Corning and Vicinity BY URI MULFORD J. R. McDonnell & Co. ART BINDERS Bath. N. Y. Class JliX-3 Book .e^n^ Copyright ]\" ^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity 1789-1920 By Uri Mulford PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY URI MULFORD, CORNING, N. Y, PRICE SIX DOLLARS. To the men whose genius created the Corning Glass Works, the City's Chief Industry, and the most extensive manufacturer of Technical Glass in the World, this book is most respectfully Dedicated. COPYRIGHT. JAN '2^ 192? .a)C!.A653644 Itvt* c4l^4.£^f--^2:f^ The AUTHOR to the READER: This book was written, the type was set, the pages made ready for the press, and the printing done on his own press, by Uri Mulford. If I had not devoted a great deal of time, during nearly a score of years, to research work, and had not purchased the printing equipment necessary to produce these pages, this unique, authentic and comprehensive history of PIONEER DAYS AND LATER TIMES IN CORNING AND VICINITY could not by any possibility have been produced. The cost of production would have been prohibitive. The major factor in the success of the project, however, was my skill as a master printer — a craft that I have followed, with minor periods of interruption, for a full half century. That some errors occur is inevitable. Those in statement, so far as discovered since the body of the volume was printed, are noted on a succeeding page. Obvious typographical mistakes are passed. The reader's indulgence is anticipated. The scope of the subject-matter of the book, precludes the preparation and presentation of an epitomized index. The book-plan renders unnecessary, and also futile, any attempt to summarize details. The chapter titles, which follow in order, answer the purpose of a general reference index. CHAPTER TITLES. Chapter 1 — The Land Cast Up From the Deep. Chapter 2 — Original Occupants of the Soil. Chapter 3 — Indian Traits and Characteristics. Chapter 4 — Rights of Indians Were Ignored. Chapter 5 — Conquest of the Genesee Country. Chapter 6 — Wyoming Before the Massacre. Chapter 7 — Ruthless Destruction of Wyoming. Chapter 8 — Sullivan Expedition Into the Genesee Country. Chapter 9 — The Massachusetts Pre-Emption. Chapter 10 — The Indian Treaty of Canandaigua. Chapter 11 — Indians Renew Complaints and Demand Redress. Chaptee 12 — First Settlers of the Town oj Painted Post. Chapter 13 — Council Fires Lighted at Tioga Point in 1790. Chapter 14 — Cornplanter Makes Direct Appeal to Washington^ Chapter 15 — President Washington Replies to Indian Chiefs. Chapter 16 — Washington Sends Proctor On Peace Mission. Chapter 1 7 — Colonel Proctor 's Interesting Journal. Chapters 18 and 19 — Proctor 's Journal Continued. Chapter 20 — Indians Summoned to Council at Painted Post. Chapter 21 — Intense Unrest Along Frontiers. Chapter 22 — Great Council Fire Lighted at New Town. Chapter 23 — The Original Township of Painted Post. Chapter 24 — Village of Corning Founded by Albany Capitalists. Chapter 25 — Captain Williamson Extols the Genesee Country. Cnapter 26 — Col. Eleazer Lindsley and Col. Arthur Erwin. Chapter 27 — The Log Cabin Homes of Pioneer Days. Chapter 28 — The Days of Boating and Rafting On the Rivers. Chapter 29 — Opening of the Erie and Chemung Canals. Chapter 30 — The Corning and Blosshurg Advocate. Chapter 31 — Pioneer Trains on Corning - Blosshirg Railroad. Chapter 32 — Lauren Mallory the First President of Corning. Chapter 33 — The Village of Corning Incorporated in 1848. Chapter 34 — First Through Erie Train Creeps Into Corning. Chapter 35 — Events In and About Corning, 1851- '55. Chapter 36 — Events In and About Corning, 1855-'60. Chapter 37 — Events In and About Corning, I860-' 65. Chapter 38 — Events In and About Corning, '60-' 65 continued. Chapter 39 — Events In and About Corning, 1865-'70. Chapter 40 — Corning Men Who Served In the Civil War. Chapter 41 — Brides and Grooms of the Settlement Period. Chapter 42 — Events In and About Corning, 1870-'75. Chapter 43 — Events In and About Corning, 1875-'80. Chapter 44 — Events In and About Corning, 1880- '85. Chapter 45 — Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1870-'85. Chapter 46 — Events In and About Corning, 1 885-' 90. Chapter 47 — Events In and About Corning, 1890- '95. Chapter 48 — Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1885-'95. Chapter 49 — Events In and About Corning, 1895-1900. Chapter 50 — Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1895- '00. Chapter 51 — Events In and About Corning, 1900- '05. Chapter 52 — Marriages in Corning and Vicinity, 1900-'05. Chapter 53 — Events in and About Corning, 1905-'10. Chapter 54 — Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1905 -'10. Chapter 55 — Events In Corning and Vicinity, 1910-'13. Chapter 56 — Events In Corning and Vicinity, 19 13-' 15. Chapter 57 — Marriages in Corning and Vicinity, 19 10-' 15. Chapter 58 — Events In and About Corning, 1915 to 1918. Chapter 59 — Corning During the World War Crisis. Chapter 60 — Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 19 15-' 19. Chapter 61 — Events In and About Corning, 1918 to 1920. Chapter 62 — Events In and About Corning in 1920. Chapter 63 — Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 19 19-' 20. Chapter 64 — Events In and About Corning In 1921. Chapter 65 — Summary of Social and Domestic Activities. Genesis of Corning. AUGUST 29, 1779, the military expedition under General Sullivan defeated the Iroquois Indians at New Town, causing the natives to abandon the Lake Region and the Chemung water-shed. In 1784, William Harris, a hunter and trapper, built and for some time occupied a cabin near " the painted post " on the bank of the Conhocton. In 1787 Frederick Calkins, of Vermont, erected a log cabin on the bank of the Chemung River, within the bounds of the present city of Corning. This was the first home to be built by a white man in the Genesee Country, In 1788 an Indian Treaty was held at Buffalo Creek, and in 1789 at the foot of Canandaigua Lake. These treaties opened the Genesee wilderness for settlement as far west as the Genesee River. At the close of the Indian Treaty held at Canandaigua in the Summer of 1789, Oliver Phelps, one of the principals in the purchase of the Genesee Country, deeded the townships that bear their names to Colonel Arthur Erwin, of Pennsylvania, and Colonel Eleazer Lindsley, of New Jersey. In June, 1790, a colony located in the Lindsley purchase. In 1791, the " Treaty of Painted Post" was held, by direction of George Washington, to placate the Indians and avert attacks on settlements. In 1791 Colonel Lindsley, of Painted Post, was elected a member of the Legisture to represent Ontario County — all the State west of Seneca Lake. In 1796 Knoxville was the principal settlement in the Genesee Country. In 1796 the original township of Painted Post was formed, embracing six town plots — now Caton, Corning, Campbell, Erwin, Hornby, Lindley. In 1833 the Chemung Canal was completed. The village of Corning was founded by Albany capitalists in 1837. In 1839 the Corning and Blossburg Railroad began business. In 1840 a post office was established in the village of Corning. In July, 1840, a weekly newspaper was started in Corning. In 1848 the village of Corning was incorporated, with 1726 population. Dec. 31, 1849, the first train over the Erie Railroad arrived in Corning. The road was opened from the Hudson River to Lake Erie, in May, 1851. In 1852 the name of the remnant of the original town of Painted Post was changed to Corning. The Conhocton Valley Railroad, extending'.from Painted Post to Attica was built in 1852. It was later extended to Rochester. June 30, 1856, eight acres of the central and western section of Corning was swept by fire and seventy-eight buildings destroyed. Loss, $175,000. July 16, 1856, the business center of Corning from Pine street east was destroyed by fire. The Lodge rooms af the Masons and the Odd Fellows with all their belongings were lost. Total losses by this fire, $200,000. On Saturday, June 1, 1889, an extraordinary flood inundated the Chemung valley, causing heavy losses. It is known as " The June Flood." On March 20, 1890, Corning became a City. First election, April 1, 1890. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity BY URI MULFORD. CHAPTER L The Land Cast Up From the Deep. IN TAKING up the interesting task of preparing for publication this authentic and comprehensive series of historical sketches, having to do with the particular geographical section now occupied by the prosperous city of Corning and the near-by places that were within the bounds of the original Township of Painted Post, the question of just where to make the start has been a matter of considerable thought. We find that in order to give proper setting to the story of the pioneer days of those who broke into this section soon after the close of the War of the Revolution, one must consider whence the venturesome fathers and mothers came, what they had to contend with, take into account the manner of life led by the Indian tribes who were the first inhabitants of the soil, and also note the origin of the land itself. So it seems best, for the purposes of this book, to first consider the origin of the land— the source whence came the hills, valleys, table lands, and river bottoms of the Chemung v/ater-shed. For there was a period, and it was long continued, when this particular section of the continent of North America, and all round about, for long distances on every hand, was deeply submerged by an arm of the Atlantic ocean, a vast bay or gulf, bound by mountain ranges on the east and west, with open waters extending far to the north. When this condition of submergence began, and how long it continued, the mind of man has not been able to determine, but it is known that water-borne sediments, brought from various sources, formed a series of rock-strata on the deep-sea floor, until in places the aggregate deposit was more than a mile in thickness. Then in 3 4 Youngest Section of the Continent. the fullness of time there came a squeeze and an uplift, and the sedimentary rock-sheets which had formed on the foundations of the deep sea were forced upwards, a misshapen mass, and a new section was thereby added to the new world that was eventually discovered by Christopher Columbus. Thus were formed the ranges of hills, the many valleys and gullies and the table-lands of the Chemung water-shed and much adjacent territory. While older sections of the continent were supporting dense veg- etable growths, to be buried by later volcanic convulsions and produce coal and oil and gas, the earth-crust of the territory of which Central and Southern New York is a part, was in process of slow formation, covered by thousands of feet of salt water. This later formation wherever exposed, as part of a rock-ledge, on the top of a hill or at lower levels, contains deep-sea fossils. These sedimentary rock-stratas are not part or parcel of coal, oil or gas forn-'ations. They carry no mineral treasures. The up-lift hereabouts was permanent — not affected by later volcanic action or general break-up. Evidently the up-lift here took place long after the close of the carboniferous period that enriches Pennsyl- vania. Central and Southern New York are part of the youngest section of the Continent of North America. In this section no trace of coal or mineral has been found except under conditions that sug- gest transportation by ice drifts and water currents from other and older sections of land. In every instance where efforts have been put forth to locate gold, silver, iron, lead or other mineral, coal, oil or gas, in paying quantities, within the limits of this upheaval, absolute failure has been the result. In Corning and vicinity scores of test wells have been drilled, piercing the stratas of sedimentary and penetrating the original bed rock of the earth's crust, and each venture has been a " duster," or has tapped unpotable water. The upheaval of the consolidated sedimentary rocks left the surface irregular. Many of the hills rise 1,700 to 2,000 feet above sea level. The surface of the river flats at Corning is about 925 feet above the sea, and on the rock floor of the valley are some 100 feet of " fill "—composed of clay, sand, gravel, pebbles and rocks, brought from other sections of the continent by glacial ice and tre- mendous currents of water, and topped off in later times with wash- ings from higher levels of the Chemung water-shed. Wells drilled in this valley invariably reach solid rock of sedimentary formation at depths that vary from 90 to 110 feet. Chemung River Compelled to Detour. 5 However, the absence of minerals, coal, oil and gas is more than made good by the excellence of the agricultural lands, the forest- clad hill-sides and the never-failing supply of potable water, that make Corning a safe and most delightful place of residence, as is also the country-side all about. The source of water supply is the heavens. The annual precipitation is dependable. The top-soils and fills of the uplands and valleys provide ample and efficient water filterage. It is only in instances where surface pollutions contami- nate wells or springs, or where, due to carelessness, foul seepage mingles with water drawn from some other local source, that water taken within the bounds of the Chemung drainage shed is rendered unfit for human use. It is obvious that water obtained from any other section of this general water-shed, or from any similar geological formation, would be liable to the same manner of befoulment. Refuse dumping grounds, cess pools and sewers that empty into streams, are disease breeders and destroyers of human life. For no telling how long a period, probably for thousands of years, a " finger lake " nestled in this section of the Chemung valley. Drift,' brought from far and near, after the up-lift, filled valley basins and in places built dams across outlets, so that streams were forced to cut new channels, as is noted in the divergence of the Chemung river at Big Flats to the south of Hawley Hill, its original channel having been along the north side of this hill, past Horseheads to the Susquehanna. Glacial ice coming from the north caused a dam to form and compelled the Chemung river to detour. During the period of this impounding of the Chemung for a reach of many miles, the lakelet, surrounded by forest-clad hills that on every side sloped quite to the water's edge, formed a most enchanting setting. It was a picture never seen by human eyes. During this period of submergence a top-dressing of alluvial soil was deposited on the sands and coarser filling of the valley, later added to in times of overflow, and gradually enriched by plant growths and the natural activities of worms, insects, reptiles, birds, fowls and animals until ready for the uses of man. Thus came the arable land highly prized by gardeners and farmers of Corning and vicinity. Pioneer Days and Later Times In Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER II. Original Occupants of the Soil. ETHNOLOGISTS have been baffled in every effort to discover the source of the first inhabitants of the Western World. The deductions of the most learned and persistent investigators vary greatly. Whether the first human beings to dwell in either North America or South America were actually aboriginals, the products of evolution, or were immediate creations, or they crossed on dry land when the the two hemispheres joined where nov/ flow the waters of Bering Strait ; or if from time to time, in the long ago, individuals or groups lost at sea, and adventurers seeking new fishing and hunting places, found their way across unknown waters to the new world, are matters of speculation. Thousands upon thousands of years rolled by, following the big squeeze and attendant convulsions of Mother Earth, that cast up from the depths of the sea the sedimentary rock stratas that gave place and shape to the hills and valleys of the Chemung water-shed, ere surface soils were in place and plant and tree growths ready for the coming of man. Sweeping and swirling waters, glacial ice drifts, beating rains and winds had part in the task of smoothing off the broken elevations and filling depressions. Plant life and tree growths supplemented the work, and in the fullness of time Indians drifted or were driven this way from the older sections of the North American continent. While variations in type among the native Americans indicate distinct lines of racial ancestry, the differences forbid the selection of a distinctive standard. There are such general admixtures of blood, such physical characteristics among the Indians, as to baffle attempts to connect any New World tribe with a race of Old World 6 Indians Form a League of Nations. peoples. There is no ethnic affinity between Europeans and native Americans. The Indians of North America, when the Europeans first broke in upon them, were in a class by themselves. Minor variations in type, habits, domestic life, methods of wresting their living from the natural sources of supply, and in means of self-defense, were due to the accident of environment. And the most advanced type of the tribes, physically, mentally and morally, were the members of Iroquois Federation, commonly known in modern times as the Six Nations. It was from these Indians that the land hereabouts was wrested by the whites. With a view to mutual protection from attacks from without the lands inherited from their ancestors, to augment their fighting strength when on expeditions of plunder or revenge, to maintain peace among themselves, five nations or tribes of Indians occu- pying each its own definitely defined section of lands that extended from the Hudson river to the Great Lakes, and westward to the Ohio valley and the Mississippi river, and southward to the mouth of Chesapeake bay, about the year 1550, formed a league of nations, known as the Iroquois Federation. The headquarters of the league was near the lower end of Onondaga Lake. There a council house was maintained where sachems of the Iroquois tribes, from time to time, circled a fire kept alive year after year by successions of at- tendants. The opening ceremonial of a council was the uncovering of the smouldering coals and building of a glowing fire ; at the close of a council the fire, permitted to burn low, was covered with ashes. When for any reason the site of the council house was changed, the living coals of the council fire were carried to the new place of meeting, with precise and impressive ceremonials, in which all the federated tribes were represented. Thus the continuity of the life of the council fire was preserved. It typified the perpetuity of the Iroquois Federation. A change of location of an Indian village was made when repeated croppings had exhausted the soil and firewood was no longer near at hand. But the Great Council House of the Iroquois was kept in the general vicinity of the southern end of Onondaga Lake. Each tribe of the Federation had a council fire of its own, located within its own bounds, where councils for the consideration of tribal affairs were held, and each clan of a tribe also had its own council fire. The Iroquois believed in and practiced the broadest possible 8 Tuscaroras Admitted to Federation, measure of self-government, the nation as a whole being a federated democracy. The women had equal voice with the men. The Federation was first composed of five tribes— Mohawks, occupants of territory drained by the Mohawk River ; Oneidas, whose hunting grounds were about Oneida Lake ; Onondagas, whose lands were next west ; the Cayugas, whose territory included the lake of that name and extended westward part way to Seneca Lake ; and next was the land of the chief tribe of the federation, the Senecas, whose dominion in early times embraced the whole of the present State of New York west of Seneca Lake ; extended to the northwest beyond Lake Erie, and included all of the present State of Pennsyl- vania. Among the Iroquois the Senecas were known as " Keepers of the Western Door of the Long House," — as the country of the Federation was descriptively known. When the Iroquois Federation was formed, the Tuscaroras, then occupying the Carolinas, although a kindred tribe, were not included. Later the Tuscaroras made futile efforts to overcome encroaching white settlers, sustaining great losses. During the years 1706 to 1712 broken and impoverished remnants of the tribe came north and were admitted to membership in the federation, which thereafter was known as the Six Nations. Hunting and fishing privileges were allotted to the Tuscaroras to meet the requirements of their various clans. It was with the Senecas that the first white settlers of the Gene- see Country had to contend. The Senecas were the dominant tribe of the Federation. They were of stalwart frame, muscular, active, courageous and intensely devoted to their families. Their love for the land of their fathers was ardent. The wars they waged with invaders of their lands, whether against enemy natives, the French when the conquest of the Iroquois was attempted from the north ; or against British soldier or forces of settlers, were battles fought by patriots for the defense of their homes and to prevent the destruction of their means of subsistence. Under pretense of befriending the Indians, both the French and English used them to serve their own ends, causing divisions among the natives, resulting in their destroying each other ; the French and British also induced bands of native warriors to become their allies, although the whites were in fact their common enemies. It was due to such crafty machinations that most of the Iroquois finally became allies of the British, when the French sought to dispossess these Indians Exploited By Sir William Johnson. 9 white rivals and secure exclusive control of trade with the natives of about Lake Champlain and throughout western New York. As a result of the manipulations of crafty Sir William Johnson, Indian Commissioner by appointment of the King of England, the Senecas and other more powerful of the Iroquois tribes, came to the belief that the War of the Revolution was waged by the colonists for the purpose of gaining possession of the lands held by the Indians, while the Red Coats had no such intention, merely desiring to trade with them, and would continue to be their true friends. Taking this view of the matter, although Sir William died before the events at Lexington and Bunker Hill, the Iroquois, v/ith the exception of the Oneidas and a few scattering bands of Tuscaroras, were allies of the British to the end of the Revolution, and let no opportunity pass to wreak vengeance on white settlers not known to be friendly to and therefore under the protection of the Crown. When Sir William Johnson died, Juy 14, 1774, at his castle on the Mohawk, he left the Six Nations a broken and a subject people, without initiative, no longer able to fight their own battles or to provide for their own natural requirements. In their primitive condition, the Iroquois were strong of frame, muscular, and mentally well-balanced. They saw to it that deformed infants and weaklings did not survive. Children were taught to perform the services that were allotted to their sex. Men and women were equal sharers in the burdens of life. The males did the hunting, fishing and fighting ; the women cared for the wigwams, prepared the clothing, did the planting, made baskets and other utensils and were the cooks. During normal conditions, before the War of the Revolution, the Seneca Indians had villages surrounded by or convenient to cul- tivated bottom-lands at Tioga Point, Owego, Chemung, Newtown Big Flats, on Seeley Creek, at Painted Post, near the foot of Mud Lake, at Coopers Plains, Addison, Canisteo, and near the confluence of the Tioga and Cowanesque rivers, at the foot of Canandaigua and the foot of Seneca Lake, and on the east side of Seneca Lake a dozen miles above the outlet. They raised corn, squashes, melons, beans peas, had apple, peach, plum and cherry trees, and gathered edibfe plants, roots and berries that abounded. Wild game and fish were abundant. Hunting and fishing was done by the men and boys, while tilling the soil and gathering its products was the work of women and girls, and old men. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER III. Indian Traits and Characteristics. THE INDIANS were within their rights in claiming ownership of the soil. This right has without exception been upheld by the British government, by the various colonies, later by the individual States, and by the United States. American courts have so held in every instance. But in finally passing on deals that Indians entered into, by which they were cheated by the whites time and again, legislative bodies and courts have universally favored the intruding race. The Indians were deceived or forced into deals with white adventurers, that had no basis in equity ; they did not comprehend the significance of treaties entered into by which their lands passed to the ownership and control of individuals and organizations of whites. The crowding-out process has persistently continued until there is not in all America a section of land left to the American Indian where he and members of his tribe can enjoy life in their own way, without interference. The whites are in full control. Hunting grounds are gone. The conquest is complete. Africans were enslaved individually and the Indians impounded by tribes, by men who worshipped at the shrine of Liberty, and startled kings with the bold declaration that " Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness " are inalienable rights. No treaty was ever entered into between white men and Indians where the reds did not get the worst of the deal— that did not involve the surrender beyond recovery of some " inalienable right " of the natives and hasten racial dissolution. The inbred characteristics of the natives fitted them for the conditions that prevailed prior the time the first white adventurer set foot on the western hemisphere. As years passed, wars with the whites, and trade, and friendly relations, wrought changes to an extent that the Indians in a measure conformed to European cus- 10 Maximum Strength of Six Nations. 11 toms. Guns displaced bows and arrows, clubs and tomahawks were cast aside for iron hatchets, the keen-edged knife succeeded the crude wedge of stone, and log cabins were numerous. Agricultural imple- ments were secured from the settlers. Iron kettles were used in cooking and sugar-making. Blankets, articles of clothing and personal adornment, supplied by traders, distributed at treaties, or gathered in raids, were much in evidence among the natives when Sullivan's army invaded the Genesee Country in 1779. The natives of the Genesee Country who in 1608 for the first time saw a pale face, heard a gun fired and witnessed its destructive power, were a far better type then their descendants whom the pioneer settlers diplaced. The first white men to enter the Genesee Country found it occupied by an independent, brave, physically strong, self-governing people, masters of a large section of territory with an abundance of natural resources. The Senecas numbered about 10,000 in 1650, and the relative strength of other nations of the Iroquois Federation was : Onondagas, 4,000 ; Cayugas, 3,000 ; Onei- das, 3,000 ; Mohawks, 5,000. At the end of a century of intercourse with Europeans, the total population of the Iroquois nation had diminished one-half, the Mohawks, occupants of lands nearest the frontier settlements, having wasted away the most rapidly. In 1612, when the Genesee Country was invaded from the north by a French army, bent on conquest, accompanied by a large force of Huron warriors, the Senecas stood their ground and repulsed the invaders, inflicting great loss. The French soldiers were armed with guns ; the Senecas with the crude implements of warfare used for ages by their ancestors — bows and arrows, spears, war clubs, stone tomahawks and darts thrown with throngs fastened to sticks. The ruthlessness with which Europeans over-ran the New World, showed utter disregard for the " Golden Rule," and indicated lack of conscientious appreciation of the common rights of man. No class of invaders may be excluded from the condemnation. Each sought and attained the same end whatever the means or methods used. This saying applies to William Penn, the Pietist ; to Sir William Johnson, the Crafty Adventurer ; and to Captain Mason, the Butcher of the Pequots. The original inhabitants of the Genesee Country were hunters, fishers and planters. The land was their mother. Their religion, domestic relations, community adjustments, all harmonized with the 12 Line of Descent Was With the Mother. actualities of environment. They wanted peace. To this end their Federation was formed and maintained until they were over- come by an invasion of superior human beings who founded a great nation most solemnly dedicated to the principle that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Among the Iroquois the line of descent was limited exclusively to the mother. The child was of the tribe of the mother. Land could not be transferred without the consent of the squaws. A Seneca could not marry a member of the same clan, no matter what the tribe might be. The Senecas had nine clans — Wolf, Beaver Bear, Turtle, Hawk, Snipe, Swan, Deer, Doe. Other tribes of the Federation were also divided into clans. Either the husband or wife could dissolve the marriage relation. The Iroquois League rested on the tribe. The whole system was interwoven and common interest kept alive by the mothod of cross-marriages required. The males inherited nothing ; each male had to win his way. The Iroquois squaw was neither a druge nor a slave. She had specific duties, as also the brave, and each was required to render faithful service to the family and the tribe. An Iroquois woman had absolute control of her person, whether married or single. The old- est woman of a tribe nominated a brave to succeed a chief in case of death or removal from office. The clan and tribal councils and the chief council of the Iroquois Federation were composed of members of both sexes. There was occasionally a female chief, or queen. In the eyes of an Iroquois, every member of his own clan, in whatever branch of the Federation, was as much his brother or his sister as if children of the same mother. In reality, the Federation was a league of tribes. The name of an individual was changed to meet changed condi- conditions in life. In each nation the name of a member indicated his tribal relationship. When an individual was raised up as a Sachem, his name was changed to that of the particular sachemship to which he succeeded. Names were changed when individuals assumed minor offices. When the celebrated Red Jacket was elevated to the dignity of a Chief, his name, 0-to-ti-an-i, meaning " Always Ready," was taken from him, and in its place he was given the name, Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, or " Keeper-Awake," having reference to his power as an orator. Indians Had No Written Language, 13 Warriors were chosen for the war-path only after demonstrating by individual achievements that they were qualified. Public cere- monies marked the examination and elevation. No young Indian could go on the war-path without the consent of his mother. The Indians had no written language. Their symbolisms were vague and each record of an event or agreement was a distinctive arrangement of beads strung on throngs and woven into the form of a belt. These records were interpreted by Indians who cared for them, and instructed succeeding record keepers. Each design, variation of bead color, knot in a throng, was a distinctive part of the record, to be recognized and interpreted, and given its proper place in the document as a whole. The Indians placed implicit confidence in their records and record keepers. Where a wampum belt was designed to record a series of inter-related events, the memorizing of the record was distributed among groups of record keepers. The Indians distrusted the written and printed records of the whites. Property among the Indians was held in common, except imme- diate personal effects. Strings of small sea-shells, known as wam- pum, were their only means of exchange prior to the coming of the Europeans and the opening of trade between the two races. The manufacture of wampum became an industry in various sea-cost settlements. The religious instinct found expression in many ways in the legends and the activities of all the American Indians, and in no tribe was it more pronounced than among the Senecas. They believed in a Great Spirit, supreme over all, the source of their being ; also in benificent spirits of less degree ; and in evil spirits, who caused various afflictions and disasters, crop failures and scarcity of game. To the mind of the Indian, everything he came in contact with, whether animate or inanimate, possessed spirit life and magic power. Illness indicated the presence of an evil spirit, to be propitiated and persuaded to depart, or to be circumvented and driven away. Scor- cery was practiced, v/itches a cause of concern, and belief in the exercise of occult powers universal. The central idea of their faith was a Happy Hunting Ground of boundless extent above the skies, a land of eternal summer, of peace and plenty. In order to stop blood-feuds among themselves, the Iroquois decreed that the individual taking the life of another member of the Federation, must pay to the bereaved family ten strings of wam- pum, each a cubit in length, as the value of the life taken, and in 14 Independence of the Iroquois. addition must redeem his own life, which was considered forfeited. The kin or family of the guilty one could make reparation. So great was the value placed on human life among these tribes, and so ardent was the desire to augment the strength of their nation, that it might continue dominant in the Federation and have ability to defend itself from attacks by alien tribes, the Senecas extended the practice of adopting members of defeated enemy tribes until remnants of eleven different tribes had been absorbed. The various Iroquois tribes occupied positions of absolute equality in the League, each having the same rights, privileges and duties. The federated tribes prior to the white invasion, made the best of their opportunites and succeded well, all things considered. Of them Lewis H. Morgan, corresponding member of the New York Historical Society and author of a history of the " League of the Iroquois," wrote in 1851 : " The spirit which prevailed in the nations and in the federation was that of freedom. The people appear to have secured to themselves all the liberty which the hunter state rendered desirable. They fully appreciated its value, as is evidenced by the liberality of their institutions. The red man was always free from political bondage, and, more worthy still of remembrance, his free limbs never wore a shackle. It would be difficult to describe any political society in which there was less of oppression and discontent, more of individual independence and boundless freedom. In adaptation to their mode of life, their habits and their wants, no scheme of government could have been devised better calculated for their security against outward attack, their triumph on the war-path, and their internal tranquility." In early times, before the formation of their federation, the villages or tribal centers of population, were surrounded by protecting stockades, in some instances several acres of land being enclosed, as was the case at Spanish Hill, near Waverly. When the power of the Iroquois had become established, with their warriors a guarantee of safety from aggressions from without, the stockades were neglect- ed and permitted to decay. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER IV. Rights of Indians Were Ignored. WHEN THE colonizing of North America was in its earlier stages, three powerful and equally trade and land-hungry European nations laid claim to and undertook to secure possession of the territory occupied by the Six Nations : The Dutch, who founded New Amsterdam, at the mouth of the Hudson River, crowded up that stream and along the Mohawk, establishing trade relations with the Indians as far west as Onondaga Lake ; the British, who claimed the continent from ocean to ocean by right of discovery and had granted Plymouth and Connecticut colonies parallel strips of land " from sea to sea," and also claimed all lands to the north ; and the French, who by right of discovery and exploration, claimed territory both north and south of the St. Lawrence River, including the region of Lake Champlain, the land of the Iroquois, the territory of the Great Lakes, and the Ohio and Mississippi valleys. The Dutch gave way to the British in 1674. In 1763 the King of France surrendered New France to the British, and acknowledged the Country of the Five Nations of Iroquois Indians to be under the dominion of the British Crown. Thence till the American colonists fought and won the War of the Revolution, the Board of Trade of Great Britain exploited these natives, supported and abetted by the Crown. In this the Board of Trade in London and its agents in America, were not alone. Inde- pendent adventurers and groups of people, seeking gain, flocked to the New World, and none seemed to have regard for the rights of the Indians to the soil or anything else on which the natives depend- ed to sustain life. The policy of the French, in dealing with the Indians, having gained a foot-hold, was to win their friendship by giving presents, and then to establish general trade relations. They sought to 15 16 Natives Deceived by Indian Commisio7wr. bring the natives under the control of missionaries, supported by and ever loyal to the Crown. The policy of the British, zealously maintained by Sir William Johnson, military adventurer and Indian Commissioner, was to fel- lowship the natives and induce them to believe that the Great Father across the sea was their friend and protector, and for this reason the Indians should become allies of the British and help destroy the French, who were in alliance with the enemy tribes of the north and west. And Johnson used these same pleas to induce the natives to aid the Red Coats when the colonists rebelled. Indian nature could not be changed in the twinkling of an eye. All in all the Indians were intensely human. Their ignorance of the ways and wiles of the Europeans, was taken advantage of on every hand by the whites. Those who fled from the Old World to the New, because they could not endure oppressions, did not consider that the Indians had inalienable rights that should be respected. Like the struggles of a person cought in quicksand, every effort on the part of the Indians, either to destroy or to enter into deals with the whites, or to by any means regain possession of land taken by artifice, worked to their hurt and hastened the end. This was equally true whether it was welcoming traders, making treaties, or extending hospitalities to and acting on the advice of presumably well-intentioned missionaries. The first volume of the Massachusetts Historical Collections contains an article descriptive of conditions in Western New York, in 1792, which closes with these words : '"I cannot help being of opinion that Indians, or what are called Red Men, never were intended to live in a state of civil society. There never was, I believe, an instance of an Indian forsaking his habits and savage manners, any more than a bear forsaking his ferocity. The Rev. Mr. Kirkland, who acts as missionary among the Oneidas, has taken all the pains that a man can take, but his whole flock are Indians still, and, like the bear which you can muffle and lead out to dance to the sound of music, becomes again a bear when his muffler is removed and the music ceases. The Indians will attend public worship and sing extremely well, following Mr. Kirkland 's notes, but whenever the service is over, they wrap them- selaes in their blankets, and either stand like cattle on the sunny side of a house, or lie before a fire. This is their mode of passing life. Even the bold energy of their forefathers, which was conspicuous in the chase, is unstrung in their descendants, and instead of sliding to the grave * like a Indians Distrust White Missionaries. 17 shock of com in its full ear,' they become ripe for it in youth and often find it by most disgraceful means." Distrust of missionaries in general was engendered in the hearts of the Indians, because many of the missionaries inclined to give " aid and comfort " to the whites whenever there was a clash of interests. The French missionary, during the days when New France was in the ascendant, was constant in his support of the French crown ; the missionary under the patronage of the British crown, shaped his teachings to abet British interests. The learned, courteous and courageous Kirkland, tireless in his efforts to convert the Iroquois, used his influence time and again, to induce the natives to enter into treaties that worked them irreparable injury. At a treaty held in July, 1755, called by Sir William Johnson, with a view to adjusting certain troubles due to encroachments by whites on hunting grounds along the Susquehanna River, the chief spokesman of the Six Nations said : " Brother : You desire us to unite and live together, and draw all our allies near us, but we shall have no land left, either for ourselves or them, for your people when they buy a small piece of land of us, by steal- ing they make it large. We desire such things may not be done, and that your people may not be suffered to buy any more of our land. Sometimes land is bought of men who are not the proper owners of it. The land which reaches down from Oswego to Schahandowana (Wyoming) we beg may not be settled by Christians (whites.)" On this occasion the Indians gave notice that they would not consent to white occupancy of Wyoming, in the most solemn manner declaring they would not cease killing the whites so long as they intruded on these lands, saying the settlers frightened game away and spoiled the hunting ground. The Iroquois were also an agricultural people. A large portion of their food was vegetable. They sought to keep possession of hunting grounds, the fruit, nut and berry producing lands, and soil suitable for cropping, sufficient for their requirements. The balance of population throughout the Iroquois territory was carefully arrang- ed, each tribe having an equitable allotment of land. So nicely was the adjustment, that when asylum was given the Tuscaroras, and these refuges from the southern sea-board became the sixth nation of the Federation, to avoid undue crowding, they were distributed at various points throughout the territory of the Six Nations. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER V. Conquest of the Genesee Country. THE LOWER Susquehanna was discovered in 1608, by Captain John Smith, of Virginia, but he ascended the stream for only about forty miles. The first white men to navigate the east branch of the Susquehanna were two venturesome Dutch traders, who, in 1614, came through the wilderness from Albany to Tioga Point, where the Tioga, (now the Chemung River), flows into the Susquehanna. There they were made captives and held by the Indians for about a year, and then allowed to go down the river in a canoe, to Chesapeake Bay, thence returning to Albany. At the time William the Conqueror invaded the British Islands and subdued the native Britons, the Indian tribes of New York State were warring upon each other when not being warred upon by tribes from elsewhere. This condition had continued for ages. Finally, to defend themselves against predatory attacks, the Senecas and other tribes of the Iroquois blood, established well constructed places of refuge, reminders of the walled cities of the Old World. Having no iron tools to work with, the Indians first burned trees down, then burned the trunks of the trees into sections, next took these sections and stood them on end, side by side, in trenches dug for the purpose, filled in the earth, and thus erected palisades that in some instances enclosed several acres of land. Inside these stoutly constructed fortresses, each with a single opening arranged to be closed in case of need, wigwams were erected and stores of com, dried berries and fruits, nuts and cured meats were stored. Such enclosures were located where water was available, in most instances where there was a dependable spring. The first white settlers of the Land of the Iroquois found the remains of such Indian forts at Canisteo, near Elmira, near Waverly, near Geneva, and elsewhere in Central and Western New York. But 18 French and British Interests Clash. 19 not one of these forts had been occupied for six or seven centuries, according to the story of the forest trees found growing amid the ruins. This indicates that some seven or eight centuries ago, the most intellectual and progressive tribes of native Americans reached the conclusion that peace by mutual agreement produced more satis- factory results than everlasting strivings. The building of these forts, and their strategic distribution, demonstrate how the various Indian tribes, in the long ago occupying the soil of two-thirds of the present State of New York and a large portion of Pennsylvania, joined hand in hand for common defense and mutual help. The Five Nations thus drawn together were invincible. They prospered for a time. B?jt as the centuries rolled by, for want of practice, they forgot the art of collective warfare, and became as children. When the French gained a foot-hold to the north, they began to exploit the land of the Iroquois. Incursion after incursion of armed French maurauders, accompanied by scalp-hunting Indian allies, wrought havoc in the land of the Iroquois. These acts of ruthless aggression cost the French the friendship of the Five Nations — later augmented by the admission of a sixth tribe, the Tuscaroras — and caused the Iroquois to welcome the British as their protectors. Thus the French lost their hold on the American Continent. In 1687 Dugan, the Colonial Governor of New York, was directed by the King of Great Britain to protect the Iroquois tribes, or Five Nations, as subjects of the Crown. Efforts thence on were put forth by both the civil and military branches of the British Government to circumvent the plans of the French and bring the natives under actual " subjection." In the controversies that followed, the French claimed the Iroquois country by right of discovery and exploration, holding that the natives went with the soil ; the British declared the land was theirs by prior discovery, also that the Indians had sought the protection of Great Britain and had become British subjects ; and furthermore maintained that the soil went with the natives. At times British military and civic authorities failed to work in harmony, but nevertheless the encroachments of the whites on the lands of the Iroquois were persistent and unyielding. Gradually the frontier lines moved forward. The British erected and garrisoned forts here and there in the wilderness, ostensibly to protect the natives, in reality as outposts for the protection of intruding traders, settlers and land speculators. And until they fought and won their 20 Indian Paths and Navigable Streams. independence, the settlers of the various Colonies were no less " sub- jects " of the British Crown than were the natives. The position of the Indians was the more unfortunate, in that they had no personal or property rights that the Crown, the Colonial governments, settlers, traders and adventurers generally felt bound to respect. During the War of the Revolution the frontier settlement nearest the site of the present City of Corning, was on the broad fiat-lands of Wyoming, on the East Branch of the Susquehanna. The Iroquois were sorely aggrieved over the settlement of Wyoming by the whites. The eastern outpost village of the Iroquois Indians, at the begin- ning of the War of the Revolution, v/as at Tioga Point. This Indian village was soon thereafter abandoned. Corning is located a short distance below points where three streams, much used as water ways by Indians, unite and form the Chemung River, which flows into the Susquehanna at Tioga Point — the Tioga, Canisteo and Conhocton. The mysterious " Painted Post," stood on the north bank of the Conhoction where it flows into the Chemung. Along these streams were Indian trails, parts of a con- necting system of pathways that extended westward to the Niagara River; along lakes Erie and Ontario; crossed the Allegany Moun- tains into the Ohio basin ; through central and northern New York, and along the Chemung and Susquehanna rivers to Chesapeake Bay. At the " Painted Post " four trails, or " war-paths," joined. On the streams that drain the Chemung water-shed the natives paddled to and fro in birch-bark canoes in times of peace and when at war. " The Painted Post " was a place for assembling and fitting out war parties. There the Senecas also met to observe tribal ceremonials. The Wyoming territory was early claimed by the Colony of Connecticut as theirs by virtue of their charter, granted by the King of Great Britain, which expUcitly extended the territory thus granted, " from Sea to Sea," — meaning westward to the Pacific Ocean. Wyoming territory was also included in a Crown grant, of a later date, made to William Penn, and was passed on to his heirs and assigns. By agreement between the colonies of New York and Connecticut, the latter relinquished claim to a strip of land across the former Colony, embraced in similar conflicting Crown grants. But holding fast to its claim in the Pennsylvania matter, Connecticut colonized the Wyoming territory. The result was bitter strife, leading to incendiarism, killing of stock, destruction of Natives Were Cheated On Every Hand. 21 crops, periods of open warfare, and much vexatious and expensive litigation between settlers assigned lands by the opposing factions. The Indian right to the soil, involving also authority to dispose of it under treaty with the whites, was a matter of long contention between the Senecas and some lesser tribes who had made sales of extensive tracts of agricultural land and hunting grounds along both branches and the lower Susquehanna. The Senecas also com- plained that both the Pennsylvania and the Connecticut adventurers had secured titles to lands owned by their tribe, by deceit and fraud, and had even made land purchases of Indians who had no right to make such a deal. These land transfers were most earnestly discussed at various treaties attended by Indian chiefs, representatives of the British Crown, and various white claimants to lands by virtue of deals with natives which were in dispute. Sir William Johnson, the Indian Commissioner, with characteristic craftiness, adroitly made use of these contentions to strengthen the confidence the natives reposed in him, but without affording them relief. He placated them with promises. In a commuication to the British government, however, Johnson charged the Pennsylvania Proprietors with having defrauded the Indians, and urged that lands in dispute be given up, " at least for the present." This suggestion was not complied with. In 1763 a treaty was entered into by the kings of England and France, whereby the latter renounced all claim to the territory of the Six Nations. The resident natives went with the soil. Again, when the British King entered into a peace treaty that acknowledged the United States of America to be a free and independent nation, the Indians went with the soil. They had no voice in the matter. The Indian land titles in the Wyoming were as conflicting as the Crown charters. The natives did not comprehend the difference between granting the right to fish and hunt, agreeing to an option, or selling outright. When Chiefs of the Six Nations met Pennsyl- Commissioners, in 1754, to sell some Susquehanna lands, they made reservations and served notice as follows : " We will never part with the land at Shamokin and Wyoming ; our bones are scattered there, and on this land there has always been a Great Council Fire. We desire that you will not take it amiss that we will not part with it. We have heard that our Brother Onas [Pen], and our Brother of New England, have had some disputes about the lands of Susquehanna. We desire you would not differ with one another about it, for neither shall have it. We will not part with it to either of you." Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER VI. Wyoming Before the Massacre. THIS SERIES of sketches would be lamentably lacking, if the Story of Wyoming was not included. Among men and women who brought the " frontier " up the Chemung River, when the Genesee Country was thrown open for settlement, and established homes in the Painted Post section, were survivors of the massacre, sons and daughters of the slain, and also men and women who took part in the struggle between Pennsylvania and Connecticut contenders for possession of that territory. The first settlers in the Wyoming came from Connecticut, some 250 miles, enduring extreme hardships on the journey. They con- sidered this new land of promise a part of Connecticut Colony, and took actual possession of the soil without saying to the natives, " by your leave." These colonists held that they were going from one section of Connecticut territory to another. Both Pennsylvania and Connecticut claimed the Wyoming territory by grant direct from the King of Great Britain, and the Iroquois Federation claimed that their right to the land had not been surrendered, and therefore all the white settlers were intruders. The charter of the Colony of Connecticut was derived from the Plymouth Company, by grant made in March, 1621, to Viscount Say and Seal, Lord Brooke and their associates. The grant covered one degree of latitude, and extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. This grant was confirmed by the King of Great Britain in 1662. The grant of the Plymouth Company was made to Lord Say and Seal and associates, fifty years before the Crown grant to William Penn, and the confirmation of the grant to Connecticut was nineteen years prior to the grant to Penn. The Crown patent to Penn covered a portion of the grant to the Colony of Connecticut, equal to one degree of latitude and five degrees of longitude. The Wyoming territory was included in these conflicting grants. 22 Connecticut Adventurers Invade Wyoming. 23 In 1753, Connecticut people formed an association, called the Susquehanna Company, with a view to settling the Wyoming lands, and agents were sent there to make surveys and cultivate the good will of the Indians. On learning of the presence of the Connecticut men at Wyoming, the proprietors of Pennsylvania lost no time in laying claim to that territory and denouncing the Connecticut pros- pectors as intruders. In 1754, at a Great Council of chiefs of the Iroquois tribes, held at Albany, a tract of land that extended seventy miles north and south, including the entire Wyoming valley and the country west- ward to the sources of the Allegany River, was sold by the Indians to the Connecticut Company. Later Sir William Johnson tried to persuade the Indians to revoke the sale. Representatives of the Pennsylvania proprietors appeared in Albany at the time this Great Council was held, and meeting some of the Iroquois chiefs in secret conference, induced them to sign a deed conveying lands along the Susquehanna River and extending across the Allegany Mountains to Lake Erie. The consideration was $1,000. Later these chiefs denounced the transaction, saying they did not understand that the matter was a sale and transfer of these lands, but that they were given to understand that they were entering into an agreement to give the Pennsylvania proprietors first consideration should the Indians desire at some future time to dispose of the lands. In 1756 the Onondaga Indians appealed to Sir William Johnson to protect the Wyoming from encroachment by white settlers, and urged that no forts be built there, saying : " We are informed the English [Pennsylvania troops] are building a fort at Shamokin. We can't comprehend the method of making war which is made use of by our brethren the English. When we go to war, our manner is to destroy a nation. There's an end of it. But the English chiefly regard building forts., which looks as if their only scheme was to take possession of the lands." In 1762, about two hundred men from Connecticut spent the entire summer in Wyoming, building log cabins, clearing lands, cultivating gardens and planting field crops. With their season's pro- ducts cared for, they returned to Connecticut for the winter. The next spring they returned to Wyoming accompanied by their families, and additional home seekers, bringing movables and live stock, and 24 Delaware Indians Raid Wyoming, all engaged in making permanent betterments on lands alloted by the Connecticut Company. In November, of that year Indian Commissioner Johnson sent a letter of remonstrance and warning to the Governor of Connecticut, saying : " I can not avoid giving you my sentiments, as I formerly did, that the Indians insist upon the claims of the people of Connecticut to lands on the Susquehanna as unlawful, and the steps taken to obtain the same unjust, and have declared themselves determined to oppose any such settlement. I am, therefore, apprehensive any further attempt at an establishment there, will not only be severely felt by those who shall put the same in execution, but may, (notwithstanding my efforts to the contrary) , be pro- ductive of fatal consequences on our frontier." In October, 1763, Delaware Indians raided the Wyoming settle- ments, killing about thirty of the whites, burning their cabins and farm buildings, putting the survivors to flight, and taking possession of abandoned stock and other belongings. In turn, Pennsylvania troops drove the Indians out, the reds retiring up the Susquehanna River and establishing villages in the vicinity of Tioga Point. Six years later the Connecticut Company resumed the coloniza- tion of Wyoming. In 1768, at an Indian Council held at Fort Stanwix, [Rome, N. Y.,] the Pennsylvania proprietors secured from the natives a deed to all the Wyoming region. In 1769 furious strife began between Pennsylvania and Connecticut settlers for the possession of of the territory. The Pennsylvania proprietors made repeated attempts to evict the Connecticut settlers. Force was met with force and collisions occurred in which lives were lost. Buildings were set on fire, farm stock killed and crops destroyed. But in 1771 the Connecticut settlers had so increased in number that they were pre- pared to defend themselves. Then came a truce, followed by peace- ful adjustment of the conflicting land claims of Connecticut and Pennsylvania. In August, 1775, when war clouds gathered, and the colonists were preparing to sever relations with the British government, the men of Wyoming held a town meeting and resolved, " that we will unanimously join our brethren of America in the common cause of defending our Country." The warriors of the Iroquois tribes in alliance with the British were not brought into actual service against the Colonists until the summer of 1777, but thence on while the war continued, these reds harrassed every frontier settlement as there was opportunity, Indians Endeavored To Recover Lands. 25 having been induced to believe that by so doing they were defending their hunting grounds and agricultural lands from further encroach- ments, and that territory thus redeemed, or saved from intrusion,, would be theirs forever. Says Charles Minier, in his " History of Wyoming," 1845 : "' Lights and shadows alternately brightened or obscured the Wyoming sky during the year 1777. The gloomy aspect of affairs along the seaboard '> Burgoyne with his powerful army descending from the north ; the accession of the savage interest to the cause of Great Britain, carrying with it the certainty that the frontier settlements — as in the old French War — would be one line of conflagration and murder, awakened in the breasts of the Wyoming people great feai^s for the general cause, and extreme anxiety for their own safety." The Senecas v/ere the most numerous and the most active of the Indian allies of the Red Coats. From their villages along the Niagara, where they were under the immediate protection of the British, war parties took trails to the head waters of the Canisteo and Conhocton rivers, and made use of paths and streams between these points and frontier settlements. The western section of the Genesee Country, from the Genesee River to the Niagara frontier and Lake Erie, was an unbroken wilderness, abounding with game, the principal hunting ground of the Senecas. In its interior there v/ere no Indian villages. But on the Genesee flats, and thence eastward along the shores of lakes and on bottom lands of various navigable streams, to the vicinity of encroaching v/hite settlements, that marked the western bounds of advancing civilization, there were Indian villages surrounded by, or near to, well cultivated and exceeding productive plantations. These lands were cared for by the squaws, old men and children. Harried on every hand, realizing that the soil was slipping from beneath their feet, as the War of the Revolution progressed, the Iroquois warriors in alliance with the British sought to take advant- age of the unprotected condition of the frontier settlements, and by surprise attacks to regain possession of their former hunting grounds. It was with this object in mind that in 1778 they perpetrated the Wyoming and Cherry Valley massacres, and brought upon them- selves the devastation wrought the following year, by the military expedition led into the Genesee Country by General Sullivan. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER VIL Ruthless Destruction at Wyoming. THERE ARE no darker pages in American History than those that tell the story of the heartless raid upon the white settlements of the Wyoming Valley, in July, 1778 ; not alone because several hundred helpless women and children were slaugh- tered, and many others compelled to flee for their lives into the wilderness, under most heartrending circumstances, but also for the reason that the raid was planned and conducted as a military meas- ure by officers of the British army. The attack was made by a force of about four hundred British soldiers, sixty Tory settlers of the Wyoming, and nearly one thousand Indian warriors, mostly Senecas. The main body of the attacking force started on the nefarious expedition from Fort Niagara, where the British maintained a garri- son and where many of their Indian allies found refuge when driven form the Mohawk Valley and other frontier points on the outbreak of the Revolution. Several sons and daughters of Sir William John- son — whites and half-breeds — with their families and mongrel des- cendants, were refugees under British protection on the Niagara. Estimates place the number of white inhabitants of Wyoming — men, women and children — at the time of the massacre, at about one thousand. The settlements occupied the bottom lands of the Susquehanna for a distance of about twenty miles. Fearing attacks by roving bands of scalp-hunting savages, a constant danger along frontiers, as well as to be forehanded in case of an uprising on the part of warriors of the Iroquois Federation, six or seven stockades, a number of them provided with substantial block-houses, had been been erected, at intervals, as places of refuge and defense. Most of the fighting strength of the settlements was serving in the Continen- tal army, and these brave men, risking all, had taken along their 26 War Parties Assemble at Painted Post, 27 guns and equipment. There were less than four hundred old men, men physically unfit for military sei'vice, and mere boys, left to defend the settlements. The supply of guns was limited. Amunition was scarce. No such an attack in force as that made by the British regulars, their Indian allies, and some sixty treacherous Tory neighbors, had been deemed possible by the Continental Congress or at Colonial military headquarters. Hence requests that a regular garrison be stationed at Wyoming were ignored. Petitions for a supply of guns and amunition were v/ithout result, for many of Washington's soldiers were in need of these essentials of war. A number of weeks before the storm broke, several hundred red warriors, led by British) troops, set out from Fort Niagara for the descent upon hapless Wyoming. The British sought militar^^ advantage, to divert the attention of Washington from movements elsewhere and mayhap induce him to divide and weaken his fighting forces ; the Indians sought to regain possession of their gateway to the South, and unmolested to occupy the ancient hunting grounds, wrongfully taken from them by the white settlers. n reaching the Genesee River, part of the expedition followed a trail direct to the foot of Seneca Lake, thence by water or trail to the head of the lake and over the carrying place to the Chemung, and down the Chemung to its confluence with the Susquenanna River at Tioga Point. This was a place where the tribesmen had for ages gathered to organize expeditions into the lands far to the South, to prey upon their own kind. Another portion of the force took a trail from the Genesee to the head of the Canisteo River, and on the flats near the site of the present village of Canisteo built a large number of birch bark canoes, in which they made the trip to the general rendezvous at Tioga Point, a portion of this war-party following the Canisteo, Tioga and Chemung trails, by way of the Painted Post. A third section of the expedition crossed the Genesee Flats and over the divide to the head of the Conhocton river, and followed that stream by trail or floated in canoes to the junction of the Conhocton and Chemung rivers at the Painted Post, where were a small Indian village and cultivated lands. Here this contingent, joined by a small band of Seneca warriors from the village at the outlet of Canandaigua Lake, fitted out for the raid on Wyoming. Each section of the expedition was joined en route by additional warriors, summoned by runners. The main body, accompanied by the major portion of the British force, went down the Susquehanna 28 Militia Make Brave Attempt to Save Wyoming. from Tioga Point in canoes and on rafts, while others went on foot along trails, and still others joined the main body a few miles above the outpost stockade of the Wyoming settlers. Most of the Indians were armed with flint-lock guns, keen-edged iron tomahawks with spike-like pointed heads, and each carried a scalping knife. Some of the natives, not provided with guns, carried spears mounted with iron heads. The brain of every one of these red men of the wilderness was on fire with lust for blood and the desire to uttlerly destroy the white intruders, that once again a council fire, to be forever kept alive, might be kindled at the Southern Door of the Long House of the Six Nations. The Wyom- ing had been settled under sanction of the British Crown ; and this attack on the settlement was planned and lead by officers of the British Crown. There were no settlements contiguous to the Wyoming, upon which the people might call for aid in case of such an emergency. It was not merely a frontier outpost, but was an isolated community, almost embosomed in the country of a savage enemy. To Sunbury, the nearest inhabited post down the Susquehanna, was sixty miles ; through the Great Swamp and over the Pokono range of mountains to the settlements on the Delaware, a pathless wilderness, was also sixty miles. The Six Nations, ever the most to be dreaded of natives when upon the war-path, occupied all the upper branches of the Susquehanna. The only means of defense consisted of militiamen, the greater portion of whom were too old or too young for regular service. There were six or seven stockades, called forts, used also as places of retreat for women and children. The enemy arrived within striking distance of the old defense. Fort Forty, July 2d. As soon as the danger was known, the militia assembled at Forty Forty, which stood on the west bank of the Susquehanna, three miles west of Wilkes-Barre. There many of the women and children sought refuge. A council of war was held at Fort Forty early on the morning of July 3d, and it was decided to march forth and meet the enemy, hoping to make a surprise attack. At 4 o'clock that afternoon the little force which was moving with caution, feeling its way, came upon a much stronger number of the enemy lined up ready for battle on a plain partly covered with small oaks and scrub pine trees. The battle opened at once and proceeded determinedly, the little band of courageous Americans not knowing how greatly they Indians Spare Neither Man, Woman or Child. 29 were outnumbered, standing their ground in face of the British regulars, until attacked on a flank and in the rear by the main body of Indians. The rout of the Americans was complete. Only about fifty survived. These were led in their escape into the wilderness by Colonel Zubulon Butler, the officer in command. The British did not follow. They made no further attack that night. But the Indians took and murdered many prisoners and scalped the all the dead Americans. Wounded Americans were killed. The Indians moved forward and continued the slaughter during the entire night. They spared neither man, woman or child. They set dwellings and farm buildings on fire on every hand, and killed cows, oxen, horses, hogs, and farm stock generally. The next day Fort Forty was surrendered to the British com- mander under pledge that the lives of the women and children should be spared, the men paroled, and the wanton destruction of property should cease. But the Indians continued their work of rapine and plunder. Every house not belonging to a Tory, together with the farm buildings, were laid in ashes. Farm stock was killed or stolen and crops destroyed. Many of the women and children perished in the Great Swamp. The whole number of Americans killed and missing was about 300. An attempt at re-settlement was made after the invaders departed and remnants of the crops were cared for. But there was little repose for residents of the Wyoming until the close of the war. In March, 1779, a new fort erected near Wikes-Barre, for the defense of the settlement, was surrounded by 250 Indians, accompan- nied by Tories, but the enemy was defeated by resolute and deter- mined action. That the British commander at Niagara was responsible for the attack on Wyoming, is shown by documentary evidence preserved in London. It was only one of similar acts in a general plan of campaign, carried out by the British form the begining to the end of the Revolution. Lieutenant-Colonel Mason Bolton, in command at Niagara, in a letter dated " Niagara, July 14, 1778," gloatingly wrote to Captain Le Maistre : "Sir : 1 have the pleasure to acquaint you with the signal success of the Rangers and Indians with Col. Butler, over the rebels at Wyoming, where they had no less than ten stockaded forts, and were defeated. En- 30 Hartley's Expedition Up the Susquehanna. closed I send you the particulars, which I request you will lay before His Excellency. I received them this moment from Lieut. Hare, of the Rangers. [Signed] Mason Bolton." Extract from a letter from Sir Henry Clinton, to Lord George Germain, dated " New York, August 12, 1778," relative to the expedi- tion against Wyoming : "Reports, which seem to be credited, say that a body of Indians, assembled under the command of Colonel Butler, have destroyed a number of settlements upon the frontiers of Pennsylvania, and repulsed what troops the rebels had collected to oppose them. When I receive certain intelligence of their proceedings, I shall take the earliest opportunity to acquaint your Lordship therewith." Under date of "New York, September 15th, 1778," Sir Henry Clinton wrote Lord George Germain : " I have at the same time, my Lord, the honor to transmit to you, a copy of a letter from Colonel Butler to Lieutenant-Colonel Bolton, which I received from Gen. Haldiman a few days since, giving an account of the proceedings of the former upon the frontiers of Pennsylvania." The enclosure was a copy of the above letter of Col. Bolton to to Capt. Le Maistre. In order to drive the Indians away from easy striking distance of the Pennsylvania frontier, Colonel Thomas Hartley led an expedition of about 400 men, the latter part of September, up the Susquehanna, to Tioga Point, destroying every Indian village and laying waste their crops, including the long-established native settlement on the " Arrow Head " at the junction of the Susquehanna and Chemung (Tioga) rivers. In a battle with 200 red skins the latter were put to flight. The expedition reached Wyoming on October 5th, having completed a circuit of near 300 miles through enemy territory in about two weeks. The native warriors were shown that the settlements could and would be protected. Tioga Point continued to be a place of rendezvous for Indian war parties. The expedition against Cherry Valley led by the Mohawk War Chief Brant, and the British Captain, Walter Butler, started from Tioga Point. With the coming of Spring the Indians renewed their stealthy attacks along the frontiers. July 20, 1788, about 60 Indians and half as many tories, destroyed the settlement at Minisink, with great loss of life, and retired to Tioga Point with prisoners and booty. Then the Continental Congress decided to carry the war into the Genesee Country. The Sullivan Expedition followed. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER VIIL Sullivan Expedition Into the Genesee Country, THE INVASION of the Genesee Country, as the territory of Western New York was generally known, was not ordered by General Washington as a matter of revenge for the massacres at Wyoming, Cherry Valley and Minisink, by the natives, abetted by the British, but rather as a military measure, and part of a plan of campaign of wide scope, for breaking the hold of the British on the united American colonies. The fertile bottom lands of the Genesee Country and the lake region of Central New York, were made use of to provide supplies for the British as well as to sustain the natives. The Indians were provided with agricultural implements by the British. As the war progressed, through their division of labor, the Indian hunters and fishers, and those who looked after the crops, made the Genesee Country a dependable source of food supply for the British, and rendered themselves self-supporting. Invasion of the Iroquois country by a powerful army, and the destruction of their villages and crops, forced the entire Indian population to flee to the British at Niagara for protection and food. It also lessened the perils of settlers along the American frontiers. By direction of General Washington, early in March, 1779, Gen- eral John Sullivan, a native of New Hampshire, and a distinguished officer, was placed in command of the expedition. It was decided to provide a force of 5,000 men. General Sullivan experienced great difficulty in organizing and equipping the force. On July 31, the main section of the expedition started up the Susquehanna from Wyoming, 3,000 men on foot, with 1,800 pack horses, and driving several hundred fat cattle, to be butchered for food. A flotilla of 214 boats, manned by 450 expert river-men, set 31 32 Indians and British Defeated at Newtown. out at the same time, carrying artillery, amunition and supplies gen- erally, with nearly a thousand soldiers aboard, to afford protection, The first objective was Tioga Point, 80 miles up the Susquenanna, where General Sullivan was joined by General Clinton, who came down the Susquehanna, from Otsego Lake, with 212 boats, carrying about 1,400 soldiers. Tioga Point is about 40 miles east of the junction of the Chemung and Tioga rivers, where stood the " Painted Post." A brief stop was mode at Tioga Point, to complete prepara- tions for the invasion. There a substantial fort was built, with block-houses, store houses for supplies, and a hospital. It was named " Fort Sullivan." There a guard of 250 men remained during the absence of the main army in the Genesee Country. On August 26th the expedition moved up the Chemung into the wilderness, no one knowing the dangers to be faced. It was certain that their progress would be contested, and the artifices of Indian warfare must be taken into account. Indian spies lurked in front and on either hand of the invading force. Sullivan's army reached the Seneca village of Old Chemung that afternoon. It was deserted. There that evening scouts brought him word that a large enemy force was erecting a fortification on a hill overlooking the plains, only a few miles ahead. The next day was devoted to making final arrangements for an attack on this enemy position, a determinate battle seeming assured. Early Sunday morning, August 29th, the Americans advanced, and upon the brow of a steep hill, near the Indian village of Newtown, four miles east of the present city of Elmira, the crudely constructed fortification of the Indians and their British and Tory associates, was discovered. The Indians made several attempts, by front attacks, to lure the Americans into cunningly contrived ambuscades, but without any measure of success. Then the Indians retreated to their fortification on the hill, and there awaited the attack, that soon began, and three hours later the enemy was on the run, the power of the Six Nations broken forever. In this battle about one thousand Indians, fifty British regulars and two hundred Tor>^ rangers faced the Colonists. The enemy was under the command of Colonel John Butler, his chief officers being his son, Captain Walter N. Butler, and Captain MacDonald. Cornplanter Denounces Red Jacket, 33 The natives were commanded by Joseph Brant, the Mohawk War Chief, and Cornplanter and Red Jacket, War Chiefs of the Senecas. Joseph Brant held a commission as Colonel. His Indian name was Thayendanegea, meaning, " He Puts Together." His sister Molly was the second wife of Sir William Johnson, and mother of a family of half-breeds that included a number males who were intensely pro-English. Brant when a lad was sent to a missionary school, he early took the war-path, and in 1775 visited England, where he was received as a prince and given much attention. Cornplanter, Garganwahgah, also known as John O'Beel, was the son of a Dutch trader and a full-blood Seneca. He was given no attention by his father, who resided at Albany. He was born at Conewaugus, on the Genesee River, about 1740. In the battle of Newtown, three Americans were killed and 39 were wounded. The enemy loss was larger ; the exact number of their dead and wounded could not be determined, owing to the Indian practice of concealing bodies and removing the wounded. Twelve of the enemy slain were abandoned on the field of battle. The main body of the enemy retreated up Pine Valley to the Lake Region, and thence with their squaws, children and old men, contin- ued in terrior-stricken flight to the Niagara River. Every Indian village was abandoned. Indian runners hurried from the scene of battle, up the Chemung and its various branches, warning their tribes-people in the various villages, that all was lost, and leading them in flight along the trails to Fort Niagara. Detachments of Continentals followed after for some distance, and destroyed crops and Indian huts at Big Flats, Little Flats, Painted Post, near the mouth of the Cowanesque River, at Canisteo, and at Bath. Cornplanter sought to rally the retreating Indians and make a stand against Sullivan's men, on the shore of Canandaigua Lake. But on the approach of the pursuers, a number of Indians, including Red Jacket, began to retreat. Seeing the ill effect of this movement, Cornplanter endeavored to rally the fugitives. Placing himself in front of Red Jacket, he tried to persuade him and his fellow refugees to turn back and fight, but his efforts were fruitless. In anger, the baffled War Chief turning to Red Jacket's young wife, exclaimed : " Leave that man ; he is a coward !" 34 General Washington Congratulates Army. From that intense moment, these two Chiefs were implacable enemies, and Red Jacket on various occasions, opposed measures that Complanter favored, having to do with tribal affairs. Sullivan's troops penetrated the Iroquois territory into the bottom lands of the Genesee River, and to the north throughout the Finger Lake region. Every Indian village was burned and all crops laid waste, among the number being Little Beard's Town, a Seneca village, on the Genesee, with 128 well-constructed cabins, surrounded by 200 acres of corn fields and vegetable patches. Having accom- plished the purposes of the invasion, the Americans retired from the land of desolation, for service elsewhere. General George Washington, in general orders, dated " Moore's House, October 7, 1779," thus spoke of the Sullivan Expedition : " The Commander-in-Chief has now the pleasure of congratulating the army, on the full measure of success of Major-General Sullivan, and the troops under his command, against the Seneca and other tribes of the Six Nations, as a just and necessary punishment for their wanton depredations, their unparalleled and innumerable cruelties, their deafness to all remon- strances and entreaty, and their perserverance in the most horrid acts of barbarity. " Forty of their towns have been reduced to ashes, some of them large and commodius ; that at Genesee alone contained 128 houses. Their crops of corn have been entirely destroyed, which by estimation, it is said, would have provided 160,000 bushels ; besides large quantities of vegetables of various kinds. Their whole country has been over-run and lain to waste, and they themselves compelled to place their security in a precipitate flight to the British fortress at Niagara. The whole of this has been done with a loss of less than forty men on our part, including the killed, wound- ed, captured, and those who died a natural death." The Indian view of the invasion, was presented at a Council held by Washington with noted Iroquois Chiefs, in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1790. Addressing President Washington, Cornplanter said : " Father : The voice of the Seneca Nation speaks to you, the Great Counselor in whose heart the wise men of the Thirteen Fires have placed their wisdom. It may be very small in your ears, and therefore we entreat you to harken with attention, for we are about to speak to you of things which to us are very great. When your army entered the country of the Six Nations, we called you 'The Town Destroyer,' and to this day when that name is heard, our women look behind them and turn pale, and our children cling close to their mothers." Pioneer Days and Later Times m Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER IX. The Massachusetts Pre-Emption. LIKE THE neighboring Colony of Connecticut, Massachusetts held tenaciously to its claim that under the original charter granted by the King of Great Britain, its lands extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. Massachusetts disputed the right of New York to territory extending further westward than Seneca Lake. Finally it was mutually agreed to submit the matter at issue to a commission, each State to have equal representation. The commissioners appointed by the respective States, met at Hartford, Conn., on the 16th of December, 1786, and came to an amicable agreement. The sovereignty and right of jurisdiction over the whole territory in dispute were confirmed to New York. To Massa- chusetts was conceded the right of pre-emption from the Iroquois Indians, of all the territory embraced within the present limits of the State of New York, lying west of a line beginning at a point in the north line of the State of Pennsylvania, eighty-two miles west of the northeast corner of that State, and running thence due north through Seneca Lake to Lake Ontario ; excepting from the above tract, a strip of land one mile in width, extending the whole length of the Niagara River, which was conceded to New York. It was also agreed that Massachusetts should hold the pre-emption right to a tract of 230,000 acres, equal to ten townships of six miles square each, between the Owego and Chenango rivers. This tract was known in settlement days as " The Massachusetts Ten Townships." Other territory in dispute, east of the pre-emption line, was acknow- ledged to belong to New York. The Sullivan Expedition so completely crushed the Six Nations that they never again were a potent power ; and becoming a burden to their false-friends, the British, many of the natives drifted over into Canada, there to remain, much to the relief of the first 35 36 Oliver Phelps Enters the Genesee Country. whites to establish homes in Western New York. After their defeat at Newtown, on the Chemung, the warriors of the Six Nations did not again venture a concerted attack on a frontier settlement, but strolHng bands of scalp-hunting savages continued to wreak vengence along the frontier, from Lake Ontario to the Ohio, while the war continued and for many years after its closed. Settlers of the Genesee Country were in constant fear of Indian attacks until the reds were placed on reservations, no longer permitted to roam at will Western New York was not thrown open for settlement till 1790, and then only the section extending from Seneca Lake to the Genesee River. In the spring of 1788, the Legislature of Masachu- setts sold to Oliver Phelps and Nathan Gorham, for themselves and others, the pre-emption right to the entire Genesee Country, from Seneca Lake to Niagara River and Lake Erie, for practically one million dollars, to be paid in three equal annual instalments, in Massachusetts currency, to be taken at par. This currency was then worth only twenty cents on a dollar. When the deal had been consumated, Oliver Phelps, accompanied by a few business associates and a number of prospectors, set out from Boston for the Genesee Country, going direct to^eneca Castle, an Indian village near the foot of Seneca Lake, where in former times the Council House of the Seneca Nation was located. There Oliver Phelps, who arrived June 1st, with the expectation of holding a treaty with the Indians, waited in vain seventeen days. Although native runners had been sent to all the Indian villages in the Genesee Country requesting attendance, only a few natives appeared. This was later found to have been due to the influence of land speculators who had by direct treaty leased the Indian lands for 999 years. The Indians having failed to respond to any considerable number, Oliver Phelps, disappointed but resolute, with remarkable courage, went to Buffalo Creek, and there succeeded in holding a treaty. But he was not granted land west of the Genesee River, the Indians declaring they would never dispose of that territory, but would keep it forever as their hunting ground. All the land from the pre- emption 'line westward to the Genesee they relinquished to Mr. Phelps, on his agreement to pay $5,000 in cash, and $500 per year forever. The Indians understood that their annual stipend was to be $1,000 per year, and when the first annual payment became due v/ere greatly displeased, and claimed they had been cheated. Astounding Scheme of Land Speculators. 37 The Treaty of Buffalo Creek was signed by 55 chiefs and eight squaws. Many other chiefs and a large number of squaws, who should have been consulted, were not present at the treaty, and had no voice in the deal. The attacked they legality of the transfer. The objections raised by these absentees made it necessary for Phelps & Gorham to hold a supplementary treaty. This second treaty was held in 1789, at Canandaigua, when the Treaty of Buffalo was confirmed and the way cleared for the immediate throwing open of the Genesee Country for settlement, from the pre-emption line to the Genesee River. The right of the Six Nations to possession of the soil of all Western New York, from the established frontier of the period of the Revolution to the Niagara River and Lake Erie, was, under the Treaty of Fort Stanwix, held in 1784, restored. They had the right under solemn guarantee of the Government of the United States to refuse to let any man take possession of an inch of the lands of their fathers, and their fathers' fathers, which, according to Indian tradi- tion, it was their most sacred duty to hold for their children and their children's children. And yet, within three years after this restoration of their lands, and only one year before the coming among them of Oliver Phelps, Six Nations entered into agreement under which they leased to John Livingston, Caleb Benton, Peter Rykman, John Stevenson and Ezekiel Gilbert, for themselves and others, " all the land commonly known as the lands of the Six Nations, in the State of New York, and at this time in the possession of said Chiefs and Sachems," for the term of 999 years, excepting only some small reservations, and hunt- ing and fishing privileges. This agreement was dated " November 30, 1787," and was designed on the part of speculators to evade State and National laws that prohibited the purchase by individuals or corporations of land direct from the natives. The consideration was a promise of $20,000 in cash and a yearly rent of two thousand Spanish milled dollars. Among the Indian chiefs who signed the 999- Year Lease were Farmer's Brother and Red Jacket. At the time the " New York Genesee Land Company " was organized, with headquarters at Hudson, for the purpose of leasing and exploiting the Iroquois Indian lands east of the Massachusetts pre-emption, a branch concern, known as the "Niagara Genesee Land Company," was organized to take over and exploit the lands of the Genesee Country. The principal members of the Niagara 38 Lessees of Indian Land Make Trouble. Company were John Butler, Samuel Sweet, John Powell and James Barton. This branch organization brought all Iroquois Indians then under British influence to the support of the scheme of the Lessees. In 1788, Governor Clinton issued a proclamation warning land purchasers that sales made by the Lessees would be annulled, and sent runners to all the chiefs of the Six Nations, warning them that fraud had been practiced and the Lessee agreement was void. But the influence of the Lessees over the natives was so potent that Oliver Phelps found it necessary to deal with them before he could deal with the Indians. A compromise was effected, the Lessees being permitted to share in lands of the Phelps and Gorham purchase in consideration of aid given in securing from the Indians surrender of their right to the soil, to these new comers. Soon after the Treaty of Buffalo Creek was made, the 999- Year Lease between the Indians and the New York Genesee Land Company was changed, so that instead of paying the natives " two thousand Spanish milled dollars " annual rental, the amount should be " pay- able in cattle, at reasonable prices, to be delivered at Kanadesaga each year." Colonel Eleazer Lindsley, of Morristown, N. J., one of the Lessees, met Oliver Phelps at Kanadesaga, June 1st, 1788, with others of the New York Genesee Land Company, by appointment. Lindsley found there " not more than fifty or sixty Indians, and no likelihood of a treaty coming on." So he set about surveying lands on the east side of Seneca Lake, which he described, in a letter, as being " the most beautiful lake I ever saw ; the land abounds with mill-seats and small rivulets of exceedingly good water." While Oliver Phelps tarried at Kanadesaga, awaiting develop- ments he wrote to a friend in Massachusetts : " I am well pleased with the country. Here we propose building a city, as there is a water carriage from this place to Schenectady, with two carrying places of one mile each." Mr. Phelps then thought that Kanadesaga, (now the site of the city of Geneva), was within the bounds of his purchase, but it was about a mile east of the Massachusetts pre-emption line. By the treaty of Buffalo Creek the Indians conveyed to " Oliver Phelps, of Granville, in the County of Hampshire, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Esq., and Nathaniel Gorham, of Charlestown, in the County of Middlesex, in the State aforesaid," land extending across Massachusetts Approves Treaty of Buffalo Creek. 39 the State of New York, from Lake Ontario to the Pennsylvania line, 80 miles north and south ; and extending from Seneca Lake a distance of about 46 miles west, embracing about 2,600,000 acres. The con- sideration, as written in the agreement, with the Indians, which was really a deed, was " two thousand and one hundred pounds, lawful money of the State of New York." No mention was made in this conveyance of the payment of an annual stipend ; that seems to have been a matter merely discussed at the Treaty, without a definite understanding being reached. The Council at Buffalo Creek was attended by Rev. Samuel Kirkland, from about 1765 a missionary who dwelt among the Indians countinually except during the period of the Revolution, and had mastered the dialects of the various tribes. He represented the State of Massachusetts. He had great influence with the reds. He was assisted by Elish Lee, of Boston. There were numerous inter- preters at the Council. Both branches of the 999- Year Lessee Company were represented by their leading men, and the officers of the British garrison at Fort Niagara also attended. The price to be paid the Indians for the land, by mutual agreement, was fixed by Colonel John Butler, a member of the "Niagara Genesee Land Company," who had a secret understanding with Mr. Phelps under which his lessee interests would be protected ; Joseph Brant the Mohawk War-Chief, and Elisha Lee, as Referees. In reporting to his New England associates the outcome of the treaty :held at Buffalo Creek, Oliver Phelps wrote: "You may rely upon it that it. is a good country. I have purchased all that the Indians will sell at present, and perhaps as much as it would be profitable for us to buy at this time." This Indian grant was confirmed by the Legislature of Massasa- chusetts, by an act passed November 2d, 1788. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity. CHAPTER X, The Treaty of Canandaigua. IMMEDIATELY following the signing of the Treaty of Buffalo Creek, Phelps & Gorham set surveyors at work laying out their purchase into township tracts, with few exceptions each six miles square. They opened a land office at Kanadesaga, of which Oliver Phelps took personal charge, and widely advertised the lands, giving glowing descriptions of the beauty and riches of the same, and the golden opportunities that awaited settlers. The surveyors soon discovered that Kanadesaga was located a mile east of the pre-emption line, and was in the " Military Tract " of the State of New York. Thereupon Oliver Phelps changed his land office and general headquarters to Canandaigua, where a log cabin was occupied. The name was first spelled Kanandaqua and Canandarqua. It was an inconsequential Indian village, occupied by Senecas. Not a white person spent the Winter of 1788-'89 there. In the Spring of 1789, Joseph Smith moved his family from Kanadesaga to Canadaigua, occupying a log storehouse. Soon Nathaniel Gorham, Jr., and Oliver Phelps arrived with a party of surveyors and a number of settlers from New England. Then an additional number of habitations were erected, some of them log cabins and others mere bark huts. All the northern section of the purchase had been surveyed into township lots the preceding Fall. The surveyors were now sent to the southeastern section of the Genesee Country. They made their headquarters at Painted Post, in a log cabin said to have been built, for a time occupied, then abandoned, by William Harris, the trader. That year a few score prospectors and actual settlers came into the northern and central sections of the Genesee Country from New England and along the Hudson River; and others of the land hungry 40 Rival Chiefs Fan Flames of Contention, 41 came from New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania up the Susquehanna and Chemung rivers, to explore the Painted Post region. Among the prospectors who came up the Susquehanna and Che- mung were Col. Eleazer Lindsley, of Morristown, N. J., accompanied by two sons-in-law, Dr. Ezekiel Mulford and Captain John Seelye, of Wyoming. All three had served under Washington in the War of the Revolution, and Col. Lindsley had been a member of the New Jersey Legislature. The year before he purchased of the 999- Year Lessee Company a large tract of land on the east side of Seneca Lake, and had spent the Summer season surveying this land into farms, and in doing surveying in that region for the Lessee Company. He laid out a village about midway down the lake, overlooking the eastern shore, known as Apple Town, where Sullivan's men had destroyed an Indian village and cut down several hundred apple trees. Early in 1789, Colonel Lindsley disposed of his Seneca Lake holdings, having decided to purchase of Phelps & Gorham a township in the Genesee Country, on a navigable branch of the Susquehanna, and there to plant a colony. Under date of " New York, February 26th, 1789," Nathaniel Gorham wrote to Col. Lindsley : " By report of our agent in the Genesee Country you are returned as the purchaser of a township, and Captain Allen informed me that I might expect to see you at this place. As I am desirous, from your character, to do everything in my power to accommodate you, I should be glad to see you here before the 8th of March, as I shall then leave for Boston." Colonel Lindsley was engaged by Oliver Phelps to assist in making the original surveys of township plots in the southern portion of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase, and also to conduct land sales. In July, 1789, while at Painted Post, engaged in this work, Oliver Phelps summoned Colonel Lindsley to Canandaigua to assist in conducting a treaty with Indians, made necessary by a spirit of bitterness among natives dissatisfied with the Treaty of Buffalo Creek. Some of the prominent chiefs claimed that they had been deceived and cheated by Oliver Phelps and John Livingston, Rival Chiefs fanned the flames of contention, notably Red Jacket, Farmer's Brother, Joseph Brant and Complanter. This agitation grew apace, fears of an Indian uprising spread, land sales fell off, and emigration to the Genesee Country ceased. Furthermore, a strife arose among the Indians, some of their inflential chiefs claiming that Indians who took part in the Treaty of Buffalo Creek, and agreed to the land sale, acted without authority 42 Two Thousand Natives Attend Great CounciL and therefore the sale was void. These objectors held that some of the Senecas, and a few members of other tribes, unduly influenced by the whites, had made a deal with Oliver Phelps, that was contrary to Indian usage— that a treaty to dispose of land was not binding unless every tribe had a voice in the council, and the squaws gave consent. The squaws now insisted on their right to be heard. The business outlook became discouraging for Phelps & Gor- ham. Their expenditures had been heavy. Failure to make land sales in face of growing trouble with disgruntled Indians, and an unexpected rise in Massachusetts currency, in which the j expected to pay a million dollars for their pre-emption right at 20 per cent, to 80, increasing the purchase price of the pre-emption right three- fold, made even their first payment impossible. Under the circum- stances, and taking more especially into consideration the fact that Phelps and Gorham had failed to secure from the Indians surrender of pre-emption lands west of the Genesee River, the Legislature of Massachusetts took back the lands not included in the Treaty of Buffalo Creek. This release by Massachusetts left Phelps and Gorham about 2,600,000 acres of the Genesee Country on which to pay for the right of pre-emption, and tided them and their associates over a crisis that would have resulted in a business failure of far-reaching extent and most distressing consequences. Having decided that it would be necessary to hold a second treaty with the Indians, Oliver Phelps sent notices to the various chiefs, to assemble their tribes at Canandaigua early in July, 1789, to brighten the chain of friendship and adjust all matters in dispute.. He collected at the meeting place, nesr the outlet of Canandaigua Lake, an abundance of the kinds of supplies most aggreeable to Indian eyes and appetites, including fat cattle, strong drink, blankets and trinkets. He laid in store a large assortment of " presents," tot be displayed while treaty councils were in progress, but not to be distributed until a treaty had been completed. The natives came, two thousand strong ; hale, hearty and hungry. The Treaty of Canandaigua opened the middle of July and lasted twenty days. Some of the Indian chiefs, during the early period of the discussions, were decidedly bellicose, making hot accusations against Phelps and his associates at Buffalo, charging trickery and bribery. But these orators tempered down as the days of feasting wore by, and finally conclusions were reached that were embodied Indians Confirm Treaty of Buffalo Creeh 43 in a supplementary treaty, which ratified and confirmed the Treaty of Buffalo Creek. This was signed by twelve Indian chiefs, and was "witnessed by Samuel Sweet, the Niagara trader, and Lemuel Wilmet, It follows : " We, the Sachems, Chiefs and Warriors of the Mohawk, Onondago, Cayahuga and Tuscarora Nations, for ourselves and in behalf of the four Nations aforesaid, have heard read and explained in public Council at this place, the papers passed between Ohver Phelps, Esq., and the Five Nations of Indians, in full and public Council, at our Great Council Fire at Buffalo Creek, in July, 1788, and find said papers conformable to the agreement then and there made between the said Phelps and the Five Nations, and do hereby ratify and confirm said agreement, as being fairly and properly done, agreeable to the ancient custom of our forefathers ; and having given up to the Seneca Nation our several portions of the payment now due and offered to the said Five Nations by said Phelps, in a just and proper man- ner, in a full Council of the Five Nations, viz : two thousand five hundred dollars in cash, and that certain tract, parcel, land and territory purchased from the Five Nations by said Phelps, agreeable to the deeds given him, the said Phelps, by the Five Nations aforesaid, at Buffalo Creek ; and to all moneys, goods, or other payments whatsoever, due by said Phelps for said lands, except alwaj^s and reserving our just share and portion of five hundred dollars, the annual rent to be paid on said lands forever. " Given under our hands and seals, at Canadqua, this 4th day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine." Red Jacket and Joseph Brant took part in the councils at Buffalo Creek, in 1778, and at Canandaigua, in 1779, and signed both the treaties, facts to be borne in mind in connection with their later acts of opposition to Oliver Phelps in the matter of the land deal involved, and the trouble these chiefs made for the early settlers of Western New York. The story of this gathering of Indians at Canandaigua, is of direct personal interest to many descendants of first settlers of the Painted Post section of the Genesee Country, because of the connec- tion therewith of the original owners of the townships of Erwin and Lindley — Colonel Arthur Erwin, of Erwina, Pa., and Colonel Eleazer Lindsley, of Morristown, N. J., both officers under Washington in the Revolution. Colonel Erwin supplied Oliver Phelps a large drove of fat cattle to feed the Indians attending the Treaty. The cattle were driven from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, via Tioga Point and up the Che- mung Valley to the Painted Post, thence direct to Canandaigua. The cattle were delivered to Oliver Phelps in part payment for the town- ship Erwin purchased — a tract of land six miles square, known and 44 First Settlement In the Painted Post Territory. described, according to the original survey, as " Township 2, Range 2, of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase. The deed to Colonel Erwin was dated, " Canandarqua, County of Ontario, State of New York f July 18th, 1789 ; the consideration was " one thousand four hundred pounds, lawful money of the State of New York." The deed to Col. Lindsley, of " Township 2, Range 1," was dated August 13, 1789. These were the first deeds given of lands within Steuben County, following the transfer of Indian ownership to Phelps and Gorham. Referring to the proceeding at Canandaigua, Colonel Lindsley wrote: "About 2,000 Indians were assembled. I attended for sixteen days. The Indians behaved exceedingly well and we tran- sacted all our business and parted in great friendliness." At the conclusion of business matters connected with the Treaty of Canandaigua, Colonel Lindsley returned to Painted Post, where he remained seventeen days, and sold seven farms from his purchase. He then mounted his horse and set out along the Great War-Trail for his home at Morristown, New Jersey, going by way of Tioga Point and Wyoming, to arrange to bring on a colony. The next Spring, as soon as conditions of travel would permit. Colonel Lindsley brought up the Susquehanna, Chemung and Tioga Rivers, in flat boats built for the purpose, a colony of 37 persons and foiTned a settlement along the sloping side of a hill, overlooking the bottom lands of the Tioga, about a mile north of the Pennsylvania line. The colonists reached the end of their journey the 7th of June, 1790. This was the first settlement to be planted within the bounds of the present County of Steuben, and the coming of the Lindsley Colony moved the frontier line up stream from the junction of the Susquehanna and Tioga rivers, to the junction of the Tioga and Cowanesque. The boats on the trip up from the point of embarkation, near Wilkes-Barre, Pa., were accompanied by a drove of neat cattle and a number of horses. In addition to household effects, grain and vegetable seeds for planting, and farming implements, Colonel Lindsley brought the equipment for a saw mill, including the shaft for an over-shot water wheel to run the same. This saw mill, the first one to be erected in the Genesee Country, was built on Watson Creek, half a mile from its junction with the Tioga River, a few months later, and for many years supplied the demand for lumber for floors, doors, door casings and interior finishings of the log cabin homes of the pioneers. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XL Indians Renew Complaints and Demand Redress, IN THE SPRING of 1790, there was a renewal of complaints by Iroquois Indians that they had been deceived and cheated out of their lands by the whites. As the season advanced the spirit of unrest became deep-seated and wide-spread, and by mid- Summer involved all branches of the tribes of the Six Nations. A specific charge that Oliver Phelps and John Livingston, and other whites having to do with the Treaty of Buffalo Creek, and the later Treaty of Canandaigua, had conspired together and deliberately cheated them, was spread among the tribesmen by their principal chiefs, and methods of redress were discussed at council fires. It was nothing new in Indian methodology for them to deny the conditions of a treaty under which they had surrendered land, and to cry out that they had been deceived. The same charge was brought against William Penn, with all the power of eloquence that the most noted Indian spokesmen could command. The seat of trouble was inherent with the red skins. Their want of foresight, childish cupidity, vaunting vanity, and natural stupidity, rendered them easy victims of the white man's artifices. The lack of sense exhibited by Indians would seem inexcusable, but for the example of Jacob, the Israelite, who bartered his princely birth-right with Essau for a mess of soup ; and for the example of the well-bred white of these latter days, who yields his business, his home, his character, and everything worth possessing, in unresisting response to the cumulative demands of some self-destroying appetite. The Indians were physical giants, but mental pygmies. Their brightest minds did not seem able to comprehend the import of land grants made to the whites. A few weeks of pow-wowing and feed- ing, with fire-water placed inside their ribs and gew-gaws dangled 45 46 Indians Reserve Right to Fish and Hunt at Will, before their eyes, and " Lo, the poor Indian," was ready to agree to anything his white brother might suggest. Then, as time passed by and the natives who were parties to a treaty thus entered into, once again got hungry and thirsty, the cry of '^ fraud " and a threat to " dig" up the tomahawk," was all that was necessary to bring about another round-up, another season of feasting, rum drinking and oratory, with gifts of gew-gaws, and the signing of another treaty, with its inevitable surrender to the whites of additional " native rights to the soil." Thus the strong overcame the weak, and the whites pushed forward, never yielding a point once gained. It was hoped by the land speculators and the settlers directly interested, that the Treaty of Canandaigua, supplementing and ratifying the Treaty of Buffalo Creek, would be followed by absolute and unquestioning compliance on the part of the Six Nations, with the conditions under which the Indian title to the Genesee Country had been surrendered. But the Indians did not realize that in surrendering their lands to Phelps and Gorham they had thrown open the door to all other whites, who might in turn secure from these first-hand purchasers the right to enter and become permanent occupants of the soil. The Indians in their grant to Phelps and Gorham reserved the right to fish and hunt in the entire territory* covered by the treaty ; but settlers objected. The whites fished and hunted at v/ill, and their betterments spoiled hunting grounds. Twice before the Treaty of Buffalo Creek fixed the frontier line at the Genesee River, the whites had made treaties with the Six Nations fixing a permanent frontier bound, only to crowd over it, and then demand additional lands of the natives, compliance being secured by subtle artifice or open coercion. During the fall of 1788, on word reaching the sea-board and the interior settlements of the New England and more northern colonies, of the abjustment effected with the Six Nations at Canan- daigua, hundreds of prospectors rushed into the Genesee Country, and the land office at Canandaigua became a busy place. The next Spring settlers came on with a rush, the larger number from New England, via the Mohawk valley, occupying lands in the northern and central sections of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase, from Seneca Lake to the Genesee. A goodly number of land-seekers came up the Susquehanna and Chemung rivers, and located in the Painted Post section of the Genesee Country. A land office was Pioneers of Painted Post Fear Indian Uprising. 47 maintained at " The Painted Post " for the accommodation of settlers coming by the southern route. These were mainly from Pennsyl- vania, southeastern New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island. The lands east of the Massachusetts pre-emption line, extending from Seneca Lake eastward to the frontier line of the Revolution, which crossed the State at Fort Stanwix, (Rome), were the scene of like activities. This general invasion of the Iroquoian " Long House," caused extreme unrest among the natives. At this time appeals came to the Iroquois from their old enemies, the Indians of the Miami and the Wabash, also being crowded by the whites, and then at war with the United States, to rise and make common cause for the extermin" ation of the mtruders. Fears that the Indians would attack the settlers of the Genesee Country, made land sales slow and checked the tide of emigration to near the zero point. During the Summer of 1790, Red Jacket and Joseph Brant, who were wards of the British, spread among the Iroquois a story that Complanter was in secret alliance with the United States, and in support of the charge, cited favors Complanter had received and the distinguished consideration paid to him by officials of the States of New York and Pennsylvania, This accusation caused, among the Indians not dirctly connected with Complanter, such an intense distrust, that he did not dare to travel in the Indian country unless accompanied by a strong guard of carefully chosen braves. This state of affairs, doubtless, had much to do with influencing Complanter to join with the malcontents in renewing the charge that Oliver Phelps had cheated the Indians in his treaty making, for getting possession of their land. The situation became serious. As a consequence, Phelps and Gorham found themselves again in financial straits. Land sales were slow, payments uncertain, and expenses heavy. For these reasons, early in the year 1790, after having disposed of fifty townships, many of them on credit, Phelps and Gorham sold 1,264,000 acres of the Genesee Country to Robert Morris, of Philadelphia, Pa., a man of wealth, noted as the financier of the War of the Revolution. The consideration was thirty thou- sand pounds sterling, New York money. Under date of April 11th, 1790, Oliver Phelps wrote Colonel Eleazer Lindsley: "We have deeded to Mr. Morris all the lands we had not sold at the time we deeded to him, excepting certain towns reserved for ourselves." 48 Irate Seneca Chiefs Make Summary Demand. The actual conveyance to Robert Morris, was executed in Nov- ember, 1790, by Nathaniel Gorham and Rebecca his wife, and Oliver Phelps and Mary his wife. On June 27th, 1790, an Indian was killed on Pine Creek, by three white men, Henry, Joseph and Benjamin Walker, brothers, with Samuel Doyle as onlooker. The Indian had boasted of his success in killing whites, and had some time before killed the father of the Walkers. While he was brandishing a tomahawk, and showing how he had slain the elder Walker, he was struck down by one of the sons. On the 12th of August, 1790, Oliver Phelps wrote from Canan- daigua, to his partner, Nathaniel Gorham, residing in Charlestown, Massachusetts, as follows : "The Indians are now in great confusion, on account of some Indians being inhumanely killed by white people. I am this moment setting out with an agent from Pennsylvania, to make them satisfaction for the two Indians murdered. I hope to be able to settle the matter. If I should not succeed they will retaliate. I never saw them more enraged than they are at the present time." The killing of the Pine Creek braggart by the Walkers, and the slaying about that time of other Senecas by border men of Penn- sylvania, greatly exasperated the Indians of the old-time Federation. The trip taken by Oliver Phelps, for the purpose of appeasing their wrath, was without avail. It was an exceeding hazardous venture. On August 12, after having refused to consider proposals made by Oliver Phelps for a settlement of the trouble, four Seneca chiefs. Little Beard, Red Jacket, Gis-Se-Ha-Ki and Ca-Un-Be-Son-Go, sent by runner from Genesee River Flats, to the Governor and Council of Pennsylvania, a summary demand for redress for the blood of their tribesmen slain by the whites. They said : " We are sorry to tell you, you have killed eleven of us since peace- And now we take you by the hand, and lead you to the Painted Post, as far as our canoes can come up the creek, where you will meet the whole tribe of the deceased, and all the Chiefs, and a number of warriors of our Nation, where we expect you will wash away the blood of your brothers, and bury the hatchet, and put it out of memory, as it is yet sticking in our heads." This insistent appeal, closing with a veiled threat, caused great alarm, for at that time the Indians on the frontiers of Virginia and Western Pennsylvania, and the united tribesmen of the Northwest, Washington Directs Pickering to Meet Indians. 49 were waging fierce and bloody wars upon the whites. The petition of the four chiefs closed with these words : "Brothers: It is our Great Brother [President Washington] who must come to us, as we will never bury the hatchet until our Great Brother himself comes and brightens the chain of friendship, as it is very rusty. " Brothers : You must bring the property of our brothers you have murdered, and all the property of the murderers, as it will be a great satis- faction to the families of the deceased. " Brothers : The sooner you meet us the better, for our young war- riors are very uneasy, and it may prevent great trouble." The situation became so critical, the danger of an Indian uprising that would result in the massacre of settlers in the Iroquois territory so imminent, that President Washington took hold of the matter. On September 4th, 1790, he wrote to Timothy Pickering, authorizing and directing him, as a Commissioner of the United States, to meet the aggrieved Indians in Council and assure them that these murders were displeasing to the Federal Government, and to take such action as Indian customs required. Colonel Pickering decided to hold a Treaty at Tioga Point, having a double purpose in mind — to pacify the angry relatives of the slain Indians, and to prevent the Six Nations from being persuad- ed by emissaries of western Indians then at war with the United States, to dig up the tomahawk and make common cause. He sent notices to the Senecas, saying he had been appointed by President Washington : — " To wash off the blood of our murdered brothers, and wipe away the tears from the eyes of their friends. For these purposes I will meet the relatives of the deceased, at Tioga [Point], on Monday, the 25th day of October next. Our Great Chief [President Washington], desires that the Chiefs of the Turtle tribe, and other great men of your Nation, will on that day come to Tioga, with relatives of the deceased." Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XII. First Settlers of Township of Painted Post. AMONG THE WHITES, before the County of Steuben was established, all the territory drained by the Chemung Riv^ and its tributaries was known as " The Painted Post." Later the term was used to designate the section of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase lying south of the Finger Lakes and east of the Genesee Water Shed. Writing at Morristown, N. J., in the Spring of 1778, one of the first men to come into this section to settle, said : " I am about to start for the Genesee Country ; I shall go to the Painted Post." Thus the general name continued in use until the County of Steuben was organized by act of the State Legislature, in 1796, followed by the organization of the Township of Painted Post. The township included the present towns of Lindley, Erwin, Corning, Campbell, Hornby and Caton. When Winter set in, in 1790, there were only three settlements in the Painted Post section of the Genesee Country : — The Lindsley Colony, on the Tioga River near the Pennsylvania line, with six families and 34 persons, including seven Negro slaves ; Erwin, five families, 25 persons ; Corning, (then without a name), ten families and 59 persons ; a few pioneer homes on the flatlands of the upper Canisteo, and a few isolated cabins occupied by families of squatters or individual woodsmen. At that time the entire white population of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase was about 950. The fighting strength of the Indian occupants of lands west of the Genesee, who had refused to sell, was about 2,200. The fighting strength of the exasperated reds then in Western New York was four-fold greater than that of the settlers. Of the white population of the entire Genesee Country — as enumerated in 1791 at 1,061 — 524 were males over 16 years of age ; 345 were women and girls ; 192 were 50 Negro Slaves Brought From New Jersey. 51 boys under 16 years of age ; there were nine Negro slaves. The total number of families — homes where there v/as a woman — was 139. To be told that there were slave holders in Steuben County in pioneer days, v/ill doubtless surprise many of the descendants of strenuous Abolitionists of the Civil War period. However, be it called to mind that slavery in its beginning in America, was as much a Northern as a Southern institution. The first white settlers bunched together at Jamestown, Salem, Lynn, Boston, Saybrook,. the Hamptons, Manhattan, etc., along the seaboard, for mutual help and protection. They took advantage of the most convenient natural conditions. Their children, and later comers from across the ocean, crowded gradually back from the coast, up the rivers and around lakes, gleaning their livelihood from forest, land and water. Thus the frontiers moved westward, on and on, from Sea to Sea. And there were few men among these pioneers who cared to toil for the going wages of the times, when Nature's most bountiful offerings were theirs for the taking. Some of the pioneers induced Indians to work, but Red Men did not take to the class of labor desired by the founders of this Republic — it was squaw work. So black men and women and children were brought from Africa to the Colonies of Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania, etc., to help the founders of this Republic plant the Tree of Liberty. Thus slavery became an American institution. There was not a fort or a fortified place of refuge for the isolated settlers, in all the Genesee Country. No soldiers were stationed at any point along the Chemung River, or within striking distance, should there be an uprising of the threatening savages of Western New York. British garrisons continued to occupy Fort Niagara and Fort Oswego, and these British were hopeful that something would happen to enable their government to wrest the Genesee Country from the United States. The intermeddling of British oflScers at these and other forts, along the international boundary, in the Indian affairs of the United States, and their constant harking the natives on, was as much a factor as troubles at sea, in bringing about the War of .1812. Helpless, indeed, would the first settlers of Coming and vicinity have been, if the Six Nations, during these days of unrest, had " dug up the hatchet " and engaged in a war of relentless destruction. 52 Skulking Indians Kill Settlers and Steal Children. Illustrative of the dangers that beset white intruders on lands claimed by Indians, and which the natives sought to retain for their own exclusive use, the following examples of their unprovoked at- tacks are presented : In 1763, Seneca Indians ambushed two military companies con- voying wagons loaded with merchandise over the carrying place at Niagara, killing 60 privates, the officers and teamsters, and capturing the outfit. The Indians scalped all the dead and robbed the bodies^ On an afternoon in the Fall of 1777, Captain Greg, an officer of Fort Stanwix, accompanied by a Corporal, strolled into the nearby forest to shoot pigeons. While they were taking aim at some pigeons, which had alighted in a tree, two shots were heard nearby and the two men fell to the ground, some distance apart. Captain Greg saw an Indian approach, tomahawk in hand, and while simulat- ing death, was struck several times on the head with the tomahawk„ The savage then drew a knife, cut a circle through the skin from Captain Greg*s forehead to the crown of his head, and drew off the scalp by taking hold of it with his teeth. When the Indian had gone away. Captain Greg, suffering intensely from a gunshot wound in his side as also from the condition of his head, managed to reach the body of the Corporal, and found relief in pillowing his bleeding head on the breast of the dead man. After a time a little dog from the garrison approached. Captain Greg managed to induce the intelli- gent animal to seek help. It went to a fishing party of three men, a mile or more away, and brought them to the rescue. Captain Greg was carried to the fort and recovered from his wounds. On November 2d, 1778, two white boys, orphaned by Indians^ were engaged in grinding a knife near the door of a settler's home not far from the fort at Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. Slocum, who had given them a heme, while about her household duties, heard a cry of dis- tress. Going to the door she saw an Indian scalping one of the boys with the knife the lads had been grinding. There were three Indians. They then stole two of the Slocum children, one of them a girl five- years old, and took to the woods, and were not seen again. This stolen daughter lived among the Indians to an old age, becoming the wife of a Chief and raising two daughters. Her father, Jonathan Slocum, and an uncle, were killed and scalped by Indians, soon after her capture, while in a field foddering cattle. In July, 1779, three men and two boys at work in a com field,, near Fort Freeland, Pa., were attacked by skulking Indians. Three Seneca Warriors Torture Helpless Whites. 53 •of the whites were taken prisoners and one escaped, Benjamin Vincent, aged 10, hid himself in a furrow, then while running for the woods nearby to hide, was captured. An Indian thrust a bloody- scalp in the lad's face, and he recognized the hair as being that of his brother Isaac. As a number of settlers were leaving their homes near Fort Freeland, for fear of the Indians, they were fired at Mrs. Dunham's infant was killed by a bullet while in the arms of its mother, who fell wounded. An Indian struck her on the head with a tomahawk and then removed her scalp. After the Indians had disappeared several men came to care for the dead. Mrs. Dunham raised up and asked for a drink of water. One of the men brought water in his liat from the river and gave her to drink. She was taken in a canoe to Northumberland, cared for by Dr. Plunkett, and lived 50 years. On the 26th of April, 1779, thirteen inhabitants of Fort Munsey while hunting horses that had strayed away, went about five miles into the woods, when they were attacked by a large number of Indians and all killed or taken prisoners except one man. No authenticated act of extreme brutality on the part of Seneca warriors revealed their unrestrained rage and their resourcefulness in torturing a helpless victim, more clearly than the manner in which they killed Lieut. Thomas Boyd, whose detachment of 29 men was ambushed west of the Genesee River, September 13, 1779, while moving in advance of the main body of Sullivan's army. Boyd's force had been sent forward to reconoiter. They spent the night in an abandoned Indian village. The next morning, while in pursuit of a small body of Indians, they were ambushed by several hundred reds. Only nine of the Americans escaped death. Six bodies, tomahawked and scalped, were found at the place of ambush, Lieut. Boyd and seven others were taken prisoners, and compelled to suffer the most cruel tortures, prolonged till human endurance was exhausted. Lieutenant Boyd and an Indian serving with him as a scout, were taken four miles eastward, to an Indian village, stripped, tied to trees, severely whipped, their tongues cut out, their finger and toe nails pulled out, their eyes plucked out, pieces of flesh cut from their bodies, their scalps stripped off, pitch-pine splinters stuck in their bodies and set on fire, and finally their heads were cut off. Throughout the year 1780 killing of whites was of frequent occurrence all along the northern and western frontiers of Pennsyl- vania. Near Fort Pitt, in August, 1780, five men cutting grain saw 54 Treaty After Treaty With the Six Nations. a few Indians. Following after them these settlers ran into an ambush of forty warriors. Four of the whites were killed and one taken prisoner. The next day the captive was rescued. On the 7th of April, 1782, Indians took a woman and four child- ren away from the Wyoming. At Hanover, July 8th, two Jameson boys and Asa Chapman, were riding horses from Nanticoke to Wilkes-Barre, when they suddenly saw some Indians, who immediately fired. John Jameson, pierced by three bullets, fell from his horse dead ; Chapman, mortally wounded, clung to his saddle while his horse ran. He reached home and died several hours later in his wife's arms. The other Jameson boy escaped. Three weeks later a man, woman and two children were murdered by Indians near Catawissa. Major John Erwin, wrote to a friend from Fort Pitt, [now Pitts- burgh, Pa.,] under date of May 12th, 1791 : " We have got perfectly easy on the subject of tomahawking and scalping, as it happens every two or three days. It is probable I may not have the pleasure of writing you again, as I believe my scalp would be very acceptable to our swarthy neighbors." With the renewal of Indian hostilities in the northwest at the time the Six Nations were disputing the right of the whites to occupy the Genesee Country, and attendant attacks by roving war-parties upon isolated settlements, there was every reason to justify fears of like savage atrocities along the frontier of Western New York. It was not until the fifth of a succession of treaties had been held with the Senecas and their associated tribes, that the grievances of the natives were so placated that they agreed to a complete and final surrender of the soil of the Genesee Country to the whites, giving settlers assurance that homes would remain free from attacks, and that the scalp of a solitary white, whether traveler, hunter or farmer, would not be stripped off and carried away as a trophy, by some revengeful or blood-thirsty savage on a still hunt. The first of the series of treaties was that entered into at Buffalo Creek, in 1788 ; the second was the Treaty of Canandaigua, in 1789 ; the third was the Treaty of Tioga Point, in 1790 ; the fourth v/as the Treaty of Painted Post, in 1791, and the fifth was the Second Treaty of Canandaigua, held in November, 1894, under which all former agreements entered into by the Iroquois were recognized and ratified. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XIIL Council Fire Lighted at Tioga Point in 1790. OWING TO THE critical situation in which frontier settlers of Western New York were placed, due to wide-spread trouble with Indians along the New York, Pennsylvania and North- western frontiers, on request of Secretary of War Knox, made soon after Robert Morris purchased 1,264,000 acres of the Genesee Country, the pressing of land sales ceased, pending adjustment of grievances. In this matter Secretary Knox was given the earnest support of President Washington. The Council was held at Tioga Point with a view to drawing the Indians likely to attend, as far as possible away from the Niagara Frontier, and to render unlikely the presence of Joseph Brant, the Mohawk War-Chief, who was wielding great influence as leader of bellicose members of the Iroquois Federation. Having sent notices to the Indians interested in the matter, to- attend a treaty meeting at Tioga Point, Colonel Pickering arranged to have on hand the custumary supplies of food and drink, and a large and varied stock of presehts for his guests. Five thousand and eight hundred weight of treaty goods were shipped up the Susquehanna River in boats, to Tioga Point, by Matthias Hollenback, pioneer Indian trader and merchant of Wilkes-Barre and Newtown. The invoice included four barrels of rum, one keg of spirits, one cask and two kegs of tobacco, a box of pipes, a barrel of hoes, and numerous bales and wooden packages. These articles were in addition to the fat cattle, com and other provisions necessary to feed about 700 savage guests, each with a stomach capacity of three ordin- ary human beings, from the time of their arrival at Tioga Point until the last Chief had had his final say, a treaty had been signed and every link in the chain of friendship brightened by the handing out the gifts. Colonel Pickering and his party arrived at Tioga Point the 17th of October, 1790, to conduct the treaty. After twelve days of wait- 55 56 Col. Pickering Entertains Chiefs and Their Squaws. ing Indians began to straggle in. On the 15th of November about 300 Senecas arrived. Writing to his wife, Colonel Pickering said : "They are of all ages, some very old and some infants. Last evening, agreeable to my invitation, the Chiefs came to smoke a pipe with me, drink grog, and eat our bread, butter and cheese. This morning they have sent me a message that their ladies would make me a visit. I did not invite them, but I must receive them in the same manner I did the Chiefs." Jesse McQuigg, who settled at Owego, in 1788, saw a large num- ber of Indians pass down the Susquehanna River by that place to attend the Treaty at Tioga Point. In after years he recalled the incident, saying : " I saw the Indians coming in their canoes. There was a large number of canoes ; four to six Indians in a canoe. There were a good many squaws and young Indians. The canoes were of bark." While Samuel Cook, an early settler of the town of Erwin, at this time, was working his way up the river in a boat, with his wife and children walking along the shore, at the Chemung Narrows they met a party of Indians on foot on their way down to Tioga Point. At first the wife and children were greatly frightened, but the Indians saluted them kindly. The Indians had their hunting outfits, in- cluding tomahawks and scalping knives ; some of the braves carried flint-lock muskets. Leggings, loin-cloths, blankets, feathers in their hair, moccasins with various porcupine quill and bead ornaments, completed their costumes. On November 16th, 1790, the Indians lit the Council Fire, and Colonel Pickering made the opening address, saying : " Brethren, Sachems, Chiefs, and Warriors of the Six Nations : I bid you a hearty welcome to this Council Fire, and thank the Great Spirit who has brought us together in safety, although I sincerely lament the cause of our meeting. I mean the murder of our brothers of your Nation on Pine Creek." Colonel Pickering then presented his commission and had it interpreted and explained. He declared he came to give satisfaction for the murders that had been committed by the whites, and to brighten the chain of friendship. Farmer's Brother arose and replied, saying in part : " Brother : We thank the Great Spirit, who has appointed this day in which we sit side by side, and look with earnestness on each other. We know you have been long waiting for us, and suppose you have often stretched your neck to see if we were coming." Red Jacket Indulges in Impassioned Oration. 57 Red Jacket, in a preliminary speech, said : " You have pulled the hatchet out of our heads, but have only cast it behind you. You may take it up again. Brother, while the hatchet lies unburied, we cannot sit easy on our seats. Brother, from the time we have made peace with the United States we have experienced more trouble than ever before. The United States have also had their troubles." Colonel Pickering, replying to Red Jacket, explained that he came in the name of the President of the United States and the Council of Pennsylvania, not only to pull the hatchet out of their heads, but to bury it ; that " the United States has no wish but to live v^^ith you as brothers in perpetual peace." He then drank their health and served them each a drink of rum. Then, on request of Farmer's Brother, the Council was adjourned for two days, to await the arrival of Fish Carrier, from Grand River. Red Jacket was the principal advocate of his race at the Treaty of Tioga. He was neither a hunter nor a warrior. Once asked by a white man respecting his deeds of bravery. Red Jacket drew him- self up proudly and exclaimed: "/ am an orator; I was born an orator P' When it came to moving his people at a Council Fire by the power of speech, and nerving the warriors to take the war-path, Red Jacket had no equal among the Indian chiefs of his day. Corn- planter did not attend this Council, which continued eight days. The most of the Indians present were Senecas, for it was largely their affair, but Oneidas, Onondagas and Cayugas were on hand in goodly numbers, also a small party of Chippewas, and and a number of Stockbridge Indians with their Chief, Hendrick Apamaut, a firm friend of the Am.ericans. The chiefs most active were Red Jacket, Little Billy, Hendrick Apamaut, and Fish Carrier. Red Jacket brought up the land grievances in a speech which in part follows. He spoke in the Seneca tongue. Much of the pith and point of his address was lost in the interpretation. Enough of the speech was recorded, however, to convey a clear idea of the occasion. Said Red Jacket : " Brother : Now begin to hear the situation of our lands. Mr. Phelps and Doctor Benton cam.e on to rake open the Council Fire again at Canade- sago. After they were come there, Mr. Phelps went to Niagara, and there went to our old friend Colonel Butler, whom he met at a tavern. Colonel Butler asked him his business. He answered that he came to kindle a fire at Canadesago. Then Colonel Butler told him that Canadesago was not a fit place in which to kindle a fire, and that it was our custom to kindle a fire at our own Castle. Colonel Butler told him he thought he must build 58 Red Jacket Declares Indians Were Deceived. a fire at Buffalo Creek ; and if "he did, that he should attend the Treaty. " Mr. Phelps expressed his fears that if he held the Treaty there he would meet with some difficulty. "Then I, Billy, and Heap-of-Dogs, went to Canadesago, took Mr. Phelps by the hand and led him to our Council Fire at Buffalo Creek. " All these people here know what speech Mr. Phelps sent us. — [Point- ing to Farmer's Brother, Billy and others.] — ^These went to Canadesago to see what the business was. These all know, and Mr. Phelps knows, that Mr. Phelps held up a long paper, with a seal as big as my hand. When he opened his mind to us, we took it hard. We wanted to keep a piece of land but it was not in our power. " Mr. Sweet, [pointing to him seated on a bench], you know very well a Treaty was held all night to fix the boundary, and the price of the land. These men, Mr. Smith, Farmer's Brother, O'Beel [Cornplanter], Little Billy and Heap-of-Dogs, China Breast Plate and I were there, — know very well the proposal was that Mr. Phelps should give us ten thousand dollars for the purchase, and five hundred dollars annual rent. That was the agree- ment made that night. " The bargain was not finished till morning, and just as we went out of the house the sun rose. Then we sought for persons to draw the writings. The persons chosen were Mr. Kirkland, Colonel Butler and Captain Brant. Mr. Street was not then present. " After this, the bargain being completed, Mr. Street took our papers with him to Niagara. " And last Summer, a year ago, we came to Canandaigua, expecting to receive ten thousand dollars, and then found that we had but five thousand dollars to receive. When we discovered the fraud we had in mind to apply to Congress, to see if the matter could not be rectified ; for when we took the money and shared it, everyone here knows, that we had but about a dollar apiece for all that country. " Mr. Sweet, you very well know what our land came to was but the price of a few hogsheads of tobacco. " Gentlemen who stand by : [looking around and addressing himself to the white people who were present]: do not think hard of what has been said. " At the time of the Treaty, twenty broaches would not buy half a loaf of bread, so that when we returned home, there was not a bright spot of silver about us. " The last Spring, General Chapin stretched out his hand to us to open a little Fire at Big Tree Flats ; and then I had a little talk with him, and finding that we had but a shilling apiece to receive, we desired him to shut up his hand again. This is all we have to say of that time. " Mr. Street knows how hard it is for us to part with our land. " And this we have said because we want the President to know how we have been treated. Indians Want Chain of Friendship Brightened. 59 " Now Brother — [addressing Colonel Pickering] — of the Thirteen States; You must open your ears. You know what has happened respecting our lands. You told us that from this time the chain of friend- ship should be brightened. " Now, Brother, we have begun to brighten the chain of friendship, and we will follow the steps of our forefathers. We will take those steps that we may sit easy, and choose where and how long our seats should be. " The reason we send this message is, that the President, who is over all the Thirteen States, may make our seats easy. We do it that the chain of friendship may be brightened with the Thirteen States, as well as with the British ; that we may pass from one to the other unmolested. " Brother : This is what your brothers, Chiefs and Warriors, have to say to you, relative to brightening the chain of friendship. We wish to be under the protection of the Thirteen States as well as of the British. " Brother : Mr. Phelps did not purchase, but he leased the lands. We opened our ears and understood the land was leased. This happened to us from our not knowing papers. Here they are and you may see what they contain." Here Red Jacket handed to Colonel Pickering certain papers, including a copy of the deed that was given to Oliver Phelps at the treaty of Buffalo Creek, and an accompanying bond for five hundred dollars a year annual rental, which Mr. Phelps gave the Indians at that time. Without doubt Red Jacket, acting under the advice of his British friends at Fort Niagara, went to Tioga Point determined to make trouble. But for the good nature, self-control and tact of Colonel Proctor, and the support of other Americans skillful in dealing with Indians, Red Jacket would have broken up the Council, in which case there is no telling where the resulting flames of strife would have spread to. Thomas Morris, whose father, Robert Morris, of Philadelphia, had purchased of Phelps and Gorham a large share of the Genesee Country, was present at the Treaty, and his deportment so pleased the Indians that they formally adopted him as an expression of good will. The final meeting of the Conncil was held November 23, when the ceremonies terminated with mutual pledges of friendship. The land grievances were discussed but no action could be taken. Colonel Pickering at once left for Philadelphia, the seat of the United States Government, to make his report. He advised that a Great Council of the Six Nations be held, to clear up all questions in dispute and strengthen the bonds of peace. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XIV. Cornplanter Makes Direct Appeal to Washington. ' WHILE COLONEL PICKERING, by direction of President Washington, was arranging and conducting a Great Council with the Iroquois Indians at Tioga Point, in 1790, to '" wipe the tears from the eyes " of relatives of Indians slain by whites, in Pennsylvania, Cornplanter arranged for a conference with "The Great White Chief of the Thirteen Fires," in Philadelphia, to take up the larger question of the right of the Iroquois Confederacy to occupy, in peace, so much of their ancient hunting grounds and agricultural lands as might be necessary to their existence. Cornplanter fully realized the position in which the Indians were placed, as the result of the defeat of the British by the United States, and feared the destruction of his people if they should disturb the white settlers. He was mindful of the interests of the Iroquois, and sought by diplomacy to gain from the United States the greatest possible concessions. He was the constant target of envious rivals of his own race. He was forced, in order to hold the support of his people, to make demands on the United States that he must have known could not be granted. Cornplanter went to Philadelphia, accompanied by the Seneca Sachems Half -Town and Big-Tree. All three were noted for their earnest sti'iving to keep their tribes quiet. With them officials of the Federal Government held a series of conferences, beginning in December, 1790, and ending in February, 1791. At that time an Indian war cloud was looming up large and black beyond the Ohio, where some 5,000 savages in war paint were practicing the most extreme cruelties upon the whites, regardless of age or sex, when- ever occasion afforded them a chance to use gun, torch, tomahawk or scalping knife. Their aim was to compel the United States to make the Ohio River a permanent frontier boundary line. On the 1st day of December, 1790, the three Chiefs met Presi- dent Washington, and after an exchange of courteous greetings, 60 Phelps Threatened Indians With Immediate War. 61 presented a signed address. They stated their grievances in the most pathetic language and asked for redress. The document was long. We present portions having to do with Indian affairs in the Genesee Country : " Father : When your army entered the Country of the Six Nations, we called you The Town Destroyer; and to this day, when that name is heard, our women look behind them and turn pale, and our children cling close to the necks of their mothers. " When you gave us peace, we called you Father, because you promised to secure us in the possession of our lands. Do this, and so long as the lands shall remain, that beloved name shall live in the heart of every Seneca. " When our Chiefs returned from the Treaty of Fort Stanwix, and laid before our Council what had been done there, our Nation was surprised to hear how great a country you had compelled them to give to you, without your paying anything for it. Everyone said that your hearts were swelled against us for what had happened during the war. But your anger must by this time be cooled. " Your Commissioners when they drew the line, which separated the land then given up to you from that which you agreed should be ours, did most solemnly promise that we should be secure in the peaceable possession of the lands which we inhabited east and north of that line. " Our Nation empowered John Livingston — [head of the 999-Year Lease scheme] — to let out our land on rent to be paid to us. He told us he was sent by Congress to do this for us, and we fear he has deceived us in the writing he has obtained from us — for, since the time of our giving that power, a man of the name of Phelps has come among us, and claimed our whole country northward of the line of Pennsylvania, under purchase from that man Livingston. He claimed the whole country north of Pennsylvania and west of lands belonging to the Cayugas. He demanded it; he insisted on his demand, and declared he wouM have it all. He threatened us with immediate war if we did not comply. Upon this threat our Chiefs held a Council, and they agreed that no event of war could be worse than to be driven, with their wives and children, from the only country which we had any right to, and therefore, weak as our Nation was, they determin- ed to take the chance of war rather than to submit to such unjust demands,, which seemed to have no bounds. " Street, the great trader at Niagara, was then with us, having come at the request of Phelps, and as he always professed to be our friend, we consulted him on this subject. He told us that our lands had been ceded by the King, and we must give them up. " Astonished at what we heard from every quarter, with hearts aching with compassion for our women and children, we were thus compelled to give up all our country north of Pennsylvania and east of the Genesee River, up to the Fork, and east of the south line drawn from that Fork to the Pennsylvania line. 62 Red Jacket Closes Address With Pathetic Appeal. " Phelps agreed to pay for the land ten thousand dollars in hand and one thousand dollars a year forever, but he paid only two thousand five hundred in hand, and last Spring when we went to Phelps to receive our money, he offered us no more than five hundred dollars, and insisted that he had agreed with us for that amount to be paid yearly. "We could bear this confusion no longer, and determined to pass through every difficulty, and lift up our voice, that you might hear us, and to claim that security in the possession of our lands which your Commis- sioners so solemnly promised us. And we now entreat you to inquire into our complaint and redress our wrongs. Are you determined to crush us ? If you are, tell us so, that we may know what to do. One Chief has said he would ask you to put him out of pain ; another, who would not think of dying by the hand of his father or his brother, has said he will retire to the Chaieaugay, eat the fatal root, and sleep v/ith his fathers in peace. " Before you determine on a measure so unjust, look up to God, who made us as well as you. We hope he will not permit you to destroy the whole of our Nation. "Father, hear our case! Many nations inhabited this Country, but they had no wisdom, and therefore they warred together. The Six Nations were powerful and compelled them to peace. The lands for a great extent were given up to them ; but the nations, which ware not destroyed, all continued on these lands, and claimed the protection of the Six Nations as the brothers of their fathers. They were men, and when at peace they had a right to live upon the earth. " The French came among us and built Fort Niagara ; they became our fathers, and took care of us. Sir William Johnson took that fort from the French ; he became our father and promised to take care of us, and did so until you were too strong for his King. To him we gave four miles around Niagara as a place to trade. We have already said how we came to join against you ; we saw you were strong ; we wished for peace ; you demand- ed that a great country be given up to you ; it was surrendered to you as the price of peace, and we ought to have peace and possession of the little land which you then left us. " The lands we have been speaking of belonged to the Six Nations. No part of it ever belonged to the King of England, and he could not give it to you. The land we live on our fathers received from the Great Spirit, and they committed it to us, for our children, and we cannot part with it. " Innocent men of our Nation are killed, one after another, and of our best families ; but none of your people who have committed the murder have been punished. " We are ashamed that we have listened to the lies of Livingston, or have been influenced by the threats of Phelps, and would hide the whole transaction from the world and from ourselves, by quietly receiving what Phelps promised to give us for the lands they cheated us out of ; but as Phelps will not even pay us according to that fraudulent bargain, we will lay the whole proceeding before your court." Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XV, President Washington Replies to Indian Chiefs. PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, on December 29th, 1790, submitted a reply to the address of Complanter, Half-Town and Big- Tree, in which he assured them he had received their speech with satisfaction, and had given it careful attention, as also the speeches that had been delivered at the Council held at Tioga Point the last month. President Washington informed the Indian chiefs, that the power to treat with them for the disposal of their lands, had been vested in the United States. He said : " No State, nor person, can purchase your lands, unless at some public Treaty, held under the authority of the United States. The General Government will never consent to your being defrauded, but will protect you in all your just rights. " The General Government considers itself bound to protect you in all the lands secured to you by the Treaty ot Fort Stanwix, on the 22d of October, 1784, excepting such parts as you may have fairly sold to persons properly authorized to purchase of you. " You complain that John Livingston and Oliver Phelps, assisted by Mr. Street, of Niagara, have obtained your lands, and that they have not complied with their agreement. " It appears, upon inquiry of the Governor of New York, that John Livingston was not legally authorized to treat with you, and that every- thing he did with you has been declared null and void, so that you may rest easy on that account. " But it does not appear, from any proofs yet in the possession of the Government, that Oliver Phelps has defrauded you. If, however, you have any just cause to complain against him, and can make satisfactory proof thereof, the Federal courts will be open to you for redress, as to all other persons. " The murders that have been committed on some of your people, by some bad white men, I sincerely lament and reprobate ; and I earnestly 63 64 Chiefs Declare Government Agents Dishonest. hope that the real murderers will be secured and punished as they deserve. This business has been sufficiently explained to you here, by the Governor of Pennsylvania ; and by Colonel Pickering, in behalf of the United States, at Tioga. The Senecas may be assured that the rewards offered for the apprehension of the murderers, will be continued until they are secured for trial, and that when they shall be apprehended, they will be tried and punished as if they had killed white men." President Washington concluded with an appeal to the Senecas and Six Nations, not to be drawn into the murders and depredations being committed by the " several tribes who reside at the Miami village," who had long continued attacks upon the frontiers lying along the Ohio River, saying : " My desire is, that you would caution all the Senecas and Six Nations, to prevent their rash young men from joining the Maumee Indians; for the United States cannot distinguish betv/een the tribes to which bad Indians belong, and every tribe must take care of their ov\^n people." President Washington promised to have an agent of the United States dwell among the Senecas and Six Nations. A sum of money or goods was promised to Cornplanter, " as a mark of esteem," and " suitable presents to the other chiefs in Philadelphia." On January 19th, 1791, the three chiefs, still remaining in Phila- delphia, held another conference with President Washington. They reiterated their dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Fort Stanwix, and said too much land had been taken from them. They asked to have portions of this land, lying in Western Pennsylvania, returned to them, saying : " Father : It is the land in which Half-Town and all his people live. They grev/ out of this land, and their fathers' fathers grew out of it, and they cannot be persuaded to part with it. We therefore entreat you to restore to us this little piece. " Father : You say you will appoint an agent to take care of us. Let him come and take care of our trade ; but we desire that he may not have, anything to do with our lands ; for the agents v/hich have come amongst us, and pretended to take care of us, have always deceived us whenever we sold lands ; — both when the King of England and when the States have bargained with us. They have by this means occasioned many wars, and we are therefore unwilling to trust them again. " Father : We are ashamed that we have listened to the lies of Livingston, or been influenced by threats of war by Phelps, and would hide the whole transaction from the world, and from ourselves, by quietly receiving what Phelps has promised to give us for the lands they cheated us out of. But as Phelps will not pay us even for that fraudulent bargain, we will lay the whole proceeding before your court. When the Indians Ask For Vocational Teachers. 65 evidence which we can produce is heard, we think that it will appear that the whole bargain was founded on lies, which he placed one upon another ; that the goods which he charges to us, were plundered from us ; that if Phelps was not directly concerned in the theft, he knew of it at the time and concealed it from us, and that the persons we confided in were bribed by him to deceive us in the bargain. " Father : The Mood which was spilled near Pine Breek is covered — (alluding to action taken at the Council held by Colonel Pickering at Tioga Point] — and we shall never look where it lies. We know that Pennsylvania will satisfy us. The chain of friendship will now, we hope, be as strong as you deare it to be. We will hold it fast, and our end of it shall never rust in our hands. " Father : You give us leave to speak our mind concerning the tilling of the ground. We ask you to teach us to plow and to grind com ; to assist us to build saw mills ; and to supply us with broad-axes, saws, augurs and tools, so that we can make our houses more comfortable and more durable; and that you will send smiths among us; and, above all, that you will teach our children to read and write, and our women to spin and weave." Nine days later. President Washington again gave audience to Cornp^anter and the chiefs associated w^ith him on the mission, and made a brief reply to their second address. He said in part : " While you complain of the Treaty of Fort Stanwix, in 1784, you seem to entirely forget that you, yourselves — the Cornplanter, Half -Town and Big-Tree — with others of your Nation, confirmed by the Treaty of Fort Harmar, upon the Muskingum, so late as the 9th of January, 1789, the boundary marked out by the Treaty of Fort Stanwix, and that in consider- ation thereof, you then received goods to a considerable amount. The lines fixed at Fort Stanwix and Fort Harmar must therefore remain established." President Washington promised to promote the prosperity of the Senecas, by having them taught agriculture and the care and use of domestic animals. On the 8th of February, 1791, the Cornplanter, New-Arrow, Half-Town, Big-Tree and their associates, left Philadelphia for home. They were provided with money, provisions, and a liberal supply of presents. They sent word to President Washington, from Pittsburgh, while on their way up the river, under date of March 16th, 1791, telling him that while they had been well treated and helped " through the whole Quaker State " until they came near Fort Pitt, nevertheless one of their wagons loaded with presents had been detained. In the same communication these chiefs complained : " Since we came here we find that some of our people have been killed — the good, honest people who were here trading. Three men and one 66 Indian Chiefs Robbed By Force of Militia. woman have been killed at Beaver Creek. Our word is pledged to you that we would endeavor to make peace with all warrior nations. If we cannot do it, do not blame us ; you struck the innocent men first : your people have first broke good rules." In a separate message to the President, Cornplanter said : " We part to-day in this place, Big-Tree is going among the cross Indians, to see if they will make peace, and I go to my own people to call them to Council." Secretary of War Knox, under date of March 28th, 1791, answer- ed this letter of complaint, promising that Major-General St. Clair, the Great Warrior of the United States on the Ohio, would inquire into the matter, " and will comfort the relations and friends of the persons who were killed, and will make compensation for the horses and other property that were taken at Big Beaver." He added : " By this time, it is to be hoped, that Colonel Proctor will have set off for the Miami Indians. Take care of him, and assist him in the good work of peace," Later, while Cornplanter and his party of Indians were going up the river, one of their boats, containing a large amount of goods, was taken from them and they were turned back to Fort Pitt, by a company of roving Militiamen, commanded by an over-zealous officer. Major Guthrie, of Westmoreland County, in an official report to the government described the plundered boat, as " belonging to the con- tractor, on its way to the garrison at Venango, and which had on board the goods which the United States and the State of Pennsylva- nia presented to Cornplanter and his party." The Secretary of War on learning of the outrage, at once ordered that restitution be made to the Indians. It was in connection with the series of conferences held with these Iroquois chiefs in Philadelphia, that President Washington directed that Colonel Proctor be sent on a mission of peace to the Indians of the Northwest. While Cornplanter and his associates were en route to their homes, by way of Fort Pitt and up the rivers, Colonel Proctor was journeying by way of Reading, the Wyoming, Tioga Point, New- town and the Painted Post, up the Conhocton and over the divide to the Genesee, thence to the homejof Cornplanter on the Alleghany River, and to Indian villages in the vicinity of Lake Erie. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity, CHAPTER XVI. Washington Sends Proctor On Peace Mission, PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, before the War of the Revolution, on various occasions was in command of troops in Indian wars. In these campaigns he achieved prominence that led to his be- ing chosen by the Continental Congress as Commander-in-Chief of the American forces. During the war with Great Britain, in addition to fighting the red coats, he had long frontier lines to protect, as best he could, against the warriors of various savage tribes who were continually stirred to action by British officers and British emissa* ries. The British furnished arms and supplies to their savage allies, a practice followed by Sir William Johnson, when in charge of Indian affairs prior to the Revolution. Johnson even paid premiums for scalps of French and of Indians in alliance with France. The net result of this long-continued policy of the British was to nourish animosities that took firm and deep root in the breasts of the Iroquois Indians and associated tribes, and rankled long after the independence of this Nation was acknowledged by the Crown. The most perplexing and difficult problem that confronted the administration of President Washington, was to reach an under- standing with the natives that would render possible the peaceable and progressive settlement of their lands by the whites. To this end his knowledge of Indian characteristics, and his skill as a diplomat and a military strategist, were directed. He prevented Indian uprisings, and warded off the shedding of blood, by keeping up nego- tians and holding treaties with disgruntled Indians, whenever pos- sible. But, nevertheless, there were some bitter Indian wars waged during his occupancy of the Presidential office. The Treaty of Tioga Point, in 1790, and the visit of Complanter, Half -Town and Big-Tree to Philadelphia soon after, were important links in the chain of events that led to the holding of the Treaty of 67 68 The Whole Northwestern Frontier Aflame, "the Painted Post," in the Summer of 179L A third and important link in this chain, was the journey of Colonel Thomas Proctor, as a special representative or commissioner of the United States, to the Indian villages of Western New York, immediately following the conferences held with Cornplanter and his party, by President Wash ington and other Federal officers, at Philadelphia. Indian grievances were then at high tide. The trip required courage, for west of the Painted Post it was through a wide stretch of territory whose only inhabitants were savages, the men eager to take the war-path and repeat the scenes enacted at Wyoming. The turbulent tribes " no-rthward of the Ohio River and south- ward of the Great Lakes" numbered 5,000 warriors and 15^000 women,, children and old men. This enumeration did not include the Indians of New York and Pennsylvania. These Indians of the Northwest insisted that the United States " keep trappers, traders and settlers " from crossing the Ohio. Matters had gone from bad to worse, until the whole Northwestern frontier was aflame. On September 18th, 1789, President Washington requested Con- gress to make provision for raising and sending troops against the Wabash Indians. In the Fall of 1790, a military expedition was sent to punish the defiant Wabash Indians and their allies. This expedi- tion, 1,453 strong, crossed the Ohio, and up to November 4th, 1790, had succeeded in destroying a number of villages, killing 120 war- riors, burning 300 log houses and wigwams, and destroying a large amount of corn and vegetables, with a loss of 180 soldiers. But these aggressive acts stirred up a hornet's nest, and the year closed with the Indians of the Northwest unconquered and defying the United States. On January 15th, 1791, Secretary of War Knox, in a report to President Washington, declared it to be incumbent upon the United States, " to prepare immediately for another expedition against the Wabash Indians, to impress them strongly with the power of the United States." At that time the Sachems and War-Chiefs of the Northwest were calling upon all other tribesmen within reach of their runners to hasten to their aid. Joseph Brant, the Mohawk, constantly encouraged in mischief -making by the British Commander in Canada and various underlings, was endeavoring to bring about a union of all the tribes of the Northwest and Canada with the Six Nations. Brant Presses Indian Federation Propaganda. 69 Joseph Brant had for a number of years been pressing this project. He had the sanction of a number of influential chiefs. Crown oflicers in command of forts at Niagara and Oswego, were nourishing forlorn hopes that a general rising of the Indians would somehow enable them to add a slice of Western New Yorl^ and the Northwestern territory to the Province of Canada. In conducting the propaganda to bring about a federation of the various tribes, a ceremonial pipe was sent from the Six Nations to the Indians of the Wabash and the Miami, passed about at Council Fires, and smoked by every brave, squaw and child in each and all the tribes, as in like manner it had been passed through the tribes of the Six Nations. The purpose of the transaction was to signify that " We are all of one blood, and one family, and the Great Spirit is the Father of us all" During the Summer of 1790, runners were sent by the warring Indians of the Northwest to the Indians of Western New York, urging them to rise, saying that united they could overcome the encroaching whites and recover the lands of their fathers. In the Fall of 1790, the Shawnee Indians sent word to the Senecas that unless they declared immediate war on the white people, they would be cut off. The Shawnee chiefs charged the Six Nations with insincerity, saying that when they met in Council with them, the Chiefs of the Six Nations " Spoke from the outside of their lips, and not from their hearts, because they were beguiled by the whites." It was due to these gathering clouds of war, that " The Great White Father of the Thirteen Fires," in December, 1790, invited Cornplanter and other friendly Seneca Chiefs, to come to Philadel- phia. There it was made clear to the Cornplanter that the United States was able to and would punish all unruly Indians. It was agreed that Cornplanter should, with other friendly Indians of prom- inence, accompany Colonel Proctor on a message of peace, from Western New York to the Miami and Wabash Indians. On the 11th day of March, 1791, Secretary of War Knox handed a letter of instructions to Colonel Proctor, saying : " Having offered you the execution of a mission on the part of the United States to the Miami and Wabash Indians, and you having accepted the same, you are to receive these instructions as the rule of your conduct." Colonel Proctor was instructed to — — " immediately repair to the Cornplanter's residence, which is upon a branch of the Alleghany River, near the creek called Oil Creek, and make 70 Colonel Proctor's Famous " Grasshopper J known to him your intentions, and deliver to him the speech herewith delivered to you for the Senecas and other Six Nations." Colonel Proctor was requested to induce as many Iroquois Indians as possible to go with him to meet the Northwest tribes The Secretary continued : "It is of the highest importance that you should set out without the least delay. Every moment after you set out on your journey must be most industriously employed, your reasonable expenses shall be borne by the public, and on this point you will be careful to set down your daily expenses. You shall be allowed $5 for each day while you are actually employed on this business. If you succeed in bringing the real chiefs of the Miami and Wabash Indians to a treaty, you shall receive the further sum of $500." In case of disability while on the mission, Colonel Proctor was was to receive the pension of a Lieutenant-Colonel ; in case he lost his life, seven years' half-pay as a Lieutenant-Colonel was to go to his orphan children. " Captain Michael Gabriel Houdin, a French officer of reputation, who served in the late war in the Massachusetts line, will accompany you to the prosecution of this business. Your route will be from this city to Sunbury, and thence either directly for that part of the Alleghany where the Corn- planter lives, or to Tioga Point, as you may find best. If you go through the Wyoming, inquire for a Captain Baldwin, who has agreed to keep school among the Senecas, on account of the United States. You will keep your business a secret, and enjoin the same on Captain Houdin. You will keep a journal of your daily occurrences, and deliver to me a copy thereof when you shall deliver a report of your proceedings." Colonel Thomas Proctor commanded the regiment of artillery that accompanied General Sullivan on the expedition into the Genesee Coimtry in 1779. Proctor's artillery consisted of eight brass pieces, namely : two six-pounders, four three-pounders, two howit- zers, and a light gun called a cohom, (for carrying either shot or shell). Colonel Proctor put legs on the wooden block with handles on which the cohom was mounted, and placed it in a light boat that led the fleet up the Susquehanna River to Tioga Point. The cohom was fired occasionly to scare the natives. At every discharge of this quaint gun, it tumbled over backward in the boat. Hence it was called " the grasshopper." On that trip Colonel Proctor had charge of 214 loaded boats, manned by 450 members of his own regiment and 250 other soldiers. He also had a regimental band. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XVIL Colonel Proctor's Interesting Journal. THE JOURNAL of daily occurrences kept by Colonel Proctor on his venturesome trip, is interesting, and of great value to one who desires to glimpse conditions in the land of the Iroquois at the most critical period of pioneer times. The quotations that follow summarize features and incidents that illustrate the ioys and vicissitudes of first settler days in the Genesee Country. The " Journal " is of too great length to permit its presentation entire : March 12th, 1791.— Left the city of Philadelphia, accompanied by Captain M. G. Houdin, under a heavy rain, fully evidencing our intention to stop at no difficulties until we shall gain the settlement of Cornplanter, alias Captain O'Beel, one of the chiefs of the Seneca Nation, residing on the head waters of the Alleghany River. Our first setting out was big with difficulties, and forboded some extraordinary events, for on crossing the Perkiomen, Captain Hou- din's horse, after tasting the water, (which is customary with him), laid down in the same, and we were both nearly covered. On the horse rising immediately afterwards, the Captain's foot being fast in the stirrup, the horse made several lashes at him with its hind feet before he could disengage himself. Dined at Norrington. Staid this night with Major Swaine. MARCH'^lSth.— Laying on double soles on pair of boots, 4s. 9d.; shoeing a horse, 3s.; horse feed, wine and bitters, 4s. 6d.; dinners, &c., at Pottsgrove, 9s. 4 l-2d. Halted for the night at Cimleses' Tavern ; 13s. lOd. March 14th.— Breakfasts, &c., at Reading, 9s. 4d,; purchase of a tomahawk, 3s. 6d. Proceeded to Caraher's Town. March 15th.— Set forward this morning on our journey by day- light ; breakfasted at Orwick's Tavern, 6s. 9d. Haller's Tavern, 71 72 Colonel Proctor Narrowly Escapes Drowning. refreshment, 5s. 7 l-2d. Halted for the night at Tresher's Tavern, With some danger forded the Little Schuylkill. On this day's journey we crossed the Blue Mountain. March 16th. — Dined at Leidenburg's Tavern. Lay this night at Hughsburg, at the house of George Knefferberger. March 17th. — Crossed the East Branch of the Susquehanna ; fed horses, &c., at Miller's Tavern, and paid, including ferriages over Fishing Creek and shoeing a horse, 17s. 3d. Lay this night at Ber- wick, a small town on the west side of the Susquehanna. March 18th. — Proceeded on our journey up the west side of the Susquehanna above 12 miles, and in endeavoring to go through the narrows, the river being exceedingly rapid, had a narrow escape of drowning myself and horse, as was the case with Captain lloudin^ With great difficulty we mounted the summit of a steep precipice» being unable to return by the same defile we had passed through. From this I endeavored to go around the mountain which lay along^ the river, and after traveling one hour and a half, over the most rugged ground, and seeing no end of the ridge of mountains, we shaped our course through the woods to the place from which we started in the morning ; and, by the entreaty of our host, the ferry- man on the opposite shore of the Susquehanna was prevailed upon to venture over the river with his flat, which he did with the assistance of four other men, and conducted us across. From thence we proceeded on the road to Wilksburg, by way of the mountain path, as dangerous for man and horse as possible to encounter. At 9 o'clock at night we reached the first house in the settlement of Wyoming, but there being no feed for our horses, I hired a guide to conduct us to a place to lodge. March 19th.— Arrived at Wilksburg about 11 o'clock. Halted here for the night in order to rest our horses, which were much jaded. ( I should have mentioned in its place, that I did not open the instructions I had received from the Secretary or war, before my arrival at Reading, owing to an intention with me that no person, not even any of my family, should know what errand I was sent upon.) Spent the afternoon at our lodging with Colonel Butler and Captain Grubb. The former was an officer of the Connecticut line and stationed here during the late war. Later in the evening I met Colonel Pickering, Prothonatory of the County, and late Adju- tant of the armies of the United States. Much show fell. Many Miles of Slashed But Uncleared Roads. 73 March 20th. — Set forward for Captain Waterman Baldwin's and arrived there this evening. Halted for him part of two days as I had orders to take him with me to the residence of the Complanter, to act as instructor for the Indian youth. He was made a prisoner by the Cornplanter, and treated by him with remarkable tenderness. March 22d. — Ferriage to Captain Jenkins, passing the First Nar- rows of the Su?.queh2nna, 7s. 6d. Paid for gammon, bread and spirits, 32s. 6d, to John Davis. Encamped in the woods 13 miles from Lahav/anock, on the water of the Buttermilk Falls. March 23d. — The Susquehanna being so extremely high, and all the waters leading thereto, compelled us to leave the river road and go by that lately cut, (but not cleared), by John Nicholson, Esq., Comptroller-General of the State of Pennsylvania. Took dinner at the house of Ebenezer Stephens and purchased of him two bushels of oats he had for seed. Encamped this evening with some sugar boilers. The conductor of the works two days before lost most of his provisions by the upsetting of a canoe in the main branch of the Lahawanock, but of the provisions we had we gave them what we could spare, preserving what we thought would take us to Tioga Point, supposed 86 miles. The taking this road, which is cut about twenty feet in width, the trees lying across the same and in every direction, was not a matter of choice but of necessity, for the river road was impassable. March 24th.— We arrived at the cabin of Richard McNemera. Fed our horses v/ith the corn that we brought with us, for he had none but about tv/o quarts for his own use. They, however, provid- ed us with a dish of rye coffee, (made fine with the pole of an axe on a smooth stone), and maple sugar as bright and well-tasted as the best 8d. sugar in Philadelphia. We were encamped early this afternoon under a very heavy storm of rain, thunder and lightning ; and, what is very remarkable, the snow was in general 15 inches deep. March 25th.— We still traveled the Nicholson's road, till we reached the one cut by Mr. Ellicott, Geographer of the United States, which leads to the Great Bend on the East Branch of the Susque- hanna. To describe these roads is hardly possible ; but to say the least, there is none can equal them for height of mountains and swampy valleys. Encamped ten miles from Tioga Point; heavy rain, as usual ; our horses worn down and ourselves more than com- 74 Proctor Enters Warrior's Path at Painted Post. monly fatigued ; had naught to eat ourselves or for our horses. I may say, till we arrived at Tioga Point, to save our horses, we traveled on foot more than half the way from the town of Reading. March 26th. — We arrived at Tioga Point ; crossed to the flats ; paid carriage, 3s. 9d.; repair of horses' shoes, 5s. At Tioga Point I was compelled to purchase a pack-horse, as the route we had to take from the Painted Post to the Genesee was not inhabited — which by computation was 99 miles. Captain Baldwin also purchased another horse. From thence we proceeded on our way to Nev^liown Point ; I took a guide named Peter ; in his own language, Ca-ya-u-tha, there being nothing but a blind path to the Genesee River. My retinue at this time amounted to three white men, one Indian and five horses. Sunday, March 25. — Dined at Mr. Isaac Baldwin's and halted for the night. Reviewed the ground on which the British and Indians were entrenched, better than a mile, against the forces under Major- General Sullivan. I saw many traces made by our round and grape shot against them, and a large collection of pieces of 5 1-2 inch shells which I had the pleasure of causing to be exploded among them. March 28. — Took breakfast at William Runn's ; four persons, 6s.; oats and spirits, 7 l-2d. From thence we proceeded to the Painted Post, or Co-hoc-ton in the Indian language. Dined and refreshed our horses, it being the last house we should meet with ere we should reach the Genesee River. Here I was joined by George Slocum, who followed us from Wyoming, to place himself under our protection and assistance, until we should reach the Cornplanter's settlement on the headwaters of the Alleghany, to the redeeming of his sister from an unpleasing captivity of twelve years, to which end he begged our immediate interposition. On leaving the Painted Post we entered the Warrior's Path, on the north side of the Tioga River. We had not gone five miles upon the same, before we fixed our encampment, having completed 35 miles this day, which was more than we had done any one day in 17 days since we left Philadelphia, it having rained or snowed every day. Rained this night, as usual. March 29th. — Continued our route by the aforesaid path this day, through level land covered chiefly with hemlock timber and interspersed with sugar-tree bottoms, through which we frequently encountered deep sloughs and morasses. In one of them, which had Arrives at the Squawkey Hill Indian Village. 75 the appearance of a long pond, varigated with shrubbery, Captain Baldwin, while leading our forage horse, was by a sudden check brought backward from the horse he was riding and immersed in the water so as to be entirely covered. The same fate had nearly hap- pened to myself, my war-horse's feet fastening between two trees, which lay on the bottom, of which he fell. All this night we had rain and with much difficulty could light a fire. It was piercing cold. March 30th. — We began our journey before sunrise ; on our way we discovered in many places fine land ; and on this day passed three principal mountains, the last of which was the Alleghany, which divides the Tioga River from the Choshequa. The latter river runs through a fine flat. Here Captain John resides, and one white family. The next principal water we crossed is called in the Indian language the Connessegaro, from which it is called 12 miles to the Genesee River, where we were conducted by our Indian guide to the house of Captain Ebenezer Allen, about 10 o'clock at night, having rode hard and constant to reach it. I purchased of an Indian squaw one and a half bushels of com at the rate of a dollar and a half per bushel. At this place there was neither hay nor grass for our horses. March 31st. — This morning I found myself in a settlement of Indians called the Squawkey Tribe, but a branch of the Seneca Nation- Having no interpreter with me, I wrote a letter directed to Captain Allen or Horatio Jones, and sent it by a runner, by the way of Conne- wago, or at such place as where he could meet with either of them, requesting that whoever received it should repair to Squawkey Hill to meet me ; and should they meet any Indian chiefs or warriors, to invite them to meet me also, I having business of importance from General Washington, the President of the United States, to lay before the Nation. I at the same time dispatched two other runners, one to go to the several sugar camps adjacent, to give them the like information, and the other to repair to the habitations of Chiefs Big- Tree and Little-Beard, who resided about seven miles from hence and were deemed to be principal chiefs. To each runner I paid one dollar for his services. By the middle of the afternoon, and in the evening, several Indian warriors and chiefs arrived at Mr. Allen's habitation ; among the latter, Little-Beard, Stump-Foot and Black Chief ; said Stump- Foot being the leader of the Squawkey settlement, located on high lands above the Genesee. 76 Council Fire Uncovered at Squawkey Hill. April 1. — Horatio Jones, Indian interpreter, arrived this morn- ing, and about 11 o'clock there were about thirty-odd Indians collect- ed, agreeable to my invitation. Shortly afterward I convened them in Council, and introduced my message by some prefatory sentiments touching on the candor and justice of the United States, and of the unexampled conduct of His Excellency, the President, in the late interview he had with the Cornplanter and others, who appeared as representatives of the Six Nations, by restoring to them all their lands which they feared was held from them by the power of the United States, by which act their situations in life were made comfortable ; and, as lasting, they should demean themselves friends of the United States, and by such a becoming deportment it would entail lasting happiness to their children's children. This simple introduction being ended, I read the message to them from the Honorable Secretary of War. They signified their approbation in their accustomed manner. Their answer was deliv- ered by Chief Little-Beard, their principal speaker, who said : " Brother of the Thirteen Fires : Hear what we have to say to you. The Great Spirit has spared us this day to meet together, and for you to let us know what has been done at Philadelphia for our Nation. You say that our lands are secured for us, and that the grant given by the Great Chief, General Washington, will last as long as the sun goes over us. This is the reason why we give great thanks — our lands being secured to our children's children ; and great reason we have for doing so. " Every one of us will wish well to the Great Chief, and our women and our children will thank him, and will look up to him as a strong sun for the protection of the right of their lands to them forever. " And you tell us what there is in a great paper in the hand of O'Beel [the Cornplanter], for us. Now we want you to show with your finger — [Make a map] — how large the lands are that are given to us." Colonel Proctor complied with this request, by tracing a rude map in the earthen floor of the Council place, and then he called to the minds of the Indians certain grants of land they had made. Chief Little-Beard said that their great warrior. Chief O'Beel, had arrived at Fort Pitt, from Philadelphia, and had sent out runners from there to summons the chiefs and warriors of the Six Nations to Buffalo, where he desired that the Great Council Fire might be kindled, and where he would lay before them all the business that had been done by him at Philadelphia, and the papers he had receiv- ed for the Six Nations from President Washington. This information induced Colonel Proctor to start for Buffalo the next morning. He Council Fire at Bujfalo Covered For One Moon. 77 wrote : I urged upon the chiefs to accompany me to Buffalo, as the design was big with advantages to every Indian. Five of them im- mediately offered to attend Captain Houdin and myself, and accord- ingly appointed a sugar camp eight miles distant, the place of meet- ing in the morning. I now made inquiry whether it was easy to obtain a good interpreter at Buffalo, and being informed there was no interpreter there but those under British pay, I considered it a duty incumbent to engage Mr. Jones for my business, and I agreed, in behalf of the United States, to pay him the customary wages. April 2d.— Departed from the Council Fire at Squawkey Hill, to proceed by the way of Tonawanda to Buffalo, presumed distance being between 90 and 100 miles. Agreeable to my promise to the chiefs yesterday, I had to call for them at their sugar camp. On my way thither, I stopped at the hut of Stump-Foot, with the Black Chief, who accompanied me. Just at that instant a runner arrived there from Buffalo Creek, who brought the information that the Council Fire at that place had been quenched by direction of the chiefs who had lighted the same, at the instance of O'Beel's message to them, and the same Fire was to be covered for one moon, in the words following, which he had received from the Great Council,, directed to the Chiefs and Warriors in this settlement, namely : " Brothers : We know from our former intimation to you to meet us here, that you are rising in your seats, with your backs bent bearing your loaded hoppas ; but on hearing us speak, you must sit down again on your seats and remain one moon, until you shall hear that our Great Warrior, O'Beel, shall arrive at Buffalo and light it again." Upon this information I concluded to change my route and go to the oil springs near which the Cornplanter had his residence. I felt my intended interview with the chiefs of the Six Nations would have the most happy effect of being instrumental in preserving the lives of many hundreds of our fellow-men, when staying one month longer might prove forever too late ! I proceeded to an Indian village eight miles distant, called Nondas, and halted for the night at the hut of a white woman, who had been with the savages from her infancy, and had borne to one of them nine children, all of whom were living. Two of her daughters I have seen ; they possess fair features, and incline to the side of beauty. Her second son had lately been adopted a Sachem, and named, the " Promoter of Peace." Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XVIIL Colonel Proctor's Journal — Continued. SUNDAY, April 2d, 1791.— Arrived this day at an Indian village called Canaseder, on a high bluff overlooking the Genesee River. It consisted of about 30 houses, and some of them done in a way that showed taste in workmanship. The town was vacated by all the Indians save only one squaw and a young girl, who were left on guard, while the rest were out providing sugar. This day we were compelled to swim our horses three times across the Genesee River, and at one of the crossings, Capt. Houdin's horse took him down with the current, he having crossed the reins in mounting, and were it not that he left the horse to its own man- agement, the Captain must have certainly drowned. April 4th.— This morning we again swam our horses across the Genesee River, and crossed it again 10 miles higher up, near the emptying of a lake. We had the assistance of a canoe each time. At this village resides Mr. Latta, a trader, from whom I purchased bread, sugar and some spirits. From this place we had scarcely a trace of a bridle path. We stopped for the night at on old Indian encampment, where the covering of their wigwams served to shelter us from the inclemency of the weather. April 5th. — We gained an Indian settlement called Obhishew, on the waters of Oil Creek, the emptying of which into the Alleghany was about 200 yards below the hut. In crossing Oil Creek at a very steep shelving place, my horse fell backward into the water. I hap- pily disengaged myself from falling under him, but got wet through. We entered the cabin of an old Seneca Chief, John Hays. I knew him well, 32 years before, at Fort Pitt. I gave him to understand my business. He seemed very cheerful and assured me I should see him at Buffalo as soon as the Council Fire should be lighted. From him I bought two hams of fresh venison. We had no salt. We camped 78 Proctor Hastens to French Creek to Meet Cornplanter. 79 this night at the great bend of the Alleghany, on a tract of fine level land covered with plum trees. Here we discovered the ruins of a number of Indian huts ; it was called Dunewanga. April 6th. — This morning we met two Indian runners, from the Cornplanter, to the Indians at the head waters of the Alleghany, to inform them that several Delaware Indians had been killed by white people ; , that in resentment the Indians had killed and scalped 17 white people on the Alleghany above Pittsburgh ; that Cornplanter, New Arrow and other chiefs coming up the river under escort in a garrison boat were overtaken and forcibly carried back to Pittsburgh with all their property. I engaged one of the runners to go with me to O'Beel's Town. Our guide conducted us in safety ; we arrived about 10 o'clock at night. The town contains 28 tolerable well-built houses. They provided us plenty of provisions for the night, such as boiled venison and dumplings. We found that all the chiefs and warriors had gone to Venango, hearing that their War-Chief, O'Beel, and their Sachem, the New Arrow, were forced to take sanctury in Fort Franklin. None remained in the town, on this account, but three very old men and the women and children. I secured a canoe and a guide, to go to meet the Cornplanter. At daylight we set out, two young Indians attended me, and with us my interpreter and Captain Baldwin went for French Creek, distant about 130 miles and arrived there on the 8th day of April, about 4 in the afternoon, as we worked our canoe by turns all night. I had no sooner arrived at French Creek than I received a visit from the Cornplanter and those Indians who accompanied him to Philadelphia. I told them I would appeal to the Secretary of War, who would see that ample justice was done them. I desired him to bring into the garrison all the head men of the nations then met. They met me, 11 in number, and in the fullest manner I informed them of the message I was charged with. I met them again, with their people, in their encampment over French Creek, early in the forenoon. Seeing that I had no alternative, I requested that they would prepare them- selves to leave this place and proceed to Buffalo, on to-morrow, which they complied with. On this occasion, the Cornplanter said : " We have met our brother here, and I believe he remembers what we said at Philadelphia, that we would try our friends, the Wyandottes, once more, as there were bad people among them, advising the use of the '80 Deplorable Condition of a White Prisoner. hatchet. There we said if would be well for one man to go with us from the United States, to hear what we should say to the Wyandottes. " Now the Great Spirit has spared us to this day, to meet our brother who has been sent to us from the Thirteen Fires, and to join our hands with his to have justice done. " We should have been glad if he were with us on our way to Pitts- burgh, for then our wagons would not have been stopped, our goods taken, and our liquors drank, and that by people whom we thought to be our friends. And when we go to Fort Pitt, more and great trouble began on us, by the men of the Big Knife. When we started from Pitt, with all our goods and writing with us, to show what we had ds^ne for our Nation, the white people seized upon our garrison boat, belonging to French Creek, which had our goods in, and several canoes, and forcibly took us back to Pittsburgh, and deprived us of all that was necessary for the corasort of our women and children — and we are sick of them. " Now the chiefs of our Nation have made their choice, and we must go to Buffalo, where our head men are waiting for us, and where the Council Fire has been long lighted and put out again, and we must light it next week. There we shall finish our minds, and shall have plain faces, where- soever we turn against those bad men, and shall be strong. " Our friend sent by General Washington, must not think hard by our requesting of him to wait for us ; for this is the last speech the unfriendly people can have. It is a heavy matter, and we must take time to do the business well and sure. " Now we shall send a runner right off, where the Great Fire is to be lighted at Buffalo, so that our great men of the various tribes may assem- ble all the people. And now we have determined to start from here in the morning, although we have left all our papers behind us. But we shall leave some of our young men to bring them after us to the Council at Buffalo Creek." The Cornplanter closed w^ith a request that the goods taken from him and his companions on their way up the river be sent for. A fe^r days previous to my arrival at Fort Franklin, the settlers at Conneaut and on French Creek, were driven into the garrison, as as also those at Cassawaga. f At Venango I was called upon by a white prisoner named Nicholas Deanhoat, to give him a blanket, as he needed one much. I did so. He was dressed in Indian garb. His ears were cut and each hung with a considerable weight of lead. He told me his relatives lived at Schenectady, where his father dying had left him a consider- able sum of money. He declined to go to his relatives, saying he could not live as agreeable with white people as with the Indians. Firewater Supplied O'Beel and His People. 81 April 10th.— We set out from French Creek up the Alleghany River with 30 canoes, leaving with Lieutenant Jeffers for the defense of the garrison 15 Indians to act as scouts, the garrison being very weak only for the addition made to it by settlers. Neither had they any flour, on account of the detention of the garrison boat spoken of, but what was supplied by David Mead, who had brought some from his mill at Conneaut. Likewise there was some hundred gallons of whisky, which was dealt out to the garrison and inhabitants as they required it Halted this night at Oil Creek. Lieutenant Jeffers came to us at midnight with letters received from Fort Pitt that evening, and word for the Indians that the garrison boat was returning with their Sachem, the New Arrow, under escort of a proper guard. April 11. — About 10 o'clock took up our journey, the Complant- er taking the lead. I took my place next to his canoe. We arrived this evening at an old Indian settlement called Hog's Town. April 12.— I took breakfast this morning with Captain O'Beel and his squaw, etc. Our repast was boiled chestnuts and parched meal sweetened. His daughter made us some tea, boiled in an open kettle and disagreeable to the taste. Arrived about 1 o'clock at Munsee. Indian women came forward with keltles full of boiled rice and bear's meat and placed it before O'Beel. Then each family of a canoe received their stipend. Captain O'Beel requested my interpre- ter to inform me that it was expected I would partake of what was prepared. I did so to prevent displeasure. Supplied one gallon of whisky for O'Beel and his people. Captain O'Beel informed the Delawares the busieess I was on and I was invited to their Council Fire. There I presented the message of the Covernment and Chief Snake replied, saying : " Brothers :— We are thankful to the Great Spirit for the safe arrival of our brother among us. We are glad to see him with such good inten- tions. It makes us feel warm in our hearts and easy in our minds that such confidence is placed in our Nation. But the request he makes of us to go to Buffalo, we cannot give an immediate answer to, as our head men are not present." Colonel Proctor was urged by Captain Snake to remain over night, the latter saying he would rally his followers and light a Council Fire. Captain O'Beel also urged Colonel Proctor to tarry and attend a Council. He consented to do so, and Captain Snake at once started runners out to notify absent chiefs and warriors. 82 Indian Doctor Applies Wonderful Poultice. At 9 o'clock that night Captain O'Beel, the Delaware chiefs and the Senecas, called Colonel Proctor into Council, when Captain Snake made a speech, saying : " Uncle,"— [addressing Captain Q'Beel,]— "we have determined to ga with you and your brother, who brings us these good tidings, to Buffalo^ and there meet our nations at the Great Council Fire. Blood may be upon us while we are going, but now we give you our hands, as we promised,, and we will lie down and rise together. " Uncle : — In three days we move our women and children, and all that we have, to your towns. They are to remain wfth your women until our return." April 13th. — Our fleet of canoes set out from Hickory Town and reached Log-Trap Creek, ten miles distant, and encamped. Rained the whole night and not a dry thread of clothes on myself or companions. April 14th. — Proceeded up the river. Encamped near the mouth of Casyonding Creek, it being the place where in 1779 Colonel Brodhead fought the savages. April 15th. — Overtaken with rheumatism pains, I was obliged to have assistance to convey me from the canoe to the fire. Cold and rainy. I informed Cornplanter that I should leave his fleet and proceed to the lower town to procure assistance. Arrived there in the night after a very laborous day^s work by the Indians, the current of the stream being so much against us. I applied to an Indian doctor,, who prepared poultices of roots and herbage and applied to my foot^ the power of which over the part affected threw it into my knee, which produced the most excruciating pain. I felt that it shortened the sinews under my ham, upon which I applied it no more, fearing I might be crippled for life. I next went to New Arrow's Town, where I left Captain Houdin and Indian Peter, the guide I brought from near Tioga Point, and also our horses, when I departed for Venango on the 7th of April. I found Captain Houdin in an enfeebled state of health, owing entirely to the hardships he underwent before his arrival at this place. April 18th. — A runner came from Fort Franklin, saying New Arrow had arrived there, and asking that canoes be sent down sufficient to carry the goods brought forward by Cornplanter from Philadelphia. I sent a letter to the commander of Fort Franklin, Great Council Fire Aglow at Bujfalo Creek. 83 asking that the Indians with the canoes be hurried forward on their' return, reaHzing that unless the New Arrow was hastened home the Hghting of the Great Council Fire at Buffalo would be delayed. April 19th —Captain O'Beel and chiefs arrived from the lower town and ordered their conch shell to be sounded through the village to summon their head men into Council After spending some time in Council, all the head chiefs came to my hut, I being unable to leave it, to pay their compliments to Captain Houdin and myself. April 20th .—A runner arrived from Buffalo Creek, bringing word that the Council Fire of the Six Nations had been lighted by a number of their chiefs and warriors, and that they had been stirring it long to keep it alive waiting for the Sachems of the Senecas and their brothers who were sent by the Great Chief of the Thirteen Fires, " who we want to hear speak to us." On receiving this public message, I was requested by Captain O'Beel and other chiefs to write an answer in their behalf, they hearing that the British Colonels Butler and Brant were at Buffalo waiting our coming. I complied and directed my letter to Farmer's Brother, Kuysutta and Red Jacket, chiefs of the Six Nations at Buffalo Creek. April 24.— This morning the whole town was prepared to have a grand feast, to return thanks to the Great Keeper of All Men, for their being spared to meet together once more. Several of ' the chiefs called upon me and gave me an invitation to be present. Their speaker advised us to be prudent while they worshipped, and not to be guilty of laughing or gesturing, though the manner of it might differ from our our own mode of worship. He also told us we must bring our ear, meaning my interpreter, to testify that they taught the true principles, and that their teachers, both men and women, ad- monished their hearers against thieving, lying, and speaking lightly one of another. In every house they provided large quantities of provisions, the more varied the better. Each partook of food prepared by another. They proceeded to a statue, erected in the center of the village, that bore some proportion to a man and was painted as the Indians are, but had no weapon of war about him. The figure was about nine feet in height and stood on a pedestal of about eight feet. It had on a breech clout, leggins, and a sash over its shoulders, and presented a very terrible appearance. .84 Young Warriors Indulge in a Brag Dance. Under this statue were placed two chiefs, termed the women's ■speakers. Each held in his hands the shell of a large tortoise, the belly part covered with a thin skin stretched very tight, and having inside several small stones. These shells being struck upon a deer skin stretched between the two chiefs, who beating them together- accompanying the same with their voices— made such melody that that the whole of the assembly were delighted. The old men and young women danced around the image in a circle, the men following, using gestures that would have made a saint laugh had he forgotten that he was in a place of worship, The women looked meek and humble while they moved in con- cert in the dance, sliding their feet and folding their hands before them, in a half-circle, looking at the same time steadfastly on the ground while inclining their heads. The last of the worship was performed by what they called a "brag dance." The young warriors retired to a house adjacent, where there were paint, feathers and red clay. They ornamented their hair with feathers, their faces with paint, and their bodies with reddish clay. Some painted one-half of their faces black and the other red, in order to look more terrible, for in this manner they go to war. When these matters were adjusted, their leader gave a long yell, as when a scalp is taken, and when the third yell was given it was re-echoed by the others and all rushed to the place of worship. They danced around the statue, throwing their bodies and heads in every possible curious position, and bragged alternately of all the cruelties they had exercised in war, of the prisoners taken, of the thefts committed on their enemies, and of other exploits. In the evening Captain O'Beel and the other chiefs told me that they were ready to go with me to Buffalo Creek, in the morning, if I thought proper. I told them that I was ready to depart at any time they would agree to, as much precious time had been wasted since my arrival in this place from the Genesee Country. April 22d. — I closed my letters this day for His Excellency the Secretary of War, and for Governor St. Clair, and forwarded the same by a white prisoner named Nioholas Deamhout. Paid Indian Peter for services. Paid Francis Slocum, a white prisoner, 7s. 6d. Paid Mrs. Groves, who has been in captivity since her husband was killed in 1761, lis. 3d. She is now too feeble to leave the Indians. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XIX. Colonel Proctor's Journal — Continued. APRIL 22d — We left Captain O'Beel's Town at 12 o'clock noon and proceeded with a few chiefs and warriors, the whole not being ready to depart. We took the route to Buffalo through Cattaraugus, an Indian village of about fifty houses, on a beautitul river about two and a half miles from Lake Erie. We had arrived at Cattaraugus but a short time, when I asked the chiefs to assemble in Council. There Thyo-Ga-Chee, Chief of the Senecas, made a sentimental speech, saying : " Brother : — Some time ago there came messages into our country, that our people should meet at Buffalo Creek, and should hear our head men from Philadelphia, what they had from the Council of Thirteen Fires. " About this time they had got to Fort Pitt, and we heard there was a great man and a Frenchman coming, also from Philadelphia, in great fear, trying to make peace. " The next runner said that our head men and those from Philadelphia, were coming on the waters together, to have a Great Council Fire at Buffalo ; and we that live here sent on the runner and gave thanks to the Great Spirit. " Now tell the man from Philadelphia to pity us children, for we are fearful ; and we say to you, that will open your throats, that you may speak fair and clear to us, without any hard thoughts, when you get to our Great Council Fire of the full nations." In closing his oration the Chief handed Colonel Proctor a belt of wampum of three strings, and said : " Now wipe the tears from your eyes, and make your throat clear so that you may be understood." April 26th. — We took up our journey towards Buffalo. In about five miles we came upon the verge of Lake Erie, which had a beauti- ful appearance, it being a pleasant morning. April 26th. — We arrived at Buffalo Creek, having travelled through a country of exceedingly rich land from our last encamp- 85 '86 Colonel Proctor Arrives at Biijfalo Creek. ment. The principal village of Buffalo belongs to the Seneca Nation. In it the Young King and Farmer's Brother reside, as also does Red Jacket, the great prince and speaker of the Turtle tribe. On entering the town there were numbers of Indians collected at the hut where we alighted from our horses. I found they were far better clothed than were the Indians in towns at a greater distance, owing to their intercourse with the British, this place being but about 35 miles from Niagara and but six miles from Fort Erie. From these places these Indians are supplied >; early with almost every necessary they require, so much so as to make them indifferent in their huntings. The chiefs, who are poor in general, have to look to the British for almost their daily subsistence, not only for provisions but for apparel. The Farmer's Brother was fully regi- mentaled as a colonel, his coat being red, faced with blue, as belong- ing to some royal regiment, and equipped with a pair of the best epaulets. So that the after conduct of Farmer's Brother, when he threw in his opposition to my errand, may not appear extraordinary, he being paid so well by the British for his influence over the Indian nations. I had not been long in the village when I was invited to the Great Council House, with my companion, attended by Red Jacket, Captain O'Beel and other chiefs. Just as we approached the Council House, they had a two-pounder swivel gun, which they had loaded very high, having put in an uncommon charge— which the acting gunner being sensible of, stood within the door, and fired it from the end of a long pole which he passed between the logs. The explosion upset the gun and its fixture. This salute was fired, they said, as a treat for our safe arrival. Red Jacket gave a speech of introduction, when I had been ushered to a seat in the center of the Council, and at the close of the speech came forward to me and presented four strings of wampum, which he had held in his hands while speaking. The more significant utterances of Red Jacket follow : " Brother :— It is usual for us to speak and to you we do it as to a brother who has been absent a long time. Now we will speak to you, and to our head warrior, (Captain O'Beel), who left us last Fall ; and we thank the Great Spirit for his and your safe arrival here, and as you are together hand in hand from Hon-an-da-ganius, (President Washington), upon great business. " You have travelled long, with tears in your eyes upon account of the hard trails and the bad season of the year. Besides the disturbances Brant, Butler and Red Jacket Oppose Proctor. 87 between the bad Indians and our brothers, the white people, everything has been trying to prevent your coming, and to stop your business, and to cause you to lose your way- Thus, the big waters might have stopped your coming, and the wars might have stopped you, and sickness might have stopped you — for we cannot know what is to happen until it comes upon us. " Now we set you upon a seat where you can sit up straight ; where you are secure from fear of your enemies ; where you can look around and see all your friends and brothers in peace. Besides, you have come along with your heart and your throat stopped up, to secure all you had to say in your body. But now we open your heart with your brother's hands, and we run our fingers through to open your mouth to speak clear, and not to be molested. Now open your ears and hear what your brothers may say after you have made your speech." Captain O'Beel, having been particularly named by Red Jacket, arose and returned the compliment in behalf of us that were strangers. I then suggested that as the sun was getting low, it would be a good plan to adjourn the Council until morning. Red Jacket arose and remarked that on some occasions persons had come to their country representing that they came by authority of the Thirteen Fires, (the Federal Government), but of a truth the Indians had not always been convinced that such was the case. This insin- uation was caused by reports circulated by Colonels Butter and Brant, several days before the arrival of Colonel Proctor, that no attention should be paid to him ; that he did not represent the United States. Brant and Butler were acting in the interest of the British. They had been in communication with the Indians visited by Colonel Proctor from the time he entered the Genesee Country, having run- ners at their disposal Colonel Proctor at once, in open Council, met the challenge of his authority, and gave proof of his having been commissioned by the United States to come among them, and present papers and deliver messages. Then, upon his suggestion, the Council dispatched a runner to summon the commanding officer of Fort Erie to bear witness of the truth of his claims. He wrote : Soon after the Council adjourned Captain John, of the Ononda- gas, came to my hut and informed me, in private conversation, that no scrouple was made of the authority I came under to them. He had received a Mohawk education and conducted himself very well. During my stay in Buffalo he was attached to me in person, and promoted, all that lay in his power, the business that I had before the Council. 88 Colonel Proctor Delivers Messages in Great Council. It appears that William Ewing, of Connedesago Lake, an agent of Robert Morris, had arrived at Buffalo a few days before, and had met the Indians in Council. This over-zealous and indiscreet young man had told the Indians that the Six Nations must in the future ignore all other claimants to the right to treat with them and deal with them and deal only with Robert Morris, of Philadelphia, whom he called " the second greatest man in the United States." The ad- vent of Ewing was most inopportune. Colonel Proctor knew nothing about the activity of this land agent until informed by Captain John, In the Indian Council the next day, Colonel Proctor was surprised to find William Ewing present. About 150 Indians were in attend- ance. Ewing began to open and continue his address, when Colonel Proctor arose and informed him that he was interferring with business of the utmost importance to the United States, and to the Indian nations in general, saying politely that after the business of the Federal Government had been transacted Ewing might take up his land business, " when I would lend him such assistance as was in my power, and through which I would evidence my respect for the gentlemen wha sent him." The abashed land agent gave way and Colonel Proctor proceeded to read messages and papers and to explain the same, with the assistance of interpreters, taking up the whole day. It was revealed to Colonel Proctor that night, by Captain Powell^ who came over from Fort Erie, that Brant and Butler had for weeks been in active communication with the bellicose Indians to the west and on the Grand River to Detroit, and had agreed that nothing should be determined at the present Council without the concurrence of the western tribes. The session of the Council held the next day, (Friday, April 29) ^ was largely attended by Indians. Colonel Proctor read separate messages from Secretary of War Knox, directed to the Delawares, Wyandotts and Miamis, and to the Indians of the Wabash, advising peace and concord with the United States. He explained that after *" we had fought for eight returning seasons with Great Britain," that nation had been defeated " and the red hatchet between them and the United States was buried deep in the earth." He told of treaties made with distant tribes, cited friendly negotiations just completed with Cornplanter at Philadelphia, and expressed the desire of the United States for peace and friendly relations with all the Indian Subtle and Evasive Address by Red Jacket. 89 tribes. He closed by asking the chiefs of the Six Nations to evidence their friendship for the United States, by proceeding forward with him to the unfriendly Indians of the west, that by their good work hundreds of lives of both white men and Indians might be saved. Red Jacket made the reply to this appeal. He brought into action the subtle and evasive by-play of one performing a double part. He was willing to go, as requested, " to the bad Indians," but the question of whether the journey should be " by land or water " must be considered ; the messages of Colonel Proctor to the Wyan- dotts and Delawares should be delivered first, that they might " take us by the hands and go to the bad Indians with us ;" he said " all our Six Nations are not present," and noted that " our brother. Captain Powell, of the British, is here, true to us, for he was with us at every treaty." This was a furtive suggestion that the advise of Captain Powell was to be considered. Red Jacket closed his shifty answer by demanding that the Council fire be removed to Niagara. Colonel Proctor did not hesitate to make reply to what he deemed a very unwarrantable request. He flatly refused to go to a British garrison " to transact important business in which the United States is concerned," saying with firmness : " Neither my principles nor my commission would warrant me in such a trans- action." Red Jacket and Farmer's Brother now spoke to the Council by turns, and as a result, a runner was sent to Niagara to request the attendance of Colonel Butler and some others. Young King and Fish Carrier sat on either side of Red Jacket and prompted him while he was speaking. Most of the chiefs of the Six Nations were so under the influence of the English officers that they were not willing to undertake any business of consequence with the United States without its " first being sifted " by an officer of the Crown. Matters hung fire for several days, the Indians counselling among" themselves and sending frequent runners to Niagara. Finally on May 3d, Colonel Proctor invited the chiefs to his cabin for a talk before going into Council. He traced on a map his proposed route to the western Indians, saying he would now go on his journey without further hesitation, as he " plainly saw that they were not to exercise their own opinion but that of the British agent." Upon hearing this Red Jacket asked permission to speak. He said to the interpreter : " Tell him that some of his language is soft, but the other parts of it are too strong, for the dangers before us are great, and our enemies are :90 British Officers Break Up the Council. drunk ; that they will not hear what we say like a man that is sober, and we consider whatever number of the Six Nations accompany him, will be in the same danger with himself, and it is likely we shall not live long when the bad Indians see us. These Indians are not like white men. He must attend our Councils and look and hear till we shall speak on his business. Tomorrow our head men will meet together and try what can be done." While talking with the chiefs, a runner came to Young King with word that Colonel Butler with several other British officers had arrived from Fort Niagara, and were at the vStorehouse on Lake Erie, where Colonel Butler desired that the Sachems and head men of the Indians should meet him in the morning. This surprised Colonel Proctor, the more especially as he was not given an invitation to attend the proposed meeting at the lake side. Captain O'Beel held a meeting of chiefs that evening and advised them to do nothing to inferfere with Colonel Proctor's plans. That day Half-Town and Big Tree, and several warriors from O'Beel's Town and Cattaraugus, about sixty in number, arrived ; as also Captain Snake with about forty Delaware warriors, attended by many of their families. Colonel Proctor dined with Big Sky, Chief of the Onondaga Nation, and gave the social function the follov/ing write-up : " His castle lay about three miles east of Buffalo, near which were twenty-eight good cabins. The inhabitants appeared to be decent and well- clothed, particularly their women, some of them dressed so richly with silken stroud, etc., and ornamented with so many silken trappings, that one suit must be of the value of at least thirty pounds sterling. Some of the women attended the feast, which was principally of young pigeons, some boiled, some stewed. The mode of dishing them up, was that a bunch of six was tied with a deer's sinew around their necks, their bills pointing outwards. They were plucked, but of pin-feathers plenty remained. The inside was taken out, but it appeared from the soup m.ade of them that the water had not touched them before. " The repast being the best I had seen for a long time, I ate very hearti- ly, and the entertainment was given with much hospitality. "Returned about sunset to Buffalo." May 4th.— All the head men and warriors repaired to the place yesterday appointed by Colonel Butler, to open the Council they had intended holding at the British garrison of Niagara. I pressed my friend O'Beel to go forward with them by all means, lest the United States should not be represented. About 11 o'clock an Indian runner delivered me a letter from Colonel Butler, through which Captain Houdin and myself received a polite invitation to dine with him and his officers. The invitation was accepted. It was found that the Indians Spend Day Gathering Young Pigeons. 91 British officers were in close communication with the Indians, com- manding them to be cautious, so as not to offend the western tribes. Colonel Proctor wrote: ''A considerable conversation took place between Colonel Butler and myself, in the presence of Young King and other chiefs, entirely on the subject of peace." But Colonel Proctor perceived so much of a spirit of indifference to him as a Commissioner representing the United States, that he gave up hope of bringing about results. The failure of his mission he attributed to the influence of the British„ He staid with the British officers over night and returned to Buffalo Creek the next morning. May 6th. — Red Jacket and Captain O'Beel came to see me, when the former acquainted me with the reason why no Council would be held this day, saying it was their pigeon time, in which the Great Spirit had blessed them with an abundance ; that such was His goodness, that He never failed sending pigeons, season after season ; that although it might seem a small matter to me, the Indians never lose sight of these blessings. Captain O'Beel added : "This is the reason why our men, women and children are gone from their towns, but on to-mir?rrow our head men will return and your business will be taken up." At some convenient distance from every one of the Indian settle- ments the pigeons hatch their young at this season of the year, and the trees which they commonly light on are lov/ and bushy. Pigeons are found in such abundance, that exceeding a hundred ne^s with a pair of young in each, are common to be found in a single trea These they take v/hen they are just prepared to leave their nests, when they are as fat as possible. After they are plucked and cleansed a little, they are preserved by smoke and laid by for use. May 7th. — Captain O'Beel called the chiefs together on business concerning themselves, to take into consideration where land should be selected to accommodate certain tribes and famihes, who had put themselves under the protection of the Six Nations, being compelled to leave their former situations, dreading the rage of the Shawanese and the Miami Indians. Captain Snake and the Delawares under his care were assigned a place to plant near Cattaraugus ; the families of Con-Non-Do- CMta, a chief of the Messessagoes, and Bear's Oil Chief at Conneaut. These last chiefs reported that large bodies of hostile Indians were assembled on the Miami, preparing for a descent upon white settlements near the Ohio, and that many white settlers had recently fallen at the hands of the Indians. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XX, Indians Summoned to Council at Painted Post. ON THE 7th day of May, 1791, Joseph Smith arrived at Buffala Creek, from the Genesee, with a message from Colonel Pickering, informing the Indians of the Six Nations that he had received presents for them from the United States, and desired their attendance at the Painted Post, on the 16th of June, to light a Council Fire and receive the presents. In the introductory part of the message, which was presented in full to the Indians in Council by Colonel Proctor, Colonel Pickering referred to the Council he had with their chiefs at Tioga Point two years since ; saying that there mutual friendships between the Six Nations and the United States were entered into ; that he was happy to inform them that the chain between them was held fast by the United States and kept free from rust. [Note. — On page 59 the name of Proctor should read Pickering.] Colonel Pickering advised the tribes of the Six Nations to keep peaceable in their villages, and not under any circumstance join the Indians who were at war with the United States. Colonel Proctor spoke in earnest approval of the message of Colonel Pickering, and advised that all the chiefs and warriors, with their women, should present themselves on the Conhocton at the Painted Post, on the day named, or as near that time as possible, and receive the presents which would be bestowed by the Thirteen Fires. This the chiefs promised should be done. May 9th. — A great dance was performed this day, and worship, by the Indians. In the fore part of the day a Council was held, which I attended. A speech was made by Fish Carrier, a chief of the Cayugas, and the right hand man of Brant and Butler. In this speech of Fish Carrier it was revealed that Brant had gone to the warring Shawanese, to take council ; that part of the Indians were 92 Indian Women Ask to Be Heard In Council. 93 for war and part for peace ; that nothing would be decided until Brant should return ; that Brant on his return would decide what towns would be for peace. I announced that I would the next day make a reply. May 9th.— The Council being reconvened, Colonel Proctor answered the speech of Fish Carrier. He gave the Indians to under- stand that he considered it useless to stay any longer with them at Buffalo, " seeing that those who were in the interest of the British had prevented others of them from serving in the cause of the United States." Colonel Proctor said : " The matter will be reported in its true colors before General Washington, the President of the United States, that he might judge how far the Six Nations deserved his future attention and care." Colonel Proctor did not at once leave Buffalo. It was his aim to glean all the information he could about the Indians there represent- ed; also to interest as many of them as he could in the proposed Treaty at Painted Post. To this end he tarried twelve days more, holding friendly conferences and attending several Council meetings. It was because developments on the Northwestern frontier and the intrigues of the British officers on the Niagara frontier, made it impossible for Colonel Proctor to extend his trip, that the plan to hold a treaty with the Six Nations on the head waters of the Chemung at the Painted Post was decided upon. It was the purpose of the Federal Government to draw the friendly chiefs, braves and squaws away, from the immediate influence of the British. To accomplish this, advantage was taken of a petition sent the year before, by Little Beard and Red Jacket, to the Governor of Pennsylvania, asking that a Treaty be held at the Painted Post, on the Conhocton. And as an inducement to the Indians to attend the Treaty, they were given to understand that there would be an abundance of food provided for their entertainment, and many presents would be distributed. Red Jacket and Young King urged Colonel Proctor to remain longer, and attend additional councils, but he said it would be useless. On May 15th a delegation of squaws called on Colonel Proctor to pay their respects, and told him he " ought to hear what we women shall speak, as well as the Sachems, for we are the owners of this land, and it is ours ; for it is we that plant it, for our and their use. Hear us, therefore, for we speak of things that concern us and our children." 94 Squaws Declare For Peace With United States. Colonel Proctor granted the request of the Squaws, and heard them that day in the Great Council, when an address was delivered at their request by Red Jacket. Squaws came from nearby villages. The elder squaws were seated near the chiefs. After a short period of silence. Red Jacket arose and spoke at some length saying in part: " Now listen, Brother : You know vv^hat we have been doing so long, and what trouble we have been at, and you know that it has been the request of our head warrior. Captain O'Beel, that we are left to answer for our women, who are to conclude what ought to be done by both Sachems and Warriors. So hear what is their conclusion. " Brother : The business you have come on is very troublesome, and we have been a long time considering it, ever since you came here. Now the elders of our women, considering the greatness of your business, have said that our Sachems and Warriors must help you over your difficulties, for the good of them and their children. Moreover, you tell us, that since the Treatv of Tioga with us the Americans are strong for peace. " Now all that has been done for you has been done by our women, and the rest will be a hard task for us, for the people at the setting sun are a bad people, and you have come to us in too much haste for such great matters of importance. Aad now. Brother, you must look when it is light in the morning, until the setting sun, and you must reach your neck over the land, and take all the light you can, to show the danger. And this iS' the word of the women to you and to the Sachems and warriors who shall go with you." In behalf of the squaws, Red Jacket announced the names of four chiefs who would accompany Colonel Proctor to meet the Western Indians. Red Jacket intimated that it would be necessary to go for- ward with the consent of Colonel Gorden, commander of Fort Niaga- ra, in a British vessel. But Colonel Gordon would not permit Colonel Proctor to take passage in any vessel on the lake. He announced that he would not recognize the American officer " only in the line of a private agent." At this time the British were establishing new garrisons along Lake Erie, within the bounds of the United States, for the purpose of controlling the fur trade. On May 17th, Red Jacket and a number of other Indian chiefs suggested to Colonel Proctor that his Indian friends of the several villages were going to have a great dance, and expected that he would provide them something to drink. " I readily accepted his proposition," the Colonel noted in his carefully kept journal, " and ordered eight gallons of the best spirits to be presented for the entertainment ; and I desired that the women should be attended to particularly, for their valuable conduct in the last Great Council." Colonel Proctor Returns to Philadelphia. 9S On May 21st, in a speech it the Great Council at Buffalo Creek, on the occasion of leave-taking by Colonel Proctor, Chief Young King said : " We are not on one side or the other, whether of the British or of the Americans, for we desire to be still and to be at peace with both. "General Washington, the Great White Chief of the Thirteen Fires, has kindled a fire at the Painted Post, and this we expect was done for the sake' of peace, for he has called all the Indians from the Grand River to Oneida Lake, It is our desire to attend the same at the time proposed. We shall attend the Treaty at the Painted Post, where the fire is lighted by General Washington, and at that time all matters here related shall be talked over again. In this,. Brother, you have heard the sense of the Six Nations, and our sentiments are firm and strong, for amongst us there is not one deficient. But we cannot speak for the Indians that reside towards the setting sun. We have sent Captain Brant to know their opinion. Should he be here before we go to the Painted Post, whatever their intentions are, we shall make the same known." That day Colonel Proctor left Buffalo Creek to go by way of Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. Before leaving he settled his bills, among the items being that of " Mr. Cornelius Vinne, for liquors, etc., had for the Indians occasionally, twenty-six pounds and five shillings." Colonel Proctor arrived at New Arrow's Town the evening of the 24th, having encamped in the woods two nights. " I had no sooner arrived," he wrote, " than the chiefs were summoned to Council by the sounding of a conch shell." That night, after a heavy rain had abated, two Indians in a canoe carried Colonel Proctor to Fort Franklin, which was reached at daybreak. After taking breakfast with Lieutenant Jeffers, another canoe was prepared with four fresh hands, and the journey by water of 156 miles to Fort Pitt was taken up. In 25 hours Fort Pitt was reached. The distance as travelled by Colonel Proctor from Buffalo Creek to this point was 411 miles ; the time consumed, going by land and water, was five days and two nights. Colonel Proctor set out from Fort Pitt for Philadelphia, on the evening of May 29th, and arrived at his Journey's end June 7th. He found that arrangements had been completed for holding a Great Council with the Indians at the Painted Post. The day that Colonel Proctor left Buffalo Creek, "for prudential reasons, he sent his records and dispatches, for Secretary of War Knox, under the care of Captain Houdin, by way of the Genesee, Painted Post, Tioga Point and the Wyoming route to Philadelphia. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXL Intense Unrest All Along Frontiers. THE MOST intense unrest prevailed among the whites who had ventured to estabhsh homes within the bounds of territory to which the Iroquois claimed exclusive title, at 'the time the matter of holding a General Treaty at the Painted Post was brought to a head by the Federal Government, and Colonel Timothy Picker- ing was selected to conduct the same. The first settlers of Western New York were despondent. Some had vacated their lioldings. Much depended on the outcome of the Treaty which it was proposed to hold on the Conhocton, where the meeting place was marked by a ceremonial post, that like the ancient Council Fire of the Iroquois Federation in the land of the Onondagas, was as ^the Ark of the Covenant to the Children of Israel." A mistake was made, however, due to ignorance of Indian sentiment and tradition, as regards the mysterious Painted Post, and the place of ■meeting was changed to Newtown — now Elmira. Under date of May 2d, 1791, Secretary of War Knox issued a letter of instructions to Colonel Pickering, in regard to the pending treaty, saying : " The Vice President of the United States and the heads of the Depart- ment of State, who are empowered thereto by the President of the United States, having deemed it expedient at this time that the Six Nations of Indians, so termed, should assemble together for the purpose of cementing existing friendships, and that this business should be performed by you, I have the honor of giving you the instructions herein contained, which are to serve as the general rule of your conduct. " It would be proper that you repeat to the said Nations all that has been stated by the President of the United States as the foundation of their future expectations. It being the sincere desire of the General Government that the Indians, on all occasions, should be treated with entire justice and humanity, you may give them the strongest assurance on this point. 96 Explicit Treaty Instructions Given Pickering. 97 " The great object of the proposed meeting will be to impresson the minds of the Indians, that their interests and happiness depend upon the protection and friendship of the United States, and to conciliate their affections, to which purpose you will use your highest exertion. " It will be difficult, if not impracticable, for the chiefs to restrain their young men from indulging in the passion for war. They will, therefore, probably join the Western Indians, unless they join us. In case of their compliance with your request, it would be proper that you make a decisive arrangement on this point, so that a number of their warriors, not exceed- ing 50 or 60, join the troops at Fort Harmar, or Fort Washington. " If you see Captain Brant at the meeting, you will endeavor by all reasonable methods to attach him to the United States. " You will have delivered to you certain goods, agreeable to the invoices hereunto annexed, in order to be presented at the Treaty, according to your judgment ; and, if it should be in your opinion that pensions, not exceeding $100 each, bestowed annually on four or five of the principal chiefs, v/ould greatly tend to create or increase an attachment for the United States, you will please to intimate the same to them, on condition of being hereafter confirmed by the President of the United States. " You will conduct your business journal-wise, in the manner you observed at Tioga Point, keeping written copies of all speeches delivered to or received from the Indians ; and, on this point, the delivery of goods to the Indians to be witnessed by the most respectable white characters who may be present." In a communication to Colonel Pickering, under date of June 13, 1791, Secretary Knox said : " I believe the Treaty will be pretty generally attended. Mr. Morris will not attempt to purchase any lands at present, although one of his sons will be present at the Treaty. Mr. Morris does not approve of the conduct of Mr. Ewing, and informs me that he has ordered Ewing to be discharged. " The Cornplanter can be depended on ; through all the changes of policy we must cultivate and elevate him. Brant, the Farmer's Brother, and all the rest of them, ought to be treated with the greatest kindness, and attached to us if possible. But the Cornplanter is our friend from the solid ties of interest, and we must rivet them by all the ways and means in our power." In 1791 the United States maintained fortified frontier posts as f ollov^s : Fort Knox, at Vincinnes ; Fort Washington, at Cincinnati ; Fort Steuben, 22 miles above Wheeling ; Fort Harmar, on the Ohio at the mouth of the Muskingum River. Not one of these forts was more than feebly garrisoned. The length of the northwestern fron- tier from the lower Ohio to the upper Alleghaney was 1,100 miles. Fearing a general outbreak of Indian hostilities, that would result in loss of life and the destruction of settlements throughout 98 Governor Clinton Criticises Federal Government. Central and Western New York, Secretary of War Knox, under date of April 12, 1791, wrote to Governor Clinton : " I have the honor to inform Your Excellency, in confidence, that the present view of affairs upon the frontiers indicates strongly that all the Indian tribes northwest of the Ohio, will in the course of the ensuing cam- l^aign be combined in hostilities against the United States. " As it is apprehended that the Six Nations may be brought to act against us, it has been deemed important to assemble them together, parti- cularly the Senecas, at as early a period as possible, in order to brighten the chain of friendship and romove all causes of discontent. " Accordingly, Colonel Timothy Pickering, who resides at Wyoming, and who had a meeting last August with the Senecas at Tioga Point, has been requested to invite the Six Nations generally to a meeting at such place as shall be most convenient to them, at as early period as they could conveniently be assembled." The Secretary of War suggested in this letter, that it might be well for Governor Clinton to try to induce Captain Joseph Brant to use his influence for peace with the western Indians, and also that it might be well to try and get Captain Brant to attend the coming Treaty. " It is proper," he wrote, " that you should understand that a mortal enmity exists between Brant and Cornplanter." Governor Clinton in answering this letter, expressed his regret that a " convention of the whole Six Nations " had been " resolved and acted upon " by the Federal Government. He declared that the Indians should not thus be brought together ; that it would be a better plan to encourage animosities and divisions among them. Secretary of War Knox in making reply, gave Governor Clinton a polite reminder of the supremacy of the United States Government over a State Government in Indian affairs, saying : " I am sorry that you do not approve the Convention of the Six Nations at this particular crisis. The measure appears to be highly expedient, in order not only to prevent their joining the Western Indians, but, if possible, to induce them, as a security to the contiuance of their friendship, to join some of their young warriors to the troops of the United States. "It appears to me, judging from experience, that the United States may depend entirely on the Cornplanter's ability, fidelity, and his natural exer- tions. Brant's attachment may be doubted and his views dangerous. " Colonel Pickering has appointed the Painted Post as the place, and the 17th of June next as the time, of his meeting with the Indians." Under date of June 9th, 1791, Secretary Knox wrote Major- General St. Clair, who was at Fort Washington preparing to conduct Joseph Brant Urges Indians to More Vigorous Strife. 99 L . a force of 2,800 soldiers on a campaign against the Miami and Wabash Indians, that " According to Colonel Proctor's verbal report, there will be a pretty general attendance of the Six Nations at the Painted Post the 17th instant. It would also appear from the Colonel's statements, that Brant has gone to the western Indians, with the concurrence of the British officers, and that his design is peace ; that they expect him back before the 17th instant, in which case part of the chiefs will attend at the Painted Post, and go forward to persuade the western Indians to peace." Joseph Brant was exercising extreme zeal, at this time, as an ardent friend of the British, He set out from the Grand River with forty warriors, visited Detroit, and went thence to the great encamp- ment of the Indians at war with the United States, " to inflame their minds to more vigorous opposition to the Americans." About this time Thomas Jefferson wrote : " I hope we shall drub the Indians well this Summer, and then change our plan from war to bribery." He held that the expense of one season's campaign would " buy presents for half a century." Colonel Pickering said that " pacifying the Indians costs less than killing them." To Major-Generai Richard Butler, in command of a body of American troops and anxious to fight the Indians. Secretary Knox wrote on June 9th, 1791 : " You mention taking some measures with the Six Nations. This must not interfere with the Treaty which is to take place at the Painted Post, to be held there by Colonel Pickering the 17th instant. I am of your opinion, that the Indians must join one side or the other, and that the Senecas and the others had better join ours than the enemy. Colonel Pickering is instructed on this point." On the 23d of June, Secretary Knox forwarded a second com- munication to Major-General Butler, directing him to observe caution in his relations with the friendly Indians, lest the Six Nations should catch the war spirit and join the western Indians. He said : " Colonel Pickering, who is at this time holding a Treaty with the Six Nations at the Painted Post, has directions to aim at the same thing that you are attempting, to wit : to obtain a body of these warriors to join the army. If he shall be successful, I have directed that the route of of the Indians be from the Cornplanter's town to Fort Franklin, and that Lieutenant Jeffers would there join them, and proceed as you shall direct. A party of sixty Indians has been contemplated, but I have men- tioned to Colonel Pickering that if more should offer it would not be material ; but unless they could be at Fort Franklin by the 20th of July, at farthest, the arrangement would be useless." 100 Groups of Indians Straggle Leisurely to the Treaty. Writing to Major-General Butler under date of July 21st, 1791, Secretary Knox said : " Colonel Pickering informs me that as it would be impossible for the Indians to be at Fort Franklin by the 20th instant, he shall not influence any of them to join our army, and that he has understood that any such attempt would be ill received. The great object of Colonel Pickering's Treaty was to keep the Six Nation's quiet, and to prevent their joining the opposite side, by drawing them a different way." While on his way from Wyoming to hold the Treaty, Colonel Pickering wrote to his wife, from Tioga Point, Tuesday, June 14, 1791: " I have arrived here this morning in perfect health. The waters of the Tioga [Chemung] River, are so low that the provisions and stores can be got no farther than New Town, about twenty miles from this place^ where, of course, the Treaty will be held. There are many inhabitants in that neighborhood, so that living will be more agreeable than at the Painted Post. I purpose, however, to visit the latter place ; shall, probaMy, go as far as Colonel Lindsley's." The next day Colonel Pickering wrote his wife as follows : " On the Tioga River, five miles below the Painted Post. I am now at Major McCormick's. Before I decide where to hold the Treaty, I mean to see some of the Indian chiefs, and if I can make them satisfied will hold the Treaty at New Town Point ; otherwise we must draw up the provisions and stores to the Painted Post — drawing the loaded canoes with oxen where the water is too shallow." The following letter, dated at New Town, June 27th, 1791, written to Thomas Mifflin, Governor of Pennslyvania, throws some light on the leisurely manner in which groups of Indians came straggling to the Treaty : " Honored Sir : — I arrived at this place on the 18th instant, where I found Colonel Pickering and a few Indians, the water being so low he could not reach the Painted Post, the place appointed for the Treaty, so he con- cluded to hold it at this place. " Since I came here there is to the amount of near 200 warriors and others of the Oneida and the Onondaga tribes arrived, and yesterday a runner came from the Senecas, saying there were 682 of them in a body on the way, besides a considerable number from other towns who were expect- ed to join them ; but the Cornplanter was not amongst them, and the runner could not inform me whether he would come to the Treaty or not, and as my business here was to see him, I concluded it would be only losing of time for me to wait for him, as I have other business to attend to, and it does not appear to me that the Treaty will be over this three weeks. " I left a letter informing him of my having been here, with an inten- tion of doing his business, to be forwarded to him if he does not attend the Supplies and Presents For Treaty Purposes. 101 Treaty, with my reason for not waiting— promising at the same time to attend to the same as soon as I came to that country in safety. " I am, Sir, with sentiments of esteem, your most humble servant, " His Excellency, Thomas Mifflin. JOHN ALDEN." As all members of the various tribes and clans of the Six Nations and all other natives who cared to come, were invited to be present at the Treaty of the Painted Post, as guests of the United States, it was necessary for Colonel Proctor to provide food and refereshments to supply the appetites of about 2,000 red skins, in addition to his associates and numerous whites in attendance. And in addition the supply of presents was large. The bulk of the supplies was furnish- ed by Matthias Hollenback, pioneer Indian trader, proprietor of general stores at Wysox, Wyoming, Tioga Point and Newtown, dealer in peltry, cattle and lands, and whose canoes and flat boats plied the Susquehanna and Chemung from the frontier settlements to the seaboard. Bills rendered by Matthias Hollenback, approved by Colonel Pickering, and paid by the United States Government, for Treaty purposes, amounted to nearly three hundred pounds sterling. Among the items were 120 bushels of wheat delivered at grist mill of John Shepard at Tioga Point, paid John Shepard 15 flour barrels, 16 bush- els of wheat delivered at Wyonkoop's mill, barrels for same, G. Maxwell, going to Chenango for some stall-fed beef cattle, three days ; carriage of 59 cwt. of United States goods from Wyoming to Tioga Point, chocolate, sugar, three gallons whisky, milk, loaves of bread, meat, flour delivered to Oneida Indians on the way up, boat and hands conveying load of U. S. goods from Tioga Point to New- town Point, four rum kegs delivered to Indions, not returned ; carri- age of four kegs of rum to Painted Post, 90 3-4 gallons of whisky delivered at sundry times, 30 1-2 gallons and 1 pint of rum delivered at sundry times, 33 pounds of vermillion, two pairs shoes and four powder horns for Captain Hendrick, 15 1-2 quarts of wine, 7 baiTels of wheat flour, 62 pipes, expense of four chiefs at Painted Post, four bushels corn from John Dillon, 3 1-2 dozen large silver, brooches, four yards ribbon, 72 bushels corn, potatoes ; corn, potatoes and flour delivered at various times at both Painted Post and Newtown, salt, butcher knives for Stockhridge Indians, two rifles delivered to Capt. Hendrick, cambrick cloth, skeins thread, fowls, powder, calico, canoe, butcher knives for various Indians, a "kirb" bridle for Chief O'Beel's 102 Colonel Pickering as Master oj Ceremonies, brother, hauling grain to and from Baldwin's mill, 101 heads and "pluck" delivered to the Indians. The above does not include the invoices of blankets, adornments, hunting equipment, kettles, etc., and gew-gaws in generous supply, shipped up-stream to Newtown, in bales and packages, as presents from the Thirteen Fires to the Indians, " to brighten all the links of the chain of friendship." Wyncoop's mill and Baldwin's mill, for grinding grain, were located between Chemung and Newtown. Colonel Pickering had difficulty in getting sufficient grain ground to meet the inordinate appetites of the Indians. In connection with claims for sundries and services for the Treaty, Mr. Hollenback, in a final accounting, said : " In addition to the supplies and disbursements charged in my account, I have now closed the same with a charge of £20 5. 0. for purchasing all the com, wheat and potatoes ; for attending the carrying of the grain to mill, grinding, getting flour casks, for forwarding the same to Newtown Point, with all the United States goods from Tioga to New Town ; for employing; hands for the boat and canoes, for delivering and issuing the meal, corn and potatoes to the Indians from day to day, as called for ; going twice to Painted Post to deliver provisions myself, and for sending Jacob Hart twice to the same place from Newtown Point, in all thirty -six days at a dollar and a half a day. This charge I trust you will think reasonable, for you saw the great trouble which attended the procuring the extra supplies of grain from a variety of places, often in small quantities, and in getting them transported." There was a general attendance of pioneers of the Genesee Country at this treaty. Every settlement on the Chemung, Tioga, Canisteo and the Genesee rivers, and in the lake region, was repre- sented by men, who watched the proceedings with keenest solicitude, and rendered Colonel Pickering such assistance as was possible. During all those anxious days, as master of ceremonies, Colonel Pickering remained cool, deliberate, calculating, unyielding, ever courteous ; a master of the kind of diplomacy required to compel desired results at an Indian Council composed of turbulent elements. Colonel Pickering was by nature well fitted for dealing with the Indians. He was a six-footer, well-proportioned, and a giant in strength. He could endure pain without the movement of a muscle. The Indians generally liked him, and by them he was given the name of Don-Neh-Sauty, meaning the " Sunny-Side-of-a-Hill." Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXII. Great Council Fire Lighted at Newtown. THE PLANS of the Federal Government, to draw the friendly Indians and those under their influence, away from the British frontier and conduct a Treaty at a point inaccessible to malcontent reds generally, worked out so nicely that v/hen on the 21st of June, 1791, the Council Fire was lit on the Chemung flats at Newtown, the success of the undertaken seemed assured. There were nearly 2,000 members of the Iroquois tribes present, and their principal Sachems and Chiefs with the exception of Joseph Brant and a few kindred spirits. To the surprise of the whites. Red Jacket was on hand. This crafty diplomate and orator, endeavored by all means to secure the best possible bargains for his tribesmen. He was audacious in the presentation of his claims and the persistence with which he held to position after position, but in debate he was no match for the brilliant and affable Pickering. The most potent and forceful Indian at the Treaty was Cornplanter. The prime objects of the Treaty were, to get the Six Nations to agree to a lasting peace with the United, to induce them to help win over the Indians of the Northwest, and to prevent interference with the white occupants of lands in Western New York, title to which had been duly surrendered. To bring desired results, it was necessary for Colonel Pickering, first of all, to adjust existing Indian grievances, among which the dispute with Oliver Phelps over the purchase of the Genesee Country was paramount. One by one the various treaties between the Six Nations and the United States were taken up, in order, and disposed of, until finally the Treaty of Buffalo Creek, entered into in 1788, with Oliver Phelps, was brought up. 103 104 The Phelps Land Deal Investigated at Treaty. Colonel Pickering took the testimony of both the Indians and of Oliver Phelps and his associates, as to the agreements under which Phelps secured title to the Genesee Country. White men of good repute, who had personal knowledge of the negotiations and dealings of Oliver Phelps with the Indians, also gave testimony. At the request of Oliver Phelps, Colonel Pickering asked Sha-Ron-Yo-Wa-Nen, the Chief of the Onondaga Indians; and O-Ja- Ge-Ghete, [Fish Carrier], Chief of the Cayugas, whose names appeared on the quit-claim deed given to Phelps at Canandaigua in August, 1789, relating to the contents of the paper. They said they did not remember what papers had been read at the treaty at Canandaigua, but declared they well remembered that the bargain between Oliver Phelps and the Five Nations at Buffalo Creek was this : That Mr. Phelps was to pay five thousand dollars for the purchase and five hundred dollars every year forever. They said they signed the paper at " Konnaudaugua " to confirm the bargain 'which had been made with Mr. Phelps at Buffalo Creek. This contradicted the claim of Complanter, Half -Town and Big Tree, in their speeches at Philadelphia, that Phelps had agreed to pay $10,000 down and $1,000 a year forever. It also contradicted the claim made by the Senecas at the Treaty at Tioga Point, the Fall before, that Phelps had agreed to pay $10,00a purchase money and $500 a year rental forever. Matthias Hollenback deposed that he attended the Treaty at Buffalo Creek, in 1788, and that the price of the lands was $5,000, and the sum of $500 yearly ; that " the writings were made according to that contract, and were read and explained in public Councils by Colonel Butler, Captain Brant, James Dean and Rev. Samuel Kirk- land ; and that the Indians appeared to be perfectly satisfied with^the contract as explained to them." Elisha Lee testified that there " neither was nor could there be any fraud or deceit or unfair management in this whole business at Buffalo Creek." He denied that Mr. Phelps had made threats " to intimidate the Indians." The following deposition by Colonel Eleazer Lindsley, who in 1789, immediately following the Treaty of Canandiagua, purchased a township of Oliver Phelps, was subscribed to at Newtown Point on July 5th, 1971, before Jonathan Gazley, a Justice of the Peace, and presented in evidence at the Great Council : Oliver Phelps Speaks in His Own Behalf. 105 " I, Eleazer Lindsley, of lawful age, testify and say, that I was at Canandaigua some time in August, 1789, and that the chiefs of the Six Nations were assembled for the purpose of receiving their pay for the purchase of their lands in the Genesee Country, which purchase I under- stood was made by Oliver Phelps and Nathanial Gorham, Esqs.; and the chiefs then appointed five agents to receive the money and goods for them, to wit : Jones, Smith, Rozeeranty, Jack Berry and one Matthews (who acted as an interpreter for the Cornplanter ;) that the agents counted the money, and appraised the goods, and then declared to the chiefs that it was right ; that they laid off the money and goods to the amount of five thousand dollars, according to the form of the bond, and that the chiefs came for- ward and received the money and goods, and expressed their entire satis- faction ; and then the Cornplanter gave up the bond of Oliver Phelps; and that they had received the full amount thereof. " I further say, that after the goods were appraised, and the money was counted out, by the above mentioned agents, the said Oliver Phelps, Esq., insisted that the chiefs should examine the money and goods for them- selves, to see that they had received the full consideration of the bond, which they accordingly did, and appeared satisfied. " [Signed], ELEAZER LINDSLEY." Speaking in his own behalf, at the Council, Oliver Phelps gave his version of deals with the Indians, going at length into details. He made an earnest defense of himself, in which he said : " I wish in a friendly manner to state to you the particulars of our bargain. When I arrived at Buffalo Creek, the Cornplanter had leased all your country to Livingston and Benton. — [This referred to the 999-year lease scheme.] — I had bought that lease of Livingston ; but I found that you were dissatisfied, and not willing to give up your country. Although I had power to have confirmed that lease and have held your lands, yet I would have nothing to do with your lands without your voluntary consent. I, therefore, to remove the lease out of the way, and set your minds at ease, bought so much of Livingston as covered the Seneca lands, and gave up the lease to you, making it void ; so that all the Seneca lands was yours. So that by my means you got your whole country back again. I then came forward with a speech to you, requesting to purchase a part of your country. You were not willing to sell so much as I wanted, but after a long time we agreed upon the lines . . After some consideration you agreed to the terms proposed, but insisted that I must add some cattle and some rum, to which I agreed. Brothers : You know there were a great many people there ; they all tell alike — they all tell one story. " Now, Brothers, I do not want to contend with you. I am an honest man. If you go to New England and inquire my character, you will not find me such a rogue as you represent me to be. I intend to fulfill all my engagement to you. I now owe you one thousand dollars for two years' rent, which I am willing to pay at any time, at any place you will." The proceedings at Newtown were conducted in a leisurely way 106 Treaty Concludes With a Great Feast. and continued for three weeks. Colonel Pickering improved every opportunity to impress upon the Indians the idea that the adoption of the white man's methods of life would be of great benefit to them. This was a matter that President Washington greatly desired to have brought to their attention, as he believed that such a change would go far towards solving the Indian problem. Cornplanter favored Colonel Pickering in this, but Red Jacket was active in opposition, and a stanch advocate of the ways and wiles of his fathers. The Treaty concluded with a great feast, at which the Indians were the guests of Colonel Pickering and his white associates. On this occasion Colonel Pickering appealed to the chiefs to introduce the arts and customs of civilization among their tribes, saying if they would do so, within five years they might spread such a table themselves from the products of their exertions as craftsmen and farmers. Red Jacket arose and replied in a caustic vein, saying : " Brother : You have during these negotiations said a good deal on civilization. No Chief present can forget what you have told us. They will bear it in mind if they should not follow your advice. " Brother : We thank you for your good counsel, and as an additional inducement to its adoption, I am happy to perceive that you have introduc- ed to our notice several young white men, who will doubtless feel that patriotism which your oratory is calculated to inspire — proud that they can give a practical illustration of its sincerity by inter-marrying with our women." Red Jacked had noticed that some of the younger white men were on pretty good terms with attractive squaws. The Treaty culminated in a general exchange of expressions of friendship. Presents were distributed in behalf of the Great Chief of the Thirteen Fires. And in closing the Treaty, Colonel Pickering extended to the chiefs an invitation to visit Philadelphia at their convenience and hold a Council with the the Great Father of the Thirteen Fires. This invitation was accepted. Commenting on the Treaty of the Painted Post, William L. Stone, in his " Life and Times of Red Jacket," says : " The speeches interchanged between the chiefs and Colonel Pickering, at this Council, have not been preserved ; but the result was favorable in yet further diverting the attention of the Six Nations from the affairs of the Western Indians in actual hostility; while by a liberal distribution of presents, the young warriors were checked in their proponsity to start away on the war-path whenever blood was sniffed in the tainted breeze." President Washington continued to cultivate the friendship of the Six Nations, satisfied that while they kept the peace, the safety St. Clair's Defeat Renews Unrest oj the Iroquois. 107 of the settlers in Western New York and Western Pennsylvania was assured. Arrangements were pressed for the establishment of a fort at Erie, Pa., the gate-way between the lands of the Six Nations and the tribes of the Northwest. Oliver Phelps and Robert Morris at once resumed business relations with the Indians, and settlers in large numbers entered the Genesee Country — coming forward from New England by way of the Mohawk ; and from Long Island, New Jersey, Eastern Pennslyvania and along that seaboard, by way of the Susquehanna. In each stream of home-seekers there was a mingling of new arrivals from beyond the Atlantic. On the Genesee, in August, 1791, in the presence of James Wadsworth, Thomas Rees, Thomas and William Morris and certain other white men of good repute, the Indians received from Oliver Phelps a thousand dollars — (" rising of seven hundred dollars of which sum is in cash and the residue in calico and linens, estimated at a reasonable price.") On the morning of November 4, 1791, just before daybreak, the United States force led by General St. Clair, 1,400 strong, was defeat- ed by the Indians, about 15 miles from the village of Miami. The American lost was 531 officers and men killed outright, 283 officers and men wounded — many of them mortally. Not a horse was left alive. The disaster was deplorable ; it was followed by massacres of settlers and the destruction of settlements all along that frontier, and renewed unrest among the Iroquois tribes. About 150 of Joseph Brant's best Mohawk warriors took part in the battle, as allies of the enemy, as also minor bands of Iroquois Indians. Under date of January 7th, 1792, Secretary of War Knox, in view of the gravity of the Indian situation, brought about by the defeat of St. Clair, sent an appeal to the Complanter and other friendly chiefs of the Six Nations, by President Washington's order, saying : " Brothers : The unfortunate defeat of our troops at the westward does not dishearten the United States, and I hope it does not you. It is true we lament the blood that has been spilt in a war which you know we wished to avoid. You know this as well from the mouth of our Great Chief, General Washington, as from the endeavors of Colonel Proctor, whom I sent to you last Spring. But the number of men we have lost we can easily replace, and, therefore, although the continuance of the war will be trouble- some, yet in the long run we must conquer. " Brothers : The United States must and will protect their frontier inhabitants, and much evil will befall the bad Indians. General Washington regards you as our fast friend, and he will take care of you. . . We wish to consider that you and your people are part of ourselves. 108 Wayne's Victory Ends Danger of Iroquois Uprising. " I have sent you a few presents, to replace those things which the bad people plundered you of last Spring. Receive them with an earnest of the United States ; and let us know what other articles you wish, and they shall be sent you. " Let nothing shake your friendship, for, be assured, we only seek to do that which is right and just" A deputation of fifty chiefs of the Six Nations, accompanied by Rev. Samuel Kirkland, the missionary, arrived in Philadelphia on the 13th of March, 1792, on invitation of the Federal Government. There was considerable speech-making, and the " links of the chain of friendship " were once more brightened by liberal presents to the Indians. President Washington assured the chiefs that the United States would provide for them. He said : " Let it be spread abroad among all your villages, and throughout your land, that the United States are desirious not only of a general peace with all the Indian tribes, but of being their friends and protectors." General Anthony Wayne with a force of 900 men, wiped out the disgrace of the defeat of St. Clair, by defeating 2,000 Indians near Fort Miami, on the 20th of August, 1794. From time to time minor Councils were held by Federal officials with friendly head-men of the Iroquois tribes, but matters drifted, causing anxiety among the settlers in the Genesee Country, for it was known that Joseph Brant and Red Jacket were persistent in their efforts to lend aid and comfort to the warring natives of the Northwest. However, another Treaty was held at Canandaigua, where on the 11th day of November, 1794, an agreement was signed by Colonel Timothy Pickering, representing the United States, and fifty-nine Sachems and Chiefs of the Six Nations, under which the Indians recognized all former treaties and land sales made by them. On the 2d of December, 1794, a similar Treaty was signed by Colonel Pickering and fifteen Stockbridge Sachems and Chiefs. At a Treaty held at Genesee, in September, 1797, except for a few minor reserves, fifty-two Sachems, Chiefs and Warriors of the Seneca Nation, sold the part of New York State west of the Genesee River to Robert Morris, of Philadelphia, for the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, " to be by the said Robert Morris vested in the stock of the Bank of the United States, for the use and behoof of the said Nation of Indians." With th opening up of the extreme western part of New York for settlement, all fears of an uprising of Indians of the Iroquois federation, or an invasion by western Indians, came to an end. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXIII. The Original Township of Painted Post. PAINTED POST is a name that oppeals— it means something, and has a history that appeals. Its origin as the name of a distinctive locahty anti-dates the first map of the Genesee Country, When the first white man venturing beyond the bounds of civilization, paddled a canoe up the Chemung River, at the gateway of the land of mystery, where the stream forked, and age-worn Indian trails joined, there stood in bold relief a massive, weather-beaten oak post. It was a painted post. The design was distinctive. The adventurer was deeply impressed by peculiar markings on the post ; by evidences that it had sustained rough usage at the hands of human beings who had wielded implements ; and also at its extreme age. This was a century and a half ago. It was revealed to the experienced woodsman, as the result of careful examination of the post, and its condition where it entered the light alluvial soil, that it had stood there for ages. According to some of the Indians, when in settlement days they were questioned about the matter, this post had been erected to replace one that had rotted off— a practice that, according to Indian tradition, had been kept up from " the beginning." The Painted Post Section of the Genesee Country was the name by which the whole Chemung water-shed was known from the time Sullivan's army hustled the native tribes out of it, until Steuben County was formed and named by act of the New York State Legislature, in 1796. To bring this about it was necessary to cut the heart out of Ontario County— all of that section of the State west of the center of Seneca Lake. But the hardy pioneers breathed into the new County the breath of life, and it became a living soul And on the 18th of March, 1796, the original Township of Painted Post was formed. The town extended from the Pennsylvania line, 18 109 110 First White Settlers On the Upper Chemung. miles north, and from the Massachusetts pre-emption Hne 12 miles west, and was composed of six of the six-mile square towns as mapped by the Phelps and Gorham surveyors, namely : Campbell, Caton, Corning, Hornby, Erwin and Lindley, Erwin and Hornby were taken off in 1826 ; Campbell in 1831 ; Lindley in 1837 ; Worm- ley, (now Caton), in 1839. The village of Corning was incorporated in 1848, and in March, 1852, the name of the remaining portion of the former Township of Painted Post was changed to Corning. This cleared the way for the Village of Painted Post to assume the name. The first white man to erect a dwelling within the bounds of the present County of Steuben was William Harris, a hunter, who built a log cabin on the bank of the Conhocton, near the famous " painted post," in 1784. He was a son of the Pennsylvania pioneer who built and occupied the first house at Harrisburg, and gave the place its name. In 1787 Frederick Calkins, from Vermont, erected a log cabin home on the south bank of the Chemung River, opposite three tall pillars of shale rock, the locality being known as "Chimney Narrows." This was the first dwelling within the bounds of the present city of Corning. That year Eli and Eldad Meade, brothers, erected a cabin on the Conhocton River flats, about two miles above the " painted post/' and George Goodhue, of Massachusetts, located a home on the Conhocton near the mouth of Mead's Creek. These men were all " squatters." In 1783 John Gould drove some fat cattle from New Jersey by way of Tioga Point, Newtown and the " painted post " to Fort Niagara, arriving there in June. He said of the trip : " When I came through in 1783, 1 saw no white Inhabitant after leaving Newtown, till I arrived at Fort Niagara. At Newtown there was one unfinished log house. The " painted post " was at the junction of the Indian trails. It was a post striped red and white." There were two natural routes of travel into and out of the Genesee Country— the Susquehanna and the Mohawk. A third, or southern route, was added when in 1792 Captain Williamson opened a crudely constructed highway from the Ross farm, nowWilliamsport, Pa., to the mouth of the Canaseraga Creek, on the Genesee River, a distance of one hundred and fifty miles. Augustus Porter, who assisted in making the original surveys of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase, entered the Cenesee Country in Over the Mohawk Route To the Genesee in 1789. Ill 1789, by the Mohawk Valley or Northern route. The following is copied from his biography, a most interresting narrative : " In the year 1789, Captain William Bacon, General John Fellows, General John Ashley, and Elisha Lee, Esq., of Sheffield, Mass.; Deacon John Adams, of Alford, Mass., and my father, having become the purchasers of Township No. 12, 1st Range, (now Arcadia, Wayne County), and No. 10 in the 4th Range, (now East Bloomfield, Ontario County), then in the County of Montgomery, New York, I entered into an agreement with them to go out to survey the tracts. I accord- ingly, in pursuance of previous arrangements made with Captain Bacon, met him at Schenectady, early in May, 1789. Here I found that Captain Bacon had collected some cattle, provisions, and farm- ing utensils, for the use of settlers who were going forward in company with Deacon Adams and his family, whom I also met at the same place, and who took charge of the cattle. The provisions were taken into two boats. I assisted in navigating one of the boats, each carrying about twelve barrels, and known as Schenectady batteau, and each navigated by four men. Leaving Schenectady we proceed- ed up the Mohawk to Fort Stanwix, (now Rome). In passing the Little Falls of the Mohawk, the boats and their contents were transported around on wagons. At Fort Stanwix we carried our boats, etc., over a portage of about one mile, to the waters of Wood Creek. This creek affords but little water from the portage to its junction with the Canada Creek, which falls into Wood Creek seven miles west of Fort Stanwix, At the portage there was a dam for a saw-mill, which created a considerable pond. This pond, when filled, could be rapidly discharged, and on the flood thus sud- denly made, boats were enabled to pass down. We passed down this stream, which empties into Oneida Lake, and through the lake and its outlet to the Three River Point, and thence up the Seneca River and the outlet of Kanadasaga Lake, (now Seneca Lake), to the Kanadasa- ga settlement, (now Geneva). The only interruption to the naviga- tion of this river and the outlet, occurred at Seneca Falls and Waterloo, (then known as Scoys). At Seneca Falls we passed our boats up the stream empty, by the strength of a double crow, our loading being taken around by a man named Job Smith, who had a pair of oxen and a rudely constructed cart, the wheels of which were made by sawing off a section of a log, some two and a half or three feet in diamater. At Scoys we took out about half our load to pass, consisting mostly of barrels, which we rolled around the rapids. 112 Painted Post Wilderness Surveyed Into Townships. " From the time we left Fort Stanwix until we arrived at Kana- dasaga we found no white persons, except at the junction of Canada and Wood creeks, where a man lived by the name of Armstrong ; at Three River Point a Mr. Bingham, and at Seneca Falls was Job Smith. Geneva consisted of six or seven families. There Asa Ransom had a small shop and engaged in making Indian trinkets. " At Geneva we left our boats and cargoes in charge of Captain Bacon. Joel Steel, Thaddeus Keyes, Orange Woodruff and myself, took our packs on our backs and followad the Indian trail over to Canandaigua, (then called Kanandarque). Here we found General Chapin, Daniel Gates, Joseph Smith (Indian interpreter), Benjamin Gardner and family, Frederick Saxton (surveyor), and probably some half a dozen others." Mr. Porter having completed his engagement in surveying the northern section of the Phelps and Gorham purchase, he changed his field of operations to the Painted Post territory. He wrote : " Colonel Hugh Maxwell, a surveyor, had contracted with Phelps and Gorham the previous year — [1788] — to run out into townships the whole of that part of their purchase to which the Indian title had been extinguished. Not having completed the work, he entered into an agreement with Mr. Saxton and myself, to survey a portion, con- sisting of about forty townships, which now constitute part of Steuben County. We entered immediately on this survey, and completed it in the course of the season. While engaged in it we made our headquarters at Painted Post, on the Conhocton River, at the house of old Mr. Harris and his son William. These two men, Mr. Goodhue who lived near by, and a Mr. Meade two miles up the river at the mouth of a stream since known as Meade's Creek, were the only persons on the territory we were surveying. Before we left, however, Solomon Bennett, Mr. Stevens, Captain Jameson and Mr. Crosby arrived from Pennsylvania, in search of a township for purchase and for future settlement, and fixed on Township No. 3, in the 5th, and No. 4, in the 6th range, both lying on the Canisteo River, and soon settled the same." By a deed dated November 18th, 1790, Oliver Phelps and Nath- aniel Gorhom conveyed to Robert Morris all of their Massachusetts Pre-Emption remaining unsold, about 1,200,000 acres. Morris, by a deed dated April 11th, 1792, conveyed to Charles Williamson, nearly all of these lands. Williamson made the purchase and adminstered Source of Painted Post Township Land Titles. 113 the estate in trust for an association of English speculators, whose interests were as follows : Sir William Pulteney, nine-twelfths ; John Hornby, two-twelfths, and Patrick Colquhoun, one-twelfth. These men being aliens could not at that time take title to the land. Their agent, Captain Williamson, was of Scotch parentage ; he landed in Baltimore in 1791, coming to America to act as agent for Sir William Pulteney and associates, and in order to qualify as a land-holder he became an American citizen. In April, 1798, the State of New York passed a law permitting aliens to own and dispose of land, and on October 21, 1801, Charles Williamson and his wife conveyed the estate, with extensive "betterments," including hotels and mill properties, to Sir ¥/illiam Pulteney, of London, England. Thence on the tract was commonly called " The Pulteney Estate." The early land owners of Steuben County generally, (except in the towns of Erwin, Lindley, Campbell, Canisteo and Hornellsville, which were purchased direct from Phelps andGorham), derived their titles from Sir William Pulteney and his heirs. The Pulteney Estate maintained a land office in the village of Bath from the founding of the place until a recent date. For nearly a century its agents leased farms to tenants, the "rack-renting" in many instances being oppressive, and preventing the proper development of farms, Phelps and Gorham derived their title to the Genesee Country by purchase directly from the State of Massachusetts ; that common- wealth, first known as the " Colony of Massachusetts Bay," by Royal Charter, from James I, King of England, who claimed the territory of North America by right of discovery and possession made in 1497, under a commission from Henry Vllth, King of England, by the voyager Sebastain Cabot, son of a Venetian merchant. The " Historical and Statistical Gazeteer of New York State," (R. P. Smith, Publisher, Syracuse, N. Y., 1840), contains the following references to the settlement and organization of the townships that formed the original Town of Painted Post : CORNING-Was formed as Painted Post, March 18, 1796. Its name was changed March 31, 1852. Erwin and Hornby were taken off in 1826, and Wormly, now Caton, in 1829. A part was annexed to Erwin in 1856. It lies on the eastern border of the County, south of the center. The wide valley of the Chemung River, extending northwest and southeast through the center of the town, and several lateral valleys, divide the uplands into rounded hills and narrow 114 Erwin Was Included in Old Painted Post, ridges. Its streams are Borden, Post, Narrows, Qump Foot and Winsfield creeks, tributaries of the Chemung River. The soil upon the hills is a heavy, slatey loam, and in the valleys a fine quality of sandy and gravelly loam, occasionally intermixed with clay. Coming village, incorporated September 6, 1848, is situated on south bank of the Chemung River, in the west part of the town. It is a half-shire of the County. The Chemung Canal, the Blossburg and Corning Railroad, and the Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad, terminate here ; and the village is an important station on the New York and Erie Railroad. It contains five churches, two newspaper establishments, two banks, a State arsenal, and several mills and manufacturing establishments, and commands an extensive and constantly increasing trade. Population, 4,626. In 1852, 40,000 tons of Blossburg coal, brought by the Blossburg and Corning Railroad, were transhipped at this place, and 50,000,000 feet of lumber exported. Knoxville, opposite Corning, contains two churches and has a population of 628. Centerville contains 25 houses, Gibson lies on the north bank of the Chemung, cme mile east of Corning ; population 428. East Painted Post is a post office. The first settlements ware made in 1788, by Frederick Calkins and Benjamin Eaton. Benjamin and Peleg Gorton, Jr., Ephriam Patterson and his sons Ichabod and Stephen ; Bradford Eggleston, Justus Wolcott ; Elias, William and Henry McCormick ; Hezekiah Thurber, Jonathan Cook, Samuel Colgrove, and Elias and Eldad Mead settled in the town in 1790-'91-'92 ; Jonathan and Warren Rowley in 1794; James Turner and Caleb Wolcott in 1795; George McCulloch and Benjamin Patterson in 1796 and Nehemiah Hubbell in 1798. The first birth was that of James Calkins, November 24th, 1790 ; the first marriage that of Benjamin Gorton and Rachel Wolcott, in 1794 ; the first death that of Ichabod Patterson, in 1794. Ichabod Patterson built the first saw-mill and James Henderson the first grist-mill, both in 1793; Benjamin Eaton kept the first store, in 1791, and Benjamin Patterson the first inn, in 1798. The first school was taught by Samuel Colgrove, in 1793. The first religious service was conducted by John Warren, in 1793. ERWIN— ^zm&d for Colonel Arthur Erwin, of Bucks County, Pa., an officer in the Revolutionary War, by whom the township was purchased of Phelps and Gorham. Was formed from Painted Post on January 27th, 1826. Lindley was taken off in 1837, and a part of Corning was annexed in 1856. It lies west of Coming, in the south- Lindley Purchased By an Officer of the Revolution. 115 east part of the County. Its surface is about equally divided between high, rolling uplands and the low valleys of streams. The summits of the hills are 400 to 600 feet above the valleys. Tioga and Canisteo rivers unite in the southeast part of the town, and the Tioga and the Conhocton rivers in the northeast, forming the Chemung River. The valleys of these streams are one to two miles wide. The soil upon the hills is a shaly and clayey loam, and in the valleys it is a fine quality of alluvium. Nearly three-fourths of the surface is yet covered with forests. The lumber trade is extensively pursued. The village of Painted Post, is situated at the junction of the Con- hocton and Tioga rivers ; is a station on the Erie Railroad and the Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad. It contains two churches, a bank, an iron foundry and machine shop, a tannery and a flouring mill. Population, 777. One mile west of Painted Post is a saw, shingle and planing mill, that gives employment to 75 men, and turns out 8,000,000 to 11,000,000 feet of lumber per annum. Coopers Plains is a station on the Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad, and contains a church. Population, 293. David Fuller, Eli Mead and — Van Nye settled in the town in 1791-'92 ; and Samuel, Frank and Arthur Erwin, Captain Howell Bull and John E. Evans in 1800-'01-'02. Samuel Erwin built the first saw- mill in 1820, and the first grist-mill in 1823 ; David Fuller kept the first inn, in 1792. The first school was taught by John E. Evans, in 1812. There are four churches in the town. LINDLEY— Named in honor of Colonel Eleazer Lindsley. Was formed from Erwin, May 12, 1837. It lies upon the south border of the County, east of the center. Its surface is a hilly upland, broken by the deep valley of the Tioga River. The summit of the hills rise 350 to 600 feet above the valley, and most of them are covered with forests. The valley is about one mile wide, and is bordered by steep hillsides. The soil upon the hills is a heavy, shaly loam, and the valleys a rich alluvium. Three-fourths of the surface is still covered with forests. Lumbering is extensively pursued. Lindleytown, on the Tioga River, is a station on the Blossburg and Corning Railroad and contains 15 Dwelhngs. Erwin Center is a railroad station and hamlet upon the river, near the north border of the town. The first settlement was made in 1790, by Colonel Eleazer Lindsley, from New Jersey, the original proprietor of the town, who 116 Campbell Formed From Town of Hornby, located on the Tioga flats. He served in the Revolution. In his migration to his new home he was accompanied by his two sons, Samuel and Eleazer, his sons-in-law Dr. Ezekiel Mulford and Captain John Seelye, and a man named David Cook. The first child bom was EHza Mulford, August 20, 1792 ; the first marriage, that of David- Cook, Jr., and Elizabeth Cady ; and the first death, that of Colonel Eleazer Lindsley, in June, 1794. Joseph Miller taught the first school, near the Pennsylvania line, in 1793 ; the widow of Colonel Lindsley kept the first inn, on the west bank of the river ; and John P. Ryers the first store. The first saw-mill was erected by Colonel Lindsley. There is no church and no place where liquor is sold in the town. CAMPBELL was formed from Hornby, April 15, 183L It is an interior town, lying southeast of the center of the County. Its surface consists of high^ broken ridges,, separated by valleys of the streams. The declivities of the hills are generally steep, and their summits are 300 to 500 feet above the valleys. The streams are : the- Conhocton River, flowing southeast through the west part of the town, and its tributaries ; Wolf Run, McNutt Run, Dry Run, and Meads, Stephens and Michigan Creeks. The valley of the river is about one and a half miles wide. The soil is clayey and gravelly loam upon the highlands and a rich alluvium in the valleys. Named from the Campbell family, who were early and prominent settlers. Settlement was commenced in 1800. The first settlers were Samuel Calkins, Elias Williams, Joseph Wolcott, Rev. Robert Campbell and his son Archibald. The first birth was that of Bradford Campbell ■■ the first marriage, that of Asa Milliken and Rachel Campbell ; the first death, that of Frederick Stewart, in 1806. Campbell & Stephens built the first saw-mill, and Campbell & Knox the first grist-mill. Robert Campbell kept the first inn ; Frederick Stewart the first store. The first church, (Presbyterian), was organized in 1831 ; Rev. B. B. Smith was the first settled pastor, Campbelltown, on the Conhocton, is a station on the Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad ; contains one church, three saw-mills, a flouring-mill, two tanneries and about twenty houses. Curtis is a station on the same railroad. HORNBY was formed from Painted Post, (now Corning), January 27, 1826. Campbell was taken off in 1831, and a part was annexed to Orange, Schuyler County, April 11, 1842. It lies near the center of the east border of the County, and its surface is mostly a Hornby Formed From Original Painted Post 117 high, rolHng upland. The streams are: Dry Run in the northwest, and Post and Borden creeks in the southwest, all flowing in deep, narrow valleys. The soil is a shaly and clayey loam, and of good quality. Named for John Hornby an English landholder. The first settlement was made in 1814, by Asa and Uriah Nash, from Otsego County. Jesse Piatt, John Robbins and Edward Stubbs settled in the town in 1815 ; John St. John, Amasa Stanton, James S. and Hiram <}ardner, Chester Knowlton and Aden Palmer in 1815''16; Benjamin Gardner, Isaac Goodsell, Aaron Harwood and John Sayer in 1818. The first birth was of George Stanton; the first marriage that of John Bidder and Miss Piatt, in 1816 ; and the first death that of John Stanton. Ezra Shaw kept the first inn ; A. B. Dickinson kept the first store ; Isaac La Fevre built the first mill ; Jane C. Leach taught the first school. Hornby Forks, (post office), contains two churches, several manu- factories, and 21 dwellings. CA TON was formed from Painted Post (now Corning), as Wormly, March 28, 1839, and its name was changed April 3, 1840.. It is the southeast corner town of the County. Its surface is a rolling upland, more nearly level than most towns in the County. A consid- erable portion is yet covered with forests. The streams are small brooks, flowing northward. The soil is a clayey and shaly loam. Lumber is extensively manufactured. A temporary sattleraent was made in 1714, by Joseph and Charles Wolcott ; but the first perma- ment settlement was made in 1819, by Isaac Rowley, from Bradford County, Pa. Stephen and Simeon Hurd settled in the town in 1821 ; Solomon Tarbox in 1822 ; E. P. Babcock, Edward Robbins and Henry Miner in 1823. The first birth was that of Shepard Hurd ; the first marriage that of Oliver Wentworth and Elizabeth Hurd ; and the first death that of a child of John Rowe. Bennett Bruce built the first grist-mill ; Samuel Wormly kept the first inn, and W. D. Gilbert the first store ; Edward Robbins taught the first school. The first church, (Presbyterian), was organized in 1832, and Rev. Benjamin Harron was the first settled pastor. The village of Caton, near the center of the town, contains three three churches — Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist Episcopal— and thirty-four houses. The town was named for Richard Caton, of Tioga Point, who in 1804, as an investment, purchased of the Pulteney Estate 4,000 acres of the best land in the township. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXIV. Village of Corning Founded By Albany Capitalists. THE TERRITORY first comprised in the limits of the village of Corning, — as also the village of Knoxville which was annexed when Coming becaone a city — were within the bounds of and part of the original township of Painted Post. The village of Corning was so named in honor of the Albany capitalist, Erastus Corning,, head of the land company that founded the village, in 1836-'37. The original purchase of the township, in 1790, from Phelps and Gorham, was by an association of settlers — Frederick Calkins, Caleb Gardner, Ephriam Patterson, Justus Wolcott, Peleg Gorton and Silas Wood. All of these, with the exception of Silas Wood, built log cabins and began farming on their lands. Soon after making the purchase there was dissatisfaction among these men over the division of the land, and a portion was reconveyed to Phelps and Gorham. A satisfactory adjustment of titles to the remainder of the land was made by a commission composed of William Jennings, Colonel Eleazer Lindsley and John Hendy, and then matters moved in a normal manner. In 1795 a grist-mill was erected on Post Creek. In 1795 Benjamin Eaton opened a general store in a log building on the south side of the Chemung River, on the highway leading to Knoxville. In 1796, Charles Williamson, acting for the Pulteney Estate, built a tavern at Knoxville, on the highway leading to Bath — later known as " The Jennings Tavern." Benjamin Patterson was the original landlord, being succeded in 1813 by John Jennings, who purchased the property and gave it the name by which it was widely known. Other early settlers were, David Fuller, Stephen Ross, Howell Bull, George McCullough, Jonathan and Jeduthan Rowley, Abraham Bradley, Dr. Phineas Bradley, Elikain Jones, Enos Calkins, James Turner, William Knox, Samuel Shannon, David Heyden, Joseph Grant, Jonathan Cook, David Trowbridge, Hezekiah Thurber and Ansell McCall. 118 Trade and Transportation Problems in Early Days. 119 About 1795 the settlement of Knoxville began to take the lead in the Painted Post section of the Genesee Country, in the number of dwellings and as a trading point. John Knox, for whom the place was named, kept a general store, buying and shipping peltry and furs, grain, and cured game, including " gammon,"— smoked deer hams. He sent and received goods by the Chemung and Sus- quehanna river route to the seaboard He was a man of superior mind and greatly respected. He was a good neighbor, and his advice in matters of business and in the adjustment of disputes was usually accepted. In his home the original Painted Post Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons was organized. The Corning Land Company was organized with a view to acquiring control of the trade and commerce sure to develope on the head waters of the Chemung. Business men of Albany and New York, viewed with much concern the advantage the Susquehanna River and its tributaries afforded their Baltimore and Philadelphia rivals. The Corning Company proposed to divert the trade of the upper Chemung from the natural channel through the new Chemung canal, thus connecting the new village with the head of Seneca Lake, and the Erie Canal, thence to the Hudson River and the sea-coast at New York. This was in part accomplished. But before taking up the advent of the Canal-Horse, so soon displaced by the Iron-Horse, let us consider the travel and transpor- tation problems with which the original settleK5 and their early followers were compelled to contend : The first settlers to locate homes on lands of the southern portion of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase, had in mind the natural transportation advantages— numerous navigable streams, available a goodly portion of the Summer season, though ice-bound in Winter. No other section of the Genesee Country was so favored. Be it remembered that this was many years before railroads, and instant personal communication by electric current regardless of distance, had been evolved by the mind of man. Fulton tried out the first steamboat in 1807, but no such clumsy affair could navigate the rapid waters of the narrow and crooked Chemung, going or coming, in times of flood— at other times a small flat-boat was the Hmit. With the expectation of bringing the Genesee Country and the cities of Baltimore and Philadelphia into neighborly touch with the Pulteney lands in the Genesee Country, about the first exploit of 120 Charles Williamson Succeeds Robert Morris. Charles Williamson, on assuming the land agency, was the construc- tion of an impossible north-and-south bee-line highway through the rugged wilderness from Northumberland to the Genesee. Of this rash undertaking a most interesting account is given in the "History of the Settlement of Steuben County, N. Y,, by Guy H. McMaster, Bath, 1853," from which the following is condensed : " Charles Williamson, the first agent of the Pulteney Estate, was a native of Scotland. He entered the British army in his youth, and during the Revolutionary War held the commission of Captain in the Twenty-Seventh Regiment of Foot. His regiment was ordered to America, but on the passage Captain Williamson was captured by a French privateer. He remained a prisoner at Boston till the close of the war. " On his return to Europe he made the acquaintance of the most distinguished men of England, and was often consulted concerning American affairs. On the organization of the association of Sir William Pulteney and the others, he was appointed its agent, and entered zealously into schemes for colonizing the Genesee Forest. " Captain Williamson was- a man of talent, hope, energy and versatility ; generous and brave of , spirit, swift and impetuous in action, of questionable discretion in business, a lover of sport and excitement, and well calculated by his temperament and genius to lead the proposed enterprise. Having landed in Baltimore in 1791, and taken the steps required by our naturalization laws, he received fn his own name, from Robert Morris, a conveyance of the Pulteney Estate, and began immediately his preparations for colonization. He opened communication with many planters of Virginia and Maryland, proposing that they transfer themselves and their house- holds from the worn-out plantations of the South to the fresh woods of the Genesee. He established his center of organization in the village of Northumberland, at the mouth of the West Branch of the Susquehanna. " In the Winter after his arrival in America, Captain Williamson made a visit to the Genesee by the way of Albany and Mohawk. In the upper valley of the Mohawk he passed the last of the old settle- ments. From these German farms the road was but a lane opened in the woods. A few cabins, surrounded by scanty clearings, were thence the only indications of civilization that met his eye, till he stood amongst a group of cabins at the foot of Seneca Lake. A little settlement had been commenced at Canandaigua. The Wadsworths Captain Williamson Builds Road Over Alleganies. 121 were at Big Tree. Jemima Wilkinson and her followers had a settlement at the outlet of Crooked Lake — [now Keuka Lake]. Wilderness upon wilderness was before him. In the southern district of the estate there were small settlements on the Chemung and the Canisteo, accessible only from below by the rivers. " The following Summer Captain Williamson determined to open a road from Northumberland to the Genesee, across a ridge of the Alleganies. A road was located from the Ross farm, now Williams- port, to the mouth of the Canaseraga Creek, on the Genesee, a distance of 150 miles. This road was opened the ensuing Autumn by a party of German emigrants. The time when Ben Patterson brought the Germans through is yet remembered by a few of our aged citizens. The simplicity, the sufferings and the terrors of these Teutonic pioneers were matters of much amusement to the rough woodsmen. About 200 men, women and children, direct from the Fatherland, destitute and inexperienced, composed the colony which it was proposed to send over the mountains to the Tioga, thence by the Tioga and Conhocton valleys to the Genesee. Benjamin Patterson, and seven stout young Pennsylvanians well skilled in the use of the axe and rifle, chosen by him, with the assistance of the Germans, were to open the road. Soon the German laborers became weary and lame, the discomforts of the woods was to them beyond endurance, and their complaints grew longer and more doleful at each sunset. When it was night the howling of wolves scared the children. The equinoctial storms came on and the dreary rains poured down hour after hour, flooding the gorges. Indian Summer came on, while the struggle continued, with Commander Patter- son insistent and unyielding. The men wept, cursed Patterson, and some refused to work, until the sturdy guide and commander threatened violence. At favorable places log cabins were built, and the road opened for some distance in advance before moving the women and children. It was far in November before they completed the passage of the mountains. At the place now occupied by the village of Blossburg they made a camp, where their baker built an oven. Patterson, while hunting in the neighborhood discovered an outcropping of coal, which the Germans pronounced of good quality. The place where the party next stopped, seven miles onward, was named Canoe Camp. When they reached this place their supply of provisions was exhausted. Patterson killed an abundant supply of game, and then went with some of his young men to Painted Post, thirty miles or more below. He ordered provisions boated up to the 122 Helpless German Colonists Winter at Painted Post. Painted Post from Tioga Point, and returned to the camp with several canoes. He found the colonists in utter despair. Providing them with food, the children and some of the women were put into canoes, then with the rest of the party clambering along the bank of of the stream, the journey was continued. At last the Germans beheld with joy the little cabins clustered around the Painted Post. " Here their troubles ended. Flour and coffee from Tioga Point were awaiting them. It was now December. They had been three months in the wilderness and were not in a condition to move onward to the Genesee. Patterson, with thirty of the more hardy men, kept on, however, and opened the road up the Conhocton River to Dansville and the place of destination. The others remained through the Winter of 1793 at Painted Post. The whole colony was conducted to the Genesee in the Spring. There was at this time a single settler in the valley of the Conhocton, above the settlements near the Painted Post. The Germans were well provided for at Williamsburgh ; each family received a house and fifty acres of land, with a stock of provisions for present use, and household and farming utensils. Cattle and sheep were distributed among them. But they were city bred, knew nothing about farming and would not work. At length they broke out into open and outrageous rebellion, which was quelled by a force of men led by the Sheriff of Ontario County, Finally they were removed to Canada." In 1793 Captain Williamson commenced the settlement of the village of Bath— named for Lady Bath, of England, a member of the Pulteney family. Before the end of the season fifteen familes resided there. A saw-mill and a grist-mill were at once erected, and two public houses, a theatre and a race-track soon followed. The road through the wilderness between Northumberland and the Genesee Country did not prove a success, although it was traveled to a considerable extent by persons induced by Captain Williamson to take the journey. For settlers entering the Genesee Country from sections to the south, the Susquehanna and Chemung River route was preferable, and ere long Captain Williamson himself sounded far and wide the particular advantages afforded settlers in the southern section of the Genesee Country, where the lands were on navigable streams connecting with the seaboard, affording cheap and convenient transportation. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity. CHAPTER XXV. Captain Williamson Extols the Genesee Country. CAPTAIN CHARLES WILLIAMSON, as agent of the Pulteney Estate was what in latter-day business terminology would be termed " a live wire." As a real estate agent he " made things hum." He believed in advertising and made extensive use of print- er's ink to extol the glories and business possibilities of the Genesee Country. He was the author of a series of articles, printed in the prominent newspapers and reviews of this country and Europe at intervals prior to 1799, and then issued in pamphlet form, entitled : " Description of the Settlement of the Genesee Country, in the State of New York, in a Series of Letters from a Gentleman to His Friend." The following is gleaned from the cunningly devised " Series of Letters :" " Dear Sir : I with pleasure comply with your request, and will endeavor to furnish you with such information relative to the soil, climate, situation and present state of the Genesee Country as may enable you to judge of the propriety of making it the place of your future residence. From the statement of facts, which have fallen under my own observation, you may be able to form some idea of the rapid growth of this part of the United States. " The country now settling is as remarkable for its natural advantages as for its fertile soil and moderate climate. . . The south part of Ontario County is watered by different branches of the the Susquehanna, viz. the Conhocton, Canisteo, Tuscarora and Cowanesque, all of which unite at the Painted Post, and are naviga- ble from the middle of March to about the first of July, and from the middle of September till late in November. "The emigration into this country in 1797 exceeded former years, a very great proportion of the settlers being the most sub- stantial farmers from Pennsylvania, Maryland, the Jerseys and New England. The country has been already so far improved that the 123 124 Baltimore the Natural Seaport of Steuben County. ■inhabitants live in comfort, and even luxury. The United States has established a weekly post for the carriage of letters. In fact, we found no nconvenience but that the access to the country, for near one hundred miles on each side, was through settlements, in point of improvement, far behind the Genesee Country. To improve our communtcation with the coast seemed to be all that was necessary to render this the equal to any part of America, for comfort and convenience. " The Legislature of the State, by act of 1797, has taken the road from Fort Schuyler to Geneva under its patronage, A lottery had been granted for opening and improving certain great roads, and this one was included. Inhabitants of the country through which the road passed contributed 4,000 days' work The State Commissioner was enabled to complete this road of near 100 miles, opening it 64 feet wide, and paving with logs and gravel the moist parts of the low country through which it was carried. Hence the road from Fort Schuyler, on the Mohawk River, to Genesee, from being in the month of June, 1797, little better than an Indian path, was so far improved that a stage started from Fort Schuyler on the 30th of September, and arrived at the hotel in Geneva the afternoon of the third day, with four passengers. " The traveller of observation cannot fail to be highly gratified to find, on passing the counties of Ontario and Steuben, at least twenty respectable and distinct settlements, each under the direction of some enterprising man, whose greatest ambition, and that of his fellow settlers, is to distinguish'^their settlement above the others. " To the County of Steuben nature has pointed out a market by the Susquehanna River. Several of its branches afford good naviga- tion to the most westerly part of the County. They may be naviga- ted almost to their source, for five or six months of the year, by boats carrying five to eight tons ; but when the surplus produce requires the carriage of heavy articles to Baltimore, the natural sea- port of this part of the country, for six weeks or two months in the Spring, while the waters are kept high by the melting of the snow, a boat may be made to descend the stream, that will carry from two to five hundred barrels of flour. Lumber for the Baltimore market can be sent down with ease and at little expense. This places the County of Steuben in a situation highly flattering to its future. " At the Painted Post, a small village in the most easterly bounds of Steuben County, the different branches of the Tioga, or Chemung J Genesee Country Lumber Rafted to Baltimore. 125. River, form a junction, and all are navigable for a great distance into the Genesee Country. The Conhocton River is navigable to Bath for boats of eight tons. About five miles below Bath it is joined by Mud Creek, so called from a lake that forms its source ; and even this small stream is navigable for boats to Mr. Bartles' mills, built on the outlet of the lake, eleven miles from its mouth. Mr. Bartles* from these mills, rafted 100,000 feet of lumber, last Spring, to Baltimore, by the Susquehanna, and found the business so advantag eous that he is now preparing a much larger quantity for the same market. As you descend the Conhocton, from the accession of many streams, the navigation betters, until you reach the main river at the Painted Post. " The Canisteo, which is the next river to the north, rises' from a marsh in the northwest corner of the County of Steuben, and taking a southwest course, joins the Conhocton at the Painted Post. The distance from the head of the Canisteo to Havre de Grace is 354 miles. It is somewhat singular that this river is navigable almost to its source. From the opposite side of the marsh, the Canaseraga also has its source. This is a branch of the Genesee River, which falls into the St. Lawrence ; while the Canisteo, a branch of the Susquehanna, falls into the Chesapeake. Both are navigable for boats of ten tons to within nine miles of each other, and the portage now in use may be reduced to five miles.. "This country has now drawn the attention of some very respectable characters in the mercantile towns on the Susquehanna, and at Baltimore; and there is no doubt but the farmers will be induced to turn their attention to those articles which are most in demand on the coast. One of the most respectable mercantile houses in Baltimore made a purchase, last year, near Tioga Point, in order to draw to that quarter the trade of the western country. They have built a set of mills, and are establishing an extensive work for the manufacture of ship cordage. If we consider the vast body of rich flats on the Susquehanna, where its various branches pass the Genesee Country, and the ease with which the produce of the Genesee River can be brought to the navigable part of the Canisteo, it will appear that the quantity of hemp which may be collected at Tioga Point, or the Painted Post, will be incalculable. To forward this object it is intended, this season, to begin an establishment at the extremity of the navigation of the Canisteo; and to induce the 126 Ark Carries 500 Barrels of Flour Down Stream. farmers on the Genesee River to cultivate hemp and flax, proper boats will be built to carry those articles to market. "The different communications by water from the Genesee Country to the sea I shall endeavor to explain to you in as few words as possible : From the country known by that name there are three that are now used ; 1st, to Baltimore, by the Susquehanna ; 2d, to Albany, by the Seneca and Mohawk Rivers ; 3d, to Montreal, by Lake Ontario and the River St. Lawrence. And from the southwest part of the Genesee Country, boats may descend the Allegany River, which is a branch of the Ohio, to New Orleans. " Some years ago the high price of flour and lumber at Baltimore induced a Mr. Rryder, a farmer on the Juniata River, to try an exper- iment in the mode of transporting flour from his mills to Baltimore. He built a sort of boat, which he called an ark ; it was long and flat, and constructed of very large timber, such as he supposed would suit the purpose of builders. This vessel, or float, carried 300 barrels of flour. This man had the courage to push through a navi- gation then unknown, and arrived safe at Baltimore, where he received from the merchants a premium of $1 above the market price for every barrel. Thus encouraged, the same person has been down every year since, and has made so considerable improvement on this sort of boat, that arks are now used which carry 500 barrels. " The Susquehanna enters the Chesapeake Bay at Havre de Grace. Few rivers embrace a greater extent of territory within its various branches, and none afford better navigation to so near their source. "From the most diligent inquiry, and from the ease with which Mr. Bartles carried down his lumber last Spring, there does not exist a doubt but that the navigation of the Conhocton and the Canisteo will serve for boats of this kind, carrying from 300 to 500 barrels. As they are never intended to be used but for descending in high water, they are navigated with but few hands, and go down with great rapidity. It is intended that two shall go from the County of Steuben this season. They will be loaded with valuable lumber and a few fat bullocks. It is supposed they will reach tide-water at Havre de Grace in five days. In a few years flour and every other article of produce in demand at the sea-ports, will be carried in the same way. " In Ontario County there are [1797] 19 grist-mills and 28 saw- mills ; in Steuben County there are 10 grist-mills and 20 saw-mills." Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXVI. Colonel Eleazer Lindsley and Colonel Arthur Erwim TWO MEN of prominence in early settlement days in the Painted Post section of the Genesee Country, and the first land owners, were Colonel Eleazer Lindsley and Colonel Arthur Erwin. They were thorough-going business men, attached friends, and while each conducted land ventures and coloniza- tion plans as distinctly individual ventures, nevertheless they had much in common. They both served with distinction as commanders of American troops in the War of the Revolution. They were both in attendance at the Treaty of Canandaigua, where Oliver Phelps met the Indians of the Six Nations and induced them to confirm the bargain he had made at Buffalo Creek the year before with certain of their head-men for the surrender to him of all the Genesee Country east of the Genesee River. At that time and place, each bought of Oliver Phelps a whole township plot of land, six miles square, in the Painted Post section of the Genesee Country,, the lands adjoining — now the townships of Erwin and Lindley. These were the first land sales made by Mr. Phelps, after he acquired title to the Genesee Country from the Indians. Each made the purchase with a view to establishing a commercial center on the head waters of the Chemung and of profiting by the sale of farms to settlers. The career of each of these pioneers was cut short by death, at a time when and under circumstances that prevented the carrying forward to successful fruition of their wisely planned colonization ventures. Sketches of their lives, the materials for which has been gathered with patient research, are given herewith, because of the important positions occupied in the founding of settlements in the Painted Post wilderness by these heroic pathfinders. COLONEL ELEAZER LINDSLEY was born at New Haven, Conn., December 7, 1737. He was a grandson of Francis Lindsley, 127 128 Services of Eleazer Lindsley in War of Revolution. a solder under Cromwell, who came from England in 1651, and settled first at Branford, Conn., and later was a member of the colony that in 1666 founded Newark, N. J. This Francis Lindsley was a signer of the " Fundamental Agreements," under which the new Colony was governed. Later Francis Lindsley settled at Morris- town, N.J. His son Jonathan, who was the father of Colonel Eleazer Lindsley, married Mary Miller, daughter of Thomas Miller and his wife, Margaret Wallace, natives of Scotland and early settlers of Morristown. There Colonel Lindsley owned a farm, which was occupied by his family and managed by Mrs. Lindsley while he was on duty as an officer in the War of the Revolution. Later he owned and operated a grist-mill and a tannery at Morristown, in addition to his plantation. These holdings he sold after he purchased the town- ship in the Genesee Country on which, in 1790, he planted a colony. In his youth Eleazer Lindsley was Ensign of a company of Grenadiers, holding a commission granted December 9th, 1762, by Jonah Hardy, Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of the Province of Nova-Caeseria, or New Jersey. In the War of the Revolution he served as Lieutenant-Colonel in Colonel Oliver Spencer's New Jersey Regiment, helped defeat the British at Monmouth, was on detached service for a time, entertained Washington and LaFayette at his home, and was a member of the Assembly of New Jersey in 1781. His Commission as a Lieutenant-Colonel was granted by the Conti- nental Congress, January 15th, 1777. It read as follows : In CONGRESS. The DELEGATES of the UNITED STATES, of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, New- York, New- Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, TO Eleazer Linsley,Esqr. WE, reposing especial Trust and Confidence in your Patriotism, Valor, Conduct and Fidelity, DO, by these Presents, constitute and appoint you to be Lientenani - Colonel in a Regiment of foot Commanded by Colonel Oliver Spencer, in the Army of the United States, raised for the Defense of American Liberty, and for repelling every hostile Invasion thereof. You are therefore carefully and dilligently to discharge the Duty of Lieutenant - Colonel by doing and performing all manner of Things thereunto belonging. And we do stridtly charge and require all Officers and Soldiers under your Command, to be obedient to your Orders as Lieutenant - Colonel. And you are to observe and follow such Orders and Diredlions from Time to Time, as you shall receive from this or a future Congress of the United States, or Committee of Congress, for that Purpose Colonel Lindsley Member of State Legislature. 129 appointed, or Commander in Chief for the Time being of the Army of the United States, or any other your superior Officer, according to the Rules and DiscipHne of War, in Pursuance of the Trust reposed in you. This Commission to continue in Force until revoked by this or a future Congress. Dated, this fifteenth day of January, Anno Domini, One Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Seven. By Order of the Congress, JOHN HANCOCK, Attest, CHAS. THOMSON, Secy. President. Colonel Lindsley was a member of the " New York Genesee Land Company," which was organized for the purpose of securing possession of Indian lands under a 999-years lease, and sub-leasing to settlers. Employed by the Lessee Company he in 1788 surveyed the lands on the east side of Seneca Lake into farms, and reserved large farms for himself and the members of his family. State interference with " Lessee " plans caused Colonel Lindsley to seek land elsewhere. Accompanied by his sons-in-law, Dr. Ezekiel Mulford and Captain John Seelye, he explored the " Painted Post " section of the Genesee Country, and decided to locate on the Tioga River, near the mouth of the Cowan esque. He sought the advantages of navigable streams that connected with the Atlantic Ocean. There in June, 1790, he established a settlement, having purchased a township of Phelps and Gorham, for which he paid one thousand pounds. The " consideration " named in the deed by which Oliver Phelps transferred title to Colonel Lindsley of " the whole of Township Number One, in the Second Range of Towns," was " £1,000, current money of the State." The subscribing witnesses were Samuel Steel, John Calla, Ebenezer Backus and Ezekiel Mulford. Early in the year 1791 the State Legislature passed an act granting to Ontario County the right to elect a Member of Assembly. Upon receiving word that such action had been taken. Colonel Lindsley took the necessary steps to have a " Town Meeting " held and town officers elected, in order that a Member of the State Legis- lature might be elected for Ontario County— all of the State west of Seneca Lake. The " Town Meeting " was held the first Tuesday in April, 1791, and under the organization thereby effected notices were posted and an election held the last Tuesday in that month, to choose a Member of the Legislature. Colonel Lindsley was elected by a unanimous vote. He was a member of the Legislature that met in New York City in 1972. Thus Painted Post was for a time, at least, the Capital of the Genesee Country. 130 No Post Office in All the Genesee Country. It should be borne in mind that in 1791 that there was only one post office in all New York State, that of New York City ; that there were no envelopes, no postage stamps, no mail routes, no mail car- riers, no railroads, no steamboats, no telegraph lines, and in all the Genesee Country not a rod of decent public roadway. The few settlers in the northern section of the County of Ontario and on the Genesee, did not learn that the County had been accorded the right of representation in the Legislature, until after the settlers in the southern section had duly elected Colonel Eleazer Lindsley to the office. Colonel Lindsley built the first saw-mill and the first grist-mill in the Genesee Country. They were located on the stream now known as Watson Creek, which enters the Tioga River from the west near a mile north of the Pennsylvania line. They were run by the bucket type of over-shot waterwheels, to which water was conducted in flumes. He died at his home, following a brief illness, June 1st, 1794. A signet ring, presented to him and placed on a finger of his left hand by General LaFayette, by request of Colonel Lindsley, who never removed it, was not taken from the finger after his death. His land holdings at the time of his death included nearly one- half of the town of Lindley, a large tract of land in Tuscarora, and eight or nine military grants in central and southern New York east of the Massachusetts Pre-Emption Line. The military tracts he had acquired by purchase from former soldiers of the Revolution. COLONEL ARTHUR H. ERWIN, who purchased the town that bears his name, of Oliver Phelps, while attending the Indian Treaty at Canandaigua, July 18, 1789, was born in Crumlin, Ireland. In 1768, he arrived in this country with a family of five children, his wife having died at sea. He purchased a large tract of land in Bucks County, Pa., and established a settlement, engaged extensively in farming and stock-raising, was a land-dealer, and eventually a drover, supplying fat cattle for government use. After the close of the War of the Revolution, he drove cattle along the Indian trails to the British post on the Niagara Kiver. He re-married and five more children were added to his family circle. Colonel Erwin prospered. He was a keen land speculator. He in 1785 purchased lands at Tioga Point, where in 1788 he established a settlement, with Daniel McDuffee, as resident agent. McDuffee Business Ventures of Colonel Arthur Erwin. 131 was an Old Country neighbor and much esteemed friend, who had followed Erwin from Ireland. McDuffee's log cabin was the stopping place of Colonel Erwin when he had occasion to go to Tioga Point. In the early Summer of 1789 Colonel Erwin accompanied by a number of helpers set out from his big plantation in Bucks County, Pa., for the Niagara frontier with a large drove of fat cattle. The Susquehanna and Chemung valley Indian trails were followed. The cattle were driven leisurely, and allowed to feed on the abundant and luxuriant grasses along the river flats. Arriving at the Painted Post early in July, where excellent pasturage abounded, a stop was made to permit the herd to rest and feed up before taking the Old War Trail thence to the Niagara. At Painted Post he met surveyors who were engaged in plotting that section of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase into townships, each town six miles square. He was called on by an agent of Oliver Phelps, and arrangements made for the delivery of the cattle at Canandaigua, to supply food for those who attended the Indian Treaty. The cattle were delivered at Canan- daigua, in fine condition. For the township that bears his name. Colonel Arthur Erwin paid £1,400 sterling, " lawful money of the State of New York." The value of the drove of fat cattle he supplied Oliver Phelps, for use at the Treaty was credited on the land purchase. In the deed handed to Colonel Erwin by Mr. Phelps, the tract is described as follows : " the certain piece or parcel of land lying in the County of Ontario, in the said State of New York, being Township Number Two, in the Second Range of Townships, being six miles North of the Pennsylvania Line, and Six miles West of the Massachusetts Pre-Emption Line, being six miles square, containing twenty-three thousand and forty acres, known by the name of Painted Post." In September, 1790, Colonel Erwin and eleven associates bought two townships on the upper Canisteo, where several cabins were erected and occupied that Fall. In the Spring of 1791 Colon Erwin brought his sons Samuel and Francis up the river, to arrange for the settlement of his township at the Painted Post. On learning that Treaty with the Indians was soon to be held at the Painted Post, he arranged to deliver a drove of fat cattle at the place of meeting, and leaving his sons to manage affairs on his estate at the mouth of the Conhocton, he started unaccompanied for his home in Bucks County, 132 Assassination of Colonel Arthur Erwin. Pa., to gather and bring on the cattle. He stopped for the night at the home of his friend and tenant, Daniel McDuffee, near Tioga Point, and after the evening meal, while he sat listening to Mr. McDuffee play a flute, a shot was heard without the open doorway. Colonel Erwin arose, started toward the door, exclaimed " I am shot," and fell to the floor. He lived but a few hours. The assassin escaped and was never apprehended. Several per- sons with whom Colonel Erwin had trouble over land were under suspicion, and the conclusion was that a " squatter " fired the shot. The body of Colonel Erwin was taken down the Susquehanna River in a boat to Wilkes-Barre, and carried thence over the mountain to his home at Erwina, for funeral and burial. Under date of April 5, 1791, Colonel Erwin sent a letter to the Governor of Pennsylvania, telling of his troubles with " Connecticut claimants to lands in the County of Luzerne " which " lay upon the Tioga above the Point," and requesting redress and protection. Said Colonel Erwin in this letter, written a few weeks before he was shot : " I have been almost the only man who has, in that country, asserted 'the claims under the government of Pennsylvania, to the lands in Luzerne, by which I have not only subjected myself to insult and abuse, but on more occasions than one been in eminent danger of my life, not from threats merely, but from actual assault, and that of the most aggrivated nature." Under date of June 20th, 1791, there appeared in Claypoole's Advertiser, a newspaper published in Philadelphia, Pa., the following proclamation with offer of reward for the apprehension of the assassin, and in connection therewith the annexed notice of an addi- tional rev/ard offered by four sons of the deceased and a son-in-law : ''A PROCLAMATION, *" BY Thomas Mifflin, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : " Whereas, Information has been given to me under oath, that about an hour after night on Thursday, the ninth day of this instant, June, Arthur Erwin, late of the County of Bucks, in this Commonwealth, Esquire, while peaceably sitting with sundry other persons, in the house of Daniel McDuffie, in the County of Luzerne, received a wound with a bullet, which was discharged from a gun into said house by some person unknown, and of which wound the said Arthur Erwin then and there instantly died. " And Whereas, There is great reason to presume that the said wound was wilfully and maliciously given with the intent to kill the said Arthur Erwin as aforesaid ; and the justice, energy and dignity of the Government require that the most effectual measures be pursued for discovering, secur- Governor Offers Reward For Arrest of Assassin. 133 ing and punishing the perpetrator of so heinous a murder, his aiders and abettors, " Therefore, I have thought it proper and necessary to issue this Proclamation, hereby offering a reward of Two Hundred Dollars to any person or persons who shall discover, apprehend and secure the perpetrator of the said murder, his aiders or abbetors, to be paid upon the conviction of them or any of them. " And beside the reward aforesaid, I do further offer and promise to any one of the who may have been concerned in contriving and committing the said murder, (the actual and immediate perpetrator thereof excepted), a a full and free pardon for the same, upon condition that he shall and does disclose the name or names of his accomplice or accomplices, so that such accomplice or accomplices may be apprehended, tried and convicted. " And all Judges, Justices, Sheriffs, Coroners, Constables, and other officers of this Commonwealth, according to the duties of their respective stations, are hereby required and enjoined to employ all lawful means for discovering, apprehending and securing, trying and bringing to justice, as well the prepetrator of said murder, as all other persons aiding and assisting therein. " Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Philadelphia, the 20th day of June, A. D. 1791, and of the Commonwealth the Fifteenth. " By the Governor : THOMAS MIFFLIN. " A. J. Dallas, Sec'y of the Commonwealth." " IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE REWARD, We, the Subscribers, promise and engage to pay Five Hundred Dollars to the person or persons, who shall discover, apprehend and secure the assassin who, on the night of 9th instant, murdered Arthur Erwin, Esquire, of Bucks County, at Tioga Point, in the County of Luzerne, on conviction of the perpetrator and his execution for the same. "[Signed,] JOHN MULHALLON, SAMUEL ERWIN, JOSEPH ERWIN, WILLIAM ERWIN, HUGH ERWIN." Colonel Lindsley was a member of a commision compose of three men, appointed' by the Ontario County Court, at a term held in Canandaigua in the Fall of 1793, to portion among the natural heirs the property in New York State left by Colonel Erwin, there being no will. The appointment was on request of Joseph and Samuel Erwin, sons of Colonel Arthur Erwin. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXVII. The Log Cabin Homes of Pioneer Days. LOG CABIN HOMES were as common in pioneer days through- out the Genesee Country, as wigwams constructed of small poles sheathed with strips of bark were among the natives before the coming of the pale faces. The log cabin was built to fit. It was a home. The Indian needed no home — in his soul the home instinct, born of the spirit, never found lodgment. His wigwam was built to fit. When, imitating the whites, the savages erected log cabins, they occupied them AS savages ; and too often the house of many gables, pillared porches, great hall, broad and winding staircase, and a superabundance of elaborately furnished rooms, that succeeded the little log cabin of the pioneer, has been as great a misfit. When Payne eulogized and immortalized an ideal home, he had in mind the home of his youth, an humble cottage standing on a quiet street in the village of East Hampton, Long Island, where the first English settlers of this State built and occupied homes. In the Genesee Country a log cabin could be quickly constructed from materials right at hand, even though the prospective occupant had no other implement with which to cut down trees and fashion the logs to complete the new home, than an axe. But among the first settlers, where a few miles of forest between dwellings did not matter, there were available for common use, under the system of exchanging implements, and of making " bees " and hustling up a home, all tools that were needed. These included a broad-axe, an adz, a cross-cut saw, and augers of various sizes ; a maul made by inserting a stout hickory handle into a cut of white oak, was used for driving wooden wedges to split small logs in halves, the face of such timbers to be used for joists, the construction of floors, and rafters. A drawing-knife was used to shave shingles and to shape pieces split from large white pine logs for use in making window and door frames, window sashes and doors, pieces of lumber for 134 Family Circles and Home Life in Log Cabin Days. 135 interior finish, and various articles of furniture. A cross-cut saw- was especially useful in cutting window and door openings and a clearance at one end of the cabin to accommodate the fire-place — which was done after the cabin walls had been completed. Thus the first settlers entered the wilderness and literally carved out for themselves and for their families — present and prospective — HOMES, where they could enjoy the " Life " and " Liberty " they and their fathers had fought for, and could without interruption continue the "pursuit" and attainment "of happiness" under the most promising circumstances. The hunter, or other person, w^ho desired a temporary home for his individual use, would erect a sm.all cabin or shack, without floor, chimney or window. A blanket or the skin of a bear or deer was used to close the door-way. The cooking would be done outside when weather conditions were favorable, at other times at a fire within the shack, the smoke passing out through an opening made for that use. Such shacks were usually the beginning of improve- ments that developed into family homes, as they were erected on premises where now may be found some of the most elaborate mansions within the bounds of the original Township of Painted Post. The more substantial cabins were built up with pine logs ten to twelve inches in diamater, straight and true, notched at the ends so as to interlock and form secure corners for a dwelling, which contained a pantry, a curtained alcove occupied by a bed, and one all-purpose room. Above was a loft, with a ladder in lieu of stairs. Up there the older children slept, as they graduated from a trundle- bed nicely contrived to slide under the large bed in the alcove below when not in use. At one end of the cabin was a large fire-place' where bread was baked in pans covered with hot ashes, cakes and pies and the delicious doughtnuts received their finishing course, and other eatables were fried, roasted, boiled or toasted. Before the flames and glowing embers, attached to a bit of chain or an iron hook that v/as suspended by a rope from a girder above, a fowl, or a quarter of venison, a generous portion of beef or other meat was hung in such a manner as to receive sufficient heat, as it was kept turning slowly round and round, winding one way and then the other to accommodate the tension of the rope's twist, making the most toothsome dish that ever graced a meal. Such roasts, properly seasoned, were basted while cooking, from a dripping pan set on the hearthstone underneath. 136 Family of Twenty-Two Healthy and Happy Children. Such were the homes of the first famiHes of Corning and Vicinity. They were not spacious structures, but no more comfort- able homes were ever erected in any place since the morning stars sang together, and in no homes has family life ever been so thoroughly enjoyed and the spirit of kinship so well developed, as in log cabin days on the head waters of the Chemung. Following the building of a dwelling, the next venture of the pioneer was to provide log huts for the shelter of his stock, and to build about such structures a fence composed of rails or small logs, in the zig-zag manner, as a yard to prevent the stock from roaming at night, and to prevent the intrusion of deer, which were inclined to feed at the stacks of fodder provided for the domestic animals. It was necessary to provide folds that could be securely fastened, for night shelters for sheep, against attacks by wolves, which were numerous. During the days when weather conditions were favorable, farm stock was permitted to roam the woods, and on each farm was a " bell-cow " and a " bell-sheep," of proven leadership, each carrying strapped to its neck a loud sounding bell. This was for the purpose of enabling the farmer to locate the animals when he desired to round them up for the night or to drive them to shelter. These bells made merry music on every hand in settled sections, timing in well with the chorous of the axes wielded by the hardy woodsmen, and the swish and crash of faUing trees. As years passed the size of the pioneer family increased. Each child added to the family was considered a most precious asset. The average number of children in a pioneer family was seven and a fraction. The Overhiser family, in the town of Wheeler, was composed of the father, mother and twenty-two children. " One crisp Winter day," said the late George Renchan, of Renchan's Mills, Town of Wheeler, in telling the writer about this wonderful Overhiser family, " as I was driving past the home of the Overhisers, I stopped my horse and for about ten minutes watched eleven of the children— five girls and six boys — following each other round and round in a path their feet had beaten in the deep show, and sliding merrily down a knoll. Each child was barefooted." The largest pioneer family of Old Painted Post Township was that of Dr. and Mrs. Ezekiel Mulford, members of the Lindley colony — fourteen hale and hearty children. With the exception of a son, whose death was due to accident, all lived to mature old age. A much esteemed woman of Coming, now herself a grand- mother, relates how about the time she first began to " keep Every Member of a Pioneer Family a Helper. 137 company," in all confidence she asked her mother's mother, who had raised a family of seven sons and four daughters, how she " ever lived through it," and received this cheery and reassuring reply : " It was no trouble at all for me to get along with my children. The boys helped their father, the girls helped me, and we all helped each other. In those days after a child got a few years' start it was self-sustaining. When my first child had to give up the cradle, I set to rocking the cradle for the new comer. And so it went Your grandfather and I were good managers and I never had to cook and wash and patch for a hired man." Every member of a pioneer family of sufficient age was a helper. In early times all the house-work was done " by hand ;" this included the making of every garment worn by child or adult. The farmer sowed grain and grass-seed and planted and " hoed-crops " without the use of machinery. Plows, harrows, cultivators that were small harrows, were of home construction. Scythes were swung by men to cut the grass at hay-making. Lodged grain was cut with scythes or sickles, and standing grains with cradles, and left lying in such neat rows, with heads all one way, that " raking and binding " was pleasurable exercise to those crowding after. Each took pride in his or her work— whether carding wool into rolls for spinning, turning the heel of a stocking in knitting, cutting a clean swath when mowing, shaving shingles, chopping wood, or what not. Boots and shoes were classed as luxuries and the wearing of them was avoided in so far as circumstances permitted, by those who dwelt on farms and by many who dwelt in settlements. It was not considered bad form, when ^ meetings " were conducted in log houses, for men and women to come bare-footed. And as late as the first Lincoln election, " bare-foot " men and women were not infrequent sights on the streets and among those trading at the stores, on a Summer day. But no one ever saw a hatless person at large— unless, mayhap, it was a a case of chasing after an elusive hat cutting capers in a breeze. In the Summor season women and girls wore gingam or straw scoop-shaped " sun bonnets," with capes attached, and " strings" that were tied under the chin, on occasion ; and in the Winter knitted hoods were worn. Men folks and lads wore home-made hats of straw in warm weather and fur caps in cold weather— coon skin caps leading other peltry in numbers and comfort. Every settler was a furrier, skilful in hunting and trapping, and an adept in dressing hides for any and all uses. 138 Description of Pioneer Home and Surroundings. In the days of and-irons, latch-strings and feather-beds, the community spirit ruled. The stranger was always welcome and hospitality a source of pleasure, and without price. Before the com- ing of the post-boys, the invention of the telegraph, the building of railroads, everybody of a knowing age, living in the Painted Post Section of the Genesee Country, knew everybody else, and where they lived, and every home was a Community Center. The following sketch, descriptive of " A Settler's Home " in the Genesee Country, was wi'itten about seventy-five years ago, and first printed in " McMaster's History of Steuben County." The writer of the sketch, who was too modest to permit his name to be append- ed, was a man of accurate observation, and most just s^mipathies,, himself in early life a woodsman and a true lover of nature : — " As I was travelling through the county on horseback on a Summer day in an early year of settlement, I fell in company with two gentlemen,, who were going in the same direction. One of them v/as the land agent from Bath, who was going to the Genesee River ; the other was a foreigner on his way from Easton, in Pennsylvania, to Presque Isle, [now Erie], on Lake Erie. We had followed in Indian file a mere path through the woods^ for several miles, passing at intervals a log house where the occupants had just made a beginning; when having passed the outskirts of settlement and penetrated deep into the woods, our attention was attracted by the tinkling of a cow bell and the sound of an axe in chopping. " Soon we saw a little break in the forest and a log house. As we approached we heard the loud barking of a dog, and as we got near the clearing, were met by him with an angry growl as if he would have said " You can come no further without my master's permission." A shrill whistle from within called off the dog. We proceeded to the house. A short distance from it, standing on the trunk of a large hemlock tree, which he had just chopped once in two, was a fine looking young man, four or five and twenty years of age, with an axe in his hand. He was dressed in a tow frock and trousers, with his head and feet bare. The frock, open at the top, showed that he wore no shirt, and exhibited the muscular shoulders and full chest of a very athletic and powerful man. " When we stopped our horses he stepped off the log, shook hands with the agent, and saluting us frankly, asked us to dismount and rest ourselves ; urging that the distance to the next house was six miles, with nothing but marked trees to guide us a part of the way ; that it was nearly noon, and although he could not promise us anything very good to eat, yet he could give us something to prevent us from suffering from hunger. He had no grass growing yet, but he would give the horses some green oats. We concluded to accept the invitation, and dismounted and went into the house, " Before describing the house I will notice the appearance of things around, premising that the settler had begun his improvements in the Infant Rocked in Cozy Birch-Bark Cradle. 139 Spring before our arrival. A little boy about three years old was playing with the dog, which though so resolute at our approach, now permitted the child to push him over and sit down upon him. A pair of oxen and a cow with a bell on, were lying in the shade of the woods ; two or three hogs were rooting in the leaves near the cattle, and a few fowls were scratching the soil. There was a clearing, or rather a chopping, around the house, of about four acres, half of which had been cleared off and sowed with oats which had grown very rank and good. The other half had been merely burnt over and then planted with corn and potatoes, a hill being planted wherever there was room between the logs. The corn did not look very well. The chopping was enclosed with a log fence. A short distance from the house a fine spring of water gushed forth out of the gravel bank, from which a small brook ran down across the clearing, along the borders of which a few geese were feeding. " When we entered the house the young settler said, " Wife, here is the land agent and two other men," and turning to us said, " This is my wife." " She was a pretty looking young woman, wearing a coarse loose dress, and bare-footed. When her husband introduced us, she was a good deal embarrassed, and the flash of her dark eyes and the crimson glow that passed over her countenance, showed she was vexed at our intrusion. " The young settler observed her vexation and said, " Never mind, Sally, the Squire," — so he called the agent — " knows how people have to live in the woods." " She regained her composure in a moment and greeted us hospitably, and without any apologies for her house or her costume. After a few minutes conversation, on the settler's suggesting that he had promised " these men something to eat to prevent their getting hungry," she began to prepare the frugal meal. " When we first entered the house she sat near the door, spinning flax on a little wheel, and a baby was lying near her in a cradle formed of the bark of a birch tree, which resting like a trough on rockers, made a very smooth, neat little cradle, " While the settler and his other guests were engaged in conversation, I took notice of the house and furniture. The house was twenty by twenty- six feet, constructed of round logs chinked with pieces of split logs, and plastered on the outside with clay. The floors were made of split logs with the flat side up ; the door, of thin pieces split out of a large log, and the roof of the same. The windows were holes unprotected by glass or sash ; the fire-place was made of stone, and the chimney of sticks and clay. On one side of the fire-place was a ladder leading to the chamber. There was a bed in one corner of the room ; a table and five or six chairs, and on one side a few shelves of split boards, on which were a few articles of crockery and some tin-ware, and on one of them a number of books. Behind the door was a large spinning wheel and a reel, and overhead on wooden hooks fastened to the beam were a number of things, among which 140 Dinner of Com Bread and Milk Served in Basins. were a nice rifle, powder horn, bullet pouch, tomahawk and hunting-knife — the complete equipment of the hunter and the frontier settler. Every- thing was nice and tidy, even to the rough stones which had been laid down for a hearth. " In a short time our dinner was ready. It consisted of corn bread and milk, eaten out of tin basins with iron spoons. The settler ate with us, but his wife was employed while we were at dinner in sewing on what appeared to be a child's dress. The settler and the agent talked all the time, general- ly on the subject of the settlement of the country. After dinner the later and his companion took their departure, the one making the little boy a a present of a half dollar, and the other giving the same sum to the baby. " I have now introduced to the reader one of the best and most intelli- gent among the first settlers of the County. He was a man of limited information, except as to what related to his own particular business ; but his judgment was good, and he was frank, candid and fearles. He belonged to that class of men who distinguished themselves as soldiers during the Revolutionary War, and who were in many instances the celebrated " bold yeomanry of Old England." " The social relations and neighborly intercourse of the settlers were of the most kind and friendly character. It was no uncommon thing among them to comply literally with the injunction of Scripture which requires us " to give to him that asketh and from him that would borrow to turn not away." Their kindness and sympathy to and for each other was indeed most extraordinary. At the commencement of the sugar making, perhaps, some one would cut his leg badly with an axe, making a deep and ghastly wound, which would render him a cripple for weeks, and perhaps for months. The neighbors would make a bee and do all his work so far as it could be done at that time, and then by arrangement among themselves, one man would go every afternoon and gather the sap, carrying it to the house where it could be boiled by the settler's wife. Again, one would be taken sick in harvest time : his neighbors would make a bee, harvest and secure his crops, when at the time their own grain was going to waste for want of gathering. A settler's house would burn — his family would be provided for at the nearest homes, a bee would follow and a new house would be built and finished in a day or two. Instances like these were common and the recital might be extended indifinitely." Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXVIIL The Days of Boating and Rafting On the Rivers, URING THE period extending from the opening of the upper Chemung territory for settlement until the Erie Railroad had proven its worth, the water route to and from the seaboard was the chief dependence of the people of the Painted Post country for transportation purposes. Canoes, row-boats, and flat-boats that would carry several tons, were much in use, both locally, and for trips to and from the seaboard or intermediate points, and for use on branch streams. As noted in a preceding chapter, arks, and rafts formed of hewn four-square timbers lashed together, or composed of six to a dozen cribs of sawn lumber ingeniously lashed together, were used to carry farm products, peltry and cured venison down stream to market. When steam-boats were brought into practical use elsewhere, several heroic but futile attempts were made to use them to overcome the twists and turns and swift currents of the erratic waters of the Chemung and Susquehanna Rivers in their rush from the Genesee Country to the Chesapeake. However, so long as '' lumbering " continued the chief and most profitable industry in Steuben County, N. Y., and along the Tioga and Cowanesque branches of the Chemung, rafting continued. A share of the lumber traffic was diverted by the Chemung Canal, during " canal days," being hauled to the loading docks from near-by saw-mills, or transhipped from lumber cars of the " Tioga " railroad. This railroad for many years featured a lumber train, known as " the Wild Cat," whose screeching locomotive left Corning before daybreak each week day morning, leaving empties at various mOl switches, the crew taking dinner at " Bloss," and then cars piled high with lumber were " picked up " on the return trip. That was before the telegraph had began to dictate orders to conductors, and when coupling pins and hand brakes held sway. " The Wild Cat " had absolute and supreme right of way over farm stock, track hands, and any and all other trains. It was governed by no speed limit save the power of the boiler under full pressure to make the drivers " hum." 141 142 Hazardous Adventures in Running Rivers. The following references to adventures in running the Che- mung and Susquehanna rivers and their branches, demonstrating the persistence of the progressive business men of former days in efforts to make these streams " navigable," in fact as well as in name, are from various trustworthy early writings and records : — At the organization of the County of Steuben, all that territory which now forms the towns of Tyrone, Wayne, Reading, Harrington, Starkey,, [and since April, 1836, the town of Bradford,] was erected into the Town of Frederickton. The name was given in honor of Frederick Bartles, a German, who emigrated with his family from New Jersey in 1793, and located at the outlet of Mud Lake, a place known far and wide in early days as Bartles' Hollow. He erected a flouring and a saw-mill. Mud Creek was then a navigable stream. In 1798 Mr. Bartles rafted 100,000 feet of boards from his mills to Baltimore. In 1800 he ran two arks from the mills to Baltimore, and this adventure was made the subject of the following minute, entered by the County Clerk at Bath, in Volume I of Record of Deeds : " Steuben County :— This 4th day of April, 1800, started from the mills of Frederick Bartles, on the outlet of Mud Lake, (Frederickton), two arks of the following dimensions : One built by Col. Charles Williamson, of Bath, 72 feet long and 15 feet wide ; the other built by Nathan Harvey, 71 feet long and 15 feet wide — were conducted down the Conhocton, (after coming through Mud Creek without any accident), to Painted Post, for Baltimore. These arks are the first built in this County, except one built on the Conhocton at White's saw-mill, five miles below bath, by Mr. Patter- son, Sweeny and others, from Pennsylvania, 70 feet long and 16 wide, was started about the 20th of March, this same year. " This minute is entered to show at a future day the first commence- ment of embarkation in this, (as is hoped), useful invention. " By henry a. TOWNSEND, Clerk of Steuben Co." The success of 'Squire Bartles' arks produced a great sensation in the County, but craft of this kind were soon abandoned by the lumbermen. Mud Creek has failed since the clearing of the forests, and the produce of the Mud Lake country seeks the Eastern market by canals and railroads. Another writer of chronicles of the " ancient of days," wrote : " Christopher Hulburt and Nathaniel Cary settled in 1795 at Arkport. The former ran, in 1800 or about that time, the first ark laden with wheat that descended the Canisteo River, and about the same time John Morrison ran the first raft. The honor of piliotng the first craft of the kind out of the Canisteo, however, is also claimed by Benjamin Patterson." General McClure's Adventure With an Ark. 143 In personal reminiscences written by General George McClure, when 80 years of age, who located at Bath in 1793, and was employed by Capt. Williamson as master carpenter in various building projects, the following graphic paragraphs occur, relative to navigating the Conhocton, Chemung and Susquehanna rivers, with an out-bound ark, early in the Spring of 1800 : " Colonel Williamson [1798] ordered the Conhocton and Mud Creek to be explored by a competent committee, and a report to be made, and an estimate of the probable expense required to make them navigable for arks and rafts. The report of the committee was favorable. A number of hands were employed to remove obstructions and open a passage to Painted Post — which was done, though the channel still remained very imperfect and dangerous. " The question was asked, " Who shall be the first adventurer ?" We had not as yet any surplus produce to spare. I therefore came to the conclusion to try the experiment next Spring. I went to work and built an ark 75 feet long and 16 feet wide, and in the course of the Winter got a cargo of pipe and hogshead staves, which I knew would turn to good account should I arrive safely at Baltimore. " All things being ready, with cargo on board and a good pitch of water and a first-rate set of hands, we put our unwieldy vessel into the stream, and away we went at a rapid rate, and in about half an hour reached White's Corners, five miles below Bath. There we ran against a large tree that lay across the river. We made fast our ark to the shore, cut away the tree, repaired damages, and next morning took a fair start. It is unneces- sary to state in detail the many difficulties v/e encountered before we reached Painted Post, but in about six days we got there. " The Chemung River had fallen so low that we were obliged to wait for a rise of water. In four or five days we were favored with a good pitch of water. In four or five days we made a fresh start, and in four days ran 200 miles to Mehontongo, a place 20 miles from Harrisburg, where, through the ignorance of the pilot, we ran upon a bar of rocks in the middle of the river, which was a mile wide. There we lay 24 hours, no one coming to our relief or to take us on shore. At last a couple of gentlemen came on board, it was impossible to get the ark off until a rise of water, One asked me if I did not wish to sell the ark and cargo. I told him I preferred going through to Baltimore. He offered me $600. I told him that was hardly half the price of the cargo at Baltimore, but if he would give me $800 I would close the bargain. He said he had a horse, saddle and bridle on shore, worth $200, which he would add to the $600. We all went on shore. I examined the horse and considered him worth the $200. We closed the bargain and I started for Bath. I lost nothing by the sale, but if I had succeeded in reaching Baltimore, I should have cleared $500. " The same Spring, Mr. Bartles and his brother-in-lay, Mr. Harvey, made their way down Mud Creek with one ark and some rafts. Bartles' mill pond and Mud Lake afforded water sufficient at any time, by draw- 144 Attempts to Introduce Steam Navigation. ing a gate, to carry arks and rafts out of the creek. Harvey lived on the West Branch of the Susquehanna, and understood the management of such crafts." General McClure was exceedingly active as a general merchant, owner of flouring mills, lumberman and dealer in hides and furs. He ran arks and rafts down the rivers to the seaboard markets, from Bath and Canisteo, for twenty years or more following his first venture aboard an ark. In the Spring of 1801 he ran four arks from Arkport to Baltimore, each with full cargoes of grain, wheat flour, pork, deer hams, etc. Such shipments followed Spring after Spring, and when Fall floods favored. Arks loaded with products of the farms and fruits of the chase, and rafts of hewn timber and sawn lumber, (many of them carrying " deck loads " of products of field and forest), also went forward from various ports in the township of Painted Post. The principal point of embarkation, when this river traffic flourished, was the section of the Chemung within the present bounds of the City of Corning, The large cove at the bend of the river, at the mouth of Post Creek, commonly known as " Chimney Narrows Eddy," was a harbor where arks and rafts coming down a tributary of the Chemung, " tied up " and waited for the waters of the combined streams to subside sufficiently to make a continuance of their trip reasonably safe. But in making the journey seaward, of necessity, all took chances, for under the most favorable circum- stances, the undertaking was hazardous and wrecks numerous. With the invention of the steamboat, brave efforts were persist- ently but forth to make steam navigation successful on the Susque- hanna and its tributaries, and so solve the problem of making trips up stream as well as down. This was a matter in which residents of the upper Chemung took a lively interest, while experiments in making and trying out— and wrecking — such craft continued. In 1826 a steamboat named the " Codorus," built at York, Pa., set out on a trip up the river. It was a great day in York. People were there from distant settlements and all the scattered betterments for miles around. The " Codorus " was 60 feet long, had 9 feet beam, her engine power was rated at 10-horse, and she started out with 50 passengers. The boat was expected to make four miles an hour when breasting the average current. The hull was flat and the craft would float in eight inches of water. The " Codorus " steamed up the West Branch to Williamsport, back to Northumberland, and up to Elmira, heralded by the press, praised by orators and acclaimed by crowds. Leaving Elmira steamboat Codorus Comes Up Rivers to Elmira. 145 the " Codorus " rounded Tioga Point and visited Owego and Bing- hamton, and then made a run back to York, where she made fast four months after having cast off on her maiden trip. Her Captain, much disappointed, frankly declared that the boat was a failure. Meantime the " Susquehanna," a steamboat backed by Baltimore interests, business rivals of the Philadelphia men who had made the launching of the "Codorus " possible, was completed and set forth on a trade conquest trip up the river whose name she bore. This boat had a paddle wheel at the stern, was 80 feet long, 30-horse power, and carried 100 passengers. She reached Nescope Falls on May 3. There nearly all the passengers left the boat to walk along the river bank as she stemmed the rapids. Pitch-pine wood, well seasoned, was crammed into the fire-box under the boiler, and stifling smoke, myriads of sparks and tongues of fire raced from the smoke- stack as the Baltimore boat headed into the rapids and " more than held her own." The crowd on shore and the elated passengers evidenced their faith in the power of the machinery to force the rapids, shouted full-voiced in gleeful hysteria — when suddenly the craft stopped, began to drift, turned side on to the current, struck a rock, and just then the boiler exploded. Three persons were killed instantly and several injured. A third steamboat, " The Pioneer," built at Williamsport, was abandoned after a trial trip, and thence on the inhabitants of the Chemung water-shed, centered their hopes so far as in-bound traffic was concerned, in the opening of a canal, to connect the upper Chemung with the Erie Canal and thus open an all-water route to and from New York City via the Hudson River. Their hopes were realized on the completion and opening of the Chemung Canal in 1833. But arks continued to dash down the Chemung until the construction of mill dams made such ventures extra-hazardous ; and rafting of lumber continued until the supply of " timber on the stump " was no more than sufficient to meet local demands. Then attention was given to the manufacture of building stock, sash, blinds and doors, and finer grades of lumber, for shipment by canal, and in more recent years, by the railoads. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity. CHAPTER XXIX. Opening of the Erie and Chemung Canals. "EN PROMINENT in the commercial life of the State of New York, whose business interests centered in Albany and New York City, noted with concern the endeavors of their competitors in Baltimore and Philadelphia to draw trade from the Genesee Country, via the Susquehanna River, or over the William- son turnpike. Hence it was that New York and Albany business men as soon as a tide of emigration began to pour into the Genesee Country, and arks, flat-boats and rafts began to float down these streams, most strenously advocated the building of a trunk-line canal across the State from the upper Hudson to Lake Erie, with a branch connecting with the Chemung River. This was the genesis of the Erie and the Chemung Canals. The Erie Canal was com- pleted in October, 1825, and the Chemung Canal in 1833. The "New York Gazetteer," (Syracuse, 1860), contains this reference to the Chemung Canal and feeder : " Connects Seneca Lake at Watkins with Chemung River at Elmira, with a navigable feeder from Knoxville on Chemung River to Horseheads, on the summit level of the Chemung Canal, including slack-water navigation from the dam and guard-lock at Gibson to Knoxville. This canal was authorized April 15, 1829, and its construction was begun in that year and finished in 1833. The total lockages on both the canal and feeder are 516 feet by 53 locks, and the original cost was $344,000. From Corning, the Blossburg and Corning Railroad ascends into the bituminous coal region of Tioga County, Pennsyl- vania, and this article forms a very important item in the business of the canal. It also communicates with the Erie Railroad. The Junction Canal, a private enterprise connecting the Chemung Canal at Elmira with the North Branch Canal of Pennsylvania, at Athens, 19 miles south, promises to become an important tributary of this canal by opening access to the coal region. The diversion of Che- 146 The Corning Company Organized in 1835. 147 mung River into our canals has been made a subject of complaint and remonstrance by the State of Pennsylvania. Plans have been proposed for using the water of Mud Lake, (459 acres), and Little Lake, (708 1-2 acres), in Tyrone, as reservoirs to relieve this canal from the inconvenience felt in dry seasons from low water. The distance from Seneca Lake to Knoxville is 33 miles — the lake to Horseheads, 17 miles ; thence to the dam at head of feeder [Gibson] 14 miles ; to Knoxville, two miles." It was for the purpose of establishing a commercial center at what demonstrations had shown most conclusively to be the practical head of river navigation on the Chemung, that in 1835, the second year after the completion of the Chemung Canal and Feeder^ the Corning Company was formed, at Albany, by Erastus Corning and associates. These practical business men had the courage to act at a time when many others faltered, for financial affairs were at low tide throughout the commercial and industrial centers of the United States. In 1835 there were but a fev/ scattered dwellings on the south side of the ChemxUng, within the present limits of the City of Corning. Then the settlement, so far as now known, had no name. It was in the town of Painted Post. On the opposite side of the Chemung was the hamlet of Knoxville, with a pretentious " inn " of the half-way tpye, where man and beast were invigorated, and John Knox had a store. Upstream about a long mile was Centerville, whose every inhabitant from lisping child to the grand-parent, declared that the original and only genuine " Painted Post," was standing at the mouth of the Conhocton, within the bounds of their settlement, when the first white adventurer came that way. And they had a post that stood firm, a silent witness, to substantiate their claim. The hamlet half a mile further up the Conhoction had a population that from the ancient of days as strenuously advanced the same claim — and also had a " Painted Post " to show for it. Knoxville, Centerville and the settlement now bearing the name of " Painted Post," were rival claimants for the distinction of being recognized as the " port " at the head of the Feeder of the Chemung Canal, when the Coming Com- pany " came, saw and conquered." The new settlement was, by common consent, given the name of Corning at the very beginning of activities on the part of its founders. The associates of Erastus Corning in the enterprise, were Thomas W. Olcott, Joseph Fellows, Watts Sherman, Colonel Hiram 148 Corning Company Purchases Site for Village. W. Bostwick, (who was general manager of the Corning Company), Ansel Bascom, Bowen Whiting, William A. Bradley and Levin I. Gillis. Mr. Olcott was a noted financier. The Corning Company first sought to purchase lands on the Conhocton, now the site of Painted Post, of the Erwins, but failed to consummate a mutually satisfactory deal. Efforts to secure title to sufficient lands for their purpose of the settlers of Knoxville and vicinity, on the north side of the Chemung, were also futile. Then, as a last resort, 340 acres of land were purchased on the south side of the Chemung River. In 1835 there was a highway bridge across the Chemung at what is now Bridge street and one across the Conhocton near its junction with the Chemung. These bridges were roughly built, the planks of the driveway resting on heavy timbers, called spans, that extended from pier to pier. In order to permit the passage of boats and rafts underneath these bridges in time of flood, the supports were long spiles, driven firmly into the earth, and the elevation of the driveway was six or eight feet above the road level on either shore. This necessitated the building of slanting approaches. A few rods up stream, from each pier, was a strongly built ice-breaker, held in place by driven spiles ; each a crib formed of heavy planks, and filled with stones, and so constructed that when the ice " started " it was broken by sliding up the incline of the " breaker," the broken pieces floating between the bridge piers as they jostled and crowded down stream. These "icebreakers" also protected the bridges from being destroyed by rushing masses of ice sent down from the upper streams when there was a " break up ;" and also indicated the safe course for an on-coming raft to take in passing underneath the bridge — an important matter. There was a fording place across the Chemung at the foot of what is now Walnut street, much used when the water was at low stage, prior to the building of the canal dam, by persons who desired to avoid paying toll for walking, riding a horse or driving across the Knoxville bridge. There was also a much-used fording place at the riflflies, a short distance below the canal dam. In 1835 most of the tract of land included in the purchase of the Coming Company was timber-clad, many of the trees being of immense size. Norway pines covered the hill-side except where a few openings had been made about the homes of settlers. Dense forests mantled the hills on every hand. Building of the Corning and Blossburg Railroad. 149 The building and operation of railroads was " in the beginning."* In 1831 the first railroad in the State, and the second to be built in. United States, was opened from Albany to Schenectady. The rudely constructed line demonstrated the advantages of the new means of communication. The Corning Company had surveys made and ascertained that a railroad could be constructed from their new village at the head of the Chemung Canal to the coal-region at Blossburg, cheaper than a canal could be constructed, and that coal could be brought to their docks on the bank of the Chemung for reshipment in canal boats, cheaper by rail than it could be floated down the Tioga in flat-boats or arks. A charter was obtained from the State of New York, for a railroad from Corning to the State line at Lawrenceville, a distance of 15 miles. From that point to Blossburg the line was built under a Pennsylvania charter, by Philadelphia capitalists. The Pennsylvania section of the Corning- Blossburg railroad was first known as the Tioga Coal, Iron Mining and Manufacturing Company Railroad; next the whole line was known as the Corning and Blossburg Railroad, the next change in name being the Blossburg and Corning Railroad, and later it was known as the Tioga Railroad. The railroad was cheaply built. To avoid the expense of making fills and digging cuts, the roadbed extended along the base of hills, making many turns in order to preserve grade, and where it was necessary to cross flat lands of a lower level timber trestles and driven spiles were used, to support the cross-ties, timber stringers and rails of strap-iron that composed the railroad proper. The railroad began business in 1839. Its only locomotive, a small affair, manufactured at Albany, was brought to Coming on, or in, a canal boat. The passenger and freight cars were made in Coming. For a time this train had absolute right of way, under any and all circumstances, whether going or coming — for there was but the one locomotive. When a second locomotive was secured, trains were run " by guess," when off schedule, for there was no telegraph service. Much steam was used in tooting the high-keyed whistle of goodly size, as the cautious engineer " felt his way " on approaching a sharp curve and rounding a point of land that hid from his view a stretch of track ahead. Reverse curves and interven- ing points of hills and mountains were too numerous to mention. It was the practice of an engineer to move with caution on nearing a curve where the view ahead was obstructed, and then " let 'er out " 150 For a Time Corning Had No Post Office. on the strait reaches — the condition of the track permitting. Until the Summer of 1864, when a telegraph wire was strung along the right of way from Corning to Blossburg, and the stations at Corning, Presho, Lawrenceville, Tioga and Blossburg had been " connected," the time tables of the Tioga Railroad — ^which invariably bore the legend " Issued for the Direction of Trainmen and Not for the Infor- mation of the Public " — gave a train headed for Coming the right of way when a train moving in the other direction was ten minutes late at a regular passing place. It was the duty of the engineer of a southbound train to side-track at any convenient switch when he lost the " right of way/' and wait for the north bound train to pass. This might be a matter of only a few minutes, or of hours, or until a " runner'** or a party of trackmen pumping a hand-car brought ■^ orders."^ For a number of years train service was irregular. Previous to 1840 Corning had no post office. Residents of the settlement, as also the inhabitants of Knoxville, were obliged to go to Centerville to receive and deposit mail The first mail service was by men on horse-back, known as " Post Boys," who travelled the old Indian trails along the Chemung and Conhocton valleys, penetrating the Painted Post territory as far as Bath. It was an every alternate week service — weather and travel conditions permitting. Next, with the opening of a highway, a stage route was extended from Elmira, via the Chimney Narrows^ across Post Creek near its junction with the Chemung, through the rival and aspiring hamlets of Knoxville, Centerville, and Painted Post, up the Conhocton valley to Bath. For a time Corning was passed by on the other side, but not for long. Under the leadership of men connected with the Corning Company, its men of business, farmers, and others interested in developing the village, the Chemung was bridged a couple of miles down stream, a highway constructed thence through the village to the bridge across the Chemung at Knoxville, and stage drivers induced to travel through the new village. The head of the postal service gave favorable consideration to a petition that a post office be established in Corning, Early in the year the location of the post office of " Painted Post " was changed from Centerville to the village of Coming, by Philo P. Hubbell, the Post Master. In the Spring of 1841 the name of the post office was changed to Corning and Major S. B. Denton, proprietor of the Corning House, was appointed Post Master. He was followed in office in 1845, by John McBurney. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER THIRTY. The Corning and Blossburg Advocate. THE FIRST NEWSPAPER printed in Corning, was the Corning and Blossburg Advocate, the first number of which was issued the latter part of July, 1840. It was a six-column, four- page paper, the columns being two and one-third inches wide and 19 inches in length ; the printed page, 19 X 14 1-4 inches. It was printed on a hand press, two pages at a run. Heavy-face two-line initial letters, used in connection with a word or two in capitals of the body-type, after the manner of chapter openings in this book, featured each advertisement, large or small— and advertising lines were kept within the single-column width limit. A few of the advertisements had a single plain bold-face line for a heading. Most of the advertisements bore in signature style the name of the person or firm at interest, and invariably in capital letters of the same type used in the body of the announcement and for setting the editorials, literary matter, clipping and general articles and mentions of the paper. The absence of home news and community gossip v/as a characteric of this and subsequent issues of Coming's pioneer paper. Brief mention was made occasionally of some local occurrence, but wide-world happenings, trade developments, State and National politics, communications of a controversial nature, advertisements and marriages and deaths had the right of Vv^ay. Births were too common— too inconsequential— to permit the announcement of such an arrival in a publication most solemnly dedicated to " the cause of internal improvement " and Whig politics. On the first page, under the paper heading and the date line of the issue, this legend extends across about four columns of the page, centered, and protected from intrusion by head-rules : " Published Weekly by Charles Adams, at the Village of Corning, Steuben County, New York." However the columns of the Corning and Blossburg Advocate carried advertisements that glimpse the business activities and to quite an extent reveal the social customs and domestic affairs of 151 152 Corning and Blossburg "Spiked Fast." the little village and the nearby settlements. The first and a few subsequent issues, carried at the head of the first column on the first page the following announcement, under the heading, " Pros- pectus of the Corning and Blossburg Advocate :" — " PROSPECTUS of the Corning and Blossburg Advocate, a new paper to be published weekly at the village of Corning, Steuben County, N. Y. It may be asked why a paper to be printed at Corning, in the State of New York, forty miles from Blossburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, should be called The Corning and Blossburg Advocate. The reason is obvious. The two enterprising companies which have completed the Corning and Bloss- burg Railroad, have brought the two places into such close contact, and so united their interests that it would be impossible to advance the interest of the one without contributing to the prosperity of the other. Besides, the laws of nature, operating in the formation of all that part of Pennsylvania drained by the Tioga and its tributaries, ordained that we should be one people in all our social and business relations, and the improvements of the day have added a force and sanction to those laws that no mere geograph- ical divisions or limits of state jurisdiction can overcome. Indeed, it has been our opinion that States connected together by their works of internal improvement— spiked fast, if you please, with rails and iron— thus f acillitat- ing the intercourse of their population, encouraging their business relations and identifying their interests, have wrought out and perfected their most indissoluble bond of union. " The Advocate, in addition to laying before the public the future pros- pects, as well as the present business advantages of the two places, will open its columns and invite to them well written essays on minerology and geology, and all such matters as shall tend to a diffusion of a more general knowledge of the vast wealth and resources of the mineral region of Tioga, hitherto so little known and appreciated, but now, thanks to the genius of internal improvement, about to pour her treasures into the lap of New York, conducing thereby to the comfort and prosperity of her citizens and the affluence of her treasury. " It will be devoted to the general news and current literature of the day, but the publisher will endeavor to select such matters only as will contribute to the formation of sound and correct opinions, a pure taste, and the elevation of the moral standard among the people. " The cause of internal improvement will find The Advocate a firm, consistent, and to the extent of its ability, an efficient friend. " In its politics it will be whig ; moderate but firm ; always discussing principles with freedom, tempered with a just regard for the rights, feelings and principles of an antagonist, and endeavoring in all cases to combat error with the weapons of reason instead of contumely and abuse. " The Advocate will be printed weekly, on an imperial sheet, at $2 per annum, if paid in advance or during the first six months ; or $2.50 if payment is delayed till the end of the year." Gleanings From the Pioneer Newspaper. 153 Turning to the advertisments, we find that " T. A. Johnson, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor and Counsellor in Chancery, will attend to all business in his profes- sion, entrusted to his charge, with care and fidelity." " Doct. W. Terbell would inform his friends and the public that he has removed his residence to the Village of Corning, where he will be ready at all times to attend to any calls in the line of his profession." [Dr. Terbell had for some months occupied a house a short distance west of Knoxville, on the north side of the river,] At the " Railroad Store of Corning," Mills & Company " are offering a large assortment of dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, oils, paints, glass, &c., &c., on the most favorable terms- N. B. — A few dozen grass scythes, warranted, at $1 each." N. L. Somers, proprietor of the " Corning Cash Store," has "Just received a new assortment of iron, nails and steel. Abo a fresh supply of groceries, paints and oils, and a general assortment of dry goods. All offered at low prices for cash." W. L, Waller has salt and flour for sale. John A. Parcell politely says : " Those wishing to purchase cabinet work, will please call on the subscriber, a few doors east of the Coming Hotel, on Market street, where a general assortment will be kept on hand, and orders executed at the shortest notice." " For sale, about $120,000 feet of seasoned boards, of different qualities, at the head of navigation in Painted Post. For further information apply to W. J. Arnold, Coming." " To Boatmen and Owners of Canal Boats : Constant employ- ment will be given to 100 canal boats during the season of navigation. Apply to G. R. Wilson, office of Arbon Coal Company." "Coming Foundry. — Mill and railroad castings on hand and made to order at all times on the shortest notice. Stoves of various kinds, pot-ash kettles, caldrons and hollow ware. Blacksmithing and finishing in its various branches attended to without delay when ordered. MILLS & CO., Corning." C. H. Powers, " Watchmaker and Jeweler," most respectfully announces to the citizens of Painted Post and adjacent towns, that he has removed his new shop " to the opposite side of Market street in the village of Corning." George D. Williams, proprietor of the "Canal and Railroad Grocery," on the west corner of Pine street and Tioga avenue, lists 154 Pioneer Business Men of Corning and Vicinity. an extensive assortment of goods, including " ale by the barrel or by the glass ; Philadelphia porter, brown stout and spruce beer." R. 0. Jennings offers " One Cent Reward " for the return of an apprentice boy, in a bold headline followed by these words : " Ran away from the subscriber on the 15th day of July last, George Calkins, an indented boy aged 19 years. All persons are hereby forbid harboring or trusting said boy on my account." " Drugs and Medicines. — The subscribers will keep constantly on hand at the store of W. L. Waller a general assortment of drugs and medicines, paints, oils, dye stuffs and patent medicines, of good quality and cheap for ready pay, WM, TERBELL & Co." " Landlords can be supplied with all kinds of wines and distilled spirits at the store of W. J. ARNOLD & CO." This firm also solicited the patronage of those " desiring to pur- chase quantities of liquors for use in harvesting crops." John Mallory manufactured and sold chairs " at his old stand in Knoxville, opposite Corning," and also sold other articles of furniture. B. W. Payne conducted the Corning Stove Store, and accepted farm products and lumber in payment for stoves, " if delivered at the time the stoves are taken." Loomis, Fuller & Company dealt in leather and manufactured and sold boots and shoes. It was the practice in those days, to measure the feet of a customer, who was permitted to select the leather to be used. P. J. Mallory was Cashier of the Bank of Coming, which on the 20th of July, 1840, had in circulation $48,692 of its own issue of notes. The bank began business the first of that month, under State law* with $117,000 capital stock. In the Fall of 1840, W. V. Scudder opened a dry goods and general store " in the brick building directly opposite to the Coming Hotel." David Coon was proprietor of a gun shop at Centerville. Lewis B. and Levi B. Warner had a general at Painted Post, and " solicited the patronage of any who must or would buy goods in this part of the country." George Gardener came on from Albany in November, 1840, and opened a tailor shop. The next month L. D. Haviland and J. B. Fithian, entered into copartnership and opened a tailorshop " over Corning House "An Ideal Traveller's Home. 155 the grocery of G. D. Williams, in the block of stores fronting the river, nearly opposite the Corning Hotel." Frank Hovey and Jacob H. Russell were competitors in the harness and saddle business. Timothy Rhodes offered to pay one shilling a bushel for 3,000 bushels of ashes delivered at his ashery in Corning. D. R. Davis was the village barber. Other tradesmen and manufacturers, mentioned in the Advocate in 1840-'41 were James B. Lower, who manufactured railroad cars^ wagons and buggies ; W. P. Havens and Charles Clark, were carpen- ters and builders ; L. Davenport, of Corning, and A. B. Wood & Co.> of Painted Post, made hats and caps ; J. J. Badger sold ^ liquors of all- kinds for haying and harvesting ;" Dyer Ford was a grocer ; D. J. Shaw, Jr., had a cash store, known as the " Corning Exchange ;" Jared A. Redfield was propritor of a general store ; R. L. Underbill & Co. sold books and stationery ; M J. Pace ran a bakery ; G. D. Williams sold ice cream " to ladies and gentlemen " at his home evenings^ Sundays excepted ; D. Hamner opened a general store in 1841 ; E. P. Empie, a draper and tailor, began business in 1841. Landlord S. B. Denton, of the Corning House, published in the new pape.r the following notice, which was continued for several issues, under a " double-head " that read : " Corning House, at the Village of Corning :" — " THIS ESTABLISHMENT has lately been thoroughly furnished and fitted up for the accommodation of the travelling community. The proprietor takes this opportunity to thank those who have heretofore favored him with a call, and respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. He intends at all times to be able to administer to the comfort of his guests, and to make the Corning House in truth the Traveller's Home. " Since the completion of the Corning and Blossburg Railroad, a train of passenger cars leaves Corning every morning at 6 o'clock, (upon the arrival of the stage from Bath), for Blossbui^, Pa., where passengers will find good coaches in readiness to convey them to Williamsport by 6 o'clock p. m. of the same day. " A stage coach also leaves Coming every morning for the head of Seneca Lake, arriving at Jefferson in time to take passage in the morning boat for Geneva. A stage coach also leaves Corning every morning at 7 o'clock for Owego, in conjunction with a line of stages 156 Unique Announcement of Railroad Service. running to Nev/ York ; also, a stage leaves Corning every evening for Bath, at 7 o'clock, upon the arrival of the cars from Blossburg, and the Geneva and Owego stages. Passengers going from the southvv^estem part of the State, or the northern part of Pennsylvania, to New York, will arrive there one day sooner than by any other route. " Corning, July 31, 1840. S. B. DENTON." Miss H. Loveland announced that she " taught a select school for young ladies in the basement of the Methodist Chapel," in the village of Coming. Later A. Parcell taught this school. Under the head " Blacksmithing," Estes Sturtevant announced : " The subscriber would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Corn- ing and its vicinity that he has purchased the shop formerly occupied by H. Hudson, where by punctuality in engagements, and a strict attention to business, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. " Wanted, immediately, a young man 16 to 17 years of age, as an apprentice to the above business." The following unique railroad time-table was printed in the first and a number of subsequent issues of the Corning and Blossburg Advocate, the name attached being that of the road's civil engineer, who at the time was a resident of Corning :— " Coming & Blossburg Railroad— Daily Line.— A Locomotive engine, with a train of passenger and freight cars, will leave Com- ing at 6 o'clock a. m. of each day, for Blossburg and the intermediate places, connecting with a splendid line of Post Coaches running to the Williamsport and Elmira Railroad at Trout Run. Returning in the afternoon of the same day. " Passengers from Geneva by steamboat will arrive at Corning the same day by a line of stages direct from Jefferson [now Watkins] to Corning. MILLER FOX, Engineer." The three items that follow were the only references to home matters that appeared in the issue of August 21, 1841, despite all the activities of a rapidly developing village, already the commercial center of Steuben County, New York, and the only available gateway to the extensive section of Pennsylvania drained by the Tioga and Cowanesque rivers, branches of the Chemung : — The receipts of coal at Corning for the week ending 19th inst., by the Coming and Blossburg Railroad, was 600 tons. Shipments during same period, to Albany, Utica, Syracuse, &c., 600 tons. Prospectus of High School at Painted Post. 157 It is expected that the Rev. Mr. Hopkins will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath, the 23d inst. The Rev. Mr. Abbott will deliver an address before the Painted Post Temperance Society, at the Methodist Church in Corning, on Tuesday evening next, at half-past seven o'clock. A general attend- ance is earnestly desired. In the same issue was the following announcement : ''HIGH SCHOOL AT PAINTED POST. " This School will be opened for the Summer Session the first Monday in May next, under the tuition and superintendence of J. B. Wilkinson, late teacher in Binghamton. Mr. Wilkinson comes to us well recommended from several different places where Jie has taught in Academies and Gram- mar schools. With proper encouragement and patronage, we have every confidence that the school will be conducted with such ability and skill, as v/ill meet every reasonable expectation of the friends and patrons of the institution. " The edifice is amply large and pleasantly situated in West Corning, on the great stage road from Elmira to Bath, commanding a view of the Corning and Blossburg Railroad, and v/ill when completed command a view also of the the New York and Erie Railroad. " Each session will consist of two terms of twelve weeks each ; the Summer session commencing the first Monday in May, and the Winter session the first Monday in October. " TERMS :— For spelling, reading, writing and the commencement of geography, arithmetic, grammar and history, $2.00 per term. For geogra- phy, arithmetic, grammar and history, advanced or completed, with rhetorical reading, $3.00 per term. For philosophy— natural and moral- astronomy, chemistry, botany, the higher branches of mathematics, and the Latin and Greek languages, $4.00 per term. " Speaking and composition will be attended to by all the pupils who are sufficiently advanced. " Board may be had in the vicinity in good families, and a few with the principal, at a reasonable price. " John Knox, Robert O. Jennings, John Sly, William Bonham, John McBurney, H. C. Tuttle, John Mallory, Trustees." In October, 1840, the following professional cards first appeared in the Advocate : — " Doct. F. Goodwin will attend to all calls in the practice of Physic and Surgery. Residence a few doors east of Judge Knox's." " Doct. James Cutler would inform the citizens of Painted Post and vicinity that he has returned to Knoxville, where he is ready to attend to all calls in the line of his profession." 158 Slow Progress in Constructing Erie Railroad, " Medical and Surgical. — S. Brownell, lately from Butternuts Otsego County, has commenced the practice of Physics and Surgery in the village of Coming and vicinity, and will punctually attend to all diseases committed to his care. N. B. — Particular attention paid to all surgical operations." In the issue of November 6, 1840, P. J. Mallory, Treasurer, gives notice that there will be meetings of the stockholders and the direct- ors of the Painted Post Bridge Company, at the Corning House, on the 7th day of December, at 2 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, respectively- At a public meeting of citizens of Corning, held on the 5th of December, 1840, at the school house. Dr. William Terbell presiding^ the following committee was appointed to arrange " a course of popular lectures to be delivered in this place the ensuing Winter : H. H. Hull, T. A. Johnson, W. L. Waller, P. J. Mallory, W. J. Arnold and Rev, S. M. Hopkins. In 1841 B. Hall and M. Smith, of Campbell, announced : " The cloth manufacturing business will be continued at the old shop in the name of B. Hall and M. Smith, where they will be glad to accommo- date all who will favor them with their custom. They will take good clean common wool and manufacture it into good fulled cloth for 44 cents per yard in cash, or will give one-half of the cloth that each individual's wool makes," A. B. Wood & Co. announced : " A full and fashionable assort- ment of hats can now be found at the hat store in the village of Pointed Post. First quality of fine brush hats,, $4 ; second quality, $3 ; muskrat nap, $2 to $2.00 ; coney, $1 to $2 ; wool hats, white and black, of all shapes, 6 to 10 shillings ; fine clipped nutras or castor bodies, the finest article ever in the country, $5. All kinds of produce and lumber taken." May 7, 1841.—" The eastern section of the New York and Erie Railroad, which the company expected to finish by the first of the year was delayed by the January flood, and the intention of complet. ing it through the Winter was abandoned, but it is certain that cars will be in operation next month. All the remaining portion of the road, except a few miles from Binghamton to Deposit, are under contract to be completed in two years. Eight spile driving machines are now at work between Owego and Hornellsville, and also several grading parties. From Hornellsville to the lake the work is going ahead." Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXXL Pioneer Trains on Corning and Blossburg Railroad. CORNING'S pioneer newspaper proves such a veritable mine of authentic information, that we continue to dig into the early issues for facts having to do with the settlement of the village, and the social and business activities of the " first comers." June 25, 1841. — " The population of this village is now over 600. Three years ago only a few families lived here." At this time Corning and Painted Post each had a post office. S. B. Denton was postmaster at Corning, and William J. Gilbert at Painted Post. In the Spring of 1841, 567 board rafts, composed of 19,500,000 of sawn lumber ; and 110 timber rafts were run down the Chemung past Corning, many of the rafts carrying deck loads — which was a common method for shipping produce and bunched shingles and lath. Notice is given in the Advocate that " on and after the 15th of August, (Sundays excepted)" a " passenger and freight train," and a "" coal train with passenger car attached," will each make a round trip each day between Corning and Blossburg. Said the time card : " NOTE. — All way-passengers will be charged at the rate of four cents per mile, and all passengers passing over the road or any portion of it, and returning the same or the next day, will be charged for the first trip per mile five cents, and allowed to return the same distance free." " A boat load of rails, for the New York and Erie Railroad, arrived last week," says the Advocate of September 15, 1841, adding: " This does not look much like the spiles rotting before the rails will be laid, as predicted by the opponents of the road." Seventeen boats of coal and eight boats of lumber cleared via Chemung Canal in six days. John Graham, aged 34 years, Chief Engineer of Motive Power on the Corning and Blossburg Railroad, died Sept. 15, of bilous fever. 159 160 Changes in Editors and Owners of Pioneer Paper. The " Tuscarora," a locomotive built at Patterson, N. J., and brought to Corning on a canal boat, for use on the Coming and Blossburg Railroad, had four driving wheels, and weighed 28,100 pounds with water and fuel. Weight on driving wheels, 18,650. The driving wheels were four feet in diameter ; cylinders, 12 inches ; the stroke, 18 inches. On a test trip, in July, the " Tuscarora " drew from Corning to Blossburg 43 empty cars weighing 90 tons, and on the return trip hauled to Corning 50 cars loaded with 162 tons 900 pounds of coal — a gross load of 269 tons 310 pounds. The " Conhocton," a locomotive manufactured in Philadelphia for the Corning and Blossburg Railroad and boated to Corning, had two driving wheels, 4 feet 6 inches in diameter ; cylinders 12 inches ; stroke 16 inches ; weight, 27,180 pounds with water and fuel ; weight on driving wheels, 13,520 pounds. In August, 1841, this locomotive brought from Blossburg to Corning a train of 50 cars loaded with 160 tons 400 pounds of coal. This was a gross load of 268 tons. These coal cars weighed about two tons each, had four wheels, and carried about three and a half tons of coal. At this writing — (1921) — the New York Central Railroad has in regular freight service on its Pennsylvania Division, in and out of the city of Corning, locomotives of standardized compound high and low pressure type, that weigh 400,000 pounds and haul coal trains of seventy-five cars, the average car-load being 50 tons of coal and the weight of an empty car about 25 tons — a total of 5,250 tons per train. Such trains no longer occasion comment. These loco- motives have two sets of eight driving wheels. On July 22d, 1841, having issued the Corning and Blossburg Advocate for one year, Charles Adams sold the paper and its equip- ment to Hull & May, and Henry H. Hull, (later founder and publisher of the Steuben Courier, at Bath), became its editor. He was succeed- ed in May, 1847, by Thomas Messenger, who changed the name of the paper to the Corning Journal. In July, 1851, the printing outfit and good will of the paper was sold by Mr. Messenger to A. W. McDowell and Dr. George W. Pratt. Dr. Pratt purchased Mr. McDowell's interest in the business in 1853, and continued to edit the Journal and to manage its business affairs, until the infirmities of age compelled him to entrust the work to others, a few years before his death. He died October 3d, 1906. "Brick" Pomeroy and " Petroleum V. Nasby." 161 During the period the Journal printing office was owned and the paper was edited by Thomas Messenger, two young men who during the Civil War achieved Nation-wide prominence as poHtical writers and pubhshers of newspapers of general circulation, were his apprentices. They were Mark M. Pomeroy, who as editor of Pomeroy's Democrat, printed at Milwaukee, Wis., devoted his great talents to Copperhead propaganda ; and David R. Locke, editor of the Toledo Blade, printed at Toledo, 0., a firm supporter of the Union* who contributed material aid to the cause that triumphed , by a series of exceedingly witty and incisively keen letters, exposing the weak- ness and disloyal attitude of " Secessionists," both North and South. These letters were signed, " Petroleum V. Nasby, Portmaster at Confederate-X-Roads." They were commended by President Lincoln, and reprinted by the many of the loyal newspapers. Editor Hull, in the issue of the Advocate dated May 18th, 1842, gave the new village of Corning a write-up, in which he said : " Our village, which now numbers more inhabitants than any other of equal age in the State, and even rivals in its rapid but healthy growth the most flourishing villages of the far-famed West, is still going ahead. Nothwithstanding the extreme scarcity of money, buildings are going up as rapidly as ever. To the eye of the traveller our village presents a novel and interesting aspect. Where but five or six years since, a solitary dwelling and warehouse were the only buildings that graced what was then termed the " Cow Pasture," hemmed in on the one side by mountains and the other by the waters of the Chemung River, he sees a neat and rapidly growing village, with streets as regular and systematic as lines on a chess-board, lined as they are with its hundred dwelling houses, its twelve or fifteen stores, its neatly arranged and convenient churches, its public houses, its bank, its iron foundry, its car manufactory, its warehouses and its depot. In addition to this the business air and activity of its inhabitants, the hum of work-shops, and the frequent arrival and departure of cars and stage coaches, and the large number of unfin- ished buildings in a state of rapid progress, remind him that he is in a place as yet in its infancy, and destined at no distant day to rival the most flourishing villages in the Southern Tier." Editor Hull greatly improved the value of the paper as a purvey- or of general news, but the paucity of home items continued. He introduced double-column advertisements, using a variety of display lines. Dr. George W. Pratt made the Corning Journal a real news- 162 Fourth of July Celebrated On Temperance Principles. paper, its weekly offering of reading matter being well-balanced as regards current literature, foreign, National, State, County and Village news, and editorial Notes and Comments. He was vigorous and incisive in matters of criticism or controversy. While in 1891 a letter written in New York City, and addressed to " Colonel Eleazer Lindsley, Western New York," passed on as a matter of accommodation by persons travelling toward the Genesee Country, was delivered with surprising promptness, before there was a post-route or a post office in this section or the intervening territory, yet in 1841 increased population and th.Q development of mail facilities was causing confusion. Said the Advocate, September 29, 1841 : " We would direct public attention to the position of Post Offices in this vicinity. The office of Painted Post is not, as is sup- posed by many, in the Town of Painted Post, but at the Village of Painted Post, in the adjoining Town of Erwin. Letters intended for the Town of Painted Post should be directed to Corning. Much inconvenience is experienced by letters intended for one post office going to another." In the month of May, 1842, Miss P. A. Robinson opened a school for young ladies, " in the second story of the house formerly occupied by Major Denton, situated on the corner of First and Cedar streets." David Baker advertised brick for sale at $3.75 per thousand. H. Pritchard and H. G. Phelps announced that they would " pay cash for wheat, delivered at the Corning Mills." In 1842, from May 23d to June 4th, inclusive, 57 canal boats, carrying Blossburg coal, cleared from Coming. Average cargo, 55 tons. Lumber clearances, 24 ; pig-iron from Blossburg, one boat. In the Fall of 1841 and for several months following. Corning and vicinity experienced a sweeping temperance revival. On the Fourth of July, 1842, the Sabbath Schools and " citizens of Painted Post and adjoining towns " joined in a celebration in the village of Corning, conducted " on temperance principles." The member of the Committee of Arrangements were : L. H. Robinson, Oliver Arnold, Jesse Clark, Jr., P. P. Hubbell, E. S. Rose, W. L. Waller, E. Sturtevant, Elijah Judd, S. B. Denton, J. J. Robinson, B. P. Bailey, M. M. Wheelock, J. J. Palmer, Arthur L. Brown, D. S. French and Dyer Ford. P. J. Mallory was Marshall of the Day, assisted by Andrew Beers and S. W. Pomeroy. There was a parade headed by the Painted Post Brass Band. Elaborate exercises followed. There Merry Wedding Bells in Pioneer Days. 163 were more than three thousand persons present. A parade composed of " seventy-three wagons, each loaded with four to thirty individuals, with banners flying," brought " the Sabbath Schools and citizens of Knoxville, Painted Post and Campbell, preceded by the Painted Post Band." Refreshments were served free at tables in the pine grove on the hill-side, immediately back of the churches. The following marriage notices, that appeared in the Advocate, in pioneer days, will be read with interest by descendants of the " happy couples :" In Campbell, September 8, 1840, by Rev. Mr. Smith, Uri Balcom, of Erwin, and Miss Jane A. Besley, daughter of Samuel Besley, Esq., of Campbell. In Lawrence, Tioga County, Pa., September 11, 1840, by Rev. Mr. Breck, of Wellsboro, John Cook and Miss Elizabeth M. Somers, both of Lawrence. In Painted Post, September 29, 1840, by Rev. John Smith, A. B. Beckwith, of Bath, and Miss Martha C. Thompson, of Painted Post. In Caton, September 30, 1840, by Rev. Ambrose Abbott, Samuel Toby and Charlotte Spencer. In Erwin, October 1, 1840, by C. K. Miller, Esq., Charles Crane and Mrs. Sarah Nobles. In Hornby, October 14, 1840, by Rev. Mr. Johnson, Alvin Bacon, of Avon, O., and Miss Amelia Northway. In Centerville, October 29, 1840, by Rev. S. M. Hopkins, of Corn- ing, Dr. Robert M. Traver and Miss Eliza Young. In Knoxville, November 5, 1840, by Rev. S. M. Hopkins, John Mallory and Miss Mary Lamb. In Erwin, January 29, 1841, by Charles K. Miller, Esq., Willis Potter and Miss Mary See. In South Coming, January 28, 1841, by Rev. C. S. Davis, Atwood Pales and Miss Adeline Pierce. In Hornby, March 25, 1841, by Rev. J. Gardner, Russell Stanton and Miss Lucy Northway. In Corning, May 24, 1841, by Rev. S.M. Hopkins, H. H. Weyman, of Corning, and Miss Ruth S. Shons, of Wallkill. In Caton, June 2, 1841, by Rev. C. S. Davis, Merritt Lindsay and Emeline Apgar. 164 Merry Wedding Bells in Pioneer Days. In Painted Post, July 7, 1841, by Rev. S. S. Howe, Luke Coriell, of Hornby, and Miss Martha Gushing, of New Bedford, Mass. In Corning, October 11, 1841, by Rev. S. M. Hopkins, A. F. Kingsbury, of Rochester, and Miss Hannah M. Calkins, of Corning. In Covington, Pa., October 26, 1841, by Rev. Mr. Doane, William J. Arnold, of Corning, and Miss Harriet Kress, of Covington. In Corning, March 2, 1841, by Rev. S. M. Hopkins,. James M. Hawley and Miss Eunice Preston, all of Corning. In Corning, January 3, 1842, by Rev. Richard Smith, Lucien Billinghurst and Miss Hannah Fellows, daughter of John Fellows. In Corning, February 16, 1842, by Rev. Amos Hard, Charles Ferenbaugh. of Hornby, and Miss Lucy Sweet, of Catlin. In Corning, April 23, 1842, by Rev. Amos Hard, William Hood and Miss Catherine Smith. In Painted Post, May 4, 1842, by Rev. Amos Hard, Ebon E. Enos and Miss Amanda Conkrite. In Corning, June 25, 1842, Dr. C. Peebles and Mrs. Catherine M. Winans, daughter of Judge Steele. In Corning, July 29, 1851, by Rev. S. R. Jones, Matthew M. Sly and Miss Marietta A. Maxwell. The two marriage notices that follow were printed in the village paper, October 15, 1851, with this curiosity arousing note of expla- nation : " We understand there was a wager pending between the gentlemen, which occasions the mention of the precise time of the ceremony in these notices." On the 13th instant at precisely 27 minutes past 2 o'clock p. m., by Rev. I. N. Hurd, D. Atwater and Mrs. Jane M. Curtiss, all of this village. On the 13th inst., at 15 minutes before 3 p. m., by Rev. Mr. Lightbum, Cranston T. Potter, of Corning, and Miss Louisa Mallory, of Knoxville. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Coming and Vicinity CHAPTER XXXII. Lauren Mallory the First President of Corning. THE VILLAGE OF CORNING was incorporated by a decree, granted by the Court of Sessions of Steuben County, at Bath September 6th, 1848, on petition of H. G. Phelps, James C. Davis and Joseph Herron, representing the inhabitants. At that time the population was 1,726. An election was held held October 25, to pass upon the decree of incorporation, and the result was 118 for to five against. The first election of village officers was held January 12, 1849, when Horace G. Phelps, Lauren Mallory, George T. Spencer, Aaron H. Foster and James S. Robinson were chosen Trustees. The Board of Trustees organized by electing Mr. Mallory president and Thomas Messenger clerk. Not satisfied with the provisions of the general law of the State for the incorporation of villages, under which the village had been incorporated, the villagers applied to the Legislature for relief, and in February, 1851, an act was passed " to amend the act for the Incorporation of Villages, so far as relates to the village of Corning." Thus Corning was granted a Village Charter that greatly extended the powers of its Trustees and gave its people a large measure of self-government. At that time Joshua B. Graves was president of the Board of Trustees and Cyrus Kellogg was clerk. The Board of Trustees was given power to levy a poll tax of not exceeding one dollar or two days' labor, on every male inhabitant 21 years of age ; to build and maintain a bridge across the Chemung River ; to regulate and control the speed of locomotive engines upon any and every railroad within said village, and to impose a penalty of not exceeding $100 for each and every violation of any such rule» regulation or by-law ; to regulate or prohibit the sale of intoxicating 165 166 Ring All Church Bells to Give Fire Alarm. beverages in said village ; to regulate and prevent the ringing of bells, blowing of horns, and crying of goods, wares and merchandise and other commodities ; to organize a police force, and to hire or lease a watch house ; and to do many other things deemed necessary fo preserve order and promote the general welfare. Exercising the ample authority conferred on them by the State Legislature, the Trustees of the Village of Corning, in July, 1851, passed ordinances that provided, among other things, for licensing taverns, restaurants and stores ; it was ordered that a fine of twenty- five cents be imposed on a fireman who neglected to be present at a fire ; that sextons of the several churches which are provided with bells, shall upon an alarm of fire, " proceed to said church " and diligently ring the bell continuously, or at intervals, until a sufficient alarm has been rung, and said sextons shall be entitled to all the exemptions of firemen ; it shall be the duty of every male resident of the village of 16 years of age and upwards, being in bodily health and activity, to attend all fires therein and assist in extinguishing the same when required by a Fire Warden or Trustee, or by any officer, subject to a penalty of $5 in case of refusal or neglect to respond ; at fires the Village President and members of the Board of Trustees were required to wear a white band on their hat, with the word " Trustee " thereon ; the Chief Engineer shall wear a black cap with the words " Chief Engineer " thereon, surmounted by a white plume, and shall carry a trumpet ; and it was provided that other officers of the Fire Department should wear similar head-gear, and that all other firemen when on duty at fires " shall wear a fire-cap and coat made according to the uniform adopted by the company to which they severally belong, under a penalty of fifty cents for each neglect without a sufficient excuse therefore." There were a number of volunteer fire companies at this time, including a company to handle a hook and ladder truck and man the ladders, use axes, tear down buildings with a massive iron hook to which a rope was attached ; two hose companies, and a fire engine company whose pride was a hand lever force pump. The leather hats worn by the officers of the Fire Department, and the numerous water buckets of the same material, were wonderful creations. The only sources of water supply for use at fires, were the Chemung river, dug wells, and cisterns. In various sections of the village, usually at a four-corners, a large wooden-cistern was set into the ground by the street-side, to catch water from the open gutters. Each cistern was Coming's First Fire Engine Was a Hand Pump. 167 covered with a platform of planks, and fitted with a trap-door which was hinged and fastened with a padlock, strap-iron catch and staple. The hand-pump was elaborately decorated with trimmings of highly polished brass, and georgous in bright paint of contrasty colors. To induce by-standers to help run this pump v/hen a fire was raging, it was the practice to place a pail containing whiskey near at hand, in charge of a citizen of ripe judgment, whose duty it was to serve a drink from a tin dipper to any man who had first tugged with others at the long pump bars. Each man taking a swig was permit- ted to repeat the operation so long as his services at the pump were required — or until incapacitated. To work the pump to its full capacity required the services of near a score of men, there being two pump bars, so connected that when one was on the down stroke the other was moving upward. The two crews of pumpers faced each other. It v/as a constant " Heave ho ; heave ho !" while the flames crackled, providing the water and the whiskey held out. On Sunday, July 27th, 1851, the steam flouring mill of George W. Hathaway, on West Erie avenue, was destroyed by fire ; loss $3,000. '' The foundry of B. W. Payne & Co., the livery stable of Pew & Potter, and the Clinton House were prevented from being burned," said the Corning Journal in its account of the fire, " by almost exertion, and almost thirty buildings were in imminent danger for an hour. The supply of water with which to fight the flames was obtained from the river, six hundred feet away." In the same issue of the Journal, the following appeared : "A CARD. — The members of Engine Company No. 1, duly appreciating the kind invitation of B. W. Payne, Esq., and having enjoyed the delicate and substantial refreshments furnished after the fire by their foreman, D. B. Cumpston, Esq., would return their sincere thanks to both gentlemen. " By order of the Company, GEO. THOMPSON, Secretary." " A CARD. — The members of Rescue Hose Company, No. 1, would respectfully tender their acknowledgments to their friends, who so kindly furnished them with refreshments at the fire on Sunday last. "G. A. MILLS. Secretary. H. B. PALMER, Foreman Pro Temr "A CARD. — Rough and Ready Engine and Hose Company, No. 2, would return their sincere thanks to B. W. Payne, Esq., for his kindness and liberality in providing refreshments for us on the occasion of the fire in our village on Sunday, the 27th inst. " J. M. GOODRICH, Foreman of Engine Company. '' HENRY DEY, Foreman of Hose Company." All of which indicates that being a Volunteer Fireman, in the good old days, had its compensations. 168 Village of Corning Three Times Fire-Sivept. Due to fire hazards on account of many wooden buildings, the common use of wood-burning stoves, and the use of a highly inflam- able fluid known as camphene for lighting purposes, there were many fires in Coming's early days, some of them burning over large sections of the village. Three extensive conflagrations occurred in succession. The first, in May, 1850, when all stores, hotels, shops and many dwellings on Market street, for several blocks east and west of Pine street, and all buildings on the adjoining and cross streets from the north side of Erie avenue to the Chemung River, were burned, with most of their contents. The second big fire occurred June 30, 1856, when the stores, hotels, factories and nearby houses on the flatlands of the western section of the village were burned to the ground. This was followed on July 10, 1856, by a conflagration that swept the central portion of the village. The Dickinson House and a few stores on the north side of Market street, east of Pine, were spared. This fire destroyed 40, and the fire of June 30, 78 buildings. A glance at Corning at the time of its transition from just a settlement on the south bank of the Chemung, at the south-eastern door of the far-famed Genesee Country, into an organized village, reveals a far different state of affairs from the Corning of to day. It was then an up-to-date community— but the up-to-dateness was, as viewed from the present point of observation, that of a bygone age. Then most of the inhabitants of the country round about dwelt in log cabins, where a single fireplace supplied heat for all household purposes. In the village of Corning were several log cabins, and here and there a " residence," but the most of the houses were of the type known as " shanties," constructed of rough lumber, the homes of a hardy class of liberty-loving laborers whose coming made the settlement grow. When Messrs. Phelps, Davis and Herron, representing the 1,726 inhabitants of the settlement, in the Summer of 1848, petitioned the Court of Sessions of the County of Steuben to grant Coming articles of incorporation, it was the age of wax and tallow candles and whale- oil lamps. Some were venturing the use of camphene-burning lamps with wick drawn through a tube, and open flame— some of the camphene lamps having two, three, four, five tubes each provided with a metal cap that dangled from a bit of chain, ready for used as occasion might require. Sometimes the highly combustible fluid would creep up a wick so as to overflow the lamp, causing a blaze that endangered the home. It was a common practice when a Old-Folks Distrust Stoves and Fluid Lights. 169 benzene lamp got afire, for one of the family to open an outer door and another to take the flaming lamp upon a fire-shovel or dustpan and hurl it into the yard. Many householders would not permit the use of the fluid in their homes. Tallow candles and wax tapers were more common, because more dependable. The candlesticks of that period varied in shape from one to hold a single candle, with a base the size and shape of a saucer, made of tin and selling at six- pence, to an ornamental and high-priced candelbra that would hold a score or more of candles arranged in clusters. Candle-snuffers were required, that the mildly glowing wicks could be clipped from time to time, as wax or tallow burned away. Children considered it an honor to be permitted to snuff candles, especially when there was company. Cast-iron stoves were generally used in the settlement homes for heating rooms and doing kitchen work. Some homes had a fireplace, as a matter of pride or to please the " old folks," who did not like stoves and insisted that the heat from stoves endangered health. In the more pretentious " residences " there were a number of rooms provided with fireplaces, with mantles and fixtures that were works of art. Wood was the universal fuel. Edgings and slabs, by-products of the saw-mills, generally delivered full length, supplied material to keep home fires burning. Farmers supplied cord-wood, largely of sound timber cut into four-foot lengths and split into sizes convenient for handling. Such wood, whether mill refuse or hauled direct from a farm, was in most instances thrown off by the side of the street at the place of delivery, there to be prepared for use in stove or fire- place, and then stored in the annex at the rear of store or dwelling, known as " the wood house." This was a job that kept the boy or boys of the family out of mischief— and one that the average boy did not like, unless he could make it a source of revenue when hard- pressed for money. A number of worthy citizens, known as " wood sawyers," made a livelihood by " sawing, splitting, carrying in and piling" wood thus left at the street side. Between these odd-job laborers there was considerable rivalry, and in applying for a job of " sawing, splitting," etc., it was their practice to bring along a wood-saw, a saw-buck and an axe, so as to be ready to at once set to work. The little girls of settlement days were demure misses, with dresses that extended part way from knees to ankles, and the skirt of 170 Advocates of Temperance Were Active. the dress was supplemented by white pantalets that continued to their ankles, the lower end of each pantalete leg being ornamented with insertion and trimmed with lace or tatting. As the distance between the waist-line and the ankles of the girls increased, the length of their skirt was augumented by " letting out a tuck " pro- vided for such an emergency. The little girls were not permitted to gad the streets. These future mothers smoothed their hair back from their foreheads, it being held in place by a ribband or a circular comb, and thence formed a couple of substantial braids. Advocates of temperance were active in proclaiming their views when Corning was an infant. In the Spring 1841 the " Dorcas Society," an organization composed of women pledged to total abstinence, was formed, and soon had a membership of above 200. That Summer a temperance society composed of men was formed, and this, also, soon had a large membership. Temperance was the theme of many sermons by the Methodist and Presbyterian pastors, and the occasional teetotal lecturer from elsewhere was sure of an appreciative audience and a good collection. The matter of proper observance of the Sabbath was a subject of much discussion in early days, and pastors delivered sermons of warning against " Sabbath breaking." At a meeting of the Presby- tery of Chemung, of which the First Presbyterian Church of Coming was a member, held February 2, 1841, the following resolutions were adopted : — Resolved, That the Presbytery deeply deplores the alarming extent of Sabbath desecration, and that we consider church members called upon to regard their sacred duty with more sensitive conscientiousness. Resolved, That we can not reconcile with its due hallowing, social visiting, calls at the post office, opening and closing of mails, domestic labor, and travelling not imperiously demanded by the claims of mercy, the transportation of goods on Sabbath-breaking boats, especially when others can be procured ; and that we recommend to each other as ministers of the Gospel, to avoid such passing to and fro on that day in making pulpit exchanges, as would justly offend the most delicate conscience, or to cause our good to be evil spoken of. Resolved, That the editors of newspapers within the bounds of this Presbytery be requested to publish these resolutions. [Attest,] E. D. WELLS, Stated Clerk. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXXIII. The Village of Corning Incorporated in 1848. DURING the years 1840, 1841 and 1842, financial depression swept the land, and there were many bank, corporate and individual failures. The construction of the Erie Railroad was given a decided set-back. But due to the natural resources near at hand, and the certitude of the settlement developing into a prosper- ous shipping point and trade and manufacturing center, the men who founded Corning " kept the faith," inspired others, and while most Central and Western New York communities languished this one moved ahead. As the financial skies brightened it moved the faster. And in the Autumn of 1848, its leading citizens deemed that the time had arrived when the settlement should incorporate, and reap the benefits thereby derived. Public meetings were held, an enumeration of the inhabitants of the proposed village plot was made, and a commission composed of H. G. Phelps, James C. Davis and Joseph Herron, was appointed to apply to the Court of Sessions to issue a decree of incorporation for the Village of Corning. The petition presented to the the Court of Sessions follows : PETITION FOR INCORPORATION, To the Honorable, the Court of Sessions of the County of Steuben : The Undersigned, Your Petitioners, respectfully show that they are residents of the territory hereinafter mentioned and described, and were such residents at the time of making the survey, map and census hereunto attached ; and your petitioners further show that they caused the said map, census and survey to be made for the purpose of procuring the said territory to be incorporated as a village. And your petitioners further show that the boundaries, courses and distances of the said territory, and quantity of land therein embraced, according to such survey, are as follows : All that certain tract or piece of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Painted Post, in the County of Steuben aforesaid, and State of New York, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at the northeast corner of the bridge crossing the Chemung River between the village of Corning and the village of Knoxville, thence 171 172 Village Bounds Described by Petitioners. north seventy-six degrees west, five hundred and eighty-five feet, to a turn or winding in the river ; thence north seventy-one and a half degrees west, seven hundred and twenty feet, to a point parallel with Livingston street ; thence south nineteen and a quarter degrees west, across the said Chemung River, along said Livingston street, five thousand and fifty feet, to the south line of the Corning Company ; thence south eighty-six degrees east, along the said line of the Corning Company, eight thousand six hundred and thirty feet, to the highway ; thence north twenty-eight degrees west one thousand seven hundred and twenty-one feet along said highway to a bend in the road ; thence north thirty-five and three-fourths degrees west one thousand seven hundred and forty-two feet, to the bank of the Che- mung river ; thence north three and a half degrees west three hundred and thirty-five feet across the Chemung River, to a point on the north bank of the same ; thence north eighty-nine degrees west seven hundred feet, to a turn or bend in the river ; thence north eighty-five degrees west four hun- dred and twenty-five feet, to a turn or bend in the river ; thence north sixty -eight and a half degrees west four hundred and fifty feet, to a bend in the river ; thence north fifty-six degrees west two hundred and sixty-four feet, to a bend in the river ; thence north fifty-one degrees and a quarter west three hundred and thirty feet ; thence north forty-five and a half degrees west seven hundred and twenty-six feet ; thence north fifty-two and a half degrees west five hundred and sixteen feet ; thence north sixty- six and a half degrees west four hundred and twenty -nine feet ; thence north seventy-three and three-fourths degrees west four hundred and seventy-one feet, to the place of beginning, containing six hundred and four acres of land and seven one-hundredth of an acre of land. And your petitioners further show that the resident population con- tained within the bounds of said territory, according to the said census, was one thousand seven hundred and twenty -six. And your petitioners therefore pray that the said territory may be incorporated as a village, by the name of the Village of Corning, and your petitioners will ever pray. -Dated, the 31st day of August, 1848. H. G. PHELPS, JAMES C. DAVIS, JOSEPH HERRON. CORNING'S FIRST FAMILIES. The map of the territory which it was proposed to incorporate, and which accompanied the petition, was made by Rufus Arnold, a practical surveyor ; the census was taken by Henry E. Badger. The name of the head of each family was stated in the census, " and the number of persons belonging to every such family," was indicated, as follows : James Cooper 4, Harvey Clark 5, John L. White 10, Charles Osborn 12, Richard C. West 6, Bradford A. Potter 3, Nathan Tidd 8, Census Taken at Time Village Was Incorporated. 173 Jacob Clark 14, Thomas A. Johnson 9, Philo P. Hubbell 13, Horace G. Phelps 6, G. Spencer 9, U. D. Hood 3, E. G. GreemanS, Eliza Wheeler 9, M. F. Lucas 5, Joshua B. Graves 13, John Brown 2, Azaniah Whitmarsh 7, Lemuel Hunt 5, Calvin Abbey 6, Robert Land 8, J. C. King 9, Adolphus Chitester 3, Azaph Carr 3, Jerry Lower 9, O. W. Preston 4, H. L. Edson 5, Phebe R. Falkner 11, Elias H. Smith 6, James Robinson 3, S. Sanford 6, William Wood 5, Charles Clark 5, Daniel Comstock 6, Henry E. Badger 7, George W. Pratt 2. Philip Welch 6, J. B. Pratt 2, Thomas Smith 9, John Ryan 9, Levi Williams 4, Jesse Campbell 3, George Davis 7, Samuel Chitester 4, Hiram Pritchard 6, Edward Steele 4, Joseph Hollenbeck 4, George Newton 4, Thomas Messenger 8, Jason Spaulding 5, A. H. Foster 5, Alfred Clark 10, 1. Sturdevant 3, Mrs. Lirry 7, J. Kelly 20, R. Egbert 3, James Hawley 14, James A. Hayt 6, J. C. Hayt 8, Levi Davenport 5, Somers Clark 34, James E. Smith 6, Hiram Abbott 7, L. T. Fuller 10, Isaac Delamater 9, D. J. Shaw, Jr., 4, John A. Porcell 5, C. G- Howell 4, G. W. Southwick 7, S. D. Horton 8, Ann McCormick 2, John Farr 5, Albert Gillett 3, Temperance Wells 3. William L. Curtiss 8. L. S. Thomas 7, H. W. Bostwick 10, James C. Davis 6, B. Tomlinson 5, O. A. Hov/se 7, G. W. Howse 5, David Perrington 3, Jonatham Kimball 8, L. D. Dodge 4, C. G. Whitford 3, John Emmans 8, John Carr 6, Dennis Leary 3, J. S. Jackson .5, Henry Jackson 4, William Clark 11, Nelson Herrington 3, H. P. Uhl 6, Peter VanValkenburg 3, J. S. Robinson 6, L. Todd 5, William Gilbert 10, J. A. Bedfield 6, J. W. Hunter 11, Daniel Carn 11, G. W. Dickinson 5, Thomas Low 4, Israel Martin 5, A. J. Dascom 6, Jesse May 5, Jacob Martin 6, Perry Heath 7, S. L. Thurber 3, Patrick Murphy 8, Cyrus Manning 2, James Ballentine 2, Reuben Graves 10, Henry Williams 2, George Williams 5, Robert Dickson 5. Leman Stockwell 3, Lewis Sumner 3, Peter McNeal 4, Thomas McBurney 7, Cornelius Narsh 6, Joseph Herron 6, William J. Arnold 6, William Houghtailing 3, E. A. Jeffrey 4, N. W. Gager 3, L. N. Robinson 9, Millen Robinson 4, T. B. Hudson 3, William Terbell 5, E. S. Rose 9, Michael J. Pace 10, Alanson Edwards 2, H. D. Edwards 4, D. F. Brown 5, John Wolcott 5, S. P. Pearce 4. Nelson Filkins 10, I. S. Clute 2, Mrs. E. Stewart 15, S. Stanley 5, Bertine Pew 9, Wm. Hicks 2, Jonas Hodgskin 7, Moses P. Little 9, J. Coriell 3, Nelson Kingsman 3, John Hazelton 7, J. Skinner 5, John Sergeant 2, James Somers 6, E. Calkins 3, Marcus Wheelock 11, Charles Dunham 2, T. S. Scoville 4, B. W. Payne 10, William Snook 4. 174 Census Taken at Time Village Was Incorporated. E. P. Rogers 4, Wheelock & Sons 35, Estus Sturtevant 9, Charles Preston 4, L. Seymour 13, Charles Somers 6, D. Simmons 6, W. W. Bertholf 4, W. B. Whitney 12, Constant White 4, William Lovejoy 4, Josiah Weeks 3, Isaac Gray 3, George D. Williams 6, William P. Havens 7, William Williams 5, Dennis McCarty 8, Alfred Beebe 8, Cornelius Dunevan 5, Timothy Dunevan 5, James Sullivan 5, Daniel McCarty 6, John Cochran 5, John Madden 4, Timothy Rhodes 11, C. Cooper 4, D. A. Fuller 7, Benjamin Landhart 1, Thomas Broom- hall 6, Charles Ganley 12, William H. Montgomery 3, Lawrence Mclnrow 7, James Wicks 7, John Khumals 6, John Buck 6, M. C. Howell 5, J. P. Hinds 8, Joshua Davis 4. Lauren Mallory 12, Asa Lyon 12, Riley Brewer 8, Lawrence Thorn 8, Thomas Brown 9, Thomas Eaton 4, G. W. Hathaway 5, Jsaac Dobbs 6, Jerome Greenfield 8, Isaac Ridor 13, Shubel Denton 10, John Bennett 5, Rufus Cole 2, Silas Shepard 6, Hiram Heath 9, James Cole 5, John Dolph 3, William Thurber 5, Joseph Robinson 14, A. Huntington 3, Stephen Delamater 2, Peter Filkins 3, Israel Jones 7, Charles Davis 7, Robert Barnard 7, Jacob Hollenbeck 4, Roxany Conger 5, Henry Vancampen 9, Jedediah Degroat 5, Edward Manehan 5, Charles Divine 4, Mary Brown 4, Benjamin Johnson 4, Nicholas Traverse 5, C. Churcher 5, Henry Welden 7, William H. Lucas 4, John Talliday 3, Edmund Barber 5. Nehemiah Townsend 3, Barry Conley 3, Thomas Callahan 5, Edmond Taber 4, Jacob Vanest 5, James Head 4, John Maloney 4, Thomas Mix 3, Peter Hart 2, Patrick McCarty 4, Nelson Mean 4, John Harrison 6, David Johnson 11, James Linderbury 2, David Weeks 8, J. S. Cobb 3, Lake Tulip 3, Jesse Jacobs 4, William Gorton 7, Orrin Taylor 8, William H. Coleman 5, John Clark 1, Oliver Arnold 7, Norman Tombs 5, Jesse Clark, Jr., 13, David Wheelock 7, E. H. Ellis 4, Deloss Mumford 3, Orville Mumford 9. Levi Rowley 6, John McCaffrey 7, Nimrod Rowley 9, William Bacon 4, Horatio Pattengill 5, Albert Huntington 3, Philander Cole 3, C. H. Card 4. John O'Neil 2, Patrick Goodwin 10, Hannah Doolittk 4, Polly Stillson 2, Sarah Morris 2, Hannah King 8, Ann Leary 7, M. Goodrich 5, Mr. Pierson 5, George T. Spencer 5, Patrick Holden 4, Allen Buttock 5, Betsey Stevens 2. The Court of Sessions took favorable action on the petition, and " Ordered that the said territory shall be incorporated as a village by the name of the Village of Corning, if the electors thereof shall assent thereto," and directed that " Stephen T. Hayt, William Hood and John P. Shapley, three of the Inspectors of Election of the Town Cows Are Permitted to Roam the Streets. 175 of Painted Post, in which the said territory is situated," conduct such election. The election was held at the Coming House on the 25th day of October, 1848 ; 123 votes were cast ; in favor of incorporation 118 and 5 opposed. A decree of incorporation followed, and on the 12th of January, 1849, the first corporation election was held, village officers being chosen as follows : — Trustees — Horace G. Phelps, Lorin Mallory, George T. Spencer,. Aaron H. Foster and James S. Robinson. Assessors — Nelson L. Somers, C. E. Osborn and Daniel D. Comstock. Village Clerk — Thomas Messenger. Village Treasurer — William J. Arnold. Street Commissioners — William B. Whiting, Nathan Tidd and James M. Hawley. On Saturday evening, January 20, 1849, the trustees met and organized by electing Horace G. Phelps, President. The following village ordinance was adopted at a meeting of the Board of Trustees held February 20, 1849 : "No cattle, horses, sheep, swine or geese shall be permitted to run at large at any time ; but this law shall not prohibit cows belonging to an inhabitant of the village from running at large between the first day of April and the first day of December r On Tuesday, March 6th, 1849, the village officers above named were re-elected to serve for one year, together with the following additional officers : — Village Collector — Richard C. West. Pound Keeper^ames C. Davis. Fire Wardens — ^James B. Lower, John Hazelton and David B. Cumpston. At a meetmg of the Village Board held August 27, 1849, it was " Voted, That the Street Commissioners be instructed to remove logs and stumps, and clear a passage through Second street." Also that the Commissioners " open a passage-way for teams on Market street from Wall street to the old River Road." In June, 1850, the Village Board, " On motion, Ordered that the Street Commissioners pay not more than seven shillings per day for labor, and not more than twenty shillings per day for team work, on the streets, and that they be required to labor 12 hours per day." At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees, held July 26th, 1850, it was " Resolved, That the Trustees of said Village purchase 176 Two Fire Companies Organized in 1851. of S. Burton & Co., two fire engines at $600 each, one hose cart at $50, and 550 feet of hose at $350." This fire equipment arrived the last week in December, 1850, and having been duly inspected and found to be well constructed and of good material, was accepted, " together with the hose cart accompanying the same." It was decided to organize two fire companies, and by resolution of the Board of Trustees, David B- Cumpston, Henry D. Edwards and William Hood were " appointed a committee to procure the names of persons who are willing to serve as firemen." The committee reported a list of names, at a meeting of the Village Trustees held January 4th, 1851, when it was — " Resolved, That two fire companies be formed, one to be designated Rescue, No. 1, and the other Rough and Ready, No. 2, and that the following persons be appointed firemen for said village : " Members of Rescue, No. 1— David B. Cumpston, Henry D. Edwards, Jacob H. Lansing, Jason K. Snook, William W. Hayt, Dwight A. Fuller, Henry M. Northrop, L. S. Thomas, Charles P. Cumpston, James M. Hawley, Stephen T. Hayt, George Thompson, George W. Dwyre, Henry L. Edson, Tunis Loveless, George Calkins, George Blodgett, Charles H. Berry, Charles Card, Edward Greenman, Caleb Clark, William Williams, Julius Schermer, James K. Newell, Charles Denison, Charles Havens, Whiting G. West, John Brown, Asa Coon, Hiram Hawley. Lewis Fortune, J. N. Robinson, Israel Clute, Lewis T. Fuller, L. Todd, John L. White, James Lyon, William Hood, Parker Sprague, Theodore Gillispie, U. D. Hood, Dennis Lewis, George Delamatyr, J. B. Lower, Cyrus Kellogg, Martin Bridges. Members of Rough and Ready Engine Company, No. 2 —Benja- min W. Payne, John M. Goodridge, J. S. Robinson, William Snook, William S. Evans, R. F. Brown, George Williams, Oliver Preston, E. S. Edwards, Richard Austin, George Day, C. D. Lyon, Willis H. Coe, James Bolan, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Edward Fitzpatrick, William Cooper, Ed Managhan, George Sergeant, R. P. Thurber, W. P. Havens, Alexander Olcott, John Haselton, Albert Sonberger, John R. Johnson, George W. Preston, Theodore Pew, Henry Day, Asa F. Caulkins, Uriah Pritchard, Michael O'Connor, H. Young, John Swain, A. J. Gilbert, C. C. B. Walker, Samuel Walker and C. D. Sill. At the annual election held in March, 1851, the taxpayers author- ized these expenditures for fire protection : " Hose and hose cart, $360 ; Reservoirs [cisterns], wells, &c., $200 ; Engine house, $150." Stringent Sabbath Observance Ordinance Adopted. Ill June 4, 1851, the Village Board appointed Trustees Aaron H. Foster and James A. Hayt " a committee to build a reservoir on the comer of Pine and First streets, and to enter into contract for building such others as may be deemied necessary." In July, 1851, the Board of Trustees decided by a vote of 3 to 1, that there be no liquor licenses granted. The members of the Board at the time were Joshua B. Graves, President ; Aaron H. Foster, George D. Williams and James A. Hayt. Mr. Williams was the only member to favor granting liquor licenses. The following appears in the minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees held September 3d, 1851 : " P. T. Barnum applied for a permit to exhibit his menagerie and side show in this village October 3d, next. On motion granted on payment of $10 into the treasury." On various occasions the village fire engines, (hand pumps), were used by the Erie Railroad Company, " to pump water into the tenders of their locomotives." At a meeting of the Board of Trustees held May 3d, 1852, the following ordinance was adopted : " No person shall on Sunday sell, show forth or expose for sale, any wares or merchandise, goods or chattels in this village ; nor shall any owner, keeper or other person within said village, on Sunday open any store, grocery, recess or shop, or place for the sale of any commodity. Any person violating either of the provisions of this section, shall for each offense forfeit a penalty of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars ; but it shall be lawful to sell all medicines and other articles for the sick, and for interring the dead, at all hours ; and to dispose of meat and bread until 9 o'clock in the morning and from 4 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. At a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Corning, held the 26th day of May, 1852, all the members present, it was " Resolved, That J. A. Hayt and J. B. Lower be a committee to contract for the building of a Lock-Up or Watch-House, immediately ; said building to be of stone, 18 feet by 24 feet, the walls to be 18 inches in thickness." At a meeting held June 18, 1852, the following officers of the village Fire Department were appointed : James M. Wood, Chief Engineer ; Dexter Davis, First Assistant Engineer ; Justin M. Smith, Second Assistant Engineer. In August, 1851, the population of the village was 2,340, as shown by a census. In February, 1853, another census showed a population of 2,858, an increase in 18 months of 518. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXXIV. First Through Erie Train Creeps Into Corning. CORNING OWES much to its railroads— especially to its pioneer lines. The village would never have developed into a well-balanced and prosperous city, but for its railroads. It has kept pace with the railroads — that is the whole story. Factories and railroads are interdependent — and the locomotive and the threshing machine are kith and kin. No industry lives by itself alone. The opening of the Chemung Canal in 1833, and the running of the first train of cars from Coming to Blossburg in 1839, was follow- ed nearly eleven years later by the arrival in Coming of the first train from tide-water over the New York and Erie Railroad — on the 31st day of December, 1849. The Erie Railroad was completed and put in operation between Corning and Lake Erie at Dunkirk in the Spring of 1851. The formal opening of the Erie Railroad from tide-water to Lake Erie took place in May, 1851, when two passenger trains, bearing men of prominence and railroad officials, also men of local repute who joined the excursionists en route, made round trips over the entire line. Millard Fillmore, President of the United States, was guest of honor on one train, and Daniel Webster on the other. The President was accompanied by members of his cabinet. At that time the eastern terminus of the Erie was at Piedmont, on the Hudson, 24 miles above New York. The two trains left Piedmont the morning of May 14, 1851. They arrived at Elmira about 7 o'clock that evening. There two elaborate banquets were served. President Fillmore being the honor guest at one hotel and Daniel Webster at the other. Each of these statesmen delivered an address. 178 Daniel Webster's Improvised Observation Car. 179 The two trains resumed their westward course the next morn" ing, stopped for a brief time in Corning, then crawled on towards Dunkirk, where they arrived at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon. As an "observation car" had not been thought out, Daniel Webster avoided the inconveniences of riding in a stuffy passenger car and viewed the panorama of mountains, hills, intervales, streams and betterments, on either hand, for most of the trip, while seated in a large and comfortable rocking chair, placed on a flat car. Thus the great Defender of the Constitution traversed the Genesee Country. In the Spring of 1832 there were only 44 miles of railroad in operation in the United States. The first passenger train in the State of New York was run over the Mohawk and Hudson Railroad in August, 1831. When the original survey was made of a route for the Erie Railroad, in 1834, there was not a settlement or village on the proposed line, from the Hudson River to Lake Erie, that had 3,000 population, and not 300 persons resided within the bounds of the present city of Corning. Elmira, with nearly 3,000 inhabitants, was the most important community on the route. About 300 people occupying homes of the pioneer type, constituted a scattered settle- ment that extended from Canisteo to the big swamp that held up the westward expansion of Hornellsville. The entire route was through a wilderness country, the villages being banked on every side by forests, broken here and there by choppings of settlers, with occas" ional stretches of bottom lands that had been cropped by the Indians prior to the coming of the whites. The first effort to construct the Erie Railroad brought financial disaster to many who invested in bonds issued by the company, and also caused the bankruptcy of numerous contractors. Settlers along the line suffered losses through furnishing spiles, ties, scored timbers and farm products, and doing work for which they received no pay. Spiles were driven in pairs along stretches of river flats both east and west of Corning, and along the bottom lands on the north side of the Chemung River, from the river bank opposite Steuben street to the vicinity of Centerville. The Erie Company erected a substantial wood bridge across the Chemung at Steuben street. This bridge was never used. A cross-head of heavy timber connected each pair of spiles, and on these cross-heads timbers were placed lengthwise, to support the rails of the track. Wherever there was a depression of the surface of the ground that otherwise would require a " fill," a spile driver drove such " pegs." 180 Citizens of Corning Rebuke Erie Officials. Edward Harold Mott in his book, " Between the Ocean and the Lakes; The Story of the Erie,"" (pubHshed in 1899), says of the coming to Coming of the initial passenger train on the Erie, when Daniel Webster spied out this land of promise while seated in a rocking chair aboard a flat car : — " At Corning, which since the construction of the New York and Lake Erie Railroad was begun, had sprung into being literally out of the wilder- ness. President Fillmore, Senator Douglas and William E. Dodge addressed a few people, who bad assembled to greet the historic train and its distin- guished passengers. There were few cheers or hearty greetings there, for the reason, as a leading citizen of the place has informed the author, that Corning was then a Democratic stronghold, and many of the great people among the excursionists bemg Whig leaders, and each one a candidate for the Presidency, Democratic Coming did not propose to compromise hereself by turning out and shouting for them." The " leading citizen " to the contrary notwithstanding, the reason thus given for the failure of Corning people to turn out en masse and greet the " historic train and its distinguished passen- gers " with unbounded enthusiam, was a shot at a venture that went wide the mark. The Erie had taken forcible possession of the principal residence street through the central section of the village, despite the protests of the owners of abutting property and the refusal of the Trustees of the Village to grant such privilege. The Erie officials, having decided to lay their track directly through the village and to cross the Chemung River west of the village, instead of making use of the railroad bridge ready for service at the foot of Steuben street, ignoring the protests of the villagers, ordered the contractor to extend the track along the street they had selected. The contractor set men at work grading what is now Erie avenue. Irate citizens rallied and threatened violence. It was urged by the occupants of dwelling along the street, that sparks from locomotives would set fire to their homes, that the noise of passing trains would make sleep impossible nights, and would also endanger the lives of sick persons in homes along the avenue. Thus confronted by a manifestation of '' The Spirit of Seventy- Six," the contractor called his men off, and the first settlers felt that they had won a complete victory. But the following Sunday morn- ing they found that the railroad contractor had stolen a march on them during the night ; that ties and rails were in place along the section of street in dispute. This breasting sentiment and ignoring personal and property rights on the part of the Erie explains the lack of cordiality when the first through train from the east passed. Four Railroads Granted Use of Tioga Avenue. 181 :up the broad avenue and stopped at the roughly constructed station a short distance west of State street. The feeling of resentment thus engendered cost the Erie dearly — ^and, most unfortunately, it was only the first of a series of bull-headed blunders of Erie officials in matters of mutual concern to the railroad and residents of Corning, It was the purpose of those who planned the village, that the block on the rise of the hill, bounded on the north by First street, on the south by Second street, on the east by Pine street, and on the west by Walnut street, should be a Public Park; and that ail public buildings, including schools and churches, should be there located. The Corning Company gave the plot to the village conditioned on its being so used. It was also planned that the street now known as Erie avenue should be a residence street, that Market street should be occupied by stores, hotels, and other places of business, and that Tioga avenue be occupied by the various railroads. Three railroads were granted the use of Tioga avenue, by the Board of Trustees, at a meeting held October 15, 1853, when the following resolutions were adopted : "Whereas, The Corning and Blossburg Railroad Company have heretofore constructed their railroad through a portion of Tioga avenue, in the Village of Corning, and in the year 1852 relaid their said road and extended the same or a branch thereof through a further portion of said street ; Now, Therefore, " Resolved, That the said Corning and Blossburg Railroad Company be, and they are permitted and authorized, to continue and forever keep and maintain their said railroad and branch through said street from the point near the western termination thereof, where said railroad intersects said street, to a point where the said railroad and branch again leaves said street, at or near the intersection of said street with Chemung street. " Whereas, The Buffalo, Corning and New York Railroad Company are desirous to construct the tracks of their railroad through Tioga avenue, Therefore, " Resolved, That the said Buffalo, Corning and New York Railroad be, and they are hereby permitted and authorized to construct and forever keep and maintain the tracks of their railroad through said street, from the westerly bounds of the village so far eastwardly as may be necessary for their said railroad." " Whereas, The Corning and Clean Railroad Company are desirous to construct the track of their railroad through Tioga auenue. Therefore, " Resolved, That the said Corning and Clean Railroad Company be, and they are hereby permitted and authorized to construct and forever keep and maintain, the track of their railroad through said street from a point at or near the westerly bounds of said village, so far easterly as may be necessary for said railroad." 182 Erie Officicals Continue Irritating Methods. In the Fall of 1858, officials of the Erie Railroad Company having- under consideration a proposition to abandon Erie avenue, and make use of Tioga avenue for its trackage through Corning, on account of recurrent damage to its tracks and holding up of trains due to floodings from the hill-side and overflows of Monkey Run, the village Trustees took the following action: "' Whereas, The New York and Erie Railroad Company propose to take their track in the Erie avenue, in the Village of Corning, from, the east side of Wall street to the west side of Chestnut street, in the said avenue, and abandon that portion of the track ; therefore, in consideration of such removal, and in case the same be done, " Resolved, That the Trustees of the Village will repair said street within the aforesaid limits, and put it in proper condition for use, and also- take charge of the creek and bridge across the same crossing said avenue near Chestnut street. " Resolved, That in case the said track shall be placed in Tioga avenue, that the said company shall have the right to stop their trains, and trains of connecting roads, in the ordinary course of business, at the foot of Pine and Walnut streets in said Tioga avenue in said village." The Erie Railroad Company having failed to take any action in the matter of removing its track from Erie avenue, and having asked the village to assume responsibility for any damage to the railroad " on account of floods from said creek," the Village Board at a meet- ing held January 27, 1859, rescinded so much of the above resolution as referred to street repairs and "protection from freshets in McCollough's Creek." At this meeting it was further Resolved— " That said Company will be held as heretofore to protect Erie avenue from freshets on McCullough's Creek, and be subject to all the personal legal rights which the citizens may have against said Company on account thereof." April 26, 1860, the Board of Trustees granted the New York and Erie Railroad Company, their successors and assigns, the right " to at all times hereafter use and occupy such portions of Erie avenue as may be necessary for running and stopping at the passenger depot corner of said avenue and Pine street, and to stop their said passenger trains on Pine street for the usual time of passenger trains at said station," The maintenance by the Erie Railroad of a switch on the north side of its main line tracks, on Erie avenue, from Walnut to Chestnut streets, has from early village days been a source of annoyance to occupants of dwellings along that section of the avenue, and continues to be a bone of contention. The Erie has succesfully com- In the Days of Wood -Burning Locomotives. 183 batted all efforts of Village Boards and City Councils to have the obnoxious switch removed. The Erie was never granted permis- sion to put it there in the first place. When the Erie Company first bridged the Chemung, where its tracks now cross the stream near the western city limits, it was necessary to bridge two channels, divided by a narrow island. The south or main channel was crossed by a three-span bridge, with two piers in the stream. This provided clear-ways for rafts and boats. The north channel was crossed by trestles resting on spiles ; a dry channel when the Chemung was normal or lower, but when it was at rafting pitch or more, affording an excellent spillway or auxiliary channel. Here, a short distance east of the railroad a large saw-mill was located, logs being floated to the mill from a pond above the Erie tracks, in a raceway dug for such use. This mill was built a few years after the opening of the Erie. Following the " June Flood," of 1889, the Erie filled in this north channel of the Chemung, a matter that has occasioned much com- plaint on the part of people who occupy the low-lands of Centerville and near the junction of the Chemung and Conhocton Rivers. They maintain that the Erie Company by closing the north channel of the Chemung, as stated, created a condition that dams the stream in time of flood, causing their lands to be submerged. Thus is shown a most unfortunate lack of reciprocal co-ordina- tion on the part of a public service corporation and people whom it should serve rather than inconvenience. For a dozen or more years after the Erie was constructed its locomotives were v/ood-burners. The smoke-stacks of these iron- horses were funnel-shaped, in fonn suggesting an inverted petticoat expanded to the limit by a hoop, after the manner followed by the fashion-following women of that period. There was a coarsely- woven wire screen, dome-shaped and bulging, fastened atop the smoke-stack to keep firebrands from passing out and starting fires along the way. The device was not much of a success. People at stations and those aboard trains, were showered with live sparks when the fireman of the locomotive stirred up the fire and tossed into the fire-box its fill of thoroughly seasoned fuel— and this was done at frequent intervals. At night there were some fireworks when an Erie locomotive passed by. A railroad v/oodyard was on important feature of each stopping place. A gang of men was at hand when a train pulled in, with a stack of wood placed so as to be close by the tender of the engine. 184 Some Famous Pioneer Erie Locomotives. and these men hurled fuel aboard while the fireman was giving the iron-horse a drink and the engineer was oiling its joints. Trains were compelled to stop between stations, to wood up, where the distance between villages was so great that the amount of fuel that could be piled on a tender was not sufificent to supply steam to make a station to station straight away run. It was also the practice to have quantities of wood stacked at intervals along the right of way for emergency use. Farmers and others who had contracts for supplying the Erie with wood were considered lucky men, and like the lumbermen and captains of canal boats, occupied a prominent place in the affections of Corning tradesmen and landlords. The first locomotive to be used on the Erie, when the trackage only extended from Piedmont to Goshen, was a little jinx of a con- traption called the " Orange," which distinguished itself by winning a twenty-mile race with a stage coach. In 1846 the Erie put the " Steuben " in service, a locomotive with two pairs of driving wheels. It evidenced decided progress in the evolution of the locomotive. In 1849 the trim-built " Tioga," the twenty-ninth locomotive acquired by the Erie, began running over the line. It had four driving wheels. It could do thirty miles an hour. For a number of years it hauled trains through Corning. In 1864 the Erie placed in freight service locomotives with three driving wheels on a side and a pair of small idlers under the frame between the cow-catcher and cylinder heads. In 1866 the " George G. Barnard," a four-driver wood-burning passenger engine appeared, followed by others of the same type. They were highly decorated, fine scroll work and polished brass being much in evidence. Then, in 1870, the finest locomotive that ever trailed the Erie, made its first appearance in Corning— the " Jay Gould," built for the personal use of the railroad magnate whose name it bore. This locomotive was a work of art. It had four driving wheels. Seals of the States of New York and New Jersey were emblazoned on the tender, and a silver-framed portrait of Jay Gould was displayed between the tops of the drivers on either side. This locomotive brought Jay Gould to Corning a number of times, to meet Franklin N. Drake, the most prominent citizen of the village, the two men being personal friends, and associated in coal deals of magnitude and railroad and mining ventures. The development of coal mines at Fall Brook and Antrim and of minor soft coal drifts in the Blossburg region, greatly increased the The " Fall Brook " In High Favor in Corning. 185 output and the demand for additional railroad tracks and better equip- ment has been met from time to time. The operations of the Magee interests, promoters of the Fall Brook Railroad lines and owners of extensive coal mines, have done more to " put Corning on the map " as a manufacturing center than all the rest of the railroads with trackage here. Under the Magees Corning, as village, at all times received the most favorable consideration. This policy has been most happily continued since the Magee Railroad interests were taken over by the New York Central Railroad Company, and with added mileage became the Pennsylvania Division of the New York Central Lines. The division headquarters, and principal car and machine shops, are in Corning ; and train men make round trips " over the hill " and " down the creek," out of Coming. The Central at the present time employs about 2,500 residents of the city of Corning. The Conhocton Valley Railroad, extending from Painted Post to Attica, was built in 1852, and eventually became a connecting link in the Erie's Corning to Rochester branch. In May, 1864, the Erie made Rochester the northern terminus of its line, instead of Buffalo, a matter that caused much rejoicing in Rochester. In July, 1865, John Magee was granted permission to build a section of railroad track from East Tioga avenue to connect the Corning and Blossburg line with the Erie near Hope Cemetery. This connection v/as known as the " Magee Switch." It was used for about twelve years, (or until the Corning, Geneva and Lyons branch of the Fall Brook system was built), for the transportation of soft coal via the Erie to Horseheads Junction, and thence over the Lehigh Valley railroad to Watkins, whence it was forwarded by canal boats. Such shipments were necessitated by the failure of the State to properly maintain the Chemung Canal. This canal was aban- doned about 1876. These items of railroad news were printed in the issues of the Coming Journal of the dates given : — March 5, 1852. — B. W. Payne & Company are engaged in filling their contract for freight cars for the Corning and Buffalo Railroad. Their cars are built in the most substantial manner and finished in good style, under the supervision of J. B. Lower. July 16, 1852.— The work of relaying and widening to the six- feet gauge the track of the Corning and Blossburg Railroad is proceeding with vigor, and will be completed the fore part of next month. [The guage of the Erie Railroad was six feet.] Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXXV. Events In and About Corning — 1851 -'55. THE WEEK AFTER WEEK review of business and social events and chronicles of happenings, with editorial notes and comments, found in bound files of the Corning Journal, supply copious and authentic information of the Corning of early days. From this source the matters having to do with affairs in and about Corning, presented in this and several succeeding chapters are gleaned ; the date indicating the issue of Dr. Pratt's paper in which the particular item or more extended article was printed : — July 23, 1851.— Our village has long stood in need of a large hall for public meetings, etc. This want is supplied by finishing the third story of the Concert Block. Easy of access and central, it is a room of adequate size to meet all ordinary occasions for years to come. The length is 75 feet with a breadth of 70. We are pleased to learn that Daniel F. Brown has been appoint- ed Police Justice of the village. The foundations for four new stores are laid in the first burnt district. George W. Dyer is adding one to his elegant block. August 6, 1851.— The Sabbath schools of Corning and Knoxville will hold a union festival on Friday next. The schools of Corning will meet at 9 o'clock in the morning at the Methodist Church, and after singing move in procession to the Knoxville bridge, and meet the Sabbath school of Knoxville. The schools will embark in boats fitted up for the occasion and go down the river to a grove, where there will be exercizes. A picnic dinner will be served. Current Prices. — Winter wheat, 80o bushel ; corn, 50c.; beans, $1.00 ; butter, 12 l-2c per lb.; lard, 10c ; cheese, 7c ; eggs, 12 l-2c. September 3, 18bl.— DICKINSON HOUSE. — This spacious hotel will be opened this week for the reception of travellers. It is an ornament to the village, and there is occasion for congratulation 186 Fraternal Organizations of Corning in 1851. 187 that Corning can boast a public house inferior to none, in its expen- sive furnishings, or numerous well-planned and commodious rooms. The building is 70 by 80 feet, and five stories high, including base- ment, containing in all over 100 rooms. S. B. Dennis, long and favorably known at Owego as a popular landlord, has leased the Dickinson House for a term of years. Under the heading, " Corning Fraternal Societies," the following notices were printed in successive issues of the Journal : — Painted Post Lodge, (Masonic), meets twice a month, on Wednesday evenings, at their hall over Dr. Graves' drug store. Montour Encampment, I. O. of O. F., meets first and third Wednes- day evenings of each month, in Dyer Block. Corning Lodge, L 0. of O. F., meets every Saturday evening, at their hall in the Dyer Block. Temple of Honor, meets every Tuesday evening. Corning Division, Sons of Temperance, meets every Monday even- ing, at Temperance Hall, over J. A. Hayt & Co.'s store. September 17, 1851. — The removal of the post office to Corel's new building, south of the Dickinson House, gives general satisfac- tion to business men and those residing in the east part of the village. September 24, 1851. — The enterprising citizens of Painted Post are taking measures for the construction of a plank road from thence to Erwin Center and Lawrenceville. We hope our citizens will exhibit a similar spirit in endeavoring to push forward a plank road to Caton. The following school teachers attended a Teachers' Institute for Steuben County, held at Bath : Alfred Wylark, M. L. Brown, Angle B. White, Mrs. Almira A. Sturtevant, Sarah A. Griggs and Cornelia Stewart, of Corning ; Mary Jane Hare, of Painted Post. December 12, 1851. — If Corning was not so extended in its form, the annexation of Knoxville might be feasible and it would doubtless increase its consequences, while on the score of morality the good name of Corning would perhaps suffer no particular injury. D. A. Fuller, late the popular keeper of the " Picayune," has leased the Western Hotel and has fitted it up in good style for the comfort and convenience of the traveling public. Being near the [Erie] depot, and under the management of one so well qualified to minister to the wants of his guests, it is certain that " Doc " Fuller will secure a good share of travelling custom. 188 Trains Begin Running Between Corning and Bath. January 9, 1852.— Our neighbor, R. E. Robinson, has opened an extensive bakery on Pine street, near the post office. R. Cobb, formerly of the Corning Hotel, has leased the American Hotel, at Hornellsville, for a term of years. February 6, 1852.— At a meeting held at Monteray, February 2, a company was organized to build a plank road " to commence at the village of Monteray and continue and terminate at the north end of the highway bridge in Port Barton, or Knoxville." A. Gaylord, of Monteray, was Chairman of the preliminary organization, and Charles H. Erwin was Secretary. A committee of six was appointed to solicit subscriptions for stock in the project, February 13, 1852. — The following were elected officers of the Town of Corning, on Tuesday : Supervisor, William Irvine ; Town Clerk, Charles C. B. Walker ; Assessor, Birdsell M. Johnson ; Super- perintendent of Common Schools, George W. Pratt ; Commissioners of Highways, Lemuel H. Robinson and William Bonham ; Justice of the Peace, Butler S. Wolcott ; Collector, Theo. J. Steele ; Overseers of the Poor, John McBurney and Russell Hunt ; Constables, Simon Van Etten, George W. Dyer, William A. Spencer and Nicholas D. Rowley ; Inspectors of Election, 1st Dist., James S. Robinson and Charles H. Thompson ; 2d Dist., Alvah Rowley and Anthony M. Gibson ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, William T. Rigby. Colonel Thomas McBurney has been appointed Canal Collector for the Port of Corning. February 25, 1852. — The Corning Temperance Alliance, auxiliary to the New York State Temperance Alliance, was formed. Officers : Charles Lombard, President ; J. M. Wood, Secretary ; J. B. Lower, Treasurer. Executive Committee — Benjamin W. Payne, Bertine Pew, J. A. Hayt, George W. Pratt and E. G. Greenman. March 5, 1852.— Jared A. Redfield, of Corning, has been appoint- ed Superintendent of the Conhocton Valley Railway, and is actively engaged in preparations to commence running trains. April 16, 1852.— The train over the Buffalo, Corning & New York Railroad, (the Conhocton Valley line), made a round trip from Corning to Bath, on Tuesday, [April 13]. A few weeks will see the road opened to Livingston County. June 25, 1852.— Measures are being taken to build a Methodist chapel in Knoxville, at the junction of Main and Bridge streets. September 24, 1852.— A post office has been established at Knox- ville, in this town, and Colonel G. L. Davis appointed Post Master. Superintendent Tioga Railroad Killed in Collision. 189 A Young Men's Temperance Institute and Lyceum has been formed. Officers— W. W. Hayt, President ; T. Pew, Vice President ; W. R. Hart, Secretary ; G. W. Preston, Treasurer. Members of the Executive Committee : The President, the Vice President, George Thompson, N. D. Davis and George W. Pratt. November 5, 1852.— George B. Bradley, for several years engaged in the practice of law at Woodhull, in this County, has moved to this village and opened an office in the Dyer Block. November 26, 1852. — Monday afternoon a collision occurred near " Six Mile Station," above this village, by which the Superintendent of the Tioga Railroad, Peter B. Guernsey, was instantly killed. He was going up on a special engine for the purpose of aiding the down regular train from Blossburg, which was on time, but which he supposed from being heavily loaded could not reach this place with- out assistance, as it had been snowing. When passing through the woods around a curve the train came upon them, without a moment's warning. Mr. Guernsey was sitting on the tender, as the engine was backing up, and was caught between that and the opposing locomotive, thrown between them upon the track and horribly mangled. He leaves a widow and four children. December 24, 1852. — S. B. Dennis having retired, the manage- ment of the Dickinson House has been assumed by Messrs. Yrtes & Hicks, of Albany, who have purchased the furniture and leased the building for a term of years. Mr. Dennis is about to take charge of the " Picayune " saloon, in the Dyer Block. December 31, 1852. — The Tioga Railroad Company is fortunate in securing the services of Levi Shattuck, Esq., as Superintendent of the road. He has been connected with the New Jersey Central Rail- road for a series of years, and was agent of that company at Easton. January 7, 1853. — Canal shipments from Corning in 1862 : Coal, 37,438,000 pounds ; timber, cubic feet, 502,375 ; shingles, 16.300 M.; lumber, 51,686,611 feet. Receipts were large, including general merchandise, 561 barrels pork, 18,765 pounds bacon, 14,728 gallons of spirits, 1,514,198 pounds salt, 6,127,664 pounds railroad iron, 1,738,222 pounds pig iron, limestone and lime 1,967,783 pounds. March 11, 1853. — In this our age of railroads and plank roads, we should not forget our common roads — the highways over which the farmer transports his produce to market. Scarcely more do our railroads contribute to the prosperity of our village than the high- ways which intersect it. 190 Total Abstinence Required of Railroad Employes. On April 7th, 1853, Horace Greeley, Editor of the New York Tribune, delivered a lecture under the auspices of the Young Men's Institute. Topic : " The Literary Vocation." April 29, 1853. — This morning at 3 o'clock fire was discovered in the third story of the building on Market street formerly owned by South wick, which soon involved the whole structure and extended to the east, destroying all the buildings to the corner, viz.: Hood & Pierce, grorery store ; U. D. Hoed, harness shop ; E. H. Smith, grocery store, and the hardware store of William Hart. The Corning & Buffalo Railroad, in operation from this village to Conesus, 60 miles, is doing a good paying business. Mr. Redfield, the Superintendent, requires total abstinence on the part of all employed on the road. The company has 20 engines and 300 cars. Thomas Adams is landlord of the Railroad Hotel, on the south side of the Erie Railroad, a few rods east of the depot. Warm meals at all hours. Meals and lodgings 25 cents each. Good stabling. May 6, 1853. — A day or two since the Coming post office was removed to the new building erected on the lot between Concert Block and the market of Dodge & Robertson. A desk stands in the front office, with the necessary materials for writing. The arrange- ments free us from having the post office turned into a retail shop for the sale of pop-corn or molasses condy. Postmaster Dyer has for an assistant N. S. Ruggles and Charley White as Clerk. May 20, 1853. — We are requested to inquire whether there is a Hook and Ladder Company in the village. It is stated the organiza- tion has been given up, and that the apparatus is scattered about town in an unserviceable condition. The Dickinson House is again open for the reception of visitors. The new lessee is A. Field, formerly proprietor of the Railroad Hotel at Narrowsburg, and more recently of the Chenango House in Bing- hamton. June 3, 1853. — The foundations are being prepared for the erec- tion of a large church for the use of the Episcopal Society. The location is at the corner of Walnut street and Erie avenue. The Clinton House has been repaired at much expense and opened under the name of the Corning House. William A. Blossom is proprietor. He is a polite and attentive landlord. June 24, 1853. — E. Freeman is again landlord of the Railroad Hotel. U. D. Hood, harness maker, has moved into his new building. A Frantic Widow Drowns Her Sorrow. 191 August 26, 1853.— E. A. Jefferey & Company are enlarging the capacity of their foundry and machine shop, by the erection of a front 100 feet in width and 35 feet in depth. The business of this company has increased to such a degree as to render such an addition indispensible. The foundry was originally intended for the manufacture of force pumps, but constant application for other work, has led the proprietors to add the manufacture of mill gearing, horse powers, steam engines, etc. Before the Chemung Canal dam was constructed the river oppo- site this village was fordable at low water. A married couple lived up Post Creek about a mile from the river, both of whom were adicted to strong drink. "Corn Juice " was plenty, more than half a dozen stills being operated in this town. The husband came across the river one day to replenish his bottle at a reservoir below the mills. There he tarried some time, became intoxicated, and vv^hile wading the river fell face down in shallow water and was drowned. The body was found the next morning and the widow notified. She ran across the fields and waded to where body was lying on a bar, and after a burst of sorrow, rolled the body over and taking the bottle from a breast pocket, proceeded to drown her anguish. September 9, 1853. — F. Chaphe having purchased the blacksmith shop of George W. Calkins, in this village, has engaged a sufficient number of workmen to carry on the business in all its branches. Friday night the Phoenix Factory, near the Erie depot, owned by Ambler & Ells, was destroyed by fire. It was occupied by their planing mill and by the cabinet and chair factory of J. Mallory & Sons. Two small dwellings were also destroyed. Workmen are now engaged in constructing a telegraph line along the Erie Railroad in this section. October 21, 1853. — A public meeting was held October 19, to consider the matter of establishing a Free Academy. The following committee was appointed to consider the matter and report : N. L. Somers, George Thompson, J. A. Redfield, George T. Spencer, C. H. Berry, Rev. R. E. Wilson, Rev. D. Nutten, Rev. A. H. Starkweather, Rev. Mr. Barrows and Dr. George W. Pratt. The Lodge of Good Templars is flourishing. Friday, November 11.— Rev. Harvey Hyde will commence preach- ing in the old church at Knoxville on Sunday. The interior of the building has been much improved. It is a matter of congratulation 192 Wild Deer Seeks Refuge In Erie Station. that the inhabitants of Knoxville and Centerville nov/ have a house of worship. The sHps are free. November 25, 1853.— The committe appointed by Governor Seymour to locate the County buildings in the Southern Jury District of Steuben, has selected Corning. The court house will be located on the Public Square, between the Methodist and the Baptist churches. December 16, 1853.— The new saw-mill of Campbell, Bissell & Company, at the north end of the Erie Railroad bridge, above this village, is runningly finely. There are two single saws and two gang saws. The planing mill of Anthony M. Gibson, at Gibson, is turning out large quantities of matched and planed lumber. On Tuesday a full grown deer, closely pursued by hounds, took refuge in the Erie depot. It was caught by Robert Gray. D. A. Fuller is again in the field, having opened his new and commodious hotel, the Terrett House. December 30, 1853. — A telegraph office has been opened in the Post Office building, with John L. Wheat in charge. January 13, 1854. — David Lane, formerly of the Railroad Hotel, of this village, and recently of the Empire House, Elmira, has leased tbe Corning House for a term of years. He is a good landlord. C. N. Waterman, Esq., has returned to this village to resume the practice of law, in connection with C. H. Berry, his former partner. January 20, 1854.— The Chemung kicked off its icy blanket one day last week and sent it floating down to the Susquehanna. Con- siderable lumber was lost due to the unexpected rise. The river is now clear of ice and bank full. Married, January 26, 1854, by Rev. A. H. Starkweather, Mark M. Pomeroy, associate editor of the Corning Sun, and Miss A. A. Wheeler, also of Corning. [The groom was the " Brick " Pomeroy who achieved notoriety as editor and publisher of Pomeroy' s Democrat, issued at La Cross, (not Milwaukee, Wis., as stated on page 161), during the Civil War.] March 24, 1854. — M. M. Pomeroy has disposed of his interest in the Sun office to Rev. Ira Brown, publisher of \he Primitive Christian, at Penn Yan, which hereafter will be published in this place. Mr. Pomeroy goes to New York. John Card has purchased the harness establishment hitherto conducted by U. D. Hood. Mr. Hood is employed by Mr. Card. Death of John Knox, Founder of Knoxville. 193 David L. Johns, of Canandaigua, has become a partner in the stove, tin and hardware establishment of John Hart. The firmi name is Hart & Johns. April 14, 1854.— John Knox, one of the early settlers of this town, died at his residence in Knoxville on Tuesday, the 11th, aged 84 years. Nearly fifty years ago he represented Steuben County in the Legislature, and subsequently held various offices of trust. F. & J. Ferenbaugh have moved their saddle and harness shop from Centerville to this village, in the new building adjoining Dr. Gilbert's drug store. April 28, 1854.— During the past week a large number of rafts floated by this village. Every effort is being made to get the large amount of lumber on hand to market during the present high stage of water. Westward bound trains are crowded with raftsmen returning to their homes. Several raftsmen are reported to have been drowned at one of the dams beiow. Saturday afternoon Hiram Wescott, aged 20 years, son of Horace Wescott, of Caton, was knocked off a raft at Jack's Eddy, in Erwin, and drowned. The Corning Emmet Guards held their first annual ball, at Concert Hall, Monday evening, May 1st. Music by Quick's full band. 'Supper was served at the Dickinson House, Military gentlemen appeared in uniform. Committee of Arrangements : Captain M, B, Stafford, Lieutenant E, Monaghan, Lieutenant E. Fitzpatrick, Sergeant C Cantley, Corporal P. Nash, Privates J. Gernon, M, Vallely and J. Martin, P, H. Mattimore, President. May 12, 1854. — The two hotels at Painted Post have been closed in consequence of the refusal of the Board of Excise of the Town of Erwin to grant licenses to the landlords to sell intoxicating drinks. The number of the hogs and cattle running in the streets during the Summer, forcing their way into yards and gardens, and destroy- ing everything green, is a nuisance which ought to be abated. May 19, 1854. — We have engaged M. M. Pomeroy, founder of and until recently leading proprietor of the Corning Semi-Weekly Sun, as foreman of the Corning Journal office. Mr. Pomeroy has just returned from New York. He has no superior as a workman. Ground has been broken for the new Court House. Jonathan Brown's saw-mill, three miles below the village, burned the night of May 25th, with a large quantity of lumber. June 2, 1854. — The death of James A. Hayt, aged 34 years. May 24th, produced profound grief. For eight years he was a highly 194 Corner-Stone of New Court House Is Laid, respected merchant of this village, for several successive terms a Trustee, last year was President of the village, was an earnest and self-sacrificing friend of temperance, an ardent anti-slavery man and a zealo'js supporter of moral and religious interests. Rev. I. N. Hurd, missionary at Rayapoorum, India, has presented to the Sunday School of the First Presbyterian Church, a collection of articles illustrative of the natural history of India, and a number of idols worshipped by the natives. The collection has been placed in a cabinet in the vestibule of the session house. Monday night, June 5th, fire destroyed the bakery and candy factory, residence and barns of R. E. Robinson on Pine street, near Market ; Hathaway's sash and blind factory, the Dickinson House barns and stables, the Adelphi Block of five stores and numerous offices, Corel's tailor shop and F. Morrow's meat market. George K. Hickey, late landlord of the Eagle Hotel, at Lawrence- ville, has leased the American Hotel for a term of years. R. P. Spencer, of Fairfield, Conn., a brother of Geo. T. Spencer,, has opened a loan office in this village. Richardson & Co. have completed a grist-mill at Caton Center. July 7, 1854, — R. E. Robinson is putting up a large stone building on his portion of the ' burnt district.' Joseph Hollenbeck has the contract. Part of the building will be occupied by a steam flouring mill. [This structure, remodeled, is now the Erie passenger station.] The new Baptist Church at Caton Center, was dedicated last week. The church is large and well built. On Thursday, July 20, the corner-stone of the new court house was laid. The attendance was large and the exercises impressive. It is to be a brick building resting on a substantial stone foundation. Davis & Stafford have the contract for the stone and brick work, and Charles Clark for the carpentry. Addresses were delivered by George T. Spencer and Thomas A. Johnson. During his remarks Judge Johnson said : — "The location and erection of a court house upon this spot, in this locality, is a broad, obvious, and distinctive mark in the progress of events which make up the history of this portion of our County. " Upon this square, where now rise three temples dedicated to the living God, and two of humbler pretensions dedicated to the cause of education, within less than a score of years stood an unbroken forest. " And from this eminence the eye rested upon but one solitary farm- house and small clearing, where now it sees this multitude of roofs, sheltering sympathies and affections as true, and warm, and elevated, as ever graced social life in any land ; and hearts as prompt, and arms as Christ Episcopal Church Consecrated by Bishop Delancy. 195 strong, as ever grappled with its sterner destinies. Then the mirrored surface of our beautiful river was broken by the solitary canoe, where commerce has now fixed her busy mart, and her small but active fleets constantly come and go, exchanging the products of our skill and industry for those of far off lands. Since -then the locomotive and swift-rolling cars, bearing their hundreds daily, have supplanted the solitary stage coach, with its single passenger ; and the fierce, exulting whistle of the engine has drowned the driver's merry horn, so that it is now recalled only as the echo of a dream half remembered. " Well may we, then, who have seen the beginning of these things : the living witnesses of the old and new : mark this event with gratulation and thanksgiving, and rejoice that our feeble efforts have aided in pushing forward, instead of blocking and retarding, the car of progress." August 11, 1854, — The George Washington Bank, located in the Concert Block, in this village, has commenced business, J. N. Hungerford and George W. Patterson are the proprietors. They are from Westfield, New York. August 18, 1854. — A company of Light Infantry has been organ- ized in this village, named the Washington Guards. The officers are W. B. Hatch, Captain ; N. T. Colby, First Lieutenant ; J. S, Belknap, Second Lieutenant. Arms have been sent for and measures taken for uniforms. Ambler & Ells have built a planing mill near the Erie depot, to replace the one destroyed by fire. The post office at Knoxville, over the river, has been discontin- ued. The Postmaster General recommends that the inhabitants of that vicinity obtain their mail matter at the Corning post office. On the 21st of September the new Christ Episcopal Church v/as consecrated, by Rt. Rev. William H. Delancy, Bishop of Western New York. Saturday afternoon, September 30, 1854, fire started in Arnold's bakery, on Market street, which speedily consumed that building, C. G. Howell's tailor shop, John A. Parcel's cabinet shop, the store of C. Page, the book store of W. W, Robinson and the store of H. L. Edson. Several other buildings were damaged. Saturday evening, November 25, at a meeting held at the Dick- inson House, the New England Society of Corning was organized. Officers : T. A. Johnson, President ; H. G. Phelps, J. Brown, A. Jones, J. B. Graves, C. C. B. Walker, W. B. Whiting, Vice Presidents. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXXVL Events In and About Corning — 1855-'60. THE MAYOR and Common Council and other citizens of the City of Rochester, signaHzed the opening of the railroad connecting the two places, by making a friendly visit to this village, January 4th, 1855, coming by a special train and accompanied by a brass band. Dinner was served at the Dickinson House. Local postmasters : Corning, G. W. Dyer ; Painted Post, W. S. Rumsey ; Gibson, B. S. Wolcott. January 26, 1855. The Corning Sun has been changed to a quarto form, and it is now published under the name of the Elmira Southern Tier Farmer and Corning Sun. It is published weekly by Ira Brown, A. M. Upson and Frank B. Brown, at $1.50 a year. Sunday afternoon a deer crossed the lower part of the vilage. evidently on a tour of observation. At a largely attend meeting held at the Dickinson House resolu- tions were passed requesting the State to repair the locks of the Chemung Canal, " as an act of justice to the citizens whom this canal was intended to benefit." February 9, 1855. — Walker & Turner have a contract for a term of years with the New York and Erie Railroad Company, to furnish wood for the trains stopping here, and advertise for any quantity of hard or soft wood delivered at the depot. March 2, 1855. — Corning Union School had the pleasure of receiving a visit from the Painted Post Union School. There were twenty sleighs filled with scholars preceded by one bearing Cowles' Brass Band. There were addresses, recitations, singing and music by the band at the school. J. McKinney, Principal of the Corning School, and E. Williams, Principal of the Painted Post school, exchanged the most friendly greetings. 196 Over-Flow of Monkey Run Causes Great Damage. 197 A Choral Society has been formed with a large membership. The cultivation of sacred music is the chief object. The officers are William W. Hayt, President ; R. P. Spencer, Vice President ; L. Ervingham, Secretary ; W. D. Terbell, Treasurer ; Charles Quick, Leader. Executive Committee : A. Hickox, W. R. Hart, J. K. Van Slyke, B. J. Spaulding and Franklin Pew. April 6, 1855. — H. Kellogg, of Mt. Morris, has purchased the stock of drugs, medicines. Etc., of Dr. Graves, and will continue the business. Dr. Graves is to devote his entire time to his practice. April 18, about 9 o'clock in the morning, a remarkable hail-storm began, continuing nearly 30 minutes. The hail averaged 13 to 14 to the pound, though some were much larger. Some were eight to nine inches in circumference, the size of a goose egg. " Uncle Jack Lindsley," a Negro born in Africa, kidnapped in his youth and brought to America and sold into slavery, died at Wellsville, N. Y., recently, at the age of 120 years. A former master was Colonel Eleazer Lindsley, original owner of the town of Lindley. April 27, 1855.— George S. Ellas, of Bath, and George W. Pratt, of Corning, have been appointed Loan Commissioners of the County of Steuben. May 11, 1855. — The Corning Brass Band, under the leadership of Captain E. Pier, is to be connected with the 60th Regiment, New York State Militia. June 22, 1855. Payne & Olcott are filling a large contract for freight and baggage cars for the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. Joel Parcel sold his farm on the north side of the Chemung River, opposite the village, to B. W. Payne, for $6,000. June 29, 1855. A man was drowned in the Chemung River at the Chimney Narrows, his horse and buggy in some way getting into the stream. In attempting to rescue the horse the man lost his life. The body was recognized as that of Benjamin Patterson, of Lindley, by a son-in-law of that gentleman, but this has been contra- dicted by Mr. Patterson himself, who came down and said it was a mistake. It was a man named Simmons, of Woodhull. July 6. 1855. There was a violent rainstorm Saturday, and the Monkey Run burst through the masonry above the Erie bridge, and tore along Erie avenue for several blocks, flooding the business section of the village. The damage amounts to many thousand dollars. A passage way was cleared for Erie trains early Monday. 198 Proposition to Have Free Union School Rejected. There was an elaborate celebration of the Fourth of July with the largest number of people present ever before seen in Corning on any occasion. All the railroads ran excursion trains. The population of the village of Corning is 3,626 ; Knoxville, 628 ; Gibson, 428. Total population of town, villages included, 6,336. Efforts to enforce the Prohibiton law of the State, which became effective July 4, cause considerable excitement and varied results. So-called " patent medicines " with a large per cent of alcohol, are sold at saloons and " wet groceries." Friday, August 24. — The old bridge between Coming and Gibson, which for some time past has been on its last legs, finally caved in on Wednesday. A new bridge should be built immediately. A proposition to have a Free Union School was lost, 93 to 87. The new Methodist Church in Knoxville was dedicated Sept. 6. E. S. Tyler, Principal, and Miss J. Cooper, Assistant, conduct a select school in the building on the Public Square south of the Presbyterian Church. A meeting of locomotive engineers of the Buffalo, Coming and New York Railroad, and the Tioga Railroad, was held the evening of October 23, 1855, at the Terrett House. William S. Lovejoy was Chairman and John Forbes, Secretary. George Sargeant was appointed a delegate to attend a convention of locomotive engineers to be held at Baltimore on the 6th of November. Other engineers present were Huling, King, Granger, Hayes, Bamiwell and Gifford. January 11, 1856.— At the " Bull's Head " market a large hog is attracting considerable attention. Its weight, dressed, is 639 pounds. The Building Committee of the First Methodist Church advertise for proposals to build a brick church. On the 25th of March, 1856, the Court of Appeals handed down a decision declaring the State Prohibition Law unconstitutional, for the reason that it deprived persons of property without due process of law, and denied trial by jury. April 4, 1856. — C. C. B. Walker has been appointed Postmaster. May 8, 1856. — ^James S. Robinson, collecter of canal tolls at the port of Corning, has engaged as clerks Thaddeus Hunt and Nelson W. Peake. Office over the store of H. G. Phelps & Son. Friday evening, June 6, 1856, the steam planing and saw-mill of A. M. Gibson, at Gibson, were completely destroyed by fire, with coniderable lumber. Loss about $20,000 ; no insurance. Two Sweeping Conflagrations In 1856. 199 Anti-Slavery, (or Republican), Clubs have been organized in Corning and neighboring communities, to co-operate with like clubs throught the free States. The two most destructive fires that ever afflicted the village of Corning, occurred in the Summer of 1856. The first, on the 30th of June, burned over nearly eight acres, causing losses aggregating about $150,000 ; the second fire, was July 16, the losses totaling near $200,000. The fire of June 30th started at 4:30 o'clock in the after- noon, at the Payne & Olcott foundry. A heavy wind prevailed. The fire raged for nearly three hours, seventy-eight buildings being destroyed, including the foundry, the Corning House, Potter's livery stables, Samuel Hillock's eating house, the groceries of C. D. Robin- son, George Farnum, P. Nash ; A. J. Gilbert's wagon factory and blacksmith shop, 1. M. Clute's wagon factory, Hiram Heath's black- smith shop and barn ; drug store owned by Dr. Gilbert, homes of R. E. Robinson, E. Dodge, O. E, Lacy, Joseph Robinson ; grocery of James Gernon, Ferenbaugh's harness shop, a score of small houses. Fire companies came by ti"ains from Elmira and Bath but arrived too laie to render aid. The fire of July 16th started about 2 o'clock in the morning in the Dyer Block, on the south side of Market street, between Pine and Cedar. In its report of this fire the Journal said : " The fire extended rapidly, consuming ail buildings east to the corner, on both sides of market street, and also extended wast as far as the drug store of Dr. W. Terbell & Son, on the north side cf Market street, and to the store of G. Page, on the south side of the same street. Most of the houses on Tioga avenue between Pine and Cedar streets were burned. The Odd Fellows' Lodge room was on the fourth floor of the Dyer Bjock ; loss, $500. The Masonic Lodge room was in the fourth story of Masonic Block ; nothing was saved. The only buildings left standing on Market street along the square from Pine srteet to Cedar, which was the business center of Corning, are Terbell & Son's drug store, Walker & Turner's Block of three three stores, Concert Block, and the stores of B. F. Farwell, L. T. Fuller and C. Page. These buildings are of brick." These business places burned : Grocery stores of J. M. Watrous, Gillett & Kimble, P. J. Overacre, E. Spaulding ; dry goods, Jones & Jennings, H. L Long, H. G. Phelps ; T. H. Emm.ons, tobacco ; Miss Brown, dress maker ; W. P. Havens, painter ; A. Hickox, Daguerrean rooms ; William Curtiss, saloon ; F. & J. Ferenbaugh, harness shop ; Dr. J. N. Skelton, drug store ; J. K. Newell, boot and shoe store and shop ; J. A. Parcel, furniture ; A. M, Corel, tailor ; Hammond & 200 Anti-Slavery Rally and Pole-Raising at Caton. Johnson, flour and feed store ; George Thompson, stock of clothing ; P. J. Overacre, crockery store ; Wilham Miller, saloon and boarding house; A. Sanders, clothing; George Marshall, saloon; B, D. Burt^ harness shop ; Hart & Colby, hardware ; Mrs. A. Tuthill, millinery ; Dr. Graves, office furnishings, medical library and instruments ; the engine house of Fire Company No. 1 ; Chaffee & Lovejoy's liquor store ; J. F. Smith's lumber office ; White & Adams, musical instru- ments, and a number of offices of prafessional men, August 21, 1856.— Paine & Olcott's foundry has been rebuilt, but not upon the former site. Their car shop near the New York and Erie Railroad depot has been converted into a machine shop, and another stone building, 66 by 84 feet, has been erected adjoining. Murray & Stafford took the job of putting up the new building, and in less than three weeks quarried the stone, hauled it to the ground^ excavated for the foundation and completed the walls. Dr. J. B. Graves has contracted for the erection of two three- story stores of brick on the site of Masonic Block. J. A. Redfield and J. M. Wood have contracted for building three- story stores of brick. The work of rebuilding is going forward. Thirteen brick stores are under contract. A dozen more will be under contract soon. September 12, 1856, there was a pole raising at Caton Center. The pole was of pine, 113 feet high from the ground. From the top floated a flag forty feet long bearing the names of Fremont and Dayton. The Lawrenceville " Jaw-Bone Band " was present September 25, 1856. — No rain of consequence has fallen in three weeks. Fires have spread in the woods throughout the hill country, doing much damage. Thursday the wind was very high throughout the day, and in Hornby and Caton many persons were obliged to fight fire until late in the evening, when, fortunately, there was a heavy shower. In some places fire ran through fields as fast as a man could walk. In Hornby several barns with their contents and a number of log houses were consumed. In this village that evening the air was filled with smoke to a degree that was painful to the eyes, even in dwelling houses. December 25, 1856.— William Land has opened a grocery and provision store next door to H. Kellogg's drug store. Charles G. Denison, late of Tioga and well known here, is chief clerk. Two Feet of Snow Falls April 20th, 1857. 201 A select school for young ladies was opened in Painted Post, on the 5th of February, conducted by Miss Sarah J. Swartwood, assisted by Miss Phebe M. Agatt. February 18, 1857 —H. E. Biles has purchased the interest of G. W. Smith in the Terrett House. Biles & Bannister continue the busines, E. Bannister remaining. February 22, 1857.— The company of National Guards paraded, with Pier's Military Band in the lead. Following the parade dinner was served at the Tremont House, kept by S. L. Hillick. There was considerable oratory. Major Field has taken charge of the St. Charles Hotel at Syra- cuse. He also continues to direct affairs at the Dickinson House, March 5. 1857.— Colonel B. P. Bailey has been appointed Super- intendent of the Chemung Feeder, succeeding Alvah Rowley. James S. Robinson has been re-appointed Collector of Tolls at Corning. March 19, 1857.— The post office has been removed to the new brick building at the comer of Pine street and Tioga avenue, built by Charles C. B. Walker. The store in the southern section of the building is occupied by the George Washington Bank, The firm of Walker & Turner, wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, has been dissolved. C. C. B. Walker, who continues the business, has purchased the interest of Horace Turner. W. McCarty is building a saw-mill in Canada West, 70 miles from Toronto. B. D. Burt has gone to California to locate. G. D. Williams & Company are erecting a planing mill near the engine house of the Tioga Railroad. Mark M. Pomeroy has purchased the Argus, a Democratic paper, at Horicon, Wis. The first issue of the Corning Democrat appeared. The owners and publishers are Charles Huston, Ira Brown and F. B. Brown. Two feet of snow fell April 20, during the day and night. April 30, 1857.— The melting of the snow has raised the river and many lumber rafts are passing down stream. J. N. Robinson has opened a clothing store in his new brick block. May 21, 1857.— The Legislature has passed and the Governor has signed a bill appropriating $14,000 for the erection of a State arsenal in the village of Corning. Edwin A. Jeffery and Joseph F. Moore have purchased the interest of their partners, Jonathan Brown and James L. Brown, in the Jeffery foundry and machine shops. 202 Flood Follows Flood Causing Great Destruction, D. C. Noe, of New York, has taken charge of the Dickson House, Major Field having resigned. Thomas Argue continues as porter. About 150 feet of the central section of the Canal Feeder dam- between Corning and Gibson, was washed away when the ice went out in February. Superintendent Bailey had a temporary- coffer-dam built around the break, enabling boats to begin service at the usual time. This was a notable achievement. Floods raged the afternoon and night of June 17, 1857, due to heavy rains. The villages of Corning, Painted Post, Knoxville and Gibson were flooded, great damage resulting. The valley was sub- merged from hill to hill, field crops and gardens destroyed, stock drowned, and numerous small buildings washed away. Along the Monkey Run a number of small dwellings were demolished. The business section of the village was covered with flood trash and filth and every cellar on the fiat lands was filled with water. The coffer-dam that patched the break in the Canal Feeder dam was- washed away and the canal put out of commission. The tavern of Peter Reese, at Gibson, was carried from its foundations by the raging waters of Narrows Brook, and left in the Chemung Canal. Mr. Reese also kept a grocery ; the entire stock was lost. Said the Journal in commenting on the flood : " Previous to the construction of the Erie Railroad, the high ground on Erie avenue prevented the passage of water from McColloch's Creek, to the east or west, and kept it in its course to the river. The excavation to secure a grade for the Erie Railroad necessarily destroyed this protection. Two years ago the channel under the track was filled by gravel and drift- wood, turning the whole current on the street. July 2, 1857.— The Chemung river is over Its banks and there has been another over-flow of the Monkey Run. Westbound trains on the Erie were compelled to lay here for one day, on account of land-slides and wash-outs east and west of Addison. Among passen- gers detained in Corning were 160 United States soldiers on their way to Utah, to keep the Mormons in subjection. Messrs. Pickering and Terry, of Elmira, and Charles T. Davis, of Corning, have taken the contract to rebuild the Mansfield Classical Seminary. R. E. Robinson has obtained a verdict against the Erie Railroad Company for $3,935, on account of damages due to the overflow of McColloch's Creek at the Erie avenue bridge two years ago. state Commissioners Select Site For Arsenal. 203 On Monday, July 6, General B. E. Bruce and R. B. VanValken- burg, commissioners representing the State, appointed to select a site for an arsenal in Corning, decided upon a location in the western part of the village, on the bench of the hill, about 40 rods south of the New York and Erie Railroad depot. The land, an entire block, about four acres, has been donated by the Coming Company. On April 29, 1857, the contract for building the arsenal was let to James M. Hawley, of Corning, for $12,900. July 23, 1857. — W, N. Howell is running a hack between Coming and Painted Post, four times a day each way. Fare one shilling. A. J. Gilbert has opened a livery stable. Misses M. N. and K. K Norton have opened a select school for young ladies, teaching common and higher branches and music. Miss C. M. Stratton teaches writing. William Walker has purchased the interest of his partner in the hat store of Couch & Walker, at 31 East Market street. Dr. N. R, Seeley, Homeopathist, announces that he has decided to make his permanent residence in Coming. H. Kellogg has sold his drug store to E. P. Rogers. September 10, 1857. — Five companies of the 60th Regiment of the State Militia are in camp, for general training, on the river flats east of Knoxville. On Thursday night a military ball was held in a large tent Colonel R. B. VanValkenburg is in command. October 8, 1857. — Owing to the panic and the chaotic condition of business throughout the country, the lumber and coal trade of of this section has been nearly suspended. October 31st, 1857, the Tremont House was destroyed by fire. On Tuesday, November 10th, 1857, there was a great flood. The Chemung River was higher that afternoon than ever before known. The waters of Monkey Run did a large amount of damage. The Chemung River extended like a lake from hill to hilL People were compelled to forsake their homes in the entire eastern section of the village, many taking to row-boats plied by rescuing parties. The embankment at the south end of the canal dam, for 100 feet, was washed out, as also the bulk-head and race-way of Hammond & Johnson's mills. The rafting chute at the Gibson end of the canal dam was carried out, the feeder lock was undermined, and a couple of breaches made in the Chemung Canal at Gibson. At Painted Post the entire village plot was under water. All the railroad and high- 204 Engineer Forbes Killed in Wreck Caused By Boys. way bridges between Painted Post and Bath were carried away. The damage wrought along the Canisteo and Tioga valleys was serious. January 14th, 1858.— The local company of National Guards has the following officers : Captain, L. Todd ; 1st Lieutenant, N. T, Colby ;' 2d Lieutenant, F. G. Wynkoop ; Orderly Sergeant, W, A. Spencer ; 2d Sergeant, William R Miller ; 3d Sergeant, William B. Rouse ; 4th Sergeant, Levi Rowley, April 1st, 1858. — This afternoon the locomotive and a dozen coal cars, of a train on the Tioga Railroad bound for Corning were derailed, due to a number of spikes having been placed on the rails by two boys who had wandered away from their home at Osceola, The train was rounding a sharp curve about a mile and a half from the State line, in the town of Lindley, when the locomotive was thrown from the track and rolled down an embankment. The engineer, John Forbes, was caught under the engine, severely bruised and scalded by escaping steam. He lived about 11 hours. The lads who caused the disaster declared that hearing the train coming they placed the spikes on the rails to see if tJiey would be flattened. May 6, 1858. — ^Forty men of Coming have formed the " Union Club," organized for social purposes ; membership fee, $15 ; annual dues, $15 ; membership limited to 60. No games are to be played for money ; no intoxicating liquor allowed. May 20, 1858.— After some years of silence the town clock sounds forth the hours. Isaac Wood has set it running, June 21, 1858, — Trains began through service between Corning and Buffalo, on the Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad, running by way of Batavia and Attica. The fine residence of R. E. Robinson burned Sunday night. The annual meeting of East Genesee Annual Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, opened in Coming, August 11, 1858., The sessions continued for a week, a large tent on the Public Square southeast of the Methodist Church, being used. On Tuesday after- noon, August 17, a largely attended meeting in the big tent was interrupted by the furious ringing of all the church bells and rapid firing of the village cannon. Soon the village was in a state of extreme commotion, there was a rush of people to the business center, at Market and Pine streets, and expressions and manifesta- tions of joy were unrestrained. All this, and a big celebration that night, with the brass band leading, and the militia companies and Grist-Mill at Erie Avenue and Pine Street Burns. 205 firemen and hundreds of citizens in line, business places and homes illuminated, immense bon-fires, fire-works, booming cannon and a clanging of bells, winding up with speech-making, was due to word received by telegraph from New York that the Atlantic cable was a success, and messages had passed from continent to continent. [ However, this, the first Atlantic telegraph cable, went dead after brief service, and it was not until July, 1866, that an Atlantic cable was put into successful operation,] Decem.ber 16, 1858.—Hungerford and Patterson, of the George Washington Bank, have dissolved partnership. Mr. Patterson con- tinues the business. He has engaged Quincy W. Wellington as cashier. Mark M, Pomeroy is local editor of the Milwaukee Daily News. Sunday evening, January 2, 1859.— Mrs. Patrick Boyle and two -children were burned to death in a fire that destroyed their home. January 13, 1859, early in the morning, the grist mill at Erie avenue and Pine street, and the block of four stores adjoining, were burned out, their contents being destroyed. The buildings were of stone, and owned and occupied by R. E. Robinson. March 24, 1859.— J. N. Hungerford has opened an individual bank, in the stone building on Market street recently occupied by W. M. Mallory. S. F. Denton is cashier. There has been another over-flow of the Monkey Run, due to the Erie bridge across its channel. Cellars were flooded throughout the business section of the village, goods destroyed and streets badly washed. There is a general demand that the Erie Railway Company remove its track from Erie avenue. April 21, 1859.— In accordance with the provisions of a law passed last week, by the Legislature, the Corning Union School is henceforth a free school, with all the advantages of an academic department. May 19, 1859.— Two sleeping cars were this week placed in use on the Erie Railroad. Price for a berth, 50 cents above regular fare. The Erie Railroad Company is to construct a passenger station on the site of the grist-mill destroyed by fire, at Erie avenue and Pine street. It will be of stone, from the walls of the grist-mill. A brick block on the west side of Pine street, extending from Market to the new stone depot of the Erie Railroad Company, with an arch over the alley, was built by R. E. (" Regulator ") Robinson in the Summer of 1859. 206 Two Prominent Men Killed at Railroad Crossing. In July, 1859, R. E. Robinson sold his stock of dry goods and groceries in a double store in the Concert Block, to Samuel C. Robertson and Charles S. Soule, who continued the business. A railroad was extended from Blossburg to the Fall Brook mines, U. D, Hood again engages in the harness business in Coming after residing for two years at Tioga, Pa. July 30, 1859. — An injunction having been obtained in behalf of the village, to prevent the Erie Railroad Company from doing grading and laying tracks near the new depot at Erie avenue and Pine street, the matter was argued before Justice Johnson, who dissolved the injunction and work was resumed. Attorney S. E. Hammond appeared for the village and George T. Spencer for the railroad. In August, 1859, R. E. Robinson sold his new brick block at Market and Pine streets, to Jonathan Brown. F. H. McGeorge, of Owego, suecceeded Dr. George Perkins as a dentist. All the Sabbath Schools of Corning and near-by places united in a picnic, Sept. 2d, on Hammond's Island, one mile east of the village. Eleven hundred children and several hundred adults were present. The superintendents of the various Sunday Schools were : Corning Baptist, R. Thompson ; Corning Methodist, J. M. Wood ; Corning Presbyterian, E. C. Adams ; East Corning Union, U. D. Hood ; Little Flats, H. O. Wilbur ; East Painted Post Union, George Wormley ; Gibson Union, William Rouse ; Centerville Union, William Stewart. C. and E. S. Stewart opened a dry goods and grocery store at No. 4, Concert Block. October 13, 1859. — At the annual school meeting in Corning, it was voted to borrow $10,000 to erect an Academy. In the evening there was a firemen's ball at the State Arsenal. At the election November 7th, 1859, the voters of the town of Coming authorized the erection of a highway bridge across the Chemung River, near Gibson. December 22, 1859.— This morning a cutter in which James Thompson, owner of a tannery at Centerville, and George Fenderson, were riding, on their was to Corning, way struck by the locomotive of the Erie express train, at the crossing near the toll-gate, and both men were killed. Mr. Fenderson dealt in hardware at Painted Post- The tannery at Curtis Station has been sold to Fitch & Allings, of Rochester. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXXVIL Events In and About Corning — 1860-' 65. ^HE EVENTS mentioned in this chapter cover the period of the Civil War, and mark many incidents connected with that war, although the story of the services rendered by men of Corning and vicinity, with a record of local enlistments, is reserved for chapters that follow. These chronicles give information gathered from many sources, and are the rewards of much patient research : January 5, 1860. — W. L. Bigelow and Charles H. Thomson have formed a copartnership to conduct an insurance business, deal in real estate and make collections. March 6, 1860. — The following village officers were elected : Jacob H. Lansing, President ; Cyrus D. Sill and James B. Lower, Trustees ; James Clark, Police Justice ; J. Lewis Brown, Treasurer ; C. Page, William Hood and Jonathan Brown, Assessors ; Ezekiel L. Robinson, Collector ; E. C. Adams, Pound Master. It was voted to expend $500 for a truck and equipment to be used by Alliance Hook and Ladder Company. March 15, 1860, Major A. Field, who for some time had resided at Burlington, Iowa, again became landlord of the Dickinson House. Dr. George W. Pratt appointed Collector of Canal Tolls for the port of Corning. Agitation for the abolition of slavery increases in intensity. March 29, I860.— Dr. N. M. Herrington appointed Coroner, to succeed William W. Hayt, resigned. Bills to form the County of Conhocton from the Second Assem- bly District of Steuben County, and the County of Canisteo from the Third, passed in the State Senate. Both bills passed the Assembly and were vetoed by the Governor. 207 208 An Autumn Flood Causes Great Losses. C. C. B. Walker and John Bulmer were awarded the contract for building a highway bridge across the Chemung, near Gibson, for $7,663 — to be located a short distance below the canal dam. Monday morning, May 7th, 1860, the foundry, a number of stores and seven dwellings, livery barns and a carpenter shop were burned at Painted Post. The foundry was owned by A. H. and C. H. Erwin, Daniel Curtis and Judge Barnes. It was valued at $50,000 ; insured for $12,000. The flames spread so rapidly that few articles were saved from any building destroyed. There was little insurance. May 9th, 1860, the Corning Savings Bank was organized, with the following ofl[icers: Stephen T. Hayt, President; Alexander Orcutt and C. H. Thomson, Vice Presidents ; W. L. Bigelow, Secre- tary and Treasurer. Monday evening, May 21, 1860, the nomination of Abraham Lincoln for President, and Hannibal Hamlin for Vice President, at the Chicago Convention, was celebrated by a large number of people, in front of the Dickinson House. There was a bon-fire, a cannon was fired, and brief speeches delivered by Stephen T. Hayt, (a delegate to the Chicago Convention); D. D. Comstock, O. N. Payne, Prof. Z. L. Parker and E. C. Adams. June 21, 1860. — Cummings & Wilkins have purchased the steam saw-mill at Caton Center, and are fitting it up for business. A feature of the parade in connection with the Fourth of July celebration was a fire company of small boys, in uniform, drawing a diminutive fire engine. The youngsters were led by a snare drum- mer aged five years — William E. Gorton, son of A. H. Gorton. July 19, 1860, Erie passenger trains began stopping at the new depot at Pine street and Erie avenue. August 1, I860.— D. A. Fuller succeeds C.C. B. Walker as post- master of the village of Corning. Friday, August 24th, 1860, the Canisteo, Tioga, Conhoction and Chemung valleys were flood-swept and heavy losses inflicted an farmers due to destruction of crops. Millions of pumpkins, washed from corn fields, floated past Corning, and this rise of the rivers was called " the pumpkin flood." A number of river booms broke and many saw-logs drifted by the village. There was a similar flood in Autumn of 1817. Temperance Society Organized By Rev. Peter Colgan. 209 September 13, I860.— The new bridge across the Chemung near Gibson is in use. It is a covered bridge, sided up and painted. Corning is to be hghted with gas in a few months. Major Stafford has the contract for erecting the necessary buildings. Saturday night, September 15, 1860, the home of Rufus Gorton, two miles below the village, was burned with all its contents. His son William, aged 20 years, was so badly injured by the flames when rushing from his bedroom, that he died in a few hours. He was an exemplary young man and a successful school teacher. On Friday, September 21st 1860, the corner-stone of a new Masonic Hall, was laid at Painted Post. It is to be a brick building, three stories high, with stores, offices, public hall and lodge rooms. Friday night, October 19, 1860, due to a succession of furious showers, the Monkey Run broke over its banks at the Erie Railroad, and flooded the flat-lands in all directions. Damages amounting to many thousand dollars resulted. The railroad company had placed a lift-bridge for the support of its track accross the channel of the Monkey Run put the flood got the start of the gang of trackmen who attempted to work the screws provided for raising the bridge. The creeks tributary to the Chemung became torrents, many bridges being destroyed, and the river overflowed the bottom lands. October 25, I860.— Ground has been broken for a Methodist Church, of brick, at the northeast corner of First and Cedar streets. The latter part of December, 1860, Rev. Peter Colgan, for nine years a member of the ecclesiastical staff of St. Joseph's Cathedral at Dunkirk, was appointed pastor of St. Mary's Church in Corning. He succeeded Rev. Thomas Cunningham, transferred to Batavia. In January, 1861, Rev. Peter Colgan organized a temperance society, composed of men communicants of St. Mary's Church. The officers : James Sloan, President ; Peter Collighan, Vice President ; Jeffrey Moran, Treasurer ; W. D. Lynahan, Secretary. Executive Committee : Richard Monks, Michael Rorke, Charles Ganley, James Carr, Michael Martin, John McCann and Michael Atchison. C. H. Soule, having purchased the interest of S, C. Robertson in the mercantile business, becomes sole proprietor. News from Washington indicate the coming of war, due to rebellion on the part of the slave states. February 14, 1861. — The Dickinson House, the Erie station, and most of the stores, shops and offices on Pine and Market streets are lighted with gas. The mains are being extended. 210 Corning Quickly Responds When War Begins. March 11, 1861.— The following residents of Corning were present at the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln : Stephen T. Hayt, C. H. Thomson, A. T. Cochran, George W. Patterson, Jr.; also A. B. Dickinson, of the town of Hornby. March 21, 1861. — Attorney A. S. Kendall has moved from Jasper to Corning and entered into partnership with Attorney George B. Bradley. The name of the firm is Bradley & Kendall. St. Patrick's Day was observed, under the auspices of '' Sons of Old Ireland," by a parade in the forenoon, and a festival and banquet at Concert Hall in the evening. The parade was led by the Corning Brass Band and the Emmett Guards. At the banquet the speakers were Rev. P. Colgan, James Gernon, D. Murphy, E. P. Rogers, George W. Pratt, B. B. McCabe, C. H. Thomson, W. K. Logie, W. D. Lyna- han, P. Callaghan and Frank B. Brown. April 11, 1861. — Charles H. Thomson has been appointed Post- master of Corning. Truman S. Pritchard has opened a grocery and crockery store next to J. M. Smith's store. A. Weston & Company have a new foundry and machine shop in operation at Painted Post. The members of the firm are Abijah Weston, William G. Bronson, C. H. Erwin and Charles H. Calkins. Said the Corning Journal of April 18th, 1861 : " The Rebels have begun the war by attacking Fort Sumter. This overt act of treason has aroused the people of the Free States. The State Legislature has passed a bill providing for the enrollment of thirty thousand volunteers, in response to a message from the Governor. Captain L. Todd, of this village, is raising a company of volunteers." On April 25th, 1861, the Corning Journal devoted considerable space to articles having reference to the Rebellion. The following, copied from that issue, indicates the promptness with which the men of Corning and vicinity responded to the sudden call to war in defence of the Union and the Common Rights of Man : " Brigadier-General R. B. VanValkenburg has been placed in charge of the rendezvous for troops at Elmira. Charles C. B. Walker has been appointed Assistant Quarter-Master-General, and upon him devolves the duty of making suitable provision for the volunteers who rendezvous at Elmira. Edward P. Graves has been appointed chief clerk in the office of the Assistant Quarter- Master-General at Elmira. " The Volunteers of this village have been drilling daily the past week. They are full of pluck and enthusiam. Their officers are L. Todd, Captain ; N. T. Colby, First Lieutenant ; William H. Jones, Second Lieutenant. " At a meeting held to make provison for providing for families of those who enlist, the following committee was appointed to solicit and Captain Todd Raises Company of Volunteers. 211 dispurse funds : J. N. Hungerford, S. Hammond, A. Olcott, Alfred Jones and E. W. Ross, to act in conjunction with the Supervisors of this Assembly District. " The Emmett Guards, E. Fitzpatrick, Captain, have passed resolutions tendering their services to their country. " This afternoon a volunteer company of 103 men, from Lawrenceville, came in on the Tioga Railroad, accompanied by a brass band. The Corning volunteers, with the brass band and a drum corps, met the train at the depot, and there was a parade, followed by speeches in front of the Dickin- son House. Among the volunteers we noticed Pierce Herrick, a substantial farmer of Caton, nearly sixty years of age, but whose patriotism would not allow him to remain at home when his country called. The Lawrenceville volunteers were on their way to Troy, Pa. " On Wednesday a company of volunteers from Tioga, Pa., came in on the Tioga Railroad by special train, on their way to Troy. They were given a most enthusiastic reception. They were accompanied by the Tioga Brass Band. Following a march through the principal streets, a halt was made in front of the Dickinson House, when Charles Etz, of Tioga, and O. N. Payne, of Corning, addressed the volunteers and citizens." The evening of May 4th, 1861, Captain Todd's company of volunteers were guests of Hiram Pritchard, President of the village, at an elaborate banquet at the Dickinson House. Judge T. A. Johnson, of Corning, and Colonel Gabriel T. Harrower, of Lindley, gave patriotic addresses. At midnight a train arrived from Roches- ter with 180 volunteers, on their way to Elmira, who stopped off for supper at the Dickinson House. The order for the meal was received by Landlord Field, by telegraph, an hour before the train arrived. The members of Captain Todd's company have selected the following additional officers : Sergeants — Delos C. Sherwood, Henry Witt, W. H. Messenger and R. J. Barnard. Corporals — E. E. Crocker, Oscar Jones, William Miller and H. C. Howell. May 10th the Com- pany went into temporary quarters at the State Armory. Dr. R. H. Gilbert, of New York, formerly of Corning, has been appointed Surgeon of a New York Regiment. Dr. Horace E, Gilbert, of Caton, goes with him as Hospital Assistant. A Company of volunteers from Hornell, under the command of Captain Doty, is quartered at the State Arsenal. Meals for this and Captain Todd's Company are served at the Dickinson House. May 23, 1861. — A second company of Volunteers has been formed in Corning and is awaiting orders. The officers are : George W. Elwell, Captain ; Lorenzo B. Shattuck, Lieutenant ; Lynval A. Davis, Ensign ; John H. Babcock, J. C. Hewitt, J. L. Foster, William H. St. John, Sergeants ; Moses B. Hill, William H. McDowell, Frank M. Draper, Reuben N. Garrison, Corporals. 212 Second Company of Volunteers Soon Formed. A Testament and a sewing-set with needles, pins, thread, Etc., have been presented to each local volunteer by ladies of the village. Captain Todd's Company and the Homellsville Volunteers went to Elmira the first week in June. The old railroad bridge across the Chemung River near the foot of Steuben Street, built by the Erie Railroad Company in 1849-'50 and never used by that company, burned the morning of June 4, 1861. June 8, 1861. — William E. Erwin, of Painted Post, has raised a Company of 53 men, for service in General Sickles' Brigade. Captain ElwelFs Company is at Elmira. September 12, 1861. — E. P. Mulford has arrived home from near Mobile, Ala., where last year he erected a well-equipped saw- mill for a Southern firm, and had since operated it. The Rebels vainly endeavored to induce him to turn traitor, and exasperated at failure, threatened violence. He had some thrilling experiences on his way north. September 19, 1861. — Captain L. Todd, of Company D, Twenty- Third Regiment, New York Volunteers, has arrived from the front, on special service as a recruiting officer. Two hundred and fifty men are wanted to bring the Regiment up to full strength. Captain Todd says : '^ I want 25 good men to fill up my own Company." James M. Hawley, aged 43 years, died at his home in Corning, September 25th, 1861. He was a contractor. The Dickinson House, the Concert Block, and most of the brick stores erected after the great fire of 1850, were built by him. He built the Arsenal. Following continued rains, that were unusually heavy on the upper drainage area of the Chemung, that river rose rapidly Friday night, September 27th, and Saturday morning it was over its banks„ It continued to rise until near 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the flood exceeding previous records. A large amount of lumber and about 1,200 tons of coal were washed away from the canal docks ; a long section of the dock, below the warehouse, was destroyed ; whole piles of lumber floated away from the mill-yard in the western part of Knoxville; dwellings in the eastern part Corning, stood in water from one to six feet deep ; pumpkins, shocks of com, lumber, logs, flood-trash, small buildings, shingles and staves floated on every hand. Railoads were out of service for several days. The Monkey Run " behaved admirably, rising just sufficiently to inspire respect." Sunday, November 9, 1861.— Services were held in the basement of the Methodist Church, being constructed at First and Cedar streets. The Tremendous Flood of September 28, 1861. 213 The following advertisement of E. E. Robinson, appeared in the Corning Journal on October 10th, 1861 : " WANTED — A man to sell Daily Papers, who can please everybody ; a person to deliver Daily Papers so that every man may be served first, and no one last ; also a man who can tell just how many extra papers are wanted every day. To three such persons constant employment will be given. Salary, $2,500. Apply at ROBINSON'S BOOKSTORE," The Methodist Church was dedicated December 8th, 186L December 12, 1861. — Word has been received of the death in camp in Virginia, of Henry E. Gilbert, aged 18 years, of the town of Erwin, a member of Captain Todd's Company, Twenty-Third Regt., N. Y, Volunteers- This was the first death in the Company. Ladies of Hornby have sent fifty pairs of socks to Captain Todd's Company and have forwarded a box of supplies for hospital use. Several shipments of food, including relishes, have been sent from Corning to Captain Lansing's and Captain Todd's Companies. The Steuben Rangers are encamped near Washington. " All quiet on the Potomac," they say, "Except now and then a stray picket Is shot, as he walks on his beat to and fro. By a rifleman hid in the thicket." Pierce Herrick, of Caton, who went to the front with the Bucktail Rangers, has arrived home, broken in health due to camp fever. He received an honorable discharge. The morning of December 28, 1861, Mary Gantly was burned to death in a fire that started in the laundry of the Dickenson House, a waoden building next west of the hotel. John Maliory's cabinet shop and the harness shop of F. & J. Ferenbaugh were destroyed. January 2, 1862. — Byron A. Barton, of the Fifth Regular Cavalry, who was severely wounded in battle, is home on furlough. A number of funerals of soldiers have been held in this village, the bodies having been brought from the front or a military hospital. At a meeting of citizens held the evening of January 14, 1862, on call of Hiram Pritcnard,' President of the village. Rough and Ready Fire Company was re-organized. OflEicers chosen : Alonzo H. Gorton, Foreman ; Asa Ackley and W. H. Ingall, Assistant Foremen ; C. D. SiU, Secretary. Dr. H. C. May, of Corning, has assumed his duties as Assistant Surgeon of the Sixty-First Regt., New York Volunteers. 214 Incorporation of Corning Fire Department. The evening of February 27, 1862, Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, of Elmira, delivered an address at a largely attended meeting of officers and members of churches and Sunday Schools, held in the old Presbyterian Church at Knoxville. March 27, 1862. — ^Rev. Peter Colgan has returned to take charge of the Catholic Church of Corning and its extensive parish. Dr. Cooper, of Coopers Plains, has four sons in the army. Charles H. Soule has sold the stock and good will of the " Regulator Store " to Charles H. Maltby, of Monterey, and H. Goff, of Avoca, who continue the business. April 24, 1862. — The colored people of the village have purchased the small school house on the Public Square, south of the Presbyter- ian Church, for use as a house of worship. The Board of Education has purchased the old Methodist Church, built in 1839, and will move it so as to form an addition to the main part of the school house, and will fit it up for school purposes. Village President Pritchard gives notice that swine will no longer be permitted to run at large. In April, 1862, the Legislature passed an act to incorporate the Fire Department of the Village of Corning naming the following temporary officers : Alexander Olcott, President ; Alfred Jones, Vice President ; George W. Pratt, Secretary. Trustees — Alexander Olcott, Alfred Jones, Charles H. Thomson, John N. Hungerford, Thaddeus E. Hunt, Hiram Pritchard, George W. Pratt, Alonzo H. Gorton Cyrus D. Sill and William F. Ingle. Charles G. Denison has taken charge of the Canal V/arehouse. He will sell, at v/holesale or retail, salt, plaster, lime, coal, pork, flour and feed, and will forward produce. First " composition " sidewalks laid — composed of coal ashes, sand and gravel, with coal-tar as a binder. On June 23d, 1862, Captain Todd left to rejoin his Regiment, his health much improved. He was accompanied by a squad of recruits. The following members of Company C, Eighty-Sixth Regiment, New York Volunteers, Jacob H. Lansing, Captain, have died in the service : Edwin S. Coryell and William Peffier, of Corning ; Free- man J. Green, of Hornby ; Norman P. Heath, of Big Flatts ; LeRoy Sample, of Woodhull. The Fourth of July celebration was participated in by the largest number of persons ever gathered in the village. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXXVIIL Events In and About Corning — 1860-' 65. CONTINUED. 'ALKER & LATHROR— Austin Lathrop, Jr., who has for several years been the head clerk in C. C. B. Walker's hardware store, has become a partner. He has demonstrat- ed an unusual capacity for the management of a large business. In July, 1862, change became so scarce that postage stamps were in common use. " Shin-plasters " v/ere also in use. July 24, 1862.— Captain William Fox has enrolled a company of eighty Volunteers, at Painted Post. Governor Morgan has appointed R. V. VanValkenburg the Colonel of a Regiment of Volunteers to be raised in the counties of Steuben, Chemung and Schuyler, in response to President Lincoln's call for " Three Hundred Thousand More." A largely attended and wildly enthusiastic war meeting was held this evening at Concert Hall. August 7, 1862. — The new Regiment to be commanded by CoL VanValkenburg has been recuited up to full strength. Captain Fox, of Painted Post, has 101 men enrolled. Unbounded enthusiasm characterized a war meeting held at Caton Center, when ten men were enrolled "For three years or till the end of the war." Nelson Cowan, of Gibson, is building five canal boats at Watkins. Chester S. Cole, for a number of years a conductor on the Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad, has become a partner of C. H. Thomson in the loan and insurance business. August 14, 1862.— Seventy-six residents of the town of Campbell have enlisted. The town has less than 300 voters. The One Hundred and Seventh Regtiment, New York State Volunteers, left Elmira early this morning, for Washington, the first body of troops to respond to Abraham Lincoln's call for " Three Hundred Thousand More." E. P. Graves, of Coming, is Quarter 215 216 107th Regiment Leaves Elmira For Washington. Master of the Regiment ; Henry Inscho, of Coming, is Commissary Sergeant ; N. T. Colby, Captain of Company I, raised in Corning ; William F. Fox, Captain of Company C, recuited at Painted Post. A " Soldiers' Relief Society," composed of women of the village, has been organized. Supplies will be forwarded for the relief of sick and wounded soldiers, to be distributed by a central agency. September 4, 1862.— Three full Regiments of Volunteers have been organized in this Senatorial District, (Steuben, Chemung and Schuyler Counties), fully recruited within six weeks. In Corning, the village and township, 596 men have enrolled. Charles R. Fuller and William K. Logie are Captains of two additional companies raised in Coming. In a battle near Sharpsburgh, September 17, 1862, the 107th N. Y., Vols., supported Coffin's Battery, which was charged upon seven times by massed forces of the enemy, each time the attacking force being repulsed with heavy loss. Sixty members of the 107th were killed or wounded. The 23d Regt. also distinguished itself in the battle. Q. W. Wellington & Company began the banking business in October, 1862, in the southeast corner of the Dickinson House. The members of the firm are Q. W. Wellington and Samuel Russell, Jr. An addition to the Dickinson House has been completed. St. Mary's Cemetery was consecrated October 5th, by Bishop Timon, of Buffalo. A large congregation moved in solomn procession from St. Mary's Church to the new cemetery. October 16, 1862. — The Coming Gas Company is extending its mains through various streets. The members of the company are S. N. Dana, of Fulton, N. Y., and Chester S. Cole and Charles H. Thomson, of Coming. November 20, 1862.— A letter just at hand from L. Baldwin, the senior Captain of the 107th Regt., N. Y. Vols., says : " The 107th has 476 men and 18 line officers ready for duty, out of 1,000 and odd that left Elmira in August last. There are reported sick 179, and absent sick 156, making a total of 811 accounted for; the rest have been killed, wounded, died of disease, or discharged, and some have deserted. This illustrates the fate of many gallant regiments." On account of the high price of printing paper, the scarcity of labor and business depression due to the war, the size of the Corning Journal is reduced one-half. Five Journal employes are in the army. Fall of Vicksburgh Causes Great Rejoicing. 217 December 11, 1862 —H. G. Tuthill, late of this village, has been promoted from Captain of a Company in the 104th Regt. N. Y. Vols., to Lieutenant-Colonel. He has been in seven engagements and lost three fingers of his left hand at Antietam. January 22, 1863.— The Erie Railroad Company is laying a second track between Elmira and Corning. The railroad bridge west of the village is to be fitted for two tracks. February 28, 1863.— B. W. Payne and Hiram Pritchard have- purchased the interests of Theodore and Alexander Olcott in the foundry and machine shop of Payne & Olcott, and will do business as Payne & Pritchard. Henry Sherwood and A. T. Payne, (Sherwood & Payne), have changed their law offices from Addison to Corning. Rev. Mr. Hill, former pastor of the Baptist Church in Corning, has purchased the interest of Hiram Middlebrook in the firm of Middle- brook, Morgan & More, owners of the saw-mill at Lindley and of extensive timber lots. Associated with A. C. Morgan and William More he a member of the firm of Morgan, More & Hill. Thomas Taylerson, furniture dealer, has purchased and is now landlord of the American Hotel, on West Erie avenue. May 2, 1863.— Officers of the Corning Fire Department chosen at the recent election : C. D. Sill, Chief Engineer ; W. F. Townley and Austin Lathrop, Jr., Assistant Engineers ; Isaac Wood, Treasurer. July 8, 1863.— Word that Vicksburg had been captured occasion- ed great rejoicing. The cannon was fired and there was a street parade and displays of fire-works in the evening. August 1, 1863. — A large reservoir has been constructed in the open plot in front of the Dickinson House, to store water for use in case of fire. It is below the surface and arched over. Lists of men drafted for military service in the various towns of Steuben County are printed in Corning, Hornellsville and Bath papers. August 25, 1863. — The tannery at Centerville, owned by S. A. Campbell, of Painted Post, was destroyed by fire this morning. August 27, 1863. — The Corning Journal is restored to normal size, the price of printing paper, which was 25 cents a pound in Novem- ber last, when the Journal was reduced in size, having fallen to 13c. The draft quota of Corning has been filled with twenty to spare. September 10, 1863. — A preliminary survey is being made for a railroad from Corning to Watkins by way of Post Creek. C. D. Sill has opened a grocery in the new stone building on Pine street, across from the Erie station. 218 Chemung Higher Than at Any Time Since 1857. E. P. Rogers has sold his drug store to A. A. Frazier, of Ehuira. January 28, 1864. — Most of the companies of the 141st New York Regt. have been consohdated with the 107th, raising the number to 800 effective men. M. T. Sergeant has opened a steam bakery in the Heath Block. February 18, 1864.— Among the recruits of the 10th New York Cavalry are C. J. Chatfield, Jr., of Painted Post, who served two years with the 23d New York Vols., and George Spencer, only son of Judge George T. Spencer, of Corning. Augustus T. Mills has begun the practice of medicine. By purchase, Charles Maltby succeeds Robertson & Soule in the grocery business. W. H. Gorton, the worthy Englishman who has been the faithful sexton of Hope Cemetery for a dozen years, has retired. He buried over 1100 persons in that period. April 7, 1864. — The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of the Monterey, Coopers Plains, Painted Post and Corning Plank Road Company: Directors — S. Hammond, F. E. Cooper, Lyman Balcom, J. B. Graves and G. R. Graves. J. B. Graves, Presi- dent ; Q. W. Wellington, Treasurer ; G. R. Graves, Secretary. Recent storms raised the Chemung and many rafts are running. Friday, May 13, the Monkey Run overflowed Erie avenue at the bridge, and poured in large volume eastward, as far as Walnut street, where nearly all the water passed into the underground canal prepared three years ago for such use, and so entered the Chemung instead of tearing up streets, washing away side-walks and flooding cellars as on former like occasions. This ditch was planned by Hiram Pritchard, when village President, and constructed by the Erie Rail- road Company on his request. It is called " Pritchard's Canal." Saturday at noon the Chemung River was higher than at any time since the big flood in November, 1857. Many dwellings in the eastern section of the village were so flooded that families went up stairs for refuge. A large amount of lumber floated away. A. D. Jaynes has opened a photograph gallery. A union meeting was held in the Methodist Church, Sunday evening, May 22d, in the interest of the Christian Commission. The church was crowded. The pastors of the Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal and Methodist churches, and Dr. W. D. Terbell, spoke. A collection amounting to $220 was taken for the Commission. Telegraph Line Built Along Tioga Railroad. 219 June 16, 1864. — Captain J. Forrest Knox, of Company F, 107th Regt., N. Y. Vols., was wounded in a leg at the recent battle near Dallas, Ga. He died three days after, from mortification of the leg. He was the second son of J. P. Knox, of Campbell, and a grand-son of the late Judge John Knox, of Knoxville. June 23, 1864. — The Tioga Railroad Company and the Fall Brook Railroad Company are constructing a telegraph line along their tracks from Corning to Fall Brook. L. G. Tillottson, Superintendent of the Erie telegraph line, and Thomas B. Field, have the contract. The following officers of the Corning Fire Department have been elected : A. Lathrop, Jr., Chief Engineer ; W. F. Townley and James Gibbons, Assistants ; C. D. Sill, Treasurer. Tuesday forenoon, June 28, the Saengerbund held a festival at Stevens' Grove in the forenoon, and a ball at Concert Hall at night. The net receipts of a strawberry, ice-cream and cake festival, held the Fourth of July, by ladies of the Methodist Church, in the Erie depot, were $300. The general celebration was largely attended. President Lincoln has issued a call for 500,000 men for one year. July 28, 1864. — Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. Lansing, who has nearly recovered from a wound in the arm, has been commissioned Colonel of the 86th Regt., New York State Volunteers. Lieutenant Archie E. Baxter, who has been home for some weeks on account of a wound in his right hand, left to rejoin his Regiment. Corning has furnished for service in the Civil War four Colonels, three Lieutenant-Colonels, two Surgeons, two Adjutants, four Quar- ter-Masters, eight Captains, six First and six Second Lieutenants. The Board of Supervisors of Steuben County voted to pay a bounty of $200 for one-year volunteers, and $300 for three-year men. The Corning Gas Company has increased the price of gas to five dollars per thousand. August 18, 1864.^. J. Orr, of Lindley, has been promoted from First Lieutenant to Captain of Company F, 107th Regt., N. Y. Vols. Citizens of Lindley have raised by subscription a fund to pay a bonus of $100 to each local volunteer. This advertisement appeared in the issue of the Corning Journal dated September 1st, 1864 : " PEW FOR SALE.— In the Presbyterian Church there is a desirable pew for sale. Inquire this office." 220 The 189th Remment Mustered Into Service. Joseph Conlon, of Corning, Captain of a Company in a Regiment of colored men, has returned home with health broken. Sergeant Carlton H. Lovell, of Company D, 14th Heavy Artillery, arrived home September 2d, 1864, honorably discharged on account of a wound received at Cold Harbor, Va., June 2d. The bone of his right arm was shattered by a bullet, three inches above the elbow. The severed sections of bone have been connected by a silver joint. Dr. William E. Rogers, formerly of Corning, is Assistant United States Surgeon in a hospital at Nashville, Tenn. Dr. R. H. Gilbert is a Medical Director at Nashville. Dr. H. C. May has charge of a military hospital at Nashville. September 12, 1864.— Prof. J. S. Slie succeeds Prof. Z. L. Parker as Principal of the Corning Union School. Prof. Parker had been master of the village school for eight years. Elijah Harmon and Miss Sarah L. Stilson continue as academic teachers. Over $16,000 has been subscribed, mainly by citizens liable to draft, to pay bounties to volunteers. About two-thirds of the quota of 100 required of the village and township have enlisted. September 29, 1864.— Corning has filled its quota. " On account of the enormous price of printing paper, it being three times the price before the war began," says the Journal of October 6, 1864, " we are obliged to raise the subscription price of the Corning Journal to $2.50 per year paid in advadce, or $3 if paid at the end of the year. Advertising rates are also advanced." October 13, 1864.— The 189th Regt., N. Y. Vols., composed chiefly of companies raised in this Congressional District, has been mustered into the service, at Washington, with William W. Hayt as Colonel. J. Walster has thrown up the job of night watchman of the village, " because of lack of adequate compensation." J. L. Scott, for three years employed by U. P. Spaulding as a cutter, has opened a tailor shop. October 23, 1864.— Dr. Ores Mumford died, aged 49 years. Colonel William W. Hayt, of the 86th Regt., died at City Point, Va., November 8th, of congestion of the brain. Colonel S. M. Morgan, of Lindley, after being held in a rebel prison, was released by exchange the latter part of December, and returned home on parole. Having completed three years in the service, Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. Lansing, who went out as a Captain, returned to Corning the Poem of Hope and Prophecy by Corning Author. 221 last week in November, 1864. He was succeeded as Lieutenant- Colonel of the 86th Regiment by Major Michael B. Stafford, who a' few weeks later was struck in the side by a piece of shell and killed. December 29, 1864.— William H. Clark, of this village, having completed three years in the service, has returned home. He went out as a musician in the 10th Cavalry, and when his term of service expired was leader of the 1st Brigade Band. The last week in December the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution offering the following bounties for enlistments : One year, $220 ; two years, $330 ; three years, $550. The last call requires the Congressional District, (Allegany, Chemung and Steuben counties), to furnish 2,226 men — the whole State, 61,076. PROGRESS. The following poem of faith and prophecy, written by Ephriam P. Rogers, a prominent citizen of Corning, was published in the Fall of 1864:— I stood by the giant river, And now with a peaceful current And saw, in the far depths below, It sweeps along valley and plain, Roll on the majestic waters, A union of kindred waters, With ceaseless, resistless flow. To blend in the ocean main. In spite of threat'ning headlands, My tho'ts were turned on the conflict And rocks that ripple its tide, So desperate, deadly and long. And islets that vainly resisting Oppressed with the demon oppressor, Can only an instant divide. — Of justice contending with wrong. On thro' the cleft of the mountain. And I felt my spirit grow stronger, Unblest by the Sun's loving rays, As I pondered the terrible strife, Contending with obdurate fragments For the tide of the noble river Of antediluvian days. Seemed a type of the tide of life. Now falling, now rising and foaming, Tho' many and dear its struggles, Now surging and beating the walls The course of humanity's flood That narrow and deepen its channel, Is onward, to blend with the ocean Yet cannot retain in their thralls. Of the one Common Brotherhood. On, threading the devious passage, Courage, ye down-trodden millions, Thro' tempest and sorrowing night, And all who lead Liberty's fight ! Now rushes the mighty torrent, Press onward, your triumph is certain. To emerge again to the light. God reigns, and He favors the right. Be patient, and wait for the coming Glad Tidings of Peace and Good Will, When Freedom's last foe shall be vanquished And the tempest of war shall be still. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XXXIX. Events In and About Corning — 1865-'70. THIS CHAPTER covers the final period of the Civil War, the return to their homes of those who survived, and the initial steps taken to plant in Corning industries that have endured, and whose continuous growth mark the community's progress. February 2, 1865. — The number of prisoners of war in the camp at Elmira is 9,133. Of the entire number brought there, (10,732), 1,264 have been paroled, 100 having taken the oath of allegience have been released, 16 tunneled out and escaped, 1,559 have died. Payne & Pritchard are manufacturing and shipping to the oil regions of Western Pennsylvania, large numbers of portable engines. February 18, 1865. — Colonel A. C. Morgan, in 1856 a Member of Assembly, died at his home in Lindley. He was a merchant, farmer and lumberman. Friday, March 17, 1865. — Extensive rains and melting snow which was of unusual depth, have caused the Chemung river to rise higher than at any previous time since this section was settled. The floods of 1816, 1833, 1857 and 1861 were notable events, but this one created a new high water mark. On the flats below the village the flood was full 18 inches higher than that of May, 1833. The water was highest Friday forenoon. Tioga avenue was under water from the warehouse east. The section of the village north of the Erie railroad and east of Cedar street was flooded. The land west of the warehouse and north of the Tioga railroad was swept by a strong current, several building being washed away, including a shanty occupied by David Johnson. He was drowned. Thirty rods of the embankment above the south end of the canal dam disappeared, and through this gap a powerful current flowed. Many buildings in that section were carried down stream or damaged. 222 The Final Period of the War Between the States. 223 On the Knoxville side of the Chemung, great damage was done, fences and small buildings being destroyed or joining the masses of drift-wood, lumber, logs and miscellaneous structures that rushed by. A grocery near the south entrance to the highway bridge was carried away, and the approaches at each end of the bridge destroyed. The Erie track and the fill on which it rested, from the bridge to near the toll-gate below Centerville, were washed out. Great damage was done at Centerville and Painted Post. Fox, Weston & Bronson, of the Gang Mills, lost logs — mostly white pine — valued at $30,000, and consibable lumber. Two of their tenement houses went down stream. Little remained of the section of Plank Road from the Knoxville bridge to the long bridge near Coopers Plains. Said the Corning Journal oi Thursday, March 23d, 1865: — " No one can ever forget the interruption of communication with the outside world, which for nearly a week prevented the receipt of any war news, at this time when public expectation was aroused by the rumor of great events. No New York, Rochester or Elmira daily papers v/ere receiv- ed last week after Wednesday. Not a word of passing affairs was heard. Everybody was inquiring where Sheridan was, and whether Sherman had met any rebel force on his approach to Raleigh. The telegraph was mute, its wires lying in adjacent fields or interwoven with rubbish. Saturday and Sunday were passed in painful ignorance. Monday evening a man arrived from the east, on his way to Oil City, having walked around several wash- outs on the Erie. He had a New York Herald of Saturday, which he would not sell, but permitted a citizen to read the war news to a crowd of eager listeners. Sunday afternoon E. E. Robinson started out after New York papers, finding missing bundles at Owego. He arrived in Corning on Tuesday afternoon, with papers of Thursday, Friday and Saturday, having traveled by private conveyance most of the trip, both going and coming. " The first Erie train from the west came to Erwin switch, four miles above Painted Post, Sunday. The passengers, more than a hundred men, women and children, walked from there to this village, taking a train to the break tv/o miles below the village, and then walked three miles, to Noyess' witch, where they were met by a train from Elmira." March 30, 1865.— George W. Fuller succeeds Major Field as landlord of the Dickinson House. Prof. Z. L. Parker has been engaged as principal of the Union School at Bath. Archie E. Baxter has been promoted from First Lieutenant to Captain of Company D, 141st Regt., N. Y. Vols. Monday, April 3, 1865. — The afternoon and evening were given to general rejoicing over the fall of Richmond. Bells rang long and loud, three cannon fired salutes, jubilant crowds paraded, and at night there were bon-fires and a general illumination. 224 Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. On Monday, April 10th, 1865, the most intense manifestions of joy characterized a general jubilation on receipt of news that the rebel General Lee had surrendered his entire force, thereby bringing the great conflict to a close. The assassination of President Lincoln, the night of April 14th, 1865, was the saddest possible ending of a life of incomparable usefulness. He died a martyr to the cause of Liberty. Unbounded joy was followed by intense sorrow. Homes, places of business and churches were draped with tokens of morning. A funeral service for Abraham Lincoln was held at the Presbyterian Church at the same hour of the funeral held in the Capitol at Washington. The following officers of Alliance Hook and Ladder Company were elected May 2d, 1865 : C. H. Thomson, Foreman ; George Hitchcock and N. E. Waite, Assistant Foremen ; W. H. Beard, Secretary and Treasurer. About 12 o'clock Thursday night May 4th, the eastbound Erie Express broke through the bridge at Painted Post. Three persons were killed, several seriously injured, and about a dozen sustained minor injuries. A span of the bridge gave. The locomotive rested partly on the tender as it settled back on the incline formed by the broken truss. The baggage car and two passenger cars formed a pile-up on the bed of the stream. Fortunately the water was shallow. May 4, 1865.— Harris & Erlich, dealers in dry goods and groceries in the comer store of the Arcade Block, have engaged W. H. Chaphe as chief-clerk. May 25, 1865.— About $4,500 have been subscribed to drill for oil on the Packer farm, on the Caton road, two miles from this village. Thursday, June 1st, was observed as a day of humiliation and mourning, in accord with a proclamation of President Johnson, issued in view of the death of Abraham Lincoln. A meeting was held at Concert Hall at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. It was largely attended and the exercises characterized by extreme sorrow. An address was delivered by Judge George T. Spencer. Constant Cook, of Bath, and Henry Sherwood, of Corning, have jointly presented a claim of $184,320, '" for bounties and hand money by reason of men claimed to have been enlisted by them and mus- tered into the service of the United States, to the credit of the County of Steuben, under the call of December 19th, 1864." These men entered into a contract with the Board of Supervisors to supply Large Numbers of Soldiers Return From the War. 225 sufficient enlistments to fill the quota of Steuben County, " for $640 for each and every man " so enlisted. Cook and Sherwood then went to South Carolina and Georgia and filled the quota by enrolling former slaves, at very small expense. The claim was finally paid. June 8, 1865.— C. G. Howell has sold his bakery to N. D. Rowley and his paper and cloth bag factory to J. C. Edwards, and gone to Richmond, Va., to engage in business. The Fall Brook and the Morris Run Coal Companies are running four trains of coal a day to Watkins for transfer to canal boats. The saw-mill of H. B. and J. S, Haradan, in the town of Hornby, was destroyed by fire the morning of June 15th, 1865, David W. Payne graduated at West Point Military Academy. The village authorities give notice that all stores and shops must close on Sunday, and no intoxicants be sold that day. Soldiers are arriving home in large numbers and there are many happy family reunions. In other homes faith in God and love of Country temper sorrow and justify supreme sacrifice. The Corning Oil Company is drilling a test well at Gibson. July 27, 1865.— Captain C. R. Fuller has sold his lumber business to Thomas B. Field and gone to the Pennsylvania oil field. The population of the village of Corning is 4,060. The new Free Methodist Church at Gibson was dedicated Sept. 6. George T. Spencer is succeded by Ellsworth D. Mills as a part- ner of Charles H. Thompson in the practice of law. Dr. John Cooper, son of the late Dr. Cooper, of Coopers Plains, has located at Painted Post. He was a surgeon in the army. In October, 1865, C. G. Howell established an oil refinery on West Erie avenue. Colonel Jacob H. Lansing has resumed the jewelry business. Attorney D. F. Brown, who was Quarter-Master of the 86th Regiment, has entered into partnership with attorney George R. Graves. Office in the Arcade Block. Dr. H. C. May resumed practice in Corning the latter part of October, 1865. He achieved notable prominence as an army surgeon. The Fall Brook Coal Company has constructed coal trestles on the hill-side, near the west city line, to be used in supplying engines with coal, and in transferring coal from one car to another. 226 Village of Painted Post Incorporated in 1866. December 7, 1865.— J. A. Phelps, for 16 years chief-clerk at the Erie freight office in Corning, appointed station agent at Penn Yan. At the annual election of Rescue Fire Company the following ojfficers were chosen : Thomas L. Townley, Foreman ; James Austin, Assistant Foreman ; Manly Inscho, Secretary ; John Mcintosh, Treasurer ; Pomeroy Robinson, Foreman of Hose. Rev. E. P. Hammond, evangelist, conducted a series of union revival meetings in Corning in January, 1866. Hundreds expressed conversion and became church members. J. A. Phelps, formerly of Corning, has been appointed Erie Station Agent at Binghamton. Revival meetings of remarkable intensity are in progress at Painted Post, Gang Mills and Caton Centre. Howell & Sayles form a partnership in the mercantile business conducted for several years by S. B. Howell at Painted Post Albert R. Sayles is the junior member of the firm. The village of Painted Post was incorporated in the Spring of 1866, by a special act of the State Legislature. Two additional reservoirs of the catch-basin type to store water for fire protection, were built — one in Cedar street, between Market street and Erie avenue, near the lock-up ; the other on East First street near the brewery. April 5, 1856.— Members of the police force of the village : W. F. Townley, Chief of Police ; John Haley, Thomas Argue, S. VanEtten, John Bray, Patrick Boylan, D. S. Powers, Fred Rothfus, Michael Eagan and Thomas Tracy. Fifty dollars has been raised by subscriptions to put the town clock in running order. Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, one of the founders of Coming, died in New York city, April 12th, 1866, He was born in Connecticut. W. C. Bronson and A. Weston, of Painted Post, and associates in the lumber business, have purchased 130 square miles of timber land in the wilderness north of Ottawa, Canada. Beebe & McGrath have opened a general store in the Bronson Block at Painted Post. W. C. Bronson & Company have built and have in operation a large sash and blind factory, at Painted Post. Bishop Timon Lays Corner-Stone of St. Mary's Church. 227 A branch of the Young Men's Christian Association has been organized in Coming. J. N. Hungerford is President, and E. C. Maltby is Secretary. Meetings are held in the reading room. May 10, 1866. — Samuel Jones, colored, sexton of the Methodist Church, has returned from Leesburgh, Va., accompanied by two sons, 10 and 12 years old, whom he was compelled to leave when he escaped from slavery nine years ago. Wednesday morning. May 16th, 1866, the steam saw-mill owned by A. C. French, on the Caton road, was destroyed by fire. The corner-stone of the new St. Mary's Church was laid June 10 by Bishop Timon of Buffalo. He said that when he first came to Corning, soon after its settlement, he was indebted to the courtesy of the Methodists for a house to speak in. June 13, 1866. — The Union Baseball Club, of Elmira, and the Monitors, of Corning, played on the Southport field. Score by innings : Union Club 242320251 — 21 Monitors, 3 6 8 4 1 9 2 9 1—43 This game at the time was considered good baseball. Corning players : Cole, first base ; Hurdick, second ; Wombaugh, third ; Burn- ham, short-stop ; Wellington, right field ; LaBar, center ; Inscho, left ; Barnes, pitcher ; Bump, catcher. A return game played in Corning, June 22, resulted in a score of 51 to 19 in favor of the Monitors. A passenger car attached to a train of coal dumps began a daily run between Corning and Watkins by way of Horseheads. September 27, 1866. — Simeon Hammond has sold his interest in the lumber, flouring, plaster and wool-carding mills, a short distance east of the village, to William Brough, of New York city, and Hiram W. Bostwick, Jr. Judge Johnson retains his interest. The name of the new firm is Johnson, Brough & Bostwick. Henry Sherwood has greatly improved the brick residence at Walnut and First streets, purchased of General Irvine. George W. Preston, for many years foreman of the foundry and machine shop of Payne & Pritchard, has purchased the English & Rhodes foundry, on Market street. Ephriam P. Rogers succeeds Mr. Preston as foreman for Payne & Pritchard. Six hundred men took part in the annual parade of the 106th Regt., N. Y. S. Guards, Colonel C. H, Thompson in command. 228 Coming-Knoxville Bridge Goes Down Stream. In December, 1866, the Free Baptist Society of Gibson purchased the Presbyterian Church building, at the northeast corner of Pine and First streets, and began holding services there. Thursday, February 15, 1867. — A sudden rise of the Chemung River, due to rains and melting snow, started the ice, and a jam formed a short distance above the Knoxville bridge. When the back-water caused the ice-jam to give, the bridge was carried off. One span of the bridge lodged on the river bank opposite Pine street, another section on the fiats near the mouth of Post Creek, and the third, broken to pieces by the ice, passed under the Gibson bridge. In 1840 and 1846 Spring floods carried away Knoxville bridges. The Chemung was first bridged at that point in 1833. A ferry began use at the river crossing a few days after the bridge was wrecked. Blake Owen was ferry-master. About 1:30 o'clock Saturday morning, March 16, 1867, the canal barn owned by Patrick Mattimore, on Tioga avenue, near Cedar street, was discovered on fire. One of the hand-pump fire engines could not be used ; the other drew water from the reservoir sunk in Cedar street near the lock-up, but was not in shape to give full service. The canal barn, Mattimore's grocery store, the Blue Eagle Hotel and grocery, a two-story building near by, a blacksmith shop and a dwelling, were burned to the ground. In April, 1867, Sayles & Sanders opened a hardware store and tin-shop in the eastern section of the former Owens Block, on East Market street, owned by Hiram Pritchard. Late the night of March 29th, the home of John Phenes, at Gibson, burned, and he, two sons and a grand-daughter perished in the flames. Mrs. Phenes and a daughter escaped. May 9th, 1867. — A Lodge of the Sons of Temperance has been organized. The charter members include Truman S. Pritchard, N. E. Waite, Rev. W. A. Niles, E. Wildman, Attorney Charles Baker, Charles Campbell, Captain Charles H. Freeman, Captain Archie E. Baxter, Dr. M. H. Wilcox and S. H. Ferenbaugh. The name of the Monterey, Coopers Plains, Painted Post and Corning Plank Road has been changed to the Conhocton Stone Road, which conformed better with the type of road —and with its length. C. G. Howell is again proprietor of the Corning Bag Factory. The Chemung River floods the flat-lands and a portion of the flow of the Monkey Run " ran the streets " for several hours. Pastors of the Variotis Corning Churches in 1868, 229 May 16, 1867.— George R. Brown has been appointed Superinten- dent of Telegraph and Train Dispatcher of the Tioga Railroad. In June, 1867, George Heennans purchased a part interest in the foundry and machine shop of George W. Preston. The business is conducted under the firm name of Preston & Heermans. June 9th the Monitors, of Coming, played the Meteors, of Addison, of a game of baseball on the village green in that place- The attendance was large and excitement ran high. The score was 61 to 29 in favor of Corning. July 18, 1867.— Walker & Lathrop have taken a contract to build an open wooden bridge across the Chemung at Knoxville for $14,000. The score of a game of baseball played at Elmira, July 26, 1867, between the Unions, of that place, and the Monitors, of Corning, was 65 to 34 in favor of the Monitors. In the early Fall of 1867, a large frame building, known as Washington Hall, opposite the Erie passenger station, was built by George W. Patterson, to be used for public meetings, dances and entertainments. The main hall was 70 by 80 feet, with gallery. E. Pier is leader of the newly organized band of St Mary's Temperance Society. The new Knoxville bridge was opened for travel October 16th. The night of November 7th, 1867, fire started in Thomas Malady's woodhouse, on the north side of Market street, west of Walnut, destroyed eight two-story wooden buildings, including the grocery stores of Thomas Malady and John Mangan, William Quandt's shoe shop and residence, and a number of dwellings. The new Methodist Church at Caton Center was dedicated on Thursday, January 16, 1868. Rev. H. Harpet was pastor. The new First Presbyterian Church in Corning was dedicated February 5th, 1868. Rev. W. A. Niles, pastor. The various churches in the village of Corning, at the beginning of the year 1868, and their pastors, were : Baptist, Rev. J. D. Barnes ; Christ Church, Episcopal, Rev. W. W. Montgomery ; Free Baptist, Rev. E. B. Rollins ; First Methodist, Rev. S. L. Congdon ; St. Mary's Catholic, Rev. Peter Colgan. S. T. Hayt has purchased of Payne & Pritchard the lots on Market street on which their foundry formerly stood, is to erect a. steam flouring mill, three stories high, of wood. 230 The Beginning of Coming's Great Glass Industry. February 27, 1868. — The new Corning House, at Erie avenue and Pine Street, has begun business. A. M. Baley is landlord. Early in April, 1868, W. F. Townley began operating his new planing mill and building furnishings factory, at Cedar street and Tioga avenue. The mill is two stories in height and 50 by 70 feet. May 21, 1868.— The BrookbTi Flint Glass Works has made arrangements to transfer its manufacturing business from that city to Corning. Residents of Coming invest $50,000 ; the interest of the owners of the Brooklyn Glass Works will be $75,000. The concern will be known as the Coming Glass Works. The Trtistees are : George T. Spencer, C. D. Sill, Benjamin W. Payne, Theodore Olcott,, Charles R. Maltby, all of Corning, and A. Houghton and A. Hough- ton, Jr., of Brooklyn. The Trustees elected the following officers: A. Houghton, President ; Theodore Olcott, Secretary ; C. D. Sill, Treasurer. To Elias B. Hungerford is due the credit of iniating the negotiations that brought the Glass Works to Corning. Ground was broken for the first building of the Coming Glass Works, on Monday morning, June 8, 1868. C. R. and Jerome Maltby have bought the four lots on the north side of Market street next to Walnut street, the former site of the Wheelock Hotel, and have broken ground for a block of stores. Recent Deaths.— Rev. S. L. Congdon, pastor of the First Metho- dist Church ; Rev. Ira Brow^n, senior editor and part owner of the Corning Democrat; Mrs. Eleanor Davis, wife of Charles T. Davis ; Mrs. Eliza Lower, wife of James B. Lower. The evening of August 5th, Mark M. Pomeroy addressed a largely attended Democratic mass meeting in front of the Dickinson House, Attorney George B. Bradley presided. A few weeks later- Pomeroy began the publication of a daily paper in New York city. Hayt & Olcott's new flouring mills-" The Southem Tier Mills " —began to grind the first week in September, 1868. Charles Peck has changed the Terrett House into a carriage factory. He has arranged to do an extensive business. Early Tuesday morning, September 1, 1868, the abandoned found- ry at Erie avenue and Wall street, burned. A portion of the building was the " Tabernacle," erected in 1845 by seceding members of the Presbyterian Church. A. Houghton has bought the Dr. Dartt residence on First street. Presbyterian Church Torn Down to Construct Barn. 231 S.C. Campbell, formerly of Painted Post, and later in business at Owego, opens a dry goods store on West Market street, near Pine. Joseph Fellows has erected a stone building on the island, west of the Glass Works, where stone from local quarries will be cut. Henry Goff has sold the stock and good will of the Regulator store to Newell & Owen, who continue the business. The week of October 15th, the 104th and 106th Regiments, State Militia, camped for several days west of the Corning Arsenal. Robert J. Burnham succeeds A. J. Owen as general agent of the Fall Brook Coal Company, with offices in Corning. The Corning Glass Works began the manufacture of glass the 22d of October, 1868. On account of failing health, due to old age, Joseph Fellows places his nephew John Heermans in charge of all his business affairs. Rev. Peter Burghardt has become pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Painted Post. The Gas Company has reduced the price of gas to $4 per 1,000. November 26, 1868.— The second chimney of the Corning Glass Works will soon be in use. William A. Rowland, of Buffalo, a master printer, has taken an interest in the Corning Democrat printing office. December 3, 1868.— Brewen, Burns & Upson succeed Forrester Brothers as grocers in the west store of the Pritchard Block. Major Field is landlord of the Park Hotel at Owego. December 20th, 1868.— Rev. Philip Kinsella, of Gang Mills, who was recently ordained a priest, celebrated Mass at St. Mary's Church. A lodge of Good Templars has been organized. S. H. Ferenbaugh is Worthy Chief Templar ; C. C. Walster is Secretary. Fifteen inches of snow fell on Friday and Saturday. In February a velocipede was placed on exhibition at Washing- ton Hall and demonstrations given. Admission, 15 cents. In the Spring of 1869 Hiram Pritchard tore down the old Pres- byterian Church, near his home on West Pulteney street, and used the timbers and other material salvaged to construct a barn. There is no organization to care for the church yard and adjacent ceme- tery, which are in a deplorable condition. P. J. Hogan & Company conduct a dry goods and notion store in a section of the Maltby Block, at Market and Walnut streets. 232 Dr. A. J. Ingersoll Establishes Sanatorium, May 13, 1869.— Joel Parcel, formerly of Knoxville, now a resident of Nebraska, has sold his mortgage interest in the Methodist Chapel at the junction of Bridge street with Pulteney, to Hiram Pritchard, Mr. Pritchard will deed the groperty for the price he paid, (about $700), to any local society that will maintain religious services. In June, 1869, a series of horse trots and running races took place at Vischer's Driving Park, west of Knoxville, June 18th the tannery at Curtis was destroyed by fire. The shipments of coal from the Blossburg region during the month of June, 1869, over the connecting Blossburg and Corning and the Tioga railroads, aggregated 92,440 tons — the largest amount ever sent over the roads in a single month. A. H. Gorton is Superinten- tendent of the Fall Brook lines, and L, H. Shattuck of the road from the State line to Blossburg. July 1st, 1869, T. S. De Wolfe, of Bath, became an equal partner of Dr. Pratt in the Journal office and business. The firm took the name of Pratt & De Wolfe, A mastodon tooth was found in a gravel bank at Gibson. The " Golden Wedding " of Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Phelps was celebrated. She was Miss Hannah Cortwright, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. They were among the first settlers of the village of Corning. William Wormley bought the John Gibson farm, paying $15,000. August 12, 1869. — A. T. Cochran and Lewis C. Kingsbury have purchased the Charles E. Peck carriage and cutter factory. Dr. A. J. Ingersoll has established a sanatorium in new buildings on the hillside, north of the village of Knoxville. The " Fall Meeting and Fair of the Union Agricultural and Mechanical Society " was held at Vischer's Driving Park, September 28-30. Henry Goff, President ; Q. W. Wellington, Treasurer ; Frank B. Brown, Secretary ; R. G. Wands, General Superintendent. Lieutenant David W. Payne, a member of the teaching staff at West Point Military Academy, has resigned, to become a member of the firm of B. W. Payne & Sons, of Corning. In November, 1869, Dr. W. S. Purdy began the practice of medicine in Corning. Dr. E. S. May moved from Caton to Campbell. The first week in December, 1869, the Corning Journal office was moved from the second floor of the Pritchard Block, to the two- story stone building which it occupied contiuously until the publica- tion of the paper was suspended in the Summer of 1920. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XL. Corning Men Who Served in the Civil War. CORNING AND VICINITY was, population considered, more largely represented on the battle-fields of the South, and in other militant service, than any other section of the Empire State. Many of the men who went out from Corning to help save the Union, distinguished themselves in battle or in other meritorious service. Any list of names of persons who faithfully served their Country, on land or sea, during the War of the Rebellion, is a Roll of Honor. Coming's Civil War Honor Roll contains near 630 names. In the Spring of 1911, when the time was near at hand for placing matters of record in a sealed copper container to rest in the cement foundation of the monument at the head of Park avenue, the Board of Directors of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Association requested Captain Charles Freeman and Attorney Edwin C. English to supply the names of Coming enlistments. These two veterans were especially well qualified for the important service. They devoted nearly two weeks to the task, and then submitted a list of six hundred and twenty-two names. Thirty-seven of the number served more than one term. A copy of this roll of honor, printed on enduring linen paper, was placed in the copper chest that is embeded in the cement block on which Coming's Civil War memorial stands. The names follow : — 23d Regiment, New York State Volunteers: This Regiment was known as the Southern Tier Rifles. Com- pany D was recruited in Coming ; Luzerne Todd, Captain. Left the State July 5th, 1861, for two years ; mustered out May 22d, 1863 ; the three years' men transferred to the 70th Infantry. Served at and near Washington ; took part in engagements at Falls Church, Ball's Cross Roads, Munson's Hill, Bowling Green Road, Orange Court House, Rappahannock River, Sulphur Springs, 233 234 Corning In the War Between the States. Gainesville, Groveton, Bull Run, Fairfax Court House, South Moun- tain, Antietam, Fredericksburg. The Regiment lost a total of two officers and 70 men. It was commanded by Colonel H. C. Hoffman. CORNING ENLISTMENTS. Frederick Auck, Harlow Ames, Arthur A. Brown, Jacob H. Brown, Henry Bedard, Stephen Blaine, Robert J. Barnard, Joseph A. Ball, William Bixby, William E. Barrett, William H. Brooks, Leland S. Breese, Gilbert Breese, Amos Beeman, Rudolph Bucher, William E. Chitterling, Peter Calkins, Charles E, Clute, George M. Clute, John H. Ciller, Asa A. Carner, Lewis Crawford, Charles Crandall, Newton T. Colby, Elijah Crowfoot, William A. Cobb, Thomas Chambers,. Charles J. Chatfield, Albert R. Davenport, Thomas J. Decker, Louis A. Durand, Timothy Dean, John Dunlavy, Francis C. Deere, Abram Duvalle, Edwin Clark English, Jerome Gorton, John C. Gorton, Timothy M, Gillan, Jackson Gorton, Dennis K, Gilbert, William H. Gitchell, James A. Gilbert, William W. Hayt, John M. Heath, Albert C. Hudson, Albert H, Henderson, Herman C. Howell, Amal Hinkley, John W. Hall, William P. Hogarty, John Inscho, William H. Jones, Nelson Jones, George Johnson, Alexander I. Jones, DeWitt C. John- son, Alexander J. Jaynes, Thomas Jones, Andrew B. Kelly, Cyrus D. Kellogg, William N„ Luce, Herman C. Lovell, George E. Lacey, Henry C. Lacey, Ebenezer L. Martin, William Mott, Peter McNiel, Orazine May, William H. Messenger, Edward H. Miles, Jesse C. May, Isaac Miles, Charles H. Mance, Parker Mcintosh, Theodore Merrithew,. William H. Minnich, Henry McCenna, William H. Marcy, Schuyler Mcintosh, George Piatt, Elias W. Palmer, WilHam I. Palmer, David J. Perrine, Charles Quick, James 0. M. Russell, John Rice, Ezra M. Royce, Ellis Randall, James K. Rathbone, Delos C. Sherwood, Charles P. Snick, David B, Salmon, George C. Seamons, Samuel H. Smith, Luzerne Todd, Oliver Thomas, Henry VanCampen, David VanEtten, Jacob H. Wolcott, Andrew J. Woodward, William Whitford, Rufus D. Young. 86th Regiment, New York State Volunteers: Organized at Elmira, by Colonel Benajah P. Bailey, of Corning. Company C, Jacob H. Lansing, Captain, and Company F, Henry G. narrower. Captain, were recruited at Corning. Left the State November 23d, 1861, for three years ; mustered out June 27th, 1865. Served in the Army of the Potomac ; was in engagements at Bull Run, Manassas Gap, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Brandy Corning In the War Between the States. 235 Station, Gettysburg, Wapping Heights, Aubarn, Kelly's Ford, Locust Grove, Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, North Anna, Totopo- tomoy. Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Deep Bottom, Strawberry Plains, Poplar Spring, Boydton Plank Road, and in Appomattox campaign. Regiment lost in the service 17 officers and 310 enlisted men. Five enlisted men died in enemy prisons. Colonel Bailey was succeeded by Benjamin L. Higgins ; Captain Lansing in turn by Robert Barton and Samuel H. Leavitt ; Captain narrower by Frederick L. Rainbow. Men not entitled to be mustered out with the Regiment, were transferred to the 60th Infantry. CORNING ENLISTMENTS. Ludwig Auck, Thomas O. Allen, Henry Allen, John Briggs, Daniel Bettis, Robert Barton, John Baxter, Daniel F. Brown, George B. Baker, Benajah P. Bailey, George B. Bishop, Vincent Bishop, George W. Bacon, John Baxter, Levi D. Bacon, Frederick Bachle, Elias Bagle, Benjamin Bowers, George Bragg, George Crittenden, Augustus W. Canfield, Charles H. Comfort, Cornelius Crowley, David T. Darring, Charles T. Davis, John Dennis, Henry W. Fuller, Amasa L. Gorton, Calvin B. Gilman, Jacob Hallenbeck, William Herman, Andrew J. Hodge, John Houghtaling, Abram Herbert, Oscar F. Jones, Thomas J. Kibbee, Jacob H. Lansing, Walter A. Luce, Garrett Mahar, William McMahon, Martin Mahr, Matthew Murphy, Henry C. Oliver, Thomas R. Pillott, Charles W. Pfeiffer, William E. Palmer, William Pfeiffer, Russell Quigley, Leander Stevens, William H. Snyder, Estes Sturtevant, Philip Swick, Saul Stevens, George Shaw, William Totten, Albert Truax, Buel Taylor, Thomas R. Tillott, Washington Vandewalker, William F. Vogel, Caleb Weaver, Hosea H. Williams. 107th Regiment, New York State Volunteers: Organized at Elmira, by Colonel Robert B. VanValkenburgh in July, 1862 : mustered in for three years ; left State August 13th, 1862 ; part of Company I enlisted at Corning, (Newton T. Colby, Captain ); most of the members of Company F at Addison, (James H. Miles, Captain). Captain Miles was succeeded in turn by John F. Knox and John J. Orr ; Captain Colby by Nathaniel E. Rutter and John R. Lindsay. Colonel VanValkenburgh was succeeded in turn by Alex- ander S. Diven, of Elmira, and Nirom M. Crane, of Hornellsville. The Regiment served for a brief period on the defenses of Washington; was in engagements at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, with Sherman in the Atlanta campaign ; at Kenesaw 236 Corning In the War Between the States. Mountain ; on the " March to the Sea," and in the campaign in the CaroHnas. Its losses were four ojfficers and 217 enUsted men. CORNING ENLISTMENTS. Jonathan Briggs, John M. Brown, Gideon M, Beeman, Dexter Berry, WilHam H. Benjamin, WilUam Cleaver, Thomas Carmody, Michael Costello, Francis Clark, M. M. Coon, Theopolis Corwin, Howard Castor, Henry Drummond, Samuel Doohttle, John Everett, William Fancher, John F. Grant, Lansing F. Grant, Edward P. Graves, Warren S. Gregory, Thomas Gilmore, Gideon S. Granger, Caleb L. Gardner, George R. Gurnsey, John F. Grant, Lyman N. Hardenberg, William Harrison, William Hendricks, William, William Hauber, Henry Inscho, Richard Jacobs, Albert James, Tunis Kester, James Kennally, George Leach, James H. Morse, Samuel H. Mott, John Martin, Lee Mulford, Elijah C. Rowley, Samuel H. Reed, Rich- ard A. Rogers, Frederick Stenbeck, Theodore K Stenbeck, Ailed N. Sill, Franklin Savory, Joseph Smalley, Lyman Stilison, John J, Shepherd, Erastus F. Thrall, Simeon J. Thrall, Adam Tomer, James Terrell, Harlan VanEtten, Arthur Veazie, Benjamin C. Wilson, Geo. H. Weeks, George Wescott, Nelson Wheeler, Washington F. Walker, Edward Wheeler, Benjamin C. Wilson. 141st Regiment, New York State Volunteers: Organized at Elmira ; mustered in service of United States on 11th September, 1862, for three years; mustered out June 8th, 1865, and men not entitled to discharge transferred to 60th infantry. Company D was enrolled at Corning ; Charles R. Fuller was Captain, followed by William Merrill. Company E, Captain William K. Logic, was partly composed of Coming men ; he was succeeded by John A. Shults, Joseph G. Townsend and Archie E. Baxter. Regiment served for a number of weeks in defense of Washing- ton ; took part in siege of Suffolk ; took part in engagements at Diascund Bridge, Crump's Cross Roads, Wauhatchie, Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Ackworth, Kenesaw Mountain, Gulp's Farm, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, with Sherman on " March to the Sea," and in the battles of the Campaign of the Carolinas. Aggregate losses, six officers and 234 enlisted men. Ten men died while prisoners of war. CORNING ENLISTMENTS. Alfred Allen, Overton Allen, Samuel Burt, Archie E. Baxter, Henry C. Bonham, Henry Brown, Charles Burley, William H. Brace, Corning In the War Between the States. 237" Edwin Brown, Emerson Belding, M. W. Cunningham, Henry ClarR;. James Clark, Robert Coe, William Coe, Andrew Cretsley, Francis Cretsley, William C. Campbell, George H. Davis, Lionel T. DeCarr, . Darius M. Davis, William M. Doolittle, Pulaski Dekalb, John C. Duvall, Israel Elliott, Reuben Emory, Elisha Ellis, Charles H. Free- man, Edward Fitzpatrick, John J. Fowler, Abram L. Fowler, Charles R. Fuller, Charles E. Graham, Milo Gorton, Stephen D. Gorton, John Gibbons, Benjamin Gildersleeve, Frederick Gluer, Lucius L. Graham, James Grimes, Warren L. Hinds, Timothy Hunt, William H. Huyck, Harrison Howe, Francis Howe, Salmon Honness, Charles Houghton, Wilbur F. Hubbard, Julius S. Haradon, Myron Harrison, David A. Johnson, Thomas Jeffery, Jacob Kreamer, Abraham Knapp, Zalmon R. Loveless, Andrew Lewis, Edward B. Lewis, George H. Lindsley, Levi Lindsley, William A. Lindsley, William K. Logie, William N. Lockwood, Samuel G. Moore, Minor T. Millard, Andrew J. Merritt, Sylvanus W. Millard, Lewis G. Moore, Francis E. McCulloch, Abram McGillvray, Isaac M. Palmer, Orville Perkins, Delos Parkhill, John B. Rathbone, Nicholas Reville, John B. Sherwood, Benjamin Smith, Henry M. Snyder, Charles Satterly, Samuel Stewart, George E. Stever, Jacob Switzer, Edward Steilbeck, John A. Shults, Andrew J. Smith, Oscar D. Smith, Samuel A. Smith, Jeremiah Sullivan, Allen S. Tillinghast, John Tanner, Andrew D. Thompson, Hiram C. Turrell, Cassius M. Turrell, Joseph G. Townsend, Gilbert H. Tremain, Henry Thorp, Nathaniel Taggert, Lorenzo D, Ta^dor, Andrew Thompson, Warren H. Tremain, Richard H. Thornton, Lyman J. Tremain, Chas. Thomas, Cornelius Vanderworker, Lewis Weaver, William Williams, Alexander H. White, John Weekes, Nathaniel Wood, William I. Wil- son, Pulaski D. Wescott, George W. Weldon, Samuel Weldon, Peter Wright, Henry Woodhouse, Zina Woodhouse, Felson Wales, John R. Wellman, Isaac Wheeler, Henry Williams, Charles H. Webster, Geo. H. Watts, Nathan B. Williams, Wesley Wands, Maynard W. Wolcott, James H. Wessells. 161st Regiment, New York State Volunteers: Organized at Elmira, by Colonel Gabriel T. Harrowor, and was mustered into the service for three years, October 27th, 1862 ; was mustered out September 20th, 1865. Company G was recruited at Corning ; Edward Fitzpatrick, Captain. The Regiment was in engagements; in Louisiana at Clinton Plank Road, Plain Store, Port Hudson, Bayou La Fourche, Cox's 238 Corning In the War Between the States. Plantation, Sabine Pass (Texas), Vermillionville, Red River campaign ; and Spanish Fort, Fort Blakeley and Mobile in Alabama. The Regiment lost one officer and 305 enlisted men. Thirteen enlisted men died in the hands of the enemy. Left the State December 4th, 1862, for three years ; mustered out November 12th, 1865. CORNING ENLISTMENTS. Eli Ames, LeGrand G. Brandt, Henry M. Breese, Judson C. Beeman, Christopher Burns, Jacob Baetzel, John F. Bates, George L. Barker, Christopher Byrnes, Patrick Conley, Terrance Callighan, William Case, Thomas Dillon, Patrick Donovan, George E. Denning, Joseph Conlon, Arthur L. Eaton, John Emperor, Hiram Francisco, Walter Folnsbee, Stephen Gill, Charles L. Grant, Lewis H. Goodsell, William Gillis, Milo A. Hastings, Michael Harris, Albert M. Harris, John Hill, Richard Houcks, Michael Herrington, Charles Haik, Casper Krener, Frederick K. Lewis, John Lewis, Daniel Lindsay, William Lindsay, William V. Morrison, Abram W. McCard, George H. McKinney, Thomas Murphy, Henry Marshall, Michael McGivern, Richard Monks, Thomas McCullough, Ezekiel Mullen, Austin Omellie, William Payne, Henry Reese, Thomas Riley, John Reagan, John Rielly, William H. Smith, William Slagel, Villours D. Starr, Samuel Stark, Jakob Schaffer, Andrew Sullivan, John Soles, John Wallace, Warren M. Williams, John S. Warren. 188th Regiment, New York State Volunteers: Organized by Colonel James R. Chamberlain, succeeded by John McMahon ; mustered into service for one year in October, 1864 ; part of Company F was recruited in Corning and Hornby ; James T. Reilly, Captain. Regiment served before Petersburg, in engagements at Hatcher's Run and Hickford's Raid ; took part in Appomattox campnign ; was in battles at Five Forks and at Fall of Richmond. Lost one officer and 53 enlisted men ; one enlisted man died in hands of the enemy. CORNING ENLISTMENTS. Joseph E. Barber, Jefferson Burns, William A. Bronson, Andrew J. Butler, Jefferson Burris, Anthony Barrett, William A. Brown, DeWitt Gorton, Henry D. Green, Allen Lindsley, Elijah F, Mott, William H. Mott, Abraham Mott, William H. Martin, Gilbert Norris, Dennis Nash, Lewis 0. Parker, Lorenzo A. Rice, John Shaw, James E. Shaw, Thomas Tupper, John Thompson, Lemuel Thompson. Corning In the War Between the States. 239 Men who enlisted in Corning and served in various other New York Regiments of Infantiy, or as otherwise indicated : — Thirteenth Regiment, N. Y. Vols.— Charles E. Macanty ; 14th, James McGloin, Isaac E. Rose, Israel VanCampen, Patrick Corcoran ; 15th, Edward H. Smith; 20th, George M. Clark, George W. McNiel; 25th, Charles W. Denning; 17th, William Nichols; 21st, Edward L. Barnes ; 33d, Elijah Crowfoot ; 35th, S. H. Blackman, Giles B. Beebe, Carlton H. Lovell, Frank Matthias, Charles L. Welden, James Casey, Joseph F. Briggs, Martin Casey, John R Babcock ; 33d, Albert C. Hudson ; 37th, Adelph Goodsell ; 63, Sumner B. Sturtevant ; 71st, Robert J. Burham; 76th, Joseph Barbour, Jr.; 78th, John F. Brown ; 85th, James Miller, William Hemin; 117th, James Farrer; 160th, Clarkson Heath ; 150th, Myron W, Robbins ; 185th, John Stevens ; 126th, James A. Stall ; 189th, Andrew J. Dunham, N. W. Hubbard, Thomas J. Kibbee, John H. Maloney, Jesse Matteson, Chester L. Stone, Austin A. Swetland, Mulford R. Swetland ; 108th, Chester K Kenyon; 171st, Alexander Mott ; 194th, Henry Morse ; 142d, Lauren D. Voak, Charles S. Van Housen; 97th, Hoyt C. Bishop, Frederick Darrin, James Murphy, Daniel Oliphant, Eli Perry ; 2d Regiment Colored Volun- teers, Salem Loucks. Rockwell Johnson, 52d Illinois; Waiter C. Noble, 3d Ohio; Henry F. Peet, 6th Pa.; Charles A. Palmer, 132d Pa.; Jeremiah Rogan, 1st Pa.; Lewis Rasch, 87th Pa.; George Seymour, 207th Pa.; William H. Lucus, 14th Rhode Island ; Frederick Grasper, 14th U. S.; James H. Cochran, 20th Battery; Reuben F. Hamm, 8th U. S.; Henry D. May, 5th U. S.; Charles C. Morris, 1st Rifles ; George R. Mott, 14th U., S.; Peter B. Phenes, 14th U. S.; Lemuel Jacobs, Navy, In the Artillery Service: Fourteenth Heavy Artillery — Thomas Brown, Perry Blunt, John Brooks, John M. Bailey, Alexander Braggart, Alexander Bailey, Erwin Barker, Richard K. Bennett, Martin Briggs, John Brock, Richard Connor, Dennis Cany, Josiah A. Clark, Clark J. Cone, Nich- olas Courkrue, Augustus Detholf, WilHam J. Dailey, William H. Dud- ley, Benjamin F. Erway, Peter Foley, George Gorton, Robert Hardy, Epekial Johnson, John Johnson, Allen Miller, Alonzo Mcintosh, John Myers, Charles E. Mulford, Charles Pennock, George Rogers, Reuben G. Stevens, Charles W. Smith, George H. Smith, Byron W. Thrall, Ashbury Townsend, Loren B. Tompkins, George VintuU, Charles Worden, Chauncey Webster, George Winchell, Edwin Williams. Sixth Artillery— Michael Acheson; 5th Artillery, Fred R. Berling ; 13th Artillery, Silas B. Decker, Charles W. Edger ; John '240 Corning In the War Between the States. Taylorson ; 6th Artillery, David Morrison ; 1st Artillery, John G. Gillan, W. Frank Gillan. 50th Regiment, New York State Engineers: Left State September 20th, 1861, for three years ; mustered out in July, 1865 ; was originally the 50th Infantry. Charles B. Stewart was Colonel from August 15th, 1861, to June 3, 1863 ; William H. Bettes from January 1, 1864, till July 5, 1865. The Regiment lost two officers and 229 enlisted men. It took part in the following engagements : Siege of Yorktown, Seven Days' Battle in Virginia, Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg, Pollock's Mill Creek, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Bank's Ford, Deep Run, Gettysburg (detachment). Mine Run Campaign, Wilderness, Spotsyl- vania Court House, North Anna, Totopotomoy, Cold Harbor, Before Petersburg, Deep Bottom, Appomattox Court House. Talma F. Averill, Buell Babcock, Jesse B. Bixby, Daniel S. Boardman, Isaac F. Brown, David Brundage, Isaac F. Bronson, Ber- nard Cowley, Benjamin F. Cooper, James S. Cole, Worden Cox, Isaac 0. Caldwell, James B. Caulkins, Myron Davenport, John B. Fero, Hiram Florence, Isaac Folnsbee, Orley R, Gorton, Sylvanus T. Good- sell, William Morgan, Amas Miller, Charles McClusky, Joel Mid- daugh, Sheldon Odell, William H. Rogers, Peter J. Sincebaugh, Daniel Sweeny, Gorton Tobey, Nathaniel Tobey, John Telarey, Ephriam Tullette. In the Cavalry Service: Fifth Cavalry — Edward S. Borst, Peter H. Fero, Cornelius Gorton, Edward McNally, John L. UpDyke ; 1st Cavalry, Samuel Jacobs, Henry Traver ; 2d Cavalry, Byron A. Barton, Frank Veith ; 6th Cavalry, William Kemp ; 10th Cavalry, William H. Clark, Albert Orser, Edwin Pier, George S. Spencer, William H. Slater, Thomas Townley, John Williams, Guy Winkoop ; 21st Cavalry, Andrew Kerr ; 24th Cavalry, Richard L. Hill. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XLL Brides and Grooms of the Settlement Period. THE MARRIAGE NOTICES presented herewith, indicate the blending of many of the first settler and later pioneer families of Corning. It is a mistake to permit the family- name of the mother-line to disappear at the marriage altar. The list of marriages that follow will be perused with exceeding interest by those descended from the good and substantial stock, whose forebears planted the first colonies along the Atlantic coast, and whose children and children's children pressed the conquest thus begun, to the redemption of a Continent. Corning has a place in the history of the founding of the Nation of which it is a part ; a place as honorable as that of any sea-coast community. The first families of the Painted Post Section of the Genesee Country were of the Puritan manner of thought — they were impelled to achievem.ent by the same Faith. Hence they came and possessed the land. These notices are a continuance of the " Domestic Roll of Honor " as printed on pages 163 and 164 of this book, under the topic -title of " Merry Wedding Bells in Pioneer Days." Married at the Methodist Church in Corning, February 18, 1844, Eleazer Perry Mulford and Sarah Jane daughter of James C. Davis. In Coming, August 3d, 1848, by Rev. S. B. Shearer, Miss Fannie, daughter of S. B. Denton, of Corning, and James H. Chapman, of Jefferson, [Watkins]. In Corning, October 22d, 1848, by B. Pew, Esq., George Camp- bell, of Knoxville, and Miss Emily Wedge ; also, at the same time and place, by the same, George Washington and Miss Julia Hardy. In Corning, October 19, 1848, by Rev. Mr. Gilbert, Seymour F. Denton and Miss Lucretia Morse, both of Corning. In Corning, October 19th, 1848, by Rev. H. Pattengill, Amasa J. Lamphere and Miss Louise Persons, all of Corning. 241 242 Brides and Grooms of the Settlement Period. In Corning, October 31st, 1848, by Rev. J. Pierson, Darius B. Sturdevant, formerly of Brookfield, Conn., and Miss Mary Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Davis. In Corning, December 9th, 1848, by Rev. H. Pattengill, Charles Hastings and Miss Lucinda Harrison. In Corning, January 6th, 1849, by Jesse Clark, Jr., Esq., William Gilroy, of Bath, and Sarah Lewis, of Corning. In Corning, January 25, 1849, by Rev. Mr. Wiley, Virgil Tupper and Miss Juliette Parcell. In Gibson, March 11, 1849, by Rev. H. Pattengill, John VanEtten and Miss Mary Louise Lawrence. In Corning, April 10, 1849, by Rev. H. Pattengill, Jesse S. Clark and Miss Eunice Person, both of Corning. In Painted Post, April 19, 1849, William H. Messenger and Miss Charlotte Newton, both of Corning. In Coming, April 17, 1849, by Rev. H. Pattengill, Alvah Rowley, of East Painted Post, and Miss Caroline Peart, of Big Flats. In Corning, July 30, 1849, by Rev. H. Pattengill, Levi M. Rumsey and Miss Sophia Williams. In Corning, January 24, 1850, by Rev. A. L. Brooks, Lorenzo Oviatt, and Miss Mary M. Hunt, both of Corning. In Corning, February 17, 1850, by Rev. W. Bullard, William H. Cooper and Miss Mary Ann Carr, both of Corning. In Corning March 24, 1850, by Rev. A. L. Brooks, Sylvester Burton and Miss Eunice E. Clark. In Corning, April 4, 1850, by Rev. H. N. Seaver, D. K. Fuller, of Rathbone, and Miss Lycia E. Arnold, of Corning. In Painted Post, April 20, 1850, by B. Pew, Esq., Timothy Spen- cer and Miss Mary Briggs. In Corning, June 23, 1850, by Rev. A. L. Brooks, Oilman W. Perkins, of Painted Post, and Miss Mariah M. Huntley, of Corning. Married at Big Flats, September 4, 1850, Augustus S. Parks and Miss Sarah A. Shields, both of Corning. In Corning, October 7, 1850, Ira Hamlin and Miss Sheloneth Crawford, daughter of Andrev/ Crawford, of Caton. In Coming, October 10, 1850, H. B. Middaugh, of Lawrenceville, Pa., and Miss Julia A. Somers, of Corning. Brides and Grooms of the Settlement Period. 243 In Corning, October 29, 1850, George A. Wheelock and Miss Amelia Lyon, of Corning. In Corning, November 14, 1850, by Rev. A. L. Brooks, Charles H. Berry and Miss Frances Hubbell, of Corning. In Corning, November 24, 1850, James W. Parker and Miss Charlotte Rice. January 8, 1851, by Rev. A. L. Brooks, William N. Howell, of Elmira, and Miss Emily Bonham, of Knoxville. In Coming, February 12, 1851, Brazilla Dana and Miss Ann Eliza Weeks. April 2, 1851, David S. Powers, of Coopers Plains, and Miss Abigal M. Bussey, of Beaver Dams. In Corning, May 1, 1851, by Rev. H. Pattengill, W. Douglass Terbell and Miss Celina N. Robinson, both of Corning. In Campbell, December 3, 1851, by Rev. J. C. Mallory, Edward Armstrong and Mary L. Wallen. In Corning, December 11, 1851, William T. Rigby and Marietta, daughter of Alvan Rowley, of East Painted Post. In Lindley, December 12, 1851, by Rev. S. J. McCullough, Wm. E. Butts, of Helena, Ark., and Miss Catherine A. Lindsley. In Corning, December 30, 1851, Abner A. Bailey and Adelia Sanford, both of Corning. In Corning, December 31, 1851, George Thompson and Martha, daughter of Lucius Warner. Married at Almond, March 10, 1852, Dr. N. M. Herrington, of Corning, and Julia A. Genung, of Almond. March 4, 1852, H. J. Lombard, of Corning, and Catherine, daugh- ter of Lewis Edminster, of Big Flats. In Albany, March 26, 1852, Erastus Dodge, of Corning, and Miss C. Luce, of Albany. In Corning, June 3, 1852, George Wilier and Matilda Briggs. In Corning, June 28, 1852, by Rev. J. M. Watts, James K. Newell and Julia A., daughter of Russell Hunt. In Corning, September 8, 1852, by Rev. R. E. Wilson, L. S. Thomas and Charlotte R. Young. In Coming, September 16, 1852, by Rev. R. E. Wilson, Charles F. Dodge, of Owego, and Matilda P. Smith, of Corning. 244 Brides and Grooms of the Settlement Period. At the Presbyterian Church, in Corning, October 5, 1852, by Rev. R. E. Wilson, J. N. Robinson and Miss W. A. Barton. In Corning, October 6, 1852, by Rev. F. W. Graves, of Ithaca, LaRue P. Thompson and Martha C. daughter of Dr. J. C. Hayt. In Corning, October 18, 1852, Ora Kelly, of Jackson, and Sarah A. daughter of William A. Johnson, of Corning. In Caton, October 26, 1852, by Rev. Mr. Wood, N. D. Davis, of Corning, and Adelaide M. Westcott, of Caton. In Corning, December 23, 1852, by Rev. R. E. Wilson, William W. Hayt and Mary H. Hart, daughter of William Hart. In Caton, December 19, 1852, by Rev. William Jones, Andrew J. Roe and Lucinda Johnston. In Caton, December 30, 1852, Dyer Powers, of Lawrenceville, and Maria D. daughter of J. L. Whitney, of Caton. In Caton, same day, Lewis Wood and Lovina Martin. In Corning, January 23, 1853, William H. Drummond and Mary Weeks, both of Corning. In Centerville, February 13, 1853, by Rev. B. F. Pratt, George Stevens and Olive Southwick ; also, Harmon Stevens and Martha J. Gillett. In Corning, March 20, 1853, by Rev. William Jones, Nathaniel D. Kimball and Janette Eunison, both of Corning. In Knoxville, March 30, 1853, Milton J. Mallory and Laura Buckley, both of Knoxville. April 12, 1853, by Rev. C. S. Coats, I. R. Robbins, of Horseheads, and Catherine Brown, of Painted Post. In Corning, June 7, 1853, Washington Stewart and Elizabeth Davis, both of Corning. In Little York, Cortland County, June 6, 1853, John C. Phelps, of Corning, and Sarah C. Stevens, of Little York. In Gibson, June 5, 1853, Edwin Pease and Sophia P. Rouse. In Lawrenceville, June 7, 1853, by Rev. David Harrower, Edwards Williams, of New York, and Susan A. daughter of Benj. Harrower. In Corning, June 7, 1853, Wellington Stewart and Elizabeth daughter of Dexter Davis. In Corning, June 7, 1853, W. Towner and Harriet Lyon. Brides and Grooms of the Settlement Period. 245 In Corning, June 30, 1853, by Rev. T. McElheney, George W.. Preston and Amanda R. West. In Campbell, July 3, 1853, Uri Harvey and Lucy C. Cornell. In Caton, July 17, 1853, Henry Russell and Elizabeth A. Gorton.. In Coming, August 31, 1853, by Rev. J. Watts, Joseph F. Moore and Adele D. Clark, both of Corning. In Painted Post, September 7, 1853, by Rev. N. H. Seaver, Alfred A. Hall and Abby Jane daughter of Matthew VanGelder. In Elbridge, September 14, 1853, Levi Rowley, Jr., of Coming, and Emma Farnham, of Elbridge. In Corning, October 9, 1853, by Rev. David Nutten, John D. Hood and Rebecca R. Crist, both of Corning. In Caton, October 2, 1853, Nelson Pelton and Amanda C. Gregory, daughter of Orlando Gregory. In Corning, December 20, 1853, by Rev. R. E. Wilson, Welcome S. Burdick and Isabella daughter of James C. Davis. In Corning, December 27, Damon Hodgkins, of Lisle, and Caro- line L., daughter of David Mallory, of Corning. In Corning, January 26, 1854, Mark M. Pomeroy and Miss A. A. Wheeler, both of Corning. In Palmyra, March 2, 1854, by Rev. Horace Eaton, Charles C. B. Walker, of Corning, and Miss Maria D. Townsend, of Palmyra. In Painted Post, April 26, 1854, Thomas Barr and Miss C. Kinney. In Kinderhook, N. Y., May 24, 1854, William W. Robinson, of Coming, and Jenny Vandervoort, of Kinderhook. In Knoxville, June 6, 1854, John B. Record and Betsey E. Lattin. In Corning, June 12, 1854, Nelson A. Walker and Almira Jacobs. In Corning, June 22, 1854, by Rev. N. Barrows, Jarius M. Bell, of Athens, and Helen E. daughter of James Somers. In Corning, July 3, 1854, John D. Delamater and Sabrina J. Sears. In Corning, July 2, 1854, by Rev. D. Nutten, Oscar F. Robinson and Harriet A. Richtmyer, both of Corning. In Corning, August 7, 1854, Charles Hill and Almira Clark. In Lindley, James H. Middlebrook and Miss M. L. Lindsley. In Caton, Sept. 6, 1854, Silas R. Rhodes and Amelia A. Osborne. 246 Bfides and Grooms of the Settlement Period. In Coming, September 20, 1854, by Rev. D. Nutten, George W. Thorn, of Fort Ann, N. Y., and Helen P. Bailey, of Corning. Same date, Jacob Krieger and Christiana D. Krener, of Corning. In LeRoy, Pa., October 11, 1854, John Mallory, of Corning, and Mrs. Lemira Holcomb, of Le Roy. In Corning, October 20, 1854, at Christ Church, W. L. Bigelow and Harriet M. daughter of Lauren Mallory. In Corning, October 20, 1854, by Rev. A. H. Starkweather, Carlos D. Robinson and Mary Dunning, both of Corning. At Harford, N. Y., November 22, 1854, Andrew J. Phelps, of Corning, and Sarah M. Ketchum, of Harford. In Caton, December 6, 1854, Spicer S. Berry and Olive E. Reed. In Corning, January 1, 1855, Charles Wolcott, 3d, and Huldah Jane, daughter of Aaron H. Gillett. In Corning, March 1, 1855, Rollin Farnum and Emily L. Doud. In Corning, March 13, 1855, John Wolcott and Phebe Berry. In Painted Post, March 14, 1855, by Rev. B. F. Balcom, Alvin Owen and Emily Remington. In Thurston, March 18, 1855, by Rev. O. P. Alderman, John H. Goodsell and Elizabeth S. Corbitt. In Corning, April 10, 1855, at the First Presbyterian Church, by Rev. R. E. Wilson, Charles G. Denison and Martha A. Land. In Corning, April 28, 1855, by Rev. D. Nutten, Anthony Stewart and Ann H. Sherwood, both of Corning. In Starkey, May 22, 1855, Sidney B. Howell, of Painted Post, and Isabel Swartwood, of Starkey. In Caton, July 3, 1855, Harvey Wood and Veletta Hardenburg. In Painted Post, September 9, 1855, Charles D. Barnard and Mary S. Gorton, both of Corning. In Hornby, September 20, 1855, Alfred Roloson and Miss Martha Knowlton, both of Hornby. In Caton, October 3, 1855, Erastus Davis and Mary Harrison. Nov, 1, 1855, William T. Rigby and Susan Pearce, of Corning. In Corning, November 13, 1855, M. S. Hubbard, of Candor, and Caroline M. Dodge, of Corning. In Corning, May 21 1856, Alexander Olcott and Catherine A. Mallory, both of Corning. Brides and Grooms of the Settlement Period, 247 In Lawrenceville, May 14, 1856, by Rev. E. D. Wells, Joel Park- hurst, of Elkland, and Mrs. Martha Steele, daughter of B. Harrower. In Corning, June 26, 1856, Charles Walter and Anna R. Bower. June 10, 1856, John Borst, of Painted Post, and Nancy VanGelder,, of Bath. At same time, A. E. Booth, of Mitchellville, and Susan Wygant, of Painted Post. In Corning, September 30, 1856, by Rev, C. Morton, Rev. J. C. Mallory, pastor of the Baptist Church at Savona, and Mary M. daughter of David Baker, of Corning. In Corning, October 2, 1856, by Rev. D. Chichester, Theodore Olcott and Annie H. Maynard, of Corning, In Lindley, October 8, 1856, John E. Evans, of Painted Post, and Jane Eliza daughter of Benjamin Patterson. November 6, 1856, Edwin S. Kelsey, of Corning, and Nancy M. Harrison, of Caton. In Palmyra, November 19, 1856, Stephen T.. Hayt, of Corning, and Margaret C. daughter of Edward S. Townsend. In Cston, Nov. 23, 1856, George Gillett and Susan M. Holmes, In Corning, December 4, 1856, John Maynard and Anna B. eldest daughter of Judge Thomas A. Johnson. In Corning, December 24, 1856, Dr. Rufus H. Gilbert and Bertha Maynard, daughter of the late John Maynard, of Auburn. In Erwin, same date, Samuel C. Erwin and Elizabeth Thompson. In Corning, January 15, 1857, Julius Schrimer and Mary J. daughter of L. Mallory. In the Town of Corning, February 25, 1857, by Rev. W. E. Pin- der, George N. Ripley and Harriet E. Gardner. April 8, 1857, Joseph H. Gillett, of Corning, and Eliza Thomas, of Addison. In Corning, May 20, 1857, Henry G. Tuthill and Kate A. Townley, In Corning, May 26, 1857, by Rev. A. S. Baker, L. B. Van Scoter and Sarah S. daughter of Rufus Gorton. In Hornby, June 18, 1857, Hon. A. B. Dickinson and Mrs. Abagail Genung, both of Hornby. In Corning, July 4, 1857, by Rev. A. S. Baker, John Van Gorder, of Painted Post, and Sylvina Peck, of Corning. .248 Brides and Grooms of the Settlement Period. In Coming, September 18, 1857, Lorenzo D. Phelps and Mrs. Anna Belcher, both of Corning. In Corning, September 19, 1857, Albert M. Plimpton and Delia M. Metcalf, both of Corning. In Painted Post, September 27, 1857, by Rev. J. Joralemon, Syl- vester Young and Mary E. Zimmerman, both of Painted Post. In Corning, October 1, 1857, by Rev. A. S. Baker, Joseph Hollen- beck and Martha Fowler. In Corning, Oct. 17, 1857, Alonzo Parks and Mrs. Lana Morgan. In Lindley, Nov. 18, 1857, Dyer Power and Marion L. Seelye. In the Town of Erwin, December 23, 1857, James McHenry and Susan M. only daughter of Dr. J. Cutler of the Town of Corning. Jan. 1, 1858, Andrew Thompson and Susan VanEtten, of Gibson. In Caton, March 17, 1858, by Rev. Isaac Everitt, Julius M. Lewis and Mary F. Cooper, daughter'of Anson Cooper, formerly of Corning. In Caton, March 23, 1858, by Rev. S. M. Broakman, Augustus Johnson and Jane Quackenbush. March 27, 1858, Lyman Brown, of Caton, and Ada Eliza Luce, of Corning. At Portville, May 3, 1858, Wallace W. Weston, of the firm of Weston Brothers, and Harriet E, daughter of J. G. Mersereau. In Caton, May 11, 1858, by Rev. D. Chichester, George A. Rich- ards and Lucinda R. daughter of Titus Smith. In Coming, September 9, 1858, Martin V. Sayles and Mary M. daughter of Hiram Fritchard. In Corning, the same date, Andrew J. Miller and Almira Cole. In Hornby, September 15th, 1858, by Rev. Edward Z. Lewis, Isaac C. Haradon, of Corning, and Mary A. Dickinson. In Corning, October 13, 1858, James A. Parsons and Mary Land, daughter of Robert Land. In Painted Post, October 27, 1858, Francis Erwin and Helen Campbell, both of Painted Post. November 2, 1858, Chester S. Cole, of Corning, conductor on the Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad, and Addie Wheat. In Corning, December 1, 1858, Truman S. Pritchard and Mary W. daughter of William McCarty. Brides and Grooms of the Settlement Period. 249 In Corning, January 19, 1859, Charles Weeks and Lydia Gorton. In Caton, February 27, 1859, Simeon L. Wormley, of Coming, and Lucy A. Hubbard, of Caton. In Hornby, March 30, 1859, Daniel R. Conover and Nancy M. Shults, both of Hornby. In Rochester, May 17, 1859, John L. Wheat, of Louisville, Ky., (formerly of Corning), and Mary E. daughter of Rev. Nathan Fellows. In Caton, May 26, 1859, Dr. Horace E. Gilbert and Eunice Deyo. In Christ Church, Corning, Wm. Walker and Helen C. Bostwick. In Corning, June 23, 1859, John N. Hungerford and Mary W. Gansevoort, formerly of Bath. In Painted Post, June 22, 1859, Dr. N. R. Seeley, of Corning, and Mary C. Stuart, of Painted Post. In Campbell, June 29, 1859, James G. Terbell and Frances F. daughter of John P. Knox. In Corning, August 18, 1859, by Rev. Charles Morton, Henry H. Greek and Elenore E. only daughter of Jacob Martin. In Corning, October 30, 1859, Fred S. Bragg and Mary Warner. In Bath, November 9, 1859, Charles R. Maltby and Eliza A. Stone. In Coopers Plains, November 16, 1859, Benjamin Balcom and Eliza Malvina Dunklee, both of Campbell. In Corning, December 6, 1859, A. H. Terwilliger and Martha E. daughter of H. G. Phelps. In Corning, January 2, 1860, Philo S. Drake, of Painted Post, and Miss Diadama A. Gillett, of Coming. In Corning, February 2, 1860, Horatio B. Haradon, of Homby, and Frances D. Case, of Corning. In Painted Post. February 1, 1860, W. S. Hodgman and Jennie daughter of Lyman Balcom, In the Town of Erwin, April 27, 1860, Robert B. Wilkes, of Bath, and Harriet M., youngest daughter of General F. E. Erwiru In Caton, April 3, 1860, Timothy S. Wolcott and Miss Adelia L. daughter of Amaziah Tobey. In Caton, April 17, 1860, by Rev. C Bush, W. M. Wolcott and Julia E. Lewis, both of Caton. In Knoxville, April 26, 1860, Orlando Dewitt and Celestia King. In Hornby, May 24, Peleg Gorton, of Corning, and Eliza Burnap. 250 Marriages in Corning and Vicinity, I860-' 62. In Caton, July 8, 1860, George E. French and Cynthia A. Davis. in Caton, October 3, 1860, Alonzo Deyo and Charlotte M. Cooper. December 24, 1860, by Rev. J. T. Arnold, George M. Clark, of Coming, and Minerva Mallory, of Knoxville. In Corning, December 25, 1860, by Rev. H. F, Hill, Henry H„ Colby and Emma J. Barton. On the same day, John McBumey, Jr., and Mary A. Seaman. January 31, 1861, by Rev. H. F. Hill, Alvin T. Payne, of Corning, and Martha, daughter of Esek A. Brown, of Caton, February 13, 1861, O. J. Robinson, of Coming, and Carrie C, Fulton, of Stanley's Comers. February 27, 1861, David Welden and Sybil Briggs,of Corning, In Hornby, March 20, 1860, by Rev. R. B. Stanton, Harvey Cole, of Post Creek, and Elizabeth J. Humphrey, of Hornby^ June 12, 1861, W. W. Fay, of Painted Post, and Maggie L, daugh- ter of H. M. Hurlburt, of Corning. At the Presbyterian Church in Coming, July 31, 1861. by Rev, W. A. Niles, George W. Preston and Electa Ann Burton. In Elmira, August 18, 1861, Charles H. Soule,. of Corning, and Hattie A. Patchen, of Elmira. At Christ Church, Coming, September 17, 1861, by Rev. Mr. Ferguson, George W. Patterson, Jr., and Frances D. Todd, In Coming, October 10, 1861, John Wilson and Annie E. daugh- ter of Captain Thomas Murray. In Corning, Febmary 5, 1862, Marshall G. Burton and Marion daughter of Joel Kelley, In Corning, April 26, 1862, William J, Hewlett and Olive Frances Grinnell, both of Coming. In Caton, May 1, 1862, Thomas H. Rhodes and Sarah Dewaters. In Christ Church, May 21, 1862, Ellsworth D. Mills and A. Eliza Wellington, sister of Quincy W. Wellington. In Corning, June 3, 1862, Samuel Frymire and Miss R. L. daugh- ter of Dr. O. Mumford. In Caton, June 5, 1862, Horace E. Gilbert and Jenny C. Gridley. In Hornby, August 21, 1862, by Rev. E. Hotchkiss, Rev. George C. Whiting and Catherine L. Bixby. Marriages in Corning and Vicinity, 1862-'65. 251 In Buffalo, September 9, 1862, Frank B. Brown, editor of the Corning Democrat, and Cornelia M. DeVoe. In Knoxville, September 15, 1862, by Rev. H. F. Hill, W. L. Shearer and Miss E. A. Palmer, both of Knoxville. In Corning, September 28, 1862, Dr. J. M. Cutler and Miss E. A. Harrington, of Jamestown, N. Y. In Caton, December 24, 1862, Erwin Gregory, son of Stephen Gregory, and Laura Hildreth. In New Haven, Conn., January 20, 1863, John P. Carr, of Coming, and Mary Elizabeth Jeffery, daughter of E. A. Jeffery. In Coming, March 16, 1863, Richard L. Hill and Julia A. Havens. In Corning, April 23, 1863, by Rev. T. Tousey, Barton Edmister, of Erwin, and Eliza Rowley, of Corning. In Corning, July 31, R. A. Bonham and Maggie A. Tillinghast. In Brooklyn, N. Y., September 24, 1863, Nelville E. Waite, of Corning, and Angle F. Badger. In Corning, November 12, 1863, by Rev. Ira Brown, William J. Oldfield and Emily Wolever, both of Post Creek. In Coming, January 27, 1864, George Wolcott and Amanda S. Ferenbaugh, both of Corning. In Caton, March 10, 1864, George J. Hill and Maria Scutt. In Fairfield, Conn., September 21, 1864, Dr. Augustus T. Mills, of Coming, and Sarah B. daughter of Captain Charles K. Crocker. In Coming, Dec. 7, 1864, Geo. W. Page and Martha M. Brown. In Corning, April 6, 1865, J. S. Slie, principal of the Corning Free Academy, and Martha M. Hubbard. In Coming, July 2, 1865, Carlton H. Lovell, of Corning, and Miss ^rah A. Carlton, of Bath. In Corning, July 12, 1865, William Henry Sweetland and Emily Adelaide Gorton, daughter of Hiram Gorton. In Painted Post, July 24, 1865, by Rev. J. D. Barnes, G. A. Wilder, of Corning, and Alice Degroat, of the Town of Erwin. In Coming, August 23, 1865, by Rev. R. Hogoboom, Henry Becket and Amanda daughter of David Spencer. In Coming, September 13, 1865, John B. Burt and Miss Jennie E. Wormley, both of Corning. 252 Marriages in Corning and Vicinity, 1865 -'67. In Corning, September 17, 1865, by Rev. W. A. Niles, Horace Vastbinder, of Lindley, and Ethie Harrison, of Caton. At the Baptist Church in Corning, September 28, 1865, by Rev. Norman Fox, Lieutenant-Colonel William F. Fox, of Painted Post, and Mary A., daughter of L. H. Shattuck, Supt, Tioga Railroad. October 22, 1865, Harrison Howe and Melissa Gregory, of Caton, In New York, November 21, 1865, Lieutenant Charles H, Free- man and Monnie C. King, of New York. November 28, 1865, William Goff and Mary Gibbs, of Corning. In Corning, January 17, 1866, by Rev. J. K. Tuttle, Albert Pritch- ard and Nettie Bixby, of Coming. January 4, 1866, Julius S. Haradon, of Corning, and Miss Nellie Miller, daughter of John Miller, of Hornby. In Coming, April 10, 1866, Eugene Clark and Carrie J. Townley. February 22, 1866, Samuel E. Wolcott and Florence H. Smith, daughter of Dr. S. H. Smith, all of Caton. March 11, Henry C. Rowley and Harriet Williams, of Caton. March 29, Byron Goodsell and Anna E. Dickinson, of Hornby. March 29, 0. D. Rouse and Mary Calkins, both of Gibson. In Corning, May 17, 1866, Dr. Charles M. Graves and Mary, only daughter of Blake Owen, of Corning. In Corning, May 16, 1866, by Rev. J. K. Tuttle, Edwin Clark English and Frances P. Gulliver, both of Caton. In Trumansburg, June 13, 1866, William H. Clark, of Corning, and Mary E. Chandler, of Trumansburg. In Corning, August 20, 1866, Eugene Jaynes and Julia F. Brown. In Knoxville, November 29, 1866, by Rev. W. A. Niles, Pulaski D. Wescott and Nellie A. King, both of Knoxville. In Hornby, Nov. 7, Peter Clovenhaven and Harriet A. Randall. In Penn Yan, December 18, 1866, Judge Thomas A. Johnson, of Corning, and Mrs. Sarah W. Parker, daughter of Hon. Henry Welles. In Corning, June 4, 1867, George Weeks and Anrla M. Northrup. In Painted Post, June 13, 1867, by Rev. Dr. Wakeman, Albert R. Sayles and Fanny daughter of James McMullen, of Centerville. August 10, 1867, Mahlon son of Henry Goff, of Corning, and Miss Eva Lattimer, daughter of S. V. Lattimer, of Addison. Marriages in Corning and Vicinity, 1867-69. 253 In Coming, Sept. 5, 1867, Jerome B. Gorton and Mary E. Smith. In Centerville, September 9, 1867, by Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, of Elmira, John K. Ford, of Campbell, and Marilla Whitenack. In Painted Post, Sept. 12, 1867, A. D. Jaynes and Eva Lamphere. At the Methodist Church in Corning, October 9, 1867, by Rev. F. Wildman, Benj. N. Payne and Esther A. Rounsville, of Oramel. In Hornby, December 8, 1867, Myrcn A. Eddy and Helen D. VanHusen, both of the Tov/n of Hornby. At Painted Post, December 23, 1867, Edward Dickinson and Miss Belle Youngs, daughter of Colonel F. E. Youngs. In Painted Post, December 19, 1867, Dn John Cooper and Ophelia daughter of A. H. Bronson. January 27, 1868, Nelson Jones and Kate W, Davis, of Corning. February 24, 1868. Samuel Patterson and Mary Cook, of Lindley. In Horseheads, March 12, 1868, Frank B. Brown, editor of the Corning Democrat, and Marilla C. daughter of Judge Darius Bentley. In Lindley, April 26, 1868, George W. Snyder and Nettie Mulford. In Painted Post, June 22, 1868, John K. Farwell, of Chicago, 111., and Hattie Rose, of Painted Post. In Corning, July 19, 1868, Lemuel F. Lee and Sabrina Peterson. In St. Joseph's Cathedral, Buffalo, September 24, 1868, P. J. Barry, of Corning, and Miss Rebecca Reilly, of Gerard, Pa. In Corning, October 7, 1868, Charles G. Douglas and Mary R. daughter of D. F. Brown. In Corning, October 15, 1868, Alexander L. Ewing and Almira H. Lansing, daughter of General Jacob H. Eansing. In Corning, Oct. 21, 1868, Mark Balcom and Anna L. Campbell. Nov. 26, 1868, Thomas Reed and Frances L. Townley, of Corning. In Painted Post, April 8, 1869, Charles Iredell, Jr., and Annie M. daughter of Arthur H. Erwin, of Painted Post. In Corning, March 19, 1869, E. A. Kriger and Mary A. Smith. June 10, Cyrus D. Sill, of Corning and Mary A. Bourne, of Lyons. In Corning, October 20, 1869, H. N. Pond and Hattie A. Spencer. In Corning, December 29, 1869, by Rev. D. VanAlstine, C. C. Walster and Miss L. S. Conover, both of Corning. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity. CHAPTER XLIL Events In and About Corning — 1870-'75. EARLY IN JANUARY, 1870, the Corning post office moved into the new Hollenbeck Block, on East Market street ; Jonathan Brown broke ground for a three-story brick block on the site of four lots formerly occupied by the Dyer Block. Horace G. Phelps, one of the founders of the village of Corning,, died Monday morning, Februar>^ 21st, 1870. He moved to this township, then known as Painted Post, when a young man, and was one of the original proprietors of the " Hammond Mills." The Fall Brook Railroad Company in the Spring of 1870 began the construction a line from* Lawrenceville, Pa., via Stokesdale and Wellsboro, to the coal mines at Antrim. Dr. George W. Pratt having taken a position as a clerk in the House of Representatives, engaged Charles M. Beecher, of Hornells- ville, as Associate Editor of the Corning Journal. Mr. Beecher was a pronounced success. Following rain of several days' duration, there was a heavy flood throughout the Chemung water-shed on Monday and Tuesday, April 18th and 19th, 1870, all the tributaries of the major stream submerg- ing the low lands along their courses. The Knoxville flats were under water to a depth that caused a number of families to abandon their homes. Monkey Run Creek " went on a rampage," and despite Pritchard's Canal, washed along East Erie avenue and adjacent streets, tearing up sidewalks, filling cellars, and leaving mud and gravel on every hand. A portion of the canal dam went out. Fox, Weston & Bronson, proprietors of the Gang Mills, lost one million feet of pine timber in the log, in a drive they had started down the Cowanesque River for the mill. They also lost considerable lumber piled in the mill yard. Their total loss was near $40,000. Not a 254 Large Attendance at Dedication of St. Mary's Church. 255 train over the reached Corning over the Erie for three days and the Blossburg road was out of commission for about a week. In May, 1870, Charles M. Beecher, for several months Associate Editor of the Corning Journal, became Editor of the Wellsville Free Press. Dr. W. S. Purdy purchased of U. D. Hood the house on Cedar street, next the home of Dr. Pratt, and moved there from Addison. May 30, 1870.— Colonel Archie E. Baxter delivered the Memorial Day address. The exercises were held at Hope Cemetery. St. Mary's Church was dedicated, Sunday, May 12, 1870. The attendance was large. A special train on the Erie from Elmira, brought twelve cars crowded with passengers. Another special train brought passengers from Bath and intermediate stations. In July, 1870, Charles E. Greenfield, for many years chief clerk in C. D. Sill's grocery, bought the stock and took over the business. The following breezy item appeared in the Corning Journal of July 14, 1870: " Taylerson & Sharpstein gave us a call on Saturday last, with their new hearse. It is as elegant and stylish an affair as can be found outside the city of New York, built to be drawn by two horses, fitted with plumes, has plate glass on the sides, and is trimmed with silver plate. The hangings are rich and beautiful. We declined their invitation to take the first ride in it, though if it should be our lot to start for " over the river," theirs is the omnibus we should choose for the first stage of the journey." July 21, 1870. — The dam is fixed, there is water in the Chemung Canal, boats are arriving at Corning. Instead of constructing a tow- path from Gibson to Corning — which was seriously damaged by the flood last Spring — a steam tug has been provided to tow all boats on the Chemung River after they leave and before they reach the canal. Thus Corning is actually at the head of steam navigation on the Chemung River. In August, 1870, Charles B. Maltby, of the wholesale grocery firm of Maltby Brothers, moved to New York, to engage in buying and selling teas, sugars and groceries at wholesale, and to buy for the Corning store, in which he remains a partner. In September, 1870, Colonel Archie E. Baxter and Oscar Bump opened a drug store in the new Brown Block on East Market street. The latter part of September, 1870, John White, of Watkins, former landlord of the Corning House, purchased the Dickinson House, for $35,000. He is to take possession January 1st. 256 Rev. Dr. Ives "Lifts" Presbyterian Church Debt. On Saturday evening, November 9, 1870, Susan B. Anthony spoke at Washington Hall, on " Equal Rights Regardless of Sex." About eighty persons were present. She discussed "Women's Rights " in a Corning Church in 1852. On Sunday morning, November 20, 1870, Rev. B. I. Ives " lifted the debt " from the First Presbyterian Church of Corning, securing subscriptions that totalled $17,000. The audience was large and the noted Methodist " money persuadar " was at his best. Among the sums subscribed were, John N. Hungerford, $2,000 ; Q. W. Welling- ton, $1,500; William D. Terbell, $1,500 ; Stephen T. Hay t, $1,000; Joseph Fellows, $1,000. The following subscribed $500 each : J. M. Smith, L. C. Kingsbury, George B. Bradley, E. W. Ross, W. S. Hodgman, A. H. Gorton and Charles C. B, Walker ; $250 each was contributed by Dr. Henry C. May and A. D. Dudley ; $200 each was contributed by J. A. Parsons, Judge George T. Spencer, Chester S, Cole, Ransom Pratt, L. D. Stone, C. E. Osborne, James McBurney, Francis A. Williams, J. F. Tomlinson, Mrs. D. S. Magee, Henry Sherwood and Theodore Olcott. There were many subscriptions ranging from $100 to $5, and finally the collection plates were passed. The cost of the church and fixtures was $43,000. J. White having failed to make good on his deal to buy the Dickinson House, the latter part of November, 1870, it was purchased by George W. Fuller, for six years the landlord. Jonathan Brown, aged 73 years, died at his home in this village on Monday, December 19, 1870. He was born in Rhode Island. He settled here when there were only a few log cabins. He was a carpenter, invested in lands, dealt in lumber erected and sold build- ings, and prospered with the growth of the village. His last building project was the Brown Block, a of brick, on East Market street. David S. Powers, of Corning, has been appointed a Deputy Sheriff. On Saturday, December 20, 1870, B. W. Payne & Sons, foundrymen and machinists, presented each employe a turkey for Christmas. The evening of February 13, 1871, a house on Tioga avenue, occupied by two families, caught fire. Part of the household goods were removed but as the village had no fire engine company and no water supply was at hand, the fire pumps were not brought to the fire, and nothing was done to stay its progress. A committee of citizens appointed to investigate and report a plan for providing a water system for the village, at a meeting held in Charles G. Denison Elected President of Village. 257 Washington Hall, the evening of March 6, 1871, reported in favor of a gravity system, the water to be gathered by natural flow into a reservoir, southwest of the village, at an evelation of 225 feet above the central section of Market street. The cost of the complete water supply system was estimated at $12,108. The members of the Committee on Water Supply were : Samuel C. Robertson, William F. Town ley, A. H. Gorton and Hiram Pritchard. It was voted to hold a special election to pass on the matter. The following village officers were chosen at the annual election held March 7th : Charles G. Denison, President ; Richard L. Hill Clerk ; James M. Robinson, Police Justice ; James Sloan and Alonzo H. Gorton, Trustees ; Nelson L. Somers, Thomas O'Brien and C. G. Howell, Assessors; James Comer, Collector; Loomis Fassett, Pound Master. A proposition to purchase a steam fire engine, at an expense not to exceed $6,000, received only three favorable votes. Citizens of Coming have subscribed for $20,000 of the stock of a railroad to be built up the Cowanesque valley from Lawrenceville to Elkland, Pa. In April, 1871, the Fire Department of the village was reorgan- ized. W. F. Townley was elected Chief Engineer; Thomas Hawkes and George Hitchcock, Assistant Engineers; Q. W. Wellington, Treasurer. Two fire companies were formed ; one, composed of em- ployes of the Corning Glass Works, took charge of Rough and Ready Engine No. 2 and equipment. Its officers are : B. Cahill, Foreman ; Charles Shean and J. J. Draper, Assistants ; J. J. McGovern, Secretary ; Joseph J. Tully, Treasurer ; Thomas Hawkes, Joseph J. Tully and Charles A. Owen, Trustees. Alliance Hook and Ladder Company continues in service. At a meeting of the members held the evening of May 2 the following officers were elected : Major E. P. Graves, Foreman ; John W. Brown and S. B. Bennett, Assistants ; W. H. Chaphe, Secretary and Treas- urer ; F. D. Kingsbury and William Howell, Jr., Auditors. M. Rosenbaum has been elected Foreman of the new Rescue Fire Engine Company, No. 1, and George Owens is Foreman of Rescue Hose Company. In May, 1871, the Presbyterian Society began the erection of a brick church in the village of Painted Post. The comer-stone was laid on Tuesday, June 13. Rev. P. P. Burghardt is pastor. Henry M. Bennett succeeds Charles H. Erwin as Postmaster at Painted Post. 258 Factories and Other Industries of Corning in 1870. The following summary of manufacturing, mercantile and other industries in Corning, indicates the standing of the community as a unit in the amazing progress achieved in pioneer days. In 1833 a few log cabins in a wilderness ! In 1870, a well-established and important trade and manufacturing center, with the advantages of connection by highways, rivers, canals and railroads with the country at large ! The wholesale lumber trade of Walker & Lathrop is the most extensive on the Chemung or it tributaries. Their lumber is mostly sawed at their mills in Pennslyvania. Selected stock for building purposes is re-sawed, planed and fitted at their mills in Corning. A number of saw-mills in the vicinity of Corning add to the volume of lumber sent to market from this point. The " Wild Cat " train continues to bring cars of unfinished lumber from the big gang mills at Harrower's, Lindley Station and the State Line, and from a num- ber of lesser mills up the Tioga River, in addition to the out- put of the Walker & Lathrop operations. During the past twelve-months Walker & Lathrop have marketed over ten million feet of pine and hemlock lumber and they have over five million feet of dry pine in stock. Field & Hood are lumber dealers. W. F. Townley manu- factures doors, sash and blinds, do re-sawing and finishing and are general jobbers in lumber, The following soft coal mining companies have their headquarters in Corning : The Bloss Coal Mining and Railroad Company, the Fall Brook Coal Company, and the Morris Run Coal Company. Their combined coal output the past year was 738,000 tons. C. D. Sill manufactures brick at Mulhollan. Large quantities of building stone are quarried near the village. The Fall Brook Railroad Company has shops here. B. W. Payne & Sons employ 100 men in the manufacture of steam engines, boilers and other machinery. Preston & Heermans manufacture steam engines, machinery for saw mills, gearings generally, and iron and brass castings. L. C. Kingsbury & Company employ twenty-five men at their carriage and cutter factory. About 100 persons are employed at the Coming Glass Works and the business is extending. There the highest grade of lead glass is made and also ruby glass of superior quality. Hoare & Dailey, glass cutters and engravers, employ about 50 men. Thomas Hawkes is superintendent of the shop. Factories and Other Industries of Corning in 1870. 259 Corning is favored with carpenters, masons, building contract- ors, painters, paper-hangers, wagon makers, blacksmiths, cobblers, tinners, cabinet makers, and men who are of " the Jack of all trades " class, who meet the requirements of a thriving community. Its merchants include men who conduct trade of extensive propor- tions and carry stocks of goods not excelled by the larger stores of later days. The following business men and women of Corning advertised in the Corning newspapers in 1870 : Smith & Waite, (J. M. Smith and Neville E. Waite), dry goods ; Newell & Owen, general store established in 1850 by R. E. Robinson and known as " The Regulator ;" J. A. Parsons & Company, dry dry goods, notions and boots and shoes; A. Bernstein, dry goods ; C. E. Corbin, books and stationery ; W. H. Chaphe, groceries and crockery ; Mrs. C. M. Powers, millinery ; Guttenberg, Rosenbaum & Company, ready-made clothing and tailor shop for men and boys ; Charles E. Greenfield, groceries ; J. W. Darrin, furniture store and undertaking ; Campbell & Lewis, blacksmiths and jobbers in iron furnishings ; Arnold B. Heine, millinery and dry goods ; William D. Terbell & Company, druggists, wall paper and notions ; Burns & Seymour, groceries and crockery ; Jacob H. Lansing, clocks, watches and jewelry ; Pritchard, Sayles & Co., hardware ; Henry Goff, dry goods and notions ; Fuller & Gamman, boots and shoes ; W. S. Dickinson, drugs and medicines ; Cole & Thomson, fire, life and accident insurance ; Walker & Lathrop, wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, farm implements and builders' supplies ; A. D. Dudley, jewelry, watches, clocks and silver ware ; C. H. Freeman, groceries ; Baxter & Bump, drugs and medicines ; Henry C. Perry, merchant tailor ; William Walker, general insurance agency ; William Hood & Son, grocers ; L. C. Kingsbury & Company, carriage factory ; Mrs. Anna Smith, millinery; Cunningham Brothers, carpenters and and builders ; Louis Lindner, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes ; U. D. Hood, harness shop ; Mrs. H. E. Cunningham, dress and and cloak making ; Stephen T. Hayt, " Southern Tier " flouring mills; Mrs. A. M. Powers, millinery ; Jaynes & Cochrane, hatters ; the Q. W. Wellington Bank, the George Washington Bank, John N. Hunger- ford's Bank, the Corning Journal newspaper and job printing ofhce ; the Corning Democrat newspaper and job printing office ; J. D. Ruth- erford, furnishings for women and children ; William Murray, fancy goods and ladies' furnishings ; M. P. Ansorge, clothing ; Maynard & Easterbrooks, musical instruments ; Charles G. Denison, flour. 360 Trustees Close Contract for Water Supply System. feed, coal, salt, farm machinery ; Clendenny & Dampf, photographs ; C. G. Howell, kerosene and lubricating oils ; Eri Bunnell, harness maker and repair shop ; H. S. Rankine, dentist ; Robertson & Soule, dealers in meats ; A. D. Jaynes, sewing machines ; Hees & Dwelle drugs and groceries. The landlords of the hotels are : George W. and Dwight L. Fuller, the Dickinson House ; Fred Rothf us, Minot House ; Smith & Bacon, the American Hotel ; George Archer, the Arcade ; Fred, Schadd, J. Mainzer, B. F. Jones and J. Furrer. In fighting a fire that threatened the destruction of the Arcade Block, at Market and Pine streets, the night of June 14, water was pumped by a hand engine from the Chemung River into a sunken reservoir in front of the Dickinson House, whence it was pumped by the second fire engine upon the flames. In July, 1871, William Lathrop purchased the interest of R. B. Sharpsteen in the furniture and undertaking business of Taylorson & Sharpsteen and the name of the firm was changed to Taylerson & Lathrop. August 15, 1871, the Hoffman Block, on West Market street, occupied by the Hoffman Hotel and a number of stores, was burned, and also dwellings owned by Thomas Argue and John Fritts. October 5, 1871. — The village Trustees closed a contract with the Gloucester Iron Works, of Camden, N. J., to construct a water system complete for $20,000. A reservior is to be placed on the hill- side near the head of Pine street. The night of December 5, 1871, the old distillery building, in Knoxville, was entirely destroyed by fire. Thomas L, Langley, of Canisteo, has purchased a half-interest in the wholesale dry goods store of Henry Goff, in Corning. They do business as Goff & Langley. Wednesday evening, April 10, a saw-mill near the Corning-Caton highway, close by the Caton line, recently built by C. D, Barnard, was destroyed by fire. Loss about $4,000. No insurance. Early Monday morning, April 29, 1872, the Glann Hotel, at Painted Post, with nearly all its furnishings, was destroyed by fire- Loss, $5,000 ; fully insured. Solomon A. Campbell, aged 72 years, a leading resident of the village and prominent in business, dropped dead while assisting to remove furniture from the hotel. Forest Fires Cause Great Damage About Corning, 261 The Corning Journal of May 9, 1872, said : " Amory Houghton is now proprietor of the Corning Glass Works. He has been here since they were estabhshed, having charge of the mixing. He has no superior in the United States in the manufacture of glass." Miss Kate L. Farrington, of Corning, has a string of buttons 31 feet long, 2,296 in number, each having a loop-eye and no two alike. She made the collection. The gathering of strings of buttons was a fad among school girls that continued for several years, the strife being to see who could accumulate the greatest variety. George W. Patterson, of Corning, built a half-mile race track on his land near the Erie station at Painted Post. May 23, 1872. — Due to lack of rain, conditions have favored the spreading of forest fires, and a large amount of damage has resulted in this and near-by towns. Fire has swept the wood-clad hills over- looking the village of Corning. In Curtis Hollow, town of Campbell, half a million feet of hemlock logs, belonging to D. B. Curtis, were destroyed by fire. In the southeastern section of the town of Lindley a large amount of skidded logs and standirg timber was burned up or rendered worthless. Many farm buildings were lost. Having purchased an interest in the " Regulator " store, Oliver A. Gary moved from Binghamton to Corning. Monday, July 1, 1872, water was for the first time turned into the nev/ly-placed water mains. Under gravity pressure, from hose attached to a hydrant at Market and Pine streets, a stream of water was thrown over the Dickinson House. About two hundred men and boys are employed in the various departm.ents of the Corning Glass Works. The planing mill and lumber-fitting shop of Walker & Lathrop burned the night of July 20, 1872. Loss, $14,500 ; insurance, $6,500. The latter part of August, 1872, the President of the United States appointed Dr. George W. Pratt, Editor of the Corning Journal, postmaster, in place of Charles H. Thomson, for 11 years in office. August 8, 1872.— Walker & Lathrop have purchased of W. F. Townley the planing mill and wood working shops at Cedar street and Tioga avenue. A saw-mill at Osceola, Pa., with 2,000,000 of pine and 1,000,000 feet of hemlock lumber, ov/ned by Walker & Lathrop, were destroy- ed by fire the night of September 23, 1872. There are 1,569 persons of school age in the village of Corning. 262 Corning Circulating Library Association Organized. The steam saw-mill and grist-mill at Caton Center, owned by Nelson Cowan, of Gibson, burned the morning of November 6. In December, 1872, W. S. Hodgman succeeded Henry M. Bennett as Postmaster at Painted Post. January 1, 1873.— Corning employes of the Erie Railroad present- ed A. T. Cochran, for 20 years station agent, a set of silver table service costing $200. A. H. Gorton, Superintendent of the Corning and Blossburg Railroad, was " remembered " with a silver tea service by S. T. Hayt, C. C. B. Walker, C. G. Denison and A. Lathrop, Jr. A. J. Owen, of Corning, was appointed Cashier of the Fall Brook Coal Company, with headquarters at Fall Brook. H. C. Higman & Company establish a bank in Corning. Mahlon Goff succeeds J. B. Mecarg in the grocery business. The latter part of January, Samuel C. Robertson, of Corning, bought the Sly farm, of 125 acres, in Knoxville. At a meeting held the evening of February 25, 1873, at the law office of Ellsworth D. Mills, it was decided to organize a Public Cir- culating Library. Nelson L. Somers presided and Prof. Balcom was Secretary. The following temporary trustees were chosen : Charles H. Thomson, C. C. B. Walker, George T. Spencer, George W. Pratt, Q. W. Wellington, Hiram Pritchard, Dr. J. B. Graves, H. A. Balcom, John N. Hungerford. The next evening the trustees met and elected the following officers : Charles H. Thomson, President ; George W. Pratt, Vice-President ; H. A. Balcom, Secretary. It was decided to finance the project by issuing membership shares at $5 each. Sunday evening, February 23, 1873, fire that started in a frame building occupied by V. Eerenbaugh's harness shop, at Painted Post, destroyed the Empire Block and all other building on the south side of the street thence eastward to the Erie Railroad. The Empire Block, a frame structure, was erected in 1843. It was owned by Miss V. Erwin, P. D. Parkhurst and Colonel F. D. Young. Others who lost building or goods, or both, were : Robeson & French, hardware ; H. L. Badger, grocery ; J. W. Borst, hotel ; W. Stewart, barber ; Mrs. Carpenter, saloon and resdience ; I. P. Bennett, building ; L. Gokey, shoe shop ; Cortright building ; R. D. Emons, saloon ; Times news- paper and job printing office ; J. Z. Wilder, blacksmith shop ; Henry Bonham, A. Owen, E. D. Bonham ; Stout & Hurd, carriage, paint and blacksmith shop. The Bronson Block was barely saved. The night was intensely cold. The Corning fire companies responded to the call for assistance, and members suffered from frost bites. Furious Rain-Storm Causes Three Deaths in Caton. 263 John Hoare has increased his glass cutting business in Corning by closing a shop on Long Island and bringing the skilled men here. Saturday, March 28, the river flats were flooded. The highway bridge at Erwin Center was washed away. All train service was abandoned for about twenty-four hours. Delos C. Sherwood has been appointed care-taker of the Arsenal. James L. White, of Caton, left for Boston, April 14, 1973, to fill the season's engagement as catcher with the Red Stocking Club. The gang mills, on the Tioga River in the town of Erwin, were destroyed by fire, Sunday night, April 20, 1873. Fox, Weston & Bronson, the owners, had no insurance. Loss above $12,000. The town clock for many years in the steeple of the former Presbyterian Church, has been repaired and placed in the tower of the new public school building. Joseph Fellows, aged 91 years, a member of the company that founded the Village of Corning, died April 28. He had for many years, before failing health compelled him to retire form business activities, successfully conducted undertakings in Corning and vicinity and at Scranton, Pa. Burial was at Scranton. The Legislature passed a special act giving the excise moneys of the village and town of Corning to the public library. The old " Session House " of the Presbterian Society has been purchased by the Corning Public Library Association, and moved from the Public Square to East Erie avenue, next west of the Corporation Office, for use as a library building. Mrs. Anna B. Maynard is Librarian. Saturday evening, August 2, 1873, a meeting of business men was held at the Dickinson House to consider the matter or construct- ing a street railroad connecting Corning and Painted Post. A com- mittee of thirteen members was appointed to solicit subscriptions to $30,000 in stock to finance the undertaking. The grocery store and dwelling of Warren S. Gregory, at Erwin Center, burned Sunday night, August 3, 1873. Partly insured. Stone for building the State Reformatory at Elmira is supplied from the Corning quarries. A violent rain storm deluged a section of the town of Caton, on Tuesday afternoon, August 12, 1873. A barn in which Mr. and Mrs. David Castor and an adopted daughter, aged five years, sought 264 Formal Opening of New Free Academy Building. refuge, near the Corning-Caton highway, was torn to pieces by the waters, and Mrs. Castor and the child drowned. All the bridges on Caton Creek and the branch streams were washed away. Some of the farmers lost their cultivated crops. Mr. Castor died the follow- ing Monday. The first session of school was held in the new Free Academy on Monday, September 1, 1873. The building cost about $75,000. At the opening exercises. Rev. Anson G. Chester, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, recited the Lord's Prayer, and Rev. Peter Colgan, pastor of St. Mary's Church, and several members of the School Board, made timely addresses. The bell in the tower of the new Academy is from the Meneely foundry at West Troy, N. Y. It is 50 inches in diameter at the rim and weighs 2,500 pounds. The original school building, on the Public Square facing First street, was erected in 1846. Several additions were built prior to about 1861, when the old Methodist Church, standing a short dis- tance to the west, was purchased by the School Board, moved and joined onto the main section of the school house. After the brick Academy came into use, the old wooden school buildings were sold for $250, and torn down. While hunting on Mulhollan Creek, September 2, Pierce Herrick, of Corning, killed two deer at one shot. On Wednesday morning, September 17, 1873, the cutter and carriage factory of L. C. Kingsbury & Co., at the head of Market street, was destroyed by fire. New cutters valued at $3,000, stored on the third floor, were lost. It was a frame building, built for use as a hotel, and known formerly as the Terrett House. The latter part of August, 1873, Jeremiah Liddy and Capt. John O'Shea, of Elmira, purchased the State arsenal and grounds in Corn- ing, for $12,000. They endeavored to induce Corning business men to invest in a shoe factory, to be established at the arsenal, but did not succeed. In October, Rev. Peter Colgan bought the arsenal for St. Mary's Parish, and later fitted it up for use as a convent and a home for destitute children. October 26, 1873, Thomas L. Langley, member of the wholesale dry goods firm of Goff & Langley, died at his home in Canisteo. The new Catholic Church at Campbell was dedicated Nov. 9, 1873. In April, 1874, Oliver A. Cary became sole proprietor of the " Regulator " store, having purchased the interest of J. K. Newell. T. S. DeWolfe Begins Publication Corning Independent. 265 A branch of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was organized, with Mrs. Benjamin N. Payne as President. The latter part of June, 1874, Bishop Ryan appointed Father Lasher, recently ordained, Assistant Pastor of St. Mary's Parish. July 9, 1874.— J. H. Dampf has purchased the interest of W. D. Terbell in the drug store of W. D. Terbell & Company, and continues the business with C. G. Douglas, as C. G. Douglas & Co. H. S. Edson, Charles T. Skinner, M. S. Brown and Aionzo Esler, local telegraph operators, attended the annual re-union of operators of the State held at Rochester. July 10, 1874, Charles F. Houghton, Chester S. Cole, William Walker and Frank D. Kingsbury, of Corning, left New York on a pleasure trip to England, Ireland and Scotland. In the Fall of 1874 an association formed for the purpose, erected an all-purpose community building, near Pulteney street, on an extension of Bridge street, in Knoxville, opened on the Sly farm by S. C. Robertson. The building is of wood, one story, 35 by 80 feet. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corning and Sodus Bay Railroad Company, held in Corning, October 22, 1874, a contract was let for building the road from Savona to Penn Yan. After the grading had been completed for most of the distance, and a number of bridges had been built across Mud Creek and minor brooks, the project was abandoned for lack of funds. Nevertheless, Corning and other towns that had issued bonds to assist the enterprise, were compelled by court decisions to pay in full. In November, 1874, Pratt & DeWolfe dissolved partnership, and Dr. George W. Pratt again became sole owner of the Corning Journal. John Mallory, aged 71 years, for 55 years a resident of Knoxville, died December 4th at his home in that village. He engaged in the manufacture and sale of furniture in Knoxville for some twenty years before the settlement of the village of Corning began, and later engaged in the same business in Corning. He also engaged in farm- ing and was a leader in enterprises for the promotion of the moral and business welfare of both Corning and Knoxville. Wolf Brothers, of New York, have opened a dry goods store in the Brown Block. On December 15, 1874, the first issue of the Corning Independent, a seven-column, four-page weekly newspaper, was issued by T. Scott DeWolfe, Editor and Proprietor. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity. CHAPTER XLIIL Events hi and About Corning — 1875-'80: IN JANUARY, 1875, Charles F. Houghton, H. P. Sinclair and Joseph J. TuUy became partners of Amory Houghton, Jr., in the ownership of the Coming Glass Works. Charles M. Beecher returns to the Corning Journal, taking the positions of Associate Editor and Foreman. On Saturday, January 23, 1875, George W. Patterson, President and owner of the " George Washington Bank," of Corning, made an assignment, to I. W. Kimble and Zera Todd. For a number of years the bank had paid — or " checked up " — interest at 6 per cent, encouraging deposits while doing little discounting. Mr. Patterson made investments that entailed heavy losses. The suspension caused great excitement, and it was deemed prudent for the unfortunate banker to seek safety in seclusion, beyond the reach of threatening depositors. Little was saved from the wreck. Rev. Peter Colgan, pastor of St. Mary's Parish, had about $17,000 of church funds on deposit in the bank. The liabilities were $153,727, of which amount Mr. Patterson individually owed $55,057, according to a sworn statement he made a few days after the crash. The resources were placed at $61,532 — much more than was realized. Dr. James S. Cutler, aged 87 years, who located in Knoxville in in 1841, coming from Vermont, died March 3. In addition to practic- ing his profession he engaged in farming and was a lumberman^ Two sons survive — ^James E. and J. K C. G. Howell and George W. Newman have purchased the grocery and bakery of Wm. Hood & Son and continue the business. In March, 1875, Rufus Gorton opened a well-stocked grocery store on the Corning-Caton highway, near the tannery. W. N. King & Co. open a steam laundry on Market street. Many children died of diphtheria in February, March and April. 266 Two Newspapers Published at Painted Post. 267 April 29, 1875. — Frederick S. Bragg, who was for 14 years a locomotive engineer at Fall Brook, drawing all coal trains between there and Somerville, has removed to Corning. He is the oldest engineer in the service of the Fall Brook Company. E. L. Dickinson & Co. conduct a steam bakery and candy shop in the block on the southwest corner of Market and Walnut streets. A large grist-mill, owned by Bemis & McKay, near the village of Campbell, burned the evening of May 21, 1875. Loss, $17,000. The annual election of officers of the Corning Fire Department, held in June, 1875, resulted as follows: O. Pomeroy Robinson, Chief Engineer ; Manly Inscho and James Higgins, Assistants ; Frank D. Kingsbury, Secretary. Sherv^^ood Hose Company is a splendid organization of volunteer firemen. The graduation exercises of Corning Free Academy were held at Washington Hall, early in June, when the following students received diplomas : Rosa Balcom, Kate Backus, Charles H. Baker, Estella A. Bissell, Mary A. Bucher, C. Glen Cole, Edward R. De Wolfe, Mary A. Halloran, William F. McNamara, John Mcintosh, Jr., Marvin Olcott, Mina Patchell, Minnie E. Robinson, Egbert Shoemaker, Sarah C. Tylee, Doretta Townley, Leslie W. Wellington. In July, 1875, Rev. Thomas Johnson, of Niagara Falls, was appointed Assistant Pastor of St. Mary's Church, Corning. J. W. Darrin is erecting a three-story brick building on West Market street, for use as a furniture store and cabinet shop. Henry Sherwood, for many years prominent in political, social and business affairs in Corning, died at Avon Springs, N. Y., July 24, 1875. For several years he had been afflicted with spinal trouble. The funeral was held at his residence in Corning. Burial was in Hope Cemetery. His father, Micajah Sherwood, was a pioneer of the town of Woodhull, and there Henry Sherwood was born in 1824. The highway bridge across the Chemung River, at Gibson, was destroyed by fire early Wednesday morning, August 11, 1875. Two weekly newspapers are exercising keen rivalry at Painted Post — The Times, issued for a number of years by Mr. Ferenbaugh, and the Gazette, a new-comer, published by O. L. C. Hughes. Says the Corning Journal of August 19, 1975 : " John Comosh, of Corning, who is not quiet twenty years old, has been for some years travelling with a circus company, and has performed in California, South America and Australia. We have before us a handbill 268 Decide to Build Railroad From Corning to Geneva. announcing a " Grand Circus " at St. Thomas, West Indies, part of the bill being in Spanish and part in English. Comosh is evidently a star actor, going under the name of "John Worland," and it is announced that he will " distinguish himself in the astonishing double-somersault, over a pyramid of six men mounted on nine horses, leaping a distance of twenty -seven feet." John Comosh is a native of Corning, son of a worthy resident who is a native of Portugal, or one of the islands subject thereto. He is a venturous performer, and the handbill makes him the leading feature, heading the notice of the remarkable feat he was to perform, by this startling phrase, " The Terror of Art '." At a town meeting held September 11, 1875, it was decided to build an iron bridge across the Chemung River, a short distance below the canal dam, to replace the bridge recently burned. A few weeks later a contract to build the proposed bridge was let to the King Iron Bridge Company for $29,000. William Gibbons and A. H. Gorton took the contract for building the piers, Tlie annual parade of the Corning Fire Department:, composed, entirely of volunteers, was held October 11, with the following companies in line : Alliance Hook and Ladder, Rescue Engine Com- pany, Rescue Hose Company, Neptune Engine Company, Neptune Hose Company, Sherwood Hose Company. There were visiting fire companies, from Horseheads and Homellsville, in line. All the firemen were in uniform and the equipment gaily decorated. Pier's Cornet Band headed the parade, and the visiting firemen were led by bands. Villages officials rode in carriages. Running, hose string- ing and ladder raising contests featured the day's program. F. Smead became landlord of the Coming House in October. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Coming and Geneva Railroad Company, held at Watkins, on December 30,, 1875, it was decided to build the proposed " Coming and Sodus Bay Railroad " from Coming via Post Creek, across Watkins Glen, and thence to Dundee and Geneva, and to abandon the section of rail- road already graded between Savona and Penn Yan. The " Old Red House," on the flats in the eastern section of the village, was burned to the ground the night of December 30, 1875. It was built about 1805, by Frederick Calkins, the first settler in this section of the Genesee Country, whose first dwelling was a log cabin, built in 1778, which stood on the bank of the Chemung River. January 1, 1875. — The passing of the old century and the begin- ning of of a new hundred years, was marked by a jollification that continued most of the night, reaching its climax when the town Contract Let for Building Geneva-Corning Railroad, 269 clock began to strike 12, Then bells rang, locomotive and shop whistles joined in chorus, a cannon was fired, bonfires lit, and street paraders rang hand bells, tooted horns, beat improvised drums, and with shouts and songs added volume to the racket. Pier's band led a torch-light procession through the principal streets. Charles M. Beecher discontinued his services as Associate Editor and foreman of the Corning Journal, and took the position of foreman in the office of the Elmira Gazette. On account of failing health, Robert J. Burnham resigned as General Agent of the Fall Brook Coal Company, with offices in Corn- ing. He is succeeded by H. A. Horning. Edward F, Davis is doing an extensive and prosperous business manufacturing rush-bottom chairs, for the wholesale trade, at the former " Pail Factory," in the southwestern part of Caton township. Dr. W. S, Purdy, of Coming, was elected President, and Dr. W. J. Bryan, was elected Secretary and Treasurer, of the Southern Tier Homoeopathic Society. F. N. Drake, of Corning, and Henry H. Cook, of Bath, sold to Ferrill C. Dininny, of Elmira, their interest in the Butler Colliery Com- pany coal mine at Pittston, Pa., and have purchased of Mr. Dininny his interest in the Tioga Railroad and the Arnot mines. Vibbard, Hall & Stuart have taken a contract for building the Syracuse, Geneva and Corning Railroad, from Corning to Geneva, a distance of 57 miles. The Erie Railroad is building an iron bridge at Painted Post. March 6, 1876, — Thomas Oldfield has sold his meat-market to Harrison Howe and Charles D. Brown. Todd & Smith, grocers, have dissolved partnership. Major Todd continuing the business. Samuel J. Lower has become a partner of S. C. Campbell in the dry goods business. C. G. Howell & Company, (Mr. Newman), have discontinued the grocery business. Captain Charles H. Freeman has rented the bakery conducted by this firm, and continues the business in connection with his grocery. March 23, 1876.— Austin Lathrop, Jr., has taken a contract to build an iron bridge across the Chemung River, near the foot of Chestnut street, for the Syracuse, Geneva and Corning Railroad. William C. Gibbons is to grade six miles of the road, beginning at the north bank of the Chemung River. 270 Thomas Lawrence Leases Village Water System. April 27, 1876.— Three sons of Lester S. White, of Caton, are professional baseball players — William H. White, engaged for the season with the " Cricket " basebell club of Binghamton ; James L. White, with the " White Stockings " of Chicago, and Melvin White, as an emegrency player with the " White Stockings." In May, 1876, Thomas Lawrence entered into a contract with the Board of Trustees of the Village of Corning, to take over, improve and maintain the village water supply system, for ten years. The village is to pay $500 on the purchase of rotary pumps and a steam engine to cost $1,200; Lawrence is to furnish without charge all water needed for fire purposes, the school house and other public buildings, and he has the right to sell water to customers and make reasonable charges for the service ; he is to make necessary repairs, the village to pay for new material required for its own service. A. Gaylord Slocum has been engaged as Principal of the Corning public schools for the coming school year, and Miss Clara A. Stock- well, as Preceptress. They come from Riverside Institute, Wellsville. The Coming Rifle Club has a target range on the flats east of the Magee Shops. Prizes are given the best marksmen at each meet. The membership is large and rivalry is keen. Those who qualified as marksmen by making high scores are J. W. Calkins, D. H. Baxter, R. J. Rowland, John Demorest, Frank Loid, L. D. Miller, L. Ferenbaugh, T. L. Townley, R. 0. Sly, Grove P. Miller, T. Connell, Charles D. Brown, John W. Brown, Archie E. Baxter, William H. Brown, W. Deyoe, P. W. Calkins, T. Purcell, Val Able, E. Jaynes, Valentine Rettig, J, Schissler and H. Loid. Hiram Pritchard advertised for sale the Methodist Church in Knoxville, which he purchased for $700 about ten years ago and had since permitted to be used for religious services, without charge. He offers to sell " the meeting house and the land attached thereto at a fair cash value, and ten years' credit will be given on the whole sum, with the interest payable semi-annually." On Monday evening, July 3, 1876, at 10 o'clock, while Judge George B. Bradley was addressing a largely attended Democratic mass meeting on the Public Square in front of the Dickinson House, the crowd rushed up Market street in response to cries of fire and shouts that Hayt's flouring mill was burning. It was the wagon shop of Henry & Dyer, a two-story frame building, a short distance west of Hayt's mill, that was afire. The wagon shop, several houses Fire Destroys Part of Corning Glass Works. 271 and a number of small stores and a number of barns were destroyed. The new gravity water system prevented a sweeping fire. On the morning of October 4, 1876, the section of the Corning Glass Works occupied on the second floor by the glass engraving and cutting shops of John Hoare, and on the first and third floors by store rooms and finishing departments, was burned out. The, fire started in the upper story. John Hoare lost about $20,000 ; the loss to the proprietors of the Glass Works was about $35,000. The work of rebuilding was taken up with promptness. J. K. Newell moved his grocery and crockery store from Coming to Painted Post The furniture factory of Hardenburg & Rutherford, at Market and Chemung streets, burned the night of October 2, 1877. Finished furniture, furniture in process of manufacture, and stock lumber valued at $5,000, were destroyed. Soon after 12 o'clock the night of January 3, 1877, the Arcade restaurant, on Pine street, near the Erie station, was discovered on fire. The fire continued from building to building along Pine street to Market, and was stayed at the dry goods store of Smith & Waite. The restaurant was conducted by C. A. Terry. Other losses : The Erie station partly destroyed ; Todd & Drake, men's furnishings ; J. Werner, clothing ; O. J. Robinson, tobacco and notions ; Val Able, grocery ; M. Ansorge, Jr., clothing store ; Bradley & Kendall and Charles H. Thomson, lawyers, office furniture and part of their books. The Arcade Block was owned by the heirs of Jonathan Brown, and the building occupied by Smith & Waite by William M. Mallory. The aggregate loss amounted to $75,000, The water supply failed, owing to trouble at the pump station, located near the old canal warehouse, on the bank of the Chemung River. January 25, 1877. — Five feet and four inches of snow has fallen since Winter set in, and the temperature has remained so low as to prevent a thaw. Country roads are show-bound on every hand. The roof of Zion Church, (in early days a school house), on the Public Square near the southeast corner of Second and Pine streets, gave way under a heavy weight of snow and the building was wrecked beyond repair. It was a house of worship for colored people. In the Spring of 1877, by Legislative Act, the Village of Corning was divided into four wards, each ward to be represented on the Board of Trustees by two members. First Ward, west of Pine and 272 Thousands Sign Murphy Temperance Pledge. north of First street ; Second Ward, west of Pine and South of First street ; Third Ward, east of Pine and South of First street ; Fourth Ward, east of Pine and north of First street. A temperance revival began in Corning the first Sunday in April, 1877, with a union service in a church, meetings continuing night after night in Washington Hall. Signing " the Murphy pledge " was urged, with such success that nearly four thousand pledge cards were " signed " at the desk of the Secretary of the meetings. The pledge, originated by Francis Murphy, unexcelled as a temperance apostle, bore his signature, and was worded as follows : THE NATIONAL CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE MOVE- MENT. — " With Malice Toward None, and Charity for All." — I, the Undersigned, do pledge my Word and Honor, God Helping Me, to abstain from all Intoxicating Liquors as a beverage, and that I will, by all honorable means, encourage others to abstain." Francis Murphy. Each " Signer " was presented a bit of blue ribbon to wear as an honor badge. Home speakers, and "Murphy Signers" from neighboring communities also swept by the movement, were heard with gladness, the most heartily welcomed being Colonel Luther Caldwell and " Billy " Maxwell, of Elmira ; and Attorney Horace {" Parson ") Bemis ^nd Attorney Miles Hawley, of Hornellsville. Monday, April 2, 1877, James L. White, catcher ; William H. White, pitcher, and Melville White, brothers, of Caton, left for Boston, under engagement for the season with the Red Stocking Baseball Club. Melville will have charge of the ball grounds. In April, 1877, the Corning Gas Company reduced the price of gas from $4 per 1,000 feet to $3,50. In May, 1877, Dr. Andrew J. Ingersoll, proprietor of the " Pine- wood Water Cure," purchased the Coming Independent and the printing equipment connected therewith. He engaged Uri Mulford, who for nearly a year had been associate editor of the Corning Democrat, to edit the Independent and manage the business. The paper was issued twice-a-week for a year, while managed by Editor Mulford, when it was sold to Nelson Cowan. It was thereafter issued weekly for about a year, when it ceased to be. Meantime Uri Mulford resumed work in the former field of his newspaper activities, the city of Auburn, N. Y. First Passenger Train Comes Down Post Creek. 273 Early Thursday morning, June 7, 1877, the Coming House was partly destroyed by fire. It is a brick building, owned by the Brown Estate. Florence Smead, landlord, owns the furnishings. Francis Muryhy, " Father of the Murphy Movement," spoke from a platform in the grove at the public park near the Court House, Friday evening, June 22, There was an immense audience. An excursion train the morning of July 4th, brought several hundred people from Dundee and intermediate points over the new Syracuse, Geneva and Corning Railroad, to participate in the Coming celebration. The arrival of this train was the big event of the day. Henry C. Bonham, of Painted Post, is mnning a bus between that village and Coming. Fare, 10 cents ; part trip, 5 cents. The source of the village water supply has been changed from a well taking water from the Chemung River near the foot of Pine street, to a spring in the eastern section of the village, where a pump station has been placed. The supply is abundant and of good quality, except when contaminated by surface drainage. S, H. Ferenbaugh has sold the Painted Post Times to Davenport & Covert, whose new weekly paper, the Painted Post Enterprise, was burned out after two numbers had been issued. Dr. Edward Bryan, of Ovid, has moved to Coming and become a partner of Dr. A. M. Gamman in the practice of medicine, in place of his brother Dr. W. J. Bryan, who died recently. The new Bronson House at Painted Post, opened for business on Thursday evening, October 25, 1877. A ball marked the event. Trains on the new railroad between Geneva and Corning began making regular trips on Monday, December 10, 1877. The crew of the first passenger train were Charles Chapman, engineer ; O. Van Wormer, fireman, and E. A. Krieger, conductor. In January, 1878, J. H. Dampf discontined the drug business ; C. Glenn Cole sold his interest in the news and book store of Purdy & Cole to his partner, William E. Purdy. Valentine Ferenbaugh's harness shop, at Painted Post, burned. The morning of March 7, 1878, houses in Knoxville owned and occupied by Jacob Baker, Robert Haynes and Russel Pierce burned. William Douglas Terbell purchased the book store and news business of William E. Purdy. 274 Editors of Village Papers " Nag " Each Other, Thomas Malady's grocery store and the Dricoll store and tenant building were destroyed by fire, and Taylorson's furniture store, on West Market street, badly wrecked, the morning of April 30. Castilla B. Mulford, generally known as Major Mulford, dropped dead of heart failure, June 13, 1878, v/hile a guest of his nephew, Wellington E. Gregory, in the town of Caton. He was a son of Dr. Ezekiel Mulford, a member of the colony that settled the town of Lindley in June, 1790. General John E. Mulford, of Montour Falls, who had charge of the exchange of prisoners during the Civil War, is a son of Major Mulford. Newspaper competition was lively in Corning during the year that Uri Mulford was the responsible head of the Independent, and he and Editor George W. Pratt, of the Journal, and Editor Frank Bo Brown, of the Democrat, took frequent flings at each other, but when " it was all over " and Editor Mulford had resumed newspaper work in Auburn, Dr. Pratt printed the following kindly editorial : " Mr. Mulford began his Editorial career on the Corning Independent thirteen months ago. His previous experience at Moravia and in Auburn and several months' service as general assistant on the Corning Democrat, made it no new work. He began with noticeable vigor and exhibited rare tact. He showed surprising energy, making a lively, stirring and influen- tial newspaper ; in creating a party in Steuben County, and making himself to be recognized elsewhere as a vigorous political editor. As he leaves a field in which he labored with great industry, remarkable pluck and sublime audacity, we give him only due credit in saying that it was largely due to his power as an organizer, and as an indefatigable worker in pushing his principles, that the Greenback Party of Steuben County is to-day a formid- able party. Speaking of him simply as an editorial writer on political topics, and as a racy writer on affairs or incidents of local interest, he has made a record that does him much credit for tact and skill in seizing capti- vating points, graceful descriptive power, and enthusiasm in advocating his opinions. He has made himself, in this brief period, a reputation of which he may well be proud." H. C. Higman & Co. discontinued the banking business in the Summer of 1878, and Harry C. Higman moved to St. Joseph, Mich. Amory Houghton, Jr., President of the Corning Glass Works, purchased the late residence of George W. Patterson, Jr., (the banker who failed), at Pine and Third streets, paying $10,000. Charles Barry is landlord of the new Globe Hotel, on Pine street near the Erie station, and Valentine Rettig of the Osborne House, at the northeast comer of Pine street and Erie avenue. Death of Rev. Joseph Hollenbeck, Itinerant Preacher, 275 Rev. H. F- Hill, a former pastor of the First Baptist Church, died August 1, 1878, at his home in the town of Lindley. The annual meeting of Genesee Annual Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, was held in Corning, early in October, 1878. The tannery two miles southeast of Corning, was destroyed by fire the night of October 26. It was owned by Githler Brothers. On November 21, 1878, the Chemung Canal Feeder was closed and permanently abandoned, after having been in service 45 years. In December, 1878, William J.White was appointed station agent at Corning for the Fall Brook and associated lines. December 11, 1878, due to warm weather that melted the snow, the Chemung River submerged the low lands. A number of families in Knoxville hurridly abandoned their homes. Railroads were out of service for a day. The Caton road was rendered impassable. By order of Justice Angle, of the Supreme Court, the charter of the Conhocton Stone Road, (formerly the Monterey, Coopers Plains, Painted Post and Coming Plank Road Company), was annulled and its toll-gates abolished. Rev. Joseph Hollenbeck, aged 59 years, died at his home in Corning, December 20. He had lived in Coming about 36 years. He was a stone-mason, brick-layer and builder: a rugged man of great activity. He was a member of the Free Baptist denomination, and conducted services in various back settlements as well as in Corning and Knoxville, never asking and rarely receiving any compensation for such services, which continued form early manhood till his final illness. He was uneducated, but ready of speech and sincere. William D. Todd has sold his hat store to Julian Drake and his interest in the tailoring business of M. Schenck «& Co. to F. L. Pease. C. A. Rubright, of Williamsport, has established a brick yard on the river flats in the eastern part of Knoxville. The flouring mills of Stephen T. Hayt, at the northwest corner of Market and Walnut streets, were destroyed by fire, Saturday morning, February 22. The main building was four stories with a basement. Loss about $45,000 ; insurance, $37,000. An electric fire alarm system has been intalled, the bell in the tower of the Free Academy being used. Telephones were first put to practical use in Corning and vicinity. 276 Revs. Benj. F. and George Balcom Die the Same Day. April 1, 1879, William J. White took a position in the general offices of the Fall Brook Coal Company at Watkins, and was succed- ed as station agent at Coming by V. B. Myrtle, of Wellsboro, Pa. The brick for the new flouring mill of Stephen T.. Hayt, built in the Summer of 1879, were manufactured in the brick yards of C. A. Rubright & Co., near Knoxville. The latter part of July, 1879, over 100 Coming men of property signed an agreement " to see that the village law is enforced to prevent the running at large of cattle, horses, swine and geese, and each person promises to pay his share of all expenses in the prosecu- tion of owners offending after August Ist," The lessees of the village water works have placed a new pump and engine, capable of pumping over 3,000 gallons per minute at slight elevation, or to force water into the reservoir on the hill, 225 feet above the intake, at the rate of 500 gallons per minute. In September, 1879, James Rose, a farmer living a few miles north of Gibson, who was noted for his success as a " bee hunter," located and cut down a tree that contained 170 pounds of fine honey. The filled honey-comb occupied 11 feet of the hollow of the tree. John W. Brown and Archie E. Baxter, doing business as Brown & Baxter, have opened law offices in Elmira. They are from Corning. October 24, 1879. — The population of the village of Corning is nearly 5,000 ; number between 5 and 21 years of age, 1,506. October 31, 1879. — A telephone wire has been extended from the store of Walker & Lathrop to their planing mill, one square east. November 22, 1879.— L. C. Kingsbury and his son Frank D, Kingsbury have purchased the John Vischer farm in Knoxville. C. A. Rubright & Co., owners of the brick yards near Knoxville, have purchased the brick yards at Mulhollan, in the town of Erwin. Rev. Benjamin F. Balcom, aged 70 years, for 50 years a resident of Steuben County, an able preacher of the Baptist denomination, successful in business as a lumberman and owner of a fine farm,, died Saturday, December 21, 1879, at his home in Centerville. Rev. George Balcom, a brother of Rev. Benjamin F. Balcom, and also a Baptist preacher, died December 21, 1879, at his home in Caw- ker City, Kansas. His age was 65 years. He was a gifted evan- gelist and successful in organizing churches. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XLIV. Events In and About Corning — 1880-'85. FULLER BROTHERS, proprietors of the Dickinson House, in Coming, having leased the hotel at Crystal Springs, on Seneca Lake, are fitting it up and beautifying the grounds for a popular Summer resort. In Februar}% 1880, Henry Goff sold his interest in the dry goods business of Goff & Robinson, in Corning, to former Sheriif H. B. Williams, of Bath. Generous contributions were collected for the relief of famine stricken people in Ireland. A no-license Excise Board having been elected, not a license to sell intoxicants was granted in the village or town, for a year. In March, 1880, the contract for building a station and offices for the Fall Brook Railroad Company, to replace the old frame structure at the southwest comer of Pine street and Tioga avenue, was let to Walker & Lathrop. The building is to be of brick, two-stories high, with attic and basement, and a freight house on the west. Elatn Watson, a skilled and industrous blacksmith of the Town of Lindley, has been in office as a Justice of the Peace, with the exception of one term, since he was elected to the office in 1833. He is a trustworthy trial judge. He is 73 years old. March 12, 1880. — Thomas G. Hawkes, for many years foreman of the cut glass department of the Coming Glass Works, has opened a glass cutting shop on West Market street. Mrs. Helen M. Pratt, aged 55 years, wife of Dr. George W. Pratt, died Sunday aftemoon, April 4, 1880, of pneumonia, at the family 277 278 Death of Doctor William Terhell, a Corning Pioneer. home in Corning. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayt, and was bom at Patterson, Putnam County, N. Y. Three sons and a daughter survive — George E., Ransom, Harry Hayt and Sophie Steel. After residing for two years on a homestead farm near Larned^ Kansas, and securing title, Captain Charles H. Freeman and wife again reside in Corning. At their annual meeting in April, 1880, the Coming volunteer fire companies elected officers as follows : Pritchard Hose, No. 1— Truman S. Pritchard, President ; A. B. Witt, Foreman ; James Spencer and W. A. Davis, Assistants ; Henry Raymond, Secretary ; C. W. Brazee, Treasurer. Sherwood Hose, No. 3— T. H. Thomson, President ; Eugene Whitlock, Vice President ; T. W. Kriger, Foreman ; John Gunthrup, Assistant Foreman ; L. W. Wellington, Secretary ; R. E. Robinson, Treasurer. Alliance Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1— E. P. Graves, Presi- dent ; Frank S. Kingsbury, Foreman ; Clark Evans and James A. Drake, Assistants ; E. B. Seymour, Secretary and Treasurer ; Frank D. Kingsbury and 0. McClellan, Auditing Committee. Fires in the forests in the southeastern portion of the town of Lindley and the adjacent part of the town of Caton, in May, 1880, caused the destruction of a large amount of timber on the stump, and in logs, consumed stump, brush and rail fences, and set a number of houses and barns on fire, causing their loss. Woods fires also caused heavy losses near Curtis. Dr. William Terbell, aged 82 years, died June 3, 1880, at the home of his son, W. D. Terbell, in Corning. He was bom near Bridgehampton, Long Island ; became a doctor ; married Miss Abbie Douglas, of Shelter Island ; located for a time at Dundaff, Pa., and in 1836 moved to Knoxville, in the then township of Painted Post, and in 1840, when the settlement of the village of Corning began, was one of its pioneers. Here he practiced his profession and engaged in the drug and notions business until advanced age forbade such activities. In matters having to do with community welfare he was consistently helpful and uniformly courteous. Benjamin Alexander, aged 72, a Negro, born a slave, for many years a resident of Painted Post, died there June 5. He was noted for his manliness and good nature, and as a token of respect was State Has the Chemung Feeder Dam Removed. 279 accorded a public funeral, during the time of the ser/ice and burial every place of business in the village being closed. Captain Charles H. Freeman is again in the grocery business. Valentine Ferenbaugh, aged 77 years, who when a child came with his parents from Baden-Baden, Germany, died July 5, at his home in Painted Post. Fifty-two years ago he became a resident of Centerville, and forty years ago opened a harness shop in Painted Post, continuing the business while he lived. He was one of the 17 persons who founded the Presbyterian Church of Painted Post, in 1839, being dismissed from the older church near Knoxville. July 15, 1880. — The population of the village of Coming is 4,803 ; of the entire township, 7,423. The former Methodist Church, at the turn of the highv/ay in Knoxville, for a dozen years owned by Hiram Pritchard, was burned to the ground early Monday morning, July 26, 1880. After having remained in place standing at the roadside in the village of Painted Post for 52 years, a tall oak post with a sheet iron silhouette in the form of an Indian with an arrow fitted to a drawn bow, was on Saturday removed, and a larger post bearing a highly colored sheet iron warrior was raised in its place. Speeches were delivered and the Corning Band played. A large number attended. In September, 1880, the Chemung Feeder Canal dam, across the river, a short distance east of the village of Coming, was torn away, by direction of the Canal Commissioner of the State. Thomas Argue, aged 51 years, died October 1, 1880. He was born in Ireland. Since 1852 he had been porter of the Dickinson House, and in later years also was a railroad ticket broker, and at times held contracts for carrying the mails between the post office and railroad stations and between stations .He was a member of the Episcopal Church and of various Masonic bodies ; a man of alert mind and good judgment. No resident of Corning had more friends, Hiram Middlebrook, aged 84 years, died October 5, 1880, at his home in Lindley. He had lived in Lindley for about 35 years, was a member of the lumber manufacturing firm of Morgan, More & Middlebrook, a farmer, kept a general store, was for many years the Postmaster, and was ever zealous in religious work. On Friday morning, December 10, 1880, the large machine shop of Preston & Heermans, at Cedar steet and Erie avenue, was burned 280 A Primitive Telephone Exchange Established. to the ground, and 25 men thrown out of work. It was a wood building, two and a half stories high, erected in 1853 by William F. Townley for a furniture factory, and for 13 years was a machine shop. Sunday morning, December 26, the book store of E. S. Barnes, the Boston notion store, the E. D. Evans photograph gallery and Miss Alice Loundsberry's dress-making shop, occupying the former Hollenbeck building, on central Market street, were burned out. While hunting in General's Hollow, in the town of Erwin, early in January, John McMullen, of Centerville, shot a 16-pound wildcat. In February, E. P. Rogers was appointed Postmaster of Corning, Plans for a sewer system were submitted to the village'Trustees. Said the Corning Journal in the issue of February 17, 1881 : — " The ice went out of the Chemung River Friday morning. Owing to the taking away of the State dam, a mile below the village, the flats on the other side of the river were not flooded, which justifies the hope that in the future the yearly loss by such overflows will be avoided. If another trial confirms this expectation, that vast tract of land will not only be available, but desirable, for village lots. With such a prospect, the imagination can easily make Corning into a flourishing city. It is an important railroad center already, and the Delaware and Lackawanna extension adds to its consequence. A bridge across the river at the warehouse, street car con- nection with Knoxville and Painted Post, efiicient water works, and a projected system of complete sewerage, — and what more can be wished for the rapid and steady growth of Corning ?" Heermans & Lawrence replaced their machine shop, recently destroyed by fire, with a substantial brick building, two stories high. Soule & Ridgway established a telephone exchange in Coming in the Spring of 1881. Annual service rates : " Bell and hand tele- phone, $30 ; $10 extra for use of transmitter." At the charter election held March 1, 1881, a proposition to issue $25,000 in bonds to establish a sewerage system for the village was lost by 113 votes, and a proposition for paid police was lost by 59. Sixteen inches of snow fell March 3d and 4th, 1881. Fuller Brothers, of the Dickinson House, have taken the Grove Spring Hotel, on Lake Keuka, for the season. "Jim " White, the ball player, has signed with Buffalo. Twenty-six places were licensed to sell intoxicating liquors, at a meeting of the town Excise Board the latter part of May — hotel, 9 ; store, 6; ale and beer, 11. The " wets" won at town meeting. Rock Formations Known as The Chimneys Destroyed. 281 In April, 1881, the following officers of the Coming Fire Depart- ment were elected : Frank W. Jenness, Chief Engineer ; Charles E. Greenfield and Miles Terrill, Assistant Engineers ; Frank D. Kings- bury, Treasurer. The latter part of April the Fall Brook railroad station and office building at Pine street was completed and opened for business. At this time H. A. Horning was General Freight and Passenger Agent ; Andrew Beers, General Purchasing Agent ; V. B. Myrtle, Station and Express Agent ; William E. Gorton, Car Accountant ; A. H. Gorton, General Superintendent ; George R. Brown, Superintendent of Tele- graph ; John W. Lynahan and Thomas McVoy, telegraph operators ; Thomas Kennedy and Martin Doherty, foremen in the freight receiving and shipping departments. The Fall Brook Coal Company, the Morris Run Coal Company and the Magee Estate have offices in the building. The first raiload station in the Chemung valley was a wood structure of modest design, erected on this site in 1840, by Nelson L. Somers, for the Blossburg and Coming Railroad. Lyman Balcom, aged 80 years, died at his home in Painted Post' May 19, 1881. He was born in Chenango County ; in 1832 he settled on a farm of 1,000 acres in Erwin and engaged in buying and selling lands, in lumbering, and in farming. In 1852 he bought and moved to the fine farm in the town of Erwin south of the village of Painted Post, where he dwelt till death. He was an Associate Judge of Steuben County in 1840-'47, and in 1867 a Member of Assembly. The bell in the tower of St. Mary's Church, was blessed Sunday morning, August 14, 1881, by Bishop Ryan. It is named " Peter and Thomas," in honor of Rev. Thomas Cunningham, a pioneer priest of the parish, and Rev. Peter Colgan, the present pastor. The bell is of the best material and manufacture and weighs 3,066 pounds. Charley Barry is landlord of the " Hotel Barry," an annex of Washington Hall, on Erie avenue, recently completed. While grading the right of way for the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, along the base of the hill at the bend of the Chemung River near the mouth of Post Creek, the famous soft-stone formations known as " The Chimneys," were destroyed. They were ancient landmarks, standing detached from the main ledge, in shape suggesting a group of immense smoke stacks. Hence, the narrow roadway at that place was in settlement days named " Chimney Narrows." and the nearby bay that on occasion afforded snug harbor for river craft and rafts, was known as " Chimney Eddy." 282 Two Local Grand Army Posts Are Organized. Monday afternoon, October 13, 1881, the corner-stone of the new- brick Presbyterian Church at Painted Post, was laid. Rev. F. Camp- bell, is pastor, and James Rose is President of the Board of Trustees. In November, 1881, Fuller Brothers, landlords of the Dickinson House, rented the Globe Hotel, and put Mat Mangan in charge. Its name was changed to the " St. James Hotel." January 12, 1882. — Thomas E. Tousey has sold his hardware store at Painted Post to George A. and Willard F. Bronson, Witt & Huber, Corning grocers, dissolve partnership, J. H. Huber continuing the business. Abel B. Witt has purchased the C. W. Smith grocery. Mr. Smith moves to Kansas City. John Heermans, bom March 27, 1814, at Hyde Park, near Scran- ton, Pa., died January 23, 1882, at his home in Corning. He was an eminent advocate of Prohibition and a prolific essayist on moral and business problems. He moved to Corning in 1865. Harry C. Heermans succeeds his father, the late John Heermans, as agent of the estate of John Fellows. March 2, 1882.— Father Burns, of Buffalo, succeeds Father Baker as Assistant Pastor of St. Mary's Church. The later takes charge of the home for boys, at Limestone Hill, near Buffalo. At the Charter Election the proposition to establish a system of sewers was defeated by 191 votes. In April, 1882, the Knoxville Cemetery Associaton purchased five acres of land on the hill-side, north of the Kingsbury farm, for use as a place of burial, paying $500. Walker & Lathrop were awarded a contract for building forty miles of the projected Pine Creek Railroad, their undertaking to begin at Stokesdale Junction. The road is to extend to Williamsport. A new hotel at Gibson, owned by G. P. Miller, was destroyed by fire, the night of April 27, 1882. In June a Herdic coach, drawn by a team of horses, began making trips between Corning and Painted Post. Fare, 10 cents ; three tickets for 25 cents. Between Centerville and Corning, 7 cents. Two Grand Army Posts were organized Tuesday evening, June 20, 1882— No. 176, in Corning, with General Jacob H. Lansing as Commander, and 177 in Knoxville with Geo. Swingle as Commander. June 22, 1882.— William E. Purdy has been appointed agent at the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad station. Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen Organize Branch. 283 Erastus Corning, of Albany, son of the man for whom Corning was named, announced his purpose to place a clock tower, built of Antrim stone, on the public square at Pine and Market streets. September 1, 1882. — Stephen T. Hayt has completed a three- story brick building, west of his flouring mills, and fitted the second and third floors up for occupancy by the cut glass shops of T. G. Hawkes & Company. One hundred frames will be placed. In September, 1882, a branch of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen was organized in Corning, with the following officers : O. L, Baker, Master ; J. L. Krebs, Vice Master ; Henry Krebs, Secretary ; G. R. Quick, Financier ; Jabez Orcutt, Past Master ; A. L. Golden, Chaplain ; M. D. Robinson, Conductor ; R. J. Brewer, Warden ; John Farnum, Inside Guard ; John Hart, Outside Guard ; Trustees— W. G. Deyo, R. J. Brewer and John Burger. In November, 1882, William Nicholson, of New York, came to Corning and entered upon the work of Auditor of the railroads owned by the Fall Brook Coal Company. Rev. Joel Wakeman, of Painted Post, is author of a book just published, entitled, " The Golden Horn, or Fatal Exchange." It is a temperance story, an intermingling of fact and fiction. Rev. S. W. Pratt, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Campbell, is the author of a book in similar vein, published a few years ago, entitled " A Summer at Peace Cottage, or Talks About Home Life." This story was first run as a serial in the New York Evangelist. Thomas LaClear, born in Owego, in 1818, who came to Center- ville in youth and engaged in decorating carriages and cutters for a number of years, and later achieved prominence as a portrait and landscape artist, died in his native village November 26, 1882. George R. Sutherland established a bank at Campbell. John Patterson, aged 80 years, son of Benjamin Patterson the famous pathfinder and hunter of pioneer days, died at Painted Post on Sunday, February 3, 1883. He, too, was a famous woodsman. Rev. John S. Bacon, late of Niagara Falls, has become pastor of of the First Presbyterian Church in Coming. B. W. Payne & Sons announce that they are to discontinue the manufacture of machinery in Corning, and are tolocate in Elmira. Tuesday night, April 3, 1883, the new round-house of the Fall Brook Company, in Corning, was destroyed by fire, due to a myster- ious explosion. Eight locomotives were greatly damaged. 284 First Passenger Train Over Pine Creek Railroad. The first through train over the new " Pine Creek " section of the Fall Brook lines, made the trip from Corning to Williamsport on Monday, May 21, 1883, carrying railroad officials and guests. The train returned to Corning on Tuesday, when a banquet was held at the Dickinson House, with General George Magee as honor guest. The village trustees appointed E. N. Drake, A. Houghton, C. C. B. Walker, S. T. Hayt and Alexander Olcott a commission to have charge of the Public Park on which the court house rests. About 1 o'clock the morning of June 7, 1883, the planing mill of Walker & Lathrop, at Cedar street and Tioga avenue, was discovered on fire. But for the gravity water system the entire plant and a number of near-by buildings would have burned. The main shop was destroyed. Loss about $17,000. The contract to erect a primary school building, of brick, in the eastern part of the village, was let to J. AUington, of Penn Yan. Andrew Beers, born in 1819, since 1839 a resident of Corning, died in Elmira, early Monday moning, June 17, 1883, when he was about to arise from bed. For near 25 years he was agent of the Morris Run Coal Company, and for five years Purchasing Agent of the Fall Brook Coal Company. W. H. Chaphe, of Corning, was appointed purchasing Agent of the Fall Brook Coal Company. A telephone line connects Bath and Corning. Walker & Lathrop resumed operations in their reconstructed planing mill and sash and blind factory in August, 1883. Dr. Henry A. Argue succeeds Duncan H. Baxter, druggist. August 9, 1883.— The contract for paving Market street, with Medina sandstone, was let to Patrick Horan, of Medina, at $7,345. In the Fall of 1883 the old Presbyterian Church at Painted Post, a frame building, was torn down by A. W. Smith, who had purchased it, and the lumber and windows were put to other use. The morning of October 4, 1883, Henry Goff, was found dead, of heart failure, in bed at his home. He was born in Howard, in 1816. From early youth he was active in business, first as a carder of wool and finisher of cloth in his native town, then as a lumberman and merchant at Avoca, and since 1862, as a merchant in Corning. He was of brilliant mind, fine presence, and a leader in social life. In October, John Comosh, noted acrobat, left Corning to accom- pany a circus from New York for a Winter tour of Mexico. Ancient Presbyterian Church Destroyed by Fire. 285 Cephas S. Piatt, aged 60 years, who for 42 years had resided m Painted Post, died November 24, 1883. First he taught school and studied law. Successful in practice as an attorney, he invested in farming lands and from time to sime sold at greatly advanced prices. He bought the charter of the Cayuga Lake Bank and moved it from Ithaca to Painted Post, the venture being a success. He married a daughter of General Francis E. Erwin, who with their two daughters and a son survive. He left a large estate. M. H. Sitgreaves sold his grocery to W. E. Vanderhoef and Charles A. Hungerford — (Vanderhoef & Company.) The new foundry of William E. Gorton & Company, on East Tioga avenue, began operations in December, 1883. It is devoted exclusively to the manufacture of railroad castings. A bell weighing 1,400 pounds, has been placed in the new clock tower, on the Public Square at Market and Pine streets. Mrs. Eliza Edward Townsend, aged 82 years, died at the home of her son Edward E. Townsend, in the town of Erwin, December 28, 1883. Her parents were Captain Samuel Erwin and wife ; she was born at Easton, Pa., and when an infant made the journey with her parents on horse-back to their new settlement at Painted Post. Eber Schofield, an early settler of the town of Lindley, where in his youth he taught school, died in Knoxville, January 7, 1884. He was a farmer and lumberman in Lindley, and repeatedly served as a Justice of the Peace, and six terms as Supervisor. In January, 1884, a large four-dial clock was placed in the new stone tower on the Public Square in front of the Dickinson House. The first meetings conducted in Coming by members of General Booth's Salvation Army were held, both indoors and on the streets. The morning of February 27, 1884, the shops of the Weston Engine Company, at Painted Post, were destroyed by fire. The members of the company are Abijah Weston, W. H. Calkins and Edwin Armstrong. Loss about $25,000. Sunday evening, March 2, 1884, the old Presbyterian Church, on the corner of the village park, at First and Pine streets, burned to the ground. The fire started in the attic. The church was built in 1841, seven years before the village of Corning was organized. When the Presbyterian society built another church, at the north- east corner of Pine and First street, the old house of worship was 286 Wonderful Achievements of John Comosh, Acrobat. sold to the Free Baptist Church, and at the time of his death was owned by Rev. Joseph Hollenbeck. It had for a number of weeks been used by the Salvation Army. March 20, 1884. — ^John Comosh, acrobat, known professionally as "John Worland," has returned to Corning from a tour of Mexico with a circus. He will this season travel with Forepaugh's show. John Comosh achieved distinction as an acrobat, by being the only performer to successfully turn a triple somersault and land on his feet. He did this on five occasions, each time making a run and vaulting from a spring-board over the backs of a number of elephants and horses. First, in 1874, at St. Louis, Mo., at rehearsal while with John Wilson's California Circus ; second, in 1876, at St. Louis, Mich., with Howell's London Circus; at Eclaire, Wis., in 1881, regular performance feature, Forepaugh's Shows ; fourth, at La Cross, Wis., two weeks later, regular performance, same show ; and, fifth, with Forepaugh, at New Haven, Conn., 1884. At a meeting of men of St. Mary's Parish, held at the church on Sunday afternoon. May 4, 1884, following addresses by Fathers Leo and Colgan, over 100 men signed the temperance pledge. Later the pledge signers organized by electing the following officers : John W. Lynahan, President ; Michael F. Kelley, Jr., Vice-President ; Thomas O'Brien, Secretary ; Eugene McCarthy, Assistant Secretary. The name chosen is " The St. Joseph Total Abstinence Catholic Benevo- lent Society of Corning." In June, 1884, Dr. Henry A. Argue sold his drug store, on East Market street, to L. N. Mathews and Victor Cole, who continue the business, as Cole & Mathews. Saturday night, June 1, a burglar robbed the home of Charles C. B. Walker, on Walnut street, of jewelry, watches and other family treasures, including precious stones, valued at $5,000. The morning of July 7, 1884, fire destroyed the following build- ings at Painted Post, with most of their contents : VanOrsdale & Casterline's grocery, William Howell's saloon, Randall's meat market, Smith's store, a double house occupied by Oliyer Orr and William Farren, Weber's tailor shop and Borst's Hotel. The Weston Engine Company is re-building their foundry and machine shops destroyed by fire at Painted Post, in February. Two heavy storm clouds, one moving from the northeast and the other from the southeast, collided a short distance east of the Varied Career of Rev. and Dr. Joshua B. Graves. 287 village of Corning, Monday afternoon, August 18, 1884. The tem- perature had ranged high with a cloudless sky. But a most furious fall of rain and hail, with shifting winds of exceeding violence, continued for half an hour. It was a terrifying cyclone. Some of the hail was of large size, and it was several inches deep when the storm ceased. Window glass was broken on every hand. Dr. Joshua B. Graves, aged 83, died August 26, 1884. Few lives so active and varied as his. He was aggressive and plain spoken. He was born in Vermont, there studied medicine and surgery, when a young man praced the profession at Troy, N. Y.; took a theological, course, was ordained a minister in the Presbyterian Church ; after serving as pastor in a number of other places, came to Corning iii - the Summer of 1842 as pastor of the newly organized Presbyterian-; Church. About three years later, because of his rather "liberal" views and refusal to be " admonished," about half the membership seceded and built a " Tabernacle " on East Erie avenue, where services were conducted for a number of years. The weakened church being unable to pay an adequate salary. Dr. Graves resumed the practice of medicine ; in 1847 was suspended by the Presbytery, and in the Spring of 1849 the bolters returned to the fold. As a surgeon Dr. Graves was eminent. He served several terms as village President, and was military surgeon at Elmira barracks during the Civil War. He was thrice married. His third wife survives. Large numbers patronize the new roller-skating rink. In September the Salvation Army dedicated new headquarters. After being issued for six month in two-page form, the size of the Corning Daily Democrat was increased to four pages, with the the first issue in December, 1884. The weekly edition was continued. Benjamin W. Payne, aged 71 years, died at his home in Corning, Wednesday morning, December 4. He came to Painted Post from Brooklyn, 45 years ago, and conducted a tinshop and stove store,, later making iron castings. About 40 years ago he moved to Com- ing, having changed his place of business, and with others built up extensive machine shops. About a year ago the industry was taken to Elmira, capitalists of that city inducing the change of location. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Coming and Vicinity. CHAPTER XLV. Marriages in Corning and Vicinity, 1870-'85. MARRIED, In Coming, January 8, 1870, by Rev. Dr. Niles, William W. Adams and Frances daughter of Hiram DeWolf, both of Corning. January 28, 1870, James H. Denton and Miss Mary Grant, both of Painted Post. In Ann Arbor, Mich., January 28, 1870, Dr. Edward S. May, of Campbell, and Miss Tilla Woodruff. At the home of the bride in Little Flats, February 17, 1870, by Rev. C. P. Hard, David T. Calkins, of Corning, and Emma daughter of George Smith. In Corning, March 10, 1870, Geo. Gorton and Mary McConnell. In Owego, March 22, 1870, Prof. Henry A. Balcom, of Corning, and Miss Lucy Perham, daughter of L, W. Perham. In Corning, April 14, 1870, by Rev. C. P. Hard, Benjamin Young and Miss Julia Lanahan. In Corning, April 27, 1870, by Rev. Dr. Niles, Clark Evans and Miss Alice S. James. In Painted Post, April 20, 1870, by Rev. C. J. Bradbury, George H. Easterbrooks and Miss Dora Throop. May 12, 1870, Peter J. DeWolf and Miss Carrie E. Clark. In Corning, May 24, 1870, William Lathrop and Arvesta Bissell. At Christ Church, Corning, May 26, 1870, by Rev. Joseph Hunter, Jerome B. Maltby and Mary daughter of Andrew Beers. July 5, 1870, George Brown and Arlena Clark, of Coming. In Painted Post, August 4, 1870, Rev. Robert S. McArthue, pastor of Cavalry Baptist Church, New York, and Miss Mary E. Fox, daughter of the late Rev. Norman Fox. 288 Marriages in Corning and Vicinity, 1870-'71. 289 In Corning, September 29, 1870, George M. Smyth and Miss Isabelle M. daughter of Henry Wells. In Caton, October 23, 1870, James A. Gilbert and Miss Julia E. daughter of Ephriam Hill, of Caton. In Coming, October 29, 1870, Chester M. Hardenburg and Miss Nellie M. Rutherford, both of Corning. In Painted Post, November 23, 1870, Frank A. Fenderson, of Coming, and Miss Mary H. Patchen, of Painted Post, In Hornby, December 21, 1870, Oren Roloson and Miss Ella E. daughter of Isaac Goodsell. In Coming, December 22, 1870, Joseph Lear and Kate Barnes. In Corning, Febmary 7, 1871, by Rev. C. P. Hard, George W. son of I. P. Jones, and Miss Julia A. Fassett, both of Coming. In Coming, February 15, 1871, Sylvester Burdick and Miss Nancy Dickerman, Both of Corning. In Painted Post, March 22, 1871, Oscar E. Aldrich and Miss Amanda M. Densmore, both of Painted Post. April 6, 1871, Daniel E. Remington, of Painted Post, and Miss Lucy M. Harrison, of Hornby. In Painted Post, May 16, 1871, Louis Lindner, of Corning, and Miss Annie Githler, of Painted Post In Painted Post, May 24, 1871, by Rev. J. Jerolomon, Edward R. Berry, of Coming, and Miss Ida Kimble, of Painted Post. In Coming, June 4, 1871, Appleton L. Golden and Miss Alice Millard, both of Corning. In Hornby, June 28, 1871, Herbert J. Jimerson and Miss Bertha E. Hendrick, both of Hornby. In Knoxville, August 16, 1871, Charles Billinghurst and Miss Ida D. Pierce, both of Knoxville. In Coming, September 27, 1871, Harris C. Higman, banker, of Painted Post, and Miss Martha E. daughter of Rev. D. Van Alstin. In Coming, October 11, 1871, Elijah Rowley, of Titusville, Pa., and Miss Kate Thompson, of Corning. In Coming, October 11, 1871, Ithuel M. Johnson and Miss Louisa A. Morgan, both of Corning. In Corning, October 18, 1871, George B. Hill and Mary B. Carr. 290 Marriages in Corning and Vicinity, 1871-'72, In Corning, November 2, 1871, by Rev. T. Stacey, Henry Cowan and Miss Sarah E. Gorton, daughter of S. D. Gorton. November 11, 1871, William D. Howell and Miss Olive Adams, both of Painted Post. In Lindley, November 22, 1871, by Rev. W. Cochran, George W. Stratton and Miss Julia A. daughter of Frederick Thurber. In Caton, December 5, 1871, Oscar Force and Frances J. Wolcott. In Coming, December 6, 1871, by Rev. Joseph Hunter, A. J. Owen, merchant, and Mrs. Louisa M. Wentz,, both of Corning. In Caton, December 12, 1871, Frank L. Rowley, of Manteno, 111., and Miss Jane I. daughter Emerson Gregory, of Caton. In Lindley, December 17, 1871, C. Byron Westcott and Miss Mary Terwilliger, daughter of Serene Terwilliger, of Lindley. In Corning, December 20, 1871, Elbert B. Seymour and Miss Emma L. Todd, daughter of Major L. Todd. In Painted Post, Dec. 31, 1871, by J. S. Tobias, Esq., Valentine Remmel and Miss Augusta Quandt^ both of Corning. In Knoxville, February 5, 1872, by Rev. D. VanAlstin, Russell E. Pierce and Miss Jennie K. Conover, both of Knoxville. In Corning, February 17, 1872, by Rev. Peter Colgan, William Morrison and Miss Kate McGovem. In Coming, Feb. 22, 1872, George Marland and Emma Marshall. In Coming, April 3. 1872, Edward C. Pond and Helen E. Mecarg. In Rochester; April 16, 1872, A. C. Steams, of Coming, and Mrs. A. J. Howard, of Rochester. At the residence of William P. Hill, father of the bride, in Caton, May 1, 1872, Elias B. Hungerford and Emily Hill, both of Coming. In Hornby, May 1, 1872, by Rev. J. Easterbrooks, E. Joshua Easterbrooks and Miss Delinda E. Dickinson. In Coming, May 24, 1872, by Rev. Dr. Wakeman, J. H. Cochran, Coming agent of the Erie Railroad, and Miss Annie Wicks. In Coming, July 17, 1872, Valentine Able and Miss Anna Quandt. In Corning, August 14, 1872, by Rev. Anson G. Chester, David S. Drake and Miss Mary E. Tillotson. In Coming, September 14, 1872, Wm. King and Emma Baker. In Corning, Sept. 19, 1872, D. H. Baxter and Mina E. Somberger. Marriages in Corning and Vicinity, 1872-'74. 291 In Corning, Sept 16, 1872, Chas. E. Greenfield and Julia E. Gilbert. In Corning, October 16, 1872, by Rev. Peter Colgan, Miles H. Millard, master printer, and Julia C. Corcoran, both of Coming. In Corning, October 16, 1872, Henry Harrison, of Hornby, and Hannah, daughter of Thomas Taylorson, of Corning. In Caton, Nov. 7, 1872, Bruce L. Gregory and Mary E, Hunt. In Corning, Nov. 30, 1872, Chas. E. Loveless and Sarah E. Davis. In Painted Post, December 24, 1872, Frank Chapman, of Corning, and Miss Christine Taylorson, of Painted Post. In Caton, January 22, 1873, Ezra Gridley and Olive E. Johnson, In Knoxville, February 5, 1873,, by Rev. Anson G. Chester, Rufus C. Palmer and Flora A. Herrick, both of Knoxville. In Caton, February 4, 1873, James S. Holmes and Miss Adelaide D. Thompson, both of Caton. In Cohocton, April 9, 1873, Colonel Archie E. Baxter, of Coming, and Rosemond Esteila, daughter of Mrs. N. J. Wheeler. In Corning, May 6, 1873, by Rev. Thomas Stacy, Eugene L, Winchester and Ella daughter of Israel P. Jones. In Corning, May 14, 1873, James W. Higman, of Corning, and Cornelia A., daughter of Valentine Ferenbaugh, of Painted Post. In Coming, August 25, 1873, Rev. Albert W. Hubbard, of Cam- eron, and Emma R. daughter of Judge George T. Spencer, of Corning. In Horseheads, October 28, 1873, Dr. Joshua B. Graves, of Corn- ing, and Miss Alice Elizabeth, daughter of Judge Lyman, of Iowa. This was the second marriage of Dr. Graves. In Caton, September 3, 1873, Henry Wescott and Julia E, French. October 9, 1873, Dr. Frank 0. Purdy, of Corning, and Julia E. Odell, of Addison. In Coming, October 30, 1873, Charles L. Fuller and Susan W. daughter of L W. Kimble. At Plainfield, N. J., December 10, 1873, AlansonJ. Fox, of Painted Post, and Cornelia Stebbins. December 11, 1873, J. LeRoy Nixon and Miss Susan Cortright, both of Caton. In Corning, January 6, 1874, Lovasso Field, of Homellsville, and Alice B. V. daughter of John Heermans, of Corning. 292 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1874-'76. In Horseheads, April 7, 1874, Thomas Taylorson, of Corning, and Mrs. Kate Lombard, formerly of Corning. September 10, 1874, Augustus J. Brace, of Caton, and Miss Euella Emery, of Hornby. In Coming, October 6, 1874, Benjamin Cuddeback, of Big Flats^ and Miss Libbie Clute, of Corning. In Corning, October 28, 1874, Charles C. Drake and Mary I., daughter of A. T. Cochran, Corning agent of Erie Railroad, In Corning, February 17, 1875, by Rev. A. N. Damon, James H. Spencer and Miss Maggie E. daughter of J. E. Wolcott. In Corning, April 25, 1875, Rev. F. K. Fowler, postor of the First Baptist Church and Miss Anna C. daughter of John Higman. In Painted Post, July 1, 1875, William E. Wolcott, of Corning,, and Mary daughter of George Githler, of Painted Post. July 15, 1875, Frederick D. Brown, of Corning, and Lizzie daugh- ter of Ebenezer C. Adams, of Painted Post. In Corning, July 15, 1875, by Rev. A. N. Damon, Robert Clisdell and Mary F. daughter of the late J. Nye Robinson. In Corning, July 25, 1875, Frank P. Wormley and Miss Emma T. VanKeuren, both of Coming. In Centerville, October 25, 1875, by Rev. Ansoa G, Chester, Thomas S. Baxter, of Corning, and Emma A. Stickles, In Corning, November 16, 1875, Ira F. Foote, of Conesus, N. Y.^ and Miss Dora F. Bump, sister of 0. W. Bump, of Corning. December 16, 1875, George E. DeWolf and Carrie S. daughter of Isaac M. Clute, both of the town of Corning. In Corning, January 5, 1876,. by Rev. A. N. Damon, Charles W» Littlefield and Mary J. daughter of Eri Bunnell. In Corning, Febmary 20, 1876, Benjamin H. Thurber and Mary A. daughter of Frank Clark. In Lindley, March 27, 1876, George T. Erway and Miss Minnie daughter of George Wescott, Jr. In Coming, August 9, 1876, Harry B. Parcell and Adella M. daughter of Russell Mathewson. September 20, 1876, William E. Vanderhoef, of Corning, and Nellie E. daughter of Elias B. Hungerford, of Dey's Landing. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1 876-' 71, 293 In Coming, October 10, 1876, George Byrne and Hattie Thomas. In Corning, October 25, 1876, William M. Perry and Hattie B. daughter of Joseph W. Guernsey. In Corning, October 28, 1876, by Rev. Horace Eaton, James A. Drake and Isabelle T. daughter of C. C. B. Walker. In Caton, November 30, 1876, Eugene Bundy, of Corning, and Julia Babcock, of Caton. In Hornby, January 10, 1877, Sylvester Roloson and Miss Mary Ophelia Roloson, both of Hornby. In Painted Post. January 18, 1877, Louis Valerius, of Elmira, and Rachel Githler, of Painted Post, In Corning. March 1, 1877, George J. Wormley and Ophelia A. daughter of Erastus Knapp. In Catlin, March 27, 1877, Isaac N. Easterbrooks, of Corning, and Miss Ida N. Ostrander. In Corning, April 11, 1877, George R. Quick and Ella daughter of H. W. Lownsberry. In Corning, April 25, 1877, Pred D. Rockwell and Miss Dell H. daughter of Dr. A. D. Robbins. In Corning, May 24, 1877, Charles M. Hyde and Fannie Tylee. In Knoxville, June 5, 1877, Nye R. Hill and Miss Isabel Inscho. In Corning, June 11, 1877, at the residence of Dr. J. B. Graves. John Myers and Miss Lucy E. Graves. In Corning, July 12, 1877, John Gunthrop and Emma Quandt. In Corning, August 22, 1877, George A. Bronson, of Painted Post, and Miss Elthea D. W. daughter of Mrs. Anna Smith. In Campbell, August 30, 1877, Frank H. White, of Painted Post, and Miss Rose Balcom. In Coming, September 2, 1877, Ed Mulford, son of E, P. Mulford and Edith daughter of the late Mahlon M. Mulford. In Coming, October 18, 1877, David F. Fero and Miss Rose Blair. In Lindley, November 21, 1877, by Rev. L, D. Ayer, Lowell Mulford and Miss Stella T. Riffle. November 28, 1877, John J. Adsit and Miss Mary J. Straubinger, both of Coming. 294 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1877-18. In SanFrancisco, Cal., December 6, 1877, Dr. Frank C. Payne, of Corning, and Mary E. daughter of Chauncey B. Land. In Knoxville, December 26, 1877, by Rev. F. K. Fowler, Isaac Knisely and Miss Hattie Palmer. In Coming, January 9, 1878, Samuel E. Quackenbush, of Caton^ and Miss Mary E. daughter of Gershom W. Barnard, of Corning. In Corning, January 16, 1878, W. E. Kidder, of New York, and Miss Eliza A. daughter of John B. Ferenbaugh. In Big Flats, February 14, 1878, Dr. George G. Hollenbeck, of Corning, and Miss S. Jennie Sleeper. In Hornby, Febmary 20, 1878, Clayton Roloson and Miss Diana E. daughter of George Goodsell. In Gibson, March 28, 1878, LeRoy H. Miller, of Big Flats, and Mandama M. daughter of William Wormley. In Knoxville, April 3, 1878, Uri Mulford, of Coming, and Miss Mary daughter of Caleb T. Bentley. In Coming, April 14, 1878, William Wolcott and Julia McHenry. In Coming, April 23, 1878, Samuel J. Lower and Kity Townsend„ In Corning, May 14, 1878, Dr. Alfred M. Gamman and Mrs. Mira T. Drake. In Corning, May 29, 1878, Archabald Arthur, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Sarah Frances daughter of Joseph J. Tully. In Painted Post, June 26, 1878, Jas. D. Orcutt and Martha Savory. In Corning, July 9, 1878, Clinton W. Heermans, son of John Heermans, and Josephine M. Woodbury. July 4, 1878, by Rev. Peter Colgan, Martin Mahar, of Dunkirk^ and Bridget daughter of John J. Kelly, of Corning. In Corning, July 31, 1878, Walter F. Egginton and Susan Kriger, August 27, 1878, Eugene M. Johnson and Ella M. Tupper. In Corning, September 19, 1878, William J. White, chief clerk of the Fall Brook Coal Co., and Katie daughter of Captain John Hoare. September 25, 1878, Harry C. Heermans, of Corning, and Ella daughter of Abijah Weston, of Painted Post. In Corning, Oct. 10, 1878, Francis A. Erwin and Hattie D. Clute. In Knoxville, Oct. 13, 1878, J. O. Walter and Susie Pearow. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1878-'80. 295 October 15, 1878, Samuel Erwin and Emma A. Tupper. In Corning, November 27, 1878, by Rev. Peter Colgan, Patrick Callahan and Mary Reynolds. In Corning, December 11, 1878, Peter W. Caulkins and Miss Mary E. daughter of William Christian. In Corning, December 18, 1878, by Rev. J. V. Benham, James Nye Robinson and Miss Eva Belle daughter of James Beaty. In Caton, December 24, 1878, Walter Wood and Carrie E. Nixon. In Corning, December 28, 1878, by Rev. J. V. Benham, Frank Thurber and Emma S. daughter of William E. Brown. January 18, 1879, F. D. Edminster, of Big Flats, and Miss Hattie daughter of Thomas Taylerson, of Corning. In Corning, March 29, 1879, Frank E, Potter and Emma B. Thrall. In Corning, April 23, 1879, John R Huber and Mary Bucher. In Corning, May 13, 1879, James Jennings and Kate Dormer. In Corning, May 30, 1879, Tobias Purcell and Annie M. Deegan. In Coming, August 18, 1879, by Rev. J. V. Benham, George E. Lacey and Agga M. Eggleston. In Painted Post, October 2, 1879, by Rev. T. L. Waldo, Henry Beck, of Corning, and Miss Matilda Githler. In Coming, July 21, 1879, by Rev. Dr. Pattengill, George Haradon and Miss Delia daughter of A. J. Gilbert. In Knoxville. October 12, 1879, by Rev, B. F. Balcom, Andrew W. Easling and Anna S. daughter of E. A. Sturtevant. In Corning, October 16, 1879, Wm. A. Buck and Isabel A. Radley. In Corning, November 6, 1879, by Rev. M. L. P. Hill, Cyrus S. Hood and Miss Mina E. daughter of Charles M. Gamman. At the residence of Nelson Cowan in Gibson, November 2Q, 1879, Robert F. Park and Emma B. Cowan, both of Corning. In Homby, December 3, 1879, by Rev. V. D. Mather, George W. Lane, of Beaver Dams, and Leila H. daughter of O. L. Underwood. In Coming, December 31, 1879, William E. Purdy and Miss Helen, daughter of the late Dr. Benjamin Throop, of Palmyra. In Coming, March 15, 1880, John J. Fowler and Mrs. Mary Davis. In Painted Post, March 17, 1880, Chas. F. Wood and Ida E. Chase. 296 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1880-'81. In Corning, April 21, 1880, by Rev. James P. Thorns, Charles Havens and Miss Sarah H. Quackenbush. In Corning, April 28, 1880, Schuyler VanKeuren and Hattie Smith. In Coming, May 10, 1880, Andrew Callahan and Julia Oakley. In Coming, May 31, 1880, Wm. E. Williams and Rosa B. Crane. In Corning, September 16, 1880, by Rev, Peter Colgan, Thomas E. Maloney and Mary E. Meehan. In Hornby, June 17, 1880, by Rev. Joseph Merring, George S. Sly and Anna L. daughter of John H. Ferenbaugh. June 10, 1880, Stephen L. Tobey, of Lindley, and Miss Addie M. daughter of Stephen Gregory, of Caton. In Corning, August 6, 1880, Henry W. Lear and Josephine Knapp. In Campbell, September 8, 1880, by Rev. S. W. Pratt, George R. Sutherland and Miss Hester A. daughter of Col. James S. McKay. In Corning, September 16, 1880, by Rev. J. V. Benham, William W. Cooper and Lottie, daughter of William Williams. In Corning, September 29, 1880, by Rev. S. R. Fuller, George Barnes and Miss Annie G. Marsh, recently from Burmingham, Eng. In Corning, October 13, 1880, Melvin P. Roloson of Hornby, and Sarah C. daughter of Mrs. Sarah E. Tylee, of Coming. October 12, 1880, by Rev. Dr. Pattengill, Amos W. Howell and Addie M. Morgan, both of Hornby. In Elmira, October 14, 1880, Daniel Loid, of Corning, and Miss Mary D. Webber, of Big Flats. In Painted Post, November 3, 1880, by Rev. Abner Morrill, Ed- ward T. Wright and Miss Mary Kirkland, both of Painted Post. In Corning, November 8, 1880, by Rev. J. V. Benham, Frank L. Genung and Jennie L. daughter of Mrs. Frank Veith. In Painted Post, August 4, 1880, John McBurney, of Corning, and Miss Rose B. Bryan, of Canandaigua. In Painted Post, December 25, 1880, Miller Rose and Miss Ida M. Howard, both of Painted Post. December 23, 1880, Harry S. Pitts and Miss Jennie M. Beach. In Knoxville, January 6, 1881, Ed Hood, of Corning, and Miss Jessie E. daughter of H. S. Reed. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1881 -'82. 297 In Knoxville, April 6, 1881, by Rev. J. V. Benham, Menzo Hosier and Ann Eliza daughter of O. F, Adsit. In Coding, April 14, 1881, by Rev. J. V. Benham, Anthony Hisch- er and Miss Mary R. daughter of W. H. Freeman. In Painted Post, May 4, 1881, Charles B. Short and Ina Smith. In Caton, May 15, 1881, by Rev. William Sharp, George E. Davis, of Corning, and Miss Therista I. Marcy, of Caton. In Coming, May 25, 1881, Peter W. Caulkins and Anna Maloney. In Corning, June 2, 1881, by Rev. F. K. Fowler, Comfort B. Hig- man, of St. Joseph, Mich., and Myra daughter of Issac M. Clute. In Corning, July 2, 1881, Horatio S. Knisely and Kittie Palmer. In Corning, August 17, 1881, Rev. P. H. Milliken, of Montgomery, Orange County, and Adelaide L. daughter of Charles H. Thomson. In Painted Post, September 7, 1881, by Rev. Dr. Wakeman, R. S. Davenport, Assistant Postmaster of Corning, and Alice C. Kirkland. In Corning, October 4, 1881, Floyd E. Crane and Amy Jones. In Corning, October 11, 1881, by Rev. Peter Colgan, James McMahon and Miss Annie O'Bryan. In Corning, October 18, 1881, by Rev. Peter Colgan, Frank Gre- gorius and Miss Mary Thomas. In Corning, October 31, 1881, Geo. W. James and Clara Turrill: In Corning, January 4, 1882, by Rev. Peter Colgan, John Hart and Miss Mary O'Shaughnessy. In Coming, March 15, 1882, by Rev. E. J. Hermans, Samuel B. Millard and Miss Jessie M. Egbert. March 23, 1882, Edgar J. Harrison and Esther Black, of Lindley. In Painted Post, April 5, 1882, by Rev. J. T. Canfield, Fred W. May, of Hornellsville, and Miss Inez M. Wood, of Painted Post. In Corning, April 14, 1882, Jos. J. Baxter and Catherine McGill. In Corning, April 25, 1882, by Rev. Peter Colgan, Joseph F. Schuster and Sophie daughter of M. Schenck. In Knoxville, May 31, 1882, by Rev. E. J. Hermans, Samuel M. Knisely, of Corning, and Miss Anna Conover. In Corning, July 2, 1882, James H. Hoffman and May Hathaway. In Corning, Sept, 80, 1882, James W. Fowler and Sarah Lane. 298 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1882-'84. October 10. 1882, Lyman Wood and Kate E. English, of Caton. In Big Flats, October 11, 1882, Edmund VanEtten and Clara E, Bennett, both of Gibson. In Corning, October 26, 1882, Charles P. Hill, of Lindley, and Miss Anna M. daughter of Charles M. Gamman, of Corning. In Corning, November 16, 1882, by Rev. Rutger Dox, Alfred H. Baer and Miss Marion Wolcott. In Corning, November 28, 1882, by Rev. H. Pattengill, Robert W. Terbell and Miss Kate, daughter of H. G. Osborn. In Painted Post, December 6, 1882, Cecil J. Hubbard and Miss Josie N. Wood, daughter of the late Charles Wood. In Painted Post, December 13, 1882, by Rev. Rutger Dox, Frank E. Bronson and Miss Maggie D. Hastings. December 24, 1882, George Cady and Jennie Totten, of Knoxville. In Corning, January 3, 1883, by Rev. E. J. Hermans, William A. Davis and Ida B. daughter of Henry Wheeler. In Corning, Jan. 24, '83, Harry H. Hungerford and Carrie E. Mann. In Milton, Vermont, February 22, 1883, Julian C. Drake, of Corning, and Miss Helen A. Gale, of Milton. May 9, 1883, James M. Palmer and Miss Lodema Denison. In Corning, May 9, 1883, by Rev. John S. Bacon, W. K. Ingersoll and Kate M. daughter of C. J. Smith, of the American Hotel. In Corning, May 23, 1883, Richard Dwyer and Julia Cookley. In Corning, May 29, 1883, John Martin and Ella Sullivan. In Corning, May 31, 1883, Herman Richter and Diene Seidt. In Corning, July 18, 1883, Charles Brown and Anna Terrill. July 18, 1883, Samuel C. Robertson, of Corning, and Cornelia Stewart, of Milwaukee, Wis., formerly of Corning. In Corning, September 26, 1883, by Rev. E. J. Hermans, Bayard Tucker, of Wallace, and Fanny H. Brown, of Corning. October 10, 1883, Willis L. son of John D. Hamilton, of Campbell, and M. Elizabeth, daughter of C. F. Piatt, of Painted Post. February 7, 1884, John Callinan and Kate Quinn, of Corning. In Corning, March 12, 1884, Daniel E. Wheelock, of Corning, and Miss Cora G. Woodcock, of Tioga, Pa. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1884. 299 In Corning, April 17, 1884, by Rev. Rutger Dox, William P. Thomas and Mrs. Marietta Golden, both of Corning. April 15, 1884, Adam Rettig and CatherineSchneider, of Corning. In Knoxville, May 4, 1884, by Rev. E. J. Hermans, W. N. King and Mrs. Mary A. Sanford. In Painted Post, May, 1884, 7, by Rev. Dr. Wakeman, Benjamin Bassett and Miss Helen Lambert. In Corning, May 7, 1884, Samuel S. Denton and Lizzie Brown. May 14, 1884, Edward J. Benn and Anna M. Bennett, of Corning, In Painted Post, July 4, 1884, by Rev. C. J. Bradbury, Edwin E. Sturtevant, of Corning, and Mary E. Orcutt, of Painted Post. In Corning, August 28, 1884, by Rev. Peter Cogan, John Lauter- born and Miss Maggie Batty, both of Coming. In Corning, September 1, 1884, by Rev. E. J. Hermans, Lewis M. Miller and Miss Ettie C. Baker, Both of Corning. In Caton, September 3, 1884, by Rev. E. J. Hermans, Herbert C. Austin, of Corning, and Miss Sadie L. Kimball. In Corning, September 3, 1884, by Rev. Peter Colgan, Frank Hurd, of Caton, and Mary, daughter of Peter Maxner, of Corning. In Coming, Sept. 15, 1884, Henry Gibson and Kate Green. In Corning, September 18, 1884, by Rev. Peter Colgan, John McGannon and Miss Maggie Dwyer, both of Corning. In Corning, Sept. 23, 1884, Henry Krebs and Kate McGraw. In Coming, October 16, 1884, by Rev. E. J. Hermans, William E. Jones and Ida B. daughter of L. B. Manning. In San Francisco, Cal., October 14, 1884. J.W. Darrin, of Corning, and Miss May Hilton, of San Francisco. In Corning, October 27, 1884, by Rev. Peter Colgan, John Comosh, acrobat, and Miss Josephine Campbell, both of Coming. In Corning, November 12, 1884, by Rev. Rutger Dox, Eugene R. Bunnell and Ida Isabel Welden, both of Corning. In Corning, November 25, 1884, Chas. Ruff and Alma Quandt. In Hornby, December 14, 1884, by Rev. H. W. Bixby, Lester Roloson and Miss Susie A. Gardner. December 24, 1884, by Rev. Abner Morrill, Henry Yewger, of Big Flats, and Hattie Johnson, of Corning. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XLVL Events In and About Corning — 1885-'90. THE FALL BROOK COAL COMPANY gave wide publicity, at the beginning of tiie year 1885, that it had discontinued the practice of collecting bills for creditors of its railroad, shop or other employes ; that those who do not settle their board bills with reasonable promptness will, on complaint, be dismissed. On January 1, 1885, the Corning House was purchased by Beard & Chapman, and is to be remedelled and refurnished. Joseph W. Borst, landlord, opened his newly built hotel at Paint- ed Post, on the site of the one destroyed by fire last July. Heermans & Lawrence, lessees of the village water system, establish an office in the former Hungerford Ba nk, on Market street. Leo Branch, No. 26, Catholic Knights of America, chose the following officers: Edward Moran, President; Philip McDonald, Vice President ; Thomas O'Bryan, Recording Secretary ; Thomas Kennedy Financial Secretary and Treasurer ; Joseph Kerl, Sergeant- at-Arms ; John Swain, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Frank Markert, Trustees. Dr. Henry C. May and Dr. Thomas A. McNamara are resident surgeons of the Erie Railroad Company. January 8, 1885. — The following volunteer fire company trustees have been elected, to serve the current year : — Alliance Hook and Ladder Company— A. H. Gorton, Harry C. Heermans and Frank D. Kingsbury. Pritchard Hose Company — Truman S. Pritchard, Frank O. Baker and M. C. Lauterborn. Sherwood Hose Company — T. H. Thomson, L. W. Wellington and Miles T. Terrill. 300 Fall Brook Company Enforces Total Abstinence Rule. 301 The officers of Pritchard Hose Company are : George A. Hen- derson, President; P. T. Quigley, Vice President ; William W. Cooper, Foreman ; M. F. Donovan, Assistant Foreman ; Frank L. . Clute, Secretary, and George E. Barnard, Treasurer. During the past thirteen months the Fall Brook Coal Company has discharged 166 men in railroad service, for violating " Rule One," which forbids the use of intoxicating liquor as a beverage. January 22, 1885.— While skating on the Chemung River near the foot of Pine street, a son of William H. Clark broke through the ice and would have drowned but for the assistance of Morris E.. Gregory, of Caton, student of the Free Academy. Landlords Beard & Chapman have changed the name of the Corning House to the Exchange Hotel. In February, 1885, S. E. Gilbert was appointed Postmaster at Painted Post and E. P. Rogers re-appointed Postmaster at Corning. Frank C. Payne, of Corning, died February 15, aged 31 years> In March, 1885, James Hoare succeeded John L. Lewis as Presi- dent of the village of Corning. The members of the village Board of Trustees are : M. Clancey, Michael McGivern, 1st Ward ; Patrick Callahan, John Cogan, 2d Ward ; C. H, Vorhees, John Peart^ 3d Ward ; George Welts, Frank D. Kingsbury, 4th Ward. In April, 1885, W. H. Tylee resigned his position as a clerk in the First National Bank, and moved to Worcester, Mass., where he became a partner of his father-in-law in the grocery business, April 10, 1885, the large foundry building of the Preston & Heermans machine shops, was destroyed by fire. Loss^ $5,000. May 1, 1885.— Rawson & Thatcher have begun manufacturing reaping and mowning machines in the former Payne shops. James L. White, of Caton, signed a contract to play baseball as a member of the Buffalo club, at $2,500 for the season. For several months roller-skating has been a fad with many votaries, but at last is on the wane. The Lackawanna Railroad Company has paid the Town of Coming $7,500 damages for appropriating the highway along the " Chimney Narrows," from the mouth of Post Creek to the village of Gibson. When the settlement was effected, the railroad company had a large number of men at work grading a highway along the river bank, and this work of restoration was at once stopped. 302 Elevated Railroads Invention of Dr. Rufus Gilbert. In the Spring of 1885 a Division of the Order of Railway Con- ductors was organized in Corning, with the follov/ing officers : J. A. Dunham, Chief Conductor ; Richard E. Maleady, Assistant Chief ; George Weekes, Secretary and Treasurer ; J. D. Carlton, Senior Conductor ; P. J. McGannon, Junior Conductor ; Levi Cowley, Inside Sentinel; A. E. Garrison, Outside Sentinel; William Doolittle, Corresponding Sentinel. Alfred Thomas Cochran, aged 61 years, station agent for the Erie in Corning since the Spring of 1851, died May 14, 1885. Edward Clisdell succeeded A. T. Cochran as Erie station agent. A creamery located on the back of the lot on Walnut street street occupied by the home of 0. E. Gary, began business early in June, 1885, with Mr. Gary as manager. A Tribe of the Order of Red Men has been organized in Corning with 112 charter members. The following Corning Free Academy students were graduated at exercises held at the Skating Rink, June 25, 1885 : Percy Alfred Clisdell, Antionette Gilbert, Charles W. Hayt, Mary C. Kennedy, Edward F. McAuliff, Frederick F. Pfeiffer, Oscar M. Rothfuss, Carrie M. Rubright, Mildred M. Smith, Willard S. Way and Clark Benedict Williams. 0. C. Patchell, aged 55 years, for twenty years master mechanic of the Fall Brook Railroad Company, died July 13, of rheumatism. He was a master- workman of marked ability. July 16, 1885. — An enumeration of the inhabitants of the village of Corning, just completed by George Hitchcock, shows a population of 6,151, including 1,867 persons of school age. There has been an increase of 316 in population in one year. Dr. Rufus H. Gilbert, aged 52 years, died at his home in New York. He was a son of William D. Gilbert, a pioneer of the village of Corning ; when a young man was a clerk in the drug store of Dr. Graves, with whom he studied medicine ; for a number of years he was a resident doctor, then moved to New York ; was a surgeon in the Civil War ; for a time follov/ing the close of that war was Assistant Superintendent of the Central Railroad of New Jersey ; in 1867 invented an elevated railroad for street traffic, the first road of the type being the " Gilbert Elevated Railroad," in Sixth and Seventh avenues, New York, opened in June, 1867. When the Metropolitan Transit Company was organized he became Directing Engineer, at a Corning Glass Ware For White House Service. 303 large salary. The company paid Dr. Gilbert $100,000 as the outcome of a claim for damages for infringing on his original elevated railroad patent, and then dispensed with his services. Sunday afternoon, August 30, a heavy rain that continued for more than an hour, preceded by heavy hail, destroyed many farm crops in Corning and near-by towns and ruined most gardens. Many birds, caught while on the wing by the sudden on-sweep of the storm, were killed by hail. At the glass engraving and cutting shops of T. G. Hawkes & Company, in September, 1885, an order was filled for fifty dozen pieces of table glass-ware for the White House at Washington. The set included numerous examples of art-work of the highest class known to the craft. The order was placed by President Cleveland. During the administration of President Grant, an elegant set of glass- ware for White House service was engraved at the shops of Captain John Hoare. In both instances the absolutely flawless glass was manufactured at the Corning Glass Works. September 25, 1885, the books and other belongings of the Corning Library, conducted by a semi-public organization, were dis- posed of at Sheriff's sale, to Quincy W. Wellington, for $1,200. He announced is purpose to convey the property in trust to a new library association, to be organized, for maintaining a village library. The Public Square at Market and Pine streets, was paved with Medina sand-stone, in September, 1885, at $3,398 expense. In October 1885, Joseph J. Tully sold, to other members of the concern, his interest in the Coming Glass Works. The amount of lumber cut at the Gang Mills, on the Tioga River, in Erwin, during the 27 years beginning January 1, 1858, and ending with December, 1884, was 205,093,000 feet. The largest cut was in 1869, when the output was 13,065,000, nearly all white pine. The first saw-mill at Gang Mills was built in 1832-— a small affair with a single upright saw, driven by a water wheel, a dam across the stream furnishing the necessary head of water and creating a pond for logs. In October, 1885, J. S. Earl succeeded E. S. Barnes in the book, notions and news business, with his son, Wm. J. Earl, in charge. November 5, 1885.— Q. W. Wellington who recently purchased the Corning Library, at Sheriff's sale, for the purpose of providing the village a circulating and reference library, has placed Harry C. 304 Death of Gen. Lansing, Clerk of Steuben County. Heermans in charge. Miss Jessie Hughes is Librarian. The library will be open Tuesday and Friday evenings. At an election held in Knoxville, Tuesday, November 10, a proposition to incorporate the village was defeated — 105 to 92. General Jacob H. Lansing, aged 61 years, Clerk of Steuben County, died at his home in Corning, November 8, 1885. He came to Corning in 1847 ; engaged in the jewelry business and was skilful in repairing time-pieces ; was active in the performance of the duties of citizenship ; served in the Civil War, going to the front as a Cap- tain and being promoted to the command of his Regiment ; was twice elected President of the village of Corning ; in 1866 he was Brigadier-General and placed in command of the 20th Brigade, New York State Militia. November, 1883, he was elected Clerk of the County of Steuben. In December, 1885, James L. White, of Corning, signed to play for two seasons with the Detroit League baseball team. In November, 1885, Dr. W. C. Wilbur, of Charleston, S. C, having purchased the dental business of Dr. F. D. Beales, located in Corning. Dr. Beales moved to Greenfield, Mass. Monday and Tuesday, January 3 and 4, 1886, due to unusually high temperature on Sunday followed by heavy rains during that night and part of Monday, the Chemung river covered the valley from hill to hill, flooding Painted Post, Knoxville and part of Corning. A number of familes fled from their homes, and others took refuge up stairs. Monkey Run Creek inundated streets and yards and filled scores of cellars along Erie avenue and Market street, and cross streets in the central section of the village. Attorney Charles H. Thompson, aged 55 years, a resident of Corning since 1850, died of heart failure the night of February 14, 1886, while alone in his bedroom. He founded the Masonic Consis- tory in Coming in 1867, and the Corning Library in 1873. During the past twelve months the Fall Brook Company dis- charged about 150 men for violating its famous " Rule One." Governor Hill appointed James A. Drake, of Corning, Clerk of Steuben County, to succed General Lansing, deceased. Hurlburt & Hunting, proprietors of a performing animal and acrobat show, established Winter quarters in the old Fall Brook foundry, where animal training is conducted and rehearsals held. Alonzo H. Gorton, Superintendent Fall Brook Lines. 305 The afternoon of February 4, 1886, the combined grist-mill, saw- mill and cider-mill at Hornby Forks, owned by Charles G. Wheat, was destroyed by fire. During the fire the steam boiler exploded. Rubright & Dorman have taken a contract to build an addition to School No. 3, in the eastern section of the village. The contract for erecting an iron bridge across the Tioga River at Mulhollan was let to the Iron Bridge Company, of Berlin, Conn., at $7,500 all complete. Length of bridge, 300 feet. Tuesday, March 2, Hiram Pritchard, after an interval of 23 years, was again elected President of Corning. An issue of $50,0C0 in bonds to finance a system of sewers was approved— 538 to 122. Zera Todd sold his grocery to Weiton Warner and Alexander Borst, and retired from business. April 8, following two days of rain, the Chemung River rose to within six inches of the flood-crest in January last. The members of a village Sewer Commiission appointed by President Pritchard and approved by the Trustees, are Charles C. B. Walker, H. P. Sinclaire, Frank D. Kingsbury, Q. W. ¥/ellington and Thomas Dv/yer. Alonzo H. Gorton, aged 58 years, Superintendent of the Fall Brook Coal Company's railroads, died April 26 at his home in Corn- ing. He was born in the town of Corning, then a part of the original Town of Painted Post, a son of Samuel Gorton and a grandson of Rufus Gorton — a pioneer settler of this gatevv^ay of the Genesee Country. Alonzo H, Gorton learned the trade of a carpenter, in 1860 began work as a pattern maker, and soon was advanced to the position of foreman of car building at the Fall Brook shops ; in 1864 John Magee appointed Mr. Gorton Superintendent of the Corning and Blossburg Railroad, which extended from Corning to the State line at Lawrenceville ; and since then the main-track mileage of the Fall Brook lines have increased to near 250 miles. He served from time to time in various village offices, and with conscientious fidelity. George R. Brown, for 22 years connected with the train service of the Fall Brook Coal Company, was appointed Superintendent. Robert H. Canfield was appointed Assistant Superintendent of the Fall Brook railroad lines. The State Legislature enacted and the Governor signed a law appropriating $6,000 for building a slope wall along the south side of the Chemung River in Corning, to do away with the old canal docks. 306 Alanson B. Houghton Writes Harvard Class Poem. Alanson B. Houghton, son of Amory Houghton, Jr., and Charles L. Mills, son of Ellsworth D. Mills, of Coming, were graduated at Harvard University in June, 1886. Alanson B. Houghton wrote and read the class poem. The Boston Daily Advertiser in its account of the commencement exercises, said : " The principal feature of Class Day, and one of the most notable events of the college year, was the presentation of the class poem. This poem is by far the strongest literary production written by a Harvard undergraduate for many years. Besides its polished form and graceful diction, there is a depth of thought and feeling in it which is remarkable." The seventh and eighth verses of the twenty-four that compose the poem are here presented, an earnest of the literary merit of the entire production: Love lives in Youth ! And we may wipe the tears That linger yet where memory will not die. And speed the coming of the better years, And pray the shadows of the past to fly. The past is dead. And in the coming time There ever dawns a vision more sublime Of golden promise through a cloud of fears, The night is gone, and morn fills all the sky. With hopes that echo like a sweet faint rhyme. Or waver like a wan wave on tiie sea, We stand, the last fruits of a passing time. The first fruits of a time that is to be. For as the future opens wide her ways Of endless glory : through the coming days That sing and echo like a distant chime. We face the presence of eternity. Tuesday evening, July 13, 1886, two men from Rochester held a conference at the Dickinson House, with men owning real estate along the highways between Gibson and Painted Post by way of Market and Pulteney streets, with a view to securing the right of way for a street railroad. The promoters intimated that a franchise for 99 years would be asked of the village. Most of those present favored the project, but adverse sentiment became pronounced in a few days and the project was dropped. July 29, 1886, a few minutes after 6 o'clock in the afternoon, a cyclonic storm burst upon Corning. Wind, hail and rain caused damage to buildings, farm crops and gardens in Corning, Caton, Hornby, Erwin, and down the Chemung valley to the vicinity of Editor Frank B. Brown Is Appointed Postmaster, 307 Elmira, that amounted to near $250,000. Most of the tobacco crops were entirely ruined. In Erwin a large barn was moved several rods. In August, 1887, William E. Gorton and Robert W. Terbell opened a new drug store at 19 East Market street, the firm name being Gorton & Terbell. The new iron highway bridge across the Tioga River at Mul- hollan was thrown open for traffic on Saturday, September 11, 1886. In September, 1886, Rev. Father Boy Ian, for four years Assistant Pastor of St Mary's Church in Corning, was appointed pastor of St. Vincent's Church, in Attica. He was succeeded by Rev. Father Kean, who came from Batavia. September 21, 1886, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Pritchard celebrated their golden wedding, in the evening, entertaining a large number of guests. The wedding supper was served by Fuller Brothers. Charles C. B. Walker, of Corning, was elected Chairman of the Democratic State Committee. On Thursday, October 21, 1886, the brick church of the First Baptist Society, at First and Wall streets, was dedicated. Rev. R. S. McArthur, of New York, gave the dedication sermon. The church cost nearly $25,000. Rev. Norman Fox, of New York, delivered an address in which the history of the local society was reviewed, October 18, 1886, President Grover Cleveland appointed Frank B. Brov/n, editor and owner of the CorntJig Democrat, Postmaster of Corning, to succeed E. P. Rogers, v/ho had been in office 5 1-2 years. Early in November, 1886, the Corning Glass Works and the cut glass department began the use of electric lights. General Austin Lathrop is President and C. C. Drake is Manager of an electric company organized in September, 1886. In November, 1886, Erastus S. Pier, as leader and instructor, and Frank B. McGeorge as manager, organized the " Fall Brook Band," the players being : Erastus S. Pier, Walter Egginton, John Powell, Joseph Hill, Patrick Quill, John Krebs, Fred A. McGeorge, H. A. Clark, Elmer Bachus, Fred Berlin, Charles A. Jones, Ernest Van Keuren, George Hunt, William H. Schonleber, D. F. Fero, Augustus Berlin, Frank B. McGeorge, Frank Maloney, Thomas F. Townley, Michael Conlon, E. A. Sturtevant, W. A. Buchanan and W. L. McGeorge. Morris Osbom is Drum Major. 308 Brown Block Burns; Democrat Office Damaged. The former Salvation Army Barracks, on East Market street, purchased last Spring by Rev. Peter Colgan, pastor of St. Mary's parish, having been remodeled and fitted for use as a church, was on Sunday, November 28, consecrated. It has been named St.Patrick's Church, and is under the immediate care of Rev. Father Colgan. Three feet of snovv^ fell during the month of November, 1886. The net receipts of a " Kirmess " held at Harvard Academy, the second week in December, to raise money for maintaining the Corn- ing Public Library were, $926. The event continued three evenings, Tuesday night, January 4, 1887, the Brown Block, on Market street, was destroyed by fire, and the Democrat printing office and contents damaged to the amount of about $4,000. The Brown Block was occupied by John S. Earl, book store ; vStern Brothers, dry goods; Champeny Brothers, dry goods ; Mrs. T. Clark, millinery.; F. T. Treadwell, photographer ; Mrs. R. H. Hawkins, hair dresser ; Mrs. Denison, dress maker ; the post office, and the telephone exchange. The store building owned by Mrs. Anna Smith, of Painted Post, a brick structure, was v/recked, the tenants saving little. Total losses, $85,000. Frozen hydrants gave the blaze headway. January 19, 1887, Quincy W. Wellington, owner of the Corning Library, deeded the same to an incorporated library association, on condition that it be maintained for a pubHc library " by the party of the second part for the period of twenty-five years." The past year twelve cigar factories in Coming made 581,500 cigars, Gustave Kretchmar leading with 310,400. The highway bridge across the Conhocton River at Coopers- Plains was carried away by high water, February 9, 1887. March 1, 1887, John Peart was elected President of Coming. A committee appointed for the purpose, at a public meeting held to consider ways and means for erecting an opera house in Coming, reported early in March, 1887, that $5,000 in subscriptions had been pledged as a bonus for those putting the project through. Holland B. Williams is erecting a three-story brick block on the four lots on East Market street, until the recent fire occupied by the Brown block and two additional buildings. The Coming Water Works, Hermans & Lawrence lessees, has 61 1-2 miles of mains, 360 taps, 28 meters and 61 hydrants. Daily consumption of water, 300,000 feet. The pressure at Market street is 90 pounds, which is ample for fire purposes. Death of Alexander Olcott, Prominent In Business. 309 March 19, 1887, the Corning post office v/as moved from tempor- ary quarters, necessitated by the recent fire, to the Drake building, at the southeast corner of Pine street and Tioga avenue. The hemlock bark Extract Works, established in Painted Post in 1864, now owned by N. Spencer Thomas, continues to do a pros- perous business. Since 1879 Mr. Thomas has also manufactured textile dyes for use by cloth and yarn manufacturers. Snow fell for two days, at intervals, and Tuesday morning, April 19, 1887, eight inches of heavy snow covered the ground. Alexander Olcott, aged 57 years, a resident of Corning since 1846, died April 21. He was a son of Thomas W. Olcott, of Albany, and from early manhood was identified with the business interests of the village of Corning. He was a member of the pioneer firm of Payne & Olcott, foundrymen and manufacturers of steam engines and other machinery. He was a Member of Assembly in 1864 and 1865. His widow and a son, Marvin Olcott, survive. Will J. McConnell, aged 37 years, of Geneva, O., for three weeks conducted a temperance pledge signing campaign in Corning. Most of the meetings were held in the former skating rink, now Harvard Academy. Nearly 1,800 persons signed the temperance pledge during the McConnell meetings. General Austin Lathrop, of Corning, was appointed Superinten- dent of State Prisons, by Governor David B. Hill. In May, 1887, the Excise Board granted 45 licenses. The Alliance Hook and Ladder Company Baseball Club has the following personnel : C. G. Cole, 3d base, Captain ; W. C. Wilbur, catcher ; Charles E. Drake, pitcher ; B. W. Wellington, 1st base ; C. L.Mills, 2d base; W. S. Wetsel, short stop : Marvin Olcott, right field ; Willard S. Way, center field ; H. S. Lang, left field. Oscar W. Bump resigned as Cashier of the First National Bank of Corning. He is Treasurer of the Butler Coal Company. May 18, 1887, M. W. Hubbard's box factory burned. Loss, $8,000. June 2, 1887.— A contract for constructing a system of sewers in the village of Coming was let to John McDougall, Son & Co., of Hornellsville, at $46,826,19. Friday evening, June 17, 1887, a concert followed by a dance, for the benefit of the parsonage fund of the First Presbyterian Church, was held in James A. Drake's barn. Commenting on the event, the 310 Mail Carriers Begin Service in Corning and Knoxville. Corning Journal said : "This scheme to increase the funds by making dancing a part of the entertainment is certainly novel in Presbyter- ian Church history. Fifty years ago, or even fifteen, such a project would have caused intense excitement, and the effort would have been squelched by the pastor and the elders." The Free Academy graduated a class of 13, namely : Lottie V. Borst, Nettie M. Durand, Lizzie M. Earl, Mary Mann, Mettie M. Palmer, Walter J. Blair, Farrar F. Clark, Frank E. Deurlein, Fred A. Robinson, John M. Robinson, S. Eugene Tuthill, William F. White and Philip E. Young. The free delivery of United States mail began in Coming and Knoxville, July 1, 1887, with the following carriers : Daniel J. Hal- loran, Joseph Krebs and George A. Haradan, with Dennis Quill as substitute carrier. The salary of a carrier is $600 a year. General Francis E. Erwin, aged 81 years, died July 6, 1887, at his home a mile west of Painted Post. He was a son of Captain Samuel and a grandson of Colonel Arthur Erwin who purchased the town bearing the family name of Phelps and Gorham in 1790. He leaves three sons and two daughters — Edward and Frank Erwin^ of Painted Cost ; Samuel S. Erwin, of Coming ; Mrs. Robert Wilkes, of Bath,, and Mrs. Cephas F. Piatt, of the town of Erwin, Market street between Cedar and Wall was paved with Medina sand-stone in the Summer of 1887. At a special town meeting held August 4, 1887^ it was decided by a vote of 363 to 14 to build an iron bridge across the Chemung River, to replace the old wooden bridge between Corning and Knox- ville, which is no longer considered safe for heavy traffic. September 8, 1887.— Joseph F. Moore succeeds John W. Clark, (transferred to Waverly), as ticket agent at the Erie station. The re-organized Young Men's Christian Association has a membership of seventy-seven. H. A. Horning, Traffic Manager of the Fall Brook lines, died September 13, 1887, at his home in Corning. E. F. Kreshner, of Lyons, succeeded Mr. Homing as Traffic Manager. J. D. Lawton, of Corning, was appointed local freight agent. In the Fall of 1887 the State built 1,325 of slope wall along the south bank of the Chemung River, east of Pine street, formerly occupied by canal docks. Death of Former Congressman Charles C. B, Walker, 311 There were many deaths of children due to diphtheria, in Corn- ing, during the Fall and early Winter of 1887. In a number of homes every child died. The Williams Block, on East Market street, is completed. A double store is occupied by Williams & Robinson, dealers in dry- goods, and a single store by W. S. Dickinson, druggist In November, 1887, John H, Huber moved his grocery into his new brick block at Pine and Cedar streets. A newly constructed Baptist Church was dedicated December 1, 1887. It replaces a church destroyed by fire June 15th. Monday, January 16, 1888, John H. Way, for 30 years a passenger train conductor on Fall Brook lines, took the position of Chief Clerk of George R. Brown, General Superintendent of these railroads. The new iron bridge across the Chemung River between Corn- ing and Knoxville, was opened for traffic January 27, 1888. Charles C. B. Walker, aged 64 years, died at his home in Corning on January 26, 1888. He was born at Keene, New Hampshire. At the age of 18, with $300 which he had accumulated, he started out under home sanction to make his way in the world. For six years he was a clerk in a hardware store at Palmyra, N. Y. Then he bought a half -interest in a hardware store in the new village of Corning, and since then Corning had been his home, and much of its prosperity has been due to his various local business ventures. He was successful in all of his business undertakings — as a merchant, manufacturer of lumber, dealer in lands, farmer, and a stockholder in manufacturing concerns and transportation companies. He was active in political life, served in various village and town offices, was a member of various State commissions where his abilities were used to splendid purpose, and was in 1875-76 a Representative in Congress. He was a man of the people — courteous, vigorous, honest, •approachable — a good neighbor. He is survived by Mrs. Walker ; by two daughters, Mrs. Isabel Drake and Mrs. Hattie E. Royce, and by two sons, Charles E. and Edwin S. Walker. February 9, 1888.— F. N. Drake has contributed $5,000 to pay for the Presbyterian parsonage and clear the society from debts, A blizzard began Sunday, March 11, 1888, and continued for fifty hours, about 28 inches of snow falling during that period. Snow drifts closed highways and blocked railroads. The storm was of 312 Committee Appointed to Prepare City Charter. wide extent. Telegraph and telephone service were shut off for a number of days and the first train through from New York arrived in Corning four days late. March 22, 1888. — At meetings held in the villages of Corning and Knoxville, it was agreed to petition the State Legislature for a city charter to include both communities. At a general meeting of citizens of the two villages, held at the Court House in Coming, on Monday evening, March 19, the following were appointed a commit- tee to prepare a city charter to be submitted to the Legislature for enactment : Judge George B. Bradley, F. N. Drake, Stephen T, Hayt„ Austin Lathrop, W. N. King, E. D. Mills, Frank B. Brown, Thomas Dwyer and Samuel C. Robertson. Rev. Walter C. Roberts, coming from Ansonia, Conn., became Rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Corning, April 9, 1888. In May, 1888, Alliance Hook and Ladder Company received a new truck, with complete equipment. The officers of the company are : C. Glenn Cole, President ; Marvin Olcott, Vice-President ; Chas. L. Mills, Secretary and Treasurer ; Benjamin W. Wellington, Fore- man ; Joseph A. Banks and Willard S. Way, Assistant Foremen. At commencement exercises held June 28, 1888, the following students were graduated by Corning Free Academy : Nellie P. Carr, Flora L. Cole, Luella Jane Cole, Nina Jane Gale, James F, T. Kennedy, Gerald F. Kinsella, Jr., Wm. J. Tully and Addie L. Watrus. A post office has been established at West Caton. Samuel E. Quackenbush, merchant, is Postmaster. Because of contradictory provisions in the act granting Corning a city charter, due to changes made in committee at Albany, it was vetoed by Governor Hill, who recommended that a corrected bill be acted upon at the next session of the Legislature. A brass band organized at Hornby has purchased uniforms. Two additional chimneys, each 104 feet high, have been erected at the Corning Glass Works — making five. Sunday morning, August 13, 1888, the engine and a number of baggage cars of Erie Train 5, west bound, were derailed about one mile east of Corning. Engineer John L. Mersereau was killed. A convention of volunteeer firemen of Southern and Central New York was held in Corning, September 13, 1888. It was largely attended ; there was a parade and prize contests. Thirty companies in uniform, with fire equipment, were in line. Erastus Corning Presents Clock and Tower to Village. 313 John E. Hungerford is succeeded as landlord of the Osborne House by Michael J. V/alsh and Charles F. Hopt. R. O. Moody resigned as Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association of Corning, after several years of service. Fred E. Fletcher and A. S. Cook have purchased the stock and good will of the furniture and undertaking business of the late W. H. Robinson. J. H. McAvoy is their assistant. In a communication dated Albany, N. Y., February 19, 1889, addressed to F. D. Kingsbury, Esq., President of the village, Erastus Corning presented to the corporation the tov/er and clock on the Public Square at Market and Pine streets, as a memorial of his father, for whom the village was named. The gift was accepted and resolutions of acknowledgement adopted by the village trustees. Rev. Thomas Cunningham, aged 67, died in Elmira February 4, 1889. In 1853 he was appointed parish priest in Corning, continuing in charge here, at Bath, Campbell and Addison for seven years ; he was then tranferred to Batavia, and after building a church there, again became priest of SS. Peter and Paul's parish in Elmira. February 7, 1889.— John Comosh, Jr., having retired after 23 years of service as an acrobat, and achieving great prominence for unequalled achievements in high and long distance vaulting and turning triple somersaults, opened a book, news and tobacco store, on West Market street near Pine. In February, 1889, F. N. Drake bought the Concert Hall Block, the price being $31,000. The block was erected in 1850-'51. March 7, 1889.— Marvin Olcott and Aianson B. Holmes have purched the drug store formerly owned by C. G. Douglas. C. G. Howell sold his oil business to the Acme Oil Company, receiving a substantial bonus for the " good will." Greig Brothers, of Le Roy, opened a dry goods store in the Concert Block, their stock including clothing and notions. Dr. Joseph D. Hoare, of Corning, bought the George W. Daven- port drug store at Painted Post, and began the practice of his profession in that village. Charles H. Moore, of Corning, opened a jewelery shop in the same building. March 28, 1889.— Bishop Ryan, of Buffalo, has conferred upon Rev. Peter Colgan, pastor of St. Mary's Parish, Corning, the honorary title of Dean. His church title is now Very Reverend Dean Colgan. 314 The Greatest of Floods Does Immense Damage. The Lauren Mallory residence, at Tioga avenue and State street, (on the Elmira-Knoxville-Bath highway of settlement days,) was burned to the ground the latter part of March, 1889. It was an imposing frame dwelling, erected in 1822, and had not been occupied for a number of years. Superstitious persons believed it haunted, and that a ghost occasionally passed from room to room at the turn of night, being actually visible to mortal eyes. The American Hotel, on the southwest corner of Erie avenue and Chestnut street, burned Saturday morning, March 30, 1889. A spark from this fire set fire to the roof of the Episcopal Church, one block to the east, and nearly all the wood-work of that structure was destroyed and the pipe organ ruined. The stone walls remained. The Corning Stove Works began the erection of brick buildings on the south side of Front street at State street. At a public meeing held at the court house in Corning, the evening of April 26, 1889, it was decided to organize a Co-Operative Saving and Loan Association. Cole & Kingsbury were authorized to receive subscriptions for stock in the project. May 1, 1889, General Austin Lathrop, having sold his interest in the firm of Walker & Lathrop to Charles E. and Edwin S. Walker, (sons of the late C. C. B. Walker), the name of the firm was changed to C. C. B. Walker's Sons. The most extensive and extraordinary floods that ever occurred on the water-sheds of the West Branch of the Susquehanna and the Chemung Rivers, were the overflows and inundations of June, 1889 — that is, greatest since the coming of the white race. In Corning and vicinity, the flood reached its highest point on Saturday, June 1. Rain had fallen since Thursday, and in unusual volume on Friday during the day and night. The Monkey Run early Saturday morn- ing flooded the village as never before, with destructive results that were inconceivable. Market street and Erie avenue, both east and west, were for most of Saturday veritable rivers, and the first floors of all buildings on the flat lands of the village were inundated, some to a depth of five feet. During Saturday forenoon, after having completely covered the Knoxville bottom lands, the Chemung rose at the rate of twelve inches an hour, causing wide-spread consternation. Scores of families foresook their homes ; many persons took refuge up stairs. Mrs. Thomas O'Brien called for help, from a widow on the second floor of her home, a short distance east of the south end of the Hause Swept From Foundation and Child Drowned. 315 Knoxville bridge, and while she was making frantic appeals, the house was swept from its foundation and wrecked. The mother and two children were rescued — a little son was drowned. At 2:30 Saturday afternoon the flood reached the highest point — several inches above the " high water mark " of the great flood of 1865, as carefully recorded on the side of the old warehouse on the river bank at the foot of Pine street — and this despite the fact that the former Chemung Canal Feeder dam no longer obstructed the stream. A. Thompson, of the town of Erwin, reported that marks on a tree on his premises, indicated that this flood was 20 inches higher than the flood of 1865, and the rise above the normal level was 21 feet and two inches. At Painted Post this flood was 15 inches higher than that of 1865. Damages to crops, buildings, farm betterments^ drowning of stock, destruction of bridges and highways and washing away of railroad tracks in Corning, and within a radius of a dozen miles, aggregated near a million dollars. Nelson Cowan, aged 72 years, died June 22, 1889, at his home in Gibson. He came to Gibson 50 years ago, as an employe on a canal boat, and invested his savings in a boat ; the earnings of this boat was invested in an additional canal boat, and by continuing the plan in 1862 he owned 30 boats, and for a series of years did an extensive coal, lumber and merchandise carrying business. He invested in coal lands and with others engaged in mining. He owned a number of farms. He took an active part in town affairs. Following heavy rains, the Monkey Run was over its banks for several hours, July 29, 1889, holding up Erie Trains. September 12, 1889. — Frank L. Clute, J. O. Steams and Charles E. Drake succeeded C. E. Corbin, dealer in books, papers and notions. The Howell Block, on Erie avenue, was built in the Fall of 1889. The Howell-Gerber Block, on Pine street, was built soon after. F. N. Drake's brick residence at Walnut and Second street was built in the Fall of 1889 and Winter of 1889-'90. Lewis C. Kingsbury, aged 73 years, died at his home in Corning, September 5, 1889. In early manhood he taught public schools near Livonia, N. Y., for two years ; became a clerk in a general store at Livonia ; in 1843 purchased the store ; continued the business for ten years, when he sold out in order to become a conductor on the new railroad from Corning to Rochester ; in 1854 moved to Corning ; was a conductor for 15 years ; engaged in manufacturing carriages 316 "First Cast" Is Made at Corning Stove Works. and cutters, in farming, was one of the founders and owners of the Corning Gas Works, and active in village and town matters. His wife and a son, Frank D. Kingsbury, survive. Sunday, September 15, 1889, the Baptist Church at Painted Post, having been extensively repaired and remodeled following damages by fire, in June, was re-dedicated. Rev. Charles B. Perkins is pastor. W. J. TuUy is a law student in the office of Judge Bradley. On September 24, 1889, at a meeting held at the Dickinson House, a branch of the American Building, Loan and Investment Society, of Chicago, was organized with the following officers : C. K. Minor, President ; William L. McGeorge, Secretary ; H. A. Clark, Treasurer ; E. C. English, Attorney. Directors — C. A. Hungerford, Victor L. Cole, W. W. Adams, Arthur A. Houghton, Edward H. Gray, William T. Brady, John Comosh, Jr., Frank Osborn and W. S. Way. Cut and engraved glass valued at $6,000, from the factory of Thomas G. Hawkes, in Corning, were displayed at the World's Exposition in Paris in 1889. Mr. Hawkes was awarded the grand prize. News of the award caused public rejoicing in Coming. Walter S. Dickinson, druggist, died in Corning, October 12, 1889. Dr. Joseph D. Gilbert, aged 74 years, died October 27, at his home in Knoxville. For forty years he had practiced his profession in Corning and vicinity, having resided in Hornby and at Caton prior to 1886. His intelligence, ability as a doctor, and admirable sociability, won sincere and abiding friendships. November 7, 1889. — On account of impaired health, Edward Clisdell retired from the position of Erie Freight Station Agent. In December, 1889, the manufacture of terra cotta was first undertaken at the Corning Brick Works. Heavy rains that continued for several days, caused the Monkey Run, on November 19, 1889, to flood Erie avenue and the section of the village which it usually inundates when on a rampage. The following day the Chemung river rose to within 34 inches of the great June flood high water mark. All trains were held up. In December, 1889, the Corning Glass Works began the building of a sixth chimney. The blowing room was extended 54 feet eastward, making its total length 356 feet. On Monday afternoon, December 23, 1889, the " first cast " was made at the Corning Stove Works. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XLVIL Events In and About Corning — 1890-1895. THE TANNERY of J. D. Hamilton & Company, at Campbell, ceased business in January, 1890, after having been in opera- tion for thirty years, because the available supply of hemlock bark had been exhausted. The firm continued the operation of a larger tannery at Emporium, Pa. January 16, 1890. — Thirty -five men are employed at the Corning Stove Works. M. D. Walker & Co., (successors of C. C. B. Walker's Sons as manufacturers of lumber), began the erection of a saw-mill in the old orchard, in the eastern section of the village, stock logs to be shipped from Tioga and Potter Counties, Pennsylvania. This firm also owns the former Walker & Lathrop hardware store. L C. G. Crandell has opened a furniture store and undertaking establishment. O. G. Egginton and H. P. Sinclaire, Jr., become partners of Thomas G. Hawkes in the glass cutting business — the firm name being T. G. Hawkes & Company. January 30, 1890. — Dr. A. M. Gamman purchased the interest of the late Holland B. Williams in the dry goods business, and became a partner of O. P. Robinson. Firm name : Robinson & Gamman. The Episcopal society resumed services in their restored church the first Sunday in Feburary, 1890. Rev. W. C. Roberts is rector. W. E. Gorton began business in a new foundry, near the Fall Brook shops, in February, 1890. In March, 1890, the erection of electric light poles and the stringing of wires, began, under contract between the Thomson- Houston Electric Company and the Corning Gas Company. 317 318 Corning City Charter Signed by Governor Hill. On March 20, 1890, Governor David B. Hill signed the Legislative act that created the City of Corning, merging the village of Corning, (incorporated in 1848), and the village of Knoxville, (first known as Port Barton, and never incorporated). Word of the signing reached Corning 3 o'clock that afternoon — then whistles sounded, bells clanged, and tin horns and other noise making devices gave expression to the delirium of joy that swept THE CITY. And then without any backing and filling, rival politicians started a campaign for the control of the new municipality. A compromise or Citizens' Ticket was born of the resulting confusion, and won hands down at the first Charter Election, held on Tuesday, April 1, 1890, as follows '• Mayor — Dr. William E. Gorton ; Chamberlain — L. B. Robinson ; Recorder — Daniel F. Brown ; Overseer of the Poor — Thos. O'Bryan ; Assessors — C. G. Howell, Edward Moran, Edward W. Warner ; Seal- er of Weights and Measures — Thomas Barrett ; Game Constable — C. C. Drake ; Justices of the Peace — George Hitchcock and Francis C. Williams ; Constables — W. Nelson Luce and Patrick W. Boylen. The following were elected Aldermen : First Ward, John Peart and William Hunt ; Second Ward, William T. Brady and John W. Fedder ; Third Ward, Edward Clisdell and Charles A. Rubright ; Fourth Ward, James McMahon and John Cogan ; Fifth Ward, George M. Clark and Albert Pritchard. The city members of the Steuben County Board of Supervisors elected were : First District, (Wards 1 and 2) — William A. Foster ; Second District, (Wards 3 and 4) — Peter Griffin ; Third District, (the Fifth Ward, formerly Knoxville) — Samuel C. Robertson. The first meeting of the Common Council of the City of Corning was held Monday evening, April 7, 1890. Harry L. Tyler, aged 17, an apprentice at the Journal office, whose talents as a musician and composer of music had won public recognition, was happily surprised by the gift of a fine new piano. At a meeting of the Common Council held Thursday evening, April 10, 1890, Mayor Gorton submitted and the Aldermen approved the following appointments to city offices : Clerk, Frank L. Pease ; Attorney, Ellsworth D. Mills ; Street Commissioner, W. J. Hewlett ; Excise Commissioners, Thomas Dwyer, Dr. George W. Lane and Jerome S. Billington ; Police Commissioners, Stephen T. Hayt, Philip Farley, Marvin Olcott and William Brewer ; Fire Wardens, William Walker, E. B. Seymour and Weston S. Squires. Electric Street Lights Introduced in Corning. 319 On Thursday, April 17, President Harrison appointed Dr. George W. Pratt, Editor of the Journal, Postmaster of Coming, in place of Frank B. Brown, Editor of the Democrat. Two days later the nomination was confirmed by the United States Senate. H. O. Dorman & Company have taken a contract to build two additional chimneys at the Coming Glass Works — increasing the total number to eight. At a special meeting of the Common Council, held May 2, 1890, the Corning Gas Company was granted a contract for lighting the city streets, with electricity, for five years, at $5,000 per year. 0. J. Robinson removed his stock of books, stationery, toys and notions, from the Concert Block to the new Howell Block. May 21 and 22, 1890, the greater part of the Fifth Ward, (former Knoxville), was flooded by the Chemung River, as also the " Island " and other low lands on the south side of the river channel. The Monkey Run repeated its usual antics and held up Erie trains. C. G. Cole and Henry Beck succeed Philip Farley and Marvin Olcott as Police Commissioners, and A. J. Gilbert succeeds W. J* Hewlett as Commissioner of Highways. Corning, July 10, 1890. — Corning has thirteen and one-third miles of sewers, built at an expense of $55,346. The Federal census, of July, 1890, gave the City of Corning 8,583 population, A school census placed the population at 8,595. Heavy rains that continued for about twenty-four hours, over the upper-Chemung water-shed, caused sudden floods in the Tioga, Cowanesque, Canisteo and Conhoction valleys, September 10, and that night put the Chemung over its banks. Painted Post, Center- ville, and the flat lands of Corning were submerged and until the crest of the flood passed, the next forenoon, a state of panic prevailed, due to fears of a repetition of the great flood of June, 1889. But this flood stopped nearly five feet short of that rise. Charles H. Erwin, auther of " A History of Painted Post," which he left in manuscript form, died at his home in Painted Post, Sept. 6, 1890, aged 68 years. He was a son of Captain Samuel Erwin. In September, 1890, George W. Drake and Marvin Olcott formed a partnership to deal in real estate. In October, 1890, Wm. J. Tully entered Columbia Lav/ School. 320 Steps Taken For Erection of Municipal Building. In October, 1890, Dr. Henry C. May was appointed an Examiner in the Pension Bureau at Washington, D. C. A few weeks later Dr. and Mrs. May moved to that city. In November, 1890, S. C. Robertson placed on sale 200 city lots in the central section of the Fifth "VVard, north of Pulteney street. The First Congregational Church, newly organized, at a meeting held in the Fifth Ward Chapel, Tuesday evening, November 18, 1890, voted to call to its pastorate Rev. Nathan E. Fuller, of Java, N. Y. Attorney Warren J. Cheney, in November, 1890, moved fro m Potsdam, St. Lawrence County, to Corning. In December, 1890, Manley T. Inscho was appointed agent of the Erie Railroad Company at Corning. Nearly two feet of snow fell December 17 and 18, and high winds caused drifts that delayed trains and blocked highways. John D. Hamilton, who for many years conducted a tannery at Campbell, died at his home in that village January 11, 1891. In January, 1891, Millspaugh & Drake, (L. M. Millspaugh and Charles E. Drake), purchased of M. D. Walker & Company the hardware store founded by Charles C. B. Walker. In the Spring of 1891, C. S. Hood & Company erected a foundry and machine shop, on East Third street, for the manufacture of " Cheerful Home " furnaces. Captain Charles H. Freeman, at the State Encampantment of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Buffalo, was elected Commander. W. J. Marsh, coming from Trumansburg, established a drug store on Market street, a few doors east of the Journal office. Miss Fannie S. Jerome presented a parsonage to the Presbyterian Society at Painted Post. At a meeting of the Common Council held on Monday evening, March 16, 1891, petitions signed by over 600 taxpayers were present- ed, requesting that a building be erected for general municipal use, to include offices, a jail, quarters for firemen, a fire station and a public hall. Mayor Gorton was by resolution directed to appoint a committee of three Aldermen to consider the matter and report. He appointed Aldermen E. Clisdell, E. S. Walker and Wm. Nicholson. March 28, 1891, the " Hub Clothing House " began business, at 24 East Market street, with Thomas E. Moran as manager. The Corning Opera House Company, in April, 1891, purchased for $7,000 the Major E. P. Graves house and lot on the west side of Sixteen Corning Men Killed in Railroad Accident. 321 Pine street, next south of the Howell Block, and soon entered into contract with H. O. Dorman & Company to erect theron an Opera House. The contract price was $33,306. The Young Men's Christian Asssciation of Corning, in April, 1891, bought two lots at the northeast corner of Market and Cedar streets, on which to erect a three-story Association building, of brick. May 7, 189L— Ed Mott, formerly a traveling correspondent and sketch writer of the New York Sun, began the publication of the Corning Eveiting Chroitide — a four-page paper, five columns to the page. The venture was not a success. Rev. Dr. Joel Wakeman, aged 82 years, of Painted Post, for many years pastor of the Presbyterian Church in that village, and Miss Irene Coleman, aged 67, were married at the home of the bride in Almond, May 19, 1891. He was pastor at Almond for 20 years. The following Free Academy students were graduated in June, 1891 : Lillian M. Curtiss, Sarah B. Conklin, Josie T. Foley, Glen D. Gorton, Cora J. Gridley, John E. Gill, Minnie I. Haischer, Joseph F. McAlpine, Elizabeth M. Relihan, Clara B. Tuthill, Clarence K Woodward, Eloise F. Wayave and Grace E. Waite. The assessment roll of taxable property in the city of Corning, completed in June, 1891, totalled $3,300,000. Friday, July 3, sixteen young men of Corning, glass workers, were killed in in a rear-end collision at Ravenna, O. The glass factory in which they had employment at Findlay, O., having shut down for the Summer vacation period, forty-four Coming men chartered a passenger car for a trip home. This car was attached to the rear of a fast train. A stop was made at Ravenna, on account of trouble with the locomotive, at 2:30 in the morning, and was run into by a freight train. A fog prevailed and it was densely dark. A number of the survivors were seriously injured. The bodies were brought to Corning, A public funeral was held Sunday afternoon, July 5, at Havard Academy, when addresses were delivered by Rev. Peter Colgan, pastor of St Mary's Church, and Rev. John S. Bacon, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Twelve of the bodies were placed in a plot at St. Mary's Cemetery, having been so mutulated by fire that identification was impossible. The Coming Lumber Company began business in August, 1891. Glode Requa, President ; George W. Foster, Secretary, and WiUiam H. Clark, Treasurer. Office at Erie avenue and Chestnut street. 322 Opening of the New Corning Opera House. August 13, 1891. — The members of the Board of Trustees of the Painted Post public school are W. F. Bronson, Jeffrey Smith, F. H. Loomis, T. F. Minier and J. G. Webster. R. S. Stiles, of Elmira, has been engaged as principal for the coming year. M. D. Walker & Co., (the estate of C. C. B. Walker), erected a saw-mill in the Fifth Ward, on the Post Creek highway. Stock logs, brought by railroad, are rolled from cars directly into a mill-pond. The first number of the Corning Daily Journal was issued on Monday afternoon, September 7, 1891; a six-column, four-page paper ; one cent a copy, $3 a year ; George W, Pratt, Editor. At a meeting of the Vestry of Christ Episcopal Church, held the evening of September 9, 1891, it was unanimously resolved that a new church building be erected, provided " the necessary funds can be procured for the undertaking." A test well drilled by oil prospectors, about three miles north of Coming, on the Hornby highway, was a " duster." Thursday evening, October 8, 1891, the new Coming Opera House opened. The play was " Dorotha's Dilemma," with Miss Rose Coghlan in the title role. The house was crowded. Dr. Augustus T. Mills died October 14. He was born in Corning in 1842, a son of Charles L. Mills, who first settled in Centerville in 1835 and was a merchant. Dr. Mills began the practice of medicine in Corning in 1863. He was a skilful physician and surgeon. January 2, 1892. — Frank E. Sharp has purchased the real estate agency of Olcott & Drake. The Y. M. C. A. has 310 members. J. Towner Hayt was elected Chief Engineer of the Corning Fire Department, and Frank L. Clute was elected First Assistant. January 17, 1892, the following officers of Crystal City Hook and Ladder Campany were elected : Foreman, D. C. Hungerford ; First Assistant, Philo Overacker ; Second, Frank Haradon. March 1, 1892. —The Women's Christian Temperance Union has opened a coffee house and lunch room, on East Market street. The population of the city of Corning is 10,004. The population of the Northside section of the city, (the Fifth Ward), is 1,973. The net receipts of a fair recently held by Crystal City Hook and Ladder Company were $697.05. March 11, 1892. — A heavy fall of snow, accompanied by violent winds, the past two days, caused drifts to form that have delayed the movement of railroad trains and blocked highways. New Young Men's Christian Association Building. 323 The latter part of March, 1892, the Bronson Bank, at Painted Post, was succeeded by A. W. Weston & Co., bankers. The new saw-mill erected in the northern section of the Fifth Ward, by M, D. Walker & Company, began operations, with about fifty employes. It has a capacity of 75,000 feet of lumber per day. Tuesday, April 26, 1892, the seventy-third anniversary of the founding of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, was celebrated in Coming. Visiting Cantons, Encampments and Lodges were present from Binghamton and Hornellsville. There was a parade, in which the local fire companies and city officials took part. Dr. Mark S. Purdy has opened a sanitarium, named " Highland Pine s," located on the hill-side near the south city line. In May, 1892, Heermans & Lawrence began the construction of a three-stor>^ brick block at the southeast corner of Erie avenue and Pine street, the site of the Exchange Hotel of former days. In May, 1892, Christ Episcopal Church purchased the house and large lot, known as the J. H. Dampf property, at Cedar and First streets, as a site for a house of worship. The new Young Men's Christian Association building, at Cedar and Market streets, was dedicated Sunday afternoon. May 8, 1892. Rev. B. I. Ives, of Auburn, conducted the services. At a special election of taxpayers of the city of Corning, held May 24, 1892, bond issues were authorized, of $35,000 to erect a city hall and $75,000 to construct dykes. The majority in favor of the dykes was 333 ; in favor of the city hall, 447. The members of the River Commission are F, D. Kingsbury, H. C. Heermans, S. T. Hayt, Jr., and O. W. Bump. Free Academy graduation exercises were held at the Opera House, Thursday, June 30, when the following students received diplomas : Laura M. Branch, James P. Boyle, Harriet M. Bryan, Wil- liam A. Conlon, Edith H. Cary, John V. Cooper, Jay L. Ferenbaugh. Metta Hunt, Roy Heermans, Catherine F. McAlpine, Raymond V. Ingersoll, Elvira M. Pierson, Edith Walker, Leon J. Wayave, Jr., and Josephine L, Wilkinson. Dr. Slocum, for 16 years master of the pubHc schools, delivered a brief farewell address, and announced that he would soon move to Kalamazoo, Michigan. That evening, at their home Dr. and Mrs Slocum were presented a set of cut glass. On July 1, 1892, the name of the Fall Brook Coal Company was changed to the Fall Brook Railroad Company. 324 Common Council Lets Contract for City Hall Charles G. Denison, aged 64 years, died at his home in Coming,, Saturday morning, July 2, 1892. He was born in Susquehanna County, Pa.; come to Corning in 1848 ; was a clerk in the store of his uncle, G. D. Williams ; in 1855 married Miss Martha Land ; they moved to Tioga, Pa., where for two years he was a merchant ; then returned to Corning. In Coming Mr. Denison continued in business till his death, selling coal, wood, farm supplies, flour and feed, and in canal days conducted a warehouse and shipping business. He had been President of the village of Corning, served several terms as a village Trustee, and had for over twenty years been a member of the Board of Education. A son, Charles L. Denison, and two daughters. Miss Ella Denison and Mrs. Charles W. Congdon, survive. July 2, 1892.— The Board of Education of School District No. 9, (the Southside schools of Coming), engaged Dr. Leigh R. Hunt, of Troy, N. Y., as successor of A. G. Slocum. Dr. Hunt had for a series of years been a promient factor in the schools of Troy. The Common Council approved plans for a City Hail. Dr. Nelson M. Herrington, who came to Corning in 1844 and had since continued in practice here, died July 23, 1892, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George H. Kennedy, in Niagara Falls. On Friday, August 5, 1892, a convention and parade of the volunteer fire companies of Steuben County was held in Coming. August 6, 1892.— Mrs. William H. Maltby and ten children arrived in Corning from England, to join her husband and two older sons. Mr. Maltby is Superintendent of the terra cotta department at the local Brick, Terra Cotta and Tile Works. Robert W. Terbell purchased the interest of William E. Gorton in the diaig store of Gorton & Terbell. September 3, 1892. — Wheeler, Bradstreet & Co., have opened a wholesale meat warehouse at Gibson, in a newly erected building. They deal in western meats, this being an auxiliary establishment. October 6 the Common Council awarded a contract for erecting a City Hall to Thomas Bradley & Company, of Corning, at $28,579.50. A. Blumenthal, jeweler, purchased the Parcells building, in which his store is located, paying $8,000. November 3, 1892.— While hurrying across the Erie tracks at the grade crossing in Painted Post, the wife of Rev. C. J. Bradbury stumbled and fell, and was killed by a train. She was 72 years old. An Electric Street Railroad Company Organized, 325 At a public meeting held Monday afternoon, November 21, the matter of constructing a street railroad, connecting Gibson and Paint- ed Post, by way of Market street, was considered. Incorporation papers were approved in which the following directors were named : R B. Brown, Edward Clisdell, H. H. Pratt, J. Towner Hayt, Hugh H. Kendall, Charles E. Greenfield, Charles A. Hungerford, George W, Drake and Charles A. Reynolds, all of Corning ; and John A. Seeley, B, S. Hoyt, C. O. Baker, Jr., Frederick Swift and Harry H. Hunger- ford, of New York. The plan included branch lines on Bridge street to the Lackawanna track, and on Mill street to Brown's Crossing. Frank B. Brown was elected President ; Edward Clisdell, Vice-Presi- dent, and Charles A. Hungerford, Secretary, Capital, $100,000. Franklin N. Drake, aged 75 years, of Corning, died December 28, 1892, at North Adams, Mass., where he was receiving medical treatment. He was born at Milton, Vermont. ¥/hen 15 years old he became clerk in a drug store at Le Roy, N. Y.; three years later he went west and remained a year, then clerked in a drug store in New York ; in 1840 he returned to Le Roy, and there engaged in the grocery and hardware business till 1854, when he purchased a saw- mill and a large tract of timber land in the town of Cohocton ; in 1866 he sold this property and was one of seven persons to purchase coal lands near Biossburg, Pa,, and to found the village of Amot ; he was President of the Bloss Coal Mining and Bailroad Company that opened and operated the Amot mines, and constructed and operated a railroad thence to Biossburg ; in 1867 he moved to Corning, the Amot interests having been sold to the Biossburg Coal Company, of which Mr. Drake was made President, and also President of the Tioga Railroad Company — the line that extended from Biossburg to the State line at Lawrenceville. In 1866 a railroad was built that extended the Tioga line from Tioga Junction to Elmira, giving the Erie direct connection with the Biossburg coal fields. He established the First National Bank of Corning in 1882 ; was President of the Coming Stove Company, owned a number of business blocks in the city, and owned various tracts of farming and timber lands. Mrs. Drake and two sons survive— Henry and James A. Drake. In January, after ten years of service. Rev. J. H. Bacon resigned the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church, to take effect May 1. Rev. John J. Brady, aged 52 years, assistant pastor of St. Mary's Church for nearly a year, died January 21, 1893. 326 First Methodist Church of Corning Is Dedicated. The Painted Post and Corning Improvement Company was organized in March, 1893, to purchase and develope 97 acres of land in the town of Corning, near the village of painted post. Streets were graded and the land divided into building lots and placed on the market. Officers of the company : J. I. Stanton, President ; F. A. Fenderson, Secretary ; G. H. Brewster, Treasurer. March 3, 1893, the Common Council granted the Citizen's Electric Bailroad Company a franchise to construct an electric street railroad in Coming, to cross the Chemung river at Bridge street. This franchise was not accepted by the projectors of the road. At the services in Christ Episcopal Church on Sunday, April 3, nearly $30,000 in subscriptions were taken on a fund to erect a church at Cedar and First streets. For three afternoons and evenings phonograph concerts were given at the Opera House, and were largely attended. This was the first exhibition of the kind in Corning. April 17, 1893, the new Hotel Kennedy, East Erie avenue, began business. Clark H. Kennedy is landlord ; Lewis Northrup is clerk. A report made to the Board of River Commissioners, by Palmer C. Rickets, Civil Engineer, of Troy, N. Y., showed that four and thirteen-hundredth miles of dykes would be required to protect both sections of the city from being flooded, and the cost of construction would be $126,000. An additional dyke bond issue was proposed. A lodge of the Knights of Pythias was organized in Corning,. May 26, 1893, by Charles E. Greenfield. Charles E. Walker, aged 33 years, died June 6, 1893. He was a member of the State Senate, a son of Charles C. B. Walker, deceased, and all his life a resident of Corning. The Coming City Band was organized in June, 1893, with F. E. Weale as Director and Fred A. Smith as Drum Major. June 26, 1893. — H. O. Dorman & Co., began tearing down the First Methodist Church, at Cedar and First streets, preparatory to erecting on the site a larger house of worship. Hope Cemetery Chapel has been completed. It is a stone structure of excellent design, and cost $7,000. Dennis Cavanaugh, aged 70 years, died July 6, 1893. He was bom in Ireland, had resided in Corning 45 years, was employed as a general helper in Walker & Lathrop's hardware store for 32 years ; A Most Destructive Hail, Rain and Wind Storm. 327 his cheerfulness and courtesy won him many enduring friends. Mrs. Cavenaugh and nine children survive. August 30, 1893, the resignation of Rev. C. B. Perkins, for five years pastor of the First Baptist Church, was accepted. J. Hoare & Co., of Corning, were awarded several medals at the World's Fair in Chicago, on cut glass exhibits. Thursday afternoon, September 7, 1893, a terrific storm of rain with intervals of hail, whirling winds blowing with destructive force, swept across the southeastern portion of Steuben County. For some ten minutes, when the storm was at its height, hail fell in a mass most of them larger than hickory nuts, and many above an inch in •diamater. In Corning about 20,000 panes of window glass were destroyed Many plate glass windows were broken. At the Corning Glass Works near 1,600 panes of glass w€re broken ; at the Fall Brook shops, 2,000 ; Rowley's green-houses, 1,500 ; six stained glass windows in St Mary's Church were ruined. Leaves and small branches were beaten from trees, and garden and field crops along the path of the storm, through the towns of Bradford, the western portion of Hornby, eastern Campbell, the entire towns of Coming and Erwin, and about half of Caton, were nearly obliterated. The storm came from the north and was a local disturbance. The losses were estimated at $350,000. No one was killed or seriously injured. The monument at St. Mary's Cemetery, as a memorial of the glass workers who were killed in the railroad disaster at Ravenna, C, was unveiled September 16. Attorney William F. McNamara, of Coming, delivered the address. Dean Colgan spoke briefly. Andrew J. Ingersoll, aged 75 years, founder and proprietor of the '" Pine wood " sanitarium at the junction of the Post Creek with the Chemung valley, died September 26, 1893. In 1876 he published a book, " In Health," in which he set forth theories he had developed in regard to the cause and cure of human infirmities. He was an advocate of what is commonly termed " Healing by Faith." September 27, 1893, Edwin H. Tenbroeck Camp, Sons of Veter- ans' was organized, with the following officers : C. J. Coon, Captain ; George Starr, First Lieutenant ; Albert Campbell, Second Lieuten- ant ; Camp Council — ^Joseph Deuel, Guy Wescott and C. H. Hall. The corner-stone of the Methodist Church at Cedar and First streets was laid Monday, October 2, 1893, by Rev. C. W. Winchester, Presiding Elder, and Rev. Henry C. Woods, Pastor of the church. 328 Firemen Hold Fair In Coming's New City Hall Members of the Building Committee : Truman S. Pritchard, George Heermans and John I. Stanton. October 24, 1893 —The new Hotel Kennedy was sold to H. O. Dorman & Co., the builders, for $15,817.14, including their lien. Rev. J. Frederick Calkins, aged 77 years, grandson of Frederick Calkins who was the first settler within the bounds of the present town and city of Corning, and whose father— James Calkins — was the first white child bom in the township, died Nov. 2, at Geneva. The corner-stone of Christ Episcopal Church, at the northwest comer of Cedar and First streets, was placed Thursday afternoon, November 16, 1893, by Rev. Dr. Converse, of Geneva, assisted by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, the rector. Harry C. Heermans, City Engineer, completed a new map of the city of Corning, made from actual surveys. The City Hall building was completed in November, 1893, and the " house warming " was a fair and sale conducted by Pritchard Hose Company and the Protectives, the week of December 11-16. The latter part of December an electric fire alarm system was installed, so arranged as to sound the number of the fire-box ringing in, by striking the bell in the City Hall tower with a 30-lb. hammer. The following are officers of the Corning Fire Department for the year 1894 : Marvin Olcott, President ; William H. Buck, Vice- President, and William L. McGeorge, Secretary. For a consideration of $2,500, to be paid by the Corning Board of Trade, Thomas Appleby agreed to move his harness factory from Bath to Coming, and to employ not less than 25 men. February 19, 1894.— James A. Drake has purchased the planing and builders' supplies mills, with lumber yards and stock buildings, and the saw-mill of M. D. Walker & Co, and continues the business. Forrest & Chadwick, former proprietors of a hotel at Towanda, Pa., purchased the Kennedy Hotel in Coming, and in February took possession as landlords, changing the name to Hotel Chadwick. In March, 1894, the city acquired by purchase of the Thomas A. Johnson Estate, lands that include the big spring that is the city's source of water supply, and lots thence to the Chemung River. In March, 1894, Dr. George S. Goff began practice in Coming, having moved to the city from Cameron Mills. Brother Ives Once Again Lifts Corning Church Debt. 329 April 18, 1894, President Cleveland appointed George W. Drake to succeed Dr. George W. Pratt as Postmaster of Corning. Continued heavy rains caused a flood May 20 and 21, 1894, that damaged crops along the Chemung valley. The crest of the flood at Corning was reached Monday evening, May 21, when the rise was nearly four feet feet below the high water mark in June, 1889. The new Methodist Church, at Cedar and First streets, was dedicated June 10, 1894. It cost $40,000, including the pipe organ. Tv/enty-seven thousand dollars were subscribed at the dedication services, clearing the property of debt. The principal contributors were, Samuel C. Robertson, $5,000 ; George Heermans, $3,000 ; six persons, $1,000 each ; twenty, $500 each ; twenty, $100 each. Rev. B. I. Ives, of Auburn, " lifted the debt." A memorial monument, erected in recognition of the Indian tribes who dwelt in the Genesee Country before white occupancy, was dedicated at Painted Post on Thursday, June 21. Dr. William S. Purdy, aged 85 years, died at his home on Cedar street, Saturday evening, June 30, 1894. He practiced medicine successively in Lima, Penn Yan, Barrington, Dundee, Bradford, Addison and Corning. He was a homeopath, and prominent as a leader among physicians of that school. He was a likeable man. The saw-mill in the northern section of the city, recently sold by the Walker Estate to James A. Drake, was destroyed by fire, July 2. In early days, and especially at " general trainings," and when a street parade was headed by a brass band, the great feature was the " Drum Major." Coming's brass bands have been well favored in this respect, but the one particular "Drum Major," in form and action, a six-footer of splendid form, a home product, is Major Fred A. Smith — who in 1921 is an even greater attraction " on parade," than was the case when he astounded Rochester with his wonder- ful exhibition of wand-manipulation on the Fourth of July, 1894. Said the Rochester Morning Herald in the issue of July 5, 1894 : " The Drum Major, clad in sailor's attire, who did the baton waving for Bauer's Band yesterday morning, was emphatically a daisy. The way he twirled his silver-tipped stick won the earnest approval of every small boy along the line of march, all of whom pronounced him a wonder, in a mat- ter truly marvelous. Hither and thither it flew from his hands, describing circles, arcs, spheroids and all sorts of geometrical figures, the bright trimming glittering in the sun in a way calculated to make one dizzy. " He performed his star feat amid applause on Chestnut street. Stretched across the roadway was a flag, probably fifty feet from the 330 Hotel, Church and Five Dwellings Burn at Gibson. ground. The Wonder saw the flag, and it straitway became his meat ; with a twirl he sent the baton spinning out of his hands. Up, up it went, and the folks who watched it forgot to breathe and made bets with them- selves that he wouldn't catch it when it came down. It continued to ascend until the flag was about a dozen feet below, then it began to come down, still whirling. The Wonder was right there to welcome it. With an airy, fairy Lillian style of grace he snatched the stick, and assuming a dignified air, strutted along as though the whole affair bored him exceed- ingly. The audience that greeted the exploit could be heard blocks away. The name of the Wonder is Fred Smith, of Corning." Sunday, July 8, 1894. — Bishop Ryan, of Buffalo, confirmed 200 .persons at St. Mary's Church and delivered a notable address. Friday afternoon, July 20, 1894. — A fire that started in a barn of Head's Hotel at Gibson, destroyed the hotel, two bams, the Free Methodist Church, the residence of the late Nelson Cowan and two dwellings owned by Ella M. Tupper, and two by Harvey Turvey. August 1, 1894. — Fralick Brothers, of Lamb's Creek, leased the mill site and yards occupied by the Walker saw-mill, recently burned, and are to erect and operate a saw-mill theron. William Walker died August 3, 1894. He was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1827 ; came to the United States in 1841 ; established a hat, cap, glove and fur store in Corning in 1856 ; later added life and fire insurance ; in 1859 married Miss Helen Comstock Bostwick. He was successful in business and helpful in promoting the religious life and educational interests of the community. Mrs. Walker and four children survive — William B., Anne, Helen and Edith. At the Corning Opera House, the evenings of August 8-9, as a benefit for the Women's Christian Temperance Union, the Story of the Life of Luther was elaborately staged, by home talent. E, C. English was Emperor, Dr. C. E. Campbell was Cardinal, Fred Gluer was Luther, Mrs. J. I. Stanton was Abbess. Almy & Thomas succeed W. E. Vanderhoef, grocer. The latter part of August there was a plague of grasshoppers. Mrs. Mary Schofield, deceased, widow of Eber Schofield, by will gave $5,000 to the Congregational Society for use in building a church. The remaining farm land of the Goff Estate, bounded on the north by Pulteney street and on the west by the Erie Railroad, has been sold to R. B. Rhymel, of Elmira, for $19,000— $600 per acre. It will be divided into building lots and placed on the market. Franchise Granted Corning and Painted Post Railway. 331 At a meeting held at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, the evening of October 17, 1894, a German Evangelical Church was formed, with Rev. William Stern as Pastor ; William Diepold, John Shafer and Alwin Siedemann, Elders ; Henry Beck, John Herr and Frederick Hilk, Directors ; Valentine Rettig, Charles A. Ruberight and Herman Richter, Trustees. Prof. George Hunt organized a brass band at Mossy Glen. November 12, 1894. — At a meeting of the Citizen's Electric Rail- way Company, the following directors were chosen to fill vacancies : Arthur A. Houghton, Benjamin W. Wellington, Colonel John Magee and Frank D. Kingsbury. The First Presbyterian Church issued a call to the pastorate tO/ Rev. Dr. A. J. Hutton, of Rochester, who accepted. December 4, 1894, articles of incorporation were filed at Albany by the Corning and Painted Post Street Railway, organized to build and operate a trolley line from Brown's Crossing to the business center of Painted Post, via Market, State, Bridge and West Pulteney streets in Corning, with a spur line on Bridge street from Pulteney to the Lackawanna Railroad. The officers are : Edward W. Shedd, of Worcester, Mass., President ; Hosea A. Clark, Secretary ; these officers and the following men being Directors : John W. Clark, Frank H. Viele, Morris E. Gregory, C. L. B. Tylee, Dr. Edwin J. Carpenter, Dr. John L. Miller. This company was an new venture. At a meeting of the Common Council held Wednesday evening, December 5, 1894, applications for franchises to construct and operate electric railways in Corning were made by three companies, namely : The Citizen's Electric Street Railway, Frank B. Brown, President ; The Corning and Painted Post Street Railway, Edward W. Shedd, President, and The Corning Traction Company, organized by Waverly and Sayre capitalists. The Common Council voted to consider the applications Friday evening, December 21. The Corning Club purchased the lot at the northwest corner of Pine and First streets as a site for a club house. December 21, 1894, the Common Council granted a franchise to The Corning and Painted Post Street Railway. The vote was unan- imous and the action was at once approved by Mayor W. W. Adams. The term of the franchise was thirty years, and it was required that the line be in operation by October 1, 1895. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XLVIIL Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1885 to 1895. MARRIED IN CORNING, January 5, 1885, by Rev. Rutger Dox, Dr. John L. Miller and Miss Evalena Wilson, both of Corning. In Corning, January 12, 1885, by Rev. S. W. Lloyd, Albert T. Miller and Miss Stella Baker, both of Corning. In Corning, January 15, 1885, Frank W. Jenness and Miss Kate M. Smith, daughter of Justin Smith. In Hornby, February 11, 1885, Edward Townley, of Knoxville, and Miss Anna May daughter of Thomas Oldfield. In Hornby, February 5, 1885, Elbert S. Stanton and Miss Ida M. daughter of D. J. Murphy. In Lindley. March 19, 1885, by Rev. L. D. Ayers, George L. White, of Caton, and Miss Inez R. West, of Lindley. In Painted Post, May 1, 1885, Hiram Lewis, of Corning, and Miss Elizabeth A. Bennett, of the town of Erwin. In Corning, May 20, 1885, by Rev. P. Colgan, Cornelius Lyons, of Big Flats, and Miss Kate McDonald, of Corning. In Lindley, May 26, 1885, by Rev. Rutger Dox, Frank L. Wescott and Miss Marion Berry. At the home of the bride in Hornby, June 3, 1885, Frank E. Easling, of Lindley, and Carrie daughter Egbert Pond. In Corning, June 4, 1885, by Rev. Rutger Dox, James H. Winfield and Miss Amelia G. Straubinger. In Coming, July 8, 1885, Henry Elwell and Miss Mary Sullivan. 332 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1885-'86. 333 Dr. Thomas A. McNamara and Miss Katherine T. Dwyer, of Coming, were married July 8, 1885, by Rev. P. Colgan, In Corning, July 13, 1885, Robert H. VanVailon, of Mansfield, Pa.„ and Miss Josephine Fuller, of Knoxville, town of Corning. In Corning, September 9, 1885, by Rev. John S. Bacon, F. Comie Brown, son of Frank B. Brown, and Miss Kate V. Ingersoll. Married in Hornby, October 8, 1885, Frederick L. Rogers and Miss Carrie M, Erwin, daughter of Samuel C. Erwin. Married at the First Presbyterian Church in Albany, N. Y., October 14, 1885, by Rev. Walter Nichols, Marvin Olcott, of Coming, and Fanny F. daughter of James C. Cook, of Albany. November 18, 1885, Joseph W. Borst, of Painted Post, and Mary Agnes daughter of W. E. Murphy, deceased, of Elmira. In St. Mary's Church, Coming, November 19, 1885, by Rev. P. Colgan, John J. Quigley and Miss Mary McCarthy. In Knoxville, November 25, 1885, Myron D. Palmer, of Wellsville, and Mrs. Anna E. Ketcham, of Knoxville. In Painted Post, December 9, 1885, by Rev. F. D. T. Bickley, John W. VanOrder and Miss Lottie M. Havens. In Corning, December 15, 1885, Andrew J. McConnell and Miss Flora M. Bundy. In Painted Post, December 22, 1885, James E. McCabe and Miss Kate N. Cutler. In Coming, December 25, 1885, by Rev. Rutger Dox, Joseph E. Barber, of Corning, and Miss Carrie R. Brown, of Cedar Run, Pa. In Corning, December 31, 1885, George Sheffield, Jr., and Fanny A. daughter of C. M. Reed. In Coming, Jan. 28, 1886, Elisha Thomas and Mrs. Jane Gibbs. In Knoxville, February 17, 1886, George W. Radley, of Moreland, and Carrie daughter of N. Viele, of Knoxville. In Erwin, March 17, 1886, by Rev. John S. Bacon, Harry C. Heermans, of Corning, and Annie L. daughter of E. E. Townsend. In Knoxville, April 27, 1886, by Rev. R. C. Brownlee, William F. Townley, Jr., and Miss Mary L. Rose, both of Knoxville. In Knoxville, 20, May 1886, James Travis, of Hornby, and Miss Phoebe J. Cooper, of Painted Post. 334 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1886-'88. In Caton, June 17, 1886, Osceola Gilbert and Emma Mclntyre. In Corning, July 14, 1886, by Rev. John S. Bacon, Charles W. Congdon, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Carrie, daughter of C. G. Denison. At Christ Church, Coming, September 23, 1886, Benjamin W. Wellington, son of Q, W. Wellington, and Miss Anna B. daughter of William H. Robinson, were married by Rev. R. R. Converse. In Gibson, January 12, 1887, Robert E. Rose and Miss Ida Ellison. In Painted Post, February 2, 1887, by Rev. Joel Wakeman, Augustus H. Wood and Miss Lillian H. Palmer. In Corning, February 28, 1887, Arthur T. Wood, of Caton, and Miss Hattie McCumber, of Corning. In Caton, April 10, 1887, Chas. W. Weale and Nettie L. Herrick. In Corning, April 11, 1887, by Rev. P. Colgan, William J. Earl and Miss Lizzie T. daughter of Mrs. Thomas Clark. In Coming, April 14, 1887, by Rev. R. R. Converse, William H. Sayles and Mary daughter of John Hoare. In Knoxville, May 11, 1887, by Rev. John S. Bacon, Daniel E. Hungerford and Nellie M. daughter of M. Mercereau. In Caton, July 10, 1887, Fenton L. Sage and Myrtie J. Barber. In Corning, August 18, 1887, by Rev. E. N. Potter, of Geneva, the Rev. Rob Roy Converse and Miss Mary Amelia Howard, daughter of Mrs. A. C. Stearns, of Corning. In Painted Post, October 19, 1887, Walter H. Freeman, of St. Ignace, Mich., and Ada daughter of Alanson J. Fox. In Painted Post, October 26, 1887, by Rev. T. M. Hodgman, of Rochester, Richard Henry Goffe, Jr., and Mary Frances daughter of Warren S. Hodgman. In Hornell, December 31, 1887, by Rev. James Griffin, a brother of the bride. Attorney William F. McNamara, of Corning, and Miss Mary A. Griffin, of Hornell. At Christ Church, Corning, February 9, 1888, by Rev. Rob Roy Converse, Francis J. Bantley and Miss Louisa M. Walz. In Caton, March 1, 1888, John C. Roe, of Mecklenburgh, and Emma daughter of Nelson D. Davis. In Corning, March 15, 1888, by Rev. J. S. Bacon, Benjamin W. Huntley and Minnie daughter of Edwin Spaulding. Marriages in Corning and Vicinity, 1888-'89. 335 In Corning, April 12, 1888, Charles L. Denison and Miss Eda Young, daughter of Mrs. J. F. Young. In Corning, April 11, 1888, by Rev. C. E. Millspaugh, George R. Bragg and Anna M., daughter of Henry Grove. In Corning, April 17, 1888, Wm. J. Young and Jennie M. Seeley. At the home of the bride in Millport, May 2, 1888, Frederick S. Bragg, Jr., of Corning, and Sarah L. Parks. In Knoxville, June 20, 1888, Peter H. Uhl, of Corning, and Mettle E. daughter of E. W. Palmer, of Knoxville. In Corning, July 18, 1888, Louis H. Seymour, of Corning, and Miss Belle Guile, of Syracuse. In Corning, August 25, 1888, John Shaver, of Freeville, and Miss Lena Palmer, of Corning. At St. Mary's Church, Corning, November 12, 1888, Loronzo F. Purtell and Louise Argue, daughter of the late Thomas Argue. In Caton, November 22, 1888, by Rev. H. B. Troxell, Charles W. Edmunds, of Elmira, and Miss Minnie M. Holmes, of Caton. In Corning, December 27, 1888, Mort. B. Cole and Miss Nellie M., daughter of Mrs. Mary E. Veith, both of Corning. In Corning, December 19, 1888, by Rev. J. S. Bacon, Dr. William C. Wilbur and Miss Eva Rose daughter of W. S. Dickinson. In Corning, January 18, 1889, Walter J. Blair and Miss Flora L. daughter of Harvey T. Cole, Sr. In Knoxville, April 2, 1889, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Lyman M. Day and Miss Luella Irwin. In Painted Post, April 7, Maynard Russell and Mary J. Babcock. In Corning, May 1, 1889, A. I. Martin and Fanny H., daughter of Jerome B. Maltby. At St. Mary's Church, Corning, May 7, 1889, by Rev. P. Colgan, Patrick Relihan and Miss Maggie Donnelly. In Addison, June 13, 1889, J. M. Greig, of Corning, and Miss Nettie Mitchell, daughter of the late John Mitchell. In Corming, September 3, 1889, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, William H. Sturdevant and Miss Eliza M., daughter of William Taylor. In Coming, September 17, 1889, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, John H. Marland and Miss Carrie Linford. 336 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1889 -'90. In Coming, October 15, 1889, William L. McGeorge and Miss Caroline R. daughter of Abel B. Witt. In Corning, October 16, 1889, Wesley Sherwood, of Corning, and Miss Grace Stickler, of Painted Post. In Corning, October 30, 1889, William J. Buchanan and Lizzie daughter of Mrs. 0. C. Patchell. In Lindley, November 20, 1889, by Rev. L. D. Ayers, Edwin S. Orr and Miss Josie E. Ayers, both of Lindley. In Corning, December 2, 1889, by Rev. J. S. Bacon, C. Glenn Cole and Hattie E. daughter of the late Charles C. B. Walker. In Corning, December 18, 1889, Dr. Harry H. Boswell, of Buffalo, and Leonora C. daughter of Mrs. John Heermans. In Coming, January 15, 1890, W. A. Morrison and Miss Lola E. daughter of Burton Edminster. In Corning, January 19, 1890, Richard Webb and Golda M. daughter of George Kellogg. In Corning, January 22, 1890, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, Frank N. Markell and Miss Charlotte Borst, daughter of Alexander Borst. In Corning, January 22, 1890, by Rev. C. E. Millspaugh, Charles E. Rose and Miss Effie M. daughter of Luman S. Conover, In Campbell, February 5, 1890, by Rev. George R. Smith, John D. Hamilton and Mrs. Lydia M. Bundy. At St. Mary's Church, Corning, April 23, 1890, by Rev. Dean Colgan, Charles Gregorius and Miss Mary K. Clark. In Coming, May 28, 1890, by Rev. C. W. Roberts, Henry P. Sinclaire, Sr., and Miss Annie D. Watson. July 2, 1890, Wilson E. Sharp, of Corning, and Miss Rosa M. Griswold, of Lindley. In Corning, July 4, 1890, William R. Devoe and May Palmer. July 14, 1890, LeGrand Gorton, of Gibson, and Mrs. D. H Thompson, of Corning, In Corning, August 6, 1890, by Rev. Dean Colgan. Peter McCarty and Miss Julia T. O'Connor. In Corning, August 14, 1890, Charles B. Woodward and Carrie A. daughter of Nelson J. Ellison. In Campbell, September 24, 1890, by Rev. George R. Smith, Daniel M. Runner and Miss Orie B. Cass, both of Campbell. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1890-'91. 337 In Hornby, September 25, 1890, by Rev. H. W. Bixby, William Bedient and Miss Myrtie Taylorson. In Corning, October 22, 1890, Frank E. Sharp and Carrie daugh- ter of H. J. Frazee, both of Corning. In Corning, October 18, 1890, John B. Trexler, of Corning, and Mrs. Catharine J. Pierce, of Painted Post. In Corning, October 29, 1890, Herbert S. Thomas and Miss Edith May Haradon, daughter of H. B. Haradon. In Corning, November 10, 1890, Fred A. Wescott and Miss Maggie Blackburn. In Lindley, November 6, 1890, by Rev. L. D. Ayers, George G. Brooks, of Painted Post, and May Bell Ayers, of Lindley. In Campbell, February 25, 1891, by Rev. George R. Smith, Dr. Charles S. Smith and Miss Mary Walling, both of Campbell. In Corning, March 25, 1891, by Rev. J. S. Bacon, Thomas P. Fiske, of New York, and Martha T. daughter of Stephen T. Hayt. In Corning, March 31, 1891, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Joseph A. Banks and Susan Bertha daughter of J. P. Carr. In Corning, April 8, 1891, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, William Durant, of Geneva, and Jennie daughter of Mrs. Mary M. Sayles. April 26, 1891, Elmer Humphrey and Cora Rhoda, of Hornby. In Painted Post, April 29, 1891, by Rev. C. J. Bradbury, Carl T. Eastman, of Homellsville, and Miss Ella daughter of David Russell. In Caton, May 7, 1891, by Rev. H. F. Allen, Dr. Charles A. Carr and Miss Effie A. White. In Corning, May 19, 1891, John T. Smith and Mrs. Jane Harris. June 2, 1891, at St. Mary's, Martin Skelly and Miss Lizzie Cullen. In Corning, June 24, 1891, by Rev. J. S. Bacon, John Hoare, Jr., and Miss Sarah L. Ewing. At Christ Church, Corning, June 25, 1891, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Alanson Bigelow Houghton and Miss Adelaide Louise Wellington, daughter of Quincy Wi Wellington. In Painted Post, July 25, 1891, Frank H. Brown, of Corning, and Mary J. McGovern, of Painted Post. In Coming, July 30, 1891, George L. Rogers, of Hornby, and Miss Edith daughter of Clark Husted, of Coming. 338 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1891 -'92. In Corning, August 15, 1891, Grant Roberts, of Watkins, and Fannie Millspaugh, of Corning. August 23, 1891. Geo. S. Bowers and Julia E. Ames, of Hornby. In Corning, October 27, 1891, J, Percy Carr, Jr., and Miss Eloise F. daughter of Leon Wayave. In Elmira, October 8, 1891, Lewis R. Bennett and Emma daugh- ter of T. J. Presho, of Presho, town of Lindley. In Corning, October 31, 1891, Reuben S. Carter, of Corning, and Miss Ida M. daughter of Eri Bunnell, of Lawrenceville, Pa. In Corning, November 18, 1891, John M. Owen and Alice vSmith. In Corning, November 18, 1891, by Rev. Charles B. Perkins, Geo. Earned and Miss Mabel M. VanAustin. In Corning, December 17, 1891, by Rev. J. S. Bacon, Ward E. Richards and Nellie C. daughter of J. D. Nares. In Coming, December 23, 1891, V. J. Barnard and Carrie Smith. In Corning, January 12, 1892, by Rev. H. C. Woods, William E. Kimball, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., and Miss Cora Cleveland. In Corning, February 23, 1892, by Rev. Charles B. Perkins, James E. Rose and Minnie E. Youmans. In Corning, February 29, 1892, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, William H. Stewart and Carrie J. daughter of Oliver P. Hamilton. In Coming, March 9, 1892, John S. Youmans and Emma J. Rose. In Hornby, March 27, 1892, John B. Houlden and Grace A. Rolfe. In Painted Post, March 28, 1892, by Rev. J. C. Bradburj^ Charles M. Mayo and Carrie B. VanGorder, both of Lindley. In Coming, April 2, 1892, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, Clarence P. Tremain, of Corning, and Hattie M. Silsbee, of Big Flats. In Corning, April 5, Edward Gibson and Charity C. Carpenter. April 20, 1892, W. E. Ferenbaugh, of Post Creek, and Sarah G. daughter of Thomas Oldfield, of Hornby. In Corning, April 20, 1892, W. R. Bragg and Nina Goodridge. In Coming, April 27, 1892, George J. Frazier, of Bloomington, 111., and Miss Luella V. daughter of Mrs. Robert Bissell, of Coming. In Corning, May 17, 1892, at St. Mary's Church, Philip R. Kinsella, of Painted Post, and Miss Mame daughter of Levi Cowley. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1892. 339 • In Corning, May 12, 1892, P. J. O'Hara and Miss Mary Natusch. In Corning, May 25, 1892, Wellington Bennett, of Corning, and Miss Nora L. Greek, of Savona. In Coming, June 14, 1892, William Share and Katherine Rettig. At Christ Church, Corning, June 16, 1892, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, George Furman Smith and Miss Emma Jane daughter of Joseph J. Tully. In Corning,June23, 1892, Clarence Cochran and Bertha Lambert. In Coming, June 27, 1892, by Rev. Dean Colgan, William F. Nunan and Miss Bridget Holleran, both of Corning. In Corning, June 28, 1892, by Rev. Dean Colgan, Curtis E. Hawk, of Columbus, 0., and Miss Nellie D. Clark, of Corning. In Corning, June 29, 1892, John Lawless and Mary Gavigan. In Corning, July 13, 1892, by Rev. Dean Colgan, William H. Gallagher and Miss Kate O'Shaughnessy. In Corning, July 21, 1892, by Rev. Dean Colgan, William Hart and Lizzie daughter of Peter Burns. In New York, August 23, 1892, Gottlieb H. Tobias, of Corning, and Miss Amelia Marcussen, of New York. At Troy, Pa., September 5, 1892, Milton E. Holden, of Corning, and Miss Kittie Price, of Troy, In Corning, September 7, 1892, Fred Gais and Mary Kock. In Corning, September 8, 1892, N. L. Eaton and Miss Lillian Northrup, both of Post Creek. In Corning, September 14, 1892, by Rev. J. C. Bacon, Harry H. Pratt and Miss Clarissa C. daughter of George T. Spencer. In Coming, September 15, 1892, by Rev. J. C. Bacon, James A. Whitney and Maud H. Taylor. At Southport, September 21, 1892, Matt. S. Pratt, of Caton, and Sarah G. Jerram, of Southport. In Corning, September 27, 1892, by Rev. J. S. Bacon, Austin Lafevre and Miss Nettie M. Durand. In Corning, September 28, 1892, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Herbert J. Reynolds and Miss Catherine 0. daughter of Frederick Lamper. In Coming, October 5, 1892, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, Thomas B. Clark, of Corning, and Ethel E. Clark, of FrankHn, Mass. 340 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1892 -'93. At Gang Mills, October 15, 1892, by Rev. L. D. Ayers, Harvey VanGorder and Miss Anna Denson. In Elmira, October 18, 1892, Dr. Horace M. Darling, of Corning, and Miss Hannah M. Webb, of Southport. In Corning, October 30, 1892, James M. Welch and Catherine Cleary, both of Coming. In Corning, October 30, 1892, by Rev. H. C. Woods, George H. Beers, of Corning, and Miss Minnie M. Phillips, of Alba, Pa. In Corning, November 15, 1892, Joseph S. Barber and Mary Price. In Corning, November 30, 1892, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, George W. Clark, of Corning, and Carrie M. Brown, of Big Flats. In Corning, November 30, 1892, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, R. C. Armstrong and Miss Sarah Middaugh. In Corning, December 7, 1892, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, W. P. Thomas, of Elmira, and Ellen Stickles, of Corning. In Coming, December 8, 1892, by Rev. John S. Bacon, George H. Marriott and Miss Emma Louise Smith. In Coming, January 25, 1893, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, William O. Whitney and Miss Daisy Bern, both of East Corning. In Corning, January 29, 1893, George C. Peterson and Miss Clara daughter of Mrs. H. Boehm, both of Corning. In Corning, February 5, 1893, John Reed and Mrs. Clara Krebs. In Coming, February 8, 1893, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Charles A. Perkins, of Corning, and Miss Alice L. Shobert, of Jersey Shore, Pa. In Coming, February 9, 1893, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, Fred E. Brown, of Jersey City, (formerly of Corning), and Miss May Bradford. At St. Mary's Church, Corning, February 14, 1893, Thomas G. Burke and Miss Mary McMahon, both of Corning. In the town of Corning, March 5, 1893, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, William Custer and Mary E. Smith. March 6, 1893, Wallace A. Sherwood and Hettie M. Cillie. In Corning, March 15, 1893, by Rev. John S. Bacon, Charles E. Drake and Miss Isabel W. daughter of Stephen T. Hayt. In Caton, March 14, 1893, by Rev. L. D. Ayers, Fred A. Burr, of Lindley, and Miss Hattie Hall, of Caton. In Corning, March 23, 1893, by Rev. J. C. Bacon, Edward N. Clark, of Corning, and Caroline J. White, of Painted Post. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1893. 341 In Corning, April 5, 1893, John A, Cross and Miss Inez Day. April 30, 1893, by Rev. Ward Piatt, Albert VanLiew, of Hornells- ville, and Miss Mamie Simmons, of Corning. At the home of the bride, on Mead's Creek, May 3, 1893, by Rev. Uri Mulford, Melville Frost, of Bradford, and Mary McConnell. In Corning, May 10, 1893, Edwin S. Huber and Miss Ida Lehman. In Corning, May 15, 1893, George Stevens and Annie Wright. In Corning, May 24, 1893, Michael T. Cushing and Mary White. In Corning, May 25, 1893, by Rev. Charles B. Perkins, John J. Thomias, of New York, and Nora L. McCarthy, of Corning. June 1, 1893, Henry May, of Hornby, and Louise Githler, daugh- ter of Mrs. George Githler, of Centerville. In Corning, June 7, 1893, by Rev, Dean Colgan, John B. Dailey and Miss Mary T. Moran. In Painted Post, June 7, 1893, by Rev. Mr. Robinson, James M. Waite and Miss Judith Ferenbaugh. In Corning, June 21, 1893, Martin E. Cary and Miss Anna Snyder. In Lindley, June 18, 1893, Frederick Toles, of Presho, and Miss Hattie daughter of Mrs. Jacob Hallenbeck, of the town of Coming. In Corning, June 27, 1893, by Rev. J. S. Bacon, Grant L. McDou- gal, of Towanda, Pa., and Miss Amanda M. daughter of C. H. Jones. In Corning, July 1, 1893, Daniel Carr and Miss Adaline Baker. In Corning, July 1, 1893, John C. McGovern and Mary J. Miller. At St, Mary's Church, Corning, July 3, 1893, William Kernan and Mary, daughter of Thomas Keatin§. In Gibson, July 4, 1894, Thomas E. Mayhew and Helen E. Berzet. In Corning, July 19, 1893, Frank J. Alverson, of Dansville, N. Y., and Minnie daughter of Frederick Remmel. In Corning, July 20, 1893, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, Ford E. Ringer and Charlotte F. daughter of John Tanner. In Corning, July 20, 1893, John E. Brown and Harriet B. Randall, both of Presho. In Corning, August 3, 1893, Fred E. Deuerlein and Lizzie Hill. In Trenton, N. J., August 9, 1893, Stephen T. Hayt, Jr., of Corn- ing, and Miss Elizabeth Clark Snowden, of Jersey City. August 9. 1893, Peter Burgett and Lucy E. Knapp, of Lindley. 342 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1893. In Corning, August 16, 1893, by Rev. Henry Clay Woods, R. H. Lockwood and Mrs. Eleanor V. Warner, both of Corning. In Painted Post, August 23, 1897, by Rev. W. A. Allen, George E. Hakes, of Presho, and Eva M. Mclntyre, of Painted Post. In Corning, Aug. 24, 1893, Samuel K. Aldrich and Alice P. Miles. In Coming, August 30, 1893, by Rev. Dean Colgan, Oscar Bentley and Mrs. Mary Jane Smith. In Corning, August 30, 1893, by Rev. H. C. Woods, William G. Mcintosh and Miss Nancy Reeve. In Hornby, August 31, 1893, by Rev. H. W. Bixby, Martin B. Andrews, of Hornellsville, and Miss Maud Bentley, of Corning. In Corning, September 6, 1893, Geo. M. Miller and Minnie Dyer. In Corning, Sept. 6, 1893, Henry S. Fretzer and Lizzie D. Mosher, In Caton, September 6, 1893, Levi R. Tubbs and Myrtie Speer. In Painted Post, September 12, 1893, Guy Calkins, son of William H. Calkins, and Miss Eliza Balcom, daughter of Benjamin Balcom. September 12, 1893, George W. Bidell, of Jamestown. Va., and Miss Nettie L. daughter of George Wolcott, of Coming. September 13, 1893, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, Caleb C. Wright, of Hornby, and Mary Cook, of Coming. In Corning, September 14, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Jonah Clark and Mrs. Mary P. Harrington. In Coming, September 20, 1893, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, William W. Bacon and Miss Julia A. Myers, both of Corning. In Corning, October 3, 1893, by Rev. Dean Colgan, Michael Hardiman and Miss Annie McMahon. In Corning, October 17, 1893, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, William B. Walker and Miss Katherine C. daughter of Mrs. Erastus Dodge. In Corning, Oct. 18, Geo. W. Townsend and Elizabeth Fleming. In Coming, October 26, 1893, Samuel A. Dickinson and Miss Mary B. Mann, both of Coming. In Coming, October 30, 1893, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Herbert 0. Jenkins and Wilina M. Wilson, both of Coming. In Coming, November 2, 1893, by Rev. H. C. Woods, C. W. Sweetland, of Coming, and Miss Emma A. Stevens, of Beaver Dams. At Campbell, November 3, 1893, by Rev. E. P. Salmon, Elmer Hill, of Painted Post, and Miss Eliza Velie, of Campbell. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1893-'94. 343 In Corning, November 6, 1893, Frank M. Webster and Miss Minnie E. daughter of Isaac Switzer. At Grace Church, New York, November 11, 1893, by Rev. Dr. W. R. Huntington, Austin Lathrop, of Corning, and Emma F. WeHington, of New York. In Corning, Nov. 16, 1893, Charles D. Flitter and Bertha Guile. In Corning, Nov. 20, 1893, Charles House and Augusta DeSilva. In Painted Post, Nov. 23, 1893, Chas. VanGelder and Edith Owens. In Painted Post, Nov. 30, 1893, Burt Burnsey and Addie Randall. In Campbell, Dec. 6, 1893, Geo. G. Brooks and Miss Clara Viele. In Caton, Dec. 6, 1893, Fred Brace and Miss Cora Hamlin. In Corning, December 26, 1893, by Rev. H. C. Woods, G. W. Dunning, of Sayre, Pa., and Miss Belle daughter of Luzerne Todd. In Corning, Dec. 25, 1893, Chas. H. Baker and Nora E. Fort. In Caton, January 3, 1894, David Marcy and Mrs. Mary L. Sewell. In Elmira, January 4, 1894, by Rev. D. A. Radin, of New York, Morris Davidson, of Corning, and Miss Bertha Phillips. In Gibson, January 15, 1894, Wm. Bannister and Bertha Degrew. January 24, 1894, Orrin Hopkins and Miss Hattie Calkins. In Gibson, Jan. 22, 1894, Albert Newman and Kate M. Patterson. In Corning, February 5, 1894, by Rev. Dean Colgan, Joseph Mangan and Miss Bridget Ryan. In Corning, February 21, 1894, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Israel P. Jones and Mrs. Sarah A. Fenderson. This was the third marriage of Mr. Jones and the second of his bride. In Corning, March 1, 1894, Guy Foster and Helen C. Jenkins. In Corning, March 2, 1894, Chas. W. Todd and Margaret Davis. In Corning, March 27, 1894, by Rev. Dean Colgan, John Harrison, of Corning, and Miss Matilda Biggart, of Centerville. In Coming, April 16, 1894, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Joseph E. Schaurer and Mrs. Delia A. Davis. April 25, 1894, Frank R. Randall and Edna Bravo, of Presho. In Coming, May 4, 1894, Jobus Wasson and Mrs. Ameha Clark. In Corning, May 19, 1894, John Nilson and Miss Eda Swanson. At St. Mary's Church, Corning, June 6, 1894, by Rev. Dean Colgan, Michael J. Brann and Miss Grace G. Kane. 344 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1894. In Corning, June 12, 1894, by Rev. Dean Colgan, Michael J. Mclnerny, of Corning, and Miss Ellen Murphy, of Painted Post In Painted Post, June 20, 1894, by Rev. W. A. Allen, Freeman B. Cowan and Miss Mabel McGrath. In Corning, June 27, 1894, by Rev. H. C. Woods, David D. Evans, of Morris Run, Pa., and Sadie daughter of John LaShure, of Corning. In Caton, June 27, 1894, Burt R. Howe and Miss Lena Miller. In Coming, July 9, 1894, by Rev. Dean Colgan, James J. O'Hara and Miss Josephine Leary, both of Corning. In Caton, July 8, 1894, Nelson C. Cotter and Miss Clara Brace. At St. Mary's Church, August 20, 1894, by Rev. Dean Colgan, Michael J. Franz, of Corning, and Miss Julia Maguire, of Gang Mills. In Coming, August 29, 1894, Captain John W. Fedder, merchant, and Miss Mary E. McGrath, both of Corning. In Coming, September 5, 1894, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Daniel E. VanEtten and Miss Bessie Moyle, both of Corning. In Corning, September 9, 1894, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Fred H. Fuller and Miss Nellie A. Allen, both of Corning. In Corning, September 12, 1894, by Rev. C. W. Winchester, father of the bride, Elbert W. Da Wall and Miss Grace Winchester. In Coming, September 20, 1894, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, Fred A. Thierfeldt and Miss Hattie, daughter of A. A. King. Ootober 16, 1894, John J. Franz, of Centerville, and Anna B. Lutz. In Corning, October 23, 1894, by Rev. Dean Colgan, Joseph Erhardt and Miss Millie daughter of Joseph Schaeffer. In Corning, November 15, 1894, H. F. Haskell and Nellie Schaff. In Lindley November 14, 1894, by Rev. L. D. Ayers, Charles W. Marcy, of Caton, and Miss Isabel Paul, of Lindley. In Corning, November 22, 1894, by Rev. H. C. Woods, James M. Robinson and Miss Minnie Shaw, both of Corning. In Corning, November 26, 1894, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Frank H. Viele and Miss Maude Mack, both of Coming. In the town of Corning, December 5, 1894, Charles L. Schonleber and Miss Luella M. Tupper. In Painted Post, Dec. 6, Frank Wilder and Miss Lillie Spoor. In Corning, Dec. 12, 1894, William Conover and Eliza Fancher. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER XLIX. Events In and About Corning — 1895-1900. DAVID McQUADE, of Coming, a Fall Brook engineer, was killed at Middlebury, Pa., the night of January 4, 1895, when the locomotive he was driving was derailed and rolled over beside the track. He was reliable and greatly respected. Beginning with the new year the size of the Corning Daily Journal was increased to seven-columns, four-pages, and the price advanced to $5 per year. January 9, 1895. — At the annual election the following officers of the Corning Fire Department were chosen : Marvin Olcott, Presi- dent; W. H. Buck, Vice-President; Glen D. Gorton, Secretary. Purchasing Committee — Truman S. Pritchard, Julius Lazarus, John W. Deuerlein, Willard S. Way and F. 0. Baker. January 11, 1895. — A freight train manned by a Corning crew, was caught in a slide of snow and land from a mountain side near Blackwells, most of the cars being completely buried. Two other freight trains were stalled between big slides in the same section. The following officers of the Mutual Vigilance Society, an organization for protection of members from horse-thieves, were elected : Dr. E. W. Bryan, President ; George Wolcott, Vice-Presi- dent ; Jared Pratt, Secretary ; James A. Drake, Treasurer. Managers — Stephen T. Hayt, John L. Lewis and C. W. Hickey. The society was organized in Corning several years ago, has a membership of nearly 400 owners of horses, (residents of five counties in New York and Pennsylvania), and has recovered for its owner every one of nearly a hundred horses stolen from members. January 22, 1895. — Colonel John Magee gave a car-load of coal to the Woman's Benevolent Associaton of Corning, for free distribution among the poor of the city. 345 346 Council Amends Trolley Franchise; Company Accepts. Dr. George W. Lane has sold his interest in the drug store of Terbell & Lane, to his partner, Robert W. Terbell. At a meeting of the Common Council of Corning, held the afternoon of February 1, 1895, after a number of minor changes had been made in the franchise granted the Corning and Painted Post Street Railway on December 21, 1894— including the extension of the life of the franchise to fifty years— the company accepted the franchise. The acceptance was attested by Caleb L. B. Tylee, Presi- dent, and Hosea A. Clark, Secretary. Sunday morning, February 3, 1895, the new Christ Episcopal Church, at Cedar and First streets, was dedicated, by Rt. Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, Bishop of the Diocese of Western New York, assisted by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, rector of the church, and a number of clergymen from other places. Bishop Coxe delivered the sermon at the dedication services and at an evening service. • February 9, 1895.— Furious winds accompanied by snow falls, continuing for near two days and ending this morning, blocked all railroads and country highways with drifts. The storm affected a wide extent of territory. Erie Train 3 reached Corning from New York 20 hours late ; a drift blocked the Fall Brook at Rock Stream for a full day, and a passenger train was stalled in snow near Avon. Orlando Gregory, aged 91 years, died in Caton, March 5, 1895. He was born in Norwich, N.Y., a son of Doctor Gregory, who in 1825 settled in Caton. Orlando Gregory married Eleanor Mulford, whose father was a member of the colony that settled Lindley in 1790. March 26, 1895.— The Corning and Painted Post Railway has ordered steam engines for its power plant of B. W. Payne & Sons, of Elmira, formerly of Corning. The morning of April 1, 1895, two frame buildings on Market street, between Pine and Walnut, were destroyed by fire, with most of their contents — one, three stories, owned by A. R. May, confec- tioner; loss $10,000 .—the other, two stories, owed by P. Callahan, with a saloon on the first floor, and barber shop above ; loss, $8,000. A cinder path, for use by bicycle riders, was in the Spring of 1895, extended along roadsides through the town and village of Corning, so as to connect with similar lines east and west. The Corning Cinder Path Association promoted the enterprise. John S. Kennedy, President ; C. L Freeman, Secretary ; H. C. Way, Treasurer. In April, 1895, the first motorcyle appeared in Corning. Captain John W. Fedder Glad He Had to Surrender, 347 At a school meeting held Tuesday evening, April 9, voters of the Northside Union School District authorized a bond issue of $6,000 to add two wings to the school house. At a largely attended public meeting held the evening of April 9, 1895, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox, Captain John W. Fedder, who served on the wrong side in the War Between the States, and had been for a number of years a merchant in Corning and an exemplary citizen, thrilled his hearers by an address vibrant with patriotic spirit, in which he said • " I, myself, standing on that historic field at Appomattox, thirty years ago to-day, did not dream that I would ever receive or accept an invitation from the victors to help celebrate an event so humiliating to us. The banner that we had defiantly flung to the breeze, and had carried trium- phantly in many a hard-fought battle, had to be surrendered to the enemy, to be carried in triumph through the North, or else furled and folded by us to disappear forever. "These were my feelings thirty years ago. But time changes all things, and to-day, in the full judgment of mature manhood, enjoying the liberties and privileges of an American citizen, and knowing that these liberties and privileges can only be enjoyed because this country is great, I give public expression to my feelings when I say / am glad the attempt to dissolve the American Union did not succeed; I am glad that when the banner of my country is unfolded it is the Stars and Stripes only, for that flag shields us all, and the American citizen can stand beneath its guarding folds and bid defiance to the world." April 19, 1895. — The construction of the street car line is under way. Twenty car-loads of rails have been received. Rawson & Thatcher's shops, on West Erie avenue, are working full-force, making castings for the " Victor Furnace," and manufac- turing potato diggers and land rollers. At a special city election held April 30, 1895, it was decided to increase the amount to be expended on the construction of river dykes to $150,000. The vote was : For, 409 ; against, 322. Tuesday evening. May 13, 1895, the store at Lindley, owned by Dr. James McManus, with a stock of general goods, was destroyed by fire. Hiram Middlebrook erected the store about 1865. May 14, 1895. — Rev. Dr. Hutton was installed as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, of Coming. June 10, 1895, taxpayers of Painted Post, by a vote of 44 to 23, rejected a proposition to establish a village water supply system. 348 Notable Memorial Window Placed in Christ Church. June 21, 1895. — Rev. John J. Rogers, for six years assistant pastor of St. Mary's Church, has been appointed pastor of the CathoHc church at Cuba. He is succeeded by Rev. Walter J. Lee, of Buffalo. The Free Methodist society of Gibson and Corning decides by vote to build a church on Watauga avenue, near Mill street, Corning. July 1, 1895. — A contract was let to T. & J. Bradley, of Corning, to build an addition to the Academy, for $17,700. In July, 1895, Mrs. Amory Houghton, Jr., had placed in Christ Church a window from the Tiffany studios in New York, in memory of her parents, Alanson and Anna Rebecca Bigelow. It was designed by Edward B. Sperry ; the theme is The Resurrection. Corning had a baseball team in the Summer of 1895, that won most games played with nines that represented Addison, Bath, Elmira, Binghamton, Hornellsville and Williamsport. Corning won from Williamsport 4 to 1, on the Corning diamond, July 11, 1895, wkh the following line-up : Cobb, catcher ; Clark, right field ; Mahoney, left field ; Goodale, 1st base ; Judson, 2d base ; Wayave, 3d base ; Harmon, short stop ; Clute, center field ; Friel, pitcher. July 24 the Corning nine went to Hornellsville and defeated the " enemy " on their home diamond, 5 to 0, and in Corning that even- ing the event was uproarously celebrated with a street parade, fire- works, blowing of horns and ringing hand-bells. The assessment roll of the city of Corning in 1895 was $192,450 personal property, and $3,128,110 real estate ; total, $3,320,560. August 6, 1895, Justin M. Smith sold his interest in the dry goods store of Smith & Waite to Frederick W. Kriger. Mr. Smith opened a dry goods store in Corning in 1854. September 17, 1895. — Colonel H. G. Tuthill and sons purchased the Ansorge Block, a double three-story brick building at the north- west corner of Market and Cedar streets, paying $18,500. Sunday, September 15. — The German Evangelical Church, (form- erly Christ Episcopal Church), was consecrated by Pastor Stern, in confirmity to ritualistic requirements. The society prospers. September 28, 1895. — The building of an overhead crossing of the Fall Brook Railroad tracks, for the use of pedestrians, highway traffic, and street cars, is under way. Rails have been laid along Market, Bridge and West Pulteney streets. First Car Over Line From Corning to Painted Post. 349 In the Fall of 1895 the New York and Pennsylvania Telephone Company, (an auxiliary of the Bell toll-line system), changed its Corning lines from single wires to circuits and provided better tele- phones. Central was called by hand ringing. A special Lackawanna train, consisting of a locomotive and a Pullman car, carrying officials of the railroad, on October 4, 1895, ran from Buffalo to Binghamton, 199 miles, in 175 minutes. The night of October 12, 1895, the business section of the village of Campbell was fire-swept, losses on buildings and goods amounting to near $60,000. Eight stores, the bank building and three dwellings were burned to the ground. All were wooden structures. October 15, 1895.— Thierfeldt & Car r, (Frederick A. Thierfeldt and J. Percy Carr), succeed James A. Viele, grocer, on Bridge street. A branch of the Catholic Benevolent Legion was organized, with John E. Hart, President ; George Schaller, Secretary, and Michael J. Brann, Treasurer. It is named, " Dean Colgan Council." Charles M. Gamman, dealer in boots and shoes, and " findings " for shoe-makers, has erected a fine three-story brick block at 12 East Market street. He is one of Coming's pioneer business men. Thursday afternoon, October 27, 1895, a trolley car with passen- gers, made a trial trip over the new line, from the power house near the north end of the Chemung River bridge to Painted Post and return. Beginning the next day a round trip was made each hour over this section of the line. Construction of the trolley track on Market street has been delayed by vexatious injunctions. Early in November, 1895, the last of the injunctions brought by owners of property on West Market street, to " hold up " the con- struction of the trolley line, was vacated, and work proceeded. Under agreement, the Fall Brook Railroad paid $8,000 toward the construction of the viaduct over its tracks at State street. The first electric car passed over the viaduct on Saturday afternoon, December 21, 1895, and proceeded down Market street. No circus parade ever aroused so great attention. The eastern terminus of the trolley line is at the city limits, near Hope Cemetery. January 1, 1896, Justice George B. Bradley, of Corning, retired from the bench, having reaced the age limititation. He resumed the practice of law. Judge Spencer retired from the law firm of Spencer & Mills, and the new firm of Mills & Tully is announced. 350 Grand Army and Relief Corps Officers in 1896. The following officers of William W. Hayt Post, No. 276, Grand Army of the Republic, were installed the evening of January 7, 1896 : C. A. Rubright, Commander ; F. J. Roody, Senior Vice-Commander ; A. S. Ashmore, Junior Vice-Commander ; E. B. Lanning, Adjutant; O. M. Kelley, Surgeon ; Rev. Henry C. Woods, Chaplain ; I. C. G. Crandell, L. M.; J. M. Thurber, O. D.; Charles E. Mecanty, 0. G.; Charles Day, S. M.; L. C. Cooper, Q. M. S.; John Hunt, G. At the same time and place the following officers of William W. Hayt Relief Corps were installed : Mrs. Anna M. Day, President ; Mrs. Mary Lanning, Senior Vice-President ; Mrs. Helen Campbell, Junior Vice-President ; Mrs. Nellie Fuller, Secretary ; Mrs. Agnes G. Crandell, Treasurer ; Mrs. A. Russell, Chaplain ; Miss Mary E. Bentley, Conductor ; Miss Grace E. Crandell, Assistant Conductor ; Mrs. Ida Kelley, Guard ; Mrs. Louise A^shmore, Assistant Guard. In January, 1896, a dyke built by the State, extending the city dyke for 3,450 feet along the southwest bank of the Chemung River, below the city, was completed. It extends along farm lands of Joel J. Weeks, Philip Youngs, William Gorton and Mrs. Robert Park. C. S. Ellis succeeds Ira W. Tenbroeck as undertaker. The evening of January 14, 1896, the following officers of Rath- bun Post, No. 277, Grand Army of the Republic, were installed at the Post headquarters in the Fifth Ward, (formerly Knoxville): P. D. Haradon, Commander ; John McMullen, Senior Vice-Commander ; M. D. Crane, Junior Vice-Commander; W. N. Lockwood, Adjutant; Charles Johnson, Surgeon ; L. O. Parker, Chaplain ; H. Hamilton, Quartermaster ; 0. L. Bentley, Officer of the Day ; John Root, Officer of the Guard ; J. C. Dutcher, Quartermaster Sergeant. The officers of the Corning Young Men's Christian Association are : John I. Stanton, President ; Cyrus S. Hood, Vice-President ; W. J. Heermans, Secretary ; Frank Osborne, Treasurer. Dr. Ahaz D. Robbins, aged 74 years, died January 17, 1896. He was born in Cummington, Mass., practiced medicine for a number of years in Tioga County, Pa., his home being near Mansfield ; in 1868 he located in Corning, where he had since resided. He was a popular physician, an upright man and a worthy citizen. January 21, 1896.— Robinson & Gamman, wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods, having changed their place of business from the Williams Block to the Drake Block at the northeast corner of Market and Pine streets, J. M. Greig moved his department store Hiram Pritchard Dies; a Man of Varied Activities. 351 from Concert Hall Block to the Williams Block, and the Hub Cothing Store, (Moran Brothers), will move into the double store vacated by J. M. Greig— years ago occupied by " Regulator " Robinson. Officers of the Women's Relief Corps of Rathbone Post, Grand Army of the Republic, were on January 29, 1896, installed as follows : Mrs. Albert Pritchard, President ; Mrs. Benjamin Smith, Senior Vice-President ; Mrs. Harvey T. Cole, Junior Vice-President; Mrs. C. L. B. Tylee, Secretary ; Mrs. E. E. Cole, Treasurer ; Mrs. A. A. King, Chaplain ; Mrs. F. A. Thierfeldt, Conductor ; Mrs. William H. Buck, Assistant Conductor ; Mrs. John L. Miller, Guard ; Mrs. Mary Reed, Assistant Guard ; Mrs. W. E. Jones, Organist. John T. Prince, Jr., of New Haven, Connecticut, who supervised the construction of the Corning and Painted Post street railway, has been appointed Superintendent of the line. Hiram Pritchard, aged 78 years, died at his home in Corning, February 6, 1896. He was born in the town of Lawrence, Tioga County, Pa.; he was third is descent from a settler at Wyoming who was killed by Indians at the time of the massacre, the wife and children being unharmed ; Calvin Pritchard, father of Hiram, was a pioneer settler of the lower Cowanesque Valley ; when 17 years old Hiram Pritchard secured employment in a grist-mill at Factory- ville, now a part of Waverly, N. Y.; at the age of 18 he married Miss Lucinda Searles, of Flemingville, Tioga County, N. Y.; in 1836 they moved to the little settlement known as " The Mills," on the south bank of the Chemung River, near the present Corning-Gibson bridge, where he was for a number of years employed as a miller. Taking advantage of opportunities of engaging in business and investing in lands, at mid-life he was a man of wealth, and in his declining years he continued to prosper. He was a man of pronounced views, who stood firmly for the things that make for righteousness, and bore on broad shoulders a generous share of community burdens. Two sons survive, Truman S. and Albert. Michael Eagan died February 18, 1896, aged 61. He was bom in Tipperary, Ireland, came to Corning in 1850, and for thirty-five years was train-announcer, care-taker and policeman at the Erie passenger station. He was 6 foot 2, muscular, active of mind, had a ready answer for everyone inclined to bandy words, and a strong hand for the nap of the neck of any obstreperous individual who did not quickly heed " Mike's " suggestion to " Go aisey, lad." He brought across the deep from the Emerald Isle, a brogue that 352 Movement to Establish Public Hospital in Corning. was rich in tone and dominated a voice responsive to his varying emotions. Such men are " the salt of the earth." Monday, February 24, announcement was made that Morris E. Gregory had purchased the Corning Brick Works, and had changed the name of the concern to the " Corning Terra Cotta and Supply Company." He had been secretary of the works for five years. The explosion of a kerosene oil lamp the night of March 28, 1896, in the clothing store of Julius Lazarus, in the James Hood building, caused a fire loss of $18,000 to that and adjoining business buildings and contents. Mr. Lazarus was severely burned. March 31, 1896, the Chemung flooded the river flats. The first practical movement toward establishing a city hospital was taken April 14, 1896, when a notice signed by twenty-one doctors of Corning and neighborhood, appeared in the city papers, announcing that a public meeting to consider the project would be held April 16, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Alliance Hook and Ladder room in the City Hall. The notice was signed as follows : George T. Hawley, H. M. Bourne, C. W. Hayt, George S. Goff, Mark S. Purdy, H. L. Sproul, W. S. Cobb, J. D. Hoare, E. W. Bryan, E. J. Carpenter, George W. Lane, John L. Miller, D. J. Tillotson, R. B. Shumway, J. N. Shumway, W. C. Wilbur, C. E. Campbell, J. G. Webster, W. B. Remington, Henry A. Argue, T. A. McNamara. About sixty persons attended the meeting. It was decided to form a hospital association, incorporate the same, and to raise by popular subscription a hospital fund of $25,000. The following com- mittee was appointed to act in the matter : George J. Magee, Alanson Houghton, Jr., Q. W. Wellington, James A. Drake, Geo. B. Bradley, Charles F. Houghton, Stephen T. Hayt, Jerome B. Maltby, Austin Lathrop, John Hoare, Frank D. Kingsbury, John Magee, Thomas G. Hawkes, Marvin Olcott, Harry C. Heermans, Alanson B. Houghton, Benjamin W. Wellington, Thomas Bradley, S. C. Robertson, Dr. H. M. Bourne, Dr. E. W. Bryan, F. E. Bronson and W. A. Allen. The following officers of the Fire Department were chosen by unanimous vote, at the annual election held by the firemen, April 21, 1896 : J. Towner Hayt, Chief Engineer ; William B. Gorton, First Assistant Engineer ; Charles W. Hickey, Second Assistant Engineer ; William L. McGeorge, Treasurer. Attorney Ellsworth D. Mills, of Corning, a leading member of Steuben County bar, died April 26, 1896. He was elected District Attorney of Steuben County in 1874 and re-elected in 1877. Machine Shops at Painted Post Destroyed By Fire. 353 In April, 1896, the Corning Gas Company reduced the price of gas to $1.50 per 1,000 cubic feet — a drop of fifty cents. May 8, 1896. — The trolley line has been extended to Brown's Crossing, and to-day cars began regular trips to that village. May 13, 1896. — The contract for building city dykes, complete, was awarded by the Board of River Commissioners to the Ferguson Contracting Company, of Harrisonburg, Va., at $78,170.50. At 3:30 o'clock Saturday morning. May 16, 1896, Orchestrian Hall, a small frame building used for amusement purposes, near the Bronson House, in Painted Post, was discovered on fire. Efforts to confine the fire to that building were futile. The Bronson House, the Weston machine shops, E. Bonham's livery barns, the Bronson Hotel barn, and the residences of T. Shannon, Oliver Orr and Mrs. Rose were completely destroyed. Total loss, $110,000. The pattern store-house of the Weston plant, a brick structure, was spared. The loss to the Weston Company was $80,000. Seventy men lost jobs. A fair held the week ending May 16, for the benefit of the Alliance Band, netted $1,800 ; gross receipts, near $2,600. Rev. Dean Colgan, pastor St. Mary's Church, died Tuesday evening, May 26, at the parochial residence. He was born in Ireland in 1823 ; came to Buffalo in 1848 ; having completed his studies for the priesthood, was ordained by Bishop Timon in 1850 ; erected a Catholic Church in Buffalo ; in 1851 was placed in charge of a mission field at Dunkirk, where he built a church, then a school house and in 1858 an orphan asylum ; he was oppointed pastor of St. Mary's parish, of Corning, in 1860. Here he built St. Mary's Church, in in 1873 bought the old State arsenal and grounds and there establish- ed an asylum for orphans ; in 1886 bought the Salvation Army Chapel on East Market street, (which was burdened with debt), and fitted it up for use as a church and a school, the branch society being named for St. Patrick ; and in addition to nourishing the spiritual life of those committed to his care, he has been a safe guide in their material affairs. His was a life of sunshine. He sought to be of service to the community at large and so extended his beneficient achievements. When stricken with his final illness he was maturing plans to establish a hospital near the city. Captain John Hoare, of Corning, died at mid-day, June 17, 1896, at the Everett House in New York. He was 74 years old. He had been in poor health for some weeks and left home the day before on a recreation trip to New York and Brooklyn. Captain Hoare was 354 Genesee Annual Conference Meets in Corning. founder of the cut glass industry in Corning, coming from Brooklyn in 1868. He was bom in Cork, Ireland ; learned the trade of glass- cutting in Belfast, worked for a time in cut glass works at Birm- ingham, and became a resident of New York in 1848. The products of his Corning shops were unexcelled. He was active in community affairs and maintained an exemplary home. Mrs. Hoare and two sons and two daughters survive— James Hoare, Mrs. Kate White, Mrs. William H. Sayles and Dr. Joseph D. Hoare. The Furgeson Contracting Company have 150 men at work on the Corning dyking project, most of them Negroes, brought from Virginia. These colored men live in tents, located near their work. July 2, 1896.— Sylvester C. Freeman and Clarence K. Wolcott succeed Captain Charles H. Freeman in the grocery business. July 6, 1896.— Rev. James M. Bustin, pastor of the Church of the Ascension, at North Tonawanda, has been appointed pastor of St. Mary's at Corning. Julv 27, 1896. — Harry J. Sternberg, who comes from Kankakee, Illinois, succeeds A. C. Arthur as manager of the Opera House. Professor S. W. Adams, aged 75 years, of Painted Post, died the evening of August 29, 1896, from injuries received that forenoon when a buggy in which he was riding was struck by a switch engine at the Chestnut street crossing of the Fall Brook railroad in Corning, He was a musician and for many years taught singing schools. In the Spring of 1896 W. W. Westcott established a printing office in the King Block, near Bridge and Pulteney street, and began the publication of the Crystal City News, issued weekly. It was not a financial success. The last number was issued early in September. Genesee Annual Conference convened at the First Methodist Church in Corning, Wednesday morning, September 7, 1896, and held its closing session the following Monday evening. Bishop John F. Hurst presided. Rev. Henry C. Woods, for five years pastor in Coming was appointed pastor of Linwood Avenue Methodist Church at Buffalo ; Rev. S. A. Morse was his successor in Corning. Thursday morning, the second day of the Conference, Rev. Andrew Purdy, of Buffalo, dropped dead while walking across Market street at Cedar, engaged in pleasant conversation with another pastor. Rev. Henry C. Woods was responsible for the publicity given in the Corning Daily Journal during Conference week, to the following incident, of which he had first-hand knowledge — the two Bishops not Resident of Corning Robbed by Confidence Sharks. 355 mentioned by name being Hartzell, Missionary Bishop of Africa, and Thobum, Missionary Bishop of India : "Bishop Hurst, who presides at the Genesee Conference, yesterday asked Rev. Uri Mulford if he would go to Africa, to be stationed at Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, and take charge of the mission press and do missionary work. Two other Bishops were present and urged his acceptance. One remarked that Mr. Mulford might not cause "the Ethopian to change his skin." Mr. Mulford replied, " That may be so, but I think I could knock the spots off from some of the leopards." " Uri Mulford was formerly a printer and editor, and would make a valued church press representative in whatever field he was placed." The African mission press project was dropped after investiga- tion by Mr. Mulford demonstrated it would not prove a good venture. He joined Genesee Conference in 1887, continued in the active ministry for twelve and a half years, then owing to bronchial trouble retired from his pastorate, and in 1903 resigned from the Conference. Samuel C. Erwin, aged 70 years, son of Arthur Erwin, deceased, fell dead Friday morning, October 15, 1896, at his home in Hornby. November 1, 1896, John Prince, Jr., retired from the position of Superintendent of the Corning and Painted Post Street Railway. He was succeeded by John A. Wilcox, a skilled electrical engineer. November 23, 1896. — S. Spicer Berry, of Corning, owner of a a number of farms in Caton and considerable real estate in Corning, was " buncoed " out of $2,800 in cash by two strangers who used a card game, and to get his confidence pretended to want to buy a farm. In December, 1896, the Corning Brake Shoe Company was incor- porated. Directors : Marvin Olcott, Josephus B. Terbell, James A. Drake, Robert W. Terbell and William J, Tully. The Coming Iron Works will manufacture car brake shoes for the new company. A fair for the benefit of the Corning Hospital, was held in the City Hall, four nights, beginning Tuesday, December 15, 1896. The net proceeds were $2,058.39. A new Baptist Church was dedicated at Coopers Plains, Wednes- day, January 27, 1897. Rev. T. F. Brodrick is pastor. Mrs. Nancy Lindsley White, aged 83 years, died January 30, 1897, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Helen Campbell, of Corning, She was a daughter of the late Jeremiah Mulford, of Lindley. On February 2, 1897, the total city and school bonds amounted to $225,500. There were $39,000 Sodus Bay Railroad bonds unpaid. 356 Dedication of the First Congregational Church. The evening of February 3, 1897, the Second Methodist Episco- pal Church was organized, in the section of the city lying north of the Chemung River, with Frank H. VanKuren pastor. Attorney Daniel F. Brown, aged 76 years, died February 22, 1897. He had been a resident of Corning since 1846. March 11, 1897. — Preston & Heennans, in business in Corning for thirty years, sold their machine shops to Harry C. Heermans. The Weston machine shops at Painted Post have been rebuilt. The owners are Abijah Weston, F. E. Bronson and W. A. Allen. April 7, 1897. — ^John Magee, of Watkins, aged 30 years, was elected President of the Fall Brook Railroad Company, as successor of his father, George J. Magee, v/ho died in Nice, France, March 11. In Hornby, April 21, Jesse Bassage, 68 years old, a farmer, was surrounded by flames in a chopping he set afire and burned to death. The First Congregational Church of Corning, a brick structure, at the junction of Ontario with Bridge street, was dedicated May 13, It cost about $21,000 ; the auditorium will seat 1,000 persons, and is separated from the Sunday School room by folding doors. The church has a large pipe organ. The society was organized Septem- ber 25, 1890, by Rev. Ethan Curtis, of Syracuse, and since November of that year Rev. N. E. Fuller has been the pastor. The members of the Building Committee were : A. D. Coye, D. K. Kiff, Walter J. Blair, Albert Pritchard, C. E. Rose, B. W. Morse, Hosea A. Clark, Menzo Hosier and Rev. Nathan E. Fuller. At a fair held at the City Hall the third week in May, 1897, slightly over $1,800, was raised for the Coming Baseball Club. A Tiffany glass art window, in memory of the late John Hoare, was in June, 1897, placed in Christ Episcopal Church, Coming. The theme is, " The Centurian." The first commencement of the , Northside Union School was held at the Congregational Church, Thursday evening, June 24, 1897. Three were graduated — A. Naomi Coye, Edith M. O'Brien and Mary E. Cole. D. L. Razey is Principal of the school. Members of the Class of 1897, of the Corning Free Academy, eight in number, were graduated at the Opera House, Thursday afternoon, June 24. They were, Frank D. Jennings, Elizabeth H. Cary, George S. Lang, George W. Lindner, Frances Hoare, William K. McMullin, Anna M. Schott and Raymond C. Ross. June 26, 1897, Bishop Bamard J. McQuaide, of Rochester, con- firmeed a class of 250 at St. Mary's Catholic Church, in Coming. Corning Chapter Knights of Columbus Organized. 357 In July, 1897, the Coming and Painted Post Street Railway put in force a total abstinence rule, applying " to all employes." Friday evening, August 6, 1897, Moses Edward Banks, aged 42 years, was called from his home on Rose Hill, town of Corning, lured into a nearby ravine, and killed by two shots from a revolver — in the head and breast The murderer, a man, was never apprehended. Thousands were in attendance Sunday, August 15, 1897, at a Methodist Camp Meeting held in a forest near the Fall Brook station at Presho. There were about forty tents in the camp ; the novel Summer outing continued for a week, with preaching services three times a day, each closing with an altar rally. Minor or group meet- ings were frequent early mornings and evenings. Dr. George T. Hawley, aged 34 years, died at his home in Corn- ing, September 4. Mrs. Hawley and two sons, Chester and Allen, survive. She is the only daughter of Chester S. Cole- Robert Jennings Sly aged 80 years, died November 3, 1897, at his home on West Pulteney street. He was born in the old town of Painted Post ; John Sly was his father ; his grandfather, George Sly, a pioneer of the Painted Post section of the Genesee Country, came irom Maryland. Robert J, Sly leaves two sons — A„ H. and George. The name of the Second Methodist Church, of Coming, has been been changed to Grace Methodist Church. The society has pur- chased a site on Bridge street, on w^hich to erect a house of worship. Thursday evening, November 25, 1897, Corning Chapter of the Knights of Columbus was organized, with about sixty charter members. Officers: Frank S. Swain, Grand Knight ; D. C. Keefe, Deputy Grand Knight ; John W. Lynahan, Chancellor ; James T. Sullivan, Recording Secretary ; F. F, Pfeiffer, Financial Secretary ; James E. Doyle, Treasurer ; Albert B. Cowley, Lecturer ; Joseph Boyle, Advocate ; James Murphy, Warden ; W. J. O'Neil, Outside Guard ; John M. Tracey, Inside Guard ; Rev. W. J. Lee, Organist ; Rev. James M. Bustin, Chaplain ; Dr. Thomas A. McNamara, Physi- cian. Trustees — Thomas Heffernan, Thomas McGovern, Richard E. Maleady, John L, Clark and William T. Moran. November 26, 1897, Lewis E. Gould, aged 21, died from a fracture of the skull, due to being kicked by a horse, in the stables of his father's farm — William M. Gould — on East Pulteney street. 358 Corning Man Aboard the Mine-Wrecked Maine. After being closed for four years, on December 1, 1897, the Corning Free Library was opened, with 200 new books added. Mrs. Charles C. Drake is Librarian. The library is in the City Hall. In December, 1897, members of the Presbyterian and Methodist societies, at Hornby, formed a Congregational Church. Improvements at St. Mary's Church and the parochial residence costing $12,000, were completed in December, 1897. David T. Calkins, aged 78 years, third son of the late James Calkins, and a grandson of Frederick Calkins the pioneer, died at his home in Mossy Glen, December 12, 1897. His widow and three daughters survive— Mrs. Charles W. Shoens and Charlotte and Louise Calkins. Mrs. Calkins was a daughter of George Smith. January 10, 1898. — This forenoon the stock and building of the wholesale grocery of C. R. Maltby & Co., at Walnut street and Tioga avenue, were damaged by fire, smoke and water to the amount of $20,000. This is a branch of a New York concern. The frame stables and elaborately finished and furnished private club of James A. Drake, on West First street, burned to the ground, the morning of January 14, 1898. Loss $20,000; insurance, $13,000. Justin M. Smith, aged 80 years, who from 1854 till the Summer of 1895 engaged in the dry goods trade in Corning, died February 7. T. H. Appleby in January sold his harness factory to V. P. Mather and son, who continue the business. Thomas J. Cook, of Corning, a seaman aboard the battleship Maine when it v/as blown up at Havana, Cuba, was thrown clear of the ship and rescued from the water. His sustained minor injuries. About thirty acres of land on the hillside, above Hope Cemetery, to be known as Hope Cemetery Annex, have been purchased by the Cemetery Association. The Annex is in the town of Corning. The corner-stone of the new Grace Methodist Church was laid Thursday afternoon, April 14, 1898, by Presiding Elder H. H. HubbelL May 4, 1898. — Amaziah S. Kendall, aged 72 years, since 1860 a resident of Corning, died following an illness of four weeks. He began the practice of law at Jasper in 1852. He specialized as a counselor and for many years was a partner of George B. Bradley. The city water system was during the Summer extended to the Northside section of the city. Residents of Corning and vicinity take great interest in news of the war with Spain and Cuban flags fly beside the Stars and Stripes, Rev. Joel Wakeman, Ahijah Weston and C. G. Howell 359 Rev. Joel Wakeman, aged 89 years, a retired Presbyterian minis- ter, died May 24, 1898, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lucian Clark, in the village of Campbell. He was a leader among the Presby- terian pastors during his days of vigor and conducted many revivals. Abijah Weston, aged 75, of Painted Post, died at Tonawanda, N. Y., June 2, 1898. He came to Painted Post in 1846, purchased large tracts of forests, with others engaged in lumbering, in making steam engines and other machinery and owned a bank. In his later years he extended his lumber manufacturing into Michigan, and at death was President of the largest lumber concern in Chicago. A few days after the death of Abijah Weston, the Weston Engine Company, of Painted Post, and the Bank of A. Weston & Company, also of Painted Post, both made assignments. Those directly interest- ed explained that the assignments were made to protect the Weston estate and to simplify settlements. The graduates of the Northside High School, Class of 1898, are : Luther A. Thomas, Charles B. Lindsley, Belle A. Thompson, Stacey L. Oldfield, Tillie M. Green and Hope Chase. June 23, 1898, the Free Academy graduated ten students, namely : Annie E. Cadwgan, Sarah Cummings, Mary Doherty, Ethel L. Gorton, Katherine C Healy, John B. Huggins, Grace Ingersoll, Florence C. Morse, Delia H. Voorhees, Helena L. Walsh and Kathleen White. Mr. Huggins and Miss Cummings won scholarship prizes. Aug. 3, 1898, the Corning Fish and Game Club was incorporated. T. G. Hawkes & Company are for the third time filling an order for cut glass for use in the White House at Washington. In August, 1898, John C. Bostelmann organized the Corning Conservatory of Music, to open September 13. Early the morning of September 3, 1898, C. G. Howell, aged 76 years, died at his home, on Pine street. He came to Corning from New Jersey, in the Fall of 1845, and began business as a tailor ; a few years later he bought a lot on the south side of Market street betwen Pine and Cedar and built a tailor shop ; for a series of years engaged in manufacturing both cloth and paper bags ; dealt in lubri- cating and illuminating oils ; established a kerosene oil refinery in Coming, and invested in real estate. He was a sagacious, well- balanced business man and a good neighbor. Mrs. Howell and two sons survive — Frank J. and Albert C. 360 Three Unusually Cold Winter Nights and a Blizzard. The new Grace Methodist Church, on Bridge street, a frame structure of tasteful design and convenient arrangement, was dedi- cated September 18, 1898. It cost $5,000. Three thousand dollars of the amount was raised at the dedication day meetings, by Rev. B. I. Ives, of Auburn, the " debt lifter." Rev. F. H. VanKuren is pastor. Rev. J. D. Kimball, Wesleyan pastor at Dyke, died October 20, 1898, leaving a widow and five children. He was 46. November 3, 1898. — C. R. Maltby & Co., wholesale grocers, have completed a substantial stone and brick warehouse at the southwest comer of Erie avenue and Chestnut street — the site of the American Hotel of former days. The latter part of December, 1898, the shops and contents of the Weston Company, at Painted Post, were sold to the Rand Drill Co., of Tarrytown, N. Y. The shops will soon resume operations. Christopher D. Lewis, aged 94 years, of Caton, owner of several farms, died January 8, 1899. He was born at North Stonington, Conn., and moved to Caton in 1842. He was an exemplary citizen. In January, 1899, Miss Elizabeth A. McNamara established a short-hand and commercial school in the Howell Block. Fire that started in the celler of Thomas Heffernan's dry goods store in the Union Block, 30 East Market street, the morning of January 30, 1899, damaged the brick building to the amount of $6,000, caused a loss of $18,000 to the Heffernan stock, $4,000 to Captain Charles H. Freeman, grocer, and $400 to Frank Town, barber. Rev. Theodore Braun, for three years pastor of the German Evangelical Church, accepts a call from Hammond, Illinois. February 11, 1899.— There have been three unusually cold nights with early morning below zero temperatures of 16,20 and 27 degrees. The cold wave was followed by a blizzard that continued for two days causing the annulment of most freight taains. A co-operative grocery store has been opened at 122 East Market street, with J. H. Spencer, General Manager. It is doing business as " The Corning Workingmen's Mercantile Co-Operative Association." March 7, 1899.— A proposition to place in the annual city budget an item of $1,500 to entertain a convention of volunteer firemen of Steuben County, was voted down ; — Yes, 364 ; No, 474. T. Heffernan has discontinued business ; Waite & Krieger are to move their dry goods to the store vacated by Mr. Heffernan. Fall Brook Lines Leased by New York Central. 361 April 3, Benjamin W. Wellington appeared at a meeting of the Common Council, and gave notice that the Corning Fuel and Heating Company accepted a franchise recently granted it by the Council. The men who formed this company sought to secure a supply of natural gas by drilling wells in the vicinity, and put down several, each proving a failure. Ignorance of local geology cost them heavily. April 27, 1899, John Magee gave formal notice that the Fall Brook Railroad Company has leased its lines and equipment to the New York Central Company for 999 years, beginning May 1. The Fall Brook lines from Lyons to Williamsport, with all the branch trackage, and the Beech Creek Railroad, in Pennsylvania, were consolidated as the Pennsylvania Division, and A. G. Palmer was promoted from Superintendent of the Beech Creek line to the management of the new division, with headquarters in Corning. George Thompson, of Jersey Shore, was appointed Superinten- dent of Motive Power of the Pennsylvania Division, and notice was given that all general car repair work would be done at Jersey Shore. Frank B. Brown, senior editor of the Corning Daily Democrat, died Sunday evening, April 30, 1899, aged 65. From early manhood he had been an editor of the Democrat, issued weekly prior to 1885, and since then daily and weekly. He was an aggressive Democrat. In May, 1899, the Elmira and Corning Electric Railroad was incorported, to construct and operate a line connecting the two cities. May 23, 1899.— The Minot House, on West Erie avenue, has closed, after being conducted for forty years. The successive land- lords were, Fred Haischer and Fred Ruthfuss as partners, then Fred Ruthfuss, and lastly by John M. Beck. Commencement exercises of the Northside High School were held June 20. The graduates : Oliver E. Lamb, Katherine L. Collins, Fred R. Lear, Nathan T. Cole and Ethel I. Oldfield. Twenty-three were graduated by the Corning Free Academy, June 22, namely : George E. Beahan, Hebe B. Canfield, Carolyne D- Cone, Alice N. Coye, Margaret D. Doyle, Louise H. Hill, James Paul Lynahan, Michael F. McCarthy, Bertha B. Moran, Katherine A. Purcell, Carlton H. Sears, John M. Beck, Jr., Sturges F. Gary, Blanche G. Conklin, Helen B. Curtin, Josephine N. Goff, Delphine Keagle, Roger S. McAvoy, Frances B. McClellan, Ellen M. Moran, Elsie V. Roberts, Myra Somers, Nelson L. Somers. June 25, 1899, Sunday passenger train service was introduced on the Pennsylvania Division of the New York Central Railroad. 362 Corning Democrat Purchased By Underhill & Co. Sunday, July 9, 1899, John B. Ferenbaugh, aged 82 years, was struck by the locomotive of an Erie passenger train, at Cedar street, an so irijured that he lived but a few minutes. He was born in Ger- many ; when a child came to America with his parents ; they moved to Centerville in 1822 ; he was a harness maker and in 1852 erected a combination harness shop and dwelling on West Market street. There he continued to work at his trade until the end of his life. He was a splendid type of sterling manhood. A heavy fall of rain with an interval of hail, greatly damaged tobacco and other crops, the afternoon of August 10, 1899. Joseph F. Moore, aged 67, died August 13, at his home on East First street. He was born in Paisley, Scotland ; came to America in 1849, and to Corning in 1852 ; married Adeha D. daughter of Jesse Clark ; by land and business investments he accumulated a large estate ; Mrs. Moore and a son, Joseph C, survive. August 30, 1899, Frank J. Bantley became Erie Ticket Agent, in place of Joseph F. Moore. Mr. Bantley, who had for a number of years been the Night Ticket Agent, was succeeded by Fred F. Peters. September 18, 1899, the Corning Daily Democrat equipment and the good will of the business, was purchased by E. S. Underhill & Co., proprietors of the Bath Advocate. The office of publication of the Corning Democrat -wdiS changed to Cedar street, opposite the City Hall. Miss Mary E. R. Sanford, late of Buffalo, began the practice of medicine in Corning the latter part of September, 1899. The new canning factory at Painted Post prospers. John Maloney purchased the Degler Hotel, West Market street. October 13, 1899. — George R. Brown, former Superintendent of the Fall Brook Railroad, has become Superintendent of the New York and Pennsylvania Railroad, with headquarters at Canisteo. Israel P. Jones died at his home on East Second street, November 21, 1899. He was born in Scipio, Cayuga County, N. Y., May 14, 1818 ; moved to the hamlet of Corning in 1840 ; was a brick and stone mason ; a man of energy and noted for his patriotic zeal. Many flint arrow heads, used by Indians, have been picked up in gardens and cultivated lands in and about Caton Center. In November, 1899, W. O. Matteson, of Caton Center, wrote : " On about an acre of ground used for a garden there have been over a hundred Indian arrows picked up the past two years." Corning Men Serve in War That Liberates Cuba. 363 The Canfield Coaster Brake Company was organized, to manu- facture bicycle brakes invented by Richard H. Canfield. December 13, 1899. — Rev. P. W. Crannell, for five years pastor of the First Baptist Church of Corning, tendered his resignation, in order to accept a call from a Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan. Contractor H. 0. Dorman has completed a two-story brick addition to the T. G. Hawkes cut glass shops. John Wilson, for many years a passenger conductor on the Fall Brook Railroad, died December 27, 1899. " The Mikado," a benefit play for the Corning Hospital, given at the Corning Opera House, added $1,071 to the hospital fund. A test well drilled in search for natural gas by the Coming Fuel and Heating Company, near Covenhoven's Hill, in the town of Campbell, struck salt water at 3,400 feet and was flooded. The war between the United States and Spain, that resulted in the liberation of Cuba, and the chastisement and penalizing of the Spanish monarchy for the unwarranted destruction of the American battleship Maine, was so easily won and of such short duration, that comparatively few men of Corning and vicinity were permitted to get into action on either land or sea. An incomplete list follows : Major C. C. Ballou, Major Lucien G. Berry, Howard J. Dexter Lewis M. Cole, Robert P. Clark, Harry J. Reynolds, Sidney B. Price, Robert Cunningham, Clarence E. Pier, Harry B. Fields, Joseph A. McGovern, Ward K. Mulford, George W. Mulford, Clifford Brown, A. W. Cleaver, Albert C. Bassage, William Spencer, John Gregorius, Walter B. Brown, Thomas Cook, Benjamin E. Calkins, Fred Peart, John De Wolfe, Clarence Roody, Alonzo McNeil, Frank C. Dudley, C. D. Brown, George Ellithrope, Dennis Nolan, Patrick Doyle, James Mclnerney, Lieutenant D. J. Hutton, George Langendorfer, Patrick Conroy, Frank Luckner, A. B. Schenck, James C. Cluney (died of fever), Ed Robbins, Jack Wilson, Joseph Davis, H. Guy Williams, Theodore Sutherland, Charles McMullen, John H. Maloney, C. F. Dowd. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER L. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1895 to 1900. MARRIED, January 7, 1895, at the home of the bride, in Gibson, Frank C. Piatt, of Painted Post, and Miss Jennie Faulkner. In Corning, January 16, 1895, Rufus S. Jaynes and Miss Henrietta King, both of Corning. In Coming, March 6, 1895, George Rose and Miss Anna O'Pelt. In Painted Post, March 27, 1895, by Rev. W. A. Allen, Herbert Lee Hollister and Miss Cora M. Wing. In Gibson, April 24, 1895, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Silas Gorton and Jennie daughter of Benjamin F. Edger. In Coming, April 29, 1895, Michael J. Ryan and Mary A. Scott. In Corning, May 18, 1895, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Durward Lenor Razey, Principal of the Northside schools, and Minnie Belle daughter of P. D. Wescott. At Christ Church, Corning, June 11, 1895, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Frederick A. McGeorge and Miss Sarah R. Brown. In Gibson, June 19, Harry G. Edger and Miss Georgia Knowles. In Corning, June 26, 1895, William H. Goff, of East Corning, and Grace M. daughter of Daniel Cramer. In Corning, July 2, 1895, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Alvin D. Brown, of Plymouth, N. Y., and Miss Jennie B. Millspaugh, of Coming. In Corning, July 23, 1895, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Fred W. Smith, of Coopers Plains, and Miss Olive D. Blanchard, of Corning, In Corning, July 25, 1895. Thomas Maloney, of Jamestown, N. Y., and Margaret daughter of John Powers, of Coming. In Coming, Ang. 6, 1895, James Semple and Charlotte Campbell. 364 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1895. 365 In Corning, August 14, 1895, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Charles A. Bullard, of Elmira, and Marleah daughter of Dr. F. A. Fenderson. In Corning, August 28, 1895, Francis P. Hendy and MaBelle L. daughter of Mrs. C. E. WilHams, of 155 Pearl street. In Corning, August 29, 1895, George Noke and Maggie O'Hara. In Corning, September 3, James W. Nolan and Miss Mary Stack. In Corning, September 17, 1895, William T. Pratt, of Buffalo, and Anna daughter of Benjamin Young, Fall Brook engineer. In Corning, September 19, 1895, E. W. Barnard and Jennie Howe. In Painted Post, Sept. 22, 1895, Delos Mapes and Ida Belle Scott. In Corning, September 25, 1895, by Rev. H. C. Woods, W. W. Childs and Lura daughter of Alvin Stillson. At St. Mary's Church, Corning, September 25, 1895, John Galla- gher, of Coming, and Miss Elizabeth Kinsella, of Painted Post. In Painted Post, October 15, 1895, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Edward B. Hodgman and Alice daughter of Samuel E. Gilbert. In Corning, October 16, 1895, Henry S. Maltby and Miss Lucy E. daughter of George Swingle. In Corning, October 24, 1895, by Rev. Dr. Hutton, Charles Mc- intosh and Sarah B. daughter of Elgin L. Conklin. In Corning, November 14, 1895, Rev. W. H. Soule, pastor of the Baptist Church at Dalton, Pa., and Lydia daughter of Charles Boehm. In Corning, November 14, 1895, by Rev. Dean Colgan, Daniel Murphy and Mrs. Kate Leonard, daughter of William O'Donnell. November 23, 1895, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Joel E. Cook and Miss Florence Winfield, both of Gibson. In Corning, December 22, 1895, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Charles L, Tobey and Miss Tessie R. Haselbauer. At Mossy Glen, December 18, 1895, by Rev. L. D. Ayers, Charles Paul, of Lindley, and Mary A. daughter of John Norris. December 22, 1895, Charles H. Stowell and Miss Lulu G. Humes. In Corning, December 31, 1895, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Franklin D. Hope and Delia E. daughter of E. F. VanEtten. In Corning, December 31, 1895, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, James W. Bennett and Miss Ida Stamp. In Coming, Dec. 31, 1895, Milo L. Erway and Martha W. Cogswell. 366 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1896. In Coming, January 1, 1896, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, George Deuerline and Mrs. Belvia C. Pettit. Agnes daughter of William Gorton, of the town of Corning, and Thad Tannery, Erie passenger train conductor, were married Jan. 8. In Painted Post, February 5, 1896, by Rev. Arthur Osborn, Elmer Barrett and Miss Maud Manning, both of Coopers Plains. In Corning, February 18, 1896, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Judson D. Rogers, of Geneva, and Almeda D. daughter of Charles N. Church. In Caton, February 20, 1896, Frank Cooper and Maggie Graham. At St. Mary's Church, February 18, 1896, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, William Canfield, of Corning, and Margaret McCluskey, of Hornby. In Corning, March 25, 1896, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, Joseph A. Carson and Nettie daughter of M. D. Litts, of East Third street. In Corning, April 8, 1896, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Clarence M. Loudenslager and Miss Mamie V. Hebe. In Corning, April 22, 1896, Daniel Ginnan and Fannie O'Bryan. In Corning, April 29. 1896, Wm. H. Amey and Margaret Welsh. In Corning, April 29, 1896, James E. Reilly and Catherine Colgan. In Corning, May 5, 1896, by Rev. C. G. Dillworth, Joseph L. Bryan and Miss Eva J. Thompson. In Corning, May 20, 1896, by Rev. M. S. Babcock, Samuel Mur- dock, of Caton, and Esther A. Smith, of Corning. May 28, 1896, Frank J. Howell and Miss Emilie A. Litschke. In Gibson, May 27, 1896, Chas. H. De Wolfe and Jessie D. Knapp. In Painted Post, June 4, 1896, at the home of the bride, Charles C. Lambert and Miss Mary E. Howell. In Gibson, June 8, 1896, Walter A. Wilson and Carrie E. Knapp. June 17, 1896, Sylvester C. Freeman and Miss Ida A. Wolcott. In Millerton, Pa., June 24, 1896, F. Cornie Brown, of Corning, and Miss Lena M. Tabor, of Millerton. In Corning, June 24, 1896, by Rev H. C. Woods, Chas. T. Boyce, of Rochester, and Carrie L. daughter of J. W. Caulkins. In Corning, July 1, 1896, Patrick Grady and Rose Murtaugh. In Painted Post, July 1, 1896, by Rev. A. C. Osborn, William M. Spoor and Cora A. Hathaway. In Coming, July 14, 1896, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, Robert D. VanAlstine and Miss Susie Hall. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1896. 367 At Painted Post, July 15, 1896, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Archie W. Force and Miss Mattie M. Spoor. In Gibson, July 16, Augustus K. Rose and Miss Alice E. Wheeler.. In Corning, August 16, John H. Lindsley and Miss Flora Odell. In Corning, Sept. 2, 1896, David S. Crane and Arell M. Hoyt. In Caton, September 2, 1896, by Rev. L. D. Ayers, George C Straubinger, of Corning, said Miss Ella B. Cotter, of Caton. In Corning, September 13, 1896, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, William M. Yontz and Kate M. daughter of Valentine Able. At St. Mary's Church, Coming, September 22, 1896, by Rev. J^ M. Bustin, William Connelly and Annie daughter of John Callinan. In Corning, Sept. 22, 1896, E. C. Gardner and Miss Ella Bovier. In Caton, December 5, 1896, by Rev. L. D. Ayers, Frank S. Hill, and Edith C. daughter of John E. Westbrook, both of Corning. In Corning, October 6, 1896, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, John T. Prince, Jr., and Kate daughter of James Hoare. In Corning, October 14, 1896, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Arthur J> Fero and Mertie daughter of Frank Beyea. In Mossy Glen, October 15, 1896, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Louis A. Robbins and Ada B. daughter of Leonard Kirkendall. In Corning, October 21, 1896, by Rev. V. P. Mather, Reuben VanDerhoef and Harriet E. daughter of Phillip Fisher. In Corning, October 27, 1896, C. G. Andrew and Emma Maltby. November 1, 1896, Carlington Lovell and Miss Clara Thompson. At Coopers Plains, November 4, 1896, by Rev. Frank H. Van- Keuren, Simeon F. Remington and Maggie McLaughlin. In Corning, November 5, 1896, Henry J. Badgely and Maud Allen. In Corning, November 5, 1896, by Rev. C. W. Winchester, Arthur E. Underwood and Mrs. Nina V. Garlock. In Addison, November 18, 1896, John W. Lynahan, of Coming, and Miss Margaret Mullaney, of Addison. In Corning, November 24, 1896, John Stott and Nellie Eagan. In Corning, November 24, 1896, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, George McLaughlin and Miss Julia O'Shea, both of Hornby. In Corning, December 9, 1896, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Grant C. Parsons and Miss Nellie Parks. 368 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1897. In Corning, January 12, 1897, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, Nathan S. Sterling and Florence daughter of Frank Higgins. In Corning, January 12, 1897, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Herbert A. Woolever and Eliza daughter of Mrs. Charlotte Goodsell. In Corning, February 24, 1897, Frank C. Kleckler and Nellie Olds. In Corning, February 27, 1897, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, George M. Bartlett and Elvida daughter of George W. Delaney. In Corning, March 2, 1897, Daniel Ryan and Mary McGrath. In Corning, March 10, 1897, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, George Rutledge and Mary daughter of William McClellan. In Corning, April 14, by Rev. W. A. Allen, John A. Wilcox and Mary Stewart Reed. Mr. Wilcox is Superintendent of the trolley line. In Corning, April 20, 1897, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Frank W. Tuthill, son of Col. H. T. Tuthill, and Miss Carrie Bartlett. In Corning, April 18, 1897, Walter Crawford and Emma Soper. At St. Mary's Church, Corning, May 5, 1897, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, James Garty and Miss Mary Poland, both of Corland. In Corning, May 5, 1897, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Ralph S. Heer- mans and Minnie Irene daughter of Victor Haischer. In Corning, May 10, 1897, James Merrick and Miss Eliza Lee. In Corning, May 12, Sherman A. Miller and Delia M. Putnam. In Corning, May 13, 1897, by Rev. James M. Bustin, James Murphy and Miss Katherine Eagler. At Curtis, June 1, 1897, by Rev. James Griffin, Oliver E. Dow, of Coming, and Lena Agnes daughter of John Mulvihill, of Curtis. June 9, 1897, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Layton Powell, in Hornby, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Dr. George W. Lane, Mayor of Corning, and Mrs. E. Claire Banker. In Corning, June 16, 1897, by Rev. James M. Bustin, William C. Rooney and Miss Helen J. Hanley, both of Corning. In Corning, June 23, 1897, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, E. Floyd Branch and Clara B. daughter of D. B. Tuthill, of Corning. In Elmira, June 23, 1897, by Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, Silas B. Maltby, of Corning, and Adelaide Cordelia daughter of F. Bowles. In Elmira, June 26, 1897, Arthur C. Hutchinson, of Elmira, and Miss Bertha M. Cook, of Lindley. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1897 -'98, 369 In Painted Post, July 15, 1897, by Rev. C. G. Dilworth, Charles H. Lovell and Miss Jennie May Malona. In St. Mary's Church, Corning, August 11, 1897, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Thomas J. Curtin and Miss Ella J. Rogers. In Corning, August 25, 1897, by Rev. S. A. Morse, LaFayette Taylor, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Ruby A. daughter of J. D. Williams. In Corning, September 15, 1897, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Ray- mond Young and Margaret Cunningham. In Corning, September 15, 1897, by Rev. Nathan E. Fuller, John j. Sheppard and Nettie M, daughter of L. S. Conover. In Corning, Sept. 21, 1897, Patrick J. Broderick and Nellie Deegan. In Corning, September 29, 1897, by Rev. C. W. Winchester, Bert J. Carr and Margaret daughter of George W. Jones. In Corning, October 8, 1897, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Elmer W. Brown and Lina daughter of Davis D. Moxley. In Corning, October 20, 1897, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, John R. Perry and Kate M. daughter of William W. Cowan. In Corning, October 20, 1897, by Rev. James M. Bustin, John Ryan and Miss Mary Reynolds. In Lindley, October 26, 1897, by Rev. Frank H. VanKuren, Miss Delia daughter of John C. Mulford, and Emmet Carey, of Corning. In Caton, October 26, 1897, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Charles B. Gulp, of Corning, and Leonora daughter of James Thurber. In Corning, November 15, 1897, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Joseph E. Sparks and Frances daughter of John Richardson. In Corning, November 24, 1897, by Rev. James Bustin, Elmer Harrison and Anna daughter of William McLaughlin, of Hornby. In Painted Post, November 25, 1897, by Rev. C. G. Dilworth, Frank Bentley, of Corning, and Miss Hattie Johnson, of Tioga, Pa. In Corning, December 22, 1897, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Dean C. Balcom and Florence A. Daughter of George R. Brown. In Corning, December 25, 1897, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, William Edward Griffith and Susie A. daughter of George W. Richardson. In Corning, January 1, 1898, Wm. Allen and Catherine Mc Alpine. In Coming, January 4, 1898, J. Edward Oldrin and Mary R. Cone. In Coming, January 11, 1898, John Swain and Miss Agnes Dell. 370 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1898. In Coming, January 10, 1898, by Rev. S. A. Morse, William Campbell and Miss Daisy V. Simonds. In the town of Erwin, January 12, 1898, by Rev. James R. Robin- son, W. Lewis Stanton and Mary L. daughter of Joseph Barr. In Corning, January 23, 1898, John H. Martin and Anna Cowan. In Corning, January 24, 1898, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, P. J. Canny, of Susquehanna, Pa., and Miss Maria Sullivan, of Coming. At St. Mary's Church, Coming, February 9, 1898, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Jerome Woeppel and Mrs. Mary Deneen. In Coming, February 9, 1898, by Rev. P. W. Crannel,, Charles E, Wolcott and Miss Edith B. Stevens, both of Corning. In Corning, February 23, 1898, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, Lewis M. Wolfrom and Mrs. Maude E. Holley, daughter of D. D. Hopper. In Corning, March 5, 1898, Elmer Welch and Jennie Parmenter. Married, March 6, 1898, by Rev. George J. White,. James H. Wheeler and Miss Bessie Coumbe, both of Corning. In Corning, March 21, 1898, Floyd E. Buck and Mary F. Davis. In Painted Post, March 24, 1898, C. H. Angst, of Thurston, and Miss Kate C. daughter of Mrs. Mary Craig, of Painted Post. In Corning, April 6, 1898, Charles L. Gridley and Ava M. Tipple. In Corning, April 8, 1898, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Malcomb Baker and Miss Lillian Parmenter, both of Corning. In Corning, April 19, 1898, by Rev. Frank H. VanKuren, Frank B. Kimball and Mrs. Alice Howard, both of Corning. In Corning, April 20, 1898, W. B. Davres and Miss Effie Rose. In Corning, April 23, 1898, Albert Bradley and Miss Bertha Chase. In Corning, April 26, 1898, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Erwin C. English and Miss Margaret Kiernan. At Painted Post, May 7, 1898, by Rev. B. B. Knapp, George G, Valerious, of Centerville, and Miss Helen N. Kenyon, of Campbell. In East Campbell, May 7, 1898, Fred Maury, of Campbell, and Miss Mabel Bennett, of Corning. In Homby, May 26, 1898, by Rev. C. B. Smith, B. W. Fairchild, of Campbell, and Miss Lucinda E. Snyder, of Hornby. In Corning, June 1, 1898, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Samuel Grant Bloomer and Florence Isabelle daughter of Ensign S. Culver. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1898. 371 In Corning, June 8, 1898, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Harvey Townsend Cole, Jr., and Anna Louise daughter of A. C. Olds. In Coming, June 15, 1898, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Edward J. Dowling and Miss Julia C. Crowley. In Corning, June 16, 1898, Wm. H. Burrell and Nellie Gorman. In Corning, June 21, 1898, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Andrew Beers Maltby, son of Jerome B. Maltby, and Miss Florence O. daughter of Edward L. Dickinson. In Coming, June 25, 1898, Thos. J. O'Neill and Nellie Meville. In Corning, June 25, 1898, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Edward Mayer and Helen V. daughter of Thomas McCullough. In Coming, July 27, 1898, Archie Knapp and Miss Phoebe Zeak. July 2, 1898, Charles DeGroat and Mrs. Jennie (James) Wood. In Corning, July 3, 1898, Simeon McMahonand Elizabeth O'Brien. In Corning, August 10, 1898, Michael K. Tully and Annie Feman. In Corning, August 24, 1898, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Jesse C. Bullock and Miss Maude E. Weaver. In Corning, August 31, 1898, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Frederick W. Kriger and Miss Betsey Spencer. August 31, 1898, Julius Larson and Miss Alma Johnson. In Coming, September 7, 1898, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Charles J. Carroll and Mary A. daughter of John Vallely. In Corning, September 14, Thos. Culligan and Agnes Maxner. In Corning, September 21, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Herman A. Jacoby and Miss Ida Fanny Williams. In Corning, Sept. 21, 1898, J. Lyman Hagar and Helen L. Gorton. In Caton, September 27, 1898, by Rev. L. D. Ayers, Fred E. Speer and Gertrude daughter of A. B. Clark. At the residence of Alanson Houghton, Jr., October 25, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, William J. Tully, son of Joseph J. Tully, and Miss Clara Mabel daughter of Alanson Houghton, Jr. In Corning, October 5, 1898, Geo. W. Lawrence and Anna Easling. In Corning, October 11, 1898, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Asa B. Priest, of Canandaigua, and Miss Helen Inscho Pier, of Corning. In Coming, October 11, 1898, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, David E. Dunkle, of Galeton, Pa., and Miss Anna M. Lindsley, of Coming. 372 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1 898-' 99. In Coming, October 12, 1898, by Rev. W. C. Roberts. Archie N. Butler and Louise daughter of Davis B. Moxley. In Corning, Oct. 12, 1898, Robt. M. Gridley and AHce I. Ridley. In Corning, October 13, 1898, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Charles McCarthy and Miss Estella Shea. At Painted Post, October 28, 1898, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Wesley Gorton, of Gibson, and Miss Ella E. Dykeman, of Painted Post. In Corning, October 26, 1898, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Norman H. Palmer and Miss Grace Ethel Humes. In Gibson, Nov. 13, 1898, Frank B. Cortright and Maude Bennett. In Corning, November 16, 1898, Wm. Hilk and Margaret Gorton. In Bath, November 24, 1898, by Rev. Father Griffin, Dr. Henry Alexander Argue, of Corning, and Miss Theresa A. Bowes, of Bath. In Corning, December 1, 1898, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Richard Walton, of Hornellsville, and Birdie daughter of J. A. Bishop, Corning. In Corning, December 21, 1898, by Rev. W. A. Allen, Arthur L. Kiff and Nellie M. daughter of J. L. Viele, both of Corning. In Corning, January 10, 1899, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Samuel Elwell and Miss Nellie McDonald, both of Corning. In Corning, January 12, 1899, by Rev. S. A. Morse, James B, King and Miss Sarah Bulkley, of East Campbell. In Corning, January 18, 1899, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, William Sinclaire and Miss Helen B. Walker. In Coming, January 25, 1899, Daniel C. Keefe and Ida L. Wallace. In Corning, January 28, 1899, Luke Fox and Mrs. Mary McAvoy. In Elmira, February 1, 1899, by Rev. Dr. McKnight, James W. Thompson, of Erwins, and Miss Susannah T. Sexton. In Painted Post, Feb. 6, 1899, by Rev. F. H. VanKuren, Edward C. Teetes and Miss Jessie L. White. In Corning, February 11, 1899, Delos Noble and Addie L. Bunnell. In Coming, February 15, 1899, by Rev. F. H. VanKuren, of Painted Post, Thomas Herron and Miss Grace B. Sweet, of Corning. In Painted Post, March 2, 1899, by Rev. Frank H. VanKuren, George F. Wilson, of Painted Post, and Carrie A. Davis, of Addison. In Corning, March 8, 1899, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Henry B. Higgins and Miss Belle Louise Huber. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1899. 373 In Coming, March 15, 1899, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, James A. Wright and Mrs. Imogene Johnson. In Coming, March 22, 1899, Wm. H. Remmel and Althea Frazee. In East Campbell, March 23, 1899, Charles L. Reed, of Painted Post, and Miss Lillian Preston, of East Campbell. In Painted Post, April 4, 1899, John A. May and Emma Stasch. In Corning, April 4, 1899, S. W. Bailey and Evelina Baker. In Painted Post, April 9, 1899, Elijah Spear and Ella Potter. April 19, 1899, George F. Cole and Kate Coakley, of Coming. At the First Presbyterian Church, in Rutherford, N. J., April 19, 1899, by Rev. Edwin A. Bulkley, Arthur Amory Houghton, of Corning, and Miss Mabel daughter of George Hollister. In Corning, May 16, 1899, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, Ervan Wetmore and Nora daughter of Milner Kemp. At Gang Mills, May 16, 1899, by Rev. W. K. Towner, William W. Marquart, of Corning, and Clara A. daughter of Frank Booth. In Corning, May 20, 1899, Wm. H. Vance and Miss Cora Gridley. In Corning, June 6, 1899, Francis Maloney and Mary T. Harris. In Painted Post, June 7, 1899, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Frank E. Waite, of Corning, and Mary L. daughter of Sam^iel E. Gilbert. In Coming, June 7, 1899, Samuel Donahue and Miss Mary Crowe. In Corning, June 7, 1899, John J. Haselbauer and Miss Julia Crowe. In Corning, June 14, 1899, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Townsend M. Hawkes and Margaret M. daughter of 0. McClellan. In Corning, June 15, 1899, Frank M. Stickler and Ada V. Strohl. In Corning, June 17, 1899, Harry S. Latshaw and Kathleen Layton. In Corning, August 22, 1899, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, James J. Mc- Mahon and Mary Catherine daughter of Joseph Deegan. In Corning, September 19, 1899, Peter Maxner, Jr., and Miss Catherine daughter of Mrs. C. Underiner. In Coming, Sept. 21, 1899, Chas. S. Colburn and Minnie Williams. In Corning, September 27, 1899, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Joseph W. Ludlow and Miss Margaret Regan. October 1, 1899, Arthur Mosher and Mrs. Amy Kizer. 374 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1899. In Corning, October 3, 1899, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Benson D. Miller and Miss Florence D. VanFleet. In East Corning, October 11, 1899, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts^ Oscar M. Rothfuss and Miss Elizabeth C. Tuttle. October 11, 1899, John W. Conklin, son of Elgin L. Conklin, and Miss May S. adopted daughter of Truman S. Pritchard. In Corning, October 11, 1899, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Francis C. Wolcott and Frances A. daughter of Peter J. De Wolfe, In Caton, October 18, 1899, by Rev. C. L. Shurgur, John Tobey, of Corning, and Clara daughter of Amos Rhodes, of Caton. At St. Mary's Church, in Corning, November 8, 1899, John D. Dowling and Miss Johanna Hanley. In Corning, November 8, 1899, George Black and Nellie Carroll. November 11, 1899, Theodore J. Hook and Clara Pond. In Corning, November 15, 1899, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, H. Docksey Jones and Amy daughter of Mrs. Hannah Broomhall. In Corning, November 16, 1899, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Martin E. Heaxt, of Elmira, and Miss Edna O. Thompson, of Coming. In Corning, December 20, 1899, by Rev. J. C. Mallory, Dr. Frank H. Starr and Fanny L. daughter of Charles A. Reynolds. In Coming, December 20, 1899, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Asher A. Bishop and Bessie daughter of Charles C. Brown. In Caton, December 20, 1899, by Rev. L. D. Ayers, Roderick L. Ayers and Miss Bessie Pease, both of Caton. December 25, 1899, Lewis Bravo and Agnes Deates, of Lindley. In Corning, December 26, 1899, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Ray Edgerton, of Batavia, and Miss Anna Frances Beaty, of Corning. At Christ Church, Corning, December 27, 1899, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Frank H. Ferris and Fanny H. daughter of Mark Tucker. In Coming, December 27, 1899, by Rev. P. W. Crannell, Benja- min Rose and Grace daughter of Lyman Strait. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity. CHAPTER LI. Events In and About Corning — 1900 to 1905. THE FOLLOV/ING OFFICERS of William W. Hayt Post, No. 276, Grand Army of the Republic, of Corning, were installed Monday evening, Jannary 1, 1900, by Captain Charles H. Freeman, Past Department Commander of New York State : — Myron W. Robbins, Commander; William C. Campbell, Senior Vice-Commander ; T. R. Osborne, Junior Vice-Commander ; Carling- ton A. Lovell, Surgeon ; C. J. Cone, Chaplain ; I. G. C. Crandell, Adjutant ; John Fowler, Quartermaster ; O. S. Ashmore, Officer of the Day ; John McCarty, Officer of the Guard ; J. N. Thurber, Ser- geant Major ; J. P. Young, Quartermaster Sergeant Relief Commit- tee — Edwin C. English, Charles H. Freeman and I. G. C. Crandell. January 3, 1900. — The Common Council granted a franchise to the Union Telegraph and Telephone Company, of Erie, Pa., to con- struct and operate a telephone exchange in Corning. At a meeting of the officials of the First Baptist Church of Corn- ing, held January 17, 1900. a call was extended to Rev. A. H. C. Morse, who accepted and a few weeks later became pastor. Late the night of January 24, 1900, a round house in the New York Central yards, in the eastern section of the city, was partly destroyed by fire and several locomotives damaged. Loss, $12,000. January 25, 1900. — At a meeting of women of the city held to consider the matter of organizing a hospital association, Eckley and Charles H. Stearns tendered the free use of their large dwelling at 159 East First, for three years as a hospital, if the association would pay the taxes and for any repairs. The offer was accepted. It was decided to incorporate as the Coming Hospital Association. Names 375 376 First Officers of the Corning Hospital Association. of incorporators : Mrs. Q. W. Wellington, Mrs. C. C. B. Walker, Mrs. E. C. English, Mrs. C. F. Houghton, Mrs. J. B. Maltby, Mrs. James A. Drake and Miss Catherine L. Mills. January 28, 1900.— Mrs. Kendall Simpson, aged ninety-nine years and five months, died at her home in Corning. She was the mother of the late A. S. Kendall. She was greatly esteemed. Said the Corning Journal in its issue of February 16, 1900 : " The only block of brick pavement in the city is on Pine street. It has been in use about eight years ; no repairs have been made or will be required for years." The latter part of February, 1900, John Magee, of Watkins, gave the Corning Hospital complete equipment for an operating room. March 1, 1900.— During the night and the early morning sixteen inches of snow fell, followed by misty rain of several hours duration, Uri Mulford, after an absence of fifteen years, is again a resident of Corning. He is special agent of the New York and Pennsylvania Telephone and Telegraph Company, for the promotion of rural lines and toll and exchange service, throughout its extensive territory. On March 6, 1900, the Union Telephone and Telegraph Company^ of Erie, Pa., gave notice of acceptance of the franchise granted it by the Common Council in January. Samuel C. Robertson, aged 85 years, died March 16, 1900, at his home on West Pulteney street. He was born in Unadilla, N. Y.; had lived in Coming for fifty years, engaging in trade and in manufac- taring for many years, and assisted in the development of the north- ern section of the city. Mrs. Robertson and a son, Edward, survive.. Wednesday, March 20, 1900, the organization of the Corning Hospital was completed by the election of the following officers : Mrs. Helen H. Houghton, President ; Mrs. R. H. Curtis, Secretary ; Mrs. E. P. Graves, Treasurer. In April, 1900, Governor Roosevelt appointed Alanson B. Hough- ton, of Corning, a member of the Board of Managers of the State Hospital at Willard, Daton Gilbert was appointed City Clerk, by Mayor Lane. A steam driven " locomobile," to be given as a prize at a fair to be held at the City Hall the week of April 16, by Independent Hose Company, appeared on Corning streets daily for a couple of weeks prior to the opening of the fair, attracting great attention. First Board of Directors of the Corning Hospital. Zll Joseph W. Hopper, of Corning, achieved marked success, as a pioneer in the exhibition of moving pictures, traveHng from place to place. His singing helped round out entertainments. April 28, 1900. Rev. Emery B. Rolfe, an itinerant Wesleyan minister, was killed by the kick of a horse, his skull being fractured. The vv^as kicked while passing the stall in which the horse was hitched, on his farm at Pine Hill, a few miles northwest of Corning. In May, 1900, Uri Mulford organized a rural telephone company to build a line from Corning to West Caton and Caton Center, with branches to various farm houses. The line was soon built and connected with the Bell telephone exchange at Corning. Officers of the Caton Telephone Company : C. B. Snyder, President ; Rev. Chas. L. Shurger, Treasurer ; Charles E. Bower, Secretary ; Samuel E.. Quackenbush and Wellington E. Gregory, Vice-Presidents. The following have been elected Directors of the Corning Hospi- tal : Mrs. G. L. Abbott, Mrs. George B. Bradley, Mrs. E. A. Branch,, Mrs. Chester S. Cole, Mrs. A. S. Cook, Mrs. Richard H. Canfield, Mrs. James A. Drake, Mrs. Edwin C. English, Mrs. A. M. Gamman, Mrs. William L. Heyniger, Mrs. Harry C. Heermans, Mrs. Amory Houghton, Jr., Mrs. Alanson B. Houghton, Mrs. Thomas Heffernan, Mrs. Frank W. Jenness, Mrs. E. A. Kriger, Mrs. Hugh H. Kendall, Mrs. John H. Lang, Mrs. Samuel J. Lower, Mrs. Henry R. May, Mrs. Jerome B. Maltby, Miss Catherine L. Mills, Mrs. Marvin Olcott, Mrs. H. P. Sinclaire, Mrs. John Schaffer, Mrs. John L. Scott, Mrs. Joseph J. Tully, Mrs. Q. W. Wellington, Mrs. Charles C. B. Walker, Mrs. Benjamin W. Wellington. May 30, 1900. — General George B. Loud, of New York, delivered the Memorial Day address, at the First Methodist Church. On Monday afternoon, June 4, 1900, the Corning Hospital was formally opened. Addresses were made by Rev. James M. Bustin and Rev. Walter C. Roberts, of Coming, and Rev. R. R. Converse, of Rochester. A street fair promoted by the Corning Business Men's Associa- tion, was held on Market street and the connecting side streets, the week of June 4, 1900. It drew large numbers of people form nearby towns, but failed to promote trade, while the shows and peddlers that featured the fair were demoralizing. Friday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, a thunder storm swept over the city, accompanied by high winds, and hail that broke many 378 Common Council Grants Electric Light Franchise. windows. Street fair decorations were torn down or destroyed and many goods damaged. A number of shade trees were blown down. At the commencement exercises of Corning Free Academy, held at the Opera House, Friday afternoon, June 8, the following were graduated : Coit C. Almy, Louise D. Calkins, Andrew C. Callahan, Anna M. Callahan, Mabel C. Carpenter, Wellington A. Ellison, Mar- garet Dean, Alice F. Garty, Nora F. Healy, Charles W. Hyde, George M. Hyde, Visa DeEtte Mather, Sarah B. Mitchell, Bessie Young and Lottie Philoma Strait. Monday, June 11, 1900.— At a meeting held at the town hall in Hornby, the Hornby Telephone Association was organized by Uri Mulford, and arrangements made to build rural lines to connect into a central switching station, and thence a toll line to the Bell telephone exchange in Corning. Officers of the Association : Captain C. C. Ballou, President ; E. H. Thomas, Vice-President ; C. C. Rolo- son, Treasurer ; H. T. Jimerson, Secretary. The Corning Journal of June 29, 1900, carried this comment:— " In the early settlement of the village of Corning, the hours of labor for carpenters and joiners were twelve per day, at least. In 1840, James M. Hawley, a young carpenter from Geneva, came here to become a citizen and help build up Corning, and was largely influential in securing the informal adoption of a ten-hour working standard. There was fierce opposition for a time, and the old employers predicted disastrous results, but the ten-hour custom has never been discarded. In time not far distant the usual working limit will not exceed nine, and perhaps eight, daily." At a special meeting of the Common Council held July 21, 1900, a contract was awarded to Costello & Nagle, of Elmira, to pave First street with brick, from Wall to Walnut street, for $12,038.96, this amount including curbing, cross-walks, etc. The project was com- pleted before Winter set in. August 6, 1900, the Common Council, with the approval of Mayor Lane, granted an electric light and power franchise, for ten years, to Robert E. Drake, of Syracuse. Drake agreed to furnish 76 or more 2,000 candle power arc lights, to burn all night, for $80 each per year. At the same meeting the Council granted a telephone exchange and toll line franchise to B. G. Hubbell, of Cleveland, to take the place of the unused franchise granted an Erie company. Mr. Hubbell said a Corning Telephone Company would operate under the franchise. Large numbers of Corning people attend the Corning District Methodist Camp Meeting at Presho. Extraordinary Rain-Fall; Monkey Run Floods Streets. 379 In August, 1900, Robert E. Drake, for the newly organized Corn- ing Electric Light and Power Company, leased the power plant of the Corning and Painted Post Street Railway for ten years, and agreed to add sufficient power for both services. September 3, 1900, the public schools of Corning opened with Dr. Leigh R. Hunt at the head of the Southside schools and A. M. Blodgett in charge of the Northside schools. These schoolmen con- tinue from year to year to render splendid service. In October, 1900, Rev. F. P. Simmons succeeded Rev. W. A. Allen as pastor of Grace Methodist Church, Corning. Joseph H. Ryan, of Corning, a New York Central fireman, was killed the night of October 23, 1900, when the locomotive he was firing, struck a rock that had rolled down a mountain side, near Blackwells, Pa., and was overturned. The evening of October 30, 1900, the Corning Light and Power Company began lighting the city streets with electricity. November 1, 1900, A. G. Palmer retired from the position of Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Division of the New York Cen- tral Railroad. He is succeeded by Joseph E. Stewart, of Weehawken. During the period beginning November 24, 1900, and ending the 26th at 9 o'clock in the morning, three and thirty-one-hundred inches (3.30) of rain fell in Corning. This was a greater fall of rain than caused the June flood of 1889 — then the precipitation was 2.92 inches. This last storm did not extend over so great an area. However, it caused the Monkey Run to flood the section of the city swept by its overflows, and the Chemung to rise within thirty-six inches of the high water mark of June, 1889. The highway between Painted Post and Gang Mills was under five feet of water at noon, November 26. The population of the city of Corning, as given by the United States Census Bureau, is 11,061 ; in 1892 it was 10,925 ; in 1890, 8,550. On December 15, 1900, rural mail delivery began on routes out of Corning. Carriers furnished their own conveyance. Salary, $500. The night of December 18, 1900, the junk warehouse of George M. Owens, at Painted Post, burned. He slept in the building, was awakened by roaring flames, and escaped in his night clothes. December 26, 1900.— At a meeting of Master Masons a social organization, known as the Ashler Club, was organized, with the following officers : Charles E. Greenfield, President ; Hugh H. Ken- 380 Corning Mayor and Board of Aldermen In 1901. dall, Vice-President ; ' William M. Corbin, Secretary ; J. C. Moore, Treasurer. Directors— J. L. Lewis, J. C. Bostelman and G. W. Fuller. January 31, 1901, fire destroyed the Franz Bottling works at Centerville, in the town of Corning. Three boys and five girls were injured the evening of Feburary 2, 1901, when double-header bob-sleds on which they were coasting on Pine street, ran into a livery carry-all drawn by a team of horses. The injured were Claude Witt, Francis Erwin, Roy Baker, Theresa Haley, Mary O'Brien, Kate McCluskey, Cora Busam and Eliza Daggett. The accident put a stop to such coasting. At the annual meeting of the Corning Hospital Association, held February 11, Miss Catherine L. Mills was elected President. February 15, 1901.— Heavy snow fall and drifts blocked the New York Central between Corning and Geneva for two days. The Pine Creek section was blocked for twenty-four hours. The Orlando Hotel, (formerly the Osborne House), was opened March 2, 1901, with E. A. Kitts as landlord. Mrs. Mary J. Schirmer, of Corning, had two additional memorial windows placed in Christ Episcopal Church. One portrays the Church Militant, and the other, the Church Triumphant. March 9, 1901, Thomas G. Hawkes, manufacturer of cut glass, purchased the former B. W. Payne foundry and machine shops, which are in part occupied by the Allen Foundry Company. March 11, 1901. — The Common Council met in regular session, following the annual charter election, with the following members : Mayor — Dr. George W. Lane ; Aldermen — First Ward, Earnest E. Beales and Oliver P. Schott ; Second Ward, Frank B. Kimball and J. Towner Hayt ; Third Ward, William W. Adams and Valentine Rettig ; Fourth Ward, Patrick J. Callahan and John J. Clancy ; Fifth Ward, Lucius L. Flower and Edward E. Magee. In March, 1901, taxpayers of the village of Painted Post decided by a vote of 54 to 3 to enlarge the school building at an expense of $5,500, and voted down, 48 to 46, a proposition for water works. April 9, 1901.— Rev. Robert M. Duff, of Waterloo, N. Y., has been appointed assistant rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Corning. April 14, 1901.— Robert W. Terbell, the druggist, purchased and placed in use in Corning an automobile run by steam, which was generated by gasoline. The machine cost $800. Runs of Various New York Central Engineers. 381 At the annual election of the Corning Fire Department held the evening of April 16, 1901, the following officers were chosen : Fred D. Rockwell, Chief Engineer ; John W. McCarthy, First Assistant Engineer ; Michael Grady, Second Assistant Engineer ; John W. Fedder, Treasurer. On Sunday, April 21, 1901, due to three days of rain, the Che- mung River flooded the flat lands above and below the city, while the dykes afforded ample protection. Monkey Run flooded portions of Erie avenue and Pine streets, and filled many cellars. April 23, 1901. — The Corning Gas Company and the recently established Corning Light and Power Company, have been purchased by New York capitalists and are to be consolidated. The coal and wood yards and hay and feed warehouse of Tov/n- ley Brothers and Company, in the northeastern section of Corning, near Baker street, burned the night of May 7, 1901. The Corning Savings and Loan Association, organized in 1889, has $360,200 in loans outstanding, and has paid $97,711.28 in profits to its shareholders. Frank D. Kingsbury is President. May 16, 1901, official announcement was made that the main machine shops of the Pennsylvania Division of the New York Central Railroad would be located at at Oak Grove, near Jersey Shore, Pa., and only minor emergency repair work would be done in Corning. The following New York Central engineers have runs " out of Corning :" J. Boyle, J. Richards, George Harris, O. L. White, J. W. T. Patchill, A. Wheeler, C. Chapman, James May, P. P. Ready, George B. Walsh, W. L. Keagle, J. L. Fay, J. B. Clawson, L Switzer, R. J. Brewer, M. J. O'Shaunessy, C. Keagle, W. Brewer, J. L. Bunnell, T. O'Neil, J. Burgey, H. Krebs, F. Jelliff, A. Husted, E. E. Beals. Corn- ing yard : L. B. Manning, E. J. Patchill, G. W. Famum, J. Salley, P. Maxner, J. Schaffer and C. Alexander. The following engineers have runs as assigned, with homes in Corning : Charles Beard, C. S. Mabin, Chauncey Kimball, Charles Shoens, Frank Torrence and John T. Bunnell. In the Summer of 1901 a new and much stronger iron bridge was built by the New York Central at Corning, to replace one erected in 1877. The change was made, and a new span added, without interferring with train service. The latter part of June, 1901, the Corning Light and Power Company arranged to extend its service to Painted Post. 382 Death of President McKinley Causes Great Sorrow. On Monday, June 24, 1901, the Northside High School graduated its first class, following the granting of its charter by the State Board of Regents. Those graduated : F. S. Densberger, Belle Catchpole, Gladys Oldfield, Charles F. Baxter, Alice M. Dodge, Charlotte R. Wolff, Arthur E. Mayo and Gertrude E. Lovejoy. The Retail Grocers' Association of Corning was organized in June, 1901, with the following officers : Frank Osbom, President ; Thomas J. Amey and Beecher M. Jones, Vice Presidents ; F. H. Coger, Treasurer. Directors— L. K. Roloson, J. Percy Carr, Luman S. Conover and F. N. Markell. June 26, 1901, twelve students were graduated by the Corning Free Academy — namely : John F. Byrne, Grace A. Comfort, Anna M. Farrell, Grace E. Gunthrup, Mary C. Hart, Alfred G. Hood, John J. McCarthy, Rebecca McCloskey, Stephen V. Marsh, Joseph N. A. Pfeiffer, Louis H. Terrill and George H. Townsend. John Benger. of Coming, has taken a contract to build a passen- ger station, between Bridge street and Sly avenue, for the Lacka- wanna Railroad Company. July 16, 1901, while John W. Rowley and his son John, of the town of Corning, were at work in a field a storm came up and the son was killed by lightning. July 24, 1901. — Martin Dillon, a telephone lineman, grasped an electric light wire, while at work in the alley just east of the clock tower, and fell 30 feet to the pavement. He lived only a few minutes. In August, 1901, George W. Drake & Company established a glass cutting shop in the Hungerford building, a large two-story frame structure on Bridge street. G. W. Drake is President of the company and manager of the business. Mrs. G. W. Drake and Dr. A, M. Gamman are his partners. August 24, 1901, P. E. Cowley, of Jersey Shore, was appointed Superintendent of the Pennsvlvania Division of the New York Cen- tral Railroad, succeeding J. B. Stewart, who becomes Superintendent of the Boston and Albany Railroad. The Imperial Engine Company of Painted Post began granting its employes Saturday afternoons off, with no reduction in their pay. The death of President McKinley, murdered by an anarchist, caused deep sorrow in Corning, as elsewhere among civilized people. September 19 a union memorial service was held at the First Metho- dist Church, the pastor of every church in the city taking part. Managed Corning Section of Uunderground Railway. 383 At the annual meeting of Genesee Annual Conference, in Octo- ber, 1901, Rev. W. H. Reese was appointed pastor of the First Methodist Church in Corning ; Rev. F. P. Simmons was continued as pastor of Grace Church, and Rev. I. K. Libby was appointed pastor of the Methodist Church at Painted Post. Marcus F. Lucus, colored, born in Bath of parents who were born in slavery in Virginia, died in Corning, November 14, 1901, aged 81 years. He had lived in this place since 1840 ; was a barber ; for many years preceding the emancipation of the slaves was head of what was know as "the Corning section of the underground railroad," and was the means of assisting many fugitive slaves to escape into Canada. He was a gentleman in speech and de- meanor, industrious, honest, and ever willing to sacrifice and endure hardship for members of his race fleeing from Southern bondage. Samuel J. Lower, aged 53 years, died at his home in Corning, December 3, 1901. He was for a number of years a merchant tailor, and in earlier life a salesman in various dry goods stores in Corning,. December 10, 1901.— Dry goods in the store of Mrs. Thomas Heffernan, at 46 East Market street, were damaged by fire early this morning, to the amount of $6,000. Loss covered by insurance. Early on Saturday afternoon, December 14, 1901, with the tem- perature at 64 degrees, rain fell heavily, continuing until 11 at night when lower temperature caused a change to snow, which continued until near noon on Sunday. Tlie ground was frozen and did not absorb the water. The result was swollen streams ; the Chemung River Sunday forenoon was within 31 inches of the mark of the June flood in 1889 ; the dykes saved a destructive overflow of the flat-lands of the city ; the greater portion of Painted Post was flooded, and the bottom lands from hill to hill thence for half a dozen miles up stream were submerged. Train service was suspended for the day. Monkey Run Creek caused but little damage. Attorney Francis A. Williams died suddenly, December 21, 1901, at his home, just after entering the house on coming from his office where he had spent the morning engaged in business. He was born in Prattsburg in 1834 ; in 1864 began the practice of law in Corning ; was an able attorney, zealous as a member of the First Presbyterian Church, and effective in promoting educational interests. Mrs. Williams, two sons and three daughters survive — Miss Mary G., Attorney Francis C, Clark B., Jane and Elizabeth. 384 Rising Waters Cause Night of Intense Excitement. Liveryman William J. McPherson runs a 'bus between the Lackawanna passenger station and the hotels " over town." Asked by a commercial traveller why the Railroad Company located its Corning passenger station " way out in the country," " Mack," as he was generally known, answered his fare in all earnestness : " I suppose it was because they wanted it near the railroad tracks." January 12, 1902. — Mrs. James F. Young, aged 59, was struck and killed, early in the evening, by an Erie locomotive at Pine street. Friday, February 28, a thaw with rains, sent the Monkey Run pouring east and west along Erie avenue and nearby low lands. The next morning the Chemung was within a few inches of the high- water mark of the June flood in 1889, but soon began to subside. During the night alarm bells and whistles were sounded and men responding were set at work building up places in the river dykes where over-flows were feared. Cutler Creek washed over its dyke in a number of places, flooding a portion of the Northside and caus- ing intense excitement. For a time water flowed over the Erie tracks, for a distance of several rods, between the railroad bridge and the Centerville crossing. A number of families abandoned their homes in the eastern section of the city. Along the main line of the Erie railroad between Waverly and Hornellsville there were numer- ous wash-outs, and also a number along the Rochester Division between Painted Post and Savona. Erie and New York Central train service were suspended until their tracks could be repaired. Tuesday, March 1, 1902, Dr. John L. Miller was elected Mayor ; George B. Pettengill, Chamberlain ; Frank J, Saxton, Recorder ; W. P. Gridley, Overseer of the Poor ; Jared Pratt, Assessor. April 1, 1902, rural mail routes out of Corning were announced with carriers as follows : Route 1, Robert Bonham ; 2, Benjamin E. Robbins ; 3, William E. Vanderhoef ; 4, Augustus J. Egginton ; 5, Alonzo S. Comfort. Post offices at Amorosa, Mossy Glen and Dyke were discontinued. Rural carriers leave Coming post office each morning, Sundays and holidays excepted. Major Richard L. Hill, aged 68 years, a veteran of the Civil War, died at his home in Corning, Friday evening, April 25, 1902. When a young man he taught school in Knoxville ; for a time was a machin- ist ; was severely wounded while in military service ; conducted a fire and life insurance business in Corning ; was a firm friend, a genial companion and an exemplary citizen. Frank D. Kingsbury's Gift to Hospital Association. 385 At Bath, May 13, 1902, William J. Tully, of Corning, was elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Steuben County. May 14, 1902. — The Common Council purchased a stone-crusher. Mayor Miller order strict observance of the eight-hour labor law. May 21, 1902,— Frank D, Kingsbury paid $6,000 for the premises occupied by the Corning Hospital and presented the same to the Corning Hospital Association, as a memorial for his mother. Attorney William F, McNamara, aged 42 years, died May 31, 1902, at his home in Corning, of heart failure. His parents were born in Ireland and were among the first settlers of Corning. Here he was born, and reared under circumstances that compelled indus- try and determination to get to the fore. From early childhood he read and studied to a purpose ; no resident of the city excelled him in knowledge of history ; as an orator he excelled ; as an attorney he prospered ; and he was an earnest advocate of a free Ireland. June 13, 1902, the following students were graduated at the Free Acacdmy : Alfred H. Abbott, Samuel S, Burgey, Maude Burgey, Frederick D. Carr, S. Frances Harris, Lulu Hathaway, Thomas Leonard, Frank Maltby, T. Paul McGannon, Margaret O'Connor, J. Stewart Owen, Jr., Lorenzo C, Streeter, Leon A, Townsend, Bertha Thurber, Verne R, Tucker and Francis Walker, Wing & Bostwick, proprietors of a general store at Lawrence- ville. Pa., and who for some months have conducted a branch store on Bridge street, purchased of William N, Luce land at the south- west corner of Bridge and Pulteney streets, on which to erect a concrete block, which they will occupy with a department store. Idalia Sly, Ethel B. Gifford, Edna A. Thurber and Samuel J. Hoffman were graduated by the Northside High School. Early in July two additional brick chimneys were completed at the Corning Glass Works, These are 116 feet high, 26 feet in diam- eter at the base and 8 feet at the top, Rains of unusual violence July 3 and 4, caused all streams of the Chemung water-shed to overflow, damaging or destroying crops. Much damage was done to gardens and dirt streets were badly washed in Corning. Again the dykes proved their value. A new pipe organ, costing $10,000, was placed in the First Presbyterian Church of Corning, The combined annual salaries of the principal and eleven other teachers, employed the present school year at the Northside High 386 St. Patrick's Parish Is Set Off From St. Mary's. and Primary Schools, aggregate $5,300. Pupils enrolled, 612. July 2, 1902, rain and hail did considerable damage in Corning and vicinity. A number of farm building were unroofed by winds. In August, 1902, Bishop McQuaid, of the Diocese of Rochester, created St. Patrick's Parish from the eastern part of St. Mary's Parish, Corning, and appointed Rev. Walter J. Lee priest in charge. Father Lee came to Coming in 1875, as assistant pastor of St. Maiy's. ' The new parish has a church building fund of $4,000, given by Rev. Dean Colgan, and a parish house, valued at $2,000, given by a member. Highland Pines Sanitarium, overlooking the city from the south, was formally opened Monday evening, August 11. It has twenty- three private rooms for patients. It is conducted by a corporation represented by the following officers : Dr. John L. Miller, President ; Dr. Thomas A. McNamara, Vice-President ; Dr. W. S. Cobb, Treas- urer ; Dr. Herbert B. Smith, Secretary. September 6, 1902.— Rev. Bernard J. Gesell, of Buffalo, succeeds Rev. Walter J. Lee, as Assistant Pastor at St. Mary's. A window from the Tiffany studios in New York, has been placed in Christ Church, as a memorial for Mrs. Joseph J. Tully. September 19, 1902, the name of the Corning Daily Democrat was changed to The Evening Leader. In October, 1902, the North Baptist Church was organized, at the chapel on Bridge street, with Rev. George Laughton as pastor. Henry Burden Sinclaire, aged 68 years, died November 25, 1902, at his home in Corning. He was born in Belfast, Ireland ; for a time was an'importer of gloves, in New York; in 1866 became connected with the glass company that in 1868 moved from Brooklyn to Corn- ing and accompanied the concern to this place ; in 1875 became Secretary of the Corning Glass Works, and so continued till death. He was a vestryman of Christ Church. Mrs. Sinclaire and three sons survive — Henry P., Jr., William and Reginald. In December, 1902, President Roosevelt appointed John S. Kennedy to continue in office for a second term of four years, as Postmaster of Corning. The Senate confirmed the nomination. The James M. Greig Department Store was recently moved to the Drake Block, at the northeast comer of Market and Pine streets. It occupies the entire building. December 19, 1902, the Board of Supervisors voted to build a new Court House in Corning, to cost $25,000. Incorporation of Steuben Glass Works, of Corning. 387 January 6, 1903, the taxpayers of Painted Post rejected, 15 to 44, a proposition to issue $25,000 in bonds to construct water works. I. K. Blumenthal has sold his clothing and furnishing store, at 14 East Market street, to P. White and son Frank, of Nichols, N. Y. Mr. Blumenthal is proprietor of a jewelry store at 40 East Market. The new club rooms of Corning Council, Knights of Columbus, in the Williams Block, were opened the evening of February 9, 1903. In February, 1903, the Corning Hospital Association decided to erect a new main building at an expense of $20,000. Frank D. Kingsbury contributed $4,000 of the amount. February 25, 1903. — Charles H. Almy and G. Edwin Thomas have purchased the cut glass works established a few months ago in the Heermans & Lawrence Building, on East Erie avenue, by the Knickerbocker Cut Glass Company. By a vote of 57 to 45 taxpayers of the town of Corning author- ized $15,000 in bonds to be issued to pay the town's share of the expense of erecting a new iron bridge across the Chemung River at Gibson. The city of Corning will pay an equal amount. At the city election, Tuesday, March 2, the following Aldermen were chosen : First Ward, Herman A. Jacoby ; Second, Dr. Charles A. Carr ; Third, Valentine Rettig ; Fourth, Samuel Elwell ; Fifth,, Edgar E. Magee. The Aldermen who " hold over " are, George O. Smith, Frank B. Kimbell, C. G. Andrew, Patrick Callahan and B.- Lamb. Thomas J. Amey was re-elected Assessor. Articles of incorporation of the Steuben Glass Works were filed with the Secretary of State at Albany, March 9. Frederick D. Carder, formerly of Staffordshire, England, is head of the concern, which is to occupy the former Payne foundry and make art glass. The Wellington Hotel was reopened, with A. G. Crane and J. J. Finch, formerly of Geneva, as landlords. Warren Stone Hodgman, aged 78 years, died at his home in Painted Post. He came there in 1850 ; his wife, who died a number of years ago, was a daughter of the late Lyman Balcom. Mr. Hodgman was proprietor of a saw-mill and a grist-mill, and was also a farmer. He was successful in business and a leader in community affairs. The following sons and daughters survive : Edward B., of Galeton, Pa.; Mrs. Msry Goffe, of New York; Lyman B., Clara L. and Susan B., at home. 388 Nineteen Thousand Dollars Given Corning Hospital. Sunday morning, March 22, 1903, the Corning Stove Works, on State street, was damaged by fire, the loss being $20,000. Caleb Clark, aged 79 years, prominent in his active days as a carpenter and builder, died March 25, 1903, at his home in Corning. Noble Hill, aged 90 years, a pioneer of the town of Caton, died at his home in Corning, March 26, 1903. He was a man of influence and much esteemed. Two sons. Earl A. and Nye R., survive. Rev. J. M. Bustin began the sale of the former arsenal plot, which had been divided into building lots, the money thus derived to be used for building a convent, near St. Mary's Church. April 7, 1903, at a special election held in Painted Post, a resolu- tion to issue $33,000 in bonds to construct a water supply system, was defeated by 14 votes — 99 against, 85 for. April 20, 1903, Rev. Walter J. Lee announced to the congregation of St. Patrick's Church, that J. W. Shea had taken a contract to erect a church and school building for the parish, to cost $16,894. Tuesday afternoon, April 21, the drying kiln and a storage room of the Corning Brick, Terra Cotta and Tile Works, were destroyed by fire. Loss, $23,000 ; partly insured. April 28, 1903, Bishop J. B. McQuaid, of Buffalo, confirmed two hundred children at St. Mary's Church, Corning. The net receipts of a fair and carnival, for the benefit of St. Patrick's Church, held at the City Hall, in April, were $7,203.10. May 22, 1903. — The contract for building an iron bridge across the Chemung River, between the city of Corning and Gibson, was let to the Owego Bridge Company, at $30,000. The Wellington Hotel was closed by a mortgage creditor. Sunday afternoon, May 24, Locomotive Engineer August Young- blute was crushed to death, when the engine he was driving was derailed and overturned, at Presho. June 1, 1903. — Nineteen thousand dollars have been contributed for a new main building for the Corning Hospital. The city issued $90,000 in bonds to meet debts and make so- called permanent improvements. June 12, 1903, the Corning Free Academy graduated a class of 22 — namely : Edwin D. Bonham, John L. Chatfield, Alice Dean, Mary R. Dorman, Charles Eck, Ada A. M. Foster, Kate B. Frost, Ada R. Bishop McQuaid Dedicates St. Patrick's Church. 389 Guntrup, George C. Hood, Cora I. Harris, Mabel Johnson, Frances D. Keating, Margaret C. Lynahan, William J. Marsh, Adrian A, Mc- Namara, Catherine T. Mullaney, Phillip E. Purcell, Pearl L. Ruff, Joseph P. Rahilly, Albert N. Smith, Francis H. Townsend and Edwin M. Waterbury. Robert O. Hayt resigned the position and Robert H. Canfield was appointed City Engineer. Sunday, June 14, announcement was made of the appointment of Rev. John T. Cassidy as Assistant Pastor of St. Mary's Church, to succeed Rev. C. J. Gefell, who becomes Assistant Rector of the Catholic Church at Canandaigua. The corner-stone of St. Patrick's church and school, on East Erie avenue, was laid by Bishop McQuaid, Sunday, June 21, 1903. June 24, 1903, the following were graduated by the Northside High School : Helen Eddy, Gertrude Watson, Anna Green, Charles R. Hope, Rush Stevens and Raymond Schofield. July 1, 1903, the Corning Free Library was closed for want of funds. The city has given it no financial support since 1901. At its next meeting the Common Council voted $1,000 for the library. July 2, 1903, Caroline H. Lathrop and Sarah Jane Clark were graduated as nurses by the Corning Hospital. Dr. William E. Bryan sold his drug store, at 111 Pine street, to A. J. Nichols, of Pulteney, who soon moved to Coming. The New York Central Railroad placed fifteen gigantic tandem compound freight engines in service on its Pennsylvania Division. Drake & Company were awarded the contract for building a new court house, on a site given by the city, at Pine and First streets. Heavy rains of the " cloud-burst " type, central over the northern part of Hornby, the afternoon and night of August 19, 1903, caused Post Creek and Cutler Creek to become torrents, sweeping away bridges and destroying highways. About 200 feet of the Lackawan- na railroad bed was washed away by Cutler Creek, and there were a number of New York Central washouts along Post Creek. August 29, 1903, the Chemung River flooded the bottom lands, both above and below Corning, following two days of rain. A. Currie, as landlord, has reopened the Wellington Hotel. On Sunday, November 1, Bishop McQuaid dedicated the new church and school building of St. Patrick's Parish, in Coming. 390 Methodist Church at Caton Destroyed by Fire. A. H. Woeppel in November, 1903, completed the last of five new- greenhouses, on Park avenue, and had a formal opening. Saturday, July 14, Charles R. Hope, aged 20 years, son of Thomas Hope, of Corning, was fatally injured while playing football at Canisteo. He was a member of the Corning Free Academy team. Monday evening, November 30, 1903, Rev. Levi H. Wilcox, aged 29, pastor of the Free Methodist Church at Lindley, dropped dead. December 7, 1903, Mrs. James M. Webb purchased the building and lots on East Market street, formerly owned and occupied for a house of worship and a parochial school by St. Patrick's Parish. The Highland Pines Sanitarium ceased business. Sidney B. Howell, aged 82 years, for near 60 years an influential citizen of Painted Post, died December 21, 1903. Johathan S. Hurd, aged 92, a pioneer of Caton, died Dec. 22, 1903. January 11, 1904. — By unanimous vote the Common Council granted a franchise, to continue 50 years, to Dr. George S. Goff and others, to pipe the city and distribute natural gas. A sudden flood following a few hours of sharp rain, cleared the Chemung river and its branches of ice early Saturday morning. Most of the broken ice was two feet thick and clear as crystal. In February, 1904, Rev. A. H. C. Morse retired from the pastor- ate of the First Baptist Church, of Corning, having accepted a call from a Baptist Church of Brooklyn. He was succeeded by Rev. George B. Cutten, of New Haven, Conn. On Sunday afternoon, February 8, the Chemung River cleared of ice, the crest of the flood being 15 feet above normal low water. A rise in temperature and rains caused the snow to melt rapidly. Ice gorges formed, both above and below Corning, blocking railroads. At the charter election held in Corning, March 1, 1904, Valentine Rettig was elected Mayor, by 192 plurality over William J. Buchanan. Daton Gilbert was elected Chamberlain ; Thomas F. Rogers, Record- er, and Harvey T. Cole, Sr., Overseer of the Poor. The Methodist Church at Caton Center was burned to the ground, Saturday evening, March 5, 1904. Net loss about $4,000. March 9, 1904, Mrs. Judeth Kirby Roloson, aged 96 years, widow of Peter Roloson, died at the home of her son Oren Roloson. She had for 72 years been a resident of Hornby. H. P. Sinclaire & Company Build Cut Glass Factory. 391 A large section of Painted Post was flooded March 7, 1904, by waters from Cutler Creek, due to an ice-jam. March 22, 1904, the Elmira and Corning Short Line Railway was incorporated, to construct an electric line between the two cities. The evening of March 25 fire damaged R. H. Gethler's millinery store, in the Mills Block, to the extent of $19,000. Other tenants of the block sustained minor losses. March 29, 1904.— T. H. Symington & Company, of Baltimore, Md., manufacturers of car boxes and brake shoes, purchased the foundry on East Market street. Over 200 men are employed there. Mayor Rettig nominated and the Aldermen by unanimous vote confirmed the following city officers : Waldo W. Willard, City Attor- ney, (to succeed himself); John W. Fedder, City Clerk ; Dr. Mary E. R. Sanford, City Physician ; William H. Clark and Dr. George W. Lane, Police Commissioners ; A. J. Ingersoll, M. J. Franz and O. A. Cary, Fire Wardens. Hitching rails and posts were removed from the curbs along Cedar street between Market street and Erie avenue.and the section of driveway was ordered kept clear, for use in case of fire alarm, by apparatus stored at the City Hall. A new combination chemical fire extinguisher and ladder truck, drawn by a team of horses, was given public tests May 12, 1904. The new fire fighting apparatus was approved and accepted. In May, 1904, H. P. Sinclaire & Company began the erection of a large brick factory for glass cutting, on East Market street. At the commencement exercises of Corning Free Academy, held June 10, 1904, the following were graduated : Olive C. Abbott, Florence T. Ansorge, John L. Austin, Guy W. Cheney, Francis J. Haughey, Maxcy J. Kelly, Ethel H. Maltby, John Leo Miller, Justin V. Purcell and John Chapin Tharp. Jason M. Gruver, of Corning, was crushed to death, near Him- rods, June 11, when the locomotive he was firing was derailed. The graduates of the Northside High School, Class of 1904, were : Isabel E. Wheat, Claude N. Stowell, Ernest E. Whipple, Edwin C. Barkman, Lyla B. Woodard, Sarah L. Hammond, Asher H. Lyon, Sarah May Miller, May E. Sage, Leha E. Thomas, Bertha E. Lear, Eliza M. Stewart and Beatrice S. Knapp. July 15, 1904, William F. McNamara, Jr., son of the late William F. McNamara, drowned while bathing in the river at Painted Post. 392 Three Corning Men Killed in Railroad Accident. Bridge street was paved with brick, from the Chemung River bridge to Ontario street, in August-October, 1904. August 12, 1904.— A contract has been let at $18,264.25, to con- struct a storm sewer, from Third street at Chemung to the river east of the old cemetery, with a branch of 500 feet on Mill street. About 10 o'clock Saturday night, August 27, 1904, while near home on East Second street, walking alone, Orlando J. Robinson was felled to the sidewalk by a blow from a large stone placed in the toe of a stocking. The assailant, who escaped, was bent on robbery. Mr. Robinson, who was past middle-life, made slow recovery. The Northside High School began the new school year with A. M. Blodgett as Principal— his eighth year,— and Miss A. Naomi Coye and Miss Mary E. Cole as Preceptresses. An additional school building or annex, has been erected, costing $16,000. The Crystal City Gas Company was formed, to supply Corning with natural gas piped from the Roulette field in Pennsylvania. The Directors of the company are Benjamin W. Wellington, Dr. George S. Goff and William S. Hunt. Having failed to secure a route into the city of Corning, such as would meet requirements, the proprieters of the Elmira and Coming Shortline Railroad, early in September, 1904, purchased the Corning and Painted Post Street Railway, paying $282,000. Rev. N. E. Fuller resigned the pastorate of the Congregational Church, of Coming, to accept a call from the First Congregational Church at Middletown, N. Y. September 22, 1904.— Announcement was made that the New York Central Railroad Company is to build extensive switching yards, with shops and round houses, in the Post Creek valley, near the city limits. The section was later named North Corning. In October, 1904, Rev. C. H. Hudson began his second year as pastor of the Free Methodist Church at Corning. In October, 1904, Rev. W. H. Reese was reappointed pastor of the First Methodist Church of Corning, and Rev. A. B. Strait pastor of Grace Methodist Church ; Rev. D. L. Pitts was assigned to the pas- torate of the Methodist Church at Painted Post. The morning of October 21, 1904, there was a head-on collision between two New York Central freight trains, near Geneva. One of the trains was hauled by two engines. Engineer Charles Ruloff, of Symington & Company Occupy Corning Stove Works. 393 DeWitt, and firemen Charles D. Hickey and E. Clayton Rogers, were killed. The wreck was due to a mistake in operating a signal. October 24, 1904 —Rev. Paul R. Allen, of Cambridge, N. Y^ has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Congregational Church, The following " reminder," from the pen of Dr. George W, Pratt, the veteran editor, is worthy of consideration. It was printed in the issue of the Corning Daily Journal dated October 26, 1904 : — " The younger residents of this section have no idea of the work done by the pioneers of this hill country, in providing homes for themselves and clearing their land. Some of the pioneers died an early death, from illness caused by privation, or from incessant labor. In the early days it was usually considerable distance to mill or to market, and the cost of living was a grevious burden. As one now looks over the rolling fields, free from stumps, and released of abundant harvest, it is hard to realize that two generations ago those fields were a dense forest, infested with wild animals." In November, 1904, ground was broken for a Salvation Army barracks at 112 East Market street, to cost $6,000. The State has expended an additional sum of $15,000 in building a protecting slope along the southern bank of the Chemung, in the eastern section of the city. The job was completed in November. George W. Martin, aged 81 years, a farmer of the town of Corn- ing, was killed by a fast train at the grade crossing of the Lackawan- na railroad, in Gibson, Sunday morning, November 27, 1904. In December, 1904, the T. H. Symington Company opened a branch foundry in the Corning Stove Works buildings. The Board of Supervisors voted $7,500 additional, for the new court house at Corning— making $32,500 for the project. John J. Clancy was appointed Alderman, by the Common Council, to succeed Alderman Joseph Doyle, deceased. " Phin " Gould, a young man of Corning, has achieved promi- nence as a light-weight wrestler. He won the State championship. The net avails of a fair for the Corning Hospital, held at the City Hall, the week ending December 3, 1904, were $3,646.19. The night of December 20, fire damaged the new glass cutting shop of H. P. Sinclaire & Company to the extent of $20,000. Rev. A. Burr Strait resigned the pastorate of Grace Methodist Church in Corning and resumed the practice of medicine in Hornells- ville. He was succeeded by Rev. Addis Albro. D. W. Dinan is appointed Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Division of the New York Central, vice P. E. Crowley, promoted. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LII. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1900 to 1905. MARRIED, at St. Mary's Church in Coming, February 14, 1900, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, William McHale and Miss Mary Ryan, both of Corning. In Lindley, March 9, 1900, by Rev. Charles L. Shergur, Myron Gridley, of Caton, and Mabel, daughter of Albert Grover, of Lindley. In Corning, April 19, 1900, by Rev. S. A. Morse, John Semple and Minnie E. daughter of Lewis B. Manning. In Corning, April 25, 1900, Michael McCarthy and Anna Burke. In Corning, April 25, 1900, William Rose and Alice Ludlow. In Coming, June 12, 1900, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Samuel B. Ross, of New York, and Minnie E. daughter of James Hoare. In Coming, June 17, 1900, Purlie J. Churcher and Anna Vanson. At St. Mary's Church, Coming, June 20, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, James Collins and Miss Margaret Ryan. In Corning, June 20, 1900, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Charles E. Curtiss and Kittie daughter of Pliny P. Laird. In Corning, June 26, 1900, Arthur W. Pitts and Emma Grey. In Coming, June 27, 1900, the following were married : Michael J. Moore and Miss Agnes B. Shea ; Frederick H. Shane and Miss Margaret M. Reilly ; William Rodgers, of Elkland, and Miss Mabel Breese, of Corning ; Charles Meyers and Miss Lulu Pearl Manier. At Mossy Glen, June 28, 1900, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Clare J. Easterbrook and Charlotte T. daughter of Mrs. David T. Calkins. In Corning, July 12, 1900, Henry W. son of Jerome Billington, and Edna daughter of Mrs. Angle B. Heath. 394 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1900. 395 At St. Mary's Church, Coming, July 25, 1900, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, James S. Shannon and Miss Anna D. Cowley. In Coming, August 8, 1900, Jesse K. Carpenter and Clara Bums. At St. Mary's Church, Corning, August 28, 1900, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Edward M. Boyle and Miss Theresa F. Sloan. In Corning, September 3, 1900, Frank Lowell and Nellie Shearer. In Corning, September 4, 1900, Robert M. Relihan and Miss Kittie M. Clark. In Corning, September 6, 1900, Otto Volgraf and Flora E. Hall. At Christ Church, Corning, September 18, 1900, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Quincy W. Farr and Frances daughter of James Hoare. At St. Patrick's Church, Corning, September 26, 1900, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Gerald F. Kinsella and Miss Katherine C. Connor. In Painted Post, September 25, 1900, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Ferrell D. Smith and Edna lona, daughter of Samuel E. Gilbert. In Corning, September 27, 1900, by Rev. A. H. C. Morse, Harry D. Wheeler and Edna Pearl daughter of E. D. Fern. In Corning, October 3, 1900, John L. Rooney and Jennie Burns. In Corning, October 3, 1900, John E. Conway and Agnes Rau. In Corning, October 10, 1900, by Rev. William Darcy, Thomas J. Tunney and Miss Mary L. Boyle. In Corning, October 10, 1900, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, John J. Buckley and Nellie S. daughter of Thomas Gill. In Corning, October 17, 1900, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Burr M. Lyon and Fannie daughter of John McMullen. In Corning, October 20, 1900, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, J. Ward Leonard and Miss Anna Spoor. In Corning, October 24, 1900, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Frank E. Judson, of Buffalo, and Miss Anna E. Sloan, of Corning. In Coming, October 24, 1900, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Samuel Kingston, of Ithaca, and Miss Nora Mclnerney, of Coming. In Painted Post. October 24, 1900, by Rev. B. B. Knapp, Frank Howard, of Avoca, Pa., and Grace daughter of M. E. Lansing. In Corning, October 30, 1900, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Michael C. Walsh and Miss Mary A. Callahan. In Corning, Oct. 21, 1900, Tunis Nares and Anna G. Campbell. 396 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1900-'01. In Coming, November 27, 1900, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Win G. Conley and Harriet E. daughter of Henry Beck. In Coming, November 28, 1900, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, John J. McAvoy and Harriet daughter of Valentine Rettig. In Corning, December 24, 1900, by Rev. A. H. C. Morse, Charles D. Patterson, of Port Jervis, N. Y., and Gertrude daughter of Benja- min Batchelor, of Corning. In Corning, December 27, 1900, George E. Herr, of Clayton, Mass., and Ethel I. daughter of Samuel Oldfield, of Corning. In Corning, January 1, 1901, Earnest Ellison and Clara Cruxton. At Christ Church, Corning, January 17, 1901, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Edgar W. Mandeville, of Boston, Mass., and Martha C. daughter of Edward H. Byrne, of Corning. In Corning, January 23, 1901, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Richard L. O'Brien and Miss Nellie O'Hare. In Coming, January 30, 1901, Otis C. Graham and Anna L. Casey. In Elmira, January 30, 1901, at SS. Peter and Paul's Church, Thomas McMahon of Corning, and Miss Mame Maloney, of Elmira. In Corning, January 30, 1901, by Rev. W. A. Allen, Arthur D. Moore and Mrs. Alice 0. Rising, both of Corning. In Corning, February 19, 1901, by Rev. Dr. Hutton, Walter E„ Gridley and Mrs. Mary Schuster, both of Corning. In East Corning, February 27, 1901, Frank L. Rhinehardt and Miss Lela May Wormley. In Corning, March 13, 1901, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Bert G. Old- field and Mattie daughter of James H. Baker. In Coming, March 27, 1901, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Harry G. Willisford and Miss Catherine Hanrahan. In Elmira, March 30, 1901, Ernest Haselbauer and Miss Mabel Williams, both of Corning. In Coming, March 30, 1901, Adam Peart and Mrs. Sarah A. Force. At the home of the bride in Coming, April 8, 1901, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Prof. Charles D. Vail, of Hobart College, and Mrs. Helen Hall Houghton. In Corning, April 24, 1901, Robert Turner and Miss Susie Blake. In Corning, April 26. 1901, Curtis B. Ellison, of the town of Corning, and Alice L. daughter of John Cruxton, of the city. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1901. 397 In Corning, April 30, 1901, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Alfred Maltby and Marguerite daughter of Captain Charles H. Freeman. In Corning, April 30, 1901, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, John J. Gre- gorius and Miss Margaret A. Ryan, both of Corning. In Corning, April 30, 1801, Bert S. Moxley and Edna B. Rusch. In Coming, May 1, 1901, by Rev. A. J. Conklin, William I. Coger and MaBelle E. daughter of Elgin L. Conklin. In Corning, May 1, 1901, Fred D. Rockwell and Mae Pritchard. In Corning, May 8, 1901, by Rev. S. A. Morse, Edwin C. Erwin and Edna daughter of Victor Haischer. In Corning, May 23, 1901, by Rev. John H. Griffith, of Plymouth, Pa., Harry A. De Waters and Mary daughter of Robert Seyter. In Corning, May 23, 1901, Geo. G. Clark and Gertrude N. Barnes. At St. Mary's Church, June 4, 1801, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Thomas E. Moran and Josephine T. daughter of Thomas J. Kennedy. In Corning, June 12, 1901, by Rev. J. W. Raymond, Clarence L. Allen and Miss Alice B. Crandall. In Coming, June 12, 1901, William Cassidy and Mary Kane. In Corning, June 18, 1901, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Arthur W. Shaffer and Rose E. daughter of Mrs. Leonard Shane. In Coming, June 19, 1901, John L. Thomas and Nina V. Edger. In Corning, June 25, 1901, Frank D. Sloan and Miss Anna Welch. In Corning, June 26, 1901, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Charles Wain- wright and Sarah A. daughter of John Richardson. In Corning, July 16, 1901, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Winfield C. Sleight and Miss Harriet L. Wilkinson, both of Corning. June 27, 1901, Albert F. Doran and Miss Julia L. Dennison. July 16, 1901, John C. Dowd and Miss Anna Campbell, of Corning. In Coming, August 21, 1901, William Church and Addie Davis. In Coming, August 29, 1901, by Rev. A. H. C. Morse, Walter F. Osborn and Miss Jennie L. Parks. In Corning, September 15, 1901, by Rev. S. A. Morse, John N. Church and Ada M. daughter of O. S. Daggett In Corning, October 1, 1901, by Rev. C. B. Perkins, Francis Theodore Lawrence and Ina daughter of Henry Kinch. 398 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1991 -'02. In Coming, November 12, 1901, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Charles M. Gamman and Miss Sarah S. Eaton. At Christ Church, Corning, November 27, 1901, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, S. Luther Pickles and Mrs. Clara M. Bucher. In Corning, January 2, 1902, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Chester J. Beckwith and Miss Nellie C. McCarthy. In Corning, January 9, 1902, Lewis C. Gail and Ethel M. Down. In Painted Post, January 13, 1902, Frank M. Cutler, of Coming, and Miss Florence L. Bacon. In Corning, January 22, 1902, William Mclntyre. of Buffalo, and Helen T. daughter of Mrs. Bridget Skelly, of Corning. In Corning, Jan. 25, 1902, John M. Robinson and Grace Mulford. In Coming, February 5, 1902, Gilbert Welch and Grace Norwood. In Corning, February 9, 1902, by Rev. W. H. Reese, William B. Borden and Miss Hattie Taylor. In Caton, March 6, 1902, by Rev. Mr. Marwick, William W. Harrison and Lulu B. daughter of A. B. Hitchcock. In Corning, March 12, 1902, by Rev. W. H. Reese, Rev. W. A. Allen, of Painted Post, and Miss Nora M. Gorton, of Corning. April 2, 1902, William M. Bavies, of Big Flats, and Miss Edna M. Foster, of Corning. At St. Mary's Church, in Corning, April 8, 1902, by Rev. W. J. Lee, Michael D. Powers and Miss Mary Preston. In Coming, April 15, 1902, by Rev. N. E. Fuller. William H. Hook, of Batavia, and Hazel daughter of David F. Fero, of Corning. In Corning, April 30, 1902, by Rev. W. H. Reese, Robert P. Clark and Miss Cora E. Dixon. In Mossy Glen, May 7, 1902, Israel Jacobs and Miss Lulu Gorton. In Corning, May 7, 1902, Bert Green and Miss Emma E. Golden. In Corning, May 13, 1902, by Rev. W. J. Lee, Charles Miles and Minnie A. daughter of Jacob Schafer. In Painted Post, May 20, 1902, by Rev. I. K. Libby, Fred L. Herron and Miss Mabel Randall. In Corning, June 4, 1902, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Herbert F. Beyea and Louise daughter of Robert A. Bonham. In Corning, June 11, 1902, by Rev. W. J. Lee, Walter Sweet and Miss Susie Higgins, both of Corning. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1902. 399 In Corning, June 18. 1902, by Rev. W. Edward Babcock, William B. Owens, of Painted Post, and Miss Ella V. Simons, of Corning. In Corning, June 18, 1902, by Rev. F. P. Simmons, John Bostwick and Edith Louise daughter of Lowell Mulford. In Coming, June 18, 1902, by Rev. W. J. Lee, James J. Hannon and Miss Mary C. Barenthaler. In Caton, June 18, 1902, Jasper Kinnan and Miss Florence Hill. In Painted Post, June 19, 1902, by Rev. W. A. Allen, Mather W. Sherwood and Miss Anna L. Allen. In Corning, June 24, 1902, by Rev. W. J. Lee, Simeon F. McMa- han and Miss Catherine Dean, both of Corning. In Corning, June 24, 1902, Eugene Sullivan and Anna Dougherty. In Corning, June 25, 1902, Louis A. Hand and Frances D. Relihan. In Corning, June 25, 1902, by Rev. James M. Bustin, James H. Frisk and Miss DeSales M. daughter of Garrett F. Kinsella. In Bennington, Vt., June 25, 1902, by Rev. Charles R. Sey- mour, Herbert A. Heminway, of Corning, N. Y., and Ella May daughter of John P, Daley. In Corning, June 29. 1902, by Rev. A. H. C. Morse, Edwin J. Easterbrook and Miss Margaret B. Harrison, both of Hornby. In Corning, July 2, 1902, Thomas Joy and Jennie Fuller. In Corning, July 24, 1902, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Robert H. Hope and Josephine L. daughter of John Fowler. In Corning, July 31, 1902, William H. Jelliff and Martha E. Tobey. In Corning, August 4, 1902, by Rev. W. J. Lee, William J. Hogan and Elizabeth A. daughter of Garrett F. Kinsella. In Corning, August 14, 1902, Fred A. Burt and Edith S. Lindsley. In Corning, August 18, 1802, Jacob Westfall and Bessie Baker. In Painted Post. August 20, 1902, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, William H. Goodale, of Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y., and Maud A. daughter of Adelbert E. Gokey, of Painted Post. In Painted Post, August 20, by Rev. Eugene V. Ostrander, Wm. B. Dee and Harriet daughter of Mrs. Sarah S. Blakeslee. In Corning, August 28, 1902, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Dr. John L. Ronan and Rose M. daughter of Edward Rogers. 400 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1902. In Corning, September 6, 1902, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Charles M. Walbridge and Mrs. Annie C. Caulkins. In Corning, September 6, 1902, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, William L. Jolley and Hattie May daughter of A. S. Haggerty. In Coming, September 21, 1902, Arthur Erwin and Flora Cobb. In Coming, September 24, 1902, by Rev. W. J. Lee, Michael E. McMahon and Mary C. daughter of Daniel Ginnan. In Coming, September 24, 1902, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Charles J. Deneen and Miss Rosalina A. Haselbauer, In Coming, September 30, 1902, by Rev. John S. Bacon, Fred W. Lipps and Grace S. daughter of George Swingle. In Corning, October 5, 1902, Joseph Watson and Olive Prutsman. In Coming, October 7, 1902, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Tracy J. Up- Dyke and Delia L. Austin. In Corning, October 8, 1902, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Elmer A. Weaver and Miss Pearl M. Butler. In Coming, October 15, 1902, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Joseph H. Elwell and Miss Anna E. Ludlow, both of Corning. In Corning, October 15, 1902, William Castor and Nellie B. Bews. In Addison, October 15, 1902, by Rev. George G. Ballard, Jr., Arthur H. Tully, of Corning, and Ellen T. daughter of 0. B. Stratton. In Corning, October 22, 1902, Joseph Higgins and Mary Dunigan. In Corning, October 22, 1902, by Rev. W. H. Reese, Mason B. Coger and Miss Waity Sweetland, both of Corning. In Painted Post, October 25, 1902, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Claude Pitts and Theodora daughter of Lionel C. Corey. In Corning, Oct. 29, 1902, Charles S. Larson and Harriet Jocobs. In Corning, November 8, 1902, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Samuel T. Share and and Miss Helen Riley. At St Patrick's Church, Corning, November 19, 1902, by Rev. W. J. Lee, John H. Barenthaler, of Corning, and Anna Bell, daughter of Florence McCarthy, of the town of Caton. In Corning, November 26, 1902, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Thomas F. Hanley and Miss Mary L. Arthur. In Corning, December 5, 1902, by Rev. A. H. C. Morse, Asher A. Bishop and Miss Lena Bell Rose. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1902-V3. 401 In Rochester, December 16, 1902, L. L. Stone, of Corning, and Miss Sarah Hurwitz, of Rochester. In Corning, December 24, 1902, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Harry Hatton and Esther Ann daughter of John Crannage. In Corning, January 1, 1903, by Rev. Thomas L. Cariisle, of Hammondsport, Wilham H. Insley, of Indianapohs, Ind., and Jane daughter of the late Francis A. Wilhams. At St. Patrick's Church, January 8, 1903, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Bernard J, O'Neill and Genevieve daughter of M. J. O'Shaughnessy. In Painted Post, January 7, 1903, by Kev. I. K. Libby, Alonzo Colburn, of Baltimore, Md., and Hattie E. daughter of D. W. Orcutt. In Corning, January 27, 1903, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, William N. Luce and Mrs. Mary F. Shaw, both of Corning. In Corning, January 28, 1903, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, John F. Rowe and Lulu daughter of F. A. Sheidweiler, both of Corning. In Campbell, January 28, 1903, Ephriam G. Dart and Ella Benson. In Corning, February 17, 1903, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, John A. Sanders and Myra F. daughter of Oliver A. Cary. In Corning, February 18, 1903, by Rev. J. M, Bustin, John H. Murphy and Elizabeth M. daughter of William Cahill. In Coming, March 12, 1903, by Rev. C. H. Hudson, Herbert E. Thrall and Miss Maude E. VanKeuren, both of the town of Corning. In Coming, March 14, 1903, by Rev. A, H. C. Morse, Joseph H. Dickens, of Corning, and Miss Lena M. Morse, of Painted Post. In Corning, March 14, 1903, Clair F. Hoyt and Fanny E. Rogers. In Corning, March 18, 1903, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Benjamin J. Priest and Myrtle M. daughter of Frank V. Welch. In Coming, April 2, 1903, by Rev. Joseph Dennis, Thomas W. Jones and Mrs. Carrie T. Barnard. In Corning, April 8, 1903, Edward W. Cady and Grace B. Denson. In Corning, April 8, 1903, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, D. Harold L. Baldwin and Bertie V. daughter of Leonard Hillman. In Corning, April 11, 1903, James Share and Vanita Cameron. In Corning, April 14, 1903, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, William C. Deuel and Miss Lute daughter of Andrew Armstrong. In Corning, April 21, 1903, Wm. J. Dowling and Mary A. Tipping. 402 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1903. In Corning, April 21, 1903, Joseph Foley and Margaret Lyons. In Corning, April 22, 1903, by Rev. F. H. Gates, Archer D. Smith, of New York, and Mabel W. daughter of Charles H. Voorhees. In Coming, May 2, 1903, A. Lee Carr and Ruby N. Garlinghouse. In Gibson, May 5. 1903, by Rev. A. H. C. Morse, Ernest T. Mc- Alpine and Miss Anna M. Sturdevent. In Corning, May 17, 1903, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Frank H. Wood and Mrs. Mabel L. Richards. In Corning, May 25, 1903, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Patrick H. Lynahan and Miss Mary E. Kennedy, In Coming, June 2, 1903, Joseph DeVinne and Emma Rettig. At Christ Church, Corning, June 9, 1903, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Dr. George F. Showers and Miss Edith Walker. In Coming, June 10, 1903, Dennis Murphy and Mary Hardiman. In Corning, June 12, 1903, Wm. A. Owen and Miss Ella M, Silas. In Coming, June 13, 1903, Richard L. Burgett and Grace E. Sweet. In Corning, June 16, 1903, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, John J. Mc- Carthy and Miss Cecilia E. Osbom. In Corning, June 17, 1903, Henry Gushing and Bertha Knaus. In Corning, June 17, 1903, Nelson C. Ljmch and Anna O'ConnelL In Corning, June 18, 1903, by Rev. W. H. Reese, Coit C. Almy, of Avoca, and Josephine N. daughter of Dr. George S. Goff, of Corning. In Coming, June 23, 1903, by Rev. Alfred H. C. Morse, Lee T. Goodridge and Miss Myria L. Keagle. In Corning, June 24, 1903, James J. Morris and Hannah McKenna. In Coming, June 24, 1903, Thomas H. Myers and Lazetta Snyder. In Corning, June 30, 1903, Archie Miller and Miss Matie Adsit. At East Campbell, July 2, 1903, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Charles B. Lindsley and Miss Anna Cornell. In Coming, July 8, 1903, Frank W. Soper and Nellie K. McCoy. In Corning, July 10, 1903, Henry W. Rau and Katherine L. Collins. At Lock Haven, Pa., July 9, 1903, H. S. Edwards, Jr., of Painted Post, and Miss Edith Michaels, of Lock Haven. In Coming, August 5, 1903, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Daniel A. Sheedy and Katherine daughter of Jacob Baetzel. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1903. 403 In Coming, August 19, 1903, by Rev. A. H. C. Morse, Charles J, Wythe and Florence E. daughter of C. C. Brown. In Ferenbaugh, Aupust 20, 1903, by Rev. F. P. Simmons, Nathan T. Cole, of Coming, and Idalia daughter of Robert Sly. In Corning, September 8, 1903, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Arthur A. Humphrey and Matie daughter of William Burrell. In Corning, Sept. 15, 1903, Leon M. Bossard and Emily Jenkins. In Corning, September 16, 1903, by Rev. J. J. Cassidy, Jacob Kiegler and and Miss Margaret Maher. In Corning, Sept. 15, 1903, Harry Pachall and Udora V. Crakes. In Coming, Sept. 16, 1903, Henry S. Smith and Edith A. Blend. In Corning, Sept. 17, 1903, John A. Cross and Miss Sadie Bunnell. In Corning, Sept. 23, 1903, Louis S. Clark and Anna M. Bragg. In Corning, September 24, 1903, by Rev. C. H. Hudson, Frederick E. Hill and Minnie M. daughter of John J. Paul. In Coming, September 30, 1903, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Joseph M. O'Connor and Miss Eleanor E. Gainey. In Corning, September 30, 1903, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Thomas H. Conroy and Miss Mary McNally, both of Painted Post. In Corning, Oct. 6, 1903, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Patrick J. Cronin and Miss Margaret B. Kavanaugh. In Corning, October 14, 1903, Fred R. Able and Mary A. Bennett. In Corning, October 20, 1903, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Murray Reardon and Winifred D. daughter of Patrick Cowley. In Corning, October 28, 1903, by Rev. W. H. Reese, Arthur W. Shackelton, of New York, and Elizabeth daughter of H. O. Dorman. In Corning, November 25, 1903, John F. Colprice and Delia Kane. In Coming, Dec. 23, 1903, John C. Williams and Grace E. Stevens. In Presho, Dec. 25, 1903, Leon Eastman and Miss Annie Russell. December 29, 1903, Arthur L. Hoffman and Miss Anna Beizwan- ger, both of Gibson, town of Corning. In Corning, December 29, 1903, by Rev. A. H. C. Morse, Carl C. Clemens and Mrs. Jennie R. Perkins. December 30, 1903, Winfield C. Niver and Maud A. Gardner. In Coming, December 31, 1903, by Kev. A. H. C. Morse, Dorsey W. Curren and Lillian A. daughter of Henry R. Johnston. 404 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1904. In Coming, January 6, 1904, Lorenzo Hart and Mina Ferguson. In Coming, January 11, 1904, Geo. T. Griswold and Sarah Ripley. In Coming, January 14, 1904, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, George T. Wolcott and Emma Belle daughter of William W. Cowan. In Coming, Jan. 14, 1904, J. Fred Silas and Miss Helen B. Curtin. In Coming, January 14, 1904, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Frederic W. DeWolf and Nellie E. daughter of W. L. Quinlivan. In Corning, March 2, 1904, Oscar Leonard and Maud E. Barber. In Corning, March 28, 1904, Charles R. Mills and Libbie Morse. In Coming, April 20, 1904, Hugh Camey and Helen Farrell. In Corning, April 26. 1904, Wm. J. Gillard and Julia A. Jones. At St. Patrick's Church, April 27, 1904, by Rev. W. J. Lee, Wil- liam M. Killigrew and Miss Alice L. McCarthy, both of Corning. In Corning, April 27, 1904, Comelius Brady and B. Agnes Burke. In Coming, May 9, Henry F. Walsh and Charlotte Youngblute. May 16, 1904, Harry Boylan and Jennie daughter of J. R. Borgus. In Corning, May 19, 1904, Carl S. Robinson and E. May Stillson. In Corning, May 24, 1904, Wm. H. Walsh and Elizabeth Henkel. In Coming, June 7, 1904, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Raymond S. Comell and Miss Clarisa C. HoUenbeck. In Coming, June 12, 1904, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Wm. A. Lindsley and Mrs. H. Elmina Pier, of West Pulteney street. In Corning, June 16, 1904, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Carroll C. Cheney and Blanche Gertrude daughter of Elgin L. Conklin. In Coming, June 22, 1904, by Rev. N, E. Fuller, Ossar T. Adsit and Marie E. daughter of William Gould. In Coming, June 22, 1904, Henry Beck and Catherine McCarthy. In Corning, June 22, 1904, John J. Roach and Catherine G. Berry. In Coming, June 22, 1904, John S. Suffern and Flora Mae Young. In Coming, June 22, 1904, by Rev. Uri Mulford, Lewis J. Rosen- berry and Miss Jessie G. Mulford. In Corning, June 28, 1904, James Mullaney and Mamie Conlon. In Corning, June 29, 1904, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Henry Wil- liams and Alice daughter of George W. Easling. In Corning, June 29, 1904, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Perry S. Coe and Jennie May daughter of Albert H. Agett. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1904. 405 In Coming, July 12, 1904, Henry L. Ernst and Lillian Wright. In Corning, July 25, 1904, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Floyd L. Allington and Ada R. daughter of John Guntrup. In Coming, August 9, 1904, by Rev. Henry Sims, of Erie, Pa., William M. Corbin and Miss Mabel C. Copeland, both of Corning. In Coming, August 15, 1904, by Rev. W. A. Allen, George W. Jones and Mary L. daughter of James L. Viele. In Corning, August 16, 1904, by Rev. W. R Reese, Harry A. Mulford and Miss Katherine E. Randall. In Corning, August 22, 1904, Thos. E. Kelly and Catherine Franz. At Buffalo, August 24, 1904, Dr. Harry H. Hubbell, of Corning, and Miss Charlotte R. Wolff, of Spokane, Wash. In Coming, September 6, 1904, by Rev. W. H. Reese, James W. Fulford, of Corning, and Miss Mabel Preston, of Coopers Plains. September 12, 1904, Edward R. Knapp and Miss Belle Clisdell. In Corning, Sept. 17, 1904, Nils Person and Miss Anna Carleson. In Coming, September 21, 1904, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Henry W. Jenkins and Jennie L. daughter of Elmer C. Schumann. In Corning, September 28, 1904, by Rev. J. M. Busfin, Dennis DriscoU and Katherine Cowley. In Corning, Sept. 28, 1904, Edward L. Hammond and Ida Heath. In Corning, October 4, 1904, William Adams and Alice Myers. In Corning, October 5, 1904, John T. Hall and Grace A. Almey. In Corning, Oct. 5, 1904, Allen B. Chaphe and Nellie Thompson. In Corning, October 12, 1904, Robert B. Muhe and Helen J. Close. In Corning, October 19, 1904, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, John R. Murray, of Hornellsville, and Miss Helen D. Higgins, of Corning. In Coming, November 3, 1904, Thos. Golding and Annetta Gray- In Coming, November 30, 1904, by Rev. H. C. Woods, Edwin M. Beck and Metta A. daughter of Leroy White. In Westfield, Pa., Dec. 5, 1904, Geo. R. Brown and Mrs. S. R. Shaw. In Corning, December 24, 1904, by Rev. George B. Cutten, Wm. E. Averill, of Eimira, and Miss Alice Barnhart, of Coming. In Cormng, Dec. 25, 1904, Linn Farry and Miss Lida McNeil. At Tyrone, December 26, 1904, John C. Weller, of Coming, and Miss Elizabeth Owen, of Tyrone. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LIII. Events In and About Corning — 1905 to 1910. N JANUARY, 1905, the Corning Hospital received from John Magee, of Watkins, a gift of $10,000, as an endowment fund, in memory of his father, the late George J. Magee. The League of the Sacred Heart, of St. Mary's Church, con- tributes furnishings for a room in the Corning Hospital. On February 3, 1905, Christ Episcopal Church, of Coming, was consecrated, free of debt, by Bishop W. D. Walker, of Rochester. Sunday afternoon, February 5, the residence of Dr. George W. Lane, on Ontario street, was ruined by fire. At the annual meeting of the Coming Business Men's Associa- tion, held February 8, 1905, the following officers were elected : John E. Bong, President: James M. Greig, Vice-President; Frank J. Saxton, Secretary ; Robert W. Terbell, Treasurer. Directors — Ed- ward Preger, William T. Moran, Robert W. Terbell, James M. Greig, H. M. Hammond, Warren J. Cheney and John E. Bong. A new Methodist Church at Caton Center, to replace the church burned March 5, 1904, was dedicated February 8, 1905. The new church cost $7,000. It was dedicated free of debt, by Rev. J. W. Webb, of Elmira, Presiding Elder, assisted by V. W. Mattoon, pastor. February 14, 1905, the Common Council approved proposed changes in the City Charter, providing for city elections to be held at the time of the general election in November, creating an addi- tional ward on the north side of the Chemung River, creating a City Court, a Board of Public Works, and providing for a Board of Fire Commissioners. The revised charter was sent to Albany for enact- ment into law by the State Legislature. E. M. Welles, of Addison, sold his interest in the Hub Clothing House to his business associates, Wm. T. and Thos. E. Moran. 406 Events In Corning and the Vicinity In 1905. 407 In February, 1905, the Hunt «& Sullivan Cut Glass Company was incorporated ; capital, $20,000. The factory in on Sixth street ; Harry S. Hunt, one of the owners, is manager. William Wallace Weston, aged 75 years, died March 14, 1905, at his home in Weston's Mills, Cattaraugus County, a village which he founded and where he owned and operated lumber mills. He was a brother of the late Abijah Weston, of Painted Post, and was one of members of the company that established the gang mills in Erwin. The ice went out of the Chemung the night of March 17, due to rains. The next day a fall of temperature checked the flood. March 25, 1905, Coming Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows purchased the Wellington Hotel, a fine brick structure on East Erie avenue. Extensive changes were made and the building was richly refurnished to make headquarters for the brotherhood. On Monday, April 3, 1905, the price of the Corning Daily lournal was reduced to one cent per copy. It is a 7-column, 6-page paper. April 4, 1905. — The Common Council, by a vote of 7 to 3, approved the amended City Charter, as passed by the Legislature Governor Higgins signed the measure April 6, 1905. The bonded indebtedness of the city of Corning in March, 1905, exclusive of school bonds, $308,414.57. Assessed valuation, $3,733,180. In April, 1905, Mayor Valentine Rettig appointed J. Towner Hayt and John L. Clark members of the Board of Fire Commission- ers ; and Frank J. Bantley and Luman S. Conover, members of the Board of Health of the city. May 1, 1905, Mayor Rettig appointed the following to serve as Members of the Board of Public Works : Marvin Olcott, Thomas E. Moran and Arthur A. Houghton. Samuel E. Quackenbush became a partner of Lee T. Goodridge in the book, stationery and notion business. On May 11, 1905, Robert H. Canfield, former City Engineer, was appointed Superintendent of Public Works. May 11, 1905.— Rev. Nathaniel Harris succeeds Rev. Addis Albro as pastor of Grace Methodist Church. The Annual Council of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Western New York convened in Christ Episcopal Church, in Corning, May 16, 1905, with Bishop William D. Walker, of Buffalo, presiding. 408 Failure of the John L. Caven Bank at Painted Post. Sunday, May 21, 1905. — At the morning service at St. Mary's Church, Rev. J. M. Bustin, the pastor, announced that a convent would be built on the plot directly south of the church, to be known as St. Mary's Convent. It will be a three-story brick building. May 27, 1905. — Crystal City Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, of Corning, was formally organized, with 65 charter members. Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett is Worthy Matron ; Carrie Preston is Secretary. May 29, 1905, John L. Caven & Company, proprietors of banks at Painted Post and Cohocton, made a general assignment, following a " run " that had resulted in the withdrawal of most of the available deposits. These banks lost heavily a few weeks ago due to the failure of A. C. Wilcox & Co., New York bankers and brokers. The following were graduated at the commencement exercises of Corning Free Academy, held June 8, 1905 :— Robert L. Allison, Bertram C. Cram, Francis J. Erwin, Robert H. Hood, Walter E. Johnson, Thomas L. McNamara, Harland B. Munger, Tobias E. Puree 11, Oscar F. Terrill, Samuel B. Voorhees, Lena L. Braveman, Nellie M. Greiner, Helen E. Guile, Ruth Heermans, Emma F. Hyde, Bessie E. Kimball, Mabel E. Maltby, Gertrude Olcott, Geraldine O'Shaughnessy, Joanna Quill and Cora M. Tucker. June 15, 1905, the Board of Public Works let a contract for pav- ing East Market street, with brick, from Chemung to Steuben street. Sunday evening, June 18, 1905, a union service was held in the First Methodist Church, conducted by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, pastor of Christ Episcopal Church and Rev. W. H. Reese, pastor of the First Methodist Church. The sermon was by Rev. Mr. Roberts. June 20, 1905, a class of ten students were graduated at the commencement exercises of the Northside High School, as follows :— Bessie Byrne, Nana B. Budd, Almira Stowell, Glen E. Bates, Ella M. Johnson, Alice K. Stephens, Ethel C. Eddy, Josephine Stephens, Roy P. McPherson, Edith Harris, Leona Carter, Willmina Baker. Following a succession of heavy showers, the Chemung River flooded the bottom lands both above and below the city, June 22 ; a section of the Lackawanna Railroad bed was washed away by Cutler Creek ; about a third of the northside section of Corning and part of the village -^f Painted Post were inundated. July 7, 1905, the Common Council, by a vote of 5 to 3, passed a resolution to grant the Corning and Painted Post Street Railway a perpetual franchise. July 10 Mayor Rettig interposed a veto. Harry H. Pratt Succeeds John S. Kennedy as Postmaster. 409 The annual meeting of the Central New York Volunteer Fire- men's Association was held in Corning, July 25, 26 and 27, 1905. It was largely attended by firemen ; there was an elaborate program of games ; the parade was a pronounced success ; the business por- tion of the city and homes along the line of march richly decorated. A clam-bake in Williams' Grove added to the joys of the affair. In August, 1905, an Exempt Fireman's Association was formed in Corning, with Leslie W. Wellington, President ; William M. Jones,, Secretary, and John E. Cornell, Treasurer. Edwin Bannister, aged 79 years, and for over fifty years a resident of Corning, died August 11, 1905. He was for several years landlord of the Terrett House, an early-times hotel that stood at the corner of Market and State streets ; later was landlord of the Minot House, near the Erie passenger station ; he served two terms as President of the village of Corning — being elected in 1878 and 1879. John S. Kennedy, of Corning, was appointed Secretary of the State Board of Railroad Commissioners. Mayor Rettig appointed the following committee to investigate and report as regards the water supply of the city, and to suggest to the Common Council plans for providing the city an adequate supply of water : George B. Bradley, Benjamin W. Wellington, Alanson B. Houghton, Charles B. Wing, John H. Lang, Francis C. Williams and William T. Smith. August 27, 1905, the residence of Dr. John L. Miller was partly destroyed by fire. The Elmira, Corning and Waverly Railv/ay, organized to con- struct and operate an electric road connecting the places named, was incorporated August 30, 1905. The new Salvation Army Citadel, on East Market street, was dedicated free of debt, September 3, 1905. September 8, 1905, Harry H. Pratt, junior editor of the Corning Daily Journal, received oflScial notice that he had been appointed Postmaster of Corning in place of John S. Kennedy, resigned, September 18, 1905, Uri Mulford resigned the position he had held since February, 1900, as a field agent of the Bell Telephone Company, and became news editor of the Corning Daily Journal. The State census of 1905, shows a population of 13,515 in Corn- ing, an increase of 2,454 in five years. The population of the city of Hornellsville is 13,259, an increase of 1,341 in five years. 410 Juvenile Annex of Loan Association Begins Business. The new main building and the remodeled annex of the Coming Hospital, were declared open for use, the afternoon of October 10, 1905. Miss Catherine L. Mills is President ; Mrs. J. W. Lynahan is Treasurer ; Mrs. R. H. Curtis, Recording Secretary ; Miss Catherine Wellington, Recording Secretary. At the annual session of Genesee Conference, held at Wellsboro, Rev. John Dennis was appointed pastor of the First Methodist Church in Coming; Rev. Nathaniel Harris of Grace Methodist Church in Corning, and Rev. D. L. Pitts at Painted Post. November 4, 1905.— The paving with brick of East Market street from Chemung to Steuben, has been completed. At the general election held November 7, 1905, Valentine Rettig was re-elected Mayor. He was nominated by the Republicans and endorsed by the Democrats. The votes cast for Mayor were : Valen- tine Rettig, 1,683; Frank E.Hewitt, Prohibition, 730 ; William W. Arland, Socialist, 115. Frank H. Hausner was elected City Judge. Early in the morning of November 28, 1905, the Congregational Church was damaged by fire $9,500, including the destruction of the $2,500 pipe organ, which was given by Mrs. Rachel Mecanty. In December, 1905, Herbert C. Bartholomey, of Sewickley, Pa., succeeded William E. Kimball as General Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association of Corning. January 5, 1906.— The Board of Trustees of Painted Post granted a 60-years franchise to the Rochester and Elmira Trolley Company. January 8, 1906. — Engineer Joseph Shaffer was killed and J. J. Fleming had a leg broken, in a head-on collision on the New York Central Railroad near Geneva. Both men resided in Corning, January 8, 1906.— On nomination by Mayor Rettig, the Board of Adermen confirmed Francis C. Williams as City Attorney and Frank H. Ferris as City Clerk ; Dr. Mary E. R. Sandford as City Physician ; William M. DeGraff as Overseer of the Poor ; James Hoare, Dr. Geo. W. Lane, Henry G. Tuthill and Henry Beck, Police Commissioners. January 9, 1906.— Dr. John Hoare of Corning, died at the Steuben Sanitarium in Hornellsville. He was the youngest son of John Hoare ; he began the practice of medicine in Corning in 1887. January 9, 1906, the Juvenile Savings Annex, a new department of the Coming Co-Operative Savings and Loan Association, began business. A locked iron bank is loaned each depositor ; savings are removed from such banks when presented for deposit. Common Council Favors Municipal Water Plant. 411 Saturday, January 13, regular monthly deposit day, over 200^ children presented savings banks at the Juvenile Annex of the Loan Association, that the contents of the banks could be placed to their credit. The total amount turned in was nearly $1,000. January 16, 1906, John S. Suffern purchased the interest of his- partner, Albert S. Cook, in the grocery of Cook & Suffern. January 15, 1906, Leon Rogers, aged 18 years, son of Ensworth G. Rogers, was killed by the accidental discharge of a shotgun, at the family home in Hornby. Andrew Carnegie contributed $1,250 towards the purchase of a new pipe organ for the First Congregational Church. While skating on the Chemung River, near the foot of Steuben street, Saturday afternoon, January 20, 1906, George Wilson, aged 19, son of Mrs. Charles S. Wilson, broke through the ice and drowned. At the annual meeting of the Corning Business Men's Associa- tion, held February 2, 1906, John E. Bong was re-elected President. The special commit on water supply, reported to the Common Council, recommending that on the expiration of the lease of the municipal water system to Heermans & Lawrence — December 31, 1906 — the city take over, extend and operate the same. The report was approved by unanimous vote of members of the Council. The State Railroad Commission granted the Elmira, Corning and Waverly Railway permit to construct and operate their proposed line. February 14, 1906. — The Common Council, by a vote of 8 to 6, decided to place the matter of improving the municipal water supply system, in charge of a Water Commission, composed of the Mayor and four associates and that necessary bonds be issued to finance the project. An Act to meet legal requirements was approved, to be sent to the State Legislature for adoption. February 26, 1906.— Dr. George W. Goff resigned as Health Officer of Corning, and was succeeded by Dr. E. W. Bryan. John Wood and Miss Rose Mattocks, while riding in a buggy drawn by a horse, were killed at the Centerville grade crossing of the Erie Railroad, the evening of March 6, 1906, by Train 8. The corner-stone for the North Baptist Church, at Jennings street and Sly avenue, was laid Saturday afternoon, March 4, 1906. April 7, 1906. — The Corning Automobile Club was oraanized. Officers : J. C. Moore, President ; J. W.Whitman, Secretary -Treasurer. 412 Legislature Passes Act Creating Water Commission. The measure providing for the creation of a Water Commision for the city of Corning, and authorizing the issuanc e of $150,000 of water bonds, was passed by the Legislature, appro^ ed by the Council (8 to 6) and the Mayor as passed, and was signed by the Governor. The night of April 18, 1906, the main building of the East Market street plant of the T. H. Symington Company, was damaged by a fire of mysterious origin, to the extent of $27,000. April 20, 1906.— James C. Dowd, Night Yard Master of the New York Central, died this morning at the Corning Hospital, from injur- ies sustained last night by getting caught between two freight cars. Washington L. Shearer, aged 85 years, a resident of Corning for nearly seventy years, died April 25, 1906. April 30, 1906. — Mayor Rettig appointed and the Common Coun- cil confirmed the following as members of the Corning Water Com- mission, of which he, by virtue of his office, is the head : Frank D. Kingsbury, Benjamin W. Wellington, Calvin G. Hungerford and James E. Poland. May 1, 1906. — Fred W. Lipps was appointed to the police force. May 24, 1906. — Manley T. Inscho, born at Lawrenceville, Pa., in 1847, died at his home in Corning. He had resided in Corning from early youth ; was employed first as a clerk by the Erie, then as ticket agent, and for a number of years prior to his death was its general agent in Corning. His social temperament gave him a large place in the hearts of all with whom he associated. June 8, 1906, the following were graduated by the Corning Free Academy : — Max A. Almy, C. Glenn Bates, A. Cecelia Cunning- ham, Rose F. Eck, Loena E. Fenno, Julia F. Haley, Robert S. Hall, Hazel N. Kinch, John J. Lynahan, Mary A. McGannon and Ethel M. Smith. Dr. Leigh R. Hunt, Superintendent, presented the diplomas. June 20, 1906, the following were graduated at the Northside High School : — Perry F. Nichols, Alice L. Babcock, Bert H. Stoweli, Nina McCabe, Hazel H. Shattuck, Bertha L. Gillette, Wilma Mc- Creery, Daniel E. Lamb, Benjamin A. Wickham, Parley W. Wheat, Justus Rising. Twenty-four school teachers were also graduated. Chester S. Cole, born in 1836, and since 1853 a resident of Corn- ing, died June 21, 1906. He was for a number of years a conductor, retiring to engage in insurance and banking, first with C. H. Thomson, and later with Lewis C. Kingsbury ; and was one of the organizers and owners of the Coming Gas Company. From 1880 to Death of Dr. George W. Pratt, Editor Corning JournaL 413 1885 he was Captain of the Port of New York. In 1886-7 he was Chairman of the RepubHcan State Committee. Mrs. Cole and a sok< and a daughter survive— C. Glenn Cole and Mrs. M. C. Hawley. The various lodges of the Independent Order of Redmen, of. Central and Southern New York, held a general celebration and field day in Corning, July 4, 1906. There was an elaborate parade. July 6, 1906, a committee of the Business Men's Association secured an option on the former Hammond's Island, 31 acres, in the eastern part of the city, with a view to acquiring the property for a public park. Price, $8,400. The land is owned by the Johnson Estate. The new North Baptist Church, at Jennings street and Sly avenue, a brick structure, was dedicated July 12, 1906. July 19, 1906, J. F. Witmer, of Buffalo, civil engineer, was engaged to plan and superintend the construction of a complete waster supply system for the city of Corning. William Gorton, born in the present town of Coming, then a part of the town of Painted Post, in 1822, died July 21, 1906, at his farm home near Gibson. He was a son of Silas Gorton. At a meeting of members of the German Evangelical Church of Coming, held August 12, 1906, it was decided to erect a church on East First street, near Walnut, the walls to be of cut stone. September 10, 1906, the Corning Business Men's Association purchased the former Hammond's Island for a public park. September 13, 1906, the mnning team of Crystal City Hose Company, volunteer firemen, of Corning, took first prize, $250, in the 250-yards race at the State Fair, and reduced the world's time record by 1 and 2-5 seconds. The new record is 33 seconds, flat. Rev. W. E. Babcock, for two years pastor of the Baptist Church at Painted Post, left September 14, 1906, with his family, for Eau Claire, Wis., to assume a new pastorate. Dr. George W, Pratt, editor and owner of the Corning Daily Journal, died October 3, 1906. He was bom in the town of Milo, N. Y., April 27, 1821, a son of Joel B. and Cerinthia Wollage Pratt ; in 1831 the family moved to a little settlement known as The Mills, on the Chemung River in the township of Painted Post, a short distance southwest of the present Corning-Gibson bridge. There his father, for a dozen or more of years, ran a wool carding and cloth fulling mill. For a number of years George W. Pratt taught school ; in 1845 he graduated at the Medical College at Geneva, N.Y., 414 Members of the Corning Common Council in 1906. and practiced medicine, until he became firmly established as editor and publisher of The Corning Weekly Journal, with which he first became associated in 1851. Dr. Pratt never permitted any tamper- ing with his conscience ; his whole life was devoted to the advocacy of common rights ; he was a Major Prophet ; he rejoiced with those who had a right to rejoice, mourned with those who mourned, and it was his practice to seek opportunities to extend a helping hand. As age advance, he came more and more to be recognized as the good father of the community. Mrs. Pratt died in 1880. The wife of Dr. Henry M. Bourne died at the family home in Corning, Monday, October 22, 1906, and he died two days later. They leave a daughter. Miss Clara E. Bourne. His age was 55 years. The evening of November 22, 1906, when Train 26 on the New York Central, a freight, was nearing the western city limits, it side-wiped a large pusher engine that was taking a switch. The locomotive of the freight train was derailed and rolled down an embankment into the river. Its engineer and fireman, Samuel A. Doolittle and Edward J. Spencer, of Corning, were killed. December 6, 1906, the Corning Fire Commission, by unanimous vote, requested the Alliance Hook and Ladder Company, and Pritch- ard Hose Company — volunteer organizations — to disband. The reason given was that the rooms at the City Hall occupied by the volunteers were needed by the paid firemen. The volunteers obeyed. In December, 1906, the section of the Centerville School District within the city of Corning was added to the Northside School District. During the Summer $2,500 were expended in improving the public park, bounded by First, Walnut, Second and Pine streets, under the supervision of R. H. Canfield, City Engineer. West Pulteney street was paved with brick in 1906. With the close of the year the Coming water system, after being operated for thirty years under a lease granted to Thomas Lawrence, was returned to the city, the Water Commission in charge. January 1, 1906. — The members of the Common Council are :— First Ward, Jacob C. Harer and Patrick T. Relihan ; Second Ward, Frank H. Suits and Harrie W. Pritchard ; Third Ward, Andrew B. Maltby and Frank M. Webster ; Fourth Ward, Peter Farrell and James Murphy ; Fifth Ward, Martin Relihan and Joseph F. McAl- pine ; Sixth Ward, Nelson K. Walter and Simeon P. Palmer ; Seventh Ward, Edgar E. Magee and Dr. Edwin J. Carpenter. Quality of Coming's Water Supply is Excellent. 415 Monday, January 14, 1907, at a meeting of the members of the Presbyterian Church, a call to the pastorate was extended to Rev. John C. Ball, late President of Keuka College. The net profits of the Corning Co-Operative Savings and Loan Association for the year 1906 were $27,585.18. The 545 children patrons of the Annex have $8,826.87 on deposit. Tuesday, January 22, the frame building at the northeast corner of Bridge street, occupied by R. W. Terbell's drug and notion store, was partly destroyed by fire. Loss about $4,500. E. W. Vose is Secretary of the Corning Y. M. C. A. The St. James Hotel, newly furnished, was opened January 31, with Thos. F. Rogers as Proprietor, and John J. Rogers as Landlord. February 7, 1907, John E. Bong was re-elected President of the Corning Business Men's Association ; Hugh W. Darrin is Secretary. Eugene D. Sage, aged 54, grocer, died February 24, 1907. February 26, 1906.— Charles Mcintosh was appointed Assistant Postmaster, succeeding Louis F. Drake, who moves to Florida. March 4, 1907. — By unanimous vote the Common Council auth- orized $100,000 in water bonds to be issued. Thomas Lawrence, aged 58 years, for 30 years prior to January 1. 1906, manager of the Corning water works, died March 9, 1907. Dwight L. Fuller, aged 59 years, one of the proprietors and landlords of the Dickinson House, died March 9, 1907. His father, the late Dwight A. Fuller, was a pioneer in the hotel business in Coming. A brother, George W. Fuller, survives. James M. Caird, of Troy, chemist and bacterologist, reports as the outcome of examinations, that the water supply of Corning is the best of any city in the State. The source is a large spring in the eastern section of the city ; the quanty is abundant at all times. March 22, 1907, Rev. T. W. Malcolm was installed as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Painted Post. April 1, 1907, the name of Mill street was changed to Park ave. The Water Commission placed Leroy C. Chowning, late of New York, in charge of the new municipal pump station. The evening of April 19, 1907, Rev. John Chester Ball was installed as Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Corning. 416 Corning Lodge Benevolent Order of Elks Instituted. April 22, 1907. — The former " Pinewood Sanitarium " property, was sold under foreclosure, to James O. Sebring, for $7,000. Corning Lodge of Elks, No. 1071, was instituted May 9, 1907. The following officers were installed : — Dr. Henry A. Argue, Exalted Ruler ; Francis C. Williams, Esteemed Leading Knight ; Charles P. Buskirk, Esteemed Loyal Knight ; Harry H. Pratt, Esteemed Lectur- ing Knight ; Joseph F. McAlpine, Secretary ; Frank M. Webster, Treasurer ; John F. Rolfe, Tyler. Trustees — Willard S. Reed, Robert W. Terbell and William J. Buchanan. May 14-18, 1907, an elaborate fair and sale was held at the City Hall, under the auspices of the Business Men's Association, to raise money to be used in improving the new public park, as yet not named. The net receipts of the fair were near $3,100. June 1, 1907.— William J. Fitzpatrick and Michael J. Brann, each for a time connected with the management of the Dickinson House, become its landlords, George W. Fuller, owner of the hotel, retiring from active business. The firm name is Fitzpatrick & Brann. William H. Chaphe, from 1852 a resident of Corning, died June 4, at the home of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Emma S. Chaphe, 130 Cedar street. He was a skilled accountant ; beginning in 1870 owned and managed for many years a grocery, on Pine street ; was for 12 years Purchasing Agent of the Fall Brook Coal Company. At a special school meeting, electors of the Northside School District, by a vote of 156 to 109, decied to provide text books free. Joseph J. Tully, aged 68 years, died June 24, 1907. He had been a resident of Corning since the Summer of 1868, and until his health failed, a few years ago, was superintendent of the blowing depart- ment of the Corning Glass Works. He leaves two sons and three daughters— William J., Arthur H., Josephine, Mrs. Archibald Arthur and Mrs. G. Furman Smith. The following were graduated at the Free Academy exercises held June 14, 1907 :— Grace Allison, Alma L. Beard, Edward B. Clark, Letha M. Coger, George L. Comosh, Edith M. Costello, Mary E. Frey, John L. Haughey, Catherine T. Heffernan, George A. Heermans, Ethel H. Holmes, William C. Hooey, Fred E. Johnson, Edward J. Kelly, Mary E. McCarthy, Elsie W. McClellan, Glen W. Munger, Frances C. McNamara, Florence L. May, Elizabeth B. Mourhess, Joseph R. Oakden, Thomas F. O'Bryan, Hillard A. Proctor, Katherine G. Ryan, Marjory Sage, Carridell L. Sternberg, Henry B. Watkins. Death of Stephen Thurston Hayt of Corning. 417 Amos Jewett, aged 74, of the town of Hornby, where he was born, died June 12, 1907. In early Hfe he taught school ; he was a prosperous farmer and an influential citizen. Mrs. Jewett, who was Sarah Piatt, two daughters and a son survive — Mrs. Baton Gilbert, Mrs. J. H. Wheaton and Thomas P. Jewett. The 1907 graduates of the Northside High School were Helen V. Bennett, Verne V. Ryon, Josephene I. Whitney, Francis A. Jimerson, Mabel Magee and Addie M. Stephens. In July, 1907, the Munger Candy Company began business on West Market street. Dr. William E. Gorton is President. July 16, 1907, John S. Kennedy was appointed Secretary of the new State Public Service Commission. July 16, 1907.— Oscar W. Bump, of Corning, died of heart failure at Atlantic City, N. J. He was manager of extensive coal mines in which Amory Houghton, Jr., in Coming holds the controlling interest. The African Zion Methodist Church, on East Market street, the house of worship of a society of colored people, was dedicated July 21, 1907. Rev. T. H. Washington is pastor. August 3, 1907.— Thomas Dillon, aged 75, a veteran of the Civil War, died of apoplexy. He was a former Chief of Police. In connection with the State Firemen's Convention at Elmira, August 22, 1907, the Crystal City Hook and Ladder running team won the 200 yards sprint and the hub-and-hub hose race. Stephen Thurston Hayt, born at Patterson, Putnam County, N. Y., June 5, 1822, died August 31, 1907, at his home in Corning. His father, Dr. John C. Hayt, practiced for a time at Ithaca, and moved from that settlement to what was then known as The Mills, now the northeastern section of the city of Corning, in the Spring of 1833. He was accompanied by James Nichols, a merchant. They formed the firm of Nichols & Hayt, and bought a combined saw-mill and grist- mill and wool-carding establishment on the present Hammond street. Stephen T. Hayt secured a good education, for a time clerked in a store at Elmira ; from 1843 to 1850 was a merchant in Corning; then engaged in manufacturing and shipping lumber ; in 1868, with Alex- ander Olcott as a partner, built and operated the " Southern Tier Flouring Mills," at Corning, a year later becoming sole proprietor. From 1859 to 1863 he was Supervisor of the town of Corning ; was a delegate to the convention that in 1860 nominated Abraham Lincoln for President ; in 1863 was elected State Senator ; was re-elected in 418 Rev. N. E. Fuller Again Pastor of Congregational Church. 1865 ; in 1876 was elected Canal Commissioner. He leaves seven children — Stephen T., Jr., Mrs. Martha Fiske, Robert 0., Margaret C, Jessie K., James Towner, and Mrs. Isabelle Drake. September 11, 1907, the Crystal City Hook and Ladder running team, defeated three other teams on a 285 yards course at the State Fair, near Syracuse, in 38 and 2-5th seconds. September 15, 1907, Rev. George B. Cutten resigned the pastorate of the First Baptist Church, having been called to Columbus, 0. William J. Hewlett, aged 68, coal dealer, died October 13, 1907. November 5, 1907, Dr. Thomas A. McNamara was elected Mayor. Sunday evening, November 10, Robert Keene, aged 73 years, was killed by a train at the Columbia street crossing of the Erie. George P. Nixon, aged 83 years, a pioneer farmer of the town of Caton, died at his home in Corning, November 18, 1907. The Odd Fellows cleared $2,200 at a fair held in their temple the week ending November 24, 1907. In December, 1907, Rev. L. J. Long retired from the pastorate of the North Baptist Church, and later became pastor of the People's Gospel Tabernacle, affiliated with the Christian Missionary Alliance. December 12, 1907, Dr. Frank S. Swain was elected Grand Knight of Corning Council, Knights of Columbus. December 17, 1907, S. Eugene Tuthill was elected Master of the Corning Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. January 2, 1908, Rev. N. E. Fuller again became pastor of the First Congregational Church of Corning. In January, 1908, Rev. Forrest L. Eraser, of Hagerstown, Md., accepted a call to the First Baptist Church, of Coming. In February, 1908, Bradley & Nolan, of Corning, secured the contract to build a section of State macadem highway from the western part of Gibson to the Chemung County line, at Big Fiats. February 3, 1908. — Nicholas D. Rowley, aged 85 years, died at his home on Park avenue. He was born in Big Flats ; was success- ful as a farmer and in dealing in lands; in 1873 he established green houses on Park avenue. He leaves a grandchild, Mary J. Rowley. February 6, 1908, Dr. George F. Showers was elected President of the Corning Business Men's Association. J. B. Maltby & Company completed a large cold storage plant. New Recreation Grounds Named Denison Park. 419 In February, 1908, Rev. L. B. Underwood, of Painted Post, became pastor of the North Baptist Church, in Corning. A side-walk was built on the east side of the Northside bridge. February 27, 1908, Robert Lambert died at Painted Post, his place of residence for 60 years. He was 80 years of age. George Tiley Spencer died March 3, 1908, at his home in Corn- ing. He was born in Saybrook, Conn., November 6, 1814; he was a graduate of Yale College ; studied law in Hartford, Conn., then was associated with an attorney at Syracuse, N. Y.; began the practice of law in Corning in 1841 ; was elected a Member of Assembly in 1853, was a member of the State Constitutional Convention in 1867, was elected Judge of Steuben County in 1871 and served a full term of Six years ; owned several fine farms ; was noted tor his clearness of mind and dependable memory. He leaves a son, George Stacy Spencer, and four daughters — Mrs. Harriet A. Pond, Mrs. Emma R. Hubbard, Mrs. Elizabeth Kriger and Mrs. Clarissa C. Pratt. About one mile of brick street pavements was laid in 1908, and East Pulteney street was macadamized for a fourth of a mile. The evening of March 6, 1908, James AVadsworth, Speaker of the State Assembly, and State Senator William J. TuUy, gave addresses at the annual banquet of the Corning Business Men's Association. In March, 1908, Orlando J. Robinson sold his news and notions business to William E, Kling, for a number of years his clerk. Three nurses were graduated at the Corning Hospital — Miss Rebecca Walker, Miss Genevieve Brooks, Miss Florence McMaster. March 18, 1908, Dr. Henry A. Argue was elected Exalted Ruler of Corning Lodge of Elks ; Joseph F. McAlpine is Secretary. In 1908 the former Christ Episcopal Church, at Walnut street and Erie avenue, was torn down, and the stone from its walls were used in the construction of the German Evangelical Church. The new east-side recreation grounds were named " Denison Park," for the late Charles G. Denison and as a recognition of gener- ous contributions to the park fund by his son, Charles L. Denison. Thursday evening, June 11, 1908, Rev. John Knox was installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Painted Post. Friday afternoon. May 12, 1908, the following students were graduated at the commencement exercises of Corning Free Academy: Ray C. Allen, Clarissa L. Bennett, Hazel M. Brace, Maurice Charles Braveman, Michael H. Cahill, Adelaide F. Colvin, William Earle 420 Northside Electors Decide to Erect High School Building. Costello, Catherine M. Eaton, James F. Grady, Margaret M. Griffin, Francis E. Hickey, Margaret D. Keating, Leona M. Kelliher, John H. Kernan, William A. Lynahan, Mary L. McCabe, Hazel Markell, Sarah E. Nares, Eva J. Peart, Helen E. Relihan, Leon F. Robbins, Benjamin H. Stasch, Clara H. Tupper, Victor H. Tyrasinski and Hazel Belle Young. The " Hotel Casale," (the former Minot House remodeled), was opened June 18, 1908. Thos. D. Casale, of Williamsport, is owner. Those graduated by the Northside High School, at the annual exercises held June 24, 1908, were Vernum M. Schoonover, Cedric E. Hungerford, Edgnr E. Magee, Margaret H. Monks, Alice M. Loghry, Amy 0. Norris, Harry M. Sage, Ray W. Miller, Alice M. Chase and Luella Blair. The corner-stone of the German Evangelical Church, of Corning was placed Sunday afternoon, June 28, 1908. Rev. R. Vieweg is pastor. At a meeting of electors of Union Free School District No. 13, com.monly known as the Northside School District, held in the First Congregational Church, Friday evening, July 17, 1908, it was voted, (208 for, 119 against), to issue not to exceed $50,000 in bonds to erect a High School building ; also to purchase land of the Robert- son estate as a site for the structure, and to enlarge the present school campus by the purchase of the Mecanty property. The officers of the meeting were : Uri Mulford, Chairman ; Harvey E. Cole, Jr., Clerk ; Frank E. Cortright and V/m. W. Arland, Inspectors. The corner-stone of the People's Gospel Tabernacle, on East William street, was laid July 26, 1908. Miss Emily Ward was killed instantly and Michael Callahan was seriously injured, the afternoon of July 30, 1908, when a Stand- ard Oil Company delivery wagon was struck by a passenger train at the First street grade crossing of the Erie Railroad. August 6, 1908, the Corning Grocers* Association held an outing at Hodgman's Island. The officers are : John M. Owen, President ; F. L. Tobey, Vice-President ; H. W. Darrin, Secretary and Treasurer. The members of the Northside School Board are Dr. Edwin J. Carpenter, E. E. Magee, W. H. Rudy, Dr. M. C. Butler, William W. Arland, Charles A. Reynolds and Uri Mulford. A local talent " Society Circus," to raise money for Denison Park, gave highly gratifying exhibitions at the park, the afternoons and evenings of August 19-20-21, 1908. John Comosh was ring-master. ''Painted Post Chapter, " Sons American Revolution. 421 October 6.-Rev. Burton M. Clark is appointed pastor of the First Methodist Church in Corning, succeeding Rev. Joseph Dennis, and Rev. J. W. Torkington follows Rev. Nathaniel Harris as pastor of Grace Methodist Church. Rev. Fred E. King succeeds Rev. C. L. Pitts as pastor of the Methodist Church at Painted Post. Sixty thousand dollars of school bonds, sold by the Northside School District, brought $5,721 premium, October 31, 1908. In November, 1908, Quincy W. Farr resigned as Chief of the Corning Fire Department, and went to Seattle, Wash. The corner-stone of the new brick Northside High School build- ing, was placed Thursday afternoon, December 4, 1908. A test well drilled at Ferenbaugh, in the Post Creek valley, struck salt water at 3,000 feet. It was " shot " and abandoned. December 28, 1908, " The Painted Post Society," Sons of the American Revolution, was organized in Corning. Officers :— Arthur A. Houghton, President: Delmar M. Darrin, Vice-President; John L. Chatfield, Secretary; Willard S. Reed, Treasurer ; Uri Mulford, Historian. Later the Society was incorporated. In January, 1909, the Steuben County Board of Supervisors by unanimous vote passed a resolution to establish a bacteriological laboratory, to be located at the Coming Hospital. George Washington Preston, aged 83 years, died April 7, 1909, at his home on West Pulteney street He located in Corning in 1839, and was one of the founders of the settlement ; when a young man he became a master-machinist ; for many years he was at the head of a foundry and machine plant; he was a violinist of note: Corning never had a more amiable and generally agreeable resident. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Charles A. Reynolds, and a son George. In April, 1909, the group of railroads comprised in the Pennsyl- vania Division of the New York Central lines, were consolidated into one corporation— the Geneva, Corning and Southern Railway. Thomas Taylor Hunt, aged 64, President of the Hunt Cut Glass Company, died at his home in Corning, April 14, 1909. In May, 1909, Dr. Leigh R. Hunt resigned as Superintendent of the Southside public schools. In September he was succeeded by Hannibal H. Chapman, of Hempstead, Long Island. The work of Dr. Hunt during the many years he served as " school master " in Corning, was excellent, and fruitful in good results. After two years of service as Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association in Coming, Charles E. Voshall retires. 422 Transfer of Denison Park to the City of Corning. The Ingersoll-Rand Company transferred its manufacturing from shops at Tarrytown to Painted Post, accompanied by a large force of skilled machinists. Painted Post is " booming." Friday evening, June 5, 1909, there was a joint debate at the City Hall in Corning, between George Kirkpatrick, of New York, an advocate of Socialism, and Attorney James 0. Sebring, opposed. The audience was large and at times demonstrative. The State Division of the Sons of Veterans met in Corning, June 7, 8 and 9, 1909, as guests of the local Encampment. The graduates of the Coming Free Academy, at the exercises held June 11, 1909, were Oswald C. Buchanan, John E. Durkin, Eda L Haischer, Amelia M. Hollman, Whitney P. Howes, Margaret K. Leavy, Charles E. McManus, Florence K. Moran, John R. F. Osborne, Margaret G. Relihan, Orin Pomeroy Robinson, Harry J. Suits, Mabel M. Stansbury, Laura B. Woodward and Myrtie M. Woodward. Mrs. Mary J. Schrimer, bom in Centerville, died at her home in Corning, June 11, 1909. Here parents were Loren and Mary Mallory. June 10, 1909, by a vote of 85 to 58, Painted Post decided to invest $25,000 in a water supply system. Wells are to be drilled. A class of twenty received diplomas at the graduation exercises of the Northside High School, June 24, 1909, as follows :— Arthur Burrell, Burt Morse, Florence Manning, Harvie Howie, Robert Titus,. Fred Lane, Victor Uhl, Clayton Lane, Georgia Adams, Helen Harris,. Ada Walden, Floyd Cortright, Beatrice Talbot, Beatrice Jennings, Isabel Blair, Eva Jones, Alice Marland, Anna Schutt, Bertha Rood and Kathryn Orr. Work is under way for the construction of New York Central yards, round houses and repair shops at North Corning. The new German Evangelical Church was dedicated July 11, 1909. July 29, 1909, subscriptions were opened to raise a fund for the erection of a Civil War memorial in Corning. For this use the Women's Relief Corps of Hayt Post has $500 on deposit. At a meeting of the Corning Business Men's Association held September 2, 1909, John Comosh announced that Charles L. Denison, of New York, had contributed $15,265 to enable the Association to transfer Denison Park free of debt to the city. On September 6 the transfer was made, at public exercises held in the park. Dr. George F. Showers, President of the Business Men's Association, made the address of Presentation, and Mayor Thos. A. McNamara responded. Association Formed to Erect Civil War Memorial. 423 September 19, 1909.— Announcement was made at the services at St. Mary's Church that a parochial school is to be established on the Northside, as soon as a school building can be erected. In October, 1909, committees representing the various patriotic societies of Corning, met and organized " The Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Association," for the purpose of raising the necessary fund to erect a momorial to the residents of Corning and vicinity who rendered service for the preservation of the Union, during the Civil War. Later the Association was incorporated. Officers— Chas. H. Freeman, President; Dr. John L. Miller, First Vice-President; Benjamin Smith, Second Vice-President ; Uri Mulford, Secretary ; Mrs. John J. Fowler, Treasurer. Rev. I. K. Libby was appointed Methodist pastor at Painted Post. George Hitchcock, aged 87 years, from 1859 a resident of Corn- ing, died October 22, 1909. He had served as a Police Justice, a Justice of the Peace, was for many years Secretary of the Board of Education, and Secretary of the Masonic bodies. Amory Houghton, Jr., aged 72 years, died at his home in Corning the evening of November 5, 1909. He was born in Cambridge, Mass. In 1851 his father founded the Union Glass Company, with works at Somerville, Mass., and for thirteen years Amory Houghton, Jr., was connected with the factory at that place. In 1864 the industry was moved to Brooklyn, N. Y., and thence to Corning in 1868. Here he by the persistent exercise of rare judgment, built up an industry that has successfully mastered changing trade requirements, and is the leading technical glass factory of the world. Every measure for the advancement of a community interest has received his support. He has been generous in his giving and has never compromised with or tolerated injustice. He is survived by Mrs. Houghton and the following sons and daughters: Alanson B., Ailhur A,, Annie B., and Clara M. (Mrs. William J. Tully.) In November, 1909, Rev. Forrest R. Eraser, having resigned the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Corning, became pastor of the Baptist Church at Penn Yan, N. Y. A school census taken early in December, 1909, showed 5,228 population in the Northside School District. The evening of December 21, 1909, William J. Lynahan was killed by a New York Central switch-engine at Walnut street. William S. Heyniger, Marvin Olcott and Charles F. Pitt open a wholesale grocery in Corning. Firm name : Heyniger, Pitt & Co. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LIV. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity — 1905 to 1910. MARRIED, at Mossy Glen. March 2, 1905, by Rev. S. R. Wal- dron, Ray G. Sweetland and Josephine daughter of George Hunt, both of Mossy Glen. In Corning, March 6, 1905, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, M. Duke Harris and Miss Nellie L. Conway. In Coming, March 7, 1905, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, George F. Terrill and Gertrude B. daughter of Oscar Smith. In Corning, April 20, 1905, by Rev. W. H. Reese, John H. Gear- ing, of Toledo, O., and Bessie daughter of George Coumbe. In Corning, May 2, 1905, by Rev. George B. Cutten, James A. Guernsey, of Painted Post, and Laura E. Ferenbaugh, of Coming. In Coming, May 2, 1905, Harry C. Crane and Mary Mocker. In Corning, May 23, 1905, by Rev. Alfred J. Hutton, Ross H. S. Bundy, of Elmira, and Miss Fanny J. Peart, of Coming. In Corning, June 3, 1905, John Stanton and Miss Luella Hoyt. In Corning, June 6, 1905, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Peter A. Eick and Anna daughter of Joseph Deegan.. In Corning, June 14, 1905, Samuel Kelce and Catherine A. Dean. In Corning, June 21, 1905, Thos. B. O'Neill and Helen Murphy. In Buffalo, June 27, 1905, James F. Boyle and Miss Gertrude Callanan, both former residents of Corning. In Corning, June 28, 1905, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Henry G. Waters, of Buffalo, and Frances T. daughter of David S. Drake. At Painted Post, June 28, 1905, by Rev. I. K. Libby, W. Ray Dunham and Clara M. daughter of Edward Jones. 424 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1905. 425 July 3, 1905, Charles C. Manning and Eva M. Allen, of Coming. In Corning, July 6, 1905, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Hiram B. Rouse and Miss Clarabell Mclntyre, both of Coming. In Corning, July 19, 1905, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Clarence Wick- son and Miss Nellie Acheson, In Corning, August 4, 1905, by Rev. George B. Cutten, Floyd C. Nares and Miss Grace A. Comfort. In Corning, August 9, 1905, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Timothy M. Murphy and Miss Mary H. McAvoy. In Corning, August 16, 1905, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Frank A. Lutz and Miss Lizzie Demuth. In Corning, August 17, 1905, by Rev. N. K. Harris, Guy Rose and Minnie E. daughter of James Hooey. In Corning, August 22, 1905, Timothy McCarthy and Genevieve daughter of Thomas O'Neill. In Corning, August 24, 1905, Frank E. Wydeman and Allie E„ daughter of A. H. Agett. In Corning, September 5, 1905, Clyde I. Baer and Louise Jenkins. In Corning, September 5, 1905, Leo J. son of W. J. O'Brian and Mary J. daughter of Nelson Stephens, of Hornby. In Corning, September 19, 1905, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Aldor Anderson, of New York, and Lola G. Russell, of Corning. In Corning, September 25, 1905, by Rev. W. J. Lee, James H. Sheedy and Miss Margaret F. Kelley. In Corning, October 4, 1905, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Peter C. Balcom and Miss Bernice C. Risely. In Corning, October 18, 1905, Alfred Grossman and Miss Mary E. Bentley, both of Coming. In Corning, October 30, 1905, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Frederick O. Beck and Miss Erma N. Barber. In Coming, October 30, 1905, Mark Bernt and Emma M. Haar. In Corning, November 16, 1905, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, George L. Landin and Miss Martha Wenderlich. In Coming, November 22, 1905, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Michael A. Goggin and Miss Harriet V. Rector. In Corning, November 22, 1905, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, John P. Martin and Miss Mary C. Kelly. 426 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1905-'06. In Corning, November 22, 1905, by Rev. Paul R. Allen, Michael Mundy and Harriet daughter of Isaac Edminster. At Painted Post, December 11, 1905, by Rev. W. E. Babcock, Lewis Rosier and Miss Grace Cutler. In Corning, December 20, 1905, Leslie C. Halm and Maud Mundy. In Corning, Jan. 1, 1906, Chas. Jimerson and Belle Catchpole. At St. Patrick's Church, Corning, January 17, 1906, by Rev. W. J. Lee, James Danahar and Miss Alice M. McQuillen. In Corning, February 7, 1906, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Leon J. Brundage and Margaret C. daughter of Patrick Arthur. In Corning, February 26, 1906, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Jerome Hovey, Jr., and Miss Susan Youngs. March 11, 1906, William Bixby and Maude Elliott, of Corning. In Corning, March 12, 1906, Harrison Haines and Louise Hackett. In Painted Post, March 14, 1906, by Rev. W. E. Babcock, Don G. Kirkland and Miss Clara M. Daningburg. In Corning, May 3, 1906, by Rev. Joseph Dennis, Clair J. Good- year, of Horseheads, and Mary E. Jelliff, of Corning. In Corning, May 7, 1906, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Dr. Thomas A. McNamara and Nellie daughter of Thomas Dwyer. At St. Patrick's Church, in Corning, June 7, 1906, Robert D. Shinners and Margaret V. Maxwell, both of Corning. In Corning, June 7, 1906, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Lester Leroy Hamilton and Miss Minnie L. Klein. In Corning, June 19, 1906, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, James P. Barrett and Miss Anna M. Callahan. In Coming, June 19, 1906, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Thomas Cun- ningham, Jr., and Miss Catherine M. Dolan. In Corning, June 19, 1906, Frank D. Canfield and Mary A. Baker. At Jordan, N. Y., June 20, 1906, Richard E. Maleady. of Corning, and Miss Catherine Halpin, of Jordan. In Corning, June 20, 1906, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Willis H. Wil- liams and Miss Katherine A. Curtin. In Caton, June 23, 1906, by Rev. C. D. Smith, Benjamin Chesley Honness and Miss Cornelia E. Smith. At Coopers Plains, June 26, 1906, by Rev. W. E. Babcock, Fred Townsend, of Corning, and Sarah daughter of Timothy Hall. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1906. 427 In Corning, June 28, 1906, by Rev. George B. Cutten, Harlow Tobey and Inez A. daughter of Leonard Kirkendall. In Painted Post, July 1, 1906, by Rev. W. E. Babcock, William H. Richardson and Miss Lillian E. Wood. In Corning, July 12, 1906, by Rev. Paul R. Allen, George H. Stanford and Nina M. daughter of William E. Jones. In Corning, July 15, 1906, Geo. Barber and Grace A. Wheeler. In Corning, July 15, 1906, by Rev. Joseph Dennis, Jeremiah Faulkner and Miss Frances M. Warren. In Corning, August 5, 1906, by Rev. Calvin H. Crowl, George V. Quigley and Miss Alice E. Berry, both of Painted Post. In Corning, August 8, 1906, by Rev. Joseph Dennis, Theodore C. Hunt and Miss Lulu Dixon. In Corning, August 22, 1906, by Rev. Mr. Cole, of Cameron,, William S. Gage and Miss Ida LaBarron. In Corning, September 12, 1906, by Rev. Paul R. Allen, Benjamin Kenyon, of Scipio, N. Y., and Marguerite A. daughter of Wm. Curry. In Corning, October 4, 1906, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Louis S. Jones, of Wellsboro, Pa., and Miss Mary E. Hillman, of Corning. In Corning, October 4, 1906, by Rev. Nathaniel Harris, Robert R. Huggins, of Lindley, and Effie daughter of Geo. Ellison, of Hornby. In Corning, October 10, 1906, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Harry W. Rose and Florence L. daughter of Joseph Watson. October 14, 1906, Joseph Snyder, of Painted Post, and Nettie daughter of Charles McElwee, of the town of Hornby. At St Mary's Church, in Corning, November 8, 1906, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, John J. McMillen and Ann M. O'Connor. In Corning, November 7, 1906, by Rev. A. J. Hutton, Lyman K. Roloson and Miss Mabel Ecker. In Painted Post, November 14, 1906, by Rev. D. L. Pitts, James A. Troll and M. May daughter of Alexander Herron. In Corning, November 21, 1906, by Rev. W. J. Lee, William T. Collins and Miss Mary A. Cragan. In Caton, November 21, 1906, Arthur Niver and Ida Rogers. At St. Patrick's Church, in Corning, November 28, 1906, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, John H. Watson and Miss Anna T. McAvoy. 428 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1906-'07. In Corning, December 25, 1906, Frank Rhinehart, of East Corn- ing, and Ida daughter of Herman Lidky, of Corning. In Coopers Plains, December 26, 1906, by Rev. T. F. Broderick, Elliott Baker and Miss Lena M. Brush. At Pittsburgh, Pa., December 27, 1906, Alfred Gamman Hood, of Corning, and Miss Sarah E. Mann, of Pittsburgh. In Corning, Dec. 30, 1906, Raymond Sutherland, of Corning, and Minnie Roblyer, of Gibson. In Corning, December 30, 1906, Glen A. Phelps and Anna Painter. In Corning, January 7, 1907, James Orr and Miss Belle Northam. In Jersey City, N. J., January 31, 1907, Cyrus D. Sill, of Corning, and Miss Amy C. Hull, of Jersey City. In Corning, February 6, 1907, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Edward Lantz and Frances M. daughter of Henry E. Krebs. In Corning, February 20, 1907, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, W. Glen Billinghurst and Miss Mabel C. Gorton. In Painted Post, February 22, 1907, by Rev. D. L. Pitts, John A. McElwee, of East Campbell, and Miss Ethel A. Tadder, of Hornby. In Coming, March 20, 1907, John M. Newman and Unola B. Pope. In Corning, April 7, 1907, Alfred M. Keller and Maymie Teale. In Corning, April 17, 1907, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Francis J. McLaughlin, of Hornby, and Miss Mary E. Ferns, of Corning. In Painted Post, May 13, 1907, by Rev. D. L. Pitts, Archie B. Hamilton and Miss Inez Champlain. In Corning, May 23, 1907, by Rev. George B. Cutten, Walter C. Herriman and Helen daughter of Richard D. Stubley. In Corning, June 1, 1907, Rush Brown and Mary L. Withy. At Monterey, June 5, 1907, by Rev. Mr. Wilson, Orville J. May, of Painted Post, and Miss Daisy B. Weller. In Corning, June 12, 1907, W. J. Hoyt and Miss Gracia G. Smith. In Corning, June 19, 1907, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, George K. Reynolds and Mary Ellen daughter of Charles P. McGivern. In Corning, June 19, 1907, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Earl S. Home, of Meadville, Pa., and Mary M. daughter of James Troll, of Corning. In Coming, June 19, 1907, Edward J. Berry and Bertha Seaman. In Corning, June 19, 1907, Alvah Eckert and Miss Maud Brooks. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1907. 429- In Corning, June 20, 1907, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Abraham B. Jackson and Mabel F. daughter of Maurice L. Nichols. At St. Mary's Church, in Corning, June 25, 1907, by Rev. J. M.. Bustin, James W. Shea and Mary D. daughter of Eugene Dean. In Corning, June 26, 1907, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Leroy I. Doolittle and Helen C. daughter of Patrick Callahan. In Corning, June 26, 1907, Peter Flood and Emma E. Owen. In Corning, June 27, 1907, by Rev. Paul R. Allen, Dr. John L. Miller and Miss Lulu M. Shattuck. In Corning, June 29, 1907, by Rev. L. J. Long, Charles A. Emer- son and Caroline N. Gardner, both of Coming. In Painted Post, June 29, 1907, by Rev. T. Walker Malcolm, Lewis M. Hoftrup and Miss Susan Hitchcock. In Corning, July 9, 1907, by Rev. Paul R. Allen, Dr. Luther A. Thomas, of Painted Post, and Miss Edith O'Brien, of Corning. In Corning, July 17, 1907, Geo. E. Beahan and Nellie M. Crane. July 20, 1907, George E. DeV/olfe of the town of Corning, and Mrs. Harriet Erwin, of Elkland, Pa. In Elmira, August 1, 1907, William E. Kimball, of Corning, and Mrs. Bessie C. Smith, of Caton. In Corning, August 8, 1907, by Rev. L. J. Long, William B. Jimerson, of Dyke, and Miss Torma Lane, of Corning. In Corning, August 27, 1907, by Rev. G. B. Cutten, David Wasson and Miss Susan Colgrove. In Corning, September 5, 1907, by Rev. George B. Cutten, Chas. Glenn Bates and Amy L. daughter of Mrs. Ida Jacobs. In Corning, September 10, 1907, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Thomas Fleming and Miss Margaret Barthelme. In Corning, September 11, 1907, by Rev. W. C. Roberts, Robert M. Otis and Miss Clara E. Bourne. In Coming, September 17, 1907, by Rev. W. H. Reese, James H. Pierce and Loula daughter of Mrs. Martha A. Belding. In Corning, September 19, 1907, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Dennis L.' Lyons and Anna M. daughter of John Gorges. In Corning, September 18, 1907, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Samuel E. Barto, of Williamsport, and Agnes L. Young, of Corning. 430 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1907 -'08. In Corning, October 9, 1907, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Daniel J. Ginnan and Miss Katheryn M. Roche. In Corning, October 9, 1907, Wm. R. Davies and Mary Wihn. In Corning, October 25, 1907, by Rev. L. J. Long, Lewis M. Quackenbush and Miss Bertha J. Barber. In Corning, October 30, 1907, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Freder- ick J. Townsend, of Painted Post, and Miss Belle Wicks. In Corning, November 27, 1907, Patrick Hunt and Mary Densen. In Corning, November 27, 1907, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Douglas Nicholson, of New York, and Miss Theodora C. Waite. In Corning, December 24, 1907, by Rev, L. B. Underwood, Rev. Linn R. Williamson and Ellen A. daughter of Charles N. Church. In Corning, December 26, 1907, by Rev. Walter C. Roberts, Christopher C. Gill and Catherine A. daughter of L. E. Tremaine. In Painted Post, January 22, 1908, Frank White and Jane Smith. In Corning, February 14, 1908, Earl Scutt and Miss Ida Flaitz. In Corning, March 31, 1908, Huston Harris and Miss Susie Custer. In Corning, April 28, 1908, Henry Huber and Loretta T. Markert. In Corning, April 28, 1908, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, William J. Fitzpatrick and Ida M. daughter of James Hoare. In Corning, May 4, 1908, Ernest Berry and Miss Lottie B. Canfield. May 17, 1908, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Claire J. Smith and Mrs. Grace V. Corzette, both of Painted Post. In Corning, May 20, 1908, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, William L. Gushing and Miss Anga A. Schlesier, of Elmira. In Corning, June 3, 1908, Patrick Murphy and Hannah Donahue. In Corning, June 17, 1908, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Arthur J. Agett and Hazel A. daughter of Henry Kinch. In Corning, June 23, 1908, by Rev. Joseph Dennis, Fred J. Hebe, of Elmira, and Edna Mae daughter of H. A. Stevens, of Corning. In Coming, June 24, 1908, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Charles H. Gaiss and Miss Margaret McCulloch. In Corning, June 30, 1908, Ezra Mack and Miss Henrietta Payne. In Corning, July 2, 1908, James young and Miss Viola G. Wood. In Corning, July 15, 1908, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, William L. Sloan and Kathryn daughter of James Hand. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1908-V9. 431 In Corning, August 12, 1908, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Oliver E. Lamb and Miss May Belle daughter of D. K. Kiff. In Corning, August 13, 1908, by Rev. Forrest L. Eraser, Lewis R. Copp and Ethel L. daughter of George Youmans. At Coopers Plains, August 20, 1908, by Rev. R. R. Watkins, Uri Balcom, of Campbell, and Miss Isabel E. Wheat, of Coopers Plains. In Painted Post, September 3, by Rev. J. S. Robinson, James M. Clark, of London, Canada, and May Agnes daughter of W. D. Sims. At St. Mary's Church, September 14, 1908, by Rev. J.T. Cassidy, Thomas W. Dee and Miss Anna E. Moran ; James Lynch and Miss Helen F. Moran. This was a double wedding — the brides are sisters. In Corning, September 29, 1908, by Rev. L. J. Long, Arthur C. Orr, of Presho, and Miss Clara B. Gibson, of Corning. At Coopers Plains, October 15, 1908, by Rev. J. E. Wilson, Ben- jamin S. Pierce and Cathleen daughter of Arthur Cooper. In Corning, November 5, 1908, by Rev. John T. Cassidy, James P. Falsey, of Waverly, and Miss Katherine Henkel, of Corning. In Corning, November 17, 1908, John J. Hart and Mary A. Dowd. In Corning, November 18, 1908, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Jacob V. De Victor and Anna G. daughter of Mrs. Mary Ploward. At Grover, Pa., December 30, 1908, Ambrose E. Scudder, of Painted Post, and Miss Allyne Spencer, of Grover. In Corning, January 14, 1909, Robert Ploutz and Bridget Healey. In Buffalo, February 2, 1909, Gillette, son of Edward M. Welles, of Addison, and Gladys, daughter of Frederick Carder, of Corning. In Corning, February 15, 1909, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Edward J. Bradley, of Rochester, and Madeline C. Callahan, of Corning. In Corning, April 12, 1909, Philip Ward and Miss Julia Jenks. In Corning, April 14, 1909, Geo. W. Neff and Lena M. Hotalen. In Corning, April 20, 1909, by Rev. J. W. Torkington, Frank A. Spoor, of Painted Post, and Miss Florence Miller, of Corning. In Corning, April 21, 1909, Geo. W. Perry and Bella W. Cochran. In Corning, June 2, 1909, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Daniel Poland and Miss K. Sheeley. At Gibson, June 2, 1909, John Dirlim, of Coming, and Agnes daughter of Herman Richter, of Gibson. 432 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1909. At St. Patrick's Church, Corning, June 15, 1909, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, James Cassidy and Louise daughter of John Rowe. In Corning, June 16, 1909, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, John McMahon and Miss EHzabeth Hyland. In Corning, June 17, 1909, by Rev. Burton M. Clarlc, Wayne M. Halle nbeck and Anna M. daughter of Joseph N. Thurber. In Corning, June 22, 1909, Nathan Walker and Miss Maud Flynn. In Corning, June 26, 1909, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, George H. Grimes, of Rochester, and Miss Lelia G. Kiff. July 1, 1909, Judson H. Scutt and Edith E. Herrington, of Corning. At Gibson, July 15, 1909, Lynn B. Carr and Miss Lavina Baker. In Corning, August 4, 1909, by Rev. W. H. Butts, Calvin J. Butler and Mrs. Antoinette Wayave, both of Corning. In Corning, August 18, 1909, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, James J. Barrett and Mary A. McMahon. In Campbell, Sept. 2, 1909, by Rev. A. C. MacKensie, Frank R. Aulls and Miss Marguerite E. Cox, both of Campbell. In Corning, September 15, 1909, by Rev. John T. Cassidy, Wil- liam F. Purcell and Mary E. daughter of Clark H. Keagle. In Corning, Sept. 16, 1909, Chas. VanGorder and lona P. Baker. In Corning, September 22, 1909, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Forest G. Rexford and Sara May daughter of Dr. John L. Miller. Sept. 23, 1909, Wm. J. Warner and Nora H. Rowley, Painted Post. In Coming, Oct. 16, 1909, Joseph M. Smith and Mary Schroeder. In Corning, Nov. 23, 1909, James Baetzel and Genevieve Massick. In Corning, November 23, 1909, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Andrew Durkin, of Woodhull, and Miss Mayme E. Gallagher, of Corning. In Hornby, December 9, 1909, by Rev S. W. Sessions, Amos A. Stevens, of Corning, and Miss Loretta Townley. In Corning, Dec. 15, 1909, Ernest Thomas and Cora B. Christian. In Corning, December 25, 1909, by Rev. L. B. Underwood, Dr. Frederick D. Carr, of Caton, and Miss Marie Thaler. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LV. Events In and About Corning— 1910 to 1913. AYOR FREDERICK A. ELLISON, who assumed the duties of the office January 1, 1910, at a meeting of the Common Council held on Monday evening, January 3, made the following appointments, which were confirmed : City Attorney, James O. Sebring, in place of Warren J. Cheney ; City Clerk, George E. Beahan in place of Frank H. Ferris ; City Physician, Dr. John F. Dwyer ; Overseer of the Poor, Peter Farrell ; Police Commissioners, Joseph R. Oakden, Charles H. Deuerline, Martin F. Hanley. The Northside Bank, organized April 10, 1907, discontinued business in January, 1910. Hammond & Company began business in their new meat supply building, on Tioga avenue, January 17, 1910. It is a two-story brick structure. Frank H. Suits is manager. In January, 1910, the First National Bank purchased the Drake Block, at the northeast corner of Market and Pine streets, for a num- ber of years occupied by the J. M. Greig department store. The bank occupies the west half of the first floor, Terbell-Caulkins, drug- gists, the east half, and the other floors were used for offices. The block was remodeled and named the First National Bank Building. In February, 1910, " Weale's Cornet Band " was organized ; Fred E. Weale, Musical Director ; J. Towner Hayt, Manager. Rev. W. H. Butts, assistant rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Corning, died Saturday evening, at Gloversville, N. Y., of acute indigestion, shortly after arriving there to conduct Sunday services. At 10 o'clock the night of February 22, 1910, fire was discovered in the basement of Christ Episcopal Church ; it spread to the chancel and the resulting damage amounted to $25,000. At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Steuben County, held at Hornell, (formerly Hornellsville), James J. O'Hara, of Corning, 433 434 James J. O'Hara Elected Chairman Board Supervisors. was elected Chairman. A resolution was passed appropriating $29,000 to pay the County's share of the cost of building the Corning to Caton highway. The chief officers of Corning Lodge of Elks, elected March 2, 1910, were : Harry H. Pratt, Exalted Ruler ; Herbert A. Heminway, Esteemed Leading Knight ; James Towner Hayt, Esteemed Loyal Knight ; T. Paul McGannon, Esteemed Lecturing Knight. March 11, 1910, Dr. Townsend Walker, formerly of Campbell, died at his home on Bridge street. Coming. Major Luzerne Todd, who became a resident of Corning in 1848, died March 16, 1910, aged 88 years. In the Civil War he entered service as Captain of Company D, 23d New York Volunteer Inf antr}^ At the close of the war he was brevetted a Major. The new Northside High School building was " dedicated," with addresses, songs and music, the evening of March 16, 1910. The construction building of the Lane Bridge Company, at Painted Post, burned the night of March 19, 1910. Loss near $20,000 ; insurance, $8,000. Daniel F. Lane is President of the company. The State Bank of Corning, which began business in June, 1907, ceased business in March, 1910. It was not a profitable venture, April 1, 1910, ground was broken for the erection of an annex to St. Mary's Parochial School — a brick structure, to cost $26,000. Matthew M. Mangan, aged 60 years, died April 19, 1910, at the Hotel Fulton, formerly the Delmonico, at Market and Walnut streets. From early youth he had been connected with Corning Hotels, was a successful landlord and a man of many friends. April 23, 1910, the Coming Board of Health elected Dr. Francis S. Swain city Health Officer, in place of Dr. Edward W. Bryan. East Erie avenue was paved with brick in 1910, the work being done under contract by John C. Bradley, of Corning. April 29, 1910.— The Park Hotel, at Centerville, bumed to the ground this forenoon. It was a substantial frame building ; for a series of years Michael McGivern was landlord ; loss near $6,000. The annual reunion of Coming Consistory, Scottish Rite Masons, held sessions for three days, at Masonic Hall, closing the evening of April 29, with an elaborate banquet at the Odd Fellows' Temple. Warren J. Cheney is Illustrious Commander-in-Chief. Graduates Free Academy and High School In 1910. 435 In May, 1910, Rev. Walter C. Roberts severed his relations as rector of Christ Church, Corning, and accepted a call to the pastorate St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal Church at Mauch Chunk, Pa. A sale, fair, exhibition of curiosities and series of entertainments for the Corning Soldiers' and Sailors' monument fund, was held at the City Hall, under the auspices of the Monument Association, for six evenings, beginning Monday, May 30, 1910. The large hall was crowded each night. The net receipts were $4,100. At the annual commencement Exercises of the Corning Free Academy, held June 14, 1910, the graduates were :-^Robert V. Austin, Thomas F, Brady, Joseph L. Carr, Muriel A. Cheney, Esther T. Doyle, Ralph F. Gregorius, Mary G. Haley, Paul J. Haughey, George W. Pratt, Sophie Pratt, Robert M. Proctor, Leo J. Relihan, Francis T. Relihan, Charles F. Stansbury, Regina J. Tobias, Charles W. Williams, Louise Williams and John J. Walker. Rev. Samuel W. Pratt, aged 72 years, for nearly thirty years pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Campbell, died June 17, 1910. He graduated from Williams College in 1860, and from Auburn The- ological Seminary in 1863. His widow, two sons and four daughters survive. He was an effective preacher and an able writer. The following students were graduated at the Northside High School commencement exercises, held June 22, 1910: — Charles H. Everts, Allie T. Roloson, Genevieve M. Hickey, Hazel D. Gilbert, Albert V. Bates, Maudris E. Bedient, Ruth E. Deuerlein, Harriet M. Earing, Agnes L. Eddy, Fred A. Green, Hazel D. Gurnsey, Grace F. Magee, Retta M. Peterman, Bertha A. Rogers, Frederick L. Rogers, Jr., Grayce E. Sands, Ruth M. Shoens, Hazel L. Titus, Grace lone Tobey, Charlotte W. Walker and Irene C. Warner. The Federal census of June, 1910, placed the population of the city of Corning at 13,730, a gain of 41.1 per cent in ten years. Saturday night, July 2, 1910, while returning from a pleasure trip to Elmira with four other young men by automobile, the car struck a tree at a sharp turn in the road and Otto Raplee was killed. Saturday, July 9, 1910, Thomas J. Fleming, aged 27 years, lost his life while endeavoring to rescue two Hungarians who had entered a gas producer at the Corning Glass Works. Walter C. Sweet, by rare courage, saved the life of a fellow-workman. He was awarded a medal and $1,000 in cash by the Carnegie Foundation. 436 Construction of the Corning-Elmira Electric Railroad. Miss Agnes Welch, aged 23 years, was killed by an Erie train, at the East First street grade crossing, the evening of July 18, 1910. July 24, 1910.— Anthony D. Jaynes, aged 72 years, prominent for many years as a photographer and artist in Corning, died in Utica. August 9, 1910, James J. O'Hara, of Corning, was appointed Sealer of Weights and Measures of Steuben County. William C. Campbell, aged 73 years, died August 10, 1910, at his home on East Erie avenue. He served in the Civil War as a member of Company I, 141st New York Volunteer Infantry. He was a great- grandson of Col. Eleazer Lindsley, founder of the Lindley colony. August 15, 1910.— James C. Orr, aged 84 years, died. He was for many years prominent as a lumbeiinan and farmer of the town of Lindley, later engaging in business at Painted Post. In September, 1910. the J. M. Greig Company began the erection of a large department store building on West Market street. Corning. October 31, 1910. — Orlando J. Robinson, aged 73 years, died this morning. He came to Corning when a young man, and built up an extensive news business, and later in connection therewith a book, toy, tobacco and notion store, and conducted a railroad and steam- ship ticket brockerage business. His spirit of good-fellowship gave him high favor. Mrs. Robinson, three daughters and a son survive. Construction of the Elmira-Corning trolley line began in the Fall of 1910, with Erie Railroad interests in control of the project. In November, 1910, Rev. Clinton J. Taft, of Binghamton accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Congregational Church of Coming. The night of December 5, 1910, fire damaged the glass cutting section of the Steuben Glass Works. Loss, $20,000. Attorney Edwin Clark English, bom in the town of Caton in 1837, died at his home in Coming, December 18, 1910. He was a veteran of the Civil War. He was a zealous advocate of temperance. George W. Drake, aged 40 years, died December 18. He was a former postmaster of Coming and proprietor of a glass cutting shop. William J. Buchanan, formerly of Corning, died in Rochester, N. Y., December 20, 1910. He was an ideal citizen. The following officers of the Ashler Club, (Masonic), were elect- ed for the year 1911 : — Charles E. Greenfield, President ; Hugh H. Kendall, Vice-President ; Joseph C. Moore, Treasurer ; G. Wharton Robertson, Treasurer. Tmstees — H. H. Pratt and J. C. Bostelmann. Corning Poultry and Pet Stock Association Organized, 437 In January, 1911, Rev. Malcolm S. Johnston, former rector of the Episcopal Church at Gloversville, became rector of Christ Church. The afternoon of January 4, 1911, Daniel W. Dinan, Superinten- dent of the Pennsylvania Division of the New York Central Railroad, sustained four wounds, from a revolver in the hand of a telegraph operator who entered his private office and demanded employment. The assailant then shot himself in the head, inflicting a mortal wound. Superintendent Dinan recovered. Rufus C. Palmer, aged 66, died at his home in Coming, January 16, 1911. He was born in Knoxville, town of Corning ; for many years he was baggage master at the Erie station in Coming ; he was for a number of years Street Commissioner of the city. He leaves Mrs. Palmer and two sons — Norman H. and Clarence G. January 28, 1911. — Edmund Palmer, aged 59, who carried mail between the Post Office at Painted Post and the railroad stations, was struck and killed, near the station, by a Lackawanna train. January 30, 1911. — Mrs. Marilla C. Brown, widow of Frank B. Brown, died at her home on Baker street. She was a daughter of the late Judge Darius Bentley, a pioneer settler of Horseheads. A son, Walter Bentley Brown, survives. January 31, 1911, Frank C. Wilcox resigned the office of Post- master at Painted Post, on account of failing health. The second, or two-track iron bridge across the Chemung River, near the foot of Chestnut street, was completed in February, 1911. Mayor Ellison, in Feburary, announced the bonded inbebtedness of the city, exclusive of school bonds, to be $445,000 ; total assessed valuation, $8,859,495, of which amount $73,571 is exempt property. The formal opening of St. Mary's Hall and annex took place the evening of February 13, 1911. At the City Hall, the evening of February 14, 1911, at a largely attended meeting of poultry fanciers of Corning and vicinity, the Corning Poultry Association was organized, with Samuel E. Quack- enbush as President ; Herbert R. Starner, Corresponding Secretary ; M. B. Coger, Financial Secretary ; W. H. Rudy, Treasurer. March 1, 1911, Herbert A. Heminv/ay was elected Exalted Ruler of Coming Lodge of Elks, and T. Paul McGannon, Leading Knight. The members of the Corning Free Academy basketball team are George S. Marriott, Hugh S. Pratt, Allyn F. Shumway, Norman D. 438 Dedication Corning Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. Latin, John Comosh, Jr., G. Lauriston Walsh, Ralph D. Huber, Wil- liam Dickinson and George Egginton. Frank S. Conable is Manager. This team won the County championship. March 23, 1911. — ^Judge George B. Bradley succeeds James A. Drake as President of the First National Bank of Corning. March 27, 1911. — Frank E. McCormack, of Rochester, is appoint, ed Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Division of the New York Central Railroad, with headquarters in Corning, in place of Daniel W. Dinan, appointed Superintendent of the Mohawk Division. March 28, 1911. — The first Troup of Boy Scouts in Corning was organized. Members: Kenneth Swallow, Percy Carr, George Marriott, Glen Parsons, William Gallagher, Harlan Kimball, Edgar Evarts and John Wood. The night of April 13, 1911, in running from a house on William street, when about to be arrested, Charles Tepper shot and severely wounded policemen William A. Cooley and Raymond Brooder. The next morning the fugitive, with a wound in the thigh from a return shot by one of the wounded officers, was discovered in hiding in a shed on the near-by farm of Charles A. Reynolds, and on being told to surrender, shot himself in the head. He died instantly. Phillip Farley, aged 80, a veteran of the Civil War, and for many years proprietor of the Pickwick Hotel, on West Market street, died April 19, 1911. He v/as noted for his zeal as a volunteer fireman. May 20, 1911. — Richard H. Canfield retires from the position of Superintendent of Public Works of Corning, to become construction manager at the Corning Glass Works. He had served for near eight years. Win C. Slight succeeds Mr. Canfield. The Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, at Park avenue and Con- hocton street, Corning, was dedicated with elaborate and impressive exercises. May 30, 1911. " Corporal " Tanner, of Washington, former Commissioner of Pensions of the United States, delivered a brilliant address. A parade, with patriotic and civic societies and school children in line, preceded the ceremonials. Neville E. Waite, aged 73 years, associated for many years with Justin M. Smith in the dry goods business, died June 4, 1911. The following were graduated at the Corning Free Acacemy commencement exercises held June 9, 1911 : — Leah L. Almy, Kather- ine E. Armstrong, Percy H. Briggs, Edward J. Carlton, Harold W. Carr, Harold D. Clark, John Comosh, Jr., Sopha L. Crego, Julia A. Deneen, Harry L. Dorman, Martha L. Hanrahan, Marion L. Heer- Ward's Aeroplane Flight From New York to Corning. 439 mans, Martha J. Hyde, Gertrude M. Lindner, Frances M. Maxner, Evelyn M. McNamara, Katherine L. O'Shaughnessy, John W. Prince, Joseph R. Purcell, PauHne M. Rahhan, Eleanore M. Roody, Mary K. Sheb, Helen G. Tompkins, Virgil B. Tupper, George Lauriston Walsh and Margaret C. Wood. William 0. Drake, of Elmira, was appointed City Engineer, Heavy rain and hail storms swept over this section on Sunday morning, June 11, 1911, and the two afternoons following, causing a large amount of damage to farm crops and gardens. Orin Pomeroy Robinson, aged 64 years, a retired merchant, died at his home in Corning, June 13, 1911. The following were graduated by the Northside High School, June 21, 1911:— Fred Anderson, Henry G. Bragg, Pearl T. Clark, Julia O. Coye, Edward J. Dailey, Sarah V. Davis, Lena M. Elv/ood, Nora L. Ferenbaugh, Olive I. Gardner, Fannie M. Gulliver, Harold F. Hollister, Margaret M. Kelly, Edith A. LaFever, Rose M, Miller, Edda Doretta Morgan, George M. Richard, Roland W. Richards, Walter H. Rising, Carolyn Rogers, Charles L. Shattuck, Harry C. Uhl, Harry W. VanCampen, Marie V. Wendell and Earl F. Wixon. July 13, 1911, a trolley car, carrying officials of the new line, made the first trip from Elmira to Brown's Crossing and return. A convention of the Seven County Volunteer Firemen's Associa- tion was held in Corning, September 5, 6 and 7, 1911. There were demonstrations of fire apparatus, competitive contests, a grand parade, amusement features and a banquet with " toasts." The manufacturing capacity of the Coming Glass Works was increased nearly fifty per cent., in 1911, by the extentionof the plant westward to Chestnut street September 18, 191L — Trolley service between Coming, (Pine and Market streets), and Elmira, began on hourly schedule. Aviator James J. Ward, who started from Governor's Island, New York harbor, Wednesday morning, September 13, in an effort to make a flight across the continent, landed on the Houghton Flats at 11 o'clock, Monday morning, five days later, with engine ruined. He had been forced to land for repairs a number of times en route. Here the Curtiss company supplied a new engine, and that was ruined soon after Ward again took the air and near Addison the aeroplane was smashed in landing and the venture abandoned. 440 Aviator Eugene Ely Gives Exhibition Fights at Corning. Eugene Ely, an aviator of established repute, gave exhibition flights, from Denison Park, Friday afternoon, September 22. Saturday, September 23, 1911, at 2:46 o'clock in the afternoon, Calbraith P. Rodgers, aviator, moving due west and at a height of 3,000 feet above the river level, passed over the southern section of the city. He was en route from New York to the Pacific Coast., which he reached in safety, being the first aviator to make the ocean to ocean flight. He landed near Pasadena, Cal., November 6. At the city election, November 7, 1911, the vote for Mayor was : Frederick A. Ellison, Democrat, 1,288 ; Valentine Rettig, Republican, 986; Frank E. Hewitt, Prohibition, 410; 0. F. Vollgraf, Socialist, 111. The first annual exhibition of the Corning Poultry Association^ was held at the City Hall, December 12, 13 and 14, 1911. January 4, 1912, William T. and Thomas E„ Moran. clothiers, bought the Concert Hall Block, of James A. Drake. January 11, 1912.— John G. Bucher, aged 87, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary A. Huber. He was bom in this township. On January 15, 1912, William J. Tully purchased the Concert Hall Block of the Moran Brothers. Howard H. Ryal, of Coming, was appointed Assistant Superin- tendent of the Corning and Painted Post, and of the Elmira, Coming and Waverly trolley lines. F. G. Robbins, of Elmira, is Superintendent. The State Railroad Commission orders an underground crossing built at First and Columbia streets, to do away with the two grade crossings of the Erie Railroad tracks. March 6, 1912, T. Paul McGannon was elected Exalted Ruler of Corning Lodge of Elks ; Joseph F. McAlpine continues as Secretary. Rains and melting snows caused floods that cleared the Chemung River and its tributaries of ice, March 15, 1912. In March, 1912, the Legislature passed and soon after the Gov- ernor approved a bill under which Market street from Chemung to State street, the section of State street between the viaduct and the river bridge, and West Pulteney street to the city line, were paved with brick, partly at State expense, as also the section of highway between the Gibson bridge and East Market street. In April, 1912, Rev. W. Norman Liddy, became pastor of the North Baptist Church. He came to Corning from Erie, Pa. Forty-One Persons Killed In Railroad Accident at Gibson. 441 April 25, 1912, James Ryan resigned from office as Chief of Police of Corning, closing twenty-one years of service. May 6, 1912. — The Corning Clionian Circle, (a literary society), elected the following officers : — Mrs. F. W. Kriger, President ; Mrs. Warren J. Cheney and Mrs. John S. Suffern, Vice-Presidents ; Miss Anne L. Walker, Corresponding Secretary ; Mrs. Harry H. Pratt, Recording Secretary and Treasurer ; Miss M. A. Burt, Librarian, The Clionian Circle was organized in 1881. Thirty-six students were graduated at exercises held by the Corning Free Academy, June 24, 1912. Their names follow: — Dallas E. Adam, John H. Barker, Ford B. Barnard, Robert J. Bowes, William S. Brady, Martha E. Braman, Mabel G. Clute, Frank S. Conable, Isabelle B. Dickinson, William Lloyd Dickinson, John P. Eaton, Henry E. Elwcod, Jr., Edna May Evans, Helen J. Gernon, Marion W. Goff, Morris Creveling Gregory, Helen M. Hickey, Ralph B. Huber, Hazel Lora Jennings, Ethel B. McConnell, John H. McGannon, Mildred E. Marriott, Beatrice B. Martin, Florentine A. Miles, Buela B. Pearse, Isabelle K. Pack, Louise B. Pratt, Mary I. C. Relihan, Dorothy May Sharp, Harold W. Smith, Maynard L. Smith, Ella C. K. Tobias, Wm. Howard Vanderhoef, Fred S. VanWoert, Harry E. Watson, Arthur Piatt White. June 26, 1912, twenty one students were graduated at the North- side High School, namely :— Mildred L. Adams, Bertha May Ash, Hazel E. Ash, Lillian E. Cahill, Frances Gillette, Carl G. Hammer- strom, Helene E. Hicks, Alzada B. Hungerford, Lawrence R. Kinsella,, Mortimer W. LaFever, Naomi B. Lilly, MaBelle N. Man ley, Marion A. Miller, Fred L. Miller, Alice M. Ryon, Claude W. Schuyler, Rich- ard H. Stowell, Florence I. SmJth, Florence M. Wheeler, Edna Lillian Wheelock, Ray T. Wormley. At a public meeting of taxpayers of the Northside wards of the city, held the evening, July 2, 1912, to formulate protests against increased assessed valuations on homes and growing tax rates, the Corning Taxpayers' Association was formed, with Uri Mulford as President and Frank E. Cortright as Secretary. The organization continued an active factor in municipal affairs for a number of years. July 4, 1912. — Forty-one persons were killed early this morning, half a mile east of the station at Gibson, when the locomotive of the second section of a passenger train on the Lackawanna railroad ran into the first section, which had stopped on account of the 442 Derailed Locomotive Rolls Into the Chemung River. track being blocked by a freight train with a broken draw-head. A dense fog prevailed, and at the moment of impact the second section was moving at the rate of sixty-five miles and hour. Two cars at rear of the wrecked train were telescoped, and every passenger they carried was either dashed to death or injured. Charles E. Greenfield, aged 66, died August 3, 1912, at his home in Corning. He was bom in Corning ; for a number of years was a grocer ; from January 1, 1884, till his death, was local station agent of, first, the Fall Brook Railroad, and later of the Nev-/ York Central. August 14, 1912, H. Doxsey Jones was appointed New York Central station agent, succeeding C. E. Greenfield, deceased. September 2, 1912.— Rev. Calvin H. Crowl, aged 77, was struck by a trolley car while he was crossing Park avenue, and killed. He was a retired Baptist minister and served the Union in the Civil War. Services commemorating the 100th aniversary of the organiza- ition of the first Presbyterian Church within the bounds of the original Township of Painted Post, were held at the First Presbyter- ian Church in Corning, Sunday, September 29, and Tuesday, October 1, 1912. The pioneer church was formed in 1810 ; the first house of worship was built in 1832; it stood on what is now West Pulteney street, midway between the settlements of Knoxville and Centerville. November 3, 1912.— An out-bound New York Central passenger train early this evening, was diverted from the main track and the engine ran off the end of a stub-switch near the Erie cross-over, and rolled down the bank into the Chemung River. Ralph E. Miller, the fireman, was killed ; Engineer John L. Bunnell was severely injured. At the annual election of Hayt Post, Grand Army of the Republic, held December 7, 1912, William F. Gillan was elected Commander ; E. B. Lanning, Adjutant; Capt. Charles H. Freeman, Quartermaster. Among the officers elected by Rathbun Post, G. A. R., are Par- nac D. Haradon, Commander ; J. A. Filkins, Adjutant ; Benjamin Smith, Quartermaster ; W. H. Lockwood, Officer of the Day. " The Tuneful Liar," an elaborate opera, written by Harry L. Tyler, of Corning, was produced with pronounced success at the Coming Opera House, four times during the week ending December 28, 1912, the entire cast being local musicians. One thousand dollars of the net receipts was presented to the Coming Hospital by Mr. Tyler. An act of characteristic generosity much appreciated. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LVL Events In Corning and Vicinity — 1913 to 1915. NNOUNCEMENT Was made January 7, 1913, of the following changes in the train operating force of the Pennsylvania Division of the New York Central Railroad : John W. Lyna- han was appointed Travelling Train Dispatcher ; Chas. W. Bowyer was appointed Chief Train Dispatcher; Harrie D. Daines was appointed Chief Night Dispatcher. In January, 1913, Fred D. Clark, former Trainmaster of the Pennsylvania Division of the New York Central, was appointed Superintendent of the Cambria and Indiana Railroad, with head- quarters at Colver, Pa. He entered railroad service in 1887. January 19, 1913, at 4 o'clock in the morning, two large locomo- tives hauling freight trains on the Erie, collided head-on near the eastern city limits, and a score of cattle and several hundred sheep and hogs, in transit, were killed in the resulting smashing of cars. February 1, 1913.— John S. Kennedy, of Corning, by resigning, terminates nearly seven years of service as Secretary of the up-State Public Service Commission, with offices at Albany. George H. Knight, of Caton, is Chairman of the Board of Super- visors of Steuben County. In March, 1913, the former home of Judge George T. Spencer, on East Third street, was purchased by the Corning Conservatory of Music. The school soon moved to the commodious structure. A. W. Shaffer and Frank H. Suits form a copartnership and open a men's clothing and supply store at 34 East Market street. April 2, 1913.— Frank Maltby was elected Exalted Ruler of the Corning Lodge of Elks ; Warren J. Cheney, the Esteemed Leading Knight ; Joseph F. McAlpine continues as Secretary. A freight car loaded to its full limit with clothing and food for the distressed in the flood devastated region of Ohio, was forwarded 443 444 Rev. Dr. Stough's Remarkable Corning Campaign. April 4, 1913, by the Flood Relief Committee of Corning. The local Relief Committee also collected and forwarded $2,200 in cash. April 4, 1913, Archie S. Brant was elected President of the Corn- ing Business Men's Association. April 7, 1913.— While assisting to run a portable saw-mill, on the former Methodist camp ground at Presho, Fred Weaver, aged 50, fell against a circular saw and his body was sawn so he soon died. Edwin S. Walker, aged 50 years, son of the late Charles C. B. Walker, died at his farm home near Palmyra, N. Y. Saturday afternoon, April 18, 1913, the Heermans & Lawrence Building, corner Cedar street and East Erie avenue, was damaged by fire to the amount of $7,000. Loss to tenants : Evening Leader, $3,000 ; Corning Laundry Company, $500 ; Ferris Glass Company, $2,000; Canfield Brake Company, $1,000 ; minor losses, $700. Sunday evening, April 21, Dr. Henry W. Stough with a number of associates, began a series of religious meetings, in the abandoned Symington Railway Specialty Building on Front street, near the New York Central grade crossing. The meetings continued six weeks, and occasioned much ill feeling between the followers of Dr. Stough and those who saw fit to take exception to his methods. He had conducted similar meetings in Auburn, Elmira and Hornell, before coming to Corning, and with like unfortunate results. The stock in the ladies' furnishing store of Morris Davidson and the clothing store of Edward Preger, on East Market street, was damaged by fire to $18,000 extent, the morning of April 30, 1913. Jesse A. Newell, aged 83, a retired locomotive engineer, died in Corning, May 12, 1913. For 53 years he resided in Corning. The first meeting in Corning of the final Equal Suffrage cam- paign, was held on the Clock Tower Square the evening of June 19, 1913. Two young women, from New England, gave eloquent and persuasive addresses that were received with favor. Tuesday afternoon, June 24, 1913, the Corning Free Academy granted graduation certificates to the following students : — Mark J. Adams, Geraldine Baldwin, Ralph B. Ball, Beatrice M. Beard, John J. Brady, Percy L. Carr, Paul C. Clark, Elsie J. Clute, Katherine L. Cuddeback, Kathleen Cushing, Winifred M. Deuel, William Arthur Deuerlein, Thomas E. Fernan, Agnes E. Frenzel, Clark L. Frost, Florence C. Gillette, Joseph S. Gregorius, Genevieve C. Hart, Mary New Parish of St. Vincent de Paul Is Established. 445 Catherine Hause, Grace E. Hoffman, Mary J. Hopper, Ellen Pauline Jansson, Eva R. Keeler, Lottie E. Keeler, Ethel V. Kelliher, Daniel Kelly, Margaret H. Kruke, Norman D. Lattin, Francis Harold McCormack, Floyd B. Peterson, Dorothy Quigley, Agnes F. Quinn, Charlotte M. Roberts, Jean A. Rotswell, Sarah E. Smith, Raymond W. Smith, Francis E. Suits, Felix K. Tobias, Aurelia Maude Travis, Ruth E. Willisford, Catherine E. Woeppel, Virginia K. Wood and Francis J. Worrell, The following were graduated at the Northside High School the evening of June 25, 1913 : Floyd L. Austin, Augusta Canfield, Bernice M. Clark, William H. Gorton, Hulda M. Hammerstrom, Edith Dell Hammond, John W. Hendy, Florence H. Johnson, Roscoe M. Kemp, Matthew J. Kuss, Gertrude E. Masters, Dorothy Mather, Helen E. Rogers and M. Lutie Williams. On Sunday evening, June 30, 1913, Rev. John W. Torkington preached his farewell sermon as pastor of Grace Methodist Church, and as a minister in the Methodist Episcopal denomination, having decided to become a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Thomas Gibbons Hawkes, aged 67 years. President and founder of the T. G. Hawkes Cut Glass Works, of Corning, died July 7, 1913. He was born in Surmount, Ireland, and was a graduate civil engineer. He was successful in business, a man of culture, of kindly disposition and prized the good will of trustworthy employes. The morning of July 14, 1913, fire damaged the J. B. Maltby wholesale grocery building and contents about $12,000. In July, 1913, Rev. Mark M. Chapman, of Knoxville, Pa., became pastor of Grace Methodist Church in Corning. Sunday, July 10, 1913, Rev. J. M. Bustin announced to the con- gregations at St. Mary's Church, that a new parish would be created from the section of St. Mary's north of the Chemung River, to be known as the parish of St. Vincent de Paul, with Rev. John A. Conway, now of Elmira, as pastor. The Corning Co-Operative Savings and Loan Association has $1,073,632 assets, 1,303 adult, and 1,150 juvenile members. Having moved its axle-box and railway supply manufacturing business from Corning to Rochester, the Symington Co. had two vacated factory buildings wrecked. They were old structures. The State Convention of the German Order of Harugari was held in Corning, August 4 to 8, 1913, the delegates being entertained 446 The Corning Social Service Society Is Organized. by local branches of the organization. Otto F. Vollgraf, of Corning, was elected Deputy Grand Warden. Monday, September 1, 1913, a monument to the soldiers and sailors of the town of Erwin who served for the Union in the Civil was, was unveiled at Painted Post. Large numbers attended. The new Princess Theatre, on West Market street, built by Fay H. White, was formally opened Monday evening, September 22, 1913. The officers of the recently organized Social Service Society of Corning are : H. W. Baldwin, President ; Mrs. Henry A. Argue, Vice-President ; William M. Gurnsey, Treasurer. Executive Com- mittee : Mrs. C. E. Drake, William J. Heermans, Frank J. Saxton, Mrs. J. W. Darrin, Mrs. Benjamin W. Wellington, Dr. Frank S. Swain and H. H. Chapman. Early in October, 1913, Miss Jeannette MacGregor, of Grove City, 0., was appointed General Secretary. October 2, 1913, the Corning Fire Commission accepted delivery, by the LaFrance Engine Company, of Elmira, of a motor driven combination ladder, chemical and hose truck, costing $5,000. October 13, 1913, Rev. J. R. Adams, of Hornell, was appointed pastor of the First Methodist Church of Corning, succeeding Rev. Burton M. Clark, assigned to Park Methodist Church in Hornell. In November, 1913, a motor-driven combination pumper, hose, ladder and chemical truck, built by the LaFrance Company of Elmira, was added to the equipment of the Corning Fire Depart- ment. It cost $9,000. The State Public Service Commission granted the Elmira Transmission Company permission to supply electric current to Corning, for general use. A transmission line was constructed and the Corning Light and Power Corporation ceased the manufacture of •electric current, supplying the Elmira product to its patrons. The corner-stone of the combined church and school of the parish of St. Vincent de Paul, at EUicott street and Flint avenue, was placed Sunday, November 24, 1913, by Bishop Thomas F. Hickey of the Diocese of Rochester, assisted by local and visiting priests. The church is of brick with cement foundation. In December, 1913, the Fuller farm, in the Seventh Ward, was purchased by the Corning Realty Company and surveyed into lots for dwellings, which were sold to prospective owners of homes. December 8, 1913.— John T. Maylott, of Rochester, assumed the position of Secretary of the local Young Men's Christian Association. Mrs. Rachel Macanty's Gifts to Congregational Church. 447 The Third Annual Exhibition of the Corning Poultry Association brought together near 600 exhibits and was largely attended. The monthly pay-roll in Corning of New York Central railroad employes averages $110,000. Number of Corning employes, 1,269. There are eight glass factories in Corning, giving employment to near 2,300 persons. Corning has 43 factories. Monday evening, January 7, 1914, Lewis N. Lattin presided for the first time as Mayor at a meeting of the Common Council. He appointed Frank H. Hausner to the office of City Attorney and Daton Gilbert as City Clerk. The appointments were confirmed. Emil A. Kriger, aged 70 years, for nearly 50 years a resident of Corning, died January 9, 1914. He was in railroad service from early youth, began as a train-boy, and in 1877 became a passenger conductor on the Fall Brook line, retiring in 1888 to engage in trade. Mrs. Rachel Macanty, who ten years ago tranferred to the First Congregational Church, as a free gift, real estate valued at $6,000, and 15 years ago gave the church a pipe organ that cost $1,500, in January, 1914, gave the church a bell that cost $500 placed in the church tower. She is an industrious woman past middle-life, who conducts a small greenhouse, lives plainly, and gives all her savings to this church, which she joined when it was organized. Joseph L. Scott, aged 82, for 60 years a merchant tailor in Com- ing, died January 30, 1914. He was an excellent citizen. Colonel Henry G. Tuthill, architect, who served in the Civil War and was prominent in patriotic undertakings, did February 4, 1914, at his home in Corning. His age was 80 years. In February, 1914, Dr. Francis S. Swain was appointed a State Sanitary Inspector, by State Commissioner of Health Briggs. February 15, 1914. — John W. Lynahan became postmaster of Corning, succeeding Harry H. Pratt. February 17, 1914, Rev. John T. Cassidy, for a number of years Assistant Pastor of St. Mary's Church in Corning, was appointed pastor of the Catholic parishes at Bath and Campbell. His successor at St. Mary's was Rev. Raymond Quigley, of Seneca Falls. Sunday night, February 22, 1914, Harry T. Edwards, aged 22, a clerk at the Wells-Fargo Express office, v/as shot dead by a young man who had sought shelter, and who attempted to commit robbery. The Imperial Club, at Centerville, was opened March 3, 1914. It is for the use of employes of the Painted Post plant of the Inger- 448 The New Church of St. Vincent de Paul Dedicated. soil-Rand Company. The building, a large homestead dwelling, was erected in 1850, by the late William ¥/. Erwin. Truman S. Pritchard, aged 76, prominent in Masonic circles and in the business life of Corning, died March 4, 1914. His only brother, Albert, died February 26. They were sons of Hiram Pritchard. The Church of St. Vincent de Paul was dedicated, by Bishop Hickey, of Rochester, Sunday, March 29, 1914. A largely attended meeting in the interest of v/oman suffrage, was held in the assembly hall at the Odd Fellows' Temple, on the the evening of April 6, 1914. Mrs. Frank C. Payne, of Corning, presided. The speakers were, Mrs. Harriet Stanton Blatch, of New York ; Mrs. Frederick R. Hazard, of Syracuse ; Mrs. Anna Cadogan Etz, of Hornell, and Miss Rosalie Jones, of New York. A test well drilled to the depth of 2,400 feet, on the C. R. Adams farm, in the town of Hornby, proved a " duster," and was abandoned after being " shot." There was a slight flow of gas that soon failed. The Hungerford Hotel at Coopers Plains, a road-side house built in the days of stage coaches and plank roads, was destroyed by fire the morning of May 4, 1914, with all its furnishings. June 10, 1914. — Willard S. Reed was elected President of the Corning Chamber of Commerce, which succeeds the Business Men's Association, and is affiliated with State and National organizations of like character. John H. Doherty was appointed temporary Secretary. Fifty students were graduated at exercises of the Corning Free Academy, held Monday afternoon, June 22, 1914, namely : — Mary R. Allen, Alice M. Baker, James W. Bassett, Ruth Adaline Boyce, Anthony J. Brown, Harriet E. Bushnell, Joseph A. Cecce Loyd A. Conable, Lucy B. Cooper, Henry B. Ellison, Aloysius Joseph Gaiss, Hazel E. Gorton, Katherine J. Green, Helen B. Gregorius, Ambrose J. Haar, Sara Hamilton, James L. R. Hamilton, Ruth C. Harer, Mabel E. Hoffman, Francis E. Hollman, Jeannette V. Jones, Margaret G. Kelly, Thomas F. Kelly, Rhea Kruke, Margaret F. Lane, Joseph W. Lawless, John J. Leahy, John H. Markert, Elizabeth A. McCabe, Florence N. McCarthy, Robert V. McCarthy, Eleanor L. McCarty, Charles H. Mcintosh, Mary J. McQuaid, Glen C. Parsons, Mary Elizabeth Pfeiffer, Charles A. Quinn, Lawrence F. Reagan, Mildred J. Rice, Esther M. Rogers, William E. Share, Donald E. Sharp, Gertrude A. Simmonds, Gertrude L. Smith, Katherine M. Vallely, Bessie B. Vaughn, Arthur L. Vickery, Frances Webster, Julia L. Whitney and Oswald J. Woeppel. High School Graduates; Public Market Established. 449 The 17th annual commencement exercises of the Northside High School were held Wednesday evening, June 24, 1914, when the fol- lowing students were graduated : — Howard Adamy, Mary Bennett, Ernestene Bong, Edwin Carpenter, Bertha Drehmer, Earl Gleason, Ethel Hendrix, Nellie Hungerford, Harry Jimerson, Earl Keenan, Lena Magee, Sophrona Mathewson, Roy Mcintosh, Margie Moore, Michael Moran, Edwin Morse, Claudia Smith, Robert Tanner. July 2, 1914. — The contract for paving Market street from Che- mung street to State street, with brick, (displacing the stone paving), was let to Bradley & Nolan, of Corning, at $39,943.88, the work to be completed by October 1. H. E. Bodine, of Wellsboro, was appointed General Secretary of the Coming Chamber of Commerce. July 11, 1914, a branch of the German-American Alliance was organized in Corning. Fred Vollgraf was elected President. The latter part of July gardens, lawns, pastures and meadows were devastated by army worms. The plague was wide extended. July 25, 1914, James N. Robinson, aged 58. a New York Central engineer, died at the Corning Hospital from injuries sustained in a railroad collision at Dresden. He had been an engineer for 32 years. August 3, 1914. — News that a German army had invaded France occasioned great excitement. It was realized that the greatest of wars had started. The unrest among alien residents was extreme. In August, 1914, the Common Council established a public market in the factory building vacated by the Symington Company, on Front street near the New York Central grade crossing. On Sunday afternoon, August 23, 1914, public exercises were held at the cemetery on " Meeting House Hill," in the town of Lindley, under the auspices of The Painted Post Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution," of Corning, and bronze memorial markers were placed on the graves of three men who served under Washing- ton in the war of the Revolution — Colonel Eleazer Lindsley, Captain John Seelye and Doctor Ezekiel Mulford. John C. Mulford, aged 90 years, died in Coming, August 28, 1914. He was a grandson of Dr. Ezekiel Mulford, of the town of Lindley. John T. Maylot retires form the position of Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association of Coming, and the Board of Directors closes the building. 450 Corning Sends Wheat Flour to Destitute in Belgium. Boulevard electric lights are placed along the newly paved section of market street, iron posts being provided by subscription. October 9, 1914. — The work of dredging a channel through the Billinghurst Island, in the western section of the city, was begun to-day, under direction of the State Engineer. The object of the project is to improve the Chemung River and protect the dykes. This dredging greatly improved the condition of the river channel for a distance of several hundred yards, relieving a condition that was brought about by filling in of the river bed by deposits during the period that the State maintained a canal dam near Gibson, that formed a pond or reservoir and slackened the current. It is for this reason that residents maintain that the State should improve the channel and prevent recurrent floodings of near-by lov\r-lands. In October, 1914, Miss Grace M. Seyter closed two years of service as City Nurse, being succeeded by Miss E. Rebecca Hartranft. Samuel S. Erwin, aged 87 years, died November 9, 1914, at his farm home in the town of Corning'. He was a great-grandson of Colonel Arthur Erwin, original purchaser of the town of Erwin, the line of descent being Arthur,^ Samuel,^ Arthur,' Samuel S. Erwin"*. A son, Harry A. Erwin,^ survives and occupies the homestead. Jerome B. Maltby, aged 73 years, head of the wholesale grocery • house that bears his name, died November 10, 1914. He was a man of keen intelligence and great energy. November 23, 1914.— The body of Dr. C. Ernest Campbell was found on the floor of his reception room, on the second floor of 22 East Market street. His death was due to heart failure. The fourth annual exhibition of the Corning Poultry Association was held in the City Hall, December 8, 9 and 10, 1914. The residence of William J. Tully, of Corning, near Oyster Bay, Long Island, and all its contents, were burned December 20, 1914. Attorney T. Paul McGannon, of Corning, was appointed an Assistant Attorney-General of the State of New York. The morning of December 26, 1914, three full car-loads of wheat flour left Corning via the New York Central Railroad, for Philadel- phia, thence to be forwarded for the relief of Belgians rendered destitute by the invasion of their country by the Germans. The shipment was the gift of residents of Corning and vicinity. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LVIL Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1910 to 1915. 'ARRIED In Corning, January 19, 1910, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Harry Arthur Erwin, of the town of Corning, and Miss Bessie May daughter of Charles D. Utley, of Corning. In Coming, April 16, 1910, Leon R. Borst and Miss Eva E. Niles. In Coming, April 27, 1910, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, John C. Kenyon and Lena D, daughter of Emanuel DeSilva. In Corning, May 23, 1910, by Rev. L. B. Underwood, Donald A. Reynolds and Miss Louise Tinney, both of Coming. In Corning, May 25, 1910, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Charles H. Voorhees, Jr., and Miss Nora B. Flander. In Elmira, June 1, 1910, Emil Reisbeck, of Corning, and Miss Catherine Paul, of Caton. In Painted Post, June 14, 1910, by Rev. John Knox, Thomas A. Flower, of Corning, and Miss Lulu M. Lansing, of Painted Post. In Corning, June 14, 1910, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Patrick D. Hussey and Miss Elizabeth Mahoney. In Caton, June 22, 1910, Carlton Robbins and Irene Thurber. In Caton, June 22, 1910, William Rowe and Emma Tesch. At St. Mary's Church, Coming, June 29, 1910, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Thomas J. Marriott, of Buffalo, and Rose Cowley, of Erwin. In Bath, June 29, 1910, William F. O'Connell, of Buffalo, formerly of Corning, and Miss Catherine E. McLaughlin, of Bath. At Mossy Glen, August 18, 1910, by Rev. John C. Ball, Samuel S. Erwin, of Corning, and Celia daughter of Asa Z. Barker. In Coming, September 1, 1910, Richard L. Keating and Cora daughter of Frank Busam. 451 452 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 19 10 -'11. In Corning, September 3, 1910, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, John Kline, of Ithaca, and Ella B. daughter of M. S. Walker, of Corning. In Coming, Sept. 6, 1910, Ray Hopkins and Lucy S. Goodrich. In Corning, Sept. 6, 1910, Leon Naylor and Retta May Cross. In Coming, Sept. 27, 1910, D. C. Clark and Nora C. Landers. In Coming, September 28, 1910, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Fred A. Mulford, of Corning, and Katherine A. Durkin, of Painted Post. At the Presbyterian Church in Corning, September 28, 1910, George E. M. Dean, of Rochester, formerly of Corning, and Miss Addis M. daughter of Judge John C. Bostelmann, of Corning. In Corning, October 12, 1910, by Rev. W. W. Raymond, Chester J. Hardenburg and Miss Leah M. McConnelL In Coming, October 26, 1910, by Rev. James M. Bustin, William H. Driscoll and Joanna daughter of Jeremiah McCarthy. In Corning, Nov. 10, 1910, Harris W. Baker and Alice Loghry. In Corning, November 18, 1910, by Rev. H. S. Stewart, Maurice D. Edminster and Genevieve daughter of Delbert Martin. In Buffalo, November 29, 1910, Dr. Francis F. Foley, of Corning, and Miss Adelaide Mooney, of Buffalo. December 3, 1910, Walter G. Hamilton, of Franklin, Pa., and Susan E. daughter of Walter Egginton, of Corning. In Corning, December 25, 1910, Arthur C. Switzer and Mabel daughter of William Curry. In Corning, December 28, 1910, by Rev. Burton M. Clark, John H. Bauman and Mrs. Jennie Gruver. In Coming, January 3, 1911, by Rev. W. W. Raymond, Frederick Gerber and Lula Gray Kirkland. In Coming, February 8, 1911, by Rev. John C. Ball, Samuel B. Voorhees and Anna L. daughter of Louis Lindner. In Caton, March 29, 1911, by Rev. C. D. Smith, John W. Van- Woert, of Corning and Marie E. daughter of John Hartman. In Caton, April 12, 1911, by Rev. C. D. Smith, Harry Rogers, of Elmira, and Edith L. daughter of P. F. Gridley, of Caton. In Corning, April 26, 1911, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, John C.Williams, of Buffalo, and Miss Catherine O'Connell, of Corning. In Corning, April 27, 1911, by Rev. John T. Cassidy, William Mocker and Miss Mary J. Hickey. May 13, 1911, Charles A. Byrne and Laure A. Wilson, of Corning. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1911. 453 In Corning, June 15, 1911, by Rev. John Chester Ball, William B. Hunt and Helen May daughter of Thomas S. Baxter. In Corning, June 20, 1911, George Hogue and Miss Nellie Crowe. In Corning, June 27, 1911, by Rev. John W. Torkington, Roy P. McPherson and Bertha E. daughter of Henry W. Lear. In Corning, June 28, 1911, by Rev. Clinton J. Taft, William A. Phillips and Bessy D. daughter of Thomas J. Mack. In Coming, August 1, 1911, by Rev. H. S. Stewart, William M. Larrabee and Miss Stella O. Rusling. In Caton, August 23, 1911, Herbert Gridley and Nellie Palmer. In Corning, September 12, 1911, Jeremiah Haley and Lillian Hilk. In Corning, Sept. 27, 1911, Daniel Stimson and Irene Snearly. In Corning, September 28, 1911, by Rev. John Chester Ball, L. E. Tramaine and Mrs. Matilda Haggerty. At Stamford, Conn., September 27, 1911, John C. Wheeler, of Corning, and Miss Martha Morgan, of New York. In Corning, October 4, 1911, by Rev. Burton M. Clark, Orlando C. Barrett, of Coopers Plains, and Jennie D. Foster, of Corning. At Horseheads, October 11, 1911, by Rev. James Winters, Joseph F. McAlpine and Eloise F. Lawrence, both of Corning. In Corning, October 12, 1911, Theodore J. Hilt and Mary Harmon. October 5, 1911, by Rev. Burton M. Clark, Fay H. Fenderson, of Corning, and Miss Hazel Gurnsey, of Painted Post. In Corning, October 18, 1911, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Thomas L. Kinsella and Miss Lucy Genevieve Lawrence, both of Erwin. In New York, October 18, 1911, Sturgis F. Cary and Miss Anna May Smith, both of Corning. In Corning, November 8, 1911, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, H. Ray Troll, of Centerville, and Miss Theresa Cowley, of Erwins. At St. Mary's Church, Corning, November 14, 1911, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Dr. Francis S. Swain and Miss Katherine A. Purcell. In Coming, November 15, 1911, by Rev. J. W. Torkington, Leon H. Stewart and Miss Mary A. Miller. In Coming, November 27, 1911, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, James B. Patterson and Miss M. Katherine Callahan. In Corning, November 29, 1911, by Rev. John T. Cassidy, Edward Hyland and Miss Gertrude Guest. 454 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1911 -'12. In Corning, December 6, 1911, by Rev. L. B. Underwood, Thomas B. Jewett and Elizabeth daughter of Frederick L. Rogers, of Hornby. In Corning, December 25, 1911, by Rev. C. J. Taft, Clarence J. Reynolds and Miss Lena Lock wood. In Corning, January 14, 1912, Max Himelfarb and Ada Goldberg. In Corning, February 1, 1912, Frank Smith and Ethel Newman. In Corning, February 11, 1912, by Rev. John Chester Ball, George E. Haupt and Miss Georgia D. Foster. In Corning, March 28, 1912, by Rev. Clinton J. Taft, Herbert F. Phelps and Mrs. Mary Curren. In Corning, April 17, 1912, by Rev. Clinton J. Taft, Ernest E. Dates and Leah F. daughter of Elias D. Bostwick. In Coming, April 17, 1912, by Rev. John T. Cassidy, John L, Cunningham and Miss Genevieve Jamison. In Corning, April 17, 1912, by Rev. Ellsworth A. Sn^^der, Jesse A. Phillips and Miss Luella Benedict. In Corning, April 24, 1912, by Rev. Clinton J. Taft, J. DeWitt Bostwick and Mary daughter of John H. Marland. In Corning, April 24, 1912, by Rev. John W. Torkington, William J. Damoth and Miss Lulu L. Woolever. In Corning, April 26, 1912, by Rev. W. Norman Liddy, Willard Riffle and Miss Sarah Walbridge. At Coopers Plains, May 1, 1912, by Rev. G. H. Hubbard, his daughter Nellie Louise and Frank F. Pierce. In Coudersport, Pa., May 31, 1912, Edward M. Waterbury, City Editor of the Corning Evening Leader, and Miss Florence F. daugh- ter of Dr. Edwin H. Ashcraft, of Coudersport. In Corning, May 31, 1912, by Rev. W. N. Liddy, Anton Anderson, Jr., and Lelah daughter of Sylvanus W. Clark. In Corning, June 12, 1912, G. W. Vandermark and Ethel Walters. In Corning, June 10, 1912, Joseph M. Crotty and Jennie M. Dwyer. In Corning, June 18, 1912, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Jacob Hammel and Mary C. daughter of Emile Stoquert. In Corning, June 18, 1912, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, William H. Gibbons and Anna L. Dulso. In Corning, June 24, 1912, by Rev. W. Norman Liddy, Joseph Smith, of Corning, and Miss Florence G. Manning, of Painted Post. In Corning, June 26, 1912, Sayre R. Christian and Ethel Robinson. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 19 12-' 13. 455 In Corning, July 18, 1912, by Rev. James M. Bustin, George Eddy,|"of Coming, and Miss Mary A. Rowley, of Painted Post. In Corning, August 1, 1912, by Rev. Malcolm S. Johnston, William Bebbington, of Painted Post, and Anna Rettig, of Centerville. In Corning, August 7, 1912, by Rev. John T. Cassidy, Ralph E. Miller and Eleanor C. daughter of Captain J, W. Fedder. In Corning, August 12, 1912, by Rev. John Chester Ball, William A. Bond and Miss Louise M. Hammel, both of Painted Post. In Big Flats, August 14, 1912, by Rev. Mr. Yurden, William E. Barnes, of Corning, and Bess daughter of H. W. Axtell. In Corning, August 19, Walter E. BeGell and Miss Anna Adler. Floyd C. Rose and Miss Grace M. Uhl, both of Corning, were married September 11, 1912, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, in Syracuse. In Corning, September 21, 1912, by Rev. Malcolm S. Johnston, Theodore E. O'Brien and Miss Florence E. Gifford. In Corning, October 8, 1912, by Rev. John T. Cassidy, Joseph Sporer and Miss Nellie R. Young. In Corning, October 8, 1912, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, John A. Dowd and Miss Mary D. Boylen. In Corning, October 15, 1912, by Rev. John T. Cassidy, John S. Foster and Miss Mary A. Boylen. At Drake's Point, Lake Keuka, October 16, 1912, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, John Joseph McCarthy and Martha H. Drake, of Corning. In Corning, October 24, 1912, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, Robert H. Marriott and Minnie daughter of Robert Wasson. In Corning, November 21, 1912, by Rev. Michael Groden, Frank J. Carlton and Miss Loretta C. Grady. In Corning, November 30, 1912, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, John M. Fay and Gladys daughter of L. S. Clark. In Corning, December 1, 1912, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Clyde W. Willow and Miss Grace N. Brundage. In Corning, December 24, 1912, by Rev. Burton M. Clark, Ray- mond A. Powell, of Coming, and Miss Phoebe Watson, of Lindley. At Penn Yan, January 22, 1913, by Rev. H. I. Andrews, William L. Bong, of Corning, and Miss Martha R. Lynn, of Penn Yan. In Coming, January 24, 1913, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, Ray- mond P. Holmes and Margaret E. Hillman. 456 Marriages In Corniug and Vicinity In 1913. In Corning, February 4, 1913, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, Dr. Harold H. Fox, of Gardner, Mass., and Catherine T. Heffernan, of Corning. In Corning, February 14, 1913, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Thos. G. Davis and Lois B. daughter of Harry J. Middagh. In Corning, April 22, 1913, by Rev. John W. Torkington, Otto A. Keck and Rosa C. daughter of Lewis Flaitz. In Corning, May 11, 1913, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, William R. Husted and Miss Gladys Eva Paul. In Corning, June 2, 1913, Carl P. Bloom and Elizabeth Schneider. In Painted Post, June 4, 1913, by Rev. J. D. Harris, La Verne Burgett, of Painted Post, and Miss Gertrude L. Sherwood, of Corning. In Corning, June 10, 1913, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Thomas F. Madigan and Miss Catherine A. Sheedy. At Mossy Glen, June 10, 1913, by Rev. W. J. Riker, Frederick N. Coumbe, of Coming, and Ida M. daughter of Edward Kelce. In Corning, June 25, 1913, by Rev. J. T. Cassidy, Homer Lee Scutt, of Painted Post, and Miss Mary L. Osbom, of Corning. In Coming, June 25, 1913, by Rev. Michael B. Groden, Thomas E. Hotchkiss and Miss Margaret E. Hickey. In Corning, June 30, 1913, by Rev. J. W. Torkington, Edgar K. Griswold and Miss Lena R. Shepherd. In Coming, July 10, 1913, by Rev. B. M. Clark, John E. Patterson and Elizabeth daughter of Arthur Rutledge. In Coming, July 12, 1913, Lee Abbey, of Painted Post, and Miss Florence daughter of David H. Ryon, of Corning. Ernest M. Brennan, of Corning, and Mrs. Violet Owen, of Painted Post, were married in Elmira, July 16, 1913. In Corning, July 13, 1913, by Rev. John T. Cassidy, John E. Dmmmer and Miss Anna M. Hilt. In Coming, July 30, 1913, by Rev. Mark R. Chapman, Burt F. Whitehead and Bessie L. daughter of James M. Baker. In Coming, August 14, 1913, by Rev. Mark R. Chapman, Robert F. Bruce and Maudris E. daughter of William Bedient. In Corning, August 14, 1913, by Rev. Clinton J. Taft, William L. Peterman and Miss Evelyn A. Mack. In Corning, August 20, 1913, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Curtis H. Kaufelt, of Scranton, Pa., and Irene A. daughter of Louis Lindner. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 19 13-' 14. 457 In Corning, Wednesday, August 20, 1913, by Rev. John C. Ball, Robert E. Bonham and Annie R. daughter of Harry F. Lindsley. In Caton, August 27, 1913. by Rev. Charles D. Smith, Floyd A. Cortright, of Corning, and Ada M. daughter of Henry D. Walden. In Corning, August 28, 1913, by Rev. Clinton J. Taft, Percy Dusenbery, of Savona, and Sarah V. daughter of Chester M. Davis. In Corning, September 18, 1913, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, F. Earl Wixson and Beatrice daughter of A. L. Jennings. In Corning, September 25, 1913, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Frank H. Ballard and Miss Minnie C. Kling. In Corning, September 24, 1913, by Rev. H. S. Stewart, John Denson and Miss Hazel B. Mattoon. At St. Patrick's Church, Coming, October 6, 1913, by Rev, W, J. Lee, John H. Doherty and Miss Mary A. Purtell. In Corning, October 8, 1913, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, Dr. Ray M. Eaton and Leah L. Daughter of Charles H. Almey. In Corning, October 22, 1913, by Rev. Malcolm S. Johnston, Fred H. Byrne and Mabel daughter of James E. McCabe. At Mossy Glen, October 25, 1913, by Rev. W. J. Riker, Henry Richter, of Gibson, and Mrs. Eva Walker. In Caton, November 6, 1913, by Rev. D. C. Smith, Charles Phelps and Miss Myrtle Terwilliger, both of Caton. In Corning, November 12, 1913, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Erwin N. Schubmehl and Miss Mary G. Moran. In Corning, November 27, 1913, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Geo. Leroy Crites and Miss Mariam H. Force. In Corning, November 27, 1913, by Rev. Mark R. Chapman, Leonard Gale and Miss Bessie H. Wilson. In Corning, December 8, 1913, by Rev. Malcolm S. Johnston, Frank J. Meyers and Miss Eva D. Harris. In Corning, December 13, 1913, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, Milton A. Kirk and Miss Nettie B. Taylor. In Coming, December 27, 1913, by Rev. John A. Conway, Leo R. Scott and Miss Esther Mullaney. At Coopers Plains, January 7, 1914, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, Manning W. Clark and Hazel E. daughter of Bruce Ross. In Coming. January 15, 1914, by Rev. Malcolm S. Johnston, Franklin S. Sutherland, of Syracuse, and Miss Evelyn L. Wellington. 458 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1914. In Corning, January 17, 1914, by Rev. John T. Cassidy, Francis J. Moran and Miss Agnes Eddy. In Corning, January 22, 1914, by Rev. Malcolm S. Johnston, Walter L. Boughton and Kathryn G. daughter of Edward Marland. In Corning, February 3, 1914, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Francis H. Suits and Miss Julia T. Hart. In Corning, February 14, 1914, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Wil- ham L. Thomas and Miss Rebecca A. Walker. In Corning, February 24, 1914, John J. Scheb and Sarah E. King. In Corning, April 8, 1914, by Rev. Ellsworth A. Snyder, J. Leland Miller and Ethel daughter of N. Walter Gurnsey, of Centerville. In Corning, April 14, 1914, by Rev. Malcolm S. Johnston, Ernest H. Battelle, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Miss Edith H. Gary. In Corning, April 12, 1914, by Rev. John R. Adams, George A. Bierwiler and Agnes R. daughter of G. F. Ellison. In Corning, April 22, 1914, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Ernest A. Haines and Miss Margurite Gorman. In Corning, April 24, 1914, by Rev. W. Norman Liddy, Benjamin H. Carleton and Miss Agnes Pearl Carpenter. In Corning, April 25, 1914, by Rev. W. Norman Liddy, Milton Duvall, of Campbell, and Miss Daisy Sparks, of Hornby. In Corning, May 4, 1914, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Willis S. Jacobs and Florence daughter of Edwin R. Saxton. In Corning, May 16, 1914, by Rev. John A. Conway, William Shaughnessy, of Albany, N. Y., and Miss Bertha Ash, of Coming. In Corning, May 20, 1914, by Rev. John R. Adams, Daniel S. Getman, of Elmira, and Bessie daughter of P. F. Gridley, of Caton. In Corning, May 26, 1914, by Rev. James M. Bustin, John Hart and Frances C. daughter of Francis F. Farrell. At Christ Episcopal Church, Corning, June 3, 1914, by Rev. Malcolm S. Johnston, Dr. James C. Pinkston and Natalie daughter of Marvin Olcott. In Coming, June 17, 1914, by Rev. James M. Bustin, John J. Hultzman and Margaret daughter of Patrick F. Tracy. In Corning, June 20, 1914, by Rev. Mark R. Chapman, Frank Rogers and Ida daughter of L. W. Simons. In Corning, June 27, 1914, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, Arthur P. Bean and Martha J. daughter of Charles M. Hyde. In Corning, June 27, 1914, George Gibson and Carrie E. Potter. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1914. 459 In Corning, June 30, 1914, by Rev. Raymond C. Quigley, James J. McGannon and Grace daughter of Charles A. Burns. In Corning, June 31, 1914, by Rev. Ira Hotahng, Dr. Henry Phelps Gage and Leulla C. daughter of William W. Cowan. In Addison, July 8, 1914, by Rev. P.J. Sullivan, Joseph O. Pfeiffer, of Coming, and Miss Anna McTamney, of Addison. In Corning, July 16, 1914, by Rev. Clinton J. Taft, Phillip W. Farrar and Miss Roberta M. Key. In Corning, August 5, 1914, by Rev. Michael B. Groden, James E. Trumble and Miss Lettie E. Reno. In Corning, August 11, 1914, by Rev. Mark M. Chapman, Donald T. Jackman, of Spokane, and Mabel daughter of Edgar E. Magee. In Corning, August 12, 1914, by Rev. John Conway, Marshall B. Reynolds and Helen V. daughter of Charles H. Bennett. In Coming, August 14, 1914, by Rev. C. E. Christman, John G. Young and Alice daughter of Gilbert Wilson. In Addison, September 1, 1914, by Rev. P. J. Sullivan, Thomas Tunney, of Corning, and Miss Elizabeth A. Driscoll, of Addison. In Corning, September 2, by Rev. John A. Conway, James F. Boyle, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Hazel M. daughter of A. B. Judson. In Corning. September 10, 1914, by Rev. Michael B. Groden^ Edward Kellogg and Susie daughter of Charles Chambers, of Caton. In Corning, September 23, 1914, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Ralph M. Darrin and Hannah M. Angell, granddaughter of Judge Bradley. In Coming, September 26, 1914, by Rev. Malcolm S. Johnston, Stanwood E. Flitner, of Englewood, N. J., and Gertrude daughter of Benjamin W. Wellington, of Corning. In New York, October 8, 1914, by Rev. George C. Haughton, Harry L. Tyler and Miss Susan M. Force, both of Corning. At Stamford, Conn., October 28, 1914, Reginald Sinclaire, of Corning, and Miss Ruth Morgan, In Corning, November 18, 1914, by Rev. Mark R. Chapman, Andrew McLaughlin and Alice M. daughter of David H. Ryon. In the town of Corning, December 20, 1914, by Rev. Thomas Walker, Frank P. Wormley and Mrs. Catherine E. Freeman. In Corning, December 24, 1914, by Rev. W. Norman Liddy, Ben- jamin H. Warner and Miss Emma G. Fisher. In Corning, December 24, 1914, by Rev. John Chester Ball, John R. Hodgson and Katherine A. daughter of William P. Parsons. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LVIII. Events In and About Corning^l915 to 1918. WITH Open fields bare and the Chemung River cleared of ice, due to a thaw with rains the first week in January, 1915, colder weather the following week was accompanied by a fall of nearly twenty inches of snow that greatly delayed railroad, trolley and highway traffic. In February, 1915, residents of Corning, Centerville and Painted Post, united in petitioning the State Legislature to pass and the Governor to approve a bill making an appropriation of $100,000 to improve the channel of the Chemung River in the western part of the city and town of Corning and near Painted Post. The Common Council approved and such a measured was before the Legislature, but finally " died in committee." February 16, 1915. — Captain Charles A. Rubright, aged 73 years, died at his home in Corning. He was born in Germany ; served in the Civil War ; was made a prisoner by Confederates at the Battle of Gettysburg ; was confined in Andersonville prison for nearly nine months ; in 1879 came to Corning from Williamsport and engaged in the manufacture of bricks and terra cotta, and was also a building contractor. He was active in religious life and much esteemed. March 10, 1915. — Henry E. Bodine resigned the secretaryship of the Corning Chamber of Commerce, to take a like job at Clearfield. In March, 1915, Mrs. Anna Barnes was appointed to the recently established position of Police Matron of Corning. April 7, 1915, Charles M. Gamman retired from the boot and shoe business, in which he had been engaged in Corning 65 years. On April 23, following a brief illness, he died. He was Treasurer of the Masonic bodies of Corning for more then fifty years and rarely 460 Sinking of Lusitania Arouses Extreme Indignation. 461 missed a meeting. A son and two daughters survive — Dr. Arthur M. Gammon, Mrs. Cyrus S. Hood and Mrs. Charles P. Hill. April 15, 1915, Rev. Malcolm M. Johnston, rector of Christ Episcopal Church, resigned, due to ill health. The afternoon of April 28, 1915, a tremendous rain-storm caused considerable damage throughout the city. Monkey Run creek went over its banks and flooded the usual section of the city. May 7, 1915, the Cunard passenger steamship Lusitania, bound from New York to Liverpool, was sunk off the Irish coast, and 805 passengers and 348 of the crew lost. There was great indignation in Corning in common with the rest of the United States. On every hand patriotic Americans demanded that this Nation sever relations with the Imperial German Government for torpedoing the ship. Monday evening, May 17, 1915, Francis M. Hugo, Secretary of the State of New York, attended the annual banquet of the Southern Steuben Automobile Club, in Corning, and delivered an address. May 21, 1915, the 100th anniversary of the settlement of the Pierce homestead, near Coopers Plains, was celebrated. Alson Pierce, who came from Vermont, was the first occupant ; Dr. Byron Pierce, a son of the original settler, owns and occupies the place. June 19, 1915. — Three Italian track hands were killed and four seriously injured, when a box-car under which they took refuge from rain was moved by a Lackawanna engine, on a switch near Gibson. At St. Mary's Church, in Corning, Sunday, June 20, 1915, Rev. William M. Cassidy celebrated his first High Mass. The Corning Free Academy graduates at the commencement exercises held June 21, 1915, were : Thomas F. Amey, Charles F. Barker, Edv/ard H. Bowes, Mary I. Burgey, Margaret E. Chittick, Margaret Comosh, Verena G. Deuel, Catherine M. Dibble, Mary J. Dickinson, John F. Ellison, John Griffin, Anna M. Laughey, Alvin M. Hewitt, Harold F. Hewitt, John J. Hickey, Hazel M. Humphreys, Lyall R. Johnston, Daniel L. Killigrev/, Elizabeth M. Krebs, Charles H. Lane, Helen M. Lattin, Robert J. Leavy, Charles C. Longcor, Helen G. Mclnerney, Madeline McNamara, Emeline F. Mahoney. Mary W. Maloney, Loyola C. Maxner, Helen A. Melvin, Maude E. Messersmith, Harry H. Nares, Ruth M. Nichols, Thelma Josephine Nichols, Mabel E. Pack, Barbara M. Pfeiffer, Justin J. Pfeifier, Grace M. Rouse, Harry E. Russell, Helen W. Ryan, Vincent Ryan, Laura M. Smith, Marie L. Smith, John W. Sullivan and Elsie M. Swallow. 462 William H. Christie Killed In Automobile Accident. The evening of June 23, 1915, at the commencement exercises of the Northside High School these students were graduated : Hazel B. Adamy, Julia T. Ash, Earl W. Barrett, David L. Barrett, Lewis A. Blodgett, Eva L. Bucher, Ruth H. Butler, Sarah M. Clark, Beula L. Cutler, Nellore K. Day, Lucy DeLong, John W. DeVoe, Carlton E. Ford, Dores E. Hurd, Emily M. Huy, Lillian B. Lamb, Nellie E. Lovejoy, Madge Magee, Edna L. Marcy, Frances L. Mathewson, John Leon McCarthy, Thomas J. McKenna, Ethel S. Richard, Harriet M. Richard, Martha J. Rogers, Raymond W. Shoemaker, William H. Simonds, Sidney B. Steele, Howard D. Tubbs, Robert Speer Tubbs, Esther L. Williams and James Wilson. Thursday, July 8, floods that prevailed on the Chemung and its tribituaries, caused wash-outs on railroads entering Corning, and for several days train service was disarranged. The Twenty-Second Annual Convention of the Central New York Volunteer Firemen's Convention, with a series of contests, was held in Corning, July 27, 28 and 29, 1915. There was a parade. Sunday. August 1, 1915, Erie trains were held up by floods. The total amount of the city assessment roll is $9,207,054, with property exempt from taxation not included. In August, 1915, the C. R. Maltby Co. sold their wholesale food products business to Mason B. Coger, Richard H. Tucker and Carroll C. Cheney, all of Corning, who assume the firm name of Coger, Tucker & Cheney, Incorporated. Thursday evening, September 30, 1915.— While returning from Bath to Corning in an automobile, the machine left the road at an unmarked turn half a mile west of the village of Campbell and was wrecked. William H. Christie, manager of the Corning Light and Power Corporation, was thrown against an apple tree and instantly killed ; James Hoare had both legs broken ; City Judge Bostelmann sustained serious bruises ; J. Towner Hayt had a shoulder broken, and Charles E. Githler was for a time rendered helpless by severe bruises and nerve-shock. Mr. Christie came to Coming in 1891, and had since been in charge of the production of gas and electricity. In the Fall and Winter of 1915-16 the IngersoU-Rand Company, at Painted Post, engaged extensively in the manufacture of steel shells, for the British Government. Two car-loads a day were shipped. Four Coming young men of the " street gang " type, entered the Corning Club at 12 : 35 o'clock Sunday night, November 21, 1915, Corning Young Man Killed In Battle In Flanders. 463 and displaying revolvers " held up " the club porter and got away with about $100 taken from the cash register. Frank H. Clarke, aged 27 years, of Corning, son of Steven and Eva May (Mulford) Clarke, was killed, the morning of November 5, 1915, during a charge on a German trench in Flanders by the 18th Battalion of the Second Canadian Expeditionary Force. He enlisted in the British service at Toronto, Canada, in the Fall of 1914, after having served two full enlistments in the United States army. He was a grandson of the late E. P. Mulford, of Corning. The fifth annual exhibition of the Corning Poultry Association was held at the City Hall, December 8, 9 and 10, 1915. The various Mayors of the City of Corning prior to January 1, 1916, were: Dr. William E.Gorton, 1890-1891; Benjamin W. Wel- lington, 1892-1893 ; William W. Adams, 1894-1895 ; Dr. George W. Lane, 1896-1897; William L. McGeorge, 1898-1899 ; Dr. George W. Lane, 1900-1901; Dr. John L. Miller, 1902-1903 ; Valentine Rettig, 1904-1907; Dr. Thomas A. McNamara, 1908-1909; Frederick A. Ellison, 1910-1913 ; Lewis N. Lattin, 1914-1915. January 1, 1916. — Dr. George W. Lane begins his third term of two years as Mayor of Corning, after an interval of 15 years. The Aldermen are : First Ward — Harry A. De Waters and John M. Owen ; Second Ward — Lyman C. Roloson and Floyd Nares ; Third Ward- Frank H. Ferris and E. L. Conklin ; Fourth Ward — Frank Gais and James Hallahan ; Fifth Ward— John O. Worrell and John J. Clancey ; Sixth Ward — Harry G. Willisford and C. E. Rose ; Seventh Ward— ^ Clarence G. Palmer and Samuel E. Oldfield. Justin V. Purcell was appointed City Attorney ; Harry A. Rood, City Clerk ; Maynard L. Allen a member of the Board of Public Works ; George E. Satterly, Overseer of the Poor. The City Market is open Wednesdays and Saturdays, the attend- ance of farmers and hucksters is large and patronage good. Justice George B. Bradley, aged 91 years, died at his home in Corning on Sunday, January 8, 1916. He was born in Chenango County, in youth attended the Ithaca Academy, at the age of twenty began the study of law, began the practice of law at Addison in 1848, in 1849 located at Woodhull, in 1852 became a resident of Coming. Here he achieved prominence as a lawyer, in 1872-'3 was a member of the State Constitutional Commission, was a State Senator for four years beginning January 1, 1874 ; in 1883 was elected a Justice of the 464 Local Shops Engage In Manufacture War Supplies. Supreme Court ; from 1888 till 1892 was a member of the Court of Appeals. He was President of the First National Bank of Corning. For fifty years he was a trustee of the First Presbyterian Church. In January, 1916, on request of the Common Council of Corning, Assemblyman Oldfield, of Bath, again introduced in the Legislature a bill to appropriate $100,000 to clear and deepen the channel of the Chemung River in Corning. The measure failed to pass. The Ingersoll-Rand machine shops at Painted Post are running full force, night and day, on war materials for the British and allied governments. Over 800 men and several score of women are em- ployed. The Corning Glass Works is also supplying glass ware of varies kinds for same governments. Both shops are guarded by armed men and admission is by pass. In March, 1916, Paul Cain, of White Plains, N. Y., and Ivan M. Bernkopf, of Wellsboro, Pa., doing business as Cain-Cernkopf, Inc., established a department store in the former J. M. Greig Building. Uriah D. Hood, aged 91 years, who located in Corning in 1845, as a harness maker, died March 23. Through his long career as a business man, and in all life's relations, he was an exemplary man, and was fervent and gracious as an official of the First Presbyter- ian Church. He " kept the Faith." Joseph Boyle, aged 71 years, a retired locomotive engineer, died at his home in Corning, April 25, 1916. When 16 years of age he came to Corning from his farm home at Lindley and secured work in the Tioga Railroad shops ; at the age of 19 began firing on the run between Corning and Blossburg ; and at the age of 21 was a locomotive engineer, continuing in that position till August, 1913. For 18 years he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the South- side public schools. He was a member of the firm of Boyle & Carlton, dealers in coal and wood. Heavy rains caused floods that stopped the running of trains on all trunk line railroads in southern New York, May 16 and 17, 1916. May 26, 1916.— John H. Doherty, Vice-President and General Manager of the Corning Light and Power Corporation, was elected President of the Corning Chamber of Commerce. Sunday, June 18, 1916.— The Baptist Church at Painted Post, having been extensively remodeled, was dedicated anew, elaborate services being held morning and evening. The changes wrought cost $18,000. Rev. E. A. Snyder is the pastor. Free Academy and High School Graduates in 1916. 465 The following students were graduated at the commencement exercises of the Corning Free Academy held June 26, 1916 : Ruth E. Adams, Edward J, Amey, Frederick T. Amey, Thomas H. Argue, Florence A. Austin, Grace M. Brady, Howard M. Barnum, Lynton L. Barnum, Ebenezer T. Breed, Paul T. Breed, Florence E. Dean, Clara E. Erhart, Edgar W. Everts, Mary T. Gaiss, Joseph E. Hayes, Gert- rude L. Howie, Mary H. Huber, J. Newell Johnson, Mary F. McCann, Honora L. Mahoney, Gertrude J. Paul, Harriet S. Pratt, Sarah I. Roody, Mary O. Rothwell, Margaret M. Scheb, Anders S. Sorensen, Marie E. Stowell, Isabelle A. Thierfeldt, Arthur J. Troll, William A. Tuttle, Mary A. Underiner and Edward J. Valley. Commencement exercises were held at the Northside High School the evening of June 27, 1916, when the following received diplomas : Leda Mcintosh, Alice McCloskey, Julia Quinlivan, Lucy Maltby, Mildred Scudder, Genevieve McCabe, Louise Fish, Lydia Duffey, Grace Ballman, Florence Calkins, Florence Fero, Viva Lovell, Isadore Kelly, Sarah Davidson, Elizabeth Crooker, Edith Scudder, Gladys Chamberlain, Hazel Stanton, Leo Kuss, Leon Barrett, Ralph Adamy, Elwyn Cortright, Lawrence F. McCloskey, Sidney LaFever, Marshall Uhl, Charles Flitz, Leo Brown, Walter Kelly, Justin Hickey, Alger Smith, Uri Carpenter, Willis Ford and George Keenan. In June, 1916, an athletic field and baseball diamond was laid out on the Houghton flats, near the north bank of the Chemung River, opposite Pine street. A grand stand was erected and the stream was spanned by a foot-bridge. The place was named " Pyrex Park." June 30, 1916, Colonel S. M. Morgan was appointed Commandant of the State Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Bath. In 1902 he was appointed Inspector at the Home, and four years later was promoted to the position of Adjutant, a position he occupied for ten years. In July, 1916, members of the Coming Chamber of Commerce contributed $900 to a fund to erect a pavilion at Denison Park. August 13, 1916, the livery barns and garage of Henry Snearly, on West Pulteney street, were destroyed by fire. Loss, $12,000. The city paid $7,500 for the former Corning Stove Works and a vacant plot of land adjoining, to be used for a public market. The Hood Foundry Company purchased and occupied the Symington building for some time used for public market purposes. September 6, 1916.— Beginning at 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon, for two full hours the city of Corning and the country round about was literally inundated by a furious pour of rain. City streets were 466 Harry H. Pratt Re-Eleded a Member of Congress. flooded and in the level sections sidewalks and yards submerged. People were for the time being marooned in shops, places of business and dwellings. The Monkey Run raised havoc and established a new record for destructiveness by flooding the basement of the new Evening Leader building. The damage there amounted to $3,500. The evening of September 28, 1916, Rev. Thomas H. Derrick was installed as pastor of the First Congregational Church. The first week in October, 1916, Rev. Arthur Partington was assigned to the pastorate of Grace Methodist Church, in Coming. October 14, 1916. — ^Jay D. Carlton, aged 63 years, a New York Central railroad passenger train conductor, died at his home in Corning. He began railroad service as a brakeman in 1873. George R. Brown, aged 76 years, died November 4,. 1916, in a hospital at Rochester. He had been in poor health for several years. When a young man he taught school for a number of years, then became a telegraph operator, in 1863 entered the employ of the Fall Brook Railroad Company, with residence in Coming ; in 1864 was appointed Train Dispatcher, and from 1886 till May, 1899, was Superintendent of the Fall Brook lines. Later he was for a number of years Superintendent of the Canisteo-Ceres railroad. November 7, 1916, Harry H. Pratt, of Coming, was for a second time elected a Representative in the United States Congress. November 16, 1916, Attorney Michael H. Cahill was appointed Secretary of the Corning Chamber of Commerce. Saturday, November 18, 1916, an annual football game was played at Pyrex Park between Corning Free Academy and High School teams. The C. F. A. won, 23 to 6. In December, 1916, George Owens, of Painted Post, junk dealer, purchased the Lane Bridge Company plant for storage purposes. Edgar E. Magee, aged 59 years, hardware merchant and promi- nent in Masonic circles and municipal affairs, died Dec. 6, 1916. January 3, 1917, fire that started in the basement of the Heer- mans & Lawrence Building, caused an aggregate loss to the owners and tenants of about $15,000. The firemen gave splendid service. Corning, January 5, 1916. — Stricken with acute indigestion, Frank D. Kingsbury, aged 69 years, died soon after he had retired for the night. He was the founder of the Corning Co-Operative Savings and Loan Association, and established the Juvenile Savings Annex connected therewith ; was for many years principal owner of United States Declares War On German Empire. 467 the Corning Gas Works, and later of the electric plant ; had exten- sive real estate holdings, and engaged in the insurance business. In January, 1917, Assemblyman Samuel E. Quackenbush, of Corning, introduced in the State Legislature a bill to appropriate $50,000 to improve the channel of the Chemung river in the western part of Corning. Opposition by the Governor prevented enactment. A committee of the Corning Chamber of Commerce appeared at a meeting of the Common Council, March 5, 1917, and urged that a highway bridge be built across the Chemung River at Pine or Cedar street. Mayor Lane and Aldermen Hallahan and Oldfield spoke in favor of the project. No action was taken in the matter. Valentine Rettig, aged 70 years, a member of the Board of Public Works and twice Mayor of Corning, died March 17, 1917. A Legislative measure authorising the city to issue $70,000 in bonds to improve the Monkey Run channel became a law. A Corning Chapter of the American Red Cross was organized. April 6, 1917. — It being evident that the United States is about to declare war on the German Empire, and become an associate of Great Britain and France and their allies, a meeting of Mayors and other officials of prominence in Steuben County was held in Corning and a Home Defense Committee for the County of Steuben formed. This day President Wilson issued a proclamation declaring a state of war between the United States and the German Empire. The evening of April 9 a largely attended war meeting was held at the City Hall. Warren J. Cheney, Steuben County Judge, presid- ed. Eight intensely patriotic addresses were m.ade and resolutions pledging support to the Government were adopted. April 16, 1917, the Steuben County Home Defense Committee issued an appeal, urging farmers to increase their products to the utmost, and that gardens be cultivated wherever possible. This appeal was followed by a public meeting in Corning at which measures for planting all gardens and vacant lots were discussed and a " Plant a Garden " general committee was named, with Nathan R. Wickersham as Chairman. April 20, 1917, Attorney John C. Wheeler was chosen President of the Corning Co-Operative Savings and Loan Association. The Chamber of Commerce purchased and brought on from distant points and distributed several car-loads of seed potatoes. 468 General Enrollment of Young Men for War Service. May 1, 1917, Governor Whitman appointed John S. Kennedy, of Coming, a member of the New York State Prison Commission. In May, 1917, Corning Lodge of Elks purchased the fine brick mansion at the northeast corner of Walnut and First streets, for a meeting place and club. The building was remodeled by the Elks. It was for a score of years the home of the late Henry Sherwood, and later owned and occupied by Jerome B. Maltby. A Red Cross membership drive was conducted, and over 2,000 active and contributing members secured, the minimum fee being one dollar. The Red Cross was an auxiliary war organization. It devoted its energies and resources to relieving distress. The first issue of war bonds, known as " Liberty Bonds," placed on sale in Corning in May, 1917, sold readily. Early in June a company of " Home Guards," composed of young men, was organized in Corning. There are numerous enlistments for service in both the army and navy. United States flags were in evidence at homes, stores and factories and the spirit of loyalty to American ideals abounds on every hand. On June 5, 1917, there was an enrollment by election districts, throughout the entire United States, of men betwen the ages of 21 and 31, for military service. It was a preliminary survey of war strength, and was the first step toward conscription. Those who enrolled were given a certificate of registration that in number was the same as that opposite their name on the register of the Exemp- tion District in which individual enrollment was had. The County of Steuben was divided into three Districts. Later when a draft lottery was drawn at Washington, the number in each instance Vv^as called to the service subject to examination — one man in each of the 4,450 districts in the United States being desigated by such number. In Corning 1,580 enrolled June 5, 1917, and others reported later. The men who were first to enroll in the several election districts of the city were : First — Thurstan Hans Anderson ; Second, Albert Thomas Agett ; Third, Purdy Edward Abbey ; Fourth, Alvin Jacob Aker ; Fifth, Edward Joseph Acheson ; Sixth, Anthony Gundvald Anderson ; Seventh, James Edward Adams ; Eighth, Lee H. Abbey. June 27, 1917. — Dr. Thomas A. McNamara, Charles E. Bower and Dr. H. E. Battin, of Corning, were announced as constituting the Exemption Board for the First District of Steuben County, N. Y., before whom men of the City and Town of Corning, and the towns Corning an Enrollment Station for Service in World War. 469 of Bath, Campbell and Hornby, when summoned for war service, must appear for examination. The board had power to exempt or to induct into the service. It met in the Court House in Corning. On July 20, 1917, the drawing of draft numbers began in Wash- ington, and the numbers as taken from a wheel were telegraphed broadcast to newspapers and quickly marked on bulletin boards. In the various localities lists of names of enrolled men with their number had been printed in the newspapers. The announcement of a number drawn indicated the person called for service. Vincenzo Di Maggio, (No. 258), a native of Italy, was the first resident of the city of Coming to be thus selected for war service. June 25, 1917, the following students were graduated at the commencement exercises of the Corning Free Academy : Raymond J. Ballman, Clark B. Bassett, Ruby M. Bower, Ella C. Brace, Margaret E. Carroll, George C. Clute, Winifred V. Dean, Harold H. Ellison, Raymond J. Gill, Julia M. Haar, Earl F. Haischer, Evelyn E. Hawkes, Florence S. Higgins, Charles A. Hoffman, Rhea M. Hornung, Marie E. Kelley, Frederick S. Kriger, John F. Lawless, Margaret M. Lynch, Dorothy E. McCormack, Harry J. Middagh, Alice M. Morgan, Cle- ment L. Murphy, Sarah Phillips, Mary C. Pierce, Ransom Pratt, Florence G. Quill, Joseph Ruppert, Gertrude L. Richardson, Harold L. Richardson, Madeline R. Saxton, Martha F. Smith, Adeline M. Staring, Luella B. Thompson, James E. Ward, Laverne Harold, Willisford and Paul Winfield. At the Northside High School the following were graduated on June 25, 1917 : Ellsworth B. Gore, Ralph D. Keenan, Dewey Elisha Thomas, Willard J. McLaughlin, Albert W. Bassage, Joseph E. Barber, Edith A. Audinwood, Eva M. Bradley, Elsie B. Blodgett, Harold W. Blodgett, Ethel C. Abbott, Hazel M. Hill, Beatrice M. Smith, Rhea L. Lindsley, Hazel F. Mather, Genevieve C. Smith, Mary A. Berry, Gilbert W. Jenkins, Mariam Lane, Martha T. McNamara, Fanny Searles LaFevre. In July, 1917, over $15,000 was contributed in Corning and the vicinity for the American Red Cross. A second company of hom.e guards was formed. War meetings were frequent. July 30, 1917.— George F. Wells, of Buffalo, took the position of Secretary and Manager of the Corning Chamber of Commerce at a salary of $3,000 per year. July 31.— The Federal government has issued a call for the First Draft District to supply 133 men for war service. The Exemption 470 First Contingent Leaves Corning for War Service. Board summoned 229 men to report at the Court House in Corning, for examination, beginning with No. 1 on the District draft Hst. In August, 1917, a Home Defense Company of forty members was organized at Campbell. September 6, 1917, seven men left Corning for a military training camp, after being favored with a public banquet, escorted to the railroad station by the Home Guards, a cornet band and many citizens. Thousands gathered at the station. A second quota of men summoned to the colors, left Corning, via the Lockawanna railroad, September 26, to go in training at Camp Dix, New Jersey. Seventy-seven entrained. A parade in which several thousand men, women and children joined, featured the " send off." Prominent citizens delivered brief addresses. In October, 1917, meetings were held at the various Coming factories to promote the purchase of Liberty Bonds, as a means of helping win the war. Large sales resulted. The afternoon of October 13, 1917, while making a call at the Gleason Sanitarium in Elmira, Miss Catherine Mills died suddenly of heart failure. Her age was near 70 years. She inherited consider- able property from her father, Charles L. Mills, who was a Corning merchant, and devoted her life to the service of others. Her gifts and graces were of a high order. She was one of the founders of the Corning Hospital, and since 1901 its President. The Corning Co-Operative Savings and Loan Association, having purchased the Young Men's Christian Association building, fitted it for its own use and for occupancy by business tenants. At the general election held November 6, 1917, the city of Corn- ing, (men only voting), gave 287 majority in favor of the proposed amendment to the State Constitution extending the right to vote to women. Votes for, 947 ; votes against, 660. The proposition carried in the State at large. On November 23, 1917, a contingent of 23 men of Corning and vicinity entrained for Camp Dix, New Jersey. In December, 1917, residents of Corning and nearby cohimuni- ties contributed nearly $16,000, to be apportioned among various approved war relief funds. A Red Cross membership drive followed and increased the number of persons contributing $1 or more annually to the Corning Chapter to 11,254. W. L. McCarty is Chairman of the Chapter. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LIX. Coming During the World War Crisis; Local Events. DURING THE DARK DAYS Of 1918, when the souls of true Americans were wracked as never before, the men, women and even the boys and girls to the measure of their under- standing, eagerly rendered every possible service to their own Country, and rejoiced that they were helping overcome the powers of darkness that threatened to wrest the Torch from the hand of Liberty. Men and women in shops, children and grown-ups in gardens and on farms, boys and girls and adults investing every possible dime in War Savings Stamps or Liberty Bonds, and those who did Red Cross Work day after day not minding the passing hours, helped win the World War. And those who went out from homes of Corning and the countryside around about, were heartened to deeds of valor by news from home. These were great days ! In February, 1918, the Common Council created a Department of Markets and took measures to decrease the cost of food. James J. O'Hara was appointed Commissioner of Markets. In February, 1918, a general committee of several hundred voters opposed to the sale of alcoholic beverages, was formed to conduct a no-license campaign, a local-option vote to be taken April 16-17. Nathan R. Wickersham, George B. Hollister, Samuel Hawkes, John L. Thomas, William E. Gorton and Mason B. Coger, with Attorney Gurnsey B. Hubbard as Secretary, constituted the central committee having immediate charge of the campaign. Many young men included in the conscription have taken advantage of the privilege extended by the War Department and and enlisted as volunteers for selective service. These enlistments continued for several months, until such service demands were met. Monday, February 25, 1918, a contingent of fifty-two men left Corning for Camp Devens, Mass., to prepare for war service. 471 472 Remarkable Manifestations of Devotion to Country. The Chemung River and feeder streams flooded the low lands March 13 and 14. The Corning dykes saved the northern portion of the city from inundation. The Monkey Run was at its worst. Rev. James M. Bustin, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Corning, died Sunday evening, March 31, 1918. He was a man of great force of character, distinguished for his clearness of thought, firmness of decision, fearlessness in speech, devotion to the church he served, strong attachments and personal charities. Thirty-two young men called to war service, entrained in Corn- ing, for Camp Dix, Monday afternoon, April 1, 1918. The second week in April, 1918, Uri Mulford retired from the position of associate editor and news manager of the Corning Daily Journal, and became manager of the Coming Bureau of the Elmira Daily Advertiser. This change afforded him " spare time " in which to continue work on this history of Corning and Vicinity. At the local-option election in the City of Corning, held April 16 and 17, 1918, 6,331 men and women voted. The majorities were : Against licensing drug stores, 521 ; against licensing hotels, 781 ; against licensing saloons, 872 ; against licensing liquor stores, 768. Eighteen young men of Corning left for Camp Dix, April 30. Sunday afternoon. May 26, 1918, 69 men entrained in Corning for Camp Dix, 54 of the number being residents of the city. May 30, 1918. — The Memorial Day parade, from the Public Square to Hope Cemetery, where exercises were held, was a most remarkable display of patriotic fervor. Over 2,000 persons marched — men, women and children. There were numerous emblematic floats. In the Red Cross section were 262 women members, and immediately following were forty-six mothers of men in war service, each mother carrying a service flag. There was a profusion of flags on every hand, including banners of America's allies. June 7, 1918. — A careful estimate indicates that there are 600 young men of Corning in training or in actual war service. June 14, 1918. — The interior of the Velie Block, was damaged by fire, the loss to building, goods of merchants and house furnishings of tenants aggregating $35,000. The firemen rendered good service. The afternoon of June 24, 1918, at the commencement exercises of Corning Free Acadamy, the following students were graduated :— Helen G. Balcom, Monroe T. Breed, Edna F. Bruning, Ruth M. Cobb, Grace L. Crosby, Thomas R. Curtin, Walter E. Dowling, Esther D. Ferris, Leora M. Frary, Lester F. Green, George E. Contingent After Contingent Leaves For War Service. 473 Gregory, Celia Hornung, Luanna P. Howell, Arthur G. Jacoby, Frank P. Kaliba, Ralph Stacy Kriger, Josephine F. Langan, Hazel D. Lattin, Fulmer Long, Gertrude M. Lynahan, Cornelius G. McCarthy, Char- lotte B. Martin, E. Ruth Said, James B. Shea, Dagmar W. M. Shield, Julie S. Sorensen, Mildred F. Stiles, Erna K. Tobias, Adaline E. Vanson and Florence C. Weisenberger. Monday evening, June 24, 1918, a contingent of 67 men left Corning for Camp Upton, Long Island, to prepare for war service. At the Northside High School, Tuesday evening, June 25, 1918, the following were graduated : Laura F. Betts, Clarence H. Brisco, Fay L. Byam, Clarence L. Conklin, Ruth E. Dimick, Edwin H. Dodge, Jr., Gertrude A. Ginnane, Harry J. Hall, Nellie M. Housel, Ruth R. Howe, Edith A. Keenan, M. Ethel Keenan, James F. Latshaw, Anna E. Marcy, Ethel C. McCarty, Ethel L. Morse, John B. Mullaney, Harold S. Perry, Bernice L Quinliven, Irene S. Riffle, Etta May Rose, Linnie R. Simons, Verna M. Travis, Helen J. Waldron, Elmer Erwin Wheelock. Sunday, June 30, 1918.— Having accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church at Oil City, Pa., Rev. John Chester Ball resigned the pastorate of the First Bresbyterian Church of Corning, effective September 29. At the annual meeting of the Corning Hospital Association, held July 7, 1918, Miss C. A. Wellington was elected President. July 23, 1918, forty men called to war service left Corning, for Camp Dix, New Jersey. Tuesday evening, August 6, nineteen men called to the colors from the First Exemption District left Corning for Fort Slocum. On Tuesday, September 3, 1918, eighty young men left Corning for Fort Jackson, South Carolina, to prepare for military service. Of this contingent fifty-four were residents of Corning. At the annual meeting of the New York State Embalmers' Association, at Syracuse, September 19, 1918, Frederick A. Sarsfield, of Corning, was elected President. The fighting in Europe is causing the loss of many members of the American army. Among the lists of dead, wounded or missing there are frequent mention of names of brave young men from homes in Corning and vicinity. In October, 1918, Rev. Wayne Sessions succeeded Rev. Arthur Partington as pastor of Grace Methodist Church in Corning. 474 Indiscribable Public Rejoicings on ** Armistice Day." In October and November there was an epidemic of influenza, a number of deaths resulting from comphcations, mainly pneumonia or heart failure due to extreme weakness. November 5, 1918.— Alanson B. Houghton, of Corning, was elected a Representative in Congress. His plurality in Corning was 1,467 ; in the Congressional District, 14,000. William L. McGeorge, aged 57, a former Mayor of Corning, died November 6, at his place of residence in Brooklyn, N. Y. Corning, November 7, 1918.— Shortly after 2 o'clock this after- noon news reached Corning by both telegraph and telephone service from New York, that German envoys had agreed to preliminary terms of peace, submitted by General Foch, Commander-in-Chief of the French and allied forces. The glad tidings caused great rejoicing. In a few minutes every factory and locomotive whistle in the city was making all the noise possible, the fire bell, church bells and school bells joined the chorus, and automobiles speeded the streets with horns adding to the racket. Employes rushed from the shops and joined in impromptu parades, with banners waving and bringing into action tin horns and other noise making devices. There were songs of victory and shouts of gladness. The public rejoicing continued at full tide for several hours after the conclusion of the overture by whistles and bells. The report was premature. On the morning of November 11, at 5 o'clock, Paris time, the armistice that ended the World War was signed. The event was announced by the State Department in Washington at 2:45 that morning, Washington time. Two hour later boys began selling the Elmira Advertiser on the streets of Corning, with this most import- news given in satisfying detail The lads, who had been aroused from their slumbers by shrieking whistles and clanking bells, reaped a fine harvest, for 2,200 Advertiser's were sold, and most of the buyers said : "Never mind the change." It was a day of indiscrib- able rejoicing — such parading on foot, speeding to and fro of motor cars, displays of fantastic garbs, incessant explosions of fire-crackers and blank cartridges, marching of brass bands in full blast, and general jubilation cannot be described — or imagined. It was great ! November 25, 1918. — Announcement is made by the Chief of Staff of the United States War Department, that the total American casualties in the World War, up to November 11, were 236,117. MEN OF CORNING WHOSE LIVES WERE SACRIFICED IN THE WORLD WAR CYRIL CARDER ALBERT CHIPPI FRANK H. CLARKE SIDNEY T.COLE THOMAS DEVEY MICHAEL DURKIN JOHN P. EATON EDWARD ERICKSON SALVATORE FENNICCHIA JOHN FRANKEL CLARE L. FREEMAN IVAN H. GALUSHA MAYNARD HAGGERTY SVERRE HANSEN LESTER HOSIER JAMES JONES FRANK P. KALIBI MARTIN MAHER HOWARD NICHOLS THURSTON NICHOLS FRED ONIONS ROBERT L. PARK BERT PHENES KENNETH SHARP BINA C.STEWART FAY VANNORTWICK CLAUDE VAUGHN THOMAS L. WALTON HARRY E, WOODCOCK WALLACE BARKER 475 476 Corning Men In the World War — Heroes All ! There follows as complete a list of men of Corning who served their Country in the World War, as it was possible for the author of this book to compile, at the time these pages were printed, in November. 1921. The list includes the names of 658 men who served in the National Army, raised to meet the emergency ; 66 in the United States Navy, and 504 not classified— a total of 1,228. Edward Acheson, Francis Acheson, Jerome Acheson, Clarence 0. Aldam, Arthur E. Allen, Charles E. Allen, Dr. Max Almy, Thos. F. Amey, Albert Agett, John Alteri, Robert V. Austin, Howard F. Adamy, Ervin E. Allen, Julius C. Ardino. Frank E. Baker, Ralph Ball, Noi James Balzano, Herbert L. Bar- ret, Almond S. Barnes, Gerald H. Beckwith, John E. Berry, William P. Berry, Louis Betrolien, Milton W. Bishop, Hugh S. Blackwell. Thos. J. Blencowe, William H. Brady, Eben T. Breed, Joseph Briscoe, Anthony Brown, Arthur W. Brown, Leo Brown, Haddon Buckland, Charles H. Burley, Colie Button. Delmar Elliott Batcheller, H^rry N. Beauter, William F. Billinger, Albert Clarence Boote, Laverne E. Bronson, Pietro Bovisetto, Walter B. Bronson, Wilbur Bronson, Ben- jamin Brown, Ephriam W. Buckley, Thomas C. BeBout, Clarence E. Button, Vance W. Baker, John Bruni, Arthur M. Barnes, David L. Barrett, Fordyce J. Bennett, Benjamin Brown, Clarence Barnard, Edward A. Barry, Samuel L. Ballman, Albert J. Barrett, Frederick L. Bach, Frank Bush, Thomas H. Bell. Lewis Callahan, Thomas Calo, Joseph W. Candelina, Phillip Can- delina, Harold Canfield, Cyril F. Carder, George L. Carleton, Lee Carter, D. Cavallero, Felix Cheevi, Hugh A. Clark, Glen W. Cole, Sidney T. Cole, Cecil Colegrove, William A. Conlon, Ernest R. Cook, Stanley M. Copp, Stephen E. Copp, Elwyn Cortright, Floyd Coyken- dall, Floyd Crandall, Harry Crist, Marci Cudi, Harold C. Cupp, Anthony Curreri, Arthur Joseph Curreri, Ingraham Curtis, T.Willard Carr, Lawrence P. Cloney, Harold W. Carr, Patrick F. Casey, Roy Lyman Castor, Joseph Cecce, Dominic C. Chearlitt, George Deloss Cornell, Donald T. Craver , Marca Cuda, Francis Gushing, Michael H. Cahill, Frank S. Conable, Edwin J. Canton, Joseph B. Curtin, Frank Cook, Thomas J. Cuddeback, Hiram Carson, Germanic Corsi, John Joseph Crowe, Dennis T. Calkins, Jesse F. Cornell, August Cirili. Stanley Dailey, Manley Davis, H. C. DeWolfe, Earl Dibble, Frederick J. Dick, J. A. Doolittle, Arthur Doran, Joseph S. Doyle, Elmer E. Drumm, John F. Dunfee, Orlando R. Dunn, Ross E. Dusen- berry, Clarence Dyer, Peter Doyle, Joseph P. Durkin, James Edward Corning Men In the World War — Heroes All! 477 Dailey, Andrew L. Dee, James J. Deneen, Harry P. Dillenbeck, John J. Donellan, Howard Arthur Dwyer, James A. Dean, Glen M. Decker. Frank Daily, Arthur J. Dann, Andrew Lawrence Dee, Daniel H. Dee, John P. Eaton. Joseph Edger, Harold T. Elwood, Edw'd Erickson. Angelo Fabriz, Stevedore Feuicchi, Clarence Fermer, A. B. Finke, E. Haldeman Finnie, Henry G. Flaitz, Gerald A. Fleming, Roy K. Foster, Samuel Franz, George A. Freeman, August B. Frink, Sebastian J. Frey, Michael Flinn, William B. Fancher, Dr. Thomas F. Foley, Arthur Charles Fermer, John Joseph Flynn, Joseph Freitas, Lynn Alfred French, Russell L. Fox., Harry L. Force, Sabastian Frey. Ivan H. Galusha, Coleman Goldberg, Sargeant D. Gorton, Albert Green, James A. Gregory, Earl J. Griffith, Michael J. Grimaldi, John Guarneiri, Charles H. Gilfeather, Francis Joseph Gill, Justin Francis Gill, Arthur E. Granger, Arthur Grant, Lauren Grant, John E. Griffin, Martin D. Galvin, Raymond J. Gill, Howard B. Gorton. Alvin Haar, Frank Hall, Robert Hallahan, Edward A. Harris, Walter L. Hart, Earl L. Hartman, Michael A. Hartnett, Edward H. Heath, H. W. Hebe, Roy Henshaw, Alvin W. Hewitt, C. Lambert Heyniger, Frank Hickey, Daniel Higgins, John Higgins, Frank Hill, Bernice Hodge, George Hodge, Lewis E. Holmes, D. S. Horton, Burton R. Huff, William Hulzman, Cedric Hungerford, Leon H. Hyde, Emil J. Huber, John S. Haley, Maynard Floyd Hagerty, Joseph Hahne, Sverre Hanson, Gerald L. Hart, James W. Hart, John Leon Haughey, Henry Heydorff, Leroy D. Hickey, Charles E. Hause, Jr., Milton D. Houghtaling, Harold F. Hewitt, Joseph E. Hayes, George N. Hauff, Amory Houghton, Harry D. Hammond, Daniel M. Huntley. Percy L. Jenkins, David J. Jones, Edward J. Junk, Edward L. Juno, Floyd B. Johns, Robert F. Johnson, Kob Roy Johnson, Roy Howard Johnson, Edward A. Joy, John Emil Johnson, Fred D. Jones, Frank V. Johnson, Hugo Johanson. Frank Keagle, John P. Keating, Earl Keenan, Harrison Keesler, John Kelley, Thomas Kelly, Thomas F. Kelly, Walter Kelley, James Ketchum, Lambert K. Keyes, Stanley W. Keyes, Harland Kimball, Walter B. Knight, John Kosty, H. S. Kurtz, Leo V. Kuss, Matthew Kuss, Rev. George P. Kettell, Daniel J. A. Kelly, Edward J. Kelly, Jr., D. J. Keefe, David E. Keating, Lawrence Kinsella, Edwin S. Keagle, William E. Keane, John Francis Kelley, Timothy Joseph Kennedy, Frank Henry Knickerbocker, Arthur E. Krebs, Thomas M. Keane, Anthony Kzezeski, Daniel A. Kelly, George Kemp. Earl D. Lamb, G. Stuart Lang, Lester M. Larkins, Norman D. Lattin, Stanley Lawrence, Robert W. Leonard, Spencer Lewis, Cb-as. 478 Corning Men In the World War — Heroes All ! C. Longcor, Robert J. Looker, David F. Loper, Roland W. Loveless, Paul V. Lovett, John J. Lynahan, John Edward Larkin, Francis J. Lynch, John Joseph Lesh, Cyrus B. Lincoln, Frank S. Lipinski, John F. Lawless, Herman T. Lockwood, Dominick Lodone, James H. Loomis, Francis Labordo, Harvey Lounsbury, Afgan R. Larson, George Lietka. Leon J. McCarthy, Edward J. McCarty, Harold McCormack, Frank McDermott, John H. McGannon, John F. McGinnis, Charles McGovern, John F. Macony, Harold O. Madsen, Harry E. Magee, Michael Mahoney, John F. Mahoney, Charles A. Marcy, Viscusco Mario, Edward Marland, George Marland, Albert Martin, Harold Martin, Clarence E. Mason, Rosco Masselo, Elmer H. Matheson, Junior Dempster Mathewson, William Maxy, Frank Mayer, George Mehnert, C. H. Mendler, Clarence F. Mengee, Clarence Mennich, Clarence Miller, George Miller, James H. Miller, Roy V. Miller, Harold Morgan, Clarence Morse, Harry E. Morse, Lawrence P. Mullen, Michael Murfitt, R. W. Myers, Augustus Moran, Lawrence McCloskey, Leon J. McMahon, Dr. Thomas L. McNamara, William McMillan, Jr., Nicholas J. Marscholz, James McClure, Andrew N. McGill, Philip McGrady, Mitchel McHenry, Ira J. Matthews, George Matrechuck, Charles Boyd Meredith, David C. Merrow, Joseph E. Middagh, Roy Miller, Frank Mocker, Charles Morton, Clement M. Murphy, Austin C. Marvin, Bernard Maxwell, Floyd Mann. Everett Samuel Neal, George Newman, Dominick Norde, Amos Godfrey Nelson, Charles R. Niles, John E. Newman, John E. B. Nelson, Harry Hall Nares. Arthur A. O'Brian, Andrew W. Olson, Walter J. O'Brien, James Francis O'Brien, Gunmar Olson, Harold J. Overstrom. Joseph Pacifico, Robert Painter, Dpmeniso Pandunella, Charles A. Park, William B. Park, Albert S. Parise, George H. Parsons, Ted Pascall, Curtis Peer, Carl Cass Peters, Lloyd H. Pettingill, Robert R. Pettingill, Herbert H. Phelps, William H. Phenes, Fred N. Phillips, Kent W. Phillips, Alesandro Pignelli, Manuel Porston, George W- Pratt, Hugh S. Pratt, Fay Prutsman, Tobias Purcill, Nathaniel Orrin Phelps, Bert Phenes, Frederick D. Powell, Robert N. Pryce, Marino Pacicfio, Joseph Preston, Givanni Puccio, Antonio Pelegrino. Dominic Reali, W. Reinheimer, Edmund L. Ribble, Eugene Rice, Arthur H. Richter, James Ripley, Reuben R. Robinson, Andrew R. Rocco, C. Rossini, Harry Russell, John Ruvolo, Joseph Racinger, Ross W. Reed, Leon R. Reynolds, Floyd E. Rise, Walter H. Rising, Frank Rossini, Michael Rossini, Vincent Ryan, Michael Roody, Corning Men In the World War — Heroes All ! 479 Charles F. Relihan, Simeon J. Remington, Henry Rummings, James Rosell, Benjamin F. Reynolds. Dominic Sabini, Thomasso Sabini, Jay Saxton, Julius H. Seide- mann, George W. Shant, William E. Share, Kenneth Sharp, C. L. Shattuck, Charles Shaw, Francis Shay, Thomas Salino, Arthur F. Smith, Reginald Sinclaire, Leslie W. Smith, Percy H. Smith, Samuel J. Snow, Harry R. Spencer, Frank Spaciani, Bina C. Stewart, Vinea Stewart, Robert Stickler, Samuel P. Strait, Charles R. Sullivan, William B. Sullivan, Walter E. Seaman, Walter Seideman, Samuel Semple, Dennis B. Sheehan, Arthur F. Smith, William John Semple, Earl H. Smith, James R. Smith, Philip T. Snider, Joseph Sofia, Robert L. Stickler, John William Sullivan, Howard L. Smith, Lewis M. Shaffer, Frank Solinski, Wallace A. Smith, Ferdinand C. Schulmeis- ter, Edward D. Serrins, Eugene M. Simpson, Sam Santee, Glen Smith. Robert Tanner, L. Terwilliger, Glen Thomas, Maxwell S. Thom- as, William H. Tongue, George W. Totten, Carl S. Travis, Ernest J. Travis, Raymond Truax, Harvey P. Tucker, Virgil Tupper, Henry B. Tuthill, Victor Tyrasinski, James Tyson, J. C. Thieman, Eldon A. Tadder, James Hobart Taylor, Clarence R. Teeple, Ernest G. Tietje, Marcheggiano Tiniyno, Dominic Tadene, Earl Tomb. Harry C. Uhl, Andrew Underiner, Horace D. Underwood, Joseph Elias Uhl, Victor Uhl. Levi VanCise, Charles L. VanGorden, Forest VanGorder, Fred VanGorder, Fred VanWoert, Claud Vaughn, Cavelara Vincenza, Robert Voorhees, Philip Varrichio. Maurice H. Walker, Lauriston T. Walsh, Thomas Leroy Walton, Arthur R. Wasson, Nelson A. Wescott, Willard F. Wheat, Walter F. Wilbur, Alonzo Williams, Ralph Williams, John Williams, Herbert Winfield, Aloysius Wompeli, Charles Woodard, Fred Woodard, John James Woodard, Herbert Woodward, Francis J. Worrell, Earl Joseph Wasson, Harry Eugene Welch, Ellsworth D. Wasson, Emerson Harry Wheeler, Arthur Piatt White, William Williamson, Orwald Joseph Woeppell, Leon C. Walling, Curtis F. Wilson, Wallace W. Wood, Leon L. Wilkins, William Walsh, Merton E. Wescott, Eugene S. Wexel, Samuel J. Weale, William A. Whitmore, Benjamin Walters. Clarence Young, Leon Thomas Young, Eugene Youmans. Unclassified List of Men of Corning In World War. Leslie E. Andrews, Charles Allen, L. A. Andrews, Michael Andre, Julian Alterio, Rocco Astoffi, Earl R. Allen, Howard F. Adamy, Alonzo D. Adams, Oswald Aldam, Ervin E. Allen, Thomas 480 Corning Men In the World War — Heroes All ! J, Amey, Frank Avigliano, Fred G. Anderson, Fred Andres, Daniel Anderson, A. B. Alexander, Benjamin Arnolds, Charles T. Abel, Jr., Arthur Stephen Abbey, Roco Aseolfi, Nicolo Angelicolo, Michael Antoniates. Harry Beauter, Robert Bennett, Frank Belie, Claude Blackwell, Verne Bronson, Howard Bryant, Charles Burley, Earl A. Baker, Fred W. Beiswanger, William H. Bennett, Ephriam W. Buckley, Robert L. Benjamin, James H. Burke, Howard H. Button, John Burge, Walter Bronson, Henry M. Brown, Martin Beisswanger, Timothy Baker, Ernest T. Brooks, Edwin A. Bayer, Donald Barron, John J. Brady, Joseph E. Barber, Leamon J. Betts, John W. Brown, Fred W. Brown, Clarence 0. Bullock, A. Bayer, William H. Barber, Frank E. Baker, Albert V. Bates, E. Wyatt Bebout, John E. Blencove, William B. Bovee, James Berdinell, Raymond L. Bates, Ray Bowser, Henry H. Brown, R. J. Brown, William Brown, L. W. Butler, James Buck, E. W. Baker, George Brown, George Brewer, J. Lawrence Basseney, Samuel L. Ballman, Reubin Borrill, Samuel Borrill, Joseph Bell, Gneo Bartholomeo, Edgar M. Blidberg, George William Blancowe, Arthur Burrell, Peter Boland, Willis M. Brewer, Albert V. Bates, Joseph P. Bellanca, Alfred Bayor, Albert Bonsor, Hiram T. Bennett. Walter Casterline, James Cavall, Thomas C. Colby, Frank Cole, John E. Callinan, Thomas Calo, Cornelius Crowe, Donald Craver, Burton Campbell, Wayne Cleveland, Okal Carter, Leslie P. Crane, Bellingrino Cupazi, Charles L. Cosgrove, Andrew Czweska, George Conway, Howard Chamberlain, Carl S. Campbell, Joseph Cuddeback, Oscar Curry, Budd G. Cover, Percy C. Clark, Raymond B. Castor, Roy Clark, G. Casey, A. G. Carlson, John Crowe, Clyde Cornell, J. L Champaign, S. O. Copp, Neil Cotter, L. J. Cole, Gaetons Calder- one, C Carlson, George Cosgrove. William M. Crane, Budd George Covert, George Compton, Thomas J. Cunningham, Alexander Leo Canale, Thomas W. Carr, Lynn W. Cooper, George F. Casey. Kenneth Davidson, Wayne Doud, Raymond V. Do we, Arthur T. Dill, Abner Dougherty, Albert C. Drew, James Dawson, William A. Dates, Frank H. Daily, Samuel Dellisanti, John T. Doyle, Harry M. Dadwell, Frank Dabush, George Davidson, John Davenport, Paul J. Dagon, Raymond L. Daily, Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, Leon A. Darrin, Same DiGiacomo, Fred T. Darling, Philip Deltorto, Earl C. Dubert, Thomas W. Dean, Albert C. Drew, Marion Dailey. Edward Erickson, Eugene Ellison, Hugo Emilson, Forest H. Emmick, Archie English. Corning Men In the World War— Heroes All! 481 Joseph Fenderson, C. I. Ford, Carl Ferguson, Lee L. Farnum, Daniel Farber, B. Vincent Foster, William D. Ferguson, Francis Forbes, Robert S. Fish, Harry M. Force, Robert H. Furney, Albert Force, W. Fancher, Wayne Furman, Jake Felker, Louis Ferry, C. L. Freeman, Bishop V. Foster, Thomas A. Flynn. Raoul Goosen, Howard Gorton, Albert Green, William Graham, Martin D. Galvin, Wallace Goodier, Raymond Gerber, Harry M. Green, Lester F. Green. Guy Heckman, Edward Heath, Herbert Hines, D. S. Horton, Thomas Hughes, William Hultzman, Alvin H. Haar, H. K. Hanson, Ambrose Haar, Arthur R. Haines, Donald B. Horton, Henry Heydorf, Carl J. Hammerstrom, H. H. Heater, Eugene Hamilton, Earl Haischer, Michael Horodysky, Raymond P. Hall, Leo H. Hall, Julius Hoff, Carl Hansen, Lewis D. Hoover, Stephen Hickok, Daniel M. Huntley, Thomas E. Hamilton, W. G. Habelt, Otto Hansen, William L Hawk, Wm. Harris, C. R. Housel, Daniel Hall, Alfred Hansen, John Hansen, Wm. F. Horton, Isadore Hamann, Robert H. Hood, Ralph B. Huber, Lester Hosier. Cecile E. Irons. Elmer Johns, Cornelius W. Johnson, Edward J. Junk, Walter R. Jenkins, Frank V. Johnson, William A. Joy, Ernest Jacobs, Sever L Johnson, Walter L. Johnson, A. B. Johnson, Sigurd F. Johnson, John Jones, Ernest Jacobs. Edwin Keagle, Henry Ketchum, Clarence Keyes, James A. Knox, Clayton Knox, John Korner, John J. Kosty, Orolo L. Kinner, Warren C. Kennedy, Gregory Ketchum, Harry Keyes, Chester H. Keane, George N. Krebs, Ansola Kranz, Ralph Ketchum, L D. Kilbourne, William Keane, Daniel A. Kelly. Elmer Llewellyn, F. C. Lovejoy, Lee Longwell, Campbell Lowry, Bert Lurcock, Lewis Lee, William J. Lewis, Plemos Loucks, James J. Losinger, Charles J. Ludlum, Harry S. Losel, William LeBarron. Edward Marland, Harry McGee, Michael McHenry, George Matvechuk, Paul Mechalm, Jacob Manley, Frank Mayer, Harry McCue, Phillip McGrady, Fred McGillivray, Harry Mosher, Veil Mosher, Harry A. Myers, Albert Martin, Charles E. Menchie, Homer J. Maynard, Francis K. Moody, James F. Moore, William L. Miller, Leo C. Maher, Clarence L. Mabb, Harry J. Matthews, John J. Madden, Russell E. Meredith, Francis Maroney, Jesse Morgan, Colbjorn Malum, Frederick D. Mettler, Nicholas Morsholz, Harry Meyers, Leonard M. McCarthy, Leroy A. McMuUen, M. Minnick, Orville Margeson, Tony Manfre, Raymond Mays, Daniel McCarty, William 482 Corning Men In the World War — Heroes All ! Maxey, Charles Mennert, Lee Elliott McVoy, J. Clement Murphy, Robert L. McUmber, James J. McKinney, Clarence L. Mabb, Victor Muller, Allen H. Mengee, Robert V. McCarthy, Francisco Maucine, Richard Manter, Nicholas J. Marschols. Ame G. Nelson, John E. Nelson, Harry Norris, John Nigue, Alfred Novak, Amos Nelson, Robert W. Nelson, Einer R. Nordlie, Thurston Nichols, Edward Nordmark, Guiseppe Nezrio, C. Nunzio. Joseph Owens, Alfred J. O'Connor, Gunmar Olson, Ivan A. Olson, John F. Osborn, Gale A. Olmstead, William H. Owens, Albert J. O'Neil, Waldenar R. Overstrom, Marvin Olcott, Jr. James L. Peters, John J. Pierson, William G. Pratt, Edward H. Phenes, Kenneth J. Powell, Gustaf Peterson, Gose Pesage, Angelo Patrizio, Blane Potter, Carl J. Pierce, Frederick F. Phillips, Salvatore Peck, Oscar J. Phillips, Lawrence D. Perkins, Floyd W. Pierce, Ray- mond R. Powell, Clarence Potter, Robert L. Park, Salvadore Peck, Henry Eli Parsons, Edward J. Palme, Jr. Claude E. Reep, R. E. Riffle, E. H. Rogers, Michael Rossini, Charles Russell, Fred L. Richardson, Hugh Rodgor, John Rovolo, Fred Runge, Joseph H. Rhinehart, James L. Ripley, Floyd E. Rice, John Rucci, C. F. Randall, Charles F. Relihan, Clarence B. Rothwell, William L. Rumenapp, Eark P. Robinson, Benjamin F. Reynolds, Arthur Rutlege, Jr., Henry Rummings, Paul L. Russell, Frank Rossini, William Rotsell, Jr., Paul Reinheimer, John Russell, Dennis F. Rooney, Earl P. Robinson, Ernest V. Rose, Joseph Rontoto. Thomas Salina, John Schrok, Joseph Segman, Charles S. Steph- ens, Samuel Semple, John W. Skedmore, William A. Sullivan, David F. Soper, Walter E. Seaman, Clarence W. Short, Cassius E. Simmons, Harold A. Smith, Parley Simmons, Raymond J. Stadley, Robert L. Stickler, Walter Seiderman, Arthur Stadler, Clayton Spencer, Charles Schonleber, Floyd Stickler, Harry E. Scheider, Frank J. Schichtel, Herman G. Suhr, Frank L. Schilberger, John Stickley, Milton J. Smith, Charles H. Sayre, Roy E. Swain, Harry F. Smith, Melvin J. Smith, Fred H. Swan, Willard Stoll, John Strong, H. C. Severson, Layton C. Sprakes, William Semple, W. B. Sherwood, Albert A. Sullivan, James O. Scott, John Szalowski, Charles F. Stansbury, Walter L. Sackett, James B. Simons. Frank Tongue, George W. Totten, Clarence R. Teeper, Francis E. Teets, Ernest Thomas, James Tucker, Einer Thornton, Amos Taylor, Patrick F. Tracy, Oscar F. Terrill, Ancil W. Towner, William G. Tracy, J. E. Townsend, A. L. Tinker, Raymond Tenbroeck, Russell R. Tromaine, Andrew H. W. Thornton. Corning Men In the World War — Heroes All! 483 George Undereiner, R. E. Updegraf. Kenneth E. Vail, Antonio Varrichio, William H. Vanderhoef, Joseph N. Vang, D. E. VanEtten. Paul A. Watson, Wallace Winnie, Edwin Wood, John Weed, E. R. Williams, Thomas L. Wolton, Earl J. Wasson, Gaylord E. Webster, Charles C. Wilcox, Ralph Williams, John J. Woodard, Harry E. Welch, J. L. Watkins, Carl B. Weatherbee, Harold J. West, Earl Wetmore, Orson W. Wilcox, Robert C. V/ilcox, William William- son, Dwight Williamson, Mike Willoichi, Emerson Wheeler, Lewis Waters, Basil Wilcox, Oscar Williamson, Walter Winfree, Leon L. Wilkins, Elof Wahlgren, Wallace W. Woods, Merton E. Wescott, Ross V/arren, Glen Webster, K. W. Wetherbee, E. D. Willsey, Paul Winfield, Thomas Welty. Manuel Xenakis, Nick Xntly. Ernest E. Yeaples, Mike Yero. Frank Zelinski, Toney Zaeno, Rocco Zino. Corning Men Who Served In the United States Navy. Neil J. Allen, Clarence B. Austin. Thomas Francis Brady, Lewis A. Blodgett, Thomas F. Brady, Mason Bowers, Paul T. Breed, Earl E. Burley. James P. Canney, Edwin J. Carpenter, Edward L. Casey, Stanley E. Crego, Verne E. Crumm, Harry W. Cupp. Edward F, Dalton, Irwin F. Darrin, John W. Deneen, Edward Durkin, Thomas F. Donahue. H. G. Eastman. Fay Fenderson, Joseph Fenderson, Mariano Fenicchia, Edward Fitzpatrick, Robert Frazier. Frank V. Gill, William E, Gorton, Jr., George S. Goss, Hilton Grader. Harry W. Hebe, John V. Heyniger, Richard L. Hill, Asa Hood, Carl J. Hyde. J. Raymond Jackson. Leon Keagle, Henry Ketchum, Clarence F. Keyes, Arthur L. Kneale. Edward J. McCarty, Harry McGee, Francis J. McGinnis, Robert F. Mahoney. Leo Otten, John R. F. Osborne. Ted Pascall, J. Arthur Peck. R. Riffles, Matthew J. Ryan. Clayton H. Semple, Randolph Sensabaugh, Morris L. Smith, Ray Smith, Theodore H. Smith, William A. Spencer, F. Earl Suits. 484 Corning Men In the World War — Heroes All! George H. Teeter, Clayton H. Temple. Edwin S. Underbill, Jr., W. Allen Underbill, Harry Ubl Cbester Dewey Vaughn. Bert Wells. Charles Williams. Captain Martin Mahar, of Coming, who bad served fifteen years in the United States Marines, died from wounds received in battle in France, while leading a charge at Bois de Belleau. Brigadier-General Lucien G. Berry, of Corning, was the chief artillery officer of the Thirty-Fifth Division of the American force in France. He graduated at West Point. H. H. Noyes, of Corning, was a Major in the service in France and took part in severe fighting. Lieutenant John L. Hoare, (son of James Hoare, of Corning), an aviator in the service of the United States, gave a number of exhibi- tion flights from the Houghton flats, Sept. 7, 1918. He was accom- panied aloft by Virgil Tupper, of Corning, who was in training for air service. The plane looped-tbe-loop several times, and made a number of thrilling spiral and tail spins. George W. Pratt, of Corning, was in the air service, and taught aviation at a Federal training camp. Reginald Sinclaire, of Coming, aviator in the service of France, was awarded the Criox de Guerre. He brought down several German war aeroplanes. Considering the number of Corning men who were members of the American Expeditionary Force " over seas," and those who served in the Navy, the list of dead and wounded is marvelously small. While the United States entered the conflict at a late period, it is conceded by both its allies and the enemy, that the valor of the Americans on land and sea, turned the tide of battle, and was the means of hastening the Kaiser's flight and Germany's surrender. The Coming men who were in training for war service when Commissioners of the Imperial German Empire, on November 11, 1918, signed the armistice that ended the World Conflict, are no less entitled to full recognition as members of the " Grand Army of Freedom," than the men of America who faced the enemy. And the spirit of militant patriotism so abounded throughout the land of the " Stars and Stripes," during the period of conflict, that the few who were of contrary mind found that discreet silence meant safety. The home people also helped win the war. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LX. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity, 1915 to 1919. MARRIED, At Mansfield, Pa., January 6, 1915, Maynard L. Allen, of Corning, and Miss Nettie L. daughter of A. C. Ayers, of Mansfield. In Coming, January 12, 1915, by Rev. James M. Bustin, William P. Fleming and Miss Wanda Wenderlich. In Corning, January 19, 1915, by Rev. Raymond C. Quigley, Francis J. Ward and Miss Bertha L. Bentley. In Coming, February 11, 1915, by Rev. Raymond C. Quigley, John J. Littlefield and Miss Rose C. Schichtel. In Corning, Febmary 15, 1915, by Rev Walter J. Lee, William H. McMahon and Miss Cecelia M. Hart. In Corning, April 28, 1915, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, Floyd F. Rose, of Gibson, and Miss Mary A. Morgan, of Corning. In Corning, May 6, 1915, by Rev. James M. Bustin, William I. Schroeder and Miss Lena Fay Barber. In Corning, May 12, 1915, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Timothy L. Driscoll and Miss Elizabeth M. Hart. In Coming, June 8, 1915, by Rev. John Chester Ball, John Charles Bostelmann, Jr., and Sophie daughter of Harry H. Pratt. In Corning, May 8, 1915, Dennis Curtin and Miss Mary A. Walsh. In Bath, June 18, 1915, by Rev. R. C. Grames, E. Douglas Bon- ham, of Painted Post, and Miss Mildred D. Lawrence. In Corning, June 21, 1915, by Rev. N. E. Fuller, Harold Kirkland Switzer, of Litchfield, Ct., and Evelyn H. daughter of Dr. J. L. Miller. June 24, 1915, by Rev. W. I. McGarvey, Frank Corwin, Jr., of Painted Post, and Miss Hazel J. Christian, of Corning. In Coming, June 20, 1915, by Rev. Mark R. Chapman, Levi V. Tubbs and Miss Sarah Bassett. 485 486 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1915. In Corning, June 30, 1915, by Rev. Mark R. Chapman, Elmer H. Wheaton and Harriet L. daughter of J. Monroe Scudder. In Corning, July 14, 1915, by Rev. John A. Conway, Vance W. Baker and Mary daughter of T. J. Fisher. In Corning, July 25, 1915, by Rev. Mark R. Chapman, George J. Robbins and Mrs. Henrietta Mack, daughter of George Payne. In Coming, August 3, 1915, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Timothy H. Cavanaugh and Miss Anna M. Rogers. In Corning, August 3, 1915, by Rev. William M. Cassidy, Roy D. Hickey and Miss Augusta A. Schroeder. In Corning, August 7, 1915, by Rev. W. N. Liddy, Frederick L. Rogers, Jr. and Miss Emma Hayes, both of Hornby. In Corning, September 8, 1915, by Rev. Z. S. Farland, Arthur W. Deuerlein and Miss Hazel B. Young. In Corning, September 14, 1915, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Henry W. Ainsworth and Miss Elizabeth B. Rahilly. In Corning, September 16, 1915, by Rev. J. R. Adams, Casson W. Olmstead, of Painted Post, and Miss Anna M. Baker, of Corning. In Corning, October 21, 1915, by Rev. Benjamin A. Coleman, Wilmot A. Putnam and Miss Vauleda M. Scofield. In Corning, October 27, 1915, by Rev. John C. Ball, George D. Shinners and Mina M. daughter of Andrew C. Phenes. At Little Flats, town of Corning, October 28, 1915, by Rev. Z. S. Farland, Lawrence T. Colby and Laura B. daughter of R. F. Park. In Corning, November 16, 1915, by Rev. William Rafferty, James E. Mitchell and Miss Mary E. Stenger. In Corning, November 18, 1915, by Rev. Z. S. Farland, Raymond H. Lockwood and Hebe M. daughter of Frederick S. Bragg. In Corning, November 27, 1915, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Jackson C. Savage and Helen daughter of Simeon J. Barker. In Corning, December 15, 1915, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, Edwin R. Williams and Ethel F. daughter of Frank Pierce. In Corning, December 24, 1915, by Rev. Mark R. Chapman, Harry J. Begell and Miss Genevieve May Hutchinson. In Corning, December 26, 1915, by Rev. William I. McGarvey, Walter R. Maddox and Miss Ellen Rosier. In Corning, December 28, 1915, by Rev. Z. S. Farland, Irving E. Noakes, of Auburn, and Grace daughter of Robert R. Allison. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1915-'16. 487 In Corning, December 29, 1915, by Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, Perry F. Nichols and A. Belle daughter of Daniel C. Hungerford. In Coming, January 25, 1916, by Rev. William A. Rafferty, Adrien E. Krebs and Miss Helen Dagon. In Corning, January 30, 1916, by Rev. John R. Adams, Harold J. Underwood and Miss Anna Bell. In Corning, February 8, 1916, by Rev, Arthur C. Smith, Thomas Moran, of Curtis, and Mae J. daughter of Dennis McCarthy. In Corning, March 6, 1916, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, Edward T. Gaiusha and Miss Leonore I. Crane. In Corning, March 12, 1916, by Rev. L. R. Williamson, Wade W. Pease and Blanche A. daughter of George E. Satterly. In Corning, March 25, 1916, by Rev. Z. S. Farland, Harry Flaitz and Miss Bessie Kimble. In Corning, April 19, 1916, by Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, Roy B. Lapp and Winifred M. daughter of Charles A. Reynolds. In Corning, April 25, 1916, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, Frank H. Haradon, of Corning, and Mrs. Eliza M. Taylor, of Gibson. In Corning, May 1, 1916, by Rev. William A. Rafferty, Joseph E. O'Hara and Miss Helen J. Egginton. In Corning, May 8, 1916, by Rev. H. S. Stewart, Arthur J. Smith and Miss Elizabeth S. Gumsey. In Corning, May 16, 1916, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Michael J. Gilmartin and Miss Sarah A. Doland. In Corning, May 16, 1916, Wm. McMason and Laura I. Wells. In Corning, May 17, 1916, John E. Kelley and Esther S. Rew. In Corning, May 24, 1916, by Rev. L. R. Williamson, Samuel Merrick and Elizabeth M. Palmer. In Corning, June 20, 1916, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, John J. Crowe, and Alice F. daughter of John E. Sullivan. In Corning, June 21, 1916, by Rev. John A. Conway, Francis J Haughey, of Corning, and Julia E. Smith, of Painted Post. In Corning, June 21, 1916, by Rev. John R. Adams, Edwin T. Jenks, of Painted Post, and Miss Estella O. Pillow, of Coming. At Coopers Plains, June 21, 1916, by Rev. Ellsworth A. Snyder, Fred L. Miller, of Painted Post, and Miss Mary F. Dann. At Christ Church, Corning, June 22, 1916, by Rev Z. S. Farland, Francis W. Hay, of Newark, N. J., and Miss Doris W. Drake. 488 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1916. In Caton, June 21, 1916, by Rev. S. I. Smith, Charley E. Lewis and Nettie C. daughter of James Marcy. In Corning, June 26, 1916, by Rev. WilHam A. Rafferty, Leo J. Krebs and Mary K. daughter of Albert L. Sullivan. In Corning, July 1, 1916, by Rev. L. R. Williamson, David Payne and Miss Ellen Conley. In Corning, July 8, 1916, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Walter E. Horton and Eva L. daughter of Herman M. Bressler. In Corning, July 18, 1916. by Rev. Walter J. Lee, John W. Riff and Esther T. daughter of Mrs. Mary Doyle. In Coming, July 20, 1916, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Gerald Farrell and Ethel A. daughter of A. L. Scranton. In Painted Post, August 23, 1916, by Rev. Ellsworth A, Snyder, Glenn F. Luckey and Miss Claudia E. Smith. W. Harold Huber, of Corning, and Alice L. Stevens were mar- ried at Coudersport, Pa., August 24, 1916. In Corning, September 5, 1916, by Rev. L. R. Williamson, Claude W. Schuyler and Bertha T. daughter of H. G. Drehmer. In Corning, September 12, 1916, by Rev. Walter J. Eee, John J. Rohde and Miss Mary H. Cunningham. In Coming, September 23, 1916, by Rev. John Allen, of Hornby, Ollie Stevens and Emma daughter of Freeman Stanton. L. Randolph Gary, of Coming, and Miss A. Maude Chase, of Painted Post, were married October 9, by Rev. N. E. Fuller. In Coming, October 10, 1916, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, Earl Parker and Miss Edna Murray. In Corning, November 14, 1916, by Rev. James M. Bustin, James J. Moran and Miss Alice F. Garty. In Coming, November 14, 1916, by Rev. William A. Rafferty, William J. Johnson and Miss Agnes M. Vallely. In Corning, November 29, 1916, by Rev. Z. S. Farland, Valen- tine F. Share and Miss Josephine M. Richardson. In Corning, November 30, 1916, by Rev. Arthur Smith, Leon E. Rogers and Viola M. daughter of William English, of Caton. In Coming, December 3, 1916, by Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, John T. Bell and Miss Amy 0. Norris. In Corning, December 24, 1916, by Rev. Z. S. Farland, LeRoy H. Baker and Miss Ethel R. Shattuck. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1917. 489 In Corning, January 22, 1817, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, J. Wilbur Coughtry and Pearl E. daughter of Jacob Harer. In Coming, February 10, 1917, by Rev. J. M. Bustin, John Joseph Cowley and Miss Catherine Rose. In Corning, February 26, 1917, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Garry Bennett and Miss Adeline C. Levi. In Corning, March 6, 1917, by Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, William S, Lovejoy and Miss Ethel M. Fulkerson. In Corning, March 22, 1917, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, William L. Cunningham and Miss Ruth Roland, both of Painted Post. In Corning, May 1, 1917, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, William Rother and Miss Winifred A. Canton. In Corning, May 24, 1917, by Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, Robert O. Satterly and Miss Eva E. Marsh. At Gibson, May 28, 1917, by Rev. W. J. Riker, Rockwell Marlatt and Elsie daughter of Edward VanEtten. In Corning, June 14, 1917, by Rev. John A. Conway, Charles C. Craig and Miss Dallas E. daughter of Herbert F. Aldam. In Corning, June 25, 1917, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Clarence E. Button and Helen C. daughter of John T. Kennedy. In Corning, June 26, 1917, by Rev. L. R. Williamson, Harry H. Metcalf and Miss Bertha E. Keatch. In Corning, July 5, 1917, by Rev. William A. Rafferty, Jarleth B. Mileth and Ethel K. daughter of E. R. Saxton. In Corning, July 7, 1917, by Rev. Harold S. Stewart, J. Albert King and Irene M. daughter of Oscar Hill. In Syracuse, August 20, 1917, Ralph B. Huber, of Corning, and Miss Marian E. Bates, of Farfield, Me. In Campbell, August 29, 1917, by Rev. John Miller, Elmer Lewis Fuller and Miss Bemice Eccles. In Painted Post, September 4, 1917, by Rev. John Knox, Leland R. Hoke and Miss Mabel Velie. In Coming, September 15, 1917, by Rev. William T. Sherwood, Boyd Mahaffey and Leonore daughter of William Richardson. In Corning, October 16, 1917, by Rev. James M. Bustin, Robert S. Fish and Marie A. daughter of James W. Nolan. In Corning, November 27, 1917, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, William J. Cragan and Miss Mary H. McCarty. 490 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 19 17-' 18. In Corning, November 29, 1917, by Rev. James M. Bustin, George F. Givens and Mary H. daughter of M. J. Brann. In Coming, November 29, 1917, by Rey. Harold S. Stewart, W. McNamara Roody and Miss Mabel V. Doane. In Corning, November 30, 1917, by Rev. Rudolph Vieweg, Fred W. Ring and Miss Louise M. Meyers. At Christ Church, Corning, December 11, 1917, by Rev. Z. S. Farland, Lieutenant Dorsey 0. Thomas, of Memphis, Tenn., and Gretchen daughter of Dr. William E. Gorton, of Corning. In Corning, December 11, 1917, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Walter A. Price, of Painted Post, and Miss Katherine E. VanDnsen. In Corning, December 19, 1917, by Rev. John Chester Ball, Lieut. Nelson Stone, of Wareham, Mass., and Marion daughter of William J. Heermans, of Coming. In Corning, December 29, 1917, by Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, Myles E. Mclntyre, of Painted Post, and Genevieve L. McCabe. In Coming, February 28, 1918, by Rev. W. T. Sherwood, James T. Erwin, of Addison, and Miss Doras A. Anderson, of Corning. In Painted Post, Snnday, March 10, 1918, by W. J. Masters, Esq., Muile T. Woodcock and Miss Rachel A' Brown. March 16, 1918, Harold White Carr and Eda I. Haischer, both of Corning. In Corning, April 11, 1918, by Rev. John A. Conway, Charles E. Githler and Josephine C. daughter of Charles H. Bennett. In Corning, April 16, 1918, by Rev. John A. Conway, Thomas X. O'Connor, of Addison, and Miss Agnes Schneider, of Corning. In Coming, April 17, 1918, by Rev. L. R. Williamson, Fred D. Mettler and Miss Pearl E. Winfield. In Corning, May 7, 1918, by Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, Fred G. Anderson and Maude E. daughter of W. H. Buck. At Rochester, May 11, 1918, Attorney Verne V. Ryon, of Corn- ing, and Elizabeth daughter of F. J. Easterbrook, of Hornby. In Painted Post, May 25, 1918, by Rev. Robert E. Brettel, Orrin W. Fisher, of Corning, and Miss Esther E. Rogers, of Painted Post. In Corning, June 5, 1918, by Rev. Arthur Partington, Jesse C. Clarendon, of Tioga, Pa., and Lillian B. Lamb, of Corning. In Coming, June 11, 1918, by Rev. John A. Conway, Robert V. Austin and Miss Hazel E. Ash, daughter of D. F. Ash. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1918. 491 In Corning, June 27, 1918, by Rev. William A. Rafferty, Louis B. Terbrack and Mrs. Margaret R. Shane. At Painted Post, August 22, 1918, by Rev. John Knox, his son James A. Knox and Miss Henrietta M. Butler, of Rochester, N. H. In Corning, August 31, 1918, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, Peter M. GriflEin and Mary A. daughter of John D. McGannon. At El Paso, Texas, September 1, 1918, Sergeant H. H. Bock, of Troop L, Fifth United States Cavalry, and Miss Caroline Lathrop, of Corning, a nurse in the American Red Cross Service. In Corning, September 3, 1918, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, John W. Murphy and Cecelia daughter of John T. Wixted. In Corning, September 8, 1918, by Rev. Z. A. Jones, Alexander Harris and Sarah E. daughter of Augustus D. Watkins. In Corning, September 16, 1918, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, John T. Kelly and Catherine C. daughter of Patrick Deenen. In Corning, October 19, 1918, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, John J. Grady and Margaret daughter of Thomas J. Sullivan. October 19, 1918, by Rev. Henry E. Hubbard, Lewis L. Clark and Miss Bessie Bragg, both of Corning. At Buffalo, October 26, 1918, John LeValley and Miss Elizabeth R. Wilder, both of Painted Post. In Corning, November 2, 1918, by Rev. George S. G. Hares, Samuel E. Morse and Margaret daughter of Jesse Robinson. In Corning, November 11, 1918, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, William F. Hart and Miss Margaret Callahan. At Christ Church, Corning, November 29, 1918, by Rev. Z. S. Farland, John G. Haefele and Florence A. daughter of H. R. Austin. In Corning, November 30, 1918, by Rev. L. R. Williamson, Arthur C. Jack and Miss Lula E. Rhoda. In Corning, December 3, 1918, by Rev. John A. Comvay, John P. Dean and Miss Grace Vandermark. At Painted Post, December 25, 1918, by Rev. E. A. Snyder, Ralph Dickens and Bessie B. daughter of Titus L. Smith. In Painted Post, December 25, 1918, by Rev. E. A. Snyder, Robert W. Soper, of Addison, and Miss Florernce E. Ward, of Erwin. Robert H. Bassett, of Painted Post, and Katherine A. Morse, of Blackstone, Va., were married December 26, 1918. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LXL Events In and About Corning — 1918 to 1920. THE ARMISTICE Signed at Compiegne, November 11, 1918, by the plenipotentiaries of the defeated Imperial German Gov- ernment, stopped the slaughter and the destruction, but did not and could not efface any of the effects of the appalling strife. There was a period of " bargain driving " between the victor nations and the vanquished, (from which America held aloof), that in 1919 produced the Treaty of Versailles, but this patchwork truce did not restore normal relations among the nations of the Old World. All business affairs were so unsettled that some of the victor nations at the close of the year 1921, were in even worse plight than the Germans, and three years after the people of Corning held their jubilee on receipt of word that the Armistice was signed, one-fourth of the city's bread-winners were jobless, and most of these unfortu- nates had been without employment since the Christmas holidays of 1920. This was the condition throughout the United States generally. But " The Star Spangled Banner " still waves O'er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave ! That the men and women of Corning and vicinity were brave of heart and exemplified the American spirit, in the unsettled days that characterized post-war conditions, commonly termed the " Period of Readjustment," is indicated in these additional chapters dealing with current events in and about Corning. A movement having gained considerable headway in the city in favor of so changing the form of municipal government as to do away with the Mayor and Common Council and set up rule by a City Manager, the Taxpayers' Association came to the defense of the established order. At a public meeting held under the auspices of the Association, Jan. 3, 1919, the following resolution was adopted : " Resolved, That we make earnest protest against making any change in the City Charter that would do away with the election of a 492 Period of Business Depression Affects All Industries. 493 Mayor, as Chief Executive of the city by direct vote of the people, or that would change the present system of electing members of the Common Council." The propagandists soon gave up their attempt to establish a City Manager or Commission form of municipal government. January 8, 1919.— Due to falling off of traffic, 16 freight trains of the local division of the New York Central were discontinued. January 28, 1919, Rev. Elmer J. Stuart was installed as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Corning. February 1, 1919. — The IngersoU-Rand Company, of Painted Post, announced that the owing to a falling off in orders, the daily work schedule would be reduced to eight hours — a drop of two hours. In February, 1919, $1,000 was raised by the Corning Woman's Club, to equip and maintain a " rest room " for women and children, in the basement of the First National Bank Building. In March, 1919, members of Corning Chapter of the Red Cross collected and shipped for the use of destitute persons in France and Belgium nearly eight tons of worn clothing. In April, 1919, Governor Smith signed an act amending the city charter, so as to permit the issuance by the Common Council of not to exceed $30,000 in any one year for permanent municipal work, and to increase the annual salary of each Assessor to $400. The local Red Cross conducted a number of classes in home nursing, with Miss Johanna James as instructor. Coming Chapter of the American Red Cross presented supplies valued at $6,000 to the National Red Cross Society. April 27, 1919. — Bishop Hickey, of the Diocese of Rochester, confirmed 239 persons at the three Catholic Churches in Corning — at the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, 75 ; at St. Mary's, 121 ; at St. Patrick's, 43. He delivered an address at each church. The First National Bank of Corning subscribed for $250,000 of the fifth issue of Liberty Bonds. May 1, 1919.— At a banquet held in connection with the annual meeting of Coming Consistory, Scottish Rite Masons, announcement was made that Frank B. Hower, of Buffalo, has contributed $40,000 to the fund being raised for the construction in Corning of a Cathe- dral, for the use of the various local Masonic bodies. Mr. Hower is an honorary member of Corning Consistory. 494 Graduates of High School and Academy in 1919. The following students were graduated at the Commencement Exercises of the Corning Free Academy, held June 23, 1919 : Mary Elizabeth Barnard, Francis L. Brady, William D. Cunning- ham, Dorothy Day, Helen L. Doane, Charlotte A. Elwood, M. Irene Gilday, Vivian L. Gridley, Emily L. Howell, Eva B. Jewett, Barbara Kendall, E. Leighten Knapp, Barbara Kriger, Elizabeth G. Skelley, Mary Simmons, John H. Stenson, Robert Q. Thomas, Catherine D. Towne, Joseph T. Ward, Marion A. Wilcox, Walter J. McCarthy, Margaret Mclnerney, Margaret A. McMahon, Mary F. McMahon, Leslie A. Maltby, Elizabeth S. Mullaney, Mary F. O'Hara, Virginia M. Parsons, Rose Phillips, Alice R. Richardson, Jessie A. Said. The evening of June 24, 1919, the following students w^ere graduated at public exercises held at the Northside High School : Ethel McGarvey, Elsie Vollgraf, Winifred Maltby, Frank Kiff, Leonard Schofield, Elsie Cortright, Vesta Pepper, Mary Kelly, Mildred Kettyle, Myrtle Barnard, Marion Rhodes, Dorothy Van- Nortwick, Reynold Lechner, Freda Miller, Maybelle Audinwood, Leon Johnson, Lila Squier, Margaret McLaughlin, Alta Mattoon, Bernice Decker, Marion Knox and Madge Blackwell. In July, 1919, the Board of Education of the Southside School District of Corning, (District No. 9), engaged J. Murray Foster, of Dannsville, N. Y., as Superintendent of Schools. July 7, 1919. — The Common Council passed an ordinance to permit Sunday exhibitions of moving pictures. July 21, 1919. — Arthur D. Moore, Commander-in-Chief of Corning Consistory, appointed the following members to serve with him as a committee to build the proposed Scottish Rite Cathedral : Warren J. Cheney, John Comosh, Howard Herr and Francis C. Williams. The second week in August, 1919, the Q. W. Wellington Bank was moved from the Dickenson House to the Concert Hall Block. The Fire Commissioners disbanded the Independent Hose Co. Edward Preger was elected President of the Corning Chamber of Commerce, to succeed Andrew Maltby, resigned. Two car-loads of surplus government canned goods were sent to Corning and sold at the city market at reduced prices. On August 26, 1919, the Home Defense Company organized for emergency service during the war, was mustered out. On Monday evening, September 8, 1919, the Corning Country Club was organized, with fifty charter members. Dr. George W. Lane For Fifth Time Elected Mayor. 495 On the morning of September 4, 1919, George M. Bartlett, for a number of years employed as a clerk at the Corning post office, . dropped dead near his home on East First street, while on his way to perform is usual work. Heart failure caused his death. September 5, 1919, Mrs. Solomon A. Campbell, aged 94 years, died in Painted Post. Her maiden name was Emiline B. Gamble. The week of Leptember 25, 1919, two full car-loads of United States food supplies, were sold at Painted Post. The last week in September, 1919, a second shipment of United States war supplies — this time three car-loads — was received and sold at low prices to local householders. October 2, 1919, Walter A. Brennan, of Ithaca, was appointed General Secretary of the Corning Chamber of Commerce. October 3, 1919.— Dr. A. M. Breed, aged 55 years, died at his home in Coming. He was a member of the First Baptist Church and of the State and local chapters of the Sons of the American Revolution, and a zealous supporter of " up-lift " movements. October 6, 1919, the Corning Chamber of Commerce changed its headquarters from the upper floor of the First National Bank Build- ing to the first floor rooms in the Dickinson House formerly occupied by the Q. W. Wellington Bank. At the annual session of Genesee Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held in Rochester in October, the following local appointments were made : Superintendent of Corning District, to reside in Corning, Rev. E. J. Rosengrant ; pastor of the First Method- ist Church in Corning, George S. G. Hares ; pastor of Grace Church, Corning, F. W. Sessions ; pastor at Painted Post, R. E. Brettle. November 4, 1919, Dr. George W. Lane was for the fifth time elected Mayor of the city of Corning. At this election propositions were carried to pave, with brick, the hill-side section of Cedar street, William street, and Lauren street between William and Pulteney. November 7, 1919, Rev. Russell J. Clinchy was installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Canpbell. November 9, 1919. — Rev. Leo F. Hurd, of Corning, recently ordained a priest, celebrated his first Mass this morning, at St. Patrick's Cnurch, He is a son of Frank E. Hurd, of Second street. A Post of the American Legion, composed of men who served in in the World War, was formed November 11 — the anniversary of signing the Armistice by Germany's representatives. It was named 496 Daughters Revolution Banquet 500 World War Men. "' John P. Eaton Post," in memory of a Corning man killed in the war. The following temporary officers were chosen : President, Joseph Uhl ; Secretary, Arthur H. Richter ; Treasurer, Frank S. Conable. November 14, 1919. — Dr. Edwin J. Carpenter, aged 55 years, died. He had been for eight years an invalid. When in health he served as a member of the Common Council and was a member of the Board of Education of the Northside School District. He was a physician of excellent standing and especially skilled in surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Houghten present $10,000 to the Corning Hospital, to be used as the Directors deem best. November 22, 1919, Leon R. Matson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Matson, of Corning, received from the British Crown Prince, on board a Royal Navy battleship in the port of New York, a " British Military Cross." It was bestowed for gallant conduct in the field on September 27, 1918, in front of the Hindenberg line, east of Konssory, France, in commanding and fearlessly leading his Com- pany after all the officers and the First Sergeant had been killed or wounded. He was a member of Company M, 105th Infantry, 27th Division. At the time he was mustered out of service he was a Sergeant and wore the American " Distinguished Service Cross." Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 1919, the annual football game between the Corning High School and the Free Academy teams, was won by the High School. Score, 20 to 0. On Saturday, December 6, 1919, the corner-stone of the new Masonic Cathedral, on Walnut street near First, was laid with •imposing ceremonies. Delegations were present from forty lodges, as guests of the " Blue Lodge " of Coming. Saturday evening, December 8, 1919, five hundred men of Corn- ing, home from war service, were guests of Corning Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution at a banquet held in the auditorium at the City Hall. A number of brief addresses were delivered. Dr. William E. Gorton, Coming's first Mayor, presided. December 20, 1919, Rev. Z. S. Farland resigned the pastorate of Christ Episcopal Church, Corning, effective at once. Charles B. Wing, aged 73 years, senior member of the general merchandise firm of Wing & Bostwick, died December 29, 1919. He was stricken with appoplexy a few hours before his demise, while at his place of business. He was an ideal neighbor and was a zealous worker for the advancement of community interests. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LXIL Events In and About Corning In the Year 1920. Jl. GEORGE W. LANE, Mayor of Corning, at a meeting of the Common Council held January 5, 1920, recommended that the proposal to build a highway bridge across the Chemung River at Pine street, be submitted to the taxpayers without delay. He said: "Delay will not help us; Corning needs another bridge." January 6, 1920, John S. Kennedy, of Corning, was elected President of the New York State Prison Commission. The bank of Q. W. Wellington & Company was reorganized and incorporated as " The Corning Trust Company," with the following Directors : Q. W. Wellington, Benjamin W. Wellington, Alanson B. Houghton, William J. Tully, G. Arthur Heermans, George B. Hollis- ter and John L. Thomas. January 14, 1920, J. Orville Wood, of Erie, Pa., succeeded Arthur W.Stanton as manager of the Coming Printing Company; Mr. Stanton is to manage real estate in Florida for Glenn Curtiss. The final number of the Corning Daily Journal was issued January 21, 1920. The subscription list and good will of the paper passed to the Corning Evening Leader ; the office equipment was sold to various parties ; Aaron F. Williams purchased the Journal building and made extensive changes to meet the requirements of merchandizing. A power Gordon job press was purchased by Uri Mulford, and on it, aided by an electric motor, he printed this book, four pages at a " run." Aldermen Hallahan, Gurnsey and Oldfied, a committee appointed to investigate the matter of building a bridge across the Chemung at Pine street, reported to the Common Council, February 2, 1920, in favor of a cement structure to cost not to exceed $300,000, and that a special city election be held February 24 to decide the question of issuing bonds. The election resulted in a vote of 879 Yes, 403 No. 497 498 Corning Swept By Epidemic of Spanish Influenza. February 16, 1920, heavy winds accompanying a fall of snow tied up all the railroads entering Corning for nearly 24 hours. Two emergency hospitals were opened in Corning, the second week in February, 1920, to care for persons ill with grip and various attendant complications. Nearly 1,200 severe cases occurred. February 24, 1920. — Daniel C. Hungerford, aged 64 years, died at his home in Corning. He had for 25 years been Superintendent of the Standard Manufacturing Company of Corning. The Common Council refused to allow the use of a portion of the public square known as Court House Park as a site for a new Free Academy building. March 17, 1920.— Piatt White, aged 86 years, one of the most kind and noble of men, a citizen of the best repute, died at his home in Corning, this afternoon. He was senior member of the firm of P. White & Son, dealers in men's clothing and furnishings. March 18, 1920.— Announcement was made that Elias D. Bost- wick, one of the founders of the Wing & Bostwick Department Store, had by purchase become sole owner of the establishment. April 3, 1920. — Announcement was made by the Ingersoll-Rand Company that it would add a large iron foundry to its shops at Painted Post, with a view to making all stock castings used there. On Sunday afternoon, April 11, 1920, while Isaac N. Easterbrook, of Corning, was at the side of the highway near East Corning, fixing a punctured tire of his automobile, he was struck by a passing car and fatally injured. He conducted a musical instrument store. Captain Charles H. Freeman, aged 80 years, died April 15, 1920, at his home in Corning. He served in the Civil War as a member of the 141st Regiment, New York State Volunteer Infantry ; was for a score of years a grocer in Corning, and in his later years conducted a pension agency and insurance business. He served one term in office as Commander-in-Chief of the New York State Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. Mrs. Freeman, two sons, Syl- vester and Irving, and a daughter, Mrs. Alfred Maltby, survive. April 15, 1920, J. K. Moyer, for several years proprietor of an extensive bakery on East Market street, purchased the bakery of George M. Colgrove, on Park avenue. The East Market street bakery was discontinued a few weeks later. An annual convention of the New York State Embalmers' Association was held at the Odd Fellows' Temple, in Corning, April Taxpayers Authorize Erection of New Free Academy. 499 27, 28 and 29, 1920. The members of the Entertainment Committee were the following Corning undertakers and embalmers : Fred A. Sarsfield, R E. Fletcher and Daniel Stimson. Quincey W. Wellington, aged 88 years, died May 3, 1920. He had been a banker in Corning since September, 1862 ; he was an important factor in financing mercantile and manufacturing under- takings that had to do with the development of first the village and later the city of Coming; his judgment in business matters was excellent ; he was a leader in educational circles and an influential and dependable member of Christ Episcopal Church. His surviving children are Benjamin W. Wellington, Miss Catherine A. Wellington, Mrs. Alanson B. Houghton, and Miss Sarah Etz Wellington. At a meeting of electors of the Southside School District of the city of Corning, held Tuesday evening, May 4, 1920, the Board of Education was given authority to issue not to exceed $500,000 in bonds to purchase a site and erect thereon a Free Academy. The vote was 377 for and 44 against. On Monday, May 12, 1920, the formal transfer of the Q. W. Wellington Bank to the Corning Trust Company was made. Officers of the Trust Company : President— William J. Heermans ; Vice- President— W. S. Heyniger; Secretary— G. Arthur Heermans ; Treas- urer— W. B. Hunt; Assistant Treasurer— C. E. Pier. Saturday morning, May 22, about 3 o'clock, four men burglarized the Corning post office ; a safe was blown open with dynamite and the locks of two vaults wrecked by explosions ; stamps and cash amounting to near $2,000 were stolen. The " Yeggmen " escaped in an automobile stolen from a private garage. Thirty-eight students were graduated at the commencement exercises of the Corning Free Academy held June 21, 1920. Their names follow: Ida M. Breed, Julia C. Burrell, Helen S. Heermans, Bertie Marie Hillman, Marion H. Holmes, Marie Howe, Amy E. Kemp, Mary B. Killigrew, Ellen E. McDermott, Helen H. Pratt, Lucile C. Sleight, Marie S. Sorensen, Frances E. Thomas, Kathryn I.' Tuthill, Dorothy M. Veysey, Esther M. Webster, Helen M. Willisford, John D. Amey, Harry A. Coger, John S. Cornell, Dorothy H. Meyers, George Stenson, Norman G. E. Sharp, Franklin E. Stasch, Wallace S. Allen, Margaret E. Amey, Marea J. Beebe. Catherine V. Canny, Catherine E. Collins, Frances V. Deneen, Harry B. Ecker, Jr., Flor- ence M. Killigrew, Adelbert E. Kretchmann, Dahris B. Martin, Roy Benson Miller. Mary L. Morrow, Viola J. Steucke, Olive D. Rice. 500 Rev. Walter J. Lee Honored With Jubilee Celebration. June 22, 1920, Win C. Sleight was elected President of the Corn- ing Chamber of Commerce, to serve for one year beginning July 1. June 21, 1920, a class of 41 students was graduated at the North- side High School — namely : Mabel G. Abbott, John H. Becker, W. Eamond Blair, Dorothy Black, Evelyn Burr, Ella M. Cortright, Harold L. Corzett, Catherine G. Deneen, John B. Dixon, G. Lee Fish, Catherine L. Gallagher, Alice M. Gifford, Alta M. Gould, Clerice Hampton, Pearl B. Hendrickson, M. Winifred Hilk, Rulef B. Hovey, Ruth S. Lipps, Walter J. McCarthy, Jessie B. McGarvey, Kathleen McLaughlin, Evelyn M. Moore, Joseph Orr, Winifred Phillips, Fran- ces Quigley, Bertha Reynolds, Clayton E. Rose, Ernest B. Smith, Earl D. Smith, Ruth L. Smith, Hattie Spencer, Joseph 0. Walter, Pearl Welty, Clarence 0. Wheeler, S. Aileen Wisner, Martha R. Woeppel, Gertrude A. Wolz, Lena Halm, Reba Danningburg. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the confirmation as a priest of Rev. Walter J. Lee, pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Corning, was celebrated by members of his parish and many friends, June 21, 1920. Bishop Hickey delivered an address. The Corning City Market was discontinued July 1, 1920, the market building and site having been sold by the city, as a matter of accommodation, to the Corning Glass Works. The market had for a number of months been poorly patronized, by both producers and consumers, due to competition of grocers and meat dealers. July 2, 1920, Herbert M. Sage, aged 42 years, of Mossy Glen, died from injuries sustained by falling from a freight car at Painted Post, while engaged in his duties as an employe of the Erie Railroad. Oliver A. Cary, aged 93 years, died July 7, 1920, at his home on Walnut street. He moved to Corning from Binghamton ; had for 48 years engaged in business in Corning, for about 25 years as a general merchant and later as an insurance agent and dealer in real estate. Mrs, Cary and four sons and four daughters survive. Friday, July 9, 1920, the Common Council fixed the tax rate for municipal expenses the current year, at $14.02 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. The amount city budgett is $146,502.50. Milner Kemp, born in Yorkshire, England, February 29, 1856^ died in Corning the 19th of July, 1920. He came to the United States in 1876, for a number of years worked at his trade as a shoemaker and then became interested with others in the retail shoe trade ; he prospered, and about twenty years ago organized the firm of Milner Kemp & Company, this concern owning and conducting at the time Population of Corning and Nearby Communities In 1920. 501 of his death shoe stores at Binghamton, Auburn, Hornell, Salamanca, New York, Olean, Jamestown, Coming and Warren, (Pa.) He was a Trustee of the First Baptist Church and for many years chorister. Rev. John J. Gleeson, pastor of St. Mary's Church, died Sunday night, July 25, of heart failure. A few moments before the sudden termination of his exceedingly useful life, he was apparently in the best of health. He assumed the pastorate of St. Mary's in May, 1918. The morning of July 27, 1920, Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson, of Gibson, were hurled to instant death, when the locomotive of a fast Lackawanna train struck the automobile in v/hich they were crossing the track near their home. The crossing gates were up. Isaac K. Blumenthal, aged 55 years, for 25 years in business in in Corning, first a clothing dealer and later a jeweler, died August 12. The afternoon of August 17, 1920, a destructive rain and hail storm driven by furious winds, swept across the western section of Hornby, the central part of Erwin, and portions of Caton, Campbell and Lindley, destroying crops, unroofing buildings and up-rooting trees. Cutler Creek overflowed and destroyed the Centerville bridge. Federal census reports for current year, place the population of the city of Corning at 15,820 ; of town of Erwin including Painted Post, 3,086; town of Corning, 2,837; town of Caton, 688; the town of Hornby, 700 ; town of Campbell, 1,033 ; town of Lindley, 1,014. August 26, 1920, the Fire Commissioners ordered a six-cylinder hook and ladder truck, to cost $9,900. The corner-stone of the new Friendship Baptist Church, on East Market street, was laid Sunday, August 29. The society is composed of colored people. Rev. M. M. Days is pastor. August 31, 1920. — The new home of Corning Council, Knights of Columbus, was formally opened. The attendance was large and the program was elaborate. Thomas E. Moran presided. Addresses were delivered by Rev. John A. Conway, Rev. Walter J. Lee, Grand Knight James P. Hallahan and others. About 12,000 persons attended Labor Day exercises at Denison Park, in Corning, September 6, 1920. The affair was arranged by the Chamber of Commerce. Many rural people joined in a picnic. Joseph F. McAlpine, aged 48 years, a former resident of Corning, died September 8, 1920. He was a graduate of the Corning Free Academy, for 17 years a owned and conducted a prosperous shoe store in Corning, was active in social life and a prominent member of the Knights of Columbus and of the Benevolent Order of Elks. 502 City of Corning Decides to Take Over Public Library. September 11, 1920. — The total registration of pupils in the schools of Corning is : Public schools, 2,278 ; parochial schools, 892. Total registration in schools on Northside, 1,378 ; Southside, 1,792. Sunday, September 13, 1920, announcement was made that Rev. Arthur Smith, for five and a half years the assistant pastor of St. Patrick's Church, in Corning, had been appointed pastor of the Catholic Church at Moravia, Cayuga County, N. Y. Sunday, September 26, 1920, the members of the Gospel Taber- nacle, by unanimous vote, extended a call to Rev. B. F. Collett, of New Castle, Pa. He accepted the call. Tuesday morning, October 5, 1920, ground was broken for the construction of a cement highway bridge across the Chemung River at Pine street. Mayor Lane turned the first spade of earth. Petitions requesting the city to provide $4,000 per year for the support of the Corning Free Library, were presented to the Common Council, Monday evening, October 4, 1920, and referred to the City Attorney. At a later meeting of the Council, he recommended that title to the library be vested in the city and that it be managed by a board of five trustees appointed by the Mayor on approval of the Council, as provided by the State Education Law. This plan was approved by unanimous vote of the Council, and an annual appro- priation of $4,000 was agreed to, effective when the transfer of the library had been made and a charter granted by the State Regents. The hamlets of Brown's Crossing and Mossy Glen were joined in one village, incorporated as South Corning. John J. Fowler, aged 77 years, a veteran of the Civil War and prominent in Grand Army circles, died at his home in Corning on October 21, 1920. The bearers at his funeral were six comrades of war days, in the 141st Regiment, New York Volunteers — M. D. Walker, William Lockwood, Edward Hall, Emory Blend, A. A. King and J. C. Hakes. October 22, 1920, Rev. Melvin J. Hill assumed his duties as pastor of Grace Methodist Church in Corning. November 2, 1920. — The following Aldermen of Corning were elected to hold office for two years, beginning January 1, 1921 : First Ward, Fred G. Nichols ; Second, Olin W. Gurnsey ; Third, Elgin L. Conklin ; Fourth, James P. Hallahan ; Fifth, John O. Worrell ; Sixth, S. Leroy Cole ; Seventh, Uri Mulford. Corning Glass Works Reorganized; Capital Increased. 503 November 11, 1920.— The second anniversary of the signing of the Armistice was observed with impressive exercises, conducted at the PubHc Square. The tablet on the clock tower, bearing the names of men of Corning, placed by the Red Cross Chapter, was presented to Eaton Post, to be cared for by these World War comrades. November 12, 1920, announcement was made of the oppointment of Rev. James F. Griffin irremovable rector of St. Mary's Church in Corning. He had for 19 years been Catholic pastor Waverly. The sessions of the annual meeting of Corning Consistory, Scottish Rite Masons, were held in the new Cathedral, November 18 and 19, 1920. About 850 Masons were advanced to the 32d degree. Saturday, November 20, 1920.— Announcement was made that a reorganization of the Corning Glass Works has taken place and 200,000 shares of stock would be issued in addition to the $1,000,000 of original investment. The sale of additional stock was to expand the industry. The par value of the stock is $100 a share. The com^- pany has auxiliary works at Wellsboro, Pa., and Kingsport, Tenn. Wallace A. Brennan resigned the general secretaryship of the Corning Chamber of Commerce to take a like position at Dunkirk. Friday evening, December 10, 1920, the Corning Rotary Club, (a good- fellowship league of business and professional men), was formed. Officers : Frederick Carder, President ; Robert W. Terbell, Vice-President; Robert L. Allison, Secretary; Guy W. Cheney, Treasurer ; William E. Gorton, Sergeant-at-Arms. At a meeting of foremen and department heads of the Corning Glass Works, held December 21, 1920, A. D. Falck, President of the concern, gave details of the issuance of $3,000,000 in preferred stock to pay 8 per cent ; he said the Glass Works the past eight years had averaged four and one-half times enough to pay the dividend had this stock been in existence. Thursday, December 23, 1920, the New York Central Car Shops closed for an indefinite time. About 300 men lost jobs. December 25, 1920.— Both the Corning Glass Works and its local branch, the Steuben Glass Works, have laid off a large number of employes on account of the industrial depression. A new LaFrance motor driven hook and ladder truck was added to the equipm.ent of the Coming Fire Department, December 27, 1920. In the year 1920 the Corning Co-Operative and Loan Association paid $92,694.31 in dividends. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LXIIL Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1919-'20. MARRIED In Painted Post, January 6, 1919, by Rev. K. E. Brettle, Mrs. Sarah (Pelton) Mulford and Murray Slayton. In Corning, January 25, 1919, by Rev. Z. S. Farland, William A. Yung and Edith daughter of James Hoare. In Corning, January 25, 1919, by Rev. G. S. G. Hares, S. Eugene Tu thill and Miss Carrie R, Reid. In Caton, February 12, 1919, by Rev. D. W. Bayliss, Alonzo Deyo Adams and Miss Carrie Hurd. In Corning, April 30, 1919, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, William E. D. Lynaugh and Mary L. daughter of Thomas J. Gill. In Painted Post, May 24, 1919, by Rev. R. E. Brettle, Glenn S. Elliott, of Hornell, and Miss Jessie E. Burgett, of Coopers Plains. In Corning, May 31, 1919, by Rev. David E. Haglund, Theodore J. Wurth, of Painted Post, and Sarah E. Fulkerson, of Corning. In Corning, June 7, 1919, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, Herschel Edward Farrell and Miss Florence D. VanGorder. In Corning, June 12, 1919, by Rev. David Haglund, Oscar James Bentley and Miss Blanche Phillips. In Corning, June 18, 1919, by Rev. Z. S. Farland, Walter H. Rising and Miss Maude E. Beales. In Corning, June 18, 1919, by Rev. Elmer J. Stuart, Frederick S. Haselbauer and Ada A. daughter of Thomas S. Baxter. In Corning, June 22, 1919, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, Charles H. Morse and Frances C. daughter of Martin J. Skelley. In Corning, June 23, 1919, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, James J. Dineen and Marguerite A. daughter of Michael Callahan. In Coming, June 25, 1919, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Bernard Joseph Murphy and Miss Sarah A. Cragan. 504 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1919. 505 In Painted Post, June 25, 1919, by Rev. E. A. Snyder, Ray Havens and Alma daughter of Wilhelm H. Warns. In Corning, June 25, 1919, by Rev. John A. Conway, Frank Seth Conable and JuHa T. daughter of D. F. Ash. In Corning, June 28, 1919, by Rev. G. S. G. Hares, Joseph E. Middaugh and Eleanor M. daughter of George F. Roody. In Corning, June 28, 1919, by Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, Rowland D. Smith and Anna Almeda daughter of Henry W. Wheat. In Corning, July 1, 1919, by Rev. F. W. Sessions, William Mc- Laughlin and Miss Isabelle I. Thompson. In Corning, July 1, 1919, by Rev. G. S. G. Nares, Arthur Franklin Smith and Bertha R. daughter of S. D. Richards. In Painted Post, July 3, 1919, by Rev. E. A. Snyder, Willard M. Peterson and Mrs. Nora A. Breese. In Corning, July 5, 1919, by Rev. W. A. Rafferty, Frederick De- Muth and Miss Marguerite H. McGovern. In Corning, July 7, 1919, by Rev. William A. Rafferty, Peter W. Jones and Miss Pauline G. Garty. In Corning, July 7, 1919, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, William Fancher and Marie A. daughter of John H. Campion. In Corning, July 19, 1919, by Rev. Elmer J. Stuart, Thomas A. Flynn and Miss Robina B. Keim. In Corning, August 19, 1919, by Rev. Elmer J. Stuart, Albert T. Agett and Miss Edna May Davis. In Painted Post, August 20, 1919, by Rev. John Knox, Willard D. Clute, of New York, and Julia L. daughter of Willis J. Masters. At Painted Post, August 26, 1919, by Rev. John Knox, Samuel A. Jack and Miss Olive L. McGibbon. In Painted Post, August 27, 1919, by Rev. E. A. Snyder, Thomas H. Mayers and Miss Mamie L. Ross, both of Corning. In Painted Post, August 31, 1919, by Rev. Ellsworth A. Snyder, Clyde S. Wheaton and Miss Sarah M. Smith. In Corning, September 2, 1919, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, Leon Mc- Carthy and Miss Catherine M. Vallely. In Hornby, September 9, 1919, Glen Roloson and Miss Myrtle daughter of G. W. Thompson. In Corning, September 10, 1919, by Z. S. Farland, Daniel S. Heath and Ella M. daughter of Charles B. Johnson. 506 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1919-'20. In Corning, September 18, 1919, by Rev. L. R. Williamson, Edward E. Hardenberg and Mrs. Ella E. Hazelton, both of Coming. In Corning, September 25, 1919, by Rev. Burton M. Clark, Paul B. Clark, of Akron, N. Y., and Jean A. daughter of Charles Rothwell. In Corning, September 30, 1919, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Paul J. Haughey and Helen E. daughter of Charles J. Whitmore. In Corning, October 9, 1919, by Rev. G. S. G. Hares, Harold F. Hewett and Ruth E. daughter of Mrs. Caroline V/illisford. In Corning, October 14, 1919, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Mark P. Hodge and Genevieve D. daughter of Richard Dv/yer. In Corning, October 14, 1919, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, Joseph B. Skelley and Margaret D. daughter of Edv/ard J. Keating. In Corning, October 29, 1919, by Rev. G. S. G. Hares, John B. Walker, of Winnsboro, S. C, and Ruth F. daughter of A. M. Haischer. In Corning, November 12, 1919, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, Alvin J. Aker and Beatrice M. daughter of M. J. Ryan. In Corning, November 29, 1919, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, John J. Donellon and Miss Rose G. Nugent. At Painted Post, December 4, 1919, by Rev. E. A. Snyder, Myron C. Eddy and Florence E. daughter of Harry Balcom. In Coming, December 13, 1919, by Rev. R. E. Brettle, Francis G. Jerome and Bessie M. daughter of Simon W. Patterson. In Corning, December 25, 1919, by Rev. F. W. Sessions, Walter R. Kelley and Susan P. daughter of Wilmer LaFever. At Suffield, Conn., December 27, 1919, Leon Richard Reynolds, • of Corning, and Miss Mabel D. Bessett, of Suffield. In Corning, December 29, 1919, by Rev. David K Haglund, Leon H. Northrup and Miss Mildred Phillips. In Painted Post, January 27, 1920, by Rev. John Knox, William F. Zimmerman, of Athens, Pa., and Miss Jennie G. Stevens. In Painted Post, March 20, 1920, by Rev. John Knox, Willard F. Stoll, of Corning, and Miss Hazel M. Starr, of Gang Mills. In Painted Post, April 3, 1920, by Rev. Robert E. Brettle, Andrew H. Ward and Miss Minnie L. Barrett. In Coming, April 4, 1920, by Rev. G. S. G. Hares, Arthur P. son of Frank P. White, and Miss Mary Huber. In Corning, April 8, 1920, by Rev. Charles H. McKnight, William A. Tuttle and Selmi I. daughter of John Johnson. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1920. 507 In Corning, Agril 20, 1920, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, Howard F. Cole and Rose L. daughter of Daniel Quill. In Corning, April 26, 1920, by Rev. John A. Conway, Harry C. Keesler and Miss Catherine C. Galvin. In Corning, April 27, 1920, by Rev. Arthur C. Smith, Elwood D.. Carey and Miss Madeline Watusky. In Corning, April 30, 1920, by Rev. C. H. McKnight, J. M. Lewis, of Caton, and Miss Linnie Comstock, of Corning. In Corning, May 29, 1920, by Rev. E. J. Stuart, Dr. Harold F. LaFayette, of Watertown, Mass., and Miss Ruth D. Conklin. In Corning, June 2, 1920, by Rev. Wilson R. Stearley, Suffragan Bishop of New Jersey, assisted by Rev. George B. Kinkead, rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Glen W. Cole and Eleanor W. daughter of Congressman Alanson B. Houghton. In Mossy Glen, June 7, 1920, by Rev. W. J. Riker, William E. Paul and Lucinda daughter of William Huey. In Corning, June 10, 1920, by Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, H. J. Decker, of Elmira, and Miss Cecil E. Pitt, of Corning. In Corning, June 15, 1920, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Lewis V. Hart and Miss Mary Canton, both of Corning. In Corning, June 15, 1920, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, Clement L. Murphy and Augusta H. daughter of Emile Walter. In Corning, June 14, by Rev. Arthur C. Smith, Edward J. Carlton and Margaret F, daughter of Thomas Gushing. In Corning, June 22, 1920, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, Frank Gross and Olga C. daughter of John Johnson, both of Corning. In Corning, June 23, 1920, by Rev. G. S. G. Hares, George W. Pratt, son of Harry H. Pratt, and Muriel L. daughter of Warren J. Cheney, Judge of Steuben County. In Painted Poet, June 27, 1920, by Rev. R. E. Brettle, Clarence B. Rothwell and Elizabeth daughter of A. A. Pope. In Corning, June 29, 1920, by Rev. John J. Gleeson, Albert M. Tietzel and Barbara M. daughter of Frederick F. Pfeiffer. In Corning, June 29, 1920, by Rev. John A. Conway, Leon T. Craig, of Corning, and Mabel L. daughter of Harry Stocum. In Corning, June 30, 1920, by Rev. W. J. Lee, Justin V. Purcell, City Attorney of Corning, and Miss Alice O. McAvoy. 508 Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1920. In Painted Post, July 1, 1920, by Rev. E. A. Snyder, H. Earle Keeley and Myra H. daughter of J. C. Kimball. In Corning, July 12, 1920, by Rev. J. J. Gleeson, James F. O'Brian and Elizabeth M. daughter of William Bigelow. In Corning, July 21, 1920, by Rev. John Chester Ball, William H. VanDerhoef and Miss Ethel M. Jessup. In Corning, July 31, 1820, by Rev. E. A. Snyder, Dr. Howard 0. Warns and Olive M. daughter of Seth Lomison. In Corning, August 21, 1920, by Rev. E. J. Stuart, Lewis N. Temple and Miss Gladys Oldfield. In Corning, September 1, 1920, by Rev. W. A. Rafferty, Roy Albertson, of Buffalo, and Helen W. daughter of Thomas D. Ryan. In Corning, September 4, 1920, by Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, Donald J. Fish and Nellie M. daughter of Smith Housel. In Coming, September 8, 1920, by Rev. W. A. Rafferty, Gerald J. Fleming and Miss Mary E. Kneeland. In Corning, October 4, 1920, by Rev. F. R. Hawley, Henry Lewis Moore and Miss Lillian M. Quackenbush. In Corning, October 18, 1920, by Rev. W. A. Rafferty, C. Leslie Webster, of Rochester, and Alice Irene daughter of Henry E. Krebs. In Corning, October 19, 1920, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, William Campbell and Miss Anna Barrett. In Corning, October 20, 1920, by Rev. G. S. G. Hares, Clark 0. Goodling and Miss Lena Magee. In Corning, October 27. 1920, by Rev. C. N. Eddy, of Elmira, Dr. M. Grants and Amey J. daughter of John A. Miller. In Corning, November 3, 1920, by Rev. Walter J. Lee, Ambrose J. Hare and Miss Elizabeth Cook. In Corning, November 12, 1920, by Rev. William A. Rafferty, Walter Steel and Miss Mary Schichtel. In Corning, November 16, 1920, by Rev. William A. Rafferty, Charles L. English and Alice daughter of Emile Stoquert. In Corning, November 30, 1920, by Rev. George B. Kinkead, John J. Woodard and Marie A. daughter of William Murray. In Corning, December 25, 1920, by Rev. George B. Kinkead, Erwin E. Allen and Miss Blanch D. Frost. In Corning, December 27, 1920, by Rev. Fred Hawley, Lewis Falk and Ellen daughter of Fred Auch. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LXIV. Events In and About Corning in 1921. ,WING TO DELAYS In the preparation and printing of this book, in the main due to unsettled business conditions brought about by the World War, and not foreseen when the title page v/as printed bearing the legend " 1789-1920," the author is enabled to extend the period of local chronology covered by its pages till the close of the year 1921. This adds greatly to its value. January 1, 1921.— At the annual meeting of John P. Eaton Post, American Legion, the following officers were elected : Robert V, Austin, Commander; Fred G. Anderson, First Vice-Commander; Dr. E. H. Hutton, Second Vice-Commander ; Joseph E. Hayes, Third Vice-Commander ; Frank S. Conable, Adjutant ; Leon J. McCarthy, Treasurer; Rev. George B. Kinkead, Chaplain. Executive Commit- tee— W. H. Curtiss, Norman D. Lattin, E. S. Underbill, Jr. and W. Howard Vanderhoef. The officers of Carlton Post of the American Legion, at Painted Painted Post, are: H. H. Phillips, Commander; L Thomas Wasson, First Vice-Commander ; J. Blaine Olmstead, Second Vice-Command- er ; L. D. Kimble, Third Vice-Commander ; Raymond E. Velie, Adjutant ; Leland R. Hoke, Treasurer ; Frank Kluck, Sergeant-at- Arms ; Joseph E. Barber, Chaplain ; Charles Tinney, Historian. The residence of the late Amory Houghton, Jr., and the plot it occupied, at Third and Pine streets, were purchased by the Board of Education of the Southside schools, as a site for a new Free Academy. January 6, 1921.— At the New York Central car shops about 60 per cent of the normal force are at work ; at the North Corning machine shops 25 per cent of the men have been laid off. January 10, 1921.— Marvin Olcott has sold his interest in the cut glass works of H. P. Sinclaire & Company, at East Market and Conhocton streets, to Mr. Sinclaire. They established the business. 509 510 President and Service Committees Corning Hospital. W. Allen Underbill, recently elected President of the Corning Hospital, on January 4, 1921, announced the appointment of the following service committees : Executive Committee— Mrs. A. B. Houghton, Mrs. Austin Lathrop, Mrs. William Sinclaire, Mrs. B. W. Wellington, William T. Smith and Andrew Maltby. Purchasing Committee— W. M. Killigrevv, William M. Gurnsey and W. A. Underbill. Auditing Committee— Mrs. Sarah A. Williams, Mrs. M. L. Sage, Mrs. W. E. Gorton, Mrs. George B. Walsh, Mrs. A. M. Blodgett, Mrs. T. E. Moran and Mrs. A. L. Barnum. House and Grounds and Visiting Committee— Mrs. Andrew B. Maltby, Mrs. N. R. Wickersbam, Mrs. Frank E. Sharp, Mrs. A. A. Hough- ton, Mrs. W. S. Heyniger, Mrs. F. J. Townsend, Mrs. George F. Showers, Mrs. John Lang and Mrs. E. M. Walker. Nominating Committee— Mrs. Austin Lathrop, Mrs. F. W. Kriger and Mrs. Sarah A. Williams. Training School Committee— Mrs. John V. Heyniger, Mrs. J. W. Darrin, Mrs. O. P. Robinson, Mrs. W. J. Cheney, Miss Maro A. Lathrop, Mrs. Henry S. Maltby and Mrs. N. R. Wickersbam. Finance Committee— Marvin Olcott, Alanson B. Houghton and William S. Heyniger. At the annual meeting of the shareholders of the Corning Co- operative and Loan Association, held January 11, John C. Wheeler was re-elected President and Harry A. Rood was elected Secretary. The Association's resources amount to $1,953,369.19 ; earnings the past year, $111,687.73. Juvenile deposits are $98,148.07. The week of January 17 the Masonic bodies completed the work of moving their belongings from the upper floor of the Concert Hall Block to the new Scottish Rite Cathedral. The night of January 18 the club house of Corning Lodge of Elks, in the town of Erwin, was destroyed by fire. The Steuben Theatre Company was incorporated in January, 1921, with Fred Gerber, James J. Kelly and Claude V. Stowell, all of Corning, as Directors. The company built the Liberty Theatre, on East Erie avenue, between Pine and Cedar streets. Coming Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, purchased the Tuthill Block, at the northwest corner of Market and Cedar streets, and fitted the second and third floors for lodge and club uses. January 25 George De Wolfe was elected President of the recent- ly incorporated village of South Corning ; David Marcy was chosen State Regents Grant Charter to the Corning Library. 511 Treasurer and William De Wolfe as Collector. The Trustees are Edwin F. Davis, Erwin Wood and Walter Kirkendall. February 1, 1921, Harrie J. Millspaugh retired from the position of Deputy United States Internal Revenue Collector, with headquart- ers in Corning, to take the position of office manager at the cut glass works of H. P. Sinclaire & Company. He was succeeded as Revenue Collector by Edward J. Vallely, of Corning. February 2 the Board of Public Works awarded contrects for paving William street from Bridge to West Pulteney at the city line, Lauren street from William to West Pulteney, and Cedar street from First to the south city line, to Tine & Willeys, of Bingham- ton, for $69,521. The city is to furnish the paving brick, and the contractors are to supply all other materials used on the projects. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Corning Glass Works, held February 8, the following directors were elected : Alan- son B. Houghton, Arthur A. Houghton, William Sinclaire, A. D. Falck and G. B. HoUister. The Directors elected the following executive officers : A. D. Falck, President ; A. L. Day, G. B. Hollister and E. C. Sullivan, Vice-Presidents ; William Sinclaire, Secretary, and John L. Thomas, Treasurer. A public meeting was held at Centerville, town of Corning, to consider the matter of annexing the village and adjacent territory to the city of Corning. The proposition had few surporters. The prevailing sentiment was for incorporating the village. A chapter of the Loyal Order of Legioniers of Mooseheart was institutec in Corning, Thursday evening, February 24, with Mrs, Alva Jordan as Past Senior Regent ; Mrs. Ira Russell, Senior Regent ; Mrs. Ella Horton, Recording Secretary ; Mrs. M. Hilk, Treasurer. The latter part of February W. L. Doersh, a farmer ot Big Flats, contributed and the Salvation Army distributed 200 bushels of potatoes among destitute residents of Corning. At their February meeting the Regents of the State of New^ York granted a charter to the Corning Public Library. Thus the Library became " part and parcel " of the State's education system. David W. Payne, born in Corning in 1841, graduate of West Point military school, last survivor of the former firm of B. W. Payne & Sons, machinists and iron founders of Corning, died at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 5. He was author of a number of books on practical mechanics and engineering and an inventor of devices for controlling the speed of steam and gas engines. 512 New National Bank Begins Business at Painted Post. Early in the Spring of 1921, due to business depression, the number of train men on the Pennsylvania Division of the New York Central Railroad was greatly reduced, about thirty engineers and firemen were "set back," freight handlers discharged, machinists and yardmen at North Corning put " on vacation," and the Corning car shops closed. The depression continued throughout the Summer. The sales and accounting departments of the Corning Glass Works moved into newly fitted and furnished offices occupying the entire upper story of the former " Concert Hall Block." March 18, 1921. — Announcement was made that effective April 1, Wreford L. McCarty, for several years General Freight Agent of the Pennsylvania Division of the New York Central Lines, would be tranferred to the freight offices at Buffalo. Lewis Crane, of Utica, was appointed Freight and Passenger Agent of the local Division. April 11, 1921, Frank E. McCormack was elected President of the Board of Trustees of the Corning Public Library. The number of wage-earners in the various glass factories of Corning increased gradually as the season progressed, but through- out the year continued below normal. But a remnant of the flush times force " rang in " at the great Ingersoll-Rand machine shops at Painted Post. There was a general reduction in wages. The newly organized First National Bank at Painted Post, began business on Saturday, April 16. Lyman B. Hodgman is President of the bank and Ray Stephens is Cashier. Five coaches of an eastbound Erie passenger train, running 50 miles an hour, were derailed by the track spreading, Saturday night, April 23, at Erwin. The accident occurred in a cut at the end of a curve. The locomotive, which caused the outer rail to give way, kept the track. Three steel passenger coaches tipped partly over and scraped along an embankment for near a hundred feet. Only a few of the 97 persons aboard were injured and none severely. The station, a small frame structure, was completely destroyed. The Adjutant-General of the State ordered the disbandment of Company C, Corning unit of the Fourth Regt. of the State Guard. Sunday, May 1, Bishop Hickey confirmed classes in the three Catholic Churches of Corning — 118 at St. Mary's, 70 at St. Patrick's and 82 at the Church of St. Vincent de Paul. The night of May 4 a vault in the bank of R. C. Trumbull 8z Company, at Campbell, was blown open and $12,000 in cash and bonds stolen. The robbers travelled by automobile. Graduates of HiglvSchool and Academy In 1921. ' 513 At a town meeting held May, the taxpayers of the township of Erwin, by a vote of 106 to 33, authorized the issuance of $45,000 in bonds, the proceeds to be used to erect and furnish a town hall. The night of May 10 the tool house and shop of the Pine street bridge contractors, located on the north bank of the Chemung River near the undertaking, was destroyed by a spectacular fire. Memorial Day exercises, both before the tablet at the Clock Tower, bearing the names of Corning men who lost their lives in the World War, and at the memorial mound in Hope Cemetery for Corning men of the Civil War, were largely attended. An ornamental gateway of elaborate design, erected at the main entrance to Denison Park, as a memoral to Charles G. Denison, was dedicated May 30, at noon. John Comosh, a member of the Board of Public Works, presided and spoke briefly. The principal address of the occasion was by Rev. Walter J. Lee. At Campbell, Sunday, July 5, the 50th anniversary of the found, ing of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church was observed. Rev. W. Doran was assisted in the services by several priests from other parishes. There were address by visiting priests ; by Richard E. Enright, Police Commissioner of the city of New York, who was born in Campbell, and by Attorney Thomas F. Rogers, of Corning. About 250 city officers, attending an annual Conference of Mayors and Other City Officers of the State of New York, held at Elmira, came in a body to Corning, June 9, and spent the day as guests of the City and the Chamber of Commerce. The first entertainment in the new Liberty Theatre, in Corning, was given Tuesday evening, June 14. Twenty-seven students were graduated at the commencement exercises of the Coming Free Academy, held Monday afternoon, June 20, 1921, as follows: Margaret A. Coates, Julia G. Bowling, Anna E. Gleason, Beatrice H. Haar, Caroline E. Heminway, Fannie D. Hillman, Julia Homung, Helen F. Lawrence, Laura E. Littel, Helen M. McVoy, Edith Showers, Kathleen Simmonds, Marianne E. Smith, Rose M. Spier, Sibyl D. Tobias, Mary E. Tunney, Helen V. Whitmore, Angeline Wilkins, Leo J, Bigelow, Vincent A. Carroll, Thomas W. Cowley, James H. Halpin, Walter C. Harty, Robert K. Hayes, Thomas A. Relihan, Ambrose J. H. Ruppert, Harry J. Short. The following students were graduated at the Northside High School exercises held Wednesday evening, June 22 : Arthur Ballman, Dudley Barber, Melvin Bong, Ruth Buckbee, Clara Callahan, Nathan 514 Deaths of Three Prominent Citizens of Corning. Catchpole, Beatrice Clark, Anna Colburn, Lettie Cole, Ruth Franke, Carman Gunter, Catherine Houey, Quylia Kelley, Gladys Lee, Mur- sett Luckner, Leonard Shane, Bertha Smith, Harry Spencer, Henry Squier, Milton Starr, Martha Volgraff. In the Summer of 1921 the Corning Glass Works enlarged both its electric and power plants, and erected a steel reinforced concrete smoke stack, a slightly tambering round shaft, 225 feet tall. Sunday morning, June 27, 1921, two men armed with revolvers, entered a room on West Market street, Corning, known as a " poker joint," and robbed 27 players and spectators of near $3,000. The thieves escaped in an automobile. Later developments indicated collusion between the robbers and certain men in the game. Early Friday morning, July 8, the brick making section of the Corning Brick, Terra Cotta and Tile Works was destroyed by fire. Loss near $60,000 ; partly met by insurance. The Common Council fixed the city tax rate at $2105 per $1,000 of assessed valuation— about $7 per $1,000 higher than in 1920, mainly due to street paving and other public improvements. Julian C. Drake, born in Milton, Vt., in 1845, and from early youth a resident of Corning, died August 11. He was for a series of years a clothing merchant, the proprietor of a tobacco store, local ticket agent of the Lackawanna Railroad, and agent for a number of ocean steamship lines. He was of Colonial ancestry. Warren J. Cheney, aged 56 years, died August 19, of pneumonia. He began the practice of law in Coming in 1888 ; had served as an Alderman and as Recorder ; in 1912 was elected County Judge for a full term of six years, and in 1918 was re-elected. He was a man of broad mind, intense in his devotion to American principles, and as a judge sought to save rather than to punish. He was prominent in Masonry and active in building the Scottish Rite Cathedral ; there his funeral was held. Mrs. Cheney, a son and a daughter survive. General Austin Lathrop, from early manhood a resident of Corning, died September 21. He was bom at Covington, Tioga County, Pa., in 1839 ; for a few years he conducted a general store at Lawrenceville, then became manager of the hardware store of C. C. B. Walker, in Corning ; in 1862 became a partner of Mr. Walker in extensive lumber manufacturing and shipping enterprises and in the hardware trade ; he also engaged as a contractor in building rail- roads ; was for a number of years Supervisor of the town of Corning and for 11 years was State Superintendent of Prisons. Three Robbers Put to Flight by a Brave Chinaman. 515 William A. Lynahan was ordained a priest, September 24, at St. Patrick's Cathedral, in Nev/ York, and the next day said Mass at St. Mary's Church, in Corning. He is the son of Postmaster Lynahan. Sunday, October 23, at the services in St. Patrick's Church, it was announced that Bishop Hickey had appointed the pastor, Rev. Walter J. Lee, to the pastorate of the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Ithaca, N. Y. Father Lee came to Coming in 1900. The total registration of voters in the city of Corning for the general election of 1921, was 5,086. About 80 per cent voted. Willard S. Reed, President of the First National Bank of Corn- ing, died Sunday evening, October 24. He was an attorney. During the World War he placed over $1,250,000 of Liberty Bonds. About 1 o'clock Wednesday morning, October 25, three stalwart young men of the city, out of work and short of change, conceived the idea of sauntering into the chop suey restaurant of Frank Lee, an aged Chinaman, and robbing him of his ready cash. They found the man from the Orient alone. Each towered him by a head. When faced by a revolver, the Frank Lee accepted the challenge to war ; welted over the head with a " black-jack," he went to the floor but not to " take the count." Springing to his feet, he grasped a meat cleaver, and swung it with such effectiveness, that the three intruders rushed from the place, one with a gaping scalp wound- This was in marked contrast with the hold-up and robbery of twenty-seven men by two, at a poker gamie, the morning of June 27. The following officers of the city of Corning and its political subdivisions were elected Tuesday, November 8, 1921: Mayor, Samuel E. Quackenbush ; City Judge, John C. Wheeler ; Chamber- lain, Herbert R. Starner ; Justice of the Peace, Guernsey B. Hubbard ; Supervisors — First District, Samuel J. Stover ; Second District, Frank H. Suits ; Third District, Frank E. Cortright. Assessor, Robert C. Simmons ; Constables, Robert Tracy and John Semple. Aldermen — First Ward, James F. Swan ; Second Ward, William A. Davis ; Third Ward, William* H. Pillow ; Fourth Ward , John M. Beck ; Fifth Ward, John Reagan ; Sixth Ward, William Earing ; Seventh Ward, Charles A. Reynolds. The terms of all these offices began January 1. The members of the Common Council elected in November, 1920, whose terms of office will expire December 31, 1921, are : Aldermen Fred G. Nichols, Olin W. Gurnsey, Elgin L. Conklin, Jas. P. Hallahan, JohnO. Worrell, S. Leroy Cole and Uri Mulford. 516 The Names of Corning Survivors of the Civil War. November 11, Armistice Day, was observed as a legal holiday. Members of Eaton Post, American Legion, about 150 in line and in uniform, marched from their rooms to the Public Square, where exercises were held in memory of the men of Corning whose lives were lost in the World War. The new Pine street bridge was then dedicated, as " a gateway to a community center building to be erected as a World War memorial." The following men of Corning, who saw service in the Civil War, reside in city and vicinity : A. A. King, Jerome Bilhngton, John W. Austin, C. Johnson, F. M. Kopp, William H. Clark, E. W. Blend, E. B. Lanning, Thomas Tupper, George W. James, J. W. Peers, W. W. Pease, George W. McCabe, W. B. Dunham, John C. Hakes, L. L. Flower, Oliver Orr, S. J. Thrall, L. Genung, Ludwick Auck, J. Boyier, Frank Gillan, B. Cuddeback, R. J. Bixby, John H. Nogar, A. P. Hollister, B. F. Hall, S. B. Shaddock, W. S. Miller, Q. J. Howe, Nelson Jones, Reuben Miles, J. A. Filkins, George Sharp, George Winton, Hiram Hicks, James C. Kreve, Albert Shaddock, J. B. Hoovey, E. W. Hudson, James Thurber, B. E. B. Durfee, H. B. Hoyt, Eleazer Hogencamp, Charles Beige, James Share, L. A. Wolcott, S. Harbert, L. Thompson, James H. Morrow. The names of members of Corning Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, follow : Mrs. O. J. Blakesley, Mrs. Chas. F. Buckland, Miss Harriet Bushnell, Mrs. Ida G. Bassett, Miss Sarah Louise Campbell, Miss 0. Lora Carter, Mrs. Guy Cheney, Mrs. Wil- lard D. Clute, Mrs. Anna M. Day, Miss Alice Dean, Mrs. William H, Dean, Miss Elizabeth Deighton, Mrs. Wilson Dickenson, Mrs. Nora B. Frazee, Mrs. D. E. Hogland, Mrs. George E. Haines, Mrs. William J. Heermans, Mrs. Anson B. Holmes, Mrs. C. Howard Bowman, Mrs, Frances B. Hopkins, Miss Sara Hopkins, Mrs. Frederick Hughson, Miss Mary F. Hughson, Mrs. Arthur Iredell, Mrs. Blanche E. John- son, Mrs. Harriet Lattin, Mrs. F. Henry Lawrence, Mrs. D. A, Loupe, Miss Elizabeth F. McCray, Mrs. F. L. McGredy, Mrs. Henry F. Maltby, Miss Mary Masters, Mrs. John L. Miller, Miss Charlotte Morgan, Miss Alice Morrison, Mrs. W. H. Ostrander, Miss Stella B. Pierce, Mrs. Frank F. Pierce, Mrs. Harrie Pritchard, Mrs. Sarah Prout, Mrs. T. P. Reeder, Mrs. Oscar Rothfuss, Mrs. C. L. Schon- leber, Mrs. Bertha Schuyler, Mrs. James 0. Sebring, Miss Jane Sexton, Miss E. Marie Smith, Miss Marie L. Smith, Miss Sarah Smith, Mrs. Frank H. Starr, Mrs. F. O. Steele, Miss Clara Steele, Mrs. Nelson Stone, Mrs. George Swingle, Mrs. Frank Sharp, Mrs. L. S. Somers, Mrs. G. E. Thomas, Mrs. Susannah Thompson, Mrs. H. P. Tompkins, Miss Hazel Tupper, Miss Louise Waite, Mrs. George Summary of Industrial and Social Activities. 517 Walsh, Mrs. Lowell Walkup, Mrs. J. O. Westbrook, Mrs. Clarence K. Wolcott. November 29, 1921, Governor Miller appointed Guy W. Cheney of Coming, District Attorney of Steuben County, to fill a vacancy. Marriages In Corning and Vicinity In 1921. Married, in Corning, January 10, 1921, by Rev. D. E. Haglund» George W. Ogden and Myrtle L. daughter of Edwin S. Barrett. In Corning, January 17, 1921, by Rev. J. J. Griffin, William Halm and Ruth daughter of Thomas McGannon. In Corning, February 2, by Rev. W. A. Rafferty, Stephen Vincent Ryan and Florence B. daughter of George Peck. In Painted Post, February 17, by Rev. E. A. Snyder, Dewey L. Polmanteer and Miss Fredia B. Tobias. In Painted Post, March 18, 1921, by Rev. Robert E. Brettle, Leo Hogancamp and Lilly daughter of John H. Blencow, of Erwin. In Coming, March 28, by Rev. John A. Conway. Frank E. Miller and Ella F. daughter of Charles H. Phelps. In Corning, March 31, Thomas F. O'Bryan and Nina E. Dimick. In Corning, April 13, by Rev. G. S. G. Hares, Herbert R. Owen and Miss Ruth E. Young. In Corning, May 17, 1921, by Rev. E. J. Stuart, Charles E. Travis and Miss Jessie Loucks. In Corning, May 18, 1921 by Rev. W. A. Rafferty, Richard J. Hennesy and Miss Clara D. Callahan. In Coming, June 7, by Rev. E. J. Stuart, Harley C. Reynolds, of Coming, and Miss Sarah L. Crane, of Addison. In Corning, June 15, by Rev. M. J. Hill, Vincent D. Farrell and Mrs. Maude A. McKerrow. In Corning, June 18, by Rev. E. J. Stuart, Robert H. Hood and Mrs. Florence D. White. In Corning, June 18, by Rev. William A. Rafferty, Lynn W. Cooper and Miss Mary Catherine McMillen. In Corning, June 21, by Rev. William A. Rafferty, Francis E. Brown and Emily daughter of Emile Walter. In Corning, June 23, 1921, by Rev. William N. Hubbell, of New York, Domenic de Francisco, Jr., and Helen daughter of L. N. Lattin. In Corning, June 25, by Rev. J. W. Riker, Charles Robinson, of Gibson, and Mrs. Gertrude Rice, of Corning. 518 Maniages In Corning and Vicinity In 1921. Married, in Corning, June 28, by Rev. David E. Haglund, Francis Bullock and Maude daughter of Richard Razey. In Corning, June 29, by Rev. William A. Rafferty, J. Harold Markert and Frances M. daughter of Frank M. Webster. In Corning, July 1, by Rev. F. R. Hawley, Ilof E. Falck and Miss Marion daughter of Eugene Lane. In Corning, August 2, by Rev. J. J. Griffin, Ray H. Vanderpoel and Rose M. daughter of Frederick Pack. In Corning, August 8, 1921, by Rev. Fred E. Hawley, Darwin R. Hayes and Miss Mabel L. Bennett. In Corning, August 24, by Rev. John J. Griffin, Thomas F. Kelly and Agnes B. daughter of Daniel Cain. In Corning, September 18, by Rev. Melvin J. Hill, Emmett E. Weaver and Miss Edith Smith. In Corning, September 21, by Rey. John A. Conway, Raymond J. Wonsak and Agnes daughter of Thomas F. Quinn. In Corning, September 22, by Rev. Arthur Sullivan, William L, Miller and Anna C. daughter of Michael Manly. In Caton, September 25, Clifford F. King and Lucy C. Hartman. In Coming, October 8, James Totten and Miss May Johnson. In Corning, October 11, by Rev. John A. Conway, EarlT.Keenan and Katherine daughter of James McCarthy. In Corning, October 11, by Rev. John J. Griffin, Edward Maher and Helen daughter of William Bigelow. In Corning, October 13, by Very Rev. R. J. Meager, Provincial of the Domican Order, Harry Van Wagner, of New York, and Evelyn daughter of Dr. Thomas L. McNamara, of Coming. At Providence, R. I., October 19, by Rev. P. F. Sturges, Amory Houghton, son of Congressman Alanson B. Houghton, of Corning, and Miss Laura DeKay, of Providence. In Corning, November 8, by Rev. John A. Conway, Leo Kuss and Miss Theresa Dick. In Corning, November 8, by Rev. John Smith, Anthony Curreri and Miss Leah Smith. In Corning, November 15, 1921, by Rev. John J. Griffin, Francis Lynch and Miss Rose Beiswanger. In Corning, November 27, 1921, by Rev. J. J. Griffin, Leon Young and Mary daughter of George Cartmell. Pioneer Days and Later Times in Corning and Vicinity CHAPTER LXV. Summary of Industrial and Social Activities In 1921. THIS, the final chapter of "Pioneer Days and Later Times In Corning and Vicinity," ghmpses the city and its surroundings at the dawn of the year 1922 — one hundred and forty-three years after General Sullivan and his army broke into the Genesee wildernes ; 138 years after William Harris, the hunter and trapper, nosed his birch-bark canoe up the Chemung far beyond the frontier and erected a " shack " on the bank of the stream at " the painted post ;" 135 years after Frederick Calkins, the adventur- er from the wilds of Vermont erected for his own occupancy the first " home " within the bounds of the present city of Corning — a small, bark-covered log cabin ! Mere mention of the churches, the social organizations, the schools, the various industries, the trading interests, the banks and other organized mutual aids ; and men and women of the established professions ; set forth a marvelous sum- mary of accomplishments within the spans of two lives — IN CORNING AND VICINITY. The wild lands comprised in the original township of Painted Post, passed from the ownership of Phelps & Gorham to land agents and purchasers of large tracts, at prices that ranged from a shilling to twenty cents per acre. The present aggregate valuation of the lands and buildings in the bounds of the old township — Corning, Caton, Campbell, Erwin, Hornby and Lindley, exclusive of railoads, public highways and bridges, — by conservative estimate, is placed at $26,000,000, of which amount the city of Coming accounts for nearly $17,000,000. The census of 1920, (see page 501), gave this territory a population of 25,178. The heads of the administrative departments of Coming on January 1, 1922, when Samuel E. Quackenbus succeeded Dr. George W. Lane, as Mayor, were : Board of Public Works— William M. Killigrew, John Comosh and Clarence E. Palmer. 519 520 Corning Churches and Their Pastors In 1921. Board of Police Commissioners — Marvin Olcott, Sr., Aaron F, Williams, Daniel Stimson and Thomas E. Moran. Board of Fire Commissioners — Charles E. Githler and Harrie J. Millspaugh. Board of Health — Francis C. Williams, William T. Smith, John F. Rolfe, Dr. E. H. Hutton and Arthur D. Moore. Trustees of Public Library — Frank E. McCormack, Elias D. Bostwick, Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, Mrs. James W. Shea, Mrs. H. P. Gage. Board of Plumbing Examiners— Theodore O'Brien, Frank T. Lawrence and John J. Hogan. William O. Drake is City Engineer and Superintendent of the Water Works ; Charles G. Hanmer is Chief of Police ; John W. McCarthy is Chief of the Fire Department ; Dr. Frank S. Swain is Health Officer ; Martin Ralihan is Plumbing and Sanitary Inspector ; Dr. Thomas A. McNamara is City Physician; Mrs. Charles H. Voorhees is City Nurse; Mrs. Harry Wheeler is Librarian. Corning Churches and Their Pastors — Christ Church, (Protestant Episcopal), corner First and Cedar streets, Rev. George B. Kinkead, pastor. First Baptist Church, corner First and Wall Streets, Rev. David E. Haglund, pastor. Northside Baptist Church, corner Jennings street and Sly avenue, Rev. Fred F. Hawley, pastor. Friendship Baptist Church, (colored), East Market street, Rev. M. M. Days, pastor. Trinity African Zion Church, (Methodist), East Market street. First Congregational Church, comer Bridge and Ontario streets, Rev. Thomas H. Derrick, pastor. First Methodist Episcopal Church, corner First and Cedar streets. Rev. George S. G. Hares, pastor. Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, 187 Bridge street. Rev. Melvin J. Hill, pastor. •Free Methodist Church, Watauga avenue, near Park avenue, Rev. S. T. Gunter, pastor. German Evangelical Church, 71 West First street, Rev. Rudolph Vieweg, of Elmira, pastor. Gospel Tabernacle, (Evangelical), 38 East William street, near Bridge, Rev. F. B. Collitt, pastor. First Presbyterian Church, corner First and Pine streets, Rev. E. J. Stuart, pastor. St. Mary's Church, (Catholic), 159 State street, near First, Rev. James J. Griffin, pastor. Churches In Corning and Vicinity; Schools. 521 St. Patrick's Church, (Catholic), Denison Parkway, Rev. E. A. RawHnson, pastor. Church of St. Vincent de Paul, (Catholic), comer EUicott street and Flint avenue. Rev. John A. Conway, pastor. Norwegian Methodist Church, 31 West Pulteney street, Greek Catholic Church, West Erie avenue, no resident pastor. Christian Science Church — has stated services and maintains reading room in Odd Fellows' Temple, East Erie avenue. Salvation Army, citadel 112 East Market street, Adjutants Kingsbury and Danley in charge. Churches In Vicinity of Corning — Baptist Church in village of Gibson, Fred F. Hawley, pastor. First Methodist Church at Caton Center. First Baptist Church at Caton Center. Baptist Church at East Lindley. Methodist Church at Lindley. Methodist Church at Presho, town of Lindley. Congregational Church in village of Hornby. Wesleyan Methodist Church at Dyke, in the town of Hornby. First Baptist Church, in Painted Post, Rev. E. A. Snyder, pastor. First Methodist Church, Painted Post, Rev. W. J. Brown, pastor. Methodist Church at Coopers Plains, town of Erwin. Baptist Church at Coopers Plains, town of Erwin. First Presbyterian Church at Campbell. Methodist Episcopal Church, village at Campbell. Catholic Church at Campbell. Public and Parochial Schools — Corning is the school center for High School or Academic grades of an extensive rural school territory. In Corning a Teachers' Training Class is maintained by the State. There are union graded schools at Painted Post and Campbell. Each of the Catholic parishes of Corning maintains a parochial school. The officers of the two public school districts of Corning (the Chemung River being the dividing line), are : Board of Education of the Northside School District, (No. 13): Arthur A. Humphrey, Theodore A. Hook, Robert F. Simmons, M. E. Dailey, Frank E. Howell, George E. Rood, William Creveling. The officers are : Arthur A. Humphrey, President ; Daton Gilbert, Secre- tary ; Harvey T. Cole, Jr., Treasurer. A. M. Blodgett is Superinten- dent of Schools and F. D. Holden is Assistant Superintendent. 522 Banking, Savings and Industrial Institutions. Board of Education of the Southside School District, (No. 9): Frederick Carder, Guy W. Cheney, John W. Fedder, Edward H. Gray, Eugene C. Sullivan, Francis C. Williams. Officers of Board : Francis C. Williams, President ; Leigh R. Hunt, Secretary ; Frank J. Bantley, Treasurer. J. Murray Foster is Superintendent of Schools. Banking, Savings and Loan Institutions: First National Bank and Trust Company of Corning — Aaron F. Williams, President; Marvin Olcott, Sr., First Vice-President; Chas. M. Hyde, Second Vice-President ; Harvey T. Cole, Cashier ; Rice B. Granger, Assistant Cashier. Directors — ^John L. Lewis, Aaron F. William.s, Dr. Henry A. Argue, Walter S. McCarthy, Frederick W Parsons and Marvin Olcott, Sr. Corning Trust Company— William J. Heermans, President ; Wil- liam S. Heyniger, Vice-President ; G. Arthur Heermans, Secretary ; Clarence E. Pier, Treasurer ; Paul J. Haughey, Assistant Treasurer ; David H. Rose, Assistant Secretary. Directors — Alanson B. Hough- ton, Arthur A. Houghton, William J. TuUy, Benjamin W. Wellington, John L, Thomas, William J. Heermans, William S. Heyniger, William M. Killigrew, G, Arthur Heermans. Corning Co-Operative and Loan Association — ^John C. Wheeler, President ; Harry A. Rood, Secretary ; Miss Amelia E. Wenderlich, Assistant Secretary ; John L. Lewis, Treasurer. Directors — William W. Adams, Andrew B. Maltby, G. Arthur Evans, Harry A. Rood, H. Lee Hollister, John L. Dewie, Marvin Olcott, Sr., Daton Gilbert, Frederick Remmel, B. Frank Towne, Francis C. Williams, John C. Wheeler and Aaron F. Williams. First National Bank of Painted Post — ^Lyman B. Hodgman is President ; Ray Stephens is Cashier. Directors — Fred L. Martin, A. D. Stevens, Fred J. Townsend, John S. Moran, Arthur J. Berns, D. B. Quigley, G. D. Scudder, Max Veazie, Thomas L. Kinsella, W. S. Barnum, Lyman B. Hodgman, George S. Bassett, Edward G. Britton, Charles Tibbitts. Bank of Campbell, conducted by Robert C. TurnbuU & Co., in the village of Campbell ; it was founded by George R. Sutherland. Business and Industrial Organizations — The Locomotive Engineers, Firemen, Trainmen, Conductors, Telegraph Operators, men of the Railroad Crafts, each has a Brotherhood in Corning, in affiliation with State and National organizations. The Building Crafts, including carpenters, brick Summary of Industrial and Social Activities. 523 layers and plasterers, painters and paper hangers, plumbers, and electricians, each has its own trade union, of which the Coming Central Trades' Council is the recognized head. All these labor unions are subordinates of the American Federation of Labor. Corning Chamber of Commerce — Win C. Sleight, President and Acting Secretary ; Daniel VanDusen, First Vice-President ; J. V. Heyniger, Second Vice-President ; Harvey T. Cole, Jr., Treasurer ; A. E. Gallagher, Assistant Secretary. Directors — E. D. Bostwick, William M. Killigrew, Guy W. Cheney, Andrew B. Maltby, John H. Doherty, Frank E. McCormack, Charles E. Githler, George T. Wolcott and Win C. Sleight. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers — C. W. Shoens, Chief Engineer ; William Brewer, Secretary and Treasurer. Brotherhood of Railway, Trainmen — Charles H. Collins, Presi- dent ; Joseph Kelley, Secretary ; W. J. Dowling, Treasurer. Order of Supervisors of Railroads, Corning Local — President, A. J. Anderson ; Secretary, James W. Hart ; Treasurer, G. F. Carpenter. Coming's Industries and Agricultural Resources — Coming's leading industry is the manufacture of technical, utility, and ornamental glass ware. Here is located the largest plant in all the world devoted to the manufacture of glass utensils — The Corning Glass Works, and its auxiliary, the Steuben Glass Works. Under normal trade demands these two plants employ near three thousand men and four to five hundred women. The Hawkes Glass Works, and the glass works of H. P. Sinclaire & Company, both concerns that specialize in art glass cutting and engraving, are extensive employers. There are a number of other shops that help extend the prestige of the glass products of Corning. But the people of this industrial center do not live by glass alone. The mammoth plant of the Ingersoll-Rand Machine Company at Painted Post, when " speeded up," accounts for about twelve hundred employes. The Hood Furnace Company, the Corning Manufacturing Company, (iron workers), the New York Central machine shops and its car shops, and a score of minor industrial undertakings, add to the thrift and prosperity of the community. It is coming to be realized that more attention should be given to the systematic development of common material interests, on the part of those who dwell on farms in the vicinity of Corning and its 524 Summary of Industrial and Social Activities. manufacturers, tradesmen and citizens generally. The coming of automobiles and autotrucks, followed by the building of dependable all-the-year-round good roads, have opened doors of opportunity that swing on double hinges — inwards and outwards. Attorneys-at-Law Residing in Corning — William W. Arland, Edwin C. Carpenter, Guy W. Cheney, W. Earl Costello, Frank H. Ferris, Frank H. Hausner, H. A. Heminway, Guernsey B. Hubbard, George A. King, T. Paul McGannon, Roger S. McAvoy, Charles E. McManus, Arthur D. Moore, Thos. F. O'Bryan, George W. Pratt, Justin V. Purcell, Thomas F. Rogers, Verne V. Ryon, James O. Sebring, Egbert Shoemaker, Claude V. Stowell, Virgil Tupper, William V. L. Turnbull, Leslie W. Wellington, John C. Wheeler, Francis C. Williams, Holland B. Williams. Doctors Residing In Corning, or as Noted — Henry A. Argue, Harry E. Battin, Marshall C. Butler, Willis S. Cobb, Arland L. Darling, John F. Dwyer, George S. Goff, Welcome A. Hanor, Harry H. Hubbell, Edward H. Hutton, George W. Lane, Thomas A. McNamara, Thomas L. McNamara, John L. Miller, James C. Pinkston, Willis H. Proctor, Albert H. Rodgers, Miss Mary E. R. Sandford, Herbert B. Smith, Frank H. Starr, Frank S. Swain, Ernest E. Whipple ; at Painted Post— Clare N. Shumway, John N. Shumway, Luther A. Thomas and Henry E. Elwood. Patriotic, Social, Literary and Other Organizations — The Painted Post Chapter, Empire State Society, Sons of the American Revolution— John L. Chatfield, President; William J. Heermans, Secretary ; Uri Mulford, Treasurer and Historian, Corning Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution — Mrs. James 0. Sebring, Regent ; Mrs. Anson B. Holmes, Vice-Regent ; Mrs. Henry S. Maltby, Corresponding Secretary ; Mrs. William J. Heermans, Recording Secretary ; Mrs. S. Luther Pickles, Treasurer ; Mrs. Clarence K. Wolcott, Registrar ; Mrs. C. F. Buckland, Historian. Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Association of Corning — A. A. King, President ; Uri Mulford, Secretary and Treasurer. William W. Hayt Post, No. 276, Grand Army of the Republic— S. Shaddock, Commander ; A. A. King, Quartermaster ; John C. Austin, Officer of the Day ; Frank Gillan, Adjutant. Woman's Relief Corps, William W. Hayt Post, Grand Army of the Republic— Mrs. Hattie Bentley, President ; Mrs. Mary Krener, Summary of Industrial and Social Activities. 525 Senior Vice-President ; Mrs. Marie Wilcoxon, Junior Vice-President ; Mrs. Jennie Foster, Secretary ; Mrs. Flora McConnell, Treasurer. Carlton Post, American Legion — (See page 509.) Eaton Post, American Legion — (See page 509.) Woman's Auxiliary, John P. Eaton Post, American Legion — Mrs. George P. Walsh, President ; Mrs. W. H. Curtis, Vice-President ; Miss Katherine Eaton, Secretary ; Miss Hazel Tupper, Treasurer. Corning Consistory, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Masons — Arthur D. Moore, 33°, Commander-in-Chief ; Ray C. Rhinehart, 32°, First Lieutenant Commander ; George R. Hemenway, 33°, Second Lieutenant Commander ; Rev. George S. G. Hares, 32°, Orator ; John L. Lewis, 32°, Chancellor ; Joseph C. Moore, 33°, Treasurer ; Harry 0. Anderson, 32°, Secretary ; William H. Foltz, 32°, Master of Cere- monies ; Edward Preger, 32°, Hospitaler ; C. K. Wolcott, 32°, Engineer and Senechal ; Morris Davidson, 32°, Standard Bearer ; Clark O. Goodling, 32°, Captain of Guard. Honorary members of the Supreme Council Valley of Corning — George W. Fuller, 33° ; Joseph C. Moore, 33° ; George R. Hemenway, 33° ; John Comosh, 33° ; Hugh H. Kendall, 33° ; Harry H. Pratt, 33° ; Harry D. Daines,33°. Corning Chapter, No. 190, Royal Arch Masons — Arthur M. Haischer, High Priest ; Smith E. Lyons, Secretary ; Joseph C. Moore, Treasurer ; Clarence K. Wolcott, Tyler. Painted Post Lodge, No. 117, Free and Accepted Masons, of Corning — Eugene H. Gorman, Worshipful Master ; Seth Lominson, Senior Warden ; Clark Goodwin, Junior Warden ; Smith E. Lyons, Secretary ; Joseph C. Moore, Treasurer ; Clarence K. Wolcott, Tyler. The first Masonic Lodge in the Genesee Country was organized at Painted Post, in 1806, its place of meeting being in Knoxville. This Lodge suspended in 1828 ; the present Lodge began operations in the settlement of Corning in 1846, and has since abided. The Masters of the lodges prior to Number 117, so far as now known, with period of sevice, were : John Knox, 1807 to 1814, and 1818 to 1821, inclusive ; Joseph Gillett, 1915-'16-'17 : Henry Stevens, 1822; Lauren Mallory, 1823-'24-'5; Daniel E. Brown, 1826-'27-'28, 1831. The " Blue Lodge " held no meetings for a series of years prior to 1846, when Number 117 was organized. Its successive Masters SamuelBoyer, 1846-'47-'48 andinl853; Benajah P. Bailey, 1849-'50 1851-'52; William A. Spencer, 1854; James B. Lower, 1855-'56-57 Jacob H. Lansing, 1858-'59 ; Charles M. Gamman, 1860-61 ; John Eves 1862-'3-'4-'5; Frank E. Spaulding, 1866-7; Chas. H.Thomson, 1868-'69 526 Summary of Social and Industrial Activities. R. L.Hill, 1870-71; Truman S. Pritchard, 1872-'3; Henry A. Balcom, 1874; William J. Bryan, 1875-76; Joseph J. Tully, 1877-78 ; John S. Earle, 1879-'80; Ahaz D. Robbins, 1881; Charles E. Greenfield, 1882; James Hoare, 1883-'84; Alfred J. Etheridge, 1885-'86 and '89; William F. Sheehan, 1887-'88 and 1891 ; George B. Hill, 1890 ; John Comosh, 1892 ; Elbert B. Seymour, 1893-'4; Warren J. Cheney, 1895-'96 ; Jos. D. Hoare, 1897; Charles F. Remmel, 1898-'99; Francis C. Williams, 1900 ; Edgar E. Magee, 1901-'02 ; Roswell E. Sunderlm, 1903 ; Geo. W. Robertson, 1904 ; Bialostoski Phillips, 1905 ; William M. Corbin. 1906; Alfred Maltby, 1907 ; S. Eugene Tuthill, 1908; F. S. Hazel- bauer, 1909; Wenzel Wenderlich, 1910; Harry H. Pratt, 1911 ; Lewis N. Lattin, 1912; Cyrus D. Sill, 1813; William J. Heermans, 1914; Charles Mcintosh, 1915 ; Robert M. Swallow, 1916 ; Dayton Gilbert, 1917; William H. Pillow, 1918; A. D. Moore, 1919; Willard M. Sage, 1920 ; Eugene H. Gorman, 1921, Crystal City Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star— Mrs. Lillian Kennedy, Worthy Matron ; Mrs. Alice N. Lawrence, Secretary ; Mrs. Marie Goodridge, Treasurer. Mizpah Court, Order of the Amaranth— Mrs. Nellie Crandall, Loyal Matron ; Mrs. Alice N. Lawrence, Secretary ; Mrs. Jennie Pierson, Treasurer. Montour Lodge, 1681, Free and Accepted Masons, of Painted Post— Harold E. Bracy, Worshipful Master ; Harrie 0. Anderson, Secretary ; Andreas D. Stevens, Treasurer. Painted Post Lodge, 713, Independent Order of Odd Fellows- Glenn F. Luckey, Noble Grand ; Homer W. Smith, Vice Grand ; F. W. Osborne, Secretary ; Joseph F. Morse, Treasurer ; John Lauren Chatfield, Financial Secretary. Corning Lodge, No. 74, Independent Order of Odd Fellows— B. T. Bucher, Noble Grand ; Dean Phelps, Vice-Grand ; R. M. Swallow, Recording Secretary; S. B. Hill, Treasurer; Harry Lawrence, Financial Secretary. Canton Corning, No. 42, Patriarchs Militant, Independent Order of Odd Fellows— Herbert C. DeGraff, Captain ; W. C. Harriman, Lieutenant ; B. E. Gibson, Ensign ; C. P. Brant, Clerk ; J. A. Wright, Accountant. Montour Encampment, No. 41, Independent Order of Odd Fellows— Herbert R. Austin, Chief Patriot ; C. P. Brant, High Priest ; L. W. Simons, Senior Warden ; R. M. Swallow, Scribe ; William A. Davis, Treasurer ; S. B. Hill, Junior Warden. Rebekah Lodge, No. 91— Jennie Grove, Noble Grand ; Bertha Cooley, Vice-Grand ; Jessie Long, Secretary. Summary of Industrial and Social Activities. 527 Corninpj Lodge, No. 1071, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks — Dr. Frank S. Swain, Exalted Ruler ; Frank H. Suits, Secretary ; Williamjl. McMahon, Treasurer. Corning Council Knights of Columbus — ^James P. Hallahan, Grand Knight ; John F. Kennedy, Financial Secretary ; William H. Driscoll, Recording Secretary ; Theodore Hilt, Treasurer. Corning Court Catholic Daughters of America — Miss Julia Kelly, Grand Regent ; Alice Hartigan, Secretary ; Margaret Barrett, Treas. Corning Tent, Knights of the Maccabees — H. F. Alden, Com- mander ; George Haar, Record Keeper. Ladies of the Maccabees — Mrs. Mary Krener, Commander; Mary E. Dean, Record Keeper. Coming Lodge, No. 274, Loyal Order of Moose— John Fennell, Dictator ; James Barrett, Past Dictator ; George Herring, Vice-Dicta- tor ; William Hilk, Secretary ; W. D. Pollock, Treasurer. Legioniers of the Loyal Order of Mooseheart — Mrs. Alva Jordan* Past Senior Regent ; Mrs. Ira Russell, Senior Regent ; Mrs. Ella Horton, Recording Secretary ; Mrs. William Hilk, Treasurer. Woman's Club of Corning — Mrs. C. S. Izant, President ; Mrs. H. P. Gage, First Vice-President ; Miss Elizabeth Relihan, Second Vice- President ; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. W. Shea ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. B. Hunt ; Treasurer, Mrs. Cyrus D. Sill. Direc- tors—Mrs. E. J. Carpenter, Mrs. Daton Gilbert, Mrs. James O. Sebring, Mrs. John W. Lynahan. Corning Clionian Circle — (The object of the society is to promote general intelligence, the accumulation of useful knowledge, and the social and intellectual culture of its members ; organized in 1881.) — Mrs. R. L. Allison, President ; Mrs. C. C. Cunnings, First Vice- President ; Mrs. F. W. Kriger, Second Vice-President ; Miss Anne Leach Walker, Corresponding Secretary ; Mrs. N. D. Lattin, Record- ing Secretary ; Miss Hazel Tupper, Treasurer. Corning Has Excellent Newspaper Service — In early days, and until times recent, weekly newspapers were issued in most villages and all cities. Such publications were in the main political party organs, and strict and hearty compliance with the party manager brought substantial recognition when offices were dispensed or orders for printing given out. Home news was printed to a limited extent and metropoliton papers did the rest. Of late years the country weeklies that survive are in a class by themselves, — sturdy, wide-awake community news purveyors that get patronage on merit despite of the more complete service of the daily papers 528 Summary of Industrial and Social Activities. that " cover " the particular territory, nearby locahties, and all the rest of the world. It has come to be recognized that there is such a thing as balance of adjustment of supply to demand in this matter of making and distributing newspapers. There are natural centers of distribution — centers where the daily and morning papers must be printed in order to meet distribution requirements. Coming is such a center for the publication of an afternoon paper, and the Corning Leader meets requirements. A morning newspaper, on account of the greater cost of production, requires a larger field ; it must meet the combined home and general news requirements of a greater number of communites. The city of Elmira, twenty-six minutes east of Corning by Erie train, is the natural morning newspaper publication center for an extensive radius. In the Ehnira Advertiser, which maintains an office in Corning, and covers the local news, Corning has a morning daily of rare excellence. The " appetite " for a Sunday morning paper of the first class is amply satisfied with the Elmira Telegram, the Sunday issue of the Advertiser. Both The Elmira Advertiser and the Sunday Telegram are issued by " The Telegram Printing Company " — Herman Suter, President and General Manager ; Ralph R. Covin, Jr., Vice-President ; Harry S. Thayer, Secretary ; Carl F. Steinhauser, Treasurer. The Evening Leader is owned and published by Edwin S. Underbill. Office of publication, " The Leader Building," at the northeast corner of Walnut street and Erie avenue. Corning. ERRORS IN STATEMENT CORRECTED. Page 43, Indian council at Buffalo Creek was held in 1788, and the year following at Canandaigua. Page 46, date in first line of last paragraph should read, 1789. Page 59, seventh paragraph, the name Proctor should be Pickering. Page 104, next to last line, date should be, 1791. Page 126, name in second paragraph should read, " Mr. Kryder." Page 128 — Col. Lindsley was a great-grandson of Francis the emigrant. Page 162, date in first line of first paragraph should be 1791. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 224 037 3