Monograph. •' miles west to Mnrph ; 9 miles north to Perry. Grounds: Area, '% acre; titles in board of education; a few large trees on grounds; school gardens; ample play- grounds; partly improved; well kept; two toilets, con- dition good. Building - : Value, $1,500; two-story; two class rooms; cloak rooms; library and rest room, furnished; well lighted; well kept; painted and plastered. Equipment: Double patent desks; medium blackboards; maps; charts ; framed pictures ; reference dictionary, good stand; Library, 130 vols.; illustrative materials, flowers, ferns, etc.; water from neighbor's well nearby; covered cooler; individual cups. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 41 pupils; 32 weeks' continuous term; programs posted; 20 periods; paper folding, cardboard construction, sewing, cooking, etc. : industrial clubs, and school improvement club. Maintenance: ^760. 10 BEN HILL SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Louise Davis, Byron, Ga. Location: 2% miles northeast to Byron; 4 miles southwest to ( Ileveland. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; Lot open, bare, level, unimproved; fairly well kept; ample room for play grounds; no school gardens; two toilets, average condition. Building: Value, $800; two class rooms; insufficiently and improperly lighted; well kept; painted outside, and planning to paint inside; no cloak rooms. Equipment: Good home-made desks, doubles; poor black- boards; one very small map; small globe; no charts; no pictures; no dictionary; no library; good teacher's desk; decorating flags; water from neighbor's well; covered cooler; individual cups. Organization: One teacher; 8 grades; 32 pupils; program posted ; 32 weeks' continuous term; no industrial or club work. Maintenance: $440. MURPH SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Martha Talton, principal, Montezuma, Ga., R. F. D.; Miss Essie Dorsett, ass't., Montezuma, Ga., R. F. D. Location: 5 miles north to Small's; 6 miles southeast to Hen- derson. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in hoard of education; level. open, bare, slightly improved; ample room for play- grounds; good school gardens, well cared for; two toi- lets, fair condition. Building: Value, .^900; two class rooms, 22x36x10; cloak rooms; well lighted and ventilated; well kept; painted outside; ceiled, but unpainted, inside. Equipment: Patent and home-made double desks; good black- boards; maps; charts; globe; framed pictures; refer- ence dictionary ; library, 40 vols. ; organ ; small decora- tive flags, etc. ; water from deep bored well ; individual cups at the well. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 41 pupils; 32 weeks' continuous term ; programs posted ; 18 periods : gar- dening, sewing, etc.; debating club; sewing clubs. Maintenance: ^760. 12 SMALL'S ACADEMY. Teacher: Miss Claudia Tinley, Fort Valley, (la,, R. F. D. Location: 4 miles north to Myrtle; 5 miles east to Perry. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; grove, slightly improved with rustic seats, etc.; no school gar- dens; one toilet, average condition. Building: Value. $600: one class room. 24x30x11; no eloak rooms; fairly well lighted ; small veranda in front ; painted ; well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; cloth blackboards; one U. S. history map; no charts; no globe; no reference dic- tionary ; no library ; a few framed pictures ; water from a deep well; covered cooler; individual cups. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 27 pupils; 32 weeks' continuous term ; program not yet posted ; no industrial work or clubs; will probably organize a community club. Maintenance: $400 13 WELLSTON SCHOOL. Teachers: T. W. .Murray, principal, Wellston, Ga.; Miss Marilu Wcllons, ass't., Wellston, Ga. Location: 3 miles northwest to Elberta; 4 miles southwest to Oakland; 5 miles south to Bonaire. Grounds: Area, two acres; titles in hoard of education; pine grove, level, graded, improved; ample room for play- grounds; good school gardens; two toilets, in good con- dition. Building: Value, $1,200'; two class rooms, 20x36x14: cloak rooms; properly and well lighted; floors oiled and well kept; painted. There is also on the grounds n commu- nity building, two stories, used as a lodge for several fraternal and social orders, an auditorium for the school and the community, etc.. etc. On an adjoining lot is ;i good church building. Equipment: Good home-made double desks; poor blackboards; two maps; no charts; no globe; no reference dictionary (small dictionary at each desk) ; large U. S. nag; library, 50 vols.; water from deep well on lot: covered cooler; individual cups. Organization: Two teachers: 9 grades; 5] pupils; 32 weeks' continuous term; programs posted: 23 periods; literary club; corn club; sewing club; Women's Club. Maintenance : +1,1 20. 1 1 TIVOLA SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Clifford Heard, Perry, Ga. Location: 4 miles north to Kathleen; 6 miles south to Haynes- Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; open, level, bare; well kept; no gardens; one toilet, bad con- dition. Building 1 : Value, $700; one class room, 36x40x12; cloak rooms; improperly lighted; partly ceiled; painted out- side, only; well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; poor blackboards; no maps; no charts; no globe; no pictures; no library; no dic- tionary; small organ; water from neighbor's well near- by; open buckets; common dipper. Organization: One teacher; G grades; 27 pupils; 32 weeks continuous term; program posted; 23 recitation periods; literary club. Maintenance: $320. ELKO SCHOOL. Teachers : Mrs. Glenn F. Riley, principal, Elko, Ga. ; Miss Mary W. Brown, ass't., Elko, Ga. Location: 5 miles north to Grovania ; 6 miles west to Henderson. Grounds: Area, one acre; title in board of education; level, open, slightly improved; planning playgrounds; school gardens; two toilets, screened and in good condition. Building 1 : Value, .+1,500; two class rooms, 30x30x11; un- finished auditorium; properly, but insufficiently lighted; well kept; cloak rooms. Equipment: Patent single desks; good blackboards; globe: maps ; framed pictures ; reference dictionary ; library. 100 vols.; domestic science outfit; teachers' desks; pi- ano; illustrative materials; window boxes with flowers: moths, butterflies, etc.; water from neighbor's well nearby; covered eooler; individual cups. Organization : Two teachers; 9 grades; 49 pupils; 32 weeks' • continuous term; programs posted; 20 periods; manual training, sewing, cooking; literary club ("The Nau- tilus") ; pig club, sewing club, civic improvement club. Maintenance: $1,000. 16 FEAGAN SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Stella Thurmond, Fort Valley, Ga. Location: 3% miles southeast to Myrtle; -1- miles northwest to Fort Valley. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; grounds sloping, some small trees; unimproved; well kept; school garden sowed to grains ; one toilet, average condition. Building: Value. $500; one class room, 20x24x10; no cloak rooms; ideally lighted; painted; well kept; small veranda. Equipment: Double patent desks; good blackboards; several small maps; framed pictures; no charts; no globe; no reference dictionary; library, 33 vols.; organ; illus- trative materials ; germinating boxes ; pot flowers, etc. ; water from spring; covered cooler; individual cups. Organization: One teacher; 4 grades; 10 pupils; program posted; IS recitation periods; sewing club; community civic improvement club; 32 weeks' continuous term. Maintenance: ^320. 17 -^htImI ■ : ;i|? $m5k ~l| w^ '«*" ■:\ mm* m2M I HP <4t ' * _J MYRTLE SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Bessie Anderson, Myrtle, Ga. Location: 4 miles southwest to Small's Academy ; 4 miles north- west to Peagan. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; grounds entirely unimproved; no school garden; one toilet, con- dition bad. Building: Value, $500; one class room, 24x30x10; no cloak room; small veranda in front; fairly well lighted; well kept : painted outside, only. Equipment: Good, home-made desks, doubles; good black- boards; two maps; no charts; no globe; framed pictures; library, 40 vols.; reference dictionary; water piped from spring; covered cooler; individual cups. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 27 pupils; program posted; 35 recitation periods; 32 weeks' continuous term ; sewing club. Maintenance: $400. LAKEVIEW SCHOOL. Teachers: S. E. Delinger, principal, Powersville, Ga. ; Miss Sadie Henderson, ass't., Powersville, Ga. Location: -i miles southeast to Union; 4 miles west to Powers- ville. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; Hue oak grove, level, unimproved ; ample room for play grounds; school gardens; two toilets, screened and in good condition. Building: Value, $1,000; two class rooms, 20x36x12; in- sufficiently and improperly lighted; Moors oiled and well kept; cloak rooms; painted. Equipment: Good, patent and some home-made desks, doubles; good teachers' desks; medium blackboards; one U. S. history map ; no charts ; no globe ; a reference dictionary ; library, 30 vols., in good case; illustrative materials, etc. ; water from deep-bored well (95 ft.) on lot: individual cups at well. Organization: Two teachers; S grades; 75 pupils; 32 weeks' continuous term; program posted; 18 periods; drawing; literary society; no community school improvement club Maintenance: $960. ^'$¥4 HAYNESVILLE SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Ella Jackson, Grovania, Ga. Location: 2 x /- 2 miles west to Grovania; 6 miles north to Tivola. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in hoard of education: open, few trees; very little improved; ample playgrounds; school gardens and hot beds; two toilets, good condition. Building: Value, $700; one class room, 24x32x12; well planned; ideally lighted and ventilated; good cloak rooms; library case built into the walls; floors oiled and well kept ; painted. Equipment: Best patent adjustable single desks: good black- boards; several maps; framed pictures; no globe; ref- erence dictionary; library, 85 vols.; illustrative mater- ials; large U. S. flag; pennants, window boxes, flowers, etc.; water from public well; covered cooler; individual cups. Organization: One teacher; (i grades; 17 pupils; program posted; 30 periods; '-V1 weeks' continuous term; sewing club; manual training club: Mothers' Club. Maintenance: .^400. I'D OAKLAND SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Nellie Paschal. Wellston. Ga. Location: 2% miles northwest to Hattie; 4 miles northeast to Wellston : 3 miles north to Elberta. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; open, level, unimproved; room for playgrounds; no gardens; one toilet, average condition. Building: Value, $600; one class room, size 24x^0x112; no cloak rooms; small veranda; well lighted; painted; well kept. Equipment: Good home-made double desks; good blackboards; no maps ; no charts ; no globe ; no reference dictionary ; no library; no framed pictures; water from nearby neighbor's well; buckets. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 26 pupils; 32 weeks' continuous term; program posted; no industrial or club work. Maintenance: .+360. UNION SCHOOL. Teachers: N. II. Reid, principal, Bonaire, Ga. ; Miss Made Col- lins, ass't., Bonaire, Ga. Location: 3 miles southwest to Spring Hill; 4 miles northwest to Lake view. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; per- fectly level lot with fine oak grove; unimproved as yet; small school gardens; grounds well kept; two toilets. average condition. Building: Value, $1,000; two class rooms, 24x25x12; cloak rooms; fairly well lighted; well kept; painted. Equipment: Good home-made and some patent desks, doubles; good blackboards; one small map; no charts; no globe; no pictures; library, 75 vols.: reference dictionary; wa- ter from deep-bored well on lot; individual cups at the Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 62 pupils; program posted; 17 periods; a debating club and a corn club; no community school improvement club. Maintenance: $960. ELBERTA SCHOOL. Teacher: .Miss Margaret Wasner, Wellston, Ga. Location: 2 l / 2 miles west to Hattie ; 3 miles south to Oakland: 3 miles east to Wellston. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in hoard of education; level, magnificent oak grove on premises; unimproved, but well kept ; very small play grounds ; no school garden ; one toilet, average condition. Building: Value, $700; one class room, 24x30x12; cloak rooms ; veranda in front ; well lighted and ventilated ; painted; well kept and seasonably decorated in autumn leaves, etc. Equipment: Good home-made desks, doubles; good black- boards; some maps; framed pictures; no globe; no chart; small library; no dictionary; good teacher's desk: water from nearby neighbor's well. Organization: One teacher; 7 grades; 23 pupils: 32 Aveeks' continuous school year; program posted; club. Maintenance: -t-100. ? 4 W7ff*fl1 Wff '*??«• HATTIE SCHOOL. Teachers: J. W. Cole, principal, Byron, (la.; A Iiss Flora Rod- gers, ass't., Perry, Ga. Location: 2y 2 miles east to Elberta ; 2y 2 miles southeast to Oakland; 2y 2 miles north to Dunbar. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; oak grove, good condition, adjoining church lot ; play- grounds improved; well kept yards; school gardens; two toilets, in good condition. Building: Value, $1,200; one class room and large audi- torium used as class room; insufficiently lighted; painted ; well kept ; cloak rooms. Equipment: Good home-made double desks; poor blackboards; some maps ; no charts ; no globes ; a reference dictionary ; library, 100 vols.; framed pictures; water from good well; covered cooler, and individual cups. Organization: Two teachers; 9 grades; 80 pupils; 32 weeks' continuous term; program posted; 18 periods; literary society; community Mothers' Club. Maintenance: $960. Note: During the progress of this survey plans were ap- proved by the superintendent and board to remodel and enlarge this school house so as to meet the requirements of an up-to-date consolidated rural school; and this will be done at once. This will include three class rooms, manual training room, kitchenette, cloak rooms, etc., all well lighted and ventilated. KATHLEEN SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Jessie Hogg, Kathleen, Ga. Location: 4 miles west to Lakeside; 4 miles north to Bonaire. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; very fine oak grove in rear, ample space for level play- grounds, etc., in front; play is supervised: small school garden, veil eared for; two toilets, good condition. Building 1 : Value, $600; one class room, 20x32x10; properly lighted and ventilated; painted; cloak rooms; com- fortably heated ; well kept. Equipment: Good home-made double desks; good blackboards; charts; globe; reference dictionary; framed pictures: library, 40 vols. ; illustrative materials ; water from deep- bored well (90 ft.) on school grounds; use individual cups at well. Organization: One teacher; 8 grades; 25 pupils; 32 weeks' continuous term ; program posted ; 29 periods ; some industrial work in primary grades; small tomato club. Maintenance: $400. 25 BONAIRE SCHOOL. Teachers: Roy E. Allgood, principal, Bonaire, Ga. ; Miss Irene Baird, ass't., Bonaire, Ga. Location: 4 miles south to Kathleen; 5 miles north to Wellston; 5 miles west to Union. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in hoard of education; level and open ; slightly improved ; ample room for play- grounds ; small school gardens; two toilets, one in fair condition, one in had condition. Building": Value. $1,600; two class rooms and auditorium; class rooms 20x30x13; auditorium unfinished; wide hall used for cloak room ; fairly well kept. Equipment: Good home-made double desks; blackboards poor; maps ; charts ; framed pictures ; reference dictionary ; library, 75 vols.; no globe; water from deep well on school grounds ; individual cups. Organization: Two teachers; 8 grades; 57 pupils; 32 weeks' continuous school year ; program posted ; 23 recitation periods ; literary society ; sewing clubs. Maintenance: $960. , 26 LAKESIDE SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Hilda Brooks, Perry, Ga. Location: 4 miles northeast to Kathleen; 5 miles north to Union. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; well located upon good elevation, grove in the rear; ample room for playgrounds in front; grounds as yet very slightly improved; small school garden; two toilets in fair condition. Building: Value, $650; one class room, 26x30x12; two cloak rooms; veranda in front; sufficiently and properly lighted and ventilated; well painted, except ceiling overhead too dark; floors oiled ami well kept; a well- planned building. Equipment: Good home-made desks, doubles, a few patents; part of blackboards good, part poor; several maps; a reference dictionary; a small library; small globe; framed pictures; illustrative materials, window plants, etc.; water from good nearby spring; individual cups. Organization: One teacher; 6 grades; 12 pupils; program pos- ted; continuous school year of 32 weeks; a sewing club organized in the school ; a community school improve- ment club. Maintenance: $400. 27 POWERSVILLE SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Bessie Quick, Powersville, Ga. Location: 4 miles east to Lakeview; 5 miles north to Byron. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; good elevation; grounds unimproved and neglected; small school garden ; two toilets, medium condition. Building" Value, $800; one class room, size 30x30x12; cloak rooms; well lighted and ventilated; painted; not well kept. Equipment: Double patent desks; fairly good blackboards; maps; framed pictures; no library; no reference dic- tionary; no charts; no globe; U. S. flag; water from private waterworks; covered cooler; individual cups. Organization: One teacher; 8 grades; 33 pupils; 32 weeks' continuous term; program posted; 26 recitation periods; sewing club ; no community clubs. Maintenance: $400. 28 GROVANIA SCHOOL. Teachers: Miss Nannie Fletcher, principal, Grovania, Ga. ; Miss Bertha Sharpe, ass't., Grovania, Ga. Location 2% miles east to Haynesville ; 5 miles south to p]lko. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in hoard of education; sloping; a few trees and flowers; rustic pavilion; playgrounds; considerable improvements accomplished and planned; school gardens ; two toilets, good condition. Building-: Value, $1,000; two class rooms, 20x30x12; properly lighted and ventilated; well kept; cloak rooms; painted; small work room. Equipment: Single adjustable patent desks; good blackboards; several maps; charts; globes; framed pictures; ref- erence dictionary ; library, 150 vols. ; sand-tables ; man- ual training tool chests; booklets; illustrative materials; bird boxes ; window boxes ; and flowers, etc. ; water from nearby private well ; covered cooler, with hob- bling fountain. Organization: Two teachers; 9 grades; 47 pupils; program posted ; manual training, sewing, cooking, drawing ; literary society; junior civic league; Mothers' Club; 32 weeks' continuous term. Maintenance: $960. CLEVELAND SCHOOL. Teacher: Miss Mary V. Smith, Byron, Ga., R. F. D. Location: 3% miles east to Powersville ; 4 miles northwest to Ben Hill. Grounds: Area, one acre; titles in board of education; situated in a beautiful grove, unimproved; no school gardens: two toilets, good condition. Building-: Value, $700; one class room, 18x27x10: one smaller room for storage, etc.; lighting is insufficient and improper; painted; well kept. Equipment: Good double home-made desks; good blackboards; maps; no charts; no globe; no dictionary; no library: some framed pictures; a piano; some illustrative ma- terials; water good well; covered cooler; individual clips. Organization: One teacher; 8 grades; 24 pupils; 32 weeks' continuous term ; program posted ; no industrial or club work. Maintenance: $400. 30 PERRY HIGH SCHOOL. Teachers: C. E. Crook, principal; Miss Louise Rainey, 7th and 8th grades; Miss Sue Jelks Ware, 5th and 6th grades; Miss Hortense Davant, 3d and 4tli grades; Miss Georgia Hurst, 1st and 2d grades. Grounds: Small lot; unimproved, but well kept; playgrounds insufficient; no school gardens; sanitary toilets on grounds. Buildings: Value, $4,000; two buildings; 4 class rooms, and auditorium also used as class room; halls used for cloak rooms; small rooms for music and art; buildings fairly well lighted ; well kept. Equipment: Single and double patent desks; good blackboards; no maps; no globes; charts; framed pictures; no refer- ence dictionary; library, 50 vols.; sand tables; illustra- tive materials, specimens, etc. ; water from city water- works. Organization: Five teachers; music teacher and art teacher; 10 grades; 150 pupils; 36 weeks' continuous term: pro- grams posted; music, art, and expression classes; sep- arate boys' and girls' literary societies; no industrial work attempted; an active Parent-Teachers' Associa- tion is undertaking to supply the school with maps, globes, charts, dictionaries, a drinking fountain, and other needed equipment. Maintenance: $1,250 from county funds; $2,250 from city $650 incidental fees; total, $4,150. 31 FORT VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL. Grounds: Area about four acres, facing four streets, centrally located, elevated lot, with some good trees: ample play- grounds, improved and equipped with about $200 or $300 worth of play appliances: slides, swings, giant strides, tennis, basket ball, etc.; play and athletics su- pervised and directed. Buildings: A modern structure costing about $40,000, with twelve class rooms, large auditorium, cloak rooms, lab- oratory rooms, storage rooms, office, closets, etc. Equipment: Well equipped with best single, adjustable, steel. patent desks throughout; plenty of good maps in cases; charts; globes; sandtables; well-selected pictures; ref- erence dictionaries and encyclopedias; library of 600 vols.; illustrative materials and scenes collected mostly by the pupils and teachers; booklets, etc. Organization: A fully accredited four-year high school, twelve teachers; 11 grades; 465 pupils; industrial work, ex- pression, etc.; a school athletic association; a school pa- per, etc.; a special course in reading is provided for the five upper grades; a special course in cooking and sew- ing; a commercial course is in contemplation; a school "having for its ideal always the service of the children and the equipping of them as fully as possible for the environment in which they must live." This school has a unique system of renting textbooks to the pupils which is attracting attention. They rent the books at half cost price, and then save money for the system. County, as well as local boards, might well imitate this illustration of good business judgment and ability. Maintenance: Total from State and city, $9,000. Rate 4i/o mills. AUDITORIUM • Hojttk| # -■'- .. * »M " HAYNESVILLE SCHOOL Inside View 34 FACULTY: Ralph Newton Superintendent High School. Ralph Newton Mathematics S. E. Denton Science and French Miss Francis Hopkins Latin and History Miss Ella Evans English Grammar School. Miss Eula Prator Seventh Grade Miss Eunice Roberts Sixth Grade Miss Flossie White Fifth Grade Miss Eleanor Adams Fourth Grade Miss Myrtle Linch Third Grade Miss Katie May Williams Second Grade Miss Mary Hale First Grade Miss Patsy Hoyal First Grade A. Miss Myrtle Linch Domestic Science Miss ( !harlotte DeVine Reading Expression Department. Miss Charlotte A. DeVine. HOUSTON COUNTY NEGRO SCHOOLS NEGRO SCHOOLS. The matter of negro education has not been neglected in this county, and considerable stress has been put upon its proper direction. The Fort Valley High and Industrial School, reported herein, is generally regarded as one of the best negro schools in the State. An intelligent negro Farm Demonstrator, Otis S. Neal, under the patronage of the U. S. Farm Demonstration Work, and working constantly among the negro farmers of the county, has his office at this school. Under patronage of the Jeanes Fund, and directed by the County Board of Educa- tion, Mattie Wilder works constantly among the negro rural schools, giving emphasis to industrial education, sanitation, etc. By the help of these agencies, and under direction of the County Superintendent of Schools, the negroes have in- stituted the custom of holding district school fairs, which have stimulated a wholesome and intelligent interest in their public- schools on the part of both races. Negro School Houses. Some improvement is shown in the betterment of the negro school houses ; and the photographs herein of the two last ones constructed by the County Board indicate improved styles of school architecture. Some of their school houses are models of cleanliness. .38 FORT VALLEY HIGH AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR NEGROES. Officers and Teachers: H. A. Hunt, Principal; R. L. Smith, Secretary, Head of Normal Department and Instructor in Mathematics; Mrs. F. J. limit. Literature; Mr. C. B. Johnson, History and Science ; Mrs. F. M. Frazier, Fourth and Fifth Grades ; Miss M. L. Baker, First Grade ; Mrs. Sophia Moore, Matron, Domestic Science; Miss S. L. Jones, Laundering; Mr. W. W. Hayes, Agriculture ; Mrs. V. J. Woodward, Private Secretary ; Mr. F. A. Mar- chant, Bookkeeper; Miss L. J. Taylor, English, Music; Mrs. A. W. Johnson, Boys' Matron, Reading and Spell- ing; Miss Maud E. Mosley, Second and Third Grades ; Mrs. J. A. Davis, Sewing and Preceptress; Mrs. J. O'Neal, Plain Sewing; Mr. C. F. Stephens, Carpentry; Rev. T. J. Crawford, Instructor in Bible and Sunday School Missionary. Grounds: Thirty-five acres, well situated, just out of Fort Valley, Ga. ; agriculture is taught and a school farm op- erated by the pupils at a good profit, supplying the dormitories and local markets; the yards are well laid off and kept perfectly free of all trash, waste paper, etc. ; the entire premises fully meet all demands of san- itation. Buildings: There are in all about a dozen buildings, most of them brick, and all well suited to their several uses; the buildings have been mostly constructed by student la- bor, this being a part of their regular courses of in- struction ; they are well planned, provided with elec- tricity and water; at all times scrupulously clean and sanitary. Equipment: The several buildings and many rooms are well equipped for the purposes for which they are used ; good blackboards; desks; tables; maps; charts; pic- tures; library of over two thousand volumes; magazines and papers, etc. ; the industrial buildings are well equipped with benches, machinery, tools, etc. 40 Maintenance: This school is not maintained by the public school funds of the comity, but relies upon tuition, contribu- tions and the profits arising from the school farm and industrial departments; it is a non-sectarian, Christion institution. < Caylord Bros. Makers Syracuse. N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908