Class Author Title Imprint ^. — T'S-315'] Tbe First New Year. ^on^ a^es since, when Time was ^oun^, jfl blissful couple sat and sun^ $n ^den's lovely fields so fair, pefore tl^e tempter entered there ; The rosy hours were whiled away $n sweet repose, or gentle play ; ©ne little darling, lovely boy filled both their hearts with boundless joy. Q. ^ik^v4i^^\. , ^oun§ ^dam watched the stars at ni^kt, jflnd saw the constellations bright, jfllon^ tl^e ^rand ecliptic's face^ "^here the ^reat ^lobe with li^I^tnin^ pace ^wept onward in its annual round, Till it the starting poiqt had found, Then rose his anthem loud and clear : "©h, God, bless tJ^ou the opening ^ear ; To us thy children st^ow thy face, The new year bless for all rr.y race." Then spaJfe the ^ord, "thou son of ^arth, "^ith each dead ^ear shall come a birth, ^l^hile tl^e world doth its tracli pursue, The year shall he forever new ; Thy race may perish, and at last The ^lobe be into darl^ness cast ; Tl^e ^ littering stars may cease to shine, *ffut until then, thou son of mine, "^hile this mi0y $lohe dothi roll, ^nd li^ht doth shine from pole to pole, f^ word ^ ^ioe ; he of ^ood cheer — $'ll bless for them eacl} §lad new year." COPVRIQHTED 18t6 BY CHAe. T. BAINBRIDOE'* SONt. m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 165 979 4