Lb suo 1821 \. 028^16^55^ 3 #J Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 ENACTMENTS nei.ATiNa to tie €ON!STITUTION AND GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Yy *«K THK USE OF THl »N1T»II«ITT- CHARLOTTESVILLE, PRINTED BY CART, WATSON & CO. U'h 6t^ ENACTMENTS, &c. ACT ESTABLISHING THE UNIVERSITY. [Passed January 25, 1819.] 1. Be it declared by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the <^°^''^>/"" °^ '' J J b ^ lands, &c. from conveyance of the lands and other property appertaining to the Cen- central college in Albemarle, accep- tral College in the county of Albemarle, which has been executed ted. by the Proctor thereof, under authority of the subsciibers and foun- ders, to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, is hereby accepted, for the use, and on the conditions in the said deed of con- veyance expressed. University of Vir- 8. And be it enacted, That there shall be established, on the site ^\ni,, established provided for the said college, an University, to be called, The Uni- j,„. pyjfi'collefro. versity of Virmnia : that it shall be under the eovernment of seven p"^^''^" visiiors to •' "' ° ■' '* be appoinied by visitors to be appointed forthwith by the Governor, with tlie advice of ExccuUve. Council, notifying thereof the persons so appointed, and prescribing to them a day for their first meeting at the said University, with sup- plementary instructions for procuring a meeting subsequently, in the event of failure at the time first appointed.' „ m • 1 • • r 1 • • 1 11 '^"^ empowered 3. 1 HE said visitors, or so many or ihem as, being a majority, shall to appoint a vector attend, shall appoint a rector, of their own body, to preside at their otlier Yuiio^to be meetings, and a secretary to record, attest, and preserve their proceed- Performed by ings, and shall proceed to examine into the state of the property conveyed as aforesaid ; shall make an inventory of the same, speci- fying the items whereof it consists ; shall notice tl-.e buildings and other mproveraents already made, and those which are in progress ; shall lake measures for their completion, and for the addition of such others, from lime to time, as may be necessary. 4. In the said University shall be taught the Latin, Greek and He- J^^^^ ^„ be tau j o account of failure to repair their tenements, or on account of any o- To the Bursar the ther delinquency, and shall pay to the Bursar, on the warrant of the sums due for rent pj.Qp^Qj. ji,g gy^^g (j^,g from the students for the use of the dormito- 01 Dormitories, ' &c. ries and public rooms, the sums due from the Hotel-keepers for rent, and the sums due from the students and Hotel-keepers for other charges against them. Shall pay for all Third. He shall pay for all books and stationary, all articles of ^o-s, s a lona y, ^Iq^j^^^^^ ^^^ other supplies contracted for by the students, within the limits of the funds placed in his hands for these purposes respective- ly, and according to the rules and regulations of this University :— . provided, that no such payment shall be made, unless to the order'of the student the student, endorsed upon a bill containing a distinct account of each item, and the price thereof, signed by the person to whom it is due. Shall pay orders Fourth. He shall pay the orders of the students, drawn upon of the students on j^^^ ^^.^1^ ^-j^^g ^.^ time, on account of pocket money ; provided, such account of pocket ' ' ^ j :> r ■) money, but not in orders do not exceed at anv time the amount in his hands deposited favor of students, unless sanctioned for that purpose ; and do not, in any quarter of the session, exceed a due proportion of the amount allowed for pocket money for the whole session, by^the laws of the University. But he shall pay no order from one student in favor of another, unless for the purchase of some arti- cle, the sale whereof has been authorised in writing, by the Chairman; nor shall he pay any order drawn by a student which he shall have reason to believe to be drawn in evasion of the enactments, until the payment thereof shall have been sanctioned by the Chairman. 17 Fifth. At the end of the session, or whenever the student shall At the end of the session, or when 5)0 expelled or dismissed from the University, or shall withdraw from the student shall it by the leave of the Faculty, or die during the session, the Patron shalfpay over the shall pay over to him, or his representative, parent or guardian, what- ^^^^^^^^ '" **'^ ever balance may be in his hands to the credit of the student, after deducting therefrom all proper charges against him. G. From students not resident within the precincts of the Univer- Shall receive tui- sity, the Patron, upon the warrant of the Proctor, shall receive all comnTission, from money to be paid by them for tuition fees, and the use of the public Jenir^''^^"* ^^"' rooms, and the money required as a deposit to cover contingencies, with two per cent on the whole for the Patron's commission ; and retaining his commission, shall pay the Professors' fees, shall pay to the Bursar, upon the warrant of the Proctor, what is due for the use of the public rooms, and shall pay the surplus, if any, to the student, his parent, guardian or representative. 7. When the Patron receives the money of any student, he shall ghaii give the give him a fair receipt therefor, specifying the several purposes to ^ " ®" * receip . which it is to be applied, and the amount appropriated to each pur- pose ; which receipt shall be deposited with the Proctor, to be by him To be deposited carefully preserved ; and, if the student desire it, the Patron shall, at the same time, give him a duplicate receipt for his own keeping. 8. He shall keep regular boolis, in which shall be entered fair ac- Shall keep ac- ~ ,, , . . 11-1 T 1 counts of receipts, counts of all his receipts and disbursements, and for every disburse- Scc. ment he shall take and preserve an authentic voucher. 9. Heshall, under no circumstances, mingle the funds received by shall not mingle him as Patron, with the funds held by him in his own or any o- Patron with other ther right ; but he shall preserve them so distinct and so designated, ^'■^^'^^• that they may, at all times, be ascertained and applied to the purposes for which they may have been received. To further this purpose, and the more effectually to guard against accidents, he is required to open an account in the Bank of Virginia, at Richmond, in the name account^^^n the of the ' Patron of the students of the University of Virginia,' and ^''"'^ °^ Virginia, without delay to deposit to the credit of that account, all money and all other funds received by him as Pdtron, which are not to be im- mediately disbursed. The funds so deposited shall be disbursed by checks drawn by the Patron, for the time being, and payable 10 or- der. C 18 Hisaeeounfs and 10. His accounts and vouchers shall be, at all times, subject to the vouchers subject r- , ^^ ■ r-tr-i ^ niT-i -y-. to the inspection inspection of the Chairman ot the t acuity, and the Executive Com- ^^t e airman, ^^^^^.^gg . g|j^|| ^^ regularly eshibited to the Chairman for inspection at the end of each mouth, and shall be laid before the Faculty and the Visitors, -whenever required. On the first day of each annual meeting of the Visitors, he shall lay before them a fair statement of his accounts of the preceding year, and at the end of each session, he shall furnish to the parent or guardian of the student, a fair copy of his account. Proceedings in n. If the Chairman of the Faculty perceive that the Patron is in case of default. default, in any respect, in the administiation of tlie funds committed to his care, he shall forthvrith report the default to the Executive Committee, and to the Faculty, in order that the proper correctives may be applied. And if the Executive Committee find that he hath improperly converted to his ovrn use any funds entrusted to him as Patron, or mingled such funds vrith his own, or with the funds of others, or retained in his own hands what he ought to have deposited in Bank, he shall be removed from ofiice. 12. If the Patron, in disbursing the funds of the students, shall pay for any article of merchandise, or for any supplies not warranted Penalty for unau- by the lav.'s and regulations of the University ; or shall, in any other thorised disburse- ,. . iuents manner, aisbarse tnem, or any part oi tnein, contrary to the provi- ^ sions of the foregoing, or any other enactment of the University ; be- sides being liable to an action on his official bond, he shall pay to the Bursar, for tbe benefit of the University, a fine not exceeding dou- ble the amount of the improper disbursement, to be assessed by the Faculty ; and if he shall neglector violate any other duty prescribed to And for violation tiim by the laws of the University, besides being liable to an action o, an} o er u v. ^^ ^^^ bond, he shall pay to the Bursar, for the benefit of the Uni- versity, a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for anyone ofience,to be assessed by the Faculty. TiiD Patron siiall 13. The Patron shall be assistant to the Proctor in enforcing the be assistant to the .„,... Proctor. pohceof the institution, so far as to aid when called on in prevent- ing all breaches of the law, and bringing the offenders to punishment; and so far as to report to the Proctor all breaches of the law, by stu- dents or others, which shall come to his knowledge. He shall, moreo- ver, when called upon by tbe Proctor, aid him in making estimates and 19 contracts for building and repairs, and in settling the accounts of con- tractors and undertakers. 14. The Patron shall reside within the precincts, and shall be al- Shall reside with- in the piocincts. lowed to occupy the buildings and grounds now occupied by the Proctor, free of rent; he maintaining the buildings, grounds and in- closures, in good repair, but not being answerable for the destruc- tion of the buildings by unavoidable accidents from tempest or fire. 15. The Patron shall be authorised to keep a book-store within the ^^y keep a book' precincts of the University ; and a suitable apartment shall be assigned ^'•01^°- him for that purpose by the Executive Committee, rent free, he maintain- ing the repairs thereof, but not being answerable for unavoidable ac- cidents by fire or tempest ; provided, that he shall keep on hand a constant supply of the text books required in the University, and shall furnish them to such students as desire to purchase of him, of good quality, at reasonable prices, to be judged of by the Faculty, and not exceeding, in any case, fifteen per cent, advance upon costs ; and to enable the Faculty to judge of the prices, his invoices shall be laid before them. Section 4. — Hot el- Keepers. 1. Hotel-keepers shall be appointed by the Proctor, with the ap- Hotel-keepers to ^ ' ^ ■' , be appointed by probation of the Board, while sitting, or of the Executive Committee, the Proctor. The appointment shall be in writing, under the hand and seal of the Proctor, in the following form. 1, A. B., Proctor of the University of "Virginia, by and with the consent and approbation of the Board of Visitors, (or Executive Com- mittee) have appointed, and do hereby constitute and appoint, C. D. a Hotel-keeper in the said University ; charged with the occupation and conduct of hotel No. in the eastern (or western) range of buildings, and of the dormitories and grounds with their appurtenan- ces, which are, or shall be, assigned thereunto. Given under my hand and seal this day of A. B. tfif^j 2. Upon receiving such appointment, the Hotel-keeper shall exe- f^^^^^^^''^^^^,^* cute 'and deliver to the Proctor, for the University, a covenant inwri- ing, «fcc. ting, under his hand and seal, in the following form. ;20 I, C. D., do hereby "acknowledge, that I have been appointed Hotel- keeper,^in the University of Virginia, charged with the occupation and conduct of hotel No. in the eastern (or western) range of build- ings, and of the dormitories and grounds with their appurtenances which are, or shall be, assigned thereunto. And I do hereby, for myself and my heirs, covenant and agree with the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, that I will pay or cause to be paid to ttem, or their lawful agent, as rent for the occupation of the said hotel and grounds and their appurtenances, at the rate of two hundred dol- lars per annum^ to lie paid at the expiration of each month, during the continuance of mv said appointment ; that all my personal proper- ty in the tenement and grounds aforesaid, and within the dormitories aforesaid, and their appurtenances, shall be at all times subject to dis- tress for any rent in arrear and due from me ; that I will maintain the repair of the said hotel and grounds, with their 'appurtenances, ac- cording to the laws of the University. And furthermore, that I will, well and truly, abide by and conform to the laws and regulations of the said University, now in force, or to be made, during the continu- ance of my said appointment ; and that I will, in all things, to the best of ray ability, perform the duties of my said appointment. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this day of C. D. pEAlt Shall not resign 3. The Hotel-keeper SO appointed, shall not resign his appointment) appointmentwith- r.iT>i ^ i ■t~< ■ ^ out leave, except Without leave of the Board, or of the Executive Committee, except calendar' ve°ar ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ °^ *^^ calendar year,' and then, on giving thirty days' notice, May be removed ^^ writing, to the Proctor. He may be removed at the end of any ^o"'- calendar year, by the Board, or by the Executive Committee, or by a majority of the Visitors, in recess, upon giving him thirty days' notice in writing, of such removal ; or upon conviction before the Faculty, of any breach of duty, he may be removed at any time, by the Board of Visitors in session, or by a majority of them, in vacation, he having thirty days' notice of such removal. Shall be charged 4. Every Hotel-keeper shall be charged with the cleanlinesf. police 11 21 and good order of the hotel and grounds in his occupation, the dor- with the clcanli- , , T 1 • » i"^^*' police and initories assigned thereto, and tiieir ajjpurtcnances. good order of ho- 5. The Ilotel-keepers shall be assistant to the Proctor, in main- shall be assistant taining the police and good order of the University : and they are *° ^-'^t ■^^■^'^^°'^ '" o ^ b J ■> J maintain inji; po- cnjoined to be diligent in discharging this duty. It shall be particu- hce. larly their duty, to aid him, when called on, in suppressing any dis- order or riot within the precincts ; and to report to him all offences against the enactments, and all circumstances which may tend to a discovery thereof, which come to their knowledge, whether they be called upon or not. They shall, moreover, at least once a week, if required by the Proctor, visit the rooms of the students, in the morn- shall visit rooms ing, and report to hirn all violations of the law regarding early ris- ^^olilin^^'^^ '" "'^ ing. 6. Whenever called upon by the Faculty, the Hotel-keepers shall Shall give testi- give testimony upon honor, touching any matter of enquiry before the ^°^^' Faculty. 7. No Hotel-keeper shall furnish any entertainment in his tene- Shall not furnish . r- .- n 1 • T . 1- , anyenlertaininent, ■ ment, tor pay or compensation of any kmd, to one who is not a stu- for pay, to anyone dent of, or attached to, the University, or a member of his own fami- "°^ "" student, &c. ' ■ •" nor entertain any ly. Nor shall he entertain in his hotel, or wiihin the precincts, any expelled student, &c. expelled student, for the term of five years after such expulsion, or any dismissed or suspended student during the continuance of such dismission or suspension. Nor shall he permit his tenement, or any '■ ^ . ^oT permit his part of it, to be used for any other than the purposes of a boarding- tenement to be us- house. Nor shall he suffer any game of chance to be played ; or any boarding-house, ardent spirits or wine, mixed or unmixed, to be drunk within his ^f^'^chance ^o be tenement : but nothing herein contained, shall be construed to pro- pl'^y^d, nor ardent ° ' '■ spirits tobe drunk. hibil the moderate useof wineor ardent spirits, by the merabersofthe family of the.Hotel-kccper and his invited guests. 8. For any breach of his duty, prescribed by the foregoing, or any May bo fined for other law or regulation of the University, he may be fined by the Fa- ^*^^^ * ° " ^' cully in a sum not exceeding five dollars, for each offence, in addition to any other penalty imposed by law. * For a more particular enactment on this subject, sec Chap. 3. Section 5. — Janitor. Janitor to be em- l ■ I'iie Proctor shall employ a suitable person as .Janitor, at a salary j "' ^"^ 22 not exceeding two hundred dollars per annum ; the person so em- ployed, finding himself all supplies, except a house and firewood, to* be furnished by the Proctor. Shall be assistant 2. The Janitor shall be assistant to the Proctor, and when required to the Proctor. , , -r. 7 i n • ■ i i • • • , Shall visit dormi- by the Proctor, he shall visit the dormitories in the morning, and re- •°j, " port to him all violations of thelaw^ requiring the Hotel-keepers to put the rooms in order, and requiring the students to rise early. S. He shall attend the meetings of the Faculty, theirseveral schools TT- , ,• while in session, and the meetings of the Visitors ; and shall perform the necessary menial offices for them. He shall moreover attend the Professors of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry in their lecture rooms, and in the laboratory; and be charged with the duties of working the lithographic press, when required by the Professors of the University ; of winding up and attending to the clock, and keep- ing in order and repairing the chemical and philosophical appara- us. 23 CHAPTER H. INSTRUCTIOI^, &c. Section I. — Profcssorshij)s, plan of Instruction, S^c. 1. In the University of Virginia, shall be instituted, for the present, Number of Piw- fesaorsliips. eight Professorships, to wit : 1. of Ancient Languages ; 2. Modern Languages ; 3. Mathematics ; 4. Natural Philosophy ; 5. Chemis- try and Materia Medica ; 6. Medicine ; 7. Moral Philosophy ; 8, Law. 2. In the school of Ancient Languages, shall be taught the higher School of Ancient grade of the Latin and Greek Languages, the Hebrew, Ancient Ilisto- '^ ° ry, and Ancient Geography. 3. In the school of Modern Languages, shall be taught French, School of Modern, Languages. Spanish, Italian, German, the English Language in its Anglo- Saxon form, Modern History and Modern Geography . The seni- or classes in this school shall also be instructed in the literature of the countries whose language they study. 4. In the school of Mathematics, shall betaught Mathematics gene- School of Mathe- rally, including the higher branches of Numerical Arithmetic, Alge- bra, Trigonometry, plane and splierical, Geometry, Mensuration, Na- vigation, Conic Sections, Fluxions or Differentials, Military and Ci- vil Architecture, and the application of Mathematics to Natural Phi- losophy. 5. In the school of Natural Philosophy, shall be taught the laws philosophy. 24 ./■' and properties of bodies genei-ally, including Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Acoustics, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism, Optics, Astrono- ^'-.'iTiy, and the application of Physical Science to the Arts. School of Chemis- *^' ''" the school of Chemistry and Materia Medica, shall be taught V7 /"'^ Materia fi|h,emistry, Materia Medica, and Pharmacy. Medica. W ♦. ■" - •' School of Medi- 7, In the school of Medicine, shall be taught Anatomy, Surgery, the history of the progress and theories of Medicine, Physiology, Patliolo- gy, Obstetrics, and Sledical Jurisprudence.* School of Moral 8. In the school of Moral Philosophy, shall be taught Mental Philosophy. Science generally, including Ideology, General Grammar, Logic, Ethics, Rhetoric and Belles Lettres ; and also Political Economy. School of Law. 9, j^ the school of Law, shall be taught the Common and Statute Law, that of the Chancery, the laws Feudal, Civil, Mercatorial, Mari- time, and of Nature and JSTations ; also the principles of Government. and Constitutional Law. 10. This arrangement, however, shall not be understood as forbid- o/;!!!!»°^L'o!!^ k„ ding occasional transpositions of a particular branch of science from ™^"^- one school to another, in accommodation of the particular qualifica- tions of different Professors. A Tutor in the 11. A tutor in the school of Modern Languages shall be employed, Lano-naffes to be ^ith a salary of five hundred dollars per cmrawm, payable as the sala- employed. * To facilitate the instruction ill this school, the following enactment ha.s been made. There shall be established in the University, a dispensary, wiiich shall be at- tached to the Medical school^ and be under the sole direction and g-overninent of the Professor of Medicine ; who shall attend personally at the anatomical theatre, or such other place as he shall notify, from half after one to two o'- clock, on every Tuesday, Thursday 'and Saturday, for the purpose of dispensing medical advice, vaccination, and aid in surgical cases of ordinary occurrence, to applicants needing them. All 7;oo/-, free persons, disordered in bod}',, topically or generally, and ap- plying for advice, shall receive it gratis ; all others, bond or free, shall receivo it on payment of half a dollar, at each attendance, for the use of the institu- tion. Ml per suns shall he zaccinated gratis } and the students, particularly, shall be encouiaged to be so, as a protection to the institution against thcj malady of the small pox. The students of the Medical school shall be permitted to attend with tho Professor, to examine the patients by the pulse, and other indications of dis- ease, to ask of them such questions as the Professor shall think pertinent, ami shall permit, and to acquire practical knowledge of the processes of pharma- cy, by taking apart in tlie preparation of medicines. The monies so received, shall be applied to the providing and keeping up .1 proper and sufficient stock of medicines and salves, to the procuring surgical instruments for ordinary operations, and to defraying other expenses necessa- ry for the institution. For the first stock of medicines, and for necessary in- struments, money shall be advanced from the funds of tlie University, to be re- imbursed from the receiptsof the dispensary. ties of the Professors aie paid; and he shall be entitled, moreorer, (a one third part of all the fees received in the school. He shall be ap- pointed by the Visitors, or, in their recess, by the Executive Commit- Hovr •pp.ititoi tee ; shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Visitors ; shall conform to all the laws of the Institution ; shall reside within the precincts, and have convenient accommodations for himself and family, to be assigned by the Visitors or the Executive Committee, in the dormitories or hotels and grounds of the University ; and shall jjiidutio*. perform such specific duties as may be assigned him by the Professor, with the approbation of the Visitors or the Executive Committee. 12. There shall be appointed in the school of Medicine, a Demon- Demonstrator of . 11 Anatomy and Sur- strator of Anatomy and Surgery, whose duties shall be particularly gerytobe appoint- defined by the Professor of Medicine, subject to the control of the |j;g dutje, Ex,ecutive Committee, in the recess of the Board, and of the Visitors during its session. 13. He shall be appointed by the Professor of Medicine, subject to How appointad, approval or rejection by the Board of Visitors, or by a majority of the Visitors in recess of the Board ; and may be removed at the plea- sure of the Board, at the end of any session, 14. The Demonstrator shall be allowed a house, or rooms and Shall ba allowed grounds, for his accommodation, such as shall be assigned by the Ex- ' ecutive Committee. He shall be allowed a salary of five hundred H'* salary, dollars per annum^ to be paid as the Professors' salaries are paid, and shall be entitled to the same fe,e in all respects, as is allowed to a Professor ; and the fee paid to him shall be taken into the esti- mate, in ascertaining the amount which a Professor shall be entitled Shall constitute a to from a. student attending him. He shall be admitted into the Fa- memoer ofth« Fa- culty as a member thereof, and have a vote in all their deliberations. ''" ^' 15. Where the instruction is by lessons, and the school too nu- Assistant tutor« _ . , . may bn employed, merous for a single instructor, assistant tutors may be employed, to be chosen by the Professors ; but subject to be negatived or removed for good cause, by the Visitors •, to have the use of two adjacent dormi- tories each, rent free, and to divide with the Professor the tuition fees' as shall be agreed between them. 16. Each of the schools of the University shall be held two hours g^^gj^ gehool to b« of every other day of the week ; and that every student may be ena- ^^'^ ^'^^ hour*. bled to attend those of his choice, their regular sessions shall be %o D 26 Houis of lecture from the corn- arranged as to days and hours, that no two shall be holden at the same time. 17. From the commencement of the session, till the last of April, mencement of the *^® hotirs of lecture shall commence at half aftei* seven, and follow id session to the last the succcssion hereinafter prescribed, till half after one ; when there of April. ^ shall be an interval of one hour for dinner, so as to postpone the last prescribed lecture to the hours between half after two and half after four o'clock. ____^^ The school of Ancient Langua- ges shall occupy from 1-2 after 7 to 1-2 after 9, a. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Schem. of lee- That of Mod- ^^^•- ern Languages, shall occupy the same hours on Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Satur- days. That of Math- ematics, shall oc- cupy from ] -2 af- ter 9 to 1-2 after 1 1, A. M.on Mon- days, Wednes- days andFridays. That of Natu- ral Philosophy, the same hours on Tuesdays, Thurdays, and Saturdays. That of Chemistry and Materia Medica, shall occupy from 1-2 af- ter 11 to 1-2 after 1, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. That of Medicine the same hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sa- turdays. ; That of Moral Philosophy shall occupy from 1-2 after 2, to 1-2 af- ter 4, P. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. That of Law, the same hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days. Hours of leeture 18. From the last of April till the end of the session, the lectures from tn^ last of A- pri! to sad oi ses- shall commence at half after five in the morning, and continue till sion. half after seven. Then allowing half an • hour for breakfast, shall SCHEME OF LECTURES. M. 1 Tu 1 W. 1 Th. 1 F. 1 S-ll H. M. 7 30 9 30 H. M. 7 30 9 30 a. M. 7 30 9 30 Ancient Languages. H. M. 7 30 9 30 K. M. 7 30 9 30 H. M Modem 7 30 Langua- 9 30 ges. H. M. 9 30 11 30 H. M. 9 30 1 11 30 H. M. 1 9 30 Mathema- 11 30 i ! tics. H. M. 9 30 11 30 H M. 9 30 11 30 H. M. 9 30 11 30 J\'atural Philosophy. H. M. 11 30 1 30 H. M. 11 30 1 30 H. M. 11 30 1 30 i Chemistry, and Mat. Medica, H. M. 11 30 1 30 H. M. 11 30 1 30 H. SI. 1 11 30 1 30 Medicine. H. M. 2 30 4 30 H. M. 2 30 4 30 H. M. 2 30 4 .30 1 Moral Philosophy. H. M, 2 30 4 30 if H. M. •2 30 4 30 H. 31. 2 30 4 30 Law. 27 commence at eight, and continue in regular succession, each occupy- ing two hours, till two o'clock in the afternoon. But the days for lectures in the several schools, and the orderjin which they will suc- ceed each other, shall be as above prescribed. 19. The hours of lecture thus prescribed, shall be carefully ob- Hours of lecture served, as far as is found practicable ; and the Chairman is requested sgrved.'*'^^ u jr o - to cause the bell to be rung precisely at the time appointed, for the commencement of each lecture. 20. The hours of lecture for the cl;iss of Anatomy and Surgery, Hours of the claw of Anal'Ti^y and and the extra hours of lecture, found convenient in the several scho-^ls, Surgery, and •.x must remain subject to the arrangement of the Professors, under the y,.j^'j. conirol of control of the Faculty, till the Board shall otherwise order. t^J« Professor., 21. At the hour appointed for the meeting of every school, the roll Roll to be called ^* ° -^ . at the hour of of the school shall be called over, the absentees, and those appearing meeting of ever/ tardily, shall be noted ; and if no sufficient cause be offered at the rising of the school, to the satisfaction of the Professor, the notation shall stand confirmed, and shall be given in to the Chairman in the weekly report. He shall, on the first day of every month during the chairman to send „ , „ . J , ^ ... monthly ciiculars session, or as soon alter each ot those days as may be, transmit by ^^ parents, &c. mail a list of these notations, to the parent or guardian of each delin- quent. 22. In each of these schools, instruction shall be communicated by J"c;;j,'',liullicarelL lessons or lectures, examinations and exercises, as shall be best adapt- ed to the nature of the science, and number of the school ; and ex- ercises shall be prescribed to employ the vacant days and hours. 23. In every course of lectures, it shall be the duty of the Profes- class to be •xa- j- 1 1 • 1 xi 1 I- f 1 , , mined ou previoui sor, immediately previous to the delivery oi anew lecture, to exa- jeg^ute mine his class thoroughly, on the subjects of the preceding lecture. 24. It shall be the duty of the Professors of the University, to pre- Themes to be scribe to the students, in their respective classes, frequent and regular fJss^oVs. themes, adapted to their previous acquirements, and calculated to de- velope and strengthen their mental faculties. 25. It shall constitute part of the duties of each Professor, to hand Professors tx) make into the Chairman of the Faculty, at the end of each week, a re- to the Chairman, port, exhibiting for the week preceding, the days and the subjects of lecture and of examination, the time occupied in each respectively the presence or absence of each member of the class, and the degree, of attention and proficiency of the students. , • 28 6. The following formula shall be observed in the weekly clasi Pormniafor week- reports of the Professors of the University Jv reports. »^ UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. WEEKLY CLASS REPORT. School ot Class Week ending. s by NAMES. tit t §i§ REMARKS. *Here is to be written the day of the week. |Here is to be written the initial of the day of the week. ;|;Here, the names of students. ^Here an '«' indicating the absence of those not prweiit. 29 17. It shall bethe'duty of the Chairman, to prepare and lay before Chairmnn to make to tlie Visitors a the Visitors, at the commencement of every annual meeting of the consolidated re- Board in July, a consolidated report, founded on the weekly class reports. The said consolidated report shall be divided into three dis- solldatetf report*"' tinct and separate parts, as follows : Part I. A concise and clear statement of the heads of the lectures, or subjects of instruction, delivered or taught by each of the Profes- sors during the preceding course. Part II. A statement of, 1. The number of times which any Profes- sor shall have failed to lecture on the regular days appointed for his lecture. 2. The number of times which any Professor shall have failed to examine his class on the days appointed for such examina- tion. 5. The average time occupied by each Professor in the delive- ry of his lectures. 4. The average time occupied by each Professor, in the examination of his classes. 5. The number of times that each Professor shall have failed promptly to make his weekly class report, as required by the enactments. Part III. A statement of the number of times which the students may have been absent from lecture or examination ; and of their dif- ferent degrees of attention and proficiency in their respective class- es. 28. The Visitors of the University shall be free, severally or toge- visitors may nt- , , -11 11,-- • • tend aiiv school, ther, to attend occasionally any school durmg its session, as inspectors j,^ inspectors and and judges of the mode in which it is conducted. ^ °^ 29. Should the religious sects of this State, or any of them, accord- If religious sects etilabiish schools ing to the invitation held out to them, establish viithin, or adjacent to of instruciion.siu- ,, ■ . r 1 IT ■ ■. I I f • i i- • ^i I- • r dents cxpecl';d to the precincts of the University, schools of instruction in the religion ot J^^p„^J religious their sect, the students of the University will be free, and expected to worship. attend religious worship at the establishment of their respective sects, in the morning, and in time to meet their school in the University at its stated hour. SO. The students of such religious schools, if they attend any Students of each ^ . schools attending school of the University, shall be considered as students of the Uni- University consid- , . 1 ■ 1 1 . .1 • I » ered as students, versity, subject to the same regulations, and entitled to the same rights and privileges, 81. The sessions of the University shall cemmence on the tenth of Cnmmencrment . p , and termination of September, and terminate on the twentieth ot July ensuing. geision. .30 Section 2. — Matriculation, ^c. "Students of other 1. No person who has been a student at any other incorporated" seminaries, on . , . -^^ . . , , . what terms admit- seminar}', shall be received at this L niversity, but on producing a cer- ^ ■ tificate from such seminary, or other satisfactory evidence to the Fa- culty, with respect to his general good conduct. No student receiv- o. jle number not to exceed six. The speakers and wiiters shall be chosen by the Chairman, and their compositions shall be submitted to him for his approbation. On this day, also, certificates and diplomas shall be delivered to the gradu- ates ; and, in general, such business transacted, and such communications made, as may bs considered appropriate to the occasion, and of general inte- lest. 33 TKay, on a vote of the Faculty, be declared a graduate ia that school. 5. Any student who shall exhibit his proficiency in the studies of the following portions of schools, may, in like manner, be declared a graduate of such portion : Pure Mathematics ; Chemistry ; Moral Philosophy.* 6. In those schools in which, according to the regulations of the 9"^^'^J' whenTo University, there are different branches of study, which may be at- ^^ granted, tended separately, a certificate of proficiency may, on a vote of the Faculty, be any student, who shall, on examination, give sa- tisfactory evidence of a competent acquaintance with any of those branches : provided, that to obtain a certificate in any language, the student must shew his knowledge of the literature of that language, Candidate for de- and of the geography and history of the countries in which it was fo writa^the En' used. But in all cases, to obtain a diploma, or a certificate of profi- °^^^^ Languaga ciency, the candidate must give the Faculty satisfactory proof of his ability to write the English language correctly. Title of M. D. to 7. The graduate in the school of Medicine, shall have the title of ^^^ graduate in the school of Ma- Doctor of Medicine. dicine. Degree of Master B. 1 he Faculty shall be empowered to confer an additional and of Arts to be con- higher degree, with the title to the possessor, of " Master of Arts ».. • ° " ' ^ Attainments enti OF THE University of Virginia. ;" and graduation in the depart- tling the student to . that honor. menta of Ancient Languages, Mathematics, J^atural Philosophy, Chemistry, and Moral Philosophy, shall entitle the student to receive * The following is the form of the diploma. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Mr. of has this day been declared a graduate in of this UNIVERSITY. Chairman of the Faculty. Secretary ^ Profesaor of of the Faculty. ^ E 34 this honor ; but such degree is not to interfere with the power of graduation in the separate schools, as already established. Section 4. — Gymnastic and other exercises. A military in- 1. A military instructor shall be provided at the expense of the slructor lo be pro- yided. University, to be appointed by the Faculty, who shall attend on every Saturday, from half after one o'clock to half after three, p. bi. and shall instruct the students in the manual exercise, in field evolutions, ma- noeuvres, and encampments. The students shall attend these exer- cises, and shall be obedient to the military orders of their instructor. The roll shall be regularly called over by him at the hour of raeet- ma ', absences & insubordinations shall be noted ; and the list of de- linquents shall be delivered to the Chairman of the Faculty, to be an- imadverted on by the Faculty, and such minor punishments imposed as each case shall, in their discretion, require. The school of Mo- dern Languages shall be pretermitted on the days of actual military exercise. Substitutes in the 2 .Substitutes in the form of arms shall be provided by the Proctor, Ibrm of arms to be . „,_,.. . , , n , .• ,■ • i i i provided by the at the expense of the University ; they shall be distinguished by num- Froctor. htvs^ delivered out, received in, and deposited under the care and re- sponsibility of the instructor, in a proper depository to be furnished him ; and all injuries to them by a student, shall be repaired at the expenseof such student. Work-shops to be 3. Work -shops shall be provided, whenever convenient, at the ex- ^ ' pense of the University, where students, who choose, may exercise themselves in the use of tools, and such mechanical practices as it is convenient and useful for every person to understand, and occasion- ally to practise. These shops may be let, rent-free, to such skillful and orderly mechanics as shall be approved by the Faculty, on the condition that they will permit the use of their tools, instruments, and implements, within the shop, to such students as shall desire, and use the permission discreetly, and under a liability for any injury they may do them ; and on the further condition, if necessary, of such 35 mechanics' receiving instruction gratis in the mechanical and phi- losophical principles of their art, so far as taught by any of the schools. 36 CHAPTER HI. DISCIPL.INE, POI.ICE, &c. Inattendance, in- 1. Inattendance on school, inattention to the exercises prescribed behaviour*"^ in misbehaviour or indecorum in school, shall be subject to any of the Echool, how pun- jjjJijqj. punishments ; and the Professor of the school may singly reprove, or dismiss from the room during the day. No student to ap- 2. "No student shall appear in school with a stick or any weapon ; pear in school with _ weapons ; nor, while in school, be covered without permission of the Professor? wHhout per mis- or use tobacco by snuffing, or chewing, or smoking, on pain of any of ^1°"' r . i_ 4r. the minor punishments, at the discretion of the Faculty. Lise of tobacco in * ' J school prohibited. 3^ No student shall, within the precincts of the Universitv, intro- Weapuns and gun ' ' powder, servants, troduce, keep or use weapons or arms of any kind, or gun powdir 5 horses and dogs , prohibited. nor keep a servant, horse, or dog. Precincts, the lim- 4, The precincts of the University are to be regarded as co-ext m- its of. sive with the lands owed by the University ; being one entire tract, consisting of several parcels, whereon the buildings are erected. Disturbing noises, 5- No student shall admit any disturbing noises in his room, or or pistol^ wifhTn ™ake them any where within the precincts of the University, or fire precincts, prohibi- a'gun or pistol within the same, on pain of such minor sentence as the Faculty shall decree ; but the proper use of musical instruments shall be freely allowed in their rooms, and in that appropriated for in- struction in music. Festive entertain- 6. No student shall make any festive entertainment within the pre- ments without t~ • • ' • permission of cmcts of the University, nor contribute to, or be present at them, there ted^'^™*"'^'^° ' '' CH" elsewhere, without the leave of the Chairman, on pain of a minor 27 punishment. And as such entertainments are, for the most part, un- friendly to collegiate duties, they should be allowed with caution, and unlicensed indulgence in them should be vigilantly restrained. 7. The repetition of offences made liable to minor punishments? "^I'^ repetition of minor oueiices, shall subject the student guilty thereof, to either minor or major pun- how punished. ishments, or to dismission, at the discretion of the Faculty. 8. No student shall be absent from the precincts of the University. Absence from pre- ' - cmcts, alter night, after night, without the leave of the Chairman, or of some Professor unless on a visit to _ private family ,pro- whose school he attends, unless on a visit to a respectable private fa- hibited. mily. And whoever offends herein, shall be subject to a minor or major punishment, according to the degree of his offence. 9. No student, wherever resident, shall at any time visit any tavern Students not to ' T J J Visit taverns or or confectionary, without leave from the Chairman of the Faculty, or confectionariee. some Professor whose school he attends ; and the violation of this enactment, shall subject the offender to a major or minor punish- Punishment for bo ' "' . . doing, ment, at the discretion of the Faculty. Perseverance in the habit of frequenting taverns or confectionaries, shall be punished with dismis- sion from the University, at least, and refusal to re-admit. 10. If any student shall violate any of the enactments, requiring Punishment for violation of enaet- students to deposit their funds with the Patron, prescribing the uni- ments regarding <• I ,1 ,.,..,. . nil deposit of fnnds, torm to be worn by them, prohibitmg their contractmg of debts, uniform, contract- and regulating their expenses, he shall be liable to any of the punish- ',"f,ses'''^^' ^"^ °^ ments provided by the laws of the University.* Perseverance in ha- bits of expense, shall be punished by dismission from the University, at least, and refusal to re-admit. 11. Public orations and public addresses delivered by students, af- ^"}''° orations or ^ ■' . addresses not to be fecting in some degree the reputation of the institution, and interfering delivered without leave of Faculty. with more regular academic pursuits, must be, at all times, subject to the control of the Faculty. No student, therefore, shall deliver any public oration, or public address, written or ex tempore, without leave of the Faculty, on pain of any of the minor or major punishments. 12. No student, without leave of the Faculty, shall attend any Norteachei out of ' ■' •' University attend teacher out of the University, for the purpose of learning any thing ed. taught in any of the schools of the University ; and if any offend here- in, he shall be liable to any of the minor or major punishments. ♦ For the enactments on thei>e subjects, see Chap. 4. 38 No studsr.t ;'ia'i: i3. No student, without permission of the Faculty, shall leave any leave anv Ciuss or Univarsfiy, with- class which he may have entered, or leave the University, before the the ifaculty. ' end of the session. And if any shall offend herein, he shall be sub- Offences herein, j^^^ ^^ of the major or minor punishment?, or may be refused ad- how punislied. j j j r ^ j mission into the University at the next session, at the discretion of the Faculty. But, a student desirous to leave tiie University, and ha- ving permission from his parent or guardian, may be allowed to do so, by the Chairman, with the written concurrence of all the Professors he attends, if it be inconvenient to consult the Faculty. Students guilty of 14. If any student shall, in the opinion of the Faculty, from habitu- quency idleness ^^ delinquency in all or any of his classes, or from habitual idleness or other bad ha. inattention, or from any other bad habits, be not fulfilling the pur- bits, how to be ' •' ' o i- dealt with. poses for which he ought to have come to the institution, and be not likely to fulfil them, and his parent or guardian do not withdraw him, after having received timely notice thereof, the Faculty may dismiss him from the University. But they shall not exercise this power, until they shall have given the student written information of the objections to his conduct, and have afforded him an opportunity of explanation and defence. Their order of dismissal shall assign the cause thereof, shall be communicated to the parent or guardian, and laid before the Visitors at their next meeting. Duty of Professors 15. The Professors being charged with the execution of the laws ° eLToffence?'^ of the University, it becomes their duty to pursue proper means to dis- cover and prevent offences. Respect from the student to the Profes- sor being at all times due, it is more especially so, when the Profes- Respect toProfes- ^na^aed in this duty. Such respect, therefore, is solemnly en- sor while engaged °^i ^° ^^'o a •' in this duty en- ^^^^^^ on every student ; and it is declared and enacted, that if any Sdent refusing student refuse his name to a Professor, or being required by him to pSd!^"'"' stop, shall fail to do so, or shall resist or resent the interposition of a Professor made for the purpose of preventing offences committed in his presence, or shall be guilty of any disrespect to a Professor, such student, his advisers, aiders and abettors, shall be deemed insub- ordinate, and shall be liable to any of the minor or major punish- ments, according to the degree of his offence. Student to open 16- When a Professor knocks at the door of a student's room, any his"door to a Pro- .^^^^^^ ^eing within, and announces himself, it shall be opened, on ^'''°'' pain of a n^nor or major punishment ; and the Professor may, if re- fused, have the door broken open ; and the expenses of repair shall be levied on the students within, 17. Contumacy shall be liable to any of the major punishments. Contumacy how punished. 18. Any student violating any lawful order of the Chairman, or in- Violation of any , ,. , ,. , 1 1 T • T 11 1 order of Chairman subordinate to any lawful sentence pronounced by nim, snail be contumacy. deemed guilty of contumacy, and punished accordingly. 19. Habits of expense, of dissoluteness, of dissipation, of profane Habits of oxpen- ' . . . sive gaming, &c, swearing, or of playing at games of chance, m which description is how punished. included the game of backgammon, being obstructive to the acquisi- tion of science by the student himself, and injurious, by example, to others, shall be subject to any of the punishments prescribed by the laws of the University, at tlie discretion of the Faculty ; and every student wbo shall, williin the precincts, introduce, keep or use, any Vinous and spiiit- uous liquors and spirituous or vinous liquors, or any cards, dice, or other implements implements ot c • 7 11 1 1 • i i .1 1-1 -1 g'lni'ng prohibit of gaming, shall be subject to the like punishment. ed 20. Drunkenness or gaining by any student, may be punislied by a Drunkenness and minor or major punishment ; though it be the first offence of which fshed. he shall have been convicted. 21. Riotous, disoiderly, intemperate or indecent conduct of any Riotous conduct, 1 1111 -111- 1- • ,» .1 ■ 1 • I ^low punished. Student, shall be punished by interdiction of residence within the pre- cincts, or by any of the major or minor punishments, at the discretion Occupants of doj- ' ■> •/ •> I ' mitones permit- of the Faculty ; and every occupant of a dormitory permitting these ting these offences _ . . . therein, how pun- oiiences therein, shall be subject to any minor punishment, at thedis- ishcd. cretion of the Faculty. 22. No student shall appear out of his dormitory masked or dis- student appearing' • J • Li u- L J iL -i- ^ masked or djsguis- guised in any manner whatever, which may render the recognition of ^^j [^Qy^ punished. his person more difficult, on pain of suspension or expulsion by the Faculty. 23. Any combination of students to do an unlawful act, shall sub- Combinations to • . .1 £!• 1 r , ■ 1 11-. do an unlawful ject the otienders to any ol the punisliments, at the discretion of the act punishable. Faculty. 24. The youth of the country cannot leurn too early to re5?pect the laws. To evade the process of the courts necessary to the adminis- tration of justice, is a high contempt of those lav/s, and indicates a disposition to insubordination, which requires the decided reprehen- sion of the Board. Any student, therefore, in any manner, evading the Evasion of pro- 40 courts, nrfif^fias nffliR rnnrfc. shall Vir Hn punishable. e«sB of courts, process of the courts, shall be liable to any of the penalties prescrib- ed by the enactments of the University. Offences against 25. Offences against the laws of the land may be left to the cog- land left to coo-ni- "izance of the civil magistrate, if claimed by him ; or may be sub- zance of the civil jected by the Faculty to any of the punishments permitted by the en- or punished by actments ; and this, whether the civil magistrate shall have taken cog- the Faculty. nizance of them or not. , . 26. Every student engaged in a duel or combat with weapons which Duelling, &c. pun- ished by expul may inflict death, either by fighting, or sending, or accepting a chal- lenge to fight, or bearing such challenge, or being second to either of the principals in such duel, or by being accessory to such duel or chal- lenge by aiding, assisting or encouraging it, shall be liable to instant Pfoctor logive in- expulsion from the University, not remissible by the Faculty. And it formation thereof ^ i n ' . . ^ . , „ , . to the civil autho- shall be the duty or the rroctor to give information thereot to the ci- T/sUmony bv a ^'^' authority, that the parties may be dealt with according to law. student to be vo 27. When testimony is required from a student, it shall be volun- luntary, and not on oath. tary and not on oath, and the obligation to give it. shall be left to his own sense of right. Maior punish- 2S. Punishment for major offences, shall be expulsion, temporary "'^°'®- suspension, or interdiction of residence and appearance within the precincts of the University. The minor punishments shall be reproof Minor punish- ments, by a Professor, or by the Chairman, privately, or in presence of the school of the offender, or of all the schools ; dismission from the school room for the day ; and insubordination to these sentences shall be deemed and punished as contumacy. Expulsionnot final 29. Sentences of expulsion from the University (except in case of the ViS7^*^ ^^ challenge or combat with arms) shall not be final, until approved by the Board of Visitors ; or, when they are not in session, by a majority of them separately consulted. But residence within the precincts, and attendance on the schools, may be suspended in the mean time. Expelled students 30. Students heretofore or hereafter expelled from the University, precincts &c. ^ ^'^^'^ ^^ absolutely inhibited from coming within the precints, for the period of five years after such expulsion, unless by leave of the Chair- man in the manner prescribed by law. And if any such expelled stu- dent shall come within the precincts in violation of this enactment, it shall be the duty of the Proctor to warn him off, and if he do not de- 41 part, or afterwards returns, the Proctor shall consult with the attor- ney employed for the University, and take such measures as the law will allow for punishing the offence and preventing its repetition. No Students expelled, suspended or dia- studentshall,forthetimeab()vespecified, admit any student into his dor- missed not to be 111 I 11 1 11 J r ii • *i X- admitted into tbo mitory, who has been or shall be expelled from the institution; nor dormitories. shall he admit any student who has been or shall be dismissed or sus- pended from it, during the continuance of such dismission or suspen- sion ; under pain of such punishment as the Faculty may choose to direct. 31. No suspended student shall be permitted to reside within five Suspended sta- ., ^- PI . dents not to reside miles of th*^ rT^i^xoitj-, uuring the continuance of such suspension, witliin five mile* unless with the consent of the Faculty. °^^''^ Universitj. 52. Dismissed students shall be interdicted from the precincts in Dismissed stu- , 1 T , 1 , , dents interdicted the same manner as suspended students ; and whenever a student from tha precinct* shall be expelled, dismissed, or suspended from the University, it shall be a part of his sentence that he is interdicted from the precincts ; and that part shall be communicated to him in writing. 53. Students who havebeen expelled, suspended or dismissed, may Leave may be gir- hereafter, be permitted to come within the precincts of the Universi- ^" ^ airman, ty, on the written permission of the Chairman, for a slated time, for good cause shewn. 34. The celebration of the Anniversary of Independence, and of Enactment regrn- . . lating the celebra- Washington's birth day, in anianner becoming a literary institution, is tion of Anniversa- recommended to the Professors and students, as a duty worthy o* ^'®^' constant observance. But no festivities which naturally lead to ex- cess, are admissible on the occasion. Public dinners, therefore, are strictly prohibited ; though a ball, or other evening party, attended by Professors and students, having its pleasures chastened by the com- pany c'f ladies, is allowed, under such regulations as the Faculty may prescribe. 35. The celebration most appropriate to a University, must blend literature and science with the indulgence of patriotic feeling. The Board therefore recommend for the fourth of July, the reading of the Fourth of July Declaration of Independence, with suitable solemnities ; orations en the day and on other subjects, historical, literary and scientific, to be «poken or read, under the regulation of the Faculty. The subject* «f composition nhaU be given to the students, a luitable tim« befor«- F 42 hund ; and each stude»t, who pleases, may compose an ©ration, or write a discourse, on such as he may select. These compositions^ •with the name of the author sealed, shall be submitted to the Facul- ty, for their inspection and criticism. Such as are deemed proper to be publicly read or spoken, shall have their seals broken, and be re- turned to their authors, for the purpose of being read or spoken •, and those that may not be deemed proper for public exhibition, shall be Twenty-second of ^^'^"^"^'^ *° ^^^^^ authors, with the seals unbroken. For the twenty- February, second of February, they recommend, under similar regulations, com- positions on subjects illustrating the life and character of Wash- ington, and other suitable subjects, tobc j^Aii^iy r^H»d or spoken as may be deemed proper by the Faculty. Bell to be rung at ^^- The bell shall be rung every morning, throughout the session, ^tmJ^ntsto rise at ^^ ^awn. The students shall rise at this signal, and dress themselves this signal. without delay. Their rooms shall be cleaned and set in ore er, and Their rooms to be put in Older by they prepared for business, at sun-rise. The Faculty, however, may sunrise. . • • e y_ The Faculty may extend the time in the. morning for cleaning the dormitories of the •z en e ime. giudents ; but not later than the breakfast [hour. At sunrise, or at the expiration of the time allowed by the Faculty, the Proctor shall, eppct dormitories' ^* ^east once a week, inspect the dormitories and see that they are in Shall report proper order. The Proctor shall scrupulously report all breaches of breaches oi enact- i j r menttoChairinan. this enactment to the Chairman t and any student who shall violate Violations by stu- ^*5 shall be subject to any of the minor or major punishments. Any ^ents and Hotel- Hotel-keeper who shall fail to have the room of a student put in or- keepers, how pun- ^ *^ ished. der, according to the provisions of this enactment, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding five dollars for each cfience, to be assessed by the Faculty, and retained out of the student's board. Proctor to keep *"• The Procter is required to keep the drains in the grounds of ob'^tructi'^^^ &^ *^^ University always free from obstruction, and to construct such others as the Executive Committee may direct. Professors & Ho- SS. The Professors and Hotel-keepers shall be responsible for the Bible "lor "c'eanli- eleanliness of their tenements, and the ground.*? in their occupation ness of their tene- respectively ; and shall cause the sweepings and offal from them to be daily deposited in the receptacles prepared for that purpose, at To be fined for ®"*^^' ^°"^ ^" *^® ^^^ ^^ shall be appointed by the Proctor. If any of ^^^"'■*' them fail herein, he shall be fined for each ofiTence at the discretion of tho Faculty, in a sum not exceeding two dollar«, to be eollecfed by 43 the Proctor and paid to the Bursar, for the benefit of the University. The Proctor shall inspect their tenements and grounds once a week, fpect^'teneme™! and report all delinquencies to the Chairman of the Faculty. once a week, &c. S9. The tenement of the Hotel-keeper, within the true intent and Extent of Hotel- keeper'B tene- meaning of this enactment, shall be held to embrace not only the ho- moat. tel and grounds in his immediate possession, but all such dormito- ries as shall have been assigned to his hotel, for the accommodation of his boarders, the back yards attached to such dormitories, and the arcades in front thereof and in front of his hotel. 40. All damage done to instruments, books, buildings, or other pro- Damagre to pro- s' 7 ' o ' i perty of Universi- perty of the University, by aay student, shall be made good at his ex- ty, how repaired, pense; and wilful injury to any tree, ihrub, or other plant,'within the precincts, shall be punished by fine not exceeding ten dollars, at th« discretion of the Faculty. 41. The Faculty shall have the power, for offensivejconduct, of re- Facultj may re- move occupant moving the occupant from any dormitory. trom dormitory. 42. Hacks and other carriages let on hire,shall be admitted within Hacks &c on the precincts of the University, only under such regulations as shaU what terms admit- ^ ■"J o ted within ,pr»* be prescribed by the Faculty. cincts. 43. The Faculty shall have power, from time to time, to prescribe Faculty may pr«- regulations of police, not inconsistent with the laws of the land, or of Folic«. the enactments of this Board; which regulations shall be submitted to the Visitors, at their next succeeding meeting, and shall be in force till disapproved by the Visitors, or repealed by the Faculty.* * The moit imporlint regulaliona of ths Faculty, will ba found in an Ap- pendix. 44 CHAPTER nil. RESIDENCE, EXPEIVSES, &c. Students not to j j^q gtudent shall be permitted to board or lodseout of the pre- board out the Lni. ^ i Tersity. but in fa. cinctsof the University, unless in the family of his parent or guar- milyofparent.&c. '_., ,,,_, _^ Except students dian, or of some parlic.ular friend approved by the Faculty. Except, twen^tv. ' ^^^ ° ^^^^ students above the age of twenty years, proving their ages to the satisfaction of the Faculty, may reside out of the precincts, in such private boarding houses as the Faculty may approve. Hotel and dornii. 2. The student shall not choose his quarters at pleasure ; but his lory to be assign- . . ■, t ■ ■, , -n j i_ ed to student by hotel and dormitory shall be assigned him by the Proctor, under the te rector. control of the Faculty : and they shall be SO distributed among the Equality of num- different hotels, as to preserve equality of numbers at each, as nearly bers among the . t i • • i • i r i -n i hotels to be pre- as convenient. Inthis assignment, the wishes of tke student will be ^^^^ ■ respected, as far as may comport with equality of numbers at the hotels, and iitne.««s of residence in the dormitories : but students, being once located, must not be compelled to change their residence for the mere purpose of equality, and shall not be allowed to change ei- ther their hotels or dormitories, without the consent of the proper au- thority. Proctor to asstga 8. The Procter, under the direction of the Chairman, shall assign t^j" " the dormitories to the respective hotels, from time to time, as may be found expedient ; and shall give notice of such assignment to the Hotel-keeper. Student aurtiori,"- 4. If an Hotel-keeper be inattentive to the cleanliness of the dor- 45 mitories, or shall fail in hi3 duty to furnish proper fare, the Faculty ed to change hi« , . , 1 , , 1 1 • I 1 liotel, when. may authorise the student to change his hotel. 5. A student may be permitted to change his dormitory by the To change his _, . . , , ■ dormitory, when. Chairman, for good cause shewn. 6. Every student shall be required to have his name painted on the Name of student ,„,.-. to be painted on door ot his dormitory. his door. 7. Each student who may reside without the precincts, shall be re- Residence of non- ■' resident student quired to register his place of residence with the Proctor. to be registered I • with Proctor. 8. The keepers of hotels shall not furnish luxurious fare to their Description of fare boarders : but the fare shall be plentiful, plain, of good and whole- HoteWieepers. ^ some viands, neatly served and well dressed; and, in all its detaiJi;?, conformable to such rules as the Fa cult y may prescribe, pursuant'to this enactment. 9. The Faculty are authorised and required, if they find it conve- Faculty may pre- scribe the detaila nient, to prescribe the details of the fare at the hotels, in the spirit of of fare. this enactment •, assuring, as far as may be, uniformity, throughout the institution. 10. The Hotel-keepers shall furnish the students with diet, bed- Supplies to be fur. . , . ' nisned by Hotel- ding and furniture for their dormitories, and washing ; also proper keepers. attendance of servants for domestic and menial duties; the details of all which shall be regulated by the Faculty. For all these, they shall ^rice of board. receive at the rate of one hundred dollars, for the session, payable monthly. Students entering the University after the commencement To be paid for what lime, of the session, shall pay board only for the time unexpired, at the yearly rate. 11. If any Hotel-keeper shall fail to comply with the rules pre- Penalty on Hotel- KGGDors i3ilino* to scribed by this enactment, or by the Faculty, there shall be such de- comply with the duction made from the amount of board allowed him, as the Faculty ^^^^^> "^^' shall judge proper. 12. The Proctor shall superintend the hotels, shall inspect their Proctor to super, tables and the furnishment of the dormitories, at least once a month, inspect theix' ta- and whenever else he shall be required, by any Hotel-keeper or board- ^^'^^' ^^' er, or by the Faculty ; and he shall regularly report to the Faculty And report defi- all deficiencies and improprieties which he may observe, or of which culty. he may be informed. 13. Whenever the washing of any student shall not be done by Students to have , „ , , . • their washing the Hotel-keeper in a proper manner, the Faculty may authorise the done by aaother, 46 when not proporlr Student to have it done by another, and deduct the price thereof dona. from his board. Hotel-keepers to 14. To inderaniiV the Hotel-keepers against all injuries to their be indeninified for injuries to furni- furniture proceeding from the students, the Proctor, whenever re- quired by the Hotel-keeper, shall assess a fair compensation for any such injury, subject, however, to the final judgment of the Faculty, on an appeal to them by either party : and on his warrant to that ef- fect, drawn on the Patron, the latter shall retain the sum so assessed, out of the pocket money of the student in his hands ; or, if there be no pocket money, then out of such other money of the student as is not otherwise specially appropriated, and shall pay it over to the Hotel-keeper. The Proctor to 15. The Proctor shall furnish the students with fuel and candles, at furnish the stu- . i ,• 1 .^ ^ dents with fuel pi"-n3e cost and charges, adding only five per cent thereon, as a com- an can es. pensation for his risk and trouble. Supplies of these articles are to be purchased by him, on the best terms, in large quantities, at the most convenient seasons; and he shall deliver them to the students at their respective dormitories, the wood sawed in proper lengths for their fire places. The cost of this labor is to be added to the original cost of the article, and charged to the student. A reasonable sum, to be approved by the Faculty, is also to be added to the original cost of Shall keep an ac- the wood, to compensate for shrinkage. He shall keep a regular ac- count ot supplies count of the supplies to each student, the amount of which, on his to each stucent. ^' Tob3 paid him by rendering such account to the Patron, shall be paid him by the Pa- te atron. tron, out of the funds of the. student in his hanJs. — To enable him more conveniently to execute the duties imposed on him by this en- A wood yard to be actment, a fit wood-yard may be provided at the expense of the Uni- provided. versity, under the direction of the Executive Committee. Price of board in 16. No keeper of any of the hotels of the University, shall require hotels ; ^j. j-eggjyg more than one hundred dollars for dieting any student dur- ing the session of ten months and a half, and for furnishing him with bedding and furniture for his dormitory, washing, and proper at- And of non-resi- tendance of servants ; nor shall any person boarding elsewhere tham dsnt stHdents. ^yith his parents, in any house, and using wine or ardent spirit!, mix- ed or unmixed, within such house, or its tenements, or paying more than one hundred and twenty dollars for diet, lodging, and other offi- 47 ces and accommodationi of the house and tenement, during a like term, be admitted to any school of the University. 17. The dormitories shall be occupied by two students each, if ne- ^-ent of dormito- ry and public cessary, and no more, at sixteen dollars yearly rent, to be paid to the buildings. Patron, one half by each occupant, or the whole by one, if there be only one ; and every student, within the same term, shall pay to the Patron, also, for the University, fifteen dollars, annually, for his par- ticipation in the use of the public apartments, during the session. No deduction shall be made from these charges, on account of the stu- dent's not entering at the commencement of the session. 18. When any student shall leave the University, by permission of when to b« re- the Faculty, on account of ill health, or shall die before the end of f»"ded. the session, the Proctor shall return to him, his parent, guardian, or proper representative, a proportion of the rent which he sliall have paid for his dormitory and the use of the public rooms, bearing the same ratio to the whole amount of rent paid, that the residue of the ses- sion after his removal or death, bears to the w hole session. 1 9. Every student shall pay to the Professor whom he attends, if he ^''-ofessors' fee., attends but one, fifty dollars for the session of ten months and a half; if two, thirty dollars each ; if three or more, twenty-five dollars each. He shall, thereupon, be entitled to attend all the classes of the Pro- fessors, whose schools he joins. "^ 20. Any student wisiiinfT to attend the class of Materia Medica, in Fees foi attending •' ° ' puilicular classes. the school of Chemistry and Materia Medica, of Physiology, or of Medical Jurisprudence, in the school of Medicine, or of Government and General Politics, in the school of Law, shall be allowed to doso, on the payment of a fee of fifteen dollars, each. The fees above pre- scribed shall be paid, at whatever period of the session the student may enter. 21. When a student shall attend any classof a Professor, for which How regulated, •' wlien a student iit- a fee of fifteen' dollars is allowed, and shall, at the same time, attend tends one or one other Professor, to whom a full fee is allowed, that fee shall be ^^,13^, classesi- forty-five dollars ; if he attend two or more such classes, paying fif- teen dollars to each, and one Professor receiving a full fee — or one class paying fifteen dollars, and two Professors receiving a full fee — the full fee to the Professor, in each of these cases, shall be thirty dojlart ; if he attend two or more classes, paying to each fifteen dol- 48 lars, and two Professors receiving a full fee, the full fee to each of these Professors shall be twenty-five dollars. In all other cases, the fees shall be as at present prescribed; and no Professor shall receive from a student, more than fifteen dollars, if such student attend only the class in his school, for which the fee of fifteen dollars is pre- naueT[o°nmithb ^^"''^'^ ' """^ "^'^^^ ^"J' Professor, unless for good cause, and with the studies, &c. when assent of tlie Faculty, permit a student who shall have paid the full be has paid the n r \ ■ i i i- • fuU fee. lee tor his school, to limit his studies to the class for which a fee of fifteen dollars is prescribed, or to pretermit the other studies of his schorl. 22. In order that the expenses of the students may be restrained within that reasonable limit, which willjiiake the^beii£&-'^^^^tk^ ^ ' stitution altainatJe by thg^greatest number ; that their funds may be administered with the least interruption to their studies, and in the manner best calculated to subserve the purposes for which they are supolied ; that their minds may not be unnecessarily withdrawn by the temptations of parade and pleasure, from the acquirement of lite- rature and science, useful habits and honorable distinction ; the Rec- tor and Visitors do enact as follows : Student to deposit 03^ j^q student resident within the precincts, shall matriculate till all his funds with the Patron. he shall have deposited with the Patron, all the money, checks, bills, drafts and other available funds, which he shall havein his posse.'^sion, or under his control, in any manner intended to defray his expenses while a student of the University, or on his return from thence to his The amount to be residence. Nor shall he matriculate, till he shall have deposited a deposited, in order £c • * n. j i .• ^u * td .. •■ ■ ■ to matriculate. ^^™ ^t least siimcient, alter deducting the Patron s commission, to pay for the use of his dormitory and the public rooms, to pay the fees of the Professors whom he may design to attend, to pay three months board to his Hotel-keeper, and to purchase the text books and sta- tionary which he may want at the commencement ; and ten dollars, to cover contingent charges and assessments against him. If he de- posit more than this, he shall designate the uses to which it is to be applied ; whether for board, for clothing, for books and stationary, The Patron's re- ^j. f^j. pocket monev. ISor shall he matriculate, till he shall have ceipt therefor to ^ ' be delivered to produced to the Proctor the Patron's receipt for the deposit so Proctor. made. And all the funds *'*• ^^ like manner, he shall deposit with the Patron all the fund* 49 which he shall receive, while a student of the University, for the pur- '^« "^all receir* while a student, poses aforesaid ; designate the uses to which they are to be applied ; take the Patron's receipt therefor, and forthwith deliver it to the Proc- tor. 25. At the end of tlie first three monthsof the session, he shall de- At wliat periods of Ino session, he posit enough to pny iiis board and other expenses for the next three shall make depo- . . . n 1 si Is for his board, months ; and at the expnution or the second period of three months, he shall deposit enough to pay his board and other expenses for the residue of the session. 26. If the student fail to deposit in advance the two last instal- ^^easures to be taken on failure td ments of his board, as herein required, or to produce the Patron's re- deposit, &c. ceipt to the Proctor ; and shall be in default for ten days; the Proc- tor shall report hitnto the Chairman of the Faculty, tliat proper mea- sures m ly be taken to compel performance, and if necessary to punish the default. 27. No student resident out of the University shall matricu'ate Deposit to bt •II I I II I 1 • 1 • 1 1 n ^1 r,^ ■ ■<• made bv non-resi- till lie shall iiave deposited with tlie Patron, funds sufhcient, after de- dent students. ducting the Patron's commission, to pay the fees of the Professors whom he designs to attend, the sum charged him for the use of the public rooms; and ten dollars, as a deposit to cover contingent charg- es, and assesments against him for injuries to the buildings and other property of the University. And if at any time this deposition shall be exhausted, before the end of the session, the use of the public rooms shall be denied him, till he shall have paid any Tjalance of as- sessments against him, and have made such further deposit with the Patron, as the Chairman of the Faculty shall require. 28. When the student shall deposit any funds with the Patron, he Studpnt shall take ' •' . the Patron's ro- shall take from him a fair receipt, stating the amount deposited, the ceipt, to be deli- ..... , ... T , vered to the Proc- several purposes to whicu it is to be applied, and the amount appro- ^^^ priatcd to each purpose ; which receipt he shall deliver to the Proc- tor, to be by him carefully preserved. And, if the student desire it, the Patron shall, at the same time, give him a duplicate receipt for his own keeping. 29. The expenses of the student resident in the University, shall be ^''^^'-ti"" f ^h.e •' ' expenses 01 re,ii- limited as follows : deni studsuts. For board, the use of dormitory and public rooms, and tuition feei, as prescribed by other enactments. G 50 Vot clotiiing, during the session, a sum not exceeding one hun- dred dollars. For pocket money, during the session, not exceeding forty dol- lars. For books and stationary, whatever the parent or guardian may think fit to allow. For medicine and medical attendance, whatever may be necessa- ry. The limits here prescribed, shall, in no case, be exceeded ; unless, under special circumstances, the Faculty may allow it. Proctor to address 30. As soon as any student shall have mat iculated, it shall be the a letter to the pa- , „ , ^ , , ... ,. , rent or o-uardian duty or the rroctor to adc.ress a letter to his parent or guardian, and ** f,r„,fu.-,^'L° '^ send it by mail, informing him of the regulations of the University, matriculation. j 7 o o . ' relative to the expenditure of the student, apprising him particularly of the limitation upon each particular item of expenditure, and that all the funds of the student must pass through ihe hands of the Proc- tor. Printed circulars for this purpose shall bs prepared at the ex- pense of the University, according to a form to be prescribed by the Chairman of the Faculty. Uniform pieacrib- Si. The dress of the students, wherever resident, shall be uniform ed. and plain. The coat, waistcoat and pantaloons, of cloth of a dark gray mixture, at a price not exceeding six dollars per yard. The coat shall be single-breasted ; with a standing cape, and skirts of a moderate length, with pocket flaps. The waistcoat shall be single- breasted, with a standing collar ; and the pantaloons, of the usual form. The buttons of each garment to be flat, and covered with the same cloth. The pantaloons and waistcoat of this dress may vary ■with the season : the latter of which, when required by the season, may be of white ; the fornier, of light brown co'.ton or linen. Shoes, and in no case boots, shall be worn by them. The neck-cloth shall be plain black, in the cold ; white, in (he warm season. The hat round and black. A surtoul maj b« 82. A surtout, of cloth of the color and price above prescribed, may worn. be worn, but shall not be substituted on examinations and public ex- hibitions within the University, for the uniform coat first prescrib- ed. 51 .19. The form of the dress, in each crtiele, shall b« according to a Model of iiniforiw model to be provided by the Proctor under the direction of tha Exe- cutive Committee ; with conspicuous badges on the coats, such as they shall prescribe. In rase of mourning, the custom-iry badges may always be added. 34. The uniform thus pre-^cribed, shall be strictly enforced, and Unifonn to bo strictly enforced, shall be worn on all occasions, both within and without the precincts, when the student appears out of his room, (?xcept only that in warm weather, he may wear such light gown or coat within the precincts, 83 the Chairman may approve. 35. No resident student shall contract any debt whatever : but, Resident student . ' shall not contract for every tlung purchased by him, he shall forthwith pay the cash, or debts. draw upon a fund in the hands ol' the Patron, adequate and applica- ble thereto. 36. Upon the final settlement of the Patron witli each student a- Patron shall take from student, on bout to leave the University, or having left it, the Patron shall take settlement, a writ- from him a written declaration to the following effect : ^" ^^ '^'^^ "^"' I do hereby declare, that I have deposited with the Patron all the ''® ^"'"'"• funds whicli have been received by me, or have been under my con- trol, since I matriculated, accoiding to the obvious intent and mean- ing of the enactments upon that subject ; and t'lat I have received from him the sum of in full for tb.e balance in his hands due to me. 37. Jf the student shall not have deposited all his funds, then the form Alteration of form, of the declaration shall be altered, by adding an e.vception of the shall'^norhave de- sum not so deposited ; and the Patron shall be entitled to a corn- '^°^*^^'^ ^" '"' mission of four per cent, on the amount thereof. 38. If the student shall refuse to give such written declaration, the Penalty on refusal . , , , 1 , • r I • 1 ,• ^° make such de- Patron shall be entitled to demand and receive from him, the sum of claration. twenty dollars, in addition to his commission on the funds deposit- ed. 39. In all cases in which the student shall fail to make the written Patron to report the refusal to tha declaration above required, or in which it shall appear that he has not Chairman. deposited the whole of his funds with the Patron, in pursuance of the enactments, the Patron shall report the fact to the Chairman of the To be laid before the Faculty and Faculty, in order that it may be laid before the Faculty and Visitors' Visitors. , . , , _ r a- I Measures to be ta- and otherwise properly animadverted upon, tor such otience, the ken thereupon 52 student shall be liable to any of the punishments prescribed by tha enactnoents, minor or major ; and the Chairman shall communicate the delinquency to the parent or guardian •, provided, however, that when a student shall have made a written declaration of the amount not deposited by him, no other penalty than the payment of the four per c«nt. above prescribed shall be inflicted. 53 CHAPTER V. fvlBRARY AND PUBLIC ROOMS. The Library of the University shall be under the following regula- tions : 1. The books shall be kept in the upper room of the Rotunda. Where the books are to be kept. 2. The Library shall be under the care of a Librarian to be ap- To be under th« pointed by the Visitors ; who shall hold his office during their plea- ^J^ sure, and shall receive as a compensation for his services, a salary of H'" salary ' ' May employ air two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly. To sistants. aid in tlie performance of his duties, he may employany assistants ap- proved by the Faculty. lie shall be responsible for their conduct ; and they may be removed at any time, either by himself or by the Faculty. 3. He shall have the use of a dormitory, free of rent, may attend He shall have th« use ot a dorinito- any of the lectures in the University, without fee, and shall have free ry.may atiendleo- use of the books of the library 5 but he shall carry none beyond the precincts of the University ; he shall take none from the library, the removal whereof is interdicted by the Faculty ; he shall return all taken out, within such time as the Faculty shall prescribe; he shall HisresponsibilU/. be answerable for all damage, to the books, apartment, furniture or ether property of the library, arising from any neglect or breach of his duty, and especially for all books taken from the library, contrary to rule. 4. For neglect of duty, or misconduct in office, his functions may May be suspended ° ' for negUct, &c. be suspended by the Faculty, in the recess of the Board of Visitors, and the suspension may be continued till the Board shall rc-instat« him. During such suspension, his salary shall cease, unless otherwis* ordered by the Board of Visitors. Vacancies, how 5. All vacancies in the office of ^Jbrarian, occurring during the rc- supplied. cess of the Visitors, whether by death, resignation, suspension or otherwise, shall be filled pro tempore, by an appointment by the Fa- culty, to continue not longer than the next meeiing of the Visitors. He shall keep a 6. He shall keep a book in tlie library, in wliich he shall regularly Teijister of books , , ii..ii_ ,. j 1. -o c taken out of libra- enter every volume taken out, wnether by a student, rrolessor, or *-5'- _ himself; with the time when the same was taken, and when relum- ed : so that it may be always known in whose hands every book is, and the time that it has been in the hands of the borrower. Shall eonform to 7. The Librarian shall conform to all such rules as shall, from time ■all rules, &c. , . _ , . , 1 1 n 1 c tt- ■ to time, be prescrioed for his conduct by the Board 01 Visitors, or by the Faculty, in pursuance of the authority vested in them by the Vi- sitors ; and it is especially enjoined on him, to be vigilant in preserv- incrthe books, room, and its furniture from all manner of injury : ghall report all j^jj^i j-q i^jg gjjj] Jt shall be his duty to report to the proper authority, breachef of rule?. ' ' , . . all breaches of the rules for the government of the library, committed Shall debit siu- by a student. He shall regularly debit the student with all lines and dent with fines. . , , . • ^ ^ t ■^ i l &c. and leport to damages incurred by hira, on account or the Liorary, and report the same to the Proctor, who shall charge the amount to the student, and inform the Patron thereof, by whom it shall be paid, out of the stu- dent's funds in his hands. Shall see that all 3. He shall see that every book belonging to the Library be in its bonks are in place i /> i r- • ' on the first day of place on the shelves, upon the first day of every meeting of the Visi- meelingof the Vi- , , , j j ■ ^.t • -^i- 1 i .1 • gliQjs tors ; and not renioved during their sitting, unless by their permis- sion ; in order that the whole library may be subject to their inspec- tion. And he is required to report to the Board of Visitors, at the commencement of every stated annual meeting, the names of all thosej whether Professors or others, who may withhold books from the li- brary in violation of the enactraen's. Catalogues shall q Accurate Catalogues of the books shall be kept by the Libra- be kept. rian, and copies thereof, from time to time, furnished to the Visitors, Professors, students and others, as shall be directed by the Facul- ty- Proctor shall itt- JO. At every meeting of the Board of Visitors, the whole library 55 ehall be carefully insj)ected, by the Proctor alone, or by the Proctor 8pe<^t ihe whol« library, when, and such commiltce as the Board shLili appoint, in order to ascertain whether each volume be in ils i)lace, and in proper preservation, and a written report of" the condition of the library shall be made to the Board, by such inspectors. 11. The Professors of the University shall, at all times, have free f'"'®^^°''^ ■'^*" liave free use of use of the books of the library, and free access thereto, in the confi- the books. donee that they v/ill not keep the books longer than while in actual and active use, and that they v.ill leave with the Librarian a note of the books borrowed. 12. Such books as, on account of their rarity, value, peculiar lia- Pari'^"'!" books •^ ' not to be removed bleness to injury, or for other good reason, ought not to be carried f'om ilie library. from the library, shall be designated by the Faculty ; and being so designated, they shall not be lent to any one, or carried fi'om the li- brary by any person, except by special permission of the Faculty. 13. Students may borrow from the library all books not so prohi- bited, under the following reguhitions : First. Before any book shall be lent to a student, the Faculty Students may bor- row books notpro- shall prescribe, by a general regulation, the authority on which books Iiibited, undtrpre- ,,,,,,. , , , , X -1 II • ■ 1 • scribed reffula- shull be delivered to a student by the Librai lan, and the time within t,ons. which they ihall be returned ; regulating tliat time with reference to the size of the volume lent, and to a diligent use of it by the stu- dent : and no book shall be lent by any other than the Librarian, or on any o;her authority than that so prescribed by the Faculty. Secondly. Books shall be lent to the student for the purpose of reading only, and not for the ordinary purpose of getting lessons in them as school books. Thirdly. No student shall have more than three volumes in his possession at any time. Fourthly. If any student deface, injure or lose any book of the Library, he sh.ill pay one-half the value of the book,ii' defaced ; dou- ble the value, if otherwise injured ; and threefold, if lost ; and shall be suspended from the privilege of borrowing, during such time as the Faculty shall adjudge : but if the book defaced, injured or lost, be a ■volume of a set, the case shall be referreil to the Faculty, and the student may be compelled by their order, either to pay the fine, or to pay for the whole set, or replace it, — he taking the old, and being 56 relieved from the fine. If the student object to any charge made a- gainst him by the Librarian, the Faculty shall decide. Library open to 14. The library shall be open to students every day, except Sjh- tstudenls evf rv day . i ri i i n •. i ,i i ,i except Sunday. day, during such hours as the r acuity shall prescribe : but they shail be adaiit ed. within it, only for the purpose of consulting such books as they do not desire to carry from the library ; and not for the pur- pose of borrowing books, or returning those already borrowed. Bor" rowed books shall be del vt red out, and received back, at some con- venient place jvithout the library, to be designated by the Faculty, within the hours when the library is open. Students tn obtain 15. Students desiring to entei the library for the purpose of con- tickets of admis i ■ i t i ■ ,ion. sultmg books therem, shall obtain tickets of admission, in such man- ner as the Faculty shall prescribe. The numbers to be admitted at any one time, shall be so limited as to secure order : such admissions shall be only within the reguh-r hours for keeping open the library, and shall always be in presence of the Librarian or one of his assist- ants : while so admitted, the student shall observe perfect order and decorum, shall preserve silence, shall abstain from injury, either to the books, the building, ^r the furniture, and he shall take no book Shall furnish a from its shelf. Of any bo.jk that he shall wish to consult, he shall nieiiioraiidoin to _ the Librarian nf furnish a memorandum to the Librarian or his assistant ; and the Li- the bjou he wish, s . . 1 1, 1 I 1 T 1 11 • , , n tocuusult. bran in or his assistant shall plaee the booii on the table provided for that purpose, for the use of the student, and shall return it to its place, when tha student has done with it. Shall pay for dam- 16. If any student, whUe in tlte library, shall do any damage to any age o i)j } . book, or to the building, or fiirniture, or other proper, y belonging to the LTniversity, -ijeshall.^ay such damages as shall be assessed there- for by the Faculty ; aad for this, or any other ~ misconduct' while in library, he shall be liable to such other punis!une.^t as the Board, in their discretion, may adjsidge. Siranrersmay vi- ■'^- Strangers whom the Librarian mf\y be willing to attend, mayvi- «jt,ihe library. gj^ ^j-,g library at such hours, and in such numbers, as the Faculty may prescribe : bu^to prevent derangement of tiie books, they are to take no book from the shelf, but in his presence. They may also be per- mitted to consult any book, to read in it, make notes or quotations from it, at the table, under such accommodations and arrangements as the Librarian shall prescribe, on his own responsibility. 57 18. The uoper circular room of the Rotunda shall be'preserved for Public rooms, how '' •• 1 11 /I 1 11 appropriated. a Library. The elliptical rooms on its middle floor, shall be used for annual examinations, for lectures in the different schools, and for religious worship, under the rfgulrition3,,to be prescribed ^y law. The rooms in tlie basetnent ;-(oiv of Uic n.'iiunda sluil! be, oire cf' them for a chemical laboratory, lur any. necessary pur poses for which they may be adajju.,. 19. The two open apartments adjacent iu the Siuud ,,. . . .^i s Rotunda, shall beapnropriated to the gymnastic exerciaes and games of the students ; among which shall be reckoned military exercises. 20. The small room on the first floor of the Rotunda, shall be fit- Room for the rs- . ^-1 ' ceptioH of Mr. Jef- ted for the reception of the natural and artificial curiosities, given to ferson's donation, the University by the late venerable Rector ; and they shall be there suitably arranged for preservation and exhibition. The care and cus- tody of this apartment shall, for the present, be confided to the Li- brarian, under such regulations as the Faculty may prescribe. 5S AFPENBiX. The following enactment of the Visitors, was accidentally omit- ted in its proper place, in the first chapter. Penalty on Proc- If the Proctor shall neglect or violate any duty prescribed to him by ^°,j ° the laws of the Universit}^, besides being liable to an action on his bond, he shall pay to the Bursar, for the benefit of the University, a fine, not exceeding twenty dollars, for any one oftence, to be assess- ed by the Faculty. REGULATIONS OF THE FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIR- GINIA. The US8 of musical The use of musical instruments is interdicted, during lecture hours instruinents,when -, c^ , ^ ■ ^ ^ n n i interdicted. ^Dd alter ten at night, as well as on Sundays. Insult to oiBcers, Any student who shall insult an Hotel-keeper or other officer, for & punished. ^ ■ i • i t-i i i n i • ■ t - i i preferring a complaint to the i acuity, shall be visited with the sever- est punishments permitted by the enactments. J^eave to reside During any vacation, none who were students, or intend to become witliin the Lni- vergitv during va- SO, shall be permitted to reside within the Unisersily, without permis- j^jj'^'^j^' ~ sion from the Chairman, and without pledging himself to conform to the lules and regulations of the University. Ree'ilations re- It shall be the duty of . any student applying for leave to absent sptcting leave of . ' _ *' absence. himself from the University, according to the rule prescribed in the enactments (page 3§) to state the period for which leave is asked ; 59 ;!(1 any student exceedmg the period for wliicli such leave was grant- ed, and nolapplying indue^ime,by letter to tlje Cliairman, lor an ex- tension of leave, shall, unless satisfactory reasons to the contrary are assigned, be considered as absent without leave, and be immediately proceeded with accordingly. A student who has graduated in any of the schools of the University, A graduate in any school may attend may be allowed, with the permission of the Professor of such school, lectures gratui- to attend the lectures and other exercises therein, gratuitously, and shall not be required to undergo the public examination in that school. The Faculty will not, but upon occasions of strong necessity, en- Leave of absence 1 • r 1 • 1 TT • • 1 • n I ^^ timo of public tcrtKin applications for leave to quit the University, at the time of the examination. public examinations, and any such applications when proceeding from parents or guardians must be made directly from them to the Facul- ty. A student shall be allowed one month from the time of his matri- One month allow ed f<.r entering culation, to enter additional classes on the same terms as if he had en- additional classes. tered them at fiist. As a general rule by which the attainments necessary for gradua- Attainments re- quiied for gradua- tion in'the several schools are to be estimated, it is resolved, that di- tion. plomas shall not be given for less proficiency Una such as it would ordinarily require an attentive student, of good talents, two years to attain. The Hotel-keepers shall furnish the students with clean Hotel-keepers to ' lurnijili clean sheets and pillow-cases at least once a fortnight, and with clean tow- sheets and pillow- cases once a fort- cls at least twice a week. night. It shall be the duty of the Hotel-keepers to have the dormitories Dormitories to be . washed out once a under their charge washed out at least once a fortniglit. fortnight. It shall be also their duty to visit the dormitories under their charge To be visited by themselves, or to have them regularly inspected by some agent approv- once a week. cd by the Chairman, not less frequently than once a week, for the purpose of seeing that the servants do their duty, and that the com- forts of the students are properly attended to. The Hotel-keepers are required to furnish a list of such of their Boarders absent from breakfast to boarders as are absent from breakfast, and of those who appear at be reported, breakfast, half an hour after the bell has been rung. The Proctor is required to make a monthly report to the Chairman Proctor to report ...J to Chairman, of the Faculty, of the state of the dormitories, hotels and public build- monthly, the stat« 60 of dormitorie5,&c. ingg^ and of any matters relating to the students or Hotel-keepers which, may be worthy of being noticed. This report to be laid, by the Chairman, at each monthly meeting, before the Faculty. ERRATA. Page 16, line 14 and 15 — Strike out ' on the warrant of the Proctor.' Page 1 7, line 8 — Strike out ' upon the warrant of the Proctor.' Page 17, line 11 — Instead of, 'and retaining his commission, shall pay the Professors' fees, shall pay to the Bursar, upon the warrant of the Proctor, what is due,' &c. — insert ' and retaining his commission shall, upon the warrant of the Proctor, j)ay to the Professors their fees, and to the Bursar what is due,' &c. 61 INDEX. Absence from precincts after night, prohibited 87 Account to be opened against the Bursar 14 Account of supplies to each student to be kept by Proctor, to be paid by Patron — Accounts, Proctor's to be hiid before the Visitors, &c. 14 Accounts, &c. of Patron, subject to inspection of Chairman 18 Age of student on admission SO may be dispensed witii in the case of two brothers, &c. — • Anniversaries, celebration of regulated 41 Antient Languages, school of 23 Ardent spirits not allowed 21 Arms, substitutes for, to be provided 34 B Balance in hands of Patron to be paid over in case of expulsion 1 7 Bank of Virginia, Patron to open account with — Bell to be rung at dawn 42 Board, price of 15 to be paid for what time — deduction from amount of, when made — price of to non-resident students 46 deposits for, when made 49 Bond, Proctor's to be approved, how 12 ; , Patron's, how given 15 Books, particular not to be removed 55 students may borrow — Books, stationarj;, &.c. to be paid for on order of student 1 6 Buildings and grounds to be assigned the Proctor 14 Bursar, account to be opened against — C Candidates for Degrees must be able to write the English Ian f guage 3$ f Candles, &c. to be furnished by Proctor 46 62 Chairman, how appointed 9 his salary _ duties — proctor, &c. subject to his control — shall convene Facult)', when — shall preside at meetings of the Faculty — pro. em. when to be appointed - — may suspend a student till trial 10 may inflict minor punishment on his own authority — shall lay before the Faculty information — shall bring offences before them — - shall keep a journal, &c. — shall note all offences, Sec. — Chemistry and Materia Medica, school of 24 Circulars to be sent to parent or guardian " 27 Class to be examined previous to lecture — Class not to be left, &c. S8 Cleanliness to be preserved 13 of tenements, Professors and Hotel-keepers an- swerable for 4-2 College Central, conveyance of lands from, accepted 3 university established on site of the — visitors of, their powers not to be suspended 6 Combinations punished ' 39 Commission of 2 per cent, to be retained by Patron 16 Conduct riotous, disorderl}', and intemperate, how punished 39 Consolidated report to to be made to Visitors 29 divisions of — (/ontracting debts prohibited 37 Contumacy, how punished 39 what considered — D Damage to property, how repaired 43 Debts shall not be contracted 51 Declaration to be taken from student — penalty on refusing to make a " — refusal to make, to be reported to Chairman — Default of Patron, proceedings in case of 18 Degrees shall be the reward of diligence and merit 31 candidates for, must be able to write the English language 33 Delinquency, habitual, how dealt with 38 Demxonstrator of Anatomy and Surgery to be appointed 25 his duties — how appointed — shall be allowed a house * — his salary — and fees — g shall be a member of the Faculty' — -J Deposit of Funds, violation of enactment concerning, punished 37 Deposits, failure to make, &c. by non-residents — Disbursements unauthorised, penalty for 18 .63 Discipline and Police 36 Dispensary enactment respecting (in notes) -21 Dogs prohibited in the precincts 36 Door of student to be opened to Professor 38 Dormitories to be assigned to hotels 44 rent of to be paid to the Bursar 16 to be inspected by Proctor 42 injuries of, to be reported to Chairman 13 occupants of permitting oflences, how punished 39 Dormitory, occupant of may be removed by Faculty 43 when authorised to be changed 45 Drains to be kept free 42 Drunkenness punished 39 Duelling, &c. punished 40 information to be given to civil authority . — E Entertainments, festive prohibited 36 Equaliiy of numbers among hotels 44 Examinations and Degrees 31 Examinations, when ! eld . — no student to be absent from ■" — plan of (in note) — • Examination to be had previous to lecture 27 Expelled students inhibited from coming within the precincts 40 Expense, habits of restrained 39 Expenses, limitation of 49 Expulsion not final until approved by Visitors 40 F Faculty, number of, to constitute a quorum 10 may appoint a Secretary — may call upon the Chairman for information 1 1 Fare, description of the 45 Faculty may prescribe the details of — Fees to Proft ssors 47 for particular classes — Festive entertainments prohibited " 36 Fuel arid Candles to be furnished by Proctor 46 Funds to be deposited with Patron 48 amount of, in order to matriculate — receipt for, to be delivered to PrOctor — Funds of student in Patron's hands, how administered 1( not to be mingled by Patron It Furniture, injuries indemnified 46 G TrMrnes of chance not allowed 21 aing ; unished 39 implements of, prohibited — Graduate in portions of schools 33 Gymnastic exercises 34 H Habits, bad, how dealt with 33 64 of dormitorie. Hacks, Sic. how admitted within precincts 43 Horses pvohibited in the precincts, when 36 Hotels and dormitories to be assigned to student by Proctor 44 Hotel, when authorised to be changed — Hotel-keepers, to be appoirrted by Procior 19 shall execute a covenant in writing — shall not resign appointment without leave, &c. 20 may be removed, how ' — shall be charged with cleanliness, &c. of Hotel 21 shall be assistant to Proctor, &c. — shall visit rooms of students in the morningi — shall give testimony — shall not furnish entertainment for pay, &c. — nor entertain any expelled student, &c. — nor permit his hotel to be used except as a boarding-house, &c. — norsuSer games of chance, norardent spirits, &c. — may be fined for /oreach of duty — I Janitor to be employed 21 shall be assistant to the Proctor 22 shall visit dormitories in the morning — his duties — Idleness, how dealt with 38 Inattendance, &.C. in school punished 36 Instruction, "how to be communicated 27 L Law, school of - ^ 24 Laws, copy of, to be furnished student 30 ^ to be preserved by him 31 Laws of the land, offences against 40 Leave to visit precincts may be given to dismissed^students 41 Lectures, hours of, from commencement to the last of April 25 scheme of — hours of, from last of April, to end of session — hours of to be carefully observed 27 hours of the class of Anatomy and Surgery, to be under the control of Professors — hours of extra also — Letter to be addressed by Proctor to Parent or Guardian 50 Library and public rooms 53 Library, regulations respecting — to be inspected by Proctor 54 open every day except Sunday 56 tickets of admission to — strangers may be admitted to — Librarian to be appointed 63 his salary « — may employ assistants — ^ shall have the use of dormitory, Stc. — ■ his responsibility — 65 Librarian maj be suspended $% vacancy, how supplied §4 shall keep f. register of booka shall rei orl) all breaches of rules, &.c. shall dcjit students with fines shall see that all books are in place, kc. shall keep catalogues __ Liquors, spirituous and vinous,'prohibitod M IVl Masks or disguises, prohibited St Master of Arts, degree of, to be conferred St Mathematics, school of ft Matriculation SO Medicine, school of 44 Professor of, may practice, where and h»w 1 1 Military, instructor to be provided 84 Minor offences, repetition of, how punished S7 M. D., title of, in school of medicine SS Modern languages, school of ft tutor to be employed i« i4 Moral Philosophy, school of — N Name of student to be painted on his door 46 student refusing, how punished 8t Natural Philosophy, school of tS Noises prohibited, &c. S8 Non-resident students, residence of to be registered by Proctor 4i O Occupants of dormitories permitting offences, how punished 69 of dormitory may be removed by Faculty 48 Offences, Professors to discover and prevent 88 minor, repetition of, how punished 87 Orations and addresses regulated — Patron shall be appointed, &c. 1* give bond and security — how appointed, &c. — shall be Patron of all students resident, &c. shall retain a commission of 2 per cent, upon warrant of Proctor, shall pay to Professor's tuitioa fees shall pay to the Hotel-keepers what is duo for board to the Bursar sums due for rent of dormitories for books, stationary, &c. orders of students on account of pocket money shall nav :;ver theballance in his hands, m case of ex- it 66 pulsion, &c. Patron shall take a written declaration shall receive tuition fees, &c. from non-resident students shall give student a receipt shall keep accounts of receipts, Slc. shall not mingle funds, &c. shall open account with Bank of Virginia his accounts and vouchers subject to inspection of Chairman shall be assistant to Proctor, Sec. shall reside within precincts may keep a book-store Patron's receipt to be taken by student and delivered to Proctor Penalty for unauthorised disbursements by Patron and for violation of any other duty Pocket money, orders on account of, to be paid, Stc. Police, regulations of, may be prescribed by Faculty Precincts, inhibited to expelled students limits of Process of courts, evasion of, punishable Proctor shall give bond and security be removed unless proper bond be given his duties _ ]3 shall be master of Police — inspector of buildings, See. — report injuries to dormitories, &.c. to Chairman — cause cleanliness to be ? reserved — prevent violations of the laws and trespasses, Stc. — superintend all buildings 1 4 issue his warrants to Bursar to reeeive monies — open an account against Bursar — keep an account of all monies paid to Patron by the students his compensation 15 to assign dormitories to hotels 44 shall be subject to control of the Chairman 9 shall inspect dormitories 42 shall report to Chairman shall inspect tenements weekly 4S to give information of duelling to civil magistrate 40 to superintend hotels and inspect tables 45 to kck-p drains free 42 Professorships, number of 28 Professors, number of 4 Proficiency, certificate of, when granted S3 Property, damage to, how repaired 43 Punishments major or minor 40 their compensation __ to report offences to Chiirraaa 10 their compensation H may occupy dormitories, &c. shall reside in the Universitf 67 Professors shall engage in no other pursuits of emolument shall have free use of books 55 to discover and prevent oflences ' 38 respect to. enjoined salary of, reduction of, fiorn what lime (o operate 12 resignations of, how made — Q Q,ualification for admission into the ichool of mathematics, and Natural Philosophy 80 R Receipt to be given to student 17 Receipts, accounts of, to be kept by Patron Rector to be appointed 8 and Visitors to be a body corporate 5 Religious sects, regulations respecting schools of 29 Rent of dormitories, &c. 47 when to be refunded Report, consolidated, to be made to Visitors 29 divisions of _. Reports, weekly, to be made to Chairman 27 Residence, expenses, Sic. 44 Residence of non-resident students to be registered by Proctor 45 Resignations, how made 12 Riotous, disorderly and intemperate conduct, how punished S9 Roll to be called at mee'ing of each school 37 Rooms to bo put in order by sunrise 42 Salary, reduction of, from what time to operate IJ Schools, how long to be held 25 School of Antient languages 23 of Modern languages of Mathematics — of Nat. Philosophy — of Chemistry and Materia Medica 2^ of Medicine of Moral Philosophy — of Law «— Science, branches of, taught S Secretary to be appointed to Board of Visitors .. to the Faculty 10 his compensation — Seminaries, students of other, the terms of admission 30 Servants of students prohibited in precincts S3 Session, commencement and termination of 29 Strangers may be admitted into Library 6$ Students, expelled, suspended or dismissed, not to be admit- ted into dormitories 41 ■UBpended, not to reside within five mile* of the Uni- G8 veraity 41 Studtnts. dismissed, interdicted from precincts . — of other seminaries, terms of admission of 50 appearing marked or disguised, how punished 89 not to board out of the University 44 except. Sec. — expelled, inhibited the precincts 40 to rise, when 42 Student may attend school of his choice SO if under 21, shull attend three Professors — not to enter for less than a whole session — to be furnished with copy of laws — shall sign his name in a book — when expelled. Sec. shall receive the balancs in hands of the Patron, &c. 17 non-resident, to pay tuition fees, &c. to Patron — when authorised to change his hotel and dormitory 45 Tables to be inspected by Proctor 45 Taverns and confectionaries, visits to, prohibited 87 Teachers out of the University, not to be attended Tenements to be inspected weekly 43 extent of Hotel-keepers' . — Testimony to be voluntary 40 Themes to be prescribed 57 Tobacco, use of, in school prohibited 8S Tuition fees paid upon warrant of Proctor 16 Tutors may be employed 25 Tutor in Modern languages, how appointed his duties — . U University, act for establishing j on the site, for Central College _ seven Visitors to be appointed for the branches of science taught in to be visited by a majority of Visitors once a year i Executive lo loan arms for use of 7 books and maps given to the Uniform prescribed 50 model of 51 to be strictly enforced — _ punishment for vioktion of 87 Vacancies among Visitors, how supplied S in office of Proctor during recess, how filled IS of Patron during recess, how filled 15 Violations of laws, &.c. to be prevented 1$ Visitors, seven, to be appointed by the Executive S •mpowered to appoint a Rector and Secretary — m Tisitors other duties to be performed by tlieir meetings to be held on first Mondnys of April and October stated to be held at least once a year as they shall prescribe vacancies among them,|hou' supplied to be a body corporate powers as such to be governed by-laws enacted by tiie Legislature shall report to the P. and D. of Literary Fund majority of, to visit tlie University once a year appointments of, to be made every 29th February when to report failure to perform duties of office, regulations concern- ing authorised to appoint Rector pro tempore may attend anyrschool as inspectors and judges W Washing may be^done by another, when Warrants to be issued by Proctor to Bursar Weapons excluded from school Weekly reports, formula of Wood-yard to be provided Work-shops to be provided 7 29 45 14 36 28 46 S4 ERRATA. Page 32, line 5 — Insert after < in'^the^words ' all the studies of." Page 33, line 14 — Insert after ' it' the words' is or.' Page 50, line 16 — Insert « Patron' instead of' Proctor,' ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 028 316 555 3