" S 1124 B6 P6 956 opy 1 FRENCH'S MEEICAN DRAMA. £fte Acting 3SUftton. No, xxvni. An Original Aboriginal Erratic Operatic Semi- Civilized and Demi- Savage Extravaganza, being a Per- Version of Ye Trewe and Wonderrefulle Hystorie of Ye Rennownned Princesse, PO-CA-HON-TAS: OR, $ THE GENTLE SAVAGE. IN TWO ACTS. BY JOHN BROUGHAM, ESQ. The MUSIC Dislocated and Re-set, by James G. Maeder, M. D. ; and presented to Public Notice through the INSTRUMENTALITY of Signor La Manna. The SCENERY painted from daguerreotypes and other authentic documents, by Mr. H. Isherwood, greatly assisted by his own vivid imagination and Mr. Wallace. The COSTUMES cut from the original plates, and thoroughly digested, by Mr. T. Flan- nery, and several auxiliary thimble-riggers. The MACHINERY, Wings, Flies, and other Entomologia, by Mr. Demilt, and various other philosophers. The CONSIDERABLE PROPERTIES, crowns, sceptres, war-clubs, Indian pipes, and other regalia, by Mr. Timmany, and his aids. [copyright .secured.] NEW- YORK : SAMUEL FRENCH, 121 NASSAU-STREET. ,i M nn „ *. *— ?S\\aA DRAMATIS PERSONS. * D ^/ OF YE ENGLYSHE. Captain John Smith — The undoubted Original, vocal and instrumental, in the settlement of Virginia, in love with Pocahontas, according to this story, though somewhat at variance with his story, Mr. "Walcot. Lieut. Thomas Brown — Second in Command, a hitherto neglected Ge- nius, whose claims on posterity are now for the first time acknow- ledged, as is but right. . . Mr. Barry. William Jones — Sometimes called Bill, another of the same sort left. Mr. Simpson. Mynheer Rolff — The real Husband of Pocahontas, but dramatically divorced contrary to all law and fact Mr. Peters. Benjamin Brace, \ Splicers of main braces, shiveiers of timbers, John Junk, I anathematizers of eyes and limbs, promiscuously Henry Halyard, > general dealers in single combats and double horn- William Buntline, J pipes, and altogether, amazingly nautical people. Barnabas Binnacle J Messrs. Hare, Thompson, Johns, Reddy, James. OF YE SALVAGES. H. J. Pow-Ha-Tan I. — King of the Tuscaroras — a crotchetty Monarch, in fact, a Semi-Brave Mr. Brougham. The Right Hon. Quash-al-Jaw, Speaker of the Savage House of Lords. Straightener of unpleasant kinks, and oiler of troubled waters, un- raveller of knotty points, adjuster of pugnacious difficulties, and Grand Eye Parliamentary Factotum and Fugleman . Mr. Burke. O-po-dil-doc — One of the Aboriginal F. F. V's, an indignant dignitary. Mr. Levere. Col-o-gog — Another warm-hearted and headed Son of Old Virginia the untiring Mr. Stoddart. Jin-go — Sergeant at Arms — A Friend to swear by. . . Mr. Jeffries. Kreem-Fay-Sloon — Bearer of Dispatches, and news carrier in ordinary. Mr. Harrison. Ip-pah-kak, \ f Mr. Oliver. Sas-sy-Pril, I Medicine Men, of the Saultz I Samuels. Kod-liv-Royl, j and Senna-ca Tribe. ] Reynolds. Kal-o-mel, J (, Carver. H. R. H. Princess Po-Ka-Hon-Tas — The Beautiful, and very properly undutiful daughter of King Pow-Ha-Tan, married, according to the ridiculous dictum of actual circumstance, to Master Rolff, but the author flatters himself much more advantageously disposed of in the Acting edition Miss Hodson. Poo-tee-pet ) Interesting offshoots from aristocratic stock ( MrsStephens Di-mun-di, ) anterior to the First Families in Virginia } Mrs. Con vers. Wee-cha-ven-da ) Embodying the rigid principles of thejMrs.Sylvester. Kros-as-kan-bee 5 TuscaroraFashionableFinishingSchool| Mrs. Thompson Dah-Lin-Duk, \ T , • BAbm . „ f \ Miss Meliville. O-you-Jewel, ™ eir " dea ] charges,' for m Th llv-Ue-Kreeta, \ ^ ^ ^ ^Sf . to I M pfne P Oso-char-ming, [ ^"g!^" e 2J" g I Miss Carman. Lum-Pa-Shuga, J the Q^rterly Bills. J Mr§ Stewart Dro-may-jah. a high official Mrs. Norton. Soldiers, Sailors, Indiana, Member/ of the Tusmrora Light Guard, too, So let us two make one. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 32 POCAHONTAS, OR 'I llv. Poca. Papa, you've heard 1 King. It likes me not, but I mui t% CT1 e Q71 There, take her !— that, I think's U™ JZjPJ^ 3 ' * "2 2 [Joining their hands patriarchal^ Now, let your voices round the a'rck ring. Our son-in-law, three cheers, and make them tell ! Hip hip, hurrah ! {They shout.) Tiger ! (They roar.) Indian yell ! (They scream.) Smith. Old King of Clubs, you are a jolly trump ! And don't you be so downcast, you Dutch pump ; All future history will see you righted. With her. in name alone, I'll be united. Poca. How long the union may exist, depends On the impartial verdict of our friends. King. Give your consent, and all dispute will cease, A citizen's first duty is, to keep the peace. Smith. So, pray keep this one, not in bonds too tight, But suffer it to run through many a night. GRAND FINALE.— A la Grec. King. And now wev'e done our duty here, We hope and trust that you'll not fume, or Fail to give a parting cheer, But take our bad jokes in good humor — Tow row row, People will you now, Take our bad jokes in good humor, Now, now, now. De Capo Chorus. Smith. Good people all, both great and small, , Now, you and your kind friends we want, as Often as you please to call On Captain Smith and Pocahontas. Tow row row, Lenity allow. Captain Smith and Pocahontas, Now, now, now. TABLEAU AND CUETAIN. igsc* -■ h'^, RY 0F CONGRESS iiinmnL., 015 971 112 2 %|