•\o> C> * ' „ „ S * ^V <^. * O . A. * .0 o V- ^ 0° * ^ 5> * •f * V ^v o, o *b A o- 'a\ "^ >* .AT '• • » * «6 V %/ : ft V* .' ♦*' % :ymf' <£ %. '■$ ' ♦*' *c ,0 I *bV 1 ^ ^ cj* £yi0fc • *c<> av *j- 6r^ « -a. v %£. -^jIY^ * o „ o ' <^ bv ,* ' „*° .... ^ 4 O o ^ ^ C v Br. 4 A°<* o V *W S * A lb," o *>^ O* **„** ,•1 q K* ^_ **. -A > •4." * 4 o V % «bv x°r ■•** ^ •£. .* V •> v 1 ,\ <; ■o o * y Third Edition.] The People's Union Book. [Price 50 Cents. W g^:^Ci^^'Jjr " TREASON MUST BE MADE m I At* m ^^^^s^Hlir^ OD10Vi6:'-Andy Johnson. ' i g*Q^£H& ^J^;3£s^2?t2K?iw7^3R^I£?" V® «S« NORTHWEs^ V i\ a CONSPIRACY IN ALL ITS STARTLING DETAILS. 4 k, jus a (aw £H p* V,jh IS m mm 3!Mk *< -3h p§sa ©tia fill, Ilia ® pa $ ILLUSTRATED WITH POETEAITS OF LEADING CHARACTERS, ^fs- i By I. WINSLOW AYER, M. D. FOR SALE BY JOHN R. WALSH, BALDWIN & BAMFORD, CHICAGO, AND ALL BOOK- SELLERS AND PERIODICAL DEALERS IN EVERY CITY AND TOWN IN THE UNION. to ROTJXD3 & JAMES, PRINTERS, 40 STATE ST., CHICAGO. VaC £jf£f^5i£ ^JiL^ "NO COMPROMISE WITH b '^.e$&a&& P^^P^^* 5 ^ TRAITORS IN ARSIS." -Chase. (g ^f"'^^ "5 ? ^ ? ! ^5? #~g~Xee Letter of Major General Hooker on second poge of Cover, .fO TESTIMONIAL FROM MAJ. GEN. JOSEPH HOOKER, '} Headquarters Northern Department Chicago, May 3, 1865. Dr. I. Winslow Ayer : Dear Sir, — Now that the trial before the Military Commission ia Cin- cinnati is closed, I have the pleasure, as it is my duty, to express to you, in behalf of myself and our country, my sincere thanks for the very great service you have rendered the Government. It was you, I believe, who first apprised the authorities of the existence of the formidable plot which, but for timely discovery, would doubtless have been attended with great disaster to the General Government, and would have resulted in the destruction of your city ; indeed, it is not easy to calcu- late the evils which would have resulted in the culmination of the plot of our secret enemy. Your despatches, from the hour of your entering the organization of traitors, till the breaking up of their leagues, were of immense importance to the Government. I cheerfully acknowledge your promptness in furnishing reports to the Brigadier-General commanding the District of Illinois, and to the Com- mandant of the Post at Chicago, and your concurrence with that officer in this period of most imminent peril. I was early apprised of the fact that Mr. Robert Alexander had, at your request, entered -upon the hazardous undertaking with you, and your despatches have ever recorded his most valuable aid. To Mr. Robert Alexander my heartfelt thanks are due, in behalf of myself and our country. No one can more fully appreciate than myself the value of such services, and all loyal men will join me in an expres- sion of gratitude to you both. Your duties liave been fearlessly and honorably performed, and loyal men, ■in whatever section of the country, will acknowledge your services as among the most important and perilous of the war ; and $our fellow citizens in Chicago cannot but regard you as the persons who, by timely information, warded off the destruction of that city. To your meritorious acts and motives, this acknowledgment is justly due, and cheerfully accorded. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOSEPH HOOKER, Major General Commanding. THE ORE^T KORTH-WESTEM CONSPIRACY IN ALL ITS STARTLING DETAILS. e Plot to plunder and burn Chicago — Release of all Rebel prisoners- Seizure of arsenals — Raids from Canada — Plot to burn New York — Piracy on the Lakes — Parts for the Sons of Liberty — Trial of Chicago conspirators — Inside views of the Temples of the Sons of Liberty — Names of prominent members. ILLUSTRATED WITH PORTRAITS OF LEADING CHARACTERS, ETC., ETC. By I. WINSLOW AYER, Tsl. D. FOR SALE BY IN R. WALSH, BALDWIN & BAMFORD, CHICAGO, AM) ALL BOOKSELLERS AND PERIODICAL DEALERS IN EVERY CITY AND TOWN IN THE UNION. Z 9 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by I. WINSLOW AYER, M.D., In the 'Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of Illinois. CHICAGO: Rounds & James, Book and Job Printers, Electrotipbrs and Binders, 46 St i I 1865. . X. WINSLOW AYER, M.D. tf INTRODUCTION. The