% LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ^ S' /U WAKEFIELD CongregationalChurch A COMMEMORATIVE SKETCH i644-d877. REV. CHARLES R. BLISS, Pastor of the Chureh. />1'" •':?"" edhcsc arc the Fathers. WAKEFIELD : W. It. TWOMRLY, PRINTER. WAKF.FIF.T.D's BLOCK. 1S77. Wakkfikld. December i6, 1S76. Dear Sir : At an iiitbrnial meeting of the conr;rcgiition, hekl on Thanks- i^ivinji^ Day, November 30th, 1S76, immediately after the religious .services ill the Congregational Church, there was an earnest expression of desire that the sermon then just listened to, respecting the Old Pastors of the First Parish, as also a former historical discourse preached by you last June, might be preserved in printed form, for more general circulation and usefulness ; and we were appointed a committee to carry such desire into etiect. if we might with your favor and consent. Pursuant to such commission and authority, and in accordance witli our own sincere wishes, we respectfully solicit the use of your manuscripts of the historical discourses referred to, for publication, knowing them to be the fruit of much labor, thought and research — containing matter of great value and local interest — and believing this progressive generation may well pause a moment in its swift career, and gain new lessons in Courage, Faith and Duty, from the solemn Voices of the Past. Trusting for youv co-operation, and with feelings of high respect and warm personal regard, we are ^*ery Trid_\- Yours, LUCIUS BEEBE. GEORGE R. MORRISON. JOHN G. ABORN. THOMAS WINSHIP. GEORGE W. ABORN. CHESTER W. EATON. Rev. Charles R. Bliss. Wakefield, Dec. 21, 1S76. Dear Brethren : I have recei\ed your communication relative to the historical discourses lately preached in our Church, and sincerely thank you for the kind terms in which you have addressed me. We honor ourselves in paying due respect to the memory and the work of the worthy. men whose places we occupy; and, since the interest I have felt in reviewing the long and successful career of the Church is so generally shared, I cheerfully accede to your request. Reciprocating your sentiments of regard, I am Yours Truly, CHARLES R. bliss. Messrs. Lucius Beebe, George R. Morrison, John G. Aborn, Thomas WiNSHip, George W. Aborn, Chester W. Eaton. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. He who Avoukl uiidei-staiid the chief characteristics of the early life of New England, must study the history of her churches. The highest acts of men give to the world the best groxuid for an estimate concerning them ; and the churches, absorbing as they did anxious thought, patient toil and unsellish endeavor, are mirrors in which we may see clearly reflected the characters of our fathers. Unhappily, they who make history do not always write it ; and w^e there- fore lack desirable facilities for tracing the church life of the Puritans. The records of the first church in Wakefield, though nearly continuous are not full, and are wholly silent ui)on various matters about which the church was with sister churches deeply interested. Yet they disclose a sutficient number of leading facts to give very clear imprecsions of the progress of the church, the character of the ministry, the questions which at various times agitated it, and the tone of belief and feeling by which it has l)een characterized. This volume had its origin in the quickened historical s[)irit of the centennial year. A discourse upon the history of the church Avas prepared and preached, when it was found that the material at hand demanded another sermon. A Com- memorative (Talhering, to which the colonies of the church in adjoining toAvns, and the churches of this place, were invited to send representatives, wa^ held, and speeches and letters iiuido the occasion luciiionihlc. It was, as previous corrcs- poudeiice indicates, thought l)est to preserve what had been rescued, and, as any change of form in the material prepared Avould be attended Avith some sacritice, the discourses, some- what extended, are printed as they were preached. A brief account of the gathering folloAvs. Mindful of the pleasure which the discovery of an exact picture of the church as it was in l()7(i, or 177(5, woukl have given us, we have attempt- ed to give a })icture of its condition in 1876 for the pleasure of our successors, to whom we send herewith our cordial salutations. CONTENTS. 1. — A Sketch or THE CnurvCii. 2. — Bkief \otices or Eight Pastors — Eev. IIekky (jkeex, Eev. Eichard Browx, Rev. Samuel Haugh, Rev. AVilliam Hobby, Rev. John Brock, Rev. Caleb Prextice, Rev. Joxathax Pierpoxt, Rev. Reuben Emerson. 3. — Ax Account of a Commemorative Gathering. 4. — Pacts Regarding the Present Condition of the Church. CONCERNING THE CHURCH. John 4, oS — Other men lahored, (tnd ye are entered into their Jalxyrs. This day is this scripture fulfilled iu your ears. Look around you. Let your eye glance up and down these pleas- ant streets, upon these public buildings and private dwellings, and over these cultivated gardens and outlying farms ; and then go back two hundred and thirty-two years, and look again about you. Hocks and tangled thickets fill the courses of these smoothly-gravelled highways. The pul)lic common with its graceful ehns, the fields now leveled and fruitful, and the very sites of these comely houses, are wild with cedars and hemlocks ; while marshes stretch hither and thither between these lakes, and the Indian and the wihl l)east dispute with eacli other tlie right to possess that which neither can hold. A^'hat a contrast is this ! It is as wide as that between civilization and barl)arism. Do we ask who were its authors? We are compelled to answer that we are not. Other men labored, and we have entered into their labors. A\^hat those labors were, in all their variety and dif- ficulty and completeness, it were impossible to comprehend. Every generation performed its allotted share. The felling of the forests, and the organization and growth of the numici- pality, the school, and the church, proceeded simultaneously, and when one generation rested from its toil, its successor, with motives equally pure, and courage ecjually strong, step- ped into its place. Bearing in mind the variety of the labors of those first generations, you will not expect me to speak of all d(>part- ments of their work. The accomplished historian of the town has produced an invaluable volume, in which municipal and social affairs are presented with great fidelity ; l)iit it did not fall within the scope of that work to trace the chnrcli life of yonr fathers. This, I propose, to some extent, to do. Should any one say that this is bnt the centennial year, anl hardly justifies one in going back more than twice on(^ hun- dred years, I reply — the value of the centennial year con- sists, chiefly, in the fiict that it revives the historic spirit ; and when one goes back as far as to the grand period of the Eevolution, he can hardly fail to go l)ack to the grander pe- riod signalized by the first consecration of this land to civil and religious freedom. Not far from the 3'ear 1(342, a small company of people, some of whom had just arrived from England, and others of whom had ])een a brief time in the country, left the shelter of friendly homes in Lynn, and planted themselves on this spot. Too few in number to form, at once, a church, they waited till the Autumn of 1644,* or that of 1645, when fresh accessions enabled them to fulfil their pmpose. I will ]'ead to you from the ancient record, as traced by a hand that more than two hundred years ago "forgot its cunning," the names of those Inx^thren : Francis Smith. Lieut. jNIarshall and his wife. Mrs. Green. Eliz. Wiley. Will. Cowdrey and his wife. Eliz. Hart. John Pierson and his wife. Lidia Lakin. Bro. Dunton. Eliza Hooper. George Davis. Zach. Fitch and his wife. Thos. Kendall and his wife. Will. Eaton and his wife. Thos. Parker and his wife. John Batchelder and his wife. William Hooper. A¥ill. Martin. Mary Swain. Thos. Bancroft. Joan Marshall. Jonas Eaton and his wife. Thos. Marshall. Judith Pool. Sister Martin. Abigail Damon. Thos.' Hartshorn and his wife. Lieut Smith and his wife. Edward Taylor and his wife. * The exact date of the founding of tlie church is in doubt. In favor of placing it in the year 1C44, there is authority as follows:— (a) Tradition in the church. Rev. Kiehanl Brown • writing in 1720, mentions that year. The Bi-centennial celebration of the church was ob- served in 184-1. (b) Johnson, the author of The Wonder Working Providence, jiublished in It would li'ivp us iiToat satisfactiou to kuow Iho i)r('(iso spot whore, Avith i)rjiy(n' aud psalui and solemn covenant, they dedicated themselves to (Jod and to each other. Jt was l)robal)ly on the street now called Albion, not far from its eastern end. But to the genuine New Englander truth is more important than any dress it may wear, and covenants are more sacred than any places in which they may have been taken; and although we know not the precise spot where the founders of this church pledged themselves to each other and to Christ, we do ])ossess the exact words in which they did so. Inasmucli as few of you have ever heard the articles which for more than a hundred years serv- ed this church as l)oth creed and covenant. 1 will (piote a por- tion of them : "We give up ourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ, to be ruled and guided hy him in the matter of his worship and in our whole eonversa- tion, acknowledging him not only our alone Saviour, but also our King to reign and rule over us, and our Prophet and Teacher, by his word and spirit. Forsaking all other teachei-s and doctrines which he has not commanded, we \v'holly disclaim our own righteousness in i)oint of jus- tification, and do cleave unto him for righteousness and life, grace and glory. AVe do farther promise, by the help of Christ, to walk with our breth- ren and sisters of the congregation in the spirit of brotherly love, watch- ing over them and caring for them, avoiding all jealousies, suspicions, backbitiugs, censurings, (juarrelings, and secret risings of the heart against them, forgiving and forbearing, and yet seasonably admonishing and restoring them by a spirit of meekness, and set them in joint again that have been, through infirmity, overtaken in any fault among us. We resolve, in the same strength, to approve ourselves in our partic- 1654, gives 1C44 as Uie date. As lie was an inhabitant of the neigliboring town of Woburn, he would be likely to know the fact, (c) The early authorities of the Colony were opposed to the incorporation of a town till a church had been formed; and the town was certainly incorporated in 1644. In favor of 1645, the chief authority is Gov. Win- thiop. He gives in his history Nov. 5, 1645, as the date. He is followed by Hubbard and Spoftbrd. But he also gives the date of the incorporation of the town as 1645. Since the record of the General Court proves this to have been an error, it is fair to infer that he was equally astray respecting the date at which the church was gathered. From some source not easily ascertained, a mistake has been formerly made regarding the number of churches that were formed in the Colony before this one. Johnson, mentioned above, says that this was the twenty-fourth. The order was as follows: — Salem, Charlestown, Dorchester, Bos- ton, Roxbury, Lynn, Watertown, Cambridge, Ipswich, Newbury, Cambridge 2d, Concord, Hingham, Dedham, Weymouth, Rowley, Hampton, Salisbury, Sudbury, Braintree, Glouces- ter, Dover, Woburn, Reading. 10 ular callings, shunning idleness, not slotlifiil in business, knowing that idleness is the bane of an}- societ}-. Neither will we deal hardly or oppressingl}- with any wherein we arc the Lord's stewards; promising to the best of our abilities to teach our children the good knowledge of the Lord, that they also may learn to fear him and serve him witli lis, that it may go well with them and with us forever.'" "Witli such vows ."iiicl promises, they might avcII anticipate Avhat we behokl in the fulfihiient of the passage — "The wil- derness and the solitary phice shall be glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose." The for- tunes of the infant church were, on the whole, prosperous. Its numbers increased, thongh its pastorate was, during the first eighteen years, twice interrupted by death. Thougli the early records are brief, they attest very plainly two facts. The discipline of the church was very careful ; and its members were fully alive to questions in which all the churches of the colony were interested. Every generation has its own peculiar and vexing difficul- ties with which to deal ; and the first and second generations in the Xew England churches had their full share of them. The chief of these grew out of the unsettled mutual relations of civil to religious affairs. To explain this difficulty it is necessary to revert to a certain underlying idea which moved our fathers to come to these shores. Their ambition was to found a Christian state ; and the best method of doing it awakened inquiries upon which the leading minds among theni expended long and anxious thought. Their conclusions at length took shape in the principle which, in l(i31, the Gen- eral Court framed into a law that — th(' right of rothui slionhj he covjlned to memhev.'i of chiwchcs. ^Mistaken as we now see the conclusion to have l)een, w(> have no right to impeach the motives of those who reached and adopted it. In the nature of the case, however, it could not stand. The re(|uir('- ments for entering the churches were rigid. There were worthy and conscientious people who coidd not enter them, and, what was still more portentous in the fears of the first members, many of their own children did not incline to en- ter them. Deep solicitude was at length awakened, not onlv 11 ill Alassac'liust'tts, but also in Coiiiu'cticut ; and a synod was convened in lioston in ItioT, to examine the M'hole subject, and advise tlu> churches upon it. llie conchisions of thnt synod were untortunate. Xol seeing the wisdom of Aviiolly separating church and state, they attempted to meet the dif- ticulty by devising a modified kind of church membership — one to which Scri[)turG gave no sanction, and one the work- ing of wliich proved most disastrous. They decided tluit the baptized children of church members might, by a simple declaration of their belief in the Bible and the religion of Christ, without any experimental knowledge of religion, Ix; accounted meml)ers of the church in so far as to (Mititle them to have their children l)aptized, wliich would also imcsl them with the right to act iu })ublic atl'airs. This decision, involving as it did a wide de[)artur(^ from grounds previously occupied, encountered powerful opposi- tion from the churches, and es})ecially from the laity. An- other synod was called live years later, embracing among its members the pastor of this church — Kev. Samuel Ilaugh — and the decision was re-atiirmed. Soon, as avc learu from our records, it was brought l)efore this church for their judg- ment — for it was never the custom of the churches to accept any decrees of svnods or c(uincils till they had themselves examined them. The propositi(^ns and the result of the action of this church are recorded as follows : " The minds of the In-ethrcn bein^- tried as to tlie practice of the cliihhen's duty to own the covenant in order to their children's bajitisni, themselves not in full communion — (1) It was propounded in a church meeting whether confederate visible believers in particular churches, and their infant seed whose next parents one or Ijotli are in covenant, are acknowledged according to Scripture to be the approved nn'intx'rs of the visible church. (2) Whether the infant seed of the churcii, 1)0- ing members of the same church with their parents, are, when they are adult or grown up, personally under the watch, discipline and govtMii- ment of that church. (3) Whether such persons not admitted to lull communion, being witliout sueli furtlicr qualitications as the word ot Cod requireth thereunto, jet nevertheless, they understanding the do(;- trincs of faith, and j)ul)licly ])rofcssing their assent thereunto, nol scan- dalous in life, and solemnlv ownins; the covenant l)efore the ( luu'ch. 12 wherein the}- give up themselves and their children to the Lord, and subject themselves to the government of Christ in the church,— their children are to be baptized. The propositions were voted and passed on the affirmative part. 'I'lie brethren consented thereto by their silence, and afterwards by their usual sign, nemine contradicentc.'''' At first sight, the conchiding portion of the third of these articles would seem to be sufficiently stringent to exclude all from the church, save such as professed conversion : but it was not so interpreted. The condition to full communion was a narrative of personal experience, describing the special reasons the candidate could present for lielieving himself a Christian. A formal act of owning the covenant, and ac- knowledging God, and submitting to the government of the church, was held to be consistent with the denial that one was an actual disciple of Christ, in the New Testament sense. Hence, a person could be a member of the church, while neither he nor others Ijclieved he was a Christian. In adopt- ing this plan, those usually far-sighted men did not sec that, .in the process of time, many would l)e introduced into the churches who would have no sympathy with the doctrines preached ; nor did they forecast the time, which actually came, when a wide-spread defection from the old standards would take place. Resorting to a human contrivance to strengthen the churches, they made them weak. A\'ith all they had learned, they did not yet tmderstand that the fewer connections the gospel has with anything that appeals to tli(> ambition or self-interest of men, the more vigorous will be its life, and the steadier will be its advance. But they were striking out a new path, and having the benefit neitiicr of the experience nor the mistakes of others, their failure but shows that they were men. Descend now one full century from that time. You reach the year 1765 — ten years l^efore the opening of the Kevolu- tion. Great changes have occurred. All the first settlers are gone, and the third generation till their places. The for- ests have disappeared ; comfortable dwellings have been erected ; and roads have been built. The first small meeting 13 house has given phiee to one of more i)retending aspect, standing a httle to the north and west of this si)ot — a bnild- ing already ancient and dilapidated, and destined in three years from that time to yield its place to the structure within whose well-kept frame we are to-day sitting. It is the 2nd day of September — ft week day ; but the church is open, and the saddled horses standing about the door indicate that some meeting is in progress. AVe enter, and lind ourselves in a business meeting of the old church. The chairman is Dea. Benjamin Brown, senior, whose son, also a deacon, is des- tined ten years later to l)e a member of the tirst provincial C'ongress, a Colonel, and afterward a (General in the army. The secretary is Dea. Brown Emerson — the grandfather of your old pastor. Rev. Reuben Emerson. There are Ban- crofts and Temples and Nichollses present. We learn from their remarks that Parson Hobby had two months l)efore de- parted this life, and that they had just oliserved a day of sol- emn fasting. and prayer. They have now assi-mhh'd to dis- cuss a grave mattei: of cluirch administration. From other sources we know that gretit uncertainty of religious opinions was prevaiHng. The seed planted one hundred years before was l)ringing forth its fruit. And this meeting was hekl to determine the pi-oper answer to be given to two ([uestions. Olio was — whether it would bo safe for them to receive new members while without a pastor. And the other was — whether it would not 1)C wise to guard the door of the church by a stringent doctrinal creed. I cannot repeat the speeches that were made upon that occasion, but T can state to you the result reached. As to the first point, they voted to receive members, but directed the Deacons to examine them and "receive satisfaction" from them; and decided that when such candidates were to be received, an ordained minister should be invited to administer to them the covenant. The second (piestion they answered by voting that Ebenezer Nich- ols, Estp, Dea. Samuel Bancroft and Lieut. John Temple, should l)e a committee to confer with Rev. Peter Clark of Danvers, and Rev. Eliab Stone of Xo. Reading, and draw up, with their assistance, a Confession of Faith. F'our weeks 14 later that coiiniiittee reported to the church ; and the creed then constructed and adopted is the creed of this church — unahercd suvc in two or three lines — noAV in use.* What- c\er may hv our g-eneral views about the usefulness of creeds, it cannot but heighten our impressions of the tidelity to their convictions of those men, that, without promptings from clerical sources, they attempted to stem the tide that was, as they thought, threatening the safety of their church. They took the responsibility that l)clonged to them ; and in the limes of discussion, and rupture of old ties that not long af- t(>r came to many churches, this was unmoved and immova- l)le. It may properly be admitted that the zeal for sound doc- trines which at that time was becoming ver}^ strong in the hearts of many ministers as well as laymen, sometimes car- ried them to rather absurd lengths. An entry in the i-ecords, iiuule two years before Mr. Hobby died, in his hand-writing, reads as follows — "Keceived letters missive from Marble- head, desiring assistance at the installation of IVlr. Witherell, l):it l)eing a stranger to the gentleman, his experiences and his principles, voted not to send." The next year this entry occin-s — ''Received letters missive from the ord church in Salem, desiring assistance in setting "apart Mr. Huntington to the work of the ministry ; but, being unacquainted with the gentleman, his principles, morals and experience, voted not to send." ^Ir. Hobby was well known throughout the province as a disciple and defender of AVhitelield, and hav- * It lias become so common among cburclius to recast tlieir creeds, that it may seem strange that any church, professing to be abreast with tlie age, should content itself with a 1^ mfession dating back 112 years. In reply it may be said— (1) The pastors and members of this church have never thought that their creed should ba discarded, either bi'cause its lan- guage was becoming antiquated, or because some of its implications did not quite agree with modern theological notions. (2) The flavor of age about it pleases them. (:{) The wise laymen under whose administration it was introduced were too wise to think that a t cclmical creed ought ever to be used on the admission of members. For that purpose, they I lolieved the covenant sufficient. The church has never pursued any other method. Each candidate receives a copy of the creed when he is examined, and, according to a standing rule, if he expresses no dissent before the time for his public reception, he is held to linve given it his general endorsement. The church has never believed that an intellectual as- sent to dogmas should be mingled with a profession of allegiance to Christ. Hence, it has never felt itself f )re3d, by the incongruities which others fe'el, to change its creed. Nor has it ever been admonished by t'.ie creeping in of heresies, that its method was unsafe. 15 ing- suflcred some persecution on that account, it was not strange that he shouhl be on his guard a.gainst endorsing un- lit men as ministers ; but lack of personal acquaintance with them seems a poor reason why lie should not si|^ upon coun- cils called to judge of their qualifications. During the intcr- \a\ between the pastorates of ]\Ir. II()bl)y and ^Ir. Prentice, the church, on one occasion, went so far in its solicitude as to fail of its object. Ilaving heard Eev. John Lathrop, they liked him; but, fearing the leaven of heterodoxy, they pass- ed the following vote — "That the church doth make choice of ^Ir. John Lathrop, provided his principles of religion, and methods of church government, agree with this church. A'oted — that the Deacons, with Col. Nichols and j\Ir. dohn Temple and Mr. Xathaniel Emerson, 1)C a committee to joiu wdtli Rev. ]\fr. Joseph Emerson of ^lalden, the Eev. Mr. Kol)ic of Lynn, and the liev. Mr. Stone of No. Eeading, to examine i\Ir. John Lathrop." The result was favorable to his orthodoxy, but not to their desires; for when, after subjecting him to such an examination, they ga\e him a call, he declined it. It is, however, far better that men slionld so ])rizc great privileges as to go too far in defending them, than that they should lose them by prizing them too litth'. It is quit(^ impossilJc for Christians living in times lilv(M)nr own, when denominational lines* have been drawn — after, rather than before, theological battles — to a[)])reciate the un- <'asiness of those living just before such division. Conscious of increasing dilierences of opinion, and not knowing Avhith- er views thought to be errors, and yet vigorously defended l)y good men, would lead, — such persons would naturally 1)ecome very wary, and at length grow so eager in the de- fence of important doctrines as to create, rather than heal, \livisions. After the death of ]Mr. Hobby, who seems to have adhered to the position of Jonathan Edwards, that oidy converted persons have a right to partake of the communion, — a position then widely denied — a division arose in this church, in consequence of which the (•elel)ration of the ordi- nance was for a time suspended. A brief record informs us of the fuct : but records are sometimes the more significant IG for their broviiy, and this is siifficiontly so to justify me in (juoting it. At a meeting of the church, Sept. 1, 1768, Deti. Samuel Bancroft being Moderator, the church voted — "That, where- as we have for a considerable time past lived in neglect of the Lord's Supper, by means of some perplexing circumstan- ces attending our affairs, we unitedly humble ourselves before (iod for our sinful neglect, and implore forgiveness through the blood of atonement, and grace for the future to honor Christ by a careful attendance on all his ordinances ; and our purpose is, 1)}' the leave of Providence, to attend the holy supper with all convenient speed, hoping there to meet with Christ, and sit together as friends and brethren, forbearing one another and forgiving one another, as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven us." Fewer church ditiiculties woidd vex the hearts of men if such a spirit could be l)rought to bear upon them. The position of this church during the early part of its his- tory was one of greater relative im})ortance than that which it has maintained since. Being the tirst church estaldished within a circuit of several miles, it was the centre of more extended influences. The churches of Lynn on the east, Charlestown on the south, and Woburn on the west, were the nearest it ; while there Avas none on the north. The peo- l)lc settling in that part of Charlestown now covered by the towns of ]\lelrose and Stoneham, in that part of Lynn now called Lynniield, and over all the tract embracing the towns of Keading, Xo. Reading and AVilmington, came here to worship. In none of these places, however, had the number of meml)ers increased sufficiently to Justify the formation of other chuirhes till the year 1720 — seventy-six years after this church Avas formed. The membership of this had then reached 2o(') — a larger number than it has ever attained since, till very recently. The year 1720 Avas signalized by the sending forth of two colonies— that of Lynnfield, and that of Xo. Beading. In 1729 the church in Stoneham was formed, and in 17H3 that in Wilmington, chiefly from this church ; while it Avas not till the year 1770, or 126 years after this 17 clmrcli was formed, that the Ohl South in Eeadiiiii" ^vas es- ta])lishecl. The formation of the (thiirch last named was a iii'eat o-rief to this. \t took from it SS members, among whom were many of the wisest and best of its mmd)er. It wonkl now be thon<>ht very strange shonkl any one snggest that the jjeople of tluit town sliould come to tliis to atteud church, for even some of our own school districts are thought quite too far away to permit their inliabitants to come hither to worship. But our ftithers had diflerent ideas. Pliysically, they required less nursing than we ; and perhaps tlieir minds were less uneasy, their tempers less impatient, their faith more stead}-, and their principles better established. Cer- tain it is, that exercise which was play to them is toil to us, and tatigne Avhieh they did uot notice, becomes an attack of almost fatal disease to their children. They were, however, snsceptible to the influences of inclement weather, for there is one entry in the record which informs us that, contrary to the pastor's wish, a church meeting was once held in his kitchen, becanse of the * 'sharpness of the present cold."' This church did not cease to enrich other churches when her own i)articular colonies had all been sent forth. It is among the arrangements of Divine Providence that some of the most inrtuential things we do are those done contrary to our own wish. It was by no means a pleasant thing to the old church, 1)ut uevertheless it was a very useful thing, that the Baptist church in this town, three quarters of a century ago, took a })ortion of the strength and vitality of this body. The gospel as preached by the pastors of this church is in the very life Idood of families wdiich have fur- nished many of the most honored and influential mem])ers of that church. .Vs a matter of church pride Ave should )je glad if those families Avere still identified Avitli us, but in a broader \Iqw it is no doubt better that they have been led to enter anothei portion of the common vineyard. There may have been, in former times, a rupture of old friendships, and a loss in some degree of christian charity and l>rotherly love, but, on the Avhole, the cause has gained. And if Ave can but preserve the unity of the fSpirit in the bond of peace, the ap- 18 j)ropri;ite Avoi'k of cliurclu's Avill l)o more thoroughly (U)ik>, and the hopes of ehristiaiis uill reeeive a more ample fulfil- ment, from the divisions whieh a former generation -witnessed. The Universalist clmreh in like manner received much from this, though without its consent and against its protest ; yet for all the good which that church has accomplished this is quite as ready to thank God as though it Avere done by itself. Though there have heen great changes in this church since its establishment, yet it is evident, from many facts, tliat the loA'e of change, for its own sake, lias never l)een one of its failings. Changes in it have been as gradual as those in the general habits of the people . Should yon allow your imagina- tion to carry you l)ack one hundred and twenty-five years yon would see in the pulpit a venerable predecessor of mine, Ivev. A\'m. Ho1)l)y, with powdered wig, and gown and bands. About him you would i)ercei\'e an odor of sanctity and authority Avhijch the clergy of modern days find it quite inqwssible to obtain. The Deacons wonld be sitting near the pulpit in places of honor, and a flavor of sacredness, somewhat milder, ])ut still very marked, would emanate from them. The con- gregation would be seated according to ideas of priority and seniority — the more graAc and wealthy and revered occupy- ing pews which tiie deference of the people had permitted them to cushion and ornament, while, in carefully estimated raidv, the less rich and intluential are assigned to seats corre- sponding to their degree."* Tithing men, ever ready to mag- nify their ofHce, preserve decorum among the young people, and drive out the dogs. The scriptures have no place in the church, and are never read. One of the deacons reads the hymns line by line as they are sung. The sermon is from one to two hours long, and the prayers are l)ut little shorter ; and when the service is over, the peoi)le I'ctain their seats * Uiiiler (late of 1730, the pansli i)asKed the following: '-Voted, That Jteal Estate ami Age are the two first and ehiefest rules to go by in seating the meeting house." Then they declared by vote that certain persons who had attempted to obtain eligible seats iu contra- vention of that rule, were acting "disorderly," and ordered them to go back to their former jiews. One of the men, not wishing to have such a stigma rest upon his reputation, brought tUematterbefore the next parish meeting, and in consideration of the fact that he had years before expended money on the pew, the disgrace was by vote removed. 19 Avhilc the pai>;()ii. Avitli st.'itoly Irond, Avalks down the aisle, rccogniziiio- l)y a formal Ixnv the wortli of some i)n)iniiieiit parishioner, and impressino- all Init the irreverent Avitli tlie solemnity of religion. You need not be told that all this assumption of superiori- ty and portioning- out of dignity has passed aAvay. liut it faded out naturally. There A\as no foundation in jjolitieal theories or prevalent ideas (jf human e(|uality, for distinetions of tiiis nature. Till the Ixevolution. thei'e Avas a hojx' con- stantly asserting itself, and con-.^antly i)i()ving itself futile. that some Avay would be de\ i>ed lo ereale an ari>t(icra(y in this land ; and that prid(! whieh could find no other theatre Avent into the churches, and sought to create orders ihci-e. lint the soil of this country iK'\-cr Avoiild produce certain kinds of fruit, and this Mas one of them. The IcA-elling i)r()- cess l)egan Avhen the colonies Avere founded, and th(»ngh many families Avith courtly ideas fought against it, the con- test was useless, 'flic IvcNolution A\as tiie cidnn'nation not alone of i)()litical tlieoi-ics, l»ut of social as well. Powdered Avigs Avere thrown aside. Formal distinctions that had liAed with (litHculty. die(l easily, and men, both in churches and out of them, came to the c(mclusion that the only thing that can elcA'ate oiu' aboAc another is substantial Avortli. l)Ut. though some things have changed in the administra- tion of church atfairs, others haA e not. You liaA'e already been reminded that the creed of the church is. almost Avord for word, the same that A\as adopted 11 1^ years ago. There arc other things that liaAc had a still longer life. U])- on the admission of nuMubers, as you know, anc ask of them a written or oral jnd)lic relation of their christian experience. This ])i-actice is unkno',\n iu many churches, and probably will be found iu but few. Should you trace the history of it you would go back 11»7 yeai's, and you would fall upon a cu- rious record A\liich states that some, having on account of some weakness com])laincd that they could not make their "relations before many." the church was asked whether it would release them, but refused to do so. The liberal ideas oi' Mr. Prentice led, one hundred years latei', to the suspen- 20 81011 of the practice for a time, l)ut the more coiiservjitiAc views of Mr. Emerson, who folloAved him, procured its re- instatement, and no one- has interfered with it since. The introduction of singing "by rule'" savored so much of popery in the estimation of some, that the pastor. Rev. Richard Brown, ventured to favor it Avith great care. Under date of 1722 he describes Avith great particuhirity the steps lie took. The account will be found in the town history, l/util one hundred years ago the Bil)le, for a simihir reason, was nevei- read in church ; but the gift of a handsome folio copy by Maj. Nathaniel Barber of Boston, led to the adoption of the practi(;e. Eighty-six years ago, the rule of inviting mem- bers of other churches present at a communion season to ])articipate in the service, was, by a formal vote, estab- lished. For convenience in managing the government of Congre- gational churches, the practice has become universal of ap- jiointing yearly a Church Committee, charged with the duty of attending to the spiritual interests of the body. This innovation was made in this church in the year 182n. The arguments for it seem to have been thoroughly canvassed, and the Church voted unanimously to establish such a com- mittee, defining at the same time somewhat minutely its duties. Social customs always atlect, more or less, ecclesiastical in- terests ; and it cannot fail to suiprise us, to know that when Mr. Hobby was installed, the occasion demanded the pur- chase of a full barrel of Aviiie. It will surprise us less to knoAV that discipline for drunkenness, even when prominent church members Avere the culprits, Avas not of rare occur- rence. It Avas a long time Ijefore the churches understood, if indeed they yet understand, that of all the foes of religion, the use of intoxicating drinks is the Avorst. This evil sometimes gave rise to nice questions of casuistry in the church. In the year 173() Brother Bryant accused Brother Damon of slander in calling him a drunkard. A «'hurch meeting Avas held. Bro. Damon persisted in charg- ing Bro. Bryant Avith drunkenness. The record proceeds, "Bro. Bryant, though he disoAvned the charge of habitual 21 drmikoniicss, yet seemed disposed to MeknoAvledu'e that he had been overtaken witli the sin of drniikeiniess, provided it nii_o-ht he thonght an uneliristian proeednre in any to call him a di'unkard upon such acknowledgment. Whereupon the church pass(Hl a vote that it would l)e looked upon as some- thing unchristian and unjustitial)le to call Bro. Bryant a drunkard upon his acknowledgment.'' He then acknowl- edged and was i-estored to "charity." Thci church assented to his i)roposal, that, if they would stigmatize it as unchrist- ian to call him a thorough drunkard, he would confess that he had been a moditied one. The church fultilled its part of the contract; he fultilled his : and the charge of slander was suffered to rest. Some one has said that the best evidence of the faitliful- ness of a church is to be found in its records of charity. Jndged by this rule, this church has been faithful. It re- membered Avith generous contributions its poor inembei-s, its colonies, and other churches, even as remote as South Car- olina. In recent times it has given liberally to missions, both home and foreign. During several successive years its charities have exceeded a thousand dollars yearly. If christian patriotism Ix^ another sign of tidelit}', the church has at various trying periods given it. A goodly munl)er of its members are found upon the rolls of soldiers (^igaged in the French and Indian war, that of the Ivevolu- tion, and that of the Ivcbellion. One of its prominent mem- bers — Col. Ebenezer Nichols — commanded a regiment in the French war, and another — Dea. Benjamin Brown — was a, Colonel in the Revolutionary war, and afterward a l^rigadicr General. Several others attained the rank of Captain. The pastor of the church in 1775, Rev. Caleb Prentice, shoul- dered his musket, and, followed ]}y many of his flock, par- ticipated in the Concord tight, while this meeting house served as a place of storage for a large amount of army suj^)- plies brought from Salem, and afterward remo\ ed to Water- town. The church has enjoyed mau}^ revivals, one of the most memorable of which occurred in the year 1803. The parish liad hocoine divided in theological sentiments. Mr. Prentice, who died in February of that year, had preached the general system of religions l)elief that Dr. Chanuing afterwards elab- orated. Though he was personally l)eloved by the entire community, some of the church did not accept his views, and \\ithdrew to neighboring churches. He was, doubtless, sustained l)y tlie majority of his people. Before the year (•los(!d. and while a more decided advocate of liberal views -ixas |)i-eacliing as a candidate, the younger portion of the congregation were suddenly and mysteriously moved by deep religious feeling. The incumbent of the pulpit was not in sympathy with it, and sought to arrest it, whereupon, those who were awakened went from his meeting to one which a few people of the Baptist persuasion had just connnenced. This movement alarmed the church; the candidate Avas re- lieved from dntv: and a pastor was sought who should b(> acceptable to the new element. If it be asked, therefore, why a chnrch that had for a full generation been educated bv a pastor who was a Unitarian in theology, and was itself prob- ably inclined to a<'cept the same faith, became so strongly and vigorously orthodox, the only reply is, that man had very little to do with the matter. The Spirit of the Lord took it into his own keeping and decided it. Of later revivals, doubtless the most general and fruitful one Avas that in 1875. when sixty persons united Avitli the church by profession. The Church has been careful to detine its position on vari- ous important questions, hi ls;5i> the members voted unan- imously to resolve themselves into a Sabbath Association based on the following article: — "Believing that all Avorldly business and travelling on the Christian Sabbath, except in cases of piety, necessity and mercy, and all worldly visiting and amuseiiients on that day are contrary to the divine will, and injurious to the social, civil and religious interests of men, we agi'(>e that we will abstain from all such violations of the Sabbath and will endeavor to persuade oiii- families :iiid others to do the same.'' In 1e radical, if its conception of its (hity com- l)ened it to I)e so. (\)n_iiTegational cliurclies, thouiih inde])cndent in one sense, are not so in anotiier : and this church lias vwv cidti\ated in- timate ndations Avith sister churches. The councils upon which it has been called to sit luu'e heen nndtitudinous. It has l)eon summoned to churches far and near, to delilxjratc on all .sorts of ecclesiastical questions. The most prominent of those councils "was the famous one which dismissed Jona- than Edwards of Xorthampton, which will ])e noticed more atlenu'th in the .succ(HMlini>" sermon. T\e> .William Hobbwone of the old pastors, was esteemed a M'ise man in his day, and so onerous l)ecame the demand for his services that the church voted on onr occasion, that, a.s they had become so deeply concerned in the dithculties of other churches, they would not accept an invitation that had bet'u sent them. That there was \.ei_i>"ht in the voice of the church a})peai's from the following curious record made in the year 174.S. "The Second church in lj)swich l)eii)g cii'cndcd with the First, and having, to no })ur|)ose. endeavored to com})romise the matter, then proceeded to administer letters of admonition, which not answering the designed end, they proposed to send letters to others, particularly to the 1st church in licadiug, ( Waketield,) desiring them to back or second the admonition. Accordingly I laid the matter before the church, Avho, con- sidering the importance of the case, desired that the matter might be defei'red till the next Lord's day; when, the con- sideration of the matter 1)eing resumed, not seeing sutlici(;nt reasons to grant the prayer of the petition, they voted in the negative." The church was ready, when asked by a church to assist in settling its own ditHculties. to do so: l)ut when asked to intermeddle in the all'airs of another church, il un- derstood Congregationalism (|nite too well to do it, — a de- cision resting on principles sound enough to justify them- 24 selves even iil: the present day. Under the pastorate of Mr. Emerson the ehurch was represented upon councils that in- stalled Dr. Griffin over the Park Street church, and Dr. Wisner over the Old South in Boston; and that ordained the missionaries Hall, Thompson and Parker, AYithin a few years it has heen represented upon the council that installed Dr. Rankin in Washington, D. C, and upon the Advisory Council in Brooklyn, X. Y. The method of conducting ordinations in early times was different from that pursued now. The candidate preached his own sermon. In the cliarj- of Judge Sewall there is this entry: "Attended the ordination of Rev. Richard Brown at Reading. Mr. Brown preached well." At an earlier day Mr. Pierpont doubtless preached his own sermon, since he gives the name of Dr. Cotton jNIather as giving the charge, but says nothing about the preacher. At Mr. Hobby's ordi- nation Dr. Appleton of Cambridge, a man of note in his day, preached the sermon, and 37 years later he gave the charge at Mr. Prentice's ordination. On that occasion the preacher was Dr. Adams of Roxbury. .Vt the close of the entries giving the order of services when oNIr. Hol^l)y and ]Mr. Pren- tice were inducted into office, this sentence, in the hand writing of each, occurs — "May he obtain mercy of the Lord to 1)0 found faithful."' Upon the council that settled Mr. Reuben Emerson, Rev. Dr. Worcester of Salem, who proba- bly preached the sermon, and Rev. Mr. Chickering of AA'o- l)urn, father of our honored fellow-member, Rev. Dr. J. Vs\ Cliiekering, were called. At the ordination of ]\Ir. Alfred Emerson, Prof. Ralph Emerson of Andover Seminary preached, and at that of :\Ir. Hull, Rev. Dr. A. L. Stone of Boston preached. At the installation of ]Mr. Johnson, the preacher was Prof. Austin Phelps of Andover, and at that of the present pastor, Rev. Dr. E. X. Kirk preached, and Rev. Dr. R. S. Storrs of Braintree made the installing prayer. The time allotted to me is so far consumed that I nmst de- fer to another occasion what I had intended to say about the old ministers of the church. Reserving for that time brief sketches of the first eight jjastors, I will give the names of all 25 who have been settled here, with the years upon Avhich they l)egan and eeased to act. adding notices of the later pastors : r.c^'aTi. Ceased. Rev. Henry Green, _ _ _ i(;45 — i(;4,s Key. Samuel Haugh, - - - l(U8— 1G62 Key. John Brock, _ _ . 1GG2 — 168cS Hey. Jonathan Pierpont, - - 1(;S8 — 1709 Key. Eichard Brown, - - 1711—1732 Key. William llobl)y, - - 1733—1765 Key. Calel) Prentice, - - ITCO— 1803 Key. l\eul)en Emerson, - - 1S04 — 18r)0 Key. Alfred Emerson, - - 1S4") — 1(S,')3 Kev. Joseph 1). Hull, - - I-S.k} — 18r)(; Key. Joseph B. Johnson. - - ls.y7 — ISflo Key. Charles K. Bliss, - - \Si\-2 Kev. Alfred Emerson, after a i)rosperous ministry of seven and a half years, found his health to be impaired, and re- signed. Soon he was invited to become a Professor in A^'cst- ern Iveserve College ; and after remaining in that })Osition a few years, preferring the duties of a pastor, he resigned, and settled in South Berwick, ]Mc. Thence he Avas called to Eitchl)urg in this State, where he Avas highly successful dur- ing a pastorate of twelve years. He noAV resides in Lan- caster. K'ev. Joseph 1). Hull did not remain long as pastor. Dif- ticulties, arising from incongruities between that Avhich Avas old and that Avhich Avas young, led him to resign at the end of two and a half years. He became a teacher in Coimecti- cut, and in Xcav York City, Avhere he still resides. KcA'. Joseph B. Johnson Avas a successful minister Avliile heiv. He, hoAVCA'er, soon resigned and engaged in business. Kcturning to the ministry again, he AA^as settled in Uxbridge, but soon entered into business a second time. The later portion of his career lias not fulfilled the ])romise of the earlier. During the administration of these later pastors, the usa- ges and instrumentalities of the church haA^e undergone 26 slight changes. The Sabbath School, established in l^!l8, fostered in its first stage's by Mr. Emerson, became, under the superintendence of Dea. Aaron Bryant — extending over a period of thirty years — an institution of great vahie. All the succeeding pastors have given it warm sympathy, and depended much upon it. Prayer meetings have received great attention, and the causes of Temperance, Missions, and Charity under various forms, have absorbed much of their time, study and strength. The church has adhered to the belief that Deacons should l)e permanent officers ; and, among the forty members who have served in that capacity, a large majority have died in office. The number of meml)ers who have belonged to the church cannot be definiteh' ascertained, but it exceeds eigh- teen hundred. Of course I cannot speak of families that have from early times beeu identified with the church ; of the Smiths and the Cowdreys, the Parkers and the Swains, the Harts and the Emersons, the Ilartshornes and the Pools, the Wileys and the Eatons, the Damons, Batchelders and Goulds, and others equally honorable. We know less of them than we wish we knew, yet something regarding them remains. Their highest praise consists in the good work they left be- hind them. They found this spot a wilderness ; they left it a fruitful field. They were a toiling, careful, frugal people, who prized possessions much, but character more ; who loved independence, but gladly acknowdedeged their dependence upon God ; who had battles to fight, and in fighting grew strong. To suppose them destitute of fiiilings would involve a grave error ; but it would involve a graver one to suppose that they did not humbly lament their mistakes, and ask God to forgive them. They had their conflicts — civil and ecclesiasti- cal — and, if they contended earnestly for the faith once deliv- ered to the saints, it can hardly be denied that they sometimes contended for points in w hich the fjiith was not involved, and the temper of the saint w^as not illustrated. Yet their histo- ry and work prove that that which grew out of their sturdy English resolution ; that which was personal and perhaps sometimes opinionated in them, — was, on the whole, subor- 27 dinated to that Avhieli was clirisiian and consocratod to the public good. As wo should expect, some descendants of those early families have become prominent in the world. We find ill our list of Deacons three of the name of Bancroft — Thom- as, ]{ahain and Samuel ; they were all lineal aiu^cstors of Hon. (Jeoru'e Bancroft, the leadni<> American historian. Among our members is the liouored name of dohn Boul- Avell ; ho was an ancestor of lion. Geo. S. Boutwell, U. S. Senator from this State. Very early among our nieml)ers occurs the name of Dix ; Balph ])ix was probably an ances- tor of lion. John A. Dix, ex-Gov . of New York. One of our earliest Deacons was John Damon ; ho was an ancestor of Dr. S. (\ Damon, now, and for many years, missionary at the Sand- wich Islands. Thomas. Barker was one of our early deacons ; his Puritan ortlrodoxy did not, though his l)lood did, flow in the veins of Theodore Parker. Thomas Eaton was a promi- nent member of the church ; he was an ancestor of Gen . Joseph II. Eaton of the U. S. Army. The lineage of several ministers of note may be traced into this church. Among them are liev. Dr. dacob Burnap of N. H. , Kev. Dr. Aaron Bancroft of Worcester, Rev. Dr. Brown Emerson of Salem, Tiev. Dan- iel Temple, missionary of the American Board, Rev. Alfred Emerson of Lancaster, and Rev. Frederick S. Wiley of N. Y. The church has received at different times valuable tokens of regard from its own members. Legacies have been left it by Dea. Kendall Parker in 1755, by Thomas Burnap in 1778, and by Dea. Aaron Bryant in 1870. The aggTcgate amount of tliese gifts is now $1400, tlie interest of which is used for the relief of members of tlu^ church Avho need it, and for church expenses. Articles of silver plate have been given l)y Hon. Atherton llaugh, Lieut. John Pool, Dea. Nathaniel Stow, Peter Emerson, John Pratt, Thomas Pool, Kendall Goodwin, Dea. donathan Tem)de, Joseph Burnap, Jonathan Xicholls, dose])h ll()|)kins and Rev. Reuben Emerson. A few of the articles wer(% some years since, for reasons that were deemed sufficient, changed into other forms, but most remain as they were given, and all are in the church service. 28 I'be ])leasure of going back over the records of a church A\li()se liistoiy covers so many years is no common one. They reveal toil, suffering, joy, prayer, conflict and triumph. They admit us into many homes, reveal the secret of some disgrace, and explain why, Avhile some families rose, others receded. They show how the prosperity of good men slow- ly increased, and how successive generations found growing- strength in the same faith. As we read them. Ave trace in many channels the good results of the Avord of God. A\'e see evidences of increasing charity, desire to do right, and care in balancing the scales of justice ; and the conviction gains strength that a Christian Churcli, standing by itself, Avitliout aid from bishops or synods, is fully competent to settle difficulties, preserve harmony, keep the gospel pure, and eonmiend religion to men. We gain, also, ncAv impres- sions of the poAver for good Avhich is lodged in the hands of a fcAv christian people. By a Avise direction of the afiairs of a church, giving due honor to the institutions of religion, welcoming the faithful preaching of the gospel, setting liefor(> men an example of self-restraint, generosity, frugality, and Christian honor, they can do much to mould that public opinion out of Avhich wise laws, \drtuous habits, and sound principles spring. TheAvorth of the gospel appears in a new light, and excites deeper feelings of confidence and gratitude. Fi-om this rapid sketch of the history of this church we may Avell gain ucav lessons of fidelity to both God and man. While Ave do not Avorship our fathers, let us not forget them, nor leaA'e incomplete the Avork they haA^e committed to us. Their God is our God. Their Avork is our Avork ; and may our reccjrd be as bright as tlunrs. CONCERNING EIGHT PASTORS. Ephesiaxs 4, 11 — And he (jdvc s(»n(,\ ajjosf/rs: and .soinr, proijJietf^; and somf\ evanr/eJisfs : "tli should not lie in any cai-efnlly adjusted orders, or in au}^ graded and balanced ecclesiastical authority, but rather in the truth of which it was to l)e the pillar and the ground. Nevertheless, he did not omit to piovide instruments through wdiose agency that truth should be brought often and etiectively to the minds of men. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, led by his spirit and commissioned by his providence, were s;Mit forth as students of his will, expounders of his laAv, and preachers of the good tidings of his grace. These terms, used by St. Paul, do not indicate dctinite and distinct ranks in an outward organism, but rather classes of teachers, often intermingling with each other, and to be em- ])loyed as the circumstances of men, or the exigencies of the cause, might require their services. There are apostles now, if the w^ord be used in its literal sense, to denote those sent forth as the Lord's messengers. There are prophets, if the word be used in one of its accredited meanings, to refer to those skilful to explain the truths of religion. .Vnd as for pastors and teachers, the church has never forgotten that if the gospel is to win the place it deserves in the faith and love of mankind, it nuist have a class of men set apart to declare it — men not specially inspired, nor consecrated by the laying 30 on of apostolic hands, nor dependent upon any alliance with earthly power, hut simply rendered capahle hy the devo- tion of time and energies, to expound the gospel, and justify the ways of (lod to men. Tlie Puritans of Xew England adhered with great tirmness to this conviction. They esteemed the minister as, in some respects, the most important personage amoug them, not be- cause he assumed high prerogatives, uor because his office awakened their awe, but because he was a more reliable in- terpreter than others, of the will of Him in obedience to whom they had crossed the sea. The records of this church afford sufficient evidence that its founders were abreast ^vith their brethren throughout the colony in their devotion to this Piu'itanic and Christian idea ; and its history, so tsir as light is thrown upon it by the character of the miuistr}* it has sus- tained, shows little departure from the ground taken two hundred and thirty-tAvo years ago. Of this ministry I am now to si)eak. My plan will include brief sketches of the lives of the first eight pastors, the last of whom rested from his work at an advanced age, in 1860. REV. HENRY GREEN. This name stands first upon the list. The time and place of Mr. (Ireen's birth are unknown. On arriving in the country he fii'st went to AVatertown. Being a young man of scholarly habits, his services as a teacher were in requisition. Coming to this place as early as the year 1645, though not a minister, the church elected him to that otfice, thereby asserting at the outset the anti-prelatical principle, to maintain which they had left their native land. The proof of this statement is found in Johnson's "Wonder Working Providence." Sketching the origin of this church, he says — *'The i)eople ordained (/ tiunht(^r from among themselves — a young man of good abilities and ver}- humble b(>havior, by the name of Green."* No account of his ordination exists. * Cotton Mather, in liis Magnalia, Vol. 1, Page 214, includes Mr. Gieen among tliose who 31 hut prol)al)ly, after the primitive method, the Deacons of the church hiid their hands upon him, and solemnly set him apart to be their minister. The time of his service was short, for m three years he died. The place of his burial is doul)t- less near us, but the exact s})ot is not known. iiE^'. sa:muel iialgh. i\Ir. Haugh was born in Boston, England, in 1(520, and came to this country in 1634. His father, Hon. Atherton Haugh, was a man of some note, having been mayor of Boston, Eng., and came to our Boston as one of the Colonial Assistants. He accompanied his pastor, Rev. John Cotton ; and though a pillar of the first church in Boston, he w^as a disciple of Anne Hutchinson. Tradition, however, does not say that the preaching of the son disseminated here the antinomian heresy. The son entered the first class in Harvard College, but did not graduate. With other board- ers in the family of a Mr. Nathaniel Eaton, in Camljridge, he was subjected to severe discipline and short rations, and, having made complaint to the authorities, a suit, which was carried to the General Court and occasioned not a little dis- turbance, was the consequence; and one writer adduces this as the pro])able cause of his failure to take a degree. Be this as it may, the account of the affair which is given at length in a confession of Mrs. Eaton, which Winthrop de- tails in his history, excites a good deal more sympathy for the boarder than for the host. Mr. Haugh began his ministry here in 1648, ))ut, in accord- ance with a practice then common and pursued long after- ward, he was not ordained till tAvo years later. The church then numbered about twenty meml)ers, and had just com- pleted its first place of worship on Albion street. Mr. Haugh, who was a man of wealth, having property in Bos- "exercised their ministry first in England," and brought the gospel to this country. As, however, he gives no facts about his having preached in England, and as he knew so little of him as to be ignorant of his first name, it is probable that his judgment was based rather on a surmise than a kuown fact. 32 ton, (.'ambriclgc, and Braintree, owned and occnpied tlie o-round on which the town hall and adjacent bnildings now stand. Tlie service of Mr. Haugh continued twelve years. Being in attendance upon the memorable synod which was lield in Boston in 1662, he was seized with disease, and died in that city, at the age of forty-two. AVe have from his pen nothing save his will, which is given at length in the town history, and a few^ pages in our church records. He was master of a very delicate style of penman- ship, of which, however, if the reader Avould obtain the mas- tery, he must be very patient and somewhat inventive. Some of the entries made by him, while shoAviug a zeal for church order and purity, might l)c thought to betray undue care for ministerial dignity. "High and ill language given to the Pastor," and suspicions that certain young men "laughed and jeered at the Minister," and an "offensive libel made and published by singing it," were, in his view, ade- ({uate reasons for resorting to discipline. His station in life, perhaps, made his ears too susceptible to possible slights. His style of expressing his thoughts was A^ery accurate and pleasing, and the spirit by Avhich he Avas actuated seems to have been a dcA-^oted one. REA'. JOIIX lUtOCK. The successor of Mr. Haugh Avas llev. John Brock, who became possessed not of his pulpit alone. Upon an early page of the records Ave read this entr}' in his handwriting — "John Brock, called by the church to officiate among them after ]Mr. Haiigh's decease at Boston, and dismissed to them from the Dedliam church, Avas joined to them the Lord's day l)ef()re ordination, and Nov. 13, 1662, he Avas ordained, and the day after, he Avas married to Mrs. Sarah Haugh, a Aviclow indeed." Mr. Haugh had died less than six months before. We arc not enlightened as to the reasons Avhich led Mrs. Haugh to content herself Avith so short a AvidoAvhood, though we can easily see AA'hy she did not reject the advances of such a man as ]Mr. Brock. Alone of all the pastors of this church. 33 Jie has ai'vivod at the distinction of havinii- his name (|uoto(l, and pecnliarities descrilxHl, in Cyeloptedias and histories. Eev. Cotton Mather wrote a sketch of liis life ; and other writ- ers, and especially the compilers of the Encyclopi\?dia of Keligious Knowledge, have made copious extracts from it. For the purpose of giving a glimpse of the writer of the sketch as well as the subject of it, 1 will quote some of its characteristic paragraphs: "Designing to write the liv(;s of some learned men who have been the issue and the honor of Harvard College, let my reader be rather admonished than scandalized, if the first of these lives exhibit one whose goodness was above his learning, and whose chief learning was his goodness. If any one had asked Rev. John Brock what art he pursued, he might truly say — 'My art is to be good.' He was a good grammarian chiefly in this — that he still spoke the truth from his heart. He was a good logician chiell}' in this — that he presented himself unto God with a reasonable service. He was a good arithmetician chiefly in this — that he so numbered his days as to apply his heart unto wisdom. He was a good astronomer chiefly in this — that his conversation was in heaven. It was chiefly by being a good Christian that he was a good artist." "Good men," he continues, "that labor and abound in prayer to the great God, sometimes arrive at the assurance of a particular faith for the good success of their prayers. The wondrous meltings, the mighty wrestlings, the quiet waitings, the holy resolves, that are characteristic of ?i pai^ticular faith, are the works of the Holy Spirit. Eminent was ]\Ir. Brock for this grace." He then gives several examples of direct, immedi- ate, and special answers to Mr. Brock's prayers. Other men wrote of him in the same strain, declaring that he "lived as near God as any man on earth." Several items in the records illustrate his earnest Christian spirit. He speaks as if with contempt of a certain difficulty between brethren, resulting in their "falling into a quarrel- ling passion over a few cocks of hay." He labors to raise the tone of piety, and enters heartily into the plans of the ministers to hold the churches up to the primitive 34 standard. It was, however, in his pastorate, aud by his counsel, that the mischievous half way covenant was intro- duced into this church. Yet it was then an untried measure, aud one into which the churches felt themselves to be driven ; and they avIio see its disastrous results have no right to ques- tion either the integrity or the judgment of those who, hav- ing no light of experience to guide them, followed the best light they had. Mr. Brock was born iu Stradbrook, Eng. : graduated at Harvard ; preached at the Isles of Shoals ; and came hither iu 10G2. He died in 1688, after a pastorate of twenty-six years, at the age of sixty-eight. UEV. .JONATHAN riERPONT, The fourth pastor, was born in lioxbury, in 1()G5 ; gradu- ated at Harvard iu 1685 ; was for awhile tutor there; and was ordained here in 1689. Two years later, at the age of twenty-six, he married ; and it illustrates both the custom of the time, and his own filial spirit, to say that he did not take that important step till he had asked the consent of his parents. The few records which i\Ir. Pierpont left of himself show that he was a man of clear mind, precise habits, and a deeply religious spirit. That he was a man of more thau ordinary power in the jjulpit, may fairly be inferred from the fact that he received at least five calls before accepting that from this church. A circumstance that had weight iu finally leading him here, existed in the fact that, being present at the funeral of Mr. Brock, and seeiug the deep aflection of the people for him, he formed a high estimate of them. ]\Ir. Pierpont worked effectively not alone as a preacher. Coming hither on the 28th of November, he appointed a fast for the 6th of December, another for February 27th, another for May 29th ; and on the 26tli day of June, after a preparation of that sort, he was ordained as pastor. Like his predecessor, he was a believer in prayer, and made frequent appointments of prayer meetings with members of his own church aud with 35 neighboring ministers. ]t is a mistake to suppose tliat prayer meetings are only a modern praetico in our ehurches. There were fewer stated ones formerly, yet, prayer meetings were common, at least in Mr. Pierpont's pastorate. Instances are given in the town history. Another is furnished me by the pastor of the church in Danvers, Mr. Kice, from the diary of one of his predecessors. Rev. Joseph Green writes, under date of July 2d, 1708, as follows: "I went with B. Putnam to Ponding (Waketield), to Dea. Fitches, to spend the day in })raycr for him, he being almost blind, and old Mr. Weston quite blind, and other disconsolate and deaf. Mr. Pierpont began ; I prayed ; Dea. Fitch, Landlord Putnam and Dea. Bancroft then sung the 14r>th Psalm ; and I con- cluded with a short prayer and a blessing." That the pastor of this church shoidd secure the co-operation of a minister living eight miles away, and spend hours in prayer, to give religious help and comfoi-t to a few old, deaf, blind and dis- consolate people, is a fact that sheds a good deal of light upon the motives and character of the man. Yet this was not an isolated occurrence, but rather an illustration of a practice common with Xew England pastors of the period. Indeed, in a sul)se(juent pastorate, tifty years later, there is an account in our records of the assembling of several minis- ters here, to pray with a man and his wife who had "fallen into an 'enthusiasticaU' state of mind." The death of Mr. Pierpont, in 17(l9, was regarded as a pub- lic calamity, and was mentioned in terms of great regret in the diaries of prominent men in Boston and elsewhere. He was but forty-four years old, and had been pastor twenty years. liEV. EIClIAltD ]}r.()\VX. Born in Xewbury in 1(J75, and graduated at Harvard in 1H*J7, Mr. Brown became an instructor in his native town in 1700, and continued in that calling eleven years, when he came to this place. He was ordained the next year, and dis- charged the duties of his oihce twenty years, dying in 1732, at the age of fifty-seven. 36 The most quaint and peculiar records in our church book are from his pen. His accounts of the establishment of a singing school, and of his anxiety to proceed in strict legal methods in church meetings, and of various matters of disci- pline, reveal him to us as a careful, perhaps whimsical, active and progressive man. His diary conlirms this general im- pression, and leads us to infer that his feelings were devout and vigorous, though sometimes escaping the control of sound judgment. He had been here eight years when he copied the ancient covenant from records that are now incom- plete ; and the church solemnly renewed it. From the list of members then made, we learn that the church — which then covered the territory embraced in the towns of ^Melrose, Stoneham, Koading, Xorth Keading, Wilmington and Lynn- field — numbered 236. Within twelve years from that time, however, three churches were formed chietly from its mem- bership — those of Lynniield, North Reading and Stoneham — and the number remaining was 184. Mr. Brown, therefore, was pastor when the church reached its most extended influ- ence, and sent out three of its five colonies. The last entry in ]\Ir. Brown's diary is characteristic of the man, and with it I will close my sketch of him. "Sept. 12, 1719. I am this day forty-four years old, and have received from God 44,000 mercies, for which I have made 1)ut poor returns. The Lord pardon, and make me thankful. I do humbly renew my love with God this day, and give myself to him — my whole self — and resolve that by his grace I will labor to live more closely with him." Before j)roceeding to speak of the three succeeding pas- tors, a few remarks of a general nature may \vell be made. Each of the pastors of this church had his special rounds of duty to fulfil Avithin the bounds of his own parish : but the}' were all in sympathetic connection with men outside their own. field, and keenly alive to those general religious influ- ences which, as every one knows, at times encouraged, and at other times almost convulsed, the churches of New Eng- land. It was, therefore, wholly natural that their position 37 on certain questions, both of polity and theology, should be affected by external influences. Doubtless the first two pas- tors accepted the doctrines that none should be allowed to vote in public matters but church members, and none should be allowed to join the church save such as had l)een con- verted and baptized. But when numbers of moral and in- dustrious men came to the colony, and, because not mem- bers of the church, could not vote, though paying as liberally as others toward the support of both civil and religious institutions ; and wlien many children of church members were in like manner and for the same cause disfranchised, great changes of opinion upon the points in question took place. And the third pastor of this church, in obedience to the advice of the Synod of 16G2, comiselled an abandonment of the old ground, to such an extent as to affirm that a man of moral life might l)ecome a member of the church so far as to possess the right to have his children baptized — which would carry .with it civil rights — by simply declaring, his ac- ceptance of the religion of the Bible, without believing him- self, or being believed by others, to be a converted man. Rev. John Brock, when he thanked God that this church had unanimously approved that doctrine, was under the influ- ence of external opinions, and acting in concert wdth the lead- ing minds of the colony ; and he did not foresee that the plan whose adoption seemed to call for gratitude would result in the admission of many to the church who could not give a heartfelt adhesion to Puritan doctrines, nor sympathize with the religious life that had been nourished under them. But laborious and earnest Christian men always do more good than harm, and, if in some respects they fail, God appoints to them successors, who, sustained by the good transmitted to them, are better able to withstand the evil. It Avas so in this church. If in the middle of the seventeenth century one pa.stor erred, in the middle of the eighteenth another was sent to rectify the error. 38 REV. AVILLIAM HOBBY. The sixth pastor, and in some respects the ablest man who has ever ministered here, was Eev. William Hobby. He was born in Boston in 1707 ; graduated at Harvard in 1725 : settled here in 1733 ; and died after a ministry of thirty-two years, in 1765, at the age of tifty-eight. Judged by his writings, he was a man of clear and vigor- ous understanding, extensive reading, strong purposes, and a devout spirit. Tradition says of him that he had a high opinion of ministerial dignity ; was somewhat x^ompous ; wore a big wig and large knee l)uckles ; and was haughty and reserved. This may be true, l)ut it should be considered in connection with well-known facts about Ncav England society of that period. When royal governors occupied the executive chair in Boston, and His Majesty's ofncers dis- ported themselves in the higher social circles of the province, and scions of nobility were possessing themselves of landed estates to found tamilies, there was a strong tendency in all the towns to break np society into grades. The more wealthy and intelligent, with the minister, formed one grade ; and, as there were no inherited privileges to assist them in pre- serving their superiority, they sought to keep the semblance of it by rules of etiquette, distinctive dress, and reserved manners. This was, therefore, rather the fault of society than of individuals. But if Mr. Hobby was reserved, his reserve was not assumed to conceal ignorance, or shield indo- lence. He was a thorough student, an apt and able writer, and an efiective public speaker. In the year 1741, Kev. George AVhitelield, in his tour through the country, stopped in this town and preached on the common. Mr. Hobby heard him, and confessed that 'die went to pick a hole in Whitetield's coat, but that the preacher |)icked one in his heart."' He at once espoused the cause of \Vhiteti(dd. and entered warmly into the controversy which followed the second visit to America of that famous man. The first visit had been welcomed by all classes ; but the sec- ond was the signal for the outbreaking of an opposition as 39 violent as it Avas iimiceouiitablt'. AVhethor, dui-iiii; the tour years elapsing between the tirst and the second, it had been discovered that the doctrines iprcached by Whitefield were not harmonious with those held 1)y many of the ministers, or from some other cause, it was evidently determined that his path should be a rough one. Harvard College, though it had before welcomed him, now entered the lists against him. Her Faculty published their noted "Testimony,"' which was as re- markable for what it did not contain as for wdiat it did. Its writers had little to say in reproof of the low state of religion, but much in condemnation of the preacher who sought to stir up the churches. They asked for peace, but did not seem to suspect that, through the half-way covenant, many might have entered the churches, and some the ministry, who w^erc unconverted, and would naturally be excited on hearing their religion called in question. They fell into the mistake ot condemning as a cause of divisions and heartburnings, what was only an occasion of them ; and, while Whitetield was striking at the cause, they struck at him. ]Many ministers joined them. Associations emuhited them in publishing each its "Testimony." Dr. Chauncey, pastor of the 1st church in Boston, not only wrote, l)ut travelled — visiting at least four of the provinces, to counsel and warn the churches. Con- necticut passed laws forbidding a minister, if uninvited, to preach in the jDulpit of another ; and Dr. Finley, afterward President of Princeton College, was actually carried out of that jurisdiction as a vagrant, for l)reaking those laws. But Whitefield was not without friends ; and one of the strongest and boldest of these was the pastor of this church. He wrote a long, able and vigorous pamphlet in his defence. He took up the salient points in the various attacks upon him, and, in excellent temper, with some wit and great acute- ness, turned them against his assailants. Many of his para- graphs are well worth transcribing ; a few of them are as follows : "Does he not preach the same Faith, the same Lord, the same Baptism? It is true, indeed, he is in labors more abun- dant, in zeal more flaming, and in success more remarkable. 40 And this it is which has made such an uproar, opened the mouths of the profane, filled the secret hypocrite with indig- nation and wrath, and, I fear, stirred np the corruptions of many a good man. Such evils as these, as they ever were, so I doubt not they ever will be, the close followers of enliv- ened zeal and animated piety. . . . It is granted that oui- Saviour came to set up a new religion, and that we are Christians. But is the religion of Christ a new name, or a new nature? If only a new name, T can hardly persuadt^ myself that the devil would have made such an opposition to it. It Avould not greatly displease him to have Jewish men and heathenish practices baptized l)y a christian name. If the christian religion be n new nature, I humbly conceive that it will stir np the resentment of hell at one time as well as another."' Replying to the charge that ]Mr. AMiitefield had said that many ministers were, perhaps, unconverted men, he says : — '•I do not know of any tendency which such a reflection ought to have in relation to ministers, unless to quicken our watchfulness, excite us to self examination, and bring us to resolve Avith the philosopher, who said — 'I will so live that none will believe my enemies.' As to any that have ques- tioned the state of their ministers, merely on such expres- sions of Mr. Whitefield, I never met the man. It is true, I grant, when men have known their ministers loaTcl Mr, White- tield with hard censures and severe invectives ; when they have seen them bar their pulpits against him, which were open to poor miserable creatures, while to them he appears to preach the truth as it is in Jesus, and to be himself a kind of living gospel — while this, I say, has been the case, many have been brought to question the state of their ministers — and I do not wonder at it. If INIr. Whitefield has insinuated the idea that some ministers were unconverted, why need they pave the way to the proof of it. He is not half so faulty as some who, by their own virulence, have produced evi- dence for their own condemnation." After admitting that most of the ministers were good men, be .'jays : — 41 "In a word, liowcvcr honorably the cleray in genera! deserve to be spoken of, yet so many of them are of the coii- trary character that I think Mv. Whitefiekl excusable while he expresses his fears about an unconverted ministry ; and, Avhile others are manifesting their angry resentments, 1 take this opportunity to express my gratitude to him for his con- cern about the ministers of Christ's kingdom, which T hope has been no dis-service to me." He acknowledges that Mv. AVhitetield has foibles, but asks : "Shall I condemn a man because he is not perfect? God honors him, notwithstanding his imperfections, and, there- fore, so would I. In a word, I would do by him as God does by sinful men — damn the sin, but glorify the sinner." Towards the close of his pamphlet he concedes the posses- sion of proper motives to the men who had arraigned White- iield, but adds — "I hope they will pardon me if I express my fears that the measures they are taking to prevent schisms, disorders and separations, will be most likely to promote them. If I had aimed at the greatest confusion in my own church, I would have kept Mr. Whiteiield at a distance ; but, as my pulpit has ever been, and shall ever be, open to him, we are, so far as I can learn, free from all danger of confusion." Theological controversies often become more heated, and theological divisions become more marked, by causes that are not strictly theological. The so-called Unitarian controversy had for its source a radical diversity of theological opinion ; but he who studies it carefully, in its rise and history, will assign a place of no slight importance to the quarrel over Whiteiield, as one of the agencies that, by embittering men against each other, and setting their supposed differences in a stronger light, paved the way for the disruption that follow- ed. The fear expressed by Mr. Hobby was verified. The measures taken to prevent schisms, disorders and separations, promoted them. The pamphlet from which I have quoted provoked heated replies, in contrast with which, it was a high-toned and manly paper. Its author wasted no time in controversy. His 42 church, ill common with many others, passed through a sea- son of unprecedented religious awakening, which, doubtless, engrossed all his strength. When the fervor of that revival had passed awaj', and the charge continued to be repeated that the whole work was one of enthusiasm, he wrote, preached and published, a series of sermons designed to refute, indi- ]-eetly, that charge. I will quote a few words from the pref- ace to that book. 'Olultitudes at present seem to think it religion enough to be no enthusiasts ; and others seem to look upon it as an atonement for, if not a consecration of, the vilest profane- ness, to level it against the enthusiast. In which task enthu- siasm seems to be as little understood as it is admired ; and, therefore, the soundest principles, the best regulated zeal, se- riousness in conversation, and strictness of life, are branded with the name, and share deeply the fate of the rankest enthusiasm." The volume itself is on the "Duty of Self Examination," and portions of it are every way worthy of re-publication. During these eventful years of his ministry, Mr. Hobby ob- tained a reputation not only for soundness in doctrine, but for great prudence in practical matters, and was called to a very large number of Councils. The most noted of these were two which assembled at Northampton, in the years 1750 and 1751. The name of Jonathan Edwards is honored wherever re- markable intellectual power and high personal worth are rec- ognized. Though more than a hundred years have passed since his death, he stands without a peer among American theologians. But his evangelical convictions well matched his strength of intellect ; and it was owing to his preaching and writings, more than to those of any other man, that the ancient life of the churches was re-enkindled. Nevertheless, the best intentions and the noblest service do not always save men from the hostility of others. Mr. Edwards preached that only regenerate persons should come to the communion. His people denied the truth of the position. He insisted ; they became angry, and demanded that he should leave them. 43 Ke offered to submit the question to a council, on one condi- tion. As the churches imniediatelv about Northampton were thought to sympathize with his chiircli against him, he asked that two churches from a distance might be summoned. To this condition his people at first demurred, but at leugth con- sented, and this church was one of the two cliosen by him. The church accepted the invitation, and Mr. Hobby was accompanied l)y Dea. Samuel Bancroft as Delegate.* There was but one course for the Council to take. The feel- ing against Mr. Edwards was a tempest, and they could only advise him to retreat before it. Some of his friends publish- ed a protest against the result ; which having been assailed, Mr. Hobby wrote and published a defence of it. A year passed away. The friends of Mr. Edwards in Northampton urged him to gather them into another church. Pie consent- ed to leave the question to a council. This church was again summoned ; and Mr. Hobby, with Dea. Bancroft and Dea. Brown as Delegates, again visited that town. The project did not seem to the council a wise one ; and Mr. Edwards soon M'ent upon his mission to the Stockbridge Indians, from Avhich he was called to the presidency of Princeton College. Had ]Mr. llobb}' possessed the privilege of choosing an earth- ly honor, he could scarcely have desired a higher one than that of l)eiug the trusted adviser and friend of Jonathan Ed- wards. Mr. Hobby was a man of much native shrewdness ; and many passages in his writiugs illustrate this quality. Among the incidents of him that tradition has handed down through a century and a quarter, is the following : He was the pos- sessor of a fine orchard ; and the boys, neither respecting his rights, nor awed b}' his dignity, appropriated the fruit. One Sabbath morning he surprised his i)eople by delivering him- self in this manner — "I am not going to have any more of my apples stolen ; and, to prevent it, I hereby give full liber- *See, in the part of this volume containing an account of theConunuuiorativo Gatliering. a letter from Hon. Geo. Bancroft, relating to Dea. Samuel Bancroft. See also, for authority for statements regarding Mr. Hobby, ami other statements made above. Tracts in Boston Atbeuffium, American Kegister, and Uhden on Congregationalism . 44 ty to every person iu the parish to take what he wants." It is needless to say that the parson's apples found their way to their rightful oAvner afterward. That Mr. Hobby was a diligent observer of the tendencies of theological speculation of his time, and feared the result, is very evident. His refusal to sit upon councils, unless he was personally acquainted with the candidates for ordination, proves this. But there is other proof, in a curious document which he wrote to his people, to be read by them after his death. A voice from the grave, upon the qualities to be sought in a new minister, he thought would have an empha- sis quite too great to l)e disregarded. A few sentences from that production are as follows — "Don't judge of a minister as you do of a bell, by mere sound; watch narrowly his preaching. Take heed what 3^e hear. Examine whether his preaching be close, pungent and particular, or only large, vague and general ; whether by bringing in bad principles he do not corrupt and endanger your souls, or whether he do not cunningly conceal his principles for the present, that he and his bad principles may creep in unawares together. Re- ligion, I am confident, will be likely to live, as those doc- trines which for distinction's sake are called Calvinistic, live, or so die as they die. Guard against precipitancy. Take time, and you will not only do it better, but do it sooner. I solemnly charge you, as from eternity, that you do not lift up your hands suddenly for any man."' I have said that Mr. Hobby was a man of vigorous mental poAvers, and of much native shrewdness ; he was also a man of deep emotional nature. Some of the entries in the church record prove this ; but it is more fully shown in a i)ublished sermon which he preached in his own church, l)efore a regi- ment then about to march to Canada against the French. The regiment was commanded by Col. Ebenezer Nichols — a member of this church — and composed in part of the young men of the congregation. He commenced his address to them in these words — ''My dear Brethren and l)eloved Children :" — and then he pours out his heart in affectionate desires for them. 45 The last years of ]\rr. Hobby's life were burdened with disease. He was laid aside from preaching, and sufiered great pain. It was not strange that his people thought it desirable to settle a colleague with him ; nor was it strange that, when he heard of it, he took it amiss, and expressed his feelings in a letter more emphatic than cautious. The letter, hoAvever, w^hich is still extant, if sharp at the begin- ning, is kind at the close, and the records of the parish show entire friendship toward him. The following inscription may l)e read upon his tomb stone. "Learned, vigilant, faithful, he was a preacher of the ^vord of God deservedly commended for his pure evangelical doctrine, replenished with erudition and piety, together with solid judgment and eloquence. Being at length worn out with studies, and with most acute pain of long continuance, and calmly resting on the will of his Almighty Friend, and earnestly pointing to his heavenly home, he breathed out his soul into the hands of his Saviour." REV. CALEB PREXTICE. Mr. Prentice, born in Cambridge in 1744, was the seventh pastor, (rraduating at Harvard, he spent some time there as Librarian, and was installed here Oct. 25, 1769. He died Feb. 7, 1803, having been pastor here thirty-four years. It seems to be according to a customary working of Provi- dence, that leanings of opinion in one direction shall be fol- lowed and balanced by leanings of opinion in an opposite direction. It certainly cannot be said to violate the provi- dence of God, that, in the town of Franklin, so long under the dominant influence of Dr. Emmons, who had the least possible sympathy with Universalism, one of the most flour- ishing schools of that denomination has sprung into life. The same idea received an illustration when, in the pastorate of this church, Mr. Hobby Avas followed by Mr. Prentice. Mr. Hobl)y had been brought into antagonism with the college from which he graduated ; — ]Mr. Prentice was presumed to be in full sympathy with the college on the questions at issue. 46 Mr. Hobby adhered strenuously to the ancient doctrines of the Puritans ; — Mr. Prentice accepted the modified doctrines which have since developed into Unitarianism. Mr. Hobby was a great advocate of revivals, and hibored to jjromotc them ; — Mr. Prentice does not seem to have l)elieved in them, and trusted rather to the gradual effect of truth. In short, they were upon opposite sides of the questions wiiich vexed the churches during well nigh a century. Yet, a care- ful study of their lives, so far as we possess the means to prosecute such a study, will show them to have been equally conscientious, laborious and faithful. If there was that in the preaching of Mr. Prentice which, judged by orthodox standards, would be likel}' in the course of years to make re- ligion less vital and controlling, it was something that did not seem to mar his personal piety, or make less urgent his desire to conmieud religion to men. If we assume to say that he had embraced, and was wont to preach, such views of truth as tended to undermine certain essential doctrines, we must also say that, judged by any standards which we have a right to apply, he was a devoted Christian minister. There is very slight evidence to be found in the church records, that his views diflered, in any respect, from those of his predeces- sor. The practice of requiring from each candidate for ad- mission to the church, a relation of his experience, was sus- pended during his ministry, though the ground for the inno- vation is not stated. If it was upon the ground, insisted upon by some, that it transcends the right of a church to ex- amine the evidence for or against the fact of conversion in any case, the change indicated an important divergence of view from that of all his predecessors. That there may have lieen other reasons is indicated by the fact that no other change was introduced. The strong Calvinistie creed adopt- ed a short time before his settlement, was left unmodified. The Catechism was diligently taught, as few teach it now. Sermons and lectures Avere carefully prepared, and vigorously preached. It was the fortune of Mr. Prentice to be pastor during the Revolutionary war; and, having warmly espoused the 47 patriotic side, he marched in the ranks, musket in hand, to the battle of Concord. Simultaneously with his entrance upon his ministry here, the Old South Church in Heading withdrew, taking eighty- eight members, among whom Avere some of the strongest pil- lars of the church, and leaving the new pastor to grapple with the discouragement of a great depletion, and the accom- pan^-ing irritation and dissatisfaction. But the church recoy- ered itself, and during his long pastorate enjoyed prosperity. At the funeral of ]\Ir. Prentice, a ministerial ))rother spoke of him as follows : — "He was meek and modest, unassuming in temper, and prudent in his inquiries after truth ; not cred- ulous to embrace the first opinion that offered, nor unwilling to be conyinced, on rational grounds. He was judicious in forming his religious sentiments. He embraced the Christian f\iith from cony ictiou of its truth. From searching the scrip- tures, and from other sources of eyidence, he was fully con- yinced of their diyine authority, and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the King of Israel. The gospel of Christ he receiyed as the rule of faith, and the foundation of future hope." Up to this period in the history of this church, all the old- er residents of the town haye in it a common interest ; for, un- til the year following the death of ^Ir. Prentice, it w^as the only one in town. It had stood more than a century and a half ; had gathered into its fold many members in successiye generations ; and furnished them the only church home they enjo3'cd. It was in the pastorate of the eighth and last min- ister, of whom I am now to speak, that the diyiding lines of denominations began to appear. REV. IIEUBEN EMERSON. ]Mr. Emerson, the eighth pastor, was born in Ashlw in 1771 ; graduated at Dartmouth college in 1798 ; was install- ed here in 1804 ; and died in 1860, at the advanced age of eighty-uino years, having been sole pastor forty-oue years, 4^ and associate pastor fifteen years longer — making fifty-six years during which he sustained that relation. He was de- scended from Peter Emerson, one of the early settlers of the town; and while preparing for college resided here. He had the advantage, if it was such, of being known l>y the people to whom he was called to minister. During the later months of the year upon which the former pastor died, a revival of wide extent and great power visited the place. The minis- ter wlio had been employed to preach as a candidate for the vacant pulpit, and whom many were ready to settle, lent no sympathy to the revival, and even sought to change its movement, if not to arrest it. His subsequent course con- firmed the impression that he diifered widely from those who adhered to the old standards. Aside from the feeling pro- duced by his attitude toward the religious interest prevalent at that time ; a feeling of uneasiness on account of the doc- trines preached, had long existed under the previous pastorate. These facts, as I am informed by our venerable friend whose head ninety winters have whitened, and whose memory goes back to that time — Mr. B. B. Wiley — gave ascendancy to the general sentiment which demanded in the next pastor a vigorous type of Calvinism. There were other influences at work. Opinions, both among ministers and laymen, had be- come sadly divided. The Unitarian controversy was rapidly shaping itself to the separation that followed. The questions between Baptists and Congregationalists were forcing them- selves into prominence ; while other questions advocated by Universalists were vigorously discussed. It was natural that a church anchored as this had been upon the doctrines of the Puritans, should seek a man whose opinions were of the Pu- ritan stamp, and who had courage to declare them. Such a man they found. Mr. Emerson was a clear thinker and a strong reasoner ; and wdien he had taken a position he could not be moved from it. He had a large acquaintance with the scriptures, and could use them Avith great eftectiveness. As is often true of men of strong convictions, he did not fear controver- sy, though there is no proof that he w^eut out of his way to 49 provoke it, or coutiinied it longer than the vindication of what he deemed the truth demanded. He employed much of his time and energy in elucidating those doctrines which pertain especially to the divine side of religious truth ; and wrote and published a volume for the instruction of his peo- l)le. Several sermons of his were printed. Coming hith- er as he did when opinions were unsettled, and bitter charges were scattered about by professed christians ; when old land-marks were l)eing removed, and new ones w^re tak- ing their places, — it is not strange that a man of his mould should sometimes have provoked the remark that he was rigid and unyielding. But this firmness had its use. It not only served to keep this church upon the old foundations, l)ut it l)rought out the characteristics of other churches in l)older relief. If, as we shall all admit, God permits the rise of different denominations in order to emphasize various l)oints of truth which no one denomination could sufficiently emphasize, it is, in a broad view, well that the strong features of each denomination should be made distinctly to appear. Though controversy offends many, and strong characters pro- voke criticism, they are yet needful and useful. The ministry of ]Mr. Emerson was a prosperous one. The gospel was faithfully preached. The discipline of the church was careful — exteniling with perhaps too close scrutiny to mere opinions, but yet keeping the faith and lives of the members pure. The pastor gave his warm support to the temperance movement ; but for another movement which then attracted some attention, and is now attracting more, lie had less sympathy. It was, doubtless, by his suggestion, that the church once voted that the sisters of the church hav<' the right to listen in church meetings. Mr. Emerson was versatile in his talents. He was an ex- cellent musician ; composed music, and sometimes ventured into the region of poetry. Like his predecessor, he was much interested in public affairs, and preached and published sermons which breathe a thoroughly patriotic spirit. Erom one of these, preached in 18o9, I may quote the fol- lowing : "Could my voice be heard from Louisiana to Maien, 50 and from the Atlantic to the Kocky Mountains, I would speak out with trumpet tongue, and declare as by prophecy, that subordination to civil laws in a free state can no easier be induced without the concurrent teaching of religion, sci- ence and morality, than the fundamental laws of God's em- pire can be annihilated."' Having become enfeebled by his long service, Mr. Emerson was, in 1845, provided with a colleague. The choice of the church and parish fell, with his hearty consent, upon Eev. Al- fred Emerson, who was descended from the same Keading family with himself. It is the testimony of the associate pastor that his personal relations Avith the senior pastor were of the pleasantest char- acter. Perhaps the fiict was owing to the spirit which prompted the following sentiments, which I iind in the "charge" given by the elder to the younger, when the latter was ordained: "It is very possible that too much maybe expected of us who are constituted co-workers in this vine- 3'ard of our common Lord. And who will not say — It is right that more should be expected than from one ? I will tell you, brother, how we may clear ourselves in this mat- ter. Employ all our talents at all times in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, disenthralled from the world ; — then, though Israel be not gathered, and we fall under the unsparing censure of misjudging men, yd, while these will tind that a perverse tongue is a breach in the spirit, we shall find that a wholesome tongue is a tree of life ; our con- sciences will disabuse us, and we shall be glorious in the eyes of the Lord, and our God shall be our strength." In the year 1850, the parish made an amicable arrangement with Mr. Emerson, whereby he was relieved of pastoral re- sponsibility ; but with the express understanding that he should "continue to hold for life all the ministerial rights and privileges which he acquired by virtue of his settlement." After that time he rarely preached, though his influence was felt, and he bore the name and honor of the senior pastor till his death, ten years later. Up to the close of Mr. Emerson's active service as the pas- 51 tor of the church, in the year 1850, iioiio of its ministers had ever been dismissed. Ten years later it conld be said that the eight pastors, serving upon an average more than twen- ty-five years each, had all lived and died •with their people. To the credit of the wisdom and forbearance of both pastors and the church, the record stands, that, for more than two hundred years, no difficulties demanding the services of a council for any purposes whatever, had ever been alloAved to rise. Save for the purpose of inducting pastors into office, no council had ever been called. If dissatisfactions arose, they Avere suffered to subside, and the shepherds and their flocks went together down the hili-sides of life. The mortal remains of most, if not all, of those shepherds, repose near together upon a sunny knoll not far from the church, Avliile on every side are the resting places of those whom it was their privilege to lead and to cheer. In concluding these brief notices of the good men who have adorned the ministerial profession in this place, let me recall to your mind the thought with which the first of these sermons commenced. Other men labored, and we have en- tered into their labors. The outward l>lessings that we en- joy are not the result of brief and careless effort ; neither are our social and religious institutions, our means of educa- tion, the truths we hold, and the sentiments we cherish. If with the Psalmist we can say — -'The lines have fallen unto us in pleasant places, yea, we have a goodly heritage," the power to say it exists because men sustained and impelled by faith in God and love for Christ, have prepared our places for us. We are indebted to many men who have walked these streets, and established these homes — civihans of various ranks and of many Airtues — but to none are our obligations greater than to the men whose careers I have briefly sketched. Summoned to the ministry of Christ, it was their duty to guard the higher and more precious interests of men. They counselled the living, and buried the dead. They spoke in (lod's name on behalf of virtue, honor, intelligence and pietj'. As the advocates of education, none labored more earnestly and wisely than they. As the friends of sobriety and order, 52 none M-ielded greater moral power than they. As the pro- moters of rioht feelinc: and sonnd principles in society, the influence of none surpassed theirs. Their honored position, the truths wliich they declared, and the worth of their per- sonal characters, made their continued la1)ors a source of pos- itive power in the defence of righteousness, and the promotion of real prosperity. True to the spirit of their office, they proclaimed Christ to men, aiid with his aid evoked in many hearts high resolves, pure desires, and divine affections. They made full proof of their ministry; and, though dead, they yet speak to us, and commend anew the trutli which fhrouiih two centuries has tilled these homes with liiilit. J I CONCERNING THE GATHERING. It would have l)oen unpatriotic to allow the centennial year to pass without due recognition. The method of giving it tit honor, though for a time in doubt, was satisfactorily set- tled. .Vs the pastor who served the church in 1776, hastened with not a few of his tlock to the Concord battle ; and as the present meeting-house — still comely, massive and sound in all its timbers — is the very structure in which supplies for the army of Washington were stored, — it was deemed quite proper that the church should draw the plan of the observ- ance. The only ol)jection was that she was too old. This, however, Avas over-ruled, on the ground that, though she iiad l)een at work more than a century and a quarter before the lievolution, and had never rested since, her spirit was as young as ever. The plan which she A'entured to suggest, included two hundred and thirty-two years, rather than one hundred, and was executed nearly in the following maimer: On the evening of Wednesday, June 21st, 187(5, a large company assembled at the church. Invited guests from other towns and churches, and representatives of old families, were present in goodly numbers. Many of the ladies and gentle- men wore antique costumes, and a great variety of relics of past days and usages were displayed. After an hour spent in social intercourse, the company was called to order l)y K. W. Eaton, Esq., who introduced the president of the occasion — S. K. Hamilton, Esq. After extending a cordial welcome to the assembled guests, he invited them to repair to the tastefully adorned vestries. Under the direction of Mr. A. A. Currier, ample tables for four hundred guests had been spread, and ever}' seat was tilled. The enthusiastic singing of America, and a fervent praj'cr, opened the exer- 54 oises. The abundant repast having been finished, and the audience having listened to excellent singing, the President spoke as follows : ADDEESS OF MR. HAMILTON. I count it high honor to-night, to welcome this presence to its ances- tral home ; to welcome these representatives of those pious and sturdy men who planted this church in the wilderness, and defended it with their blood, — these representatives who have assembled on the old spot to revive the memories of the centuries gone by ; to recount the more than heroic deeds of the fathers, and perchance to draw inspiration from their history. From whatever quarter you come, or however related to the old church or to the fathers, whether by lineal or lateral ties, or only by right of representation — I bid you a cordial welcome — thrice welcome. This year the nation celebrates Its hundredth birthday by an exposi- tion, it is only trite to say, the like whereof tlie world has never seen. The whole country — from the farthest north to the Gulf, from the At- lantic slope to the Golden Gate — gives of its vast resources to the National Jubilation. The choicest products of her agriculture, her mechanics, her arts, her sciences and her literature, have been culled to show her progress, and establish her place. The old world — even the forthest East — has sent from her workshop its best handiwork ; from her loom its finest fabric; and from her easel its most artistic touch, to grace the occasion — and even the sea has given of its glories to add splendor to the scene. It is, too, a harvest year in rebellious incidents and revolutionary memories, when the nation and individuals are greedily garnering up whatever relates to national or individual liistory of "the times that tried men's souls." It is well for this church, which had arrived at a patriarchal age when the nation was born, and which took an active part in the great struggle which gave it place among the nations, to gather up its tradi- tions, bring forth its relics, and recite what it can of the local events which have transpired during the two hundred and thirty-two years which it has lived — and to keep fresh in our hearts the memories of those men who planted here the seeds of the civil and religious liberty which we now enjoy ; who endured trial and danger, privation and snftering, that they and those wiio came after them might enjoy what the monarchs of the old world denied — a right to worship God accord- ing to the dictates of their own consciences. We, of this day and generation, surrounded by all the blessings which tlu'ir labor purchased, can have but faint conception of their cost. We cannot realize the deprivation and suffering incident to founding a col- 55 ony and a nation in a land whose only inlialjitants are will bcusts and wilder savages— whose every bush and rock is a lurking place for the foe. Nor can wc realize the deep conviction or tiie patriotic devo- tion which could sustain a long and successful revolution for the sake of a i)rinciple — but we can recall the stirring events of those times, and revive the motives which prompted them ; and we can detect the vital principles of both their civil and religious politj- — love, of God, liberty of conscience, just and equal laws made by all the people, for the gen- eral good — an enunciation of civil, political and religious doctrine sec- ond only to that written by the finger of God on tablets of stone. By assembling, and recalling their deeds and motives, we can the better en- joy those inestimable blessings which flow from their labors, and the better transmit them to those who come after us. In these times, when the nation, as well as individuals, lives upon the high pressure system, when progress is the only watchword, we are in danger of drifting away from our anchorage ground. In our great haste for wealth and l^lace, w^e are in danger of losing sight of the great truths which lie at the basis of our success. We have seen it in business, and, alas, we have seen it in politics, where, next to his own family, a man ought to be pure; we have seen it in law, and I fear we may see it in religion, unless we take anew our bearings, and anchor our belief on the Puri- tan Rock. I see here before me descendants of the oldest families, of the men who felled the first trees in the unbroken forest; who laid the corner stone of this church, and signed the first compact; descendants, also, of those God fearing men "who took their lives in their hands, and perilled their all in the sacred cause of freedom.'" On you I call to- night for the tradition of your families, for the legends which have descended from generation to generation, for whatever you may know of church or individual history. Tell it to us in speech or song, in prose or verse, as the heart may prompt. I will now introduce to you a gentleman descended from one of our oldest families, who, to the antiquarian love that he inherits; adds the qualities of wisdom and wit; and who, as Toastmaster, will exercise his skill in calling forth the speeches which some of you are competent to deliver, and all of vou are waiting to hear — C. W, EATON, ESQ. Ill the applause Avliich followed the address, Mr. Eaton arose, and after a few w^ords expressive of his pleasure in the occasion, proceeded in the discharge of his duty, to read 56 THE FIRST SENTIMENT : The Church of the First Parish— Consecrated bj Time, may it more re- joice in a consecration from on high. During the centuries it has stood a citadel for the right ; — may it remain while time shall last, a tower strong in truth, and Heaven's beacon for the wandering and the lost. It has been divinely' guided and instructed, through a succession of able and de- voted Christian ministers, from Rev. Henry Green, in 1645, to Rev. Charles R. Bliss, in 1876. THE EESPONSP: of MR. BLISS. 1 shall beg your forbearance if I find it impossible to express what the occasion demands of me. Most cordiall}- do I welcome you, and most heartily do I thank you for your presence. The honors of the evening belong not to the pastor, but to the cliurch. One of the first institutions ever planted by civilized man on this spot, it has had a history of growth and usefulness which may well excite the deepest pleasure and the live- liest gratitude. For seventy-five years it was the only religious beacon from Charlestown to the Merrimae, and into many a settler's lowly cabin, and into manj' a weary heart, did it shed the light of faith and hope. Sending forth its colonics one b}- one, it upheld them, and wrought, through their hands, while it wielded a more concentrated influence in its own narrowed sphere. Its first eight pastors, covering with their faithful service two full cen- turies, left a record of their work where time cannot efface it. Nourish- ing this church in its infancy, and guiding its energies in later years, they helped to make it an ally of good order, and a promoter of right- eousness, whose influence this community feels in every nerve. The spirit of independence— shared by your fathers, as records prove, to the full measure of i)atriotic devotion — found in this church one source of its inspiration. The love of education — the just pride of our community — exists in its strength because this church and parish charged them- selves with the duty of providing public instruction for the children. Respect for law — "the second nature of New Englanders," and as vigorous here as in any community beneath the sun — derives a portion of its vitality from the Calvinistic views of divine law which this pulpit proclaimed. A church, historic like this — having grown with the insti- tutions around it, and uttered its voice on all important questions, and exerted the influence of its doctrines, principles and spirit, from age to age, through a thousand channels— wields, and must wield, a power not to be traced or measured by finite minds. Let me congratulate you that so many churches exist where once this held up alone the banner of Christ. We lejoice in theii number, strength and prosperity. Could the faithful men and women who planted in the wilderness the seed from Avhich these erect and beautiful growths have 57 sprnng, look upon them now, their astonisliment Avoiilil batHc. the j)owor of expression. Like :v briglit vision of Hebrew prophecy would this honr of festivity gleam on their sight. It is their honor, th;it the work given them Avas thoroughly done : and well may we perpetuate their memories. To this glad task let ine again welcome you. We greet witli joy the daughters of this honored mother ; the neighbors who ]iv(; on terms of unfeigned amity with her, and the numerous guests l;elore us, who manifest b}' their presence kind thoughts of her. May the (iod of the Fathers protect the children, and may our work bear to our successors the evidence of christian wisdom, zeal and fidelity. The Banian tree, with its numerous trunks and perpetual life, is regarded by the Hindoos as an emblem of Deity. An ancient christian church, vi- tal with spiritual life, is often like that wide-spreading tree. Its extend- ing branches falling to the ground, taking root and rising again as new trunks, not only support the parent stock and increase its beautv, but cov- er wide spaces with the refreshing shade of religious truth. The earliest branch of this Banian tree fell northward, touching the soil in 1713, and sending its roots firmly down in 1720. We shall ask our brethren of North Reading to tell us how large that trunk has become; and how se- curely it stands ; or, to express our feelings more accurately, we will ask the eldest daughter to report her prosperity. The Rev. J. W. Kiiiosbury, j)astor at Xortli Heading, re- sponded : :Mi;. Cuaikmax : I am glad that the {;hurch I have the pleasure to )-epresent had so good a mother — so much, you know, depends on good early training. I am glad, too, that when our church went away she de- parted not as the Prodigal Son, to waste her substance in riotous living in a far country, but as a prudent and well-beloved elder daughter, with the parental blessing I'esting upon her, went to her humble home in what was then a part of the same town, there to imitate the virtues and piety of the good mother. With heartfelt gratitude the elder daughter recalls how, in all her his- tory and in all her trials, this mother church has followed her with un- ceasing interest and sympathy, and through one channel or another is helping her to bear the burden and heat of the day; and at every fami- ly gathering, or festive occasion, has for her a welcome and a place. By reference to what we may call the Family Record, I find that when the elder daughter began life and housekeeping — for, strange as it may seem, she began them together — our venerable mother was 75 j-ears old. I learn, too, that when a half century had passed, and consequent- ly when our mother was much older than Abraham's wife, she was 58 blessed with another dauojhter. But this younger daughter must have grown old fast, or she would not have been called '■'■Old South.''' How- ever, she was vigorous enough in her 80th year to give birth to a child named "Bethesda." While the Family Record and the fact of grandiiiotherhood afford con- vincing proof of the venerable age of the mother church, yet her 232 years rest lightly upon her, and we joyfully perceive that her eye is not dim, nor her natural force abated. We gladly yield to her the palm for experience and wisdom, for vigor and activity ; and feel that it is no disparagement to any of her offspring, to apply to her Milton's description of Eve, and declare her the "fairest of her daugliters." With these other daughters, in whose larger success the elder rejoices, we are glad here this evening to rise up and call our mother blessed. For her we invoke the blessing invoked upon Rebekah by her kindred — "Be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed jsossess the gate of those which hate them." Good mother, long may you live, and long remain your present "Bliss." The second branch of this Banian fell slightly toward the northeast, and also became fast as a new trunk in 1720. Our Lynnfield brethren are re- quested to report the girth and strength and beautj' of it; or to inform us what fortunes the second daughter has met. Rev. D. B. Scott, pastor of the church at Lynnfield, re- sponded. Mr. President, L.-^dies and Gentlemen: The church in Lynnfield has not forgotten her mother. It is said that the metropolitan question in Boston is, "How much do you kno2v''' — in New York, "How much money have you got" — in Philadelphia, "Who are your ancestors/'' Like the Philadelphians, the church in Lynnfield talks about her ances- tors. She has been in perils by false teachers ; and been compelled to choose between submission to hands that would take the crown of di- vinity from the Redeemer's head, or go out. She remained true "to the faith once delivered to the .saints," and the members "went out, not knowing whither they went." Now they have a house of worship, a membership of 75, and a zeal for God that is "according to knowledge." The churches of Stoneham and Wilmington had been duly- invited, and sentiments in their honor were offered ; but be- ing, perhaps, enlisted in other centennial projects, their repre- sentatives were not present. 59 Nothing is more comely than the relations existing between a mother of ripe age, courtly in manner and kindly in spirit, and a daughter grown to mature womanhood, also a mother, and equally imbued with generous feeling. Having long been companions, they are rather sisters than moth- er and daughter. Mutual affection and confidence remove every vestige of occasional disagreement, and they pursue the even tenor of their way loving and beloved. Such relations sometimes exist between churches. This church and the Old South Church in Reading, for more than one hundred years have walked together and leaned upon each other. If this church claims the honors of motherhood, it is hut to emphasize the pride with which she points to her daugliter. The representatives of the Old South church, now without a pastor, were Dea. Edgar Damon — a lineal descendant of Dea. John Damon, one of the first deacons of this church, — and Dea. T. T. Briggs. The first named gentleman re- sponded ; Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen : We thank 3-00 most hear- tily, in behalf of the Old South Church in Reading, for your kind invita- tion to this bountiful collation, and these most interesting exercises. The Daughter with glad heart comes to greet her revered Mother, who, with kindly hospitality, welcomes us to the old homestead, and the fes- tivities of this hour. As we sit here and look upon this family party, our hearts are warmed as the events of the past are brought to our minds. The permanent good this church has accomplished may be seen in these added churches, their usefulness, and untold influences for good. This ancient structure, how well it stands ; its foundations how firm — laid deep and broad upon the solid Rock. Every post erect and strong, every brace sustaining its part; no decay is here; it has stood the trial of centuries, showing, "How well our God secures the fold. Where his own flock have been." Mr. President, the Old South Church, 106 years old, is still full of vigor and courage, and comes to this maternal board with something of pride and real joy, as she looks upon her own daughters settled by her side — the Baptist, Bethesda, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, each doing faithful service for Christ. And now, sir, thanking you for a place in these commemorative exercises, T close with this sentiment: May the Mother Church, "tried and true," "still l)ring forth fruit in her old asre." 60 It is a sentiment of Scripture that "children's children are the crown of the old." Churches may sometimes look proudly upon their grand- daughters, and say, "Ye are our crown." This pleasure is permitted to us this evening; and we challenge any other ecclesiastical matron to point to a brighter crown than the Bethesda church. Sumuer Weston, Esq. responded, expressing congratula- tions and warm feelings of regard on the part of the largo church he represented. Unity in variety is a universal law. We both recognize and rejoice in it, and we count it a cause for special thanksgiving that Christian breth- ren, while disagreeing upon some points, may yet stand together upon the platform of fundamental truth. Like almost every ancient church, this one has witnessed the departure of members for opinion's sake. While regretting the absence of those brethren, we yet respect their fidelity to their convictions. We welcome them upon this commemorative occasion wnth the cordiality of brethren. We rejoice in their prosperity, and bid them God-speed in their work. We look lor a response, to our guests from the Baptist church. The Baptist church was re[)resented by Rev. R. ^I. Nott, Brethren A. G. Sweetser, Edward Mansiield and A. N. Sweetser. The gentleman first named responded : The response to this .sentiment would most appiopi-iately come Iroin the pastor of the cluu-ch, Rev. Ur. Keyaer, or IVom our venerable broth- er, Rev. Jonas Evans, who, if present, might not merely, as one of its oldest and most beloved members, represent our church, but would also undoubtedly be welcome as one connected intimately with a number of tiie oldest families in the town, and one whose memory is a storehousi' filled with interesting recollections of the religious history of the place But the absence from town of the former, and the ill health of tlie lat- ter, have caused the duty of replying to this courteous and fraternal sentiment to be committed to one less qualified. Yet I possess one pecu- liar qualification, in that, while a real and complete Baptist, I am also linked — I suppose by an inseparable bond — with the Congregationalists. The water of consecration, the "seal of the covenant," was duly placed upon my brow in infancy by the hands of my father, at that time a Con- gregational ijastoi', and I was of course, by that ceremony, made a member of a Congregational church, in that sense in which the "child- ren of the church" are members. As I have never been notified of my dismission, or excommunication, undoubtedly I am still a member. 1 hope I shall receive due watch-care. 61 But it is worthy of beinii- remembered on this oceasion, that Baptist churches are, in reference to one of the tliino-s that most affect church character, themselves members of the family of Congrtij^ational churclies. Our form of cluirch government is substantially the same with yours. Our i>olity is not the Prelatic, nor the Presbyterian, but tlie Congregational. Besides, we liad, to a considerable extent, a com- mon origin with you. As regards our English development, we Avere, like your denomination, apart of the Puritan stock which arose to con- tend against the corruption and tyranny of the ecclesiastical establish- ment in England. In this country our independent development at first struggled against an obstacle in the theocratic institutions which the noble, but of course not properly enlightened, forefathers of New Eng- land thought it their right and duty to establish : and in the fact that, in respect to some of our denominational principles, we were found to be even prooard of Selectmen. The Beebe Town Lii)rary — Lucius Beebe, Esq. Education — ]\Ielviu J. Kill, Principal of the High School. The Army — Maj. A\'. S. (ircenough. The Shades of the Departed— ^Irs. E. C. Poland. The Swain Family — Rev. T. A. Emerson. The AValton Family — E. H. Walton, Esq. The Uses of Tea — John F. Ilartshorne, Esq. Our Triennial Bookseller— N. J. Bartlett, Esq. The Mu- sical Sentiment — Solon Walton, chorister of the church. 72 TJie Influence of Woman — James O. Boswell, Esq. The responses it is now quite impossible to print, inasmuch as some failed at the time, and otiiers were not reported. It was a matter of regret that several gentleman formerly, or at present, identified with the church, could not be pres- ent. Among this number were Dr. Samuel Hart of Brook- lyn, Rev. T. A. Emerson, pastor at Braiutree, and Eev. W. S. Hawkes, pastor at Fairhaven, all of whom were sons of this church. Rev. Alfred Emerson, a former pastor, was compelled to be absent. From other friends of the church, who would have been gladly welcomed, the committee re- ceived the following LETTERS : The first is from our national historian, the Hon. George Bancroft. Newpokt, June oOtli, 187G. My Deak Sir : Absence for nearl}- a week has delayed my answer to your favor of the 15th inst. I am heartily glad tliat you have caught the historical fever, and trust you will do good service in setting in a bright light the great deeds of our New England ancestry, who are never enough to be resijectod and honored. The only matter in church history, relating to Reading, which has im- pressed itself on my mind, relates to the controversy in Northampton between Jonathan Edwards and the people of that town. When the greatest of New England's theologians fell into a deplorable controver- sy with the people of that town, and a council was called to pass upon the question of his dismission from his ministry to them, Edwarils had to look ffir in quest of friends on whose vigor of character and indepen- dence he could rely. It was among the members of your chunh that ho found one of his strongest sui)porters. That man was the father of my father — Deacon Samuel Bancroft. This fact was brought more closely to my consideration by my long residence in Northampton, within sight of the house of Edwards, and the shade trees which he planted It has always given me satisfaction to know that the delegate sent by your church exerted all his influence and fixedness of purpose to retain Jonathan Edwards in the lovely town in which he de- lighted to dwell, and from which he never should have been driven. It is possible that this incident may have escaped you ; if so, I am glad to remind you of it. I remain, my dear sir, with the greatest respect. Very truly yours, GEORGE BANCROFT. Kiev. Chakles R. Bliss. 73 From Ex-Govcrnor John A. Dix, of XeAV York, the fol- lowing was received : New Youk, June Kith, 1876. Dkai: Sii; : I have just received your favor. Anthony Dix, who came lo Ply- mouth in tiie second vessel that reached there after the first landinf;; of tli(^ Pil^^-ims, was the common ancestor of Ralpli Dix and myself, and I remember Reading as the residence of one brancli of the family; but, in the absence of the records, I cannot say which. J should be very happy to be with you on the 21st inst. if it were in my power; but as it is not, you will oblio-e me by making me known to those who may be assembled on the occasion, as one who, though alj- sent, takes a cordial interest in their i)roceedings. I am, dear sir. Respectfully and truly yours, JOHN A. DIX. Rev. C'haklesR. Bliss. Sencator Geo. S. BoutAvell, descended from the Boiitwells who were among the early settlers of this town, sent from a distant State, where he was serving npon a committee of the United Sttitcs Senate, the following telegraphic dispatch : Jackson, :\Iis.s., June 20th, .187G. Rev. Chaki.es R. Bliss, Wakefield : If I were in Massachusetts I should attend your gathering, that I might revive and increase my veneration for the Founders of our Com- monwealth, who also established the institutions of religion, education and liberty, to which the country owes its existence and character. GEO. S. BOUTWELL. From Rev. John W. Chickering, I). D. : "Lakeside," Wakeiield, June 20th, 1S7G. Rev. Chakles R. Bliss : Dear Sir and Brother: — I am sorry not to be with you all tomorrow. I am fond of anniversaries, centennials, and memorials. 1 especially like church commemorations. Our chuich is connected with some of my earliest recollections. ^ly memory hardly runs so far back as to Father Emerson's settlement, at which, I believe, my father assisted; but of Father Emerson himself, and of his boys and girls, I have a very vivid recollection, including his deep and rich Ixiritone voice, more agreeable in singing than in the occasional gentle reproofs which his children or their 3'oung visitors may have soviclim^M iieeded; not that 74 he was a scolding man, by any means, but even onniislcrs' children may do wrong;. At a later period, I have pleasant recollections of stage rides along the beautiful lake-shore— i. c. "side of the ;jo?zfr"— wishing I could live in so pretty a spot. Then came a trying time to me, and I fear, more so to this congregation — August 9th, 182J), when, a boy of twenty-one, I preached my first two sermons as a full fledged licentiate, in the pul- pit, and, worse still, in the presence of the venerable pastor, kind, l)ui sound and observant, and with only too good a field for his critical judgment. Xow, for nearly ten years I have dwelt among the children and chil- dren's children of that congregation, and other families, like my own, new-comers. So I send my cordial greetings to you, as one of you, with the hope that our children and children's children may not have reason to be ashamed of us; while they shall exceed both us and our fathers in all tiiatgoesto make good citizens and good christians. Yuurs, all, with regards and regrets, JOIIX W. CHICKERING. Ftr Type-writing-machine. Not in use in our fathers' days. From Daniel Allen, Esq. : HrjiXEY, X. II., June 20th, 1S7G. Beloved Pastor : Your kind letter was received yesterday. I was glad to learn that you were to have a social Centennial gathering of our church and con- gregation. I need not say to you how much pleasure it would give us to be with you, but we shall have to forego it. There is no nation but ours, and no community but Xevv England, that has such a glorious history, and such rich and interesting material for centennials and re-unions. The high and holy motives which actu- ated our Christian ancestors in laying the foundations of our country and its institutions, are worthy of everlasting remembrance. How ap- propriate, then, for our ancient church in Wakefield, which has stood so long, and is so true a witness for the "faith once delivered to the saints," to review its history, to gather instruction from our pious fathers "who lived and walked with God." I will give in closing the tbllowing sentiment: The keynote of our Pilgrim Fathers— The Bible and Free Schools. The history of one hundred years has given sufficient evidence that no substitute for them has been found, as the ground of a nation's prosperi- ty, or of true and genuine civilization. Yours truly, DANIEL ALLEN. Eev. Chakles R. Bliss. 75 Concerning the Present Usages, Rules and Instrumentalities of the Church and Parish, with the Names of the Members of Each. THE CHURCH. PRINCIPLES AND RULES. 1. This church is inclepeiideut in its internal organization and man- agement. It controls the admission, discipline and removal of its mem- bers, according to its own conception of the law of Christ. It will, however, extend to sister Congregational churches, and receive from them, fellowship, advice and assistance. -2. Ai> -MISSION AND Tkaxsfek OF MEMBERS. — Candidates for mem- bership meet the Church Committee, not to undergo a rigid examina- tion, but to state their reasons for believing themselves to be Christians. They receive each a copy of the Church Confession, and if they express no dissent from it before the Sabbath of their public reception, they are held to have endorsed it. They also prepare a brief statement of their experience, to be read at the preparatory lecture, at which time a vote of admission, conditioned upon their taking the Covenant upon the Sabbath following, and upo\i their receiving or having received Bap- tism, will then be taken. Members of other churches, enjoying church privileges with us, are desired to present letters at an early date; and such letters alone, except for special reasons, shall entitle them to a membership in this body. Members of this church who remove their residence from this place» are expected to transfer their relation to some other church within two years after leaving us, applying for letters of dismission in writing. And if, after having been notified of tliis rule, absent members shall re. fuse or neglect to ask such letters, and fail to give adequate reasons for the omission, the church may withdraw from them its Avatch and care. 76 3. Rights and Duties of Membeks. — Every member has a right to church privileges till he forfeits it, and, when accused of misconduct, ho has a right to know the definite charges made against him, and to have an open and candid trial. Ever}- member is under solemn obligation to promote llie peace, pur- ity and prosperity of the chufcli. Should any member feel aggrieveil by the conduct of another, he should heed the injunction of Christ con- tained in Matthew xviii: 15-17. Should any member wish to join another church, he should ask in a proper spirit to be dismissed from this. Should any member adopt religious views radically different from those held by us, and, blameless of any other ottence, forsake our communion, the church ruay withdraw fellowship from such person without taking the usual steps of discipline, and thenceforth his relative position shall be like that of one who had never joined us. •1. Church Censures. — This church regards immoral conduct, breach of express covenant vows, and neglect of acknowledged relig- ious duties, as offences subject to censure ; and the several censures of the church are : private reproof, public admonition, suspension from church privileges, and excommunication. 5. Officers. — The X)crmanent officers of this church are the Pastor or Pastors, and four Deacons. The Pastor is elected by the church in conjunction with the parish. The Deacons are chosen by the church, and hold their ofiice as the church ma}^ direct. Tke annual officers are a Clerk, a Treasurer, and a Church Committee. The Clerk shall keep the church record. The Treasurer, who shall be a Deacon, shall man- age the pecuniary affairs of the church, subject to the direction of the board of Deacons, who shall authorize all expenditures, and audit all accounts. The Treasurer shall present to the church a yearly report. The Church Committee shall consist of the Pastor and live l:iy brethren, whose duty it shall be to receive the statements of those wishing to join the church, and report to the church the names of candidates approved by them, to look after the spiritual interests of the brotherhood, and to be the organ through which matters of discipline shall be presented to the church. (i. Committee upon the Sabbath School. — There sliall be chosen annually a Committee of three, to act as a medium of communication between the cluu-ch and Sabbath School. In connection with the Pastor ;ind Superintendent, they shall seek to bring the School into close con- nection with the church ; devise ways and means to replenish the libra- ry, and render in all possible ways such assistance as the best interests of the School may requii-o. 77 STANDING REGULATIONS. 1. The annual meeting for the choice of officers shall be held in January, at such time as the Pastor and Deacons may appoint. Every business meeting shall be riotified from the pulpit on the Sabbath pre- ceding the meeting, and such a meeting shall be called whenever five members express in writing their desire that one should be held. 2. All officers sliall ije chosen by ballot. 3. The cliurch will celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first Sabbath afternoon of January, March, May, July, September and November, and, ordinarily, baptism will be administered on those occasions. Pre- paratory Lecture will be ]n-eached at some time during the previous week. 1. Candidates for admission will be propounded, ordinarily, two weeks before their reception. o. Tlie Pastor shall preside in all meetings of the church. In his absence, the duty shall be discharged by the senior Deacon present. G. All business meetings shall be opened with prayer. Tiic foregoing Rules may be changed by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any legal meeting. 78 CONFESSION OF FAITH. Adopted September 30, 1765, axd used accordixg to Rule 2>,-d, UNDER THE HEAD OF PUIXCIPEES AXD RULES. 1. We believe ill one eternal, almighty God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, who created the world by his power, and governs it by his providence, and is the Redeemer of the fallen world by His Son, Jesus Christ. 2. We believe the holy Scriptures of the Old and Xew Testament to be the word of God, and adhere to them as the only riile of faith and practice, directing us in all matters of divine worship, and in Church- administration, as well as in an holy life and conversation. 3. We believe that our lirst parents fell from that estate of integrity, honor and happiness, in which God at first created them, and that all mankind fell in them by their transgression in eating the forbidden fruit, and that thereby they involved themselves and their posterity in a state of sin and death ; and that in consequence hereof, all the genera- tions of Adam are born in a state of corrupted nature, destitute of orig- inal righteousness and purity, under the curse of a broken law, and so rendered liable to all the miseries of this life, to death itself, and all the pains of hell forever. And that God hath from all eternity chosen a certain number of lapsed or fallen mankind to life and salvation as the end, and faith in Christ and holiness as the means. 4. We believe that God, in compassion to the sinful, perishing state of mankind, fore-ordained, and in the fullness of time sent. His only hegottou Son, to be the Saviour of the world ; and that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became true and real man, being made of a woman, and in all things like unto his brethren, sin only excepted ; and at the same time in his original nature, God over all, blessed forevermore ; being God and man in one person. a. That Christ the Son of God having, in compliance with his Fatlier's will, taken on him the nature of man, hath therein substituted himself, to bear our sins in his sacrifice on the cross for the expiation of them, and humbled himself iirhis obedience unto death for our redemp- tion, whereby he has made a true and perfect satisfaction to God fbrth(! sins of man. G. That he rose again from the dead on the third day, and ascended into heaven as our victorious Redeemer, and sitteth at the right hand of (jod, making intercession for us, and having power given him over all things in heaven and on earth. 79 7. That he sustains anii:ill l.e held in the month of March; and other meetings may be held at such times as the Assessors shall order; and it shall be the duty of llie Assessors to call a special meeting of the Parish on the request of ten members of the Parish, made in writing. Art. 2. At the annual meeting the following officers shall be chosen, viz: Moderator, Clerk, Assessors, Treasurer, Collector, and such other officers as may be required. Akt. ;>. Every meeting shall be held in pursuance of a warrant, un- der the hands of the Assessors, directed to the Clerk, who shall record it and post a copy upon the meeting-house, to remain at least over one Saljbath before the meeting. Ai:t. 4. In giving notice of the hour of meeting, the Bell shall be rung twice; the first time, one hour before the time named in the war- rant, and the second time at saiil hour for meeting. Art. y. Tlie warrant sliall express the time and place of the meet- ing, and notliing :i^ted upon shall have any legal operation unless the subject matter thereol sliall have been inserted in the warrant. Art. (5. Tiie (;:ierk, or if there is no Clerk, or if he is absent, the Assessors, or either of them, or the Treasurer or Collector shall preside in the choice of a Moderator, and a Clerk may then be chosen either 2iro temjwrc, or to fill a vacancy as the case may require. Art. 7. Tiie Clerk, Assessors, Treasurer and Collector shall lie chosen by written ballots, and shall be sworn. The Moderator may administer the oath of office to the Clerk, and the Clerk to the Asses- sors, Treasurer and Collector: or said oaths may lie administered )jy a Justice of the Peace. Art. 8. Any person wishing to become a member of this Parish, must make a written application at any regular notified meeting to the Clerk, and lie shall become a member on his receiving the vote of two- thirds of the legal voters present at such imeeting. Or when the Parish is not in session, should any person wishing to become a member make a written application to the Clerk, he shall make it known to the As- 82 sessors, and if the Clerk tn;rethei- wilh the Assessors shall be unanimous in their opinio u, in receiving soeh applicant, he shall be held to be a member. Art. 1). Persons belonging to the Parish shall be held to be members until they file with the Clerk a written notice declaring the dissolution of their membership. Art. 10. No ));'rson shall have a right to vote in the affairs of the Parish, unless he is a member thereof. Akt. 11. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to record the transactions of all m;M3tings, record and place on file ail letters and applications to the Parish, and to kce]) a register book in which shall be wi-itten the names of members, showing when admitted, when discharged or de- ceased. AuT. 12. These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any regular me ting ol the Pai'ish, the snljject matter of such alterations or amend- ments being inserted in the wai'rant. PUBLIC WORSHIP. The chnrcli adheres to the ancient practice, and expects two sermons on the Sabbath. The ser\ices ccnnmence at 10 1-1: A. M., and 2 3-4 P. M. Order of Services. A. M. Doxology. Scripture Reading. Sermon. Invocation. Prayer. Prayer. Singing. Te Deum Laudamus. Singing. Benediction. Substituting an Anthem for the Doxology, and a Selection by the Choir fiu- the Te Deum Laudamus, and dropping the Invocation, the order for the afternoon is the same. The Missionary Concert is held on the first Sal)bath evening of each month ; the Saiibatli Sidiool Concert on the second, and a prayer meeting on each of the remaining ones. These meetings commence at half-past six o'clock. The Church prayer meeting is held on Tuesday evening, ooraraeneing in winter at half-past seven, in summer at a quaiter before eight. The Young People's prayer meeting, alternating at some seasons with the Pa.^tor's Bible class, is held on Friday evening. 83 THE SERVICE OF SONG. This is led b\- a Qniirtcfte who receive compensation, sustained b}' a _;hoii-, and i)articipatcd in by the congregation. Organist, Miss Mary McAllister. Quarkttr. Mr. Solon Walton, IxwJrr and Totor. Mrs. Solon AValton, Alto. MissE. Perls-ins, Soprano. Mr. C. Crosby, Bass. Choir. Mr TENOR. J. C.Hartshovne J. H. Ilartshorne, C. A. S. Troup Wallace Kendall Hiram P. Flagg BASS. E. U. Walton Henry Haskell J. F. p]merson J. W. Poland P. H. Sonthworth Heibert W. Walton Kingman S. >^ichols SOPRANO. Miss Ella M. Dager " Myra A. Stearns " Rosa. V. Xesmith " Nellie A. Miller " Hattie E. Perkins " Florence Bnrditt ALTO. Mrs Kate M. Howard Miss Hattie E. Hall •' Laura P. Flagg '• Annie L. Ballard SABBATH SCHOOL. OFFICERS AND TEACHERS Super intcndoit. T)ea. John Ci. Aborn. Asst. Superintendeni. (Jeorge H. Maddock. Secretary and Treasurer, William P. Preston. Harrv Foster. l)ea. A. W. Chapiuaii •Toseph Bnrditt (;. W. Kendall Cliarles H. Stearns Charles F. Richardso Chester AV. Eaton Will. S. Creenongh Samuel K. Hamilton Librarians . Wallace Kendall. Teackers. H. W. Brown. IE. H. Walton i Herbert W. Walton |G. H. Maddock ! Waldo E. ('owdrey Jacob C. Hartshorne Geo. W. Aborn E. E. Emerson Mrs. Charles K. Bliss 84 ]\Ir,s. Aildison Ilul)baid Eliza T. Freeman Charles H. Shepard Mrs. Will. A. Blandiard Miss Ellen Clayes •' Esther C. Allen Sarali Smith *' Hattie A. Gate ('harl(>s II. Stearns " Addie C. Lane " John W. White " Emma E. Currier " L. D. Noyes " Nellie A. Miller Infant Class— Miss Frances S. Clayes. Whole membership of the School, ;)33- A Union Sabbatii School in Montrose draws from this church support as follows : Dea. George R. Morrison, SiiperinlPiidoit. Teachers. Joseph Bnrditt. AViliiam P. Preston. AVallace Kendall. Mrs. E. T. Freeman. IMrs. L. D. Xoyes. Dea. A. W. Chapman. INSTRUMENTALITIES OV BENEV( )LENCE. Three annual collections are taken by solicitors, viz. : Kor the Amer- ican Board, The Home Missionary Society, and The American Mission- ary Association. Collections for the diff rent denominational and other Societies, are taken in the church. The Ladies' Charitable Society labors etlieiently in pro\ idinir boxes for Home Missionai-y families, and fVn- the needy nearer at Iiaiid. ({tficcrs. Mrs. T. J. Skinner, Presideu/. Mrs. (Jeorge H. Maildoek. I", ['resident. '• A. S. Atherton, Secretan/. Miss Estlier C. Alien. 7'ria.<'i'rer. Directresses. .Mrs. John T. Judkins. Mrs. D. T. Miller. .Mrs. S. K. Hamilton. The Woman's Missionary Society is anxiiiary to the Woman's Wn-wt of Missions. -Mrs. Charles K. Uliss, Directress. Mrs. C. E. McKay, Secrcl.ar;/. Mrs, George H. Maddock, Treasurer. 85 The Kelief (."ominittt'c exists, to give aid to families and persons wliose necessities require it. It is a large committee, and is subdivided into an Executive Committee of five, and seventeen other committees, of four each. Collections to supplj- funds ar(>. taken in church, and the work is done according to the suggestions of the following card, which is given to each mcml)cr: "IjI-: CAKEFIL TO .MAINTAIN (;i)(»l> WOUK^.'' VISITOirS CARD. Dl.STIUCT No. SUGGESTION'S. Pur.i.iMiNAiiv. — Never convey the im])rcssion that you have Ix^cn u/ijxiinfa/ to visit. (r.) Call upon our own families to ascertain who will furnish delicacies or other assistance for the sick, and aid for the poor, on application from you. ij.j Call upon families known not to be connected with any relit^ious societ\-. and invite them to attend chinxh. and send their children to the .S. School. t ;]. ) Call upon new residents who may be supposed to have affiliations with us, and invite them to church. 4.) Call upon the sick, and if they need other assistance than what you can render, report them to the Secretary and the Pastor. ;5.) Call upon those in straitened circumstances, and see what aid can be judiciously rendered, and report as above. ( 6.) Seek out neglected children, and if they need clothing report them to the Charitable Society, and bring them to the Sabbath School. Give religion a place in your conversation, and endeavor to create mutual acquaintance and sympathy among the people. Let the committee confer together, and depute one of their number to make a report on or near the first of each mouth to the Secretary of the General Committee. ANNUAL EXPENSES. Whole amount for the year 1876, $3,200 DISTRIBUTED AS EOLLOWS : For Pastor's Salary, .... .s2,0U(» Church Music, (iOO Services of the Janitor. . . . 17o Miscellaneous Expenses, . . . I'^o 86 OFFICERS AND :\IEMBERS OF THE CHURCH MAKCn 1, 1877. Pastor. ClIAKLKS R. Buss. Deacons. George R. Morrison. Cvriis N. White. Amos W. Chapman. John G. Abori Memben Abbott, Mary Aborn, Elizabeth Aborn, John G. Aborn, Mary E. Aborn, George W. Aborn, Mary F. Allen, Daniel Allen, Abi W. Allen, Sarah P. Allen, Esther C. Allen, Mark W. Allen, Parthina E. Ames, Azel Jr. Ames, Sarah D. T. Atherton, Emma A. Atherton, Arlon S. Atherton, Susan M. Atherton, William S. Atherton, Sarah Bell Bacon, Jane M. Bailev, Alpha N. Bailey, Mary F. Balhml. William Ballard, Hannah J. Ballard, Annie Lucretia Bancroft, Elizabeth R. Bavtlett, Mamie E. Berry, Leander S. Blasland, Gideon B. Blasland. Melissa K. Blanchard, Will. A. Blanchard, M. Addle Bliss, Charles R. Bliss, Mary F. Boardman, Nancy A. Boardman, Moses Boardman, Susan R. Boswell, James O. Britton, Richard Britton, Sarah Brown, Mary A, Brown, Elvira J. Bryant, Clarissa O. Burditt, Joseph Burditt, Florence Butler, Mary W. Carey, Oilman Carey, Betsey M. Carey. Albert C. Gate, Hattie A. Chapman, Amos W. Chase, Sarah I']. Chickering, John W. Chickering, F'rances E Clayes, Dana Clayes, Ellen Clayes, Frances S. Cotiin, Annie K. Colby, S. M. P. Cowdrev, Waldo E. Crane, AVilliam Crane, Sarah A. Currier, Hannah E. Curriir, Alonzo A. Currier, Mary E. Currier, Emma E. Currier, Alice G. Dager, Ella M. Darling. David H. Davis, Hannah B. Dearborn, N. D. Dearborn, Lucy S. Dunshee, Sarah ]\I: . Eaton, Chester W. Eaton, Emma G. Emerson, Ad aline Emerson, George Emerson, Emily N. Emerson, Eugene E. Emersou, Sophia P. 87 Kinerson, George D. Kmraons, iMary Ann Eiistis, James Evans. Cliarles A. Evans, Olive M. FIa2:g, Laura V. Flaur'ir, Laura E. Fiairo;. Hiram 1'. Folsom, Ilt'len A. Foster, Elizal)etli R. Foster, Jonatlian Foster, Aaron A. Foster, Rebecca T. Foster, raroline F. Foster, Harry Freeman, Eliza T. Freeman, Dora Gardner. Ahi^fail B. Gardner, Nellie M. Gil)l), James (iil)li, Estiier Levina God Ire v, Warren H. GodireV, Ellen K. Gould. Louisa Green, Susan E; Greenough, William S. Greenough, Elizabeth M. Hall. Eveline N. Hull. Jerusha Hall. Hattie E. Hamilton, Samuel K. Hamilton, Annie E. D. Hart, llann:^h M. Hart. Henry J. Hart, L. Ano-iista Haitshorne. hla L. Hait>li(.rnH, Jacob C. Haskell. Hciirv Jr. Haskell, Al)l)ie M. Hawkes, Electa B. Havward, Jnlm R. Havward, Mai'v Ann Heath, Helen " Hei-vev, Carrie E. Hill, M(dvin J. Hill, Louisa E. Holison, Sadie SI. Holt. Walter F. Hditon. Anna \l. Howard, Kate M. Hubbard. Addison Hubl)ai-d. Lucy A. Hunter, Nathan A. liuuter, Clarissa Hutchinson, Eliza A. Judkins, John T. Judkins, Lucy A. Kolton. Ada E. Kendall, (Jeorg-e W. ' Kendall, Mvra M. Kendall. Wallace Kilo-ore, Emma G. Kiml)al], Stephen li. Kimball. Asenatli Kingman. Sarali R. Kingiuan, Lucy E. Lane, David V. L;ine, Mary A. r^ane, Addie C. Leo^gett, O. Annie Linnell, Hannah C. Locke, Elizabeth W. Maddoek, George H. iMaddock, Fh)rence J. Marshall, Alson L. Marsjiall, Sarah A. ^^arston, Otis Marston, Hannah Martin, 'I'liomas J. Martin, Julia Martin. Annie S. Mavnell, Ev(dvn Mcivav, Charli.tte E. Miller", Marv L. Miller, Nellie A. Minikin, Mai'y A. Moonev, Annie L Moors," Sarah K. Morrison, Georire R. Morrison, Sarah E. Morrison, S. Gi^orgette Moses, Elizal)eth Murrav, Nellie A. (•smith, Rosaline V. ichols, Mary A. ichols. Emily G. iehnls, James icJKds, Caroline R. ichols, Kingman S. ichols. Marv C. ichols. Georire F. R. ichols. Annie E. oi-ci-oss, Daniel oreross. Ellen oreross Saraii H. oyes, Lucrctia D. 88 Xye, Abbie F. Oliver, Sarali Oliver, Jaines Oliver. Almira S. Parker, Saimiel Jr. Parker, Eliza L. Perkins, Lydia K. Perkins, Zillah E. Perkins, Almira Perkins, Frances O. Perkins, Harriet E. Pierce, Susan Poland, Emily C. Poland, Ella M. Pond, Lydia A. Potter, Martha G. Preston, William P. Proctor, Mattie. Rand, Mary Richardson, Charles F. Richardson, Mar. Sweetser, Frank H. Sykes, JMargaret F. Townscnd, Jacob Townsend, Nanc}- Troup, Charles A. S. Troup, E. E. Tufts, Charles H. Tutts, Emma L. Underwood, Emily S. Wales, Mary Walton, Ann Walton, Nancy Walton, Oliver Walton, Hannah F. Walton, E. H. Walton, Sarah S. Walton, Solon Walton, Ann Maria Walton, Herbert W. Walton, Rebecca T. Weed, George C. White, Saraii White, Cyrus N. Wliite, Ruth P. Wliite, Sclim S. Wliite, Edson W. W^iiite, John W. White, Etta I\Lu- White, Naucv Willis, William H. Wilson, ]\Lirgaret N. Winslow, Harvey N. membership 273. 89 PARISH offk']':rs foe. the yeah istg, and a list ( lAI EMBERS. James F. Fmevsoii, SecreUinj. T. .1. Skinner, Treasurer. Geoi-o-e W. Aboru Assessors. J. ('. Hartshorne, W. S. (ircenoiia! (U)imaittee on Music. G. H. Maddock, T. J. Skinner, N. I). Dearlx. Collector, G. R. ?*Iorri Auditor, E. E. Euu-i-so Members. Abbott, Benj. F. Alibott, George Aborn, George W. Aborn, John G. Aldricli, B. F., Jr. Allen, Daniel Ames, Azel, Jr. Arrington, G. B. Arrington, \V. M. Ballard, William Beebe, Lucius Blanchard, StepiuMi U Bliss, Ciuuies R. Boardman, E. E. Boardman, Moses Boswell, James O. Britton, Richard Burditt. George Bnrditt, Joseph Burditt, William Burrill, A. Carey, Albert ('. Carey. George E. L'arey, Gilman Carpenter, George ( ) Chapman, A. W. Clark, J. H. Corey, Charles A. Cowdrey, Jonas Cow drey, W. E. Currier, A. A. Darling, David H. Davies, David L. Davis, Charles Dearborn, N. D. Eaton, Chester W. Eaton, Everett W. Eaton, Henry L. Emerson, E. E. Emerson, James F. Emerson, Thomas Emerson, Thomas A. Evans, Charles A. Eustis, James Foster, Aaron Godfrey, Warren IL Gowing, G. Green, Cliarles W. Greenough, Wm. S. Hamilton, Samuel K Hanson, M. F. Hart, Abner B. Hart, Henry J. Hartshorne, John F. Hartshorne, Henry G Hartshorne, Jacob C. Haskell, Henry, Jr. Hawkes, Geo. L. Hayden, Wm. H. Howe, James W. Hubbard, Addison Hunter, N. A. Hurd, Francis P. Jordan, Charles Kendall, G. W. Kilgore, T. W. G. Lane, D. P. 90 Liiinell, (Joo. Locke, John W. Loring, (t. W. Maddock, Geo. II. Marshall, Al.'^on L Marston. E. H. Miller, D. T. Mitchell, R. H. Morrison, Geo. K. Savage, .1. (1. Sawyer, F. A. Sawtell, W. H. Shepard, C. H. Skinner, T. J. Stearns, Charles II. Stowell, Issachar Strong, Edward T. Sweetser, H. X. Sweetser, Moses xVewman, J. Frank Nichols, James Nichols, Samnel li. Norcross, Daniel Oliver, D. B. Oliver, Henry Oliver, James Oliver, J. (;. PheliJS, Henrv Poland, J. Warren Poole, Alexander Preston, William P. Richardson. Charles F Savage, George Tibbetts, George E. Tillson, J. G. W. Towle, Jonathan Townsend, Jacob Tufts, Charles H. rpton, E. A. Wade. Fraiu;is F. Wall is, T. P. Walton, E. II. Walton, Oliver White, Cvrus N. White, John W. Willis, William II. Wilev, Benjamin B. WileV. Francis P. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS im w^^W ■I'm ■.i:>S Slliiili iiiljliiiii .'■M iiiilii •mm