■fr o 0^ .-•.,'^o, /\vw/\ c°^-^,;:>o /^^;^/V /.^'-^'^ ^o .-^-^'v''* . -.i^l^.- ^♦"«$i %'^*:^^' y "V^-^*/ '^^^^'^r^'y^ '^^^^•^''^^'^o' %'^^^^^\^'' -o^ *.v, , ^^ U .^^ rV\^^/^\ v./ /Ji!^\ \,^^ ;^'o \/ ;^\ V^^ ,*;^^^'*- -'^ ^* 0^ ^^ -T^^^^/v '• *-/ •^'- ^^-^ •'^'' "■^■'^^ -''A' --^^ \ %/ >^-o;c'-\/ V*'^-*V V"^^'*<^^^ ^^^'^-^•'^♦^ .. •<>. 0^ ° ''^^''. '^o \> /\ '^^S ^ ^^ '^W.^ /\ -.^P/ ^^'^^^ ■4 .X I B(Xg,YQ) Figure 7.— Method 1 for determining position and heading of continuous miner relative to MCS. Angular position of two tar- gets (A,B) on the continuous miner relative to two laser scanning devices (L1,L2) is known. Fiqure 8.— Mathematcal representation of method 1 for posi- tion determination. Since these triangles share some common angles and sides, they provide three equations with three unknown values. These equations can be solved simultaneously, and the lengths of the sides (or sensor-to-target distances) can be determined. The position of each target relative to L3 can then be determined by projecting these lengths onto the X and y axis. And, finally, the heading (h) of the tar- gets relative to the centerhne of the cut can be determined from two positions, as demonstrated in method 1. Both of these methods determine the position and heading of the targets on the continuous miner relative to the MCS. Each target's position on the continuous miner is known; therefore, the continuous miner's position and heading relative to the desired cut can be determined. 15 Figure 9.— Method 2 for determininq position and heading of continuous miner relative to MCS. Angular position of three targets (D,E,F) relative to one laser scanning device (L3) is known. Gyroscope A mechanical gyroscope will be used to maintain an accurate short-term knowledge of position and heading from the most recent laser referenced location. Mechan- ical gyroscopes have an inherent drift over time owing to small mass imbalances in the rotor, and require periodic recalibration to maintain accuracy. Therefore, the contin- uous miner must reference its heading with respect to the e^-eo Sf-Se Figure 10.— Mathematical representation of method 2 for posi- tion determination. desired cut from the laser-scanning system at regular intervals. When an accurate reading of heading is obtained from the laser-scanning system, the gyroscope will be calibrated. Any maneuvers involving turning desired by the continuous miner can then be controlled and monitored with the gyroscope. The incorporation of a gyroscope will increase the reli- ability of the laser referencing system by requiring the ref- erence for the desired cut at regular intervals, rather than continually. Therefore, the continuous miner will be able to navigate for a short period of time when it cannot see the reference or when the MCS referencing sensors fail or are in error. At times when redundant, vaUd data are obtained from these multiple sensory systems, it will be combined to provide a greater and more reliable aware- ness of the position and heading of the continuous miner. A directional gyroscope, Model #DG57-0602-l devel- oped by Humphrey, Inc., San Diego, CA, is to be em- ployed on the continuous miner. It experiences a mechan- ical drift of 0.1°/min. The desired accuracy in the heading of a cut is approximately 1.4° (6 in per 20 ft). Therefore, this gyroscope is usable as a heading indicator for 14 min without recalibration, more than enough time for execution of maneuvers requiring turning. 16 Ultrasonic Ranging System An ultrasonic sensor ranging system will be used to pro- vide a knowledge of the physical surroundings of the face area, i.e., the continuous miner's lateral position and head- ing relative to the ribs for alignment, and obstacle detector for forward and reverse tramming. In addition, the system will serve as another source of relative heading of the continuous miner. A system developed by Denning Mobile Robots, Inc., Woburn, MA, will be used. The system employs 24 addressable time-of-flight ranging units consisting of environmental ultrasonic transducers developed for operation in severe environments. Each ranging unit is uniquely addressable and, upon request, returns a value corresponding to the range from the specified unit to the nearest object. The ultrasonic ranging units will be mounted on the continuous miner with their beams directed outward from the machine. Lateral position and heading information relative to the ribs will be determined from the units along the length of the machine. It is not necessary that the entire length of the continuous miner be covered in the field-of-view of the ranging units for lateral position and heading determination. However, the ranging units on the front and rear of the machine should cover the entire width of the continuous miner to provide reliable object detection for collision avoidance when tramming. Determining Lateral Position and Heading Using Ultrasonic Ranging Units The continuous miner will initially be assumed to be positioned at the face and outby the MCS. Therefore, it will rely on the ultrasonic ranging sensors to become posi- tioned parallel and at a safe distance from the ribs for for- ward tramming. The information necessary to align the continuous miner parallel to the ribs is the current angle of alignment and its lateral position in the entry. This method of align- ment is not as accurate as the laser-based scanning system, owing to the wide beam width, the diffuse surface of mine walls, and the potential presence of a line curtain. The angle of alignment of the continuous miner with respect to the ribs can be calculated from the measure- ments of two lateral sensors. The measurements from all the possible pairs of lateral sensors can be processed to determine the most accurate alignment angle. When monitored over time, they provide an indication of the relative heading of the continuous miner. Flux-Gate Heading Sensor A flux-gate heading sensor, developed by KVH Indus- tries, Middletown, RI, will be employed as a secondary measurement of instantaneous changes in heading. The absolute heading relative to true north will be unreliable owing to magnetic interference from the continuous min- ing machine. However, the sensor may provide accurate instantaneous changes in heading. A flux-gate heading sensor uses a solid-state electronic sensor, which directly measures the Earth's magnetic field. It is more reliable than a conventional magnetic compass, since it does not use magnets or rotating cards delicately balanced on jeweled bearings. It includes a micro- processor-based system which takes thousands of readings per second, interprets and averages them, and delivers the resultant heading information. The flux-gate heading sensor will be employed in the same manner as the directional gyroscope. Tests will be performed on the sensor to determine its precision and reliability on the continuous mining machine. Inclinometers Accustar Electric Clinometers, pendulum-type incli- nometers developed by Sperry Sensing Systems, Phoenix, AZ, will be employed on the continuous miner to provide the pitch-and-roU angle. These inclinometers employ a fluid and gas-filled capacitive sensor whose capacitance varies linearly with the rotation about its sensitive axis. This variation in capacitcmce is transformed into an elec- tronic signal and provides a direct measurement of tilt. Two inclinometers with their sensitive axis at right angles to each other will provide the pitch-and-roU angle of the continuous miner. Monitoring System Data Acquisition with BCC52 Computer-Controller The Micromint Basic-52 Computer-Controller (BCC52) will gather the data from the previously mentioned sensors. It is a stand-alone single board computer programmable in BASIC or machine language. Three BCC52's will be em- ployed, one dedicated to the laser-scanning system, one to the ultrasonic ranging system, and one to the gyroscope, compass, and inclinometers. The function of the BCC52's is to gather the raw data from their respective sensors, convert it into useful engi- neering units, perform low-level sensor integration if nec- essary, and deliver the data to a high-level computer. Low-Level Sensor Fusion of Multiple Laser-Based Scanning Systems Multiple laser-scanning systems provide a redundant source of information. Multiple values (V) of position and heading are calculated from the laser-scanning systems. By assigning weights (W) to the values and averaging this information, a more accurate and rehable value for posi- tion and heading of the continuous mining machine can be determined. 17 Each of the vcdues of position and heading [(V(1),V(2), V(3)...V(n)] will be assigned a confidence level [(C(l), C(2),C(3)...C(n)]. The confidence levels, representing the accuracy and reliability of the laiser system, can be deter- mined, in one way, from experiments of the system in a controlled environment. The experiments indicate items and conditions imder which the data are more accurate £md rehable. For example, the data from the laser scanner will most likely be more accurate when a greater angular separation exists between the targets in its field-of-view or when the target remains within a predetermined range. Other indications of confidence level are the last known position £md the current operating status of the machine. This information could indicate that the confidence of one laser scanner is low due to high dust concentrations, or that the laser is operating outside its accurate range. Average weights (W) for each value can be calculated from the percentage confidence levels. W(i) = C(i) / [C(l) + C(2) + ... + C(n)] The fused value, V(f), of position jmd heading is then determined by V(f) = W(l) * V(l) + W(2) * V(2) + ... + W(n) * V(n) These fused values for position and heading are deliv- ered upon request to the integration system. Integration System The integration system will request the data from the three monitoring systems, combine the position and head- ing values, and create an appropriate model of the face environment. Integrating Position and Heading Information The continuous miner's heading in the face area with respect to the desired cut (MCS) can be determined from the laser-scanning system, the gyroscope, and the ultra- sonic ranging system. First, the laser system's reading of heading, along with its associated confidence level, will be requested from the laser monitoring system. Secondly, the gyroscope's reading of heading change will be re- quested. This heading change along with the most recent referenced value of heading can be used to determine the current heading. The confidence level of this value can be obtained as a function of the length of time between read- ings. The fmal value of heading will be requested from the lateral sonar data. The associated confidence level can be determined from the inherent inaccuracies of the ultra- sonic rcinging units. The values of heading of the continuous miner with respect to the desired cut, along with their associated confidence levels, can be used to determine a fused value of heading and confidence. The method of averaging weighted values, as discussed earUer, will be employed. The value of lateral position of the continuous miner with respect to the desired cut can be determined in a sim- ilar manner, using the laser position data, and fusing it with the value of lateral position change relative to the ribs from the ultrasonic range data. The longitudinal position of the continuous miner with respect to the desired cut can only be determined by the laser system. Therefore, no data fusion, other than the low-level fusion of multiple laser units, is necessary for this information. Modeling the Face Area A geometric model indicating the continuous miner's position and heading relative to the actual physical bound- aries of the immediate area is essential for navigation. The graphical technique of modeling the environment developed by Turchan,* shows promise for the modeling of a mine environment. This technique requires range measurements from a designated center point on the vehi- cle to the closest objects at incremental angles of view. The data from the ultrasonic ranging system will provide the information. These range data, modeled as a function of angle, can be mathematically analyzed to provide a knowledge of the local environment. A large discontinuity in the function represents the edge of an obstacle, or perhaps the pres- ence of a crosscut. A discontinuity in the slope of the function represents a point where two walls meet, at the face or a corner. Navigational Goal Scheduler The navigational goal scheduler is a program, which will function as the scheduler of the progress of the continuous miner through the cutting sequence. It will contain two methods of scheduling, sequential and contingency. The schedulers observe and interpret the immediate world model and generate a desired position and heading, or goal state, of the continuous miner for the next sequence of tramming actions. The sequential goal scheduler has a predetermined list, in memory, of goal states for the execution of an ideal cut. If each of the goals is reached in the correct sequence, a cut will have been performed. The sequential scheduler analyzes the current position and heading of the continuous miner relative to the cur- rent goal state. If the goal was reached, the sequential scheduler recommends a next goal state to the action plan- ner. However, if the goal was not reached, control is transferred to the contingency goal scheduler. ^Turchan, M. P., and A. K. C. Wong. Low-Level Learning for a Mobile Robot: Environmental Model Acquisition. Paper in Proceed- ings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, St. Louis, MO, Mar. 1985, pp. 156-161. 18 The contingency goal scheduler is necessary when, for one reason or another, the previous goal was not reached. The apparent problem is determined and an alternative goal state is recommended to the action planner. For example, when the continuous miner is slipping or stuck, the contingency goal scheduler will recognize the problem and may recommend a goal state in the reverse direction to try and free the machine. When the contingency goals have been reached, control will be restored to the sequen- tial goal scheduler. In addition, a history could be main- tained containing contingency goals and the success of the attempts at reaching these alternative goal states, to pro- vide the continuous miner with the ability to learn from its experiences. Action Planner The action planner is a program which plans, executes, and monitors a sequence of machine maneuvers to enable travel from the current position and heading to the goal state designated by the navigational goal scheduler. This program requires the knowledge of the primitive move- ments and the basic maneuvers of the continuous mining machine. The primitive movements describe the speed and direc- tion of tram for each track, and result in the basic maneu- vers of the continuous mining machine. Each track can be driven at two speeds, fast and slow, in both the forward or reverse direction. The basic maneuvers of the continuous miner are trans- lation, pivot, and turn. A translational movement is pos- sible in the forward or reverse direction, at fast or slow speed. A pivot is a rotation about the center axis of the continuous miner. It results when the two tracks are driven in opposite directions, and is only possible at slow speed. A turn is a rotation about one of the tracks, and results when one track is driven at slow speed, and the other track remains stationary. Because of the backlash in track drives and track slippage, none of these movements are performed with precision. The current state, goal state, and the environmental model are deUvered to the action planner from the navigational goad scheduler. A sequence of primitive movements is planned, by applying the rules of trigonom- etry along with the knowledge of the mobiUty of the con- tinuous miner. The sequence is executed by delivering the maneuvers sequentially to the machine control computer. The movement of the continuous miner is monitored through request of machine response information from the monitoring systems. A time limit will be set on the action plaimer's attempts to reach goal states. The action planner will continue to plan, execute, and monitor machine maneuvers until this time expires or the gocil state has been reached. If the goad state is reached, control will be returned to the sequential goal scheduler. However, if the time limit has expired, a navigational difficulty is occurring, such as the machine being stuck. In that case, control will be transferred to the contingency goal scheduler for a recom- mendation of an alternative goal state. Navigational Test-Beds Navigational experiments to evaluate sensor perform- ance and guidance algorithms will be conducted on two mobile test-beds. The Joy 16CM miner-bolter is the avail- able continuous mining machine for testing of navigational concepts (fig. 11). It is a drum-type continuous mining machine designed to extract coal in an underground mine using the technique of room-and-pillar mining. Another test-bed to be used for research into autonomous naviga- tion in mines is a locomotion emulator being developed for the Bureau by Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. This test-bed will have the ability to emulate the loco- motion of many different mining vehicles currently in use, and is extendible to any future type of vehicles. Initial attempts at autonomous navigation will use the locomotion emulator as a full-scale model of a smaller continuous mining machine (e.g., Joy 12CM). The loco- motion emulator is a much more manageable mechanism to test the basic theories and concepts of navigation in mines. The Joy 16CM will initially be used to test the reHability of various navigational sensors on an actual mining machine. 19 ^, / ^ a ^ ^ r — ' — . / ---• '.A 'T" 1 \) 1 1 l' 1 ll 1 ' I 1 1 > . 1 1 /r-.-.--i.---z\^p^ Y 16' 1 1 ■ " 1 1 ■ — U.'-> 1 Figure 11.— Joy 16CM available continuous mining machine for testing of navigational concepts. 20 CONCLUSIONS The Bureau is proposing to develop a navigational guid- ance system to provide a continuous mining machine with the ability to navigate autonomously through the positions and headings necessary to execute straight-cuts and cross- cuts in room-and-pillar type mining. These cuts must also be executed according to the mine plan in order to main- tain a safe and productive mine. This type of navigation has been classified as face navigation. Although two other types of navigation in mines are known to be needed, i.e., local and global, autonomous face navigation has been chosen as the short-term goal. Successful navigation at the face will result in a great increase in the overall safety of the mine worker, and many of the research issues of face navigation are applicable to the other types of navigation. Autonomous face navigation requires that the contin- uous miner be provided with an indication of the position and heading of the desired cut, a knowledge of its physical surroundings, and precise guidance abilities to control and monitor its movements at the face. A MCS will be employed as a reference for the desired cut in the face area. The MCS will be precisely positioned in the face area to provide a fixed, stable reference for both the position and heading of the desired cut. The continuous miner will refer to the MCS for alignment and guidance during the cutting process. A sensory configuration has been outlined for the navi- gational guidance of the continuous miner. Multiple sen- sor systems have been chosen to provide a more accurate and reliable awareness of the environment. Optical laser- based scanning devices will provide the continuous miner with the ability to reference the MCS. A mechanical directional gyroscope will be mounted on the continuous mining machine to provide relative heading information. A flux-gate heading sensor will be employed in a similar manner, and tests will be performed to determine its reli- abiUty with the magnetic interference present on the con- tinuous mining machine. Ultrasonic ranging units will be used to provide lateral position and heading information for alignment, and a front and rear obstacle detector for treunming of the continuous miner. Finally, two pendulum- type incUnometers will be employed on the continuous miner to provide the pitch-and-roU angle. Three monitoring systems consisting of the BCC52 computer-controller will be used for acquisition of the sensory data. The BCC52's will gather the raw data from the sensors, convert it to useful engineering units, perform low-level sensor fusion if necessary, and deliver the data to the integration system. An integration system consisting of a BCC52 computer- controller will request the data from all the monitoring systems, integrate the position and heading of the contin- uous mining machine with respect to the desired cut, and create an appropriate model of the face environment. The navigational goal scheduler is a program which will schedule the progress of the continuous miner through the cutting sequence. This program will observe and interpret the model of the face area, and generate the next desired position and heading of the continuous miner. The current position and heading, and the next desired position and heading will be delivered to an action planning program. The action planner will generate, execute, and monitor a sequence of tramming actions to reach the next desired position and heading. 21 APPENDIX.-RESEARCH ISSUES IN AUTONOMOUS NAVIGATION An autonomous continuous mining machine requires methods of acquiring, processing, and manipulating navigational information to interact with objects in the mining environment. The methods used by autonomous vehicles in other environments are presented along with their apphcabUity for autonomous navigation of a continuous mining machine in a mining environment. METHODS OF ACQUIRING NAVIGATIONAL INFORMATION The fundcimental requirement for autonomous vehicle navigation in any environment is to acquire a represen- tation of the physical surroundings. This representation consists of the position of objects relative to the vehicle, and can be obtained from sensors providing range mea- surements from the vehicle to the object. Ranging Sensors The continuous miner ranging requirements can be clas- sified into two areas: positioning and collision avoidance. Positioning sensors require high accuracy and precision over a wide range, with a nairrow field-of-view. Collision avoidance sensors do not require the high accuracy, preci- sion, and range of positioning sensors. However, they do require a large field-of-view, and the outer range of the sensor should provide the continuous miner the time to stop when a collision is imminent. The following is a description of some of the methods of rcinging, which are employed for both positioning and collision avoidance on existing autonomous vehicles. The various techniques for ranging are discussed, followed by the sensing mediums employing these technologies, with attention focused on their functionaHty on a continuous mining machine in the mine. Techniques for Ranging Time-of-Flight The time-of-flight ranging technique provides range to an object by measuring the time it takes for a pulse of energy to travel from a transmitter to the object and back to a receiver. The range can then be calculated by multi- plying the velocity of the pulse by one-half of the time required to travel the distance. The time-of-flight sensors maintain reliability as long as the return signal is received and detected. The reception and detection of the return signal is dependent on the dis- tance to the object, the strength of the transmitted signal, and the characteristics of the reflecting surface. As the range to the object increases, the intensity of the return signal decreases. Obviously, a transmitted signal of greater strength provides a return signal at greater ranges. How- ever, a maximum range exists where a return signal can no longer be detected by the receiver. No signal would be received when the tremsmitted signal is reflected from a smooth object whose surface is at an angle from the trans- mitter. However, these specular reflections will not present many difficulties in a mine environment, where the diffuse surface of the mine walls are most often the reflecting object for range measurements. It is likely, however, that the transmitted signal will scatter after en- countering the rough surface, and those signals could re- flect from secondary objects and provide a false return signal to the receiver. The appUcations of time-of-flight ranging systems are related to the beam width of the signal being transmitted. The distance determined by time-of-flight ranging systems is the distance to the closest point which the signal encoun- ters. If the transmitted signal has a wide beam width, the exact angular position of the object relative to the sensor is not known. Wide beam, time-of-flight ranging systems cannot be used for precise object positioning, but are very appropriate for collision avoidance. Triangulation The triangulation technique of ranging requires two sensors at a known separation on the vehicle providing the angle to the same object. It utilizes the basic trigonom- etric property of triangles. That is, when given the length of one side (separation between the sensors) and two an- gles of a triangle (angles from the sensors to the object), the lengths of the two remaining sides (ranges from the sensors to the object) of the triangle can be calculated. The range accuracy of a system employing the tech- nique of triangulation is dependent on the accuracy of the measured angles and, furthermore, the variations in angu- lar position to an object decrease as a function of distance. One type of triangulation ranging, similar to human vision, uses two camera images. The range to the object is inversely proportional to the displacement of the object on the image planes. The ranging becomes more accurate the further apart the imaging devices are, or the closer the object is. However, if the imaging devices are too far apart or the object is too close, the object may not appear in both images. The major difficulty of this type of ranging system is that the same object has to be identified accurately in both images. These systems typically use the ambient light to illuminate the object. In a mining environment, however, an artificial source of light must be provided, and not many objects are present in a mine which are easy to identify. 22 Another method of triangulation ranging is demon- strated in the commercially available Lasernet system, which can measure and report the angular location of special cylindrical retro-reflective targets. The system consists of a scanning laser source and a photodetector. When the laser hits the retro-reflective target, a reflected beam is returned and detected by the photodetector. Since the laser is scanned at a constant angular velocity, the time between the steu^t of the laser's sweep and the moment at which the reflected beam returns from the target can be used to calculate angular position. The angular positions of the target relative to two Lasernet units and the sepa- ration between these units, can be used to determine the range to the target. In summary, triangulation ranging systems are limited in range accuracy by their ability to measure small angles precisely. The long-range accuracy can be improved by increasing the separation between the two sensors. Interferometry Interferometry offers extremely precise and accurate distance measurements. Interferometry is based on the interference patterns that result between two energy waves that travel paths of different lengths. If the length of the path for one of the energy waves is increased, the two waves interact and produce constructive and destructive interference. By observing this interference pattern and knowing the wavelength of the source, it is possible to calculate the relative distance the two energy waves have traveled at fractional wavelength accuracies. This distance can be the change in position of a target on a moving vehicle relative to some previous position. A retro-reflector target is required on the vehicle in order to provide a reliable return signal for the interfer- ometer. The distance measured by interferometry ranging is the change in distance along the straight-line path from the transmitter to the target. The angles of this straight- line path must be known to determine the displacement of the target in each coordinate direction. The disadvantage of interferometry ranging is that it provides only relative distance measurement. Therefore, the usable measurements are cumulative and require a constant line-of-sight between the target and system. Interferometry would not be reliable in a mining environ- ment owing to the frequent occurrence of loss of the line- of-sight caused by other machinery, dust, or rocks. Sensing Mediums for Ranging . Acoustic Signals Acoustic ranging can be accomplished by using the previously discussed techniques of time-of-flight and tri- angulation. Ultrasonic energy (acoustic energy of fre- quencies above the limits of human hearing) is commonly used for ranging devices on mobile vehicles. The wide beam width of ultrasonic waves introduces some uncertainty in the perceived distance to and the anguleir position of an object. The range obtained is the distance to the first object in the field-of-view of the sen- sor, and may not be the distance to the object in the beam centerline. Therefore, it functions best as a collision avoidance sensor, by detecting the presence of the nearest object in a wide field-of-view. An ultrasonic wave may not be reflected back to the receiver if it encounters a specular surface at an angle. Therefore, ultrasonic ranging devices function much more reliably in an environment with diffuse surfaces, such as in a mine. These surfaces scatter the transmission and most often reflect a signal back to the receiver. The use of acoustic sensors for navigation in mines was demonstrated with Carnegie Mellon University's Terregator vehicle.^ The vehicle was tested at the Bureau experimental mine, and successfully navigated in the mine environment using ultrasonic ranging sensors. Optical Ranging Optical ranging can be accomplished by using the pre- viously discussed techniques of time-of-flight, triangulation, and interferometry. Imaging systems employing vision are commonly used for guidance or road following, and optical laser-based ranging systems are commonly used for precise positioning of autonomous vehicles. Any type of ranging system employing vision imaging devices are not presently being considered for use in the mine. There is no natural source of ambient light, thus artificial illumination would have to be provided. Also, the amount of data manipulation necessary is too great to jus- tify vision over simple ranging devices. Optical ranging devices employing laser sources provide a quick and accurate method of ranging. They have a very narrow beam width and are most appropriate for the pre- cise positioning information required during the execution of the cutting sequence at the face. Radar Radar uses the time-of-flight technique to determine the range to an object. Radar employs radio frequency energy. It has an advantage over optical and acoustical waves in that it can propagate through dust. Radar systems employing electromagnetic waves are best suited to very long ranges. The high velocity of elec- tromagnetic waves induces the possibility of transmitter- receiver interference at shorter ranges. Therefore, expen- sive and complicated circuitry is necessary to produce a signal that is short in duration. 'Oppenheim, I., and W. Whittaker. Demonstration of Robotic Map- ping of Mine Spaces. Eng. Const. Rob. Lab., Camegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA, Apr. 1985, 58 pp. 23 Microwave energy waves are also used in radar systems. Ranging devices employing these waves can be configured to function over ranges suitable to mobile vehicle re- quirements, and provide collision avoidance by detecting the presence (not precise position) of an object. They are best suited as presence detectors, such as level indicators or back-up alcu^ms for manned vehicles. However, they provide Uttle resolution for autonomous vehicle apphcations. METHODS OF PROCESSING NAVIGATIONAL INFORMATION Mapping Techniques The continuous miner requires a geometric model of the local environment. One possible method of environ- mental modeling of the local area in a mine is the graph synthesis approach, developed by M. P. Turchan.^ This approach requires range measurements to the closest objects around the vehicle at incremental angles of view. A center point on the machine is chosen as an origin point for the range measurements. The model is obtained by examining the value of range from the origin to the nearest object as a function of the angle-of-view of the sensor (0 to 360°). Applications of Graph Synthesis Model to Mine Model The range data from the continuous miner's sensors modeled as a function of angle can aid in path planning and entry navigation. The discontinuities of the function itself represent the edge of an obstacle, or perhaps the ^urchan, M. P., and A. K. C. Wong. Low-Level Learning for a Mobile Robot: Environmental Model Acquisition. Paper in Proceed- ings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, St. Louis, MO, Mar. 1985, pp. 156-16L presence of a crosscut. The discontinuities of the slope of the function represent the points where two walls meet, possibly at the face or at a corner. These representations of the environment can be an aid to both local and global navigation. INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES FOR NAVIGATIONAL CONTROL A method of global path planning is necessary for the continuous mining machine. This planning requires a map programmed in memory indicating the paths of travel in a mine. Global Path Planning The continuous miner must be able to determine a safe and traversable path to a destination given a reliable map of the area between the current position and destination. Many popular techniques exist for finding the optimal path and are used by other autonomous vehicles. Many techniques of path planning for other mobile ro- bots involve depicting the maps in a graph form with costs assigned to possible routes. In the case of mine travel, those costs may represent distance, risk, maneuverability, or traversabillty. A search Is performed on the graph, and the lowest cost path is chosen. However, global path planning in a mine does not re- quire complex programming algorithms. Most mines have designated main passageways for travel in a particular direction. Since most of the travel is done along these routes, the only planning necessary is for the short travel from the main passageways to the work area. The plan- ning techniques are uncomplicated due to the regular and parallel nature of paths in a mine. This planning involves choosing a path from among many similar parallel entries and crosscuts. Any safe path with a minimal number of turns can be chosen. A few simple heuristics can provide the global path planning necessary in a mine. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 611-012/00,053 INT.BU.OF MINES,PGH.,PA. 28881 "0 m z 33 T) O -D 03 C P 3" 5 Q. 1 ^ CD • ^o O" c 3 Crt c ^ CD 55 (Q X -A. o' 13 -D ICIAL 1 FOR PR > CD i; BO D — » rtment c Mines > S t>0 CO Q. c — ». 5 H 0) 0" CD ?z 3 5" ffiS3 CD I^ o' ts o o m O c > o "D 13 O 33 m r— O -< m 3 C 214 8 9 -Ho^ "^ A^ **" 0" ♦' o «J «-i°*. ^0 ,V A^ o . .* -A. • <^^ f.* r.^" -^«^^ r. o^^ ^^^ •• 4 o I>*.f' «^ aP ^o. •Jc«5^^tafc*- o 5- o. "-o^ V ^ • '^J. AV ♦ ^* <^ \ ' ,«^ >> ..V.., V c-^.l^'>o ^/.y^/"-^. o°^l^^^'\ /' ''^^.<:,^'^ vP 'j J"^^ V ^ HECKMAN BINDERY INC. #AUG 89 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962 5-^ w-.