/. F 612 .H8 fl24 HOUSTON COUNTY. I^'^IcQl-^v^ {yf^^€r^ Z^X^^tA^ That tli« late financial revulsion has turned gie attention of Eastern men to an examination of other fields of entei-priae and labor, where thejcan find new homes and seek new associations, and that tliese liomes will be scattered over the boundless prairies, and on the banks of the rivers of the West, and these associations formed among the people of the West, is a fact enforced bj the spirit of eager inquiry concerning the advantages and resources of new States and Tenitories everywhere prevailing in the Atlantic States. Many who expect to emigrate for the West the present Spring, come to join Mends whose glowing descriptions of the natural resources everywhere around them have decided such in the selection of a location, but there are many others still undecided who need only an acquaintance with the advantages offered by some pai-ticulai- section of country to determine to pay it a visit at least. To the latter class especially we hope to impart useful information. Southern Minnesota justly claims no small share of attention among the various points of interest which attract the notice of the emigrant, and we deem no portion of it more worthy of a pla«c h-'gh in the estimation of business men of all classes than that part of the south-eastern corner of the State, known as Houstox Cou.^xr. 2 ^^ HOUSTON COUNTY. Being the first County in the State vrhich isTeaclied in a trip up tlie. Mississippi^ its. populatiQn, numbers representatives from all the Eagtern and Middle States, incUiced to settle within its limits because approached by less cost and time than any other, and because it contains all reasona1:^le requirements for the location of pleasant homes, fine fai-ms, and eligible sites for every branch of mani*facture. ^ Houston County is'twejity-foar miles square,^^bracing sixteen to-^nships of land taken froin"t)ld Fillmore" County. It is bounded on Hie north by Winona County, on the east by tlie Mississippi River, on the south by the Iowa liiie, and on the west by Fillmore County, and is contained within the limits of " Root River Land District." It was organized during the Legislature of 1853, the first county-seat being at Brownsville on the Mississippi ; but in 1856 the county-seat was removed to Caledo3ua where it now remains. In 1854 the Land Office of the" Root River Land District " was located at Brownsville, but transferred to Chatfield, Fillmore County, in 1S56. The selectio;! of Houston County, as preferable for the location of the Land Olfice, drew the attention of prc-emptors to an examination of its resources, and soon neai-ly ail of its available lands were disposed of to actual settlers, and at once commenced the work of improvement wliich has since stc:adily progressed. Happily that fierce spirit of speculation which often materially retards the growth of new countries, because detrimental to the prosperity of the woi-king class, did not seize upon the earliest settlers of the County, who preferred rather to improve by art what nature so bountifully offered, and for this reason the growth of Houston County has been permanent and healthy. The first settlements made in the County were at Brownsville and Hokah, aft-er which followed Caledonia, Spring Grove, Sheldon, Houston, HOUSTON COUNTY. 3 La CrcFceuf, Riccford, and other points of less impoilancc and note. Liks pioncv-^rs evevywheie, those tvIio made claims in thia County at an early peni)d, T^ere obliged to sutrer many privations and surmount nnuiy difticultics, but the liope of an early reward for their labors led thcra to persevere until that hope was realized and oti;ers began to second their efforts, the farmer by purchasirif^ and improving lands, the mechanic by selecting a spot and thereon erecting a mill, and the merchant by establishing a ti'ading point, both a convenience and a necessity fur all classes. To one accustomed to a level and even countiy, that part of Houston County lying along the Mississippi and Root Rivera may present a ^Tigged and forbidding appearance, as nothing appears to meet the eye, save high bluffs with rocky summits. This line of bluffs generally extend back into the country from tvsro to four miles^ and then is to be tound fine pr urie and timber land, gently rolling, while a few miles further west the surface of the country is often a plain, perfectly level. In the valleys between these 1:la/rs, tiie land is quite as good for farming purposes as the prairie;! and the conven ience of springs vastly better, as scai'ceiy a single valley in the County, but has an abundant supply of clear and wholesome water. About one-sixth of the County consists of these hills and bluffs, about one-fourtli of timber, and the ren-iaining portion well adapted to the growth of giain and advantageous for the raisirig of stuck of all kinds. It is between the ranges of bluffs that are to be fbund the large number of first clnst marvcloua gi-owth of Westei-n vegetables, and cereaLs, but this doubt arises from an attempt to compare the productive capacity of their own lands, even incicased to its utmost extent by artificial means, to tlie fii^.e soil of our Western praiiies, which for n:.any years at least will need no enriching to keep up tlie reputation it now pos3t«8es. Though iloListon County has no better soil than is to ba HOUSTON COUNTY. 7 found in the interior and \ycsteni parts of tlic State, it will admit no inferiority wliatcver. TJie grass upon its still xmcuKivated lands shows a -strong, deep soil, and tlic use of tiio plow, the drill and the cultivator has never foiled to fm-nish abundant work for reaping, mowing and threshing machines. As it has been before rcmarlied, the most extensive body of farming lands in Ho'. slon County, lie in the interior. A country more attractive to tlic eye of the farmer will not often be mot than that whicli surrounds Ctil'^donia, Sheldon and Ricefoi-d, where near harvest time fine fields of vrLeat, rye, oats, corn and buckwheat are visible in any diroctiou to which the oyo is turned. But all the good farms, or choice lands yet to be made farm.s, are not to be found near the places dcsigiiatod. The valley and highlands of Money Creek comprises some of our roost fertile and beautiful faims, and enterprising farmers. The same is to be eaid cf the valley farming lands around Hokah, La Cresceat, Brownsville, Houston, San Jacinto, Yucatan and Looncyville. To convince any man that Houston County can raise tall corn, largo potatoes, mammoth squashes aiul turnips,, ^e has only to visit its next a'^'ricidtural fair, when the wealth of its farmers will Fpoak in glowing terms of its capacity to juoduce. Owing to its recent settlement, stock growing harj not as yet been extcnsivdy introduced in this County, thougli yeaiiy increasing as all- cxperimen<;s in tliis depai'tmcnt have been entirely satisfactory. There are many reasons wln'eli could be urged in favor of stock raising liere, and none a^-ainst it, and a fjw years will suffice to make this an important item in our column of exj^ortations. Good dairies are vanted here, and owing to tlio situation of the County with respect to a convenience of getting to a eui"« inaiket, their products wiD always bo in demand. Will not 8 HOUSTON COUNTY. some of our Eastern friends anxious to emigi'ate, think cf this business and give us the benefit of their experience ? As to success in raising sheep, we are convinced by actual experiment that no section of country can be better adapted. This locality is not subject to those long, drizzling rains and cliilly damps, so prevalent in a more Eastern climate. Houston County as yet can claim but few fleeces, though these, it is said, are of excellent quality. It is an opinion held by many that the climate of Southei'n Minnesota is too cold for fruit, that it vould be killed by severe and protracted winters, and as a proof of the statement, the cold -winter of 1856 is urged. It must be recollected, however, that this country was not the only one which suffered from the extreme rigor of that winter. Throughout the Eastern and Middle States the destruction of fmit was almost nnparalleled, so great indeed that years will be required to regain what was lost at that time. Of course. Southern Minnesota could not be exempt from the general hardships of that winter, and what few new orchards and nurseries it then possessed were in no better condition to with- stand an extremely cold winter than those in places east and south of us. Indeed, the immaturity of our orchards made them more liable to'suffer from frosts, as they will be for a few years to come, but there is no reason to believe that this climate, with its remarkably even and moderate temperature, may not successfully compete with any place east of us, of the same latitude. The introduction of choice fruits is attracting the attention of Houston County farmers the present spring, and a few yeai's will find us producing a sui-plus. Senthern Minnesota cannot yet l)oast of her colleges and eminent seminaries of learning, but Houston County can show a good system of fi-ee schools, and contends, also, that it lias all the dements for starting and encoui-aging institutions of a high HOUSTON COUNTY. 9 literary character. Every town in the coxmly has hccn providvcl ■with good scliools the past -winter, and as a fact in favor of tlic estimation in "whicli education is held here, good teachers arc in demand, though none but good ones. Onr citizens are inclined to ignore the system of cheap teaching, and think tliat instmclion tlie cheapest -which is the best, though it cost the most money, Minnesota, "while yet in its infancy, has strenuously m'ged the speedy construction of RAILROADS, as the best means of developing its resources, by inducing emigration and capital to find its \vay into its borders. The munificent gi-ant of land.<= •which Congress has given to the State, and -which the Legislature in turn has donated to railroad companies, insured to its a good system of transportation, at least -within five years. This at fust -was considered a great achievement by the Teiritoiy, in conside- ration of its youth and limited population ; but the success of railroad enterprises in the "VVestera States particularly, and, in fact, their necessity to promote a rapid gro-wth of any country, led the peoj^le of Minnesota to believe that something must be done to aid our railroad companies, -who -were more or 108"^ cmbaiTassed by the late general financial revulsion. Minnesota had nothing to fear lest these imracnsc interests should be properly attended to in time, but the necessity ot securing a share of the emigration of the present spring and of making great efforts to bring our advantages and resources into general and extensive acquaintance among our eastern friend?;, and also to prove that -we were not un-willing to commence ourselves the -work of development, a loan of State credit to the amount of $5,000,000, to aid in the constniction of railroads, ■was voted upon on the loth of April last, and approved by ati immense majority. This loan of State credit is amply securetl by a conveyance to the State by deed of trust of the lands belonging to the companies, excluding the probability of the 10 HOUSTON COUNTY, Staic being obliged to pay oitlierthe interest or principal of tiie hoade. According to tlie coiidilionsof this measure, the corajjanies arc compelled to commence constniclioa witliii) oistj days after the Goyernor's proclamation that such Tote has been taken, and "vyithiu t?ro years tliercafter, construct ready for the sr.perstnic- tarc, at least fifty (50) rniles of their roads." The four companies are also obliged to complete not less tiian fifty miles of road each before the expii'ation of tEe year 1861, one hundred miles each before the year 18G4, and complete four-fifllis of the entire length of the roads before the year 1SS6, Y/iiat more eiSciejit measures than these can be taken to waiTant Ivlinncsota that attention which she deserves, and what ."Tiore could its inhabitants do to convince those who wish to emigi'ate that the right spiiit of entei-prise exists to welcome and n.r,d reward their coming. To the advantages which Southern Minnesota, and Houston County in partic;;lar, is admitted ]>y 1]i3so improveraeats, we wish to call atteijtion. The railroad iuterests of Southern Minnesota are represented by two corapaniea cdlcd the *' Southern Minnesota " and " Transit " Railroad Companies. The Southern Minnesota, formerly the Root River Yailey JlJl. Company, commences one line of their road at La Crescent 5'! this county, on the Mississippi ; thence via Hokah and up the llooi River Valley, through the whole w^idih of the county, and on westward, making connection with other important roads. That this road -^'ill be first in importance to the interests of this portion of Southern Minnesota, tliere can exist no doubt, and it must become the great channel for the cxpoi-ts and imports of \)y(i country west of us, because it is the most natural one. The building of this road through the county will e:,tablish depots ajong tJiC line so that no part of the county can be at a great HOUSTON COUNTY. 1 I distance from a plac? for discliarging its Bui-plus raw or manufac- tured inatorial, and receiving in return that whicli cannot ba furnished at home. A few hours travel at least v. ill bring tlie farmer and tradesman to a place -Nvhoro will be found at all times bidders for his articles from poiTita cast and west, thi^.s affording the choice of a foreign market, a thing exceedingly desirable to the producing class. \Ve believe tliat over this Vu\9 of road through HoListon Count j a great proportion of the products of Southern Miimesota must find the Mississippi, because vre- have a direct connection with Milwaukee, by the La Crosse and Milwaukee Eailroad, which will be completed to La Crosse the present summer. With the completion of the last mGutioacd raih'oad, Houston County must become of great impor-ance, as situated along the Mississippi, and containing part of what must become one of the most NOTKD RAILROADS IN THE UNITED States. Then wc stand in tlic eame relation to Milwaukee that Dubuque does to Chicago, also having the same facilities by way of river transpo'rtation.and even better, because a navigable river, the Root, runs through thia county, and it certainly has as good a back country to support it. The city of Milwaukee is rapidly rising in wealth and import- ance, becoming a formidable rival of Chicago by railroad and shipping facilities, and is, if anytliing, a better grain market tl;ari Chicago, yeai'ly increasing hermcaT\B for drawing the trade of a larger extent of country, by means of lines of railroad m CTciy direction. AVilh such a m.arkot as Milwaukee aftbrde to Houston County, with aclieap, quick and reliable method oftransportatinn by a railroad connection both on the cast and the west, and the navigation of the Misaisj^ippi on the north and south, the farmer must find a good price for hia giain, our factories will not lie- idk because their fabrics caunot be sold, and here^ too, the mcrehaiit 12 HOUSTON COUNTt. mechanic, artist and professional man will find their labors propeilj appreciated and rewarded. In eyerj "way, then, is Houston County advantageously aituated to become "wealthy and populous. If it possessed no other recommendations than imrivalled water powers and the convenience of a situation upon the longest and most important liver in the world, these would be sufficient to build it up, and make it the centre of an immense manufacturing trade. To those wishing to engage in a manufacturing trade in the "West, we would earnestly recommend Houston County, There are still hundreds of good mill seats unimi^roved within its limits where a large and profitable business can be secured at once, and without any great amount of extraordinary efi'ort or an imreason- able expenditure of money. No other cou.nty in Southern Minnesota is yet manufacturing largely enough to inteifei-e with any business of this class carried on here, and we believe, too, that no other county can claim a superiority over this by way of a natural fitness, and certainly none nearer a good eastern market, V7hich will absorb all that does not go to supply the country still further west. As the number of mills are increased, foundries, machine shops and anvils will be in greater demand, and must follow to contribute their share to insure a harmony to other branches of business. In days gone past it has been customary for the steam engine to follow the plough, that no doubt might exist lest the products of the soil should fail to give support to the raikoad, but since the experiment has shown the utility of the iron track, the plough now follows the engine, and when the iron horse plunges into our forests or speeds over our prairies, the busy wheels of enterprise follow closely after, and, as if in the twinkling of an eye, the forests resound with the stroke of the axe, and disappear to make way for cities, and prairies yield golden fruits to reward tliose who HOUSTON COUNTY. 1 3 toil. Now a country is pierced by the steam car, and immediately after come troops of men with brawny arms and willing hearts, to sow, to reap, to build and to overcome all difficulties, that the future may find them enjoying that reward of ease and content- ment wliich come closely behind every effort to progress. Now is the time to come and take an early advantage of tliese resources. Lands, both wild and cultivated, can be bought at much lower figures than were asked last fall, or will be asked a year hence, and what is said of land is also true with respect to any kind of property. With us now, provisions, labor and mate- rial are cheap, and the man who has a small cash capital can, at present prices, and the present call for money and moneyed men, make satisfactory progress in establishing any kind of business. Cirumstances could not be more propitious for Western emi- gration than just now, and let no one designing to settle in tlie West let this golden opportunity for making a choice selection pass away unheeded or unimproved. Unimproved prairie lauds are selling at from ^'2 to $5, and lands under cultivation from $4 to $10 per acre, Houston County stands ready to welcome all who may feel inclined to come within its borders ; and can give profitable employment to millions of capital. We want men to come among us — men who act and men who think — men with large and comprehensive minds, who will know how to busy their hands at the plough, the workbench, the loom and the anvil, men ■who will be j^roducers and not merely consumers — in other words we want wse/W men, and to such we will give encouragement. We are now neither rich nor populous enough to use all of the advantages which nature has scattered ai'ound us, nor ai"e we selfish enough to do so, if others will assist us in the great marcli. of improvement. We are satisfied that our choice here has been a good one, and we do not hesitate to invjtc our friends to join u«. 14 HOUSTON COUNTY. The determination of our citizens is to adTance, and they loiU advance. Let those vrho come bring with them their ploughs, their hammers and shuttles, their school books and their Bibles; for all these are needed to encourage and prolong the spirit of eriterprise which "will determine our success. HOKAH Is situated on section 5 and 6, town 1 03, and section 39, town 104, and is a plateau or bencli at the confiuence of Thompson's Creek with Root Hirer, and about 2.5 feet above the level of tho water of Root River. This bench is formed by the lower ends of valleys radiating from this point in almost every direction and each one atiordiug a good natural road back into the country and towards the Mississippi, a distance of five miles. This place is the first eligible pnint*^ for & town f^i te up the Root River, and occupies the g-ap between the blufis at the outlet of the Root River Valley. The bluffs from this point tall back from the river rapidly and give the mouth of the Valley a bell shape, witli low bottom larids between Kokah and the Mississippi River. The Root River Valley here is about 2 miles in width and supports a heavy growth of timber from the mouth 25 miles up the stream. Among the timber is to be found the finest quality of oak, black walnut, butterniu-,. hard and soft maple, white and black ash,basswood, cottouwcod, hackbeny and elm. The trees grow very tall, and large logs ai-e now lying h\ the mill yard, measuring 50 feet in le)iji,th, 4 feet through at the butt, and 3 feet at the top. Its'prineipal use here is for ship plant. The cbief engineer of the ^outliern Minnesota (Land Grant) R. R. Company, D. J. Whittemore, Esq., in his report to the Board of Directors, on the 1st of January, 1858, mentions this tract of timber as follows: "The Root River line (of railroad) passes through twenty miles of dense timber land. In this vaUey all HOUSTON COUNTY. 15 the varieties of oak witli maple, basswood a:id elm arc faund In abundance of l]ie largest growrtli and finest quality." This body lies princi] ally above Hokali and is easily rafted or ^mted dcven to this point to supply the yai'ious manufactories already in operation. Hokah is the Indian name of Root River, as also the name of ii chief, who formerly had his village located en the.se same grounuK -vrhere there arc still innumerable Indian graves and other tnicos of Indian remains. The first settlement at Hokah vras made by Ed^vavd Thon)p- Bon, Esq., as early as 1651. He was first induced to locate here by the fine opportunity offered to obtain a heavy water power upon a stream falling into Root River at tliis point, which subsequently received the name of Thompson's Creek. His first design was to raise the water 36 feet, but his dam pro'^^d insuffi- cient, and, about the time his saw mill was ready for operation, the dam broke out. There being scarcely a white family in Houston County at that time, it seemed like a reckless under- taking. The water power obtained would be much heavier than demanded, but eraigr;ition soon set in, and Edward Thompson persevered in his undertaking, rebuilt the dam, obtaining 25 feet fall, and started his mill in the spring of l85i. In 1855 C. "W. Thompson bought into the water power, and erected a grint mill, and laid out the town. In 185(i about 30 buildings were erected ; in 1857 as many more. The water power was improved and a large shop erected, 44 by 80, four stories higli, with wattr wheels and line shaftijig, the design being to rent room and pov%-er for driving any kind of rcachinciy. The waJer power obtained by this dam is sufficfPnt to drive fifteen run cf stone. There is ako another and htavier water power in contemplation. By damming Root River three foet and racing across a short flat 6^ feet fidi can be obtained, with the whole of the water of Root lis HOUSTON coujrrr. iiiver, thereby creating an enormous power and the only heavy one that can be obtained as near the Mississippi for a hundred miles abo^ or below this point. The proximity of Hokah to the great ra^road crossing, (La Crosse,) with timber above on Root Kiver to supply all kinds of manufactures, and navigation on the river below to La Crosse, (10 miles, by way of the river,) to facilitate the transjDortation of manufactiu-ed articles, certainly settles its claims as a manufacturing town. In 1855 a charter for a railroad fi'om Hokah, via the South Bead of the Minnesota, to the Great Bend of the Missouri River, with a branch from Hokah to La Crescent, and fifom Hokah t& Brawnsville, was obtained. In 1857 Congress granted lands to aid in the construction of several railroads in the territory among which was a grant for a road from La Crescent, via Target Lake, and Root River Valley, to some point of Jnnct'on east of range 17 with the road from Winona to the Big Sioux River. This grant was given to the company already organized imder the charter obtained in 1855, and "in accordance with the act of 'incorporation of said Root River Valley and Southern Minnesota Railroad Company, approved March 2nd, 1855, and all subse- q\ient amendments thereto." The La Crosse and Prairie du Chien Railroad is soon to be built, making a connection fi'om Brownsville to Prairie du Chien, and when it is completed it makes Hokah the junction of the two great lines of Western travel, i, e., from Milwaukee via La Crosse and up Root River Valley, and from Chicago via Prairie du Chien, Brownsville and the point of junction, at or neai' Hokah. There are several mail routes crossing each other at this place. The route from Brownsville to Maukato, from La Crosse to Decorah, and from La Crosse to Chatfield run through Hokali, HOUSTON COUNTY. 1 7 aoeuiing good communication with all parts of tlie State and tho East. Hokah presents inducements for all kinds of business men. It has not at present a tithe of tlie capital or business men requii'ed by the surround Jng country, and especially wants manufacturers of farming utensils, furniture, castings and machinery, and any thing, in short, made of wood. Mechanics would find liere good water power, good timber, readily made available, with the whole of Southern Minnesota for a market, or, in case of a surplus, a direct communication with tlie North or South by the Mississippi or East by the La Crosse and Milwaukee Railroad, of wliich there is a certainty of being finislied to La Crosse by the coming fall. At the present time there is little manufactured in Minne- sota; the farmer imports his reapers, fanning mills, ploughs and oven rakes. Ail furniture,-doois, blinds and sash are imported, and all mill caslisigs and machinery, etc., are made abroad, that might as well be made here as anywliere, and thereby save transportation and two or three dealers' profits. Property in Hokah has always been low and the inflation usually considered to be in the West has never reached tin's place. There is scarcely any property held on speculation, no buildings put up by thus-i interested in the property for show simply, but on the contrary built up by actual settlers and from actual business necessities. The present inhabitants are generally from tlie East, and have brought with them Eastern ideas nf supporting school houses and churches, and have put those ideas in practice. If business men would find a place for profitable investment in the manufacturing line this is a desirable spot. A good many permanent improvements are going on at tho present time which invite attention. There is abundant room and materials for firs': class factoriitJ of all kinds, and k good demand for every species of labor. IS HOUSTON COUNTY. SHELDON. The town of Sheldon issitucated in town 103 of range 6 west, on the line heiwetn sections 31 and 32, and derives its name fi-om one of its p-opriotors, Mr. Julius C. Sheldon a resident of Suffield, Connecticut. The original town plat comprises forty acres of fine bottom land, to which an addition of twenty acres has been made, and though s.ifficiently ample for the present iraproveraentg and requirements of its citizens, enough of the same quality of land remains to increase its limits to almost any extent. The town site is that of a broad bench of laud, running back from Beaver Creek, upon which it is situated, to the extent of a 7nile in width, ^-^nerally level, though sufficiently undulating to increase tiie beauty of the place, without subjecting it to any heavy grading. Tiiis bench contains some six or seven hundred acres, and though surrounded by bluffs, the entrances to it from the variolas roads which connect it with othei' towns and an excellent farming country, are generally most singularly pictur- esque and beautiful, at the same time rendering it easily accessible from almost any other point in the county. Mr, John Brown pre-empted tlie land in the yearl854, and tlie valuable water power was soon turned into a good purpose, by the erection of a saw mill, an improvement which is generally considered an essential starting point for a permanent growth to any new Western town. Beaver Creek which affords one of the most copious water powers in the West is formed from large springs, and lias a western and southern branch which unite and form a single Rtream at a distance of a mile from the town. Either of these branches is amply sufficient for supplying water for first class jnills^of any description and their banks ai'e well situated for tlie required buildings. The stream varies in width from twentv to twenty-five feet, a IWUSTON COUNTY. l^^ lui-an depth of eighteen inches, and empties into the south I'ork of Root River about two miles distant from the continence of its two branches. It has a fiill of ten feet to the mile, and is filled witii fine trout, affording endless sport to tbe angler, besides •"Ppljing the table witli a luxury ever envied by the epicure. A dam has been stretclied across the stream at the lower part of the town, giving a fiill of thirteen feet, and either above or below this dam any number of mills and factories may be erected and fully supjlied with water the whole year. Five or six large and beautiful springs are situated within a mile of the place and one or two in close proximity to the town plat. Tlie South Fork of Root River is also navigable for flat boat*?, to the moutli of Beaver Creek. This valuable water privilege which forms the principal featur«? of attraction to men who ai'e on the lookout for good business locations, at once stamps this place as being one eminently fitted for mechanical purposes, i:i which its principal wealth will consist. Nov have these advantages been overlooked or neglected, as extensive improvements are now in progress, under the direction of Mr, Josephus Seely, which, when completed will be highly complimentary to the energy and enterprise of this gentleman, besides a valuable acquisition to the real wealth of Houstoji County. Mr. Secly has recently removed from Connecticut and viewing witli the eye of a thorough business critic the natural giftH belonging to tlie place, he is fully determined that the improve- ments of ait shall not long be wanting to reiuler the town which he has selected for a residence, botli a permanent and increasing k'dvanJ^age to the surrounding country, and as it must become a source of large profit to himself and other citizens of the place. Alreadv he has the timber liewn and drawn to the spot for tli« 20 HOUSTON COUNT!'. erection of a first class flouring miP having three run of burrs. He has purchased the saT7 mill built by Messrs. Brown & Swan, and twelve acres adjoining the mill lots, upon which to erect other large and comiaodioas buildings necessary to the con- venience and rapid completion of his designs and also upon which can be erected dwellings for those under iiis employ. With the saw mill is connected a machine siiop, for planing, tonguing and grooving planks and boards, lathes for turning iion and wood, circular saws and various other machines required for mechajiical purposes. A spot has been selected for the erection of a paper miJl, which, when in operation, will undoubt- edly receive a liberal support from all paits of the Territory, and Tjupply a deficiency whicli Minnesota especially demands among her factories. The land adjoining tlie mill site,, owned by Mr, Seely, is rendered doubly valuable from the fact that it has within its limits a large bed of clay from which a superior quality of brick may be easilv manufactured, and but a few rods distant, a a large bank of the best quality of sand for building purposes. Grey limestone is found in abundance, and of excellent quality, near the town, and soon a quarry will be opened to furnish stone for the foundation to several buildings designed to be erected in a short time. Excellent timber is found near the town, and is easily procured and converted into lumber. In the valleys are to be found jnincipally black walnut, elm and basswood, while on the higher ^nounds and bluffs, wliite, red and burr oak and black walnut abound in very considera,ble quantities. The soil on the priiicipal beiich is a black, sandy loam of fin© quality for gardening purposes. The streets are laid out at right angles ; those encompassing the town, also tiie two principal streets through the place being eighty-two feet wide, the remaining streets having a width of HOUSTON COUXTY. 21 pixly-two feet. The public square, in the centre of the tcAvn, i.s two hundred by four hundred feet in size, and will soon be properly fenced and ornamented with a view to the fiitiu'e adornment of the town. Each lot is one hmidred and twenty feet square, and between each an alley of twenty feet in width conveniently separates tlieir limits. Sheldon contains a population of over one liundrcd ; has oik- blacksmitli shop, a niacliine and wag:ou shop, three saw mills, one hotel and two dry goods and grocery stores. A church and school liouse will soon be numbej-ed among the permanent and useful ornameiits to tlie place, lots having been reserved for th.em. Seven important and well tra^eied roaHs lead fiora Sheldon, to diiferent points at a distance, most of them traversing the richest agricultural portions of the county and affording the place a splendid opportunity for beco'niiig a central raai-ktt for agricultural products in this portion of country. A perpetuation of that spirit of eutei-prise wliich now scen.s to characterize the citizens of Slieldon will certainly open tlie channels of a fine and natural commu!\ication between the town and farming interests, wliich cannot fail to become mutually beneficial, and evciitually it will be able to command what it now. seeks — to obtain the patronage of the farmers. That town must become a point of interest and attraction which is prepared to take the products of the fai'mer in excliange for goods of all descriptions, and turn tlicse products again into a cash market by means of mills and shops. Sheldon will be fully able to do tliis when her system of improvements sliall have been completed, and as her roads are improved, so mucli greater will be her cliances for attracting tlie products of the ricliest portion of Houston County. The rich abundance of the Norwegian Ridge may yet find a v2 HOUSTON COUNTY. market at SHeldon, ^hile the valley of the Soiitli Fork of Root River may contribute not a little to build up and sustain for licr a reputation for thrift and busy enterprise, a sure precursor of a growing and populous town. Upon the whole, we consider the town of Sheldon as one destined to be of no second or tliird rate importance in the history ..f our progress. Her fine natural advantages must attract attention when they become generally known, and when tliorougli business men begin to improve these advantages her superiority as a good point for the interchange of all kinds of commodities, must and will place her in a prominent position among tlie towns of Southern Minnesota. LA CRBSGENT. La Crescent is situated on portions of sections three^ ten and eleven, in township 104 north of range 4 west, in' Houston County, Slate of Minnesota. It lies on the west bank of the JJississippi River, opposite Nortli La Crosse, and a little noitli of opposite the city of La Crosse. From the steamboat landing at the city of La Crosse to the La Crescent landing is somewhat less than two miles. Just above tlie nortliern limits of La Crescent, the higli bluffs vhich for miles above and below this point wall in the Missi^ippi River, diverge from its immediate banks, leaving at their base a beautiful table land containing over six luindred acres, whose mean elevation is about fifty feet above high water mark. In front of this table "is a triangular, piece of bottom land, wliose apex is at the northern limits of the town, and whose base is in the vicinity of Root River, which land is subject to overflow. The table lands are a mile and a half in length and about three- fourths of mile in width. On these the principal paii of the town is built ; and a more lovely location for a town cannot well irousTON couNir. 23 tie imagined. Tl^e tables are level, with a ^navd and loam aubsoil of great depth, giving dry cellars wiliiout drainage; a dry and clean surface free from dust, sand and clay mud • pure water ; and tlie richest of garden land, which is easily cultiVatcil. Mature has dotted the plat with beautiful burr oak shade trees giving the town a cool, shady and inviting appearance La Orescent will vie with the banks of the Had^on .ui furnishing magnificent residence locations. There arc many elevated benches, easily accessible, whicli command extensive views of the river, bluff and valley, and the surrounding towns. In fact, a more lovely and more lovely and magnificent landscape tlian' is here spread oat to view, need not be wishod tor to satiate the most ardent admirer of the beauties of nature. La Crescent was laid out in June, ^185G ; and the town wa« iJicorporated by the Legislature in Februaiy, 1 857. The jTrtsen t population (May, 1858,) is about four liundred. About eighty buildings have been erected, most of which are of a substantial kind, and present rather a neat and tasty appearance. There are two good hotels, four dry goods and grocery stores, one drug store and one furniture store. There are al^o a good steam sa^ mill, a large warehouse which will soon be opened, a blacksmith's shop and a shoemaker's sliop. La Crescent can boast of a good brick school hoi-se, and of a set of inhabitants willing to be liberally taxed for the support of good schools. Provisions have been made for a nine months' freij school for the present year. The Baptist and Methodist denomination.s have regular services, conducted by able ministeis. There arc also a sabbath school and bible class held every Sabbath, and a prayer meeting eveij Thursday evening. Within half a mile of the limits of the to^n on the south Hows Pi'^c Creek, a lovely stream of watei-, formed and fed by numcro^^a 2i HOUSTON COUNTY. springs and spring brooks. Its waters flo"^ deep and rapidly and are cleai- as crystal ; and the stream witli its tributaries are full of the finest trout. There is an ujiiinproved water power on tliis strcana, contiguous to town, which, with a coroparatively snjall outlay of capital, can be made to suppi ' ample power for ail the milling and manufacturing purposes which will ever be required, A dam can be raised any required height witliin thirty feet, not exceeding in mean length sixty leet. The bank.s ai'e firm, and there is abundant material for the construction of a dam, in the immediate vicinity. The supply of water is abundant and never failing. There are good facilities for carrying a large race a great distance, for the snpply of side races, thus supplying any required number of mills and factories from one dam. Here is a good opening for a fiouring mill, and one is very much needed. It is also a good location for a paper mill. The water is of the purest kind, the demand for paper lai'ge, and the supply limited. A good machine shop, turning lathes, chair and tub factories, tan and currier's establishment, and an oil rail] would all be paying investments. This wiUalbo soon be a good opening for a small woolen factory. The rich, fertile valleys of Pine Creek a?Kl Root River are naturally tributary to La Crescent. Tiiese valleys, within the last three years, have been settling up rapidly with enteiprising fai'mers, and already quite a large suj'^us of grain and provisions is raised, which will increase annually as new farms are opened up and improvements extended. Root River rises about one hundred miles inlaud and traverses a rich agricultural region, to a large extent prairie, but is itself skilled with good timber. In the valleys of Root River and Pine Creek fir:e farm lands can be bought second hand very cheap, which land must all rapidly increase in value on account of contemplated railroad improve- ments. HOUSTON COUNTY. 2o No town on tlie \rcst bank of tlic Mississippi river, between Head's Landing and McGregor's is as favorably situated as La Crescent in reference to an easy coraraiinicalion with tlie int<;rior. Through tlie valleys of Root Kiver and Pine Creek all portions of the country can be reached without the necessity of climbing steep hills, and good and permanent wagon roads can be easily built. Great improvements in the roads arc contemplated the present season. The same may be said of the approaches to the river on the east side at La Crosse. The La Crescent Company owns one of the finest ferry boats on the Mississippi Ri\cr, which boat plies regularly between La Crescent and La Crosse. Tliese advantages combined make this the most favorable point for land emigrants to cross the Mississi]^pi ; and the large number of emigrant teams which are now crossing here daily, shows that these advantages are understood and appreciated. There are already three main roads, whicli diverge into many otliei-rs, k^ading back into the country, making La Crescent accessible irom all points. In a commercial point of view. La Crescent is the gateway to to Southern Minnesota; and will be its commercial emporium. This is made so by the iraportrint railroad connections which liave a bearing upon the prosperity of the town, and by its situation on tlie west bank of tlie Mississippi River. TJie La Crosse and Milwaukee Railroad, which is being pushed wrward rapidly, will be completed this season . This will give La Crescent a direct railroad connection with Milwaukee, Chicago and the seaboai'd cities. By means of the Mississippi River the town has an extensive communication with the south and the north; and tlirough the land grant railroads of Minnesota it soon wiK havi; easy communication with the west. The Southcra Miiiucsota Railroad which leaves iht, Mississippi, and has its terminus ai La Crescent, is virtually an extension of the La Crosse amJ 25 HOUSTON COUNT r. MiiwjAtkec Road. Tliis road will be fed hy the Cedar Valier Road wliicli it will intersect about eighty miles north-west of La Orescent, and through which road La Crescent will have a a direct railroad coreiraunicalion with St. Paul. At St. Peter tri3 Southevn Minnesota Road will tap the Minnesota Vallej Road, which is owned and controlled by the same company ; tlius completing the railroad connection between La Crescent on the Mississippi, and Sioux City, or some other point in that vicinity, on the Missouri. It will also connect at St. Peter oo'iiiect with tlie western extei-ssion of the Transit Road : thi^.s givi!-g La Crescent over one thousand miles of i-ailroad conaniu- nication within the Stt'te of Minnesota. By far the larger portion of the already large and growing traffic and travel of Minnesota will reach the Mississippi at this point, for here only will it bo able for soree jeajs to come, to find within the State an eastern outlet by railroad. Tlic jailroads of Minnesota liave a solid basis, possessing heavy grants of lands, and a loan of the State credit to the amount of $5,000,000. The conditions of the loan are such that in order to avail themselves of its provisions, the several railroad coraplinics mast commence tlie constrnction of their respective roads, by or before the first of August next. It is the design of the Soutliern ilinrjcsota Railroad Compajiy to comme?iC8 the construction of tlieir road, at La Crescent, some time in the month of June of tiic present year ; and the road will probably be completed to Kochcstcr by the fall of .1859. At no point within one hundred iniica of La Crescent can a railroad be built from the the river to the interior of the S»at«, with as easy grades and slight curves, and at as small expense as from this point. La Crescent and La Crosse being situated a short distai C3 below the mouth of Black River, which traverses tl;e pine regions vf Wificonsii\they rat:st become large depots for th.e lumber trade... HOUSTON COUNT r. 27 In the imrjculiatc vicinity of La Crescent are good stoiic for building material, llie best of material in abundance for grout or gravel wall, good clay for brick, the purest sand for raaniifac- turing glass in abundance, and any quantity of oak for fuel. Here is a good opening for a wagoii maker, a tinner, a tailor, a milliner and dressmaker, a blacksmith, a shoemaker and other tradesmen. Paying investments can be made here in town property, and good farm lands in the vicinity can be bought cheap. !N'ow is the time to purchase before work is commenced on the railroad. HOUSTOISr. ^ Tlic town ef Houston is situated in town iOl, section 3-1, range 0, about fonrteeu miles fro ni the mouth of Root River, and uj-ou its western bank. The site is that of an extensive prairie plain, a mile in width perfectly level, and in the whole body, contiining thousands of of acres of land, most advantageously situated to avoid the labor of grading. The original town plat was staked out by Messrs, McSpadden and Stafford, in 1854. Since that time other addi- tions to the town have been I'ccordcd : one of eighty acres, owned by JMessi's. Crookson and Smart, of La Crosse ; also, another of om.' iiundred and twenty acres, formerly the jjroperty of Joel Marsli, but of late reverted into the hands of Ole Knudson. The bench of land is teu feet above the low water mark of Root River, having excellent banks for receiving and discliarging cargoes of the small vessels which may easily navigate the Root River to this poii:t. At tliis point the river is joined by the waters of the South Branch, a part of the town plat lying adjacent to both streanis, thus giving an advantage for tlie ira])rovemei:t of a water power scarcely to be equalled in the "West, v, hen th«' necessary 'Capital is brought forward to complete improvements- which are re^%ardtd favorably by I'ue citizens and propria lo'iy.. 28 HOUSTON COUNTr. lioot Kiver at this point is one ijundred and sixty feet widcj lias a mean depth of six and a half feet, and a fall of five and a lialf feet per mile. The town plat is neaiij square in form, the principal streets being eighty feet in width, and the remainder sixty feet. Lots being 60 by 149, and alleys twenty feet in width, and all laid off at right angles, and with the most exact rcgnlarity and conrenience for biiildijig purposes. Considering the difficulty which attends our pioneers generally in starting towns, and the length of time it takes to get the advantages of good town sites knoAvn to to the world, the town of Houston has not been backward in the race for population, wealth and enterprise which has distinguished the growth of many points in the county. Isor is at all an unfavorable point f«)ra rapid and permanent growth. Although having been settled only three years, it now numbers among its permanent improvements in all about thirty-five or forty buildings, including three store houses, two shingle factories, turning out from three to fire thousand each daily, two carpenter shops, chair factory and cabinet shop, one cooper shop, one blacksmith shop, a steam saw mill, one corn mill, a turning lathe and broom factory. A good school house was also erected wheii the town was first started, as the citizens seem to regard tlie cause of education an important one, and are now enjoying the advantages of a first rate school. But other factories are called for, and contracts liave been made for the erection in the summer of a good grist and saw mill, a brewery, a commodious ferry, and about a dozen dwellings. Building stone in profuse aburdance and good cpiality are found in the bluffs, near the town, and a large brick yard will be opened near the town in a sliort time, • The soil is a rich loam, and very deep, which speaks well in favor of good wardens and mammoth vegetables, which will Jind HOUSTON COUNTY. 29 a good market at home. The town of Houston is bountifully vsui3plied ^vith almost all kinds of timber, adjoining the town plat. Oak, walnut, butternut, elms of all kinds, and large quantities of sugar raaj^le are most conveniently situated to supply the increas- ing deiuands of a young and thrifty place. Houston is an excellent place for a boat yard, owing to the bountiful supply of the nectssary timber for this puj-]-)ose, and also a good opportunity for launching. Some six or eight good roads run directly through the place, giving it the trade of several rich and important valleys, which, when pouring their products into one town, must oei-tainly make it an advantagcou? and lucrative trading point. The rich valleys of the South Fork. Badger and Beaver Creeks must contribute to the growth of Houston from the south, while'Looney's Valley and the choice farming lauds of Money Creek on the north, will be valuable auxiliaries to its prosperity. These advantages alone would be sufficient to sustain an extensive mercantile trade. But another featuie of attraction for Houston is the good prospect afiorded td it by the Southern Minnesota and Root River Yalley Railroad, whicli will probably run directly tlirough the place according td the survey already made. The immediate construction of thi.<; railroad is a fixed fact, and there can be no doubt but tliat it will be built according to the original survey. TJiis road once built will give the town of Sheldon a convenient shipping point for its manufactures, being only six miles dista7)t, at the same time making Houston an important place for the accumulation of those productions which this region of country will supply for a foreign market. Farming lands within four or live miles of Houston range in price from five to twenty-live dollars per acre, and no one who is familiar with the rnagniticent crops of Houston County last year will consider the prices inflated to satisfy the demands of a speculative mania. 30 HOUSTON COUNT-?. CALEDONIA. Tliis flourisliiiig little village situated at iiearljtlie geograpicai centre of the countj is now the county-seat. The town was platted by Samuel McPhail, Esq., in April, 1855, and in the same month the county seat was removed to tlie place. It is situated upon a beautiful undiJating prairie, interspersed with groves of timber, and constituting a portion of the finest farming lands within the limits of Houston County. The advantage which this town has enjoyed — that of being the county seat — has drawn attention to its superiority as an inland trading point, and has induced settlers to locate near it because the centre of the county business. Its improvement, therefore, ])asbeen of no inferior character, but in exact proportion to the inducements it can offer to the settler, and the spii'it of liberality and enterprise which characterrzes its proprietor, Mr, McPhail. It now contains three dry goods and two grocery stores, three liotels, a good school and about two hundred inhabitants. An academy is to be erected here the present season, another import- ant and attractive feature in its growth. About two hundred lots have already been sold and tlie proprietor still retains a hundred more for sale on reasonable terms. Several buildings are Jiow in process of erection, among which might be mentioned a parsonage for the M. E. church, an Mr. McPliail agrees to donate for church purposes two eligible lots to any denomination who will build upon them. Though Caledoaia, by reason of htr situation off from the Root and Mississippi Rivers, may not be so well accommodated as regards facilities for transportation, yet her position is an important one to tin's county, as being the town most central for the business operations of the whole people, and must too become an important inland grain market upon which our towns of shipping more cji- less rely for supplies from the country ai'ound it. This trade HOUSTON COUNTY. 31 rich as it will become from the iticivasing productivenegs of tii« farming lands aioujid tliis town would be ample in itself \<> sustain a flouiisliing village, and when added to this the busing sk whicli naturally accumulates at a county scat, tlie advantages of such a place are largely increased. Good inducenicnts are od'credby Mr. McPhail toallraechanics ov i^rofessional men who will settle in the town. Farmers will do well to take a look about Caledonia, as fine farm.s aro ofT-.t^d for sale at prices not too high for their situations. BROY7HSVILLE. The town of Browiisville is situated directly on the Missis.^ !])]■! Itiver, in town 103, range 4, and forms a natural shipping point for the products of Houston County. The town plat now contains some two hundred acres of land and was laid out by Charles and Jobe Brown in the year 1855. That Brownsville is most favorably sitr.ated for a town important to the agricultural interests of Houston County is a fact readily acknowledged by all who are familiar with the different grain growing portions throughout the county, and the channel through Tiiliich they seek a direct and natural outlet. Is or are tlie commercial advantages of Brownsville merely confined to its situation upon the great throroughfiire of the IS"orth- Western States — the Mississippi — but liberal provisions have been made for supplying i-t with an important railroad connection by way of a branch from the Southern Minnesota road, with a good prospect of its becoming an important thoroughfare by way of a direct connection with Prairie du Chien — a road being under contemplation from tiiat point to connect immediately at Browns- ville. .Surrounded then by such advantages, both by water and rail, it must become a point of export and import for a large and 32 HOUSTON COUNTY. eultivated tract of country, and with tliis view must attract tlie attention of capitalists, mechanics and traders of all classes. Brownsville has also a fine oi^poi-tunity ot becoming a manufac- turing town. A scheme is on foot for cutting a canal fiora Eoot Jlivcr, a distance of six miles, having a fall of twelve feet and containing 1500 feet of water, which will pour an immense quantity of water into the place and afford a water po wcr capable of driving an immense amount of machinery, which will be doubly valuable, being at a place where a variety of markets are easily attainable. Another heavy water power can be obtained by damming Wild Cat Creek, where a fall of twenty-five feet can ]>c obtained without serious inconvenience or a heavy expenditure of money. While many other places in Houston County will be able to realize less profit from the luanufacture of their wares, owing to their distance from an available point for exportation, Browns- ville will be able to save to her factories and mills the exi^ense of cartage, which is no inconsiderable inducement to those seeking a desirable location. Like any other prosperous country, the demand for lumber increases in proportion to its growth and as regards the manufacture of pine lumber, Brownsville is now j^repared to furnish any demand which is found necessary. Aside from being a place to which logs are rafted from the pine regions higher up the river, at the nor them limit oi the place there is a large bayou capable of holding and with a slight expense rifely retaining millions of logs and around which and con- venient to the proposed canal, a large number of saw mills may be erected which can immediately enter into a flourishing and l)rofitable business, not only lor supplying the demand at home but also a foreign market. A good stone quarry is convenient to the place and in fact all material r.ecessary for building purposes. nousToa couktt. 33 A good steam Bavir mill is already in operation, cor.Btantlr turning out 5000 feet of luniLer per day. An excellent Blone warcliouse, three hotels, four floir.ishing mercantile estahlishmentA, and numerous shops, etc., are now among l.cr present improve- ments. The site of Brownsville, viewed from the river, is Boraewhat unfavoraLle, but hack from ths landing tlieie is a large, l«vel and beautiful tract of land finely adapted for desirable residences. Here is plenty ol space for any increase of j.^)pulatioa whicli the town may have for years. RICEFORD. The town of Riccford was platted tmd laid out as a town tits by Jobe Brov>^n, Esq., of Brownsville, in the spring of 1857, and from its situation has commanded the attention of -in enterprising And iudustiio'.:s class of citizens. This village is situated in the centre of a large and productive agriculliirdl district, and h;ia within itself the elements for becoming a tliriving place. Beautifiil and well cultivated farms lie around Iliceford in CYQYj direction and furnisb her mills v.ith a large amount of business yearly. Iticeford lias within her limits four first class water powcra, with sufficient fall to move any amount of machinery, and on the principal stream is now situated a laigc three stoiy sttme flouring mill, witli two run of burrs, daily grinding 250 bushels of wheat, and even at this rate unable to do tlie bnsiiMcss required by the country around. A good saw mill, well supplied with material, ia now in opera-ion at tliis place, and also anotlier in process of ei-cction with perpendicular and circular saws, turning Lithe, etc. Anotlier grist mill would do a flourishing business at this point. One of these water poweis, having a f;dl often feet, still reiiiairi« unimproved. In addition to her natural advantagOR, Riceford has a good black- eioitb sJiop, ou« three story hotel, two dry goods and g:x>ccr» 34 nOUBTON OOaNTT. stores, with about a dozen dwellings, and a good BcLool-hoysc. Several superior stone quarries are advantageously situated nsar the tovyn — lime kilns neai* by — with an abundant qiiantity of th« best of sand for masons — and good clay for brick, so that building material is abundant. Springs of good water are numerous in tlie vicinity of Ricefbrd and the streams are filled with trout. Tlie country around is gently roiling, and the soil unsurpassed by any in the world. Laving no swamps or stagjiant water. The proprietor, Mr. Brown, offers lots o;i Tcyj reasonable terras to actual settlers, and the present ie a favorable time for iaTestaient either iuthe manu- fiietuiiDg or farming line. ADVERTISEMENTS. A. B. M U R C H, Dealer in and Manfuacturcr of Cabinet Ware, Hokah, Minn., Bureaus, Book-Cases, Secretaries, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, Dressers, Lounges, etc., etc., constantly on hand, and manufac- tured to order. Shop on Main Street. Call and see. Also, Afjcntfor the " Forest City Scale Works," of Cleveland, Ohio, J. F. Keeler, Proprietor. Orders arc solicited for scales of allkinds, such as Railioad, Hay, Portable, Dormant, Wai-ehousc, Mill, Counter, etc., etc. \v'an"anted equal to any in use, and sold on the most reasonable terms, and at the lowest possible rates /or cash. Hokah, June 1st, 1858. AUGUSTA HOUSE, OPPOSITE THE STEAMBOAT LANDING, LA CKOSSE, WIS. B. BICKNELL A CO.,. . .; Peopbibtom. ADVSBTISEMEKTS. WESTERN WORKS, AT HOKAH, MINNESOTA. Two floora 44 by 80 f.Hit each will be for rent on and after the first day of August next, and may be used for any kind of marui- facturingpurposcs that does not endanger or injuie the building. The rooms ai-c furnished with power and line chafting, and will be divided to suit lessees. The large body of choice liard wood timber in the immediate vicinity of these Y\'orks, with Root River running through it, af- fording an easy rnodeof getting timber to the shop, and the small expense Y/ith which any manufactured article can be delivered on the Mississippi, and the largo scope of countjy lyiiig west for a market for manufactured articles, render this one of the most desi- rable locations for tliose wishing to engage in the manufacture of farming utensils, furniture or machinery. For further particulars apply to C. W. THOMPSON. JAMES. A. McCAN, ^ REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT, LAND AND TOWN PROPERTY BOUGHT AND SOLD, Money loaned, property and titlt's examined, investmenta and collections made. Taxes paid for non-residents. Caledonia, Hon stou Co., Minn., June 1st, 1858. W. H. LAPHAM, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, LAND AGENT AND NOTARY PUBLIC, LA CRESCENT, MINN. Collections promptly made and proceeds remitted ; taxes paid f>oT sK>n -residents and titles examined. I JLDVKrlTlSEMENTS, REYNOLDS & WERTZ, DEAELRS IN REAL ESTATE, AND COiWEYANCERS. IIOKAII, HOUSTON CO., MINN. I>ands Bouorlit and Sold on Commission, Money Invested for Capitiili.its, Taxes Paid for Non-Rosido^its, Titles Investigated, Notes, Accounts and Bills Collected, and PROCEEDS PROMPTLY REI-IITTE^. ii^^ All business entrusted to tlieir care by Germans will receive prompt attention. JS^ Having <3ntire control of n good Printing Press, all property for which they reccivo the agency will bo thoroughly advertised. The superior inducements whicli we ofTor to the citizens of Houston County, by way of facilities for advertising cannot be surpassed in Southern Minnesota. Many valuable pieces of property may remain unknown by those who would gladly purchase, could a notice of such property find way to the world through the columns of the press. Wo now offer for sale many valuable farms in Houston County at low rates. Special attention will be given to correspondents, mak- ing inquiry concerning any real estate in Houston County, Pledging ourselves to afetend to a,ll business with the greatest possible despatch, v/c respectfully solicit patronage. ^!^" Office, Thompson, GIpple & Pa Delford's Block, Up Stairs. OHARLES BEYN0LD3. JAMES L. WERTZ. ADVERTTSEMENTfl. FHOMPSON, GIPPLE & PaDELFORD, KEAL ESTATE AGEI^TS AND CONVEYANCERS, HOKAH, HOOSTON- COUNTY, MINNESOTA. We beg leaye to call jour attention to the above caid. The list of lands "we offer for sale is the largest in Houston Count.j Om prices range from $2.50 to ^15.00 per acre. The town of Holcali is advantageously situated at the head of T\ayigation on Root River, and commands the trade of its Valley and the suiTounding country. It is also the charter terminus of the Southern Minnesota R. R. As the first fifty miles of this raad will be completed as early as possible, speculators or others •^ill see that this summer is the best time to make paying in- ■^e3tments. Ouracqaintance with the route contemplated wiH enable us to make the best selections for non-residents. Having laid out an addition to the town, we offer business or residence lots at the lowest prices and on the best terms. In connection with our agency, do a general collection business throughout Southern Minnesota — also, pay taxes for nou-resi- Jents, examine titles, loan money or invest in real eatate for capitalists. All money collected by us remitted on the day of collection. THOMPSON, GIPPLE & PaDELFORD. jr. M. THOMPSON, B. F. GIPPLE, G. W. PA DELFOED. Befsu to — Bank of the City, La Crosse ; Bank of Elgin, El- gin. 111.; Bank of Erie Co., N. Y.; O. Davidson. Banker, Elgin, III; Hon. Henry Atwood, Lancaster, N. Y.; T. C. Eillman, Lancaster, N. Y.; Be)ij. Sumney, Washington, D. C; Hon. J. F. F,arnsworth, Chicago, 111.; Hon. D. V- BeU, Chicago, 111.; Hon, 0. W: "Shompson, Hokah, Miau. THOMPSON, WYKOFF & CO., BROWNSVILLE, MINNESOTA. The nndorsi^'nod will give their attention to the buying and sellino- of lands, tbe selection and location of town sites on the line of the Southern Minnesota Railroad, the loaning of money for capitalists, and to such other business as appertains to a Q'cneral laud agency. We would call the attention of emigrants from the East to the fact that wo will select and purchase for them lands, improved or unimproved, from twenty to thirty per cent. cheaper than they can themselves. To speculators and capitalists we would say that fjoxn our long and intimate acquaintance with this country, ive ivill select locations for town sites which in respect to water power and surrounding country possess every ad> antaL'c The portion of country in Avhich we have operated for (he past four years, and in which wo propose to c,ontin«ie to operate, is on the immediate line of the Southern Min- nesota Land Grant Railroad, to which the State has lately loaned its credit to ciie amount of ^1,260,000, to assist in the construction thereof. When the work shall have been commenced on said ror