LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 065 135 7 Hollingie]: pH 83 Mm Run F03-2193 RECORD V\JU DiEES, mu All inn AVHO SKUVED THK UNITED STATES OF AMERICA * JS THE WAR O-E TTHLE REBELLION AND PREVIOUS WARS: li^ lllJJ AND THK NEKiHBORING TOWNS OK aREENLAND, NEWCASTLE, NEWINGTON AND EYE. l^J\.ir 30, 1893. PUE PARED FOn STORER POST, KO. 1, DEPARTMENT OK .NEW HAMPSHIRE, GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, PORTSMOUTH, N. H. JOSEPH FOSTER, Paymaster, U. S. Navy. PORTSMOUTH, N. H. PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE POUTSMOLTH .lOIJilN'AL,. 1893. SiSCfe c06 \ ^ ? o A SOLDIER'S GRAVE. MAUIAN DOIOLAS. Glad robins s;iiiinj[uered with Thomas, they fought it out on his own line with (jirant. Bnt no soldier of my native state ever fell on his own soil, or was buried in his dear native earth, unless the restless ocean cast his l)ody on its narrow sea coast, or the love and care of parent, or brother, or ciiiid. restored to their son-ow and i)ride the corpse that had fallen a thousand miles from home." Hon. F. B. Sanborn, of Concord, Mass., in the MassachuseJts Legislature, March 14, iSSg. THE GRAVES WE DECORATE. J The Regiments are Infantry unless otherwise stated, i A * indicates that a stone has not yet been erected. U S Navy 13th N II 10th N H 2Tlh Maine tith N H War 1^1'i I S R M Itith N H Mex War U S >;avy Xunie. Service. Abbott, George Clark Abbott, Samuel P Adams, Charles F Adams, Horace H Adams, .lohn Frank Adams, I'atrick Adams, William C Amazeen, Joseph Anderson, .lames F Anderson, James F Anderson, John Atchison, Ueorge C Austin, lienj JM Ayers, James S Bailey, George F Bailey, William Banks, John S Banks, Orriu Barnes, W'illiam A Barr, Ferdinand Barry, William H Barsantee, Alphonzo Barsantee, John B Bartow, Theodore B Bates, i'atrick Bales, llobert Baxter, George D Beal, t reeman G Bennett, Abner B Benson, Charles A lierry, Albert C Bickford, Andrew Bind), David Bishop, Henry J Black, William Black, William W Blake, Charles F Boardman, G CUfford Bonnen, Peter Bradford, Joseph M Brewster, John W Briggs, Francis Brown, Charles H Brown, George A Brown, George W Brown, John W Brown, Uren P Buckley, Michael Carlton, .Joseph W Carter, Henry M Case, Heman Caswell, Charles R Caswell, William Chace, Horace J Chamberlain, Alb't Jr Chase, Algernon F Clark, Augustus L Clark, Charles U Clark, George Clark, George IT Clark, Thomas K Clough, Nathan Collin, John N ("olby, John Colej Edwin O Cole, Levi W Collins, John Collins, Joseph lia »h or Hhip' Boatswain Priv Co K Serg Co E Corp Co G I'riv Co G Priv Co H Captain Priv CoK 10th K H (i 1 & 1 C Mass U S Navy Corp Co G Pr b & Cp D War 181-2. U S Navy Wth N H IstN H H Art •2nd Mass Bat War lSl-2 U S Navy U S M C 1st N Y Art U S Navy LT S Army U S Navy 4th N H Mex War Vith S H U SMC U S Navy Died. n Aug 1^G6 9 Nov 1880 28 Apr 1871 10 Nov 186-4 4 Dec 1874 l.i Oct 18it2 14 Dec 1868 ■20 Apr 1880 2S .) im 1876 13 Mar 186.5 •20 Aug 1847 ■2(> Ai.r 1864 13 Apr 1883 28 Jun 1868 10 ^lar 1^60 27 Jun 1864 4 Sep 1882 Afje 29 44 43 20 32 .iO 82 67 Ccmeteri/, H Grove Cotton's H Grove fart. East Northwest East " Center St Marys East* Newington Coiter* H Grove " " Northwest North H Grove War 1812 U S Navy 4th N II U S Navy 1st N H H A 17 Ms & N H II A 13th N H loth Mass Bat i; S Navy Kith N II 1st Me H Art 13lh N H 8 In IBMs, lUS V U S Navy 2nd N II V S Navy r SN& N II HA Mass Vols 7th Mass &USMC 2(ith Mass 13tliN H 8 Bat & ."J V M Ms 3rd U S Art 1st Me II Art 4lhN H &U SN 10 th N II U S Navy Kearsarge Priv Co K Piiv Co A Priv Let of Mar Ch;i plain Priv Sergeant Priv Co G I -ay Clerk Surgeon Colorado 1 Serg Co B Priv C 9 U S Priv Co C Captaui Boatswain Mate Lt Comd'r A A Paym'r Soldier Captam 2 LtCoB 12 Feb 1884 18 Jul 1871 2()Jaii 1867 11 Jun 1866 1 Sep 187.1 17 :Ma.v 1869 11 Jul 9 Aug Serg Co A CpF&SgtL Priv Co K Priv Co K Priv Connecticut Louisville Priv Co K Priv Co L Priv Co K Pr(DSC 1) Priv Co B Priv Co K 24 Jul 16 Jul 13 Jul 3 Apr 6 .Sept 22 Dec !< .lun 8 .Jun 20 Feb 12 Nov 10 Dec 14 Apr 27 Sep 10 Dec 10 Feb :> Mar 13 Aug O.Jul 4 Nov 10 Sep 24 .lun 24 Aug 11 Nov 7 .J uu 10 Aug 2 Oct 27 Aug 6 Nov 31 Mar 1S92 1888 1881 1867 1890 1873 1871 1863 1884 1874 1877 1879 I8(i.-) 1867 1872 1872 1880 l.s,SO 1891 1887 1867 1872 186.T 1803 1886 18(;."> 1867 l.>«>4 1879 1872 1886 34 22 .33 40 31 20 3.3 76 62 60 76 .53 44 60 33 68 3.5 46 84 .51 3.5 2.5 8.5 46 50 37 39 70 38 32 21 44 40 34 20 38 21 41 4.5 St Mary's H Grove Newington H Grove St :Mary's Propr's H Grove Propr's H Grove Newington Propr's H Grove Propr's Greenland I'ropr's H Grove Riverside H Grove Newington Propr's St Mary's H Grove Propr's Rye West South Southwest North-east North-west Noi th South-west East Center South-east Noith— S W* S.TUth— S Noith-east North— S E South— S* West Center South— N* South— N \V .South-east South South— N W North— C* Bracket vm North— C North— W South-west Near gate* North-east West North— N E South— W West South-east North-east South— S Foss' Beach Pr E & Corp 20 Dec Priv CoC Priv Co K 14 Jan ILt & CapB 6 Jul Priv Co 1 Priv Co L Priv Co H Priv Co G 1883 42 7 Oct 6 Mar 4 Aug 1 Jiui 1872 1891 1884 1869 1NS4 l8fJS 38 II Grove Propr's Sagamore Greenland Chris Shore H Grove I'ropr's North Rye Propr's Tarlton's Sagamore Riverside St Mary's South-west North — .S South Center Near Poud North South— C West Rye Center South— S East* West Center Northeast South JVffiiwe. Conncrs, .John Connor, Benjamin Cox, George Critclilcy, Thomas H Crowley, Micliael Cunningham, IJernard Currier, Willie II Curtis. Cliarles II Daily, Milo 11 DanieUon, Fred Danielson, .Joscpli H David, George E Davidson, .lames Davidson. .lames Davis, Alfred E Davis, Lewis Davis, Tliomas -J Dearborn, George E Dearborn, Samuel D Dennett, George I'" Dennett, Kobert O Dennett, Tliomas S Denny, .John DeWit Carsten 15 Diniick, .Justin Dimick, .Justin E Dixon, .lohn Downing, HavillahK Downing, -lohn Downing, Nelson N Drow, Cliarles II Drew, Isaac C Driver, Uobert Dunn, Clarence Edney, Charles A Edney, George A Emory, .James 11 Engen, I'eter Evans, Acanthus G Kail, Edwin H Falvey, .John Falvey, Timothy Kisliley, George i'lt/geralil, Kichard I'lvnn, .lohn Ford, James E Foss, Kobert S Foster, Kobert F Foyc, .John Harrison Foye, Thomas I" Franklin, Fred A Franklin, Fred II Freeland, -Fohn Frctson, JJichard FnUer, Theiidorc Gammon, .James T Gannon, Tliomas Gardner, Franklin E Gardner, William Gales, Siorer II Xjates, Warren G Gay, Thomas S Gerrisli, George A Gilpatrick, Keubon E (TOO'lric.h, Edwin K Goodrich, .1 Nelson Goodrich, Marco K Goo C Serg 30 Me Kearsarge PrFttCorG I'riv Co G Priv Co A 21 Jun I8(!2 24 Aug 1863 8 Apr 1876 .5 Aug 1870 27 Mav 1890 6 May 1886 2 .Uil 1863 27 May 1873 13 Feb 1893 20 Dec 18.50 27 Nov 1887 25 May 1806 29 Apr 188;") 29 Oct 1891 19 Dec 1878 3 May 1863 l.T Mar IsM 1 Oct 1887 10 May 1873 16 Jan 1863 10 Apr 186.5 1844 28 .1 nn 1887 30 Nov 1872 3 Feb 1863 29 Apr 1834 14 Jul 1892 20 Nov 1863 29 Mar 1886 1 Sept 1866 16 Nov 1886 22 Apr 1892 12 Sep 1882 7 Dec 187.i 4 Jul 1882 29 Sep 4 Aug 2.1 Oct 1868 1851 18.i6 20 May 1S47 18 Sep 17 Sep 1862 21 Dec 1889 10 .Ian 1864 21 Aug 1880 18 Sei> 1868 22 .In I 1807 11 Mar 1869 20 Ai)r 1864 Sep 18()4 11 Jun 1863 St Mary's Sagamore Proi)r's St Mary's Propr's St Mary's II Grove Rve H Grove Kye Newington Propr's Greenland H Grove St Mary's H (irove Episcopal Sagamore North II Grove ilewington 11 Grove Propr'd II Grove Propr's II Grove Union North Proi)r's St Clary's II Grove Tarlton's North H Grove , Part. North West Center South Center North— S West South-east East North North-west Center South* North-cast North-west East South— S AV Center West South-east South— N* Center West South-oast South-west North-west West North— N W South South -west* North— C South-east North-west East Town Com* South-west Sagamore J'ast North— C East Center South North West South-west* South South-west South Northeast South-west* North-C Center West South— s Center North South— C North— S .South— N Center East South East* West Center Xante, Hanson, .Tolin K A Harding, Samuel, Jr Harmon, .lolin Harmon, Luther Harris, .John Hartnett. Jolin Harvov, Thomas Haselt'on. Geo Ed Haven, Natlianiel A Haven, N Parker Haven, S Cnslunan Ha/.lett, William C Helieir, Thomas W Henderson, George D Kennessev, Daniel Hewins. Otis W Hill, Alfred J Hill, -lohn Edward HiiiUdou, George E Hodgdon, Harland V Hiidirdon, Henry C Hodudon, William C Holbroolc, John A Hook, William S Jloiigh, Andrew J Howanl, Ferd. M Hoyt, Franklin C Hunter, Hugh Huntress, Charles E Hmitress, i^eth Jack>on, Hall Jackson. John H Jarvis, .iolin P> Jellisoii, Daniel M Jenkins, William D Jenness, All)ion J Jervis, Edward Johnson, Abram A Johnson, Charles E Jones, ^lichael Kane, Dennis Kelenbeck, Christop'r Kcnnard, Nathaniel Kenneily, William Kennison, William S K(uit, .John Horace Kimliall, Charles H Lai^rluon, Alfred S Laightdu, Alfred S I.aiiihton, Hennett Laighton, William F Laighton, William M Lake, Dayton W Langdon," John Lear, Nathaniel M Leary, Jeremiah O Leary, Timothy O Leslie, George T Lester, David G Lewis, John C, Libby, George W Locke, Edwin W Locke, Fletcher D Locke , Jolin H Locke, Joseph J Locke, William W Lombard, Harry Long, Fierse Ivynch, Timothy Lyon, John H Marden, John H Marden, John L JMarshall, Chris J ISlarston, Albert S Marston, Joshua 15 Mates, James INIaxwell, Wni H H McClintock, Henrv M McClintock, John' McClintock, Samuel McClure, James G McDonald, James McDuQee, John McKone, James Service. Jtank or Ship, K^th N ir Priv Co K V S Navy Act. Ensign mil N H Priv Co K 4th NMI Priv Co B U S M C r S Navv Colorado Hev War Soldier Kev ^Va^ Surgeon Phil Citv Cav Priv 1st Tr bl-Jnd N"V 2 Lt Co B I' S Navy Mass'ch'tts " Chaiuaiii 10th X H Priv Co G Mex War & :5 N 11 Serg 9 * Adj i;itli >Liss A Surgeon loth N J I & VllC 1 LtG &Cai) loth N H A I C Corp Co G l.Uh X l[ Priv Co K War IMJ Priv X H M I' S Navy Saihnaker 14th Maine Priv Co ... U S Xavy Carpenter Mass \'ols Mex War U S Navj' Macedoniaa ■Jnd X H Priv Co K 41 h .\ H I'riv Co B Hev AVar Surg Army Mex War &3N H Cai)9&Col N Y \'ols l:ith X H Priv Co K r S Xavy Carpenter 18th X H Priv Co E loihXH Priv Co G I' S Navy Brook Ivn :ird & otli X H Cp U & PrC F S Xavv (ilh X H " Priv Co H loth X H & U S X Priv Co K Kev War Anny&Xavy 1st Mass H Art Corp" Co F IStli X H Priv Co E 4:5rd Mass Serg Co A 17th & -ind N H priv 1? % K ■2nd Mass Cav pr Cal 100 V S Xavy Act Ensign 10th N H Corp Co K U S Xavy Carpenter 14th Maine Priv Co I IJev War Colonel ■Jnd N H Priv Co K r S M C Priv k; n H &U S MC Priv Co K 7th III Cav PrivTrB Warlsl-2 1st S H & U S N Priv Co B 18lh X H Priv Co C U S Xavy Pay Clerk ritl) N H 1 Serg Co B l-2th Maine Priv Co K F S Xavy 4otli Mass Priv Co F Hev War Colonel U S Xavy " Sonoma lOih X H Priv Co G ■-'nd Mass Cav Priv Tr K •Jnd X H Corp Co K .■>lli X H Corp Co H ;!.")th Mass Priv Co B F s Navy .".th N H Corp Co K AVar \M'l Midshipm'n J{ev War J'r ArmShii) " Chaplain USMC U S X & U S M C Kearsarge U S Xavy Died. Age, 6 Mar 1879 36 S Oct 1870 4(J i?, Dec I8(i;5 20 28 Oct 1887 .^7 17 Xov 187.") 33 18 Jan 1837 84 2!) Jun 1802 19 13 Mar 1831 (!i) « Xov 1801) .33 ih Jun 1803 20 1804 22 20 May 187.5 42 25 Xov 1808 2G V Apr 1889 84 11 Sep 1802 27 11 Jun 1891 52 11 Oct 1805 29 23 Dec 18(i2 18 18 Feb 1880 94 2 .Jan iWiO 38 23 Jun 1876 .50 2 Sep 1.S04 30 7 Sep 1805 ... 27 Feb 1882 72 27 Jul -1887 48 20 Sep 1802 21 28 Sep 1797 58 10 Apr 1890 75 3 Jan 1870 39 19 Feb 1^78 42 14 Apr 1883 ... 8 Aug 1803 10 8 May 1888 70 15Juu 1892 50 5 Oct 1877 38 19 Feb 1870 4.5 9 Sep 18.S8 .59 24 Jun 1823 08 Oct 1880 43 2l» Apr 1883 GO 4 Mar 1888 59 2 Sep 1883 .55 29 Jul 1803 19 10 Jan 18(i5 27 20 Aug 1803 20 25 .Inn 1879 03 23 May 1873 03 20 Aug 1805 20 15 Sep 1819 89 7 Apr 1871 32 22 .iiin 1889 42 ...Jan 1864 23 ...Feb 1877 77 18 Mar 1893 50 11 Jun 1883 45 30 Apr 1869 26 12 Mar 1875 33 15 .lun 1889 48 25 May L^63 19 5 Sep 1868 35 31 May 1888 .52 3 Apr 1789 .50 22 Feb 1887 55 8 Feb 1864 21 31 Dec 1877 .54 27 Aug 1804 38 18 Aug 1870 31 2 Jun 18S»1 .50 9 Jau 1891 67 21 Feb 1874 35 6 Apr 1805 24 24 Jul 1817 19 13 Nov 18.55 94 27 Apr l,sn4 72 23 Jan 1882 41 21 Sep IbOO 45 21 Jan 1870 32 Cemetery. Propr's II Grove St Mary's North H Grove Propr's H Grove Pro|)r's St Mary's II Grove Sagamore Xorth Grav Kidge Xewington Cotton's H Grove St Mary's H Grove Cotton's Grav Uidgc North Propr's H Grove Cotton's I'vopr's Cotton's St Mary's H Grove Xorth H Grove Cotton's Sagamore H Grove Propr's H Grove Propr's Vart. South -C >orth— S E East North South South-west South-east North-east North— N South— W* South-west South— S* North— S E Center South South-west North east West* South HodgdonFm Center West Center North North-west North-cast Dennett Fm West North South— X Center North-east East North -west Xorth— S* South-east Fast North-east South-west* .South South-east North-west North-east North— C South-west North— C '^"orth South II Grove East .St Mary's " H Grove Newington Riversiile II Grove Propr's Sagamore H Grove Propr's St Macy's Chris Shere North H Grove Propr's St Mary's H Grove Propr's Greenland St Marys Cotton's St Mary's North east* Center* North-west North— S W South-west North-west Nortli-S North— E South-west Near Pond South-east Center West South South- W East South-west Norih-E North North-west* South- west West Name, !McTjeourl, John McPherson, Alex'der Mead, Cornelius Mead, Patrick Melmoth, Hector Merrill, (ieorge A Mills, William J Mitchell, James Moore, Andrew J Moore, John Moore, John H Moore, Thomas K Moore, William Morrill, John 11 Morrison, John II Morse, Edgar L Moses, Edward Moses, Levi Jr Monlton, Charles W Moulton, David A MoiiUon, Thomas Murray, John Nash, Josei>h E Neal, Franklin W Nellings, William Newkirk, I'eter Norton, James Norton, James Nowell, Andrew C Noyes, Lt verett W Nutter, William H Olney, Jesse Oxford, William F Palmer, Nathaniel F Parker, William A Parks, Edward H Parks, J S Parks, Thomas B Parrott, Enoch G Partridge, George F Patch, Charles W Paul, Joseph W Payne, Albert L Pearson, George F Pearson, John II Pender, William P Pendexter, Edward Perkins, George Pen-y, George N Peterson, Adrian A Pettigrew, William I'ettigrew, William Philbrick, Oliver B Pickering, Charles W Pickering, Simeon S Place, Charles S Place, Leonard Plaisted, B Frank P Plaisted, Charles E Plaisted, William A Poole, John Pottle, Samuel A ' Quint, Wm Goodwin Kanisdell, John U Ramsdell, S Rand, Ammi C Band, Francis W Hand, Irving Rand, Robert Randall, Charles W Randall, Reuben S Rice, William A Richards, Henry L Ridge, Charles Ridge, Thomas W Rogers, Joseph W Rokes, Lincoln Ross, Charles H Russell, John Rutter, Thomas Salisbury, Wm Henry Salmon, Thomas Sawyer, George Sawyer, Samuel Service. V S Navy I- S M C U S Navy 16 Mass & V R C U S M C U S Navy 16th N H JtanJe or Ship. De Soto Corp Died. Age. 26 Aug 1868 36 18 Jun lss7 74 Priv Co D 3.1 th Mass VMi N H 10th N H U S Navy Mass Vols ICth N H 10th N H 4th Mass IT S Navy 3rd N H U 8 N & -2 Ms C Mex War I'riv Co K Priv Co K Priv Co K 18 Oct 1867 l.i Apr 1889 llAug 1863 17 Sep 1862 Corp Co K 23 May 1879 Priv Co G 2 Jul 1864 Cumberl'd 11 Feb 1883 Priv 20 Oct 1883 1 Serg Co K 17 Jul 1873 Priv Co G 3 Nov 1862 Priv Co K 23 Jul 1878 Act Master 18 May 1864 Flag 24 Sep 1861 SeigCoK 14 Mar 1872 PrivTrA ... Portsmouth IS Oct 1889 Mex War & o N H 3 Art & Capt 13 I lec 1862 37 16th N H II s :m c 20th Mass IHth Mass 8th N H U S Navy 13th N H 3rd U S Art 2nd N H U S Navy 13th N H U S Navy 2nd N H 1st N H II Art 16th N II II S Navy 16th N H 10th N H U S Navy War 1812 U S Navy Mex War r SNavy 13th N H U S Navy Priv Co K ITiv Co K Corp Serg Co A Priv Co E Priv Co H Priv ( o D Sonoma Priv Co E Priv Col Priv Co K Priv Co K Captain Vandalia 30 jNIay 1884 21 Feb 1885 29 May 1873 27 Iayl879 63 Episcopal 2 Lt Co K Corp Co A I'riv Co K R Admiral Priv Co Iv I'riv Co A 23 Mar 1879 10 Jul 1863 15 Jun 1880 8 Jul 1886 1 Jul 1867 22 Aug 1863 16 May 1S64 Act Ensign 18 Nov 1870 I'ortsmouth 1815 Gunner U S Navy I'riv Co K 27 Jul 1871 9 Feb 1865 5 Feb 1888 21 Apr 1884 Commodore 29 Feb 1888 Vauderbilt 12 Aug 1889 20 Jan 1887 Constellat'n 12 Jan 1877 20 Jan 1876 Capt Co B Priv Co C Corp Co E I'riv Co K Col I'riv Co I Priv B & A Priv^Co E Serg Co II I'riv Co K Priv Co K 25 Apr 1874 26 Feb 1887 22 May 1881 20 Mav 1885 19 Jun 1864 31 Mar 1868 1866 Sagamore H Grove Propr's fart. Northwest East Center South-ea st East* Near Pond Centei* West Noi th South-west North North-west East North— S W Center South-west North— E North-west North South-west* Center Noith-west East* South-west North Center East South Center North— & East South Center South— N West South-east North South-west East South— N North— N North— C Serg Co D Serg Co F Priv Co K 20 Jan 181)4 2 Aug 1864 13 Jan 1865 22 Aug 1887 10 Sep I8(i2 9 Oct 1866 4 Jul 1863 9 Jan 1879 Constellat'n 20 Oct 1879 Priv Co K 13 Jan 1865 North South-east Proi)r's North— W Noith West H Grove South Rye Rye Beach H Grove South Propr's South-N W* U Grove South " North-east " South-west " Center Rye Foss' Beach Cotton's North-west Newington East II Cirove South Tarlton's East* H Grove North ,, South-west Rye Laf v'tie Rd 11 Grove North-west " South Propr's II Grove I'riv Co G Pensacola Priv Co G I'riv Kearsarge i'orp Co G I'riv Co K 9 Feb 1875 17 Jul 1876 26 Jan 1N90 21 Mav 1883 7 Nov" 1868 8 Oct 1892 6 Dec 1875 Greenland ... Propr's 60 H Grove 67 2(> 59 Calvary 38 II Grove 24 May 1885 48 North— N W* South-AN' East Center South North— S South* North-east South-west North-west* South-east (jenter Name. Service. Jtank or Ship. Died, Age. Cemetery. Saxton, Mortimer F :Wth Mass Priv Co II 11 Oct 186-2 39 H Grove Seaver, John W 47tli Mass I'riv ('o F o Dec 1873 ;53 Seavey, Joseph J liith Mass I'riv ("o F -29 Mar 1888 50 Sagamore Sevmour, Frank 4th N Y Art 1 Lt Co L, 23 Jul 1876 45 I'ropr's Shapley, John H 1st N H Cav 1 Sers; Tr M 28 Sep 1864 25 Rj^e Shaplev, Kobert P •' ILtTrM 2 Jiin 1865 29 Shaw, John Kith N H I'riv Co K ... Cotton's Sherburne, John C 10th N H I'riv Co G 10 Dec 1S77 72 H Grove Shillaber, Kobert E 1st N H Cav Q.^gtTrM 7 Jul 1865 23 I'ropr's Shock, Thomas A U S Navy Chief Engr 11 Jan 1873 41 11 Grove Shuttleworth, Wni USMC 8 Sep 1887 54 Sides, George L 13th N H Priv Co K 5 Aug 1889 47 Small, Robert USMC Sergeant 26 Sep 1867 58 Smart, George E U S Navy Kearsarge Smith, James 3rd U S Art Priv Co K 1 Oct 1S7S 52 Tarlton's Smith, William Mex War 18 Dec 1856 58 II Grove Snow, James 15 U S Navv Ogsipee 11 Sep ls65 53 I'ropr's Spalding, Champion War 1812 Lt N II M 28 Oct 1814 26 Nortli SpaMing, T>vman (i i: S Navy Lieutenant 29 Aug 1881 30 Propr's .-piuucy, George A 6Inf&lCavMs Priv K & D 17 Jun 1863 25 " >piunev, Horace S 13th N H Priv Co K 42 H Grove Stack, Michael F U S Navy De Soto 11 Jul 1877 37 St Mary's •Staples, Samuel 57th Mass Priv Co D ... H Grove Stearns, James 5th N H Corp Co K 12 Dec 1887 48 " Storer, George VV U S Navv R Admiral 8 Jan 1864 74 Propr's Storer, liobert B Mex War Midsliipni'n 4 Jul l.s47 22 " Stott, George 13th N H I'riv Co K 24 Jun l,s92 75 Sagamore Stott, Robert A 17th & 2nd N II PrivB&K4Jiil 1890 44 Stringer, Joseph W ITS Navy 27 Sep 1862 21 North Sullivan, Peter 10th M H Priv Co G S Aug l!S91 57 Calvary Sweeney, Barney X H H Art Priv 1st Co 21 Oct 1863 ... Tarlton's Talham, Cliarles A 2nd X H Priv Co D 27 Sep 1862 27 H (irove Taylor, Alfred V S Navy R Admiral 19 Apr 1891 81 Propr's Taylor, George 13th X H Corp Co K 26 May 1874 39 Sagamore Tetherly, Andrew F S Navy .... 29 Mar 1864 24 H Grove Thacher, Joseph II Kith N H CaptCoK 5 Jan 1892 67 Thompsun,— 3rd U S Art Priv Co K ... Tarlton's Thompson. Thomas Rev War Capt U S N 22 Feb 1809 68 North Tuwle, George W 10th N II Capt Co G 20 Apr 1887 76 H Grove Tredick, John II 3r(l N H 2LtCoE 6 .Jul 1864 32 Tucker, Charles H 27th Maine Corp Co B 3 Jul 1879 39 Sagamore Tucker, Henrv U S Navy ... Propr's Tucker, John A :?rd N H Corp Co D 1 Dec 1886 48 Greenland Tucker, Mark W Kith X H Priv Co K 8 Feb 1863 26 H Grove Tufts, John P 40lhNY Priv Co H 17 Aug 1879 ... I'pham. Joseph B Jr U S Navy P A Engr 14 Aug 1889 48 Propr's Uphani, Timothy War 1812 LtCol21 U S 2 Nov 18.55 72 Varnev, Charles" L I' S Navy 4 Aug 1870 28 H Grove Waldren, Sanmel W Kith N H Priv E & K 24 Aug 1863 33 Waldron, N S Mex W ar Br Maj M C 21 Feb 18,57 .53 Propr's Waldron, Samuel Vf jr 31st N Y & USVols Capt & AAG 24 Aug 1882 .53 Walker, N\in Augustus 27lh Mass Major 3 Jun 1864 36 " Wallace, Joseph F S Navy ... Sagamore Walsh, James " Shawsheen 2 Sep 1865 ... H Grove Walsh, Richard 10th N H & U S N I'riv Co G 17 Jul 1864 30 St Mary's Warburton, William 13th N H Priv Co K 9 Jul 1882 61 Propr's Watkins, Benjamhi F 16th N H Priv Co K 4 Feb 1863 22 Watkins, Daniel W " Priv Co K 13 Sep 1863 22 II Grove AVebster, Henry C U S Navv Mate 23 Sep 1862 22 Sagamore Web.ster, Mark R War 1812 Soldier 13 Jul 1865 74 Whalev, Wm Henry 10th & 2nd N H Sg I & Pr D 21 Jun ]8><0 41 Greenlaml Whidden, An?lon— Town Cemelerv ( Breakfast Hill 2 I Foss' licacii 3 I Lafavette Koad Kyc i Rye noacli I Rye Center I (Sagamore tTown Cemetery Total. NOTE. Allon, William Bariiof', .III Mies Hcrry, William H. Brown, (JeorKe T. Ooodttiu, William H. Harvey, .lolin - .JnrviH, Edwanl LornbarrI, Henry Xoyee, Josriph O'Leary, Tiinotliy - ParlcH. David Siinp.son, .lolin W.-l.h Ki.lrard See I'cndi'r, Williaia P. Ste Franklin, Fred H. See Barry, William H. See Lesl-e, (Jeorjie T. Sec Quint, William tioodwin See Falve.v, John See Jorvis, EdHurd See [..oinbard, Harry See .Noyes, Levei-ett W. See Lenry, Timothy <>. .See rarl;!s, Edward H. See Willi ley, William Henry See Wiilsh. Uifhard IX HONOR OF THE MEX OF PORTSMOUTH WHO GAVE THEIK SERVICES OX THE LAND AND ON THE SEA IN THE WAR WHICH PRESERVED THE UNION OF THE STATES THIS MOXUMEXT IS ERECTED BY GRATEFUL CITIZEXS. 1S88. AXTIETAM GETTYSBURG FREDERICKSBURG KKARSARGE >VILLIAM8BUKG FAIK OAKS SAVAGE STATION WHITE OAK SWAMP MALVEUN HILL CHANTILLY SOUTH MOUNTAIN CHANCE LLOHSVILLE WILDERNESS COLD HAUBOU PETERSBUK(i RICHMOND MONITOR & MERRIMACK NEW ORLEANS MOBILE BAY MORRIS ISLAND JAMES ISLAND FORT DARLING PORT HUDSON KEI) RIVER FORT DONELSON PEACH TREE CREEK SHERMAN'S MARCH TO THE SEA Soldiors'' and Sailurs' Moinninntt. Portsmnutli, .V. //. LINCOLN'S SPEECH AT GETTYSBQRG. NOVEMBER ID. 18(53. "Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Xow we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that na- tion, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But. in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate — we cannot consecrate — we cannot hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for Avhich they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom— and tliat government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Applatons Cyclopedia of Aunrican Biognipliy. THE GRAVES WE DECORATE. ADDITIONAL RECORDS. The Regiments are Infantry unless otherwise .staled. Abbott, George Clark— U. S. Navy. Son of "John E. and Susan .\l)bott. . . . Killed in Texas." Sfone. "Boatswain, 31 January, 1862. de- signed 3 April, 180G." Haiiierslys General Xavy Rr^isfer. Abbott, Samuel P — ]3th N. H. "Private Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, rortsmoutli. Date of Muster Sept. 20, 1802. for ;{ years. Discharged for dis-, ability at Washington, 1). C, February 23, 18G3." Adjutant GencraTs Records, X. If. Adams, Charles F -13th N. H. "Son of Josiali and Frances D. Ad- ams " Stofte. "Private Co. E. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 23, 18(52, for 3 years. Promoted to Sergeant, Sept. (i, 1SG4. Wounded slight- ly at Cliapin"s Farm, Va., Sept. 30, 1804. Mustered out, June 21, 18G.5." Adjutant General's Records^ N'. H. Adams, Horace H.— 10th N. H. "Wounded at Fair Oaks, Oct. 27, died at Hampton Hospital, Va., Nov. 10, 18G4. . . . Son of Josiah and Frances D. Adams." "Another soldier frone. .\u()ther heart-beat stilled, And onoe asain, fond lovins hearts With anguish have been filled. But while we mourn let u.s look up And sniilinfr through our pain, Keiiiember, what to us is loss, To him i.s heavenly gain." Stone. "Private Co. G. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, .Sept. 4, 18G2, for 3 years. Promoted to Corporal, Oct. 30, 18G3. Wounded severe- ly, Oct. 27, 18G4. Died of wounds, Nov- t), 18G4 [See above]." Adjutant GeneraPs Records, N. II. Adams, John Frank— 27th Maine- Enlisted as "John F. Adams." J. "Eldest son of Samuel and Mary Adams. r)ied in Boston, ]Mass." Stone. "Private Co. (1. P.orn in Porlsm'^uth, N. H. Resident of Kittery, ]Maine. Date of IMuster, Sept. 30. 18(;2, for 9 months. Clustered out and honorably discharged July 17, l.'<(i3, at Portland, Maine, by rea- son of expiration of term of service." Adjutant General's Records, Maine. Adams, Patrick— 6th N. H. "Private Co. H. Recruit. Residence or assignment, Henniker. [Actual resi- dence, Portsmouth]. Date of Muster, June 8, 18G4, for 3 years. Wounded at Petersburg, Va., July ."i, 18G4. Dis- charged on account of wounds, June 12, i8Gr)." Adjutant General's Records, X. //. "Patrick, better known as 'Yankee,' .Vdams, died [in Portsmouth] on Satur- day [Oct. l."i, l.sri2]. . . . Adams served in the war of the rebellion. . . . Four years ago he l)roke one of his legs, which necessitated his going to the Soldier's Home at Togus, Me., ■where he remained until witliin a few weeks, -when he came to this city." Portsmouth Bui'ly Xi-,.s. Oct. /j, /Sgs. Adams, William C.-War 1812. He was captured at sea, and was a. prisoner of war at Dartmoor, England. Amazeeu, Joseph— U. S. R. M. "Commissioned 3rd Eieutenant I'. S. Revenue Marine, April 13, 1837. 2ncl H tht_' -war of the vessels aud sta- ISGl, 'Cus^iing,' Lieutenant, December 0, 1839. 1st Lieu- tenant, September 1, 184G. On accuunt of a reduction in tlie number of officers his commission was vacated June 11, ISJ'.l. Kecommissioned ;^rd Lieutenant, July 8, 1854. 'ind Lieutenant, 3Iarch 10, IH.'w. 1st Lieutenant. April .">, 18.").'). Reduced to 2iid Lieutenant, Jauuarv '.», 18(12. Com- missioned 1st Lieutenant, July 1, IHOIL €aptain July 11, 18(11. Died April 20, 1880. During the period of Rebellion he served on tions as follows, viz : May to September, I'ortlaud, Maine; Septeml)er 18(il to April 1802, waiting orders: April 18(J2 to June 18(J3, 'Black,' Boston, Mass.: June ISfKJ to June I8(jl, 'Agassiz' and 'Forward,' in- land waters of North Carolina; .lune 1804 to September 18(i4, 'Pawtuxet,' New York; September ]8(;4 to close of war, 'Agassiz,' New Bedford ;Mass." Recorch Trcas/iiy Department. Anderson, James F.— 16th N. H. lOolisted as "James Anderson." "I'rivate Co. K. Residence Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Nov. 8, 1802, for !) months. Mustered out, August 20, 1863." Ad/utatit Gmerar^s Rerorefs, .\. //. Anderson, James F.— • • • "Son of John and Sarah A. Anderson. . . . Faithful and true." St (I /if. Anderson, John— Mex. War. •Died at Mexico, ... A kind hus- band and affectionate father." Stone. Atchison, George C— U. S. Navy. "(ieorgcC. Aitchision." Stone. Austhi, Benj. M.— • • • Ayers, James S — 10th N. H. "I'rivate Co. (i. Kesideuce or assign- ment. Portsmouth. Date of Muster Sept. -4, 18(i2, for .) years. Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1, 18(>2. Discharged for <:lisability, March 30, ]8(i3." Adjutant Cenemry Records, X. If. Bailey, Geo. F.— 6 Inf. & 1 Cav. Mass. "A member of tlie (>th Mass. l{egt. tttree months, reeulisted in 1st Mass. 'Cavalry to the end of the war." Stone. 'Pi-ivate Co. F. (Jth Mass. Infantry. JJesidence, Lawrence, Mass. Enlisted . Date of Muster, AprU 22, 1861, for 3 months. Discliarged Aug. 2, 1861, ex- piration of service. Private Troop D, 1st Mass. Cavalry. Residence, Lawrence. jNIass. Enlisted Sept. 16, 18(11. Date of Muster Sept. 17, 18(il, for 3 years. Reenlisted Jan. 1, 1864. Promoted to Corporal. MarchlO, ]8(!4, On detached service, at Richmond, Va. Mustered out June, 20, 18c>."), with Com- pany." Ad/ntant (rencraTs Records, Mass. Bailey, William— U. S, Navy. "The beloved son of James and Eliza- beth Bailey, born at Barnard Castle, Eng- land." Stone. Banks, John S.— ... Banks, Orrin— War 1812. Barnes, William A,— U. S. Navy. Enlisted .is "William Barnes." Member Storer Post, G. A. R. Landsman V. S. Steamer "Kearsarge." "Seaman. Birthplace Xewfoundland. Enlisted Oct. •"), 1862. U. S. Steamer 'Kearsarge.' Discharged Nov. 20, 1864, ship went out of commission." Post Records. One of the crew of the V. S. Steamer "Kearsarge" when she destroyed the "Alabama," off Cherboure. France, June 10, 1864. See record of Mark (J. llam. Barr, Ferdinand— 13th N. H. "Private Co. K. Residence or assign- ment. Portsmouth. Date of Muster Sept. 20, 1862. for 3 years. Clustered out ^lay 28, 186.")." Ad/ntant General's Jiccords, X. H. Barry, William H.-lst N. H. H. Art, Enlisted as "William 11. Berry." "Private Co. A. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster July 2, 18(k{. for 3 years. .Mustered out Sept. 11,186.-.." Adjutant General's Records, X. H. Barsantee, Alphonzo— 2d Mass. Bat- Enlisted as "Alphonso Barsantee." "Son of John and Ezoa Barsantee." Stone. "Private. Residence, Boston. Enlist- ed July 31. 1861. Date of Muster. July 31, 1S(J1. for 3 years. Mustered out Aug. 16, 18(!4." Adjutant General's Records, Mass. Barsantee, John B.— War 1812. "Died in Bo.«iton, Mass." Porff>iio?it// CJiroukle, Seft. ./, 'SjS- Tlie T.etler of Marque on wliifli lie served was captured by tlie J5rilisli, and lie was a prisoner of war at Dartmoor, Eugland. Family Traditions. Bartow, Theodore B.-U. S. Navy. "'J lieodure Beekman liartow . . . died May 17, 18(>'.)." Stone. "Chaplain, (J September, ISIl. Died 18 May [see above] ISUI)."' Hamcrslv's (icneral Navy Register. "Died at "rortsmouth, X. H., May 18, [see above] 18(!'.)." A'f^r'i' Reffisiei'. /Sjo. Bates, Patrick— U. S. M. C. His stone reads incorrectly — "I'at'k Bates, L'. S. Navy." Bates, Robert-U. S. M. 0. "Sergeant Ivobert Uates, 1". S. M. C. retired, [who died in Kittery, ^Maine, July 11, 1S",»2] . . . was (ill years of age and a native of Vermont. He formerly resided in this city, moving to Kittery about s years ago. He has an honorable record as a veteran soldier, and will be buried tomorrow by K G. Parker Post, (t. A. K. [of Kittery, of which he was a memlier]. A ser- geants guard of marines from the Navy Yard will also attend the funeral." Portsmouth Dnih Evining Post, yuly 12, l8.)2. Baxter, George D,— 1st N. Y. Art. Kulisted as "(ieorge Baxter." ^Member Sturer Post, G. A. K. "Private, Co. (i. Enlisted Sept. 2!), ISGl, for ;3 years. Dropped from the rolls per G. O. No. ij, Artillery Head- quarters, Army of Potomac, < )ctober 7, i8(;3." Adjutant General's Records. N . Y. "Born in Scotland, 1812." Discharged on account of "a gun shot wound in the right shoulder." Soldiers Memorial iSSip. Beal, Freeman 6.— U. S, Navy. Bennett, Abiier B.— U, S. Army. "Surgeon, Hospital, Point of Kocks, Va." Records Storcr Post. Benson, Charles A.— U. S. Navy. Berry, Albert C.-4th N. H. "Private Co. B. Residence Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 18, 1861, for :5 years, lleenlisted Feb. 20, 1864. Sergeant Co. B. Date of Muster, Feb. 20, 1864, fur :> years. Captured at Dru- ry's Blutr, ^'a., May 20, 18(i4 I'aroled Nov. 24, 1864. Promoted to First Ser- geant, March 1, 186."). Mustered oat July 28, 186.J." Adjutant iieneral's Record, A'. //. Biokford, Andrew— Mex. War. "Private Co. ('., iith V . S. Infantry. Residence, Dover. Enlisted April 2, ls47, to serve during the war." Adjutant Gem^raTs Report, .V. II. iS6S. Binch, David— 9th N. H. "Private Co. C. Residence Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, July 17, ls(j2, for ;'> years. Died of disease at Xicholas- ville, Kentucky, Sept 6, 1sg;5 " Adjutant General's Records, X. H. Bishop, Henry J.-U.S.M.C. "Second Eieutenuaut, 2.^ November, 1861. First Lieutenant, 1 April, 1864. Captain, 12 January, l.s76." Hamersly's General Naz'y Register. "Died at Brooklyn, N. Y., December 22, 1884." Navy Register, iSSj;. "Born in Connecticut. Commisioned as Second Eieutenant, November 2."), ls(Jl; ^Marine Barracks, Brooklyn, 1862-;J; •^'ermont,■ South Atlantic Block- ading Squadron, ls6;j-4. Commissioned as Fh-st Lieutenant, April 1. 18(54; Ma- rine Baracks, Portsmouth, ]8().')-r); steam sloop -Susquehanna," special cruise, i 186(i-7; [Marine Barracks, I'ortsmouth, llS(;7-8; Marine Barracks, Pensacola, iscs-i) : steanisloop 'California', Pacilic Fleet, Is7i>-1, and 'Pensacola' same sta- tion, 1S71-2; receiving ship '\erniont,' 1S74-."); receiving ship 'Colorado,' l.s7.")-{;. Commissioned as Captain, ]s7(; October, \sr,'.). Ensign, 2(i June, 1S(;;5. Master [Lieu- tenant — see below], 22 February, ]s(i4 Lieutenant-Commander, 2."'. July, isco. Ketired lii^t, IS January. 1S71. Died 2i) February, isT'.i." Haincrsh's GeiU'ral y^az'y Ifco-iafer. "Died at North Platte, Nebraska, Feb- ruary 2ii, 1S71I." Xazy Rpnrisfcr iSSo. "Born in Massachusetts. Appointed from ^Massachusetts, October 2(!. is,"i!t; Naval Academy, ls:)'.t(;i ; Attached to steam-sloop 'Mississippi," Atlantic coast, isci ; sloop 'C^onstellation," Mediterra- nean squadron, 1S(;2 ?,. Promoted to Ensign, June 2(; l.S<;3; West Gulf P>lockading Squadron, is<;4; i)attle of Mobile Bay, August .">, is(;4. Commissioned as Lieutenant, February 22, 1S(;4; steam-sloop 'Powhatan," Pacif- ic Squadron, isii.vs. Commissioned as F.ieutenant-Comman- der, July 2."), isci;; Naval Academy, lS(;s- "b." //a/nersly's Xar'tr/ Jfccords, /S-jS. Boardman, G. Clifford— U. S. Navy. George Clifford P.oardman, son of Dr. John H. and Susan (Rice) Boardman, and grandson of Hon. Langley I>oard- man. "Langley Boardman — ls;u."" Tomb. "Acting Assistant Paymaster, 2.'. July, 1S{;2. Died 12 November, isi;.",."" Hamcrsly's General Nary Register. "Died on U. S. Steamer 'lihode Island,' November, 12, lS(i,"i."" Naiy Rroisfer, iS66. "On Wednesday morning [November 22, isi;:.] ex-(iovernor Goodwin received a dispatch from Secretary Welles, stat- ing that Paymaster B lardman diei at Havana on the 12th inst. — George Clif- ford Boardman, Paymaster, P. S. N., was a son of Dr. Boardman of this city : he was about twonty-flve years of age, and a young man of more than ordinary promise. He was attached to the ex- rebel steamer 'Stonewall," which vessel has put into Beaufort. His disease was yellow fever."' Portsmouth yournal Noi', Jj, /S6^. He served as an Acting Assistant I'ay- raaster, P. S. Navy, on board the steam- er "Norwich" in the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron for about two years, and on the steamer "(ialena.'' Hi the autumn of isi;.", lie was ordered to the ex-rebel ironclad "Stonewall" at Ha- vana, when that vessel, surrendered to the Si)aniards by her commander at tlie end of tlie war, was by them turned over to the Pnitcd States. He went to Havana in the U. S. Steamer "Rhode Island," Commander Alexander Murray, (after- wards ]\ear Admiral,) and died at Ha- vana, of yellow fever, November 12, isdr*. Bonnen, Peter-War 1812. Enlisted as "Peter Bonner."" "A soldier in the war of isi2. . A faithful friend." Stoz/f. "Private, Capt. Bobert NeaPs company of Artillery of N. H. Militia. lOnlisted June 2s, is 12. Discharged August ;>1, 1S12."' Adjiiiaiit General's Report, N. H., /S6S' Part J. JJuried on farm of S. S. Brackett. Bay- side, Greenland, N. H. Bradford, Joseph M.— U. S. Navy. ">Hdshipman, lo January, is40. Pass- e«l Midshipman, 11 July, 184(i. Master, 1 March is.")."). Lieutenant, 14 Septem- ber, IS.")."). Lieutenant-Commander, li> July ls(;2. Commander, 2.") July LSfic. Betired list ."» February. is72. Captain, Retired list, Pi March is72. Died, 14 April 1S72."" I/aincrsly's General Naiy /Register. "Died at Norfolk, ^'irginia, .Vpril 14 1S72."" Navy Register, /S-jj!. "Born in Tennessee. Appointed from Alabama, January 1(1, ls4d: attached to frigate 'Columbus," ^lediterranean Squad- ron, ls4(»-;;: sloop '\'andalia." Home Squadron, is4:'.-."); Xaval School, is4(;. Promoted to Passed Midshipman, July ll,ls4(;: attached to steamer 'Spitfire," Home Squadron, ls4(')-7. Was in the sev- eral attacks on \'era Cruz; on board the 'Spitfire" when that vessel, assisted by two other gunboats, captured a ten-gun fort a few miles below Tabasco: in sev- eral skirmishes in and about Tabasco : at capture of Tuspan and Tampico ; frig- ate 'IJrandywine." Brazil Squadron, ls47- S; razee 'Independence," Mediterranean Squadron, ls4'.» .")2: Coast Survey, 18.>;5: sloop 'Dale" Coast of Africa, ls.")4-.>. Promoted to Master, is."),"). Coramis- siomd as ]>ieutenant, September K! [14], IS.")."): sloop 'Jamestown,' Coast of Afri- ca, is,")i), receiving-ship, Boston, ]s.")7!i: store-ship 'Release,' Brazil Squadron, is(;(t-(;i: Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H., is(i2 ;•). Commissioned as Lieutenant-Comman- der, July ICi, 1S(;2 : commanding steamer 'Nipsie,' South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, isi;:',. In Novembtr, is(;;i, was appointed Fleet-Captain of the South At- lantic Squadron, and served in that ca- pacity until June 2.">, ls(i.">; was a number of times under fire at Charleston and Stono Inlet; Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. i II., isr.c. Comuiissioned as Commander, July 2."), iscc; commanding stcam-s!oop 'Kesaca,' North racitU- Squadron, ls(;7-S; ord- nance duty. Navy "^ ard, 15ostou, Isc'.). [Hetired IS72— see above.] Promoted to Captuin [Retired list], 1S72. Died April 14, 1.S72." //(imersly's Naval Records, /Sgo. Brewster, John W — 4th N. H. "Corporal, Co. B. Residence, Ports- mouth. Date ofMustcr, Sept. is, 1S(;], for :> years. Promoted to Sergeant. Wounded sliiihtly, Oct. 22.,2. Pro- moted to 2d Lieutenant, Co. 15. Date of ('ommission. Doc. 1, \sr,-2. Wounded .May 20, 1S(;4. Discharged for disability, Sept. U, 1S(;4." Adjutant General's Records. X. II. Briggs, Francis— U, S, Navy- Brown, Chas. H.-lst N. H. H. Art. "Corporal, 1st Co.. H. .\rt., X. H. Vol- uutters. afterward.* Co. .V., 1st \. II. H. .Art. Ivesidence, Lisbon. Date of Muster, May 2(;, Isc;',, for .". years. Pro- moted to Sergeant November 14, 1S(;4. Mustered out September 11, isi;.")." Adjiit'int (ii/iiriil's h'lcords, A'. //. Brown, George A,— 17 Mass. & 1st N. H. H. A. "Private, Co. F., 17th Mass. Residence Haverhill, Mass. Liilisted April 2(;, isin, I )ate of Muster, .lulv 22, isd] , for ;> years. Promoted to Corporal Nov. 1, Isc:;. .Mustered out .\ugust .">. 1S(!4." Adjut years. Discharged for disability at Pjermuda Hnndred, Va., May 211, isiu." .\d/ut years. Wounded: Aug. 2."). 1S(;4. Mustered out June !». ISC,.-.." Adjiitmil lleiieri'l's III cords, .Mass. Buckley, Michael— U. S. Navy. Carlton, Joseph W.— U. S. Navy, •'When will p.iitiiiK' sceiiew lie oVr, Separation known no iiioie; wiien will friend.ship bloom aftaiii. Love and bliss forever reijiii ! Wlieu mortality is o"er, Then will pfirtiLg be no more. When will seiiaratiou cease, Friendship's sons unite in peace; (irief no more oppress the heart, Friends no more be doomed to |)art! When the sc'enes of life are o'er, Friends will meet to part no more. When thy virtHe.« we review, .loys departed spent with .vou: Hope renews the pleasing strain, Sui-ely we shall meet affain. Yesl when this frail liody dies. We shall meet beyond the skies." Stone. Carter, Henry M.-16th N. H. . . He "Died at New Orleans. . . sleeps in Southern soil." Stone. "i'rivate, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Oct. 2!i, 18()2, for U months. Died of disease at New Orleans, La., June 24, 18(;;{." Adjutant General's Records, X. If. Case, Heman— 1st Me. H, Art- Member Stoier Post, (i .\. R. "Private, Co. Ti. Born in Lubec, ]Maiue. Resident of Lubec, ^Laine. Date of Mus- ter, Jan. 1, 1SG4, for :i years. Wounded Aug. IS, lS(i4. Mustered out and honor- ably discharged Sept 11,180.5, at Fort Baker. I). C, by reason of orders from War Dept. disbanding Regiment." Adjutant General's Records, Maine. "Wounded May P.ith 18(;4, at the bat- tle of Spotsylvania, A'a., returned to duty in .Vugust, and Avas again wounded on August 28 [18], 18(14, and again returned to duty with hia regiment December 1, 18G4. . . . Mustered out at Washing- ton, D. C. Sept 11, isd.j." Soldiers Memorial, rSSj. iS Caswell, Charles R.-13th N. H. 'I'rivate, Co K. Kesidence or assign- nieiit, Kye. Date of Muster, Sept. 2o, isci', for :"> A'ears. Discharged for disabil- ity at Washington, D. C, Djc. 11, isci'." Adiuta7it Goiercil's /fecoi d.<, IV. II. Caswell, William-8 Inf. & 1 Bat. Mass., & 1 U. S. Vet. 'Private, Co. D., sth Mass. Infantry. Residence, Lynn. Enlisted . Date of Muster, April ;>(), isiii, foi ."> months. Discharged Aug. 1, isoi, expiration of service. Private, 1st I\Iass. B.vttery. H'sidenee r>ostou. Enlisted Aug l*s, isci, for ;'. years. Date of Muster . Discharged Aug. 2'.i, isiU, expiration of service. Priv^ate, U. S. A'eteran Volunteers (Haiicocli Corps). Residence Xortb Chel- s -a. Mass. Enlisted Jan. 17, Isc,.".. Da'.e of Muster . J)ischarged Jan. c. isdi; ' Aiijiitant GeiicfuVs Records, Mass. Chaos, Horace J.— U. S. Navy. '•Son of Asahel P. and Grace Chace. i)ied at Indian River, Fla. . . . Buried at sea." Stone. Chamberlain, Albert Jr.— U.S. Navy. Chase, Algernon F.— 2nd N. H. "Enlis*^ed in Co. B, -'nd Keg. X. II. V., Aug. !), 1S(;2. . . Died Aug. 27. l«,")." Adjutant General's Records, A'. II. 'Clark, George— Mass. Vols. "A >soldier in Mass. Infantry, isc]- Uf<(ii5." Stone. Clark, George H.-7th Mass. & U. S. M. C Enlisted as "George Clark." Member S orer Post;, G A. R. "Private, Co. E, 7ch Mass. Kesidence Dorchester, Mass. Enlisted May 14, ISdl. Date ot Muster. Junel.'), 1S(!1, for .■> years. Clustered out June 27, isc-l." Ad/iitant General's Records, Mass. 'Private, V S. M. C. Birthplace Eng- land. Enlisted Dec. 27, 1S(;4. Promoted to Corporal. Discharged Dec. 2S, i,sc>s, ex- piration of service." Post Rt cords. Clark, Thomas K,— 26th Mass. "Private, Co. C. Kesidence Pepperell, Mass. Enlisted Dec. 12, Isc,:',. Date of Muster, Dec. 12, lS(;;i, for ;"> years. Mus- tered out Aug. 2(!. lsi;."i, as absent sick. (Discharged May 2."., isd."..)" Adjutant General's Records, A/ass. Clough, Nathan-13th N. H. "Private, Co. K. Kesidence or assign- ment. Rye. Date of Muster, Sept. 2n, 1S(;2, for ;i years. Mustered out May 12, ISC,."). Died at Kve, X'. II., .lanuary 14, 1S72." Adjutant Gemral's Records, X. II. Coffin, John N.-8 Bat. & 5 V. M. Mass. "1st Lieutenant, sth Mass. Battery. Kesidence Somerville, Mass. Date of Muster, Sept 21, 1S(;2, [see below], for C. months. ^Mustei'ed out Nov. 2!>, 1S(;2. Captain Co. B. .">th Regiment Mass. Vol. Militia. Residence Somerville, Mass. Date of :Master, .luly 2."., ls(i4, for loo days. Discharged as Captain X'ov. Kl, ls(>4, expiration of service," Adjutant (rincral's Records, Mass. "Born in Portsmouth, March H, ls2."i. . . He went to California in ^'.i, and ret'irning took up his residence in Somervillf*, Mass. lie entered the army May 2'.>. 1S(I2, as Lieutenant of the sji .Mass. Battery, and was in the second bat- lie of BuU Run and at .\ntietam. He af- terwards was Captain of the Somerville, Light Infantry in the one hundred days campaign in 1S(;4. During his war ser- vice he was frequently commended for his personal bravery. He was for a long time a prominent citizen of Watertown, Mass.; and was a member of Isaac B. Patten Post, Xo. si, (i. A. IL of that town. He died in Watertown, July in [i;], is'.ii, aged ci! years. 4 months." Soldiers Memorial, iS(}j. Colby, John-3d U. S. Art, i9 Cole, Edwin .— 1st Me. H. Art. "Private, Co. L. Horn iu Skowhegan, Maine. Resident of (iuilford, ^[aine. Date of >[ustL'r, Dec. :'>1 , isi;;',, for :'> years. Clustered out and honorably discharged Sept. U, isi;.-., at Fort Baker, I). C\, by reason of orders from AVar Dept. dis- banding Regiment. " Adjutant (li-iii-ni/'s fiicords, Mninc Cole, Levi W.-4tti N. H, & U. S. N. "Lost at sea near the (Jeorges Ba'nks." Stoi/f. "Private, Co. IT, 4th X. IT. Recruit. Res- idene3 Newcastle, X. II. Date of Master. Dec. i'4, isi;;;, for .". years. Transferred to r. S. Xavy, April 2s, is(;4, as ordinary seaman. Scrvedon l. S. Steamers 'Mack- inaw' and ''I'ioga ' Discharged at New York city, Nov. 17, Isc.")." Adjutaut dr/ti-ral's Ri-cords, X. II. Collins, John-lOth N. H. "An honest man." Stom-. "Private, Co. (i. JJesidence or assign- ment, (ireenland. Date of ^Muster, Sept. 12. ls(;2, for;', years. Mustered ont J nne 21, ISC,.-.." Adjutant (iiuci'iiVs ll'-coi'ds, A'. H. Collins, Joseph— U. S. Navy, Conners, John— U, S, Navy. Connor, Benjamin— Rev, War. "IJenjamin Connor, a Revolutionary otlicer. Boru in Exeter, X. II., Aprils, 174S. Departed this life at (ireealand, X. II , Dec. 2;i, IS.',.-.. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." siom-. "In Sei)tember, 177(1, the General Court of Xew Hampshire voted to reinforce the army at Xew York with two regiments, the tirst of which was placed under the command of Colonel Thomas Tash. Cap- tain Daniel (iordon's company of this regiment contained the following otlicers and men belonging to Kxeter. . . , [Men] . . . Benjamin Conner." Brirf History of Ex<-tfV. Cox, George— U. S, Navy. "Born in England. Residence. Ports- mouth. He enlisted in the l". S. Xavy, at Portsmouth, April 17, isc^, for ;! years, as I'nd class fireman, served on the I'.S. Steamers '.Mahaska" and Xipsic.and April 22, lSfi5, received an honorable dis- charge from the l". S. naval service." Soldiirs Afi'inon'iil, JSg2, Critchley. Thomas H,-13th N, H. Lnlisted as "Thomas Critchley." Member Storer Post, C A. K. "Died May ;;, iss.-. [l,s,S(i]." Slon<-. "Private, Co. K. Ilesldence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 20, ISCL', for .'. years. Transferred to liand, :'.rd Brigade, (Jetty's Division, isth .\rmy Corps, .lanuary 21, isi;;!. Mustered out, Richmond, June 21, lS(;.-.,as 2nd class Musician, as of Band, 2nd Bri- gade, ;'.rd Division, 24th .Vrmy Corps." Adjuiiiiit (iinivtiVs Records, N. H. "Birthplace, England." Post Records. Crowley, Michael— U. S. Navy. Cunningham, Bernard— U. S. Navy. Currier, Willie H.-3rd U. S. Art. Curtis, Charles H.-13th N. H. '•1st Lieut., Co. C. Residence Farming- ton. C jmmiisioned, Sept. 27, ls(i2. Pro- moted to Captain, Co. F. Dite of Com- mission, Oct. 2s, ],s(;4 Mustered out, .lune 21, ISC,,-.. Died in North Cambridge, Mass., March lit, l.s'.tl." Adjutmit (ii-ncnirs Ri'coi;ds, X. H. Daily, Milo H.— 11th Mass. Bat. "Killed .June r.>, isc,4," Stom'. "Private. IJesidence Cambridge, .Alass. Enlisted . Date of Muster, Aug. 2.->, 1S(;2, for ;• months. Discharged May 2.->, IS(;;i, expiration of service. Reenlisted in same Battery as Private, Jan. 4, 18(14. Residence, Cambridge, Mass., Ward :>. Date of Muster, Jan. c, l.s(;4, for ;> years. Killed in action at Petersburg, Va., Jnue I'.i, is(;4." Adjutant liini'rul's ll. for:', years. Discharged for disability at I'liiladelphia. Pa.. .Ian. 12, l.s(;;j." Adjutitnt (ieueral's I'ecords. X. IF. David, George E.-13th N. H. Davidson, James— 13th N. H. "Private, Co, K. Residence or assign- 20 ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 20. is(;2. for :! years. Promoted to Coi'poral. iJischarged for disability at Portsmoutli, Va., Oct. 7, is(;;i." AdjiiUiHt (ji'ticniVs Records, X. II. -U.S.Art.&N.H. Davidson, Jaines- Vols. '•Captain, FnaLtac-hed Company \. II. A'olunteers, staliontd at Fort Constitu- tion. Portsmouth Harbor. N. H. Pesi- dence. Newcastle. Date of ^Muster. [May 1"), is(;2. \o rtcord of muster out at .Vdjutant (Jeneral"s office. Washington. The enlisted men of this company were transferred to Co. K. nth IJeg. X. H. A'ols.. Aug. 2:'.. 1S(;2 [and Captain David- son Avas then probably mustered out]. .\ years. Discharged for disability Jan. 12. isd;!," A^f/ulitnl (r'ci/cnd's I'f'cords, X. II. Davis, Thomas J.— 13th N. H. Same stone with Lewis Davis. lothN.H. ••Died June 14. l.siU." Slotic ••Pjivate. Co. C. IJesidence or assign- ment. Newcastle. Date of Mu«ter. Sept. I'.i, ls(;2. for ;> years. Killed near Peters- burg, Va.. June 1.") [see above], IsiU." Adjtihinl (li'iicriirs Itccurd.^, X. IT. Dearborn, George E,— U. S. Navy, ^lember Storer Post. (J. .\. K. ••Birthplace, Ktfingham; residence, (ireenland. Lalisted Sept. (!. 1S(;4. Sec- ond class tireman on V . S. S. "Colorado." Discharged Sept. 7. ls(;7, expiration of term of service." Soldi'irs Mi-iitort'iil, iSgo, Dearborn, Samuel D,— 8th N. H. ••Private, Co. 1. Residence or assign- ment. Midlleton. Date of Muster. Dec. 2(1. iscj, for :i years. Transferred to Co. (J., 20th Invalid Corps, Feb. IC, ls(i4. Discharged for disability April is, isr>4."' Ad/'utdiit (l<'iii'riil''s Ii' cord.'!, X II. Dennett, George F— 19th Mass. Enlisted as '-(ieorge Dennett." ••(ieorge Fianklin Dennett, member of IKth Mass. Hegt. Died at Andersonville. (ia , Sept. 4. Is(i4, Aged M.". yrs.'' Sfoz/c. "Private. Co. L. Residence Poston, 4th District. Lnlistrd May ;'.o. 1m;4. Date of i"\Iuster, .May.'lo. ls()4,for ;> years. CaptureiL Mustered (ut June ;io, Isc,.-,. Hi absent — prisoner [see above]." Adjutant (Tfj/crdl'.-, Iticord.';, Afi.4. Ap- pointment revoked (Sick), 10 October. ls(;4." /A^w/',s7}''.s- (icniriil Xnvy Rcgisicr. Dennett, Thomas S.— U. «. Vols. "Capt. Thomas Sims I)ennett . . , Died at New ( )rleau.<. La." Stone. "Appointed from Massachusetts. Cap- tain. Assistant (Quartermaster of Volun- teers, .".o June. 1S(;2. Discharged l.s J 111 v. isi;;;." lliinifr six's Ucgulor Army Rfgistt-r. Denny, John— U. S. Navy. DeWit, Carsten B.— U. S. Navy. Yeoman of the U. S. Steamer ••Kear- sarge" when the de.^troyed the "-Vla- bama," oil' Cherbourg, France. June 1'.". IsCrl. See record of Mark (i. Ilam. Dimick, Justin— U. S. Army. •'General Justin Dimick, I'nited States Army. Born .Vugust i;, isoo. Died October l.i, is7]. Graduated at the Military Academy July ist, isl'.t. Served as an ofticer of Artillery through all the grades from Second Lieutenant to Colonel. Was brevelted .ALajor for 'gallant aud meritorious conduct" in the Florida AVar, Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel for •gallant and meritorious conduct" in the ."Mexican AVar. and Brigadier General fur 'long, gallant and faithful services to his country." An earnest Christian Soldier, ever faithful to his faniilj', his country and his (iod."' St 0/1 1-. '•Born in Connecticut. Appointed a Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, from Vermont, in isU. Craduated." •'2nd Lif^ut., Light Artillery, 1 July, isi'.). Transferred to 1st Artillery. I June. 1X21. 1st Lieut., 1 May. ls24. Captain, i", April, is:',.">. .\[ajor, 1 .\pril, is.'.o. Lieut. Colonel, 2nd Artillery, ."> ( >ct., IS.-,:. Colonel, 1st Artillery. 2(1 Oct., isdl. Retired 1 Aug., isi;:!. Died i:'. Oct., 1S71. Ih-i'fct lliink: — Brevet Captain, 1 May, is;', I, for ten years faithful service iu one grade. Brevet Major, s May, IsSd, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the war against Florida Indians. Urevet Lieut. Colonel. 2(i Aug. 1^47, for gallant and meritorious conduct at Contreras and Churubusco. Brevet Colonel, i:! Sept., 1S47, for gallant and meritorious conduct at Chapuicepec. Brevet Brigadier Gen- eral, 1:5 .March, ls(;."i,tor long, gallant aud faithful services to his country." Hiimirsly's Ui'^ulur Army li'i>;/ster. "Dimick, Justin, soldier, born in Hart- ford county. Conn., •> [C] .Vug , isoii ; d'ed in Philadelphia, Pa., i:'. Oct.. 1S71. He ■was graduated at the V. S. Military Acad- emy in is iii, and assigned to the iiight Artillery. .Vfter serving at various posts, and as assistant instructor of infantry tactics at West Point for a few months in 1S22, he was promoted to 1st Lieuten ant in the 1st Artillery, 1 May, 1S24, and brevetted Captain, 1 >Iay, ls;U, for ten years faithful service in one grade. He was given his full commission in Is;}.",, and brevetted Major, 8 May, ls;j(j, for gallant conduct in the Florida war, having on that date killed t^\•o Seminole Indians in personal encounter while skir- mishing near Hernandez plantation. He was engaged in suppressing the Canada- border disturbances at Bouse's Point, X. v., in ls:'.s-i), and in the performance of his duty seized a vessel laden with ammuni- tion for the Canadian insurgents. For this act he was called upon in 18.51-:! to defend a civil snit in the Vermont courts. He served as Lieut Colonel of an Artil- lery battalion of the army of occupation in Texas in ls4."i-(), and during the Mexi- can war received two brevets, that of Lieutenant-Colonel, 21 1 Aug., is47, for gal- lantry at Contreras and < hurubusco, and that of Colonel on i:'> Sept., for his ser- vices at the storming of Chapultepec, •where he was Avounded. Besides these battles, he was at llesaca de la Palma, La Hoya, and the capture of the city of Mexico. He served again against Florida Indians in LS41)-50 and l^.jG-T, was made -Major in the 1st Artillery, 1 April, 18.'>ii, Lieuten- ant-Colonel .".Oct., ]8.",7, and commanded the Fort ^lonroe artillery school in is,',<.)- (11. He was promoted to ( olonel on 2(; Oct., isci, and commanded the dei)ot of pris- oners of war at Fort Warren, Mass., until 1 Jan., 1S(;4. He was retired from active service on 1 .\ug., I8(;;'., and in isca s was (Governor of the Soldiers' Home near Washington, I). C. On l,', March, isi;."), he was brevetted Brigadier- (ieneral, U. S. Army, 'for long, gallant, and faithful services to his country.'" Aj>pl('loiis Cyclopd'din of Aiikt/ckii Biog- I'liphy. Dimick, Justin E.— 2nd U- S- Art, "Lieutenant Justin Iv 1 )iniick, son of Col. .Instin and .Mary C. Dimick, was mortally wounded at the Battle of Chancellors- ville on ;>rd May while in command of Battery H, 2nd l\eg. r. S. Artillery, t\c died on .")th :\[ay, 1S(>;{. Aged 2.} y'rs. He was a gallant Otiicer, a dutiful Son and an aflectionate Brother." Si one. "Born in New Hampshire. Appointed a Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, at Large, in 1856. Graduated." "2nd lieut. fith Infantry, -24 June, 1861. 1st Lieut., 24 June, 1861. transferred to 1st Artillery, 14 Aug., 1861. Died :> May, ]86:j, of wounds received at the Battle of Chancellorsvile, Va. [.'5 May, 1S6;{]." Hamersly's Regular An/iy Register. Dixon, John— U. S- Navy. Downing, Havillah F.— Mex. War & 6tii N. H. "Havilah F. Downing." Sto/ie. "Corporal, Co. C, !)th V. S. Infantry, Mexican War. Besidence, I'ortsmoutli. Enlisted ^larch 2.'), Is47, to serve during the war.'* Adjutant GeneraVs Report, N. H. iS6S. "Private, Co. H, 6th N. H. Residence, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Nov. 2.s, 1861 , for ;i years. Beenlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Private, Co. H. Residence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Jan. 4, 1864, for 3 years. Mustered out July 17, 1865." Adjutant GenrraVf Rerords, A'. H. Downing, John— U. S. Navy. Downing, Nelson N.— U. S. Navy. "Son of Nelson N. and Caroline W. Downing. . . . He passed to the ppiiit M orld "vvliilo gallantly clofending the flag of his country from on board the r. S. Steamer I'ensacola, Apr. '24, 1S()2, in the bombardment of Forts Jackson and Phil- lips, New Orleans Harbor. II est faithful boy, rest Thy work is done ; We shall meet thee soon again." S/one. "Upon recommendation of the Presi- dent. A resolution of thanks to Captain David G. Farragut, of the Iciited States Xavy, and to the officers and men nuder his command. That the thanks of the people and of the Congress of the I'liited Slates are due and are lierebj' tendered to Captain Da- vid G. Farragut. of the United States Xavy, and to tlie officers and men under his command, composing his squadron in the (inlf of Mexico, for theif successful operations on the lower ^lississlppi river, and for their gallantry displayed in the capture of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the city of Xew Orleans, aud in the destruction of the enemy's gunboats and armed flotilla. Sec 2. And be it further resolved. That the Secretary nf the Xavy be directed to communicate this resolution to Cap- tain Farragut, and through him to the ofhcers and men under his command. A}>proved July 11, ls(;2.'" //(DiK'rsly's Gi'ucra! Xavv Jfeffisti-i\ Drew, Charles H.-22ncl Mass. & U. S. N. "Private, Co. I, 22nd Mass. Residence, P.oston. Enlisted Sept. 0, 1S(!1. Date of Muster, Sept. (I, Isdi. for ;j years. Dis- charged Oct. ;!,;2, for disability. 2nd Class Fireman, F. S. Navy." liorn in Troy, N. V. Kesidcnce or assignment, Southampton, Mass. Falisted at P>oston, Dec. 7, 1S(;4, for ■'{ years. Served on V . S. Steamer, 'Wando." Discharged from V. S. receiving ship 'Princeton,' March 28, ]S(i.-, " AdjiitiDit (ioicral's Jieconis, Mass. Drew, Isaac C— 16th N- H. 'Private, Co K. Pcsidence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of .Muster, Oct. 2."., ].s(;2, for !• months. DIscliarged to vdate, Aug. 20; 18(!3."' Adjutant Gc7ieraPs Records, X. 11, 1 Driver, Robert— 18th Mass. '' Private, Co. J{. IJjsidence, I'orts- miiuth, X.H. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1S()1. Date of -Muster, Aug, 24, is(!l, for ;! years. Prisoner of war. May ;">, 1804. Mastered out Sept. 2, ls(;4.'" Adjutant (rencral's Records, Mass. DuQn, Clarancs— 19th Mass. "Son of Joshua and Caroline AV. Dunn. Died at Fair < )aks."" Stone. "Died at camp at Fair Oaks, A'irginia." Portsniout// Chronicle, yuiy 4, iSbj. "Private, ('o. D. P^sidtnce, Boston. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1881. Date of :>[uster, Aug. 2S. isc.l, for ;> years. Died of disr ease at F.iir Oaks, \a., June 21, 18(;2."' Adjutant (icneraVs Records, J\/ttss. Edney, Charles A.-16th N. H. Enlisted as ' Charles H. Edny." "Sju of George P. and Mary W. Edliy, died Aug. 24, LSCo, aged ]s years. . God's young Patriot." Stone. "^[usicia;i, Co. K. Residence, Ports- mouth. Dat'd of Muster, Oct. 2."'., 1802, for !) months. Mustered out Aug. 20, 186;", [Died Aug. 24,!]." Adjutant Gjnera/'s Records, X. II. Edney, George A -89th N. Y. Emery, James H,- 16th N, H. "1st Sergeant, Co. K. Residence or as- signment, Portsmouth. Date of Cluster, 03t. 2."), 18G2, for t) months. Reduced to Private, May Kl, 18(;;j. Mustered out Aug. 20, l.s(;;i" Adjutant General's Records. X. H. Engen, Peter— U. S. Navy. Member Storer Post, G. A. R. "Rirthplace, X'orway ; residence, Ports- mouth. . . . Eilisted February 14, isf;.",, in the L^ S. Xavy. Discharged Xo- vember 22, isc?, by order of the Bureau of E iuipment and IJecruiting.'" Soldiers Memorial, iSgr. "Seaman, V . S. Ship 'Vandalia" " Fost Records. Evans, Aoauthus G.— U. S, Navy. - "Roy. Birthplace, Portsmouth, 1848. Enlisted Nov. 14. Isii2, V . S. Steamer 'Os- sipee." Hated Landsman. Discharged Dec. •;, 18(U, e.Kpiralion of service." Post Records. Fall, Edwin H,-32nd Mass. "Son of Otis and i!lizabeth Fall. . . . Killed at the battle of (iettysburg. . . . A good son and a brave soldier." Stone. •Private, Co. I. Residence, Charles- town, Mass. Falisted .Vug. c, ls(;2. Date of >[aster, .Vug. II, l.s(j2, for ,{ years. Killed at Gettysburg, Penn., July 2, ISO;',." Adjutant General's Jieeords, Mass. 23 Falvey, John— 2nd N. H. lOiU-sted as ".loha Harvey." "Jolin Falvey. ... A good llus- baiid. a kind Father." Sione. • Private, (' J. K- iJ.'siclenc^or assis'.deace, Ports- mouth. Fnlisted <).Jtob3r 2s, is.')>). Dis- charged March 11, lS(i.")." lii'port X. 11. Soldiers' IIomc,/SQ/-j Died at XeAV Hampshire Soldiers' Home, Tilton, X. II. Fishley, George— Rev. War. "Capt. (T3orge Fishley, died i)3c. 2i;, 18.-.0, Aged iU years." Sto//e. '•Deaths. Dacember 2(i [IS.")!)]. Captain li.'orge Fishley, aged ;•!) years and (i months. Funeral Sunday afternoon [Dec. ■-".I] from St. .lohi's church, immediately after the close of afternoon service [See below]. I'apt. Fishley was engaged, during the Kevolution, in the service of his country, both upon sea and laud. He has long been well known amongst us as a tirm patriot and an excellent citizen, and his death will be lamented. Thus one after another the veterans who participated in the struggle for our independence are passing away." Poiis)iioi(Ui 'jfoitriKit, Dec. 2S, /Sj;o, '"Capt. George Fishley. We gave in our paper last week a short obituary of this venerable citizen, who died in this city on the 2(;th of December [ls.")Oj, in Ids Dlst year. Mr. Fishley possessed to the last years of his life, most of his faculties to a re- markable degree. For many years he has on public occasions aitpeared con- spicuously in tlie processions, in a cocked- hat which almost vied in years with the wearer. He was born on the 17th day of June, iron. At the age of seventeen he en- tered the continental army under (ien. Poor and Col. Dearborn. In the coursa of the three years of his service he was at the battle of Monmouth [.lune 28, 177s], (in which action (ianeral Washing- ton commanded the .Vmerican and Sir Henry Clinton the British forces), at the execution of Major Andre [October 2, 17so],andin thj various positions the army occupied at that time. As an in- stance of revolutionary service, he related that just seventy-three years ago last Tuesday [December :'.!, 1777], he marched with his C3mi)anions in arms, several miles, in the vicinity of \'allcy Forge, without shoes or stockings. After leaving the laud service, he em- barked in a privateer on the ocean — was captured, and held as a prisoner at Hali- fax. His after life was spent mostly in trad- ing — for many years he had command of a coaster between Portsmouth and Bos- ton — and when by the just provision of a grateful country pensions were granted to the soldiers of the Hivolntion, he be- came a recipient of that bounty, and was enabled thereby to descend in cjmfort to the grave. Inpol.tical feelings he was strongly AVhig — so much so that when President Polk visited Portsmouth a few years since, he said he declined at first shaking hands with him, because he had no po- litical sympathies with him. In is40, when the great gathering of the Whigs of Xew Hampshire was made at Con- cord, a company of about ;}0(t citizens went from Portsmouth. .Vs au emblem of Commerce, a miniature ship was rigged, and was drawn from our wharves to the political capital of the State. The commander of this vessel, which will be long remembered, was Capt. F'ishley. In is4::i he celebrated his birthday, the 17th of June, in the great meeting on Bunker Hill [held to celebrate the com- pletion of the monument erected in com- memoration of the battle fought there sixty-eight years before]. He was among those few Pevolutionary soldiers who were companions on that occasion. Incorporated in his very existence was the spirit of '7<;— and on all fitting occa- sions it was prominently visible. With him the last of our cocked hats [and the last veteran of the devolution residing here, excepting Mark (ireen and John McClintock] has departed. He was an amialde man, a good citizen, and be- loved by all who knew him. He was buried from St. .John's churcli on Tuesday last— the Portsmouth (ireys doing the last military honors to the old patriot." Portsiiijut/i yoiirnal, y, isii.".." Ad/itln>il (iei/ernl's Report, X. If... /S66. "liirthplace, Orange, X. 11." Rosl Records. Foss, Robert S .— 13th N. H. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Hye. Date of Muster, Sept 20, ]S(;2, for .'. years. Mustered out June 21, ISC,.-,." Adjutant GcneraVs Records, X. ff. Foster, Robert F .— 23rd Mass. •• Private, Co. C. IJosidence Hoston. Enlisted Sept. 1, isci. Date of ^Muster, Sept. 2s, ISiil, for .", years. Di-schargcd bv nrder of War Department, Oct. i;!, 18(i4." Adjiitnnt QeneruVs Records, Mass. Foye, John Harrison— 13th N. H. Enlisted as "John 11. Foye." "Son of Nathaniel G. and Martha L. Foye, died at Suft'olk, \'a.'' "Here rests a son ami brother brave Who in his country's darkest liour His precious life most nobly gave. To save it from rebellion's power." Stone. "Private, Co. E. Residence, Rye. Date of Muster. Sept. :!() 1S(;2. Killed at Suf- folk, Va.. May :'., lS(;;i." Adjutant GcneraTs Records, X. ff. "John H. Foye, a member of Co. E, I.'5th \. II,, was the first Rye man killed in battle during the civil war. This was at the siege of Suffolk, Va., in May, isii:?; his body was brought home after the war, and interred in the Foye family bury- ing ground at Rye." Porlsinoutk D'lily Eve. Tiines,'y line j;,iS()2.. Foye, Thomas F.-War 1812. Franklin, Fred A -3rd Md. "He served three years and was hon^ orably discharged. He was not sent to the front with his regiment, but was de- tailed for hospital service in Baltimore. Fmnily Records. Franklin, Fred. H.-U. S. Navy, "Frederick Henry, son of F. A. and ]Mary Abby Franklin."' Stone. ' He enlisted as "James Rarnes," and was a seaman on the U. S. S. "Colorado" at the capture of Fort Fisher. After the war he ri-enlistcd as "Frederick Frank- lin," and was a quarterma'ster on the 1'. S. S. "Colorado" in June, ls7I. receiving a medal of honor for his services in Corea at that time. "(Jeneral Order, Xo. Iti'.i. Xavy Department. February s, is72. Medals of honor are hereV)y awarded to the following named seamen and ma- rines, who have distinguished themselves in battle, or by extraordinary heroism in the line of their profession : In the attack on and capture of the Coroan forts, June 11, ls71. Frederick I'ranklin, quartermaster, I'. S. S. 'Colorado," Avho assumed com- mand of Company D after Lieutenant Mclvee was wounded, and handled it with great credit till relieved. (;kO. M. RolJKSON. Secretary of the Xavy." Freeland, John-17th N. H. "Died in camp at Concord, X. II." Stone. "Private, Co. R. Residence, Pelham. Date of Cluster, Xov. Pi, 1S(;2, for !>■ 25 months. Died of disease in camp at Con- cord, N. II., January Id, isi;:}." Adjutant General's Records, N. II. Fretson, Richard— U, S. Navy. Fuller, Theodore-War 1812. Gammon, James T.— 2nd N. H. "I'l'ivate, Co. K. IJesidence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. l^ate of truster, .Tune s, iS(;i,for;5 years. Wounded at lUiU Run, \'a., Aug. 2".t, isci. Captured at (iettysburg, I'a., July 2, ISCS. lie- leased. Iti'enlisted, I*rivate, Co. K. Resi- dence or assignment, l*ortsmouth. Date of Muster. Jan. 1, 1S(;4, for :> years. Pro- moted to Corporal, .June 1, ISiu. AVound- ed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 4, I8i;4. Discharged for disability at Concord, N. ir., Afay 2(1, Isc,.-,." Adjutant iU'ncruVs Records, N. H. "Born in Portsmouth, N. II., October l:>,ls4L'. Enlisted at I'ortsinoutli, May L'l. isi;i, in Co. K, 2ud Kegiment, N. H. Infantry. . . . Ifeenlisted in the same company on June I, ]S(;4 [See above]. Discharged from the ser- vice May 20, is(!."), on account of wounds. He participated in most of the battles in which the 2nd X. II. Kegiment was engaged, some of which were: First and second UuU I'un, .Vntietam, Fred- ericksburg, (iettysburg. Cold Harbor, and a great many other engagements. He was wounded in the head at the second battle of Pull Hun, August 2!t, 1S(;2, and agaiu in the right hand at Cold Harbor, .lune ;*. [4], 1S{;4. He was also taken pris- oner at the battle of (Iettysburg, July 2, ISC'j. . . . He died June 28, 1^87, at his residence in this city." Soldiers Manorial, i888. He was a member of Storer Post, G. .\. I\., under its first charter. Gannon, Thomas— 2nd N. H. "I'rivate, Co. K. Pesidence, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, June s, 18(;1, for :'> years. Wounded atl5ull Pun, Va., Aug. 2'.), 1S<;2. Mustered out June 21, ls(;4." Adjuliinl (reuiriirs Records^ .N'. II. Gardner, Franklin E.— 10th N. H. "Son of Capt. Joseph and Louisa M. (iardner." Stone. "Private, Co. (i. Residence, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 4, 1S(;2, for ."> years. Died at West Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. ;'., Jsc,;." Adjutant General's Records, N. II. Gardner, William— Rev, War. "'i'o the memory of William (iardner. An honest man, a friend to the Cliurch, and a sincere liberal Patriot. Died April 2!>, ls:?4. Aged m;;." Stone. \ tablet, Avith similar inscription, will be found in St. John's church, Ports- month. William Gardner was Ensign of Capt. John 7>angdon's company of Cavalry, which volunteered for, and took part in General Sullivan's campaign in Rhode Island, in the summer of 1778. "William Gardner was of Portsmouth, born in 17.">1. and bred a merchant, be- coming a succes.sful and wealthy one. lie was one of the leading patriots of the town of Portsmouth, in word and deed, lieing agent for clothing for the I'nited States, he received a requisition for blank- ets, when there were none in Portsmouth market, and no money in his hands, and still worse, the government had little credit. Learning that a merchant of Xewbury- port had a supply of them, [Major (iard- ner repaired to that town to purchase, but was refused them on the credit of the government. lie purchased them on pri- vate account, and gave his own note for them. The requisition was filled, the soldiers supplied, but when the note be- came due, .Major (iardner had to pay it from his own funds, very much to his own inconvenience, if not injury. In af- ter years he presented his claim to a bank- rupt treasury in vain. He was appointed 'P. S. Loan otiicer" by Washington, as some remuneration for his sacrifices. 1 am not aware that he held any other military otlice than the present one [see above], — which gave him the title of ;\Iajor, as by the order of the Com- mittee of Safety, empowering ( 'apt. John Langdon to raise an independent company in Portsmouth, he was to rank as colonel, and of course, his lieutenant and ensign, as lieutenant colonel and major. Major Gardner continued as V . S. Loan Dfiicer as long as the ofhce was continued. He died April 20, 1833 [1834], in the f^m year of his age." Adj. Ihni'i-al's Report, .V. //. \W. 3, iS66. "Died. In this town, on Tuesday last [April 2!i, 1S34], William Gardner, Esq., aged s;! years ; — he held the office of Com- missioner of Loans for many years : — was one of the most venerable and re- spectable of our citizens: — one, distin- guished for the integrity of his life, the honesty of his heart, and tlie purity of his niolives; — one of the most warm and faithful patriots of his country ; — one of the most generous friends to the cause of humanity ; one, reniarl^able for court- eousuess of manners, true liospitality, disinterested, active and ardent beuevo- lence, and his domestic virtues, rrecious is his memory to his friends and fellow citizens. His funeral, we understand, will be this afternoon, at three o'clock, from his late dwelling house." Porh)iioi(tli you Vim I. Mav J, iS^4. Gates, Storer H — 1st N. H. Cav. Kulisted as "Story H. Gates."' ^lember Storer Post, (i. A. \\. '■Private. Troop A. Residence or as- signment, Lebanon. Date of Muster, -March 10, ]S(U, for '6 years. Promoted to Seryeant May 1, 1S(;4:. ^Mustered out July 1.'), 1 S( ;.")." Adjutant Cienerars Records, N. H. 'Pirthplace, Lebanon, X. IL" Posi Records. Gates, Warren G.-3rd N. H. "Died at Morris Island, S. C." Stone. "Private, Co. D. Kesidence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Aug. 2:;. ]S(;i, for :! years. Died of dis- ease at Morris Island, S. C, Nov. 2i». isc,;;." Adjutiint GcjicraF'i. Records, N. II. Gay, Thomas S — U. S. Navy. "Thomas S. Gay, died Mar. L".), l,s«6. Aged 4!) yrs. A gallant officer of the V. S. Navy in the War of the Uebelllon, and was prominent in the Lxpeditiou \vhich destroyed the Confederate Kam Albermale, October 28, lsc4." Stone. "3Iate, ;'.o March, ISC.L .Vcting Kosign, 27 October, \M\\. Honorably discharged 4 November, isds, Sailmaker, (; Decem- ber, 1S71. Kesigned .') March, Js7,;." Ilaincrs/y's (General \(i7y Register. "A resolution tendering the thanks of Congress to Lieutenant William B. Gushing, of the Inited States Navy, and to the ofVicers and men who as- sisted liim in his gallant and i)erilous achievement in destroying the rebel steamer Albemarle, in compliance with the President's recommendation to Con- gress of the .'^th of December, ls(i4. That the thanks of Congress are due. and are hereby tendered, to Lieutenant William 15. Gushing, of the United States Navy, and to the officers and men under his command, for the skill and gallantry exhibited by them in the destruction of the rebel iron-clad steamer Albemarle, at Plymouth, North Carolina, on the night of the 27th of October, ]S(;4. Approved December 2o, is64." I/ni>icr./stcr. Gerrish, George A.— 1st N. H. Bat, "Captain. Residence, Portsmouth. Commissioned Sept. 10, isdi. Captured, Groveton Pike, Va., Aug. 2'.), 1S(;2. Pa- roled. Wounded, Fredericksburg, Dec. l:'>, is(i2. Honorably discharged March 7, is(i:;." Adjutant Generals Records, xV. II. The 1st X. II. Battery left Manchestei-, N. H., Avhere it was recruited and organ- ized, November 1, isoi, and proceeded to Washington, D. G. After various services, on August 2'.', ls()2, the day before the second battle of P)Ull Run, the Battery took part in a re- connoissance on the Warrenton road to- ward Groveton, ^'a. The command met the enemy and suffered severely. The Battery lost several men killed and wound- ed. "Captain Gerrish, with ten men, was captured by the enemy." Captain Gerrish was held as a prisoner of Avar (at Richmond) ; but was soon ex- changed and rejoined the Battery at I'p- perville, Va., in November, ls(i2. The Battery took part in the battle of Fredericksburg December 1."., 1S(;2. "Captain (ierrish, then acting Chief of Artillery of the First Division, was wounded early in the action, and taken from the field. " "On the .sth [7th] of March [ls(>;J], Captain Gerrish being still disabled by his wound, resigned his commission."' Adjutant General's Ri'/>orts, jV. II., /SOj and jSI^. "Death of Captain (ierrish. — Capt. Oeorge .\. (rerrish, formerly commander of the First New Hampshire Battery, who was severelj' wounded at the battle of (rcttysburg [Fredericksburg], while acting as Chief of Artillery of the First Division of the Army, died on Saturday [Sept. 1, isc.c], at his residence in Chel- sea, Mass., from the effects of his wound. His funeral took place ^londay afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the Iniversalist church, uuder the charge of the Masonic frater- nity of which he was a member. His age was .'>2." Poi'tsniouUi yournal, Sept. S. iS(i6. Gilpatrick, Reuben E— 5th N. H. Member Storer Post, (i. .V. R. 27 "Private, Co. D. Residence, Dover. Date of Muster, Oct. 2(;, isfii, for ;{ years. "Wounded at Autietam, Md., Sept. 17, ]s(;-_>. \Vounded at (iettysbure, Pa., .luly ISC,:',. Discharged foi- disability .Ian. I, Adjiitant General s Ihcords, X. //. "IVu-thplace, Dover, N. \\. (iiiasliot wouads in shoulder and left hand at .\n- tietani, Sept. 17, ISC.i'; in left shoulder throui^h to lung and left forefinger at / Records. Goodrich, Edwin R.-2nd N. H. & U. S. Vols. "First 1 lieutenant, Co. \\, L'ud N. 11. Residence or assignment unl^nown. Date of commission, .Tune 2o, isiii Promoted to Commissary Sul)sisteuce, \ . S. N'ols , October :\\, isci. Resigned .lanuarv 7, ]S().-.,'" Adjiitaut Generid's Jieeord>, X. II. ".Vppoiuted Captain, Commissary Sub- sistence, of ^'olunteers, .".1 October, ls(il , from New York. Resigned, 7 Jan- uary, ISd.").'' lldiui'rslv's lleo-iil((r Arinv h'>i;/sler. ••liorn in I'ortsmouth, in.Ianuary, |S2G. Ik' learned the printer's ti-ade in this city and iu Roston: afterwarJs engaging in business in XeAV York. lie entered the service at the outbreak of the itebellion, enlisting for three months in the 7th New York Ixegiment [See belo-svj. Later he joined the L'ud .NeAv Hampshire Kegiinent, ■vvith a commission as First Lieutenant and 1 Quartermaster, June 2(ith, isdl. In the following October he was made Captain and Conmiissary of Subsistence on the years .'> months." Soldiers A/e/iior/al, iSg2. The Record and Pension office of the War Department states that "the name of Fdwin I!, (ioodrich has not been found on the rolls of any company of the 7th New York State Militia, of isci, on file in this [that] office." Goodrich, J. Nelson— U. S. Navy. Appointed as "Xelson (ioodrich.'' ^lember Storer Post, Ci. A. R. "I. N. (roodrich, U. S. Xavy."' Slo)ie. "Rirthplace, Portsmouth. .Appointed Roatswain, V . S. Xavy, .luly, Isci. Re- signed January, Isc,;;." Post llecoi-ds. Boatswain. l5orn in Xew IIami)shire and appointed from X'^ew Hampshire. He was Boatswain of the U.S. Steamer "Pen- sacola," .Vugust ;'.l, IS(;i,and September 1, 1S(;2, as shown by the Xavy Registers of those dates, and was attached to the "Pensacola" in that capacity at the pas- sage of the Forts and the capture of Xew Orleans by I-'arragut, .\pril2:". and2+. is(i2. His name does not appear in the Xavy Register of January 1 , lsr,.!, nor in "Ilam- ersly's (reneral Xavy Kegister." Goodrich, Marco B.— 4th Gal. "Marco Po/zaris (ioodrich." Sto)ie. "Private, Co. D. Date of Cluster, Sept. 24, Isci, at Volcano, California, for ;? years. IIonoral)ly discharged October ]."), isii-l, at Fort \'ancouver, Washington Territory, by reason of expiration of term of service." Adjuiiint (ieneml's Records, Cal. Goodwin, Ichabod— War Governor, N. H. "Ichabod (ioodwin, Died on the Fourth of .Inly. Issl', Aged Fighty-Seven ^rs. He was (iovernor of Xew Hampshire from June is.v.i to .June isc.i, including the first mouths of the War of the Rebellion." tit oik:. 38 "The death of Ex-Governor Ichabod I (ioodwin occurred at liis residence on Is- lington street, on the evening of July 4th [1.SS2], at S.4.") o'clock, and was not whol- ly unexpected, as he had Ijeen confined to his bed and in a precarious condition for several weeks past. Ex-(iovernor Goodwin was born in >"orth Berwick, Me., October 17'.»4, and was the eldest son ol Samuel Goodwin. At the age of fourteen he entered the counting room of Samuel Lord, Esq., merchant, of this city, and in isi: went to sea as supercargo of ship Elizabeth AVilson, in the employment of J. P. and Samuel Lord. Not many months after he sailed as master and supercargo of one of the ships of this firm and became inter- ested with them in the vessels he com- manded. In is;^.2 he engaged in an extcu sive mercantile business in connection witli Samuel E. Coues, p]sq., in this city, and never thereafter went to sea. He represented this city in tlie New Hampshire Legislature in ls;!s.4;!,4a,.-,(), .■)4. and '."ii;, and was a member of the Constitutional Convention in is,')() and 1S7n the assembling- of the Legislature in June. (iov. (ioodwin plainly and concisely stated the position he assumed and the motives Avhich act- uated him. The Legislature at once en- dorsed all his acts by unanimously pass- ing the enabling act, relieving tlie (ioA'- ernor of his heavy responsiblity. His^ administration of State a flairs for tAvo years met with almost universal approv- al, and he left the oftice with the highest respect of all parties. Because of an earnest desire to retire from Ihe active duties of life, ex (Jovernor GoodAvin had been gradually withdraAviug from official positions, but at the time of his death he Avas President of the foUoAv- ing organizations : — First National 15ank. Piscataqna Savings Lank, Portsmouth (Tias Company. Portsmouth I'.ridge Com- pany, and Portsmouth HoAvard Benevo- lent Society, which ofiices he held with ability. As a member of the Legislature and of the Constitutional Convention he took a leading part on committees and in debate. His speeches were never made for shoAV : he spoke only Avhen there seemed to be occasion for it, and then always to the point, and was listened to with great re- spect and attention, for his conservatism and practical Avisdom in all matters of public policy were Avell-known. In is'27 he married Sarah Parker I\ice, daughter of ^Villianl Kice, Esq., a wealthy merchant in this city, by Avhom he had seven children: his Avife, one son and tAvo daugliters surviving him. His last appearance before the public Avas on the evening of Memorial day. ^lay :'(i, lSs-2, in Music Hall, at Avhioh (as in all the years since that day Avas set apart for remembering the dead heroes of the late war) the ex-(iovernor presided, and as usual gave an address full of patriotic sentiment. His remarks on that occasion Avere particularly choice and delivered Avith unusual force. Without neglecting any private duty, he yielded to frequent calls upon his time and services for the public Aveal, and in everything promotive of the prosperity of his country, state and city, he ever manifested an earnest interest, and every good Avork found in him an earnest friend and helper. He was charitable, but his charities were not bestowed 'to be seen of men.* 29 Very many in this city who have been the recipients of his l)ounty will miss and mourn a sympathetic friend indeed. In theological opinion he was a Unitarian of the highest type of the Channing school, and was a devoted member of the Stone church in this city. Ills social life was consistent with the faith he profess- ed, and alike in official or unofficial po- sitions, his influence was helpful to pul)- lic and private morality. Truly a good man has gone and 'his works follow him." What more fitting time for a noble heart- ed patriot to breathe his last than on the evening of the anniversary of his nation's birthday ! The funeral will take i)lace at the Uni- tarian church on Saturday [July sth] at \'2 o'clock." Portsmouth Jounuil, July Stk, 1SS2. Gookin, George E— 24th Mass. "Died in Boston, Mass." Stone. "Private, Co. II. lleiidence, Boston. Enlisted July L>!i, 1S(;2. Date of Muster. July 2'.t, ISdi, for ;{ years. Discharged Dec. :'>, ls(;4, expiration of service." . Kdjuldnt (h'/n'rul's Itrcords, Mass. Grant, Alexander— Max. War. "Private of Company K, 8d U. S. Artil- lery, died at Fort Constitution, N. II. . . . For fifteen years he nobly sup- ported the honor of his country in the contested fields of Florida and Mexico. This stone was erected by the members of said Company as a tribute of respect to his memory." Stone. Grant, John— War 1812. Grant, William W.— Mex. War. "Son of John and Sarah (Jrant. Died on i)oard of the V . S. Ship Columbus, :\Ionterey." Slone. Gray, Henry D.-lst N. H. H. Art. "Serjeant, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment. Portsmouth, Ward -1. Date of Mus- ter, Sept. 17, is(;4, fori year. :Mastered out June ].">, ISC.".." Adjutant (ii'tn'rars lii'cords, X. II. Green, Mark— Rev. War. "]\Iark (Jrecn, a Kevolutionary Soldier, Died Sept. is. is.-.l. Aged S9." Stone. " 'Soldier in the Fourth ^Massachusetts IJegiment," from which he was discharged Dec. 31, 17s:j." Soldiers Memorinl, iSgi. "Deaths. In this city, on Thursday evening last [Sept. \s, isr.l], ;Mr. Mark Green, aged Sit. 3Ir. (rreen was three years in the land and sea service of his country in the time of the devolution. He was an original member of the Mechanics Association, of which he has been a member in good standing for forty-nine years. lie was^ engaged in the building of the first frig- ate -Congress." He has been confined to his house for the present year, but had lost no interest in the scenes, events and remembrances of the Revolution. At the celebration of the 4tli of .Inly I the present year [is."ii], he requested that a portion of the display might pass by his window. The sight attbrded him great gratification. The day before his death his thoughts were wandering over his ear- ly scenes with such intensity that he re- marked, 'Do you hear those guns ? — Washington is reviewing his troops I' The funeral will take place on Satur- day afternoon [Sept. 20] at four-o-clock from the residence of Mr. Mark Green, Jr., Xo. 4 High street. The Mechanics Association will meet at Jefierson Hall at half-past three-o-clock to attend the fu- neral. Portsmouth yourncl, Sept. jo. iS-^/. Thus died and was buried, sixty-eiffht years after the close of the Revolution, our last resident Continental soldier. of the citizens of Portsmouth who took part in the Revolution. Capt. John McClintock, who served- in a private- armed vessel, alone survived him. "Mr. Samuel S. Green, of Xo. 4!t Dan- iel street, this city, is the son of Mark Wentworth (Jreen, [usually known as Mark Green], who was born in Ports- mouth in the year 17(;2. He [Mark AVentwortli (Jreen] was baptized in Queen's Chapel — now St. John's church — his sponsor being ^Mark Ilunking Wentwortli. The interest of the latter gentleman in his godchild took shape in a proposition to send the young man to England to be educated. Young (ireen was a patriot, however, and declined the generous ofter, and shipped on board a Portsmouth privateer. This vessel was fortunate in capturing three or four prizes, but was in turn captured by three British men-of-war. The youth was sent, a prisoner, to Hali- fax ; but was exchanged not long after,, and sent on a cartel to (iloucester, Mass. Like his shipmates, he was penniless, and together they returned on foot to I'orts- mouth. During the passage from Hali- fax the men were crowded so closely in the hold of the vessel that no change of position was possible except by com- 30 raand, and "Ready — About I" was the order by Avhicli they were permitted to relieve their cramped bodies. Upon reachins home 3lr, (Jreen enlisted in the federal army and served until the end of the war. With his regiment he witnessed the British evacuation of Xew York. Upon tlie disbanding of the patriot army, he, with his comrades from Ports- mouth and Eliot, again toolv the road which led homeward. On arriving at Haverhill they crossed the river on the ice, regardless of danger, so eager were they to reach home and friends. The father of this young man, Mr. John (ireen, was carpenter on the priva- teer 'Rambler' under Paul Jones [See below]. Mr. Samuel S. Green, who counts an experience of seventy years, is justly proud of his patriotic kinsmen, and stands, himself, before his fellow citizens an upright and honorable man, content that in his person his patriotic lineage has suffered no stain." Portsmouth Daily Chrovicle, April 2, i8Sg. John Green, stated above to have served on the "privateer 'Rambler' under Paul Jones," is believed by his grandson, Mr. Samuel S. Green, to have sailed from Portsmouth on the "Hanger. '" Nov., 1, 1777. He was, however, certainly on the I". S. Frigate "Alliance," as the name of "John Green, Carpenter's ^1 ate, "appears on the "Roll of the oflieers and Crew of the Frigate 'Alliance.' Captain Peter Lan- dais, October ;'.d. 177'.>," printed in "Sher- burne's Life of John Paul Jones." The "Alliance" was then one of the vessels of Commodore Jones" squadron, and Avas present when he captured the "Serapis." Sept. 2;'., 177'.i, but took little part in the action. Mark (ireen, not long before his death, received prize money due his father for captures made by the "Alliance." " [nteresting Revolutionary Documents. — Our readers will recall a reference to the services of Mark Green of Portsmouth, iu the Revolutionary army and navy, in a recent number of the Cln-onich-. In con- nection therewith several interesting papers have turned up, the quaiutness of which entitles them to a passing notice. 'I'wo of them are here presented. The first bears the file-inscription: 'Mark (ireen's discharge," and reads thus : 'By the Honorable Major General Knox, commanding the American forces on Hudson's Ifiver, Mark (ireen, Soldier in the Fourth -Massachusetts Regiment, be- ing inlistcd for thi-ee years, is hereby hon- ourably discharged from the service of the United States. (riven in the State of New York — the Thirty-first day of December, 1783 — By the General's command J. Knox, M. Gen. Registered on the Books of the Regi- ment. Charles Seldin, Adjutant. Portsmouth, New Hampshire, April (ith, IS IS— I hereby certify that the above discharge is a true copy from the orig- inal — Samuel Fernald, Justice Peace.' This document is written on half- cap, laid paper, and lines are ruled with a pencil for the convenience of the writer. The second paper is a printed form, and is thus filed on the middle fold, in- stead of the outer as is the present cus- tom : -Mark (ireen's Pension Certificate. Payable semi-annually. The first pay- ment on this Certificate will be made on the 4th of March next, in Portsmouth, at the U. S. Branch Bank.' At the foot of the fold is the word, 'Recorded.' The doc- ument is numbered '1(!, 8-1-1." The body of the instrument reads : 'AVar Department. Revolutionary Claim. I certify that, in conformity with the Law of the United States, of the isth March, ISls, Mark (ireen, late a Private in the Army of the Revolution, is in- scribed on the Pension List, Roll of the Xew Hampshire Agency, at the rate of Eight dollars per month, to commence on the Seventh day of April, one thousand eight hundred and Eighteen, (iiven at the War office of the United States, this Seventh day of September. one thousand eight hundred and Nine- teen. J. C. Calhoun, Secretary of AVar.' To this page is affixed the seal of the AVar office, stamped on a lo/.enge-shaped paper over red wax." Portsmouth Daily Chro/iich , April jS,/SSij. ^lark Green always made his home in Portsmouth. During his enlistment in the aimy the encampment for winter quarters was at one time in a large walnut grove on the Hudson river, near AVest Point. He related that they com- menced cutting trees, building huts, and making roads, so that before leaving they had to go a mile or two for their fuel. Mr. Samuel S. (ireen is also a nephew of Thomas Harvey, whose Revolutionary service is given on later pages. Greenough, Robert F.— 29tli Mass- "Died at Antietam, Md." Stone. "Private, Co. H. Residence, Charles- town, ISIass. Enlisted Nov. ."i, isc.l. Date of Muster. Nov. .">, is(;i , for ."i years. Pro- moted to C'orporal. Killed Sept, 17, 1S(J2. Ailjutant Gcnerars Records, Mass. / 31 Griffey, John-U. S. M. 0. Member Storer Tost, (i. A. 1{. "Birthplace, Camberland, I\Id. ; resi- dence, rortsmouth. . . . Enlisted Nov. Ki, is.");), as Private in V. S. M. C. Discharged Nov. IG, isco. Keenlisted Xov. U), 1«60. Placed on the retired list, I'. S. M. C, Jan. 20, isss, on account of lieing in the service :')0 years. . . . Served ;>2 years, 1 month, and 2(1 days." So/di'crs Jl/(';//or/iil, /Sgo. 'Discharged from V. S. M. C. as Pri- vate, Jan. 20, 1SS7 [See above].'' J^os/ /Records. Gunnison, Nathaniel— 13th N. H. "Son of James 15. and Mary Gunnison." "His fiKlit is foiifrbt, the victor.y won, His labors all must cease, For he'.s gone To iNiiiip by a crystal stream, lu the beautiful realms of peace." S/one. •'Private, Co. K. Kesidence or assign- ment, Poi'tsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 20, 1S(;2, for :! years. Died of disease at Portsmouth, N. II., Jan. 10, 1S(;4." Adjitta)it (ioieral's Records, \. II. Hadley, AUston W.-U. S. Navy. •AUston Wentworth lladley. Sto)ii Hahir, James— 10th & 2nd N. H. Ham, Henry E— 30th Me., & U. S. Navy. •'Son of .1. v.. and .lulia A. Ham. . . . Died at Acapulco. . . Yeoman. \' . S. Ship IJcsaca. — Served tliree years as Commissary Sergeant of ;')Oth Kegt. ^Maine Veterans " See below. Stone. "Private, Co. E. ;'.(ith Maine. Born in Waldoboro, Maine. IJesident of Ports- mouth, N. II. Date of ^Muster, August 1, Isc:",, for ;■. years, .\ppointed Commis- sary Sergeant .'.oth Maine. January'.), ISO-I. Hednced to Private .Vpril p;, isc-i. .Mus- tered out and lionorably discharged Au- gust 20, ISi;."), at Savannah, (ieorgia, by reason of orders from War Dept., dis- banding Regiment." AdJKtaiit (iei/eral's Nccords, Alaiiie. Ham, Mark G.-U. S. Navy. "Mark (i. Ham, died March 11. psili), Aged ."il. Carpenter I".\s. S. 'Kearsarge." at the sinking of the 'Alabama," June '.', isi;4." Stone. The Alabama was captured June 1'.', and not June 1», ISC-I. — See below. "Mark G. Ham, carpenter's mate, Kear- sarge" was one of the sixteen men of the crewof the"Kearsarge"to whom "medals of honor" were awarded by the Navy Department. Xiii'v Di'piivtmcnt a . O. No. 4j, Die. j/, '1S64. "Carpenter's Mate on board of the U. S. Steamer 'Kearsarge' when she de- stroyed the '.Vlabama" off Cherbourg, France, June I'.i. is(;4. 'Exhibited marked coolness and good conduct, and is highly commended by his Divisional otlicer.' " Ri'cord of the Afediils of Honor I's.^ncd to Uic Blue Jnckcts iind Murines of (//<■ United States Xary, 1S62 — fSj-/. Was/iii/gton, 1878. "A reso'ution tendering the thanks of Congress to Captain John A. Winslow, Ignited Slates Navy, and to the ollicers and men under his command, on board the United States steamer Kearsarge, in her conflict with the piratical craft the Alabama, in compliance with the Presi- dent's recommendation to Congress of the ."ith of December, lst;4. That the thanks of Congress are due, and are herel)y tendered, to Captain John A. Winslow, of the I'nited States Navy, and to the otllcers, petty officers, seamen and marines of the I 'nited States steamer Kearsarge, for the skill and gallantry ex- hibited by him and the officers and men under his command in the brilliant action on the P.'th of June, 18(14, between that ship and the piratical ciaft Alabama, a vessel superior to his own in tonnage, in guns, and in number of her crew. Approved, December 2o, isCJ." IIa)ncrslv'' s General Navy Register. The following; named men, who were on board the "Kearsarge" when she de- stroyed the "Alabama," are buried in or near Portsmouth : Barnes, William A. — Landsman — St. Mary's. DeWit, Carsten B. — Yeoman — New- iugtoD. Ham, Mark G. — Carpenter's Mate — Harmony Grove. Salmon, Thomas — 2d Class Fireman — Calvary. Smart, George E. — 2d Class Fireman — Harmony Grove. Hamilton, John— 5th & 27th Me. "Private. Co. F, .^th Maine. Born in RoUingsford, .Maine [Rollinsford, N. H.]. Resident of Kittery, Maine. Date of Mus- ter, June 24, 18(11, for;3 years. Honorably discharged Sept. 4, 18(il, by reason of disability. 32 Corporal, Co. G, 27th Maine. Rt'en- listod. Date of ^[lister, Sept. 3n. 1S(52, for ii months. Honorably discharged >[arch IS, ISc:'.. at Camp General Casey by reason of disability." Adjutant di'in'ru/'s Records, Maine Hammond, Pierpoint— 10th N. H, Residence or assign- Date of Muster, Sept. "Trivate. Co. G. ment, Portsmouth. 4, 18ti2, for A years. Absent sick in Hospital at Portsmouth Grove, U. I. Died at Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. — , 18(i4." Ad/'utniit (ri'ticriil's Records, iV. //. Hanson, Frank B .— 44th Mass. "Died at Newbern, N. C" Slo/ie. "Private, Co. A. Residence, Boston. Kulisted . Date of Muster, Sept. 12, lsr)2, for !• months. Died at Newbern, N. C, June 11, ls(;;{.'- Ad///tant (reiieral's liecoi'ds, A/nss. Hanson, John K- A.— 13th N. H. •'Private, Co. K. Kesidcnce or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster. Sept. 2n, ls(i2, for ;{ years. Captured at Fred- ericksburg, Va., Dec. i;5. l.s(;2. Ueleased, May 20, IsO,!.' :Mustered out June 21, 1805." Adjutant GeneraTs Records, A''. //. Harding, Samuel Jr-— U. S. Navy. "Died at Brooklyn, N. Y."" Slotie. Harmon, John— 13th N. H. "Private Co. K. Rpsidence or assign- ment. Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 20, 18(12, for;', years. (Japtured at Fred- ericksburg, Va., Dec. 1.5, ls(;2. Released, .May 20, 1S(;;5. Wounded slightly, Sept. 2'.>, IS(;4. Mustered out June 21. 186.'')." Adjutant iicneraVs Records., N. II. Harmon, Luther— 4th N. H. "Died at Morris Island, S. C." Si one. "Private, Co. H. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. IS, isc.l, fdr .! years. Promoted to Corporal. Died of disease at Morris Island, S. C, Dec. 2:5, Isc,.!.'' Adjutant (^enei-iiVs /Records, N. H. Harris, John— U. S. M. 0. Hartnett, John— U. S. Navy. '.\ native of the parish P.alenspittle, Co. Cork, Ireland." sione. Harvey, Thomas— Rev. War. "Thomas Harvey, a worthy Soldier of the Revolution, Died Jan. Ps, 18:57, .Vged s4 years." Sto7ie. "Deaths. — Tn tills town, Mr. Thomas^ Harvey, aged 8.1 [See above] — a Revolu- tionary pensioner."' Portsmouth yournal, January 21, iSjj. "We announced the death a week or two since of Thomas Harvey, a Revolu- tionary pensioner, at the age of y,") [See above]. The folloAving incident is re- lated in a Boston paper : 'When Lafayette visited Portsmouth in ls24 an interesting scene occurred in the hall of audience. Harvey was introduced to the (ieneral as a soldier who had fought under him. "Do you recollect, Marquis (said Harvey), who bore yoii on his back, after being wounded at the battle of BrandvAvine, to the surgeon's quarters?' 'He was called Tom Harvey,' said the excellent Lafayette. What took place thereafter, if we know, it is not proper to relate.' " Portsmouth Journal. February -f, iSjj. Thomas Harvey was born in Ports- mouth in 1 7">2 or 17.").">, and served i::il- lantly in the Continental army duri„j seven years of the Revolutionary war. lie crossed the Delaware with Washing- ton, and was at the battle of Brandy- wine, Sept. 11, 1777. He died in Ports- mouth, January 18, ls.'}7. When Lafaycite visited Portsmouth,. Wednesday, Septem])er 1, 1S24, and was given a public reception in Franklin Hall, at least thirty soldiers of the Revolution, who had served under him, and many of whom had come from a great distance for the purpose of seeing him, were present. Among those who pressed forward to shake hands with the illustrious visitor was Thomas Harvey. While retaining the General's hand the veteran asked him if he remembered who carried him oil" the field severely wounded at the battle of Hrandywine? "I do," instantly replied the (ieneral-- "It was a New Hampshire soldier named Thomas Harvey, who rendered me that gallant service." "^es, "said the soldier, "Itwas Thomas Harvey, and — with a military salute — I am the man." The (Jeneral recognized his friend of the battle-field, and manifested great pleasure at meeting him again after the lapse of so many eventful years, and greeted him with a cordiality and a 33 warmth of manner highly gratifying to the patriot sollier. A newspaper of the time says: "Our old friend 'i'homas Ilarvoy found it difii- cult to i-estrain himself; the sight of Lafayette recalled all the scenes of the Hevoiution and well nigh overcame liim." Harvey was always very patriotic and could ill brook a Tory, as Avas a citizen of rortsmonth, whose hired man he was for a time. The story is told, that one morninu; lie Avas Avith him at the old Spring Market, Avith his basket, Avhen (fovernor Langdon came in Avith his hired man and basket. y\i\ Harvey's employer said to him — "Why can I not have ray shoes shine like Governor Langdon"s?" The reply Avas — "Because he is a gentleman !" — "And am I not a gentle- man?"— 'i'hc ansAver was — "Xo I" — with a capital N so forcibly given, that a sympathi/inii citizen, standing near, put half a dollar in llarvej's hand. In his later years Harvey was not over- burdened Avith this Avorld's goods, and Avas bent nearly double, but he received a small pension, and Avas always hap-^y and contented, and quick witted also, as the foUoAvlng incident Avill shoAV. The Benevolent Society of the then toAvn of Portsmouth had a committee ap- pointed to visit the poor one hard Avin- ter to ascertain tlieir Avants. Among others Mr. IlarA^ey was visited, and the gentleman apologized for his visit, by saying — "Yon look very com- fortable here, I am a sort of a spy go- ing around" — Harvey interrnpted him ex- citedly by saying, — "I don't like spies, Ave hnng one (Andre) in the .Vrmy, and a handsome man he Avas too I A good deal better looking than you are I" Haselton, Geo. Ed.— .... "Killed in battle at Savage Station, Va." Haven, Nathaniel A.— Rev. War. Nathaniel Appleton HaA'en. "Hon. Nathaniel A. Haven, Died March l.'J, A. 1). 1S;!1, Aged (">!• years. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." S/otie. Nathaniel A. Haven Avasborn in Ports- mouth in 17(!2, graduated at HarA-ard Col- lege in 1 ""'.•, Avas several years a physi- cian, and afterwards a merchant of Portsmouth, and Member of Congress in He Avas the son of Kev. Samuel Haven, D D., fifty -four years pastor of the South Church In Portsmouth ; Avho was born August 4, 1727, in Framingham, Mass., graduated at Harvard College in I74'.i. or- dained minister of the South Church, Portsmouth, ^fay H, 17.'>2, received the degree of Doctor in Divinity from the University of Edinburgh in 1770, ;uk1 afterAvard from Dartmouth College, and died March."., isoc, aged 7;>. Nathaniel A. Haven Avas Assistant Sur- geon, or Surgeon, of an armed A-essel in the latter part of tlie Revolutionary Avar. The vessel Avas captured by tlie British, and he was contiued as a prisoner of Avar on board the Jersey i)rison ship at XeAV York, but Avas soon exchanged at the special request of General Washington. Haven, N- Parker— Phil- City Cav. Knlisted as "Nathan P. Haven" "Son of William and Susan 1'. Haven. . . . Died in Ncav ^'ork." Sioin'. "Private, (apt. Thomas C. Jame>' Co., 1st Troop. Enrolled .Vpril 2!t, isdl. to serve 3 months. Mustered oat .Vugust 17, ISCl." Jpf//' Dcfxii'tiiioil Hcrorcfs. Haven, S, Ciishraan— 162nd N. Y. Samuel Cushman Haven was son of James Henderson and Elizabeth (Cush- man) Haven, and grands(m of Hon. Sam- uel Cushman, all of Portsmouth, Avhere he himself passed several years of his boyhood. A flag, Avitli wreath and flow- ers, has for many years been placed on ^lemorial Day near his grandfather's stone in Proprietors' cemetery, Ports- mouth, in remembrance of him ; bnt he is buried in the National Cemetery at P>aton Pouge, Louisiana, Avhere friends, who became greatly attached to him at Ncav Orleans a fcAv months before his death, have erected a stone to his memory, in- scribed Avitli his name and age, the pass- age, "Blessed are the pure in heari, for they shall see God," and beneath it the stanza from Longfellow, — "He. the youriK and stron*;:, who cherished Noble loiDrings for the strife. By the roadside fell and perished. Weary with the march of life." "2nd Lieutenant, Co. B. Enrolled Sept. 1."). 1802. Commissioned 2nd Lieu- tenant, Dec .5, ls(;2, Avith rank from Sept. 20. P^02. l^ied June 2."'), ISO;!, at r>aton. Rouge, Louisiana, of diptheria." Adjutant GciieraPs Records, \. 1'. "Samuel Cnshraan Haven Avas born in^ Nauvoo, HI. [where his parents tempo- rarily resided], Feb. li>, 1843." He graduated at Harvard College in 34 1S(J2. "He had hoped to become a pliysi- cian, but postponed his studies to serve his country, and immediately after erad- uati jn was commissioned as Second Lieu- tenant in tiic IK'Jnd Keeiment N. V. ^'ol- unteer Militia [X. V. Vohuiteers] under General IJanlis. Iq Fel)ruary isno, he was promoted to a first-lieutenancy [See l)?lo-\v]. O.i the l."ith of Juno lie was obliged to leave his reylment, then before Port Hudson, to jjo to the hospital at Baton IJouse where he died of dii)theria on the 2.">tli of June, 1S(;8." The Adjutant of the Regimen'", wrote to a meml)cr of Mr. Haven's family from "Before Port Hudson, June 27. isii;'.,"' as follows : 'Colonel Benedict desires me to say that the ici'nd JJegiment has, in his opin- ion, lost one of its very best and most faithful olHccrs, one wliom he had rec- ommended for promotion, and whose place cannot be lilled. The late Lieuten- ant Havens conduct as an olUcer and bearing as a gentleman have, ever since the formal ion of the regiment, met the Colonel's unqnalifled approval. JIo begs you to assure his friends that he sympa- thizes with them in the grief his loss will excite." Clnss Book, Class of iSb3, Horx'drd, \S8j. "From the records of this otticeitdo'^s not appear that Samuel C. Haven, a 2d I/ieut. of Co. B, 102 N. Y. \., was ever jtromoted to 1st Lieut." LcUi-r from Adjulaul (rcncral^ Nczv Tork. An extended notice of Lieutenant Ha- ven by Kev. Andrew P. l»eabody, I). D., will be found in "Harvard Memorial Bi- ographies, ' Volume II, Cambridge, iscc. Hazlett, William C.-U. S. Navy. Heheir, Thomas W -U. S. Navy Henderson, George D.— U. S. Navy. (H'orge Donald Henderson. ''Chaplain, 2 July, 1S(;4. Died 20 >[ay, ]S7.-)." lliniii'isly's (Uncriil Xkvv Jt't^^isti-r "Died at Portsmouth, X. 11 , May 2(), '•'^"">" A'azy Reois/er, iSj6. Hennessey, Daniel— U. S. Navy. Hewins, Otis W.-lOth N. H. "Private. Co. (i. liesidence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 4, ].s(iL', for .'. years. Promoted to Ser- geant, i; duced to Private Dec. 1, 18(:2. Discharged for disability Nov. 11,]S(;;;." Adjutant General's Records, X. //. Hill, Alfred J.— Mex. War & 3rd N. H. .Member Storer Post, G. A. 11. "Sergeant, Co. (', '.'th C S. Infantry, Mexican War. Residence, Portsmoutli. Enlisted March 2, l.s47, to serve during the war." Adjiitaut GciicraVs Report, N. H , iS6S. 'Adjutant, ;>rd N H. Residence. Ports- mouth. Commissioned, August 7, 18<'>1. Resigned April 14, ls(;2." Adjutant General's Records, N. H. "Birthplace, Durham, N. H.'" Vast Records. Hill, John Edward— 19th Mass. "Son of Daniel and Elizabeth Hill. . . . Died at Georgetown, D. C, Sept. 11, 18(!2, from wounds received near Fair- fax Court House, Va., while discharging his duty as Sjrgeon of the I'.tth Regt. Mass. Vols. . . . Strangers closed his dying eyes." Sione. "A«st. Surgeon. Residence, Charles- town, Mass. Date of Commission, July 24. is(;2. Died of wounds. Sept 11, Isc.l'." Adjutant GeneraVs Records, Mass. Hodgdon, George E.-lOth N. H. & V. R. 0. Member Storer Post, G. A. R. "First Lieutenant, Co. G, loth N. H. Residence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Commission. Sept. is, 1S(J2. IJe- signed Feb. 14, isdo." Ad/utcnl (ri'in'riil's Records, X. II. "To be Second Lieutenant, in the Vet- eran Reserve Corps, George E, Hodgdon, to date from April :io, ]S(;4." (hnrral Orders Xo JiO, Ui'r Dcpt., A. (i. O., Sept. /,-, 1S64 "Birthplace, Barustead, X. H. ; resi- dence Portsmouth ; occupation lawyer. Ealistcd September •">, 18(!2, as private in Co. G, li':h X. H. ^'olunteers. Commis- sioned First Lieutenant September is, l.S(;2. l\esigned February 14, 18(!;{. Com- missioned January 2, ]s(;4 [See above], as Second Lieutenant A'eteran Reserve Corps. Detailed on stafl" duty as Aide de Camp and Judge Advocate. Hesigned, as Captain Veteran Reserve Corps, ^larch 20, ISIIC." "In civil life he Avas honored with the highest olKces of his city, serving as City Solicitor, Alderman, member of the Hoard of I^'.ducation, member of the Leg- islature in is7.">, 1887-'ss-"8!i-'!io-"!i], and Mayor of Portsmouth in isss and 18s!t. In 1 ss'.t he took the lead in the House of Representatives in favor of the establish- ment of the X. H. Soldiers" Home, and to him is largely due its success in that body. 35 On the reorganization of Storer Post, No. 1. of Portsmouth, he became a mem 'ber [June 2s, is7s], was elected its com- mauder in issd, and since then has been an earnest worker and prominent leader in the lunlis of the (irand Army. In lss,"i he served as Assistant Adju- tant-General, .Indge Advocate in ls.s7, •Funior Vice Department Commander in issii, Sinior \'ice Department Comman- der in is'.H), to both the latter j) isitions beins nnaninionsly chosen, and had he not absolutely refused further preferment he Avould have been chosen Department C imnuinder at the last state encampment [ls!)i], his business engagements and healtii warning him not to take upon him- self the labors and responsibilities of the otHce He was undemonstrative in his nature, but linn in his convictions, and had hosts of warm personal friends, es- pecially anion? his comrades." "Died in Portsmouth, June II, is'.ii. Age ."iL' years." So/d/i-rs Miiiiorial, iSgj. :\Ir llodgdon was much interested in our local history, and contributed to the Porlsmo/il// yoiiriKil some interesting and valuable "Annotations" on "Adams' An- nals of Portsmouth. ■■ Hodgdon, Harlaiid P.— 10th N. H, & 1.0. Knlisted as "Harlan P. Hodgdon." ■I'rivate, Co. (i. Ivcsidence or assign- ment. I'ortsmouth. Dateof ]Muster, Se^it. t, ls(;L',for ;i ye^rs; Promoted to Cor- poral. Transferred to 2sth Co., I'nd Batt. Invalid Corps, Aug. l;i, ISC..!. Discharged at I'ortsmouth, X. H., July lit, ISd.-.." ' Ail infant do/era l\^ Recoids, Y. II. Hodgdon, Henry C.-13th N. H. "Private, Co. K. Kesidence or assign- ment, Portsmoutli. Date of Muster, 8ept. 20, 1S(;2. for .'. years. Died of dis- ease at Xew York City, Dec. 2;>, 1S(;2." Ad/'iit'ii/l
  • i/ (u'licrars Ri'cords, N'. //. Jackson, Hall— Rev. War. "In memory of Hail Jackson, Esquire, M. I)., Who departed this life On the L'sth of Sept., 17i>7, -Ktat ."is To heal disease, to calm the vviS/o>/f'. Dr. Hall Jackson was born in Hamp- ton. N. H., Nov. 11, 17:'.'.). [His father, Dr. Clement Jackson, removed from Hampton to Portsmouth al)Out 17-1'.>.] UiiiiiptOM Church llccords. "During the Revolution Dr. Hall Jack- son was Surgeon in the army, and Cap- tain of an artillery corps " Porlsnioulh (iitidc Booh. "On the 2sth of September, I7;i7, died Dr.niall Jackson, after a short illness, in the fifty-eighth year of his age. In vis- iting some patients, his sulkey was ove'r- set, whereby fceveral ribs were fractured, anci a fever ensued, .which terminated his life. Dr. Jackson was born in this town [See above], and received the first rudi- ments ;of his education in the public schools here. He studied the theory of physic and surgery, under the direction of his father, Doctor Clement .lackson. After ceinpleting his studies here, he went to Lnndon, and attendeel lectures in the public hospitals there, to perfect him- se-lf in surgery. I'pon his return to this country, he opened an apothecary's shop, but his practice as a physician soon be- came so extensive, that he was obliged to relinquish in a great measure, his bus- iness as a druggist, and attend almost entirely to his profession. As a physician, he was skilfitl;" as a surgeon, eminent. No operation of im- portance was performed for many miles round, Avitliout consulting him, and sel- dom without his aid. He had great ex- perience in tile small-pox; and many hospitals, which were established for in- oculating with that dis( rd.r, were com- mitted to his care, and he was remarka- bly successful in conducting his patients safely threugh the disease. In the ob- stetric ait he obtained high reputation, and Avas frequently applied to for advice ana assistance in cliflicult cases, by per- sons who did not generally employ him. He frequently performed the operation of couching, and always with success. Harvard College conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Medicine [17'.»:'>j : and he was elected an honorary member of the Massachnsets .Medical Society. He was (irand Master of the Free and Ac- cepted Masons in Xew Hampshire, at the time of his decease. His sprightly talents, lively imagination, and social habits, r(!ndered him an agreeable companion; facetious and pleasan^-. in conversation, his friends enjoyed in his company 'the feast of reason," with the flow of wit: and the several societies of which he was a member, found their entertainment greatly heightened by his presence." ^\dnms' Annuls of Portsmouth. Three letters written by Dr. Hall Jack- son, while serving with the Continental army near Boston, dated, ' Cambridge, July P.>. 177-")." "Camp Winter HiU, Sep- tember .'), 177.-)," and "Camp on Winter IIUl, September IC, ]77."i," will be found in "Letters by Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple and others, written before and during the Revolution," Philadelphia, iss'.i. These letters relate to his services in the army. On Nov.' 14, 177.-., the Provincial Con- gress of New Hampshire voted its thanks to Dr. Hall Jackson, and "that he receive a commission irom this Congress as Chief Surgeon of the New Hampshire Troops in the Continental Army," as shown by the "Provincial Papers of New Hamp- shire," \'ol. VII. page il.")7. In Novem'^er. 177.->, he was Captain of a company of Field Artillery, "stationed in the town of Portsmouth, upon the 37 Parade,'" and in September, 1776, he was Surgeon of Col. Pierse Long's regiment, as stated in the '-Adjutant (ieneral's Ke- port, "New Hanipsliire, Vol. 2, isiiC, pages 'J7(> and 2'.io. Dr. Hall Jackson's residence in 177.">, in its present modornizr d form, is still in existence at the north-east corner of Court and Washington streets, Ports- mouth. Jackson, John H.- N. H. -Mex. War & 3rd "John II. Jackson, 1814— is'.io. Col. ;!rd N. H. Vols. Our Hero at rest." S/oue. "1st Lieutenant, Co. C, !»th t". S. lu- fantrj', Mexican War. Born in Xew Hampshire. Appointed from Xew Hamp- shire. Date of Commission, April '•>, 1S47. He went out in command of his company . . . and accompanied his regiment on its march to the city of Mex- ico. J le was in all of the battles in the Valley of ]\lpxico, and was brevetted for gallant services on the I'.ith and oOth [20th] of August, ls47, at the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, and commissioned Cap- tain, February 17, 1S48 [.See below]. He was mustered out of service at Newport, K. I., in August, isl.s." Adjutant Goieval's. He fort, N. //., /6'68. "Born in Xew Hampshire. Appointed from New Hampshire. 1st Lieutenant, ".ith [U. 8.] Infantry, ".» April, 1S47, Cap- tain, 4 December, 1847. Disbanded, 2<;, 1848. Brrrct 7.''';//(;— Brevet Captain, 20 Au- gust, 1847, for gallant and meritorious conduct at Contreras and Churubusco." Hamersly's Regular xlrmj Rpnister. "Lieut. Colonel, 3rd X. H. Residence, Portsmoutli. Commissioned, Aug. o.->t()n on the Pah April [ISDO], after a brief illness, at the age of 7."> years and (i mouilis. He was a native of Ports- mouth and w'as the son of John II. .lack- son, who died before his birtii while nobly lighting in the second war with Great Britain. His grandfather was a soldier in the Pevolation, so that the sral- lant colonel inherited the martial spirit that early in life led him to join the militia and afterward made him the hero of two wars. He was commissioned April !t, ls47, as First Lieutenant in the nth V . 8. Infantry, for service in the war with Mexico. Au- gust 20th of the same year ho was brevet- ted Captain for gallantry in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, and commis- .sioned as Captainthe following D( eember. At the battle of (hapulteptc his bravery drew forth honorable mention from his superior othcers, and there is no doubt that had the war lasted much longer he would have attained to very high rank. At this battle one of those fortunate occurrences of which we read so often, but Avhich really occur so seldom, hap- pened to the Colonel. While gallantly leading his company in the m'.igniticent charge w'hich resulted in tlie capture of this hitherto regarded impregnal)le fort- ress, he felt himself struck full in the chest by a bullet, but as he found no wound, paid but slight attention to the circumstance until the battle was over, when upon investigation he found that his life had been saved by a pocket bible, the gift of his sister, which was pierced nearly through by a Mexican h illet. The Colonel was nmstered out of the service with his regiment in August, ls4.s, went to California Avith the pioneers in 1.S4',), where he remained four years, re- turning east in is.".;;, when he was ap- pointed an inspector in the Boston Custom House. He continued to serve in this position until the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he was oflered and ac- cepted the commission of Lieutenant- Colonel of the ;!rd X. H. Volunteers. The resignation of Col. Fellows promoted him to the command of the regiment June 27, 1S(;2, and he led his men in all 3S their eagagements iiutil the storming of Fort Wagiu'r. where lie received a severe ■wouud, which incapacitated him from active duty and undoubtedly shortened his life. He was honorably discharged from the service, Feb. 24, 1S(;4. In Isd? he W'as re-appointed to a lucrative and most important position in the Boston Custom House, and held the place until his decease. ! * * H; The follow! uir is an extract from a let- ter of Dec. ii.'iss'.t, from Col. John H. i Jackson, dated Custom House, Boston, Ma«s. : 'My father's family came early to Xew York from Holland. He was a ship car- penter and s-rved some time in our navy. He had been living at Portsmouth, and early in isu he enlisted at Portsmouth, N. H., in Col. AVlnfleld IScott's regiment, and on the ■ of September 18U, at or near Lundy's Lane, he was killed. I Avas born Octol'jcr 2(i, isU, at Portsmouth, N. H. You see I never saw my father. His name was ,Iohn H. Jackson. No other member of his father's family ever came to I'ortsmouth.' " Poi'lsmoitlli jfoiirndl, April jg, iSgo. \ Jarvis, John B.-N. Y. Vols. j He is said to have served in the 100th N. Y. Regiment of Infantry, but the Ad- jutant ( of XeAv York states that his name is not found on the rolls of any Company of that Regiment. Jellison, Daniel M— 13th N. H. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept, 20, ]s(;2, for 3 years. Mustered out, May 20, Lsii.").'" Acf/iitatii GencraVs Records, N. H. Jenkins, William D-— U. S. Navy. Stone. Retired 1S4(». "Died in Flatbush, X. Y 'Carpenter, 24 March, list 14 November, 1S70." Hajitersly's General Nary Rei^ister. "Died at Flatbush [L. I.], X. Y., April 14, ISS;!." Navy liC gist (')', 1884. Jenness, Albion J.— 13th N. H. "Son of Lowell and Ann L. Jenness. . . . Died at Norfolk, A'a. [See below]. . . . A good son, a brave and fearless soldier." Stone. "Private, Co. E. Residence or assign- ment, Rye. Date of Muster, Sept. ;>(), 18(12, for ;> years. Died of disease at Portsmouth, Ya., Aug. 8, l!S()3.'' Adjittunl General's liecords, N. H. Jervis, Edward— 10th N. H. Enlisted as "Edward Jarvis." Member Storer Post, G. A. R. ''Private, Co. G. Residence, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 4, 1862, for ;> years. Discharged for disability Dec. 18, I8(i2." Adjutant Gojierars liecords^ X. II. "Birthplace, England." Post Records. Johnson, Abram A.— U. S. Navy- Member Storer Post, G. A. R. "Coal Heaver. Birthplace, Portsmouth. Enlisted Nov. 21, isc'l, U. S. Steamer 'Brooklyn.' Discharged Oct. 20, Ls6:!. Reenlisted, Coal Heaver, Sept. 2, ls(;4, U. S. Steamer 'San Jacinto.' Discharged Sept. 23, 18()7, expiration of service." Post Records. "Mr. Johnson was a veteran of the Re- bellion, and served on the flag ship 'Brooklyn,' with Farragut, at the taking of Xew Orleans, when he was wounded upon the hand by a piece of flying shell." Portsmouth Daily Evening Post, June /f, j Johnson, Ohas.E.-3rd & 5th N. H. "Corp'l. C. Yu. Johnson, Co. D, 3rd X. I H. Inf." Stone. "Private, Co. I), 3rd X. H. Residence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Aug. 23, 1801, for 3 years. Dis- charged for disability at Hilton Head, S. C, Oct. 18. 1S(;2. Private, Co. C, ."ith X. II. Recruit. Res- idence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Aue. 10, 1863, for 3 years. Mustered out, June 28, 18fi.")." Adjutant General's Records., N. H. Jones, Michael— U. S. Navy. Kane, Dennis— 6th N. H, "Private, Co. H. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Nov. 2s, isc.l, for 3 years. Discharged for disability at Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 21), 1863." Adjutant GeneraVs Records, N. H. Kelenbeck, Christopher— 16th N, H, & U. S. N. Enlisted as "Christopher Kelenberk." "Private, Co. K, ICth X. H. Residence, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Xov. 11, 18(;2, for !• months. Discharged at Xew Orleans, March 17, 1863. "' Adjutant (ieneral's Records, N. //. 39 Kennard, Nathaniel— Rev. War. "Sacred to the memory of Capt. Nathaniel Kennard, •vvho departed this life Jnne 24, l.s2:i, Aged (IS." Stone. "Roll of the Officers, Seamen, Marines, and \''olunteers, who served on board the 'Bon Ilorame Richard,' commanded by Commodore John Paul Jones, in her cruise made in 177!»." Xame. Hate. Country. "Nathaniel Kennard. — Boy. — American." ^j; H' *i^ * 5i: :}c si* The famous action of the "Bon Homme Kicliard" with, and capture of the "Sera- phis," took place on this cruise, Sept. 2;J, 17711, and all named in this roll were pre- sent.'" S/i<'ii>iir>i<''s I.ifc of John Paul Jones. "Died on the 24th inst. [June 24, 1S2;^], Capt. Nathaniel Kennard of this town, aged ^\-^. His character demands none of the usual unmeaning panegyric of an obituary notice. To those \\\\o knew him, his services, his sntt'erings and his worth will ever render his memory dear. All who partake of the blessings secured by the enterprise and valor of our revolutionary heroes, cannot but feel an interest in the events of his life. At the commencement of the war of the Revolution, he entered as a volunteer in one of the first regiments in Massa- chusetts, for the term of one year. At the expiration of that engagement, he entered on board a private armed ves- sel — was captured, carried to P^ngland and kept in close confinement at the Mill Prison for two years and a quarter, being encouraged with no other prospect than a still protracted confinement, or a termi- nation of it by being hanged as a rebel. Thence he was sent to France in a car- tel, where on the 2()th April, 177;», he en- tered on 1)oard the "Bon Ilomme Richard,' under the celebrated John Paul Jones, and was with him in some of the most desperate enterprises. In which that com- mander was engaged. From that vessel he was put on board a prize and ordered for France. He was again captured and carried into Hull in the north of I'2ngland, transported to Spithead, put on board the 'Unicorn' frigate and compelled to do duty until at the imminent iiazard of his life he escaped in the Island of Jamaica. Thence he re- turned to America a little before the close of the war. After the peace of '83 he engaged in the merchant service and continued a repu- table shipmaster until near the commence- ment of the late war [18I2-1.">], when he was appointed by government to the command of a Revenue Cutter and con- tinued in the same to the close of the war. After that period, until his death, he was employed as Inspector of the Customs at this port. In all his various services, Capt. Kennard sustained the character of an honest man and a good citizen." Povtsmoiitli yoiiniai, yu(v J, 1823. Capt. Nathaniel Kennard was born on Kennard's hill in Eliot, Maiae, then apart of Massachu-etts.anddied in Portsmouth, N. H. His son, Capt. Nathaniel Kennard, Jr., of Portsmouth, was captured in the "Harlequin" privateer in the War of ISI2, and afterwards died in the West Indies of yellow- fever. Kennedy, William— 1st Mass. H. Art. "Private, Co. F. Residence, South Boston, Mass. Enlisted, Aug. .'>, 18(!2. Date of Muster, Aug. ."i, is(;2, for 3 years. Promoted to Corporal. Mustered out July 8, 18(i4." Ad/iitaut GetKral's Iiccords, Mass. Kennison, William S.-13th N. H. Enlisted as "William S. Keniston." "Private, Co. E. Residence or assign- ment, Newmarket. Date of Muster, Sept. 19, 1S(;2, for 3 years. Discharged for disability at Portsmouth, Va., Sept. \'>, 18G3." Ad/ntant (Tcncrars livcords, N. H. Kent, John Horace— 43rd Mass. Member Storer Post, Vt. A. R. "Private, Co. A, Residence, New P.edford, Mass. Enlisted , Date of Muster, Oct. 11, 18(;2, for 9 months. I'romoted to Sergeant. Discharged, July ;!(), 18n;>, expiration of service." Adjutatit Gcni-ral's Records, Mass. "Born in Rochester [Barnstead], X. IL, October 10, 1828— died at Concord, N. II., March 4, 1888. . . , When the war broke out he was at Prince Edward's Island." He returned to the United States, "joined Co. A. of the 43rd Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, and went to i the Department of North Carolina, thence I going to the Army of the Potomac. . . . In 18()o he was mustered out, and appoint- ed a special agent of the Provost Mar- shal's Department for the district of New Hampshire, with headquarters at Portsmouth, holding the otKce until it was abolished.'" Soldiers Memorial, iSSS. "Born in Barnstead, N. II. At the 40 opening of the Provost IMarshal's office in Portsmouth, N. II., he en*ered that stTvice a^ a Special Agent and Deputy Provost Marshal, and served until the Provost Marshal's Department was dis- continued."' Post liccords. Storer Post is indeMed to his generosity for the series of interesting and val- uable war views, and other pictures, Avhich adorn its hall. Kimball, Chas. H.-l 7th & 2nd N- H. "Private, Co. B, 17th N. H. Residence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Nov. i:?, l.^<;2, for !» months. Con- solidated with Co. K, 2nd X. IL V., April ](!, 1803. Private, Co. K, 2nd N. H. Pecruit. IJesidence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Nov. 1:5, 18(;2, for 1» months. Transferred from 17th N. II, v., April 1(>, 18G3. Mustered out Oct. i», i8(;3." 2.5, 18(52, for 9 months. Promoted to Corporal. Died of disease at Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 20, 18(;8." Adjutant (TcncrdTs Jiecords, N. H. LaightoD, William F.— U- S. Navy. '•Thirty years in the U. S. N." Stone. "Carpenter, 7 April, ls49. Retired list, 13 November, 1S77. Died, 2.") June, 1870."'^ Hamerslys General Xavy Register. "Died at Revere. Mass., June 2.5, 1871)." Navy Register. i88o. Laighton, William M — U. S. Navy. "Carpenter, 2'.t September, lS3(i. Re- tired list, 15 April, 1872. Died, 23 May, 1873." Hamersly's General Navy Register, "Died at Brookline, Mass., May 23,. 1873." Navy Register, i8']4. Adjutant GeneraVs Records, N. H. Lake, DaytOIl W.— 14tll Maine- Laighton, Alfred S.— 2nd Mass. Oav. | Enlisted as "Alfred Laighton." j "Alfred Seabury, sou of Charles E. and Frances S. Laighton. . . . Died at Washington, D. C, July 29, 1863," Stone. "Private, Troop A ["California 100"]. Enlisted in California, Dec. .">, 18(i2. Date of Muster, Dec. 10, 1S(;l>, for 3 years. Died at Hospital, AVasbington, D. C, July 28 [See above], 18(i3.'"'' Adjutant GeneraVs Records, Mass. Laighton, Alfred S.— U. S. Navy. Alfred Stowe Laighton. "Killed by the explosion at Fort Fisher." "In man's regret he lives, and woman's tears, More sacred than in- life, and nobler far For having perished in the front of war." Stone. "Acting Ensign, 10 December, 1803. Killed on 'Gettysburg' [See below], IG January, ]8(!5." Hamerslys General Navy Register. lie was killed on shore at Fort Fisher, North Carolina, by the explosion which took place the morning after its capture. Laighton, Bennett— 16th N. H. "Porn in Stratham, N. II., Died in Buffalo, N.Y. . . . His life was sacri- ficed in the war for the preservation of the Union." Stone. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Stratham. Date of Muster, Oct. "Died at Brooklyn, X. Y.'" Stone "Private Co. I. Born in Portsmouth, N. H. Resident of Bangor, ;Maine. Date of Muster, :March 23, Isc,",, for 1 year. Mastered out and honorably dis- charged, Aug. 7, ISO."), at New York City, N. Y., by reason of orders from ^Var Dept. reducing Army.'' Adjutant General's liccords, Maine. Langdon, John— Rev. War. "Gov. J. Langdon and family." "John Langdon, born I73'.i, died Sept. 18, 181!».'' Tomb. For date of birth see below. "In memory of The Honorable John Langdon, LL. D. Born 17;;;r— Died isl'.t. He was a member of this church several years. Erected by His great grandson, Alfred Langdon Ehvyn, is;>0." Tablet, Xorl/i Church, Portsmouth. For date of birth see below. "In ;Memoriam. Honourable John Langdon, LL. D. Born June 2."), 1741. Died Sept. 18, 1811K Governour Langdon honoured by his presence the Masonic ceremonial at the laying of the corner-stone of this church. Juno 24, ISO". Of honest stock: courasre and wisdom crowned The man who still good as he looked was found: Whom all its honours to his country bound. Best of the best in his New Hampshire home." Tablet, St. yohti's Church, Portsmouth. 41 "Another mural tablet has been placed in the vestibule of St. Jolin's. It is in memory of the lion. John Langdon, J.L. T)., sometime governor of the Province [State] of New Hampshire. The well chosen words of the epitaph inscribed on the monument are largely a translation of those inscribed on the tomb of Scipio Africanus, and were selected for this purpose by the distinguished and schohirly Mr. John Langdon Elwyn [his grand- son], now deceased. The monument was erected by the generosity of the J'ev. Alfred Langdon Elwyn, of Philadelphia [his great-grandson]." Portsiiiout// Dmly Eve. Post, Xov. j, iSgi. "Col. John Langdon was one of the most zealous and worthy patriots of the time, at work in season and out of sea- son, with mind, hands and means, in the cause of lilierty. He was born in Ports- mouth, in 174(1 [See above], and was the son of John, and grandson of Tobias Langdon. He served an apprenticeship as a merchant in the counting-room of the Hon. Daniel Ringe [Piiidge], but pre- ferring a sea-faring life, he Avcnt out as supercargo of one of Hinge's [Pindge's] vessels and subsequently as master or captain. He continued in this business until the Revolution, and had amassed a handsome fortune for the time. The Pritish cruisers stopping entirely his shipping and mercantile operations, and early espousing the patriot cause, he had inclination, lesiure and means to largely subserve the cause of inde- pendence. He Avas one of the leaders In taking l-'ort AVilliam and Mary [now Fort Con- stitution], at Newcastle, in December, 1774, was a Delegate to the general con- gress in 177.">-C«, rai.*ed an independent company of light infantry, with rank of Colonel, in June of the latter year, was judge of the court of common pleas in 177(1, speaker of the House of Represen- tatives in 177(i-7, in which last position, during a session of three days, to devise ways and means to check the haughty P>urgoyne, he rose at his desk and made the noble, genei'ous, apt and effective speech of the Revolution : — 'Gentlemen, I have three thousand dollars in hard money, thirty hogsheads of Tobago rum, worth as much, I can pledge my plate for as much more : those are at the ser- vice of the State. With this money we can raise and provision troops, our friend John Stark will lead them. If we check Pnrgoyne, the State can repay me, and if we do not, the money will be of no use to me.' Raising the funds and Stark on his way to Bennington, Langdon summoned his own company of infantry and fol- lowed to Pennington and Saratoga. Pnr- goyne defeated, he returned home only to labor in the good cause, and early in 177S, as agent of Congress, built the Raleigh frigate. In this year, also, he mounted his company of iufantr)', equipped them as cavalry, and marched to the defense of Phode Island. In 177!i he was President of the Ncav Hampshire Convention, in ]7S() Commis- sioner of the Pnited States, and in 17s:3 Delegate to the Congress of the same. In 17s4-."), he was a member of the Now Hampshire Senate, and in this last year was President of the State, elected as successor of Meshech Weare. In 17s,s he was a member of the Convention that formed the Constitution of t>'e Pnited States, was Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives in June of the same year, and was again elected President of the State. In November of the same year [I7s,s], he was elected to the Pnited States Sen- ate, an1 had the honor of being elected the first President pro tent, of that body, and in 17!i4, he was reelected for another term. In isni he was elected a repre- sentative to the New Hampshire Legisla- ture and was elected for the three suc- cessive years, and was Speaker of the House in ISd.") — when he was ekcted Governor of the State, and was reelected to that office until lso;», and again in isi(t-ii. Col. Langdon died September IS, Isp), aged 7!t years. — D. P. Droivn, yoiuit/iair Eastman, jfo//n Fanner, and N. H. noils." Adjutant General's lleporl, X. //., ]'ol. 2, '1S66. "Langdon, John, statesman, i)orn in Portsmouth. N. H, 2.") June, 1741, died there, is Sept., isil). After receiving a common-school education he entered a counting-house and became a successful merchant. In 1774, with John Sullivan and otht-rs, he participated in the removal of the armament and military stores frnni Fort William and Mary [now Fort Constitu- tion] in Portsmouth harbor. He was elected a delegate to the ( 'ontinental Con- gress in 177."), but resigned in June, i77(;. to become navy agent. In 1777, while he was speaker of the the New Hampshire assembly, when means were wanted to support a regiment, Langdon gave all his money, pledged his plate, and subscribed the proceeds of seventy hogsheads of tobacco [ See above] for the purpose of equipping the brigade witli which Gen. John Stark subsequent- ly defeated the Hessians at Pennington. Langdon participated in this battle, and • 42 was in command of a volanteer company at Saratoga, and in Rhode Island. In 1770 he was Continental agent in New Hampshire, and president of the State convention. He was again a delegate to Congress in 17So, was repeatedly a member of the Legislature and its speaker, and in 17.s7 a delegate to the convention that framed the constitution of the United States. In March, 17s.s, he became Governor of New Hampshire, and in I'sii he was elected r. S. Senator, holding office till ISO], and was chosen president of the Senate in order that the electoral votes for President of the United States might be counted [He thus officially announced the election of (ieorge Washington as the first President of the United States.] A president of the Senate had therefore a legal existence l)efore there was either a president or a vice-president of the Ignited States. He was a Hepublican in politics and acted with Jeflerson, who, on assuming office in bsoi, ottered him the post of Secretary of the Navy, which he declined. From 180.') till I.si2, with the exception of two years, he was Governor of New Hampshire, and in isl2 the Hepublican Congressional caucus ottered him the nomination for the office of Vice-Presi- dent of the United States, which he de- clined on the score of age and inttrmities, passing the remainder of his life in re- tirement." ApfI('lo»s Cyclopicdiii of Aiiwricati Biog- I'dpJlY . \ biography of -lohn Langdon, by his grandson, the late John Langdon Elwyn, of Portsmouth, will be found in ^'ol. XX. of the "Early State Papers of New Hampshire." Lear, Nathaniel M .— 2nd N. H. "Private, Co. K. IJesidence, Ports- moutli. Date of Muster. June s, 18(51, for .'j years. Discharged for disability ut Washington, D. C, July ;il, 1S(51." Adjutiuit GeneraVs Records, N. H. 1 Leary, Jeremiah 0— U. S. M. 0. His stone reads incorcctly — "J. O. Leary, V . S. Navy." Leary, Timothy 0.-16th N- H. & U. S. M. C. i Enlisted as "Timothy O'Leary." ' Member Storer Post, G. A. H. "Timothy (). Leary." Stone. "Private, Co. K, Kith N. H. Residence, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Oct. "i."), 1862, for 9 months. Mustered out Aug. 20, 1803." Adjutant GeneraVs Records, JV. H. "Enlisted in Y. S. M. C. . Dis- charged from U. S. M. C. Sept. H, 18()S." Soldiers Mctnori'al, i8go. I "Birthplace, Ireland." Post Records. Leslie, George T.-7th 111. Cav. Enlisted as "George T. Brown." j "Private, Troop B. Probable date of I death, Nov. 3. 18(;3." i Letter from Treiisiiry Department. "Captured. Died at Cahawba Prison, Ala., January, l.s(33 [18G4.] Buried at Ca- ! hawba." Post Records. Lester, David G .— War 1812. "A native of Salisbury, Mass., a sol- dier of the war of is 12." Stone. Lewis, John C.-lst N. H. &U. S-N. "Private, Co. B, IstN. 11. Residence, Dover. Date of ISIuster, May 2, 18(11. for 3 months. Mustered out Aug. !>, i8(;i. Landsman, U. S. Navy. Residence, Dover. Enlisted, Dec. 12, 1S(U. Served on U. S. vessels '( )hio,' 'North Carolina," 'Princeton,' and 'St. Louis,' Rated Sea- man. Discharged from V. S. Ship 'North Carolina," for disability, August 4, 1863 [See below]." Ad//(tant (leneral's Records, N. H. "Birthplace, New Durham, N. H. . . Enlisted Dec. 12, 18(;i, as Ordinary Sea- man on L^. S. Ship "Constellation," from which ship he was discharged as Or- dinary Seaman, Feb. 14, 18()."'», expira- tion of service." Post Records. He was for some time a member of Storer Post, but not at the time of his death. Libby, George W.-13th N. H. "Private, Co. C. Residence or assign- ment, Newcastle. Date of Muster, Sept. 1!), 18(;2, for :> years. Mustered out June 21, ISCo." Adjutant General's Records, N. H. Locke, Edwin W-— U. S. Navy. 'Died in New ^ ork." Slo)t^ Locke, Fletcher D.— U. S. Navy. Locke, John H.— 5th N. H. Member Storer Post, (J. A. R. '•First Sergeant, Co. B. Residence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Mus- 43 ter, Oct, 23, 1801, for 8 years. Wounded at Fredericksburg. Va., Dec. i;>, 1S(;2. Discharged for disal)ility Jan. .'., 18(13." Adjutant (iencrars Records, N. H. "Birtliplace, Barrington, N. TI. Struclc in six different places by one minnie ball, at Fredericksburg, Va., Doc. i;?. 1S(;2 : lost parts of both hands. Died June l.">, IsS'.i. He was Commander of Storer Post in is7(), aud (iuartermaster from the second organization of thePost [187S] until his death. .\ faithful comrade | and an honest man." Post Records. Locke, Joseph J.— 12th Maine. "Son of Jeremiah and Hannah A. Locke. . . . Killed at Port Hudson, May 2."), 18(!;;, aged r.> years, ('> months. He sleeps — where he fell in defence of his country." Stone. "Private, Co. K. Born in Barrington, N. H. Resident of Portsmouth, N. H^ Date of Muster, Nov. 20, isci, for ;'> years. Killed Mav 2s [See above], Isc.;',, at Port Hudson, Louisiana." Adjutant (Tenerurs Records, Mniue. Locke, William W.-U. S. Navy. Lombard, Harry— 40th Mass. Knlisted as "Henry Lombard." Member Storer Post, G. A. U. "Harry Lombard, died May ;U, 1888.'" Stone. "Private Co. F. Residence, Newbury- port. Mass. Enlisted Aug. 2(i, 18(!2. Date of Muster, Sept. :!, ls(jL>, for :! years. Wounded at Drury's Blutt", May Hi, isci. Discharged Jan. !(•, Isc..")." Adjutant GencraVs Records, Mass. ■Born in France, 18:'.(;, and was a sol- dier ill the French army. He served with distinction in the Crimoa with the French navy, and received a medal of honor for his bravery and devotion. He was also in the Italian campaign, where he did faithful service. Came to this country. Knlisted [Aug. 2(t, and mustered] Sept. ;{. is(;i>, as l*rivate in Co. F, 4()th Uegt., Mass. Infantry. . . . While in the advance on Drury's Bluff. ... on or about May !.■> [1C>], 18()4, he was shot, which wouud necessitated amputating the right arm at the shoulder joint, and he, with thousands of others, carried the empty sleeve for the past twentv-five years. ... He was discharged from the r. S. service January 10, ISC"). . . . He died May 2;'> [:^I], 18S8." Soldiers Memorial, iSSg. Long, Pierse— Rev. War. "In memorv of Col. Pierse Long. Stone. "Pierse Long (the father of Col. Pierse Long of Pevolutionary memory) was born in Limerick, Ireland, about the com- mencement of the eighteenth century, and served an apprenticeship witli one who did business with .Vmerica; and by him was sent out with goods, the manufac- ture of Ireland, to this town, in the year ITMo." Here he settled, married, and had three children; one son, and two daugh- ters ; the latter died unmarried. "Pierse Long, the senior, died in 1740." "Pierse Long, Jr. (afterwards Col. Long), was born in 17:'«(». He received instruction in the elements of education from the celebrated teacher, Samuel Hale. At the age of fourteen, Pierse was apprenticed as a clerk to Kobert Tiail [Traill], an emigrant from Scot- land, and a distinguished merchant of Portsmouth. At the close of his appren- ticeship, Pierse Long was established in business by jNIr. Trail [Traill], as a shipping merchant, which he continued to prosecute with success until the war of the Revolution. In this Mr. Long took an early and de- cided part, and in l~'i'> was chosen one of the delegates to the first provincial Con- gress, convened at Exeter. In this office he continued for some time, acting also about this period as one of the Commit- tee of Safety for Portsmouth, and was en- gaged with Langdon, Pickering, Drown, and about forty other citizens, in .surpris- ing and capturing the fort at the mouth of Portsmouth liarl)or. Pierse long continued to fill different offices under the then provinci; and town until May, 177C>, when the provincial Leg- islature appointed him to the command of the First Xew Hampshire regiment. . . . This regiment continued in the serviceof the Province until July 1."), 177(;, when, it being determined by the general government to receive into the service no more provincial troops, it was disbanded, but immediately reenlii^ted into the Con- tinental service, under Pierse Long as Colonel and commander. This regiment continued to be stationed at the forts around Portsmouth harbor (a company in Portsmouth being sta- tioned near the ( )ld South) until ( )ctober [November 2:;], 177i>, when it received orders to march to the Canada border, near Lake Champlain [to reinforce the army at Ticonderoga, and marched for that post in February following]. 44 It reached there safely in about twenty days; and reporting for duty to Gen. St. Clair. Col. Long was assigned to the command of Fort Independence, across the Lake, with his own and Col. Carle- ton's regiments ; and at the same time was made Brigadier (ieneral, by brevet. The lake being closed with ice during the latter part of the fall, the winter and part of the spring, nothing of note occurred until about the middle of June, 1777, when the English flotilla of many guns advancing by water, to be joined by (ien. Burgoyne, with ten thousand English, Canadians, Tories, and Indians, by land, it was determined by Gen. .St. Clair, in a council of officers, to abandon his position with his small army of three thousand men, and retreat with the American flotilla up through Lake (ieorge, towards Fort Edward. Col. Long was entrusted with the com- mand of the flotilla, consisting of one schooner of sixteen guns, one of ten, and several smaller crafts, with orders to blow up the vessels to prevent their fall- ing into the hands of the enemy, — which was accomplished after they had disem- barked his own and Col. Carleton's regi- ment at Skenesborough. Leaving Skenesborough, the troops proceeded on towards Saratosa, and the next day (July (i) Col. Long and his command was overtaken by the British ninth legiment, under the command of Col. Hayes. An action ensued, in which the British were beaten, and retreating left the fleld in the possession of the Americans. At about this time, the period for which the troops had enlisted having expired, they all asked and received their dis- charge, officers as well as men, except- ing Edward Evans, chaplain; Noah Emery, paymaster ; and Lieut, or Col. [Lieutenant] Meshacli Bell, and Col. Long's servant. James Mullen. These, with Col. Long, continued on to Saratoga, and there volunteered their services to the commander-in-chief [Gen- eral Gates], and assisted in the capture of General Burgoyne and his army [who surrendered ( )ctober IC, 1777]. ( ol. Long being ill, arrived in Ports- mouth. Dec. <; [1777] ; and continued con- flned to his house for six mouths, with the disorder usual to camps ; nor did he entirely recover till a year had expired. As soon as he had sulliciently recovered his health he resumed his mercantile pur- suits, but at the same time sutt'ered from attacks of tlie gout, and sometimes could not move without the aid of crutches. In 17S4 he was appointed by the State of New Hampshire a delegate to the old Congress, which post he filled through three or four successive years till 17S(i [1784-.")(;]. From the year 1781; to 178i> [17S8-1I— N. H. Manual.] he was elected State Senator or Councillor, and in 17ss was delegate to the Convention to adopt the present Constitution [of the United States], and gave his influence and vote for its reception by New Hampshire. When Washington was chosen Presi- dent, he appointed Col. Long Collector of the Customs at Portsmouth; but before he had taken possession of his office, he was found dead in his bed. He retired in apparent health, but died without any previous warning, of (as it was supposed) gout in the stomach, at the early age of flfty, April o, 17si). His remains are in- terred in the lot in the Proprietors' bury- ing ground, belonging to his son, at the western end of the granite monuments [monument]. Col. Long was a hand- some, portly man, of unblemished chris- tian character, amiable and courteous, a correct merchant and a good soldier." Il((iiib/('s About Portsiiio/il//, J^r'rst Scr/t's. An interesting account of the retreat of the Americans from Fort Ticouderoga in 1777, with special mention of Col. Long's services, will be found in Irving's "Life of Washington," New York, 18s2, VoL III. pages lor.-llO. Col. Pierse Long was twice married and had three children. Hon. George Long, a successful shipmaster and mer- chant of Portsmouth, born July 4, 17r.l\ who died April 8, is4!t; the father of Mrs. Henry H. Ladd and the late Samuel P. Long of Portsmouth, and of the late Commodore John CoUings Long, V. S. Navy, of Portsmouth and Exeter, N. IL. who was a midshipman on the ''Consti- tution" when she cartured the British frigate "Java," Dec. 2'.K 1S12. Abigail, who married (!eorge W. Prescott, and died at St. Bartholomews, in 1793. Mary, who married Col. Tobias Lear, private secretary to Hen. Washington, April 22, 17'.H), and died of yellow-fever in the fam- ily of (ien. Washington, at Philadelphia, in 17!il. A beautiful Memorial llecord Book was presented to Storer Post, G. A. R., on its twenty-rtfth anniversary, celebrated November 14, ls;»2, by Mrs. Henry 11. Ladd, of Portsmouth, in memory of her grandfather, Col. IMerse Long. A full account of the presentation was printed in the Poi'tsinouUi Daily ErciiiiKj Titncf, of November 1"), lsii2, and the following vote was passed at the next meeting of the Post : "llesolved, That the earnest thanks of Storer Post are hereby tendered to Mrs. Marcy Iv Ladd, of Portsmouth, for the 45 masQiflcect volume recently presented by her to the Post in memory of her grandfather, Colonel Pierse Long of the Revolutionary army ; and the Post gladly accepts the opportunity to inscribe there- in the record of Culonel Long and the Personal War Sketches of its Comrades, for future preservation." Lynch, Timothy— U. S. Navy. .Memi)er Storer Post, G. A. K. "Born in Ireland, l8o."), and entered service Augnst 2r>, 18G:?, as Ordinary Sea- man, U. S. N.. for term of 1 year, and was discharged August L*."), 1S()4, his term of enlistment having expired."' Soldiers Alejiioridl, /SSy. Lyon, John H,— U. S. Navy. Harden, John H.-lOth N. H. "Private, Co. (J. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, S -pt. 4, isr,2, for 3 years. IMustered out June 21, ISC.-)." A(l/iitiiiit (rf'/n'rid's Tli'cords, X. H. Harden, John L.— 2nd Hass. Cav. "Killed in a skirmish near Charleston [Charlestown], Va." Stone. "Private, Trooo K. Residence, Bos- ton, "Ward (1. Enlisted Dec. 8, 1863. Date of Muster, Dec. s, isC:!, for :? years. Killed in action at Charlestown, Va., Aug. 27, 18(;4." Ad/iihoil (ii'iicrurs Iiccovds, Mass. Harshall, Christopher J.— 2nd N. H. ".V kind Husband and aft'ectionate Father." Sto?te. "Corporal, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, June 8, ISiil, for ;'. years. Wounded and missing at Pull Hun, Va., July 21, 1801. Gained from missing. Discharged on account of wounds, July is, 1S(;2." Adjutant (i< nrraVs Ricords, N. H. Harston, Albert S.— 5th N. H. "Albert Storer Marston." •'No pain, no prrief. no anxiou.«i fear. Can reach the peaceful sleeper here." StO)lC. "Private, Co. IT. Recruit. Residence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Mnster, Aug. 11, is()8, for 3 years. Wounded slightly at Sailor's Creek, Va , April (i, IS(J.-). Appointed Corporal, April 5, ISC"). Discharged at Philadelphia, Pa., June (1. 18(i5." Adjutafit Getieral's Records, N. II. Harston, Joshua B.— 35th Hass. Member Storer Post, (i. A. R. "Knlisted in Co. B, 3.")th Mass. Vols., Aug. t!th, 18(12; wounded at the battle of Antietam, Va. [Md.], Sept. 17th. 1802." Stone. "Private, Co. B. Residence, Newbury- port, Mass. Enlisted Aug. 0, ls02. D.ite of Muster. Aug Hi, 1S02. for 3 years. Discharged for disability Jan. 12, 1803." Adjutant (irnrral's Records, Mass. "Birthplace, Portsmouth." I'o^t /Records. Hates, James— Q. S. Navy. Haxwell, Wm. H. H.-5th N. H. Enlisted as "W^illiam II. Maxwell." "Killed while on a skirmish at Sailor's Creek, Va. . . . God gi'ant that it was not a vain sacrifice." Slone. "Piivate. Co. K. Recruit. Residence or assignment, Portsmoutli. Date of Muster, Aug. 1<), 1S(;3, for;? years. Pro- moted to Corporal. Killed in action at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 0, 1805." Adjutant GeneraVs Records, N. H. HcOlintock, Henry H.-War 1812. "Henry M. McClintock, U. S. Navy, died at sea, July 24, 1S17, aged 1!)." Stone. "Midshipman, is June, is] 2. Died 28 July, 1817 [See above]." Hamersly''s General Navy Register. "Died, at sea, of the yellow-fever, on the 2sth July last [1817] on board the brig Fanny, Captain Merrill, ]Mr. Henry McClintock, a ^lidshipman in the Navy of the United States, being on a furlough, aged 20 years [See above]. On board the various ships he served during the last war he did his duty promptly and with ability, securing the approbation of his otHcers and the thanks of his country." Poi'tstnoul/i Ovuch', August i6, i8ij. HcOlintock, John— Rev. War. "John McClintock, Died Nov. 13, 18r>.">, Aged 1)4 yrs." Stone. •'The late John McClintock. — It be- comes our duty this week to record the departure of another of our venerable citizens, in the death, on Tuesday after- noon last [Nov. ].!, ls,->,-)], of John Mc- Clintock, Esq., Naval Otilcer for the Port of Portsmouth, in the y5th year of his age. 46 Capt. John McClintock was the son of the Rev. Dr. Samuel McClintock of Green- land, X. II . who was Chaplain in the arm}' of the 1\ evolution, and was at the battle of Bunker Hill. The patriotic clergyman may be seen represented in the engraving of the battle, in his ministerial bauds, near tlie spot where Gen. "Warren lies wounded [See beloAv]." "John McCiint ck, who was born on the 2sth of August, 17(11, entered the ser- vice at the age of about IG, in the pri- vate armed ship 'Alexander.' of 20 guns, under Captain Thomas Simpson, who afterwards succeeded Paul Jones in com- mand of the 'Ranger.' At the age of 17. John ]\IcClintock Avas Master's Mate, and Avas entrusted with conducting a prize into the West Indies. lie remained in the service four years, lacking one month — but not being in any public ship he received no pension for revolutionary services." "After the peace, John McClintock en- tered the merchant service, and was be- fore the close of the last century ship- master and owner. He met Avith losses l)y the French Spoliations in 17117, of over .$lu,o()n, for Avhich his government received a remuneration, but none ever reached him — nor did he ever dispose of a dollar of his claims to any one. After leaving the ocean he folloAved mercantile pursuits in this city, and ever manifested a high sense of honor and in- tegrity in his dealings and intercourse — and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of all the leading men of his times. He was of a vigorous constitution, and strength- ened it by a temperate and industrious course of life. lender Harrison's administration he Avas appointed XaA'al Officer of this port, and Avhen his term of office expired in -August, 18.")4, President Pierce reneAved his commission." "The world may perhaps be challenged to produce another man Avho performed the daily duties of a responsii)le public office, in the full possession of his fac- ulties, until Avithin five years of a cen- tury in age. But he has noAv gone — and Avilh him departs our last living chronicle of the .\merican ifcvolutlon — the last intelligent tie Avhich bound us Avith those patriots and lieroes Avho acliieved the blessings under which our country has acquired her high position among tlie nations. Yes, the Patriarch of the Revolution, Avlio has so long been left to tell us of the spirit of our fathers — the Man Avho by his noble spirit, his industrious habits, his upright life and stern integrity, has inspired a veneration for the men of a former age, is now no more — and none I can fill his place."' Portsmouth your/ial, Nov. 77, iS^j. McClintock, Samuel— Rev. War. "To the memory of Samuel McClintock, D. I)., : Avho died April 27th, 1th of September and the 7th of October [1777]. After the capture, his regiment was ordered South. . . . He was then (although he had not reached 21 years of ase) raised to the rank of Major of the line, over all the older Cap- tains. As he was therefore regarded with jealousy by those lower than him- self in rank, he resigned his commission and returned home. lie w:is induced to take the command of a company of ma- rines which went out in a ship-of-war, the 'Hileigh," and soon after perished in an engagement. Another son of Dr. McClintock was an oflieer at the battle of Trenton and there slain : and a third was lost at sea, serving as a Midshipman, and afterwards as a Lieutenant, in a ship-of- •R'ar." Kev. Mr. ^IcClintoek "was loved and esteemed by his parish, and in the latter part of his life received the Diploma of Doctor of Divinity from Princeton Col- lege where he was educated." "History informs ns that during tlie battle of Bunker Hill'" l?ev. Samuel Mc- Clintock "knelt on the field, with hands upraised, and grey head uncovered; and, while the bullets whistled around him, prayed for the success of the compatriots, and the deliverance of his country. Tliis rare incident prompted the fol- lowing beautiful ode from the pen of Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney." THE rUAYEK ON BUNKER HILL. ''It was an hour of fear aud dread — Hish rose the battle-cry, .\iid round, in heavy volumes, spread The war-cloud to the sky. 'Tvvas uot, as when in rival strength Contending nations meet, i)r love of con(iuest madly hurls A monarch from his seat: Yet one was there, unused to tread The path of mortal strife. Who but the .Saviour's flock had fed Beside the fount of life. He knelt him where theblack smoke wreathed — His head was bowed and bare. — While, for an infant land he breathed The a«on.v of prayer. The column, red with early morn. May tower o'er Bunker's heipcht, And proudly tell a race unborn Their patriot fathers' misht : — But thou. O patriarch, old and prey, Thou iirophet of the free. AVho knelt amonw the dead that day, What fame shall rise to thee'.' It is not meet that brass or stone Which feel the touch of time. Should keep the record of a 'aith That woke thy deed snblime; We trace it to the tablet fair, Which glows when stars wa.\ pale. \ promise that the good man's prayer Shall with his God prevail." lih's AboKt Porta/iiout//, Second Scries. McClure, James G -U. S. M. C. McDonald, James— U. S. N. & U. S. M. C McDuffee, John-U. S- Navy. McKone, James— U. S. Navy. ••Bv foreign hands thy dyintr eyes were closed. By foreign h.'inds thy decent limbs composed I5y foreign hands thy grave adorned By strangers honored and by strangers mourned." S/one. McLeoud, John— U. S- Navy. McPherson, Alexander— U. S. M. 0. "Born in Paisley, Scotland." Sionc. Enlisted March 5, 1862. in U. S. M. C, as Private. Promoted to Corporal. Dis- charged March .">, ISCG. Mead, Cornelius— U- S. Navy. Mead , Patrick-16th Mass. & V. R. C. "Private, Co. D. Residence, Lowell, Mass. Enlisted .July 12, 18(U. Date of :N[aster. July 12, 1801, for ?> years. Wounded May ;>. 18(!;i Transferred to the Veteran Keserve Corps. Discharged July 20, 1S(;4." Adjutant General's Records, Mass. Melmoth, Hector— U. S. M. C. Merrill, George A.— U. S. Navy. Mills, William J.-16tli N. H. Member Storer Post, G. A. R. "Private, Co. K. Residence, Ports- mouth. Date of Cluster, Nov. L"), 18(;2, for ;i months. Mustered out Aug. 20, is0;5,'- Adjutant GeiicraTs Records, N. H. "Birthplace, Gorham, Maine.'" Post Records. Mitchell, James— 16th N. H. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- I ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster. Oct. j 2."), lsG2. for '.I months. Died of disease I near Vicksburg, AHss., Aug. !), 18G3." i Adjutant GcneraVs Records, N. H. Moore, Andrew J.— 35th Mass. "Co. K, ; Regt. Mass. Vol. KiRed in the Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17. 18(52. . . . Son of Fred W. and Clementina Moore.'" Stone. '•Private. Co. K. Residence, Roxbury. Mass. Enlisted Aug. 1, 1^02. Date of 48 Muster, Aug. 10, 18(;2, for 3 years. Not heard from since the ratile of Antietam [See above]." AdJHtfUit Gencrars ffpcords. Mass:. Moore, John— 13th N. H. Member Stoier Post, (j. A. 11. "That dear arm on whioh I rested, Is no loiiffor at tn.v side. And the voice I loved to follow. Never more will be my p:uitle."' S/o?ie. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmoutii. Date of Muster, Sept. I'll. 1S(;2. for :> years. Promoted to Cor- poral, May 17, 1805. Mustered out June 21, 1S(;5."' Adji/tant (Ti'ncral's Records, N. H. •'Birthplace. New Hampshire " Post Records. Moore, John H— 10th N. H. | "Co. G, loth N. H. Rest. Killed in a \ Skirmish before Petersburg, ,Tulv 2, 1804 [See below]. . . . Son of Fred W. ! and Clementina Moore." Stone. •'Private, Co. G. Kesidence, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 4, 1802, for 3 years. Wounded June 23, l,s04. '• Died of wounds, July 2, 18(;4." Adjutant Generars Records, N. H. Moore, Thomas R— U. S. Navy. Moore, William— Mass. Vols. Morrill, John H.-16th N. H. "Sergeant, Co. K. Residence or as- signment. Portsmouth. Date of Muster, < )ct. 2."), 1802, for !> months. Promoted to First Sersreant May 10, 180.3. Mustered out Aug. 20, 180:5." j Adjutant GeneraVs Records, N'. H. \ Morrison, John H.-lOth N. H. "Son of John and Catlierine ^Morrison. . . . Died in the AVashington Hospi- tal. . . . May herestin ])eace. Erect- ed by his numerous friends in Ports- mouth." Stone. "Private, Co. G. Kesidence, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 4, 1802, for 3 years. Died of disease at Wash- ington, D. C, Nov. 3, 1802." Adjutant GencruVs Records, N. H. Morse, Edgar L.— 4th Mass. "Private, Co. K. Residence, Taunton, Mass. Enlisted . Date of Mus'er, Sept 23. 18(i2, for i) months. Discharged -Vug. 28 1803, expiration of service." Ad/iitant GeneraVs Records, Alass. Moses, Edward— U. S. Navy. "Acting .Master, 17 May, 18()2. Died 18 May, 1804." Hamersly's General Navy Register. "Died at Portsmouth, N. "H., May 18,^ 1804." Navy Register, i86j. Moses, Levi Jr.— U. S. Navy. "Drowned from U. S. ofl'Cape Hatteras." Steamer 'Flag, Stone. MoultoD, Charles W.-3rd N. H. His stone reads incorrectly — "Chas. Moulton, U. S. Navy." "Private, Co. K. Tvei^idence, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Aug. 24, 1801, for 3 years. Reenlisted Feb 11, 1804. Private, Co. K. Residence or assignment, I Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Feb. 11, 1804, for 3 years. Promoted to Corporal,. I March 1, i86.">. Promoted to Sergeant,. ! May 1, 1805. IVIustered out July 20, 1805." j Adjutant (Tenerals Ihcords, ^V. H. Moulton, David A.— U. S. N. & 2nd I Mass. Oav. Enlisted as "David Moulton." "Seaman, U. S. Xavy. Born in Great Falls, N. 11 Residence or assignment, Boston. Enlisted Sept. 14, 1861, for 2 years. Served on V. S. vessels 'Brandv- wine," 'Morse' and 'Sabine." Discharged from U. S. S. 'Sabine,' Sept. 18, 18(!3, ex- piration of enlistment. Private, Troop A, 2nd 3Iass. Cavalry. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H. Assign- ment, Boxford, Mass. Enlisted April 1 1, 1804. Date of Muster, April 11, 1804, for 3 years. Mustered out July 20, 1805.'' Adjutant General's Records, Mass. Moulton, Thomas— Mex, War. Murray, John— Mex. War & 5th N. H. "Capt. John Murray, born in the City of New York, 1825, Served in the Mexican AVar in 1847, on recommendation of Lieut. Col. Beltou, received a certificate of merit from President Fillmore, Commissioned Captain of Co. D, 5th N. IL Volunteers, Oct. 12, isoi, He fell early in the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1802, while leading a gallant band of the Defenders of his Country. A kind Father and Husband, a patriotic iJitizen, a brave and faithful Soldier and ( )l1icer. His last words were — 49 ' That Flag never was and never shall hi' disgniccd !' Krectecl by his Portsmouth friends." S/ofic. "Captain, Co. D., .")thN. II. Kesidence, Newcastle. Commiss-ioncd Oct. 12, ls(;i Killed at Fredcriclisburg, Va., Dec. lo, ISCL'." Adjutant General^ Records, N . H. "Capt. Joha Murray of Company D, ."ith N. H. Volunteers, was killed at the battle of Fredericksburs, Dec. 13, lS(i2. It was stated by Col. Cross, who com- manded the famous 'Fighting Fifth,' that Capt. Murray left the hospital against the express orders of the surgeon on the morning of the day of the battle, saying his men should never go into a light without him while he lived. In the disastrous charge upon the stone •wall, after three color bearers of Com- pany 1) had been shot down in succes- sion, the colors were taken by Capt. Mur- ray, and he was pres-ing on at the head of the remnant of his company when he fell, shot through the head, his body being nearer the stone wall than that of any other Union soldier. Two days after his death bis commission as ]\Iajor ar- rived at regimental headquarters. (apt. Murray is said ^. . . to have Ijeen the first man from Newcastle killed in the war. His body was brought home, and on Sunday, the 21st of December, a bitter cold day, his funeral services were held in the Congregational church, l\ev. Lucius Alden otliciating, and the church being crowded with the citizens, including all the town officials. lie was buried under arms by a com- pany of State militia composed wholly of Newcastle men. Capt. Murray served in the regular army during the Mexican war as a mem- ber of Company K, :5rd U. S. Artill-;ry, and on the recommendation of Lieut Col. Francis S. Belton, who commanded that regiment, was sranted a certificate of merit for special gallantry at the bat- tle of Chapultepec, near the City of Mex- ico, Sept. ];i, 1S47. and this certificate, signed by Millard Fillmore as Pi-esidcnt of the United States, and Charles M. Con- rad as Secretary of AVar, is still pre- served." Boston Daily trlobe, May jo, iSgj. Nash, Joseph E .— 16th N. H. Member Storer Post, G. A. K. "Private, Co. K. Residence, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Oct. 2."i, 1S(;2, for !• months. Mustered out Aug. 20, Isc;?." Adjutant General's Records, N. II. "Birthplace, Boston, Mass." Post Records. Neal, Franklin W -16th N. H. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Oct. 2."), Ls02, for !• months. Discharged to date Aug. 20, ls(i3.'* Adjutant (ieneral's llecords, N. II. Nellings, Wilham-U. S. M. 0. Newkirk, Peter— 20th Mass. "Killed in battle at llatclies [Hatcher's] Run, Va., Oct. 27, 1S(U." Stone. "Private, Co. A. Residence, Boston. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1S(>2. Date of Muster, Aug. 20, 1802, for 8 years. Reenlisted Dec. 20, 1803. Promoted to Sergeant. Killed in action at Hatcher's Ran, A"a., Oct. 2'.) [See above], 1S(;4.'' Adjutant GencriiVs Records, Mass. Norton, James— 19th Mass. "A native of Ballygar, Co. Galway, Ireland." Stone. "Private, Co. E. Residence, Boston. Enlisted July 2.">, 1801. Date of Muster, July 20, isiil, for 3 years. Discharged for disability Jan. 2;i, 1S(!2." Adjutant General's Records, 3Iass. Norton, James— 19th Mass. Nowell, Andrew C.-8th N. H. "Andrew Craigie, son of Henry and Abigail Xowell. . . . Died in Hos- pital, near New Orleans. La." Stone. "Private, Co. D. Residence or assign- ment, Raymond. Da:e of Muster, Dec. 20, isdi, for 3 years. Died of disease at Camp Parapet, La., Aug ](!, 18(;2." Adjutant (renend's Records, IV. H. Noyes, Leverett W.— U. S. Navy. Enlisted as "Joseph Noyes." "Joseph Noyes, U. S. Navy." Stone. Nutter, William H.-13th N. H. Enlisted as "Henry Nutter." "Private, Co. E. Residence or assign- ment. Portsmouth. Date of ^Muster, Sept. 23, 1S(;2, for 3 years. Wounded at Fredericksburg. Va.. Dec. 13, 1802. Dis- charged for disability at Washington, D. C, Feb. ."), 1804." Adjutant (reneral's Records, X. H. Olney, Jesse— 3rd U- S. Art. 50 Oxford, William F.-2nd N. H. "AVounded at the battle Died at Kichmoad" of Bull Pam. Stone. "Private, Co. K. Residence, Forts- mouth. Date of Must(^r, June 8, isiil, for 3 years. Captured at Bull ]iuu. \'a., July 21,1801. Died at Pichmond, Va., Aug. 5, 18G1." Adjutant (icnernl's Records, N'. //. Son of John R. Oxford. He was the first of many sous of Portsmouth, who lost their lives in the AVar of the Rebellion. Palmer, Nathaniel F.— 2nd N. H. ••Xathaniel F., Son of Nathaniel M. & Eunice Palmer. died at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. !i, ls(;2, Aged r.i yrs. A member of Co. K, 2d Regt. N. H. V. Here lies a patriot soldier, who died in his country's cause. He now is resting in a brighter and l)etter land. Kind friends bore him to his silent resting-place. Erected by the Fire Department of Portsmouth, of which he was a member." Stone. \ "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, June 8, isdi, for ;i years. Died of disease at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 0, 18(!2 " Adjuta)it GeneraVs Records, N'. H. "Nathaniel F. Palmer, a native of Ports- mouth, and member of Company K, 2nd Regiment, N. H. Volunteers, died \ug. !>, 18()2, near Harrison's Landing, Va., at the age of I'.i years. The body was re- moved to Harrison's Landing, where it was embalmed and forwarded by Com- pany K, at their own expense, to his family in this city [Portsmouth]. ^rr. Palmer was the first man who was enlisted by Capt. William (). Sides (the latter having been liimself the first man in Now Hampshire to enlist), and was the first man who died and was brought home after the regiment was mustered into the service of the United States. Tlie funeral services were held in the State Street Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 17, l.S(!2. Rev. P. W. Humphries, pastor of the church, made the address. The funeral procession was long and imposing. The colli a was appropriately draped Avith the .Vmerican flag, and was borne on the shoulders of six of his brother firemen through the streets to Harmony Grove cemetery, where prayer was again offered, and three volleys were fired by the Goodwin Guards over the grave. The flags throughout the city were dis- played at half mast during the day." Boston Diiily aiohi', Muy jo, i8g2. Parker, William A — U. S Navy. "William Albert Parker. "Miilshipman, o July. 1882. Passed Midshipman, 23 June, isiis. Lieutenant, Hi May, 1S48. Commander, 2s June, Isdi. Retired list, 2;> December, I.s(;,"i. Captain on Retired list, 4 April, 18(!7." Hamersly's General Navy Register. "Died at East Boston, Mass., October 2-1, 1882." Navy Register, 1883. "Born at Portsmouth, X. H., January 12, 181(1. Entered the navy as a Mid- shipman, July ;5, 18;'>2 ; first service in the L". S. sloop-of-war 'Vincennes,' under the command of Commodore Alexander S. AVadsworth and Cipt. John H. Aulick. on the Pacific Station ; second cruise was made in the U. S. razee •Independence," under the command of Commodore John B. Nicholson, on the coast of Brazil and the Coast of England and Russia, and bearing the Hon. George M. Dallas as Minister to the latter country. Promoted to the grade of Passed INHd- shipman on June 28, 1838; thence served in the U. S. line-of-battle-ship 'Ohio,' under command of Commodore Isaac Hull and Capts. Joseph Smith and Lava- lette, in the years 18.').s-4:l, in the Mediter- ranean Squadron ; the next service was at the rendezvous at Boston, Mass. ; in the year 1842, served on board the frigate 'United States,' under commands of Commodore T. Ap Catesby Jones and Capt. James Armstrong, on the Pacific Station. Promoted to Lieutenant, May 1(), is4;'., and transferred to the 'Cyane,' Comman- der C. K. Stribling ; the squadron was actively employed, and visited the coast of California and the Sandwich Islands. Chili, Peru, etc. ; in isjii, ordered to the I". S. steamer 'Mississippi,' Capt. Andrew Fitzhugh, on the Mexican coast; after- wards under command of Commodore Matthew C. Perry ; served in this steamer, and the 'Raritan, 'Commodore David Con- nor, during the Mexican war, till near its t<^rinination; in 1S48 was attached to the National observatory at Washington, then under the superintendence of Lieut. Matthew F. Maury; the next service was ia the 'Haritau,' Commodore Foxhall A. Parker and Capt. Benjamin Page; was present at the seige and capture of Vera Cruz, Tabasco, and other places ; in 18.".1. served on board the receiving-ship -Frank- 51 lia ;' in 1852, was ordered to the sloop ! Tortsmouth,' T. A. Dornin, commander, on the Pacific Station, and returned home inis.").j; in is.'jC, was stationed at the rendezvous, Boston, for about two years; in ls.")ll-Gn, commanded the store-ship •Release," and was ordered to the Medi- terranean Squadron at Spe/ia: from thence to the squadron under Commodore Shubricli, to Tarasuay, for the settlement of difficulties with that coun;ry, and thence to the African Squadron; after that cruise, served as first lieutenant at th" Boston Navy Yard, under command of Capt. William L. Hudson and Com- mander Henry K. Thatcher ; on the break- ing out of tlie l\ ibellion was ordered to command the steamer 'Cambiidae," and served on the North Atlantic Blockade, oft' the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina, under the command of Commo- dores L. 31. (ioldsborough, Samuel Phil- lips Lee, and David D. Porter, and under the latter comm.inded the Fifth Division of the North Blockade, which included more than 20 vessels of dlflerent kinds and several monitors : detached from that duty in the early part of ls(;,"), having served continuously from the beginning of the war. Promoted to Commander, June 28, 18(U ; placed on the retired list. December 2;!, Isi;.-); from ls(i(;-0;», commanded the re- ceiving ship 'Independence,* on the Cali- fornia Station. Promoted to Captain, on the retired list. April 111. iscit [Si^e above] ; last duty was as inspector of lighthouses, seventh district, which included the whole coast of the (tuH of Mexico, from Cedar Keys, Fla., to the southern border of the State of Texas. Total sea service, 22 years : shore or other duty, 12 years and !> mouths." Haiiiersly's JVaval Encvilopedia. Parks, Edward H ■— U. S. Navy. Sometimes called "David Parks.'" Parks, J. S.-U. S, Navy. Parks, Thomas B.-13th N. H. "Son of Elisha and Drewsilla Parks." Si one. 'Private, Co. K. IJesidence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 2n, 18(12, for ;"> years. Discharged for disabilitv at Washington, D. C, Feb. i>:5, ISC,;;." Adjithnil (!i>i( riir<' Uicords. X. IF. Parrott, Enoch G.-U. S. Navy. "In memory of Enoch (Jreenleafe Parrott, Hear .Vdmiral, I'. S. Navy, who died May 10, 1879. Aged G3 years. Generous. Truiliful. Just. A brave and loval otticer. Africa, 18:52. Mexico, 1S4.S. Port l\oyal, isci. Fort Fisher, lS(;r>. Charleston, IcSe;."). Asiatic Squadron, ls7;>. AIoilU?l!(lll . "General Order. Navy Department, Washington. June 4, 1870. The Secretary of the Navy, with deep regret, announces to the service the death, at New York, on the luth of i\Iay last, of Kear Admiral Enoch G. Parrott. Rear Admiral Parrott received his first appointment December 10, 18.!1, and dur- ing his long service was faithful aud zealous in the discharge of his duties. During the rebellion he was actively en- gaged, and participated in the battles of Port Royal, South ('{•rolina, aud Fort Fisher, North Carolina. He commanded the Mare Island Navy Yard in ls71 aud ls72, and the naval force; on the Asiatic station in 187;;, which last command his failing health compelled him to relinquish. On the day after the receipt of this or- der, the flags of the Navy Yards and Naval Stations, and of all ships in com- mission, will be displayed at half-mast from sunrise to sunset, and thirteen min- ute guns will be fired at noon from each Xavy Yard and Station, flag-ship and ves- sel acting singlv. R. AV. Thompson, Secretary of the Navy." "Midshipman, 10 December, l.s;il. Passed Midshipman, l."> Jane, 18:^7. Lieu- tenant, 8 September, Is-tl. Commander. 24 April, 18(;i. Captain, 2.-) July, isiu;. Commodore, 22 April, 1870. llear-Admir- ; al, 8 November, 1873. Retired list, 4 April, 1874. Died 10 May, 1871»."' Hamersly's General Navy Heo^isfcr. "Died in New York, May 10, 1871)." A^ary Regis.ter^ i88o. "Born in New Hampshire. Appointed from NewiHampshire, December 10, I8;;i ; attachf d to schooner 'Boxer,' Brazil Squa- dron, 18:32-4; attached to sloop 'Xatchez," Brazil Squadron, 18:;"i; Navy Yard, Bos- ton, 18:;7. Promoted to Passed Midship- man, June 1."), 18:37; brig 'Consort,' on surveying duty, 1840. Commissioned as Lieutenant, Septem- ber s, 1841 : was engaged in the opera- tions under Commodore Perry against Beraly, and the neighboring towns on the west coast of Africa, December, 184:3; I and was with all the landing parties. Sloop 'Saratoga,' coast of Africa, 1H43; frigate 'Confrress," Pacific Squadron, 1S4(; s. During the war with Mexico, wliile serving in tlie 'Con.L'ress." w:is with Fi-enionfs Expedition irom Monterey to Los Angelos, at whicli place, there was a slight engagement ; was at the capture of Gaaymas and Mazatlan, and in two skir- mishes at the last-named place. The ' 'Congress' received the thanks of the rresiclent and the Department. Receiv- ing-ship 'Boston," ls.-.(»; sloop 'St. Louis," :\rediterranean Squadmn, \xy2-:'> ; sloop 'St. Mary'f," Facitic Squadron, ]s.')4-."i; Naval Observatory, Washington, is.")? 8; special duty, iS.'i'J. Commissioned as Commander, April, ISCl ; was with the expedition w^hich de- stroyed yorfolk Navy Yard, Apr'il, 1S(;1 : in the brig Ferry' at the time of the capture of the rebel privateer 'Savan- nah,' which resisted; received for this the commendatirn of the Department; commanding steamer 'Augusta,' ISGI-:'. ; in the 'Augusta' participated in the bat- tle of Fort Royal, under Fear Admiial Dnl'ont, and subsequently engaged the rebel rams at the time of their sortie from Charleston, January Fi [:51]. isi;;'., and was on this occasion under the tire of the rebel batteries in Charleston har- bor ; commanding iron-clad 'Canonicus,' N. A. B. Squadron, ls(;4.-); in the 'Ca- nonicus,' participated in the engagement with llowietfs Battery and the iron clads on James Fiver, June 21. isr;4 ; and in the subsequent engagement with Howlett's Battery: commanding iron-clad 'Monad- nock,"^! the attacks under Fear Admiral Porter on Fort Fisher, in December 1S(;4, and January IsG.-); and subsequently, un- der Fear Admiral Dahlgren, was present at the surrender of Charleston; com- manding receiving ship, 'Boston,' is(;.>-,s. Commissioned as Captain, July 2.'>, 1S(;(; : Navy Yard [ Waiting orders], Forts- mouth, New Hampshire, isci). Commis- sioneil as Commodore, 1S70 [Comman- dant Navy Yard, Boston, ISTI] ; Comman- dant Navy Yard, Mare Island, 1S71-2; Asiatic Station, 1872 :?. Commissioned as Fear .Vdmiral, November 8, lS7;i. Died in 187!»." Humersly's Naval Records, iSgo. "Upon recommendation of the Presi- dent. A resolution tendering the thanks of Congress to Captain Sanmel F. DiiPont, and oliicers, petty olllcers, seamen, and marines under his command, for the vic- tory at I'ort Koyal. I'hat the thanks of Congress be, and they are hereby, tendered to Captain Samuel F. DuFout. and through him to the officers, petty officers, seamen, and marines attached to the squadron under his command, for the decisive and splen- did victory achieved at Fort Foyal on the 7th day of November, last. Approved February 22, 1802." Hamersh' s General Navy Register. "A resolution tendering the thanks of Congress to Fear- Admiral David D. Por- ter, and to the officers, petty officers, sea- men, and marines under his command, for their gallantry and good conduct in the recent capture of Fort Fisher. That the thanks of Congress are here- l)y presented to Fear-Admiral David D. l^orter, and to the officers, petty officers, seamen, and marines under his command, for the unsurpassed gallantry and skill exhibited l)y them in the attacks upon Fort F"isher and' the brilliant and deci- sive victory by which that important work has been captured from the rebel forces and placed in the possession and under the authority of the United States, and for their long and faithful services and nnwavering devotion to the cause of the country in the midst of the greatest dif- ticulties and dangers. Sec. 2. And be it farther resolved, That the President of the Uni'^ed States be requested to communicate this resolu- tion to Admiral Porter, and through him to the officers, seamen, and marines un- der his command. Approved January 24, ls(J.")." JI<(!/irrs/y'.< (TOicrai X(tvy liCffist, 18(12, for ;» montlis. Clustered out .Vug 20, I8(i:i.'" A'f/'uti(nt (ji'in'riil's Ihrords, X. 11. Pearson, George F.— U. S. Navy. George Frederick Pearson. "George F. Pearson, Kear Admiral, U. S. Navy. Died .July 1, 18(;7. Not lost but gone before." Sto>/e. "Midshipman, II ]\Iarch, isi.";. Lieu- tenant, i:') January, 182."). Commander, 8 September, 18-11. Captain, 14 September, 18.")."». Uetired list, 21 December, isci. Commodore on Ketired list, K! July, 18(12. Kear Admiral on Retired list, 2.") July, iscc. Died ;{o June [See above], 18(;7." Hamersiys dcnenil X, commanded the schooner 'Shark' at Norfolk, in is3'.t, and served at the Ports- mouth Navy Yard in is3!i-41. He was promoted to Commander on 8 Sept. of the latter year, was in the 'Falmouth' at Norfolk in ]s.')2-3, and became Captain, 14 Sept., is,"i,j. He commanded the steamer 'Powhatan' in the East Indies in I8."i8-O0. During the civil war he ren- dered valuable service as Commandant of the Portsmouth Navy Yard, which post he held at his death [Comman- dant Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H., 18(i0- 4; commanding Pacific Squadron, Isc.'j-G; waiting orders, 18(!7]. He was retired by law, being over sixty-two j'ears old, 21 Dec, 18(;i, antl became Commodore on the Ketired list, IC July, 1802, and R^ar Admiral, 2."i .Inly, isdC..'" Apph'tons Cyclopicdia of Amcricav Biog- rnph\. He was in command of the F, S. steam frigate "Powhatan," carrying the flag of Commodore Josiah Tatnall (after- wards a flag otticer in the Confederate Navy), during her cruise in the East Indies, in the years l<'-!,'>7 CO. An interesting account of this cruise will be found in "China and .lapau," by Lieut. James D. Johnston, U. S. N., Ex- ecutive-Officer of the "Powhatan," Phila- delphia, 18(11, with full particulars of the att'air at the Peiho forts, when Flag officer Tatnall, declaring that "blood is thicker than water," set aside for a moment the duties of a neutral, and gave help to the English, repulsed by the Chinese— aid which no English Naval officer will ever forget. Pearson, John H.— 16th N. H. "Son of Stephen H. and Catherine L. Pearson, died Aug. 22, 18(»,'j." "From the tree where hope's bright buds wave, Pluck ilowers lor the soldier's hallowed srave." ,, I8(i2, for !) months. Mustered out Aug. 20, ls(i3."' Adjiibod (TrncruPs lii'cords, X. II. Pender, William P.-lOth N. H- Enlisted as "^Villiam Allen." "William Paton Pender. . . . Killed at Fort Darling, Va." Stonr. "Private, Co. A. Recruit. Assign- ment, Dover [Residence, Portsmouth.]. Dateof Muster, Aug. 14, 18(13, for 3 years. Killed at Drury's Blutt", Va., May l(i, 18('>4.'' Adjutant irencraVs llccords., X. II. Pendexter, Edward— U. S. Navy, "Acting Ensign, 4 December, IS(;2. Honorably discharged 31 October, I8(;,")." IPainerslys General Xnvy liegister. Perkins, George— War 1812, "Lost in the Privateer 'Portsmouth,' in the winter of 181.5." Stoic. "The Privateer 'Portsmouth,' of Ports- mouth, was a conspicuous cruising ves- sel. She was commanded by John Sin- clair and made a great many valuable prizes."' lidinbli's About Ports/iio/d//., St;co/id Series. 54 Perry, George N.— U. S. Navy- Peterson, Adrian A.— U. S. Navy. "Died in Chelsea, Mass., July 27, 1871."' I'^tono. "Gunner, 2:> October, 18:30. Retired list, 21 Dicember. 18G1."' Ilamersiys General Xavy Bcgistcr. His death is not entered in the Annual Navy Register. Pettigrew, William— Mex. War. Pettigrew, William— U. S. Navy. Philbrick, Oliver B.-13tli N. H. Enlisted as "Oliver B. Pliilbrook."' "Private, Co. K. Kesidence or assisn- ment, ISye. Date of Muster, Sept. 20, lSi;2, for 3 years. Discharged for disa- bility at Portsmouth, Va., Oct. 7, lS6o.'" A— Feb. 29, 1888." Stone. "Midshipman, 1 May, 1822. Passed Midshipman, 1(» .lune. I's?.:?. Lieutenant, 8 Dacember. ls;',s. Commander, 14 Sep- tember, 1855. Captain, 1(! July, 1S(;2. Retired List, 1 February, 1867. Commo- dore on lletired list, 8 December, 18(J7." Hamersly's General Navv Register. "Died at St. Augustine, Florida, Feb- ruary 21), 18S,s." Xiivy Register. ]%Sg. "Born in New Hampshire, from which Stale he was appointed Midshipman, May 22 [1], 1S22. In 1.S22-3 made his first cruise with his uncle. Captain IJ. T. Spen- cer [Robert Traill Speucc], on board the sloop-of-war 'Cyane', a prize to the 'Con- stitution'-, under Commodore Stewart. During this cruise the 'Cyane' was sta tioned on the coast of Africa, and lost by fever ttfty of her oflicers and crew, oil leave, 1824-r. ; Naval School, New York, 1827; in 1828, attached to sloop-of-war 'Erie", Captain Daniel Turner, AVest In- dia station ; on the return of the 'Erie' to New York, was ordered to the Naval School, but by permission of the Depart- ment, was placed at a boarding-school in New York City, where he remained un- til the summer of 1831; from th<' sum- mer of 1831 to February, is.U, was at- tached to the sloop-of-war 'Falmouth,' Captain F. H. (iregory. Pacific Squadron. Promoted to Passed Midshipman, .June 1S.-.3; serving at Navy Vanl, Boston, during the years 1835-G; from 1837-0, at- tached to United States fi-igate 'Fulton', stationed on the United States coast. Commissioned as Lieutenant, Decem- ber 8, 1.S38; from 1.S40-2, attached to sloop 'Yorktown', Pacific Squadron; from IS44-.") Executive-Officer of the sloop 'Preble', West India and African Squad- rons ; attached to Xavy Yard Ports- mouth, New Hampshire. 184(1-7; in 184s. !>, attached to sloop-of-war 'St. Mary's", Pacific Squadron ; commanding the sloop- of-war 'Warren', Pacific Squadron, dur- ing the years 18.-)()-l ; in 1s.j4, served as Executive-Officer of the sloop 'Cyane', which vessel took out the Darien Expe- dition, under Lieutenant Strain, who lost seven of his men by starvation. Lieu- tenant Pickering in his search for that pariy, was within four hours' march of the head-waters of the Chaquenaque, the course of which it was his intention to follow, when he was apprised by Indian runners of the arrival of Lieutenant Strain ard party at Chapagana, Pacific side. Lieutenant Pickering's observa- tions during two successive expeditions from the ship, in search of Strain, con- vinced him of the utter folly of any at- tempt to cut a canal at Darien. After landing Lieutenant Strain with the remainder of his party at New Y'ork, the 'Cyane' was orderecl to Grey town, Nicaragua, which town, in pursuance of redress, was reduced to ashes, after a bombardment of four hours. Only one house was left standing. In 18.').5-7, at- tached to United States Navy Yard, Ports- mouth, New Hampshire. Promoted to Commander, September 14, 18."i."') ; in ls.")'j (U, Inspector of the Seventh Light-House District, headquar- ters at Key West. Commissioned as Captain, July l."> [Hi], Ls(;2; in 18(;2-3, commanding United States steam-sloop 'Kearsarge," Mediter- ranean and Western Islands; in ls(;3-4, commanding United States steam-sloop 'Housatonic." which was blown up, oft' Charleston, on the night of February 17. 1S(;4, by a submarine torpedo. As soon as recovered from wounds received on board the 'Housatonic,' took command of the United States steamer 'Vander- bilt,' which vessel participated in the capture of Fort Fisher. Detached from 'Vanderbilt' in August, 1S(;.">, and or- dered to Portsmouth Xavy Y ard ; de- tached from Portsmouth Navy Yard, February, 18(;7, when Captain Pickering went upon the retired liat at his own re- quest. Commissioned as Commodore [from Decembers, 18(!7] in 1871." Hamersly's Naval Records, IS'jS. Pickering, Simeon S.— U, S. Navy. 55 Place, Charles S -U. S. Navy. Place. Leonard— U- S. Navy. Plaisted, B. Frank P.-U. S. Navy. Ramsdell, John H.-3rd U. S. Art. Ramsdell, S.-3rd U. S. Art. Rand, Ammi C.-17th & 2nd N. H. 'Died at St. Albans, Vt." SI our. Plaisted, Charles E.-2nd N, H. "Private, Co. K. Kesideiice or assign- ment, Stratham. Date of Muster, June 8, IS'U. for o j'ears. rromoted to Cor- poral, July, l.s(i;5. lU-enlij^ted. Corporal. Co. \\. liesidence or assisnment, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster. Jan. 1, 18G4, for o years. Promoted to Sergeant, July, l.s(;4. Promoted to First Sergeant, Sept., IMU. Promoted to Adjutant. Date of Commission, Xov. 1, 18(i+ Promoted to Captain. Co. B. Date of Commission, Xov. 1. ISC.."). Not mustered. Mustered out a>; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Dec. I'.t, IsiM.'" Adjutant Gene mi's Records, N. H. Plaisted, William A.- 36th Mass. "I'rivate.Co.C. Pesidence, Worcester, .Mass. Enlisted Aug. 14, isc^. Date of Muster, Aug 14, is(i2, for ;'. years. Mus- tered out June s, isC..")." Adjutant iU'ii('r(il\ liicoi'ds. Muss. Poole, John— 20th Maine- Enlisted as "John L'oole, Jr." '•John Poole, Corporal." Stone. "Private, Co. E. Born in Edgecomb, Maine. Kesident of Bristol, Maine, l^ate of Muster, August 2'.t, 1S(;2, for 3 years. Mustered out and honorably discharged — by reason of (i. O. No. 77, AVar Dept., April 2s, isc.j." Adjutant General's Records, Mnine. "Co. K, 2nd N. II. Inf. See below. ■Stone. "Private, Co. B, 17th X.H. Residence or assignment. Portsmouth. Date of Muster. Nov. i:!, l.s(;2, for !• months. Con- solidated Avith Co. A, 2nd N. H. Y., April ic. ISC,;",. Private, Co. A, 2nd X. 11. Kecruit. Transferred from 17th N. H. V., April IC., 18(;:i Mustered out Oct. 9, 1803." Adjutant General's Records, N. H. Rand, Francis W.-9th N. H. "Died at Camp Nelson, Ky." Stone. "Private, Co. E. Kesidence or assign- ment, Kye. Date of Muster, May 15, 18(12, for 3 years. Died of disease at Camp Xelson, Ky., Jan. 2(», 1804." Adjutant (UtneraVs Records, N. H. Rand, Irving— 6th N. H. Enlisted as "Irvin» W. Rand." Buried on farm of Alonzo and Sullivan Rand, Lafayette road, Portsmouth, near the Rye line. "Private, Co. H. Residence. Rye. Date of Muster, Xov. 28, 1861, for 3 years. Reenlistrd Dec. 31, 1863. Cor- poral. Co. n. Residence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Dec. 31, 18(i3, for 3 years. Promoted to Ser- geant. Wounded at the Mine, July 3(i, i8(!4. Died of wounds near Petersburg, Va., Aug. 2, 18(;4." Adjutant (ieneniVs Records, N. H. Pottle, Samuel A.-U. S. Navy. r^^^. Robeit-13th N. H. Samuel Augustus Pottle. "S. C. Pottle, r. S. Navy." Stone. Quint, William Goodwin— 2nd N. H. Enlisted as "William II. Goodwin." "Private, Co.K. Residence. Lisbon, N. II. Date of .Muster, June 8. 18(il, for 3 years. Wounded and missing at Bull Run. Va , Aug. 2".'. 18(12. Gained from missing. Discharged for wounds at Philadelphia. Pa., May 21, ]8(;3." Adjutant General's Records, N. II. ■William Goodwin [of Xewington, N. 11], who was a member of the 2nd N. II. Regiment, was severely wounded in bat- tle, and lost the use of one leg; he was drowned alon" in the sixties, after the war [June in, isc,4], at Portsmouth bridge." Portsmouth Daily Eve.Ti'nies, jfunej, i8c)2. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 20, 1862, for 3 years. Discharged for disability at Fortress Monroe, A'a., May 24, 1S63." Adjutafit GeneraVs Records, iV. H. Randall, Charles W.-U. S. N. & 13th N, H. Enlisted as "Charles Randall.'" ^Member Storer Post, G. A. R. "Died -Vug. 22, 1.S87." Stone. "Private, Co. K, 13th N. IT. Residence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 20, is(;2, for 3 years. Wounded at Chapin's Farm. Va., Sept. 30, 1864 Mustered out May 27, 1865." Adjutant General's Records, N. H. 56 ^'Born in Portsmouth, N. H., in the year ls;57.— Died August 24 [See above], 18S7, at the age of fifty years. Our deceased comrade first entered the U. S. service in, at which time he shipped on board the U. S. S. 'St. Louis," which was [in IsOl] ordered to Florida, to guard Fort Pickens. Comrade Ran- dall's term of Xavy service expired in 1S(;2, and he was lionorably discliarged therefrom. After remaining at home for a short time, he enlisted August S, 1S{!2, as a Private in Capt. Bettou"s company, K, of the loth Pegiment, N. H. Volunteers, for a term of three years, and participated in nearly every engagement that the regi- ment was in. At the battles of Fred- ericksburg, SuSblk, at Bermuda Hundred, tlie ten days tight at Coal [Cold] Harbor, at the capture of Battery ."> in front of Petersburg, and many other engagements, the tall and conspicuous form of Charles W. Pandall, could be seen at the right of the company ; and yet there were more jewels to be added lo his crown of honor, for in the famous charge and capture of Fort Harrison on Sept 21), iscl, comrade Pandall bore his part of that terrible battle. On the day following tlie capture of the fort, aud while the regiment was ly- ing behind shallow breastworks com- posed of two logs, from whicli the rebels had been repulsed by our scanty forces in three successive charges, he was struck by a bullet, which entered tlie body jast back of, and below the risrht arm, making a very bad wound, which was pronounced mortal. Notwithstand- ing his injury his courage never failed him, and he remarked to his comrade. First Sergeant 1?. F. Winn, that he wished for one more shot before leaving the field, he succeeded in loading and firing his rifle, and then made his way to the rear as best he could. His wound was probed for the bullet, but without success, and his condition was pronounc- ed hopeless. A strong constitution and a persistent courage which uotliiug tlaunt- ed, kept him up, however, and he was restored to partial health. Our comrade was a constant suflerer from the edects of the rebel bullet which he carried for twenty-three years, and yet his spirit remained unbroken till the last, and when his brave soul left the poor shrunken body, encumbered with rebel lead, there passed aAvay as brave a soldier as ever wore the blue. Comrade Pandall joined Storer Post, O. A. P., May 27, issi, where he remained a respected member, and his death adds one more to the silent roll-call." Soidii-rs Mi'iiioriiil, /S8S. -2d Q. S. Sharp- Randall, Eeuben S .— War 18] 2. Rice, William A.-83rd N. Y. •'Private, Co. D. Fnlisted and Mus- tered in May 27, isci, for the war. Pro- moted to Sergeant, ()cto1)er.'>, lS(;i. Dis- charged at Manassas Junction, Va., .July ;{, l.s(j2. for disability. The s.ird X. V. was formerly the Oth Regiment N. Y. State Militia." Adjntatit General's liecotds, N. 7'. He was a member of the Oth Ivegiment X. Y. State Militia, and went to the front with that Reginisnt (then the sHrd X. Y.) in l.sci. He died at Chicago, Illinois, October !», ISGG. Richards, Henry L.- shooters. Henry i^akeman Richards. "Born Feb. ID, 1S24, Died at Gettysburg, Penn., July 4, 18():5." Stoite. "Private, Co. F. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Nov. 2r>, isdl, for :> years. Promoted to Ser- geant. Wounded at Antietam, i\Id., Sept. 17, ls(;2. Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 [See above], 18(J;5." Adjutant (reuPraVs l^ecords, N. II. "Late Henry L. Richards. — It pains us to say that this noble hearted man is no more. At the commencement of the re- bellion he ottered his services in defence of his country. Though possessing ster- ling ability, he sought no high position, but only that in which he was confident of being most useful. When requested to take a commission, his reply was, -No — I had rather be a good soldier than a poor officer.' When the company of Sharpshooters was forming at Concord, he went on foot to that place from Portsmouth, was ex- amined, accepted, and he returned liome in the same way, to fit up for his depart- ure. After an absence with the army of fourteen months, in which time he was exposed in several engagements, he came home wounded in November [l.s(;2J last. As soon as his health would permit he again joined the army, on the Rappahan- nock, and on the 2d of July [IsDo], at the battle of Gettysburg, was severely wounded in his knee by a minnie ball. After remaining on the ground all night, he was taken up and carried to the hospi- tal, where amputation was performed, while under the influence of chloroform, from the efiects of which he did not revive. His age was ."is [;!!']. His remains will probably reach here in a few days, and the perforniance of the last sad rites will 57 bring feelings of lieartfelt sorrow to our whole commnnity. And now, and in all future time, as those Avho knew him well pass under the shade which is jnst beginning to be made by the long range of trees in .Vuburn, they will be reminded of the one who selected and with his own hand placed thera there to cheer the passage to the cemetery — and the name of the noble liichards will be as green in their memory . as the leaves which every returning spring will renew." Portsmouth yonrtm/, yuly i8, /S6j. Soon after the death of Henry L. lllch- ards, the name of Auburn street was changed to Eichards' avenue, in memory of him. Ridge, Charles— 2nd N. H. Ridge, Tliomas W.-U. S. Navy. "San of Charles and Susan Uidge.'" Stof/e. Rogers, Joseph W.— 2nd N. H. "Private, Co. K. IJesideuce or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Cluster, .June 8, isc.l, for :3 years. Discharged for rlisabihty, at Budd's Ferry, Md., Mav 31, is(;2."' Adjutant General's Records, N. H. Rokes, Lincoln— 10th N. H. Enlisted as "Lincoln Roakes." . "Jyincoln Eokes." Stone. "Private. Co. G. IJpsidence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 4, 18G2, for ;! years. Discharged for disability, March 2.5, lsG8.'" Adjutant General's Records, N. H. Ross, Charles H.— U. S, Navy. "Charles Ross,"' Stotie. Russell, John— U. S. Navy. Rutter, Thomas-lOth N. H. "Private, Co. (1. Residence, Ports- mouth. Date of ^Muster, Sept. 4, lS(i2, for .{ years. Discharged for disability, June 20, 18(;4." Adjutant (^cnerurs Becords, X. II. Salisbury, Wm. Henry—. . , . Second Class Fireman, U. S. Steamer 'Kearsarge." "Fireman. Birthplace, Ireland. Enlist- ed Feb. 4, ls(;2, U. S. Steamer 'Kear- sarge.' Discharged Nov. 2!i, 18(14, expi- ration of enlistment." Post Records. One of the crew of the U. S. Steamer "Kearsarge" when she destroyed the "Alabama," oil" Cherbourg, France. June P.I, 1S(;4. See record of Mark (!. Ham. Sawyer, George— 1st Mass. "Wounded at battle of Wilderness 1804. Died at Portsmouth, N. H." Stone. "Private, Co. G. Residence, Poxbury, Mass. Enlisted May 2:'., isci.' Date of Muster, May 23, 18(il, for :'. years. Pro- moted to Corporal. Mustered out May 25, 1804, expiration of service." Adjutant General's Records, Mass. Sawyer, Samuel— 23rd Mass. "Born in Saco, Me. Died in Auburn, N. H." Stone. "Private. Co. K. Residence, Franklin, Mass. Enlisted Sept. 2."). 18G1. Date of ]\Iuster, Sept. 28, 18(')I, for."! years. Dis- charged for disability, June 11, 18()2." Adjutant (TeneraVs Records, Mass. Saxton, Mortimer F.— 30th Mass. •Mortimer Faxon Saxton, born at I Weathers field, Vt. . . . Died at New Orleans, La., in the service of his Coun- try. ... He rests in southern soil." Stone. "Private, Co. H. Residence, Boston. EnRsted Dec. 1, 18<;i. Date of Muster, Dec. 1, 1801, for 3 years. Died at New Orleans, La., Oct. 11, lS(i2." Adjutant Creni-ral's Ricords, Mass. "Born at Warren, R. I. at I'ortsmouth, N. IL" . Died Stotie. Salmon, Thomas— U. S. Navy. Member Storer Post, G. A. R. Seaver, John W.— 47th Mass. "A dutiful son and loving husband." StoTie. "Private, Co. F. Residence, Boston. Enlisted . Date of Muster, Oct. i), 1802, for 9 months. Discharged for dis- ability, Nov. 28, 1S02." Adjutant (rencral's Records, Mass, Seavey, Joseph J,- 19th Mass. Member Storer Post, (J. A. R. "Private, Co. F. Hesidence, Glouces- ter, Mass. Enlisted Aug. 0, 1801. Date of Muster, Aug. 28, 1801, for :i years. Reenlisted Dec. 21, 1803. Wagoner. Mustered out June 30, 180.5." Adjutant General's Records, Mass. "Birthplace, Portsmouth." Post Records. 58 Seymour, Frank— 4th N. Y. Art. ''Private, Co. L. Enrolled and mus- tered Dl'C. 1.">, Wi'A. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, April U, 18(14, with rank from March 22. is(i4. Commissioned 1st Lieu- tenant, January ;>1, Isc"), with rank from January 1, iso.l. Mustered out with Com- pany, Sept. 2(1. is(;."i." A(///i/a>i/ GoieraPs Records, N. T. Shapley, John H .— 1st N. H. Cav. "Killed at Waynesboro. Va." Stone '■Private, Troop M, N. 11. Battalion, 1st X. E. Cavalry. Residence, Hye. Date of Muster, Dec. 24, 1S(U, for ;! years. Promoted to Corporal. Captured near Middleburg, Va.. June is, l.S(!3. Paroled 1868. lieenlisted. Corporal, Troop M. Residence, Rye. Date of Muster, Jan. .">, 18(;-1, for o years. Battalion reorganized as 1st Regiment X. IL Cavalry, March 1864. Sergeant, Troop ]\[. Promoted to 1st Serseant. Killed at Waynesboro, Va., Sept 28 18G4." Ad/iitaiit General's Records, N. H. Shapley, Robert P.— 1st N. H. Oav. "Died at Darnestown, Md." Siom'. 'Private, Troop M, N. H. Battalion, 1st X. E. Cavalry. Residence, Rye. Date of :\Iuster, Dec. 24, Isci, for 3 years. Promoted Sergeant, Jan. 28, 18(12 Cap- tured near IMiddleburg, Va.. June IS, 1863. Paroled, 1863. Reenli^ted, Troop M. Res- idence, Rye. Date of Muster, Jan. .">, 18(54, for 3 years. Appointed 1st Ser- geant. Battalion reorganized as 1st X. H. Cavalry, :March, 1864. 1st Sergeant, Troop M. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Troop M. Date of Commission, July 1"), 1864. Died of disease at Darnestown, Md., June 2, 18(r)." Adjutant Gein'ral's Records, IV. H. Shaw, John-16th N. H. "Private, Co K. Residence, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Nov. 11, 1S62, for 9 months. Mustered out Aug. 2(», 1803." Adjutant (tcncral's lii'cords, X. II. Sherburne, John .— 10th N. H. X. E. Cavalry. Residence, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Jan. 8, 1862, for 3 years. Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 28, ls62. Reenlisted, Private, Troop M. Resi- dence, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Jan. o, 1864, for 8 years. Battalion reorgan- ized as 1st Regiment, X. H. Cavalry, March 1864. Private, Troop M. Trans- ! ferred to Troop A, July 1, 1864. Pro- moted to Troop Quartermaster Sergeant. Reduced to Private May 1. 180."). Dis- charged for disability June 12, 1865." Adjutant General's Records, N. H. Shook, Thomas A .— U. S. Navy. "Died Jan. 11, 1873." Stone. "Third Assistant Engineer, 6 Febru- ary, 1851. Second Assistant Engineer. 21 May, 1853. First Assistant Engineer, 26 June, 1856. Chief Engineer, December. 1800. Died 21 January [See above], 1873." Hamersly's General Navy Register. "Died at Boston, Mass., January 21 [See above], 1873.." Nai'v Register., 1SJ4. Shuttleworth, Wm -U. S. M. 0. Sides, George L.-13th N. H. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 20, 1802, for 3 years. Mustered out June 21, 1865 " Adjutant Generals Records, N. II. Small, Robert-U. S. M. 0. Smart, George E,— U. S. Navy. Second Class Fireman, V . S. Steamer "Kearsarge." One of the crew of the U. S. Steamer "Kearsarge" when she destroyed the "Alabama," off Cherbourg, France, June 111, 1864. See record of Mark G. Ilaiu. Smith, James— 3rd U. S. Art. Smith, William— Mex, War. "A veteran of the Mexican War." Stone. John (.'olbath Sl^erburne. ^'Sherburne." Stone. "'Private, Co. G. Residence, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 4, 1862, for 3 years. Discharged for disability Jan. 17, 1863." Adjutant General's Records, X. II. Shillaber, Robert E.— 1st N. H. Cav. "Private, Troop M, N. II. Battalion, 1st Snow, James B.— U. S. Navy. Spalding, Champion— War 1812. "Lieut. Charapin Spalding, Jr." Stone. "1st Lieut , Capt. James ]N[. Warner's Company, 2nd Regiment, X". H. De- tached MUitia. Residence, Plainfield. Enlisted Sept. 25, 1S14, for (iO davs. Died Oct. 12, IS 14." Adjutant General's Report, N. H., iS6S. 59 '■Champion Spalding, born January 2. 178S, died October 2S, 1814."— 'He was in the army durins the war of 1S12, and died at a fort [See below] near Portsmouth, X. H " He was the son of Deacon Champion Spalding, of Clare- mont, X. II Spiildimj Memorial, Boston, iSj2. He died "at the Plains. ... He belonged to the detached militia stationed there, and on Sanday last [( »ct. oO, IsU], his remains were broight into towu and interred with military honors." X. H. Gi'zcUc, Xov. I, 1S14. Spalding, Lyman G.— U. S, Navy. Lyman Greenleafe Spalding was Cap- tain's Clerk of the U. S Steamer "Au- gusta." Commander Enoch (rreenleafe Parrott (afterwards Rear Admiral) com- manding, for about twelve months in the years IS(;i and \Xi\i\ took part in the capture of Port Royal, S. C, by Hear Admiral DuPout, Xovember 7 ls(;i, and afterwards served on the blockade of Charleston, S. C. •'MidshipmaD, 2() September, 1S(!2. < Graduated June. IsCi; llesigned l(i June, Isiw;. Master, 28 June, ls71. Lieutenant, 10 July, lS7."i. Killed by explosion of a torpedo at X'ewport. I». I , 2'.» August," H(iinerslv\<: General \a~y lieffisfcr. "IJorn in X'ew Hampshire. Entered Xav.d Academy, July, 1S(;2 [See above] ; graduated as Midshipman, June, 1S()(;; out (jf the service five years; reappointed and commissioned as Master, June 28, 1.S71 ; 'Canonicus' (ironclad). North At- lantic Station, 1871-2 : -Yantic,' Asiatic Squadron. ls72-.") Commissioned Lieuten- ant, Julj' 10, l.s7.j; sick leave, 187(i ; 'En- terprise," special service, surveying Am- azon River, ls77 : and same vessel, European Squadron, j.s7s-,S(t."" Hamersly's. Naval Encxilofedia. "The terrible accident in Newport harbor on Monday last," August 2'.), 1881, resulting in the instant death by the ex- plosion of a torpedo, of Lieut. Comman- der HeDJamin Long Edes and Lieutenant Lyman (ireeuleafe Spalding of the United States Navy, "specially receives the pro- found sympathy and regard of this com- munity. A resident of this city, and a Ports- mouth boy by birth, Ijieutenant Spalding was recognized and valued by those who knew him, as a man of estimable charac- ter and honorable ambition. The de- scendant of one of our best known fam- ilies, he was born January 1, ls4."i, and was admitted to the Naval School at Newport, September 25 [26], 1862. He was graduated thence and entered the United States Xavy [See above], receiving the commission of Master, June 28, IS71, and of Lieutenant July lo, 187."'>. Although comparatively a young man, it was the good fortune of Lieutenant Spalding to have rendered very acceptable services to the (Jovernment upon various occasions, among which is specially to be noted his last cruise in the United States steamer 'Enterprise,' detailed upon survey duty along the coast of South America, and closed in May. Isso." "It may truthfully be said of Lieuten- ant Spalding, that he honored the uniform which he wore, in dischirging the duties which devolved upon him with a high sense of conscientiousness and fidelity. Frank and straightforward in disposition, he was possessed of many noble (lualities of head and heart, which endeared him to those who knew' him best." 'We voice the general sentiment of our citizeus in expressing the' sorrow of this community, and its sympathy for his bereaved family. In his untimely end, Portsmouth is deprived of one ever attached to its welfare, and the I'nited States Navy sustains the loss of a trusted and promising officer and gentleman." Portsmouth Journal, Sept. j, 18S1. Spinney, George A.— 6 Inf. & 1 Cav. Mass. "In memory of George A Spinney, of Co. D, 1st Mass. Cav. FeU at the ba'tle of .\ldie, Va., June 17, isoa, Aged 2.J years. He was formerly a member of the Mass., who were the first to answer to their Country's call. He was beloved by all who knew him and still lives in our hearts. He sleeps in southern soil." Stont'. "Private, Co. K, (Uh Mass. Infantry. Residence, Boston. Enlisted . Date of Muster, April 22, 18(il, for '^ months. Discharged Aug. 2, 1861, expiration of service. Private, Troop 1), 1st Mass. Cavalry. Residence, South Boston. Enlisted Sept. 21, isci. Date of Muster, Sept. 2:5, Isci, for ;? years. Killed at Aldie, Va., June 17, isi;;5." Adjutant General's Records, Mass. Spinney, Horace S.-13tli N. H. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- 6o raent, Portsmouth. Date of :\ruster, Sept. 20, l.'^62, for 3 years. Clustered out June 21, isiJS." Adjutant (jcnaraVs Pit'cords, N. II. Stack, Michael F — U, S. Navy. ' -Mich'! stack." S(o?i('. Staples, Samuel— 57th Mass. •Trivate. Co. 1). Kesidence, Medford, Mass. Enlisted Jau. 14, ]sr,4. Date of Muster, Feb. 'J. 1S(!4. for 3 years. Mus- tered out July 30, 18(!r)." Ad/ntant GeiieraVs Records, Mass. Stearns, James— 5th N. H. "Corporal, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Oct. 12, is(ii, for 8 years. Discharged for disability, at New York City, Jan. 24, 4S(J3." Adjutant (Ti'/ieral's I?r^cords, iV. N. "Birthplace, Portsmouth." Post Records. He was for some time a member of Storer Post, but not at the time of his death. Storer, George W.— U, S, Navy. "George Washington Storer, Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy, Born May 4, 17.s9, Died January s, ly(;4." Stone. "Navy Department, Washington, D. C, Jan. 13, 1804. The Department announces to the Navy and Marine Corps, the death of Rear Ad- miral George W. Storer. He died at his residence in Portsmouth, N. H., on the morning of the sth inst., after an honor- able career in the Navy of nearly flfty- tive years. Rear Admiral Storer was correct in his deportment, attached lo his profession, and devoted to his country. As an otticer in the Navy he has served faithfully, and has filled with credit many important positions both ashore and afloat. As a mark of respect to his memory, it is hereby directed that at the Portsmouth, N. II. Navy Yard the flags be hoisted at half-mast and thirteen minute-guns be tired at meridian on the day after the re- ceipt hereof. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy." "Midshipman, KJ January, 180!). Lieu- tenant, 24 July, isi;{. Commander, 24 April, 1.S2.S. Captain, ;> February, 1.S37. [Retired 21 December, I.SOI — See below.] Rear Admiral on Retired List, 10 July, 1862. Died 8 January, 18(;4." ILtinffsly's (rcncful A' Feb., 1837, commanded the receiving- ship 'Constellation" at Boston in 1S31I, ihe frigate •Potomac," of the Brazil sta- tion, in 1S40-2, the Navy Yard at Ports- mouth in 1S43-G, and Avas the Comman- der-in-Chief of the Brazil squadron in 1847 .")0. He was on leave and served as member of boards, president of the board of inquiry, and other duty in I8.jl- 4. In IS.",.")- 7 he was Governor of the Naval Asylum at Philadelphia. He was retired, 21 Dec. 18iil, on account of age, and promoted to Rear Admiral on the Retired list, KJ July, 1S(J2. In 18GI-2 he served on special duty in Brooklyn, after which he was unemployed for one year."' Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biog- raphy. It is related in Brewster's "Rambles about Portsmouth,"' 1st series, pages 2o4 and 2(w;, that during Washington's visit to Portsmouth in 17811, he called, Tuesday forenoon, Novemijer 3rd, on Mrs. Tobias Lear, the mother of his private secretary, Col. Tobia.'? Lear, then living near ilie east end of Hunking street, and "in the south-west parlor, he was introduced to and cordially greeted every member of the family — the venerable mother, her children and her grandchildren." Among the grandchildren a babe is presented, son of Samuel Storer, a dry goods merchant of Portsmouth, then re- siding in the same house, "who has been christened 'George Washington.' The President peaces his hand gently upon the infant's head, and expresses the wish that he may 'be a better man than the one whose name he bears." '" This child was George Washington Storer — and as his name is proudly borne by Storer Post, it is particularly worthy of remembrance that he is one of the very few men of whom it could be said "that they have thus been under the hand and received thus the personal blessing of our country"s father." 6i Storer, Robert B .— Mex. War. "liobert Blunt Storer, Midshipman, U. S. N." Stotia. "Midshipman, 4^ November, 1841. Died at Sea, 4 July, 1847." ILiinersly's (ictieral Xd-y Beffister. "Died— July 4 [1847], on board the U. 8. Frigate 'Raritan,' Midshipman Kobert B. Storer, son of Capt. Geo. W. Storer [U. S. Navy], of this town, aged 22. Mr. Storer -was on his return voyage after three years' abstnce, and the tidings of his d(ath came by the very mail by which his friends were expecting news by his own hand of his safe arrival at Norfolk."' "U. S. Frigate 'Karitan,' "July 22, 1847, Sir: It is with deep regret that I inform the Department of the demise of Mid- shipman Kobert B. Storer, who died of fever on the passage to the Tnited States on the 4ih instant. He was buried at sea, with the ceremony due to his rank. Mr. Storer had been attaclied to the 'Cumberland' uniler my command; and at his request was transferred to th s ship, that he might lend his services to the war in whatever quarter they might be needed. The ability and zeal with which he dis- charged his duties, and his exemplary, amiable and moral deportment, rendered him a great favorite on board. It will be a melancholy satisfaction to his rela- tives to know that every attention and kindness was extended to him during his illness, and that his shipmates feel the bereavement in common with his nearest kindred. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, F. Forrest, Captain. Hon. John Y. Mason, Secretary of the Navy." Portsmouth yoiirHal, August 7, iS4y. •'The r. S. Frigate 'IJaritan' arrived at Norfolk, Va., from Vera Cruz, Mexi- co, July 22, 1847." Eiiiinons'' Xaxy of the United Slides. Stott, George-13th N. H. Member of Storer Tost, G. A. R. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 2(1, 1S(;2, foro years. Discharged for disability at Portsmouth, Va, April 10, 18(!4." Adjutant General's Records, N. II. "Birthplace, England.'" Post Records. \ "He was born in Rochdale, England, January 4, 1817. In 1844 he came to this country and set up the machinery for the mill at Ballardvale, Mass., and two years later came to this city and arranged the machinery for the old Kearsarge mills." He was foreman of the spinning room of the Kearsarge mills for the twenty years ending in iscs, and afterwards engaged in the grocery i)UsiQess. "Early in tlie Avar he enlisted in Cap- tain Betton's Co. of the l:Uh N. IT. Vol- unteers, and served bravely in all of the engagements. Two sons, John W. and Robert A., were also in the j^^rvice and served with bravery." Portsmouth Daily Eve. Post, June 24., i8g2. Stott, Robert A .— 17th & 2nd N. H. I Member Stoier Post, G. A. R. "S'>n of George and Mary Stott." Stone. "Private, Co. B, 17th N. H. Kesidence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Nov. i:!, 1S(;2, for it months. Consolidated with Co. K, 2nd N. H. V., April 1(5, 18(;3. Private, Ca. K, 2nd N. H. Recruit. Transferred from 17th N. II. V., April 1(1, ISi;;}. Mustered out October i), l.s(;3." Adjutant ireneraVs liecords, X. H. "Birthplace, Ballardvale, Mass." Post liecords. Stringer, Joseph W.— U. S. Navy. "Son of John and Elizabeth Stringer." Stone. Sullivan, Peter— 10th N. H. "Private, Co. G. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster. Sept. o. 18(12, for 3 years. Mustered out June K!, \^i\r, " Adjutant GcncraTs liecords, N. II. Sweeney, Barney— N. H. H. Art. "Private, 1st Co. Residence, Colum- bia. Date of INIuster, May 2(!, ISCS, for 3 years. Died at Fort Constitu ion, near Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 21, 18(;3." Adjutant General's Records, X. II. Talham, Charles A.— 2nd N. H. "Charles Alfred Talham." "Tread softly : this is halloweil ground ; Come with a noiseleHs tread For underneath this lonely mound K brave true heart lies dead. \ brave true heart as ever beat In mortal breust lies here Let us sit down awhile and weep (_)'er his lone jjrave so dear. Yes weep; but not for his dear sake. Who sleeps so peacefully — They who sleep caliidy in their graves ; Are better off than we. And here he lies insensible Alike to i)ain or mirth : Ah, how inucli valor when he died And virtue fled from earth. His snfferiiiKS were terrible, Hefore he went to sleep, But he will never suffer more His slumber is so deep. O. never bitterer tears were wept. Than those I shed for him His dark e.ves ODoe were briaht with joy. But sorrow made them dim." Sfonc "Private, Co. D. Kesideuce or assign" ment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, June 1, 18(j1, for o years. Died of disease at Brooklyn, N.'V., Sept. 27, 18(:2." Adjutiint (TcucraVs Records, iV. H. Taylor, Alfred-U. S, Navy. "Midshipman, 1 January, 1825. Passed Mi1."" Naz'y Register, i8<)2, "Appointed Midshipman, 1825; Medi- terranean Squadron, 1820 !) ; Pacilic Squadron, lSo(i-2. Promoted to Passed Midshipman, June 4, 1831; Navy Yard, Portsmouth. 1833; Navy Yard. Boston, 1834; Brazil Squad- ron, 1835 (!. Commissioned as Lieutenant, February !>. ls37 ; sloop 'Cyane.' IMediterrauean Squadron, 184(1-2 ; Navy Yard, Washing- ton, 1843; sloop 'Boston.' Brazil Squad- ron, l845-(;; attached to frigate 'Cum- berland.' Home Squadron, during Mex- ican War; Navy Yard, Washington, 1.S4S 51 ; steam-sloop 'Mississippi,' East India Squadron, 1H53-5 Commissioned as Commander, Sep- tember 14, 1855 ; commanding rendezvous, New York, 185(;-S; commanding sloop 'Stratoga,' l.s(;i. Commissioned as Captain, 18(i2 : Navy Yard, Boston, 18(12-5 : commanding flag- ship "Susquehanna," Brazil Squadron, 18(;g. commissioned as Commodore, Septeni- :27 LSCH; Light-House Inspector, 18(18-72. Commissioned as Rear-Admiral, Jan- uary 2il, 1872." Hamersly's Naval Records, iSjS. Rear-Admiral Alfred Taylor, U. S. Navy, "was born in Fairfax county, Va., in islo, ;ind entered the navy as Mid- shipniun in 1825. He reached the grade •of Lieutenant in 18;'.7, and in the Mexi- can war, during the blockade of Vera Cruz and the other naval operations along the Mexican coast he served with the frigate 'Cumberland.' From ]84'.i [1S48] j to 1S51 he was detailed to duty in the : Washington navy yard. He was on duty in the steamer 'Mississippi" Avith Com. , Perry's expedition to Japan in 1853-5. 1 In the latter year he was promoted to the grade of Commander, and when the civil war broke out was stationed on the coast of Africa, in charge of the sloop 'Saratoga.' In 18i;2 he became a Captain, and was attached to the Boston navy yard, remaining there until 18(i5. He was promoted to Commodore and sub- sequently, in 1872, to the grade of Rear- Admiral, and was retired soon after. , Rear-Admiral Taylor married a daughter of Major [General] Justin Diiuick, V. S, A., of this city." Portsmouth Jonmul, Afrilsj, iSgi. Taylor, George-13th N. H. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment. Rye. Date of INIiisler, Sept. 2(i, 18(32, for 3 years. Promoted to Corporal. Wounded scA'erely at Chapins Farm, Va., Sept. 29, 1S(U. Discharged for disability at Manchester, N. IL, May 3, 18G5."' Adjiitatit GeneraVs Records, 2V. H. Tetherly, Andrew— U. S. Navy. "Son of John S. and Thankful Teth- erly." Stone. Thacher, Joseph H -16th N. H. Member of Storer Post, G. xV. R. "Captain. Co. K. Residence, Ports- mouth. Commissioned Nov. 4, 1802. Mustered out Aug. 20, 1803, expiration of service." Adjutant Gcnernl's Records, N. H. "Born at Biddeford, Maine, February 10, 1825, He was the son of Henry Savage Thacher and Elizabeth Haven Wardrobe, and grandson of Hon. George Thacher of Biddeford, member of the first U. S. Congress, and for many years Judge of the Supri me Court of Massa- chusetts, when Maine was a part of that State. He was educated at Ilopkinton acad- emy, llopkinton, N, II., and learned the profession of chemist and druggist, first establishing himself in business in Bos ton, but removing to this city [Ports- mouth] about ls4('«, and continuing in bus- iness until May Iss.s, Avhen ill health obliged him to retire. He served as Captain, Co. K, Kith N. 11. Volunteers, in the war of the Rebellion, was in General Banks" department, and present at the memorable attack upon and surrender of Port Hudson. He was a successful merchant, a mas- 63 ter of his chosen profession, an excellent citizen, and an lionest, independent, hnt singularly mcdest and self-contained man. and one who made many friends, and retained everj' one he ever made. Died in Portsmouth January 5, lslJ2." Soldiers Memorial, iSg2. Thomrson, . . .—3rd U. S. Art. llis full name is not known. Thompson, Thomas— Rev, War. "Di^d.^ — In this town [Tortsmouth, N. H.] on Wednesday last [FL-bruarv 22, 180'.)], Thomas Thompi-on, Esq., President of the X. H. Fire and Marine Insurance Company, in the (isth year of liis age." X. II. (iazette, Tuesday, February 28, i8og. The house, now tlie residence of Mark II. Wentworth, Esq., Xo. 34 Pleasant street. Portsmouth, was -'built by Capt. Thomas Thompson in 1784. Capt. Thomp- son was one of the tlrst naval ollicers commis'-ioued by the Continental Con- gress. He commanded the frisate 'I'a- leigli," and afterwards (IT.s.")) was Colonel of a regiment of Artillery. The house was long the residence of Dr. Josiah Dwight, who married a daughter of (apt. Thompson.'" Portsiiioid/i duuie Book. In the '-Travels" of ll\e Marquis de < hastelleux, who was in Purt mouth, in 17S2, it is said of Captain Thompson, that he "was born in Eagland: he is a good seaman and an excellent ship- builder, and is besides a sensible man, greatly attached to his new country, which it is only fifteen years since he adopt«^d.'" liionl'/es About Port sni out//., Second Series. "In the 'Journals of Congress,' under date of Thursday, Juue Gth.l77(), is the following: 'Resolved that Thomas Thompson be appointed Captain of the frigate built in Xew Hampshire.' And a»ain under date of Oct. lOih, 177(;, we find a second commission as Captain in the Xavy of the United States granted him, making him number six on the list of Captains." -•The following is a copy of the Com- mission of Captain Thompson of the Frigate -Raleigh" [dated Oct 10, 177(!] : In Congress. The Delegates of the I'nited States of Xew Hampshire. ]\Iassachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island. Connecticut. Xew York, Xew-Jersey. Penn.^ylvania. Delaware, ^Maryland, Virginia, 'Xorth Carolina and Georgia — To Thomas Thompson, Esquire. *VVe, reposing especial Trust and Con- fidence in yonr Patriotism, Valor, Coii- duct and Fidelity, Do, Ijy these Presents, constitute and appoint you to be Captain in the Xavy of the United States of Xorth America, fitted out for the defence of American Liberty, and for repelling every hostile Invasion thereof. You are therefore carefully ar.d diligently to dis- charge the Duty of Captain by doing and performing all manner of Things there- unto belonging. And we do strictly charge and require all Officers, ^Marines and Seamen under your command to be obedient to your Orders as Captain. And \on are to ob- serve and follow such Orders and Direc- tions from Time to Time, as you shall receive from this or a future Congress. Dated at Philadelphia, October loth. 177(:. By order of the Congress, Joiin Hancock, President. (Attest.) Chas. Thompson, Sect'y. *.Niiniber Si.x. The number of Comtni.ssion de- teniiinps tbe rank. John Hancock, Pres't." After the Revolution the State of Xew Hampshire "appointed him Colonel of Artillery. His commission as Colonel is signed by Governor John Langdon, and is dated the 11th day of August, 17S.j. Captain Thompson died at Portsmouth, in 1809." "List of Orticers and Petty Oiiicers of the U. S. Frigate 'Ifaleigh', August, 177."i [1777]." X:ime.v. Rank. Where beloniihiff- Tboniiis Thonip.«on, Cominaniler, I'ortsiiiouth. IVter Shores, Ist l..ieut. " Josiah Shrtokford, lid " " Hopley Yeaton, 4th " " Thomas .Manning-, Master, '• John Yeafon, .Mate, " Itobert Curtis, " " Jotin .\danis, I'urser, '• .lohn .lackson, SiirReon, " .lotin Ciiiiiin, Surji'. -Mate, Kittery, (ii-oPKi- J. Osborn, Capt. .Mali ue.s. Exeter. Steiilicn Meads, 1st Lt. .Marines, New York. .Naliri Thwin;;, 2d " •' Boston. William Ura.v, Boatswain, Portsmouth. William <'aml)ridKs, Gunner. Enjrland. Simeon Ferntild, Carpenti-r, Port.sniouth. lienj. I)am. Sailmaker. Kittery. .lohn Frost, .Midshipman, Portsmouth. Sam. .McCliiitofk, Uieird Littlelield, Dan'l DurMran, " Dan'I I>an>r, Itifh'd I.anpdon, Capt's Clerk. Sain'I Parcher, Steward, New Hanip.«hire. Will. Ward, Coxswain, Robert Whipple, .\rmorer, Poitsmouth. Kobert Cock ran. Cooper, .lames I'lirlonjj:, Lioat's .Mate, Henry Williams, Philii) McCann. " Newburyport. Win. Stevens, Cook. Henry (ate, Mast, at .\rms, Portsmouth. Francis Little, (jun's Mate, Nicholas Hufford, Yeoman, Ebeuezer I'ray, Carp's Mate, " 64 Matbiae Bell, Boar's Yeoman. Portsmouth Joseph Clements, Capt's Steward, Thomas Fassmore, Quartermaster, ^' John Mendum, " ' "^ \Vm. Mendum, " |^ Peter Meserve, " '^ John Fernald, Fe7itrt'ss' Ilistorv PoftsmouIJi, N. 11.^ Xax'v Yard. IQ August, 1777, ''the 'Raleigh,' a fine twelve-pounder frigate, that had been constructed in New Hampshire, under the law of 1775, was enabled to get to sea for the lirst time. She was command- ed by Captain Thompson, the officer who appears as sixth on the list, and sailed in company with the 'Alfred,' 24, Captain Hinman. These two ships went to sea, short of men, bound to France, where military stores were in waiting to be transported to America. The 'Kaleigh' and 'Alfred' had a good run ott" the coast, and they made several prizes of little value durin£ the flrst few days of their passage. Oq the 2d of September they overtook and captured a s'now, called the 'Nancy,' which had been left by the outward bound Windward Island fleet the previous day. Ascertain- ing from his prisoners the position of the West ludiamen, Captain Thompson made sail in chase. The fleet was under the charge of the 'Camel", 'Druid,' 'Wea- sel,' and 'Grasshopper,' the flrst of which is said to have had an armament of twelve pounders. Th3 following day, or September od. 1777, the 'Raleigh' made the convoy from her mast-heads, and by sunset was near enough to ascertain that there were sixty sail, as well as the posi- tions of the men-of-war. Captain Thompson had got the signals of the fleet from his prize, and he now signalled the 'Alfred," as if belonging to the convoy. After dark he spokehis consort, and di- rected her commander to keep near him, it being his intention to run in among the enemy, and to lay the commodore aboard. At this time, the two American ships were to windward, but nearly astern. In the course of the night tlie wind shifted to the northward, and the convoy hauled by the wind, bringing the Ameri- can ships to leeward. At daylight the wind had freshened, and it became nec- essary to carry more sail than the 'Al- fred' (a tender-sided ship) could bear. Here occurred one of those instances of the unfortunate conseciuences which must always follow the employment of vessels of unequal (lualities in the same squadron, or the employment of officers not trained in the same high school. The -Alfred' would not bear her canvas, and while the 'Kaleigh' fetched handsomely into the fleet, under double-reefed topsails, the former fell to leeward more than a league. Captain Thompson did not dare to short- en sail, lest his character might be sus- pected, and despairing of being supported by the 'Alfred,' he stood boldly in among the British ships alone, and hove-to his ship in order to permit the merchant- men astern to draw more ahead of him. Whi n his plan was laid. Captain Thomp- son fllled away, and stood directly through the convoy, luffing up toAvards the vessel of war that was most to wind- ward. In doing this he spoke several of the merchantmen, giving them orders how to steer, as if belonging him self to the fleet, and repeating all the commodore's signals. Up to this moment the 'Kaleigh' appears to have escaped detection, nor had she any signs of preparation about her, as her guns were housed, and her ports lowered. Havins obtained a weatherly position, the 'Kaleigh' now ran along-side of the vessel-of-war, and when within pistol- shot, she hauled up her courses, run out her guns, set her ensign, and commanded the enemy to strike. So completely was this vessel taken by surprise, that the order threw her into gnat confusion, and even her sails got aback. The 'Kaleigh' seized this favorable moment to pour in a broadside, which was feebly returned. The enemy were soon driven from their guns, and the 'Kaleigh' fired twelve broadsides into the English ship in twenty minutes, scarcely receiving a shot in re- turn. A heavy swell rendered the aim uncertain, but it was evident that the British vessel sufiered severely, and this the more so, as she was of inferior force. A squall had come on, and at first it shut in the two ships engaged. Wh-n it cleared away, the convoy was seen steer- ing in all directions, in the utmost con- fusion, but the vessels of war, with sev- eral heavy well-armed West Indiamen, tacked and hauled up for the 'Kaleigh," leaving no doubt of their intentions to engage. The frigate lay by her adver- sary until the other vessels were so near, that it became absolutely necessary to quit her, and then she i-an to leeward and joined the 'Alfred.' Here she shortened sail, and waited for the enemy to come down, but it being dark, the British com- modore tacked and hauled in among his convoy again. The 'Kaleigh" nnd 'Alfred' kept near this fleet for several days, but no provocation could induce the vessels of war to come out of it, and it was flnal- ly abandoned. The ship engaged by the 'Raleigh," proved to be the 'Druid,' 20, Captain Car- teret. She was much cut up, and the official report of her commander made her loss six killed and twenty-six wound- ed. Of the latter, five died soon after 6^ the action, and among the wounded was her commander. The -Druid* was unable to pursue the voyage, and returned to Knghind. in this aftair. Captain Thompson dis- covered a proper spirit, for he mijrht easily have cut out of the fleet half a dozen merchantmen, but he appears to have acted on the principle that vessels of war should first seek vessels of war. The 'llaleish' had three men killed and wounded in the engairement, but other- wise sustained little injury." Coopi-r's Xiivnl History. The "Raleigh", 32, built at Portsmouth, in 177G, under the superintendence of Captain Thomas Thompson, was capt- ured by the British in 177s. Capt. John Barry was then in command. Towle, George W -lOth N. H. "To the memory of George William Towle, Born in Epping, N. 11., Sept. r.i, isio, Died in Chicago, III., April 20, l,s,s7. Captain Tenth New Hampshire Infantry, in the war for the Union. Action at Orleans, V"a., Nov. 5, 18()2. Battle of Fredericksburg-, Dec. lo, 1SG2. Siege of Suffolk! April 10, lS(i;? Assault on Battery, Nansemond river, Ya., April ID, 1SG8. Siege of Petersburg, 18(>4. Campaign before Richmond, 1S(!4 .">. 'Without a sign, his sword the brave man draws. And asks no omen but his country's cause.' '' >>tonc. "Captain, Co. G. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth, Date of Commission, Sept. 18, 18G2. ^Mastered out June 21, 1,S(M." Adjutant (TOicruVs liocords, N. H. Tredick, John H.-3rd N. H. "Lieut, of Co. D [See below], ."U-d N. n. iiegt. Died at Fortress Monroe. Son of William and ^lehitable Tredick." "'Died for bis Country,' ' b! do not deplore him: Hi.s lite was triumphal, his deatli was sublime. His warfare coini)lete, be ha.s pass'd thro' the portal That leads the freed soul to a glorified clime." Stone. "Corporal, Co. D. Residence, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Aug. 2;>, isci, for ;« years. Promoted to Sei'geant, Aug. s, 1,S(;2. Promoted to 1st Sergeant, March s, 1S()3. Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant, Co. E. Commissioned Jan. 2, isc.l. Wounded severely at Weir JJottom Church, Va., June K!, 1SG4. Died of ■wounds, July G, lsG4." Adjutant General's Records, N. H. Tucker, Charles H— 27th Maine. "Corporal, Co. B. Born in Eliot, ]\IaiQe. Resident of South Berwick, Maine. Date of Muster, Sept. ;!(), 1SG2, for !) months. Mustered out and hon- orably discharged July 17, 18(;:i, at Port- land, Elaine, by reason of expiration of term of service." Adjutant (Ti'uci'al's Records, Maine. Tucker, Henry— U. S. Navy. Tucker, John A —3rd N. H. Aiember Storer Post, G. A. R. "Corporal, Co. D. Residence or assign- ment, (Jreenlaud. Date of Muster. Aug. 23, LSGI, for :') years. Reduced to Private, Feb. 22, 1S(;2. Wounded, Secessionville, S. C, June Hi, 1SG2. lieenlisted Feb. 15, 18G4. Private, Co. D. Residence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Feb. 1."). l.s(;4, for o years. Appointed Wagoner, May 2(», 18G4. Mustered out July 20, ISC,.-,." Adjutant GcncraVs Records, N. H. "Birthplace, Kingston, N. H. lieceived grape shot wound in left ankle at James island, S. C, July [June] HI, 1SG2." Post Ji'ecords. Tucker, Mark W.-16th N. H. 'Died at New Orleans. Stone. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, I'ortsmouth. Date of Muster, Oct. 28, 18G2, for ;t months. Died of disease at CarroUton, La , Ftb. s, Isc,,',."' Adjutant General's Records, A'. //. Tufts, John P -40th N. Y. Enlisted as "John 1'. Tufts." "J. P. Tuffs." Stone. "Private, Co. 11. Enlisted June 17, 18(11, for 3 years. Discharged Dec. 9, 1S(;2, near Falmouth, Va., for disability." Adjutatit General's Records, \. }'. Upham, Joseph B. Jr.— U. S. Navy, Joseph Badger Ipham, Jr. "Born Dec. 2."). 1S4(). Died Aug. 14, 188'.t. A good son. A loyal friend." Stone. "Third Assistant Engineer, is Novem- ber, ]s(i2. Second Assistant Engineer, 2;! March, 1^(14. First Assistant Engi- neer. 1 January, isds [ Pitle changed to Passed Assistant Engineer, by act of Con- gress approved 24 February, 1874]. Re- tired list, 27 December, 1S7.") " Haniersiys General Nat. Died iu Cliarlestown, Mass., November 2, Ls.")."). He was Lieat. Colonel, U. S. A., during the war of 1812, and for many years Collector of this Port." "Commissioned Major, 11th U. S. In- fantry. March 12, 1812; and Lieutenant- Colonel, 21st U. 8. Infantry, March 12, 181;^." Ha'>i('Vsly's Ilegular Army Hcgbter. "Timotliy Upham was of Portsmouth. He was the son of Rev. Timothy Upham, of Deerrteld, where he was born iu the year Ks;!. His moiher was Hannah, the daughter of Rev. Nathaniel Gookin, of North Hampton. Timothy Upham moved to Portsmouth in 18U7, and opened a store in ]\Iarket street. In June, 1811, he was appointed, by Governor Langdon, one of his aids, with rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. He continued in business as a meichant until 1812, when, in anticipa- tion of a war with Great Britain, he was commissioned a Major in the United Slates service in March of that year. In June following he was appointed to com- mard ihe detachment of troops from New Hampshire ordered to garrison Fort McClary [in Portsmouth harbor], by GoA ernor Plumer. In July he was commissioned as Major of the 11th U. S. Infantry. In September he joint d his regiment at Plattsburg, N. Y. January 1."), 181.3, he was ordered to ^ Portland as superintendent of the re- cruiting district of Elaine. In the spring- he joined his regiment, and was detailed to command a battalion which was to join Gen. Hampton's army preparing to attack ^Montreal. On this futile expe- dition, Major (now Lieutenant-Colonel) Upham fought his battalion with credit at Cirysler's Field. Just before this ex- pedition he had been promoted to the Lieutenant-Colonelcy of the 21st Ilegi- meut. On the Utli of September, 18U, he Avas in command of his regiment, at the 'sortie of Fort Erie,' and did gallant service Avith his regiment, in going to the rescue, by special order of Gen. Prown, of its former gallant commander. General Miller. At the close of this campaign, with impaired liealth, Col. Upham was orr'ert d upon recruiting service. I At the close of the war he resigned his I ■commission, and in 181(; was appointed 'Collector of Customs at Portsmouth, and continued in that otlice for thirteen , j-ears. In 181'.), May l.j, he was appoint- ed Brigadier General of the 1st Brigade, 1st Division New Hampshire Militia, and was promoted to Major General of the Division May I'J, 1820, upon the resigna- tion of General Clement Storer. This office he resigned May lo, 1823. After leaving the Custom-House in 1829, he again entered upon commercial pursuits, and in 1841 was appointed Navy Agent at Portsmr nth by President Har- rison. He soon resigned this office, and in 1845 removed to Charlestown, Mass., following his business of a merchant in Boston. Here his success did not meet his anticipations, and, impaired in health, he retired from active business. He died at Charlestown, November 2, 18.j.j, in the 72d year of his age." Adjutant General's Report, N. H., i86S. Varney, Charles L.— U. S. Navy. Waldren, Samuel W.-]6th N. H. "Died at Jackson Hospital, ^lemphis, Tenn., Aug. 24, 18(53." Stonn. "Private, Co. E Residence or assign- ment. Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Oct. 2.J, 1802. for !• months. Transferred to Co. K. Nov. 22, 18(;2. Discharged to date Aug. 20, 18(53. Died at Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 23, 1863 [See above]."' Adjittatit irencral's Records., N. H. Waldron, N. S — Mex. War. "Second Lieutenant, U. S. Mai'ine Corps, 13 September, 1831. First Lieu- tenant, 25 July, 1834. Captain, IG March, 1847. Brevet Major, 22 July, 1848. Died 21 February, 18.57." Hamersly' s General Xavy Register. Waldron, Samuel W. Jr.-31st N. Y. &U. S. Vols. "Samuel Wallis Waldron. President of the Common ('ouncil of Bos- ton, Mass., in 1850. Lieutenant, Aide-de- Camp, Captain and Assistant Adjt. Gen- eral iu the war of the Rebellion." Stone. "Chaplain, 31st N. Y. Enrolled May 24, 18(11, to serve 2 years. Mustered in- to service. Transferred Oct. 30, 18(!l,to Co. G, for appointment as 1st Lieuten- ant. Detailed as Aide-de Camp on Gen- eral Newton's stall" from Nov. 1st, 18()1 , to date of resisnation. Discharged July 20, 18(!2, on tender of resignation." Ad/'ul((nt (TcncrdPs Records, X. Y. "Appointed Captain, Asst. Adjutant General, of Volunteers, 14 July, 18G2, from New York. Resigned 30 July, 18()3."' Haniersly's Regular Army Register. ^1 Walker, Wm. Augustus— 27th Mass. "Fell in battle near Kichiiioud, Va. . . . He sleeps in southern soil." Stone. ' Caotain, Co. C. Kesidence. Green- field. Mass. Date of Muster, Sept. 10, 1S()1. for ;^> years. Promoted to Major, Miy ■2;>, l.Sdo. Ki'led in action, June o, 1S(U •■ Ad/ittit (Ti'?ivr((rs lif'cords, Mass. KUled in battle at Cold Harbor, ^'a. Wallace, Joseph— U. S. Navy. Walsh, James— U. S, Navy. Walsh, Richard-lOth N. H. & U. S. Navy. Enlisted as "Kichard AVelch." •Son of David and Mary AValsh. Died July 17. 1.SG4."' Stone. "Private, Co. G, 10th N. II. Kesidence, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Si^pt. 12, l.s()2, for o years Transferred to U. S. Navy, ^Nlay 1, LS(;4. Died at Portsmouth, Va.."Au2;. 1, 1804 [See above]."' Adjutant GeneraVs Records, N. H. Warburton, William -13th N. H. ••Private, Co. K llesidence or assign- ment. Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 20.1S(;2,for8 years. Discharged for dis- ability at Portsmouth, Va., Jan. 22, 1S(U." Ad/'iita/it Gene mi's lice or ds. X. II. "Mate, I'.i September, 1«(>1. Died i;» September [See above] 18(12". ILtiiicrslfs (ipncral ynvy Bcgistcr. Webster, Mark R.-War 1812. Whaley, William Henry— 10th & 2ud N. H. Enlisted as "John Simpson." " Private, Co. I, loth N. H. liecruit. Kesidence or assignment, Plaistow. Date of Muster, August 11, 1m(!:>, for o years. Promoted to Corporal. Wounded slight- ly at Chapin"s Farm, \'a.. Sept. 2'.i, 1S(;4. Appointed Sergeant, .\pril II, LSC)."). T-ans- ferred to 2nd N. H. V., June 21 ISOo. Private, Co. D, 2nd N. H. Recruit. Pesidence or assignment, Plaistow. Date of Muster, August II, Iso;;, for ;'. years. Transferr<^d from Co. I, loth X. H. V.. June 21, isC"). Mustered out December I'.t. ISO.-)." Adjutant (icjieyars Records, X. II. Whidden, Andrew W.-lOth N. H. "Son of J. V.'. and E. P. AVhidden. . . . Died in a rebel prison at Salis- bury, N. C, Jan. 27, 1863. aged 20 years. His' body lies not lier.\— There is rest in heaven for the weary and suffering sol- diers." Stone. ' Private, Co. G. Kesidence, Ports- mouth. Date of Muster, Sept. 4, 1802, for ;! vears. Captured at Fair Oaks, Va., Oct. 27, 18(;4. Died at Salisbury, N. C. Feb. 17, 180.") [See above]." Adjutiint (ieni-riirs Records, X. II. Watkins, Benjamin F.— 16th N. H. Whipple, Amiel W.— U. S. Army. "Died at Xew Orleais [See below]. "" Stone. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of Cluster. Oct. 28, lS(i2, for ;i months. Died of disease at CarroUton, La , Feb. 4, 180:i." Adjutant GeneraVs Records., X. H. Watkins, Daniel W.-16th N. H. Enlisted as "Daniel Watkins. " "Died Sept. 13, 1803. ... He sleeps in southern soil." Stone. "Private, Co. K. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of IMuster, Nov. 3. l.s(')2, for !• months. Died of disease at Meoiphis, Tenn , Aug. l;j, 180;j [See above]." Adjutant (reneral's Records, X. II. Webster, Henry C-U, S, Navy. "Act'g Master, U. S. X. [See below] died in Hospital at Plymouth, N. C, Sept. 23, 18(52." Stofie. Amiel Weeks Whipple. "Maj. Gen. A. W. Whipple, 3d biv., 3d Army Corps. jSIajor, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army — Died of wounds received at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 7th, 1803, Aged 4.-> years." Stone. "Born in Massachusetts. Appointed a Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, from Massachusetts, in 1837. Graduated." "2nd Lieut. 1st .Artillery, 1 July. 1841. Transferred to Topographical Engineers, 28 Sept., 1S41. 1st Lieut., 24 April, 18r.l. Captain, 1 July, is.").-). :Major, !• Sept., 1861. Transferred to Engineers, 3 March, 18(53. Died 7 May, l,s()3. of wounds re- ceived at the battle of Chancellorsville, Va. [4 May, 1803]. Brent Rani-:— Bravet Lieut. Colonel, 21 July, 1801, for gallant and meritorious service in the Manassas campaign. Bre- k 68 vet Colonel, 13 Dec, 18G2, for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. Brevet Brigadier General, 4 May, 1^(33, for gallant and meritorious service at the battle of Clian- cellorsville, wherp he was mortally ■wounded. Brevet Mijor General, 7 May. 18(l;5, for gallant and meritorious service during the war." "Appointed Brigadier General of Vol- unteers, 14 April," 1S(;2. Major General of Volunteers, 8 May, 1803." Hronerslfs lingular Army Jiegister. j "Whipple, Amiel Weeks, soldier, born in Greenwich, Mas'., in 1818; died in Washington, I). C, 7 3Iay, 18(i3. He studied at Amherst, was graduated at the U. S. Military Academy in 1841, was en- gaged immediately afterward in the hy- drographic survey of Patapsco river, and in is42 in surveying the approache.s to New Orleans and the harbor of Ports- j mouth, N. H. In 1844 he was detailed as assistant astronomer upon the nortli- eastern boundary survey, and in 184r) he ; was employed in determining the northern ' boundaries of New York, Vermont and [ New Hampshire. In 1841) he Avas ap- pointed assistant astronomer in the Mex- ican boundary commission, and in iSuS he had charge of the Pacific railroad sur- > vey along the S.jth paiallel. In ISSn \ he was appointed engineer for the | southern liglit-house district and super- intendent of the improvements of St, I Clair flats and St. JMary's river. j At the opening of the civil war he at { once applied for service in the field, and : was assigned as Chief Topographical Engineer on the stafi' of G,n. Irvin Mc- Dowell. In this capacity he was the author of the first maps of that part of Virginia that were issued during the Avar, and performed creditable service at the , first battle of Fredericksburg. j Upon the second advance of the army j he was attached, as Chief Topographical ! Fngineer, to the start' of Gen. George B. McClellan, but, beingappointed Brigadier- ' (Teneral of Volunteers, was recalled in May, l.-)th year of his Age. f 69 He was often elected and thrice attended the Continental Congress as Delegate for the State of New Hampshire, particularlj' in that memorable year in which America declared itself independent of Great Britain. He was also at the Time of his decease a Judge of the supreme Court of Judicature. In Him a firm & ardent Patriotism was united with universal benevolence and every social Virtue." Stofte. "Whipple, William, signer of the Dec- laration of Independence, born in Kit- tery, Maine, 14 January, 1730; died in Portsmouth, X. H , 2S November. 17S5. His father, William, a native of Ipswich, Mass., was bred as a malster, but, re- moving to Kittery, engaged in a seafaring life for several years. The sou was edu- cated at a public school in his native town, and afterward became a sailor, having command of a vessel before he was twenty-one years of age. He en- gaged in the European, West India, and African trade, and brought large numbers of negro slaves to this country, but after- ward, during the Revolution, liberated those that belonged to him. In l?.")'.* he abandoned the sea entirely and entered into business in Portsmouth with his brother Joseph, which connection lasted till about two years previous to the Kev- olution. At an early period of the contest be- tween the colonies and (Jreat Britain he took a decided part in favor of the for- mer. He was elected a delegate from New Hampshire to the Continental Congress in 177."), taking his seat in May, was re- elected, 2;5 January, 1770, took his seat on 2i) February following, and signed the Declaration of Independence in July. He Avas reelected to Congre^js in 1778, and declined to be chosen again, but was a member of the state assembly in 1780-4. He was commissioned a Brigadier Gen- eral in 1777, commanded a brigade of New Hampshire troops at the battles of Saratoga and Stillwater, and, after the surrender of Burgoyne, signed the articles of capitulation with Col. James AVilkin- son on behalf of General Horatio (iates. tieneral Whipple was afterward selected as one of the olticers under whose charge the British troops were conducted to their place of encampment on Winter Hill, near Boston. In 1778, he partici- pated in General Sullivan's expedition to Rhode Island, and he resigned his military appointment, 2(t June, 1782. In 17.sO he was appointed a commissioner of the board of admiralty, which post he de- clined. He was state superintendent of finances in 17s2-4, appointed jud^^e of the supreme court 2n June, 17s2, and justice of the peace and quorum througliout the s ate in December. 1784 and acted in this capacity till his death." Applelo)!' s. Cyclopcdin of Ameiiciiu Biog- raphy. The Whipple School in Portsmouth, was thus named in 18'.»o, in honor of Wil- liam AVhipple, Signer of the D.^claration of Independence, by the city of Ports- mouth, at the suggestion of Storer Post, G. A. P.; which, in the following year presented an oil portrait of General Whipple to the city, to be placed in the school, Avhere it may now be seen. Additional information in relation to General Whipple will be found in the Ap- pendix to "The Presentation of Flags to the Schools of Portsmouth, N. IL, Octo- ber nth, 181)0, by Storer Post," Ports- mouth, I8!i<); and in "The Presentation of the Portraits of General William Whipple and Admiral David Glasgow Farragut, November 20ih, 18;»1 , by Storer Post to the city of Portsmouth, X. 11." Portsmouth, 18!) i. Tlie Farragut por- trait was presented for. and has been placed at the Farragut school, which name, at the request of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of Portsmouth, was also suggested by Storer Post. White, John-7th N. H. "Private, Co. G. Residence or assign- ment, Manchester. Date of Muster, Nov. 28, isui, for ;5 years. Wounded sliahtly at Fort Wagner, S. C, July 18, 1803. Reenlisted, Private, Co. G. Resi- dence or assignment, Portsmouth. Date of Muster, Feb. 28, ]S(;4, for o years. Wounded near Laurel Hill, Va., Oct. 7, 1804. Mustered out July 20, 180.")." Adjutant (ieucraV s Records^ X. H. Whitehouse, Eben E -War 1812. Whitehouse, Samuel N.— U. S. Navy. "Carpenter, U. S. Navy, from 1801 to the time of his death."' Stone, "Carpenter, 17 July, 1801." Hamcrsly''s General JVavy lieg'is/er. "Retired list, March 8, 1890."'— "Died at Brooklyn, X. Y., January 2, 1891." I Nnvy licg-istirs, iSgi and i8g2. 70 Whittier, Samuel C.-llth & 23rd Mass. Member Storer Post, G. A. R. "Assistant .Surgeon, 11th Mass. Resi- dence, Boston. Date of Commission, August 29, lS(i2. Surgeon, TMd Mass. Date of Com- mission, May 2ti, 1864 Mustered ont Jane 25, 18G.J.;" A. Lieutenant, is April, isdl. Lieutenant-Commander, IC November, ls('>4. Commander, (i Feb- ruary, 1S72." Iliimcrsly's (icucrdl Xnvy llcgi^lci'. "Appointed from New York. Captain, February, 1884." Naz'y Register., iSgi. "Born in New York. Entered Naval Academy. September 24, Is.');]; graduated, 1857: from IS.", 7 until 18(;ii, in steamer 'Mississippi', Asiatic squadron ; July isco, until December, ISCU, in steam-sloop 'Brooklyn', (iulf Squadron ; from Decem- ber, iSCn, until December, ISCo, in the sloop 'Cyane", Pacific Squadron. Commissioned as Lieutenant, April Is, IsiJl; from January, lsi!4, until August, 18(!4, steamer 'Augusta'; a volunteer on board the flag-ship 'Hartford' at battle of Mobile Bay (See Admiral Farragut's Re- port) : evening of day of the battle, placed in command of the captured gun- boat 'Selma"; from that time until June, 18()7, successively in command of 'Selma', 'J. P. Jackson', and 'Chocura', Gulf Sqnadron. Commissioned as Lieutenant-Comman- der, November !<;, ls(;4 ; September, 1S(;7, nntil June, isos, p^xecutive-OfHcer of flag-ship 'Piscataqua', Asiatic Squad- ron; from June, lsr.8 until July, 1S(!0, successively in command of steamers 'Ashuelot' and 'L'nadilla', same Sqnadron ; Naval Academy, 1870-2. Commissioned as Commander, Febru- ary tl, 1S72 ; commanding 'Manhattan' (iron-clad). North Atlantic Station, is7;^; commanding receiving-ship 'Sabine' [Portsmouth, N. H.,] ]s75-f;; League Island Navy Yard, 1877-S; commanding 'Alliance', North Atlantic Station, ls7",i- 81; Navy Yard, Portsmouth, lssl-4. Promoted to Captain. February, iss4; commandinsr training-ship 'New Hamp- shire', 1SS4-7; waiting orders, 18s7-S: commanding 'Pensacola', Asiatic [North Atlantic] Station, 1888-;i0."' Hiiwcrsly's N(iv<(l Necords, iSgo. "Birthplace, Schenectady, New York; residence, Porlsmouth, N. II. . . Captain of Yard, Navy Yard, Ports- mouth, N. IL, 1S!I0-1. Died at l'. S. Navy Yard, Portsmouth, November 4, 18i)l." Soldiers Memorial, iSg2. "A resolution tendering the tlianks of Congress to \' ice-Admiral David (L Far- ragut, and to the ofticers. petty olHcers, seamen, and marines under his command, for their gallantry and good conduct in the action in Mobile Bay on the r)th Au- gust, 18(;4. That the thanks of Congress are emi- nently due, and are hereby tendered, to \Mce-Admiral David G. Farragut, of the I'nited States Navy, and to the olficers, petty oflicers, seamen, and marines under his command, for the unsurpassed gal- lantry and skill exhibited by them in the engagement in Mobile Bay on the .")th day of August, 1S(;4, and for their long and faithful services and unwavering devo- tion to the cause of the country in the midst of the greatest difliculties and dan- gers. Sec. 2. That the President of the L^nited States be requested to communi- cate this resolution to Viee-Admiral Far- ragut, and that the Secrel ary of the Navy berequested to communicate the same to the officers, seamen, and marines of the Navy by general order of his department. Approved February 10, J80t!." Haiiiersly\<: Ge?ieral Navy Register. Captain Arthur R. Y'ates delivered an eloquent address on the presentation of a U. S. flag, by Storer Post, in ISOit, to the Farrasut School, -whicli will be found in "The Presentation of Flags to the Schools of Portsmouth, N.H , October '.ith, IsitO, by Storer Post," Portsmouth, ISDO. His death was deeply lamented by many friends. Yeaton, John B .— 1st U. S. Art. Young, Charles E.-lst N, H. H, Art. "Private, Co. A. Residence or assign- ment, Portsmouth. Date of IMuster, July is, isii,-;, for three years. Dis- charged for disability at Fort Sumner, D. C, Dec. 15, 18(54." Adjutant GencraVs Records. N. H. Young, George B.— 44th Mass, "Son of Elijah and Mary H. Young. Died at Newbern, N. C, Feb. 2, IsGo." .SlOiie. Residence, Andover, — . Date of Muster, "Private, Co. G. Mass. Enlisted — Sept. 12, ls(;2, for '.' mouths. Died at 72 Newbern, N. C, Feb. 3, 18(53 [See above]." Adjutant Grncnirs liicords, Mass. Young, Willard W -26th Maine. Member Storer Post, G. A. K. '•Storer Post, No. 1, G. A R." Stotie. "Private, Co. C. Born in Trenton, Maine. Resident of Tremont, Maine. Date of Muster, Oct. 11,, for ".) months. ^Mustered out and lionorably discliar^ed, Aug. 17, ]S(i;3, at Bangor, Maine, by reason of expiration of ser- vice." Adjutant (iejicraVs Records, Ma inf. Young, William C— Mex. War. William Cutter Young. ADDENDA. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. The following names were omitted from the alphabetical list of "The Graves We Decorate," as the burial place of Lieut. Elijah Hall could not be ascer- tained, although he is supposed to have been buried in the Episcopal Cemetery, adjoining St. John's Church, Ports- mouth, and Rev. Samuel Langdon, D. D., is buried at Hampton Falls, N. H. iV tablet to the memory of the former has been placed in St. John's, and to the latter in the North Church, Portsmouth. Hall, Elijah-Rev. War. "In memory of the Hon. Elijah Hall, who died June 22, A. D. l.s;50, aged S4 years. As an OtHcer of the Ranger, under Capt. J. Paul Jones ; a Merchant ; a Representative, Senator and Councillor of this State ; as Xaval Officer ; Member of this Church, and in his other relations, he sustained the character of a Pati"iot and an upright Man." Tiiblet, St. yokn''s Church, Portsmouth. "Died. In this town, on Tuesday last [June 22, 1830], Hon. Elijah Hall, aged s7 [See above]. Capt. Hall was Lieutenant in the Xavy in the J {evolutionary war, sailed under John Paul Jones in the 'Ranger ;' was many years elected Coun- sellor from this district ; and for several years prior to his death was Xaval Officer of the District of Portsmouth. He was, in private life, an estimable citizen, a fair merchant, a tender parent, and an honest man." Portsmouth Journal, June. 26, /Sjo. "Lieut. Elijah Hall," a "brave and meritorious otHcer, . . . served with the ("hevalier .John Paul Jones," . . . and "was a lieutenant under the Chevalier in the 'Ranger.' Lieut, Hall had entered on board this vessel at Portsmouth, X. II., before her departure for France [Nov. i, 1777], and was in her with Jones in his cruise on the coasts of Scotland and Ireland, in the descent on Whitehaven, and in the battle with the 'Drake' [April 2-t, 177s]. When [Lieut]. Simpson behaved so badly as to disobey orders, it Avas Hall that was se- lected to arrest him, and to command the •Drake' in his stead. The prominent traits of Lieut. Hall's character were promptitude and energy; of which he gave a remarkable instance in repairing the 'Drake' in the course of one night, with the assistance of forty men, after. Simpson had pronounced it impossible in her then shattered condition. Lieut. Hall went to Brest with Jones ; and when, through the benevolence of the latter, Simpson was put in command of the 'Ranger' for the purpose of re- turning to America, Hall occupied the post of first lieutenant. After his return to the United States, he was engaged in several expeditions against ihe enemy, on board the same ship, with Commodore Whipple, and was very successful in making captures, most of which arrived safely in port. When the 'America,' 74, was assigned to Jones, he oftered Lieut. Hall a very honorable and efficient station in her; but the gift of that vessel to France frustrated his good intentions. Lieut. Hall eventually proceeded in the 'Ranger,' with other ships of war, to as- sist in tiie defence of Charleston, S. C, where he fell into the hands of the ene- my, in common with the garrison, by capitulation [May 11, 17S()]. He returned to Xew Hampshire, but was not ex- changed until a general surrender of prisoners. He never resigned his com- mission, and was always readj' for aC' tive service. At the close of the war of the Revolu- tion he engaged in commei'cial pursuits, by which he enriched himself; but suf- fered considerably by the British orders in council, and the French Berlin and Milan decrees. Although ofiered a pension by govern- ment, he would not receive it, but accept- 74 ed the appointment of Naval Officer for Portsmouth, a situation which lie still retains [is2.j], at the advanced age of 83 [See above]. With the snow of so many winters upon his head, he discharg- es his duty, it is uaderstood, with the greatest satisfaction to the merchants and others, attbrding proof of an uncom- mon vigor of constitution and strength of intellect. Faithful to his country and true to his duty in every situation, there can be no doubt that a consciousness of probity has ensured for him that intel- lectual tranquillity which is so favorable to human life. As far as the author of this work is informed, Commodore [Richard] Dale and Lieutenant Hall are [were in 1825] the only surviving officers of all those who, at various times, sailed with and fought under the Chevalier John Paul Jones. Time has laid others in the dust ; but seems to have preserved these two venerable men as a sample of the stout hearts and strong frames of the heroes who braved the shores and squad- rons of Great Britain, and plucked laurels in her very ports to deck the brow and promote the glory of infant Amer- ica." Sherbttr?ie''s Life of John Paul Jones. An interesting account of the cruise of the "liauger," under John Paul Jones, will be found in the N. E. H. G. Register, Vol XX [X, pages 13 and 170. Hon. Elijah Hall long resided and died in the house now Nos. 36 and 3.s Daniel street, Portsmouth. Langdon, Samuel— Rev. War. "In Memoriani. Rev. Samuel Langdon, D. D. Born in Boston, Jan. 11, 1723. Chaplain to the Xew Hampshire troops at the siege of Louisburg, in 174."). Pastor of this Church, 1747 to 1774. President of Harvard College, 1774 to 1780. Ottered the prayer for the .assembled array the night previous to the battle of Bunker Hill. An influential member of the N. it. Constitutional Convention in 178s, for the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Pastor of the Church at Hampton Falls, 1781 to 1707. Died, Nov. 2D, 1707." Tahkt, Noftli Church, Portsmouth. "In the auditorium of the North Con- gregational church in this city, near the entrance to the northern aisle, is a mural tablet, exquisitely wrought in statuary marble, spotless and pure as was the scholar, statesman, patriot, whose name it C3lebrates, erected by Mrs. Thomas Aston Harris of Portsmouth, N. H., in loving memory of her great-grandfather. Rev. Samuel Langdon, D. D." "Dr. Langdon was a noted man of let- ters, and throughout his life was con- nected with and interested in educational matters, and while assistant pastor of the North church he taught the grammar school in Portsmouth up to the date of his departure for Louisburg. Afterward, during his full pastorate, he built the house in which Capt. and Mrs. Harris now reside, on Pleasant street, and oc- cupied it during his pastoral connection with the church. The mansion has been in the possession of the family and oc- cupied by them uninterruptedly since that period. He graduated at Harvard in 1740, with high honors, his conspicuous merit after- ward winning distinguished recognition by his elevation to the presidential chair of his college. In public affairs he nat- urally exercised a profound influence; this was felt in the Constitutional Con- vention of 1788, where, by his voice and example he contributed more perhaps, than any other man to the favorable action of that body." Portsmouth Daily Eve. Times, yan.i, iSgi. "Landgon, Sxmuel, clergyman, born in Boston, Mass., 12 Jan. 1723 [See above] : died in Hampton Falls, N. H., 29 Nov., 1707. He was graduated at Harvard in 1740, and while teaching in Portsmouth, N. H., studied theology, and was licensed to preach. In 174.J he was appointed Chap- lain of a regiment, and was present at the capture of Louisburg. On his return he was appointed assist- ant to Rev. James Fitch, of the North Church of Portsmouth, was ordained Pastor in 1747, and continued in that charge till 1774, when he became Presi- dent of Harvard. His ardent patriotism led him to adopt measures that were ob- noxious to the Tory students, and al- though he endeavored to administer the government of the college with justice, his resignation was virtually compelled in 1780. The next year he became pastor of the Congregational church at Hampton Falls, N. H. In 1788 he was a delegate to the New Hampsliire convention that adopted the Constitution of the United States, often led its debates, and did much to remove prejudice against the Constitution. He was distinguished as a scholar and theologian, and exerted a wide influence in his community. The University of Aberdeen gave him the degree of D. D. in 17G2, and he was a member of the 15 American academy of arts and sciences from its foundation. Hepublislied 'Sum- mary of Cliristian Faith and Practice' (17()S) ; 'Observations on the Revelations' (17!)1) ; 'Remarks on the Jjeading Senti- ments of Dr. Hopkins" System of Doc- trines" (17'.i4) ; and many sermons. In 17(il, in connection with Col. Joseph Blanchard, he prepared and published a map of New Hampshire." AppUdons Cyclopivdia of American Biog- rafi/iv- PRE-EEVOLUTION. The services of the following named men in the British Xavy and in the Co- lonial AVars, while we were yet subjects of Great Britain, should cause their mem- ory to be preserved. Cones, Peter— British Navy, "This Stone Marks the (irave of Peter Coues who died Nov. L"J, isis. .Et. 8(; "' 8t07ie. — Pkumnt St. CemHery.— North east. For date of birth and age see below. "Among the venerable citizens of Ports- mouth of half a century ago [18(>'.»], we well remember Capt. Peter Coues, a gentleman of independent circumstances, who might be seen, with his cane under his arm on State street, or in tlie vicinity. His residence previous to the Are of lsi3, was on the southwest corner of Atkinson and State streets [the latter being then named Buck street] , on the spot where W. J. Laighton's house now [isc.'.i] stands. In the old dwelling house was a store where for many years he kept ship chand- lei'y, mei'chandise, groceries, etc. In early life Capt. Peter Coues was pressed into the British service [See below]. He was at one time sailing- master of the famous 'IJoyal George," which was afterwards, in 17S2, sunk in the British Channel [Portsmouth harbor, England] with eight hundred men on board. He also served in the capacity of midshipman. After several years ser- vice in the British Xavy, he returned to Portsmouth before the American Rev- olution, where, by that urbanity of mind and simplicity of manners for which sea- faring men of liberal views are generally distinguished, he obtained a good stand- ing among his fellow citizens, and died on the 29th of November, 18l,s, at the advanced age of eighty-three years [See below]." Rumbles About Portsmouth, Secotid Scries. Capt. Peter Coues was born in Ports- mouth, July oo, ]7:'.(;. He was the son of Peter Coues, senior, who was born in the Parish of Saint I'eters in the Island of Jersey, in the English Channel, about the year 171(i, settled in Portsmouth, and married Mary Long of this town, Nov. 4, 173.J. Mary Long, probably born in Plymouth, England, was the daughter of Emanuel and Mary (Carne) Long, and grand daughter of George and I'rsula (Wills) Carne, of "Endelha" and "Plim- ton," near Plymouth, England. As Commodore Digby Dent, P. N. — who was Commodore on the Jamaica Station in 1747, and a 'Commissioner of the Navy" from M'M to ]7(!1 (See "Char- nock's Biographia Navalis,"' London, 171h;, Vol. IV, pages .■57.s, served many years in the West Indies, when he perliaps visited Portsmouth — was his mother's cousin ; Capt. Peter Coues was probably appointed a Midshipman in the British Navy, when a boy, through his influence, and the statement in the "Ram- bles," that he was "pressed," is doubt- less an error. Another cousin. Captain Cotton Dent, R. N., also commanded a sloop-of-war on the Jamaica Station, in 1744 (See "Charnock," Vol. V, pages 440-1). Family traditions relate that Capt. Coues took part in several battles, and was at one time sailing-master of the "Royal George." The Dents have continued a Naval family, and Vice Admiral Charles Bay- ley Calmady Dent, R. N., retired, — great- great grandson of Captain Cotton Dent. R. N., brother of Commodore Digby Dent, R. N., both sons of Captain Dig- by Dent, R. N., and Ursula (Carne) Dent — is the seventh in a direct line, father and son, of British Admirals and Cap- tains. Captain Digby Dent, R. N., who mar- ried a sister of Mary (Carne) Long died a Commodore on the Jamaica Station August 19, 17o7 (See "Charnock," Vol. IV, page 57). Loss of the Royal George. WILLIA.M COVVPER. "The 'Uoyal George,' of 108 Runs, while under- Koins a partiul careening in Portsmouth har- bor [Ensland], was overset about 10 a. ni., Auffust 29, 1782. The total loss was believed to be near one thousand souls." "Toll for the brave! The brave that are no more ! All sunk beneath the wave, Fast by their native shore! 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 065 135 7 Eipht hunilred of the brave. Whose courapre well was tried. Had made the vessel heel. And laid her on her side. A land-breeze shook the shrouds, And she was overset ; Down went the Royal George, With all her erew complete. Toll for the brave! Brave Kenipenfelt is Kone; His last sea-fight is fought, His work of glory done. It was not in the battle; No tempest gave the shock : She sprang no fatal leak, .She ran upon no rock. His sword was in its sheath, His fingers held the pen, When Kenipenfelt went down ■\Vith twice four hundred men. Weigh the vessel up Once dreaded by our foes! And mingle with our cup The tear that England owes. Her timbers yet are sound. And she may float again. Full charged with England's thunder. And plough the distant main : But Kempen'elt is gone, His victories are o'er ; And he and his eight hundred Shall plough the wave no more." Harfers Cyclopedia of British aiidAmet - lean Poetry. Hale, Samuel— Colonial War. "Samuel Hale, Esquire, A. A. S. Died July 10th, A D., 1807, Aged ■6'd. Fix'd in correct Eeligious & Moral habits he exhibited to the World the efficacy of a virtuous life, and in his death the holy triumphs of a Christian." Stone. — North Cemetery — Center. ".Samuel Hale was born in Xewbury, Mass., in 171s, and graduated at Harvard College in 1740. He removed to Ports- month soon after, and became a teacher. He engaged in the Louisburg expedition as a Captain in Col. Moore's liegiment, and was made ]\Iajor of the same, Oct. 7, 1745. After his return he became the instructor of the Latin grammar school in Portsmouth, and continued as such for near forty years, distinguished for dis- cipline and aptness as a teacher. For his services he was rewarded by the grant of the town of Weare, which for a long time was known as Halestown. He was Representative and Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Rockingham, and died July 7, 1S07, in the suth year of his age." Adjutant General's Report, N. H , Vol. 2, iS66. Hart, John— Colonial War. "In Peace Amidst ye Rage of Noise & War, Here Rests the Remains of Col. John Hart, Esqr. who departed this Life Octo. 30Lh, 1777. Aged 72 Years." Stone. — North Cemetery. — North-east. "Col. John Hart was of a prominent family of Portsmouth. He was Captain of a company in Col. Meserve's regiment of 175(!, and Lieutenant-Colonel of the I same, which regiment was attached to the expedition against Crown Point." "In 1758 New Hampshire raised still another regiment for 'the Crown Point Expedition ' This numbered eight hun- dred men, and was commanded by Col. John Hart, of Portsmouth. A portion of the regiment [under Col. Hart] was ordered to join the expedition against Louisburg, and the remainder did duty under Lieut. Col. Gofl'e on the western frontier." AdjutHnt Generars Heport, N. II.. Vol. 2, jS66. "Col. John Hart was the owner of the land now used as the North burying- ground, and it did not become town prop- erty until 175;'), little more than a cen- tury [140 years] ago, when Col. Hart sold it to the town for £150, on condition that it should be kept for a burying-grouud." liamdles About Portsmouth ., First Series.