^4 \ ^::^ OX Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/davisonfamilyOOdavi ^^ h:^ . DAVISON FAMILY V^ COLLECTED AND ARRANGED BY A'r A. DAVISON MANITO, ILL. 1905 J. W. FRANKS & SONS, PRINTERS PEORIA, ILL. Nf THE NLW YCriC FUBLIC UBRAT^Y 5483G6A ASfOR, LENCX AND TII.D£N FOUNDATIONS R 1981 L Introductory A complete genealogy of the family of Ezra Davison, his children, grand children, great grand children, great great grand children, and great great great grand children. Also his father and all his brothers and sisters. And a complete line of ances- tors back to 1611. Also notes from the Biography of William Davison, Sec- retary of State to Queen Elizabeth, with "reasons why," etc. Also records from the Secretary of War, of Ezra, and his father. Asa, when, where, and in what Company and Regiment they served in the Revolutionary War, and when they were dis- charged, making us all sons and daughters of the Revolution. This alone is worth more than the cost of the book. The author of this book personally knew Ezra and all of his children, except Sarah and Reuben, who died before he was born and all the grand children except probably three. The rest was obtained through correspondence and reliable sources, making record of eleven generations. Hoping this work will please and interest the "Davison Family." A. A. Davison, Manito. 111. DAVISON FAMILY NICHOLAS DAVISON. 1st Generation. Nicholas Davison was born in London, or Lynn, England, 1611. Married Joanna Hodges. He was at Charleston, Mass., 1639, as agent for Matthew Cradock, a mer- chant of London, the first nominal governor of Massachusetts, but who never came to America. He went to Barbadoes and thence to England in 1655, returning to America in 1656, in the Spedwell, and died at Charleston in 1664, aged 53 years. His will was proved July nth, 1664, in which his wife and two chil- dren were named, also his brother John. He left an estate in- ventoried at £1869, IIS, I id, including lands in Boston, Charles- ton, Pennequid, and 21,000 acres near Windsor on both sides of the Connecticut river. Nicholas Davison's Children. II. Daniel Davison was born April 8th, 1639. Married Margaret Low, April 8th, 1657, and settled at Ipswick, Mass. No record of his death as the early records of Ipswick were lost. II. Sarah Davison. Married to Joseph Lynch. II. Daniel Davison, son of Nicholas, had seven children. DAVISON FAMILY III. John, Margaret, Sarah, Daniel, William, Peter, and Thomas. III. Thomas Davison, son of Daniel. Married Hannah Tracy of Norwich, Conn., Nov. i8th, 1695, at Norwich, Conn. They settled at Preston, Conn., where he owned extensive tracts of land. He held nearly every office in the gift of his towns- men. He was received into full communion in the first Presby- terian Church March 5th, 1699. Died Dec. 2d, 1724. Had seven children. IV. Jonathan, Margaret, Thomas 2d, Christopher, John, Hannah, and Samuel. IV. Thomas Davison 2d, son of Thomas, son of Daniel, son of Nicholas, was born 1702. Married Lydia Herrick, daugh- ter of Stephen Herrick of Beverly, Mass., Aug. 31st, 1726. Set- tled at Preston, Conn. Died 1750. Had ten children. V. Andrew, Zephaniah, Christopher (died in infancy). Christopher, Daniel, Asa, Lydia, Elizabeth, and two children who died in infancy. Before recording the loth generation I will give the Revo- lutionary War records of Asa Davison, also of his son Ezra. It will particularly interest our young people. Whoever is re- corded in this book has sufficient evidence to admit them into the orders of Sons and Daughters of the Revolution, also of the Colonial Dames. The records they sent me from the Secretary of War was evidently for the last years of the war. Will note DAVISON FAMILY they are enlisted for short campaigns of a few months or a year. Were discharged and enHsted again. We find in other accounts that Asa Davison was at the Battle of Lexington. Was also with Gen. Benedict Arnold on his famous campaign to Canada. Also we find him at the Battle of Monmouth. We also find that Ezra enlisted the day he was seventeen years old and served the last year of the war. Family tradition says he enlisted when he was sixteen, but the first year is not given in this record from the Pension Office. I will .give copy of those records exactly as they were sent to me. RECORD AND PENSION OFFICE, WAR DEPARTMENT. Respectfully returned to A. A. Davison, Manito, 111. Washington, D. C, March 28, 1896. The records of this office show that Asa Davison served as a private in Captain Nathaniel Webb's Company, 4th Battalion. Connecticut forces commanded by Col. John Durkee, Revolu- tionary War. He enlisted March ist, 1778, to serve 5 months, and was discharged Jan. ist, 1779. The records also show that Asa Davison served as a private in the ist Company, Fifth Connecticut Regiment, commanded by Lieut. Col. Sherman, Revolutionary War. His name first ap- pears on the roll for March, 1782, and he was discharged June 22d, 1782. The records further show that Asa Davison served as a private in Capt. Nehemiah Rise's company, 8th Connecticut Regiment, Revolutionary War. He enlisted Aug. i6th, 1779, to serve six months, and was discharged Jan. 15th, 1780. DAVISON FAMILY The records also show that Ezra Davison served as a private in Capt. Benjamin Durkee's company at Matrosses, at Fort Trumbull, Connecticut. He enlisted Aug. 12th, 1782,* to serve 12 months and was discharged Aug. 12th, 1783. By authority of the Secretary of War. Signed by Col. U. S. Army Chief in Office. Asa Davison was also a soldier in the French and Indian War. He first fought for the English and afterwards fought against them. We have reason to believe he was in the English army at Nova Scotia, where the French and Indians were ex- pelled and where many of the English settled after the war. Ezra Davison, son of Asa, was born in Nova Scotia in 1765. At the commencement of the Revolutionary War we find Asa at Ashford, Mass. Next we find his son Ezra at Preston, Conn., where his oldest son Dr. Asa Lee, was born in 1792. Then at Grafton, N. Y., where Asa died in 1824. Buried in the Brock burying ground in the northeast part of Grafton. Ezra died in 1834, and was buried in the Steward burying ground one-half mile east of Grafton Centre, N. Y. His grave, also that of his wife Deidamia, is marked with marble slabs. Don't know that there is anything but a rough stone to mark Asa's grave. Don't know for certain that it can be found. There should be a suitable monument placed to his memory. Would be willing to attend to it if the Davison family will pay the ex- pense. * That day he was 17. DAVISON FAMILY V. Asa Davison, son of Thomas 2d, etc., had thirteen children. VI. — ist. Paul was born 176 — . Died Feb. 19th, 1805. Was a Revolutionary soldier, VI. — 2d. Ezra was born in Nova Scotia, Aug. nth, 1765. Married Deidamia Smith, May 24th, 1709, at Argyle, Maine. Died at Grafton, N. Y., April 29th, 1834. She was born July 24th, 1774. Died at Grafton, N. Y., Sept. 30th, 1853. They are buried in the Steward burying ground one-half mile east of Grafton Centre, N. Y. Marble slabs mark their graves. They were at Preston, Conn., in 1792. as their oldest son Dr. Asa Lee, was born there. We don't know the year they came to Grafton, N. Y., but their son Daniel P. M., was born in Grafton in 1804. They took up land two miles northeast of Grafton Centre. The country was then a wilderness. They built a house, cleared the land of forest, planted an orchard, and built stone walls. Panthers used to steal their sheep. Bears were in the woods. There were few settlers. No church nor school house. The first school district was organized Sept. 13th, 1813, and they voted to build a school house on a man's land whose name was Cobb. (It was always called the Cobb's school house). It was sixteen feet square with an entry large enough to hold a load of wood. They levied a tax of $75.00, the rest was to be paid in work. Three or four generations of Davison's studied Webster's spelling book, Daboll's arithmetic, and the English reader, and DAVISON FAMILY perhaps got punished in the Cobb's school house. The first trus- tees were Daniel Mills, Foster Reynolds and Bradick Peckham, Jr., Moderator; Elisha Wells, Clerk; Daniel Mills. A great many prominent men were educated in the Cobb's school house. About 1842, Van Ransselaer, the patroon, offered a set of outline maps to the best school in Grafton, to be examined by a com- mittee at the church in Grafton Centre. We carried home the maps and were justly proud of it. I visited the spot in 1889. Found nothing but the foundation stones and thickly grown-up weeds and brush. Ezra lived and raised his family on what we call the old Davison homestead. VI. — 3d. Abigail, daughter of Asa Davison. No record. VI. — 4th. Lydia, married Roderick Stanley. VI. — 5th. Charles. No record. VI. — 6th. Lovina, married Owens. VI. — 7th. Rufus, born May 20th, 1775, at Ashford, Mass. VI. — 8th. Anna, married Moses Macumber. Resided on a mountain in Petersburg in sight of the Davison homestead. We used to call him "the man of the mountain." VI. — 9th. Nathan Davison, son of Asa, born June ist, 1781, at Ashford, Mass. DAVISON FAMILY VI. — loth. Louisa, married John Phillips. Parents of Asa D. PhilHps. VI. — nth. OHve, married Stoughton. VI. — I2th. Jane, married Sley. VI. — 13th. John P. Davison, youngest son of Asa, mar- ried Elizabeth Davis. We called her Aunt Betsy. She was one of the best old Christian women I ever knew. She could pray and exhort with more feeling and effect than most any preacher. They resided on what was part of the old homestead in Grafton, N. Y., until about 1845, he sold out and moved to Hoosick Falls where they kept boarders for the Tremont cotton factory, and the children worked in the factory. After they went to Hoosick Falls, Uncle John's family spelled their name Davidson. In 1850 he moved to Illinois and his children, all but two (Marinda and Lois), went with him. He bought land warrants and en- tered land eight miles west of Minonk, 111., a short time before the land office was closed to give the Illinois Central R. R. alter- nate sections. The land warrants cost him 65 cents per acre. I asked him a few years afterwards how much he considered his land worth, he said : "Wal, I should want as many dollars as I paid cents." He lived on his farm to a good old age, died and was buried in the Yankee Town Cemetery that was laid out on his land. Aunt Betsy followed a few years afterwards. They had eight children. DAVISON FAMILY VII. — I St. Marinda. Married David Chase. Resided at White Creek, N. Y. VII. — 2d. Nancy. Married Amos West, Jr. Went to IlHnois. VII. — 3d. Lois. Married Ed Leonard, and resided at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., where she died. VII. — 4th. Sarah. Married Sam Jackman, at Groveland, 111. Died in Kansas, Nov. 19, 1904. Buried at Yankee Town. VII. — 5th. Reuben W. Married Emeline Harding at Hoosick Falls. Went to Illinois with his father in 1850. Took up land. Died and was buried in Yankee Town Cemetery. He enlisted in the beginning of the Civil War and served until the war was over without a furlough. VII. — 6th. Jane. Married Henry Jaqueth at Hoosick Falls. Went to Illinois. Died at Yankee Town. VII. — 7th. Lydia. Married Robert Hester at Yankee Town, where she died. VII. — 8th. Charles H. Married. Resides at Yankee Town. VI. Ezra Davison, son of Asa, son of Thomas 2d, etc. Had nine children. DAVISON FAMILY 13 VII. — I St. Dr. Asa Lee Davison, born at Preston, Conn., Dec. 3d, 1792. Married Lydia Lewis at Petersburg, N. Y. Re- sided several years at Cuba, western New York, where his first children were born. Then removed to Groveland, III., being one of the first settlers. From there he moved to Canton, 111. Was editor of the Canton Register. He had his second wife and fam- ily of children. See record in another place. He died at Can- ton, 111., March 2d, 1853, aged 61 years. Uncle Asa was a very prominent man. Sorry we found no one to give a biographical sketch of his life. I could not write it as I never saw him but once before I attended his fun- eral. VII. — 2d. Sarah Davison, daughter of Ezra, was born June 1st, 1796. Married Miner Lewis. Died at Alford, N. Y. Had no children. VII. — 3d. Lois Davison, daughter of Ezra. Married Ly- raan Lewis. Second, married Amos West. Died at Grafton, N. Y., Nov. 4th, 1834. Buried one-half mile east of Grafton Cen- tre, by side of her brother Daniel P. M. (See record of her family in last part of this book). VII. — 4th. Reuben S. Davison, son of Ezra, was born Feb. loth, 1802. Married Mariam Rogers. Died at Alford, N. Y., July, 1821. VIII. He had one daughter Almina, who married David Hakes and moved to Pennsylvania. 14 DAVISON FAMILY VII. — 5th. Daniel P. M. Davison, son of Ezra, was born at Grafton, N. Y., May 25th, 1804. Was married to Malinda Maxon, Dec. 14th, 1823. She was born March 25th, 1806. She died in Woodford Co., 111., Aug. 30th, 1871. Buried in Yankee Town Cemetery, aged 65 years. He died in Grafton, N. Y., Jan. 8th, 1844, aged 40 years. Was buried one-half mile east of Grafton Centre. A marble slab marks his grave. After his father died he bought out the heirs to the home- stead where his father and grandfather had lived and died. He was a carpenter by trade, also a farmer. In 1837 he tore down the old house and built a new house on the same foundation where his father's house stood. That house was burned in 1848 while occupied by his widow Malinda, and again rebuilt on the same spot. It stands there yet. Also the same old barn that grandfather Ezra built. Have a kodak picture of the house and barn, also of a section of stone wall taken by Mrs. Dr. Wil- cox of Minonk, 1901. The fences on the old place are mostly stone wall. There are stone enough to fence the land in one acre fields and then have enough left to nearly cover the ground. The land produces good grass and the best of potatoes and other vegetables, and such good apples. We well remember the Greecy Greening and the Barn apples, so mellow we could crush them in our hands. The Honey Sweeting, the Pobiquamp that was large and just right for cooking without sugar; the White House Sweeting, a large striped sweet apple ; the Cheesebrook and the Rhode Island Greening, the Juicy apple and Streaked Sweeting, and many others that we well remember, and it makes our mouth water to think of them. The trees in the old orchard DAVISON FAMILY were nearly all gone when I was there in '89. Daniel was a very ambitious man but never enjoyed good health. He was exempt from military duty, not being an able bodied man. He died before he was forty. He took great interest in religious matters. He was superintendent of the first Sunday School at the Cobb's school house. Was a Methodist and held prominent offices in that church. The preachers were frequent visitors and prayer meetings were held at his house. Held responsible offices in town. He was a good neighbor, a good father, and a good Christian. Had five children. (See record in another place). VII. — 6th. Paul K. Davison, son of Ezra, was born at Grafton, N. Y., Jan. ist, 1807. Was married to Abigail Bur- dick. She died. He next married Deborah Taylor. He died at Troy, N. Y., 1884. She also died at Troy. Both buried at Troy. He was a very prominent man in Grafton. Was well edu- cated. A surveyor, and a deacon in the Baptist church, and superintendent in the Sunday School at Grafton Centre, for a good many years. Though I was quite a boy, there was one peculiarity about Uncle Paul I well remember. He would most always go to sleep during preaching. He had a farm and saw- mill in Grafton. In Troy he had a store. He had six children by his first wife, and one by the second wife. (See record in another place). VII. — 7th, John Milton Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., was born in Grafton, N. Y., on the old homestead Sept. 14th, 1 6 DAVISON FAMILY 1811. His wife Sally Parks was born Feb. 13th, 1805. They were married June 24th, 1832. When first married they lived in the house with his brother Daniel, near the head of Second Pond. Afterwards he bought a farm on the east side of Long Pond in Grafton, N. Y., where he resided several years. They had two children (see record). Aunt Fanny Parks, a maiden sister to Aunt Sally, made her home with them all her life and went with them to Illinois where she died. He lived on a very rough stony farm. The great stone heaps and stone walls he built are a lasting monument to his strength and energy. He always took a great interest in religious matters, being a deacon in the Baptist church. In politics he was a Jackson Democrat, and held the highest offices in the town. He was for several years captain of the Grafton Rifle Company of New York State Militia. Socially, Uncle Milton's was one of the best places in the world to go visiting. They were always so kind and pleas- ant. They left the farm and kept the Quackenkill Hotel a while before they came to Illinois in 1855. In fact, all the Davi- sons have left old Grafton where our branch of the Davison family originated. I was there a few years ago and there was not one there and no relatives except by marriage in town. He came to Illinois and took up land west of Minonk on Grand Prairie. Came from the rocks and stones of old Grafton to where you could seldom find a stone large enough to throw at a bird. Tell that in Grafton and you would find your veracity at stake. He showed the same diligence and perseverance that he did in Grafton and soon established another homestead, and by hard work and increased value of land acquired a large fortune. '■^ DAVISON FAMILY 17 Aunt Sally died May 27th, 1885. He then lived with his children about ten years to the good old age of 83 years, 6 months, and passed away March 19th, 1895, after a life well spent in church, Sunday School, State and home. They are buried in the Yan- kee Town Cemetery, eight miles west of Minonk. VII.— 8th. Squire Rowland Davison, son of Ezra, etc., was born in Grafton, N. Y., on the old homestead, Oct. 26th, 1813. Amanda West was born in Grafton, N. Y., Feb. 5th, 1815. They were married Aug., 1831. (He was not yet eighteen and she was past sixteen when married). He died eight miles west of Minonk, 111., April 8th, 1867. She died at Boulder Valley, Montana, May 22d, 1880. They moved to Illinois about 1838. Went all the way with a pair of horses and wagon. Settled at Groveland, where he took up land and made brick on his own farm and built a good brick house. He was a mason by trade. He also built several brick buildings in Pekin, 111. He, with a partner, built the Court House that is still in use. His land was what was then called barrens. Timber and undergrowth had to be cleared and grubbed before it could be farmed. For his orchard the seeds were brought from the old orchard on the old homestead in Grafton. I was quite a small boy but I well re- member saving apple seeds for Uncle Rowland to take to Illi- nois. When I came in 185 1, it was quite an old orchard. Found only one tree with apples anything like any apples in the old orchard. He lived in Groveland until about the time Uncle John came. He then took up several tracts of land eight miles west of Minonk. A large farm for himself and eighty acres for each i8 . DAVISON FAMILY of his children. He took a great interest in church and Sunday School. Was a deacon in the Baptist church. I am not com- petent to write a brief sketch. He was a good man and a true Christian. He was killed in an accident, was harrowing with a pair of young horses. They got frightened and ran. The harrow turned over and a tooth went through his neck, which caused his death. (See record for his children). VII. — 9th. Norman Lewis Davison, son of Ezra, etc., was born on the old homestead in Grafton, N. Y., July 26th, 1817. Adelia Wait was born Sept. 24th, 1819. They were married Dec. nth, 1836. She died at Minonk, III., Aug. 24th, 1881. He died at the residence of his oldest son Edmond S., at Denton, Nebraska, April 24th, 1902, and was buried in the Minonk Cemetery. He also had a second wife, Aunt Larissa, who died at Minonk. He was also a Baptist deacon. Took a great interest in the church but not as prominent as some of his older brothers. He was a quiet, good man. (For his children see record). VII. Dr. Asa Lee Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc. Had five children. VIII. — ist. Augustus Lewis Davison, son of Dr. Asa Lee. Was born in New York State, 1812. Died at Pekin, 111., Aug. 25th, 1859. He was a lawyer. Had three children. IX. — 1st. Asa Lee Davison, 2d son of Augustus Lewis. Was born at Cuba, N. Y., Feb. 21st, 1850. Married Fanny DAVISON FAMILY 19 Church at Chicago, May 9th, 1869. Was at Room 322, Home Insurance Building, 205 LaSalle Street, Chicago. Had two chil- dren. X. — 1st. Myrtle C. Davison, daughter of Asa Lee Davison 2d, son of Augustus Lewis, son of Dr. Asa Lee, was born at Chicago, Aug. 19th, 1871. Resided at Chicago. X. — 2d. Iva Belle Davison, daughter of Asa Lee 2d, was born at Madison, Wis., April ist, 1881. Resided at Chicago. IX. — 2d. Flora M. Davison, daughter of Augustus Lewis, son : Dr. Asa Lee, was born at Cuba, N. Y., 1853. IX. — 3d. Hawley M. Davison, son of Augustus Lewis. Was born at Cuba, N. Y., 1855. VIII. — 2d. Helen D. Davison, daughter of Dr. Asa Lee. Born . Married Benjamin Roe, and resided at Groveland. They had one son who was drowned when a boy. Mr. Roe died at Groveland. VIII. — 3d. Ezra Darwin Davison, son of Dr. Asa Lee, was born in New York State, Jan. 23, 1818. Electa Fairchild was born in New Jersey, Dec. 22, 1820. They were married Feb., 1840. Resided at Groveland, then at Minonk, where he died Jan. 8th, 1877. VIII. — 4th. Olive Davison, daughter of Dr. Asa Lee by his second wife. Married Joseph Barnes. Second to Andrew Knox. Resided at Austin, Minnesota. DAVISON FAMILY VIII. — 5th. Eliza Davison, daughter of Dr. Asa Lee by his second wife. Born . Died June loth, 1867, at Canton, 111. VIII. Ezra Darwin Davison, son of Dr. Asa Lee, and his wife Electa. Had six children. IX. — 1st. Lydia A. Davison, daughter of Ezra Darwin, was born at Canton, 111., June 14th, 1841. Married to A. D. Addis. Resided at Lincoln, Neb. She died 1896, leaving one son. X. Roscoe D. Addis, born April 19th, 1863. Resided in New York City. XL One grandson, Roscoe Arthur Stanis. IX. — 2d. Francis L. Davison, daughter of Ezra Darwin, was born Oct. 17th, 1843. Married G. H. Jenkins at Minonk, 111. Had one son who died. Married second to W. R. Dunn. Resided in Philadelphia. IX. — 3d. Helen J. Davison, daughter of Darwin, born Oct. 26th, 1845. Married C. J. Elliott. Resided 800 South Street, Lincoln, Neb. X. They have one daughter, Maud Elliott. IX. — 4th. Electa Lee Davison, daughter of E. Darwin, born Oct. 22d, 1847. Married W. L. Lovel. Resides at Crete, Neb. DAVISON FAMILY X. Has two children living, Loretta Wissenbury, born June 13th, 1872; and Lottie Lovel, born Oct. 31st, 1883. XI. One grandchild, Howard Wissenbury, born 1899. IX. — 5th. Sarah E. Davison, daughter of E. Darwin, born at Groveland, Aug. 17th, 1850. Married Dr. J. W. Reeder. Re- sided at Goldendale, Washington. IX. — 6th. Mary E. Davison, daughter of E. Darwin, born at Groveland, 111., July nth, 1855. Married E. Hclmswarth. Resided at Broken Bow, Neb. V. Asa Davison, son of Thomas 2d, son of Thomas, etc. Was a soldier in the French and Indian War. Louisburg, Nova Scotia, was captured by the English July 27th, 1758, after a siege of fifty days. The French had joined the Indians in hos- tilities against the English and were either expelled or complete- ly mastered, and Cape Breton, which was French until 1763, was subsequently a separate province and was afterwards united to Nova Scotia. It is probable that Asa Davison was in the English army and took his family there after the war, and the French had been expelled and settled there as his son Ezra was born there in 1765. The English made a settlement not far from "Grand Pre." (See Longfellow's Evangeline, and Rand, Mc- Nally's map). William Davison, secretary to Queen Elizabeth. We have not discovered the "connecting link" between our ancestor Nicholas Davison and William Davison, but the time, DAVISON FAMILY names, and places indicate that they must have belonged to the same family if not in a direct line. Nicholas was born in or near London in 1611. William died in 1608, aged about seventy. He had a son Christopher, who was living in 1610, who had something to do with settling his father's estate. William had several other sons but there is no record of any grandsons as there were no wills to be found made by his sons. Nicholas had a grandson named William, and no less than three descendants named Christopher, and it is fair to presume that Nicholas was a son of Christopher and grandson of William, Queen Eliza- beth's Secretary of State. The following are notes taken from the Biography of William Davison: "William Davison, one of the Secretaries of State to Queen Elizabeth. The date of his birth is not known. His ancestors were Scotch. Died Dec. 21st or 22d, 1608. Buried at Stepney on the 24th. Supposed to be about seventy years of age. The register of that church contains: 'December, 1608. William Davison of Stepney, Esquire Sometyme, Secretary to Queen Elizabeth xxiii, day, ." Married Catherine Spellman, daughter of Francis Spell- man, of Norfolk. Will dated Dec. 8th, 1608. Proved Jan. 9th, 1609. Children: Francis Davison, born 1670. Died before 1621. 2d, Christopher Davison, living 1610. 3d, William Davison, living 1609. 4th, Walter Davison, aged about eighteen in 1608. A soldier. DAVISON FAMILY 23 He was on the commission to try Mary, Queen of Scots, but was not present at the trial and did not sign the sentence. Latin : Guilrelmum Davidsonum. He was a handsome man with a grave expression of countenance and possessed a fine voice. His temper was peculiarly mild and benign; his manner urbane and persuasive, and he has ben described as the sweet- est man living. Virtue and learning were in the former times sure ladders by which a man might climb to honor's seat, but now they will not hold unless the mounting steps are made of gold. Unc'^r King James he held the office of Clerk of the Treas- ury and Warrants and Custo Brevium of the King's Bench for the term of his natural life. His daughter Catherine, was Administratrix. Francis Davison was a poet. In the first page, Vol. of Psalms, composed by him is the following complimentary intro- duction written by W. Bagnal : " These Psalms so full of holy meditation Which David sung by heavenly inspiration. Our souls by as divine an imitation Ravish and bless anew in this translation. Cease not this holy work, but one by one Chant over these heavenly hymns which may be done In Divine measure as they are begun. Only by David's self or David's son." Christopher Davison petitioned Parhament March, 1609-10. in regard to his father's will in which he proposed to pay all his father's debts and have transferred to him the official positions 24 DAVISON FAMILY held by his father under King James. The result is not discov- ered and of Christopher Davison nothing more is known. Walter Davison, born in 1580, not named in his father's will. Was a poet, and by profession a soldier. Probably died young and unmarried. Francis Davison never interested himself about his father's affairs, but his brother Christopher had the management of them. There is no positive evidence that Sec. Davidson left any descendants, as neither of his sons left a will. The above are notes taken from William Davison's Biog- raphy. I find in a history of the Pilgrims, a reference to Wm. Davi- son, as a friend to one of the Pilgrim Fathers, Wm. Brewster: "After he (Mr. Brewster), left college he was employed to assist Mr. Davison, who was a great man in Queen Elizabeth's time. Mr. Brewster went with him to Holland on some import ant business and on their return home Mr. Davison gave him a gold chain as a mark of respect for his wisdom and faithfulness. He lived with this nobleman some time, etc., etc." I present these extracts for what they are worth. Will resume the records of our family: VII. Paul K. Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., had six children by his first wife and one by his second wife. VIII. — I St. Abigail Davison, daughter of Paul K., born . Married in 1844 to Frank Smith at Grafton, N. Y. Re- moved to Whitewater, Wis., where they both died. No children. DAVISON FAMILY 25 VIII.— 2d. Saraphina Davison, born at Grafton, and died quite young. VIII.— 3d. Lois Davison, born at Grafton, and died young. VIII.— 4th. Franklin Davison, son of Paul K., was born 1834, in Grafton, N. Y. Married to Jane Brown, Dec. 25th, 1856. Resides in New York City. VIII.— 5th. Mary J. Davison, born in Grafton, N. Y., June 28th, 1836. Married to Henry Stevens at Grafton. Resides in New Yor'. City. VIII. — 6th. Asa Davison, son of Paul K., was born in 1838, at Grafton, N. Y. Married Eliza Bont. Resided in Troy, N. Y. VIII.— 7th. By second wife. Augusta Davison was born at Grafton. Married Geo. Link. Resided in Troy, N. Y. VII. Daniel P. M. Davison and Malinda, his wife. Had five children. VIII.— ist. Daniel Harrison Davison, son of Daniel P. M., was born in Grafton, N. Y., May 25th, 1826. Married in Sand Lake, N. Y., March 25th, 1852, to Louisa Ann Bly. Re- sides at Minonk, 111. His occupation is surveying and civil engineering. He always took great interest in studies, and became prob- ably one of the best mathematicians in the country. Advanced 26 DAVISON FAMILY as far as possible at the old Cobb's school house and at Grafton Centre, then attended the New York State Normal school at Albany. Commenced teaching when eighteen and followed it for a great many years. When he married he bought out the heirs to the old homestead and resided there a number of years. He then sold out to Simeon Corbin and came west. Bought land west of Minonk of the Illinois Central R. R. Co. and made a nice home. Followed farming, surveying, and teaching. Has been county surveyor nearly forty years. March 25th, 1902, he and his wife celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their mar- riage. Resides at Minonk. Takes great delight in figur-ng out difficult problems and does surveying in other parts of the State. VIII. — 2d. Almon Alexander Davison, son of Daniel P. M. and Malinda Davison, was born in Grafton, N. Y., June 25th, 1828. Married in Mason Co., Illinois, Jan. 29th, 1854, to Abi- gail M. Chandler, daughter of Rev. S. P. Char-iler. She was born at Minot, Maine, May 21st, 1838. After being together over forty-eight years she died at Manito, April 21st, 1902. Re- sides at Manito, 111. Occupation: vineyards, nursery and gar- dens. He was born on the old homestead in a house down by the brook June 25th, just midway between two Christmases. He don't remember of ever weighing less than ten pounds. He was not pretty like his older brother nor like the sister who came one and one-half years later. His mother was heard to say she would be ashamed to take such a great homely baby anywhere. DAVISON FAMILY 27 He didn't seem to care much as it is an old saying "the home- liest babies make the prettiest grown people." He grew up to be the tallest Davison in town. Might tell many funny things he said and did that would please the children, but the old folks would think foolish. When he was nine days old ground was broken by Charles Carroll, the last survivor of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, to build the first railroad in the United States, July 4th, 1828 (see U. S. History). When ten or twelve years old he carried stones, old rails, and poles, and fenced off a strip of ground by the roadside. In it he pk...^^ all sorts of trees and shrubs, and flowers that would grow in oc'd spells, while his older brother was in the house studying. Indicating when that young, what the two boys would be good for when grown up. His father died before he was sixteen, and his mother told the boys they must go and hire out. That meant to g^.to Hoosick and work for some rich farmer. He woiked for a farmer in North Hoosick and in a cotton fac- tory in Bennington, Vermont, and at Hoosick Falls, N. Y. He then peddled milk in Hartford, Conn. Also attended. high school there. In 185 1 he took Horace Greeley's advice and went west. Landed at Groveland, 111., May i8th, 1851. Bought land of Franklin Pierce, President United States, in the southwest cor- ner of Sand Prairie Township, Tazewell County. Married (see record), had twelve children. Resided on the farm twenty-nine years. In 1880, he left the farm and moved to Manito, where he still resides. Is enjoying good health, has not a single bad habit, no tobacco, whisky, nor patent medicine. Enjoying peace and plenty. Has been a life-long Christian and held many re- 28 DAVISON FAMILY sponsible position in religious matters. Nearly thirty years as superintendent of Sunday Schools. At present writing he is all alone in his comfortable home trying to complete the Davison family and get it ready for the publishers. He was a school-boy at Cobb's school house when the first telegraph was in operation. Can well remember the first Loco Foco matches and daguereo- types, sewing machines, reaping machines, and nearly every- thing else that is now in common use. All in one lifetime. Won- der what our great grandchildren will live to see. Hope they will remember us kindly, and that this short sketch will be of interest, especially to the children of the "Davison family." VIII. — 3d. Louisa Malinda Davison, daughter of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., was born at the old home- stead in Grafton, N. Y., Dec. 22d, 1829. Her father was an earnest Christian man, who she, his only daughter, loved fond- ly. He died when she was fourteen. His teachings and ex- ample, and also that of her Christian mother helped to form in her a sweet and gentle disposition. She received a good com- mon school education at the old Cobb's school house. In her seventeenth year, Sept. 29th, 1846, she was united in marriage to William A. Parks, a young man of pure principles, of un- usual energy and ambition, with a fair common school educa- tion and a good discernment of human nature. He seldom mis- placed confidence in man. They both united with the Baptist church in Grafton, N. Y. They resided a few years on the Davison homestead, where their first children were born (see record). They kept the hotel and store at Quackenkill, N. Y., DAVISON FAMILY 29 awhile and also the hotel and store at East Grafton before mov- ing to Illinois in 1854. They went by way of Chicago and La- Salle. Arrived at Minonk where they found the mud deep and abundant. (Uncle Hank used to express it "half clay and half tar.") The city of Minonk then consisted of a railroad switch and one house. They located about ten miles northwest of Minonk and lived at several places until 1857, when they moved on what is now known as the Wm. A. Parks homestead. He bought his land on credit and owing to the hard times and the Civil War he paid interest to amount to more than the first cost of the land. They had their experience in pioneer life — poverty, sickness, and losses. But being hopeful, cheerful, and trusting in God th^y established a good home. The District school was taught in their house. The pioneer teachers were D. H. Davi- son, Jacob McChesney, Henry Lohnes and Mrs. W. R. Dunn, In 1874 they built a fine large house. They moved into it and after an illness of only three days with pneumonia, he died Jan. 27th, 1875, leaving his family with a good home but some in debt. In a few years she, with the help of her boys cleared up the incumberance and to the last their home was the dearest place on earth. Her last years were spent mostly with her children at each of whose homes she had a room. She always brought sunshine and happiness wherever she went. On account of her delicate health, she was spending the winter at the residence of her daughter Sarah, wife of Dr. E. Mammen at Bloomington, 111., where, with all her children about her, she died Dec. 30th, 1902, a few days past seventy-three years of age. Her husband and 30 DAVISON FAMILY children testify she was an ideal wife and mother. She be- queated part of her estate to benevolent and religious purposes. One of her favorite quotations was: "Blessed arc the peace- makers, etc." She not only taught it but lived it. While all were together in the old home the children embraced the Chris- tian religion of their parents, and family worship was main- tained. VIII. — 4th. Reuben Smith Davison, son of Daniel P. M. and Malinda, was born near the head of Second Pond, Grafton, N. Y., Oct. 14th, 1832. Was married at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Jan. i6th, 1858, to Louisa Hamel. He died at Ballston, N. Y., Sept. i6th, 1902. He was buried at Saratoga Springs. He was a harness-maker. She resides at East Orange, N. J. VIII. — 5th. Ezra Maxon Davison, son of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., was born in the new house on the old homestead in Grafton, N. Y., Nov. 5th, 1837. Was married at Minonk, 111., Feb. 19th, 1868, to Helen Wilson. Died at Minonk 1874. Buried in Yankee Town Cemetery. He was a soldier in the Civil War. VII. Paul K. Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., had six children by his first wife, Abigail West; one by his second wife, Deborah Taylor. VIII. — ist. Abigail Davison, daughter of Paul K., was born at Grafton, N. Y., 1844. Married Frank Smith. Both died at Whitewater, Wis. DAVISON FAMILY 31 VIII. — 2d. Seraphina, born at Grafton, N. Y. Died when a child. VIII. — 3d. Lois, born at Grafton. Died when quite a child VIII.— 4th. FrankHn, born at Grafton, N. Y., 1834, Mar- ried Dec. 25th, 1856, to Jane Brown. Resided in New York City. VIII. — 5th. Mary Jane Davison, born at Grafton, N. Y., June 28tb 1836. Married Henry Stevens at Grafton. Resided in New York City. VIII. — 6th. Asa Davison, son of Paul K., son of Ezra, etc., bom at Grafton, N. Y., 1838. Married 1861 to Eliza Bonk. Resides in New York City. VIII. — 7th. Augusta Davison, daughter of Paul K. Davi- son and his second wife Deborah. Was born at Grafton, N. Y. Married George Link. Resides in Troy, N. Y. VII. John Milton Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc.. and his wife Sally. Had two children. VIII. — ist. Prosper Harvey Davison, son of J. Milton, was born at Grafton, N. Y., Aug. 26th, 1833. Married Sept. 2d, 1854, to Jane File at Brunswick, N. Y. 32 DAVISON FAMILY VIII. P. Harvey Davison, son of J. Milton Davison, son of Ezra, etc., resided in his native town of Grafton, N. Y., until 1855, when, with his father he came to Illinois, and located in Clayton Township, Woodford County, Illinois, where he re- sided on the farm until 1887, when he removed to Eureka, 111., to give his children the benefit of Eureka College. He was elected County Treasurer in 1886. He resided in Eureka until 1889 when he removed to Metamora, the county seat. After his term of office expired he returned to the farm and lived there until the fall of 1902, when he moved to Minonk. During that winter he had a severe attack of La Grippe from which he never recovered. He went to Excelsior Springs in Missouri, without receiving any benefit but gradually grew weaker until Sept. 13th, 1903, when he peacefully passed away. He was a pros- perous farmer. Owned 720 acres of land besides town and other property. Was nearly a life-long member of the Baptist church and was a leader in society, socially, religiously, and politically. Was a Democrat and cast his first ballot for James Buchanan. He was Treasurer of Clayton Township twenty years, and was also Supervisor. Jan. ist, 1900, he assisted in organizing the State Bank of Benson, and served as vice-president. Was a member of the Minonk Lodge, No. 927 I. O. O. F. Harvey was always gentle and kind and had a pleasant word for everyone. The funeral services were held Sept. 15th, 1903, conducted by Rev. Robert Wallace of Minonk, and Rev. F. M. Johnson of Benson. Buried at Yankee Town Cemetery eight miles west of Minonk. (The above sketch was furnished by his sons). His wife Jane died Dec. 22d, 1904. DAVISON FAMILY 33 VIII. — 2d. Elsie Lois Davison, daughter of J. Milton Davison, and Sally, his v^^ife. Born in Grafton, N. Y., Nov. 9th, 1835. Married at Quackenkill, Nov. 9th, 1853, to Jacob Mc- Chesney. Resides at Minonk, 111. VII. S. Rowland Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc.. and his wife Amanda. Had nine children. VIII. — I St. Dr. Ezra D. Davison was born in Grafton, N. Y., June 28th, 1834. Married 1855, to Mary Scriven at Grove- land, 111. His father gave him a college education and he in- tended to be a preacher but took up the practice of medicine. He sold tl- d farm his father had gave him and went further west. He resided in various places. Don't know in how many States. A few years ago found him on the Island of San Juan, near Vancouver Island. Is now at Thorp, Washington State. He was a soldier in the Civil War. Wished him to give a sketch of his wanderings as it would be of interest to the rest of us, but he declined, he being very modest — a prominent trait in the Davison family, VIII. — 2d. Lois L. Davison, born 1836. Died in infancy at Grafton, N, Y. VIII. — 3d. Deidamia L. Davison, daughter of S, Rowland and Amanda, his wife. Born at Grafton, N. Y., 1837, Married Aug., 1855, to Enoc R. Nye at Groveland, 111, Moved to Boul- der Valley, Montana, where she died. 34 DAVISON FAM ILY VIII. — 4th. Emily L. Davison, daughter of S. Rowland, born at Groveland, 111., 1839. Died at Yankee Town, 1858. VIII. — 5th. Dr. Asa Lee Davison, son of S. Rowland, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., born at Groveland, 111., 1841. Married i860 to Martha Wineteer at Yankee Town. Second, to Laura Weir. Third to Olive Raymond. Resided at Twin Bridges, Montana. Died at Weiser, Idaho. Buried at East Helena, Montana, where his third wife, Olive, resides with her three children. He received a college education and w^as a physician. VIII. — 6th. Louisa Davison, daughter of S. Rowland, born at Groveland, 111., March 22d, 1844. Married i860 to WiUiam German. Resided at Yankee Town where she died 1863. Had no children. VIII. — 7th. James Milton Davison, son of S. Rowland, son of Ezra, etc., born at Groveland, 111., April i8th, 1846. Mar- ried Louisa Scriven, Sept. 22d, 1870. Bought his father's home- stead where he resided several years then moved to Eureka to give his children the benefit of Eureka College. Was engaged extensively in real estate and grain business. Resides now at Los Angeles, Gal. VIII. — 8th. Sarah M. Davison, daughter of S. Rowland, etc., born at Groveland, 111., Oct. 6th, 1848. Married Sept., 1866, to David Rightenour at Yankee Town. Resided at Boul- der Valley, Montana. DAVISON FAMILY 35 VIII. — 9th. Mary A. Davison, daughter of S. Rowland, born at Groveland, 111., April 22d, 1850. Married Nov., 1865, to G. W. Rightenour. Resided at Boulder Valley, Montana. VII. Norman Lewis Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and his wife Adelia. Had five children. VIII. — ist. Zorada Adelade Davison, daughter of Norman L., born at Grafton, N. Y., March 12th, 1839, where she died Feb. 14th, 1842. VIII. — 2d. Edmund Sulivan Davison, son of Norman L., born at Grafton, N. Y., Feb. 20th, 1842. Married May loth, 1863, to Amy Vaughn. Resides at Denton, Nebraska. VIII. — 3d. Daniel Webster Davison, born at Grafton, N. Y., May 8th, 1844. Married March ist, 1866, to Sarah Richards. He now has his second wife. Resides at Minonk, 111. Was a soldier in the Civil War. VIII. — 4th. Lois Deidamia Davison, born at Grafton, N. Y., July 5th, 1848. Died at Minonk, 111., Nov. i8th, 1862. VIII. — 5th. Norman L. Davison, Jr., born at Grafton, N. Y., April i6th, 1854. Married Aug. 19th, 1873, to Annie Mc- Reiver. Resides at Minonk, 111. I have already recorded all we know of Dr. Asa Lee Davi- son, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and his children and grand- children and great grandchildren. Will now commence with the next in order. Dr. Asa Lee being the oldest. 36 DAVISON FAMILY VII. — 2d. Sarah Davison, daughter of Ezra. Left no children. VII. — 3d. Lois Davison, daughter of Ezra. Married Ly- man Lewis. Second Amos West and left two daughters. (Sea records and sketching in last part of this book). VIII. — 1st. Adeline West, daughter of Lois and Amos West. (See last pages this book), VIII. — 2d. Abigail West, daughter of Lois and Amos West. (See last pages this book). VII. Reuben S. Davison, son of Ezra. Left one daughter. VIII. Almina Davison, daughter of Reuben S. Married David Hakes and went to Pennsylvania. VII. Daniel P. M. Davison, son of Ezra. Left five chil- dren. (See record). VII. Paul K. Davison. Left six children. (See record). VII. John Milton Davison. Left two children. (See record). VII. S. Rowland Davison. Left nine children. (See record). VII. Norman L. Davison. Left five children. (See record). DAVISON FAMILY 37 VIII. Daniel Harrison Davison, son of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and Louisa Ann. His wife had nine children. IX. — I St. Ada C. Davison, born at Sand Lake, N. Y., Jan. 19th, 1854. Married Chas. Taylor, May 30th, 1882. Re- sides at Edgar, Neb. IX. — 2d. Mary Malinda Davison, born at Sand Lake, N. Y., Oct. 30th, 1855, where she died Feb. 25th, 1858. IX. — 3d. Joseph A. Davison, born at Minonk, 111., Jan. i8th, 1859. Ma-ried Jan. nth, 1882, to Lillie Ferrin. Resides at Polo, 111. He is a photographer. IX. — 4th. Daniel Melvin Davison, born at Minonk, III., Dec. 24th, i860. Married Nov. 24th, 1892, to Esther M. Wil- son. Resides at North Collins, N. Y. IX. — 5th. Wm. Arch Davison, born at Minonk, 111., Aug. 26th, 1862. Married March 15th, 1888, to Hattie Weber. Died April 6th, 1891, at Minonk, 111. Buried in Minonk Cemetery. Was a merchant. IX. — 6th. Cyrus Elmer Davison, son of Daniel H., born at Minonk, 111., March loth, 1865. Married Eva Vance, April 3d, 1887. Resides at Truman, Minnesota. IX. — 7th. Minnie A. Davison, born Aug. 9th, 1867, at Minonk, 111. Married Aug. 22d, 1888, to Dr. F. W. Wilcox. Resides at Minonk, 111. 38 DAVISON FAMILY IX. — 8th. Dexter H. Davison, son of Daniel H., born at Minonk, 111., Sept. 19th, 1869. Married June 2d, 1902, to Mar- garet St. Clair. Resides at Streator, 111. Is a dentist. IX. — 9th. Oris Merton Davison, son of Daniel H., son of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., born at Minonk. 111., June 3d, 1872. Married Dec. 28, 1892, to Mary A. Martin. Resides at Minonk. VIII. Almon Alexander Davison, son of Daniel P. M., son of Asa, etc., and Abigail M. His wife had twelve children. IX. — 1st. Martha Chandler Davison was born near Man- ito, 111., April loth, 1855. Married to Jeremiah Singley, son of Peter Singley, Oct. ist, 1878. He was born in Schuylkill Co., Penn., May 20th, 1852. They reside at Green Valley, 111. IX. — 2d. Lois Matilda Davison was born near Manito, 111., Feb. 2ist, 1857. Married to James R. Barker, Jan. 13th, 1875. He was born Dec. 24th, 1847. Resides at Green Valley, III. IX. — 3d. Abbie Amelia Davison was born near Manito, 111., May 3d, 1859. Married to Joseph J. Breedlove, son of Ali- son Breedlove, at Green Valley, 111., Oct. 28th, 1890. He was born in Sand Prairie, 111., Jan. 26th, i860. Resides at Manito, 111., R. R. No. I. Had one child, Juliette Abigail. X. Juliette Abigail Breedlove was born at Manito, 111., May 25th, 1903. DAVISON FAMILY 39 IX. — 4th. Emma Louisa Davison was born Aug. 18, 1861. Died Feb. 21st, 1863. Buried in Egypt Cemetery. IX. — 5th. Daniel Ezra Davison, born July 21st, 1863. Died July i8th, 1869. Buried in Egypt Cemetery. IX. — 6th. Charlie Grant Davison, born June ist, 1865. Married Carrie Perrill, daughter of Joseph Pcrrill at Manito, 111., March 29th, 1889, by Rev. Wasson, She was born in Taze- well County, 111., Nov. i8th, 1865. Died July 29th, 1895. Buried in Manito Cemetery. Married second to Rebecca J. Hodkinson at Manito, June 2ist, 1898, by R*^ s^. Drake. She was born at Manito, Nov. nth, 1874. Daughter of George and Henriette Hodkinson. Resides at Summit, Cal. Occupation, railroad agent. IX. — 7th. Ella Eliza Davison, born near Manito, 111., Feb. 21 St, 1867. Married to Charles R. Towne at Manito, by Rev. Crapp, Feb. 21st, 1889. He was born in Groveland, 111., Sept. 30th, 1862. Resides near Pekin, 111., R. R. No. i. Is a farmer. IX. — 8th. Almon Melvin Davison, born Dec. 4th, 1869, near Manito, 111. Married to Mary Loretta Bell at Petersburg, 111., Nov. ist, 1891. She was born in Menard Co., 111., Dec. 30th, 1874. Resides at Laurel, Montana. Agent for Northern Pacific Railroad. IX. — 9th. Rubie Malinda Davison, born Feb. 22d, 1872, near Manito, 111. Married Andrew Jackson Chambers, Aug. 40 DAVISON FAMILY 30th, 1893, at St. Louis, Mo. He was born at Colona, 111., Jan. 6th, 1873. Resides at Manito, 111. IX. — loth. Ada Bctsie Davison was born March 12th, 1874, near Manito, 111. Married to Wm. D. Overholt, Sept. 26th, 1894. He was born March i8th, 1867, at Hilltown, Pa. Re- sides at Manito, 111. A carpenter. IX. — nth. Mary Alice Davison, born Sept. 7th, 1876. Died March 15th, 1879. Buried in Egypt Cemetery. IX. — I2th. Birdie Carrie Davison, born at Manito, 111., Nov. 29th, 1882. Married to Peter Cook at Red Wing, Minne- sota, Sept. 19th, 1902. Resides at Red Wing, Minn., R. R. No. 6. Had one child, Abbie Elizabeth. X. Abbie Elizabeth Cook, was born at Bell Creek, Minn., Sept. 20th, 1903. VIII. Louisa Malinda Davison, daughter of Daniel P. M. and his wife Malinda. Lousia and her husband William A. Parker had nine children. IX. — ist. Sarah Floretta Parks, born Sept. 14th, 1847. Died Aug. 13th, 1848. IX. — 2d. Asa Melvin was born July loth, 1849. Died Sept. 28th, 185 1, at the Davison homestead in Grafton, N. Y. IX. — 3d. Alvah Harrison Parks, born at Quackenkill, N. Y., Oct. i8th, 1854. Went to Illinois with his parents in 1854. DAVISON FAMILY 41 Married to Sarah A. Melchert Jan. 4th, 1882. Resides at Minonk, 111. Occupation : farming and dealer in agricultural implements. IX. — ^4th. Homer Percival Parks, son of Louisa M. and her husband Wm. A. Parks, was born at the East Grafton Hotel, N. Y., Sept. i8th, 1853. Came west with his parents in 1854. Married Annie Margaret Mammem, March loth, 1880. She was born in Hanover, Germany, April 23d, 1863. Resides at Minonk, 111. Occupation : farmer and implement dealer. IX. — 5th. Sarah Malinda Parks, born in Clayton Town- ship, 111., March .5th, 1856. (On this day her grandmother Malinda was fifty years old). Married to Dr. E. Mammen, Sept. 4th, 1878. Resides at Bloomington, 111. Dr. Mammen was born at Oldenbury, Germany, Sept. 22d, 1855. He is a lead- ing physician and surgeon of Bloomington, 111. IX. — 6th. An infant born Aug. nth, 1863. Died Sept. loth, 1863, at Parks homestead. IX. — 7th. Daniel Milton Parks, born on the Parks home- stead, May 25th, 1865. Died Dec. 15th, 1873. IX. — 8th. Rufus H. Parks, son of Wm. A. and Louisa Parks, was born on the homestead, Clayton Township, Wood- ford Co., 111., Sept. 7th, i860. Married Katie Miller, May 4th, 1898. Farmer. Resides on the homestead. 42 DAVISON FAMILY IX. — 9th. Sitka Louisa Parks, born on the Parks home- stead, April 7th, 1870. Married Edward Frances Coolridge, Dec. 2ist, 1892. Farmer. Resides near Bloomington, 111. VIII. Reuben Smith Davison, son of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and Louisa, his wife. Had three children. IX. — I St. Carrie Davison, born i860, at Saratoga, N. Y. Married to Henry E. Morin, 1882. Died at Ypsilanti, Mich., Oct. 7th, 1896. IX. — 2d. Cora Davison, born 1865, at Saratoga, N. Y. Married Frank Green. Resides at East Orange, N. J., No. 15 Girard Avenue. IX.— 3d. Maude Davison, born 1872. Married Sept. 15th, 1899, to Jurian Miller. Resides at No. 11 State Street, Sara- toga Springs, N. Y. VIII. — Ezra Maxon Davison, and his wife Helen. Had three children. IX. — I St. Annie L. Davison, born at Minonk, 111., Nov. 24th, 1868. Resides at Tuckahoe, Westchester Co., N. Y. IX.— 2d. Clarence E. Davison, son of Ezra M., son of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, etc., was born near Manito, 111., Sept. 1st, 1871. Resides at Tuckahoe, N. Y. IX.— 3d. Theodore E. Davison, born at Minonk, 111., Aug. 2ist, 1874. Died at Minonk. DAVISON FAMILY 43 VII. — Paul K. Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., had six children by Abigail, his first wife, and one by his second wife Deborah. We will now record their grandchildren. VIII. — ist. Abigail Davison, was born in Grafton, N. Y. Married Capt. Frank Smith. They had no children. They moved to Whitewater, Wisconsin, where they both died. VIII. — 2d. Saraphina Davison, born in Grafton, N. Y. Died when a child. VIII. — 3d. Lois Davison, born at Grafton, N. Y., and died quite young. VIII. — 4th. x^ranklin Davison, son of Paul K., son of Ezra, etc., and his wife Jane. Had two children, and two by his second wife. IX. — 1st. Jennie A. Davison, born . Died aged four years. IX. — 2d. Franklin Davison, Jr., born 1865. IX. — 3d. By second wife, Milton Davison, born in New York City, 1865. IX. — 4th. Tillie Davison, born in New York City, 1880. VIII. — Mary J. Davison, daughter of Paul K., son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and her husband Henry E. Stevens. Had five children. 44 DAVISON FAMILY IX. — 1st. Mary A. Stevens, born June 22d, 1861. IX. — 2d. Emma Stevens, born Sept. 8th, 1863. Died July 25th, 1865, at New York City. IX. — 3d. Henry E. Stevens, Jr., born June 14th, 1866, in New York City. Entered Yale College at New Haven, Conn., in 1884, and graduated with honor June 28th, 1888. Resides at New York City. IX.— 4th. Lillie Belle Stevens, born Feb. 3d, 1874. Died Nov. 17th, 1878, at New York City. IX. — 5th. Clarence H. Stevens, born Oct. 3d, 1879. Died Aug. loth, 1880, at New York City. VIII. Asa R. Davison, son of Paul K., son of Ezra, etc., and his wife Eliza. Had two children. IX.— I St. Ella A. Davison, born at Troy, N. Y., 1867. IX.— 2d. Bert Davison, born Feb., 1874. Died Oct., 1889, at Troy, N. Y. VIII. Charlotte Augusta Davison, daughter of Paul K., by his second wife Deborah. Charlotte and her husband, Geo. H. Link, had six children. IX.— I St. Carrie A. Link, born at Troy, N. Y. IX.— 2d. Fred Link. Died. DAVISON FAMILY 45 IX. — 3d. Edward Link. Died. IX.— 4th. Paul K. Link, born 1874, at Troy, N. Y. IX.— 5th. Geo. Link, Jr. IX.— 6th. Effie Link, born 1884. Resided at Troy, N. Y. VII. John Milton Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc , had two children. Will now proceed to record his grandchildren. VIII. Prosper Harvey Davison, son of J. Milton and his wife, Jane. Had seven children. IX. — ist. Mary Addie Davison, born at Yankee Town, IlL, Aug. 6th, 1855. Died May 6th, 1861. Buried in Yankee Town Cemetery, IX. — 2d. Franc Davison, born at Yankee Town, Feb. 23d, 1857. Married to Harrison Herrick, Feb. loth, 1886. Resides at Lone Tree, Mo. IX. — 3d. Will S. Davison, son of P. Harvey, son of J. Milton, son of Ezra, etc., born Dec. ist, 1862. Married Minnie Lohnes, June 27th, 1894. Resides on the old J. M. Davison homestead near Minonk. IX. — 4th. J. Morgan Davison, born at Yankee Town, Oct. 24th, 1864. Married Annie S. Murray at Eureka, 111.. June I2th, 1890. Resides at 3309 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. 4 46 DA\1S0X FA MILY IX. — 5th. Paul H. Davison, born at Yankee Town, Feb. 19th, 1867. Married Bertha Trullender. Feb. 27th, 1895. Re- sides near Minonk, III. IX. — 6th. Elsie J. Davison, was born at Yankee Town, Aug. l6th, 1869. [Married Robert M. Livingston, Sept. 24th, 1898. Resides near ]\Iinonk, 111. IX. — 7th. Bertha Davison, born at Yankee Town, Aug. 28th, 1874. \TII. Elsie L. Davison, daughter of J. Milton, and her husband Jacob IMcChesney. have six children. IX. — 1st. Louisa Emeline }^IcChesney, born Dec. 30th, 1855. at Clayton, 111. ^larried to Wm. Barnett, July 30th, 1873. Resides at Kansas City. 'Slo. IX.— 2d. Cassius ^lilton McChesney, born Oct. 26th, 1858. Married Flora E. Bennington. Aug. 26th, 1880. Resides at Fairchild, Iowa. IX. — 3d. Horace Jacob McChesney. born Sept. 21st, 1861. :\Iarried March 25th, 1882, to Martha E. Perry. Resides at Lone Rock, Iowa. IX. — 4th. Edward Dayton [McChesney, born Aug. 20th, 1864, at Minonk, 111. Married to Fanny Livingston, Dec. 25th, 1893. Resides at Minonk, 111. DAVISON FAMILY 47 IX. — 5th. Mary Elsie McChesney, born Jan. 19th, 1874. at Clayton, 111. Married Wm. R. Cothern, Aug. 12th, 1896. Resides at Randalia, Fayette Co., Iowa. IX. — 6th. Sarah Lois McChesney, born Feb. 15th, 1877, at Clayton, 111. Married to Herbert W. Rayner June 24th, 1901. Resides at Lone Rock, Kossuth Co., Iowa. Next comes in order the grandchildren of S. Rowland Dav- ison, .son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc. VIII. Dr. Ezra D. Davison, son of S. Rowland, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and his wife Mary had nine children. IX. — 1st. John R. Davison, son of Dr. Ezra D., son of J. Rowland, son of Ezra, etc., was born in Woodford Co., 111., Jan. 26th, 1857. Married July 31st, 1887, to Elizabeth Jarron. IX.— 2d. Gilbert E. Davison, born April nth, 1858. Died Sept. loth, 1859, at Belleplains, 111. IX. — 3d. Charles H. Davison, born Nov. 25th, i860. IX. — 4th. Lucretia M. Davison, born Dec. 28th, 1862. Died May 20th, 1871, at Belleplains, 111. IX. — 5th. Amanda E. Davison, born Jan. 22d, 1864. Mar- ried to David Bounds, Feb. 22d, 1888. Reside at Thorp, Wash. IX.-— 6th. Emily L. Davison, born Oct. 12th, 1868. Died Nov. 23d, 1875. 48 DAVISON FAMILY IX. — 7th. Laura B. Davison, born Oct. 27th, 1871, at Barton, Mo. IX. — 8th. Pearl A. Davison, born Feb. ist, 1875. Married Turner. Resides at Thorp, Washington. IX.— 9th. Geo. D. Davison, born Feb. 17th, 1877, in Wayne Co., Iowa. Reside at Thorp, Wash. VIII. Deidamia L. Davison, daughter of S. Rowland, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and her husband Enoch Nye, had five children. JX. — I St. Joel Nye was born at Groveland, 111., 1857. IX. — 2d. Jennie Nye was born 1859. Married Julien Rent. Resided at Fairbury, Neb. IX.— 3d. Will Nye, born 1865. Was at Twin Bridges, Montana. IX. — 4th. James Milton Nye, born 1867. Was at Boulder Valley, Mont. IX. — 5th. Harry Nye, born 1870. Was at Boulder Valley, Mont. VIII. Dr. Asa Lee Davison, son of S. Rowland, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., died at Weiser, Idaho. Have not the date. Buried at East Helena, Montana. By his first wife Mar- DAVISON FAMILY 4q tha, he had three children. None by his second wife Laura Wier. And three by his third wife Olive Raymond, who re- •sides with her children at East Helena, Mont. IX. — ist. By his first wife: Asa Ellsworth Davison. Resides at East Helena, Mont. IX. — 2d. Ben Franklin Davison. Resides at Hood River, Oregon. IX.— 3d. Emma. Died. By his third wife O'-.c: IX. — 4th. Laura Davison. Resides at East Helena, Mont. IX. — 5th. Frank Davison, son of Dr. Asa Lee, son of S. Rowland, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc. Resides at East Helena, Mont. IX. — 6th. Joy Davison. Resides at East Helena, Mont. VIII. James Milton Davison, son of S. Rowland, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and his wife Louisa, had six children. ,IX. — I St. AHce J. Davison, born Oct. 26th, 1871, at Lynn, 111. Married John Stivers. Have one son. X. Davison Loraine Stivers. Resides at Knoxville, 111. IX.— 2d. Sarah M. Davidson, born Feb. 6th, 1873, at Lynn, III. 50 DAVISON FAMILY IX. — 3d. Ida Belle Davison, born June 25th, 1874, at Lynn. Was principal of High School at Cuba, III. IX. — 4th. James Ezra Davison, born Jan. 22d, 1876, at Lynn, 111. He and his wife Daisy have one son. X. Claude Loraine Davison. IX. — 5th. S. Rowland Davison, born March 25th, 1879. IMarried Winnie Bradford. Resides at Hanna, Ind. IX. — 6th. Leroy Davison, born at Lynn, 111., Feb. i6th, 1882. Was student in college at Eureka, 111. MIL Sarah ^I. Davison, daughter of S. Rowland, and her husband David Rightenour. Resided at Boulder Valley, Alont. No children. VIII. Mary A. Davison and her husband Geo. W. Righte- nour. Resided at Boulder Valley, Mont. No children. Next comes in the order of this work the grandchildren of: VII. Norman L. Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc. VIII. Edmond Sulivan Davison, son of Norman L., and his wife Amy, had four children. Resides at Denton, Nebraska. IX. — ist. Earnest C. Davison, born at Clayton, 111., Feb. I St, 1866. Resides at Denton, Neb. DAVISON FAMILY 51 IX. — 2d. Volney V. Davison, son of Edmond S., son of Norman L., etc., was born at Clayton, 111., Nov. 7th, 1873. Died Oct. 17th, 1886, at Emerald, Neb. IX. — 3d. Lois D. Davison, born at Minonk, Feb. 6th, 1876. IX. — 4th. Ira A. Davison, born at Minonk, 111., June 28th, 1878. Resides at Denton, Neb. VIII. Daniel Webster Davison, son of Norman L., son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and his wife Sarah, had four children. IX. — 1st. George T. Davison, son of Daniel W., etc., was born at Clayton, 111., Nov. 3c .u, 1866. Married June 25th, 1891, to Katie Goodwin. Resides at Hackensack, N. J. IX. — 2d. Clara A. Davison, born at Clayton, 111., June 3d, 1869. Died Oct. 9th, 1869. IX. — 3d. Lonny K. Davison, born at Minonk, 111., Dec. 25th, 1873. Died Dec. 3d, 1883, at Minonk, 111. IX. — 4th. Harry Webster Davison, born Dec. 20th, 1881, at Minonk, 111. Married (name of wife not given) Sept. 25th, 1901. Resides at Hackensack, N. J. VIII. Norman L. Davison, Jr., son of Norman L., son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc. Born at Grafton, N. Y., April i6th, 1854. Married at Minonk, III, to Anna L. McReene, Aug. i8th, 1873. She was born in Ohio, Oct. ist, 1856. Had three children. 52 DAVISON FAMILY IX. — 1st. Curtis Howard, born at Minonk, 111., June 2d, 1878. Died Oct. 24th, 1887. IX.— 2d. Fred Garfield, born Aug. 9th, 1881. Died Feb. 5th, 1901. IX. — 3d. Ralph Porter, born March loth, 1885. Resides at Minonk, 111. We will now proceed to record the tenth generation com- mencing with the descendants of Daniel P. M. Davison. Have already recorded all we know of his older brothers' and sisters' family, viz : Dr. Asa Lee Davison, his sister Lois, and his brother Reuben S. Following Daniel P. M.'s family will come the descendants of Paul K. Davison, J. Milton Davison, S. Rowland Davison, and Norman L. Davison. Have already recorded their children and grandchildren. The tenth generation from Nicholas Dayi- son are their great grandchildren. The next to be recorded are the grandchildren of: VIII. Daniel Harrison Davison, son of VII Daniel P. M., son of VI Ezra, son of V Asa, son of IV Thomas 2d, son of III Thomas, son of II Daniel, son of I Nicholas. That is as far as we go unless, as vv^e have a right to suppose, that Nicholas was the son of Christopher, son of William Davison, Secretary to Queen Elizabeth. (See notes from his Biography). IX. Ada C. daughter of D. H. Davison, and her husband Charles Taylor, had four children. DAVISON FAMILY 53 X. — I St. Carrie Louisa Taylor, born March 4th, 1882, at Hudson, 111. Resides at Edgar, Neb. X.— 2d. Lottie Maria Taylor, born Jan. 24th, 1885. Died Jan. 26th, 1890. X.— 3d. Charles Harrison Taylor, born Sept. 13th, 1886. Resides at Edgar, Neb. X.— 4th. Arta Viorl Taylor, born Feb. nth, 1889. Died Jan. 19th, 1892. , IX. Joseph A. Davison, son of Daniel H., son of Daniel P. M., etc., and his wife Lillie E., had four children. X. — I St. Loretta Davison, born June 28th, 1884. Resides at Polo, 111. X.— 2d. Harrison Kembull Davison, born April 5th, 1886. Resides at Polo, 111. X. — 3d. Robert F. Davison, born June 15th, 1889. Died July 22d, 1890. X. — 4th. Elbert Davison, son of Joseph A., son of Daniel H., etc., born Oct. 27th, 1891. Resides at Polo, 111. IX. Daniel Melvin Davison, son of Daniel H., etc., and his vi'ife Esther M., had two children. 54 DAVISON FAMILY X. — 1st. Edith Esther Davison, born Aug. 27th, 1894. Resides at North Collins, N. Y. X. — 2d. Edward Harrison Davison, son of Daniel !Melvin, etc., was born Oct. 24th, 1896. IX. \\'m. Archie Davison and his wife Hattie J., had no children. IX. Cyrus Elmer Davison, son of Daniel H,, etc, and his wife Ida Evaline, had eight children. X. — 1st. Myrtle }\Iay Davison, daughter of Cyrus Elmer, son of Daniel H., etc., was born April i6th, 1887. Resides at Truman, Minnesota. X. — 2d. Freddie Elmer Davison, born Nov. 12th, 1889. Resides Truman. ^.linn. X. — 3d. Florence Louisa Davison, born Oct. 13th, 1891. Resides Truman, Minn. X. — 4th. John Harrison Davison, born Dec. 8th, 1893. Died Aug. 29th, 1894. X. — 5th. Eleanor Estelle Davison, daughter of Cyrus Elmer, etc., was born Nov. 24th, 1895. X.— 6th. Eva Landell Davison, born Sept. 6th, 1897. Re- sides at Truman, Minn. DAVISON FA MILY 55 X.— 7th. Clara Alene Davison, born Oct. 2d, 1899. Re- sides at Truman, Minn. X.— 8th. Ethel Davison, born Aug. 25th, 1901. Resides at Truman, Minn. IX. Dexter Harrison Davison, son of Daniel H., son of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, etc., and his wife Margaret. Re- moved to Bombay, India, in the early part of A. D. 1904. IX. Oris Mertie Davison, and his wife Mary, have four children. X. — ist. Curtis Melvin Davison, son of Oris Mertie, son of Daniel H., etc., born Sept. 21st, 1893. X. — 2d. Esther Marie Davison, born Aug. loth, 1895. X. — 3d. Ruth Allene Davison, born Oct. 9th, 1896. X. — 4th. Orville Merton Davison, born July 13th, 1899. IX. Minnie A. Davison, daughter of Daniel Harrison, son of Daniel P. M., etc., and her husband Dr. Frederick W. Wil- cox, have two children. X. — ist. George Edward Wilcox, born at Minonk, 111., Jan. 23d, 1889. Reside at Minonk, 111. X. — 2d. Rachel Maria Wilcox, born at Minonk, 111., Jan. 2ist, 1891. Resides at Minonk, 111. 56 DAVISON FAMILY VIII. Almon A. Davison and his wife Abigail M.'s grand- children. IX. Martha C. Davison and her husband Jeremiah Sing- ley, had ten children. X. — 1st. Jesse Walter Singley, born at Sand Prairie, 111., June 5th, 1880. Resides near Manito, 111. X. — 2d. Emma Amelie Singley, born June 15th, 1883, at Manito, 111. Married Samuel Kurtz, May 28th, 1903. Resides at Delavan, 111. XI. Born to them a boy. Jan., 1905. X. — 3d. Alice Matilda Singley, born at Pekin, 111., Oct. 2d. 1884. Married Clabe Boyer, Sept. 28th, 1904. Resides near Green Valley, III. XI. Born, a girl, April 9th, 1905. X. — 4th. Twins, born, one died Nov. 7th, 1886. X. — 5th. The other: George Albert Singley, died Feb. 8th, 1887. X.— 6th. Harvey Milton Singley, born April 6th, 1888, at Malone, 111. Resides at Green Valley, 111. X. — 7th. Rubie Maude Singley, born at Manito, 111., Dec. 22d, 1890. Resides at Green Valley, 111. DAVISON FAMILY 57 X.— 8th. Roy Allen Singley, born at Manito, 111., Feb. 7th, 1893. Resides at Green Valley, 111. X.— 9th. Charlie Grant Singley, born at Malone, 111., May 3d, 1895. Resides at Green Valley, 111. X. — loth. Lewis Oscar Singley, born at Sand Prairie, 111., March 6th, 1898. Resides at Green Valley, 111. IX. Lois Matilda Davison and her husband James R. Barker, had six children. X. — 1st. Joseph R. Barker, son of Lois M. and James R. Barker, was born at Green Valley, 111., Dec. nth, 1875. Married to May Meeker, Aug. 28th, 1901. To them was born July 7th, 1902: XI. Seth Barker, being the first of the XI generation in the family. Resides at 1182 East 37th Street, Los Angeles, Gal. X. — 2d. Lulu May Barker, born at Green Valley, 111., Sept. 6th, 1877. Died March 2d, 1879. Buried in Egypt Ceme- tery. X. — 3d. Minnie Barker, born Dec. 21st, 1879. Died Sept. 13th, i88i. Buried in the Egypt Cemetery. X. — 4th. Carrie Barker, daughter of Lois and James Barker was born Jan. 13th, 1882, near Green Valley, 111. Mar- 58 DAVISON FAMILY ried Dec. 31st, 1903, to Orlando A. Crawford. Resides near Delavan, 111. Born to them: XL Delia Irene Crawford, Oct. 8th, 1904. X.— 5th. Ida Pearl Barker, born Dec. 28th, 1888. Re- sides at Green Valley, 111. X. — 6th. Jennie R. Barker, born May 7th, 1892. Resides at Green Valley, 111. IX. Abbie A. Davison, daughter of Almon A., son of Dan- iel P. M., etc., and her husband Joseph J. Breedlove. have one child. X. Julietta Abigail Breedlove was born at Manito, 111., Aug. 25th, 1903. Resides at Manito, 111., R. R. No. i. IX. Charlie Grant Davison, son of Almon A., son of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and his wife Carrie, have two children. At present they reside at Summit, San Ber- nardino Co., California. XL Arthur Houston Davison, son of Charlie G., son of Almon A., etc., was born at Oakford, 111., June 22d, 1890. Re- sides at Summit, Cal. X. — 2d. Irving Daniel Davison, born at Manito, 111., May 15th, 1894. Resides at Summit, Cal. DAVISON FAMILY 59 IX. Ella Eliza Davison, daughter of Almon A., etc., and her husband Charles R. Towne, have two children. X. — ist. Edna E. Towne was born near Pekin, 111., Nov. 19th, 1889. Resides near Pekin, 111., R. R. No. i. X. — 2d. Leon Davison Towne was born at Waukena, Kan- sas, Jan. 28th, 1894. Resides near Pekin, 111., R. R. No. i. IX. Rubie Malinda Davison, daughter of Almon A., etc.. and her husband Andrew J. Chambers, have six children. X. — 1st. Abbie May Chambers was born at Colona, 111., March 29th, 1894. Resides at Manito, 111. X. — 2d. Rubie Edith Chambers, born at Manito, 111., Sept. 24th, 1895. Resides at Manito, 111. X. — 3d. Pherne Lauretta Chambers, born at Manito, 111., Aug. loth, 1897. Resides at Manito, 111. X. — 4th. Allison Beverly Chambers, born at Manito, 111., Oct. 30th, 1899. Resides at Manito, 111. X. — 5th. Edson Fay Chambers, born at Blockton, Iowa, Nov. 30th, 1901. Resides at Manito, 111. X. — 6th. Lois Valentine Chambers, born at Blockton, Iowa, Feb. 14th, 1904. Resides at Manito, 111. 6o DAVISON FAMILY IX. Almon Melvin Davison, son of Almon A., son of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, etc., and his wife Loretta, had two children. X. — 1st. Edith Belle Davison was born at Cantrall, 111., Sept. i6th, 1892. Died at Cantrall, III, Aug. 9th, 1893, X. — 2d. Ethel Davison was born April 19th, 1894. Re- sides at Laurel, Montana. IX. Ada Betsie Davison and her husband Wm. D. Over- holt, have four children. X. — 1st. John Almon Overholt, born at ]\Ianito, 111., Nov. 2d, 1895. Resides at Manito, 111. X. — 2d. Frank Jonas Overholt, born July 27th, 1897. Re- sides at Manito, 111. X. — 3d. Charles William Overholt, born June 3d, 1901, at Manito, 111. X. — 4th. Enos Nelson Overholt, born at Manito, 111., Dec. 25th, 1903. Resides at Manito. IX. Birdie Carrie Davison and her husband Peter Cook, have one child. X. Abbie Elizabeth Cook, born Sept. 20th, 1903, at Belle Creek, ]Minn, Reside at Red Wing, Minn.. R. R. No. 6. DAVISON FAMILY 6i VIII. Louisa Malinda Davison, daughter of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and her husband Wm. A. Parks. . Will here record their grandchildren of five families: IX. Alvah H. Parks, son of Louisa and William her hus- band, and his wife Sarah A., have four children. X. — I St. Louisa Elizabeth Parks was born at Minonk, 111., Feb. 2d, 1883. Resides at Minonk, III. X.— 2d. Harvey Alvah Parks, born at Minonk, 111., Feb. lOth, 1885. Resides at Minonk, 111. X.— 3d. Fred Carnot Parks, born at Minonk, 111., Jan. ist, 1888. Resides at Minonk, 111. X.— 4th. Oliver Lafayette Parks, born at Minonk, 111., June loth, 1899. Resides at Minonk, 111. IX. Homer Percival Parks, son of Louisa, and her hus- band William A. Parks, and his wife Anna Margaret, have four children. X.— ist. William Alvah Parks, born in Clayton Township, Sept. 4th, 1881. Resides at Minonk, 111. X. — 2d. Aaron John Parks, born in Clayton, 111., Dec. 26th, 1883. Resides at Minonk, 111. 62 DAVISON FAMILY X. — 3d. Harrison Milton Parks, son of Homer P., son of Wm. A., etc., was born in Clayton, 111., Jan. 23d, 1886. Resides at Minonk, 111. X. — ^4th. Esther Marie Parks, born in Clayton, 111., July 31st, 1891. Resides at Minonk, 111. IX. Sarah Malinda Parks, daughter of Louisa M. and her husband Wm. A. Parks, and her husband Dr. Earnest Mammen, have five children. X. — I St. Vera Marie Mammen, born at Minonk, 111., Sept. ist, 1879. Married Dec. 31st, 1903, to Charles W. Grey. Re- sides at 822 North Eaton Street, Baltimore, Maryland. XL Born, Earnest Walter Grey, March 23d, 1905. X. — 2d. Harry Parks Mammen, born at Minonk, 111., Jan. 19th, 1881. Resides at Bloomington, 111. X. — 3d. Earnest William Mammen, born in Chicago, Nov. i8th, 1882. Resides at Bloomington, 111. X. — 4th. Rachel Louisa Mammen, born at Bloomington, 111., July 7th, 1887. Resides at Bloomington, 111. X. — 5th. Sarah Louisa Mammen, born in Bloomington, 111., July nth, 1898. Resides at Bloomington, 111. IX. Rufus Harrison Parks, son of Wm. A., and his wife Louisa, and Katie his wife, have three children. DAVISON FAMILY X. — I St. Violet Eunice Parks, born in Clayton, 111., May 24th, 1899. Resides on the Parks homestead near Minonk, 111. X. — 2d, Catherine Louisa Parks, born in Clayton, 111., Nov. 25th, 1900. Resides on the homestead near Minonk, 111. X. — 3d. Gertrude Sitka Parks, born at Clayton, Woodford Co., 111., Oct. i6th, 1902. Resides near Minonk, III. IX. Sitka Louisa Parks, daughter of Wm. A. and Louisa M., and her husband Frances Coolridge, have five children. X. — ist. William Frances Coolridge, born near Blooming- ton, 111., Dec. 7th, 1893. Resides near Bloomington, 111. X. — 2d. Alvah Parks Coolridge, born near Bloomington, 111., Feb. 8th, 1896. X. — 3d. Edward Horace Coolridge, born Aug. 5th, 1895. Died July 6th, 1903. X. — 4th. Ruth Lucile Coolridge, born Oct. 4th, 1901, at Bloomington, 111. X. — 5th. Howard John Coolridge, born near Bloomington, 111., Feb. 5th, 1905. VIII. Reuben S. Davison, son of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, son of Asa. Next in order will record his grandchildren. 64 DAVISON FAMILY IX. Cora L. Davison, daughter of Reuben S., and her husband Frank C. Green, have one child. X.— 1st. Frances Louisa Green, born at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Aug. 22d, 1894. Resides at East Orange, N. J. IX. Carrie Davison, daughter of Reuben S. and his wife Louisa ; and her husband Henry G. Morin had five children . X. — I St. Walter D. Morin was born at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Oct. 7th, 1884. Resides at Charlotte, Mich., R. R. No. i. X.— 2d. Howard E. Morin was born at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Oct. 22d, 1886. Resides at Alma, Mich. X.— 3d. Elsie Morin, born at Brantford, Canada, Aug. 7th, 1891. Resides at Ypsilanti, Mich. X.— 4th. Edith Morin, born at Pontiac, Mich., June loth, 1893. Resides at Gladstone, Mich. X.— 5th. Bulah Morin, born at Pontiac, Mich., May, 1895. Resides at Ypsilanti, Mich. VIII. Ezra M. Davison, son of Daniel P. M., son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., and his wife Helen, had three children. Two of them are living with their mother at Tuckahoe, Westchester Co., N. Y. But we have no record of any grandchildren. This finishes the record of Daniel P. M. Davison's family. Next in order comes the descendants of: DAVISON FAMILY 65 VII. Paul K. Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc. We have his family record complete up to a fev^^ years ago. (See record). But up to date have been unable to learn whether or not he has any great great grandchildren. VII. John Milton Davison comes next. Son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc. He had two children, both having large families. VIII. P. Harvey Davison, son of John Milton, etc. Will record his children's children. IX. Franc Davison, daughter of P. Harvey, son of John Milton, etc., and her husband Harrison Kerrick, had four chil- dren. X. — 1st. Josephine Kerrick, born at Fink's Grove, McLean Co., 111., Oct. 14th, 1889. X. — 2d. William D. Kerrick, born at Fink's Grove, Mc- Lean Co., 111., Oct. 14th, 1891. X. — 3d. Paul H. Kerrick, born at Lone Tree, Neb., Aug. 1 6th, 1898. X. — 4th. One died in infancy. IX. Will S. Davison, son of P. Harvey, etc., and his wife Minnie, had one child. X. Addie Jane Davison, born Sept. 23d, 1895. 66 DAVISON FAMILY IX. J. Morgan Davison, son of P. Harvey, son of J. Mil- ton, son of Ezra, etc., and his wife Annie S., had four children. X. — 1st. Bertha Davison, born at Eureka, 111., Aug. 28th, 1891. X. — 2d. One died in infancy. X. — 3d. John Murray Davison, son of J. Morgan, v^^as born March 19th, 1895. On the same day his great grandfather. J. Milton Davison, died. Resides at Kansas City, Mo. X. — 4th. P. Harvey Davison, son of J. Morgan, son of P. Harvey, son of J. Milton, etc., was born March 6th, 1897. IX. Paul H. Davison, son of P. Harvey, etc., and his wife. Bertha, had four children. X. — I St. Victor H. Davison, born Feb. 26th, 1896. X. — 2d. Lester G. Davison, was born Sept. nth, 1897. X. — 3d. Margaret Davison, born April 28th, 1899. X. — 4th. One died in infancy. IX. Elsie J. Davison, daughter of P. Harvey, son of J. Milton, etc., and her husband Robert M. Livingston, had two children. DAVISON FAMILY 67 X. — I St. Tommy M. Livingston was born Feb. 20th, 1898. X. — 2d. Cecil C. Livingston, born Jan. 29th, 1900. Died Aug. 29th, 1 90 1. VIII. Elsie L. Davison, daughter of J. Milton, son of Ezra, etc., and her husband Jacob McChesney. Will record their grandchildren. IX. Louisa E. McChesney and her husband Wm. S. Bar- nett, have three children. X.— ist. Frank E. Barnett, born Feb. 20th, 1875. Re- sides at Kansas City, Mo. X. — 2d. Orvill J. Barnett, born June 3d, 1877. Resides at Kansas City, Mo. X.— 3d. Arthur C. Barnett, born Oct. 20th, 1883. Resides at Kansas City, Mo. IX. Cassius M. McChesney, son of Jacob McChesney, and his wife Elsie, have seven children. X. — 1st. Roy E. McChesney, born April 27th, 1883. Re- sides at Fairfield, Iowa. X.— 2d. Lena E. McChesney, born Sept. 9th, 1885. Re- sides at Fairfield, Iowa. 68 DAVISON FAMILY X.— 3d. Ethel J. McChesney, born July 30th, 1887. Died Sept. 6th, 1890, at Fairfield, Iowa. X. — 4th. Viola E. McChesney, daughter of Cassius M., etc., was born Sept. 9th, 1889. Died Sept. 25th, 1890, at Fair- field, Iowa. X. — 5th. Cassius C. McChesney, born May 22d, 1892. Re- sides at Fairfield, Iowa. X. — 6th. Carrie L. McChesney, born Dec. 15th, 1896. Re- sides at Fairfield, Iowa. X. — 7th. Blanch McChesney. (No dates given). IX. Horace J. McChesney, son of Jacob McChesney, and his wife Elsie, daughter of J. Milton Davison, son of Ezra, etc. They have seven children. X.— ist. Hubert C. McChesney, born Oct. i6th, 1884. Re- sides at Lone Rock, Kossuth Co., Iowa. X.— 2d. Willie J. McChesney, born April i8th, 1886. Died Jan. nth, 1889. X. — 3d. Annie L. McChesney, born May 12th, 1888. Died Jan. 1 2th, 1889. X. — 4th. Vessie M. McChesney, born Dec. i6th, 1889. Resides at Lone Rock, Iowa. DAVISON FAMILY 69 X. — 5th. Gertrude E. McChesney, daughter of Horace J., son of Jacob, was born Feb. 23d, 1896. Resides at Lone Rock, Iowa. X. — 6th. Howard P. McChesney, was born Oct. 22d, 1898. Resides at Lone Rock, Iowa. X. — 7th. LesHe H. McChesney, born June 2d, 1901, at Lone Rock, Iowa. IX. Edward D. McChesney, son of Elsie and her husband Jacob McChesney, and his wife Fanny, have two children. X. — 1st. Grace McChesney, born Dec. 12th, 1895. Re- sides at Clayton, Woodford Co., 111. X. — 2d. Gerald McChesney, born Nov. ist, 1901. Resides at Clayton, Woodford Co., 111. IX. Mary E. McChesney, daughter of Elsie and Jacob, and her husband Wm. R. Cothern, have two children. X, — I St. Ruth E. Cothern, daughter of Mary E. and her husband Wm. E., was born Jan. 24th, 1898. Resides Gibson City, 111. X. — 2d. Lois Lilith Cothern, born July i6th, 1900. Re- sides at Gibson City, 111. IX. Sarah Lois McChesney and her husband Herbert W. Rayner, have two children. 548366A 70 DAVISON FAMILY X. — 1st. Merwin Duane Rayner, born Jan. 12th, 1903. Resides What Cheer, Iowa. X. — 2d. Elsie Irene Rayner, born Aug. ist, 1904, at What Cheer, Iowa. VII. S. Rowland Davison's great great grandchildren come next in order. He was the son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc. VIII. Dr. Ezra D. Davison, son of S. Rowland, son of Ezra, etc., and his wife Mary. Resides at Thorp, Washington. IX. John R. Davison, son of Dr. Ezra D. Davison, son of S. Rowland, etc., and his wife Elizabeth, have one child. X. — I St. James Milton Davison, son of John R. and his wife Elizabeth, born April 8th, 1889. Resides at Thorp, Wash. IX. Pearl A. Davison, daughter of John R., etc., and her husband Turner, have three children. X. — ist. David Ezra Turner, born May nth, 1898. Re- sides at Thorp, Wash. X.— 2d. Alford Turner, born Nov. loth, 1899. Resides at Thorp, Wash. X. — 3d. Luna Maria Turner, born Sept. 2d, 1901. Resides at Thorp, Wash. DAVISON FAMILY 71 IX. Amanda E. Davison and her husband David Bounds, had five children. X. — ist. Mattie May Bounds, born Nov. 24th, 1888. Re- sides at Thorp, Wash. X. — 2d. Amanda Jane Bounds, born Nov. 12th, 1891. Re- sides at Thorp, Wash. X. — 3d. Harold Joy Bounds, born May nth, 1895. Died May 1 2th, 1895, at Thorp, Wash. X.— 4th. Sally Bounds, born July 13th, 1898. Died July 13th, 1898. X. — 5th. Herbert Darwin Bounds, son of Amanda and David, born Sept. nth, 1899. Resides at Thorp, Wash. VIII. Deidamia L. Davison, daughter of S. Rov^^land, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc. Her children are recorded in proper place, but we have no record of any of her grandchildren. VIII. Dr. Asa Lee Davison, son of S. Rowland, etc. His children are also recorded and we find no grand child. VIII. James Milton Davison, son of S. Rowland. We have record of only two grandchildren. IX. Alice J. Davison, daughter of James Milton, and her husband John T. Stivers, have one child. ^2 DAVISON FAMILY X. — I St. Davison Loraine Stivers, born . Resides at Knoxville, III. IX. James Ezra Davison, son of James Milton, son of S. Rowland, son of Ezra, etc., and his wife Daisy, have one child. X. — 1st. Claude Loraine Davison, born . The above is all we know of the great great grandchildren of S. Rowland Davison. VII. Norman L. Davison, son of Ezra, son of Asa, etc. His children and grandchildren are recorded in proper place, but we have no record of any great great grandchildren. He was the youngest of Ezra's children. Have done our best to arrange this work with the best in- formation we could get. Some of the records sent me were short of information as giving dates, residence, etc. Otherwise we think this work is absolutely correct. Hope it will interest the "Davison Family." Since writing the foregoing have found the records of the family of Lois, as will be found in the following pages : VII. Lois Davison, daughter of Ezra, son of Asa, etc., was born about 1798. Married Lyman Lewis of Petersburg, N. Y. He died. Second, she married Amos West of Grafton, N. Y. She died at Grafton, N. Y., Nov. 14th, 1834. Buried by side of her brother Daniel P. M., in the Steward burying ground, one- half mile east of Grafton Centre, N. Y. A marble slab marks her grave. DAVISON FAMILY 73 By her first husband Lyman Lewis, she had three children. VIII. — 1st. Emeline Lewis, born Sept. ist, 1816. Married to Harvey Maxon. Died Feb. 20th, 1899. She left one daugh- ter and a son. IX. — 1st. Mrs. Emma J. Townsend. Resides at North Dana, Mass. Her husband. Rev. James J. Townsend, died at North Dana, Mass., Dec. 29th, 1904. IX. — 2d. Charles Byron Maxon, son of Emeline, daugh- ter of Lois, etc. Died at Newport News, Va., 1899. He left three children. X. — 1st. Grace Maxon, married Crooks and resides at Warsaw, N. Y. X. — 2d. David Maxon. Married and lives at Newport News, Va. X. — 3d. Mary Maxon. Married Puckett and resides at Richmond, Va. VIII. — 2d. Louisa Lewis, daughter of Lois, daughter of Ezra, etc., and her husband Lyman Lewis, was born at Grafton, N. Y., 1818. Was married to Nathan Reed. Died 1854. They had two children. IX. — I St. Sarah Reed, born . Married Elisha P. Maxon. Died Dec. 24th, 1904. Have one child. 74 DAVISON FAMILY X. Myrta May. Married John Gwatney. Resides at St. Andrew's Bay, Florida. IX. — 2d. Edward Reed, son of Louisa and her husband Nathan Reed. Resides at Jasper, Wis. VIII. — 3d. Sarah Deidamia Lewis, daughter of Lois, born about 1821. Married Reuben Clark. Died at Cleveland, O., 1897. We have the names of two sons. IX. — 1st. Oliver Perry Clark, son of Sarah Deidamia, daughter of Lois and Lyman Lewis, and her husband Reuben Clark. Resides at Saratoga, N. Y. He has taken care of the Grant Cottage at Mt. McGregor for several years. IX. — 2d. Frederick Clark, son of Sarah and her husband Reuben Clark. Resides at Inman, 111. VIII. Adeline E. West, daughter of Lois, daughter of Ezra Davison, by her second husband, Amos West; was born in Grafton, N. Y., Sept. 22d, 1830. Married Geo. R. BIy at North Adams, Mass. She had no children by her first husband. She was married second to Lorenzo H. Maxon in 1853. He died at Farena, 111., Nov. 12th, 1904, aged 88 years. He was born in Petersburg, N. Y., Sept. i6th, 1816. IX. They have one son, Charles W. Maxon, who was born at Walworth, Wis. Resides at Farina, 111. Is a druggist and banker, with whom his mother resides. He has two daughters. DAVISON FAMILY 75 X. — 1st. Nellie Jewel Maxon, daughter of Chas. W., was born March 4th, 1883. Resides at Farina, 111. X. — 2d. Lois Lou Maxon, daughter of Chas. W. and wife, was born Oct. i6th, 1888. Died of diphtheria, 1894. Sketch of Adeline and Abigail West. Their mother Lois died when they were four and two years old. They lived with S. Rowland Davison, whose wife Amanda was their half-sisier, and other places until their father married again to Amy Wells. Then they went home. But in a very few years their father, Rev. Amos West, was taken with consumption and went to Illi- nois to reside with his son-in-law, R. Rowland Davison, who had previously moved there. It was thought then that the cli- mate of Illinois would cure the consumption. He died at Groveland, 111. The two little girls were then left alone, orphans indeed. They then moved to Hoosick Falls, where friends were residing, and worked in the cotton factory, and went from there to Bennington, Vt., and from there to North Adams, Mass., where they were both married. Then the girls seem to have separated. We will first follow Adeline. She married George R. Bly. He only lived a year and a half and died of consumption in 1850. She then went to Adams, Jefferson Co., N. Y., to where her two half-sisters Emeline Maxon and Louisa Reed lived. In 1853 she was married to Lorenzo Maxon. They moved in February, 1854, to Walworth, Wis. In 1865 they moved to Farina, 111., and have lived there over thirty-nine years. She is now enjoying peace, quiet, and 76 DAVISON FAMILY plenty, at the beautiful home of her son, who is proprietor of a drug store, and an officer in the bank at Farina, 111. Received her photograph recently. Had not seen her since 1847 ^t North Adams, Mass. Abigail Rosalinda West, widow of the late Rev. Charles M. Lewis, was the youngest daughter of Rev. Amos and Lois Dav- ison West. She was born May loth, 1832, at Grafton, N. Y., where she lived till the death of her father in 1843, after which her home for a time was with friends at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., and later with a married sister, Mrs. Geo. R. Bly, at North Ad- ams, Mass., where in 1852 she was married to Charles B. King, of that place. To them were born five children. (See record at end of this sketch). In 1861 at the beginning of the Civil War, Mr. King enlisted in the loth Mass. Regiment, and with the exception of a few month's furlough served until the troops were mustered out in September, 1864. He died in 1875 at the North Hampton, Mass., Insane Asylum, from the effects of in- juries received while a soldier. During the war she was for a time at Groveland, 111. She remained at North Adams after the death of Mr. King, until the spring of 1881, when she went with her daughter to Adams, N. Y., to visit her father King's family, where she stayed until the following October, when she was married to Rev. Charles M. Lewis of Verona, N. Y., and went there to live. Mr. Lewis soon received a call from the First Alfred Sev- enth Day Baptist Church. He died in the spring of 1883. Mrs. Lewis has since made her home at Alfred, with the exception of a few months spent at Miller Place, Long Island, and at Brook- DAVISON FAMILY -jy lyn, N. Y. She attended lectures given to the theological stu- dents of Alfred University. VIII. Abigail R. West, daughter of Lois and Amos West, and her husband Chas. B. King, had five children. IX. — I St. Herbert Edgar King, son of Abigail and Chas. R. King, was born at Adams, N. Y., Dec. 23d, 1852. Married to Fannie Rossman at North Adams, Mass., in 1874. X. Their only child, Frank Rossman King, was born at North Adams, Mass., in 1876. Resides at North Adams, Mass. IX. — 2d. Charles Henry King, born at North Adams, Mass., Oct. 30th, 1854. IX. — 3d. William Burton King, son of Abigail and her husband Chas. R. King, born at Adams, N. Y., May 6th, 1857. Married Addie Grotevant at Hornellsville, N. Y., in 1893. His wife died in 1894, leaving an infant son. X. Arthur Adelbert King, born Sept. 4th, 1894. The child is in the care of his grandmother Abigail, of Alfred, N. Y. IX. — ^4th. Arthur Frank King, son of Abigail and Chas. R. King, born at North Adams, Mass., Nov. 23d, 1859. Married to Mrs. Emeline Hess Kelly, of New York City, Dec. 23d, 1893. They have three children. 78 DAVISON FAMILY X. — I St. Bessie King, born in New York City, Oct. 3d, 1894. X. — 2d. Evaline Abigail King, daughter of Arthur and Evalinc King, was born in New York City, Feb. 13th, 1896. X. — 3d. Lucy Faucette King, born in New York City, Jan. 7th, 1898. IX. — 5th. Lucy Faucette King, daughter of Abigail and her husband Chas. R. King, born in New York City, Feb. 14th, 1867. Married Oct., 1895, to Alvord Bennett Clark, son of Rev. J. B. Clark, of Alfred, N. Y. Resides at Ottawa, III. No children. r...