¥m wS ffr MmByf pi. Qass. Book. THE VISITOR'S GUIDE TO KNOLE. THE VISITOR'S GUIDE TO KNOLE, IN THE COUNTY OF KENT, WITH CATALOGUES OF THE PICTURES CONTAINED IN THE MANSION, AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES ^ THE PRINCIPAL PERSONS WHOSE PORTRAITS FORM PART OF THE COLLECTION. BY JOHN H. BRADY, F.R.A.S. SEVENOAKS : PRINTED BY AND FOR JAMES PAYNE. LONDON: SOLD BY SIMPKIN it MARSHALL, STATIONERS' COURT, AND J. R. SMITH, OLD COMPTON STREET. 1839. ENTERED AT STATIONERS HALL. :«' « -cc.cc* c » « »» * . . t c e ec ce *«« cccf c e« «ce cc« ct c ^. TO TH\- RIGHT HONOURABLE MARY, COUNTESS-DOWAGER OF PLYMOl-TI--. ^ifi^ Folume, DESCRIPTIVE OF HER LADYSHIP'S RESIPEXCE, WHICH HAS LONG BEEN KNOWN BY THE NAME OF KNOLE HOUSE, AND HAS BERN FOR SEVERAL GENERATIONS THE SEAT OF THE ANCIENT FAMILY OF SACKVILLE, HER ladyship's PATERNAL ANCESTORS, IS, BY HER ladyship's KIND PERMISSION, Betiicatct), with feelings of GRATITUDE AND THE GREATEST RESPECT, BY HER LADYSHIP S MOST OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANT, JAMES PAYNE. ADVERTISEMENT, \ This work, which has been undertaken with the view of afFording- to persons visiting this deservedly celebrated mansion an opportunity of carrying- away with them some memento of its attractions, is now put forth as a candidate for public appro- bation ; and the publisher trusts that, in consideration of the great care which has been taken in its compilation and revision, the reader will kindly excuse involuntary faults, or unintentional errors, if any such should be d^^tected. Vni ADVERTISEMENT. The original intention was, to have pro- duced a work not exceeding two shillings and sixpence in price ; but materials were so plentiful, that selection for a volume of that size was impracticable, and an advance of one shilling was determined on, at which price subscribers for the small copies will be supplied ; this, however, not exceeding the cost price per copy of a large edi- tion, a further advance of one shilling, to non-subscribers, has been deemed necessary ; and, considering the quantity of information contained in the volume, the number of its illustrations (all of which have some direct allusion, either to the mansion or its pos- sessors), and the execution of the whole, it is believed that the present price will not be thought bej^ond its value. It may be proper to mention here^ that the work referred to in a note on the ADVERTISEMENT. IX seventh page of this volume will not, in all probability, appear before the ensuing summer; of its publication, however, due notice will be given. In conclusion, the proprietor begs to return his most respectful acknowledgments to the nobility, gentry, and others, for the encouragement they have afforded him by entering their names as subscribers for this work, and he sincerely hopes that their expectations will be fully realized. Sevenoaks, July, 1839. PREFACE, It is matter or common remark, that the most interesting objects lose much of their attraction from the want of information concerning them ; and as this deficiency has been for a considerable time felt with respect to Knole House and its fine collection of pictures, it is hoped that the present attempt to remedy it will be received with favour. The author, by the kind permission of the lady of the mansion, has been indulged with free access, and allowed every opportunity of forming, unobserved and uiu'estricted, a correct and impartial opinion of the objects descril)e(l. Xll 1»REFACE. Much interesting' information has been communicated by Mr. Wm. Elliott, who has long been intimately acquainted with nearly every part of the mansion, and whose remarks on the architecture of the building- and decorations of the apartments will be readily discovered from the minute- ness of detail into which he enters ; while the work has been embellished by the pencil of Mr. William Knight, whose faithful delineation of the subjects selected cannot fail to reflect credit on him as an artist. In addition to this, the works of writers whose authenticity is acknowledg-ed, have been consulted, and, as far as appli- cable, incorporated : the author, therefore, believes that his little volume will be found what it professes to be, a satisfactory " guide" for the visitor of Knole. For the numerous biographical notices which will be found in its pages, he has PREFACE. xiii been indebted to such various authorities, that it were difficult to acknowledge all his obligations. He must, however, particu- larly mention " Burnet's History of his own Times," De Grammont's and Walpole's " Memoirs," and Cunningham's " Lives of Eminent Englishmen." This portion of his volume, comprising as it does, many inte- resting particulars of the actions and charac- ters of a considerable number of the most eminent ecclesiastics, statesmen, and war- riors of the sixteenth century, besides others of a later date, including all the principal members of the noble house of Dorset, cannot fail, as the author hopes, to compen- sate his trouble, by being deemed an accept- able and valuable addition to his work on Knole, where the portraits of these distin- guished personages will be seen. London, May 1, 1839. CONTENTS PAGE Dedication v Advertisement vii Preface xi Possessors of Knole 1 The Family of Sackville, with a Genealogical Descent 19 The Park 68 The Mansion 80 The Rooms shewn to Visitors 98 The Great Hall 102 The Brown Gallery 108 Lady Betty Germaine's Bed-chamher 118 Lady Betty Germaine's Dressing-room 120 Spangled Bed-room 121 Spangled Dressmg-room 123 Bilhard-room 125 Leicester Gallery 127 Venetian Bed-room 131 Venetian Dressing-room 133 Organ-room 13G XVI CONTENTS. PAGE Chapel-room 140 Chapel 143 Ball-room 146 Crimson Drawing-room 148 Cartoon Gallery 152 King's Bed-room 156 Dining-parlour 158 Appendix : Agricola, Rodolphus 212 Alvarez, duke of 213 Arundel, Henry Fitz-Alan, earl of ' 1 85 Austria, Don John of 167 Axford, Miss 241 Bacon, Roger 173 Bedford, Ann Carr, countess of 230 Blake, Admiral 203 Boswell, Sir Ralph 230 Bourbon, Charles, due de 169 Burleigh, William Cecil, baron 191 Campchinetz, Monsieur 243 Canterbury, Bancroft, Richard, archbishop of . . 206 Cranmer, Thomas, archbishop of . . 179 Whitgift, John, archbishop of .... 189 Chinese Youth 247 Cleveland, duchess of 245 Coligni Family, the 247 Cope, Sir Anthony 234 Cumberland, George Clifford, earl of 177 Desmond, countess of 217 Digby, Sir Kenelm 228 CONTENTS. XVII PAGE Dorset, Pembroke, &c. Ann, countess of ' 242 Drake, Sir Francis 199 Du Burg 229 EUesmere, Thomas Egerton, baron of 190 Erasmus 209 Essex, Thomas, Cromwell, earl of 182 Fermor, Sir Hatton 231 Guise, Francis, Due de 171 Guise, Henry of Lorraine, Due de 168 Hatton, Sir Christopher 193 Home, Philip, count de 221 Huss, John 211 Isabella, Clara Eugenia 209 Leicester, Robert Dudley, earl of 194 Luther, Martin 217 Melancthon 211 MUdmay, Sir Walter 208 Mohun, Major 228 Montmorenci, Ann de 170 More, Sir Thomas 183 Ninon de d'Enclos 213 Norris, Sir John 20G Norfolk, Thomas Howard, duke of 184 Northampton, Henry Howard, earl of 1 70 Northumberland, John Dudley, duke of 172 Nottingham, Charles Howard, earl of 19G Orange, William, first prince of 207 Ormond, James Butler, duke of 248 Parma, duke of 167 Pembroke, Herbert, earl of 171 c XVlll CONTENTS. PAGE Pomeraniis 211 Rochester, John Fisher, bishop of 178 Russia, Catherine II. of 237 SackvUle, lord George 221 Salisbury, Robert Cecil, earl of 196 Shaftesbury, A. A. Cooper, earl of 235 Shrewsbury, countess of 227 Somers, John, lord 165 Stewart, Miss 225 Suckling, Sir John 241 Suflfolk, Thomas Howard, earl of 203 Surrey, Henry Howard, earl of 231 Sussex, Thomas Ratcliffe, earl of 208 Ugolino, Count 244 Walsingham, Sir Francis 190 WickUffe, John 174 Wilford, Sir James 176 Winchester, Stephen Gardiner, bishop of 175 Wolsey, cardinal 186 List of Subscribers 251 LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. PAGE 1 North-west view of Knole House Frontispiece 2 Fire-place bearing the cognizances of archbishop Bourchier 1 3 Fire-dog in the Cartoon Gallery 19 4 The Old Oak 68 5 The second Entrance-gateway 8G 6 Part of Sconce in the Ball-room 97 7 Settee in the Leicester Gallery 98 8 Initial letter, A, with the Sackville Anus 102 9 Queen Anne Boleyn's Fire-dog 103 10 Principal Staircase 107 1 1 Mask, from the Ball-room 108 12 Tripod in the Brown Galler>' 117 13 Mask from the Ball-room 118 14 Ditto 120 15 Ditto 121 16 Ditto 123 17 Ditto 125 18 Initial letter, T, bearing the Rugged Staff, a badge of the Leicesters 127 XX LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. PAGE 19 Chair in the Venetian Bed-room 132 20 Initial letter, A, enclosed in a Knot, a cognizance of archbishop Bourchier 136 21 Initial letter, A, bearing an Oak Leaf, another cog- nizance of the same distinguished personage . , 140 22 Entrance to the Chapel 143 23 Initial letter, T, bearing the archiepiscopal paU . . ibid. 24 Garden Front of Knole, shewing the windows of the Chapel and Ball-room 146 25 Garden Front continued, shewing the windows of the Cartoon Gallery and Colonnade 152 26 Shield of the earl and countess of Plymouth .... ibid. 27 Initial letter, H, bearing a Shield of the countess- dowager of Plymouth 158 GUIDE TO KNOLE HOUSE Fh-e-place bearing the cog-nizance of archbishop Bourchier, THE POSSESSORS OF KNOLE. The earliest authentic record conceriiing' the occupancy of this place is found in the reign of king John, when the manor and estate of Knole, with those of Braborne, or Bradborne, Kenising and Scale, were B )i THE POSSESSORS possessed by Baldwin de Bethuii, earl of Albemarle, who, in the fifth year of that reign, gave them in " frank marriage" with his daughter Alice, to William Mareschal, earl of Pembroke, after whose death, his eldest brother William Mareschal, succeeded to the earldom and estates ; but taking part with the rebellious barons, at the latter end of king John's, and the beginning of king Henry the Third's reign, his lands were escheated to the crown ; during which time, as Mr. Hasted thinks, these manors were granted to Falcatius (or Fulk) de Brent, a soldier of fortune, of mean extraction, who had come from the Low Countries with some foreign auxiliaries to king John's assistance, and found such favour both from that monarch and his son, Henry IH, that he was invested with considerable power, and had the lands of many of the barons con- ferred on him ; till, giving loose to his natural inclination, he became guilty of great cruelties and oppressions, and at length having sided with prince Louis of France, in his design of invading England, he was banished the realm, and died soon OF KNOLK. 3 afterwards in Italy. After this, the earl of Pembroke, returning- to his allegiance, obtained possession of his manors again. This earl, as well as his three brothers, died without issue, and the estates devolv ed on their five sisters and their heirs ; in con- sequence of which, Roger, son of Hugh Bigod, earl of Norfolk, who married Maud, the eldest sister, became entitled, and died seised of these estates about the fifty-fourth year of Henry HI, without issue, leaving Roger Bigod, his nephew, his next heir ; who, in the eleventh year of king Edward I, conveyed them to Otho de Grandison ; who, dying without issue, was succeeded by his brother William de Grandison ; and his grandson, Sir Thomas Grandison, according to Philpott, tranferred Knole to GeofFry de Say, and the rest of the estate to other hands. This Geoffry de Say (only son and heir of GeofFry de Say, by Idonea, daughter of Wil- liam, and sister and heiress of Thomas Lord Leyborne) was a man of considerable emi- nence, having been summoned to parliament in the first year of king Edward lU, and 4 THE POSSESSORS afterwards constituted admiral of the fleets being at that time a knight-banneret. After this, he was constantly employed in the wars in France till his death, which hap- pened on the 26th June, in the year 1359, 33rd Edward JTI. He married Maud, daughter of Guy de Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, by whom he left issue William, his son and heir, and three daughters, which three daughters eventually became co-heiresses to this property, which con- tinued in the family till the reign of Henry VI, when one Ralph Leghe con- veyed the whole estate by sale (though how he became possessed of it does not appear) to James Fiennes, whose grandmother was the youngest of the three coheiresses before- mentioned. This gentleman was a soldier who had eminently distinguished himself in the wars with France under Henry V. In the 24th Henry VI, he was, by an especial writ, summoned to parliament as lord Say and Sele ; and, in consideration of his eminent services, in open parliament advanced to the dignity of baron of this realm by the OF KNOLIi. 5 title of lord Say. After this, honours came thick upon him : he was appointed con- stable of Dover Castle, and warden of the Cinque Ports ; then lord chamberlain and one of the king's council ; and in the 20th Henry VI, lord-treasurer of England. This rapid advancement, at a time of ge- neral discontent, excited the ill-will and hatred of the people, to appease which, the kii^g sequestered lord Say from his office cA' treasurer ; and shortly after, on the in- surrection under Jack Cade, committed him to the Tower, w ith the view, as is supposed, of insuring his safety. The rebels, how- ever, entered London, and growing more insolent with the increase of their numbers, they dragged the lord Say from the Tow er, and after a kind of mock-trial at the Guild- hall, they hurried him to the Standard in Cheapside, where they cut off his head, and carried it on a pole before his naked body, which was dragged at a horse's tail into Southwark, and there drawn and quar- tered. There is a scene in Shakspeare's Henry VI, illustrative of this tragedy. Sir William Fiennes, lord Say and Selc, C THE POSSESSORS only son and heir of James, being deeply concerned in the contentions between the houses of York and Lancaster, was com- pelled to sell the greater part of his posses- sions. Among others, he, by indenture dated June 30, 34th Henry VI, conveyed to Thomas Bourchier, archbishop of Canter- bury, for 400 marks, his manor of Knole, with other estates not necessary to be here specified. In the ^^ Survey of Kent,*' by Kilburne of Hawkherst, it is stated that archbishop Bourchier " rebuilt the manor-house, in- closed a park round the same, and resided much at it." At his death, which happened on the 30th March, 1486, he bequeathed the manor and its appurtenances to the see of Canterbury. Archbishop Moreton, successor of Bour- chier in the see, a cardinal of the church of Rome, and lord-chancellor of England, also resided here much, during which time he too is said to have laid out great sums in repairing and augmenting the house ; and king Henry VII, in his sixth year, appears to have honoured him with a visit here OF KNOLE. 7 more than once. This learned and emi- nently good prelate died at Knole House, in October 1500, and was succeeded in the see of Canterbury by Henry Dene, bishop of Salisbury, who preferred and mostly re- sided at the neighbouring palace at Otford.* His occupancy of the see of Canterbury was but brief: he died at Lambeth in February 1502, and was succeeded by William War- ham, bishop of London, lord chancellor of England, and chancellor of Oxford. Archbishop Warham, styled by Erasmus "a most accomplished and perfect prelate," filled the see of Canterbury for thirty years, during the first twelve of which, at least, he resided much at Knole, where he was frequently visited by kings Henry VH and Vni, between the years 1504 and 1514; after which, he expended a vast sum in im- proving the neighbouring palace at Otford, * The author may fairly be excused for here announcing, that an account of the ancient palace, and its present rain?, at Otford, Avill he found in a little volume, ^^Titteu by him as a companion to the present, descriptive of Sevenoaks, and the neighbourhood for some miles round, including Otford, Pcnsliurst Place, Ilcver Castle, &c. 8 - THE POSSESSORS where he principally resided till his death, which happened in the year 1532. His successor in the archbishopric was the celebrated Thomas Cranmer,* who, finding- that the vast possessions of the church excited envy and murmurings, resolved on a voluntary surrender of a part, as the best means of preserving the remainder ; and accordingly, by indenture dated November 30, anno 29th Henry VHI (still extant in the Augmentation Office) he granted Knole and its appurtenances, with other manors, together of the yearly value of £503. 14s. 5d, to the king and his successors. Durmg the period which intervened between the death of Warham and the date of (his surrender, being about seven years, it is believed that Cranmer resided frequently at Knole house ; in one of the rooms of which are five shields of arms of the Cranmer family. Near this is another apartment, which has some ap- pearance of having been the archbishop's private chapel; the window resembles more that of a place of worship than any other window in the house, and the approach to * For biographical notice, see Appendix, No. 17. OF KNOLE. 9 it is by two or three steps, exliibitino- alto- gether the appearance of what was once an altar. Knole House, with its park and other lands, remained in the hands of the crown until the fourth year of the reign of king Edward Vl., Sir Richard Long, knt., having' been appointed keeper thereof, anno 30th Henry VHI, and Sir Robert South- well, knt., having held the same office, anno 3rd Edward VI. In the succeeding' year (18th July, 4th Edward VI.) the king, by his letters patent, granted the manor and park of Knole, with other estates, to John Dudley, earl of Warwick, his wife, and their heirs, in exchange for other premises. The earl of .Warwick was at this time lord-steward of the king's household ; in the ensuing year he was created duke of Northumberland, constituted earl-marshal of England, and warden of the marches towards Scotland ; two years after which, in the seventh year of King Edward VI, he sold to the king, in exchange for other lauds, his lordship and manor of Knole c ID THE POSSESSORS (and other premises), reserving, however, to himself and his heirs for ever, Knole- hoose, its orchards, gardens, out-build- ings, &c. On the death of the protector Somerset, whose ruin he is thought to have contrived, the duke of Northumberland had entire control over the king, whom, in his last sickness, he persuaded to settle the succes- sion of the crown on the lady Jane Grey (married to the duke's fourth son, lord Guildford Dudley.) On king Edward's death, the duke caused the lady Jane to be proclaimed queen ; but his haughty hopes being frustrated by the superior strength of the princess Mary's party, the duke was committed to the Tower, found guilty of high-treason, and executed on the 22nd August 1553. By the attainder, Knole and its appurtenances came again into the hands of the crown. Queen Mary granted the manor, house and lands of Knole (with other manors) to Cardinal Pole, then archbishop of Canter- bury, during his natural life, and for one OF KiVOLE. 1 I year after, as be should by will direct ; and the Cardinal, who survived his royal mistress but a few hours, on the 17th November 1558, died possessed of tbe.se manors and estates, which thus again beca]ae vested in the crown. Queen Elizabeth, by her letters patent, dated March 1st, in the third year of lier reig-n, granted the manor and house of Knole, with other estates, to Sir Robert Dudley, knt., afterwards earl of Leicester, to hold the same in capite by knights' ser- vice; all which the earl again surrendered to the queen in the eighth year of her reiffn. Soon after this surrender, the queen granted the reversion and fee-simple of these estates (subject to the expiry of two leases therein, one granted by the duke of Northumberland, and the other by the earl of Leicester) to Thomas Sackville, esq., afterwards baron Buckhurst and earl of Dorset. By virtue of one of the leases above referred to, two at least of I he family of 12 THE POSSESSORS Lennard (of Chevening) occupied Knole House for some time : Sampson Lennard, esq. resided here till after the year 1603; and on the expiry of his term, surrendered the estate to the queen's grantee, Thomas Sack- ville, then baron Buckhurst, and lord high treasurer, of whose history we have spoken at large in a subsequent page. The manor and estate of Knole became thus first possessed by one of the family of Sackville. It is stated in several publica- tions as a current tradition, said to have been " delivered down from the first earl," that the queen's motive in bestowing this house on lord Buckhurst was, " to keep him near her court and councils, that he might repair thither on any emergency, with more expedition than he could from his seat of Buckhurst in Sussex, the roads in which county were at times impassable ;" and it is argued that this account is pro- bable, because no other reason can be assigned for his quitting Buckhurst (to which Knole was barely equal, either in size or grandeur, while it was inferior in OF KNOLE. 13 climate,) except the advantage it gave him of being more actively serviceable to his country. It must be recollected, however, that the queen's grant was to Thomas Sack- ville, esquire, in the eighth or ninth year of her reign (anno 1568 or 1569), who does not appear to have been at that time of her majesty's council. It must also be observed, that supposing the queen's mo- tive to have been as stated, her wishes were most grievously frustrated ; for lord Buck- hurst did not get possession of Knole until the year 1603, and certainly never resided there until that year, or the year following ;* being a period of thirty-six or thirty-seven years from the date of the grant of the estate to him, and the queen being then dead.t The motive of the grant, however, is no>v * By the Sevenoaks' Register, it appears that the Lennard family resided at Knole in 1603 ; while by the earl of Dorset's will, dated 1607, it is certain that his lordship was then in possession. t Queen Elizabeth died in March, 1603. 14 THE POSSESSORS of but little importance : lord Buckhurst first removed from Buckhurst to Knole between the years 1603 and 1605, and from that time used it as his principal residence till his death, which happened in 1608. The water-spouts, which have the initials of his name upon them, are dated, none of them earlier than 1605, and some in 1607. Lord Buckhurst was created earl of Dorset by king James 1, on the 13th of March, in the first year of his reig-n, anno 1603; and as he died in April 1608, and appears, from various marks about the house, to have been earl of Dorset when those marks were first set up, he could not have resided at Knole for more than five years, and that after the death of queen EHzabeth. The earl was succeeded by his son Robert, who however died in the following year; when the earldom and estates descended to Richard, his son and heir, by Margaret, daughter of Thomas, duke of Norfolk. This nobleman, the third earl of Dorset, became so excessive in his bounties, and so OF KNOLE. 15 prodigal in his housekeeping, that he was necessitated to sell his estates, and Knole was conveyed by him, about the year 1612, to Henry Smith, esq., citizen and alderman of London, the earl, however, reserving to himself and his heirs, a lease at an annual rent. This Mr. Smith, who was born and buried at Wandsworth, in Surrey, was a gentleman famed for his extensive charities, given both during his lifetime, and by his last will, and benefiting almost every parish in his native county (Surrey), and many in other counties. To effect his benevolent object, he limited his own expenditure during life within a certain stipend; the surplus of his estates being vested in trus- tees for charitable purposes, as he by his last will, or in default thereof, as they should determine. There is a monument to his memory on the east wall of VFandsworth church, beneath which is his effigy in the attitude of prayer, and an inscription detail- ing his numerous benefactions ; from which it appears that, during his life, he gave to 16 THE POSSESSORS the towns of Croydon, Kingston, Guildford, Dorking, and Farnham, £1000 each, to buy lands in perpetuity for the rehef and setting- poor people to work in the said towns; and by his will, £1000 to the town of Reigate, and £500 to the town of Wandsworth, for the like purposes ; £ 1000 to buy lands in perpetuity, " to redeem poor captives and prisoners from the Turkish tyranny," with numerous other legacies, for the relief of poor prisoners, soldiers and sailors, the marriage of poor maidens, apprenticeships, repairing highways, aiding the poor and aged, orphans, and persons with large fami- lies, &c. To assist in effecting these most christian intentions, the manor and estate of Knole were assigned, with other estates, to cer- tain noblemen and gentlemen appointed by Mr. Smith as his trustees. By the last will of that gentleman, dated 24th April, 1627, he gave some directions as to part of his estates ; but left the bulk of them, among which were the manor, mansion, park and lands of Knole, to the disposal of his trus- m&tmt of the dramas of aacftbClU. rf. 9 H. 6 I ThomM,=llargaret, Alice, ■.Sept.l,|d.&hr.„fD^ m.Joh„IaZo„eI., 432 I hngr — -. . . I«*'«d, -^uL, MXd,=Margaret, ji/^ nomne ^ d. 29 Hen. 6, I d. ofRichard °''° irey,=Cathcnne, Joan Catherine Jan. d. of T. Brown, tnt. ' ■■.C r A..Ji".'«rte-uT'""'I l O[ i a | ^"iA , ^J'i ^}-JgS9; -MifJrerf, Elizabel ». VVillia t. John. m. J. Parker m. Sir Wm. m. Roberts a.vn«m, a dlgnrm; Bl l lll, lichard=Winifred, Chriatopher r. April I d. of ^' I guess of %Vincbe5ter Bniges. 2nrt m. Sir Nidi. Pelham m. John A 2d earl. d. I duke of Norfolk. . Sir H. of Seddlescom Richard.^ ^largaret, Richard,= Prances Craniield, — Tufton. 5th earl. ( d. of Lionel, «arl rf. 27Aug. of Middlesex' i?i riUth. 1675, rf. Jan. 29th, ilwife, Mary Compton, of the earl irf North- Lionel,= Elizabeth. * M«ry 7ih capl, created duke | d. of Oenl. CoUjeor, ' ated duke | (i Jottn.PhUip,= Frances, "" Dec. 3rd, t d. of John, .-. DiRDB Cope, I d. of Sir Chas. Cope d Gconrc-John- 4th duke; rf. Dorchester ; she die Carolme, Rl of te iar [ile erg jre, ea: I •dai Uia wi: irJ is, I L_. .^mss^^' y d > l>r n d h >f e > d » -H 6 'V Aiajpuy puv ais anssi PJOJXQ JO jnoiiJiM jqiy JO -p uqof 6 'P 3 Biiu9raa|3 =*uBpaof org anssi )no r I eiiSotieaua^ I m. J. Parker m. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam m. Roberts Anne, m. Sir Nich. Pelham Isabel, na. John Ash- burnham m. Sir J. Baker Mary, m. John Lunds- ford An hr. :Joan, d. and heir of Downsom 17 am, ;d in Thomas !ir G. Curzon I Ann, m. Sir Hen. Glenham Jane, Mary, m. Anthony, m. Sir H. lord Montague Neville 3(1 in lanor, irJ of ually Tey. ed in I suc- tpears r part ipton, North- iry I ! I I TTnTTTTi SIX sous and six daughters ;eded, 3, the Cran- irl of 3f her lesex. Ii earl s con- iilip,= Frances, 3rd, d. of John, earl Gower George,= Diana Sambrooke, vis. Sackville d. and co-heir of John Sambrooke, esq. ; d. Jan. 15th, 1778 Charles Sack^ille-Germaine the present duke of Dorset ' George Diana, m. John Crosbie, afterwards earl Glandoro _arden, Sack- 'furni- le earl - (and e fifth Elizabeth, m. to carl De- Iftwarr TT^j^^ ■n/r;i-iwori '\iTn-.^~ ^ ^ ir S Fold-out Placeholder This fold-out is being digitized, and will be inserted at a future date. aigarec, isaDCi, Sir Thomas last prioress of Palmer Clerkenwell. n, I. Hen. Shelley i III Sir Thomas, of S eddies com Carolina, n. Jos, Damer, esq. ifterwards created earl of Dorchester ; she died March 1775 Elizabeth, Caroline, m. Hen. Arth. d. Sept. 10^ Herbert 1789 OF KNOLE. 17 tees; who, in 1641, by deed enrolled in chancery, allotted the rent of Knole manor, house and park, then let to the earl of Dorset at £100 per annum, to be annually distributed among five parishes in Surrey. Richard, third earl of Dorset, died in 1624, without male issue, and was suc- ceeded by his brother Edward, who appears to have resided at Knole the greater part of his life. Edward, earl of Dorset, was succeeded, in 1652, by his son and heir, Richard, the fifth earl, who married Lady Frances Cran- field, eldest daughter of Lionel, earl of Middlesex, and eventually sole heir of her brother Lionel, third earl of Middlesex. There seems no doubt that the fifth earl also resided much at Knole, which is con- firmed by the arms of Cranfield being over the gateway, on a sun-dial in the garden, and in other places, with those of Sack- ville ; by the circumstance that the furni- ture presented by king James I, to the earl of Middlesex, when lord-treasurer, (and which descended to his daughter, the fifth 18 THE POSSESSORS, &C countess of Dorset,) still ornaments one of the state rooms of the mansion ; and still more convincingly, by the fact, that the manor and estate of Knole, alienated by Richard, the third earl, were redeemed by Richard (his nephew), of whom we are now speaking. This was effected in the thirteenth year of king Charles II, anno 1 763, under an act of parliament obtained for that pur- pose, by virtue of which the trustees of Henry Smith, esq., re-assigned the fee- simple of the manor of Knole, with the mansion, park and lands, to Richard, earl of Dorset, for an adequate consideration applicable to the purposes of the charity — namely, a perpetual clear yearly rent-charge of £130. Since that period, the manor and estate of Knole have continued in the uninter- rupted possession of the Sackville family, of the chief members of which we are now to speak. d. Oct. 1537. d. of Sir W. Bullen ; sis. to q. Anne's father a priest ..iard=Winifred, d. April I d. of Sir John 21,1566 I Bruges. 2nd I to Faulett, mar- I quess of Winchester f Chri8topher:=Constance Colepeppe Thomas,: created lord Buckhurst 8 June 1567, & earl Dorset 13 Mar. 1604 &rf. April 19, 1608 = Cicely, d. of Sir John Baker I Anne, m. Gregory Fines, lord Dacre, of the South Joh I I Robert,:=:lst wife, Margaret Howard, d. of Henry 2d earl, d. 27th Feb. 1609 duke of Norfolk. 2nd wife, Ann, widow of lord Compton, no issue knig Frai Richard, = Anne Clifford, 3rd earl, d. 28 March, 1624 Edward,= ^Iar}', d. and heir of earl of 4th earl, Northumberland c?. 1 7 J uly 1652 d. and heir ( III I 3 sons, who Margaret, died young, ra. — Tufton. I Richard,= Frances Cram 5th earl, d. of Lionel, c d. 27 Aug. of Middlesex 1677 1st wife, EUzabeth=Charles,=:2nd wife, Marj d. ofH. Bagot 6th earl, created earl of Middlesex & baron Cranfield, April 4th, 1675, d. Jan. 29th, 1706 d. of the earl ampton 7th earl, created of Dorset,Jan. 13, d. Oct. 9, 1763 Lionel,= Ehzabeth, duke 720; d. of Genl. CoUyear, d. Jan. 1, 1768 ' Lnne, Charles= Grace Elizabeth, Jol '.1721 2nd duke, d. of viscount m. Thos. Thynne ; d. d. Jan. 6th, Shannon, d. 1726 17( 1769 d. Mav 10th, 1763 John-Frederi(k== Ara1)clla Diana Cope, Mary, 3rd duke | d. of Sir Chas. Cope m. carl of tl d. Sep. 1 7 71: Mary, m. to Other-Archer, earl of Plvnunith, wlio died 10th July, 1S33 ; 2nd to earl Amherst, Jfunc 25 George-John-Frederick, 4 th duke; d.Uih Feb. 1815 .839 18 THE POSSESSORS, &C. countess of Dorset,) still ornaments one of the state rooms of the mansion ; and still more convincingly, by the fact, tliat the manor and estate of Knole, alienated by Richard, the third earl, were redeemed by Richard (his nephew), of whom we are now speaking. This was effected in the thirteenth year of king Charles II, anno 1763, under an act of parliament obtained for that pur- pose, by virtue of which the trustees of Henry Smith, esq., re-assigned the fee- simple of the manor of Knole, with the mansion, park and lands, to Richard, earl of Dorset, for an adequate consideration applicable to the pvir poses of the charity — namely, a perpetual clear yearly rent-charge of £130. Since that period, the manor and estate of Knole have continued in the uninter- rupted possession of the Sackville family, of the chief members of which we are now to speak. Y ^ Hr -^ Fold-out Placeholder This fold-out is being digitized, and will be inserted at a future date. m Fire-dog in the Cartoon Gallery. THE FAMILY OF SACKVILLE, The Sackvilles have been persons of wealth and power in this country from the date of tlie Norman conquest ; and in Nor- mandy were lords of the town and seignory 20 THE FAMILY OF of Sackville, anciently Salchivilla, Salca- villa, and Saccavilla. Herbrand de Sacke- ville, (as the name was originally written,) was one of the chieftains in the army of the Conqueror. He had three sons, of whom Sir William, his second son, resided and possessed considerable estates in England. His brother, Sir Robert, succeeded him ; from whom descended Andrew Sackville, esq, who, in the twenty-fifth year of Edward I, was summoned to attend the king, with horse and arms, beyond the seas, and again in the twenty-ninth year of the same reign, against the Scotch. For his services on these occasions, he was knighted in West- minster, by the king's eldest son, the earl of Carnarvon. Sir Andrew Sackville was succeeded by his son, named after him. He served in the French wars under Edward the Black Prince, and was knighted in the eighth year of Edward IH, He was sheriff for the counties of Sussex and Surrey, and returned to parliament as member for the former county. SACKVILLE. 21 Thomas Sackville, his son by a second wife, was his heir. He also was knighted, anno 1st Richard II, returned member for Bucks the same year, and was sheriff of Sussex and Surrey in the seventh year of Henry IV. Sir Thomas afterwards parti- cipated in the dangers and victories of king- Henry V. He died in 1432, and was suc- ceeded by his son, Edward, Avho died in 1459, leaving Humphrey his son and heir, whose son, Richard, was sheriff of Sussex and Surrey, and in the tenth year of Henry VllI, was treasurer of the army in France. He died in 1524, and was buried at Wythiam. His lady was Isabel, daughter of John Digges, esq., of Barham, in Kent, by whom he left issue four sons and six daughters. The youngest, Isabel, was the last prioress of St. Mary's, Clerkenwell. John Sackville, esq., the next heir, was thrice sheriff of Sussex and Surrey, in the 19th, 32nd, and 39th Henry VIII, and sat in parliament, in the 4th and 5th Philip and Mary, for East Grinstead. He married Anne, second daughter of Sir William 22 THE FAMILY OF Boleyn, and sister of queen Anne Boleyn, by whom he had issue several sons and daughters. Of the sons, two only lived to maturity. He died in 1537, and was succeeded by his son Richard. Richard Sackville was a man distin- guished in his day both for his talents and his wealth. He was treasurer of the army in the reign of Henry VHI, and chancellor of the Court of Augmentations. He was knighted in the second year of Edward VI, and was of the privy-council to that young monarch, as well as to queens Mary and Elizabeth. Sir Richard served in the par- liament which met at Oxford, in the first year of queen Mary ; for the county of Kent, in the first of Elizabeth ; and in the next parliament for Sussex, which county he afterwards represented during his life. He was likewise under-treasurer of the Exche- quer. He died in the eighth year of queen Elizabeth, anno 1566,* and was buried * Erroneously stated to be 1556, in Collins's and Burke's Peerage, Hasted's Kent, and several other authorities. SACKVILLE. 23 at Wythiam, in Sussex. His lady was Winifred, daughter of Sir John Bruges, knt., lord-mayor of London in 1520, by whom he left a son and heir, Thomas, and a daughter. His son, Thomas Sackville, esq., after- wards baron Buckhurst and earl of Dorset, was a student at both the universities, where he became celebrated for poetic talent. He was first of Oxford, but afterwards removed to Cambridge. Thence he went to the Inner Temple ; it being then fashionable for every young man of fortune, before he began his travels, or was admitted into parliament, to be initiated in the study of the law. He carried with him to the Inner Temple his love of poetry, and while pursuing his legal studies, or perhaps i^s^eac? of pursuing them, he composed a tragedy called " Ferrex and Porrex," which was exhibited in the great hall of the Inner Temple, by the students of that society, as part of the entertainment of a grand Christmas festival, and after- wards before queen Elizabeth, at White- hall. It is remarkable that this was the 24 THE FAMILY OF first dramatic piece of any note in English verse ; and in estimating its merits, it must be remembered that it was written many years before any of Shakspeare's plays. Tts original title was " The Tragedie of Ferrex andPorrex,sonsof Gorboduc;" and it is sup- posed that the author was assisted in it by Norton, a fellow-labourer of Sternhold and Hopkins, to whom parts of the first three acts are attributed. This tragedy was sur- reptitiously and incorrectly printed in 1565 ; more correctly in 1 570 ; and again in 1 590, when it was entitled " Gorboduc." It was republished by Dodsley in 1736, with a preface by Mr. Spence, at the suggestion of Pope, who " wondered that the propriety and natural ease of it had not been better imitated by the dramatic authors of the succeeding age." It is added, that Mr. Pope had so high an opinion of this drama that, at his recommendation, it was brought for- ward at Drury-lane theatre, and acted with great success ; and Sir Philip Sidney, in his " Apology for Poetry" gives this lofty character of it : — " it is full of high-sounding i SACKVILLE. 25 phrases, climbing- to the heights of Seneca's style, and as full of notable morality, which it most delightfully doth teach, and so obtain the very end of poesy." Its popu- larity was probably increased by the courtly politics it taught ; but it is no light praise to the author, that he was the first to reject scriptural subjects, or mysteries, and to strike into history for dramatic amusement. Mr. Sackville was also, in his early years, the originator of a poem (to which he wrote an introduction), under the title of " The Mirrour of Magistrates." It was intended to comprehend a view of all the illustrious but unfortunate characters of English his- tory, from the date of the Conquest. He found leisure to complete only what he called the " Induction" and one legend, being' the life of Henry Stafford, duke of Buckingham. He sketched the plan of the work, and commenced it : it was afterwards left to other hands. Of what he did per- form, Mr. Warton says, it approached, in richness of allegoric description, nearer to E 26 THE FAMILY OF the style of Spenser than any previous poem. In the fourth and fifth year of the reign of queen Mary, and the first and fifth of Eliza- beth, Mr. Sackville served in parliament for Westmoreland, Sussex, and Bucking- hamshire. This was during his father's life- time ; of whose death he was apprised at Rome, where he is said to have been found in prison, but for what cause is not known. His liberation was, however, soon obtained, and he returned to England to take posses- sion of his large inheritance. In the follow- ing year, queen Elizabeth granted him the reversion of the manor-house and park of Knole as already mentioned. On the 8th of June in the same year (1567), he was knighted in the presence of the queen by the duke of Norfolk, and on the same day was advanced to the title of lord Buck- hurst, baron of Buckhurst,* in the county of Sussex, and afterwards made knight of * Where his lordship was born. SACKVILLE. 27 the Garter. The queen ever afterwards distinguished him with particular marks of her favour. He is said to have been a most perfect and accomplished gentleman, as well in person as in endowments. He was in his youth much disposed to extravagance ; and being in the fourteenth year of queen Elizabeth's reign sent ambassador-extraor- dinary to Charles IX of France, to negociate the marriage contemplated, or pretended to be contemplated, between the queen and the duke of Anjou, his prodigality on the occasion is stated to have been almost ruinous. The indignity of being detained without ceremony in the outer office of a money-lending citizen is said to have been the first hint to reclaim him from his ex- pensive habits ; and it is believed that the kind remonstrances of the queen herself, to whom he was related by affinity, were not wanting, to divert him from his immoderate courses. But, whatever were the incen- tives, his amendment was complete, and advancing years brought increase of estate as well as of honours. 28 THE FAMILY OF Jn 1572, lord Buckhurst was one of the peers who sat on the trial of Thomas, duke of Norfolk, who was attainted of high treason, for his communications with Mary, queen of Scots, and beheaded. In 1586, he was one of the commissioners for the trial of the queen of Scots ; soon after which he was sent ambassador-extraordinary to the States of the United Provinces, to settle the differences between those States and the earl of Leicester. His conduct on this mis- sion appears to have excited the animosity of the earl of Leicester, at whose instigation lord Buckhurst was recalled to England, and ordered by the queen to remain a close prisoner within his own house. This en- sured for some months, and but for the earl of Leicester's death, would probably not have terminated so soon. It is alleged on the authority of his chaplain, that during this confinement, lord Buckhurst would not allow his wife or any of his family to see him. After the earl's death, however, he was speedily restored to the queen's favour, at whose special recommendation he was SACKVILLE. 29 elected, in 1591, the successor of Sir Christopher Hatton, in the chancellorship of Oxford. While residing at Oxford, the queen honoured him with a visit of several days, during which she was entertained with great magnificence, with speeches, plays, &c. In 1598, he was joined with lord Bur- leigh to negociate a peace with Spain ; on which occasion his abilities were so emi- nently displayed as to lead to his elevation to the office of lord-high-treasurer, to which he was appointed on the death of Burleigh. From this period he acted with Sir Robert Cecil to the end of Elizabeth's reign, and is said to have been eminently serviceable to her majesty in detecting and defeating- the ambitious projects of the earl of Essex. In the forty-third of Elizabeth, he pre- sided as lord-high-steward at the trial of the earls of Essex and Southampton, and in passing sentence upon Essex, advised him in the most impressive manner to appeal to the queen's i^ercy. The next year he was appointed one of the lords 30 THE FAMILY OF commissioners for exercisinsf the office of earl-marshal of England. On the accession of king James, he was confirmed in the ofiice of treasurer, conti- nued to co-operate with Cecil, and in the first year of that reign was created earl of Dorset. He continued his attention to affairs of state to the last hour of his life, and died at the council-table, April 19th, 1608, aged about 75. He was buried at Wythiam, in Sussex. His death made way for James's Scotch favourites, and laid the foundation of the ruin of that king's race. All biographers are agreed in awarding to this great man an unimpeachable cha- racter in all the relations of private life : he was a benefactor to the poor, a liberal land- lord, "an affectionate husband, a kind father, and a firm friend."* As a states- man, he was distinguished for political in- dependence, notwithstanding that he stood so high in the queen's good graces, that he might be presumed to be devoted entirely * Walpole. SACKVILLE. 31 to her service. It would seem to have been on account of his strict integrity that her majesty continued to place the greatest confidence in him, and to employ him in the most important affairs up to the day of her death. As a speaker and writer, of the age in which he lived, he is entitled to the highest respect. He is said to have himself composed nearly all his state-papers, and he unquestionably made valuable improve- ments in the style and taste of English poetry. Several of his letters are preserved in the Cabala, and one to the earl of Sussex, is printed in the Howard collection, p. 297. His lordship married Cecile, daughter of Sir John Baker, knt., of Sissinghurst, with whom he lived in uninterrupted harmony for fifty-one years, and left issue by her four sons and three daughters. His eldest son, Robert, succeeded as earl of Dorset, and likewise to the inheritance of Knole; but he died the following year, aged 48, and was buried with his ancestors at Wythiam, in Sussex. He was a man of science and a linguist, and had considerable 32 THE FAMILY OF influence in the Commons' house of parlia- ment, where he served for the borough of East Grinstead, and subsequently for the county of Sussex. By his last will, he left £1000, or as much as might be necessary, for founding an hospital at East Grinstead (called Sackville College), for thirty-one poor persons, and endowed it with £330 a year. He was twice married, but had issue by his first lady only (Margaret, daughter of Thomas, duke of Norfolk), who bore him three sons and three daughters. His second son, Richard, succeeded him, his elder brother having died in the father's life time. Richard, third earl of Dorset, had not attained his twentieth year when he inherited the earldom and estates. Within two days after his father's death he married the cele- brated lady Anne Clifford, daughter and heiress of George Clifford, earl of Cumber- land, the lady being in her nineteenth year. The reason for this indecent haste does not appear ; but it seems that, two years after- wards, agreeably to some engagement made SACKVILLE. 33 with his friends before his marriage, he went abroad, though with what object is also a secret; — if in the hope of gaining wisdom or prudence, his friends were not gratified ; for he returned to Knole on the 8th of April, 1612, from which period, with all the impetuosity of youth possessed of means apparently inexhaustible, he led a life of most profuse magnificence and unbounded hospitality. The consequences may be readily anticipated, — he was compelled to sell his possessions; among the rest were the manor of Sevenoaks, previously pur- chased by him of Henry Carey, lord Huns- don, and the manor, seat, and park of Knole, of which, however, he reserved to himself and his heirs a lease. He is de- scribed as handsome in person, elegant in manners, and generous in disposition, pos- sessed of considerable learnino- thousrh of but little prudence, affable, and kind. His lady, who survived him, and was afterwards married to Philip Herbert, earl of Pem- broke (whom she also survived), thus speaks of him : — '* This first lord of mine was in F 34 THE FAMILY OF his own nature of a just mind, of a sweet disposition, and very valiant in his own person. He had a great advantage in his breeding by the wisdom and devotion of his grandfather, Thomas Sackville, earl of Dorset, and lord-high-treasurer, who was one of the wisest men of that time, by which means he was so good a scholar in all man- ner of learning, that in his youth, when he was in the university of Oxford, there were none of the young nobility that excelled him. He was also a good patriot to his country, and generally beloved in it ; much esteemed of in all the parliaments that sat in his time; and so great a lover of scholars and soldiers, as that with an excessive bounty towards them, or indeed any of worth that were in distress, he did much diminish his estate, as also with excessive prodigality in house-keeping and other noble ways at court, as tilting, masking, and the like, prince Henry being then alive, who was much addicted to those noble exercises, and of whom he was much beloved." Of the state in which this young noble- SACKVILLE. 35 man lived, some conception may be formed from a catalogue of his household and family, from 1613 to 1624, copied by Mr. Bridgman, from a manuscript in Knole House. From this it appears, that at " my lord's" table, there sat daily eight persons ; at the parlour table, twenty-one, including ladies in waiting-, chaplain, secretary, pages, &c. : at the clerk's table in the hall, twenty, consisting of the principal household offi- cers ; in the nursery, four j at the long table in the hall, forty-eight, being attend- ants, footmen, and other inferior domestics; at the laundry-maid's table, twelve, and in the kitchen and scullery, six : — in all, a constant household of one-hundred and nine- teen persons, independently of visitors. Dorset House, London, situate where Salis- bury-square now stands, was also main- tained at the same time, besides a seat called Bolebroke House in Sussex. His lordship died at his town-house on the 18th March 1624, at the early age of thirty-five, and was buried at Wythiam, in Sussex, He had issue three sons and two daughters: do THE FAMILY OF but the sons having died in infancy, he was succeeded in the earldom and wreck of the estates by Sir Edward Sackville, K.B., his only surviving brother. Edward, fourth earl of Dorset, was born in 1590. He was educated with his brother Richard, and in his youth distinguished for his abilities. Soon after he came of age, he married Mary, daughter and heiress of Sir George Curzon, of Croxhall, in Derbyshire. Two years after this, namely in 1613, being then at Croxhall, he was concerned in a fatal duel, which is thus mentioned by lord Clarendon : — "He entered into a fatal quarrel, upon a subject very unwarrantable, with a young nobleman of Scotland, the lord Bruce, upon which they both trans- ported themselves into Flanders, and, attended only by two chirurgiens, placed at a distance, and under an obligation not to stir but at the fall of one of them, they fought under the walls of Antwerp, when the lord Bruce fell dead upon the place ; and Mr. Sackville being likewise hurt, retired into the next monastery which was at hand." SACKVILLE. 37 This affair having naturally excited great attention at the time, and many injurious reports being in circulation, Mr. Sackville, before his return to England, explained in a letter, " on the faith of a gentleman," all the details of the duel, and sent it to a friend to be delivered to the lord-chamberlain. From this statement, which carries with it the strongest marks of punctilious veracity, it appears that the parties met at Bergen- op-Zoom, lord Bruce accompanied by Mr. Crawford, an English gentleman, for his second, a surgeon and his man, and Mr. Sackville accompanied by Sir John Heydon, knt. Lord Bruce then addressing himself to Sir John Heydon, told him, " that he found himself so behind-hand, that a little of his (Mr, Sackville's) blood would not serve his turn, and that he therefore was now resolved to have him alone, to satisfy himself and his honours." It was finally agreed, in spite of the indignant remon- strances of Sir John Heydon on such blood-thirsty intentions, that the principals should ride on tooether for two miles, 39 THE FAMILY OF attended by their surgeons only, they being unarmed. Mr. Sackville then relates the manner of the death-fight in the following words : — " I being then very mad with anger the lord Bruce should thirst after my life with a kind of assuredness, bade him alight, which with all willingness he quickly granted ; and there, in a meadow (ancle- deep in the water at least), bidding farewell to our doublets, in our shirts we began to charge each other, having afore commanded our surgeons to withdraw themselves a pretty distance from us; conjuring them besides, as they respected our favour or their own safeties, not to stir, but suffer us to execute our pleasure ; we being fully resolved (God forgive us) to despatch each other by what means we could. I made a thrust at my enemy, but was short ; and in drawing back my arm, I received a great wound thereon ; but, in revenge, I pressed into him, though I then missed him also; and then received a wound in my right pap, which passed level through my body, and SACKVILLE. 39 almost to my back ; and there we wrestled for the two greatest and dearest prizes, honour and life; in which struggling-, my hand, having but an ordinary glove on it, lost one of her servants, though the meanest, which hung by a skin. But at last breath- ing, yet keeping our holds, there passed on both sides propositions of quitting each other's sword. But, when amity was dead, confidence could not live, and who should quit first was the question ; and, re-striving again afresh, with a kick and a wrench together, I freed my long-captive weapon, which incontinently levying at his throat, being master still of his, I demanded if he would ask his life or yield his sword ? Both which, though in that imminent danger, he bravely denied to do. Myself being- wounded, and feeling loss of blood, having three conduits running on me, began to make me faint ; and he courageously persisting not to accord to either of my propositions, from remembrance of his former bloody desire, and feeling" of my present estate, I struck at his heart : but, with his avoiding. 40 THE FAMILY OF missed my aim, yet passed through hig body, and, drawing- back my sword repassed it again through another place, when he cried, * Oh, I am slain !' seconding his speech with all the force he had to cast me. But being too weak, after I had defended his assault, I easily became master of him, laying him on his back ; when being upon him, I re-demanded, if he would request his life? But it seems he prized it not at so dear a rate to be beholden for it, bravely replying ' He scorned it !' which answer of his was so noble and worthy, as I protest I could not find in my heart to offer him any more violence, only keeping him down, till, at length, his surgeon afar off cried out, *He would immediately die if his wounds were not stopped !' Whereupon I asked, ' if he desired his surgeon should come?' which he accepted of; and so being drawn away, I never offered to take his sword, accounting it inhumane to rob a dead man, for so I held him to be. This thus ended, I retired to my surgeon, in whose arms, after I had remained awhile SACKVILLE. 41 for want of blood, I lost my sight, ami withal, as I then thought, my life also. But strong water and his diligence quickly recovered me ; when I escaped a great danger, for my lord's surgeon, when nobody dreamt of it, came full at me with his lord's sword, and had not mine with my sword interposed himself, I had been slain by those base hands, although my lord Bruce, weltering in his blood, and past all expecta- tion of life, conformable to all his former carriage, which was undoubtedly noble, cried out, ' Eascal, hold thy hand!' So may 1 prosper as I have dealt sincerely with you in this relation. '^Edward Sackville. '* Lovain, the 8tk September, 1613." The cause of this butcherly conflict has never transpired : lord Clarendon, who is supposed to have known it, contents himself by saying that it was " upon a subject very unwarrantable." In November, 1616, Mr. Sackville was created a knight of the Bath, and about the 42 THE FAMILY OP same period, elected member for the county of Sussex. In 1620, he was one of the principal commanders of the forces then sent to the assistance of Frederick, king of Bohemia, and was in the celebrated battle of Prague, fought that year. On the 12th March, 1621, Sir Edward Sackville advo- cated, in the House of Commons, the cause of lord Bacon, then charged with corrup- tion. In the same year he went out as ambassador to Louis Xlllth of France ; after which he was elevated by king James to a seat at the privy council. He was abroad when he succeeded to the earldom of Dorset, the estates of which he found so encumbered, that but little was left for the support of the dignity. His lordship, however, immediately re- turned to England; and, after the accession of king Charles I, he was, on the 15th May, 1625, installed a knight of the Garter, and on that king's marriage, made lord -cham- berlain to the queen (as he was afterwards to the king), being then a privy-councillor, and joint lord-lieutenant of Sussex. In SACKVILLE. 43 1640, he was one of the regents during* the king's absence in Scotland, and at the same time lord-lieutenant of Middlesex ; in which latter capacity he incurred the displeasure of the House of Commons, by ordering the train-bands to fire upon a mob which was collected to intimidate the House of Lords, when the bill against the bishops was under discussion. In 1641, he was president of the council and lord-privy-seal, and during the whole of the contest which ensued, between king Charles and his parliament, he remained loyal and stedfast to that un- fortunate monarch ; attended him at the battle of Edge-hill, addressed the council in his favour in 1643, was with him when he surrendered himself to the Scottish army, and finally, was one of his most faithful adherents when he was, in 1647, taken to Hampton Court. After this, the king being virtually in the hands of the army, and his fatal end rapidly approaching, the earl of Dorset, and his other noble attendants, were forcibly separated from the royal person. After the death of his sovereign. 44 THE FAMILY OF the earl never quitted his house, but dying- on the 17th July, 1652, was buried with his ancestors at Wythiam. Of his character we have the following summary by lord Clarendon : " his wit sparkling and sub- lime ; his other parts of such lustre, that he could not miscarry in the world. He had a very sharp discerning spirit, and was a man of an obliging nature, much honour, of great generosity, and of most entire fidelity to the crown." His lordship suflPered grievously by his honest devotion to the royal cause : in 1625, his son, Edward, being taken prisoner by the parliamentary forces, was barbarously murdered ; and in the same year he was deprived of his estate of Knole, the parlia- mentary commissioners having held a court in the dining-parlour, in order to its seques- tration. It had previously been plundered by the troops ; and indeed it is wonderful under the circumstances, that the place escaped so well as it did. His lordship had issue a daughter, Mary, who died young; and two sons, Edward, SACKVILLF-. 45 of whose untimely fate we have just spoken, and Richard, his successor. Richard, fifth earl of Dorset, was born in 1622. During- his father's lifetime, he w^as one of the fifty-nine members of the House of Commons who voted against the at- tainder of the earl of Strafford. He mar- ried lady Frances, daughter of Lionel earl of Cranfield and Middlesex, and eventu- ally inheriting the estates of her brother, Lionel, earl of Middlesex. The date of this marriage does not appear ; neither can we find any record of the earl's actions during the troublous times of the commonwealth, except that Mr. Bridgman quotes the fol- lowing documents, the originals of which are at Knole, in proof that his circumstances were not much to be envied. " To his highness y^ lord protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, tbe several answers of Richard, earle of Dorsett, to the petition of the poor creditors of Edward, late earle of of Dorsett, deceased. 46 THE FAMILY OF " Humbly sheweth, " That this respondent was and is a mere stranger to the actions and engagements of the said Edward, earle of Dorsett, his late father, charged upon this respondent in the said petition, from whom this respondent hath not, nor ever had, aine assetts, either reall or personall ; but this respondent's said father, at the tyme of his death, was, by an engagement under his hand and seale, really and bona fide indebted to this re- spondent in the sum of £1200 and upwards, w^^ this respondent hath utterly lost, without any hopes of ever being satisfied for the same. And as to the pretended combina- tion with Major Basse, or anie unjust prac- ticings, or confederacy, by and of this resp* with any other person or persons whatever, or this respon*'^ voluptuous living, alledged in the said petition, this respon* absolutely denyeth the same to be true, and humbly averreth that the said allegations and inferences are merely false and scanda- lous; and therefore this respon* humbly prayes y'^ highness tjiat he may be dismissed. "And this respon* shall ever pray." SACKVILLR. 47 " Pulletry, " Wlier'as, by o^ warrant, wee lately commanded you that you should arrest the body of Eichard, earl of Dorsett, soe that wee might have his body before the barons of the Exchequer at Westminster, in eio-ht dayes of St. Hilary next coming-, to answer unto the lord-protector of divers trespasses, contempts, and offencies, by him lately done and committed *, Now, for that the said Richard, earl of Dorsett, hath put in baile unto us to appear before the barons afore- said, at the day and place aforesaid, there- fore wee command you that you forbear execucion of the said warrant, or any wayes to arrest, molest, or trouble the said earl, o'^ said warrant unto you formerly in any wise notwithstanding-. "Dated 12-3, 1656. " To any of o'" Serjeants at mace, "Nathaniel Timms,> ^, . ,. ,, icrr 7VT >-SherilIs. " Tempest Milner, ^ After the death of Cromwell, which hap- 48 THE FAMILY OF pened in 1658, we find the earl of Dorset following up the loyal principles of his father, and a chief promoter of the restora- tion of king* Charles II, which being effected, he was, in 1660, joined with the earl of Berkshire in the lord-lieutenancy of Mid- dlesex and Westminster ; and in October of the same year he was commissioned with other lords to try the regicides. In 1661, he was admitted, with the duke of York, of the Inner Temple ; and in the course of the same year (having previously, as is presumed, become possessed of consi- derable property in right of his wife), he re-purchased the manor, mansion and park, of Knole, which he made his chief resi- dence. He does not appear to have held any ofiice at the court of Charles II ; but in 1670, he was constituted, jointly with lord Buckhurst, his son, lord-lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the county of Sussex. He died August 27, 1677, and was succeeded by his eldest son, Charles. Charles, sixth earl of Dorset, had, two years anterior to his father's death, become SAGKVILLE. 49 possessed, in rig lit of his mother, of" the estates of his uncle, the earl of Middlesex, who died in 1674, in consequence of which he had been, by letters patent, dated 4th April, 1675, created baron Cranfield, of Cranfield in the county of Bedford, and earl of Middlesex. His lordship is stated by Mr. Bridgman to have been born on the 24th January, 1637 ; but no authority is to be found for this date, which is evidently erroneous, as his father, according- to Bridg- man himself, and many other authorities, was not born until September, 1622. It seems probable, however, that he was nearly forty years of age in 1677, when he suc- ceeded his father as earl of Dorset ; for, shortly after the restoration of Charles II, which took place in 1660, he served as member for East Grinstead, and may be presumed to have been then of full age. Subsequently to this, he became a great favourite with king Charles 11, to whom he recommended himself by his generous disposition, elegant manners, the sprightli- ness of his wit, and we fear we must add, II 50 THE FAMILY OF his accomplished libertinism. He was pri- vately educated, and after making the grand tonr, returned to England a little before the Restoration. He soon distinguished himself as a speaker in the House of Com- mons, and was, besides, greatly admired for his Anacreontic poetry. The king offered him employment under the government, but he was too much bent on the gratifica- tion of his pleasures to engage in anything like business. Associating with Villiers, Rochester, Sedley, Ogle, and other fashion- able libertines, he entered into much of their profligacy, and is mentioned as one of the party in many anecdotes which re- flect disgrace on the young nobility of that day. In 1665, on the breaking out of the Dutch war, Sackville first awoke to manly exertion. He placed himself as a volunteer under the duke of York, and behaved with great gallantry in the action of the 3rd of June, when the Dutch admiral, Opdam, was blown up, and many ships taken or de- stroyed. It was on the evening preceding SACKVILLE. 61 this engagement, that he composed the well- known song " To all you ladies now on land." Soon after this he was made a gentleman of the bed-chamber, and sent repeatedly to France on embassies of compliment. After the death of king Charles II, the earl of Dorset retired from court; bnt he was present with other noblemen at the King's Bench, on the 29th June, 1688, at the trial of the bishops, and was warmly engaged in the measures which brought on the Revolution, and placed William and Mary on the throne. He accompanied the princess Anne of Denmark on her flight from her father's court, attended her to Northampton, and there provided her with a body-guard of horsemen. On the acknow- ledgment of the prince and princess of Orange, as king and queen of these realms, the earl of Dorset was sworn of the privy- council, and made lord-chamberlain of the household. He was elected a knight of the Garter, and accompanied the king to Hol- land in 1691 ; and he had the honour of 52 THE FAMILY OF being four times appointed one of the regents of the kingdom during his majesty's absence. About 1698, he withdrew from public life, and spent the remainder of his days in retirement. He died at Bath on the 29th January, 1706, and was buried in the family vault at Wythiam. Horace Walpole, in speaking of this nobleman, says " he was the first gentle- man in the voluptuous court of Charles H, and in the gloomy one of king William. He had as much wit at his first master, or his cotemporaries Buckingham and Ro- chester, without the king's want of feeling, the duke's want of principle, or the earl's want of thought." All are agreed in awarding to him talents and accomplish- ments of the first order, with a disposition o-enerous to excess. He was a constant and munificent patron of men of learning and genius — the Maecenas of his time. Prior, Dryden, Butler, Congreve,WycherIy, Addi- son and Pope, all write in his praise ; many of them in a style, which, to say the least of it, is sufficiently flattering. Of these SACKVILLE. 53 writers, the first two had partaken largely of his bounty, as they frankly acknowledge ; Prior gratefully avowing " that he scarcely knew what life was, until he found himself obliged by his lordship's favour." Killi- grew, also, was much indebted to him; and Durfey, who for some years had apartments at Knole, had repeated proofs of his kind- ness. To his lordship's character for gene- rosity, must therefore certainly be assigned much of the too-fulsome panegyric with which men of genius, who dined at his table, have addressed him. Dryden, one of his chief admirers, in the attempt to pro- duce authors of our own country superior to those of antiquity, vents the following gross adulation, " I would instance your lordship in satire, and Shakspeare in tragedy !" The epitaph written by Pope, com- mencing' — " Dorset, the grace of courts, the muses' pride" — is too well known for quotation : and, like the tributes of other less independent pane- gyrists, is certainly most complimentary. 64 THE FAMILY OF If the following pleasant anecdote be true, it would seem that his lordship was himself fully aware that the surest mode of bearing" away the palm was to gratify the umpire. It was agreed by a party assem- bled at Knole, that each should write an impromptu, and that Dryden should decide which was the best. All present, except the earl, went studiously to work ; mean- time his lordship wrote a few hasty words, and threw the paper upon the table. The contribution of each having been obtained, Dryden rose and said, that he was sure the company would unanimously agree with him that nothing could surpass the earl's, which he begged to read to them : — " I promise to pay Mr. John Dryden, or order, fivehimdred pounds, on demand. Dorset." The earl was twice married ; first, to Elizabeth, daughter of Hervey Bagot, esq., of Pipe Hall, Cumberland, (and widow of Charles Berkeley, earl of Falmouth,) by whom he had no issue; secondly, to lady Mary, daughter of James Compton, earl of Northampton, who bore him a son, Lionel SACKVILLE. 55 Craiifield, his successor, and a daughter, Mary, who married Henry Somerset, duke of Beaufort. Lionel Cranfield, the seventh earl and first duke of Dorset, was born on the 18th of January, 1688. In 1706, being* then in his nineteenth year, he went to Hanover with the earl of Halifax, who was the bearer of the act of settlement from queen Anne to the Electorate. In 1708, he was appointed constable of Dover Castle, and lord-warden of the Cinque-Ports. At the demise of queen Anne, he was sent ambassador to Hanover to announce that event to the Elector (who thereby succeeded to the English throne as George 1), and to attend his majesty on his journey to England. He was forthwith sworn of the privy-council, constituted first gentleman of the bed- chamber, and a few days afterwards, Octo- ber 16, 1714, was installed a knight of the Garter. In 1720, he was advanced to the dignity of duke of Dorset. In 1724, he was made custos rotulorum of the county of Kent, and next year lord-steward of the 56 THE FAMILY OF king's household, and one of the lords justices during the king's absence from England ; which trust he was several times honoured with in the succeeding reign of George II, whenever the king went abroad. At the coronation of George II, he was appointed lord-high-steward of England for the day. In 1730, he was appointed lord-lieutenant of Ireland ; in 1737, lord -steward of the household a second time ; 1744, lord-presi- dent of the council ; and in 1746, he was lord-lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the county of Kent, and vice-admiral of the same. In 1751, the duke was again lord lieu- tenant of Ireland ; resigning which in 1755, he was appointed master of the horse. This he gave up in 1757, when the office of constable of Dover Castle, and lord-warden of the Cinque Ports was conferred on him for life. At the accession of king George III, he was continued of the privy-council, and in his commission of lord -lieutenant, &c., of Kent. After which, being greatly advanced SACKVILLE. 57 in years, he retired from public employ- ment. He died October 9, 1765, greatly respected, and was buried with his ances- tors at Wythiam. These details are chiefly from Mr. Has- ted's History of Kent, to which we must add that, " in private life he united the amiable character of a kind husband and father, with that of an excellent master and a sincere friend. He lived in great hospi- tality all his life ; and when at Knole, the front of the house was frequently crowded with horses and carriages, so as to give it rather the appearance of a princely levee than the residence of a private nobleman."* His grace married Elizabeth, daughter of lieutenant-general Colyear (brother of David, earl of Portmore), by whom he had six children, three of whom were sons ; namely : I. Charles, his successor. n. John Philip, who married Frances, daughter of John earl Gower, and * Bridgman's Sketch. 58 ' THE FAMILY OF dying in 1765, left issue a daughter, and a son, namely John Frederick, who succeeded as third duke. III. George, afterwards known as lord George Germaine, and still later as viscount Sackville.* He died in 1785, leaving issue, Charles, the present duke of Dorset, and four other children. On the decease of Lionel, first duke of Dorset, his eldest son, Charles, earl of Mid- dlesex, succeeded to his titles and estates. He had previously been M. P. for East Grinstead, and master of the horse to Frederick, prince of Wales. In 1766, he was constituted lord-lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the county of Kent ; but he did not long survive. He was a poet, and a connoisseur in the arts: the song of ** Arno's vale" attests his merit in the former * For a biographical notice of this nobleman, see Appendix, No. 49, ^ACKVILLE. 59 capacity. His grace married a daughter of viscount Shannon, but had no issue. He died January 6, 1769, and was succeeded by his nephew John Frederick, the only son of his next brother, John Philip, de- ceased. John Frederick, third duke of Dorset, was born in 1745, and consequently was about twenty-four years of age when he inherited the family dignities. His grace had served, like his ancestors, for the borough of East Grinstead ; and on his suc- cession to the dukedom, he was appointed lord-lieutenant, &c. of the county, in the place of his late uncle. For many years he mingled but little in political or busy life ; his time being devoted to gallantry and pleasure among the fashionable circles, as well in France and Italy, as in England. In 1783, his grace was ambassador to the court of France, where he continued some years, until the dawn of the revolution which convulsed that kingdom. At the time of the king's serious illness in 178J>, when Mr. Fox's party claimed as a right 60 THE FAMILY OF the regency for the prince of Wales, we find the duke of Dorset exerting himself in support of Mr. Pitt's measures. He was a knight of the Garter, and lord-steward of the household. His grace remained a bache- lor until 1790, when he married Arabella- Diana, daughter and co-heir of sir John Cope, bart., by whom he had three chil- dren ; namely, George John Frederick, fourth duke ; Mary, now countess-dowager of Plymouth, and Elizabeth, present coun- tess Delaware. The third duke died at Knole on the 19th July, 1799. He was much attached to the place, and expended considerable sums in its repair, and internal embellishment, but would not suffer the primitive form and character of its exterior to be altered. Many of the finest planta- tions in the park were formed under his di- rection ; and a number of valuable pictures and busts purchased by him, and added to the collection in the state-rooms. The demise of the third duke was suc- ceeded by a long" minority, during which, and until her death in 1825, the duchess- SACKVILLt:. 61 dowager of Dorset continued to reside at Knole, by virtue, we believe, of the testa- mentary dispositions of the duke her hus- band. Her grace formed a second matri- monial alliance with Charles, earl Whit- worth. His lordship was the eldest son of Sir Charles Whitworth, knt., of an ancient Staffordshire family ; and having distin- guished himself as a diplomatist at the courts of Poland and St. Petersburg, he was, in 1800, created an Irish baron, and subsequently, on his return, in 1814, from Paris (whither he had gone as ambassador- extraordinary), he was made a peer of Great Britain by the title of baron Whitworth, of Adbaston, in the county of Stafford, and in the following' year raised to the dignity of an earl.* His lordship succeeded the duke of Richmond as viceroy of Ireland, in 1814; but he resigned in 1817. Earl M^hitworth and the duchess-dowager of Dorset both died in the same year, 1825. * Earl Whitworth was also a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of tlic Bath, civil distinction. 62 THE FAAIILY OF Meantime, her grace's eldest daughter, Mary, had been, in 1811, married to the earl of Plymouth, who died in July, 1833, without issue ; her second daughter, Eliza- beth, to earl Delawarr, by whom she has now a numerous family ; and her son had, in November, 1814, attained his majority, and in February, 1815, had been snatched from the world by a fatal accident. George John Frederick, fourth duke of Dorset, had not attained his sixth year when his father died. He Avas for about two years instructed in the rudiments of educa- tion by a private tutor, and in his ninth 3"ear was entered at Harrow school, where he distinguished himself by uncommon zeal and diligence in his studies, and by his skill and vigour in games and athletic exercises. He was entered of Christ-Church college, Oxford, in 1810; and here he displayed all the good qualities which had given so fair a promise at school, and was persevering in regular habits of alternate study and exer- cise, when an unfortunate blow received on his right eye from a tennis-ball, obliged SACKVILLE. 63 him to suspend his literary pursuits, and finally to change the Avhole course of his studies, and abandon the idea of taking' a regular degree. He passed nearly three academical years in the university ; and when about to quit, the dean of Christ- Church lamented his departure as " the loss of an example of all that was amiable and proper to the young' men of that society." Soon after leaving Oxford, the young duke accompanied his mother and earl Whitworth to Ireland, of which his lordship had been then appointed lord-lieutenant. The duke had been in Ireland about a year and a half, when he met with the aw ful accident which put an end to his existence. On the 13th of February, 1815, he went to pay a visit to his friend and school-fellow, lord Powerscourt, intending to stay from the Monday till the Thursday. On the 14 th he went out with lord Powerscourt's har- riers, mounted on a well-trained Irish mare, and accompanied by his lordship and Mr. Wingfield. Having been out for several hours without finding anything', they were 64 THE FAMILY OF actually on the point of returning home, when a hare sprang- up, and the chace com- menced. The hare made for the inclosures on Kilkenny Hill. They had gone but a short distance, when the duke, who was an excellent and forward horseman, rode at a wall, which was in fact a more dangerous obstacle than it appeared to be. The wall stands on a slope, and, from the lower ground, what is immediately on the other side cannot be discerned. The wall itself is perhaps no more than three feet and a half in length, and two in breadth ; but on the other side there lay a range of large and ponderous stones, which had been rolled there from off the surface of the adjacent barley-field, that they might not impede the growth of the corn. It would have been safer to scramble over such a fence, than to take it in the stroke. The duke's mare, however, attempted to cover all at one spring, and cleared the wall; but, lighting among the stones on the other side, threw herself headlong, and, turning in the air, came with great violence upon her SACKVILLE. (i5 rider, who had not lost his seat; he under- most, with his back on one of the large stones, and she crushing him with all her weight on his chest, and struggling with all her might to recover her legs ! The mare at length disentangled herself, andgallopped away. The duke sprang upon his feet, and attempted to follow her, but soon found himself unable to stand, and fell into the arms of Mr. Farrel, who had run to his succour, and to whose house he was con- veyed. Lord Powerscourt, in the utmost anxiety and alarm, rode full speed for me- dical assistance, leaving his brother, Mr. Wingfield, to pay every possible attention to the duke. But, unhappily, the injury was too severe to be counteracted by human skill: life was extinct before any surgeon arrived. Such was the melancholy catastrophe that caused the untimely death of this young nobleman. He had been of age only three months, and had not taken his seat in the House of Lords. He is described as having been of gentle and engaging K 66 THE FAMILY OF manners, tinctured with shyness, of amiable temper, warm and steady in his affections, endowed with considerable judgment and penetration, and possessing", with the accom- plishments of a perfect gentleman, all the qualities that constitute an honest man. His grace was succeeded in his titles by Charles Sackville Germaine, viscount Sack- ville and Baron Bolebroke, son of George, first viscount Sackville, (of whom a memoir is given, Appendix No. 49,) and grand- son to Lionel the first duke. The present duke of Dorset was born on the 27th August, 1767, and succeeded to the viscountcy of Sackville, and barony of Bolebroke, on the death of his father. His grace's full titles are—duke of Dorset, earl of Dorset and Middlesex, viscount Sack- ville, baron Buckhurst, baron Cranfield, and baron Bolebroke. He is besides a Knight of the Garter. The dates of creation of these several dignities are as follow: Baron Buckhurst, 8th June, 1567 ; earl of Dorset, 18th of March, 1603-4; baron Cranfield and earl of Middlesex, 4th April, SACKVILLE. 67 1675; duke of Dorset, 13th June, 1720; viscount Sackville and baron Bolebroke, 11th February, 1782. Arms, — Quarterly, or and gules, over all a bend vair. Crest, — Out of a coronet composed of eight fleurs-de-lis, or, an etoile of the like number of points, ar. Supporters, — Two leopards, ar., spotted sa. Motto, — Aut nunquam tentes, aut perfice. His grace's seat is Drayton House, Nor- thamptonshire. He is unmarried. It should perhaps be mentioned, that the manor and mansion of Knole form no part of his grace's estate ; they having been settled on the late duchess-dowager for her life, and after her decease (the fourth duke of Dorset having died of full age, but unmar- ried and without issue), devolved on her daughters, the countesses of Plymouth and De Lawarr, as co-heiresses to their lamented brother. "The Old Oak. THE PARK. The park of Knole has on the west for nearly a mile the town of Sevenoaks: it extends to the north by the Maidstone road a considerable distance below the town; THE PARK. (i9 and to the south its tall beeches overshadow the Hastings road more than a mile. From the top of Riverhill the road to Seal bounds it on the south and south-east ; on the east it has the wild picturesque heath called Fawke, and on the north-east Wil- dernesse Park and other grounds belonging to the 'marquess Camden. It encloses an area of nearly one thousand acres, and pre- sents a delightful variety of hill and valley, and high level land. The additions made by the late earl of Plymouth of the large portion of rich land, formerly called Suffolk Paddock, and the extensive tract thickly matted with brake and furze, near Blackball, have contributed greatly to increase its beauty ; the rough and tangled wnldness of the latter affording* a pleasing - contrast to the smooth verdure of the turf. From the top of this furze- bank, we catch the chimneys and long roofs of the house, prominent above the many broad masses of oak and sycamore and the feathery tops of beech which rise from the intervening valley ; and it will 70 THE PARK. well repay an evening walk to view its towers and gables standing forth in bold relief against the setting sun, or the long- lines of the grey twilight clouds. From the valley beneath, the access to the mansion is by a long avenue of oaks, called the Duchess's walk ; and the brow of the opposite hill is crowned for many an acre with a succession of noble trees : one of them is an ancient oak, an engraving of of which is placed at the head of this chapter, which may have sheltered barons and kniffhts of the era of the elder Plan- tagenets, in their excursions across the extensive forests or wastes, of which this park must have formed a portion, previous to its enclosure. Two centuries since it was known as " the old oak," and although its huge trunk, which measures thirty feet in circumference, is falling to decay, yet enough of life remains for us to hope it may continue " the old oak" for cen- turies to come. Near it, and among a group of flowing beeches, whose lofty white stems rise like stately columns among the THE PARK. 71 dark shadows of their deep green foliage, stands one beech of immense size, measuring nearly twenty-eight feet in circumference. Near the Ice-house is another remarkable for its beauty, which attracted the notice of Mrs. RadclifFe on a visit to Knole, and, with the adjoining scenery, is thus described by her : — " In the park, abounding with noble beech groves, is one, on the left of the road lead- ing to the house, which for mass and over- topping pomp, excels even any in Windsor Park, when viewed as you descend from the park gate, whence shade rises above shade, with amazing and magnificent gran- deur. In this mass of wood is one beech, that stretches upwards its grey limbs among the light feathery foliage to a height, and with a majesty that is sublime. Over a seat, placed round the bole, it spreads out a light yet umbrageous fan, most graceful and beautiful. With all its grandeur and luxuriance, there is nothing in this beech heavy or formal ; it is airy, though vast and majestic, and suggests an idea at once 72 THE PARK. of the strength and fire of a hero ! I should call a beech-tree, and this beech above every other — the hero of the forest, as the oak is called the king." To the south-east of the extensive plea- sure-grounds at the back of the mansion, is a small building, in the ecclesiastic style of pointed architecture, surrounded by palisades, and a broken flint wall. Its shape is multangular, having gables and a pointed roof, finished with a lofty spire, and its rooms are very irregularly formed. Above one of the chimney-pieces is some carving, and in the windows are some small figures on glass in relievo, consisting of the apostles and virtues, well drawn, but of late years sorely mutilated. The lower panels of a folding door have some bold heads, and the door of entrance is guarded from witchcraft by an old horse- shoe. Scattered about are the apparent remains of the foundations of buildings of a date considerably prior to the dwelling. The stone door and window frames have quite the appearance of antiquity, and were THE PARK. 73 no doubt broug-ht here at the demoHtion of some ancient building in the neighbourhoodt These erections were made under the direc- tion of Captain Smyth, (father of Sir Sydney Smyth,) who resided much at Knole in the time' of Charles, second duke of Dorset;* * During the sojourn of Captain Smith at Knole, he was engaged in building Ash Grove, in the vicinity. About this time some alteration was made in the mUitia law; a meeting of magistrates was held at the Crown Inn, Seven- oaks, to put the new law into operatioii, and able-bodied men were summoned from every parish within the district, from whom the number required for the public service waste be drawn. The meeting was tumultuous, and every species of insubordination manifested; the magistrates were in- sulted, and driven from the inn, and the house of the Rev. T. Curteis (grandfather to the present rector) was much damaged by the mob. Mr. C. made his escape through the fields to Knole House, and Captain Smyth, then the only resident, ordered all the gates to be closed, and the mechanics and all employed about the premises to keep within. Meeting with no opposition, and having wreaked their fury upon the rector's property, and driven the magistrates, who were, they supposed, the authors of the obnoxious law, from the place, to make victory com- plete, they had only to drive away Captain Sm}th. The house was assailed by the mob, who, demanding entrance, knocked loudly at the gates, and crj'ing ** No raiUtia," re- L 74 THE PARK. and the materials were probably brought from Otford, as a tower, forming- a portion of the old palace, was at that period taken down by lord-chief-baron Smythe. A small collection of foreign birds was quired that the Doctor should be given up. The captain in the meantime ordered his charger, upon which he rode at the battle of Minden, to be fully caparisoned, and dressed himself in military costume. With pistol and sword in hand he mounted the courser, and commanding the stable-yard gates to be opened, rode among the multi- tude, who, astonished at any resistance, were immediately stricken with fear, and, dreading an attack from the ter- rible figure on horseback, as he was afterwards described to be, without staying to look behind, but using their legs with their utmost strength and diligence, made their way homeward, many declaring they thought they heard him at their heels the whole of the way. Enough were found, when a leader was presented, to capture the ringleaders of the mob : resistance was out of the question, and order was immediately restored ; a few of the most disorderly were punished, and no attempt was again made against the new regulation. A small company of men, selected from the estate and neighbourhood, was about this time raised by the duke, and put under the direction of captain Smyth. They were regularly exercised for some time on Sunday mornings, before the house, and their arms placed in the porter's lodge, where they still remain. THE PARK. 75 then placed here, secured within netted compartments ; a dove-house, and conve- niences for rearing and keeping poultry were made, and a family was placed in the dwelling- called the Bird House, to whose custody the whole was committed. From the Bird-house, and leaving the large kitchen-garden to the left, a broad avenue, principally of beech, ascends gently to the extreme south-west point of the park, from whence bursts immediately on the sight a wide extent of scenery, which it would be useless for a common pen to attempt to describe. It is said to be bounded on the east by the Dover cliffs, and by the coast of Hampshire on the west; exhibiting almost the whole of the weald of Kent, and a great portion of the northern part of Sussex. It presents a chaniiing variety of surface, the colouring changing with the time of day, and the effect of sun and shade : the long masses of forest and park foliage, here lit up by a sudden gleam, and there lying in the grey obscurity which a passing cloud throws over them : the ho- 76 THE PARK. rizon, though extremely delicate in its dis- tant tints, one moment clearly defined against the sky, then gradually lost as a far-off shower draws before it its misty veil, and again breaking forth as we watch the watery curtain travelling on over the long tract of country. Some few spots in the picture possess a charm distinct from either form or colour ; and many there are who will pardon us for staying to point to them. Nearly in the centre appear the now desolate park and grounds of Penshurst, the cradle and the tomb of the Sidneys ; a little higher up are the battlements of Eridge, once a hunting-seat of Warwick's great earl, now the residence of the earl of Abergavenny ; more to the right, and skirting the horizon, is Ashdown Forest, a part of which may be readily recognized by a solitary clump of trees, upon a considerable convexity, appa- rently bare and uncultivated, known by the name^ of Gill's Lap, which, with the sur- rounding lands, formed part of the ancient domains of the Sackvilles, long before and THE PARK. 77 subsequent to their elevation to the peerage. Between this and Boar Place, in Whitley Forest (the ancient seat of the Willoughbys and Hydes), may be distinctly seen Hever Castle, once the residence of Anne Boleyn, and afterwards of the unfortunate Anne of Cleves. A memento of the turbulence and power of the barons of old, is visible in the remains of the castle of Tunbridge, once a strong hold of the powerful earls of Clare. Many objects of interest here present themselves ; but we g-row tiresome, and must pass on. The church-tower of Goud- hurst, however, placed so conspicuously, and others whose vanes shoot up between the tufted clumps toward the Sussex hills, bring' to the recollection two sources of pre- sent comfort and opulence, which, although so very differently located in the present day, were here originally planted; we advert to the woollen manufactures and casting of iron, — the art of weaving broad cloth being unknown in England, before its in- troduction by foreign refugees, and their settlement in the first mentioned place, and 78 THE PARK. the adjoining towns; and the Sussex foun- dries supplying no inconsiderable part of the demand for that description of articles in use in their day. The spires also of Wadhurst, Rotherfield, and May field, once friendly guides to the bewildered traveller, forcibly call to remembrance the danger of the foul ways through the Weald, which, in the four- teenth century, caused the death of an arch- bishop. The excellent roads, which may now be traced running far among well-cultivated fields, the rich orchards and hop-grounds, and the numberless mansions which peep forth from the groves by which they are nearly surrounded, strikingly contrast with the former state of the whole. A sharp descent brings us from this mount into a broad valley, sweeping around almost the whole of the park, the banks of which are hung with trees of nearly every de- scription of foliage ; in one part excluding all other objects; in another, opening to permit us to catch the gateway-towers of the house, rising picturesquely on the hill above ; and again in others allowing a glance up long THE PARK 79 shady vistas of stems, between which the deer swiftly bound, and where the sun-light, breaking through the dense leafy covering, falls on them as they pass, and on the rich velvet of the mossy sward. Pleasant it is in these glades, in the quiet evening, as the gloom steals on, and we lose the outlines even of the trunks whose light bark flashed so brightly in the gay sun, to listen to the unearthly whispers of the night breeze coming from afar, to hear it stirring the branches high above, and to trace the last sigh dying away among the distant groves, as the deep stillness returns. Cold indeed must be the heart which can feel none of the sweet influences of this park's delightful scenery, — which is neither moved by its present beauties, nor its interesting memo- rials of the past. THE MANSION The approach to the mansion from the town of Sevenoaks (distant from London about twenty-four miles) is through an en- trance gate, nearly opposite the church, from which an avenue descends to the valley where the park is entered by its prin- cipal gate between two lodges. The road then crosses the valley, and, turning to the left, by a broad sweep ascends a hill beautifully covered with splendid forest trees, which prevent a distant view of Knole. From the foot of the hill, by in- clining" gently to the right, a path leads more directly to the house; and on sur- mounting the steep ascent, a front view of it, as represented in the frontispiece, breaks on the sight. The road formerly passed between two fine sycamore trees, the largest of which, remarkable for its IHK MANSION. 8t its size and beauty, was blown down a few- years since, and, being a favourite tree, several articles of furniture for the house (among others the dining-room tables) were made from it. Near it was to be seen, securely fixed in the ground to a stake, a ring used for bull-baiting, to which there was formerly great resort in duke Lionel's time. This magnificent seat is at present occu- pied by Mary, countess-dowager of Ply- mouth, relict of the late Other Archer, sixth earl of Plymouth, and eldest daughter of the late John Frederick, third duke of Dorset. Her ladyship now constantly re- sides here ; notwithstanding which, every facility is afforded by her to gratify the curiosity of all respectable applicants to view the state-rooms of the mansion and their treasures of art — an indulgence to the public kindly continued by her ladyship, in imitation of the liberality of her noble ancestors. The principal parts of this antique edifice form a spacious quadrangle, chiefly in the 82 THE MANSION. castellated style, with several square towers and two larsj^e embattled gateways. At the rear, are numerous other smaller buildings, of very irregular character. The whole pile is estimated to occupy an area of three acres and a quarter ; an extent which, com- bined with the feudal aspect of the chief portion of the structure, very forcibly directs the imagination to the distant days of baro- nial splendour, " And pomp, and feast, and revelry." The front of the mansion is in the plain style of the Elizabethan age, or that of her immediate successor, and has an air of un- affected simplicity. The entrance is through a lofty embattled gateway, having towers at each angle, attached to which on either side, are spa- cious wings, pierced with three tiers of win- dows, each divided into three lights, by stone mullions, the upper tier being in- serted in gables of a fanciful shape, and forming the attic story. Between these gables, and on their ang-ular projections. THE MANSION. 83 are obelisk-shaped embellishments, the apex being- crowned with a leopard sejant, sup- porting a shield of Sackville ; which may also be found on many parts of the building, interior as well as exterior. Concerning the dates of the several parts of this extensive pile, it is now impossible to give any certain account. There is reason to believe that there was an edifice on this spot so early as the time of the Normans ; but it may be boldly stated, that nothing now remains which can be assigned to the architecture of that period. The author of " Biographical Sketches,"* published in 1795, says, " the architecture bespeaks a variety of dates. The most an- cient parts are probably coeval with the Mareschals and Bigods [See Possessors OF Knole, p. 2] ; and it seems as if the whole of it was antecedent to its becoming the possession of the Sackvilles, though many of this family have considerably re- * " Biographical Sketches of Eminent Persons," 8vo. pp. 164, a compilation said to have been written by Henry Norton Willis, Esq. 84 THE MANSION. paired it." We confess it would be out of our power to point out any portion of this building which can be referred to so early a period as the commencement of the thirteenth century (the time of the Mares- chals and Bigods), and believe, that on the most careful survey, such a supposition will be rejected. The style of the different parts of this building is certainly remarkably various; many portions being very rude, and others exhibiting undoubted traits of architectural beauty and good design. But, though the parts on examination are hete- rogeneous, the pile, viewed as a whole, has an air of primitive grandeur which is ex- ceedingly imposing. This arises partly from the fact, that whatever doubt may exist con- cerning the aera of the earliest portion of the mansion, the date of the latest is certain ; — its external form or character has not been altered since the first year of the reign of James I. (1603-4), when the celebrated lord Buck hurst,* then created earl of Dorset, * See a notice of this nobleman, p. 2o. Tin: MANSION. 85 first came to reside here ; and probably it had been then untouched for many years : and with regard to the oldest portion, it is stated in an old *' Topographical Survey of Kent," by Richard Kilburne, of Hawk- herst, pubhshed in 1659, that Archbishop Bourchier " rehu'dt the manor-house, in- closed a parke round the same, and resided much at it." Mr. Hasted, in his " History of Kent" (folio, 1778), repeats this state- ment, on Kilburne's authority ; and further quotes an indenture, dated June 30, 1457, by which lord Say and Sele sold to the archbishop, together with the manor, &c. of Knole, (see ante, page 6), "all the tymbre, wood, ledde, stone, and breeke, lying within the said manor, at the quarrie of John Cartiers, in the parish of Seale," which was probably intended by his lordship for the rebuilding of the mansion, and used by the archbishop for that purpose. If these autho- rities might be relied on, and we may be permitted to understand the word " rebuilt" in its literal signification, the date of the oUIpsI portion of Knole House might be pre- 86 THE MANSION, sumed to be 1457, or somewhat later, and that of its most recent portion, 1603-4, or thereabouts. This, however, may be objected to from the following" considerations. That the second gateway-tower, and the portion of the building immediately connected with it, will, on examination, appear to have re- ceived several alterations ; and therefore will rather seem to have been adapted by the archbishop to his purpose, than wholly erected by him. An inspection of the oriel window (an engraving^ of which with the tower is here given) will shew that it is inserted in a wall which must have been of earlier construction, the heads of some of the machicolations* being just visible above the frame-work of the window, so much of them only having been cut away as was necessary to allow the introduction of the * Perpendicular holes or grooves left between the corbels of a parapet, in the inside the wall, for the pur- pose of throwing down stones, or pouring molten lead, &c., on the heads of assailants : they are usually over the gateway only. m wiftwPM ' '^^WT'^'^wwmm --r-V— '-^M ff- t; THE MANSION. 87 new work, and these openings probably being considered no longer requisite. The window and machicolations would hardly have been built at the same time, as the former, by its projection, would have ren- dered annoyance from above impossible, except at the sides, the oriel forming a pro- tection over the centre of the gateway. The style of the window we presume to be that of the time of Archbishop Bour- chier, and his cognizance still being in the glass, strengthens this supposition. There are also internal evidences of a regard to caution, in the construction of some original openings still apparent, which would have been useless, had windows of the size and occupying the position of the present, been a part of the original design. That side of the house known by the name of " lord George's side" appears also to have undergone considerable alteration ; it has at present no direct internal commu- nication with the house, and an inspection of the roof from within, presents an appear- ance of adaptation not originally contem- 88 THE MANSION. plated. In this roof there are three fine ornamented tie-beams, or girders, having the under part worked into a flat-pointed arch with pierced spandrils, and some fram- ing of open work attached to the upper part of each end, which was formerly con- tinued farther. That these beams were a part of an open ornamented timbered roof belonging to a room of considerable size, forming a portion of the mansion at a very early period, is not improbable, as such roofs are still to be found in some ancient halls which continue in their original state. The relative posi- tion of the roof in which these girders are found, to that of the kitchen, is also quite in accordance with many ancient examples ; as the former, if continued, would present^ nearly a straight line with the latter ; and the entrance to the kitchen from the hall, could then have been immediately under the screen, thus allowing that direct communi- cation between the two apartments, so ne- cessary when their original relations to each other are considered. May we not, therefore, I THE MANSION. 89 ooncliule this to have been the direction and .scite of the ancient great hall, which could have been approached by 'the gateway ; moreover, many great halls being built upon a crypt, this also would have had the only existing cellar in the house for its founda- tion. The ancient kitchen at Knole, a very large building" still in use, is generally supposed to have been a part of the archbishop's erections here : it has a pointed roof, two immense fire-places, and windows opening' inwards, from the rooms belonging to the cook and the comptroller of the kitchen. The present great hall is generally allowed to be the work of Thomas, first earl of Dorset, and, not quite agreeing with the site of the kitchen (although quite con- formable to many examples in the relation of its position to the arch of entrance), cer- tainly appeal's to be a deviation from the original plan. The door of communication betM een the present hall and kitchen, is not original; the ancient appearance of this end of the N 90 THE MANSION. building being quite destroyed. But an old shelf is still left, with its huge knocker, for announcing to the guests that the prepa- rations for the meal were completed, and that it was about to be removed to the board. A row of hatches, above the shelf, was remaining as late as 1790. If the above suppositions be correct, we must assign a much earlier date to some parts of the building than that before-mentioned.* But, whatever may be the real dates of the erection of the numerous and multiform buildings which collectively constitute Knole House, the visitor who approaches the place expecting to be gratified with a view of fine architecture, will be disappointed. It is the extent of the pile, the incongruity of its several parts, the extraordinary number and apparent inutility of its rooms, galleries and staircases, which will first arrest the attention. It is plain that these appendages * These remarks are submitted to the reader by W. E., with great diffidence, after a long acquaintance with the locality, from an unwillingness to allow an opportunity to pass for vindicating the antiquity of these remains. THE MANSION. 01 of grandeur are now of little use even to their proprietors, except to invest them with the pleasing power of gratifying their less affluent contemporaries ; and, reflecting on the uses for which they were originally built and employed, we recollect that "the times are altered," and that these remnants of ancient English magnificence are, like many other things, no longer applicable to their original purpose. Knole was built for a mode of life utterly at variance with modern habits ; in the days when '* barons bold" kept up a system ot hospitality and pomp, with costly retinues, involving the feeding and lodging of num- bers. To maintain such a system, the hall, which was destined to be the chief scene of festive enjoyment, was necessarily spacious ; the drawing-room and dining-room were also handsome apartments ; and there might be two or three others ; but the rest of the house generally consisted of a vast num- ber of comparatively small rooms, for the accommodation of retainers and visitors, many of them built from time to hme, as 92 THE MANSION. they were wanted, and grafted in a very awkward manner on the main edifice. These remarks are not peculiarly appli- cable to Knole, though they strictly apply to that mansion, as well as to others of the same age; neither are they expressed in disparagement of that or any other struc- ture ; for, the very circumstances that we have referred to, afford pleasing illustration of the customs of former times, and the genuine character of the details of Knole House will more than compensate for their want of systematic beauty, or architectural uniformity. A stanza from Lord Byron, in which he depicts an English mansion under the dis- guised name of " Norman Abbey," may be quoted as accurately descriptive of Knole House : — " Huge hall, long galleries, spacious chambers, joined By no quite lawful marriage of the arts, Might shock a connoisseur ; but when combined, Form a whole which, irregular in parts, Yet leaves a grand impression on the mind ; At least of those whose eyes are in their hearts." Don Juan, Canto XIII. s. 67- THK IMANSION. What parts of the edifice were built by archbishop Bourchier ; what were added by his successors, Moreton and Warham (see page 6) ; and what alterations and addi- tions were made by the first earl of Dorset, and the successive earls and dukes of that noble house, are points of inquiry, which to the antiquary would prove highly interest- ing ; but as we do not ourselves profess to be competent to enter the lists on such learned and debateable ground, where it must be admitted that proofs are slight, and much must rest on plausible conjecture ; and, as we believe that the majority of our readers will joyfully dispense with elabo- rate discussion ; we must content ourselves with " generalities," and state, as a mere hint to the curious, that it is believed that the old house, previously to archbishop Bourchier's time, occupied principally the site of the north-east end and its offices. This portion appears to have been burnt down on Shrove-Sunday, 1623 : many of its windows are evidently of about that date; and it is pro])able that the greater 94 THE MANSION. part of the north-east end (except the wall, which is certainly more ancient) was de- stroyed, and subsequently rebuilt. For the rest of the edifice, the whole, except the front, has been generally considered to have been rebuilt by archbishop Bourchier, about the year 1457. The front, including the porter's lodge, &c., is supposed to have been added by archbishop Moreton, between the years 1486 and 1500 ; add to which, that very essential repairs and alterations were most probably made by the first earl of Dorset.* It is not, however, to criticise the details * The author does not pretend to be versed in archi- tectural antiquities ; and it sVould therefore be mentioned, that these remarks on the architecture of Knole House are offered, with a full consciousness of his own insufficiency, as the result of his (unskilled) personal observation during a brief residence on the spot. Books will not aid the en- quiry: at least the author has referred in vain to Hasted's Kent, and other histories of the county, to Neale's /'Seats," Hills " Munimenta Antiqua," Amsinck's " Tun- bridge Wells," " Vitruvius Britannicus," Britton and Brayley's " England and Wales," Lewis, Capper, and Gorton's " Topographical Dictionaries," &c. &c. I THE MANSION. 95 of its architecture, that the majority of visitors approach Knole House ; though we doubt not that both information and amuse- ment might be derived from such an object. But, to the ordinary visitor, this mansion offers other and very powerful attractions, in its galleries of art, containing many of those great creations of the pencil which are " of all time," and excite at once wonder and delight, and in its numerous relics of ancient magnificence, which afford a pleas- ing illustration of the domestic decorations, manners and customs of our ancestors. The pictures are of course not of equal merit; but several might be mentioned, the view of any one of which would amply repay the connoisseur for visiting the place ; and the collection is particularly rich in portraits of eminent characters, which are both abundant and in good preservation. The apartments are of themselves a memo- rial of obsolete grandeur, and their splendid old-fashioned furniture affords a very per- fect specimen of the style which prevailed in the reigns of Elizabeth and James T. 96 THE MANSION. These are the " sights" at Knole, for which most persons, will be content to forego antiquarian disquisitions. Yet, we must impress on our readers that the building itself, on every side, is worth many a passing glance, and eminently calculated to excite sentiments of veneration : for who can contemplate the present magnitude of the building, and its feudal style, without suffering the memory to revert to by-gone ages, and the mind to re-people the past with knights, ecclesiastics, statesmen, and princely nobles — the Says, the Cranmers, the Sackvilles, and others, associated by history or tradition with this ancient do- main ? The very exterior inspires these pleasing visions, and the charm becomes still stronger when we cross the antique quadrangles, and enter the splendid Gothic hall, with its massive and richly-carved music-gallery, its dais, or raised floor, for the lord's seat, its long oak-table for the tenantry and retainers, its painted glass, and its noble proportions. Immersed in thought, we feel ourselves carried back THF MANSION. 97 some centuries, until awakened from our reverie by a smartly-dressed modern porter, or domestic, flitting before our eyes, or by an intimation from the courteous house- keeper that we may " follow her." The illusion vanishes ; we perceive where we are, recollect for what purpose, and by whose indulgence, we have been admitted, and look forward as " beings of to-day" to the real treat which awaits us, the details of which are given with scrupulous minute- ness in the following pages. Settee m the Leicester Gallery. THE ROOMS SHEWN TO VISITORS ; WITH CATA- LOGUES OF THE PICTURES, &c. The entrance into the mansion is thronglj the front tower-portal ; over the gateway of which will be observed two escutcheons, the one bearing the arms of Sackville, the other those of Cranfield ; supposed to have been placed here in the time of the fifth earl, whose countess was the daughter of Lionel Cranfield, earl of Middlesex. Pass- ing the porter's lodge, which contains a small number of muskets, and some ancient m THE ROOMS SHEWN, &C. .99 halberts, the visitor enters the first or green court, a quadrangle, with a grass plot on either side of the pathway through it ; that on the rio'ht beino- ornamented with a cast of the celebrated statue, known as the Gla~ diator repellens, and that on the left, with one of Venus, as rising from the bath. Over the gateway, and in the range of buildings on each side of it, are numerous apartments, few of which, except some on the ground floor, are ever used, unless as repositories for old furniture, &c. Among these rooms, is a suite known as lord John's, from their having been formerly occupied by that nobleman, who was the second son of Lionel, duke of Dorset, and father of John-Frederick, the third duke. From the first quadrangle, the entrance into the second or stone court is through a gateway, having a machicolated parapet, below which, and immediately over the arch, is a fine oriel window (an engraving of which has already been given.) Before passing on, the curious observer will notice the site of a loop-hole in a projection of LofC. 100 THE ROOMS SHEWN the wall close to his elbow on the left hand side, through which the cautious warder might scrutinize his visitors before admit- ting them. The archway is groined, and has, at the intersections of the cross-springers, openings for the annoyance of an enemy. In the room over this archway (which is not, however, shewn to visitors) are two corbels of stone, each bearing a shield, one inscribed with the word .JMttCgt within a knot, and the other having the letters if)t within a double triangle. The approaches to this room are by two massive oaken doors, of the rudest workmanship, and strongly studded with iron. To the window (the oriel) is an ascent of two steps, and there, still preserved in a quatrefoil com- partment, painted on the glass, is a falcon rising, between two Bourchier's knots. At the further side of the stone court now entered, is a portico supported by eight Ionic columns, over which is an open gal- lery with a balustrade for walking ; and sur- mounting the parapet above is a fine stone shield, bearing the arms and quarterings of TO VISITORS. 101 Cranfield, removed from Copthall, when that ancient mansion was taken down. Over doorways at each end of the portico are busts of king William III., and in the centre is an allegorical carving fixed in the wall between the attires of a moz-deer which were found in a marl-pit near the moun- tains of Wicklow, in Ireland, and presented by a Mr, Brown to Lionel, duke of Dorset. There are also some fine specimens of the horns of British deer. Inserted in the walls of this court are some small pieces of antique sculpture, chiefly fragments, with inscrip- tions, brought from the continent with other remains, about twenty years since, some of which are preserved in like manner in the garden front. The whole area of this court was excavated a few years since, to form a reservoir for collecting the rain- water which falls upon the roofs, thus in- suring an abundant supply. Two doors on the left hand of the arch of entrance from this stone court to the hall, belong to apartments formerly used for the delivery of provisions, no pei'son beina 102 THE ROOMS SHEWN ^ allowed to enter except the peculiar officer, who placed the articles required on a shelf which crossed the door immediately below hatches made for that purpose. Visiting the apartments in the order in which they are shewn, we enter THE GREAT HALL, N apartment of noble dimensions, finely pro- portioned, and in a good style of archi- tecture, with tesselated pavement (much worn ) . It measures seventy - four feet ten inches in length, twenty-seven in breadth, and twenty-six feet eight inches in height, and is built after the plan of the Anglo-Normans, having the dais, or raised floor at one end of it, agreeably to ancient usage, for the principal table for the noble possessor of the mansion; while other tables stood lengthwise down the hall, for the use of visitors, tenants, or domestics. A table TO VISITORS. 10:3 of this latter kind is preserved here: it is of oak, and is constructed for the once- popular game of shuffle-board. In the windows are some armorial bear- ings in stained glass ; among others, the royal arms of Elizabeth, with supporters, and the arms of Robert Devereux, earl of Essex. In the fire-place is a curious pair of fire-irons or dogs: on one are the arms of Henry VIII, sur- mounted with a crown, and the ini- tials H. R. ; on the other, a falcon crowned standing on the stump of a tree, from which issue the white and red roses, (a cognizance C'f Anne Boleyn,) with the initials H. A., as seen in the en- 104 THb ROOMS SHEWN graving. They were purchased at a sale at Hever Castle in Kent, formerly the resi- dence of Sir Thomas Boleyn, her father. The hall is separated from the passage by an oaken screen, enclosing a music gallery boldly carved. Among the quaint archi- tectural enrichments with which it is deco- rated, the heraldic cognizances* of the family stand prominent, and shields charged with the coats of Sackville and Baker (those of Thomas, first earl of Dorset, and his countess) establish the date of its erection. Towards the top there is a row of small latticed windows, and the whole is finished by the arms, supporters, and other orna- ments belonging to the house of Dorset. The walls are ornamented with the follow- pictures : 1. First earl of Middlesex, full-length, artist not known. 2. Third earl of Dorset ditto 3. Countess of Monmouth ditto * These cognizances are, a black ram's head ; a white leopard rampant, pellette ; the same sejant, holding a shield of Sackville ; and a demi-red dragon, rising from the waves. TO VISITORS. 105 4. Edward, fourth Earl of Dorset, half- length. 5. George III, and Queen Charlotte, full- length — Ramsay. 6. View of, and procession to Dover Castle, in which are introduced the portraits of Lionel, duke of Dorset, Sir Basil Dixon, Maximilian Buck, chaplain to his grace, and many years rector of Kemsing and Seale, and some others. — Wottorf, A large and clever picture, 1 feet by 7. 7. Lord Buckhurst and Lady M. Sack- ville, full-lengths. — Kneller, 8. A Boar-hunt — F, De Vos, A fine pic- ture, boldly painted ; the pencilling free and characteristic. 9. Death of Marc Antony, 7 feet 9 inches, by 5 feet 4 inches. — Dance, 10. The Finding of Moses. — Giordano, 11. John, Lord Sorrier s, (1.)* — Kneller. 12. Silenus and Bacchanals, 6 feet 4 inches * When figures between parentheses occur after the name of a portrait is given, reference is made to the Appendix. This will apply throughout the rooms. P 106 THE ROOMS SHOWN by 5 feet 11 inches. — Rubens. A fine picture, deemed one of the artist's most powerful works. 13. Lady Shannon, — Kneller. The statues are : — Perseus, with the head of Medusa, A plaister after Canova. Demosthenes delivering an oration, — A Grecian statue, in marble, the size of life, purchased in Italy by the third duke of Dorset for £700. It is a fine composition ; but the figure being in the attitude of calm discussion, and its most marked character being that of deliberative composure, it has been doubted whether it is rightly named. The duke presented a cast of this statue to the Royal Academy, and there, it is worthy of notice, it is entitled Pythagoras. The goddess Egeria — a recumbent female figure, in marble, on a wooden pedestal ; considered to have been a goddess who presided over child-birth, as the Juno- Lucina of the Romans. Three small marble fig-ures, supposed to represent the Seasons ; and some others ; TO VISITORS. 107 aiiioiig- the rest an equestrian statue of Julius Caesar, and a bust of the poet Prior. Quitting" the hall, the visitor ascends to the other apartments by the principal staircase (of which our artist has endeavoured to convey some idea in the illustration which faces this page,) the passage to which is painted in two colours, with a fanciful combination of scrolls, animals, and foliage, nearly fac- similes of the desio'iis used to ornament the principal chapters of the embellished folios of the time of Elizabeth and James I., and the walls of the staircase having, also, in panels, various conversational and emblematic sub- jects, in keeping with the surrounding- decorations. In the glass are a shield exhi- biting the alliances of the house, and hori- zontal rows of small quarries, bearing the family crests. One of the standards sup- porting the hand-rail, and crowned with the leopard sejant afFronte, terminates below in a group of cockatrices fancifully combined. The ancient lantern depending from the ceiling is worthy of notice from the homely contrivance exhibited for adjusting its ele- vation. 108 THE ROOMS SHEWN On arriving at the top of the staircase the first room entered is THE BROWN GALLERY. An interesting apart- ment, eighty -eight feet in length, with floor and sides of oak, (the latter in panels), and the hinges and fasten- ings of the doors made of iron, curiously orna- mented and kept bright. The ceiling is of an elliptic form, divided into compart- ments by oaken fret-work, which imparts a sombre yet pleasing appearance to the whole. In the windows are a shield containing France and England within the Garter, very old ; a fleur-de-lis, and a double rose, each surrounded by a garland, and ensigned with a royal crown ; and three ostrich fea- thers, enclosed in a garland and surmounted by a large coronet of beautiful shape and TO VISITORS. 109 elaborate pattern, belonging to the princes of the blood royal : the quill of each of these feathers is charged with three bezants, and an escrol, inscribed " Ich Dien," passes in front of the bottom of them, but is not transfixed by the ends of either. Much has been written on differences found upon the fea- thers, which are well known to be very significant, but these roundles have hitherto escaped notice, which induces an enquiry into their meaning. The feather, we are told, was borne by all thesons of Edward III, and is mentioned as belonging to the mo- narch himself; but it was then borne singly, the quill or pen thereof being tinctured for difference; thus, the king's feather was argent, with the quill gold ; the prince's quill and feather both silver ; the duke of Lancaster's feather silver, quill ermine ; and the duke of Somerset's compony, blue and silver. It is farther stated, that the feathers were never used as a plume by any of the princes of Wales, till the time of Henry VII, when they first so appear upon the sepulchral chapel of prince Arthur, 110 THE ROOMS SHEWN where they also occur sing-ly among other badgest As a difference from the royal arms, the dukes of York used a label, each point charged with three torteaux (round red spots), which also appeared upon the supporters and crest. May we not be allowed to suppose that Henry Tudor, when duke of York, charged the quill of his fea- ther with the same difference as appeared upon his label, following the examples of the dukes of Lancaster and Somerset ? Or did he, upon his being created prince of Wales, after his brother Arthur's death, place upon the prince's badge, his own peculiar difference, thus shewing himself to be at once prince of Wales and duke of York? In reply to an objection which might be raised from the colour of these roundles being yellow, while those used by the dukes of York were red, it may be stated that such differences are not uncom- mon in old stained glass, owing to mecha- nical accidents. A superb collection of portraits, many of them of persons of the highest celebrity in TO VISITORS. Ill English history, now claims the attention ot the visitor. By whom they were all painted is unknown ; some of them certainly by Holbein, and most of them, probably, by his pupils. Among them are many of the principal nobles and statesmen who lived in the reigns of Henry VHI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James. The entire collection is in ex- cellent preservation, but the authenticity of some of the portraits is questionable, and the majority of them are clearly copies. Those in the following' catalogue which are printed in italics, may be particularly noticed as works of art. 1. Oliver Cromwell, — Walker. A clever picture, painted with force and free- dom, but somewhat differing from the usual prints and paintings of the Pro- tector. 2. Edward, fourth Earl of Dorset. — A copy. 3. The Poet (Dryden). — A copy. 4. Representation of a Masked Ball, given by Cardinal Wolsey to King Henry V 111. and Anne Boleyn. A curious 112 THE ROOMS SHEWN picture, but coarse, said to be by Tintoretti, 5. A Bacchanalian Scene, — Hemskirk. A humorous subject, carefully finished, with the truth of colour, and natural familiar air, of the Flemish school. 6. A Battle-piece. — A copy. 7. Alphonso D' Avalos, Marquis de Guasto, Lieutenant-General of the armies of the Emperor Charles V. in Italy : he died in 1546, set. 42. 8. Don John of Austria (2). 9. The Duke of Parma (3). 10. Henry of Lorraine, Due de Guise (4). 11. Charles, Due de Bourbon, Constable of France (5). 12. Ann de Montmorenci, Peer, Marshal and Constable of France (6). 13. Henry Howard, Earl of Northamp- ton (7). 14. Francis, Due de Guise (8). 15. Herbert, Earl of Pembroke (9). 16. Dudley, Duke of Northumberland (10). 17. Friar Bacon (11). 18. John WicklifFe, the Reformer (12). TO VISITORS. 113 19. Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, &c.(13). 20. Sir James Wilford (14). 21. Queen Mary. 22. George ChfFord, Earl of Cumberland (15). 23. Fisher, Bishop of Rochester (16). 24. Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury (17) 25. Cromwell, Earl of Essex (18) 26. The Earl of Surrey; supposed the Earl of Surrey beheaded by Henry VIII. 27. Sir Thomas More (19). 28. Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk (20) . 29. King Henry VIII. 30. Henry Fitz-Alan, Earl of Arundel (21). 31. Cardinal Wolsey (22). 32. Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury (23) . 33. Sir Francis Walsingham (24). 34. Egerton, Baron Ellesmere (25). 35. Lord Burleigh (26). 36. Sir Christopher Hatton (27). 37. Queen Elizabeth. Remarkable for the elaborate profusion of drapery, and the singular manner in which it is dis- posed. The tints of the face appear much faded. 114 THE ROOMS SHEWN 38. Dudley, Earl of Leicester (28). 39. Thomas Sackville, first Earl of Dorset. The Lord Buckhurst of Queen Eliza- beth's court. 40. Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham (29). 41. Cecil, Earl of Salisbury (30). 42. Sir Francis Drake (31). 43. Howard, Earl of Suffolk (32). 44. Admiral Blake (33). 45. Sir John Norris (34). 46. Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, (35)- 47. William, first Prince of Orange (36). 48. Ratcliff, Earl of Sussex (37). 49. King James T. 50. Sir Walter Mildmay (38.) 51 . Queen Jane Seymour. 52. Queen Katharine. — Holbein. 53. Sir Thomas More (19 . 54. Not known. 55. Isabella Clara Eugenia, Governess of the Low Countries (40). A very clever, well-finished picture. 56. 7, 8 & 9. Not known. TO VISITORS. 115 60. Erasmus (39). t)l. Earbj Rejbrmers ; viz. Martin Luther (47), Melancthon, and Pomeranus, (41). 62. Agricola (42). 63. Huss, the Reformer (43). 64. Milton, the poet. — A pleasing portrait ; expressive, mild, and dignified. 65. 6, 7 & 8. Four small pictures of the Seasons. 69. French painting of Scenery. 70. ^ Florentine Nobleman, supposed of the Strozzi family. This picture is gene- rally much admired. 71. A Lady (not known). 72. St, John and Lamb, — Dominichino. A sweet picture, but more in the style of Correggio. 73. Isabella Bonotta, Countess de Mori. 74. Not known. 75. Baron Montmorenci. 76. The Due D' Alvarez (44). 77. Not known. 78. Ninon de VEnclos, — Bromhino. A highly-finished likeness, said to have been painted at the age of 70 (45). 79. The Countess of Desmond; (46.) An inte- 116 THE ROOMS SHEWN resting portrait, and a characteristic, clear picture. 80. The Earl of Surrey ; supposed Francis, first earl. 81. Martin Luther (47). 82. Maw iw r?(^ (not known). A painting of considerable merit ; the features well expressed, the colouring good, and the touch decided and free. 83. King Edward VI. 84. Philip, Count de Home (48). 85. Portrait (in oval frame) ; not known. 86. The Queen of Francis I. 87. Queen Ann Boleyn. 88. The Emperor Charles V. 89. King Charles //.—Sir P. Lely. Three- quarter length. 90. Portrait (half in armour) ; not known. 91. King Henry V. 92. Louis XV. Old print. 93. William, Prince of Orange. — Jansen, 94. James, second Earl of Middlesex. 95. A Doge of Venice. 96. Honourable Edward Cranfield. 97 & 98. Seventh Lord and Lady Aber- gavenny. TO VISITORS. 11 The chairs and other seats in this apart- ment are worthy of remark for antiquity, shape, and mate- rial ; velvets and silks of the finest texture and richest patterns (the colours of some in a re- markable state of preservation) cover a variety of curious- ly-formed frames, ^^^ some high-backed and low -seated, o- thers precisely the reverse, and others again softly cushion- ed up to the elbows, requiring a rather high stool for the feet, which is furnished in its place ; these, to- gether with ornamental furniture of corre- sponding date, give a high degree of interest and value to the whole ; so great a variety of objects, agreeing in age and style with the apartment they furnish, being seldom met with. 118 THE ROOMS SHEWN ^>»^BpP™- LADY BETTY CERMAINE'S BED- CHAMBER. The lady who gives name to this apartment lived in the reign of George II., and was a patroness of litera- ture. She was daugh- ter of the earl of Berke- ley, and became the second wife of Sir John Germaine. Both died without issue, and by virtue of their wills,* lord George Sackville obtained an act of parliament to assume the surname of Germaine. *Lady Betty Germaine died Dec. 16th, 1769. By her will left to lady Vere i;20,000— to lord George Sackville £20,000, with Drayton House and the manor thereunto belonging — to lady Catherine Beauclerk £1,000, and her best diamond ring — to earl Berkeley a gold cup — to Mr. Berkeley £5,000 — to the countess of Granard £5,000 — to lady Craven £3,000— to lady Temple £500 for a ring ;— her jewels, plate, &c. to be sold, and, with the residue of her estate, to be equally divided between lord and lady Vere and Sir George Sackville. TO VISITORS. I 19 In this chamber is a piece of tapestry exhibiting portraits of the celebrated Van dyke, and his father in-law, lord Gowrie. The paintings here are — The Earl of Halifax. Edward, fourth Earl of Dorset. Cymon and Iphigema (over the mantel- piece). A Moonlight. Flemish Toper and Companion. Judith with the head of Holofernes. A Madonna. An old Priest. St. John preaching' in the Wilderness, An old painting (noticeable on account of its extraordinary disregard of perspec- tive). Banditti attacking Travellers. Holy Family (ancient). The artists are not known. The bed- stead here is antique ; it is of oak, with plumes and worked stuff furniture, lined with pink and fringed, and is covered with two or three curiously-embroidered counter- panes. 120 THE ROOMS SHEWN LADY BETTY CERWIAINE'S DRESSING ROOM. A SMALL room, con- taining several arti- cles of antique furni- ture, as carved stools, with crimson and da- mask covers, a japan- ned Indian table, &c. The paintings are — Mrs. Porter. — After Lely, Elizabeth, first Duchess of Dorset. — Hudson, Lord Hunsdon, — Holbein. Thomas, first Earl of Dorset. Robert, second Earl. Cecile, first Countess. Richard, third Earl. Ann, third Countess. Lady Margaret Sackville. Marquess of Winchester. A Holy Family. Head of a Boy. 1 TO VISITORS. 121 Triangular frame, containing three por- traits of Kings of France. Nymphs and Echo, — Lely. The Lady of Sir Walter Raleigh. Hunting Scene. Miss Collier. — Hudson, A Battle-piece. Mrs, Bates, — Ozias Humphrey. A Building' in Rome. King Lear and Ophelia. Maurice, Prince of Orange. Lord Leveson Gower. THE SPANGLED BED-ROOM. This is a very hand- some room, hung with tapestry, and having an original floor of oak, which is painted black. The furniture, too, is in- teresting, as illustrative of the style of former days : the whole of it (with the exception of a Chinese or Indian idol, shrine and stand, R 122 THE ROOMS SHEWN a gift of the present earl Amherst) was presented by king James I. to Lionel, earl of Middlesex, lord -treasurer, from whom it descended, through his daughter, who mar- ried the fifth earl of Dorset, to the Sack- ville family. The bed is very beautiful : it has crimson silk furniture, lined with satin, richly embroidered with gold and silver, with coverlid to match. There are also several stools with crimson silk tops, em- broidered after the same pattern ; and a curious antique ebony wardrobe merits notice. Here are two paintings only, por- traits, but both fine ones, by Sir Peter Lely ; viz. The Duke of Monmouth. Mrs. Sackville. TO VISITORS. 123 THE SPANGLED DRESSING-ROOM. This also is an elegant, apartment. In the cen- tre of it stand a beau- tifully wrought chair and footstool of ivory, (also presented by earl Amherst, who brought them from India), in which, surrounded by the fine creations of the pencil w hich grace the walls, we should presume that a ladymight sit with tolerable satisfaction during her toilet. There are some other handsome stools and settees, with crimson -damask covers, &c. ; and the paintings are as follow : — 1. A Miser, \f\t\\ the Father of Evil at his elbow. — Quintin Matsys, A highly- finished and clever ])ainting. 2. A Venus.— After Titian, 3. The Salutation. — Rembrandt, -4 & 5. Candle-lights, — Schalkchen. De- licately and elaborately finished, and generally attractive from their striking 124 THE ROOMS SHEWN effect, the peculiar tone of the light being given with great truth and force. 6. A frame containing six miniatures ; viz. Lionel, first earl of Middlesex, Ann, Countess of Middlesex, Sir John Suck- ling, Mr. Brett, and two others. 7. Another frame, containing a miniature of Lady Rachel Fane, Countess of Bath and Middlesex. 8. A Sybil (Sybilla Persica) .—Stone. 9. JMiss Steicart. — Lely. 10. The Alchemyst. — Wycke. 11. Ann Hyde, Duchess of York. — Lely. 12. The Nativity. — Bassano. 13. Venus and a Satyr.— Correggio. 14. Robbers attacking a Waggon. — Van- dergucht. 15. Countess of Shrewsbury (51). — Lely. 16. A Landscape. — Salvator Rosa. 17. Still Life. 18. •^ Flemish Merry-making. — Heems- kirke. 19. A Reposing Venus. — Ozias Humphrey. 20. James Compton, fifth Earl of North- ampton. — Vandyke. TO VISITOR*. 125 21. Abraham entertaining the Angels. — Guercino, 22. Lady Stafford. — Alhano. 23. Lady Ossory. 24. A Magdalene. — Albano. THE BILLiARD-ROOM Is remarkable, not for its furniture, having little besides an old billiard- table, but for its pic- tures, several of which are undoubted origi- nals, and most valuable. 1. St. Peter. — Rembrandt. 2. Old Man's Head ; supposed Lord Sun- derland. 3. Diana and Nymphs discovered by Ac- tseon. — By or after Titian. 4. Portrait of an Old Man. — Bassano. 5. Sir Thomas More. — Mytens, 6. Franks Hals, by himself, in his pecu- liarly free and sketchy style. 7. Boy blowing a Pipe. — Murillo. 126 THE ROOMS SHEWN S Si, 9, James, Lord CranfielcJ, and Lady Frances Cranfield (children of Lionel, Earl of Middlesex),— My tens, 10. The God of Silence. 11. Major Mohun (52.) 12. Sir Kenelm Bigby (53).— A splendid Vandyke ; such a portrait as cannot fail to attract notice. The countenance is expressive and dignified — the co- louring and execution admirable. 13. A Landscape. — Poussin, 14. Diana and Calisto. — After Titian, 15. Du Bourg, Organist ofJ]ntwerp (54). — Vandyke. Finely conceived and paint- ed, full of poetical feeling, and pos- sessing great interest. 16. A Landscape. — Poussin, TO VISITORS. 127 THE LEICESTER GALLERY. HIS apartment is or- namented through- out with fine paint- ings ; its matting' and screens are an- tique and curious, and with its sofas, couches, stools, &c. covered with crim- son damask and figured velvet, it is highly illustrative of the style of the sixteenth century. Two rolls of arms, displayed upon oaken stands, exhibit the Sackville and Curzon pedigrees. The former one in particular is an elaborate performance, and commences with Herbrand de Sackville, whose portrait appears in the window at one end of this gallery, finely executed on glass, with the following inscription : ** fi|crtiraRtiu0 tie ,^acfe= bilk, prapoten^ Kormannu^, inttabit ^ngliam turn Sulidmo eonque^tore, A"« D'" MLXVI." [Herbrand de Sackville, a very powerful 128 THE ROOMS SHEWN Norman, came into England with William the Conqueror, 1066.] This figure will bear the closest examination, and 'will be found to be exquisitely finished ; the features and hands are correctly and carefully drawn, and the details of the armour and dress well made out. The pedigree is the work of Sir William Segar (Garter), Richard St. George (Norroy), and Henry St. George (Richmond), and was executed in the year 1623, in ihe time of Edward, the fourth earl. The pictures in this room are — 1. Countess of Bedford [bb] — Vandyke. A most captivating portrait ; the drapery finely managed, and the hands exqui- sitely painted. 2. A Landscape, — Young artist from Rome. 3. James, Marquess of Hamilton, — My tens. A fine full-length. 4. Nicolo Molino, the Venetian Ambassa- dor, — My tens. A full-length, also pos- sessing: ofi'eat merit. 5. Philip IV, of Spain,—Sir Anto. Moore. 6. Queen of Philip IV,-— Ditto, TO VISITORS. 129 7. Lady Milton. — Pompeio Bottom, 8. Landsciipe. — Young artist from Rome. 0. Prince Henry, son of King James I., full-length. — Mytens, 10. King James I., at about the age of 60, sitting in a chair which is preserved in the Brown Gallery. — Mytens, 11. Sir Ralph Bosville (56). Schidoni, 12. Due D'Espernon. 13 & 16. Fruit pieces. 14 & 15. Landscapes. — Deane. 17. Fiist Lord Whitworth and Nephew ; three-quarter. 18 & 19. Heraclkns SLud Democritufi, — Mig- nard. Amusing pictures, but coarsely painted. 20. Sir Hatton Fermor (57). 21. First Earl of Middlesex.— Mytens, A good portrait ; the flesh tints are fine, the hands well disposed and painted, and the general effect pleasing. 22. Henry lloward. Earl of Surrey (58.) — Holbein. 23. Ann, Countess of Middlesex. — Mytens, 24. Sir Affthony Cope (5fik).— Vandyke. 130 THE ROOMS SHEWN 25. Frederic, King- of Bohemia. — Houthoust. 26. Princess Louise Ditto. 27. Portrait (not known). 28. King Charles II. — Houthoust, 29. Princess Sophia of Bohemia. Ditto. 30. Guardian Angel and Child.— Corton^i, 31. Edward, fourth Earl of Dorset. 32. A Sea-piece. — Salvator Rosa. From the windows of these two rooms, which were formerly comprehended under the title of the Leicester Gallery, are views which deserve to be remarked, from their varied and peculiar character. The window in the billiard -room towards the north-east, overlooks the pleasure-grounds at the back of the house, and presents a fine variety of luxuriant evergreens, so characteristic of the ancient English mansion ; behind which rise several lofty and picturesque firs. That at the farther end of the Leicester gallery commands a view of one of those ranges of chalk hills with which this part of Kent abounds, a portion of the park, with its clumps of trees and herds of deer; while I TO VISITORS. 131 immediately below is the building which formerly served as a prison to the mansion ; and from a third we look down into a court- yard, surrounded by antique windows and gables. THE VENETIAN BED-ROOM. This chamber received its designation from having- been slept in by Nicolo Molino, the Ve- netian ambassador. It .contains a very elegant state bed, said to have been prepared for the reception of king James II. The canopy is richly carved and gilt at the head-board, surmounted with the royal arms. The furniture is of green cut-velvet, lined with lutestring; and the chairs and stools in the room are covered to cor- respond. 132 THE ROOMS SHEWN There are many other curious ornaments, &c. ; but only three pictures, and of those, only one worthy of notice ; namely — Katherine II., of Russia, in military costume, as a commander-in-chief, (61). . Ghau-iDttie Venetian Bed-room, TO VISITOHS. 1:3:3 THE VENETIAN DRESSIMG-ROOMa A SMALL carpet on the Hoor of this rooiii, wrong h J with the urn is of Cnrzon and Leve- son, brings to mind Mr. Fosbroke's description : '* In the sixteenth cen tury we find carpets of English work, with arms in the centre, a square bord carpet cloth for the table, with arms in the midst of it, one large car- pet for a coobard, Turkey carpets for the table, &c." Here are many clever paintings ; viz. 1. Lionel, first Duke of Dorset, on horse back. — Wootton. 2. Sir Thomas More (19).— Holbein. 3. Old Man's Head. A fine study. 4. j^ Boar -hunt. A very clever bit, though slight ; said to be by Rubens. 5. MissAxford^ the fair Quakeress (62). — Sir Joshua Reynolds. This portrait, and 134 THE ROOMS SHEWN those of the opera-sing-er and opera- dancer (Nos. 6 & 14), all by Reynolds, are in that celebrated artist's usual broad and happy style, remarkable for sweetness of expression, and for admi- rable faithfulness to nature. 6. Madame Baccelli, an opera-dancer. — Sir Joshua Reynolds. 7. Landscape, — Berghem. 8. Jacobs Journey, — Bassano. 9. Lady Hume. 10. Honourable Lionel Cranfield. 11. A Candlelight. 12. A Firelight. 13. Ann, Countess of Dorset, Pembroke^ and Montgomery (63). — My tens, J 4. Signora Schielleni, an opera-singer. — Sir Joshua Reynolds. 15. The Earl of Shaftesbury (60).— Riley. 16. A Head, supposed of Cleopatra. 17. A Toper, 18. Old Man's Head. 19. Monsieur Campchinetze (65). — Gains- borough. An unassuming, but most clever picture. I TO VISITORS. 135 20. Companion to the Toper. 21. A Battle-piece, — Borgognone. The hurry and confusion of the conflict are depicted with a bold and spirited pencil. 22. The Finding- of Moses. — Lairesse, 23 & 24. Small portraits of Philip IV. of Spain, and his Queen. 25. Landscape, — Salvator Rosa. 26. Death of Cleopatra, — Dominichino. 27. Wife of Titian going to poison his mis- tress. — After Titian, 28. Repose, with Flight into Egypt. — Zuccharelli, 29. The Archduke Albert. 30. Isabella, Duchess of Brabant. 31. A Farm -yard. — Honderkooter. 32. Portrait of Mr. Brett.— C Jansen, 33. Sir Kenelm Digby, half-length.— A copy. 34. Mrs, Marcjaret Woffington (the actress) as Penelope, — Sir J. Reynolds. 35. Ozias Humphrey. — By himself. In the passage leading from the Leicester to the Brown gallery are several pictures, 136 THE ROOMS SHEWN as, the first Lord Whitworth, a Devotee, a Garden-scene, Madonna and Child, and two or three others; but none of any note. THE ORGAN ROOM. N ancient apartment of extremely rude finish, the walls being covered with oak boards not framed into paneling"; but this we may imagine to have been remedied in the olden time by the assist- ance of the yeoman hanger with goodly tapestries, of which there was great store, of pattern and story most appropriate, the floor being beseemly strewed with hay or rushes, and the light of day softly beaming thrrugh sacred scriptures, set forth by goodly personages and most holy, in the richly-coloured glass ; thus, with its other garniture, rendering it a chamber meet for the most dainty player upon the organ belonging to the chapel of the lord cardinal. TO VISITORS. 137 Add to these, the noble iiistriinient* so con- veniently placed that the organist could ob- serve the altar below, assist with sweet music at its service, and still remain unseen by those engaged in it ; w^hile a small door near to a fire-place, replenished with blazing logs if the season so required, communicating immedi- ately with the chapel, gave ready admittance to those belonging to the choir, or others whose business lay hither ; for w^e should not marvel if this may have been used as a school for the nurture of those belonging to the choir in the difficulties of their calling. Upon the eve of great festivals we can imagine from hence, much bustle and gohig* to and fro, very much care in the teacher, and great pains taken by the scholar, in re- citino' the service that on the morrow w^as by its grandeur to awaken the " Gloria in excels is Deo," and by its sweetness and gentle harmony to impress on the heart of both ecclesiastic and layman the conclii- * Said to have been the second of the kind built in England. T 138 THE ROOMS SHEWN , sion of the song " Et in terra pax, bene- volentia ad hominem." We may not here neglect the oaken chest, so quaintly carved, whose fellow standeth in the gate -house first entered, inasmuch as the greybeards tell us (with what degree of truth we know not) that it was a travelling- box belonging to lord Buckhurst's brave chariot, in which, drawn by a team of fine oxen, he was used to journey so nobly to and from the councils in which he was wont to preside. Among others, three pictures now remain that of old were in the chapel. They ap- pear to be the work of one hand, and done to decorate the church or chapel of some re- ligious fraternity, as may be seen by the following inscription, placed at the corner of one of them : — Ad Decorem Domus Dei. JOHANNES . AVYNGTON Doctor . et . Svbprior me . Fieri . Fecit Ap D 1526 Et a . re. H 8. 18. TO VISITORS. 139 The stories are — the Betrayal, the Resur- rection, and the Ascension, painted in rich colours and overlaid in parts with gold ; moreover, each tablet has depicted in two colours, on the other side, a saint in pontifi- calibus, with his name beneath in rubicund capitals, of ancient formation. The painting's, most of which are but indifferent copies, are as follow : — King' James I. A Musical Party. Companion to ditto. James Butler, Earl of Ormond. Archbishop Bancroft (35) ; over the door. Sir John Suckling, Landscape, with figures. Ditto, with building. Charles, second Duke of Dorset, as a Roman Emperor ! Christ mocked (small). Tobit and the Ang-el. Dover Castle. Charles I, and his Queen. Sea-piece — story of Jonah. 140 THE ROOMS SHEWN THE CHAPEL-ROOIVI, N interesting apartment of ancient date, which, although much dis- guised, by white paint and bad modern floor- ing, has enough of originaUty left to gra- tify those who delight in the investigation of the arts and habits of by-gone days, and to revel in the pleasures produced by histori- cal recollections. The ceiling is of oak panelled, and is sHghtly elevated in the centre ; the windows project, and are divided by mullions into quatrefoil-headed compart- ments, subdivided by transoms. The flat space between the two windows was for- merly open, but has been closed by modern boarding. The walls of the room are hung with tapestry, representing the history of Noah : a picture of David meeting Abigail, over the fire-place, and a cabinet made of the wood of the sweet chesnut, and orna- I ro VISITORS. 141 menled with ebony, with a few juiuor arti- cles, complete the list of its furniture. One subject there is, however, that it would be unpardonable to forget. Conspi- cuously placed upon the cabinet j ust men- tioned is a group of figures, finely carved, relating to the crucifixion. It reminds us of the lonely-imprisoned queen Mary of Scots, by whom it was presented to the earl of Dorset. To her it was probably an object of religious homage and devotion, and we cannot but view it with respect and interest, from the long train of incidents which it recalls. The room receives from it an addi- tional charm, and may be esteemed a shrine well calculated to contain so valuable a relic. Two small rooms on the left of the en- trance to the chapel require notice, from the decorations allusive to the family of the buil- der; one of these rooms contains the chimney- piece, w^ith inscription and cognizances, repre- sented in an engraving given in the first page of this volume ; the other, a closet, has a small window diapend with knots and oak leaves, 142 THE ROOMS SHEWN the latter said to have been borne by arch- bishop Bourchier to shew his maternal des- cent from the daughter of Thomas of Wood- stock, duke of Gloucester. In this closet is a projection covered with brick, for which we can find no other use than to place the censer or incense-pots upon, and, till some other be found, we may perhaps be in- dulged in believing this probable, for, after having' been used in the chapel, filled with burning charcoal, it must have been unsafe to have left them on wood; and if we suppose the adjoining apartment to have been the sacristry, or vestry, this will not ap- pear very unlikely, as the fire-place before- mentioned could have furnished the live embers required. These apartments are not shewn to visi- tors, but their ancient connexion with the chapel would have rendered the description of that edifice less complete, had they been omitted. TO VISITORS. 14:i THE CHAPEL. HIS ancient edifice, al- though its furniture and embellishments have undergone oreat alterations, still re- tains its interesting' character. It has a row of open seats on each side, with a pulpit and desk opposite each other, adwarfwafn- scotting being carried round the whole, including the space railed and occupied by the communion-table. The family-pew or closet is raised, and crosses the end of entrance ; it is supported in front by a screen of older date than the superstructure, the head of the door-way, with its spandrils,exhibiting remains of much beauty ; it has been cut lower to accommo- date the new work, but enough is left in the oak-leaf and the 3SeneBiCtU0 iBCU^, to ascertain its date and builder. The front of the gallery or pew is ornamented by a 144 THE ROOMS SHEWN sort of screen or enriched frame -work of three openings (formerly filled with glass), sm-momited by appropriate decorations, the family arms being emblazoned in the centre. The furniture and hangings of the closet, pul- pit, communion-table and desk, are of crim- son velvet and cloth of gold, brought from France by John, third duke of Dorset. Two pieces of stained glass in the side windows are considered curious ; the remainder being- small pieces in two colours, fragments of scripture, history, and legend, forming their subjects. The ceiling, now a plaistered imitation of vaulting, was formerly panelled with oak, painted blue and starred with silver : pic- tures hung on the walls, and a tapestry of Christ before Pilate was suspended in the family seat above. The alterations were chiefly made by John, third duke, previous to whose time it was in a state of great neglect, and had not been used for many years. Divine service is now performed here by the family chaplain every Sunday afternoon ; her ladyship attending the TO VISITORS. 145 parisli church of Sevenoaks in the moni- ing. Beneath the chapel is a fine crypt, with a vaulted roof supported by cross-springers arising from corbels. Its proportions are spoiled by a brick wall being built across the middle, to accommodate the conserva- tories with stowage for fuel. There have been openings in the walls, and there are now two entrances, besides indications of an apartment beyond. The general access to the chapel is from the waier-court, by a staircase and a hand- some stone doorway (see engraving), the iron ring which forms a handle to the ancient oaken door being curiously orna- mented with entwining lizards ; but the vi- sitor enters it from the chapel-room only; thus viewing the interior of the chapel from the family pew. 146 THE ROOMS SHEWN THE BALL-ROOM, " ' ^ A CHEERFUL and ele- gant apartment, has a noble marble chimney- piece, is surrounded by a frieze composed of figures of the strangest shapes, in most varied postures, and is otherwise decorated with a profusion of masks and quaint carvings, well drawn and boldly executed ; which, to- gether with its beautifully carved and gilt sconces, chairs with satin-wood backs, and numerous other elegant ornaments, cannot fail to attract attention. The walls are decorated with family por- traits, and some few others ; namely— Robert, second Bar I oj' Dorset, — Deheers. Margaret, second Countess .... Ditto. Other Archer, sixth Earl of Plymouth. — Phillips, Deemed an excellent like- ness. I ,_,_i^;^,l -=^5^1,11! !l TO VISITORS. 147 Georg-e John Frederic, fourth Duke. — Sanders, A pleasing- full-length por- trait of the lauient«^d young nobleman. Arabella Diana, third Duchess. — Hopner, Joh)i Frederick^ third Duke, — Sir J. Rey- nolds. A magnificent Reynolds, both in colouring and design. Elizabeth, first Duchess. — Hudson, Lionel, first Duke. — Sir G. Kneller, Mary, fourth Countess. — Jlytens, Edward, fourth Eat I, — Vandyke. A noble full length. Lord Georije Sackville (49). — Gainsbo- rough. A fine portrait, partaking, in a high degree, of the truth, freedom, vigour, and natural expression, gene- rally found in the works of this painter. Queen Charlotte. — Romney, after Rey- nolds. King George III Ditto. Ann, third Countess. — Mytens, Richard, third Earl. . . .Ditto. Frances, fifth Countess. Ditto. Thomas, first Earl. — C, J an sen, Charles, sixth Earl, — Sir G. Kneller. 148 THE ROOMS SHKWN Richard, fifth Earl. Among the articles of vertu in this room are some busts, including one in marble of the third duchess, one of earl Whitworth, her second lord, and a plaister one of the emperor Alexander of Russia. THE CRIMSON DRAWING-ROOM. This is the room of rooms for its pictures, nearly all of which are of first-rate excel- lence. 1. A Sybil, — Dominichino. A counte- nance of great beauty and power, with eyes rapt in contemplation of kindred stars. 2. Mary, Queen of Scots. — Zucchero. 3. A Magdalene, — Guercino. 4. A Party going out of a morning. — Wouvermans, TO VISITORS 141) 6. Cupids at Play. — Parmegiano. A per- fect gem, the design and execution efjually meritorious, and the painting exquisitely delicate. 6. Count Ucfolino (67). — Sir J. Reynolds. A striking contrast to the Fortune- teller, which hangs opposite, and an instance of the varied powers of this great English painter, of whose com positions this is generally considered the chef (Fwuvre, It is a noble picture, though the subject is a painful one. The colouring is extremely rich and vigorous, and the light and shade finely managed. It was purchased by the Duke of Dorset for 400 guineas. 7. Death of the Maccabees, — Vandyke. A fine sketchy picture, with powerful effect of light and shade. 8. King Henry y\\\—Holhem, 9. Cosmo, Duke of Tuscany, — Tintoretto. 10. Madonna and Child. — After Raphael, 11. Wise Men's Offering. — M, de Ferara, 12. Frances, fifth Countess of Dorset, — Vandyke. A splendid portrait, of re- 150 THE ROOMS SHEWN fined taste and finished execution. The drapery is most gracefully arranged, and admirably painted. 13. Judith with the Head of Holqf'ernes, — Garafuli. A clever, highly- finished picture, by a painter whose works are seldom seen. 14. Holy Family, — Vandyke. Small. 15. Flemish Wake, — D. Teniers. 16. Marriage of St. Katharine.— Parme- giano, 17. St. John and Lamb. — Schidoni, 18. Duchess of Cleveland (68) — Sir P. Lely. 19. The Angel liberating St. Peter; or, the Guard -room. — 2>. Teniers, A carefully finished picture, of great merit. 20. Card-players. — Ostade, 21. A Dead Christ. — L, Caracci. 22. A Family of Beggars. — Jan Mel, 23. A Head, supposed ofRaphael, by himself. 24. Flemish Musician.— Te/zier^. 25. Flemish Boy Ditto. 26. Dejanina and Centaur, — L. Caracci. 27. Rohinetta, — Sir J. Reynolds. The ori- ginal of the popular print ; and cer- TO vrsiTOKs. 151 taiiily an exquisite y)irture, in concep- tion, design, and colouring. 28. The Fortune-teller. — Sir J. Reynolds. Another deservedly popular picture, by the same master; the subject well- chosen, the colouring rich and harmo- nious, and the individual expression excellent. It was exhibited in 1777, and purchased by the Duke of Dorset for 350 guineas. 29. Holy Family.— Tkmn, 30. The Nativity. — Paul Veronese. 31. Angel liberating^ St. Peter. — Tremsani, 32. Madonna, Infant, and St. Jerome. — And. del Sarto. A fine specimen of the master, elaborately finished and in ex cellent preservation. 33. The Call of Samuel.— ^\v J. Reynolds. Appears to have been a favourite sub- ject, from its having been repeatedly painted by him ; has great breadth and freedom of handling, and the upturned countenance is very expressive. 34. Landscape. — Berghem. Not very highly finished, yet still a beautiful composi- 152 THE ROOMS SHEWN tion, with a pleasing" warmth of colour, and a free delicate touch. 35. Holy Family. 36. A Chinese Youth (69).— Sir J. Reynolds. The chimney-piece of this room is remark- able for its finely-sculptured marble. In the fire-place is a pair of very larg^e silver dogs, and several nic-nacs are lying about the apartment, as some curious canes, a stiletto, &c. The high backed chairs of the old school, now coming into vogue again, may also deserve notice. THE CARTOOM GALLERY; So named from its containing copies in oil, by Daniel My- tens, of six of the celebrated cartoons* of Raphael, These copies were painted for Lionel, Earl of * The cartoons of Raphael, preserved in Hampton Court Palace, are seven in number : " Paul preaching at Athens," is the one not copied by Mytens. It may be acceptable, probably, to our younger readers, to know, that those car- TO VISITORS. 153 Middlesex, and removed to Knole fromCopt- liall, in Essex, by Charles, Earl of Dorset. They are as follow : The Death of Ananias. Elymas the Sorcerer. Healing of the Lame Man, The Miraculous Draught of Fishes. Christ's Charge to Peter. Paul and Barnabas at Lycaonia. They are executed with great fidelity and skill, and are in good preservation. The gallery which they ornament is eighty- nine feet and a half long, and contains, besides the cartoons, the following pictures : Charles, sixth Earl of Dorset. Mary, sixth Countess. King George the Fourth (in regimentals), full-Iengfth. — Sir Thomas Lawrence. toons (so called from being painted on carta, cartona, sheets of paper) were executed by Raphael to the order of Pope Leo X., as patterns for tapestry, to decorate the Papal chapel at Rome. They were completed about the year 1520, and the tapestry was wrought at the famous manu- factory of Arras, in Flanders. The cartoons themselves were purchased for king Charles I., by Rubens, the painter. X 154 THE ROOMS SHEWN Robert Dudley^ Earl of Leicester * Girl raising a Curtain. — Mosnier, The Earl of Surrey (full-length) .—Hol- bein. Portrait »^ — Dobson. Chief- Baron Lant. The sculptured marble chimney-piece of this room is also noticeable. Here, again, are a large pair of silver dogs, several silver sconces and chandeliers, and other articles, including a treasurer's chest of office, which belonged to the first earl of Dorset. In a re- cess in this apartment are four casts from the Florentine gallery — the Venus de Medicis, the Wrestlers, the Dancing Faun, and the Lis- tening Slave. In the windows of this apart- ment are numerous armorial bearings, execu- * Or, said by some to be " the marquess of Hertford, of Queen Elizabeth's time." It is, at all events, a most striking likeness of the earl of Leicester ; add to which, that there was no such dignity as that of marquess of Hert- ford until the year 1640. It is a good painting. t Said to be of General Monk, earl of Albemarle, or of lord Capel : certainly not at all resembling the likenesses of Monk. It is a clever portrait, in the style of Vandyke. TO VISITORS. 155 ted with great accuracy. Twelve of them ajj- |)ear to belong' to families not in any way connected with the Sackvilles, nor traceable as possessors of Knole. They are as fol- low : — Richard Cole, of the Arches; Ralph Rokesby, master of Requests; Roger Mau- wode, chief-baron of Exchecjuer; Christo pher Wray, lord-chief-justice ; William Lewyn, judge of the Prerogative; Julius, judge of Admiralty ; William Aubrey, judge of Audience ; John Herbert, master of Re- (juests; Snagge, master-serjeant at law; Gilbert Gerrard, master of Requests; John Popham, attorney -general ; John Purkirage, serjeant-at-law. Many of these would seem to have been the law-officers of the crown at a time when the estate of Knole was in the hands of government. The other he- raldic desig-ns are the achievements of the Sackvilles and their wives, with one or two exceptions, in a direct line from Robert de Sackville to Richard ihe third Earl. In the windows of a colonnade in the house, these are made perfect to the time of the first duke, but this colonnade is not publicly shewn* 156 THE ROOMS SHEWN THE KING'S BED-ROOM. ^x ^N In this room there is |j\ but one picture, namely, the Coligni Family,* Wi by J<^^t^^>^ ; containing portraits of the cardinal of that name and his two brothers. The walls are lined with tapestry, in good preservation, on which is represented the story of Ne- buchadnezzar. The state -bed, which cost £8,000, is also very perfect considering its age ; this apartment, with its furni- ture, having been prepared for the re- ception of James I. The bedstead is pro- fusely ornamented, with a canopy-top ; and the furniture (which begins to show symp- toms of not lasting for ever) is of gold and silver tissue, lined with rose-coloured satin, embroidered and fringed with gold and silver. About the room are several chairs * See Appendix, No. 70. TO VISITORS. 157 and stools, covered to correspond with the furniture of the bed ; also a handsome couch, carved and gilt, with purple-velvet cushions and pillow, embroidered with gold and silver, and a carved chair, cane-backed, with damask cushions. The tables are of chased silver. The expense of the entire fittings of the room are stated at £20,000. On the dressing-table, stands a complete toilet-service of silver, of excellent work manship, which was purchased by the first duke of Dorset, in 1743, at a sale of the effects of the countess of Northampton. In- dependently of these ornaments, there is a profusion of silver in this aj)artment — mas- sive urns, flowir-pots, sconces, filligree- baskets, censers, &c. Here are also two cabinets, one of ebony, and the other of ebony and ivory. The latter, the interior of which is very minute and curious, con- tains two chamberlain's keys of oflice, and is decorated with relievos from scri|)ture history. 158 THE ROOMS SHEWN THE DININC-PARLOUR. ERE it was that the parliamentary com* missioners held their court of sequestration, in 1645, in the time of Edward, fourth earl of Dorset, whom they deprived, for a time, of this property. Here, too, we may sup- pose, that Charles, the sixth earl, in plea- santer days, assembled round his festive board Dryden, Prior, Pope, Wycherley, Con^reve, Killigrew, Durfey, and others, eminent for wit or genius. Its walls are devoted, almost exclusively, to portraits of poets, authors, and painters, of whom here is a brilliant assemblage : — 1. Waller. — Jarvis, 2. Addison. — Ditto. 3. Sir T, Mayence, Dutch physician to king James l.~Dobson. I TO VISITORS. 159 4. Sir Walter Raloigli. 5. Vatnlyke and Lord Gowri(\ — Vandyke. 6. Locke.— ^'iv G. Kneller. 7. Hohhes Ditto. 8. Sir Isaac Neivton. — Ditto. 9. Flatman (a poet and painter, died 1688) . — By himself. 10. Cowley. — Du Boyce, 11. Earl of Rochester. — Ditto. 12. Hiig-o Grotius. — Tito Maio, 13. Corelli (the composer). — Ditto. 14. Sir Charles Sedley. — Kneller, 15. Diirfey. 16. Fletcher. 17. A Conversation-Piece; in which the painter has introduced himself, catching a likeness of Durfey the poet, while conversing with Mr. Buck, the fiimily chaplain, and Mr. Lowin, the steward. The other figures are — George Allen, a clothier, of Sevenoaks, Mother Moss, and Jack Randall, the steward's-room boy. — Vandergucht. 18. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. 19. Dr. Johnston, — Sir J. Reynolds. 160 THE ROOMS SHEWN 20. Sacchmi (the composer). — Ditto. 21. Sir Joshua Reynolds, — Ditto. 22. Sir Walter Scott.— Phillips. 23. Garrick. — Sir J. Reynolds. 24. Goldsmith — Ditto. 25. Burke. — Opie. 26. Mrs. Catherine Phillips. 27. Gay.— Boll 28. Handel. — Denner. 29. Ben Jonson. 30. Congreve. — After Kneller. 31. Wycherley.— Ditto. 32. Shakspeare. 33- Rowe.— After Kneller. 34. Garth.— Ditto. 35. Dry den. — Kneller. 36. Cartwright. 37. Swift. 38. Otway.— Sir P. Lely. 39. Pope. 40. Betterton, the celebrated actor, died 1712.— Kneller. 41. Charles, sixth Earl of Dorset. — Ditto. 42. Sir Philip Sidney. 43. Chaucer. TO VISITORS. 161 44. Mrs, Jlhington (actress). — Sir J. Rey- nolds. 45. Prior. 46. Thomas, first Earl of Dorset, half-length. 47. Milton when young, (ditto). 48. Butler, three-quarter small. 59. Carew, three-quarter, over door. 60. Foote. A clever copy. Leaving' this room, the visitor will again recognise the passage leading to the princi- pal staircase, having been through all the apartments which are now exhibited to the public. Those used by the family contain many choice specimens of art, in painting and sculpture ; but the visitor not being- admitted here, no good purpose would be answered by giving a description of their contents. The feelings with which many would quit such a mansion, would be those of regret that their memories are not sufficient to re- tain any adequate portion of the interest which has been excited : to such persons, it is hoped that this volume will prove a wel- come assistant, by affording them an oppor- tunity of reading at their leisure an account Y 162 THE ROOMS SHEWN, &C. of the contents of those rooms through which they have been conducted ; while to those who have become possessed of it, and have perused its contents before visiting the mansion, it may be the means of directing their attention to some particular articles and circumstances, which might otherwise escape notice, amidst the multiplicity of objects which surround them. APPENDIX; CONTAINING OF MOST OF THE EMINENT OR REMARKABLE PERSONAGES WHOSE PORTRAITS ARK PRESERVED AT KNOLE HOUSE. APPENDIX. 1. — John Lord Somers Was the son of an attorney at Worcester, where he was born in 1650. In 1675, he was entered of Trinity College, Oxford, and took the degree of B.A. in 1681, having previously (in 1676) been called to the bar. At about this period, he published several legal-political tracts on the rights of Englishmen, which attracted consider- able attention, and contributed to his success as a lawyer. His practice at the bar was soon exten- sive; notwithstanding which, he found leisure for several poetical attempts. In 1688, Somers was one of the counsel for the bishops, on which occasion, though at first objected to on account of his comparative youth, he succeeded in establishing a character for pro- found constitutional learning. 166 APPENDTXc After the Revolution, Mr, S miers was re- turned to parliament for Worcester, and acted a conspicuous part in the important debates of that period. Ahout 1690, he was knighted and made solicitor-general ; in 1692, attorney-general ; in 1693, lord-keeper of the Great Seal ; and in 1697, lord Chancellor, with the title of baron Somers. Of this office he was deprived in 1700, during a temporary ascendency of the Tory party ; and in the following year he was im- peached on some frivolous charges, but the im- peachment not being supported, was of course acquitted. The king lived to express regret at having lost lord Somers from his council, but not long enough to form a new ministry, which was in contemplation when his majesty died. After the accession of Queen Anne, lord Somers interfered but little in public life : his chief delight was literature. He was, however. President of the Council in 1708 & 9 ; but in 1710 again retired. He died in 1716, a bachelor. Of his character, Horace Wal pole says :—^" All the traditional accounts of him, the historians of the last age, and its best authors, represent him as the most incorrupt lawyer, and the honestest statesman ; as a master-orator, a genius of the finest taste, and a patriot of the noblest and most extensive views." And bishop Burnet says, *' he was very learned in his own profession, APPENDIX, 167 witli a g^reat deal more learning in other profes- sions ; in divinity, pliilosophy, and liistory. He had a great capacity for business, with an (Extra- ordinary temper ; so that he had all the patience and softness, as well as thje justice and equity, becoming a great magistrate. " Lord Somers was an industrious collector of tracts and manuscripts. Most of the latter were destroyed by a fire in Lincoln's Inn in 1752. The former were republished some years back under the superintendence of Sir Walter Scott. 2. — Don John of Ansfria, A natural son of the emperor Charles V, and a distinguished military commander of the sixteenth century, gained the famous battle of Lepanto, in which upwards of 20,000 Turks perished, took Tunis and Biserta, and afterwards, in the Nether- lands, beat the allied armies at Gemblours, in 1578. He died the same year, aged 32. 3. — The Duke of Parma. Alexander l^'arnese, duke of Parma and Placentia, the son of Octavius Farnese, duke of Parma, and Margaret, natural dau^.hter of the emperor Charles v., was present, at the a;;e of ei<;hteen, at the battle of Lepanto, under Don John of Austria. He was appointed, in 1578, governor of the 168 APPENDIX. Netherlands, where his military achievements were most brilliant. He was wounded and died at Arras, in 1592, aged 46. 4. — Henry of Lorraine^ Due de Guise, Surnamed Balafre (from a wound in the cheek), *' one of the handsomest, wittiest, most coura- geous, and eloquent men of his time," but of ambitious and turbulent disposition, was the eldest son of Francis, duke of Guise, and born in 1550. As soon as he was able to bear arms, he served in Hungary and in France, and gave un- questionable proofs of his valour and capacity. He commanded the rear-guard at the battle of Jarnac, 1569, and at Chateau Thierry received the wound which caused him to be afterwards known by the designation of Balafre (gashed in the face). He married Catherine of Cleves, after which, he placed himself at the head of the army of the celebrated league projected by his uncle, the cardinal of Lorraine. His successes appear to have induced him to demand of Henry III. of France, unreasonable returns for his services : he was ordered to quit Paris, but soon re-entered in triumph, and compelled the king to fly from his capital. Henry now resorted to the base resolu- tion of causing his assassination : under pretence of adjusting their differences, he appointed to meet the duke at Blois, where he was murdered m \PPKND1X. 169 on entering th- room in whicli \he king held his court, Dee. 23, 1588, aged 38. 5. — Charles Due de lionrhou^ Constable of France, horn 1489, Was the third of his name, and as eminent for his military talents as Ibr his errors and misfortunes. The hatred of the mother of Francis 1, and a long' succession of indignities, induced him to swerve from his loyalty to his king and relative. He corresponded with the emperor Charles V, the enemy of France, whom he engaged to assist in an 'nvasion of the kingdom. The king was apprised of this treason hy two of the constable's attendants, but disbelieving the possibility of such basen(>ss, refused to arrest him. He crossed the Rhone into Italy, and was in the action in whi(h the Imperials attacked the French troops in the Milanese, and subsequently in that in which the French king was defeated at Pavia. Bourbon had, in 152G, the command of the Imperial army, and marching against the Papal territories, he led his troops to the gates of Rome, which he assaulted on three different sides. The assail- ants were at first repulsed ; and Bourbon, in the act of rallying them, received a musket-ball, as he was mounting a scaling-ladder in the trenches. His death, he felt, was certain ; but he ordered z 170 APPENDIX, bis body to be covered with a cloak, to conceal the disaster from his army, and thus died, in May 1527, a^ed 38. 6. — Ann de Montmorenci, Peer, Marshal, and Constable of France, horn 1493, Was one of the greatest generals of the I5th cen- tury. In 1512, he successfully defended the city of Menziers against the emperor Charles V; and in 1525, he was taken prisoner with king Francis I. at the battle of Pavia, which was fought contrary to his advice. He was made constable of France, in 1538, and afterwards ex- perienced various revolutions of fortune, both at court and in the field. He died of a wound received at the battle of St. Denis, on the 12th Nov. 1567, aged 74. Being covered with blood and wounds, a cordelier offered to prepare him for death, but he replied in a firui voice, " Do you think that a man who has lived nearly eighty years with honour, has not learned to die for a quarter of an hour ?" 7. — Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton, Was brother to Thomas, duke of Norfolk, and son of the earl of Surrey, beheaded by Henry APPENDIX. 171 VJll. He was mado earl of Northampton and lord-treasurer by king James 1. It is believed of this nobleman that he was privy to the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury ; independently of which his character will bear but little scrutiny. He favoured the entrance of the Jesuits into this kingdom, and avowed, in a letter under his own hand, that he was a Protestant only in show, while his heart was with the Catholics. He died in 1G13, constable of Dover Castle, and Warden of the Cinque Ports, Lord Privy Seal, and chan- cellor of the university of Cambridge. His ma- lignancy may be inferred from his declaring that " he would be content to be damned perpetually in hell, to be revenged of that proud Welchman, Sir Richard Mansel." He built Northumber- land House, in the Strand, first called Northamp- ton House, and afterwards Suffolk House. 8. — Francis, Due de Guise, The father of Henry, due de Guise (of whom see No. 4.) Of the life of the elder duke, nothing that is remarkable is related. 9. — Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, Was born in the reign of Henry VIII, the son of a Welch knight, and bred to arms. In the 5th 172 APPENDIX. Edward Vi, he first distinguished himself by quelling an insurrection in Wiltshire. In 1551, he was created earl of Pembroke, and he became one of the most powerful noblemen of his time, taking an active part in public affairs, both as a statesman arid a soldier. In 1553, he performed the signal service to queen M ary, of surrounding and taking prisoners, Sir Thos. Wyalt and four thousand of his followers. It is recorded of this nobleman that, at about this period, he rode to his mansion of Baynard Castle," with three hun- dred horsemen in his retinue, of whom one hun- dred were gentlemen in plain blue cloth, with chains of gold, and badges of a dragon on their sleeves."— He died on the I7th March, 1569-70 (11th of Elizabeth), and was buried in St. Paul's on the 8th April following, with such magnifi- cence, that the mourning given at his funeral cost the very large sum, at that period, of £2,000.* 10. — John Dudley, duke of Northum- berland, Was the son of Edmund Dudley, executed in 1510. He was restored to his inheritance about 1514, by Henry VIII, who created him lord * Stowe. b APPKNDIX. 178 Dudley and viscount Lisle, and honoured him with command as well by se.i as by land, lie distinguished himself by his valour and prudence, and was in consequence elevated tothe title of earl of Warwick. For further particulars concernin§^ the life and ignominious death of this nobleman, who was one of the possessors of Knole, see p. U). 11. — Roger Bacon^ coinmonly called Ftiar Bacon ^ b, 1214. A Franciscan friar, of extraordinary genius and learning, was born near Uchester, in Somerset- shire. He studied first at Oxford, and afterwards at Paris, and made rapid progress in scientific attainments. About 1240, he returned to Oxford, and, assuming the Franciscan habit, prosecuted experimental philosophy with unremitting ardour; pure mathematics, astronomy, medicine, che- mistry, and judicial astrology, were discussed by him with extraordinary abi ily. This astonishing progress in sciences which, in that ignorant age, were totally unknown to the rest of mankind, in- stigated the malice and envy of his brother monks, who, propagating the report (and perhaps thinking so) that such knowledge must be the result of supernatural aid, accused him of dealing with the devil. His lectures were stopped ; his writings prohibited ; and he himself, in 1278, 174 APPENDIX. imprisoned in his cell. Here, being allowed books, he continued his studies, corrected his former labours, and wrote several curious pieces. At the expiration of ten years, being- then seventy-four years old, he was released by order of pope Jerome, and he died in 1294, aged 80. Such are the few particulars which are known of this wonderful man, who shone in his age like a single bright star in a dark hemisphere. 12. — John Wickliffe, the Reformer, Was born in 1324, in the bishopric of Durham, and educated at Merton College, Oxford ; of which, by the seculars of the society, he was chosen principal. This choice was opposed by the monks, who, appealing to the papal authority, caused WicklifFe and his party to quit the col- lege. He retired to a living which he had at Lutterworth, in Leicestershire, and here com- menced an enquiry concerning the pope's autho- rity in temporal matters, and urged his arguments both in writing and preaching. His doctrines were in some degree countenanced at the time both by king and nobles, and they may be con- sidered as prefatory to those of Luther, one hun- dred and fifty years afterwards, which achieved the Reformation. Finding that his doctrines were gaining ground, Simon Sudbury, archbishop APPENDIX. 175 of Canterbury, assembled a council at Lambeth, and cited WicklifFe to appear. He obeyed,* being accompanied by the duke of Lancaster, to whose presence, and the known support of other noblemen, he is supposed to have owed his acquittal. The pope urged further proceedings; but the English churchmen, knowing the influ- ence by which WicklifFe was likely to be sup- ported, contented themselves with enjoining his future silence. He died at Lutterworth in 1384. 13. — Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Win- chester, and Chancellor of England, Was born at Bury St. Edmund's, in 1483. He was natural son to Richard Woodville,-}- a bro- ther of Elizabeth, queen of Edward IV. His mother married a servant named Gardiner, from whom he took his name. He was educated at Cambridge, and afterwards became secretary to cardinal Wolsey. In this capacity, he drew up the treaty of alliance with Francis I, and having attracted the notice of Henry VIII, he was sub- * This scene is represented in a fine painting, called the " Citation of Wickliffe," from which a beautiful print has been taken. t According to some authorities, to Dr. Lionel Wood- ville, bishop of Salisbury, brother of Richard. 176 APPENDIX. sequently scid to Kome to nogociate the king's divorce from Katharine of Arragon, On his re- turn, he was made archdeacon of Norfolk, and soon afterwards secretary of state. He obtained the consent of the university of Cambridge to the king's divorce, and, as a recompense, was raised to the rich see of Winchester. He introduced Cranmer to Henry Vlll. In 1533, he went ambassador to France ; and on his return he wrote his treatise " De Vera et Falsa Obedientia," in favour of the king's supremacy, a doctrine which he himself afterwards refused to conform to, for which he was imprisoned during the greater part of the reign of Edward VI. By queen Mary he was at once released, and made chancellor ; after which, until his death, he became the sanguinary tool of that queen's bigotry and vengeance. He died at Whitehall, in 1555, aged 72, expressing great remorse on his death-bed, and exclaiming frequently, " Erravi cum Petro, sed non flevi cum Petro"- — I have sinned with Peter, but I have not wept with Peter. 14. — Sir James Wiiford Was knighted by the Protector Somerset, in 1547. He vs^as distinguished as a military commander, for his gallant defence of Haddington, New k APPENDIX. 177 Brunswick, against tho French and Scots ; but little more is known of him. 15. — Geovfje Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, Was descended from the ancient family of that name, and born at Brougham Castle, in West- moreland, in 1558. He was educated at Cam- bridge ; after leaving which, he fitted out a small fleet, for discovery or plunder, and distin- guished himself in annoying the Spanish armada, and afterwards in plundering their settlements. He was a noted cavalier at tilts and tournaments, on which occasions he wore on his high-crowned hat a glove, ornamented with diamonds, given to him by queen Elizabeth ; he was also a des- peirate horse-racer. When the gallant Sir Henry Lee resigned the office of champion, her majesty conferred the honour on the earl of Cumberland ;* the armour he wore is said to be now preserved in Appleby Castle. He lived with Margaret, his countess, with cold reserve, and died in the Savoy in 1605, leaving one daughter, Anne, afterwards married to Richard, earl of Dorset, * For many entertaining particulars, see *' Walpole's Memoirs." 2 A 178 APPENDIX. 16. — John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester. This learned and pious prelate, and virtuous man, was born at Beverley, in Yorkshire, in 1459. His father, a merchant, died at an early age, and the mother sent her son, first to Beverley school, and thence to Cambridge, where he became fellow of Trinity College, and in 1495, proctor of the university. He was elected to be confessor to Margaret, countess of Richmond, mother of king Henry VII, and was subse- quently made bishop of Rochester, in which dig- nity he died, having constantly refused to change it for wealthier preferment — " he would never** he said, " quit his old wife, for one that was richer." He distinguished himself, from con- scientious motives, as an opponent of Luther, disputed the king's supremacy, and sided with the queen on the divorce question. He denied the king's supremacy in convocation, in 1531, and refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the king and his heirs by Ann Boleyn, he was com- mitted to the Tower, subsequently tried and found guilty of high treason, and was beheaded, 22nd June, 1535, APPENDIX. 179 17. — Tliomas Cranmer, Archbishop oJCan- terhury, Was the son of Thomas Cranmer, Esq. of Aslac- lon, Notts, where he was born in 1489. At the age of fourteen, he was admitted of Jesus College, Cambridge, of which he afterwards became a fellow ; but vacated his fellowship and quitted the college, on his marriage. Aftei death of his wife, he was re-admitted. He took the degree of D.D., and was made the logical lec- turer and examiner. While the plague raged at Cambridge, he retired to a relative's at Waltham Abbey, and here he met Fox, the king's almoner, and Gardiner, secretary to Wolsey. Discussing the question of the validity of the king's mar- riage with Katharine, he expressed his opinion that the point at issue was simply this, " whether or not a man may marry his brother's wife." This was reported to the king, who exclaimed, " this fellow has got the right sow by the ear," sent for Cranmer to court, and made him one of his chaplains. He composed a vindication of the intended divorce, and was sent to France, Italy, and Germany, to promote the king's views. During this journey, he married a second wife. In 15-J-J, he returned lo England, and was consecrated archbishjop of Canterbury. In the 180 APPENDIX. ensuing year, he pronounced the sentence of di- vorce between Henry and Katharine, and married the king to Ann Boleyn. Being at the head of the church, he now ex- erted himself in the business of the Reformation ; the Bible was translated into English and mo- nasteries dissolved, chiefly by his means. In 1536, he divorced the king from Ann Boleyn. He afterwards endeavoured to abolish the super- stitious observance of holidays, and he spoke three days in the House of Lords against the san- guinary Act of the Six Articles ; and though it then passed, he, in 1542, succeeded in moderating its rigour by an act of his own. After Lord Cromwell's death, he retired into privacy ; but the king continued his protection to him, and at his death appointed him one of the executors to his will, and one of the regents of the kingdom. In 1546, he crowned Edward VI., during whose short reign he promoted the Reformation to the utmost of his power, and was particularly instrumental in establishing the Liturgy and the thirty-nine articles. He first opposed lady Jane Grey, but at length, from importunity, favoured her pretensions. For this, and his well-known religious principles, he was,^ on queen Mary's accession, committed to the Tower, and in the ensuing parliament attainted and found guilty of high-treason. In April, 1554, he was removed APPENDIX. 1^1 to Oxford, with Kidiey and l.alimer, who had been also convicted, and here, after the most ag- gravated insult, he was thrown into a dungeon, where, from promises held out to him, he was flattered and frightened into a written recantation of the Protestant faith. This was circulated throughout the kingdom, in order to degrade h'un ; but the vengeance of the Romanists did not stop here : on the 24th February, 1556, a writ was signed for his being burned at the stake, and on the 24th March he was so executed, near Baliol college, Oxford. Dr. Cole preached a funeral sermon over him in St. Mary's church, the un- happy Cranmer being placed on a kind of stage next the pulpit. At the end of the sermon, he was desired to make a public profession of his faith, which he did in the most emphatic manner, renouncing the Pope as Antichrist, and proclaim- ing himself a true Protestant, and denying the truth of the paper written by his hand contrary to the thoughts of his heart. After this he was hurried to execution, and, being fastened to the stake, he first thrust into the flames the hand which had signed the recantation, crying out fre- quently *' this hand hath offended, this unworthy right hand," and died calmly and resolutely, with his eyes raised towards heaven, and exclaiming, ** Lord Jesu, receive my spirit !" 182 APPENDIX. His character has been equally the subject of exag-gerated praise and of undeserved censure. The worst fealure in it is, that he was himself intolerant in religious matters ; for, as to the charge against him of concurring too readily in the unjustifiable measures of Henry VIII. against his wives, it should not be forgotten that, consi- dering the circumstance to which he owed his first footing at court, but little independence could be expected from him on such a subject. Of his death. Dr. Southey says, " of all the mar- tyrdoms during this great persecution, this was, in all its circumstances, the most injurious to the Romish cause." 18. — Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, Is said to have been the son of a blacksmith at Putney, where he was born in 1480. He was a man of no learning, but of strong natural abili- ties, improved by travelling and observation. He was patronized by Cardinal Wolsey, by whom he was introduced to Henry VIII., who thought so favourably of him as to raise him to the earldom of Essex, and to appoint him lord-chamberlain and vicar-general. He employed his power in promoting the Reformation : he was the chief in- strument of the suppression of monasteries, and APPENDIX. 183 the destruction of ima APPENDIX. 203 Spanish armada. In 1595, he was associated with Sir John Hawkins, on an expedition to the West Indies, during which he expired off Porto Bello, on the 28th January 1590. 32. — Thomas Howard, Earl oj' Suffolk, Was the youngest son of Thomas, duke of Norfolk, beheaded in the reign of Elizabeth. He was created earl of Suffolk at the accession of James I. ; soon afterwards, lord-chamberlain ; and at length, lord-high-treasurer. He was convicted before the star-chamber of gross and corrupt peculation in his office, and other misdemeanors, for which he was dismissed, fined, and imprisoned. 33. — Admiral Blake, Robert Blake was the son of a merchant at Bridgewater, in Somersetshire, where he was born, in August 1589. He was entered of Oxford university in 1615, where he took a degree. About 1640, he was returned by the puritan party for Bridgewater, and he served with the parliament army against Charles 1. ; but when the king was brought to trial, he condemned the measure as illegal. In 1648-9, being then sixty years of age, he was shifted from a military to a naval life, being appointed by Cromwell to com- 204 APPENDIX. mand the fleet, in conjunction with Dean and Popham. He soon made himself formidable in his new capacity ; blocked up prince Maurice and prince Rupert in Kinsale harbour, and afterwards following them from port to port, at last attacked them in that of Malaga, and nearly destroyed their whole fleet. In 1652, Blake was appointed sole admiral, when his first exploit was to reduce the isle of Guernsey, which, until then, had held out for the king. In the ensuing year, the Dutch having declared against the commonwealth of England, he defeated their fleet, commanded by Van Tromp, Ruyter, and De Wit, in three several engage- ments, with great loss ; and at length quite crip- pled their naval power, by a complete victory gained over them in June 1652, off Calais. In November 1654, he sailed with a strong fleet up the Mediterranean, and in December entered the road of Cadiz, where he was treated with all imaginable respect by the Dutch and French squadrons. The Algerines, too, conciliated his favour by presents and concessions, and most of the piratical states stood in awe of his name. The Dey of Tunis alone set him at defiance, refused all satisfaction for piracies committed on the English, and even denied Blake the liberty of taking in fresh water. " Here," said he, " are our castles of Goletta and Porto Ferino ; do your ^ ¥ APPENDIX. 205 worst." Blake, thus taunted, deliberately de- molished these fortresses, and converting nine of the enemy's own vessels into fire-ships, destroyed their fleet in the harbour. This daring action rendered his name formidable throughout Africa and Asia ; the governments of Malta and Tripoli made restitution of effects taken by their priva- teers from the English, and most of the states of Italy sent friendly embassies to Cromwell. The Spaniards too, had soon reason to stand in awe of the name of Blake, who chased and burnt their ships wherever he found them. Finding at length that the Spanish plate fleet had put into the bay of Santa Cruz, he weighed anchor, with twenty- five men-of-war, on the 13th April 1657 : and on the 20th discovered sixteen Spanish ships in the bay, ranged in the form of a half-moon, defended by a strong castle, and seven forts, with a line of communication manned by musketeers. Notwith- standinfif these advantages, Blake burnt or sunk all the ships of the Spanish fleet, and by a fortu- nate change of wind came out without loss. This was the admiral's last exploit : he was now nearly seventy years of age, and his constitution, weakened by hard service, yielded before a com- plicated attack of dropsy and scurvy. He sailed for England, and died as he was entering Ply- mouth sound, August 27, 1G57. He was, by Cromwell's order, buried with 206 APPENDIX. great magnificence in Henry the Seventh's chapel, in Westminster abbey ; whence, however, his body was pitifully expelled at the Restoration, and thrown into a pit in St. Margaret's church- yard. 34. — Sir John Norris. A military leader of the reign of Elizabeth, who distinguished himself against the prince of Parma in the Low Countries, and subsequently in the unsuccessful attempt to place Don Antonio on the throne of Portugal. 35. — Richard Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury. This prelate was born at Farn worth, Lancashire, in 1544, and studied at Cambridge, where he took his degrees of B. A., M. A., and D. D. After several gradations of church preferment, he was, in 1597, made chaplain to archbishop Whitgift, and in the same year appointed bishop of London. In 1600, he was sent by queen Eli- zabeth to settle some differences between the English and the Danes. He also strongly sup- ported the secular priests against the Jesuits; which, together with his violent invectives against the puritans, obtained him the favour of the i I ¥ * APPENDIX. 207 church party, and his promotion lo the see of London. Bancroft enjoyed queen Elizabeth's favour, and attended her during her last illness. At the commencement of James's reign, he was one of the chief commissioners on behalf of the church, at the famous Hampton-court conference between the bishops and the presbyterian ministers, and took a leading part in the disputations. On the death of Whitgift, in 1603, Bancroft was ad- vanced to the see of Canterbury, and in 1610, he succeeded the earl of Dorset as chancellor of Oxford. He died in 1612, at Lambeth palace, and left his library to his successors for ever. He was a strict disciplinarian, a powerful preacher and speaker, of high moral courage, and pos- sessed of sound and extensive learning. 36. — William, first Prince of Orange, Was born about the year 1533. He was among the first to head the insurrection in the Low Countries, which eventually succeeded in throw- ing off the yoke of the Spanish government. He fell by the hand of an assassin, in 1584, said to have been instigated to the deed by the court of Spain. 208 APPENDIX. 37. — Thomas Rat cliffy Earl of Sussex, The son of Henry RatclifF, earl of Sussex, a general in the army of queen Mary. The son is not prominent in English history ; the chief pub- lic events in which he distinguished himself being, first, the negociation of the marriage articles between queen Elizabeth and John of Austria, which is supposed to have been mere illusion, to conceal other projects ; and secondly, when he had the command of the English army against the Scots. This nobleman, however, was remarkable for political ability and penetration, as well as for military talent ; and there is reason to believe that his opinions had great weight with the queen's council, in many very important events. Many of his letters are preserved in the various collec- tions, in which he advises on measures connected with Scotland, France, and the Low Countries. S8,^Sir Walter Mildmay, Knt. Was a younger son of Thomas Mildmay, esq., of Moulsham, Essex, educated at Christ's college, Cambridge, and became chancellor of the Ex- chequer in the reign of Elizabeth. He was eminent in literature, and a patron of learning. APPENDIX. 209 Emanuel college, Cambridge, was founded by him, and he conferred donations on Christ' s-college. He died in 1589. 39. — Erasmus, This celebrated writer was born at Rotterdam, in 1467. He published an edition of the New Tes- tament in 1516, being the first time it was printed in Greek, and many learned works, philological and religious. He died at Basil in 1536, and was buried in the cathedral there. He is generally considered to have been the most learned man of the age in which he lived ; and he certainly con- tributed, both by his example and his writings, to the revival of literature in Europe. 40. — Isabella of the Low Countries, Isabella Clara Eugenia, governess of the Nether- lands, was the daughter of Philip II. of Spain, and of his second wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry II. of France. During the life-time of Philip, she was contracted to Albert, archduke of Austria, son of the emperor Maximilian, and appointed to the government of the Low Coun- tries. The marriage was solemnized, and the appointment confirmed, shortly after the accession of Philip III ; and they made a sumptuous entry into Brussels, in September 1599, when the mag- 2e 210 APPENDIX. nificence of their court, and the adoption of Spanish manners, occasioned some dissatisfaction. To Albert was entrusted the conduct of the war against the Dutch, commanded by Prince Mau- rice. On one occasion, the troops having been ordered to assemble at Bruges, in order to march against the Dutch, some murmurs arose respecting the irregularity of their pay. As they passed near Ghent, Isabella, mounted on horseback, went out to meet and harangue them, and as they com- plained of the above-mentioned circumstance, she declared, that rather than their demands should not be satisfied, she would expose to sale her plate and jewels, and deliver up to them the funds appropriated to the support of her court and ser- vants. Albert, at the same time putting himself at their head, declared he would share their for- tunes. The appeal was successful, and (he battle of Minport, fought July 1600, against the Dutch, followed, in which, however, Albert was defeated and wounded. This battle decided the independ- ence of Holland, though the war still continued. Albert next laid seige to Ostend, which he took after more than one hundred thousand men on both sides had been sacrificed. A truce was concluded in 1609 for twelve years, before the expiration of which Albert died, in 1629. m Isabella appears to have been a woman of mascu- line spirit, but her government was mild, and she was much beloved. f APPENDIX. 211 41. — Melancthon and Pomeranus, Melancthon, a fellow-labourer, and attached friend of Luther's, was Greek professor at the university of Wittenberg". Pomeranus was also a contri- butor to the great work of the Reformation, and was one who assisted in the translation of the Scriptures. 4*2. — John UiAss, Reformer and Martyr, Was born at Huss, in Bohemia. He became professor of divinity in the university of Prague, and pastor of the church in that city ; and was distinguished for remarkable erudition and elo- quence. He adopted the sentiments of Wickliffe; and about 1407, began to preach openly against the corruptions of the church, and the flagrant errors of the sacerdotal order. The resentment of the clergy was soon inflamed against him ; but Huss persevered in recommending the writings and opinions of Wicklifle, and in denouncing the despotism of the church of Rome. In 1410, sentence of excommunication was passed against him ; after which, as he still boldly persisted in the promulgation of his tenets, he was summoned to appear before the council of Constance. The emperor Sigismund guaranteed him safe conduct 212 ' APPENDIX. to and from the council, and he therefore did not hesitate to appear before it ; but, by a most scan- dalous breach of faith, the promise of safe con- duct was disregarded, he was cast into prison by the council, declared a heretic, and burnt alive in 1415. He endured his fate with extraordinary magnanimity and firmness. His writings were burnt with him ; but copies of most of them were preserved, and afterwards published. His fol- lowers, after his death, broke out into open war, which lasted for many years, with horrible bar- barities on both sides. 43. — Rodolphus Agricola, Was one of the most learned scholars of the fifteenth century, and the immediate forerunner and prototype of the great Erasmus. He was born near Groningen, in Friesland, in 1443, and died in 1485, aged forty-two, leaving many works on classical literature, far superior to those of any of his contemporaries. He was, besides, a skilful practitioner of music and painting. He did not interfere towards the Reformation ; but he seems to have foreseen that a crisis was ap- roaching. APPENDIX. 2\-i 44. — The Duke of' Alvarez. Of whom we can find nothing-, unless he was the Portuguese traveller of that name, who died in 1540. 45. — Ninon de L'Enclos, Ninon de L'Enclos was born in 161G, and was the only child of a gentleman of Touraine, of a noble but not rich family. Her father, a professed philosopher of the epicurean school, early in- stilled in his daughter the principles which he had made the rule of his own life; thus preparing her to be what she afterwards became : his last words to her were, " be more scrupulous in the choice than in the number of your pleasures." Left an orphan at an early age, with a moderate inde- pendence, she came to Paris, and purchased a house, which became the resort of the most dis- tinguished personages, of both sexes. " The only house," says a contemporary writer, " where the guests dared depend on their talents and acquire- ments, and where whole days could be passed without gambling and without ennui." The house was in the Rue des Tournelles, quartier de Marne, then the most fashionable part of the capital, and where the hotels of some of the most 214 APPENDIX. distinguished nobility of the court of Louis XIV. were situated. The hotel of Ninon (inhabited in 1830 by Signor Barbieri), is still in perfect preservation, and is ornamented with allegorical devices, supposed to be the work of Mignard and le Brun. In this house she resided sixty years, and here she died when ninety years of age. The house must be an object of interest to all who think of the illustrious personages who visited it. Amongst many other objects which attract attention, the spot is traditionally pointed out where Moliere read to her many of his most celebrated pieces. Though the fortune of Ninon was moderate, she rejected every offer of splendid dependance, even from royal power and devoted friendship. Madame de Maintenon made her repeated offers of liberal provision, which she declined. Chris- tina of Sweden was so unwilling to part with her, that she used every means to prevail on Ninon to accompany her to Rome and reside in her palace ; but Ninon preferred her house and society in the Rue des Tournelles. That she was disinterested and honourable, is proved by the following anec- dotes. She was found at her toilet by the noblest of her lovers, curling her hair with the contract of marriage and bond for four thousand louis, which he had given her the night before ; " Cela doit vous faire voir,'* said she to him, " quel cas APPENDIX. 215 je fais des promesses de jeunes etourdis comme vous, et combien vous vous compromettriez avec unefemme capable de profiler devos folies." When de Gourville was driven into exile, he left with her one half of his fortune : the other half he confided to the grand penitencier, who, on the return of Gourville, aflfected to have forgotten the transaction, and threatened his friend with unpleasant consequences should he persist in his demand. Deceived by the churchman, he did not think of applying- to Ninon, who he imagined more likely to have spent his money. She sent for him, and when they met, said, " I have to reproach myself deeply on your account ; a great misfortune has happened to me during your ab- sence, for which I have to solicit your pardon." Gourville thought this of course related to his deposit. " I have lost the inclination I had for you," continued she, " but 1 have not lost my memory ; here are the twenty thousand crowns you entrusted to my care ; take the casket in which they are, and let us live for the future as friends." This extraordinary woman retained her charms to an advanced period of life. At fifty-seven years of age she made the conquest of the marquis de Sevigne, so humourously immortalized by his mother ; she was upwards of sixty when the chevalier de Villiers fell upon his sword, on dis- 216 APPENDIX. coverings the object of his passion to be his mother ; at seventy, she achieved the conquest of the baron de Bernier, of the royal family of Sweden, and at eighty that of the abbe Gedoyn, a young Jesuit. St. Kvremond says of her, — " L'indulgente et sage nature A formee Tame de Ninon De la volupte d' epicure, Et de la vertu de Caton." She was good-tempered, liberal, witty, and highly accomplished ; and old age found her in possession of all that had rendered her faults en- durable — her benevolence, her philosophy and her intellect. *' If," she was wont to say, " one could believe that in dying one was going to talk with old friends, it would be sweet to die." In the last hour of her struggle with life, she composed the following lines : — " Qu'un vain espoire ne vienne pas offrir, Qui puisse ebranler mon courage ; Je suis en age de mourir, Que ferais-je ici d'avantage ?" Some of Ninon's letters to St. Evremond, which are found in the works of that author, and have been published separately in the *' Lettres des Femmes C^lebres," are the only authentic memorials of her pen. APPENDIX. 217 46. — The Countess of Desmond, Another veteran beauty, who lived to upwards of one hundred years of age. She was the wife of the once-potent Irish earl of Desmond, who sided with the Yorkists during the contentions of the houses of York and Lancaster, and lost an enor- mous property in the cause. 47. — Luther, Martin Luther, one of the most intrepid and suc- cessful of religious reformers, was the son of a German miner, and born at Eisteben, in Saxony, Nov. 10th, 1484. He was educated for the law ; but he suddenly became an Augustine friar, and was for a time distinguished by his zeal for the Roman Catholic faith. A tour which he made to Rome, in 1510, first opened his eyes to the cor- ruptions of that church ; and the writings ofHuss added further conviction. In 1512, being then professor of divinity in the university of Wittem- berg, he began to propagate his new opinions in his public lectures ; and, as he possessed an ar- dent imagination, considerable eloquence, and, above all, a purity of character in strict accord- ance with his doctrines, his audiences were soon large and influential. A host of opponents, of 2f 218 APPENDIX. course, rose against him, by whom he, was de- nounced as a heretic ; but he went fearlessly for- ward, discussing the subjects of indulgences, the sacraments, laws divine and human, the nature of vows, &c. The court of Rome at first treated the whole matter with contempt ; but at length, finding that the new doctrines were really becoming popular, Luther was summoned by pope Leo X. to appear before him. On the interposition, however, of the elector of Saxony, the matter was referred to cardinal Cajetan, the pope's legate at Augsburg, who required a recantation of all that had been promulgated. To this, Luther /would not submit, and he was, therefore, advised by his friends to withdraw from Augsburg to Wittemberg. This he consented to ; but, before his departure he ap- pealed, first to the pope, and then to a general council. Incensed at this, Cajetan called upon the elector to deliver him up ; but Frederick de- clined submitting to this injunction, and the death of the emperor Maximilian at this juncture, for- tunately turned, for a time, the attention of Lu- ther's enemies to another object. In the mean- time our reformer, nothing daunted, had begun to express doubts of the divine origin of the pope's authority, and of the legality of the wealth and power of the clergy. The pope now, on the 15th June, 1520, passed sentence of excommunication APPENDIX. 219 agyiiist him as a heretic. Luthor again appealed, denounced the pope and his tyranny, threw the book of the canon-law, and the bull of excommu- nication into the flames, and harangued a great multitude of spectators on the mischievous and wicked tendency of the papal doctrines. The diet of Worms was now called on, through Charles V., the new emperor, forthwith to con- demn Luther to death ; but they refused to do this without first examining him, and sent to require his appearance, all the princes tlirough whose territories he was to pass, promising him a safe conduct. Luther, contrary to the advice of his friends, determined to go. He was received at Worms, by princes, nobles, and persons of all ranks, with distinguished marks of respect. When before the diet, he refused to renounce his opi- nions ; and he was allowed to leave the city in safety, but had not long quitted it, before a de- ' cree was issued, pronouncing him an obstinate heretic, depriving him of all his rights as a sub- ject, and calling upon every one to seize him. His situation now became most critical ; but he was preserved by a stratagem, suggested by his kind friend, the elector of Saxony. Near Alten- strain, he was suddenly surrounded by a body of horsemen in masks, who, dismissing his attend- ants, carried him off to the castle of Wortburg. Here he lay concealed for nine mouths ; and here ^20 APPENDIX. he first prepared his greatest and most useful work — the translation of the Scriptures into the German language. He first published the Gospels of Matthew and Mark : these were followed by the Epistle to the Romans ; and about the end of September 1522, the entire New Testament was in circulation. He next proceeded with the Old Testament, which was completed in 1530. He was now at open war with the pope and the clergy, whom he designated in his works as tyrants and impious persons, and his doctrines continued to advance, in spite of numerous papal edicts issued against him and his disciples. About the end of the year 1524, Luther re- signed his monk's gown, and in June 1525, he married. He was most happy in this union, and continued still to be as zealously active as ever in the great cause. The Reformation had now taken deep root; and Luther's chief solicitude was, to exhort and advise the princes and states that had adopted his doctrines, and to publish such works as might confute his opponents, and en- courage his friends. In 1535, his version of the Bible, in German, was first published. About 1538, pope Pius III., finding that pro- testants could not be compelled to retract their opinions, began to talk of a reform of the church. This was ridiculed by Luther, who continued to write against the prevalent corruptions with un- APPENDIX. 221 flinching intrepidity and perseverance, until his death, which happened in the year 154G. He was interred with high honours : princes, nobles, and students attended the procession, and the fu- neral oration was delivered by his attached friend and fellow-labourer, Melancthon. Luther reduced the number of sacraments to two ; he also exploded the adoration of the host, auricular confession, indulgences, purgatory, the worship of images, the Romish fasts, monastic vows, the celibacy of the clergy, and other errors of the church of Rome. 48. — Philip, Count de Home ; One of the leaders of the insurrection in the Low Countries against the oppressive government of the Spaniards. The contest occupied the arms of Spain for nearly half a century, and was in the end successful ; but the count de Home and count Egmont falling into the hands of the unrelenting duke of Alva, were put to death in an early part of the struggle. 49. — Lord George SackviUe — aj'tericards, Sackviile^Germaine — and eventually, Vis- count SackviUe. This nobleman, of somewhat unfortunate reputation in his day, was named after his godfiUhcr, king 222 APPENDIX. George I. He was educated at Westminster and the university of Dublin. In 1737, he entered the army ; and in 1740, was lieutenant-colonel of the 28th foot. He was at the battles of Dettingen and Fontenoy, and is admitted to have signalized himself in both. He also served with the duke of Cumberland in Scotland, during the rebellion of 1745 and 46, and abroad in 47-48. In 1749, he was promoted to the colonelcy of the 12th dragoons, and soon after to the command of the horse-cari- bineers in Ireland. He became major-general in 1755 ; colonel of the 2nd drago()n-guards and lieutenant-general of the ordnance in 1757 ; and soon afterwards lieutenant-general of his majesty's forces, and a member of the privy-council. For some time he commanded a division of the army encamped near Chatham, and it is related of him that, being solicited by the celebrated Whitfield for permission to address the soldiers, he acceded to the request, by the following laconic reply : " Tell the gentleman from me, that he may preach anything he pleases to them that is not against the articles of war." In 1759, on the death of the duke of Marl- borough, Lord George Sackville succeeded him in the command of the British forces in Germany, under prince Frederick of Brunswick, general- issimo of the allied army in the pay of Great Britain, and was placed at the head of the cavalry APPENDIX. 223 in the battle of Minden. During the action, the allied infantry having thrown the enemy into some disorder, prince Ferdinand sent orders for Lord George to advance ; but his instructions were mis- understood, and the cavalry did not come in for any share of the action. The next day, in the general orders issued by the commander-in-chief. Lord George was by implication deeply censured. He immediately returned to England, where he was at once ignominiously dismissed from all his employments. He demanded a court-martial, the sentence of which was, that he was " unfit for mi- litary command." This sentence was confirmed by the king, who moreover ordered the name of lord George Sackville to be struck out of the list of privy-councillors. Nevertheless, it is difficult to believe in the justice of the sentence, which many persons, even at that time, did not hesitate to stig- matise as iniquitous. Anything like proof of cowardice was certainly never established ; indeed the evidence would rather substantiate an accusa- tion of rashness, and his lordship's previous mili- tary services, during which he had on several oc- casions so distinguished himself as to cause his rapid promotion, would seem to be an answer to so base a charge as that of holding back through fear. That the prince's order to advance, however, was not obeyed, is certain ; the answer to which is, that not having been sufficiently precise to be intelli- ¥ 2*24 APPENDIX. gib]e, it was not intentionally 6?mbeyed. It is now generally believed, that lord George Sack- ville was treated harshly by his brother officers, either to gratify a pique of prince Ferdinand's, from party spirit, which ran high at the time, or from other motives now inscrutable. One of the first acts of king George III., after his accession, was to recal lord George to court ;* which step, taken at a period when the whole case was fresh in the public memory, must certainly be consi- dered as a virtual repeal of a verdict delivered only a few months before. In 1761, his lordship was returned to parlia- ment for Hythe, in Kent. In 1770, he succeeded to considerable property under the will of his aunt, lady Betty Germaine, and he then took the name of Germaine, in accordance with her desire. He had previously been elected M. P. for East Grinstead, which he represented from 1768 until 1782. In 1775, he was admitted into the administration, and was, in succession, joint vice-treasurer of Ireland, first lord of trade and plantations, and secretary of state for the colonies. In this latter capacity, he strenuously supported the American war. On the dissolution of the ad- ministration of which he was a member, he was raised to the peerage by the title of viscount Sack- * See North Britain, No. 45. APPENDIX. 225 ville and baron Bolebroke. On his taking his seat among the peers, the Minden affair was again brought forward, and a motion made that his lordship's elevation " was an insufferable in- dignity to that house." On a division, however, it was rejected by ninety-three to twenty-eight votes. His lordship was not distinguished by extraor- dinary ability, but he was a powerful speaker, and took a decided and conspicuous part in parlia- ment on several occasions, with great plausibility and address. He is supposed to have owed his elevation to the zeal with which he supported the contest with America. Of his speaking, a con- temporary says, " his manner is peculiar ; his style nervous and manly ; his language elegance itself; and his observations pointed, sententious, and convincing." He has been named amongst the supposed authors of Junius ; but this was denied by himself, and there is little to favour the supposition. His lordship married Diana, second daughter and co-heir of John Sambroke, esq. He died in 1785. 50. — Miss Steicart. Frances Theresa Stewart was the elder of two I daughters of Walter, lord Blanlyre, u peer of Scotland. Immediately on her introduction at 2g 226 APPENDIX. court, she became maid of honour to Catherine of Braganza,andthe darling- intimate of the countess of Castlemain, afterwards duchess of Cleveland, who endeavoured, by strange artifices, to inspire the king- with a passion for her, in order, as con- jectured by Grammont, to turn attention from her own amours, or to prevent his forming an attach- ment to others more likely to interfere with her views. The king became violently enamoured ; the young lady repelled his attacks on her honour, and Charles is supposed to have felt a real attach- ment for her. This passion led him into several singular, but inoffensive extravagances ; among these, a gold medal appeared, doubtless by his order, representing on the front his own bust, and on the reverse a portrait of the idolized fair in the character of Minerva. This figure was soon afterwards transferred to the copper coin of the realm, on which it now appears, unaltered in general appearance, as the emblematical figure and bearing the inscription of Britannia. A rumour gained credit, that Charles intended to divorce his queen and marry this lady ; who, in order to preserve her reputation and avoid the king's importunities, encouraged the honourable addresses of Charles Lenox, duke of Richmond, to whom she was married in 1669, having left Whitehall privately after much opposition and vex- ation. Clarendon fell under the displeasure of APPENDIX. 227 Charles, for having, as his enemies informed the king, contributed to this marriage. The duchess of Richmond survived her husband, who left her childless, and having- remained a widow thirty years, died in 1702, possessed of considerable wealth, which she bequeathed to her great nephew, Alexander, fifth lord Blantyre. 51. — Countess of Shrewsbury. Anna Maria, daughter of Robert Brudenel, second earl of Cardigan, wife of Francis Talbot, eleventh earl of Shrewsbury. Her husband was killed in a duel with her paramour, George Villiers, second Duke of Buckingham. She is said to have held the duke's horse, in the disguise of a page, while he shed her husband's life-biood ; and other circumstances are related of her conduct immediately after the combat, too horrible and disgusting- to be repeated. The orphan earl, who was born in 1666, received his name from his sponsor, Charles II. He was seven years of age at the time of his father's death. During- the minority of himself and brother, a petition was presented to the king, imploring justice on Buckingham, touching smartly upon the duke's scandalous behaviour, and bitterly complaining that, after having basely murdered their father, he continued to load the family with 228 APPENDIX. reproach, at a time when the successors to the honour and family of Shrewsbury, being yet in- fants, were not able to do themselves justice on the person who had so notoriously injured them. It does not appear that the remonstrance produced any effect. The elder son became a favourite with William III. 52. — Major Mohun* This singular portrait, the artist of which is not known, represents a man in his shirt, with a sword in his hand, apparently in the act of de- fending himself, Mohun was a comedian in the reign of Charles I., and, on the breaking out of the civil wars, became a volunteer in the royal army, and distinguished himself on several occasions. 53. — Sir Kenelm Dig by. This is one of the finest portraits, if not the finest in the collection at Knole. Sir Kenelm Digby was the son of Sir Everard Digby, who was beheaded for his participation in the gunpowder plot. The son became eminent both as an author and a statesman. His life was eventful : king Charles I. made him a gentleman of the bedchamber, commissioner of the navy, I APPEND iX. 229 and governor of the Trinity-huuse ; and subse- quently granted him letters of reprisals against the Venetians, by virtue of which he, with a very inconsiderable fleet, took several prizes, and fighting his wslj through the enemy with great gallantry, came clear off" with his booty. During the civil wars, he was one of the most faithful adherents of the royal cause, and was in consequence compelled to compound his estate and become an exile, during Cromwell's usurpation. He retired to France, and was sent on two em- bassies to pope Innocent X., from the widowed queen of Charles 1., to whom he was chancellor. He returned to England in lo()l, and was ap- pointed one of the council on the iirst institution of the royal society. He died in London in 1(365. He was the author of several learned works, and a great benefactor to the Bodleian library, by presenting it, in 16G3, with a large collection of manuscripts. He translated various authors into English ; and his treatise on the Nature of Bodies and the Immortality of the Soul, is thought to evince extraordinary knowledge and penetration. 54. — Du Burg, Organist of Antwerp, We regret to state that we cannot find any account of this musician. There were several Du Burgs of some eminence, both as performers and com- ^30 APPENDIX. posers, but we cannot identify either of them with the " organist of Antwerp." There is pro- bably some mistake in the description of the portrait, an etching from which, or from a paint- ing like it, by Vandyke, has been seen with the following inscription under it : " Henricus Liberti> organist of Antwerp cathedral." 55. — Anne Carr, Countess of Bedjord, The daughter of Robert Carr, earl of Somerset, and Frances, daughter of Thomas Howard, first earl of Suffolk. At the age of seventeen she was married to William, lord Russei, son and heir of Francis, fourth earl of Bedford, after many objections and delays on the part of the earl. Seven sons and four daughters were the issue of this union, which was one of affection, and proved happy. She died in 1684, oppressed with grief for the loss of her second son, lord William Russei, executed for treason in 1683. 56. — Sir Ralph Bosville, Knt. Formerly of Bradborne, near Sevenoaks, where the family lived for several generations. Their estates have now passed into other hands ; Mr. Ralph Bosville, a lineal descendant of the knight^ having, by his will, passed over all his relatives^ and left his property to Mr., afterwards Sir APPENDIX. 231 Richard, Bettison, for life (who, in the capacity of clerk in the South-sea House, had shown him some civilities) ; and in the event of his dying" without male issue, which he did, to the family of the Lanes, of Sevenoaks. 57. — Sir Hatton Fermor^ Knt, One of the ancestors of the noble family of Pom- fret, was the son of Sir George Fermor, of Easton, in Northamptonshire, and sheriff of that county in 1618. Sir Georg-e had the honour of entertaining king" James 1. and his queen, at Easton, on the 11th June 1603; on which occasion his majesty knio-hted Sir Hatton, his eldest son. 58. — Henry Howard, Earl of Svrreif, The eldest son of the third duke of Norfolk, was born about 1516, and educated in Windsor castle, with young Fitzroy, earl of Richmond, natural son of king Henry VIII. About 1532, he was affianced, and soon afterwards married, to the lady Frances Vere, daughter of the earl of Oxford. Shortly after this, he was one of those who at- tended the king into France, to the " Field of the Cloth of Gold." In 1533, he bore a part in the coronation of his cousin, Ann Boleyn ; and three 232 APPENDIX. years after, it is melancholy to find him sitting as earl-marshal, in his father's stead, at the trial and condemnation of the young queen. At about this period of his life commenced an attachment to a lady, by some thought to have been platonic only, which has given rise to a ro- mantic tale of the earl of Surrey's making an ex- pedition into Italy, in the principal cities of which kingdom, in various tournaments, he main- tained the fair Geraldine's superlative beauty ** against all comers, whether Christians, Jews, Saracens, Turks, or Cannibals," and was victo- rious in them all ; as well as in one fought at Westminster, in 1540. For this fanciful story, there seems but slight foundation. Surrey un- questionably conceived an attachment for the fair Geraldine, who was a daughter of the earl of Kildare, and is described as the greatest beauty of her time. This lady he has immortalised in his sonnets ; but he himself makes no mention of having tilted in her honour, or visited foreign lands to celebrate her beauty. At the period, too, when these feats are said to have been per- formed, Surrey himself appears to have been in England, and the lady was not more than ten or eleven years of age. This knight-errant expe- dition, therefore, must be regarded as an absurd fiction. It should be added, in justice to the earl, who was a married man at the time, that he lived APPENDIX. 283 in perfect harmony with his wife, and always sus- tained a hig^h moral character. In 1543, the earl of Surrey went as a volun- teer in the armament ag-ainst France, under the command of Sir John Wallop, and distinguished himself so conspicuously, that, in 1544, he was appointed marshal of the army, at the head of which king Henry VIII. invaded France in per- son. Surrey ably seconded the duke, his father, in an attempt to reduce Montreuil, and was dan- gerously wounded. From want of ammunition and provision, however, they were compelled to raise the siege ; and as merit is too commonly es- timated by success, this failure, though all was done that skill or valour could accomplish, seems to have incurred the king's displeasure. Notwith- standing this, he was, in 1546, made captain- general of the English forces in France, where he displayed so much courage, energy, and skill, as to acquire the reputation of one of the ablest soldiers of the day. He several times defeated the French, with inferior forces ; but being, on one occasion, worsted in an attempt to intercept a convoy, he was recalled to England, and su- perseded by the earl of Hertford. After the death of his wife, Surrey had the boldness to propose himself to the princess Mary. For this the Seymours, rivals of the Norfolk fa- mily, and favourites with the king, accused him 2 II 234 APPENDIX, of aspiring to the crown. Accordingly, Surrey and his father were, on the 12th Dec, 1546, committed to the Tower ; and on the 13th Jtinuary following, Surrey was tried and convicted at Guildhall, and beheaded on Tower-hill on the 19th, in the thirtieth year of his age, only nine days before the death of the king. The accusations brought against this amiable young nobleman on his trial, were so inane and trivial, that it seems miraculous how any judge and jury could be found so villainous as to carry on the farce of justice. The chief accusation against him was, that he had quartered with his own the arms of Edward the Confessor : and for this assumption, for which he had the authority of the heralds' college, was consigned to an untimely grave the most gallant and accomplished gentleman of the age, whether as soldier, courtier, or poet. His poems, which are replete with nature and feeling, of graceful fancy, and undeniable good taste, were several times printed in the reign of Elizabeth and James. An edition was published in 1824, edited by G. F. Nott, and another in 1832, in Pickering's " Aldine Poets." 60. — Sir Anthony Cope, Bart. There have been several baronets of this family of "the same name, all of them ancestors of the late p API»ENDIX. 235 duchess of Dorset. Of these, the first and the most distinguished, was Sir Anthony, vice-cham- berlain to queen Catherine Parr, and one of the most learned men of the era in which he lived. His only daughter, Ann, became the wife of Sir Kenelm Digby. We believe, however, that this portrait represents Sir Anthony Cope, of Hanwell, who was created a baronet by king James 1., in 1(311. He was high-sheriff of Oxford, and M. P. for Banbury. 61. — Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury, This celebrated statesman was the son of Sir John Cooper, of Rockburn, Hants, and born in 1621. He was entered of Exeter college, Oxford, and thence removed to Lincoln's-inn, for the study of the law. At the age of nineteen, he sat in par- liament as member for Tewkesbury. On the breaking out of the civil wars, young Cooper first attached himself to the king's party ; but he suddenly shifted over to the popular side, in a manner which, from whatever cause it may have arisen, it seems impossible to reconcile with integrity. About 1646, he succeeded to his father's baronetcy, and became sheriff of Wilts. On the dissolution of the long parliament, Sir Anthony was appointed one of the members of the 236 ' APPENDIX. convention ; and for some years after this, he, opposed and protested against the arbitrary mea- sures of Cromwell on several occasions, with most laudable independence and boldness . After the pro- tectorate, he took part with Monk in the measures which led to the Restoration, and was one of the twelve who carried the invitation toCharles 11. On the arrival of that king, he was appointed a member of the privy-council, and (what is but little creditable to his political memory) he ac- cepted the office of commissioner for the trial of the regicides, his former partisans. In 1661, Sir Anthony was created baron Ashley; and soon after, chancellor and under- treasurer of the Exchequer, and a commissioner of the Treasury. His public conduct for the en- suing ten years has been variously represented by party-writers, whose testimony is so conflicting, that it is now wholly impossible to come to a cor- rect conclusion. That he was a leading member of the famous (or infamous) cabal ministry, is certain, and the plan of shutting up the Exche- quer is strongly imputed to him ; but, on the other hand, he appears to have been strenuous and sin- cere in promoting religious toleration, and his sentiments, as recorded in his speeches, are inde- pendent and manly. In 1672, his lordship was raised to an earldom, by the title of baron Cot^per and earl of ^haftes- APPKNDIX. 237 bury ; and in November of ihe same year, lie was made lord-chancellor. In this office, however, he was superseded, in less than two }ears, by Sir Ileneage Finch : and ironi this period the earl of Shaftesbury is again found in the ranks of the opposition, and, with the exception of a few months, during- which he was lord-president of the council, he continued out of office diirin:; the remainder of his life. He retired from party- strife in 1G82, and embarked for Holland, where he purposed to reside, and had just completed a suitable establishment at Amsterdam, when he died of gout, on the 22nd January, 1(583. The political character of this nobleman is, to say the least of it, equivocal. His tergiversa- tion is proved, on more than one occasion, to have arisen from interested motives ; and the charge of being factious as well as selfish, seems to have been fully substantiated : yet it is difficult to believe all that his biographers have urged against him. As lord-chancellor, during the short time that he held the seals, his conduct was most able and impartial. 62. — Catherine II. of' Russia, Catherine II. of Russia was the daughter of the prince of Auhalt Zerbst, governor of Stettin, in Prussian Pomerania, at which place she was born 238 APPENDIX. in 1729. In 1745, she married her cousin, Charles-Frederic, Duke of Holstein. His aunt, Elizabeth, empress of Russia, having chosen hira her successor, he was declared grand-duke of Russia, and took the name of Peter HI. They were ill-assorted ; Catherine, handsome, fond of pleasure, ambitious and bold, could ill brook the fondness of Peter for his Holstein guards, his in- clination to low pleasures, his mistress the coun- tess VronlzofF Passick, his imprudence and want of resolution. The marriage was consequently unhappy, and on the death of the empress Eliza- beth, when Peter ascended the throne of Russia, he wished to repudiate his wife, who was living at Peterhop, a country residence not far from Petersburg. Catherine and her friends determi- ned to anticipate his designs ; a confederacy was formed in her favour, and several regiments of the guards were gained over, when the whole was dis- covered by the indiscretion of an officer, who by mistake gave some order to a person not entrusted with the secret, who immediately caused him to be put under arrest. Previous, however, to his confinement, he contrived to write on a slip of paper, " all is discovered, lose no time :" the paper reached Gregory OrlofF, who, repairing to the barracks, sent his brother Alexius to the empress, whilst he endeavoured to prepare for her reception at Petersburg. On his ariival, APPENDIX. 239 Alexius went to Monplaisir, a small summer- house, of which his brother had given him the key, with instructions how to gain admission. Catlierine, who had long retired to rest, was startled, at two o'clock in the morning, by the appearance of a person in a military habit, who only said, " get ready to follow me," and disap- peared. Catherine obeyed the summons ; Alexius was in waiting, and led her through a private gate to a carriage, which had been engaged some days previous by the princess Dashkof for a party of pleasure. The empress entered it, and Alexius, taking the reins, drove off with all possible expe- dition. Long before the end of their journey the carriage became unfit to proceed, and ihoy wore continuing their journey on foot when a light cart fortunately coming up, thoy got into it and Alexius again drove on. They soon after met Gregory OrlofF, who, anxious at ihe delay occa- sioned by the accident, came to seek them. Finding all safe, he returned to Petersburg, where Catherine arrived early in the morning. Finding- all prepared, she dressed herself in the uniform of a young officer named Taliezen,and, mounting on horseback, showed herself at the head of the troops. It was at this time that Potemkin, after- wards a chief favourite, but then only an officer in the guards, perceiving the empress had no plume in her cap, detached his own and presented it ; 240 APPENDIX. he also contrived to ride by her side, and thus gave her an opportunity of remarking the beauty of his person. Catherine was declared sole em- press, and when Peter at length arrived, he was arrested, deposed, imprisoned, and forced to sign ?.n act of abdication. Six days after this, the conspirators, fearing a reaction among the troops, despatched Alexius Orloff and another to Ropscha, where Peter was confined. They conversed cheerfully with him, giving him hopes of soon being at liberty, and drinking with him, as was the custom before dinner, they infused poison into the liquor. Other accounts say that he was strangled : probably strangulation might be re- sorted to in order to hasten his end, but his body when laid in state exhibited evident marks of poison. It does not appear that Catherine actu~ ally ordered the murder, but she showed no sur- prise at it, and continued her favour to the per- petrators. The events in the life of Catherine have been related by many authors. Among those of a po- litical nature may be mentioned the troubles in Poland, which led to a war wifh Turkey (in which the Russian armies were generally victo- rious), and ultimately, in 1795, to the third and last division of Poland between Austria, Prussia, and Russia ; and her journey to the Crimea, which the Russians had taken to themselves, and which APPENDIX. 241 took place in 1785, in a style which resembled a triumphal procession. She reformed the laws of Russia, ameliorated the condition of the serfs, established schools for youth, and for the study of medicine, languages, &c., throughout the kingdom, favoured commerce and manufactures, and employed learned men to visit the remotest parts of her empire, and to correspond with the French literati. Her attention to the education of her grandchildren has been often dwelt on, and her treatment of her favourites (among the chief of whom were OrlofFand Potemkin) may be like- wise mentioned. She reigned sole empress thirty- five years, and died of apoplexy, 17th November, 1796, aged sixty-seven. 6S.— Miss Axford, The fair quakeress, who was noticed by king George 111. when Prince of Wales. 64. — Sir John Suckling, A spirited dramatist, and travelled man of fashion of the seventeenth century, was born at Witham, in Essex. He was remarkable in his youth for quickness of intellect, and his early ac- quirements in school-learning are admitted to have been ei^traordinary. Before he was twenty years 2 I 242 APPENDIX. of ag-e, be had travelled over a ^reat porlioii of civilized Europe ; and in the course of bis tour be became a soldier, and served in a short buf active campaign under the celebrated Gustavus Adol- phus. On bis return to England, he was received as the " admired of all admirers," a wit, a cour- tier, and a fine gentlerflan. He died at an early age (about thirty), and appears to have led a busy yet careless life, sometimes writing verses, at others gambling or dying of love : now raising a troop of soldiers for the king, and soon after plot- ting with the cavaliers. His chief vice was gaming.* 65. — J]nn^ Countess of Dorset, Pembroke, and Montgomery, This lady was the celebrated Anne Clifford, daughter of George Clifford, earl of Cumber- land.* She was married, in 1609, to Richard, third earl of Dorset, by whom she had five chil- dren ; all of whom, however, except one daugh- ter, who married a Tufton, an ancestor of the present earl of Thanet, died in their infancy. The earl of Dorset himself died in his thirty-fifth year. After his decease, his lady formed a second ma- * For a notice of his literary productions, see Retroa- pective Review, vols, ix and x. t See Appendix, No. 15. APPKNDli. 24;^ Irimonial connexi >n with Philip, earl of P$ orricE, J. PAYNE, Stationer, ^vinm, 33ooofeselkr anti iSintiet, SEVEl^OAKS, Has constantly on Sale a good assortment 'of Bibles, Prayer Books, See. in plain and elegant Bindings, WRITING PAPERS, ACCOUNT BOOKS, PALMER'S PORTABLE PENS, CARDS, CARD CASES, AND POCKET BOOKS, MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOKS, ALBUMS, SKETCH BOOKS, AND BLOTTING CASES, PORCELAIN AND IVORY TABLETS, TUNBRIDGE WARE, BERLIN PATTERNS, CANVAS AND WOOL, PURSi: SXI.K, BAG-TASSELS, AND CORD, B£ST STEEIi SCISSARS AND PENKNIVES, TORTOISESHELL COMBS, HAIR, NAIL, TOOTH, AND CLOTHES BRUSHES, DRESSING CASES, &c. i\ I mmSmLSL CONGRESS 0021398 456 1 lililli ::;IP., ^^::i|ili ^'':(Si