N, Y., 25 Aug. 1765, migrated with his brother James to the State of Missisippi, there m. Sarah Kennard, b. 29 Aug., 1785, and removed to the Parish of East Baton Rouge, La., afterward to West Baton Rouge, La. IX. Abijah, b. 30 x\pril, 1767, was bapt. at Courtlandt Manor, (Salem) N. Y., by Rev. Dr. Deblee of Stamford Parish, Conn., 23 Aug., 1767. He was taken by his parents to Stephentown, Rensse- laer Co., which part on which Joshua's land lay was afterward Lanesboro, Mass., where he resided until he made a start in life for himself at Johnstown, (then Montgomery Co., now. Fulton Co., where (he and) his wife both d. in the 40's. He m. Mary Little, b. 14 June, 1771. dau. of Major John Little and Leah Crawford of Corry's bush, Albany Co., (now Princeton, Schenectady Co., N. Y.) (The family of Capt. John Little were for a time, inmates of Fort Plain, "which was situated on the brow of the hill about 2^ miles from Fort Plain village near Johnstown, and built as a fortress and place of retreat and safety for the inhabitants and families in case 44 of incursions from the Indians.") Maj. John Little d. 29 Sept.,. 1822, and is buried in the old cemetery in Johnstown. The D. A. R. Society has placed a boulder to mark the spot where his (Capt. John Little) regiment stood during the battle at Johnstown. In 1802, Abijah was master of the Masonic lodge, in- stituted at Johnstown, by Sir Wm. Johnson. In 1806, he was 2nd. Lieut. 5th Reg. Artillery — 2nd Battalion — Montgomery Co., and on 24 May, 1809, was promoted to 1st Lieut. The old home of Abijah — a double house — still stands in Johnstown. In one half Abijah lived, his children were born and he passed away — and it was after- ward occupied until her death, by his grand daughter — Mrs. Lucian Bertrand. In the other half lived James (5) Lobdell (Daniel, 4, John, 3, Joshua, 2, Simon, 1), until he moved to Troy, N. Y.. where he was one of the principal dry goods merchants. The grandfathers of Abijah (5) and James (5) were half brothers, both sons of Joshua, 1. X. Mary, bapt. at Lanesborough, Mass., by Rev. Gideon Bost- wick, 4 Nov., 1770. Mr. John Lobdell says, "m. Peleg Allyn, re- moved to Cayuga Co., N. Y., afterward to the State of Indiana." XI. Rachel, b. at Lanesborough ; m. James Dixon ; removed to Ontario Co., N. Y. ; had two sons. XII. Rebecca, died an infant at Lanesborough 4 Sept., 1774. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOSHUA (5) LOB- DELL IV. (1) wife, Jane Pouce. (2) wife, Jane Yaw. By (l)wife, Jane (Pouce) Lobdell: 1. Joel (5). 2. Abraham (6). 3. Joshua (6), I. Joel, a farmer, resided at South Westerlo, Albany, Co., N. Y., was b. in 1779 at Stephenstown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., d. in 1835 at Stockport, Columbia Co., N. Y., m. at South Westerlo, where she was b., Hannah Udell. She d. at Stockport. II. Abraham, a farmer, b. 20 Feb., 1789, at Westerlo, N. Y., d. 30 July, 1867-8, at East Worcester, Otsego Co., N. Y., m. 10 March, 45 1810, to his first wife, Elizabeth Wilson, b. 1785, at Chesterville, Albany Co., N. Y., d. 6 Nov., 1830, at Maryland, Otsego Co., dau. of Robert Wilson and ? Wilsey. In youth, Mr. Lobdell was a Baptist in religion, but became a Methodist; was a devout Chris- tian and his children's children revere his name, to the present generation. Abraham, m. for his second wife (by whom he had no children), Lydia Wing, b. 11 July, 1791, (widow of David Titus), dau. of James Wing and wife Hannah Bowerman. "James Wing was a mariner, owned his own vessel and made trading voyages up the North River. He once passed the winter at Washington's head- quarters at Newburg. His sloop — the Unity, with a cargo of salt was captured by the British and confiscated. In the early part of year 1800 he removed to the Little Nine Partners, since called Milan, Dutchess Co., N. Y., where he purchased a farm, and where he d. in 1842, aged 84." (Geo. Dikeman Wing.) HI. Joshua V. No date of birth, he d. in the town of Sanford, Broome Co., N. Y. ; m. Cornelia Finch at Whitehall, Washington Co., N. Y. She d. at Westford, Otsego Co., N. Y. By (2) wife, Jane (Yaw) Lobdell. 1. Sarah, 2. Abigail, 3. Philip. 4. Hannah, 5. Daniel, 6. Electa, 7. John. I. Sarah, m. Geo. Smith. Removed to Oneonta. II. Abigail, died unmarried. Lived at Westerlo. III. Philip, a cooper, residing at Westerlo, where he was b. 4 Oct., 1800, where he also m. 1 Oct., 1823, Harriet Lamb, b. 20 Jan., 1807, at Westerlo, dau. of Jehial Lamb and Mary Smith. The family were Methodists; Philip d. 30 June, 1872, at Westerlo, his wife, 12 Jan., 1888, at Rensselaerville, Albany Co. IV. Hannah, d. unmarried. Lived at Westerlo. V. Daniel b. 31 March, 1805, at Westerlo, N. Y., d. 30 May, 1882, at Sidney, Delaware Co., N. Y. ; m. for his first wife, 24 Oct., 1830, Mary Youngs, b. 10 Dec, 1804, at Oneanto, Otsego Co., N. Y., where she d. 28 March, 1841. leaving a little dau. only 10 days old who was taken and raised by a sister of her mother's. Soon after his marriage Daniel and his wife moved to Oneanto taking with him his mother, but probably she longed for her old home and friends for after a short stay she returned to Westerlo and made her home with her unmarried dau. Hannah. 46 Daniel LoHDELL ((j) (Joshua [;j] ) (1805-1882) of Sidney. X. Y. (Pa ye Hi) Britton Lobdell (T) (Joel [G] ) of Aftoii. N. Y. (Page 47 I Lucius Lobdell (7) (Abraham [6] ) (1822-1898) of Deposit, N. Y. Picture taken when 70 years old. (Page 52) RosANDER Lobdell (7) (Joshua [G] ) of McGrawville. N. Y. (Page 02) Daniel m. his second wife, Eliza Martindale, on 2 June, 1841. VI. Electa m. James Crandall. Lived at Rensselaerville. VII. John m. Mahala ? I am told that they moved from Westerlo into Sullivan Co., but could find no trace of them ; and the only record is in Westerlo church, "Mahala Lobdell dismissed by letter 2 Dec, 1837." SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOEL LOBDELL (6) AND HIS WIFE, HANNAH UDELL. 1. Britton. 2. Theodosia. 3. Joshua. 4. Elizabeth. 5. Jane. 6. Sarah. 7. Abigail. 8. Julia Ann. 9. Hannah. 10. Marion. 11. Joel. 12. Lucius. 13. Lionel. I. Britton was b. 30 Oct., 1824, at Westerlo, N. Y. His father died while Britton was a mere lad, and his boyhood was a hard struggle, which developed a man of steady, industrious habits and sound and conservative judgment, always having held the respect and confidence of his neighbors and town people. By his industry and thrift he has raised a large family of children to great credit to himself. He m. at Maryland, Otsego Co., N. Y., 12 July, 1825, Maria Lobdell — his cousin — dau. of Joshua Lobdell and Cornelia Finch, and today (3 June, 1902), they are both living — at Afton, Chenango Co., N. Y., enjoying the society of those of their children wlio remain near the old home and of their old time friends. ^ II. Theadosia, m. Glen Van Valtenburg; had Caroline Van Valtenburg (8) and Wm. Van Valtenburg (8). III. Joshua, b. 16 Sept., 1809, at Westerlo, d. 4 Aug., 1886, at Kent, Ohio, m. at Catskill, N. Y., Eliza Ann Hoover, b. 26 Nov., 1815, at Pleasantville, N. Y., dau of John Hoover and Margaret Sherwood. IV. Elizabeth, m. Oliver Butler, no children. V. Jane, m. Geo. Judkins, no children. VI. Sarah, m. Christopher Stickles, had sons Charles and Wm. (8). VII. Abigail, m. Hiram Decker, had dau. Elizabeth (8), m. Mr. New and resides at Valatie, N. Y., also had sons Geo., Jacob and John Decker (8). 47 VIII. Julia Ann, m. Wm. Clark ; had 2 daus. IX. Hannah, m. Abel Butler. X. Marion, m. (1) Wm. Phillips, (2) Abram Van Alstyne. XI. Joel, died in infancy. XII. Lucius, d. 1847, aged 19 years. XIII. Lionel, m. Lydia Webb. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF BRITTON (7) LOB- DELL AND HIS WIFE, MARIA (7) LOBDELL. 1. Joel Britton. 2. Melvin Joshua. 3. Addison LaRoy. 4. Cornelia Adelaide. 5. James Elon. 6. Ida May. 7. Flora Vernette. 8. Geo. Lincoln. 9. Clara Maria. I. Joel Britton, b. 14 March, 1847, at Stockport, Columbia Co., N. Y., m. 18 Nov., 1875, at Hancock, Mass., Ida R. Halstead, b. 16 Nov., 1857, at Hancock, — dau. of Benj. Halstead and Sarah Bailey. Mr. Lobdell is a farmer and Republican. CHILDREN. 1. Alice Elizabeth (9), b. 21 Feb., 1879. 2. Britton DeWitt (9), b. 30 Aug., 1881. 3. Frank (9), b. 7 April, 1883. 4. Jiidson (9), b. 30 Oct., 1885. 5. Bertha May (9), b. 19 Sept., 1895. II. Melvin Joshua b. 10 March, 1849, at Stockport, Columbia Co., N. Y., is unmarried, residing at Afton. III. Addison LeRoy, a farmer, residing at Valatie, Columbia Co., N. Y., was b. 29 April, 1851, at Sanford, Broome Co., N. Y., m. 4 Feby., 1877, at Fowler, Benton Co., Ind., to Josephine E. Morris, b. 17 March, 1853, at Anderson, Madison Co., Ind., dau. of John Morris and Mary Chenoweth. CHILDREN. 1. Clara Bell (9), b. 2 Feb., 1878. 2. Renetta Floy (9), 15 Sept., 1881. 3. Effie Vernette (9), b. 21 March, 1883. 4. Jennie Florence (9), b. 9 Aug., 1886. 5. Mary Josephine (9), b. 4 Dec, 1884. 48 ly. Cornelia Adelaide had no children. She was b. at Sand- ford, N. Y., 21 July, 1853, m. 3 Jul3% 1870, at Sanford, Eugene Van Sternburg- and d. at Sanford 15 Sept., 1870. V. James Elon, a blacksmith, living at Wellington, Sumner Co., Kansas. Prohibition in politics, was b. 30 March, 1856, at North Sandford, Broome Co., N. Y., removed west and m. 7 Feby., 1880, at Geuda Springs, Kansas, Harriet Celia Ward, b. 14 June, 1858, at Bethel, Iowa. ; dau. of Orren James Ward and Caroline Celia Hapgood. CHILDREN. 1. Helen Celia (9), b. 31 Jan., 1883. 2. Asenath Maria (9), b. 2 March, 1885. 3. Britton James (9), b. 11 Jan., 1888. 4. Llewellyn (9), b. 12 March, 1890; d. 23 March, 1890. 5. Lemuel Hapgood (9), b. 21 Oct., 1891. 6. Geo. Lincoln, Jr., (9), b. 21 Jan., 1896. 7. Angle Ellen Harriet (9), b. 28 Nov., 1898. VI. Ida May, b. 30 July, 1858. at Sanford, N. Y., d. 11 Sept. 1891, at Sandford; m. 28 Feby., 1881, at Susquehanna, Penn. Charles E. Johnson, b. 5 Dec, 1851, at Carbondale, Penn., d. 7 Aug., 1891, at Danville, Penn. No descendants. VII. Flora Vernette, b. 11 Oct., 1862, at Sandford, unmarried. Resides at Afton. VIII. Geo. Lincoln, a minister — at present at Divinity School, Eugene, Oregon— b. 10 March, 1866, at Sanford, m. 2 Sept., 1899, at Anthony, Kansas, to Lizzie Viola Harris, b. 4 Aug., 1873, d. 21 July, 1901, at Oxford, Kansas, leaving a little dau. Esther (9), b. 14 June, 1900, at Grenola, Kansas. Mrs. Lobdell was dau. of Whitsett Morrow Harris and Mary Ellen McMahon. Since writing the above I rec'd the cards of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Lobdell and wish to insert the following from their local paper ; EUGENE REGISTER, Sept. 17, 1902. Yesterday at 10 a. m. at the home of Dean E. C. Sanderson of the Divinity school, was celebrated in a quiet way, the marriage of Miss Eugenia O'Connor, of Grenold, Kansas, daughter of Dr. B. R. O'Connor, to Rev. Geo. L. Lobdell. Rev. Lobdell is a well known student of the Divinity school, now pastor of the Christian church at Junction. The bride is a 49 graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music and for two years has been teacher of music in the Central Normal College at Danville, Indiana. Mrs. Lobdell will take charge of the musical department of the Divinity school. The young couple will be welcomed to Eugene, where they will be at home to friends at 446 East Eleventh street, after October 1st. IX. Clara Maria, b. 25 June, 1868, at Sandford, m. 12 Feby., 1886, Alnoon Russell Williams, b. 18 Oct., 1861, at Friendship, son of Andrew Williams and Lucia Russell. They reside in Afton, and have two children. 1. Claude Arleigh Williams (9), b. 31 June, 1887. 2. Harold Jennings Williams (9), b. 9 July, 1896. CHILDREN OF JOSHUA (7) LOBDELL AND ELIZA ANN HOOVER. 1. Frances Cornelia. 2. Elizabeth Jane. 3. Ira. 4. Mary Ann. 5. Charles Britton. 6. Wm. Henry. I. Frances Cornelia, b. 14 Nov., 1833, at Westerlo, where she lived until about 18 years of age when she went to Norwalk, Ohio, to visit her uncle, C. J. Osborn. Her father and family removed to Xorwalk about 6 months later. There, on 15 Feby., 1854, she m. Lucius Boughton, now living at Bowling Green, Ohio, who lovingly tells me : "She was a true wife and a noble woman." After their marriage they moved to Greenwich, Ohio, where she d. 21 Feby., 1855, leaving an infant dau., Frances C. (9), who d. 18 months later. II. Elizabeth Jane, b. 4 Feby., 1837, at Westerlo, N. Y., m. 8 Aug., 1860, at Stuyvesant Falls, Columbia Co., N. Y., Robert Mc- Keon, a native of Ireland, b. 5 Feby., 1835, son of James McKeon and Elizabeth Elder of Brooklyn, N. Y. To Robert and Elizabeth (Lobdell) McKeon were born: 1. Clara E. McKeon (9), b. 17 April, 1864. 2. Alice Louise McKeon (9), b. 6 July, 1866. 3. Minnie B. McKeon (9), b. 12 April, 1879; m. Fred Siegle. 4. Nellie J. McKeon, b. 14 Dec, 1872. III. Ira, b. 9 June, 1839, m. Ann Jefifreys. IV. Mary Ann, b. 19 ALarch. 1842. V. Charles Britton, b. 8 May, 1843. VI. Wm. Henry, b. 7 Aug., 1845, m. Elizabeth Greggs. 50 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM 6 LOB- DELL AND FIRST WIFE, ELIZABETH WILSON. 1. Aiirilla. 2. Harriet. 3. Jarvis. 4. Jason. 5. Smith. 6. Samantha. 7. Richard. 8. Lucius. 9. Jane. 10. Charlotte. 11. Sarah. 12. George. I. AuriHa, b. 21 Aug". 1812, at Coxsackie, Green Co., N. Y.. m. 1833, Francis Jones, who d. at Otsego Co., N. Y., 19 April, 1887. Mrs. Jones is living with her son-in-law and her dau., ]\Tr. and Mrs. Jacob Pane (8), at East Worcester, N. Y. II. Harriet, b. 29 Aug. 1813 at Coxsackie; m. 1 June 1831, David Fellows, b. 26 Aug. 1810. d. 9 March 1889. Children— 1. Joseph Hiram Fellows, b. 9 June 1832; lives at Belvi- dere. 111. 2. Lydia Ann Fellows, b. 21 Oct. 1833 ; lives at Coldwater, Mich. 3. Emily Miranda Fellows, b. 27 Aug. 1835, d. 27 June, 1900; m. Lorenzo Dow Scisco, d. 10 Aug. 1870. One son, Lo- renzo Dow Scisco, Jr., is a business man of Chicago, 111. 4. Isaac Clark Fellows, b. 18 Sept. 1837; deceased. 5. Sabrina Jane Fellows, b. 30 Nov. 1839, m. Sylvanus Hausen. 6. Rose Ellen Fellows, b. 28 June 1847, d. 2 Nov. 1856. 7. Wm. Abram Fellows, b. 8 Jan. 1850 ; lives in Schenec- tady, N. Y. III. Jarvis, b. Feby., 1816, d. 1817. IV. jason, b. 25 March, 1817, d. 15 Dec, 1896, at Deposit. Broome Co., N. Y., m. Mary Ann Waterman who d. at Deposit 15. Sept., 1894. Jason, with his wife and three children moved from Otsego Co., N. Y., to Sandford, Broome Co., N. Y., in 1840. The country was new and heavily timbered and with the help of his children he cleared 300 acres of land ; 14 children were born to himself and wife and all lived to grow to maturity. Two were in the "War of the Rebellion," one dying at Gettysburg. Both Jason and his wife Ii\ed to a ripe old age, though long invalids, cared for 51 with loving and gentle hands by their dau. Anna, who still resides in the old home. V. Smith, b. 2 May, 1818, at Maryland, Otsego Co., N. Y., m. 14 Oct., 1839, Eliza Delia Bailey b. 6 May, 1818, at Jefferson, Scho- harie Co., N. Y., at which place Mr. Lobdell, as a young man set- tled and began life's work — as a farmer. His Religion was of the Baptist denomination, Mrs. Lobdell was dau. of Cornelius Bailey and Sarah Umery. In their old age Mr. and Mrs. Lobdell both made their home with their son, Mr. Wm. Geo. Lobdell (8) of Unadilla, Otsego Co., N. Y., who wrote me, a short time since, that both parents were well and active. How few are permitted to enjoy together for so long a period, life's happiness and sorrows. VI. Samantha, b. 12 Oct. 1819, m. James Wing. I was given the name of her son, Valentine Wing (8), Poughkeepsie, N. Y., but received no reply to my letter, of inquiry. VII. Richard, b. 5 May, 1821, d. 27 June, 1898, at Fowler, Ben- ton Co., Ind., m. 1 Jany., 1845, at Worcester, N. Y. Mary Permelia Flint, b. 2 Dec, 1822. d. at Fowler, Ind., 1 Feb., 1884. VIII. Lucius, a farmer, b. 2 Sept., 1822, at Westerlo, N. Y., d. 6 March, 1898, at Deposit, Broom Co., N. Y., m. in Jany., 1846, at Oneanto, Qtsego Co., N. Y., to first wife, Mary Ann Wakelee. b. 1823, (dau. of Noah and Huldah Wakelee), d. 17 March, 1847. at Oneanto, leaving an infant dau. Mary E. (8), b. 23 Feby., 1847. Mr. Lobdell m. 7 Nov., 1847, for his second wife, Hannah M. P.rownell b. 18 March, 1824, at Prattsville, N. Y., d. 7 Jany., 1881, at Deposit, dau. of David Brownell and Gore. Mr. Lobdell's parents moved to Otsego Co., while he was a small boy and he lived in that County until April 1876, when he moved to Deposit, where he spent the remainder of his days. He was a devout Christian, honored by all. For many years was one of the foremost in the Methodist church, holding positions of trust, and at all times ready to befriend those to whom trouble and sorrow 'had come. IX. Jane, b. 1 Dec. 1823, m. John Eaton. X. Charlotte, b. 23 June, 1825, m. Robert Shaw. Has a son, Theodore Shaw (8), of Baldwinsville, N. Y. XI. Sarah, b. 11 Oct. 1826, m. Wm. Smith. XII. George W., b. 11 Jany., 1829, at Worcester. N. Y., lived at Schenevus, Otsego Co., N. Y., m. Angelica Crippen, dau. of Egbert Crippen and Ann Eliza Chase. He is no-w living at Kinder- 62 liook, Branch Co., Mich. Is a miller. I am told that he was a soldier in the Civil War. CHILDREN. 1. Geo. E. (8), a farmer, residing at Bethel, Mich., was b. 12 May, 1855, at Worcester, Otsego Co., N. Y.; m. 14 Aug., 1884, Minnie E. Hillyer. 2. Clara (8), b. 11 Dec, 1857. 3. Florence (8), b. 21 April, 1858. 4. Ann Eliza (8), b. 25 April, 1860. 5. Kate (8), 26 July, 1862. 6. Susan (8), b. 5 Dec, 1864. 7. Fenton (8), b. 18 Nov., 1866. 8. Minnie (8), b. 11 April, 1869. 9. Amos (8), b. 9 May, 1873. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF AURILLA (7) LOBDELL AND FRANCES JONES. I. Elizabeth Jones, b. 1834, m. Jacob Pane. They reside at East Worcester, N. Y., and have one dau. (9). II. Theodore Jones, b. 1835, d. 1840. III. Luman Jones, b. 1840, died in infancy. IV. Amanda Jones, b. 31 Jany., 1841, m. Martin Northrup. They reside at East Worcester, N. Y., and have four sons, viz. : Frank Northrup (9) and Wm. Northrup (9), of East Worcester. Jacob (9), (called Jack Northrup), and Morris Northrup (9), living at Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., N. Y. V. Louisa Jane Jones, b. 1843, d. 1851. VI. Abigail Jones, b. 28 Nov., 1852, d. 1860. VII. Mary Jane Jones, b. 15 May, ; m. Erskine Sullivan and resides at Binghamton, N. Y. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JASON (7) LOBDELL AND WIFE, MARY ANN WATERMAN. 1. Abraham. 2. John. 3. Smith. 4. Sarah. 5. Elizabeth. 6. Richard. 7. Electa. 8. Bertha. 9. Geo. D. 10. Isaiah S. 11. Jennie. 12. Samuel. 13. Anna. 14. Ehjah. 53 I. Abraham, a farmer, b. 22i June, 1837; m. Abigail Huggins. Reside at Sandford, N. Y. No children. II. John, a twin to Abraham, m. Annie Merrill; have two sons (9), both m. All are farmers. III. Smith, a farmer, b. 12 Dec.. 1838; m. 1st, Rachel Car- penter, by whom he had 5 children (9). By 2nd, Alice Simmons, had one child (9). IV. Sarah, b. 14 Sept., 1840, d. unmarried. \. Elizabeth, b. 24. Oct., 1843 m. ? McDonald. VI. Richard, b. 13 April, 1844, d. in Civil War, at Gettysburg. VII. Electa, residing at Springfield, Ills., b. 25 Nov., 1845, m. Alvah Peter Myers, had two boys and one girl. One son, Amos Melvin Myers (9), w^as b. 13 Feby., 1876, at Quincy, Ills., was taken to Sanford, N. Y., when only four weeks old, and at the age of four years was adopted by his uncle Abraham (8). He took the name of Lobdell and there resided until he was 21 years old. Was duly educated while with his uncle and became a school teacher, and later took to farming; m. 13 Nov., 1898, at Sandford, Broome Co., N. Y., Sarah Sabrina Tripp, b. 12 Dec, 1879, at Sandford, dau. of Julius Tripp and wife, Ida Au.gusta Gruzbeck. CHILDREN. 1. Irene Lillian Myers (10), b. 1 Aug., 1899. 2. Gladys Mae Myers (10), b. 20 Nov., 1900. VIII. Bertha, b. 15 Aug.. 1847, at Sandford. N. Y., m. 1 Feby., 1876, Wm. Burton Hartley (of English descent), b. 17 Sept., 1836, near Philadelphia, d. 2 Jany., 1897, son of Benj. Hartley and wife, Margaret Burton. Bertha resides at Santa Rosa, Cal. Two of her hcildren (9) are in Battle Creek, Mich., one (9) in Oakland, Cal., and one (9) in St. Helena. IX. George D., b. 10 March, 1849, m. but I cannot give name of his wife, she d. in 1899, probably at Boulder, Colo., where Geo. D., resides, who promised to send me a family record, but evidently has entirely forgotten it; his address is 2119 Spruce street, Boulder, Colo. Has 1 son, 2 daus. (I am sorry not to have heard further, for his letter was very interesting, but he could not remember dates and wanted time to collect, etc.) X. Isaiah S., b. 2 Jany., 1851, m. Jennie Showers. Is proprietor of the "Lobdell House," at Little Cooley, Pa. (No record.) 54 XI. Jennie, b. 1 Sept., 1853, m. Mr. Hiiyck. Reside at Croton, Delaware Co., N. Y, Have 2 sons, 1 dau. XII. Samuel, b. 2 July, 1855, m. 1st, Millie Seely, had 3 chil- dren; 2nd., Chloe Seely. No children. (Reside at Sandford, N. Y.) XIII. Anna, b. 14 Nov., 1857, an estimable maiden lady living- at the "old home," at Deposit, N. Y. XIV. Elijah, b. 7 June, 1860. Unmarried. CHILDREN OF SMITH 7 LOBDELL AND WIFE, ELIZA DELIA BAILEY. 1. Mary Eliza. 2. Wm. Geo. I. Mary Eliza, b. 16 Sept., 1840, m. Wm. Hamilton Sovvles, a carpenter, whose son William D. Sowles (9), b. 22 March, 1868, at Maryland, N. Y., m. Albertie (8) dau. of Lucius (7) Lobdell — a brother of Smith's. II. Wm. Geo., b. 11 May, 1843, a farmer, residing at Unadilla, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; m. 26 Dec, 1865, at Bainbridge, Chenango Co., N. Y., Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel (6) Lobdell and Mary Young. He enlisted in the "War of the Rebellion," Aug.. 1862, was corporal of Co. F., 121st N. Y. Volunteers. Served until close of the war. Children, all b. at Unadilla, N. Y. 1. Fannie May (9), b. 18 Dec, 1868; m. 29 Aug., 1888, to Lester O. Frear, a farmer, residing at Unadilla, b. 9 March, 1866, at Franklin, Delaware Co., N. Y., son of Rufus S. Frear and Lucy Miranda Gilbert. They have one son, James Stanley Frear (10), b. 18 Nov., 1889. 2. Inez Eliza (9), b. 19 March, 1871 ; m. 2 Oct., 1895, to Fred J. Fisk, a farmer residing at Unadilla, b. 27 April, 1869, at Gilbertsville, Otsego Co., N. Y. (son of Amos Fisk and Mary Hallock). They have one dau., Edith Marion Fisk (10), b. 28 March, 1899. 3. Daniel Smith (9), a mason of Unadilla, b. 4 July, 1873; m. 11 Dec, 1895, to Bertha Spencer (dau. of Henry Spencer and Harriet Quimby). They have one son, Stewart Henry (10), b. 8 April, 1899. 4. Olive Mabel (9), b. 10 Feb., 1879; m. 11 Sept., 1900, at Oneanto, Otsego Co., N. Y., to Frank Edward Randall, a machinist, b. 17 Aug., 1876, at Unadilla, where he now re- 55 sides (son of Edward Payson Randall and Sally Ann Lyon). Have — 1. Frances Pauline Randall (10), b. 10 Aug., 1901. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD (7) LOB- DELL AND WIFE, MARY PERMELLA FLINT. 1. Judson C. (8). 2. Geo. J. (8). 3. Flint (8). I. Judson C, residing at Fowler, Benton Co., Ind., was b. 5 July, 1846, at Worcester, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; m. 16 Feb., 1868, at Coldwater, Branch Co., Mich., to (first wife) Sarah J. Cheney, b. 14 Feb., 1847, in State of Ohio, who d. 27 Dec. 1873, leaving two young children, the eldest, Lay (9), b. 2 Jan., 1870, died 7 July, 1888. The younger, Burr (9), b. 21 July, 1872; m. Minnie Dewey. I am told he is a resident of Detroit, Mich. Mr. Lobdell m. for his second wife, Mary J. Burnham, b. 29 March, 1848, a native of Ohio. Their children are : 1. Anna (9), b. 16 Oct., 1876; d. 30 Oct., 1876. 2. Frank (9), b. 30 June, 1878; d. 31 July, 1899. 3. Mary Pamelia (9), b. 24 July, 1880. 4. Olive (9), b. 1 May, 1882; d. 17 May, 1882. 5. Eva (9), b. 21 Sept., 1885. II. Geo. J., b. 12 June, 1849; m. Caroline Jacobs. Understand he is in furniture business at Fowler, Ind. III. Flint, b. 26 April, 1852; m. Retta Murphy. CHILD AND DESCENDANTS OF LUCIUS (7) LOBDELL AND FIRST WIFE, MARY ANN WAKELEE. 1. Mary E. I. Mary E. (8), b. 23 Feb., 1847, at Oneonta; m. 15 Aug., 1867, at Worcester, Otsego Co., N. Y., Briggs W. Waterman, b. 9 Sept., 1845, at Worcester, son of Ezra Waterman and wife, Rachel B. Wilber. Mr. and Mrs. Briggs Waterman reside on a farm in Worcester. The family are Methodists. Mrs. Waterman has given much val- uable assistance to this work — always willing to answer my letters of inquiry, and I think often driving miles to secure such informa- tion. We will all appreciate her kindness. Their children are : 56 SID^"EY LOBDELL (7) (Daniel [G] ) of Drydeu. X. Y. (Page 60) Mary Lobdell Waterman (8) (Lucius [7] ) of Oneauta. N. Y. (Page 56) Ani^a Lobdell (S) (Jason [7] ) of Deposit, N. Y. (Page 55) Ezra L. \Vater:.:an (,9 J (Mary E.) of Westfield, N. J. (Page 57 J 1. Ezra Lucius Waterman (9), b. 12 Oct., 1868, at Wor- cester, where he remained until his 20th year, when he went to New York City, where he engaged in the business of making iron fences and railings ; m. 3 Feb., 1897, in New York City, Anna Walker, b. 6 Sept., 1872, at New York, dau. of Geo. Walker and his wife, Margaret McDonald. May 1, 1902, Mr. Waterman moved his family to Westfield, N. J., where they now reside, still doing business in New York. They have two daus. : 1. Jennie Waterman (10), b. 13 Oct., 1898. 2. Ida May Waterman (10), b. 4 Dec, 1901. 2. Albertie R. Waterman (9), b. 9 June, 1874; d. 22 July 1874. 3. Ida May Waterman (9), b. 26 April, 1886. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF LUCIUS (7) LOB- DELL AND (SECOND WIFE) HANNAH M. BROWNELL. 1. Lucius Adelbert. 2. Duane. 3. Melvin. 4. Birdsal. 5. Albertie. 6. Eugene. I. Lucius Adelbert, b. 5 Feb., 1849, at Oneonta, Otsego Co., N. Y.; d. 20 Oct,, 1882; m. Elizabeth Gile, b. 19 July, 1853, at Rich- mondville, Schoharie Co., N. Y., dau. of Stephen Gile and Sarah (?) Children all b. at Deposit, N. Y. 1. Charles E. (9), b. 8 May, 1876; d. 5 Oct., 1876. 2. Floyd A. (9), b. 17 Sept.. 1877. 3. Gile, b. 23 July, 1882. Mr. Lobdell died when his children were very young. The mother re-married (name of husband not known). They all reside at McDonough, N. Y. II. Duane, b. April, 1851 ; d. Sept., 1851. III. Melvin D., b. 5 Oct., 1854, at Schenevus, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; m. 21 Nov., 1881, at Rensseaerville, Albany Co., N. Y., Harriet Lobdell, b. 28 Oct., 1854, at Rensselaerville, dau. of Joseph W. Lob- dell and Nancy Lounsbury, his wife. Children: 1. Mildred C, b. 20 Nov., 1882; m. LeRoy A. Hale. 2. Ivan H., b. 4 July, 1885. 3. Edith E., b. 14 Nov., 1887. 4. Ada E., b. 30 July, 1895. 57 IV. Birdsal, b. 1856; d. 4 July, 1862. V. Albertie, b. 21 Nov., 1862, at Maryland, Otsego Co., N. Y. : m., 5 xApril, 1888, for first husband, Daniel H. Nichols of Waterbury. Conn., who d. 18 March, 1890, leaving one son: Harry H. Nichols (9), b. at Waterbury, Conn., 13 May, 1889. !Mrs. Nichols m. for second husband, on 30 Oct., 1892, at L'na- dilla, Otsego Co., N. Y., William D. Sowles. b. 22 March, 1868, at Maryland, Otsego Co., N. Y.. son of VV. Hamilton Sowles and Mary Eliza Lobdell (dau. of Smith Lobdell). Mr. and Airs. \V. D.. Sowles and son reside at 9 Valley View street, Oneonta. N. Y. VI. Eugene, b. 22 July, 1865 ; m. Julia Sweeny. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF PHILIP (6) LOB- DELL AND WIFE, HARRIET LAMB. 1. Mar}- E. 2. Evaline A. 3. Joseph W. 4. Carlton. I. Alary E., b. 30 July, 1824. II. Evaline A., b. 26 Sept., 1826, at Westerlo. Albany Co., X. Y. ; m., 24 Jan., 1844, at Westerlo, to Joseph Addison Gardner, h. 9 May, 1821, at Westerlo; d. 19 Feb., 1888, at Rensselaerville, Albany Co., N. Y.. son of AA'ni. W. Gardner and wife, Jane St. John. CHILDREN. 1. Harriet Jerusha Gardner (8), b. 17 June, 1845. at Westerlo; m. 28 June, 1870, at Rensselaerville, Alexander Wm. Mackay, a farmer, b. 8 May, 1833, at Rensselaerville. son of Willett A. Mackay and wife, Elizabeth Deane. The family reside in town of Rensselaerville, P. O. Aledusa, Al- bany Co. CHILDREN. 1. Eudora J. Mackay (9), b. 15 July, 1871; resides with her parents. 2. Addison G. Mackay (9), b. 9 May, 1874; resides at Coxsackie, Green Co., N. Y. 3. Elizabeth Mackay (9), b. 15 Sept., 1877; d. 4 Sept., 1897. 4. Frank B. Mackay (9), b. 3 June, 1880; P. O., Cox- sackie, N. Y. 58 5. Evalyu G. Mackay (9), b. 29 July, 1882; ni. Urson Makely of Medusa. 2. Susan Elizabeth Gardner (8), b. 24 Feb., 1848, at Westerlo; m. 7 Oct., 1874, at Rensselaerville, James Madison Finch, a farmer, b. 22 Oct., 1840, in Rennselaerville, d. in same town 14 Oct., 1888, son of Smith Finch and wife, Mar- tha Knowles. The families are Methodists. III. Joseph VV., b. 29 Jan., 1829, at Westerlo; m. Nancy Louns- bury, dan. of Elisha Lounsbury and wife, Cecelia Mackey. They settled in Rensselaerville, where he d. 14 Nov., 1901. He had poor health for the previous five }'ears, a form of Bright's disease, and about a month before his death had a shock from which he never recovered. In his younger daj^s he was a shoe- maker, but lived on and worked his farm many years. Is buried at Medusa, Albany Co., N. Y. [ had considerable correspondence with Mr. Joseph W. Lobdell and always valued his letters. He was greatly interested in wishing to trace back his father's line of descent. How I wish that I had been able to have given it to him then as I now^ can. CHILDREN. 1. Harriet (8), b. 28 Oct., 1854, at Rensselaerville; m. 21 Nov.. 1881, Melvin D. Lobdell (8). a farmer, son of Lucius (7) and his wife, Hannah Brownell. b. 5 Oct., 1855, at Schenevus, Otsego Co. Their home was in Deposit, Broome Co., where their children were born, viz: 1. Mildred C. (9), b. 20 Nov.. 1882; m. LeRoy A. Hale. 2. Ivan H. (9j, b. 4 July, 1885. 3. Edith E. (9), b. 14 Nov.. 1887; d. 3 July, 1891. 4. Ada E. (9), b. 30 July. 1895. 2. Judson Elisha, a farmer of Berne, b. 3 April, 1858. at Greenville, Greene Co., N. Y. ; m. 27 Nov., 1878, at Berne, Albany Co., Carrie L. Smith, b. 12 July, 1860. at Berne, dau. of Harvey Smith and wife, Caroline Stewart. Children : 1. Mabel E. (9), b. 17 June. 1883. 2. Perry J. (9), b. 16 Feb., 1885. IV. Carlton S., a carpenter residing at Windham, Greene Co.. N. Y., b. 31 Oct., 1836, at Maryland, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; m. 16 June, 1859, at Rensselaerville, Albany Co.. N. Y., Almira L. Adams, b. 11 59 Nov., 1839, at Durham, Greene Co., N. Y., dau. of Morgan Adams and wife, Lydia Earl. (Methodists.) CHILDREN. 1. Ehner E. (8). a farmer residing at AA'indham, b. 31 March, 1801, at Durham, X. Y. ; m. 7 Nov., 1883, at Wind- ham, EHzabeth Case, 1). 11 Dec., 1860, at Windham, dau. of Henry Case and wife, Dency Andrus. Has one son: 1. Harrx C. (9), b. 2 Feb., 1894. at Windham. 2. Wilber R. (8), residing in Tro}', N. Y. — occupation, clerk — b. 13 March, 1866, at South Westerlo ; m. 14 Jan., 1891, at Troy, N. Y., Mary E. Brockway, b. 11 Feb., 1869, at Troy, dau. of Wm. H. Brockway and wife, Catherine Robinson, of Troy. The families are Protestant Episcopal. Children : 1. Wilber C. (9), b. Feb., 1892. 2. Mary Irene (9). b. 19 Aug., 1894. 3. Almira (9). 1). 4 ]an., 1897. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF DANIEL (6) LOD- BELL AND (1) WIFE, MARY YOUNGS. 1. Melissa. 2. Alonzo. 3. Sidney. 4. Gideon. 5. Mary Elizabeth. L ISIelissa, b. 1 Feb., 1832, at Westerlo, N. Y. ; m. Lysander Jucket. II. Alonzo, b. 1 Dec, 1834, at Westerlo; m. Jan., 1864, Augusta Comstock, dau. of Cyrus Comstock of Chenango Co., N. Y. The family reside at Racine. Wis. Is in the hardware business. Has two daus., Jennie (8) and Mary Josephine (8). III. Sidney, a farmer, b. 6 May, 1836, at Westerlo; m. 16 Sept., 1856, at Unadilla, Otsego Co., N. Y., Mary McComber, b. 19 July, 1837, at Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. Resides at Harford, Cort- land Co., N. Y. CHILDREN. 1. Jennie Elizabeth (8), b. 21 Feb., 1858; m. Frank E. YIezen. 2. Geo. Edwin (8), b. 16 June, 1862. 3. Irving Scott (8), b. 28 Aug., 1876; d. 11 Oct., 1884. 60 IV. Gideon, b. 19 March, 1838; m. Olive Cooky; d. at Bing- hampton, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1892. V. Mary Elizabeth, b. 18 March, 1841, at Oneanto, N. Y.; was only ten days old when her mother died and she was adopted by an aunt who cared for her until on the 26 Dec, 1865, she m. at Bain- bridge, Chenango Co., N. Y., Wm. Geo. Lobdell (8), son of Smith Lobdell (7) and Eliza Bailey. For children see Wm. Geo. (Smith). CHILDREN OF DANIEL (6) LOBDELL BY (2) WIFE, ELIZA MARTINDALE. Children of Daniel (6) Lobdell by (2) wife Eliza Martindale : I. Celestia (7), b. 30 May, 1842; m. Henry Johnston. XL Orson (7), b. 12 May, 1844. III. Sarah Jane (7), b. 12 Dec, 1846; d. in infancy. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOSHUA (6) AND CORNELIA (FINCH) LOBDELL. 1. Zimri. 2. Rosander. 3. James Elon. 4. Lucy. 5. Juliette. 6. Harriet. 7. Rovilla. 8. Maria. I. Zimri, b. 25 Feb, 1825; d. 30 March, 1905, at Kirkwood, Broome Co., N. Y. ; m. 6 July, 1853, at Kirkwood, Emeline L. Swift, b. 6 May, 1833, at Lisle, Broome Co. ; d. 17 April, 1892, at Kirkwood, dau. of Solomon B. and Eliza (Parks) Swift of Lisle. Zimri, with his two brothers, Rosander and James Elon, served in the War of the Rebellion, also a brother of their mother (Geo. M. ^^^^*^- CHILDREN. 1. Frank D. (8), b. 14 Oct., 1854, at Great Bend, Pa. ; m. 28 June, 1896, at Milwaukee, Wis., Mrs. Margaret E. Dun- ning, b. 6 July, 1861, at Pittsburg, Pa., dau. of Robert L. and Jane (Buchanan) Johnson. Mr. Lobdell resides at 288 Gregory street. Blue Island, 111., is a passenger conductor on the C. R. I. and P. Ry. Has one step-son: Charles F. Dunning, b. 14 Dec, 1882; m. Anna M. Christensen, 2. Anna Augusta (8), b. Jan., 1857; d. Nov., 1863. 61 3. Edwin Emerson (8), b. Dec, 1860; d. Oct., 1861. 4. Carrie Eliza (8), b. 11 Feb., 1862. 5. Fred'k Swift (8), b. 11 May, 1866. II. Rosander P., b. 4 March, 1833, at Maryland, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; m. 13 Dec. 1855, at Centre Lisle, Broome Co., N. Y., Nancy A. Woodworth, b. 10 Sept., 1832. at Centre Lisle, dan. of Abel Woodworth ; residence, McGrawville, Cortland Co., N. Y. Rosan- der F, Lobdell served in the "War of the Rebellion," in the 27th Reg. N. Y. Volunteers, also in the 50th N. Y. Engineers. III. James Elon, b. 10 Oct., 1835, at Maryland, N. Y., is a me- chanic, in the gun business, at Ithaca, Tompkins Co., N. Y. ; m. 30 Aug., 1859, at La Porte, Sullivan Co., Pa., to Rhuma N. Baldwin, b. 30 Aug., 1842, at Montrose, Susquehanna Co., Pa., dau. of Chap- man Baldwin and Lucy Nichols. She d. and left one dau., Carrie A. (8), b. 22 Feb., 1862. Is unmarried. Mr. Lobdell m. 23 Aug., 1871, at Williamsport, Pa., Lucilla Baldwin (a sister of his first wife, b. 23 Aug., 1852. at La Porte, Pa.). James Elon Lobdell enlisted in the U. S. service at Wolfe Town- ship, Pa., on 15 Aug., 1863, as a private in Co. G, 143 Regiment, Pa. Volunteer Infantry, under Capt. Daniel J. Morton and Col. Edmund L. Dana, to serve three years, or during the war. He was wounded below the left knee by a minie ball at Wilderness, Va., and was in West Building Hospital, Baltimore, Md., from which place he was honorably discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability, on 18 May, 1865. IV. Luc3^, d. unmarried. V. Juliette, m. Peter Carradine. No children. VI. Harriet, b. 1828 ; died unmarried. VII. Rovilla, b. 1830; died unmarried. VIII. Maria, m. Britton, son of Joel Lobdell and Hannah Udell, his wife. They reside at Afton, Chenango Co., N. Y. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF ROSANDER (7) AND NANCY A. WOODWORTH LOBDELL. I. Willie T. (8), b. 5 Dec, 1857; d. 20 Aug., 1862. II. Ralph F. (8), residing at 40 East Maine St., Ilion, N. Y., is in the gun business. He was b. 20 Oct., 1860, at Center Lisle, Broome Co., N. Y. ; m. 8 Dec, 1883, at Syracuse, N. Y., Czarina 62 Louise Ayers, b. 6 July, 1862, at Romulus, Seneca Co., N. Y., dau. of Wm. Hamilton Ayers and his wife. Czarina (Young) Barton. Mr. L. is a Presbyterian in faith, a Republican in politics. Has two children : 1. Czarina Louise (9), b. 16 March, 1885. 2. Evalyn Ayers (9), b. 28 March, 1887. HL Wallace W. (8), b. 27 July, 1866; d. 26 March, 1869. IV. Mary C. (8), b. 24 March, 1870. V. Ernest W. (8), b. 27 Nov., 1876. CHILDREN OF JAMES ELON (7) AND (2) WIFE, LUCILLA BALDWIN LOBDELL. I. Charles E. (8), b. 24 July, 1872; died (?). H. Rosa May (8), b. 17 May, 1874; m. Charles Tyrrell. HI. Martha R. (8), b. 22 Sept.. 1875, at Whitney's Point, Broome Co., N. Y. ; m. 13 March, 1895, at Troy, N. Y., Frank C. Hatch, b. 4 March, 1872, at Aurora, Cayuga Co., N. Y., son of Wm. F. Hatch and Maranda A. Reed. They reside at Sherrill, N. Y., and have three children (9). 1. Lydia Reed Hatch (9), b. 11 July, 1897. 2. Paul Elon Hatch (9), b. 24 May, 1899. 3. Benj. Thompson Hatch (9), b. 19 Dec, 1901. IV. Myrtle L. (8), b. 10 May, 1878; not living. V. Edith C. (8). b. 20 June, 1881 ; not living. VI. Herbert F. (8), b. 25 April, 1886; unmarried. VII. James R. (8), b. 19 Feb., 1889; unmarried. VIII. Ermina J. (8), b. 7 May, 1892; unmarried. IX. Tracy B. (8), b. 25 June, 1894; unmarried. 63 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF ISAAC (5) LOBDELL, SR. (1) Wife, Mirriam Pomeroy. (2) Wife, Jerusha Lodbell 1. Miriam. 2. Lois. 3. Anna. 4. Isaac, Jr. 5. Joshua Pome- roy. 6. Olive. 7. Princess. 8. Jerusha. 9. Lovisa. 10. James Hervey, Sr. By first wife, Mirriam (Pomeroy) Lobdell. I. Mirriam, b. at Lanesboro, Mass. ; m. James Jacox and resided at Westerlo. Having no children, they adopted a son and dau. of Nelson Lobdell (Isaac, Jr.). II. Lois, b. 5 Jan., 1784, at Lanesboro, d. at Chesterville, Albany Co., N. Y., 25 Nov., 1828; m. at same place, 11 July, 1802. Joshua Tompkins, a farmer of Reedsville, b. 22 May, 1776, at Ches- terville ; d. 1866 at Fulton, Schoeharie Co., N. Y. He was a Quaker, son of Elisha Tompkins. III. Anna, m. Knight Bennett (no record). IV. Isaac, Jr., a miller and farmer, b. 27 Jan., 1788, at Lanes- boro; came when three years old, with his parents to Westerlo, Albany Co., N. Y., where he d. 31 Aug., 1857. He was a deacon in the Baptist church, and in politics a Whig; m. for his first wife, 28 Jan., 1813, Nancy Udell, b. 25 Jan., 1794, at Westerlo, where she d. 14 Sept., 1837, dau. of Wm. and Margaret (Hogan) Udell. Isaac, Jr., m. for his second wife, Lorinda (Chapin) Babcock, b. 27 March, 1806, dau. of Wm. Chapin and widow of Josiah Hubbell Babcock of Broadalbin, N. Y. vShe d. 20 Feb., 1872, at Albany, N. Y. Is buried at Westerlo. ' V. Joshua Pomeroy. Have been unable to gain any informa- tion regarding him. VI. Olive, m. John Myers; had dau. Mirriam, b. 1825; m. Nel- son Lobdell (Isaac, Jr.). VII. Princess, b. 15 March, 1800; d. 15 April, 1874, at Westerlo, N. Y., where she was b., and m., in March, 1818, to Asa Keyes 64 Jackson, b. 1 June, 1795, at Westerlo, where he d., son of Jeremiah Jackson and Martha Keyes, his wife. BY SECOND WIFE, HIS COUSIN, JERUSHA LOBDELL (JOHN), CHILDREN ALL BORN IN WESTERLO. I. Jerusha, b. 5 March, 1806; d. 11 Nov., 1874, at Clarksville. N. Y.; m. at Westerlo, Frederick P. Slater, b. 18 Dec, 1811, at Greenville, Greene Co., N. Y. II. Lovisa, b. 3 Nov., 1812; d. 2 April, 1861; m. first in Jan., 1835, to Francis Atkins, b. 3 March, 1812; d. 16 June, 1842, son of Elisha and Mary (Wilsey) Atkins. Lovisa was b., d. and m. at Westerlo. She m. second, on 4 Oct., 1843, Silas B. Martin, b. 22 Nov., 1815, at W. ; d. 5 Jan., 1895, at Troy, N. Y., son of Joseph. III. James Hervey, Sr., b. 14 July, 1810, at Westerlo; d. of Bright's disease, 19 Feb., 1868, at Fairport, Monroe Co., N. Y. ; m. 31 March, 1835, to Harriet Crawford, b. 8 July, 1814, in Rensselaer- ville, N. Y., dau. of John Crawford and first wife, Susanna Wilkins. Harriet d. 26 Jan., 1902, at the residence of her son-in-law, Olof Oberg, Rochester, N. Y. Mr. L., when first m., was a miller and farmer at Westerlo, then moved to Gallupville, Schocharie Co.. N. Y., where he kept a general store. In 1854 moved to Rochester, N. Y., afterward locating on a farm in Fairport, N. Y., where he d. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF LOIS (6) LOBDELL AND JOSHUA TOMPKINS, ALL BORN AT REEDSVILLE, ALBANY CO., N. Y. I. Mirriam Tompkins, b. 12 July, 1803 ; m. Daniel Udell. II. Wm. C. Tompkins, b. 12 July, 1804. III. Isaac Lobdell Tompkins, b. 22 Sept., 1806. IV. Joshua Tompkins, b. 13 May, 1808. V. Anna Tompkins, b. 19 Jan., 1810; m. Sidney Smith. VI. Miranda Tompkins, b. 22 Aug., 1812; m. Rev. Wm. H. Tifferny. VII. Princess Tompkins, b. 11 Jan., 1814; m. Israel Baker, a farmer, 19 Jan., 1834, at Chesterville, N. Y., b. 20 July, 1810, at 66 Chesterville ; d. 20 Aug., 1882, at Schoharie, Schoharie Co., N. Y., son of Aaron and Cynthia Baker, who with their family were Quakers. Princess was taken ill on Monday, 18 March. 1902, and passed away on the following Friday evening, March 21, in her 90tli year. The body was placed in the receiving vault at Gloversville and taken on 10 May to Esperancc, Schoharie Co., and interred in the family plat. VIIT. James Jaycox Tompkins, b. 13 Aug.. 1816. IX. Penolope Tompkins, b. 11 July, 1818; ni. Cyrus Wright. X. Elijah Tompkins, b. 23 Aug., 1820. XI. Barbary Tompkins, b. 9 Dec, 1822; m. vSeneca Wing. CHILDREN OF ISAAC (6) LOBDELL. JR., AND FIRST WIFE, NANCY UDELL, ALL BORN AT WESTERLO, N. Y. 1. Luman. 2. Justus. 3. Jane. 4. Nelson. 5. Hervey. 6. Lo- rttta. 7. Margaret. 8. Joshua Tompkins. 9. Harriet. 10. Mir- ririm. I. Luman, a miller and farmer, b. 14 June, 1814; d. • ( ?) at i'.erne, N. Y. ; m. 14 March, 1838, at VVesterlo, Sally S. Winston, 1). 13 May, 1817, at Westerlo, d. 29 Aug., 1869, at Berne, dau. of David and Eliza (Martin) Winston. Luman was a Baptist and a Republican. II. Justus, a farmer of VVesterlo, b. 22 June, 1816, was struck by lightning and killed, 17 May, 1875, at Coxsackie, Greene Co., N. Y.; m. first, 19 Oct., 1842, ^lary Blackmer, b. 10 Sept., 1820; m. second, on 21 Nov., 1854, Ann E. Stewart, b. 1 Jan., 1834, dau. of Wm. and Sally A. (Norris) Stewart. III. Jane d. young. IV. Nelson, a miller at Westerlo, N. Y., b. June, 1820, d. March. 1864; m. for his first wife, Mirriam Myers, b. 1825, at Westerlo, where she d. 10 April, 1848, at the birth of her twin boys, Charles and James C. Mirriam was dau. of John Myers and Olive Lobdell (Isaac. Sr., and Mirriam Pomeroy). and with her brother (not knowing his name) were adopted, in youth, by James Jacox and his wife, Mirriam Lobdell (Isaac, Sr., and Mirriam Pomeroy). At the death of these foster parent.^, their property reverted to these children. Nelson m. second, Lois O. Bennett; third, Helen Anderson. 66 James lIioavKV Loisdell, Sk. (G) (Isaac [5] ) (1810-186S) of Westerlo. Galhipville. Rofbestor, and Fairjiort. N. Y. n'a.L;e O.") ) Isaac D. M. Lobdell (Tj (Isaac [6] Jr.) H 8:50-1 Si )4) of Albany and ( 'liicap). (Page G7) LUMAN LORDEEL (7) I Isaac [<;] Jr.) (18:!!>-1.S!>4> of Berne, N. Y. (Page 64) il^ Harky Chapiis' Loudeee (8) (Isaac D. M. [7] ) of Alban.w <'hic:i;:(), and SI. Xa\'ier, .Montana. (Page 70) V^ and YI. Hervey and Loretta d. young. VII. Margaret, b. 16 Aug., 1826; m. at Wcsterlo, 18 Nov., 1851, Lay Ruland, b. 10 Oct., 1824, at Westerlo, where he d. 23 Oct.. 1893. Lay was son of Alban Ruland and Mirriam Lobdell (Simon 5). Miss Emily (8) Ruland, dau. of Margaret, writes me : "My grandmother Ruland's father was Simon Lobdell, a brother of Isaac (5) Lobdell, vSr., and both sons of Joshua Lobdell and Sarah Sct)tt, so you see that my father and mother were cousins — not first cousins, but they were double cousins — as the two brothers m. two sisters. Simon m. Grace I'omeroy, and Isaac m. Mirriam Pomeroy. These names have been handed down to the present generation." On the 5th day of Feb., 1891, Margaret Lobdell Ruland was thrown from a cutter and fractured her hip. never again being able to walk without crutches, and most of the time suffering pain as the result of her fall. On 26 Feb., 1902, at her home in Lansingburg, N. Y., she passed to the land where suffering is unknown. Is buried at Westerlo by the side of her husband. VIII. Joshua Tompkins d. unmarried. IX. Harriet m. for her first husband, Mr. Jamison; m. second, Silas C. Mix. After a long illness she passed away in the spring of 1906, at her home (for over forty years) at 5 West Sunnyside, Tro)^, N. Y. She had no children. She was a member of Grace Methodist Church. Is buried at Westerlo, N. Y. X. Mirriam m. John Lobdell (Simon) of Sullivan Co. They adopted Sidney, a son of Mirriam's brother Nelson. No children. CHILDREN OF ISAAC (6) LOBDELL, JR., AND SECOND WIFE, LORINDA CHAPIN BABCOCK. 1. Isaac D. M. 2. Mary Jane. 3. Emily M. 4. Francis \A'. 5. A'ictor B. All born at \\"estcrlo. I. Isaac D. M., b. 7 June, 1839; was a man of noble qualities, a man \vhom to know was to respect. No better tribute to his unfail- ing integrity, honesty and business relations can be given than by copying from "The Haberdashers' Journal." His residence was at Buena Park, one of the loveliest northwestern suburbs of Chicago. He built his home, fashioned after his own ideas, and there hoped to spend years of happiness surrounded by his family ; but Bright's <:lisease, whose very name means death, had marked him for its 67 victim and after an illness of five 3'ears he passed away at his honu: on 20 June, 1894. He m. 30 Aug., 1861, at N. Y. City, Catherine Jane McDonald, who proved herself a worthy helpmeet for the deceased. She was b. in Valatia, Columbia Co., N. Y., 18 June. 1839, and has brought up the young children left by her husband in a way that reflects honor to herself. THE DEATH OF I. D. M. LOBDELL. "In the death of I. D. M. Lobdell, which occurred June 20 last. there is a loss not easily appreciated except by those to whom his life and work are fully known. Each of us in time must pass onward to complete the evolution of God's eternal purposes, and for all of us there is a peculiarly impressive lesson in the life and character of Mr. Lobdell, which leads us to make mention here of some of the more important features of his life work, in order that his hosts of friends may recall with profit the strength of that moral purpose which, undergirding his every motive, made Mr. Lobdell's a stalwart figure in the moving affairs in wdiich he participated. Many of the haberdashers of our country are old arm}- men, and not a few of them can recall the active work of army life in which they and he of whom we write joined hearts and hands to battle for that which must ever be the best heritage of men, Law, Liberty and lenity. Mr. Lobdell w^as best known in the business world in the West, and it is no exaggeration to say of him that the West col- lectively, as represented in the furnishing business, knew and hon- ored him without exception. Mr. Lobdell began to travel for Geo. B. Cluctt, Bro. & Co., on February 1, 1881, and almost immediately won for himself a posi- tion of large importance in the affairs of his firm, and his value was fully recognized when his firm and the firm of Coon & Co. consoli- dated in November, 1889, the title then changing to the present one of Cluett, Coon & Co. Some five years since, failing health com- pelled Mr. Lobdell to assume a less active part in the business, but his was not a nature that could brook idleness. His physicians ordered a period of complete cessation from business cares, in the hope that thereby might come fresh vigor with which to combat the steady march of that insidious disease which finally triumphed in his decease. During this period of enforced repose of body, his mind continued to employ itself in writing, and his ready pen made many an editorial for some of the leading Western papers, whicli successfully moulded the political opinions of many. ^Tr. I^olxle': 68 Jaaiks IIkh\ey LoiJDEi.i, (7). Ji; (J. 11. L. [()] Sr. I of Cliif.-iiii) (I'ii.W 72) was a felicitous writer on topics coming within the range of his interest and experience; as an instance we recall his lines written of a brother soldier who had died, and of whom he wrote : "His moral manliness, his modesty, his very meekness symbolized the truth that it is the shock of wheat that is heaviest which bows lowest. I never can for-^et how I marveled during war times at his unswerving stability of character, and the courage with which he faced every foe of either his country or his character, and how well fortified he was at every point, at that early day of his manly de- velopment, against every temptation of army life." No man could write thus Avithout himself possessing some share of the qualities he was extolling, and those who knew Mr. Lobdell can recognize something of his own moral strength and purpose in his words. It was about a j^ear after the new firm of Cluett, Coon & Co. was formed, when Mr. Lobdell was obliged to stop active work; the prescribed period of rest was readily granted him by his em- ployers, whose generous kindness did not stop with mere words of hopeful encouragement, but took on that wider meaning of Chris- tian sympathy which is practical in its expression, Mr. Lobdell's nature was strong and sympathetic, and to him his employers' action ever remained a tender evidence of their thoughtfulness for him and his, which he never alluded to without the deepest emotion and gratitude. Returning from his enforced idleness, which was spent in the mountains of Montana, he again occupied his beautiful home in Buena Park, near Chicago. When the exposition opened Mr. Lobdell felt himself sufficiently strong to manage the important duties to be imposed on someone of known ability, in the exhibit made by Cluett, Coon & Co., and his wishes were readily complied with by his firm. That he was eminently fitted for the work, those who had the pleasure of a call on him during the fair have reason to well remember, and it is a matter of no small moment to know that, though often taxed in his physical powers, Mr. Lobdell's perseverance and purpose to repre- sent his employers' interests to the end of the exposition was in a spirit of grateful remembrance on his part, and a recognition on theirs of his sterling and heroic character to do and not die, while he had a fighting chance. But the character of his illness was such that human skill knew and recognized its limitations, and Mr. Lobdell himself was well aware that the end would not long be delayed. It came, and found 69 him cheerful and ready, with but one regret, and that his wife and children — to leave them was to his kindly nature the one awful strain, but even in this, when the time of dissolution finally came, and his loved ones gathered at his bedside, each for a last farewell, his love seemed rested in that Higher Power which protects its own, and which in believing gave him hope for their well-being here, and reunion beyond. Mr. Lobdell died in the fifty-fifth year of his age, and in his death has given to his friends a lasting memory of all that is truest and best in manhood. II. Mary Jane, b. ( ?). d. 14 Aug:, 1868. III. Em'ily M., b. — - ( ?), d. 12 Oct., 1847. IV. Francis W., b. 11 June, 1847, was like his brother a travel- ing salesman, he being employed by the shirt and collar firm of Mil- ler, Hall and Hartwell of Troy, N. Y. ; d. unmarried. Amassed a competency and was generosity itself to those whom he wished to benefit, especially desiring his young female relatives to have the benefit of a good education. At the Lake Shore Railroad disaster at Ashtabula, O., 29 Dec, 1878, he was among the injured and suf- fered from the results for many years. He d. of Bright's disease at Brunswick, N. J., on 11 March, 1897. V. A^ictor B., b. 7 April, 1849; d. 5 Feb., 1872. CHILDREN OF PRINCESS LOBDELL AND ASA KEYES JACKSON, ALL BORN IN WESTERLO, JACKSON BY NAME. 1. James Joseph. 2. Calvin Luther. 3. Cortlandt Columbus. 4. Andrew. 5. Princess Palmyra. 6. Josephine. 7. Elizabeth. 8. Helen Maria. 9. Mirriam Ann. I. James Joseph Jackson, b. 6 Sept., 1819; m. Mar}^ Elizabeth Stebbins. II. Calvin Luther Jackson, b. 21 June, 1824, d. young. III. Cortlandt Columbus Jackson, a farmer, also a teacher in S. S. mission work, b. 28 July, 1825, at Marquis, Ga. ; m. 12 Feb., 1861, at Pleasant Grove Presbyterian church, two miles from Blufif City, Sullivan Co., Tenn., to Sallie Preston Rhea, b. 12 Feb., 1840, near Blufif City, dau. of Robert Preston Rhea and Nancy Davidson, his wife. IV. Andrew Jackson, b. 20 July, 1827, d. young. 70 Cl^^/Vn/v^ ^/./VUIJIAJ2J6\^ (Page r2) V. Princess Palmyra Jackson, b. 10 March, 1829; ni. Baltis Sigsbee. VI. Josephine Jackson, b. 27 April, 1830. VII. Elizabeth Jackson, b. 27 March, 1832, living (1902) in Westerlo, N. Y. ; m. Aug., 1876, at Brooklyn, N. Y.. Arthur Noble Sherman, b. 22 Oct., 1815, at Albany, N. Y., d. 1882 at Brooklyn, N. Y., son of Dr. Abel Sherman and Martha or Cynthia Hammond of Albany. No children. VIII. Helen Maria Jackson, b. 28 Sept., 1834, is (1902) a resi- dent of Brooklyn ; immarried. IX. Mirriam Ann Jackson, b. 20 Feb., 1837; m. Geo. Carl Guyer. CHILD AND DESCENDANT OF JERUSHA(6) LOBDELL AND FREDERICK P. SLATER. I. Edgar Slater, b. 30 June, 1851, at Westerlo, N. Y. ; m. 5 Sept., 1872, at Clarksville, Albany Co., N. Y., Emily Le Boeuf, b. 20 Jan., 1850, at Clarksville. They reside at Ravena, N. Y., have one dau., Elmyra (8) Slater, b. 24 Sept., 1875 ; m. 25 Oct., 1899, at Clarksville, Elmer L. Bishop, b. 21 Aug., 1874, at Olive, Ulster Co., N. Y. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF LOVISA (6) LOB- DELL AND FRANCIS ATKINS. I. Edmund S. Atkins of Troy, N. Y., b. 3 June, 1837, at Ches- terville, N. Y. ; m. (1) 1858, Emily Powell, b. 20 July, 1839, at Cairo, Greene Co., N. Y., d. 1 March, 1876, at Troy, N. Y., dau. Edward and Martha Searl Powell. CHILDREN. 1. Emma F. (8) Atkins, b. 12 Aug., 1858, d. 6 June, 1884; m. Romain Vincent. 2. Edward F. (8) Atkins, b. 10 Sept., 1859; m. Sarah Cunningham. 3. Frank A. (8) Atkins, b. 18 Feb., 1864; m. (1) Mary Rough, (2) Lillian Grady. 4. Fred'k (8) Atkins, b. 18 Aug., 1872; m. Eva Green; d. 11 July, 1898. 5. Theodore Atkins, b. 18 Jan., 1875 ; d. 23 Jan., 1875. 71 Edmund S. (7) Atkins m. for his second wife, Ida F. Pratt, dau. of Walter and Sarah Faxon Pratt of Troy. Have — Elroy P. Atkins, b. 12 April, 1883. II. Cordelia M. (7) Atkins, b. 16 Nov., 1840, at Westerlo, where she m. 4 July, 1867, Stephen Vincent, b. 19 Nov., 1843, at Coeymans, Albany Co., N. Y., son of David & Maria Marritt Vin- cent. Cordelia d. in Tro)^, 1903-4. Had — 1. Hamilton Ford (8) Vincent, b. 1870, d. 1877. 2. Mary L. (8) Vincent, b. 5 June, 1874; m. 1894, Fred' W. Curtis, a druggist of Troy, N. Y. Lovisa m. for her second husband, 4 Oct., 1843, Silas B. Martin, b. 22 Nov., 1815, d. at Troy, 5 Jan., 1895, son of Joseph. Had— 1. James H. (7) Martin, b. 1 Feb., 1846; d. 2 Dec, 1847. 2. Harriet J. (7) Martin, b. 23 Oct.. 1848; d. 1849. 3. Joseph Henry (7) Martin, b. 5 Oct., 1852; m. Hattie McMillan. 4. Lydia (7) Martin, b. 1854, d. 1857. . 5. Charles F. (7) Martin, b. 25 Aug., 1857; m. Alida Smodell. The children of Lovisa were all b. at Westerlo. CHILDREN OF JAMES HERVEY (6) LOBDELL, SR., AND WIFE, HARRIET CRAWFORD. I. Sarah Jane, b. 28 March, 1836, d. 1838. II. Lois, b. 28 Dec, 1837; unmarried, resides with her sister, Mrs. Olaf Oberg at Rochester, N. Y. HI. James Hervey, Jr., b. 22 Aug., 1840, at Westerlo, N. Y. ; received a public school education, entered a wholesale shoe house in Rochester, N. Y. In this business he made himself proficient; came to Chicago in 1880 and followed the same line; later, joining with the Harry H. Lobdell Wholesale Shoe Co. He m. at Roches- ter, N. Y.. 28 Sept., 1865, Julia Ardelia Harrison, b. at Rochester, 11 June, 1839, dau. of Henry and Mary (Wilson) Harrison, resi- dents of 30 Jay street, Rochester, N. Y., for over 60 years. They have one son — Henry Harrison Lobdell (8), b. 10 Aug., 1866, at Rochester; m. 24 Sept.. 1890, at Chicago, Nellie Frost Lamson, b. 24 Sept., 1869. at State Center, Iowa, dau. of S. Warren Lamson and wife, Martha Houston. 72 Henry Harrison Lohdell (S) (James Hervey [7] Jr.) of Chicago (Page 72) CIIILDIIEX OF IIEXIJV HAKIM SOX r.OI'.HELL of Cliica,i,'(i \\ai!i;i:n Lamsox Loi!1)i:i.l - k_ 1 ^ i4^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H I Rcrii I,()iiiii:i.i, II\i;i;is()\ F.(H!i)i:i,i. He received his education in Rochester and Chicago schools, followed the business of his father, and in 1891 opened at Chicago the wholesale shoe house of Harry H. Lobdell Co. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association ; the Midlothian , South Shore and Exmoor Country Clubs of Chicago, and of the Athletic Association of Boston, Mass. The family are Unitarians ; Harry, like his father, a Republican. CHILDREN. 1. \\'arren Lamson (9), b. 28 July, 1891, a student in Armour Institute, Chicago. 2. Ruth (9), b. 3 June, 1895. 3. Harrison (9), b. 22 March, 1897. IV. Harriet, b. 3 Jan., 1843, at Gallopville, Schoharie Co., N. Y. ; m. at Rochester, N. Y., on 23 July, 1868, to Olaf Oberg, b. 29 Aug., 1836, at Hessleholm, Christiansted Co., Sweden, son of Aake Larson and Elna Olson. Mr. Oberg has a beautiful residence, 543 Mt. Hope Ave., Rochester, N. Y., where, having retired from business, he can thoroughly enjoy his home and its environments. Mrs. Oberg has for the past two years been an invalid, confined to her room. They have three living children, b. in Rochester. Charles Olof Oberg, the 2d child, b. 6 Oct., 1870, resides at 216 Linden St., Rochester, is a custom cutter; m. 22 Aug., 1896, in New York City, May Agnes Maxwell, b. 12 June, 1873, at Montreal, Canada, dau. of Louis and Marie (Savard) Maxwell. No children. Albert Theadore Oberg, 4th child, b. 18 Nov., 1879, for the past four years has resided in Paris, France — preparing himself for a musical career. Mabel Lobdell Oberg, the youngest child, b. 4 Jan., 1881 ; m. 2 July, 1906, Clarence Dale Silvernail, a graduate of the class of 1902 of the University of Rochester, and is engaged in busi- ness in New York. Is son of Professor and Mrs. J. P. Silver- nail of Rochester. Edward Sidney and Alexander Oberg, 1st and 3d children, d. while young. V. Edward Sidney, b. 8 Sept., 1846, at Gallopville, N. Y. ; d. in Chicago of pheunomia 13 Dec, 1905 ; m. 28 June, 1876, at Rochester, Sarah G. Spencer, b. 27 Feb., 1853, at E. Henrietta, Monroe Co., N. Y., 73 dau. of Joseph Yetter and Henrietta Boucher. Had one child, Edward Albert, b. 7 Oct.. 1891. d. 7 Nov.. 1891. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF PRINCESS (7) TOMPKINS AND ISRAEL BAKER. L Dunois Baker, b. 2 Nov., 1836; m. Mary Conover. IL Gertrude Baker, residing at Gloversville, N. Y., b. 18 AJay. 1839, at Dunham, Greene Co., N. Y. ; m. 24 Dec, 1856, at Esperancc N. Y., Benjamin E. Bassler. b. 5 Dec, 1836, at Schoharie, d. 25 March, 1900, at Gloversville. Fulton Co.. N. Y., son of Josiah ami Jane (Van Wee) Bassler. CHILDREN. 1. Ella P. (9) Bassler. b. 9 Sept.. 1858; d. 24 Aug., 1860. 2. Nellie M. (9) Bassler. b. 5 Jan., 1861 ; m. H. L. Smith. 3. Jennie A. (9) Bassler, b. 13 Nov., 1863: d. 28 April. 1870. 4. Menzo L (9) Bassler, b. 17 Nov., 1865; m. Elizabeth Corneveaux. 5. Eva G. (9) Bassler, b. 24 Dec, 1867; m. Wm. A. Starr. 6. Minnie Princess (9) Bassler, b. 2 Jan.. 1869: m. Wm. Sternberg. 7. Benjamin F. (9) Bassler, b. 7 Jan., 1871. 8. AVm. D. (9) Bassler, b. 13 Aug., 1873. 9. Cyrus W. (9) Bassler, b. 25 June, 1875: m. Carrie Langford. 10. Peter J. (9) Bassler, b. 18 July, 1877; d. 22 Feb., 1893. 11. Lottie L. (9) Bassler. b. 3 March, 1882; m. Edison Platts. III. Princess Ann (8) Baker, b. 9 April. 1847: m. John Hunter. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF LUMAN (7) AND SALLY S. WINSTON LOBDELL. L Adonirum. 2. Orville. 3. Sidney. I. Adonirum J., a farmer of East Berne, b. at Westerlo, 11 Dec , 1838; m. 13 Dec. 1863, at Berne, Albany Co., N. Y.. Eleanor M. 74 Adonirasi Lobdell (S) (Liiiuau [7] ) of East Berne, N. Y. (Page 74) Rev. Isaac \. Lobdell (0) (Adouli-am [8] ) (Page 78) Okvii.i.e Lobdell (8) (Lumau [7] ) of Westeiio, N. Y. (Page 75) Frank Lobdell (9) (Orville [8] ) of Westeiio, N. Y. (Page 78) Vedder, b. 12 Sept., 1842, at Troy, N. Y., dau. of Henry A. and, Eliza (Clute) Vedder. Adonirum is a Baptist; a Republican. II. Orville, a practical miller at Westerlo, b. 23 Aug., 1840. His great grandfather built the first grist mills in that part of the country more than 100 years ago. It was rebuilt in 1835 by his grandfather (Isaac Lobdell) and brother, James H. Lobdell. The old mill still looms up proudly under the guidance of Orville, as a monument to the honesty and integrity of the Lobdell family down to its present owner. Orville m. 22 July, 1865, Harriet Osterhout, b. 11 June, 1840, at East Berne, dau. of Nicholas and Catherine (Jones) Osterhout. III. Sidney J., b. 16 Sept.. 1869; d. 1 April, 1871. CHILDREN OF JUSTUS LOBDELL AND FIRST WIFE, MARY BLACKMAR. 1. Maryetta. 2. Augusta. I. Maryetta, b. 27 Nov., 1843 ; m. John J. Walron. II. Augusta, b. 17 May, 1846; m. Melvin B. Calkins. By second wife, Ann E. Stewart. 1. Charlotta. 2. Wm. J. 3. Ella. 4. Georgiana. 5. Susie. I. Charlotta, b. 24 March, 1856; m. Geo. E. Jones. II. Wm. J., a carpenter of Troy, N. Y., b. 30 April, 1859; m. Nettie E. Bull at Albany, N. Y., 2 Aug., 1884, b. 18 June, 1862, at Troy, N. Y., dau. of Wm. H. and Harriet (Nichols) Bull. III. Ella, b. 7 Sept., 1863. IV. Georgiana, b. 24 Feb., 1867; m. Geo. E. Lester. V. Susie, b. 28 Dec, 1872. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF NELSON (7) LOBDELL. Wives: (1) Mirriam Myers. (2) Lois O. Bennett. (3) Helen Anderson. By (1) wife. I. James, no record. 75 II. Charles (8) (twin of James), a farmer residing at Westerlo, b. 10 April, 1848; m. Samantha Pitcher, 1 April, 1871, at East Berne, b. 9 Dec. 1848, at Berne. They have two children: 1. James W. (9), b. 1 Jan., 1872; m. Belle Webster. 2. Nellie G. (9j. b. 7 Jan., 1877. By (2) wife. I. Montville. );. 29 Nov.. 1852; m. Elizabeth Seabolt. II. Emalissa. 1). 25 Nov., 1853. By (3) wife. I. Ann Augusta, b. 17 March, 1855. II. Sidney, b. 10 Dec, 1856; was adopted by John and Mirriam Lobdell of Sullivan Co., N. Y. He m. Belle Lewis. III. George, b. ; m. Ella Hart. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF MARGARET (7) LOBDELL AND LAY RULAND. 1. Grace L. 2. X'lctor Lay. 3. Emily M. 4. Margaret M. I. Grace L. Ruland, b. 10 Nov., 1854; m. Lorenzo D. Stewart, d. 1882, leaving a baby girl, who d. six weeks later. II. Victor Lay Ruland, b. 9 July, 1858; m. Althea Sanford and d. when he was 32 years old, leaving four children, viz: 1. Anna B. (9) Ruland. 2. Frank Lobdell (9) Ruland. 3. Sanford (9) Ruland. 4. Victor Raymond (9) Ruland. III. Emily M. Ruland, b. 2 June, 1861, and IV. Margaret M. Ruland, b. 17 Dec, 1868, reside at the home- stead in Lansingburg, N. Y. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF ISAAC D. M. (7) AND CATHERINE JANE (McDONALD) LOBDELL. 1. Harry Chapin. 2. Byron Wellington. 3. Inez Rogers. 4. Hamilton Ford (8). I. Harry Chapin, b. 14 Dec, 1868, at Albany, N. Y., was edu- cated in and graduated from Chicago schools. His father, before his death, wishing to know that Harry was settled in business, selected Montana and established him with a hardware firm in Billings. They pushed their business further west, and himself 76 Dk. Aluan .Ti'DSoN LoHiiErx (0) (Adoiiirnin [8] ) <.f Wiiichestei'. N. II. (Page 77) CHILDREN OF 1>U. ALP.AX .TFUSOX LOI'.DKLL ( \':\ixr 77 ) Alban Judson Lobdeix, Jk. (10) Winston liAi.L Loisdki.l (10) and partner control the only general store on the Indian Reserva- tion (Crow), which has (1906) opened thousands of extra acres to the public. Harry resides at St. Xavier, where on 28 Feb., 1906, he married Ellen Reed, a teacher in the Mission school at that place. II. Byron Wellington, b. at Albany 25 Nov., 1870; d. 16 Aug., 1880, at Chicago. III. Inez Rogers, b. 25 Oct., 1878, at Chicago; m. 22 June, 1904, ]\Ir. Frank Burns, a member of the John E. Burns Lumber Co., Chicago. They reside in Buena Park, have one little dau., Kath- erine Jane Burns (9), b. 21 Sept., 1905. IV. Hamilton Ford, b. 18 June, 1882, at Chicago ; resides at St. Xavier, Montana, where he is in the employ of his brother. CHILDREN OF CORTLANDT C. (7) JACKSON AND SALLIE PRESTON RHEA, HIS WIFE. 1. Princess Palmyra Jackson, b. 19 Dec, 1861 ; d. 25 March, 1884. 2. Rhea Jackson, b. 28 March, 1864; m. Clarence Moormand. Mrs. Moormand is (1902) postmistress at Marquis, Ga. 3. Robert Matthew Jackson, b. 24 Jan., 1867; m. Mary Maude Little. 4. Nannie Virginia Jackson, b. 18 Dec, 1869; m. Josiah Edward Rhea. Resides Blufif City — Route 3 — Sullivan Co., Tenn. 5. Cortlandt V. S. Jackson, b. 24 Jan., 1870. 6. Augusta Lee Jackson, b. 2 July, 1872; m. John Jacob Stutz. 7. Mary Marquis Jackson, b. 19 Sept., 1876 : a teacher for 6 years in suburb of Chattanooga, Tenn. 8. Reverdy Preston Jackson, b. 8 March, 1880; wholesale grocer, Chattanooga, Tenn. 9. Paul Jackson, b. 15 April, 1884. NINTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ADONIRAM (8) AND ELEANOR M. VED- DER LOBDELL. 1, Alban Judson. 2. Isaac V. I. Dr. Alban Judson was born 2 April, 1868, in East Berne, N. Y. He attended the common schools of that place. At the 77 age of 18 he began teaching, and at the same time preparing himself for the study of medicine. In 1893 he graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, receiving at the same time the diploma of its Hahnemanian Society. In 1903 he re- ceived the diploma of the New York School of Physical Therapeu- tics. He is a member of the Homeopathic Medical Society of Western Massachusetts, the Homeo]iathic State Medical Society of New Hampshire and the American Institute of Homeopathy. He has practiced since graduation in Winchester, N. H., and for several years has been a member of the Board of Health ; at present is its president. He was married to Mary Grace Ball of Win- chester, N. H., 25 Nov., 1896, b. 23 Nov., 1866 (dau. of William Wallace Ball and Lutheda G. Willard), and two children, Alban Judson Lobdell, Jr., and Winston Ball Lobdell, have been born to them. II. Isaac v., b. 8 Oct., 1880, at East Berne. He attended the common schools of that place. At the age of 18 he entered the high school of Winchester, N. H., graduating from that institution in 1901, having done its three years' work in two, and with the first honors of his class. He returned to his home in East Berne and began teaching. In 1904 he entered the theological department of St. Lawrence University and will graduate from that school in June, 1907, having done its four years' work in three. He then will take up his chosen work in the ministry of Jesus Christ and in the denomination of the Universalist church. CHILDREN OF ORVILLE (8) AND HARRIET OSTERHOUT LOBDELL. 1. Fred J. 2. Frank I. Fred J., b. 10 May, 1866: d. 15 Aug., 1868. II. Frank W., b. 6 June, 1867; m. Minnie C. Miller, 21 Sept., 1890, b. 15 May, 1870, at Gallupville, N. Y., dau. of Peter A. and Ruth (Gaige) Miller. Mr. L. follows the business of his father — a miller, is a Republican and Protestant. Their children are : 1. Eleanor Miller (10), b. 17 July, 1891. 2. Harold C. (10), b. 4 June, 1893. 3. Victor (10). b. 6 Sept., 1894. 4. Paul (10), b. 4 Jan., 1896. 5. H. Van Allen (10), b. 24 Oct., 1897. 78 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JAMES (5) AND MARY (VENABLE) LOBDELL. 1. Elizabeth. 2. Gilbert. 3. John. 4. Sarah. 5. Mary. 6. James. I. Elizabeth, bapt. by Rev. Bostwick at Lanesboro, Mass., in 1779; married (probably) Mr. Stotts of Texas. II. Gilbert. No record. III. John, b. 16 May, 1782; m. Mary Conger on 15 Sept., 1808, b. 3 March, 1792, d. 6 Jan., 1835, near Vicksburg, Miss. Mr. Lobdell was a planter residing near Vicksburg, where he d. 10 Sept., 1827. In religion, a Baptist ; in politics, a Whig. As widow Lobdell, Mary m. for her (2) husband, 28 Aug., 1828, Wm. Estes, by whom she had two children, viz., Sarah Chesning Lucinda Estes, b. 12 Dec, 1829, and Oscar Wm. Estes, b. 21 Aug., 1831. IV. Sarah m. Seth Rundle (her cousin). I am told that her descendants are to be found in Warren Co., Miss. V. Mary m. (1) John Walker, (2) John Gorman. VI. James. I have been unable to secure the maiden name of his wife, or record of the birth or death of either, but am positive that they both d. young in life, leaving a family of little children. Resided near or at Vicksburg. CHILDREN. 1. Eliza m. John A. Vanzile of Vicksburg, who d. in Jan., .1905. Eliza d. about one year after her marriage, at the birth of her infant, who also died. Husband, wife and child are buried in the Vanzile vault; also her brother John, who d. 11 Oct., 1850. 2. Mary m. Mr. Harper of New Orleans and d. in about a year. 3. James K. d. in Franklin Co., Mo., about 1889. 4. Sarah was adopted by Mrs. Springer (a sister of Mr. Vanzile's). She d, in her 19th year. 5. John d. 11 Oct., 1850. 79 6. Elizabeth, b. 15 Ma}-, 1820, was adopted by Mrs. Gordon (a sister of Mrs. Springer, who adopted Sarah Lob- dell). She m. 27 Dec, 1842, Thomas Baldwin, a native of Missouri. Elizabeth d. 4 July, 1859. Left one dau., Mrs. S. W. Jeannin (7) of Arcadia, Florida (wdio has a dau., Mrs. H. B. Jenkins (8), residing at Texarkana, Ark.). One of Eliza- beth's sons. Judge Thomas E. (7) Baldwin of Kennett, Mo., b. 23 Oct., 1849, at Cape Girardeau, Mo., d. 27 May, 1904, at Kennett, Mo., m. 18 Aug., 1872. at Clarkton, Mo., May Jones Pankey, b. 27 April, 1856, at Lynchburg, Virginia, dau. of David Young Pankey and wife, Sallie B. Jones. Children : CHILDREN— EIGHTH ' GENERATION. 1. Sallie M. Baldwin, b. 25 May, 1873; m. Luther Tatum. 2. Edward Young Baldwin, b. 11 March, 1875. 3. Ernest Albert Baldwin, b. 19 Feb., 1878; m. Carra Maye. 4. Paul Baldwin, b. 23 Feb., 1888. 5. Lillian Ballard- Baldwin, b. 18 Nov., 1890. 6. Josephine Baldwin, b. 19 Nov., 1896. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOHN (6) AND MARY (CONGER) LOBDELL. 1. Thomas Llewellyn. 2. Jonathan Conger. 3. Joshua. 4. Isaac Elum. 5. Martha Margaret. 6. Eliza jMary. 7. John Venable. I. Thomas Llewellyn, b. 3 Dec, 1810, prol)ably in Warren Co.. Miss. ; m. Eliza Ann Grafton. Left one son — Livingston Llewel- lyn (8) Lobdell, who m. Tennessee Estelle Watson of Boliver Co.. Miss., and moved to Houston, Texas. They had one son, Robert Livingston (9) Lobdell. After the death of Livingston Llewellyn Lobdell, his widow m. 22 Oct., 1895, Albert Gallatin Lobdell (James Alexander), who d. at Covington, La., 29 June, 1902, at which place the widow now^ re- sides with her son, Robert Livingston Lobdell. 80 John Yenable Lobdele (T). Hi:. (Johu [G] ) (lS24-18r.9) Near Prentiss, Miss. (Page 81) II. Jonathan Conger, b. 16 x^pril, 1813, in or near Vicksbnrg, Miss.; m. Emily Jane Stowers. Their children were all b. and raised near Port Gibson, Miss., and all are buried there and names are inscribed on a monument on the square at Port Gibson. Jona- than was a prosperous cotton planter of his day, also a large slave- holder. CHILDREN. 1. Juliet C. (8), b. 9 Nov., 1844, d. 1 Jan., 1904; m. Lewis E. Stowers ; had dau., Margaret M. (9) Stowers. Sons : Benj. F. (9) and Lewis E. (9) Stowers, Jr., all single; residing at Swanlake, Miss. 2. Caleb G. (8), never m. 3. Volney S. m. Amanda Hale from Albany, N. Y. Both are dead, leaving one dau. (9). who m. Lawrence Bass of Greenville, Miss. They have two sons: 1. Lawrence (10), Jr. 2. Volney (10) of Benoit, Miss. III. Joshua, b. 3 July, 1815 ; d. 15 Dec. 1816. IV. Isaac Elum, b. 8 April, 1817 ; d. 23 May, 1831. V. Martha Margaret, b. 8 Oct., 1820; d. 30 Oct., 1836. VI. Eliza Mary, b. 20 March, 1822; d. 2 Sept., 1822. VII. John Venable Lobdell, b. 12 Jan., 1824, was the youngest of three brothers, the two elder being Llewllyn and Jonathan C. Lobdell. They grew up to young manhood in Warren County, Missis- sippi, their father owning property on the Big Black river. In the early 40's the three brothers came to Bolivar County, Mississippi, which was at that time sparsely settled, but gave rich promise of reward to the cotton planter. The younger brothers, Jonathan C. and John V. Lobdell, pur- chased in Bolivar County several sections of virgin land extending along an elevated ridge, and the first year the high cane being cut and the land planted in corn an abundant harvest followed. The following year, their barns being filled, they sold corn to many planters coming to Bolivar County, and from this incident they called their plantation "Egypt." The name applies today to one of the most prosperous portions of Bolivar County. About 1849, John V. Lobdell, finding his health impaired, sold his interest in the Egypt plantation, and moved with his family and slaves to Brazoria County, Texas, Avhere his father-in-laAv, Col. Thomas J. Coflfee, had preceded him to engage in sugar planting. 81 Purchasing a plantation on the Brazos river, he made three cotton crops there, but being entirely cured of his malady (asthma) by his sojourn in Texas, he returned to Bolivar County, Mississippi, in January, 1853, purchasing and opening a plantation on Lake Vermilion, where he again engaged in cotton planting, and there he lived until his death in 1859. He was a man of high ideals, devoted to his wife and children, loved by his slaves, and esteemed by all who knew him. John Venable Lobdell m. 5 Sept., 1848, at Louisville, Ky., Min- erva Lee Coffee, b. 2 April, 1830, near Canton, Madison Co., Miss., dau. of Thomas Jefferson Coffee and his wife, Malinda Graves Wil- liams Haley. Mr. Lobdell was a planter, resided near Prentiss, Boliver Co., Miss., where he d. 13 Aug., 1859. The family were ?iIethodists ; Mr. L. a Whig in politics. Mrs. Lobdell remarried to Judge Geo. T. Lightfoot, by whom she had one son : Geo. T. Lightfoot, 1). 12 Jan., 1871 : d. 6 Nov., 1876. I was deeply grieved to hear of the death of this estimable \voman, who passed away in Jan., 1907. Our correspondence I IkuI greatly enjoyed, as she was interested in the work and took great pains to give me assistance. The following tribute to her memory was written by two old friends who are themselves over eighty years old : IN MEMORIAM. Died at the residence of her son, Jno. V. Lobdell, Mrs. M. L. Lightfoot, a highly esteemed and beloved citizen, in her 77th }ear. She was one of the first pioneers of Bolivar county. She with her husband, John Lobdell, moved to Bolivar in 1847. She was left a widow in early life and subsequently married Judge Lightfoot, and after his death she moved to Rosedale with her son. Jno. V. Lobdell. She has been an honored and Christian citizen. She was for many years a member of the Methodist Church (which she loved), until called to be at rest with her God, whom it was her delight to serve. M. B. S. At a meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church of Rosedale, Mississippi, the following resolutions were adopted: It is with heartfelt feeling of sorrow and loss we tender this tribute to the memory of our departed friend and fellow member, Mrs. L. M. Lightfoot. Gifted with a brilliant and cultivated intel- 82 l-B 4 tj m Q CQ o K V ^ w. o r" o K c lect, as she was, and devoting these gifts to God to werk in service here, we felt strong to work with her to the Celestial City of God. In her careful and efficient work as secretary and treasurer of our society for years she displayed rare qualities of energy and of devo- tion to the work. In her life as a Christian, in her close consistent walk with God, in her faith in a prayer hearing and answering God, it Avas sweet for us to be in union of spirit with her. We miss lur in our work, we miss her in the social circles which she graced for many years, and those of us near to her in age especially mourn the breaking of sweet ties that blossom and ripen for years. We ■offer loving sympathy to her son, Jno. V. Lobdell, his noble wife, and the dear grandchildren, and as for ourselves, it will be our prayer that as she lived and as she died we may attain to that holy peace and resignation which was hers in the closing davs of her life. I. E. B. CHILDREN OF JOHN VENABLE LOBDELL (FIRST) AND MINERVA LEE COFFEE, HIS WIFE. I. Henry Lee (8), b. 5 Sept., 1850 ; d. 23 Aug., 1852. II. Elizabeth (8), b. 4 Oct.. 1853; m. Holland Thomas Coffee. III. Florence Coffee (8), b. 27 July, 1857; m. Thomas Norfleet McLemon. IV. John Venable (8) (second), b. 25 Oct., 1859, near Prentice, Miss.; m. 1 June, 1887, near Bolivar, Miss., Marie Coralie Guibert Nugent, b. 21 Jan., 1867, in New Orleans, dau. of Richard James Nugent and Marie Coralie Smith. The family are Methodists, re- siding at Rosedale, Miss., wdiere Mr. L. is treasurer of Bolivar county, also engaged in insurance ; is a Democrat in politics. Children of John Venable (8) (second) and ^Taric Coralie Gui- l^ert Nugent, his wife : I. Richard Nugent (9), b. 27 May, 1888. II. Coralie Guibert (9), b. 19 Dec, 1889. III. John Venable (9) (third), b. 8 Jan., 1892. IV. Florence Elizabeth (9), b. 4 Sept., 1894; d. 12 Oct., 1894. V. Lilian Hardeman (9), b. 7 Sept., 1895. VI. Mildred Lee (9), b. 18 March, 1898. 83 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF SIMON (5) AND GRACE (POMEROY) LOBDELL. 1. Rebecca. 2. Simon. Jr. 3. Jacob. 4. Gideon. 5. James. 6. Daniel. 7. Enos. 8. Lydia. 9. James. 10. Grace. 11. Mirriam. A copy of the original family record of Simon Lobdell (1762) is kindl}^ given by Mrs. Rodman Dodge of Freehold, N. Y., through Mr. C. S. Lobdell of Windham, N. Y. I. Rebecca, b. 4 June, 1784, at Westerlo, Albany Co., N. Y.. where she d. 21 July, 1854, aged 70 years, 1 month, 17 days. She is buried in Westerlo burial ground. She m. Sylvester Ruland and had issue : 1. Eliza (7),, b. at Westerlo 30 March, 1821; m. Theo- dorus Hart. 2. Julia (7), m. Israel Lavvton and lived to be nearly 85 years old. The last forty years of her life was with her fam- ily at Westfield, Wis. 3. Abraham grew to manhood, but I can find no record of him. From O'Harts' Irish Gentry I copy the following: "Jeremiah Hart when a young man lived in Dutchess Co., N. Y. Removed to Saratoga Co., N. Y. His son, Philip Hart, b. about 1775, m. Anna, dau. of Joseph Seely and Millard. Their second son, Theodorus, Sr., b. 5 Aug., 1809, m. Eliza (7), dau. of Sylvester Ruland and Rebecca (6) Lobdell, 30 March, 1821. and had four children : Alonzo (8) Hart. Theodorus (8) Hart, Jr. Adelia (8) Hart. Marion Ellen (8) Hart. Theodorus, Jr., their second son, of Pittstown, Pa., b. 10 Sept.. 1847, m. Rebecca, dau. of W^m. Dymond and INIalvina (vSlocum) Eyst. Children are : Mary (9) Hart. 84 Lavvson (9) Hart. Dymond (9) Hart. This Mr. Hart is interested in tracing his line of descent in the Lobdell family and has given me data secured by him. He is editor of the Pittston (Pa.) Gazette. n. Simon, Jr., a farmer, b. 18 Feb., 1786, at Westerlo, N. Y., where he d. 11 April, 1867; m. at Greenville, N. Y. (first wife), Harriet Blaisdell, b. 20 March, 1792, at Greenville, d. 11 Sept., 1827, at Westerlo. dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Brown) Blaisdell. The family are Methodists. Simon, Jr., married as his second wife, 4 March, 1828, Phoebe Hulbert, 1). 23 Aug., 1788, d. 4 July, 1867. III. Of Jacob, I could find no record; b. 31 March, 1788. IV. Gideon, b. 29 Nov., 1789, d. 6 Jan., 1859. He married at Freehold, N. Y., Jane Dodge, who died 8 March, 1879. They had no children. V. James, b. 5 Dec, 1792; d. Nov., 1797. VI. Daniel, b. 25 Sept., 1794; d. Nov., 1797. VII. Enos, b. 8 Jan., 1796. Family record says: "These three children all d. Nov., 1797." VIII. Lydia, b. 15 Dec, 1797; m. Mr. Ingalls. I am told they had three children. Mr. Ingalls removed to Alexandria, Va., after the death of his wife. IX. James, b. 5 March, 1800; m. Sally Cowell, living in Scho- harie Co., N. Y. The family afterward removed to Rock Valley, N. Y., where James purchased a large section of wild woodland and constructed a sawmill. I have only found record of one child, a daughter, Lucy Ann, who m. in 1858 John Slater, who was killed in the Civil War. X. Grace, b. 11 Jan., 1802; m. Stewart Austin, and I am told was living with her son-in-law at Greenbush, N. Y., when she had passed her 90th birthday. Whether she had more than the one dau. I do not know. I am told living at East Albany or Green- bush, N. Y. XL Mirriam, b. 26 May, 1803; m. 1821 at Westerlo. Alben Ruland, a cooper, b. 5 June, 1802, at Westerlo, d. 8 Sept., 1881, at Cobleskill, Schoharie Co., N. Y., son of Benj. Ruland (who served seven years in Colonial war, is buried in South Westerlo cemetery) and Olive Fuller. 85 CHILDREN. 1. Zina Ruland, b. 13 Nov., 1822; m. Annetta Waldron. 2. Lay Ruland, b. 10 Oct., 1824; m. Margaret, dan. of Isaac, Jr., and Nancy Udell Lobdell. 3. Eunice Ruland, b. 22 July, 1827; d. 14 April, 1829. 4. Anna Ruland, b. 16 Feb., 1831 ; d. 19 April, 1899. 5. Enos Ruland, b. 30 Nov., 1832 ; m. Lorena Miller. 6. Saloma Ruland, b. 10 April, 1837; m. Hudson Jones, residence, S. Westerlo ; had four daus. : 1. Edith Jones (8), b. 10 Nov.. 1866; m. Frank Stan- ton. 2. Anna Jones (8), b. 18 Nov., 1871; d. 19 June, 1890. 3. Mary Jones (8), b. 1 Feb., 1874. 4. Jennie Jones (8), b. 16 Feb., 1878. 7. Emaline Ruland, b. 28 Dec, 1838; m. Charles Collins. 8. William Ruland, b. 18 Nov., 1841 ; m. Georgianna Abeal. Residence, N. Y. City. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF SIMON (6) LOBDELL, JR. 1. Luther. 2. Calvin. 3. Joseph. 4. Elizabeth. 5. Mary. 6. Abraham. 7. Wesley. 8. Simon H. All b. in Westerlo. By (1) wife, Harriet Blaisdell. L Luther, b. 5 Oct., 1814, was by trade a tinsmith at Westerlo, afterward moving to Brooklyn, N. Y., where both himself and wife d., he 25 Nov., ^891 ; she 15 Nov., 1880. He m. 16 Nov., 1835, Ellen Lampaugh at Westerlo, where she was b. 29 Sept., 1816. The family were Methodists. H. Calvin, b. 22 March, 1816, d. 24 June, 1900, at Windmere, Lake Co., 111. ; m. 4 April, 1843, at Greenville, Greene Co., N. Y., Eliza Ann Williams— in 1902 living at Windmere, 111.— b. 4 May, 1821, at Greenville, dau. of Dederick and Sarah Gavett Williams. Mr. L. was a farmer of Windmere ; a Republican and Methodist. III. Joseph B. Lobdell, b. 25 Feb., 1818, at Westerlo, N. Y. ; m. Catherine Campbell. No children. They moved to California in the early 40's, where he d. 1901. 86 IV. Elizabeth, b. 14 March, 1820; m. 7 April, 1845, at VVesterlo, where she was born, to M. J. Brown, a lumber merchant, b. 22 May, 1807, at Coeymans, Albany Co. Afterward they removed to Waukegan, Lake Co., 111., where Mr. B. still engaged in the lumber business. Here he d. 4 Dec, 1878, and in Jan., 1900, it was our pleasure to meet his widow at the home of her dau. at Waukegan. The family are Methodists. Their children : 1. Lottie Brown (8), b. 18 June, 1849; m. James G. Smith, a real estate dealer; has an only son, who resides with his parents at Waukegan. 2. Olin L. Brown (8). b. 16 March. 1854; m. Belle Trumbell. 3. Emma E. Brown (8), b. 17 June, 1858; d. May, 1896. V. Mary, b. 5 May, 1822; m. Daniel Ware. Both dead. I am told that two daus., Anna and Ella, reside at South Haven, Mich. Letter of inquiry was returned by postmaster of South Haven. VI. Abraham, I am told, d. during the war. Single. CHILDREN OF SIMON, JR., BY SECOND WIFE, PHEBE HULBERT. 1. Wesley. 2. Simon H. I. Wesley, a farmer, b. 25 Dec, 1828, at Westerlo; d. 10 Sept., 1897, at Coxsackie, Greene Co., N. Y. ; m. 9 April, 1857, at Westerlo, Mary Martin, b. at Westerlo 21 March, 1827, dau. of Stephen and Lydia (Boardman) Martin. In 1902 I had a very interesting letter from the widow of Simon Lobdell, then in her 76th year. She says : "It is nearly 50 years since we left Westerlo for Coxsackie, and the Lobdells have scat- tered to the four corners of the earth. I can hardly keep track of my own children, as the oldest is here, the youngest in New York City, nearly 200 miles apart ; and Simon's family, with one in Cali- fornia, one in New York, one in Nebraska and others I don't know where, is more than an old lady 75 years old can keep track of. I spend my time with my children. Am now with my dau. at Still- water, N. Y., and expect to stay here through the winter." VIII. Simon H., third, a school teacher, b. 4 June, 1835, d. 11 Oct., 1889, at Ewing, Holt Co., Neb. ; m. 3 Aug., 1856, at Newark, 87 Essex Co., N. J., Susan S. Bowman, b. 30 Dec, 1832, at Philadel- phia, Pa., d. 7 July, 1898, at Elgin, Neb., dau. of Charles and Susan (Shultz) Bowman. Mr. L. was a Republican, had resided in Franklin, N. Y., South Westerlo, N. Y., and in Ewing, Neb. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF LUTHER (7) AND ELLEN (LAMPAUGH) LOBDELL. 1. William. 2. Henry. 3. Alexander. 4. Albert. 5. Ellen. I. William, b. 2 Jan., 1837; m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1860, Louisa Tubbs, b. 15 March, 1842, in N. Y. City, dau. of James and Sarah (Beers) Tubbs. Wm. d. at Brooklyn, 15 April, 1893. CHILDREN. 1. Wm. A. (9), b. 14 Nov., 1862, at Brooklyn; m. at same place, 23 Oct., 1887, Mary A. Pease, b. 17 Dec, 1865, at Dillsboro, Dearborn Co.. Ind., dau. of Wm. Pease and Susanna Mathers, his wife. Mr. L. is engaged in the paper box making business, is a Republican and resides in Brook- lyn, N. Y. Has four children : 1. Arthur P. (10), b. 5 Sept., 1888. 2. Agnes L. (10), b. 1 April, 1890. 3. Mary W. (10), b. 24 Dec, 1891. 4. Victor T. (10), b. 10 Dec, 1897. n. Henry, b. 21 Dec, 1839; d. 15 Nov., 1842. HI. Alexander, b. 10 Sept., 1841 ; d. 15 March, 1864, at Ports- mouth, Va. He was a sailor on board the monitor Roanoke, and served in the U. S. Navy in "War of the Rebellion." Contracted disease while on duty. Died in Naval Hospital at Portsmouth, Va. Unmarried. IV. Albert W., Asst. Supt. Metropolitan Life Insurance, b. 25 Jan., 1849, d. at N. Y. City 12 Nov., 1901 ; m. 18 Dec, 1873, at Cox- sackie, N. Y., Ellen D. Burroughs, b. 27 Oct., 1851, at Coxsackie, dau. of Nathan and Ellen (Powell) Burroughs. Resided in Brook- lyn, N. Y. Their children are : 1. Bessie (9), b. 27 July, 1875; d. 16 Sept., 1875. 2. Mary E. (9), b. 24 March, 1877. 3. Harry A. (9), b. 4 Jan., 1879. V. Ellen, b. 4 Feb., 1855 ; unmarried 1899. 88 CHILDREN OF CALVIN (7) AND ELIZA A. (WILLIAMS) LOBDELL. 1. Sidney J. 2. Celestia. 3. Franklin. 4. Charles R. 5. Lewis J. 6. Mary Alice I. vSidney J,, b. 2 May. 1844; d. 21 Oct., 1845. II. Celestia, b. 18 Nov., 1846: m. John F. Lewin. She d. leaving- two children. Adelbert and Nettie Lewin. III. Franklin, b. 11 June. 1849. at Waukegan, Lake Co.. 111.; m. at same place. 27 Oct., 1873. Cora E. Davis, b. 1 May, 1851, at Hamsville. Lake Co.. 111., dau. of S. C. Davis and Sarah Grant, his wife. Business, an architect; religion, liberal; in politics, Repub- lican. Residence, San Jose, Cal. His children are: 1. Anna R. (9), b. 4 March, 1875. 2. Clark D. (9), b. 14 Nov., 1876. 3. Fred F. (9), b. 17 April, 1878. 4. Alice M. (9), b. 19 March, 1882. 5. Jessie W. (9), b. 20 Jan., 1887. 6. 'Cora L. (9), b. 8 Feb.. 1891. IV. Charles R.. b. 28 March. 1856; unmarried. Am told re- sides in Chicago. My letter was unanswered. V. Lewis, b. 28 April, 1859. in Grant township. Lake Co., N. Y., is a farmer at Windmere. 111. ; m. 22 Feb.. 1887, at Volo, Lake Co., 111., Eliza Tweed, b. 27 Dec, 1859, at Fox Lake, 111., dau. of John L. Tweed and Barbara Strong, his wife. The family are Methodists. Mr. L. a Republican. Have one dau. : 1. Cora Bertha (9), b. 8 Oct., 1890. VI. Mary Alice, b. 10 Jan., 1863 ; m. John Dunn. CHILDREN OF WESLEY AND MARY (MARTIN) LOBDELL. 1. Isadore. 2. Julia Stephania. 3. Francelia. 4. Wilbur S. 5. Martin E. I. Isadora, b. 13 Jan., 1853, at Westerlo ; m. Willman R. Pal- mer, b. 2 March, 1849, at Livingstonville, Schoharie Co., N. Y., son of Jonathan and Mary (White) Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pal- mer reside at Stillwater, N. Y. No children are mentioned. 89 II. Julia Stephania, b. 10 Sept., 1855 ; m. D. Elliot Davis. Has one son, Fred E. (9) Davis, b. 1881. The family reside at Midway., N. Y. III. Francelia, b. 15 July, 1857; in. Richard E. Coon; has one son, Richard E. Coon (9), b. 1893; and a dau., Eleanor L. (9), b. 1897. The family reside at New Hamburg, N. Y., Dutchess Co. IV. Wilbur S., b. 18 March, 1865 ; m. 10 July, 1892, at German- town, Columbia Co., N. Y., Antoinette Peary, dau. of James and Arleville (Green) Peary. Mr. L., wife and dau., Mary Arleville (•>), reside at Catskill, Greene Co., N. Y. V. Martin E., b. 18 Aug., 1868: unmarried. Resides in New- York City. 2, 3, 4, 5 born in Coxsackie. CHILDREN OF SIMON H. (7) AND SUSAN S. (BOWMAN) LOBDELL. 1. Frank H. 2. Edward E. 3. Charles W. 4. ^linnie E. I. Frank H., b. 10 Aug., 1857, at Franklin, Essex Co., N. Y. : m. 5 July, 1890, at Albion, Boone Co., Neb., to Linnie Lulu Lytic, b. 12 May, 1869, at Royalton, Waupaca Co., Neb., dau. of Sylvester B. and Mary M. (Sheldon) Lytle. Mr. Lobdell is a conductor on Chicago South Side Electric Railway, a Republican in politics : a Protestant. Has resided in New York state, in Nebraska, and in 1902 is at 7030 Emerald Ave., Chicago. Has no children. II. Edward E., b. 20 Feb., 1859; d. unmarried, 18 May, 1886. III. Charles W., b. 23 Sept., 1860; m. Mrs. Nellie Daly, in Sept.. 1890. Have three children : 1. Ollie. 2. Reuben. 3. Dudley. Their residence, Elgin. Nebraska. IV. Minnie E., b. 20 April, 1869; m. Adam N. Bohn 19 Feb.. 1887. They reside at llwaco, Washington, and have two children : 1. Hazel (9) Bohn. 2. Charles L. (9) Bohn. 90 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM (5) AND SARAH (KENNARD) LOBDELL. 1. Mary S. 2. Abraham, Jr. 3. vSarah P. 4. Alfred. 5. James Alexander. 6. Wm. Carter. 7. Lydia O. I. Mary S.. b. 21 Dec., 1799; m. Asa Conners. Xo children. II. Abraham, Jr., b. 17 April, 1801, at East Baton Rouge, La.; m. 12 May, 1829, at West Baton Rouge, Caroline Broussard, dau. of P. and Sophies (Molaison) Broussard (both natives of France). Mr. Lobdell was a sugar planter at \\^est Baton Rouge, where he d. 1 Nov., 1867. His wife d. at Iberville, La., 7 April, 1852. They had a famil}- of eleven children, viz. (I have only the names of six, and these not in the order of their birth) : James Louis (7) (the only one who married) ; he m. Aiigelina Bird: his widow is living at Baton Rouge. Abraham (7), Caroline (7), Lydia (7), Charles A. (7), b. 1843, and his sister, Louisa S. (7), b. 1830. These last two are the onl)- surviving ones of this large family. They reside together near Bayou Goula, La. (St. Gabriel), III. Sarah P., b. 1 Aug., 1804; m. Mr. Watson, had a son, Torrence (7) Watson (perhaps others). Their home was in New Orleans. IV. Alfred, b. 1 Feb., 1807. No record. V. James Alexander, a cotton broker of New Orleans, b. 16 Jan., 1809, d. 4 April. 1861; m. 20 Dec. 1836, at Baton Rouge, Marie Rosette Celeste Allain, b. 17 Oct., 1813, at Baton Rouge, d. 1 Aug., 1886, at New Orleans, dau. of Franciois Allain and his wife (?) Blanchard. VI. Wm. Carter, b. 22 Nov., 1813; m. and resided in New Orleans. No children. VII. Lydia O., b. 7 Dec, 1816; d, unmarried. The children of Abraham, Sr., were all b. at West Baton Rouge. 91 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JAMES ALEXANDER (6) AND CELESTE (ALLAIN) LOBDELL. I. Albert Gallatin, b. 29 Sept., 1844, at New Orleans, La., d. 29 June, 1902, in Covington, La. ; m. first, on 12 April, 1866, to Mary Hazen Pattison, b. 7 Nov., 1845. at New Orleans, d. 24 Nov., 1891 ; m. second, on 22 Oct., 1895, to (widow) Tennessee Estelle Lobdell (nee Watson), widow of Livingston Llewellyn Lobdell of Bolivar Co., Miss., and laterly of Houston, Texas. No children by second marriage. His widow survives and is living with her son, Robert Livingston Lobdell, at Covington, La. n. James Alexander, b. 13 Jan., 1847; unmarried. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ALBERT GALLATIN (7) AND MARY (PATTISON) LOBDELL. 1. Alma Gay, b. 16 March, 1867; m. H. D. Higinbotham. Re- sides at Arlington, N. J. 2. Maud Holliday, b. 22 Oct., 1869; m. C. S. Fay of New Or- leans, La. 3. Celina Wright, b. 2 March, 1872; m. R. H. Carter of New Orleans, La. 4. Mary Bertha, b. 27 Aug., 1874: m. J. H. Duggan of New Orleans, La. 5. Albert Gallatin, Jr.. b. 9 Nov., 1877; m. in New Orleans, 12 Feb., 1900, to Miss Ashton Pillow. Is general freight and passen- ger agent of the Franklin and Abbeville Railway Co., and resides at Franklin, La. Children : Rosemary (9), Lois Fay (9), Albert Gallatin III (9). 6 and 7. Edith and Ida, b. 9 June, 1881; Edith unmarried; Ida m. W. B. Donavan of New Orleans, La. 8. Walter Reginald, b. 18 Feb., 1885 ; d. 5 Dec, 1887. 9. Marion Regina, b. 22 Sept., 1888 ; unmarried. 92 TiiEouoKUS IIakt, Jk. of Pittston, ra. (I'ase 84) AlBEKT GALfcATIN LUBUELL (7) (James Alexander [6] ) (1844-1902) of New Orleans, later of Covington, La. (Page 92) Juliet C. (Lobdell) Stowers (8) (Jonathan Conger Lobtlell) (1844-1904) of Swan Lake, Miss. (Page 81) CHILDREN OF JAMES LOUIS (7) AND ANGELINE (BIRD) LOBDELL. I. John Bird, d. from disease contracted in Cuba during the Spanish-American war. His widow, Mrs. Elizabeth (Randolph) Lobdell, is at the State Normal, Natchitoches, La. II. Belle, Mrs. Edward Phillips, is dead. She left three chil- dren. Her husband m. again and is living near Baton Rouge, III. James Louis, killed by lightning (I am told, while horse- back riding). He left a widow and two sons, near Baton Rouge. IV. Carrie Louise, m. John Lobdell (John Little Lobdell). Reside at Thibodaux, La. V. Lena — Mrs. Matta — lives at Baton Rouge. VI. Pearl — Mrs. Charles McVea — Baton Rouge. VII. Eva— Mrs. Bradford— Dallas, Tex. Vill. Bena — Mrs. Marcus Exline — Dallas, Tex. IX. William resides at Thibodaux, La. X. Jennie, at State Normal, Natchitoches, La. 93 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF ABIJAH I (5) AND MARY (LITTLE) LOBDELL. 1. Abijah II. 2. John Little. 3. Sarah. 4. James Alexan- der. 5. VVm. Scott. 6. Henry Milton. 7. Charles Sidney. I. Abijah II, b. 10 June, 1789, at Johnstown, N. Y. As a young man he settled in Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y., and opened a gen- eral store, marrying Sallv Burehardt 22 Nov., 1810. CHILDREN— SEVENTH GENERATION. 1. Mary Ann. b. 12 April, 1812; d. 22 Dec, 1872. 2. Jane Eliza, b. 17 May, 1814, d. 22 Feb., 1895 ; m. John F. Hopkins, whose death preceded hers. No children. 3. Sarah Maria, b. 26 Jan., 1817, at Oxford, where she d. after a long illness, on 12 Dec, 1898; m. 24 April, 1844, at Oxford, Geo. W. Godfrey, b. 26 July, 1813, at Middle- town, Orange Co., N. Y., d. 12 Aug., 1857, at Oxford, leav- ing one dau., Augusta C. Godfrey (8), b. 19 March, 1845, at Batavia, Genessee Co., N. Y. 4. James Henry, b. 10 June, 1819; d. 3 Sept., 1891. 5. Helen Matilda, b. 30 Aug., 1836; now (1907) living in Oxford, having the companionship of Miss Augusta C. Godfrey. In military appointments in New York state, I find, "Abijah Lobdell, Jr., was appointed ensign of 133rd Reg., infantry, Chenango Co., in 1812. Promoted to lieutenant in 1815; appointed captain in 1816. Moved" (probably to Utica) "in 1817. and Capt. Otis J. Tracy was appointed to fill his position." Abijah moved to Utica and with Mr. Hollister as partner, was proprietor of a large drug store. The location was at the old "checkered store" (now W'arnicks and Brown's tobacco warehouse. In 1836 Abijah returned to Oxford with failing health, dying 9 April, that same year, leaving his widow with five children who now are all sleeping in Riverview cemetery excepting the youngest daugh- ter. Miss Helen Lobdell, who (1907) with Abijah's one grand- daughter. Miss Augusta Godfrey, are the last of this line. 94 His wife was one of Oxford's first settlers, coming here in 1794, at the age of two years, dying in Oxford 20 Jan., 1861. She was tlie dan. of Peter Burkhardt and Mary Church of Great Barrington, Mass. Her paternal grandfather, Conrad Burghardt, is well known in history as the "founder of the Massachusetts Colony." He being a wealthy fur dealer at Kinderhook, X. Y., and understanding all the various Indian dialects, by request of the authorities removed to Great Barrington to treat with the Indians there. Later he and his sons gave liberally for the Iniilding and support of a Presby- terian church there, but being refused the privilege of Dutch preach- ing in the edifice once a month at their own expense, they absented themselves from the services, but were churched and obliged to still help support it. Finally Peter and two of his brothers were condemned to sit all day in the stocks, which they did with a crowd of lawyers and sympathizers around to see fair play. Then they built old St. James Episcopal church, giving the land opposite the family mansion, and also much of the expense of erection. In 1790 Peter, desiring to become a larger land owner, removed vvith his familv westward to Oxford, a wilderness with only two or three settlers. Years later Oxford Academy was incorporated, and we find his name among the first trustees. Not many years elapsed after their coming before the first Episcopal church service was held at the house of Abijah Lobdell II, on 23 May, 1814. The Prayer Book used on that occasion, with its f's for s's, is still in perfect condition, only lacking year of publication on its title page ; is sacredly held in possession by Miss Augusta C. Godfrey of Ox- ford, a grand dau. of Abijah Lobdell II. he having brought it from Albany, N. Y., about 1808. When St. Paul's Episcopal church was organized, Peter Burg- hardt and his son-in-law, Abijah Lobdell II, are recorded as vestry- men. The Godfreys were English. They once held a grant of land in Nova Scotia, where the city of Halifax now stands, but abandoned it and in 1769 came to the states and helped fight King George. My father's mother was Scotch, but she d. when he was a child, in Bloomingburg. His father m. a New Yorker and moved to the Genesee Valley in 1825 or 30. Miss Godfrey has made extensive genealogical search and is proud of her ancestry. She has kindly given for the work the above interesting sketch. Her Burghardt line is: 95 I. Henrich Borghghordt. 2. Conraed Borgghordt. 3. Peter Burghardt. 4. Sally (Burghardt) Lobdell. 5. Sarah M. Lobdell. 6. Augusta C. Godfrey. II. John Little, b. 7 May, 1791, at Johnstown, N. Y., d. 5 Sept., 1867, at Baton Rouge, La. ; m. 18 Dec, 1828, at Bayou Sara, La., Ann Matilda Stirling, where she also was b. 2 Jan., 1811, and where she d. 8 Aug., 1890, dau. of Lewis Stirling and Sarah Turnbull. Mr. L. was a lawyer and owner of a sugar plantation. I have given an exact copy of a letter written by him in the year 1859 to Mr. John Lobdell of Wabash Co., Indiana, in reph^ to said John Lobdell's letter of inquiry concerning the whereabouts of his missing brother Nathan (page — ). Surely our works live after we have passed through the gate and joined those waiting on the other side. How little Mr. Lobdell thought of the value of that letter to Lobdell descendants years after he had laid aside the problems of earth. The copy was kindly sent for the work, also a letter by his dau., Mrs. Sarah T. Allain of Wakefield, La. They have both been of great help to me, I found that Newtown, where he supposed Avas the home of the early Lobdell's, was the home of Rev. John Beach, who, like most clergj'-men of that time, was an itinerant missionary, covering man}^ towns in his circuit, and if the records of the church at New- town had not been destroyed, they might have revealed much of importance. I then desired to correspond with the family of John Lobdell of Indiana, and found a kindly help in the gentleman occupying the position of Wabash Co. clerk, who gave me Lobdell names from his county records, and by writing to the different descendants I at last not only traced my John, but the "original letter," prized as an heirloom by its possessor. Mrs. Ellen J. Bruner. La Fontaine, Ind. Wakefield, La., April 11. 1899. Dear Mrs. Lobdell : In December, 1862, my father with his family and slaves re- moved from his home in West Baton Rouge on account of its proximity to Port Hudson, then under seige ; went to the parish of Natchitoches, where he bought property and remained for a year ; then, just before General Banks' raid through the northern part of the state, went on to Texas, settling in Smith Co. In December, 1865, he came back to his old home, bringing the slaves with him, his health completely broken and fortune ruined. He died in less than two years after our return. My mother, after trying for 96 Sarah Lob dell Johxson (0) (Abijab. Sr.) (1793-18G7) of Jobnstown, X. Y. (Page 97; Mary Chapman Johnson (7) (Dr. Orau Jobnson) (1817-1805) of Jobnstown, N. Y. (Page 101) James Oran Johnson (7) (Dr. Oran .Jobnson) of Jobnstown. X. 1^. (Page 101) Anna Frances Loudell .Johnson Bertrand (Dr. Oran .Tobnsou) (1832-1902) (Page 101) a while to re-establish the old business, gave it up and came here to live with and take care of her old mother. At her mother's death, she inherited this house, with her portion of land, and died here, where she was born, leaving the house and grounds to me, after my uncle's death — he having a life interest in it. There are no children in the family except my brother John's two little girls and my own family (six children). We have our grandfather Little's commission as a major in the militia — New York state — given in 1780 by Gov. Geo. Clinton; also our father's commission as first ensign, then captain of militia in New York state, dated 1819 and 1820, given by DeWitt Clinton. Dr. Wm. Scott Lobdell lost his property by the war, was made parish judge, and gradually putting away a little money, was pre- paring to resume his sugar planting, when he was killed by a fall in the sugar house he was having built about 1877 or '78. Charles Sidne}- took the oath of allegiance to the United States. By speculations he made a comfortable fortune and went back to Johnstown, N. Y., at the close of the war. From there to Wiscon- sin, and finally to Parkersburg; Iowa, where he died last year, aged 91. I send 5'ou a copy of a paper of my father's written forty years ago. The paper is partly family tradition, partly surmise and a good deal of authentic family history. I send it just as my father wrote it. My father took great interest in tracing his fam- ily, and was always glad to meet or correspond with any of them. Yours truly, Sarah T. Allain. III. Sarah, b. at Johnstown, 21 Sept., 1793; d. at same place 2 May, 1867. She m. 22 Sept., 1811, Dr. Oran Johnson (2) (Elihu), b. at Tolland, Conn., 29 March, 1783. Was a graduate of Dart- mouth Medical College. Settled at Johnstown, N. Y., where he practiced his profession until his death, 12 May, 1835. TV. James Alexander, b. 18 Sept., 1798, at Johnstown, where he also d. ; unmarried. V. Wm. Scott, b. 3 March, 1801 ; d. unmarried. VI. Henry Milton, b. 26 Sept., 1803 ; d. unmarried. VII. Charles Sidney. It is a pleasant remembrance to both my husband and myself to have met Mr. Lobdell in 1885. Truly he was a very bright, well educated man, an easy, able conversa- tionalist, and quick to see a joke and to give one. His losses by 97 the confiscation of his cotton and belongings during the War of the Rebelhon liave never been adjusted — are still hanging fire at Wash- ington, D. C. I copy from his local paper what will interest all. OBITUARY. Charles Sidney Lobdell was born in Johnston, New York, in 1806, and died at his home in Parkersburg, May 15, 1898, aged about 92 }ears. In his native state of New York he inhaled its balmy air and grew and developed into sturdy manhood. The foundation of a thorough education was laid in the meantime. July 23. 1832, he was imited in marriage to Miss Susan Coffin, also of Johnston, New York. Five years later the young couple turned their backs upon their native state and emigrated to the southland, settling in Louisi- ana. In these early days, 61 years ago. this was a gigantic under- taking. No railroads and InU few, if anv, steamshij^s. Here Mr.- and Mrs. Lobdell resided for thirty years, or until nearly the close of the Civil W'av. Mr. Lobdell unquestionably suffered severe losses during the progress of the war and a change was deemed expedient, so from the sunny southland home to the north, settling in Wisconsin, where for a number of years j\lr. Lobdell was ex- tensivel}' engaged in the raising of hops. In 1869 Mr. Lobdell moved to Parkersburg, wdiich place from that time was his home. He was mayor of the city for fifteen years, which attested the con- fidence and respect of the community. May 30. 1866, he was bereft (if his wife after a married life extending over 54 years. In 1888 he was again united in marriage to Miss Elinor Perry, who now survives him. Two years ago Mr. Lobdell was stricken with par- alysis which had rendered him an invalid ever since. He was not confined to his bed absolutely till just a short time previous to his death. To the last he retained his mental faculties imimpaired. He was a strong ])eliever in spiritualism and was as firm as the granite hills of his native state in his convictions of that doctrine. \A JKit marvelous things have taken place in the world's history since Mr. Lobdell's eyes first opened to the light of day. The funeral services were conducted at the Lome on Tuesday. May 17, and the remains l)uricd in Oak Hill cemetery. Thus ends in peace a long and useful life. 98 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOHN LITTLE LOB- DELL, SR., AND WIFE, ANN MATILDA STERLING LOBDELL. 1. Lewis Sterling. 2. Mar3\ 3. Catherine H. 4. Catharine Hereford. 5. Sarah Turnbnll. 6. John Little, Jr. 7. Anna Alston. I. Lewis Sterling, b. 26 Dec., 1829; m. Lucy Susan Burton. Xo children by this marriage. They were m. 3 Jan., 1867, at Mis- sissippi City, Miss. Lewis Sterling was corporal in Delta Rifles, Fourth La. Regt., 1861, disabled at Ship Island; detailed to home service for the remainder of the Civil War. He d. 25 Sept., 1897, at Lucknow, Richland Parish, La. His wife d. Jan., 1891, at New Orleans, La. H. Mary d. 1855 of yellow fever. III. Catherine H. d. when eight months old. IV. Catherine Hereford, b. 12 Sept., 1839; m. Dr. Irvin Ed- ward Lewis on 22 Dec, 1864, at Canton — now Troupe — Smith Co., Texas. Dr. Lewis d. in March, 1877. Mrs. Lewis is now at her home in Richland Pas, Lucknow, La. \'. Sarah Turnbull, b. 22 Aug.. 1845, at Bayou Sara, West Feliciana Parish, La. ; m. 16 Jan., 1868, at Baton Rouge, Villeneuve Francois Allain, b. 14 ( )ct.. 1838, at Baton Rouge, d. 9 Nov., 1880. at Bayou Goula, son of Theophite Pierre Allain and Asparia Helene Le Blanc. Mrs. Allain lives at Wakefield, La., with her children, in the house in which her mother was born. To Mrs. Allain we are all greatly indebted for her never-failing kindness in giving assistance. VI. John Little, Jr., b. 11 May. 1848. at Baton Rouge; m. 16 Feb.. 1887. Carrie Louise Lobdell, b. 20 Dec, 1864, at New Orleans, dan. of James L. Lobdell (7) and Angle Adelia Bird, and great granddaughter of Abraham Lobdell, who settled in Louisiana. Mr. J. L. Lobdell is a merchant in Thirbodaux, La. ; of the Episcopal faith, and a Democrat in politics. Has two daughters, Anna Stir- ling, b. 4 Sept., 1888 (8) ; Belle Stirling, b. 30 Dec, 1891 (8). Vn. Anna Alston, b. Sept., 1851 ; m. James A. Mhoon in Oct., 1877. Residence, Lucknow, La. 99 EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF SARAH T. LOBDELL (7) AND VILLENEUVE F. ALLAIN. 1. Lilie Marie. 2. Villeneuve Frank. 3. Annie. 4. Aspasie Helene. 5. Mary Aline. 6. Sara Lewis. I. Lilie Marie Allain, b. 15 Oct., 1868, at Baton Rouge, La. ; m. 9 Dec, 1896, at St. Francisville, West Feliciana, La., to Robert Here- ford Stirling, a traveling hardware salesman ; a Democrat ; a church- man ; b. 24 Nov., 1865, at St. Francisville, La., son of Dr. Ruffin Gray and Kate (Leake) Stirling. They reside at Wakefield Plan- tation, with the mother of Mrs. Stirling. Have three children : 1. Helene Allain Stirling (9), b. 23 Sept., 1897. 2. Anna. Matilda Lobdell Stirling (9), b. 13 Feb., 1900. 3. Roberta Hereford Stirling (9), b. 9 Oct., 1902. n. Villeneuve Frank Allain. b. 13 Sept.. 1870: is a druggist in Bayou Sara, La. HL Annie Lobdell Allain, b. 29 March, 1872 ; unmarried. IV. Aspasie Helene Allain, b. 1 Nov., 1874; unmarried. V. May Aline Allain, b. 12 Nov., 1876, at Bayou Goula, Iber- ville parish, La.; m. 14 Oct., 1902, at St. Francisville, La., to Dr. Sidney Conroy Barrow, b. in Nov., 1876, at Jackson, East Feliciana parish. La. ; a Democrat ; a Presbyterian. P. O. address, Torras, La. Son of Hilliard B. Barrow and wife, Mary Charlotte (Smith) Barrow. VI. Sara Lewis Allain, b. 8 Dec, 1879; unmarried. 100 Dr. Wm. Henuv Johnson (Sarah Lobdell [6] and Dr. Orau Johusou) of Jobustowii, N. Y. (Page 101) (1814-1868) SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF SARAH LOBDELL (6) AND DR. ORAN JOHNSON. (Johnson) by name. 1. Dr. Wm. Henry. 2. Charles Webb. 3. Mary Chapman. 4 and 5. Elizabeth and Sarah (twins). 6. John Converse. 7. James Oran. 8. Anna Frances. (Assistance on the following Johnson record is kindly given for the work by Mr. Chas. W. Johnson of St. Paul, Minn.) I. Dr. Wm. Henry Johnson (7), b. 6 March, 1814, in Johns- town, N. Y., d. 6 May, 1868. A graduate of Jefferson Medical Col- lege of Philadelphia. Practiced his profession in Johnstown until his death. Married 15 Jan., 1843, Harriet Livermore McCarthy, b. in Johnstown 16 May, 1817. Living (1904) in Amsterdam, N. Y., dau. of John and Elizabeth (Ker) McCarthy. H. Charles Webb Johnson, b. 10 Aug., 1815, d. 19 July, 1854; unmarried. HI. Mary Chapman Johnson, b. 16 June, 1817, d. unmarried 12 March, 1865. IV. Elizabeth Little Johnson, b. 8 Oct., 1824, d. 31 Oct., 1832. V. Sarah Johnson, b. 8 Oct., 1824, d. 11 July, 1866; m. John J. Young of Johnstown, N. Y., 12 Feb., 1846. VL John Converse Johnson, b. 7 March, 1821, d. 12 Jan., 1823. VH. James Oran Johnson, b. 24 Sept., 1829, at Johnstown; m. 29 March, 1853, Evaline Gardineer of Fultonville, N. Y. Resi- dence, Johnstown, N. Y. VHI. Anna Frances, b. 26 Jan., 1832, d. 10 Dec, 1902; m. 10 May, 1855, Lucian Bertrand, a manufacturer and importer of gloves, b. at Millan, France, d. at Johnstown, 28 March, 1888, son of Andra and Suzette (Treadon) Bertrand. No children. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DR. WM. HENRY AND HARRIET LIVER- MORE (McCarthy) johnson. 1. Dr. Wm. Lobdell Johnson, b. 17 Nov., 1843, at Johnstown; attended Trinity College. A graduate of Albany Medical Col- 101 lege 1865. Began the practice of medicine in Johnstown immedi- ately after receiving his degree of M. D. in 1865, and has continued in active practice there to the present time (1904). Married 10 June, 1868, Mary A. Clarke of Johnstown, b. at Union Mills, Fulton Co., N. Y., 3 Jan., 1847, dau. of Richardson P. and Electa E. (Ingra- ham) Clarke. They have one dau., Louise Clarke Johnson (9), b. 23 July, 1870, in Johnstown: ni. (1) J. Eranklin Dean. 7 Nov., 1889. He d. Dec, 1893, leaving one son, W'm. Franklin Dean (10), b. 7 Jan.. 1894. Louise (Johnson) Dean remarried on 16 May, 1897, Joseph S. Mead. Children : 1. Alice Mead (10), b. 2Z April, 1901. 2. Mary Clarke Mead (10), b. 29 Nov., 1904. 2. Charles Williamson Johnson, b. 20 Jan.. 1845, at Johnstown. A graduate of L-nion College 1866, degree of C. E. Civil engi- neer by profession. In Jan., 1867, he entered the office of the chief engineer of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern at Chicago, and from that time has l)een continuously engaged in the practice of his profession with the above named railway ; the Chicago and Soutii- western Ry. (Rock Island), the Wisconsin Central Ry., and since March 1. 1879. as chief engineer of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minne- apolis and Omaha Railway, which position he now (1907) holds. Married 14 June, 1875, at Manasha, ^^'is., to Maria C. Bronson of that place, where she was b. 18 Feb., 1856. Has resided at St. Paul, Minn., since Oct., 1880. 3. Margaret Louder Johnson, b. 31 March, 1847, d. 12 April. 1888; m. 11 Aug., 1872, Dr. John Dorn of Johnstown. N. Y.. who d. in London, England, while on a pleasure trip, 14 June, 1904. No children. 4. Henry Converse Johnson, b. 21 June, 1850; d. 4 April, 1854. 5. Lewis Sterling Johnson, b. 23 July, 1852; d. 10 April. 1904. 6. Harriet Johnson, b. at Johnstown 12 Feb., 1855 ; m. 8 July, 1886, Thomas Billington. Had two sons, viz : 1. Louis Billington (9), b. 1 May, 1887. 2. Thomas Billington (9), b. 1 May, 1887; d. 3 weeks old. 7. Dr. Samuel Maxwell Johnson, b. in Johnstown 9 July. 1856. Graduate of College Physicians and Surgeons, New York City ; m. 25 June, 1883, Elizabeth B. Gasslin of New York. Has prac- 102 ticed medicine in New York City since graduation. Has held the position of police surgeon for many years. Children : 1. Margaret Dorn Johnson (9), b. in New York City 8 April, 1884. 2. Charles W. Johnson (9), b. in New York City 21 Jan., 1889. 3. Florence A. Johnson (9), b. in New York City 16 Jan., 1891 ; d. 1 Feb., 1893. CHILDREN OF SARAH JOHNSTON (7) AND JOHN J. YOUNG (8). 1. Anna vSterling Young, b. 16 Aug.. 1847; m. 3 Jan., 1878, Benj. Ricketts. No children. 2. James Oran Young, b. 2 Feb., 1850; m. 8 Dec. 1876. Alice M. Gross, d. 23 Feb., 1884. No children. 3. Wm. Henry Young, b. 26 June, 1852, d. 14 June, 1861. 4. Charles Johnson Young, b. 27 Oct., 1853, d. 5 Dec, 1897. 5. Helen Mary Young, b. 14 Nov., 1855 ; m. 29 Sept., 1880, Wm. J. Young. No children. 6. Lucian Bertrand Young, b. 15 Aug., 1857; m. 5 Dec, 1883, Dorothy Moore. Children: 1. James O. Young (9). 2. Maud M. Young (9). 7. Sarah Elizabeth Young, b. 27 March, 1860, d. 26 July, 1888; m. 13 Oct., 1881, James D. Miller, Jr. No children. 8. Clara Estelle Young, b. 25 March, 1863; m. 4 Dec, 1895. Albert Arcfensinger. No children. CHILDREN OF JAMES ORAN JOHNSON (7) AND HIS WIFE, EVALINE GARDINEER. 1. James Oran Johnson m. (1) Martha A. France; she d. leav- ing two children, viz: 1. Harry F. Johnson (9). 2. Charles Oran Johnson (9). James O. m. (2) Mary Griere. Had — 3. Nellie May Johnson (9). 4. Evaline Beatrice Johnson (9). 2. Rachel Johnson, unmarried. 3. Sarah Johnson, unmarried. 103 4. Wm. Henry Johnson, b. 5 Aug., 1864; m, Inez Edwards. Children : 1. Archie Oran Johnson (9). 2. Doris AdeHa Johnson (9). 5. Albert Rector Johnson m. Grace Sweet; has one child — 1. James Oran Johnson (9). CHILDREN OF CHARLES W. (8) AND MARIA (BRONSON) JOHNSON, OF ST. PAUL, MINN, 1. Harriet Livermore Johnson, b. 18 Dec, 1876, at Manasha, Wis.; m. 24 May, 1899, to Frederick E. Mahler of St. Paul, Minn., b. 13 Nov., 1876. Children : 1. Margaret Johnson Mahler, b. at St. Paul 26 June, 1900. 2. Charles Frederick Mahler, b. at St. Paul 13 Nov., 1902. 2. Wm. Lobdell Johnson, b. 26 July, 1878, at Menasha, Wis., attended University of Minnesota ; m. 14 June, 1905, Mrs. Cora (Hubbell) McDougal of Duluth, Minn. Has one child — 1. Louise Cotton Johnson, b. 23 May, 1906. 3. Marie Louise Johnson, b. 26 Oct., 1882, at St. Paul, Minn.; m. Arthur E. Gilbert 9 Jan., 1901. 4. Elizabeth Ker Johnson, b. 6 June, 1891, in St. Paul. 104 "yCv'c^y ^cCy>e>^•^'v «,\vt». Ca.\.V Jesse Tvv^«v.t»it<»v^"t^»-V »i XV.C This map represents North Salem very much as it was 75 or 100 yeaJ-s ago, or about as it was when it was divided from South Salem. South Salem was below the " Lewisboro line" on the map and is not markdd out except the Northern boundary (that is the said Lewisboro line). The old post road is now discontinued as such, but the mile stones many of them are still standing, and one a little west of No. 4 says "SO miles from New York." No. 4, No. 6 and No. 3 are on the south side of the road with no other houses between. On the north side No. 5 and one house beside a little farther east, just as they have been for the last 70 years. From No. 5 westward is a sort of straggling half-way village for nearly a mile with from twenty-five to thirty dwelling houses, wit Half way between No. 4 and No. 7 is the store and post-office of B. R.Lobdell h two churches, two country stores, a post-office, mill and so forth, a descendant of Ebenezer. No. 9 is now owned by Albert I. Lobdell (cousin of B. R. Lobdell). He is Town Clerk and Postmaster of what is call ;d " Salem Center Post Office" The Academy No. 8 has been dis- continued as such and is now the Town Hall. There are no houses at No. 10 between No. 4 and No. 7. The village of Ridgefield is at some distance from bury is in the Town of Ridgefield and down this hill the British retreated after burning Danbury and went through Ridgefield back to Norwa Ttiis copy of a map of North Salen and No. 11 now. Col. Thad Crane and Capt. Jesse Truesdell lived Iht line but the Tozvn adjoins. Ridgebury hill on the road to Dan- kindly presented by Mr. Walter K. Ritch, of North Salem, through Mrs. Julia Stark, of Randolph, Wis From records of St. James Church of Salem, N. Y., is copied the following, which I know will interest descendants of those whose names are mentioned. The church was organized before the Revolutionary War. The parsonage before 1767 was on land bounded on south by highway leading from Ridgefield to Somers; on east by land of Epenetus Howe ; on north by land of Benj. Gray; on west by land of G. Howe and Charles Cable. Six acres was a donation of John Wallace and Benjamin Close. Rev. Mr. Townsend was here till about 1775. John Wallace and Ebenezer Lobdell were wardens. The war scattered the people and the church fell into decay. The old church was taken down and sold in lots. May 25, 1797. Robert Brush. Thaddeus Husted, Uriah Wallace, Benj. Close, Stephen Lobdell, John Lobdell and Jacob Lobdell bought the shin- gles, boards and laths. ■'A meeting of the society was held at the house of John Lob- dell 16 April, 1800." "Jacob Lobdell was collector and treasurer 1802 and 1803." "The annual meeting of the society of St. James Church was held at the house of John Lobdell, 13 April, 1803 and 1804. Meet- ing of wardens and vestry at house of Jacob Lobdell, 14 Aug., 1804." Sept., 1813, Jacob Lobdell and Zabud June were chosen dele- gates to represent St. James at convention in New York on first Tuesday of October next." i» "In 1814 Daniel Lobdell's name is mentioned." "In 1823 Joshua Lobdell was collector." In later years we find the name of Perry Lobdell, 1840; Jacob P. Lobdell, 1844; Benjamin R. Lobdell, as delegate, in 1865; Henry Lobdell, as secretary, 1867; Henry Lobdell, as delegate, in 1868; Darius Lobdell, 1871. Among the communicants : "30 June, 1839, Elizabeth Lobdell, an adult, was bapt. by me (Rev, Benj. Evans) at North Salem." "Elizabeth Lobdell was confirmed 1839 by Bishop Onderdonk." 105 "28 July, 1838, Miss Joanna Lobdell was contirnied by Bishop' Onderdonk." 1837 Wm. T. Briggs of Ulster Co. m. Mary Jane Lobdell of North Salem. 8 Anarch, 1840, Abigail Lobdell was buried at North Salem. Of the vestry, 1797 and 8, John and Jacob Lobdell; 1816, Anson Lobdell; 1821, Nathan Lobdell; 1835, Clark Lobdell; 1843, J. P.. Lobdell ; 1846, Nathan Lobdell, Clark Lobdell and Jackson P. Lob- dell ; 1854 and 5, Wm. Lobdell was junior warden. 106 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF EBENEZER (4) AND DEBORAH (PALMER) LOBDELL. 1. Jacob. 2. Ebenezer. 3. Deborah. 4. Chloe. 5. Anna. 6. Mary De Lancey. All born at Cortlandt Manor. (vSalem. N. Y.) T. Jacob Lobdell. a farmer, b. about 1756. d. at North Salem, N. Y., 27 Feb.. 1834. He m. for his first wife, at Ridgefield, Conn., 11 Dec, 1783, Betty Whitney, b. 16 July, 1757, at Ridgefield, d. at North Salem, 8 May, 1795, dan. of Richard and Esther (Clark) Whitne3^ Mr. Lobdell resided on the farm left him by his father and was closely identified with St. James Church, of which we find him vestryman at difl:'erent times. Jacob m. for his second wife, Rebecca, b. 4 April, 1773, second dan. and eighth child of John and Deborah (Brush) Morehouse of New Milford (the part which is now Brookfield), Conn. Her par- ents were probably of Ridgefield before settling in New Milford, 1769 or 70. The name of Jacob Lobdell is recorded as a private in Nov., 1781, in Capt. Ephraim Lockwood's company, belonging to Fourth Westchester County Regiment of the State Militia, commanded by Col. Thaddcus Crane; also that said regiment was employed in active service in the Revolutionary War. Two other children of Ebenezer Lobdell. late of Ridgefield, were baptized by Dr. Deblee— Nathan, 1). 1758, and Robert, b. 1766— perhaps d., for I find no record or data of them. n. Ebenezer, bapt. by Rev. Dr. Deblee, 30 Sept., 1764; m. Chloe Keeler, b. 21 March, 1761, at Ridgefield, dau. of Isaac Keeler and his second Avife, Hannah (Stebbins) Keeler. Her brother, Phineas Keeler, b. at Ridgefield 1 July, 1763, m. Elizabeth Lobdell (John of Salem). Ebenezer evidently migrated with his wife and family to Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y. I find no record of the death of Chloe, but he m. a second wife, as his will mentions wife Sarah. He d. Aug., 107 1820, and is buried in the l:)urial lot of Samuel Banker (I assume the father of his second wife). Ebenezer was a Revolutionary soldier. The musket, bayonet and knapsack worn by him are held and highl}- prized by his grand- son, Jacob Lobdell, of East Lansing, N. Y. Mrs. M. C. Lobdell, widow of Ebenezer, Jr., tells me that he was a member of the Masonic fraternity at Salem, N. Y. A silver badge handed down from father to eldest son gives this information. Last Will and Testament of Ebenezer Lobdell of the Town of Goshen. Dated 25 Aug., 1820, recorded in Surrogate's office, Book F, p. 347. 31 Aug., 1820. "Gives to sons, Jonathan, Isaac and Nathan, $200.00 each. Gives to son Henry, $325.00. Gives to son Ebenezer, $200.00 and a two-year-old colt. (lives to daughters, Mary Williams, Annie Williams, Deborah and Minerva Lobdell, $175.00 each. Gives to daughter CI^loc Lobdell, $250.00 and one set of curtains. Gives to his wife, Sarah Lobdell. all the bedding and household goods that is remaining that she brought with her when we were married." Appoints Henry Lobdell and Stephen Ingersol. executors. Among deeds recorded at Goshen: Deed dated 1 April, 1826, Book DD, p. 480, 5 Jan., 1827. Lands in the Town of Goshen, and containing 164 acres, one-quarter and eight rods of land. "Stephen Ingersol and Henry Lobdell, executors of the last will and testament of Ebenezer Lobdell (deceased), to Ira Hawkins." Same parties to Samuel Banker : Deed dated 4 March, 1833, recorded Book 47, p. 29. 15 April, 1833. Lands in the Town of Goshen, whereon the said Ebenezer Lobdell lived at the time of his death, and containing 17 acres and two-fourths of an acre, more or less. Ebenezer Lobdell and Sarah, his wife, to John Yelverton, lands in the Town of Goshen and containing 182 and three-fourths acres. Mortgage dated 24 May. 1817. To secure $1,579.08. Rec. N. p. 329. Book N. Ebenezer Lobdell and wife Sarah, to Wm. Lawrence, lands in the Town of Goshen and containing 182^ acres. Mortgage dated 5 Aug.. 1820. To secure $2,000.00. Rec. Book 2 O. p. 211. 28 Aug., 1820. 108 III. Deborah Lobdell. I have no record of her birth or death, but the latter probably occurred at South East, Putnam Co., N. Y., and before the death of her husband, who as a widower lived in the family of his son, Nathan Field. Deborah m. Isaac Field, b. 1759, at Dingle, Westchester Co., N. Y., d. at South East, N. Y., 17 Jan., 1837, son of Solomon and Elizabeth (called Betty) (Vail) Field of Dingle. IV. Chloe m. Nathan Brown, b. 20 Feb., 1767, son of Samuel and Susanna ( ?) Brown. Chloe's first child, Thomas Brown (6), m. Sarah Wilkinson, whose first child, Susan Ann Brown (7), m. Clark Lobdell of North Salem, son of Anson and Eliza (Purdy) Lobdell. The second child of Thomas Brown, Mary Caroline Brown, ni. Hiram Reynolds of Purdy 's Station, N. Y., whose grandson, Theo- dore Reynolds, m. Grace, dau. of John and Sarah Eleanor (Keeler) Lobdell of Ridgebury, Conn. V. Anna m. Benjamin Reynolds (Titus). Their first child, Mary Reynolds (6), m. Jackson Perry Lobdell, son of Anson and Eliza (Purdy) Lobdell. VI. Mary DeLancey, bapt. 27 March, 1768, by Dr. Deblee at Salem ; m. 23 Nov., 1785, Thomas Bailey, and had Thomas Bailey (6) and Mary Polly Bailey (6). Her grand-dau., Deborah Bailey (7), m. David Haight and d. 3 Dec, 1835, aged 45. According to the records of St. Mathew's Church of Bedford, Westchester Co., N. Y. (of which church Deborah was a communicant), they had the following named children, bapt. 1 Dec, 1830, by Rev. Samuel Nichols : "1. Hester Jane Haight. 2. David Lobden Haight. 3. Thomas Bailey Haight. 4. Mary Lavina Haight. 5. Augusta Ann Haight." "Married 5 Dec, 1856, at the home of David Haight, Joseph P. Johnson of New York and Hester Jane Haight from Katonah, near Bedford, by Rev. Edward B. Boggs." In the cemetery at Bedford were found the graves of Augusta Ann, dau. of David and Deborah Haight, d. 30 March, 1871, aged 43 years. Thomas B., son of David and Deborah Haight, d. 20 March, 1844, aged 24. Mary Lavina, dau. of David and Deborah Haight, d. 17 Nov., 1864, aged 39. 109 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JACOB (5) LOBDELL BY (1) WIFE, BETTY WHITNEY. 1. Anson. 2. Nathan. 3. Abigail. 4. Betsey. Anson, b. 16 Dec, 1784, d. at N. Salem, 21 Jan.. 1861 ; m. 6 Aug., 1807, at N. Salem, Eliza Purdy, dau. of Purdy and Hannah Hawley, b. 4 April, 1787, at North Salem, where she also d. 24 June, 1823. Anson m. for second wife, 3 Sept., 1824, at North Salem, Sarah Townsend, b. at North Salem 28 July, 1793, dau. of Wm. Townsend and Susannah Washburn of North Salem, where she d. 9 Oct., 1867. Nathan, a mason and farmer residing at Nortli Salem, N. Y., was b. 19 Sept., 1786, d. at North Salem 27 Sept., '1810 -jm. 10 Aug., 1813, at North Salem, Eliza Ann Lyon, b. 24 DecT, 1793, at North Salem, where she d. 8 Feb., 1870, dau. of Abrahan L5^on and Sarah Underbill. Abigail, b. 29 Sept., 1789, d. unmarried at North Salem, 7 March, 1840, aged 50 years, 5 months, 7 days. Betsey, b. 21 April, 1793; was married by Rev. A. H. Partridge to Lewis Palmer, a farmer of Bedford, N. Y. (as his second wife), at North Salem, 14 June, 1841. He d. at Bedford 10 Aug., 1858. She d. without children at Bedford, 1 March, 1870; was buried in North Salem cemetery 4 March, 1870. Funeral services by Rev. Lea Luquer. She brought up her neice, Elizabeth Lobdell, who m. Augustus Keeler, and left a legacy to St. James Church, Salem. N. Y. ($500). BY (2) WIFE, REBECCA MOREHOUSE. 1. Joshua. 2. Samuel. 3. Mary. I. Joshua, a mason, b, 19 April, 1798, d. at North Salem 10 Dec, 1860; m. Eliza Miller for his first wife, b. 7 June, 1797, at 110 North Salem, where she also d. 5 May, 1833, dau. of Benj. Miller and Betsey James. Joshua m. for !:is second wife, at South Salem, N. Y., Sally (Braden) Stevens, in Dec, 1833, b. in South Salem 13 Sept., 1793; she d. Jan., 1871, at Ridgefield, Conn. II. Samuel, b. 12 June, 1800, d. 30 Aug., 1817. III. Mary, b. 14 July, 1802, d. 7 Aug., 1846; m. Harvey Smith. Had— 1. Niles Smith, m. Clara Fluellen. Resided at White Plains. 2. Elbert Smith, m. Louisa Remington. Both d. about 1863. 3. Samuel H. Smith, unmarried; resides at Purdy's Sta- tion, N. Y. The children of Jacob were all b. in North Salem, N. Y. Ill CHILDREN OF EBENEZER (5) AND CHLOE (KEELER) LOBDELL. 1. Henry. 2. Ebenezer. 3. Jonathan. 4. Nathan. 5. Isaac. 6. Mary. 7. Deborah. 8. Annice. 9. Minerva. 10. Chloe. I have made every possible search to be able to give an accurate account of this family, but the place of birth given by different descendants contradicts itself. I am of the opinion that the elder children were b. in Dutchess Co. Mr. Ransom Dodge of Freedom, Dutchess Co., N. Y., sends the following as the result of his kindly, gratuitous search : "In examining the old school records I find, under date of 19 June, 1812, the names of Jonathan and Ebenezer Lobdell in Dis- trict No. 6 of the old precinct. District No. 6 was near the old school house and the old Quaker church at Arthursburgh, now a part and parcel of La Grange." I. Henry, b. 26 Nov., 1795, at Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y., d. 6 Sept., 1878, at North Lansing, N. Y. ; m. 1824 at Goshen, N. Y., Dorothy Denton, b. 22 March, 1800, at Goshen, N. Y.. d. 12 March, 1860, at East Lansing, N. Y., dau. of Nehemiah and Lois (Carpen- ter) Denton.* Mr. Lobdell was farmer. Democrat, and a Baptist. fDenton — Rev. Richard Denton was the first ancestor and came to Boston in 1630. He left five sons, Richard, Samuel, Daniel, Nathaniel and John. John Denton went to Orange Co. and had James. James Denton had four sons — Amos, Thomas, William and John. John settled in Goshen had three wives and thirteen children. II. Ebenezer, b. 1800 at Freedom, Dutchess Co., N. Y., d. 1890 at Lansing, Tompkins Co., N. Y. ; m. Phebe Royce of Sem- pronius, N. Y. Mr. Lobdell was a farmer and had the following children : 1. Lewis lives at Ludlowville, Tompkins Co. * The family of Dentons were early identified with the Count}' of Orange, N. Y., Denton, from the Town of Wawayanda. t "Ancestors from Orange Co., N. Y. The great battle of Minisink has made this section very interesting and most of the men living there during the Revolutionary period had a part in the history of the time." 112 2. Annice lives near Ludlowville, Tompkins Co. 3. Jonathan, b. 1841, lives near Ludlowville, Tompkins Co. 4. Jacob lives at East Lansing, Tompkins Co. 5. Denton M. lives at East Lansing, Tompkins Co. 6. Ebenezer, at Peruville, N. Y. 7. Hiram, b. and d. in Lansing; m. Mary Hargin, who also was b. and d. in Lansing. Their children are : William, Smith and Anna. III. Jonathan, of whom 1 have no record further than revealed l)y records at Surrogate's office at Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y. "Tn 1821 Daniel Denton sells to Jonathan Lobdell 13 acres of land in Goshen, and in June, 1824, Jonathan and wife Deborah sell lands." I am told that Jonathan was insane most of his later life. I have no record of wife or children. TV. Nathan m. Phoebe • (?). resided in N. Y. City. Among other children, had a son named W'm. Canfield (7) Lobdell, who m. 21 Jan.. 1864. Kate A. Watkins, and also lived in N. Y. City. He d. in 1867, leaving one son only eleven months old. named Frederick Watkins (8) Lobdell. who grew to manhood, m. Jessie Belle ( ?) and has two children, viz. : Jessie Kate (9) and Edward Dunn (9). The family reside in Boonton, N. J., Mr. L. doing business in N. Y. City. After the death of Wm. Canfield Lobdell. his widow remarried to Mr. Edward Dunn. V. Isaac m. Betsey Weaver. I have written many letters, hoping to secure the family record of Isaac, but the only answer received is from a granddaughter, Mrs. Ella Clement (8) of Free- ville. N. Y., who kindly gives the only information I am able to publish. She says: "I will cheerfully give you all the information I possess, Avhich is very limited. I have always heard that in my grandfather's family Avere thirteen children. Two sons served in the War of the Rebellion. My father, Mr. McKinney. m. two daughters of Isaac. Melissa (7) was his first wife; she left one son, Wm. H. McKinney (8). now living at Freeville, Tomp- kins Co.. N. Y. Then my father m. Esther (7) ; she was m}^ mother and d. wlien I Avas a child of eight years, leaving four chil- dren ; my brother, George McKinney (8), lives at McLean, and Alex. (8) lives at Groton. both in Tompkins Co.. N. Y." Isaac lived at Elmira. N. Y.. at which place, I am told, an aged dau. lives, Mrs. Sarah Roberts; but my letters of inquiry have been unanswered. 113 J{sther E. (7), dau. of Isaac (6) Lobdell, d. 23 June, 1860; m. Alexander McKinney, b. 21 April, 1833, at Stewartstown, Ireland, a farmer of Freeville. Tompkins Co., N. Y., where he died 15 Sept., 1900. CHILDREN. 1. Ella McKinney (8), b. 31 Oct., 1860, at Dryden, Tompkins Co., N. Y. ; m. 31 Dec, 1891, to Edwin Clement, b. 8 Dec, 1859, at Lansing, Tompkins Co., N. Y., son of Tru- man Clement and Amand Sellen, his wife. Have one son — 1. Harold M. Clement (9), b. 18 July, 1894. 2. Ida McKinney (8), b. 25 Nov., 1862,"^ d. 29 Aug., 1871. 3. Geo. B. McKinney (8), b. 29 Feb., 1864, m. Susie B. Fox. 4. Alex. McKinney (8), b. 8 June, 1869, m. Maud Lob- dell. VI. Alary m. Geo. Williams and had seven children. After her death he m. her sister Annice, she being a Avidow by the name of Williams. VII. Deborah, 1). 1808 at Freedom (?), Dutchess Co., N. Y., d. 6 Jan., 1883; m. James Maloney, b. Rhinebeck, N. Y., 1796. d. 17,"l870. A in. Annice m. first, Williams; second, Geo. Williams. tlie former husband of her sister Mary. I am told that a son, Geo. Henry Williams, is an attorne}' and lives in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (Xo answer to my letter of inquiry.) IX. Minerva m. Stephen Ingersol for her first husband, and one Mr. Townsend for second. I am told that she left one son, l)ut do not know further. X. Chloe m. Andrew Teeter, dying soon after marriage; left no children. CHILDREN OF DEBORAH (5) LOBDELL AND ISAAC FIELD. I. Phebe Field m. Abram Knififcn. II. Betsey Field m. Daniel Baldwin. HI. Athalanah. IV. Chloe Field m. 1810, Kl)cnezer Knox. V. Deborah. V]. Sally I'ield m. Charles Terry. 114 VII. Nathan Field ni. v^nsan Knox. The descendants mostly reside in Putnam Co., N. Y. It is told me that Joseph Field, grandfather of Isaac Field, who m. Deborah Lobdell, gave the land for the Quaker cemetery near Peach Lake, Westchester Co., N. Y. CHILDREN OF CHLOE (5) LOBDELL AND NATHAN BROWN. I. Thomas Brown, b. 11 July, 1792; m. Feb., 1817, Sarah Wil- liamson. He d. 24 June, 1857: she, 31 Oct., 1891. II. Mary Brown m. Nathan Paddock, moved to Michigan. III. Abigail Brown m. Raymond VA'illiamson, brother of Sarah (Williamson) Brown. IV. Ann Brown m. Samuel Palmer. He d. in N. Y. City. -CHILDREN OF ANNA (5) LOBDELL AND BENJ. REYNOLDS. I. Matilda Reynolds m. Isaac Smith. II. Laura Reynolds m. Underbill M. Smith. Had — 1. Daniel D. Smith (7). 2. Phebe Ann Smith (7). 3. Mary E. Smith (7). 4. Harrison Smith (7). 5. Willis Smith (7). 6. Alice Smith (7). 7. Samuel Smith (7). III. Alice Reynolds m. Purdy Baker. IV. Mary Reynolds m. Jackson Perry Lobdell. V. Harrison Reynolds m. Betsey Delevan. Had — 1. Floyd Reynolds of North Salem. 2. Hack Reynolds of North Salem. These all were b. and lived in North Salem. From Keeler genealogy. 115 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ANSON (6) LOBDELL. 1. Anson. 2. Clark. 3. Maria. 4. Jackson Perry, 5. Charles Decatur. 6. Anson Whitney. 7. Almira Jeanette. 8. Betsey Maria. 9. Susan Jane. 10. Sarah Ann. 11. Wm. Townsend. 12. Julia Kli/ca. 13. Alexander Frazier. 14. Almira Jeanette. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE, ELIZA (PURDY) LOBDELL. L Anson, Jr.. b. 30 Aui,r.. 1808, d. 17 April, 1809. II. Clark, 1). 28 Dec, 1809; m. 29 Dec, 1836. at Xcrth Salem. Susan Ann ]-5rown, b. 9 Dec, 1817, at North Salem, where she d. 27 Feb., 1889, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Williamson) Brown. Mr. Lobdell is a farmer, living at Purdy's Station. N, Y, ; a Demo- crat and a member of the Episcopal Church. III, Maria, b. 25 April, 1812, d. 12 March, 1823. IV, Jackson Perry was a farmer and mason of North 5~^alein. and lived just south of his grandfather's homestead, of which he owned that part on which the buildings stood ; he was b. at North Salem, 20 Dec, 1814. d. 17 July. 1889, at same place; and also m. 19 Dec, 1841, Mary Reynolds, b. 27 Sept., 1812, at North Salem. where she d. 30 Nov., 1896, dau. of Benj, Reynolds and Anna Lob- dell, who was dau, of Ebenezer and Deborah (Palmer) Lobdell. V. Charles Decatur, a farmer and mason, b. in North Salem. 12 Sept.. 1817; m. in fall of 1856, Jane Ann Knapp of Stamford, Conn. They settled in North Salem, where he d. 20 Nov., 1861. was buried in North vSalcin cemetery. His only son. Charles De- catur (8) Lobdell, Jr.. b. 1857, resides at Peoria. 111. Mary (8), b, 1860, d. at Peekskill, N. Y., in 1893. Sarah A. (8), b. 1862; m. Geo. Edwards of Yonkers, N, Y. VI. Anson Whitney, a merchant, resided at Salem Center, where he d. 1 Nov., 1872. was b. at North Salem, 14 May, 1820; m. at Lewisboro. N. Y., 14 Oct., 1850, Mary Abigail Jenkins, b. 28 April, 1829, at Freehold. N. Y., dau. of John Flavcl Jenkins and Mary Jane Thayer (Pike). VII, Almira Jeanette, b. 26 July. 1822. d. 10 Nov.. 1832. 116 CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE, SARAH (TOWNSEND) LOBDELL. I. Betsey Maria, b. in North Salem, N. Y., 10 July, 1825, a teacher; ni. 29 Oct., 1849, in St. James Episcopal Church at North Salem, by Rev. Krasmus H. Smith, rector, to Everett Lent, a grocer and farmer, son of James Lent and Anna Kronkhite of Cortland, N. Y., where he was b. 18 Sept., 1818. They dwelt in Peekskill till 1 A])ri], 1867, and then settled on a farm in Cortland, near Peekskill. Have no children. (Whitney genealogy.) IL Susan Jane, b. in North Salem, N. Y., 29 March, 1827; m. 3 Sept., 1861, at North Salem, Abram Lockwood, a farmer, son of Richard Henry Lockwood and Sarah Wallace, his wife, of North Salem, wliere he was b. 5 April, 1822, and where he d. 27 April, 1872. Had no children. Susan Jane d. 9 Nov., 1902. The following from her home paper testifies to her noble life: OBITUARY. Mrs. Susan Lobdell Lockwood. The illness of Mrs. Lockwood ended on Sunday at 4:30 p. m. She had been ill at the residence of her brother, Mr. A. F. Lobdell. much of the time for the past two months. A severe cold and a general lack of vitality was followed by apparent weakness of the lungs and kidneys. The failing, although marked, was at first slow, and then so rapid that extreme helplessness prevailed. That condition continued during the last ten days of her illness. She was in the 76th year of her age. Mrs. Lockwood, since the death of her husband, Abram Lock- wood, in April, 1872, has lived in Brewster, coming here from Xorth Salem, the home of a long line of Lobdell ancestry and kin- sliij), always her pride and inspiration. Keeping house and provid- ing a boarding place for teachers in the public school occupied her time as long as she cared to follow in that line, and then, giving up household exactions, she enjoyed life within the wide-open doors of a brother's home — making it her own. And thus, for thirty years, she had Ijeen well known in the village and in the Presbyterian church — the latter always commanding her most so- licitous interest. 117 And beyond all that she was an active worker. Aihnents came, as they always come to those of advancing years, but she was largely her own doctor and never admitted physical disqualifica- tion for any service at home or in the church. In fact, she rather enjoyed meeting and discharging in the most complete way duties ordinarily devolving upon others. Indeed it is not often that a life of more than three score and ten draws so near to its close without requiring more often the help of others. The kindly offices of those around her, during a short illness, supplemented by the close presence of a nurse for only a few of the last days, was the sum total of dependence. She was of Puritan mould, doubtful about admitting into full favor innovations of any kind. The old custom, the old creed and the old Bible were good enough for her. Very beautiful — Rev. Cornelius S. Stowitts in invocation, in scripture and address, Rev. A. R. Macoubre\- in prayer and Miss Tuttle in song — made the funeral occasion. To all the relatives and friends who assembled at Mr. Lobdell's residence Tuesday afternoon the services will ever abide a precious memory. The interment was in the family plot at the June cemetery. North Salem. IV. Sarah Ann, b. 27 Aug., 1829, d. 3 Nov., 1860. V. "Wm. Townsend, b. in North Salem, 16 Dec, 1831, a mason, builder and contractor ; m. 31 Dec, 1861, at White Plains, N. Y., to Emma Jenkins, dau. of John Flavel Jenkins and Mary Ann Thayer (Pike) of White Plains, formerly of Middletown, N. J., where slie was b. 4 Feb., 1832. They dwelt at Salem Center, N. Y., from April, 1863. till March, 1866; at Scranton, Pa., till Dec, 1866. Settled in Port Chester, N. Y., 1867, and were living there in April, 1875, without children." (From Whitney genealogy.) VI. Julia Eliza, b. in North Salem, N. Y., 24 Dec, 1833 ; m. at same place, 26 Nov., 1861, Elijah Lee, a farmer, of Yorktown, N. Y., son of Robert and Elizabeth Lee of Yorktown, N. Y. Mr. Leo was a member of the Assembly of the State of New York from the First District of Westchester Co., 1854. Their children are (all residing at Yorktown) : 1. Elizabeth Lobdell Lee. 2. Sarah Townsend Lee. 3. John Randolph Lee. 4. Robert Perine Lee. 5. Mary Louise Lee. 118 Alexander Frazier IjObdell (7) (Ausou [0] ) (1835-1907) of Brewster, N. Y. (Tage 119) Alex. Fra.zier Lobdell II (8) (Alex. F. [7] ) of Brewster, N. Y. (Page 128) Vincent I'ahdock Lobdei.l (8) (Alex. F. [7] ) of Brewster, N. Y. (Fage 129) Alex. Fkazier Lobdell III (9) (Alex. F. ir [8] of Brewster, N. Y. (Page 129) VII. Alex. Frazier, a merchant, residing at Brewster, Putnam Co., N. Y., b. 5 Dec., 1835, at North Salem; m. 6 Sept., 1865, at South East, Putnam Co., N. Y., Julia Paddock,* b. 10 Aug., 1843, at Yonkers, N. Y., dau. of Isaac Vincent Paddock and his wife, Amelia Waring. VIII. Almira Jeanette, b. in North Salem, 5 Dec, 1837. Spent one year at Yorktown, N. Y., and three years at Peekskill, N. Y., teaching in the public schools; m. at Peekskill, 25 Oct.. 1869, Francis Henderson Greene of U. S. civil service, son of Peter and Sarah (Vought) Greene of Peekskill, N. Y., where he was b. 19 April, 1842. Their children are : Everett Lent Greene, Jeanette Greene, Joseph Alfred Green, a lawyer at Cold Spring, N. Y., b. 29 Sept., 1874, at Brewster, Put- nam Co., N. Y. ; m. 7 Oct., 1903, at Peekskill, N. Y., Carolyn May Wygant, a graduate of Cornell University, A. B., 1896, b. 21 May, 1874, at Peekskill, N. Y., dau. of Henry B. Wygant, D. D. S., and Sarah Matilda Manterstock. Joseph Alfred Greene graduated from Cornell University Col- lege of Law with the degree LL. B., in 1896 and took the degree LL. M. in 1897. Is corporation counsel of the Village of Cold v^pring and prominent in the Order of Odd Fellows, being a mem- ber of the Grand Lodge. A letter of inquiry sent to the address given me for other son and dati. was returned by postmaster. From the Brewster Standard and Putnam Co. History: "In Brewster, at his residence, Sunday morning, Feb. 10, 1907, at 2 o'clock, Alexander F. Lobdell departed this life in his 72nd year. On the Sunday preceding he was in his usual health, not in the full strength of the vigorous manhood he enjoyed until nearly three-score years and ten, but very comfortable. On the last day of January he was present at the regular monthly meeting of the Putnam Co. Savings Bank, and on Feb. 2 he was at the bank and store throughout the day and evening. The cause of his death was pneumonia, and the duration of the disease was less than a week, beginning on the night of Feb. 3 with a pleurisy in the right lung. '^ Paddock genenlngist tells me that Mrs. A. F. Lobdell is descended from Zachariah, eldest brother of Bethia Paddock who m. Philip (4) Lobdell. 119 The attack was attended with very severe pain, and at 1 o'clock a. m. Dr. L. G. Newman was called and a trained nurse from New York summoned, and on the afternoon of the 4th the disease seemed to be under control. Returning pains and greater weakness on the day following required such constant treatment that a second nurse was engaged. Thereafter the condition was variable, the patient sometimes speaking naturally and inspiring hope for a few hours, and then suddenly becoming incoherent in speech and requiring heart stimulants and oxygen to keep up respiration. It was not until the evening of the 9th that hope faded ; then labored breathing began, accompanied by coma and death. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church on Tuesday, Rev. A. R. Macoubrey, who had been his friend and pastor since 1867. Text, "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away : blessed be the name of the Lord." The interment was at the Milltown Rural cemetery. Mr. Lobdell was raised on a farm and educated at the North Salem Academy, graduating in 1853. From 1855 to 1858 he was in business in New York City, and in 1860 he became engaged in the mercantile busi- ness at Brewster, N. Y., w'hich had since been his occupation. From 1863 to 1887 he held the position of postmaster, and since 1887 he has been treasurer of the Putnam County Savings Bank; was also a director and stockholder in the First National Bank at Brewster. But he was not all business. There was a strong religious current in his career. He was not only a helper in every religious cause of public concern, but he gave when only those who received knew of the giving. Of dignified bearing, perfect as a figure, likewise in character, in dealing and in the discharge of every duty, always the Christian gentleman, are the true expressions of those who knew him — and the priceless legacy he leaves to his family. 120 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF NATHAN AND ANN ELIZA (LYON) LOBDELL. ALL BORN AT NORTH SALEM, N. Y. 1. Mary Jane. 2. Jacob Lyon. 3. Abigail Frances. 4. Sam- uel Harvev. 5. Caroline Elizabeth. 6. Hiram. 7. Henry. I. Mary Jane, b. 17 Sept., 1814; m. 1 Jan., 1837, Wm. Town- send Briggs. b. 8 May, 1813, at North Salem; he d. 7 April, 1864, at Ellensville, son of Daniel and Susannah (Townsend) Briggs. CHILDREN. 1. Susan Elizabeth Briggs, b. 9 Nov., 1840; m. Wm. T. Holmes. 2. Geo. H. Briggs, b. 23 Oct., 1842; d. 20 Feb., 1893. The following was received — 28 June, 1902 — paying tribute to a noble woman ; MARY JANE BRIGGS. Another name was dropped from the roll of our old residents Monday, when Mrs. Mary Jane Briggs passed quietly to her re- ward, having reached the ripe age of 87 years and nearly 9 months. For six months Mrs. Briggs had been gradually failing, through weakness incidental to her age and the fact that she sustained a severe injury by the breaking of her hip a few^ years ago. The deceased w^oman was born in North Salem, Westchester county, N. Y., and was the daughter of Nathan Lobdell and his wife Eliza. On New Yjsars day, 1837, she was married to William Townsend Briggs of Briggs street, and came to that then rugged hill country to make her home. Intelligent, industrious and pru- dent, Mrs. Briggs became a notable housewife, as she Was a most excellent woman and exemplary Christian, a worthy helpmeet to licr husband, a man very highly esteemed and useful, wdiose death nearly forty years ago was a felt loss to our best citizenship. Mrs. ]jriggs resided on the home farm until about twenty years ago she came to make her home with her son, the late George H. Briggs, in this village. The last named died in February, 1893. In recent > ears the deceased resided with her daughter, Mrs. Susan E. 121 Holmes, proprietor of the Walnut Mountain House, her only sur- viving child. The funeral service was at the Holmes residence Thursday at 10 a. m., conducted by her pastor, Rev. Dr. Travis; interment in Fantinekill. n. Jacob Lyon, b. 13 April. 1817; m. 26 Sept.. 1843, ,Mary Perry Burr, b. in Ridgebury, Conn., 7 Dec. 1823, dau. of Dr. David Burr and Ann Maria Hickock. She d. in Ridgebury, 23 Alarch. 1844, aged 20 years. Is buried in Ridgebury cemetery. Her funeral sermon was preached 25 March, 1844, by Rev. Zalmon B. Burr (who had officiated at her marriage so short a time before), from Matthew, 25th chapter, 6th verse. Mr. Lobdell m. 24 Dec, 1848, as his second wife, at the home of the bride's mother in North Salem, Deborah Jane Stevens, b. 17 Aug., 1827, dau. of James and Sarah (Bradon) Stevens. Mr. L. was by occu])ation a plasterer ; a Republican in politics. He lived in Westchester Co., N. Y., until 1867, then moved to Ellensville, Ulster Co., N. Y., where he d. 12 ^larch. 1895. HI. Abigail Frances, b. 5 Jan., 1820. d. 20 Sept., 1887. at Nor- walk. Conn.; m. 20 Nov., 1841, at North Salem, Clark Hickock Os- born, b. 8 March, 1819, in New York City, d. 2 Jan.. 1895, at Nor- walk ; was son of Abram Purd}- Osborn and Electa Hickock. his wife. The famih^ were all Episcopalians. CHILDREN. 1. Ellen Amelia Osborn (8), b. 9 April, 1846; m. 9 April, 1867, at Norwalk, Conn, (where she now resides at 222 East Ave., East Norwalk), to Winfield Scott Hanford, b. 6 Sept., 1843, at Norwalk, son of Daniel Piatt Hanford and Caroline Smith. They have two children, both living with their par- ents : 1. Winnetta Hanford (9), b. 1 Dec. 1868; m. Harrie Morehouse. 2. Fred'k Osborn Hanford (9), b. 6 April, 1870. 2. Emma Caroline Osborn (8), b. 20 Feb., 1840; m. 11 Feb., 1868, at Norwalk, Rufus Raymond Osborn, b. 7 Dec. 1846, at Norwalk, son of Solomon Enos Osborn and Harriet Raymond. They reside at Norwalk. Have no children. 3. Walter Doty Osborn, b. 24 Aug., 1851 ; d. 10 Jan., 1879. Clark Hickock Osborn served in the Civil War. was sergeant Co. E, 12th Re.. Conn. Vol.; was wounded and taken prisoner al 122 Anson Wiut.xky Lobdell (7) .'Anson [0] ) (1820-1872) of Salejn Center, N. Y. (Pnse 110) IIenky Lobdell (7) (Nathan) of Salem Center, N. Y. (Page 123) John Lobdell (7) (Joshna [(>] ) (1830-1907) of Ridgebnry. Conn. (Page 125) William Lobdell (7) (Joshua [6] ) (1828-1007) of Greentield Ilill, (_'oun. (Page 124) Cedar Creek, 19 Oct., 1864; paroled in Richmond, \"a., and delivered at Harrison's Landing 5 Feb., 1865, being four months in Libby prison, the horrors of which it is hard to realize. IV. Samuel Harvey, b. 4 Aug., 1823, a blacksmith ; m. at Hav- erstraw, N. Y., 9 Aug.. 1844, Nancy Ann Dykens, b. 2 July, 1824, at Haverstraw, d. 5 Sept., 1883, at Danbury, Conn., aged 59 years, 2 months, 3 days, dau. of Thomas Dykens and Mary Babcock of North Haverstraw. Mr. Lobdell d. of consumption at Patterson, N. Y., 23 Jan., 1861, aged 17 years, 5 months, 18 days. Both husband and wife, with children, Caroline Elizabeth and Ida, are buried in North Salem cemetery. V. Caroline Elizabeth, b. 29 Jan., 1826; m. at North Salem, 12 Aug., 1857, Allen Rundle— as his second wife— a farmer, son of Ezra Rundle and Sally Downs of South East, N. Y., where he was b. 8 May, 1819. They settled near Ridgefield, Conn., where he d. 25 June, 1887, aged 68 years, leaving an only child— Arthur L. (8), b. 27 Ma}, 1860; unmarried. VI. Hiram Lobdell, b. 21 Oct., 1828. a mason ; d. in St. Paul, Minn., 5 Dec, 1870; unmarried. He was buried at St. Paul. He enlisted, 5 July, 1861, as a private in Co. D, 2nd Reg., Minn. Vol- unteers, and was honorably discharged after three years' service, having been successively promoted to the grades of sergeant, sec- ond lieutenant {17 Oct., 1862) and first lieutenant. VII. Henry Lobdell, )^oungest son, was b. 8 June, 1832. He is still living (1907) where he was born, on a part of the farm owned by his great grandfather. Ebenezer Lobdell. He was edu- cated at the North Salem Academy, and at the age of seventeen began teaching. He gave up teaching in 1885 and settled on his farm. He has been a member of the vestry of St. James Protestant Episcopal Church since 1866, and senior warden since 1880. 3 June, 1857, he married at Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. Y., Sarah Bethia Nichols, b. 3 Feb., 1835, at Liberty, N. Y.. dau. of William M. Nichols and Sally Briggs. Mr. Lobdell is a Democrat. Has three daughters, the two eldest residing with their parents: Ella Augusta (8), b. 23 July, 1860. Alice Irene (8), b. 2 June, 1864. Sarah Edna (8), b. 31 Dec, 1872, a New York State Normal School graduate, now a successful teacher in Los Angeles, Cal. 123 CHILDREN OF JOSHUA (6) AND (1) WIFE, ELIZA (MILLER) LOBDELL. I. Samuel. 2. Joanna. 3. Mary. 4. Elizabeth. 5. Wil- liam. 6. John. 7. James. 8. George. 9. Sarah Eliza. All born at North Salem. I. Samuel, b. 4 Oct., 1820, d. 25 Sept., 1865, at Newark, N. J.; m. 1 Nov., 1840, at Ridgefield, Conn., Harriet Nash, b. 26 Dec, 1819, at Ridgefield, d. 2 May, 1887, at Newark, N. J., dau. of Charles Nash and Roxanna Nickerson. Mr. Lobdell was a tailor, belonged to the Republican party, and was of the Presbyterian faith. II. Joanna, b. 3 July. 1822; unmarried. As the result of a fall on 3 Aug.. 1904, at the residence of her I)rother John at Ridgebury, Conn., she d. 5 Sept., 1904. Funeral at Ridgebury Wednesday, 1 p. m. Burial at Salem, N. Y. III. Mary, b. 12 June, 1824; d. unmarried, 28 April, 1849. IV. Elizabeth, b. 19 Jan., 1826; m. Wm. Augustus Keeler at St. James Church, North Salem, by Rev. A. H. Partridge, on 28 Nov., 1849; moved to Bedford, N. Y., where their only remaining child, Mary Keeler, b. 15 Dec. 1850. now resides in the old home. Mr. Keeler d. at Bedford 19 April, 1889. Mrs. Elizabeth Lobdell Keeler d. at same place 4 Feb., 1885. A dau., Anna Elizabeth, b. 30 May, 1857, d. at Bedford 20 March, 1892. Wm. Augustus Keeler was b. in Bedford, N. Y., 22 Oct., 1814. His father was Dr. Walter Keeler (son of Timothy Keeler and Esther Kellogg), b. in Ridgefield, Conn., 31 Dec. 1777, d. in Bed- ford 15 Sept., 1871; m. to Hannah Waring 31 Dec, 1801, who was b. 16 March, 1783, in Long Ridge, town of Stamford, Conn., d. in Bedford, N. Y., 14 Feb., 1843. Hannah was dau. of Deacon Joseph Waring (a Revolutionary soldier) and Prudence Smith, his second wife. V. William, b. 18 Jan., 1828, at North Salem ; m. 27 Nov., 1849, at Weston, Fairfield Co., Conn., Galetta Angeline Wood, b. 25 Jan., 1830, at Weston, dau. of Curtis and Sally (Lockwood) Wood of Weston. Learned the edge tool making trade at G. W. Bradley's axe factory, Weston, Conn., but poor health prevented him from working 124 at his trade. Worked the farm of his atmt, Clara Gruramons, in North Salem, five years, and in the spring of 1858 bought the Eliphalet Mee- ker farm of sixty acres in Fairfield, Conn. (Greenfield Hill), where he continued in general farming until he died. Brought up a family of five sons and three daughters, who survive him. Member of Eman- uel Church, Weston. Served as Junior Warden of parish a number of years. Mr. Lobdell passed away at Greenfield Hill, town of Fairfield, Conn., 4 Feb., 1907, having lived in the old homestead over fifty years. VI. John was b. at North Salem, N. Y., 15 March, 1830. When a little child the home w^as broken up on account of the death of his mother, and like the boys of that time he was encouraged to learn a trade, that of tailor, with his brother Samuel in Ridgefield, Conn. When still a }'outh he went to California, engaged in mining and later in the clothing business in San Francisco when that city was destroyed by fire 3 May, 1851. He lost everything, seeking refuge on the now famous "Nob Hill," where he awoke next morn- ing with but twenty-five cents in his pocket. On returning in 1856 he m. Sarah Eleanor Keeler, b. 11 June, 1832, at Ridgefield, Conn., dau. of Adonirum and Charlotte (Brush) Keeler, and for more than a quarter of a century he labored to- gether with Brokaw Brothers, Astor place, New York City, for the best interests of the clothing business. Mr. Lobdell's quiet attention to his business affairs, his interest in church and Sunday-school work, his complete devotion to his family, his generous hospitality and his attractive personality won for him much love and reverence from all. Although for more than a dozen years removed to the country near the old homeland of his forefathers, he kept in touch with the city of his adoption (New York) by the newspapers, which, as he had a keen appreciation of intellectual attainments, were his daily delight, and which served to kindle afresh the fires of his ardent patriotism. Here in Ridgebury, after a long illness, he died Monday morn- ing, 25 Feb., 1907, leaving his wife and two daughters. VH. James, b. 18 Jan., 1833, d. 27 Sept., 1857, at Nichols Farms, Conn. ; m. at South Salem, 14 Dec, 1854, Laura Jane Keeler. Has a dau., Caravelle Estelle (8), b. 2 Oct., 1856, at Nichols Farm, Conn. ; m. 12 April, 1882, Charles Elbert Brinkerhoff, at Norwalk, 126 Conn., b. 24 March, 1857, at New Canaan, Conn., where they now reside. Children : 1. James Elbert Brinkerhoff (9), b. at New Canaan, 16 March, 1883. 2. Samuel Segbert (9), b. at New Canaan, 14 June, 1887. CHILDREN OF JOSHUA (6) BY (2) WIFE, SALLY BRADEN (STEVENS) LOBDELL. VIII. George, b. at South Salem, 6 Jan., 1837, d. at same place, 29 Jan., 1841. IX. Sarah Eliza, b. at South Salem, 1 April, 1839; m. at North Salem, 31 Aug., 1862, Benj. F. Brinkerhoff and resides at 172 East 88th St., New York City. Has one dau., Georgianna Brinkerhoff (8),b. 3 July, 1867 (?).^ EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF CLARK (7) AND SUSAN ANN (BROWN) LOBDELL. I. Sarah, b. 9 Dec, 1839; d. 9 Oct., 1856. II. Helen, b. 28 May, 1841; unmarried; resides with her brother Darius. III. Darius, b. 19 May, 1848; unmarried; resides at Purdy's Station. IV. Almira. b. 14 April, 1853 ; unmarried ; resides at Purdy's Station. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JACKSON PERRY (7) AND MARY (REYNOLDS) LOBDELL. 1. Benjamin R. 2. Anna E. 3. Floyd P. 4. Anson Whit- ney. 5. Emma E. All b. in North Salem. I. Benjamin R., a merchant of North Salem, b. 29 March, 1843; m. 3 June, 1873, at North Salem, Emeline Rundle, dau. of Nathan and Alartha Jane (Ryder) Rundle of South East, N. Y., where she was b. 22 March, 1850. Mr. Lobdell with just pride says, "I am a farmer's son, educated in the common schools and the North Salem Academy." Was a teacher for seven years. Has 126 Benjamin R. Lobdell (8) (Jacksou Perry [7] ) of North Salem, N. Y. (Page 127) Albert Jexkins Lobhell (8) (Ausoii Whitney [7] ) of Salem Center, X. Y. (Page 128) Geo. W. Lobueel (9) (Benj. R. [8] ) of North Salem. N. Y. (Page 127) Claytox R. Lobdell (9) (Benj. R. [8] ) of North Salem, N. Y. (Page 127) been a merchant in North Salem, N. Y., in the same location as at the present time, for thirty-five years. Is a Republican in politics and holds the position of postmaster. In the records of St. James Episcopal Church we find his name as delegate in 1865. His chil- dren are : 1. Clayton R., b. 11 March, 1874; d. 7 Feb., 1892. 2. Emory G., b. 17 Dec, 1879; resides at North Salem with his parents. Is a dealer in antiques, possessing many old and quaint pieces. 3. Geo. W., b. 22 Nov., 1881. 4. Grace H., b. 19 March, 1885. II. Anna E., b. at North Salem, N. Y., 1 July, 1845 ; m. at same place, 25 Jan., 1865. Charles Hubert Vail, a farmer, son of David and Betsey Ann (Bailey) Vail of North Salem. Children: 1. David Perry Vail (9), b. 28 July, 1866, at North Salem, where he also m. Julia Quick, b. at same place 22 Oct., 1867, dau. of Gerard C. Quick and Ruth A. Patrick of North Salem. Has one son, Harold Q. Vail (10), b. 31 Oct., 1895. 2. Sarah E. Vail (9), b. 28 July, 1866; unmarried. 3. Arthur H. Vail (9), b. 14 Feb., 1876; unmarried. HI. Floyd Perry, b. 25 Nov., 1847, at North Salem ; m. 8 Oct., 1873, at North Salem, Julia E. Meade, b. 4 Jan., 1853, at North Salem, dau. of Gilbert T. and Caroline (Bailey) Meade of North Salem. Children, b. at North Salem, N. Y. : 1. Gilbert Meade (9), b. 27 July, 1879; m. 6 March, 1901, Anna Elliott White, b. 6 Sept., 1878, at Summit, Schoharie Co., N. Y., dau. of Robert F. and Lola J. (Smith) White. Mr. Gilbert Meade Lobdell spent his early boyhood on the farm with his parents at Salem Center attending the dis- trict school. At the age of fifteen entered the Chappaqua Mountain Institute at Chappaqua, where he took a three years' course. In the fall of 1898 entered the New York Business College, from which he graduated in March, 1899. Then took up farming, in which he is still engaged, occupy- ing the old homestead erected by his great grandfather, Jacob Lobdell, in 1782. 2. Howard Perry (9), b. 7 July, 1881 ; d. in infancy. 3. Florine May (9), b. 8 June, 1886. 127 4. Anson Whitney (9), b. 1 Nov., 1889. 5. Helen Amelia (9), b. 23 May, 1891. IV. Anson Whitne}^ b. 8 Aug., 1851 ; d. 7 Jan., 1886. V. Emma E., b. 8 Feb., 1855 ; unmarried. CHILDREN OF ANSON (7) WHITNEY AND MARY ABIGAIL (JENKINS) LOBDELL. I. Albert Jenkins, a merchant living at Salem Center, N. Y., b. 7 Feb., 1854, at North Salem, N. Y. ; m. at North Salem 5 Oct., 1881, Mary Louise Braden, dau. of John Augustus and Jane Eliza (Baxter) Braden of North Salem, where she was b. 25 Nov., 1862. Children born at Salem Center: 1. Augustus Whitney (9), b. 14 Aug., 1882. 2. Cornelia Braden (9), b. 11 Sept., 1884. 3. Louise Emerson (9), b. 23 Dec, 1889. 4. Albert Jenkins (9), b. 6 Feb., 1893. 5. Paul Baxter (9), b. 5 April, 1894. 6. Jennie (9), b. 3 July, 1895. II. Frederick A., b. 24 Nov., 1861 ; d. 22 Sept., 1901. CHILDREN OF ALEXANDER FRAZIER (7) AND JULIA (PADDOCK) LOBDELL. 1. Esther. 2. Alexander Frazier, Jr. 3. Vincent Paddock. 4. Susie. 1. Esther (8), b. 29 July, 1867, at South East, Putnam Co., N. Y.; m. 25 Sept., 1889, Emerson Wesley Addis, b. 13 Oct., 1853, at Litchfield, Conn., son of Chester and Harriet (Waters) Addis. The family reside at Brewster, N. Y. Mr. Addis is an editor and pub- lisher, was formerly Republican postmaster ; also member of As- sembly of Putnam County. CHILDREN. 1. Marjorie Addis (9), b. 11 Sept., 1890. 2. Barbara West Addis (9), b. 14 Dec, 1892. 3. Emerson Wesley Addis (9), b. 20 Oct., 1896. 4. Alex. Lobdell Addis (9), b. 22 Nov., 1899. 2. Alexander Frazier, Jr., b. 22 June, 1869, at South East, N. Y., for the past sixteen years has been associated with his father 128 in his business, and in 1904 became a partner, and during the ill- ness of his father was empowered to act as treasurer of the Put- nam Co. Savings Bank in the absence of his father. He is a Re- publican, and in religion a Presbyterian; m. 17 Jan., 1893, at South East, N. Y., Jennie Maude Lewis, b. 19 Dec, 1870, dau. of Wm. and Rachel (Bailey) Lewis. Has one son (9), Alexander Frazier Lobdell in. 3. Vincent Paddock, b. 7 March, 1876, a graduate of Yale Col- lege (Class of 1905), having been graduated in 1896 from Phillip's Academy, Andover, Mass. 4. Susie, b. 18 June, 1881. CHILDREN OF JACOB LYON (7) AND DEBORAH JANE (STEVENS) LOBDELL. ALL B. AT NORTH SALEM, N. Y. L Herl)ert, a plasterer and bricklayer, b. 10 March, 1850; un- married. IL Amanda Jane, b, 7 Aug., 1851 ; unmarried. HI. Isabel Carolyn, b. 9 March, 1853; unmarried. IV. William, a farmer, b. 28 Feb., 1855; m. 26 March, 1876, Mary Jane Blumenauer, b. 2 July, 1855, at Ellenville, Ulster Co., N. Y., dau. of Paul Blumenauer and Caroline Ritenauer. Have four sons : 1. Harry Jacob (9), b. 8 Nov., 1876. 2. Frank (9), b. 26 Nov., 1878. 3. Fred'k (9), b. 21 June, 1882. 4. Willie Alvin (9), b. 27 Oct., 1889. All residing at Ellenville, N. Y. V. Edwin Jacob, b. 13 July, 1858; unmarried. Mr. Herbert Lobdell writes me : "Our family — as far as my memory goes — have all lived uneventful lives of mechanics or farmers, with one or two exceptions. My brothers have always lived on farms. I have worked at various kinds of work and ram- bled about some, but never met only one of the name of Lobdell. He was in Nebraska and came to see if he and I were at all related, but as he did not know the name of his grandfather we neither could gain much. My brother Will's Avife met a Geo. Lobdell of Kingston, Ulster Co., at the Ulster Co. fair. (Mrs. J. H. L. has been unable to find him.) 129 CHILDREN OF SAMUEL HARVEY (7) AND NANCY ANN (DYKENS) LOBDELL. 1. Caroline Elizabeth. 2. ^Nfary Jane. 3. Geo. Henry. 4. Nathan Thomas. 5. Ida. 6. AHda. 7. Eugene Harvey. 8. Hattie Corneha. I. CaroHne EHzabeth, d. 16 Feb., -1856, aged 9 years, 9 months, 7 days. n. Mary Jane, b. at North Salem, 20 Oct.. 1847; m. 28 Oct., 1866, at Patterson. Putnam Co., N. Y., Andrew J. Birdsall, b. 30 June, 1844, at Chappaqua, AA'cstchester Co., N. Y., son of Jacob Birdsall and Amy J. Dodge of Chappaqua. • Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Birdsall reside at 300 ^^'est 144th street. New York City. Have no children. HI. Geo. Henry, b. in North Salem 31 July, 1850, d. of Brights disease, in Danbury 20 Feb., 1904; m. 31 July, 1873, Harriet E. Northrup, dau. of \Vm. Northrup and Harriet Lake of Danbury, Conn. Mrs. Lobdell d. in Danbury 9 Aug., 1879, aged 26 years, 4 months, 12 days, leaving a son, Wm. Harvey, b. 4 July, 1874. Both husband and wife are buried in Kenosha cemetery, two miles west of Danbury. IV. Nathan Thomas, 1). 25 Jan.. 1853, was a resident of Dan- bury when he m. Mary F. Dean of Ridgefield, 3 May, 1876, who was b. 3 July, 1855, and d. 25 March, 1891. Mr. Lobdell d. 6 June, 1895, at Vergennes, Vt. Two children were born to them; 1. Grace May, b. 9 Jan., 1878; m. Howard Reynolds (9) Manley at Croton Falls. 13 Oct.. 1895. 2. Howard C. b. 6 Jan., 1885. V. Ida, d. 25 April, 1857, aged 2 years. 2 days. VI. Alida, b. 27 Nov., 1856-7; m. Hubble Butler and had three children. She d. 23 Oct., 1883. 1. Cora Butler (9). 2. Ferdinand Butler (9). 3. Guy Butler (9), and Frank Butler, an adopted son. VII. Eugene Harvey, a carpenter, and living at Danbury, Conn., was b. 2 March, 1859, at Patterson, Putnam Co., N. Y. ; m. 18 June, 1882. at Purdy's Station, Westchester Co., N. Y., Hattie 130 €. Reed, b. 13 Oct., 1859, at vSouth East, Putnam Co., N. Y., dau. of John E. Reed and Annie Mcrritt of Brewster, N. Y. CHILDREN. Ernest E., b. 5 Oct., 1883 ; d. ( ?) Twins: Fred'k G., b. 13 Sept., 1885; died. Emma I.; died. Minnie Essie, b. 2 July, 1887. Geneva A., b. 15 Dec, 1888. Harry R., b. at Waterbury, Conn., 29 Feb., 1892. John Earl, b. at Long Meadow Pond, Town of Middle- bury, Conn., 26 June, 1894. I am told that a dau. of Eugene Harvey Lobdell m. Geo. D. Knox and d. 1902-3. VHL Harriet Cornelia, 1). 30 Jan., 1861, at Patterson, N. Y. ; m. 23 Oct., 1878, at Danbury, Conn., Orrin B. Gage, b. 29 Aug., 1851, son of Wm. Gage and Sarah Sirrene of Danbury. Children: Lena May Gage, b. 27 April, 1881. Carrie Louise Gage, b. 29 March, 1885. Clarence C. Gage, b. 18 Oct., 1887. Edith Grace Gage, b. 24 July, 1889. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL (7) AND HARRIET (NASH) LOBDELL. 1. Charles Nash. 2. Joshua Hudson. 3. Harriet Eliza. 4. Leonora Louise. 5. Aurilla Esther. I. Charles Nash, b. at Ridgefield, Conn., 23 Aug., 1841. When a young man he left his home to seek his fortune in "the west." I liave been unable to trace him, or get further record. n. Joshua Hudson, b. at Ridgefield, Conn., 5 March, 1843; is immarried ; resides in Newark, N. J. A Democrat ; occupies a clerical position. Served in the War of the Rebellion for six months, then enlisted for three years; was promoted to commissary sergeant and served until close of the war. HL Harriet Eliza, b. at Ridgefield, Conn., 19 May, 1845; m. 13 Sept., 1876, at Newark, N. J., Wm. Wesley Wood, b. at Newark, 131 d. 30 May, 1896, at Troy, N. Y., at which place he was cashier of New York Life Insurance Co. No children. IV. Leonora Louise, b. at Ridgefield ; has resided at Newark, N. J., the greater part of her life, but in 1898 she disposed of her property in that city and since has spent most of her time in West Orange, N. J., and Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ; is unmarried. V. Aurilla Esther, b. at Ridgefield 27 May, 1850; m. 7 March. 1867, Samuel John GafTey, a clothier, b. at Newark, N. J. Children : 1. Lillie Belle Gaffey (9), b. 23 Jan., 1868; unmarried. 2. Leonora Runyon Gaffey (9), b. 16 Oct., 1871; m. 17 Aug., 1898, Walter J. Aschenbach. 3. James Rumsey Gafifey (9), b. 21 Aug., 1874; d. in his 9th year. 4. Samuel John Gaifey (9), b. 16 Jan., 1881. 5. Ruth Hyle Galfey (9), b. 20 March, 1886. 6. Ralph Lobdell Gaffey (9), b. 15 July, 1890. 7. Mildred Harriet Gaffey (9), b. 5 Dec, 1894. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF WILLIAM (7) AND GALETTA ANGELINE (WOOD) LOBDELL. I. John Curtis, a farmer, b. at Weston, Conn., 21 Sept., 1852; m. Lizzie Banks, at Weston, 19 April, 1876, b. 10 May, 1852, at Norwalk, Conn., d. at Fairfield 22 Nov., 1905, dau. of Gould Nichols Banks and Elizabeth Gregory. Children : 1. Jessie Elizabeth, b. 22 Sept., 1878; m. Fred'k Clayton Banks. 2. Wm. Nichols, b. 15 Sept., 1880, d. 18 April, 1902. 3. Lura Angeline, b. 12 Aug., 1885 ; m. Geo. Wilson, 4. Frank Curtis, b. 20 March, 1888. 5. Joanna Isabel, b. 22 Sept., 1893. II. Wm. Irving, b. at Weston 5 Aug., 1854; m. Harriet Ben- nett. III. Mary EHzabeth Proal, b. at North Salem. N. Y., 1857; m. 25 Sept., 1876, at Greenfield Hill, Fairfield Co., Conn., Joseph Burr Bradley, b. 5 Nov., 1845, at Greenfield Hill, son of Joseph Burr Bradley and Sara Bradley. Mr. Bradley is a land owner; 132 John Curtis Lobdell (8) (Will. [7] ) of Fairfield Township, Conn. (Page 132) W.M. Ikving Lobdell (8) (Wm. [7] ) of Fall-field Township, Conn. (Page 132) James Oliver Lobdell (8) (Wm. [7] ) of Greenfield Hill, Conn. (Page 133) Charles LeKoy Lobuell (8) (Wm. [7] ) of Fairfield Township. Conn. (Page 1.33) Republican ; an Episcopalian. Resides at Greenfield Hill. Have children : 1. Mary Galetta Bradley (9), b. 23 Aug., 1877. 2. Sara Eleanor Bradley (9), b. 4 Jan., 1883. 3. Joseph Burr Bradley (9), b. 15 May, 1889; d. 16 May, 1889. 4. Frances Bradley (9), b. 13 Jan., 1894; d. 13 Jan., 1894. IV. James Oliver, b. 29 June, 1859, at Fairfield, Conn. ; m. 30 June, 1898, at Easton, Conn., Annie C. Staples, b. 25 Oct., 1870, at Easton, dau. of Francis Le Roy Staples and Mary Taylor Bradley. Mr. Lobdell is a farmer, Republican, Episcopalian, and with his wife and young son, James Francis 'Staples Lobdell, b. 27 May, 1899, resides at Greenfield Hill, Conn. V. Charles Le Roy, b. 8 Nov., 1861, at Fairfield, Conn.; m. 28 Aug., 1889, Cora B. Bradley, b. 6 June, 1865, at — ^(?), Seneca Co., N. Y., 1 Jan., 1894, dau. of David Bradley and Hattie Bradley. Mr. Lobdell is a farmer, an Episcopalian. Has three young sons — 1. Geo. H^^l (9), b. 21 Sept., 1890. 2. Arthur Bradley (9), b. 23 June, 1892. 3. Ernest (9), b. 1 Jan., 1894. VL Hattie Angelina, b. 27 Aug., 1864, at Fairfield, Conn. ; m. 27 Oct., 1890, at San Barnadino. Cal., Wm. Creswell Mushet, b. 22 Dec, 1860, at Glossop, Derbyshire Co.. England, son of 'Geo. Mushet and Mary Cresswell. The family are Episcopalian and reside at Los Angeles, Cal. Have three children : 1. Mary Galetta Cresswell Mushet (9), b. 22 Nov., 1891. 2. Mildred Angelina Lobdell Mushet (9), b. 2 April, 1896; d. 14 Jan., 1898. 3. Wm. Lobdell Mushet (9), b. 22 June, 1898. Vn. Joanna, b. 8 Jan., 1866; d. when 9 years old. VHL Sarah Isabel, b. 7 Aug., 1869, at Greenfield Hill, Conn. ; m. 24 Dec, 1890, at Lyons Plains, Fairfield Co., Conn., George F. Sherwood, b. 3 Dec. 1864, at Westport, Conn., son of Wm. Sherwood and Esther N. Merwin. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood reside on their farm in Westport, Conn. Have no children. x\re Episco- palians, and Mr. S. is a Republican. IX. Samuel Everett, b. 26 June, 1873, at Greenfield Hill, Conn. ; m. 22 Feb., 1898, at Greenfield Hill, Mary Josephine Mer- win, where she was also b. 9 Feb., 1876, dau. of Burr Merwin and 133 Sarah Josephine Gould. Mr. Lobdell has always lived at Green- field Hill. Is a farmer, Republican, Episcopalian. Has one son : 1. Burr Merwin (9), b. 14 Jan., 1899. CHILDREN OF JOHN (7) AND SARAH ELEANOR (KEELER) LOBDELL. I. Eleanor Justina, b. 24 Jan., 1857; d. 19 April, 1880, in New York City. n. Joanna Francis, b. 18 Oct., 1859; d. 16 March, 1882, at Savannah, Ga. III. Jessie Chothilde, 1). 17 March, 1861 : living with her par- ents at Ridgebur}', Conn. ; unmarried. Has given me valuable assistance in my research. IV. Grace, b. 29 Nov., 1870, at New York City; m. 12 Sept., 1894, at Ridgebury, Conn., Theodore Reynolds, b. 26 Jan., 1870, at Ridgefield, Conn., son of James Reynolds and Electa A. Wright. The family reside at Danbury, Conn. Children : 1. Francis Lobdell Reynolds (9), b. 22 July, 1896. 2. Theodore Reynolds (9), b. at Danbury, Conn., 25 Dec, 1900. 3. Sara Electa (9), b. 30 May, 1906, at Ridgebury. V. John, Jr., b. 4 March. 1878; d. 31 Aug., 1878. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF THOMAS BROWN (6) AND SARAH WILLIAMSON. 1. Susan Ann Brown, b. 9 Dec, 1817, d. 2 May, 1883, at North Salem ; m. 29 Dec, 1836, Clark Lobdell, son of Anson and Eliza Purdy Lobdell of North Salem. 2. Mary Caroline Brown, b. 7 Dec, 1819; m. 4 Jan., 1843, Hiram Reynolds, b. 31 Oct.. 1815. d. 28 Feb.. 1898, at Purdy's. 3. Darius Brown, b. 12 July, 1823, d. Oct., 1899; m. first, Al- mira Frost ; second. Jane Landron. 4. Chloe Elizabeth Brown, b. 7 May, 1826; m. Charles M. Bloomer 1 Feb., 1843. 5. Clarissa Margaret Brown, b. 17 Oct., 1828; m. Martin Todd. In 1904 both are living at Purdy's, N. Y. 134 EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF MARY CAROLINE BROWN (7) AND HIRAM REYNOLDS. 1. James Thomas Reynolds, b. 22 Dec, 1845, at Ridgebury; m. 2 Sept., 1868, Electa A. Wright. 2. Franklin Samuel Reynolds, b. 17 Aug., 1852, at Ridgebury, Conn. ; resides at Purdy's, N. Y. NINTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JAMES T. REYNOLDS (8) AND ELECTA A. WRIGHT. 1. Theodore Reynolds, b. 26 Jan., 1870, at Ridgebury, Conn.; m. Grace Lobdell, dau. of John and Eleanor Keeler Lobdell of Ridgebury, Conn. 2-3. William and Walter (twins), d. infants. 4. Mary Brown Reynolds, b. 28 Oct., 1874, at Ridgebury, Conn. ; m. 1 June, 1893, Charles H. Dunscomb. Reside at Sing Sing, N. Y. 5. Rufus Reynolds, b. 28 Jan., 1877; d. 24 Oct., 1877. 6. James Clifford Reynolds, b. 22 May, 1886. 13o SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF HENRY (6) AND DOROTHY (DENTON) LOBDELL. 1. Caroline. 2. Amelia. 3. Ebenezer. 4. Stephen. 5. Jacob. 6. Michael Denton. I. Caroline, b. 20 Nov., 1826, at Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y. When only six weeks old her parents moved to East Lansing, Tompkins Co., N. Y., where, on 13 Dec, 1846, she m. Daniel Bower, b. 18 Nov., 1825, at North Lansing, and d. 28 Sept., 1850, at Canan- daigua, N. Y., son of Adam and Sarah (Conrad) Bower. One dau. was born to them at North Lansing : 1. Mary Amelia Bower (8), b. 17 Nov., 1847, and m. at Ithaca, N. Y., 1 Feb., 1865, Peter Wolverton, b. 9 Jan., 1842, at Canandaigua, N. Y., son of Joel and Mary (Sinclair) Wol- verton. One dan. was b. to Peter and Mary Bower Wolverton at Canandaigua, N. Y., viz., Emma Louise Wolverton (9), b. 21 March, 1867; m. 15 Sept., 1898, at same place, Augustine Sackett, b. at Canandaigua 13 Jan., 1867, son of Henry and Delia (Parks) Sackett. IL Amelia, b. 12 Sept., 1828, at East Lansing, N. Y., d. 12 Feb., 1885; m. Anson B. Rogers, who d. 30 Sept., 1852; had two children, viz : 1. Carrie A. Rogers (8), b. 13 Jan., 1859; m. Irving L. Stevens. She is a widow; no children. Her husband d. 8 Oct., 1900. Her home is in West Groton, N. Y. 2. Denton A. Rogers (8), b. 11 Sept., 1860; m. Ella M. Cobb. Denton d. 29 Aug., 1888. Children are: 1. Emmett J. Rogers (9), b. 13 May, 1886, d. 29 Sept., 1886. 2. Percy D. Rogers (9), b. 22 July, 1888. III. Ebenezer, b. 12 Oct., 1830, at East Lansing, N. Y., d. 17 March, 1900, at Lansing, N. Y. ; m. 25 Jan., 1853, at East Lansing, N. Y., to Mary C. Rhodes, b. 25 March, 1830, at Lansing, N. Y., dau. of Henry Rhodes and Marilda Ludlow. Had two daughters, both dead : 136 1. Ella Amelia (8), b. 8 Jan., 1855; m. Michael Kennedy. 2. Etta (8), b. 12 Aug., 1862; d. in infancy. IV. Stephen, b. 8 March, 1833, at East Lansing; m. 9 Dec, 1857, at Locke, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Helen M. Lane, b. 8 Dec, 1838, at Locke, dau. of Freeman Lane and Margaret Learn. Mr. Lobdell is living at North Lansing; is a carpenter, a Democrat, and a Methodist. CHILDREN. 1. Delmer H. (8), b. 15 July, 1861 ; d. 25 Aug., 1863. 2. Le Roy J. (8), b. 30 May, 1864; m. Priscilla Bower. 3. Delta A. (8), b. 7 June, 1872; d. 17 Feb., 1873. V. Jacol), b. 7 July, 1835, at East Lansing; m. 7 April, 1860, Calista Holden. b. 15 Nov., 1841, at East Lansing, where she was b. dau. of John Holden and Elizabeth Brown. Mr. Lobdell resides at East Lansing; a farmer, a Democrat, a Methodist. Has one son: William (8). b. 1 Jan., 1862; m. Minnie Norton. VL Michael Denton, b. 31 July, 1838, at Lansing; m. Melissa Morgan, dau. of Edwin Morgan and Delia Talmadge. Melissa d. 31 March, 1880, leaving five children: Charles (8), Dorothy (8), Arthur (8), Ruth (8) and Bertha (8). Mr. Lobdell m. for his second wife Catherine De Camp. CHILDREN OF MARY (6) LOBDELL AND GEO. WILLIAMS. 1. Chloe Williams m. Norton Stout, to whom were b. Geo. H. Stout in 1901, living in Streater, 111. 2. Ebenezer Williams, in 1901 living at Atlanta, Steuben Co., N. Y. No children. 3. Jane Williams m. Joseph Edsall ; one living offspring, Geo. Edsall (8), Ithaca, N. Y. 4. Deborah Williams. No children. 5. Betsey Ann Williams m. Wesley DeCamp ; one dau., Helen Teter DeCamp (8). 6. Wm. Williams; never married. 7. Geo. Williams m. Jane L. Munson ; has dau., Mary E. Wil- liams (8), in 1901 living at Cortland, N. Y. This branch of the Williams name dies out with Ebenezer and Mary E. Williams. 137 CHILDREN OF DEBORAH (6) LOBDELL AND JAMES MALONEY. I. Wm. Henry Maloney, b. (?), d. (?). II. Minerva Maloney, d ( ?) ; m. Nyrum Lindernian. III. Geo. Maloney, a physician of Sun Prairie, Wis., b. 1833,. at Lansing, Tompkins Co., N. Y. ; m. Belle Woodward, b. 4 Dec. 1844, at Litchfield, Conn., d. 11 March, 1900, dau. of Dr. E. H. Woodward and Mary Newton. Has two children : 1. Florence Maloney (8), b. 29 Nov., 1869; unmarried.. 2. Ray W. Maloney (8), b. 16 May, 1874; unmarried. IV. Nathan Maloney. b. — — ( ?). d. (?) ; m. Mattie Peck. V. John Maloney. b. ( ?) ; m. Amanda Ferris, who d. leaving no children. In April, 1898, he m. for second wife. Widow Mary Douglas. VI. Harriet Ann Maloney. b. ■ (?), d. • (?) ; m. Myron Miller. VIT. Chloe ^laloney, b. 1 July. 1889, at Lansing, Tompkins Co., N. Y. ; m. 1858 at Locke, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Moses C. Lowe, b. 8 April, 1834, d. 28 Feb., 1891, son of James and Maria Van Wagoner Lowe of Locke, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Mrs. Chloe Lowe resides at Lansing, N. Y. ; has no children. To her we — one and all — owe a debt of gratitude for giving to the work the maiden name of her grandmother. For nearly four years I have made search for the maiden name of the wife or El)enezer Loljdell. wife Chloe. Not one of the many appealed to could give me any clew to the search. Mrs. Lowe is certain that her name was Chloe Keeler. Since my correspondence with Mrs. Lowe her husband d. and she remarried in Jan., 1906, to Rev. Wm. E. Rippey, member of the Central New York Conference (1907), stationed near Penn Yan. VIII. Deborah Maloney m. Warren Teeter — as his second wife; his first wife was her sister, Phebe Jane. Deborah had one son, who d. of consumption Sept., 1900, aged 22. IX. Phebe Jane m. Warren Teeter, d. two and one-half years after marriage, leaving one child 15 months old. X. Mary Elizabeth Maloney d. No record. I am told that George, John, Chloe and Deborah are living (1901). 138 Jamp:s Maloney and Deborah LOBDELL (<;) MALONEY (Ebenezer [5] ) (Page 113) vA- ItEV. Wm. E. Kippey and Wife, Chloe Maloney' (7) (Deborah [G] ) (Page 13S) GRANDCHILDREN OF DEBORAH (5) (LOBDELL) FIELD BETSEY'S CHILDREN. "BALDWIN." Phebe, b. ; m. Alason Rogers. Hent"}', b. ; in. jane Dikemaii. Laura, b. ; m. Isaac Ha\ilaml. NATHAN'S CHILDREN. (Carmel, N. Y.) '^•-^ Clarissa, b. 1804; m. (1) Joseph Gannin,^-, (2) Ephraim I'edell. Anson, b. 1806; m. 1838, Huklah Ambler. Sarah, b. 1809; m. 1838, Joseph Hobby. Maria and Marinda (twins), b. 1811. .Marie ni. 1834, Al)ram Khiffen ; Marinda m. 1834, Alotson Dean. Thomas, b. 1814; m. 1868, Mary Travis. Isaac, b. 1817; d. 24 Nov., 1818. Betsey Ann and Nancy Jane (twins), b. 1819. Betsey x^nn m. 1837, Nathan Lane Austin ; Nancy Jane m. 1839, Cyrus Ryder of Danbury, Conn. Lyman, b. 1822 ; m. 1850, Kesia Ann Ellis. Isaac, 1). 1825; m. (1) Henrietta Kent, (2) Martha Knapp. CHLOE'S CHILDREN. "KNOX." Leonard, b. 15 April, 1811; d. 22 Oct., 1889; m. 1835. Pamelia Banks. SALLY'S CHILDREN. "TERRY." Chloe Maria, b. 1827; m. . John, b. 1828; d. 12 Aug-., 1833. Betsey, b. 1834; m. 1858, Wm. Boggs Herdman. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ANNA (5) LOBDELL AND BENJAMIN REYNOLDS. I. Matilda Reynolds (6) m. Isaac Smith. II. Laura Reynolds (6) m. LTnderhill M. Smith. Had: L Daniel D. Smith (7). 2. Phebe Ann Smith (7). 3. Mary E. Smith (7). 4. Harrison Smith (7). 5. Willis Smith (7). 6. Alice Smith (7). 7. Samuel Smith (7). * This list of grrin(lclnl(!rcn is kindly furnished the work by Mr. Ryder of near Danbury, Conn. 139 III. Alice Reynolds (6) m. Purdy Baker. IV. Mary Reynolds (6) m. Jackson Perry Lobdell, son of Anson Lobdell (6). V. Harrison Reynolds (6) m. Betsey Delevan. Had: 1. Floyd Reynolds of North Salem. 2. Hack Reynolds of North Salem. These all were b. and lived in North Salem. From Keeler genealogy. 140 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JACOB LOBDELL (4), SR., AND HIS WIFE, RUTH BOUGHTON. CHILDREN. 1. Ruth. 2. Sylvanus. 3. Levi. 4. Elizabeth. 5. Jacob, Jr. 6. Boughton. 7. John. I. Ruth, bapt. at Cortlandt Manor (Salem), N. Y., Westchester Co., 22 Feb., 1761 ; m. Levi Lamb. One or more of her descend- ants, I am told, reside at Long Lake, Hamilton Co., N. Y., but no answer came to me from letters of inquiry. II. Sylvanus, bapt. at Salem, N. Y., 30 Sept., 1764, d. in West- port, Essex Co., N. Y., in 1836; m. Eliza Anna Knapp, who d. in 1845. After the death of the father, Sylvanus with his mother and her children (excepting Jacob. Jr. (5), who went with his uncle, Heze- Idah Boughton (a brother of his mother), and with his cousins, Enos and Jared Boughton, to Ontario Co., N. Y., in 1789) to the then unbroken wilderness of the Boquet Valley of Essex Co., N. Y., settling at Elizabethtown, where Sylvanus took up the south 100 acres of lot No. 9. This was probably as early as 1792. They suffered much hardship from their destitute circumstances, having to bring all their provisions from Panton, and most of them on their backs, and after the ice on the lake became sound they brought in by sleighing the house furniture they had left in Panton. I under- stand that they paid $1.25 an acre for the land. III. Levi or Levy, bapt. at Salem. N. Y., 31 Aug., 1766, d. at Stephentown, N. Y., about 1805 ; m. Rachel Toucy and had five chil- dren, viz : 1. Polly (6), d. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., aged 16. 2. Eliza (6), m. Thomas Lewis. 3. Harriet (6), m. Robert Odell. 4. Julia (6), m. Theron Slaughter. 5. John (6), d. in Elizabethtown, aged 21. IV. Elizabeth, m. John Ayers. No answer from descendants. 141 V. Jacob, Jr., b. 24 March, 1771, at Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y., d. at \^ictor, Ontario Co., N. Y., 12 Nov., 1847: m. about 1793, Hannah ( Waterbury.) Boughton, a dau. of Levi Boughton (brother of Ruth Boughton, wlio m. Jacol) Lol)dell, Sr.), and Han- nah Waterbury. Jacob Lobdell went from West Stockbridge, Mass., Berkshire Co., in June, 1789. with his Uncle Hezekiah Boughton to the Phelps and Gorham purchase in Ontario Co., N. Y., taking with them cattle and sheep. He remained during the following winter on Boughton Hill, Victor, to care for the stock, while his compan- ions returned to Stockbridge. He was an enterprising and promi- nent citizen, the first supervisor of the town of Victor, 1813, and the first master of the Masonic Lodge there; was well known as an early contractor on the Erie canal ; at one time quite wealthy, but became reduced financially by the betrayal of those to whom he lent the use of his good name. He d. 12 Nov., 1847. aged 76 years, 7 months, loved and mourned by all his neighbors, especially by the poor, to whom he often rendered material aid and counsel. He is buried in Boughton Hill cemetery, near the place where he spent liis first winter in Victor among the Indians and \\nV\ beasts. (The above account is kindly given by his grandson, Mr. Charles W. Lobdell, of Chicago.) VI. Boughton, b. at Stephentown, N. Y., 1773, was sheriff of Essex Co., N. Y., 1815, d. 30 April, 1859. aged 86 years; m. Sophro- nia Newell, b. 1787, d. at Granville, 111., 3 Oct., 1858. aged 71 years. CHILDREN. 1. Anna (6), b. 1807; m. Mr. Pearson of Glen's Falls, N. Y. She d. 30 /Vpril, 1881, aged 74 years. 2. Almira N. (6), b. 1820 (?) ; lived at Warrensburg, N. Y. ; d. in Aug., 1902. I am told left an estate of $14,000. Be- (|ueathed $5,000 to the rector, wardens and vestrymen of the Church of the Holy Cross of Warrensburg. 3. Selleck Boughton (6), b. 1823 (?), m. (?); had one child (7). who d. in infancy. Selleck d. at Chatsworth, III, 17 Sept.. 1868, and is buried with his family at Peru. 111. VII. John, b. 28 March, 1776, at Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., was a farmer of Elizabethtown. Essex Co.. N. Y.. d. 27 April. 1859; m. for his first wife. Nancy Hoisington. b. 17 Oct., 1779, at Southington, Conn., d. at Elizabethtown 14 Oct., 1813. by whom he had no children. John m. for his second wife, at Westport. N. 142 Y., 13 May, 1815, Emma Hoisington, b. 8 Aug., 1791, at Panton, Vt., d. 8 May, 1855 or 58. Husband and wives are buried in the family lot at Westport, N. Y. Nancy and Emma were daughters of James Hoisington and his wife, Elizabeth Richards. The Lobdell family were Universalists. John took a prominent part in the formation of the county and dividing it into towns. Held offices from super- visor down to collector, etc. In the war of 1812 and 14 he belonged to a company of cavalry ; was in the battle of Plattsburgh, 11 Sept., 1814. From first commission of ensign he was promoted by regular grade to the captaincy, which rank he held in the battle of Platts- burgh, N. Y. He mustered his company at 2 o'clock, p. m. of Sept. 10, and was at Plattsburgh on the morning of the 11th ready for battle — marching or riding fift}^ miles. The old commissions, highly prized, are the property of his son, Jerome T. Lobdell. who has kindly given me the war record of his father. 143 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF SYLVANUS (5) AND ELIZA ANN KNAPP LOBDELL. 1. Lucius. 2. Jacob. 3. Seymour Boughton. 4. Polly. 5. Betsey. 6. Ruth. I. Lucius, b. at Westport, N. Y., went to Pierrepont, N. Y., soon after his marriage to Abigail Fish of Saratoga Co., N. Y., where he d. Nov., 1858. II. Jacob also went to Pierrepont, but I have found it impossi- ble to gain any information of him. He raised two children, Wel- thia (7) and Sylvanus (7). III. Seymour Boughton, b. 8 Aug., 1797, at Lewis, Essex Co., N. Y., d. 1877, at Marquette, Mich. He m. Melissa Finney, b. 28 Aug., 1801, and d. 1863, at Detroit, or Jackson, Micji. (dau. of Joel Finney), IV. Polly m. John Kingsley. V. Betsey m. John Chamberlain. VI. Ruth m. Phineas Heath, d. at Westport, N. Y., where a great grandson, Harry Moyning (9) resides. All that is left of her family. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF LUCIUS (6) AND ABIGAIL (FISH) LOBDELL. 1. Welthia. 2. Charles. 3. Jane. 4. Ezra B. 5. Emily. 6. George W. 7. Orrin. 8. Jacob Potter. 9. Letitia. 10. Austin. I. Welthia m. Wm. Hutchinson. II. Charles, living unmarried at Weaverville, Trinity Co., Cal. III. Jane m. L. W. Daniels. IV. Ezra B. m. Ann E. Matthews. V. Emily m. L. H. Matthews. VI. Geo. W., b. 3 Dec, 1827, at Pierrepont, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., d. at same place 23 Aug., 1899; m. .Nancy Daniels, b. 17 March, 1884, at Pierrepont, dau. of Lewis and Mary (Chase) Dan- iels of Pierrepont. 144 . Children of George (7) and Nancy (Daniels) Lobdell. 1. Mary Jane, b. 25 May, 1858; m. Edgar A. Hewitt. Residence, Pierrepont, N. Y. 2. Ella Alberta, b. 6 July, 1861 ; m. Fred'k Sexton. Resi- dence, Los Angeles, Cal. 3. Charles W. of Pierrepont, b. 30 July, 1863 ; m. Edith Bancroft. 4. Adelbert G. of Canton, N. Y., b. 19 Oct., 1865; m. Susie Leonard. 5. Ezra, b. 16 Jan., 1867, at Pierrepont; m. 28 April, 1891, at Pierrepont, Gertrude L. Crandall, b. 18 Oct., 1871, at Pierrepont, dau. of Enoch P. and Cornelia (Pollock) Cran- dall. Have Etta (9), b. 31 Oct., 1897. 6. Myrta, b. 9 March, 1869; m. Henry Crandall of Brownsville, Vt, 7. Minnie, b. 29 July, 1871 ; m. Duane Small of Wind- sor, Vt. 8. Helen A., b. 16 Dec, 1874. VIL Orrin lives at Weaverville, Cal. VHL Jacob Potter, a storekeeper and farmer, was b. 10 June, 1830, at Westport, Essex Co., N. Y., and when about two years of age was brought by his parents to St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., where they located at Highflats, where Mr. Jacob P. Lobdell now resides. Like all the early settlers in a new country, his life has been a very checkered one. From choice, has never been active in poli- tics, never held any office higher than Justice of the Peace, but has done to others as he wished them to return, and is universally re- spected for sound judgment and excellence of character. Mr. Lobdell m. 6 July, 1859, at Parishville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., for his (1) wife, Jane Maria Perkins, b. 15 July, 1835, at Parish- ville, d. 30 Dec, 1864, at Pierrepont, N. Y., leaving an infant dau., Ella Jane (8), only a few hours old. Mrs. L- was dau. of John Leanord and Clarissa Harlow (Brown) Perkins. He m. for (2) wife, at Parishville, Susannah Swain, b. at Briar Hill, N. Y., who d. in Nov., 1897, at Potsdam, N. Y., dau. of Nathan F. and Eliza (Hutchinson) Swain. By (2) wife had — 1. Clara Maude (8) (deceased), m. Dr. C. A. Barnett. 2. John Nathan (8), b. 25 May, 1877, at Madrid Springs, N. Y. Is unmarried and is (1901) occupying the position of secretary of Y. M. C. A., Hartford, Conn. 145 Ella Jane Lobdell (8), dau. l)y (1) wife, b. 30 Dec. 1864, at F'ierrepont ; m. 5 May, 1886, at Parishville. Delmar Henry Christy, b. 9 March, 1855, at Parisliville, son of Charles and Betsey (Bannis- ter) Christy. Mr. C. is a farmer, also postmaster at Highflats, N. Y., where the family reside. Their children are : 1. Charles Harlow Christy (9), b. 17 Jan., 1889. 2. Clarence Cyrus Christy (9), b. 28 May, 1895. 3. John Alfred Christy (9), d. in infancy (1898). IX. Letitia, b. 30 Oct., 1834: m. Judge Aikins Foster, b. 24 Jan., 1827. Soon after m. they removed to Colton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. No children, but adopted a niece of Mrs. Foster's (Alberta), m. Fred L. Sexton of Cal. X. Austin. Xo record. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF SEYMOUR BOUGH- TON (6) AND MELISSA (FINNEY) LOBDELL. ALL BORN IN ESSEX CO., N. Y. 1. Luther. 2. Joseph Finncw 3. Ehira. 4. Xancy Hoising- ton. 5. Ann Eliza. 6. Minerva Rachel. 7. Sarah Polly. 8. Ad- oniram Judson. I. Luther d. young. II. Joseph Finney, b. 10 Dec. 1822. d. 15 Aug., 1883. at Jackson or Detroit. Mich; m. 2 Sept.. 1857, at Detroit, Margaret Matilda Beardslee. b. 7 Aug.. 1833. at Pontiac, Mich., dau. of Chas. J. and Emily (Bonker) Beardslee. Had no children, but adopted a dau.. Miss Olga Lobdell. a music teacher of Detroit. ^lich. III. Elvira, b. 4 March. 1822; m. her cousin. Wm. Wallace Lobdell. son of Jacob and Hannah (Boughton) Lobdell of Victor, X". Y. I am told divorced her husband and is living (1902) at Osseo, Minn., with her niece, Mrs. Geo. Chapman. IV. Nancy Hoisington, b. 20 Sept., 1823; m. Chas. S. Brown of Marquette, Mich., where she d. 21 April, 1879. Her children : 1. Ambrose Seymour Brown (8), living at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 2. Wm. Chas. Brown (8), a broker of Marquette, Mich., b. 23 Sept.. 1855. at Fenton. Genesee Co.. ^lich. ; m. 15 Dec, 1885. Lillie M. Brown, 1). 9 Oct.. 18f)l. at Detroit. Mich., dau. of Jacob and Mary (Kline) Crown. They have a yomig son, Oran Kline Brown (9), b. 5 Aug., 1900. 146 3. Joseph Judsoii r>i-()vvn (8). of Marquette (?). 4. Minnie Melissa ]>ro\vn (8), of Marquette. V. Ann Eliza, b. 10 May, 1825. d. April, 1850, al Jackson. Mich.; m. at Westport in fall of 1849, Henry Abel. b. 8 May. 1824, at Elizabethtown, d. 25 Dec. 1887. at Anoka. Anoka Co.. Minn., son of Charles and Mary (Ames) Abel of Elizabethtown. Had — 1. Ranson Manfred Abel (8), a wholesale produce dealer of Ironwood. Goo^ebic Co., Mich., was b. 9 Nov.. 1850, at Jackson, Mich. When seven months old his mother died, leaving- him to her sister, Minerva Rachel, who died while he Avas still a lad, and was taken by her sister Elvira. He made a place for himself among- the business and intellectual men of his state, and m. 29 . 1879. at Ypsilanti, Mich., to Sara Maria Curtis, b. 16 Aug., 1852. at Perrysburg, Ohio, dau. of Mark and Emeline (Palmer) Curtis of Ypsilanta, Mich. Has son, Alger Arthur Abel (9), b. 3 June, 1884. and daughter, Gretta Belle Abel (9), b. 10 Nov., 1885. YI. Ylinerva Rachel, b. 30 Dec, 1828, d. at Royal Oak, Mich., 1857 ; unmarried. YH. Sarah Polly, b. 3 Feb., 1831, d. Feb.. 1891, at Maple Grove, Alinn. ; m. first, Charles A. Jennison and had a dau., Lettie Dell (8), who m. Geo. Chapman and resides at Maple Grove township, Minn. Sarah Polly m. at Maple Grove, for her second husband, Wm. ;\I. Brooks, who had a dau., who m. Chas. Prible. Ylll. Adoniram Judson, b. 18 ^lay, 1833; m. 13 Aug., 1854. at Jackson, Mich.. Rosetta E. Slade. b. 18 Nov., 1833, at Ludlow, Yt.. dau. of Horace T. Slade and wife, Achsah Wiley. ]\lr. Lobdell is a Republican, and of the Baptist faith. From Essex and Ontario counties, N. Y., he came west to Detroit, Jackson, Grand Rapids, and finally to Marquette, Mich., where he now resides. He has one son, and I think several daughters. The son, Horace Judson (8). b. 4 Sept., 1862, at Marquette, Mich.; m. 9 May, 1888, at Mar- quette, Sara Hughes Randolph, b. Dec. 20, 1865, at Stagner, Ontario, dau. of George and Elizabeth (Osman) Randolph. Mr. Lobdell is a bookkeeper residing at Marquette, a Baptist, and a Republican. Children are : 1. Horace Randolph (9). b. 21 April, 1890. 2. Elizabeth Lucille (9), b. 20 Dec, 1893. 3 and 4. Marie Rosette (9) and Frances (9) (twins. 1). 7 Feb.. 1896. and I am told "the finest on earth"). 147 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JACOB, JR., AND HANNAH (BOUGHTON) LOBDELL. ALL BORN IN VICTOR, N. Y. CHILDREN. 1. George Anson. 2. Chester. 3. Anna Palmyra. 4. Chester (2). 5. Nancy. 6. Sophronia. 7. CaroHne. 8. Levi Boughton. 9. Hannah. 10. Jacob Lyman. 11. Ruth. 12. Wm. Wallace. I. George Anson, b. 8 Nov., 1794, d. 5 Jan., 1870, at Moline, Rock Island Co., 111.; m. 21 April, 1824, at Victor, Almira Austin Preston, b. 24 Nov., 1803, at Victor, d. 4 Nov., 1887, at Granville, Putnam Co., 111. Mr. Lobdell was a farmer. In politics a Demo- crat, until 1856, when he joined the Republican ranks. In religion, a Methodist. II. Chester, b.2 Oct., 1796, d. in infancy. III. Anna Palmyra, b. 5 Aug., 1798, d. at South Norwalk. Conn., 12 Aug., 1872; m. at Victor 19 May, 1831, Abraham Hum- phrey, b. 4 May, 1799, at Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., d. 1 Nov.. 1881, at South Norwalk. Conn., son of Abraham and Huldah (Baldwin) Humphrey. CHILDREN. 1. Ellen M. Humphrey (7), b. 2 March, 1836; m. 18 Jan.. 1860, at Victor, N. Y., Seymour C. Palmer, b. 17 June, 1833, at Frankfort, Herkimer Co., N. Y., son of Adam and Mary (Fuller) Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer in 1902, resided at 25 Elmwood Ave., South Norwalk, Conn. Children : 1. Wm. Humphrey Palmer (8), b. 30 May, 1864, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. 6 June, 1892, at South Norwalk, Conn., Laura G. Brady, dau. of Stephen and Louisa' (Hyatt) Brady. They have one dau., Adelle Hyatt Pal- mer (9), b. IS^Jan., 1894. 2. Mary Fuller Palmer (8). 2. Mary C. Humphrey (7), b. 26 March, 1838, d. at AMc- tor 11 Nov., 1840. 148 3. Jacob L. Humphrey (7), b. 27 July, 1839, d. in Victor 14 Nov., 1840. IV. Chester (second), b. 4 June, 1801 ; d. unmarried 12 Aug., 1842. V. Nancy, b. 30 Nov., 1803; d. unmarried 15 Nov., 1838. VI. Sophronia, b. 20 Nov., 1804, d. at Flint, Steuben Co., Ind., 20 Jan., 1852; m. 25 Feb., 1835, at Victor, Amasa Maro Cleveland, b. 27 Nov., 1812, at Skeneatlas, N. Y., d. 7 Oct., 1863, at Flint, Ind., son of Asalh and Polly (Hawks) Cleveland. CHILDREN. 1. Louise Cleveland (7), b. at Flint, Steuben Co., Ind., 8 Sept., 1839. In religion, a Spiritualist. Unmarried. Resi- dence, San Diego, Cal. 2. Adelpha Cleveland (7), residing at Flint, Ind., b. 21 April, 1842, at Flint, Ind. ; m. 8 July, 1860, George Golden, b. 8 Oct., 1835, in Genesee Co., N. Y., d. 20 May, 1892, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Arrah Golden. Children : 1. Frank Golden (8), b. 12 Nov., 1862; m. 3 July, 1882, Jennie Brown. 2. Edward Golden (8), b. 13 Sept., 1865; m. 25 Nov., 1885, Evaline Barr. 3. Judd Golden (8), b. 10 Aug., 1871. 3. Mary Hannah Cleveland (7), b. 20 April, 1846; m. 13 July, 1867, to Dr. John Blue of Flint, Ind., b. 18 July, 1839, in Allen Co., Ind., d. 5 July, 1884, son of John and Sarah (Mercer) Blue. Children: 1. Nellie Cleveland Blue (8), b. 13 May, 1868; m. 11 Nov., 1891, to Dr. Curtis Wolford of Grand Rapids, Mich. 2. John Blue (8), b. 16 Nov., 1871. 3. Ludell Blue (8), b. 27 Oct., 1876; d. 19 Feb., 1877. VII. Caroline, b. 15 March, 1806; m. as second wife to Rufus Humphrey of Victor, where she d. Had no children. VIII. Levi Boughton, b. 11 Sept., 1810, d. in Victor 25 Dec, 1882; m. 21 July, 1841, Frances M. Jenks, b. 12 May. 1813, d. 1 July, 1871. CHILDREN. 1. Mary Caroline (7), b. 21 June, 1852; m. Frank E. Sale, 21 Feb., 1876, d. 27 Oct., 1887. 2. Wm. Jacob (7), b. 3 April, 1854, d. 17 April, 1854. 149 IX. Hannah, b. 4 Feb., 1814, d. unmarried 23 July. 1840. X. Jacob Lyman, b. 23 Jan., 1816, d. 27 July, 1855. at Victor; m. 2 Feb., 1843, at Victor, Joanna Farr, b. 1819, at East Bloomfield, Ontario Co., N. Y., d. June, 1885, at Victor, N. Y., dau. of Daniel and Lucia (Wright) Farr. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN. 1. Frances M. 2. Burton H. 3. Byron Jacob. 4. Oliver. 1. Frances M.. b. 25 June. 1844, d. in Victor, 27 March, 1897; m. in Victor 30 June, 1874, Bolivar Ellis, b. 25 Feb., 1833, at Victor, son of Henry and Isabel (Bennett) Ellis of Victor. Have one dau. living at Victor, Tsabell Ellis (8), b. 16 June, 1875, at same place. 2. Burton H., a farmer living in Victor, b. 18 March, 1846; m. 19 March. 1873. at Victor, Amelia S. Ketchum, b. 1848 at East Bloomfield, Ontario Co., N. Y., dau. of Nelson and Nancy S. (Blaney) Ketchum of Victor. In politics, a Democrat ; a Universalist in religion. Has two children : Nelson L. (8), b. 31 Jan., 1876; unmarried. Marion F. (8), b. 30 Sept., 1879; unmarried. Both son and dau. are successful teachers. 3. Byron Jacob, b. 28 Dec, 1848, is now li^'ing at Los Angeles, Cal. ; m. 4 June, 1884, at Vinton, Benton Co., Iowa, Mary A. George. Has one son — Jacob Karl Lobdell (8), b. at Los Angeles 13 April, 1887. 4. Oliver, a farmer living at Victor, was b. 3 March, 1851; m. 19 Oct., 1881, at Victor, Lilla Armstrong, b. 8 Dec, 1850, at Pittsford, Monroe Co., N. Y., dau. of Wm. Henry and Mercy Ann Olney Armstrong of Pittsford. Mr. Lobdell is a Universalist in religion ; a Democrat in politics. Chil- dren : 1. Ellery Byron (8), b. 5 Feb., 1883; d. 10 May, 1891. 2. Lulu May (8), b. 1 Feb., 1885 ; d. 14 April, 1892. 3. Ina Frances (8), b. 10 Feb., 1887. 150 XI. Ruth, b. 8 Dec, 1817; d. unmarried 31 March, 1841. XII. Wm. Wallace, b. 16 March, 1820; m. first. Elvira, dau. of Seymour Boughton Lobdell (his cousin) ; m. second, 3 Dec, 1849, Eunice F. Hale, b. 13 Oct., 1823, at Richmond, Genesee Co., N. Y., d. 31 Oct., 1892, dau. of Solan and Eunice (Furbush) Hale. Had one child, Florence (7), b. 3 June, 1859, d. in infancy. Child by first wife : Ruth (7), b. 9 Sept., 1843. at Victor, N. Y. ; m. 2 Jan.. 1876. S. Edward Fisher, b. 25 May, 1829, in New Hamp- shire, son of Samuel and Caroline (Cragin) Fisher. Had two chil- dren : Grace N. Fisher (8), b. 7 July, 1881, and Guy C. Fisher (8), b. 27 May, 1885, d. in infancy. Mrs. Fisher says : "My grandfather and grandmother were cou- sins ; my father and mother were cousins, and I am third cousin to myself — that is as far as my genealogy reaches." I am told that Wm. Wallace Lobdell d. not long since in an asylum for the blind in California. 151 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF GEORGE ANSON (6) AND ALMIRA AUSTIN (PRESTON) LOBDELL. ALL BORN IN VICTOR, N. Y. 1, Maria Louise. 2. DeWitt Clinton. 3. Emeline Minerva. 4. Hannah Almira. 5. diaries Wesley. I. Maria Louise, b. 14 Feb., 1825, d. 5 vSept, 1895, at Sioux City, Woodbury Co., Iowa; m. for first husband, Wm. Hinman. No children. M. for second husband, on 12 June, 1861, at Granville, Putnam Co., 111., Claudius B. French, b. 15 Oct., 1817, at Hanover, Dauphin Co., Pa., son of John and Mary (?) French. Had one child, Claudius B. French, Jr. (8), b. 17 Oct., 1862; m. Flora Min- erva Skeel and resides at 1407 Summit Ave., Sioux City, Iowa. II. DeWitt Clinton, b. 11 Au^s^., 1826; d. in infancy. III. Emeline Minerva, b. 22 June, 1829; d. 14 April, 1847. IV. Hannah Almira, b. 6 Nov., 1831, d. 11 July, 1879, at Ober- lin, Ohio; m. 28 Nov., 1849. at Granville, 111., to David P. Jenkins, b. 25 Aug., 1823, at Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson Co., Ohio, son of Israel and Elizabeth (Horsman) Jenkins. CHILDREN. 1. Annie M. Jenkins (8), b. 6 Jan., 1851 ; d. 28 Sept., 1858. 2. George M. Jenkins (8), b. 22 Jan., 1853; m. Mary A. McCarthy. Resides at 1830 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, 111. 3. Emma Frances Jenkins (8), residing at 1206 Broad- way, Spokane, Wash., was b. 26 June, 1857, at La Salle, 111.; m. 16 May, 1883, at Spokane, Wash., Wm. Howard Rue, b. 13 Aug., 1854, at Englishtown, Monmouth Co., N. J., son of Lewis and • ( ?) Baker Rue. Children : 1. Annie Jenkins Rue (9), b. 9 May, 1884. 2. Mabel Rue (9), b. 19 Aug., 1886. V. Charies Wesley, b. 27 Feb., 1834; m. 19 March, 1854, at Granville, Putnam Co., 111., Eliza J. Gere, b. 2 Dec, 1834, at North- ampton, Mass., d. 30 June, 1862, at Moline, 111., leaving a young 162 Charles,EY Lohdell [7] (George Ausou [G] ) (1834-1906) of Chicuso, 111. (Page 154) son, Edwin Lyman (8). Mrs. L. was dati. of Frederick and Ruth S. (Warner) Gere. Mr. Lobdell m. for his second wife, at MoHne, 111., on 22 Oct., 1864, Henrietta M. Shaw, b. 12 Dec, 1840, at Canandaigua, Ontario Co., N. Y., dau. of Jacob and Marcia (Brown) Shaw. I copy from one of his "old home papers'" the following, which will be of interest to all who know or have heard of the courteous gentleman : "Charles Wesley Lobdell, for years a prominent merchant in Moline, 111., was cashier of the Moline National and Moline Savings Banks for seven years. Was secretary and director of the Moline Plow Compan}^ several years. Was president of the Moline Gas Light Company for ten years. Born in Victor, Ontario Co., New York, Feb., 27, 1834. His father, George A. Lobdell, a farmer, was a native of the same town, his grandfather, Jacob Lobdell (second), having set- tled there in 1788. His mother, before marriage, was Almira Austin Preston, a native of Farmington, N. Y. In 1848 the family migrated to Granville, Putnam Co., 111., where the subject of this sketch received an academical education at Gran- ville Academy and where he was fitted to enter college. Instead, however, of continuing his classical studies, he took up legal, read- ing law at Cleveland, Ohio. He was admitted to practice in Ohio and Illinois in 1858, and went to Mankato, Minn., and opened a law office, and in 1860 returned to Illinois and settled in Moline, where he started a dry goods store and was a successful trader until 1875, when he closed out the business. He was alderman for two terms, and connected at one time as a member of the Board of Education. During a residence of twenty-nine years in iMoline he was a public-spirited, thorough-going business man, taking pride with other local capitalists in pushing forward and developing the inter- ests of the city. His politics are Republican, and his religious connections with the Reformed Episcopal Church. He was first married March 19, 1854, to Eliza J. Gere of Gran- ville. She died June 30, 1862, leaving a son and an infant daughter, the latter soon following her; and the second marriage, Oct. 22, 1864, to Henrietta M. Shaw, daughter of the late Jacob Shaw of Moline, having by her two daughters, Mrs. Frances Lobdell Brown and Mrs. Marion Lobdell Bradford, both of Chicago." 153 Mr. Lobdell became a resident of Chicago in 1882. Retired from business and resided with his wife at 3861 Lake Ave. On the morning of 1 Sept., 1906, at 5 o'clock, this good man passed away. For over a year he had failed in health, and, hoping for added strength and vitality, he rented for the summer a cottage at Macka- tawa Park, on the shore of Lake Michigan. Here he seemed to rallv. and often expressed himself as happy to be surrounded b} his wife, his daughters and their children, all so thoroughly enjoying themselves. On vSaturday, 26 Aug., Mr. L. was taken suddenly- ill (his stomach refused to accept ain- nourishment), and his physi- cian was at once telegraphed for, who advised immediate remoxal home, where he lingered until released from sufifering. "And his lifeless body, lay A worn-out fetter, that the soul Had broken and thrown away." He is buried at Moline. 111., beside his loved ones gone before, "and with the sanctified love of his ever-generous and thoughtful spirit, he yearns to bring the loved ones left, to the world and life where partings are unknown." Let us all cherish the memory of Charles Wesley Lobdell, for no person was ever more loyal to his family name. It is to me a cause of deep regret that this genealogy could not have been en- joyed by him, for the work was near to his heart and eagerly waited for. CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN OF CHARLES WES- LEY LOBDELL (7). CHILDREN. 1. Edwin Lyman. 2. Lillie. 3. Frances Eliza. 4. Marion Emma. By (1) Wife, Eliza J. (Gere) Lobdell. I. Edwin L. (8) Lobdell was b. in Granville, Putnam Co.. HI.. 14 July, 1857. His boyhood was spent at Moline, 111., where his family settled prior to 1860. He was educated in the public scliools of Moline. In 1874, at the age of seventeen years, he commenced his busi- ness career in Chicago as clerk in the First National Bank of that 154 Edwin Lyman Lohdell (8) (Charles Wesley [7] ) of Chicago, 111. (Page 154) city, Lyman J. Gage, then cashier of that bank, and more recentlv secretary of the treasnry of the United States, under President Mc- . Kinley, being his first employer. His progress in the bank was rapid and lie served successively as receiving and pacing teller until 1881, when he started the firm of Edwin L. Lobdell & Compan}-, Bankers and Brokers. His firm, with some changes in its personnel from time to time, has been in active business in Chicago continuously since that date. He was married in 1883 to Miss Annie Philpot, daughter of Brian Philpot, a leading citizen of Chicago for many years. His children are: Charles W. (9), a graduate of Yale College, class of 1905, S. ; Adeline (9), a graduate of Mount Vernon Sem- inary, AVashington, D. C, class of 1906; and Edith (9), now a pupil in the Northampton School for Girls, Northampton, Mass. He is a member of the Union League Club, Chicago Athletic Association, Exmoor Country Club, Midlothian Country Club, Twentieth Century Club, Coleman Lake (fishing) Club. His energy and perseverance are the two characteristics which have contributed most largely to his successful business career. II. Lillie, d. in infancy. Children by (2) Wife, Henrietta (Shaw) Lobdell. I. Frances Eliza (8), I). 3 July, 1866, at Moline, Rock Island Co., 111. ; m. 16 Oct., 1888, at Moline. Robert Patterson Brown, b. 6 Nov., 1859, at Chicago, 111., son of Andrew Jesse and Abby Louise (McCagg) Brown. Children : 1. Robert McCagg Brown (9), b. 4 Feb., 1891. Is (1907) a high school graduate of Chicago. 2. Arline Henrietta Brown, a student (1907) of Chicago University ( ]3reparatory ) . II. Marion Emma. b. 26 July, 1869, at Moline; m. 12 Feb., 1895, at Chicago, Josiah Bradford, b. 29 Nov., 1858, at Romulus, N. Y. (son of Theron and Mary Elizabeth (Draper) Bradford of Syracuse, N. Y.) They have two sons (both b. at Chicago), viz: Wm. Josiah Bradford (9). b. 26 Oct., 1899, and Charles Lobdell Bradford (9), b. 21 April, 1907 (the youngest representative in the Lobdell Genealogy). These sons are lineal descendants of Gov, Wm. Bradford of ]\Iassachusetts, who was one of the "Mayflower" passengers, 1620. 165 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOHN (5) AND EMMA HOYSINGTON LOBDELL. ALL BORN AT WESTPORT, ESSEX CO., N. Y. CHILDREN. I. Erastus. 2. Levi. 3. James. 4. Jacob. 5. Nancy. 6. Caroline. 7. Rosamond. 8. Jerome Theron. L Erastus, now living; at Elizabethtown, Essex Co., N. Y., b. 12 Sept., 1816; m. 12 June, 1853, at Essex Co., N. Y., Mary A. Nichols, dau. of Roland and Betsey (Durand) Nichols. Children: 1. Wm. H. (7), b. at Elizabethtown; m. Viola Hodgkins. 2. Jenny (7), b. at Elizabethtown; m. ]\Ioses Smith. 3. Edward J. (7), b. at Elizabethtown; m. Belle Hodg- kins. 4. Ella (7), b. at Elizabethtown; m. Albert Emnott. II. Levi, a carpenter and millwright, b. 6 June. 1818, d. 12 May, 1896, at Delhi. Iowa; m. 11 Nov., 1845, at Addison. Vt., Jane Good- ale, b. 21 Oct., 1818, at Addison. Vt., d. Sept.. 1893. at Dubuque, Iowa, dau. of Jared and Patience (Sumner) Goodale of Vermont. CHILDREN. 1. Amelia J. 2. Rosatha A. 3. Levi Jerome. 4. John C. 5. Jared Charles. 6. John AA^illiam. 7. Irving. 1. Amelia J. (7), living at Delhi, Delaware Co., Iowa, was b. 9 Dec. 1846. at Westport. Essex Co., N. Y. ; m. 19 Oct., 1887, at Dubuque, Iowa, Edwin H. King, b. 30 Aug., 1845, at Clayton, Iowa, son of James and Maryetta Bartlett King of Canada. Has one dau. (8) m. and living in Buch- anan Co., Iowa. 2. Rosatha A. (7), residing at Minneapolis, Minn., b. 22 Nov., 1848, at Elizabethtown, N. Y. ; m. in Dubuque, Iowa, 12 Sept., 1876, Henry C. Ehrlick, b. at Youngstown, Ohio, son of Fredrick and Katherine (Fair) Ehrlick of Elkader, Iowa. Has two daughters: 156 FATHER AND CzRANDSONS OF CHARLES WESLEY I OBDEI L (DECEASED) OF CHICAGO Geo. Anson Lobdell (0) (Jacob. Jr. [5] ) (1704-1870) of Victor, N. Y., and Moliiie, 111. (Page 148) Charles W. Lobdell (9) (Edwin L. [8] ) of Chicago, 111. (Page If).",) Robert McCagg P>ro\vn (9) (Frances E. [8] ) of Chicago, 111. (Page 155) Wm. Josiah Bradford (9) (Marion E. [8] ) of Chicago, 111. (Page 155) 1. Florence A. Ehrlick (8), b. at Minnesota City, 25 Sept., 1879. 2. Josephine Mae Ehrlick (8), b. at Elkader, Iowa, 8 Nov., 1883. 3. Levi Jerome (7), living at Dubuque, Iowa, b. 9 June, 1852, at Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. ; m. at Dubuque, Iowa, 31 Aug., 1876, Lilian C. Hickock, b. 8 May, 1858, at Dubuque, Iowa, dau. of Sylvester and Frances (Terry) Hickock of Dubuque. Mr. Lobdell is a machine wood- worker, a Republican, and a member of the Congregational Church. Children of Levi Jerome (7) and Lilian (Hickock) Lobdell, all bom in Dubuque. 1. Charles Elmer (8), b. 13 July, 1877; d. 22 Sept., 1898, at Jacksonville, Fla. 2. Willard LeRoy (8), b. 9 July, 1879. 3. Harry Allen (8), b. 4 July, 1881. 4. James Edward (8), b. 3 Feb., 1884. 5; Jerome Orville (8), b. 18 Feb., 1887; d. 1 Sept., 1891. 6. Leonard Irving (8), b. 11 May, 1889. 7. Francis (8), b. 18 Jan.. 1892; d. 11 Feb., 1892. 8. Jerome Leslie (8), b. 7 April, 1895. 9. Lillian Frances Jane (8), b. 3 March, 1899. 4. John C. (7), b. 7 Nov., 1853; d. in childhood. 5. Jared Charles (7), a brass worker, living at Minne- apolis, Minn., b. 22 June, 1856, at McGregor, Clayton Co., Iowa; m. at Dubuque 31 Oct., 1878, Elvira A. Hodge, b. 9 Nov., 1860, at Eau Clair, Wis., dau. of Fredric O. and Sarah (Werner) Hodge. Mr. Lobdell is a Baptist in Religion. In politics, a Republican. Children : 1. Henry James (8), b. 30 March, 1880. 2. John Fred'k (8), b. 18 Oct., 1882; d. 3 July, 1883. 3. Judson Charles (8), b. 5 May, 1891; d. in infancy. 6. John W. (7), b. 12 Jan., 1860; m. Matilda Kaufmann. 7. Irving (7), a clerk, living at Dubuque, Iowa, was b. 26 Oct., 1863, at McGregor, Clayton Co., Iowa; m. at Du- buque 28 Aug., 1889, Mae Nuss, b. 24 Feb., 1869, at Sauk City, Wis., dau. of Henry and Marie (Helm) Nuss of Sauk 157 City. ]\rr. Lobdell is a Republican in politics. Has one son, Earl Leslie (8), b. 6 Oct., 1892, at Dubuque. III. James, b. 27 Oct., 1820, d. 19 April, 1896, at Pleasant Val- ley, Scott Co., Iowa ; m. jane Knapp, who d. May, 1874, at Saranac Lake, N. Y. Mr. Lobdell was in religion a Methodist ; in politics, a Republican, and by occupation, a blacksmith. Children of James (6) and Jane (Knapp) Lobdell. 1. Nellie E. (7), deceased; m. Dr. H. Roberts. 2. Myria A. (7), m. John Little of Port Henry, N. Y. 3. John Ambrose (7), the only one of the children of James (6) and Jane Knapp Lobdell of whom I have obtained record, was b. 17 June, 1848, at Elizabethtown, N. Y., d. 21 July, 1894, at Westport, N. Y. ; m. 20 Jan., 1875, at Eliza- bethtown, Alma A. Bull, b. 8 July, 1847, at Westport, N. Y., dau. of Ephraim J. Bull and Mary N. Green. Children: 1. Pearl A. (8). b. 30 April, 1876. 2. Nellie R. (8), b. 26 Aug., 1879. 3. Mary E. (8), b. 4 March, 1882, at Westport, is a successful teacher at Wadham's Mills, Essex Co., N. Y. 4. Harley A. (8), b. 20 Nov., 1885. 5. Charles A. (8), b. 22 March, 1888. 4. Charles W. (7), m. Mary demons. 5. Herbert (7) of Saranac Lake, m. Mary Peck. 6. Emma (7), deceased. 7. Ernest (7) of South Dakota, m. Myria Sawyer. 8. Elmer (7) of Saranac Lake, m. Carrie Wood. IV. Jacob, b. 18 Feb., 1823; d. 18 Jan., 1894. V. Nancy, b. 8 Aug., 1826; m. Juliua Vaughan. Had one son. John Lobdell Vaughn ; not knowing his residence. VI. Caroline, b. 12 Sept., 1828; m. Calvin Pratt; one dau., Mrs. Emma Simonds ; not knowing residence. VII. Rosamond, b. 6 Feb., 1833: unmarried, resides at Eliza- bethtown, N. Y. VIII. Jerome Theron, b. 19 Feb., 1835, at W>stport, N. Y. ; m. 19 Jan., 1861, at Lewis, Essex Co., N. Y., Helen Deyoe, b. 5 Dec, 1838, at Elizabethtown, dau. of Jacob and Mary (Woodruff) Deyoe. Mr, Lobdell is a Universalist in religion, a Republican in politics. Is now (1902) living at Elizabethtown, N. Y., on the same farm on which he has lived since 1 April, 1848, and where, he says, he will 158 stay until called to his home beyond. He has never held public office, from choice preferring to lead a more quiet life, but in the community no man is more respected for genuine, sterling worth than Mr. Lobdell. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JEROME (6) THERON AND HELEN (DEYOE) LOBDELL. L Mary Emma. 2. Lewis Levi. 3. John Erastus. 4. Edith A. 5. Clifford. 6. Harry. L Mary Emma. b. 25 March. 1862; d. 17 April. 1862. II. Louis Levi, living at Saranac Lake, Franklin Co., N. Y., b. 19 Nov., 1863; m. 6 Sept., 1896, at Plattsburg, Clinton Co., N. ¥., Catherine Mihills, b. at Wilmington, Essex Co., N. Y. (dau. of Sylvester and Sarah (Hazelton) Mihills of Saranac Lake). No children. HI. John Erastus, living at Elizabethtown, Essex Co., N. Y., was b. 24 April, 1866; m. 18 Dec, 1889, at Elizabethtown, Lena A. Lewis, b. 25 Oct., 1866, at Elizabethtown, dau. of Alva M. and Anna (Southmaid) Lewis of Jay, Essex Co., N. Y. CHILDREN. 1. Walter R. (8). 2. Anna H. (8). 3. Mabel E. (8). 4. Rosamond (8). 5. Kittie (8). IV. Edith A., b. 6 Feb., 1870; m. 10 July. 1901, at Elizabeth- town, Frank Vaughn. V. Clifford, b. 15 Jan., 1874; m. 4 Nov., 1896, at Elizabethtown, Rose Mary Lewis, dau. of Alva M. and Mary (McKay) Lewis of Elizabethtown. No children. VI. Harry, b. 20 March, 1881. 169 The family of Daniel (4) and Elizabeth (Lockwood) Lobdell lived at Cortland Manor, Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y., on a farm adjoining his brother Ebenezer's and west of his brother John's. We have no record if his departure from his Salem home, but it was after 1766 — 31 Aug. — at which date his son Joseph was baptized. Daniel with his family migrated to what was called "The Royal Grant" — New York state. Sims' History Schoharie Co. and border wars of New York tells us : "The Royal Grant contained nearly 100,000 acres of choice land, mostly situated in' the County of Herkimer, was formerly the property of Sir Wm. Johnson, granted 1761 ; the title to this land being confirmed by the British government, hence called "The Royal Grant." Daniel Lobdell settled in a place called Salisbury, which was peopled before the .Revolution by persons friendly to the Crown. That they suffered privations in the new country, such privations as we of the present day cannot even realize, is beyond doubt. From Revolutionary records. Vol. 16 of manuscript, entitled "Assembly papers." I find the following: "Montgomery County, N. Y. This may certifie that Daniel Lobdell of Palentine Town in the County aforesaid did belong to Capt. John Cuizer's Company of ]\Iilitia in my Ridgment in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty, and was so fare in actual service as to be held ready for service at a minute's warning, and being at home at his own house in the Royal grant on the third day of April in the year aforesaid was taken prisoner by a party of Indians, him- self and three sons, one of abought sixteen years of age, the other two younger, and carried prisoners to Canady and theire cept three years and a half, stript of his property sutch as they could carry away, and left his wife with the remaining part of his children in distressed surcomstances. February 12th, 1793. Jacob Klock, John Keyser. Led Corl." 160 x\s Herkimer Co. was not organized till 17*J1, when it was taken from Montgomery Co., so that Daniel served in a militia organization of the later county. Daniel must have returned to Salem after the war, as on 23 Feb., 1799, he was one of the witnesses of his brother Ebenezer's will. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DANIEL (4) AND ELIZABETH (LOCK- WOOD) LOBDELL. 1. Daniel. 2. Joseph. 3. Zadock. 4. Isaac. 5. A dau. 6. A dau. 7. Samuel. I. Daniel, bapt. at Salem, N. Y., by Rev. Dr. Diblee, 25 Aug., 1765. All that I have been able to find of Daniel after moving to Herkimer Co. is kindly given me by Judge Geo. W. Smith of Herkimer, who found the following memoranda among his father's papers : "April 3rd, 1826. Daniel Lobdell began work with me, Samuel Smith (2nd), for the term of two years, for the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, together with the privilege of mending his own family's shoes and for the purpose of learning the tanning and currying and shoemak- ing business." Also — Margaret Lobdell, Cr., l)y 8 lb., 1 oz. calfskin, 0.81. Dr. to bal- ance our account, 0.12j/> ; to 1 pr. morocco shoes, 1.50. Also— From an old account book, April 3rd, 1827. Cr. by his labor* one hundred dollars to balance in full of all over work account up to this date. April 19th. Samuel Smith, 2nd. Daniel Lobdell." II. Joseph L. was bapt. at Salem, N. Y., 31 Aug., 1766, by Dr. Deblee. With his father's- family he moved to Herkimer Co.. N. Y. Revolutionary records at Washington, D. C, give : "Joseph Lobdell, a soldier in the Revolutionary war, a private 161 in Capt. John Ke3-ser's Co., Col. Klock's Reg't, enlisted at Little Falls, Herkimer Co., N. Y. ; says he was taken prisoner in March or April, 1777. by Tories and Indians, at a place called Yankee Bush, seven miles north of Little Falls, was taken to Canada and kept until the war closed." He probably returned to Westchester and Albany counties, where many of his relations lived, and I think entered the army where many of his relations lived. He m. Dorcas Holcomb, b. in Sims- bury, Conn.. 25 May, 1766, dau. of Josiali and Dorcas (Smith) Holcomb. Her parents moved to Nassua, Rensselaer Co., N. Y.. and while here Joseph was drowned — the sad accident occurring" five months before the l)irth of his only child, Joseph Lobdell. Jr. His widow re-married at Xassua to Mr. Clark, by whom she had two children — Cynthia and Lewis Clark. ^Ir. Clark d. and Dorcas m. for her tliird luisljand, Jesse Stuart. li\-ing at Scipio, Cayug-a Co., N. Y.. a native of X'ermont. b\- whom she had three children — Orsemus vStuart, Polly Stuart and Francillo Stuart, who ni. Lucinda Davis, a sister of the wife of Joseph Lobdell. Jr. Dorcas d. 1848, aged 82. at the home of Francillo Stuart. Spring- water, Livingston Co., N. Y^ HI. Zadock. Revolutionary records say that he was about ele\en years old when captured by Indians, with his father and brothers, in 1777; say that he was sold by Indians to a British officer and kept by him for seven years. His name is found in the account book of Samuel Smith, second, of Herkimer — as a farmer — and exchanging his farm products with Mr. Smith. This was in the year 1827. He m. Miss Castler and had children ; moved to Theresa, Jefferson Co., X. Y., where he d. at the home of his son- in-law, John Boyer, and is buried in the \-illage grave yard. IV. Isaac, of whom I can find no trace. \' and VI are daughters of whom I could gather no information only as given in the letter of Mr. John Little Lobdell, page 341. that one m. Mr. Lounsberry ; the other, ]\Ir. Rundell. VII. Samuel, the youngest, was with his sisters left with the mother when his father and brothers were taken captives by the Indians, lie being too young to walk. He was probably born at Salisbur}-, Herkimer Co., where he m. Lois Greenfield. There were their children born and there tliey li\x.! r.ntil about 1834, when they went to live with their oldest son, Lockwood Lobdell, who had made for himself a comfortable home in Cherry \'al!ey. Ashta- 162 bula Co., Ohio. Samuel liad i)cen an invalid for years, having- suf- fered from what was called "a stroke of palsy," and one day in the summer of 1836 he was found in the cornfield, where he had feebly gone to try to work, prostrated by another shock, from which he soon after died. His widow survived until 1868. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILD OF JOSEPH, SR., AND DORCAS (HOLCOMB) LOBDELL. I. Joseph, Jr., b. 1788. probably in Xassua, Rensselaer Co.. N. Y. ; m. Sarah Cordelia Davis, and resided in Ontario Co.. N. Y., until five of their children were born, then removed to Lower San- dusky, Ohio, where both died, he in 1843, she in 1844. Was a farmer. The parents of Sarah Cordelia Davis were David Davis and his wife, Renewa (?) (Can an}^ one send to me her maiden name?) Sarah Cordelia's sister, Lucinda Davis, b. 1810, m. Francello Stuart, a half-brother of Joseph Lobdell, Jr. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOSEPH, JR., AND SARAH CORDELIA (DAVIS) LOBDELL. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, b. near Richmond, Ontario Co., N. Y. 1. Sarah Cordelia. 2. Orren Seth. 3. Eretus Davis. 4. Phile- tu.s. 5. Joseph Judson. 6. David. 7. Elizabeth Ann. I. Sarah Cordelia m. James P)attles. by whom she had one dau., Emma, now living (1905), but I greatly regret having mis- laid the record sent me by Mr. Battles, who resides at North Fields Farm, Mass. vSarah Cordelia d. in 1856; is buried in Michigan City, Ind. II. Orren Seth, b. in Ontario Co., N. Y., 23 Oct., 1818, d. near Barcley, Sangamon Co., 111., 20 March, 1865; m. at Groton, Erie Co., Ohio, 1 July. 1842, Elizabeth M. Crippen, b. 3 Dec. 1820, at 163 Oxford, Huron Co., Ohio, d. at Calumet, Ind., 1854, dau. of Stephen Crippen — his second wife was Nancy Caryl. Mr. Lobdell was a blacksmith; Republican; Methodist. Had resided in Ohio, Indiana, Minnesota and Illinois. Orren Seth Lobdell enlisted in 1st 111. Cavalry, Sangamon Co., 1861 ; served one year, when the regiment disbanded. In 1862 he served as cook six months at Bird's Point. In fall of 1862 he en- listed in Company C, Vaughn's Battery, Springfield Light Artillery, served until 20 Feb., 1865, returned home and d. 20 March, 1865, just one month after reaching home. III. Eretus Davis, b. 1821, near Richmond, Ontario Co., N, Y., d. in 1855, at St. Charles, Alinn. ; m. 1843, at Sandusky, Ohio, Emily Crippen, b. 18 Feb., 1823, at Pipe Creek, Ohio, d. 6 March, 1881, at Spring Valley, Minn., dau. of Stephen Crippen and wife, Laura Harrington. Mr. Lobdell was a Democrat ; in religion, Uni- versalist. IV. Philetus, b. 20 June, 1825, d. 30 Jan., 1863, at Monroeville, Huron Co.. Ohio; m. for his first wife, Mary Ann Olmstead. by whom he had one dau. He m. for second wife, on 28 Oct., 1852, Margaret Duncan, b. 2 Aug., 1830, d. 5 Feb., 1899. Mr. Lobdell enlisted in the U. S. service in War of the Rebellion and was killed while on his way to be mustered into the service. V. Joseph Judson, b. 22 Feb., 1830; m. 28 Oct., 1853, at" Chi- cago, III, Elizabeth Maria Napier, b. 5 Dec, 1833, at Blissficld, Monroe Co., Mich., dau. of Wm. and Ruth Hoag Napier, d. at Chi- cago at the home of her dau.. Dr. Efiie Lobdell, 10 Dec, 1904. In- terment at Green Bay, Wis., at which place Joseph Judson Lobdell also d. 5 May, 1886. He was a lake pilot and captain ; a Whig ; Universalist in religion. Has three daughters, viz. : 1. Addie Cordelia (8), b. 21 April, 1857; m. Wm. H. ]\Iarvin. 2. Jennie Belle (8), b. 24 Aug.. 1865; m. Roscoe Elroy McCann. 3. Effie Leola (8), b. 1 Jan., 1867, at Washington Island. Wis. ; educated at Green Bay, Wis., until 1886. Graduated from Ft. Wayne (Indiana) College of Medicine (now the Medical Dept. of Purdue University) in 1891. Immediately came to Chicago and began practice of medicine. 164 Eretis Davis Lobdkl] (7) and Wife (Joseph Jr. [G] ) (1X21-1855) uf Spring \'alley, Minn. (Paye 1G4) Okkkn Skth Lobdell (T) (Joseph [C] ) (1818-1865) of .Sangamon County. 111. (Page 1(53) >■ P»-^., i "^ ^l ^ i^ 1=.- ^^' ^ d K^^ .^1 I'UILETUS LOBUELL (7) (Joseph [6] ) (1825-1863) of Fremont, Ohio (Page 164) CAPT. Jos. JtDSOX I.OBIJELL (7) (Joseph [6] ) (1830-1886) of (ireen Bay. Wis. (Page 163) In 1893 was appointed by Gov. John P. Altgeld to medical staff of Eastern Illinois Hospital for Insane at Kankakee, 111., being first woman physician so appointed. In 1895 was ap- pointed Obstetrician to the staff of Mary Thompson Hospital for Women and Children in Chicago, which position she held until 1902. In 1901 was appointed as attending physician on staff of Cook County Hospital by Board of Cook County Com- missioners and re-appointed to the same position 1903. This was the first appointment of a woman to this position. Was sur- geon to Frances Willard Hospital ; Florence Crittenton Anchor- age, and Supt. of Harvey Hospital for several years. With Dr. Frances Dickinson established Harvey Medical College, the first night school of medicine in Chicago. At present devotes herself to private practice of surgery in Chicago. Office, Mar- shall Field Buildine. From the Wisconsin State Gazette : "The death of Capt. Lobdell made a break in the ranks of the older lake navigators, and was a passage to the other shores of one whose presence will be missed by many old comrades. Joseph Judson Lobdell was born Feb. 22, 1830, in Ontario Co., N. Y. His family moved into Ohio when he was seven years of age and resided in and near San- dusky. At the age of fourteen he was bereft of both par- ents, his father and mother dying within a year of each other. As a boy he engaged in sailing and sailed for some four or five years out of Sandusky, on Lake Erie. In the spring of 1850 he went to the straits of Mackinac and was one of the first settlers of Pine River, Michigan, now called Charle- voix. In the summer of 1853 he went to Detroit Harbor. In the same fall he was married to Elizabeth M. Napier. Subsequent to this he went with his brother, David Lob- dell, to Beaver Island, and at the time of the Mormon ex- citement there, when the prophet Strang was killed, in 1856, he was keeping the lighthouse at the head of the Beavers. It became unpleasant for him, as for all gentiles there, in the unsettled period there that succeeded the tragedy, and he left the island. He afterward took part in the raid of the gentiles there, when the Mormons were driven from the island. He then settled on Washington Island, where he 165 remained eighteen years, being engaged in the fishing busi- ness with \Vm. Craw for fourteen years, and with Wm. P. Ranney four years. He then removed to Green Bay, where he continued to reside until his death. Capt. Lobdell ran a schooner on Lake Superior one season. He was with Capt. Gaylord one season on the old propeller Rocket, and later one season on the Canisteo. After coming to Green Bay he followed sailing most of the time, being with Hagen & English several years as master of the steam barge Minnie. He was a good sailor and was well acquainted along the entire chain of lakes, having pilot's papers accordingly. Captain Lobdell's widow and three daughters survive, namely : Mrs. W. H. Marvin of Green Bay, Miss Jennie Lobdell of INIichigan and Effie L. Lobdell of Green Bay. The deceased was a man of friendly and social qualities, one who l^ore the reputation of being honest, and who had many staunch friends. Like all men who follow the water and are compelled to exercise and cultivate judgment — to act quickly in responsible situations, and who have the quality of observation sharpened, he was a man of good prac- tical ideas and one to be trusted with great responsibility. A fondness for reading kept him posted on all current events. The sickness that preceded his death was. a long and painful one, but through it ail he preserved hope and exhibited great tenacity of purpose that almost seemed to keep death re- mote. During his sickness he w^as held in kindly remem- brance by many friends. The famil}- liave much sympath}' in the bereavement that takes away its head." VL David Davis, a farmer, b. 4 Nov., 1830, d. 30 Nov., 1897, at Alexandria, La.; m. 15 Oct., 1862, Eliza A. Holcomb, b. at Fre- mont, Sandusky Co., Ohio, dau. of Thomas Holcomb (b. in Granby, Conn.) and Agnes Leforce, his wife, b. in Normandy, France. Mrs. Lobdell for the past three years has been with her sister, Mrs. Gillette, at Lansing, Mich. I have greatly ^•alued her cor- respondence. She is really a mine of reliable, valuable informa- tion. She tells me that the sons of Joseph were all tall; Eretus looked like his father. They had five children. Two boys and two girls died in infancy. A dau., Harriet (8), grew to womanhood, a woman of character and education. I am told by several descendants that she was a 166 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oberst of Fremout, Ohio Sarah Lucinda (8) (Pbiletus [7] ) (rage 1G9) Stephen C. Lobdell (8) (Eretus D. [7] ) of Spring Valley. Minn. (Page 1G8) Dr. El' fie Lobdell (8) (Capt. Joseph Judson [7] ) of Chicago. 111. (Page 104) WiLFORD NORRLS liOB- DELL (8) (Orren Seth [7] ) of Rochester, III. (Page l(i8) Orren R. Lobdell (8) (Orrin S. [6] ) of Belle Plain, Kansas (Page 1G7) particularly charming^ person. She was b. in Green Ray, Wis.,, d. of malarial fever at Alexandria, La., 22 June, 1897. Was educated at Chicago, 111., and Nashville, Tenn. ; then sent to St. Louis, where she finished her musical education. VIL Elizabeth Ann, b. 15 July. 1839, at Groton, Huron Co., Ohio ; m. at Valparaiso, Ind., 25 Sept., 1856, by Rev. J. C. Brown, James Anderson Walton, a farmer, b. 17 Jan.. 1834, in Ohio. d. at Benton Harbor, Mich., son of John and Nancy Blake Walton. James and Elizabeth after marriage moved to Lake Station, Ind., afterward coming to Benton Harbor, Berrion Co., Mich.,^ where Mr. Walton died in 1890. Mrs. AA\ is, with all her children, living at Benton Harbor. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ORREN SETH (7) AND ELIZABETH MINERVA (CRIPPEN) LOBDELL. 1. Huldah. 2. Charles. 3. Orren R. I. Huldah R., b. 5 March, 1843. II. Charles S., b. 16 March, 1845. III. Orren R.. a blacksmith, residing at Belle Plaine, Kansas, b. 2 May, 1848; m. 3 July, 1871, for his first wife— at Springfield, 111. — Ida Freeman; m. second and third time, but I am unable to give maiden name of wives. Mr. Lobdell is a Grand Army man, having served in same Co. as his father during the "War of the Rebellion." Is a Republican, and Protestant. Formerly resided in Barcley, 111. O. R. Lobdell left Ohio with his parents in 1853, went to In- diana, where they stayed until 1855; went to Minnesota, and in 1858 moved to Illinois. He started out for himself in 1882, choos- ing Kansas as his destination, at that time on the boom. Was successful, but in 1890 lost his wife and met with severe pecuniary losses, but stayed by Kansas with its hot winds and cyclones and other ups and downs until he recovered all he had lost in property; then traveled over Missouri, Arkansas, Nebraska and Indian Ter- ritory, but liked Kansas the best, and returned and will probably end his days there. IV. Stephen C, b. 8 Nov., 1851. 167 V. Wilford Norris, a farmer, b. 2 May, 1853, at Monroeville, Huron Co., Ohio, resides at Rochester, Sangamon Co., 111., since 1858; m. 4 Dec, 1878, Alary Minerva Garretson, b. 9 Sept., 1860, at Rochester, 111., dau. of Samuel and Amelia Jane (Dickerson) Gar- retson. In religion, Protestant. Prohibition in politics. VI. Mary A., b. 8 Nov., 1858. VII. Ida M., b. 18 May, 1860. VIII. Anna M., b. 16 Oct., 1861. CHILDREN OF ERETUS D. (7) AND EMILY (CRIPPEN) LOBDELL. I. Stephen C, b. 6 June, 1844, at Sandusky City, Ohio; m. 8 Sept., 1865, at Wabasha, Wabasha Co., Minn., Josephine E. Far- man, b. 23 Sept., 1844, in England. Mr. Lobdell was a resident of Monroeville, Ohio, 16 years ; St. Charles, Minn., three years ; Wa- basha, Minn., three years ; was in U. S. service. Civil War, two and a half years, and has been a resident of Spring Valley, Minn., nearly 40 years. Is a hardware merchant; belongs to the Repub- lican party, and is a Liberalist in religion. Stephen C. Lobdell enlisted 18 April, 1861, for three months in 24th Ohio Volunteer Infantry ; re-enlisted for three years, or dur- ing the war, in same company, mustered at Camp Chose, Ohio. Went to the front with 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th O. V. I. regi- ments, Aug., 1861. Was a comrade and friend of the late Wm. McKinley, 23rd O. V. I. Regiment followed line of march into Western Virginia, to Clarksburg, thence to Cheat Mountain, where they had several engagements. Left at Clarksburg on account of sickness; followed regiment in the fall of 1861 and was in the en- gagement at Gaully river against rebel General Floyd. Marched through Kentucky and was in the battle of Shiloh, where, on the third and last da}- of the fight, was wounded in right leg; was sent back to Cincinnati, O., and from there "home, to die." Arrived in Monroeville, Huron Co., Ohio, unconscious; rallied and went to Columbus, Ohio, and enlisted in the 88th O. V. I., to drive John Morgan out of Kentucky. Returned to Columbus and was mus- tered out after 27 months' service. II. Laura Crippen, b. (?); m. John Henry Davis. Re- sides at Dover, Minn. III. Xachary Taylor Lobdell d. in childhood. 168 EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF PHILETUS (7) LOBDELL AND FIRST AND SECOND WIVES. 1. Mary. 2. Francello Stuart. 3. Sarah Lucinda. 4. Eliza Jane. 5. Orren. 6. Hannah Furgeson. 7. Harriet Anstress, By First Wife, Mary Ann Olmstead. I. Mary, b. ( ?) ; ni. (1) John Allen, (2) John Rowlins. No answer to my letter of inquiry. By Second Wife, Margaret Duncan. II. Francello Stuart, b. 28 June, 1853; unmarried; a farmer, residing near Fremont, Ohio. HI. Sarah Lucinda, b. 18 July. 1854, at Fremont, Sandusky County, Ohio, at which place she was m.. her children were born, and where (I am told) they have a lovely country home; m. on 27 Nov., 1873, to r^Iichael Oberst, a prosperous farmer, also b. same place, 8 Dec, 1848. son of Michael and Anna Mohler Oberst. 1 am greatly indebted to Mrs. Oberst for assistance in making clear the line of Joseph Lobdell. IV. Eliza Jane, b. 16 April, 1856, at Fremont, Ohio; m. 8 Sept., 1874, Silas George, a carpenter, h. 18 Nov., 1843, at Clyde, San- dusky Co.. Ohio, son of Silas and Eliza Grover George. The resi- dence of Silas George, Jr.. is at Millbury, Wood Co., Ohio. Is a Democrat. They have no children. In religion, a Methodist. V. Orren S.,' b. 18 May, 1858, d. 2 April, 1860. VI. Hannah Furgeson, b. 30 Sept., 1860. at Fremont, Ohio, where she m. 14 March, 1882, Stillman George, b. 2 Dec, 1846, at Fremont, son of Silas anrl Eliza (Grover) George. Reside at Rothbury, Mich. CHILDREN. 1. Carl George (9), b. 17 Oct., 1883. 2. Elmer M. George (9), b. 6 Sept., 1887. 3. Howard George (9), b. 22 May, 1894. VII. Harriet Anstress, b. 2 Dec, 1862, at Fremont, Ohio; m. 4 Nov., 1883, at Fremont, Walter Whited, a farmer, b. 11 Feb., 1887, at Deer Park, Orange Co., N. Y., son of Charac and Sarah (Carr) Whited. Mr. AV. is a Democrat. The family, Presbyterians. 169 Residence, Green Sj^rin^-, Seneca Co., Ohio. Have two daughters, viz : 1. Bessie Myrtle W'hited (9), b. 11 June, 1880; m. Ell)ert Emery. 2. ' Nessel May Whited (9), b. 2 Dec., 1888. CHILDREN OF ELIZABETH ANN (7) LOBDELL AND HER HUSBAND, JAMES ANDERSON WALTON. 1. Emma Arvilla. 2. Marcelhis Adelbert. 3. Florence Mary. 4. Alma Vidette. I. Emma Arvilla Walton, b. 3 July, 1858; m. 1879, \Vm. Wing". Emma d. 11 Aug., 1882. No children. II. Marcelhis Adelbert Walton, b. 20 July, 1860; d. 30 Sept.. 1865. III. Florence Mary Walton, b. 4 Dec, 1863; m. Wm. Crowell Hovey, 15 Sept., 1883, at Benton Harbor, where Mr. Hovey is en- gaged in the manufacturing of carriages and wagons. They have one son, Don Jacob Hovey (9), b. 23 April, 1887. IV. Alma Vidette Walton, b. 4 May, 1866; m. Adelbert J. Covelle of Benton Harbor. They have one son, Carlton James Covelle (9), b. 5 Sept., 1891. NINTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ORREN R. (8) LOBDELL OF BELLE PLAIN, KAN. I. Eugene, 1). 12 Oct., 1871. II. Gertie, b. 5 June, 1873. III. Bertha E.. b. 17 March, 1876. IV. Bert O.. b. 17 Nov., 1883. V. Clyde F., b. 12 Jan., 1885. VI. Millie E., b. 23 April, 1887, a teacher. VII. Ben H., b. 16 Sept., 1888. The sons are all "railroad" men. 170 CHILDREN OF WILFORD NORRIS (8) LOBDELL AND WIFE, MARY MINERVA GARRETSON. I. Cora Etta, b. 7 Feb., 1882. II. Leslie Crippcn, b. 25 Sept., 1885. III. Bruce Earl, b. 10 Feb., 1891. IV. Orren Samuel, b. 13 Nov., 1892. CHILDREN OF STEPHEN C. (8) AND JOSEPHINE (FARMAN) LOBDELL. 1. Laura Renewa. 2. Lodwie Tabor. 3. Lovina Celiiia. 4. Emily Louise. 5. Emma Josepbine. 6. Stephen Crippen, Jr. 7. John Henry. I. Laura Renewa, b. 3 June, 1866, at Wabasha, Minn. ; m. 1 June, 1887, at Spring Valley, 3.1 inn.. Henry Ernest Kalb, a drug- gist, of Spring Valley, b. 12 May, 1859, at Rochester, Minn., d. 9 June, 1890, at Spring Valley, Minn., son of Henry and Fredrika Roediger. Christian Scientist in religion. II. Lodwie Tabor, a merchant of Spring Valley, Minn., b. 20 Feb., 1868, at St. Charles, ^linn. ; m. 20 June, 1893, at Winona, Minn., Clara Man, b. 21 March, 1869, at Westville. N. Y., dau. of Buel A. Man and wife, Abigail Towne Westcott. Liberal in re- ligion ; Republican in politics. III. Lovina Celina, b. 20 Feb., 1868, at St. Charles, Minn. ; m. 8 Sept., 1897, at Spring Valley, Minn., Albert Marvin Smith, b. 8 Sept., 1868, at Austin, Minn., son of Hiram Sofford Smith and wife, Evaline Allen Stuart. Republican ; liberal in religion. IV. Emily Louise, b. 25 Jan.. 1870. at Spring Valley, Minn.; m. 2 Sept., 1895, Elmer Milliard Lloyd, b. 10 July, 1870, at Spring Valley, Minn., son of LeRoy and Evaline Smith Lloyd. Residence, Spring Valley. Republican. Liberal in religion. V. Emma Josephine, b. 25 Jan.. 1870, at Spring Valley; m. 2 Sept., (?), Roy Viall, b. 27 June, 1871, at Preston, Fillmore Co., Minn., son of Burke and Florence Butler Viall. Mr. Viall is a Republican, and liberal in religion. Capt. Roy Viall enlisted 28 April, 1898, at Spring Valley, ^linn., mustered in as captain, commanding Co. F. 12th Minn. Vol. Inf., 6 May, 1898: Camp Ramsey, Minn.; at Camp Geo. H. Thomas, 171 Ga., 19 May- 22 Aug., 189S; at Camp Hamilton, Ky.. 23 Aug.-15 Sept.. 1898; at Camp Mueller, Minn., 17 Sept.-22, 1898; furloughed with reg't 22 Sept.-21 Oct., 1898. Mustered out 5 Nov. at Camp Mueller, New Ulm, Minn. VI. Stephen Crippen. Jr.. a merchant of Spring Valley, b. 20 Aug., 1874, at Spring Valle}-. Minn.; m. 7 June, 1899, at Chicago, 111., Amy Wightman Johnson, b. 6 Aug.. 1869, at Australia, dau- of John and Rebecca (De Warren) Wightman — Republican and Liberal. VII. John Henry, b. 17 Jan.. 1879, d. 7 May, 1879. CHILDREN OF SARAH LUCINDA (8) LOBDELL AND MICHAEL OBERST. 1. (_)live Elenora. 2. Chas. Wm. 3. Lucy Webb. 4. Frank- lin Philetus. 5. Anna Leoni. 6. Earl Monroe. 7. Clair Ruther- ford. 8. Wilber Lobdell. I. Olive Elenora Oberst, b. 17 July, 1874; m. 11 Feb., 1902, at Fremont, Charles Henry Zeigler, a farmer, b. 18 Sept., 1871, at Fremont, son of John and Mary Ann (Jacobs) Zeigler. Mr. Z. is a Democrat; religion, Lutheran. Have one little dau., Corinne Helen Zeigler (10), b. 23 Jan., 1903. II. Charles Wm. Oberst. b. 17 Dec. 1875. III. Lucy W'ebb Oberst, b. 22 July, 1877; m. 10 June, 1903. at Fremont, Clarence Edward W^olf, an architect and carpenter, b. 4 July, 1877 at Fremont, son of George and Isabel (Reed) W^olfe. Has Dallas Edward and Doris Evaline Wolfe (twins). IV. Franklin Philetus Oberst, a farmer, b, 23 July. 1879; m. 28 April. 1904 at Breckenridge, Gratiot Co., Mich.. Mary Ellen Crowell. Mr. Oberst is a Republican ; in religion, Methodist. V. Anna Leona Oberst, b. 5 Oct., 1881 ; m. A. Leedy Cocanour. Has a baby boy (1907), Clair Everett Cocanour. VI. Earl Monroe Oberst, b. 29 Sept., 1887. VII. Clair Rutherford Oberst, b. 9 Jan.. 1892. VIII. W'ilber Lobdell Oberst, b. 8 May, 1900. 172 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ZADOCK (5) AND MARGARET (CASTLER) LOBDELL. 1. Daniel. 2. Zadock. 3. Susan. 4. Nancy. 5. Margaret. 6. Betsey. 7. Morillus. I. Daniel, b. 1792 at Manheim, a town adjoining Salisbury, Herkimer Co.. N. Y. ; m. for his first wife, Nancy Barnes, dau. of Elijah Barnes (a Revolutionary soldier) and Lucy Hunter; Nancy, b. 18 June. 1897, at Salisbury, and d. 5 April, 1832. at Theresa, Jef- ferson Co., N. Y. To them were born four sons. Daniel m. for second wife, Emiline Broughton of Theresa. About the year 1840, with his wife and their five little children they moved to Swan, and afterward to Avilla, Noble Co., Ind. On the 25th of March, 1850, Daniel started with his son Zad- ock, a boy of 14 years, and others in the company, for the gold fields of California, going the overland route. In the month of June they came to an alkali spring or lake. They were all very thirsty, but knew the danger of a draught. Daniel would drink, and there he died. Zadock went on with the company to Califor- nia, and nothing has been heard of him since 1857, when he was at Oro City, Cal. Five sons were in the War of the Rebellion, some from start to finish ; and of the five, four returned home. n. Zadock. No record only as above. III. Susan m. Asa Duran, a farmer, living in Lewis Co., N. Y. IV. Nancy m. John Lamberson. a farmer, living at Rushford, Allegany Co., N. Y. Mr. A. J. Lamberson. a grandson, living at Rushford, writes : "John Lamberson has been dead for 25 years, and his family are all gone except one who is 76 years old (1903). She can tel you nothing." V. Margaret m. Samuel West, a farmer, living at Salisbury, Herkimer Co.. N. Y. VI. Betsy m. John Boyer of Theresa, N. Y. VII. Morillus m. Samuel Piatt of Herkimer Co., N. Y. Two of their sons were killed in the War of the Rebellion. 173 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DANIEL LOBDELL (6) AND FIRST WIFE, NANCY BARNES, ALL BORN AT SALISBURY, N. Y. L William. 2. George, 3. Elijah. 4, Charles. I. William, b. 29 April. 1820, d. 5 Feb., 1856, in De Kalb, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. ; m. 4 Jan., 1843, Electa J. Potter, b. 3 March, 1827, dan. of Erastiis and Jane (Dickey) Potter of Salisbury, N. Y. Mrs. Lobdell remarried to Mr. E. J. Wright and is now living at Waterloo, Iowa. II. George, b. 10 June, 1824; m. 15 Oct., 1843, at Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Nancy Potter, b. 27 May, 1825, at Fairfield. N. Y., d. 12 Oct., 1889, at De Kalb, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., dau. of Erastus and Jane (Dickey) Potter. Mr. Lobdell is a farmer, residing at De Kalb Junction, N. Y. I am told is a man of influence, highh' respected by his fellow citi- zens in and around his town. III. Elijah Caryl, b. 6 Sept., 1827; m. Sept., 1862, at Newport, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Cynthia E. Farmer, b. March, 1838, in Wis- consin, dau. of Geo, Farmer. In 1865 Mr, Lobdell moved to New Jersey, located half way be- tween the City of Philadelphia and Atlantic City, on the line of two railroads, about half an hour's ride to each city. Has retired from business and at his home in Hammonton, N. J., enjoys a com- fortable old age. IV. Charles, b. 2 Aug., 1830. When about eight years old he went to live in the family of Lawrence Timmerman of Theresa, Jefferson Co., N. Y., and there remained until he was twenty-one. He was always looked upon as one of the family by both Mr. and Mrs. Timmerman, and as a brother by the six daughters and one son. He m, Abi Jones of Jefferson Co, and had one son, Clarence (8), b. 18 Sept.. 1852. who m. his cousin, Nellie Lobdell, b. 1863, dau. of Elijah Caryl Lobdell, a brother of Charles, Clarence has one son, who makes his home with his grandfather at Evans Mills, Jefferson Co,, N. Y, 174 LUMAN TjOHDEIX (7) AND AViFE (Dauiel [ ((!) (Samuel [5] ) (1821-1002) of Hartford, Mich. (Page 181) Elijah (]arye Lordell (7) (Daniel [G] ) of Hammonton. N. J. (Page 174) SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL (5) AND LOIS (GREENFIELD) LOBDELL. L Lockwood. 2. Gideon. 3. Seth. 4. Angeline. 5. Esther. 6. Bethuel. I. Lockwood, b. 4 Feb., 1805, at Salisbury, Herkimer Co., N. Y., d. 1893. at Cleveland, Ohio; m. 1829, Fanny Krum, b. 24 Dec, 1808, at Chatham, Four Corners, Columbia Co., N. Y., d. 1 Aug. (about 1885 (?), at Cleveland, Ohio, dau. of Peter and Sarah (Trowbridge) Krum. II. Gideon, b. ( ?) ; m. Margaret Farley, d. in Cherry Valley, Ohio. No children. III. Seth, b. 24 April, 1817. at Salisbury, N. Y., d. May, 1872, at Andover, Ashtabula Co., Ohio; m. 2 Sept., 1841, Olive, dau. of Jesse Beverly. IV. Angeline, b. ( ?) ; m. Wm. Taylor; no children; d. ( ?) at Andover, Ohio. V. Esther, b. ( ?) ; m. Daniel Rand of Cherry Valley, Ohio, where he also died. After his death, Esther, with her chil- dren, went west with her father-in-law's family. I have written several letters, but no notice has been taken of them. VI. Bethuel, a farmer, resided at Hartford, Van Buren Co., Mich., b. 24 March, 1821, at Salisbury, N. Y. ; m. at Warren, Trum- bull Co., Ohio, to Henrietta Ryan, b. at Black Rock, N. Y. Her father d. at Port Stanley, Canada West, of cholera in 1832. Mr. Lobdell d. Monday, 21 July, 1902, at his home in Hartford, Mich. His widow d. suddenly 10 Oct., 1903. Obituary from his local paper; Bethuel Lobdell was born at Salisbury, Herkimer Co., N. Y., March 24, 1821. In his early youth his parents moved to Cherr}- Valley, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, where he grew to manhood. In 1845 he was united in marriage to Miss Arretha Ryan of Gustavus, Ohio, who survives him. 181 Twelve years of his life were spent in Canada. In 1865 he brought his family to Michigan and settled in Van Buren county, where he has ever since resided, universally respected and held in high esteem. He was the father of six children, all of whom are now living: The eldest, Mrs. R. M. Rowe, of Berlamont ; Willis, who resides three miles southwest of town and with whom he and his wife have made th.eir home since January last; Howard, recently supervisor of the town ; Mrs. George Lammon, Ira and Levi Lobdell, all of whom reside in Van Buren county. He had eight grandchildren and six great grandchildren, so that four generations were repre- sented in the family. He died on Monday, July 21, and was the last survivor of a family of six children. Beside his immediate family only two rela- tives survive him, viz. : Mrs. Elvira Lobdell Bushnell of Chicago, and her brother, Henry Lobdell, of Ohio. The following letter from Mr. Bethuel Lobdell (1897) I hope will be as interesting to descendants as it is to me, for I fully enjoy ever}- word, having had the pleasure of meeting this fine old gentleman, also all of his family. He says: "I was born in Salisbury, N. Y., 24 INIarch. 1822, and when 5 years old left my parents and with my oldest brother, Lockwood, went to the then w'ilderness of western Ohio. We finally settled in Cherry Valley. My father's name was Samuel. I have heard him tell that his father and brothers were all taken prisoners by the Indians, to Canada, during the Revolutionary war. My father was left with my grandmother, as he was too young to walk so far. M}' mother's name was Lois Greenfield. I am the youngest and only one living of our family. I have four sons and two daugh- ters living near me. I came to Michigan in 186L John B. Lobdell then kept a hotel at Grand Rapids. I do not think this family is of our line. I saw recently in a Michigan paper a notice of the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Amnion Lobdell of Ches- saning, Mich. I do not know of him, but the name always attracts me. My son found Lobdells in Mississippi, and in 1845, while coming from Buffalo, N. Y., I heard of two families — at Hamburg, on Lake Erie. I shall always owe you a debt of gratitude for your interesting letter, as it is the only information I have of my an- cestors; yes, I may say of my relatives, other than my own family. ]\ry father was an invalid before my knowledge, caused by a shock 182 of palsy. When about 14 years old I left my brother and went to Pittsburg, Pa., and found employment as a cabin boy on a steam- boat. This occupation I followed for about three years on the Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri and Illinois rivers, leaving the last boat hard and fast aground on the upper rapids of the Mississippi. After staying at St. Louis until short of money, and finding no further employment in that line, I found on the market an old farmer who took me home with him to Harrisonville township, 111., where I worked for three years. Then I decided to go to Oregon, but by the persuasion of friends I wrote to my mother in Ohio, and when the answer came that all the living members of my family were there, I concluded to visit them before going to Ore- gon. T married at Ohio, and learned that my wife's father had left a valuable estate, that legal proceedings had been commenced and died out. I went, and by bill of errors renewed the legal bat- tle and kept at it seven years, receiving a judgment of $25,000. but was beaten on execution. I settled in Michigan in 1861, having rambled over the rocky hills of New York and Pennsylvania, the forests of Ohio, the mountains and valleys of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama; the prairies of Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas, or gliding on the western rivers and northern lakes. I have never felt lack of hospitality or friendship and can truly sa}^ that I have no reason to be afraid or ashamed to meet any person at any time or place. I am now nearly 78 years old (22 Nov., 1899) and death has never broken my family circle. Hoping for you every success in your great undertaking, and that I may live to receive a copy of your genealogical histor}-, I am very respectfully, ' ^ BETHUEL LOBDELL. Hartford, Van Buren Co., Mich." SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF LOCKWOOD AND FANNY (KRUM) LOBDELL. 1. John Marshall. 2. Elvira Jane. 3. Henry Lockwood. 4. Clarence Dudley. I. John Marshall, b. 6 Jan., 1832, at Cherry Valley, Ohio. He received a fair education for the times and became a young man of great promise, universally liked and worthily popular for ster- 183 ling qualities. While teaching his first school, he was stricken with a fever and died 12 Feb., 1852, when barely 20 years old. II. Elvira Jane, b. 29 May, 1833, was of a social disposition and with unusual conversational powers, she was fitted to attract people and make acquaintances. On 20 Nov., 1859, she m. Cory- don L. Bushnell, b. 12 Oct., 1826, at Monroe, Ohio, d. 29 May, 1881. at Cleveland, Ohio. CHILDREN (8). 1. Emory L. Bushnell (8), b. 12 Oct., 1861 ; m. (?) ; d. 27 Nov., 1892. 2. Lee S. Bushnell (8), b. 15 June. 1865; m. ( ?) Both sons died suddenly of heart disease at Chicago. III. Henry Lockwood, b. 17 Feb., 1840, with a decided bent for music and literature, in the way of being an inordinate reader; has taught school, taught music, and beside being a farmer, has mainly sold musical instruments for a livelihood. Unmarried, he resides at Madison, Lake Co., Ohio. Independent in politics. In religion, a freethinker. IV. Clarence Dudley, b. 8 Feb., 1846, was an unusually bright boy. He enlisted in the 105th Ohio V. I.. 5 Aug., 1862; was wounded at Perry ville 8 Oct., 1862; sent to hospital and was dis- charged for disability. In Sept., 1864, enlisted in the 40th Ohio; was detailed to serve in the Tod Barracks band. In the spring of 1865 was transferred to the front, and was with his regiment in Virginia at the close of the war. After pursuing various occupa- tions he enlisted in the regular army about 1880 and d. at Colum- bus barracks, Ohio, in 1882. He m. 8 April, 1860, at Jefferson, Ohio, Julia Miner, b. 2 April, 1848, at Wayne, Ohio, dau. of Jona- than T. and Sarah (Krum) Miner. Had — Sarah Miner (8), b. 6 March, 1862, at Cleveland, Ohio; m. 23 Jan., 1902, at Cleveland, Charles Robert Ross. Re- sides in the state of Florida. The name and address of Henry Lobdell was given me and I at once wrote him at Madison, Ohio, and his immediate reply will be appreciated particularly by descendants of Daniel L. He sa3'S : "Your letter was received last evening and I was both surprised and gratified by its contents. You could not have been more pleased to learn of me than I to know of what you have told me. The name Lobdell is a strange one to most persons. Aside from 184 my father's family, I have never but three times seen any one of the name. We have always considered ourselves a kind of lost people, but you have built up a genealogic tree of which I am un- doubtedly a member, and I do not feel (juite such an unknown quantity. My father's brother once lived near several families by the name in Byron, Mich., but they were unable to trace any re- lationship. My father was b. in Salisbury, Herkimer Co., N. Y., 4 Feb., 1805. My grandfather was probably in poor health, and at best not fitted to make his way in the world. At all events the family were poor. As a boy, when old enough, he lived a good ■ deal from home. Finally he was apprenticed to a carpenter and learned the trade ; afterward worked with a millwright, so that he became proficient as a workman. He was of a very sensitive dis- position and never liked to talk much about what he endured from poverty. When he was about 23 he and my mother, Fanny Krum, aged 20, were m. She was b. on a farm at Chatham. Four Corners, Columbia Co., N. Y. This farm of 100 acres was lost by her father's mismanagement, and the family of half-grown children went to face life in the wilds of Montgomery Co., N. Y., at Op- penheim, and there the two found each other. In the spring of 1829, they with my uncle, Abel Krum, moved to Ashtabula Co.. Ohio. At first my parents settled in Wayne, where they bought 30 acres of land, moved into what had been a stable, and with not much but their hands began the struggle for a home and compe- tence. Roth were inured to poverty and privation. Both were industrious and economical. My father worked at his trade and tended his farming between spells, with the aid of my mother, who could plant, hoe and do all outdoor work women undertook at all. She was also a tailoress and plied her needle as well. With her it was work-work, until it became second nature. After I could re- member, it was the usual thing for her to work half the night and be the first One up in the morning. What could it have been when they were beginning, it is difficult to guess. Their success was perhaps the greater part due to her. Patient, persevering, exem- plary in every way — never was a woman of more worthy motives. My father, too, would teach school winters and walk home some four miles at night to work on the house he built, after he sold in Wayne and moved to Cherry Valley when only 29 years old, and on the Western Reserve lived for years ; afterward built for him- self the first frame house and barn in that township. Both were 185 honest and true and l)eyond reproach in all their dealings. My father was of a generous disposition, and always the home was a haven for some one that was needy. The onl}- thing he could be blamed for was a moroseness that I ascribe in a great measure to what he had endured and the lack of appreciation of his liberality and the abuse of his generosity, which, I am sorry to say, are common in the world. I must say that I think my mother a blameless woman, and never heard any one say otherwise. Am I not entitled to a just pride in such ancestors? My father held vari- ous township offices at Cherr}- Valley and was postmaster till 1877. As I said, outside of our immediate family, we knew no one bearing the Lobdell name, and were always attracted whenever we found or heard of the name. About 1855 a man and wife named Lambcrton, visiting friends in Trumbull Co., Ohio, came to see us, and she was a relative of my father's. About 1858 an Elijah Lobdell. then living in Cuba, Allegany Co., N. Y.. made us a visit. He was first or second cousin of my father, in whom the feeling of kinship was strong. My grandmother told a more or less mythical story about a Daniel Lobdell. brother or father of my grandfather, being captured and with his children marched into Canada by the Indians ; and they becoming dispersed was the rea- son no one knew anything of grandfather's relatives. As a boy I used to like to ask questions and hear my grandmother tell of her family and of my grandfather's family. Her maiden name was Lois Greenfield and the name of her mother, Lois Rose. One time I took down the names of the children of Daniel Lobdell and also of the children of her brother's family (Rose), and although I have many, many times thought to destroy them as of no value, I have, I am now glad to say, kept them and forward same to you, and I (Mrs. J. H. L.L hoping they may be of value to others, place them before you. Children of Charles Rose, viz : Willard, Charles, Betsey, Rhoda, Mollie, SaHy and Har- riet. Children of AASatt Rose (one of the early settlers of Stej^hen- town, Rensselaer Co., N. Y.), viz: Patty, John. Lucy and Abigail. Children of Nathaniel Rose, viz. : Mercy, Mollie, Thankful, Susanna, Thomas, Peter, Olive,. Bathsheba, Susan, Lillian and Dilly. Wishing you success. H. L- LOBDELL." 186 CHILDREN OF SETH (6) AND OLIVE BEVERLY LOBDELL, ALL BORN IN ANDOVER. 1. Dennis. 2. Eliza. 3. Almon A. 4. Flora. 5. Austin N. 6. Jesse J. I. Dennis, b. 10 June, 1846. II. Eliza, b. 9 Nov., 1848; m. 16 April. 1874, at Buffalo, N. Y., Edward A. Howard, b. 27 Sept., 1825 (?), son of Geo. E. and Mary Ann (Barber) Howard. Reside at Orwell, Ohio. CHILDREN. 1. Geor^ie E. Howard (8), b. 12 Oct., 1876, at Buffalo, N. Y. ; m. 15 Nov., 1898, Wm. G. McCorkle, a printer, b. 24 Sept., 1856, at Bazetta, Trumbull Co., Ohio, son of Andrew and Margaret (Hoagland) McCorkle. Reside at Cortland, O. One child- Mildred Howard McCorkle (9). b. 12 Sept.. 1899. 2. Edward A. Howard (8). b. 24 April, 1879. 3. Jesse E. Howard (8), b. 8 Oct., 1880. 4. Flora H. Howard (8), b. 15 June, 1887. HI. Almon A., b. 10 July, 1851; m. in 1875, Amelia Potter. Reside at West Andover, Ohio. One child — 1. Wallace Alanson, b. 25 May, 1883. IV. Flora, b. 8 Oct., 1853. V. Austin N.. a mechanic, b. 25 June, 1857. Resides at Ashta- bula, O. ; unmarried. A Repul)lican ; a Protestant. VI. Jesse J., b. 31 July. 1860; m. 27 March, 1880, Norma E. Piatt, b. 28 July, 1860, at Richmond, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, dau. of Perry J. and Elizabeth (Bassett) Piatt. Residence. 22 Vine St., Ashtabula, Ohio. Mr. Lobdell is vice president of Ashtabula Cam- era and Supply Co.; also a letter carrier. Is a Republican, and Protes.tant. CHILDREN. 1. Ernest E., b. 1881. 2. James S.. b. 1886. 3. Jesse C. b. 1890. 187 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF BETHUEL AND HENRIETTA RYAN LOBDELL. I. Emma Ann, b. 10 Feb., 1847. at Cherry Valley, Ohio; m. 29 May, 1866, at Allegan. Mich., Rnfus Murray Rowe, b. 22 Sept., 1840, son of Dr. Nelson and Lovisa (Camp) Rowe of Chautauqua, N. Y. Dr. Nelson Rowe, a college graduate, was a talented and patriotic man, who gave his three sons to tlie service of his coun- try in War of the Rebellion, Rufus being the only one of the three who returned alive. Reside at Lawrence, Mich. CHILDREN. 1. Florence Rowe (8), b. 18 Dec, 1867, at Lawrence, Van Buren Co., Mich., at which place she m. 18 June, 1890, Edwin H. Luce, b. 1 May, 1861, at Breedsville, Mich., son of Charles W. and Nancy Hinckley Luce. Mr. E. H. Luce and family reside at Lawrence, Mich., where he is the pro- pi-ietor of a "general store." Cliildren : 1. Zora Luce (9), b. 5 Jan., 1892. 2. Genevieve Luce (9), b. 1 May, 1893. 3. Rufus Rowe Luce (9), b. 8 Nov., 1895. 4. Charles Willis Luce (9), b. 18 Dec, 1900. 2. Mattie Rowe (8), b. 20 Dec, 1872, at Lawrence; m. 9 March, 1892, at Hartford, Van Buren Co., Mich., Albert C. Barnes, b. at Lawrence, son of Wm. M. and Fanny (Gates) Barnes. Children : 1. Leland M. Barnes (9), b. 26 Dec, 1894. 2. Roland Barnes (9), b. 31 Aug., 1899. n. Willis, a farmer residing near Hartford, Mich., b. 27 Jan., 1849, at Ashtabula, Ohio; m. 13 Aug., 1878, at Watervalley. Zal- labusha Co., Miss., Virginia Beauregard Turner, b. 7 Aug., 1861, at St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., Mo., dau. of Isaac and Caroline (Menefee) Turner. Willis Lobdell enlisted 22 Aug., 1864. at Grand Rapids, Mich., was consigned to Co. H, First Mich. Engineers ; joined company at Mechanicsville, Ga., marched to Atlanta, helped burn the city; then marched to Savannah under General Sherman. There, in Jan., was stricken with typhoid fever and remained there until 14 April. On that date the troops embarked, sailed to Morehead City, then marched to Newburn, N. C. ; there took passage on transport and after a voyage of six days arrived at Washington, D. C, May 24. 188 Was in review of the western army. Afterward was sent to Jack- son, Mich., and discharged 6 June, 1864. They have one dau. — Bessie Menefee (9), b. 20 Aug., 1880. She is m., Hving near Hartford, and has one little dau., but no record has been sent to me. III. Howard, a farmer near Hartford, Mich., b. 4 May, 1851, at Vienna, Canada West; m. 18 March, 1879, at Hartford, Eva Taylor, b. 22 Dec, (?), at Hartford, dau. of Howland C. and Emma A. (Goodenough) Taylor. Is a Democrat. No children. IV. Fannie, b. 30 Jan., 1855, at Vienna, Elgin Co., Ontario; m. 28 Nov., 1875, at Hartford, Mich., Geo. G. Lammon, b. 21 June, 1854, at Lorain, Jefferson Co., N. Y., son of Gilbert and Helen M. (Avery) Lammon. Mr. Lammon is a farmer near Hartford, Mich. Is a Democrat. No children. V. Ira, b. 13 Nov., 1857, at Vienna, Ont. ; m. 19 Oct., 1880, at Bangor, Mich., Josephine Byers, b. 7 Nov., 1857, at Koseoska, Ind., d. 4 Jan., 1899, at Hartford, Mich., dau. of A. S. and Hen- rietta (Lee) Byers. Is a farmer; a Democrat. Residence, Hart- ford, Mich. Mr. L. re-marfied, but I have no data. CHILDREN. 1. Elsie A., b. 19 May, 1882; m. (?). 2. Myra C, b. 2 July, 1885; m. (?). 3. Gale D., b. 21 Feb., 1895. VI. Levi Ryan, b. 9 Jan., 1861, at Port Stanley, Ontario; m. 12 March, 1895, Kittie O'Rourke, b. 17 Jan., 1872, at Mt. Morris, Genesee Co., Mich., dau. of A. H. and Mary (Vodden) O'Rourke. Resides near Ludington, Mich. CHILDREN. 1. Eva M., b. 30 Dec, 1895. 2. Meredith, b. 21 July, 1901, in Hamilton township, Van Buren Co., Mich. 3. Howard M., b. 30 March, 1904, at Custer, Mason Co., Mich. 189 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOHN (4) AND ELIZABETH (SHERWOOD) LOBDELL. 1. Elizabeth. 2. John. 3. Jerusha. 4. Tertullas. 5. Stephen. 6. Daniel. 7. Nathaniel. 8. Sarah Sherwood. 9. Ruth. 10. Mary. 11. Theodosia. 12. Lewis. All born in Salem, N. Y, L Elizabeth, b. 5 April, 1765 ; m. Phineas, son of Isaac, and — his second wife, Hannah (Stebbins) Keeler of Ridgefield, Conn., b. at Ridgefield 1 July, 1763. They lived in North Salem until after their first child was b.. then moved to West Milton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., where Elizabeth d. Phineas m. for his second wife, Mary Ellis, and d. 31 Oct., 1847. II. John, b. 22 March, 1767; m. Esther Ressequie, b. 23 Nov.. 1771, dau. of Alex, and Eunice (Blackman) Ressequie of Ridgefield. They settled in Sherburne. Chenango Co., N. Y. III. Jerusha, b. 3 March, 1769; m. as his second wife, Isaac, son of Joshua and Sarah (Scott) Lobdell (her cousin). They re- sided at Westerlo, Albany Co., N. Y., where she d. 2 May, 1849. IV. Tertullas, b. 25 Dec, 1770; m. Deborah, dau. of Abijah and Elizabeth (Keeler W^allace), b. 11 Oct., 1774, of North Salem, N. Y. They removed to Coxsackie, Green Co., N. Y.. but were there only a short time when Tertullas d. of typhoid fever. Deborah returned to North Salem and re-married to Elnathan Smith, 1 Nov., 1809. She d. in Amsterdam, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1851. The extended record of the descendants of Tertullas Lobdell is kindly given to the work by Mrs. Julia Lobdell (Dean) Stark of Randolph, Wis. V. Stephen, b. 23 Jan., 1773: m. Ruth, dau. of Gilbert and Ruth (Wallace) Webb of Stamford, or Darien, Conn. They settled in Albany, N. Y., where, in 1813, we find his name as constable in Fourth ward. No record of his death, but his widow d. in Albany 17 July, 1834, aged 60 years, 3 months. They resided at 50 Church street. 190 .Iekusha Lobdell Lobdell (5) (John [4] ) (17G9-1849) of Westerlo, N. y. (rages 100, 64, 65) IIlKA-M LOBDEI.L (6) (Lewis [->] ) (1S16-180G) of Slierlmni. N. Y. (Page 197) Lewis R. Lobdell (T) (Hiram [6] ) of East Graulty. Conn. (Page 107) Julia Lobdell Dean Stark (7) (Anna [6] ) of Randolph, Wis. (Page 205) VI. Daniel, b. 10 May, 1775; m. Sally, dan. of Jeremiah and Lydia (Keeler) Keeler. They settled in Cazenovia, Madison Co., N. Y., where both died. VII. Nathaniel, b. 16 April, 1777; m. for his first wife, Polly Baker, dau. of Jdsiah Baker of Westerlo, Albany Co., N. Y. She d. in 1822, at Mentz, Cayug^a Co.. N. Y. He re-married, but do not know to whom. VIII. Sarah Sherwood, b. 27 May, 1779; m. Wm. Stewart and settled in Sherburne, Chenango Co. They had no children, but after the death of Polly Baker, the first wife of Nathaniel Lobdell, they adopted Albert, her little motherless son, then 18 months old. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stewart d. of consumption and are buried in the Episcopal cemetery at Sherburne. IX. Ruth, b. 19 June, 1781 ; m. Elisha Ray and settled in Sher- burne, where both are buried. X. Mary, b. 4 Feb., 1783; d. 22> Feb.. 1783. XL Theadosia, b. 29 April, 1785; m. for her first husband, Edmund Perlee Smith, b. at Ridgefield 22 March, 1779, who d. 5 Dec, 1805 ; no children. She then m. Samuel Shaw, b. 18 Aug., 1778, at Spencertown, Columbia Co., N. Y. He d. 8 Nov., 1836, at Sherburne, where also his wife d. 21 July, 1846. Samuel Shaw was deputy sherifif of Columbia Co., N. Y., in and around 1817. XII. Lewis, b. 18 Feb., 1787; m. Eunice Shaw and moved to Sherburne, where he d. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ELIZABETH (5) LOBDELL AND PHINEAS lCEiiiLil2. 5. Cora Adelia (7). b. 25 Dec. 1850; d. aged 30. 6. Victoria Rosalie (7), b. 19 Aug., 1852; m. Charles S. Marr, a lawyer of Muskegon, Mich. ; has one dau., Margaret Marr, m. Robert Grife. HI. Albert, b. 20 May, 1820, at Rensselaerville, N. Y., was adopted by Mrs. Wm. Stewart (his father's sister) ; m. Eliza Ann Lobdell of Sherburne, b. 28 Aug., 1825, dau. of Joshua (6) Lobdell, son of Stephen (5), a brother of Nathaniel (5). They moved to the town of Aylmer. Elgin Co., Canada, where Albert d. 6 Jan., 1876. Had one dau., Jerusha. 1. Jerusha (8), b. 5 Dec. 1845 ; m. W. H. Miller. By second wife (name unknown) Nathaniel had— IV. Jerusha. V. John, and VI. Hiram, of Battle Creek. Mich., who has two daughters, one of whom has taken the vows of sister- hood. Hiram was in "War of the Rebellion." in a Michigan com- T)any of heavy artillery, at Newport News and Baton Rouge ; dis- charged in 1865. CHILDREN OF THEADOSIA LOBDELL AND SAMUEL SHAW (HER SECOND HUSBAND). I. Marvin Shaw, b. (I do not know whether the older children were b. at Spencertown. Columbia Co., N. Y., or at Sher- burne. N. Y.) 8 Feb., 1808; m. Jane Smith. II. Edmond Shaw, b. 12 Feb., 1809; m. Ersula Ray. III. Wm. Stewart Shaw, b. 4 Feb., 1811 ; m. Ruth Ann Strong. I am told that he left Sherburne, Chenango Co., N. Y., when a 1U5 young man, bought a load of merchandise and, making- sales on his way, settled at Elgin, 111., where he, with two or three other fam- ilies, laid the foundation of Elgin. He built the first hotel in the place, which Avas still standing when my information was given. He m. his wife at Elgin, and had a family of ten children. Willis and Eugene were sons. E^ugene was killed on the railroad. Mr. Shaw went to Elgin in 1836; was a resident for 60 years, dying there in 1896. He owned the first omnibus and was the first constable in Elgin, and at the time of his death owned a farm deeded him by the gov- ernment. He worked under James T. Gififord, owner of the town site, in erecting the First Congregational Church, which now stands. He was a thoroughly progressive man and leaves to his family a precious legacy in his good name and true life. IV. Hiram K. Shaw, b. 17 April, 1813; m. Maria Eaton. V. Geo. W. Shaw, b. 15 Nov.; 1815; m. Orsaville Maxon. VI. Daniel L. Shaw, b. 15 Feb.. 1817; m. Amy Harris. VII. Harriet Shaw, b. 31 March, 1821 ; m. Jerome Pratt. VII. Elizabeth Keeler Shaw, b. in Sherburne IS June, 1825, is the youngest and the only living child of Theadosia (Lobdell) Shaw. She m. twice (2) Almon Cook, and (1) James D. Harris, b. 25 Dec, 1820, at Sherburne, d. 1 Dec, 1865, at Sherburne, son of Dexter and Amy (Hall) Harris, by whom she had two children : 1. Theadosia Irene Harris (6), b. 14 July, 1847; d. 10 May, 1854. 2. Eva Cephantus Harris (6), b. 30 Sept., 1854; m. F. T. Zellers and resides with her mother in Sherburne (1903). The religion of the Lobdells of this branch was Episcopal, and Mrs. Cook has an old Episcopal prayer book given her by her aunt. Elizabeth Lobdell, dated 23 Nov., 1767. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF LEWIS (5) AND EUNICE (SHAW) LOBDELL. 1. Eliza. 2. Sallv Ann. 3. Hiram. 4. Francis. I. Eliza. No record. II. Sally Ann, probably m. Reuben Davis, Jr., b. in Somers, Conn., lived in Sherburne, N. Y., son of Reuben and Mehitable (Sexton) Davis. 196 III. Hiram, b. in 1816 in Sherburne, N. Y. ; m. Maria, dau. of Jacob Smith. He d. 1896 at Sherburne. Had three children : 1. Smith S. (7), b. 1846; m. Etta Crandall. 2. Lewis R. (7), b. 19 March, 1850, at Sherburne; m. 23 Dec, 1873, Mary E., dau. of Hiram C. and Ehzabeth Warren Bassett, b. 1855 at Columbus, Chenango Co. They have one dau.. Fern D. (8), b. 31 Dec, 1881 ; m. Charles S. Clark. Mr. Lvobdell moved from Sherburne to Baltic, Conn., and thence to East Granby, Conn., where he is a progressive and influ- ential citizen. Has held the position of justice of the peace for the past four years, and is extensively engaged in raising tobacco in Conn., both Havana and shade-grown Sumatra. Previous to this he was in the creamery business for twenty years. 3. Francis (7), b. 1855; m. Jennie Weldon. SEVENTH GENERATION. ^CHILDREN OF ISAAC AND SUSAN (WHEELER) KEELER OF AKRON, ERIE CO., N. Y. 1. Cordelia. 2. Emma. 3. Mark. 1. Cordelia Keeler, b. at Clarendon, N. Y., 4 Oct., 1833; m. 15 Feb., 1860, Ambrose B. Comstock and resided at Sylvania, Ohio. No children. 2. Emma L. Keeler, d. unmarried. 3. Mark Keeler, b. Akron, N. Y. ; m. 3 Oct., 1860, Amelia Klinek, resided in Rochester, N. Y. *CHILDREN OF JOHN AND SELINDA (BOSS) KEELER. 1. Truman Phineas. 2. Amelia. 3. Ann Adelia. 4. Melinda. 5. Wm. Henry. 6. Elizabeth Lobdell. 1. Truman Phineas Keeler, b. Camillus, N. Y., 3 Dec, 1826; m. 16 Feb., 1851, Candice Cumming of Worcester, N. Y., where Phineas d. 28 April, 1889. 2. Amelia Keeler, b. at Camillus, 12 March 1829; m. 14 Feb., 1857, Wm. H. Smith and settled in Fredonia, N. Y. *Rockwell and Keeler Genealogy. 197 3. Ann Adelia Keeler, b. in Orleans Co., N. Y.. 10 April, 1834; m. Ludulphy P. Osmer. He d. in New Mexico. She afterward made her home with her son at Jamestown, N. Y. 4. Melinda Keeler d. unmarried. 5. Wm. Henry Keeler, b. 1838; m. Susie A. Pedler and moved to California. Afterward in Detroit, Mich. 6. Elizabeth Lobdell Keeler. b. 1841 ; d. in Fredonia 1860. ^CHILDREN OF TERTULLUS L. AND REBECCA (HAYES) KEELER OF WEST MILTON, N. Y. 1. Mary Elizabeth Keeler m. Silas Walker. She d. at West Milton 7 May, 1878. 2. Henry Keeler m. Hannah Young. Home at West Milton. 3. Isaac Keeler m. Clarissa Olds and settled at Washington, D. C. CHILDREN OF JOHN SHERWOOD (6) AND ZERUAH (ROBINSON) LOBDELL. I. Caroline m. Abraham Slighter of Nassau, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. II. Levi m. Mary A. Rogers. III. Rowland never married. IV. Lewis m. Eleanor Craver. V. Cornelius, b. 1837 at Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y. ; m. Mary H., dau. of Stephen and Polly (Flint) Vickery, b. 24 March, 1839, at Alps, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. Mr. Lobdell resides (1901) about six miles from Stephenstown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., on a farm purchased about 18 years ago. He suffers greatly from rheu- matism, but has the assistance of his son William, who lives on the farm and is m. ; has three little children: William (8), Clara (8), and Ella (8). Mr. C. Lobdell has another son. Irving, living at Housatonic, Mass., m. and has two little ones: Lawrence (8) and Marion (8). Irving E., b. at Chatham, N. Y.. 2 Oct., 1865; m. Lena Dunham. Wm., b. at Troy 22 Aug., 1867; m. Minnie Knapp. VI. Eugene, unmarried. *Rockwell and Keeler Genealogy. 198 CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF JOSHUA (6) AND LYDIA (TILLOTSON) LOBDELL. 1. Eliza Ann. 2. Stephen Wallace. 3. Sarah Jane. 1. Eliza Ann, b. 28 Aug., 1825, at Sherburne; m. (1) Albert Lobdell, son of Nathaniel, and moved to Canada, where her hus- band d. 6 Jan., 1876. She re-married to Mr. Scott, a farmer, a na- tive of Canada, and both are living in Sherburne with their dau. and son-in-law, Mr. VV. H. Miller. 2. Stephen Wallace, b. 22 Nov., 1826, at Sherburne; m. 18 Nov., 1850, Permelia I^irdy, b. 12 April, 1832, at Sherburne, dau. of Stephen and Nancy (Crandall) Purdy. Mr. Lobdell (1901) con- ducts a large business at Sherburne in grain and feed, and daily is at his store. Has three sons; one is bookkeeper for the father, one a farmer, the other a conductor on M. C. railroad, residing in Canada. Children : 1. William Wallace (8) m. Ophelia Wicks. 2. Charles A. (8) m. Carrie Miller. 3. Albert E. (8) m. Cora Bryant. 3. Sarah Jane m. Mr. Abbott; d. and left four children 1. Joshua. 2. Henry. 3. Ella, and 4. Frank Abbott. CHILDREN OF NANCY LOBDELL (6) AND JACOB WRIGHT WEBB. 1. Henry. 2. Mary Jane. 3. Wm. Wallace. 4, Charles Wes- ley. 5. James Edward. 6. Lucius Allard. L Henry Webb, b. 8 March, 1823 ; m. Mary Abbott. After his death, his widow and two little daughters went to live with her people in Columbus, Ohio, where one dau. d. II. Mary Jane Webb, now living (1903) in Belvidere, 111., was b. 7 Jan., 1825, at North Salem, N. Y. ; m. at Belvidere 14 Oct., 1846, John Martin Glasner, b. 18 Dec, 1817, at Harmony, Warren Co., N. J., d. 11 April, 1897, at Belvidere. He was the son of Peter Glasner, b. 25 July, 1775, and Elizabeth (Martin) Glasner, b. 30 March, 1781 ; m. 13 May, 1800, of Harmony, N. J. The family are Presbyterians and consist of — 1. Mary E. Glasner (Lillie) (8) m. Enos T. Gage. Has one little dau. Resides at Belvidere, 111. 199 2. Emma Glasner (8) m. Wm. H. Pettit of Belvidere. 3. Wm. A. Glasner (8) m. Cora L. Oilman. Residence, Chicago, 111. III. Wm. Wallace W^ebb, b. 13 Dec, 1827; m. Lydia A. Ray, d. 15 May, 1897. No children. IV. Charles Wesley Webb, b. 21 April, 1830; m. Mrs. Adeline Eaton. Is now (1903) living with his son, Benj. Webb, in Elroy, Wis. V. James Edward Webb, b. 21 July, 1832; m. Mary McMahon, d. Has one dan., Mrs. Lillie E. Wearne, Omaha, Neb. VI. Lucius Allard Webb, b. 14 June, 1838 ; m. Asenath Lisdall. Resides at Portland, Ore. Has one dau., Mrs. Clara J. Harvey (8) of Woodlawn, Portland, Ore. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF FLOYD KEELER (6) AND CLARINDA (DE WOLF) LOBDELL. 1. James Monroe. 2. Wilber Fisk. 3. Bartow Stewart. 4. Mervin H. 5. Luceba J. 6. Luella J. 7. Albert. 8. Alice J. 9. Marett Elizabeth. 10. Gertrude. 11. John Ellis. 12. Jesse Wing, I. James Monroe, b. 26 April, 1848, in Boone Co., 111. ; unmar- ried. II. Wilber Fisk, b. 17 Oct., 1849; d. unmarried 30 March, 1880. III. Bartow Stewart, a commercial traveler, residing at Janes- ville, Wis., was b. 28 May, 1853, at Belvidere. Ill; m. 22 March, 1878, Mary Delia Smith, b. 11 April, 1855, at Bolivar, Allegany Co., N. Y., dau. of Richard De Los Smith and Margret Lodema Andrus. CHILDREN. 1. Bartow S., b. 9 Dec, 1887. 2. Kenneth L., b. 23 Nov., 1897. IV. Mervin H., b. 2 Feb., 1855 ; m. Jean Concannon. V. Luceba J., b. 26 April, 1856; m. Wm. M. Ray, b. 21 Jan., 1858, at Belvidere, 111., son of Adam and Mary (Hadley) Ray. They reside at Belvidere, where the following children were b. to them: L Jennie I. Ray, b. 16 March, 1882. 2. Ethel C. Ray, b. 22 May, 1884; d. 25 Jan., 1892. 200 3. Walter W. Ray, b. 10 April, 1886. 4. Floyd A. Ray, b. 12 July, 1887. 5 and 6. Ruby L. Ray and Jessie W. Ray, twins, b. 14 Jan., 1892; Ruby d. 25 Sept., 1892. VI. Luella J., b. 1858, d. 1861. VII and VIII. Albert J. and Alice J., twins, b. 1860, d. 1863. IX. Maret Elizabeth, b. 7 Jan., 1863, at Belvidere, 111. ; m. 30 Sept., 1889, at Rockford, Winnebago Co., 111., Wilson James Grover, b. 26 Feb.. 1865, at Ulysses, Potter Co., Pa., son of VVm. Wilson and Cynthia (Perkins) Grover. Mr. Grover is a Republican, and the family are Methodist. They removed from Belvidere to Brookings, S. D., where they now reside. Have one son, Donald Dana Grover, b. 25 INIay, 1895. Their little dau., Marguerite Gertrude Grover, b. 9 Oct., 1893, d. 18 Sept.. 1894. X. Gertrude M., b. 15 Nov.. 1864, is a teacher, residing at Bel- videre, 111. XL John Ellis, b. 17 March. 1868, at Belvidere; m. 21 Nov., 1897, at North Redwood Falls, Minn., Carra Pearl Caverhill, b. 23 Feb., 1875. at Needah, Adams Co., Wis., dau. of Palmer and Nellie (Jefferson) Caverhill. Mr. Lobdell has no children ; is a farmer, residing at Fessenden, Wells Co., N. D. XII. Jesse Wing, b. 19 Jan., 1869, at Belvidere, 111. ; m. 24 Feb., 1894, Anna Wander, b. 19 Oct., 1877, in New York City, dau. of Adam and Mary Ann (Kranz) Wander. Mr. Lobdell is the youngest of twelve children and is living on the old homestead eight miles southeast of Belvidere, bought by his father over fifty years ago, still owned by his mother, who, with her oldest son, James Monroe, who is blind, lives with Mr. Jesse Wing Lobdell, who has three children : 1. Floyd Adam (8), b. 9 July, 1895. 2. Gladys Maria (8), b. 31 May, 1897. 3. Luceba Clarinda (8), b. 13 May, 1899. fffc Given by Mrs. Julia Lobdell (Dean) Stark of Randolph, Wis. : Tertullius Lobdell, b. 25 Dec, 1770, d. 7 Aug., 1803, at Cox- sackie. Green Co., N. Y., of typhoid fever. He went there to make a home for his family from North Salem, N. Y. He m. at North Salem Deborah Wallace, dau. of Abijah and Elizabeth (Keeler of Wilton, Conn.) Wallace. She was b. 11 Oct., 1774, d. 16 Jan., 1851, at Amsterdam, N. Y., and buried there. Children: 201 Fanny, h. 22 Dec, 1793. Anna. b. 1798. Fannie Lobdell (Tertullius), b. 22 Dec, 1793, d. 1 July, 1829; m. James Hayes 30 Aug., 1812. He was b. 30 Sept., 1791, d. 5 Dec, 1885, at Ballston Spa, N. Y. He was son of Henry and ^^lary (Ferris, she was called Molly) Hayes. Molly was dau. of Sylvanus and Mary (Mead) Ferris. James Hayes was grandson of Freegift and Fanny (Perritt) Hayes. He was elder in the West Milton Church, N. Y., for over sixty-five years. Although a farmer, he was leader in his community and respected by all for his integrity and judgment. He was m. five times, all of his wives being excel- lent women. Children by first wife : Harriet Hayes, b. 19 May, 1813, Galway, X. Y. ; d. 12 April, 1814. Henry Wallace Hayes, b. 24 Nov.. 1815, Galway, N. Y. Deborah Hayes, b. 17 Nov., 1818; d. 15 July, 1838; un- married. Fanny Hayes, Ix 28 May. 1820. Galwav. N. Y. ; d. 2 Sept., 1822. James Hayes, b. 10 July, 1823. Fanny Hayes, b. 22 Aug., 1828. Anna Lobdell (Tertullius), b. 1798; d. 9 Dec. 1840, at Amsterdam, N. Y. She was dau. of Tertullius and Deborah { Wal- lace) Lobdell, who lived at North Salem. N. Y. She m. 13 Feb., 1818, Jehiel Dean, son of Jehiel and Lydia (Arnold) Dean. He was b. 26 Feb.. 1795. at Galway, N. Y. : d. 21 Jan., 1858, at Amster- dam, N. Y. He was a merchant and at one time owned a carpet factory. Children : Lydia Ann Dean, b. 9 Nov., 1819, at West Galway, N. Y. George Dean, b. 18 April, 1824, at Mannys Corners, N. Y. Edward H. Dean, b. 1 April, 1831, at Galway, N. Y. Francis Elizal)eth Dean (called Libbie), b. 9 July, 1836. Julia Lobdell Dean, b. 15 Nov., 1840. at Amsterdam. N. Y. Henry Wallace Hayes, son of James and Fann}' (Lol)dell) Hayes, b. 24 Nov.. 1815; d. at Galway, N. Y.. 14 June, 1844. aged 28 years, 6 months, 24 days. "Married Mary Ann Knox at her home by Rev. Andrew Johnson Alay in the }ear of our Lord 1838." She was b. at Broadalban. N. Y., 10 Aug., 1817; was dau. of Peter and Jane (Clow) Knox. She d. in New York City 15 Dec. 1891, aged 73 years. 4 months and 8 days. She was matron at the In- 202 stitute for tlie Blind in New York City nineteen years. From the tombstone of Henr}' Hayes : "Husband, thy love is not forgot : Affection marks the hallowed spot W^iere thou art laid, and hope is given To meet thee yet again in Heaven." Child, Julia Hayes, b. 24 March, 1839, at Galway, N. Y. James Hayes, son of James and Fanny (Lobdell) Hayes, b. 10 July, 1823, (1. 10 July, 1881, at Three Rivers, Mich.; m. 4 Sept., 1849, at West Galway, N. Y., Isbella Mead, dau. of Ralph and Isbella (Stewart) :\Iead. She was b. at West Galway 3 May. 1827, and d. 24 ]\Iarch, 1881. at Detroit. Mich. James Hayes was a mer- chant. Children : Henry Wallace Hayes, b. 17 Feb., 1851, at West Galway, Fulton Co., N. Y. Elizabeth Mead Hayes, b. 1 Sept., 1853, at Hagamans Mills, Montgomery Co., N. Y. Isabella Hayes, b. 22 July, 1855, at Wallace, Steuben Co., N. Y. James Hayes, b. 13 April, 1857. at Wallace, Steuben Co., N. Y. Fannie Hayes, b. 8 April, 1862, at Ballston Spa. N. Y. ; d. 30 Sept., 1874, Centerville, Mich. Ralph Alexander Hayes, b. 20 Sept., 1865, at West Gal- way, N. Y. Fannie Hayes, dau. of James and Fanny (Lobdell) Hayes, b. 22 Aug., 1828; d. 31 March, 1897, at Detroit. Mich. She m. 13 Dec, 1848. Richard Halloway Steele. A. M., D. D., son of Rev. John Beatty and Eliza (Holloway) Steele. He was b. 17 Sept., 1824, at Watervliet, X. Y.. and d. 5 April, 1900, at Detroit, Mich. He graduated from Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J., in 1844. Received degree of A. M. in 1847. Graduated from the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, N. J., in 1847. Was licensed by the classes of Schenectady, N. Y., 23 July. 1847. He was engaged to supply the pulpit of Charlton Church, N. Y., for six months, com- mencing 12 Sept., 1847, and elected as pastor 29 Dec. 1847. He was ordained and installed 16 Feb., 1848. In 1850 he took charge of the church at Ballston Spa and remained two years. From 1852 to 1863 was pastor of the Reform Church at Nassau. N. Y., from there he went to New Brunswick. N. J., where he remained 203 seventeen years ; from 1863 to 1880, in one of the oldest and largest churches of the denomination. First Reformed (Dutch) Church, founded in 1717. In 1880 he was called to the Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor, Mich., where he remained until 1887. He retired after forty years of ministry and in 1888 he removed to Detroit, Mich. Thirteen of his sermons arc published, also his history of the First Reformed Church of New Brunswick, N. J. From about 1865 he was a constant contributor to secular and religious period- ical literature — his last article being published six months after his death. Children : Charles Henry Steele, A. M., M. D., b. 18 July, 1851, at Ballston Spa, N. Y. Emma Frances Steele, b. 16 Oct., 1855, at Nassau, N. Y. ; m. 2 June, 1903, by Rev. David M. Cooper, to Duncan K. McNaughton, b. 22 May, 1845. Reside at Detroit, Mich. Wallace Halloway Steele, b. 13 March, 1867, at New Brunswick, N. J. ; d. at Ann Arbor, Mich., 10 Sept., 1888. Lydia Ann Dean, dau. of Jehiel and Anna (Lobdell) Dean, b. 9 Nov., 1819: d. 28 Feb., 1885, at Ripon, Wis; buried at Forest Home, Milwaukee, Wis. She m. 18 June, 1844, William Lewis Gillette (7), son of Stephen and Nancy (Lassell) Gillette. He was b. near Jamestown, N. Y., 6 Feb.. 1816; d. at Ripon, Wis., 7 Feb., 1907, the morning after he was 91 years old ; l:)uried at Forest Home, Milwaukee, Wis. Children : Wallace Clisbe Gillette, b. 1 Sept., 1845, at Amsterdam, N. Y. ; d. 4 March, 1864, at Randolph, Wis. He was buried at Forest Home, Milwaukee, Wis. Walter Stephen Gillette, b. 22 Feb., 1848, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Anna Nancy Gillette, b. 18 March, 1850. at Amsterdam, N. Y. Mary Alice Gillette, b. 22 x\pril, 1852, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Ellen Gillette, b. Dec, 1853, at Amsterdam, N. Y. ; d. Feb., 1855. George Dean, son of Jehiel and Anna (Lobdell) Dean, b. 18 April, 1824, at Mannys Corners, N. Y. ; m. 26 May, 1852, at Am- sterdam, N. Y., Laura V. Bunn, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Button) Bunn. She was b. at Tribis Hill, N. Y., 31 March, 1829, and d. at Amsterdam, N. Y., 19 April, 1900. They lived in Cali- 204 fornia from 1859 to 1882, when they returned to Amsterdam. Chil- dren : George Thomas Dean, b. 14 Nov., 1856, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Anna Elizabeth Dean, b. 24 Oct.. 1859, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Mary Bunn Dean, b. 1 March, 1867. near Oakland, Cal. Edward H. Dean, son of Jehiel and Anna (Lobdell) Dean, was b. 1 April, 1831, at Galway, Saratoga Co., N. Y., d. 28 Sept., 1906, at Albany, buried at Amsterdam ; m. at Amsterdam, N. Y., 2 Oct., 1854, Mary Elizabeth Stone. She was dau. of Charles and Comfort S. (Bell) Stone, was b. at Fondas Bush (now, 1901, called Perth), Fulton Co., N. Y., 28 March, 1835. Edward Dean went into the New York Central freight office 1 April, 1855 ; later spent six years in California. When he returned he went back into the same office and is still there (March 1901). Children: Mary (called Minnie) Stone Dean, b. 21 July, 1855, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Ella Palmer Dean, b. 14 Dec, 1856. at Amsterdam, N. Y. Charles Stone Dean, b. 23 Oct., 1858, at Albany, N. Y. Albert Edison Dean, b. 1 Jan., 1862, at Albany ; d. 5 Aug., 1862. Frank Godine Dean, b. 27 May, 1863, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Elizabeth Dean, dau. of Jehiel and Anna (Lobdell) Dean, was b. 9 July, 1836; d. at half past two o'clock Saturday morning, 15 April, 1899, at Ripon, Wis. She was m. at Amsterdam, N. Y., 28 June, 1858, to Ira DeWitt Hedding of Milwaukee, Wis. He was b. in Chazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., 1 Jan., 1828. He was son of Simeon and Lucinda (Chamberlain) Hedding. Lucinda Chamber- Iain was dau. of Ira and Lydia (Dewey) Chamberlain. Simeon Hedding was son of H. James and Ruth (Ferguson) Hedding. He was the youngest, and Bishop Hedding of the Methodist Episcopal Church of northern New York was the oldest of a large family of children. The older members of the family moved from Vermont to New York in an early day. Julia Lobdell Dean, dau. of Jehiel and Anna (Lobdell) Dean, b. 15 Nov., 1840, at Amsterdam, N. Y.; m. at Randolph, Wis., 29 Oct., 1867, John Given Stark. He was b. 15 Sept., 1836, at North Lyme, Conn. ; came to Dodge Co., Wisconsin, in 1853. He was son of Abial (Nathan, Nathan, Abial, Aaron, Aaron) and Jane 205 Alice (Ely) Stark. He was postmaster at Randolph for several years; was a member of the village board several times, also clerk of the board. Children : Stella Louise Stark, b. Wednesday, 22 July, 1868, at Ken- osha, Wis. Anna Pearl Stark, b. 27 June, 1871. at Randolph. Wis. William Henry Stark, b. 7 April, 1873, at Randolph, Wis. James Stark, b. 1 July, 1875, at Randolph, Wis. Frank Stark, b. 17 May, 1877, at Randolph, Wis. Weaker Stark, b. 12 Sept., 1878, at Randolph, Wis. Julia Hayes, dau. of Henry and Fannie (Lobdell) Hayes. Mary Ann (Knox) Hayes. She was b. at Galway, N. Y., 24 March, 1839. and m. James Moor Pfleger 18 April, 1865. by the Rev. Richard Steele, D. D., at his house in New Brunswick, N. J. (his wife being Julia's father's sister). J. M. Pfleger was b. 26 Jan., 1832, at Strouchburg, Pa. ; was son of George and Lavinia Ruth (McConnell) Pfleger. He d. 29 March, 1898, at New York City. Salesman for H. B. Claflin & Co., New York City, N. Y., for thirty- four years. Children : Wallace Jeremiah Pfleger, b. 6 Feb., 1866, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Lilly Pfleger, b. 22 May, 1870, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; d. 20 May, 1872. Spencer Day Pfleger, b. 2 June, 1873, Brooklyn, N. Y. Merrin Lavinia Pfleger, b. 6 Sept., 1875, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry Wallace Hayes, son of ( ) James and Isabella (Mead) Hayes, was b. 17 Feb., 1851 ; m. Florence Bliss Jewett 27 May, 1879. She w^as b. 4 April. 1855, lived and m. at Florence, St. Joseph Co., Mich. ; was dau. of Joseph and Mary Almira (Farrington) Jewett. H. W. Hayes is Alichigan Central Railroad agent at Ann Arbor, Mich. Children : Pauline Jewett Hayes, b. 3 Jan.. 1884, at Ann Arbor, Mich. Wallace Farrington Hayes, b. 27 Jan.. 1888. at Ann Arbor; d. 3 vSept.. 1890. at Ann Arbor. Inez Robinson Hayes, b. 10 Aug., 1892. Elizabeth Mead Hayes, dau. of James and Isabella (Mead) Hayes, was b. 1 Sept.. 1853, at Hagamans Mills, N. Y. She was m. at the residence of her brother, Henry W. Hayes, at Ann Arbor, 206 Mich., 20 March, 1887, by Rev. R. H. Steele, to Charles Knox Fletcher. He was b. at Centerville, Mich., 16 March, 1847, son of John Wilken and Sarah (Knox) Fletcher. A farmer. Children: John Wilken Fletcher, b. 28 July, 1888, Centerville, Mich. Katherine Isabella Fletcher, b. 19 June, 1892, Centerville, Mich. James Hayes, son of James and Isabella (Mead) Hayes, b. 13 April, 1857, at Wallace, Steuben Co., N. Y. ; m. Abigail McHenry 24 March, 1888, at Chicago, 111. She was b. , and dau. of William and Abigail (Colby) McHenry of Chicago. James Hayes is a merchant. Children : Benton Hayes, b. 5 Dec. 1888, at Chicago, 111. An unnamed babe d. one month old at Chicagfo, 111. James Colby Hayes, b. 10 June, 1892, at Chicago, 111. Dorothy Hayes, b. 6 March, 1895, at Chicago, 111. Charles Henry Steele, A. M., M. D., son of Fanny Hayes and Richard Steele, D. D., was b. 18 July, 1851. Studying medicine in New York City and finding his health failing, he went to San Francisco, Cal., about 1874, became doctor on the ships of the Pa- cific mail, and for a time in the U. S. Army with a winter station on an island in the beautiful San Francisco Bay. Later practiced his profession twenty-two years in San Francisco. He m. there on 1 Nov., 1882, Hattie Bailey McKee. She was b. there 1 Nov., 1865. was dau. of William H. and Clara (French) McKee. Chil- dren : Fannie Steele, b. 26 July, 1886, at San Francisco, Cal. Arthur Halloway Steele, b. 4 April, 1890, at San Fran- cisco, Cal. Mary A. Gillette, dau. of Lydia Ann Dean and William Gillette, b. 22 April, 1852, at Amsterdam, N. Y. ; m. at Ripon, Wis., by Rev. Father Prescott, Thursday. 13 Aug., 1885, at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, to Charles Cowan. He was b. at Worthington, Ohio, son of Ira and Mary (Gilman) Cowan. Mary Gilman was dau. of Israel Gilman. Children : Imogene Cowan, b. 24 June, 1886, at Ripon, Wis, William Prescott Cowan, b. 16 Dec, 1889, at Ripon, Wis. George Thomas Dean, son of George and Laura V. (Bunn) Dean, b. 14 Nov., 1856; m. 23 July, 1888, Mary E. Bartleman. She was dau. of David and Mary (Stacy) Bartleman and was b. at Pekin, Niagara Co.. N. Y.. 2 July, 1864. They live at Amsterdam, N. Y. 207 Anna E. Dean, dau. of George and Laura V. (Dunn) Dean, was b. 24 Oct., 1859; m. at Amsterdam, N. Y., to James Addison Barkhufif, Tuesday, 17 Nov., 1885, at one o'clock p. m. He was b. 16 Nov., 1857, at Amsterdam, N. Y., and was the only child of Robert and Henrietta (Pulver) Barkhuff. Children : Laura Etta Barkhuff, b. 2 Jan., 1887, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Raymond Addison Barkhuff, b. 28 May, 1889, at Am- sterdam, N. Y. Ella P. Dean, dau. of Edward and Mary (Stone) Dean, b. at Amsterdam, N. Y., 14 Dec, 1856; m. at Albany, N. Y., Thursday, 21 Oct., 1886, to George Warren West. He was b. 11 April, 1856, at Ballston Spa, N. Y.. was son of Henry L. and Mary (Scidmore) West. Children : Mabel Minnie West, b. 28 July, 1888, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Edison Stone West, b. 7 March, 1890, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Charles S. Dean, son of Edward and Mary (Stone) Dean, b. 23 Oct.. 1858, at Albany, N. Y. ; m. Thursday, 29 Sept., 1887, at Troy, N. Y., to Marie Louise Toles, b. 24 Dec, 1865, at Troy, N. Y., dau. of Perry E. (b. at Danville, N. Y.) and Martha D. (Lindsay) Toles (b. at Hartsville, N. Y.). Children: Rena Stone Dean, b. 21 Dec, 1888, at Troy, N. Y. Dorothy Dean, b. 26 June, 1890, at Troy, N. Y. Frank G. Dean, son of Edward and Mary (Stone) Dean, b. 27 May, 1863, at Amsterdam, N. Y. ; m. 2 June, 1884, Marguerite Audell Jackson, dau. of Benjamin Rush and Harriet E. (Wells) Jackson, and b. 22 March, 1867, at Dushore, Pa. Children : Ethel S. Dean, b. 25 Sept., 1887, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Edward Jackson Dean, b. 11 July, 1889, at Amsterdam, N. Y. Stella L. Stark, dau. of Julia (Dean) Stark and J. G. Stark, b. at Kenosha, Wis., 22 July, 1868. She was m. by Rev. J. V. Trenery at Randolph. Wis.. 22 Aug., 1894, to Charles William McGill of Grand Rapids, Mich. He was b. 14 July, 1865, at West Stephentown, N. Y. ; was son of Hugh and Eunice Ann (Newton) McGill. He is a lawyer and served four years as Circuit Court Commissioner of Kent County and as representative in the Michigan Legislature in 1897-1898. Anna P. Stark, dau. of Julia (Dean) Stark and J. G. Stark, was b. 27 June, 1871, at Randolph, Wis. ; m. by Rev. J. V. Trenery at 208 Randolph, Wednesday, 11 Sept., 1895, Frederick Elmer Sexton of Grand Rapids, Mich. He was b. 15 July, 1865, at Bloomfield, Crawford Co., Pa., son of Lyman Piatt (b. 16 April, 1837, McKee Co., Pa.) and Abigail Enos (Sweet) Saxton. (She was b. 15 March, 1836, at Philadelphia, Pa.) She (Abigail) was dau. of Benjamin P. (b. in New York state) and Catherine Eliza (Burroughes) Sweet (b. in New Jersey). Lyman Saxton was son of Lyman Langworthy and Dorothy (Goodwin) Saxton. Children : Julia Saxton, b. 23 July, 1896, at Grand Rapids, Mich. Dean Frederick Saxton, b. 9 Aug., 1897, at Grand Rap- ids, Mich. Wallace J. Pfleger, son of Julia (Hayes) Pfleger and J. M. Pfleger, b. 6 Feb., 1866, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. 4 July, 1894, Mary Warner, dau. of William and Anna Gates (Lewis) Warner. She was b. 25 Sept., 1868. Child: Kenneth Warner Pfleger, b. 22 July, 1899, at Arlington, N. Y. Additions by Mrs. Julia Lobdell Stark (1907): My dau., Anna Pearl Saxton, d. at Traverse City, Mich, (and buried there) 10 Dec, 1903. Her child, John R. Saxton, b. 10 Dec, 1903. My son, Walter Dean Stark, b. 12 Sept., 1878; m. by Rev. Charles Storey at Clintonville, Utah, 14 Feb., 1905, to Blanch Parker, dau. of Maximilian and Annie Parker. She, b. at Beaver, Utah, 5 Nov., 1881. Children: Twins, b. 26 Nov., 1905, at Bing- ham, Utah — John Boyd Stark and Bryce Parker Stark. My son, Frank Stark, m. at Mt. Pleasant, Mich., 30 Aug., 1905, to Helen Elizabeth Leaton, b. 29 May, 1880, dau. of John J. and Stella (Gaylord) Leaton. The wife (Louise) of Charles Stone Dean (Edward), d. 19 March, 1902. He m. Charlotte Janet Velsey 27 Feb., 1905, at Troy, N. Y. 209 FOURTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF MARY (3) LOBDELL AND SAMUEL PLUMB. 1. Samuel. 2. Zuriel. 3. Joshua. 4. Jared. 5. Mary, 6. Samuel. 7. Susanna. 8. Jared. (Copied from Plumb Genealogy.) I. Samuel Plumb, b. 12 April. 1729. II. Zuriel Plumb, b. 8 April, 1731. III. Joshua Plumb, b. 24 June, 1734. IV. Jared Plumb, b. 15 January, 1736, d. before 1749. • V. Mary Plumb, b. 27 February. 1738 ; m. Daristus Baldwin. VI. Samuel Plumb, b. 18 April. 1741; m. Eunice ; d. 17 Oct., 1795. aged 54 years. VII. Susanna Plumb, b. 23 April, 1744; m. Claudius Barthole- mew. (From Bartholomew Genealogy.) Claudius Barteleme was the son of a merchant and was born in Marseilles, France. At the age of 17 he engaged in the regiment "Royal Rolison" and shortly after came to America with Montcalm. Claude Barteleme came to Derby in 1760. and soon after married Susannah, daughter of Samuel and IMary (Lobdell) Plumb. Susannah was born 23 April, 1744; her father came from Milford and was one of the first settlers of Derby County. He built a house on the opposite side of the street from the "Jewett house" at "Uptown". After settling in Derby he became a sea captain and eventually a large ship owner. In his religious views Claude was a devout Catholic, and his Catholic Bible containing the family record written by him is still preserved. He died in Derby 10 Oct., 1824, aged 87. Susannah died 26 Jan., 1818. Children all born in Derby. 210 VIII. Jared Plumb, b. 18 March, 1749; m. 8 Aug., 1771, Ruth Fowler. He d. 1821, aged 72 years. The record of Revolutionary soldiers in Massachusetts has Jared Plumb of Westfield, Mass. He answered the call for the "Lexington Alarm." Afterward lived in Amsterdam, N. Y. and in 1820, when he appHed for a pension, was nearly blind. His name is on the muster rolls in the state house, Boston, Mass. 211 Cbildren and Descendants of €benezer(J)Cobdell, (3o$bua(i), Simon o) Olife, Rtbecca Bcntaict FOURTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF EBENEZER (3) AND REBECCA (BENE- DICT) LOBDELL. 1. Elizabeth. 2. Ebenezer. 3. Thomas. 4. Uriah. 5. Rach- el. 6. Eunice. 7. Sarah. 8. Biirwell. 9. Rebecca. 10. Samuel. 11. Sarah. 12. Susanna. 13. Jared. 14. Josiah. (All born in Ridgefield, Conn.) I. Elizabeth, b. 21 Sept., 1733; m. at Ridgefield, 5 Dec, 1755, Henry Whitney, son of Henry and Elizabeth (Olmstead) Whitney of R., where Henry was b. 29 July, 1715. They settled in R. and there d. — he, 9 or 10 July, 1794 of cholera morbus ; she, 15 Aug., 1816, at the house of her dau., Rebecca (Whitney) Olmstead. Both are buried in Titicus cemetery. — (Whitney Genealogy.) n. Ebenezer, Jr., 13 July, 1735; m. Eunice Bradley. He prob- ably moved to Courtland Manor, for the record of baptism of his son Nathan by Dr. Deblee, at Salem, 29 Oct., 1758, says: "Nathan, son of Ebenezer Lobdell — late of Ridgefield." I have no record of the death of either Ebenezer or Eunice. in. Thomas, b. 2 Nov., 1737, evidently migrated with others of his family to Orange Co., N. Y., as from Ridgefield records : "Thomas Lobdell migrated to Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y., 1768." In 1782 in Ridgefield deeds he is given as Thomas Lobdell of Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y. About that time there was an exodus of families from Orange Co. to Hunterdon Co., N. J., and prob- ably Thomas was among them. From New Jersey men in the Revolutionary War I find "Thom- as Lobdell, private, Hunterdon Co., N. J." "Thomas Lobdell. teamster, Capt. Scudder's team brigade." I can find no record of his m. or death. IV. Uriah, of Ridgefield, b. 11 March, 1740; m.. Phoebe Chap- man, dau. of Phineas Chapman, of whom he bought (according to Redding, Conn., land records) 71 acres of land, 17 Jan., 1771. Ridgefield records give : "Uriah Lobdell moved to Philipstown, 214 N. Y., but returned to Ridgefield." His name is found on the mus- ter roll of Capt. Thomas Hobbies ' Co. V. Rachel, b. 22 May, 1742; m. Wm. Hurlbutt and went to •'the Butternuts", Otsego Co., N. Y. VI. Eunice, b. 17 Sept., 1744. From Congregational Church records of Ridgefield : "Eunice Lobdell, d. 29 Oct., 1825, aged 82 years." VH. Sarah, b. 10 Sept., 1746, d. 1751. Miss Jessie Lobdell of Ridgebury tells us that in Ridgefield cemetery, she found a small blue soap grave stone, all out of the ground. On it : "Here lies the body of Sarah Lobdell, who died in ye fifth year of her age, April the 17, 17—." "The last two figures were faint and I could not be sure if they were 21 or 51." Evidently the grave of little Sarah. VHL Burrell (or Burwell, as I understand it), probably given the family name of his paternal grandmother (Mary Burwell), was b. 24 Feb., 1749. He m. 9 March, 1772, at Wilton, Conn., Anna St. John, dau. of Noah and Jane (Smith) St, John, and moved to Wilton, around Georgetown, where his children were born. Norwalk records say that he was a land owner at Georgetown, his property being bounded by that owned by John Morgan. He was alive in 1814, but probably d. about July, 1817, as on that date the last mention is made of Burwell, only the widow afterward, in Dr. Chichester's account book. Buzzell (Burwell) Lobdell enlisted in Conn, troops, 2 May, 1775 ; discharged, 8 Oct., 1775. IX. Rebecca, b. 20 Feb., 1751 : m. John Chappell and went to live at "the Butternuts, Otsego Co., N. Y., where her sister Rachel resided. This data is given by a descendant. There was one Rebecca Lobdell, b. about 1751, who m. Josiah Davis, wdio enlisted as musician in Col. Heman Swift's Co. from Middletown, Conn., 1777. They had a dau. Eunice Davis; m. Joseph GrifTen and moved from Connecticut to New York state about 1812. Judge Josiah Davis Ensign, of Duluth, Minn., is a great grandson of Rebecca, but who this Rebecca is I cannot prove. X. Samuel, b. 12 July, 1753. I have no proof of the identity of this Samuel, but I assume that he m. and according to Dr. Chichester's account book the Dr. made a call on him 21 May, also 23 May, 1809, traveling five miles, and in 1819 traveled the same distance for professional calls on the widow (not knowing her 215 maiden name). Norwalk land records give: "Samuel Lobdell, owner of a mill near Ridgefield and Redding line, apparently be- tween Branchville and Sandford Station." (From Redding Land Records.) "Samuel Lobdell lease from Daniel Dean of Ridgefield of two inches of the depth from ye surface and five inches in length on the surface of the pond at the outlet commonly called the Great East Meadow Pond, otherwise sometimes called Burt's Pond, from the fifteenth day of March till the fifteenth day of April, inclusive, annually, in order to catch fish. Rec'd of Samuel Lob- dell and to his heirs and assigns, etc., for the term of ninety-nine years from the date hereof, the privilege of making a dam to stop the water on my land at or near the outlet of said Pond in such a manner as he the said Lobdell, his heirs or assigns, shall see necessary with free Liberty to pass along side the Brook and my Heirs and Assigns to repass over my Land to and from said Outlet, reserving to myself the Priviledge of Two inches in Depth and five inches in Length on the Top of said Dam at the Outlet of the Pond as aforesaid Only. In witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal the 13th Day of Feb., A. D., 1769. "Recorded May 25, 1774." Vol. 2 p. 45. (Copied.) XL Sarah Lobdell (4), b. 5 Aug., 1755; m. Michael Warren of Ridgefield as his second wife, XIL Susannam Lobdell (4), b. 9 July, 1758; m. Daniel Riggs, an only child, born about 1762 at Stamford, Conn., d. 6 June, 1793; son of Joseph Riggs and Mary Keeler, his cousin. They resided at Ridgefield, where their children were born and where Susannah d. at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Sarah Ann (Gray) Roberts, 5 Aug., 1841, aged 83 years. (From Riggs Genealogy.) XIIL Jared Lobdell, b. 1759, d. 1759. XIV. Josiah Lobdell, b. 14 Aug., 1760; m. 20 Oct., 1787, Widow Miriam Hickock, b. 14 Aug., 1760, d. — June, 1837. They resided at Ridgefield, and both d. there. Josiah enlisted in April, 1781, served as a private one month — on guard duty. Under Capt. Knowles Sears in Oct., 1781. Was private three months with Col. Heman Swift, April, 1782. Was private one month under Capt. Doolittle in Oct., 1782. Served two months under Capt. Booth. Was a pensioner, act of 1832. 216 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ELIZABETH (4) LOBDELL AND HENRY WHITNEY, (Whitney). 1. Betty. 2. Sarah. 3. Rebecca. 4. Eliza- beth. (All born in Ridgefield.) I. Betty Whitney, b. 30 April, 1756; m. in Ridgefield, Jeremiah Mead as his third wife. II. Sarah Whitney, b. 23 July, 1759; m. her second cousin, Matthew Olmstead. IIL Rebecca Whitney, b. 18 Feb., 1761 ; m. Josiah Olmstead. IV. Elizabeth Whitney — a twin of Rebecca; m. Daniel Jack- son. They moved to Stratford, Conn. (From Whitney Genealogy.) FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN AND DESCENDANTS OF EBENEZER, JR. (4) AND EUNICE (BRADLEY) LOBDELL. I. Nathan. 2. Ben. 3. Abigail. 4. Thomas. 5. Robert. 6. James. 7. Samuel. I. Nathan (5), bapt. 29 Oct., 1758 at Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y., d. in Fairfield. Franklin Co., Vt. He m. 10 Jan., 1793, Abigail, dau. of Benj. and Patience (Smith) Hoyt. As Widow Lobdell, she died at the home of her son, Benj. Hoyt Lobdell, in Fairfield, Vt. Nathan was a devout Christian man — a member and worker of the Episcopal Church, the following an example : He took a most arduous horseback ride of nearly 150 miles, through a wilder- ness, on business for the church he loved so dearly and served so faithfully. From the effects he d. II. Benj., bapt. at Salem, 23 Aug., 1767, probably d. young. III. =^ Abigail, born 30 July, 1770; m. 1 Dec, 1787, Sherwood Whitney, b. in Fairfield or Stratford, Conn., 22 Sept., 1767. They Whitney Genealogy. 217 lived in western part of Connecticut, but later moved to Fairfield, Vt., where he d. 28 Feb.. 1848; she, 23 June, 1851. CHILDREN. 1. Esther Whitney (6), b. at Redding, Conn.; m. 1809, Joseph Soule of Fairfield, Vt. He took part in the battle of Plattsburg, 1812. 2. Silas Whitney (6), d. young. 3. Clarissa Whitney (6), d. young. 4. Harriet Whitney (6), b. 22 Nov., 1795; m. Salmon- Soule. 5. Eunice W^hitney (6), b. 3 May, 1800; m. Anson Buck,, of Fairfield, Vt. IV. Thomas. — I\Irs. Abigail H. Buck of Johnson, Vt., kindly gives to descendants the only record : "Penelope was the wife of Thomas Lobdell (a brother of grandfather Nathan Lob- dell). He d. in the town of Georgia, Franklin Co., Vt. They had three children, one son, Ebenezer, went to California, Sophie m. Mr. Everts of Georgia. She d. many years ago. Polly, the young- est, after the death of her father, with her mother spent the win- ter of 1848 at my father's (Andrew Buck). The next summer they went to Michigan, where Aunt Penelope d. Polly m. and had two children." V. Robert, bapt. at Salem, 31 Aug., 1776, probably d. 3'oung. No data can be secured regarding him. VI. James; m. in Fairfield, Vt.. had a dau. Betsey (6) and a son James (6), by first wife. Betsey was brought up by her Grandfather Lobdell as his own child. She m. Parker Farnsworth. They had two children, viz. : 1. Susan Farnsworth (7), d. in childhood. 2. James Farnsworth (7), was a soldier in the Civil War. was taken sick at the front and d. on his way home, at the hospital in New York City. James m. Jeanette Buck and had five children, two boys who d. in childhood and three daughters : 1. Susan Farnsworth (8). 2. Hattie Farnsworth (8). 3. Jennie Farnsworth (8). All were Episcopalians. VII. Samuel, b. 31 Oct., 1783, at Ridgefield, Conn., d. 25 June, 1849 at Dickinson, Franklin Co., N. Y. ; m. 5 Nov., 1809, Roxey 218 Colburn, b. 18 Oct., 1789 at Lebanon, Madison Co., N. Y., d. 21 Jan., 1853 at Dickinson, N. Y. I know the descendants will be interested in the letter I re- ceived from Mrs. Clara (Buckley) Wakeman of Allerton, Mass., in reply to inquiries as to the family of Samuel Lobdell (Ebenezer, Jr.) She says: "There were no other family of Lobdells in Fair- field, Vt. I am quite positive. I remember Mrs. Whitney. She was aunt to my mother. I do not think there were either Robert or Benj. There were Samuel and James, brothers of Nathan. Both had families. Samuel's children were : Jason, Alex. Vietts Griswold (named for Bishop Griswold) and Orissa. I think Sam- uel m. a second time and had one dau., Polly, who m. Mr. North and moved from Vermont to Wisconsin. CHILDREN OF NATHAN (5) AND ABIGAIL CHOYT) LOBDELL. 1. Esther (6). 2. Rachel (6). 3. Bradley (6). 4. Benj, Hoyt (6). 5. Amelia. L Esther, b. 17 Jan., 1798, at Fairfield, Vt., d. 8 Oct.. 184S, at Fairfax; m. 1 March, 1827, Andrew Buck, a farmer of Fairfax, 20 Sept., 1797, at Fairfax, Franklin Co., Vt.. who d. 22 Oct., 1896 at Fairfax, son of Gould and Hannah (Burritt) Buck. The family were Episcopalians. n. Rachel, b. 7 April, 1800 at Fairfield, Vt, where she also d. 28 Nov., 1872; m. at Fairfield 13 Feb.. 1827, Horatio Wakeman, a farmer, who d. 10 Sept., 1868 at Fairfield, son of Isaac and Sarah (Bradley) Wakeman. Sarah Bradley was dau. of Ezekial Brad- ley, who m. three times and had 12 children. Oldest was Ezekial, b. 1763; the youngest Lewis, b. 1791. One wife was Ruth ; one, Eunice . The last one, I do not know her name. She had no children. He came from some place on the Hudson River.. New York state. Is buried at Fairfield, Vt. HL Bradley; m. for his first wife, Mary Bradley of Fairfield, Vt. After her death he m. Mahala Trowbridge of Indiana, to which state Bradley had moved. They were Episcopalians. Had no children. 219 IV. Benjamin Hoyt, b. 21 June, 1804 at Fairfield, Franklin Co., Vt., (1. 27 Feb., 1880 at Bartlett, Cook Co., 111. ; m. 31 July, 1836 at Fairfield. Yt., Anna Andrus, b. 15 Jan., 1810, at Shafts- bury, Vt., (1. 16 Mareh, 1880 at Bartlett, III., dau. of Benjamin Andrus and Freelove Milliman of Fairfield, Xt. Mr. Seth Lobdell of Bartlett, Til., tells us: "Father left Fairfield, Vt., in Sept., 1846. There were at that time three youno- children, the eldest 11 years. A\'e came as far as northern Indiana and sto])ped a short time with Uncle Bradley Lol)dell ; leaving- there we arrived at Dundee, 111. in Oct.. 1846. My parents moved to Bartlett, 111. in 1877, where and mother both died." V. Amelia — of whom I have no record. Feb. 27, 1880, Benj. H. Lobdell died at his residence, with in- flammation of the lung-s, aged 75 years, 7 months. His funeral was attended at the Congregational Church on Sunday, Feb. 29., Rev. IF Alunroe preaching the funeral sermon. Monday his re- mains were laid to rest in the family ground at Dundee. Mr. Lob- dell was born in Fairfield, Vt., and in 1847 removed to Illinois, and for thirty years remained upon t)ne farm in Dundee. But from increasing age and decreasing strength to meet the demands of hard labor, he sold his farm, and three years since purchased a home in Bartlett, where he remained to the time of his decease. He leaves behind him a devoted and faithful companion. Almost a half century of time attest the faithfulness of their lives. Truly a good man has gone from our midst. He was honored and loved by our whole community. His was a uniform Christian life. He exemplified in all his acts the spirit of Him whom he had professed to love for over half a centur}'. He rests from his labors, and his works do follow. (From Local Papers.) Mrs. Annie, widow of the late Benj. H. Lobdell, died after an illness of only four days, of infiammation of the liver, at her late residence in Bartlett, March 16, 1880, aged 70 years. The funeral was held in the Congregational Church the 18th, at 10 a. m., Rev. H. H. Munroe officiating. Her remains were taken to Dundee and laid beside her late husband, who was buried there only two weeks before. She was born in Shaftsbury, Vt., in 1810. 220 r.EN.I. IIOYT IjOr.DKIJ, ( (*) ) (Nathan |r>) ) (1804-1S,S0) of Fairticld. Vt., and Bartlett, 111. (I'uge 220) SeTH L0I5I)ELL (7) (Beni. Iloyt [C] ) of Bartlett. 111. (Page 224) She early joined the Episcopal Church and remained a true and consistent member, until transmitted to the church triumphant. In 1847, with her husband, she settled on a farm at Dundee, and remained there until three years ago, when they purchased the home in Bartlett. She was a most estimable lady, quiet, unas- suming, rendering a helping hand in every case of need. Having been called to pass through a series of afflictions in the loss of husband, daughter and daughter-in-law — all within five weeks, she bore it all with remarkable calmness. Having lived the life of a Christian, she died as she had lived. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them." (From Local Papers.) SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF SAMUEL BRADLEY LOBDELL AND WIFE, ROXEY COLBURN. 1. Hiram Colburn. 2. Jason Bradley. 3. Hiram R. 4. Alex. Vietts. 5. Mary Bradley. 6. Orissa Parmelia. I. Hiram Colburn, b. 10 Oct., 1810, d. young. II. Jason Bradley, b. 7 Feb., 1812, at Fairfield, Vt., d. 17 Jan., 1883 at Minneapolis, Minn.; m. 21 April, 1838 at St. Albans, Vt, Eunice Jane Brigham, b. 9 April, 1823, at North Brookfield, Conn., d. 24 Jan., 1857 at Dickinson, Franklin Co., N. Y., dau. of Dr. Lemuel Hawley and Betsey Ayers Brigham. Mr. Lobdell m. for his second wife, at Minneapolis, on 24 Jan., 1864, Maria Eliza Woodward, b. 11 Nov., 1829, at Fitchburg, Worcester Co., Mass., at which place — 5 Bluflf Ave. — the widow resides (1903). Mr. Lobdell was a farmer; in religion, Univer- salist; Republican in politics. No children by second wife. HI. Hiram Restored, b. 18 Jan., 1814, d. 1817. IV. Alexander Vietts Griswold, b. 1 Oct., 1817; named by Bishop Griswold ; d. unmarried 10 April, 1885, at Minneapolis, Minn. V. Mary Bradley, b. 10 Feb., 1825, d. 26 Oct., 1827. 221 VI. *Orissa Permelia, b. 11 Oct., 1830; m. 1861 at Richfield, Henepen Co., Minn., Adams Rogers Decrow. She d. 1863. Her husband was in the Union service at Vicksburg and was killed in a Confederate raid in 1864. No children. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ESTHER (6) LOBDELL AND ANDREW BUCK. 1. Infant son. 2. Betsey Ann Buck. 3. Nathan Lobdell Buck. 4. Cornelius Henry Buck. 5. Martha Jane Buck. 6. Mary Ann Buck. 7. Mahala Trowbridge Buck. 8. Andrew Brad- ley Buck. (All born at Fairfax, Vt.) I. Infant son, died. II. Betsey Ann Buck, d. in infancy. III. Nathan Lobdell Buck, b. 16 Jan., 1831; m. Elmira S. Norton. IV. Cornelius Henry Buck, b. 23 April, 1833; m. May Griflfeth. V. Martha Jane Buck, b. 15 Feb., 1835, d. 15 Sept., 1884; m. Daniel J. Norton. VI. Mary Ann Buck, a twin of Martha Jane, b. 15 Feb., 1835 ; m. 24 Jan., 1856 at Fairfax, Abijah H. Buck, b. 29 Nov., 1833 at Fairfax, son of Nathan and Sarah (Hawley) Buck of Fairfax. They reside at Johnson, Vt. Are Episcopalians. 'Tis sad to record that their children have all preceded them to the other shore, where awaiting their arrival are : CHILDREN. 1. Wilmot Andrew Buck (8), b. 28 Sept., 1857, d. un- married, 24 March, 1879. 2. Sarah Buck (8), b. 13 Nov., 1860, d. 16 Oct., 1861. 3. Ida Mahala Buck (8), b. 8 Nov., 1863, d. 1886; m. Lyman Jones. ' 4. Nathan Abijah Buck (8), b. 11 March, 1868, d. 19 Nov., 1892. VII. Mahala Trowbridge Buck, b. 9 July, 1837; m. Hiram Allen Soule. VIII. Andrew Bradlev Buck, b. 6 Dec, 1838, d. unmarried. *Jolm Rooers Genealogy. 222 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF RACHEL (6) LOBDELL AND HORATIO WAKEMAN. 1. Seth Bradley. 2. Abigail. 3. Sarah C. 4. Sanford H. 5. Clara. 6. Isaac C. 7. Walter. I. Seth Bradley Wakeman, b. 30 Nov., 1827; m. Cynthia B. Houghton. II. Abigail Amelia Wakeman, 1). 13 June. 1829; (m. Van Ren- saeller Skinner) entered peacefully into life eternal, at her home at Bakersfield, Vt., on the morning of 2 Dec, 1897. "Numbered with Thy saints in glory everlasting." (From the Churchman). III. Sarah C. Wakeman, b. 17 Sept., 1831; m. Timothy Jarvis. IV. Sanford H. Wakeman, b. 7 Jan., 1834; m. Theresa V. Sampson. V. Clara Buckley Wakeman, b. 16 Nov., 1837 at Fairfield, Franklin Co., Vt. ; m. 19 June, 1868 at Fairfield, Smith Farrand Sturgis, b. 3 Oct., 1839 at Fairfield, Vt., son of Seth and Eliza (Bearse) Sturgis of Fairfield, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Sturgis reside at Allerton, Mass. Are members of the Episcopal Church. Have two children : 1. Mary Rachel Sturgis (8), b. 19 March, 1870; m. Alvin James Perham. 2. Walter Horatio Wakeman Sturgis (8), b. 10 Feb., 1873 ; m. Anna Turner Sylvester. VI. Isaac C. Wakeman, b. 30 Aug., 1839. VII. Walter Wakeman, b. 25 Jan., 1843 at Fairfield, Vt. ; m. 1 June, 1876 at Lynd, Lyon Co., Minn., Eva J. Watson, b. 20 Feb., 1856 at Redwing, Goodhue Co., Minn., dau. of W. L. and Jane A. (Howard) Watson. Mr. Wakeman and family reside at Marshall, Minn. CHILDREN. 1. Howard Guv Wakeman (8), b. 21 Feb.. 1877, d. 8 July, 1882. 2. Minnie May Wakeman (8), b. 27 July, 1878, d. 2 Sept., 1882. 3. Hazel June Wakeman (8), b. 26 June, 1884. 4. Walter Earl Wakeman (8), b. 24 April, 1888. 223 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF BENJ. HOYT LOBDELL (6) AND WIFE, ANNA ANDRUS. 1. Seth. 2. Nathan. 3. Charles Henry. 4. Mary Abigail. 5. Esther Ann. (1, 2, 3 and 4 were born at Fairfield, Vt.) I. Seth, b. 22 May, 1834. When a child 11 years old left Fair- field, Vt., and after sojourning at several places, his parents lo- cated in Bartlett, 111. in 1877. On Dec. 31, 1861, at Fond du Lac, Wis., he m. Emeline Holland,* b. 15 April, 1844 at Painesville, Ohio, dan. of Peter and Julia (Walker) Holland. He m. for his second wife, 16 Jan., 1881 at Kaukauna, Wis., Mrs. G. W. Mann. The family reside at Bartlett. where Mr. Lob- dell deals extensively in lumber, coal and feed. II. Nathan, a retired merchant, resides at 213 West St., Rock- ford, 111. Was b. 18 Sept., 1839; m. 4 March, 1862 at Marengo, McHenry Co., 111., Sarah Dimon, b. 15 Oct.,. 1842 at Weston, Fairfield Co., Conn., d. 19 Jan., 1897 at Rockford, Winnebago Co., 111., dau. of Thomas and Sallie E. (Treadwell) Dimon. Mr. Lob- dell remarried to Helen M. Smith. He is a Christian Scientist; a Republican in politics. III. Charles Henry, b. 1 May, 1844, d. in infancy. IV. Mary Abigail, :b. 18 Jan., 1846; m. 1 Jan., 1873 at Elgin, Kane Co., 111., Warner Towne, b. 31 March, , at Hadley, Mass., son of E. Warner and Sophia (Hawks) Towne. Mr. Towne and family reside at Sac City, Iowa, where he is interested in real estate. He is a Republican. The family are Presbyterians. CHILDREN. 1. Etta Sophia Towne (8), b. at Monticello, Iowa, 29 April, 1877; m. 18 Jan., 1874 at Earlville, Delaware Co., * Died at her home in Bartlett, Feb. lo, i88o. aged 34 v., 10 m. Mrs. Lobdell came to Bartlett about 4 years ago and during her residence here has endeared herself to all who became acquainted with her. For several years her health has lieen poor, and her intimate friends could but feel that she was soon to be taken away. She suffered an exceedingly severe illness until relieved from all earthly troubles by that kind Providence who doeth all things for the best. A hus- band, four children and a host of friends mourn their loss. Her remains were taken to Dundee for burial. — 'Local paper. 224 Iowa, son of Geo. M. and Louisa P. Van Derveer Parker. 2. Roy Lobdell Townc (8), b. 9 Dec, 1879. Is in busi- ness at Boone, Iowa. 3. Benjamin Warner Townc (8), b. 7 June, 1886. V. Esther Ann, b. 15 Sept., 1848 at Dundee, Kane Co., 111.. d. 28 Feb., 1880 at Bartlett, 111.; m. 25 Dec., 1872 at Dundee, 111., Bascom Bartlett, b. 9 April, 1848 at Bartlett, 111., son of Luther and Sophia Celia Bartlett. One son, Ira Bartlett (8), a farmer, b. 24 Feb.. 1874. resides at Bartlett. Ill; another, Walter Bartlett (8), at Elgin, 111. "The day after the death of her father (Benj. Hoyt Lobdell), his daughter — wife of Bascon Bartlett — followed her father to the long home, never more to return. She leaves three little ones and a dear companion to mourn her loss. She had endeared her- self to us all. The funeral was largely attended at the Congrega- tional Church, Rev. H. Munroe officiating, after which her re- mains were laid away in the family ground, while some who knew her well, sung over her grave, "Sister, thou wast mild and lovely," etc. "From the first to the last the neighbors were unceasing in their attention, rendering every aid within their power. These demonstrations of love and kindness are appreciated by the sur- viving friends of these stricken families." — (Local paper.) EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF SETH AND EMELINE (HOLLAND) LOB- DELL. 1. Allie Isadora (8). 2. Chloe May (8). 3. Ralph B. (8). 4. Rov (8). I. Allie Isadora, b. 8 Nov., 1862, at Fon du Lac. Wis. : m. 18 Feb., 1885 at Bartlett, Cook Co., 111., Jay Wylie Carr, b. 9 Dec, 1857 at Elgin, 111., son of John Calvin and Julia M. (Smith) Carr. The family reside at Aurora, 111., where Mr. Carr is in the creamery and butter business. The family are members of the Congrega- tional Church, 225 CHILDREN. 1. Roy Leslie Carr (9), b. 29 March, 1886 at Bartlett, 111. 2. Irene May Carr (9), b. 20 March, 1892 at Sheridan, La Salle Co., 111. II. Chloe May, b. 11 April, 1882, d. at her home in Bartlett, 16 Nov., 1899, at 12:45 p. m., aged 17 y. 7 m. 5 d. She had been ailing in health for several months and on 29 Oct. was taken ill of typhoid fever and gradnally grew weaker until the cold hand of death took her away. She had attended the public schools in the village and upon graduating l)ecame a student in the Elgin Academy, but after a short time was compelled to leave school, owing to poor healtli. About four years ago, she united with the Bartlett Congrega- tional Church, and always took an active part in the Sunday School and the young people's societies. The funeral services were held at her late home on vSunday, Nov. 19. at 10 o'clock. Rev. C. F. Bauman conducted the last sad rites, assisted by Rev. Stratton of W'heaton. Rev. Bauman based his remarks upon the words: "She is not dead but sleepeth." The white casket "^vas a mass of flowers. A large audience was present, showing the sincere respect felt for the bereaved family. The remains were taken to Dundee for interment, where loving hands had almost covered the wliite lining of the grave with ever- greens. Rev. W. 'R. Hench of Dundee conducted the services at the grave. Slic leaves to mourn her untimely end, a father, mother, grandmother, two brothers and one sister, and a host of other relatives and friends. May was a beautiful. Christian girl and won the love and respect of all by her loving and kind disposition. She will be sadly missed in the home circle by the young people of Bartlett, with whom she was closely associated, and in the Sun- day School, of which organization she was organist. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all in this their sad hour of affliction." ■'Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." III. Ralph B., b. 24 May, 1874 at Burlington, Des Moines Co., Iowa; m. 27 June, 1899 at Chicago, III, Zenetta H. Powers, b. 12 March, 1871 at Maryville, Nodawoy Co.. Missouri, dau. of Alfonso E. and Inez (Noe) Powers. Mr. Lobdell is a miller, residing at Bartlett, 111. ; Republican. 226 CHILDREN. 1. Marion (9j, b. at Bartlett, 19 Dec, 1900. 2. Letha (9), b. at Bartlett, 11 March, 1902. IV. Roy, a farmer of Bartlett, 111., where he was b. 28 Jan., 1877; m. 20 Oct., 1897 at Bartlett, Alvercla Catherine Dice, b. 13 July, 1875 at Skippensburgh, Franklin Co., Pa., dau. of Geo. Frank- lin and Alice Eliza (Coldsmith) Dice. Has one son : 1. Harvey Seth Lobdell (9). h. 4 Feb., 1899 at Bartlett, 111. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF NATHAN (7) AND SARAH (DIMON) LOBDELL. 1. Charles H. (8). 2. Vincent D. (8). I. Charles H., b. 5 Sept., 1863 at Langworthy, Jones Co., Iowa; m. Lula Heath, b. 6 July, 1864 at Elgin. 111., where she d. 25 Oct., 1897., dau. of Aaron and Mary (Fisher) Heath, leaving three children, viz. : 1. Harold M. (9), b. 9 April, 1887. 2. Ralph V. (9), b. 20 Sept.. 1889. 3. Ruby E. (9), b. 29 Jan., 1891. ^Ir. Lobdell remarried 24 Dec. 1898 at Cresco, Howard Co., Iowa, to Katherine Garrett, b. 11 Dec, 1872 at New Orange, Iowa, dau. of Wm. S. and Lucy (McMillian) Garrett, by whom he has one dau. : 1. Lucy Olivia (9), b. 2 Nov.. 1901. The family resides at Elgin, Kane Co., 111., and are Congrega- tionalists, Mr. L. is connected with one of the large factories. II. Vincent D., b. 23 Dec, 1866 at Cass, Jones Co., Iowa; m. 23 Dec, 1891 at Cresco, Iowa, Bertha Louise Wentworth, b. 12 Dec, 1870 at Bethlehem, N. H.. dau. of Nelson John and Lucinda A. (Blake) Wentworth. They have two children: 1. Paul Vincent (9), b. 2 Aug., 1900. 2. Vera Irene (9), b. 25 Sept., 1902. 227 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JASON BRADLEY LOBDELL (6) AND FIRST WIFE, EUNICE JANE BRIGHAM. I. Mary Liicretia, b. 22 Oct., 1840 at St. Albans, Vt., d. 14 Jan., 1886 at Minneapolis, Minn.; m. in Oct., 1859 at St. Paul, Minn, to Amos Foster Blanchard, a painter and decorator of ^Minneapolis, b. 2 May, 1817 at Wilton, Hillsborough, N. H., d. 14 Nov., 1895 at St. Louis Park, Henepen Co., Minn., son of Isaac and Betsey (Foster) Blanchard of \\^ilton, N. H. CHILDREN. 1. Mattie Jane Blanchard (8). b. 13 March, 1862; m. Dewaine Hall, deceased. No children. 2.' Arthur Foster Blanchard (8), b. 31 Dec, 1876. Liv- ing- at Minneapolis. In 1903 vmmarried. n. Cassius Hawley, b. 30 Jan., 1847, d. May, 1867. III. Henry Jason of Minneapolis, b. 2 Dec, 1849 at Dickin- son, Franklin Co., N. Y. ; m. 2 Oct., 1888, to Anna E. MacKeever, 1). 24 Jan., 1859 at New Bedford, Bristol Co., Mass., dau. of Fred- erick H. and Susan \\'. (Emery) McKeever. CHILDREN. 1. Annie Margarette (8), b. 23 June, 1890, d. 22 Nov., 1891. 2. Gladys. Bingham (8), b. 5 May, 1892. IV. Milhe Jane, b. 4 April. 1850 at Dickinson, N. Y. ; m. 3 Dec, 1879 at Auburn, Minn., Charles Fremont Nevens, b. 30 Oct., 1853 at Fremont, Franklin Co., Minn., son of Frederick and Har- riet (Mitchell) Nevens. Mr. Nevens is a manufacturer; resides at Paxton, Keith Co., Neb. ; a Republican ; in religion, Universalist. They have no children. 228 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF URIAH (4) AND PHOEBE (CHAPMAN) LOBDELL. 1. Benj. 2. Phineas. 3. Ebenezer. 4. Sarah. 5. Mary. 6. Eunice. 7. Huldah. I. Benjamin, b. 1767; m. Lydia Sellick. He d. 18 Jan., 1812. His widow remarried to Mr. Daniel Wood, by whom she had one son, Wm. or Darius Wood, whose widow was a resident of Nor- walk. In the cemetery south of Starrs Plain, just east of Sugar Hol- low road near Danbury, Conn., are found the graves of the family of Benj. Lobdell. "In memory of Benjamin Lobdell, who died Jan., 18, 1812, aged 46 years." "In memory of Lydia, widow of Daniel Wood and relict of Benjamin Lobdell. Avho died Sept. 23, 1845 in the 71 year of her age." The stones are of marble and more or less mossy and gray with age. Benjamin evidently lived about three miles from the center of Wilton, Conn., as in Dr. Chichester's old account book is found: "In account with Benjamin Lobden. Nov., 1798. S. D. To a Par of worm Pow 9 March to a visit Tral., 3 mild medicins 3 9 6 April to a visit Trav'l, 3 mild medicins 3 9 7 To a visit Trav'l, 3 mild medicins 3 9 8 To a visit Trav'l, 2 mild medicins 3 9 9 To a visit Trav'l 3, mild medicins 3 9 10 To a visit Trav'l 3, mild 2 9 1 1 To a visit Trav'l 3, mild 3 8 Ct. by 8 lb. of Iron. (Dr. Chichester.) II. Phineas; m. Lydia Bronson, whose brother, Rev. Levi Bronson, was for a long time minister at Starrs Plain. 229 In an old grave yard at entrance to "Sugar Hollow", on main road from Danbury to Ridgefield, near the back of the yard, no mark of other graves near, is a tall, plain, white slab. On it: "In memory of Phineas Lobdell, who died Jan., 1, 1844, aged 75 years. III. Ebenezer Lobdell, b. about 1771, probably at Redding, Conn. Migrated from Ridgefield, Conn, to Philipstown, Putnam Co., N. Y. in 1759. where from county records we would judge that he was an owner of conisderable land. Here he m. Phebe Hustis, dau. of Wm., whose ancestors were among the first settlers of Philipstown. No record of his death. IV. Sarah (or Sally), b. about 1773; m. David Burr, both of Ridgefield; he, the son of Abel and Sarah (Cadwell) Burr of Eaton, Conn. David d. 1856, aged 83. Sarah, in 1846, aged 73. David and Sarah are buried in Starrs Plain cemetery. V. Mary (called Polly), b. about 1775 at Ridgefield, d. 1863 at Warren, Trumbul Co., Ohio; m. three times: (1) John White, by whom she had two children, viz. : 1. Charles Benjamin White (6). 2. Uriah Burr White (6). Charles Benjamin White I am told was a wealthy con- tractor (carpenter) residing on 2nd Ave.. New York City, and having a summer home at Norwalk, Conn. While a lad his father d. and he was brought up in the family of his uncle and aimt (Mr. and Mrs. David Burr.) Mary m. for her (2) husband. Wm. Weeks of Tarrytown, N. Y. Mary m. (3) John Davenport. No issue. She d. about 1864. It is said at or near Tarrytown, N. Y. VI. Eunice, m. James Holt, d. 1825 at Martinsburg, N. Y. No children. VIII. Huldah Ann, b. 1779; unmarried; lived with her mother. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN (5) AND LYDIA (SELLECK) LOBDELL. 1. Benj., Jr. 2. Selleck. 3. Polly. 4. Betsey. 5. Ann. 6. Sally. 7. Huldah. I. Benj., Jr., is buried in Bridgeport. Conn. ; m. Hannah Cur- tis. No children. 230 II. Selleck m. Lucy Wood. Selleck d. 1848. Lucy d. 1881. They and their children, Betsey Ann, aged 6 y., 25 d., and Edward, aged 8 m., 13 d., are buried in South Starr's Plain cemetery. Sel- leck and his sister Sally, both m. descendants of Daniel Wood (their stepfather). From Redding land records : "Selleck Lobdell of Danbury buys land of Russell White at Long Ridge, bounded south by Uriah Griffin's lands, 4 June, 1847." III. Polly m. David Dauchy, had: 1. Edward Dauchy (7), who lived in New Castle. 2. David Dauchy (7). 3. Burr Dauchy (7), who went to sea and never re- turned. IV. Betsey of Ridgefield, m. Hanford Bates of Danbury, 5 March, 1817, a son of Nathan and Ruth Bates. Hanford d. 7 March, 1867, aged 71 y., 10 m. Betsey d. 4 Dec, 1884, aged 82 y., 6 m., 8 d. Both buried at Starr's Plain. V. Ann (a twin of Betsey) m. John L. Ambler. No children. VI. Sally m. 7 Feb., 1810, Isaac Jones (both of Ridgefield). After his death she m. Abijah Wood (her stepfather's son). They moved to Michigan. VII. Huldah, b. 8 March, 1807; m. Judson White, 3 Nov., 1824, son of Gideon and Esther White. He d. 30 Jan., 1853 in his 50th year. She d. 11 May, 1845, aged 38 y., 2 m., 3 d. Are buried in cemetery south of Starr's Plain. Judson remarried to Marie Hor- ton, 19 Nov., 1845. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF EBENEZER (5) AND PHOEBE (HUSTIS) LOBDELL. 1. Wm. 2. Harry. 3. Katy. 4. Mary. 5. Phoebe. 6. Jane. 7. Eliza. 1. Wm., lived and d. about 1845 to 50 on his own farm in the Highlands (Putnam Co., N. Y.) back of Cold Spring; m. Sarah Davenport and had two children, viz. : Wm. and Mary. 1. Wm., Jr. (7), b. 1849 at Philipstown, N. Y. ; m. Char- lotte Hultz and resides at Buchanan, N. Y. ; has two chil- dren, viz. : 231 1. Daniel (8), b. 1880. 2. Emma (8), b. 1883. 2. Mary E. (7), b. 1842 in the Highlands; says: "My parents d. while I was very young and from the time of their death I was among strangers, so that I heard little of my ancestors." She m. at Earlville, 111., Mr. S. M. War- ren, who was b. 7 Jan., 1842 and was also raised in the High- lands. They reside at Earlville, La Salle Co., 111. Have one son : 1. Ellison Warren (8), b. 19 July, 1870 or 76. II. Harry, came to 111. in 1853, d. at Paw Paw, III, in 1883. Two of his children live there now, John and Armena; Benj., Ebenezer and Alfred are dead. (Letter of inquiry unanswered.) III. Katy m. Wm. Wright and lived near Garrison on the- Hudson. Had a family of children, but I reached no descendant. IV. Mary m. Ezekiel Cary and lived at Kingston, N. Y. Had children, but I have found no descendants. V. Phoebe m. Gilbert Townsend and they lived at the Higli- VI. Jane m. Stephen McKeel or Markell. All d. VII. Eliza, never m. FROM PUTNAM CO. CLERK'S OFFICE. List of conveyances with the name "Lobdell" either as grantor or grantee from 1812 to 1865 : "Deed 1. Ebenezer Lobdell and Phoebe, his wife, 15 April, 1818, to Peter Warren, 20 acres, $1,100, Philipstown. Deed 2. Same, to John Davenport, 3 Aug., 1825, $400, one acre at Philipstown. Deed 3. Same, to Elijah Knapp, 2 Aug., 1825, $2,200, 40 acres at Philipstown. Deed 4. Same, to Gilbert Ireland, 27 Oct., 1827, $36, 10 acres at Philipstown. Deed 5. Same, to David Knapp, 28 Oct., 1827, $75, one-quarter acre at Philipstown. Deed 6. Huldah Lobdell from Samuel Riggs, 10 Nov., 1828, $280, 6 acres at Philipstown. Deed 7. Phoeber, Harry, Mary Jane and Phoebe J, Lobdell to Wm. Lobdell, $90, 10 acres at Philipstown, 28 July, 1845. Deed 8. Wm. Lobdell from Luke Wood, 1 May, 1851, $950, 45 acres at Philipstown. 232 Deed 9. Wm. Lobdell from Jesse Lawrence, 13 March, 1844, $600, 25 acres at Philipstown. Deed 10. Phoebe, Harry, Eliza. Wilham and Sally Ann Lob- dell to Caleb Hustis, 19 Feb., 1830. $550, 25 perches land in Philips- town. Deed 11. Harry Lobdell from Wm. Hustis, 4 Feb., 1831, $330, 5 acres at Philipstown. Deed 12. Samuel H. Lobdell from J. A. Taber, 31 March, 1857, $199, 5,700 feet near railroad at Patterson, N. Y. Deed 13. Harry and Mary A. Lobdell to S. VV. Davenport, 17 Sept., 1856, $800, 5 acres at Philipstown. Deed 14. Samuel H. Lobdell and Nancy, his wife, to T. W. Akin, 1 April, 1859, $575. 5,700 feet in Patterson, N. Y. Deed 15. Nancy A. Lobdell from J. A. Taber, 29 Sept., 1859, $400, 1,000 square feet in Patterson, N. Y. Deed 16. Nancy A. Lobdell to Alex. Hall, 22> March, 1861, $1,000. 10,000 square feet in Patterson, N. Y. Deed 17. Wm. Lobdell from Caleb Hustis, etc., 21 Aug., 1854, $400, 25 perches of land in Philipstown. Deed 18. Wm. Lobdell from David Knapp, 1 April, 1846, $50, one-half acre land in Philipstown." New York State Gazeteer, p. 542, Putnam Co. : "The first settlement in Philipstown was made by Thos. Dav- enport about 1715, and during that year he built the first house in Coldspring. David Hustis settled in the town 1730." CHILDREN OF SALLY (5) LOBDELL AND DAVID BURR. 1. David Barlow Burr. 2. Caroline Burr. 3. Polly Burr. L David Barlow Burr, b. Jan., 1799; m. Abigail, b, about 1805. dau. of Noah and Esther (Hecock) Dibble. David d. 26 April, 1891, aged 92 years, 4 months; Abigail, 17 July, 1889, aged 84. Both are buried in Ridgefield cemetery. IL Caroline Burr never married. HI. Polly Burr m. Samuel Baxter. She and three little chil- dren, who d. in infancy, are buried in the Burr plat in Starr's Plain cemetery. Polly d. 4 Aug., 1862, aged 69 years. In the same plat with David and Sarah Burr lie their children : Caroline Burr d. 29 Jan., 1833, aged 29 years ; Maria Louisa Burr 233 d. 2 July, 1832, aged 13 years; Sally Burr d. 13 June, 1822, aged 21 years; Sally Burr d. 1 Aug.. 1799, aged 5 years. Also Charles Benjamin Burr, son of David Barlow Burr, d. 16 Aug., 1852, aged 20 rears. 8 months. 22 days. CHILDREN OF MARY (5) LOBDELL AND HER (1) HUS- BAND, JOHN WHITE. (White). Charles Benjamin — Uriah Burr. Uriah Burr White, a bridge builder, b. 11 Feb'y. 1811, at Nor- walk. Conn., d. 3 ]\Iarch, 1890, at Des Moines, Iowa, m. 7 Nov., 1833, at Tarrytown, X. Y. Alary, b. 15 March, 1812, at Tarrytown, d. 8 Jany., 1881. at Mitchelville, Iowa, — dau. of Daniel Warren. CHILDREN. 1. Uriah Height W^hite. b. 25 Nov., 1834, m. three times. 2. John A. White, b. 21 Oct.. 1836, m. Florida Boone. 3. Warren White, b. 27 Oct., 1838, m. Abbie Severs. 4. Martha J. White, b. 1 March. 1841, m. Samuel Curtis. 5. Mary E. White, b. 13 March, 1843. 6. Alvah C. White, b. 17 July, 1846, m. Mary Clegg. 7. Theophilus White, b. 11 May, 1849. 8. Hanna White, b. 11 Sept., 1851, at Warren, Trumble Co.,. Ohio, m. 11 Sept., 1888, at Marion. Linn Co., Iowa, Jesse Davis Wilson, a mechanic, b. 21 June. 1833, at Warren Springs. Bath Co.,. Virginia, son of Wm. Wilson and Eliza])eth Davis. Residence, Colfax, Jasper Co., Iowa. No children. Methodist. Republican. 9. Charles Henry Wliite, b. 16 April, 1854; m. Helen Cady. CHILDREN OF MARY (5) LOBDELL AND HER SECOND HUSBAND, WM. WEEKS. (Weeks). 1. Wm. Henry. 2. John L. 3. Mary Esther. 4. Evaline. I. Wm. Henry W^eeks, b. July, 1815, at Philipstown, N. Y., d. 2 April, 1878, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa; m. 11 Nov., 1838, in New York City, Frances Noble, b. 17 Dec, 1821, at Nova Scotia, B. C, d. 28 July, 1892. Her parents resided in New York City, where they both d. of cholera, 4 July, 1832. 234 CHILDREN— SEVENTH GENERATION. 1. John Noble Weeks, b. 21 Oct., 1839; m. (1st) Erne- line Kenmie, (2nd) Miss Lane. 2. Ann Elizabeth Weeks, b. 25 Jan., 1844; d. in infancy. 3. VVm. H. Weeks, b. 9 Sept., 1845; m. Helen Bates. 4. Charles Benj. Weeks, b. 24 Feb., 1848; m. Amelia Fuller Pear. 5. Julia Weeks, b. 18 Oct., 1853, at New York City; m. 5 Jan., 1874, Gold D. Pettit, b. at Flushing, Queens Co., N. Y., d. 13 Feb., 1905, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, son of Henry and Joanna (Aaroson) Pettit. Mrs. Julia (Weeks) Pettit resides at Waterloo, Iowa, and has one son (8) — 1. Fred G. Pettit. b. 31 July, 1875; ni. Josephine Lee Buchanan. 6. Mary Weeks (a twin of Julia), b. 18 Oct., 1853; m. Joseph Stoddard. 7. Nellie Venitia Weeks, b. 15 Feb., 1859. II. John L. Weeks. III. Mary Esther Weeks, b. Dec, 1823, at Cold Springs, N. Y. : d. 1897 in Chicago, 111. ; m. at Tarrytown, N. Y., Wm. Geo. Darley, b. 1815 in London, England, d. 25 Dec, 1893, at Marshalltown, Iowa. Children — 1. Venetia F. Darley, b. 5 April. 1844. at Tarrytown, N. Y. ; m. 30 Nov., 1865, at New Castle. Pa., T. M. Humphreys, b. 2 Dec, 1843. in Butler Co., Pa., son of Thomas A. and Ruth (Thorn) Humphreys. Children — 1. Wm. A. Humphreys, b. in New Castle. Pa. 2. Lea. M. Humphreys, b. in St. Louis, Mo. Residence, Chicago. 111. 2. Edward C. Darley, b. 1846 ; m. Elenora Walton. 3. Wm. B. Darley. 4. Mary M. Darley, 1). 28 July. 1855, at Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio; m. 15 Dec, 1896, Charles Henry Anderson, b. 9 Nov.. 1854. at Griggsville. 111., son of Wm. F. and Laura E. (Gilpin) Anderson. Residence, St. Louis, Mo. 5. Kittie Darley, d. young. 6. Richard W. Darley, b. 1863 : m. Harriet Chamberlain. IV. Eveline A\'ecks, who d. in her girlhood. 235 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF BETSEY (6) LOBDELL AND HANFORD BATES. 1. Caroline. 2. Benjamin. 3. Henr}-. 4. Nancy 5. Eliza. 6. Ann. 1. Caroline Bates m. Chas. B. Weed. Reside in Bridgeport, Conn. 2. Benjamin Bates m. 13 March, 1855. Frances L. Burr. Re- sides at Starrs Plain, near Danbiiry, Conn. 3. Henry Bates m. first, Emma Lee ; second, Sarah Gregory. 4. Nancy Bates m. Timothy Ambler. 5. Eliza Bates m. Henry Ambler. 6. Ann r>atcs m. Henry Taylor. Reside in Danbury. CHILDREN OF HULDAH (6) LOBDELL AND JUDSON WHITE. 1. Benj. White m. first. Rhoda Boughton, 8 Sept., 1845; sec- ond, Ellen M. Boughton. 2. Joel White m. Sarah Maynard 7 Sept., 1855. 3. Mary White m. F. W. Force, 2 Jan., 1856; living at South Norwalk, Conn. (1902). 4. Martha White m. Joel W^ Hatt 25 Dec, 1860. 5. Judson White, Jr., m. Sarah Morris 11 Nov., 1863. 6. Eliza Ann White. 7. Tohn E. WHiite d. 2 Oct.. 1861. From tombstones found in Starr's Plain cemetery: Gideon White d. 1876, aged 99 years, 18 days. Esther, his wife, d. 1869, aged 83 years. 11 days. Judson WHiite d. 30 Jan., 1853, aged 49 years, 9 months, 12 days. Huldah Lobdell. his wife, d. 11 May, 1845, aged 38 years, 2 months, 3 days. An infant son d. 29 April, 1845. Eliza Ann White d. 10 Nov.. 1847, aged 18 years, 3 months, 12 days. 236 Nathan Bates d. 25 June, 1855, aged 83 years, 5 months, 11 days. Ruth, his wife, d. 19 Aug., 1849, aged 73 years, 7 months. (Parents of Hanford Bates, who m. Betsey Lobdell.) CHILDREN OF DAVID (6) BARLOW AND ABIGAIL (DIBBLE) BURR. 1. Mary Esther. 2. Daniel Dibble. 3. Emily. 4. Wm. Seely. 5. Chas. Benjamin. 6. Caroline Louise. 7. Marie An- toinette. 8. Elbert. 9. Lucy Abigail. L Mary Esther Burr, b. 2 Nov., 1828, at Ridgcfield ; m. 1 Jan., 1850, at Ridgefield, Burr Taylor, b. 17 April, 1822, son of Noah and Pamelia (Burr) Taylor of Ridgefield. They reside about two miles and a half from Starr's Plain, on the road toward Ridgefield. Have two sons — Elbert Burr Taylor (8) m. Catherine Johnson, and Je- rome Taylor (8) m. Jennie Frisbie 26 Jan.. 1885. 2. Daniel Dibble Burr, b. 1826, d. 1901. 3. Emily Burr, b. 5 Jan., 1829; m. Theodore Mayhew, b. 1 April, 1822. They have no children. 4. \A'm. Seely Burr, living in Bridgeport, Conn., b. 1831, m. Harriet Lane. 5. Chas. Benj. Burr, b. 1832, d. 1852. 6. Caroline Louise Burr, b. 23 May, 1834; m. Elbert W. Gil- bert, 30 July, 1854; Caroline d. 30 April, 1885. 7. Marie Antoinette Burr, b. 21 Jan.. 1836; m. first, Le Grand Hull, 17 July, 1862; had— 1. Cornelia M. Hull (8). b. 4 July, 1863; m. Daniel O. Depew. 1 Sarah E. Hull (8), b. 27 June, 1866; m. in 1885, Wm. S. Thompson. Widow Hull m. 8 Oct., 1872, Elijah Morris, b. 28 June, 1832. They reside in Danbury, Conn., and have one dau. and one son : 1. Jessie Eliza Morris (8), b. 30 Sept., 1874; m. Clinton Thompson. 2. Benj. Franklin Morris (8), b. 16 Oct., 1876; m. Lena Moran, 14 Nov., 1900. 8. Elbert Burr, b. 1838, d. 1840. 9. Lucy Abigail Burr, b. 28 Sept., 1846; m. Johann Hornig, who d. 8 March. 1903. 237 EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN AND FRANCES (BURR) BATES. 1. Delia E. 2. Cora R. 3. Jennie N. 1. Delia Elizabeth Bates, b. 20 Feb.. 1856; m. 14 Sept., 1878, Charles F. White.* Their only child, Carrie Frances (9) White, b. 21 Aug., 1884, m. Wm. M. Hoffman 17 June, 1902. 2. Cora R. Bates, b. 19 Dec, 1858; m. Charles A. Abbott. 3. Jennie N. Bates, b. 26 Jan.. 1861 ; m. 1876, Richard Hoyt. She d. Aug., 1895. Their son, Ernest (9) Hoyt, b. Aug. ,1877, m. Bertha Lent, March. 1901. CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN WHITE (7) AND RHODA BOUGHTON. (White). 1. Geo. Henry. 2. Chas. Judson. 3. Jane. 4. Wallace A. 5. Edward Allison. 6. Ward. 7. Lewis B. 8. Mary E. 1. Geo. Henry White, b. 18 Sept., 1848; d. 14 Oct., 1852. 2. Chas. Judson White, b. 12 June, 1851 ; d. 28 March, 1872. 3. Jane White, b. 29 April, 1854 ; d. 28 March, 1855. ■ 4. Wallace A. White, b. 14 March, 1856; m. 2 Dec, 1877, Ida North rup. 5. Edward Allison White, b. 6 March, 1858; m. 14 Jan., 1877, Laura E. Hummiston. 6. Ward White, b. 9 Jan., 1864. 7. Lewis B. White, b. 12 June, 1866. 8. Mary E. White, b. 26 Nov., 1871 ; m. Oct., 1890-1, George A. Ferguson. 238 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF BURWELL AND ANNA (ST. JOHN) LOBDELL. 1. Polly. 2. Annis. 3. Betsey. 4. Samuel. 5. Lewis. 6. Joseph. L Polly m. Noah St. John. Had: Hiram (6), John O. (6), Samuel (6) and others. A grand dau. (7) is living in Norwalk. H. Annis (probably Eunice) m. Moses Jennings. Annis d. a young woman, and Moses Jennings m. for his second wife, Han- nah Squires. Moses d. and was buried in New Jersey, where he was at work. Both wives are buried at Osborntown cemetery, Georgetown. HL Betsey, m. 25 May, 1800, d. 13 Sept., 1825. at Georgetown; m. Matthew Bennett, who d. 7 Jan., 1851, aged 68 years. Matthew Bennett had 21 children by his two wives. He with his two wives and several children are buried in Osborn cemetery, Georgetown. He m. for his second wife, Polly Scribner. She d. 21 Sept., 1849, aged 54 years. I\^. Samuel, bapt. 20 May, 1784, by Dr. Debles ; residence of parents given as Norwalk (which part was after 1802 called Wil- ton). I assume that he d. a young man, about 25. Danbury Pro- bate Records, Vol. 10. p. 188, 12 Dec, 1809: "Letters of adminis- tration on the estate of Samuel Lobdell, late of Reading, in the District of Danbury, are granted by this court to Lewis Lobdell of said Reading." The estate was found insolvent. Inventory taken 26 Dec, 1809. Amount $100.53, and recorded same day. Settlement and order to pay dividend, 20 July, 1810. No wife nor children mentioned. V. Lewis, b. 7 Feb., 1788, at Georgetown, Conn.; m. Aug., 1820, at Wilton, Conn., Rebecca Noyes, b. 3 March, 1794, at Fair- field. Conn., dau. of Joseph and Amelia (Burr) Noyes. Mrs. Lob- dell was a direct descendant of John Alden and his wife, Priscilla Mullins. She d. 6 Sept., 1826, at Wilton, Conn., and Lewis m. as his second wife, on 4 April, 1827, Sarah Foot, b. 6 June, 1799. 239 Lewis d. 6 April, 1834, at Wilton, and on 22 April of the same year Noah St. John was appointed administrator of his estate, and on 27 Dec, 1834, Joseph Levy of Wilton was appointed guardian to Lewis and James Lobdell, sons of Lewis and Rebecca (Noyes) Lobdell. (This from Xorwalk Probate records.) Widow Sarah Lobdell m. for her second husband, Eleazar Tay- lor, son of Ebenezer Taylor of Bethel, Conn. She d. 30 March, 1866, aged 66 years, 10 months. This is copied from her grave stone in Zion Hill cemetery at Wilton, In the cemetery at Osborntown, near Georgetown, are the graves of Lewis and Rebecca (spelled Lobdill). In In memory of memory of Lewis Lobdill, Rebecca, wife of who died Lewis Lobdill, April 6, 1834, daughter of Joseph Ae. 46 years. and Amelia Noys, Also who died Levi, his son, Sept. 6, 1826, who died May 20, 1834, Ae. 32 years. Ae. 6 months. (Descendants will notice the names spelled Lobdill and Noys, instead of Lobdell and Noyes, as at the present day.) From Wilton land records : "David Coley of Weston sells land to Lewis Lobdell, who lived at Georgetown, 1812. The land was at Long Hollow." From Wilton town records: "The cattle ear-mark of Lewis Lobdell was a swallow fork near ear, and half-penny under side of ear." VI. Joseph. No record of his birth nor of his life, only from Dr. Chichester's books. During the month of May, 1794, the doctor made him three visits, traveling two miles to reach the home of Joseph. Records give: "Joseph Lobdill of Wilton, Ct, (Georgetown), on 12 Sept., 1797, bought lot and dwelling house at Wilton, Conn., and sold the same in 1799 to Luke Keeler." 240 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ANNIS LOBDELL (5) AND MOSES JEN- NINGS. 1. Eunice 2. Sally. 3. Angeline. 4. A son. 1. Annis (Wilton records give her name Eunice) Jennings, b, 1797, d. on Olmstead Hill, Wilton, Conn., 20 April, 1881 ; m. Ste- phen Scribner, who d. several years before his v^^ife. Both are buried in Zion's Hill cemetery, Wilton. A dau. (7), Mrs. Burr Patrick, b. 1826, resides (1902) at North Wilton, Conn. 2. Sally Jennings m. Beach Whitehead. Both are buried in Tempawaug cemetery. Children : 1. Alonzo Whitehead (7), probably lives in Roxbury, Conn. 2. Georgianna Whitehead (7) m. Geo. Dudley. 3. Sarah Whitehead (7) m. Mr. Sanford. 4. Angeline Whitehead (7) m. Morris Jennings. 5. Ambrose Beach Whitehead (7) went west. 6. Eleanor Whitehead m. John Partrick, a brother of Burr Partrick. 7. Jane Whitehead, unmarried. 3. Angeline Jennings m. Geo. Shute of New York, buried in Osborntown cemetery. 4. A son, enlisted in the U. S. Army. Never heard from. Moses Jennings by (2) wife had : Thomas, Polly, Abby, Jane, Charles, Delia, Ann, Orrin. CHILDREN OF BETSEY LOBDELL (5) AND A. MATTHEW BENNETT. 1. Aaron. 2. Henry. 3. Noah. 4. Sherman. 5. Sarah. 6. Geo. L. 7. Aaron. 8. Alvira. 9. Betsey Ann. 1. Aaron Bennett d. young. 2. Henry Bennett, b. 7 Feb., 1806, at Georgetown, Fairfield Co., Conn.; m. 11 Sept., 1833, at Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Sarah B., dau. of Moses and Amy (Hibbard) Witherall. b. 25 Oct., 1814, d. 19 Feb., 1867, at Norfolk, Conn., Litchfield Co. 241 Henry Bennett, with his brother Noah, went to Amenia when they became of age, and both m. and hved there until 1848, when Henry and his family moved into the next town (Sharon, Conn.), and in 1864 came to Norfolk, Conn. His son Henry, b. 1835, tells me : "Since 1864 it has been our home and the burial place for our dead. Here I hope to spend the remainder of my days. There are but three of our family now living-. "' CHILDREN. 1. Geo. H. Bennett (7), b. 14 Oct., 1834, d. young. 2. John Henry Bennett (7), b. 13 Nov., 1835, is unmar- ried and living (1902), together with his brother Charles, on the old homestead in Norfolk. Conn. The infirmities of age obliged him to give up a position held for over twenty years in the Norfolk & New Brunswick Hosiery Co.. as foreman of the finishing room. Was employed !)}■ the com- pany nearly 32 years, ten years on machine button holes and looking after the machines. Rheumatism has so crippled his hands that it is almost impossil)lc for him to use them. but he patiently waits the call of Him who will release him from suffering. He says : "The good Lord has taken care of me and I am about through with this world." 3. Geo. M. Bennett (7), b. 26 July, 1837; d. 9 Oct., 1864. Was in W^ar of the Rebellion. 4. Fred"k H. Bennett (7), b. 9 July, 1840; m. Mary E. Bennett, a cousin. He was in W^ar of the Rebellion. 5. Aaron M. Bennett (7), b. 23 Oct., 1842; m. Sarah F. Emory. He was in W^ar of the Rebellion. Is now (1902) living at "The Soldiers" Home," Norton Heights, Conn. 6. Moses W. Bennett, b. 12 March, 1845; was in War of the Rebellion ; d. of yellow fever at Newborn 19 Oct., 1864. 7. Charles B. Bennett (7), b. 20 June. 1858; m. Julia A. Myers. Is living on the old homestead (1902). Four other children d. in infancy, making eleven in all. 3. Noah Bennett, b. 10 March, 1808. m. (1) Clarinda Hutchin- son, (2) Minerva Hurst, d. April. 1894. He d. 13 Aug., 1891, in Easton Center, Conn. CHILDREN. 1. Sarah E. Bennett (7), h. 25 Dec, 1833; m. 25 Dec, 1856, Eli B. Godfrey; she .1. ') July, 1891. Has one son, Wm. B. Godfrey, living in I )anbury. Conn. (1902). 242 2. Pauline Bennett (7) d. in cliiklhood. 3. Joel Bennett (7) d. in childhood. 4. Geo. Henry Bennett (7) killed in War of the Rebel- lion. 5. Joseph Bennett (7) d. in childhood. 6. Charley Bennett (7) d. in childhood. ' 7. Albert H. Bennett (7), b. Oct.. 1847. Resides at New Haven, Conn. 8. Ezra M. Bennett (7), b. 25 Dec, 1849. Resides at Worcester, Mass. 4. Sherman Bennett m. Jeanette Sherwood, d. in Wilton 22 Nov., 1825, aged 22 years. Buried at Branchville. Two of his daughters are living in Georgetown, Conn. : Mrs. Fanny St. John (7) and Mrs. Mary Bennett (7) (1902). 5. Sarah Bennett d. 1900, aged 90 years ; m. Ezra Brown of Georgetown. A dau., Martha A. Brown (7), m. as second wife, 28 June. 1874, Nathaniel Boughton. 1). 30 Dec. 1830, son of Joseph and Betsey (Bixbee) Boughton of Norwalk, Conn. Sarah was brought up by Dr. and Mrs. David Willard. "She had a number of children, all very smart." 6. Geo. L. Bennett d. at South Norwalk 31 Dec, 1897; m. Mary Smith, dau. of Ebenezer and Rachel (Disbrow) Smith. She d. 17 Aug., 1889. Has a dau., Mrs. Esther Wheeler (7), East Norwalk. 7. Aaron Bennett, b. 14 Aug., 1817; m. 24 April, 1844, Caro- line Phillips, b. Jan., about 1827, d. 30 Nov., 1899, dau. of Thomas and Caroline (Godfrey) Phillips. Residence, Westport, 1902. 8. Alvira Bennett, b. 30 July, 1819; m. 4 May, 1848— as his second wife — ^Francis Godfrey, b. 23 July, 1811 (son of Stephen). He (1. 4 April, 1890. 9. Betsey Ann Bennett d. unmarried, 14 April. 1884, at West- port. Conn. Was a very bright woman. Matthew Bennett, by his second wife, had — Matthew, Jr., d. 18 Dec, 1854. Harriet Bennett, b. 8 Nov., 1842. ^lary Elizabeth Bennett, b. 3 Aug., 1832; m. 23 Jan., 1850, Wakeman Bates, b. 22 Feb., 1825. d. 26 Aug., 1897. Widow Bates resides in Georgetown, Conn., 1903. Stephen Bennett and perhaps others. 243 CHILDREN OF LEWIS (5) LOBDELL AND HIS FIRST WIFE, REBECCA NOYES. 1. Noyes. 2. Lewis. 3. James. 1. Noyes, b. at Georgetown 10 June, 1821 ; probably d. in infancy, as no record, except that of his birth, found in M. E. Church records, can be found. 2. Lewis, Jr., b. 23 Jan., 1823, at Georgetown, Conn. ; m. Abby Jane Lockwood, dau. of Isaac and (Sturges) Lockwood, b. at Wes- ton, Conn. The family removed to Sharon, Kalkaska Co., Mich., where Lewis d. 10 Aug., 1865. 3. James, b. 3 Feb., 1825, at Wilton, Conn. ; m. 26 Sept., 1846, at Weston, Fairfield Co., Conn., Elizabeth A. Lockwood, b. 6 March, 1825, at Weston, dau. of Albert and Rachel (Ogden) Lock- wood. They removed to Bridgeport, Conn., where James d. 2 Nov., 1878. His widow resides in Bridgeport (1902), and from letters written by her I know that she must be a wonderfully bright and well preserved woman. James served one year in the "Civil War," enlisting in the 23rd Reg't., Co. E, Conn. Volunteers. CHILDREN OF LEWIS LOBDELL AND HIS (2) WIFE, SARAH FOOT. 1. Eli Lobdell, b. about 1828, as we find in the distribution of his father's estate, 8 Nov., 1834, his mother was appointed his guardian, he then being six years old. He m. Clarissa Olmstead, dau. of Seth and Polly (St. John) Olmstead. They had no chil- dren. Eli enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, Co. C, 17th Reg't. Conn. Volunteers. I think he d, away and his body was returned home and buried in Zion Hill cemetery at Wilton. " Eli Lobdell, Member of Co. C, 17th Reg't, C. v.. Died Feb. 5, 1864, Ae. 34 y. 9 m. and 21 days. He sleeps his last sleep. He has fought his last battle ; No sound can awake him To glory again." 244 Clarissa m. for her second husband, Samuel Williams, who d. 12 Jan., 1864, aged 62 years, 3 months, 8 days; and she m. third, Edward Fryer, who survived her. Is now living (1904). She is buried in her father's lot in the cemetery near Batterson's corners at Georgetown, Found on tombstone : "Clarissa, Wife of Edward Fryer, Died Jan. 19, 1837, Ae. 57 y., 7 m." 2. Noyes Lobdell was about 4 years old when his mother was appointed his guardian, 8 Nov., 1834; m. 7 Feb., 1852, Mary Eliza- beth Gunn, b. 8 Jan., 1835, dau. of Ariel and Harriet (Flynn) Gunn. They removed to New Jersey, he enlisted on a whale ship and wrote to his wife from Carolina ; since then was never heard of. His wife re-married to a Mr. Crosby of Georgetown. 3. Amelia Burr, b. 4 Jan., 1832, now (1904) living in George- town, Conn., on being interviewed by Miss Jessie Lobdell of Ridge- bury, tells us: "My father was Lewis Lobdell. He lived and d. in the old house on the hill (Georgetown). All of his children were b. there. Father and his first wife are buried right up the road in Osborn- town graveyard. My two brothers, Eli and Noyes, one b. in April, the other in May, one year apart, were both older than I. I m. 12 May, 1850, Charles Osborn, b. July, 1829, d. 26 Aug., 1872, son of Isaac and Hannah (Knapp) Osborn. My husband and two chil- dren are buried in cemetery, Zion Hill, at Wilton." CHILDREN. 1. Geo. Turney Osborn (7), b. 11 July, 1855; d. 22 Dec, 1876. 2. Charles Noyes Osborn (7), b. 26 Dec, 1857; d. 19 April, 1861. 3. Clarence Lincoln Osborn (7), b. 3 March, 1867; m. 10 June, 1896, Eliza Jane Officer, b. 15 Dec, 1869, dau. of David and Jane (Holmes) Officer. Resides at Georgetown, Conn. 4. A son, Levi, who d. about one month after the death of his father, aged 6 months. Matthew Bennett and Lewis Lobdell must have lived near to each other, as in Dr. Chichester's books the accounts are together, viz: 245 MATTHEW BENNETT AND LEWIS LOBDELL. 20 Oct., 1819, to a visit, travel four miles, medicine 4.6 21, to a visit, travel four miles, medicine 4.6 23, to a visit, travel four miles, medicine 4.3 21 June, A. D. 1822, to a visit, travel four miles, medicine 4.9 22, to a visit, travel, medicine 4.9 2Z, to a visit, travel, medicine 5. 24, to a visit, travel, medicine 3.6 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF LEWIS, JR., (6) AND ABBY JANE (LOCK- WOOD) LOBDELL. 1. Henry. 2. Edward J. 3. Rebecca. 1. Henry d. young. 2. Edward J., b. 20 Jan., 1859, at Sharon, Mich. ; m. Grace A. Dunbar. In 1899 he was a resident of Marietta. Ohio, engaged in the manufacturing of carriage stock, also bicycle rims. He now has valuable interests in the lumber districts of northern Michigan, being located in Onaway. Presque Isle Co. Children : 1. Faith (8),'b. 30 Nov., 1893. 2. Edward J., Jr. (.8), b. 3 Aug.. 1895. 3. Rebecca, b. 1864 : m. Daniel Gacfe. CHILDREN OF JAMES (6) AND ELIZABETH A. LOCK- WOOD LOBDELL. 1. Augusta Ogden. 2. Rebecca Noyes. 3. James Benjamin. 1. i\ugusta Ogden, b. 8 July, 1849; m. Fred'k Converse. 2. Rebecca Noyes, b. 31 Dec, 1852; m. John S. Fray. 3. James Benj., b. 12 Nov.. 1855, in Fairfield Co., Conn., in what is now called Branchville, near Georgetown. When eight years old he moved with his parents to Bridgeport, Conn., where he lived for over thirty years. In 1896 he went to Marietta, Ohio, and is now located at Onaway, Mich., engaged and interested in the lumber business. On 8 April, 1886, he m. at Pittsfield, Mass., Berkshire Co., Addie L. Lockwood, b. 25 Sept., 1856, at Weston, Conn., dau. of Joseph R. and Anna E. (Reeves) Lockwood. 246 CHILDREN. • 1. Alida Lewis (8), b. 1 March, 1887; d. 4 March, 1887. 2. EHzabeth Reeves (8), b. 8 Nov., 1889; d. 8 March, 1896. 3. Benjamin Noyes (8), b. 28 June, 1898. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF SUSANNAH (4) LOBDELL AND DANIEL RIGGS. L Samuel Riggs, b. 20 May, 1785 ; m. EHzabeth Haight of Dutchess Co., N. Y. IL Isaac Riggs, b. 5 March, 1787; m. Marinda Smith. III. Polly Riggs, b. 6 July, 1791 ; m. Lockwood Gray. IV. Daniel Riggs, b. 16 May, 1793; m. Lumeric Ryerson. From Riggs genealogy. 247 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOSIAH (4) AND (WIDOW) MIRRIAM (HICKOCK) LOBDELL. BORN AT RIDGEFIELD. 1. Jared. 2. Jacob. 3. Sarah. 4. Rebecca. 5. Amy. 6. Eunice. I. Jared, b. 25 May, 1788; d. in 1799. II. Jacob, b. 14 March, 1790; no record. III. Sarah, b. 4 Jan., 1793; no record. IV. Rebecca, b. 13 Feb., 1797; m. 30 April, 1821, Philo Webb Jones, b. 27 May, 1802, at Stamford, Conn., son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Pardee) Jones. Philo Webb Jones resided at West- port, Conn., where he d. 31 Jnly, 1876, and Rebecca 5 Jan., 1876. V. Amy, b. 26 March. 1798, resided with her sister Rebecca (during- Rebecca's life), d. in Wilton, Conn., 9 Oct., 1878, aged 81 years. VI. *Eunice. b. 17 July, 1800; m. Thaddeus I\Iead Benedict, b. 3 Jan., 1801, m. 4 May, 1826. Eunice d. 26 Aug., 1850. Children: 1. Mary Ann Benedict (6), b. 1827 at Norwalk, Conn. 2. Sarah Maria Benedict (6), b. 1828; d. 20 Sept., 1835. 3. Wm. Edward Benedict (6), b. 24 June, 1830; m. 2 April, 1857, Antoinette, dau. of Ira and Thirza Barrett of Bedford, b. 11 Jan., 1832. Resides at Ridgefield, Conn. In Ridgefield cemetery are two low, narrow, connected grave- stones, erected by loving hands to the memory of Josiah and Mir- iam Lobdell : Died ■■ Oct. 21. , Miriam, wife of Josiah Lobdell, ae. 69 years. " In Her face was tranquil and se- Memory of rene, Josiah Lobdell, No sorrow in her looks was seen, who died Her Saviour's smiles dispelled June 4, 1837, the gloom aged 77 years." And smoothed her passage to the tomb." *From Benedict Genealogy, 248 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF REBECCA LOBDELL (5) AND PHILO WEBB JONES. BORN AT WESTPORT, FAIRFIELD CO., CONN. 1. Edward Jones d. in infancy. 2. Sarah Maria Jones, b. 24 Aug., 1826, at Titicus, Fairfield Co., Conn., d. 14 Aug., 1899, at Wilton, Conn.; m. 12 May, 1847, at Westport, Conn., Sherman Piatt Fitch, a merchant of Wilton, b. 21 Nov.. 1822, at Wilton, where the family resided and he d. 16 Feb.. 1894. The family were Episcopalians. 3. Charles Henry Jones m. Phoebe Raymond. 4. Oscar I. Jones m. Elizabeth (?). 5. John Jones m. Mary Elwell. 6. Mary Robinson Jones, unmarried. 7. Philo Jones m. Mary (?). SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF SARAH MARIA JONES (6) AND SHERMAN PLATT FITCH. 1. Edward Sherman Fitch, b. 7 Feb., 1848, at Wilton, Conn.; m. 16 Nov., 1870, Ella Louisa Chauncey. b. 1 June, 1849, at Brook- lyn, N. Y., dau. of Michael and Maria Louisa Chauncey. Residence, West 72nd street. New York City. Edward Sherman Fitch was in the banking and brokerage busi- ness from 1870 to 1884, when he accepted a position with the Western Union Telegraph Co., as special inspector of the gold and stock department. He was an exhibitor in space "R," Electrical building. World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, of printing telegraphs. Tn Nov., 1893, was appointed general agent of the Union Tele- graph and News Co., No. 1 Broadway, New York, and was the first to place in actual operation in New York the Page Printing Tclegrajih system under the patents of S. V. Essick, an apparatus l\v means of which messages can be transmitted and recorded in plain Roman characters over a thousand miles on a single wire. 249 CHILDREN. 1. Maud Louisa Fitch (8), 1). 1 Jan., 1872. 2. Ethel Chauncey Fitch (8), b.'ll July, 1876. 3. Harry Sherman Fitch (8), b. at Ridgewood, Bergen Co., N. J., 28 Sept., 1877, is the last male issue, of Sam'l Fitch, the Crown's Justice, and from him the descent is as follows : Samuel Fitch, Jr. Samuel, son of Samuel, Jr. Joseph Piatt Fitch. Sherman Piatt Fitch. Edward Sherman Fitch. Harry Sherman Fitch. 2. Arthur Treat Fitch, b. 6 Aug., 1849, is unmarried and re- sides in London. England. 3. Helen Elizabeth Fitch, b. 6 Feb., 1853 ; m. John Burr Sturges. 4. Agnes Jones Fitch, b. 10 Nov., 1854; m. David B. Ogden. 5. Harriet Robinson Fitch, b. 10 Jan., 1857; m. Daniel B. Tel- ford. 6. Frances Fitch, b. 5 Sept., 1861 ; m. John M. Belden. 7. Richard Henry Filch, b. 5 June, 1866; m. Bertha Brady. Re- sides at Wilton. 250 FOURTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF SUSANNA (3) LOBDELL AND SEABORN BURT. I. Thankful Burt, b. 3 Nov., 1738. II. Ben. Burt, b. 29 Dec, 1741. III. Joshua Burt, b. 21 March, 1743; m. 12 Sept., 1770, Lydia Smith. IV. Mary Burt, b. 12 May, 1746. V. Susannah Burt, b. 18 Aug., 1748. VI. David Burt, b. 14 Feb., 1750. VII. Theopilus Burt, b. 14 May, 1752, d. 1753. VIII. Theopilus Burt, b. 31 March, 1756. (From Burt Genealogy.) CHILDREN OF SARAH LOBDELL (3) AND JABEZ NORTHRUP. Born at Ridgefield. I. Eunice Northrup, b. 6 Oct., 1735. II. Jabez Northrup, b. 14 Aug., 1737. III. Sarah Northrup, b. 21 June, 1741. IV. Lois Northrup, b. 16 Feb., 1743. (Northrup Genealogy.) 251 €bildren and Descendants of Caleb (^) Cobdell (3osbua(2), $inion(0) (I) Wife, eilzabetb ? (2) mu, mm Paddock (3) ttPife, Ruth ? FOURTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF CALEB (3) LOBDELL, BY (1) WIFE, ELIZABETH ? 1. Caleb, Jr. I. Caleb, Jr., b. 2 June, 1751; m. Susanna ?, 1779. CHILDREN. 1. Caleb (5), b. 11 Jan., 1781; no record. 2. Polly (5), b. 13 Nov., 1782, d. 27 Nov., 1801. 3. Jeremiah (5). b. 1784; m. Sarah Elizabeth Abbott dau. of Joel Abbott). They resided at Litchfield, Conn., until 1806, when they removed to Washington, Ga., where Jeremiah d. Elizabeth Abbott Lobdell d. in 1850 at Den- mark, Tenn. Children : 1. Sarah (6). 2. Caroline (6). 3. Cornelia (6). 4. Jane (6). 1. Sarah (6), b. in Litchfield, Conn., 1803; m. Joseph Moseley of South Carolina, in Washington, Ga. She d. in 1868 in Jackson, Miss. Children: Mary (7). Caroline (7). Sarah (7). Frances (7). Lu- cretia (7) ; all b. in Washington, Ga. Caroline m. Mr. Barrows of Jackson, Miss. ; had dau. Mary and son Charles. Mary (8) m. Dr. Wirt Johnson of Jack- son, Miss. ; lived only a few years and d. without children. Charles Barrows (8) is a physician in New York City. The two younger sisters — the only re- maining of the five daughters of Sarah Lobdell Mose- ley — are Mrs. Peyton of Raymond, Miss., who has three grown sons (8) and two daughters (8), and Mrs. T. M. Nash (widow of Dr. Nash) residing at Little Rock, Ark. 2. Caroline (deceased), m. Professor Lewis of Oxford, Miss. ; has one dau. living in Texas. 3. Cornelia, d. unmarried. 4. "Miss Jane Lobdell, aged 79 years, an aunt of Mrs. D. M. Barrows, d. suddenly at the residence of Major Barrows this a. m." (1895) — (N. O. Paper.) 254 BY (2) WIFE, BETHIA (PADDOCK) LOBDELL. 1. Paddock. 2. Philip. I. Paddock, b. 20 July, 1760; no record. II. Philip, b. 7 Oct., 1761, at Ridgefield, where he d. 19 Dec, 1793, aged 32 years; m. 27-8 Sept., 1788, Sarah Smith, dau. of John and Clemence (Mills) Smith, b. 26 Sept.. 1763 at Ridgefield. They had one child : 1. Philip Paddock (5), b. at Ridgefield 6 April, 1790, d. in Galletin, Texas, 2 Oct., 1833, aged 35 y., 5 m., 26 d., buried on his father's lot in Ridgefield cemetery; m. Tem- perence Titus Smith, dau. of Reuben and Susannah (Phil- lips) Smith, b. in Caravel, N. Y., 10 Feb., 1793. They were m. by Isaac Smith, Esq. North Salem, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1812. Widow Temperance Titus (Smith) Lobdell remarried to Wm. Barhite, son of Andrew and Mary (Dies) Barhite, b. 30 May, 1799; m. by Rev. Reuben Harris at North Salem, 6 Jan., 1825. She d. in Ridgefield 2 July, 1870, aged 71 y., 1 m., 2 d. Sarah remarried (as his second wife) on 17 March, 1803, to Epenetus Piatt of New Milford, Conn., and had one child, Marshall Piatt, who m. Tryphena Merwin of Milford, on 20 March, 1825. In Ridgefield cemetery are the graves of Philip and of his son, Philip Paddock Lobdell and of "Sarah, widow of Epenetus Piatt and formerly relict of Philip Lobdell, who d. 8 Aug., 1846, aged 83." SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF PHILIP PADDOCK (5) AND TEMPERANCE TITUS (SMITH) LOBDELL. 1. Cynthia. 2. Susan. 1. Cynthia, b. in N. Salem (Knoxtown), 16 Jan., 1813, d. in South East, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1827. 2. Susan, b. in N. Salem (Knoxtown), 19 Sept., 1815, d. sud- denly of nephritis and old age at the home of her dau., Mrs. Frank E. Olmstead on Maple St. in Ridgefield, Conn., Saturday morning, 27 Feb., 1904, in her 89th year. She was m. to Sylvester Main in Ridgefield 27 May, 1838, by Rev. Nathan Burton, P. E. Sylvester 265 Main was son of Joshua and Hannah (Gilbert) Main, b. Weston, Conn., 18 April, 1817, d. in Norwalk, Conn. (Grantville), 5 Oct., 1873, aged 56 y., 5 m., 17 d. Children (born at Ridgefield) : SEVENTH GENERATION. 1. Hubert Piatt Main (7), b. 17 Aug., 1839; m. 18 Sept., 1865, Ophelia Louise Degraff, b. 13 Feb., 1842. Mr. Lob- dell and family reside in Newark, N. J., he doing business in New York City, "The Bigelow & Main Co., Music Pub- lishers, 135 Fifth Ave." 2. Julian Sylvester Main (7), b. 28 Sept., 1841, d. 19 Nov., 1865. 3. Helen Ida Main (7), b. 21 Oct., 1844, d. 22 May, 1889. 4. Cynthia Isabella Main (7), b. 17 Aug., 1849; m. Frank E. Olmstead; resides at Ridgefield. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF HUBERT PLATT MAIN (7) AND OPHELIA LOUISE DE GRAFF. 1. Carrie Virginia. 2. Lewis Arthur. 3. Lucius Clark. 4. Hubert DeGrafif. 1. Carrie Virginia Main, b. in New York City, 18 Nov., 1866. 2. Lewis Arthur Main, b. in New York City, 24 July, 1868, d. 14 Sept., 1868 in New York City. 3. Lucius Clark Main, b. in New York City, 1 March, 1874; m. at Newark, N. J., 26 July, 1899, Etta Stuart Burke, b. 26 July, 1874 at Bayonne, N. J. CHILDREN. 1. Stuart De Graff Main (9), b. 3 June, 1900 at New- ark, N. J. 2. Donald Gage Main (9), b. 7 Sept., 1901 at Newark, N.J. 4. Hubert DeGraff Main, b. 2 Dec, 1884 at Newark, N. J. The above line of Philip Lobdell is kindly given by Mr. Hubert Piatt Main of Newark, N. J. 256 €bildren and Descendants of jobn^J) Cobdell, (Josbua^^), Simon o) Ulife, Rutl) Sherwood FOURTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOHN (3) AND RUTH (SHERWOOD) LOBDELL. 1. Ruth. 2. John. 3. Caleb. 4. Sarah. 5. Abigail. 6. Hannah. 7. Daniel. 8. Lewis. 9. Chloe. All born in fBrookfield, Conn. I. Ruth, b. 26 March, 1745 ; m. Mr. Bradley. It has been im- possible to find any descendants or reach any records that will reveal parentage or given name of Mr. Bradley. I assume it to have been Nathan Bradley, as the name is repeated in every gen- eration, to the present day, in the family of Daniel Lobdell — a brother of Ruth. Ruth Lobdell Bradley was dead 28 June, 1782, at which time was the distribution of her father's will, in which is mentioned "To the heirs of Ruth Bradley." IL John, b. 21 Sept., 1746; m. Abigail Barlow. Her parentage I have not been able to trace, but she was a sister of Nehemiah Barlow, b. 15 April, 1740, who m. Jerusha Sherwood (dau. of Dan- iel Sherwood and Jerusha Whitney.) John was, with his brother Caleb, administrator of his father's estate 30 June, 1777. IIL Caleb, b. 4 July, 1748; m. at South Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y., 4 Nov., 1773, Patience Boughton, b. 30 March, 1756 at S. Salem, dau. of Ebenezer and Abigail ? Boughton. Caleb and Patience made a home in Brookfield, but soon after the British raid in 1777, Caleb and his brother Daniel moved to New York State. They evidently stopped in Rensselaerwyck,* where the families of their cousins Jacob and Joshua lived, rented land of Stephen Van Rensselaer, in that portion of the estate which afterward was t The town of Brookfield, Conn., was incorporated in 1788, taken from the towns of New Milford, Newton and Danbury; prohably the family of John Lob- dell lived in that part of Danbury which was in 1788 included in the town of Brookfield. * Rensselaerwyck, or, the manor of the Van Rensselaers, included parts of the present Columbia, Rensselaer and Alliany counties. 258 Hudson, Columbia Co. We have no record of the time they re- mained there but each had one or more children born while there. Both, with their families, moved to Northville (then called Old Ford), Fulton Co., N. Y. Here Caleb and Patience both d. ; he, 23 Jan., 1829; she, of apoplexy, 30 Oct., 1819. IV. Sarah, bapt. 14 April, 1749; m. Mr. Peck. V. Abigail, b. 4 May, 1753; m. Mr. Dunning. VI. Hannah, b. 4 June, 1755 ; m. Mr. Hepburn. VII. Daniel, b. at North Brookfield, Conn., 22 Sept., 1757; m. for his first wife, Rachel Osborn, b. 13 Dec, 1757 at New Milford (now Brookfield), Conn., dau. of James and Elizabeth (Mead) Osborn. Daniel with his brother Caleb were of North- ville, Fulton Co., among its earliest residents.* Rachel d. at Northville 13 July, 1821, and Daniel remarried to Betsey Bryant of Northville, where Daniel d. 13 June, 1843. He was the owner of a large farm, also having other interests. Politi- cally was a staunch Whig. Had three sons by first wife. None by second. VIII. Lewis Lobdell, b. at Brookfield, 7 March, 1760; m. Eliz- abeth Osborn, 22 Sept., 1780, b. at Brookfield, 18 Oct., 1760 (sister of Rachel, the wife of his brother Daniel. They remained in Brookfield, where they both died; he, in 1813; she, 12 May, 1851. (Whitney Genealogy.) IX. Chloe Lobdell, b. 1764-5 ; "was joined in marriage with Elijah Bauldwin on the tenth day of July, A. D., 1782." (Recorded at Newtown, Conn.) After 1790 they moved to Stamford, Dela- ware Co., N. Y. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOHN (4) AND ABIGAIL (BARLOW) LOBDELL. 1. Orpha. 2. Dennis Barlow. 3. Huldah. 4. Phebe Ruph- ina. * Each buying land near the other and began a settlement. Samuel Olmstead and Zadock Sherwood, relatives of the Lobdells, having located there in 1786 from Ridgetield, was the inducement for Daniel and Caleb to visit Northville, and were prevailed upon to locate there. The four families being the first settlers of Northville, N. Y. Daniel was a soldier in the Revolutionary War; in service six years. 259 1. Orpha Lobdell ; m. Walter Cleever; no record. 2. Dennis Barlow Lobdell, of Brookfield, Conn., b. 8 Dec., 1777, where he d. 1838; m. 1803, Clara Northrup, b. 29 July, 1782, at Ridgefield, d. 1870 at Bridgeport. After the death of Dennis Barlow Lobdell, his widow remarried to Elijah Barnum, whose first wife was Phebe, a sister of Dennis Barlow Lobdell. (Elijah Barnum had a brother, John Barnum, a soldier in the Revolutionary War, who was taken prisoner in New York harbor, put in the old sugar house prison, and starved to death.) His one sister, Zeruah Barnum, m. Darius Bristol of Brookfield. 3. Huldah Lobdell, b. at Brookfield, 1779; m. Thaddius Gray, b. at Fairfield, Conn., 27 Oct., 1730, son of Wm. Gray and Elizabeth Meeker, his wife. CHILDREN. 1. John Gray (6), b. 1811 ; in 1843 m. Lucy Ann Lobdell, dau. of Ormond and Prudence (Bostwock) Lobdell. Lucy Ann was b. in Brookfield, 2 Jan., 1815, where she d., 17 Dec, 1888. Had son Henry Gray (7) (only child), d. 15 Nov., 1900. 2. Abby Gray (6) m. Mr. May. 3. Mary E. Gray (6), d. at Danbury 15 Nov., 1899-1900; m. Mr. Dauchey. 4. Phebe Ruphina Lobdell, b. in 1782 at Brookfield (I am told that the old house in which she was born is still standing, but has passed into stranger's hands.) ; m. Elijah Barnum, b. 1770 at Danbury. Phebe d. at Danbury, 21 April, 1838, aged 56 years. Elijah (son of Barnum and Temperance Nichols), d. 5 Nov., 1854, aged 84 3^ears. Elijah m. for his second wife, Clara Northrup Lobdell, widow of Dennis Barlow Lobdell, SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DENNIS BARLOW AND CLARA (NORTH- RUP) LOBDELL. 1. Henry Clark. 2. Anna Maria. 3. Chloe Eliza. 4. Harriet Elizabeth. 5. Jerome Bonepart. 6. Susan. 7. John Carmen. 8. Walter C. 9. Wm. 10. Betsey Bradley. 1. Henry Clark, b. 18 May, 1804, at Brookfield, Conn., was afterward a resident of Danbury, Conn., and later of Brooklyn, 260 LO ^ H I- ^ 6 <1 N. Y., where he d. 12 April, 1877. He m. Almina Meeker, b. 2 March, 1805, at Norwalk, Conn., d. 25 Aug., 1891 at Buffalo, N. Y., dau. of Joseph Steel and Rebecca (Youngs) Meeker, who was dau. of Richard Youngs of Stamford, Conn. The family of Henry- Clark Lobdcll were brought up in the Methodist faith, but as they attained manhood and womanhood became members of other de- nominations. 2. Anna Maria, b. 2 Feb., 1806, d. aged two weeks. 3. Chloe Eliza, b. 15 Jan., 1807; m. Wm. Terrill, a Southern gentleman, resident of Waterbury, Conn. Her first child, Fred- erick E. Terrill (7), followed the sea. On April 1, 1873, on the ship "Samuel G. Glover" on which he was steward, bound for Havre, he was injured, from the effects of which he died shortly afterward. 2. Henry Terrill (7), d. in Norwalk, Conn. 3. Augustus Terrill (7), was with "Farragut" during the war of 1861 and 1864. 4. Julia Terrill (7). 5. Frank Terrill (7), d. young. 6. Wm. Terrill (7), and George Washington Terrill (7), went to Michigan, taking the widowed mother with them, where she died many years ago. 4. Harriet Elizabeth, b. 15 Dec. 1809, at Brookfield, Conn.; m. 1 Aug., 1827, Chauncey Hart Alvord, b. in East Hampton. Conn., 16 Dec, 1803, who d. in 1881 at Morris. Conn. Today (Aug. 1902) Mrs. Alvord is living at Morris, Conn, in the old homestead into which they moved in 1872. She has always been a bright, active woman. In April, 1901, she had a sickness, which in all probability "was the beginning of the end." Previous to that time, she was always bright and cheerful ; even at her age she never sat idle, always had some work in her hands. Since she was eighty years old she had pieced 19 throwdowns, all silk — and they are done nicely. The last one she pieced was entered in the Agricultural Fair held in Waterbury in Sept., 1901, and took the premium. She has not worn glasses for ten years. A good Christian mother. Her children rise up and call her blessed. Three years passed away and her Master called ; she had long been preparing her marriage robes of righteousness and was ready for his summons. " The angel of death has brought sorrow to many hearts during the past week. April 12 Mrs. Harriet E. Alvord passed away 261 after a short illness. To those to whom she bore the sacred name of mother the death summons brings with it a sorrow deep and lasting. Mrs. Alvord was born in Brookfield, December 15, 1809. Her maiden name was Harriet Elizabeth Lobdell. She moved in her childhood to Goshen and in August 1, 1827, she married Chaun- cey Hart Alvord of Chatham (East Hampton). In 1844 they re- moved to Morris, purchasing the Job Clark place, and in 1872 they removed to their present home.- Their golden wedding oc- curred in 1877. She leaves two daughters and four sons, Mrs. N. S. Markham of Willimantic, Mrs. L. Millaux of Waterbury, Joseph H. of Elmwood, Edwin Clark of Bridgeport and Edgar A. Alvord, with whom she lived. She also leaves 17 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. She was the last of a family of 10 children and the oldest person in the town, and feeling the weight of years she was more than usually bright and active for one of her age. She made a profession of faith in Christ in 1829, uniting with the Methodist Church. The funeral took place from the Congrega- tional Church Thursday afternoon, the Rev. Mr. Fletcher officiat- ing, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Toles, pastor of the Methodist Church of Bethlehem, of which Mrs. Alvord was an active member. A quartet sang two selections, "Thy Will Be Done" and "Asleep in Jesus." The floral tokens were many and beautiful. The inter- ment was in the East Cemetery beside her husband. The pall bearers were Frederick F. Wadhams, Francis F. Wadhams, Lyman L. Whittlesey and Henry C. Goslee. (From local paper, 1904.) 5. Jerome Bonapart, b. 12 June, 1812 at Brookfield, d. 28 March, 1888 at Bridgeport, Conn. ; m. Catherine Smith Raymond, b. 23 Aug., 1811 at Patchogue, Long Island, N. Y., d. 15 Dec, 1891 at Bridgeport, Conn., dau. of Simeon Raymond of Norwalk, Conn. He was a Democrat in politics, in religion an Episcopalian. 6. "Susan, b. 14 March, 1814, d. 6 March, 1895." These records were copied from their gravestones, in the cemtery of Danbury, and given by Mrs. Julia E. Partrick of Danbury, whom we may all thank for much valuable information, most cheerfully given. Susan m. Sidney Smith, b. 18 Dec. 1809, d. 30 Dec, 1884. Son of Mc- Pherson and Sally (Benedict) Smith of Brookfield. Children all b. in Fairfield Co., Conn. 1. Mary Josephine Smith (7) m. Edward Fairchild, of Danbury, Conn., a retired merchant, died at Danbury. Both are dead. Left no family. 262 2. Rockwell Smith (7). 3. Charles Smith (7). 4. Clarence Smith (7), m. twice. 5. Henry Smith (7). 6. Frank Smith (7). 7. John Carmen, b. 28 Apr., 1816 at Danbury, Conn., d. 25 Feb., 1878 at Washington, Litchfield Co., Conn.; m. 11 Aug., 1845 at New Milford, Litchfield Co., Conn, to Laura Ann Wheeler, b. 18 Feb., 1819 at New Milford, d. 2 July, 1893 at Northville, Litch- field Co.. Conn., dau. of Denmon and Ruth Ann Hawley Wheeler. Mr. Lobdell was a Methodist. 8. Walter C, b. 13 Feb., 1819 at Danbury, Conn.; at Norwalk, he m. Eulalia Maria Cleveland, dau. of Wm. Cleveland. She d. in New York City in 1870. Children all born in Norwalk: 1. Sarah Frances (7), d. in New York City. 2. Mary Eliza (7) m. at Yonkers, N. Y., James Tall- man, of Newburgh, N. Y, 3. Eulalie (7), d. young. 4. Wm. Henry (7). 5. Edward Francis (7). 6. Oscar (7), on the 18 of March, 1868, was killed on the L. I. R. R., near Newtown, Conn. 7. Ida (7). 8. Walter (7).— (Cleveland Genealogy.) 9. William, b. 23 March, 1822. 10. Betsey (or Elizabeth) Bradley, b. 20 April, 1827 at Brook- field, Conn., d. 10 Aug., 1894 at Danbury, where she also m. on 10 Nov., 1844, Wm. Byfield, b. 14 Jan., 1823 at London, England, d. 28 June, 1891 at Wilton, Conn., son of Richard and Sarah (Row- clifife) Byfield. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF PHEBE (5) LOBDELL AND ELIJAH BARNUM. 1. Polly Ann. 2. Orra. 3. Annis. 4. John. 5. Starr. 6. Henry G. (All born in Danbury.) 1. Polly Ann Barnum ; m. Turner Barnum of Bethel. They moved soon after to Moscow, Livington Co., N. Y. ; had eight chil- dren, five girls and three boys. 263 Herman Barnum (7), the oldest son, has spent his life as a missionary in Turkey; m. there — has one daughter (8) and two sons (8) now in this country being educated. Harriet Barnum (7), the third dau., m. ? Smith and resided in Chicago. She left two sons (8) now in business in Chicago. 2. Orra Barnum, b. 3 April. 1809, d. at Danbury 24 May, 1887; m. same place 9 Jan., 1832, Darius H. Dikeman, a farmer, b. 4 Sept., 1807 at Danbury, where he d. 4 Nov., 1840, son of Benj. and Mary (Crofoot) Dikeman, both b. at Danbury. Mr. Dikeman was a Democrat in politics and formerly the family were Metho- dists ; in later years Universalists. 3. Annis Barnum, b. 23 April, 1811; m. twice, Curtis was her first husband, Amas Bishop her second. She had two daughters (7) ; one d. young. The other (7) is living at Danbury. 4. John Barnum married a lady from Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Both are dead, as are also their two daughters, who grew to woman- hood. 5. Starr Barnum joined Santa Anna's army to go to Mexico. The last the family ever heard of him, they had reached St. Louis. Never married. 6. Henry G. Barnum, b. 1820, d. 24 Aug., 1876; m. Eleanor Demming. They lived in New York and had one son and daughter. The daughter (7) d. young. The son (7), named P. T. Barnum 2d (7). d. in New York 2 Dec. 1901, aged 45. He m. Susie Travis. Henry G. Barnum promised P. T. Barnum, who had no sons, many years ago, that if he ever had a son, he should be named Phineas Taylor Barnum, second. P. T. Barnum 2d left two sons: H. G. Barnum, Jr. (8), aged 23 and P. T. Barnum 3d (8), aged 18. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF HENRY CLARK (6) AND ALMINA (MEEK- ER) LOBDELL. 1. Harriet. 2. Hannah. 3. Francis. 4. Mary Louise. 5. Henry. 6. Susan Rebecca. 1. Harriet Augusta, now residing (1902) in New York City, was born 22 Sept., 1824 at Norwalk, Conn.; m. for her (1) hus- 264 KKV. FliANClS Loi!l)ELL (7) (Iloiiry CI:u-k [(>] ) (18:55-1000) of lUiffalo, N. Y. (Tage 2<;r)) band, John M. White in 1842, at Bethel, Conn., who d. in Danbury, Conil, 29 Sept., 1857, son of John White of Danbury. Mrs. White remarried at New York City 8 Feb., 1865 to John I. Doane, who d. 1 March, 1877 at Brooklyn. By her first husband she had two sons : 1. John Henry White (8), b. 28 Aug., 1844, d. 4 Sept., 1898; m. Margaret Pryor and had 5 children, viz.: 1. John Norton White (9). 2. Thomas White (9). 3. James White (9). 4. Mary Augusta White (9). 5. George Francis White (9), b. 26 Oct., 1879. 2. George Russell White (8). b. 4 Jan., 1847. d. 11 June, 1889. 2. Hannah, b. 23 Dec, 1829, is buried in Bethel cemetery (about 9 miles south of Brookfield, Conn. The inscription on her grave- stone reads: "Hannah, wife of Joseph M. Barnum, passed to her spirit home from Brookfield, 15 March, 1867, aged 38 y., 2 m., 20 d." Hers was a lovely character, and she possessed a remarkably sweet voice. Children : 1. Lucius Russell Barnum (8), lies beside his mother; d. 10 Sept., 1855, aged 4 y., 4 m., 10 d. 2. Frank Mortimer Barnum (8), b. in Aug., 1850; m. 17 June, 1873, Evie Watts, b. 12 May, 1852. They have one dau. : Emily Keene Barnum (9), b. 29 March, 1874. All reside in Paris, France. 3. Francis, b. 25 March 1835 at Danbury, Conn., d. at Bufifalo, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1900; m. for his (1) wife on 6 Sept., 1859, Julia A. Danforth, b. 29 Sept., 1836 at Middletown, Conn., d. 18 Aug., 1869 at Cincinnati, Ohio, dau. of Deacon Josiah Danforth and his wife Almira Camp, dau. of Ezra and Anna (Coe) Camp. M. for his (2) wife on 6 Sept., 1870, Harriet Toucey, d. 22 April, 1872. M. third on 17 June, 1874, Julia Goodall Doon, b. 9 Nov., 1847, dau. of John Glasgow Doon of Savannah, Ga. The widow resides at BufiPalo, N. Y. Rev. Francis Lobdell, D. D., L. L. D., a graduate of Amherst College (1849) was fitted for college at Phillips (Andover) Acad- emy. He studied theology at Union Seminary and was ordained 3 Nov., 1859 at Warren, Conn. Was pastor of the First Congre- gational Church at Warren until 1863 and of Second Congregational 266 Church in Bridgeport, Conn., from that date till 1865. While in this pastorate he was a niember of the United States Christian commission, whose mission was the care of the sick and wounded. He was present during the final battle of Petersburg, Va., and had charge of the commission work in that city from the day of its surrender till the close of the war. On the 31st of Aug., 1865, he was ordained to the deaconate of the Episcopal Church, and' advanced to the priesthood on Nov. 19 of the same year. Was rector of the Church of the Advent, Cincinnati, O., 1865-1869. ; St. Paul's Church, New Haven, Conn., 1869-1879; St. Andrew's Church, New York, 1879-1887, and Trinity Church. Bufifalo, N. Y.. 1887 until his death, 26 Oct.. 1899. While rector of St. Andrew's Church he was elected Secretary of the Diocese and a member of its stand- ing committee. From 1892 he was a delegate to the general con- vention of the Episcopal Church, serving on many important com- mittees. For several years he held the office of arch-deacon of Buffalo, N. Y. Hobart College conferred on him the degree of S. T. D. in 1881 and of L. L. D. in 1894. For many years he served as chaplain of the 65th Regiment. 4. Mary Louise, b. 13 Nov., 1837, d. 13 Jan., 1875; m. first Charles Snedeker, by whom she had one son, Charles Snedeker (8),. who is now (1902) Dean of St. Paul's Protestant Cathedral. Cin- cinnati, O. She m. second David Simonson Hillyer. Residence,. Brooklyn. CHILDREN. 1. Alice Almira Hillyer (8), b. 23 Oct., 1863; m. first Howard E. Turner ; no children ; m. second Horace P. Gould, by whom she had one son : 'l. Pierson Hillyer Gould (9), b. 21 Nov., 1900. 2. John Blake Hillyer (8), b. 15 Feb., 1868; m. Jessie A. Lipman. Children : 1. Douglas Van Alen Hillyer (9), b. 25 May, 1893, 2. John Blake Hillyer (9), b. 11 Jan., 1901. 3. Ellison Hillyer (8), b. 15 July, 1870; m. Lottie Belle Taylor; one son, Kenneth Ellison Hillyer (9), b. 25 Sept.,^ 1895. 4. Francis Lobdell Hillyer (8), b. 3 July, 1872. 5. Henry (Rev.), b. in Danbury ; m. Lucy Cornelia Williams, b. in Ridgefield, 27 Nov., 1827. He was appointed to go to the Turkish Empire, where — at Mosul — he d., greatly lamented as a 266 man of rare enthusiasm and of the most devoted consecration to his great work. Two children were b. to them, Mary, one of the leading soprano singers of Brooklyn, who passed away in early life, and Julius Henry, of Chicago, 111. 6. Susan Rebecca, b. 1841, d. 1877; m. Rev. R. Henry Gidman, a Congregational minister who lived at North Madison. Conn., at time of her death. She left one child: 1. Thusa Lindsay Gidman (8), a graduate of Northfield School, VVellesley College, b. 25 March, 1874. CHILDREN AND GRAND-CHILDREN OF HARRIET ELIZ- ABETH LOBDELL AND CHAUNCEY CLARK ALVORD. 1. Anna. 2. Joseph Hart. 3. Eliza Chloe. 4. Jerome Lob- dell. 5. Edwin. 6. Edgar. 1. Anna Alvord, b. in Goshen. Conn.. 23 May, 1828; m. N. S. Markham of East Hampton, Conn., 19 Nov., 1846. He died in Windham Co., Conn., 2 Oct., 1882. Three children: 1. N. Augustus Markham (8), b. in E. Hampton, 16 Sept., 1847, d. in Thomasville, Ga.. 27 Dec, 1880. 2. Arthur L. Markham (8). b. in E. Hampton, 21 Aug., 1851, d. same place 25 Oct.. 1854. 3. Herbert S. Markham (8). b. in E. Hampton. 18 April, 1855, d. 12 Aug., 1873. 2. Joseph Hart Alvord, b. in Goshen. Conn., 12 Dec, 1830; m. Betsey Lathem. Had two daughters, b. in Glastonbury. Conn. 1. Carrie Alvord (8), d. young. 2. Annie Alvord (8), m. E. M. Hewit of Detroit, Mich. 3. Eliza Chloe Alvord. b. 26 Feb.. 1834 at Cornwell, Litchfield Co., Conn.; m. 21 Aug., 1853. Ludovic Millaux, b. 22 Feb.. 1832 at Paris, France, son of Louis Paul and Caroline —— Millaux. They reside at Waterbury, Conn. Mr. Millaux is by profession a musician, a Repulilican in politics. Two sons were born to them, both d. in childhood : 1. Geo. Ludovic IMillaux (8). b. 28 Jan.. 1854. d. 13 March, 1860. 2. Edwin Ludovic Millaux (8), b. 10 May, 1864, d. 8 May, 1865. 267 4. Jerome Lobdell Alvord, b. in Goshen, 12 Dec, 1835; m. Emily V. Daniels, in E. Hampton, Conn., 31 May, 1857. He d. in Glastonbury, Conn., 14 July, 1871. Had four children: 1. Frances Alvord (8), d. young in E. Hampton. 2. Minnie Alvord (8), b. 16 June. 1860; m. 14 Jan., 1888. Leland M. Strong of Middle Haddem, Conn. 3. Bertha Alvord, b. in E. Hampton, 12 Nov., 1867; m. Dr. C. Art Ward of A\'aterbury. Conn. 4. Emma Daniels Alvord, b. in E. Hampton, 18 Oct., 1869. Is clerk in Waterbury Post Office. 5. Edwin Alvord, b. in Goshen, Conn., 12 March, 1840; m. Susan Birch of Woodbury, Conn. Has six children: 1. Harriet M. Alvord (8), b. in Woodbury, Conn. 2. Jerome Lobdell Alvord (8), b. in Thomastown, Conn. 3. Raymond Alvord (8), b. in Thomastown, Conn. 4. Alfred Alvord (8), b. in Thomastown, Conn. 5. Frederick Alvord (8). b. in Thomastown, Conn. 6. Frank Alvord (8), b. in Bridgeport, Conn. 6. Edgar Alvord, a twin of Edwin, b. in Goshen, Conn., 12 March, 1840; m. Helen Waugh of Morris, Conn. They have four children : 1. Henry Chauncey Alvord (8). 2. May Emma Alvord (8). 3. Herbert Markham Alvord (8). 4. Clark Leander Alvord (8), m. Georgie Parda of Thom- aston, Conn., and has two children, b. at Thomaston : 1. Lilla Alvord (9), b. 14 July, 1875. 2. Harry C. Alvord (9), b. 5 May, 1878. CHILDREN OF JEROME BONAPART (6) AND CATHARINE SMITH (RAYMOND) LOBDELL. 1. Charles, b. 24 June, 1833, d. 18 Dec, 1867. 2. Julia, b. 2 Oct., 1835. d. unmarried, 16 Nov., 1873. 3. Ruth, b. 3 June, 1838. d. 13 May, 1874. 4. John R., b. 1 Sept., 1843 at New York City, is a resident of Bridgeport. Conn., engaged on the "Bridgeport Standard", a Dem- ocrat in politics, a Catholic in religion. Married Bridget Burns, b. 7 June, 1847 at Longford, Longford Co., Ireland, dau. of James and Niernay Burns. They have no children. 268 5. Thomas, b. 25 Nov., 1846, d. unmarried 13 June, 1871. 6. Susan, b. 21 Sept., 1848 at New York City ; m. 20 Feb., 1868 at Bridgeport, Fairfield Co., Conn., Charles H. La Field, b. 21 Feb., 1843 at Bridgeport, Conn., son of Geo. and Elizabeth Shelton La Field. Mr. Chas. La Field is a grocer, residing at 93 North Ave., Bridgeport. Is a Democrat. In religion the family are Epis- copalians. They have three children : 1. Howard La Field (8), b. 6 May, 1869, unmarried (1902.) 2. Grace La Field (8), b. 23 Sept., 1872, unmarried (1902.) 3. Clara La Field (8), b. 11 Oct., 1874; m. 30 Dec, 1897, Wm. A. Piatt of Milford, Conn. No children. 7. Clara, b. 23 Mav, 1863, d. unmarried 6 Nov., 1876. CHILDREN OF JOHN CARMEN (6) LOBDELL AND HIS WIFE, LAURA ANN WHEELER. 1. Mary E. 2. Ellen J. 3. John H. 1. Mary E., b. 13 May, 1846; m. Milo C. Parsons. She d. March, 1891. 2. Ellen J., b. 21 July, 1847 at New Milford, Conn.; m. 11 March, 1868 at W^olcottville, Litchfield Co., Conn., John W. Bird, b. 20 Jan., 1842, son of James and (Wilson) Bird. The family are Episcopalians and reside at Ringsville, Canada. CHILDREN. 1. Clarence W. Bird (8), b. 26 April, 1872. 2. Myra A. Bird (8), b. 2 Dec, 1874. 3. Laura C. Bird (8), b. 18 Nov., 1876. 3. John H., b. 29 June, 1849; m. Kate Hagany. I have been unable to get authentic record of John H. I am told that he formerly lived at Cassville, Oneida Co., N. Y., that he d. in 1900-1, and that his widow lives in Waterburv, Conn. CHILDREN OF BETSEY (BRADLEY) (6) LOBDELL AND WM. BYFIELD. 1. Wm. Edward. 2. Charles Henry. 3. Clara L. 4. Arthur L. 5. Frederick M. 6. Sarah H. 269 1. Will. Edward Byfield, b. 26 Sept., 1845, d. 17 Oct., 1898; m. Mrs. Orpha Lane. 2. Charles Henry Byfield, b. 9 Dec, 1847; m. 25 Dec., 1871, Hettie N. Strong; resides at Sawpit, Colo. 3. Clara Lobdell Byfield, b. 1 Jan., 1852, at Beaver Brook, Fairfield Co.. Conn.; m. 31 July, 1877 at New York City. Edwin N. Landon, b. 21 Jan., 1851 at New York City, son of John E. and Allison R. (Couthill) Landon. Edwin N. Landon served seven years in militia, 12th Regiment, Co. I, National Guards, State of New York. Reside at 1116 East Main St., Bridgeport, Conn. CHILDREN. 1. Edwin Burdette Landon (8), b. 17 July, 1878. 2. Harold Richard Landon (8), b. 7 July. 1880. Both unmarried (1902). Harold Richard (8) is (1902) bugler in 87th Co. Coast Artillery stationed at Fort Totten, Willets Point, N. Y. 4. Arthur Roclifife Byfield, b. 28 March, 1854, d. 1 Sept., 1873. 5. Frederick Mortimer Byfield, 22 March, 1856; m. 23 Dec, 1883, Mary Spooner. 6. Sarah Helen Byfield, b. 19 Dec, 1864; m. 16 June, 1886, Geo. L. French, and resides at North Bridgeport. Conn. CHILDREN OF ORRA BARNUM (6) AND DARIUS H. DIKEMAN. 1. Darius H. 2. Frances A. 3. Julia E. 1. Darius H. Dikeman of Danbury. 2. Frances A. Dikeman, b. 21 Oct.. 1832; m. James G. Hagan. 3. Julia E. Dikeman, b. 7 July, 1840 at Danbury ; m. 25 June, 1861, Edgar J. Partrick. b. 2 Feb., 1829 at Patterson. Putnam Co., N. Y., d. 14 June, 1877 at Danbury. son of Lewis Partrick, b. at Ridgefield, Conn., 2 May, 1798 and Mary Heartwell, b. at Patter- son, N. Y. Mrs. Julia Partrick has one dau. : Mary H. Partrick (8), b. 22 Feb., 1865; m. Francis T. Austin. Resides in Danbury. The sad information of the "going home" of this truly noble woman was sent to me and if they who tenderly loved her will think of her "as one of those angels into whose charge the Lord has given them, that in angelic hands, they may be borne lest plagues come nigh their dwelling or lest they dash their feet against 270 a stone, they will find occasion for sweet rejoicing in the superior relation which she now bears to them." (From Local Paper, 1907.) Mrs. Julia E. Partrick, a lifelong resident and descendant of one of Danbury's oldest families, died at her late home, 393 Main Street, last evening, at 6 o'clock, at the age of sixty-seven years, after an intermittent illness, dating from the early part of last January. For a few days prior to last Thursday, Mrs. Partrick had shown a marked improvement, when a sudden collapse set in, from which she was unable to rally. Born July 7, 1840, the daughter of Darius H. and Orra Barnum Dikeman, she was a descendant of the Barnum family, one of the first settlers of Danbury and was of the fifth generation of this honored family to live in the present home. She was the wife of the late Edgar J. Partrick, well known as a public man of this city. She as a woman of choice life, unostentatious and home-loving, whose quiet charities seemed to be governed by the scriptural in- junction to let not the left hand know what the right hand doeth. Like her mother, she was a life-long member of the Universalist Church. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. F. T. Austin, and two granddaughters. Misses Julia A. and Fannie C. Austin. The funeral service will be held at her late home, 393 Main Street, on Monday at 2 o'clock, followed by interment in the family plot in Wooster cemetery. EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF REV. FRANCIS LOBDELL (7). 1. Eleanor. 2. Frederick Danforth, and 3. Frank, twins. 4. Harriet. 5. Marion Doon. 6. Margaret Dunning. 7. Leighton. (By First Wife.) 1. Eleanor, b. 29 May, 1861, at Warren, Litchfield Co., Conn.; m. 17 June, 1880 at New York City, Rev. Edward William Worth- ington, an Episcopal clergyman, (1902) rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Cleveland, Ohio, who was b. 10 May, 1854 at Batavia, Genesee Co., N. Y., d. 15 April, 1906— son of Gad B. and Anna M. (Dixon) Worthington. Children: 271 1. Eleanor Worthington (9), b. 1 Sept., 1881. 2. Agnes Seabury Worthington (9), b. 14 Nov., 1884, d. 2 March, 1900. 3. Edward Lobdell Worthington (9), b. 2 June, 1886. 4. Donald Worthington (9), b. 13 Jan., 1893. 5. Dorothy Worthington (9), b. 10 April, 1895. 2. Rev. Frederick Danforth, b. 8 Oct., 1862. Is a member of the Order of the Companions of the Holy Savior, Philadelphia, Pa. 3. Frank, twin of Frederick, b. 8 Oct., 1862, d. in infancy. 4. Harriet, b. 1 Dec, 1863 at Bridgeport, Conn. ; m. 17 June, 1885 at St. Andrew's Church, New York City by Rev. Francis Lobdell to Vernon Mansfield Davis, b. 29 Jan., 1855 at New York City, son of Robert Vernon and Mary (Semler) Davis. Mrs. Harriet Lobdell Davis has for several years held the office of Regis- trar of the New York City Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution and is descended from many interesting lines of Colonial ancestry in New England. Mr. Vernon M. Davis, residing at 194 Lenox Ave., New York City, is a Democrat in politics. Was twelve years Assistant District Attorney and succeeded Col. John R. Fellows as District Attorney for a short time. Was elected to the Supreme Court of New York in 1902. He is a member of the Board of Education and a member of many of the leading clubs. He succeeded Elbridge T. Gerry as President of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. They have no children. (By second wife, Julia Goodall Doon.) 5. Marian Doon, b. 4 March, 1877 at New Haven, Conn., d. at Buffalo, N. Y., 3 June, 1900; m. 28 Sept., 1898 at Buffalo, N. Y., Thos. B. Lockwood, a lawyer residing 465 Niagara St., Buffalo, at which city he was b. 7 Feb., 1873, son of Daniel N. and Sarah E. (Brown) Lockwood. No children. 6. Margaret Dunning, b. 30 Aug., 1878; m. at Trinity Church, Buffalo, N. Y. on Tuesday, 17 June, 1902, by Rev. Frederick Dan- forth Lobdell, assisted by Rev. Cameron J. Davis, to Wm. Algernon Brackenridge. 7. Leighton, b. 19 Nov., 1884. 272 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF CALEB (4) AND PATIENCE (BOUGHTON) LOBDELL. L Jerusha. 2. Lucy. 3. Daniel. 4. Caleb. 5. Noble. 6. John Boughton. 7. Ruth. 8. Lanie/ 9. Jacob Elias. 10. Me- linda. 11. Samuel. 12. Abigail. 13. George Rodney. 14. Pliny. L Jerusha, b. 22 April, 1774 at Brookfield, Conn., d. 18 Dec, 1848 at Fonda, Montgomery Co. (afterward called Fulton Co.), N. Y. ; m. Samuel Olmstead, one of the first settlers of the town of Fonda. Their children were all b. at Northville, Fulton Co. CHILDREN. 1. Ormond Bradley Olmstead (6). 2. Samuel Olmstead (6). 3. Miranda Olmstead (6). 4. Melissa Olmstead (6). 5. A dau. (6), who m. Ezra Lyon. 6. A dau. (6), who m. Dr. Mitchell. II. Lucy, b. 15 Nov., 1775 at Brookfield; m. Cornelius Van Ness, resided at Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y., where Lucy d. in 1839. CHILDREN. 1. Cornelius Van Ness (6). 2. Jacob Van Ness (6). 3. John Van Ness (6). 4. Rachel Van Ness (6). 5. Jerusha Van Ness (6). III. Daniel, b. at Brookfield, 7 Sept., 1777; m. Polly Sackett of Dutchess Co., N. Y. They removed to Genesee Co., N. Y., where Daniel was drafted into the army, in the war of 1812, but was too ill at the time to serve and soon after d. of quick con- sumption. His widow remarried to Mr. Lewis Barnes. IV. Caleb, Jr., b. 16 June, 1779; m. Elizabeth Hammond, b. at Northville 4 May, 1786, dau. of Paul Hammond. Caleb and Elizabeth lived near Watertown. Their children were : Samuel, 273 John B., Jerusha, and another dau. — who probably d. young. (Ham- mond genealogy.) V. Noble, b. 17 April, 1781, (?) was a resident of Northville, and in 1807 a neighbor of his brother Caleb on (now) Main St. He m., 1810, for his first wife, Sarah Clark, dau. of Caleb Clark, b. in Montgomery Co., N. Y., by whom he had five sons and one daughter. The family moved to Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y., where the mother d. 1825 or 6. Noble m. for his second wife, Mary Adelia Sly (called Polly) and removed to Waukesha Co., Wis., where he d. 13 Oct., 1861. His wife d. 29 Dec, 1866. VI. John Boughton, b. (?) 23 Feb., 1782; m. Flora Judd, dau. of Sherman Judd of Connecticut, where Flora was b. 26 July, 1780. They moved to Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y., afterward moving to Michigan, where Flora d., 1860. John Boughton d. 1861. VH. Ruth, b. 26 Feb., 1785 (?), d. at Brandt, Erie Co.. N. Y.. 17 Sept., 1863; m. 1 May, 1803, Benoni G. Hammond of Brandt. Hammond Genealogy says: "Two of their children with Aunt Mary went west with the Mormons." CHILDREN. 1. John Hammond (6). 2. Laney Hammond (6). 3. Samuel Elias Hammond (6). 4. Amnion Hammond (6). 5. Wm. Hammond (6). 6. Harry Hammond (6). 7. Mary Elizabeth Hammond (6). VIII. Lanie, h. 9 Feb., 1787, d. 28 March, 1854; m. Edie Cole. CHILDREN. 1. Harriet Cole (6), never married. 2. Maria Cole (6) m. Mr. Phillips. 3. Clorinda Cole (6), never married. 4. George Cole (6). IX. Jacob Elias, b. 30 June, 1789 at Hudson, now Columbia Co., N. Y. He was probably named after a friend of his father, one Jacob Elias, of Hudson, of whose will in 1786 Caleb Lobdell, Peter Sylvester and Thomas Whitlock were executors. He moved with his parents to Northville, or Northampton, Fulton Co., N. Y., where he m. 2 Sept., 1810, Rachel Van Ness, b. 15 Dec, 1791, dau. 274 NOHLE liOHDELL (5) AND MARY AdELIA SI.Y IIlS SECOND WiFE (Caleb [4] ) (ITSMStJi) of Waukesha County, Wis. (rage 274) of Garrett and Effie (Sharp) Van Ness. Husband and wife d. at Northampton, he 12 Oct., 1842. she, 16 March, 1888. X. Melinda, b. 14 April, 1791, d. 1 Nov., 1859; m. Reuben Vibbard. XI. Samuel, b. 6 April, 1793 (?), was also one of the early settlers of Northville, where he d. 22 Sept., 1860; m. Lydia Randall, 24 Jan., 1814 for his first wife. Having no children they adopted Samuel's niece, Matilda Lobdell, youngest dau. of his brother Daniel. His wife Lydia d. 20 Sept.. 1849 at Northampton, N. Y., and Sam'l remarried 25 Sept., 1850 to Widow Harriet S. Aylsworth (Cornell). One child was born to them: Samuel Henry Lobdell (6), b. 15 Nov., 1851, d. 5 Nov., 1868 at Northville. Xn. Abigail, b. 13 May, 1795, d., aged 9 years. XHL George Rodney, a farmer, b. at Northampton, 11 Nov., 1798, d. Dec, 1849 at Hamburg, N. Y. ; m. Abigail Dart, b. 21 Aug., 1805 at Danby, Vt., d. 6 Sept., 1870 at Fairplains, Montcalm Co.. Mich. The family were Universalists. XIV. Pliny, a farmer, b. 2 Jan., 1800 at Hudson, N. Y., d. 7 Nov., 1863 at Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y. ; m. at Hamburg in 1819, Nancy Pierce, b. 8 Aug., 1802 at Long Island, N. Y., d. 16 Aug., 1888 at Chesaning. Saginaw Co., Mich., dau. of Roland Pierce, who lived near Paris, Canada. Mr. L. was a Methodist; Republican in politics. CHILDREN. 1. Electa (6). 2. Seymour (6). 3. George (6). 4. Amanda (6). 5. Ammon (6). 6. Patience (6). 7. Matil- da (6). 8. Mary (6). 9. Martha (6). 3. George resides at Mankato, Minn. No answer to my letter of inquiry. 5. With Mr. Ammon H., I had a very pleasant cor- respondence in 1900, but probably failing health was the cause of no repl)^ to my last letter. He is a farmer residing at Chesaning, Saginaw Co., Mich., b. 3 Dec, 1830 at Ham- burg, Erie Co., N. Y., where he m. 7 Oct., 1849, Caroline Northum, b. 27 July, 1831, also b. at Hamburg, dau. of Levi and Lucy (West) Northum. Children: 275 SEVENTH GENERATION. 1. Ida Gertrude, b. 15 Aug., 1850; m. Erastus Wierman. 2. Emma Lillian, b. 22 Nov., 1853; m. Geo. Mc- Cormick. 3. Martha Amelia, b. 10 Jan., 1856; m. Douglas Coleman. 4. Lois, b. 22 April, 1858; m. W. W. Day. 5. Florence yiay, b. 18 Jan., 1860; m. Arthur Lewis. 6. Pliny, b. 15 Sept., 1863, deceased. 7. Austin K. 8. Seymour. 9. Alice, b. 13 July, 1857; m. Elmer Swift. 10. Carrie, b. 17 Sept., 1869, deceased. 11. Gabriella, b. 17 May, 1872; m. Merton Card. 12. Charles E., b. 20 May, 1875. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DANIEL (5) AND POLLY (SACKETT) LOBDELL. 1. Smith. 2. Mary. 3. Eliza. 4. Matilda. 1. Smith, b. 1805, d. ? 2. Mary, b. 7 June, 1807 at Northampton, Montgomery Co. (now Fulton Co.) ; m. 26 Sept., 1821 at Norway, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Benj. Austin, b. 2 Jan., 1802 at Salisbury, Herkimer Co., N. Y. (son of Wm., son of Benj). Wm. Austin was b. in Rhode Island 27 March, 1767, d. 19 Jan., 1849. With his wife (I think her name was Sweet) Wm. Austin came in 1797 or 8 to the town of Fairfield, Conn., bought land, cleared quite a large tract, built a house, when to their dismay parties came and claimed the land by a previous title, proving Mr. Austin's deed not good. They then moved further north. One brother, Stephen, of Connecticut, or a descendant of the same name, settled in Texas, and from him the capital of the state derives its name. Mr. Benj. Austin d. 15 July, 1877 at Norwa}-, Herkimer Co., N. Y.; ^lary d. 12 March, 1887. 276 3. Eliza, b. 1 April, 1811; in. Stephen Judson Gage, b. 9 June, 1802 at Norway, Herkimer Co., N. Y., d. in same place 27 Oct., 1882. Eliza d. also at Norway, 5 Nov., 1850. 4. Matilda, b. 17 June, 1813 at Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y., was adopted after the death of her father by her uncle Samuel Lobdell, with whom she lived until 10 Jan., 1833, when at North- ville, Fulton Co., N. Y. (the home of her Uncle Samuel), she m. Alexander St. John Lobdell, b. 18 Nov., 1810 at Northampton, Fulton Co., N. Y., d. 14 Nov., 1865 at West Troy, N. Y. Alex. St. John Lobdell was son of James and grand-son of Daniel and Rachel Osborn Lobdell. CHILDREN OF NOBLE LOBDELL. 1. Abby. 2. Caleb. 3. Daniel. 4. David Clark. 5. Henry. 6. Miles. 7. Sally. 8. Harriet. 9. Gilbert. 10. Noble Burlen. 11. Mary. 12. Abby. 13. Caleb. 14. Melinda. 15. Maria. 16. Pliny. 17. Wm. Daniel. 18. Emmet Lee. 19. Lora Nash. (By (1) Wife, Sarah (Clark) Lobdell.) 1. Abby, b. 1800 at Northville ; m. Asa Fuller. She d. in 1830, leaving five children. CHILDREN. 1. Esther Fuller (7). 2. Sarah Fuller (7). 3. Henry Fuller (7). 4. Charles Fuller (7). 5. And a little dau., Adelia Fuller, only four months old, who was taken by the second wife of Noble Lobdell (Abby's father), who at that time had a little dau. Harriet, four weeks old. She cared for Adelia until she was eleven months old, when her father took her. 2. Caleb, b. at Northville, d. unmarried in Troy, N. Y. 3. Daniel, b. at Northville, d. in South Bend, Ind. ; m. Lucy Ann True of Indiana. Had four children: 1. Harriet Ann Lobdell (7). 2. Florence Lobdell (7). 3. David Miles Lobdell (7). 277 4. Geo. Lobdell, a saddler and harness maker, residing at Racine, Wis. 4. David Clark, b. 7 Jan., 1818 at Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y., was reared to the life of a farmer. At the age of 21 he m. Martha Sly and soon after moved to Norwalk, Huron Co., Ohio. There he first engaged in agricultural pursuits, and then bought an in- terest in a stone quarry, which he assisted in operating three or four years. In 1856 he moved with his family to Waukesha Co., Wis., and engaged in farming. In 1861 he came to Wanewoc township and bought a farm of 160 acres, which was nearly as it had been de- signed by nature. In Sept., 1881, he exchanged this farm for a house in Wanewoc, where he lived and died, in May, 1893. He was one of the pioneers of Jeneau Co. His wife d. 3 April, 1888. They had a family of nine children, six sons and three daughters. Mr. Lobdell was well known and worthy of the high esteem in which he was held by his fellow citizens. (The above is copied from their local paper. Both himself and wife were members of the Campbellite Church. 5. Henry, d. when two years old. 6. Miles C, b. 30 March, 1824 at Hamburg, N. Y. Of the children born to Sarah (Clark) Lobdell, three d. in infancy and she d. leaving five ; Miles was her youngest, seventeen months old. His mother gave him to her brother, Henry Clark, who d. when Miles was 16 years old. Two years later his aunt remarried to Silas Wheelock and Miles remained with them until he m. (six days after he was 20 years old. He came to Wisconsin in 1848 and bought a farm in the town of Mukwonago. In 1880 he moved to North Prairie, where he has owned and cared for a large farm, but declining years and inability to do farm work caused him to sell it in the fall of 1903 and buy a smaller one of 13 acres on which he now lives (1904). 81 and 80 years, the ages of himself and wife, represent struggles, sickness and sorrow, all borne with Christian patience and fortitude. All who know them prize the acquaintance of such true Christians, who so faithfully have served their ]\Iaster, both in the church, in the home circle and among friends and neighbors. In Mr. L.'s last letter he says : "We wait and watch for the call of our Master." On 24 April, 1844, Miles m. at Hamburg, Sarah M. Littlefield, b. 25 Dec, 1823 at Hamburg, dau. of Wray S. and Nancy (Green) Littlefield. Mrs. Lobdell's 278 David Clakk Lohuell (0) (Noble [5] ) (1818-1893) of Wanewoc. Wis. (I'a.iie 27S) Miles Ciakk Lobdell ((J) (Noble [5] ) (1824-1904) of North Prairie. Wis. (Page 278) Harriet Loddell Moody (6) (Noble [5] ) of Flainfleld, Wis. (Page 279) Charles Webb Johnson (Dr. Gran Johnson) (1815-1854) of Johnstown, N. Y. (Page 101) father was in the "War of 1812"; an epaulette worn by him is held by a descendant. He was sheriff of Erie Co., N. Y., in 1822, the "Thars" being hung during his term of office. CHILDREN OF NOBLE AND HIS (2) WIFE, MARY ADELIA SLY. 1. Sally, b. 8 Nov., 1828; m. 1848 John Sugden, d. about 1873. Sally had 13 living children; ten of them are now living (7). She lives with her second son in Hubb City, Richland, Wis. 2. Harriet, b. 1 April, 1830; m. Lewis Moody, b. 23 April, 1824. They reside at Plainfield, Wis. 3. Gilbert, b. 1831, d. at the age of 2 y., 7 m. 4. Noble Burlen, b. 1833, was named after his father and a friend of his father. He never married. 5. Mary, b. 24 Feb., 1834; m. Russell Richardson. She had fifteen children ; eleven (7) are living in Minnesota. 6. Abby, b. 16 Dec, 1636, d. 1893; m. Fred Oorh. She had eight children. He d. leaving five children living. 7. Caleb, b. 7 July, 1838. Enlisted in the Civil War, 1861; served three years. Lives in Bellewood, Nebraska (unmarried.) 8. Melinda, b. 10 Feb., 1840; m. Wm. Fairbrothers. He en- listed 1861, in the Civil War and served till its close; came home and died, leaving a widow and four children (7) living in Wood- stock, Richland Co., Wis. 9. Maria, b. 1841 ; m. in 1873, Thomas Erickson, who d. leaving her with three children (7), who all live in New Lisbon, Jeneau Co., Wis. 10. Pliny, b. 1842, d. 1856. Buried in Wisconsin. 11. Wm. Daniel, b. 1844. He enlisted 1861 in the Civil War, when only seventeen years old ; remained three years and three months. He m. Sarah Coarts on Coats, Have two daughters (7), Annie and Alice. Reside in Bellewood, Neb. 12. Emmet Lee, b. 1846. Enlisted in Civil War in fall of 1864. The following April he d. of apoplexy. 13. Lora Nash, b. 1848; m. Ellen ?. They have five chil- dren (7). To Mrs. Moody, I feel indebted for much valuable information regarding this family. She also tells us : 279 "My father lived close by Uncle John (he moved to Michigan), Uncle Rodney, Uncle Pliney, Aunt Ruth and Aunt Lucy. All lived in New York State, town of Hamburg, Erie Co. I knew them well. Uncle Rodney lived and died close by us. Uncle Pliney lived four miles from us on shore of Lake Erie, eight miles from Buffalo." CHILDREN OF JOHN BOUGHTON LOBDELL AND FLORA (JUDD) LOBDELL. 1. Sherman. 2. Eliza Ann. 3. Polly. 4. Sherman Judd. 5. Caroline. 6. Andrew P. 7. Solon D. 1. Sherman, b. 14 May, 1810, on Monday, d. at 2 years of age. 2. Eliza Ann, b. 11 July, 1812, on Saturday; m. Lewis Clark, d. 70 years old. Had one dau, named Jane Clark (7). All dead. Lewis Clark hanged himself shortly after the death of his wife. 3. Polly, b. 18 Sept., 1814, on Tuesday; m. Wm. Birdsall, a Methodist minister. She d. aged 77 years. CHILDREN. 1. George Birdsall (7). 2. Jacob Birdsall (7). 3. John Birdsall (7). 4. Andrew Birdsall (7). 5 and 6. Emily and Alice Birdsall (7). 4. Sherman Judd, b. 19 Aug., 1816, d. 5 Nov., 1880 at Mt. Morris, Genesee Co., Mich.; m. 1 Oct., 1835 at White's Corners, Erie Co., N. Y., Irene Wheelock Lines, b. 19 Aug., 1827 in Ver- mont, d. 28 March, 1896 at Caro, Tuscola Co., Mich., dau. of Elijah and Olive (Wheelock) Lines. Mr. Lobdell was probably born in Buffalo, N. Y. By occupation, a wheelwright. In politics, a Whig, CHILDREN. 1. Franklin Eugene, b. 3 July, 1845 ; m. Efifie Holmes. 2. Francis Marion (7), a farmer of Clio, Mich, b. 29 April, 1848 at Waterford, Oakland Co., Mich.; m. 3 July, 1878 at Mt. Morris, Genesee Co., Mich., Nettie M. Shelley, b. 13 Nov., 1857 at Delhi, Delaware Co., Iowa., dau. of Aaron J. and Mary (Curtiss) Shelley. Has two children : 1. Lee Augustas (8), b. 29 Aug., 1879. 2. Sherman Judson (8), b. 4 Sept., 1882. 280 3. Eliza (7), b. 23 Jan., 1852; m. Brooks Serven. 5. Caroline Ann, b. 13 Sept., on Tuesday; lived the life of a true Christian woman. Passed to eternal peace at the home of her nephew. Porter Lobdell, at Flint, Mich., 3 July, 1902, aged 82 y.. 3 m. 6. Andrew P., a farmer of Tarrant, Wis., was b. 25 June, 1824, on Saturday, at Buffalo. Erie Co., N. Y. ; m. 20 Aug., 1846, Angelina Ward. b. 13 Jan., 1828 at Buffalo, N. Y., d. 18 May, 1896, dau. of Elanson and Jerusha (Van Ness) Ward. The family are Meth- odists. CHILDREN. 1. Julius (7), a carpenter, residing at Chetek, Barron Co., Wis., b. 6 Sept., 1848, at Clark, Mich. ; m. Evelyn Sabin on 1 May, 1870, b. 4 April 1853, at Broadhead, Wis., dau. of Nelson and Abigail ( Bruster ) Sabin. Children — 1. Abigail D., b. 5 June, 1871 : m. Arthur B. Holman. 2. John Boughton, b. 18 Feb., 1873 ; m. Emma Hock- enback. 3. Maria A., b. 27 Jan., 1879 ; m. William A. Nickel. 2. John B. (7), b. 30 June, 1853. 3. Ward E. (7), b. 16 July, 1864; m. Maggie Chase. 7. Solon Demothsenes, b. 20 July, 1830, on Tuesday, d. 23 April, 1899 of heart trouble at Flint. xMich. ; m. 20 April, 1854 in Michi- gan, Caroline M. Shepard, b. 25 Nov., 1836. d. 22 Sept., 1866 at Flint, Mich., dau. of Phineas Shepard of Sparta, Mich. Mr. Lobdell was a contractor and builder, coming from New York state to Michigan, residing in Fenton, Saginaw, Flint and Coronna, Mich. Died aged 69 years. CHILDREN. 1. DeWitt Ernst, b. 29 March, 1856, d. in infancy. 2. Julian A., b. 22 Aug., 1858; m. Julia Crocker; has a son, Leslie Lobdell (8), living in Detroit, Mich. 3. Andrew Porter, b. 14 Aug., 1861 ; m. Catherine Smith. Has: Ethel (8), Earl (8) and Sadie (8). Resides at Flint, Mich. 4. Elmer E., b. 16 July, 1863, d. 25 Sept., 1864. 5. Flora B., b. 2 March, 1866; m. Edward Conner. No children. Resides at Detroit, Mich. 281 CHILDREN OF JACOB ELIAS (5) AND RACHEL (VAN NESS) LOBDELL. 1. Simon Van Ness. 2. Lydia. 3. Garrett. 4. Efifie. 5. Mary. 6. Clorinda. 7. Lany. 8. Sarah. 9. John. 10. Laura. 11. Samuel. 12. Matilda. (All born at Northampton, Fulton Co., N. Y.) 1. Simon Van Ness, b. 29 Jan., 1812, d. 30 March, 1900 at Taberg, Oneida Co., N. Y. ; m. (1) Mary Jane Gilbert, b. 27 Jan., 1814, d. 25 Dec, 1852. They were m. 22 Oct., 1834, Hon. N. B. Lobdell, Esq., performing the ceremony. Children : Aseneth (7). Helen (7). Sidney A. (7). 1. Acenath Caroline, b. 24 Sept., 1835, d. 29 Aug., 1872; m. 28. Sept., 1855, to Andrew J. Bacon, a farmer and blacksmith, (both of Trenton Falls, N. Y.) son of David and Julia Bacon. One son was b. to Acenath, viz. : John C. Fremont Bacon, b. 5 May, 1857. Residence, Orange, Mass. 2. Helen Mary, b. 15 Oct., 1837, d. 8 May, 1864; m. 25 March, 1858, Timothy D. Powers, a master mechanic. They lived in Chicago, Ills., where Helen d. 3. Sidney Alexander, a merchant and farmer residing at Bowie, Texas; b. 30 Sept., 1839, at Northville, Fulton Co., N. Y. ; m. 13 Oct., 1864, at Princeton, Bureau Co., 111. Eliza J. Minnerly, b. 11 Dec, 1841, at Crestline, Ohio, dau. of Albert B. and Eliza J. (Cox) Minnerly. Sidney A., moved with his father from Taberg, Oneida Co., N. Y., to Illinois in the year 1857, to a small town situated on the Illinois Central R. R., in Iroquois Co. He enlisted for the Civil war in a Board of Trade Reg't. of Chicago, known as the 113th Reg't. Ills. Vol. Infantry, on 26 Aug., 1862. Was wounded in the left elbow at the battle of Chickasawby in Feb'y-, 1863, and sent up the Mississippi river to Jefferson barracks. Mo., was then trans- ferred to the V. R. C. and attached to the Hospital service and had charge of "Ward F" until the close of the war, when he was mus- tered out of the service. Is a Republican in politics. In religion. a Methodist. Is proud of the name of Lobdell and has often heard his father say that he never knew one of the' name that was ever arrested for a crime. Mr. and Mrs. Lobdell have been m. nearly 43 years — have resided in N. Y., 111., Oklahoma and Texas; have four sons. 282 EIGHTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF SIDNEY ALEXANDER AND ELIZA J. (MINNERLY) LOBDELL. 1. Wm. Albert. 2. Herbert Edwin. 3. Van Ness Joseph. 4. Francis James. 1. Wm. Albert, a furniture dealer of Bowie, Texas ; b. 3 Dec., 1866, m. 5 Oct., 1888, to Sallie Nichols, dau. of Widow Endora W. Nichols. CHILDREN. 1. Lottie M., (9) b. 29 July, 1889; d. 23 Oct., 1889. 2. Laura, (9) b. 3 May, 1892. 3. Roy, (9) b. 22 Dec, 1894. 4. Endora W., (9) b. 6 Feby, 1896. \ 5. Lyde J., (9) b. 17 April, 1897. 6. Wm. Albert, (9) b. 10 April, 1901. 7. Sidney Alexander (9) b. 6 Dec, 1902, d. 15 Jan'y., 1903. 8. Bertha Mary (9) a twin of Sidney Alex. 2. Herbert Edwin, a lawyer of Denton, Texas ; b. 24 Nov., 1872, at Watseka, Iroquois Co., Ills.; m. 19 Feb'y.. 1896, at Gainesville, Texas, Maggie M. Beck, dau. of La Fayette and Marie Theresa Beck. Mr. L. is attorney for G. C. and Santa Fe R. R. Co., with headquarters at Gainesville. Is a Democrat. No children. 3. Van Ness Joseph, b. in Denton, Texas, 13 Sept., 1880; m. 27 Sept., 1903. to Etalia Adalaide Hughs, dau. of Rev. D. W. Hughs (Methodist) ; wife deceased, — of Oklahoma, Comanche Co. CHILDREN. 1. Herberta (9), b. at Cropper, O. T., 3 Feb., 1905. 2. Webster Aleander (9), b. 29 June, 1906, at Tecumsah, O. T. 4. Francis James, b. near Denton, Texas, 7 Aug., 1882; m. 7 Oct., 1901, to Bessie A. Vaughn, dau. of Samuel F. Vaughn and his first wife, of Drop. Denton Co.. Texas. Mr. Lobdell is engaged in the furniture business at Bowie, Texas. 283 Simon Van Ness m. as second wife Orinda Du Bois, b. 6 Nov., 1819, at Norway, Herkimer Co., N. Y., dau. of Joel Du Bois. Had one child. Fred W.. of Utica, N. Y., b. 31 Jan., 1857 at Annsville, Oneida Co., N. Y. ; m. 5 Dec, 1883 to Martha M. Baker, b. 23 March, 1861 at Lee, Oneida Co., dau. of Martin and Margaret (Niess) Baker. Have on child, Lela M. Lobdell (8), b. 25 June, 1885. Mr. Fred Lobdell was educated in the common schools and Whitestown Seminary. Was commercial traveler for Hollister and Noble, Auburn, N. Y. for 18 years, wholesale rubber boots and shoes. Is still in their employ during the busy season. Is bookkeeper for the Utica Electric Light & Power Co. Clerk of Board of Supervisors of Oneida Co. five years. Special deputy revenue collector 1898 under the special act of Congress to raise additional revenue to pay ex- penses of Spanish-American War. Clerk to the Dawes Com- mission 1899 in tlie Indian Territory, but obliged to resign on account of the climate. Republican in politics ; in re- ligion. Agnostic. Taberg, April 2. — At his home in Taberg at 11:30 p. m. on Fri- day, March 30, occurred the death of Simon V. Lobdell, aged 88 years and 2 months. He had been in poor health from asthmatic trouble but the immediate cause of his death was a paralytic stroke, which he received on Tuesday. He suffered very much for three days, when death came to his relief. Mr. Lobdell was born in Northville, Fulton Co., N. Y., in 1812, and, in 1853, moved to Taberg, where he had since resided with the exception of four years in Illinois and two years in Rome. At the time of his death it is thought he was the oldest male resident in the town of Anns- ville. He was a tanner and currier by trade, but for many years was employed by the Taberg Furnace Company. He has been a member of the M. E. Church of Taberg for many years. His memory and recollections of events occurring in Rome and the northern towns were good, and facts and statements he would relate that transpired in this section during a period of 47 years were reliable. He had the respect and esteem of all in the village, and, as one of the old landmarks, will be greatly missed. Besides his widow, aged 80, he is survived by two sons, Sidney A. of Drop, 284 Texas, and Fred W. of Utica, and one stepson, Frank D. Smith of East Florence, two brothers, Garrett and John of Northville, N. Y., three sisters, Mrs. Matilda Bowman of NorthviUe, Mrs. Sarah Fielder and Mrs. Laura Hill of Albany. The funeral was held from his late residence today at 10 a. m., Rev. W. R. Helms, pastor of the M. E. Church, officiating. Timothy Campbell, B. F. Secor, E. C. Spinning, G. H. Kilbourn, J. N. Abbott and James Bailey were bearers. The remains were placed in the receiving vault. — (From Newspaper Clipping.) 2. Lydia, b. 30 June, 1814; m. Benj. Scribner. 3. Garrett, b. 23 April, 1816; m. Kimma Eglin. 4. Effie, b. 12 Feb., 1818; m. Edward Wood. 5. Mary, b. 9 Aug., 1822 ; m. Clark 'Carpenter. 6. Clorinda, b. 18 July, 1824; m. Wm. Lawton. 7. Lany, b. 29 July, 1826; m. Hamilton Mason. 8. Sarah, b. 11 June, 1828, was adopted by her cousin, Matilda Lobdell and her husband Alexander Lobdell (James) of West Troy, N. Y. She lived with them until she m., 12 Nov., 1856, John Ward Fidler, b. 31 July, 1825 at Watervliet, Albany Co., N. Y., son of John and Prudence (Hills) Fidler. Mr. and Mrs, Fidler have always since their marriage lived on a farm — at first, for 13 years, near Troy, then moved to Duanesburg, Schenectady Co., N. Y., where they have resided 31 years. Their son and his family live with them. CHILDREN. 1. Emma Helen Fidler (7), b. 10 Aug., 1857, d. 3 Jan., 1866. 2. George Lobdell Fidler (7), b. near Troy; m. 13 Oct., 1886, Frances Liddle. Children : 1. John Ward Fidler (8), b. 16 Feb., 1890. 2. Charles Myron Fidler (8), b. 28th Sept., 1894. 9. John, b. 20 May, 1830; m. Ann Potter. They resided at Northville, where he d. in 1902. 10. Laura A., b. 22 July, 1832; m. 20 Feb., 1852 at Northville, Fulton Co., N. Y., Augustus P. Hull, b. 1 Nov., 1828 at West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Stephen and Sybil (Pom- eroy) Hull. They reside at Albany, N. Y., where Mr. Hull is in the American Express Company as one of their chief men. 285 CHILDREN. 1. Louise G. Hull (7). 2. Ida A. Hull (7). 3. John E. Hull (7). 4. Augustus P. Hull, Jr. (7). IL Samuel, b. 20 Aug. 1834, always lived with his Uncle Samuel Lobdell. He was killed by the fall of a broken limb from a tree, 14 April, 1851. 12. Matilda, b. 1 May, 1837; m. 8 April, 1857 at Northampton, N. Y., Julius Frary Bowman, b. 4 Jan., 1834 at Kinderhook, Colum- bia Co., N. Y. The family are Presbyterians and reside at North- ville, N. Y., where Mrs. Bowman d. in 1901, of cancer. CHILDREN. 1. Ward Myron Bowman (7), b. 4 July, 1859; m. Eliz- abeth Ames. 2. Isaac Elias Bowman (7), b. 4 June, 1861; m. first in 1883, Jennie McKnight; m. second in 1899, Margaret Shipman. CHILDREN OF GEORGE RODNEY (5) AND ABIGAIL (DART) LOBDELL. 1. Harriet. 2. Emily. 3. Pliny. 4. Charlotte. 5. Albert W. 6. Marietta. 7. Merritt. 8. Emmet. 9. Melissa. 10. Emmons H. SIXTH GENERATION. (All born in Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y.) 1. Harriet, b. 13 July, 1828, never married. 2. Emily, b. 6 Feb., 1834; m. Gilbert DeGrafT. 3. Pliney, b. 27 July, 1835 ; never married. 4. Charlotte, b. 2 Jan., 1836; m. Isaac DeGraff. 5. *Albert W., a lumberman of Portland, Oregon, b. 19 March, 1838; m. 21 March, 1859 at Buffalo, Erie Co., N. Y., Emma Clark, b. 24 May, 1841 at Buffalo, d. 29 June, 1875 at Greenville, Mont- calm Co., Mich., dau. of Dart and Bernice Huff. Mr. Lobdell remarried 31 Dec, 1879 to Widow Eliza Frazier. No children by second wife. Albert W. served in the War of the Rebellion under Sherman. * Of this family of ten cliildren, all have passed away excepting Albert W. Lobdell. 286 SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN. 1. Clara Isabel, b. 25 Jan., 1860; m. Jesse Walter Holt. Reside in St. Paul, Minn. 2. Burdella, b. 24 Jan., 1862, d. 7 Feb., 1883. 3. Marietta, b. 17 April, 1868. 4. Mildred Emma, b. 14 July, 1874. 6. Marietta, b. 25 March, 1840; m. Finley McManus. 7. Merritt, b. 29 June, 1842; never married. 8. Emmet, never married. 9. Melissa, b. 21 Oct., 1845; m. Andrew Swift. 10. Emmons H., b. 20 Jan., 1849; m. 28 Feb., 1869 at Green- ville, Mich., Ellen Melissa Worden, b. 4 July, 1850 at Greenville, Mich., dau. of Elijah E. and Amelia (Kendrick) Worden. Mr. Lobdell d. 7 July, 1899 at Charlevoix, Mich. Widow Lob- dell resides at Boyne Falls, Mich. CHILDREN. 1. Edna (7), b. 3 June, 1871; m. Charles Glasier. 2. Bell (7), b. 26 March, 1874, d. at the age of 7 months. 3. Edith (7), b. 6 Sept., 1875; m. Addison Shantz. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF MARY (6) LOBDELL AND BENJ. AUSTIN. (All born in Norway, Herkimer Co., N. Y.) 1. Daniel Austin, b. 26 June, 1827; m. Eliza Shepherd. 2. Martha Austin, b. 25 Aug., 1829, d. 15 July, 1830. 3. Adaline Austin, b. 9 April, 1831 ; m. Orren Clark. 4. Mary Austin, b. 27 Feb., 1833 ; m. 20 Feb., 1862 at Norway, N. Y., Levi Crofoot, b. 10 Dec, 1817 at West Turin, Lewis Co., N. Y., d. 12 May, 1877, son of James and Clarissa (Burnam) Cro- foot. Mrs. Crofoot has been an invalid for many years, rheumatism having crippled her joints so that she is unable to get around. She was an educated woman of a lovely, exemplary. Christian charac- ter, bearing with fortitude her suffering and patiently waiting for the call of the Master. She resided with her son Henry, at Little Falls, N. Y., where on March 11, 1904, she was released from suffering. 287 CHILDREN. 1. Henry Alex. Crofoot (8), resides at Little Falls, Herkimer Co., N. Y., b. 4 March, 1863; m. Marietta Kilts. Their children : 1. Herman K. Crofoot (9), b. 18 May, 1886. 2. Clarence Elijah Crofoot (9), b. 10 May, 1888. 3. Harry Alex. Crofoot (9), b. 21 Feb., 1893. 2. Mary Ella Crofoot (8), b. 26 July, 1865 ; d. 28 March, 1866. 3. Geo. Levi Crofoot (8), b. 30 Jan., 1870; m. Mary A. Thomas and resides in Forest City, Pa. One child : 1. Helen Elizabeth Crofoot (9), b. 29 May, 1900. 5. Benj. F. Austin, b. 6 June, 1834; m. Harriet Wells. 6. Matilda Austin, b. 9 July, 1836; m. Wilber Powers. 7. Martha Austin, b. 12 Sept., 1838; is unmarried and resides at Oneida Castle, Oneida Co.,. N. Y. 8. Lydia Austin, b. 5 July, 1840; m. Joseph Ellis. 9. Emily Austin, b. 10 April, 1842, d. 28 March, 1847. 10. Hiram Austin (deceased), b. 23 June, 1847; m. Camilla J. Emhaugh. 11. Geo. Austin, b. 7 Aug., 1850; m. Ruth Snell. CHILDREN OF ELIZA LOBDELL AND STEPHEN JUDSON GAGE. (All born at Norway, N. Y.) 1. Sarah Jane Gage, b. 16 April, 1835; m. Samuel Henry Car- penter. Mrs. Gage is dead, no date. Had one daughter: Mrs. Fred Johnson (8), Dolgeville, Herkimer Co., N. Y. 2. Wilson Pennock Gage, b. 12 March, 1840; m. Gertrude Pullman. He is dead. One dau. is living, Mrs. C. E. Wood (8), Watertown, N. Y. 3. George Moses Gage, b. 29 Jan., 1845 ; m. Ella Willoughby. Resides at Little Falls, Herkimer Co., N. Y. 4. Emily Paulina Gage, b. 16 Dec, 1848; m. 3 March, 1869 at Newport, Herkimer Co., N. Y., James Morrow, b. 1 Jan., 1844 at Kiney, Leitrim Co., Ireland, son of John and Mary Ann (Conway) Morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Morrow reside at Middleville, Herkimer Co., N. Y., where he has business as shipping clerk. The family are Episcopalians. Two children have been born to them. 288 ill CHILDREN. 1. Stephen Arthur Morrow (8), b. 4 May, 1870, d. 25 Dec, 1893. 2. Alice May Morrow (8), b. 28 Feb., 1872. CHILDREN OF DAVID CLARK AND MARTHA (SLY) LOBDELL. 1. Wm. Noble. 2. Daniel. 3. Rheuma. 4. Franklin. 5. Charles. 6. Robert. 7. Herman. 8. Alice. 9. Emm. a 1. Wm. Noble, b. 7 Nov., 1839 at Concord Hill, Erie Co., N. Y. Is one of the oldest passenger conductors on the C. M. & Ct. P. R. R. When two and one-half years of age his parents left New York State and settled at Milan, Ohio, afterward moving to Wisconsin. He m. for his first wife, Isabel Amanda Hill, of Wone- woc. Wis., who d. leaving one dau., Harriet (8). He m. for his second wife, Julia E. Farnsworth, who had one dau., Maude, the wife of Henry G. Williams of Minneapolis. Mr. Lobdell resides at Minneapolis. Was a soldier in the late Civil War. A member of Co. G, 1st Wis. Vol. Inf. "A staunch Democrat." 2. Daniel, b. 1 May, 1842, d. 9 April, 1863, in the army, at Nashville, Tenn. ; served three years, less three months ; was bugler in 2nd Wis. Cavalry. 3. Rheuma, b. 8 May, 1844, d. Jan. 1863, aged 18 years. 4. Franklin, b. 20 July, 1847. Was in Civil War until the end. No notice taken of my letter of inquiry. I am told that he is a farmer, living at Lavalle, Sauk Co., Wis. He m. Derinda Mallow. 5. Charles, b. 31 Dec, 1850; m. Cora Fugate. Is a blacksmith. Resides at Medina Station, Wis. 6. Robert, b. 20 March, 1854; m. Philoma Ray. He was acci- dentally killed in Minneapolis, Minn. 7. Herman, b. 10 March, 1857 at Genesee, V/aukesha Co., Wis. ; m. 20 March, 1881 at Wonewoc, Jeneau Co., Wis., Emma Lemon, b. 18 April, 1858, at Baraboo, Sauk Co., Wis., dau. of Wm. and Elvira (Keen) Lemon. Mr. and Mrs. Lobdell reside at Puyallup, Wash. He is by occupation a cooper, but engaged in fraternal in- surance, holding the position of State Deputy; in religion a Meth- odist; in politics a Republican. Children: 289 Raymond (8), b. 25 Jan., 1884, d. 31 Aug., 1887. Lewis and Willis (8), twins, b. 27 May, 1889. 8. Alice, b. 4 May, 1859 at Genesee, Wis. ; m. 16 March, 1878 at Woodland, Sauk Co., Wis., Jesse M. Mallow, son of Jesse and Jane (Porter) Mallow. They reside at Wonewoc, Wis., where Mr. Mallow is President of Geo. W. Bell Corp No. 3 and Vice Oracle in the Royal Neighbors Lodge. CHILDREN. 1. Herbert L. Mallow (8). 2. Ethel Blanch Mallow (8). 3. Billy Mallow (8). 4. Emma Belle Mallow (8). 9. Emma, b. 5 May, 1863 ; m. Geo. Pollock. She d. the second year after marriage. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF MILES CLARK AND SARAH (LITTLE- FIELD) LOBDELL. 1. Marion Clark. 2. Dwight Baxter. 3. Celia M. 4. Ham- ilton M. 5. Eugene L. 6. Wray O. 7. Sarah Belle. 1. Marion Clark, b. Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y., 8 March, 1845; m. Morey Evans. 2. Dwight Baxter, b. Hamburg, N. Y., 12 Nov., 1846; m. 11 March, 1874 at Lemars, Plymouth Co., Iowa, Mercy Morrison, b. 11 March, 1855 in Portage Co., Wis., dau. of Hiram and Sarah (Felch) Morrison. Mr. Lobdell and family reside at White Lake, South Dakota, where he is engaged in agriculture. CHILDREN. 1. Geo. Whitmore (8), b. 21 Oct.. 1875, d. 16 July, 1876. 2. Sarah Belle (8), b. 16 June, 1877, a teacher at White Lake, S. D. 3. Jay Clyde (8), b. 25 Aug.. 1879; m. 18 Dec, 1901, Augusta M. Gardener. Born to them, a little daughter: 1. Lois (9), b. 25 Aug., 1902. 4. Don Clemence (8). h. 10 March, 1884. 290 5. Ruby Sarah (8), b. 12 Jan., 1887, a teacher at White Lake, S. D. 6. Dwight B. (8), Jr., b. 25 Aug., 1890. 3. Celia M. Lobdell (deceased), b. 30 Nov., 1850; m. Wm. H. Thompson. 4. Hamilton M. Lobdell, b. 11 Dec, 1853; m. Ella Heely. 5. Eugene L. Lobdell, b. 2 Jan., 1859 at Mukwonago, near Milwaukee, Wis.; m. 1880, Martha Wilmina Frazier, b. 11 Oct., 1856 at Mukwonago, dau. of William Melville Frazier and his wife Martha Maria Chaffee. Mr. Lobdell is a farmer at Mukwonago; a Prohibitionist, and a Universalist in religion. CHILDREN— EIGHTH GENERATION. 1. Harvey Ross, b. 18 Sept., 1883. 2. Garth Leland, b. 20 April, 1885. 3. Pearl, b. 3 March, 1887. 4. Ruth Bernice, b. 5 Nov., 1888. 5. Orphia Morgan, b. 2 May, 1891. 6. Floyd Frazier, b. 31 July, 1893. 7. Frazier Miles, b. 20 Nov., 1899. 6. Wray O., b. 8 Oct., 1862; m. Clara Horn. 7. Sarah Belle, b. 27 Jan., 1866, d. 1872. 291 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DANIEL (4) AND RACHEL (OSBORN) LOBDELL. 1. James. 2. Daniel Granbee. 3. Nathan Bradley. I. James, b. 25 Oct., 1784 at Hudson, Columbia Co., N. Y. ; m. 18 Oct., 1807, Sally Van Arman, b. 27 Jan., 1787 at Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., dau. of Abraham Van Arman. History tells us : "They resided in Northville, Fulton Co., N. Y., and built for their private residence what is now 'the North- ville House.' " There his three oldest children were born. About 1812 or 13 he moved his family to Johnstown, Fulton Co., N. Y., where the remainder of his children were born. The house in which they lived is still standing — a double brick house ; in one half lived James Lobdell and his family, in the other half lived Abijah Lobdell and his family. James Lobdell was a progressive and successful business man, dealing largely in real estate, as the records of Montgomery (after- ward Fulton) Co. show. He was in Johnstown as late as 1826 or 7, when he moved to West Troy, Albany Co., N. Y., where in 1829 he opened a dry- goods store, which was successfully conducted as the principal establishment. He was one of the first members of Trinity Epis- copal Church, of which he was Warden in 1834. His death occurred in West Troy, 19 May, 1860, aged 75 y., 6 m., 24 d. His widow d. in West Troy 19 Sept., 1867, aged 80 y., 8 m., 22 d. n. Daniel Granbee, b. 1 Alarch, 1788 at Fulton Co., N. Y., d. 23 March, 1808; unmarried. HI. Nathan Bradley, b. 15 July, 1791 at Broadalbin, Mont- gomery Co., N. Y., being the first child b. in that section, d. 13 Sept., 1878 at Northville, Fulton Co., N. Y. He m. 27 Dec, 1812 at Providence, Saratoga Co.. N. Y., Nancy Richardson, b. 2 Oct., 1788 at Providence, d. 4 Feb., 1834 at Northville., dau. of \Vm. and ? (Montgomery) Richardson. 292 Nathan Bradley Lobdei.l (5) (Daniel [4] ) Aged 82 y. G in. First white child born in Nortli- ville, N. Y. (Page 292) Bradley Nathan Lobdell (6) (Nathan Bradley [5] ) of Northville, N. Y. (Page 204) Nathan Bradley Lobdell was early identified with the interests of Montgomery Co., before the present county of Fulton was set off from Montgomery, he having charge of the transcribing of the records belonging to the new county of Fulton, set off in 1838, also of the county of Hamilton, set ofif in 1837 from Montgomery Co. Politically, he was a Jeffersonian Democrat from start to finish. Was Postmaster of Northville for 8 or 10 years. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF NATHAN BRADLEY LOBDELL AND FIRST WIFE, NANCY RICHARDSON. 1. Daniel Granbee. 2. Mary Ann. 3. James Henry. 4. Wm. Richardson. 5. Maria Rachel. 6. Emily Nancy. 7 . Hiram Wm. 8. Charles Nathan. 9. Bradley Nathan. (All born in Montgomery Co.) 1. Daniel Granbee, b. 7 Dec, 1813 in Montgomery Co., N. Y., d. unmarried at Washington, D. C, 9 July, 1875. He studied law with Harry Adams at Fonda, Montgomery Co., N. Y. ; afterward became a partner of Judge Yost of Fort Plain, Montgomery Co., to whom he bequeathed his library. He entered government em- ploy during Pierce's administration ; was Supervising Special Agent of Treasury. After visiting the principal custom houses in the United States he went to Europe and investigated the methods in the custom houses of different countries. In politics he was a Democrat. Interred at Albany, N. Y. Character beyond reproach. 2. Mary Ann, b. 12 Jan., 1816; m. Gilbert Le Fevre ; had one son, living in Albany, N. Y. — Arthur Le Fevre (7). 3. James Henry, b. 14 Feb., 1818 ; m. first Maria N. Greenfield in 1845; had one dau., Helen Lobdell (7), b. 6 April, 1846, m. on 22 Oct., 1864 to John Tobias Van Hoesen at Northville, N. Y., and moved to Durand, Pepin Co., Wis., where her husband d. 1 Jan., 1901. No children. James Henry m. second Mary Stone. Children : 2. Emma (7), b. 15 March. 1856. 3. James Edward (7), b. 15 March, 1859. 4. Mary Elizabeth (7), b. 11 Oct., 1861. 5. Charles E. (7), b. 15 March, 1864. 293 4. Wm. Richardson, b. 15 Jan., 1820, d. 8 Dec, 1824. 5. Maria Rachel, b. 10 Dec, 1821 ; m. Truman Gilbert. Had— 1. Truman James Gilbert (7) ; m. Miss Cowle. Moved to Kansas. 2. Wm. Nathan Gilbert (7). 3. Virginia Gilbert (7) m. Mr. Taft. Moved to Cen- tralia. 111. 4. Elizabeth Gilbert (7), d. young. There may be other children. 6. Emily Nancy, b. 25 March, 1824, d. unmarried, of consump- tion, at Northampton, 17 May, 1849, aged 25 years. 7. Hiram Wm.. b. 20 April, 1826; m. Phebe Eliza Hood, b. 24 July, 1837. He studied for a physician and located at Flat Rock, Mich., where he d 10 Jan., 1884. CHILDREN. 1. John H. (7), a physician of Flat Rock, Mich., where he was b. 14 Aug., 1860, m. Alice Morey on 2 Nov., 1880, b. 3 March, 1859, at Flat Rock, dau. of Willet S. and Ellen (Ran- som) Morey. Children: 1. Hope (8), b. 22 Oct., 1883; d. 4 Jan., 1885. 2. Don W. (8), b. 25 Dec, 1885. 2. Dan'l Granbee (7), a farmer, b. 24 March, 1861, at Flat Rock ; m. 14 April 1886, Emma A. Miller, b. 10 Dec, 1859, at East Troy, Walworth Co., Wis., dau. of Charles S. and Eliza A. (Bush) Miller. Children: 1. Lealah (8) ; b. 26 March. 1891. 2. Bradley (8), b. 18 Aug., 1896. Both reside at Flat Rock, Mich. 3. Mary E. (7), b. 10 Sept., 1868; m. Mr. Matthews. Resides at Ypsilanti, Mich. Children: 1. Grace, b. 15 Dec, 1883. 2. Fred L. Matthews (8), b. 18 Dec, 1885. 3. Ina M. Matthews (8), b. 19 Oct., 1890. 8. Charles Nathan, b. 3 Jan., 1829, d. 7 Sept., 1830. 9. Bradley Nathan Lobdell was b. in old Montgomery Co., N. Y. (now Hamilton Co.). 20 June, 1832. his father owning lum- ber mills there at that time. They were the first mills built in the (now) Hamilton Co., which was noted for being the greatest lumber tract in the state of New York. During the period of taking ofif the lumber in Hamilton Co., many farmers left their 294 farms near Northville for the more money-making chances in lum- bering. In consequence, the land vacated soon grew up to small forest trees, such as pine and other trees. Mr. Lobdell conceived the idea of cultivating timber on the deserted tract. At different times, he bought several hundred acres of the old farms and with employed labor has been busy trimming and cleaning up the woods for the past fifteen years. Since 1899 he has planted chestnut, white oak and black walnut on the old meadow and pasture land. Will continue to plant until all vacant space is filled in with choice timber, and is so well pleased with results that he intends to add more territory to the plot upon which he has experimented. In 1902 he planted twenty-two bushels of black walnuts, besides oak and other kinds of timber. He also owns valuable tracts of land in Michigan and Wisconsin. He m. 7 Nov., 1854, at Ionia, Ionia Co., Mich., Sabrina E. Miller, b. 6 Nov., 1836, d. 5 June, 1890 at North- ville, dau. of David M. and Mardula E. (Olmstead) Miller, of Northville, N. Y. Three children were born to them. CHILDREN. 1. Emilie Maria (7), b. 26 May, 1856; m. Leander Mc- Lean. No children. Deceased. 2. Ida (7), b. 26 Aug., 1863, d. 5 March, 1864. 3. Josephine (7), b. 24 June, 1866; m. Wm. Hollearn. They reside at Northville, N. Y. and have three daughters (8) ITEMS COPIED FROM FULTON CO. CLERK'S OFFICE (JOHNSTOWN, N. Y. 1772—1839). Warranty Deed. Dated July 28th, 1794. Caleb Lobdell of Broadalbin to Daniel Lobdell. Consideration, 100 pounds. Land lying in the then County of Montgomery (now Fulton), containing- 91 acres. Warranty Deed. Dated March 29th, 1802. Alex. St. John to James Lobdell. Consideration, $200. Land in town of Northampton. Containing 1 acre of land. Warranty Deed. Dated June 12th, 1812. 295 Ussil Crosby of Johnstown to Jas. Lobdell, merchant of North ampton. Consideration, $1,400. Land in village of Johnstown, one-half acre. Warranty Deed. Dated May 16th, 1814. Daniel Cady to James Lobdell. Consideration, $100. Land in village of Johnstown. Quit Claim Deed. Dated May 16th, 1814. Polly Crosby to Jas. Lobdell. Consideration, $10. Land in village of Johnstown. Warranty Deed. Dated Sept. 19th, 1810. Ussiel Crosby and wife to Abijah Lobdell of Johnstown. Land in Johnstown. Consideration, $1,000. Warranty Deed. Dated May 17th, 1814. Abijah Lobdell of Johnstown, blacksmith, and Mary, his wife, to Jas. Lobdell of Johnstown. Land in Johnstown. Consideration, $25. Warranty Deed. Dated April 23d, 1814. Daniel Lobdell of Northampton and Nathan Lobdell of same place. Land in Northampton, containing 91 acres of land. Consideration, $500. Warranty Deed. Dated May 2d, 1817. Jas. Lobdell to Duncan McLaren of Johnstown. Land in village of Johnstown, Consideration, $700. Warranty Deed. Dated February 24th, 1813. Jas. Lobdell of Northampton, and Sally his wife, to Samuel Maxwell of same place. 296 Land in Northampton, containing- 1 acre. Consideration, . .600. Warranty Deed. Dated August 23d, 1825. Abraham Van Vechten of Johnstown and Jas. Lobdell of Johns- town. Land in Johnstown, containing one-half acre of land. Consideration, $50. Warranty Deed. Dated Sept. 6th, 1825. Jas. Lobdell and Sally his wife of Johnstown, and Eli Pierson, same place. Land in Johnstown, containing- one-half acre. Consideration, $2,000. Warranty Deed. Dated Dec. 1st, 1825. Jas. Lobdell to Isiah Lounglove of Johnstown. Land in Johnstown, containing 1 acre. Consideration, $60. Sheriff's Deed. Dated Nov. 26th, 1823. Seth Wetmore, Sheriff of Montgomery Co., and Jas. Lobdell of Johnstown. Land in Johnstown, containing 3 acres. Consideration, $388.35. Warranty Deed. Dated Jan. 18th, 1826. Jas. Lobdell to Marcellus Weston. Consideration, $10. Warranty Deed. Dated Nov. 24, 1827. Edward Ellice of London in Great Britain and John R. Mitchell, Rufus Washburne, Nathan B. Lobdell and Morgan Lewis, all of Montgomery. Land in Mayfield, containing 111 acres. Consideration, $333. Warranty Deed. Dated April 3d., 1828. Ammon Hammond of Northampton and Samuel Lobdell, same place. Land in Northampton, containing 2 acres. Consideration, $600. 297 Warranty Deed. Dated July 28, 1835. John Stewart of Mayfield and Chas. S. Lobdell of Johnstown. Land in Mayfield, containing 100 acres. Consideration, $1,600. Warranty Deed. Dated Aug. 24th, 1836. Chas. S. Lobdell and Henry M. Lobdell of Mayfield. Land in Mayfield, containing 50 acres. Consideration, $1,700. Warranty Deed. Dated Nov. 23d, 1836. Henry M. Lobdell of Johnstown and John J. Warren. Land in Kingsboro, containing 50 acres. Consideration, $1,900. Warranty Deed. Dated Dec. 1st, 1836. Susan R. Lobdell of Johnstown, wife of Chas. S. Lobdell and John J. Warren. Land in Kingsboro, containing 50 acres. Consideration, $100. The records of births, marriages and deaths were kept in this office for two years (1848-49) and the Lobdells recorded during that time are : Mary Lobdell died at Johnstown, July 21, 1849; 78 years old; unmarried. Disease, general debility. Lydia Lobdell died at Northampton, Sept. 20th, 1849, aged 56; married. Emily Lobdell died at Northampton May 17th, 1849, aged 25 ; unmarried. Disease, consumption. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JAMES (5) AND SALLY (VAN ARMAN) LOBDELL. 1. Rachel. 2. Alex. St. John. 3. Maria. 4. Harriet. 5. Helen Maxwell. 6. James Dow. 7. Richard Sadler. 8. Wm. Henry. I. Rachel, b. 13 July, 1808 at Northampton, Fulton Co., N. Y., d. at West Troy 26 July, 1852, aged 44 y., 13 d. 298 II. Alex. St. John, b. 18 May, 1810 at Northampton, N. Y., d. 14 Nov., 1865 at West Troy, N. Y. ; m. 10 Jan., 1833 at North- ville, Fulton Co., N. Y., to Matilda Lobdell (his second cousin), b. 17 June, 1813 at Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y., dau. of Daniel and Polly (Sackett) Lobdell. The village of West Troy was incorporated in 1836. at which time Alex. S. Lobdell was appointed as inspector of election in fourth ward. His name heads the list of those who on 21 Jan., 1846, petitioned for a charter for the first organized and chartered lodge of In- dependent Oddfellows in West Troy — "Laurel Lodge No. 4." He was also instrumental in organizing, in the spring of 1849, the Ohio St. Methodist E. Church. (From History of Albany Co., N. Y.) III. Maria, b. 17 July, 1812 at Northampton. N. Y., d. at West Troy, 29 July, 1843, aged 31 y., 12 d. She m. 22 Sept., 1842 at West Troy, Morgan Lewis Taylor, b. 18 May, 1806 at Ballston, Saratoga Co., N. Y., son of Raymond and Sarah (Riggs) Taylor. They resided at West Troy, of which village Mr. Taylor was President during the year 1852. IV. Harriet, b. 10 June, 1815 at Johnstown, Fulton Co., N. Y., d. at West Troy 8 May, 1880, aged 64 v., 10 m., 28 d. V. Helen Maxwell, b. 10 Dec, 1817 at Johnstown; m. 26 May, 1839 at West Troy to Jonas V. Oothout, d. in West Troy, 25 Dec, 1856, aged 39 y., 15 d. Jonas Volkert Oothout d. in West Troy 13 July, 1860, aged 46 y., 4 m., 18 d. The only living descendant of Helen Lobdell Oothout is a grandson named William Volkert Oothout. VI. James Dow, b. 26 May, 1821 at Johnstown, N. Y., d. 18 Jan., 1879 at West Troy; m. 1 Sept., 1847 at Johnstown to Alice Permelia Pierson, b. 22 March. 1828 at Johnstown, d. 11 Dec, 1885 at W^est Troy, dau. of Eli and Amanda (Mason) Pierson. "The dry-goods and wall paper establishment of James Dow Lobdell's Sons was established by James D. in 1847 and he carried on the business until his decease, when his sons, Wm., James and Edward succeeded to the business and carried on the same under the above mentioned firm name. On 1 Feb., 1884, Mr. James Lobdell withdrew from the firm and it was carried on under the same name by Wm. and Edward. Wm. and James both died, and Edward remained until 1901-2, when he moved to Schenectady 299 and was manager of James Roy & Co., branch store at Schenectady, where he d. of heart trouble on Christmas day at 6:30 p. m., 1903. The only living son of James Dow Lobdell is Pierson, residing at 58 Jay St., Albany, N. Y. Children of James D. Lobdell : 1. Wm. (7), b. 29 June, 1848, deceased; m. Josephine Bernard. 2. Harriet (7), b. 16 Jan., 1850 at West Troy; m. 6 June. 1872 at West Troy, Edward Howard Wiswall, b 6 Dec, 1848 at West Troy, son of John and Sarah (Mark) Wiswall. Reside at West Troy. Have one child : 1. Alice Wiswall (8), b. 6 April, 1873; m. 25 April, 1894, Dr. Geo. S. Haswell. Children: 1. Mildred Haswell (9). 2. Laura Haswell (9). 3. Edward, b. 28 Dec, 1853 at West Troy, d. 25 Dec, 1903 of heart trouble at Schenectady, N. Y., leaving a widow and a son 7 years of age. His widow returned to her old home at Johnstow^n, where her relatives reside. Edward m. 18 Sept., 1889 at Johnstown, Katie Moore, b. 1 March, 1864. at Johnstown, dau. of Frederick J. and Sarah Moore. Chil- dren : 1. Infant (8), b. 24 June, 1893, d. in infancy. 2. Harold Edward, b. 3 Sept., 1896. 4. James, b. 1 Feb., 1857. 5. Pierson, b. 9 Sept., 1859; m. Kittie Randerson. (West Troy was a village until 1 Aug., 1886, then changed to city of Watervliet.) YH. Richard Sadler, b. 19 Oct.. 1823 at Johnstown, N. Y.. d. 9 July, 1886 at Utica, N. Y.. aged 62 y., 8 m., 10 d. ; m. at West Troy, N. Y.. 17 May. 1847 to Romelia Marsh, who d. 24 Jan., 1885 at Utica. N. Y. ''Richard S. Lobdell was one of the original incorporators of West Troy Gas Light Co., Jan., 1853; capital stock $100,000. He was superintendent of this company from the fall of 1864 to March, 1879." (Albany History.) From a "Church paper" I copy : "Entered into rest eternal on Saturday, Feb., 10, 1900 at Ozone Park, L. I., Ella A., oldest dau. of the late Richard and Romelia 300 Lobdell, formely of West Troy, N. Y. Interment, Albany, Rural Cemetery. " 'It is enough : earth's struggles soon shall cease, And Jesus call us to heaven's perfect peace.' " The second daughter. Eliza Lobdell (7). m. Carl Berry and resides at New London, Conn. VIII. Wm. Henry, b. 26 Sept.^ 1826, d. aged 2 y., 1 m., 21 d. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ALEXANDER ST. JOHN (6) AND MATILDA (LOBDELL) LOBDELL. 1. Edgar. 2. Henry. 3. Maria. 4. Harriet. 5. Geo. (All born in West Troy.) 1. Edgar, b. 22 Aug., 1835 in West Troy, d. 3 Jan., 1878. 2. Henry, b. 17 Aug., 1838, d. 9 April, 1891 at Northampton, N. Y.; m. 10 Jan., 1861 to Alice R. Tobias, b. 28 June, 1838 at Hudson, N. Y., dau. of Henry and Hepzibeth (Hermans) Tobias. Mrs. L. d. in 1905. CHILDREN. 1. Archie S. (8), b. 16 Jan., 1862; m. Florence A. Toy. 2. Wm. Maxwell (8), b. 26 March, 1864, d. 4 May, 1865. 3. Matilda Alice (8), b. 4 Dec, 1866; m. Edward G. Benson. Residence, Pawling Ave., Troy, N. Y. 4. Mary Pickett (8), b. 29 Sept., 1870, d. 26 Feb., 1894. 5. Myron Vaughn (8), b. 4 March, 1873, d. 9 May, 1891. 3. Maria, b. 12 Sept., 1843 in West Troy, d. 10 Jan., 1845. 4. Harriet, b. 9 Feb., 1846 in West Troy, d. 18 March, 1848. 5. George, b. 19 July, 1849-50 in West Troy, d. 4 May, 1888. 1, 3, 4 and 5 died in West Troy. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF LEWIS (4) AND ELIZABETH (OSBORN) LOBDELL. 1. Orra. 2, Chloe. 3. Lucy. 4. Hannah. 5. Esther. 6. Betsey. 7. Osmond. 8. Hiram. 9. Sally. All born in Brookfield, Conn. 301 I. Orra, b. 4 Feb., 1781 ; m. May, 1813, as his second wife, Jerry Hoyt, b. 9 Oct., 1779 in Danbury. Orra died in Rochester, Monroe Co., N. Y., Aug., 1836. CHILDREN. 1. CaroHne Hoyt (6), a maiden lady, b. 24 June, 1814. 2. Laura Hoyt (6). 3. Henry L. Hoyt (6). 4. L. Starr Hoyt (6), m. Miss Hey wood. All resided in Rochester, N. Y. H. Chloe, b. 23 Feb., 1783. Died. HL Lucy, b. 3 Nov., 1784. IV. Hannah, b. 23 April, 1786; m. Wm. Corning. V. Esther, b. 20 March, 1788 ;.m. Nathaniel Barnum. VL Betsey, b. 18 Feb., 1790; m. Levi Bostwick, 30 Dec, 1810, son of Levi and Anna (Smith) Bostwick of Brookfield. CHILDREN. 1. Cynthia Bostwick (6), b. in Brookfield, Conn., 4 March, 1812; m. in Kingston, Ont., 21 Sept., 1836, Josiah W. Cloyes, b. in Paris Hill, Oneida Co., N. Y., 6 July, 1810. 2. Laura Emma Bostwick (6), m. John Morehouse. 3. Nelson Bostwick (6), b. in Sherman, Fairfield Co., Conn., 6 April, 1819; m. in Albion, N. Y., 30 May, 1848, Malvina A. F. Treadwell. 4. Lewis Bostwick (6), d. 1834. 5. Eliza Bostwick (6), m. Wm. May. 6. Frances Bostwick (6), b. in Sherman, Conn., 11 Oct., 1831; m. in White Pigeon, Mich., 19 Dec, 1850, Leander D. Tompkins. (From Bostwick Genealogy.) VH. Capt. Ormond, b. 14 Feb., 1792; m. 15 June, 1814, Prudence Bostwick, a sister of Levi Bostwick, who m. Ormond's sister Betsey. Both husband' and wife are buried at Brookfield. Ormond Lobdell was Lieut, first, and then promoted to Cap- tain of his company. Children : (Born in Brookfield. Conn.) 1. Lucy Ann, b. 2 May, 1815; m. John C. Gray 1 Jan., 1843, son of Thaddeus and Huldah (Lobdell) Gray and grandson of John and Abigail (Barlow) Lobdell. Thaddeus d. 31 March, 1852. Lucy Ann re-married to Abel Gray. She d. in Brookfield 17 Dec, 1888. 302 By her first marriage she had one son : 1. Henry C. Gray (7), b. 29 Feb., 1844; m. Hen- rietta Lessey. 2. Lewis Starr, b. 13 Oct., 1824, d. at Danbury, 2 April, 1901 ; m. in Brookfield, 6 June, 1847, Jeanette Adkins, dau. of Norris and Charlotte (Griffen) Adkins of Danbury. They had one dau. : 1. Charlotte (7), b. 13 July, 1851; now (1903) living at Danbury, Conn. " Lewis Lobdell, an old resident of Danbury, died Wed- nesday afternoon at the hospital, of Bright's disease, aged seventy-two years. Mr. Lobdell had been suffering for the past two years, but was able to continue at his employment until six months ago. " Most of Mr. Lobdell's life was spent in Beaver Brook, where he was for years a foreman in the Sturdevant hat factory. After that factory changed hands Mr. Lobdell was, for a number of years, employed in the Rundle and HoUey factories. He had many friends in this city as well as throughout the state, and had the respect of all who knew him. " Of late years Mr. Lobdell had lived in the Beltaire block on White street, with his daughter. Miss Lottie Lobdell, who alone survives him." — (Local Paper.) 3. Laura, died — 20 years old. 4. Levi, b. 10 Feb., 1846, d. 30 Sept., 1847. 5. Hiram Lee, b. 5 May, 1848; m. Nov., 1869 at Lanes- ville, Litchfield Co., Conn., Almira Beardsley, b. 17 Dec, 1847 at New Fairfield, Fairfield Co., Conn., dau. of Legrand M. and Alta (Chase) Beardsley. Mr. Lobdell and his wife are living at Brookfield (1902). Have no children. He is Democrat. In religion, an Adventist. Vni. Hiram, b. 8 Oct., 1798, a farmer; m. for his first wife, Dolly Grace Lyon. For his second wife he m. Julia Jeanette Ives, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Elizabeth (Gilbert) Ives of Bridge- water, Conn., at which place Mrs. Lobdell d. 17 March, 1901 (aged 84 years), at the home of her dau., Mrs. Thos. Kane (6). Mr. Lobdell d. 1887, aged 88 years. Both are buried at Brookfield, Conn. 303 IX. Sally, b. 26 Aug., 1801; m. 7 Dec, 1826 at Brookfield, Byrum Botsford Buckingham, son of Joseph and Sarah (Lock- wood) Buckingham of New Milford, Conn, (now called Brook- ^'^^^- CHILDREN. 1. Herman Buckingham (6), b. 1827. 2. Henry Buckingham . (6), b. 1832; m. Grace Bristol. 3. Fred'k Buckingham (6), b. 1835. 4. Sally Elizabeth Buckingham (6), b. 1837; m. Charles Hamlin. 5. Salmon Buckingham (6). In California. (Buckingham Genealogy.) FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF CHLOE (4) LOBDELL AND ELIJAH BALD- 1. Betse/" 2. Polly. 3. Abel. 4. Sherman Smith. 5. Chlo- tilda. 6. Boyle V. B. I. Betsey Baldwin, b. 30 Aug., 1783; m. Heth Griffen of Stam- ford, Delaware Co., N. Y. Newtown, Conn, records says Betsey was b. Saturday, 11 o'clock, forenoon. Baldwin Genealogy gives children : 1. John Griffen (6), who m. Betsey Foote. 2. Orrin Griffen (6) m. Laura Foote. 3. Charles Griffen (6) of Stamford m., in succession, two daughters of Abel Baldwin. 4. Betsey Maria Griffen (6), m. Joel Carrington. II. Polly Baldwin, b. 4 July, 1785, 1 o'clock in the n-jorning; d. unmarried. III. Abel Baldwin, b. 7 Oct., 1787, Sundav morning; m. Betsey Real. IV. Sherman Smith Baldwin, b. 20 April, 1789 at 11 o'clock Saturday forenoon. The above children were b. at Newtown, Conn. About 1790 Elijah and Chloe moved to Stamford, Delaware Co., N. Y., where the remaining children were born. V. Chlotilda Baldwin m. Peter Grant. VI. Boyle V. B. Baldwin m. Margaret Wolf. . Moved to Broome Co., N. Y. 304 €l)ildr(n and Descendants of Darius (^) Cobdell, (3osbua(2), Simon «>) WU, mm Baldwin FOURTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DARIUS (3) AND MARY (BALDWIN) LOB DELL. 1. Mary. 2. Eunice. 3. Darius. 4. Rev. Jared. 5. John. I. Mary, b. at Ridgefield, 17 Dec, 1752; no record. II. Eunice, b. at Derby, Conn., 20 Dec, 1754; no record. III. Darius, Jr., b. at 9 Partners, N. Y., 13 June, 1762; m. Angeleek Secor, a dau. of a French soldier who came to the United States with La Fayette. She d. 25 Aug., 1849 at Schuyler Falls. Clinton Co., N. Y. Darius, Jr., was a farmer, residing at Danby, Vt., where he died. IV. "Rev. Jared, b. 22 Aug., 1767 at 9 Partners, N. Y., came while young with his father to Danby, Vt., where he worked at blacksmithing and on the farm. On 1 Dec, 1787 he m. Betsey Signor, b. 12 Oct., 1769, dau. of John and Hannah Signer, After preparing himself for the ministry, in 1794, he was licensed to preach. He was the father of Methodism in Danby and the first Methodist church in that town was built chiefly through his labors. In 1796 he preached his father's funeral sermon and in 1798 he was ordained Deacon by Bishop Asbury. In 1800 his church numbered about 70. His piety and sincerity were so strongly marked that they won the entire confidence of the people and he did valiant service for God. His tenacity of memory and fluency of speech were alike remarkable. His delivery was ardent and the tones of his voice well managed and pleasing. Many years have passed away since the period of his ministry here and yet I find some who still retain a vivid recollection of portions of his sermons and the effects produced upon the congregation by them. As a citizen he was highly respected, his social qualities being of a high order, he gained in a great degree the confidence and afifection of all classes. He was a man of noble purposes, generous impulses, genial spirit and active in every good work. Mr. L. continued his labors here until 1832, when he removed to Plattsburgh, N. Y., where 306 he spent the remainder of his days. He died peacefully 28 Aug., 1846 at the good old age of 79, and in that day when God 'shall make up the number of his jewels,' many, no doubt, will be the 'stars in his crown of rejoicing.' She who had been a faithful and devoted wife and a sharer in all his trials died 8 Nov., 1858, aged 90 years." (History of Danby, Vt.) V. John Lobdell, a farmer, b. 4 Dec, 1777 at 9 Partners, N. Y., d. 14 Dec, 1837 at Middletown, Vt. ; m. in 1798, Hannah Hulett, b. 8 Nov., 1780 at Pawlet, Vt., d. 20 Feb., 1868 at Tinmouth, Vt., dau. of Daniel and Abigail (Paul) Hulett. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DARIUS (4) AND ANGELEEK (SECOR) LOBDELL. 1. Lois. 2. Henry. 3. Lewis. 4. Darius. 5. Miranda. (All born in Danby, Vt.) 1. Lois m. first Moses Vail, second Edward Bromley. 2. Henry Lobdell, a farmer and blacksmith of Schuyler Falls, Clinton Co., N. Y., was one of the original settlers, coming from Danby, Vt., where he was b. 4 Feb., 1784, and where he m. Eunice Hulett, b. at Danby, 25 March, 1787, dau. of Daniel and Abigail (Paul) Hulett. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lobdell d. at Schuyler Falls; he, 9 Nov., 1868 ; she, 6 Jan., 1843. They were early identified with that part of Plattsburg that was afterward set ofif as Schuyler Falls, in 1856. He owned 500 acres of land and in early times found a market for his products in Albany, N. Y., 169 miles south of Plattsburg, whither he took them by teams. He raised a large family and Mr. Frank P. Lobdell, his grandson, tells me: "He m. my mother's mother for his third wife, so he m. both of my grand- mothers." He was 86 years old when he died. Was 6 feet, 3 inches tall. A good, genuine Christian man, who won the respect of all. 3. Lewis, a blacksmith and farmer, was b. 8 Sept., 1788, d. 7 June, 1863 in Schuyler Falls, where the latter half of his life was spent; m. 1 Nov., 1811 in Vermont, Annie Salisbury, b. 3 Dec, 1790 at Timmouth, Vt., d. 18 April, 1875, dau. of Daniel and ? (Percy) Salisbury. 4. Darius Lobdell m. Eliza Vogan. 5. Miranda Lobdell m. Jesse Davis. 307 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF LOIS LOBDELL (5) First Husband, Moses Vail. Second Husband, Edward Bromley. 1. Lois Anna. 2. Miranda. 3. Angeleek. 4. Edward. 5. Erastus. 6. Barton. 7. Lewis. 8. Moses. 9. Almeda. 10. Lucinda. By her first husband she had — • 1. Lois Anna Vail, who m. Ira Hill and had — 1. Charlotte Hill (7). 2. Albert Hill {7). 3. Alfred Hill (7). 4. Samantha Hill (7). 5. Moses Hill (7). 2. Miranda Vail m. Sherman Bromley. CHILDREN. 1. Josephine Bromley (7), m. and had two children. 2. Jeanette Bromley (7). 3. Angeleek Vail, m. Joshua Bates. CHILDREN. 1. Moses Bates (7). 2. Edwin Bates (7). 3. Melissa Bates (7). 4. Lucy Bates (7). 4. Edward Vail, had no children. 5. Erastus Vail m. ; had — 1. Moses Vail (7). 2. Adelaide Vail (7). 3. Alfred Vail (7). 4. Jennie Vail (7). Lois (5) m. second Edward Bromley about 1814. Had — 1. Barton Bromley (6) m. and had — Melvin (7). Celestia (7). Rufus K. (7). Ella (7). Loren (7). Barton Henry (7). Earl Bromley (7), who resides in Plattsburgh. 308 2. Lewis Bromley m. and had — Silas W. (7), Jeanette (7), Charles B. (7), Alice (7) and Merton Bromley (7). Residence, Plattsburgh, N. Y., Route 3. 3. Moses Bromley m. Charity Bromley and had — Martin (7). Moses m. second Sabra Hewitt; had — Phebe (7), Marcus (7), Gideon (7), Lucy (7), Agnes (7), Betsey (7) and Varnum Bromley (7). 4. Almeda Bromley m. Moses Felton ; had — Edgar (7), Jason (7) and Charles (7) Felton. 5. Lucinda Bromley, deceased. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF HENRY (5) AND EUNICE (HULETT) LOB- DELL. 1. Lovicy. 2. Darius. 3. Angeleek. 4. Eunice. 5. Jef- ferson. 6. Diana. 7. Harriet. 8. Abigail. 9. Samantha. 10. Henry. IL Albert. L Lovicy, b. 19 Sept., 1806 at Danby, Vt., d. 27 Dec, 1888 at Schuyler Falls, N. Y. ; m. 19 Feb., 1829, Stukely Arnold, a farmer, b. 25 April, 1801 at Peru, Clinton Co., N. Y., d. 2 May, 1879 at Schuyler Falls. CHILDREN. 1. Amos S. Arnold (7), b. 20 Jan., 1831; m. Lora A. Johnson. Went west ; seven children. 2. Mary L. Arnold (7), b. 5 Nov., 1832. 3. Samantha M. L. Arnold (7), b. 27 June, 1835. 4. Abigail E. Arnold (7), b. 8 May, 1838; m. Jehiel B. White. One dau., Mary Lovicy, m. Hiram Heyworth ; two children. 5. Harriet M. Arnold (7), b. 17 Nov., 1840. 2. Darius, b. 1808 at Schuyler Falls; m. in 1834 at same place, Lucena Moxley, b. 20 Feb., 1814 at Edon, Vt., dau. of John and Roxey (Terry) Moxley. About 1840 Mr. Lobdell with his wife and three children moved to Russell, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., and in 1849 moved to the town of Wyocena, Wis., where he settled 309 on a farm of 160 acres, three miles west of the town, on 18 Sept. Darius d. 20 Aug., 1852; Mrs. L. d. 17 Feb., 1880. 3. Angeleek, b. 1809; m. Richmond Reed. CHILDREN. 1. Henrietta (7) m. Frederick W. Baker. Children: Cassius (8) and Loren (8) Baker. 2. Cynthia Reed (7) m. Enoch Keet. Had one child: Wallace Keet (8), m. Miss Hare; one child (8). He m. second Miss Wright. 3. Henry Reed (7) m. Miss Castlow; had — Albert (8), Hettie (8) and Cynthia May (8) Reed. 4. Eunice Reed (7). 5. Elizabeth Reed (7) m. Elnathan Vaughn ; had one child (8), Angeleek Vaughn. 5. Jefferson, a farmer, b. 10 Nov., 1811 at Plattsburgh, Clinton Co., N. Y., d. 12 Jan., 1855 at Schuyler Falls ; m. at same place 12 March, 1835 to Jemima Moore, b. 10 Oct., 1818 at Plattsburgh, dau. of Jacob and Betse}- Patchen Moore. Children, b. at Schuyler Falls : 1. Jerome B. (7), b. 22 March, 1836; m. Phileda Terry; had Geo. and Mary Lobdell (8). 2. Josephine (7), b. 19 March, 1838, d. 21 Aug., 1853. 3. Juliette (7), b. 2 Jan., 1841. Resides at Schuyler Falls. 4. James H. (7) m. Carrie Day; one son, Wm. D. (8). 5. Jane Ann (7), b. 25 June, 1842. 6. Josiah R. (7), b. 22 July, 1847; m. Nettie C. Everett; two children, Howard (8) and Myra (8). 7. Jacob M. (7), b. 1 June. 1851; m. Carrie Everett. In this family, the given names of father, mother and children all commenced with J. 6. Diana, b. 1817; m. Matthew Tucker. No children. She was "the poet" of the family and very handsome. 7. Harriet, b. 1820; m. Norman Lewis; had — Albert (8), Ellen (8), Francillia (8), Norman (8) and Emma (8) Lewis. 8. Abigail, b. 1822, d. aged 6 y. 9. Samantha, b. 1826, d. aged 16 y. 10. Henry Jr., a farmer honored by all, was b. 19 Jan., 1828 at Plattsburgh, Clinton Co., N. Y., d. at Schuyler Falls; m. Mary 310 E. Baker in 1850 at Schuyler Falls; she, b. 1 May, 1830 at Peru, Clinton Co., N. Y., dau. of Wm. and Elizabeth (Reed) Baker. Mrs. Henry Lobdell resides (1907) at Schuyler Falls. 11. Albert, b. 2 Sept., 1831; m. Prudentia Baker. Has one son, Melvin (8) Baker. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DARIUS (6) AUD LUCENA (MOXLEY) LOBDELL. 1. Nancy. 2. Augustus. 3. John Lucius. 4. Wm. H. 5. Darius. 6. Ellen. 7. Richard P. 8. Emma. 1. Nancy, b. 17 March, 1835; m. in 1856, C. L. Farrington. 2. Augustus, b. 22 Jan., 1837. 3. John Lucius, b. 3 Nov., 1839 at Schuyler Falls, N. Y. ; m. 6 Feb., 1877, Alice Johns, b. June, 1850 at East Boston, d. 4 July, 1879, dau. of Wm. Johns. Mr. Lobdell remarried on 20 May, 1885 to Jennie T. Whitelaw, b. 22 July, 1850 at Caledonia, Columbia Co., Wis., d. 14 May, 1889, dau. of Robert Whitelaw. Mr. Lobdell is a miller residing (1902) in Poynette, Wis.; a Republican. He has no children. He is the only one of the children of Darius third who answered my letters of inquiry. Nancy, Augustus and John Lucius were born at Schuyler Falls, N. Y. 4. Wm. H., b. 18 Jan., 1841. 5. Darius, b. 3 Aug., 1843. 6. Ellen, b. 6 July, 1846. 4, 5 and 6 were b. at Russell, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. 7. Richard P., b. 30 March, 1849 at Wyocena, Wis. 8. Emma, b. 31 March, 1850 at Wyocena. From Biographical Sketches of Town of Wyocena, Wis. "Darius Lobdell, b. 3 Aug.. 1808 in Pittsburgh, Clinton Co., N. Y.; m. in 1832 Lucena Moxley, b. in Eden, Vt., 20 Feb., 1814. "They came to Wisconsin in 1849 and setlted on a farm three miles west of Wyocena, on Sept. 18. "Darius d. 20 Aug., 1852 and Mrs. L. d. 17 Feb., 1880, leaving eight children, viz. : 311 "Nancy, now Mrs. C. L. Farrington, of Wyocena; Augustus, living in Benton Co., Minn.; John Lucius, living in Wyocena; Wm. H., living in Pardeeville ; Darius, living in Wyocena; Ellen, now Mrs. David B. Johnson of Richmond, Ind. ; Richard, living in Wyocena; Emma, now Mrs. Hiram King of Dorchester, Wis. "Augustus was in the navy three years in the War of the Rebel- lion. "Darius was in 16th W. V. I. about two years. "Wm. H. was in the 3d Regulars, Co. K. during the whole of the war. "John L. m. 6 Feb., 1878 to Alice C. Johns, dau. of Wm. Johns. She d. 4 July, 1879, aged 28 y., 6 m. and 24 d., leaving no children. He is a Republican and lives on 160 acres of land, on which his father first located." SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF HENRY, JR. (6) AND MARY E. (BAKER) LOBDELL. 1. Frank P. 2. Frances E. 3. Jefiferson H. 4. Geo. M. 5. Chastme W. ^ ,^jj ^ ^^ Schuyler Falls, N. Y.) 1. Frank P., a merchant, residing at Plattsburgh, Clinton Co., N. Y., since 187L After working for two different merchants he established himself in trade in 1876 and has since done a paying business of about $50,000 a year. The winter of 1903 he, with his estimable wife, spent in southern California, and on their way liOme stopped over in Chicago, where we held a little family re- union, being present Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lobdell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Lobdell, Dr. Effie Lobdell and Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lobdell, at the home of the latter named ; all spent a most enoyable evening. Mr. Lobdell was b. 4 May, 1852; m. 23 Nov., 1876 at Plattsburg, N. Y., Mary M. Piatt, b. 8 June, 1853 at Platts- burg, dau. of Peter Mignault and Charlotte Creigh (Morgan) Piatt. Mrs. Lobdell can boast Colonial descent and is a member of the society of D. A. R. Her great grandfather. Judge Zephaniah Piatt, b. 1735, d. 1807, served on the Committee of Safety and in the Provincial Congress. He was commissioned Colonel of associated exempts of Dutchess Co., N. Y., 1779, and his regiment 312 Frank 1'. Lobdell (T) (Henry, Jr. [G] ) of riattsbnrgli. N. Y. (Page ai2) Hon. Ciiakle.s E. Lohdki.l (7) (Darius Jared [6] ) of Lamed. Kansas (Page 318) Geo. M. Lobdeli. (7) (Henry, Jr. [G] ) of Plattsburgb, N. Y. (Page 31S) Mrs. Kate Lobdeix P.eiss (G) (Jared [",] ) of Saranac. N. Y. (P;ige :n'.)) marched to Stony Point. He was founder of the town of Platts- burgh, N. Y., where he died. Her great, great grandfather, Zeph.eniah Piatt, b. 1704, died from the effects of confinement in a prison ship. His dau. Dorothea interceded with Sir Henry CHnton for his release, but he died in 1778, a few days after he reached home, aged 74 years. They have two children : 1. Ross P. (8). b. 16 March, 1879 at Plattsburgh ; m. 26 June, 1906, at Brooklyn, N. Y., Mabel Irene Ebbets, b. 31 Dec, 1876 at Brooklyn, dau. of James and Margaret (Mc- Nurney) Ebbets. Mr. Lobdell is a bookkeeper; Democrat; Presbyterian ; resides in Plattsburgh. 2. Margaret E. (8), b. 4 Oct., 1882. 2. Frances E., b. 1 Feb., 1855 ; m. 2Z March, 1882 at Danne- mora, Clinton Co., N. Y., Albert D. Hill, b. 18 Sept., 1832, son of Ira Hill. Reside at Schuyler Falls. Methodists. Have no chil- dren. 3. Jefferson H., of Plattsburg, b. 10 Feb., 1859; m. 16 March, 1892 at Cumberland Head, Clinton Co., N. Y., Ida Viola Oliver, b. 1 Feb., 1866 at same place, dau. of Thomas L. and Temperance (Moore) Oliver. Mr. Lobdell is a Methodist and, in politics, Inde- P""^^"'- CHILDREN. 1. Raymond Oliver (8). b. 30 April, 1894. 2. Thomas Jefferson (8), b. 30 Oct., 1896. 3. Ellen Amelia (8). b. 21 Oct., 1901. 4. George M.. b. 22 Sept., 1862; m. 1 June, 1892 at Plattsburg, N. Y., Addie Maria Treadway, b. 19 Sept., 1864 at Port Henry, Essex Co., N. Y.. dau. of John \V. and Harriet (Barker) Tread- way. The family are Presbyterians ; reside at Plattsburg. In politics Mr. L. is a Democrat. CHILDREN. 1. Ruth Barker (8), b. 27 Feb., 1893. 2. Arthur Treadway (8), b. 14 Nov., 1895. 3. Geo. Henry (8), b. 5 Dec, 1897. 5. Chastine VV., b. 10 April, 1866; m. 12 Jan., 1898 at Platts- burgh, where they reside, to Edwin Stanton Day, a farmer, b. 20 May, 1868 at Plattsburgh, son of Cyrus and Mary (Robinson) Day. CHILDREN. 1. Cyrus Lobdell (8) Day, b. 1 Dec, 1898. 2. Robert Stanton (8) Day, b. 28 Nov., 1901. 313 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF LEWIS (5) AND ANNIE SALISBURY LOBDELL. 1. Daniel S. 2. Lois. 3. Mary. 4. Henry. 5. Miranda, 6. Elias. 7. Fanny. 8. Martha. 9. Nathan S. 1. Daniel S., b. 15 April, 1813 at Danby, Rutland Co., Vermont, d. 2 Jan., 1869 at Nicholville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. ; m. 5 Jan., 1837 at Plattsburgh, Clinton Co., N. Y., Luretta Learned, b. 9 Aug., 1815 at Plattsburgh, N. Y., d. 9 May, 1901 at Norwood, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., dau. of Bela P. and Statira (Hilliard) Learned. Mr. Lobdell was a farmer ; Republican and Methodist. He d. 2 Jan., 1868. 2. Lois, d. single 26 Nov., 1885. 3. Mary m. James Davis ; d. 24 Feb., 1885. 4. Henry, b. 1 April, 1819 ; m. Nancy Calkins 25 Oct., 1852. 5. Miranda, b. 25 Oct., 1822, d. 17 June, 1896; m. Charles Kirby. 6. Elias m. Caroline Kimball. 7. Fanny, b. 9 Sept., 1828, d. 21 Jan., 1891 ; m. James Robinson. 8. Martha m. Wm. Newton. 9. Nathan S., b. 26 Sept., 1831, d. 11 March, 1893; m. ^^lary Barnard. Records copied from the family Bible give Lewis, the first born : b. 18 Oct., 1812, d. 4 Sept., 1814. The sixth child is given: Lydia Ann, b. 15 Feb., 1821 ; m. Sidney Arnold, 10 Oct., 1842. d. 14 Oct., 1880. There is no Martha nor Elias given in Bible, but I will give it as given by descendants, also as found in family Bible. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF DANIEL S. AND LURETTA (LEARNED) LOBDELL. 1. Anna Statira, b. 27 Dec, 1837 at Schuyler Falls, N. Y. ; m. 18 Sept., 1860 at Hopkinton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Philo A. Davis, b. at Stockholm, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., son of Francis and Betsey (Converse) Davis. They reside at Fort Jackson, N. Y. ai4 CHILDREN. 1. Edith L. Davis (8), b. 11 June, 1861; m. Rev. John Bartholamew. 2. Martha E. Davis (8), b. 13 March, 1863; m. True W. White. 3. Francis E. Davis (8), b. 25 July, 1866; m. Evelyn Miller. 4. Harry D. Davis (8), b. 19 May, 1873, d. aged 9 years. 2. Mary Jeanette K., b. 18 Sept., 1839; m. first Wni. S. Tag- gart, afterward marrying a Mr. Wilcox. She d. at Elmira, N. Y. 22 May, 1900. 3. Marie Antoinette, b. 1 Oct., 1841 at Plattsburgh, N. Y. ; m. 10 Oct., 1863 at Nicholville, N. Y., to Joseph W. Brown, b. 9 Dec, 1837 at Peru, N. Y.. son of Willard and Sarah (Stoddard) Brown. The family reside in Denver, Colo. Mr. Brown is a produce dealer. In politics a Democrat. CHILDREN. 1. Mary Emma Brown (8), b. 11 June, 1865; m. Chas. F. Fury, 14 April, 1894. Resides at San Francisco, Calif. 2. Maude Gertrude Brown (8), b. 25 June, 1875; m. John M. Daniel, 24 Dec, 1896. Resides at Denver, Colo. 3. Helen Cecil Brown (8), b. 22 May, 1879. Resides at Denver. 4. Bernice Luretta Brown (8), b. 24 April, 1882. Resides at Denver. 4. Lewis Frederick, b. 29 Aug., 1845, d. in infancy. 5. Howard Salisbury, b. 19 Feb., 1847 at Schuyler Falls, Clin- ton Co., N. Y.; m. 18 Oct., 1892 at Mitchell, Davison Co., S. D., Alvena C. Jacobs, b. 10 Aug., 1865 at Davenport, Scott Co., Iowa, dau. of John and Christina (Rochelle) Jacobs. The family reside at Blair, Washington Co., Neb., where Mr. L- is engaged in life insurance. In politics a Democrat; in religion, Agnostic. CHILDREN. 1. Ralph G. (8), b. 17 April, 1894. 2. Helen L. (8), b. 20 May, 1896. 3. Emmett J. (8), b. 26 April, 1900. Children all born at Parkston, S. D. 6. Alice Luretta, b. 22 May, 1851 ; m. Frank Converse. Re- sided in Hopkinston, X. Y., where she d. 3 Nov., 1871. 315 7. Rebecca Adelaide, b. 5 July, 1853 at Canton, St. Lawrence Co.. N. Y. ; m. 2 Oct., 1877 at Moira, Franklin Co., N. Y., to Homer H. Loveland, b. 20 Feb., 1844 at Grand Isle. Vermont, son of Charles A. and Sarah Hyde Loveland. Mr. Loveland is a transfer agent residing at Norwood, St. Lawrence Co.. N. Y. A Republican and Methodist. They have no children. 8. Ida Cornelia, b. 21 Sept., 1855 at Canton. N. Y. ; m. 15 Jan.. 1885 at Fort Jackson. St. Lawrence Co.. N. Y., to Seymour L. Reynolds, b. at Grand Isle, Vt., 6 Aug., 1836, son of Wm. V. Reynolds and Sarah Brown, his wife. The family reside in Bur- lington, Vt. Mr. Reynolds is a commercial traveler; Republican; religion, Congregationalist. CHILDREN. 1. Ruth Winifred Reynolds (8), b. 31 May, 1886. 2. Mildred Jane Reynolds (8), b. 14 Nov., 1887. 3. Doris Fuller Reynolds (8), b. 18 Jan., 1890. 9. William Daniel, b. 4 Sept., 1858, at Hopkinton, N. Y. ; un- married. Resides at Dickinson. N. D. 10. Elsie Luella, b. 25 June, 1861 ; m. Robert Fuller, resided at Dickinson, N. D., d. 29 Aug., 1895; her death was caused by an operation for a tumor. 316 FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF REV. JARED (4) AND BETSEY (SIGNOR) LOB DELL. L Sarah. 2. Jared, Jr. 3. Cata. 4. Anna. 5. Wesley. 6. Dennis. 7. Eunice. 8. Mary. 9. Betsey. (All born at Danby, Vt.) I. Sarah, b. 3 Nov., 1788; m. Wm. Robinson, a weaver by trade, who d. soon after, leaving one dau., Olive Robinson (6), b. 18 Sept., 1818. Sarah remarried to Peter Rhoda and lived in Potsdam, St. Law- rence Co., N. Y., where she d. in 1868. II. Jared, Jr., b. 10 Oct., 1792; m. 9 Jan., 1817, Huldah, b. 22 July, 1801, dau. of Daniel Parris, and settled on "Dutch Hill," where he resided a few years. He removed to the west part of Pawlet, thence to Peru, Clinton Co., N. Y., and from there to Saranac, Clinton Co., N. Y., where he d. 23 Jan., 1853. His widow d. 5 Nov., 1888. They were both members of the M. E. church. III. Cata, b. 18 June, 1795 ; m. Caleb Parris. IV. Anna, b. 28 Oct., 1797; m. Barnabas Kirby and lived in Plattsburgh. V. Wesley, b. 5 Aug., 1800, "d. in love with God and man" 15 April, 1813. VI. Dennis, b. 31 March, 1803, d. 16 Jan., 1804. VII. Eunice, b. 30 Sept., 1805; m. Alura Jones and lived in Peru, N. Y. VIII. Mary B., b. 24 April, 1808; m. Benjamin Hustus, raised a nice moral family of sons and daughters. Finally made their home in the west. IX. Betsey, b. 11 Nov., 1810; m. Daniel Thew. She d. at Peru, N. Y, Her first child was a son, who took the name of his mother's family. I copy from Rev. Jared Lobdell's family records: "18 Sept., 1818, our granddaughter Olive Robinson was born. 20 Oct., 1838 our grandson Darius was b. I will give him something that he may know that his grandfather named him Jared Lobdell." 317 Betsey's second child was a dau., Kate Thew, still living at Peru, but feeble. I am told that her home inherited from her parents, is a clean, old fashioned home, good to enter, very hospita- ble in old days. The son who always retained the name of Darius Jared Lob- dell, b. 20 Oct., 1838 at Peru, Clinton Co., N. Y., left home as a young lad and while yet in his teens went to the west, stopping in Wisconsin. In 1859 he went to Kansas and located at Osawatomie, Miama Co., where in 1860 he m. Roxana Crockett Godding, b. in 1837 in Rockland, Waldo Co., Maine, d. in Feb., 1890 at Eldorado, Kansas, dau. of Hugh K. and Thirza (Crockett) Godding. At Osa- watomie he was a member of the home guards and took an active part in the border warfare. Enlisted in 1862 in the 15th Kansas Cavalry and served until the fall of 1865. After the close of the war he became a commercial traveler, representing a wholesale dry- goods house. In 1879 moved to Butler Co., Kansas and established a general store at Plum Grove. Reverses followed and about the same time he was stricken with paralysis, never fully recovering from its efifects, dying in June, 1889 at Eldorado, Kansas. CHILDREN. 1. Charles E. (7), a man of worth whose honored name is widespread throughout Kansas and adjoining states, b. 21 Sept., 1861 at Osawatomie, Kansas, educated at common schools, taught country school 1878-9, studied law and was admitted to practice 22 Sept., 1881. Elected county attorney of Butler Co., 1884, served four terms in the Kansas House of Representatives, being Speaker of that body in 1895. Abandoned law practice (for a time) and located on a cattle ranch in 1898 at Dighton. Was appointed Judge of the 33d District 1 Jan., 1902 by Governor Stanley. Was elected in Nov., 1902 and re-elected in Nov., 1906 without opposition. Resides at Earned, Kansas. Mr. Lobdell m. for his first wife Anna B. Jones, by whom he had one dau., Maud Avis, b. 8 Nov., 1882. ; m. for his second wife 12 Sept., 1900 at Kansas City, Kansas, Nellie E., b. 16 Sept., 1870 at Wyandotte, Kan- sas, dau. of David M. Ward and his wife, Ellen J. Hen- dricks. Children : 1. Charles E., Jr. (8), b. 12 Sept., 1902. 2. David Stanley (8), b. 14 Dec, 1903. 3. Hugh Jared (8), b. 26 Oct., 1906. 318 2. Adda F., b. in Oct., 1863, educated at Central Normal College, Great Bend, Kansas. 3. Frederick H., b. 3 Jan., 1866 at Osawatomie, Kansas; m. 26 May, 1894 at Dighton, Lane Co., Kansas, to Cora W. Green, b. 23 Aug., 1872 at Oskaloosa, Iowa, dau. of Joseph G. and Lizzie (Bonsall) Green. Mr. Lobdell resides at Dighton, Kansas. Is editor of Dighton Herald. Has one dau. : 1. Helen (8 , b. 6 June, 1896. 4. Cora Myrtle, b. 8 Aug., 1868; m.H. D. Parks, and resides at De Graff, Kansas. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JARED (5) AND HULDAH (PARRIS) LOBDELL. 1. Hannah. 2. Artemesia. 3. Abraham W. 4. Samantha. 5. Eunice. 6. Wesley. 7. Caleb Parris. 8. Nancy. 9. Betsey Ann. 10. Jane M. 11. Polly Ann. 12. Harvey. 13. Kate. 14. Luretta. 15. Richard Parks. 1. Hannah, b. 8 Sept., 1818; m. 21 May, 1840, Robert Thew. Settled in Saranac. N. Y., d. 8 June, 1852. 2. Artemesia, b. on Thursday, 30 Sept., 1819; m. Ira Cook, of Danby, Vt., 24 Feb., 1843. d. 30 Nov., 1851. 3. Abraham W., b. on Sunday, 24 Dec, 1820; m. Orrilla Bas- sett or Bresett. Settled in Saranac, where his son, Solon J. (7) was b. in 1866, who as he attained manhood moved to Pawlet, Vt., where in 1892 he m. Ettie M. Greene, b. in 1871 at Danby., Vt., dau. of Harris and Charlotte Goodspeed) Greene. Has one son, Durward W. (8). Abraham has a son, James W. (7), residing near Saranac, who is the possessor of Rev. Jared Lobdell's Bible, from whose pages Mrs. Kate Lobdell Bliss (6) (Jared, Jr. (5) ) copied (verbatim) the family record. 4. Samantha, b. on Monday, 23 Sept., 1822; m. James Clark, 3 July, 1842. Settled in Bloomingdale, N. Y. 319 5. Eunice, b. on Monday 26 July, 1824; m. Charles Collins, 28 Sept., 1843. 6. Wesley, b. on Wednesday, 29 Nov., 1826, d. unmarried, 10 Feb., 1848. 7. Caleb Parris, b. on Sunday, 7 Sept., 1828 at Peru, N. Y., d. 13 Jan., 1886 at Providence, R. I. ; m. 20 June, 1853 Charity S. Herrick, b. at Danby, Vt., dau. of Edward and Sophia (Andruss) Herrick, and settled in Providence, R. I. Was a cutter and dealer in marble. A Republican and a Protestant, CHILDREN. 1. Jared Wesley (7), b. 7 April, 1857. Resides at Platts- burg, N. Y. 2. Charles P. (7), b. 16 Nov., 1859. 3. AHce S. (7), b. 25 May, 1862. 4. Minnie Eunice (7), b. 31 Dec, 1866. 8. Nancy, b. on Sunday, Sept., 1830; m. Thomas J. Bunker, 20 Sept., 1849, and settled in Stevenson Co., 111. 9. Betsey Ann, b. on Saturday, 2 June, 1832 ; m. Henry Moore, 5 July, 1858. They lived in Rupert, Vt. Betsey d. in Denver, Colo. 10. Jane M., b. on Saturday, 1 Feb., 1834; m. Sewell F. Bunker of Illinois on 23 Feb., 1856, a soldier of the Civil War, in the Army of the Potomac. 11. Polly Ann, b. on Monday, 14 March, 1836; m. John W. Cook of Vermont, 1 Sept., 1856. 12. Harvey, b. on Wednesday, 6 Sept., 1837; m. Caroline Mor- rison, 1 June, 1860. Resided at Saranac, N. Y. 13. Kate, b. on Saturday, 23 March, 1839; m. 7 Aug., 1865, Capt. Wm. Donald Bliss, b. 6 Feb., 1826, son of Leonard S. and Hannah Pratt Clark Bliss of Newport, R. I. It is my desire to meet this Christian woman, and hope that it may be my pleasure to do so. I have asked her for a sketch of her life but in her modest way she tells me: "I do not think it would pay, it is most interest- ing to myself. Suffice it to say that God in His own way has led me very close to *Himself and made me to greatly rejoice in the God of my salvation. My husband was a Newport, R. I., man of Scotch descent — his grandfather was Parson Donald Bliss (Pres- byterian). My husband went to sea when a boy and studied navi- gation with Capt. Seth W. Macy of Newport, R. I., on a four-year whaling volage. He became master of vessels and was a good navigator, a well informed, genial man. Since his decease I have 320 secured my living by my own personal efforts. Am a missionary and farmer ; no income only what my Father sends by His rain and His sunshine from year to year, but His promises are sure, so I am rich," No children. Resides at Saranac, N. Y. 14. Luretta, b. on Friday, 28 May, 1841 ; m. Cecil Wright of England, 13 Sept., 1866. 15. Richard Parks, b. on Wednesday, 14 Aug., 1844. Was a soldier in our Civil War; m. Eleanor Ann Manning. Resided in Saranac, N. Y. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOHN (4) AND HANNAH (HULETT) LOBDELL. 1. Hannah. 2. John. 3. Abigail. 4. Daniel. 5. Hulett. 6. Anna. 7. Darius. 8. Hiram. 9. Eliza. 10. Emily Jane. 1. Hannah, b. 13 April, 1799 at Pawlet, Rutland Co., Vt., d. June. 1877 at Wallingford, Rutland Co., Vt. ; m. in 1820, Norris Smith, a mason, b. in 1800 at Springfield, d. 1825, son of Ebenezer Smith. Hannah m. for her second husband Noah Gifford, who d. in the spring of 1858 at Pawlet, Vt. Noah Gifford had two brothers, Warren and Charles, who served in the War of the Rebellion, then went west and both died. 2. John, Jr., b. 8 June, 1801 in Danby, Vt., d. 28 March, 1872 at Centralia; m. June, 1822 at Wells, Rutland Co., Vt., Olive Mosier, b. 17 April, 1804 at Wells, Vt., d. 1890 at Centralia, dau. of Aaron and Ruth (Richardson) Mosier. Mr. Lobdell was a lawyer, resided in Wells, Vt. In politics a Democrat; religion, Methodist. 3. Abigail, b. 16 Oct., 1803 at Danby, Vt. ; m. Josiah Willard. She d. at Wells, Vt. 4. Daniel, b. 15 June, 1806 at Danby, Vt., lived with his mother until she died, then m. 7 Dec, 1857, Elvira Ferguson. Had two children : 1. Dollie (6), b. 7 Jan., 1872, d. aged 11 days. 2. Gertrude (6), Lobdell, b. 14 July, 1874, d. 10 Oct., 1879. 321 Mr. Lobdell d. in Pawlet, Vt., and his widow m. Mr. Hulett. Resides (1902) in Pawlet. 5. Hulett, b. 21 Jan., 1809 at Danby, Vt., d. 25 Oct., 1848 at Hebron, Washington Co., N. Y. ; m. Squce Smith, b. 19 May, 1817, d. 16 Feb., 1877. After the death of Hulett, the family moved to Massachusetts, to be near the relatives of the widow. 6. Anna, b. 29 June, 1811 at Pawlet, Vt., d. 18 April, 1873 at Middletown Spa., Rutland Co., Vermont; m. 20 May, 1841 at Middletown Spa, Franklin Ray, b. 19 Jan., 1818 at Tinmouth, Vt., d. 1 Sept., 1890, at Paultney, Rutland Co., Vt., son of ? Ray and Glorianna (Williams) Ray. 7. Darius, b. in Pawlet, 28 May, 1814, d. 22 July, 1893 at Mid- dletown Spa, Vt., m. 28 May, 1840, Delana Coy, b. 20 Aug., 1823, at Middletown Spa, where she also d. 14 Feb., 1891, dau. of Matthew and Lucinda (Sherman) Coy. Darius was a farmer of Middletown Spa, Vt. A Republican and in religion Non-denominational. 8. Hiram Lobdell, b. at Pawlet, 14 Feb., 1817; never married. 9. Eliza Lobdell, b. at Pawlet, Vt., 18 May, 1820, d. in Danby, Vt., 25 June, 1877; m. at Danby, Narges Clark, a farmer of Tin- mouth, Vt., 18 April, 1850, who was b. at Pawlet 28 Feb., 1828, now (1902) living at Danby, Vt. A Republican and Universalist. CHILDREN. 1. Charles May Clark (6), a farmer of Pawlet, b. 7 Sept., 1851 at Pawlet; m. for his first wife, Julia Harrington, dau. of Philander and Mary (Hawkins) Harrington. 18 April, 1872 at Middletown, Vt., who bore him a daughter: 1. Helen Clark (7), 16 July, 1873. Mr. Clark m. for his second wife, 29 Dec, 1880, Lois Greene, b. at Wallingford, Vt., 25 March, 1855, dau. of Job and Frances (Perkins) Greene. They have one son: 1. Leon Job Clark (7), b. 19 June, 1882. Mr. Clark is a Republican, and a Universalist. Has resided in Danby, Vt., 28 years; was in Tinmouth, Vt., 19 years and irr Wells, Vt., 4 years. Mr. Clark has given much valuable information of this branch of the Lob- dell family, for which we all are grateful to him. 2. Emily Jane Clark (6), b. 21 Oct., 1855 at Pawlet; m. 7 Sept., 1881, Leonard J. Parris. One child: 1. Sylvia Rebecca Parris (7), b. 19 June, 1891. 822 SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF HANNAH (5) LOBDELL AND HER FIRST HUSBAND, NORRIS SMITH. 1. Abigail. 2. George. 3. Almira. 1. Abigail L. Smith, b. 21 May, 1821 ; m. Charles Hulett. She d. in Pawlet, Vt., in the spring of 1884. 2. George Smith, a farmer, b. 6 April, 1823 at Rupert, Benning- ton Co., Vt. ; m. 2 June, 1852, Anna L. Thompson, b. 27 June, 1833 at Danby, Rutland Co., Vt., dau. of Israel and Frelove Nichols Thompson. Mr. Smith is a resident of Wallingford, Vt., having lived in both Danby and Mount Holly, of the same state. Is a Universalist in religion ; politically, a Republican. CHILDREN. 1. Emily A. Smith (7), b. 1 Nov., 1853. 2. Horace G. Smith (7), b. 9 Sept., 1857. 3. Frances A. Smith (7), b. 3 July, 1860. 4. Ann A. Smith (7), b. 13 Feb., 1868. 5. Jane A. Smith (7), b. 31 July, 1869; m. R. M. Tracy. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have passed through "deep waters of sorrow," their children all passing away. Jane left two little daughters and a son. The grandson lives with his grandparents. Let us hope that he may be a comfort to them in their declining years. 3. Almira Smith, b. 24 Jan., 1826; m. Charles Wallaston. Re- sides at Anamosa, Iowa. CHILDREN OF HANNAH LOBDELL AND HER SECOND HUSBAND, NOAH GIFFORD. 1. Noah. 2. Anna. 3. Agnes. 4. George. 5. Charles. 1. Noah E. Gifford; m. Emily Johnson. Both dead. 2. Anna Gifford. 3. Agnes Gififord. 4. George Gifford. 5. Charles Gifford m. Elizabeth Hulett. His widow and three children reside in Springfield, Vt. 323 CHILDREN OF JOHN, JR. (5) AND OLIVE (MOSIER) LOBDELL. 1. Emily V. 2. Anna. 3. Olive. 4. William F. 5. Eliza. 1. Emily Virginia, b. at Rupert, Vt., 28 Nov., 1824; m. Edwin C. Bullis. Both are dead. 2. Anna, b. 24 Dec, 1827 at Rupert ; m. Samuel Thomas Cook, a farmer of Fort Ann, b. 1 May, 1821 at Fort Ann, Washington Co., N. Y., son of Samuel and Sarah (Bray ton) Cook. Republican. Religion, Baptist. CHILDREN. 1. Palmer Augustus Cook (7), b. 21 Feb., 1849, d. 1887; m. Harriet E. Lace. 2. Emma Cook (7), b. 3 Sept., 1850; m. J. Quincy Ed- wards, who died. 3. Florence Cook (7), b. 28 March, 1853, d. 28 Oct., 1853. 4. Leonard Hatch Cook (7), b. 1 July, 1855; m. Edith Lawrence. Reside at Boston, Mass. 5. Wm. Warren Cook (7), b. 26 March, 1859; m. Inez Livingston. Reside at Whitehall, N. Y. 6. Anna Marion Cook (7), b. 31 Aug., 1867; m. Edwin C. North. Reside in New York City. 3. Olive, b. 27 Nov., 1829; m. Wm. Lake. Both dead. 3. Wm. Ferris, b. 11 June, 1833. Resides at Jasper, Minn. 5. Eliza, b. 26 Nov., 1837; m. Henry Lake, who d. His widow resides at Madison, Wis. CHILDREN OF ABIGAIL (5) LOBDELL AND JOSIAH WILLARD. 1. Nancy. 2. Merrett. 3. Myron. 1. Nancy Willard, b. at Pawlet, Vt., 18 Oct., 1829; m. Augus- tus Gillman of Middletown, Vt., where all her children were born : CHILDREN. 1. Nina I. Gillman (7), b. 7 May, 1865. 2. Leon C. Gillman (7), b. 21 Aug., 1866. 3. George L. Gillman (7), b. 5 May, 1868. 4. Emily A. Gillman (7), b. 10 Nov., 1869. 324 5. Esther A. Gillman (7), b. 20 Jan., 1871. 2. Merrett Willard, b. at Pawlet, Vt., 18 April, 1833; m. Caro- line Fish of Moriah, Essex Co., N. Y. They had one son, Herbert Willard (7). 3. Myron Willard, b. at Sheffield, Ohio, 27 Nov., 1835 ; m. Lura Ann Pratt. CHILDREN. 1. Frank B. Willard (7), b. in Wells, Vt., 31 March, 1871. 2. Bert L. Willard. (7), b. in Wells, Vt, 5 Jan., 1875, d. in same place 10 Jan., 1887. CHILDREN OF HULETT (5) AND SQUCE (SMITH) LOBDELL. 1. Lydia. 2. Electa A. 3. Edwin R. 4. Joel. 5. Smith. 6. Emeline. 1. Lydia, b. 17 May, 1835; m. Daniel Neale. 2. Electa A., b. 26 April, 1837; m. David Joyce Thorp of North Adams, Mass. 3. Edwin Ruthvin, b. 12 Jan., 1842, d. 20 March, 1898, at Hartford, Conn. ; m. 27 Aug., 1866 at South Glastonbury, Conn., Isabella M. Truscott, b. 8 May, 1844 at Davenport, England, dau. of Robert and Isabella (Parsons) Truscott. CHILDREN. (All born at Adams, Mass.) 1. Eugene Smith (7), m. Agnes Russell. 2. Helena Belle (7). 3. Bessie Frances (7), b. 17 April, 1873. Is a kinder- gartner at Bristol, Conn. (1902). 4. May Electa (7), m. Arthur Gowdy. 4. Joel, b. 10 Jan., 1845 ; m. Alvira Smith. 5. Smith (7), b. 10 March, 1848. 6. Emeline (7), b. 11 July, 1850; m. Henry G. Varus. CHILDREN OF ANNA LOBDELL AND FRANKLIN RAY. 1. Eliza. 2. Mary. 3. John L. 4. Hiram. 5. Martha A. 1. Eliza Anita Ray, b. 18 May, 1844 at Middletown, Vt. ; m. 8 Dec, 1863 at Tinmouth, Vt., Geo. Rounds Leonard, a farmer, 325 b. 3 Sept., 1832 at Tinmouth, son of Arnold and Freelove Buck Leonard. Republican ; Methodist. CHILDREN. L Edwin DeWitt Leonard (7), b. 11 Jan., 1865; n.. Jennie Belle Stuart Hart. 2. Charles Ernest Leonard (7), b. 23 Nov., 1870; single (1902). 3. Frank Arnold Leonard (7), b. 6 Feb., 1877; m. Effie Marie Ellis. 2. Mary Anna Ray, b. 10 Nov., 1845, d. 25 Aug., 1901; m. David Martin Stoddard. 3. John Lobdell Ray, b. 10 Aug., 1848 at Poultney, Vt. ; m. 1 Jan., 1873 at Castleton, Vt., Emma Matilda Gates, b. 25 June, 1850 at Middletown Spa, Vt., d. 26 Oct., 1877 at same place of birth, dau. of Amos and Matilda Ann (Seward) Gates. CHILDREN. 1. Ethel E. Ray (7), b. 16 July, 1874; m. James Bell. 2. Flora Ray (7), b. 10 Oct., 1876, d. 21 April, 1877. John L. Ray m. for his second wife, 18 March, 1879, at Hamp- ton, N. Y., Mattie M. Gates, b. 10 Nov., 1857 at West Pawlet, Vt., dau. of Russell and Polly (Jones) Gates (no relative of first wife.) By second one child : 1. Fred A. Ray (7), b. 17 Aug., 1880; single (1902.) 4. Hiram Ray, b. 19 May, 1851, d. Oct., 1854. 5. Martha Anna Ray, b. 18 Oct., 1856; m. Arthur Herbert Flanders of Middletown Spa, Vt. CHILDREN OF DARIUS AND DELANA (COY) LOBDELL. 1. Emily L. 2. Alice E. 3. George S. 4. Julia A. 5. Marion F. 6. John. 7. Horace G. (All born at Middletown Spa, Vt.) 1. Emily Lucinda, b. 14 Jan., 1842; m. 28 Sept., 1880 at Mid- dletown Spa, Isaac Stevers. 2. Alice Eliza, b. 16 June, 1845, d. 28 March, 1859. 3. Geo. Smith, b. 1 March, 1848, d. in Middletown Spa. 13 April, 1885; m. first, Phoebe Kelley, second, Ella Greene. 326 CHILDREN. 1. Lawrence J. (7), b. 31 Aug., 1875; m. Eliza Odell, 18 Aug., 1898. 2. Ethel (7), b. 1 April, 1878, d. 22^ March, 1882. 4. Julia Ann, b. 2 June, 1850; m. 2 Sept., 1868 at Middletown Spa, Samuel Thompson Kelley, a farmer, b. 3 Aug., 1847 at Tin- mouth, Rutland Co., Vt., son of Obediah and Sarah Ann (Greene) Kelley. 5. Marion Frances, b. 6 Aug., 1852, d. at Middletown Spa, 3 Sept., 1876; m. Charles Willard and had one son: 1. Burt Oscar Willard (7), b. 24 May, 1876; unmarried, 1902. 6. John, b. 6 Aug., 1854, d. at Sandwich, 111., 21 Feb., 1900; m. first Minnie Marshall, second Johanna Gunderson. CHILDREN. 1. Ella Delana (7), b. 27 June, 1876. 2. Delmar (7), b. 24 Jan., 1878. 3. Burt J. (7), b. 13 March, 1880, d. 12 May, 1896. 4. Hattie Marion 7), b. 5 Nov., 1884. 5. Baby (7), b. 2 Dec, 1887. d. aged 10 days. 6. Bertha Johanna (7), b. 13 July, 1888. 7. Ethel Viola (7), b. 5 Jan., 1892. 8. John Darius (7), b. 26 June, 1894. 9. Lawrence Wm. (7), b. 20 Sept., 1896. 7. Horace Greeley, b. 4 Aug., 1863 ; m. first, Clara Case ; sec- ond, Martha Wescott. Has one dau. : 1. Irene AngeHne (7), b. 12 April, 1894. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF EMILY LUCINDA LOBDELL (6) AND ISAAC STEVERS. 1. Charles E. Stevers, b. 3 Feb., 1866, d. 26 Jan., 1870. 2. Frank E. Stevers, b. 11 April, 1869, d. 6 Jan., 1870. 3. Allen D. Stevers, b. 14 Aug., 1871 ; m. Laura Morgan. CHILDREN. 1. Wm. (8), and 2. Frank (8) Stevers. 3. Alice May Stevers (8), b. 4 Sept., 1874; m. Wm. Bursey. Carl Stevers (8), b. 16 March, 1876, d. 20 Aug., 1876. 327 CHILDREN OF JULIA ANN LOBDELL (6) AND SAMUEL THOMPSON KELLEY. 1. Alice Sarah Kelley, b. 28 Oct., 1871 ; m. Marshall B. Fish. CHILDREN. 1. Leah Alice Fish (8), b. 7 March, 1892. 2. Vera Hattie Fish (8), b. 25 July, 1894. 3. Wallace Kelley Fish (8), b. 5 May, 1898. 2. Fred Fayette Kelley, b. 12 June, 1875 ; m. Jessie M. Greene. Have one dau. : 1. Gertrude Marion Kelley (8), b. 24 April, 1900. 3. Bertha May Kelley, b. 10 Jan., 1879; m. Earl Ephraim Gates. 4. Arthur Seymour Kelley, b. 13 April, 1885; unmarried, 1902. 5. Kirby Lobdell Kelley, b. 30 June, 1891. 328 FOURTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ELIZABETH (3) LOBDELL AND ISAAC NORTHRUP. I. Isaac Northrnp, b. 24 Dec, 1752; m. Hannah Olmstead, who d. about 1790. II. David Northrup, b. 20 March, 1754; m. 1 Feb., 1770, Abi- gail Wilson. (?) III. Elizabeth Northrup, b. 28 Oct., 1755; m. 1 March, 1781, Daniel Smith. (?) IV. Lois Northrup, b. 17 July, 1757. V. Rebecca Northrup, b. 13 July, 1759. VI. Eunice Northrup, b. 3 Feb., 1761. VII. Phalle Northrup. VIII. Sarah Northrup. IX. Ruth Northrup. X. Mollie Northrup. XL Jonah Northrup. XII. Lewis Northrup. XIII. Isaac Northrup. (Northrup Genealogy.) 329 Child and Descendants of David (^) Cobdell (Josbuac^), $imon«)) Olife, Pb«t»( Bnrt FOURTH GENERATION. CHILD OF DAVID (3) AND PHOEBE (BURT) LOBDELL. 1. Joshua. The only child of whom I can find any record is 1. Joshua, probably b. in Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y., about 1766, and registered on the rolls of the early First Baptist Church of that town in 1791, about which time the family left Warwick and whether they went directly to McConnelstown, Pa., or went to Clarkstown, Rockland Co., I can not say. But "in the spring of 1808, he moved from McConnellstown, Pa., to St. Alban's town- ship, Licking Co., Ohio, and is said to have been the second settler who came for a permanent s'ttlement. His father, David Lobdell, came with him and made his home with him. He settled on the farm known as the At wood or Fitch farm, erected a cabin on the knoll on which the present house of Win. Green now standsl in the fall of 1808. Joshua Lobdell set out the first orchard in the township in 1809, the trees being brought from Muskingum Co. He also set out a pear tree which was brought from Pennsyl- vania, probably by David Drake (his brother-in-law) in 1811, which is still standing (1873), a good bearer, the largest as well as the oldest in the township. Joshua and his father were among the number that organized the Baptist church on the Welsh Hill in Sept., 1808. Joshua was their first clerk. They both remained on the farm until their death. Joshua was the only son of David, a carpenter by trade, hence, our first carpenter. He did not long survive his father, dying in 1812, aged about 46 years. (Joseph M. Scott's, St. Albans Township.) The name of his first wife I have been unable to find, but by her he had three daughters : 1. Phoebe (5). It is said died unmarried. 2. Julia (5), b. about 1792; m. on 17 July, 1810 to Gideon Cornell, which was the first marriage ceremony per- formed in St. Alban's township. Julia d. in Alexandria, Licking Co., Ohio. 3. Margaret (5), b. 1793-5, d. 19 Oct., 1865 at Fort Wayne, Ind. ; m. about 1816 at Licking Co., Ohio, to Joshua 332 Holmes, a farmer, b. 1793 at Hebron, Licking Co., Ohio, d. about 1857 at Bluflfton, Allen Co., Ind., son of James and Nancy (Whitaker) Holmes. Joshua Lobdell m. for his second wife, presumably at McCon- nelstown, Pa., or in Hunterdon Co., N. J., Jane Melick, b. 31 May, 1781, d. 21 Sept., 1846, dau. of John and Mary (Todd) Melick. Mary, b. 1778, a sister of Jane Melick, m. David Drake, who after marriage was also one of the early settlers of St. Albans town- ship ; and a descendant tells me that she has often heard her grand- mother (Zenobia (Lobdell) Hummell) talk of her aunts, Polly (Mary) Wilson, Polly (Mary) Drake and of her uncle, Osmer Curtis. Joshua's widow re-married to James Buley and had dau. Caroline. The widow after remarrying, left Licking Co., Ohio, and went to Perry Co., Ohio, and after the death of James Buley went to Blandesburg, Knox Co., Ohio to her people, and is buried in the Melick plot at that place. Evidently the Todds and the Melicks were with David and Joshua Lobdell, residents of Warwick and Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y., but migrated in the late 1700's. I find Elizabeth Todd m. Wm. Lobdell (Samuel). They moved to Romulus, N. Y. Mary Todd m. John Melick and moved to Hunterdon Co., N. J. Daughters : Jane Melick, b. 1781 ; m. Joshua Lobdell (David) as his second wife. Mary Melick, b. 1778; m. David Drake. Rebecca Melick, b. 1786; m. Mr. Wilson. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JULIA LOBDELL (5) AND GIDEON CORNELL. 1. Mary. 2. Lovina. 3. George. 4. Naomi A. 5. Eliz- abeth. 6. Ann P. 7. Artemas. 8. Gideon. 9. Jane. 10. Leander. 11. Almira. Cornell by name — 1. Mary m. Lloyd Tracy. 2. Lovina m. Stewart Wilson. 333 3. George m. Retta Barnes. 4. Naomi Angelina, b. 3 Jan., 1820 at Belleville, Richland Co., Ohio. Is (1904) living at Cambridge, Ohio with her dau., Mrs. C. B. Wilson. She m. 26 May, 1846 at Granville, Ohio to George Spellman, a farmer, b. 25 July, 1815 at Alexandria, Ohio, where he also d. 15 Dec, 1855, son of Thomas and Mirriam (Clark) Spell- man. 5. Elizabeth m. Elisha Wells. 6. Ann Phoebe m. Anthony Rhodes. 7. Artemas m. Sarah Wright. 8. Gideon m. Emily ?. 9. Jane m. Joseph Sterling. 10. Leander. 11. Almira m, Aaron Beem. CHILDREN OF NAOMI ANGELINE (CORNELL) SPELL- MAN (6). 1. Ella Spellman. 2. Susan T. Spellman. 3. Anna S. Spell- man. 1. Ella Spellman (7), b. 5 Aug., 1847, d. 24 Nov., 1865. 2. Susan Talbot Spellman (7), b. 26 June, 1850; m. Howard M, Sedgwick. 3. Anna Louise Spellman (7), b. 15 Feb., 1854 at Granville, Ohio ; m. 2 Sept., 1885 at Zanesville, Ohio, Cyrus Burt Wil- son, b. 4 Aug., 1847 at Cambridge, Guernsey Co., Ohio, where he also d. 5 Feb., 1900, son of Otho and Catharine (Burt) Wilson. Resided at Cambridge, O. A real estate dealer. Republican and Methodist. CHILDREN OF MARGARET LOBDELL (5) AND JOSHUA HOLMES. 1. Lemuel. 2. Alfred. 3. Leander. 4. Eliza. 5. Evaline. 6. Sarah. 7. Emily. 8. George. 9. Wm. 10. Caroline. IL Nancy. 12. Mary. 1. Lemuel Holmes, a merchant, b. in 1817 in Hebron, Licking Co., Ohio, d. in March, 1888 at Portland, Indiana. His widow (not knowing her maiden name) is living (1902), 84 years old, 334 with her son, Mr. L. G. Holmes, a prominent business man of Portland and Briant, Ind. Lemuel has a dau. (7) who m. Mr, B. F. Brown and resides at Los Angeles, Calif. 2. Alfred Holmes, a merchant tailor, b. 1819 at Hebron, also d. at Hebron ; m. Mary Turner. 3. Leander Holmes, a lawyer, b. 1821 in Hebron, d. in Portland, Oregon. 4. Eliza Holmes, b. 1823 in Hebron, Ohio ; m. Mr. Ewing. Has a dau., Minnie (7) ; m. Judge Zollers of Fort Wayne, Ind. 5. Evaline Holmes, b. 1825 in Hebron, where she also d. ; m. James Richardson. 6. Sarah Holmes, b. 1827 in Hebron ; m. John Wells. 7. Emily Holmes, b. 13 March, 1832 at Hebron. In 1904 is living with her dau., Mrs. Malleby at Pueblo, Colo. She can tell me nothing of her mother's family as her mother had only a dim recollection of her own mother, who d. when she was a small child. Emily m. 28 June, 1851 at Hebron, Daniel Beatty, a dentist, b. 3 Sept., 1821 at Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y., d. in 1890 at Amite, Tangipaho Co., La., son of ? Beatty and ? Vosburg. CHILDREN. 1. Charles H. Beatty (7), b. 11 April, 1852, living in Amite, La.; m. Helen Packer. 2. Frank W. Beatty (7), b. 14 April, 1854, living in Crowley, La. ; m. Georgia E. Moys. 3. Josephine Beatty (7), b. 9 July, 1856; m. Charles B. Whitaker; living at St. Louis, Mo. 4. Martha B. Beatty (7), b. 28 March, 1862; m. Oliver W. Mallaby; living at Pueblo, Colo. 8. George Holmes, b. 1831 in Hebron, Ohio, d. at same place; m. Jemima Taylor. 9. William Holmes, b. 1834 at Hebron, d. unmarried at Toledo, Ohio. 10. Caroline Holmes, b. 1838 at Hebron, d. at Portland, Ore., 1898; m. Joseph Misner. 11. Nancy Holmes, b. 1841 at Hebron, where she d. in infancy. 12. Mary Holmes, b. ?, d. at Hebron in infancy. Of the granddaughters of Margaret (Lobdell) Holmes, one, Olive Holmes (7) m. Mr. A. J. Wells, in Fort Wayne, Ind., and now lives in San Francisco, Calif. She lived in her young days with her grandmother in Fort Wayne. She writes : 'T know that 335 grandmother's maiden name was Lobdell and that she had pride of family, but know nothing of her ancestors." Another granddaughter (7), Mrs. Emma Studebaker. Address given, Bluffton, Wells Co., Ind. FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOSHUA (4) LOBDELL AND SECOND WIFE, JANE MELICK. (Not given in order of birth.) 1. Nathan M., b. 23 Aug., 1808; no record. (This is the Nathan Lobdell who went south and of whom a letter of inquiry to Mr. John Little Lobdell of Louisiana, was written in 1859.) 2. Sarah m. John Matthews. Had — Julius (6) of Dubuque, Iowa. Amos (6). John (6), went to California. Amanda (6), m. Mr. Pettingill of Lyons, Iowa. Elizabeth (6) m. Mr. Cole of Iowa or Kansas. S. John Burt, b. 11 Oct., 1809 in St. Albans township. Licking Co., Ohio, d. 13 Nov., 1890 in Washington township, Ind., aged 81 y. ; m. 4 June, 1835 near Summerset, Perry Co., Ohio, to Pleasant Ann Watson, b. 14 March, 1818 at Summerset, Ohio, d. 15 Dec, 1897 in Washington township, Ind., aged 79 y., dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Havenner) Watson. (This was the author of the letter written to Mr. John Little Lobdell of Louisiana.) 4. Zenobia, b. 12 May, 1811 in St. Albans township, Ohio. Must have been an infant when her father d. in 1812. She d. 18 Oct., 1874 in Grant Co., Ind.; m. 3 April, 1831 in Perry Co., Ohio, to Charles Hummel, b. 21 Sept., 1804 in Muskingum Co., Ohio, d. 16 Dec, 1882 in Grant Co., Ind., son of Henry Hummell from Virginia and his wife, Eleanor McNaughton. They came to Grant Co., Ind. in 1831, where he d. about 55 years ago (1907). 5. Samuel, while living in St. Albans township, Ohio, was drafted during the war with Great Britain, but was under age. When the heavy draft of 1813 came the lot again fell on him ; he entered the army and d. in the service at or near Detroit, but a few months after leaving home, being the first from our township to give his life for his country. (St. Albans History.) 336 Aaron Thomas Loudeli. ((> (John Burt) of Marion, Ind. (Page 337) Mrs. Aaron Thomas Lobdell of ^Marion. Ind. (Page 337) Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bruner Eleanor Jane (G) (Zenobla [5] ) of La Fontaine, Ind. (Page 338) 6. Hiram d. in St. Louis, Mo. ; unmarried. 7 and 8. Caleb and Lydia, probably d. young, as no descendant has any recollection of them. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOHN BURT (5) LOBDELL AND HIS WIFE, PLEASANT ANN WATSON. L Aaron Thomas. 2. Robert. 3. Martha. 4. Eliza. 5. Harriet. 6. Alfred. 7. Frank. 8. Eleanor. 9. Melissa. 10. Amanda. 11. Sarah Jane. 12. William. 1. Aaron Thomas, b. 7 May, 1836 in Perry Co., Ohio; m. 23 Oct., 1856, Catherine Ann, dau. of John and Catherine (Coon) McDaniel, b. in 1842. 2. Robert, b. 10 Nov., 1837 in Perry Co., Ohio ; m. Mary Eliza Brady. 3. Martha, b. 3 Oct., 1839 in Perry Co., Ohio, d. 3 June, 1894; m. first to Henry Curtis on 4 March, 1860 and had one dau., Lillie C. Curtis. Mr. Curtis d. from a kick of a colt, the year of his marriage, on 23 Aug., 1860. The widow remarried to Joseph Arm- strong, who d. in 1896. Twins (Bertie and Mertie) were born to them, but both d. in childhood. 4. Eliza, b. 18 Sept., 1841 in Grant Co., Ind. ; m. 11 April, 1872, James Otis. No children. 5. Sarah Jane, b. 28 Aug., 1843 in Grant Co., Ind., d. 17 Feb., 1859. 6. William, b. 29 June, 1845 in Grant Co., Ind., d. 3 March, 1846. 7. Amanda, b. 23 Jan., 1847, d. 26 Sept., 1854. 8. Harriet, b. 23 April, 1849 near La Fontaine, Wabash Co., Ind.; m. 5 Sept., 1867, Geo. Flemm Johnson, a blacksmith, b. 9 July, 1843 at Marion, Ind., son of Wm. Elliot and Melissa (Dunn) Johnson. They reside at La Fontaine, Ind. CHILDREN. 1. John Lobdell Johnson (7), b. 30 June, 1868. 2. Willie E. Johnson (7), b. 11 Dec, 1869, d. 8 May, 1870. 3. Henry Burt Johnson (7), b. 9 Sept., 1871, d. 29 June, 1872. 337 4. Geo. Zenas Johnson (7), b. 15 April, 1873. Resides in Chicago. Is a telegraph operator for C. R. I. & P. R. R. Co. 5. Albert Verne (7), b. 30 April, 1877, d. 7 Dec, 1881. 6. Kenneth Carl (7), b. 22 April, 1883. 7. Jerre Luin (7), b. 18 March, 1885. 8. Whitelaw Reed Johnson (7), b. 20 June, 1892, d. 29 Aug., 1893. 9. Melissa, b. 23 May, 1851, d. 22 Sept., 1854. 10. Alfred, b. 3 March, 1854; m. first Miranda Williams. Has two children, Charles (7) and Cora (7). He m. second Amanda Dicken. Has Chester (7) and Wal- ter (7) by this marriage. (I have been unable to locate Mr. L.) 11. Ella, b. 7 Oct., 1857; m. 21 Feb., 1885 to Albert Hummel. CHILDREN. 1. Elmer and 2. Edith (7), deceased. 3. Wilber (7). 12. Frank, b. 23 July, 1863; m. Althea Hummel in May, 1887. CHILDREN. 1. Harry (7), deceased. 2. Alvah (7). 3. Eva (7). CHILDREN OF ZENOBIA (5) LOBDELL AND CHARLES HUMMEL. 1. Henry. 2. Leander. 3. John Lobdell Hummel resides at Pomona, Franklin Co., Kansas. 4. Charles. 5. Constantine resides at Fox, Grant Co., Ind. 6. Eleanor Jane, b. 14 April, 1848 in Grant Co., Ind.; m. 24 Oct., 1871, James B. Bruner, b. in Aug., 1834 at Montgomery, Va., son of Henry Bruner of La Fontaine, Ind. (a native of Virginia) and Eleanor Michael of Virginia. No children. Reside at La Fontaine, Ind. Mrs. Eleanore Hummel Bruner is the possessor of the original letter written to John Burt Lobdell by John Little Lobdell in 1859. It was given to lier by her cousin, Mrs. Harriet (Lobdell) Johnson and is greatly prized. 338 In 1842 the parents of Aaron Thomas Lobdell with their family, then consisting of three children, migrated from their old home in Ohio, hoping to better their condition farther west. The father secured the northwest quarter section of land in Washington township, hidiana. Here the remainder of their lives was passed. At that time the tract was new, with but a small clearing. With the help of his sons he made a most desirable farm, adding some two hundred acres, nearly all of which he gave to his sons during his lifetime. After a most honored and useful life, this respected couple passed to their re- ward, he being eighty-one and she seventy-nine, having survived him about seven years. Soon after their coming to the county they rendered material assistance in the building of the well-known Range Line Christian Church, which stood on a corner of his farm, the land being donated by him. During the course of a long and useful life, he was recog- nized as the most ardent and influential member of the above society, never flagging in his observance of Christian duty and upright living, never lacking in the necessary financial support, in a thousand ways contributing to the life and vigor of the church. After marriage, Aaron and his bride settled on their present farm, which was then owned by his father. Some four years later he was given one thousand dollars by his father, still however, assuming an indebtedness of $400 on the land. This gift was in lieu of further claims on his father's estate, preferring to have this when most needed, rather than a greater amount several years later. The tract was wild and covered with heavy timber, of which but twenty acres had been cleared. He placed upwards of fifty acres under cultivation, and added until the farm now con- tains one hundred and sixty-four acres. Five children have been born to them : Josephine, wife of Henry C. Creviston, of Van Buren township ; Francis Marion, who became a teacher in his eighteenth year and assumed an enviable position among the successful teachers of the county. When nearing the close of his fourth term he was stricken with disease that had undermined his constitution, and which terminated in death. The loss of this talented young man was keenly felt by pupils, friends and relatives, all of whom had felt that for him a brilliant future was in store ; Emma Catherine, wife of Henry L. Bradford, of Washington township ; Laura Ellen, wife of Albert Feighner, also of the same township; and John Thomas, who 339 remains at home assisting in the operation of the farm. Mr. Lob- dell and wife have ever indicated the greatest interest in the edu- cation and training of their children, few parents having done more for the advancement of their families than they. — (Grant County Rep- resentative Men. ) Since the above was written Mr. and Mrs. Lobdell have moved (in Dec, 1902) from the home farm into the town of Marion, the county seat of Grant Co., Ind., where they built a residence, fitted with all modern conveniences, hoping to enoy — with less care — the remaining days of their lives. 340 Bayous, Parish West Baton Rouge, La., Saturday, 18th June, 1859. Mr. John Lobdell, My Dear Sir: — Yours mailed May 23d last, reached me at this place some few days ago. You state that your only brother (whose name was Nathan), after he had grown to manhood went to the South, came back several times, and went back again, and understood that he was married there, but as you have not heard from him for many years, you, and your family supposed he was dead — and not having come across or heard the name of Lobdell in the course of a long life (nearly half a century) before that day, when you noticed in reading of the rise and overflow of the Mississippi, causing a crevass at Lobdell's plantation in West Baton Rouge, 16 miles above the town of Baton Rouge, which naturally made my sisters and myself very anxious to learn whether you were our lost brother or any connection. We have been anxious for years to hear from our brother or his wife, or family, if he had any. You state that you were born in the state of Ohio, and that your father's name was Joshua. The designa- tion of the location of your brother is so vague and uncertain that I cannot assist you in the inquiry, as the South comprehends many states of our Union. I am a native of the state of New York, born in the village of Johnstown (formerly Montgomery Co., now Fulton Co.), 40 miles west of the city of Albany. I left there in Oct., 1821, arrived in New Orleans in November of that year, and have remained in this state as a resident ever since, now nearly 38 years, living six years of that time in New Orleans, about sixteen years in the Parish of West Feliciana and sixteen years in this Parish. My father's name was Abijah. He is dead. He had three brothers (Joshua 1752, Isaac 1755, and Simon 1762), living at Westerloo, Albany Co., N. Y., one brother in this state and one in the state of Mississippi, all of whom are dead. He had cousins, of different families of the same name, residing in Fulton, Herkimer, Essex, Chenango and Westchester Counties, N. Y.. some of whom I know, as well as many of my uncles and cousins in Albany Co. I know my Uncle Abraham and all his family, who resided in this state. My Uncle James was dead before I came south, but 341 most of his children and grandchildren I know, all of whom re- sided in the state of Mississippi. My uncles' two families, James and Abraham of Mississippi and Louisiana are the only persons of our name that I have known in the South, except my own three brothers who lived with or near me. I am satisfied that we are relations and descended from the same Welsh stock. The name is formed of two Welsh words. Lob (round or oblong) and Dell (valley) — round or oblong valley, where our ancestors originally resided in Wales. The tradition of our branch of the family is that three brothers of the name came over from Whales, and settled in some part of Massachusetts, from whom those of the name in this country have descended. On further search and reading I am convinced that those of our ancestors who came to this country were among the non-conformists in England and Wales, though believing in almost all the distinctive principles and articles of faith of the Church of England ; and from an article published in Household Words that they attended the preaching of a Welsh clergyman of the Established Church, by the name of Clifton, who was silenced from preaching for not conforming to all the requisitions of the rules of the church, and went over with a considerable portion of his flock to Holland for protection and to enjoy the teachings of their pastor unmolested — among whom was William Bradford, of an influential family and one of the gentry ; that this flock found Smith and Robertson with their flocks of Pilgrims in Holland, but did not settle with them, in consequence of contentions among themselves, but settled in another part of Holland — and I have good reason to believe that they followed the Pilgrims to Plymouth Rock and settled with them, as I found that Nicholas Lobdin (spelled wrong) in 1630 received a lot and outlet at Plymouth with other settlers, and when the old town got full several years after the first settlement, that the Bradfords, Lazells and Lobdells (spelling the name right), evidently Welsh families, with others, settled the town of Plymp- ton in Plymouth Co. (This information I obtained from a book called "The Antiquities of the New England Towns." I have seen gentlemen who say there is a Lobdell House now standing in Plympton, and that one of the family is now residing in Hartford, Conn. There have been late publications of the "History of the Pilgrim Families," and I presume full information can be obtained of the first settlers of our name, and of their descendants, for 342 some generations, from these publications, from the records of Plympton and Plymouth and from the descendants of the family. The information derived from my own branch commences from Salem, Mass., with Joshua Lobdell as the root, not fixing the date of their settlement at Salem nor the name of his wife. He had six sons and three daughters, viz. : Joshua, James. Simon, Sarah, Hannah, Ebenezer, Daniel, John and Rachel. A portion of this family probably removed from Salem to Newtown, Conn., as I find six of the name, viz. : Joshua, Samuel, Joshua, Jr., John, Caleb and Ebenezer, formed part of the Church of England con- gregation of the Rev. Mr. John Beach of Newtown, Conn., and with other Episcopalians of that state in the year 1738 signed a memorial and address to the Governor, Council and Representatives of the Colony of Connecticut for their proportion of the public monies toward the support of their ministers and schools, which was refused them. (This you will find in the Church Review and Ecclesiastical Register, Vol. 10, No. 1, April, 1857, published at New Haven, Conn., by Rev. N. S. Richardson. If they were part of the Salem family, then Joshua, Sr., was my great grandfather and Joshua, Jr., my grandfather. Our branch appears to be the oldest branch — the oldest son bearing the name of Joshua — at least it was so for three generations. This traces the family back within something less than 100 years of the first settlement in this country, which can be filled up by referring to late publications — the records of Plymouth, Plympton, Salem and Newtown — and the consulation with branches of the family still residing at those places. Following down the pedigree from Salem, in our branch, say, from about 1720 to 1730, in Joshua 1st (gt. gr. f.) we find that Joshua (2) (gr. ft.) the oldest son, married Sarah Scott, lived first in Salem and afterward in Newtown, (or maybe) removed to Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., and that they had issue, viz.: Joshua 1752, Isaac 1755, James, Sarah, Hannah, Simon 1762, Huldah, Mary, Abraham, Abijah, Rachel and Rebecca. Joshua, born 1752, married Jane Pouce, and removed from Stephentown to Rensselaerville. Albany Co., N. Y., and had ten children, viz. : Joel, Joshua, Abraham, Sarah, Abijah, Philip, Han- nah, Daniel, Electa, John. I believe these children married and had large families. Some of them removed to Otsego Co., and others to western counties of N. Y., and some probably to the western states. 343 Isaac, born 1855 ; married first William Pomeroy of Berkshire Co., Mass, and second, Jerusha Lobdell, his cousin (daughter of John Lobdell, born March 10, 1743, and Elizabeth, his wife, from Westchester Co., N. Y.). He also removed from Stephentown to Rensselaerville and had, by first wife : Lois ; married Joshua Tompkins, Mirriam ; married James Jacox. Anna; married Knight Bennett. Isaac ; married Nancy Udell. Joshua Pomeroy ; married Phebe Ruland. Olive; married John Meyers. Princess ; married Asa Jackson. By second wife : Jerusha ; married Fred'k Slater. Levisa; marrier first Francis Atkins, second, Silas B. Martin. James Harvey ; married Harriet Crawford. James, brother of Joshua, 1752, married Miss Vernor, and removed from Stephentown, a short time after Shay's rebellion in Mass. with his brother Abraham, his sister Hannah and her hus- band, Jerry Goodrich, and several cousins by the name of Rundell, etc., etc., with others, to the western country, intending to settle on the Lyman or Putnam purchases on the Ohio — but after arriving there they saw the proclamation of the King of Spain, through the Governor of Louisiana, offering lands to settlers on favorable terms. His family, his brother Abraham (a very young man) and several cousins, with others, came down the river, took up lands on the border of the Mississippi River, at a place called Palmira, and having been drowned out three years, sold their lands and moved back into the Gulf hills in Warren Co., Miss. (Mr. Goodrich and his family, with other of the relations, remained on the Ohio and settled on the Miama Valley, where their descendants still remain.) James and Miss Vernor or Vernon had six children, viz, : Gil- bert, John, Sarah, Mary, , . John (2) married Conger and left three children, viz.: 1. Lewellyn, married, died; left 2 sons. 2, Jonathan Conger, married Stowers, dead; left 4 children, 344 3. John Venable, married Coffee ; is now liv- ing in Bolivar Co., Miss. Several children. 3. Sarah, married Seth Rundell. her cousin ; is living- in Warren Co., Miss. Several children. 4. Mary, married first John Walker and second, John Gorman. I know nothing of her family, nor of 1. Gilbert, nor Nos. 5 and 6, except that one of them, a daughter, mar- ried a Stotts, and the family are living in Texas. Sarah, sister of Joshua. 1752, married first Sprague and had children (particulars not known) ; married second Daniel Hub- bard of Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass., by whom she had two chil- dren : 1. Daniel, married , and had children living on the Onondago River, Broome Co., N. Y. 2. Sarah, married Seymour. Children also living in Broome Co. Hannah, sister of Joshua, 1752, married first Jerry Goodrich and settled in the great bend of the Ohio or the Miama Valley, She had five children by Goodrich, viz. : Abijah, Jacob, Jerry, Han- nah and Lucy. Who the second husband was. or whether they had children, I do not know. Simon, brother of Joshua, 1752, married Grace Pomeroy of Berkshire Co., Mass. ; moved from Stephentown to Rensselaerville, and had 8 children, viz. : Rebecca, Simon, Jacob, Gideon, Lydia, James, Isaac, Grace. Probably some of them removed west. Huldah, sister of Joshua, 1752, married John Hamlin, and re- moved from Stephentown to the county of Chenango or Otsego, N. Y. She had 3 children, Gilbert, John, Marcia. I know nothing of their descendants. Mary, sister of Joshua, 1752, married Peleg Allyn, and moved from Stephentown, first, to the Owasco Lake, Cayuga Co., N. Y., and afterward to, or near, the Wabash Valley, Indiana. They had several children, among whom was a son Abijah, who visited me a few years ago. He raised a family of 14 or 15 children, some of whom are living in the state of Missouri. Abraham, brother of Joshua, 1752, moved as before stated, with his brother James and other relatives, into the state of Mississippi; there married Sarah Kennard and moved first to the Parish of East Baton Rouge, and afterward to the Parish of West Baton Rouge, state of Louisiana. Had six children : Polly married Asa 345 Conner and died, without issue. Abraham married Caroline Brous- sard, has four children living; is a sugar-planter and lives in this Parish. Sarah married first Watson, second ; is living in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, and has three children bv first marriage. James Alexander married Celestine Allains ; is a cotton broker living at New Orleans; has two sons, James A. and Albert Gallatin Lobdell. Wm. Carter is living in this Parish, has no children. Lydia, died young. Abijah, brother of Joshua, 1752, moved from Stephentown to Johnstown (then Montgomery Co., afterward Fulton Co., N. Y.), where he married Mary Little, daughter of John Little and Leah Crawford ; had seven children, Abijah, John Little, Sarah, James Alexander, Wm. Scott, Henry Milton, Charles Sidney. Abijah, Jr., married Sarah Burget of Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y. He was a merchant, residing in Oxford, afterward moved to Utica, Oneida Co., subsequently returned to Chenango Co., purchased a farm on the Chenango River, a short distance from Oxford, where he resided with his family, when he died. They had five children : Mary Ann, single, living with her mother at Oxford ; Jane, single, and living with her mother; Sarah, married Geo. W. Godfrey, has children, is a widow ; James Henry, unmarried ; Helen, single ; John Little, myself, was a merchant at Oxford and Johns- town, afterward studied law and was admitted to practice. Moved from Johnstown first to New Orleans, then to the Parish of West Feliciana, and afterward to West Baton Rouge (this Parish, where I still reside.) On the 18th of Dec, 1828, in the Parish of West Feliciana, I married Ann Matilda Sterling of W. Feliciana, La., daughter of Lewis Sterling and Sarah Turnbull. Have seven children : Lewis Sterling, still unmarried ; Mary, died Oct., 1855 of yellow fever, unmarried ; Catherine Hereford, died at eight months; Catherine Hereford 2d, 19 years old; Sarah Turnbull, 14 years old ; John Little, 12 years old ; Annie Alston, 9 years old. I have been planting cane, corn and cotton for many years, and am still planting cane and corn in this Parish. Sarah, my sister, married Dr. Oren Johnson of Johnstown, where they resided and had eight children, viz. : Wm. Henry, married Harriet McCarty, is a practicing physician living at Johns- town, has several children ; Charles Weeb, died unmarried ; Mary, lives with her mother; John Lobdell, died young; Sarah and Eliz- abeth are twins ; Sarah married John Young and has a large 346 family of children living at Johnstown. Elizabeth died young; James Oren, married and has several children. Ann Frances mar- ried Lucien Bertrand, has no children. James Aleander, my brother, died at Johnstown, unmarried. Wm. Scott, my brother, moved from Johnstown, first to West Feliciana, and afterward to this Parish, where he pursued his profession of a physician, and went into the business of planting and where he still continues planting in company with our brother, Charles Sidney. He is unmarried. Charles Sidney, my brother, married Susan Coffin of Johns- town and moved to this Parish in 1847, where he still resides in partnership with his brother William, in planting. His wife has no children. Rachel, sister of Joshua, 1752, married James Dixon, and re- moved to Ontario Co., N. Y. Children were James, John, De Witt, Harry, 5 and 6. Do not know particulars. Rebecca, the other sister, died young. James, son of Joshua (1) of Salem. I have no account of his history. He probably remained in Salem or removed to West- chester Co. or Northampton, Fulton Co., N. Y., where there were other families of Lobdells residing. Simon, Sarah and Hannah, children of Joshua (1), died young. Ebenezer, son of Joshua (1) of Salem, probably removed with his father to Newtown, Conn., as I find that name on the memorial with Joshua (1) and (2), John, Samuel and Caleb in the year 1738, His descendants are probably at Newtown still. Daniel, son of Joshua (1) of Salem, moved to the Royal Grant, Herkimer Co., N. Y. ; married and had a large family of children. He visited my father at Johnstown when I was a child. I have heard of his daughters, one of whom married an Episcopal clergy- man named Lounsburg or Lounsbury,, and in 1822 saw a lady on the Big Black, Warren Co., Miss., married to a Mr. Rundell, who told me that she was a daughter of Mr. Lobdell of the Royal Grant, and had been a captive among the Indians. John, son of Joshua (1) of Salem, must have moved with his father to Newtown, as I also find the name of John to the memorial of 1738. He married and afterward removed to Sherburne, Chen- ango Co., N. Y., where he raised a large family. I have heard of this family, but never became acquainted with any of them. 347 Rachel, the daughter of Joshua (1) of Salem, I have no history of her, probably married, and raised a family. Residing either at Salem or Newtown. There is now remaining two names of the memorial — Samuel and Caleb. They must have belonged to other branches of the Plymouth or Plympton stock, and possibly Joshua, Sr. and Jr. John and Ebenezer of the Newtown memorial may be from the same stock, but I think they were part of the Salem branch, as the Joshua, Jr., who moved to Stephentown, was an Episcopalian, as those of Newtown were. We find others of the same name at Plymouth, Mass., Plympton, Mass., Newtown, Conn, and Westchester, Fulton and Essex Counties, N. Y., who must have been branches of the original stock, and from these sources we will be able to fill up the family tree from the first settlers among the Pilgrims, until the present time, and ascertain what branch your own family belong to, and I must beg your assistance, as well as others of the name, in obtaining this full information. The Mississippi on June 22d was confined within its banks, and the water of the crevasse on my place ceased running a few days thereafter. The water has left the fields, and we hope to save a portion of the cane. I fear it is too late to expect a certain crop of corn. My neighbors below have been badly injured by the crevasse, but will probably have cane enough for seed for next crop, and some of them to make some sugar this year. I had about 175 acres under water. Expect to get seed for another crop from my drowned lands, and hope to make from my other lands from 350 to 400 hhds. sugar and 700 bbls. of molasses, although the crop is very backward, not half of it layed by yet. My corn crop is very unpromising. Truly Yours, JOHN L. LOBDELL, (A true copy.) 348 NICHOLAS LOBDEN (LOBDELL). I have never been able to trace the relationship between Nich- olas Lobden (or Lobdell) who was of Hingham, Mass., in 1635, and Simon, who had a house lot given him in Milford, Conn., in 1646, but it hardly seems probable that Ann and Elizabeth, with their young brother Simon, would have come to the new country unless some of their kindred had preceded them. Nicholas and Simon were the only Lobdells in New England at that time; in- deed, I have never found one bearing the name of Lobdell who could not be traced to one of these two. The descendants of Nich- olas, with only a few exceptions, have their homes in the eastern states. I assume that Nicholas Lobden came from Hastings, Kent County, England. "Nicholas Lobden, a retainer of Capt. James Lasher, Baron to Parliament, arrested on a plea of debt, prayed to be discharged, 22 Sept., 1621. Letters from Sir Thomas Richardson secured his pardon 3 Oct., 1621. "James Lasher was Mayor of the ville and port of Hastings, Kent, England." (This was copied at Boston Library, but I have mislaid name of book from which it was taken.) From Parish Records of All Saints', Maidstrom in Kent, Eng- land : "James Sargis and Annis Lobdell m. 25 Aug., 1600." The name has different spellings, viz. : Lobdale, Lobden, Lob- dle, Lobdel, Lobdill, and Lopdell. (In Boston Library in Burke's Landed Gentry, Vols. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, the Lopdells of Ireland are quoted.) Some of the descendants claim French ancestry but I differ with them. Kent County is a maritime county in the southeast of England, including the angle next to France, from which its nearest point is about 24 miles distant. Hastings is a parish of Kent. If Nicholas came from Kent Co. it may be possible that some of his family — brothers or sisters, may have crossed the short distance over into France and that the descendants may keep up a friendly correspondence (as I am told that the Plympton Lobdells have correspondents in France.) Nothing more can 349 be found on early New England records to give assistance than is placed before you. I have made every effort through able work- ers, over the entire ground, with the following results : I have not made so extended a search for the descendants of Nicholas as for Simon, as I feared the infirmities of age might cause me to lay the work aside and deemed it for the best to pub- lish what 'I have secured. ^JJLo. "^ojJkc^^MJbLlL . f li^:4M'dsXL. iS'fj^.^o^^^-'^^ '^^^^^r^oLsJUL.J 350 nicbolas Cobden (Cobdell) ms Of RingNm, ina$$. and some of fiis Descendants " One generation comes, Another goes and mingles with the dust ; And thus we come and go, Each for a brief moment filling up Some little space; and thus we disappear In quick succession. And it shall be so Till time in one vast perpetuity Be swallowed up." 352 FIRST GENERATION. Spelled Lobden in all of the early records. "Nicholas Lobden had grants of land in Hingham, Mass., in 1635 and 36, but whether he was a resident of the town for any time appears doubtful." (History of Hingham.) "Goodman Lob- dell's wife d. 1641." (Hobart's Diary.) After much research my idea of the family of Nicholas Lobden differs from any I have found and I give "my version," to be ac- cepted or denied by descendants. First wife died 1641. I assume that the Pierce family with the Lobdells came from England as friends. Now, did Michael Pierce of Hingham, Mass., have a sister Bridget Pierce, who m. Nicholas Lobden as his second wife, and did Nicholas die about 1645-6 and his widow as Mrs. Bridget Lobdell re-marry in 1647 or 8 to Nathaniel Bosworth, who came with his parents in the "Elizabeth Dorcas" in 1634, and was in Hingham as early as 1635 (afterward in Hull and later in Bris- tol) ? From copy of his will of 15 March, 1689 or 90: "I, Nathaniel Bosworth of Bristol in the County of Bristol in ye colony of New Plymouth, in New England," etc., he mentions his wife Bridget (he m. Mrs. Bridget Lobdell) and his children, each, by name, etc. "Fifthly, moreover, I will that at my wife's decease then out of my cattle and movables Mary Lobdell shall have five pounds ; Sarah Lobdell, one pound; John and Nathan Lobdell shall be given ten shillings apiece. (Isaac is not mentioned, but he was probably a son of Nicholas. In 1681 Isaac Lobdell in behalf of the selectmen of Hull, petitioned that Serg't Nathaniel Bosworth, of Hull, be empowered to administer oaths and to marry persons.) From this point of view, I give — SECOND GENERATION. 1. Isaac. 2. John. 3. Nathan. 4. Mary. 5. Sarah. I. Isaac of Hull, Mass., m. Martha Ward, dau. of Samuel Ward, a wealthy citizen, first of Charlestown, then of Hingham, pro- 363 prietor of large tracts of land at these towns and at Hull. Copy of a deed of land in Hull is given by Isaac Lobdell and Martha his wife to John Lobdell, 17 May, 1670, is found in Suffolk deeds, 314 p. The land is bounded on the southeast by the land of Rich- ard Stubbs, Sr. Isaac and John were admitted Freemen in 1673 and Isaac Lobdell was one of the grand jurymen at Plymouth in 1686. Sufifolk County deeds, 24-17: "Isaac Lobdell of Hull (yoeman) and wife Martha, for love and afifection to son Joseph of Boston (mariner) — messuage in Hull and balance of lease for 18 years in Bumpus Island ; also his negro slave, Sambo, etc. ; in consideration of support for life and sundry pavments (yearly rent). 15 March, 1702." WILL OF ISAAC LOBDELL. Will dated 22 May, 1710; proved 5 May, 1718. "Well stricken in years. To son Joseph my dwelling house I now dwell in; great chest, £5, etc. "To dau. Perry, £15, silver spoon, cupboard, etc.; to her hus- band my black suit. "To dau. Marah Pierce, bed, gray rug, silver spoon, £15, etc.; to her husband, my next wearing suit and a great coat. "To dau. Abigail Street, £10 and the £10 her husband borrowed of me long since, and a silver spoon, etc. "To dau. Rebecca Stubbs, the bed I lie on, green rug, chest of drawers, silver baker, £15. " Grand children, Ann and Lydia Lendall, each, £5. "Four children of son Isaac, deceased, each £5, "£5 to Zachariah Whitman. "My five children, viz. : Joseph, Elizabeth, Marah, Abigail, Re- becca. Son Joseph executor with son Perry." Suffolk Probate 20-412.) II. John m. in Himgham on 19 July, 1659, Hannah, dau. of Dea. John Leverett. Hannah d. 23 April, 1662. Children by Han- nah (bapt. at Hingham) : 1. Hannah (3), b. 27 May, 1660, d. Jan., 1681 or 2. 2. Elizabeth (3), b. 23 April, 1662, d. in 7 days. John re-married on 21 Feb., 1664 or 5 to Mary ? (Hingham 364 records say to Mary Bosworth). John d. in 1673 and in the same year Nathaniel Bosworth, called his father-in-law, had adminis- tration upon his estate. (In early days a father-in-law meant a father by law, or what we call a step-father.) Bosworth genealo- g-ist tells us that John Lobdell did not m. Mary Bosworth, as Mary, dau. of Nathaniel was a school-dame, d. aged 78 years on 21 April, 1735 (town record). Nathaniel Bosworth in his will gives: ^'Fourthly, I give and bequeath to Mary, my dau.," etc. And from Bristol copy (original copy is in Taunton Book 8, p. 134) : "30 April. 1709, Mary Bosworth sells land, etc., to Eleazer Gary." Will of John Lobdell, who d. 1673 (Suffolk Co., Mass., 7-339 Probate Records) dated 26 Oct., 1673: "House and land and all 'sollid" estate to my two sons, John and Nathaniel when of age. The eldest to have three-fifths. They are to be brought up at trades at the disposal of father Bosworth. Eldest dau. Hannah to be brought up with the rent of the house and after my sons are of age they are to care for her. To two youngest daughters, Sarah and Mercy, all movable estate. Father Bosworth and my father Leverett to be executors. "Witnessed by Isaac Lobdell, Samuel Shore. Proved 7-9 mo., 1673 by Shore. Dea. John Leverett renounces exec't'ship 28 Jan., 1673. Inventory, real estate £156; total, £229 19s. I have paid in money for my son's burial £1 12s. signed Nathaniel Bosworth. Inventory taken 3 Nov., 1673." The above will is of John numbered 3 in History of Hingham. It adds to the account there. III. Nathan was in the Colony of New Plymouth in 1686. Further than this I have not been able to trace him. IV. Mary ; no record. V. Sarah ; no record. THIRD GENERATION. CHILDREN OF JOHN (2) LOBDELL BY SECOND WIFE, MARY . 1. John. 2. Nathaniel. 3. Sarah. 4. Mercy. 1. John, probably m. Hannah Vickers, 23 May, 1704; had dau. Hannah, b. 19 June, 1706. 366 Will of John Lobdell of Boston, carpenter. Dated 14 Sept., 1703; proved 4 April, 1709. "One-half to my only daughter Hannah Lobdell who is under eighteen. One-half to my wife Hannah. If above legatees die sine prole, then to my two sisters equally or their heirs. Friend Israel Howe, clothier, of Boston, to be overseer and to care for the daughter. (Suffolk Probate 16-553)." 2. Nathaniel ; no record. 3. Sarah, d. 1697. 4. Mercy ; no record. THIRD GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ISAAC (2) AND MARTHA (WARD) LOB- DELL, OF HINGHAM AND HULL, MASS. 1. Isaac. 2. Samuel. 3. Nicholas. 4. Joseph. 5. Mary. 6. Abigail. 7. Rebecca. 8. Elizabeth. 9. A dau., m. Mr. Len- dall. I. Isaac, b. 28 June, 1657, was a soldier in Samuel Wadsworth's Co. in King Philip's War and took the freeman's oath at Plymouth in 1686; m. for his first wife Sarah King, a dau. of Samuel King of Plymouth, b. 31 Jan., 1666, and d. 27 March, 1697. Isaac d. be- fore 1718, at which time his father's will was proved and men- tions children of "my son Isaac, deceased." To them the following children were born : 1. A dau., b. 13 Feb., 1680, d. 22 Feb., 1680. 2. Sarah (4), b. 27 Sept., 1682; m. 25 July, 1705, Nath- aniel Bingham of Windham, Conn., son of Thos. and Mary (Rudd) Bingham. Nathaniel d. in" Windham 6 Dec, 1754. 3. Martha (4), b. 24 Feb., 1684, d. 13 April, 1686. 4. Samuel (4), b. 17 Feb., 1686; (did he m. Sarah Brisco, 9 Feb., 1709?) Had Sarah, b. 19 Nov., 1710, Isaac, b. 6 July, 1715. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are found on Plymouth records. Isaac probably moved to Hull, Mass., where 5. Ebenezer (4) was bapt. 1 Nov., 1694, d. 18 March. 1748, aged 53 y., 2 m., 23 d. ; m. first on 12 July, 1715, Lydia Shaw, b. 2 Nov., 1697, at Plympton, dau. of Benoni and Lydia 356 (Waterman) Shaw of Plympton. She d. 15 Aug., 1745, and Mr. Lobdell ni. second on 18 Dec, 1745, Aiercy, dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah (Sturtevant) Standish, and great granddaughter of Miles Standish. As Widow Lobdell she in. Benj. Weston and d. 22 Feb., 1794, aged 77 y. On 12 Aug., 1697, Isaac Lobdell was m. to Hannah Bishop by Cotton Mather. n. Samuel, b. 28 April, 1661. No record. HL Nicholas, a resident of Charelstown, b. 4 Oct., 1663 ; m. 18 Aug., 1687, Elizabeth, dau. of Luke Perkins of Charlestown, Mass. Nicholas d. in 1698. Had — 1. Nicholas (4), b. 1688, d. 1689. 2. Elizabeth (4), b. 1689; m. Jeremiah Wright of Boston. IV. Joseph of Hull, husbandman, also called a mariner of Boston, m. 1 Dec, 1692, by John Jaylifife, Justice of Peace, Eliz- abeth Price, b. 1664 in Boston, dau. of Richard and Elizabeth (Cromwell) Price, and widow of James Townsend. CHILDREN. 1. Cromwell (4), b. 12 June, 1693, d. 23 June, 1696. 2. Elizabeth (4), b. 19 July, 1695, d. 1706. 3. Joseph (4), b. 18 March, 1697; probably m. 5 April, 1719 at Hull, Elizabeth Phippenney or Phippen. 4. Benj. (4), b. 27 Dec, 1698, a housewright of Hull, d. before Sept., 1747; m. . Had sons: Benj. and Crom- well. Cromwell probably m. 25 Aug., 1741, Mary Harris of Boston. 5. Cromwell (4), b. 3 Dec, 1700; m. Judith Collier 21 Oct., 1726. Residence, Hull. 6. Rebecca m. on 6 Jan., 1731-2, as his third wife, Caleb Loring (3) (John (2), Thomas (1)). He d. 15 Sept., 1756, aged 68 years. She d. in 1766. Children (Loring by name) : 1. Rebecca, b. 29 Dec, 1733; m. Wm. Pooke of England. 2. Caleb, b. 29 March, 1736. 3. Joshua, b. 31 Oct., 1737; m. Miss Floyd at the home of Col. Hatch in Dorchester, Mass., 1769. Resided in Boston. 4. Rachel, b. 29 May, 1740; m. Richard Brad- ford, 1763. 5. Israel, b. 30 Aug., 1741. Resided in Boston. 357 6. Joseph, b. 21 July, 1743. Resided in Boston, 7. Mary, b. 1 July, 1745 ; m. Joseph Sprague of Hingham, son of Benj. and Deborah (Corthell) Sprague. 8. Cromwell, b. 11 May, 1747, d. 1754. 9. Celia, b. 11 April, 1749; m. Peter Sigourney of Boston. WILL OF JOSEPH LOBDELL OF HULL (HUSBANDMAN.) Dated 21 Jan., 1724. Proved by relict Elizabeth, 3 June, 1725. Wife Elizabeth whole of estate for life, if she marry not again ; if she marry, my negro slaves Cose and Kate and £200 in full of her dower. Children, Benjamin, Rebecca and Elizabeth each £200 at age or marriage, in four payments of £50 per annum. Residue of estate to sons Cromwell and Joseph, but eldest son Joseph to have £80 more than the other. Wife Executor. (Suffolk Probate 24-88.) V. Mary, b. 1663, d. 18 Dec, 1744, buried at Copp's Hill, Bos- ton ; m. 4 Dec, 1683, Jonathan Pierce, b. 1661. They resided in Charlestown, where he d. 14 July, 1722. CHILDREN. 1. Mary Pierce (4), b. 4 Sept., 1686; m. 22 Nov., 1707, Isaac Smith of Reading. She d. 1740. 2. Samuel Pierce (4), b. 19 Feb., 1687; m. 5 Feb., 1711, Mehitable Harrise. 3. Jonathan Pierce (4), b. 18 Oct., 1689; "dead born." 4. Jonathan Pierce (4), b. 24 Jan., 1690; m. Mary Webb. 5. Thomas Pierce (4), b. 29 March, 1693, d. young. 6. Joseph Pierce (4), b. 27 Jan., 1694; m. 17 May, 1715, Mary Mellens. 7. Martha Pierce (4), b. 5 Jan., 1696; m. John Steele of Boston. 8. Benj. Pierce (4), b. 30 Sept., 1698; m. Mary . 9. Sarah Pierce (4), bapt. at Cambridge, 28 July, 1699. 10. Elizabeth Pierce (4), b. 29 June, 1700; m. 5 Nov., 1720, Abraham Smith. 11. Isaac Pierce (4), b. 27 June, 1702; m. Agnes Kent. 12. John Pierce (4), b. 23 Dec, 1703; m. first Elizabeth, second Mary Hoppins. 358 Albert Roscoe Stubbs (9) (Charles Ramsdell [8] ) Librarian of the Maine Genealogi- cal Society, Portland, Maine (I'ages 350. 303) Joseph Wescott Lobdell (9) (Isaac [8] ) of Boston, Mass. (Page 370) 13. Jacob Pierce (4), b. 24 Aug., 1705, d. 24 Aug., 1705. 14. Stephen Pierce (4), b. 24 Jan., 1706; m. 20 May, 1728, Elizabeth Rand. Benj. Pierce (the 8th child) m. Mary . He was a housewright. They lived in Stratford, Conn. Children : i. Mary (5), b. 4 April, 1727. 2. Bettee (5), b. 12 June, 1728; m. Ephraim Beers. 3. John (5), bapt. March. 1730. 4. Ruth (5), b. May, 1735. 5. Charity (5), b. April, 1742. 6. Tabitha (5). b. Aug., 1744. (Given by a descendant, H. H. B.) VI. Abigail m. Mr. Street; no record. VII. Rebecca m. in Hull, Mass., Richard Stubbs, b. about 1660 in Hull, son of Richard (1) Stubbs of Hull and Margaret, dau. of Wm. Read of Boston. Mr. Albert Roscoe Stubbs, a director, also Librarian of the Maine Genealogical Society, has kindly given for the work his line of descent from Nicholas Lobden through Rebecca (Lobdell) Stubbs. Richard and Rebecca had — Son, Richard (4) Stubbs, b. in Hull, 10 Jan., 1692, d. in North Yarmouth, Maine, about 1751; m. 16 Feb., 1716, Jael Tower, dau. of Benjamin and Deborah Tower of Hingham. Had— Dau., Hannah (5) Stubbs; m. Philip Greely. Had— Son, Eliphalet (6) Greely; m. Sarah Prince. Had— Son, Philip (7) Greely; m. Dorcas Blanchard. Had— Dau., Ann Matilda (8) Greely, b. 13 March, 1808 at Portland, Me., d. 18 June, 1901 at Portland; m. 30 Sept., 1830 at Portland to John Bundy Brown, b. 31 May, 1805 at Lancaster, N. H., d. 10 Jan., 1881 at Portland, Me. (son of Titus Alcott Brown, a farmer, b. 25 Aug., 1764 at Tolland, Conn., d. 23 Feb., 1855 at Norway, Oxford Co., Me.; m. 16 June, 1794 at Walpole, N. H., Susanna Bundy, b. 19 Dec, 1771 at Walpole, N. H., d. 30 Oct., 1851 at Norway, Me., dau. 359 of Isaac and Sarah (Johnson) Bundy.) Had— John Marshall (9) Brown, "Trustee," of Portland, Me., b. in Portland ; m. in Washington, D. C, Alida Catherine Carroll, dau. of Wm. Thomas and Sally (Sprigg) Carroll. Had— Sally Carroll (10) Brown m. Herbert Payson. Had— John Brown (11) Payson. (Given by Mr. John Marshall Brown.) VHI. "Elizabeth, m. Wm. Perry in 1681 (son of Thomas and Sarah (Stedman) Perry). They settled at Scituate, east of the church hill ; his home stood in what is now Howland's field. He had twelve children, one of whom was Amos who lived near Cor- net's dam. Elizabeth, his dau., was the wife of Bezaleel Palmer and m. secondly Capt. Benj. Tolman and was the grandmother of the respectable family of Copeland. There are descendants in Hanover. Wm. Perry also was owner of a half share in Conihassett with Wm. Holmes in 1646. He left no family on record." (Deane's History of Scituate.) On page 121 of same work. 'Tn 1678 ordered that Wm. Perry of Scituate be released from military duty on account of great wounds received in late war (Narragansett fight). The next year he was allowed £10 from the County Treasury on the same account." IX. A dau. who m, Mr. Lendall, deceased at the time that her father made his will. 360 LINE OF DESCENT OF MR. ALBERT ROSCOE STUBBS OF PORTLAND, MAINE. Nicholas (1) Lobden of Hingham, Mass., 1635, m. Isaac (2) Lobdell of Hull, m. Martha Ward, dau. of Samuel Ward of Hull. Rebecca (3) Lobdell, seventh child of Isaac and Martha (Ward) Lobden of Hull ; m. Richard (2) Stubbs, b. in Hull about 1660, son of Richard (1) and Margaret (Read) Stubbs, who was m. 3 March 1658-9 (dau. of Wm. Read of Boston, Mass. Richard (4) Stubbs, b. in Hull 10 Jan., 1692, d. in N. Yarmouth, Maine, about 1751 ; m. 16 Feb., 1716, Jael Tower, dau. of Benjamin and Deborah Tower of Hingham. Richard (5) Stubbs, b. 19 July. 1717 at Hull, Suffolk Co., Mass., d. 5 July, 1785 at N. Yarmouth, Cumberland Co., Me.; m. 13 Oct., 1739 at N. Yarmouth, Mary Brown, b. 26 Dec, 1718 at Salisbury, Essex Co., Mass., d. at N. Yarmouth., dau. of Abner and Mary (Morse) Brown. Mr. Stubbs was a farmer, resided at North Yarmouth. In religion a Congregationalist. CHILDREN— SIXTH GENERATION. 1. William, bapt. 11 Oct., 1741. 2. Susannah, bapt. 23 Jan., 1743; m. first Bradley, sec- ond True. 3. Richard, bapt. 21 Oct., 1744; m. first Nabby Kought, second Ruth Allen. 4. Samuel, bapt. 15 April, 1750; m. True. 5. John, bapt. 18 July, 1756. 6. Moses, bapt. 28 May, 1758; m. Betsey Noyes. 7. Mercy, bapt. 3 Aug., 1760. 8. Ann, bapt., 7 Nov., 1762; m. Wm. Gofif. 9. Benjamin m. Rebecca Dunbar. 10. Jeremiah m. Jane Bradley True. 11. Abigail. 12. Abner. 361 13. Jonathan m. Joanna Merrill, 14. Jedidiah m. True. 15. Jael m. Thomas Prince. Benj. (6) Stubbs, b. at N. Yarmouth, d. at N. Yarmouth ; m. at N. Yarmouth, Rebecca Dunbar, b. at Falmouth, Me., d. at N. Yarmouth, dau. of Peter and Rebecca (Stubbs) Dunbar. Mr. Stubbs was a sea captain; his residence N. Yarmouth; and in re- ligion, a Congregationalist. CHILDREN— SEVENTH GENERATION. 1. John, bapt. 9 Aug., 1778; m. Abigail Grover. 2. Benjamin, bapt. 6 Nov., 1783; m. Nisy Grover. 3. Charles, bapt. 13 Sept., 1787; m. Nancy Ramsdell. 4. Hipsebah, bapt. 18 July, 1779; m. Titcombe. 5. Phebe, bapt. 8 Aug., 1790; m. William Noyes. 6. Rebecca. Charles (7) Stubbs, b. 30 June, 1787 at N. Yarmouth, d. 3 Feb., 1858 at Portland, Cumberland Co., Maine; m. 18 Feb., 1809 at Marblehead, Essex Co., Mass,, to Nancy Ramsdell, b. 1 Sept., 1790 at Marblehead, Mass., d. 25 Jan., 1874 at Portland, Me., a dau. of James and Margaret (Reddan) Ramsdell. Mr. Stubbs was a blockmaker; resided in N. Yarmouth and Portland. In religion a Baptist; in politics a Democrat. CHILDREN— EIGHTH GENERATION. 1. Octavia Ann, b. 16 March, 1810, d. single, 1 Jan., 1896. 2. Rebecca Dunbar, b. 3 May, 1812; m. James Bryant. 3. Charles Ramsdell, b. 2 April, 1813; m. Almira San- born. 4. Margaret, b. 30 Aug., 1815; m. Wm. Kelly, 5. Annis, b. 25 Aug., 1818, d. 15 March, 1825. 6. Caroline Leah, b. 7 Jan., 1823, d. single, 22 May, 1891. 7. Olive, b. 12 May, 1827, d. 15 Sept., 1836. Charles Ramsdell (8) Stubbs, b. 2 April, 1813 at N. Yarmouth, d, 15 Nov., 1883 at Portland, Me.; m. in June, 1840 at Portland, Me., to Almira Sanborn, b. 3 Aug., 1815 at Harrison, Cumberland Co., Me., d. 3 Jan., 1879 at Portland, Me., dau. of Benjamin and Abigail (Hobbs) Sanborn. Mr. Stubbs was a block-maker; resided at Portland; in religion a Baptist ; in politics, a Democrat. 362 CHILDREN— NINTH GENERATION. 1. Albert Roscoe, b. 15 May, 1841 at Portland, Me.; unmarried. 2. Mary Augusta, b. 1 June, 1843 ; unmarried. 3. Olive Amanda, b. 20 Oct., 1846, d. young. 4. Geo. Ramsdell, b. 21 July, 1848, d. young. 5. Francis Jay, b. 17 Oct., 1852; m. Elizabeth Courtney. ms FIFTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF EBENEZER (4) LOBDELL. FIRST WIFE, LYDIA SHAW. SECOND WIFE, MERCY STANDISH. 1. Isaac. 2. Sarah. 3. Lydia. 4. Ezekiel. 1. Isaac, b. 26 Dec, 1716; m. 24 Feb., 1741, Ruth Clark, dau. of Thomas and Alice (Rogers) Clark. 2. Sarah, b. 4 July, 1719; m. 24 Feb.. 1741, Thomas Loring- of Plympton (Caleb). Thomas was Captain in Revolutionary War of a company of minute men, and afterward joined the Continental army. His son Ezekial m. Hannah Stetson. He was a member of the same company as his father. 3. Lvdia, b. 4 June, 1733 ; m. Samuel Elles of Plymouth, 4 Nov., 1752. 4. Ezekiel ; no record. SIXTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ISAAC (5) AND RUTH (CLARK) LOBDELL. 1. Samuel. 2. Sarah. 3. Deborah. 4. Hannah. 5. Ebene- zer. 6. Isaac. Born at Plympton. 1. Samuel, b. 2 May. 1742, d. unmarried 19 Feb., 1784. 2. Sarah, b. 2 March, 1744; m. first George Bryant, 15 Dec, 1763 ; m. second Mr. Hamlin. 3. Deborah, b. 6 Jan., 1746; m. first Seth Bryant, second Wm. Waterman. 4. Hannah, b. 16 Dec, 1748; m. Job Randall, 15 Feb., 1770. 5. Ebenezer, b. 4 July, 1752, d. 18 Jan., 1805 at Norfolk, Va. ; m. Judith Bumpus, b. 20 June at Wareham, Plymouth Co., Mass., d. 16 Aug.. 1818 at Plympton, dau. of Jeremiah and Judith (Ran- dall) Bumpus. Capt. Ebenezer was captain of a vessel and resided at Plympton. 364 6. Isaac (Captain), b. 5 Oct., 1755, d. 18 June, 1806. Is buried in Stroudwater, Maine, cemetery. He m. 21 Sept., 1776, Polly- Stetson, b. 7 Sept., 1759, d. 26 Nov., 1797, dau. of Caleb and Abigail (Bradford) Stetson, of Scituate, Mass. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF EBENEZER (6) AND JUDITH (BUMPUS) LOBDELL. 1. Mercy, b. 2Z July, 1777, d. 8 Sept., 1831 ; m. Pelham Holmes, Esq. They had a son Pelham who lived in Fall River. 2. Sally, b. 12 Aug., 1779, d. 10 Feb., 1820; unmarried. 3. Judith, b. 13 Oct., 1781 ; m. 23 Sept.. 1800, Wm. Sturtevant, who d. 23 June, 1802. Left one child, Judith Lobdell Sturtevant; m. Zenas Bryant, Jr., who had a dau. — d. young — and two sons, Zenas Francis (9) and Wm. Sturtevant Bryant (9), both married and had children but Wm. S. is the only one living of the two sons. He lives in Middleboro, Mass. 4. Ruth, b. 10 April, 1784; m. 18 Oct., 1804, Zabdiel Sampson, Esq., of Plympton and Plymouth. CHILDREN. 1. Milton Sampson, b. 1805. 2. Eudora Rowland Sampson, b. 1807; m,, 1828, Francis L. Alden of New Bedford. 3. Algernon Sydney Sampson, b. 1809. 4. Marcia Lobdell Sampson, b. 1811; m. 1st John H. Coggshall of New Bedford, 2nd John Hornby of Pough- keepsie. 5. Maria Louise Sampson ; m. Daniel Rickertson of New Bedford. 6. Algernon Sydney Sampson, b. 1815 ; m. Adeline Lom- bard of New Bedford. 7. Ruth Lobdell Sampson, b. 1819; m. Daniel Hathaway of Fairhaven. 8. Dr. Zabdiel Silsbee Sampson, b. 1821 ; m. Helen Bird of Dorchester. His widow and married dau. (Mrs. Park- hurst) resided in or near Providence, R. I. 9. Judith Lobdell Sampson was a twin to 365 10. Nancy Ripley Sampson, who m. James L. Baker of Hingham, son of John and Sarah Lobdell (Loring) Baker. (From Hingham History.) 5. Ebenezer, b. 4 March, 1786, at Plympton ; m. EHzabeth (Fuller) Thomas of Kingston, Mass. They had three sons b. in the old homestead at Plympton where Mr. Lobdell d. after a long illness. 1. Charles H., b. 20 Oct., 1817; d. 22 Dec, 1874; settled in New Bedford, Mass. ; m. Mary Ann Dunbar Bates 28 Nov., 1846. 2. Ebenezer Thomas, b. at Plympton, d. in 1870 at Hart- ford, Conn ; m. Agnes Susan Bennock, dau, of John Ben- nock, b. 1825 at Orono, Maine, d. 1875 at Bangor, Me. Mr. Lobdell was a merchant at Boston, before settling at Hartford, Conn. In 1844 the firm was Lobdell and Howe, doing business at 30 India St. About that time he was also Lieutenant of Artillery at Boston. CHILDREN— EIGHTH GENERATION. 1. James Francis, b. 18 March, 1847 at Boston, Mass.; m. Clara Linabury, b. 29 Dec, 1853, at Pontiac, Mich., dau. of Henry and Frances (Mattison) Lina- bury. Had one dau., b. 6 June, 1874 at Pontiac, Mich., d. 26 April, 1893. Mr. Lobdell is manager of Arcade Hotel at Newton, Kansas. Has a residence at Helper, Utah. 2. John, b. 1849, d. in infancy. 3. Clarence H., b. 1852. 4. Edith, b. 1857; m. Edward Stetson of Bangor, Me. 5. Arthur, b. 1859, d. 1861. 6. Agnes, d. 1863. 7. May, b. 1864, d. 1898. 3. Geo. Walter, settled in Mattapoisett, Mass." 6. Jeremiah, b. 9 May, 1788 at Plympton, d. 21 Nov., 1818 at Plymouth, North Carolina ; m. 30 Nov., 1816 at Kingston, Plymouth Co., Mass., Maria Drew, b. 7 June, 1795 at Kingston, Mass., d. 17 May, 1831 at Kingston, dau. of Stephen Nye and Sylvia (Prince) Drew. They had one son : 1. George Granville, b. 1 Oct., 1817; m. Adeline Wheeler. 7. George Bryant, b. 25 Feb., 1791 ; m. Nancy Pease of New 366 Bedford, and he has descendants living in Plympton, but no answer came to me after writing to those whose names and ad- dresses were given to me. 8. Thomas Jenkins, a twin of Geo. Bryant, d. 8 Dec, 1796. 9. Hannah, b. 8 March, 1794, d. 17 July, 1820. 10. Thomas Jenkins, b. 27 June, 1797; m. first in 1817 Han- nah, dau. of Wm. Sturtevant ; she d. at Boston 3 Oct., 1818, aged 22 years. Is buried in Burial Hill, Plymouth, Mass. Mr. Lobdell m. for his second wife in 1821, Sophia Prentiss, b. at Leominster, Mass., 1 Sept., 1796, d. 27 Oct., 1864, dau. of Charles and Sophia (Gardner) Prentiss. Thomas J. Lobdell was, in 1821, Major of Artillery at Boston, Mass., and manufactured the first calico prints made in this country and later a merchant in the East India trade. Children, b. in Boston : 1. Sophia, b. 1822, d. unmarried 29 May, 1852. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 died young. 8. Elizabeth Salesbury, b. 1835, d. 1881 single. 9. Annie Louise, b. 1837; m. 1863, Lieut. Ellis Loring Motte of Boston, a lawyer — graduate of Harvard College, 1859. Was a soldier in the Civil War; enlisted 13 Dec, 1862 and mustered 3 Jan., 1863, First Lt., 13th battery Mass. light artillery; resigned 9 March, 1864. CHILDREN. 1. Margaret Berrion Motte, b. Boston, 1866; m. 1894, Russell Sargeant of New Haven. 2. Mellish Irving Motte of Boston (b. 1868), electrical engineer, graduate of Harvard College, 1892. (John Gibson and his descendants.) NINTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF GEORGE GRANVILLE (8) AND ADELINE (WHEELER) LOBDELL. 1. Maria Drew. 2. Wm. Wheeler. 3. Anna Prince. 4. Eliz- abeth Prince. 5. Geo. Granville. 6. Carolyn Wheeler. 7. Flor- ence Delano. 8. Alice Dike. 9. Howard White. 10. Addie Wheeler. 1. Maria Drew, b. 15 Dec, 1842; m. John Wagstaff Huxley. 2. Wm. Wheeler, manufacturer of car wheels at Wilmington, 367 Delaware, was b. 25 Feb., 1844 at Wilmington; m. 8 Nov., 1866 at Wilmington, Emma Deane Jones, b. 24 April, 1842 at Wilming- ton, dau. of Washington and Margaret W. (Rice) Jones. CHILDREN— TENTH GENERATION. 1. Margaret Jones, b. 20 July, 1868. 2. Emma Delano, b. 13 Oct., 1870; m. Dr. Charles M. Allmond. 3. Wm. Wheeler, Jr., b. 23 Aug., 1873, d. 14 Aug., 1874. 4. Howard White, b. 3 Feb., 1876, d. 14 Dec, 1879. 5. Herbert Drew, b. 17 Oct., 1878, d. 3 Jan., 1880. 6. Carolyn Wheeler, b. 23 March, 1882. 3. Anna Prince, b. 19 Sept., 1845, d. 31 July, 1847. 4. Elizabeth Prince, b. 24 Aug., 1847, d. 28 Aug., 1855. 5. Geo. Granville, b. 16 July, 1850; m. Eva Wollaston. 6. Carolyn Wheeler, b. 17 Dec, 1851; m. Wm. Gideon Jones. 7. Florence Delano, b. 5 Feb., 1854; m. Harry Degan Zeigler. 8. Alice Dike, b. 19 Jan., 1856; unmarried. 9. Howard White, b. 25 Dec, 1857, d. 1 Dec, 1867. 10. Addie Wheeler, b. 5 Oct., 1860; m. Wm. Seawan. SEVENTH GENERATION. CHILDREN OF ISAAC (6) AND POLLY (STETSON) LOBDELL. 1. Abigail. 2. Nancy. 3. Stetson. 4. Mary Gray. 5. De- borah. 6. Isaac. 7. Marcia. 8. Charles. 9. Edward Gray. 1. Abigail, b. 26 July, 1777, d. 29 April, 1828 at Minot, Maine; m. Oakes Sampson of Plympton. 2. Nancy, b. 20 Nov., 1779, d. 11 Dec, 1846; m. Rev. EHsha Moseley of New Gloucester by Caleb Bradley, 27 Oct., 1812. 3. Stetson, b. 1 April, 1782; m. 3 Sept., 1815, Betsey Gordon of Portland. Settled in Philadelphia. He d. 15 Dec, 1854. 4. Mary Gray, b. 16 Aug., 1784; m. 22 Aug., 1803 by Caleb Bradley to Joshua Shaw. He was a hat maker at Stroudwater, Maine ; removed with his family to Philadelphia in 1814, where he continued the same business. He d. 27 July, 1820, in his 40th year. She d. 13 Dec, 1833. 5. Deborah, b. 27 Sept., 1786; m. 25 May, 1813 by Caleb Brad- ley to Godfrey Malbone, son of Seth and Abigail (Keyes) Gros- 368 venor of New Gloucester. Had a settlement in Minot, Maine, where a dau. Lucia Williams was b. 1821, m, Mr. Humphrey and d. in Buffalo, N. Y., 1877. 6. Isaac, b. 17 May, 1789; m. Charlotte Pratt, b. 1791 or 3 at Cape Elizabeth, dau. of Zenas and Nancy (Thomas) Pratt of Cape E. They resided at Westbrook, Me., or at Stroudwater vil- lage. Both are buried in the cemetery at Stroudwater. He d. 31 July, 1832, aged 44. She, 27 Feb.. 1840, aged 47 or 49. CHILDREN— EIGHTH GENERATION. 1. Theodore, b. Oct., 1807. Was killed in the Civil War. 2. Ann m. Vernon Dunbar of Virginia. 3. Isaac, b. 25 May, 1811 at Westbrook, Me., d. 12 Nov., 1890 at Pownal, Me.; m. 7 Oct., 1834 at Cape Elizabeth to Sarah Jordon Wescott, b. 30 Jan., 1812 at Cape E., d. 15 Nov., 1898 at Pownal, dau. of Col. Joseph Wescott and his wife Betsey Jordon. 4. Charles, b. 12 Feb., 1815; m. Lucinda Waterhouse. 5. Mary m. Morton Jennings. 6. Edward, b. 26 May, 1817, d. unmarried 187—. 7. Elizabeth Gordon m. Samuel M. Brown. 7. Marcia, b. 12 April, 1797; m. 21 Nov., 1816, Jacob Hill, admitted to the bar at Augusta, Me. ; settled in Minot, being the first lawyer to take residence in that town. She d. 11 April, 1830. 8 and 9. Twins, Charles and Edward Gray, b. TH Oct., 1799. Charles d. 9 Aug., 1801. Edward d. 3 days old. (For part of the record of the line of Capt. Isaac and Polly (Stetson) Lobdell I have had assistance from the Maine His- torial and Genealogical Recorder. Also I copy the following from same: "Capt. Lobdell d. 18 June, 1806; his wife continued to occupy the homestead at Stroudwater for several years, but before 1820 she removed to Minot, where her home was the mecca of children and grandchildren until her death, 3 Sept., 1843." CHILDREN OF ISAAC AND SARAH J. (WESCOTT) LOBDELL. 1. Marcia H. 2. Lydia C. 3. Charlotte. 4. Prentiss. 5. Clara B. 6. Joseph W. 7. Grosvenor. 8. Frank. 1. Marcia Hill, b. 19 Aug., 1835, d. 10 Feb., 1861. 369 2. Lydia Cummings, b. 13 April, 1839; m. Charles B. Deane. 3. Charlotte, b. 4 June, 1841, d. 19 July, 1898. 4. Prentiss, b. 22 Sept., 1844 at Durham, Maine, d. 30 Sept., 1898 at Chelsea, Mass. ; m. 20 Oct., 1869 at Newberryport, Essex Co., Mass., Elizabeth Cone Bartlett, b. 5 Aug., 1846 at Newberry- port, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah (Shute) Bartlett. Mr. Lobdell was a direct descendant of Gov. Bradford and had an honorable army record, having volunteered in Co. A first battalion 17th U. S. regulars, early in 1861, served through all the campaigns of the army of the Potomac, and was mustered out in 1865. Is buried at Pownel, Me. Children : 1. Horace Mannard, b. 7 Aug., 1870 at Chelsea, Mass.; m. . Resides at Chelsea. Is an electrical engineer. Has one little son, Roger Wescott, b. Feb., 25, 1906. 2. Sarah Bartlett, b. 4 Feb., 1872 ; m. Charles Danforth Ilsley. 3. Samuel, b. 23 Sept., 1873. 4. Jessie, b. 12 Oct., 1874. Is the violinist of the Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra. 5. Geo. Stetson, b. 22 Feb., 1879. 6. Hazel Agnes, b. 11 July, 1882. 7. Elizabeth Plummer, b. 18 July, 1889. 5. Clara Bliss, b. 30 March, 1847. 6. Joseph Wescott, b. 7 May, 1850 at Pawnel, Me. ; m. 27 April, 1891, Harriet E. Dennis, b. 17 Dec, 1860 at Salem, Mass., d. 22 April, 1892 at Boston, Mass., dau. of Devereaux and Harriet Ellen (West) Dennis. One little son was b. 13 April, 1892, who d. an infant. Mr. Lobdell was educated with the intention of following the law, but came to Boston and entered into business when 19 years of age. After 17 years of commercial life, desiring to see the world, travelled extensively in foreign countries. After re- turning to his native land he entered business as stock broker on State St., Boston. 7. Grosvenor, b. 6 May, 1855 at Pawnal, Me. ; unmarried. Re- sides at 41 Pinckney St., Boston, Mass. 8. Frank, b. 13 Jan., 1858. 370 FOUR GENERATIONS Isaac Lobdell (S) (Isaac [7] ) (lSll-1890) of Pownal. Maine (Page r.r.O) rRENTISS LoliDELL (9) (Isaac [8] ) (18J4-1S98) uf Chelsea. Mass. (I'a.w .".70) Il01{A< E MAYXARD L()1!I)KIJ, (10) (Prentiss [9] ) of Chelsea. Mass. (Page 370) Roger Wescott Lobdell (11) (Horace M. [10] ) (Page 370) COPY OF ITEMS FOUND IN SUFFOLK CO., MASS., PRO- BATE RECORDS, AND ALSO BOSTON RECORDS. Administration on estate of Joseph Lobdell of Hull, gent., 28 May, 1773, granted to Nicholas Lobdell of Boston, mariner, who gave as sureties Benjamin Loring of Boston, silversmith, and Caleb Loring of Boston, feltmaker. Suff. Probate 72-584. Administration on estate of Nicholas Lobdell of Boston, inn- holder 30 Mar., 1789, to his widow Agnes, who gave as sureties, Isaac and Erasmus Pierce. Suff. Probate 88-119. Dower set off to the widow of Nicholas Lobdell 12 Aug., 1790. Committee all of Hull and apparently the lands there located. Suff. Probate 89-670. Nicholas m. Agnes Pierce, Boston 1764. Kept tavern at Minot's Wharf. Rebecca L. m. Caleb Loring of Hull, 1732. John Loring (son of John and Elizabeth (Baker) Loring of Hull), b. 15 Jan., 1707: m. 18 Sept., 1729, Elizabeth or Experience Lobdell and was afterward of North Yarmouth, Maine. (His- tory of Hingham.) Administration of estate of Joseph Lobdell, late of Boston, inn- holder, granted to widow Sarah, who gave as surety Simon Hall, joiner, and Erasmus Peirce, distiller, both of Boston, 1 Aug., 1787. Suff. Probate 86-410. John, son of Isaac and Mirriam (James) Pierce, m. Mrs. Sarah Lobdell, Boston, Dec. 29, 1791, by Rev. Sam'l Stillman. (Boston Records.) Daniel, son of Joseph and Content (Tower) Souther of Hing- ham, b. 13 Aug., 1737; m. Judith Lobdell. He was known as Cap- tain. Was town treasurer several years and a man of prominence, especially during the War of the Revolution. He d. 1797 aged 70 years. (History of Hingham.) Guardianship of Sarah and Joseph Lobdell, children under fourteen, children of Joseph Lobdell, late of Boston, mariner, to Joshua Eaton, of Boston. 13 Sept., 1790. 89-605. WORCESTER PROBATE— Hannah Lobdell, late of Boston, now resident in Sutton, will dated 1 Nov., 1775. Effects in Boston 371 to be divided between my cousins, viz. : Lydia Snowdon and Mehitable Greenleaf both of Boston, except my chair with wheels, which to cousin Mary Nothe of Lynn. Kindness of Mary, wife of Rev. Eben. Chaplin of Sutton and her children, Mary, Sarah, Aaron, Morse. Filed 28 May, 1778. Statement by Rev. Mr. Chap- lin that the estate is insolvent. (No. 37599.) 81103. Indenture between Benj. Lobdell of Hull, laborer, and Cromwell Lobdell of Hull; said Benj. for £13-6-8 gives receipt in full of one-half of two-thirds of £200 given by his grandfather, Joseph Lobdell of Hull in his will to his father Benj., deceased, and all my rights in 22 acres in Hull as given me by will of my father. 2 Sept., 1752. 81103. Same to Joseph Lobdell; same date. 118-150. Indenture — Joseph Lobdell of Hull, yeo., to Nicholas Lobdell of Boston, innholder; mtg. of land in Hull, Joseph is -indebted £200 to Nicholas. 16 Jan., 1771. 103-170. Thomas, John, Jona., Wm., and Moses Collier, John and Jane Doane, Thomas and Susanna Copeland, Mary Spear, Cromwell and Judith Lobdell, all the true heirs of Gershom Collier of Hull, gent., deceased; division of two-thirds his estate. 21 March, 1753. (Cromwell and Judith Collier married 1726.) 85-176. Henry Price of Boston, gent., for £18-13-0 sells to Jos. Lobdell, gent., a house there. 14 May, 1754. Wife Mary Price releases. 125-261. Mary Lobdell, widow of Hull for £12 sells to David Louther of Hull, gent., all right and dower in estate which my late husband, Cromwell Lobdell, died seized of. 2 May, 1774. (Mary Harris married Cromwell Lobdell 1741.) (Daniel Louther b. 1727; m. at Hull, Judith Lobdell.) 73-191. Whereas Joseph Lobdell of Hull dec'd by his last will, etc., left to Joseph Lobdell of Hull, one-half his estate and one- half to Cromwell Lobdell, both of Hull, they paying the legacies. Division between sd Jos. and Cromwell. Jos. has the home lot. 14 Apr., 1747. 73-193. Cromwell Lobdell and wife Mary, to Jos. 15 Apr., 1747. See above. 73-195. Joseph Lobdell of Hull ; division between him and Cromwell as in 73-191. Cromwell has mansion house. 15 Apr., 1747. 372 9t)-67. Judith Lobdell of Hull, "sempstriss," for £19 sells to liphraim Bosworth of same, gent., 2j/^ common rights, it being five-ninths of all the undivided lands belonging to one allotment. Mary Lobdell, widow, surrenders right of dower in same. 6 May, 1757. 95-36. Cromwell Lobdell of Hull, yeo., for £31-10-0 sells to Ephraim Bosworth, minister of Hull, land on Great Brewster Is., being V/^ lots of the 34 on the island. 18 Apr., 1740. 26-242. Joseph Lobdell, mariner, and w. Eliy'b., Sam'l Binney, husbandman, and w. Rebecca, Benj. Loring, husbandman, and w. Anna, all of Hull, and sd. Ely'b., Rebecca and Anna being daughters of Ely'b. Vickre sometime Ely'b. Price, dau. of Capt. Thomas Cromwell, to Wm. Brown of Boston. Mch., 1712. 186-78. Sarah Lobdell's estate to Dan. Loring. 1797. 125-261. Mary Lobdell to Dan. Louther, right of dower in es- tate of Cromwell Lobdell. 1774. 188-137. Caleb Clapp of Boston, mtg. to Agnes Lobdell. 1797. 67-2W7. Cromwell Lobdell surety for bail of Thos. Gains, from Gaines and wife. 1749. 22-44. Martha Ballard, widow, of Boston, daughter of Robert Knight, whose widow Anne m. John Jollifife, release of dower to Jos. and Ely'b. Lobdell, Binney et als., heirs of Capt. Cromwell, in estate sold by them. 1704. 85-176. Henry Price, to Jos. Lobdell, land in Hull. 1754. 137-232. Benj. Loring and w. Eunice, to Nicholas Lobdell, mariner of Hull, land in Hull. 1782, 138-31. Caleb Loring of Hull to Nicholas Lobdell, mariner of Hull, land in Hull, 1783. 21-304. Isaac Lobdell et als., proprietors of Further's Hill at Hull, to Israel Nicolo. 1696. 21-307. John Lobdell et als., proprietors of Further's Hill. 1697. 9-314. Estate of John Lobdell to S. Shore-Hull. 23-98. John Lobdell to John Benny, Cartway. Hull, 1706. 92-46. Judah or Judeth Lobdell, single woman, to Jos, An- drews, State Island, Hull, 1757. She also sells to John Loring and Ephraim Bosworth. 1757 and 1760. Above shows the genealogical material in the deeds, Boston marriages to 1800: 29 Dec, 1791, John Pierce to Sarah Lobdell, by Rev, Sam Stillman, 373 Intentions — John Gaines and Martha Lobdell, 22 Dec, 1745, Intentions — John Milton and Rebecca Lobdell, 20 May, 1746. Intentions — Lawrence Clee and Sarah Lobdell, 21 May, 1736. Intentions — John Steele and Abigail Lobdell, 15 May, 1696. Intentions — Joseph Smith and Mary Lobdell, 23 Jan., 1700. 1710 Agnes Lobdell was innholder on Congress St. 1764-8 Capt. Nicholas Lobdell was approbated by the selectmen as an innholder, he having hired the tavern at Minot's Wharf. Joseph Lobdell lived in Boston 1695. Born — Sarah to Samuel and Sarah Lobdell, 19 Nov., 1710. Born — Isaac to Samuel and Sarah Lobdell, 6 July, 1715. Nicholas Lobden was burned out in the great Boston fire, 1760. (Boston Records.) Copied: "John Lobden of the parish of Harley in Devonshire and Ann Hetton of London, both of Great Britain, will marry, 1716." 374 linbcx IISrDEX vEmbracing Christian names of descendants of " Simon Lob- dell," of Milford, Conn. Also names of others, than Lobdell. The figures after the names refer to the page. PAGE ABEL, Alger Arthur 147 Charles 147 Gretta Belle 147 Ileury 147 Mary Ames 147 Ransom Mansfred 147 ABEAL. Georgianna SO ABBOTT, Bailey 285 Charles A 238 Elizabeth 254 Ella 199 Frank 199 Henry 199 .roel 2.54 Joshua 199 Mary 199 Sarah Elizabeth 254 ADAMS, Almira L 59 Henry 293 Morgan 60 ADDIS, Alex. Lobdell 128 Barharie West 128 Emerson Chester 128 Emerson Wesley 128 Harriet Waters 128 Marjorie 128 ADKINS, Charlotte Griffen 303 .Teanette 803 Norris 303 ALDEN, John 239 ALLAINE, Celestia 92 Lillie Marie 100 Marie Rosette C 91 Mrs. Sarah T 96 Theopite Pierre 99 Villeneuve Francois 99,100 ALLEN, Peleg 45 ALLYN, John 169 ALONSON, Wallace 187 AKIN, T. W 233 ALVORD, Alfred 268 Anna 267 Annie 267 Bertha 268 Carrie 267 Chauucev Clark 267 Hart 261 Clark Leander 268 PAGE Eduar A 262 268 Edwin Clark 262 Eliza Chloe 267 Frances 268 Frank 268 Frederick 268 Harriet E. (Mrs.) 261,262 U 268 xxarry C 268 Henry Chauncey 268 Herl)ert Markham 268 Joseph H 262 Hart 267 Jerome Lobdell 268 Lillie 268 Mav Emma 268 Miiinie 268 Raymond 2r8 ALYEA, Peter 27 AMBLER, Henry 236 Huldah 139 John L 231 Timothy 236 ANDERSON, Charles Henry 235 Helen 66 Laura E. Gilpin 235 William F 235 ANDREWS, Selden 193 ANDRUS, Anna 220 Benjamin 220 Dency 60 Freelove Milliman 220 ANSTRESS, Harriett 169 ARGENSINGER, Albert 103 ARMSTRONG, Joseph 337 Lillie 1.50 Mercy Ann Olney 150 William Henry 150 ARNOLD, Abigail E .309 Amos 309 Harriet M 309 Mary L .309 Samantha M .309 Stuckley 309 Sidney .314 ASCHENBACH, Walter J 132 ATKINS, Cordelia M 72 11 INDEX PAGE Edmond S 71,72 Edward F 71 Elisha 65 Elrov P 71 Emma F 71 Francis 65, 71 Frank A 71 Frederick 71 Mary Wilsey 65 Theodore 71 AUSTIN. Adeline 287 Beniamin 276, 287 Charles W 178 Daniel 287 PAGE Fanny C 271 Francis T 270 Julia A 271 Martha 287 Mary 287 Lobdell 287 Nancy Lane «. . Stephen 270 Stuart 84 William 276 AYERS, Czarina Louise C2 John 139 William Hamilton 63 AYLSWORTH, Harriet S. (widow) 275 B BABCOCK. Lorinda Chapin 67 Mary 123 William Chapin 64 BACON. Andrew J 282 David 282 Julia 282 John C. Fremont 282 BAILEY, Cornelius 52 Deborah 39.109 Eliza Delia 61 Jacob 39 Mary 39 Mary Polly 109 Sarah 48 Thomas, Sr 109 Thomas. Jr 109 BAKER, Aaron 66 Cassins 310 Cornelius 66 Cynthia 66 Dunois 74 Eliza Eliza Delia Elizabeth Reed 311 Frederick 310 Gertrude 74 Israel 65, 74 Josiah 191 Loren 310 Marjjraret Niess 284 Martin 284 Martha M 284 Mary B 310, 312 Mr 42 Polly 191,194 Princess Ann 74 Purdy 115, 140 BALDWIN, Abel 304 Betsey 304 Boyle" V B 304 Carrie A 62 Chapman 62 Chloe 304 Chloetilda 304 Daniel 14 Daristus 210 Edward Young bc Ernest Ablert SO ElLiah 2ri9. 3r4 Henry 1 39 Jerjah 21 .Josephine 80 Laura 139 Lillian Ballard 80 Lucy Nichols 62 Lucilla 62, 63 Mary 21 Mary Ingersol 21 Paul 304 Phoebe 304 Polly 304 Rheuma N 62 Sallie 80 Sherman Smith 304 Thomas 80 Thomas E (Judge) 80 BALL, Mary Grace 77 Wallace 78 BANCROFT. Edith 145 BANKER. Samuel 108 BANKS. Frederick Clayton 132 General 96 Gould Nichols 132 Lizzie 132 Parmelia 139 BARHITE. Andrew 255 Mary Dies 2.55 William 255 BARKER. Ruth 313 BARKUFF. James Addison 208 Henrietta Pulver 208 Laura Etta 208 Ravmond Addison 208 Robert 208 BARLOW. Abigail 258,302 Nehemiah 2.58 BARNARD. Mary 314 BARNES. Albert C 188 Fannv Gates 188 Elijah 173 Capt. Joseph 43 Leiand 188 Lewis 273 Lucy Hunter 173 Nancy 173, 174 Retta 324 Roland 188 William M 188 BARNETT, Dr. C. A 145 BARNUM. Annis 264 Clara Northrup (Lobdell) 21 Elizabeth 19 Elijah 260.263 INDEX 111 PAGE tCmily Keene 265 B^rank Mortimer 265 Harriet 264 Herman 264 Henry G., Sr 264 Henry G., Jr 264 Jolia 2(50, 264 Joseph M 205 Lucius Russell 265 Nathaniel 302 Orra 264 P. T., II 264 P. T., Ill 264 Starr 264 Temperance Nichols 260 Turner 263 Zeruah 200 BARR, Bvaline 149 BARRETT, Antoinette 248 Ira 248 Thurza 248 BARROWS, D. M 254 Mary 254 Charles 254 BARTON, Czarina Young 03 BARTLEMAN, David 207 Mary E 207 Mary E. Stacy 207 BARTHOLOMEW, Claudius 210 Rev. John 315 BARTLETT, Bascom 225 Ira 225 Luther 225 Sophia Celia 225 Walter 225 BASS, Lawrence, Sr 81 Lawrence, Jr 81 Volney 81 BASSETT, Hiram C 197 Elizabeth Warren 197 Mary E 197 Orilla 319 BASSLER, Benjamin 74 Benjamin P 74 Cyrus W 74 Elizabeth 74 Ellen P 74 Eva G 74 Josiah 74 Jennie A 74 Lottie L 74 Menzo 1 74 Minnie Princess 74 Nellie M 74 Peter J 74 William D 74 BATES, Ann 236 Benjamin 236, 238 Cora B 238 Delia Elizabeth 238 Eliza 236 Frances Burr 238 Hanford 231,236 Helen 234 Henry 236 Jennie N 238 Joshua 308 Lucy 308 Melissa 308 PAGE Moses 308 Nathan 231 236, 237 Nancy 236 Ruth 231,237 BATTLES, James 162 Emma 162 BAXTER, Samuel 233 William Pettit 193 BEACH, Rev. John 20,96 BEARDSLEY, Alta Chase 303 Almira 303 Capt. Charles 26 Le Grand 303 BEARDSLBE, Margaret Matilda... 146 Charles J 146 Emily Bonker 146 BEATT Y, Charles H 335 Daniel 335 Daniel Vosburg .3.35 Frank W .335 Josephine 335 Martlia B .335 BECK, La Fayette 283 Maggie M 283 Maria Theresa 283 BEDELL, Ephraim 139 BEEM, Aaron 334 BELL, James 326 BELDEN, John M 250 BEDDING, Sarah 19 BENEDICT, Hannah 19,22 Joseph 10 Mary Bridgum 14 Mary Ann 248 Rebecca 19, 216 Sarah Maria 248 Thomas 14, 19 William Edward 248 BENNETT, Aaron 241, 243 Aaron M 242 Albert H 243 Alvira 243 Betsey 241 Betsev Ann 243 Charley 243 Charles .B 242 Ezra M 243 Frederick H 242 George H 242 George Henry 243 George L 243 George M 242 Harriet 132 Henry 241 Joel 243 John Henry 242 Joseph 243 Knight 64 Lois O 66,75 Martha 242 Mary E 242 Matthew 239 Moses W 242 Noah 242 Pauline 243 Sarah E 242, 243 Sherman 243 INDEX PAGE BERRY, Carl "m BERTRAND, Anua Prances Lobdell 101 Audra 101 Luciau 101 Suzette (Treadon) 101 BENSON, Edward G 301 BEVERLY, Olive ISl, 187 Jesse 181 BILLINGTON, Louis 102 Thomas 102 BIRCH, Susan 268 BIRD, Angelina 91, 93 Clarence W 209 .Tames 269 John 93 John W 269 Laura C 269 Myra A 269 — Wilson 269 BIRDSALL, Alice 280 Amy J. Doa.ue 130 Andrew J . . . : 130, 280 Emily 280 Georse 280 Jacob 130.280 William 280 BISHOP. Amos 264 Elmer L 71 BLACKMER, Mary 06, 75 BLAIDSELL, Harriet 84, 80 .Joseph 86 BLAIN. Elizabeth 26 Katherine Wiesuer 2() Thomas 26 BLANCH ARD, Amos Foster 228 Arthur Foster 228 Betsey Foster 228 Isaac 228 Mattie Jane 228 BLOOMER, Charles M 134 BLISS, Harriet Pratt Clark 320 Leonard 320 Parson Donald -320 Kate Lobdell 319 Capt. William Donald .320 BLUE, Dr. John 149 John 149 Ludell 149 Nellie Cleveland 149 Sarah Mercer 149 BLUMENAUR, Mary Jane 129 Paul 129 BOGG, Rev. Edward B 109 BOGGIB, Henry C 34 BOHN, Adam N 90 Charles L 90 Hazel 90 BOONE, Florida 234 BOOTH, Capt 210 BORGHGHORT, Henrich 96 BORGGHORDT, Conrad 96 BOSS, Salinda 192 PAGE BOSTWICK, Ann Smith 302 Cynthia 302 Eliza 302 Frances .302 Rev. Gideon 30, 4.5, 79 Laura Emma 302 Levi, Sr 302 Levi. Jr .302 Lewis 302 Nelson 302 Prudence 2G0, 302 BOUCHER, Henrietta 74 BOUGHTON, Abigail 2.58 Ebenezer 2.58 Eleazer ;j!) Elizal)eth Seymour 30 Ellen M 236 Enos 141 ^>,^ Frances .50 ^*J Hannah 148 Hannah Waterbury 142 Hezekiah 141, 142 Jared 141 Levi 112 Lucius ."'O Patience 258 Rhoda 2.30 Ruth .39, 142 BOURDON, Carrie V 30 H. L 30 W. H 30 BOWER, Adam 136 Daniel 136 Priscilla 137 Sarah Conrad VM BOWERMAN, Hannah 46 BOWMAN, Isaac Elias 280 Julius Frary 28ii Mrs. Matilda 285 Ward Myron 286 BOYER, John 102, 173 BRACKENRIDGE, William Alger- non 272 BRADEN, Jane Eliza Baxter 127 John Augustus 127 Marv Louise 127 Sarah 127 BRADY, Bertha 250 Mary Eliza 337 Laura G 148 Louisa Hyatt 148 Stephen 148 BRADFORD, Charles Lobdell 1.55 Eva, Mrs 93 Henry L 339 Josiah 155 Marion Lobdell 153 Mary Elizabeth 1.55 Theron 155 Wm., Gov 155 Wm. Josiah 155 BRADLEY, Cora B 133 David 133 Eunice ^ 214,219 Ezekiel, Sr 219 Ezekiel. Jr 219 Frances 133 Hannah (Sherwood) 21 Hattie 133 INDEX PAGE John 21 Joseph Burr 1 132 Joseph Burr II 132 Joseph Burr HI 132 Lewis 219 Mary 219 Mary Galletta 133 Mary Taylor 133 Mr. — 258 Nathan 258 Ruth 21, 219, 258 Sarah 133 Sarah Eleanor 133 BRICKER, Elizabeth 175, 178 BRIGGS, Daniel 121 George H 121 Sally 123 Susan Elizabeth 121 Wm. Townsend 106, 121 BRIGHAM, Betsey Ann 221 Eunice Jane 221 BRINKERHOFF, Benj. F 12t5 Charles Elbert 125 Georgianna 126 James Elbert 125 BRISTOL, Samuel Segbert 125 Grace 304 BRISTON, Darius 260 BROCKWAY, Mary E 60 BROKAW Brothers 125 BROMLEY, Agnes 309 Alice 309 Almeda 309 Barton 308 Celestia 308 Charity 309 Charles B 309 Earl 308 Edward 307, 308 Ella 308 Gideon 309 Henry Barton 308 Jeanette 308. 309 Josephine 308, 309 Lewis 309 Loren 308 Lucinda 309 Lucy 309 Marcus 309 Martin 309 Melvin 308 Merton 309 Moses 309 Phoebe 309 Rufus C ^ 308 Sabra Hewitt 309 Sherman 308 Silas W 309 Varnum 309 BRONSON, Lydia 229 ■ Levi, Rev 229 Maria C 102 BROOKS- David, Rev 15 Euos 15 BROUSSARD, Caroline 91 P 91 Sophia Broussard 91 BROWN, Abbie Louise McClagg 155 Abigail 116 Ambrose Seymour 146 PAGE Andrew Jesse 155 ^^a 116 Arline Henrietta 155 B- F 335 Beruice Luretta 315 Chloe 39 Chloe Elizabeth 134 Clarissa Margaret 134 Charles S 146 Darius 134 Eliza1)eth 84, 137 Emma 1 87 Frances Lobdell 153 Helen Cecil 315 Jacob 146 James B 86 Jennie 149 Joseph Judson 147 Joseph W 315 Lewis Frederick 315 Lillie M 146 Lottie 87 Mary II6 Mary Caroline 34, 109 Mary Emma 315 M. J 87 Mary Kline 146 Maud Gertrude 315 Minnie Melissa 147 Nathan 39, 109, 115 Olive L 87 Orau Kline 146 J. C, Rev 167 Robert McCagg 155 Robert Patterson 155 Samuel 109 Susan Ann 109, 116 - Susanna 109 Sarah Stoddard 315 Sarah Williamson 134 Thomas 109, 116, 134 Willard 315 Wm. Charles 146 Brown & Upton 195 BROWNELL, David 52 Hannah M 52, 55, 57, 59 BRUNER, Eleanor Michael 338 James B 338 Henry 333 BRUSH, Charlotte 125 Deborah 107 John 107 Rebecca 107 Robert 105 BRYANT, Betsey 259 Cora 199 BUCK. Abijah H 222 Abigail H., Mrs 2I8 Andrew 218, 219, 222 Anson ' 218 Betsey Ann 222 Cornelius Henry 222 Gould 219 Hannah Burritt 219 Ida Mahala 222 Jeanette 218 Mahala Trowbridge 222 Martha Jane 222 Mary Ann 222 Nathan 222 Nathan Abijah 222 — Lobdell 222 Sarah 222 Sarah Hawley 222 Wilmot Andrew 222 VI INDEX PAGE BUCKINGHAM. Byrum Botsford... ?.0i Frederick o72 51 51 51 51 51 FELLOWS, David • Emily Miranda 51 Isaac Clark John (Col.) Joseph Hiram Lydia Ann Rose Ellen Sabrina Jane Wm. Abram FELTON, Charles 309 Edgar 309 JfisoQ 309 Moses 309 FERGUSON. Elvira .'',21 George A 2.38 Hannah 1G9 FERRIS, Amanda 138 Wm 323 FIELD, Athalanah 114 Betsey 114 Chloe 114 Deborah 39 Elizabeth Vail 109 Isaac 39, 109, 114, 115, 139 Joseph 115 Nathan 115 Nathan 109 Phoebe 114 Sally 114 Solomon 109 FINCH, Cornelia 45, 4G, 47, 61 James Madison 59 Smith 59 FINNY, Melissa 144 Joel 144 FISCHER, Otto 29 FISH, Abigail 144 Caroline 325 Marshal B 326 FISHER, Caroliue Cregier 151 Edward S 151 Grace N 151 Guy C 151 Samuel 151 PAGE FISK. Amos 55 Clara M 17(3 Clyde W .' 175 Edith Marion 55 Eliza Beswick 175 Emma B 176 Frank M 176 Fred J 55 Frederick 175 Harry D 17(5 James 175 Nancy 170 FITCH, Agnes Jones 250 Arthur Treat 250 Edward Sherman 249 Ethel Chauncy 250 Frances 250 Harriet Robinson 250 Harry Sherman 2.50 Helen Elizabeth 250 Maria Louise 2.50 Richard Heurv 250 Samuel 2.50 Sarah M. Jones 249 Sherman Piatt 249 FRANCE Martha A 103 FRAY, John L 245 FRAZIER, Eliza (widow) 286 Martha W. Chaffee 291 Martha 291 Wm. M 291 FREAR, James S 55 James Stanley 55 Lester 55 Rufus S 55 FREDERICKS, Catherine Boyland. 179 Nancy E 179 Peter 179 FRENCH, Claudius B. (Sr.) l.-)2 Claudius B. (Jr.) 152 George L 270 John 152 Mary 152 FREEMAN, Ida 167 FRIER, Edward 245 FRISBEE, Jennie 2.37 FROST, Almira 134 FOOT. Betsey ,304 Laura ;!04 Sarah 239 FORCE. F. W 2.36 FOSTER, Aikins (Judge) 146 FOWLER, Ruth 211 FOX, Susie B 114 G GAFFE Y, James Rumsey 132 Lenora Runy on 132 Lillie Belle 1.32 Mildred Harriet 132 Ralph Lobdell 132 Ruth Hyle 132 Samuel John 132 GAGE, Carrie Louise 131 Clarence C 131 Daniel 246 Edith Grace 131 Eliza Lobdell 288 Emily Paulina 288 Bnos T 199 George Moses 288 Lena May 131 Lyman J 155 Orrin B 131 Sarah Jane 288 INDKX XI PAGE Sarah Sirene 131 Stephen Jurlson 277, 288 Wilson Pennock 288 Wm 131 GAIZE, Ruth 78 CANNING, Joseph 139 GARDINEER, Evaline 103 GARDNER, Ausrnsta M 290 Harriet Jerusha 58 Joseph A 58 Susan Elizabeth 59 Wm. W 58 GARRETT. Katherine 227 Liicv McMillen 227 Wm 227 GASSLIN, Elizabeth B 102 GATES. Amos 326 Earl Ephraim 328 Emma M 326 Mattie M 326 Matilda A. Seward 326 Polly Jones 326 Russell 326 GAY, Alma 92 GAYLORD. Ann M 12 — Capt 166 Nathaniel G. (Sr.) 12 GEORGE, Carl 169 Eliza Grover 169 Elmer M 169 Howard 169 Mary A 150 Silas 169 Stillmau 169 GERE, Eliza J 152, 154 Frederick 153 Ruth Warner 153 GERRY, Elbridsre T 272 GIDAIAN, Henry R. (Rev.) 267 Thusa Lindsay 267 GIFPORD, Agnes 323 Anna 323 Charles 323 George 323 James T 196 Noah 321, 323 Warren 321 GILBERT, Arthur B 104 Elbert W 237 Elizabeth 294 James 294 Lucy Miranda 55 Mary J 282 Truman 294 Virginia 294 Wm Nathan 294 GILE. Elizabeth 57 Stephen 57 GILLETTE, Anna Nancy 204 Benjamin 16 David Wooster 16 Ellen 207 Eliphalet lo Ephraim 15 Freelove 16 .Joseph 16 Margaret 43 Mary A 207 PAGE — Mrs 166 Nancy La Salle 204 Persis Wooster 16 Stephen 204 Wallace 204 Walter Clisbe 204 — Stephen 204 Wm. Lewis 204, 207 GILLMAN. AUGUSTUS 324 Cora L 200 Emily A .324 Esther A 325 George L 324 Leon C 324 Nina 324 GLASIER, Charles 287 GLASNER, Elizabeth Martin 199 Emma 200 John Martin 199 Mary A 199 Peter 199 Wm. A 200 GODFREY, Augusta 95, 96 Eli B 242 George AV 94 Wm. B 242 GODDING, Hugh R 318 Roxauna C 318 Thurza Crockett 318 GOLDEN, Edward 149 Elizabeth A 149 Frank 149 George 149 Judd 149 Nathaniel 149 GOODALE, Jane 1.56 Jared 156 Patience S 156 GOODRICH, Abijah 44 Abraham 44 Eli.iah (Sr.) 43 Hannah 44 Jacob 43,44 Jeremiah 43. 44 Lucy 4.3. 44 Sarah 44 Seymour 44 GORE, -52 GORHAM, John 79 GOSLEE, Henry C 262 GOULD, Horace P 266 Pierson Hillyer 266 Minnie K 53 Sarah J 133 GOWDY, Arthur 325 GRADY, Lillian 71 GRAFTON, Eliza A 80 GRANT, Peter 304 Sarah 89 GRAY. Abby 260 Abel 302 Benjamin 105 Elizabeth Meeker 260 Heury C 303 Henry 260 Huldah Lobdell 302 John C 302 inde;x PAGE John 260 Lockwood 247 Mary E 260 Thaddeus 302 Thaddeiis 260 Wni 260 GREBGS, Wm 194 GREEN. Eva 71 Cora W 319 Joseph G 319 Lizzie Bonsall 319 Wm 332 GREENE, Charlotte Goodspeed 319 Ella M 319 Ella 326 Everett Lent 119 Frances Perkins 322 Frances H 118 Harris 319 Jeanetto 119 Jessie M 328 Job 322 Joseph Alfred 119 Lois 322 Peter 118 PAGE GREENFIELD, Lois 161 Maria N 293 GREGORY, Elizabeth 132 Sarah 236 GREVE, Mary 103 GRIFB, Robert 195 GRIFFEN, Charles 304 Heth 304 Joseph 215 Orrin 304 Uriah 231 GRIFFITH, Mary 222 GRIGGS, Wm 194 GROSS. Alice M 103 GRUZBECK, Ida A 54 GUNDERSON, Johanna 327 GUNN. Ariel 245 Harriet 22 Harriet Flynn 245 Mary Elizabeth 245 GUYER, George C 71 H HAGANY, Kate 269 HAGEN, James G 270 HAIGHT. Augusta Ann 109 D.ivid 109 David Lobden 109 Elizaheth 247 Hester Jane 109 Mary Lavina 109 Thos. Bailey 109 HALE, Amanda 81 Eunice F 151 Florence 151 Le Roy 57, 59 Solon 151 HALEY, Malinda G. W 82 HALL. Alex 2.33 Dewaine 228 Le Roy 57, 59 HALLETT. Mary 30 HALLOCK, Mary 55 HALSTED, Benj 48 Ida 48 HAMLIN, John 44 John 44 Gilbert 44 Marcia 44 Charles 304 HAMMOND. Ammon 274, 297 Benoni G 274 Cynthia 71 Elizabeth 273 Harry 274 John 274 Laney 274 Martha 71 Mary E 274 Paul 273 Samuel Ellas 274 Wm 274 HANDFORD Daniel P 121 Frederick 121 Gersham 40 Winfleld S 121 Winnetta 121 HAPGOOD. Caroline Celia 49 Lemuel 49 HARDING. Emily 28 HARE, Miss — 310 HARGIN. Mary 113 HARRINGTON. Julia 322 Mary Hawkins 322 Philander 322 HARRIS, Amy 196 Amy Hall 196 Dexter 196 Eva Cephantus 196 James D 196 Lizzie Viola 49 Theodosia Irene Whitsett M 49 HARRISON Henry 72 Julia Ardelia 72 Mary Wilson 72 HARPER, — Mr 79 HART, Adelia 84 Alonzo 84 Dymond 84 Ella Jennie B. Stuart 326 Jeremiah 84 Lawson 84 Marion Ellen 84 Mary 84 Philip 84 Theodorus 84 HARTLEY. Benjamin 54 Wm. Burton 54 HARVEY, Mrs. Clark J 200 HASWELL, George (Dr.) 300 Laura 300 Mildred 300 INDEX HATCH, Ben]. Thompson. Frank C Lydia Reed Paul Elon Wm. F 63 63 63 63 63 HATHORN. John (Col.) 26,27 HATT, Joel W 236 HAVILAND, Isaac 139 HAWLBY. Cassius 22S Hannah 110 HAAVKINS, Ira 108 HAYES, Beuton 207 Deborah 202, 207 Dorothy 207 Elizabeth Mead 203, 206 Fanny 202, 203 Fanny Lobdell 20(5 Harriet 202 Henry , 206 Henry Wallace 202, 203, 230 Inez Robinson 206 Isabella 203 Isabella Mead 206, 207 James 202, 203, 206, 207 James Colby 207 James 202, 203 Julia 203, 206 Mary Ann Knox 200 Pauline Jewett 206 Ralph Alex 203 Rebecca ] 92 Wallace Farrinston 206 HAYWOOD, Miss 302 Tives 27 HEATH, Aaron 227 Mary Fisher 227 Phlneas 1 44 HEDDING, — (Bishop) 20.- H. James 20.5 Ira De Witt 20."' Lucinda C 205 Ruth F 20.- Simeon 205 HEELY Ella 291 HENCH, W. R. (Rev.) 223 HEPBURN, Hannah Lobdell 21 — Mr 259 HERDMAN, Wm. B 1,39 HERMANS, Hepzihetii 301 HERRICK. Charity S 320 Sophia A 320 HEWITT, Edgar A 14." 309 27 217 20,31 HEYWORTH, Hiram. Tives HIBBARD, Sarah . Mr. HICKOK, Ann M 121 Electa 121 Lillian C :i57 M'rriam (widow"- 248 HIGENBOTHAM, H D. 92 HILL. Albert 308 Albert D 313 Alfred 30^ Augusta P 285, 286 PAGE Charlotte 308 Ida A 2S6 Ira 308,313 Isabel 288 John E 286 Laura (Mrs.) 2S5 Louise G 286 Moses ... 308 Samantha 308 Stephen 285 Sybel Pomeroy 285 HILLYER, Alice Almira 266 David Slmonson 266 Douglas Van Alen 206 Ellison 266 Francis Lobdell 266 John Blake 266 Kenneth Ellison 266 HINE, A. A 176 A. C 176 Blanch E 176 Evaline Case 176 Minnie M 176 Murray N 176 Walter C 176 HINMAN, Wm 152 HITCHCOCK, Luke 11, 12 Mercey • l2 HOAG, Ruth 164 HOBBY, Joseph 139 Thomas (Capt,) 215 HOCKENBACK, Emma 281 HODGE, Elvira A 1.57 Fred O P57 Sarah Wern 157 HODKINS, Belle 156 Viola 156 HOFFMAN, Wm. M 238 HOLCOMB, Dorcas 16 Dorcas Smith 16 Eliza 166 Josiah 16 Thomas 166 HOLDBN, Calista 136 John 136 HOLLEARN, Wm 295 HOLLAND, Emeline 224 Julia Walker 224 Peter 224 HOLLIDAY, Maud 92 HOLLISTER, — Mr HOLMAN, Arthur 281 HOLMES. Alfred 335 Caroline 335 Bffle 280 Eliza 335 Emily 335 Evaline 335 George 335 James 333 Joshua 333, 334 L. G 335 Leander 335 Lemuel 334 Margaret Lobdell 335 Mary 335 INDEX PAGE Nancy 335 — Whittaker 333 Olive 336 Sarah 335 Susan (Mrs.) 121 William 335 HOLT. James 2.30 Jessie W 287 HOOD, Phoebe 294 HOPKINS, John F 94 HORN. Clara 291 HORNIG. Johann 237 HORTON. Marie 231 HOUGHTON, Cynthia B 223 HOUSTON, Martha 72 HOVEY, Don. .Tacob 170 Wm. Crowell 170 HOOVER, Eliza 47, 50 John 47 HOWARD. Edward A 1S7 Flora H 187 George E 187 Georgle 187 Jessie E 187 Mary A. (Barber) 187 HOWE, Epenetus 105 HOWES. Elizabeth 19 HOTSINGTON, Emma 143, 150 James 143 Nancy 142, 146, 156 HOYT, Abigail 217 Benj 217 Caroline 217 Ernest 238 Henry L 217 .Terry 217 Laura 217 L. Starr 217 Richard 23S Patience (Smith) 217 HUBBARD, Daniel 42, 44 Sarah 44 HUBBELL. Josiah 64 HUGHS, Etalia A 283 D. W. (Rev.) 283 HUGGINS, Abigail 53 INGALLS, — Mr 84 INGERSOL, Stephen 108, 114 IRELAND, Gilbert 232 ISABEL, Cornelia 175 JACKSON, Andrew 77 Asa Keys 64, 70 Augusta Lee 77 Benjamin Rush 208 Calvin Luther 70 Cortland Columbus 77 Cortland V. S 77 Daniel 208 PAGE HULBERT. Phoebe 84. 87 HULETT, Abigail Paul 307 Charles 323 David 307 Elizabeth 323 Eunice 307 Hannah 307, 321 HULL. Cornelia M 237 Le Grand 237 Sarah E 237 (Widow) 237 HULTZ. Charlotte 231 HUMMEL. Albert .338 Althea i?38 Charles 336. .S.38 Constantine .338 Edith 338 Eleanor Jane 338 — McNaughton 336 Henry 336, 338 John Lobdell .338 Leander .338 Wilber 338 Zenobia Lobdell 333 HUMMISON, Laura E 238 HUMPHREY, Abraham 148 Baldwin 148 Ellen M 148 Jacob L 149 Lea M 235 Mary C 149 Rufus 149 Ruth Thorn 235 T. M 235 Thomas A 235 Wm 235 HUNSBERGER, W. A. (Rev.) 31 HUNT. Thomas (Capt.) 37 HUNTER, John 74 HURLBUTT, Wm 215 HURST. Minerva 242 HUSTED, Thaddeus 105 HUSTIS, Benj 317 Caleb 233 David 233 Phoebe 229, 231, 232 Wm 233 HUTCHINSON, Clarinda 242 HUYCK, — Mr 55 IVES. Jeanette 303 Julia 303 Sarah Elizabeth (Gilbert) 303 Thomas 303 Elizabeth 71 Harriet E. Wells 208 Helen Maria 71 Hiram 193 James Joseph 70 Margaretta A 208 Marriam Ann 71 Mary Marquis 77 INDEX PAGE Minnie Virginia 77 Paul 77 Princes Palmyra 71, 77 Reverdy Preston !l Rhea 71 Robert Mathew 77 JACOBS, Alvena 315 Christine K 315 John 315 JACOX, James C6 JAMBS, Betsey Ill JAMISON, — Mr 67 JARVIS, Timothy 223 JEANNIN, Mrs. S. W SO JENNINGS, Anfireline 241 Annis Lobdell 241 Eunice 241 Morris 241 Moses 239 Sally 241 JBNNISON, Charles A 147 Lettle Del 144 JENKINS, Albert 127 Annie M 152 David P 132 Elizabeth Horsman 152 Emma 118 Emma Prances 152 George M 152 Mrs. H. B 80 Israel 152 John Flavel 118 Mary Abigail 116, 127 JENKS, Prances M 149 JEWITT. Plorence Bliss 206 Joseph 206 Mary A. (Farrlngton) 200 JOHNS, Alice 311, 312 Wm 311,312 JOHNSON. Albert Rector 104 Albert Verne 338 Amy Wlghtman 172 Anna Francis 12, 101 Archie Orau 104 Catherine 237 Charles E 44, 49 Charles Webb 101 Charles Oran 103 Charles Wm 102, 10.3, 104 David B. (Mrs.) 43, 312 Doris Adella 104 Elizabeth Elizabeth (Ker) 104 Elizabeth Little 101 Emily 323 Evallne Beatrice 103 Florence A 103 Fred (Mrs.) 41 George Flemm 337 George Zenas 338 Harriet 102 Harriet Lobdell 338 PAGE Harry F 103 Henry Burt 337 Henry Converse 102 James Oran 11, 101, 103, 104 Jane Buchanan 61 Jerre L 338 John Converse 101 John 172 John Lobdell 337 Joseph P 109 Kenneth Earl 338 Lewis Sterling 102 Lora A 42 Louise Cotton 104 Margaret Louder 102 Margaret Dorn 103 Maria (Bronson) 104 Marie Louise 104 Mary Chapman 101 Melissa Dunn 337 Nellie May 103 Oran (Dr.) 97, 101 Rachel 103 Robert L 61 Samuel Maxwell (Dr.) 102 Sarah 21 Sarah 101 Willie E 337 Wm. Elliott 337 Sir William 45 Wm. Henry 101, 104 Wm. Lobdell 104 Whitelaw Reed 338 Wirt (Dr.) 254 JONES, Abigail 53 Alura 317 Amanda 53 Anna 86 Anna B 318 Catherine 75 Charles Henry 249 Daniel 248 Edith 86 Elizabeth 53 Elizabeth (Pardee) 248 Edward 249 Frances 51, .53 George E 75 Hudson 86 Isaac 231 Jennie 86 John 249 Louise Jane 53 Luman 53 Mary 86 Mary Jane 53 Mary Robinson 249 Oscar 1 249 Philo 249 Philo Webb 248, 249 Rebecca (Lobdell) 249 Sarah Maria 249 Theodore 53 JUCKETT. Lysander 60 JUDD. Flora 274 Sherman 274 JUDKINS, George 47 JUNE, Zabud 105 K KALB, Frederick Roediger 171 Henry Eruset 171 171 KANE, Thomas (Mrs.) KAUFMANN, Matilda 157 KEET. Enoch 310 Wallace 310 INDEX PAGE KELIIAM, Alta Z 170 Annette M 179 Edward 170 Frank C 17!> Frederick T 170 James W 170 John C 170 t^arah Downing 170 Thomas 170 KELLEY, Alice Sarah 328 Arthur Seymour :>28 Bertha May 328 Fred Fayette 328 Gertrude Marion 32S Kirl)y Lobdell 328 Nellie Theresa 34 f )l)ediah 327 Phoebe 320 Samuel Thomiison 327. 32S Sarah Ann Gr-'en 327 KEELBR, Adonirum 12.", Amelia 107 Ann Adelin lOS Anna B 124 Aucrustus 110 Charlotte B 13."i Chloe 112 Cordelia 107 Elizabeth Eohdell 108 Emma L 107 Hannah (St<^t'l)ins) 100 Henry 198 Isaac 190, 101, ]07. 198 .Teremiah 101 John 102, 197 Laura J 125 Luke 240 Lydia (Keeler) 191 Mary 124 Marv Elizabeth 198 Mark 197 Melinda 108 Phineas 190, 101 Rebecca Hayes 108 Ruth 192 Sallv 191,193 Sarah Eleanor 109,12.". Selinda Boss 107 Susan Wheeler 197 Tertullas 108 Tertullas Lobdell 192, 198 Theadosia 191 Timothy 124 Truman Phiupas 197 Walter (M. D.) 124 Wm. Augustus 124 Wm. Henry 198 KELLOGG, Esther 124 KENNARD, Sarah 44,91 LA FIELD, Kato 100 LAMB. Ada M 12 Cyrus 12 Harriet 58 Levi 1-11 LAMBERSON, A. J 173 John 173 LAMBBRTON, — 186 LAMMON, Geo. G 189 Mrs. Geo. G 182 Gilbert ISO PAGE KENNEDY, Michael 136 KENNIE, Emmeline 23.5 KENT, Henrietta 139 Jane 139 Jane (Mrs.) 139 Jonas 130 KER. Elizabeth 101 KETCHUM, Amelia 150 Nancy S. B 150 Nelson 150 KBYES, Martha 65 KEYZER, John (Capt.) 161 KILBOURN, G. H 285 KILTS, Margetta 288 KIMBALL, Caroline .314 KING. Edwin H 156 Hiram (Mrs.) 312 James 156 Maryetta Bartlett 156 KINGSLEY, John 144 KIRBY, Baruabas 317 Charles 317 KLINCK. Amelia 197 KLOCK, Jacob (Col.) 41 KNANER. Arthur 177 Carrol H 178 Edna M 177 KNAPP. David 232 Elijah 232 Eliza Ann 1.31, 144 Jane A 116 Ja ne 158 Martha 139 Minnie 198 KNIFFBN, Abram 114 KNOWLBS, Martha 59 KNOX, Ebenezer 114 George D 131 Leonard 139 Mary Ann 202 Susan 115 KRONKHITE, Anna 117 KRUM. Abel 185 Fannie 181, 183, 185 Peter 181 Sarah T 181 L Helen M. (Avery) 189 LAMPAUGH, Ellen 80,88 LAMSON, Martha (Houston) 72 Nellie Frost 72 Samuel Warren 72 LANDON, Allison R. C 270 Edwin Burdette 270 Edwin N 270 Edwin Harold Richard 2TU John E 270 LANDRON, Jane 134 INDEX PAGE LANE, Harriet 2S7 Orpha (:Mrs.) 2T0 Miss -':;•"> LANG, Ada M 1-' Cyrus 12 LANGPORD, Carrie 74 LANS, Freeman 137 Helen M 137 LAWRENCE, Edith 324 Jesse 233 Wm 327 LAWTON, Israel 84 Wm 2s;.) LEARN, Margaret 137 LEARNED, Bela P 314 Luretta 314 Statira Hilliard 314 LEATON, Helen E 209 .Tohn J 209 Stella Gaylord 209 LE BLANCH, Asparia H 83,99 LE BOEUF, Emily 71 LEE, Elijah 188 Elizabeth 118 Elizabeth Lobdell 118 Emma 236 John Randolph 118 Mary Louise 118 Mildred 118 Robert 118 Robert Perrine 118 Sarah Townsend 118 LB FEVRE, Agnes 166 Arthur 293 Gilbert 293 LE FORCE, Agues 166 LEMON, Elvira Keen 289 Emma 289 William 289 LENT, Bertha 238 Everett 117 James 117 LEONARD, Arnold 326 Charles Ernest 326 Edwin De Witt 326 Frank Arnold 326 Freelove Buck 326 George Rounds 325 LE ROY, Mrs. Charity 33 LESSEY, Henrietta 303 LESTER, George E 75 LEVY, Joseph 240 LEWIS, Albert 310 Alva M 159 Anna Southmaid 159 Belle H 159 Ellen 310 Emma 310 Francillia 310 Irvin B. (Dr.) 99 Jennie Maud 128, 129 Lena A 159 Mary McKay 159 Morgan 297 PAGE Norman 310 Professor — 254 Raehael (Bailey) 128, 129 Rose Mary 159 William 128, 129 LEWLIN, Adelbert 89 John F 89 Nettie 89 LEYTZ, George 176 LEZERE, Cornelius 27 LIDDLE, Frances 285 LINDERMAN, Nyruni 138 LINES, Elijah 280 Ireue Wheelock 280 Olive W 280 LIGIITFOOT, Judse Geo. T 82 George T„ Jr 82 LITTLE, Mary 44 Mary Maude 77 Major John 44, 45 LITTLEFIELD, Nancy Green 278 Sarah M 278 Wray S 278 LIVERMORE. Harriet 104 LIVINGSTON, Inez 324 LOCKWOOD Abby Jane 244 Abram 117 Ada Grace 33 Addle L 246 Albert 244 Anna E. (Reeves) 246 Charles E 33 Mrs. Charles E 33 Daniel N 272 Ebeuezer 33 Effie C 33 Elizal)eth 40 Elizabeth A 244 Col. Ephraim 40,41 Eunice Augevine 33 Fred S 33 Grace 33 Henry L ^33 Isaac 244 — Sturges 244 J. B 33 Joseph -1" Joseph R 246 Neta «^2 Rachel (Ogden) 244 Sarah E. Brown 272 Susan J. (Lobdell) 117 Thomas B -~~ LONG, Delia M 175 Lloyd, Elmer Millard 171 'Evaline Smith .* 171 Le Roy 171 LORANGER, Fred E 33 Eli P 33 LOUNSBURY, Elisha 59 Nancy 57,59 LODNGLOVE, Isaih 297 LOVELAND, Charles A 316 Homer H 316 Sarah Hyde 316 XVlll INDEIX LOWE, James 138 Maria Van W 138 Moses C 138 LUCE. Charles W 188 Willis 188 Edwin H 188 Genevieve 188 Nancy (Hinkley) 188 Rufus Rowe 188 Zora 188 LUDLOW, Marinda 136 LUNG. Alonzo C 170 Forest E 1T9 Marsraret S. (Ott) 179 Merritt C 179 Nicholas Philip 179 LYON, Abraham 110 Ann E.. (Miss) 28 Dolly Grace 303 Eliza Ann 110 Ezra 273 Mary Ann 28 Sally Ann 56 Samuel 38 LUQUER, Rev. Lea 110 LYTTLE, Linnie Lnla 90 Mary M. Sheldon 90 Sylvester B 90 LYVERE. Catherine Harrison 192 Elizabeth Manard 192 James 192 LOBDELL— A Aaron Thomas 337,839 Abel 28 Abl)y 277, 279 Abigail 21, 26, 46, 47, 106, 110. 192. 217, 259, 275, 310, 321. 324 Abigail Dart 281, 286 Abigail Frances 122 Abijah 44. 45, 94. 95. 292. 296 Abraham . . .44. 45. 51, 54, 86. 87. 91, 90 Abraham Dakin 29,32,33 Abraham W 319 Ada E 57.-59 Adda F 319 Adeline 155, 287 Adelbert G 145 Addle Cordelia 164 Addison Le Roy 48 Adonirum 74, 77 Adonirum Judson 147 Alban Judson. Sr 77 Alban Judson. Jr 78 Albert 191, 195, 199. 311 Alberta 146 Albertie W 57, 175 Albert W 88, 286 Albert E 199 Albert Gallatin, Sr 80,92 Albert Gallatin. Jr 92 AlV>ert Gallatin. Ill 92 Albert Jenkins 127,128,201 Alexander 88 Alex. Frazier. Sr. .. .116, 117, 119, 128 Alex. Frazier. Jr 128 Alex. Frazier. Ill 129 Alex. Viette Griswold 219. 221 Alex. St. John 277,285,299,301 Alfred 338 Alice 276, 279, 290 Alice Eliza 326 PAGE LOBDELL— Alice Elizabeth 48 Alice Irene 123 Alice J 201 Alice Luretta 315 Alice M 89 Alice S 320 Alida 130 Alida Lewis 247 AUie Isadore 225 Alma Gay 92 Almira 60,126,192 Almira Jeanette 110,119 Almira N 142 Almon A 187 Alonzo 60 Alva 3:38 Amanda 129, 275 Amelia 136, 177. 245. ;i37 Amelia J 156 Amos 53 Amos Melvin 54 Amv 248 Ammon 182, 275 Antrie Ellen Harriet 49 Andrew Porter 281 Anderson 29, 33 Angeleek 310 Angeline 381 Ann 11,192,231 Ann Eliza 53, 147 Anna 10,13,14.26,52, 56, 64. 107. 109. 113, 114. 115, 116. 139. 142, 202, 279, 317, 322, 324 Anna Augusta 61, 76 Anna H 159 Anna E 126, 127 Anna Maria 261 Anna Margaretta 228 Anna R 89 Anna Palmyra 148 Anna Statira 314 Anna Sterling 99 Anna (widow) 221 Annette 29.33 Annis 113, 239, 241 Anson . .100. 109, 110, 116, 134. 139, 140 Anson Whitney 116,126,127 Arthur Bradley 133, 137 Arthur G 178 Archie S 301 Artemesia 319 Arthur Treadway 313 Asbury 175 Aseneth Maria 49 Aseneth Caroline 282 Augusta 75 Augusta Ogden 246 Augustus 29, 311, 312 Augustus C 29 Augustus Whitney 128 Aunt Penelope 218 Aurilla 51, 53 Aurilla Esther 132 Austin 146 Austin N 187 Austin K 276 B Bartow Stewart 200 Belle 93, 99, 287 Benjamin 217, 219, 229 Benjamin Jr 229 Benjamin H 170 Benjamin Hoyt 217,220,224,225 Benjamin R 105, 126 Benjamin W 177 INDEX XIX PAGE LOBDELL— Bertha 54, 137, 2S3 Bertha E 170 Bertha Joanna 327 Bertha May 48 Bert 170 Bertie 2!i Bessie 88, 180 Bessie Frances 32fi Bethuel 181, 182, 188 Betsey Auu 139,231,320 Betsey Maria IIG Betsey 110, 144, 173, 218, 231, 236. 239, 241, 302, 317, 318 Birdsal 57 Blanch 29 Boushton 142 Bradley 219, 220, 294 Nathan 294 Brayton 177 Britton 47, 48, 52 Britton DeWitt 48 Britton James 49 Bruce Earl 171 Burton H 150 Burwell 215, 239 Burdella 287 Burt J 327 Byron Jacob 150 Byrou Wellington 77 Caleb 14, IS, 19, 21, 22, 254, 255 Caleb Jr 254, 273 Patieuce Boughton 258 Caleb 258, 259, 273, 274, 277. 279. 295, .337 Caleb Parris 320 Calvin 86,89 Caravelle Estelle 125 Carlton S 59,84 Caroline 91, 136, 149, 158, 198. 254 Caroline Ann 281 Caroline Eliza 123 Caroline Elizabeth 130 Carrie 276 Carrie A ^2 Carrie Eliza »2 Carrie Louise J>^ Carrie V 31 Cata 319 Catherine 2r, 99 Hereford ^^ Celestia <»2. 89 Celia M 291 Celina Wright 92 Charity M 29, 33 Charles 66, 76, 137, 144, 174, 268. 289. 338 Charles A 91. 158. 199 Charles Britton 30 Charles Decatur 116 Charles E 57, 63, 179, 276, 293, 318 Charles E.. Jr 318 Charles Elmer 157 Charles H 194 Charles Henry 224.227 Charles LeRoy 133 Charles Nash 131 Charles Nathan 294 Charles P 320 Charles S 167 Charles Sidney 94.98.298 Charles R 89 Charles W Charles Wesley 32. 90, 142, 145, 152, 153, 154 PAGE LOBDELL— Charles Wesley, IT 155. 158 Charlotta ' 74 Charlotte .52, 303 Chartine W 313 Chester 148, 149 Chloe 21, 107, 108, 109, 114, 115. 139, 259, 301 Eliza 261 May 226 Clara .53, 198. 269 Belle 48 Cornelia 180 Isabel 287 Maud 145 Maria 48. .50 Clarence 174. 177 Clarence Dudley 184 Clarissa 139 Clark 21, 100, 109, 116, 126, 134, 277, 319 D 89 Clayton R 126 Clifford 159 Clorinda 285 Cora 3.38 Cora Adelia 195 Cora Bertha 89 Cora Etta 171 Cora L 89 Cora Myrtle 319 Coralie Guibert 83 Cornelia 2.54 Adelaide 48. 49 Braden 128 Cornelius 198 Cynthia 2.55 Czarina Louise 63 D Daniel 18, 39. 40. 41, 45, 56, 47, 55, 60, 84, 105. 160. 161. 174. 175. 184, 186, 191. 193. 232. 2.58. 259, 273. 275. 276. 277. 289. 292. 295. 296, 299. Daniel Granbee 292, 293. Daniel S Darius 19. 2L 22, 105, 126. 306, 307, 309, 311, 312, 322. Darius Jared 317. David 19,22,27,36,165,332, David Clark 278. David Davis David Miles Deborah 38. 39. 107. 108, 109, 118, 114, 138. Delmar 137. Delta Denton M Dennis 21,187, Dennis Barlow De Witt Clinton De Witt Ernest Diana Dollie Don W Dorothy Duane Dudley Durvpard W Dwight Baxter 290, .321 294 .314 326 .318 333 289 166 277 139 327 1.37 113 317 21 1.52 281 310 321 294 137 57 90 319 291 E Earl 281 Earl Leslie 158 XX INDEX PAGE LOBDELL— Ebenezer 13, IS, 19, 37, 38, 39, 41, 105, 107, 108, 112, 113, 116, 123, 130. 138, 100. 214, 217, 218, 219, 230, 231. 232 Edith 92, 155, 287 Edith A 159 Edith C 63 Edith E 57,59 Eduar 301 Edna 287 Edna M 178 Edward 113, 150, 231, 300 Edward Dunn 113 Edward E 90 Edward J 246 Edward Jacob Edward Sidney 73 Edwin Jacob 129 Edwin Lyman 153. 1.54, 155 Edwin Emerson 62 EfHe 285 Effle Leola 164 Effle Vernette 48 Eleanor 271 Eleanor Justina 134 Electa 47, 54, 275, 325 Eli 244,245 Ella 75, 156, 198, 300, 338 Ella Alberta 145 Ella Augusta 123 Ella Delana 327 Ella Jane 140 Elijah 55, ISO Elijah Caryl 174. 177 Ellen 88. 269. 311 Ellen Amelia 137,311 Ellery Bryan 150 Elmer 158, 179, 281 Elmer L 60 Elsie A 189 Elsie Luella 316 Elvira 146, 147, 151 Elvira Jane 184 Eliza 79. 114, 119, 141, 1S7, 194, 232, 233. 277, 301, 322. 337 Eliza Ann 195, 199. 280 Eliza Jane 169 Eliza Marv 80,81 Elizabeth 11, 12. 13. 19. 22. 27, 28. 29. 30, 34, 47, 54. 79. 80, 83, 86, 87. 105. 107. 110. 124. 141, 190, 191, 194. 214 Elizabeth Abbott 2.54 Elizabeth Ann 107. 170 Elizabeth Jane 50 Elizabeth Lucille 147 Emeline 325 Minerva 152 Emelissa 76 Emily 286, 298 Louise 171 Emilv Lucinda .326.327 M 67. 70. 144 :Maria 295 Nancv 294 Emily Virginia 324 Emma 126, 127. 131, 158, 232, 290, 293, 311 Emma Amelia 180 Emma Ann 188 Emma Catherine 3.39 Emma .Josephine 171 Emma L 179 Emma Lillian 276 Emmet 287 Emmons H 287 Emmet J 315 PAGE LOBDELL- Emory G 126 Endora W -83 Euos o;* Erastus l-^" Eretus 166, 167 Ermiua J 63 Ernest 133, 158 Ernest E 131,187 Ernest Lee 279 Ernest W 63 Esther 49. 128, 181, 219, 222, 301 Esther Ann 225 Esther E 113 Ethel 179.281 Ethel Viola 327 Etta 137, 145 Eugene 29. .57, 170, 198 Eugene Harvey 130 Eugene L ■ • • 291 Eunice ...14, 215, 230, 248, 306, ^17, 320 Eva 56,338 Eva M 189 Evaliue 57, 03 Ezra , B 144, 145 F Faith 246 Fanny 178, 189, 202, 314 Fanny Jane 29,30 May 55 Fenton 53 Flora 187 Flora Vernette 48,49 Florence 53, 276, 277, 281 Florence Coffee 83 Florence E 178 Florence Elizabeth 83 Florence May 127 Floyd Adam 57, 201 Flovd Frazier 291 Flovd Keeler 194,200 Floyd P 120,127 Flint ,56 Frances 147 Frances Cornelia 50 Frances E 313 Frances Eliza 155 Frances M 150 Frances Marion 280 Frances Terry 1.57 Frances Ophelia 195 Francellia 89. 90 Francella Stuart 169 Francis 1.57. 197 Francis (Rev.) 265, 271 ■ A 175 James 283 W 67.70 Frank 32. 48, 56, 129, 176. 272, 3.38 Frank Caryl - 178 Frank Curtis 132 Frank D 61 Frank Eben 31 Frank H 90 Frank Ivan 31 Fran k P 307, 312 Frank W 78 Franklin 89 Franklin En-jrene 195.280,289 Frazier. Miles 291 Fred F 89 Fred H Fred J 77 Fred Swift 62 Fred W 284. 285 Frederick 113, 128, 129, 131 Frederick H 318 inde;x XXI PAGE LOBDBLL— Frederick Danforth (Rev.) 272 G Clabriella 276 Oale D 189 Garrett 285 Garth Lelaud 291 Geneva A 131 Geuevra 29 Gerald 29 Gertie 170 Gertrude 321, 201 George . . . .4(i, 76, 124, 125, 129, 145, 174, 177, 194, 275, 278, 301, 310, 313 George Aiison 148, 152, 153 George D 54 George K 53 George Edwiu 60 George Henry 130, 313 George Herbert 133 George .J 56 George Lincoln 48, 49 George Rodney 275, 286 George W 52, 126, 144 George Wbitniore 290 Georgianua 75 Gideon 60, 61, 84, 181 Gile 57 Gilbert 79,279 Gilbert Meade 127 George Randolph 29 Gladys Binsrham 228 Gladys Maria 201 Grace 84, 109, 134, 135 Grace Alice 32 Grace H 126 Grace May 130 H Hamilton Ford 77 Hamilton M 289 Hannah 21, 43, 46, 47, 48, 150, 265, 301, 319, 321, 323 Elmira 152 Harley A 158 Harold C 78 M 227 Edward 300 Harrison 73 Harry 159, 194, 232, 233, 238 A 88 Harry Allen 157 Harry C 60 Harry Chapin 76 Harry Jacob 129 Harry R 131 Harrv S 194 Harriet 51, 57. 59, 61, 62. 66, 67. 73, 141, 166, 272, 277, 279, 286, 289. 299, 300, 301, 310, 337 Plarriet Angeline 133 Harriet Ann 277 Harriet Augusta 264 Harriet Cornelia 131 Harriet Eliza 1.'51, 261, 262, 267 Harriet Elizabeth 261, 262, 267 Harvey 129, 320 Harvev Ross 291 Harvey Seth 227 Hattie, Marion 327 Helen 126, 145, 178, 293, 315, 319 Helen Amelia 127, 195 Helen Telia 49 Helen E 177 Helen M 176 Helen Marv 282 Helen Matilda 94 PAGE LOBDELL— Helen Maxwell 298,299 Helena Belle 325 Henry 13, 29, 33, 88, 105, 108, 112, 123, 136, 246, 278, 301, 307, 309, 310, 312, 314 Henry (Rev.) 266 Henry Clark 2(iO, 261, 264 Henry Harrison (Harry II. i... 72, 73 Henry James " 157 Henry Jason 228 Henry Lee 83 Henry Lockwood 182, 184 Henry Milton 94, 97 Herbert (;3, 129, 158 Herbert Edwin 283 Herberta 283 Herman 289 Herman Willis 176 Hervey 66, 67 H. Van Allen 78 Hiram .113, 123, 195, 197, 30:j. 322, 337 Hiram Colburn 221 Hiram Lee .303 Hiram Restored 221 Hiram William 294 Hope 294 Horace Greeley 327 Horace Judson 147 Horace Randolph 147 Howard 182, ISO, 310 Howard C 130 Howard M 189 Howard Perry 127 Howard Salisl)ury 315 Hugh Jared 318 Huldah 44. 231. 232, 236, 260, 301 Huldah Ann 230 Huldah Parris 319 Huldah R 167 Hulett 322,325 Ida 92, 123. .30, 295 Ann 177 Cornelia 316 E 177 May 48, 49 Ina Frances 150 Inez Eliza 55 Inez Rogers 76 Ira 50, 182, 189 Irene Angeline 327 Irving 157,198 Irving Scott 60 Isaac 36, 42, 44, 64, 65, 66, 67, 75, 86. 108, 112. 113. 139 Isaac D. M 67,68,76 Isaac Elum SO, 81 Isaac V. (Rev.) 76 Isaiah S 54 Isabel Caroline 128 Isadore 89 Ivan H 57, 59 Jacob (Hannah Boughton) . .141, 142, 144. 148 Jacob (Ruth Boughton) 18, 38, 39, 105, 141, 142 Jacob . . .84. 106, 107, 108, 110. 111. 113, 127, 137, 146, 153, 158, 248, 258 Jacob Baker 194 Jacob Blias 274, 282 .Jacob Karl I.tO .Tacob Lyman 1,50 Jacob Lyon 122, 129 Jacob M 310 XXll INDEIX PAGE LOBDELL— Jacob Perry 105 Jacob Potter 145 Jackson Perry lOf., 110. 120, 140 James. 43, 41, 45. 75, 70, S4. '.)',•, l-_'4. 125. 158, -'18. I'll). 240, 244, 24(;, 277, 285, 2'J2, 2'J5. 2U0, 298. 2;>y, 300 James Alex 80, 91, 92, 93, 94, 08 James Benj 246 James C 66 James Dow 299, 300 James Edward 157.293 James Elou 23,48,49,01 James Francis Staples 133 James H 75, 310 James Henry 293 James llervey 42,64.05,72,94 James K 79 James Louis 91, 93 James Monroe 194, 200 James Oliver 133 James R 63 James S 187 James W 28, 70, 297, 319 Jane 47. 52. 05. 144. 194. 232, 254 Jane Ann 310 Jane Eliza 94 Jane M 320 Jared 210. 248. 317, 31S Jared ( Rev. ) 300, 317 Jared Charles 157 Jared Wesley 320 Jarvis 51 Jason 51, 53. 219, 221 Jason Bradley 228 Jay Clyde 290 Jefferson 310 Jefferson H 313 Jennie 55. 00, 93. 128, 156 Jennie Belle 104 Jennie Elizabeth 00 Jennie Florence 48 Jeremiah 254 Jerome B 310 Jerome Bonaparte 2()2. 2()S Jerome Leslie 157 Jerome Orville 157 Jerome Thcron 158. 159 Jerusha 42, 64, 05, 71, 190, 102. 195. 273. 274 Jesse 245 Jesse C 187 Jesse J 187 Jesse Win? 194. 201 Jessie Jessie ChlotliiVda '!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! 134 Jessie Elizabeth 1.32 Jessie W 89 Joanna 100. 124. 133 Isabel 132 Frances 134 Joel 45. 47. 48. 02, 325 Joel Britton 48 John (Elizabeth Sherwood) . .38, 39. 41. 42, 45, 105. 193 John (Hannah Ilnlett) 307,321 John (Ruth Sherwood) 14, 18. 19. 20. 21. 258 John 33. 47. 54, 65. 67. 76. 79, 80. 95. 105. 109. 112. 124. 125. 134. 135. 141, 142. 100. 165. 107. 190. 198, 258, 259. 285. 301. 824. 327 John A 177 John Ambrose 158 John B 182. 274. 280. 281 John Blala 27,28,29,31.32 John Burt 336,338 John C 157 PAGE LOBDELL— John Carmen 263, 209 John Charles 180 John Curtis 132 John D ISO John Darius 327 John Earl 131 John Erastus 159 John Ellis 201 John Frederick 157 John H 209, 294 John Henry 172 John Little 43, 93, 94, 90. 99. 102. 330. .3.38 John Lucius 311. 312 John Marshall 183 John Nathan 145 John R 208 John Sherw.iod 192 John Thomas 339 John VenaMe 80,81.82.83 John W 157, 175 John Wallace 192 Jonathan lOS. 112. 113 Jonathan B Jonathan Conger 80.81 Joseph 160. 161, 162, 160, 240 Joseph B 86 Joseph Finih'v 146 Joseph Jiidso'ii 104.165,166 Joseph Van Xess 283 Joseph W 57. 59 Josei)hine 295, .310, 338 Joshua 01. 07. 81. 110, 111, 199. 332 Joshua (Mary Burwell. Eunice Olmstead) 10. 11. 1.3. 14. 18. 19. 21, 22. 45 Joshua (Mary Reynolds) 18.36 Joshua (Sarah Scott) 30. 38. 39. 42. 105. 190. 258 Joshua (Jane Pouce. Jane Yaw) 36. 37. 44, 45 Joshua (Cornelia Finch) .. .45. 46, 47 Joshua (Eliza Hoover) 50,80 Joshua (Lydia Tillotson) ...193,195 Joshua (Eliza Miller) 124 Joshua (Sally B. Stevens) 125 Joshua (Jane Melick) 333,336 Joshua Hudson 131 Joshua Pomeroy 64 Joshua Tompkins 64 Josiah B 310 J osiah 210. 248 Judson 48 Judson C .56 .Tudson Charles 157 Judson Ellsha 59 Julia 141. 194, 268, .3.32 Julia Ann 47, 48. 327. 328 Julia Eliza 116.117 Julia Stephania 89. 90 Julian A 281 Juliette 310 Juliette C 61. 62. 81 Julius 2.81 .Tulius Henry 267 Justus 0.5. 75 K Kate ..* 53.320 Katy 232 Kenneth L 200 Klttie 159 Lanle 274, 285 Laura 283, 303 inde;x XXIU PAGE LOBDELL— Laura A 285 Laura Crippen 168 Laura Ellen 339 Laura Renewa 171 Lawrence 198, 327 Lay 56 Lealah 294 Lee Augustus 2S0 Leishton 271 Lela M 284 Lemuel Ilapfrood 49 Leuora Louise 132 Leonard Irvinij 157 Le Roy 137 Leslie 281 Leislie Crippen 171 Letha 227 Letitia 146 Levi . . ..141, 142, 156, 182, 198, 240, 303 Levi Boughtou 149 Levi Jerome 157 Levi Ryan 189 Lewis 21, 112, 191, 193, 196, 198, 239, 240, 244, 245, 246, 2.59, 290, 301, 307, 314 Lewis .T 89 Lewis R 197 Lewis Starr 303 Lillie 154 Lillian Frances 157 Lillian Hardeman 83 Lionel 47,48 Livingston Llewellyn 80,92 Lockwood 162, 181, 183 Lodwie Tabor 171 Lois . .62. 64. 65. 276, 290, 307, 308, 314 Lois Fay 92 Louisa 91 Lora Elmore 195 Lora Nash 279 Loretta 66.67 Lottie M 283 Louis Levi 159 Louise Emerson 128 Lovina Selina 171 Lovisa 64, 65. 71, 72, 309 Lucena Moxley r . . . 311 Luceba .T 200 Luceba Clarinda 201 Lucius 47, 48, 52. 55. 56, .59. 144 Lucv 61, 62, 27.3, .302 Lucv Ann 84, 260, .302 Lucv Olivia 227 Lueila .T 201 Lulu Mav 150 Luman 65. 74. 178. 180 A 175, 180 Lura Ancreline 1.32 Luretta 321 Luretta Learned 314 Luther 86, 88. 146 Llewellvn 49. 81 Lydia . . . .84. 91. 193, 285, 298. 325, .337 Lydia Ann 314 Lvdia 91 Lyde J 2,83 Lyman 1.39 M Mabel E 57. 1.59 Malina 177 Maret Elizabeth 201 Margaret 66, 67. 76. 86. 161, 173, 313, 332, 334 Margaret Dunning 272 Maria 47, 48. 61. 62, 116, 1.39, 279, 299, 301 Maria Louise 152 PAGE LOBDELL— Maria Rachel .':... 294 Marie Rosette 147 Marion 29, 47, 48, 198, 227 Marion Clark 290 Marion Doon 272 Marion Emma 154 Marion F 150 Marion Frances 327 Marion Regina 92 Marinda 139 Martha 178, 275, 314, 337 Martha Amelia 276 Martha Margaret 81,88 Martha R 63 Martin E 90 Maryetta 75, 287 Mary 9, 13, 18. 19, 22. 26. 36, 79, 86, 99. 110, 111, 112. 113, 116, 124, 137, 169, 191, 210. 230. 231. 232. 234, 267, 275, 276. 279. 285, 296, 298, 306. 310, 314 Mary Ann 28, 50. 51. 94, 99, 110, 111, 112, 113, 116, 124, 137, 169, 191. 175, 194, 210, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 275, 276, 279, 281, 293 Mary Abigail 224 ISIary Alice 89 Mary Antoinette 315 Marv Arleville 90 Mary B 317 Mary Bertha 92 Marv Bradley 221 Mary C 63 Marv Caroline 149 Mary E. . .28, 52, 55, .56, 88, 158, 232, 269 Mary Electa 325 Marv Eliza 57 Mary Elizabeth ...60,61,1.32,293,294 iiarv Emma 159 Mary Galletta 133 Mary Irene 60 Marv .Tane 67, 70. 106. 121. 1.30, 145, 194, 232 Mary Jeanette K 315 Josephine 48, 60 Mary Louise 266 Mary Lucretia 228 Marv Permelia 56 Mary Pickett 301 Marv S 91 Matilda 275, 277, 285, 286, 299, 301 Alatilda Alice 301 Maud 113 Maud Avis 318 Maude HoUiday 92 May Electa Meiina 177 Melinda - 275, 279 Melissa 60, 287, 3.38 Melvin Baker .311 Melvin D .57. ,59 Melvin H 200 Melvin .Toshua 48 Meredith 189 Merrian E 177 Merrit 287 Mildred 178 Mildred C 57. .59 Mildred Emma 287 ISTildred Lee 83 Miles Clark 278. 290 Millard 176 Millie E 170 Millie .Tane 228 Millv 177 Michael Denton 137 Minerva 108. 112, 113 Minerva Rachel 147 XXIV INDEX PAGE LOBDELL— Minuie 53, 145 Miimie Adella 177 Miuuie E 90 Minnie Essie 131 Minuie Eunice 320 Miranda 30C. 314 Mirriam 64, 67, 70, 84, 248 Moutville 76 Morillus 173 Myra C 189, 310 Myrta 145 Myria A 158 Myron Vau.ahn 301 Myrtle L 63 McDonald 54 N Nancy . .158. 173, 193, 199, 233. 311. .320 Nancy De Ette 177 Nancy Jane 139 Nathan . .91!. 106, 107, 108, 110, 112, 113. 121, 214. 217, 218. 219, 224, 227, 296 Nathan Bradley 282,292,293.297 Nathan M 336 Nathan S 314 Nathan Thomas 130 Nathaniel 191, 194, 195, 199 Nellie E 158, 174 Nellie G 76 Nellie R 1.58 Nelson 64, 65. 67. 74 Noble 274, 277, 279 Noble Burlen 279 Noyes 244. 245 O Olga 146 Olive 56, 64, 66, 324 Olive Mabel 55 Oliver 150 Ollie 90 Ora A 179 Orissa 219 Orissa Permelia 222 Orlan W 178 Ormond (Capt.) 21,260.302 Orpha 21.260 Orpha Morgan 291 Orra 302 Orren 145 Orren R 107. 170 Orren Samuel 171 Orren Seth 162.167.169 Orson 61 Orville 42. 7.5, 77 P Paddock 255 Patience 259. 275 Paul 78 Paul Baxter 128 Paul Vincent 227 l-earl A 1.58. 291 Pesrgy 27 Perry 105 Per rv J 59 Persis 13. 22 Phoebe 113, 232, 233, 263, 332 Phoebe J 232, 260 Phoebe Ruphina 260 Philip 46, 57, 2.55 Philip Paddock 255 Philetus 164, 169 Phineas 229. 2.30 Pierson 300 Pliny 275, 276, 279, 286 Polly 27,141, 144, 193, 218. 219, 231, 239, 254, 280 PAGE LOBDELL— Polly Ann 320 Polly Lucinda 29,32 Princess 04, 70 R Rachel 40, 45, 215, 219. 223 Ralph B 226 Ralph F 62 Ralph G 315 Ralph V 227 Ray R 177. 227 Raymond 290 Raymond Oliver 313 Rebecca .13. 14, 27, 45, 84, 215, 246. 248 Rebecca Adelaide 316 Rebecca Noves 240 Renetta Plov 48 Reuben 90 Rheuma 289 Richard 52, 56, 312 Richard Nugent 83 Richard P .311 Robert 102, 218, 219, 289, 337 Robert Livingston 92 Rosander 61, 62 Rosander F 62 Rosemary 6^, 92 Rosamond 159 Rosatha 156 Rosette 176 Ross P .313 Rowland 198 Rovilla 01. 62 Roy 283 Rov Fred 29 Royal Grant. The 160 Rubv E 227 Ruby Sarah 291 Ruphina 21 Ruth 73,137,141. 142, 144, 145, 191, 193, 258. 268, 274 Ruth Bernice 291 S Sadie 281 Sally 27, 139, 192, 231. 233, 251. 279. 296, .304 Sally Ann 19(1. 2.33 Samantha .52, 310, 319 Samuel (Rebecca St. John)... 14. 18. 20, 22. 26. 28 Samuel 27, 28, 36, 55, 110, 111. 124, 125, 131. 162, 182. 215, 216. 218, 219, 273, 275, 297. 3.33 Samuel Bradlev 221 Samuel Everett 133 Samuel II 29, 233. 239 Samuel Harvey 123,1.30 Samuel Henrv 275 Sarah 15, 18, 19. 20. 27. 29, 36, 43. 40, 47, 52. 54. 79, 91. 100. 215, 216, 230. 248, 2.59, 317 Sarah A 28, 116, 118. 126 Sarah Ann 116,117 Sarah Belle 290, 291 Sarah Clark 278 Sarah Cordelia 273 Sarah Eliza 124, 126 Sarah Jane 61, 72. 199. .3.37 Sarah Lucinda 169. 171 Sarah Maria 94. 96 Sarah Pollv 147 Sarah P 91.94 Sarah T 97, 100, 254 Selleck 231 Selleck Boughton 142 Seth 181, 1S7. 224, 225 Seymour 177, 275, 276 indKx XXV PAGE LOBDELL— Seymour Boughton 144,146,151 Sherman Judd 280 Sidney 29, 60, 67, 76 Sidney Alex 82, 83, 85 Sidney J 74, 89 Simon (Persis) ...9,10,11,13,19,22 Simon 43, 44, 67, 84, 86, 282 Simon H 86, 90 Simon Van Ness 284 Smitli . . .52, 54, 55, 57, 61, 113, 276, 325 Smitli S 197 Solon Demosthenes 281 Sophronia 149 Sophie 218 Stanley David 318 Stella M 178 Stephen.. 105, 137, 190, 192, 193, 195, 199 Stephen C 167, 171 Stewart Henry 55 Susan 53, 173, 255, 262, 269 Susan Jane 116 Susan Rebecca 267 Susanna 13. 18, 19, 28, 216, 251 Susan 128, 129 Sylvanus 141, 144 T Taylor 176 TertuUus 190, 199 Theodosia 47, 191, 193, 195, 196 Thomas 112, 210, 269 Thomas Jefferson 313 Tracy B 63 U Uri 100 Uriah 210,229 V Velma M 178 Vera Irene 227 Victor B 67,70 Victoria Rosalie 195 Vincent D 227 Vincent Paddock 128,129 LOBDELL- W Wallace W 63 Walter A 178 Walter C 263 Walter Reginald 92,159 Ward E 281 Warren Lamson 73 Webster Alex 283 Welthia 144 Weslev 86,87,89,-317,320 / Wilber C 60 Wilber Fisk 200 Wilber R 60, 89 Wilber S 89.90 Wilford Norris 167.171 Willis 182, 290, 188 Willis K 175 Willard Le Roy 157 Willie Alviu 129 Willie T 62 William 27,33,88,93,112, 113. 124, 129, 132, 137, 174. 176, 177. 198, 231, 232, 233, 263, 333, 337 William A 88 William Albert 283 William Carter 91 William Daniel 279.316 William George 55,61 William Henry 301,311,312 William Hickev 27,28,29,30 William Irving 132 William Jacob 149 William Maxwell 301 William Nichols 132 William Noble 289 William Richardson 294 William S 28 William Scott 94,97 William Townsend 115,117 William Wallace 151,199 Wray 291 Zachary Tavlor 167 Zadock 161, 173 Zlmrl 61 Zenobia 333, 336, 338 M McCANN, Roscoe Elroy 164 McCarthy, Harriet Livermore 101 John 101 McCOMBER, Mary. 60 McCORKLE, Andrew 187 Margaret Hoagland 187 Mildred Howard 187 William G 187 McCORMACK, George 276 McDANIEL, Catherine A 337 Catherine Coon 337 John 337 McDonald, Angus 34 Catherine Jane 68, 76 Jane 34 Margaret 57 Nellie May 34 Sadie Elizabeth 34 Mr 54 McDOUGLE, Mrs. Cora Hubbell.... 104 McGARRETT, A. C 12 McFARLAND, Mr 15 McGILL, Charles William. Eunice A. Newton Hugh .... 208 208 .... 208 McBNRY, Abigail 207 Abigail Colby 207 William 207 McKEE, Clara French 207 Hattie Bailey 207 Wm. H 207 McKEON, Alice Louise 50 Clara F 50 Elizabeth Elder 50 James 50 Minnie B 50 Nellie J 50 Robert 50 McKINNEY, Alex 113 Ella 114 Esther 113 George 113 George B 114 Ida 114 XXVI INDEX PAGE McKINNBY, Melissa 113 Mr- 1. 113 Wm. H H3 Mcknight, jeunie 286 McLaren, Duncan 296 McLENON, Thomas Norfleet 83 McLEAN, Leander 295 McMAHON, Mary 49, 200 McMANN, Elizabeth 33, 44 McMANUS, Pinley 287 McMILLEN, Hattie 72 McNAUGHTON, K 204 McMURR A Y, Maggie A 34 MeVEA, Charles qq Pearl ::;;:;::: ^ MACKAY, Addison ko Alex. W K% Cecilia ^^ Elizabeth ^o Endora ^o Evalyn G .' iq Frank B ^o wiiiett A .';;;.■;;;.■;: §8 MacKEEVER, Anna E. .. ooo Frederick H '.'.'.'.'." oSg Susan W. Emery 228 MACONBREY, A. R. (Rev.) us MACY. Seth W. (Capt.) 320 MAHLER, Charles Frederick... 104 Frederick E " 1Q4 Margaret Johnson .............'. 104 MAIN, Carrie Virginia o^q Cynthia Isabella ] 256 Donald Gage 256 Ilauuah Gilbert 256 Helen Ida 256 Hubert De Graff '.'.'.'.'.'.'." 256 Hubert Piatt 256 Joshua '[' 256 Julian Sylvester ....!' 956 Lewis Clark 256 Lucius Clark 956 Ophelia L. (De Graff) .'.■.■; 256 Stuart De Graff 256 Sylvester 255 MAKLEY, Orson 59 MALLABY, Oliver D 335 MALLOW. Billy 290 Derinda . . .* !!!.'.'!! 289 Emma Belle 290 Ethel Blanche , ,', 290 Herbert L , [[\ 290 Jane Porter [ 290 Jesse M !.".'!.'." 290 Jesse 290 MALONEY, Chloe 138 Deborah 13g Florence ...[ 135 George !!.'!!! 1.S8 Harriet Ann 138 James 138 iTol"i '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 138 Mary Elizabeth 138 Nathan 138 PAGE Phoebe Jane 138 Ray W 138 Wm. Henry 138 MAN. Abigail T Westcott 171 Buela 171 Clara 171 MANARD, Sarah 236 MANN, G. W. (Mrs.) 224 MANNING. Eleanor 321 MANTERSTOCK. Sarah M 119 MARKHAM, Arthur L 207 Herbert D 267 N. Augustus 267 N. S 267 N. S. (Mrs.) 262 MARR, vJhas C 195 Margaret 195 MARSH, Romelia 300 MARSHALL, Minnie 327 MARTIN. Asa T 176 Charles F 72 Eliza 66 Harriet J 72 Harriet A. (Branch) 176 d ames H 72 Joseph 72 Joseph Henry 72 Lydia (Boardman) 72 Lvdia 72 Mary 87 Marv J 176 Silas B 65,72 Stephen 87 MARTINDALE, Eliza 46, 61 MARVIN. — F 177 Wm. H 164 MASON. Florence E 176 Hamilton 284 Roxey Smith 176 Wyman 176 MATT A. Lena (Mrs.) 93 MATHERS. Susanna 88 MATHEWS. Amanda 336 Amos 3.36 Elizabeth 3.'^6 Ann E 144 Fred W 294 Grace 294 Ina A 294 John 336 Julius 3.36 — Mr 294 S. H 144 MAXON, Orsaville 196 MAXWELL. Louis 73 Mary Agnes 73 Samuel 296 MAY, Mr 260 MAYE. Carra 80 MAYHEW, Theodore 237 MEAD, Isabel 203 Jeremiah 217 Joseph S 102 Mary Clark 102 INDEX XXVll PAGE MEADE, Alice 102 Caroline (Bailey) 127 Gilbert T 127 Joseph S 102 Julia B 127 MEASLEY. Cora 178 Fred K 178 Horace J 178 John 178 Mabel 178 Maria 178 MEEKER. Almira 261 Joseph Steele 261 Rebecca (Youngs) 261 MELICK, Jane 333 John 333 Mary 333 Mary Todd 333 Rebecca 333 MERRILL, Annie 54 MERRITT, Anna 131 MERWIN, Burr 133 Esther N 133 Mary Josephine 133 Tryphenla ". 255 MEYERS, AlTin Peter 54 Irene Lillian 54 John 64, 66, 68 Julia A 64, 66, 242 Mlrrlam 68, 75 MHOON, Jane 99 MIHILLS. Catherine 1.50 Sarali Hazelton 159 Sylvester 159 MILLARD. Edward 191 — Miss 84 MILLAUX. Ann 262 Caroline 262 Edwin 262 Eliza Alvord 21 George Ludovic 262 Louis Paul 262 Ludovic 262 L. (Mrs.) 262 MILLER, Benjamin Ill Carrie 199 Charles L 294 David M 294 Eliza 110 124 — Bush 294 Emma A 294 Evalyn 315 James S. (Jr.) 103 Lorena •. . . . 8f> Mardnla E (Olmstead) 294 Myron 138 Peter A 78 Sabriua E 294 W. H 195,199 MINER, Jonathan T 184 Julia 184 Sarah Krum 184 Sarah 184 MINERLY, Albert B 282 Eliza 282 Eliza J. (Cox) 282 MISNER, Joseph 3.35 MITCHELL, — Dr 273 John R 297 PAGE MIX, Silas C 67 MONEY, Agnea 40 MOODY, Lewis 297 Wm 176 MOORE, Betsey (Patchen) 310 Dorothy 103 Frederick J 300 Henry 310, 320 Jacob 310 Jemima 310 Katie 300 Sarah 300 MOOREHOUSE, Rebecca 110 MOORMAND, Clarence 77 MORAN, Lena 237 MOREY, Alice 294 Ellen Ransom 294 Willett S 294 MORGAN, Edwin 137 Laura 327 Melissa 137 Miles 11 MORRIS, Benj. Franklin 2.37 Elijah 237 Henry 12 Jessie Eliza : 237 John 48 Josephine E 48 Sarah 236 MORRISON. Caroline 320 Hiram 290 Mercy 290 Sarah Fitch 290 MORROW, Alice May 288 James 288 John 288 Mary A. (Conway) 288 Stephen Arthur 288 MORTON, Daniel J. (Capt.) 62 MOSELY. Caroline 254 Frances 2.54 Joseph 2.54 Lucretia 2.54 Marv 254 Sarah 254 Sarah Lobdell 254 MOSIER. Aarou .321 Olive 321 Ruth Richardson 321 MOYS, Georgia E 335 MOXLEY, Johu 309 Lucena .309 Roxey (Terry) 309 MOYNING. Harry 144 MULLINS, Priscilla 239 MUNGER, Harmon 191 Lucy 191 Sophia Knapp 191 MONROE, — H. (Rev.) 220 MUNSON. Jane L 137 MUSHETT. George 133 Mary G. Creswell 133 Mildred A. Lobdell 133 Wm. Cresswell 133 INDEX N PAGE NAPIER, Elizabeth Maria 164 Rutli Hoag 164 Wm 165 NASH, Charles 124 Harriet 124, 131 T. M. (Mrs.) 254 NEVINS. Charles Fremont 228 Frederick 228 Harriet Mitchell 228 NEW, — Mr 47 NEWBERRY, Elizabeth Lobdell... 22 — Mr 47 NEWELL, Sophronia 142 NEWMAN, L. G. (Dr.) 120 NEWTON, Mary 13s Wm 314 NIBBELNIK, John 32 NICHOLS, Betsey Durand 156 Daniel H 58 Endora W. (Widow) 283 Harriet 75 Harriet H 58 Mary A 156 Roland 156 Stilly 283 Samuel (Rev.) 109 Sarah Bethia 123 Wm. M 123 NICKEBSON, Boxanna 124 NOBLE, Frances 234 NORRIS. Sally A 67 NORTH, Edwin C 324 — Mr 219 NORTHRUP, Clara 16,260 Daniel 19 David 15, 19. 329 Elizabeth 10, 19 Eunice 16, 329 Frank 53 Harriet E 130 — Lake 130 Ida 238 Isaac 16, 22. 329 Jabez 14, 15. 19 Jacob 53 Jonah 329 Joshua 16 Joseph 22 Lewis 329 Lois 329 Martin r,3 Mollie 329 Morris 53 Phalle 329 Rebecca 16, 329 — Downs 16 Ruth 329 Sarah 14, 15, 16, 19, 329 Susannah 22 Wm 53, 130 XORTHUM. Caroline 275 Levi 273 Lucy West 275 NORTON, Daniel 222 Elmira 222 Minnie 137 NOYES, Amelia Burr 2.'?9 Beniamin 247 Joseph 239 Re])ecea 239. 244 NUGENT. Marie C. Guibert 83 Richard James 83 NUSS. Henry 157 Mae 157 Maria Helen 157 o OBERG. Aake Larson 73 Albert Theodore 73 Alex 73 Charles Olaf 73 Edward Sidney 73 Elna Olson 73 Mabel Lobdell 73 Olaf (Mrs.) 72 Olaf 73 OBERST, Anna Leona 172 Anna Mohler 169 Charles Wm 172 Clara Rutherford 172 Earl Monroe 172 Franklin Philetus 172 Lucy Webb 172 Michael 169, 172 Olive Elnora 172 Wilbur Lobdell 172 O'CONNOR. B. R. (Dr.) 49 Eugenia 49 ODELL, Eliza OFFICER. David 245 Eliza .Tane 245 .Jane Holmes 245 OGDEN. Augusta 246 Daniel B 250 OLDS, Clarissa 198 OLIVER. Ida Viola 313 Temperance Moore 313 Thomas L 313 OLMSTEAD. Clara 244 Clarissa 245 Eunice 19.21.22 Frank E. (Mrs.) 255, 2.56 Hannah 329 John (Lieut.) 14 Josiah 217 Marv Ann 104,169 Matthew 217 Melissa 273 Miranda 273 Ormond Bradley 273 INDEX XXIX PAGE Polly St. John 244 Rebecca Whitney 214 Samuel 273 Seth 244 ONDERDONK, (Bishop) 105 OOTIIOUT, Jonas Volkert 299 Wm. Volkert 299 OSBORN, Abram Purdy 122 C. J 50 Charles Noyes 245 Charles 245 Clarence Lincoln 245 Clark Hickox 122 PAGE Ellen Amelia 122 Elizabeth 259 Elizabeth Mead 259 Emma Caroline 122 George Turuey 245 Hannah Kuapp 245 Isaac 245 James 259 Rachael 258, 259, 277 Rufus Rnymoud 122 Walter Doty 122 OSTERHOTTT, Harriet 75 Nicholas 75 OTIS, James 337 PACKER, Helen 335 PADDOCK, Bethia 19,254 Elizabeth (Howes) 19 Julia 119,128 Nathan 115 Vincent 119 Zachariah P 19 PALMER. Adam 148 Adelle Hyatt 148 Anna 37 Deborah 37, 107, 116 Elizabeth 37 Gideon 37 Hannah 37 James 37 Jonathan 37, 89 Lewis 110 Mary Puller 148 Mary White 89 Nathaniel 37 Robert 37 Samuel 37, 115 Sarah 37 Seymour C 148 Winans ?>7 Wm. Humphrey 148 Wm. R 89 PANE, Jacob 53 — Mrs 51 PANKEY, David Young 80 Mary (Jones) 80 PARDA, Georgie 268 PARKER, Annie 209 Blanch 209 George M 225 Louise Van Derveer 235 Maxmillian 209 PARKS, Delia l.-^O Richard 1.30 PARRIS, Caleb 317 Daniel 137 Huldah 317 Leonard J 322 Sylvia Rebecca 322 PARSONS, Milo C 269 PARTRIDGE, — A. (Rev.) 110, 124 PATRICK. Burr (Mrs.) 241 Edgar J 270 John 241 Julia E. (Mrs.) 262 Lewis 270 Mary 270 Mary Hartwell 270 Ruth A 127 I'ATTISON, Mary Hazen 92 PEAR, Amelia Puller 235 PEARSON, — Mr 142 I'EARY, Antoinette 90 Arleville (Green) 90 James 90 PEASE, Mary A 88 Wm 88 PECK, Mary 158 Mattie 138 — Mr 2.59 Sarah (Lobdell) 21 PEDLER, Susie A 198 PEDRICK. Hannah 36 Robert 36 PBLTON, James 192 PERHAM, Alvin James 223 PERKINS, Clarissa H. Brown 145 Jane Maria 145 John Leonard 145 PERRY, Eleanor 97 Wm 97 PETTINGILL. — Mr 330 PETTIT, Prederick G 235 Gold D 235 Henry 23.5 Joanna Aarouson -oo Wm. H 200 PEYTON, — (Mrs.) 254 PPLEGER. George 206 James Moore 200 Kenneth Warner 209 Laviua R. (McConnell) 206 Lillie 206 M. Lavina 206 Stephen Day 206 Wallace Jeremiah 200. 209 PHILLIPS. — Mr 48,274 Mrs. Edward 93 Wm 48 PHILPOT, Annie 155 Brian 155 INDEX PAGE PIERCE, Elizabeth 10 Naucy 275 Persis 10, 13 Rowland 275 Thomas 10 PIERSON, Alice Parmelia 299 Amanda (Mason) 299 Eli 299 PIKE, Mary A. (Thayer) 116,118 PILLOW, Miss Ashton 92 PITCHER. Samantha 76 PITTS, Addie 177 PLATT, Charlotte Creigh Morgan.. 312 Elizabeth Bassett 312 Epenetiis 255 Marv M 312 Marshall 255 Norma E 187 Perry J 187 Peter Mignault 312 Samuel 173 Wm. A 209 Zephaniah (Judge) 312 PLUM, Jared 210 .John (Jr.) 18 Joshua 210 Mary Lobdell 14, 22, 210 Marv 210 Rachel (Bunnell) 18 Samuel 14, 18, 210 Susanna 210 Zuriel 210 POLLOCK, George 290 POMEROY, Grace 41,67,84 Mirriam 42, 44, 64, 66 PAGE PORTER, Daniel 175 Henrietta (Allen) 175 Noah W 175 POTTER, Amelia 187 Ann 285 Electa J 174 Erastus 174 Jane Dickey 174 Nancy 174 POUCE, Jane 42, 45 POWELL, Edward 71 Emily 71 Martha Searl 71 POWERS. Alphonso E 226 Inez Noe 226 Timothy D 282 Wilbur 288 Zenetta H 226 PRATT, Calvin 158 Ida P 72 Jerome 196 Lura Ann Sarah Faxon 72 Walter 72 PRESTON, Almira Austiu 148,152 PRIBLE, Charles 147 PROWL, Mary E 132 PULLMAN, Gertrude 288 PURDY, Eliza 109,110,116 Nancy Crandall 199 Permelia 199 Stephen 199 Q QUICK. Gerard C 127 Julia 127 QUIMBY, Harriet 55 R RAND, Daniel 181 RANDALL, Edward Payson 56 Frances Pauline 56 Frank E 55 Lydia 275 RANDERSON, Kittle 300 RANDOLPH, Eliza Osman 147 Elizabeth 93 George 147 Sarah H 147 RANGE, Charles L 195 Edward W 195 Harry H 195 RAY. Adam 200 Elisha 191 Eliza Anita 325 Ethel C 200 Ethel E 326 Ersula 195 Flora 326 Floyd A 201 Franklin 322, 325 Fred A 326 Glorianna Williams 322 Hiram 326 Jennie 1 200 Jessie W 201 John Lobdell 326 Lydia A 200 Martha Anna 326 Mary Anna 326 Marv Hadley 200 Philoma 288 Ruby L 201 Walter W 201 Wm. M 200 RAYMOND, Catherine Smith 262 Harriet 122 Oliver 313 Phoebe 262 Simeon 262 REAL, Betsey 304 INDlJX PAGE REED, Albert 310 Cynthia May 310 Cynthia 310 Elizabeth 310 Eunice 310 Hattie 310 Ilattie C 131 Henrietta 310 Henry 310 John C 131 Margaret A <')3 Richmond 310 REEVES, Elizabeth 247 REMINGTON, Louisa Ill RESSIQUIE, Alex 100 Esther 100, 102 Eunice Blackman 100 REYNOLDS, Alice 115, 140 Ann 30 Beuj 30, 100, 115, 116 Doris Fuller 31fi Franklin Samuel 135 Floyd 115, 140 Grace (Lobdell) 100.135 Hack 115, 140 Harrison 115, 140 Howard Manley 130 Hiram 100, 134, 135 James 134 — Clifford 135 — Thomas 135 .Toseph 18 Laura 00, 115 Matilda 115 Mary 36, 100, 115, 116, 140, IS Marv Brown 135 Mildred Jane 316 Rufus 135 Ruth 10 Ruth Winifred 316 Sarah Brown 316 Seymour 316 Theodore 100, 134, 135 Titus 109 Walter 135 William 135 — V 316 RHEA, Josiah E 77 Robert 70 Sallie Preston 70 RHODA. Peter 317 RHODES, Anthony 334 Henry 136 RIGGS, Daniel 216,247 Isaac 247 Joseph 216 Mary (Keeler) 21(*) Polly 247 Samuel 232 Susanna Lobdell 247 RICHARDS. Elizabeth 143 RICHARDSON, James 335 Nancy 292, 203 Russell 270 Wm 202 RICKETS, Ben.i 103 RIPPEY, Wm. E. (Rev.) 138 RITENAUR, Caroline 129 PAGE ROBERTS, Elizabeth Lol)dell 22 Sarah (Mrs.) 113 Sarah A. Gray (Mrs.) 216 Susanna 22 Wm 10. 22 ROBINSON, Andrew 192 Caroline 192 Catherine 60 James 314 Olive 317 Wm 317 Zeruah 192 ROCKWELL, David J 192 Hannah 36 John Jr 36 Joshua 36 L. J. (Mrs.) 193 Mary 36 ROGERS, Alonsou 139 Anson B 136 Carrie A 136 Denton A 136 Emmett J 136 Mary A 108 Percy D 136 ROICE, Phoebe 112 ROSE. Abigail 186 Bathsheba 186 Betsey 186 Charles 186 Dilly 186 Harriet 186 John 186 Lillian 186 Lois 186 Lucy 186 Mercy 186 Mollie 186 Nathaniel 186 Olive 186 Patty 186 Peter 186 Rhoda 186 Sallv 186 Samuel 22, 186 Susan 186 Susanua 186 Thankful 186 Thomas 186 Willard 186 Wyatt 186 ROSS, Charles 184 ROUGH, Mary 71 ROWE, Florence 188 Loviea (Camp) 188 Mattie 188 Nelson (Dr.) 188 Rufus Murray 188 R. M. (Mrs.) 182 ROWLINS, John 169 ROY, James 300 RUE, Annie Jenkins 152 Lewis 152 Mabel 1.52 Wm. Howard 152 RULAND, Abraham 84 Alben 67, 84 Anna 86 Beni 84 Eliza 84 INDEX PAGE Emaline 8(! Emily 07 Enos 86 Eunice 86 Fay 67 Julia 84 Martraret 67 Mirriain 67 Saloma 86 Sylvester 84 Wm 86 Zina 86 RUNDELL, Jacob 40 — Mr 117,161 Nathan 121 PAGE IIUNDLE. Allen 123 Artbur L 123 Emeline 126 Ezra 123 Martha J. Ryder 126 Nathan 39. 126 Seth 79 RUSSELL, Agnes 325 Joseph 194 Lucia 50 RUTHVEN. Edwin 325 RYAN, Henrietta 181, 188 RYERSON, Lumerie 247 RYDER, Cyrus 139 s SARIN, Abigail 2S1 Evalvn 281 Nelson 281 SABLE. Charles 105 SACKETT, Auffustine Polly 273, SADLER, Richard SALE. Frank E Henr.y SALISBURY. Annie Bena.1ah Daniel Henry Wallace Percy Ruth Helen SAMPSON, Theresa V SANDERSON, Dean E. C SANFORD, Althea Mr. — SAVARD, Marie SAWYER, Myria SAXTON, Abigail E. Sweet Dorothy Goodwin Frederick Dean Frederick Elmer John R Julia Langworthy Lyman Pratt SCHRENRICK. Samuel SCHULTZ, Mary L Susan SCISCO, Lorenza D. SCOBY, Bertha S... SCOTT, Catherine Seeber Daniel David James James M John Marion Sarah 36, 42, 67, 100, — Mr SCRIBNER, Benj Polly Stephen BEABOLT, Elizabeth 136 290 300 149 149 307 193 307 193 307 193 223 49 76 241 73 158 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 1T9 34 S8 51 176 32 30 36 30 332 32 32 258 199 285 239 241 76 SEARS, Knowles (Capt.) 216 SECOR, Angeleek 306,307 B. F 285 SEDGWICK. Howard 334 SEELEY, Anna 84 Chloe 55 Joseph 84 Minnie 55 SELLECK, Lydia 229 SELLEEN. Amauda 114 SEVERS, Abble 234 SEXTON, Fred K 145 Fred L 146 SEYMOUR, — Mr 43 SHANTZ, Addison 287 SHAW. Daniel L 196 Edmond 195 Elizabeth Keeler 100 Euaene 196 Eunice 191, 196 George W 196 Harriet 196 Henrietta 153 Hiram K 100 Jacob 153 Martha (Brown) 153 Marvin 195 Rol)«rt 52 Samuel 191, 196 Theodore 52 Wm. Stuart 195 Willis 196 SHELDON, John 19 SHELLEY, Aaron J...- 280 :Marv Curtis 280 Nettie M 280 SHEPHERD. Caroline M 281 Eliza 287 John 10 Phineas 281 SHERMAN, Abel (Dr.) 71 Arthur 71 SHERWOOD, Ann 22 Dn niel 41 Elizabeth 190, 193 George F 133 Jerusha 41 INDEX PAGE Jerusha Whitney 41 Maruaret 47 Ruth 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 41, 45, 258 Sarah 41 Wm 133,194 SHIPMAN, Margaret 286 SHOWERS. Jennie 54 SIIUTB, George 241 SIGSBEE. Baltic 71 SILVERNAIL. Clarence Dale 73 J. P. (Prof.) 73 SIMONDS. — (Col.) 43 Mary Mrs SINCLAIR, Mary 136 SKEEL, Flora M 1.52 SKINNER, Jerusha 12 Van Rennsclaer SLADE, Horace T 147 Rosette E 147 SLATER, Edgar 71 Elmyra 71 Frederick P 65 John 84 SLAUGHTER. Theron 141 SLIGHTER, Abraham 198 SLOCUM, Malvina 84 SLY. Martha 278 Mary Adelaide 274, 279 SMALL, Duauo 145 SMITH. Abigail L 323 Albert M 161 Alice 115 Almira 323 Alvira 325 Anna A 323 — (Capt.) 43 Caroline 121 Carrie L 59 Catherine 281 Clarence 263 Charles 263 Clemence Mills 2.55 Daniel 329 Daniel D 115 Dolly 31 Ebenezer 321 Edmund Perlee 191 Edwin J 31 Elbert Ill Eliza Klinger ISO Elnathan 190 Emily A 323 Erasmus H. (Rev.) 117 Eusene 325 Evalyna Stuart 171 Frances A 323 Frank 203 — D 285 Fred 31 George 180, 323. 326 — W. (Judge) 161 Harrison 115 Harvey 59 Helen M 224 Henrv -'63 Himm Safford 171 Horace G 323 PAGE H. L 74 Isaac 255 Jacob 197 James 31 — G 87 Jane 195 — A 323 John 2.55 Lillie 180 Margaret L. (Andrus) 200 Marie 197 Marie Coralie 83 Marinda 247 Marv 46 — Delia 200 — E 115 — Josephine 202 McPhersou 262 Moses 156 — Mr 264 Niles Norris 321,323 Phoebe Ann 115 Prudence 124 Rueben 2.55 Richard De Los 200 Rockwell 263 Sally Benedict 262 Samuel 161, 115 Sarah 255 Sidney 262, 65 Squce' 322 Susanna Phillips 255 Temperance Titus 255 Underbill 115 Willis 115 52 — H 197 SMODELI;, Alida 71 SNEDBKER, Charles 265 SNELL, Ruth 288 SOULE. Hiram Allen 222 .Joseph 218 Salmon 218 SOUTHERLY, Mary Ann 194 SOWLES, — D 55,58 Wm. Hamilton 55,58 SPBLLMAN, Anna Louise 334 Ella 334 George 334 Mirriam Clark 334 Susan Talbot 334 Thomas 334 SPENCER, Bertha 55 Henry 55 Sarah G T3 SPERRY, Eden 16 SPINNING, E. C 285 Spoouer, Mary 270 SPRAGUB, — Mr 43 SPRINGER, — Mrs 79, 80 SQUIRES, Hannah 239 STANLEY, — (Gov.) 318 STANTON, Frank 86 STAFF, Amelia Bush 180 Emma 1§5 George 1»0 INDEX PAGE STATLES, Annie C 133 Frances Le Roy 133 STARK. Abial 206 Anna Pearl HOS. ij( (!) Arthur Hollaway 207 Bryce Parker 2o'.) Fannv 207 Frank 200 .Tames 200 .Tane A. (Ely) 20(5 John B 200 .Tohn Given 20.5. 20S .Tulia L. Dean 100 Stella Louise 2()S Walter 200,200 Wm. Henry 200 STARR. Wm. A 74 (STARR'S PLAIN CEMETERY).. 2.S0 STEBBINS. Mary E 70 STEELE. Charles Henrv 204.207 Eliza Halloway 203 Emma Fraut-cs 204 .Tohn Beatrv (Rev.') 203 Richard Ilallowav 203.207 Walter Halloway 204 STERLING. Anna M. Lolxlell 00.100 Helene Allaiu 100 .Toseph 334 Lewis 40.00 Matilda 00.00 Robert ETerford 100 Ruffln Gray ( Or.t 100 STERNBURG. Wm 74 STEVENS, Deborah .T ]22 Irving L 1.36 James 121 S.illy (Braden) 12.5 STEVERS. Alice May 327 Allen D 327 Carl 327 Charles E 327 Frank ,327 Frank E 327 Isaac 320 Wm 327 STEWART. Ann E 66 Caroline .50 Henry ,55 John 208 Lorenzo D 70 Sally A. Norris 06 Wm 66,101 Wm. (Mrs.) 195 STICKLES. Charles 47 Christopher 47 AVm 47 ST. JOHN. Ale-:ander 205 Aiin.a 215 Hiram 230 ,Tane 58 Jane Smith 215 John 230 T TABER, J. A 233 TAFT. Mr 204 TAGGERT, Wm 315 TALMADGB, Delia 137 PAGE Noah 215, 239, 240 Rebecca Olmstead IS Rebecca 14, 18 Samuel is. 230 STODDARD, Daniel Martin 235, .326 Joseph 235 STONE. Charles 205 Comfort S. Bell 205 Mary Elizabeth 205 Mary 293 STOTTS, — Mr 79 STOUT, George H 136 Norton 136 Susanna 28 Wm 28 STO WERS. Benj. F 81 Caleb G 81 Emily Jane 80 Lewis B 81 Margaret M 81 Volney S 81 STOWITTS, Cornelius (Rev.) 118 STRANAHAN. Cordelia 194 STRONG. Barbara 89 Hettie N 270 Lelaud M 268 Ruth Ann 195 STUART. Fraucillo 101,162 Jesse 101 Orsemus 101 Polly 161 STUDEBAKER. Emma 3.36 STURGIS. Eliza Bearse 223 .Tohn Burr 250 Mary Rachael 223 Seth 223 Smith Farrand 223 Walter H. Wakeman 223 STUTZ. John Jacob 77 SUGDEN, John 274,270 SULLIVAN. Erskine 53 SWAIN. Eliza Hutchinson 145 Nathan 145 Susanna 145 SWEENY. Julia 58 SWEET. Benjamin P 209 Catherine B. Burroughs 209 Grace 104 — (Mrs.) 276 SWIFT. Andrew 287 Eliza Parks 61 El nif^r 276 Emeline L 61 George M 61 Heman (Col.) 215.216 Solomon B 61 SYLVESTER. Anna Turner 223 Peter 274 TATT'M. Luther 80 TAYLOR, Burr 236 Bbenezer 240 Elbert Burr 236 INDEX XXXV PAGE Eleazer 240 Emma Goodenough 189 Eva 189 Henry 236 Howland C 189 Jemima 333 Jerome 236 Lottie Belle 260 Morgan Lewis 299 Noah 236 Parmelia Burr 236 Raymond 299 Sarah Rlggs 299 Wm 181 TEETER, Andrew 114 Warren 138 TELFORD, Daniel B 250 TERRILL, Augustus 261 Betsey 139 Frank 261 Frederick E 261 Geo. Washington 261 Henry 261 John 10 Julia 261 William 261 TERRY, Anna 10 Charles 114 Chloe Maria 139 Elizabeth 10 Ephraim 10 John 139 Mary 10 Phileda 310 Rebecca 10 Samuel 10 Thomas 10 THAYER, Mary J THEW, Daniel 317 Kate 318 Robert 318 THOMAS, Benjamin 191 (Goodman) 9 Mary A 288 THOMPSON, Anna L. 323 Clinton 237 Freelove N 323 Israel 323 William S 237 William H 291 THORPE, David Joyce 325 THURSTON, Avis L 32 TIFFERNEY, Wm. W. (Rev.) 65 TILLOTSON. John 193 Lydia 193 Margaret Morgan 193 TIMMERMAN, Lawrence 174 TITUS, David 46 TOBIAS, Alice R 301 Henry 301 Hepzlbeth (Hermans) 301 TODD, Elizabeth 27 Martin 134 Mary 333 PAGE TOLES, Martha D. (Lindsay) 208 Mary Louisa 208 Perry E 208 TOMPKINS, Barbara 66 Blisha 64 Elijah 66 Isaac Lobdell 65 James Jacox 66 Joshua 65 Miranda 65 Mirriam 65 Mr 65 Penelope 66 Princess 65, 74 Sidney Smith 65 Wm. C 65 TOUCY, Harriet 265 Rachael 141 TOWNE, Benj. Warner 225 E. Warner 224 Etta Sophia 224 Roy Lolidell 225 Sophia Hawks 224 W^arner 224 TOWNSEND, Rev. Mr 105 Mr 114 Sarah 110 Susanna 121 William 110, 118 TOY, Florence 301,302 TRACY, Lloyd 333 Otis J. (Capt.) 94 R. M TRAVIS, Mary 139 Susie 264 Rev. Dr 121 TREADON, Suzette 101 TREAT, (Gov.) Robert 13 TREAD WAY, Addle Maria 313 Harriet Baker 313 John W 313 TREADWBLL, Malvina A. F 302 TRIPP, Julius 54 Sarah Sabrina 54 TROWBRIDGE, Mahala 219 TRUE, Lucy Ann 277 TRUESDELL, Joillathan 193 Phoebe 193 1 TRUSCOTT, Isabelle (Parsons) 3^5 Robert 325 TUBES, James 88 Louisa 88 Sarah Beers 88 TUCKER, Matthew 88 TURNBULL, Belle 87 Sarah 96 TURNER, Caroline Menefee 188 Isaac 188 Mary 188 Virginia Beauregard 188 TYRELL. Charles 63 XXXVl INDEX u PAGE UDELL, Daniel 65 Hannah 45 Margaret (Hogan) 64 Nancy 64, 66, 86 PAGE William 64 UMERY, Sarah 52 UNDERBILL, Sarah 110 V VAIL, Adelaide 308 Alfred 308 Angeleek 308 Arthur H 127 Barton Bromley 308 Barton Henry 308 Betsey Ann (Bailey) 127 Celestla 308 Charles Hubert 127 David 127 David Perry 127 Earl 308 Edward 308 Elizabeth 109 Ella 308 Erastus 308 Harold Quick 127 Jennie 308 Lois Ann 308 Loren 308 Melvin 308 Miranda 308 Moses 308 Rufus K 308 Sarah E 127 VAN ALSTYN, Abram VAN ARMANN, Abraham. Sally VAN HOOSEN, John Tobias . VAN NESS, Cornelius Bffle Sharp Garrett Jacob Jernsha 273, John Raehael 273, VAN STERNBERG, Eugene 48 292 298 293 273 275 275 273 , 281 273 282 49 VAN VALTENBURG, Abram Al- styne 48 Caroline 47 Glen 47 William 47 VAN VECHTEN, Abraham 297 VAN WEE, Jane 74 VAN ZILE, John A 79 VARNS, Henry G 325 VAUGHN, Angeleek 310 Bessie 283 Blnathan 310 Frank 159 John Lobdell 158 Julian 158 Samuel F 283 VEDDER, Eleanor M 77 Harry A 77 VELSEY, Charlotte J 209 VENABLE, Mary 13,79 VER PLANK, Phillip 18 VIALL. Burke 171 Florence Butler 171 Roy (Capt.) 171 VIBBARD, Rueben 275 VICKERY, Marv H 198 Polly Flint 198 Stephen 198 VINCENT, Cordelia 72 David 72 Hamilton Ford 72 Maria Marritt 72 Mary L 72 Romain 71 Stephen 72 VOUGHT, Sarah 119 w WADHAMS. Francis 262 Frederick 262 Isaac C 223 WAKELEE. Huldah 52 Marv Ann 52.55 Noah 52 WAKEMAN. Abigail Amelia 223 Clara Buckley 219,223 Hazel June 223 Horatio 219, 223 Howard Guy 223 Isaac 219 Minnie Mav 223 Sanford H 223 Sarah 223 Sarah Bradley 219 Seth Bradley 223 Walter 223 Walter Earl 223 WALDRON, Annette 86 WALKER, Anna 57 George 57 John 79 Sevmour T 177 Silas 198 WALLACE. Abijah 190,201 Carrie 34 Deborah 190. 201 Elizabeth Lobdell 30,33.34 Elizabeth Keeler 190,201 Etta Mav 34 Prank Otto 34 Fred Sheridan 34 ■Tames 30 John 105, 193 Lottie Lenora 34 Martha Schoefleld 193 Margaret Aulls 30 inde;x XXXVll PAGE Margaret Elizabeth 34 Mayo Charles 34 Ruth 192 Sarah 117 Scott Henry 30 T'riah 105 Warren P 30,34 WALRON, John J 75 WALTON, Alma Vidette 170 Elenora 235 Elizabeth Ann Lobclell 170 Emma Arville 170 Florence Mary 170 James Anderson 167, 170 John 167 Marcellns Adelbert 170 Nancy Blake 167 WARD. Abijah Angelina 281 C. Art. (Dr.) 268 David M 318 Elanson 281 Ellen J. Hendricks 318 Epenetus 38 Harriet Celia 49 James Orreu 49 Jerusha Van Ness Nellie B 318 WARE, Anna 87 Daniel 87 Ella 87 WARING, Amelia 119 Hannah 124 Joseph 124 WARNER, Anna Gates (Lewis) 209 Marv 209 William 209 WARREN, Daniel 234 Mary 234 Michael 216 Peter 232 WASHBURN, Kate A Rufus 296 Susanna 110 WATBRBURY, Hannah 142 WATERMAN, All)ertie R 57 Briggs, W 53 Ezra 55 Ezra Lucius 57 Ida May 57 .Tennie 57 Mary Ann 53, 51 WATKINS, Kate A 113 WATSON. Eva J 223 Jane A. Howard 223 — Mr 91 Tennessee Estelle 80. 92 W. L 223 WATTS, Evie 265 WAUGH, Helen 268 WEARN, Lillie E. (Mrs.) 200 WEAVER, Betsey 113 WEBB, Benj 200 Charles Wesley 200 Gilbert 190,193 Henry 199 Jacob Wright 193,199 .Tames Edward 200 PAGE Lucius Allard 200 Lydia 48 Mary Jane 199 Ruth 190,193 Ruth Wallace 190 Wm. Wallace 200 WEBSTER, Alex 283 Belle 76 WEEKS, Ann Eliza 235 Charles Benj 235 Evalyn 235 John L 235 — Noble 235 Julia A 235 Mary 235 — Esther 235 Nellie Venetia 235 Wm 230, 234 — H 234,235 WEESNER, Katherine 26 WEISENFBLS, — (Lieut. Col.) 37 WELDON, Jennie 197 WELLS, Harriet 288 WENTWORTH, Bertha L 227 Lucinda A. Blake 227 Nelson John 227 WESCOTT, Abigail T 171 Martha 327 WEST, Edwin Stone 208 George Warren 208 Henry L 208 Mabel Minnie 208 Mary Scidmore 208 Samuel 208 WESTON, Marcellus 297 WETMORE, Seth 297 WHEATON, Wm 43 WHEELER, Denman 263 Isaac 191 Laura A 263 Ruth Ann (Hawley) 263 WHITE, Alvah C 234 Anna E 127 Benjamin 236, 238 Carrie Frances 238 Charles Benjamin 230 — Henry 234,238 — Judson 231 Edward A 238 Eliza Ann 236 Esther 231,236 George Francis 265 — Henry 263 — Russell 265 Gideon 231, 236 Hannah 234, 238 James 263 Jane 2.S8 Jehial 309 Joel 236 John 265 — A 234 — Henry 265 — L 236 — Norton 265 Judson 231, 236 Lewis B 238 Lola J. (Smith) 127 Martha J 234, 236 INDEX PAGE Mary 236 — Augusta 265 — E 234.238 — Lovicy 309 Robert F 127 Russell 231 Theopilus 234 True W 315 Uriah Burr 230 — Height 234 Wallace A 238 Ward 238 Warren 234 WHITED. Bessie Myrtle 170 Charles 169 Nessel May 170 Sarah (Carr) 169 Walter 169 WHITEHEAD. AIouzo 241 Ambrose Beach 241 Augeliue 241 Beach 241 Eleanor 241 Georgianna 241 Jane 241 WHITELAW. Jennie T 311 Robert 311 WHITLOCK. John 18 Thomas 274 WHITNEY, Anson 124 Betty 27, 107, 110 Clarissa 218 Elizabeth 217 Elizabeth Lobdell 217 Elizabeth Olmstead 214 Esther 218 Eunice 218 Harriet 218 Henry 217 Jerusha 41 — Mrs 219 Rebecca 217 Sarah 217 Shprwood 217 Silas 218 WHITTLESEY, Lyman L 262 WICKS, Ophelia 199 WIERMAN, Erastus 276 WIGHTMAN. Amy 172 Rebecca D 172 WILBER, Rachael B 55 WILCOX.— Mr 315 WILEY. Achsay 147 James 36 Sarah (widow) 36 WILKINS. Susanna 65 WILKINSON, Sarah 109 WILLARD, Lutheda G WILLETTE, Wm. (Col.) 38 WILLIAMS. Annie 108 Annice 114 Aluoon Russell .^O Andrew Russell 50 Claude Arleigh 50 Cornelius 9 Dederick .' 86 PAGE Eliza 178 Eliza Ann S6, 89 George 114 George Henry 114 Harold Jennings 50 Henry G 288 Lucy Cornelia 266 Marv 108 Mary B Maud 288 Minerva 338 Sarah Gavett WILLIAMSON, Raymond 115 Sarah 115 WILLOUGHBY, Ella 288 WILSEY, Miss 46 WILSON, Abigail 328 Catherine Burt 334 Bbenezer 31 Elizabeth 46. 51 Elizabeth Davis 23 George Jesse Davis 234 Joseiih 27 Katie 31 Mary 333 Otbo 334 Robert Stewart 333 William 234 WILTSE, Capt. Cornelius 37 WING, David 193.194 James 46, 52 Lydia 46 Seneca 66 William ITO WINSTON. David 66 Eliza Martin 66 Sally 66 WISWALL. Alice 300 Edward H 300 John 300 Sarah M 300 WITHERALL, Amy Hibbard 241 Mosps 241 Sarah B 241 WOLF. Clarence Edward 172 Dallas Edward 172 Doris Evalyn 172 Geortre 172 Isabell Reed 172 WOLVERTON, Emma Louise 136 Joel 136 Peter 136 WOOD, Abijah 231 Carrie Mrs. C. E 288 Curtis 124 Daniel 229,231 Darius 229 Edward 285 Galletta A 124 Lucy 231 Luke 232 Sally Lockwood 124 William 229 William Wesley inde;x XXXIX PAGE WOODS. Elizabeth 28 Elizabeth McKnight 28 James 28 WOODWARD, Belle 138 Dr. E. H l.^S Maria Eliza 221 WOODWORTH, Abel 62 Nancy Aun 62 WOOSTER, David 10,13,15 Edward 13 Jerusha 15 Mary (Lobdell) 15 Persia 15 Tamar 15 WORDEN, Amelia K 287 Elijah J 287 PAGE Ellen Melissa 287 WORTHINGTON. Agnes Seabury.. 272 AKues M. (Dixon) 271 Rev. Edward Wm 271 Eleanor 272 Gad B 271 WRIGHT, Celina 92 Cyrus 66 Mr. E. J 174 Electa J 134 Miss 310 WYCOFF, Anna (Pruden) 28 Marv Ann 28 Peter 28 WYGANT, Caroline May 119 Henry B 119 YAW, Jane 42,45 YELVERTON, John 108 YERKES, Silas (Capt.) 195 YETTER, Joseph 74 YLEZBN, Frank E 60 YOST, (Judge) 293 YOUNG, Anna Sterling 103 Charles Johnson 103 Clara Estelle 103 Hannah 198 Helen Mary 103 James Oron 103 John J 101,103 Lucian Bertrand 103 Maud M 103 Sarah Elizabeth 103 William Henry 103 Wm. J 103 YOUNGS. Mary 46,55,60 Richard 261 z ZEIGLER, Charles H 172 Corinne Helen 172 John 172 Mary A. (Jacobs) 172 ZELLARS. F. J 196 Le Roy 179 ZOLLARS, (Judge) 335 ZERN, Lizza 179 Descendants of nicbolas Cobden (Cobaell) oniingbam, mass. i6?$ INDEX Embracing- Christian names of descendants of Lobden " of Hingham, Mass. 1635. Also names of others, than Lobdell. The figures after the names refer to the page. Nicholas PAGE ALDEN, Francis L 305 !A.LLEN, Ruth 361 BALLARD, Martha (widow) 373 BAKER, James L 366 John 366 Sarah Lobdell (Loring) 366 BATES, Mary A. Dunbar 360 BARTLETT. Elizabeth Cone 870 Jonathan 370 Sarah Shute 370 BENNOCK, Agnes Susan 366 BEERS, Ephriam 358 BINGPIAM, Mary Rudd 356 Nathaniel 356 Thomas 356 BINNEY, John 373 Rebecca 873 Samuel 373 BIRD, Helen 365 BISHOP, Hannah 357 BLANCHARD, Dorcas 359 BOSWORTH, Ephriam 373 Mary 355 Nathaniel 353, 355 CARROLL, Alida Catherine 360 Sally Spriggs 360 William Thomas 360 GARY, Eleazer 355 CHAPLIN. Aaron 372 Rev. Ebenezer 372 Marv 872 Morse 872 Sarah 372 CLARK, Alice Rogers 364 Ruth 364 Thomas 364 CLEE, Lawrence 374 A. PAGE ALMOND, Dr. Charles M 367 B BRADFORD, Gov 370 Richard 357 BRADLEY, Mr 361 BRISCO, Sarah 356 BROWN, Abner 361 John Bundy 359 — Marshall 360 Mary 361 Mary (Moore) 361 Samuel M 369 Sally Carroll 360 Titus Alcott 359 BRYANT. George 364 James 362 Seth 364 Wm. Sturdevant 365 Zenas. Jr 365 Zenas F 365 BUMPUS, Jeremiah 364 Judith 365 Judith Randall 364 BUNDY, Susanna 359 Isaac 360 Sarah (Johnson) 360 c COGGSHALL, John N 365 COLLIER, Judith 357 Gershom 372 Jonathan 372 John 372 Moses 372 Thomas- 372 William 372 COPELAND, Susanna 372 Thomas 372 COURTNEY, Elizabeth 363 CROMWELL, Capt. Thomas 373 xliv inde;x D PAGE DEANE, Charles B 370 DENNIS, Devereaux 370 Harriet 370 Harriet B. (West) 370 DOANE, Jane 372 John 372 PAGE DREW, Maria 366 Stephen 366 Sylvia Prince 366 DUNBAR, Peter 361 Rebecca 361, 362 Rebecca Stubbs 361 Vernon 369 E F EATON, Joseph 371 FLOYD, Miss ELLIS, Samuel 362 357 G GAINES, John 374 Thomas 373 GOFF, William 361 GORDON, Betsey 368 GREELEY, Ann M 359 Bliphalet 359 Philip 359 GREENLEAF, Mehitable 372 GROSVENOR, Abigail (Keyes).... 368 Godfrey M 368 Lucia W 369 Seth ;....-.. 368 GROVER, Abigail 362 Nisy 362 H HALL, Simon 371 HAMLIN, Mr 364 HARRIS, Mary 357,372 Mehitable 358 HATCH, Col 357 HATHAWAY, Daniel 365 HETTON, Ann 374 HILL, Jacob 369 HOLMES, Pelham 365 William 360 HOPPINS, Mary 358 HORNBY, John 365 HOWE, Israel 356 HUXLEY, John WagstafiE 367 I J ILSLEY, Charles Danforth 370 JAYLIFFE, John 357,373 JENNINGS, Morton 369 JONES, Emma Deane 368 Margaret W. Rice 368 Washington 368 Wm. Gideon 368 K KELLY, William 3C2 KENT, Agnes 358 KING, Sarah 356 Samuel 356 KNIGHT, Anna 373 Robert 373 KOUGHT, Nabby 361 LASHER, James '. 349 LOBDELL, LENDALL, Ann 354 Lydia 354 Mr 360 LEVERETT, Hannah 354 Charles H 366 Deacon John 354, 355 Abigail 354, 359, 368 Adeline Wheeler 367,368 Agnes 366 — (widow) 371 Alice Dike 368 INDEX xlv PAGE Ann 360 Anna Louise 307 Anna Prince 308 Annis 349 Arthur 360 B Benjamin 357, 358 — (of Hull) 372 Benj. (Mary Harris) 357 Bridget (Mrs.) 353 C Caroline Wheeler 368 Celia 358 Charles 367, 369 Charlotte 370 Clara Bliss 370 Clarence H 366 Cromwell 357, 858, 372, 373 (Cromwell 357, 372 (Judith Collier.) D Deborah 364, 368 E Ebenezer 364, 368 —Thomas 366 (Ebenezer 356, 364 (Lydia Shaw.) (Ebenezer 357 (Mercy Standish.) (Ebenezer 365 (Judith Bumpus.) Edith 366 Edward 369 Elizabeth 354, 357, 358, 360, 373 — Gordon 369 — Plummer 370 — Prince 368 — Salisbury 367 Emma De Lano 368 Ezekiel 364, 366 F Florence De Lano 368 Frank 370 G George Bryant 366, 367 — Granville 366, 367, 368 — Stetson 370 — Walter 366 Grosvenor 370 H Hazel Aiines 370 Hannah 355, 356. 364, 371 Herbert Drew 368 Horace :Mannard 370 Howard White 368 I Isaac 353, 354, 355, 361. 364 (Isaac 369 (Charlotte Pratt.) (Isaac 353, 354 (Martha Ward.) (Isaac (Capt.) 365 (Polly Stetson.) (Isaac 364 (Ruth Clark.) (Isaac 356,357 (Sarah King. PAGE (Hannah Bishop.) Isaac 369 (Sarah Jordon) (Westcott.) James Francis 366 Jeremiah 366 J essie 370 John 349, 365, 374 (John 355,356 (Hannah Vickerv) or Vickers. Joseph 354, 358, 371, 372, 373, 374 (Joseph 353, 354, 357, 358 (Elizabeth Phippenny.) (Joseph 357, 358 (Elizabeth Price.) Joseph Wescott 370 — (of Boston) 371 Judith 365,371, 372 Lydia 364,373 — Cummings 370 M Marcia 369 — Hill 369 Maria Drew 367 Margaret Jones 368 Martha 354, 356 Mary 353, 355, 358, 366, 369, 372 Mercy 356,365 (widow) 357 — Gray 368 — (widow) 373 N Nathan 353, 3.55 Nathaniel 3o6 Nicholas 359, 353, 357, 359, 361, 371, 372, 374 — (Capt.) 374 (Nicholas 357 (Elizabeth Perkins.) Polly Stetson 368 Prentiss 370 R Rebecca 354, 358, 359. 361 (Rebecca 357 (Caleb Loring.) Roger Westcott 367 Ruth 365 S Sally 365 Samuel 356, 357, 364, 370, 374 Sarah 3.53, 355, 356, 364, 371, 374 — Bartlett 370 — (Mrs.) 371 — (widow) 371 Stetson 307 Thos. Jenkins 367 Theodore 369 W William Wheeler 367,368 LINABURY, Clara ... Frances (Mattison) Henry 366 366 366 xlvi INDEX PAGE LOMBARD, Adeline 365 LORING, Benjamin 373 Caleb 357, 364, 371, 373 Daniel 373 Elizabeth Baker 371 Experience 371 Ezekiel 364 Eunice 373 Israel 357 PAGE John 371 Joshua 357 Rachael 357 Rebecca 357, 371 Thomas 364 LOUTHER Content Tower 371 Daniel 371 David 372 Joseph 372 M MATHER Cotton 357 MELLENS, Mary 358 MERRILL, Joanna 362 MILTON, John 374 NICOLO, Israel 873 NOTHE, Mary 372 PALMER. Bazeleel 300 PARKHURST, Mrs 365 PAYSON, Herbert 3(50 John Brown 300 PEASE, Nancy 366 PERKINS, Elizabeth 357 Luke 357 PERRY, Amos 360 Elizabeth 360 Sarah Stedman 360 Thomas 360 William 360 PHIPPENNY, Elizabeth 357 PIERCE, Agnes 371 Benjamin 358, 359 Bettie 359 Bridget 353 Elizabeth 358 Erasmus 371 Isaac 358, 371 Jacob 359 John 359, 371 R RAMSDELL. Nancy 362 James 362 Margaret (Reddan) 362 RAND. Elizabeth 358 RANDALL, Job 364 s SAMPSON, Algernon Sydney 365 Endora Rowland 365 Judith Lobdell 365 Marie Louise 365 Milton 365 Nancy Ripley 366 Oakes 368 MOSELEY, Rev. Elisha 368 MOTTE, Lieut. Ellis L 367 Marion Berrion 367 Mellish Irving 367 NOYES, Betsey 361 William 362 Jonathan 358 Joseiih 3.58 Martha 358 Mary 354, 358, 359 Michael 353 Samuel 358 Ruth 3.59 Sarah 358 Stephen 359 Tabatha 3.59 Thomas 3.58 POOKE, William 361 PRATT, Charlotte 369 Nancy Thomas 369 Zenas 369 PRENTISS, Charles 367 Sophia 367 — Gardner 367 PRICE, Elizabeth 3.57,373 Elizabeth Cromwell 357 Henry 372, 373 Richard 3-57 PRINCE Sarah 362 Thomas 362 READ, Margaret 359 Martha 359 William 359 RICKERTSON, Daniel 365 ROUGH, Nabby 361 Ruth Lobdell 365 Zabdiel 365 Dr. Zabdiel Silsbee 365 SANBORN, Abigail Hobbs 362 Almira 362 Benjamin 362 INDEX xlvii PAGE SARGEANT, RiiSisell 367 SARGIS, James 3i9 SEAWAN, William SOS SHAW, Benoni 350 Joshua 308 Lydia 350 Lydia Waterman 350 SHORE, Samuel 355 SIGOURNEY, Peter 358 SMITH, Abraham 358 Isaac 358 Joseph 374 SNOWDON, Lydia 372 SOUTHER, Content Tower .371 Daniel 371 David 372 Joseph 371 SPEAR. Mary 372 SPRAGUE, Benjamin 358 Deborah 358 Joseph 358 STANDISH, Ebenezer 357 Hannah Standish 357 Mercy 307, 364 Miles 357 STEELE, John 358 STETSON, Abigail Bradford 305 Caleb 365 Edward 366 Hannah 304. 365 Polly 308 PAGE STREET, Abigail 354, 359 STURTEVANT, Judith Lobdell ... 365 William 305, 307 STUBBS, Abigail Abner Albert Roscoe 359,361, Ann Annis Benjamin 361, Caroline Reah Charles Charles Ramsdell Francis Jay George Ramsdell Hannah Hepsibah Joel Joel Tower Jedediah Jeremiah John 361, Jonathan Margaret Mary Augusta Mercy Moses Octavia Ann Olive Olive Amanda Phoebe Rebecca Rebecca Dunbar Rebecca Lobdell 3.54,359. Richard 354, 359. Samuel Susanna William 361 361 363 361 362 362 362 362 362 .363 363 359 362 302 361 362 361 302 362 362 363 361 361 362 362 363 362 362 362 361 301 301 301 301 T THOMAS, Elizabeth Fuller TITCOMB, Mary, ... 300 TOWER, Benj 359,361 Deborah 359, 301 gg., Joel 359, 301 TOWNSEND, James 357 TOLMAN, Capt. Benj 360 TRUE, Mr 361 V VICKERS, Hannah 355 VICKERY, Elizabeth Price 373 w z WADSWORTH, Samuel 356 WARD, Martha 353 Samuel 353 WATERHOUSE, Lucinda 369 WATERMAN, Lydia 356 William 304 WEBB, Mary 358 WESCOTT, Betsey (Jordan) 309 Joseph 309 Sarah J 309 WESTON, Benj 357 WHEELER, Adelaide 366 WHITMAN, Zachariah 353,354 WOLLASTON, Eva 368 WRIGHT, Jeremiah 357 ZEIGHER, Harry Degan 360 to. ^--Sji-n,n,B4.'>> '- A Q .V ^ %^^W:\<^^ ,^^ 9^ ^. ails' .^ ^^^. 9<. ..>.^^ "^ci "%.^^ y V^ Ni- ■' " / ^ <" o. 5,^^ ::-~^ ^, '^c/'fe^V^ :?5,= "%.o^ o-> // ^^ -^^ :;i- .r ^ ■t^-'^' v^" .^-.r-^^-"^^ V^^.-"/%'^^^'^\\^.-"/% » CL ■. Ci %..^^ :\U£'^\.J- ->--'^''- v# ,:*5 ,x\^^ ^^^^- O "^(P '<>• '^- /. „-?' v - ■■■- ■"• ^ r\ ■■ ^>^ ,,• .. '"■>^..*^ •^o. '" ^- '^^'' \>^ ^^ "", "-% vV-- im;o'\^ V^^ . ^ " '■ 5- * . 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