^^<^ f^^ ^^ ^ t^c;^ °^i^ ^ ■^, o^ ^ ■^-c '*.'> ■'' C> HO ■' v>^ bV ^ %M^. V°^^. •1^ o ^\>^^ ^.<' ^p-^v. In compliance with current copvnght law, LBS Archival Products produced this replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984 to replace the irreparablv deteriorated original. 1992 TM (a COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. INMATBB. l>enry Warford, \,'illiam Wilkins, Robert Willkins, Abraham Ashburn, ... J. ethual Covalt John Stilwell jonotlian Schryork, ... ymuel Hutcheson J ,hn Degood Dugal Campbel is'ilson Jolly ^ j-'atrick McMuUin, fohn. Lancaster ■ am-uel Sampson, j;)seph McBride . j,ihn McMullin Adam Linn, Benjamin McClellen, . jj cob Rush, Richard Stevens, » G.;orge Shingledecker, A. iraham Garret J sn Hambel John Reynolds John Shaver J acob Truax I)aniel Smithson, . . . .lohn Walker Andrew White John Wilson Enoch Williams Reynard Walkinbuff, Joseph Warford John Truax, Jacob Truax, Jun'r, , Amount of Tax. 1-0 10 10 1-0 10 1-0 1-0 1-0 1 .0 .... 1 ••" 1 1 SINGLE FREEMEN. jii>seph Petman, . . John Stilwell Jacob Morgan, . . . .lonathan Edenton, (leorge Walker, . Villiam Peterson, i . \f 1 . 1 . ,0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES Isaac Campbell, Amount Diah John Gustavus Bellow Henry Casey, James McKinla, * * John Wellis James Crawford, William Polk, Alexander Querey Nathaniel Hamble, , .\ Wiliiitm Alexander, Robert Gibson, ames McKiney, >bert McKiney .....",' hard Morton, •> Kesner, rd Conner, n Liowry of Tax. 15 15 .'0 15 10 15 .0 15 ,0 15 ..O 15 .0 15 .0 15 15 15 .0 15 .0 15 J) 15 .0 15^ 15 .0 15 .0 15 LEY TOWNSHIP. Askins, Edward, Amount Bishop, Jonathan, Cessna, Charles Coulter, Thomas C"'' -*son, James Cessna, John Culbertson, Robert, Casteel, Shadrich ' ' * * " Campbell, Robert, \ * * Cessna, Evan, Cunningham, Jonathan, Davis, Thomas / Dougherty, Barnard, Esq'r Durken, Daniel Evans, Nathen, Finley, Samuel Fox, Jacob, * ■ ■ of Tax 1 .() 10 .b 5 .0 7 .6 4 ■ 6 6 6 3 .6 4 .6 6 2 .e 4 .6 3 1 .'J 1 . ,r. ♦, 3 . COUNTY OF BEDFORr>— 1773. ^ ' Amount of Tax. Y,")Tman, John H uston, Andrew T()nes, Thomas ' •^ , ' , . 5 .0 Kelly, Joseph Lindsey, John ' Mountgomery, John, McGlenne^n, James Ormsby, John, perry, Samuel, pollock, John jtice, Andrew UNCULTIVATED LAND. 7 fi Le muel Barret 7 m n Benton, Wharton & Comp'y, <.iu .u CoX & Company, • -^ Samuel Finley -^ -^ Tannings, David, ' Lit tie & Lukins ^^ -^ Samuel Rhoads, ,. Sainucl Perry, ** • William Peters, ^ .u .u Edward Ward 2 .5 .0 DrJCtor Smith, 3 .7 .6 David Sample, Esqu're • ^ "$ "^ j()hn Clark INMATES. x'r Huston, j's Jones McVthevV Kelly Jarob Welhelm La urance Lamb, SINGLE FREEMEN. , ■ . 15 .0 Wm. Davis ^^ ^ ri'ho's Bishop Joshua Davis 10 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, DUBLIN TOWNSHIP. Amount of Te^. Aser, Anthony, 2 .0 Boyle, Charles, 4 .6 Bogle, James, 1 '0 Barnard, James 3 g Burd, John, 7 ,^ Bell, John 3.0 Cluggage, Francis, 4.9 Carmlchael, John 6 Charles, Samuel, 2 .6 Davis, Bartholomew, 3 .6 Dele, James Eliot, Benjamin, Eliot, James, Devenport, Joslah, FoJley, James Fler:on, James, Galbra;th, James, Galaher, John, Gilliland, Philip Hollida-y, Ji/jn Magaw, David X . Maglll, Charles, ,t . . Morton, James Moore, John, McDowell, Nathaniel McDowell, William McDowell, John, Ramsey, William, Ramsey, Robert Ramsey, John, Swope, Laurance Swaggard, George Thompson, Samuel Walker, John INMATES. Henry Burg 1 q William Burg 1 2 .0 4 .3 6 : 6 4 .0 I .6 i .0 1 .3 . 6 6 6 2 .6 1 1 : - .c 1 .0 3 .6 4 .9 5 .0 4 .9 5 .0 3 .6 2 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD-1773. H Amount of Tax. 1 .0 William Brown ' ' i o Patrick Cannon 10 James Cannon 1.0 Broad Coal, 1 .0 Mcholas Coons 1 .0 Robeson Chilcoat ' " ^ q, •William Coal, 1.0 Ahias Davis 1 .0 John Dunahee 1 .0 acob Dean 1 .0 . amuel Pipes 1 .0 Joshua Hardestake, ' ' i q Henry Holt ' ' i .q Benjamin Jones 1 .0 Sevins Joyls ' ' " * i .o William Justice . i o Thomas Kitley _ 1 .0 James Kelly, ' ' i .0 Benjamin Long, 1 .0 Corbin Lain ' ' " i .o Wilkinson Lane 1 .0 Morris McNamara ' " ' i o Thomas Moorhead 10 Heathcut Picket, ' ' i o Labin Parks, ' ' i .o William Wright, ' * i q Wintou, William 10 John Waen 1 .0 John Price, on Warder's land, • - ^ ^ John Price, on Ross's land, SINGLE FREE3MEN. 15 .0 James Cluggage ' 15 q George Cluggage ■■■■■■ 15 q Robert Cluggage, • 15 .0 Gavin Cluggage ■■■ 15 q John Long, IB .0 Casper Smith, ' ' 15 q David Thompson, ' ' ' jg q Broad Coal, Jun'r, 15 John Worthington, ' " ' 15 q James Whatson, ' " 15 ! John Guthery 12 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, UNCULTIVATED LAND. Amount of Tax. Samuel FMnley, 15 y David Magaw 25 . ) William Wallas, 25 Doctor Wm. Smith, 22 3 James Hunter, 21 ?. Jeremiah Warder, 3 25 o BROTHERS VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Amount Abrahcm, HeTy • Ambrose, Frederick Adams, Samuel Adams, Solomon Brown, Richard, Bridges, John Baxter, John Barricle, Ludwick, Benuch, Christopher, Biggs, Benjamin, Cracart, William Ciaypole, James, Cesar. Frederick Carcpbell, Jam"?, Cable, Abraham, Esq'r Catta, John Cesar, Michael, Death Toscape, Drake, Oliver, Dougherty, James Dwier, William ; ] [ ' Dilliner, John, Enlows, Henry ^ ; ^ Eastep, Robert Flick, Adam Fisher, Jacob Ferguson, John Friend, Andrew, of Tax. 4 .0 3 .6 2 .6 2 .0 4 .6 3 .0 3 .0 2 .0 2 .0 3 .6 6 1 .6 2 .0 3 .0 5 .0 3 .0 2 .0 6 .6 2 .6 .0 .0 .0 .6' .6 .0 .y .0 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 13 Amount of Tax. 7 .6 Friend, Augustine ^^ ^ Frowman, Paul, ^ g Flick, Michial ^ ^ Friend, Charles 2 ^ Frigs, John, ^ q Fry, John ^ q Glessner, John 2 g Greenwalt, Joseph ^ 2 Greathouse, William, ^'^ Green, Thomas, 2 g Hite, Walter g "o Huff, Michial ^ "g liogland, Richard, ^ '^ Hendrix, Andrew ,^ g Jennings, Benjamin 2 .o Johnston, William 2 .o Kessinger, Soloman, ^ 'g Kimble, Philip 3 g Kimble, George 2 .o Lout, Valentine, 2 .o Lout, Daniel ,, 2 Markley, John, 2 .0 McMuUin, James 2 .0 McClee, William 2 .6 Miller, John, 2 .6 Ogle, Joseph 2.6 Polen, Adam, 3 q Polen, Francis 2 .6 Pursley, John g ^ Pursley, Benjamin ^ "^ Pursley, Danes, 2 g Peters, John g g Rhoads, Henry, 2 g Rhoads, Jacob, 2 .9 Rhoads. Gabriel 2 ,9 Rhoads. Henry, Jun'r, 2 q Rhoads, John 2 g Reed, John ^^ q Rice, John 2 .0 Rose. Cutlip 2 c Robeson. Hugh 2 g Sheaf. Frederick ^ "^ Swiser, John, 2 g Sappington. John, 14 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount Small, Adam Shells, Bastion Spenser, James, ■^ Skinner, Nathaniel Sinclear, William Smith, Henry, Shute, Soloman, Tyshoe, William, Vaun, Abraham, Urey, Thomas Wagaly, Philip Wimer, Frederick Wimer, John Wells, Richard Wells, George White, Aquila Winstl, John, . . , , "'■-.ard, Peter, vvaller, Thomas John Wellis, Samuel INMATES. Thomas Stinton Mathias Ditch John Penrod, Felix Morgan Frederick Acre James Winler, James Pursley Nicholas Friend Robert Pulelut Ephraim Tessey Martin Ceser James Moore Frederick Vandrex Edward Grimes ; Samuel Worrall ; James Wells ; Peter Booker Jx>dowick Greenwalt SINGLE FREEMEN. Gabriel Abraham James Black of Tax. 6 2 .0 5 .9 1 .6 6 2 .0 4 .0 3 .0 1 .0 15 .0 15 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 15 Amount of Tax. 15 .0 Henry Bruner ^^ q a<-orge Bruner ' " " ^^ q Jf hn Bowman ^5 q Ciisper Sioy ^^5 Josepli Jennings ^^ ^^ Francis Hay \^ .0 James Hogland, . . / ^^ q John Hendrix, ^5 q Edward Henderson ^g q William Haskin ^5 q Edward Higgins, ^g _q Mathew Judy j5 q John Sinclear ^5 q George Shidler j^ ^ Henry Shidler ^^ q Jacob Wingart ^^ q Attewell Worrall ' ' ^- ^ Richard Wells ^^ q Thomas Ogle ^^ q Daniel Pursley ^5 q John Hankbaugh UNCULTIVATED LAND. ^. V. .. 7.10 .0 Ormsby, Smith & Fisher, COLERAIN TOWNSHIP. Amount of Amerin, Henry Bradshaw, Robert, Benat, Joseph, Brown, Henry Buchannan, William, Coons. Laurance Cheek. John Collins. Daniel Croyl. John Culbertson. Robert Tax. 3 .3 4 .0 2 .0 1 .0 1 .0 2 .6 1 .6 1 .0 2 .0 5 .0 16 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amovmt of lax. Croyi, Thomas, 2 .0 Cessna, John, 5 .0 Cuningham, John, 1 .0 Doug-herty, Barnard, Esqueir, 9 .0 Devebaugh, Casper, 3 .0 Duffleld, William 1.0 Freehart, John 2 ,0 Friend, John, Jun'r, 3 .6 Friend, Joseph, 4 .0 Ferguson, Hugh 3 .6 Fredregal, William, 1 .0 Fry, John, 1 .0 Henesh, Henry 1 .6 Inglan, John 1 .0 Johnston, Thomas 4.0 Johnston, John 4 .0 Levar, "^'^illiam 9 .0 Little, John, 1 .0 Murphy, Henderson 9 .0 Moore, Robert, 9 .0 Miley, Abraham 7 .C Miller, Christopher 3 .9 McCoombs, William 4 .0 Moore, John, 4.0 Mortimore, John 4 .0 Martin, James 1 .0 Morrison, Joseph 4 .0 Moore, Samuel 4 .0 Miller, Oliver 5 .0 McFerron, Robert 1 .0 Newell, James, , 3 .6 Ormsby, John, 6 Petterson, James, 1.6 Piper, James 2 .S Piper, John, 3 .6 Parker. William, 4 .9 Perron, John 5.0 Rose, William 4 .6 Rose, Edward 2 .0 Richey, Gideon 4 .0 Romack, George 2 .0 Sparks. George 2 .0 Spurgan, Ezekiel 2 .0 Spurgan, Samuel, 2 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— nT3. 17 Arnount of Tax. 4 .0 Spurgan, William, 1 .0 ytarcher, Jacob 1 .0 .0 Smith, William, ' ' " go Urey, Thomas ' ' ' ' ' 50 Woods, Thomas 3 g Worly, Achor 1 .0 Woods, George, Esquier ' " ^ ^ Worley, Joseph, -^ q Woiiey, Anthony 4 g Youns, Adam INMATES. 1 .0 Joseph Johnston, ' ^ q Benjamin Jolly 1 .0 Daniel McDonnall ' j q John Morton, Jun'r -^ ^^ John Hulse, SINGLE FREEMEN. 15 .0 James Spurgan ' ' ^^50 Henry Armstrong tlNOULTIVATED LAND. 2 .5 .0 John Allison, ' 1 .2 .6 William Buchannan, ' 4 .2 .6 Benton & Wharton ' ' 4 .2 .6 Benjamin Davis. 1 .2 .6 John Frazer, Esqueir " " ' 2 .5 .0 Samuel Finley, g 9 James Hunter, ' ' ^g 9 -Roland McDonnall, ^5 Robert McKenney, ^ jO .0 John Ormsby ' ' 3 .0 .0 Samuel Perry ;^5 John Shee ' _ 1 .2 .6 John Salter ;15 William Smith ' ^50 Stewart & Gutheo'. ' 3 .0 .0 Charles Stewart 1 .C .3 William Trant, 1 .2 .0 Rubin Heans II Samuel Purviance 15 .0 .0 Charles Cox 2— VOL. XXH— 3rd Ser. 18 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES. Amount of Tax. Brey, Jacob 15 .0 Abraham Mitchel, 7 .6 James Maxwell 1 .2 .6 Lukens & Little, 2 .5 .0 William Trant 1 .2 .6 William Dixson ' 15.0 James Martin 3 .9 John Dixson 15.0 BEDFORD TOWNSHIP. Amount Anderson, James, Adams, Elisha Adams, Robert Adam, Anthony, Bowser, John Burket, Isreal, Clark, William Carling & Casebeer Castleman, Lewis, Dwert, Micheal Dunlap, James Drannan, Samuel, Daveson, Samuel Doug-herty, Barnard, Esq'r Evalt, John Emlor, John Eaton, Thomas Ellinger, John, Freser, John, Esqueir Fether, Michial Funk. George Gregg, John Galbraith, Robert. Esq'r Hite, John Henry, James Huff, Michial Helm. Frederick, of Tax. 5 .0 3 .6 3 .6 1 .6 3 .6 4 .0 4 .9 9 .0 4 .0 4 .0 4 .0 2 .3 6 .0 2 .6 5 .6 2 .6 6 .6 2 .0 5 .0 4 .6 1 .0 2 .6 15 .0 2 .0 5 .0 4 .0 4 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 19 Amount Harford, Patrick • Hays, Thomas Kenton, Thomas Keeler. George Litenbergrcr. George, Miller, John McCashlin, Samuel McCashlin, James, McCauley, Cornelius McAlister, Mathew McCall, William McKenzy. Samuel Mountgomery, John Naugle, Frederick, Nixon, George, Nemire, William Proctor. William. Esq'r, Rinehart, David, Rose. Allin, Ruby, Charles, Rehart. Frederick Samuel, Conrad, Sills, George Sills. Michial Shetacre, Valentine Stifler, Peter Steel, Andrew Saam, Adam -Skinner. Samuel Taylor, Jacob, Millegan, George, Swigard, George, Shenewolfe, Joseph Trant, William Woods. George, Esqueir, Wisecarver, George Wolfe. Rinhart SINGLE FREEMEN. James Beaty John Casebeer Adam Croil John Croil of Tax. 1 .G 5 .G .2 .G 12 .0 2 .0 1 .0 19 .0 2 .6 6 .0 4 .0 4 .0 3 .6 2 4 2 3 4 .3 3 .0 1 .6 1 .0 12 .00 3 .6 3 .6 15 .n 1.^5 .0 15 .0 15 .0 20 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES. Amount of Tax. John Colvin 15 .0. David Espy, Esqueir 15 .0 Robert Galbraith, Esqueir 15 .0 John Carlin, 15 .0 John Carling 15 .0 John Keeler 15 .0 Cornelius McAulley, 15 .0 John McKenzie 15 .0 Andrew Nagle, 15 .0 Jacob Saylor 15 .0 John Hay, ■ 15 .0 David Sample, Esqueir, 15 .0 Nicholas Shoveler, 15.0 Hugh Simpson 15 .0 George Wolfe, 15 .0 Jacob Fether, 15 .0 John Debert 15 .0 Thomas Kenton, 15 .0 George Cowfraan 15 .0 William Eliot 15 .0 INMATES. David Bell, 1.0 Alexander Cook .• 1.0 Henry Creighton 1 .0 El ias Davis 1.0 Frederick Ega 1 .0 Joseph Ecord 1 .0 Jacob Rhine 1 .0 Adam Samuel, 1 .0 Peter Smith 1 o John Stewart, 1 .0 Henry Stagner 1 .0 Watson, William 1 .0 James Henry, 1.0 William Riddle, 1.0 Robert Love 1 .0 Peter Flin, 1 .0 George Henry, 1 .0 UNCULTIVATED LAND. John Armstrong, Esqueir, 1 .2 .6 William Trant, 15 .0 William Loyon, Esq'r 1 .2 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 21 Amount Doctor William Smith, John Campbell Edward William Henry, Anthony Hardwick, Mr. Swift Samuel Wallace Charles Cox Doctor Smith Peters & Clark of Tax. 3 .7 .6 1 .2 .6 15 .0 18 .9 1 .2 .6 15 .0 5.12 .6 5.12 .6 27.12 .6 6.10 .6 ARMSTRONG TOWNSHIP. Amount Beard, James Blair, Robert Blain, James, — Cleghorn, Mathew Caldwell, William, Cahill, Edward Campbell, James Campbell, Charles, Cahill, Edward, Jun'r Cooper, James Carr, James Campbell, Jean, Craighton, John Craig. Samuel, Campbell, Joseph Cochran, William Dunahee, John Duncan, David, Dixon, Joseph Denniston, Arthur, Eaton . James Gibson. John Gibb, Rol>€rt Guthery. William Harbridge, Edward, of Tax. 3 .0 1 .0 2 .6 1 .6 1 .0 4 .0 1 .6 1 .0 1 .3 2 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .3 4 .0 1 .0 1 .6 2 .0 1 .6 2 .6 3 .6 2 .0 1 .6 2 .6 2 .0 a .0 22 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount Hughs, William Leasure, George, Lambert, John Mitchel, Andrew, Mitchel, William MaGraw, Michial, McCune, William Pomeroy, John, Parr, Isaac Reynolds, John, Sloan, Samuel, Stewart, Moses Taylor, Thomas, Wellis, Richard, Wilkins, Thomas Willson, James Woods, John, John Glaghorn, SINGLE FREEMEN. Alexander Barr John Reynolds Thomas Cahill Thomas Beard, Samuel Dixon Daniel Cams Levy Gibson, Joseph Hughs, Charles Beard UNCULTIVATED LAND. Moses Beard Frederick Rorer, Peter & Andrew Alkman, John Mountgomery Samuel Perry, Charles Campbell, James Barr James Bogle Smith, Abraham, Norton, James, John Eaton Joshua Elder, of Tax. 2 .0 1 .0 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 .0 4 .6 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 7 .6 7 .6 1 .2 .6 4.10 .0 IB .0 1 .2 .6 15 .0 15 .0 1 .2 .6 1 .2 .6 7 .6 2 .5 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 23 Amount of Tax. 15 .0 Samuel Duncan ^ ^ Alexander Johnston, ^ ^ "^ James McFarlin '^ p James Carr ^- ^ Edward Campbel 5 12 .6 Thos & Joshua Anderson, 12 6 Alexander Barryhill, 1 2 .6 John McCrady ^^ ^ Robert Hanna, Esq'r 11 .5 .0 The Proprietors, FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP. Amount of Taj^. 3 .0 Patrick Archibald, ^'^ Georg€ Bartten 2 "g James Bogle g g James Benford ^'^ John Brant, ^ g Lodowick Busney 2 c William Cunningham, ' ^ Michial Cawfman, ^ q Jean Campbell ^ "^ Robert Campbell, ^'^ Cornelius Campbell ^ q George Eacar, alias Egar ^ "^ George Finla, 2 o John Guild, 2 o James Gray, ^ g Thomas Gray 2 q James Guffy „ g George Glen ^ g John Hankston '^ George Henry, 2 q Daniel Hendrix, '^ John Hamble ^ 'g Robert Hanna, Esq'r ^'^ James How 2 g Philip Harman 24 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. George Hutcheson • 2 .6 Michial Hays, 2.0 Abraham Hendrick, 1 .0 Jacob Hargenough 2.6 George Henry, 1.0 Alexander Johnston, 3 .0 Thomas Jameson, 4.0 William Kilpatrick, 1.6 George Kells, 4.0 Nicholas Lute, 2 .6 Daniel Levoire 2.6 Robert Lochlan, 4.6 Robert Lorrimore, 2.0 John McMullin, 3 .0 Andrew McDowell 6 .0 Nathaniel Miller, 1 .0 Robert Magaw, 1.0 Edward McDowell 3 .6 James McCurdy 2 .0 Menry Overly 2 .0 Martin Overly 2.0 Adam Niseley 1 .0 Garrat Pendergrass 2 .0 John Palmer, 2 .9 James Pollock 3.0 William Piper, 2.9 Robert Read 4 .0 Leonard Read 1 .6 George Row, 2 .0 Arthur St. Clair, Esqueir 9 .3 Robert Smiley 2 .0 Peter Smith 6 John Simons, 1 .9 Samuel Smith 2 .3 Andrew Sober, ' 6 Henry Slaughter, 4 .0 John Smith 2 .9 Samuel Shannon 1 .6 Joseph Serena 1 .6 Jacob Shaw, 3 .6 Thomas Thompson 6 David Thompson, 2 .0 Martin Witteman, 6 John Wilkins 1 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 25 Amount of Tax. 1 .6 David Wilson, 2 o Thomas Cheney 2 ^ Barbara Bonjour, ^ "^ Robert Magaw ^ "^ John Hanna ^ ^ John McNocher ^ 2 6 George Beaty ^' ^ g Samuel Gibb, SINGLE MEN. 15 .0 John McDougal ^^ ^ Robert Kelsey ^^ ^ Alexander Ramsey, ^j. '^ John Redman, ^^ '^ Gazzaway Freeman, ^^' ^ John Lafferty, ^^ ^ Thomas Burd HEMPFELD TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. 3 .0 Anthony Altman 2 .0 Peter Altman 2 .0 William Altman, 2 .0 James Bevard 2 .0 William Beard 2 .0 James Bowell, 2 .6 William Brown, 2 .6 John Brown 2 .0 John Boyd, 3 .0 Joseph Browster, 3 .6 Michael Bann 2 .0 Jacob Busman, 2 .6 George Byers, 1 .6 John Balster, 2 .0 Mathias Bradsworth 2 .6 Joseph Brady 6 .0 Joseph Beeler, 2 .0 Philip Busan 26 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. James Blackston 1 .6 Andrew Byerly, 3 .0 James Bartherton 1.6 Thomas Beard, 1.0 John Boyd 1 .0 Joseph Browester 1.0 James Beard, 3 .6 Mathias Cowan 2.6 Patrick Campbell 2 .6 Abraham Carelaser 1.6 James Callan 2 .6 Patrick Callan, 2 .0 John Craig 1 .0 Peter Castner 3.6 Michael Kunkle, 3.0 John Camer, 2.0 Joseph Courtney 2 .0 James Catermus, 3 .0 John Carney 2 .6 James Carnahan 1.6 John Carnahan 3 .6 Levan Cooper 2 .0 William Ciugston 1.0 James Carrithers 2 .0 Joshua Cole, 1 .0 Samuel Cooper, 1 .0 David Carnahan 1 .0 Benjamin Clark, 1 .0 Eli Coulter, 2 .0 Peter Coock, 2 .0 John Cristy, Jun'r, 1 .0 John Cristy 1 .0 John Davis, 2 .0 Hanover Davis 2 .6 Hannicle Davis, 2 .0 Joseph Davis 2 .0 James Dorraugh 2 .0 Joseph Erwin, 5 .6 John Erwin 1 .6 Joseph Ekely 2 .0 Clemons Finley 2 .0 John Fulton 1.0 Adam George 2.0 Adam Grant 2 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 27 Amount of Tax. Peter Lindsey ^ -^ 9 A James Gobin " •" George Gree ^ -^ James Gray, ^ .0 Christopher Harmon ^ -^ Joseph Hunter 2 .0 William Harry, Henrv Huffman. Samuel Hake, 2 .6 2 .0 Stophel Hays ^ -^ 3 .0 Robert Hanna, Esqueir, 1 -^ Stophel Harhold 1-0 Conrad Hake 2 .0 Mr. Isherwood ^ -^ John Johnston ^ -^ James King, 2 .0 George Lattimore, ^ -^ David Lattimore 2 .0 George Lattimore 1 -^ David Marshall 2 .6 Samuel Miller ^ -^ Alexander McNees, 1 -^ Robert Miller ^ -^ Gideon Miller ^ -^ William Marshall, 3 .0 Bryan Marks, 2.0 John McGnie 2 .0 Samuel McKee ^ -^ David McMahon 2 .6 William Marshall, 1-0 Maluew Miller 1-0 David MoKee 3 .6 Robert McKee 2 .6 Jacob Miliron 2 .0 George Metapher, 1-6 Daniel Morrison, 1-0 William Milinor, 1-0 Daniel Mathews 1 -6 Joseph McDowell 3 .0 Andrew McConnal 2.6 Alexander McNees Alexander McKinzee 1 -0 David Marks 2 .0 William Martin 1 •*> 28 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, TX/-11- n/r Amount Of Tax William Mason, 2 o Daniel McManamy, 2 g Robert Newell, 3 n Nathaniel Nelson 2 n William Niece, 3 q Francis Oury j q Peter Oury 3 ^ Patrick Ogoullion, 1 Peter Oury, 2 n Wendall Oury, ^ g Garret Pendergrass, 1 g George Patty j "q Adam Pricer, 2 n Joseph Peoples, 2 o John Robeson, j q Dennis Raredon, 2 o Rodebaugh, Jun'r, 1 John Ross 3 q Alexander Ross 5 q Thomas Ralph, 3 q William Ralston, * 2 6 Michael Rugh, 3 g Peter Rugh 2 fi Michael Shorts 2 Joseph Shaney 2 q William Shaw, 3 q Jacob Straw, .^ 2 William Sherrer 2 6 John Sheals, 3 q John Stephenson 2 Hugh Stephenson, -j q Charles Starret, 2 q Adam Stott ■, q Adam Samm, 2 q Abraham Studebaker 3 q Nicholas Yount 2 fi Thomas McKee, 2 Laurance Erwin, 2 n William Graham 2 Daniel MosterCain, 2 Jacob Clingersmith, 2 6 James Kenkead, 2 Frederick Verner 2 Timothy Shearer 2 COUNTY OP^ BEDFORD— 1773. 29 Amount of Tax. Conrad Beghly, 2 .0 Casper Truby 1-0 James Thomson 2 .6 John Thompson 1-0 James Thompson, 2 .6 Garret Thomas, 2 .6 Alexander Thomptson, 3 .0 Prior Theobald 2 .6 David Vance 3 .6 James Verthemes 2 .6 Samuel Willson 2 .6 John Whittacre 8 .6 Martin Weaver, 1-6 Charles Wilson 3.6 Filty Whitehead 2 .6 John Waterson 1-6 Stophel Welhourt 3.6 George Welhourt 3.6 James L— 1773. 31 Amount of Tax. 1 .2 .6 William Thomas, 1 -2 .6 Ditto 1 .2 .6 Samuel Miller 1 .2 .6 John Mason 1 -2 .6 Charles Wilson 1 -2 .6 Adam Grant, 2 .5 .0 John Orrasby 1 -2 .6 7 .6 4 10 .0 PITT TOWNSHIP. Amount or Tax 3 .0 Loyan, Thomas, 3 ^ Loyan, William ^^ g McKiney, Robert ^ ^ Bowsman, Jacob ^ ^ Buttler. Richard g Butler, William, ^ y Bird, Colonel ^ q Cavit, John -^ q Cavit, James 2 .6 Cuningham, William, 4 .0 .0 Croghan, Geoi*ge 2 o Christy. William, 2 .6 Campbell, John ^ g Eliot, William, 2 .0 Erwin, Joseph ^ g Ferry, Mary, ^ g Gibson. Thomas ^ "^ Gibson, Elizebeth 2 q Heath. Samuel, ^ 'g John McCalister ^ 'g J ames Myers ^ g John McDaniel, ^ ^ — Thomas McCamish, . . .- 2 6 Elizir Mires, 2 6 Thomas McBride -2 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Charles McGinnis, 2 .6 Loughlan McGlaughlin, 1 .0 Enes McKay 9 g William Martin, 1 _q Ormsby, John 3 g William Powell, 2 .6 Jonathan Plummer 2 .6 i James Royal, ^2 .0 James Reed, 2 .0 William Ramage 2 .0 Peter Loflater, 16 Andrew Robeson, 10 John Sampson 2.6 Robert Sampel, 10 George Sley, 16 Deverex Smith 3 Samuel Simple 4 Joseph Spare, 3 John Small, 10 William Pizardon 4 6 \v illiam Thompson, 1 Rynard Undus, 3 6 Conrad Wenibittle, 2 .0 Conrod Wenmiller 4 6 Philip Whetisell 2 .6 John Barr, 10 Benjamin Tate, 10 George Kerr, 10 William Kerr, 10 Andrew Boggs 10 Jacob Divelpiss ;l George Philips, 10 Abraham Slover, 10 Charles Bruce 10 John Crawford 10 John Crawford, 1 William Owins 1 Christain Tubb 1 James Rice, 1 q Henry Rites 10 Charles Smith, 10 William Edwards 1 q Joseph Closeing, 10 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 33 Amount of Tux, John Thompson 10 Abraham Power 10 David Cristlow 10 Jacob Rebold 1-0 SINGLE FREEMEN. Hugh O'Hara 15 .0 John Thousman 15 .0 Alexander Ross 15 .0 Alexander Stull 15 .0 Jacob Winmiller 15 .0 George Croughan 15 .0 George Kerr 15 .0 Richard Butler 15 .0 William ETutler, 15 .0 William Martin 15 .0 John Sampson, 15 .0 Morris Coe, 15 .0 Ephraim Hunter, 15 .0 UNCULTIVATED LAND. James Bravado 1 .2 .6 Sayt Tate 1 .2 .li Doctor Smith 1 .2 .(i Deverax Smith, 1 .2 .G Ditto 1 .2 .6 John Ormsby, 2 .5 .0 John Ferry 15 .d John Thomas, 15 .0 Michial Byerly 7.17 .G Samuc 1 Eliot 2 .5 .0 Proprietors' Mannor, 22.10 .0 Barnard Dougherty, Esq'r, 1 .2 .6 MOUNT PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. .Amomit of Tax William Anderson 3 .0 Hugh Bay 3 .6 Rodey Bear 2 .0 3— VOL. XXn— 3rd Ser. S4 TRANSCRIPT OF J AXABLES, Amount of Tax. George Beard, 2 .6 John Beard, 10 Richard Beard 1 .0 William Braken, 1 .6 Ralph Cherrie 3 g Josiah Campbell 2 .6 Conrad Culmore 2.6 Philip Cost 4 .6 Michael Delue H .3 John Davis, ; 4 6 Benjamin Delworth, 4 .0 Joseph Eagar 2.6 William Ferguson, 3 .6 James Ferguson, 3 _0 John Fiskes, 1.6 Garrat Fiskes, 5 James Flatcher, 3 .0 William Greeger 5 .0 John Graa 1 .0 John Giffln 4 Adam Hatfield 1 .0 Robert Hall 1 .6 Nathaniel Husk, 5 .0 John Hutchison 3 .0 James Hunter 1 .0 Hans Ireland 1.6 David Kilgore, 3.0 John McClelland, 4 .0 Lawrance Erwin 4 .6 John Jack 2 .6 Thomas Ixiudan, 1.6 Abraham Lazer 3.6 William Laver, 1 .6 Christopher Lavorjoy 4.6 William Lochry, Esq'r, 3 .6 JcTv-miah Lochry, .- 1 .0 John Ludwick, 3 .0 James Marshall 2 .0 Francis McGinnis, 4 .0 Joseph McHenry, 2.6 John McCullough 2 .0 John McClure 3.6 James Marshall 2 .6 John McKee 2 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 3[ Amount of Tax. Joh 1 Moore 1 .0 ueorge Mc Jonnell 2 .0 Hugh Martin 3 .0 James McCuston, 2 .6 - Daniel Mickey 2 .6 Joshua Meek 4 .0 Alexander McKinney 2 .0 John Nicholas, 4.0 Hugh Neily 2 .0 Robert Nicholas, 3 .0 Samuel Newell, 3.0 Arthur O'Hara, 2 .6 Thomas Patten 2 .0 john Proctor Esqueir 4 .0 William Perry 5 .0 William Reydock 2 .0 William rCobeson, 2 .0 Barnard Rice 3 .0 John Robeson 3 .0 Philip Screter 2 .^j Thomas Simpson 2 .0 William Screeter 3 .0 John Stotwell 2 .0 Soloman Sheephird 2 .0 John Sheephiard 2 .G Casper Smitley, 3 .G Michial Stockberger .G James Scott, 3 .G \v iiliam Stewart 1.0 John Teach, 10 .G Ro£c: Tabpens 1 .0 Samuel Willson 3.6 Francis Waddle 3 .0 David White 5 .0 Adam Walter, 2 .0 John Waugh 1 .6 Valintine Weaver 6 INMATES. Amount of Tax. Edward Wells 1 .0 John Scott 1 .0 Mathias Stockberger 1 .0 Samuel Sorralls 1 .0 36 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Joseph Cessna, i .0 Paul Waugh, 1.0 James Hamilton, ] .'j Isaac McHenrj', 1 .o Daniel Morrison 1 .0 demons McGeary 1.0 Samuel Moorehead 1 .0 Archibald Lochry 1.0 Joseph Campbell 1 .0 SINGLE FKEEMEN. Charles Fiskis 15 .0 James Newell 15.0 William Wells, 15 .0 Moses White 15 .0 Thomas Bay, 15 .0 Robert Jameson, 15 .0 William Thompson 15 .0 John White, 15 .o Nicholas Smitly, 15 .0 John Dillworth, 15 .0 Knight Scott 15 .0 Benjamin Kelly 15 .0 Samuel Coulter 15 .0 Valentine Weaver 15 .0 Robert Marshall, 15 .0 UNCULTIVATKIJ LAND. Richard Beard 1 .2 .6 John Boyd 1 .2 .6 James Dickey 1 .2 .6 Elias Davis, 1 .2 .6 Simon Eacor 1 .2 .6 James Catent 1 .2 .6 Martin McDonald 1 .2 .6 ROSSTRAVER TOWNSHIP. Andrew Linn, . . Abraham Miller, .Amount of Thx 6 .6 4 .0 COUNTY OF BEDI''ORr>— 1773. 37 Amount of Tajc. Alexander Bowling 6 Andrew Peers 3 .0 Andrew Dye, 2 .0 Adam Wickenhiraen 6-0 Andrew Moorehead 2 .0 Andrew Baker 3 .6 Alexander Mitchel • 3 .C Alexander Miller 3 .G Benjamin Applegate 4 .6 Christopher Houseman 10 Deverick Johnston 2 .0 Daniel Applegate, 2 .6 Daniel McGogan 2 .0 David William 2 .0 Dorsey Pentecost 6 .0 Edward Smith 2 .0 Edward Cook, 3 .0 Frederick I^mb 2 .0 George Weddell 4 .0 Henry Spear 1 .2 .G James Wall, 3 .6 James Willson 2 .0 John Kiles 1 -^ James Young 2.0 Jesse Martin 3 .C John Kelton 3 .C James Devoor 4 .6 James Johnston 4 .0 Jacob Johnston 3 .6 James Burns 2 .G Joseph Jones, 6 .6 James Pearce 5 .0 Joseph Vanmaitre 1-0 James Gragh 2 .0 Jacob Vanmaitre 4 .0 John Dogtauh 1-0 John Wiseman 5 .0 Joseph Hill, 9-6 John Shannon 1 .0 John Miller 1 -6 John Perry 1 -6 /John Greer 2 .0 John Mitchell. 4 .0 John Weddell 3 .G 38 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Isam Barnet 2.6 James McKinley 16 J oseph Pearce 2 John Pearce, 3 q Isaac Wilson, 2 .0 John Vanmaitre 3 g Luellin Howell, ■ 5 Morris Brady, 3 g Morgan Morgan, - 4 Michael Springer 5 q Nathin Linn 1 g Oliver Miller, 1 q Ralph Nisley (or Philip) 3 6 Peter Elrod 4 6 Peter Easman 3 6 Peter Vandola 2.6 Robert Mays 4 Richard Sparks 4 Robert McConnal, 4 Samuel Burns 2 6 Samuel Grissey, 2 .0 Philip Tanner, 10 Paul Froman 16 . Samuel Sinclear 2 .6 Samuel Biggon, 2.0 Samuel Perry 10 Samuel Willson, 2 .0 Thomas Applegate, 2 .6 Thomas Hina 1 o Van Swearingen, 10 .0 William Applegate, 3 William Linn, 6 6 William Dunn, 2 6 William Saltsman 3 9 Benjamin Pelton 2 .6 David Price 2 6 Rev'd Mr. Finley, 1 William Turner 3 6 Thomas Wells, 9 Samuel Beckett 2 .6 Samuel Glass Peter Hildebrand, 2 6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 39 INMATES. Amount Henajah Dumort Xatheniel Brown Benjamin AUin Benajah Burkham Peter Hanks Martin Owins Samuel Davis Samuel Clem, Thomas Dobbin Joseph Leamon John McClellon, William Moore ^Walter Skinner Abraham Retchey John Bleasor Felty McCormick Thomas Cummins Joseph Hill, Hugh Dunn Moses Holliday Baltser Shilling William Boiling, Cornelius Thompson Isaac Greer Levi Stephens John Fin Jesse Dumont, Robert Turner Jacob Paul, Jacob McMeen, Peter Johnston Thomas Miller Ignatius Jones of Tax. 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .O' 15 .(1 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 SPRINGHILL TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. John Allin 4 .0 Ekebet Ashcraft 4 .0 Joseph Auger 3 .6 40 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. John Ally 3 .0 William Allen, 4 .0 John Alison 2.0 Samuel Adams, 2 .0 Robert Adams, '. 2 .0 Edward Askins, 2 .6 Walter Briscoe 1.14 .fi Peter Bekes, 2 .6 James Burdin 2 .0 John Burris, 4 .0 Joseph Brown 6 .0 Robert Brownfield 2 .0 Jeremiah Beck, 2 .0 Charles Burkham 3 .6 Edward Brownfield 4 .0 Epsom Brownfield 3 .0 Charles Brownfield 4 .0 Henry Beason, _ .0 Jacob Beason 3 .0 Alexander Buchannan 2 .6 Samuel Brown 2 .f James Black, 2 .G Morris Brown 2 .6 Adam Brown 2.6 John Barkley 4.0 Nicholas Buck 3 .6 Thomas Banfield 4 .0 Thomas Batton 4 6 John Brown 3 .0 Joseph Barker 2 .0 Thomas Brown, 4 .0 William Beshears 4 .0 Michial Carn 2 .6 George Graft 2.0 William Case, 2 .0 Adam Cumbert 2 .6 Joseph Caldwell, 1.6 John Crag 4 .0 James Crooks 2 .0 William Campbell 3 .6 John Carr 4.0 John Carr. Jun'r 2 .0 Moses Carr 2 .0 William Cochran 2 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 41 Aiiiounl uf Tax. George Corn 3 .6 Nicholas Crowshoe 2 .0 Anthony Cashaw 3 .0 Cap't William Crawford 1-0 Michael Cox 2 .0 Joseph Cox 3 .6 Michial Catt 2 .0 Abraham Cills 2 .0 Anthony Cills 3 .6 William Colvin, 3 .6 John Conwell 2 .0 George Colvin 2 .0 William Conwell 2 .0 Michael Crysap, 1-6 Peter Drague 3 .6 Samuel Duglas 2 .0 Owin David 2 .G Jesse Dument, 1-6 William Downhard 3 .6 Henry Debolt 3 .4) Jacob Downhard 2 .0 Henry Dever 2 .0 Lewis Davison 3 .6 George Debolt 3 .6 William Dawson 2 .0 Andrew Deveson 4 .0 John Death, 2 .0 Jacob Dicks, 2 .6 Michael Franks 2 .0 Jacob Franks 2 .6 Thomas Gaddes 4 .0 Samuel Glasby 1-0 William Garrat 2 .0 Joseph Goodwin, 1 .6 Frederick Garrison, 2 .0 Jacob Grow 2 .0 Leonard Garrison, 2 .0 Zachariah Goben 2 .0 David Ginons 3 .6 John Griffith 3 .6 Hugh Gilmore, 4.0 Thomas Gregg 3 .6 Charles Gause 4 .0 Daniel Goble 6 42 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES. Amount of Tajc. Robert Gilmore, 35 Nicholas Gilbert 3 Andrew Gutshell, 3 6 Hugh Evans, 2.0 Edward Eliot 4 q James Fleeharty 2 John Fisher 3 g James Fraim, 3 q Henry Hart, 2.6 David Hatfield, Jun'r 2 .6 James Henthorn, 2 Charles Hickman, 2 6 John Hendricks 2 Aron Hackney, i q Martin Hardin, 12 Henry Hall 2 .0 James Hughey 2 .6 Benjamin Hardin, 10 q Thomas Heady, 4 1 nomas Heady, Jun'r, 2 6 John Henthorn 3 q James Henthorn (the less) , 2 Owin Hughs 2 William Hardin, 1 .5 .6 John Hardin, Jun'r g John Harman 3 q George Huckleberry 3 q John Huffman, 2 6 John Harrison, 4 q Adam Henthorn 5 q David Hawkins 4 g Hugh Jackson 3 q Thomas Lane, 2 c Absolam Little 3 g Samuel Lucas " 4 g Thomas Lucas, 2 Hugh Lachlin, 2 6 Richard Lucas, 2 Aron Moore 4 ^ Samuel McCray 2 6 David Morgan 4 g James McCoy g g William Masters, 1 g Henry Myers, 4 q COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. -43 Amount of Tax. Martin Mason 3 .6 John Mason 2 .C Alexander Miller, 3 .6 John Moore ^ -^ Wolrick Myers 2 .0 John Mesmore '* -^ John Mene 2 .0 Charles Morgan 2 .0 John Masterson 2 .0 Hugh McCleary, 3 .0 Tunis Newkirk, 2 .0 James Neal, 6 .6 Barnet Newkirk 2 .0 Peter Newkirk 2 .0 Jacob Poundstone 2.0 Frederick Parker 2 .6 Philip Pearce 4 .0 Theophilus Philips 2.6 Adam Penter 1-6 Richard Parr 4 .0 Thomas Philips 4 .0 Henry Peters, 2 .0 John Peters 2 .0 Christain Pisner 2.0 Ironimus Rimley 2 .6 Casper Rather *. 2 .6 Teley Rood, 2 .0 Jesse Rood, 2 .0 Daniel Robins • 4 .0 Roger Roberts 3 .0 Jacob Riffell, 3 .6 \v illiam Rail 3.6 John Robins 2 .0 Edward Scott 2 .6 Conrad Six, 2 .6 Isaac Sutton '■ 4 .6 Isaac Sutton, Jun'r 3 .0 Samuel Stilwell, 3.6 Lewis Saltser 4 .6 William Spangler, 3 .6 Thomas Scott, 2.6 John Smith 2 .0 Andrew Scott 4 .0 Robert Smith, 3.6 44 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. James Smith, 3 .0 Philip Smith, 3 .6 James Scott, 2.6 William Smith 9 .0 John Swearingen 1 .i .o John Smith (Delap's creek), 3 .0 Lewis Teem, 3 .0 Obidiah Truax 3 .6 John Thompson, 4 .6 Michial Tuck, 2 .0 David Walter, 2 .6 David Wright 3 .6 James White, 8 .0 George Wilson, Esq'r, 14 .6 James Wilson 2 .0 John Waits 2 .6 John Watson, 5 .6 George Watson 2.0 Ephraim Walter, 4 .0 Teley Yourk, 3 .0 John Armstrong 2 .6 George BoydsLon 2 .0 Peter Bachus 3 .0 Bazil Brown <> .0 Lewis Bremit, 3 .0 Jam€S Brown (Delap's creek) 2 .0 henry Brenton, 2 .6 Nicholas Baker, 3 .6 Thomas Brown, 3 .6 John Bradduck 2 .0 Josias Crawford 11 .0 William Crawford, Quaker 17 .6 William Crawford 2 .0 Richard Chinner 2 .0 Oliver Crawford 2 .0 Peter Clean 3 .o Jacob Cleam 3 .6 John Casteel, 6 George Church 4 .0 Jeremiah Downs 2 .6 Augustine Dilliner 2 .6 Edward Death 2 .0 John Dragoe 2 .0 Henry Enoch 4 .0 COUNTY OF BED P"0R1>— 1773. 45 Amount of Tax. John Evans - ■^' Nathan Frigs (four fold) 13 .0 Hugh Ferry 2 .C James Flanegan 1 -^ Henry Friggs, 2 .G Uavid Flowers 1 -^ Thomas Flower, 2 .0 John Garrat 2 .6 John Garrat, Jun'r 2 .0 William Gooden, ^ Thomas Gooden 3-0 John Glascoe 2 .0 James Herod 1 -^ John Hall ^ -^ Henson Hubbs 2 .(i Samuel Howard, 2 .G Levi Herod 1 •'^' William Herod 2 .G William House 4 .G JamPK IJranton, 2 .0 Philemon Hughs 17 .0 Thomas Hughs (Muddy Creek) 2 .G John Huston 2 .G Aron Jenkins, 5 •*' Jonathan Jones 4 .0 Richard Evans 2 .G Jacob Link 3 .0 David Long 2 .0 John Long, Jun'r 2 .0 John Long 2.6 Daniel Mordeck 2 .G James Murdock 3 .G John Moore, over ye river 2 .0 Simon Moore 5-6 Adam Mannon 1 -^ William McDowell 2 .0 John Jones 4 .0 Henns Moore 3 .0 John McFarling, 4 .0 Francis McGinnis 2 .G Nathaniel McCarty 3 .0 John Mannon 1 -fi John Marr 2 .0 Adam Newlan 2 .6 46 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Charles Nelson, 2 .6 George Myers, 3 .0 James Notts, Jun'r, 1 .6 James Notts, 4 .6 George Newell, fourfold 14 .0 Barnard O'Neal 12 .6 Ahiman Pollock 3 .0 Samuel Pain 2 .0 John Pollock, 2 .0 John Wm. Province 3 .6 David Rogers, 12 .6 Thomas Roach, fourfold 13 .0 Edward Rolands 4 .6 William Rees, 2 .0 Ralph Riffle 2 .6 Jacob Rich 4.0 Jonothan Rees. . . . , 3.6 John Swan, Jun'r, 4 .0 William Shiperd 3 .6 Stephen Styles, 2 .0 John Swan 17 .6 Samuel Sampson 4 .0 Joseph Starkey 3 .0 David Shelvey 2 .6 Elias Stone, 2 .6 Thomas Swan, 2.0 George Teigarden, fourfold 1 .0 .0 Edward Saylor 2 .0 Robert Saylor 2 .0 Abraham Teigarden, fourfold 1.1.0 Michial Thomas, fourfold, 17 .0 Henry Vanmaitre 10 .0 John Vantrees, 4 .0 Abraham Vanmaitre 4 .0 Jacob Vanmaitre 18 .0 John Varvill, 3 .G David White 1 .0 George Williams 3 .6 Thomas Hughs 3 .6 UNCULTIVATED LAND. Jesse Hollingsworth 1 .2 .6 Samuel Gilpin 1 .2 .6 Mr. Gilpin 1 .2 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 47 Amount of Tax. 15-0 John Kenneday ^^ ^ Jacob Vanmaitre ^ ^ g Stophel Swoop. 12 6 John Nevell, 12 6 Mark Hardin, INMATES. 1 .0 Gebriel Cox, ^ George McCoy ' William Spanoer ^ '^ Elijah Mickle ' ^^ Thomas Rail '^ Cap't John Hardin ^ "^ William Henthorn '^^ John Bachiis ' Noah Rood, ' John Pettyjohn, ^ ' ^^ Samuel Coulson ' William Lee '^ Joseph Coon ' John McFall ^ ' ^^ William Murphy ' Robert Cavines " William Burt, ' John Taylor, '^ Bazle Brc».vn, John Cross ' Jonah Webb, " Benajah Dun ' William Hugland John Williamson James Fugate Edward Cam John Beeson Edward Hatfield, Joseph Jackson Timothy Downing Andrew Link, Zephaniah Dun Christain Coffman ' Samuel Brigewater, Thomas Kindel Richard Ashcraft John Kineson, 48 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Alexander McDonald, 1.0 Jeremiah Yourk, 1 .0 John Morgan, 1 .0 Samuel Merryfield, 1 .0 Ezekiel Yourk, 1 .0 Alexander Smith 1 .0 Coleman Brown, 1.0 John Curley 1 .0 Nathaniel Case 1 .0 John Crossly 1 .0 William Thompson 1 .0 Balzer Peters, 1 .0 Jeremiah Davis 1 .0 Richard Powell, 1 .0 Ephraim Ashcraft 1 .0 Christopher Caply 1 .0 Thomas Edwards 1 .0 George Catt 1 .0 John Smith 1 .0 John Main 1 .0 Alexander White 1 .0 Samuel Adams 1 .0 Thomas Pyburn 1 .0 John Chadwick 1 .0 Jonathan Chambers 1 .0 Benjamin Beshears 1 .0 John Hawkins 1 .0 Benjamin Wells 1 .0 William Martin, 1 .0 Israel Cox, 1 .0 Richard Browfield 1 .0 Michael Whitelock, 1 .0 Morgan Morgan 1 .0 Benjamin Brooks 1 .0 John Philips, 1 .0 William McClamon 1 .0 Jacob Jacobs, 1 .0 Barnard Ekley 1 .0 Alexander Bryan 1 .0 Samuel Herod 1 .0 Francis Stanator, 1 .0 John Harges, 1 .0 Thomas Hargess 1 .0 William Groom, 1 .0 i^ COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 49 Amount (-if Tax. John Guthery 1 -0 T homas Province 10 John Morrice 1 -^ Jacob Morrice 1 -^ Brown, William 1 -^ William Bills '^ •" John Cline 1 -^ James Davis 1 -^ SINGLE FREEMEN. Noble Rail 1^ ■•' Hugh Crawford 15 .0 William Cheyney 1^' -0 John Brown 15 .0 Elias Katon la .0 Thomas Foster 1^-0 David McDonnal 15 .0 William Marshall 15 •" Jonn McGilty 15 •« Alexander Elliner 15-0 Jacob Funk 15 .0 Joseph Batten 15 .0 Josiah Little 15-0 James Peters 15 Samuel Robb 15 John Decker 15 Francis Chain 15 .0 Daniel Cristey 15 .0 Isher Budd, • 15-0 James Morgan 15 James Chamberlain 15 .0 Philip Rogers 15 John Shively 15 James Carmichial 15 .0 Abraham Holt 15 .0 Joseph Guire 15 .0 Cornelius Johnston 15 .0 John Holt 15 .0 Ralph Smith 15 Isaac Prichard 15 .0 John Vervell 15 William Taigarner 15 .0 John Taylor 15 .0 4— VOL. XXII— 8rd Ser. 50 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, » Amount of Tax. John Hupp, 15 ,0 James Campbell 15 .0 Jonathan Paddox, 15 .0 Ebinezer Paddox 15 .0 Bartlet Griffith 15 .0 Edward Dublin, 15 .0 John Williams 15 .0 Samuel Ekely, 15 .0 Hugh Murphy 15 George Morris, 15 .0 John Notts 15 .0 John Catch, 15.0 John Crawford, 15 .0 John Douglas, 15 .0 Joseph Morris, 15 o Martin Funk, 15 .0 David Blackston 15 .0 Stophel Swoop, 15 .0 Nathan Reynhart, 15 .0 John Sultzer 15 .0 Joshua Hudson, 15 .0 Philip Nicholas 15 .0 Abraham McFarling 15 .0 James Robertson 15 .0 John Hutton 15 .0 TYRONE TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Andrew Byers 4 .0 Alexander Mowland 3 .6 Andrew Arnold, 6 .0 Andrew Robeson 3 .6 Agustine Moore, 1 ,0 Andrew Linn 6 .6 Adam Payn 2 .0 Barnet Cunningham, 3 .0 Charles Harrison, 4 .0 Conrad Walter 4 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1773. 51 Amouni 1)1 'fax. 1 .0 Christopher Beeler ^ ^ Uaniel Cannon 2 .(j Dinnis Springer ^ g Uavid Allen -^ g Uavid i^indsey ^ g Llisha Pearce ^ ^^ li^dwaru Corn IQ .G Ldward Doyle g y Ezekiel Hickman ^ g Edmond Martin, ^ g Edmond Rice ^ q (ieorge Clark, Jun'r ^ g George Paul y^ ^ George Dawson 2 f, George Smith, ^ g George Young 2 .o Hugh Masterson ^ g Henry Hartly g Henry Reason 2 g Henry White, ". go George Washington, ^'^ John Keith ^ q John Cherry, ^ g Isaac Parks 2 q James Creavin g ^ J oseph Wells, 2 g Jonn L.aughlin ^ ^ John Clem r^ q John Dickinson ^ ^^ Josiah Springer, ^ '^ Isaac Meek ^ q John Waller ^ ' ^^ John jjoggs, ^ Q Isaac Pearce g g Isaac Mason 2 .o John Cornwell ^^ ^ John Stephenson ^ ^ John Vance ^ q James Harper ^^ q Jonathan Arnold 2 o John Castleman 2 .6 John Stewart 2 .0 Jamps Tarrance 2 g James Gamble 52 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Joshua Dickenson, 3 .6 Joshua Huston 4 .0 Leonard Washington, 1 .0 Michael Martin 3 .(; Moses Smith, 7 .0 Philip Tanner, 1 .0 Philip Mason 3.6 Philip Shoop, 4 .0 Providance Mounts, 9 .6- Rohert O'Gullion, 9 .6 Reason Gale, 1 .0 Robert Ross, 4 .0 Robert McLaughlin, 4 .0 Robert Erwin 1 .0 Richard Stephenson 1 .0 Richard Waller 4 .0 Samuel Rankins 2 .0 Samuel Loyon, 4 .0 Samuel Wells 11 .6 Thomas Freeman, 3 .0 Thomas Felton 2 .6 Thomas Davis 3 .C Thomas Gist, Esq'r 13 .0 v Thomas Brumfield, 3 .0 Valentine Crawford 7 .G William Castleman 4 .C William Handshaw, 2 .0 William Rankin 4 .6 William Harrison 13 .0 William White, 4 .0 William Massey 4 .0 William Crawford, Esq'r 7 .0 William Collins 1 .0 William Miller 1 .0 William Sparks, 1 .0 William Rankin 1 .0 George Clark 2.0 W illiam McKee 4.0 Agney Moloney, 1 .0 Corbit Smith, 1 .0 Edward Stewart 1 .0 -^ Francis Lovejoy 1 .0 Joseph Reyley 1 .0 COUNTY OF BEDF0RU-nT3. 5^ Amount of lax. I'eter Castner ^ ^ Redin Blunt, j q Zachariah Connell, SINGLE FREEMEN. 15 .0 Alexander McClean ^^ ^^ Daniel Stephens ^^ ^ Elijah Lucas -j5 q Francis Main, j- ,j George Brown -j^^ q James Mack, 15 .0 James Barrick ^^ ^ John Felty ^5 Robert Beall ^^ q 1 homas Moore, ^^ ^ William Castlemau ^j. ^ William Sheepard ^, ^ Patrick Masterson UNCULTIVATED LAND. 1 .2 .6 Snively's adm'rs ^^2 .6 George Washington, 1 .2 .6 Halbert Adams 2. 5 .0 John Washington 3.7.6 Joseph Hunter 2 .5 .0 Leonard Washington 1 .2 .6 Nicholas Dawson 2 5 .0 Samuel Washington 2 5 ■ Thomas Gist, Esquire (54) TRANSCRIPT OK TAXAliLES COIXTY OF BEUFOKU, FOK TUE YEAU 1774. (55 ) (56) BEDFORD COUNTY TRAXSCRIPT- 1774. AYR TOWNSHIP. Amount Alexander. Jacob Alexander, William Anderson. William Anderson. John Armstrong, Thomas, Hrackinridge, Mary Bellow, James, Brown, George Bell, William Cunningham, James Cunningham. John Chapman. Henry Coyle, Bryan Castner. Jacob, Davids, Leas Davids. Henry Erwin. James Gibson. James Geff, William Galloway. James Graham. Edward Herrod. John Hambel, Robert John, Thomas, John. Jacob Kendal. John Karr. Samuel I^tta. William Lowry, Abraham Liddle.' James, (57) of Tax. 3 .8 2 .9 4 .3 2 .3 2 .9 3 .0 1 .4 11 5 .0 9 .9 1.10 3 .2 5 4 .1 3 2 11 2 .9 3 .8 4 .1 1.10 3 .8 1.10 5 .C 5 .0 3 .2 1. in C .7 5 .0 7 .4 58 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Linn, Adam, 1.10 McLean, Hugh 2 .9 McRorry, David 3.8 McConnel, Daniel 6 .5 McClelland, John 4 .7 McCurdy, Daniel 4 .1 McFall, Malcolm, 4 .7 Marian, John, 4 i MoClure, John 3 .8 McKinly, John, 4.1 Maxwell, James, 1 .4 Nesbet, Alexander, 4 .1 Orr, George 2 .3 Pexton, Joseph, 1.10 Paxton, Thomas 5.11 Petterson, Francis, 4 .2 Philip, Evan, 4.7 Query. Charles, 4.2 Query, Alexander, 5 Royer. Daniel 6.10 Reach. Joseph 1 .4 Ramsey, James 2 .3 Ranken, Hugh 5 .0 Stephens, Abednigo, 5 Shelvey, Evan 4 .2 Stephens, Richard 1.10 Sloan, William, 5 .f, Scott, David, 5 .0 Stilwell, Elias, 5 Stephens, Thomas 1.10 Swagler, Jacob, 5 .0 Smith, John 2.9 Timmis. Lazarus 2 .3 White, Andrew, 4 .7 Wilson, John 5 .6 Williams, Enoch 4 .1 Wilson, William " 6 INMATES. John Woods 11 James Arthur H Thomas Mardes H Benjamin Clannan 11 John McCune H COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1774. 59 Amount of Tax. 11 Adam Unn ^^ Hamell John ^^ Moses Allison ^^ Adam McConnell ^^ Amos Stevens - SINGLE FREEMEN. 15 .0 John Davis, • ^^ ^ Nathaniel Hammell ^^ ' ^ William I^mon ^^ ' ^ Joseph Wilson ^^ ' ^ James Rankin ^^ ' ^ Jacob Castnor i ^ James McKiuley, '^ William Alexander ^^ ' ^ William Morrow ^^ ' ^ John Anderson ' lo .u Henry Case ^ ^ Gustavns Bellow '^ Alexander Qiierry ^^'^ John McClalland UNCULTIVATED LAND. 3 9 John McCanna ^'^ William Smith BEDFORD TOWNSHIP. Amount Anderson, James, Adams, Elijah Adams. Anthony, Adams. Robert Bowser, John, Burket, Israel, Ditto for rent tax Crismore. John, Clark. William, Casby, John of Tax. 5 .0 5 .0 11 1.10 3 .9 13 .9 5 3 .9 11 60 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES. Amount of Tax Ditto for rent tax, 14 .1 Cook, Joseph, 11 Castleman, Lewis, 3 .2 Cochran, William 1 .4 D'o for rent tax 5 .6 Cissna, Jonathan, 11 Dipert, Michael, 4 .2 Dunlap, James, 5 .0 Davidson, Samuel 5.11 Dougherty, Barnard, Esqr, 1 .4 Dixon, William, 1 .4 Drennen, Samuel 11 Drennen, Samuel 1.10 Elnor. John, i.io Ewalt, John, 6.10 Father, Michael, 4 .2 Fletcher, James 3 .9 Funk, George 2 .9 D'o for ront tax 2 .5 Freser, Jean, 4 .2 Gregg, John, 4 .2 (Jalbraith, Robert 13 .9 Holmes, John 1 .4 Ifellm, Frederick 2 .9 Ditto for rent tax 9 .2 Hays, Thomas 2.3 Huff, Michael G Ditto for rent, 3 .8 Hite, John 1.10 Hennry, James, 1 4 Ilor, Jacob H Imlor, George, 2 .3 Ikes, Joseph H Kenton, Thomas, 6.10 Keelor, George 1 .4 Ditto for rent 1.10 McAllistor, Mathew 2 .4 Miller, John 3 .g McKinsy, Gabriel 3 .2 McCashlan, Samuel 1 .4 Ditto for rent tax 3.8 Miller, Jacob H McCashlan, James 1 1 Ditto for rent tax 11 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD -1774. 61 Aliiuuiil jf Thx. McAuly. Cornelius 2 .3 Ditto for rent tax, 5 .5 Millikin. George 3 .8 McCall, William, for rent tax • 11 .0 Minzies, Thomas, rent, d'o, 13 .'j Magaw, Robert 1 .4 Nawgle, Frederick, C.IU Ormsby, John 11 Proctor, William, Esq'r 3 .8 Peebles, Robert I.IU Perry, Samuel, 1.10 Rhinhart, David, 3 .2 Ryan, Jacob, for rent tax, I.IU Rhoads, Gabriel, 3 .8 Ruby, Charles 1 .4 Rose, Allin 3 .2 Reeker, Frederick 2 .9 Stifflcr, Peter 1.10 Steel, Andrew 1.10 Smith, Peter 1.10 Shaler, Jacob 11 Samuel, Conrad 3 .8 Sills, Michael 4.1 Sills, George 3 .8 Samm. Adam 3 .2 Swargart, George 1.10 Skinner. Samuel, rent tax, 1.10 Woolrey. Daniel 4 .7 Wiscarver, George 3 .2 Wolf, Rhinehart, 3 .2 Woods. George. Esqueir 8 .3 INMATES. Eaker, Joseph 11 Ega, Frederick, 11 GuUefer. John 11 Harford, Patrick 11 Carr, James 11 Organ, John 11 Samuel. Adam 11 Tites. John 11 Wallick, Michael 11 Willhelem. Jacob 11 Richey, John 11 62 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Coleman, Michael 11 Rumugh, George 11 1' reeman, John 11 McKinzey, Samuel 11 Nemier, William, 11 Joseph Wolf 11 SINGLE FREEMEN. James Beaty 15 .0 John Keller, 15 .0 Adam Croyle, 15 .0 John Croyle 15 .0 Jacob Feather 15 .0 James Hughs, 15 .0 William Eliot 15 .0 James Millikin 15 .0 Thomas Kenton 15 .0 Thomas Smith, Esq'r 15 .0 Thomas Menzies 15 .0 William Mexwell 15 .0 Peter Titus 15 .0 Robert Stewart 15 .0 William Gallover 15 .0 Alexander WilJson 15 .0 John Colvin, 15 .0 Nicholas Shuffler 15 .0 John Schley 15 .0 Samuel Wallis 15 .0 UNCULTIVATED LAND. Barnard Dougherty, Esq'r 15 .0 Wm. & John Dixon 1.10 .0 Levi Andrew Levi 2 .5 .0 William Lyon 15 .0 Alexander Lowry 7 .6 Samuel Wallace 7.10 .0 •Charles Cox, 7.10.0 William Gammett, 1 .2 .6 Little & Johnston 1.17 .6 Samuel Wallace 2 .5 .0 William Hennery & Comp'y 1.10 .0 \ James Burd & Comp'y 1 .2 .6 Adam Hoop's estate 1 .2 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1774. 63 Amount of Tax. Trent, Cox & Com 5.12 .6 Peters & Clark & Co., 5 .5 .0 Doctor Wm. Smith 11 .5 .0 William Hennery 1. 2 .6 Benton, Wharton & Co 18.15 .0 Andrew Levy, 2 .5 .0 John Cox & Co., 1 .2 .6 David Magraw 1.17 .6 John Morris, Esq'r 15 .0 James Hunter 2 .5 .0 Samuel Wallace, 2 .5 .0 Cap't Samuel Finly 1 .2 .6 Ditto, 1 .2 .6 Robert Erwin, 15 .0 Reubin Hains, 2 .5 .0 Cap't Robert Callander, 15 .0 BETHEL TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Abbitt, Benjamin, 2 .9 .0 Anderson, William 5 Ausburn. Abraham, 5 Brown, Jacob 5 Bishop, George 1.10 Breathad. John, 5.10 Burd, John 4.1 Belyew, John, 1.10 Brown, David 2 .9 Bush, Christopher, 1.0 Brewer, Henry 2 .9 Cramer, John 1.10 Coombs, John 2 .9 Clevenger, Abraham, 11 Carney, William 2 .9 Cares. Abraham, 1 .4 CroEsan, Thomas 3 .2 Coombs, Edward, 3.8 Coombs, Joseph 3.2 64 TRANSCRU i' OF TAXABLES. Amount of Tax. Covalt, Betheul 1.10 Dogood, John 5 English, David, 1.10 Eddy, Goien, 1.10 Fisher, John, 4 .7 Greavs, Samuel 2 .0 Graham, James 2 .3 Gililand. Philip 4.1 Hines, Thomas, 5 Hines, Thomas 5 Horse, George, 2 .9 Hendershot, Jacob 3 .8 Hough, Jacob, 3 .8 Hill, George 1.10 Hart, William 2 J Hunt, William 2 .9 Harman, George 5 Jenliins, Evan 1.10 Enslow, George 4.1 Lancaster, John , . . i .4 Linn, Nathan 2 .3 Linn, Jean, 1.10 Linn, Addis 2 .9 Longstreth. Bartholomew, 2 .9 Longstreth. Martin 2 .9 MOurer, John 11 Aianh, Andrew, . , 2 .9 Melott, John, 2 .3 Morton, William 2 .3 Morton, Edward 3.2 Mitchel, James 1.10 Morton, John 2 .9 Morton, Richard 1.10 Money, Barnard 2.3 Money, Jacob 4 .1 McKiney, John, . .'..-. 4 .1 Miller. George 1.10 McCormick, James, 1 .4 Mason, John H Mourer, George H Newbery, Thomas, 1 .4 Pitman, William 14 Pitman, John, 2 .3 Pitman, Richard, H COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1771. 65 Amount of Tax. Powell. John 110 Peck, George, 3 .2 Powell, Joseph 2 .3 Rush. Jacob 11 Rush, Henry. 2 .3 Rush, Jacob. Jun'r, 4.1 Rush, Peter 1-10 Reynolds. Francis 3 .8 Reed, Moses 4.1 Smith. John 1-10 Stephens, Benjamin 3 .8 Stephens, Richard, 2 .9 Smith, Adam 4.1 Stafford. Thomas 1-10 Steed, William H Sipes, Henry 2 .3 Shingledecker. George 5 Shingledecker. Jacob, 1-10 Sliger. Lawerance 3 .8 Stanly. John 1-10 Simmerman, John 1-10 Smith. Emanuel H Sidyhefer. Christian 1 i Stilwell. Obidiah, 3 .8 Spelser. Christopher H Sousley. Michail, H Steed, Peter 5 Smith, Peter 3 .8 Stilwel. Elias, Esqueir 6 .0 Shafer, John H Truax, John H Truax, Jacob, Jun'r 1-10 Truax, Stilwell 1-10 Truax. Samuel 1-10 Truax, Benjamin 2 .3 Warford. Joseph 2 .3 Wilkins. John 1-10 Willkins. William, 1-10 Walker, John 2 .3 Whipze. John 1-10 Yeat.s, William 5 i— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 66 TKANSCRIFT OF TAXABLES, INMATES. Amount of Tax. Abraham Covalt, 11 Dugal Campbell ■ 11 John Earhart 11 Moses Goodwin 11 Michael Heldebrand, 11 Wintel Hull 11 Nelson Jolly, 11 Samuel Leaton 11 William L.eaton 11 James McKenej' 11 Robert McKiney, 11 George Rush 11 John Reynolds 11 Samuel Sampson 11 Robert Wilkins, 11 Samuel Walker 11 UNCULTIVATED LAND. John Harvey, 15 .0 Joseph Hickson, 7 .6 Jeremiah Stilwell, 3 .9 William Yeats 1 .0 Philip Gilliland 15 .0 John Bush 15 .0 John Dean 15 .0 Joseph Pittman 15 .0 Theodorus Mellott, 15 .0 George Walker 15 .0 Peter Swartzvalder 15 .0 John Stilwell 15 .0 William Hickson, 15 .0 Peter Working, 15 .0 COLERAIN TOWNSHIP. Amount of Ta.x Amorine, Henry 2 .9 Bradshaw, Robert, 3 .8 Bennett, Joseph 2 .3 Buchannan, William 11 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1774 67 Amount of Tax. Brown, Samuel 11 Bell, David 1-10 Coontz, Lawrance, 3 .8 Cheeck, John Croyle, John 1.10 Culbertson, Robert 5 .6 Croyle, Thomas 11 Cessna, John 6-5 Devebaugh, Casper 1 .4 Dougherty, Barnard, Esq'r, 6.10 Ditto, 11 Ditto, 11 Ditto 11 Ditto, 11 England, John 2 .3 Fleeharty, John 110 Friend, John, Jun'r 4 .1 Friend. Joseph 4 .1 Ferguson, Hugh 3 .2 Fredregill, William l.-io F'rie, John 11 Kinesh. Henry 1 •■! Hall. Thomas 2 .9 Johnston. Thomas 3 .8 Johnston, Joseph, 2 .9 Johnston, John, 3 .8 Jolley, Benjamin 3 .2 Little, John 11 Logston, William 5 Moore, Robert 7 .9 Murphy. Henderson, 1.10 Milley, Abraham, Esq'r 6.10 Miller, Christopher 2 .3 McCoombs, William 3 .8 Moore, John, 3 .8 Mortimer, John 4 .7 v/^Iorrison, Joseph 4 .1 Moore, Samuel, 4 .1 Millar. Oliver 4 .7 McPherson, Robert 11 Miller, James 3.8 Ormsby. John Petterson. James, 4 .7 Piper, James 2 .9 68 TRANSCRIPT OF TAJ ABLES, Amount of Tax Piper, John, 3.8 Parker, William 4 .1 Perran, John 4 .1 Parker, Peter, 11 Rose, Edward 3 .8 Richey, Gideon 5 .6 Spurgen, Ezikeal 5 .6 Spurgen, John, 5 .6 Spurgen, Samuel, 5 .6 Starcher, Jacob, 2 .3 Urie, Thomas, 6.5 Woods, George, Esqr 11 Worley, Achor, 5 .0 Worley, Joseph, 11 ■ Samuel Gellispy, 11 John Mortimore, Jun'r, 11 SINGLE FREEMEN. Jacob Harsh, 15 .0 George Ogleby, 15 .0 Henry Armstrong 15 .0 Jeremiah Dawson 15 .0 William Francis, 15 .0 UNCULTIVATED LAND. Johnston & Little 2 .5 .0 William Trent 1 .2 .6 James Martin 3 .9 William Henry, 1 .2 .6 William Buchannan 1 .2 .6 John Allison 1 .6 .3 Robert Callender & Co., 1 .2 .6 Benjamin Davis, 7 .6 Samuel Finley 1 .2 .6 t>itto 2 .5 .0 James Hunter 1 .2 .6 Robert McKinnie 18 .9 Benton. W^harton & Co 4 .2 .6 John Shea 15 .0 bamuel Perrey 3 .0 .0 Reubin Haines 1 10 .o William Smith 1 .2 .6 Stewart & Guthery, 15 .0 William Trent 1 .2 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1774. 69 Amount <4 Tax Ditto 3 .9 John Orrasby 18 .9 Rowland McDaniel 18 .9 Abraham Mitchael 7 .6 Benjamin Jacobs 15 .0 William Henry 1.10 .0 David Kennedy 1 .2 .6 Barnard Dougherty, Esq'r, 3 .9 CUMBERLAND VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Arnet, James 4 .1 Bishop, Jonathan, 3 .2 Boyd, Thomas 1.10 Bryan, Patrick 5 Cessna, John 5 Coulter, Thomas, Esq'r 7 .4 Cessna, Charles 5 .0 Ditto 5 Cuningham, Jonathan 1 .4 Clark, Francis 1 .4 Cessna, Evan 3 .2 Campbell, Robert, 3 .2 Castle. Shedrick 11 Cessna, Joseph 5 Dixon, William, 2 .9 Davis, Thomas ■ 3 .2 Estol, Shedrick 1 .4 Finley, Samuel 5 Farmer, John 1.10 Franking, George 5 Fox, Jacob, 2.3 Huston, Andrew, 2 .3 Huston. Robert l.li) Huston. Alexander 2 .9 John, Thomas 1.10 Kelley. Mathew 1.10 Devore, William 1 .4 70 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax Kelly, Joseph, 3.8 Lamb, Lawrance, 2 .9 Lleberick. George, 1.10 Morrison, Joseph, 5 Nemiers, Jacob 3 .8 Williams, Jeremiah, Jun'r 1.10 Vv illiams, Jeremiah, 1 .4 Woods, Isaac 1.10 Rice, Andrew 2 .3 Robert Stephen, 3 .2 Robert Culbertson, 5 John Moiintgomery 11 Thomas Silverthorn 5 Andrew Steel, 5 John Rollick, 5 INMATES. Brownen, William 11 Culberson, James 11 Samens. Daniel 11 Hardistey, Thomas, 11 Workman, Joseph 11 Rey. Thomas 11 Jones, Thomas 11 SINGLE FREEMEN. Robert Huston 15 .0 UNCITLTIVATED LAND. Benton, Wharton & Co., 7.10 .0 Cox & Co 2.12 .C Samuel Finley 1 .2 .6 Little & Co., 15 .0 Samuel Rhoads, Jun'r 11 .3 William Peters & Co., 3.15 .0 William Thompson, Esq'r 15 .0 Doctor Wm. Smith 3 .7 .6 Samuel Wallace, 1 .2 .G David Sample. Esq'r 1 .2 .6 Alexander Ross 1 .2 .0 Eraser & Co., 5 .5 .0 George Woods. Esq'r 7 .G Lemuel Barrett, 7 .C John Agnew. Esq'r, 7 .6 Scott, purchased of McCastlin 1 .2 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1774. 71 DUBLIN TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. 1 4 Asher, Anthony Armstrong, John. Esq'r Brown. William Brian, William Boyle. Charles Bell. John, ^Yu Burd. John Barnard. James Barnard. Robert Buchannan. William Cannon, James Cannon. Patrick Cole, William ^^ Cole. Broad Cluggage, Francis Coontz, Nicholas Chilcoat. Robeson Charlton. Samuel •_ Davis. Assias Daily. James Donaly. Samuel Dean. Jacob Dunahow, John Davis. Bartholomew Eliot. Benjamin Eliot. James Fireston, Nicholas Foley. James " 3 2 Fleeman. James Fitzgibbons. Richard, ^^ Gashorty, Patrick Gallaher. John 6 5 Galbraith, James Henderson. Joseph Hoult. Henry ^ -^ Hays. George Henry. William ^ • Ditto ^^ 72 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of lax. Ditto, 5 Jojies, Benjamin 3 .8 Kelly, Thomas 4 .7 Kelly, James 1.10 Neaves & Company, 1.10 Ditto " 11 Ditto, 5 Ditto 5 Kardinal, James 1.10 Latta, John : 2 .9 Long, Benjamin ; 2 .9 Lean, Wilkinson 1 .4 Lean, Dutten 1 .4 Lean, Corbin 1.10 MaGill, Charles 3 .8 McNemar, Morris 5 McDowell, John ll McDowell, William 11 McDowell, Nathan, 11 Michael, Andrew 1 .4 Malan, John 5 Moore, Samuel, H Parks, Labin 1.10 Wright, William 11 Ramsey, John, 3 .8 Ramsey, William, 1.10 Ramsey, Robert 3 .8 Smith, William Stephen Giles, 2 .9 Swain, Samuel, 1 .4 Swope, Lawrence 2 .9 Sherra, Alexander 5 Swain, Thomas, 4 .1 Thompson, Samuel 2 .9 Warder, Jeremiah H Ditto 11 Ditto, 5 Wanten, William, 1 .4 Wellis, William , 5 Walker. John 2 .3 William Jusitce 1 .4 Watson, Moses 4.7 Watson, James 2 .3 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1774. 73 Amount UNCULTlVATKIt LAND. William Henry John Glen, James Hunter Doctor James Neaves & Co Ditto John Little William Pollard William Smith, Boyd, in Lancaster, Richard Tea Magaw, David, SINGLE FREEMEN. James Cluggage, George Cluggage, Robert Cluggage, Esq'r Gavin Cluggage John Long, Benjamin Brown, David Thompson, Casper Smith Broad Coal Samuel Watson, or Tax. 1 .2 .6 1 .2 .G 11 .3 15 .0 1.10 .0 2 .5 1 .2 L .0 7 1 .2 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 BAREE TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Anderson, Samuel 5 .0 Burge, Robert, 3 .2 Beaty, Edward 4 .1 Beech, Waldren 3 .8 Caldweld, Robert, 5 .0 Caldweld, Charles, 5 .0 Crider. Michael 10 .1 Ditto for rent tax, 6 .5 Carswell, James ' 3 .2 Cresers, Nicholas, 2 .9 74 TRANSCRIPT OF TA. .LES, Amount of Tax Dewit, Peter 3.8 Dewit, Barney, 3.8 Debins, Henry, 1 .4 Ewings, Thomas, 3.2 Jervis, Henry 3 .2 Johnston, Thomas 11 Kennedy, David 2 .9 Ditto rent tax, 11 Lowry, David, 5 .6 Mitchel, John, 3 .2 McGuire, Bartholomew, 2 .9 McCormick, Alexander 3 .8 McLevey, William 4 .7 McGinnis, James 2 .9 Overholt, Abraham 3 .8 Porter, William 2 .9 Ralph, David 3 .2 Reynolds, George, 4 .7 Spencer, James 2 .3 Smith, Robert 2 .3 Willson, James, 5.11 Ishbaugh, Frederick 5 .7 Ditto to rent tax, 2 .9 Ishbaugh, John, 5 .7 Ditto for rent tax, 2 .9 Pottmiser, Adam, 5 .7 Ditto for rent tax 2 .9 Sills, Ludwick, 4 .1 Ditto for rent tax 1 .4 INMATES. Anderson, Daniel, 11 Beeabout, Jacob 11 Bower, John, 11 Burge, John, 11 Barrick, William 11 Crum, John 11 Cornelius Cross 11 Carpenter, Jacob 11 Dean, James 11 Edenton, Philip, 11 Gray, Absolom 11 Hicks, Levi 11 Huston, Mathew, 11 COUNTY OF BEDFOKU— 1774. 75 Amount Harris, James Little, James, Lewis, David, Lewis, Joshua Learis, Daniel Mountgomery, William Miller, Joseph Mabley, Ezekiel, Malsbach, Peter Vaughen, Thomas McAltich, Penall McHenry, Richard, McGuire. John, Moorehead, Thomas, Porter, Thomas, Roberts, Joseph Ricksrts, Edward, Hickerts, Chenee Seste, William Sills, John Sills, Abraham Stewart, William Traverse, William, Johnston, John, Tipton, Edward Weston, John, SINGLE FKEEMEN. Mathias Neill, James Norman Mordicai Goslen William Templeton James Caldwell John Holies, Peter Crases, Mathias Beeabout Jacob Miner James Night John Shaver Francis Kennedy, Jonathan Edenton George Weston John Houstraugh William Carpinter of Tax. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 76 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, UNCULTIVATED LAND. Amount of Tax. Armstrong, John 1 .2 .6 Armstrong, William, 1.10 .0 Armstrong, Thomas, 1 .2 .6 Agnew, John, 11 .3 Blyeth, Benjamin 11 .3 Boyce, Andrew, 15 .0 Carswell, Robert, 11 .3 Dickey, Jara^s, 15 .0 Hutchenson, George, 15 .0 Giles & Dickey 2 .5 .0 Helloms, Abraham, 15 .0 Irwin, George 7 .6 Johnston, William, 15 .0 Johnston, Samuel, Esq'r, 7 .6 Kennedy, David, 15 .0 Loyd, Esq'r, 1.17 .6 Means, Hugh, , 1.10 .0 Magaw, David's estate, 15 .0 Mifflin, Samuel, 3.15 .0 McMurtree, David 1.2 .0 Morris, William 1 .2 .6 Nelson, William, 7 .6 Benton & Wharton, 3.15 .0 Peters & Wilson, 1.2 .6 Peters, William, Esq'r, G .7 .6 Pollick, James * 15 .0 Perry, Samuel, 15 .0 Pemberton, Israel, 1.17 .6 Smith, Doctor 3.15 .0 James Robe 11 .3 John Reed, 11 .3 Charles Rowan 1 .2 .6 Samuel Wallace 3.15 .0 John Wood 15 .0 Edward Ward 2 .5 .0 Joseph Shippen, ." 2.5 .0 Samuel Pleasants 7.10 .0 Gilpin & Fisher 15 .0 .0 Edward & Joseph Shippen 7.10 .0 Alexander Stewart 3.15 .0 Parson Allison 2 .5 .0 Benton & Wharton 1 .2 .6 Rubin Hanes 6.15 .0 John Lukins. Esq'r, 15 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1774. 77 BROTHERS VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Ambrosh. Frederick ^ -^ Ankeny, Christian 2 .9 Baker, Philip ^ Barnet, Jacob, ^ -^ Barkley, Lodwick 2 .3 Boocher, Peter, ^ -^ Buyor, Philip , ^^ Beckley, Michael "* •' Biggs, Benjamin ^ -^ Countryman, George, ^ -^ Carragen, Henry ° -^ Cable, Abraham, Esq'r "* •'^ Cable, Jacob ^ -^ Cimer, John, ^ -^ Davis, Henry, ' ^-^^ Dellehaugh, Valintine 2 .3 Dillinger. John ^^ Ditch, Mathias, ^^ Diets, Michial, -. ^^ Durst, Casi>er ^ -^ Dire, William, ^ -^ Eadenour, John ^-^^ Estape, Robert, ^-^^ Freggs, John, ^ .3 Farrey, Joseph ^^ Fisher, Jacob, ^ ■' Gatich. John ^ .9 Grose, John ^ -^ Good, Jacob ^^ Graves, Peter, ^^ Gabler. Jacob, ^ '* Greenwall, Joseph ^ -^ Greenwall, Lodowick, 1 •'* Gasner, Jacob ^ • - Gasner, Henry ^ -^ Hyle, Walter • • ^ .8 Hoover, George ^-^^ Hay, Francis ^-^^ Hinebough, John, " -2 78 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Hendricks, Andrew, 6 .5 Hendricks, Jolin 1.10 Huffman, Jacob 11 Hear, Christian, 2 .9 Kimble, George 3 .8 Kimble, Philip, 5.6 Kever, Adam, 11 Loud, Valintine, 3 .2 Leap, Peter, 2 .9 Loud, Daniel, 2 .3 Mathews, Philip I.IC Miller, Michial 2 .9 Markley, John G .5 Molely, Peter 2 .8 - McMullin, James, 3.8 Mishler, Joseph 2 .9 Miller, John, 3 .8 Pitmor, Henry 1.10 Palm. Adam, 2 .9 Plough, Christian 2 .9 Park, Jacob 2 .9 Peters, John, 4 .7 Rhoads, Henry, Sen"r, estate 4 .7 Rhoads, Henry. Jun'r 3 .8 Rhoads. Jacob 3 .2 Robeson. Hugh 3 .8 Rowley, John 2 .3 Shallus. Bastiau 3 .2 Sappington, John 3.2 Stum, Adam 3 .8 Suffers, Martin 11 Switzor, Peter 3 .2 Swifzor, John, 4.1 Scipes, Charles 2 .3 Shofe. John, 3 .0 Shenefalf, George 2 .9 Sclof, Frederick 3 .8 Spiker, Christian 2 .9 Smifhley, Henry 3 .2 Sneets, Tilman 1.10 Sills, Michael 5 Tice, William 3 .8 Vantree, Frederick 2 .3 Weggely, Philip 3 .8 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1774. 79 >• Aniou'it of 'Inx. Winger, Peter 3 .8 Walker, Jacob, 3 .2 Winger, Jacob 3 .8 Zicek, Yost 3 .8 Oldfather, Frederick 2 .9 Francis, Philip, 2 .9 Walter, John 1.10 Winior, Frederick 3 .8 SINGLE FREEMEN. David Bready 15 .0 John Bowman 15 .0 Jacob Good 15 .0 Casper Geedick 15 .0 John Hiter 15 .0 Mathias Judah 15 .0 William Lee, 15 .0 Adam Mong 15 .0 Hugh Robeson 15 .0 Frederick Meshorel 15 .0 Philip Moura 15 .0 Henry Sheder 15 .0 Casper Shrok 15 .0 George Shoemaker 15 .0 John Shaver 15 .0 Christian Winger 15 .0 Samuel Wright 15 .0 Edward Hicks 15 .0 UXCULTIVATKI) LAND. Samuel W^allace 3. 7 .C Samuel Wallace 3. 7 .6 John Wilkey 2 .5 .0 Francis Campbell 2 .5 .0 Ditto 18 .9 Ditto 7 .6 Ephraim Blain 1 -2 .6 Doctor Smith & Company 1 .2 .6 Ditto 3 .9 Ditto 5.12 .0 Ditto 2 .5 .0 Ditto 2 .5 .0 Ditto 2 .5 .0 Ditto 1 .2 .6 Ditto 1 .2 .fi Ditto 7 .6 80 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, TURKEYFOOT TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Abraham, Henry 4 .7 Brown, Henry, 1 .4 Brown, Richard, 12.10 Booher, Peter 1.10 Cooper, John, 11 Cutlip, Rose, 1.1(1 Cracraft, Samuel 3 .2 Davis, John 11 Drake, Oliver 3.8 Enlow, Henry, 4 .7 Enlow, John, 2 .3 Flaugl, Gasper, 2 .3 Friend, Andrew 3 .8 Frowman, Jacob 1 .4 Green, Thomas, 4 .7 Greathouse, William 2 .3 Houghland, Richard, 5.11 Houghland, James 3 .8 Huff, Michael 3 .2 Husband, Harman 7 .4 Jones, Robert, 1 .4 Jones, David, 1 .4 Jennings, Benjamin, 6.10 Keever, Frederick 1.10 Kissonger, Soloman, 1.10 Keever, Michael 1.10 Louie, Jacob 3 .2 Morgan, Felix, 1.10 Mitchael, John, Doct'r 1.10 Moore, Francis James 2 .3 Ditto for rent tax, 16 .C Nelson, William 4 .1 Nelson, William, Jun'r 1.10 Purcell, Dennis 4 .1 Penrod, John, Jun'r, 1.10 Penrod, John 5 .0 Purcell. Benjamin 5 .0 Purcell. John 2 .3 Ropell, Jacob, 1 .4 COUNTY OF BEDhORU— 1774. 81 Amount of Rhoads, John Reed. John Rush, William Rose, Lewis Starcher, Martin Skinner, Nathaniel, Spencer, James, Shaver, George, Uncill, Frederick, VVimer, John, Washbaugh, Henry Whitelock, Thomas • White, Aquilla Winsal, John SINGLE FREEMEN. Gabriel. Abraham, Alexander, James Bruner, Henry Brunner. George, Black, James ■ Crecreft, Charles Emart, Windal Hamelton. Samuel Hamelton, James iiiggans, Edward McCuUough, James Nicholson, William, Nocholson. Robert Purcell, Daniel, Rife, George Shaver, Philip Wells. James Young. Gasper, Ta: ^ 11 3 , .8 11 2 . .9 2 .9 3 2 5 .0 3 .8 1.10 1.10 2 .9 1.1(1 1.10 1.10 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP. Anderson, William Clark. Walter 6— VOL. XXH— 3rd Ser. •f Tax. 11 2 .9 82 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount Deacon. William F^oreshee, Soloman P lora, James, Getherel, James Heater, George, Hear, Jacob, Hampson, James, Jeeson, George Kiger, Anthony Longabough, Balser Long, Richard Moore. Zebulon, Moore, Levi Parker, John Ralph, David, Rowler, Jacob Ditto for rent tax Shurly. William, Shoop, Baston bhoop, Jacob Htoner, Philip, Saunders, Benjamin Smart, William Shock, George Strong, Philip Thompson, Samuel Whitson, Michael Woolery, David Watson. William Weston, John Wilson. John, Wilson, Thomas INMATES. Daniel Dimond, , Charles Clark Richard Kimber Christopher Whitestone Hugh Kelly Richard Plumraer Peter Harstack Hugh Guthery Daniel Guthery James Hardin of Tax. 1.10 1 .4 1 .4 2 .9 1 .4 3 .8 2 .9 2 .9 1 .4 1 .4 3 .8 2 .9 2 .9 1.10 10.11 6 .5 3 .8 2 .3 1.10 11 3 .8 1.10 11 2 .9 2 .3 3 .2 1 .4 3 .2 3 .2 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 COUNTY OF BEnPORD— 1774. 83 SINGLE FREEMEN. Amount of Tax. Francis Gatheral 1^ -^^ John Mathews 15 .0 Charles Can 15 .0 UNCULTIVATEI) LAND. Robert Prentice "^ •^' John Mitchel '^ -^ John Little 1^ •'^ Samuel Perrey, 2 .1 .3 Edward Ward 4.17 .0 Benjamin Kidd H ■'^ 0fX (84) TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES COrNTY OF IJEDl'ORl), FOK THE TEAK 1775. (85) (86) TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES— 1775. CUMBERLAiND VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax Arnet, James 12 .6 Boyd, Thomas 9 .9 Brown, William, 5 .2 Campbell, Robert 9 .9 Cook, George, 8.10 Cessna, Charles 19 .0 Cessna, Charles 14 .5 Coulter, Thomas, Esq'r 11 .2 Cessna, John 10 .7 Culbertson, Robert 7 .G Cessna, Joseph, 15.12 Culbertson, James 16.10 Clark, Francis, 17 .3 Cessna, Evan, 16.10 Cunningham, Jonathan 18.10 Comston, James, 5 .1 Castel, Shadrick, 8 .5 Davis, Thomas 7.11 Dickinson, William, 11.10 Farmer, John 5 .7 Fox, Jacob 14 .i Huston, Andrew 9 .8 Huston, Alexander, 9 .8 Jones, Thomas 10 .0 Irons, Edward, 1 .3.10 Kelly, Joseph, 1 .0 .6 Kelly, Mathew 17 .4 Libreck, George 9. 10 Lamb, Lawrance 1.6 Pennal, Thomas 5 .8 Robnet, Stephen, 5 .7 (87) 88 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Rice, Andrew 10 .4 '1 ughnian. ChriEtopher, 1 .7 -0 Liberg, Nicholas, 1 ■^ -6 Robert Huston, a single freeman, 15 .0 UNCULTIVATKL) LAND. James Ralph 15 .0 Adam Curry 9 .0 Peters 9 .9 Foster & Company 3.15 .0 Cox & Co., 2.12 .G David Sample, Esq'r 1.17 .6 George Funk 7 .0 Samuel Wallace 1.10 .0 John Pollock. . •. 11 .3 Richard Peter, Jun'r 4.17 .6 Fraser & Finley, 3.15 .0 Benton & Wharton, 7.10 .0 Samuel Finley 15 .0 William Thompson 15 .0 Doctor Smith 3 .7 .6 fcamuel Wallace 1 .2 .6 Alexander Ross 1 .2 .6 John Mountgomery 1 .2 .C John Ormsby 15 .0 Thomas Wray 3 .9 Samuel Perry, 16.10 Ditto 11 .5 Ditto 15 .0 Joseph Morrison 7 .6 Nathan Evans 15 .0 Lusk, 1 .2 .C John Gallagher 7.6 Scott 1 .2 .6 Barnard Dougherty, Esq'r, 1 .2 .6 COLERAIN TOWNSHIP. Amrine. Henry, . . Bradshaw, Robert, Amount of Tax. 9 2 10 .7 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1775. 89 Amount of Tax. Bell, David IC .5 Boyel, John "^ -^ Ditto for rent tax lanlord 11 Bellew, John 5-2 Buck, Thomas "^ -6 Brown, Henry 2.10 Bennet, Joseph 8 .8 Buck, David 12 .0 Cessna, John 13.9 Catchim, Jacob, ^ -^ Covalt, Abraham 9 .9 Covalt, Jecon'ah 8 Culbertson, Robert 1?' 1 Coons, Lawrance 3 .0 Cheeck, John 4 .6 Dougherty, Barnard, Esq'r 1 .0 .0 Ditto 11-3 Ditto C .8 Daniels, Edward '' -^ Daramare, Isaac 6-3 Eliot, Robert 1 .7 .2 England, John 8.10 Ditto 3 .7 Amos Eastwood 3 .9 Ernest Baker 13 .4 Ferguson. Hugh, 4 .8 Friend, Joseph H -3 Friend, John, Jun'r 17 .3 Flaugherty. John 8 .4 Fredrigal. William 1 .3 .4 John Groal 1 C Hall, Thomas 9 •'5' Hance, Wendell 4.11 Howard, Clement 1-1 Hardin, Ignatious 6 .4 Johnson, John 9-6 Johnson, Thomas 8 .2 Milley, Abraham, Esq'r 1 .8 .4 Moore, Robert 1-12 .5 Ditto l-"^ -0 Ditto 13 .0 McCombs, William 19 .4 McMuHin. Patrick, 11 -0 McFarrin, Joseph 1 C 90 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES. Amount of Tax. McKiany, John, 11 .1 Moore, Samuel 15 .0 Moore, John, 10.2 . Morrison, Joseph 10 .2 Mortimore, John, 9.11 McRory, David, 19 .1 Miller, Christain 19 .4 Morrial, Peter 6 .6 McDaniel, William 4.10 Miller, Adam 6 .5 Miller, Oliver '. 8.4 Marks, Richard, 3 .9 Parker, William 10 .9 Piper James, Esq'r 4 .7 Piper, John, Esq'r 9 .9 Peterson, James 13 .2 Perrin, John 4 .0 Rose, Edward 12 .8 Richey, John 1.13 .5 Richey, Gideon 1.10.11 Shrack, Absolom 16 .8 Sparks, Jos 6 .0 Spurgin, William 5 .8 Spurgin, John, 5 .2 Spurgin, Ezik'l, 4 .0 Spurgin, Samuel G .5 Twinbaugh, Casper 1 .0 .G Urie, Thomas 1 .3 .G Woods, Thomas 1 .3 .0 Woolery, Achor 1 .1 .9 Ditto, 3 .3 Watson. Moses 8.7 Worldly, Arthur 4 .2 Young, Adam, 7 .2 Burns, Thomas, 1 .6 Gandy, David 1 .0 Johnson, Joseph, 2.0 Parker, Peter 1 .G Rowland, Jacob G Smith, George 1 .0 Magee, Donagan 1 .G Lever, William G Loughrey, John 1 .G COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 177o. 91 SINGLE FREEMEN. Amount of Tax. Armstrong;. Henry 15 .0 Dawson, .leremiah 15 .0 Donnely, William 15 .0 Slowan, William 15 .0 Shaver, John 15 .0 Wright, John 15 .0 Collins, Daniel 15 .0 UNCULTIVATED LAND. John Wilson 1 -C -3 Little Johnson Messer 2. 5 .0 James Martin 3 .9 William Buchannan 1 .2 .G William Henry 1 .2 .0 Ditto 1.13 .3 Robert Callander & Co 1 .2 .0 Benjamin Davis 4.17 .G Samuel Finley 2 .5 .0 Ditto 1 .2 .G James Hunter 1 .2 .G Robert McKinney 18 .9 Benton, Wharton & Co G.15 .0 Peter Smith 11 .3 Samuel Perry 3 .0 .0 Reuben Hains 1.10 .0 William Smith 1 .2 .G Stuart & Guthery 15.0 William Trint 1 .G .3 Hugh Means 1.10 .0 Rowland McDonnald 18 .9 Abraham Mitchael, 7 .G Benjamin Jacob 15 .0 David Kennedy & Salter, 1 .2 .6 .John Shea 15 .0 John Gallagher 11 .3 Thomas Barton 1 .2 .G Jean Freser 1 .2 .6 John Fry 7 .6 Samuel Wallace 1 .2 .G Charles Stewart 15.0 Mcllwaino 1 .2 .G Samuel Perrey 10 .1 George Woods 11 .3 Obediah Stilwell, 3 .9 92 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, BEDFORD TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Anderson, James, 13 .0 Adams, Robert, Jun'r 9 .4 Adams, Elijah, 7 .0 Ackles, William 11 Bowser, John, 8 .9 Cook, Joseph 1 .2.10 Clark, William 10 .5 Crisman, John, 1 .5 .0 Divers, Michael 14 .3 Divers, John 16.10 Dougherty, Barnard, 2 .1 .4 Dixon, William 9 .1 Dunlap, James 17 .9 Drannan, Samuel 1 .4 .4 [ Davidson, Samuel, Esq'r, 4 .9 Evalt, John, 13 .7 Emler, George 5 .7 Ellinger, John 2 .5 Eckor, Joseph, 3 .0 Fether. Michael 1 .3 .9 Fletcher. James 12.0 Freaser, Jean 2.10 Funk, George 1 .1 .4 Gregg, John, 18 .4 Holliday, William 18 .4 Helin, Frederick 1.18 .7 Ditto, a rent tax 13 .9 Kay, Thomas 18.10 Henry, James 18 .0 Hitte, John 1.11 Jacob, Samuel 3 .0 Kenton, Thomas, 2 .2 .8 Lane. Benjamin 19.10 Miller. John 17 .4 McDaniel, John, 6 .7 Milligan, George 1 .5 .5 Maxwell, James, Esq'r 14.10 McKinny, Gabriel 9 .5 McKinsey. Samuel 2 .9 COUNTY OF BLDKOllD- llTn. 93 Amount Nagle. Frederick Numire, William Proctor. William. Esq'r Piper. James, Esq'r Richey, John Khoads, Gabriel Rinard, Frederick Rauby, Charles Rhine, Jacob Rose, Allin, Steel, Andrew Samuel, Conrad, Stifflor. Peter Sylls. Michael Sylls, George Samuel, Adam Smith, Peter Sissna. Jonathan, Swiger, George Sayler, Jacob Saams, Adam Wiscarver, George, Willson, Robert Weatherspoon. John Woolery. Daniel Wolf. Rhinehart, Williams. James Woods. George, Esq'r Wolff, George, RENTERS. Cochrain, William McCalister. Mathias Galbraith, Robert McCaulester, Samuel McCastlin, Porter, John ^^kinner, Samuel, Kasebear, John, Ryan, Timothy INMATES. Arnist. Adam Adams, Soloman of Tax. 1.14 .7 1 .5 .4 9 .4 1 .0 4 .0 13 .9 9.11 1 .6 6 6 9 13 9 9.11 10 .4 7 .7 7 .7 14.10 11 11 3 .5 11 .1 3 .9 3 14 .4 3 .3 .0 15 .3 1 .1 .8 1 .6 7 .4 3 .6 13 .9 5.11 1 .0 11.11 7.10 9 .4 4 .7 2 .0 1 .6 94 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount cf Tax Colemau, Michael 1 .6 Crayle, Thomas, 1 .6 Dalton, James, 2 .o Davis, George 2 .0 Egie, Frederick 2 .0 Franks, Robert, 2 .0 Huff, Michael, 1 .6 Kenton, Thomas, Jun'r, 1 .0 Knave, Thomas, Jun'r, 1 .G Rumegh, George 2 .6 Saver, Vallintine 1 .tJ Tetter, John, 3 .0 Wallack, Michael, 1 .6 Walter, Mathias 3 .0 Wilhelm, Jacob 1 .6 SINGLE FREEMEN. Honicall Iller 15 .0 Jonas Iller 15 .(' Jacob Feather 15 .0 John McLelland, 15 .0 William Eliot 15 .0 Samuel Wallace 15 .(i George Hufman, 15 .0 Hugh Sympson 15 .0 Thomas Smith, Esq'r, 15 .0 James Beaty, 15 .0 Robert Gibson 15 .0 Richard Shott 15 .0 James Mllligan 15 .0 Thomas Cook 15 .0 John Halliday 15 .0 David Espy, Esq'r 15 .0 Elijah Reppy 15 .0 Arthur McCoocky, 15 .0 Patrick McDonald 15 .0 UNCULTIVATED LAND. William Cox, 1 .2 .G Andrew Levi 3.15 .0 James Byard 1.10 .0 Adam Hoop 1 .2 .G John Pollock, 1 .2 .G Daniel Morgan 1 .2 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1775. 95 Amount of Tax. Edward Ward 1.17 .t; Trent, Cox & Company, 2 .5 .0 William Trent 1.17 .6 William Henry 2.12 .6 Samuel Wallace, 2 .5 .0 William Cox 1 .2 .6 Cap't Little & Wm. Henry, 3.19 .0 William John Dixon, 1.10 .0 William Lyon, Esq'r, 15 .0 Alexander Lowrey, 7 .6 Samuel Wallace, 7.10 .0 Charles Cox 7.10 .0 William Gamble 1 .2 .6 Little & Johnston 1.17 .g \\ illiam Henry, 1.10 .0 Byrd & James 1 .2 .6 Trent & Cox, 5.12 .6 Peters & Clark 5 .5 .0 Doctor William Smith, 11 .5 .0 William Henry 1 .2 .C Benton, Wharton & Co 18.15 .0 Andrew Levi, 2 .5 .0 John Cox 1 .2 .G David Magaw 1.17 .g John ^!orris 15 .0 James Hunter 2 .5 .0 Samuel Findly 1 .9 .(> Samuel Findly 1 .2 .G Robert Erwin 15 .0 Rubin Hains 2 .5 .0 Barnard Dougherty 15 .0 Thomas Smith. Esq'r 5.11.10 Thomas Smith, Phil'a, 95 James Mease 1 .3 .9 William Lindsay 1 .2. 11 William Bradford 1.16 .2 Isaac Richardson 17 .3 George Romigh 11 .3 John Edwards, ..." 1 .110 James Piper. Esq'r, 15 .0 Joseph Wood 13 11 George Meade 14 11 George Wolff, 15 James Rose 1 5 q m TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. John Ellinger 15 .0 George Funk, 1 .2 .1 Robert McKee 3 .3 .9 -Samuel Skinner 19 .9 John Kaseb€ar, 1 -9 -3 Charles Cox, 18.15 .0 George Faulker, 3 .0 .0 Charles Cox, 2. 5 .0 John & William Dixion, 1.10.0 Isaac Richardson 10 .6 James Henry, 18 .9 AYR TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Alexander, Jacob 9 .6 Alexander, William 6 .2 Anderson, William 8 .0 Ditto, a rent tax 4 .7 Armstrong, Thomas 13 .3 Adams, Jacob, 10 .0 Arthur, James, 5 .3 Erown, George 16 .4 Beaty, William 6 .4 Bellow, James 14 9 Bell, William, 4.10 Cunningham. John 8.10 Cunningham, James 9 .4 Coyle. Bryan 10 .4 Casner, Jacob 8 .6 Caldwell, Mathew 8 .1 Davids, Lewis 14 .3 Davids, Henry 8.10 Erwin. James, 1.2.1 Gibson, Robert, 9 .7 Gibson. James 6 .4 Gaff. William 17 .4 Gallaway, James 14 .0 Graham. Edward 14 .4 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 177D. 97 Amount of Tax. Hulse, Jacob 1~ .2 Head, Edward H.ll HamLle, Robert 1- -1 Harod. John 9.11 John, Thomas 19.11 John, Jacob 14 .4 Kerr, Samuel 17 .4 Latta, William 13 .4 Lowery, Abraham, 1 .0 .2 Lyn, Adam ^ -^ Liddle, James, 1-16 .2 McCIalland, John 3 .9 McConnal, Daniel 1 .9 .3 McCIalland, John 1 .3 .2 McCurday, Daniel 1 .2 .5 McFall, Malcolm, 11 .2 Martin, John 18 .9 McLivee, John, 11 .7 McKinley, John 15.10 Maxwell, James, Esq'r 4.1 Nisbett, Alexander 15 .4 Paxton, Joseph 5 .5 Paxton, Thomas 1 .0.11 Peterson, Francis, 1 .3 .5 Philips, Evan 11 .3 Quirey, Charles 15.0 Quirey, Alexander 11 .3 Royer, Daniel, 13 .7 Rinch, Jos 1.13 .9 Ramsey, James 9 .1 Shelvey, Evan, 10 .8 Stephens, Thomas 8 .7 Smith, William, 3 .9 Scott, David 12 .1 Stilwell, Elias, 8 .3 Swegler, Jacob 15 .7 Sloan, William 17.11 Timon, Lawzerus, 9 .G White, Andrew 16 .4 Wilson, John, 18 .4 "W illiams, Enoch 11 .3 Walker. William 8 .3 7— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 96 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES INMATES. Amount James Conner Moses Allison, Hugh McClelland, John McClelland, Adam McConnall Daniel Devall Benjamin McClalland, George Orr Edward Connar, Augustus Bellow SINGLE FREEMEN. John Davison, Nathaniel Hammel Thomas Davis Joseph Willson Robert Reburn William Alexander, Abednigo Stephens, David John, James Rankin Joseph McKinley John Anderson, Alexander Quirey Tax. 2 .0 3 .0 3 .0 1 .6 2 .6 1 .0 3 .0 1 .6 1 .6 1 .6 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 BETHEL TOWNSHIP. Amount Abbitt, Benjamin Albright, George, Allison, Francis .'r.'' Bellew, John Breathad, John, Bush, Christopher, Bishop, George, Brown, David Bringhurst, James, . . . T Burd. John of Tax. 14 .1 10 .1 1 .2 .0 C .7 1 .8.11 3.10 8 .8 7 .0 7 .6 10 .4 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1775. 9!) Amount of Tax. Brewer, Henry 6 1 Brown. Jacob 34 Clavenger, Abraham 5 .4 Crebil, John IG .G Cares, Abraham 1.10 Coombs, John, 8 11 Carney, William 7 .G Crammer, John g.lO Crossan. Thomas 9 .6 Covalt, Bethual 4 .7 Coombs, Edward 10 .0 Coombs, Joseph 7 .7 Ogillan, Daniel, 7 6 Enslow, George, 13 .6 English, David 8.8 Eddy, Gidion, 8 .8 Fisher, John, 10 .8 P'itzpatrick. John, Gilliland, Philip, g 11.11 Guthery, John 9 C Gordan, Moses 47 Graves, Samuel 1 .0 .8 Graham, James 11.10 Hunt, William 14 1 Hines, Thomas 5 3 Hart, William 10 .4 Hill, George, 59 Hough, Jacob 10 .3 Hellibrand, Michael 5.3 Hendershot, Jacob 5 C Horse, George 16 .3 Jankins. Evan 8 5 John, John 4 6 Knisely, Anthony, 75 Linn. Isaac 37 Linn, Addis 4 2 Linn, Levi, 7 8 Lancaster, John 2.3 I/ongstrath, Martin g .4 Ijongstrath, Bartholomew, 6 8 Lance. Christian 39 Lowder. William 12 .7 I^mb. Conrad 1 9 5 Leaton, Ashur 3.3 100 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Leaton, Samuel, 5 .9 Mitchell, James, 5.1 Money, Barnard, 10 .3 Miller, George, 12 .2 Mason, John 7.10 Morton, John 5 .7 Morton, Edward 10 .4 McCormick, James, 3 .7 McKinney, James, 9 .3 Mourer, John 9.0 Mourer, George, 7 .2 McKinney, Ja's, 1 .1 .4 Mann, Jacob 10 .3 Mann, And'w 10 .2 Morton, William, 9 .3 Morton, Richard, 5 .1 Mellot, Theodorus 7 .5 Mellott, John, 10 .3 Newbery, Thomas 4.10 Ounger, Henry, 10 .4 Pitman, Richard, Juu'r 8.10 Powell, John 9 .8 Pitman, Richard, 18 .1 Powell, Joseph 12 .0 Peck, George 14 .1 Rush, Peter, 12 .4 Mann, Andrew, 7 .6 Reed, Moses 9 .3 Rush, Jacob, 13.11 Reynolds, John, 8 .6 Reynolds, William 7 .6 Rush, Henry, 10 .4 Rush, Jacob, Jun'r 4 .9 Smiih, Adam 1 .1 .7 Smith, Peter, 12.11 Smith, John 9 .3 Smith, Peter 1.10 Smith. Peter, 3 .9 Simmerman, John 6 .7 Si>elser. Christ'n, 3.7 Stilwell. Elias, Esq'r 1 .6 .6 Smith, Emanuel, 5 .8 Stephens, benjamin 7 .6 Stephens, Benj'n, Jun'r 13 .5 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1775. 101 Amount Stephens, Richard Stanly, John, Shingledecker, George, Sipes. Henry Shock, Jacob Shingledacker, Jacob Sipes, Charles Statts, Frederick, Steed, William, ' Sheffer, John. Stafford. Thomas, Sousley, Michael Sliker, Lawrance, Stilwell, Obediah Smith, Adam Truax, Philip, Truax, Samuel Truax, John, Truax, Jacob, Truax. Benjamin Tedyheffer. Christopher, Truax. Stilwell Whipkey, John, Williams, Thomas Wilkins, John Walker. John Wilkins. Robert Warford, Henry, INMATES. L-eaton, Obediah Morris, Jonathan, McKinny, John, McKinny. Robert Pain, Samuel Pitman, William, Rush, George Sampson, Samuel, SINGLE FREEMEN. Philip Longstreth Thomas Morton Joseph Pitman Henry Rush of Tax. 5 .1 11.10 9 .0 3.11 9 .0 9 .4 9 .0 10 .4 8 .9 4 .9 3 .4 3 .5 9 .9 13 .0 6.10 13 .7 8.11 8 .4 8.10 7 .0 11 .4 12 .7 6 .(! 8 .3 1 .5. 11 4 .9 5 .2 2 .0 1 .0 1 .G 1 .G 1 .0 1 .G 2 .0 1 .G 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 102 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. John Rush, 15 .0 Peter Swartzwalder 15 .0 tiickson, William, 15 .0 James Bole, 15 .0 John Stilwell, 15 .0 UNCULTIVATED LAND. George Freser Hawkins, 1 .2 .6 Jeremiah Stilwell 7-6 William Yeats, 17 .3 Hugh White 15 .8 Robert Cummings, 7 .6 Benjamin Kidd, 2 .5 .0 Edward Graham, 7 .6 DUBLIN TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Armstrong, John 2 .9 .7 Boyle, Charles 13 .6 Bird, John 1.17.10 Barnet, James 11.11 Barnet, Robert, 7 .8 Bell, John 7.10 Buchannan, William, 1 .3 .3 Charloton, Samuel, 14 .3 Clugage, Francis 16.10 Deyley, James 5 .7 Daniel, Samuel 17.10 Davis, Bartholomew, 7.10 Donohu, John, 5 .1 Eliott, Benjamin 11 .3 Eliott, James 6.11 Eliott, John, 7 .6 Foley, James, 19.10 Flemming, James 4 .5 Finley. Samuel. . . .' 1 .2 .6 Galbraith, James, 19 .4 Galaher, John 8 .8 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1775. 103 Amount of Tax. Glain, John, 1 .2 .G Holt, Henry, 4.11 Hunter, James 11 .3 Hays, George 1 .2 .2 Henry, William 2 .4 .8 Henry, William 7-2 Henry, William, "? -2 Hunter, James 15 .0 Benton, Wharton & Co 1-10 .0 Benton, Wharton & Co C .0 .0 Benton, Wharton & Co., 1 .1 .2 Benton, Wharton & Co., 2 .5 .0 Latta, John 4 .2 Mason, John, ^ 3 .5 Mitchell. Andrew, 4.11 McDowell, John, 12.11 McDowell, William, 8 .3 McDowell, Nath'l 8 .4 . MaGill, Charles 6 .8 Moore, Samuel 3 .5 Ramsey, Robert 10 .2 Ramsey, John, 13.10 Ramsey, William 3 .5 Smith, William 14.11 Swain, Thomas, 1 .1 .9 Swope, Lawrance 9 .4 Smith, William 7 .6 Thompson, Samuel, 6 .1 Tea, Richard 17 .3 Warder, Jaremiah, 1.17 .4 Wallace, William 1 .2 .2 Walker, John 6 .9 Walker, David, 6 .9 Gilliland. Philip 9 .4 INMATES. Aquilla, James, 1 .6 Justis, William, 1 .6 Torlton. Hugh 2 .4 Lain, Corbin 1 .6 Lain, Samuel, 4 .G Lain. Douten 1 C Goodin, Henry 1 .0 Swain, Samuel 1 -0 104 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Jones, Benjamin, 1 .6 Kelly, James, 1 .0 Corbin, William, 1 .0 Morgan, John 3.0 Brown, William 1 .6 Brain, William, 1 .0 Standiser, William, 1 .0 Picket, Hethcoat, 1 .0 Goyles, Stephen, 1 .G Cannan, James, 1 .6 Cannan, Patrick, 1.6 John Price, 1 .0 Harderster, Joshua, 1 .6 Wain, John, ^ 1 .6 Swicher, John, 1 .6 Gasertee, Patrick 2 .0 Berd, Henry, 1 .C Coontz, Nicholas 2 .0 Kitly, Thomas 1 .0 Richard Fitzbibons 1 .0 Markee, James, 1.6 Moor, John 1 .6 Lain, Willkinson 1 .6 Anderson, Thomas 2 .0 Canderal, James 1 .6 Roberson, Chilcoat 1 .6 Long, Benjamin, 1.6 SINGLE FREEMEN. James Clugage 15 .0 George Clugage, 15 .0 Robert Clugage 15.0 W illiam Ward, 15 .0 William Lefaver 15 .0 Casper Smith, 15 .0 John Warrinton 15 .0 Thomas Vahon, 15 .0 John Caldwell, 15 .0 Samuel Weston 15 .0 Benjamin Burd 15 .0 UNCULTIVATED LAND. Jeremiah Warder 2 .5 .0 Jeremiah Warder, 1 .2 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1775. 105 Ainount iif 'l"ax. J eremiah Warder 1.2.6 Thomas Mathews & Co 1-10 -0 Doctor James, 15 .0 Little, John, 1 .2 .G Boyd, in Lancaster, 1 .2 .G Magaw. David 15 .0 BARREE TOWNSHIP. Amount Anderson, Samuel, Anderson, Daniel Beaty, Edward Beach, Waldren, Caldwell, Robert Crawphes, Nicholas Crawphes, Peter Caldwell, Charles Dewit, Peter Ewings, Thomas, Philips, William, Lowrey, David, Loyd, Henry, Esq'r Maginnis, James, Mitchell, John Minor, Jacob Maguire, Bartely Overholt, Abraham, Roberts, Joseph, Reynolds, George Spancer, James Thompson, James, Willson. James, Carr, James Coleman, Michael INMATES. Weston. John Hicks, Levy of Tax. 1 .6 .7 2 .3 9.11 3 .9 9 .5 6 .2 6 .2 1 .4 .5 S.ll 6.11 9 .5 1 .5 .5 1 .2 .0 5 .5 5 .8 8 .9 9 .0 8 .5 6.11 8.11 5 .3 3.11 5 .4 3.11 6.11 2 .0 3 .0 106 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Amount of Tax. Gray, Absolom, 3 .0 Tipton, Edward, 2 .6 John Freeman 1 .6 Wilirick, Hans 1 .6 John Gulliver. 1 .6 Igo, Peter 3 .U John Titis 3 .0 Goslin, Charles, 9 .0 Huston, Mathew, 3 .0 Harrison, James, 2.6 Jervis, Henry, 3 .0 Miller, Joseph, 2 .0 Moble, Ezekel, 3.0 Molsbock, Peter 2 .0 Sells, John, 3 .0 Sells, Abraham, 8 .6 Lewis, Joseph 2 .6 Lewis, David 2 .6 Cross, Cornelius 4 .0 Kennedy, David, 2 .4 Little, James, 6.0 Bowers, John 4 .0 Isop, Samuel 1 .6 Mulholland, John 2.6 Mountgomery, William 3 .0 Tornton, John 2 .0 Rickets, Edward 3 .0 Travesh, William, 2.6 Dean, James, 3 .0 Burg, Robert 2 .0 McCormick, Alexander 6.6 Rickets, Chaine 3 .0 Chaine, Gilbert 2 .6 Goselin, Benjamin, 1 .6 McAlees, Daniel, 2 .6 Long, William 3 .0 Hine, James, 2 .6 White, Anthony, 3 .0 Beabout, Jacob 3 6 Caumb, John, 2.6 Jacob Carpenter 3 .0 Van Thomas 3 .0 Michael Crider 4.0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1775. 107 UENTKUS. Amount of Tax. Ludwick Sills, 2 .0 Jacob Hall 3 .0 Frederick Ishbough 3 .0 John Ishbough, 3 .0 George Keeker 1 .0 Anthony Sills, -1 .0 Adam Beardmiser 3 .0 Thomas Tooder, 1 .G James Shirley SINGLE FUliEMEN. Patrick McGuire, 15 .0 Jonathan Edenton 15 .0 Peter McMullin 15.0 Francis Kennedy 15 .0 James Caldwell 15 .0 Robert Kilpatrick 15 .0 William Templeton 15 .0 James Williams, . . ; 15 .0 David Givins, 15 .0 James Corran, 15 .0 Jacob White, 15 .0 George Werton, 15 .0 George Cole, 15 .0 Mordecai Goslin 15 .0 Benjamin Eliot 15 .0 John Williams, 15 .0 John Housdunt 15 .0 James Knight, 15 .0 William Carpinter 15 .0 James Norman 15 .0 John Sullivan 15 .0 Daniel Titis 15 .0 William Gulliver 15 .0 James Stewart 15 .0 Franely Kelvert, 15 .0 John Earoney, 15 .0 UNCULTIVATED LAND. Israel Pemberton, 1.17 .c Richard Peters, 1.10 .0 John Read, 18 .9 108 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES. Amount of Tax. Charles Rowan 1 .2 .6 Alexander Rodey 15 .0 Joseph Shippen, 2 .5 .U Doctor Smith, 4.17 .6 William Trent 1 .2 .6 Samuel Wallis 3.15 .0 John Woods, 15 .0 .Edward Ward 2 .5 .0 Wharton & Morgan 28 .2 .0 Neave & Co., 26 .5 .0 Gilpin & Fisher 15 .0 .0 Edward & Joseph Shippen, 7.10 .0 Ezikeil Smith 15 .0 The Honorable Proprietors, 6.10 .0 John Mountgomery, 1 .2 .6 William Armstrong, 1.17 .6 William Armstrong, 1 .2 .6 John Agnew, Esq'r 11 .3 Thomas Armstrong 15 .0 John Bready, 5.12 .6 Samuel Finley 1 .2 .6 James Williams, 15 .0 Doctor Allison 2 .5 .0 Andrew Boggs, 15 .0 Benjamin Blyth, 11 .3 Baar & Lemons 2 .5 .0 Benestor & Giles 2 .5 .0 Henry Bockaid, 1.17 .6 Daniel Clark 1 .2 .6 Rachel Clark 15 .0 Cox & Co 1 .2 .6 James Dunlap, Esq'r, 1.10 .0 James Dickey, 11 .3 John Dickey 1 .2 .6 George Evins, 7 .6 Thomas Edwards 1.10 .0 James Eliot 1 .2 .6 William Youens 11 .3 Freeman, 11 .3 John Gamble 2 .5 .0 George Huchison 15 J' Reubin Hains, 7.10 .v. Thomas Henry 7.6 William Johnston 1.2.6 COUNTY t)F BEDFORD— 1775. 109 Amount of Tax. Kilpatrick 15 .0 John Little 15 .0 John Lukens, Esq'r 2 .8 .9 Robert Law 15 .0 Richard Morrow 15 .0 Hugh Means 1.17 .6 David McGaw, 15 .0 Samuel Mifflin '. 3.15 .0 David McMurtree, 1 .2 .(! Henry Morris 1 .2 .6 John Mountgomcry, Esq'r 5 .5 .0 Thomas Porter, 4 .G William Petterson 5.12 .6 Patterson & Willson, 1 .2 .6 Cap't Bready, 1 .2 .G David McMurtree, 2 .5 .0 Little & Lukens 3 .7 .G Henry Preator 3 .7 .G William Waugh e, Jacob, Jun'r Gripe, Daniel, Gripe, Jacob, Holliday, William, Jun'r Holliday, William, Houston, Mathew, &. landlord. Jack, Samuel, Jarvis, Henry Loury, David, Mortimer, John, Martin. John Pumpaugh, Conrad Panter, Henry Philips, William icultlvatpd land tax. 3 .11/2 I'rovlnrUiI tax. 2 .0 3 .iy2 1 .6 1 .5 4 .5 6 .8 5 .5 6 .6y4 6 .7 3 .3y4 3 .3y2 2 .5 11 14 .G% 3 .5 6.11% 4 .6% 2.11 5 .4 11 2 .9y4 4 .5 e.iiys 6 .6y4 3 .5 2.11 c.ioyz 3.11 6 .6 2.11 6 .Gy4 2.11 3 .6 1 .0 .014 4.10 122 TRANSCRIPT OF 7 AXABLES, Uncultivated Provinci;'.! Paul, Daniel, Roberts, Joseph, Spencer, James Seabrooks, William, Stewart, John Stevens, John, Sellars, Joseph Stoner, Philips Woolry, Daniel, INMATES. Barrick, William, Chany, Joseph Edmonstone, John, Edington, Philips Freeman, John Frakes, Robert, Gray, Absalom hafstrator, Woolrick, Hess, John, Hicks, Levi Igo, Peter Johnston, Thomas Medsker, Philip, Medsker, John Miller, Joseph, Sen'r McClean, Mordecai, Moore, Joseph, ^ Morehead, Thomas, Nee, Philip, Nave, Jacob, Panter, Godfrey, Rowland, Jacob, Rapelogel, Reynhart, Smith, Jacob Titus, John Teiter, John, ! Tipton, Thomas Wort, Henry Wailick, Michael, Weston, John, Williams, Benjamin Willabay. David, Weise, John land tax. tax. 2 .0 3 .0 10% 1 .6 1 .91/2 1 .5 7 .5 3.11 16 .01/2 7 .5 14 .5% 4.11 2 .0 1 .8 .OYi 8 .2 1 .0 1 .6 1 .6 3 .0 1 .6 2 .0 3 .6 1 .6 1 .6 2 .6 2 .6 1 .6 3 .0 2 .0 2 .0 3 .0 1 .e 2 .0 1 .6 1 .0 3 .0 3 .0 3 .0 3 .0 2 .6 3 .0 1 .6 1 .6 2 .0 2 .6 G 3 .0 5 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 177G. 123 FREEMEN. Cook, Andrew Coleman, James, Dear, Robert Edington, Jonathan Miller, Joseph McGuire, Cornelius, McGuire, Patrick Moore, Henry, Moore, William Stevens, Benjamin, Thomas, Donnal, Templeton, George Templelon, William 1 itus, Daniel, Gray, Hermanns, TIncultlvntcd land tax. Provincial tax. 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 UNCULTIVATED LAND. Baynton, Warton & Morgan, 2,000 a's,. Baynton, Warton & Morgan, 7,000 a's,. Baynton, Warton & Morgan, 500 a's,.. Hon'ble Proprietors, 1.600 a's Neaves & Co., 4,500 a's, Joseph and Edward Shippens, 4,000 a's, John Buchanon, GOO a's Gilpin & Co., 4,000 a's, Samuel Pleasant, 2,000 a's, Alexander Stewart, 1,000 a's Richard Peters, 400 a's, Doctor William Smith, 500 a's Hugh Mans, 400 a's Cap't Little, 700 a's Michael Cryder, 1,300 a's Michael Cryder, 300 a's Cox, 1,100 a's, Little & Co., 1,100 a's William Henry, 4,440 a's John Armstrong, 250 a's, Alexander Lowry. 397 a's, William Lyon, 200 a's Major Gordon, 1,800 a's Samuel Wallace, 1,700 a's James Hunter, 500 a's 7.10 .0 26 .5 .0 2.17 .6 6. .0 10.17 .6 15 .0 .0 2 .5 .0 15 .0 .0 7.10 .0 3.15 .0 1.10 .0 1.17 .6 1.10 .0 2.12 .6 4.17 .6 1 .2 .6 4 .2 .6 4 .2 .6 16.13 .0 18 .9 1 .9 .91/4 15 .0 6.15 .0 6 .7 .6 1.17 .6 124 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES Uncultivated Cap't Lindsay, 500 a's, .... 'i"f/^" Dixon, 400 a's ^-^i -b Cox & Co., 7,800 a's,' .' ' .' .' .' .' .' ' ] [ [ [ ['" " gs'^s 'I Cap't Callender, 400 a's 1 10 n Benjamin Davies, 1,800 a's " /. . '" Israel Pemberton, 190 a's ' ,'l Cox, 800 a's Widow Praiter, 900 a's, " ." 3 "J 'J! Rubin Haines, 1,800 a's, . . r ,^ t O.Jo .0 Provincial tax. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP. Uncultivated Anderson, James '''"'^ ''"'• Adams, Robert, J'r "* '^^ Adams. Elijah (^ -^¥2 Blackburn. Thomas „ ^^ Bowser, John ^ '^'Z* Bayard & Comp'y, . 9 10 '^''^^ Beatty, James ■■" ^ '^ Clark, William Christman, John, ^ '^ James Dunlap, ^ •^^'^ Diver, Michael, . ^ '^^ Diver, John, ..'....'..'."'.'.'.' ^ '^^^ Davison, Samuel ^ "^^ Dunlap, Richard ' David, Eliezer, Daugherty, Barnard, Esq'r,' i p ':,, Drenning, Samuel, ^ -^ -i A Ellingher, John, ^ '^^ Ewalt, John, .. ^^ "^ Espy, David, ..'....'. ^ '^^* Eilor, Jacob Eniler, George, ^ '^ Fletcher. James ^ "^ Feather, George, J '^ Funk, George, . .' [ 2 .914 Provincial tax. 11 .6 4.10 8 .3 3 .5 4 .4 6 .4 1.11 0.10 7 .9 4.10 4.10 3.11 8 .6 5 .3 1 .5 8 .3 4.10 2 .0 10 .6 2 .0 2 .6 4 .5 4.10 2 .5 6 .9 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 177G. 125 Gregg, John, Hays, Thomas Helm, Frederick, Henry, James Hoge, David, Hite, John Kenton, Thomas, Sen'r, Kenton, Thomas, Jun'r, Kasebeer. John Ijantzel, Melchor Loan, Benjamin, McKinzie, Gabriel McComb, Allen, Miller, John McAllister, Mathew, . . . McCashlan, Samuel, Milligan, James McCallay, Cornelius, . . . Milligan, George Nagle. Mary, Nipper, Godfred Ormsby. John, Perry, Samuel Porter, John, Proctor, William, Ryan, Timothy Rhoads, Gabriel Reynhart, David, Reeker, Frederick, Reeker, Gotlip Ruby, Charles Rumick. George, Rose, Allen Swagart, George, Sesna, Jonathan Smith, Peter, Steel, Andrew Stiffler, Peter Sells, Michael , Sells, George, Samuels, Conrad Samuel, Adam Saylor, Jacob Uncultivatod 1' land tax. 13 .0% 'rijvinriuli tax. 6 .4 1 . .( Jl 5 .4 G. 10 1/2 3.11 9 .3 6 .4 6 .91/4 1.10 1.11 1 .5 .21/4 9 .1 14 .01/4 1.11 7 .C 2 .0 1.17 .G 3 .0 8 5 .9V^ .01/4 5 .3 4.10 8 .9% 11 13 .0% 6 .3 3 .6 2 .4 2.10 8 .8 13 .1% 13 .6 16 .2 1 .5 2 .9 11 3 .2^2 6 .5 4 .6% 5 .9 14 .5% 4 .4 6 .7 G .3 3 .7 6 .3 6 .6V4 2.11 G.IOVj 5 2.11 3 .0 2 .3 4.10 2 .5 14 .01/4 4 .5 2 .9% 3 .5 7 .3% 2.10 9 .31^ 5 .9 G .0 5.10 G .61/4 4 .5 8 .3 6 .8 3 .0 1 .5 ^ 126 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Todd, John Todd, William, Williams, James, Wuscarver, George, Wallis, Samuel Wilkins, John, Walter, Mathias Wolf, George Woods, George, Esq'r, Woolf, Richard Funk, George, Eaker, Joseph Erwin, David, Elliot, Robert, Gibson, Robert Graham, John Huff, Michael Dixon's land Maxwell's land Keller, George McCashlan, Samuel, For landlord McCall, William For landlord Ryne, Jacob For landlord Skinner, Samuel, For landlord WolfShine, Joseph For landlord, INMATES. Adams, Solomon Arnst, Adam Croyle, Thomas Croyle, George Dixon, Andrew Egea, Frederick Wilhelm, Jacob Long, Christian Mauk, Jacob McClellan, John, McLellan, Hugh, Uncultivated land tax. Provincial ta.\. 4 .51/2 6.10 14 .01/4 7 .5 6 .0 8.10 13 .81/2 4.10 13 .91/^ 11 1.14 .6 6 .3 7 .2y4 3 .5 1 .6 18 .4 9 .iy2 6 .9 13 .0% 8 .3 3 .0 4 .8 1 .2.11 1 .5 8 .3 14 .0% 2 .0 3 .8 6.101/2 » .8 1.10 2 .3 1 .6 .8 2 .9 1 .6 6 1.10 1.10 e 1.10 2 .0 2 .0 2 .6 1 .6 1 .6 2 .0 1 .6 1 .6 3 .0 2 .6 3 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 177(i. 127 McKinsey, Daniel, McGrigor, Alexander Swagart, John, Smith, Daniel Dalton, James UNCULTIVATKl) LAND Cox, William, 300 a's Levi Andrew Licvi, 1,000 a's Burd, John, 400 a's Hoops, Adam, 300 a's Pollock, John, 300 a's Ward, Edward, 250 a's, Clark, Daniel, 250 a's r . . Trent & Cox, 700 a's, Henry, William, 300 a's Henry, William, 300 a's Plunket, Doctor William, 300 a's, Plunket, Doctor William, 300 a's Henry, William, 300 a's, Milne, Edmond, 300 a's Milne, Edmond, 300 a's, Trent, William, 300 a's Lyon, William, Esq'r, GOO a's Lyon, Wm., Esq'r, 200 a's Peters, Clark & Co., 400 a's Henry, William, 300 a's Baynton, Warton & Morgan, 2,000 a's,. Bayuton, Warton & Morgan, 1.000 a's,. UncultivateU land tax. I'rovinci; tax. 1 1 .0 3 .0 1 .G 1 .0 2 .6 1 .2 .G 3.15 .0 1.10 .0 1 .2 .C 1 .2 .6 IS .9 18 .9 2.12 .6 1 .2 .G 1 .2 .G 1 .2 .G ] .2 .G 1 .2 .6 1 .2 .G 1 .2 .G 1 .2 .G 2 .5 .0 15 .8 1.10 .0 1 .2 .G 7.10 .0 3.15 .0 FREEMEN. Adam Grouse, Joshua Jones Adam Croyl, Jacob Feather John Colvin William Elliot, George Coffman Joseph Cochran Joseph Verdrice, 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 J2S - TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, QUEMAHONING TOWNSHIP. . Uncultivated Provincial land tax. tax. Adams, Samuel 18 .0 5 .4 Edward Vendle 1 .2 .li/4 2 .5 Brown, Richard 1 .2 .3% 18 .2 Barnard, Jacob 1 .2 .I14 3.11 Barnard, Peter, 3 .9 6 Burkit, Israel 15 .0 2 .0 Bridges, John 5.11 6 .8 Cheny, Thomas 4 .0^4 2 .5 Grabil, John 3 .9 2 .6 Hoffman, Jacob, 6.10% 2.10 Holvendle, 7 .6 1 .6 Higgans, Edward 10 .314 3 .9 Husbands, Herman 10.6 1.4 Jolly, Benjamin, 2 .3 .4 7 .9 Hemmel, Philip 2 .2 .0 12 .4 Hemmel, George, 1 .1 .6l^ 6 .3 Lower, George, 7 .6 Miller, John, 1 .0 .3 6 .7 . McMullen, James 1 .1 .e^/i 5 .3 McClay, William 10.10^4 -McMullen, Tho's, 1 .1 .914 2 .5 Miller, Christian 7 .6 Marsteller, Fred'k, 1.2 .0% 4 .5 Osburn, William 3 .9 2 .6 Penrod, John 1.16 .1'^ 8 .8 Peters, John 1 .1 .3% 8 .8 Rhodes, Jacob 1.1.10^^ 7.10 Reed, John, 1 .2 ,0% 2 .5 Rhoads, John 1 .l.lOi^ 4.4 Robison, David 11 .0% 1 .5 Sutor, Martin 14.3% 1.10 Springer, Philip 7 .6 Shaver, John 3 .9 Shaver, George, 15 .0 3 .0 Shaver, George 7 .114 Shaver. Simeon, 1 .2 .0% 3 .5 Smiley, Robert, 3 .9% 3.10 Swagart, Henry, 3 .9 COUNTY OF BEUFORD— 1776. 129 UncultlvalcU land tax. Smooker, Jacob 1^-1 -6^/4 Statler, Casper, 1 .2 .6 Wensel, John 11 .3 Washenbaugh, Henry, 1-6 -9% Youter, Christian, 2 .4 .3% INMATES. Cooper, Jacob, Boyd, James, Higans, Richard, FREEMEN. James Black 1 .1 .6i/4 Samuel Wright, "10 .6% Joseph Cables 15 .0 Isaac Newswanger Joseph Rhoads I.IO.IOI/2 UNCULTIVATED LAND. Michael Sells, 200 a"s, 15 .0 Peter Riler, 300 a's, 1 .2 .6 John Smith, 200 a's 15 .0 John Youder, 200 a's, 15-0 Christian Winger, 200 a's 15-0 Jacob Hare, 100 a's "^ -6 John Stump, 600 a's 2 .5 .0 Michael Sells & John Rhoads, 250 a's,. 18 .9 Musser & Hooper, 900 a's 3 .7 .6 Musser & Hooper, 600 a's, 2 .5 .0 Henry Holinsworth, 150 a's 11-3 Samuel Wallace, 600 a's 2 .5 .0 Musser, Fisher, Stephen, Cannack & D. Smith, 1,900 a's 7 .2 .6 Robert Lettes Hooper & Co., 7,000 a's,. 26 .5 .0 Samuel Wallace, 2.12 .6 Joseph Husbands 2.5.0 William Coyle 1 .2 .6 John Musser, 1.1.0 Charles Campbell 1 .2 .0 James Wilson, 1.2.6 Litte Wilsons, 1 .2 .6 Rudolph Gilmore 1^ -^ John Stillwagons 1.2.6 9_V0L. XXH— 3rd Ser. l^rovincii tax. 1 3 .0 8 .4 5 .4 1 .0 1 .0 1 .6 1 .5 .9 19 .4 15 .0 15 .0 1 .1 .8 130 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Uncultivated land tax. Pence Laymans, 1 .2 .6 James Myers, 1 .2 .6 Henry Rhoads & Co., 15 .0 The sam€ 1 .2 .6 The same 15 .0 The same, 15.0 Jn'o Rhoads and George Funk 1 .2 .6 Valentine Delabough 1 .2 .6 Musser and Co., 2 .5 .0 Musser & Co., 900 a's, 3 .7 .6 Doctor Smith & Co., 100 a's, 7 .6 The same, 300 a's, 1 .2 .6 James Smith, 15 .0 John Peters, 50 a's 3 .9 Provini tax BROTHERS VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Ambrosia, Frederick, Aldfathers, Frederick, Bough, Christian, Boyers, Philip, Bowman. Stophel, Baker, Philip, Bagly, Michael Bougher, Peter, Berkly, Jacob Berkley, Ludwick, . . . Cable, Abraham, Cable. Jacob Cafer, Jacob Countryman, Geo Ciblee, Jacob Cook. Adam Cooper. Michael, Dites, Michael Delabaugh, Valentine, Dust, Casper noultlvated land tax. 6 .6y4 rrovinel;xl tax. 4 .5 3 .3y2 2 .5 7 .2y4 2.11 3 .8 3 .0 6 3 .0% 1.11 14 .4% 3.11 6 .6y4 3.11 6 .6% 3.11 7 .3y4 2.11 16 .9^ 5.10 6.11% 3 .2y2 3 .0 3 .3 6.10% 3 .4y4 4.11 3 .5 3.ioy2 6 .5y4 11 11 e.iiy* 1.11 1 .6 2 .0 3 .8% 1.11 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1776. 131 Uncultivated land tax. Divies, William 7 .2Vi Dites, Yost 3 .9 Divies, Henry, 3 .dM Ednies. John 6.10y2 Estop, Robert 3 .614 Easter, Anthony 3.6Vi Fisher, Jacob T.Oy^ Frig, John 6 .9 Fancy, Joseph 7 .2Vi P>ig, John 10.101^ Furrow, Christian G.IQV2 Flick, Adam 2 .3 Greenwalt, Joseph 14 .5V^ Glasnor, Henry, 3 .31/2 Glasnor, Jacob 3 .31^ Gilliage. John 3 .9 Gimor, John 7 .OV2 Grove, Peter, 3 .514 Hoover, George 3 .2V^ Hover, Casper 3 .GVi Hinebaugh. John 3 .6% Huber. John 3 .9 Hendricks, Andrew 7 .OV^ Hendricks, John 14 .&V2 Hindbaugh, George, 7 .0^/^ Hershberger. John, G .3^ Hair, Christain 7 .2Vi Hail, Walter, 7 .21,4 Koleman, Nicholas 3 .414 Koleman, George, 3 .414 King, Christian 1 .6 Kook, George 7 .2'i4 Knagy, Christian, 7 .214 Leaman, Pence ' 10 .9V^ Leavely, Peter, 3 .1% Levergood, Peter 7 .2% Laiit, Valentine, 3 .oM Markley, John 17 .3 1-3 Miller, Nicholas, 3 .31/2 Misheber, Joseph 7 .li/^ Mathews. Philips, 7 .21/2 Miller, John 3 .9 Miller. Michael, 7 .214 3 .5 •rovinci; tax. 2 .5 1 .0 1.11 3 .5 1.11 1.11 3.11 3 .5 1.11 5 .0 3 .5 3.11 3.11 2.11 3 .5 1 .6 2 .5 2 .5 4 .5 1 11 1.11 1 .6 5. 11 2.11 3 .5 1 .4 3.11 5. 10 1.11 2 .5 2 .0 5 3 .5 3 .5 3 .5 3 .5 3 .5 7 .4 3 .5 3 .5 2 .5 132 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, u Parker, James, Palone, Adam, Pitigar, Henry, Philips, Francis, Rhoads, Henry Robinson, Hugli Rusk, James, Ringar, John Siler, John Stum, Adam, Sape, Frederick Stump, John, Smith, Henry Shidler, Henry, Sheats, Dillman, Smith, Philip Spiker, Christian Sinkler, John, Shelous, Bostian Shaver, George Sryhack, Casper Swisser, John Tice, William, Tryar, Michael Winger, Peter Walter, John, Walker, Jacob, Weagaly, Philip, Wymor, Frederick, Winger, Jacob Vartick, Fred Zuck, Christian, Zuck, Yost UNCULTIVATED LAND. Henry Rhoads The same, The same, Benjamin Chew, Esq'r The same The same The same, The same, ncultlvatid Provincl*! land tax. tax. 3 .9 1 .0 3 .3% 2 .5 3 .6l^ 1.11 6 .9% 3.11 13 .6% 6.10 6 .0% 4 .4 6 .9 11 3 .9 6 6.10% 3 .5 6.10% 3.11 7 .31/4 2.11 1 .2 .9% 11 6 .61^ 3.11 1 .1 .0% 1 .4 3 .41/4 3 .5 3 .5V4 1.11 6 .9% 4 .5 15 .0 1.10 6.10% 2.11 1 .1 .9 11 7 .0% 11 3 .1% 3 .5 1 .5 .314 S .4 7 .0% 3.11 6.10% 4.11 3 .614 2 .11 7 .214 2.11 9 .9% 4.10 6 .0% 4 .0 1 .1.10% J .5 3 .51/4 1.11 10 .6 11 6 .9 2.11 15 .0 11 .3 2.12 .6 15 .0 1 .2 .6 12 .9 1 .0 .3 18 .9 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1776. 133 The same, The same, The sa.me, John Sinkler Jacob Scryhock, .... John Hat John Youst William Cocks Anthony Long, Christian Hosteldler, Unoultivatod land ta.\. 15 .0 Provln tax 18 .9 11 .3 1 .2 .6 11 .3 1 .2 .G 18 .9 15 .0 3 .9 7 .6 FREEMEN. Matthias Ranger, . John Peter Nicholas Foust, . Jacop Good Joseph Johns, . . . Jacob Snyder, . . . . Christian Winger, Philip Mason, . . . . Elias Devier Hugh Robinson, . John Trj'ar, Clements Angle, . . 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 BARREE TOWNSHIP. Anderson, Daniel, , Anderson, Samuel, , Buch, Waldern Caldwell. Robert, . , Chaldwell, Charles, Crafts, Nicholas, . . , Craffs, Peter Carswell. James, . . . Donaldson. Moses, . Dewitt, Barnard, . . icultlvatpd land tax. Provincial tax. 14 .ly* 1 .5 17 .71/4 9 .9 3 .0% 2 .5 9 .3% 3.11 13 .0% 4.10 3 .9 3 .5 3 .9 3 .5 6 .9 2 .5 13 .31/4 3 .5 2 .9y4 4 .5 134 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Dewitt, Peter, Evans, Thomas, Ferguson, Henry Ferguson, Tho's, Gray, George, Hayne. Thomas Hutchinson, Geo., Johnston, Tho's Johnston, Hugh, Johnston, William, Loyd, Henry, Esq'r, Long, William, Mitchell, John, McGuire, Barkley McGinnis, James McAlevey, William, Miner, Jacob McCormick, Alexander Nelson, William Porter, William, Ralston, David Rannels, George Thompson, James Wilson, James Williams, James Michael Cryder, Jacob Hall John Ashbaugh Jacob Carpenter, Frederick Ashbaugh Anthony Sell Ludwick Sell Samuel Gillespy Adam Potmisser Nathaniel Garrit, George Reeker John Morton Isaac Wan'a Jacob Miller Richard Shorts INMATES John Crum, 2 horses & 2 cows William Watson, ncultivated Provinciil l>iid tax. tax. 15 AV2 2 .5 13 .6 3 .5 5 .61/2 4 .5 5 .61/2 3.11 9 .21/2 3 .1 6 .9 1.11 7 .6 3 .6 1 .1 2.11 3 .7 2.11 1 .2 .IV4 5 1.16 .0 19.11 3 .31/2 1.11 2 .01/4 3 .5 5 .01/4 2 .5 2 .91/4 2.11 1.16 5 .1 5 .1 6 .31/2 7 .11/4 2.11 10 .31/4 3 .5 10.101/4 1.11 13 .01/2 4 .G 3 .31/2 11 5 .61/2 2 .fi 6 .01/2 2 .5 3 .9 10.11 3 .9 2.11 5.11 2 .8 4 .3 10 3 .41/4 5 .4 2 .2 4 .9 3 .6 10 2 .0 2 .5 3 .1 2 .5 .11/2 3 .0 1 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1776. 135 Uncultivated land tax. John Thornton, James Williams, Samuel Davej- James Gibson, Joseph Brinkley Abraham Overholt Tho's Armstrong Thomas Montgomery, Anthony White James Heany John Mcllheany Conrad Biirabaugh John Sell Abraham Sell, Daviil Lewis, Joshua Lewis Cornelius Cross James Little John Bowers, Samuel Isop, John Monholland William Montgomery Thomas McGahgan, Edw. Rickets, John Bell William Travis James Dean John Kenedy, Benjamin McGuffock, George Green Chain Rickets, John Cotton, Jeremiah Rickets, Gilbert Chainy Peter Shaver UNCULTIVATKD LAND. The Proprietaries, 5,336 a's William Patterson Rubin Hains, Same John Bushee Samuel Miflin I'rovlnoial tax. 2 .0 2 .6 5 .0 2 .6 1 .6 2 .0 2 .0 20 .0 .21/4 3 .3 .9 1 .2 .6 1 .2 .(■> 2 .6 .C 3.15 .0 2 .6 1 .6 3 .0 3 .0 4 .6 4 .6 3 .0 2 .0 1 .6 2 .6 136 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Uncultivated Provincial land tax. tax. John Cox, 5 .5 .0 Rachel Cox, 1 .2 .6 George Frye 1 .2 .6 Richard Morrow 15 .0 1 nomas Edwards, 1.17 .6 David Kenedy 1.10 .0 Samuel McLay, 1.17 .6 Alexander Roddy, 1 .2 .6 John Shea, 8 .5 .0 John Agnew, 1.17 .6 David Givins, 15 .0 Samuel Wallace 1.17 .6 The same 1.17 .6 Thomas Wilson, 18 .9 James Armstrong, 15 .0 Naves, Morgan & Co., 15 .0 .0 Joseph Shippen 2 .5 .0 David McMutry 1 .2 .C Benister, Giles, 2 .5 .0 James Elliot 11 .3 Joseph Potter 1 .2 .6 John Dickey, 15 .0 Robert McNight, 9 .0% Robert Carswell, 12 .9 James Dickey 7 .6 Andrew Boggs 1 .2 .6 John Truman, 11 .3 Robert Law 15 .0 Joshua Elder, 7 .6 Alex'r Eatman, 15 .0 Hugh Means, 11 .3 John Agnew 1 .6 .3 John Armstrong 1.17 .6 John Lukens, 2.16 .9 Thos. Armstrong 15.0 David Magaw 15 .0 The same, 15 .0 The same, 15 .0 Benjamin Chew, 2 .5 .0 James Dunlop 1.10 .0 Benjamin Blythe, 11 .3 James Ewing 12 .6 Doctor Smith, 6 .0 .0 COUNTY OF BEDKOKD— 177G. 137 UiicultivaUJ land lax. Ezekiel Smith's heirs lo -0 William Aikeus 11-3 Colonel Boquel 11^ ■*' Daniel Clark 1 .2 .C John Read IS .9 FKEEMEN. Daniel Carpenter, Benjamin Elliot William Carpenter George Weaton, Robert Kirkpatrick, Daniel Davies, Samuel Murphey James Nerman, Peter Vandevt^nder Samuel Mongomery, Patrick McCelery Israel Cobbert Jacob Collins, Henry Cannon, Andrew Donaldson John Galbreath, David Givens William Law, ; I'rovin ;ial tax. 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 COLERAIN TOWNSHIP. Uncultivated land tax. Bradshaw, Rob't 10-6 Baker, Arnest 12 .0% Beeman. John, Bosley. John, 1-4 Buck. Thomas 2 .3 Buck. Jonathan 2.11U Blew. John 3 .0% Brown. Henry 3 .0 Bennet, Joseph, o -^^2 Provincial tax. 4.11 5.11 2 .6 1.11 3.11 1.11 2.11 5 2 .0 138 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Culbertson, Robert, . . Chick, John, Cessna, John, Creverston, Nicholas, Collins, Daniel, Chapman, Jo's Covatt, Bethuel, Conner, James, Covatt, Abraham, ... Catchham, Jacob, ... Covat, Chiniah, Dougherty, Bernard, Davebaugh, Casper, . Danald, Edward, . . . Dougherty, Bernard, Denmor, Isaac, Elliot, Robert, England, John Friend, John, Jun'r, . F'riend, Joseph Ferguson, Hugh, . . . Fleharty, John Tredergill, Wm Tait, Martin Graham, James, Hynish, Henry Hall, Thomas, Thomas, Johnston, John Johnston, Thomas, . . Levinston, John Logston, Elisha, . . . . Menzies, Tho's, Miley, Abraham, . . . . Miller, Christian, . . . McCombs, Wm McDonnald, Wm Morrison, Jo's McRony. David Miller. Adam, Martin, James McKenny, Rob't McFerron, Rob't. . . . Uncultivateil 1 land tax. 7 .4 t'rovinc;.il tax. 5.10 4 .8% 5 .3 2 .'0 12 .1 12 .51/4 11 5 .6y2 1 .91/2 3 .5 1.11 6 .8 5 3 .0 3.11 2 .7y4 2 .6% 5 .9 5.11 3 .3y2 2 .7y4 3 .5 13 .2 11 .3 7 .9 1 .5 1 .5 12 .oy4 1.6 2 .9 2.11 11 :3 7 .1 6 .0 3.11 7 .2y4 9 .8 7 .4 6 .8 2 .6y2 2 .3 5.11 3.11 5 .9y4 1.11 3 .9 1 .6 3 .3y2 1 .9y2 2 .9y4 5 4 .3 2.11 3 .9 1 .6 4.10 1 .9% 3 .2V^ 5 .4 3.11 7 .6 3 .0 1 .1 .0 1.10 9 .3 14 .7 10 .iy4 6 .3 13 .oyz 3 .0 9 .3 2 .5 3 .7 9 .5 3 .7y4 7.11 5 .6y2 4.10 7 .5 10 .4 11 .3 1 .6 11 .3 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 177G. 139 Moore, John Markel, Peter, . . . .^ Moore, Rob't, Same, Same, Same, Murphey, Henderson Meek, Jacob Moore, Sam'l, PateroOn, James Parker, Wm Piper, John Piper, James, Paxton, Sam'l, Paxlon, John llitchey, Gideon Rose, Edw Ritchey, John, Shaver, John Sparkle, Joseph, Story, Tho's Spiirgeon, John, Spurpeon, Samuel Spurgeon, Ezekiel, Spurgeon. Wm., Urey, Thomas Watson, Moses Ulitz, John Woods, Tho's, Worley, Achor, Young, Adam, INMATES. Bell, David, Beeman. William County. Lawrence Elder, John Lever, William, Johnston. Joseph McFerran. Jo's McKenzey. Bennet Smith. George Wymor, Adam UNCULTIVATED LAND. John Allison, 2 .7U 8 .2 3.111/0 8 .3 1 .0 .3 10.11 1 .8 .6 11 IS .9 IS .9 6 .6V4 3.11 2 .91/4 11 T .4 S .2 G .3% 8 .2 3 .7 10 .8 3 .GVa 6 .9 2 .3 4 .5 7 .6 4 .6% 8 .3 13 .114 8 .2 5 .1 10 .2 19 .6% 6 .3 10 .6% 1.11 6 .6. 1/4 3 .5 2 .5% 4 .5 9 .3% 3 .5 2 .1 5 .9 1.11 1 .91/2 1 .5 S .1 10 .2 2 ,91/4 4.11 3 .0 4 .5 12 .IVa 9 .8 15 .9% 9 .2 7.iiy4 5 .2 1 .6 2 .6 2 .0 1 .0 1 .6 2 .0 2 .0 2 .0 1 .6 1 .6 .3 140 TRANSCRIPI' OF TAXABLES, Uncultivated land tax. Little, Johnston & Co 2 .5 .0 Robert Sample, 18 .9 Wm. Buchanon, 1 .2 .6 William Henry, 1 .2 .6 The same 1.13 .3^ Robert Callender 1 .2 .6 Benjamin Davis 4.17 .6 Samuel- Findlay, 2 .5 .0 The same, 1 .2 .6 James Hunter, 1 .2 .6 Baynton, Warton & Co., 6.15 .0 Peter Smith, ." 3 .9 Samuel Perrey I.I7 .6 Ruben Hayns, ^ 1.10 .0 William Smith 1 .2 .6 Stewart and Guthery 15 .0 William Trent 1 .2 .6 Hugh Means, 1.10 .0 Abraham Mitchel 7 .6 Benjamin Jacobs 15 .0 Kenedy Saltus 1 .2 .6 John Shea 15 .0 John Gallagher 1 .2 .6 Thomas Barton 1 .2 .6 John Frazer 1 .2 .6 Sam'l Wallace, 1 .2 .6 Charles Stewart 15 .0 Mcllwain 1 .2 .6 Samuel Perry, 10 .114 George Woods 11 .3 Obediah Stilwell 3 .9 John Ormsby 15 .0 Samuel Sampson, 7 .6 Samuel Purviance, 11 .3 Samuel Sampson 11 .3 William Cummings, 7.6 Rob't McKenzey 4. 10 .0 John Tray, 7 .6 John Brathead, 1 .2 .6 The same, 1 .2 .6 The same 1 .2 .6 Samuel Wallace Pr'tvinciai tax. COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 177C. 141 FREEMEN. John Unkles John Reurs, John Wright, John Urey Wm. Martin Hugh Means James Spurgeon Henry Armstrong Jeremiah Dawson, David Bent John Spurgeon Uncultivated lund tax. I'rovlncial tax. 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 DUBLIN TOWNSHIP. TTncultlvatPtl Provincinl land tax. tax. Armstrong. John 1 .0 .9V.i 1.10 Boil, Charles, 5 .Z^ 5 .4 Barnard, Moses 3 .21/^ 1.11 Burd, John, 13.0% 10.5 Bell, John 6 .6V4 2 .5 Barnet, James 3.3% 6.10 Barnet, Robert 1.6% 1.11 Coil, James, 10.9% 3.10 Charleton, Sam'l, 10% 1.11 Clugage, Gavin 13 .0% 5 .9 Clugage, James, 3.0% 2.11 Glugage, George 3.0% 2.11 Daniel, Samuel 5 .6% 6 .3 Davies, Bertholomew, 7.2^/4 2.11 Elliot, Benjamin 6.6^4 4.10 Foley, Joley, 13 .0% 6 .3 1- leming, James 2 .9^4 1 -5 Galaher, John, 3 .5^4 1.11 Galbreath. James 11.1 6.9 Henry Holt 3 .1% 1.11 Hammond. And'w 3 .21/2 l.H Lain. Samuel 6.11% 3.11 142 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Uncultivated land tax. ^ Morrison, Wm., 14 .S^^ Mitchel. And'w, 3 .21/2 Magill, Charles, 3 .GV^ Morton, James, 3 .614 Noble, Johnston, Ramsey, Wm., 10^/^ Ramsej', John, 5 .^Vz Ramsey, Rob't, 4 .6% Swope, Lawrence 1 .91^ Swain, Tho's, 13 .OVz Thompson, Sam'l, 1 .91^ Warton, James, 3 .0^/4 INMATES. Appleberry, John, Anderson, Alex'r, Anderson, Tho's, Burge, Henry Carr, Aquilla, Brown, Benj'a, Brown, Wm Bryan, William, Bryan, Wm., Jun Croom, Nicholas Cole, William, Cole, William Reyley, Tho's C^hillicat, John Cannon, James, Cole, Broad Chillicoat. Jo's Chillicoat, Robertson, Chillicoat. Rich'd, Dice, John, Dean, Jacob Goodwin, Henry, Gaugherty, Pat Hart, John Jones. Benj'n, Kelly, James Kelly. Wm Latta, John Lean. Corbin vincial ta.\. 3 .5 1.11 3 .4 1.11 1 .7 2 .5 5 .9 5 .9 3.11 7 ,9 3 .5 1.11 1 .« 2 .0 .6 .6 .6 .0 .6 .G .G .6 .6 .G .6 .G .G .6 .6 .6 .6 .C .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .G .6 .G 2 .0 COUNT\ OF BEDFORD— 1776. 143 Uncultivateil land tax. Lean, Dutton Lean, Wilkinson Lean, Samuel, Lean, John Long, John Loveall, Jonathan Long, Benj'n, Loveall, \Vm., Linn, James More, John Morgan, John Morrison, John, O'Donuelly, Pat Ornton, Hugh Price, John, Price, John, Jun'r Patton, Mat Picket, Hethcat Davees. Hezekiah Jiistes, William George Sumniewell Walker. John, 2 .9^^ Walker, David 2 .3 Blair, Tho's, 2 .9V4 UXrULTIVATEI) LAND. Armstrong, Jn'o, 2 .5 .0 Buchanon, Wm 1 .2 .6 Elliot, James ' -C Elliot, John 15 .0 Findley, Sam'l, 1 .2 .G Gleim, John 1 .2 .6 Hunter. James 11 .3 Hays, George 1 .2 .6 Henry. Wm 2 .5 .0 Same 1 .2 .6 Hunter, Jas, 15 .0 Neaves Ai Co 110 .0 Same 6 .0 .0 Same 1 .2 .6 Same 1 .2 .G Same 2 .5 .0 McDowel, Jn'o 18 .9 'rovln'jial tax. 1 .0 .6 .6 .6 .6 .G .0 .G .0 .G .0 .G .G .0 .G .G .0 .6 .6 .G .6 2.U 2 .5 2 .5 144 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, McDowel, Wm., . McDowel, Nath., Moore, Sam'l, . . Smith, William, . Tea, Richard, . . . Uncultivated land tax. 7 .6 7 .6 3 .9 15 .0 17 .6 Provin tax FREEMEN. George Clugage. Gaven Clugage, . Samuel Watson, Thomas Burd, . Ezekiel Biddle, , John Pollard, . . , David McLay, . . William Ward, . Thomas Hunter, , William Weston, Robert Gardner, Hartless Camp, 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .U 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 BETHEL TOWNoHIP. Albright, George, . . . Abbet, Benjamin, . . . Ainhaint, John Bruin, Henry, Bush, Christopher, . , Brathed, John Brown. Jacob Brown, David Bend, John Bishop, George Combe. Edw Combe. Joseph, Combe. John Caine, William Clavinger, Abraham, Uncultivated land tax. 2 .9y4 Provln.'l.i: tax. 2 .5 3 .7 10 .7 3.11>^ 2 .91/4 1 .5 3.11 2 .5 9 .iy2 17 .1 2 .91/4 3 .5 9 .51/4 10 .9 2 .61/2 3 .5 6 .1V2 3 .5 3 .7 3.11 2 .01/4 3.11 2 .7% 4 .5 2 3.11 2 .6yo 2 .9 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1776. 145 Crossen, Thomas John Craymort' Covat, Bethuel Cares, Abraham Eddy, Gavin, Enslow, George Fitzpatrick, Jn'o French, James Fisher, John, Graves, Sam'l Gordon. Moses Guthery. John, Graham, James Same Gilliland, Thilip Same Haulter, And'w, Haugh, Henry, Hukson, Wm., Hoversock, Henry Hoop, George, Hill, George, Hart, William Same Horse. George Hendershit, Jacob Jenkins. Evan Kinsley, Anthony Linn, Isaac, Same Linn, Levi Linn, Addis I^ncaster, John, Longstrcath, Martin Longslreath, Bertholomew Lantz, Christopher Lee, John Lutes, Adam, Laton. Samuel Laton, Asher Laton. Obodiah Lamb, Conrad McCormiok. James 10— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. ncultiv ■at.-.l I'rovinciiil land lax. •a". 3 _" 7 .7 4 .6% 5 .9 2 .81/4 2.11 2 .9y4 3 .0 4 .6y4 4.10 9 .3% 6 .9 3 .2% ' .• 9 .9 4.10 5. 11 5 .9 9 .3y2 6 .8 .9 ¥4 11 5. 11 2.11 5 .3 13 .2 6 .6y4 11 13 .6 9 .7 13 .6 11 6.11% 5 6 .6y4 5 .9 G .3% 2.11 7 .iy4 2 .r, 3 .6y4 11 2 .sy* 4 .9 2 .8y4 G .3 2 .9y4 n 7 .7% HI .;'. 2 .9y4 3.11 5.11 3 .4 3 .6y4 1 .5 1 .0% 3 .4 2 .9y4 10 1 .7% 11 .6 1 .9% G .3 1 .3y4 1 .5 4 .0% 4 .9 3 .6y4 4 .9 o .21^ 1 .5 5 • 6% 2 .9 2 .9y4 ."i 6 .6y4 2 .4 6 .9% 1 .5 2 .9yi 1 .4 14.10 S f, 3 .8 2 .4 116 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Uncultivated Provincial land tax. lax. Mason, John, 4 .6% 4 .8 McKenney, Jn'o 12 .9 12 .6 McKain, Jacob, 7 .1% 2 .5 Mellott, John, 6.31/2 6.3 Melton, Renhard 14 .QiA 4.10 Melton, John , 12 .QV4, 4 .3 Man, Andrew 8 .9% 7 .3 Miller, George 5 .61/2 3 .4 Mooney, Jacob, 5 .61/2 6 .3 Mooney, Barnet, 5 .6y2 4 .9 Malott, Theodorus, 5 .61/2 3 .4 Mower, George ' 3 .0 2.11 Mower, John, 6.10^^ 2 .5 Matton, William 14.0% 2.11 Matton. Edw., 4.1% 5.9 Newberry, Tho's 3 .2y2 3 .5 Nowels, Isiah, 3.6% 11 Oquilian, Dan'l, 3 .1% 1.11 Powel, John 10% 2.5 Powel, Joseph, 2 .9% 6 .9 Pittman, Rich'd 3 .8 5 .9 Peek, George 8.3% 8.3 Pillman, Rich'd, 3.21/2 5 Rush, Peter 4 .6% 4 .3 Rush, Henry 4 .6% 5 .9 Reddick, John, 3.8 11 Rush, Jacob, J'r, 3.12 1 .5 Rannels, John 5 .6% 5 .9 Rush, John 7 .7i/^ 12 .6 Reed, Moses . . 9 .6 Rush, Henry, J'r 7 .0% 3 .1 Rannels, Francis 9% 8 .2 Sittwell, Elias. Esq'r 16.6 1.2.2 Sittwell, Obediah 3.10% 7 .7 Smith, Peter 8 .3 8 .9 Same, 14 .0% 5 Simmerman, Jn'o, 2 .3 4 .3 Stevens, Benjamin 14 .0% 3.10 Stevens. Richard 6.II1/2 l-H Stanley, John 5 .7% 3 .9 Sousley. Michael 3.11/2 2.5 Smith. Peter 3 .9 Smith. John 6.10% 5 vlnoiiil lax. 1.11 3 .5^ 3.1(1 1.11 2 .5 5 .9 _ 1 .5 8 .1 3.10 2 11 15 .0 2 .5 2.id 8 .1 4 .9 1 .S 4 .8 2 1 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 177G. 147 Uncultivated land tax. Sipes, Henry 1 .7-/^ Shock, Jacob -^ .iy2 Shingletaker, Jacob 2 .9\i Sipes. Charles 3 .0 Shingletaker, Geo 7 .1^4 . Salts, P rederick, 6 .0% Shaver. John 3 .0% Sligar. Lawrence^ 2 .7^^ Smith, John, 6 .9 Smitn, Emanuel G.llV^ Smith, Adam 2 .714 Stafford, Tho's 3 .3V^ Trudx, Jacob 6 .614 Truax, Benjamin 8 .7V2 Truax, Stilwell, 5 .3 Tedeheafer. Christopher 3 .9 Truax, Philip 1 .gv^ Truax. John 6 .9 Truax. Sam'l 2 .3 5 .9 Same 3 .9 Wippey, John 13 .OVz C .3 Wilks, Robert 3 .4% 2.11 Wilkens, William 3 .7 3 ..t Warford. Henry 3 .7 7 .2 Warford. Elizabeth I.IO14 5 .1 Williams, Thomas, 3 .6>/4 3 .4 Walls, Conrad 3 .9 1 .('> Wilkins. John, 2 .OVa, 2 .4 Walker. John, 9 .11/2 8 .1 Walkman 5 .6V4 1 .S Young, Henry, G .6^4 3.1') Yake, Henry 3 .7 4 .3 INMATES Brough. Adam . . G Campbell. Dougal . . 3 .0 Campbell. Rob't .. 6 .0 Douet. John . . f, Jolly. Nelson . . i .0 Hildebrent. Mich .. 1 .»; Laion. William . . 1 .(; McKay, James .. 6 Marshal. John . . 6 lia TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, McKenney, James, Mitchell, James, Mitchell, James Nowels, Bettie, Pain, Jonathan, Pittman, Wm., Rush, George, Steed, William Sampson, Samuel Brunghurst, James, Burney, Thomas, Gilliland, Philip, Graham, Edward, Hickson, Joseph, Hambler, Evi Hendershot, Jacob, Man, Andrew, Steed, Peter White, Hugh Yates, William, Kid, Benjamin Cummins, Robert Same Smith, Aker FREEMEN. John Stillwell, Robert Gray Jacob Rush William Saunders, James McLain Peter Swartzwelder, John Mellot, William Wilsh, Michael Shingletaker, Philip Longstreath, Peter Wilkey Nicholas Hambler Uncultivated Provincial land tax. tax. 2 .0 1 .6 1 .6 3 .0 1 .6 2 .6 3 .0 2 .0 7 .6 18 .9 . 7 .6 7 .6 7 .6 3 .9 3 .9 18 .9 15 .0 2 .3 2 .5 .0 7 .6 7 .6 7 .6 15 .0 15 .0 3 .9 15 .0 15 .0 3 .8 15 .0 15 .0 3 .9 15 .0 6 .6 1/4 15 .0 3 .11/2 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1776. 1-19 HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP. Benson Fleetwood, . Jacob Bowman, . . . . Bradley. Tho's Chall, William, Clark, Walter, Clark, Richard Clark, Charles Dean, John ^Davis, Joshua Dean, William, Elder, George Fordee, William, . . Forsha, Solomon, . . Flora, James, Guthery, Dan'l Gabril, Thomas Hanston, James, . . . Hare, Jacob Hecter, George Jackson, George, . . . Keen, Adam Kid, Benjamin Long, Richard, McGraw, Martin, . . . McCardy, James, . . . MuUin, James, .... Moore, Levi, Moore, Zebulin, Okes, John Packer, John, Stoner, Philip Shepherd, John, . . . Shaver, John, Sheets, Henry, Sherley. William, . , Smart, William, Smart, Wm., Jun'r, Shoaf, Jacob ncultivatLil land tax. 7 .oy^ 2 .9y4 I'rovlnrlal tax. 2 .0 2.11 3 7 .ey^ .6 5 6 6 .0 3.11 3 .2y2 1.11 7 .2y4 i.n 7 .6 1 :> 3.11 3 2 .9y4 2 .2 3.11 3 10% .214 11 1.11 3 .4y4 1.11 G.nvz 1 .0 .5y4 2 .5 2.11 i.iiy* 3 .7 4 .5 6 .3 5 .m 5 .6% 6.11 1^ 10 .S^ 2 .5 7 .4 1 .5 5 4 7 7 6% .iy4 .4y4 5 .9 5 1.11 3 .9 14 .0 3.11 5 .ey* 4.10 3 .9 1 .6 3 4 .2% .6 11 5 .5 1 .6 l.li 7 .2y4 1.11 7 .6 1 .0 7 .6 6 3 .0 5 3 .2M, 1.11 3 .0 2 .8 150 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Shoaf, bostian, Sotman, Jacob, : . Shook, George Sill, Solomon, Saunders, Benj'n, Shlrly, William, Sen'r Strong, Philip, Shepherd, John, J'r, 3 ,9 Thompson, Peter, 7 6 Tunis, Nehemiah, 4.10V4 Tash, Levi, 7 _g Thompson, Sam'l, 9 31^ Weston, John, 6 gi^ Watson, William, 6.10% •Wilson, Elizabeth, 5 gi^ Wilson, Thomas, 1 .414 White, Anthony 5 gi^ Richard Plummer, Solomon Sell John Kelly Benjamin Been Jacob Kelly William Anderson, Michael Whitstone, James Hardon Martin Stutler, Richard Kemper, Felix, Miller, Hugh Skelly "" Daniel Demond, John Kray Robert Whitnell Stewart Anderson, Peter Hartsock Hugh Guthery UNCULTIVATED LAND. Robert Prentice I5 John Mitchell 7 David Magaw 1] Edward Ward, 2 .5 John Little 17 George Elder 3 I5 ncultivated land tax. Provincial tax. 6 .0 4 .4 6 .31/2 4 .5 1 .9y2 2 .5 7 .11/4 5 13 .OVz 4.10 4 .6 4 .4 3 .lyo 1.11 .0 .0 .3 .0 .91/4 .0 1.11 4.10 3.11 1.11 3.10 1.11 1.10 1 .6 3 .0 1 .6 1 .0 1 .6 2 .0 2 .0 2 .0 2 .b COUNTY OF BEDFORU— 1776. 151 Robert Galbreath George Morgan, Hugh Skelly Edw. McDermed James McCardel Abraham Sell Daniel Murphey, John Eynard FREEMEN. Richard Dowling Charles Can, John Gathrill, John Mathers Lewis Cain Mora-s O'Cain,- PYancis Gathril John Eyncart Hugh McCanney Uncultlvatcii land tax. 4.10 I'rovlnciu! tax. 1 .2 .6 3 .9 2 .3 7 .6 7 .6 7 .6 15 .3 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 AYR TOWNSHIP. UncuItivatf'J land tax. Alex'r, Jacob 4 .6% Alexander, Wm 2 .9V4 Anderson, Wra 2 .914 Anderson, John 2 .9i/i Anderson, Daniel, 2 .3 Adams, Jacob 6 .9 Ambrosia, Mathias 5 .TV4, Armstrong, Tho's 5 .7^ Arthur, James, 1 .3% Balough, James, 4 .6% Beaty, William 6 .614 Bell, William 2 .914 Brown. George 13 .6% Cunningham, James 5 .6V2 jvlnci.'i! tax. 5 .4 4.11 2 ,0 3.11 2.11 2 .5 3.11 11 3.10 11 1.11 1.10 3.11 152 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES, Chapman, Henry, Coyle, Breham, Cashner, Jacob , Cunningham, Carr, Samuel, Caldwell, Mat. Davis, Lewis Davis, Henry Erwin, James, Gibson, Rob't, Gaff, William Galloway, James Graham, Edward Holtz, Jacob Hambell, Nathaniel, ead, Edward, Hammel, Robert Heard, John John, Thomas, John, Jacob, Liatta, William Lowry, Abraham, Lynn, Adam Liddel, James Leatherman, Frederick, McClelan, John Mills, Levi McConnel, Daniel, McCalm, John, McCurdy, Daniel, McFall, Melcom Martin, John McClure, John Mclmby, John Maxfield, James Nisbet, Alexander, Paxton, Joseph, Paxton, Thomas Philips, Evans, Patterson, Francis, Query, Charles Querry, Alexander, Royer, Daniel ncultivated land tax. Provincial tax. 2 .41/2 11 5 .61/2 4 .5 4 .8y2 2 .5 6 .0 3.11 6 .03/4 3.11 3 .11/2 1.11 3 .51/4 5 .4 4 .oy2 3.11 14 .0 1.10 2 .91/4 2 .5 9 .31/2 4.10 5 .61/2 5 .4 5 .GV2 2.11 6 .61^ 2.11 6 .3% 2 .5 4 -.21/4 6 .5 5 .6V2 3.11 5 .6l^ 5 .4 6 .0% 5 .4 5.10 7 .3 5 .61/2 S.IO 12 .0% 4.10 2 .01/4 1.11 10,101/4 5 .4 14 .01/4 2.11 3 .9 10 .3V4 11 18 .4y4 10 .8 10 .6% 5 .4 13 .0% 5.10 5 .6% 5.10 6 .0 3.11 3 .9Vi 3.11 2 .TV* 4.10 2 .91A 1.11 8 .2 4.10 3 .2% 2 .5 5 .91/4 8.10 4 .6% 4 .5 5 .7y4 5.11 6 .0 3 .5 6.11% 3.11 6 .6y4 8 .1 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1770. 153 Rankin, James Ramsey, James Stevens, Abednigo, . . Scott, John Shelby. Evan Smith, Mary, widow, Stevens, Thomas, . . . Scott, David Stillwel, Ellas, Surgler, Jacob Scott, William, Smith, John Sloan, William White, Andrew, Wilson. John William, Enock, Wilson, William, . . . Wilson, Nicholas, . . . Wilson. Isaac Oar, George, Opengarner, George, ncultivatcd land tax. Trovlncial tax. 3 .^Vz 5 .4 2 AVz i.n 5 .61^ 1.11 2 .91/4 11 5 .evs 4.10 3 .0 6 .6V4 3.11 11.11 4 .9 7 .11/4 3 .5 14 .0% 4 .S 7 .5 1 .5 1 .4 2 .4 6 .41/4 9 .3 5 .6% 6 .8 3 .9% 8 .3 3 .9% 8 .3 3 .61/4 2 .5 5 .6% 5.11 2 .91/4 2 .71/4 2 .5 13 .G 3 .5 Andrew Walker, . John Rutherford, Adam McConnel, , INMATES 1 .G 2 .0 2 .0 FREEMEN. Alex'r Querry, . . . Jo's Wilson, George Galloway, John Hamilton. . John Davinson, . , John Anderson. . George Wilson, . . James McAnnan, James Rankin, . . David Erwin, . . . Charles Teagard, 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .« 154 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES. CUMBERLAND VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Arnet, James, Aswalt, Jacob Biship, Jonathan Landlord, Boyd, Thomas, Buzzard, Peter, Browning, Wm., Campbell, Robert, Cessna, Charles Cook, George, Cessna, Evan Clark, Francis Compston, James, Coulter, Thomas Culbertson, James Cunningham, Johnathan, Landlord Cry, Richard, Casteel, Shederick Davies, Thomas Evans, Nathan Feries, Thomas, Farmer, John, Fox, Jacob, Gillion, William, Goodin, Aron, fiuston, Andrew Huston, Alexander, Landlord Kelly, Joseph, Kelly, Mathew, Elder, John Lightenberger, Geo Lamb, Lawrence Landlord Lightenberger. Ludwick, Lightenberger, Nicholas, , Moran, Edward ncnltivated Provincial land tax. tax. 3 .9% 6 .3 3 .61/4 5 1 .0 .6% 2 6 .5 6 .9 4.10 3 .1^ 1.11 3 .0% 11 5 .6% 5 .3 16.10% 10.10 % 3 .9 6 .0 5 .9 1 .9% 4 .9 3 .11^ 1.11 3 .7 15 .4 9 .31^ 5 .9 6 .0 1 .6 2 .3 2 .6 5 .61/2 4 .9 2 .IV2 3.10 2 .3 4 .7 13 .OVo 12 .1 3 .0% 2.11 5 .61/2 7 .5 3 .4 3 .41/4 6 .7 1 .6 12.1iy2 12 .2 3 .0 6.111/^ 15 .0 6 .0 5 .3 1 .6 4 .7 2 .6 6 .0 5 .9 3 .2% 1.11 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 177G. 15; Mitchell, Andrew Nem'incy, Jacob Thomas Pannel Paxton, Samuel Robinet Stephens, Rice, Andrew Valintine, Jacob, Scruchfield, Nathaniel, Tuckman. Christian, . , tJncultivated Provincial land tax. tax. 13 .OV^ 4 .7 9 .0 1 .2V4 2.11 5 .6% 5 .1 2 .91/4 4.1U 2 .3 5 .3 3 .9 1 .C G .7 3 .4 1 .5 .G Carr, James Cochran, James, Eastip. Shedrich, . . . Gorman, James Hardistoy, Thomas. Rice, John Tauvater. Jacob, . . . Toughman, Titer, . . \\ illiams. Jeremiah, 2 .0 1 .G 1 .6 G 3 .0 3 .0 1 .0 1 .C 1 .0 Huston. Robert, FREEMEN. 15 .0 UNCTI/nVATEn LAND. William Smith, The same Mr. Peters, Frazer, dec'd. & Cap't Findley, Baynton, Morjjan Thomas Silbers John Cessna James Ralph Adam Curry Frisly and Co., Cox & Co David Semple, Esq'r John Montgomery Peter Snider Samuel Perry John Pollick Samuel Findley William Thompson, Alexander Ross 2 .5 .0 IS .9 5.12 .G 15 .0 1 .2 .6 15 .0 11 .3 5 .0 9 .0 7 .G 5.12 .G 1.17 .6 15 .0 7 .G 6 .0 11 .3 15 .0 15 .0 1 .2 .G 1-6 TRANSCRIPT OF TAXABLES. Uncultivated Provlnol; ^ , land tax. tax. John Montgomery 1 .2 .6 William Wilson 15 Tho's ±vay, 39 Samuel Perry, 11 .3 The same, IG.loy* The same, 11 .3 Thomas Lusk 1 .2 .6 John Galaher, 7 g Joseph Morison 7 g Samuel Findley 1 .2 .6 Mr. Rots, 1 .2 .6 Wallace & Co 3 I5 q Robert Culb«rson 7 g Andrew Steel U 3 A RETURN OF PROPERTY COINTY OF BEDI ORD, FOlt THF YEAU 1779. (157) ( 158 ) BEDFORD COUNTY TRANSCRIPT- 1779. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. 1 iiomas Smith, Esq'r 1,309 1 George Woods, Esq'r, 1,355 7 19 Thomas Anderson, .. 1 1 2 John Andrew May, 2 2 Solomon Adams .. 1 3 3 James Anderson 250 4 13 4 James Anderson . . 1 1 Robert Adams, Jun'r lOO 3 3 4 Elijah Adams, 50 James Beatty .. 1 2 5 John Bonnet 400 5 15 15 William Blair 3 3 2 John Bayard 300 Thomas Blackburn 100 2 2 John Bowser, 150 3 3 George Burkett . . 1 4 Charles Brookens, 150 Cesna. Jonathan 200 Cowen, William, 50 2 3 Crisman, John, 150 Clark, William 100 3 6 Croyl. Thomas 2 3 10 Croyl, Adam 100 Delapt, Richard, . . 2 4 David, Eliezer, . . 1 Didier. Henry . . 3 2 Dunlap, James 100 Debert. John 200 3 2 3 Debert. Michael 144 2 8 3 Davison, Samuel . . 4 7 15 (159) IGO RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep Drennon, Samuel 300 2 3 4 Dalton, James, 80 3 4 3 Irwin, David, .. 2 3 2 Espy, David, Esq'r, 1 2 Eckles, William, 2 1 Earnist, Adam, 100 2 2 2 Ewalt, John, 265 2 10 1 Ellinger, John, 200 2 2 Eachart, Joseph, 3 4 Egy, Frederick, 1 2 George Funk, . . 1 e Flatcher, James, 150 3 3 Ford, John, . . 1 2 Feather, Jacob 200 2 3 Feather, George, 100 2 2 Graham, John 100 2 2 Gibson, Robert 1 2 Grigg, John 100 2 2 Gordon, James, 200 Harsh, Jacob, . . . . 1 Hemphill, Adley 460 2 3 Hartford, Patrick, . . 1 Hoy, David, 146 Henry, James 250 6 7 Ditto for Wm. Henry Hite, John . . . . 2 Hay, Tho's 200 1 2 Imler, George 50 4 7 Her, Honacle . . ] 2 Her, Jacob 100 2 6 Johnston, John ... 1 1 Kasebear, John, 300 3 3 10 Ditto Kenton, Thomas, 150 2 2 Kenton, Rachel 150 2 2 Kenton, John 150 2 1 Loan, Benjamin .. 3 2 Lafferty, John . . 9 3 Levi Andrew Levi, 600 Miller, Jacob, Millegan, George, 300 2 4 5 McCashlin, Samuel. Jr 150 3 3 5 McCall, William, 1 3 Maky, Nicholas, 1 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 161 McCashlin, Samuel, S'r, McGaughy, Arthur McMullen, James McAuley, Cornelius, . . . Montgomery, John, . . . Edman Millen, Ditto, Ditto, Millor, John Nawgle, Anthony Nixon, George, Neemire, William, Peters, John, Doctor, . . Proctor, William, Perry, Samuel Porter, John Ruby, Charles D'o by Adam Sam'l, . . Rine, Jacob, Ryen, Timothy, Reinhart, David Rhoads, Gabriel, Richard, Frederick, . . . Rose, William, Rose, Allen Romick, George, Saylor, Jacob Simpson, Luke, Skinner, Samuel, Simpson, Hue, Swigart, Lenard, Smith, Tho's, Esq'r, . .. Swagar, Henry Smith, Daniel Scovel, William Samuel, Adam, Sills, George Samuel, Conred Swopeland, Peter latorious, William. . . . •teel, Andrew 3tiffler, Peter Swagart, George Sticklet, Peter, Horscb. 4 Cattle. 5 2 300 495 300 200 300 100 150 100 344 140 140 100 50 100 290 150 50 100 150 30 100 100 Sheep. 12 2 10 11— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 162 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horst-S. Cattle. Sheep. Smith, George, 1 1 Server, Phelty, - Sills, Michael, 112 4 5 4 Smith, Peter, 2 2 3 Todd, Samuel 4 6 Todd, William, 200 4 1 Todd, William, Sen'r 2 7 11 Todd, John, 2 2 West, Henry, 5 9 9 Ditto for Nawgle's estate, 170 Wallock, Michael, 5 4 Williams, James, 200 3 1 13 Wolf, Reinhart, 200 3 5 4 Wisecarver, George, Willhelm, Jacob, 1 2 2 Walter, Henry 100 CUMBERLAND VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep Ashers, Anthony, 2 2 Aswalt, Jacob 200 5 10 14 Billieu, John 40 2 2 5 Boyd, Thomas, 100 2 G 10 Blair, Bryce 300 2 4 3 Buzzard, Peter, 150 3 3 C Bell, William, 50 3 3 10 Boreland, Andrew 250 4 5 7 Browning, William, 50 1 2 1 Burns, Patrick, 300 3 5 13 Bishop, Jonathan 100 ., 4 2 Coulter, Tho's, Esq'r 200 "9 5 17 Cesna, Charles, 29t 8 3 5 Cesna, Joseph 250 Cuningham. Jonathan 100 2 2 Cesna, Evan 200 3 5 9 Campbel. Robert 150 2 3 3 Casteel, Shadrach. . . .^ 50 3 3 7 Cesna, John, Sen'r, . .' 100 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 163 Casteel, Thomas Compton, James 50 Croy, Richard, Croy, Jacob, Devour, William lOo Dickens, Thomas 100 Donnald, Dominic 50 Dason, David, 30 Delapt, Richard, 300 Devour, Cornelius 60 Elder, Arthur, Elder, John 100 Evans, Edward lOo Evans, Nathan, Elliot, William 140 Frazer, Tho's 200 Findley, Samuel, 340 Fox, Jacob, 15(1 Farmer, John, 50 Harden, Thomas 30 Hicpeter, George, 50 Hines, Joseph, lOo Hines, John, 130 Huston, Andrew lOo Huston, Alex'r, 150 Hardisty, Richard, Kelly, Joseph, 225 Ditto, 300 Kelly, Mathew, Lamister, Richard, Lamb, L.aurince, Ditto Low, Ritchard, Laisher, John, Jun'r Laisher, John, Sen'r, Laisher, Thomas Libergar. Ludwick, Liberger, Nicoles 100 Lamb, Timothy Morrisan, Joseph 150 Moran, Edward 50 Morris, John 50 Neemyar. Isaac 50 •Vtris. Hiirses. Callle. cjlie 1 200 40' 50 20 30 50 60 50 50 o c c 10 1 3 1 1 3 o 10 4 11 10 11 3 S 14 1 4 10 164 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Plummer, Isaac, 50 2 2 Paxton, Samuel, 100 1 2 Rhoads, Daniel, 80 1 4 2 Rhoads, Jacob, 100 Rhoads, Joseph, 50 1 4 6 Roise, Frederick, 50 3 4 8 Rhea, Thomas, weaver 50 1 3 Spurgeon, John, Jun'r 1 Switzer, John, ICO 4 4 6 Screechfield, Nathaniel 100 1 2 9 Seever, Frederick 5U 2 3 Slidey, Joseph 250 5 3 5 Spurgeon, John, Jr 50 2 2 2 Stansbey, Nathan, 100 Sheets, Mathias, 25 1 1 1 Tumbleson. John, 125 1 Tumbleson, Benjamin, 100 Tuckman, Chrisman 300 3 5 3 '1 uckman, Frederick, .. 2 4 7 Valentine, Jacob, 50 2 1 Vendoms, George 180 4 3 Wagel, Philip, 50 Workman, William 150 2 2 Welker, Andrew 50 2 4 5 Wilker, Paul 50 1 2 1 Young, James 50 1 1 ^ Purdue, William, 100 4 G 18 Ditto 100 John Tumleson 300 Tho's Silverson, 200 Jonathan Cesna . . 3 2 SINGLE FREEMEN. William Young, , • • ^ • • Daniel Hanes Zadock Casteel, Samuel Boreland Frederick Fox, Edward Huston, Robert Huston, John Nemier John Tuckman, BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 165 NON-RESIDENTS' LAND. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep Robert Lusk, 300 Edward Ward 50 Samuel Findley 200 Robert Culbertson 100 Gen'l William Thompson 300 Richard Peters 1,500 Leonard Hartlen 200 Doctor Ross, 250 George Funk 100 Samuel Perry, 150 William Wilson 200 Cox and Comp'y, 700 TTRKEYFOOT TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Shtep. Abrahams. Henry 200 4 G Abraham. Gabriel, 100 Ankeny, Peter 400 3 3 Ankeny, Christopher, 400 3 3 Abraham, Thomas, .. i 2 Allen, Widow, 150 2 1 Alex'r, James . . i i George Bourke, 600 Bruner, Henry 200 Bruner, George, 300 2 1 bruner, Ulric, 300 l 3 Black, William 50 1 1 Brown, Henry 100 2 2 Boyd, James . . 2 4 Bernhart, Jacob, 300 Booher, Peter 150 2 2 Thomas Sipes 150 2 5 Crim, Christian, 1 Countryman, George 200 Cable, Abraham, 300 Donahe. Joseph 40 2 3 Drake, Jesse, . . 1 2 166 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Drake, George Drake, Oliver Dunwoody, William Everly, John Everly, John, Jun'r Eackert, Frederick Everly, Peter, Friend, Andrew Friend, Charles, Faith, Ruth, Fridhne, Ludwick Gilmore, James, Greathouse, William Green, Thomas Hamet, Edward Hiet, John Harman Husbands Hulen, Isaac Hulen, Elisabeth, Herman, Charles, Hartsel, Jacob, Jones, John Jones, David , Jones, Ezekiel, , Jones, Robert , Innings, Benjamin , Enlows, Henry Kirkpatrick, John Keffer, Adam, Kimble. Philip, Keever, Michael, Keever, Martin, Kimberlin, John, Luffborrough, Jonathan Luffborrough, John, Lout, Jacob Lout, Daniel Leinhart, George, Leinhart, Enoch Meris. Matthias, 2,000 Mitchel. James, McNight, Patrick Mitchel. John Daniel McEntire, 100 2 4 300 3 2 1 2 200 4 6 200 100 2 3 50 1 1 100 2 4 1 1 150 3 2 150 2 200 3 4 100 3 6 50 1 2 2 900 3 9 400 2 2 Ibo 1 1 2 1 60 1 1 100 2 2 100 2 2 100 3 3 150 300 4 11 300 5 5 180 200 1 3 150 50 2 3 50 3 2 300 50 1 50 2 1 200 3 5 2 3 400 50 000 50 4 3 70 1 2 50 2 3 50 1 1 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 167 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep McAnary, Susanna ^ Miller, Jacob ^ ^ Morningstar, Daniel !=>•' Morningstar, Jacob 30(i Morgan, Phelix, 100 2 2 Moore, Frances James, 1^" - ^ Mountain, Joseph 200 1 o Noble. Henry, 1 ^ Nicholson. William I'"*" - ^ Nicholson, Hugh, ^^ \ 1 Pursel, Benjamin 500 (> ^ Parone. Nicholas 200 2 Putten, Charles 150 2 1 Pursel, James, Pile. Casper, . 50 2 100 1 I'^lihu Parr, 1 1 J'ursel, John 50 2 4 Plunket. Robert, 50 . .^ G Penrod, John, 250 3 4 Pridel)aker, Abraham, 100 1 1 Wright. Samuel 1 '^ Read. John 150 3 5 Rush, William 15" " ^' Rhoads, John 300 Royce. George, 300 2 2 Royce, Elisabeth 300 1 1 Rose, Lewis 2 4 Ripple. Jacob 200 3 3 Wright. Henry 50 3 2 Roberts, William 3 Royce, John 600 Rose, Cutliph 3 3 Rhoads, Henry 3,250 Royce, Aaron 150 Strahon, Tho's, 100 2 3 ~ Storm. Daniel, 100 3 4 Shaver. George 300 2 1 Shope. John 200 3 3 Spencer, James, 150 4 7 Shaver. Jacob 150 2 Skinner. Nathaniel 200 2 4 -Skinner. Reuben 150 3 4 Skinner. Samuel ^ Unsel. Frederick 2 2 Vanderin, John 1.150 168 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses Cattle. Sheep. Unsel, Abraham, .. 1 Wilson, James, 400 Wymer, Frederick, 150 3 5 Walter, Michael 100 2 2 Whitlock, Thomas 1 1 Young, Ludwick 300 2 1 White, Richard 50 Walker, James, . . . . 2 White, John 3 3 Weymer, John 200 2 3 BROTHERS VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle Sheep. Augustin, Peter 50 Ambrosia, Frederick 200 Allfater, Frederick 200 Adam, Peter, 80 Brights, George 100 Beeghley, Michael 600 Barkley, Ludwick 70 Booger, Peter 50 Booger, John, 300 Bridenburgh, Abraham 50 Barker, James 150 Barkey, Christian, 100 Bowman, Stophel 100 Benford, John Bowman, Jacob 50 Baker, Philip, 200 Berkey, Jacob 200 Berkey, John, Blowith, White 150 Bedinger, Henry 100 Bair, Michael, 100 Borndrager, John 100 Bedinger, Philip Cox, William; 200 Cabel, Abram, 400 2 2 2 4 1 5 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 169 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Christner, John, 100 1 2 Cabel, Philip, 2 1 Cabel, Jacob, 100 2 4 .. Coleman, John 2 Coleman, George 200 2 2 Cooper, Christopher 2 2 Coleman, Nicholas, 100 2 2 Countryman's wife 600 3 5 County, Joseph, 100 Davis, Henry 100 2 2 Durst, Casper 200 . . 2 Dove, William 100 Diver, William 600 2 6 Drupe. Paul, 200 Drussel, George 2 Dralbaugh, Valentine 50 2 3 Deets, Yost, 50 2 3 Engle, Clements 150 2 1 Etnier, John 250 3 3 .. Elberger, Jacob 200 Fike, John 300 4 2 Foust, Nicholas 150 2 2 Foust, Adam, 300 Fisher. Jacob 200 3 5 Flake, Henry 100 2 2 .. ^UTTSi, John 200 2 2 Furney, Joseph — 200 1 3 Furney, Peter 50 1 2 Gabler, Jacob, 100 2 5 Gittick, John 200 1 3 Gladfield. Solomon 50 2 2 .. Glasner, Jacob 300 4 5 Groner, John 100 1 2 Glasner, Henry 150 2 4 Grisslng, Arnd 80 1 3 Graff, Peter 80 2 2 Good, Jacob 200 Ditto 150 2 2 Gamor, Witho, 250 1 3 Harshberger, John 100 Hyder, John 50 1 1 1 Hambough, George 50 2 3 Hofstotler, Christian 150 2 2 Hystotler. John 100 1 1 170 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep Hoover, Adam 30 i i Hoystotler, Jacob 50 i i Hoover, Caspar, 250 2 3 Hay, Simon, 300 2 2 Hover, John, 50 2 2 Hendricks, John, 300 2 4 Harr, Christian, lOO 2 3 Hoot, John 400 Hay, Valentine, 2 2 Hoyl, Walter 300 3 3 Jones, Joseph 200 2 2 Jouler, Jacob, 1 50 2 2 Knegey, Christian, 300 3 3 Knipper, Godfrey, lOO i 2 Koock, Adam, 200 Klink, John, 50 1 2 Keffer, Jacob, 150 3 3 Keffer, Michael 100 2 2 Keever, Peter, 20O 2 4 King, Christian, 66 2 3 Lout, Valentine, 100 2 3 Leep, Peter lOo 2 3 L.eamen, Benedick, 200 2 3 Livingood, Peter, 100 4 4 Matthias, George, 280 3 4 Mustier, Joseph lOO 2 3 Mote, Jacob lOO 2 2 Matthias, Philip 150 2 2 Miller, John lOo 2 3 Miller, Michael lOO 3 2 Miller, Nicholas, 130 2 3 Mosstaller, Frederick 30 3 3 Miller, Nicholas, 400 Marker, George 50 Marker, Henry lOo 2 2 Millhouse, Jacob, 50 1 1 Markley. John 400 5 7 .. Miller, Christian, 2 2 Mason, Philip lOO 1 1 Nawgle, Barnard, 1 1 Nawgle, Frederick, 50 Noble, David, 2 2 Ollinger, John (concealed) 2 2 Palm, Adam 150 2 3 .. xiobison, Hugh, Jun'r, 150 2 2 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 171 Acrts. Horses. Cattle Sheep Robison, Hugh, Sen'r, Slam, John, Saver, Frederick, . . . Stump, John, Saylor, John Sheets, Delman, Spigar, Christian, . . . Spiker, Samuel Shrack, Casper Stoner, Christopher 100 Switzer, John 80 Switzer, Jacob 80 Shaver, George 200 Shrock, Jacob 100 Shenifelt, John, . . Shenifelt, George, Shallus, Conrad, 20U a - 100 •) ~ 100 3 2 400 200 2 1 100 3 3 300 3 4 2 100 50 300 50 Shallus. Boston, 100 50 50 50 100 Tryer, Michael Tryer, Michael, Jun'r, . iTissue, William. Esq'r, Smith, Philip Snider, Jacob, Martin Sutter Switzer, Peter, Shutes, Nicholas, 100 100 50 400 250 50 400 300 300 200 200 Tryer, John Vantries. Frederick Winger. Peter, Winger. Jacob, Waggerline, Philip, \v alker. Jacob Zuck, Yost, Zuck, Jacob 200 Zechman, John, Zimmerman, Y'eost 100 Christian Frick, 200 James Gilmore 100 Matthias Mires, 100 John Vanderin, 300 'Duto, 100 Bum 200 Tho's Smith 300 Jonn Vanderin 200 172 RETURN OF PROPERTY, William Miller, . . Leonard Stam, . . . David Griffith, . . . John Griffith, Ebenezer Griffith, James Hendricks, Shaphat Dwire, . . Jacob Markley, . . Matthias Judy, . . Abraham Booger, John Bowman, . . . Peter Layman, . . . Andrew Baker, . . . Jacob Fleck, George Graff Jacob Hasson Samuel Booker, . . George Miller, Christian Tryer, . . John Huntsman, . Adam Ringer Peter Bright, .... Frederick Coffman, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep 130 1 100 100 100 100 300 200 300 100 50 COLERAIN TOWNSHIP. Acres. 'Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Robert Moore, 450 3 7 Peter Mires 100 1 1 Hugh Ferguson 100 3 7 Henry Livingston . . 1 1 Joseph Morrison 200 8 9 John Moore, 100 4 5 Samuel Moore, 200 3 3 Henderson Murphy .. 3 3 Tho's Hall, 184 2 2 Tho's Burns, 2 2 George Peck, 250 1 3 Alexander Stamm 100 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 173 Acres. Horses Cattle. Sheep. Tho's Reeves 50 2 1 John Buck, 100 2 2 .. Abia Eakers, 100 1 1 Andrew Jones 100 2 1 Philip Waggoner, 100 1 1 James Murry oO Cornelius Simmons, 60 1 4 Matthew Shwarts 100 2 3 Edward Daniel, 200 3 3 —Cornelius Seally 100 2 2 .. John Daniel 100 2 1 Nicholas Kegg, 1 1 John England 100 2 2 William Beamer 200 2 3 Jacob Holtz 2 2 William Crissman 200 2 4 William Irwin, 50 1 2 Francis South 50 1 2 Isaac Derimore 250 2 Tho's Pannel 50 2 3 Daniel Means 100 1 2 .. Joseph Sparks 100 5 C Ditto 100 2 3 Matthias Holler 100 2 5 William McDaniel 200 3 G Tho's McDaniel 300 2 2 Isaac Weymer 100 2 3 John Grath, 50 1 1 Henry Tantlinger 100 1 2 John Shaver 280 2 3 Alex'r Murphy 50 2 1 Adam Weymer 100 2 3 Joseph Chapman, 300 2 3 James Ridges 100 3 4 Benjamin Wigfield, 100 1 3 James Barn, 150 2 3 Tho's Alms 50 2 3 John Alms 50 2 3 Joseph Johnston 95 3 5 Tho's Johnston 50 4 5 '1 ho's Davis, 50 2 2 Ezekiel Spurgeon 50 3 3 Samuel Spurgeon 50 2 4 James Stewart, 100 3 1 174 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Henry Amrine, 100 4 4 Joseph Beanit 50 2 4 John Beaven 40 4 4 George Amrine, . . 2 3 Samuel Moss, 2 5 Tho's Hamilton 2 2 John Fleeharty 50 2 2 Robert Love, . . 1 1 William Farmer, . . 1 1 Michael Rufe, 15G 3 5 Ditto, 344 Henry Whitstone, .. .. 1 Daniel Collins, 100 2 2 John McKeever, . . . . 1 John Gibson, 100 2 2 William Gibson, 100 1 2 Margarit Gibbons, 1 1 William Forder, 150 2 2 Joseph McFerren 150 3 4 William Russel 200 2 2 Reinhart Rippleogle 2 1 Adam Young, 100 4 7 Henry Hines, 100 3 2 Adam Miller 150 3 5 John Livingston, 100 2 4 Abraham Covalt 300 3 4 Francis Reynolds 150 3 2 Amos Jones 50 Thomas Wood 246 G 1 Nicholas Rufe, 250 2 3 Henry Williams 100 1 Patrick Heany, . . 2 2 James Patterson 150 5 6 Casper Devonbaugh, 265 4 3 John McClemens, 250 3 Robert Culbertson 150 3 3 John Richey, 500 2 5 David Buck, 50 1 1 Joseph Cummins, 150 2 1 John Boyd 100 1 1 William Boyd 300 2 1 Samuel Sampson 300 1 2 George Enslow 300 2 7 Tho's Arnet, 150 1 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 17E Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Isaac Ceman Christopher Enslow Matthias Kelly Henry Dervie Frederick Hill Isaac Amons Robert Bradshaw, Jun'r John Bridges, Robert Bradshaw, Sen'r Tho's Bradshaw Tho's Biddle, 150 Earnest Baker 250 Laurence Coons John Cesna, Jonathan Cesna William Fredrigal, John Friend, Joseph Friend, Samuel Hall Abraham Miley Gideon Richey, Achor Worley John Piper David Ball John Hagan Edward Rose 100 2 2 1 2 50 2 50 2 2 1 3 2 2 150 1 2 2 300 3 3 1 4 150 2 2 250 3 5 2 4 400 5 6 100 1 3 3 260 6 9 180 4 6 1 2 300 2 5 246 2 5 190 8 6 400 5 4 50 1 1 50 2 2 100 4 6 STNGLE FREEMEN. George Utzler, ... Martin Utzler, . . . Henry Holler Peter O'Neal Henry Storm William Bennet, . . Matthias Rufe, . . . William Gibson, . . Hugh Means John Rus&ell, .... trancis Reynolds, (ornelius Ceman, Thomas Arnet, . . William Clemen. . John Reeves 17G RETURN OF PROPERTY, Thomas Williams, John McCormick William Martin Stophel Tripshoe, one still, Lawrence Coontz, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP. Vv illiam Sampson, Ignatius Harden George Shock, Jacob Miller Joseph Phagan Martin Stotler Richard Kimber Felix Miller, Tho's Miller Hugh Skelley Hugn Skelley. Jun'r Michal Skelley John Plummer William Watson Daniel Guthrie Henry Sheats John Enyart, Wm. Byser, Robert Whitnell Mathias Mires Solomon Sills 230 Stewart Anderson Tho's Toberry, 60 Samuel Thompson, 150 Tho's Wilson 20 James Wilson Jason Rutledge Levi Moore 200 Keith, Michael 100 Keith, Adam 170 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep i 50 50 200 100 200 L5EDF0RD COUNTY— 1779. 177 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. William Ebbit 1 1 James Cungham, 300 Richard King 2 Charles Kam, 20 IJenjamin Sanders 300 4 3 Ditto John Key William White, 340 Solomon Foshee, 100 2 1 William Sherley 300 3 2 James Flora 40 1 2 Charles Clark 50 1 2 Joseph Johnston •• 1 Zebuiun Moore, 100 3 G William Dean 100 3 5 William Arnet 170 . . 1 John Shaver 100 2 2 Michael Dowlen Hugh McCanna 200 Elizabeth Wilson 90 2 2 .. Thomas Edmiston 200 1 3 .. Susannah White 250 George Elder 180 2 2 ^^John Covinhoven, 100 3 5 John Weston, 150 2 5 Philip Stark, 100 2 2 James Hampson 47 3 4 Robert McGaw, 300 Abraham Sills, 300 Edward McGraw 300 Michael Kernahen 300 James McCardy, 30O James Dean 300 John White, 300 Francis White 300 Richard Dowlen 300 Tho's Dean 50 2 2 Richard Lilley 100 Ditto John Dean 50 2 3 .. James Mullen .. 1 2 Hugh Hill 300 Peter Thompson 100 2 3 William Sherley, Jun'r 100 2 2 12— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 178 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. William Morgan, 300 William Lean 300 Allen McClean, 300 John Gatrill 300 James Bridges 300 Richard Sherley, 100 1 Francis Gatrill 100 2 John Jenkins, 100 Neil Clark, 100 1 1 Robert Galbraith 1,200 Robert Trakes, 2 3 Ezekiel Mobley 200 2 2 William Philips 200 2 2 William Bunn 150 David Ralph, 100 Henry Hinesh, 300 Anthony Kiger 100 John Morton 200 2 1 Hugh Guthrie 2 4 Abraham Plummer, 125 1 William Smart, 80 1 2 George Heater 90 2 3 Ditto 100 Frederick Shackler 100 Joshua Davis, . . 3 4 Henry Hanowalt 300 John Oaks 100 2 2 William Anderson 50 2 4 Michael Whitstone 75 2 4 Jacob Shallus, 50 i 2 Sebastian Shaub 200 1 4 Philip Stoner 100 2 2 Ruth Lewis 100 2 2 Benj'n Cherry 100 1 3 .. John Foster 100 4 2 Lewis Foster 100 4 2 Benj'n Kidd, 100 Luesanda Piper 100 1 1 Wentle Hance, Tho's Buck 200 5 5 Ditto by imp't 100 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 179 ,«H.«N-nKSIDENTS. John Allison James Elliot Samuel Hunter, Proprieter Manner Baynton & Wharton & Comp'y, Joseph Donaldson Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. 100 100 230 600 300 800 Jonn Uttle 234 Reuben Hanes- 900 Proprieter 900 Col'n Boquet by C warrants 1.500 Daniol Clayton, . . 200 Thomas Miller, . . . . John Enyart Joseph Johnsfon. . Abraham Plunimcr, SINGLE MEN. AYR TOWNSHIP. Anderson. John, ... Anderson, Daniel, .. Alexander, William, Alexander. James, . . Alexander, Robert, Adams. Jacob Allen, Robert Ambrosia, Mathias, Arthur, Margaret, . Alexander, William, Armstrong, Thomas, Alexander, Alex"r, . Bell, Joseph Brown, James Bell, James Buckley. John Bell, James Acres. Horses. Crittle. Sheep 60 150 00 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 6 _o 4 1 2 1 6 180 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Barnet, Tho's 1 i Baugh, Leonard . . i Bartholomew, Roharty, Caldwell, Matthew, . . . . 2 Cuningham, James, 150 2 3 Conner, Edward, 96 1 1 Conner, William, 1 Coyl, John 100 2 1 Coyl, Bryan, 1 1 Campbell, Collin 1 Campbell, Dougal, 1 1 Chapman, Henry . . 1 2 Carlile, David, 3 5 Davis, Lewis, . . 3 7 Davis, Henry 50 1 2 Davis, Philip Irwin, David, 1 1 Evan, John, 2 Gaff, William 149 3 5 Ditto 55 Gibson, James 3 3 Galloway, George, 2 3 George, William, 1 3 Galloway, John, 1 2 Graham, Edward '. 100 2 3 Gibson, William, 1 2 Galloway, James, 1 2 Gibson, Robert 2 2 Kerr, Samuel 200 2 3 Kendel, John, 200 1 4 Kendel, Robert Slee, Francis, . . 1 1 Lawson, Anthony, Stevins, Amos, 1 2 Head, Edward 150 6 14 Hamil. Robert 2 4 Hammel, Nathaniel 150 2 3 Hunter, William 300 2 3 Hamilton, John Hoover, Jacob, 350 3 3 Herod, John 3 5 Humbert. Friderick 250 4 6 Hoover, Henry 4 3 Hoover, John BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 181 Acres. Horses Cattle. Slieep. Hunter, John, Hammel, John John, John John, Jacob 150 Jackson, Thos John, Tho's 230 Lemon, Tho's I.,owrey, Abraham Linn, Adam Lee, Francis, McConnel, Daniel 400 McKinley, John, Maxwell, James, Esq'r 100 Maxwell, Patrick 100 Martin, John McCurdy, Daniel 400 Myers, Daniel, McClelland. John 300 McClelland, John, Jun'r McCormick, James McFall, Widow 300 John McClelan, 300 McConnel, Alex'r Nesbit, Widow, 150 Owens, Widow, 50 Ott, Wentel, Paxten, Tho's. Esq'r, Patterson, WMlliam, Philips, Evan 100 Paxton, John, Query, John 150 Royer. Daniel 205 Rankin. John 290 Rind, Joseph, Scott, Robert 357 bi.ewart, James btevins, Thomas 100 Shelby, Evan, '. . . 100 Smith, John 130 Swagart, William Salmon. William 150 Steven, Richard Simpson, Liddle. Ja's, 250 Stevens, Benjamin, 2 2 3 8 4 4 2 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 3 2 2 4 6 1 3 6 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 ) 4 1 1 2 5 2 4 3 1 9 6 2 2 3 8 4 4 4 1 1 2 6 2 6 1 4 2 2 C 7 1 1 2 2 182 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Shull, Adam Truax, Stillwfcll, Taggarl, Charles, William, Robert, Wilson, Hill, ... Wilson, Charles, Wilson, William, Winter, Stephen, Williams, Enoch, Wolfkill, Conrad, Willson, John, . . , Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. 100 92 150 200 BETHEL TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep Amil, John, 50 Andris, William 150 Abit, Benjamin, 250 Ash, Adam, 150 Artt, William 100 Burd, John, 50 Brown, Jacob, 100 Brown, Thomas Brown, David 300 Barrman, Jacob, 103 Bishop, George, 98 Breathed, John, 315 Bush, Christofer 100 Bruser, Henrj- 117 Crossen, Thomas 130 Clevinger, Abraham, 80 Carrs, Widow Campbell, Robert Combs, Edward, 50 Curry, William, Cobel, Joseph, Dart, John 50 Dice, Henry 100 Eddy. Gaven, 100 1 1 3 4 6 4 12 19 3 5 1 2 2 6 3 G 1 5 5 14 11 1 2 4 3 5 14 20 34 4 6 10 3 6 9 2 2 8 1 4 3 2 12 1 4 3 4 2 2 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1771). 183 Acres. Horsus. Catlle. Sheeji. Enslow, George 300 Fitspatrick, John, 100 Findley, Robert 3 3 3 French, Thomas 400 2 S 8 Fisher, John 153 4 12 12 Fisher, John 100 Fikle, Daniel 100 2 2 Gillelan, Philip 450 4 9 7 Gordon. Moses 20 3 1 Ditto 100 Guthrie. John 150 2 5 3 Graves, Samuel, 100 4 4 10 ' Graham. Widow 200 2 5 Graham, Moses, • • 1 1 Grahams, William & John 100 2 2 .. George. Albright 300 1 8 5 Hull, Solomon, 1 1 Haversack, Henry 150 Hart, William 200 3 15 8 Hart. William 150 Hart, William 50 Hart. William 150 Hill, George 50 3 6 4 Hendershot, Jacob 100 3 4 6 Hoss, John George 100 4 8 11 Hough, Jacob, 300 3 9 4 Hoop, George GO 3 3 Hunt, William 149 4 5 5 Joy], Nelson .. 2 2 2 Jenkins. Evan, 184 4 4 Kowell, Christian 250 2 3 11 Kimble, Peter . . . • 1 Kerr, Robert 200 3 4 Leech. Nicholas 200 . . 4 Lancaster, estate of John, dec'd, .... 300 1 2 Lamb's widow 50 2 2 4 Lowder, Widow 300 Leech, Steven . . 1 Linn, Levi, .. 3 5 7 Linn. Adis, 50 3 7 9 Linn. Isaac 90 4 7 11 Linn. Widow 100 3 18 16 Longstreth. Martin 170 2 3 8 Longstreth, Bartholomew 75 2 4 184 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep Longstreth, John . . . . i Longstreth, Philip 6U0 2 7 4 Lance, Christian, 50 l 2 Lambert, George 300 Leaton, Asher 100 2 4 4 Leatun, Samuel, 100 2 3 3 Leaton, William . . 2 2 Leaton, Obadia, 50 3 3 6 Mason, John 100 2 2 Morehouse, Widow, 150 1 1 Money, Barnet, 125 3 12 4 Morton, Edward 60 4 9 6 Morton, William, - 323 2 2 Morton, Thomas . . 2 Morton, John, 50 4 7 8 Morton, Richard 200 2 4 Melott, John, 1 2 Melot, Theodorus, 150 2 3 2 Melott, John, Esq'r 300 3 C 6 Melott, Obadiah 100 McKee, James . . 2 1 Money, Jacob 150 2 G 9 Man, Andrew 154 5 8 6 Man, Andrew, 100 Man, Andrew 80 Man, Andrew, 150 Man, Andrew, 132 McKinney, John, .. 3 4 4 McKinney, Joseph 300 3 4 3 Moran, George 150 McUne, John 50 1 1 McClean, George 50 1 1 McCormick, James 50 1 1 McCormick, James, Jun'r . . 1 Montgomery, John 100 McSparren, Duncan . . 3 4 McKinney, Robert, . . 2 3 Nehemiah, Michael 50 1 1 Ongar, Henry 200 4 9 6 Pittman. Richard 100 2 8 6 Pitman, Joseph 3 5 I6 Penn Jonathan, .. 2 C 3 Powell, Joseph, 100 4 8 15 Pitman, Richard 50 1 2 8 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 185 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Pitman, Richard 200 Pitman, William . . 2 7 Peck, George 150 4 5 10 Quin, Patrick, 1 1 Reed, Moses, Esq'r 230 Reed, Moses 103 3 9 13 Rush, David, 3 4 3 Rush, John, 173 4 16 20 Reynolds. John 112 ."> G 4 Reynold, Francis, ■■ 4 (J 6 Rush, Peter 100 2 3 2 Rush, Widow 1 2 3 Rush, Jacob, 50 Rush, Henry 150 3 8 8 Rush, Henry, Sen'r 100 Rush, Henry, Jun'r 100 2 4 4 Rush, Jacob 150 3 3 2 Rush, Jacob, 50 2 2 3 Robony, Nathaniel, 81 2 3 Reeves, Abner, . . 4 5 Slaughter, Widow, 100 Stall, Michael 400 2 3 5 Stitts, Frederick 100 4 5 8 Sousley, Henry 100 . . 8 1 Sliker, Laurince 113 3 10 3 Smith, Adam, 3 10 3 Smith, Peter, 136 4 11 4 Smith, Peter 50 Stam, Alex'r . . • . . . 1 Smith, John 178 2 5 Smith, John 100 Smith, Henry, 300 2 2 4 Snider, Adam . . 3 1 Stillwell, Jeremiah 2 r, 9 Stillwell, Elias, 300 4 27 17 Stillwell, John. 50 5 15 17 Simmerman, John, 80 2 3 5 Snider, Henry, 100 Swells, William 2 3 2 Shefer, John 50 .. 10 6 Samuel, Samson .. .. 6 Stanley. John 300 3 5 2 Stevens. Richard, .. 2 4 4 Stevens, Abednego 100 3 G 7 186 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Stevens, William, 50 2 1 2 Selly, Charles, 3 6 Tittyheffer, Christofer 1 4 10 Smith, John, 150 Sipes, Henry, 100 2 3 8 Shuller, Harmer 100 2 2 2 Sock. Jacob 83 2 7 Shaver. Mathias, 100 Shingletaker, Jacob, 100 3 2 Sipes, Charles, 50 1 2 9 Stover, Christofer, . . 1 1 Stafford, Thomas 90 2 8 3 Smith, Emanuel, 50 3 3 Smith, Ezekiel 1 1 Truax, Benjamin, 150 3 12 10 Truax, John 100 2 3 5 Truax, Samuel, 200 3 G 8 Ditto 100 Truax, Jacob 150 1 10 4 Truax, Philip, 50 5 C 12 Thrall, Joseph 100 1 2 4 Ditto 100 Whipkey. John, 300 3 7 G Walker, John, 250 Ditto 300 3 7 6 White, Hugh 209 Wright, Joel, 100 Wenk, Jacob 200 3 7 5 Wilkins. William 120 1 4 1 Warford, James 200 3 8 5 Warford, Henry, .. 4 5 7 Warford, Widow, 350 2 5 10 Walker, John 154 William. Thomas, 60 2 4 11 Ditto 50 Wilkey. Robert, 50 Walker, John, 300 Yeaky, Henry, Yager, Peter Covalt. Bethuel 150 Carney, William. 250 Coombs. John, IOC Campbell. Dougall George, Powell 50 Elisabeth Stanley 2 2 2 4 I .6 2 4 5 2 2 2 3 5 3 4 10 11 4 8 12 2 2 8 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 187 Francis Allison, IJringhurst, James Ditto, 100 Ditto SOU Cumming, Robert 100 Graham, Edward 100 Hawkins, George Frazor 600 Hockersmith, Conred 100 Jones, , 400 Kidd, Benjamin 500 Lipps. Philip 200 McClean, Jacob 300 McClean, James 300 Matthew Witeham 60 Ogland. Daniel 100 Plater, Joseph 100 Head, William, 100 Head. Peter 100 Shingledeckcr, George 200 Welch, William 200 Gates, William 150 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Shei 300 100 SINGLE FREEMEN. Tho's Martin, Jacob Rush, John Rush Henry Sourley Philip Truax Alexander Stam Moses Graham, Powel George, Samuel Thistle, Daniel Trench Christopher Howdershelt Peter Rush Abraham Cowl, Robert Gray Benjamin Morrison John Curry, James Curry Tho's McGee Wm. Eddy John Walker, Michael Shingletaker George Onger, 188 RETURN OF PROPERTY, DUBLIN TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle Sheep. Ashman, George, 700 Anderson, Alexander, Anderson, Daniel, Appleby, John 50 Armstrong, Eleanor, 60 Bird, Thomas, 100 Blair, Thomas, 100 Briggs, Benjamin 150 Bell, Samuel 100 Briggs, Benjamin, Jun'r Burg, Henry 200 Briggs, Samuel, Blair, Alexander Barnett, James, 160 Bell, John 100 Barninger, Andrew 100 Brothers, Francis, 40 Brown, William Brown, Benjamin, Bryan, William bird, James, Burd, John 150 . Benjamin Burd, 100 Boyl, Charles 100 Boyls, Henr>' Carmichael, James, 150 Coyl, James, 150 Cassedy, Patrick 100 McMath, Sam'l 50 Cornelius, William Cond, James Cornelius, John 50 Coonts, Nicholas, 50 Joseph Cornelius 50 Cole, Thomas Broad Coal Cannon, Patrick Clugagc, James, 100 Canote, Henry, 90 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 7 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 4 3 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 185) Clugage. Gaviu Clugage, George ; Canon, James Camp, Hercules, ;:harleton, Samuel Chilcot, Robison Copenhaver, Batzer Davison, Hugh Davis, Isaiah ^^ 50 Acres HorBL's. Cattle. Sheep. 300 3 5 300 2 50 1 50 1 60 1 1 40 2 200 4 1 I^nc, Dutton Loveall, Jonathan, Lane, Corban. . . . Long, John Donache, John Davis, Bartholomew Edwards, William Elliot, Benjamin Elliot, John Fleming, James, Fitsimmons. Patrick, Foley, James, Franklin, Joseph Firestone. Nicholas, 100 Gallaher, John Glenn, Hugh 50 2 1 Goosehorn, George, ^^ - 2 1 2 1 100 2 4 150 100 2 3 40 1 1 200 4 5 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 900 4 4 1 1 100 2 1 Goosehorn. Jacob Gardner, Robert Green, Joseph ^^ Galbraith, James Hunter, Thomas Hudson, George Holt, Henry, ^^ " Hade, William ^^ Hodge, Thomas 30 1 2 Holliday, William - Justice. William 30 3 3 Johnston, James 200 1 Johnston. Robert 100 1 1 Johns, Robert, 200 .. •_ Kirkpatrick, Moses ~ Kelly. William, 20 1 1 Lynd. James Latta, John 100 j ^ "[[[[... 1 2 ""'. 2 2 ..2 2 190 RETURN OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Long, William, . . 1 1 Lane, Samuel, 100 3 3 Lane, Wilkison, 2 2 Long, Benjamin, 80 1 2 Morris, William 300 2 3 McMoultrie, David 125 McGinnes, Charles, 1 2 Merdac, James 1 2 Mason, William, 1 1 McKee, James 100 2 2 Michael, Andrew 2 2 Moore, John, 50 2 2 Morton, James, 100 2 McElroy, Alex'r 2 2 McArdel, James McGill, Jean 100 1 2 McPhetro, James, . . 1 1 Miller, James 100 2 2 Murphy, Tho's, 50 1 2 McDowell, Nathan, 150 McDowell, William 150 McCrea, John . . 1 1 Morgan, John 200 2 5 Mason, John 100 1 2 McClees, Manassah, .. 2 2 McBride, James 40 1 1 McClelan, Royer 60 Patten, Matthew, 2 2 Picket, Hethcott 2 2 Pollock, John 40 1 Keer, Acquilla, Ramsey, Robert, 150 4 5 Ramsey, John, 300 4 5 Ramsey, William, 40 1 2 Rutter, Alex'r 2 3 Sharah, Jacob, 500 3 7 Stitt. John, 2 3 Smith, Casper . . 1 1 Standiford. Benjamin . . 1 2 Stevens, Giles, 2 3 Sharah, John 100 1 5 Orlton, Hugh 200 4 7 Swagart, John 25 Stevens, Zachariah, BEDFORD COUNTY— ]77Coleman, Malcolm, . . . Carr, James Dean, Matthew Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. 30 300 100 50 100 100 50 50 45 200 Feather, Michael, 189 Y' Gripe, Jacob, Jun'r Gripe, Daniel Gripe, Jacob, Sen'r Holiday, William, Sen'r, Jarvis, Henry, William Holiday, Jun'r, Lowrey, David Martin, John Mortimer, John, Pumpuah, Conred Philips, William Spencer, James, William Seabrooks, . . . . Stewart, David Stevens, John Sellers, Joseph, Stoner, Philip Wollery, Daniel Knave, Jacob, Sen'r, . . . . Knave, Jacob, Jun'r, . . . Uly, Dutchman Butterbaugh, Valentine Easter Houser, John, Freeman, John, Coleman, Thomas Titus. John Crawford, James Lawrence Swope Simonton, William Black, Henry, Robison, Abraham 50 50 200 700 100 50 300 100 100 100 300 100 30 200 250 200 200 400 200 200 200 300 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 200 2 10 BEDFORD COUNTY— 1779. 201 Divinney, Andrew, . . Michael Huffnawgle, Moore, Daniel Moore, William Wm. Gulliford, Philip Edington, . . . . Ahsolam Gray, John Hesse James Igoe Joshua Igoe Joseph Miller Tho's Moorehead, . . . Godfrey Panther, . . . Jacob Roller, Sen'r, . Jacob Roller, Jun'r, . Jacob Smith Peter Titus Jonathan Edington, . Patrick McGuire Aramanus Gray, James Johnston, . . . . John Gorman, Joseph Neron Edward Tipton, John McGuire, Henry Hoshel, Edward Bourke, . . . . Peter O'Reilly, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheej) 200 200 300 300 300 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 <> 3 1 1 4 2 4 2 2 2 C 3 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 ( 202) FEDERAL SUPPLY TAX COUNTY 01' LEDIOKI), FdK THE VEAl! ( 203) At a meeting of the Commissionfrs for the County of Bed- ford held at the House of Cornelius McCauley, in the town of Bedford, the Twelfth day of August, in the year of our Lord Anno Domini 1783 — The following Persons were Appointed Township Assessors, and Warrants Issued to the Same: 1. William Gaff for Ayr township. 2. Samuel Graves for Bethel township. 3. William Todd for Bedford township. 4. William Johnston for Barree township. 5. Shaphat Diven for Brothers Valley township. 6. Thomas Boyd for Cumberland Valley township. 7. Joseph Friend for Colerain township. 8. John Ramsey for Dublin township. 9. William Holliday for Frankstown township. 10. William Eyart for Hopewell township. 11. Archibald Fleehard for Huntingdon township. 12. Jacob Morningstar for Melford township. 13. Joseph McDonald for Providence township. 14. Daniel Stoy for Quemahoning township. 15. Giles Stephens for Sherley township. IG. John Pursel for Turkey foot township. Taxes Assessed on the County of Bedford Pursuant to the following Act, viz: An Act for providing the Quota of Federal Supplies for the Year one thousand seven hundred eighty and three, and for the Relief of the Citizens of this State who have become Creditors of the United States of America by I^ans of Money or other Modes of Furnishing Publick Supplies. ROBERT GALBRAITH. CORNELIUS McCAULEY, BENJAMIN ELLIOT. (204) BEDFORD COUNTY SUPPLY TAX— 1783. BEDFOIID TOWNSHIP. rtcres. Horses. Anderson. Thomas 2 Anderson, James 200 C Adams, Robert, Junior, . . . 100 1 Adams. Robert, Younger, . . . . 1 Adams, Solomon, . . 2 Anderson, James, J'r 50 2 Anderson, William, . . 2 Ekart. Joseph, 3 Bannet. John, 414 4 Burket, George 5o 1 Black, John, 100 2 Bowser, John, 151t 2 Blackburn, Thomas 150 3 Blair, William 50 8 Burns, Thomas, 50 3 Bridges. John, 1 50 1 Crisman, John, 150 Culbertson, Robert, 200 2 Castleman, Lewis 300 2 Clark, William U)0 3 Casbeer, John .. 3 Crossins, Henry 2 Croyl, George 50 3 Croyl, Thomas 2 Criss. Adam, Davidson. Samuel 4S0 3 Dunlop. Jean, widow, 1 Dibert. Michael 145 3 Dunlop. James 230 4 ( 205 ) ttle. 2 Sheep. 8 Tax. 1.11 .7 5 15 2 .8 .7 3 7 13 .4 1 10 4 3.10 •J 1 6 .8 4 .6 fi 3 .G 9 18 6 .2 .9 8 .0 3 8 .0 ,'! 1 15 .6 3 15 .9 4 3 7 .3 3 1 5 .0 3 4 2 .9 2 .5 .0 1 (; 1 .8 .2 1 1 .5 .0 ] 7 19 .7 3 13 14 .4 1 2 1 .7 2 6 .0 1 9 10 .3 1 1 .1 5 2.19 .0 1.13 .7 1 .9 .9 r, 5 1 .9 .0 20ti SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Dalton, James, 200 2 3 3 Drenan, Samuel, 145 14 4 Debert, John, 200 2 12 Davis, Eleazer, 1 Daugherty, Barnard, Esq'r, 2,273 2 2 Espy, David, Esq'r, 350 2 2 1 Eloner, John, 200 2 Easter, Valentine, 2 3 Earnest, George 250 2 1 Elliot, Robert, 2 2 Ditto for Nagle's estate,. . Evens, Abraham, 1 Ewalt, John 400 3 5 6 Easter, Peter, 100 3 2 Elliot, William, 2 2 2 Erwin, David, 3 1 Eago, Frederick, 1 2 1 Fleehard, James, 1G2 2 3 4 Forker, Thomas 2 1 Feather, George 100 2 2 2 Ford, John, 2 1 Feather, Michael, Jr . . l i Feather, Michael, S'r, 200 2 3 4 Funk, George 125 2 5 11 Graham, John, 200 4 4 3 Grant, Yoast, 100 2 1 Ditto for Espy's land, Gibson, Robert, 3 3 Gardner, George, .. 4 2 5 Gilleland, William, .. 2 2 1 Gregg, John, 100 2 1 3 Hays, Thomas 300 2 1 Hite, John, 2 Hemphill, Adley, 300 3 3 3 Holiday, William, 2 5 7 Henry, Elizabeth 150 .. 2 Houser, Christian .. 3 2 Hellem, P'rederick 300 2 3 3 Hellem, John .. 2 2 Hellem, Jacob, .. 2 2 2 Hartford. Patrick, 100 2 2 4 Imler. Michael, 50 2 3 2 Johnjton. John 2 3 Kenton. Rachel, 150 3 2 3 'J ax. 7 .7 14 .5 1.16.11 1 .3 22.10 .0 2.14 .5 12 .6 2 .6 1 .2 .9 3 .5 1.15 .0 8 3.11 .1 15 .6 1 .3 .0 1 .7 .3 1 .9.11 1 .9.11 1 .8 14 .8 2 .2 1 .1 2.12 .6 3 .3 .9 1 .5 .0 1 .8 5.10 5 .3 3 .3 1.11.10 7 .6 1.16.11 2 .6 2 .4 .5 9 .4 1 .6 .8 2 .2 1 .7 .6 2 .2 2 .2 18.11 1.17 . .6 2 . ,5 1 .8.11 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S3. 207 Kenton, Thomas. Kenneday, Loan, Benjamin, Laft'eriy. John McCashlin, Samuel McCashlin, Samuel, S'r, . . McCambs, Allen McCauley, Cornelius McGaughey, Arthur McGaughey, John iMcSparran, Duncan Milligan, George Miller, Margaret Miller, Jacob Maugh, Jacob McNeel, Hector McMullen, James, Mayandrew, John, Nawgle, Anthony Nawgle, Frederick, estate, Niemyur. William Nixon, George Organ, David, Oyler, Laurence Oyler, Jacob Oyler, Nicholas, Proctor. William, Esq'r, . . Reiley, Martin Ryan, Timothy Rose, Allen, Rose, William, Rhoads, Gabriel Rynehart, David Reighart, Frederick Romach, George Rubey, Charles Stotler, Casper Shannon, George "Skinner. Samuel Swagart, Henry Steel, Andrew. Swopland. Peter Summervale. James Simson. Luke Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax. 150 2 2 .7 .2 2 2 3 2 .3 170 1 1 .2 .4 4 •) 5 3.11 200 2 2 4 1.11 .5 150 7 9 18 .2 139 9 3 3 .0 .0 300 3 3 9 .2 .0 4 5 5 .3 .4 2 2 1 .8 2 1 2 1 .8 500 1 2 6 1.10 .7 150 2 2 1 .9 .2 2 2 3.10 100 2 2 1 .7 .2 1 1 2 .1 1 4 3 1.11 2 1 4.10 ] 4 8 1 .0 .4 200 5 .0 ') 2 1 .8 50 2 o 4 3 .6 22 ' 1 1 1 .8 1 1 11 100 2 3 4 1.16 .6 2 2 2 .2 ]50 4 4 11 1 .9 .7 4 1 1 19 .5 829 2 3 2.11.11 220 9 4 6 14.10 2 2 3 17.10 140 2 4 4 1 1 .9 .5 .5 .0 200 3 5 5 1.17 .7 290 2 2 18 .0 1 2 ti 4 .9 100 1 4 .2 10 1 2 1 1.10 150 2 5 1 9 .9 2 1 5 2 .0 1 10 1 2 .6 1 1 1 1] 208 SUPPLY TAX, Ditto for Montgomery, . . Smith, Rebekah, Saylor, Jacob, Satorias, William, Smith, Daniel, Scovill, William Swagart, George, Swagart, Leonard Sills, George, Samuel, Adam, Samuel, Coonrod Stiller, Peter, Smith, Peter Simson, Hugh, Sills, Michael, Swagart, John, Taylor, Mathew, Todd, John Taylor, Edward Todd, William Vickory, Thomas, Wertz, Henry, Ditto for Nawgle's estate, Wallock, Michael, Wolfe, Philip Williams, James Walter, Barbara, widow, . . Wisecarver, George Wolf, Rinehart, Wertz, George, Woods, George, Esq'r Wertz, Peter Willhellem, Jacob Washabaugh, Henry, Acres. I lorses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax. 300 1 12 .6 3 105 2 2 4 1 .8.11 40 2 2 4 5 .7 2 2 2 .2 3 2 3 .0 30 2 ') 3 2 .7 1 1 3 1 .2 160 3 3 6 1.10.10 50 2 3 3 10.10 150 3 3 4 1.18 .6 100 2 2 2 14 .9 500 2 2 6 .8 1 1 4 .5 100 4 4 2 .8 .6 50 . 2 3 2 5 .5 1 1 1 1 .1 200 2 9 2 18.10 3 3 2 2 .6 200 3 6 4 1.17 .6 1 1 9 .5 40 3 6 6 2 .3 .0 16 .8 3 3 2 5 .0 2 2 1 4 .2 350 3 4 4 1.14 .9 lOO 2 2 2 10 .0 300 3 10 6 2.15 .1 200 3 6 9 1 .4 .0 3 2 5 6.11 ,355 7 12 10 17.11 .2 100 3 2 9 15 .8 18 2 2 13 .6 300 4 SINGLE FREEMEN. Martin Fifer Terance Campbell, Robert Anderson, . John Bannet Hugh Barclay William Beaty. . . . Michael Bowser, . . 1 .3 .9 1 .6 .8 1 .] .5 1 .1 .5 1 1 .2 .] 1 1 .2 .1 1 1 .2 .1 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1783. 209 William Clark Henry Clyne George Coffman 40 John Croyl, Daniel Croyl Charles Croyl Adam Croyl John Cline, John Dunlop Casper Drink John Kenton, 150 Isaac Loan Thomas McGaughey 100 Felix Millan Thomas MoMullen, John Higgle John Swagart, Jacob Smith Paul Wertz Michael Hammon Robert Larimore, Frederick Dibert Valentine Kaw 3es. Cat tie. She ep. Tax. 1 1 .2 .1 1 1 .2 .1 2 4 .0 1 1 .2 .1 1 .2 .1 1 .1 .5 2 1 .2 .1 1 1 .1 .5 2 1 .2.10 1 .1 .5 1 2 .2.10 1 1 .2 .1 1 1 .9 .3 1 1 .2 .1 1 .1 .5 X 1 .1 .5 2 1 .2.10 1 1 .2 .1 1 .1 .5 1 .1 .5 1 1 .2 .1 1 .1 .5 1 .1 .5 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Tax. Doctor William Smith & Company Isaac Richardson, on Dunning's creek 625 5 .4 .9 Thomas Fitzsimmons, adjoining d'o, 800 6.13 .4 Andrew Green, adjoining ditto 350 2.18 .4 Thomas Drumgold, adjoining d'o 300 2.10 .0 Ditto, adjoining ditto 450 3.15 .0 William Bradford, adjoining d'o 650 3 .8 .4 Patrick Wallace, adjoining d'o 1,000 8.16 .8 William Lindsey, adjoining d'o 1,000 8.16 .8 James Maze, adjoining ditto 400 3 .6 .8 Francis Dringold 350 2 .8 .4 James Rose, adjoining ditto 1,500 12.15 .0 Thomas Adley, adjoining ditto 300 2.10 .0 George Shoemaker, adjoining ditto 600 5 .0 .0 John Edwards, adjoining ditto 400 3 .6 .8 James Harvey, adjoining ditto 450 3.15.10 14— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 210 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Tax. Daniel Clark, adjoining G. Shoemaker 450 3.15.10 Joseph Wood, adjoining ditto 500 4 .3 .4 Ditto, adjoining Colonel Boquet, 400 3 .6 .8 George Mead, adjoining F. Campbell 749 6 .4.10 James Harvey, adjoining George Moad 300 2.10 .0 James Maze, adjoining ditto, 250 2 .1 .8 Patrick Allison, adjoining ditto, 800 C.13 .4 John McMichael, adjoining Alex'r McKee, . . . 500 4 .3 .4 Ditto, adjoining ditto, 136 1 .2 .8 Baynton and Company Ditto, called Herman's bottom 550 4.11 .8 Ditto, called Erwin's place 300 2.10 .0 Ditto, adjoining Robert Erwin, 300 2.10 .0 Ditto, called Elliot's place, 300 2.10 .0 Ditto, on Dunning's creek, 200 1.13 .4 Ditto, adjoining and called Francis Campbell, 300 2.10 .0 Ditto, adjoining John Flenagan, 200 1.13 .4 Ditto, adjoining ditto 300 2.10.0 Ditto. George Smith 300 2.10.0 Ditto, Michael Brashill, 200 1.13.4 Ditto. John Finney, adjoining ditto 200 1.13 .4 Ditto, in the name of John Frazer, 250 2.10 .4 Ditto, George Crohan adjoining Ja's Harvey, 100 16 .8 Ditto, adjoining Daniel Clark 350 2.11 .4 Ditto, adjoining Elliot's place 300 2.10.0 Captain Trent and Company 300 2.10 .0 Ditto, adjoining Michael Dibert 300 2.10 .0 Ditto at Lost run 300 2.10 .0 Ditto, Shawney, Cabbins waters 300 2.10 .0 Ditto, adjoining Harlin's place 200 1.13 .4 Ditto, called Bullock Pens 600 5.0.0 Ditto, Brushey Run, 250 2 .1 .8 William Henry, above Frige's place 500 4 .3.11 Colonel Boquet, on Dunning's creek, 700 6 .3.10 Ditto. Half Way run 300 2.10.0 Benjamin Chew, now Richard Peeters 600 5 .0 .0 General Tl.ompson. adj'g Shaney Cabbins, . . 300 2.10 .0 Edward Phisick, adjoining Young Wolf 160 1 .6 .0 Live Andrew Live, adjoining M place 600 5 .0 .0 John Pollock, adjoining Ellis' place 600 5 .0 .0 Ditto, adjoining near Gregg's place, 200 1.13 .4 Doctor Wm. Smith, Three Springs 300 2.10.0 Edmond Millon, 800 6.13.4 George Lansel 150 1 .5 .0 COUXTV OF BEUFORJJ--17i.3. 211 Acres. Elijah Adams 200 Juhu Portor 2u0 James Gordon, 200 Anlhouy Black, 150 Adam Hoops estate 100 Shippey and Burd 500 Samuel Perrey, 3ou The Honourable Proprietaries' land Adjoining Peter Easter, 300 W illiam Elliot, Path Valley 18u Ta». 1.13 .4 1.13 .4 1.13 .4 1 .5 .0 10 .u 4 .3 .4 2.10 .0 2.10 .0 1.10 .4 COLERAIN TOWNSHIP. Amons, Isaac Baker, Earnest Baker, William, Beeman, William Bradbhaw, Itobert, J'r, . . . . Bradshaw, Thomas, Bradshaw. Robert, Senior, Bradshaw, David, Bennet, Joseph Brownen, Roger Barns, James, Barkley, William, Bell, David Cheney, Charles, Biddle, Thomas, Crevinston, Nicholas Colli)is, Daniel Coontz, Lawrence Chevey. Benjamin Cessna, Jonathan Cessna, John, Esquire, . . . Devel.ausli. Casiier Dannellj, Domnick Derimore. Isaac Acres. Uiirsos. Catilo . Sheep. Tax. 5j I 2 2 13 .i 200 3 5 4 .1 .9 1 5 .5 2 •} 4 6 .9 10. 1 9 2 1 .9 .f. 15J 2 1 1.17 .1 15a •> 1 1 1 1 1.17 .1 3 .1 100 2 2 2 1 .2 .6 50 2 3 12 .8 10(1 2 1 •1 ;: 1.13 .9 8 50 1 1 5.10 25 1 1 5.10 50 1 2 9 .7 200 2 8 2 .4 .4 150 2 o ;> 1.12 .8 2 2 o G .2 2 3 5 6.10 2 4 1 5 .5 20 il ■1 1 4 3 .0 .G 215 9 o 2 2.19 .0 50 1 1 8.10 70 O 2 1 .0 .0 212 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Daugherty, Barnard, Es- quire 4.')0 Elder, George Eyngland, James, Eyngland, John 100 Pleeharty, John, 100 Frazer, William, Friend, Joseph, 150 Friend. John 180 Frederigal, William French, John, 100 Friend, Andrew, Farmer, William 50 Fryback, George, 25 Hill, Frederick, Hall, Thomas 184 Hamilton, Thomas 50 Holtz, Jacob 100 Haney, Patrick, Hall, Samuel Huft, Elijah Hellems, John 50 Hellems, Thomas, 50 Hagan, John 50 Hain, Nicholas lams, William 100 Jones, William Johnston. Joseph 90 Johnston, Thomas 50 Keck, Nicholas Lightman. George Mooro. Robert, Senior, .... 145 McKeever, John Moore, Robert. Junior, .... Miley, Abraham, Senior, . . . 150 Milley, Abraham, Junior, . 125 Moss, Samuel 50 Murphey, Alexander 40 McMichael. Daniel Mahan, Thomas Patterson, James 150 O'Hara, Arthur Parrom. John 100 Roof. Mathias 456 5 .5 .7 2 2 4 6 .1 1 2 3 .9 3 3 7 1 .2 .6 2 2 1.10 .6 1 1 14 .9 3 6 8 2 .6 .5 6 6 5 3.19 .4 3 3 3 9 .k 2 3 1 .5 .6 1 1 3 .0 1 10 .1 2 2 12 .1 1 3 3 9 .1 2 2 1.14 .G 2 2 2 8 .6 2 2 5 1 .4.11 1 3 4 .6 '> 4 7 7 .6 1 1 1 .6 1 1 8 11 .3 9 o 5 16 .2 2 3 C 18 .6 1 1 3 .0 3 2 2 1 .7 .3 1 2 11 15 .9 2 3 2 12 .7 3 8 7 18 .5 2 1 5 .4 1 2 8 4 7 4 7 .4 .3 1 1 2 3 .0 2 2 6 .1 2 4 8 3 .4 .2 1 .9 .0 2 1 5 14.10 1 1 10 .1 1 2 .4 1 2 2 .9 3 4 2 .5 .1 2 1 5 .5 9 3 C 1 .5 .7 2 3 9 4 .5 .5 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1783. 213 Acres. Horses. Roof, Michael Rinehart, Johu, 2 Roof. Peter Roof, Nicholas 50 2 Rollin, Jacob Rienhart, Lipleagle 360 2 Riggs, James 50 2 Ross. Edward, 100 4 Spurgeou, James 50 Spurgeon, Samuel 50 2 Spurgeon, Ezekiel 50 1 Tripshoe, Christopher, .... Utzler, Christian 1 Utzler, Jacob 1 Wright. John, S'r 1 Williams, Henry 3 Williams, John 2 Wright. John, Junior 1 Williams, Shadarach 25 1 Worley, Ezekiel 100 4 Wigfield. Benjamin 50 2 Whitstone. Henry 50 1 Willt, Johu 100 2 Wigfield. Joseph 50 2 Young. Adam 100 2 SINGLE FREEMEN. Jacob Devebaugh, .. 1 Adam Devebaugh Andrew Moore James Moore, George Utzler . . 2 • Ezekiel Worley, 150 1 Joseph Cockner, . . 1 John Hamilton Henry Eyngland James Tucker Lawrence Coontz Cattle. Sliee|i. Tax IG .2 4 4 7 .6 ') 1 .5 3 5 IG .2 1 1 .9 2 3 2 .G .0 8 9 19 .9 8 1.18 .6 9 .5 2 5 1.15 .5 1 •> 12 .5 9 .5 2 10 2 .4 2 6 3 .9 2 8 .6 2 6 .1 2 4 3 .9 1 G .6 G 4 15 .0 3 3 13.10 2 1 15 .6 8 8 4.17 .2 6 6 14 .5 6 4 1 .5 .4 2 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 Benjamin Davis, Thomas Hubbs. NON-RESIDENT.S Acres. Tax 900 10.11 .3 100 16 .5 214 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Tax. 7 .0 DUBLIN TOWNSHIP. Jushua Barns, 5q Samuel Davidson 250 2 19 9 Jacob Saylor 250 "^ 19 9 John Powell 5q ^ g John Vanderin, 30o 3.10 .4 John Galaher, 200 15 4 Purvains, 280 3 ^5 .8 Hugh Means, 400 4.13.11 Samuel Finlay, 300 3.10.4 Robert Calender's heirs 300 3.10 4 Reuben Hains, 400 4 13 11 Thomas Barton, 300 3 10 4 Michael HuffNagle, 300 3 10 4 David Kennedy. 300 3.10 .4 John & Joseph Swift 500 5 .g 5 John Swift 200 2 .6.11 Doctor William Smith 250 2.18 Samuel Hughes IqIq ^ 9 2 Captain William Trent 44O 3 .3 3 John Allison, 250 2.18 .0 Samuel Wallace, 300 310 4 Charles Black 200 2 6 11 Rowland McDanald 200 2 6 11 Anthony Smith, 246 2 17 9 Anthony Worley, 50 n 9 Thomas Stuart 100 11 9 Thomas Haine 100 2 7 Acres. Hor.ses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax Alexander, Robert 50 77 Blair, Alexander 150 2 3 4 1 .7 .4 Buird, Benjamin 230 4 3 4 2.I8 4 Buird, James 60 2 3 3 ig 3 Buird. John, 50 1 4 5 2.13 .1 Buird, Thomas, 200 2 2 2 2 9 6 Barnet. James 100 2 2 . . 1.14 4 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1783. 2\: Acres. Horses. Barringer, Andrew lOU 2 Cowan, James 100 Clemens, Jean, widow 50 Charlton, Samuel 150 Coyl. James, Esquire 263 4 Chrine, David 2 Cunningham. George . . 2 Clark. David, 100 2 Craig. William 1 Cornelius, John 200 2 Cornelius, William 2 Coal, Thomas 1 Corbin, William 2 Cannon, Patrick 100 3 Davidson, Hugh, 31G 3 Elliot, Benjamin 100 3 Elliot, John, 100 Edington, Jonathan, 50 1 Egleson, John, 50 Fitzimmons, Patrick, 50 2 Flemmon, James 50 2 Galaher, John 50 1 Holt, Henry, 2 Hudson, George 150 2 Head. William 100 2 Justice, William, 35 2 Johnston, Robert 1 Lucas, George 1 Lovall, Jonathan 50 2 Morton, James, 200 1 Moore, John 50 1 McCuen, James, 70 2 McElroy, Alexander, 50 2 Malholam, Hugh 50 1 McDonald, Duncan . . 1 McKee, James 100 2 Marshell, James, ^. ...... . 150 2 McArdell, James 1 McBride, James, 50 1 Mathias, Phillips 100 1 Orlton. Hugh 200 2 Ollinger. John 50 1 Pollock. John, 100 1 Robertson, Jeremiah 40 1 Cattle. 2 Sheep. Tax. 15 .2 19 .2 7 .2 1.14 .2 5 12 3 .8 .3 •J 2 4 .3 2 3 4 .3 1 18 .8 1 .6 6 6 1.16 .6 2 3.11 1 2 .0 3 5 .6 3 6 1 .1 .5 4 8 4 .6 .3 4 1 .8.11 18 .1 2 2 .6 1 18 .1 1 2 11 .1 2 11 .1 1 3 9 .9 4 5 5 .1 3 1 .7 .2 3 4 1 .0 .3 3 12 .0 1 2 .0 1 4 2 .3 o 4 4 .3 1 1.19.11 1 13 .5 2 4 1 .0 .2 1 11 .0 1 9 .7 o 2 .6 1 2 18 .8 2 1 .6 .8 1 1 2 .0 2 1 10 .1 2 17 .8 6 6 1.16 .4 2 2 10 .2 2 17 .8 7 .7 216 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax. Ramsey, William bO 2 2 2 10.2 Ramsey, Robert, 234 4 fS 3 2.16 .4 Ramsey, John, 350 5 6 10 4.4.10 Stitt, John, 50 1 2 1 10 .1 Stephens, Thomas, . . 1 2 1 2 .6 Snider, Coonrod 50 1 1 1 1.10 buields, James 300 3 4 5 2.10.6 Stiles, David 1 2 . . 2 .6 Such, Abraham, 50 1 1 2 9 .8 Swagart, John . . 1 1 . . 4 .6 Taylor. Mathias 50 2 1 11.3 Tice, John, 30 2 3 4 d .0- .Walker. John, 50 3 4 4 13 .8 Ward, William 200 2 1 .. 3.8.11 Walker, David, 150 2 4 4 1.19.2 Welsh, Nicholas 20 2 1 2 6 S Wilson, John 50 1 1 .. 9.7 SINGLE FREEMEN. Amount of Tax Joshua Cornelius, 1.10 .0 Samuel Cornelius 1.10 .0 William Taylor : 1.10 .0 Simon Dinney 1.10 .0 John Kelley 1.10 .0 John Morton 1.10 .0 James Allen, 1.10 .0 Hugh Barclay 1.10 .0 James Cannon 1.10 .0 Henry Hines 1.10 .0 William Stevens 1.10 .0 Thomas Weston 1.10 .0 William Weston 1.10 .0 Thomas Stitt 1.10 .0 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Tax. James Baker, on Sidlin Hill Creek 150 1 .2 .9 Francis Campbell, on Oughwick 120 1.14 .1 Hercelus Camp, on Sidlin Hill Creek 150 1 .2 .9 Joseph Devinport, near Littleton, 150 1.14 .1 James Elliot, 150 1.14 .1 COUNTY OF BEDFORD -17S3. 217 Acres. James Hunter 30o Lukens & Little 500 John Steel, Junior 289 Robert Strawbridgo lOu Doctor William Smith 300 William Henry j 200 Royer McClain 150 Thomas Staines 250 "Benjamin Skinner, 100 William Green, 200 Edward Stett lOo Skivinton Hamilton 150 Baynton, Wharton & Company i,800 John Elliot lOo Alexander Sheerer 50 Patrick McApherson 50 William McDowell 150 Nathan McDowell 150 Richard Beard 250 George Henry, 300 Samuel Smith 100 John Moore, 50 William Trent 500 Jacol) Whitner 100 Tax. 3 .8 .5 5.13 .9 3 .5 .9 15 .2 3 .8 .5 13.13 .0 1 .2 .9 1.17.11 15 .2 1.10 .4 15 .2 1 .2 .9 20 .9 .(; 15 .2 7 .7 7 .7 1.14 .1 1.14 .1 1.17 .1 2 .5 .6 15 .2 7 .7 5.13 .9 15 .2 BARREE TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheefi. Anderson, .James, 4 3 1 Armstrong. John 1 1 Carswell, James, 140 1 1 1 Cheney, Gilbert 1 2 1 Cotton, John . . 2 3 Carswell, Robert, 1 1 Ewing. Thomas 200 2 2 G Ewing. John, Senior 50 Ewing. John, J'r . . 2 1 1 Ferguison, Thomas, 75 2 3 (; Ferguison. Henry 75 2 2 C Tax. 1 .2 .9 8 .9 2 .1 .8 3 .6 9.11 5.10 3 .5 .0 5 .G 8 .9 1 .2 .5 1 .5 .0 218 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Glenn, Andrew Gray, George, 100 Glenn, John, 100 Gray, Thomas 100 Glenn, Archibald, 100 Glenn, Andrew Huston, William 15U Johnston, William 150 Lennon, Patrick 50 Little, John, 100 Long, William 50 Long, Joseph, 100 Long, Thomas, Logue, Hugh, McElevey, William, 300 McCormick, Alexander, . . . 400 McMoultrie, David 1,150 McCartney, Robert, 216 McElheney, Widow McDermott, James 200 McDermott, Edward McGuffoch, Benjamin, Miller, Richard 100 Nelson, William, 200 Nelson, Abraham, Nelson, Robert, Oburn, Joseph 100 Porter, William 200 Porter, James, Ralston, David, 175 Rickets, Cheney, Rickets, Jeremiah Reed, Joseph Riddle, Robert, 100 Smith, Robert. Esq'r 200 Skidmore, Josiah Thompson, David Torbert, John, 250 Torbert, Widow, Wilson, William 100 Willson, John, 222 Wason, Robert Wilson, George Wilson, Thomas Horses. 2 Cattle. 2 Sheep. Tax. 6 .1 2 2 1 .1 .0 3 3 1 .1 .7 2 2 1 .1 .0 1 2 2 16 .0 2 1 2 4 .1 2 2 .1 .2 2 2.18 .4 1 2 15 .2 3 2 2 1 .9 .2 2 2 1 .1.10 1 17 .6 1 1 5 .3 2 1 3 .9 2 5 4 3.12.11 2 5 6 3 .8 .2 1 1 1 14.10 .0 2 .0.10 1 2 4 .8 1 2 1 .2 .9 2 1 .9 2 2 8 .9 1 1 10 .2 1 1 1 .9 .2 2 1 2 5 .6 1 3 .6 2 3 2 .3 .9 1 2 2 2.15 .5 1 1 4 .4 4 G 8 2.12 .6 2 2 4 8 .2 1 1 5.10 1 1 3 .9 2 17 .6 2 3 3 2 .9 .0 3 3 3 11 .8 2 1 1 4 .4 2 2 1.15 .0 2 1 4 .4 2 5 1.12 .0 2 3 1 1.15 .0 1 3 2 5.10 3 3 8 9.11 2 5.10 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S3. 219 SINGLK FREEMEN. Amount of Tax. William F^orter, 1 .0 .0 James Criswell 1 .0 .0 Alexander Ewing 1 .0 .0 John Ewing 1 .0 .0 James Conner 1 .0 .0 Mathias Vandcrhider 1 .0 .0 William McElheney 1 .0 ;0 Edward Rickeis 1 .0 .0 John Brown ] .0 .0 John Ralston 1 .0 .0 James McDermott 1 .0 .0 Robert McCartney 1 .0 .0 NriX-KKSIDKXTS. Acres. Tax Thomas Armstrong 300 4 .7 .G William Willson. deceased 180 2 .2 .0 David Riddle 100 11.0 Reuben Mains 300 1.15 .0 Andrew Boggs 300 1.15 .(i John Cox 300 4 .7 .(I Robert Criswell 17ti 2 .C .0 John Culbertson 150 1.15 .0 Banester & Jiles 600 8.15.0 William Patterson 600 5 .2 .2 Samuel MifTlin 2,800 20 .7 .8 John Flaxener 400 4.16 .3 John Reishie 620 7 .5.10 John Shea 2,200 IG .0.10 Rachel Cox 300 4 .7 .6 Ditto 200 1.17.1 1 Proprietaries' land 1,500 21.17 .6 Baynton. Wharton 6 .0 2 .1 18 .4 3 4.11 .0 2 8 .3 4 .7 1 4 4 .2 1 4 1 .3 .4 2 .3 •> 5 2 .3 2 2 15 .5 •) 10.10 3.18.10 3 9 .3 2 G .0 - G .0 1 19 .3 2 G .8 1 5 .2 4 19 .5 3 6 .8 3 12 .3 2 6 .0 ') 2 .5 .5 2.11 1 2.11 ') 111 4 1 .3.10 2 .3 16 .5 2 2.1G .5 2 .2 .3 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1783. 223 SINGLE FREEMEN. Hugh Mitchell, Henry Cannon William Wilson, . . . . John Wilson, David Loyd, John Davis, Simon Fox David Caldwell Thomas Brakenridge, Alexander Dean John Sponagle, , James Night, , John Dean Robert Young James Wilson, Andrew Anderson, . . . William Thompson, . David Caldwell William Allen David Templeton William Rose, Joseph Barns, Acres. HorseB. Cattlu. Sheep 1 1 1 50 1 1 1 1 et p. Tax. 1 .4.11 1 .4 .7 1 .2 .3 1 .3 .3 1 .3 .3 1 .2 .3 1 .2 .3 1 .2 .3 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 . 1 .0 .0 1 .1.10 1.17.11 1 .2 .3 1 .0 .0 1 .1 .2 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .1 .7 1 .1 .7 1 .1 .2 1 .2 .3 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Samuel Mifflin, 1^000 Joshua Elder 100 William Kerr, 200 David Eaton 150 Hugh Means 150 John Reed, 250 WMlliam Eakens, 150 Daniel Clark, 537 Thomas Smith, Esquire, 900 John Gamble, 45O Ezekiel Smith 300 George Hutcheson lOO Baynton. Wharton & Morgan 1,000 James Dunlop, 400 Benjamin Blyth, lOO Benjamin Chew, ggl Tax 19 .9 .4 1 .2.11 1 .2. 11 12.11 1.14 .4 1.14 .4 11 .0 3 .6 .3 10 .6 .3 1.14 .4 3 .7 .9 5 .8 11 .9 .2 4.11 .0 1 .2.11 6 .7 .6 224 SUPPLY TAX, General John Armstrong Lawyer Johnston Proprietaries' land Ditto, at Hart's Logg '. . . . Doctor William Smith, opposite T Creek Ditto, Half Faced Cabbin Ditto, below the — paid by John F«« Ditto, at Hart's Logg, Ditto, in the Narrows, Ditto, on Crooked Creek, Ditto in tenure of James Caldwell Ditto in tenure of John Patton, Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, at the mouth of Frankstown Branch Ditto at the old Crossings, John Miner, Woodcock Valley Thomas Golden, in ditto, Andrew Wilkey Peter Vanderhidtr David McGaw, Colonel Boquet James Hunter, Jacob Myers Samuel Wallace, Acres. 300 100 1,500 700 3,990 600 525 300 280 300 85 500 582 100 250 300 Tax. 4 .4.10 1 .8 .8 1G.13 .9 8 .5 .0 21.17 .3 5 .7 .5 2.11 .1 1.19 .0 14 .0 3 .7 .9 3 .7 .9 5 .6 .5 2.15 .0 3 ,7 .9 2 .7 .0 3 .7 .9 1.19 .4 4 .4.10 5 .0.10 13 .0 2 .3 .C 1 .5 .8 HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP. Allen, William, . . Abbet, William, . . Anderson. Stuart, Adams, William, . Thomas Buck, . . . Bunn, William, . . Bunn, Benjamin, . Bradley, Thomas, Bonn, Nicholas, . . Brown, Samuel, . . Acres. Horses. Caltle. Sheep. Tax. 200 11 .6 300 1 3.11 .5 200 2 1.17.11 100 11 .6 200 3 3 8 2.16.10 100 11 .6 50 5 .9 100 11 .6 100 4 .7 600 3 .8 .9 COUNT V OF BEDFORD— 1783. 225 Brannon, , Burge, William, Colonel Boquet i_200 Michael Kernan Clark, Neal Cann, Charles Crohan, George Cheney, Benjamin Clark, Charles Covenhoven, John Captain Samuel Bradey, Dean, Samuel Dean, John, Dean, Thomas Acres. Horses. 100 Cattle. Sheep. 300 50 20 100 100 50 200 700 100 100 50 Dowlen, Richard 250 Dean, "William, jqo Donaldson, Moses loo Enyart, William £70 Elder, George, 209 Enyart, John, Forshey, Solomon, Foster, John Flora. James Finlay, Samuel 260 Galbraith, Robert, i,ioo Gathrell, John 2OO Guthery. Hugh 400 Guthery, Daniel, joo Heins, Henry, jqo Hanawallt & Hunter 200 Hudson, Mathias, 10 Hampson. James, Senior, . 147 Hampson, James, J'r 100 Heater, George Henry Robert Henry. William Hains, Reuben Jinkins, John Johnston 50 50 20U 50 100 100 300 900 50 300 Benjamin Kidd 326 Keeth, Adam 70 Ditto 230 Locket. Thomas, 200 Lane, Wilkinson, 200 15— VOL. XXn— 3rd Ser. Tax. I .2.11 2 .9 13.15 .8 17 2 3 11 17 5 .8 1 .2.11 8 .0 .5 5 .9 5 .9 2.10 1.15 .5 1 .9 .5 2.15 .6 4 .3.11 2 .5.10 5 .9 II .6 4 .9 .5 13 .9 4 .9 .4 12.12 .1 1 .2.11 4.17 .6 1 .3 .7 3 .9 1.14 .4 9 .2 2.19 .9 6 .3 2 .4.11 1.14 .4 5 .2 .1 5 .9 .4 3 .3 .1 3.14 .8 2.11 .7 2.12 .9 I 1.6 II .6 226 SUPPLY TAX, ^ Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Lilly, Richard, .": 60 Litle, John ^36 Martin McGrew 300 McCardel, James, 100 McClean, Allen, 200 Morgan, William, 300 Moore, Levi, 200 McGaw s heirs, 200 Mitchell, ^00 McCrahan, 100 Zebulon Moore, 50 3 4 2 Molton, John, 300 Miller, Felix, 100 McKinney, Hugh, 50 McDonald, James 3 4 1 Michael Hufnagle, 150 Oaks, John 200 Perry, Samuel 500 Prigmore, Theodorus . . 1 2 2 Rutlege, Jason, 25 Rickets, Edward, 60 Reed, William, 300 Sherley, William, 100 2 2 Reed, William 180 Sills, Abraham, 150 Stevens, Vincent 100 . . . . Sherley, Rachel, widow, ... 100 Shipherd, John, 55 Skeyles, Ephraim 300 Smart, William 100 Shobin, Jacob, 50 Shobin, Boston, 300 Stoner, Philip 200 Swift. Philip, 130 Strong. Philip 100 3 2 4 Shaver, John, 200 3 2 Saunders's heirs 200 Sheckler, George, 75 1 Smallman, Thomas 700 Sills. Solomon 21S 3 4 5 Sheets, Henry 200 3 3 7 Peter Thompson, 100 Samuel Thompson 100 3 3 C Francis White 100 Tax 13 . y 4 .1 . 1 17 , 2 5 . 9 11 , ,6 2.11 . .7 4.17 . ,6 2 .5.10 3 .8 .9 11 .5 2.16 .8 1.14 .6 11 .6 5 .5 10 .1 2 .5.10 8.11.11 4 .7 11 .6 13 .9 17 2 10 .1 3 .1.10 8 .8 5 .9 5 .9 11 .6 6.17 .6 2 .5 .» 1 .2. ) 1 6.17 .6 4.11 .8 1 .9 .9 1 .9 .2 2.16 .5 2.11 .8 1 .2.11 12 .0 .7 4.15. .11 1 .4 .4 5 .9 1.16 .8 5 .9 COU.\-TV OF BEDFORD— 1783. 227 Widow Lewis m^ Joiin White jq^, William Wrii^ht ^50 William Sherley. Senior, . . 2011 William Watson kj^, Michael Wiiitstone k)0 John Weston -jva Elizabeth Wilson }<(| Thomas Wilson 25 James Wilson ■}r \iT(.-s. lIorsLS. CiitUc. sill William Wiston, John Enyard, . . . Sebastian Plealer, Charles Cann. . . SINCiLlO FUKKMEN ILej.. Ta.\. 11 .fJ 5 .9 2.17 .4 i 1 .5 .2 14 .3 17 .2 7 2.18 .0 1 .1 .1 5 .<) 7 .4 1 .1 .0 1 .1 .0 1 .1 .0 1 .1 .0 QFEMAllONLXC TOWNSHIP. Ale.xandcr. Joseph, Harnhait, Jacob u,,, Barnhart. Peter ](i(, Black, James ^qo Burket. Israel, jqq ('oilman, Christopher 50 Boyd, James 200 Clesner, Jacob, . '. 550 Dillebau.t?h, Valentine 300 Edmon, Thomas 150 Emert. Wendle, 200 Grose, George 5,, Holley, David ^OO Jolly, Benjamin 200 Huffman. Jacob joq Huffman. George 9oij ^ Hull, Widow j5(, ■ Huff, Sarah, widow. til.-. ShCL'p. Tax 3 3.1J 15 .8 2 13 .2 u 3.17 .0 2 13 .0 7 .2 ') 10 .5 1 .4 .] 1 .4 .] 18 .1 1 .5 S, 8 .2 •' 2 .3 .1 1 .0 .0 (J 1 .0.1(1 1 .5.1(1 13 .0 5 .2 228 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Hess. Henry, 600 -' Higgins, Edward 3U0 1 Kinglesbarge, Ulery lOU 1 Kimble, Philip, Jr., 100 2 Kimble, Philip, Senior, 150 4 Kimble, George, 300 4 Kiffer, Jacob, 50 1 Kimble, Michael 150 1 Lou, George 100 1 Miller, Isaac 145 1 Miller, Christopher, 50 2 Miller. Abraham 50 1 McMullen. Alexander McMullen, , Miller, John 600 2 Penrod, Peter, 100 2 Penrod, John, Sen'r 500 3 Penrod, Soloman, 150 2 Penrod. Uavid 100 1 Peters. John 300 Rhoads. John 600 3 Rose, James 150 2 Reed, John khoads. Joseph 150 Ryan, Timothy, Reman. Godfrey 200 3 Robertson, Hugh, 100 1 Richard Brown, Spiker, Christoph 200 2 Stotler, Casper 300 4 Spiker, Samuel 100 1 Stotler, Samuel, SmiLh, Jacob 100 1 Springer, Philip 50 1 Suter, Martin 300 2 Skinglesbarger, .\lbright, . 100 1 Sills. Michael 200 Sigler. John 200 5 Spiker, John . . 1 Smoker. Jacob 200 1 Sheffcr. Simon 100 1 Shake, George • ■ 2 Stoy, Daniel. 150 3 Sheffer, Henry 200 Cattle. 1 Sheep. Tax. 4 .0 .0 1.10 .0 1 1 .0 .0 2 3 1 .0 .1 5 12 5 .8 .0 5 5 3.13 .0 1 IG .0 1 1 .7 .0 1 15 .0 2 2 2 .5 .0 2 3 8 .2 ■ 2 2 10 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .2 .1 o 4 1 .4 .0 3 IG .8 5 3 3 .8 .0 4 1 .0 .0 2 10 .0 2.10 .0 4 8 6 .0 .0 17 .0 1 .0 .(» 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 9 1 .0 .0 1 10 .0 4 .3 .4 3 6 3 .0 .0 4 10 2 .0 .0 1 3 10 .0 9.11 1 10 .0 2 3 8 .2 9 3.19 .9 1 .0 .0 1 .7 .0 5 1.15 .0 2 .2 1^ 9 1 .7 .0 4 3 15 .0 3 6 1 .0 .0 18 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— its:. 22[> Sheffer. Goorgo Sheffer. I'liili]) Ward, John, Ittd Wright, David 2:u> Wells, James Wensel, John 3()ii Whits. one. Mathias loung. Casper l")!! Yeotli. John 2ti(t Veotiier. Christopher Veothor, Christopher, S'r. . (!iiil Husl)ands, Herman l.(l(i(t 2 1 •> 1 1 1 1 J :; (; 1(1 .(• ] .0 .0 1 .0 .(1 1.18 .(1 2 2 1 ].") .0 1(1 .(1 ■' 2 r, 2 .0 .(1 2 2 •) G .8 ." 8 s ') .0 .0 S .0 .(» SIXGIJ'. FKKEMICN. Been, Christopher . . 1 Burkct. Christopher Emert. George, ;>(H) Leman. Peter IHii l Leaman. George I'lii Lambert. .laeol) .. 2 lluskint-. William .. 1 Smii li. .lohn .MilhM', Cliristoi)her 1 .7 .1 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .(1 2.10 .(; 2 .8 .(; 2.1!) .(; 1 .(1 .(1 1.1.-. .0 l.i.-> .0 NOX-UE.';inEXTS. Acres. Tax. Mary .\shpit :m\ 1.11 ..") (Jodfrey Waltzel 29.". 1.11.1 Edmond Milne 311 2.13.11 Richard Brown 324 2.13.11 Joseph Husbands 321 2 .0 .8 William Cole 2!tii 2 .0 .2 Joseph Husbands 3(i!i 2.13 .9 Samuel Gillespy 30:1 2 .0 .0 .lohn Shoemaker 300 2 .5 .0 John Roberts 31.". 2 .G .0 John Dealing 304 2 .r. .0 Robert Trickney 324 2 .G .0 James Glenworth 324 2 .8 .4 John Vandeim 3."jT 2.10 .0 John Vanderin 357 2.10 .0 John Shaw 31 .' 2 .G.ll John Phillips 302 2 .fj .0 230 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Reynold Keen 332 William Scott 332 Jacob Hall 325 Isaac Mather, 308 Joseph Bullock 338 John Kirts, 314 John Stillwagoner 337 Andrew Giger 320 Lewis Powell 310 Joseph Engle 30(1 Coonrod Weaver, 311 Jonathan Shoemaker 320 Michael Miller 30i) Zadock Gilmore 308 James Casbright 30 1 Samuel Heliges 32" Stephen Tanner 102 Cornelius Rcrnice 223 John Paul, 317 John Shoemaker, 201 GeorgG Nelson 20n Thomas Beck 321 lioop^r & Company 3.0i^(i .Michael Heliges, COO Latitia Penn 3(m John Vanderin 4.122 Mathias Mario 200 Peter Kutter 300 Mordicai Roberts 300 Peter Rench 1^0 Jacob Sryock ir)0 Charles EmlolT 100 Fergues McMamoth 2ii(i George Free 2(iO John Kelly 300 Stephen Tanner 100 Michael Heliges (!0(i Samuel Wallace 7ito Benjamin Bazel 2tl0 Richard Higgins 300 James Smith (lOO Michael Heliges 30li John Nixon 300 George Siiiffer 300 Tax 2 .7 .G 2 . 1 .Li 2 .7 .11 2 .7. 11 2.10 o 2 .7 .;» 2 .7 .G 2 .7 .4 2 .8 .8 2 .7. 10 2 .8 .8 2 .7 ') 1.10 .0 2 .5 .1 2 .5 .4 IC .0 1.10 .1 2 .0 .8 1 .(i .0 1 .(1 .1 2 .7 .(1 41). 18 .4 7.11 .8 20 .0 .0 31) .8 .0 1.10 .(1 1.11 .3 1.11 .3 15 .8 15 .8 10 .5 15. 10 15.10 2 .5 .0 IG .s 2.15 .(1 5 .G .8 2 .0 .4 2 .5 .11 3 o .(1 2.10 .0 2.10 .(1 1.11 .3 COrXTV OK liEDKORD— 17S3. 231 Acres. Tax. Robert Adams 300 j j^ ;; John Miisor 300 i.n .3 John Bridges 30(i i.i 1 .3 Mordicai Roberts 4-,0 2 .(i.Kl Peter Rench If.o ^5 7 Jacob Sryock ]-,() ir, 7 William Smith ir,i, ]r, - James Willson 300 2. 10 .0 William Reynolds Ij] 5 Peter Stay 3(ii, 9jo .() John Vanderin 30") 2.10.1(1 Robert Latiee Hooper 302 2.10.10 Daniel Ridhart 301 2. 10 .0 W illiani Robertson 301 2.10 .0 Oitto. Ditto 301 2.10.0 Henry Riitter 302 2. 10 .0 (Jeor.sie Rntter 302 2.10.0 (Jeorge Brown 320 2.14 .3 (Jeorge Lambert 323 2.13 .1 John Vanderin 30] 2. 10 .0 Andrew .McAnan 300 2. 10 .0 John lliintor 324 2 10 Sarkwarell Wood 33.-. 2.17>A^ (Jeorse .lewell 3O0 2.10 .0 Alexander Carlisle 3];) o.lS .1 Thomas Procter 372 3 .1.1 ] James Pollock 2Sft 2 .S 1 Richard Wells 31.} o.U .fi Abraham Dike 307 in .3 Benjamin Davis 344 1.1;'. 10 Josiah Hoddy I44 IG .0 Joseph Mather 384 2 .7.11 Joseph Morris 302 2.10 Joseph Ogdan 353 2.I8 .4 George Hunter 132 13 g John Paul 307 i.n .3 Deheart Reese, 3()S 2.II .5 Thomas Lambert 347 2. 11 3 Edward Steyley, 2!»r) 2.11 .2 William Ball 302 2. 10 .2 Adam Hubely 32S; 1.13 4 John Whitmore 321 2 13 G James Stump I04 10.7 WilliTni Reynold 307 in 5 232 SUPPLY TAX, BETHEL, TOWNSHIP. At)bet. Benjamin Ash, Adam, Albright, Allison, Francis Ash. Henry, Brewer, Henry Brown, Jacob, Bailey, John Boyer, Henry Breathod. Edward, ... Brown, David, Bishop, George Beard, Philip Bringhnrst, James, . . Combs. John Curry. John Carney. William Curry. William Cavall. Bcthuel Combs, Edward, Clark, John Cowel. Isaac Caris, Widow Crossings, Thomas, . . Crossings, Samuel, , . . Clevinger, Abraham. Cigler, Jacob Dost, John Dishong, Morris Enlows. Christopher, Eady, Widow Fidler, Timothy FitchPatrick, John, . . Ford. Barnard Falmouth. Theodorus. Fisher, John Fisher, Simon C.ardner. Moses Acres. H( ">rses. Cattlp. Sheep. Tax. 151) 4 4 10 4 .7 .0 5(1 1 o 2 1 .3.11 50 ') 4 o 1 .9 .5 20U 1.11.11 50 2 2 1 .2 .9 75 3 4 5 LIS .9 50 1 2 3 IS .8 50 ') 1 1 12 .0 50 2 2 1 .4 .2 400 6 10 25 7 .1 .<; 270 2 2 3 4 .7 .<; 50 1 2 9 .4 50 •) '> jj 15 .!! 300 1.12 .0 100 2 3 4 2 .9 .4 50 14 .7 ?,00 )I (! 2 2.10 .4 1 .5 .4 2011 5 7 3 1.10 .8 25 2 C, 10 1 .5 .8 98 1 ') 1 .0 .5 50 9 17 .5 50 1 2 4 .4 100 1 1 4 1 .f. .3 140 1 IG .4 200 2 4 1 1 .S.IO 150 11 .8 50 '> 2 1 4 .4 :',(io 2 5 4 3 .7 .8 2(iO 2 '> o 2.10 .5 100 2 •> 8 1 .7 .0 170 4 :j 5 LIS .1 50 2 2 2 14 .3 100 14 .7 1211 2 1 1 .3 .0 25!) ;; 1 s* 3 2 2 100 10 .9 50 •> 2 Ifi 4 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S3. 233 Acres. Hursi-s. Cattle. Sheep. Gibbens, Morris lOU Gilliland, Philip 5U0 4 4 4 Graham, Widow 123 1 2 George, Powell 25 2 Graves, Samuel l5o 3 G 8 Gilleu, Daniel ]ou Hackler, Martin Kin 4 2 Hollingshead, James 25 1 1 ■Hiss, William, lou 3 4 7 Hart, William, 250 3 G 12 Horse, George, luo 2 4 lu Hamler, Andrew loo . . 2 1 Henry, Peter, 5U 1 2 3 Hendershit, Jacob, SO 2 2 Hill, John, Senior 5o 2 2 1 Hill, George, 50 2 3 3 Haugh, Jacob 75 Houckersmith, Jacob 75 Hill, John, Likin creek, ... luo hierbeson, Hugh Hoop, George CO 2 3 5 Hawkens. George, 3uo Hunt, William li)'j 4 G (J Hendershit, Baltis 50 . . 1 Hiss. Baltis 25o 2 3 lo Hoopengardner, George, . . 50 3 3 Hiss, Henry, 75 Jinkins, Even 2S4 3 3 G John, Gidion lOQ 12 3 Jones, 100 King, Peter, lOO Karr, Robert, 100 Kidd, benjamin 300 Kiramel. Peter 50 ] 1 Kinard. John, 50 .. 1 Linn, Addiss, 50 3 4 10 Linn, Widow loo 3 5 Lambert, John's estate, ... i^eech, Nicholas, 150 Longstreth, James 37 2 1 Longstreth. Philip 200 3 2 Longstreth, John 37 2 2 Longstreth. Martin 100 3 1 4 l^nce, Christopher 50 . . 1 Tax. 14 .7 4 .2 .G 1 .9 •> 4 .4 3 .0 .8 10 .9 1 .4 .') 5 .0 1 .5 .1 3 .6 .0 2 .7 .3 13 .2 18 .8 1 .2 .9 1 .3 .4 1 .0 .5 1 .9 .2 1 .9 2 14 .7 5 .3 13 .8 2 .3 .9 2 .8 .9 G .5 1 .4 2 1.14 .2 8 .9 2.11 .7 18 .9 1 .9 2 8 .9 10 .8 1.12 . .5 7.10 9 . .4 1 .8 . 4 . 2 17 . 2 14 . I 1.17 . 4 14 . 7 2 .6.11 7.10 234 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Linn, Isaac 6U 2 Leaman, Joakini, 90 2 Leaten, William, 5U 2. Leaten, Samuel, 5u 2 Leaten, Obadiah, 100 2 Leaton, Asher, 100 2 Lambert, George, 100 Mowney, Andrew, 134 3 Mason, John, 100 2 Mason, Jacob, 30 2 Mowney, John 150 2 McKinney, Robert, 75 2 McKinney, Joseph 75 2 McKinney, James 262 2 Millbourn, John 100 2 Mowney, Barnard 125 2 Morton, Edward, 60 Morton, John's estate, 50 Milot, Obadiah, 100 1 Milot, Widow, 150 1 McKune, John 40 1 "Miller, Philip 50 1 McClean, Jacob, 100 1 McClean, James 100 1 Milot, Theodorus, 150 2 Milot, John 50 1 Morton, Richard 200 1 Murry, James, 40 2 Morton, William 300 2 Miller, George, estate 90 Powell, Joseph, 50 Poorman, Jacob 100 Peek, Widow, 27G 3 - Powell, Joseph 100 3 Peck, Widow 270 3 Patterson, Thomas 200 Pittman, Richard, 150 2 Pittman, William 100 2 Reed. Moses, Esquire 853 3 Reiver, Christopher 150 4 Robert, Abner, 50 1 Ruelong, Nethaniel 82 1 Rush, Peter, Senior 150 2 Rush, John 275 4 Cattle. 3 Sheep. 10 Tax. 1 .1 .0 3 4 13 .5 3 3 13 .5 2 1 14 .7 3 3 1 .4 .2 5 1 .0 .8 10 .9 5 6 3.19 .7 o 7 1 .4 .9 1 4 10 .2 9 5 1.10 .7 2 7 1 .5 .4 1 7 1 .3.11 3 5 2.18 .7 1 15 .2 2 4 1.10 .4 17 .0 14 .7 1 13 .3 1 3 1 .0 .5 1 14.10 2 2 17 .6 •1 5 1 .6 .3 1 1 .4 .6 3 1 .2 .5 1 9 .4 3 3 1 .0 .0 2 1 17 .6 2 4 1 .2 .2 13 .2 5 .3 1 .1.11 4 9 2 .5 .6 4 7 2 .0 .6 4 9 2 .5 .6 1 1 .1.10 4 6 1 .5.11 2 14 .0 8 12 5 .8 .7 5 2 .1 .8 2 9 .1 2 3 17 .6 2 4 1 .6 .3 6 6 3.14 .8 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S3. 235 Acres. Horses. Cattle Rush, Henry. Sr 200 2 4 Rush, Jacob 15U 3 2 Smith, John, Tonaloways,. . IL'5 3 2 Smith, Adam, 123 1 2 Smith, Peter, lb,G 4 'J Sliker, Lawrence 113 3 4 Stillwell, Elias 43u 3 10 Sooleu, Andrew 50 1 2 Snider, Henry, 75 2 3 Stevens, William 50 2 3 Stevens, Abednigo 200 2 3 Sausley, Henry lOO 4 5 Stall, Henry, 370 Smith, John, Liken Creek,. 94 2 3 Sipes, Henry 5o 2 4 Shuler, Hermon 5o 2 2 Shock, Jacob 50 2 C Shaver, Mathias 50 Sipes," Charles 40 2 2 Shingledeck, Jacob Um 1 4 Shingledecker, George, ... 5'J 1 3 Stalts, Frederick, luo 3 5 Swarts, Frederick 300 4 3 Smith. Emmanuel, S'r 50 2 2 Smith. Emmanuel, J'r 50 2 1 Stephens, Richard 50 Smith, Adam 100 1 2 Staford, Thomas, 50 2 3 . Slaughter, John 50 2 2 Smith, Zachariah 81 1 1 Simmer, Henry 150 1 1 Stanley, John, estate, 149 2 1 Swagart. George, 50 1 Straight, William, 100 Ticon. Mathias, 50 Truax. Benjamin, 150 3 7 Truax, Samuel, 200 1 4 Truax. Jacob lOO 3 G Truax. Widow 50 2 3 Thrall. Joseph 50 2 3 Tanner. Stephen 150 1 2 White. Coonrod, 50 1 William. I'homas 60 2 2 Warford. Widow 410 1 5 Sheeii. 4 Tax. 1 .3 .3 2 1 .5.11 2 1 .5.11 3 1.12 .4 7 3 .3.10 1.18 .G 10 5 .8 .7 5 9 .7 '.' 1 .2 .9 1 1 .1 .0 2 .3 .9 IG .1 3.1G .2 2 1 .4 .3 1 .0 .5 1 13 .5 1 .0 .5 8 .9 17 .C 1 .5 .1 8 .5 10 I.IG .5 1.10 .1 14 .0 14 .3 14 .7 19.10 3 IG.ll 14 .0 14 .0 9 19 .6 1 1 .6 .0 6 .6 IG .1 3 5 .6 8 2 .7 .3 3 1.16 .6 2 1 .9 .2 2 9 .1 9 18.11 1 .1 .3 6 .9 4 16 .1 10 5 .8 .5 t^ 236 SUPPLY TAX, Wallace Ephraim, Willson, Joseph, . Vvelsh, Francis, . . Wilkins, William, Wink, Jacob, Woods, William, . Wharra, Adam, . . Walker, Widow, . Warford, James, . Walker, George, . Young, Michael, . Acres. Uorses. Cattle. Sheep Tax. 120 2 3 4 3 .4 .4 100 14 .7 50 .. 2 4 7 .7 50 1 2 1 11 .8 200 3 8 9 2 .5 .b 50 2.14 .0 100 5 3 2 2 .7 .8 50 .. 1 3 4 .4 150 3 4 .. 2 .7 .3 300 1 2 .. 2 .8 .4 100 14 .7 Beard, David Barret, Thomas, S'r, . . . Collins, James Coyle, Christian Campbell, Widow Graham, William, Galbraith, Benjamin, . . Graham, Moses, Hill, John, Hart, Jacob Herman, John, Moore, Joseph McFadyen, John Mowney, Jacob Morgan, Peter Pittman, Joseph, Rush, Jacob, Shoemaker, Baltis Shivers, Francis Stillwell, John, Smith, Henry, Straight, John Sampson, Samuel Fidler, Christopher, . . . Shingledecker, Michael, Conner, Edward Ceeley, Mathias Truax, Phillip Warford, Joseph Warford, Henry, 4 .1 5.10 9 .5 13 .8 6 .8 4 .7 12 .3 9 .1 5.10 9 .5 2.11 2.11 8 .6 11 .1 18 .1 8 .9 10 .9 10.10 4 .1 16.11 14 .0 8 .2 6 .5 7 .0 2.11 5 .3 2 .8 2.11 10 .5 9.10 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1783. 237 Hess, Peter, . Hess, John, . . Stall, Michael, Acres. H orses. Cattle. 3 Sh pep. 4 Tax. 9.10 3 >> 3 12 .7 3 4 10 .5 SINGLE FREEMEN. Dishong, William Turner. William Hamler, Nicholas Hunt, Ralph Morton, Thomas Ketchim, Philip McDonald. John Rush, Peter, Truax, Joseph, Milot, Benjamin Breathod, Edward, Milot, John Miller, George, Barret. Thomas, Wink, Jacob Combs, Edward. Junior, ... Truax, William, Hooper, George Jinkius. John Mordis. George 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .2.11 1 .0 .0 1.17 .7 1 .0 .0 1 .2.11 1 .2.11 1 .4 .4 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .5 .3 1 .2.11 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .(I 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .(I 1 .0 .0 MILFORD TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horse.s. Cattle. Sheen. Tax. Jacob Morningstar 150 1 3 2 14 .0 Herman Husbands 3,000 5 8 10 4 .3 .8 Samuel Wright 100 2 2 4 7 .(". Allen. James 100 1 2 3 3.5 Ankany. Christian 396 3 8 9 18 .7 Ankaney. Peter, 500 2 8 8 16 .7 Nicholas Purom 300 4 6 4 16 .3 Wolerick Bruner, 300 2 4 3 11 .2 Henry Bruner 300 3 3 4 9 .8 238 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. George Bruner, 300 Jacob Bruner 100 William Bether, 200 Rachel Black, widow 50 John Putman 150 Peter Booher, 100 George Booher Stephen Bays Henry Panther, 100 William Bole, 100 James Boyd, Peter Capp, 200 James Claypole 300 Christian Ceim 150 James Cooper 100 Christopher Cooper, 200 William Cruchfield Widow Morgan, Curry, William 300 Casbeer, William 150 Casbeer, Joshua 50 Doll, John, 125 Davis. John 200 Paul liansborger 150 Adam Flek, 50 Lodwick P'redline, Senior,. 200 Lodwick Frealine, Jr 50 James Gilmore, 100 Abraham Faith 300 William Hannah, John Hall 150 George hunter 50 Charles Hunter 200 Jacob Kimmel 100 Michael King, 300 John Colpenny, 275 Jacob Lauts 200 Jacob Miller 50 Mary McMichael 50 Hugh Nicholson 50 Tobias Penrod 50 Sarah Parr 5ii John Penrod 600 Francis Phillips, 300 ;es. 3 Cattle. 3 Sheep. 3 Tax. 10 .9 2.11 2 2 1 6 .9 1 2 2 .3 2 2 5 .2 2 3 2 11 .3 1 1 1 .0 2 2 1.10 1 1 2 3 .2 2 1 3.10 2 3 5 2 .3 1 9 5 5 .8 2 2 9 .7 1 1 2 4 .3 1 3 .4 2 2 2 6 .4 2 1 .6 2 .3 3 11 .3 3 3 2 4 A 2 2 1 4 .4 2 ?> 5 .3 1 1 1 5 .3 2 3 2 5 .5 2 2 2 5 .3 2 4 2 11.10 2 1 2 3.11 1 1 3 7 .7 2 9 .2 1 2 1 .3 1 2 2 4 .6 1 2 3 .0 1 2 2 5 .7 2 2 3 5 .2 1 7 .4 2 4 3 9 .G o 3 4 8 .fi 1 1.10 1 2 2 .3 2 1 1 2 .9 1 2 2 2 .3 1 1 1 1 .5 4 9 5 18.10 3 4 12 11 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S3. 239 Adam Keffer Peter Morgan James Noble, Alexander Meteer, . . . Casper Pile Robert Jones David Jones, Esquire, William Jones George Rife Jacob Shaver Patrick Sulivan John Shofe George Shaver Christian Swarts, Coonrod Vantreece, . Michael Walker, John Weymer, James Wilson, Frederick Weymer, . . Jacob W'eymer George W^olfe George Weymer James Walker, Lodwick Young John Seighman John Miller John Lower Ludwick Kichler Moses Rambeau John Gordon Philip King Adam Creamer, , George Rinehart Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep 400 150 100 248 300 200 300 300 200 300 50 150 50 200 300 400 100 50 300 50 300 300 300 300 300 Tax. 14 .4 5 .5 1 .0 2 .3 4 .9 9 .6 10 .8 12.11 11 .3 9.10 1 .8 10 .6 9 .6 1 .1 5 .2 15.10 11 .4 12.10 15 .2 2 .2 4 .2 4 .1 6 .8 1 .1 6 .7 6 .7 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Tax. James Wills 200 4 .5 John Senceneah, 300 10 .5 Peter Winger 150 7 .0 Ditto 450 Jacob Winger 900 5 .1 John Foments 200 5 .6 Henry Hall 300 4 .5 240 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. John Rhoads, 300 Henry Rhoads & Company, 1,200 George Funk, 200 John Miller, 100 Samuel Pleasant, 300 John Muser, Hooper & Company, 6,000 Jacob Rhorah, 150 John Rench 500 David Griffith, 372 Abraham Shoemaker, 1,200 Isaac Jones, 225 John Galley 300 John i^ryor, 50 Jacob Ankaney 300 Ludwick Kechler 50 John Vanderin 300 Mathias Maris 470 John Berkey, 200 Joseph Smith, 300 Andrew Rambeau 200 Richard Brown, 200 Jacob Berkey 300 Stophel Hansbarger 150 Peter Mock, 300 Cornelius McCauley John Liove 100 Alexander McClean,. 200 Abraham Cable Tax. 7 .8 1 .9 .4 5 .1 4 .2 7 .8 7.11 .9 3 .9 11 .0 4 .9 1 .5 .8 5 .8 6 .7 1 .1 7 .8 1 .1 13 .2 1 .6 .5 6 .7 6 .7 4 .5 13 .2 7 .8 2 .3 7 .8 7 .8 5 .2 5 .1 8 .9 SINGLE FREEMEN. Acres. Horses. Cattlf. Sheep. Leonard Stall 250 2 Daniel Momingstar, 400 1 John Patton 300 1 George Tice . . 1 Peter Neuley 115 Abraham Brant . . 1 Tax. 13.11 15 .0 13 .8 10 .4 11 .3 10 .8 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S3. 241 AYR TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Alexander McConncll . . 4 3 Adam Linn 50 2 2 Amos Stevens, . . 2 4 Benjamin Williams . . 2 3 Barnard Ford 100 Benjamin Jinkins, .. 1 3 Ditto for Erwin 200 Benjamin Peck . . . . 1 Benjamin Stevens 300 2 2 Bryan Coyle 160 2 2 Cathrin Phillips, 100 3 4 Charles Taggart, 9G 2 2 Charles Willson Daniel McConnell 400 4 C Daniel McCardey, 280 3 8 Daniel Royer, 480 4 7 Daniel Jacobs, 200 David Evens 80 2 2 David Carlile 250 4 4 Daniel Anderson 200 2 3 David John, 80 1 3 Ditto, concealed property, Daniel Moyers, 50 David Hunter 2 2 David Erwin .. .. 2 Enoch Williams .150 3 5 Edward Dorsey, 82 Edward Spear, 100 Even Shelby, 100 Edward Head 150 4 8 Edward Graham 150 2 2 Francis Slea 30 Frederick Humburd 300 8 6 Frederick Myars, . . 2 2 George Galloway 100 3 3 George Shirts . . 1 2 George Myars . . 3 4 16— VOL. XXH— 3rd Ser. Sheep. Tax. 9 11 .9 4 10 .3 4 .9 1 5 .1 1 .5 .G 4 3 .3 2 .1 .1 1 .0 4.1G.11 o 1.17 .9 8 1 .8 .8 4 1 .3 .0 4 .4 6 5.14 .1 9 4.17 .4 7 9.12 .5 2 .1 .1 5 TOO 1 5 .1 .8 1 1 .5 .6 o 1 .9 .2 5 .1 5 .1 4 5 .1 1 .3 1 2.14 .0 17 .3 1 .0 .6 1.14 .0 5 3.18 .7 4 2 .3 .3 3 .3 1 4.12 .2 4 .6 4 1 .7 .7 i] 3 .3 5 7 .0 242 SUPPLY TAX, Henry Hoover, 200 'Henry Davis, 50 Henry Chapman, 150 Hill Wilson 100 Hugh Donaldson 100 Hugh Martin, -Joshua Davis, John Hoover, John Teat 50 Jacob Martin Jacob Poorman Joseph McKinlay, John Wilson, 270 John Brickley 50 John Scott 210 Jacob John 180 John Anderson 100 James Bella 150 John Bellman, 50 James John, 100 John Maddan, Joseph Bell, 150 John McKinlay 200 James Gibson, 25u James Rankin 140 James Ramsey, John Rankin, 140 John Kendale, 50 James Alexander 50 James Murrey 50 John Darbey John Ceadlebaugh, 100 James Bell, 50 James Simpson, Lidle 200 John Mortin 50 John Linn 30 James Cunningham 200 James McDowell John McClelan 300 James McClelan 140 John McClelan 40 John Coleman James Bole John Hammill Horses. 4 Cattle. 4 Sheep. 9 Tax. 3 .0 .6 2 1 2 1.10 .2 2 4 2 1 .8 .1 2 1.14 .6 4 1 .6 .3 1 1 .9 3 3 4 .9 1 1 .9 ll.U 1 1 .9 2 3 .3 1 7 3 3 2.10 .8 1 2 9 .7 3 1 2.13 .6 3 7 10 4.12 .6 3 3 7 1.18 .2 3 7 10 2 .0 .3 2 2 4.11 1 .0 .6 2 2 3 3 .9 4 5 5 2 .9 .9 3 4 2 2.18 .6 3 4 fi 3.14 .2 2 3 2 .6 .5 1 1 2 .3 2 3 3 2 .6 .5 2 2 1 .5 .0 1 2 7 .9 2 2 2 7 .5 1 1 4 2 .2 2 .6 2 2 1 8.1G 2 .6 .8 1 4 .4 1 2 .9 3 3 10 2 .8 .1 2 1 2 2 .2 2 4 9 4.18.11 2 2 1.19 .8 2 2 8.10 1 2 2 2 .6 1 1 1 2 .2 2 4 10 6 .8 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S3. 243 John Coyl John Oaks John Guy Jean Neasbet Isaac Wilson James McConnell James Justice, Lewis Davis, Lawrence Belzer Margaret Scott Margaret Arthur, Mathias Amhroizer, Mathew Caldwell, .' Michael Young Nethaniel Hammill, Nethaniel Davis, Philip Isox Philip Coleman Robert Scott Robert Hamilton , Robert Alexander Richard Pittman Robert Hammill Richard Stevens Robert Allen Robert Wilson Robert Gibson Samuel Kerr Sible John Thomas Paxton, Esq'r, , Thomas John, Ditto for Brown, Thomas Wilson, Esq'r, Thomas Jakes, Thomas Lewis, Thomas Jackson, Ditto for Williamson, Thomas Davis Thomas Stevens Thomas Barnet, Thomas McCrea Truax Stillwell William Eckles Woods in Maryland, . . . Acres. Horses. 2 Cattle. Sheep. Tax. 2 .7 2 2 3 4 .4 2 2 2 4 .4 150 ') 4 4 15 .0 30 3 .3 2 1 2 2.11 1 1 6 130 3 5 9 1.19 .6 30 3 .3 100 3 2 4 50 2 2 8.10 150 2 3 2 1 .6 .5 132 1 2 1 .0 .6 50 1 3 2 7 .3 190 2 9 G 1.10.10 50 1 3 .9 150 2 2 1 .5 .5 200 2 1 4 4 1.17 .6 4 .2 .2 1 2 9 2 2 3 .5 195 2 2 6 1.15 .2 133 2 3 1.10.10 1 1 2 1 .8 30 2 3 7 6 .0 50 2 3 1 10 .n 100 1 3 G 1 .0 .6 240 4 3 4 3 .8 .8 40 1 3 3 13 .6 150 2 4 9 2.11 .6 2 2 3 .5 227 3 .1 .7 1 4 5 5 .1 286 3 .1 .7 2 4 3 4.11 100 2 4 4 3 .5 1 .0 .G 100 2 4 8 1.16 .5 130 2 4 6 1.12 .4 2 2 3 3 .7 2 2 4 4.10 130 2 4 4 1.10 .3 100 10 .3 50 5 .1 244 SUPPLY TAX, William George, Wendle Otts William Wilson William Patterson, William Alexander, S'r, . . . Wliliam Conner, William Alexander, J'r, . . , William Gibson, William Linn, William Sloan William Hunter, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. 3 17 6 11 Tax. 1.12 .1 1 .7 .4 2.16 .0 2.12 .0 1.10 .5 3 .3 5 .1 11 .9 3 .7 3 .6 .1 3 .6 .1 2.10 .3 SINGLE FREEMEN. Frederick Coon, . . . John Mardes, Robert Kendel, . . . Robert Scott Hugh Alexander, . . Alexander Lowrey, John Galloway, James Herod William Gillespy, . James Nelson, .... John Hunter, George Wilson, James McClenan, . 20 30 50 210 300 300 150 100 1 .3 .9 1 .4.10 1 .7 .0 3 .6 .2 3.15 .9 4.10 .0 2.14 .0 2 .2 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .5 .8 1 .0 .0 1 .1 .7 1 .0 .0 SHERLEY TOWNSHIP. Ashman, George, ... Armstrong, James, . , Armstrong, John, . . . Armstrong. Widow, . Appleby, John Armstrong. Thomas, Adams, William Acres. Horses. Cattle, Sheep. Tax 760 5 7 10 15 .6 .0 30 1 2 9 .2 50 1 1 1 1 .6 .9 .0 .0 100 2 1 7 1 .8 .2 5 .0 1 7 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1783. 245 Acres. Horsi-s. Andersou, Daniel 100 1 Black, Henry 12 Bell, Samuel 100 2 Brigs, Benjamin, Senior, . . . . 1 Brigs, Benjamin 100 Brigs, Samuel 2 Boyl, John Brotlan, James 2 Boyls, Charles, 100 3 Buckhannan, George, . . 2 Boyls, Henry 1 Burge, Henry, 220 3 Blair, Thomas 440 5 Brown, William, 2 Bryans, William, Jr 2 Bryans, William, Senior 2 Boyls, Henry, Jr 1 Brown, Benjamin, 2 Brown, William 2 Brown, James 1 Cannon, James 50 2 Clugage, James, 200 2 Crow, Jacob, 50 1 Campbell, Andrew 1 Campbell, Joseph 50 1 Clugage, Francis 80 2 Conn, James, 150 3 Curlet, James, •• 1 Cornelius, Jacob . . 1 Crookham, James, Carmichael, James 190 3 Coontz, Nicholas, 58 3 Casaday, Patrick, 200 2 Catham, William 50 Coal, broad •• 2 Cheney, Zachariah 2 Copenhaver, Balser, 100 3 Davis, Asiah 150 1 Donahoe, John, 50 3 Dimond. Domnick, . . .2 Franklin. Joseph, 1 Foley, James 200 5 Galbraith, James, 973 4 Grim, Hugh 100 2 Cattle. ; Sheep. Tax 10 .0 1 2 3 .3 2 1.13 .8 1 6 .4 1 17 .8 2 3 7 .0 12 .6 1 7 .8 4 8 3.15 .0 2 3 9 .0 2 3 5 .0 3 .5 .0 6 6 7 .9 .0 3 9 .8 2 10 .0 3 .4 1 4 .4 1 1 7 .6 2 8 .2 2 5 .4 1 2 16 .3 4 3 3 .6 .5 1 9 .4 1 3 .8 1 16 .0 2 2 1 .2 .8 2 4 19 .4 1 16 .0 1 4 .4 1 17 .8 5 10 4 .3 .0 3 7 1 .8 .5 2 5 2.19 .9 1 9 .4 2 8 .8 • 2 8 .8 3 5 2 .6.11 1 2 1 .0 .5 3 3 1.10 .0 2 1 8 .9 1 4 .4 3 9 6.10 .1 5 3 7 14.14 .6 1.14 .4 246 SUPPLY TAX, Grim, Jacob Gooshorn, Jacob 50 Gooshorn, George, 250 Gadd, Absalom 50 Gadd, William, 57 Jinkins, Even, Gardner, Robert, Greene, Joseph, 30 Jinkins, Benjamin, Hannah, James, 300 Hargeson, Henry, Hill, Nathaniel, Harvey, John, Holiday, William, Hodge, Thomas 50 Jeffereys, Jess, 50 Thompson, John, 300 Karr, John, King, George, 40 Lock, Thomas Talkinton, Jesse 100 Logan, Hugh Lata, John, 100 Logan, William, Linn, James, Love, James, weaver Logan, James 50 Lain, Wilkinson, 282 Long, William Lane, Daniel Lane, Samuel 100 Long, Benjamin, 100 Love, John, 150 McLaughlin, William Mitchell, Andrew 200 McFeeters, James 50 Morrow, Thomas, 50 McMath, Samuel 100 Murphy, Thomas 100 Morrow, Widow 50 Moore, John, 50 McClemans, Samuel, 10 Mason, William 50 McCamman, Samuel 200 arses. 1 Cattle. Sheep. Tax. 1.10 2 o 11 19 .4 2 4 3 3 .5 .0 2 2 17 .0 1 1 7 .0 3 3 3 12 .6 1 2 3 5 .8 1 2 3 6 .7 1 5 .0 3 2.16 .0 2 2 8 9 .9 2 3 2 9.11 1 1 11 .0 1 3 2 6 .3 2 3 4 15 .0 1 1 1 12 .9 2 2 6 2.10 .0 2 2 1 10 .0 1 1 11 .0 1 1 .0 1.17 .6 3 5 4 15 .0 2 3 4 1.10 .0 1 2 12 .6 4 4 7 18 .2 3 17 .0 3 2 7 1 .5 .6 3 3 8 14 .0 1 1 2 4 .7 2 2 11 11 .0 2 1 .8 .4 2 1 1 .9 A 3 2 1 .5 .0 1 1 4 .4 5 4 6 3 .8 .1 2 2 16 .3 2 2 2 1 .1 .1 2 3 2 1 .8 .9 2 3 5 1 .6.11 1 2 13 .8 2 15 .8 1 2 10 .0 1 2 16 .0 4 3 4 .6 .4 COUNTY OF BEDFORI>— 1783. 247 50 50 150 50 Acres. Horses. Caltlu Morgan. John 200 o 4 Masou, John 50 2 3 McGinnis, Charles 3 3 McCrackau, James . . 2 McEleece, Menasah . . 1 2 Morris, William, 400 Murry, Hugh Paul, William Pollinger, Peter Persons, John, Picket, Heathcoat, Patton, Mathew Patterson, William Price, Mirriman, Parish, Joseph Pollard, William, 2.200 Picket, James, Reiley, Peter, Rose, Jechoniah, 50 Rutter, William, Rutter, John Rutter, Alexander Reigh, John, Stephens, Jiles Sharrah, John, loo Slong. Adam, 50 Sharrah, Jacob 500 Spade, John IQO Swan, William, 150 Standeford, Benjamin, 50 Stewart, Samuel, Swope, Lawrence, Sharrah. Isaac, Stephenson, John Summervail, James Smith, Casper, lOO Shet-iJ Sutter, John 50 Switzer, John 300 Strehlin, William, Stephen's widow, Sites, Peter Taylor, Samuel, 140 Thompson. John, Jr., 9G Thompson, David 35 2 2 10 10 5 2 10 7 1 Tax . 4 .1 .b 18 .0 9 .0 G .8 4.11 5 .0 .0 1 .0 12 .0 1 .5 .0 11 .4 1 .4 .8 17 .8 17 .8 8 .8 8 .8 32 .5 .0 4 .4 8 .8 13 .0 7 .8 14 .7 9 .1 8 .8 7 .7 12 .G 15 .4 7.12 .0 7 .3 2 .0 .0 17 .6 1 .2 .0 17 .1 10 .8 5 2.18 1 .5 .4 .4 .4 10 .0 17 .0 3 .0 2 .3 16 .5 16 .8 2 .1 .3 1 .3.10 248 SUPPLY TAX, Thompson, Samuel, Thompson, John, . . Tipton, Edward, . . . Talkington, Jess, . . . ^Utley, Mathew, Vantreece, John, . . . Walcoop, James, . . Wesley, William, . . Wilson, George, . . . . Warner, Henry, . . . Whitinger, Francis, Wane, John, Wright, John, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. 30 2 4 7 100 lUO 50 1 3 1 50 1 3 1 100 2 2 150 2 1 200 2 2 9 180 3 2 4 50 2 3 6 50 Tax 1 .2.10 10 .0 7 .9 1 .0 .0 12 .6 6 .5 1 .3 .4 1 .4 .4 3 .9 .9 3.12 .7 13 .9 1 .3 .7 6 .8 SINGLE FREEMEN. Bell, John, Bell, Samuel, 9 Clugage, George 900 3 Clugage, Robert 15 5 3 Craige, John, 1 Clugage, Gaven 50 1 CJugage, Thomas 148 1 Clark, Thomas, 1 Coal, Joshua, 1 Drenan, William, Franklin, John, Galbraith. Robert, 1 Galbraith, William, Galbraith, John, 1 Gadd, Ignatius Green, Thomas Gregory, Joshua Harris, John, 1 Johnson, Benjamin 1 Jinkins, Thomas, Keys, John 1 Logan, John McAnalev, , Thomas Morgan 1 Stephens, David 1 Stricklin, John, 1 Stephens, John, Tipton. Luke Tipton, Meshock 1 2.10 .0 2.14 .8 8.19 .6 5 .6.10 2.11 .6 3 .2 .6 4 .9 .8 2.11 2.11 2.11 2 .7 2.11 2.11 .6 2 .7 .6 2 .7 .6 2 .7 .6 2 .7 .6 2.11 .6 2.11 .6 2 .7 .6 2.11 .6 2 .7 .6 2 .7 .C 2.11 .6 2 .9 .0 2 .9 .0 2 .7 .C 2 .7 .6 2.11 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1783. 249 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax. Yarrow, Thomas . . 1 2.11 .6 mil, Daniel 2.18.10 Walker, James 2 .9 .6 Acres. Berry, James, in Tuscahrorah Valley, 100 Buckhannan, Wliliani. Black Log Creek, 300 Duffold, George, 300 Duncan, Stephen, near Sherley old town, 150 Elliot, John, Tuscahrorah Valley, 200 Earley, Samuel oO Finlay, Samuel, near Blair's Mill 100 Ditto, near Colonel George Ashman's 200 HoughenBerry. Peter, Tuscahrorah Valley, . . 50 Henderson, Harvey, 200 Hunter, James, Shade Creek 150 Ditto, on Big Oughwick 100 Ammot, Benjamin 1,100 Baynton, Wharton, Morgan & Company 1.800 Christian Keffer 144 McConnel, Widow 200 Morrison, John 50 Perry and McGaw, near Jack's Narrows 260 Ditto 200 Ditto 150 John Quigley, in Tuscahrorah Valley, 300 James Reynolds 300 Andrew Sands. Tuscahrorah Valley, 50 Doctor William Smith 200 John McCahan, 50 David McMoultrie. near Jack's Narrows 200 Merchant's land, 1,300 Benjamin McKerrel 80 Merchant's land, 444 NON-RESIDENTS. Thomas Mathias, 440 David Sunderiand 300 James Foland 300 Jeremiah Warder 100 Ditto, 250 Ditto 300 Leonard Valiums Tax. l(i .8 5 .0 .0 2.10 .0 2.10 .0 2 .3 .4 6 .8 2.10 .0 2 .0 .0 8 .4 1.15 .0 3 .6 .8 1 .5 .0 13.15 .0 13 .6 .8 2 .0 .0 6 .8 5 .0 3 .3 .4 2.10 .0 1.17 .4 2.10 .0 2.10 .0 8 .4 3 .6 .8 8 .4 2.10 .0 10 .8 .4 13 .0 7 .8 .0 7 .6 .8 2.10 .0 2.10 .0 1.13 .8 4 .3 .4 3 .G .8 6 .8 250 SUPPLY TAX, TURKEYFOOT TOWNSHIP. Henry Abrams, Abrams, Thomas Allington, John, Abrams, Gabriel, . . . . Brown, Henry, ■-'Colbaum, Robert, . . . . Chester. Joseph, Cook, George Conner, Patrick, Drake, Oliver, Drake, George Dwire, Isaac, Donahoo, Joseph, . . . Eakart, Frederick, . . . Everley, John, Jr Everley, Peter Enlow, Henry Everley, John Senior. Friend, Andrew, S'r, Friend, Charles GreatHouse, William, Green, Thomas Green, Elizabeth Glaspel, Silas, Hall, Richard Harnet. Edward, . . . . Hiatt, John Harthsel, Jacob Hine, Widow, Harnet, Widow, Hogg, William Jones. John, Jinnings. Benjamin, . . Jonson, Amos, Kesley. William Sook. Peter, Kitterman. George. . . Kilpatrick, John, Acres. Horse.«;. Cattle. Slieep. Tax. lOU 4 4 10 2.12 .8 300 2 2 2 .6 .6 200 3 4 4 2.14 .4 25 1 2 8 .3 200 2 4 4 2 .6 .9 50 1 2 15 .2 600 2 5 8 7 .1 .2 100 18 .4 300 2 .1 .3 300 2 2 8 3.19 .7 150 2 3 8 2 .3 .4 40 1 10 .1 350 2 2 2 3 .4.10 100 2 3 1 .9 .9 200 2 1 1 2 .1 .0 200 2 1 1 2 .1 .0 300 3 4 7 3 .0 .0 1 1 1 .7 100 2 5 9 1.17.10 100 o 1 1.15 .9 200 3 5 4 3 .2 .7 150 1 .9 .9 1 2 3 7 .7 2(» 1 2 3 11 .0 200 3 4 6 3 .1 .3 150 2 2 3 1.15 .9 50 1 1 2 13 .6 40 2 1 7 1 .5 .0 20 2 1 5 .9 2 2 10 .0 2 7 .0 200 2 4 5 • 3 .3.10 300 5 10 12 4.13 .3 100 2 1 1 1 .5 .3 300 2 3 .4 .2 100 2 2 1.12 .7 50 6.11 50 2 2 4 1 .6 .5 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S3. 2r,i Acres. Keever, Michael 150 Keevcr, Martin 150 Leonard, Enoch 100 Loof borrow, John, 100 Loofborrow, Jonathan Loof borrow. Wade, 25 McElmoyl, Archibald 50 McCarty, Daniel 160 McEntire, Daniel, 50 McNight, Patrick 50 Mountain, Joseph, 27 Muck, John 40 Mitchell, James 20 Mitchell, Thomas 50 Mitchell, John, 125 Noble. Henry 50 Noland, Henry Pinkerton, Richard, 50 Pursel, Benjamin 200 Plunket, Robert 50 Pursel, John 50 Puter, James, 100 Royse, John, deceas'd 400 Rush, Jacob 50 Rush, William 50 Ropel, Jacob, 200 Reed. John 100 Ridgley. Henry 65 Rhoads, Henry, 650 Storm, Daniel, 150 Smith, Philip, 60 Smith, Thomas 100 Spencer, James 250 Skinner, John 200 Stanton. Thomas 50 Skinner, Nethaniel 80 Simmons, Thomas 150 Skinner. Samuel, 80 Skinner, Reuben, Esq'r. ... 200 Strahan. Josiah 150 Stephens. John 210 Silbach. Coonrod 100 Vantreece. Fretlerick, J'r, . . 100 Work. David, 25 Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax. 2 3 5 15.11 2 3 5 15.11 1 1 3 1 .0 .8 2 1 2 1 .6 .G ] 1 .5 1 1 2 10 .1 G.ll 2 1 1.12 .7 1 9 2 1 .1 .4 1 2 2 17 .3 3 .0 1 1 1 11.11 2 1 15 .5 3 2 3 1 .4 .4 o 3 8 1.19 .0 1 11 .6 1 1 1 G .3 2 1 19 .8 4 6 8 3 .8 .9 1 2 6 15 .3 3 4 C 1 .9 .9 3 o 1.18 .6 2.15 .0 3 3 G 1 .9 .1 3 6 1.10 .0 2 3 4 2 .G .1 3 G 8 2 .6 .1 2 2 1 .2 .6 4.19 .5 2 3 4 1.18 .6 2 3 2 1 .4 .3 2 2 2 1 .3 .2 3 5 G 3 .9 .8 2 2 3 2 .3 .1 6.10 3 3 G 1.14.10 1 .0 .8 2 1 1 .5 .2 4 4 5 2 .6 .7 2 4 1.15 .4 2 1 4 1.18 .u 2 ] 4 1 .8 .8 2 2 6 1.11 .2 2 1 14 .0 252 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax. Vantreece, Frederick, S'r, . . 100 1 1 . . 1 .2 .0 Whitsil, Richard, 50 2 1 1 17 .5 Wilkey, Peter 20 1 1 .. 9 .2 White, John 150 3 4 6 2 .0 .9 Antibus, William, Allington, Jacob, . Conner, James, . . . Everley, Henry, . . . Friend, Andrew, . Greathouse, John, . Porter, James Pitner, Henry, . . . Skinner, Joseph, . Smith, George, . . . Hkull, Christopher, Whitaker, Thomas, Hindman, John, . . Loose, Benjamin, House, John Reed, Jeremiah, . . Rush, Benjamin, . Vach^^l White SINGLE FREEMEN. 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 50 I. in 1 .6.10 2 .9 .9 2 .5 .7 2 .5 .5 2 .5 .5 2 .5 .3 2 .5 .3 .6.10 .6.10 .6.10 .6.10 1.18 .4 1.11 .5 .6.10 .6.10 1.18 .4 .6.10 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Tax. A tract given in by Benjamin Pursel, 600 4 .2 .6 By Thomas Abrams 650 4 .7 .1 D'o by d'o, 250 1.14.4 D'o by d'o 230 1.11.8 D'o by d'o 350 2.8.2 D'o by d'o 250 1.14.5 D'o William Greathouse 150 1 .0 .8 D'o by John Pursel, 400 2.15 .0 D'o by Henry Abram 1,150 7.18 .2 D'o by William Nicholson 1,100 7.11 .3 D'o by Bejijamin Pursel 300 2 .1 .3 D'o by d'o 300 2.1.3 COUNTY OF BEDFORI>— 1783. 253 BROTHERS VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Ambroise, Frederick,' 300 3 5 Augustine, Peter, 50 1 2 4 Ailbough, Bomdrager, Andrew 50 2 2 3 Bomdrager, John, 50 2 2 Bowman, Jacob, 50 1 2 4 Bowman, Christopher 100 . . 3 3 Bitinger, Henry, 100 2 2 2 Bitinger, Philip, 100 2 3 7 Beighley, Michael, 700 2 4 3 -Baker, Philip 200 3 4 8 Boyer, Michael 200 2 3 4 Berger, John 100 2 2 4 Berkdoll, Joseph 50 1 2 Cristner, John, 100 2 2 2 Cagey, John 200 3 5 2 Cladfelty, Solomon 50 2 2 Coffman, Frederick, 100 1 1 Cussinger, Aaron 80 1 3 2 Coffer, Jacob, 70 2 3 4 Coontz, John, . . 50 2 2 Cimble, John, 60 1 1 Cable, Abraham 100 2 2 4 Cable, Jacob, 100 2 2 4 Caffer, Jacob 200 2 3 6 Coover, Peter 200 2 2 2 Coleman. George, 250 3 4 7 Godfrey, Knipper 200 2 2 4 Coleman. Nicholas 100 2 4 5 Casper Durst, 200 2 4 7 Davis, Henry 70 1 3 3 Dilebaugh, Valentine, 150 3 3 3 David Griffith 500 4 3 5 Ditto for George Country- man's estate . • ■ Dwire, William 300 1 7 Dwire. Shaphet 300 1 3 .. Etner, John 200 2 5 Tax. 3.10 . 6 18 . 6 8 . 6 4.13.10 3.16 . 8 18 . 6 1 .6 . ,0 1 .8 , ,0 1.12 , .6 6.13 .6 2.18 .0 2.17 .6 2 .8 .0 1.16 .6 1 .8 .0 2.18 .6 19 .6 1 .3 .6 1 .4 .0 1.18 .6 18 .6 16 .0 1 .8 ;0 1.18 .0 2.18 .6 2 .6 .0 3 .0 .0 2 .6 .0 2.10 .6 2 .7 .6 1 .6 .0 2 .0 .0 1.12 .6 2.19 .6 3 .3 .6 2.11 .6 2.18 .fi 254 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Forrey, Joseph, 200 Forrey, Peter, 100 Fleck, Henry, 100 Fleck, Jacob, 50 Fike, John, 300 Finlay, Samuel, 100 Furry, John, 200 Fisher, Jacob 300 Faust, Nicholas, 150 Griffith, Ebenezer 150 Gibler, Jacob 100 Getty, John 200 Goodheart, Andrew, 25 Glassner, Jacob 200 Glassner, Henry 150 Glasner, Jacob, Jun'r 200 Graner, John 112 Good, Jacob 300 Grave, Peter 100 Gundy, Mathias, 300 Gundy, Joseph 100 Ganegy, Christian 450 Hunter. Alexander, 50 Henderson, James 30 Hostaller, Christian 150 Hostaller, John, 50 Henderix, James 300 Henderix, John 300 Hoover, John 100 Hays, Simon 200 Herman, Phillip 100 Hayder, John 50 Harr, Christian, 200 Hay, Valentine, 40 Hoyle, Walter 400 Hoover, Casper, 200 Hover, Adam 50 Hostaller, Jacob 50 Ingle, Clement 130 Jones, Joshua ' 200 King. Christian 86 Klinck, John 150 Lamon, John 100 Livergood. Peter, 180 Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax. 1 3 7 2 .6 .6 1 2 3 1 .8 .0 2 2 3 1 .8 .6 1 1 12 .0 2 4 9 4 .6 .9 3 1 1 .7 .6 2 3 1 2.10 .0 3 C 12 3.16 .0 2 3 3 1.16 .6 2 2 1.16 .6 2 3 3 1.10 .0 2 2 4 2.18 .6 1 1 10 .9 4 7 5 3.10 .0 3 4 6 2.12 .0 1.15 .0 1 2 4 1.12 .0 2 2 2 3.10 .0 2 3 2 1.10 .6 1 1 3.10 .6 2 2 1.10 .0 2 3 7 4 .8 .6 4 1 2 19 .0 1 7 .6 2 3 5 2.10 .6 1 1 16 .0 3 4 6 3.10 .0 2 2 6 3 .6 .6 2 C 4 1 .7 .6 3 2 1 3 .0 .9 1 .10 .6 1 1 2 .6 .0 2 2 2 .9 .0 2 2 3 1 .8 .6 2 10 G 4.16 .0 2 4 2 2 .0 .0 1 .10 .0 2 2 .10 .6 2 3 3 1.16 .6 2 2 8 2.16 .0 2 2 5 1 .1 .6 2 2 2 1 .4 .0 2 2 1 .4 .0 4 4 8 2.16 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S3. 255 Acres. Lapeley, Adam 50 Lamon, Benedick, 200 Lamon, Benedick, Senior, . Lape, Peter, 100 Markley, John, 400 Marker, Mathias, 50 Most, Christian, 100 Miller, John, 100 Miller, Peter 50 Most, Jacob, 150 Millich, John 150 Mathias, George, 270 Miller, Michael, 100 Miller, Christopher, 50 Mostaller, Frederick 30 Milsher, Joseph 200 McClelan, James, 30 Mathias, Phillips, 150 Miller, Nicholas 100 Miller. William 100 Marker, Henry, 100 Mason, Philip ' 100 Oldfather, Frederick 150 Ollinger, John 250 Ollinger, Shrack, 100 Lout, Valentine 150 Perkey, Christian 200 Perkey, Peter 100 Puchey, Abraham 40 Ludwick Bear, 160 Ludwick Barkley, 150 Elizabeth Blough 150 Perkey. Jacob, 300 PoUem, Adam 150 Robertson, Hugh, Senior, . 200 Robertson, Hugh, J'r, 150 Ringer. Adam 50 Sook, Yost 200 Saylor, John. 300 Saylor. Jacob 200 Stam. John. 100 Slam, Leonard 150 Stottsman, Jacob 40 Zimmerman. Yost 100 Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax 1 1 2 .13 .0 1 2 2 2.16 .0 1 1 3 .6 2 4 1.16 .6 7 8 16 5.16 .0 2 16 .6 2 1 1 .2 .6 2 2 2 1.10 .0 1 1 12 .0 2 2 6 1.19 .6 2 2 2 1 .5 .0 2 4 8 3 .6 .8 2 2 2 1 .8 .0 1 1 12 .0 2 2 7 15 .0 4 5 5 2.16 .0 2 1 10 .0 2 3 5 1.19 .6 2 3 3 1.19 .8 2 2 4 1 .6 .0 1 1 1 .0 .6 2 2 1.10 .0 2 2 2 1.19 .6 2 3 3 2.10 .6 1 1 1 .0 .6 2 4 6 2 .6 .6 1 1 2 1 .4 .0 2 2 1 .4 .0 10 .u 1 1 1 .0 .0 1 2 4 1.12 .6 1 2 4 1.12 .6 2 1 5 3.10 .6 3 4 5 2 .5 .0 2 2 2 2 .5 .0. 2 2 3 L18 .0 2 1 2 15 .0 2 3 6 2.10 .0 2 3 4 3 .1 .6 1.14 .0 3 2 4 1.10 .0 2 3 2 2.10 .0 1 9 .0 1 3 3 1 .5 .0 256 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Hursts. Callle. Switzer, Peter 150 2 4 Smith, Phillip, 50 2 2 Shenefelt, George 300 4 5 Sooter, Martin, 140 1 2 Shauls, Coonrod, 40 2 Shauls, Boston , 150 2 Shoultz, Nicholas 100 2 Sweet, George 40 1 Smith, Jacob, 100 2 Zuck, Jacob, . ; 150 2 Switzer, John, Shrack, Casper, Sheets, Tillman, Brandiron, Michael, . Smith, Joseph, Sips, Peter Snider, Jacob Zap, Frederick, Tice, William, Esq'r, Tederick, Frederick, Tr>-er, Michael, S'r, . Trj'er, Michael, J'r, Teets, Yost, Tryer, John, Tryer, Christian, . . . Walker, Widow, . . . Winger, Peter Winger, Jacob Weiglerley, Phillip, . Yowler, Isaac Yoder, John, Markley, Jacob, 60 140 150 100 40 30 50 200 400 40 150 80 80 150 15U 3U0 400 300 300 50 100 200 Sheep 6 2 7 2 6 2 2 2 3 2 4 6 3 3 4 5 8 5 10 2 2 Tax. 2 .5 .6 le .P 3.10 .t) 1 .3 .0 12 .0 1.15 .0 1 .3 .G 12 .0 1 .3 .6 1.14 .0 9 .0 1.12 .6 1 .6 .0 19 .6 12 .6 10 .6 12 .0 2 .6 .6 4 .6 .6 16 .0 3.17 .6 1 .4 .0 18.10 1.13 .0 1 .9 .0 3 .3 .6 4.16 .6 3.10 .6 3.16 .6 19 .6 1.10 .6 1.18 .0 SINGLE FREEMEN. Baker, Andrew, . Bowman, John, . Brant, John, ... Craft, Abraham, Christian Fike, , Ferguson, John, Griffith, John, . , George Shackely, Sheets, Ludwick, 30 100 200 150 1 .4 .0 1.12 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .5 .0 2 .5 .0 1 .0 .0 1.18 .0 1 .1 .0 1 .4 .0 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1783. 257 Meckey, Daniel, . Frederick, John, Yeodcr, Christian, Acres, llorsi-s. Catlle. Sheeji. Tax. 1 1 .1 .U 1 .0 .0 2Utl •> .3 .0 Augui-tine, Casper, Boyer, George, . . . Benford, James, . . Carpenter, JMathias, Brant, John Coleman, John, . . . Drusel, John Alexander, James, Hair, Henry Hair, Jacob Perkey, John Miller, Jacob George Poo, Mathias Ringer, . . Thomas Stanton, . Francis Stump, . . . Jacob Switzer John Turner Lawrence Shaltz, . George Frazer Henry Willard, . . . George Mayer Henry Hays John Peeters, Joseph Boyer Henry Ulerich, . . . Jacob Ram 2 3 5 .6 1 1 3 .G •> •> 7 .U 3 .(; 4 3 5 15 .0 1 •) 7 .0 2 1 3 6 .7 2 2 7 .0 2 1 5 .r 2 2 7 .0 2 2 6 12 .0 2 2 7 .0 1 3 6 .(i 1 2 5 .0 1 2 2 6 .0 2 1 5 .6 2 2 5 .0 1 1 3 .0 4 .0 3 .G 5 .0 5 .G 3 .G 3 .6 3 .G 10 .6 3 .6 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Tax. John Vanderin. ad'g Peter Winger 300 2.16 .6 Henry Baker, ad'g Pollam 200 1.16.6 Peter Adams, ad'g Henry Glesner, 200 2.10 .6 John Glass, ad'g John Itner 100 19.6 Jacob Ecklbarger, 300 2 .5 .0 Mathias Maris 100 19.0 John Shenefelt ■" • 100 19 .6 17— VOL. XXn— 3rd Ser. 258 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Tax. Frederick Nawgle, 50 8 .6 Christian Stoner, 112 17.0 Stephen Tanner, ad'g Benedick Leman 200 16 .6 John Vanderin, adjoining the Glade Road, . . 300 2.18 .6 Ditto, adjoining Peter Coover 300 2.18 .6 Erwin, adjoining Vanderin on the road 300 2.18 .6 George Shaver, adjoining Mishler 300 2.18 .6 John Vanderin, adjoining Peter Lap, 300 2.18 .6 Ditto, adjoining ditto 300 2.18.6 Kay, adjoining John Forrey 200 18 .6 George Markett, adjoining Peter Lap 100 9 .3 Nicholas Miller, adjoining Philip Cabl 250 1 .3 .2 Ditto, adjoining ditto, 250 1 .3 .2 John Davis, adjoining Abraham Cabl 150 1 .5 .0 Jacob Good, adjoining G. Coleman 250 2.10 .6 John Yeoder, adjoining John Kegey 200 1.16 .6 Thomas Smith, adjoining Michael Fry, 300 2.16 .6 John Stump, adjoining Robertson, 500 4.12 .6 James Parker, adjoining Miller 150 1 .5 .6 William Stephens, adjoining Miller 100 17 .0 William Finlay, adj'g Turkeyfoot Road 100 17 .0 Robert Kenneday, adjoining Finlay 100 1 .0 .0 John Hershberger, adj'g Wm. Tice 100 17 .0 Henry Yeoder, adj'g Yost Sook 100 17 .0 Frederick Corsley, 100 17 .0 Cox & Company, adj'g Wm. Tice est 260 2.18 .6 Benjamin Chew, 300 2.18 .6 Ditto, adjoining John Fike 300 2.18 .6 Ditto, adjoining Hugh Robertson 200 2.11 .0 Ditto, adjoining Jacob Markley, 250 1.13 .6 Ditto, adjoining Isaac Yowler 200 2.11 .6 Ditto, adjoining Casper Durst, 300 2.18 .6 Ditto, adjoining William Tice, Esquire, 900 8.15 .6 PROVIDENCE TOWNSHIP. Akers, Ephraim. . . Armstrong, Henry, Acres. HorsOs. Cattle. Sheep. Tax. 100 2 1 4 1.18.10 2 2 2 8 .4 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1783. 259 Acres. Boyd. William 329 Blyers, Uriah 100 Boyd, John 150 Buck, Jonathan 100 Blackheart, Andrew 100 Bryson, John, Caseman, Martin 200 Covalt. Andrew 300 Cummins, Joseph 100 Cravens, John 300 Devee, Henry, 100 Chapman, Joseph 300 Danels, Edward, 250 Erwin, William 50 Elliot. Benjamin 272 Ferguisan, Hugh 100 French, James 400 Fergueson, John 200 Gibson, John, 150 Hollar, Mathias 100 Hollar, Henry 40 Hinish, Henry 100 Jones. Andrew 100 Jones, Amos 100 Kimbers. Richard, 50 Livingston, Henry, McDonald, William 100 McKenney, John 300 McFarren, Joseph 50 Miller, Jacob Myars, Mathias 100 Moore, John 100 Morrison. Joseph 200 Mortimer, John Moore, Samuel, 150 McCartney, Daniel Marten, James, Esquire, . . 1,625 Miller, Adam 150 Moorehead, John May, George McDonald, Margaret, 100 McDonald. Joseph 188 McGibbens, Thomas Norton. Thomas, 100 Horses. 3 Cattle. Sheep. Tax. 2.18 .0 14 .7 1 18 .5 3 4 4 2 .3 .0 1 2 18 .5 1 5 .2 4 3 2 .1 .2 3 6 2 3 .0 .0 2 3 1.19 .0 2 3 .4 .2 2 1 4 1.17 .2 2 5 ~ 2.1G.11 2 5 2 2 .7 .5 3 3 1 .3 .0 3 5 C 8 .3 .0 3 5 5 1.10 .8 • 4 4 6 3.14 .8 2 2 3 2.13 .4 2 3 2.12 .7 2 3 6 2 .2.10 1 8 16 .7 2 3 10 17 .9 2 2 1 .2.10 2 3 3 1.18.11 2 2 13 .4 3 3 13 .1 14 .7 2 2 3 2 .2 .1 3 2 4 1 .4 .6 2 2 2 8 .7 3 2 8 1 .4 .6 4 6 9 4 .1 .1 4 7 6 6 .1 .6 2 11 .2 3 2 4 .7 .8 2 7 .0 5 5 11.15 .6 7 2.16.11 1 4 .0 2 7 .6 14 .0 3 9 2 .4 -.6 1 4 .0 3 2 4.18 .8 260 SUPPLY TAX. Paxton, John, for Muser, Ditto, for Stock, Pennal, Thomas Piper, John Peck, John, Richey, John South, Francis, Shaver, John, Smith, David Sparks, Joseph, Slackman, John Shaver, John, Senior, Swarsusell, Mathias Simmons. Cornelius, Waugh, William, Woods, Thomas, William, Robert, Wimer, Adam Weymer, John Weymer. Isaac Weyley, Jacob Williams, John Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. 300 50 300 300 489 50 288 100 150 100 100 60 246 100 100 150 70 100 2 3 3 2 7 16 5 9 10 Tax. 6 .6 .0 9 .4 1 .4 .3 9 .7 .0 1.15 .0 5 .6 .6 1 .4 .1 4.13 .4 11 .8 1.18 .8 8 .8 1.11 .4 1 .3 .2 1 .1 .2 3 .5 7 .4 .8 3 .0 1 .9 .0 12 .0 1.19 .0 14 .8 19.11 SINGLE FKEEMEN. James Smith John Boys Robert Urie James Mortimer William Gibson, 150 Francis Reynolds 50 John McClemans, 250 David Buck 150 George Enlows 300 2 Peter O'Neill, 200 1 Abia Akers 200 Thomas Arnett 200 1 Nicholas Shaver, Joseph Rennion Benjamin Cox George Hinish Lott French John Crevenston Joseph McDonald, 1 William Boyd, 100 1 1 1 1 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .c 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 2.16 .9 1.15 .0 4.17 .0 2.10 .0 4.16.1] 1.18 .0 2 .1 .0 1.15 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .0 .0 1 .1 .7 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S3. 261 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Tax. Baynton, Wharton & Morgan 1,100 9 .0 .0 Donaldson of Yorke 400 4.10 .0 Ditto. ditto, 400 4.10 .0 Adam Young 600 4.10 .0 Amos Eastwood 50 3 .6 William Wilson 100 1 .2 .6 Ignatius Harden 50 7 .G Charles Cox 300 3 .0 .0 Henry Stern 300 2 .5 .0 Barnard Man 200 1.10 .0 Robert McFarren 152 1.10 .0 James Hunter 45 7.10 William McElwane 100 1 .2 .6 William Henry 444 4.10 .0 Samuel Purvoins 300 2 .5 .0 William Frazer 100 1 .2 .6 Barnard Daugherty, Esquire 3G7 6 .0 .0 Stewart Guthery 228 1 .2 .6 Bald Hill Tract, 300 1.10.0 Robert Sample 228 3 .0 .0 Robert Morris 3 .0 .0 Robert Culbertson 50 1.10 .0 Robert Moore, ex'r for Charles Sparkes estate, 100 1.10 .0 John Cessna, esquire 600 4 .0 .0 John Allison 450 3.15 .0 Israel Garrison 100 15 .0 David Bell, 300 2 .5 .0 John Ormsby 369 3 .0 .0 Joseph Sparks 150 2 .5 .0 Edward Taylor, 100 15 .0 John Great 100 15 .0 John Cissna 100 15 .0 Barnard Johnston, 100 15 .0 Jacob Poorman, 300 2 .5 .1 Henry Waldrin 300 2 .5 .1 John Frame 100 15 .0 Robert Wardsworth 100 15 .0 William Welsh. 100 7 .6 Samuel Samson 100 15 .0 Abraham Bodle 100 15 .0 Cornelius Bogard 100 15 .0 Charles Scilley, .' 100 15 .0 John Breathod 800 6 .0 .0 262 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Tax. Peter Smith, 170 1.17 .6 Cornelius Poland 150 1.10 .0 Tunis Finpelt, 150 1.10 .0 Robert Davis, 200 1.10 .0 James Murrey, 100 15 .0 James Hunter, 600 4.10 .0 Thomas Williams 200 1.10 .0 Jonathan Simmons 100 15 .0 Nathaniel Jerrat, ' 100 15 .0 Soloman Sparivs, 100 1 .2 .6 William Heart 200 1.10 .1 John Jacks 150 1 .2 .6 CUMBERLAND VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax. Arnet, James 215 2 2 2.11.10 Aswalt, Jacob 50 3 2 3 1 .9.10 Aswalt, Tobias 1 l i 3 .3 Asher, Anthony 50 2 . . . . 14.11 Albright, John 150 2 2 2 19 .1 Arnold, Samuel 150 2 2 2 1.15.11 Amarine, George . . 1 2 . . 8 .7 Amrine, Henry, 70 2 3 . . 1 .1 .9 Amrine, Abraham, 20 1 1 8 .7 Burdew, Nethaniel 25 2 2 .. 5.11 Burns, Patrick 300 2 3 6 3.13.11 Boyd, Tnomas 60 2 3 4 19.11 Baker, Valentine, . . 1 1 . . 2.11 Blackburn. Thomas 50 1 2 2 14 .9 Blyew, John 50 1 2 2 14 .9 Buck, Joseph 300 2 . . 1 3 .8 .1 Baker, Richard 2 1 1 5 .3 Baker, George 50 2 1 3 16 .0 Borland, Andrew 125 1 2 5 1.11 .0 Borland, Samuel 145 2 2 3 1.18 .1 Buck. John. . . 2 2 2 6 .2 Blair, Thomas, 100 2 2 6 1 7 .6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S3. 263 Acres. Blair. Brice. 100 Bill, William Bowser, Jacob 50 Buzzard, Peter 5 3 3 1.18 .5 1 1 1 10 .5 1 3 4 1 .8 .7 2 3 2 2 .2 .8 1 1 1 11 .6 1 11 .1 9 4 o 1.19 .6 5 4 ') 1 .2 .8 2 2 4 8 .6 2 3 5 1 .2 .2 2 2 2 16.10 3 .0 .2 2 3 5 1.19 .4 3 4 7 1.11 .9 <} 1 1 .3 .G 2 3 1.15 .0 2 3 1.15 .0 2 2 G .0 1 1 1 5 .2 4 5 7 3 .9 .8 264 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Huston, Andrew 30 Huston, Robert Huston, Edward Huston, Alexander, Haglen, Cobiens, 50 Hauger, Philip, 15 lams, John, 90 Kelley, Joseph, 319 Kelley, Mathew, Kinzer, Adam Layer, John, Senior, 50 Low, Richard, 50 Lazer, Thomas 100 Lazer, John, 50 Lazer, Joseph, 50 Lain, Henry, Lebariger, George, 150 Laybariger, Ludwick, 50 Laybariger, , 100 Lidey, Joseph 100 Lamb, Lawrence, Lamb, Timothy, Lamb, John, Michael, Henry 300 Master, William, Mickey, Daniel, 25 Michael, Paul Neese, Christopher 50 Niemyer, John, 120 Niemyer, Peter, 50 Potts, Jonathan, Purdiu, William, 50 Purdiu, William, Senior, . . 200 Paxton, Samuel 200 Porter, John Proser, Daniel 25 Parker, John, Plummer, Isaac 50 Roice, Jacob Rhea, Thomas 56 Rhoads, Jacob, 100 Roice, Frederick 50 Rhoads, Joseph 40 Sheekley, Peter 20 Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax. 2 2 4 1 .0 .0 2 1 5 .2 1 1 1 3 .1 3 6 3 11.10 10 .8 2 15 .1 1 1 5 1 .5 .0 3 3 1 4.18 .7 2 2 4 6 .4 1 2 2 3.11 1 2 1 14 .6 2 2 2 16.10 2 4 6 1 .9 .7 3 3 19 .0 2 2 16 .8 2 3 4 2 .7 .0 "3 3 4 2 .7 .0 4 o . 1 .9 .0 2 3 5 2 .2 .8 2 4 6 2 .2 .8 2 1 5 .2 1 1 3 .0 2 1 5 .2 2 1 4 3.13 .0 1 1 3 .0 5 .5 1 1 1 3 .1 2 3 5 17 .7 1 2 3 14 .6 o 4 1.18 .1 1 1 1 3 .0 2 1 15 .9 2 3 5 2.10 .0 1 1 2 .5.10 2 3 1 17 .7 1 1 8 .1 1 1 3 .0 2 o 3 17.11 1 2 3.11 2 4 16 .2 2 2 1.13 .8 2 3 Y 1 .9 .0 2 2 4 1 .3 .6 1 1 7 .3 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17&3. 265 Switzer, John, Ditto for Stoner's land, Screechfield, Nethaniel, . Screechfield, John, Sheerer, Andrew Sheets, Mathias, Spurgeon, John Screechfield, Benjamin, . Simpleton, John Seypher, Frederick Turner, John, Tarwater, Jacob Tumblestou, John, Tumbleston, Benjamin, . Tumbleston, Henry, Valentine, Jacob Valentine, Weyrick Wadsworth, Robert, Workman, , Wilker, Paul, Wilbegg, Godfrey Walker, Andrew Workban, Joseph, Warren, Edward, Walter, David, Young, James Young, William, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Tax. 50 3 3 4 19 .2 19 .2 50 1 1 4 7 .1 20 1 2 2 100 2 2 8 .2 25 2 3 5 1 .1 .4 50 1 1 2 9 .0 30 1 1 9 .6 50 1 1 13 .8 50 2 2 3 14 .6 15 1 1 6 .0 50 3 3 19 .8 270 3 .4 .1 325 3 .4 .1 25 1 1 2 8 .2 50 2 2 17 .7 50 2 2. 1 .7 .4 50 1 1 1 13 .8 50 1 1 3 1 .1 .8 50 1 1 2 14 .1 20 2 2 6 12.10 60 1 3 3 17 .2 100 17 .2 1 1 3 .0 50 1 2 11 .1 50 1 1 1 13 .8 SINGLE FREEMEN. Acres. Stephen Dickens Thomas Conway Frederick Fox William Cowan Jacob Fox Jacob Ficks, Andrew Huston Edward Cowan Casper Michael, NON-RESIDENTS. Robert Luske 250 Edward Ward 75 Tax. 1.17 .6 1.17 .6 1.17 .6 1.17 .6 1.17 .6 1.17 .6 1.17 .6 1.17 .6 1.10 .0 1 .1 .4 17 .2 2GG SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Samuel Finlay, 300 John Cisna, Senior, 100 Samuel Perry, 200 David Sample 265 Richard Peelers, 1,050 Andrew Steel 225 Richard Dunlap's heirs, 250 John Galaher 150 General Thompson's heirs, 300 Coonrod Hogmire, 250 George Campbell 1,000 Ralph Taylor, 200 Captain Basel 400 James Scott, 300 Baynion, Wharton & Morgan 1,000 The Reverend Thomas White and Colonel Robert Morris, formerly Doctor William Smith Tax. 5 .6 .9 1 .1 .4 2 .2 .8 2.17 .8 11 .4 .3 2 .2 .8 2.13 .4 1 .1 .4 3 .4 .1 2.13 .4 10.13 .7 2 .2 .8 4 .5 .4 3 .4 .1 10.13 .7 76.17 .8 FRANKSTOWN TOWNSHIP. Acres. Tax Widow Gulliford 200 3 .7 .8 John Guliford 200 3 .7 .8 James Holiday 100 1.13.10 Joseph Cook 300 6 .6 .6 Thomas Cook 300 6 .6 .6 Thomas Smith, Esquire 300 6 .6 .6 Samuel Davis 300 6 .6 .6 Michael Wallock 300 3 .3 .3 Widow Scott, 100 2 .2 .2 James Roddy, 300 6 .6 .6 John Thompson 300 2 .2 .2 Clark, on Clover Creek 300 2 .2 .2 Parron, on ditto, 300 2 .2 .2 John Brannon 100 1.17.11 William Holiday, Clearlield 1,900 4.12 .9 Assah Browneen 300 14.10 Samuel Holiday 300 14.10 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1783. 267 Acres. Tax. Aduiu Holiday 300 14.10 John McClellan, 300 14.10 John Buckhannau 2,00u 5 .1 .2 Doctor Allison, 500 1.13.10 David McRoberts, 100 4 .3 Joseph Roberts 100 1 .1 .1 William GuUiford 300 3 .3 .3 Patrick McDonald lOu 1 .1 .1 Polley Holiday 100 8 .2 John Henry, 100 16.10 Thomas McCune 300 G .G .C Thomas Smith, Esquire, 300 G .6 .6 Tanner Meguire 100 16.10 Peter Boyer, 100 3 .3 .3 Michael Faulkener, 800 16.17 .4 Henry Smiley 100 1 .1 .1 Henry Brown 200 2.12 .8 Dutch Martin 200 2.12 .8 Philip Midsker 300 4 .4 .4 Henry Panther, 200 3 .3 .3 Joseph Peeters, 100 1 .1 .1 Edward Bealy 100 2 .2 .2 Meeham Coleman, 100 1 .1 .1 James Karr 50 8 .5 Mathew Dean, 300 Michael Fetter, 189 3 .9 .'. Jacob Guipes, 900 18.19 .7 William Holiday, Senior 700 16 .4 .7 William Holiday, Junior 50 10.5 David Lawrey 300 6 .6 .6 John Mortimer, 100 6.16.10 Coonrod Brumbaugh 300 6 .6 .6 William Phillips James Spencer 200 2 .2 .2 David Stewart, 600 12.13 .0 Joseph Stephens 250 5 .5 .5 Joseph Sellers 300 6.16.10 Philip Stoner, 200 3 .3 .3 Daniel Ullery, 400 8 .8 .8 Jacob Knave, J'r, 200 3 .3 .3 Jacob Knave, Senior, 200 3 .3 .3 Ulley Blekenstaff 200 2 .2 .2 Butterbough, 200 4 .4 .4 Valentine Easter 480 8 .8 .8 268 SUPPLY TAX, Acres. John Houser, 200 James Crawford 200 William Holiday, J'r, 120 William Simonton, 200 Abraham Robertson 200 Andrew Devinney, 200 Michael Huffnagle 300 Daniel Moore 300 William Moore, 300 William Moore, deceased 300 The Honorable Proprietaries' land 16,000 John & Edward Shippen, on the Chest Creek, 4,000 John Buckhannan, Allegheny M., 600 Gilpin and Company, 4,000 Samuel Pleasant 2,000 Alexander Stuart, 1,000 Richard Peelers 400 Doctor William Smith 300 Hugh Means 400 ^Donalson, of York 700 Michael Cryder 1.000 A tract adjoining David Lowrey 300 Cox and Company, 1,100 William Henry 1,100 John Armstrong 250 Alexander Lowrey 400 William Lyons, 200 Major Gordon, 1,800 Dixson, on Clover Creek 400 Cox and Company 7,000 Captain Calender's heirs, 400 "^ Benjamin i3avis 100 Israel Pemberton 190 Cox, on Clover Creek 800 Waugh and Orbison 512 John Brown, 100 Patrick Neugent, 300 'Joshua Davis, 300 Jacob Stevens 50 William Holiday 100 Agnes Ferguison, 200 George Davis. 300 Ditto 200 2 .2 .2 Samuel Wallace, 1,700 35.16.10 Tax. 4 .4 .4 1 .1 .1 2 2 ') 4 .4 .4 4 .4 .4 4 .4 .4 4 .4 .4 6 .6 .6 6 .6 .6 6 .6 .6 337 .6 .8 84 .6 .8 6 .6 .6 8 .8 .8 4 .4. .4 2 .2 .2 8 .8 .8 6 .6 .6 8 .8 .8 14.15 .2 10.10.10 1 .1 .1 23 .3.10 23 .3.10 5 .5 .5 8 .8 .8 4 .4 .4 37.19 .0 6 .6 .6 21 .1 .8 8 .8 .8 2 .2 .2 1.18 .0 16.17 .4 10.10.10 2 .2 2 12 .8 3 .3 .3 4 .3 1 .1 .1 3 .3 .3 3 .3 .3 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1783. 269 Acres. Captain John Little 1^*^ Captain Trent and Company I'^OO Doctor William Smith 1-'^'^*^ Captain William Trent it Company 800 Ditto ''''' Robert Morris _ ^^'^ Brady and Jones in Company lo.OOO Thomas Vawn ^^^ Ditto, on Spruce Creek 1^*^ Bavnton, Wharton and Company 50G CIO .Ditto, ° .- Ditto, called Clear Run 46G Ditto, called Crabtree Bottom 461 Baynton, Wharton and Company oo" Ditto, called Walnut Bottom, 426 Ditto, Henry Miller, now ditto 426 Ditto, Shawnee Hunting Cabbins 469 Ditto, called Long Bottom 672 Ditto, on the head of the Mountain Run, .. 419 Ditto, called Large Run 343 Ditto, called Mountain Run 44ii Ditto, called Mulberry Bottom 500 Ditto, called I^ong Meadows 454 Ditto, called Meadow Ground 42. Ditto, the Forks of the Indian Path 521 William Dixon ^^^ Samuel Moore ^'^^ Peter Wertz ^^^ David Stutzman ^^^ Rienhart Rippliogle ^^^ Jacob Brumbough 250 NewCommer, John Croyle, ^^^ Stophel Markel 250 George Brumbough ^50 John Midsker 200 Paul Rhoads ^^^ Jacob Herrin, 200 George Rhoads, 200 Philip Kneo 300 W'illiam McFarlin. Clear fields 300 Ephraim Blain. on the Clear field Creek 300 Tax. 2 .2 .2 21 .1 .0 29.10 .4 16.17 .4 21 .1 .8 12.13 .0 31.12 .6 2 .2 .2 1 .5 .7 10.10.10 10.16 .1 9.11.10 9.11.10 11.14 .1 9 .1 .4 9 .1 .4 9.11.10 14 .5 .0 9 .1 .4 7 .6.10 9 .9 .9 10.10.10 9 .9 .9 9 .1 .4 10.19 ..', 4 .4 .4 1 .5 .3 3 .3 .3 4 .4 .4 6 .6 .6 4 .4 .4 2 .2 .2 2 .2 .2 .5 .5 1.12 .6 2 .2 .2 6 .6 .6 2 .2 .2 3 .3 .3 6 .6 .6 12 .7 Q O O (270) RETURN OF LANDS NUMBER OF INIIAMITANTS COUNT\ OF BEDFORD 1784. (271) ( 271' ) BEDFORD COUNTY KKTURNS— 1784. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP. Anderson, James Anderson, 1 homas, .. Adams, Robert Adams, Robert, J'r, . . Adams, Solomon, Anderson, Jamts, J'r, Anderson, William, .. Eker, Joseph Bonnet. John Burket. George Black. John Bowser, John Blackburn. Thomas, . Blair, William Burns, Thomas Bridges. John Crisman, John Culbertson, Robert, . . Castleman, Lewis Clark, William, Casbeer, John Crossings, Henry, . . . , Croyl, Thomas Croyl. George Crice, Adam, Davidson. Samuel, . . . Dunlop. Jean, widow, Dibert. Michael Dunlop. James Dalton. James, Dreenan. Samuel, ... IS— VOL. xxn- DwellinK cres. Houses. Whites. Blacks 260 1 8 2 4 6 5 8 4 2 7 4] L4 1 G 2 50 1 G 1 G •> 1 4 1 1 8 70 1 7 1 7 1 200 1 7 1 9 100 2 5 8 6 8 8 G 300 1 9 1 1 2 1 i-i 1 9 230 1 5 230 1 8 1 9 -3rd Ser. 274 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks. Dibert, John, Davis, Eleazer, Dougherty, Barnard, Es'r Ditto, in Friend's cove, D'o in d'o, Ditto, in Snake Spring Valley,. Ditto, in ditto Ditto, in ditto Ditto, in Cumberland Valley, .. Ditto, in ditto, Ditto, Shawnee Cabbins Ditto, Ditto, Espy, David, Es'r, Etoner, John Earnest, George, Easter, Valentine Elliot, Robert Elwalt, John Evens, Abraham Easter, Peter, Elliot, William Erwin, David Eago, Frederick Fleehard, James, Forker, Thomas Fether, George, Ford, John, Fether, Michael, Jr., Fether, Michael, S'r Ditto George Funk Ditto Graham, John Grant, Yoast Gibson, Robert Gardner. George Gillilan. William Gregg, John Hays, Thomas Hort. John Helm, Dinnis Hemphill, Adley Holiday, William 200 1 7 1 3 360 2 3 200 337 200 100 50 300 150 267 Vz 171 60 1 5 5 5 4 5 400 5 3 100 4 4 4 8 160 2 5 7 6 3 200 1 10 170 150 5 125 1 10 4 5 S 9 5 2 2 5 300 5 5 1 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S4. 275 100 50 150 150 Henry. Elizabeth Houser, ChrisUau Helm, Frederick Helm, John Helm, Jacob Hartford, Patrick Her, Laurence Johnston, John Her, Jacob Imler, George, Her, Nicholas, Kenton, Rachel Kenton, Thomas Kennedy, William, Lx)an, Benjamin 15C Leech, Henry Laffcrty, John McCashlen, Samuel. Ju'r McCashlen, Samuel. S'r 190 McCombs, Allen 139 McCauley, Cornelius, 300 McGaughey. Arthur, McGaughcy. John McSparran. Duncan Milligan. George 500 Miller, Margaret, 150 Miller, Jacob Maugh, Jacob 100 McNeel, Hector, McMullcn, James, Mayaudrew, John Naglo, Frederick, d'd, 200 Neemire. William, Nawgle, Anthony • • • Nixon, George, Organ. David Proctor, William. Esr Rieley. Martin Ryan, Timothy 344 Ryan. Timothy, 485 Rose. Allen 225 Rose, William Rhoads. Gabriel, 1 00 DwellinK Acres. Hiiusis. 150 Whites. 4 C 2 5 5 5 2 4 4 7 11 2 3 5 5 2 5 6 9 12 6 5 4 9 5 10 3 3 276 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., DwelllriB Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks Righart, Frederick 200 1 C Romach, George, . . i 2 Ruby, Charles, 1 5 Shannon, George, . . 1 2 Swager, Henry, 1 g ~ Skinner, Samuel . . 1 9 Steel, Andrew, . . 1 5 Swopland, Peter, . . 1 5 Summervail, James 2 Simpson, Luke 1 10 Smith, Rebekah, 2 Saylor, Jacob, 411 1 G Satorius, William, . . 1 7 Smith, Daniel, 1 4 Scovil, William, 1 5 Swagart, George, 1 3 Sills, George 160 1 7 Samuel, Adam 50 1 g Samuel, Conrod 150 1 4 Stifler, Peter, 100 1 11 Smith, Peter, 1 § Sampson, Hugh . . 1 2 Sills, Michael, 100 1 n Ditto, 200 Swagart, John, 1 9 Taylor, Matthew, 1 2 Todd, John 1 7 Taylor, Edward 1 5 Todd, William, 200 1 6 Vickory, Thomas, 1 3 Wertz, Henry, .. 1 s 1 Wallock, Michael 1 7 Wolf, Philip, 1 3 Williams, James, 150 1 6 Werts, Peter 100 1 8 Willhelm, Jacob, 1 6 Walter, Barabra 100 1 12 Wolf, Rinehart 1 10 Wisecarver. George 150 1 10 Wertz, George . . 1 4 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 277 SINGL1-: FREEMEN. Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whiles. Blacks John Kenton 1^^ ^ Thomas McGaughey. 100 Single young men without property 27 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Doctor William Smith and Company, 275 Ditto, on Duning's Creek, ^^^ 350 Thomas Fitzimmons Ditto, adjoining Andrew Green ^^J^ Andrew Green, adjoining ditto 3o0 Thomas Drumgold, adjoining ditto 3o0 Ditto, adjoining ditto ^ William Bradford, adjoining ditto, 650 Patrick Wallace, adjoining ditto, 500 Ditto, adjoining ditto William Linsey, adjoining ditto ^^^ Ditto James Mase, adjoining ditto Francis Drumgold. adjoining ditto, 3o0 James Rose, adjoining ditto ^^^ Ditto adjoining ditto, ^^ Ditto, adjoining ditto Thomas Atley. adjoining ditto, 300 George Shoemaker, adjoining James Rose 600 John Edwards, adjoining ^^^ James Harvey, adjoining ^^^ Daniel Clark, adjoining George Shoemaker, 450 Joseph Wood, adjoining ditto, - ^^^ Ditto, adjoining Colonel Boquet 400 George Mead, adjoining Francis Campbell 3o0 OQQ Ditto, adjoining ditto, James Henrv. adjoining George Mead, 300 James Mease, adjoining ditto Patrick Allison, adjoining James Mease 800 John McMichael, adjoining Alex'r McKee 500 Ditto, adjoining ditto Baynton. Wharton. Morgan & Company 550 Ditto, called Erwin's place 300 Ditto, adjoining Robert Erwiu 300 Ditto, called Elliot's place 300 500 400 27S RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Acres. Ditto, on Dunniug's Creek 200 Ditto, called Francis Campbell's, 300 Ditto, adjoining John Flenigan 200 Ditto, ditto 300 Ditto, George Smith, '. 320 Michael Brazill, 200 John Finney, adjoining ditto, 200 Ditto, in the name of John Frazer, 250 George Crohan, adjoining James Harvey, 100 Ditto, adjoining Daniel Clark, 350 Ditto, adjoining John Ewalt's place, 300 Captain Trent and Company 300 Ditto, adjoining Michael Debert's land, 300 Ditto, at Lost Run, 300 Ditto, Shawney Cabben Waters 300 Robert Evens, adjoining Jacob Harlin's place, 200 Joseph Swift, called the Bullock Pens, 600 Daniel Clark, on Brush Run, 250 William Henry 500 Colonel Boquet, on Dunning's Creek 740 Ditto, Half Way Run 300 Benjamin Chew, adjoining Sill land 600 General Thompson, adjoining Shawney Cabbens, 300 Edmond Phisick 160 Levi Andrew Levi, adjoining George Milligan 600 John Pollock, adjoining Elliot's place, 600 Ditto, adjoining or near Gregg's place 200 Major Wood, near the Three Springs, now Dr. Smith, . . 300 Ditto, adjoining Dr. Plunket 300 Edmund Miller, near Dunning's Creek, 800 George Lancel 150 Elijah Adams, . . . •. 200 John Porter, 200 James Gordon, 200 Anthony Blackburn, 150 William Elliot. Path Valley 180 Peter Easter, 300 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 279 COLERAIN TOWNSHIP. DwellinB Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks Amons, Isaac Baker, Earnest Baker, William Barkley, William Beaman, William Bradshaw, Robert, Junior, . . Bradshaw, Thomas, Bradshaw, Robert, Senior, . . . Bradshaw, David Bennet, Joseph, Brannen, Roger Barnes, James Bell, David, Beedle, Thomas, Crevenston, Nicholas, Collins, Daniel Cheney, Charles Coonce, Lawrence, Cheney, Benjamin Cisna, Jonathan, Cisnaa, John, Es'r, Tevebaugh, Casper Donely, Domneck, Denmer, Isaac, Daugherty, Barnard. Esq'r, . . Davis, Thomas, poor Daugherty, John, poor, lame. Elder. George England, James, England. John Fleeharty. John Frazer, William, , Friend, Joseph Friend, John, Fredregil, William Francis, John Farmer. William Fuback, George 50 7 200 4 2 4 5 3 5 3 3 10 6 10 5 6 200 8 100 C 8 5 6 4 200 6 125 9 7 50 5 450 1 1 8 5 6 10 5 150 1 8 180 1 9 100 280 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Dwelling Acres. Houses. hill, Frederick - Hall, Tlaomas , Hultz, Jacob Heauey, Patrick liall, Samuel, Huff, Elisha, Allem, John , AUem, Thomas Haggau, John Hamilton, Thomas, Jones, William, James, William, dec'd, . Johnston, Joseph, , Johnston, Thomas, , Regan, Fergus, Kegg, Nicholas, Robert Love, Lightman, Georg Moore, Robert, McKever, John Miley, Abraham, Shriff, . Miley, Abraham, Junior. Morse, Samuel, Murphy, Alexander, Daniel Michael, Maghan, Thomas, Nicholas Hain Ohara, Arthur Paterson, James Parron, John, dec'd Ruff, Mathias Ruff, Michael Ruff, Nicholas, Ruff, Peter Rienhart, John Rolin, Jacob, Ripleogl, Rinhart, Rigs, James, Rose. Edward Spurgen. James, Spurgen, Samuel Spurgen, Ezekil Tripshoe, Christoph Utzler, George 184 50 100 90 50 450 150 150 62 456 360 50 50 50 Whites. Tilacl 3 3 9 6 6 4 9 5 7 7 7 7 8 3 2 9 6 6 10 11 4 4 4 3 9 3 13 6 3 9 3 9 6 10 9 7 3 10 8 1 1 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S4. 281 Dwelling Acres. Hcius.s. Whites. Blacks. Utzler, Christopher ^ Utzler, Jacob ^ Williams, Henry ^ Wright, John, Senior » Wright, John, Jun'r ^ Wigfield, Benjamin ' William. Shadric 25 . . i| Whitslone, Henry '' Willi, John 50 1 8 Worley. Ezekil 1 ^ Wigfield, Joseph 1- Young, Adam ^*^' Wickams, Samuel "^ William. John, ^ Yeats. Elizabeth, poor ^ Eathenaur. Joseph •••• ' Robert Moore. Jun'r 3 o Andrew Friend ■ • • • •" Daniel McMichael ^ (Jeorge Adamsmous • ■ • • ^ William McDaniel 5 single: freemen. Abraham Miley 12o .. 1 Worley. Ezekiel 1=^0 •• ^ Tevebaugh. Jacob ^ Tevebaugh. Adam, ^ Moore. Andrew ^ Moore, James •■ ^ Utzler, George ^ Coughren. Joseph ^ Hamilton, John 1 England. Henry ^ Tucker. James, • • • ■ ^ Coonro, Lawrence, NON-RESIPENTS. Aorpp. Davis ^^^ Thomas Hubbs y Samuel Davidson 2.)n Jacob Saylor. Esq'r 25(1 John Vanderin ^^^ Galloher, '^'^^^ Purvines ^^^ 282 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Acres. Hugh Means, 400 Samuel Finlay, 300 Robert Calender 300 Ruben Heans, 400 Thomas Barton, 300 Michael Huffnagle 300 David Kenedy, 300 Swift and Company, 700 Dr. William Smith, 250 Samuel Hughes, 1^010 William Trent, 44O Doctor Allison, 250 Samuel Wallace 300 Rowland McDonald 200 Anthony Smith, 246 Anthony Worley ; 50 Thomas Hains, 200 DUBLIN TOWNSHIP. Alexander, Robert, Blair. Alexander Buird, Benjamin, Buird, John, Buird, James, Buird, Thomas Barnet, James, Baringer, Andrew, Cowan, James Clements, Jean, widow, Coyl, James, esq'r Cru, David, renter, Cunningham, George, . . Clark, David Craig, William Cornelius, John, Cornelius, William, Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks. 1 230 50 60 200 100 263 6 5 2 3 9 6 5 12 7 10 4 7 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 283 Cobrau, William Cannon, Patrick, .... Coal, Thomas, Davidson. Hugh Elliot. Benjamin Held by Patton, Edenton, Johnathan, Eagleson, John Fitzsimons, Patrick, Fleming, James, .... Gallaher, John, Hutcheson, William, Holt, Henrj-, Hudson, George, . . . Head, William Hunter, William, ... Husten, William, . . . Johnston, Robert, . . Lucas. George, Morton. James Loveall, Jonathan, . . McDowell. William, . McDowel, Nathan, . . . John Moore McClewn. James McElroy, Alexander, Mulholam, Hugh, . . . McDonald. Duncan, . McKee, James Marshal, James McCord, James, .... McBride. James, .... Mathias, Philip Orlton. Hugh Olingcr, John, Pollock, John, , Robertson. Jeremiah, Ramsey, William, . . . Ramsey, John Ramsey, Robert Stitt, John Stephens, Thomas, . . Snider, Coonrod, .... DwellinK Acres, i^lousi's. 100 31G 100 100 50 50 35 150 150 150 50 70 100 40 300 1C4 Whites, niac 6 10 1 7 3 3 5 G 6 8 7 2 9 10 9 2 10 7 5 5 7 4 10 13 8 8 5 284 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Sheilds, James, . Widow Smith, . . Stiles, David, . . . Swagart, John, . Suck, Abraham, . Taylor, Mathew, . Tice, John, Walker, John, . . Wilds, William, Walker, David, . Welsh, Nicholas, Wilson, John, . . Ward. William, . Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks. 6 9 3 3 1 6 7 5 50 1 8 3 150 1 8 200 SINOI^E FREEMEN. Joshua Cornelius, , Samuel Cornelius, William Taylor, . , Simon Kennedy, . John Kelly, John Morton James Allen Hugh Barclay, James Cannon, Henry Hyns William Stephens, William Willson, . Thomas Wesoon, . Thomas Stitt, MILFORD TOWNSHIP. Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks. Jacob Morningstar 200 Herman Husltands, 300 Samuel Wright James Allen, Christian Ankeny, 346 10 6 4 7 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 285 Dwelling Acres. JlousL-s. Whiles. Peter Ankeny, .. .. 7 Nicholas Barron, 250 . . 7 Olrick Bruner 300 . . 4 Henry Bruner, g George Bruner, . . . . 4 Jaoob Bruner . . . . 3 William Baker . . . . 3 Black. Rachel, 6 John Birdman, . . . . 5 Peter Bugher . . . . 4 George Bugher . . . . 2 Henry Bender . . . . 2 William Bole . . . . 3 James Boyd Peter Capp James Claypole . . . . 9 Cooper, James . . . . 2 Cumm, Christopher 4 Cooper, Christopher . . . . s Crichfield. William .. .. 3 Curry, William 7 Kisbeer, William, . . . . 1 Casbeer, Joshua . . . . 5 Dull, John 150 .. 6 Davis, John . . . . g Earnsbarger, Powel, . . . . 7 Fleck, Adam . . . . g F"redline, Ix)dwick, 200 .. 5 Gilmore, James . . . . 4 Faith, Abraham 300 .. 3 Hannable, William .. .. g Holle, John . . 9 Hunter, Charles G Hunter, George . . . . 5 Kimel, Jacob . . 1 4 King. Michael, . . . . 3 Curpeney, John 1 5 Lout, Jacob . . 1 5 Miller. Jacob, . . 1 g Mary McMichael. widow .. 1 3 Nicholeson. Hugh . . 1 g Penrod. Tobias, 1 4 Penrod. John g 286 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Dwell in Acres. Hou Parr, Sarah, Philip, Francis Jrloover, Adam, Morgan, Peter, Noble, James, Mendair, Alexander, Pile, Casper Jones, Robert, Jones, David, Esq'r, . Jones, William, Rise, George Sheffer, Jacob, Sulivan, Patrick, . . . Shoffe, John Swortz, Christopher, Vetrich, Coonrod, . . . Walter, Michael, . . . . Weimer, John Willson, James, Wimer, Frederick, . . Wimer, Jacob Woolf, George, Wimer, George Walker, James Young, Lodwick Seckman, John 200 200 Whites. Blacks. 4 9 8 3 4 5 9 4 9 5 5 4 4 7 1 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. John Sensenig 110 Peter Wanger, 150 Jacob Wanger, 300 John Rhoads 300 Henry Rhoads 1,200 John Miller 100 George Huck 200 Samuel Pleasant 300 John Mosser,* 150 Hooper and Company, 600 Jacob Roier 150 John Loare, 50 Isaac Jones, 225 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 28'. Acres. Jacob Ankanej- 300 George Funk 200 Mathias Maris 170 Uauiel Morningstar, 100 UARREE TOWNSHIP. DwelllnR Acres. House 200 James Anderson John Armstrong, James Cresswell Gilbert Chenney, John Cotton Robert Creswell Thomas Ewing John Uing, Junior, John Uing, Senior Henry Ferguson Thomas Ferguson John Glenn George Gray Thomas Gray Archibald Glenn Andrew Glenn William Huston, William Johnson Patrick Lennon, John Litle Hugh Long Thomas Long Joseph Long Hugh Logue William McAlevey 300 Alexander McCormick 400 David McMutrey 1,150 McCartney. Robert 256 James McL>ermott 200 Edward McDermott 100 100 300 Whites, macks. 9 6 12 5 1 10 1 5 5 5 12 7 4 5 5 1 6 10 7 8 2 1 3 8 8 / 288 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Benjamin McGavock, Richard Miller, Abraham Nilson, . . . William Nilson Robert Nilson, Joseph Oburn, William Porter, . . . . James Porter, David Ralston, Cheney Rickets, Jeremiah Rickets, . . . Joseph Reed, Robert Riddle, Robert Smith, Es'r, . Joshua Skedmore, . . David Thompson, . . . John Turbert Widow Turbert William Willson, . . . John Willson, Robert Wasou, George Willson, Thomas Willson, . . . . Single freemen Dwelling :res. Houses. White 7 4 4 10 2 100 3 220 6 G 175 10 14 4 5 1 200 13 8 5 4 7 100 8 909 8 7 4 2 13 NOX-UESI DENTS. Acres. Thomas Armstrong 300 William Willson, dec'd 180 Ruben Hains, 300 Andrew Boggs, deceased 300 John Cox, 300 Rachel Cox 300 Robert Carswell 170 John Culbertson, 150 Benester and Jiles 600 William Paterson 600 Samuel MiHen 2.800 John Flaxeneer 400 Thomas Rusheo 620 John Shea 2,200 The Proprietary 1.500 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 289 Acres. Bayntou, Wharton and Morgan 1,000 John Taylor 150 John Harris, 150 William Parks, deceased, 200 David Kennedy 400 David Gordon lOO Alexander Roddy 300 George Frey 300 Robert Stevenson, 300 Moses Brown 100 James Smith, deceased 400 Samuel Wallace 500 Joseph Shipen 300 James Dickey 100 John Dickey, ' 100 George Hutchesou, deceased 200 BETHEL TOWNSHIP. Abel, Benjamin Ash, Adam Albright, George, Allison, Francis Ash, Henry Barley, John Brown, Jacob Bear, Henry Breathad, Edward Brown, David Bishop, George Beard. Philip, Combs, John Curry, John Carney, William, Carney, John Covalt. Bethel Kegler, Jacob 19— VOL. XXH— 3rd Ser. 1 Acres. dwelling Houses. Whites. Hlac 100 8 9 5 200 75 11 7 8- 7 180 13 270 6 9 8 10 1 300 8 50 1 5 1 290 RETUIIN OF LANDS, ETC., Combs, Edward Clark, John Cowel, Isaac, Crossens, Thomas, .... Crossens, Samuel, .... Clevenger, Abraham, . . Endslo, Christopher, . . Eady, Widow, Emel, John Dart, John, Dishon, Morris Fidler, Timothy, Fitchpatrick, John, . . . Falmoth, Doras Fisher, John Gillan, Daniel Gordon, Moses Gibbins, Morris Gibletin, Philip Graham, Widow Graves, Samuel Powel, George, Martin Hacler Hollinshead, James, . . Hess, William Hart, William Horse, George Hambler, Andrew, .... Henry, Peter Hendershet, Jacob Hill, John Hill, George Hough, Jacob, Hakersmlth, Jacob, . . Hoop, George Hawkins, George, Hunt, William. Hendershald, Balser, . Hoopingarner, George, Jinkins, Ewen Gidion, John Kimble, Petter, Kair, Robert, Dwelling :re.s. Housos. Whites. Blaf a 5 -4 3 140 4 9 260 '> 4 2 7 300 11 176 11 4 2 253 11 100 2 8 1 500 5 125 4 150 6 3 9 150 4 8 250 7 100 7 14 4 SO 14 2 300 4 75 1 9 300 1 149 9 7 4 284 9 4 6 100 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S4. 291 Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites Blacks. Kenard, John . . 1 4 Kidd, Benjamin, 300 Linn, Widow, " 100 2 5 Lieak, Nicholas . . i 7 Longstreth, James 37 1 2 Longstreth, John 237 1 2 Longstreth, Philip 200 1 7 .. • Longstreth, Martin 100 1 8 Lance, Christopher, . . 1 4 Linn, Isaac, 1 § Laman, Jacob, 90 1 10 Latan, William 1 g Laton, Samuel, 1 9 Lamberd, George Laton, Obadiah, 1 4 Laton, Asher 1 2j Man, Andrew 34O i jo Massoon, John 100 1 10 Mason, Jacob 1 g Mowney. John 160 1 c McKenney, Robert, 75 1 g MeKenney, Joseph 75 1 3 - Milborn, John lOQ 1 1 McKenney, James 262 1 7 Money, Barnard, 125 1 9 Martin, Edward Marten, John Malot, Obadiah 1 3 Malot, Benjamin, 1 5 John Macaune 1 g Miller. Phillip, j g Maclane, Jacob lOO 1 g Maclane, James, 1 2 Malot, John, mash Malot, Theadras 1 5 Malot, John, ^ 5 Marton, John 1 5 Marton. Richard 200 1 6 Murry. James g Marton, William 300 1 4 Miller, George, 90 -Poorman, Jacob, lOo Peck, George, 2 7 292 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Powel, Joseph Peck, John Powel, John, Potteson, Thomas Pitman, Richard, Pitman, William Reed, Moses, Raver, Christopher Roberts, Abner, Rulon, Nathanel Rush, Peter Rush, Jrlarry, Junior Rush, John, Rush, Henery, Rush, Jacob, Senior, Smith, John, Smith, Adam, Smith, Peter Stiker, Lawrence Stillwell, Elias Seller, Andrew, Snider, Henry Stevens, William Stevens, Abednigo, Sowler, Henery, Stall, Hennery Smith, John, Licken Creek, Sips, Hennery, Shelar, riarman, Shock, Jacob Shaver, Tise, Sips, Charles Shingletaker, Jacob, Shinteltaker, George, Staub, Frederick Swarts, Frederick Stevens. Richard Smith, Emanuel, Senior, . . . Smith, Emanuel, Junior, . . . Smith, Adam, Junior Stafford, Thomas, Swarts. George Straight, William DweUing Acres. Houses. M^hites. Blacks. 100 1 9 50 200 100 150 82 123 186 113 430 200 94 300 50 50 100 7 7 9 8 10 1 4 5 9 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 293 Slaughter. John Smith, Zachariah Simnierman, Henry, . . . Stanely, John, deceased, Tison, Mathias Truah, Benjamin, Truax, Samuel Truax, Jacob, Truax, John, Truax, Joseph, Tharts, Joseph, Tanner, Stephen Thachar, Amos, Connard Watts, Williams, Thomas Warford, Widow, Wallace, Ephraim Wilson, Joseph Welch. Francis Wilhelm, William Wink, Jacob, Woods, William Whorah. Adam Walker, Widow Warford, James, Young. Michael, Walker, George DweUlng . Houses. W'hItPS. Blark.=!. G G fl 11 C £0 410 120 500 150 300 3 8 10 1 (i HUNTINGDON TOWNSHIP. DweUlng Acres. Housos. Whitos. Blacks Anderson. Samuel, . . Ashbough, John, .... Armstrong, Thomas, Bower. Widow Biddle, John Brakenridge. Widow. Brotherline, Charles, 500 294 llE'i'URN OF LANDS, ETC.. Jacob Carpenter, Baum, Michael Buckhannon, George Caldwell, James Caldwell, Robert, Caldwell, Charles, Cryder, Michael, Craffus, Peter, Craffus, Nicholas Joseph George Cannon, John, Canoas, Jacob Kain, Moses, Cheney Rickets Dean, James, Daniel, Samuel, Dewit, Peter Davis, John Dean, William Dreak, Benjamin Edmoston, Thomas Edmoston, John Elliot, Benjamin Fee, John. Senior Fee, John. J'r Fox, Henry Fletcher, Archibald McGinnes, James McGuire, Bartely Montgomery, Thomas Moiitgomery. Samuel Gerret, Nathaniel, tanner, ... Heans. Abraham, blacksmith, Hall. Jacob Armetage. James Armetage, Jacob Hysop, Samuel Egio. Daniel, Johnson, Thomas. Senior, . . . Johnson. Thomas, Junior. . . Jackson. George Kennedy. David. Senior, . . . . Kennedy, James 300 200 100 100 80 100 80 75 150 100 100 Whites. Blacks 2 5 2 6 6 6 12 4 1 1 5 4 1 1 8 7 9 7 7 7 4 1 3 4 2 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 5 3 6 3 4 2 3 13 2 6 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 295 Kennedy, David, Jr., Kennedy, Francis Loyd, Henry, Es'r 500 Leard, Jacob, McMoutry, David, Mitchel, John 50 Mitchel, Robert Morton, John McElvean, William, Nearhoff, John, Prigmore. Joseph, S'r, Prigmore, Joseph, J'r, Prigmore, Jonathan, Patton, John Ranalds, George 280 Rickets, Edward, Ezekiah Rickets Roller, Jacob, Sills, Anthony Shaver, John Sills, Solomon Sills, Abraham Swank. Leonard Sills, Lodwick 150 Spencer, John Sulivan, Henry, Traves, William Thompson, James, Thornton, John Thompson, Thomas Vaughan, Thomas Williams, John Williams, James Worrel, Isaac, Willcocks, James Wason, William, 100 Walker, George Weston, Thomas Watson. William Wilson, David Young. John Anthony Johnson James Johnson 300 Samnel Gile«py, Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks. 1 2 296 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Samuel Miflin 1,000 John Agnew, 1 50 Joshua Elder 100 William Karr, 200 David Eaton, 150 Hugh Means, 150 .-John Reed, 250 William Eaken 150 Daniel Clark 396 Thomas Smith, Esq'r, 900 John Gamble 450 Ezekiel Smith, 300 William Johnson 300 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan 1,000 James Dunlap, 400 Benjamin Blyth 100 Benjamin Chew 600 John Armstrong 375 Lawyer Johnson 100 Proprietor's land 1,500 D'o 700 Doctor William Smiih 3,910 Baynion, Wharton (t Morgan 801 Peter Vandevader 85 David Magaw 500 Baynton, Wharton &; Morgan, 525 John Miner 300 FRANKSTOWN TOWNSHIP. Acres. Widow Gulliford 200 Joseph Cook 300 Thomas Cook 300 Thomas Smith, 300 Samuel Davis 300 Michael Wallock 300 Widow Scott 100 James Roddy, .- 300 John Thompson 300 COUNTY OI'^ BEDFORD— 1784. 297 Acres. Clark, on Clover Creek 3H0 Parr, on ditto 300 John Branuon 100 William Holliday. Cleartieids 1,900 Asa Brownson, 300 Samuel Holiday 300 Adam Holiday, 300 John McClelan, 300 Thomas McCune 300 Thomas Smith, Esq'r 300 Peter Boyer, 100 Michael Faulkener, 800 Mathew Dean 300 Michael Fether, 189 Jacob Gripes, 900 William Holiday, Sen., 700 David Lowrey, 300 David Stuart 600 John Stevens, 250 Joseph Sellars, 300 Daniel Ulery, 400 Cfeorge Butterbough 200 Valentine Easter, 480 John Hoser 200 William Holliday, J'r, 120 William Simonton 200 Daniel Moore, 300 William Moore, Dec'd : 300 Baynton, Wharton & Company 4,500 Joseph & Edward Shippen, Chest Valley, 4,000 John Buckhanon 600 Gilpen &- Company 4,000 Samuel Pleasant, ..." 2,000 Alexander Stuart 1,000 Richard Peters 400 Doctor Wm. Smith, 300 Hugh Means 400 Donaldson, of York 700 Michael Cryder, 1,000 Michael Cryder, 300 Cox 1,100 William Henry 1,100 John Armstrong, ■ 250 Alexander Lowrey, 400 298 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Acre* William Lyon, Esq'r, 200 Major Gordon, 1,800 Dixon, on Clover Creek 400 Cox & Company, 7,000 Captain Calender, 400 Israel Pemberton 190 Cox, on Clover Creek, 800 Waugh and Orbison 512 Samuel Wallace, IjOO Captain Litle lOO Cap't Trent & Company 900 Ditto, 100 Doctor Wm. Smith, 1^400 Captain Wm. Trent, 800 Ditto 1^000 Robert Morris 600 Brady & Jones, in Company 15,000 Thomas Vawn, 200 Ditto, on Spruce Creek, 100 Baynton, Wharton & Company, 506 Ditto, 512 Ditto, Clear Run, 466 Ditto, Crabb Tree Bottom, 461 Ditto 557 Ditto, Walnut Bottom 426 Ditto, Henry Miller, 426 Ditto, Shawney Hunting Cabbins, 469 Ditto, Long Bottom, 679 Ditto, Mountain Run 419 Ditto, on Large Run 343 Ditto, called Mountain Run, 445 Ditto, Mulberry Bottom, ' 500 Ditto, called Long Meadows 454 Ditto, called Meadow Ground, 427 Ditto, called the Forks of the Indian Path, 521 William Dixon 200 Ephraim Blain, at the crossings of Clearfield Creek, . . 30C COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 299 SHERLEY TOWNSHIP. Ashman. George, Armstrong, James Armstrong, John 50 Adams, William Anderson, Daniel Black, Henry Bell, Samuel 100 Brigges, Benjamin, Senior, Brigges, Benjamin, Jun'r 100 Brigges, Samuel, Boyl, John, • Bratton, James, Boyl, Charles 180 Buckhannon, George Boyly. Henry, Burge, Henry 220 Blair, Thomas 440 Ditto, in Cumberland county, 437 Bryan, William Bryan, William, S'r Brown, William, S'r, Brown, Benjamin, Brown, William, Ju'r Boyls, Henry, Ju'r, Brown, James Cannon, James Clugage, James 200 Crow, Jacob, Campbell, Andrew Campbell, Joseph Clugage, Francis 80 Conn, James, Curlet, John, taylor Cornelius, Jacob Crooham, James, Blacksmith, .... Carmichael, James 190 Coonce, Nicholas 58 Caseday, Patrick 200 DweUing Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks. 760 2 7 5 8 3 5 G 4 2 5 8 8 5 3 2 7 2 2 5 4 9 7 10 300 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Catham, William Coal, Broad, Cheney, Zachariah, Copenhovan, Balser Davis. Asiah, Donohew, John, Damond, Domnick, Franklin, Joseph, Fowley, James Galbraith, James Grim, Hugh, Grim, Jaccb Gooshain, Jacob, Gad, William, Gooshorn, George, Gad, Absalom Jinkins, Even, Gardner, Robert, taylor, . . . Green, Joseph, Ginkins, Even, Senior, Ginkins, Benjamin, Hannah, James, Hardester, Henry Hill, Nethaniel Harvey, John, taylor, Holiday, William Hodge, Thomas Jeferes, Jesse, Johnson, John Kerr, John Ditto, in Frankstown, . . . . Talkinton. Jesse, blacksmith, King, George Lock, Thomas Logan, Hugh Latta, John Logan, William, Linn, James Love, James Luies. John, schoolmaster. . Logan. James. Lain, Wilkinson, Long, William 100 200 973 100 Dwelling Houses. Whites. Blacks 100 100 3 6 4 6 8 8 6 6 6 15 4 2 8 2 3 9 4 4 4 3 1 2 7 5 5 6 8 1 4 9 4 3 10 11 40 4 6 1 2- 7 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 301 Acres. Iiou^ses 200 50 Lean, Daniel Lean, Samuel Long, Benjamin, , Love, John Maglahalan, \V m Michael, Andrew, McFeeters, James Morrow, Thomas McMath, Samuel Murphj-. Thomas Morrow, Widow Moore, John McLaimans. Samuel Mason, William, McCamon, Samuel Morgan, John Mason, John, Magines, Charles, McKrachen, James, McAleas. Menasah Morris, William Murrey, Hugh Montgomery, John Paul, William Persons, John Picket, Heathcock Patton, Mathew, Patterson, William Price, Mcrriman Parish, Joseph, Polard, William 2,200 Rieley, Peter Rose, Jeremiah Rutter, William Rutter, John Rutter, Alexander, Reagh, John Stephens. Giles Sharaw. John 100 Stong, Adam Spade, John Swan. William 150 Standiford. Benjamin, 400 50 Whites. 7 4 5 6 3 5 6 9 7 4 5 7 4 6 2 8 6 6 3 7 6 4 4 5 2 7 5 7 6 4 10 3 7 4 9 6 2 11 10 5 1 5 4 302 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC.. Stewart, Samuel, . . . Swope, Lawrence, . . . Sharow, Jacob, ..... Sharow, Isaac, Stevenson, John, .... Summervail, James, Smith, Casper, , Seden, John, Switzer, John, , Stevens, Benjamin, . , Shecklin, William, . . , Stevens, Sarah, , Titus, Peter Taylor, Samuel, Thompson, John. S'r, Thompson, David, . . . Thompson, Samuel, . , Thompson, John , Tipton, Edward Vantrees, John Walcoope, James Wiley, William, Willson, George Warner, Henry Whiteinger, Francis, . Wain, John Wright, John, Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks 5 12 4 5 3 5 2 2 2 3 2 500 50 9C 150 200 180 SINGLE FREEMEN. Cluggage, George, 900 Clugage, Robert, Es'r 155 Ditto, in Huntingdon township, . . 100 Cluggage. Guy 50 Clugage. Thomas 180 Clark, Thomas Galbraith, Robert, John Gailbraith, Samuel Bell, John Bell ; Joshua Coal William Drenan 1 2 1 4 1 1 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 303 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Berry, James, Tuscahrorah Valley, 100 Buckhanon, William, at the mouth of Black Loge creek, 300 Duffeld, Minister 300 Duncan, Stephen, 150 Elliott, John 200 Earley, Samuel, Finlay, Samuel, near Blair's mill 100 Ditto, near Colonel George Ashman's 200 Harvey Henderson, on the Shade Creek 210 Hunter, Thomas, on the brpiich of Shade Creek 150 Henry Williams 300 Hunter. James, on Big Oughwick Creek, 200 Ditto, on the Three Spring Creek, 100 Samuel Perry, 1.100 Baynton, Wharton & Company, known by the name of Red Banks, 500 Ditto, known by the name Three Springs 1,300 Kizar, Christian 144 McConnel, William, 200 Morrison, John, 50 Perrey & Magaw, near Jack's Mountain, 260 Ditto, near ditto, 200 Ditto 150 Quigley, John, Tuscahrorah, Valley 300 James Reynolds, 300 Smith, Peter 200 McMoultry, David, 200 Merchant's land, west of Tuscahrorah 1,100 Ditto, Shugar Run 200 Merchant's land, above the mouth of Black Logg Creek, 444 Mathias, Thomas, near Shirley old town 440 Foolan, James 300 Jeramiah Warder 100 Ditto, held by ditto, 250 Ditto, held by ditto 300 304 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP. Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Black Abbett, William, 300 Barrow, Samuel 600 Andrew Stuart, Buck, Thomas, Brannon, 100 Burge, William, Colonel Boquet 1,200 Clark, Nea) Cann, Charles Clark, Charles Covenhoven, John Company's land 700 Dean, Samuel , Dean, John Dean, Thomas Dean, William Donaldson, Moses 100 Eyart, William 270 Elder, George, 200 Enyart, John, P^oster, John Flora, James, Fiulay, Samuel 260 Galbraith, Robert, 1,100 Guthery, Hugh 400 Guthery, Daniel, Hines, Henry, Hampson, James, 147 Henry, Robert, 100 Heater, George Henry, William 300 Jinkins, John Johnston, , 300 Kidd, Benjamin 326 Keeth, 70 Keeth. Adam 230 Lilley, Richard 60 Litle, John, 236 Moore, Levi 200 1 2 7 9 1 1 1 11 9 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 305 McGaw's heirs Mr. Mitchell Moore, Zebulon Molton, John, McDonald, James Michael HuffNagle, Ditto, Perry, Samuel Prigmore, Theodoras Rickets, Edward Reed, William Skiles, Ephraim Smart, William Shope, Sebastine Shope, Jacob , Stoner, Philip, Swift, Joseph Sherley, William, . . . *. Strong, Philip, lOn Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks. 200 200 50 150 200 500 60 180 300 100 300 200 130 Shaver, John Saunderses heirs, . . Sheckley. George, . . Smallman, Thomas. Sills, Solomon Sheets, Henry, Thompson, Samuel, Wright, William, . . White, .John Watson, William, . . Whitstone, Michael, Weston. John Wilson, Zebulon, . . . Wilson. Thomas, . . 200 200 700 218 250 200 80 12 1 11 G QUEMAHONING TOWNSHIP. Barnhart. Jacob Uarnhart. Peter 20— VOL. xxn- nwollintr Acres. Housps. Whites. Blacks ..19.. 17.. -3rd Ser. 30G RETURN OF LANDS, ETC. Dwelling Acros. Houses. 300 200 600 450 300 Black, James Burket, Israel Coftman, Christopher, Clasner, Jacob Delaboiigh, Valentine, Edmon, Thomas, Emmert, Wentle Grose, George Holley, David Hofman, Jacob Hofman, George Hess, Henry, Kimble, J'r Kimble, Philip, Senior Kimble, George, Keffer, Jacob, Kimble, Michael J150 Loar, George Miller, Isaac, 145 Miller. Christopher Miller, Abraham Miller, John, Penrod, John Penrod, Peter, Penrod, Soloman, Penrod. David Rhoads, John 600 Ross, James, Reamon, Godfrey Robertson, Hugh Spiker, Christopher 200 Stotler, Casper Spiker, Samuel Smith. Jacob Springer, Philip 50 Skinglebarge. Albright 100 Sooter. Martin 300 Sills, Michael, 200 Sigler, John 250 Smoker, Jacob 200 Sheffer. Simon Sheck. George Stoy. Daniel 150 Whites. 5 5 2 5 6 3 5 3 2 6 5 6 6 7 2 7 7 9 8 8 4 1 6 5 7 7 7 3 6 8 3 1 7 2 5 7 6 7 3 7 Blacks. 1 COUNTY OF nEDKOKI)— 17S4. 307 Acres. H )uses. \V •Sheffer. Henry Sheffer, George Sheffer. Philip Ward. John Wright. David Wensel. .John Whitstone, Michael, . . Young. Casper Yother, John Yother. Christopher. Jr. Yothor. Christopher. . . 200 600 SINGI.E FRREMEN. Lemon, (ieorge ^=^0 Lemon. Peter ^^0 Christopher Burket William Huskins Lambert. Jacob John Smith Christopher Miller George Emmert liites. 1 2 2 3 1 9 3 3 7 4 12 Thomas Proctor, James Pollock. .\crep. 305 John Vanderin Robert Latis Hooper ^^2 Daniel Ridehart ^^^ William Roberts ^°^ William Robertson 2°^ Henry Rutter, . . . George Riitter. . . George Brown, . . George Lambert, . John Vanderin, . . John Hunter Andrew MoAnear, Sacksarel Wood. . George Jewel, 301 302 326 323 300 324 300 335* 300 Alexander Carlisle ^^^ 372 289 Richard Wells ^^'^ Abraham Digh. 307 308 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Acres. Benjamiu Davis, 344 Josiah Harvey, 144 Joseph Mather 348 Joseph Morris, 302 Joseph Ogden 353 George Hunter, 132 John Paul, 307 Detrict Reese, 308 Thomas Lambert, 347 Edward Stell 295 Adam Hubley 328 William Ball, 302 AYR TOWNSHIP. Alexander McConnell, Adam Linn Amos Stephens, Benjamin Williams, Barnard Fautt, Benjamin Jinkins Ditto, for Erwin Benjamin Peck Benjamin Stephens, Bryan Coyl, Cathrine Philips, Charles Taggart, Daniel McConnell Daniel McCordy 280 Daniel Royer, Daniel Jacobs David Evens David Carlile, Daniel Anderson David John Daniel M, David Hunter Dwelling Acres. Houses. 1 Whites. Black 8 9 5 2 100 8 6 200 3 3 IGO 3 100 3 9G G 400 8 280 5 435 4 200 80 3 5 5 5 80 5 1 5 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 309 300 100 David Erwin Enoch, Williams 150 Edward Dorsey §2 Edward Spear, 100 Even Shelby lOo Edward Head 150 Edward Graham 150 Francis Shee Frederick Humburd Frederick Myers George Galloway George Sherts. George Myars Henry Hoover 200 -'Henry Davis, 50 Henry Chapman 150 Hugh Donaldson IOq HilJey Wilson lOo Hngh Martin rJoshua Davis, John Hoover John Teat, /Jacob Poorman ' Jacob Martin ■ Joseph McKinlay, John Willson 9^0 John Buckley 50 John Scott 210 x-Jacob John 150 John Anderson, James Bella, James John John Madden, Joseph Bell John Bellman, James Gibson, John McKinlay James Ramsey, 140 John Ranken 140 James Rankin, 140 John Kendall James Alexander James Murrj- DweUin;^ Acres. Houses. 100 50 Wliites. 4 5 10 11 6 IC 6 4 3 4 10 2 10 4 5 2 9 C 4 4 5 fi 3 6 6 8 8 4 3 6 11 6 9 7 5 5 2 6 310 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC.. Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks. John Darby, John Creadlebaugh, James Bell James Simpson 200 John Martin, John Linn James Cunningham, 200 James McDowell John McClelan 300 James McClelan, 140 John McLain John Coleman James Boal John Hammill John Coyle, John Oaks John Garry, Jean Neasbet, 150 Isaac Willson James McConnell, James Justice / Lewis Davis 100 Lawrence Belzer, Margaret Scott, 100 Margaret Arthur Mathias Ambrozer, 150 Mathias Caldwell, 132 Michael Young Nethaniel Hamill 190 -Nethaniel Davis Philip Izer, 150 Philip Coalman 200 Robert Scott 330 Robert Hamilton, Robert Alexander, Richard Pittman, 95 Robert Hammill, 133 Richard Stephens Robert Allen, Robert Willson, Robert Gibson Samuel Kerr 240 Sibal, John, 40 3 1 6 1 4 11 3 4 3 7 6 3 7 1 7 5 7 1 3 3 5 1 7 5 11 1 1 7 5 4 10 2 3 10 4 5 COUiNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 311 Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Hlacks. Thomas Paxton 150 1 13 Thomas John 1 ^ Ditto, for Brown 227 1 Thomas Willson, 1' ^ Thomas Jaques 28G 1 Thomas Lewis, 1 6 Thomas Jackson 1 8 Thomas Stephens 130 1 7 Thomas Davis, 100 2 C Thomas Barnett 1 Thomas McCrea, 1 ^ Truax Stillwell 130 1 9 .. William Eckles 100 Mr. Wood in Maryland, 1 William George 100 1 11 Wendle Ott 1 3 William Willson 50 1 5 William Patterson 222 1 8 William Alexander, Senior 80 1 8 William Conner 1 2 William Alexander, Ju'r, 1 3 William Gibson 1 5 William Linn, 1 6 William Sloan, 210 1 12 William Hunter, 222 1 9 .. William Gaff 204 1 7 SINGLK FREEMEN. Frederick Coon • ■ 1 ^ John Mardis 1 1 Robert Kendall 50 .. 1 Robert Scott, 210 1 1 Hugh Alexander, 300 1 10 Alexander Lowrey, 1 ''' John Galloway 150 1 2 Thomas Herod 1 '^ Single men without property, . . • • 5 oU RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., BROTHERS VALLICY TOWNSHIP. Ambroizer, Frederick, Augustine, Peter, .... Bomdrager, Andrew, . Bomdrager, John, . . . Bowman, Jacob, Bowman, Stophel, .... Bittinger, Henry Bittinger, Philip, .... Beckley, Michael, ... Baker, Philip, Boyar, Michael, Berger, John Barkdoll, Joseph, Cresner, John Cegy, John, Claudfelty, Solomon, . . Cofman, Frederick, . . . . Cressinger, Orn, Cefer, Jacob Cunts, John Cimble, John Cable, Abraham Cable, Jacob Cafter, Jacob,- Coover, Peter, Coalman, George, Coalman, Nicholas, . . . Godfrey, Nipper, Durst, Casper Davis. Henry Delebaugh, Valentine, David Griffith, Dwire, William Dwire, Shaphet Etnoyer, John Forrey, Joseph, Forrey, Peter Fleck, Henry Fleck, Jacob l-)welli teres. Huus ng es. White 1 6 1 5 1 5 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 9 1 7 1 11 1 2 1 5 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 7 1 9 2 1 14 1 7 13 3 300 ] L 8 L 10 7 200 ] 7 250 ] 6 100 1 7 200 1 5 200 ] 9 70 1 9 150 1 2 500 1 9 300 1 2 3 7 200 1 7 100 1 4 100 1 7 50 1 3 COLiNTY UK BEDF0RI3— 1784. 313 DwellinK Acres. Houses. 300 200 25 200 150 200 Fike, John, Finlay, Samuel 1^^ Furry, John 200 Fisher, Jacob 300 Fouts, Nicholas, 1^^ Grifith, Ebenezer 1^0 Gibler, Jacob, 1^0 Getty, John, Goodhart, Andrew, Glasner, Jacol) Glasner, Henry, Glasner, Jacob, Junior Groner, John 112 Good, Jacob 300 Grave, Peter Gundy, Mathias Gundy, Joseph, Gnagey, Christian, 450 Hunter, Alexander Henderson, James Hostaler, Christian Hostaler, John Hendrix, James Hendrix, John Hineboch, George, Hineboch, John, Hoover, John Hay, Simon Henman, Philip Hiter, John Hair, Christian Hey, Felty, Hoyle, Walter Hoover, Casper, Hover, Adam Hosteller, Jax;ob Ingle, Clemens, . / Jones, Joseph King, Christian, King, John Laman, John, Livergood. Peter, 160 Lafaly, Adam Whites. 9 7 9 in 9 12 3 9 12 5 4 5 2 G 10 4 1 G 4 G G 6 5 4 4 12 6 314 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Iceman, Benedict, Jun'r Laman, Benedict, Sonior Laple, Peter, 100 Markley, John, T Marker, Mathias Mast, Christian, Miller, John Miller, Peter Most, Jacob, Melick, John, Mathes, George, Michael Miller, Miller, Christian Mostoller, Frederick Mishler, Joseph Mathias, Philip, 150 McLelan, James, 30 Miller, William, Marker, Henry, Mason, Philip Olinger, John Oley. Shrock, Valentine. Lout Perky, Christian, Perkey, Peter, Perkey, Abraham, Pare. Ludwick, Perkley, Ludwick Plowch, Elizabeth 150 Perkey, Jacob. N PoHom, Adam, Robison, Hugh, Senior Robison, Hugh, Junior Ringer, Adam Sooch, Yost, Siller, John 300 Siller, Jacob, 200 Stomm, John Rough. George Stomm, Leonard, Stotsman, Jacob Simmerman. \ost Switser. Peter Dwelling Acres. Houses 200 Whites. Blacks. 3 2 7 8 7 7 6 5 7 7 8 6 6 9 11 6 3 2 4 4 7 6 10 6 2 6 5 6 4 5 3 9 11 COUNTY OK BEDFORD— 1784. 315 Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks. Smith, Philip Shenfelt, George Sooter, Martin Shaules, Coonrod, Shauls, Boston, Sholtz, Nicholas Sweet, George, Smith, Jacob, Soock, Jacob Switzer, John, Srock, Casper, 140 Sheets, Solomon Sprendiron, Michael, Smith, Joseph, Sipes, Peter Snider, Jacob, Sap, P'rederick Tice, William Tedrick, Frederick, Tryar, Michael, Sr, Tryar, Michael, J'r Teets, Yost Tryar, John, Tryar, Christian Walker, Widow Winger, Peter, Winger, Jacob 300 Wegley, Philip, Yowler, Isaac, Yoder, John Baker, Andrew Bowman, John, Brent. John Craft, Abraham Pike, Christian Ferguson, John Griffith. John Jacob Markley 200 Shackley, George Sheets. Ludwick Tederick, John, Daniel Mickey Christian Toder 10 8 9 4 9 5 4 2 5 6 6 7 6 4 5 5 6 3 11 G 4 3 3 7 6 6 7 9 6 316 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., NON-RESIDENTS. Dwelling Acres. Houses. Wh John Vanderin, Henry Baker, Peter Aiiams, John Glass, Eli Brier Christian Stoner, Stephen Tanner John Vanderin, Ditto George Shaver, Mr. Frey, Mathias Maris, Frederick Nawgle, dec'd, John Vanderin, Mr. Ewin John Hood Jacob Good John Yoder Thomas Smith Benjamin Chue Ditto, held l)y d'o Cox & Company, Benjamin Chue Ditto Ditto Ditto, held by do, Ditto, by ditto, Ditto, by ditto John Stump 300 200 200 200 300 112 200 300 300 300 200 100 50 600 300 600 270 200 300 300 600 260 300 300 200 250 500 900 500 iles. Blacks 1 PROVIDENCE TOWNSHIP. DwelllnR Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks. John Moore, 1,000 1 7 . . Francis South .. 1 3 William Ervin 50 1 2 .. Joseph Morrison 200 1 5 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 317 Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Hlacks. Henry Armstrong 1 4 William Waugb, 2 John Gibson, loU 1 3 Ferguison, Hugh 100 1 6 Ferguison, Jorin 200 .. 3» Mortimer, John •■ •• 3 Samuel Moore, 150 1 6 Benjamin Elliot 272 1 4 Henry Livingston 5 John Elliot 1 6 John Paxton, 300 6 Daniel McKarty 3 John Richey 480 .. 6 Thomas Woods 246 1 9 John Livingston • ■ ■ • 8 Robert Williams 7 Henry Devee 1 5 William Boyd 1 6 . . John Shaver 238 1 7 John Boyd 4 Daniel Means, 4 George Enslow, 1 4 James Martin, Es'r, 125 19 1 Martin Kersman ■ • • • 6 Joseph Commins • • 1 6 David Smith, 1 9 Joseph Sparks 3 Mathias Hollard, 100 1 3 Henry Hollard 2 John Stackman *. 2 Thomas Pennal, 1 Joseph Chapman 6 William McDonald •• 4 Adam Wimmer • • • • 6 John Wimmer . ■ ■ ■ 2 John Shaver, Junior 6 John Smith, 2 Isaac Wimer, 1 ^ Cathrine Zantlinger, C Mathias Swartzwell ■• •■ 10 Uriah Blyew ■ • • • 1 Cornelius Seamans ■ • • • 3 Jacob Weyley, • • 2 ol8 RETURN OF LANDS, ETC., Dwelling Acres. Houses. Edward Donalds, Andrew Jones Abiah Akers Jonathan Buck Thomas Norton John McKinney Andrew Blackhart, John Williams, John Piper, 300 Joseph McFarren, Richard Kimber Jacob Miller, Henry Hinish, Mathias Myars, Miller, Adam James Applegate, James French, John Morehead Abraham Covalt, John Peck George May Amos Jones, John Cravens Widow McDonald, Joseph McDonald 188 1 Rowland, Keenan Thomas Megibens, Whites. Blacks. 8 2 5 5 3 9 3 9 7 4 2 2 7 4 8 2 10 1 10 3 3 4 4 6 5 2 2 SINGLE FREEMEN. William Gibson •. 150 Francis Reynolds 50 John McLamins, 250 David Buck George Enslow James Smith, James Mortimer John Bays Peter Oneal, Akers, Ephraim Earnest. Thomas William Boyd Nicholas Shaver Robert Moore 100 COUNTV OF BEDFORD— 1784. ■^\'J Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whiti'S. Ulacks. John Cessna, 100 John Allison 150 John Orrasby 369 1 Henry Waklrcn 300 John Dreathod, 200 Peter Smith, 170 James Hunter, 600 John Allison, 204 Edward Elliot 1,100 Donalson, of York 1,400 George Elder 400 George Nixou 200 Charles Cox, 300 Barnard Daugherty, 3C7 CUMBERLAND VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Owellinj; Acres. Houses. WhiU Arnet, James Aswalt, Jacob, Aswalt, T( bias Asher, Anthony, . . . Arnold, Samuel, . . . Albright, John, .... Amarine, George, . . Amrine, Henry, . . . Amrine, Abraham, Burdue, Nethaniel, Burnes, Patrick, . . . Boyd, Thoma.% Baker, Valentine, . Blackburn, Thomas, Blyew, John Buck, Joseph Baker, Richard Baker, George Borland, Andrew, . . Borland, Samuel, . . . 215 50 300 300 12c 12c 320 RETURNS OF LANDS, ETC.. Buck John, Blair, Thomas Blair, Bryce, Bell, William, Bowser, Jacob, Buzzard, Peter, Browning. William, . . Campbell. Robert Cisna, John, Esq'r, . . . Cissna, Charles Casteel, Thomas, Cowan, William, Conoway, Thomas, . . Coulter, Thomas, . . . . Cruey, Christopher, . . Cook, George Crossbey, James, . . . . Cavaner, Patrick, . . . . Casteel, Shaderick, . . Cissna, Even Croy, Richard Croy, Jacob, Cessna. Jonathan, . . . Cofman, Michael Devour, Cornelius, . . . . Duckman, Ezedekiah, Devour, Luke Dickenson, Thomas, . Dickenson, Amos Dughman, Michael, .. Dughmau, John Dughman, Christian. . Devoure, Daniel Devoure, William. . . . Dickinson, Stephen, . . Elder. John Evens, Gerrett Faris, 1 homas Fox. Jacob Farmer. John Feats. Martin Feats. John, Feats, George Dwellini; Acres. Housjes. 100 100 150 100 300 5S0 150 170 127 100 150 100 200 150 Whites. Blacl 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 3 3 10 3 3 2 . 10 8 1 6 4 3 7 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 17S4. o^l Funk. George Finlay, Samuel Gooden, Moses, Gooden, Aaron Haines, John, Esq'r Hudson, Andrew Huston, Robert Huston, Edward Huston, Alexander Hogland, Tobias, Hogar, Philip lems, John Kelly, Joseph Kelly, Mathew Kuzer, Adam Lazer, John, Junior Low, Richard Lazer. Thomas Lazer, John Lazer, Joseph, Laine, Henry, Lebarger, George, Lebarger, Ludwick, Lebarigar, Nicholas Liddy, Joseph Lambe, Lawrence Lambe, Timothy, \ . . Lambe, John Michael, Henry Masters, William Michael, Paul Nice, Cristman Neemire, John Ncemire, Jacob Neemire. Peter Potts. Jonathan ' Purdue. William. J'r Purdue. William. S'r , Paxton, Samuel Porter, John Proser. Daniel Parker. John Plummer. Isaac 21— VOL. XXH— 3rd Ser. Acrt-s. lOU 133 Invelliiif,- llousts. Whites. Blacks. 28 319 100 100 50 50 200 9 11 322 RETURNS OF LANDS, ETC., Dwelling Acres. Houses. Whites. Blacks Rhea, Thomas, Rice, Jacob, Rhoads, Jacob, Rice, Fredericlv, 50 Rhoarls, Joseph, Sheckley, Peier Switzer, John Screechfielfl, Nathaniel Screechfield, John, Sherer, Andrew Sheets, Mathias, Spurgen, John Squires, George, Screechfield, Nathaniel, S'r, Screechfield, Benjamin, Sempleton, John Sever, Frederick, Turner, John Tarwater, Jacob, Tumbleston, John, 170 Tumbleston, Benjamin 200 Tumbleston, Henry Valentine, Jacob, Warnief, Philip, 50 Wadsworth, Robert Workman, William, Wilker, Powel Woolbach, Godfrey Willhelm, George Willhelm, Alexander Wilker, Andrew Workman, Joseph, Warran, Edward Wood, Thomas, Walter, David Young James, Young, William, Robert Lusk 250 Edward Ward 75 Samuel Finlay, 500 Samuel Perry 200 David Sample 265 Richard Peters 1,050 COUNTY OF BEDFORD— 1784. 323 Acres. Andrew Steel, 225 Richard Dunlap, deceased, 250 John Galaher, 150 William Thompson, deceased, 300 George Campbell ii Company, 1,000 RalphSnider 200 Captain Baset, ' 400 James Scott, 300 Baynton, Wharton and Company, . . 1,000 Colonel Robert Morris and the Rev'd Thomas" White, formerly Doctor Smith 900 Richard Peeters, Es r, 193 Ditto, 133 Ditto 218 Ditto 302 Ditto 180 Ditto, 223 Ditto 211 Ditto 300 Dwelling- llou s. Whites. Hlacks. (324) TAXABLE riiOPERTY County of Huntingdon, Ft)K THE YEAK 178G. ( 325 ) ( 326 ) HUNTINGDON COUNTY TRANSCRIPT —1788 HUNTINGDON TOWNSHIP. Acrop. Hiirses. Cattle. Armitage, Jacob. . . Allen, Peter, Ashbough, John, . . Anderson, Andrew, 9G 100 300 100 Anderson. Samuel 232 Ashbough, Frederick, Ashbough. Henry, Bloom, George Bowers. .Mary 1^0 Brown. John, 200 Boran, Nicholas Bradick, Nicholas 118 Brackinridge, Margret 300 Bittel, John l'''^ Buchanan. George 200 ^ Burd. Benjamin, Browning, Bazil, Bell, Samuel • Brotherlin, Charles Browner, Rodger Crlswell. David Chambers, Thomas 70 Craffis, Peter 130 Canan, John. Esq'r, 350 Ditto, Caldwell. David 100 Cob. Jacob Caldwell. Robert 300 Caldwell, William ( 327 ) 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 Tax 8 .8 3 .4 16 .f) 5 .6 18 .0 10 .2 5 .8 7 .8 5 5 .9 9.10 9 .0 5 .7 4.10 1 .6 2.11 2 .0 8 4 2 .5 13 .8 11 .2 12 .9 3 .0 6 17 .0 6 32S TAXABLE PROPERTY, Acres. Caldwell, Charles, 200 Kelly, Joshua, 190 Cryder, Michal, • 600 Cortz, Frederick Keller, Daniel Dickey, Moses 150 Dick, James, 300 Drake, Benjamin 84 Ditto, 45 Davis, John 200 Donaldson, Moses 200 Dean, James 212 Dean, Abraham, Donaldson, Andrew, 150 Ditto, 100 Dodds, Andrew 150 Drake, Abraham ^Derush, Abraham, 150 Dychus, Philip 200 Dean, John Decker. Nicholas Deerdurf, Abraham Dougherty, Barnard, Esq'r, Elliot. Benjamin. Esq'r, 80 Entrekan, James, 100 Edmiston, Thomas, 200 Eakins, William 150 Evans, Mark, Fee, John 190 Fee, John, Juu'r Fletcher, Archybald 150 Fletter, Philip Fox, Henry, Galaspey, Francis 50 Glazier, Daniel, Gibson, James, 200 George. Joseph, Guthery, George, Galbraith, Robert. Esq'r Griffith, John, Harkins, Samuel 70 Hare, Jacob, 50 Hair, Michal Hunter, Edward, 600 Havin. Valentine, 120 lorses. Cattle. Tax. 2 2 10 .8 1 5 .4 4 3 1 .4 .4 1 6 1 4 .0 1 10 .0 4 .0 2 8 .2- 2 2 8 .2 7 .6 1 2 8 .4 2 1 10 2 1 9 .2 4.10 2 2 8 .4 1 .2 .8 4 5 .6 2 .6 1 11 .5 2 8 10 1 .0 4 4 18 .G 2 3 4 .6 2 2 9 .0 2 1 4 .6 4 3 3 7 .0 1 2 8 2 3 11 .2 1 - 1 3 .2 1 .0 1 8 2 1 .8 3 2 6 .2 2 .4 1 1.10 3 .2 6 1 1 1 .4 2 2 3 .2 1 1 6 2 2 18 .0 1 2 5 .8 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— 1788. 329 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Hicks, John 200 2 2 Hollingshead, John, 100 2 1 Hall, Jacob, deces'd, estate Humbert, Michal, . - ^ Henderson, Uavid 2 Holloway. William, for Doctor Smith Hains, Abraham, 1 Igou, Lindy, widow 25 1 2 Isop, Samuel 70 2 3 'inompson, Thomas, S'r 150 1 1 Thompson, John, 200 2 2 Jackson, George 100 2 3 Jarard, Nathaniel, 150 2 2 Johnston, John 200 1 2 Kin£-m, David 150 1 1 Kelly, James 70 - 2 Kenedy, James 60 1 1 Kenedy, David 100 1 2 Knowlen, Michal, 1 1 Kinter, John, 2 2 Knave, Jacob 240 2 2 Knave, Henry 400 3 4 Knave. John 300 4 3 Lloyd, David 150 1 1 Lloyd, Henry 250 4 5 Lloyd, Henry, Jun'r, 100 1 1 Lutz, Michael 300 2 2 Lewis, Joshua 150 2 2 Laird, Jacob 2 2 Lighty, John 1 2 Louge, John, 150 Louderslagel, Henry 200 2 2 Louderslagel, George 1 McClain, James 100 2 1 McColgan. Neal 1 - Mclntire, John, 200 2 2 Mcllwain, William, 300 2 3 McGomery, Samuel 150 2 2 McGinnis. James 100 2 2 Mires, Samuel 50 2 1 MuEselman, Widow 150 1 Mitchel, John 100 3 3 Mitchel, Robert 1 1 Marks. John 100 2 1 15 .1 5 .4 1 .8 4 .8 8 .2 1 .9 12 .8 14 .0 15 .3 2.11 2 .5 1 .2 7 2 8 10.10 1 .8 .0 1 .3.10 7.10 1 .4 .8 5 .8 10.11 8 .3 6.10 3 .4 1 .2 6.10 4 3 .0 6 7 .6 10 .5 10 4 .2 2 .9 9 .8 10 .0 4 .8 3 .4 330 TAXABLE PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. McGuire, Bartley 80 2 2 Mute, John 2 1 Murray. William 200 5 2 Mires, Jacob, 300 2 1 Midsker, George, 100 2 2 McMurtrie, David, dec'd, Musser, Christopher, 1 i McCarty, Henry 1 McConnel, Alexander 100 1 1 McKinney, Samuel McGuire, Patrick Newcomer, Christley 40 1 Parks, John, 200 2 2 Prigmore, Joseph, 200 Prigmore, Joseph J'r 100 2 2 Priestly, Jonathan 1 i Parks, James . . j Patton, John 300 1 i Patton, Robert 1 Potmeser, Adam Ross, John Reynolds, George 170 3 4 Roe, John . . j j Russel, Thomas, 100 1 1 Rickets, Nathan, 325 . . 1 Richards, Edward 150 2 2 Richards, Daniel 2 1 Ryans, William, 1 Richards, Joshua . . 1 j Ramsay, Archybald 1 Stopher, Christopher, 100 3 3 Spencer, John 200 2 3 Spensor, Robert 300 1 1 Sample, George 1 2 Shara, John 60 3 2 Swart, Conrod, 150 2 3 Swoope, Peter, 1 Sells, John 150 2 2 Stickleather, George, 1 2 Smith, Henry Stephens. Peter, 1 j Saxton. George ... 1 j Slider, John, 2 3 Sells, Ludwlck 300 i 5 Taj 4 .2 1 .2 5 .9 7 .6 2 .3 8 .4 4 .4 6 6 1 .4 4 .4 2 .6 8 .0. 7 .4 4 .8 10 8 12 .0 2 .5 2 .0 16 .4 6 1.10 10 .0 5 .8 6 1 .0 4 2 .0 10 .4 10 .5 7.10 66 8 .8 7 .6 4 .8 6 .2 8.10 4 2 .8 2 . ,0 .6.10 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— 1788. 331 Acres. Hurses. Calll Simpson, John Sonimervile, James Tickerhoof, Frederick, 15u 2 'Ihoruton, John 200 1 Tipton, Shaderick, 1 Tracy, Thomas, Tanner, Hugh, 1 Vandevinder, Peter loO 2 White, Jacob, l^U 2 Wilcox, James 152 1 Wilaou, David 200 1 Wortz. John, 150 Williams, James 200 1 Williams, John, Esq'r 150 4 Wilson, John 50 2 Watson, William, 200 Worrel, Isaac, 400 3 Wason, William, . Wilson, David. . . . Walker, George, . Weston, George, . White, William, . Wilson, James, . . Wilkins. Edward, Weston, John, . . . 50 100 50 50 70 Tax. 2 .1 10 6 .3 5 .9 17 .0 2 .G 8 .4 3 .1 5 .8 4 .8 12 .6 1 .4 8 .0 13 .0 2.11 4 .8 2 .4 1 .0 3 .0 8 3 .0 SINGLE FREEMEN Armitage, Isaac, 200 Brackinridge, Thomas Buchanon, George, Barns, Joseph , Brackinridge, John, Caldwell, David Canan, Henry 200 Cams, Josfah Carr, William, Cryder, Israel Canaday, Samuel Carr, George Carr, Thomas Dickey, Moses Deermit, James Dewit. William Davlin, Matthew 12 .5 10 .0 10 .0 10 .4 10 .0 10 .4 10 .4 12 .5 15 .9 12 .0 10 .0 10 .0 12 .0 12 .0 10 .2 10 .6 J32 TAXABLE PROPERTY, Smith, (Duncan), Thomas, Esq.,. Evy, George, Emil, John, Erwin, Alexander , Fockler, George, Fox, Henry, Fox, Simon Hamilton, John, Hooii, Matthias Hunter, John, Hoofman, Peter, Haslet, Samuel Hare, Daniel, Henderson, Andrew, Esq Hix, Thomas Hix, Jacob, Hunter, David Hunter, James, Knight, James, Lockhart, Lisha, Mitchel, Hugh, McMurtrie, David McLain, Lazarus, Esq Murray. Ephraim McCoy. William Muselman, Henry Ross, Robert Rose, William Ramsay, Samuel, Sharow, John, Saxton, John Swank, George, Young. Robert Caldwell, Robert cres. Horses. Cattle. Tax. 1 12 .0 10.10 2 16 .0 10 .4 10 .6 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 1 12 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 . ^ 10 .0 1 12 .0 10 .0 1 10 .6 1 12 .0 12 .0 1 10 .6 2 1 1 .4 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 12 .0 10 .0 1 12 .0 1 10 .0 10 .4 1 10 .4 NON-RESIDENTS. William Smith, D. D 643 Ditto 218 Ditto 234 Ditto 274 Ditto 222 Tax. 1.11 .0 10 .8 11 .2 6.11 19 .0 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— 178^;. 333 Acres. Tax. Robert Suckness 389 1 .7.11 William Hussey, 305 15 .7 William Smith. D. D 153 17.10 Samuel Finlay 283 2.0 William Smith. U. U.. 274 2 .0 .0 Ditto George Crohan. 251 18 .5 482 1.12 .0 William Smith. D. D 300 3 .4 Ditto 18« 1? -3 D'o, ground rent of town 297 1 .1.10 1 .4 John Armstrong Charles Smith. Esq Samuel Miffiin. 1.016 2 .9 .0 Paul Zantzinger 200 2 .o Sarah Dilworth, 218 2 .5 John Matthews 294 1 .3 Perry Hall 300 3 .4 David Black 200 2.5 Adam Brady ^ -^ William Young 423 5 .4 Hugh Means, 130 5 .9 Miller & Brown, 300 3 .4 Robert McGaw 200 2 .5 Abraham Sell 100 l-H Knave & Son 500 19 .6 Hugh Davidson, Esq.. 2 .0 William Shafe 300 5 .2 Robert McGaw 500 12 .9 William Long, Jun'r 352 4.0 John Matthew 196 2 .6 Jonathan Zarr 352 4 .0 David Jackson, • ■• 134 2 .0 Matthew Ormsbay, 390 5 .0 Thomas Cumings 371 4 .6 Isaac Parrish 386 4 .6 Joshua Gibb 333 3 .9 David Evans 344 4 .0 Jane McCleland 296 4 .9 Samuel Galbraith 229 3 .9 John McCleland,. 252 3.9 334 TAXABLE PROPERTY, BARREE TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Anderson, James 300 3 4 Armstrong, Thomas 280 2 2 Bell, Arthur 90 2 1 Boggs, Andrew 300 l i Brown, Moses 100 2 1 Brown, Michal 250 1 1 Conner, James, 200 2 2 Creswell, Robert, 150 1 2 Creswell, James 150 2 3 Collins, Jacob 50 2 Collins, Moses 125 2 2 China, Gilbert, forman'r 125 1 i Cotton, John 150 2 2 China, Isiah 125 i i China, Edward 1 i Conner, John 200 1 1 Cope, Jacob, 350 2 1 Cree, John 150 2 2 Dickey, John 200 2 2 Ewing, Thomas 300 2 2 Ewing, Samuel. .• 50 2 2 Ewing. John, Sen'r 300 2 1 Ewing, John 50 1 1 Ferguson, Henry 160 2 1 Ferguson, Thomas 160 4 5 Ferguson. John 160 2 1 Frogg, Boston II9 2 2 Feress. Moses 5S 2 2 Frogg, John, 300 1 2 Graffis, John lOO 2 1 Gray, George lOO 2 2 Gray, Thomas lOO 2 3 Granis, Nicholas 200 2 3 Galagher. Thomas, 150 2 3 Gordon. David 100 2 2 Glen. John 150 2 3 Glen. Archybald 150 2 1 Glen, Andrew 233 2 2 Tax. 1 .1 .6 1 .4.11 6 .8 12 .0 6 .0 19 .0 14 .0 10.11 15 .1 2 .9 7 .0 8.11 10 .0 6 .0 9 13 .0 18 .6 8 .4 16.10 1 .1 .0 3 .5 1 .7 .3 5 .9 9 .0 15 .0 5 .7 5 .2 6 .4 11 .0 5 .9 5 .4 5 .5 1 .0 .0 8 .0 5 , ,0 8 , .8 6 , 6 1 .0 . COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— 1788. 33.'. Acres. Hor.ses. Cattle. Green, Clemeut 100 2 Green. George 300 2 1 Glen, James 100 2 1 Hughston, William 250 1 2 Heany, James, 100 2 2 Johnston. William 300 3 3 Jenkins. William 100 2 2 Irvine. James 233 2 - Kenedy. John 100 2 3 Keer, John "^5 2 2 League. John 250 Linn, James 40 1 2 Little, John, Esq 150 3 2 Leonard, Patrick, 50 2 2 Long, William, 100 . • 1 Long. Thomas, 1 Lisle, John, 1 2 McCle.lon, John 2 1 McCormick. Alex'r 300 5 5 M'tGomery, William 100 1 2 McMahcn, Benjanun, 100 McCartney. Bartholome-w". • 60 1 1 McGaffock. Benjamin 125 2 3 McAleere. Daniel 125 2 1 McElhinney, Widow 125 2 1 McElhiny, Will'm, 125 2 1 McGinnis, John 170 1 1 Mahon. William, 3 3 McDermot, James 150 1 2 McAlevy. William, 450 4 5 Miller, Richard 100 2 2 Nelson, Abraham, 125 2 2 Nelson, William 100 2 2 Oburn, Joseph 230 3 o Porter. Samuel 200 2 Porter. William 220 2 2 Porter, James 2 Riddle, Robert, 200 3 3 Riddle. William 150 Rickets. China 125 3 2 Rickets, Edward 125 1 1 Rickets. Jeremiah 225 1 1 Rickets. John 150 2 2 Rickets. Reason 125 2 1 Tax. 4 . 1 7 . 6 16.10 6 , .4 1 .0 , ,0 5 , .3 1 .1 .0 7.11 .7 13 .7 17 .1 4 .6 6 .8 8 1 .5 2 .2 2 .3 .0 6 .9 6 .4 2 .5 10 .0 9 .0 1 .6 9 .8 10 .0 3 .5 7 .0 1.15 .0 4 .1 9 o 10 .5 16 .7 9 .0 1 .0 .0 2 .1 15 .0 5.10 12 .5 12 .1 15 .2 8 .0 G .6 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 336 TAXABLE PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Ta: Ralston, David, 500 4 G 1.18 Seaburn, George •. Seaburn, Peter, Sinky, Richard, 300 Smith, Robert, 200 Thompson, David, 150 Turbit, John, deceased 50 Thompson, WidoM' 100 1 Vanderider. Mathias 50 2 2 Wilson, William 100 2 3 Wilson, George 200 2 2 Wilson, John 200 2 2 Wilson, James . . 2 2 Ward, Edward 150 1 2 Wason, Robert 125 2 2 Young, John, . . 2 1 10 1 .5 11 .0 19 .0 10 .0 1 .2 4 .5 10 .8 12 .0 13 .0 1 .7 14 2 7 .1 1 .3 SINGLE FREEMEN. Amount of Tax William Porter, 10 Joshua Wilson 10 .0 John Ralston, 10 .0 William Mahon Walter Creswell 10 .0 John McNamar 10 .0 Thomas Bell 10.0 James Ewing 10 .0 Benjamin McManon 10 .0 David Seaburn 10 .0 Joseph Oburn, 10 .0 James Conner 10 .0 John McElhinney 10 .0 John Long 10 .0 Moses Ferguson 10 .0 John White 10 .0 Samuel McCormick NON-RKSniENTg. John Cox, Ditto. . Acrf'?, Tax. Ill 9 .7 275 15 .9 COUNTY OF HUXTlNGDOxN— 178S. 337 Acres. Ditto ^^^' Ditto & Patierson, 300 Jolin Cox 300 Ditto 300 William Wilson, dec'd 180 David McMurtrie. dec'd 830 David Kenedy 400 Samuel Meredith 2,000 Robert Stephenson 300 James Smith, dec'd 492 William Paterson 220 John Shea • 200 Ditto 15'^ John Edwards 200 150 300 George Fry Ditto Moses Woods 100 John Campbell 10^ John Davis 100 Andrew Boggs, 300 James Elliot I'^O Philip Benezet & Ja's Childs 600 John Taylor I'^O John Harris 200 Issaac Thompson 100 Joseph Long 400 Elisha Green, 200 James Service, three tracts 846 Wm. Young 300 Sam'l Mifflin, dec'd 1 -200 Reubin Hains, 200 TYRONE TOWNSHIP. Tax. 1 .0 , ,8 18.10 18.10 18.10 15 .G 3.10 .4 16 .1 6 .0 .0 18.11 2 .0 .7 13.10 12 .7 6 .0 6.11 18.11 17 .2 6 .4 4 .0 4 .0 18.11 10 .8 2.11 .7 14 .7 8 .0 4 .0 6 .0 8 .0 1.10 .3 12 .0 2 .8 .2 12 .0 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Tax. Adair, Robert 120 2 2 3.10 Burk. Edward 462 1 1 8 .3 Baxter, George 184 2 1 4.6 Burges, William 50 2 1 2.8 L —VOL. XXH— 3rd Ser. 338 TAXABLE PROPERTY, Boyd, John, or Widow Morton, . . 300 Boyd, Andrew, 250 Ball, Thomas, 166 Bell, John 150 D'o, 201 Burley, Joshua, 190 Burley, Joshua, Jun'r, 173 Burley, John, Bradley, Charles, 225 Block, Henry, Beaty, Edward 301 Beaty, Richard 153 Cook, Andrew, .' 226 ClimingHawk, Henry, Champion, James, 200 Creswell, James, Crossman, William, 166 Caldwell, James, 166 Cox, Joseph, 166 Ditto, property, Cairn, John 110 Coleman. James Crawford. James 347 Clark, William 50 Chehy, Richard 250 Caderwood, James, 100 Craig, Robert, 80 Ditto, own property Drake, Joseph 100 Daniel, Samuel, 100 Dickson, James, Donaldy, Thomas, 168 Davis, William 40 Dennison, John 166 Davis, George, 300 Elder, Abraham, 166 Ermitage, James 300 Elder, David 300 Fleck. Peter 270 Fowler. Elexius 40 Entrecan. James 307 Edminston, Thomas 127 Galhraith, Joseph Gray, Absolam 413 Ditto 100 .. . . 3 .•; rses. Cattle. Tax. 1 6 .3 2 2 4 .3 2 1 2 1 2 .0 3 .2 3 3 6 .1 1 1 3 .9 1 2 1 .4 2 2 5 .6 1 8 2 4 7 .7 2 13 .0 2 1 4 .2 1 4 2 2 5 .1 1 2 2 .1 2 3 5 .2 2 2 7 .0 2 2 6 .3 2 2 1 .4 2 .4 2 1 1 .8 2 2 2 2 3 .1 2 1 6 .1 1 1 1 2 3 .4 1 2 1 .4 1 2 4 .0 1 o 5 .6 1 1 1 4 .2 2 2 3 .9 2 3 7 .2 2 2 8 .7 1 3 10.10 2 4 12 .0 2 2 8 .8 1 1 5 .2 2 2 3 .8 4.10 2 .8 1 1 2 2 8 .7 Tax 2 .8 3 .7 4 .0 10 .5 4 .1 3 S) 4.11 1 .0 G .5 4 8 1 3 .9 6.10 1 .7 6 .0 4 2 4 .4 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— 1788. 339 Acres. H.irscs. Cattlr. Gray, Jacob, 1 li'J 2 1 Gibson, George, 110 2 1 Gormon, Widow, 50 2 Gess, Samuel, 113 2 1 Graffis, Peicr, 100 Gray, Moses 197 1 1 Ganoa, Jacob 100 1 2 Gardner, Francis, 150 4 2 Gilson, Peter . . 1 1 Gray, Harmonas 212 2 2 Gray. Edward . . . . 1 Gray, John, . . 1 Gardner. William .. 1 Hendrickson, William 100 2 1 Hays, John 330 2 1 Hagon, Uavid 331 Hicks, Jane, widow . . 1 Hoffstotler, Ullerich 190 2 2 Hartsock. Jonathan 100 3 1 Hartlinc. Leonard, 100 2 2 Hunter, John .. 1 1 Jackson. James, 100 2 1 3 .C Johnston, Benjamin 250 3 3 3 .[ Johnston, James 207 2 2 Igo. Joshua 16G 2 2 Igo, James 166 3 Johnston, Anthony . . 6 2 Jervis. Henry 50 1 Johnston, William 298 2 1 Ditto James, James . . 2 1 Keer. Thomas 300 3 3 Kelly, William 166 3 2 Kyle. Samuel 369 2 3 Kyle. Joseph 1 Kennedy. Hugh, 1 Louge. Hugh 250 2 1 Lindsay. John .. 2 1 Lindsay. William 321 2 2 Lowry. David 300 3 3 Laird. William 150 1 2 I>aird. WiUiam. J'r 1 Lewis. Evan. " 166 Lewis. John 180 2 1 6 .4 5 .6 5 .6 6.11 1 .9 4 .6 1 .8 1 .8 10 .0 9 .8 9.10 8 8 6 .3 1 .8 6 .8 9 .4 9 6 .8 5.10 340 TAXABLE PROPERTY, McCune, Thomas. Esq., 400 Moorehead, Thomas 300 Moore, William 16G McKean, William, 166 Mairs, David, 166 McKean, Joseph, 166 M'tGomery, Thomas 166 McClure, David, 166 Mcllroy, James Mcintosh, Peter 199 McCrery, John, 20 Mathorn, George, 200 McClelan, William, 250 Man, John, 275 McMullen, Peter. J'r, 281 McMuUen, Peter, Moore, Henry 197 McClain, Mordecai 160 Morrain. Hugh, 156 McGuire, John, 225 Massey, Mordecai 400 Marks, Frederick, or Cryder 300 Mattee, John 158 Moore. Joseph 261 McGuire, Patrick 248 M'tGomery. Charles, 150 Meek. George 100 McKee. Allon McMillin, Thomas 176 Nowlman, Richard, 148 Noble. Sarah 200 Ohara, Daniel 396 Porter, Andrew 200 Porter, William 323 Porter, John 312 Prigmore. Theodore Pedon, Samuel 30 Porter, Andrew, 222 Hon. Proprietaries 185 Peck, Daniel 50 Parks, James 175 Penington. Daniel 700 Rickets, Richard 70 Rodgers, John, 166 •ses 2 . Cattle. 2 Tax. 9 .2 4 3 9 .6 2 2 8 .0 3 1 1 4 .6 2 1 8 .4 2 2 7 .0 2 5 .8 1 1 1 .0 1 2 1 4 .6 2 2 8 .7 3 4 6 .3 2 1 5 .7 2 2 10 .9 1 2 1 .4 2 2 4.10 2 3 7 .5 1 2 3.1(1 2 1 5 .2 2 1 7.11 2 13 .2 1 1 3 .2 3 3 8 .5 2 2 9 .7 2 2 5 .2 2 2 4 .6 1 2 2 .9 2 1 4 .9 1 . 2 4.10 2 1 7.11 3 4 16.10 1 1 4 .6 2 2 8 .6 1 1 1 .0 1 1 1 .8 3 .5 2.11 2 2 1 1 4.10 3 1 7 .6 2 1 5 .3 1 1 4 .4 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— 1788. 341 Acres. Hurses. Cattle. Rowler, John ■• 2 1 Rowler, Baltzer, 290 1 1 Rose, Joseph, 242 2 2 Rickets, Edward 400 2 3 Ramsay, David 300 2 1 Ramsay, Alexander 150 2 2 Rowler, Michal 100 2 1 Rhea. Samuel 230 2 2 Rowler, Jacob, 37G 2 3 Russel, Samuel 30 1 1 Siewart. David 335 2 2 Shorts, Richard 100 1 1 Spitler, William 257 4 3 Sells, Abraham 300 3 3 Smith, John 350 2 2 Stewart. Alexander 100 2 2 Stewart, William. W. M., 100 2 2 Stewart, Robert, W. M 375 3 3 Ditto, 100 Scott. David. 250 2 2 Stewart, Robert. S. V 171 2 3 Stewart, William, S. V 247 2 2 Sexton, George 50 1 1 Stephens, Giles, 250 3 2 Troxal, John, 112 2 1 Tussey, John 169 1 1 Thomas, Samuel 360 1 1 Travers. Mary, widow 150 2 2 Temple, David, 1 •• 8 Thompson, James 153 2 2 4.5 Taylor, James 1 Templeton, George 262 2 1 Thompson, William 166 . . 1 Thompson, Thomas 300 2 3 Ditto 50 Tipton, Luke 250 2 1 Tipton. John, 250 Tipton, Jesse, 225 Vaughn, Thomas, 50 1 1 6 .0 Woods, George, Jun'r, and John Musser 178 . . . . 2 .9 Weikley. Zephaniah 50 3 1 3 .7 Weikley. William 50 1 1 2.7 Williams, .fames 50 1 . . 1 .5 Tax. 1 .8 13 .1 7 .1 8 .7 6 .4 4 .5 3 .8 5 .7 14 .1 1 .8 9 .0 2 7. 15 12. 4 4 8 2 5.11 5 .0 6 .6 1 .9 3 .7 o .1 4 .6 6 .7 3 .9 3 .8 10.11 3 .9 5 .5 S42 TAXABLE PROPERTY, Wilson, Robert, . Wilson, John, . . Whetzel, Henry, Weston, Thomas, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Tax. 372 3 2 10 .5 2 1 1 .8 2 2 2 .0 166 2 2 7 .6 John Dean James Stewart Samuel Clinton, . . . William Weston, . . Charles L 1 3 .3 2 3 2.11 1 .3 2 2 1 .2 4 5 17 .3 1 1 5 4 3 1.17 .6 2 4 18 .0 2 11 .1 2 18 .1 1 15 .9 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— 178ii. 351 Benjamin Long Peter Pracooner, John Shaver Joseph Mackarel, John Bell Adam Sharah Robert Galbraith, Esq 200 David Stevens, James Galbraith, John Harris William Love Andrew Dods John Logan Patrick Galbraith, ■ James Venzendt, Samuel Bell, Jun'r, loo Joshua Morgan, Moses Howel Seabold Stong James Nesbit Samuel Cornelius 150 James Busen Josiah Coghrau Acres. Horsus. Cattl attle. Tax. 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 1 .2 .9 10 .0 10 .9 10 .0 10 .0 10 .6 10 .0 10 .9 10 .0 13 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 2 13 .4 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Andrew Sands, , lOQ Andrew McAuly 250 James Reynolds, 300 John Quigley 300 Andrew Campbell, 100 Rev'd George Duffleld 300 John Blair lOO Robert McGaw, 300 James Follens lOO James Hunter 150 Archybald Gardner 200 Thomas Wishart 170 David McMurtrie 15§ Stephen Duncan, 180 Matthew Holgate 444 John Humphreys 419 Tax. 1 .6 2 .3 7 .4 4 .4 1 .6 7 .4 1 .6 7 .4 2 .3 5 .5 7 .4 3.11 3 .3 6 .8 6 .8 6 .0 352 TAXABLE PROPERTY. Acres. Tax. James Hamilton, Esq., 404 2.11 Archybald Shaw 400 5.10 William Dibley 106 1 .6 William Ciiambers 285 2 .1 Cyrus Cartridge, 150 1 .1 James Carraichal, 46 9 Robert Clugage, dec'd, 350 4.1 Thomas York 312 4 .7 David Potts 300 4 .4 Caleb Jones, 294 4.2 James Hartley, 300 4 .4 James Paxton 280 2.11 John Gibson 150 Robert Clugage 345 14.2 DUBLIN TOWNSHIP. Acres. Hursts. Catth Blair. Alexander 218 2 2 Brown, William . . 1 2 Bowman, Samuel 150 2 2 Barnet, James 150 3 4 Brown, Daniel, . . 2 2 Ditto, for landlord 150 Cuningham, George 150 2 3 Cree, David 150 2 4 Coyle, James, Esq., 270 4 4 Clark, David 218 2 2 Cornelius, John 100 2 2 Canon, James 200 2 2 Cornelius, William 100 2 1 Cornelius, Benjamin, 50 2 2 Coal, Broad 70 2 1 Charlton, Samuel 100 2 2 Camp, Herculas 300 2 2 Davidson, Hugh, Esq 316 5 4 Edonton. Jonathan . . 2 2 Ditto, for landlord 150 Eaglton, John, 50 . . 1 Tax 8 .8 10 6 .6 10 .7 1 .0 9 .0 10 .5 10 .5 18 rf 5 .0 5 .3 5 2 4 .7 2.10 4.10 7 .4 13 .4 1 .4 .0 1 .0 9 .0 1 •Q COUNTY OF HUNTINGDOX— 178S. 353 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Tax. 6 .0 4 .3 6 .6 U .7 7 .7 7 .0 2 .4 8 .4 7 .7 2 .0 Fitzimons, Patrick, 150 v 2 Fleming, Jamea 100 2 2 Galaher, John, 200 1 i Hess, Peter, lOO 2 1 Head, William, 200 2 5 Holts, Henry lOO 2 2 Hardesty, Henry 50 2 1 Hooker, Barney 142 2 2 Hudson, George, ICO 2 2 Heselgeser, Jacob, 50 1 1 Johnston, Robert, 1 j y Kelly. John 40 2 2 34 Loghery, John 7(; 2 2 5 Loval, Jonathan 50 1 2 37 Lane, William, 142 11 n n McGuire, Philip <, '. ?" Marshal, James 218 12 50 Morrow, William, 100 2 4 Moorhead, Fergus 1 1 \, Mason, William, 50 1 1 27 McKee, James, 218 2 3 57 McMullon. John, 50 2 2 McLain, Asariah 200 4 2 1'' Mcllroy, Alexander 150 2 2 57 McBride, James 60 1 2 34 McMasters, George 100 2 1 47 Orlton. Hugh, 570 3 5 j j '9 Paterson, Archybald 2 1 7 Picket, Hethcoat lOO i 1 90 Regar, Michal. 50 1 ^ jq Ramsay. John, 500 4 4 1.4.4 Ramsay. William 150 2 2 77 Robertson, Jeremiah, 100 1 1 . 1 10 Stell, William, 50 2 1 19 Stitt, John 50 9 1 q Stevens. Thomas 130 1 44 Stiles. David lOO 2 1 67 Stitt, Robert 50 2 1 2 Stains. George, ' 150 1 1 ^'~ Spokener. George, 50 2 2 2 3 Taylor. Mathew, 140 11 97 Thompson. Isaac 200 2 3 11 "> Ward. William, 150 1 2 Welsh. Nicholas lOO 1 23— VOL. XXn— 3rd Ser. 9 .7 2 .3 354 TAXABLE PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Catile. Tax. Wilson, John, •■ 1 3 8 Walker, John, 100 3 4 6 .9 Walker, David, 150 3 3 9 .2 Waketiekl, Thomas, 100 1 . . 4 .5 Wheller, Samuol 308 1 2 15.7 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Burd, Benjamin 150 Baird, Richard, 400 Brothers, Francis 100 Campbell, Francis 150 Clugage, Robert 300 Curlet. John, 300 Clugage, Gavin, 100 Elliot, Widow 100 Elliot, Benjamin, 100 Elliot, William 100 Greason, William 140 Green, Thomas 100 Howard 300 Hunter, James 100 StandiforJ. Benjamin, 75 • Skinner, John, 150 Stockdale, Edmond 100 Strawbridge. Widow 190 Cox & Trent 100 Mcltire, William 200 Filson, Alexander 100 SINGLE FREEMEN. McCormick, Alexander 50 10 .0 McKee, James, ■ • 10 .0 Parks, David, 50 11 .9 Stains. Daniel 100 13 .0 Stitt. Thomas 300 19 .7 Galaher. Hugh 10 .0 Canon. Patrick 10 .0 Tax. 3 .0 8 .0 4 .0 6 .0 6 .0 6 .0 3 .0 4 .2 4 .8 3 .0 5 .7 4 .0 4 .0 4 .0 2 .3 4 .7 6 .0 9 .7 6 .0 3 .0 2 .0 COUNTY OF III NTLNGDON— 1788. HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Tax. Anderson, William 100 2 3 7.10 Abit. William 30 1 1 2 .6 Anderson, Stewart, lOO 2 3 5.4 Avarson, Hugh 20 1 . . i.io Bishop, John, 150 4 2 7.10 Brown, W^illiam 200 2 1 7.10 Brown. James, 200 2 1 7.10 Barrick, William, 100 12 4 .6 Butcher, Philip 200 2 1 14.1 Barns, Nathan . . i . . g Covenhoven, John, loO 2 2 3 .6 Cannum, William, 50 2 1 3 .2 Crum, Nicholas, 50 . . 2 6.0 Clark, Cornelius 100 3 2 7.1 Corbin, William 200 1 2 10 .8 Cann, Charles 50 l 2 4 .2 Clark, Charles 5U 1 1 i .8 Case, John 200 2 1 8.9 Cline, John, 50 l i 3 .2 Daimond, Daniel 50 i 1 3 .1 Pavis. Joshua, 300 2 2 1.0 .7 Downing, John, 200 3 2 8.9 Downing, John, Jun'r . . 2 1 1 .7 Dennis, Jacob 100 .. .. 1 .7 Dean, John, 190 2 1 7 .3 Dowlin, Richard 150 1 5 .4 Dean, William, 100 2 2 8.2 Donaldson, Moses 150 2 2 11 .7 Dickerhoof, Andrew, 1 1 n Ellery, Ludwig, 50 . . 1 2 .7 Edwards, John, 150 2 1 6 .3 Enyard, William 170 2 3 12.10 Elder, George 150 . . . . 3 .7 Enyard. John 50 2 1 3.10 Frakes, Robert 300 2 2 12 .6 Flora. Jam.es 50 1 1 3 .3 Gibbeny. Edward lOO 11 4 .1 Guthery, Hugh, 120 2 1 9 .2 356 TAXABLE PROPERTY, Hutson. Richard, 100 Hewin, William, 50 Howard, Henry Heeter, George 165 Heeter, Boston, Highland, Edward, Harnock, August, 150 Hall, Thomas, 200 Hoak, William, 250 Hoak, Jacob 400 Hamson, James, 45 Hamson, James, J'r Houlton, George Hartsock, Peter, J'r 50 Hartsock, Samuel Hines, Henry 150 Hail, James, 100 Hughston, Alexander, 30 Hutson, Matthew Hall, William 300 Hartsock, Peter 200 Hamson, William, 50 Johnston, Hugh, 50 Johnston, Joseph 60 Knowls, Daniel, 10 Keeth. Adam, 100 Keeth, Adam, J'r 100 Keeth, Michael, 150 Keeth, Jacob Lynch, James, 300 Lane, Wilkison 180 Lane, Richard 100 Lucket, Thomas 500 I^ne, Daniel 300 Lane, Samuel 100 Lavery. Henry, 20 Moore, Levy, 200 Moore. Zebulon, 150 Maires, Casper, 100 Maires, George Monshour. Baltzer, 100 McLane, Elias 200 Mash, Richard 100 McFerron, Andrew 100 rses Cattle. Tax. 6 .3 1 2 .3 2 2 LIO 3 2 12.10 1 8 1 1 8 1 1 5 .8 1 1 10 .4 2 2 9 .8 2 2 14 .5 2 2 4 .9 1 8 1 8 2 2 2 .3 1 1 1 .0 1 1 5 .8 2 2 5 .0 2 2 3 .9 2 1 1 .7 2 2 16 .0 2 2 11 .3 1 1 .6 1 1 4 .1 2 2 4 .3 1 1 1 .7 2 2 8 .2 1 1 5 .4 2 2 11 .3 1 1 1 .0 7 .2 2 2 6.11 1 3 .9 2 16.11 4 .9 1 3 .9 1 1 .0 2 2 14 .5 2 3 11 .7 1 6.11 1 8 1 6 .7 2 2 11 .3 2 1 7.10 2 1 7.10 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— 1788. 351 Norris, Joseph 390 Norris. John 200 Parker. John 30 Phimmer, Richard 450 Pliimmer, Elizabeth 450 Prigraore, Joseph 120 Reed, Alexander, 100 Reily, Peter 300 Reed, John 200 Rolf, David 100 Reakey, Adam 100 Rockholt. Nathaniel 50 Sherley, William, 100 Shackler, Frederick 25 Smart, William, J'r, 50 Smart, William 50 Sells, Soloman 350 Sheets, Jacob 150 Swigart, John, 30 Skelly, Michal 100 Skelly, Hugh, 50 Stephens, Vincent 100 Spoon, Henry 100 Shepherd, William, 100 Shaver, John 300 Swope, Lawrence, 193 Stark, Philip, 50 Shaub, Jacob 75 Thompson, Samuel, 100 Thompson, Peter 200 Tanner. Hugh 100 Tovery, Thomas 300 Wilson, Thomas, Esq 150 Wilson, Robert, 100 Willson, Hill, 100 Whetstone. Susanah 65 Whetnal. Robert 100 Weston, John, 150 White, Francis Wagoner. Peter Horsos. 2 Cattlo. 2 Tax. 1.11 .0 2 3 14 .5 o o 5 .0 1 1 8 .0 2 2 6 .0 3 2 10 .0 2 2 8 .1 2 1 11 .0 2 2 14 .5 3 .2 1 1 7 .3 1 1 4 .2 1 3 7 .3 2 2 3 .9 2 1 4 .9 1 3 .0 4 4 18 .2 2 8 .3 1 1 .n 1 2 8 .4 2 3 .7 2 3 .9 1 .7 2 2 3 .5 3 3 1 .1 .7 6 .3 2 1 4 .9 1 2 5.11 4 2 7.10 2 2 8 .9 3 .2 1 1 5 .8 2 4 7 .8 3 4 3 .2 2 2 5 .8 1 1 5 .0 1 2 4 .8 3 2 9 .1 1 6 2 2 1.11 358 TAXABLE PROPERTY, SINGLE FREKMEN. Amount of Tax. John Thomas, 1*^ -^ Philip Skelly, - 10 .0. Thomas Miller 10-0 Zebulon Moore, 10 .0 Henrj' Sells, 10-0 Thomas Covenhoven, 10 .0 Richard Hutson, 10-0 Richard Dowlin, 10-0 John Dean, 10-0 William Johnston, 10 .0 Benjamin Prigmore iO .0 Simon Weston, 10-0 Edward Highlands, 10-0 NON-RESIDENTS. Acres. Tax. William Smith. D. D., 200 9 .5 James & Drinker, 200 9 .4 Cap't John Little. 234 5 .0 Samuel Finlay, 500 15 .0 David Magaw 200 12 .6 Richard Knave & Son. 1,600 1 .5 .0 William Sherley. dec'd 200 6 .3 Cap't John Little, 534 1.13.5 John Swift 125 8.2 James Armstrong, 400 12 .6 Robert McGaw, 400 12 .6 Robert Galbraith 225 12 .6 John Dean, 402 5 .8 Thomas Taylor, 257 15 .6 Thomas Cole 168 2 .3 Samuel Richards 300 3 .6 Joseph Lowns 240 3 .9 Azariah McLain 255 7.10 James Cooper 183 5 .0 Robert McCune, 74 4 .9 Edward Kenedy 313 9 .4 Charles Cooper 350 5 .7 William Wallace, 400 6 .4 William Wallace. 100 6 .3 Canan & Reynolds 300 4.8 COUNTY OF Hl-XTINGDON— 1788. Acres. Thomas Green, ^^^ Thomas Johnston ^^^ Edward McGraw, ^^^ Thomas Blair 1>""^ 359 Tax. 12 .6 4 .8 2 .3 15 .7 FRANKSTOWX TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Tax. Armstrong, Thomas 100 2 2 6 .0 Allen, John 100 2 2 4 .3 Allan, William 1 ^ Blair, Thomas 300 4 4 14 .8 Brough. Casper, 2 Baker. Henry 100 2 2 4.3 9 1 14 Burgoon, Jacob, '■ Casady, Patrick, 300 2 2 11 .0 Clawson, Richard, 200 2 2 9 .0 Curry. Robert, 100 • • 1 3 .3 Caldwell, Henry 20 2 2 7 .0 Champion. Henry, 200 1 2 5 .8 Crawford, James, 150 2 2 7 .6 Crawford, William Coleman, Thomas 200 2 2 4.8 Davis, Samuel, 200 4 4 15 .0 Edges, William, 100 2 1 6-0 Edmiston, John, 100 2 1 6 .0 Edonton, Philip 75 2 1 5.0 Forguson. Thomas 100 • • 2 Fetter, Michal, "0 2 4 14 .0 Fei..r, George 100 2 "3 7 .0 Fetter, Michael, Jun'r 100 2 2 7 .0 Fleck, Adam 150 • ■ • • ^ •'* Fulton, Alexander 300 2 1 5 .0 Frazer. Paul, 100 1 1 2.10 Freeman, John 200 2 2 9.0 Gripe. John 300 2 3 8 .6 Gripe. Daniel 60 2 3 6 .8 Gripe. Samuel, 60 2 3 6.8 360 TAXABLE PROPERTY, Acres. Gray, John, 50 Gulliford, William, 100 Hardin, James, 200 Hart, James 400 Henry, John 50 Hess, John 300 Holliday, William 500 Holliday, John, 200 Holliday, William, J'r 100 Hoofstotler, James, 100 Hess, John 100 Keer, John, 300 Long, Claudius, 150 Lowry, Lazarus, 400 Laird, John, 50 McDonald, John, 130 McDonald, James, 100 Ditto, for Cap't Little 170 McDonald, Angus 50 McFarland. William 150 Mason, Simon 60 Mansfield, John 150 McCune, Thomas 350 McCune, John, Martin, Daniel 50 McPherson, John 100 Murray, Hu£.h,,_,. Mcintosh, Andrew 100 Mcintosh, Donald, 250 Millegan, Edward 200 Moore, Samuel 190 Moore, Daniel, 190 Moore, James, 300 Newcomer, John, 100 Nelson, Daniel 200 Nips, Christopher 150 Pringle, William 200 Patton. Mattnew 100 Rickets, Robert 200 Royster, John, Robertson, Abraham. 200 Reed, William 100 Stephens. Jacob 100 Shingletaker. Jacob Horses. 1 Cattle. Tax. 2 .0 2 1 2.10 2 1 5 .0 9 3 1 .0.10 2 1 2 .0 10 .0 3 3 1.10 .0 3 4 8 .8 2 2 7 .0 2 2 5 .8 2 2 3 .3 o 2 10 .0 1 4 .9 2 2 1 .8 .0 1 1 1 .4 2 2 5 .0 2 2 2 .6 9 .0 2 2 2 .0 2 2 7 .6 2 2 6 .8 1 1 2 3 ■ 16 .4 2 2 1 .5 2 2 6 .0 1 1 2 .3 2 2 1 .6 1 1 1 .0 2 2 7 .6 o 2 4 .0 2 4 8 .6 3 4 9 .6 2 2 1 .6 1 1 2 .6 2 2 6 2 2 3 .9 2 2 9 .2 2 2 6 .0 2 5 .0 2 2 1 .6 3 4 9 .3 2 3 5 .0 1 3 10 .0 3 1 2 .0 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— 178S. 361 Smith, James Stewart, Charles, . . . Shively, Christian, . Titus, Peter Titus, Daniel Tipton, Meshuack, . Varts, Henry Veneman. John, . . . Wolf, Leonard Wise, John, Williams, John Williams, William, . Waters, Michael, . . . Whitinger, P>ancis, Warren, John Wearham, John, . . . Wagoner, John, . . . Wright, William, . . Acres. Horses. Cattle. 3 300 50 250 3U0 300 lUO 100 200 300 100 100 200 150 200 200 Tax. 8 .0 1 .4 14 .0 1 .2 .0 12 .0 4 .0 5 .0 10 .0 12 .0 6 .8 8 5 .0 2 .0 5 .0 4 .0 10 .0 Andrew Deveney, . . William Deveny, . . . John Davis, Alex'r McDonald, . . James Ferrel Wm. Blair, James Keer John Reed Matthew Hufstotler, John Thompson. . . . John Babs, David McRoberts, . Patrick Sulavin, . . . William Paterson, . Samuel Caldwell, . . SINGLE FREEMEN. 150 250 300 150 14 .0 10 .0 12 .4 10 .0 2C 9 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 14 .6 NON-RESIDENTS. Barnard Dougherty & Worrel, Ditto, William Forsythe William Henry, William Lyon, Esq Acres. 300 Tax. 8 .4 400 5 .7 100 3 .0 300 14 .0 200 14 .0 362 TAXABLE PROPERTY, Acres. Philip Albright 483 Waugh & Orbison, 441 Sam'l Davidson & D. Espy 200 Eliezer David, 329 Patrick Grace, 329 Ph. Smith 228 Charles Smith, 376 David Kennedy, Esq. 300 Doctor Bond, 500 Edward Duffield, 90 Margaret Long 180 Peter Reily 191 Matthew Holgate, J'r 312 Richard Chilcot 228 Matthew Holgate, 215 James Robison, 300 Edward Evans, 104 Benjamin Winekoop 364 Reubin Hains 400 Daniel Grant 324 John Bartle 264 John Hutton 261 James McCune 394 John Bayley, 215 H".gh Brady, 31I Robert Quigley, 275 John Baynton and Samuel Wharton, 2,826 John Stevans, 200 James McGlaiighlen 299 James Hammond 327 William Sitgrave 278 John Chambers, 97 George Hammond 285 David Hammond 299 John Chambers 227 Frederick Fretts, 180 Samuel Hart 86 Joseph Brown, 304 William Cox, HO George Laib, IO5 Joshua Collins 400 Jacob Kimble, 400 Edward Fox ^ 400 Joseph Bindon 400 Tax 1 .2 .0 1 .6 .0 11 .2 8 .4 8 .4 11 .2 16 .0 10 .0 11 .2 4 .0 5 .7 6 .0 6 .8 11 .2 6 .0 6 .0 6 .0 15 .4 9 .9 14 .0 5 .0 5 .1 6 .0 4 .0 8 .4 8 .4 5 .0 .0 14 .0 12 .0 12 .0 11 .2 5 .7 12 .0 12 .0 9 .6 8 .4 4 .0 12 .6 6 .0 6 .0 10 , .0 10 , .0 10 , .0 10 , ,0 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— 178S. 363 John Wigton 400 David Chambers, ClayPole, 400 Frederick Philc, 4U0 James Burnside 400 Amos Wickershara, 400 George Woods, 400 Isaac Thompson 400 Jonah Thompson 400 Robert McKnight 400 Abigail Serjant 400 William Shippen, 400 Thomas Bond 400 John Smith 400 Thomas Burd, 400 John Coyle, 400 \ Benjamin Burd, 400 James Hunter 400 John Thompson, 400 Edward Hickets 400 Adam Holliday, 300 Samuel Holliday, 300 John McClelande, 300 Thomas Brown, 517 John Harris, 445 William Harris 445 Alexander Brown 445 James Harris ' 453 Robert Moore 413 Mary Brown, 410 Andrew Small, 410 Robert Boggs 410 James Reed 440 Gilbert Vought, 430 John Alexander 404 John Vought 433 Jonathan Weals 45G John Roll 549 Francis Lothrop 457 Thomas Bulliugton 397 Edmund Fletcher 363 Elizabeth Harrison 350 John Harrison, 472 Joseph Harrison, 389 Samuel Morris, 355 Bryan O'Hara 282 Tax. 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 ( 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 8 .0 8 .0 8 .0 12 .0 8 .4 8 .4 8 .4 8 .6 8 .6 8 .6 8 .6 8 .6 8.10 9 .2 8 .4 9 .2 9 .6 11.10 9 .6 8 .4 7 .4 9 .0 11.10 10 .0 6 .2 8 .0 364 TAXABLE PROPERTY, Acres. Tax. Joseph Moyland 347 9.0 Johu Benton, 408 10 .0 Peter Benton, 382 10.0 John Collni, 371 9 .4 John Collin, 371 9 .4 Joseph Bullock, 409 10 .3 John Gill, 440 11 .0 James Alexander, 413 10 .5 William Brown, 440 11 .0 John Brown 390 9.8 Elizabeth Brown, 392 9 .8 Isaac Thompson 400 10 .0 Jonah Thompson, 400 10 .0 Nancy Boggs, 440 11 .0 Isabella Jordan 429 10 .8 Silas Wollcutt, 395 10 .0 Isaac Wilson, 405 10 .0 Jane Campbell, 405 10 .0 John Scott 415 10 .4 Benjamin Jordan 412 10 .4 Thomas Reed, 379 9 .4 Mary Reed, 408 10 .3 John Reed 408 10 .4 Hugh Jordan 421 10.6 Mary King 397 10 .0 Alexander Reed 385 9 .6 Andrew Boggs 396 10 .0 Henry Front, 390 10 .0 William King 389 9.10 George McCormick, 411 10 .4 Margret McCormick 389 10 .0 Susannah Razor 447 11 .2 James Wilson 439 11.2 John Wilson 208 5 .2 John Ewart 408 11 .3 Jacob Beck, 399 10 .0 Thomas Jordan 414 10 .4 Robert Boggs 315 7 .8 Joseph Price 436 10.10 James Miles, 417 10 .6 Ann Jordan, 412 10 .4 Thomas Jordan 380 9 .6 Benjamin Jordan, 425 10 .8 William McCormick, 435 10 .8 COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON— 17S8. Acres. John Campbell '^'^^ William Miller & Co., 349 Thomas Newark ^^^ Jesse Newark ^^^ John Nicholson '^^^ Jacob Miller ^^^ Jacob Miller, Jun'r, ^^^ James Doughty ^^^ Hugh Milchel : ^^^ Hugh Thompson '*^^ Alexander Miller ^^^ Robert Miller, ^^^ Roben Blain, ^^^ 428 Samuel Irvine Thomas Houbton ^^^ Schuyler Bradford ^^^ William Coles '*3° Caleb Massey ^^^ Sarah Cryder, ^^^ Israel Cryder, ^^'^ Susanah Hains, Abraham Hains, ^^^ Michael Cryder ^^^ Benjamin Elliot, ^l^ John McGlaughlen ^l^ Stacy, Hepburn ^^^ John Nawgel "^^^ Richard Smith, Sen'r ^^^ Hon. Proprietarys, ^-^^^ Thon.as Smith, ^28 John Elmsley ^^'^ Jabez Maud Fisher ^^^ Richard Porter ^^^ Joseph Russel ^^^ Samuel Robison "^^^ Benjamin Beterson, ^^8 Daniel Robison, ^^^ Samuel Rhoaxis ^'^ Moses Cox ^^^ Samuel Fisher ^^^ George Emler ^^^ ?fl4 Thomas Rodney -^^'^ Thomas Claudsdale ^^^ Patrick Nugent ^^^ Isaac Vanarst ^^^ 3C5 Tax. 10 .4 8 .8 10 .3 9.10 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 9 .0 10 .3 9 .8 8 .6 10 .6 10 .6 10.10 11 .0 11 .0 4 .5 10 .0 10 .0 11 .6 7 .8 10 .0 10 .2 9 .4 8 .8 8 .6 8 .8 1 .8 .0 8 .2 8 .0 8 .0 8 .3 8 .2 8 .4 8 .2 8 .0 8 .0 8 .8 7 .6 7 .6 7 .6 7 .6 7 .0 9 .0 366 TAXABLE PROPERTY, Acres. Tax. Samuel Bond 300 5 .0 Jonathan Pouke, 367 9 .0 Robert Valentine, 354 8 .8 Doctor Allison, 349 8.8 Allexander Stewart, 888 1 .2 .0 John Hanum 308 7 .6 Abiah Taylor, 286 7 .0 Doctor Allison 325 8 .2 William Parker, Esq 313 7 .8 Thomas Penrose, 300 7 .6 Richard Finney 341 8 .6 A. Barclay, 297 7 .6 Thomas Gibbons, 328 8 .2 Allexander Murray 314 7 .8 A. Barclay, 297 7 .6 James Hill, 327 8 .0 Daniel Ofley 321 8 .0 Thomas Smith 261 6.6 Alexander Barclay 412 10 .2 James Marshall 307 7 .6 Richard Chony 347 8 .8 Josiah Re«s, 317 7.10 G-eorge Whetzel 402 10 .0 William Wertz 423 10 .4 Christian Werlz, J'r 423 10 .4 Philip Stone, 423 10 .4 George Habucker '. 423 10 .4 Philip Wager 427 10 .4 Christian Wertz, 427 10 .4 David Lauck 373 9 .2 Jesse McAlister, 423 10 .4 Peter Whiteside 399 10 .0 William McMurtrie 222 5 .6 Edward Rickets, 400 10 .0 James McMurtrie, 400 10 .0 John Allon 400 10.0 James Armstrong, 249 6 .2 John Baynton 35O 8 .8 John Brady 233 5.8 William Woods 411 10 .2 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY NUMBER OF INHABITANTS County of Westmoreland. 1783. ( 367) ( 368 ) WKSTMORELx\ND COUNTY RETURN —1783. ROSTRAVER TOWNSHIP. Inhabitants. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. White. Black. Allen, David, Allen, Benja'n Andrews. Will'm 200 Alben, Will'm, 150 Armstrong, Tho's Alexander, Adam Archer, Joseph, Applegate, Dan'l 275 Applegate, Sam'l Applegate, Benj'n 3i'0 Anderson, Willm, Allen, Will'm, Applegate, Wiirm, Adair, Will'm, single, . Blakeley, Rob't Burns, Sam'l, Baker, And'w, Burgets, Ann, Brownlow, James, .... Becket, Mary Burgan, Dan'l, Baxter, Sam'l, Bevel, John Briggs, John, Barrackman. George, . . Barrackhamer, John, . . Burch, John Burges, Richard, single,. Brownlow. Thomas 24— VOL. XXI— 3rd Ser. 300 300 300 100 70 400 50 100 70 5 8 8 4 7 3 10 C G 3 5 11 1 i 3 6 10 8 3 b 7 S 1 1 370 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Burcham, Benijah Bowman, Jacob, Brown, Benj'n, Burns, Arthur Barrackraan, Mich'l, .... Broddy, Will'm Barrackman, Peter Berger, Fred'k, Boyd, Nath'l Boyd, Widow, Biggart, Sam'l, Barns, Robert Budd, Joseph Bedsworth, Joseph, .... Becket, Joseph Broddy, Hugh Brant, Barney Budd, Joshua Becket, John Barkley, John, Bazel, Mathew Boner, Mathew Biggart, John, single, . . Brant, Edw'd, d'o Barkley, Joseph, d'o, . . . Bazel. Math'w, Jun'r, d'o, Copstick, Sam'l Caldwell, Rob't Clark, George Clark, Sam'l, Casselman, Will'm Craig, John Clemraons, John, Chamberlain, Tho's, . . . Casselman. John, Clemmons. Sam'l Clark, Benj'n. single, . . Calvin, Will'm Cunningham, Will'm. single Cook. Edw'd, Esq'r Cockeyowens. John, .... Clemons, Farguson Inhabitants. Acres. Horses. Cattle. .Sheep. White. Black. 50 2 1 3 8 1 1 8 30 1 200 2 4 1 8 6 3 2 7 8 500 4 1 6 7 8 7 250 2 3 1 8 6 1 150 3 2 3 7 2 2 7 430 3 3 2 3 150 2 3 3 5 300 2 4 6 5 150 2 3 5 5 1 2 4 6 150 3 2 4 2 2 7 1 1 4 200 2 3 5 10 200 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 10 300 1 4 3 2 2 6 2 1 2 6 2 2 9 275 1 4 7 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 6 8 300 2 1 1 7 1 1 3 1 1 10 60 1 1 1.500 5 10 15 7 300 1 2 5 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. Acres. Horse.s. Cattle. Sh*' Cort, Joseph, 2 Camp, Joseph 1 Case, Butler, Sen'r 2 Clark, Nath'l 1 Clark, Benj'n, Sen'r Chambers, Edward 3 2 Casselman, Henry, sin- gle, Cheney, Wili'm, d'o Crawford, George 200 Chambers, John, 1 Case, Meshach . . 2 Cue, James, 50 2 Calhoon, Adley, 300 2 Craighead, Rob't, 400 3 Cuppage, Isaac, 1 Cavett, John 150 2 Craig, Alexander 200 2 Carmical, Daniel, single, . . 2 Carmical, John, d'o, . . . Case, Butler, d'o Calhoon, Thomas, Carroll, Taylor Campbell. Henry Duufian, Nathan Dunn, Wili'm 250 2 Dixon. Silas, go Drum, Philip 1 Darr, Mich'l, 2 Dehaven, Isaac . . 1 Decker, Jacob . . 1 Dungan, John, single, . . . . 1 Dungan, Joseph, Drennon, John, 300 2 Drenon, Wili'm 1 Davidson. Wili'm, . . 2 Dousman. John lOO Duff. Oliver, 2 Dufl". Alexander . . 2 Duff. John 2 Davis. Benjamin 550 3 Davis. Azariah 350 Devore, Moses 50 2 Inhabitants. White. HIaek. 9 2 6 G 6 8 1 1 10 372 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Inhabitants. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. White. Blacli. Dye, John Uevore, Sam'l, Drenon, Thomas, single. Downey, Will'm, d'o, . . . Dougharty, , Elrod, Tedor Elliot, John, single. Ekin, Alex'r, Ekin, James, single Ekin, Rob't, Evans, Edw'd, single, .. Emley, John Earl, Rob't, Fell, Benjamin Finley, Ja's, Rev'd, Fryar, Rob't, Forsythe, Will'm Forsythe, Rob't, single,. Fulton, Sara'l Flemming, John, Fleck, John, Sen'r Frost, James, Fell, John Finney, James, Jun'r, . . Fleck, John Ju'r, single, Finley, David Finney, James Ja's Finney & Rob't Smith Finney, Will'm Fockler, Adam, Foster, Benjamin, single, Finley, John Fitch, John, single Garr, Gasper, Gardner, Will'm, Sen'r,. Gardner. Will'm Goe, William, Greer. Lawrence, Gorby, Thomas Gaston, Alexander Greer. James Goudy, John, 300 1 2 2 4 300 2 1 1 2 4 150 3 2 3 300 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 100 2 2 7 5 113 1 2 6 380 3 8 9 10 300 1 1 6 200 2 3 5 11 200 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 4 100 2 3 3 8 2 1 3 3 6 2 300 150 270 150 200 200 250 300 750 100 1 5 2 9 6 3 13 3 8 5 4 8 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S3. 373 Grist, William, Green, Tamor Glass, Robert, single Goe. John, d'o, Gardner, Will'm, Jun'r,. 300 Gardner, Arch'd, single,. Greer, Isaac 150 Greer, John 100 Gray, Robert, 300 Gordon, Arch'd, single, . Glenn, Will'm Gibb, Hugh, single Gaston. John, 300 Gaston, William, single,. Gilmore, John, d'o 150 Gilmore, David, single, . 150 Gratz, Barnard 250 Gilmore, W^illiam. single, Hudskins, Sam'l, single,. Hill, Joseph, Sen'r 300 Hill, Step'n Hill. Joseph, Jun 200 Harris, Benj'n 450 Holmes, Sam'l Hutten, Mary 300 Hughes, John, single, ... Hynes, Alex'r 130 Housman, Chris'r 150 Housman, John, 50 Hoover, Peter, 95 Hammond, Dan'l 300 ' Heldibrant, Philip Hammond, James, 150 Hammond, Sam'l, single, Howel. Luellen, 300 Howel, Philip, single, ... Harra, Charles, 370 Hamilton. James, single, Humes. John, d'o, Hall. Joseph 150 Hall, Step'n 150 Hall. Henry Hart, Elizah, 70 Inhabitants. rses. Catllo. Sheep White. Black 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 5 2 3 S 6 2 2 4 3 1 1 2 1 6 2 2 2 7 4 2 10 1 2 4 3 2 3 6 3 1 1 1 1 5 4 2 S 2 3 5 2 4 5 6 1 1 2 6 5 2 3 4 7 4 7 11 1 12 1 1 3 2 3 5 6 2 5 6 9 1 1 1 7 3 2 4 8 4 6 15 5 2 2 5 9 1 3 8 4 6 1 1 4 4 12 11 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 5 2 2 6 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 ■6ii TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Hogg, Mich'l, 300 1 Headen, Chris'r, . . 1 Hall, Wlll'm 60 2 Hersha, Peter, single, . . 300 1 Hall, John, d'o, Uowel, Andrew, d"o, .... Jamison, Rob't, 75 2 Jamison, Math'w, 75 1 Jones, Edward, . . 1 Johnson, Andrew, 200 Ingle, John, . . 2 Johnson, Richard, 200 3 Johnson, James, single,. .. 2 Johnson, Peter 100 1 Jones, Thomas . . 2 Jones, Joseph, Sen., .... .. 3 Jones, William, single, . 80 1 Johnson, Jonathan 300 3 Jones, Jacob, . . 2 Kirk, Vincent Keller, Peter 50 Kerr, Rob't, 1 Kelly, James . . 2 Kerns, John 300 Kepley, Chris'r . . 2 Kelly, John 300 2 Kennedy, Rob't 100 1 Kennedy, Will'm, Sen'r,. 100 Kennedy, Hugh 100 Kennedy, Will'm, Jun'r, 100 1 Kerr, Will'm . . 2 Kerr, Joseph, single, ... . . 2 Kerroll, Joseph 150 3 Kent, Thomas . . 2 Ketchem, Steph'n, 1700 2 Ketchem, Will'm 164 3 Kyle, John 400 3 Kilgore, John, single, .. Llndsey. Will'm 350 2 Lerue. Abra'm 150 2 Liowry, Steph'n 300 3 Linn, And'w, Jun'r 300 Long, Benj'n . . i Cattle 2 Sheep. 2 Inhabitants. White. Blacli 6 1 1 4 4 3 9 3 1 1 1 3 1 6 1 1 5 2 3 5 6 6 6 1 2 2 5 2 2 3 4 4 5 9 7 1 3 5 5 8 4 2 5 5 1 3 1 5 1 4 3 5 1 10 3 4 8 1 2 1 2 2 2 7 2 6 6 1 2 4 5 2 2 5 3 8 4 6 6 6 4 10 10 1 1 6 4 1 1 3 2 1 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 375 Long, Tnomas, Little, Samuel lx)wry, John, single, . . . Littleton, John, d'o Logan. John, single Lock, Benjamin, Lemon, Henry Lowry, Stephn Lowry, James Lemon, Joseph, Linn. John, Lappin, William Larrimore, Sam'l, single, Lemon, Thomas Landers, John Lanterman, Peter, Lattimore, George, McClure, George Morgan, Morgan Moreland, Jason Mullen, James Morehead, Joseph McKee, Will'm, Morehead, Alex'r, „ Morelin, Rich'd, single,. Mclntire, John Mclntire. Will'm McGaughan. Mark, McGruder, Hez«kiah, . . . Mills, Edward McGinnis, Tho's Mitchell. Hannah, McGarraugh. Jos., Esq'r, McCune, And'w, McLaughlin, Edw'd, .... Moore, Rob't Moorehead. Tho's, Morgan, W^ill'm McCune. Thomas. Mackey. William Maxwell, James Martin. Geo Adam Mastin, Peter Martin, Joshua, single, . Acres, llorsus. Caltl','. Slu 1 4 E 1 100 150 200 150 250 100 30 250 200 259 100 300 700 200 150 1 - Inhaliitants. ■1>. While. Ulack. 8 3 1 1 1 10 4 9 7 6 8 11 5 3 4 4 13 2 6 3 8 5 5 4 6 7 11 1 4 4 376 i RANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY,- Inhabitants. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. White. Black. Milburn, David, d'o Mitchell, Edw'd, McRight, Will'm, single, McLean, Joseph, Maxwell, John, Mitchell, Math'w, McConnell, Adam, single, McConnell, Adam, Sen'r, McConnell, John, single, Moore, Will'm Morton, Thomas Morton, William, Muse, Fantley, McClure, James McKinney, Math'w Mitchel, Sam'l, Moore, James, Sen'r Moore, James, McMeans, Rob't McNeal, John Matthews, James, Mitchell, Ebenezer, Mitchell, Will'm, Mitchell. John, Mitchell, Joseph Mitchell, John, Sen'r, . . McLaughlin, Sam'l, Mooney, James McLain, Abijah McLain, Rob't, Mappins, James, McKnight, Tho's, Moore, Forgy Mitchell, Alex'r Magnor, Redman McElroy, Will'm Montgomery, Hugh, . . . Mitchell, Robert, single,. Mitchell, Rob't McKinney, Henry, single, McLaughlin, Henry, d'o, McConnell, Rob't Murphy, Hugh, 40 1 2 2 115 1 1 100 3 4 6 1 2 1 3 4 150 2 2 4 8 170 1 1 2 2 3 5 100 1 1 3U0 3 3 10 6 150 2 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 . 3 1 1 2 7 300 3 3 3 6 2 1 3 7 200. 200 2 2 4 7 50 1 2 6 2 2 2 3 2 3 4 7 150 2 2 3 6 2 5 4 6 300 4 5 6 5 2 2 4 2 2 7 3 3 2 5 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 4 285 3 2 4 S 1 4 4 7 200 2 2 4 1 2 4 150 2 3 4 6 200 2 3 2 5 200 2 2 9 10 1 1 7 1 1 2 1 1 300 2 5 5 11 , , 2 1 • • • • COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 377 Inhabitants. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheop. \\hlte. Black. McCarty, Rob't McCoy, Sam'l 300 Nipley, Mary, 250 Neesbit, John Nigh, Jacob Newel, Sam'l Nornival, John Nitterfield, W'ni, single,. Nash, Thomas Oldham, Isaac Ogden, David Owens, Thomas, single, . Patterson, Peter 130 Patterson, Thomas, sin- gle 150 Patterson, John, single,. 150 Patterson, John, smith.. 300 Pressor, Henry Patton, Joseph 300 Paul, Jacob, Pitts, Will'm 100 Powers, James. Rev'd. . . 300 Pierce, Lewis, 485 Pierce, Joseph, Jun'r, sin- gle, 285 Pierce, John 400 Purdy, Rob't, 100 Patterson, Rob't Patterson, James, single, 150 Pierce, Charles, 40 Pritchard, Rich'd Pierce, And'w. Sen'r, . . 200 Pettit, Jerem'h Perry. James, 300 Pierce, James 200 Pierce, And'w 200 Points, Nath'l, single Pierce, Joseph. Sen'i-, . . 500 Quillen, Ambrose Rammage, WilTm. sin- gle, Ryan. John 200 Reed, John 2 1 .2 8 2 2 4 3 1 2 7 2 2 C 10 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 5 2 3 2 7 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 7 3 2 8 7 1 1 2 6 1 2 5 3 3 5 1 3 G 4 7 2 5 3 3 7 1 1 2 2 3 5 2 2 2 4 4 8 G 1 1 10 2 5 6 3 3 6 4 4 3 8 8 1 1 4 7 14 1 1 3 1 1 2 4 4 s 2 5 2 10 ;78 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Ryan, Mich'l Robison, Alex'r, Ritchey, Will'm Reeves, Abner, Ritchy, Abr'm Rattan, John, Ritchy, Will'm, sen'r, Resnor, Peter, Rogers, And'w Robb, Nich's, Raakin, Wm Robb, Isaac, Ritchy, Will'm Robison, David, . , . . Rardon, John Ralston, Joseph, ." . . . . Robison, And'w, Robins, Obed'h, Reed, James, single, . Steward, James, Stevens, Thomas, . . . Syphritz, Joseph, . . . Stivers, Rubin Sterret, James Shephard, Henry, ... Shaver, Paul, Shaver, Jacob, Sheppard, Solomon, . Springer, Mich'l, .. . . Speers, Rogana Sands, James Steward, John Scott, John Stoolfire, Chris'r, . . . Shipler, Peter Shipler, Mathias, . . . Shipler, Philip Swearingen, Van ^innet, Jacob Stevens. John, Sen'r, Stevens, John, Jun'r, . Sweany, Thomas, . . . Stevens, Levy Acres. Horses. 2 Cattle. 2 Sheep. 1 Inhabitants. White. Black 6 300 4 5 1 7 10 4 100 2 4 3 2 1 3 8 160 2 3 4 5 200 3 4 3 4 300 4 8 10 7 4 1 2 6 2 2 7 200 3 3 8 7 1 1 3 300 2 2 4 5 300 4 3 9 6 50 2 2 1 5 2 1 3 3 3 200 6 5 4 4 1 2 1 6 1 50 2 2 3 6 5 3 2 ■ 1 3 10 1 1 4 2 2 4 2 1 3 3 3 5 5 1 1 1 4 1- 3 11 330 ^ 3 6 10 5 250 G 5 10 5 9 2 2 10 100 2 4 3 3 1 2 6 2 2 6 150 3 3 8 10 150 3 5 8 7 150 3 5 5 5 400 1 4 3 2 3 4 1 1 1 3 o 3 7 800 3 3 8 4 1 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 379 Staret, Joseph, single, . . Sunderlin, John, single.. Syphred, Jacob, d'o,.... Shaver, Will'm, d'o Springer, Mich'l, Jun'r, single Springer, John, d'o, Spears, Jacob Swards, Sam'l loo Shaver, John, single, Shields. George 115 Steward, John 300 Smith, Wiil'm Simpson, Joseph, St. Clair, Gen'l, 240 Sill, Will'm Sill, George lOO Standiford. Eph'm Sampson, John, 250 Steward, Thomas Steel, Joseph, Steel, James, Steward, James 150 Steel, Will'm Sutton, David, Sampson, Will'm. single. 150 Scott, James Shelah, Mich'l, Sparks, Benj'n 200 Sparks, Richard 170 Sparks, Walter 150 Summervilie, John, .... 300 Sampson. Tho's, single.. Stinson. James, d'o, .... Stevens, Isaac Scott, Sam'l, 250 Swearingen, Van 300 Teagarden, Dan'l Thompson, Moses lOO Thompson. John, single, 20 Thorn. Robert Tally. Aaron 50 Thompson. James Tanner, Philip 300 Inhabitants. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. White. Black. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 7 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 1 7 5 4 7 1 1 2 3 4 10 2 1 2 11 3 6 7 1 9 9 3 5 8 1 1 3 4 G 9 2 2 2 3 2 5 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 8 4 1 1 3 4 4 5 7 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 6 1 1 2 4 7 7 2 1 5 4 3 2 9 2 3 1 5 1 1 1 2 380 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Taylor, George, Taylor, Henry, single, . . Thorn, Joseph, Taylor, Isaac, single, . . . Thompson, Dan'I, Thompson, Cornel's, sin- gle, Thompson, Dan'I, Vanraeter, John, Voucher, Peter, Vandolan, Peter, Vantrese, Isaac, Vanmeter, Jacob, Vance, William Walker, Ebenezer, Worley, John Wiseman, John Wickerham, Adam, .".... Walker, James Warman, Joseph Walker. Rob't Walker, Will'm Warren, Thomas Wamock, Will'm Wright, John, Willson, Sam'l White, And'w, Wrothwell, Peter Westbay, Henry, Walker, Rob't, Wilson, Rob't, Whitaker, John, Withrow, Will'm, Wilson, Hugh & Tho's. single Wilson, James Wilson, Joseph Waddle, Peter Wilson. Will'm Wall. Walter Williams, David Williams, James, Wall, James, Inhabitants. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. White. Black. 2 2.. 2 2 2 5 7 2 1 200 3 6 3 300 3 5 5 2 POO 3 3 6 3 300 4 7 15 9 3 1 8 6 200 3 3 3 8 110 2 3 2 4 600 3 3 3 8 1 1 2 6 300 2 8 7 ^ 2 2 2 4 400 2 4 7 7 150 2 2 5 5 2 2 4 9 1 1 5 2 2 3 4 3 3 7 7 1 3 11 300 2 4 1 8 250 1 5 5 8 40 2 1 6 200 1 1 4 200 5 5 4 9 2 2 4 2 2 3 6 100 2 3 10 300 3 4 3 4 200 2 3 1 4 250 4 3 6 150 1 2 4 500 2 3 2 4 2 2 3 7 300 3 7 12 8 300 3 2 10 1 1 2 2 300 3 8 10 8 COrNTV OF \VESTMORELANU~1783. 3S1 Inhabitants. Hors.'S. CaUle. Slu-ip. White, lllaek. Acres. Wilson, Zachs, 1^^' - - '^ ^ Walker, John ■ • Wilson, Isaac '^'■^^ Wilson, Aaron 1^^ Waddle, James 1^*^ Waddle, Dan'l 15<' 1. 1 3 3 3 5 1 1 2 2 :i -1 '' 4 .. 10 Waddle, John - _ Warner, Joseph 2li0 3 o S ^ Walling, Thomas. 200 2 I Wilson, Adam, single 1 Woolsey, Will'm =^00 Total inhabitants, 4 1 2,350 107 FKANKLYN TOWNSHIP. Acres Inhabitants. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. White. Black. 6 3 3 3 3 2 10 Allen, John - " ^ Alexander. Mary 80 1 •• 4 5 o 'i Adams, Jameo, •• ^ ^<, Archibald, Benj'n, • ^ " Arnold, And w, -i-'J ".04 Allen. David 200 3 4 3 4 Allen, John, Esq-r 160 2 3 6 7 \llen, James, single, ... 150 1 ■; Burns, Sam'l, -i"-" Burns. Patrick, Baul. Richard Boyars, Sam'l Boys. James. 390 - -_ ^_ ^ Bradford. Widow -^ ^ Bradley. Moses •• " Barker. Will'm. 150 6 4 .. Barker. Joseph t>^ - Barkley. Elijah. i-a - ^ Brown. EUezer 100 1 1 - onfi 9 2 4 4 Brown, Nathan -^'J" " 9 g 6 Becket. Joseph 200 1 1 2 6 12 9 582 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Boyers, Sam'l Boyers, James, Blacke, Thomas, Backus, Philip Bradford, Cha's, Boyars, And'w, Barker, John, Barker, Jos'h, Sen'r, .... Brown, Wm., Brand, John, Brand, James Burt, Jotham Bartlett, Thomas Boyers, John, single, . . . Boyers, And'w, d'o Battershell, Freeman, d'o, Boys, James, d'o, Boys, Rich'd, d'o Best, Thomas, d'o, Berry, John, d'o Battershell, John, d'o, . . Burt, Ebenezer Barker, James Crawford, James Conners, Sam'l, Crawford, John, Chalfants, Chads Carr, James Chipely, Wm Cork, Benj'n, Crosley, David Carson, Wm.„ Cannon, Dan'l Crawford, Widow,. Crawford, Alex'r, Chain," Hugh Cathcart, David, Cherry, John, Carson, John Curry, Rob't Carmical. John Comfes, Joseph Cummins. John, single,. Inhabi Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. While 2 2 6 10 2 2 2 5 la Ills. ISlaek. 150 140 300 100 70 100 100 200 100 100 80 80 200 200 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 2 3 2 3 10 3 1 4 1 11 4 10 i 5 2 4 6 3 7 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 11 6 8 3 300 4 7 12 8 300 2 3 i 2 2 4 12 7 1 1 2 7 200 2 2 4 5 150 2 2 5 10 lOO 2 2 2 4 30 2 2 2 7 300 2 2 4 5 300 5 1 11 7 50 1 5 COl'iNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 3SL Acres. Horses. Cattle. Carson, Alexr, d'o .. 1 1 Carsou, W'm, 15U 2 5 demons, Jos'h, ^ .. 2 Campbell, Ja's . . 2 2 Carson, W'm, single, Dowden, Nathl 2 Dawson, W'm, 80 1 3 Dougharty, Jn'o 2 3 Dawson, Tho's 100 2 3 Davis, Benj'n 150 2 2 Dawson, Benoni . . 6 4 Dorson, John 300 2 2 Davis, John, . . 1 2 Dunlap, Adam, 300 2 3 DunJap, Wm., 30 2 2 Dawson, John . . 1 2 Dunn, 'rnomas, 200 2 2 Dunlap, John, 150 2 2 Dugan, Rob't 60 3 2 Davis, Zach'h, 100 2 3 Dickeson. Joshua 400 3 5 Davis, Thomas, 400 3 4 Dunlap, Sara'l, single,.. 150 2 2 Davis, James, d'o Dickson, Silas, d'o, Dickson, Stafford, 2 2 Dagley, Mich'l, single, Dickson, Joseph, 300 2 5 Estall, Thomas, 100 2 2 Estall, Dan'l, single Flud, Mich'] 100 1 2 P^uthy, Sam'l 300 . 1 1 Finley, Sam'l 300 4 4 Freeman. Tho's 230 3 3 Forkner, Aiex'r, single,. Foster, Jeremiah, single, Fleming, Nath'l, 100 2 3 Fulton, John, single, 1 Forkner, David 100 1 2 Freeman. S;^m"l 300 3 ' 6 Carrat, John 2 2 Gorcham. John 2 3 Gibson, Wm., 1 2 Inliabitants. Sheep. While. Black. 1 1 3 4 8 3 9 5 3 3 4 14 14 5 5 10 2 6 G 5 3 5 10 3 6 7 15 6 2 1 1 1 1 7 4 1 3 3 4 3 1 1 7 1 5 9 10 3 4 6 6 10 384 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Inhabitants. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. White. Blacli. Gre«n, Lavor, 150 Gilmore, Geo., Gammell, Sam'l, 200 Gibson, Jn'o Gibson, Sam'l, 150 Gner. Tho's, 200 Gibson, Jn'o, Jun'r Gibson, Edw'cl, 30 Gillilon, Henry, 50 Gamble, Wm., Golden, Jo'nn 20 Gorchani, Tho's, Hanna, Marg't, Hardesty, Tho's 100 Hill, William, 280 Harrison, Widow 300 Henry, Aaron Hardisty, Francis, 180 Hawthorn, Widow, 80 Howard, Philip 100 Harrison. Charles 40 Harrison, Nich's, Harlain. James, Huston, John 300 Harper, James 300 Hull, Solomon, . Hannon, Jn'o 40 Hendrix, Dan'l Hendrix, Absalom, .... Hays, And'w Hughey, Rob't Hudd, John, single, .... SO Harkim, Peter, d'o, .... Hanna, Will'm, single, , Hall, Joseph, Harrison, Benj'n 300 Jour.dan, Edw'd 80 Ireland, Jn'o Jackson. Sam'l 300 Irwin, John Johnston, Sam'l 300 John, John, 500 Johnston, Arch'd 2 3 5 4 2 2 5 1 1 4 2 3 8 7 1 2 3 7 2 3 6 6 1 1 3 1 2 5 2 2 3 7 1 1 2 1 2 3 G 4 9 11 10 6 1 2 1 5 3 4 4 8 2 2 6 6 9 3 1 2 2 5 2 3 G 8 1 1 8 2 1 9 1 1 2 1 1 1 6 2 2 3 1 1 1 4 2 2 3 9 5 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 G 6 1 3 2 o 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 2 3 5 9 2 1 4 5 4 G 3 2 4 2 4 G 5 2 3 6 8 1 1 3 COUNTY Or \VI:STM0KL:LAND— 1783. 385 Aores. Horsi-s. Cattle. SllL-L-JI Inhabitants. White. Ulack Irwin, Joseph, single, 1 Keeling, Patrick 1 Knox, Jn'o 1 2 7 Keeling, Jn'o 1 1 Linsey, Anth'y L- Hnrses. Callle. Sheep. White. HI 6 200 50 200 300 300 50 31,0 12 300 300 100 100 50 ?00 100 200 500 10 10 12 1 7 8 10 4 6 2 7 •J 6 9 9 392 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY. Minor, Jn'o Mathews, Jn'o, Mason, Jn'o, Maj Mason, Joseph, single, . Meeks, Jacob, Martin, Jn'o Morecraft, Jn'o Means, Jn'o, Murphy, Pat'k, single, . . Mintor, Jn'o, Murphy, Sam'l, single... Morrison, Jn'o, Morgan, George Messor, Hugh, Martain, Tho's Mounts, Providence, . . . Millegan, Ja's, Mason, Philip, McHafaty, Jn'o, Mounts, Provid'e. single, McKinley, David Massey, Wm McCullough. David, .... McKee, Wm Mclntire, Jn'o McClintic, Alex'r, Massey, Jn'o, single, . . . Mason, Jn'o, d'o Neesbit, Jn'o, Neesbit, Nath., single, . . Neesbit, Sam'l, Porter, Jn'o Porter, Rob't, single. . . . Pierce. Isaac Perry, David Parkin, David, Piper. James, single, . . . . Rogers, Geo., Roze, Enoch Rudibaugh, Chris'r Ray, Henry Rhodes. Henry Right, Jn'o Inhabitants Horses. Cattle Pheei.. White. Black. 12 3 8 300 300 300 100 100 1,100 3O0 840 1 .000 300 50 300 250 50 50 300 280 50 300 150 15 10 10 16 4 9 7 9 6 1 4 6 2 7 5 5 1 1 1 5 9 1 7 5 4 1 9 11 3 7 11 5 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S3. 393 Rayburu. Rob'l, Rice, Edm'd, Ragan, Garard, single, . Studiberger, Peter Statia, Peter, Smith, Wm Steward, Ja's, single, ... Stevrard, Rob't. d'o Steward, Wm Smiley, Jn'o, Snodgrass, Sam'l Secrets, Valentine, Steward, John Steward, David Stevenson, John Smith, David, Statia, Tho's, single, .... Stevenson, Ja's, Stevenson, Marcus, Smith, Moses, Smith, Wm., single Smith, Mich'l, d'o Thompson, Henry Thompson, Rob't, single, Tarrance, James Trimble, Ja's, single, . . Vernon, Jn'o Vanderen, Jn'o, Vance, Marg't Waram, Jn'o Waram, Ja's, Whiteside, Joseph Walters, Jn'o, Whitesides, Wm Whitesides, Sam'l Wilson, Benj'n Wilson, And'w, single, . . White, MosGS Wells. Benj'n AA'alker, Henry White, Wm.. single, .... White, Henry White, Jn'o White, Wm., Acres. Horses. Cattle. Slieep 1 1 i: 353 3 1 210 2 250 1 300 1 50 300 300 250 90 350 600 200 250 2 3 1 3 3 300 300 2 2 250 4 6 200 1 1 100 2 3 50 2 1 2 3 300 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 150 3 • 5 2 2 200 2 4 13 Inhabitants. White Black. 12 9 3 6 1 6 7 8 1 1 5 1 6 1 1 6 6 2 5 2 3 5 1 4 G o 1 11 4 394 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Inhabitants. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. White. Ulack. White, Isaac, Waugh, Paul Whaley, Ja's, single, ... Wilson, Sam'l, 300 Young, Nathan, Total inhabitants, 7 1 2 5 816 DERRY TOWNSHIP. Allison, , . . . . Allison, And'w, . . Allis, Jn'o Allis, Mark, Anderson, David, Anderson, , . . Anderson, — — , . . Anderson. , . . Bogel, Baird, Ja's, Barr, Ja's, Barr, Alex'r, Bear, Jn'o Brown, Wm Burns, James Brown, Bears, Fred'k, . . . Brooks, Aaron, . , Barr, Mary, Boyd, Jn'o Baird. Cha's Baird, Moses, . . . , Barihill. Alex'r, . Bently, Mary, . . . Blane, Widow, . . Caldwell, Jn'o, . . Chapman, Nich's, Craig, Jn'o cres. Horses. Cattle 150 200 2 2 150 1 1 100 3 2 300 300 300 300 100 300 300 2 3 300 2 3 2 1 200 2 200 300 200 100 200 100 200 2 2 100 2 1 300 100 300 30 2 2 200 2 2 200 1 Sheep. COTNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S3. 395 Acres. Horses. Caltlu. Sheep. Campbell, Ja's 300 Carroll, Ja's 40 Crow, Ju'o 200 Cahill, Edw'd 900 1 2 Cahill, Edw'd, Jun'r 300 Culbertson, , '100 Campbell, , ..' 100 Campbell. Ja's 100 Campbell, Wm 100 2 2 Campbell, Jn'o, 100 Caldwell, Wm., 200 Cochran, Wm., 300 2 2 Cortney, Wm 200 Cleghorn, Math'w 150 2 1 Cleghorn, Jn'o, 150 2 1 Carr, James 200 Caldwell, Rob't 100 Curry, Wm 300 Clark, Ja's 300 Craig, Sam'l 300 1 Craig, Jean 300 2 3 Clasky. Rob't 2 3 Clark, Geo 200 Crozier. Wm., 100 2 3 Dennison, Jn'o 300 Dennison, Arth'r 300 4 5 Donahe, Jn'o 100 Donold, , 100 Donoldson. Isaac, 100 Uunlap, Wm., 100 2 2 Dickson, Jos'h, 200 Donold, Moses, 300 3 G Donold, James, 300 English, Ja's, 100 Eaton, Ja's 100 2 2 Eckles, Wm 100 Erwin, Sam'l 300 Feals, Alex'r 100 Flemming, Jn'o 2 2 Fulton, Ja's 100 Guthrie. Wm 300 2 2 Glen, James 100 Gallahar, Ja's, 100 Gallahar, Barney, 300 396 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Guthrie, Alex'r 100 Girts, Harmon, 100 Girts, Henry 80 Hughs, Wm., 200 Hutabaugh, Geo., 100 Harhridge, Edw'd, * 100 Hall, Ja's 300 Henry, Rob't, 100 Jolly, Tho's, 300 Joice, Wm., 100 Kilpatrick, Sam'l, Kelly, Edw'd 100 Kilpatrick, Dan'l 200 Lx>wers, Rob't, 150 Latta, Eph'm 100 Love, Wm : 500 Leonard, James Lazure, Geo., 100 Lambert, Jn'o 200 Lasley, Jn'o, Mathews, Ezekiel Maxwell, Adam 200 Mann, Joseph, 100 Millar, Rob't Mitchell, Wm., 300 Mitchell, Wm., Sen'r 300 Mclntire, , 300 Mclntire, And'w, 100 McClean, Ja's McClean, Alex'r, 300 McColister, Alex'r, 100 McColister. Ja's 100 McClean, Alex. 100 McCrady, Jn'o 300 PeterEon, , 300 Patton. Wm., 300 Patterson, Sam'l, 300 Patrick, Jno, 100 Pettit. Elias 200 Perry, Wm., 100 Parr, Isaac 300 Parr, James 100 Parr, Sam'l 300 Pomroy, Jn'o 600 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 397 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Reynolds. Jn'o, 150 Russell, James 100 Russell, Jn'o, 200 Rount, Jacob 100 2 2 Ramsey, 200 Steward, And'w 150 2 1 Sarren, Sam'l, 2 2 Stevenson, Wm 100 1 1 Smirl, Geo., 100 2 3 3 Stevenson, Tho's 150 2 2 3 Stevenson, Ja's, 150 1 1 Stevenson, Jean, 150 2 1 Smith, , 300 Sloan, Sam'l 200 4 5 12 Scott, , 200 Scott, Ja's, 40 Skinner, , 200 Sloan, Jn'o 250 1 Soxman. Chris'n, 200 2 3 7 Smith, Rob't 100 2 2 Stockberger, Mich'l 200 Thompson, Ja's 300 3 5 9 Taylor, Rob't, 200 3 3 5 Tanner, Wm . . 2 1 Thompson, Anth'y 200 3 2 2 Taylor, Thomas, 300 2 3 Thompson, Jn'o, 100 2 1 linnel, Wm., 100 2 1 Voras, Ralph, 300 4 4 10 Wallis, Rich'd 300 2 2 4 Wilson, Jos'h . . 2 2 Waddle, Sam'l, 140 Woolf, And'w 50 Wilkey, Thomas 200 Wilson, James, 300 2 2 3 Wills, Ja's 150 Wills, And'w, 150 Wallis. Ja's 150 2 3 6 Watson. Wm 200 398 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, PITT TOWNSHIP Acres. Horses. Amberson, Wm., Bell, Tho's Beaty, Jos'h Barr, Jn'o, Burrows, Ja's Buhar, Chris'n, single, . . . . Burkart, Jacob, Bishop, Wm., Brady, Wm Brackinridge, Hugh, single, Boggs, James, d'o, Brannon, Peter, Bradly, Jn'o Croghan, Geo Chambers. Ja's Carroll, Tho's, single, Craig, Tho's, Cameron, Gilbert Carmical, Jn'o Cunningham, Wm., Campbell, Rob't, single. . . . Casselman. Jacob Clark, Jn'o, single, Cristy. Wm Chambers, Tho's, single, . . . Cranmore, Agnes, Campbell, Jn'o Collins, Jn'o Duncan, David Dunbar, Jn'o, Davis. Hugh Duke. Cha's Dougharty. Martha Donoid-son. Hugh, Duntield. Frcd'k Dunning, Rob't, Deal, Wm Davis. Mary Douglass. And'w, C' Cattle. 1 ^.X^U^y Sheep. 300 500 40 150 100 600 169 200 100 600 200 300 300 5 G 100 2 3 350 250 2 . 3 200 1 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 9 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S3. 30') Acres. Morses. Cattle. Sheep, IJuUhinan, .Ju'o iJouglass, Epli'm 301) Evan.s, Wm., single Evalt, Sam'l 2UU Elliot, Wm., 1,400 Fernsly, Jamet 100 Frazier, Rory Ferry, Widow, 300 Finley, Jos'h 200 Francis, Philip, single, ... Fleniming, Ja's, 200 Fowler, Alex'r, Ferree, Jn'o 250 Freeman, Wm., single Flinn, Wm Gulfy, Henry, 30 Gufty, Ja's, 50 Orames, Peter 200 Glass, Jn'o 200 Gibson, Tho's Grimes, Donold Gunn, Wm., single Grubb, Jacob Girty, Tho's 30u Girty, Jn'o Gibson, Jn'o Galbreath, Rob't, Hamilton, Arch'd Holmes, Jon'a, single, Hamilton, Jn'o, Handlyn, Jn'o, Huft'nagle, Mical (jOO Haymaker, Jacob 300 Heth, Henry, 30o Hagarty, Nich's, Johnston, Jn'o, 150 Irwin, Jn'o, Sen'r 15 Irwin, Agnes 150 Irwin, Jn'o, Jun'r, single, Irwin, Davul Johnson, Benj'n Kyser, Benj'n (jt) Karr, Martha Kinkead, James, Keasy, James, 10 2 3 400 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres Linehart, Chris'n, 300 Lane, Isaac, 40 Lightenberger, Geo., Lazure, Hiat, McKay, Mary, 930 Myers, James 250 Myers, Eliez'r 300 McBride, Tho's Miles, Tho's, 300 McGoldrick, Ja's 250 McGianis, Cha's, 300 McDonold, Jn'o 200 McDonold, Dan'l McCloud, Murdock McCartney, Peter, 200 McLain, Laughlin McDonold, Hugh McElroy, Widow, 10 Millegen, Ja's 130 McKee, Jn'o 200 McClelland, Ja's, McElwane, Fra's, McDonold, Pat'k, 200 Murphy, Pat'k, Millar, Eliz'a, 300 Millar, Jn'o, Martin, Wm., McKinley, Rob't, Neal, Rob't, 200 Naugle, And'w, single, Negley, Alex'r 100 Nicholson, Jos'h Ormsby, Jn'o O'Hara, Hugh 10 Owins, Wm., O'Harra, Ja's Pollock. James 300 Powell. Wm 300 Powell. Wm., Jun'r, single 300 Powell, Ja's, 200 Phillips, Tho's Parchment, Nich's Parchment, Peter Quigley. Hugh 300 Horses 1 2 3 2 1 Cattle 1 8 1 1 2 2 4 1 Sheep. COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 4^1 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Robinson, James, single •• 1 Rysor, Dan'l 60U Ryan. Jas 300 2 5 2 Roleter, Peter 350 3 4 3 RybolL, Jacob, 200 Rodearmor, Jn'o 600 2 (J 4 Rineiiart, Andw, 100 4 9 13 Riddin. Wm ~'^ - ^ Ruddin, Wm., 't^ ^ 3 Reed, James 140 2 3 1 Ryan, Jacob 1 ^ Rynaman, Chr'r ^ 1 ^ Reed, Ja's, Jun'r 600 1 Ranimage, Wm 200 3 3 5 Ramage, Jn'o, 2 1 3 Yiankin, Sol'o 1 3 Reel, Ga.spf r, single, 1 1 Ross, Tho's, 300 Riddick, Wm., 1 1 Simons, Jos'h 1,218 Simons & Millegan Smallman. & Ward Smith, Deverux 850 4 2 D'o, d'o 310 Smith. Doctor 300 Siramerman, Mich'l, 300 St. Clair, Gen'l, 300 . . . . ■ ■ Smallman. Tho's 300 2 4 Sheanor, Mathias, Shepherd. Edw'd Strain, Mich'l 200 2 1 Sample. Sam'l 285 2 3 1 Thompson, James 1 1 Troop, Widow 100 1 - 3 Thompson, Jn'o, single Trent, 50 Tannihill, Adam'n Terret, Cha's Thompson, Gen'l's heirs 600 Valentine. Wm 300 2 2 5 Ward. Edw'd 6 1 ~ Wilson. Wm.. single 1 1 Whitgar. Abm 300 Whitsel. Jacob 300 2 2 2C— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 402 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Winemiller, Jacob 230 Winemiller, Coonrod, 600 Williams, Jn'o, AVhite, Jn'o 200 Whitesell, Barbara, 200 Wise, Jacob 40 Winebiddle, Conrad, 300 Wilson, Tho's 200 Wilson, Fra's 320 Wallis, Geo 10 Watson, James, Wilson, Col's heirs, Richards, Cha's, Robinson, And'w Evalt, Sam'l 30 Bennet. Benj'n, ' Bennet, Benj'n, Jun'r, Millar, Wm., Acres. Horses. Cattle Sheep. HEMPFIELD TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Allimong, Nich's 300 2 2 Altman, Will'm, 300 3 4 6 Altman, Peter, black 250 2 5 Arrat, Christian, 300 2 4 4 Altman, Peter, white, 260 2 3 4 Altman, Anthony 268 8 5 Altman, Gasper 2 2 Alexander, Hugh 100 2 2 2 Ammon, George 100 12 2 Arrat, John, 2 2 Barnhart, Will'm lOO i 3 Barnhart, Jacob, 1 1 Brown, Jn'o, Jun'r, 2 1 Beaty, Sam'l 2 4 10 Barns. Will'm 2 3 Brown, , 300 . . . . [\ Brown. Will'm 300 2 2 4 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 403 Acres. Horsps. Cattlo. H1um>I' Baum, Chris'n 250 4 2 4 Briny, Peter 100 2 1 Beaty, Wm 1 Best, Wm 250 2 3 Bell. W'm 150 2 3 2 Byars, Geo 100 3 3 2 Bush, Dan'l, 100 2 2 Bovaird. Ja's 100 2 2 Boyd, Darcus 300 Brown, .Tn'n. Sen'r, 250 2 2 Best, Rob't 2 1 Brownlee. Hugh 300 1 Bryson, James, • • 1 Brannon, Wm ■ • 2 1 l^rannon. Jn'o •• 2 1 2 Brisby. Wm 50 1 1 Calgan, Pat'k 1 Cooper, Will'm ■ • 1 Conkle. Mich'l 400 4 G 7 Christy. Jn'o 2 2 Crookshanks. And'w 300 2 3 4 Cherry. Peter 20 1 l Culberson. Jn'o 1 1 Crips. Jn'o •• 1 2 4 Clinglesmith, Dan'l 150 3 3 6 Clinglesmith, Philip Caple. Jacob 300 2 3 2 Camara. John, 250 3 ^ - Conkle. Jn'o 450 3 3 3 Clinglesmith. Peter. Jun'r 100 2 2 Camara. Adam ■ • 1 Clinglesmith. And'w 2 2 Camara. Ludwick 250 1 Clinglesmith, Peter, Dec'd 1 2 2 Carnahan, David 1 1 Cook. Cath'e, 100 2 1 1 Clinglesmith, Jn'o, 1 Conway, Hugh 2 2 Callan. Will'm 200 3 3 C (^linglesmith. Pct'r. Sen'r 100 2 2 Carrol. James ■• - - " {".ocjjjpr Snm'l 5ii 2 1 li Drum. Simon 150 2 3 Davi«. Hanover 300 3 5 5 404 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Dedor, Jacob . . 2 Dunkan, Ja's, single . . 1 Kverot, Adam . . 2 Elsworth, Aiid'w 400 Everet, Jacob, 160 1 1 1 Finley, James, . . 1 Fulton, Jn'o 300 Freetly, Jacob, single, . . 1 Freetly, Martani 2 Foreman. Cha's, Esq'r 300 2 2 5 Freeman, Adam, .. 1 Freeman, Wni 1 2 2 Freeman, Tho's 200 2 3 4 Fleming, Rob't 200 2 4 8 P'arles, James 200 3 4 2 Fritchman, Adam 200 2 5 6 George, Adam 300 3 2 5 Gallaher, Eman'l 2 2 Gross; Chris'n, 300 2 3 8 Groushcur, John 300 2 2 5 Groiis, Peter 200 2 3 8 Huft'nagle, Mich'l Hill, 200 Hanna. Rob't, 240 4 Haseley. Henry 160 2 2 Huffnagle, Mich'l, Esq'r, 190 Hilands, Barney .. 2 3 Harold, Chr'r, Sen'r 30O 2 5 10 Harmah, Peter . . 2 Harold, Peter 300 3 2 2 Harold, John 250 3 4 2 Houser. John 300 2 3 3 Hawk, Coonrad, 300 4 4 5 Henry, Fre'k 250 3 2 6 Hill, Peter 2 1 Hutabaugh, Geo 2 2 2 Harold. Chr'r, Junr 100 2 2 .. Hays, John . . 2 1 Hamson, Willm, 2 4 6 Hughs. Jn'o. Esq'r. 300 6 3 8 Hall, Rob't 200 2 2 3 Hoak. And'w 1 2 Hoak, Sam'l 300 2 2 Harman. Peter, . . 2 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 405 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Hunter, Robt 2 2 1 Jackson, John «i 2 2 Irwin, Lau'ce 300 2 2 Iceman, Peter 300 3 2 _ 2 Irwin, Jn'o 2 3 Jack, Wm., & Math'w 1,200 G -1 13 Ireland, Hans 200 2 5 6 Irwin, Aleji r, single Kirkpatrick, Ja's, 1 1 4 Koontz, Philip 250 2 3 2 Kitsor, Philip, • • 2 2 Kepple, Nich's, 100 2 5 Kirk, James • • 1 Kimble, Jacob 150 2 3 2 Kifer, Henry, 150 2 1 1 Kistor, Ludwick 2 2 1 King, James 150 2 3 2 Kaple, Jacob, single, Karr, Will'm, 2 2 3 Larrimor, David, 100 . . 1 Love, Willm, 2 2 6 Long. Tobias 300 2 3 2 Lyon, Will'm, 100 2 2 1 Litslone, Ab'm 1 2 Long, Nich's • • 1 Long, Ludwick 100 Mclnterfer, Dan'l, 1 1 Moor, Jn'o, Esq'r, 300 2 3 .. Moor, Ja's, 300 2 2 Moor. Will'm 300 1 McKee, Hugh, 50 1 1 McKee, James 300 6 3 9 McGwire, Jn'o 100 . . 1 Myars, Adam, 100 2 2 Millar, Chris'n, 150 2 3 2 Millar, Math'w, 2 2 McKee. Rob't 200 2 3 4 McConnell, Wm., 3 3 Mason, Tho's 300 3 3 Moor, Hugh, single, 1 McKee, David, single 1 McKee, Marg't 200 Monysmith, Chris'r .. 2 1 McGregor, Collins 140 406 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Muffley, John, Mire, Adam, Sen'r 200 Marchant, David 450 Marchant, Fred'k, 160 Mecklin, Mich'l, 200 Mecldin, Devalt, Jun'r 200 Mecklin, Devalt, Sen'r, 200 Millirons, Philip 50 Millirons. Jacob 300 Mathias, Daniel, 200 McMullen, Han'h, 100 Millar, James, Mathias, George, 100 Mire, Christ'n, single McBrier, Nath'l Mecklin, Jacob 300 Nalder, John Nellson, Agness 150 Nellson, Wm., single, Neilly. Benj'n, single Oury, Chris'r, 150 Oury. Adam 150 Oliver, And'w, 300 O'Nail, Cha's Orr. Rob't 226 Otterman, Lud'k 150 Price, Thomas, single Patty, George 260 — Painter, John Perry, Wm 300 Painter, Geo., 250 Peck, Wm., 200 Perry, Jn'o 200 Pricker. Adam Potter, Sam'l 150 Parks. Hugh 100 :___^ainter, Jacob 100 Riddick, Jn'o Rynn, Jn'o 300 Rice. Fred'k 150 Roup, Fran's 125 Rugh, Peter 190 Rugh, Cath'e 300 Rugh. Jacob 190 Horses. Cattle. Sheep 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 5 6 2 2 2 2 5 4 2 2 1 2 o 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 4 6 ^ 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 2 2 1 4 2 5 6 2 2 2 3 6 2 3 4 3 4 2 2 2 2 5 5 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 407 Rugh, Mich'l Riddle, Wm Roistill, And'w 100 Rinn. Nich's Stokeley. Tho's Shields, John, 50o Shafer. Adam Selface, John, Smith, Philip 130 Sparr, Geo 200 Smith, Shrist'r, Shrum, John 30o Straw, Jacob, 30o Shelhamer, Peter Horses. 1 Smith, Mich'l Shaw, Wm Shire, Nich's Sype, Adam Steward, Arch'd, Shotts, Mich'l Shrader, Jacob Sheak, Chris'n Simpson. Tho's 30o Smith, Sam'l 50 Stott, Adam 100 Sheanor, Jacob, 220 80 300 150 50 300 200 Smith, Geo Turner, Jn'o, Truby, Ch'r, Esq'r, . . , Tanner, Geo Thomas, Garrard Thomas, Wm Taylor, Rob't Vandike, Wm Walker, Ja's, Waddle. Sam'l Walter. Anth'y W'insell, Jn'o, Waltenbaugh, Rineh'd, Willson, James 50 600 150 300 300 300 200 100 100 400 100 Welker, Mich'l U Williams. Tho's Wiley. John Weaver. John, single 300 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 3 3 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 Cattle Sht-ei) 2 2 2 1 2 300 4 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 4 9 9 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 12 5 12 12 408 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Wilson, Edw'd 100 Waterson, Ja's, 2 Weagly. Ab'm 200 Weagle, Isaac 100 Wilson, Cha's, Williams. Dan'l, 250 Winymaker, Peter 200 Waltenbaugh, Tedor Willson, Wm., 60 Walsh, Ja's, Walsh, Jn'o, 150 Waugh, Jn'o, 60 Wolf. And'w Walter, Philip, Wesby, James, 150 Wensell, Philip 100 Yokey, Ab'm Young, Alex'r, 150 Yount, Nich's 100 rses. Cattle. Sheep 2 2 4 2 5 4 2 1 1 2 2 4 3 4 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 6 2 2 2 1 3 4 4 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 HUNTINGTON TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle Sheep Adams, John, •- 2 2 Alleot, Rob't 300 .Vndrews, Fra's Alexander. Sam'l Araberson. Jn'o 1,100 Armstrong, Wm. B Adams. Alex'r, Armstrong. Wm.. single Armstrong, Jn'o, d'o Ardroy, Jn'o 200 Anderson, Wm., single, Baggs, Jn'o, d'o, Baird, Geo., 300 2 2 2 Blackburn. Jos'h 300 3 3 6 Baird. Wm 100 2 2 3 Brannon, Geo. 300 1 1 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S3. 409 Boall, Cha's Brown, Benj'n, 300 Benson, Ja's Baggs, Wm 300 Baggs, And'w Biarly, Jacob Boyd, Tho's Brown, Jn'o, Beaty, Wm 400 Beaty, Jos'h Brown, Rob't, 50 Baggs, Math'w 150 Boall. Ja's, Sen'r, 600 Boall, Henry 300 Boall, Ja's 300 Biarly, Mich'l Berlin, Jacob, Barr, James, Beakem, Jn'o, 300 Beasy. Jn'o Buchannan, Wm., 300 Byars, And'w 300 Beacon, Wm Bell, Agness Burns, Ja's Boyd. Jn'o W Boyd. Sam'l. single Brodsword. Peter, 150 Brodsword, Math's, Byram. Edw'd Bealor. Jos'h 600 Buck, Jn'o 200 Bryney, Adam 150 Brewer, Mary 150 Brewer, Peter, single, Blackston, Ja's, 300 Beer, Jn'o 250 Beer, Ja's Boyd. Tho's, Blackburn. Jn'o 100 Blackburn. Josh, single, Buchannon, David Beckct, Roh't 100 Blackburn, Anth'y, 200 rsps. Cattle. Shopp. 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 ') 2 4 1 3 3 4 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 7 2 2 3 2 2 ] 3 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 6 2 o 4 1 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 11 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 4 22 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 17 410 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horsps. Barr, Sam'l, single, Barr, Ja's, d'o, Blair, Jn'o, single, Cunningham, Henry, Creanor, Philip, Clark, Jn'o, single, Cochran, Jn'o, do, Cochran, And w, Coulter, Ely Cowan, Math's Crutchlow, Wm., single, Cooper, Jn'o Cristy, Jn'o Carson, Rich'd, Campbell, Pat'k, Carnahan, Ja's Cristy, Jn'o Calklazer, Ab'm, Cooper, Sam'l, Couz, Craft, Calklazer, Jn'o, Calklazer, David Cowen, Dan'l, single, Cowen, Pat'k, Carnahan, Jn'o, Sen., Carnahan, Jn'o, Jun'r, , Carnahan, Jn'o, , Caruthers, Ja's Camp, Mathias 150 Camp, Garrard 150 Casady, Dan'l, Caldwell, Wm Caldwell, Alex'r, Caldwell, Rob't, Conrad, Jn'o 300 Coe, Ebenezer, Coe, Benj'n, Sen'r Cummons, Jn'o, Campbell, Ja's, Coe, James, Campbell. Mich'l, single 150 Chambers, Ja's, Cristy, Ja's, Campbell, Jn'o Cattle. Sheep. 2 100 300 800 300 60 200 560 900 300 300 150 300 200 40 300 300 50 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 4 3 4 1 4 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 10 COT'XTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S3. 411 Arres. Horses. Caltlo Sheep. Caldwell, Math'w 3 1 * .. Caldwell, Jos'h, single 1 Caldwell. Jos'h, Sen'r, 200 3 6 10 Calwell, And'w, single Cooper, Wm., single, Davison, John 100 2 3 6 Davis, John, 150 2 2 Dier, John, •• ^ 2 2 Duncan, Ja's, 100 3 3 2 Devoss, Joseph 150 2 1 Dill, Fran's, 300 2 4 8 Dible, Jacob, 3 4 3 Drain, Fran's, single Davis, Wm., •• 2 2 4 Eckles, Chas 50 3 2 3 Eakin, Benj'n, 1 2 English, James ■ • 2 2 Fulton, Ja's. single 250 2 2 3 Fry, Mich'l, 200 2 1 Farran, Hugh 2 2 Fulton, Jn'o, Jun'r, 150 3 4 11 Fulton, Wm 150 2 3 4 Fitzgerald, Barth'w 1 3 8 Finley, And'w 300 2 2 3 Fulton, Ab'm. Jun'r 2 2 4 Fulton, Ab'm, Sen'r, 300 4 1 2 Fulton. Rob't. single, . ■ • 1 2 Fulton, Henry, d'o 1 2 Fletcher. Tho's 300 4 4 5 Funk, Martain, *• • 3 3 Forster, James, single, 1 Frick, Nich's 50 1 2 2 Frick, George, single 1 Fulton, James ■• 3 3 8 Finley, Mich'l 64 2 1 Frick, Henry, single Guffy, James 300 2 2 3 Gill, Hugh, 100 2 2 Gilkey. Wm., single 2 Gordan, Jn'o, d'o ' 100 2 Garvin. Marvin 100 2 12 Glenn. John, single 1 Gordon. Robert •• 1 3 Gray, Ja's, wht 1 2 412 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Gibson, Levy 2 2 2 Giffy, Thomas, 2 2 Gabon, Jn'o, single, Hamilton, Rob't, 100 3 3 6 Haslep, Rob't, 300 2 2 Hamilton, Ja's 1,300 12 5 Hutchison, Ja's .. 2 3 4 Hill, Fred'k, single 300 1 Hill, Peter, 2 3 Hill, Gasper 1 1 Hindman, Rob't Peter 40 2 2 4 Hall, John 3 2 1 Huey, Wm., 250 2 3 5 Hogan, Gaian . . 2 1 Huftman, Henry 150 2 2 4 Hogan, John, single, . . 1 Haggis, Sam'l, 150 2 2 Hill, David 2 3 Hollis, "Wm 180 1 2 Hendrix, Ab'm 100 2 2 Habbage, And'w 200 Hays, Chris'r, 300 6 8 Henderson, Jn'o, single .. 1 Hoplets, Mich'l, 1 2 Handley, Sam'l 250 2 5 Harper, Rob't, 1 1 Hall, Rob't, single, Henry, Jn'o 2 2 3 Harper, Tho's, . . 1 1 Hutchison, Ja's, ' .. 3 2 4 Hunter, Wm., 300 3 4 9 Hunter, Patrick, single . . 1 Hunter, Rob't, single .' . . . 200 1 Ham, Coonrod . . 2 1 Irwin, Henry . . 2 2 Johnston, Rich'd, single .. 1 Irwin, Jn'o 300 4 16 Jackson, Tho's, single, Johnson, Tho's, 300 2 2 Johnson, James 200 3 3 8 Jones, Thomas 250 3 4 10 Johnston, Alex'r .. 2 2 3 Jones, Evan 300 2 2 2 Johnston, John .. 1 3 10 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 4\3 Johnston, Hugh, Jack, John, Johnston, James, Jackson, Rob't, single Jolly, David, d'o Kyle, Edw'd Kyle, Jn'o Kerr, Rob't. single Knox, David, Kithcart, Ja's Kerr, Wm., single, Kerr, Paul Kirkpatrick, Alex'r, Kilgore, Patrick Kerr, Geo. Kemson, Jn'o, Kerr, Ja's,, Kinkead, Ja's Kelly, Math'w Kirkpatrick, Tho's Kirkpatrick, Jn'o, single, . . Kilfillen, Tho's, d'o Killbright, Ja's, Keffer. Henrj* Kelly, Tho's, single Kirkpatrick, Joseph, single, Ker, James, Kirkpatrick, Geo., Leech, Sam'l Logan, David, Long, John, Loutzinhiser, Peter, Leech, James Loutzinhiser, Jacob, Lavour, Barnard Long, Wm Lewis, Ezekiel Logaxi, Thomas Light, Peter Light, John, Light, Jack, Latimore. Geo Laughead, Joseph Lindsey, Jn'o, single, Acres. Horses. 2 Catllo. Sliopp. 300 9 6 1 1 300 2 1 80 2 2 100 1 1 1 150 1 1 3 2 1 200 3 2 100 2 2 6 150 2 1 1 5 6 50 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 200 3 3 7 3 3 200 2 2 200 2 2 4 1 1 200 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 480 2 3 4 2 2 6 1 300 3 4 6 50 2 1 2 4 414 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY. Acres. Hon 150 300 200 100 100 300 Lindsey, Hezekiah, LatLa, Wm., Lutes, Geo Latimore, John, single ' Lutes, Philip, singie, McCleland, Jn'o, McCanu, Jn'o Martain, Wm., single, McCann, Henry McDonold, Jn'o, Marshall, William, Morton, Jn'o, McCuUough, And'w, Millar, Silas, Millar, Wm., single, Millar, Isaac, 300 McGrew, Alex'r, 250 McGrew, Jn'o 200 McClure, Sam'l, 100 Mitchell, Hugh 106 Malson. Nich's 90 Malson, Dau'l, single McHenry. Malcam 250 Millar, Mich'!, 120 Murphy, Jn'o Musan, Jn'o 150 McCaw, Jn'o 150 McCaw, David 150 McUade, Hugh, 300 Millar, Jn'o, Esq'r, Martin, Ja's Morrow, Sam'l, Millar, Jn'o McCleland, Jn'o, McClintic, Henry, McClintic, Sam'l, single, McAnulty, Jos'h, McLaughlin, Wm Mitchell, Cha's McCord, Ja's, single, . . . McHutchin, Alex'r McHutchin, Ja's, Martin. Wm McMullen, Jn'o, 250 60 100 200 20 106 300 100 Sheep. 1 7 COL NT Y OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 41 J Acres. Horses. Cattlt. Sheep. Mellendor, David, single .. 1 Mellendor. Jn"o, 300 2 2 1 Mellendor, Wm 300 3 3 2 McCurdy, Ja's 2 3 Mason, Tho's, single, 300 3 McMical, Sam'l . . 1 1 McGrury, Tho's 1 1 3 McCaslin, Ja's . . 1 Morehead, Sam'l, 60 2 2 6 Moore, Wm .. 2 1 McBride, Jn'o . . 1 l McBride, Wm 300 3 4 5 McConnel, Jn'o 2 2 3 McAnulty, Rich'd 300 2 12 Mercial, Gasper, 400 4 6 2 Millegen, Jn'o, .. l 2 3 Miller, Isaac 60 2 3 1 McHenry, Jos'h .. 3 2 4 McHenry, Kain 20U 2 6 McKinny, Jn'o, single, Moore, Jn'o, d'o McCurdy, Ja's .. i i McNaugher, Hugh, single, Musan, Philip 100 1 2 McGrew, Wm., 700 3 4 7 McGrew, Simon, 150 2 4 6 McCasky, Math'w, 300 2 2 2 Mullen, Ja's 100 1 2 Mains, Rob't 200 2 2 McKee, Jn'o 900 3 6 McKee, David, 300 McGrew, Ja's . . i i Mann, Wm 150 4 3 1 Mann, Tho's .. 2 3 Mann, Jn'o 300 1 2 5 Martin, Ja's 200 Millar, Ja's, single . . i Millar, Gideon, 300 . 2 3 Mellon, Hugh 1 i McLucas, Jn'o, single, . . l McClary, Tho's, 2 2 McComb, Ja's, . . 2 2 Nicholas, Tho's, single, 200 1 Neely, Jo's, . . 2 2 416 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Hoi- Newell; Marg't 300 Naman, Harmou, Naman, Wm., Nesbit, Jerem'h, 30 Nesbit, Wm., 200 Newling, Paul, Newell, Hugh, 200 Newell, Rob't 300 Newell, William, 300 Neal, Jn'o 300 Nichols, Jn'o, 300 Owens, Wm., 300 Osburn, Sam'l, O'Kain, Patrick, Osburn, Wm., Osburn, Jn'o .- Pendergrass, Garrard, 300 Patterson, Fra's Peoples, Ja's, 600 Perry, Sam'l 250 Paul, Ja's, Pusey, Henry 300 Porter, David 40 Patterson, Jn'o Patterson, Ja's 100 Reyburn, Adam 200 Rollins, Anth'y, Rudibaugh, Ad'm 600 Read, Rob't 300 Rea, James Robinson, James, 15 Rogers, Rob't, Rollins, James Raney, Law'ce, single, Reed, Ja's, 50 Roney, Pat'k 100 Ralph, Tho's 200 Ragan, Philip, 53 Reardon, Jn'o 100 Reardon, Dennis, 300 Robertson, Jn'o, . 300 Rulle, Sam'l 225 Rulle. Tho's Ramsey, Ja's, ses. Cattle Sheep 2 3 3 •) 2 6 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 4 8 4 5 10 4 5 5 3 7 4 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 o 1 ■ 2 2 6 6 1 ') 2 2 z 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 5 3 5 3 3 7 1 1 1 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S3. 417 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Reynolds, Wni 100 2 2 6 Rollins. Henry 200 1 1 Ross, Sam'l . . 1 1 Ross, Jn'o 300 2 4 Robertson, Ja's, 300 3 3 4 Ralston, Wm. 200 2 3 3 Robertson. Tho's, single, 250 2 1 Retherford, Jn'o. 200 2 3 1 Richy, Edw'd, single. Sherry. Barny 200 1 Shannon. Jn'o 150 2 2 Scott, Wm 2 1 Sturgeon, Sam'l, single, 50 2 2 Siimmerville, Alex'r, S'r 300 2 2 4 Summerville, Alex'r. J'r, . . 2 2 Stokely, Neh'h 800 3 C 7 Sams, Adam, 250 3 3 7 Smith, Geo., 150 2 2 Shetler, Peter Coonrod, 2 2 Studibergcr, Peter, 300 Studiberger, .-ib'm 200 2 3 Studiberger. Jos'h, 3 3 Smith, Jn'o, single, 100 1 SJierer. Timothy 160 2 2 Steward, Wm., 100 2 2 Studiberger, Philip, .. 1 Swift. Jn'o 50 1 1 Swan, Geo., single 300 1 4 Shaw, Ja's 300 2 2 Swab. Geo., 300 1 1 Stuot. Adam, 2 2 Sanderson, Henry, single . . 1 Sample, David 300 4 5 Stimble, Isaac, . . 1 1 Shillin, Geo 500 2 2 Streaker. Elias 2 2 Shields, Wm., 2 2 Smith, Geo., Wm 150 Smith, Ja's, Col'o 600 3 C Shields, David, single. 100 Smith, And'w . . 2 1 Snider, Peter 2 2 4 Shields. Sam'l 2 1 3 Swoop, Nich's 280 1 1 27— VOL. XXn— 3rd Ser. 418 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep Sluart, James, 1 2 6 Sample, Ezek'l, single, Shannon, Henry, 1 1 Scott, Jn'o, 300 •> 2 Thompson, Jn'o, 300 2 2 Taylor, Ab'm 350 1 3 Thompson, Sam'l, 200 4 6 5 Thompson, Ja's, 150 2 4 Todd, Sam'l, 300 2 4 4 Tarrenger, Mich'l .. 1 2 Tarr, Jn'o, 300 2 2 2 Tait, Sam'l, 2 1 Thomson, Tho's, 60 2 2 Threw, Adam, 15 1 1 1 Thompson, Anth'y 300 1 2 Taylor, John, 100 2 2 4 Thompson, James 150 Vanleer, Math'w 300 5 4 G Vance, David, 300 3 4 8 Veal, John, 2 2 Vance, George 150 3 2 7 Vigal, Will'm, 100 1 1 2 Vance, Wm., 1 2 4 Vigal, Philip, single, Wallace, Ja's 200 2 2 W^althour, Geo., 150 2 3 6 Whitehead, Val'e 150 3 5 6 Walthour, Chris'r 150 3 5 6 Walthour, Mich'l, single, 300 1 Wilson, Tho's, . . 2 2 Wiggain, Jn'o 100 2 2 Wilson, Jn'o 300 2 2 White, Agnes 300 2 3 7 Wauson, Cha's, single 20 1 1 1 Watson, Wm., 1 2 2 Warnack, Edw'd . . 2 1 Wauson, Ja's, 100 2 2 Wells, Ja's, 300 2 2 5 Wood, Jn'o, 60 2 2 3 Weagley, Ab'm, . . 1 2 Wallis, Tho's 2 2 Willson, Rob't, 2 3 4 Willson, Robert, cooper .. 1 2 8 Wardin, Sam'l, 200 2 4 7 Woodrow. Jn'o 200 2 2 6 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S3. 419 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep Wilson, Sam'l 30U 3 G 8 Williams, Dan'l 1 i 6 Wilson, Ja's, single 300 3 2 Wyre, Wm 1 i Walker, Gediop, single, .. l SPRINGHILL TOWNSHIP. Acres. Ashcraft, Ichabud, 30 Arrowsmith, Ja's Archer, Anth'y 2 Anderson, Ja's, • 15 Abram, Enoch, 40 Archer, Wm., Ashcraft, Jn'o, 20 Archer, John, 5 Ashcraft, Amos 5 Averly, Leonard, 11 Averly, Nich's, Ashcraft, Eph'm, Byers, Philip, Barrackman, Fred'k, single, Brandibury, Coonrad Barkley, Jn'o, Sen'r, 20 Barkely, Ja's, single, gone Baker, Nich's, Bellenger, Rudy 25 Bowman, Philip Burk, John, Blake, Nich's, single, 25 Brown, Basil Bacchus, Wm 20 Bacchus, Cath'e, 15 Bacchus, Peter 40 Bevelin, Jn'o, 4 Baily, Silas Bowers. Basil 30 Buchannon, Alex'r 20 Brumfield, Emson 45 Bridgwaters, Sam'l, >rses. Cattle. She€ 4 13 8 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 6 2 3 7 1 1 2 6 5 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 6 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 6 3 3 6 2 4 4 o 3 1 2 1 2 2 6 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 C 11 2 4 10 4 6 3 2 420 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Bowers, Thomas, Berry, Joseph, single, Bell, James, d'o, gone, Bell, Hump'y, d'o, Brumfield, Rob't, Burckham, Cath'e, Bonnett, Lewis Berry, Sam'I, Black, Ja's Bagle, Elias, Boyls, Wm., single Barns, Ezekiel, Brown, Josh Barns, Silvanus, Baker, Philip, Barrackman, Jn'o, Bell, Hump'y, Sen'r, Butler, Rachel, Bell, Ja's, Sen'r, Brown, Stev'n Berry, Tho's, Sen'r Beck, Jerem'h, Berry, Tho's, Bell, Jn'o, Bales, Jesse Battan, Jos'h, Battan, Tho's. Sen'r Battan, Tho's Barrat, Sam'I, Barkley, Jn'o, Jun'r Bowin, Sam'I, Brooks, Jerem'h, Brown, Rob'l, single, gone, . . . Boyers, Philip Coon, Anth'y Clauson, Garrard, single, gone, Clare, Tho's, single, Caldwell. Jos'h Churchill. Rich'd, single, gone. Conn. George Cox. John Cox. Joseph, -Clover, Jacob. Catt, Jn'o. 25 Ilorsfa 2 Cattlt 5 6 15 1 2 1 IC 12 3 3 7 20 2 2 2 15 30 2 20 25 35 30 9 25 30 3 4 5 30 3 3 9 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 lt>S. 1 Cattle. 1 Sheep. 5 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 4 i- 2 4 8 1 2 2 2 1 6 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S3. 421 Cooper, Jn'o Coon, Coonrad Catt, George 30 Callahan. Wm 8 Clark, Jerem'h 9 Cushman, Isaac, 15 Cross. Wm 15 Combs, Jos'h. Sen'r 40 Combs, Jesse, Combs, Joseph Combs, Jon'a Coon, Joseph, -/Collins, John, / Campbell, Ja's, Calvin, Ja's 8 Carr, Elisha Carr, Jn'o, Sen'r 30 Carr, Jn'o, single, gone, Carr, Tho's, single 20 Carr. Elijah 20 Carr, Moses 30 Colman, Chris'r Croushour, Nich's 20 Caldwell, Elberton Catt, Philip Catt, Mich'l, 30 Christy, Mich'l 40 Cains, Dan'l, Cooper, W^m Davy, Jos'h Davy, Thomas, Draggo, Peter, Duffey, Mich'l 30 Draggo, Baltzar 24 Draggo, Peter. Jun'r 6 Devall, Marg't 15 Davis, Philip, ' 4 Davis. Sam'l, single Dean, Rich'd Davis. Owen. 20 Davis, John 6 Dean. Benj'n 14 Doiigharty. Ja's 30 Davis, Wm 2 1 1 •) 'y 4 1 v 2 3 3 4 1 2 2 10 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 .1 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 8 2 1 2 2 9 2 3 4 2 1 4 2 2 12 4 3 1 1 1 422 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY. Dail, James, 15 Donaldson, Susanah, Devall, Pierce, Jn'o 60 Devall, Notley, single, gone, Dillenger, Barbary, 18 Dawson, Thomas, single, gone Drake, John, 40 Drago, Wm., Dush, Geo., single, gone Evans, Hugh 20 Everly, Adam Edwards, Peter, single Pansier, Wm -Fink, Henry Finley, Isaac, 15 Finley, Rich'd, 35 Flowers, Lombard, Foster, Agnus 5 Ferry, Hugh, Ferry, James Franks, Mich'l, Sen., 10 7 Fink, Daniel, .- Facit, Thomas, 4 Fleeharty, Ja's 16 Ferst, Jacob 20 Fraize, Wm Frirkney, Henry Franks, Mich'l . 40 !< leek, Wm Fast, Nich's 30 Fast, Fra's, single, Fast, Jacob Franks, Jacob 30 Gray, Jerem'h, 12 Gilkey, Wm., Gray, Ja's 30 Griffith, Jn'o, ' 60 Gilkey, David, Glasgow, Jn'o, 15 Goodwin, Jos'h 4 Goodwin, Benj'n Gilmore, Math'w 10 Garrison. Leonard Gibbons, Ja's, 4 Horses. Cattle. Sheep 3 3 1 8 6 5 6 3 2 5 2 7 5 1 1 5 5 14 2 1 2 2 2 4 3 6 17 3 C 24 2 2 6 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 6 2 1 6 5 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 2 10 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 10 2 3 9 1 3 6 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 423 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Graham. Jn'o 1 Grinstaff , Lewis 1 1 Gallaspy, Geo., 18 2 1 Goosman, Chris'r, 2 Gilmore, Ja's, 40 2 3 9 Glover, Uriah,, 2 3 9 Gather, Wm ^ GrifTin, Cha's 60 2 3 9 Howard. Charles 2 2 6 Hill, Wm 10 1 1 2 Hanna, Eliz'h, 1 • • ^ Hanna. Rob't 2 1 Halsclay, Ja's 30 Hardin, Mark "70 1" Huason, John, 2 11 Hardin, Abr'm, 1 2 Hardin, Jn'o, Maj'r, 3 2 6 Hardin, Martin, single, 50 2 1 3 Hardin, John, miller 30 8 4 28 Hardin. Steven 3 3 3 Hardin, Benj'n, 150 4 4 12 Heady, Thomas 40 2 2 7 Hamilton, Jn'o, Sen'r, 1 3 Hamilton. Jn'o. single 1 Hardin, Rob't. 1 2 3 Hardin, Mary 1 1 Hume, John, 1" •• 4 17 Hendrix, Ab'm ^ 1 2 1 Harrison, Rob't 30 3 3 5 Hawfield, Devalt, 30 3 3 2 Hawfield, Peter 1 3 3 Hawfield, Mathias, 20 2 3 3 Hawfield, Cath'e 30 .. 3 3 Hogelin, Wm 25 4 2 10 Hill, Wm., single, gone Hallin, Tho's 2 1 10 Hill, Jn'o, .• 25 1 1 Hill. Rob't. single Heaton. Jn'o 20 2 3 6 Heady. Tho's. Sen'r, 35 3 4 6 Huston, Rob't. 2 2 1 Hughey. Ja's 20 4 6 14 Holloback. Geo 1 1 Hardin. Eden, 2 2 424 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Hout, Eliz'a Huckleberry, Fred'k, Hautt, Peter, Harris, Jonathan, Hendrix, Simon, Hand, Levy, single, gone, . Howard, James, Hardin, John, Hardin, Tho's, single, gone. Jones, Morgan, John, Thomas John, David, Jinkins, Philip Jinkins, Jn'o, Jolly, Nelson, Jinkins, Wm., single Kinkead, Sam'l, Kidd, Dan'l Kerroll, Anth'y, Kelly, Sam'l, Kelly, Tho's King, Wm.fc Kennison, Ja's, Kennison, Jn'o Kennison, Jos'h Kelly, Patrick Lewis, Philip, Sen'r Lukis, Robison, Lanom, Wm Lukis, Richard, Larsh, Charles Larsh, Paul Lewis, Philip Lawrance, Philip Levingston, Jn'o, Lindor, Simon, Laswell, Thomas Lyon, John, Lesly, Thomas, l^esly, Jn'o. single, gone, . . Lesly. Wm.. d'o, Lynch, Jn'o. Lukis. Jn'o. single McMullen, James Cattle. Sheep. 2 15 5 12 15 20 20 28 10 30 40 10 12 25 50 40 2 12 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S3. 425 McFarlaiu, Jn'o Merrifield, Mary, Merrifield, Sam'l, Moryau, David, , McFarsoii, Alex'r , Masterson, Sarah, Mariain, Asa Moore, Aaron, Mitchell, Nath'l Mitchell, Wm Merrifield, Rich'd, McHaffaty, Alex'r, single, gone, McLaughlin, Tho's Martaiu, Jn'o, Jun'r, Martain, Jn'o McLain, Rob't, Myer, Eliz'a Myers, Fred'k, Myers, Adam Mason, John Mesor, Ab'm, Mason, Martain, Main, John Main, Philip Main, Geo Main, Henry, McClellan, Wm McCleland, Ja's, Sen'r McCleland, Ja's, McPike, Dan'l Moore, Ann Moore, Sam'l, single, gone, .... Moore, Tho's, Moore, Rob't McMullin. Ja's, McCreary, And'w Minsor, Dan'l, Mclntire, Elenor Marshall, Hugh Marshall, Ralph, McEdoo, Jn'o, single, gone, McDonold. Isaac , McDonold, Jn'o, McDonold, Da'd, single lOU 25 50 95 9 19 30 25 25 25 15 30 30 12 15 30 10 2 10 6 1 40 Horses. 3 Cattle. 3 2 1 Sheeji. 12 4 4 12 13 426 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. McDonold, Alex'r, 30 2 4 7 Moore, Ezekiel, 25 ^ 3 4 9 Masou, Philip 15 2 3 Murry, Tho's 1 2 Mclntire, Jn'o, 1 1 Murphey, Wm., 1 McHafaty, Wm., single, gone IS 3 1 1 McHafaty, Adam, d'o Notts, Solomon 2 2 Neel, James 30 3 4 6 Neel, Jos'h, 24 2 2 4 Newman, Isaac, 25 4 3 15 Newn, Chris'r, 2 2 Nixon, Jona'n, 30 3 2 OcuU, James, 20 2 3 4 Peters, Godfrey, 1 1 Pettyjoii, Jn'o 14 1 2 Powell, Thomas, 3 2 4 Pain, Sam'l, 20 2 3 9 -•Philips, Theop's, 60 4 b 12 Prather, Bas'l, single 3 Person, Jn'o ■ • 1 1 -> Philips, Jn'o 5 .. 2 1 Province, Sarah, 4C 3 4 Paterson, Jn'o • • 1 Parker, Sam'l, • • 1 1 Prightbill, Jacob 1 1 Prightblil, Pet'r, single, gone, Poundstone, Rich'd, 25 2 3 2 Piercehour, Geo., • • 1 1 Patton, Fra's, & Patton, Rob't, g. m., 1 Patton, Fran's - • 2 2 Patton, Rob't 1 1 4 Philip, Thomas 2 3 6 Powell, Rich'd, 2 2 6 Pough, Jacob • • 2 2 Pierce, Philip, 40 3 5 15 Pock, Nich'ls 30 2 1 8 Pock, Mich'l 1 3 Philips, Mary • • • • 2 Piles, Zach's, single, gone Pittsor, Chris'r, 40 2 4 5 Porringt^r, Sam'l 10 2 2 Pane, Jonath'n, • • 1 2 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 427 Acres. HorsL-s. CaltU-. Shet-p. Pricket, Josiah, 2 4 6 Quordin, Adam, single, gone Rubbill, Sam'l, 3 Robins, Isaac • • 1 ^ Rogers, Henry, 1 5 Reas, Jonath'u, luu 5 8 2G Robins, Rich'd 12 2 2 1 Robins, Dan'l, : 40 3 2 6 Rutter, Jn'o, 15 2 3 6 Right, Henry 1 Rich, Jacob 35 2 4 G Rifle, Malhias, 1 Rille, Jacob, 40 2 4 8 RiHe, Nich's, 2 2 4 Rhodes, Anth'y 4 2 3 4 Rogers, Tally, 5 2 1 4 Richie, Robt 45 1 4 6 Row, Jacob, •• 1 1 ^ Robertson, Henry 15i 2 3 6 Robertson, Ja's, single 1 Rogers, Hannah 1 Rogers. Philip, Jun'r, 40 1 2 4 Ross, Jn'o 20 4 G 7 Rogers, Philip, Esq 50 4 2 Rogers, Jn'o 1 2 1 Reed, Thomas 1 2 6 Reed, Rich'd 14 3 2 6 Reed, Caleb, 8 1 1 ^ Rifle, Geo., 25 2 3 6 Russell, Tho's 1 1 Russell, Jn'o 2 .1 8 Roberts, Phil., single, gone Rowland, Evan 8 3 3 Robertson, Susan'h -1 3 15 Ramsey, Tho's 50 3 7 7 Robins, Wm. •■ 1 2 •^ Rabb, And'w, Esq'r, 6 12 6 Rogers, Jona'n, single, 1 Sterling. Ja's 6 1 2 Swearingen, Jn'o, Sen'r 50 2 4 10 Swearingen, Van 10 3 2 Swearingen. Jn'o, Jun'r 20 2 3 11 Suttx)n, Ja's, Rev'd 30 2 2 14 Sutherfield, Benj'n, 1 2 428 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Shanks, Jn'o, Smiley, Wm., Shaklett, Benj'u Shaklett, Jn'o Salsberry, Wm., Stouk, Philip, Smith, Peter Simpson, Gater Simpson, Allen, Shins, Geo Shoemaker, Jn'o Snodgrass, Cha's Sholey, Adam, Shively, Chris'r Stilts, Jn'o, Siers, Dav'd Snider, Rudolph, Sankston, Isaac Stillwell, Ann Stevenson, Edw'd Steward, Geo., Scott, Jn'o, Stillwell, Obed'h, Stillwell, Jos'h, Shelby, David, Silkwood, Basil, single Sutherday, Jacob, single Smith, Wm Smith, Augustus, single Smith, Henry Smith, Amos, Sweadwink. Jn'o Smith, Philly Smith, Philip, Steel, James Streadler, Jn'o, ... Switzar, Peter Shively, Philip Silsor, Jonath'n Shively, Jn'o Springer, Zedi'k Silsor, Geo., Sears, Dan'l Shuttleworth. Tho's 2 1 8 2 1 2 15 2 1 3 20 2 3 6 30 2 5 8 12 2 3 : LI 2 1 20 2 2 12 3 2 16 2 1 2 1 3 4 8 50 2 3 2 4 7 12 4 3 9 40 2 4 9 21 3 2 3 15 1 o 5 4 2 2 1 3 2 20 3 3 6 2 2 2 10 2 2 7 12 2 5 15 3 2 3 1 1 5 16 2 2 1 3 6 1 2 1 50 3 4 6 2 2 5 25 1 1 5 2 1 2 1 2 6 20 2 2 2 35 2 5 7 40 3 4 7 2 2 25 9 2 2 19 2 2 1 COUNTY OF WESTMOREL,ANI>— 1783. 429 Silsor, Jn'o, Stevens, Henry, Snair, Mich'l, Smith, Jn'o, single Stillwell, Jos'h, d'o, gone Tobin, George Thomas, Owen Thomas Aeneas Thomas, Henry, Tucker, Geo Tucker, Jn'o, little, Tucker, Jn'o Thomas, Jos'h Tebalt, George, Tivebaugh, Coonrad Thomas, Edw'd, single, gone, . . Tush, Cath'e Thomas, Jn'o Treux, Obed'h Templeton, Ja's Tucker, Sam'l Whiteley, Cha's, Wells, Wm 'Wells, Ab'm, Williams, Basil, Williams, Geo Williams, Elisha Williams, Will'm, Williams, Geo., Sen'r, "Wade, Alex'r, Wade, Mary Walker, John Watson, Wm Watkins, Evan, Winsor. James Wilkinson, Jn'o, Wadman, Chris'r, Walters, Eph'm Wisted, Humph'y, single, gone. Wells, Levy White. Ja's Walters. Coonrad Wood. Dan'] Waits, Jn'o jres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep 40 3 3 5 2 2 1 40 1 1 1 20 4 2 4 40 3 2 G 1 2 G 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 4 50 2 4 12 15 3 2 G 30 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 5 12 2 3 12 3 2 o 7 35 2 1 G 2 2 2 2 9 1 1 1 1 30 4 4 15 8 1 1 4 1 2 22 2 6 1 1 3 9 2 4 9 1 1 5 150 3 2 20 9 1 3 25 4 3 12 50 2 3 6 35 ] 5 5 2 1 40 2 3 8 20 2 4 8 430 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep Waits, Rich'd 1 2 Waid, Wni 2 1 4 Wethering;ton, Wm 30 2 2 6 Wetherington, Mark, . . i Wetherington, Mary 1 i Waid, George .. 2 3 4 Waid. Windman. single, gone, Waid, Tho's 20 2 Webb, Jn'o 3 2 Workman. Wm 4 2 Waid, Jn'o, M S 1 Walker, Ja's 5 2 Wade, John i York, Ezekiel, 2 York, Jesse 3 York, Joshua I Young, David 2 Yeagar, Joseph 3r, ] Yeagar. George -[ York. Jerem'h 1 1 7 2 2 1 4 1 2 ') 8 4 10 2 4 5 2 2 5 8 3 MOUNT PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. Arres. Arnold. Jn'o 119 Anderson. Wm 200 Allison, Moses lOO Aker, Simon 300 Amelong, Chris'r 100 Arnold, Dan'l 20 Alexander, Nath'l, single Bealor, Jos'h Bays, David Bradley, Sam'l 300 Brumfield, Ja's Bradley. Jn'o 50 f^riney, Jn'o 15,) HT-ankcr. Henry (jOO ^^y^- Hugh 300 lorses. Cattle. Kheeii 2 2 2 3 3 3 ') 2 2 1 1 ] 2 1 •) 1 COUNTY OF WKSTMORELAXn— 17SC. 431 Aries. 11. I?yars. Coonrod -^^'^ Bash. Martin ^^* Bryan. Wni 1"" Black. .la's. -^'" Blanr. Eph'm 300 Barny. And'w 300 B(ar. Rmly 1^'" Boar. Henry, 1"" Bole, .la"? Brown. Ja's Bell. Rob't Bell. Wm.. single Bear. Adam, single Boyd. Tho's, Sen'r, d"o Brown. Wm.. single Buth r. Tho's, d"o P.ay.-. Wm r>oar. Rudolph. Barr, Roh't Baird. .Jn'o. E.sq'r T>" Campbell. Cha's ^"0 Cherry. Ralph '^('" Clark. .la's 1"" Carver. Jacob H" Camiihell. Geo 200 Carter. Barziila 1"" Callan. Pairic k Cllpener. Geo., Chambers. Moses Crawford. ,Ta's. single,, lOii Crawford. Geo 1"" Couze. Philip -*' Clark. .Ta's. Cap'n 300 Crawford. .In'o If'O Campbell. Jos'h 200 Colenier. Coonrod 20(i Coulter. Sam'l 13i) Coehran. Rob't lOii Cane. Martha 300 Craig. .7n"o. Caj) •"'" Craig. Alex'r. Cai).. single I-'-"' Courtney. Eliz'a 20ii Clinglesmith. .Tacob 2(i'i Crow. .lames 1 Calllu. 2 Slioc'p 3 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1' '> 4 1! 2 4 •) 2 4 4 4 10 2 2 3 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Campbell, Jn'o, Clark, Wm Cliue, Jacob Crow, Jn'o, Caswell, Sani'l, single,. Crawford, Rol)'t, d'o, . Clark. Jos'h, Consly, Peter Dilforth, Widow Divis, Elias Donahoo, Jn'o Dedman, Henry, single Uilworlh. Benj'n, d'o, . Downing, Wm., d'o. . . . Donahoo, Wm., d'o, . . . Dunseth, Ja's, d'o Dennison, Jn'o, Dilworth, Jn'o, Downing, Jn'o Eager, John Eager, Jos'h Elliot, Tho's Ekin. Wm Eager, Wm Elder, David, single. . . Eakin. James, d'o, Espy, Jacob Fiskis, Garard Fiskis, Jn'o Finley, Wm Fletcher. Tho's Farguson, Ja's, Fiskis. Ab'm Frame. Jacob France, Henry, single, Fisher, Adam Fiskis, Cha's (lUthrie, Jn'o. Esq'r, . . Outhrie. Ja's Glenn. Ja's (Jitrm. Jn'o Garvin. .los'h Greer. Wm Guthrie. Ja's. Sen'r, . . . 300 300 Horses. 1 1 150 150 151) 200 Cattle. Sheep, 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 200 1 2 2 11(1 1 ] 250 2 5 6 150 2 3 8 200 1 :', 3 1 2 o 1 2 100 2 1 1 1 1 2 100 o 2 100 1 2 300 o S 3.!0 2 3 (! 210 2 2 1 3 1 3 } 1(1 3 (J COTNTV OF \Vl':ST.M()lil':LANU— 17S3. 4;]J Aoii'H. lliirscs ("Mtll"-. She<^|>. Graham. Win 300 Ciorely. Jn'o •■ - - '■ (Juy. James •■ ^ - Guthry. Jn'o, Jun'r, sinsle 1 GuthriP. Wm., Cap., single Gafl", James, single Gordon. James, - - - Galhrealh. Jn'o - 1 Hurst. Xaiiri 61(i T 7 12 ilunti]-. John ^-^ - Henrv, Geo 300 2 Hopkins. Jn'o Hutchison. Jn'o 100 2 Hunter. Ja's 300 2 Hurst, Henry 3 Herington. Harth'w • ■ 1 ' Hartley. Robt, single IJiO 1 Hurst. \Vn-... d'o Hare. Mich'l. (i'o Hopkins. Jos'h, 1 2 A Marring, Coonrad 1 2 Inman, Wm 4ii 1 Jack. Jn'o 200 3 3 4 Jami.'-on. Holi't 2iio L' Jack. Patrick TKi 2 2 2 Jamison. Jn'o, 1")" 1 2 Johnston. Cha's lio 3 3 ft Jinkins. Wm 1f'<' Johnston, Ja's 100 Jarvis. Rich'd •• ^ 1 2 Jamison. Jn'o, Sen'r . • 2 1 Inman. Henry, single .. 1 Jemmison, Marmaduke. single . . 1 Jemmison. Fran's ■• ■• 2 Jones, Tho's -• 2 2 2 Kerr. Roh't 2 2 Kirkpatrick. Wm 100 2 1 Kilgore. David 250 2 3 •; Kilgore. Jn'o 200 Kinkead. And'w 1 2 2 Kays. Rob't. single Little. Jacob 2 2 Lovenguire. Chrisr 5*i'i 3 1 10 Lavour. Chris'n lOi) 2 3 4 28— VOL. XXll— 3rd Sor. 434 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Latta, Moses, 233 Lewis, Sam'l 20U Lazier, Ab'm, 300 Lochry, Mary 150 Lochry, Jerem'li 20(i Lochry, Wni 200 Lowers, Rob't 20(i Lidick, Jacob Lidick, .Tn'o Lazier, Dan'l Lazier, ,Tn'o Lewis, Sam"l, Jiin'r, sin,E;k' Lavour, Henry, d'o Latta, John, d'o Lavour. Barth"w, llid Lattimore. Wm McCibbin, Jn'o, 200 McCleland, Jn'o 300 McMasters, Wm ].")fi Martin. Hush, Esq'r ](;(! McClure. Jn'o, 20ii McCall. Barn's 2W McMastcrs, Ja's 300 McCoy, Tho's 300 Morrison. Dan'l l.')0 McClenehan. Tho's [)") MoKinny, Alex'r 100 Marshall. Rol) t 100 McKee, Jn'o 130 McMullen, Rob't 210 Morrison, Math'w 40 Mitchell, And'w 100 McDonold, Geo 200 Marshall, Ja's 20(» McCleland, (leo ]00 McGinnis, Fra's 300 Mooro, Jn'o 200 Maxwell, A\'ni., sinsle 300 McCracken. Jn'o 50 McBride, Ja's McKniRht, "Wm 5ri McKenny. Isaac 150 McCienry, Wm 3110 COUNTY OF WESTMORKLANn— its:;. 43E •Veres. Horsi'S. (':itllr. Shci'i McCJeary. Rachel McWhister. Wni Mcl'^arlain, Walter, single. Mc'Donold. Jn'o. d'o McKee, James, do Murry, Ncal. do .McKinny. Iliich. single. ... iMcClannaiian, Ja's. d'o. . . McClanahaii. Jn'o. d'o Millegan. Wni.. d'f) McGngin. Alox'r. do Marshall. Ja's. d'o Marshall. Arohihald. d'o. . Marshall, Ja's Moore. Geo., single McKissiik. l?aac. d'o Mitchell, Ja's. d'o Maxwell. Adam, do Maxwell. Wm., d'o McGwire. Wm McCleland. Ja's Meriland, Jn'o. single. .... McCJnilkin. Ja's Mf-ek. .In'o .Murphy, .lii'o M^'Cleland. Alex'r McFarlain. Wm McLain, Paul McCartney. Geo Marshall. James, single-. ... Marshall. Wm McQneston. Ja's Nowell, Rob't Neilly. Hugh Nichols. Jn'o Noal. Wm Nf^well. Josh 'a Nichols. Wm Nichols. Rob't Neal. John Newell, Jn'o. singl'^ Newell, Ja's. d'o Nichols. Jn o. single O'Harra, Arthur mo 200 200 100 HOO 200 100 200 200 ir,o 1 436 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Oakerman, Stophel, singlo Peoples, Sam'l 200 2 Powers, Ja's. Rev'd 200 3 Palmer, Adam, 100 1 Patton, Tho's, 100 2 Powers, Jacob 50 2 Powers, Ab'm, 150 2 Pershon, Chris"ii 100 2 Pershon, Fred'k, 100 4 Proctor, Jn'o 300 1 Proctor, \Vm., 200 Peoples, Jn'o, 2iMi 2 Pollock, Ja's, 20 2 Partmiser, Adam 200 1 Quiu, Jn'o 10(1 2 Quigiey, Gary, single, Riddle, Jn'o, single . . 1 Robertson, Jn'o, single Rograld, Ja's, d'o fiobertson, Sam'l, single . . ] Robertson. \Vm., do . . 1 Ralston, Jn'o, single, Ray, Jos'h, lOO 2 Reynolds, Jos'a 200 4 Robinson. Wm 30i» 4 Rowley, Jn'o 100 2 Robertson, Marg't 100 1 Rugh, Anth'y 275 ?, Robinson, Robt . . 2 Raynor, Stophel 100 1 Rankin, David 300 2 Reasor, Fred'k, .. i Robinson, Wm., single . . 1 Robinson. Rob't 150 3 Robinson, Hugh, .. 1 Reileigh, Cha's 1 Ralston, Rob't Rufinder. Simon . . 1 Robinson, Andw, single Ryan. (Jeo . . 2 Russell, Ja's . . 2 Shaltzberg( r, Henry . . 2 Speelman. Jn'o 100 1 Stockberger. Mathias 100 2 Cattle. Shec)), 4 G 3 12 2 2 2 2 3 2 5 5 12 COUNTY OF WliST.MORELAND— 1783. 437 Acres. Horsc-s .Sh.-LP Slirader, \Vm Steer, Jacob '"^^^ Smitley, Gasper 1^"^' Sraitlty, Gasper. Jun'r, l^U Smitley, Nich's, ^^ Stockberger, Mich'l ^^ Shearer. David 1^^'* Smitli. Philip ll'J Sees. Chris'r '-'^ Selders. Geo., .r 1U« Shepard, «n'o -'"^ Syphritz, Bostiou, IW'J St. Clair, General 500 Sorrels, Sam'l 1^" Steward, Wni 51) Steward, .lu'o Simpson, Ja's, Scott, Ja's, 20 Sloan. Sam'l >' Sloan, Jn'o, 15(t Sloan, Wm 150 Stutstill, Jn'o 9*^' Shepherd, Jn'o, single Simpson, Tho's, single Shrader, Aaron, d'o Steer. Barnard, d'o, Scott, Knight, d'o Sloan, David ,d'o, Sloan, Sam'l, Jnn'r, single Scott, Jos'h, Simpson, Ja's Simpson. Math'w Shrader, Wm.. Sen'r 300 Seynor. Mich'l Stevenson. Wm Smith. Tho's Still. Ja's, 100 Smith. Rob't 150 Thompson. Jos'h 300 Thompson. Wm.. ridge 100 Thompson. Jos'h 50 Todd. Wm l^'O Tittle. Peter 300 Tavlor. Jn'o 200 438 TRANSCRJPT OF PROPERTY, Ac-rts. HursrH. Caltlu. Shecii ToiJi)ins, Rob't, 2l)U 'l 3 4 'Ihoin, Jn'o 150 2 2 2 Trimble, Jn'o, single frimble, Arch'd, . . 2 2 1 Thompson, Wm., . . 1 2 3 Tanner, Ja's . . 2 2 3 Teamor, Adam, .. 1 1 Todd, Sam'l 2 3 7 Taylor, Jn'o, 20U 2 3 5 Tliom, Jn'o, single, Tomliug, Zedic, . . . . 1 Taylor, Will'm, Trimble, Tho's, Vance, Rob't 3U 2 4 1 White, David, 200 2 2 5 Worthington, Robt 200 2 3 G Wilson, Sam'l. single, 200 2 2 Wilford, Jn'o, 150 2 2 4 White, Arch'd, 200 2 2 Walter, Jacob, 50 1 1 3 Wiley, Jn'o, 300 2 2 4 Whitesides, Sam'l 200 2 2 2 Watson, Widow 2(J0 3 7 7 Waddle, Robert, 150 Weaver, Adam lOl) Weaver. Gasper, 140 Winter, Thomas, White, And'w Weasner, Jn'o Wolf, Jacob, Waddle, Ja's Wagnor, tory Walivcr, Alex'r White, Pat li, White, Jn'o Wade. Jn'o Wingfield, Henry Wilson. Hiigli Worthington, Ja's, Waltingbaugh, Tedor, Worthington. Wm Wilson. Sam.. Carol'a Worthington. Jacob W^addle, Wm., i ] 1 1 2 1 ] 1 •> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— IT.s;]. 43y Acres. HiPist;^. Ciillli'. Slu-i-p. Whitf. James, siiigk' 2UU 1 WhiiL. Jn'o. d'o Vouiig, Cooiirud . . 1 1 Vougliy, Chris'r .. - _ 5 Youghy, Chris r, Jiinr .. 1 - Yearin, Geo -'7u li 4 4 Youuhv, Peler. single, Aii.MrilliUNC; 'lOWNSllir No. of Tracts. liev'd Mr. Smith 2 .lohii Moor 1 .Aiid'w Stewart 1 Sam'l Waddle 1 Brown, 1 Andw Wolf 1 Kob'L Lowers 1 James Son'cls, ] John Wells, 1 And'w Adams, 1 Alex'r Fails, 1 Ja's Campbell 2 Jn'o McCrady 1 Tho's Wilkius 1 Fred'k Rorer ] Jn'o Donahoo 1 Oeo. Hulabaush 1 Cha's Campbell 3 Jn'o Cox 1 Alex'r McKee, 1 Mich'l Sambel 1 \Vm. Steward, 2 Ramsey l John Downey 1 Altman 2 Joshua Eider 4 Tho's Roberts 1 James Brownfield 1 4-10 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, ;. Nu. of Traclb. John Clips 1 iienj'ii Armstrong, 5 John ilart Chain Cha's Hardin, Jolly Rogers Wm. Mount Jn'o Smith Widow Farguson Wm. Robison John Rutl'.ert'ord JJrowii Reyiiold.s Laughiin, Wm. Smith Wm. Hill Ja's Gorden, Levy Gibson Jn'o Gibson, Wm. McNeal, Widow Hilands, Joseph Dixon Wm. Moore, Sam"l Dixon, Ai.dw Walker, Tlio's McCoy, Wiley Juo McCleland Ja's McFarlin Ja's Huston , Sam'l Todd Wm I )av is Tho's Gibson Widow Evans Cha's Campbell Ja's Simpson Tlio's Simpson Wm. McKee Widow Simpson (;eo. Dixon Wiu. Anderson Moses Chambers David Russel Tho's McClanahan 2 Tho's Fatten , , 1 COL NT V OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. No. of Tract Sam'! Kile Widow .Jeanes, Ja's Kelly, Jn'o Hutchison, ... Hugh Scott Wm. Brown Wm. Curry, Jn'o Bailey Wm. Howard Ja's Thompson horgy Morhead. . . Tho's Campbell, . . . James Camble Ja's McLain Ja's Lemon, Wm. Lowrey Arch'd Lemon James Wilkins. . . . Sam'l Moorhead, . Geo. Trimble Jos'h Scott Ja's Ramsey Jn'o Lidick Stophel Rynor Ja's Simral James Reynolds, . Wm. Taylor, Jos'h Hopkins. ... David Cummins. . Jn'o Henry Jn'o Dailey, Widow McCrea. . Alex'r Morehead. Cha's McGuire. . Tho's McCrea, . . . James Hutchison, James Ramsey, . . Rob't W^illson. . . Jn'o Mathews, . . Jn'o Mitchell. . . . Ja's McLain Wm. Mclntiro. . Jo's Mitchell. . . . Sam'l Kilpatrick. 442 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, No. of Tracts. Jn'o Flemming Jn'o Ewing "Widow Thompson Rob't Millar, Ezekiel Mathews, David Rankin Nich's Coleman, Hugh Wilson, Jn'o Lasley Jn'o Marshall James Marshall, Ab'm Fulton, Rob't Harper Rob't Elder, Jn'o Beer Tho's Campbell, Jn'o McGomery Tho's Wilson FTed'k Rorer Wm. Anderson Sam'l Sloan Jn'o Kelly, Wm. Espy, Wm. Read, Joseph Wilson, Dan'l McKissick Jn'o Hutchison David Shields Reynolds Laughlin Alex'r Young, Widow Simpson, Jacob Macklin, Rob't Elder Wm. Lemon, Wm. Watson Hugh Neilly, James Hughs John Farran James Calhoon Sam'l Evans Wm. Smith Sam'l Finley Benj'n Jacobs 5 Rich'd Wallace, 1 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 443 No. of Tracts. Isaac Andersou 2 Jn'o Jeffries 1 Humphrey FuUerton 5 John Wcx)ds, 1 Wm. McCune 1 James Cooper, 1 John Hagan 1 Rob't Gibb ' 1 Rob't Rogers 1 Wm. Bracken 3 Jn'o McMahon 2 Edw'il Kelly 2 Thomas Burd, 3 Mich'l Hufnagle, 1 Devalt, Macklin 1 John Smith 1 Sam'l McCol lough 1 FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horsos. Cattle. Sheep. General St. Clair 550 Tho's Galbraith 1,200 3 G Jn'o Hamlee 300 Peter Snider, 19G 2 2 Robert Reed, 300 John Reed 300 George Rowe 200 2 2 Rob't McDowel, 1 2 Tho's Sutton 200 2 2 4 George Sutton 2 3 2 Dan'l Lavere, 100 1 1 Wm. Jamison, 100 Widow Jamison, . . 1 1 Henry Hise 250 4 3 3 Rob't McDowcl. Sen'r .. 1 1 Charles Clifford 200 3 2 John Smith 300 3 3 John Taylor ' 300 14 1 444 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Peter iviaharge, 200 2 2 Will'm Piper, 200 2 2 4 John McMillen, 200 Widow McManus . . 2 2 John McCrackin 200 No. of Tracts. Richardson's orphans Hump'y Fullerton, John McMullin, Dan'l McCoy, Mich'l Huffnagle Henry Hartman David Kilgore, Jos'h Whiteside, Jn'o Wilson Dan'l Laney, Edw'd Halferty, _ Name unknown, Amos Stevens, Fred'k Nagle, Dan'l Hendrix, Ab'm Hendrix Dan'l Carmical, Nich's Lute James Pollock, Charles Griflin John Hanna John Minochre, Sam'I Finley Rob't Knox James McCurdy, And'w Brown's orphans James Guy Sam'I McMulin, Philip Freeman, Rev'd Mr. Henderson Henry Hawk Rob't Fleck ." Hall James Fleck Alex'r Negley, COU-N TY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 445 Mich'l Cofman, . . . Wm. Kilpatrick, . James McCurdy, . Absalam Hendrix, Tho's Burd And"w Sharp Sam'l Mixn-head, . Aiid'w Robison, . , John Palmer , Tho's Miles Will'm Ess€ck, . . . , John Barr , James Ramsey, . . , David Taitt John Peters, Sam'l Smith, Alex'r Johnston, . . Rob't Hanna Hugh Porter, ....'. Bullock John Cummins, . . . James Brown, . . . . No. of Tracts. DONNEGALL TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Allison, Moses 150 2 3 Archibold, Patrick, _,,o 2 2 Bowers, Ab'm 100 2 4 Bunts, Lodwic 100 3 3 Brand, Jn'o 100 3 3 Byars, Philip 100 1 i Buck, Jn'o 50 2 1 Carter, Precilla 150 3 2 Dumbal, Philip 100 . . 3 Dumbal. Peter 220 3 3 Dumbal, Ab'm. 200 2 2 Eaker. Geo 200 2 3 Fisher, Abel 150 2 3 446 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Hay, Mich'l, 100 3 3 Huber, Geo., 550 1 2 Hufhans, Jos'h 220 2 2 Hutchison, George 50 1 1 Hook, Henry, 2 1 Jones, Isaac, 20 1 Jones, Amos, 50 1 Kells, Geo., 200 4 3 Kolfman, Mich'l, . . 1 1 Kern, Mathias, 200 2 1 Kern, Wm., 40 1 1 Krofford, Rob't 2 1 Lute, Nich's, 200 2 3- Losset, Stop'l 50 1 2 Millar, Jn'o, 300 2 2 Martin, Jn'o, 200 2 1 Marshall, Henry 100 2 1 Montgomery, Ja's 200 2 McKints, Wm '150 1 2 Moore, Dan'l, 2 3 McDowel, Rob't, 100 2 1 McDowel, Edw'd, 100 2 1 Molvin, Wm., 100 2 1 McCasky, , 50 McLain, Jn'o 1 Nesley, Adam 200 3 3 Overly, Martin 300 2 2 Overly, Bastion, 80 2 1 Purder, Jn'o, 600 2 Perkins, Eliezer, 80 1 1 Reed, John 2 2 Robison, Jn'o Segorine, Jos'h, 100 1 2 Shannon, Sam 1, 80 3 4 Shannon, Rich'd, 1 Sutton, Benj'n 1 1 Sheek, Lodwic 50 1 1 Senf, Gasper, 35 2 1 Sharow, Jacob 150 3 3 Shigley, Peter, Scattob, Henry, 300 5 4 Olrey, Henry, 200 3 3 Olrey, Henrj'. Jun'r 50 2 1 Williams, Rich'd,' 278 4 4 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1783. 447 Acres. Horses t'ultk Orr. Geo o^ - ^ John Brand, single \\m. McDowell, d'o, Eleazar Porekius, d'o MANALLEN TOWNSHIP. INHABITANTS. Allen, Hugh. Anderson, Jn'o. Arnold, Jonath'n. Adams, Rob't. Allison, Jn'o. Adams, Sam'l. Allison. Ja's, single. Adams, Jn'o. Adams, Sam'l. Beeson, Jn'o. , Brownfield, Cha's. Brownfield, Tho's. Brownfield, Joseph. Beeson, Jacob. Brown, Peter. Boner, John. Boner, Wm. Buskirk, Mich'l. r.aird, Rob't. Baird, Marg't. Baird, Jn'o. Bigham. Hugh. Brown, Ja's. Brown, Jn'o. Bellenger. Geo. Bryan. Ja's. Brownfield. Rich'd. Brown. Manus. Bow. And'w. Barns. Lewis. Beeson, Henry. Buskirk. Isaac. Been, Jn'o. Baltsel, Hendrix. / Brown, Tho's. Bruner, Leonard. Bruner, Geo. Barker, Jn'o. Babbet, Jos'h. Bushears, Othy. Bushears. Zach. Brown, Basil. Bushears, Ignatius. Bruner, Mich'l. Buckibo, Peter. Burkirt, Mon. Jn'o. Burgh, Rob't. Brown, Jn'o. Brisco, Walter. Brown, Jn'o. inmate, single Brown, Cha's, d'o. Brown. Rich'd, d'o. Baird, Jn'o, d'o. Brown, Tho's, d'o. Bratton. Cha's, d'o. Cook, Jerem'h. Con. Wm. Cracraft, Wm. Cornwell. Jn'o. Campbell, Wm. Curry. Geo. 448 TRANSCRJPT OF PROPERTY, Cain, Sam'l. Castile, Alex"-. Clark, Wm. Calvin, Geo. Cornwell, Jn'o. Corden, Rob'i. Collins, Jn'o. CollinH, jos'h. Curethers, 'lenis. Case, Wm. Caller, Martin. Cable, Mich'l. Calvin, Geo. Collins, Henry. Craft, George. Camp, Rubin. Clark. Sam'l. Cole, Jn'o. Crawford, Hugh. Crawford. Alex'r. Crosly, Wm. Carter, Benj'n. Collins, Jn'o. Culp, Dan'l. Campbell, Math'w. Crum, Adam. Cribble, Jos'h. Case, Theop's. Cheney, Rich'd. Crawford, Jon'h. Cornwell, Wm. Crawford, Ja's. Coleman, Nath'l. Curence, Jn'o. Craft, Benj'n. Carvin, Jesse. Coleman. Jacob. Coose, Mich'l. Colvin, Wm. Crabill, Sam'l. Cally. Peter. Caffin, Mr., Sen'r. Copperight, Peter. Case, Joseph. Caiu, Math'w. Coose, Jacob. Coose, Mich'l. Colson, Uriah. Campbell, Collin. Chambers, Jon'n. Clark, Jn'o. Colson, Jn'o, single. Collins, Ja's, d'o. Crawford, Jos., d'o. Crawford, Eph'm, d'o. Chaffin, Tho's, d'o. Caiman, Leonard, d'o. Craig, James. Craft, Sam'l. Dawson, Nich's. Dawson, Widow. Downard, Jn'o. Davidson, Wm. Deems, Jn'o. Ditch, Cath'e. Dunlap, Rob't. Dawson, Jn'o. Dougless, Sam'l. Dinbo, Rob't. Downs, Jerem'h. Davis, Moses. Downs, Thomas. Downs, Widow. Douglass, Wm. Deems, Lewis. Dunlap, And'w. Deeth, James. Deeth, Randolph. Davis, Tho's. Deeth, Ja's. Deeth, Edw'd. Dych. Jn'o. Downard, Ja's. single. Downard, Jacob, d'o. Downard, Tho's. d'o. Dunlap, Rob't, d'o. Douglass, Eph'm, d'o. Donoldson, Jn'o, d'o. COUNTY 01' WESTMORELAND— 17i)3. 449 Dawson, Henry, il'o. ougharty, Richd, single. Deen, Jn'o, do. Evans, Fran's. Ester, Jacob. Ester, Mark. Elliot, Edw'd. Elliot, Tlio's. single, iinley, James, tinton, Milol, single. Falls, Rich'd. l^allimore, Jn'o. l« ranks, Henry, trame, Tho's. Frame, David. Frame, James, tunt, PMlip. Frazier, And'w. Finton, Mich'l, single. Frame, Tho's. Guard, Jerem'h. Galaspy, Wm. Guest, Benj'n. Gattis, Rob't. Gattis, Tho's. Gallahar, Ja's. Garden, Geo. Gilraore. Hugh. Gilbert. Nich's. Grub, Sam'l. Gilion, Jn'o. Gattis, Jn'o. Gilson, Jn'o. Gist, Solomon. Goodwin, Thomas. Gullick, Dan'l. Gnldwin, Step'h. Giffin, Gasper. Gillion, Hugh. Gray, "^'m. Greg, Thomas. Guget. And'w. Gattis. Henry. Grccr. Henry. Gibuey, Jos'h. Gugil, Dan'l. Gist, Tho's, single. Goodwin, Ja's, d'o. Greer, Jn'o, d'o. Hall, Jn'o, Sen'r. Huston, Ju'o. Hanthorn. Ju'o. Harmon, Cha's. -Hestor, Jn'o. Hog, David. Hoover, And'w, Sen'r. Hewit, Jacob. Hankius, Rich'd. Hugins, "Wm. Hankins, Rob't. How, James. Hackney, Aaron. Harlin, Geo. Howard, Gideon. Hoover, Jacob. Hain, Wm. Hoof, Amos. Hebes, Jacob. Huckeibery, Geo. Harrison, Jn'o. Huffman, Jn'o. Hilleker, Geo. ^Hester, Jacob. Hosteter, Nich's. Hickman, Cha's. Hughs, Wm. Hickinboltoni. Mary. Huskins, Jerem'h. Huskins, Uzeriah. Huskins, Ezeriah. Hoover, Henry-. Hankins, Jn'o. Hatfield, Edw'd. Hatfield, Adam. Hoak, Peter. Howard, Tho's. Heaton, Jn'o. Hall, And'w. 29— VOL. XXH— 3rd Ser. 450 TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Hallick, Tho's. Hall, Edw'd. Hart, Henry. Hawthorn, Jn'o. Hawthorn, Ja's. Hendrlx, Leonard. Hendrix, Jn'o. Harmon, Geo. Harmon, Ja's. Hackney, Harmon. Huffman, Geo., single. Haggln, Ja's, d'o. Hall, Jn'o, d'o. Huggins, Jn'o, d'o. Huggins, Wm., d'o. Huffman, Geo., d'o. Hoover, And'w, d'o. Jolliffe, Wm. Jackson, Ab'm. Jackson, Hugh. Johnson, Eph'm. Jones, Jn'o. Jones, Tho's. Jackson, Rob't. Jennings, David. Jackson, Henry. Jones, Jonathan. Kindle, Rubin. Kindle, Benj'n, single. Kindle, Ja's. Kidwallader, Rese. Kidwalleder, Septimus. Kidd, Jn'o, single. Kindle, Tho's. Lemon, Jn'o. Lvon, Sam'l. L,ittle, Josh'a. Lindle, Jerem'h. Lackey, Jn'o. Linn. And'w. Landison, Levj'. Little, Ananijah. Lettar, Jn'o. Little, Absalom. Laughlin, Jn'o. Little, Jn'o, single. Laughlin, Hugh. Lucas, Abr. McCoy, James. ]\Iooney, Jn'o. McLain, James. McLain, Sam'l. McLain, Jn'o. McLain, Alex'r. McCleland, Wm. Martin, Jn'o. Musgrove, Sam'l. • Moore. Mich'l. McCra, Rob't. Murphy, Jn'o. Murphy, Wid'w. McDowell, Jn'o. McDonold, Mary. McCullough, Ja's. Moore, Augustine. M(!Harry, Jn'o. Moore, Philip. McChristy, Arth'r. Morrison, Wm. Mash, Wm. McWilliams, Sam'l. Mills, Ja's. Martin, Jn'o. McWilliams, Jn'o. Messmore, Jn'o. Myers, Jn'o. Myers, Hen^J^ McCreary, Hugh. Millar, Ludwic. Millar, David. Millar, Jonath'n. Meetscn, Jn'o. Maffet, Jn'o. Myers, Widow. Mears. Wm. McCarty, Jn'o. McCarty. Sam'l. Maffet, Adam. Meynor, Wm. McClelon, Widow. COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17^3. 451 McDowell, Wm. McDowell, Arth'r. Millar, Sam'l. Moore, Astin. McKimm, Wm. McKinley, Sam'l. McCarly, David. McCarty, Nath'l. Moore, Geo. McDonold, Jn'o. McFadyeu, Jn'o. Myiior, Jacob. McClean, Cha's. McKarlain, Wm. McCoy, Rob't. Muster, James. McGowan, Sam., single. McCleland, Alex'r. d'o. Murphy, Jacob, d'o. McCleland, Hugh, d'o. McCarty, Ad'm, d'o. Millar, Nich's, d'o. Millar, David, d'o. Moss, Wm., d'o. McFadyen, Ja's, d'o. Nelson, Jn'o. Newkirk, Tunis. Napp, Jacob. Napp, Peter, single. Neilly, Tho's. Osburn, Jona'n. Olton, Mary. Overturf, Felty. Olepham, And'w. Olton, Jn'o. single. Orison, Jn'o, d'o. Patton, Jn'o. Pisor. Henry. Phillips. Isaac. Pearce, Geo. Pearce, Isaac. Porter, Jn'o. Patrick, Peter. Porter, Nath'n. Pollock, Jn'o. I'urdum. Jn'o. Philips, Jn'o. Patrick, Jn'o. Parr, Sam'l. Pounds, Sam'l. Pettigem, Wm. Porter, Armstrong. Parks, Ezekiel. Parks, Jn'o. Price, Jos'h. Pratt, Jn'o. Pratt, Jerem'h. Powers. Jn'o. Pattix, Jona'n. Porter, Jos'h. Palmer, Jn'o. Parish, Wm.. single. Parson. Jn'o, d'o. Porter, Wm., d'o. Parker, Geo. Porier, Cha's. Retd. And'w. Rowland, Jon'a. Reese, Sam'l. Richy, Jn'o. -^Rabb, And'w, Esq. . Rabb. Sam'l. ^ Reeves, Sam'l. Rumley, Jerem. Rcador. David. Reader, Jacob. Rail. Wm. Rail. Tho's. Rankin. Ja's. Rankin, Wm. Rope, Wm. Raley, Jn'o. Ridick, Wm. Ross. Jos'h. Rail, Noble. Riggs. Sam'l. Roberts. Roger. Rude. Ashur. Rutter. Benj'n. Rutter. James. 4[ TRANSCRIPT OF PROPERTY, Rude, Zely. Rankin, Hugh, single. Rumley, Henry, d'o. Robbot, Bricent. Sutton, Isaac. Sutton, Sam'l. Sutton, Moses. Smiley, Wm. Shuter, Philip. Springer, Josiah. Stevens, Charles. Sacket, Sam'l. Shaham, Wm. Springer, Nath'n. Stevens, Augustine. Swan, Hugh. Sutton, Isaac. Sprout, Sam'l. Shelby, Josh'a. Springhill, Mich'l. David Suck. Snider, Jn'o. Sills, Rudy. Springer, Dennis. Sutton, Isaac, Jun'r. Springer, L(evy. Sturgeon, Rob't. Stitt, Jn'o. Sebb, Anth'y. Steel, Ja's. Scoley, Wm. Scott, Tho's. Salady, Philip. Salady, Jn'o. Salady, Jacob. Shahan, Tho's. Sern, Fred'k. Swingler. Henry. Smith, Rob't. Smith, Geo. Sterret, Tho's. single. Stokely, Jn'o, d'o. Sacrets, Wm., d'o. Sacket. Aaron, d'o. Steward, Jn'o, d'o. Smith, Wm., d'o. Sterret, Isaac, d'o. Sprout, Jos'h, single. Sterret, Isaac, d'o. Sutton, Amelek'h. Troutman, Geo. Todd, Jn'o. Tabot, Patrick. Todd, Jn'o. Tatman, Joseph. Truman, Tho's. Tatman, Jn'o. Tomson, Ja's. Tanner, Rich'd. Todd, Edw'd. Tait, Jn'o. Thomson, Tho's. Ungan, Ragan. Urana, Leonard. Uach, James. Urana, Martin. Upp, Jacob. Walter, Conrad. Waits, Jos'h. Work, Sam'l. Williams, Cha's. Warford, Wm. White, Sam'l. Wilson, Alex'r. Wilson, Tho's. Wilson, Henry. Wilson, David. Watson, Jn'o. Warner, Jn'o. Walter, Rich'd. Watt, Rich'd. Williams, Ja's. Winters, Ja's. West, Jn'o. Winget, Caleb. Walters, Jacob. Walters, Henry. Wood, Edw'd. COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17Sn. ir>:'. Watson, Jn'o, single. Wilson. Henry, d'o. Watson. Geo., d'o. White. James, d'o. Walters. Jac"b, d'o. Work. Henry d'o Wilson. Sam'l. d'o. ( 454 ) RETURN OF STATE TAX County of W estmorcland. FOIt TlIK TEAIi 1780. ( 455 ) (456) WKSTMORELANl) STATK TAX— 178(). ARMSTRONG TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Anderson, Isaac, 2.11 Anthony, Jacob 2.10V^ Amos, Jacob, 7 .9 Amos, Philip, 7 .9 Andrews, Richard 7 .9 Allen, Frederick 7 .9 Allen, Hermon 7 .9 Armstrong, Wm 5.10 Altman, Wm., 5.10 Anderson, Thomas 5.10 Ashmead, John 5.10 Armitage, Benj'n, • 5.10 Armitage. Benj'n, 5.10 Armstrong, James 5.10 Armstrong. Ephraim 5.10 Armstrong, Jn'o, Gen'l, 7 .dVz Annes, Wm., John, 5.10 Alexander, James, 5.10 Allison, Wm., 5.10 Anderson, Isaac, 5.10 Armstrong. Jn'o, single 10 .0 Britle, John 11 Brannon, John, 3 .SVz Burns, Nathaniel 10 .3% Brand, John 5.10 Brown, James, 5.10 Brown. James, 3.101/^ Baldwin, John 5.10 Bealer, Joseph 5.10 Brown, W^m 5.10 Bringhurst, James 5.10 (457) 458 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Biddle, John, 5.10 Browu, John S-IO^A Brison, James, 5.111/4 Brown, John, 5.10 Brakin, Wm., 5.10 Bak«r, Philip, 5.10 Basieth, Davis, 5.10 Barkley, Henry, 5.10 Bringhurst, Ja's, 5.10 Bringhurst, John, 3.10% Bunner, Andrew, 5.10 Brakin, Wm 5.10y2 Bush, Lewis 5.10 Beatty. Wm 5.10 Boggs, Andrew, 5.10 Bur, Hudson, 5.10 Bringhurst, John, 3.10^^ Bringhurst, James, 5.10 Ball, Wm 5.10 Burnsides, James 7 .9 Booden, Joseph, 3.101/^ Barr, Alexander 7 .9 Bradford, Rachel 7 .9 Bradford, F. Sam'l 7 .9 Bradford, Tho's, 7 .9 Bradford, Tho's 7 .9 Blackiston, Philip, 5.10 Bradford, Wm., 7 .9 Bradford, Tho's, Jun'r 7 .9 Bonner, Henry 7 .9 Bunes, Elizabeth, 7 .9 Bunner, Rudolph 7 .9 Bunner. Andrew, 7 .9 Bunner, George 7 .9 Bunner, George, 7 .9 Beaker, Jacob 7 .9 Bunner, Sarah, 7 .9 Bird, Tho's, 7 .9 Bond, Thomas 7 .9 Biddle, Clem, 5.10 Bird, Benj'n 7 .9 Barnard, Jacob 7 .9 Barnard, Benj'n, 7 .9 Brown, Elizabeth 7 .9 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1786. 459 \ V Amount of Tax. j Biddle, John, ^" burnside, James '^" - , 5.1U Brair, John, 5 10 Beverage, David Bridges, Rob't ^•Jj' Boyle, Sam'l J-J" Brown, Rebecca 5 10 Brown, Wni., ,. ,„ 5.10 Brown, W m., a 10 Brant, John Brown, John Bedford, Wm., ^"^^ Beerliart, Andrew, ^• Barley, Thomas, ^ -ni/ Brumfield, James ^* Brown, Elijah '^•^" 'i 10 Baks, John ^-^Ij Broohy & Anderson, o A A --Bradford, Elizabeth, '^ -^ Bunard, Benj'n, Biddle, John, ^-^^ PL 1() Batterton, Benj'n ^-^ Campbell, Charles, 1 .8 .8 A 2 10 Cox, John, ^-^^ Chain, Wm Colman, John, ' Chambers, Solomon _ ^^ Chambers, Moses, "^ Caldwell, Wm ^^^* Cochran, Robert, ^-^ Calhoon, James, ^^ Cunningham, Jn'o, Sen'r, • • Cunningham, Jn'o, Jun'r 10 .0^ Coughran, Wni ^ 'J Campbell, Mich'l, ^ -^^ Campbell, Tho's ^ ^/^ Cummins, David ^ Cogley, Robert ^^ Is/ Carnahan, James • "^^ 2 7% Carnahan, John, • '* Carnahan. Adam ^ -^^ Chain. John ^'^^ 7 9 Coyle. John, 7 9 Collins, Jnshuah, 4()0 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tai Cress, Peter, 5. 10 Coals, Josiah, 5. 10 Craig, James, 5. 10 Cress, Peter, 5. 10 Canbay, Thomas, 5. 10 Clymer, George, 5. 10 Chadwalader, John, 5. 10 Chadwalader, Lambert 5. 10 ('lymer, George 5. 10 Cooper, Wm 79 Campbell, Mich'l, 5. 10 Campbell, Charles, 5. 10 Craig, John, • 79 Campbell, George 5. 10 Cox, William, 510 Cofman, Joseph 5,10 Carson, McFarland, 10.0 Cummins, Moses 510 Cally, Edward Ill Cahill, Mary 5 10 Campbell, Ja's, g ,8i^ Cummons, Wm., 3.10% Cooper, James, 510 Carr, Joseph, 5 10 Clark, James, ^ 2.11 Craig, Wm 5 10 Chadwalader, Wm 5 10 Clifton, Wm 5 10 Crookshanks, Jn'o 510 Coates, Sam'l, 5 10 Cannon, James 5 10 Caldwell, Sam'! 5 10 Colman, Nich's 2 .73^ Cox, Wm 5 10 Cox, John 5 10 Cummins, John 1 5 10 Clarke, Jn'o, Cap'n, 11 .8 Dixon, Sam'l 1 g gi^ Davis, Wm.'s heirs 1.11% Dixon, George, ny Dixon, Joseph 5 10 Dixon, David's heirs 2.11 Dixon, Joseph, 2 11 Dean. Joseph 5 10 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178u. 461 Amount of Tax. Davis, Ephraim 5 10 Dillawyn, Wm 510 Dillhorn, G-eorge, 5. 10 Dill, Matthew 5. 10 Dight, Abra'm. 510 Dixon, Sam'l 510 Dallas. Alexander 7 .9 Dallas, Stewart 79 Dunass, James 79 Duffield, Henry 5 10 Delany. Sha,rp 510 Donoldson, Arthur 5. 10 Davison, Ellas 5 10 Davis, Benj'n 5 10 Deeling, John 5 10 Dewas, Cephra 5 10 Dorsey, Benedict 5. 10 Drinker, Daniel 5 10 Dundass, Tho's 5 10 Duncan. Steph'n 5 10 Dougherty, Dennis 510 Dill. Matnew 5 10 Dishong. Peter 5 10 Dougherty. Dennis, 5 10 Darrick, Tho's 5 10 Douglas, Robert 5 10 Evermode, Jacob 5 10 Elliot, Barbara 5 10 Eaton, John 2.11 Elder, John, 4.10% Ewin. Pedlar John, 5 10 Edwards, Ezekiel 5 10 Emblem. Caleb 5 10 Emblem, Joseph, 5 10 Kwin, Wm 5 in Elder, Rob't, Col., 6.11 1/^ Elder. Joshua. Esq'r 1.14.11% Elder. Rob't. Sen'r H Espy. Wm 5 10 Eckhart. W'm 5 10 Fulton. Hugh 1 23.' Fleming. John 1 4^^ Fulton. Abraham, 1.11% Forrest, Thomas 5 10 462 • RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Finley. Sam'l, 5.10 Finley. John 5.10 Fetter, John, 5.10 Fisher, Thomas 5.10 Fistle, John 5.10 Fisher, Meers 5.10 Foulk, Frederick 5.10 Fullerton, Wm., 5.10 Fullerton, Tho's 5.10 Fulton, William 3.10% Fullerton, Humphy 5.10 Fullerton, David S.IOV^ Fox, John 5.10 Forbes, Wm 5.10 Finley, Samuel S.lQi/^ Finley, Jeremiah 3.10% Finley, Sam'l 3.10% Fisher, Samuel 7 .9 Fisher, Joseph 7 .9 Frants, Isaac 7 .9 Fawet, Joseph, 5.10 Fields, Joseph 5.10 Gray, Wm 5.10 Gibbs. Robert 5.10 Gasperstantelever, Francis 5.10 Gough, Caleb 5.10 Gibson, Levy 5 .0 GiDson, John 3.11% Grier, Thomas, 1.11% Gregory, Hanna, 5.10 Glenworth, Ja's 5.10 Glenworth, George, 5.10 Gray, John 5.10 Gray, Isaac 5.10 Grant, John 7 .9 Gray, Wm 5.10 Garigus, Sam'l, Jun'r 6 .7% Graham, Mary 5.10 Gills, John 6.10 Gordon, James 4 .3% Gall, James 5.10 (Jrub. Charles 5.10 Gilbert, Thomas 5.10 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178C. 463 Amount of Tax Goale. Baltzer l-llVa Groves, Anthony 5.10 Harhold, John 7 .9 Huston, James IIIV^ Haslep, Robert 7% Huckleberger, Jacob 1 .4% Hutchison, John 2.11 Hall, John 3.10 Hopkins. John, 11% Haselwood, John 5.10 Henry, John 11% Hall. David, single, 10 .0 Harhold. Christopher, 2.10% Horn, henry, 7 .0% Hamilton, Wm 5.10 HulTnagle, Mich'l, Esq'r 5.10 Harbison. Benj'n 5.10 Hooper, l^etis, Rob't. Jun'r 5.10 Hill, Henry, 5.10 Harner, Lewis 5.10 Hews, Josiah, 5.10 Howard, Peter 5.10 Hogg, Robert 5.10 Hill, James 5.10 Hamilton, George, 5.10 Hutchison, James, 3.10% Harmon, Simon 5.10 Harry. Ezekiel 7 .9 Hunter, James 7 .9 Harra, Matthew 7 .9 Hunter, Alexander, 5.10 Hogan, Benj'n 5.10 Henry, George 5.10 Humphreis, Joshua 5.10 j.ouston, Elizabeth 7 .9 Hillisthamer. Jacob 6 .9 Horn, Henry 3 .2% Henry. Hugh 3.10% Harrison, Thomas 5.10 Hutton. John 5.10 Hays & Henderson 17 .5% Hing. Daniel 5.10 Hart, John, 5.10 Hart, John, 5.10 Hooper, Letis, Rob t 5.10 -i^-i RETURN OF STATE TAX, T„ 1 -, , Amount of Tax. Jackson, John ^ lo Jackson, Wm., single, 10 Jones, Isaiah, ' c i n Jones, Richard, 5 2q Jacobs, Thomas 5 -^^ Irwine, Robert, ^\q Irwin, John ^^^'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 3io% Joanes, Isaac, g -.0 Jemison, Ann, c i q Junes, Isaiah f- -m ^ , ' 5.1U Isebuster, (J^orge 5 jq Jones, Francis r m 5.10 Joy, Daniel 5^0 Irwine, Mathew, 5 jO Jackson, Wm., r -.q James, Sani'l, ^' g Irwine, Wm > " . /^ 5.10 Joanes, Isaac, - ,„ 0.10 Jeukms, Mary ^ ^^ Joanes, GrifRth, ..^ ^, ,, 0.10 Kelly, James o ^ Kelly, Samuel ' ^ 2 3 Killercast, Rob't 3 0V Kilipatrick. Htnry, single 10 ^ Killpatrick, Samuel 1 ^-^y Knowles, Wm r ',« * -- „ 5.10 Knox, Robert 5.10 ivnox, John, ^^^ King, Daniel 5.10 King. Wm., ^ g Klinglesmith, Nich's ..'.'. 2 5V Klinglesraith, John, <, \,^ !^"'- ,«'- ::::::::::::::::::::: Ltl Keehmle, George j^ j^ Kline, Jacob c ir> 1, ,„ 5.10 Kerr, Wm . ,. ,_ . , o.lO Knight, John ^ -„ ^, . , o.lO Knight, Joshua, , .^ - „ 5.10 Lowry, William „ g Levingston. David Laughlen. Randies 3 ^^ Laughlen, Jn'o. single ji\^ Lesly. John 36V Lohery, Wm., single 12 7 ^ COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17SG. 465 Amount of Tax. 11 2 Loury, Benjn, single, Lewzley, 1 homas, Ix)wiy, Stephen ^ Learning, Jeremiah, ' Learning, Person "^ Layland, Thomas, ' Locke, Philip ^ ^^ Lewis, Nathaniel " Leonard, Jacoby, John " ,1 .... oi" Lewis, Jacob _ , . ,. T 1 ... 0-1" Lending, Jacob T I. .... &-1" Levnng, John Lecher, Anthony ' T 1 ... o.l\j Leverzay, John L.echer, John, T , ... o.iu Last, John Leonard, Ezekiel, * ' T-,,- . . 0-1'J Lewas, Elias, 5.1U Lisle. Henry, _ _ T-, 1 .^ ... u.iu Lewis, Robert T 1- .... &1" Latta. John ^ Lydick, John, „ " ' ' Looke, John, ' T, ,- ... 5-1'J Low, Hugh Lewis. John, . . ^ r, 1 . . 3-lU Lewis, Samuel, Leignitz, Christ'r • Last, Cooper, Robert, Last, Cooper. Robert ■ ... ,,, o.lU Lowaret, Mich 1 Levingston. Joseph. Jun'r • • , . . . 5.10 Leonard, Alex r _ Lyker, Wm Miller. Robert 10 11 Miller, Sam'l, ' McCollough. David ;f Miller. James, J" McKissick. Wm _ "^ McMahan. John i i V Marshal. Wm -^^^ McBride. Andrew, ^ Marshal. James • ^ Mocrhead, Alex'r, - 41/ McFarlain, Wm., ° • '^ 30_VOL. XXn— 3rd Ser. 4o6 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Murry, Neal 11 1^ Mathews, John, 3.11% Mitchel, Joseph, 2 .S^/^ Mitchel, Rob't III/2 Mitchel, John lli^ Moorhead, Fergus, 5 .51^ McClanahan, Ja's, 1.11% McCann, Daniel lli^ McKee, James, 1 .3 McKisick, Daniel 2 .5 McClenahan. Tho's 2.11 McClenahan, Jn'o, single 12.10 McMical, Christy, 11 McCray, Thomas 3 .8 McKnit. Wm., single 12.10 aMcKnit. Wm lAlVs Marshal, John ' 3 yi^ McClane, James, 3 .9 McKee, Wm i\y^ McKnight, Rob't B.K, Miflliii, Benj'n 5. 10 Massey, Samuel, 5. 10 Miller, Wm., 5. 10 Martin, John, 5. 10 Marriot, Thomas 5,10 Moulder, Joseph 5. 10 McCollough, Sam'l 5. 10 McGraw, Martin 5. 10 Murry. Thomas S.IO^^ Morris, Thomas 3.10V^ Mifflin, Tho's 5.II 1^ Massey, Charles 6 .5 Massey, Samuel . 5. 10 McGwire, James, 5. 10 McGwire, Arch'd 5. 10 McHenry. James 5. 10 Moor. Thomas 5,1 p McCleland, Rob't 5. 10 Morris. Sam'l 5,10 Masp. James 5 10 Mcridth, Reese 5j0 Miller. Wm 5 -ID Montgomery, John 9 ,gi/„ Montgomery, Jn'o. Esq'r 5. 10 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178(i. 4G7 Amount of Tax. Mullen, James 5 10 iMcCallister, Rich'd 5. 10 Morral, Wm 5 10 Morton, Isaac 5 10 Morgan. George 510 -Mercer, John 79 McKaight. Robert 7 .9 Mather, Jo.seph 5 10 Medd. George, 5 10 Melcher, Isaac 5 10 Moor, Joshua, 5 10 Moor, Charles 510 Moor, Preston. Sam'1 5. 10 McCreary, John 3.IOV2 Moris, Israel 5 10 Meridth, Sam'l 5 10 Morton, John 5 10 Mifflin, Joseph, ■. 510 Mifflin. John 5 10 Marrist, Joseph 5 10 Montpomory, Jn'o. Esq'r 5.10 Montgomery. John, Esq'r 1.18 .9 Mifflin, John 5 10 McCalister, Alex'r 5 10 Miller, Joseph 5 10 Mether. Bartholomew - — 5 10 McCane, James H 71/ McKenny. John 5 10 McQuire, Charles 2.11 McCasland, Alex'r 5 10 McConnel, James 5 10 Massey, Charles, 5 10 Morris, Malhew 5 10 McJimsey, Rob't 5 10 McMullin. John 5 10 Millar. Christian, 5 10 Marshall. Arch'd, 3 iqu, Moorhead. Sam'l 2 11 Meers, Thomas 5 10 McGinnes, James 5 10 Macklin, Jacob ' 510 Mathias. Ezekiel 2 2 McCurdy. Alex'r 1 4.y Miller. Wm 5 1q 408 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Messer, John 5.10 McCoj', Charles, single 10 .0 Nisbitt, John 7 .0 Meal, Wm 4 .IVz D'o, do 5.10 Nananger, Jacob, 5.10 Nisbitt, Jonathan, 5.10 Neel, Thomas, 5.10 Nourse, James 7 .9 Nicholas, Cath're, 4 .9 Nicholas, Fra's "Wm 7 .9 Nicholas, Martha 7 .9 Nicholas, John 7 .9 Neel, Thomas 7 .9 Nettleton, Peter 7 .9 Nagle, John, 5.10 Neff, Melchias, 5.10 Nowland, Peter 5.10 Noles, "Wm 5.1o Nourse, John 7.9 Nicholas, "Wm., 7 .9 Order, Joseph 5.10 Osburu. Peter 5.10 Patterson, Wm 5.10 Priley, Gasper IIV^ Pemberton, Joseph 5.10 Proprietors Penn 9.13 .9 Plankiniorn, Jn'o 5.10 Payne, Marj- 5.10 Plankinhorn, Jacob 6 .7 Pryer, Charles 6 .5 Pryer, Thomas, 6 .8^^ Parks. Ann 5.10 Pusey, "Wm., 5.10 Pile, Elizabeth 5.10 Perry, John, 7 .9 Paul, John 5.10 Porter, Stephen, 5.10 Porter, Charles 5.10 Porter, Andrew 5.10y2 Paul. Jonathan 5.10 Pomry, George 5.10 Paul, Jacob 5.10 Porter, Robert 4 lOVa COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S6 469 Ainounl of Tax. Parson, Isaac, 5.10 ainler, George 5.10 Porter, Elizabeth S.IOV^ Porter, Robert 5.10 Porter, Stephen, 3.10V^ Porter, Richard 5.10 Porter. James 5.10 Porter, Rob't 5.10 Paul, John 5.10 Porter, Andrew 3.10 Rapine, Chrisfn 2 .8% Reynolds, James 2.11 Ramsey, James, 7 .9 Russel, David 11 % Robison, Wm., 9V4 Robison, Robert 1 .3% Reed. Thomas 6.111/^ Robison, Wm., 4.10 Rutherford, John 1.11^/4 Rogers, Jolly, 2.11 / Reeves, Peter 5.10 Roister, Daniel 5.10 Robbins, Samuel, 5.10 Reed, James 5.10 Ross, Wm 5.10 Rush, Jacob 5.10 Roberts, Mordeca 5.10 Reading, George 5.10 Ramsey, Eli, 3.10y2 Reed, Andrew 4 .4 Ramsey, Wm., 7 .9 Reese, Wm 5.10 Roveman, Conrod 5.10 Rittenhouse, Nich's 5.10 Roberts, John 5.10 Righter, John 2.11 -^ Rermiks. James, 5.10 Rogers. James 2.11 Redman, Joseph, Sen'r 5.10 Redman. Dr. Jn'o 5.10 Redman, Joseph, Jun'r 5.10 Roberts, Mordeca 5.10 Ramsey, James, 2.11 Roof, Wm., 5.10 47U RETURN OF STATE TAX. Aniuunl of Tax Richard, Sam'l 5.10 Ristor, George 5.10 Reppeth, Je's, Jun'r 3.IOV2 Ri&ler, George, 5.10 Ridick, John, heirs, 11% Riley, Wm., S.lQi/s Scott, Hugh 2.11 Simpson, James 5 Shellberger, Henry, 5 Scott, Joseph, 9^/4 Smith, Wm., 2 AVz Sloan, David, 1.1 Simpson, Agness, jun'r, 5.10 Smith, John 3 .8 Simpson, James 1 .5 Simpson, Thomas, 1 .5 Sharp, Andrew, 3.11% Smith, John, Crooked 1-ll^A Smith, James, 1-11^/4 Saunders, Joseph, 5.10 Schenk, John, 5.10 Siddons, Daniel, 5.10 Spear, Joseph, 5. 10 Snowden, Isaac, 5.10 Scotton, John, 5.10 Swift, Joseph, jun'r 5.10 Swift, John 5.10 Swift, Margaret 5.10 Steel, Ephraim 3.11 Smith, John 5.10 Smith, Abigal, 5.10 Simpson, Sam'l 5.10 Smith, John, Rev'd, 5.10 Ditto 5.10 Stout, Wm., 5.10 Shields, Thomas, 5.10 Sloan, Samuel, 3.11 Shewerer, Benj'm 5.10 Shoemaker, Abr'm, 5.10 Sergeant, Jonah 5.10 Satter, Thomas 5.10 Sergeant, Abigail 5.10 Shields. Thomas 5.10 Shields, Thomas 5.10 COUNTY OK WESTMORELAND— 17SG. 471 Amount of Tax. Shippiuy, Win.. Juii r 7 .9 Smith, John '•^ -'J Sergaut, Abigail, '7 -^ Shallus, Jacob 5.10 Stults. Charles a-ltj Smilh, Obadiah S.lOVa Suider, Geo., ^-l^ Strong, Math'w 5.1U Sheridan, John ^-^^ Shaft'ner, Era's iJ-10 Sloan, Samuel, 5.10 Sproul, Andrew, 5-ltJ Smith, Sam'l, 5.10 Story, John 5.10 Smith, Samuel, 5.10 Sykes, Wm., 5.10 Salter, John 5.10 Smith, Wm., 5.10 Seiguettz, Chris'r 5.10 Smith, Geo., 5.10 Sowerett, Mich'l 7 .0 Shields. David 5.10 Smith, John --11 Stewart, James 5.10 Smith, Adam 1 .2V2 Steward, William, 5.10 Thompson, Wm 2.11 Thompson, Jean 11 Thompson, Ja's 3 .91/2 Tremble, Geo 1 •4V2 Thompson, David 5.10 Toddy, Samuel, 4 -^Vz Thompson. Peter. Sen'r, 7 .9 Thompson, Peter, Jun'r, 7 .9 Thompson. Jonah 7 .9 Thompson, Isaac 7 .9 Thompson, Ju'o, 7 .9 Thompson, Uriah, 7 .9 Thompson, Vincent 7 .9 Twiner, Philip, 7 .9 Thompson. John 7.11 V2 Tweels, Godfrey 5.10 Thompson, Thomas 5.10 Tremble, James S.lOy^ 472 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Thompson, Geo., S-l*-' Taylor, Robert, 5.10 Todd, John 5.10 Todd, Robert, 5.10 Taylor, Hugh H Twiner, Philip, '7-9 Tart, John, 5.10 Todd, Wm., 5.10 Thompson, Robert, 5.10 Vandern, John, 5.10 Vandern, Charles 5.10 Vandern, John, 5.10 White, Wm 1-8 Willson, Joseph 2 .31/4 Wilkey, James T -^ Wdiow Wallace, by Levy Gibson, I.liy2 Whitesell, Nich's, 1 -1% Woolf, Jacob, 1 .4% Wilson, Robert, 4 .0 Wason, Wm., single, 12 .4 Wason, Hugh 2.11 Wilson, James 1.11% Wharton, Thomas 5.10 Wharton, John 5.10 Williamson, David, 5.10 \\ iiliarason. Jeremiah 5.10 Williamson. James 5.10 Wharton, Charles ' • 5.10 Wells, Rich'd 5.10 Whenny, John 5.10 Wisp, Gasper, 3.10% Wallace, James, S.lOVo Wallace, Joshua 7 .9 Woods, George, 7-9 Wharton, Isaac 5.10 Wetherhill, Sam'l, 5.10 Whister, Wm 5.10 Walker. Geo. 5.10 Willson, Henry, 5.10 Willson, James, 5.10 Wade, Millesent, 5.10 Wray, Daniel 1.11 V2 Wynkoop, Benj'n 5.10 COL'NTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178G. 473 Amount of Tax. W alker, John 5.10 Willey, Hugh 5.10 Waddle, James 5.10 Walker, David 5.10 Wilson, John, Pedis 5.10 Weed, Elijah 5.10 "Wallace, James 5.10 Whitehill, James 5.10 Willson, John, 5.10 Wiley, Mathews, 1.11 Watson, Margaret 4 .4 Wason, Wm 7.9 Young, Alex'r, 5 .9 York, Thomas, 5.10 Zean, Jonathan, 10 ROSTRAVER TOW^NSHIP. Applegate. Ben'n, Sen'r, Applegate, Benj'n, single, Applegate, Garrard Applegate. Richard Applegate, William Applegate, Rob't, single, Applegate, Wm., single, . Applegate, Daniel Applegate, Sam'l .Applegate, James, Albon, Wiirm Anderson, Wm., Landlord's part Allen, W'ill'm Archer, Joseph Armstrong, George Adair, Wm., single, Armstrong. Hugh, d'o, . . Applegate. John Amount of Tax. 9 .1 10 .0 10 5 8 .5 10 .6 10 .0 8 .6 2 .0 8 4 .6 6 8 .6 8 2.10 6 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 474 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Brant, Sarah , 9 Becket, Joseph 12 .4 Brown, Fred'k, 8 Brown, Elsey ' l .2 Beck, Sam'l 7 Becket, John, 8 Boyd, John, 2 Biggard, Sam'l, 4 .3 Boyd, Nath'l 5 .1 Bruce, James, 7 .8 Burns, John 6 .0 Baxter, Sam'l, 7 Boyd. Robert, single 10 .3 Brigs, John, 4 Buntten, Wm., 1 Burkhamer, Ju'o 2 .8 Bigham, James, single 5 Burgan, Daniel, 10 Landlord's part 3 .5 Bazil, Wm., 3 .3 Best, Nicholas 7 Bonner, Mathew 2 .6 Budd, Joshua, 4 .9 Budd, Joseph, 6 .3 Budd, Gilbert, single 11 .7 Barrackman, Christ'r 4 Broddy. Hugh 3.10 Bair, David 2 Bodsworth, Joseph 5 .2 Bazil, Math'w. single, 10 .4 Bazil, Math'w 6.11 Burns, Arthur 2.8 Barkley, Hugh, single, 10 .0 Burkhamer. George 6 (Carrol, Joseph 5 .9 Carrol, John g Carrol, Taylor 2 .3 Craighead, Robert 12.11 Craig. Alex'r, 5 .1 Cochran, John 4.11 Cavet, John 3 .5 Clandenon, Jame? 7 Cox, Thomas, 10 Coons, Michael, 5 _ COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1 780. 475 Amount of Tax. Chambers, John, ^ Casebole. Rob't, single 10 .0 Caruthers, James, " Chambers, Elisha ^ Calhoon, Tho's, ^ Landlords part ^ -^ Caruthers, \Vm ^ Calhoon, Adley ^ -^ Clemons, Fargus, ^ Landlord's part ^ -^ Caldwell, Robert 2 Carnahan, James ^ Clark, Nathan'l ^ Case, Meshech ^ Case, Butler *^ Cams, James, single, 10 .0 Cook, Edward 3 .5 Coapstick. Sam'l 3 Crusan, Benjamiu 9 Cahill, Jn'o, single 10-0 Case, Butler, single 10 .0 Cord. James, d'o 10 .3 Casteel, Sam'l. d'o 10-0 Crusan, Garrard, d'o 10 .0 Cox, Abner, "^ Collins, Jn'o, single 10-0 Devore, David, ■* • ' Devore, Sam'l ^ -2 Dair, Mich'l ^ Dye, Ezekiel ^ -1 Dinsmore, Henry, single 10 .6 Dye, John 3.11 Davis, Thomas 6 Landlord's part 2 .6 Dungan, Joseph 1-2 Landlord's part, 10 .3 Davis. Benjamin, 17 .8 Dungan. Nathan 8 Downing. James, single, 10 .3 Dearmond. Henry, 8 Dinsmore, John, single 10 .4 Dearmond, Tho's, d'o 10-0 Deheaven, Isaac 5 Deheaven, Sam'l, single, 10 A 476 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Dailey, Jn'o, d'o 10.10 Deheaven, Edw'd, 8 Drenon, John, 8 .2 Downing, Wm 4.11 Drenon, Wm 6 Drenon, Hugh, single, 10 .4 Davidson, Wm 1 .3 Landlord's part 2.10 Evans, Edw'd, 3 Earl, Widow, 1 .5 Eaken, James, 7 Edgar, Robert, 7 Elrod, Tedor, 7 .2 Fisher, Wm., single, 10 .0 French, Sam'I, d'o, 10 .0 Foster, Benj'n, d'o 10 .4 Fitch, John, l.H Finley, Sam'I 3 Finney, James, 5 .8 Freel, Char's, single 10 .3 Finney, Jn'o, d'o 10 .6 Flood, Jn'o, d'o 10 .0 Fockler, &eo 3 .4 Finley, David, single 11.2 Fryman, Philip, 7 Finley, David, smith, single, 10 .5 Finley, Jn'o 4 Fell, Benj'n 14 .9 Fell, Jn'o 5 Freeland, Ja's. single 10 .0 Fleck, Jn'o 2.6 Fleming, Jn'o. single, 10 .8 Finley, Ja's, Rev'd, 15 .4 Finney, Wm., 45 Garner, Wm 4 .7 Garner. Arch'd, 8 .6 Garner. Wm., ;; Geyer, Gasper C .8 Goudy, John 1 Glass. Rob't. single 10 .0 Gaston, Jn'o. 97 Gaston, Wm., • g Gaston, Joseph g Gillmore, Jn'o. single 19 .4 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— ITbtJ. 477 ., i^ ■ , ,. Amount of Tax. .ilniore, David, do, 20 Oray, Rob't r „ Gralz, Barnard - , ' .4 Oner, Isaac, 2 , Grier, John, ., - Guy, Henry, single, jq ^ Howell, Luellen, 2q \, Howell, And'w V Howell, Philip, single jq ^ Howell, Luellen, d'o ^^ 4 Harra, Charles j^ a Hall, John, , Hearsman, Gasper /. Hart, Elijah ^ ^^^ Headen, Nehemiah, ^ ^ Hall, Steph'n go Harsha, Peter, single 2q 4 Headen, Christ'r 211 Headen, Nath'l a\-, Headen, Elijah, single 1q' q Hill, Joseph ■,-, r. Hill, Steph'n \ Hill, Joseph. Jiin'r q o Heldibrant, Philip ^' o Hinds. Alex'r o q Holmes. Tho's, ^ b Housman, Christ'r 4 . Hamond, Dau'l ^ \ Hamond, Sam'l, single, 2q \ Hamond, James, P Higgins. John, g q Henderson, Math'w. Rev'd 15 5 Housman. Jn'o, „ Hamilton. James o Hoover. Peter <, q Jamison, Rob't, 2 Jamison, Math'w. single 12 1 Johnston. Peter 00 Johnston. Rich'd, Y fi Johnston. James, single, 10 John.ston. James, ■,-. Landlord's part ^ o Imbly. John r, - Johnston. 'Wm Z ' 3. 10 4 .6 3 .5 8 .6 4 .0 1 .7 3 .6 3 2 4 2 .5 2 .1 1 .4 5 5 11 LO .0 478 RETURN OF STATE TAX. Jones, Joseph Ketchem, Wm Landlord's part, Kyle, John Ketchem, Steph'n, Kennedy, Wm Kelly, John, Kiln, John, Kiln, Patrick Kearns, John, Kennedy, John Kennedy, Hugh, Kennedy, Rob't Kennedy, Wm., Jun'r, Kirkpatrick, Joseph Kelly, James, Kelly, James, single Kerr, Josiah 8 Landlord's part 4 .0 Little, Sam'l 3 Lowry, John, Lind, John, Lane, James Lowry, Steph'n, Lemon, Thomas, Lemon, Henry Lemon, Sam'l, single, Largin, Nelson, d'o, Lappin, Eliz'a Lemmon, Joseph Lanterman, Peter Larimore, Sam'l, single, Long, Benjamin McClure, Alex'r, McClure, Rich'd McConel, Rob't McConel, Jn'o, single McConel, Jean, McNeighton. Tho's, McKag, James 8 McCarty, Rob't 6 McKinny, Henry, single, McMeans, Robert, 2 McClain, Joseph 2.10 1 .1 1 .8 5 5 .7 10 2.10 10 .0 10 .0 11 3 .4 9 10 .4 6 18 .0 1 .0 9 .2 13 .9 7 1 .2 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17SG. 47'J Amount of Tax. Mc'Neal. Jn'o 7 McKinney, Mathew, 7.8 McNighten, Jn'o, 5 .'J McClelaud, David, single 10 .0 McGuire, Daniel, * 2 McLane, Robert, 8 .9 McCord, Sam'l, single 10 .0 McConnel, Adam 4 .0 MoLaue, Abijali 8 McKee, \Vm 10 Landlord's part 2 .1 Mclntire, \Vm., 6 McLane, Joseph, single, 10 .0 McClure, George, 7 .5 Morgan, Morgan, 7.10 Moorhead, Joseph, 1 .2 Moorheail, Alex'r, 6.9 Moorhead, Sam'l, 4 Maxwell, James 4 Martin, George 3 .0 Martin, George, Jun'r, 4 Martin. Josh'a, single 10 .3 Moorhead. Thomas 12 .0 Mitchel, John, 7 Moor, Robert, 4 .3 Maxwell, Jas, Jun'r, 5 Morgan. Wm 5 .5 Murphy. \\ m 8 Moore, James 2 .8 Moore, John, 3 .3 Muse. George 8 Muse, Fantley 4 .1 Mitchel, William, 3 .1 Mitchel, John 6 Mitchel. Math'w 4 .7 Mitchel. Ebenezer 3 .6 Miller, Jn'o, single 10 .3 Moor, Fargus, 8 Moore. Wm., 10 .2 Murphy, Hugh, 8 Mitchel, Alex'r, 4 .8 Morton, Tho's 5 .5 Magner. Redmond, 3 .1 McGee, Wm., single 11 .4 4Su RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Nitterfield, Wm., 9 Nash, Tho's, 8 Ostray, John 4 Ostray, Philip, single 10 .0 Owens, Basil, 1 .5 .2 Owins, Thomas 10 .0 Orr, Wm., 6 .0 Pearce, And'w, Sen'r 8 .4 Pearce, And'w 7 .2 Pearce, Sarah, 4 .2 Pearce, James, single, 10 .3 Perry, James, 13 .4 Pearce, John 12 .8 Pearce, Isaac 3 Pearce, Jos'h, jun'r 4.5 Pearce, Elisha, 3 .5 Patterson, James 8.7 Parsons, John, 7 Parden, John, 2.10 Patterson, Rob't, 10 Pearce, Jos'h, sen'r, 9 .8 Pearce, Lewis 7 .2 Pritchard, Rich'd, 2 .1 Peaceall, Zach's 2 .6 Penticost. Dorsey 3.11 Powers, John, 7 .4 Pearce, Charles, Pitts, Wm 7 .7 Reed, John, • 8 Reed, Wm., single 10 .3 Robison, Alex'r, 2.10 Reeves, Abner, 2.10 Ritchey, Ab'm 7 Landlord's part, 4 .7 Rattan. John, 6 .7 Ritchey, Wm 6.11 Ritchey, Jn'o 5 Resner, Peter 9 .9 Reynolds. Jos'h. single 10 .3 Ryan, John ,. 9 .5 Rankin, Wm 9 .S Reed, Isaac 10 .0 Robb, Isaac 5 Rardon. Wra., 3 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178(i. 481 Amount of Tax. Robison, And'w, 7 .5 Robins. Obediah 8 Rardon, John 2 .1 Robison, David 5 .7 Riley. George ^ Landlord's part 1-9 Robb. Nicholas 10 Ritchey, Wm., Jun'r 9-8 Shreeves, Rich'd 8 Sparks, Benj'n 3 .4 Sparks, Rich'd 4 .0 Steward, John -i -5 Scott, James, ^ ■'^ Sumrel, Jn'o, • • • 7 .2 Shields, George, 3.10 Sill, George, 2 .1 Sill, Will'm 2 .1 Sill, John 5 Shipler, Mathias 4.10 Shipler, Peter 5 .1 Shipler, Jn'o, single 10 .4 Shipler, Philip 4.11 Steward, JaJiies, big 4.8 Sutton. David, ^ Sands. James S Landlord's part 6.10 Sands. Jn'o, single 10 .0 StooUire. Stophel, 5 Swearingen, Van, 1-9 Spears, Rogina, 11 .8 Spears, Solomon 1-6 Spears, Jacob, single, 14 .7 Springer, Mary 7 Springer, Dan'l, 6 .7 Springer, Mich'l, single 17 .1 Springer, Mathias, d'o 10 .9 Stewart, James, little 8 .2 Stevens, Thomas 7 Sampson, Wm 3.2 St. Clair, Sam'l 8 .7 Thompson. James 7 Taylor, Wm 2 .1 Thompson. Daniel 4 .6 Taylor, Isaac 1-8 31— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 482 ■ RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Thompson, Cornelius 18.10 Teal, Asa, single 11 .6 Teal, Lloyd, d'o, 12.10 Thompson, Marg't, 8 Thompson, Dan'l, single, 12 .4 Taylor, George, Tanner, Philip, 7-9 Teal, Edward 8.5 Thompson, Isaac, 1-8 Teal, Charles, 12 .6 Vaughan, Jn'o, 1-9 Vanmeter, Jacob, 8 .1 Vanmeter, Jn'o 9 -7 Woolsey, Will'm, 10 .3 Wrothwell, Peter 4 .5 Wright, Jn'o, 9-1 Willson, Sam'l 7-8 Walker, Ebenezer 8.1 Wilson, Robert, 4.11 Wilson, James, 5 .6 Wilson, Tho's, single, 10.10 Landlord's part 2 .8 White, Andrew 7 Westbey, Henry, 4 .8 White, John 7 Withrow, Wm 5.11 Wilson, Hugh 3 .3 Walker, Jn'o 8 Waddle, James, 2 .9 Waddle, Peter 5.11 Waddle, Dan'l 3 .3 Wall, Walter 9 .2 Wail, James, 8.11 Williams, David 6 .4 Williams, James 5 Wright, Rob't, single 10 .6 Wilson, Aaron, 4-10 Warne, Joseph 6.11 Wilson, Zach's 4.10 Westbey, Henry, single, 10 .0 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178G. 483 PITT TOWNSHIP. Adams, Mary Amon, George, Andis. Riuehart Armstrong, Edw'd, . . . . Antley, Peter, single, . . . Amberson, Wm Aughton, Wm., single, Askin, Benj'n Barr, Sam'l, single Bryan, Zepheniah Butler, Rich'd, Burns, Ja's, single Bennet, Benj'n Bennet, Benj'n, single, Bennet, Peter Beuntt, Leveu, single, Bougher, Christ'r, Bougher, Adam, single, Barr, Jn'o Britton, John Buckhart, Jacob, Burris, James Boniface, Wm Burchfield, Adam Broady, Wm Broady, Wm., single, . Bishop, Wm Brannon, Jerem'h , Bewell, Tim'y, single, . . Brooks, Charles, Blaine, Ephraim, Batts, George Bennett. Isaac Bennet, Ab'm Beccom, Henry Byram, Edward Berlin, Jacob Butler, Wm Boyd, Widow Blane. Alex'r. single, . . . Amount of Tax. 13 .2 11 2 .0 2 .9 .0 .0 3 .6 .0 .0 4 .0 2 7 11 .2 .0 .0 10 .0 .2 2 .0 .2 4 .0 2 3 .6 1 1 .0 5.10 1 .2 10 3 1 .0 .0 1 5 ] .0 .0 5 2 .0 3 1 .0 11 9 2 .2 2 .8 10 .6 7 .0 1 .0 .0 484 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax Boall, James, 3 Berry, James, 1.7 Blane, Alex'r, 7.0 Blakeney, Mathias, , 3 Brotlierington, , 4 Barr, Sam'l, Rev'd, 9 Braden, Wm., 2 .3 Bradly, John, 1 .5 Bayard, Steph'u, single 1 .0 .2 Bayard & Craig, 3 .5 .0 Bedford, Nath'l 10 Brackinridge, Hugh, Esq'r. single, 1 .2 .4 Butler, Edw'd & And'vv Robison 1 .2 Bunney, Ja's, single, 1 .0 .0 Brown, James 1.10 Ball, Jn'o, Phil'a 15 .0 Cook, Asa 1.11 Craig. Thomas, 2 Camron, Gilbert 3 Chambers, James, 2.10 Caselman, Jacob, 2 .0 Clark, John 5 Clark, Mary, widow, 3 Carmical. John 5 Cunningham, Sam'l 2.1 Cuzzens, Wm 3 Coonrad, Jacob, 7 Caswell, Joseph 3 Clark, Benj'n 3 Clark, Josh'a 3 Cavett, John 4.10 Coulter, Ely 7 .0 Crutchlow, David, 1 .7 Coe, Benj'n, 1 .9 Coe, Benj'n, Jun'r, 2 .0 Collins, Wm., 2 .8 Cain, Patrick 2 .3 Cunningham, Tho's, 1 .0 Christy. Wm 1 .0 Craig, Isaac 3 Christy, Nancy 2 Carmical, James 3 Curtis, Marmaduke 1 .0 .7 Cesna, Evan 1 .6 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178C. 485 Amount of Tax. Coe, Ebenezer 1 .7 Carroll. Tho's, single 1 .1 .6 Calhoon, James 7 Cartright, Peter •. 4 Conway, F^elix, single 1 .0 .0 Douglass, Eph'm 3 .7 Dixon, Josiah, single 1 .0 .4 Donoldson, Hugh 4 .0 Drain, Fran's, single 1 .0 .0 Dougharty, Martha 3 Duke. Charles 1 .5 Drake, Sam'l 5 DufI, Jn'o, Sen'r 5 Duff, Jn'o, Jun'r 5 Duff, James, 2 .3 Duff, Jn'o 2.4 Duff, Alex'r 2 .8 Drury, Mich'l 7 Donoldson, Wm 2.10 Dunbar, Jn'o 1 .2 Davis. Hugh, 8 .3 Donold, Jacob, 2.9 Day, Ezekiel 5 Deal. Wm 1 .7 Dougharty, Thomas, 5 Dunfield, Fred'k 5 Duncan & Finlcy, G Duncan, David 10 .4 Dousman, John, 7 Driver, Sam'l, 4 Dunning. Rob't 3 Dunning, Win 3 Downey, Alex'r, single 1 .0 .0 Dairy, Math'w. do, 1 .0 .0 DabbirLS. Jn'o, d'o 1 .0 .0 Decks, Wm., d'o 1 .0 .0 Elliot, Wm 4 .5 Evalt, Sam'l 3 .7 Evans, Anth'x 6 Everard, Jacob 3 .9 Elliot. Daniel, 1 .0 Evans. Wm 2 Earls, Wm., single 1 .0 .0 Flynn. Daniel 2 486 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Fisher, Paul, 6 Finnegan. Patrick 8 Finley, Joseph, 1-2 Ferrie, Mary •• Fulton, Wm., single 1 .0 .0 Ferrie, Jn'o, Sen'r 4 .0 Furnie, Ja's, single 1.0.0 Finley, James, 10 Forgey, James 7 Fernsley, James 5 Fisher, John 9 France, Philip, single, 1 .0 .0 Fowler, Alex'r 4.0 Freeman, Wm., single 1 .0 .2 Finley, Jn'o, d'o 1.0.0 Frazier, Rory, d'o 1 -1 -4 Frame, Wm., 3 .7 Flemming, James 4 .6 Graham, Dan'l, 3 Gilliland, David 6 .5 Gilliland, Adam, single 1 .0 .0 Guffy, James 1-6 Glass, Andrew, 6 Guffy, Margaret 2 Girty, John, 3 .0 Gun, Wm 5 Glass, Jn'o Grub, Jacob, Sen'r 7 Grub, Jn'o 1-4 Girty. Thomas 3 .5 Gratz, Barnard, 7 .1 Grier, Jn'o 6 Gill, Wm 2 .0 Greenough, Wm.. single 1 .2 .1 Gibson, Jn'o, (Fox) 4.1 Gibson, Jn'o, G^n'l 3 .0 Galbreath, Rob't 4.1 Gill, , single 1 .0 .0 Grier, Wm ,. 2 .1 Gardner. James, single 1 .0 .0 Hays, Henry 3 .9 Hill. David 12 Hill, Sam'l 9 Hanna, Wm 2 .4 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAWD— 178G. 481 Amount of Tax. Heth, Henry ^ -^ Hoge, John Huffnagle, Mich'l " -^ Hoakes, Jacob Hamilton, Arch'd ^ -^ Henderson, Rob't ^ Hilling, Sam'l ^ Haymaker, Jacob ^ -^ Hamilton, Wm ° Hutchison, James '^ -^ Q Huey, John, Hill, Patrick ^•^*^ 1 9 Hamlon, John -^ -^ Hays, Rob't ^ -^ Handlyn, Jn'o, ^ -^ Hutchins, Tho's ^ -^ Horner, James, single 1 .0 .2 Hill, Tho's ^ Halfpenny, Isaac 1 .0 .0 Heater, Jacob '^ -^ Hutchison. Rob't ^ Hall, Robert, ^ -^ Hays, Robert _ '^ Johnston, Rob't * -^ Irwin, Agness "^ -^ Irwin. David, single 1 .1 .- Johnston. John ^ -^ Jack, Mathew ^ -^ Jones, Jacob ^ •" Jinkins, Wm., "' -^ Johnston. David 2 Irish. Nathan'l ^ -^ Irwin. Jn'o. Sen'r, ^ Irwin, Jn'o, single, ^ '^ 't Jacobs, Adam, ^ ■' Kearhart. And'w, 2 .0 Riser, Benj'n, ^ Kea-sey. James, ^ Kerr. Wm '* -^ Kerr. Joseph, single 3 .8 Kerr. George, ^ -^ Knox, Hugh, single 1 .0 .0 Linehart, Christ'n 1-2 Long. Richard ^ 488 R2TuRN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax- Logan, David 6 .7 Lyons, ..lary, Leech, Widow 9 Leech, James, 1 .6 Leighlenberger, Geo 9 Lane, Isaac, 10 McCully, George, 6 .0 McLaughlin, Edw'd, 3 McClintock, Dan'l, 3 .6 McDonold, Patrick, 1 .1 Maise, James 4 .6 McDonold, Hugh, single 1 .1 .7 Myers, Ely 6 .3 McNamun, Alex'r, 5 McNamun, Dan'l, single, 1 .0 .0 McCloud, Murdock 2 Murphy, John 3 Murphy, Wm 2 Myers, James, 4 .2 McGinnis, Charles, 1 .2 McClure, Francis, 5 McCallister. Aeneas 3 .0 McClain, Abdel 3 .2 McAnaul, John, 3 McKee, Jn'o 8.1 McConnel, Tho's, 3 McDonold, John 5 McLane, Laughlin 5 McGaughney, Peter 2 .9 McDonold, Dan'l 5 Millegan, James 2 .9 McCrea, , surveyor 3.6 Martin, Thomas, 1 .3 Myers, Martha, 2 McCoy, Alexander 5 Myers, Baltzer, 2 .2 Myers, Christ'r, single 10 .0 Moore, John, 3 6 McDowel, Geo., single 1 .2 .5 McElroy, Wm 2 .9 McConnell, Wra., 3 .9 McKee, Tho's 4 McFarland. David, 1 .2 McWilliams, George 1 7 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17SG. 481) Am.iunt of Tax. McClelaiid, Jn'o 3 McBride, Isaac, 2 .6 Miller, Gideon, 4 .0 McBride, John, 2 .7 Minor, Wm 3 .G Mitchel, Geo., 5 Mitchel. And'w, 7 .6 .9 McCleary, Wm., single, 1 .0 .0 Moury, Christ'r 9 Myers, Jacob, 5 Murphy, Patrick 3 .6 McMullen, Wm 1 .5 McMullen, Sam'l 2 McCleland, James, 3 McNicol, A., & F. Wilson, 2 .0 Morrison, Ja's, single, . . '. 1 .0 .0 McNicol, Alex'r 8 McDowel, Wm., single 1 .0 .0 McFarlain, Rob't, 2 .4 McNichol, Arth'r, single 1 .0 .0 McGwire, And'w, d'o 1 .0 .0 Myers. Lewis, d'o, 1 .0 .0 Murphy, Mich'l, d'o, 1 .0 .0 Negley, Alex'r 2 .0 Negley, Felix, single 1 .0 .0 Neal, Robert, 1 .5 Nimon, Will'm, 3 .8 Newman, Owen, 6 Nicholas, Joseph 1 .3 .9 Nelow, Mary, 4 Nicholas, Hugh, 3 Neyman, John 5 .0 Overstreet, Benj'n, single 1 .0 .0 Osburn, Sam'l 5 Ormsby. John 4 .5 O'Harra, James 1 .4 Owins. Wm., 7 Oconomy, Math'w, single 1 .0 .0 Perry, John 2 .4 Points. Nathaniel 1 .0 Pollock, John 2 .4 Powel, Wm.. ex'r for Croghan 6 .0 Powell, Nancy, widow 7 .5 Painter, John 1 .7 490 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Porter, 3 .6 Philips, George, 4 Penns, Jn'o, Sen'r, & Juii'r, 3 .0 .7 Patterson, John, 6 Peaton, Wm., 1 .2 Philips, Thomas, 7 Pontony, Aquila, single, 1 .0 .0 Parchment, Peter, 1 .3 Quigley, Hugh, 2 .1 Rice, James, 1.10 Rodermall, John, 4 .6 Rowleter, Peter, 2 .7 Ryan, James, 2 .5 Read, James, 1 .0 Ramage, John 5 Rankin, Solomon, 3 Ryan, Wm., single 9 Reel, Gasper 3 Righter, Henry, 5 Rugh, Mich'l, 3.11 Rhynaman. Chrlst'r, 5 Richards, Charles, 1 .2 .1 Richards, Benj'n, siagle 1 .0 .2 Robison, Andrew, 1 .2 Ross, Tho's, 2 .0 Rokifelt, Peter, single 1 .0 .0 Robison, James 9 Smith, Devereux 16 .1 Stotler, Rudy, 3 .6 Stotler, Jacob 3 .6 Sampson, Tho's, single 14 .5 Sands, Tho's 2 .0 Sample, Sam'l, 4 .5 Stevens, Wm., single 1 .0 .0 Sample, Jn'o, d'o 1 .0 .6 Sample, James 9 Sraallman, Tho's, 5 .4 Stiller, Jacob, 5 ' Swaney, Daniel, 3 Strain, Mich'l 1 .7 Sampson. Jn'o 1 .4 Simpson, Math'w 1 .6 Simpson, Joseph 8 Sampson, Tho's, 1 .2 tVniount of Tax. 3 .1 2 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178G. 491 ShotLler, Coonrad Sisslee, Wni., Smith, Win., Revd ^ -^ Shields, silversmith, "* -^ Simmerman, Jacob -^[^ Taylor, Sara'l ^ '^ Thompson, Geo ^ •" 3 Thompson, Ja's 2 Thompson, Jn'o, single Through, Adajn, 9 7 Tegard, Aaron " _ Tegard, Daniel ^ -^ Tait, David ^ Tanihill, Adamson ---^^ Tanihill, Josiah, single 1 .0 .0 Tubbs, George, d'o, 1 .0 .0 Todd. .d-o l-OO Valentine, Wm ^^ Wilson, Ja's, (land jobber) , H -^ Wallace, George • '^■^^ Willson. Fra's, single 1 .0 .0 White, John, ^■^•'• Wilson, Tho's ^ -^ Wigfield, Math'w ^ Williams. Jn'o, ^ Whitzel, Jacob, ^ '* Wier, Wm ^ Winemiller, Coonrad, 1 -^ Wilkinson, Wm., single, 1 .0 .0 W' alter, Adam ^ Woods, John. ^ -^ Wilson, James, (cooper) 2 .0 White, Wm., ^ Winebiddle, Coonrad ^ -^ Wise, Jacob ^ Wible, Gost ^ Wilson. Charles ^ -^ W^ard, Edward 2 .7 Ward, Jn'o. single 1 .0 .0 1 Watson. And w. ^ •■ Watson. Wm., single 1 .0 .0 Wyley. Tho's. ^ W^ilkins, Jn'o 2 .0 WMlkins. Cha's, single 1 .0 .0 492 RETURN OF STx\TE TAX, Amount cf Tax. Wilson, Galbreath, 3 Wigart, Tlio's, 3 Wilson, Wm., single, 1 .1-10 Young, Coonrad, 1-7 HUNTINGTON TOWNSHIP, (North District). Amount of Tax. Anderson, Wm '^ -^ Butler, Wm 7.1 Brown, Benj'n 5.2 Boal, Charles, 3 .3 Boyle, Wm 3 .1 Baird, Geo., Esq'r 5 .5 Brown, Jn'o, single Baird, Wm * 3 .4 Beaty, Wm 9-6 Brown, Robert, 3 .7 Barr, John 5 .0 Bierly, Fran's, single 10 .0 Bell, John, 1-5 Boyd, Widow 4.10 Baggs, Mathew, 7 Baggs, William 1-7 Blackburn. Jn'o, 11 Bradshaw. Rob't 1-5 Boyle, James 4 .8 Boyle, Henry, 4 .8 Blackburn, Joseph, 5 .0 Boyle. Ja's, Sen'r, 3 .9 Baggs, Jn'o, single, 2.10 Blair, James 5 Boyd. Thomas 1-8 Blackburn, Jn'o, Jun'r 6 Brotheringlon, 2 .7 Crawford, , 1-5 Chambers, Jn'o, 4 Caldwell, James 1-5 Cochran, And'w, 1-2 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— ITSG. 493 Amount of Tax. Cooper, Jno 2 .0 Cnsty, Jn'o, Capt'n, 5 .9 Cleman, Mathias, single 10 .0 Caswell. Sam'l 6 Crutchlow, Wm 6 Cowan, Mathias, 7 .8 Cristy, Jn'o 5.10 Clark, Joseph 2.10 Coulter, Ely 2 .7 Carson, James 6 Curdoe, Jn'o 3 .3 Carson, Jn'o, single 11 .4 Craner. Philip 1 .7 Crochan, George 7.8 Coulter, Ely 11 .0 Campbell, Patrick 11 .6 Campbell, Fran's, 4 Carnahan, James 13 .3 Cunningham, Henry 3 .2 Curry, Robert, 11 Curry, Moses, Davidson. Sam'l, 1 .2 Davidson, John 3 .6 Deiser. Joseph 3 Dodds, James 1 .6 Duff, Oliver 2 .4 Douglass, Andrew 1 .9 Dickins, George 2 .8 Dennison, James 6 Dill's heirs 6.7 Davidson. James, 11 Elder, Mathew 6 Eckles, And'w, single 10.0 Eaken, Rob't • 1 .0 Espy, David 3 .0 Elliot, William, 18 .0 Eckles, Charles, 1 .6 Eaker. Benj'n 6 Funk, Martain Fry. Mich'l Fulton. W^ill'm 4 .9 Fulton. John 4 .9 Farran. Hugh, 6 P"'ulton, James 3.11 494 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Gurfy. James 7 1q Gilky, Wm., single, HO Gilky, Jn'o, d'o 10 .0 Garvin, Marvin, 3 Garvin, John, Gilbert, Benjamin, g Gratis, Barnard, 1 J5 5 Gray, James, Jun'r, g Gill, John, 10 Graham, Rob't, single, 10 .0 Gibson, Jn'o, g Graham, Mathew 45 Gill, Hugh, ^^^^ 10 Gray, James, Sen'r 9 3 Hoss, James 2 Hill, Catherine 7 Hellman, Mich'l 3 10 How, Thomas 1 7 Huffnagle, Mich'l, Esq'r 7 1 Hamilton, Rob't 3 7 Haslep. Rob't 2.10 Jack, Tho's, single 10 Irwin, Jn'o, Col'l, v 12 Isherwood, , ." 7 1 Johnston, Andrew, 4 3 Johnston, John, 3 2 Irwin, Henry 9 Irwin, John, 4 .^ Kerry, Peter r King, Thomas 1 2 Kerr, Thomas I4 H Kyle, Jn'o 3 q I^utzenhiser, Jacob 7 10 l..outzenhiser, i^eter g g Laird, Benj'n ^ H g Ludwick, Coonrad, 3 10 Littleton, Wm ^ ^ ' ^ ^ Leech, Sam'l 4 5 Leech, Henry, single 10 .0 Letzton, Ah'm 37 Lyon. Tho's' heirs 3 3 Long. Jn'o j q McDonold. Jn'o 2 2 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1786. 495 Amount of Tax. Morton, Jii'o 1 .2 McLucas, Jn'o 7 Mellon. Hugh 1 .0 McFarlin, Waller 7 McGrew, \Vm.. Sen'r 12 .2 McGrew, John, 3 .5 McGrew, Alex r, Capt'n 7 .3 McGrew, James, 8 .5 McGrew, Simon G . S Means, Robert 6.10 Maxwell, David, single 10 .0 Montcomrry, Wm 3 .0 McAnulty, Joseph 6 McCann, Widow 9 McGinnis, Patrick, single 10 .0 McKee, Joseph 1 .0 Mitchell, And'w, 6 McGrew. Peter, 2 .6 Mappins, James 5 .5 Mann, Sam'l 4.11 Mann, Tho's, 4 .4 Mann, Jn'o 9 McGrew, Wm., Jiin'r 3 .5 Mullen. James, 9 McAnulty, Rich'd 4 .4 McAnulty, Jn'o 4 .4 Miller, David, 7 McNese, Alex'r's heirs, 14 .2 Maxwell. Tho's 1 .0 Marshall. Wm: 8 .3 McKinny, Hugh McCann, Jn'o 7 McCormack, Jn'o's heirs 1 .5 McCain, Jn'o 7 .8 McMeans, Rob't, 7 McCullough, Jn'o, 1 .9 McKee, John 1 .0 .4 McKee. David 1 .0 McElroy, Wm., 1 .9 McKee, Susannah , Mann, Wm 2.10 McDowell. Math'w 1 .0 McClenry. Tho's 3.2 McGrew, Alex'r 1 .2 496 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. McGee, Hugh. 6 Martin, James 6 Miller, Silas, , 2 .4 McCollough, And'w, 6 .0 McClurg, James 2 .8 Nowland, Elijah, 1-2 Nicholson, Tho's, 3 .2 Neel, Jn 0, 7-1 Nash, Rich'd 6 Neilly, Benj'n, single 11 .6 Osbum, Sam'l 10 Ormsby, Jn'o, 7 1 Orr. Rob't, 1 .2 Peterson, Fran's, 3 .2 Probts, Ludwick 2 .0 Pickley, Coonrad, 2 .6 Plumraer, Wm., Big Meadows 8 .6 Plummer, Wm., 2.10 Perry, Sam'l, 5 .4 Pendergrass, Garret, 7.10 Powell, Wm.'s heirs, 7 .1 Pebbles, James 1 .8 .i Query, Charles, 1.11 Robinson, James 2 .2 Rawlins. James 1 .5 Robinson, Jn'o 8 Rudibaugh, Jn'o 9 .2 Rudibaugh, Adam 6 .1 Rawlins, Anth'y 1 .4 Rayburn, Ja's, single 10 .0 Reed, Jn'o 1 .7 Rippey, Hugh 1 .0 Rogers, Robert 1 .6 Rayburn, Adam, 1 .9 Scott, James, 3.7 Summerville. Alex'r 1 .1 Summerville, Wm., 1 .2 Studiberger, Ab'm 6 .1 Studiberger, Peter, 8 .5 Smith. Wm 3.0 Sherrj'. Montgomery, single 10 .0 Scott, John 3 .0 Scott. Jn'o. single 10 .n Scott, Wm., 1 .3 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1786. 497 Amount of Tax. Shannon, Henry, ^ Smith. Sam'l ^ "^ Shannon, Jn o, "^ -^ Samms. Adam, " •" Shannon, George ^ Sheerer, John ^ •'* Sherry, Barny ^ •" Small, Henry ^ -^ St. Clair, Gen'l ; - ^ Simmons, Adam ^-^^ Sheerer, Timothy ^ ■'^ Simmons, George ^ -^ Sturgeon, Sam'l, single 11-6 Stokeley, Nehemiah 14 .0 Thompson. Joseph 5 .0 Thompson, Sam'l ^ ■'^ Thompson, Wm 2 .0 Thompson, Wm ^ Taylor, Abm 2 .2 Thompson, James, 3 .4 Titus, John 1-0 Vanleer. Mathew ^ -^ Vanleer. Jno ^ -^ Whitehead. Valentine ^ -3 Walthqur, Geo., 4-2 Walthour, Jacob, single 10-0 Wilson, John, 8-3 Walthour, Christ'r 4 .2 Walthour, Gasper, single 11-6 Walthour, Joseph, d'o 14.10 Wallace, Wm 2 .4 W^higgins. Jn'o 1 .7 Willson. Thomas 11 32— VOL. XXII— 3rd Srr 498 RETURN OF STATE TAX, HUNTINGTON TOWNSHIP, (South District). Amount of Tax. Amberson, Jn'o 2 .1 Allencoyl, Charles 6 Armstrong, Ja's, 6 Arviu, Jn'o, 1.4 Andrew, Fran's 6 Akison, Wm., 6 Akison, Alex'r 2 Boon, Wm., 5 .0 " Boyd, Abr'm 5 Baker, Jn'o, 2 .4 Beaty, Jn'o 3 Blackburn, Jn'o, 8 .7 Blackburn, Anth'y, 2 .6 Begget, Robert 3 .5 Buchannon, David 5.11 Boyd, Tho's, 3 Bags, And'w 3 Byers, And'w 3.11 Buchannon, Wm 4 .2 Burge, Jn'o, Sen'r, 8 .9 Buzan, Jn'o 1.11 Beaumont, Rich'd 4 .1 Baird, Jn'o, 1 .4 Buck, Jn'o, 1 .7 Brewer, Peter 3 Beeler, Jos'h 1 .4 .7 Brodsword, Peter "^ 4.10 Brodsword, Mathias 3 Boosey, Henry 3 Buchannon, Wm., Sen'r • 6 Blackston, Ja's 7.10 Bear, Jn'o 6 .5 Bradly, Sam'l 1.11 Benson. Ja's 11 Coonrad, Jn'o 6 .6 Crutchlow, Edw'd 5 Cathcart, Ja's 6 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178G. 499 Amount of Tax. Casky, Rob't 6 Caldwell, Jos'h, Sen'r 8 .0 Caldwell, Jos'h, .Jun'r 5 Cams, Jn'o 7 Calkglazier, Ja'o, 11.1 Chambers, And'w 2 Calkglazier, Ab'm, Sen'r 8 .1 Callaha.n, Jn'o, 3 .4 Cavenaugh, Jn'o 11 Cowan, Patrick 1 .7 Cook, Jn'o, 2 .5 Colglazier. Philip "9 Carnahan, Jn'o, Capt'n 12 .1 Chambers, Wm., 6 Cummins, Jn'o 4 Calloway, Sam'l 1 .9 Coyl. Manassa 10 Caruthers, James 2 .8 Carnahan, Jn'o, Col'l 7 Crutchlow. James 7 Devoss, Jo's, Sen'r 1 .G Devoss, Jn'o 2.1 Davison, Wm 6 Deal, Wm 2 .7 Duncan, James, 3.1 Dover. Philip, 5 Drybread, Geo 2 Elliot, Rob't, 3.0 English, Ja's, 7 Elliot, Rob't, Sen'r, 1 .4 Eckley, Peter 5 Eckles, Rob't, 3 Fisher, Geo., Sen'r 9.11 Fryar, Rob't Flnley, And'w 11 .2 Finley. Mich'l 9 Finley, Josr^ph 6 .3 Fricks, Geo 1 .7 Fricks, Henry 5 .5 Fulton. Abraham 2 .2 Fulton. Rob't 3 .fi Failds, Tho's 9 Galbreath. Hamilton 5 Gerhard, Jn'o 12 .0 500 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax Grimn, Tho's, 4 Huuter, Wm., 4 .8 Hunter, Rob't 2 .0 Henry, John, 4 .8 Hughey, Wm 8 .1 Harris, James, 1.10 Hutchison, James, 5 Handley, Sam'l, 6 .2 Hablitz, Mich'l, 3 Hollis, Wm 1 .9 Hineman, Rob't, 1 .1 Henderson, Jos'h, Hobough, Valentine, 6 Higs, Sam'l, 3.3 Hufman, Henry, 6 .4 Hays, Chris'n, " 1 .1 .9 Henderson, Jno, 2.16 .3 Hill, Fred'k, 9 .5 Henman, Tho's 3 Hunter. David 3 .5 Hill, James 1 .4 Hogh, Jacob 4 .2 Hager, Chi] ion, 6 Harper, Rob't, 5 Johnston, Tho's. Jun'r 8 Johnson, Ja's. Sen'r 6 .3 Jones. Jn'o 3 Johnston, Tho's, 4 .2 Jack, John 5.11 Jonei:, Tho's, 7 .6 Johnson, Wm., Sen'r 11 Jarvis, John 5 Johnson, Jn'o, 4 Johnson. Wm., Jun'r 3 .0 Johnston, Ja's, 10 .3 Kamp, Garrard, 5.11 Kinkead, James 3 .4 Kinkead, David 6 .8 Kilpatrick, Jn'o 3 Kelly. Mathew 1 .7 Kerr. Rob't 11 Kamp, Mathew 7 .8 Knox, David 1 i Kelly, Jn'o 1 r^ COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178G. 501 Ainuuiil ot Tax. 7 Kerr, Wm., Sen r Kerr, Paul Killpatrick, Tho's "^ Long, Wm - ^ ^ Lindsey, Hezekiah Latta, Ephraim ' Light, John Logan, Tho's, ^ Latta, Wm., Sen'r ^ '^ Lower, Mich'l ■ Light, Peter ^ "^ Lochhead, Joseph, • Latta, Wm ^ Lewis, Ezekiel . Leonard, James Lodge, Benj'n, , . ^ Latimore, George ^ Miller, Jn'o, Esq"r, ' • McAnulty, Hugh, ^ ^ McCaw, David ' ^ McCaw, Jn'o, ' ^ McHenrj-, Malcolm -^ Metzler, Geo., '^ Miller, Jn'o ' Miller. Isaac, McClintick, Henry Mark. Wm., „. 11 .0 Martin, Wm . Mahan, Alex'r, " Marical, Gasper, • Miller, Isaac, " Martin. Jos'h McClain, Alex'r 4 Murphy, Jn o Mullen, James McKinney, Cain, " Millender, Wm '^ Maze. Jn'o ' Maze, Tho's ^ McKinney, Wm McKinney, Jn'o, ^ Mansfield, Tho's "" X . . 4 .8 Millender, Jn o Millender, David, 50'' RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Morrow, Sam'l, 2 .5 McBride, Wm 8 .6 Mathews, Jn'o, 6 May, Tho's 3 McFarson, James, 2 .2 Millegen, Jn'o 3 Mitchel, Hugh 4 .2 Mitchel, Charles, 5 .3 McCleland, Jn'o 1-8 McKane, James, 3.6 Minor, John 5 Moorhead, Sam'l, 4 .8 March, Charles 7 Murry, Jeremiah, 3 Miller, Mich'l, 2 .9 McCollum, Ja's 9 .6 McClintock, Janet 6 McMich'l, Sam'l, 6 Miller, And. Jn'o 7 .6 Neeley, Mathew, 6 Newell, Margaret, 2 .7 Nesbit, Wm 3 .4 Nesbit, Jeremiah 1 .4 Norris, Geo., 2 .6 Neyman, Harman, 3 Newell, Hugh, 8 .7 Newell, Rob't, 7.6 Newell, Wm., 9 .0 *Neel, Jn'o 9 .7 Ornwall, Jn'o, 3 Patterson, James 4 .3 Patterson, Alex'r 6 Porter, John, 7 .9 Patton, John 4 Quait, James 1 .1 Query, Alex'r 3 Ralston, Wm 7 .0 Robinson, Ja's 12 .2 Reynolds, Wm., ; 4 .2 Rodibaugh, Jn'o 6 Reed, James 3 Ragan, Philip, 1 .^Vz Rule. Sam'l 6 .3 Robinson, Tho's 8 .1 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17SG. 503 Amuuut of Tax. Robinson, Jn'o, ^ -^ Robinson, Tho's' heirs "^ -^ Ralph, Tho's, " Reed, Rob't v '^ Robb, James, ^ Ramsey, James, ^ Rose, Enoch ^ -^ Rayburn, Rob't ^ Rardon, Dennis, ^ -^ Ross, Jn'o, --^ ^ Swope, Nich's ^-^^ Saiger, Jn'o ^ -^ Shaw, James ^ Snider, Peter, ^^ Shote, Jacob ^ -^ Smith, Rob't, ^ Shilling, Geo 10 -^^ Smith, And'r, ^ Stevenson, Jn'o, lo .1 Steward, Rob't 9 Sample. Ezekiel, ^ Stimble, Isaac ^ Stewart, Wm ^ Sanderson, Henry, Swope, Geo ^ -^ Stewart, John 8 .6 Stewart, Charles, ^ • Smith, James, Col'l 8 .0 Smith, Jn'o, 1-6 Shields, Sam'l 6 Shields, David H Smith, And'w, Sen r, 3 Swan, Geo., 1-12 -7 Sample, David 9-8 Syles, Charles 5 Terringer, Mich'l, "^ Thompson. Ja's, 6-8 Thompson, Jn'o, 6 .1 Taylor. Jn'o, 2 .1 Thompson,. Mathew 6 Thompson. Anthony 6 Tare. John 9 .1 Trees. John, ^ Thompson, Thomas, Ill 504 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Tare,- Henry 9 Ward, Sam'l g Wiley, Jn'o 12 Wilson, James, i 2 Williams, Barb'a. .'. 5 Woodrow, Jn'o, 7 g Wilson, Hugh, 1 9 Wallace, Tho's, 2.6 Wason, James, 2 .6 Wason, Charles 1 4 Wigle, Wm., 7 ^ Woods, Jno, 7 Walds, Daniel g jO Willson, Rob't 3 Willson, Sam'l, g 10 SINGLE MEN. John Allison jO q Wm. Boon, 10 q Tho'.s Boyd, 10 .0 Rob't Brown, 10 .0 Jos'h Blackburn, 10 .0 Jn'o Burch 10 Hugh Boyd 10 .0 And'w Chambers 10 .0 Jos'h Devoss 10.0 Jn'o Hagar 10 Jn'o Kinkead, 10 .0 Rob't Kerr, Wm. Latta, Peter Tarr. James Clark, 10 .0 Ephraim Latta, 10 .0 10 .0 George Meracle 10 .0 David Millender 10 .0 John Saiger 10 .0 John Smith 10 Nathan Torbit 10 .0 10 .0 Andrew Johnson 10 .0 10 .0 Wm. Kinard 10 Jn'o Hanna 10 Kerr, Wm COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178G. 50& NAMKS OMITTED. McHenry. Malcolm, for concealed property, Vance, David, Vance, George P^inley, Robert Morrow, Will'm Trout, Henry Trussel, Solomon David Shields Studiberger, Philip Scott, Joseph g Deer, John, .... o Davis, Wm Lowry, Jacob, single Hj y, Aniounl o( Tax 9 .5 5. 11 1 .6 9 3 .9 3 .9 10 .0 4 HEMPFIELD TOWNSHIP, (North Dinrici). Armstrong, Tho's, Anderson, Adam, . Adams, Jn'o Adams. Jn'o, Jun'r, Allison, Wm Art, Wm Beaty, Sam'l Beaty, Wm Blair, James Burgh, Jn'o Burnside. Jn'o, . . . Bole, James, Beer, James Brisoa, James Bash, Martin Brier, Nath'l Best, Robert Beak. Jacob Burbridge. Tho's, . Boil, Jn'o Beaty. Wm., Beaty. Wm Amount of Tax. 3 11 5 .6 5 6 4.10 1 .8 4 .9 8 1 .7 1 .8 2.10 2 .4 3 .9 3 .9 1 .4 5 .6 6 3 .3 5 .3 6 6 506 RETURN OF STATE TAX. Amount of Tax. Buchannon, Jn'o, single, 12 .0 Chalmers, Benj'n, single, 12 .0 Curry, Jn'o, 11 .0 Clugston, Wm 4 .8 Compliment, Wm 12 .0 Campbell, Jn'o, '. 1.6 Cooper, Widow 2.6 Callen, Patrick 3 .9 Culbertson, Jn'o, 3 .9 Campbell, Henrj-, 4 .0 Chambers, James 4 .0 Chambers, Widow 2 .2 Campbell, James, 3.10 Campbell, Cha's, jun'r, 4 .8 Clark, Joseph, 7 .6 Campbell, Tho's 5 .3 Campbell, Ja's, jun'r 5 .6 Campbell, Wm 4.0 Campbell, Ja's, Sen'r 3.10 Cannon, James, 7 .9 Clinier, Jn'o 4.11 Coal, Sam'l, 5.11 Christy, Jn'o, 4.11 Coffraan, Barbara 3.11 Campbell, Tho's, 4.7 Campbell, David, 10 .0 Campbell, Jn'o, 2 .3 Clark, Wm., single 12 .4 Christy, Jn'o 3 .9 Christy, Ja's, 2.11 Caraahan, Adam 4 .1 Camahan, David 6 Charles, James, 6 Davidson, Elias, 19.10 Dorrough, James, 4 .5 Dickey, David, 3.11 Dickey, Moses 1 .8 Dunlap. Jn'o, 4 .8 Duffleld, Wm 3.10 Dutch Doctor 2.11 Davis, Benj'n 3.10 Donnelly. Mallacai 4 .8 Davison, Tho's, single 12 .0 Ermitage, Benj'n g COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178G. 507 Amount of T«.x Evin, Jn'o 4 .8 Evan, Joel, 5.11 Evans, Henry 6 .3 English, David, 3 .5 Ellison, Wm 6 Erwin, Jn'o 3 .6 Erwin, ]>aurence 10 .4 Erwin. David 6 Erwin, Alex'r 14 .3 Edwards, Eliz'a 5 .8 Fisher, James 5 .5 Frame, David 7 .8 Forbes, Wm 4.10 Fisher, Wm., 4.10 Fullerton, Humph'y 5 .8 Frame, Wm 1 .3 Freeman, Wm 1 .3 Freeman, Adam, single, 12 .0 Freeman, Tho's 2.11 Finley, Ja's, single 11 .9 Finley, Jn'o, 4.6 FinJey, Jn'o, Jun'r, 4 .8 Finley, David 2 .6 Forbus. Rob't 5 .8 Foreman, Charles 4 .5 Finley, Sam'l 5.7 Graden, Caleb, 4.11 Gorden. Rob't, 3 .9 Gray. Wm., B. legs 3 .6 Gorely, Sam'l 3 .6 Grimes, Eliz'a 4 .3 Gordon, Rob't, single 12 .0 Grady, Norry, 4.10 Gordon, Alex'r 12 .0 Gaff, Wm 4 .2 Graham. Wm., excise, 4 .8 Guthrie, Wm., single 18 .3 Garvey. Barth'w, 1.10 Guthrie. Jno 2 .6 Gordon, Arch'd. single 12 .0 Gray. James 2 .9 Gray, George 4 .5 Handcock. Cutlop 5 50S RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Huftnagle, Mich'l, 3 _4 Hart, John, 43 Hay, Sam'l, 3,11 Hutchison, George, single 13 .6 Hamilton, James, 9 .8 Hill, Wm 1 .9 Hill, Wm., Jun'r, 1 .9 Hall, Henry, 4 ,3 Hall, Wm 4 .3 Hall, Geo., single 10 .0 Huftnagle, Mich'l 3 .4 liunter, James, g ,3 Hays, John 12 Hughe«, Josiah, 6 .6 Hays, Jn'o, Jun'r, 5 .0 Hickinlover, And'w, 6 .7 Huftnagle, Mich'l 5 .8 Hanna, Widow, 6 .3 Hill, Rob't, single, 12 .0 Holinsworth, Levy, 6 .2 Hunter, Jn'o, 4 Henry, Geo 3 ,2 Hamilton, Wm., 12 Jamison, David, 8 .8 Johnston, James 49 Jack, Mathew 74 Jarvis, Rich'd 11 Jinkins, Wm.'s, heirs, 7 .1 Jinkins, Wm 5 Jinkins, Wm 5 1 Jack, Wm., 5 q Jinkins, Wm., by fox 3 ,3 Kirkpatrick, Ja's, 11 Kerns, Rob't, 1 7 Kelly, James 2 .2 King, John 5 8 Kilgore, Jn'o, single 12 .0 Kinley, Wm., 55 Kilgore, Patrick, 3 1 Kerr, Wm., 12 q Kerr, Wm., Sen'r 3 10 Knott, S. Jos'h, 12 Lernor, And'w 3 2 Lewis. Mordecai 5 10 Y OF W 'ORELAND— 17SC. 509 Amount of Tax. Larimore, David ^ 1 Larimorc, And'w 4 Lanclis, Jn'o o Leasure, Jn'o 2 4 Laird, Benj'n, 5 Y Little, John, 4 Moore, Jn'o. Esq'r 10 4 Moore, Ja's, single 1 .1 .7 Moore, Wra., d'o 4 H McClarin. Math'w 1 I MoKee, Hugh 2 4 Moore, Rebecca McCrea, Rob't 4 ^ McGee, Patrick, single 12 4 Means, Hugh 5 5 McKee, James, Y 3 McClure, Charles 59 Morton, Jn'o g 1q Morris, Sara'l Y rj McConnry, Jos'h, 1 .0 .3 Mason, Widow, Y g McBride, James, 7 y Millar, James, 9 Mahaffy, Sam'l 1 g Mortimore, Jn'o, 9 Aiartin, Jn'o, 2 4 McCleland. Ja's, 9 Moore, Wm., B. D 1 4 McKee, Rob't 4 g McQuilkin, Ja's 2 McKee, Rob't 4 3 McKimm, Ja's 2 9 McGIaughlin, Sam'l, 2.10 McGlaughlin, Wm., 4 1q McGinnis. Fran's, 3 2 Maxwell. Adam g Montgomery, Jn'o, 1 1 U McCutchin, Widow, 2 4 McBride, Isaac, single 12 .0 McHutchin. Ja's 4 1 McHutchin, Sam'l, 4 g McHutchin. Alex'r 3 g McConnel, Jn'o 4 § McCullough, Sam'l, 3 9 510 RETURN C .^Ti. i. Amount of Tax. McCiarren, Hugh 1 •- McNeos, \Vm ^ Millar, Math'w, "* -^ McKee, David, 12-2 Murrow, Jn'o, single 12 .0 Nortou, Wm., 6.10 Nolder, John, ^ NolLon, Robert 1-9 Oiiry, Adarii 3.10 Phile, Fred'k, '^ -3 I'lumrccr Geo 6 .1 Pollin, Henry, 8 .4 Po If r, Wm., 6.10 Ponn, And'w, 4.10 Porter, Sam'l 6 .4 Perry, Wm., ^ -^ Proctor, Sam'l 6 .5 Pancake, Philip 6 .0 Powell, Sarah 4.2 Perry, Wm., single 12 .0 Pawlins, Jn'o, 5 .3 Persil, Peter, 9 Parkhill, David, 2.10 Patton, Jn'o, single 12 .0 Paul, Widow, 5 .8 Paul, James, single Quigley, Hugh, single, 4 Rankin. Wm 4 .3 Ryan, Geo 5 .4 Rybolt, Stephen, 3 .2 Revee, Peter, 4 .6 Riddle, Jn'o, 3.11 Ross, Geo., 4 .3 Riddle, Mathew 1-0 Riddle, Wm., 5 .0 Robertson, And'w, 5 .8 Ralston, Allen 2 .6 Serai, James 7-4 Sample, David, 3 .2 Shields, Jn'o 10 .6 Shaw. Jn'o, 3 .6 Shaw, Moses 4 Saddel, Ja's, C .1 Steel, Widow 1 .« Stoops, Rob't, Sen'r COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17SG. 511 Amounl of 'J"a.x. Stott, Adam - -8 Swift, Jos'h 3.8 Scott, Tho's 9 Sample, David, 4 .8 Steward, James 2 .6 Steward, Jn'o -1 -3 Sloan, Sam'l •* -8 Still, Sam'l 4 .3 Steel. Wm 12 .0 Swartz, Christ'r 2 .6 Thompson, Wm 4.10 Tice, Jn'o, 1-9 Thorn, Joseph, 7 Thompson, Joseph 4 .9 Thompson, Jean Taylor, Jn'o 4 .0 Todd. Jn'o 4 .8 Wyle, Jos'h 3 .1 Wilson, Wm Wharton, Tho's, 3.10 Williamson, Jn'o 2.11 Wharton. Isaac, 3 .4 Wharton, Charles, 6.10 Wilson, Jn'o, 2 .4 Walker, Tho's, 1-0 Waltfcr, Anth'y, 1-3 Wilson, Charles 6 .1 Wallace, Jn'o, 10 Wallace, Tho's 2 .6 Watson, David 1-3 Woods, Geo., 5 .8 Woods, Tho's 5-8 Young, James 5.2 Yokey, Christ'r 2 .6 Yokey, Christ'r, single 2.10 Yokey, Peter, d'o 12 .0 Young, Tho's 3 .9 Young. Gilbert 12 .3 Young, Jn'o 1 ■" Waddle. Wm 9 .5 Wilford. John 3.7 White, Sam'l 9 Wallis, Eph'm 3 .2 Willey, Jn'o 2.6 512 liETURN OF STATE TAX, HEMPPIELD TOWNSHIP, (South District). Amount of Tax Altman, Wm., 2.11 Alimong, Nich's 7 .8 Altman, Gasper, 4 Albworth, And'w 6 .4 Alexander, Joseph, 5 Adderholt. Peter, 6 Ardman, Abr'm, 1.10 Armstrong, Wm., 1 .4' Altman, B. Peter, 2 .1 Altman, Anth'y, 4 .8 Altman, H. Peter 5 .7 Altman, G. Peter, single 10 .0 Altman, And'w 10 .0 Altman, Wm 10.0 Altman, Philip 9 Alexander, Hugh, 1 .0 Armstrong, Wm., Jun'r, 11 .9 Briney, Peter 12 Boggs, Aaron 4.11 brisby, Wm 1 .6 Bush, Daniel 2.10 Brown, Jn'o, Sen'r 4 .2 Brown, Jn'o, Jun'r g Beaty, David 12 Blain, Eph'm 14 4 Barnhart, Jacob 3 Barnhart, Wm 2 .0 Boyd, Widow 5 10 Biers, George, 4 1 Brown, Wm 4 g Barns, Wm., 7 Barnet, Wm., 1 10 Byarly, Mich'l, 39 Byarly, Jacob 6 Bryney, Adam 49 Best. Wm 7 10 Balm, Christ'r, 4 10 Brownlee, Jos'h's. heirs, 2.11 Branthefer, Adam 3 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17S6. Amount Bounce, Elijah Bell, Robert Boviard, James Brison, James, Briney, Simon Balm, Chrisfr. Jun'r Brookens, Charles, Cimmel. Jacob Counce, Bartle Cimmera, Jn'o • Courr, Yost Conkel, John Cribbs, Jn'o Campbell, Jos'h Crookshanks. And'w, Conway, Hugh Culbertson, Alex'r^ Cowdey, Wm Capeley, Nich's, Cummins, Jn'o, Clark, Rob't, Clinglesmith. And'w Cain. James Colgan, Patrick Culp. Philip Clinglesmith, Peter Clinglesmith, Jn'o Clinglesmith, H. Philip Clinglesmith, Philip Clinglesmith, I>an'l Clinglesmith, And'w, for the estate of Philip Clinglesmith, Jacob Crouscur, Jn'o Collance, James, Cherrj-, Peter Civer, Fred'k, Cimmera, Ludwick Counce, Philip, Conkle, Mich'l, Cearning, Ludwick, Caple, Jacob. Sen'r, Caplc, Mich'l Clark, Jn'o. Capt'n Colgan, Charles 33— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 513 of Tax. 6 7 12 .2 17 .3 10 .0 10 .0 3.10 3 .8 2 .1 3.11 2 .7 6 .0 8 2 7 .1 6 5 1.10 2 .4 5 6 2.11 3 3 IV4 2 .1 3 .2 2 .4 2 .1 4 .3 2 .4 2 .1 2 .7 6 8 12 .3 12 .7 4 .3 5 .0 4 .2 5 .2 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 514 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Cough, Peter 14 .5 Caple, Jacob, Jun'r 10 .0 Counce, Jn'o, 12 .4 Clingiesmitli, Nicholas 10 .'* Davis. Hanover, 6.11 Dittore, Jacob, 5 .4 Drum, Simon, 2.10 Davis, Nathaniel, 7 J3eel, William, 3 .1 Erriot, Christ'r, 4 .2 Everart. Paul, 2 .6 Fritchman, Adam, Sen'r : 4 .0 Freleigh, Martin 1 .9 Faris, Widow, 7 Fredley, Jacob, 1 .0 Fleming, Robert 5.1 Foreman, Charles , 3.10 Fritchman, Mich'l 10 .0 Fritchman, Adam, Jun'r, 10 .0 Ford, Moses 15 .0 France, Jacob 3.7 Gross, Christ'r 3 .6 Gross. Peter, 2.8 George, Adam 2.10 Golden, Jn'o, 4 Gwin, Thomaf; 2 Graham, Wm 3.10 Gongag^vire, Mich'l 1 .9 Guthrie, Wm 1 .6 Godfrey, Jn'o 4 Gourley, Jn'o 2 .8 Gaff, Wm., 3.10 G«orge, Coonrad 10 .0 Harmon, Peter 1 .6 Hughs, Jn'o, Esq'r 9 .7 Hooke, Sam'l, 3 .C Harold, Stoph'l, 8 .9 Huffman. Adam 6 Harold, Peter 2 .7 Hazeley, Henry 3 .8 Houser, Jn'o 2 .7 Hartley, Robert 4 Houver, Peter, 3 1 Hawk, Coonrad, 4.11 .OUNT\ OF WEST.MOKKLAND— 17S6. 515 Amount of Tax, .ys, Jn'o, 6 Hunter, Robert, 4 Hess, Henry, 1 .5 Humm, Conrod 1 .6 Highlands, Barnibas 3 .0 Hamson, Wm 9 Hill, Robert 9 Huffnagle, Mich'l, Esq'r 1 .0.11 Hanna, Robert 4 Henry, Fred'k 2 .2 Hawk, George 10 .0 Hawk, Jacob, 10 .0 Humra, Henry, 10 .0 Hooke, George 10 .0 Huffman, Adam, Jun'r 10.0 Hamilton, Hans 10 .0 Hogelberger, Philip, 10 .0 Iseman, Peter, Jun'r, 2.11 Ireland, Hans. 3 .6 Irwin, Joseph 1 .8 Iseman. Peter, Sen'r 4 .2 Iseman, Mich'l, 10 .0 Iseman, Christ'n 10 .0 Jack, Wm., Esq'r 4 .3 Jenkins, Wm.'s heirs, 7 .3 King, James 3 .5 Kirk, James, 3 .5 Kegg, George 2 Kiver, Henry 7 Kester, Ludwick 8 Kimera, Adam 2 .2 Kize, Nicholas, 10 .0 Lion, Widow 9 Long, Nicholas, 5 .4 Long, Ludwick, 3.10 Long. Tobias 3 .6 Lickes, Jn'o, 4 Lickes, Tho's 8 Learing, & Pike 7 .9 Luckey, Andrew, 10 .0 Luckey, Anth'y, 1 .3 Marchant. Fred'k 5 .6 McGregor, Colums 1 .8 Mathias. George 7 516 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount Mathias, Daniel, 2 . Milliron, Philip, 1 .9 Myre, Adam, Sen'r 2 .3 Merchant, David, g .7 Miller, Christ'r, • 7 Macklin, Devalt, Sen'r, 8 .5 Ma«klin, Mich'l, 3 .8 Macklin, Devalt, Jun'r 3.IO McKeever, Henry 4 Muffly, Jn'o 4 McGwire, Jn'o 4 McHenr>', Malcolm, 1 ,2 McMullen, Widow, 1 .6 McMasters, Wm., 2 .0 Macklin, Jacob, 9 g Myre, Adam, Jun'r, 1 g Myre, George 18 Miller, Jn'o Peter, 4 g McKee, Rob't 3 _g McKee, Wm 2 .3 Miller, Mathew '. 3 1 Milliron, Nich's ]0 McCamish, Tho's 10 Murdock, Tho's 10 McCounel. Rob't I5 q NelRnr Widow, 3 1 Oliver, Andrew 2 .8 Ordeal, Charles 4 C Oury, Adam 4 Oury, Christ'r g Orr, Rob't, Esq'r, g g Ottennan, Ludwic g 2 Orr, Sam'l 10 Peck, Wm 1 g Perry, Wm., Esq'r, g 7 Perry, Jn'o I4 5 Painter. Jacob 3 4 Peck, George, 1 ^ Paul. Wm., 1 Pitts. Jos-eph, 4 Parks. Hugh j 9 Potter, Sam'l 3 j Price. Dorentine g Painter, Geo 3 n COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17SU. 517 Amount of Tax. Patty, Geo 2 .8 Perry, James 1 -^ Riissel. James, ^ -^ Rudibaugh, Christ'r 4 .9 Ralston, Robert 3.1 Ream, Nicholas ^ Riddle, Wm 2 .2 Rough, Jacob, 2 .5 Rice, Fred'k 6-2 Ringer, Mich'l, '* Rogers, Tho's, 4 .0 Rough, Peter, 3 .G Rupe, Francis, 1 -^ Rudolph, Jn'o 1^ Rudolph, Jacob 10 Ream, George, 10 .0 Reacher, Samuel ^ Riddaugh, Jn'o 1 1 Shull. Jacob, "^ Smith, Mich'l, 1-2 Snider, Peter, 2.11 Smith. Henry, 3 .G Shrum, Henry, 2 .4 Seanor, George, 1 ■' Seanor, Jacob 1 •'^' Shira, Nicholas, "^ Simpson. Tho's, 6.11 Shaw, Wm 6 .8 Stamitts. Philip, 3 .7 Stewart, Arch'd, ' Slive. Fred'k 1-4 Straw, Jacob. Sen'r, 4 .9 Shctts, Henry 2 .7 St€€l, Rosy 6 Smith, Christ'r, 9 Silvey, Jn'o, Sen'r 3 .6 Staner, Valentine 6 Shoemaker, W^m 10 .0 Silvey, Jn'o. Jun'r 10 .0 Shotts, Mich'l 10 -f" Straw, Peter 10 .0 Straw. Jacob. Jun'r 10 .0 Smith. Leonard, 10 .0 Shaw. John 10 518 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount Sparr, Geo Shrum, Jn'o Smith, Philip Smith, Jacob Short, Martin, Shivley, Fred'k Thomas, Garrard Thomas, Wm Truby, Christ'r, Esq'r, Truby, Mich'l Thomas, Jn'o Taylor, Robert Turner, Marj', Turner, Robert Tunney, Dan'l, Tunney, Philip Thomas, John Turner. Jn'o Turner, George Thompson, George, Vemer, Fred'k, Vincel, Philip, Vincel, Mich'l Vincel, Jn'o Vandike, Wm., Vezey, Jn'o Wagley. Isaac Waugh, Jn'o Westley, James, Walker, James Williamson, Henr>- Walsh. Jn'o Weaver, Wm Weaver, Jii'o Willson, Wm Welsh, Jn'o, Willson, Edw'd Willson, Jn'o Willson. James Welker. Mich'l Waterson. James Watson. David Waltinbaugh, Rineard Wannemaktr, Peter of • Tax. 2 .1 2 .7 4 .2 7 2 i 8 .0 1 4.10 1 .7 3 .1 1.10 5 .8 7 21 .4 10 .1 10 .0 6 11 .1 16 .0 8 2 .0 4 1.10 1 .8 1 .2 6 6 1 .9 1 .1 4 2 .7 6 .9 6 3 .0 3 1 .8 1 .9 1 .9 7 6 5 1 .0 1 .4 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1786. 519 Willyard, Fred'k, Walter, Philii). .. Wagley, Ab'm. . . . W^arncck, Edw'd, Williamson, Tho's, Williamson, Dan'l, W^illson, Joseph, . Willson, Andrew, Yont, John Young. Wm Young. Alex'r, . . . Amount of 2 Ta. .8 4 2 .4 1 .6 5 .1 4 .3 10 .0 7 10 .0 12 .0 2 .3 MOUNT PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. Amount Anderson. Wm Armil. John, Anderson, Joseph Armil, Dan'l Amelong, Stophel Anderson, Jn'o, Anthony, Philip Albright, Leonard, Baird, Jn'o Blain, Ephraim Barnes. Aud'w Bash, Martain Briney. John Bay, David Bay, Hugh /^ Brumfield, Rob't, Brumfield. James Brinker, Henry Brinker, Jacob Branden, Alex'r Byars, Coonrod, Bare, Henry Bradley, Sam'l Beans. Hugh Bear, Rudy, Sen'r, Bear. Rudy. Jun'r, of Tax. 7 .5 3 .7 3 1 .1 2 .0 8 1 2.5 5 .4 9 .6 3 .8 2 .6 2.10 1 .0 5 .6 4 2 .7- 4.11 3 .2 5 7 .3 1 .8 3 .1 4 3 .6 1 .7 520 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Bear, Adam 5 .2 Bonnet, Jn'o, 5 .8 Brinker, And'w, 2 .0 Craig, Jn'o, 10 .3 Craig, Alex'r, 2.6 Campbell, Josias, 6.3 Christman, Jacob 2 .7 Clark, Wm., 2 .7 Clever, Henry 2 .7 Campbell, Geo., 2 .0 Carr, James 6 Cherry, Ralph 1 .0 .0 Clark, James, 2 .3 Clark, Jn'o 4 Coste, Philip 8 .9 Carter, Barzillia, 9 Cline, Jacob, 4 Creanor, Mich'l, 8 Carver, Jacob 4 Clippinger. Geo 3 .1 Clark, Jas, Capt'n 6 .4 Crawford, Jn'o 2 .7 Colmer, Coonrad 6 .9 Coulter, Sam'l 5 .1 Coulter. James, 3 .8 Cain, Martha, 3 .1 Crawford, Geo., 2 .6 Collins, Rob't 2 Oeese, Stoph'l H Crawford, Jn'o 10 Dickey, Rob't 1 .6 Dickey. Geo., 3 Dilworth, Jn'o 6 Davis, Elias 7 Davis, Wm 3 Dunseth, Rob't, 4 Dotty, Wra 5 Eager, Jn'o 3 6 Eager, Jane 2 .6 Eager, Wm 2 .7 Ellison, Moses 15 Elliot, Tho's 3 11 Espy, Jacob g Frazier. Rob't, 3 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17SG. 51'1 Amount of Taic. Fletcher, Tho's ^ -^ Felger, Henry ^ Fiskis, Charles ^ ■- Fiskis, John ^^ -^ Fiskis, Garrard ^ ^ •■* Finley, Wm '^ -^ Farguson, Ja's Fiskis, Abr'm ° Ford, Charles ^ -^ Critlin, John, ^ -^ Outhrie, James 2 .7 (.Jraham, Richd "* Oraham. Wm.. excise ^ -^ Graham. Wm ^ Gordon. Rob't Guthrie, Ja's, Scn'r ■* — Guthrie, Wm •■ ^ Guthrie, Jn'o •* -^ Glen, James, ^ -^ Gaff, James, ^ Grier. Wm ^^ -^ Hartman, Jacob ^ Hunter. James, 9 .0 Hufman, Jacob ■* -^ Henry, George ^ -^ Hetherington, Tho's 2 Husk. Nath'l 12 .2 Hess, Jacob ^ Hutchison, Jn'o, ^ ^ -2 Hartley. James 3 .8 Husk, Henry "^ -^ Holton. Jn'o 3 Hull. Jn'o, '^ Huston, Sam'l ^ Hope, Adam 1 -^ Halfpenny, 2 .4 Jack, Jn'o ^ -^ Jones, Tho's ^ Inman, Henry ^ Jamison, Jn'o 1 •' Jamison, Wm " Jamison, Jn'o ' Jamison, Rob't, '^■'^^ Johnston. Charles '^ -^^ 522 RETURN OF- STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Jones, Benj'n, 10 Inman, Will'm, 1 .2 Jack, Patrick, 95 Jamison, Jn'o, big, 8 Jinkins, Wm., 1 .6 Kilgore, David, 5 .1 Kees, Wm., 4 Kees, Rob't, 2 .6 Kilpatrick, Wm., 3 .9 Kinkead, And'w, 2 .4 Lewis, Sam'l 5 leaver, Christ'n, 8 Latta, Moses, 5 .4 Lewis, Sam'l, Ju'r ; 4 Lawson, Ja's 4 .6 Leizure, Dan'l 12 Lochrey, Wm 10 .0 Latimore, Wm 1 .0 Laver, Bartle 1 .0 Litle, Jacob 2 .0 Leizure, Ab'm 7 G Lovenguire, Stophel 17 .8 Lidick, Jacob 2 .3 Lochrey, Jeremiah 4 2 Learner, And'w g Lochrey, Wm., Esq'r, 8 .5 Lee, Rob't, 2 McMasters. Ja's. Jun'r 2 .1 McQuiston, Ja's, 3 6 McQuiston, Wm ' 6 McGwire, Sam'l 7 McMasters, Wm., Jun'r, 1 .2 McMasters. James 8 7 McCleland, Jn'o, 6 7 Morrison, Daniel, 1 5 McKinney, Alex'r 5 McCoy, Tho's 7 1 McCall, Barny, 2 .1 McClenahan, Tho's 4 1 McKibbins, Jn'o 8 7 McClure, Jn'o 5 4 Montg'omery, James 34 Morrison, Mathew, 1 j McDowell, Luke 9 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17SG. 523 Amuuiit ('f 'lux McKnight. Wm - " Martin, Hugh, Esn'r : ^-1^ McCartney, Geo ^ -^ March, Charles ^ •'^ Martin, David ^ McDowell, Mark, ^ Michael, Ja's Marshal, Ja's ^ -^ McMichael, Arthur ^ -^ McClelland, Geo., ^ .3 Milland, Ja's, ^ McHenry, Isaac ^^ McGwire, Jn'o ° McGwire, "Wm ^ 7 10 McGinnis, Fran s ' -^^ McCall, Wm ^ 4 McCartney, Ja s 9 o Moorhead, Sarah "^ •° >McCune, David ^ Moore, Jn'o ^ •" McKee, Eliz'a, ^ Marshall, Wm ^ -^ Maxwell, Wm "* -^ Marshall, Rob't, 2 .9 McClure, Wm ^ McCall, Agness, ^ -^ McGeary, Wm., ^-^^ Nichols, Jn'o '^ -^ Newell, Joshua, ^ -^ Neal, Wm ^ -^ Neilly, Hugh '^ -^ Newell. Robert, ^ -^ Nichols, Wm ^ -^ Nichols, Rob't, Sen'r, "^ -^ Neil, Jn'o '^ O'Harra, Arthur "^ -^ Patton, Tho's ^ -^ Pebbles, Sam'l, "^ -^ Proctor, Jn'o ^^ •'^ Partmass, Adam Points, Jn'o, A Pawlins. Isaac Pallmer, Adam ^ -^ Persian, Christian, Sen'r, ^^ -^ 324 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tai. Persian, Christ'n, Jur/r 1 .2 Powers, Abr'm 3.10 Pebbles, Jn'o, 6.11 Pallmer, Henry, 2 Power, Ja's, Rev'd 6.11 Pinks, Ja's, 2 .6 Quigley, Ja's 8 Quinn, Jn'o 1 .5 Reynolds, Joshua 4 .7 Raiser, Fred'k 1 .5 Rynard, Stophel 1 .5 Rankin, David 12 .0 Robinson, Hugh 6 Robinson, Rob't 3 .3 Roofner, Simon 1 .3 Robinson, Marg't 1 .7 Rowley, Jn'o 2 .8 Roof. Anthony 7 .8 Riddle, Wm., 8 Shreader. Wm., 10 .4 Shreader, Wm., Jun'r 1 .6 Steward, Robert 8 Soomley, Jacob, 6 Stockberger, Mich'l 3.11 Spence, James 5 Sloan. Jn'o 3 .2 Steel, James 7 .7 Sheerer, David, 4 .0 Smith. Philip 4 .7 Stockberger. Mathias, 4 .0 St. Clair. Arth'r, Gen'l, 1 .0 .0 Smith, George, 4 .6 Smith. Tho's, 11 Sloan, Wm 5 .1 Sloan. Mary 6 Sloan. Sam'l 4 .6 Story. Wm., 6 Stutchel. Jn'o 2 .5 Sample, David 6 Sorrels, Sam'l, 1.10 Steer. Jacob 1 .8 Syphritz, Bostion, 5 .9 Solders, G-eorge 1.10 Scott, James, Jun'r, 2 .0 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178C. 525 Amount of Tax. Smitley, Nich's Smitley, Gasper, Senr Scott, Ja's, S€n'r Speelman, Jn'o, Smitley, Gasper, Juu'r Smart, John, Scott, Jn'o Stokeley, Thomas Taylor, Jn'o Thorn. Jn'o • Taylor, Jn'o, L. Hanna Thompson, Wm Thompson. Hugh, Dr Trindle, Jn'o, Sen'r Tittle. Peter Thorn, Jn'o, Jun'r, Todd, Wm., Esq'r Topping. Robert Thompson, Joseph Teemer. Adam Tom. Joseph White. James Wilson. Wm Wolfart. Jn'o Winter, Tho's Weaver. Adam Ward. Jn'o Wetherington, Rob't Worthington, Ja's Worthingion, Wm Weaver. Gasper Wiley. Jn'o White, Anrt'w Whiteside, Sam'l, *• Walter, Jacob Walker. Alex'r Waddle. Rob't, Waggoner. Toris, l White, David, r. White, Patrick Walt.inbangh, Tedor Yericn. Fre'd'k Y'erion. George 1 .8 3 . 4 1 .0 1 .8 1 .9 1 .0 1 .G 5 .0 1 .1 5 2 2 .6 b 8 4 .3 9 14 .7 4 .6 6 .6 4 10 6 .3 4 .2 4 .2 1 .1 2 .0 4 3.10 8 9 3 .5 3 .0 1 .0 2.10 1 .0 9 4 .9 1 .0 9 .7 7 4 4 8.10 52G RETURN OF STATE TAX, SINGLE MEN. Amount Anderson, James Auquerman, Stophil, Auquerman, Philip, Andeison, Abraham Bash, John, Boyd, Tho's, Bear, Adam Bear, Jn'o Bear, Jn"o Bash, Martin, Clark, Alex'r Crawford, Wm Crawford, Ja's Dilworth, Benj'n, Deadman, Henry Dumeld, Philip Davis, David ' Dilworth, Geo Fritz, Wm., Fannon, Simon Gizer. Gasper, Gibson, George Graff, Jn'o, Gollaher, Jn'o Gibb, Rob't Gibb, David ; Hunter, Eph Hall. Rob't ..'^^^ Hope, Rich'd Hunter, Jn'o Hair, Mich'l Jamipon, Duke, Jamison, Francis, Jone?, Daniel Laver, Henry Lucas, Philip Latta, Jn'o Love, Jn'o Lewis, Jonathan McClenahan, Ja's McKinney. Hugh Mason. Tho's, McNeal, Wm t of Tax. 13.10 10.10 2 .0 10 .6 13 .5 10 .G 12 .6 12 .6 10 .6 13 .6 14 .0 13 .6 2 .1 16 .G 13 .G 13 .G 12 .6 10 .6 15 .0 10 .0 10 .0 15 .0 18.10 12 .0 12 .9 12 .0 15 .9 15 .3. 14 .G 15 .0 10 .0 12.11 12 .4 11 .0 12.10 12 .0 ■ 15 , .0 12 , .6 12 . ,6 15 . 3 12 . 9 13.10 12 . G COl'XTY OF WESTMORELAND— lT8(i. McGwire, Dan'l Messer, Jn'o McDonold, Jn'o McGoogen, Alexr, . . Marshall, Ja's McGwire. Tho's McCartney, Sam'l, . . Newell, James Nichols, Rob't Nichols. Jn'o Nichols. Jn'o, swamp. Proctor. Wm., Quigley, Carj-. Rody, Ezekiel Robison. Wm Riley. Jn'o, Robinson. Rob't, . . . Roof, Jn'o Robinson. Jn'o, .... • Sims. James, Shreader. Aaron. . . . Scott, Night Steer. Coonrad Smith, Rob't Sheerer, Tho's Trindle, Jn'o "White, Jn'o, Winter, Jacob Waddle, Wm Weaver, Fred'k, ... mount ot ' 12 Tax. .6 12 .0 15 .4 12 .8 5 .3 10 .6 15 .6 15 .3 14 .4 10 .6 10 .9 8 .7 12 .9 12 .6 3 12 .G 12 .6 12 .6 14 .4 12 .6 13 .G 18 .9 12 .G 12 .G 14 .9 10 .4 14 .4 16 .1 15 .3 12 .6 DERRY TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax Allison. And'w 2 .8 Ackles. Wm 1 -^ Allison. Rob't 10 Allison. Tate 8 Adam, Andrew 2 .2 528 RETURN OF bTATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Anderson, Joshua, 5 g Allison, Robert 5 _g Alexander, Saiii'l, g Barns, James 1 3 Barnet, Jn'o 2 .6 Barr, Marg't 5 1 Barr. Jas, g 7 Baird, Ja's 39 Brown. Wm 2 8 Boyd, John 1 g Barr, Rob't 2 .2 Barr. Rob't. Jim'r 2 Baird, Charles, 5 1 Byars, Jacob 5 1 Bell, Widow ' 13 Berryhill, Wni. 5 7 Callgore, Oliver, 49 Courtney, Widow 11 Cleghorn, Matih'w, 5 6 Coonrad, Jn'o 55 Cooper, Jn'o, 5; Craig. Jean 5 jq Craig. Sam'l 2 .3 Craig. Jn'o 2 9 Cahill, Ja's, g Cahill, Edw'd 3 9 Carron, Ja's, 4 Cochran, Jn'o, 5 Cochran, Wm., 5 7 Crosier, Wm 1 4 Crawford, Rob't 4 g Culbertson. Sam'l 3 1q Chapman. Nich's, 3 4 Chambers, Jn'o, 2 Caldwell. Alex'r 1 4 Crow, Jn'o 1 2 Crow, James 9 Caldwell, Jos'h 2 Cahill, Lydia .5 2 Churn. Mich'l g Campbell. Wm 2 4 Campbell. Jn'o 9 Campbell. Wiciow 2 9 Curry. Wm 2 4 COl'NTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178G. 529 Amount of Tax. Cahill, Margaret l-li) Caldwell. Jn'o 11 Clark, James, ;oi.. Jos'h 2 .7 Davison, Jn'o ^ Dunlap, Wm 4 .0 Dunold, Sam'l 6 Dunseth, James 3 DonoUy, James 1 3 Donahoe, Jn'o, 2 .7 Elder, Joshua 2 .3 Ellis. Jn'o 1 .2 Elder, Rob't 7 S Eaton. James 2 .9 English, James 1 1 Fu'ton. Abraham 3 .9 Fulton. Ja's. 7-2 Fails. Mary 1-8 French. Ayres. 5 Fargusen. Wm 2 .6 Fleming. James 5 Fails. Alex'r 2 Girts. Harmon 2 .G Girts, Jn'o 8 Gibson, Charles 4 .0 Gallaher, Barny 5 .0 Gallaher, Tho's 1 .1 Glenr, Jn'o 1 .0 Glenn, James 1-3 Guthrie, Wm 8 .G Guthrie, A'ex'r 2 .9 Gallaher, James 1-10 George, Mathew 1 .1 Kughes. Wm 3 .9 Kail, James 2 .1 Hamilton, Hugh G HatPbaueh. Geo 5 Henry, Jn'o 8 Harbridge. Edw'd 1. 11 34— VOL. XXH— 3rd Ser. 330 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Henry, Rob't, Henderson, Charles, Henderson, Sam'l, . Haring, Jn'o Irwin, Sam'l, Joyce, Wm Jolly, Tho's, Jolly, Sam'l, Kirkpatrick. Dan'l, . Kinkead, And'w, . . . . Kirkpatrick, Jn'o, . . Kelly. Edw'd Eeasure, George, . . . . Lowers. Robert, Lefever, Campbell, . , Love, Elizabeth, . . . . Lochrey, Jeremiah, . . Latta, Ephraim Little, Widow, Montgomery, Jo's, . . , McMullen, Jn'o, Moorford, James, . . . McClane, Alex'r, McClane, And'w, . . . . McClajie, Charles, . . . McMullen, Jn'o Mclntire, Ja's Miller, Mich'l McGrath, Mich'l McGrath, Tho's McCrady, Jn'o Mann, Joseph McCasky, Rob't McDowel, Rob't, Moorhead, "Widow, . . MoConahey, Rob't, . Mclniire, And'w Mclntire. Jn'o •Morrison, Radnunck. McCallister, Widow, . McCallister. James. . Miller. Robert, Morehead, Wm Parr. James. Amount o£ Tax. 2 .3 6 6 10.11 2 .3 5 .0 3 .1 3 1 .1 1 .1 9 2 .3 3.10 5. 10 8 2.10 2 .0 2 .3 8 9 9 7 4 1 .3 1 .4 1 .6 2 .4 9 2 .1 2 .1 5 .6 2 .4 1 .4 5 .7 3 .1 5 .7 3.11 1 .5 4 2 .7 4 7 7.10 7 .1 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17SG. 531 Parr, Sam"l Parr, Isaac Patton, Wm Pettit, Elias Patton, Alex'r Pomroy, Jn'o Patterson, Jn'o, . . . Patterson, Garard. Paterson. Jn'o Patrick, Jn'o Paterson, Sam'l. . . Pomroy, George, . . Rund, Jacob RuEsel, John Raser, Sam'l Robinson, Sam'l, . . Russel, James, . . . Reynolds, Jn'o Ross, Sam'l Smith, Rob't, Sterling, Joseph, . . Simpson, James, . . Steward, Ja's Stinson. Tho's, . . . Stinson, Jean Stinson, James, . . . Smyrl, George, . . . Shields, Jn'o, Sloan, Sam'l, Sloan, Sam'l. Jun'r, Sloan, Jn'o Sloan, Sam'l Soxman, Christ'n, . "Skinner, Geo Strahan, Sam'l, . . . Strahan, Tho's, . . . Trimble, Arch'd, . . Taylor. Wm Trimble, Tho's, .. Thompson. Jn'o, . . Taylor, Tho's Trindle, Wm Taylor, Rob't Taygarty. Charles, Amount of Tax. 2 .6 8 .2 3 .9 8 2 6 .6 4 .4 9 1 .6 8 2.10 3 .9 2 .4 1 .8 1 .1 6 1 .1 3 .7 11 2 .0 2 .6 1 .3 1 .4 2 .6 1 .6 2 .3 5 2 .6 5 .3 3 .3 3.10 2 .6 2 .3 8 4 2 .1 10 1 .1 1 .8 1 3 .0 2 .8 5 532 RETURN OF STATE TAX. Thompson, Dan'l Thompson, James, Voris, Ralph, Wilson, James, Wills, And'w, Wills, James, Wisner, Jn'o Wallace, Wallace, Widow Wilkins, Tho's Waddle. Sam'l Wier, Aaron '' Woolf, And'w, Watson, Tho's Watson, Wm., White, James, Wilson, Sam'l, SINGLE MEN. Anderson. Dan'l Anderson. Jn'o Anderson, Tho's Adams, Tho's, Allison, And'w, Baird, Moses, Burns, Dennis, Brown, James Cooper, Wm Cosby, Wm Caldwell, Rob't Condon, Jn'o Cleghorn. Robert Cahill, Ab'm Danold, Moses Donoly, Geo Deniston, Alex'r, Ewing, Jn 'o Ellis, Tho's Ellis. Dan'l. Galbreath. Sam'l, Hall. Sam'l Hughes, Geo Hall, Wm Justice. Peter of Tax. .1 3 .0 2 .7 12.11 3 .0 3 .0 8 4.11 18.1 J 5 .0 5 .3 4 .6 2.1U 1 .7 1 .7 3 .1 6 12.10 12.10 1 .6 .4 10.11 10.11 11 .3 11.11 10.11- 10 .G 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11 12 .9 10.11 10.11 10.11 11 .9 10 .4 10.11 10.11 10 .5 10.11 10.11 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178G. 533 Amount of Tax. Leazure, Beuj'n 10.11 Love, John 10.11 Little. Wm 10.11 McCallister, Alex'r 10.11 Patterson, Charles, 10.11 Patterson, Sam'l, 10.11 Right, Sam'l 10.11 Steward, Andw 17 .0 Simpson, Tho's 10.11 Savage, Henry 10 .8 Steward, Charles ' 10.11 Thompson, Wm 10.11 Wilkins, Jn'o, 12 .4 Wills, Jn'o 10.11 Buchannon. Tho's 3 .6 Brown, Agness 1.6 Brown, Jam€S 2 .0 Bigham, James 4 .0 Barr. Wm 3 .6 Brown, Wm 4 Casey, 1 .6 Clifford, Charles, 4 .0 Coffman, Mich'l, 1 .6 Cummins, Jn'o 4 .0 Case. Wm., 10 Campbell. Jn'o ; 2 .6 Enyard, Jn'o 5 Erwin, David 2 .3 Essix, Wm 1 .0 Felloon, Jn'o 6 Finley, Sam'l 3 .9 FYeeman, Philip 1 .5 Flack. Robert, 1 .2 Feighter, George 2.0 Galbreath, Tho's' heirs, . .' 9 .0 GrifTith, Charles, 6 .0 534 RETURN OF STATE TAX, FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Hill, or Latimore, 2 .3 Horry, Geo 3 .6 Hufnagle, Mich'l 6 .6 Hamil, Jn'o, 4 .4 Henderson, Rev'd 1 .5 Hanna, John ." 2.6 Hannah, Rob'ts, heirs , 3.4 Halferty, Edw'd 2 .5 Hendriclvs, Ab'm 2.10 Hendricks, Dan'l, 2 .2 Hise, Henry 1 .4 Hiser. Gasper 5 .0 Hart, Jn'o, 1 .6 Hammond, Henry, 2 .9 Hendricks, Dan'l, 1 .4 Johnston, Alex'r, 4 .0 Jamison. Wm 6 .0 Kennedy, Ja's, 5 Kilpatrick, Wm., 4 .0 Knox, George, 2 .2 Knox, Robert, 1 .6 Lute, Nicholas 4 .0 Laver, Daniel, 1 .6 Laman, Wm 3 .0 Lather, James, McManus, Widow, 9 McCoy, Daniel, 4 .0 McGwire, Arch'd 2 .6 McCurdy, Jn'o, 1 .6 McDugle, Jn'o, 1 .1 McWhirter, Wm 1 .4 McHarg, Peter 4 .0 McCurdy, James, 3 .0 McCurdy, Ja's, W 1 .2 Murphy, Jn'o 1 .3 McNaugher, Jn'o 1 .8 Menteer, Alex'r 1 .2 McMullen, Widow, 3 .6 Martin, Jn'o, 1.10 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 1786. 535 Amount of Tax. Miles, Tho's 2 .4 McDowell, Wm 1 .8 McCracken, Jn'o 1 .8 McMullen, Tho's 2 .0 Nagle's heirs 3 .0 Peters, Jn'o 1 .6 Piper, Wm., 5 .0 Pollock, James 5 .0 Porter. Hugh 3.0 Reed, Rob't, 5 .0 Row, George 1 .6 Richardson, 2 .0 Reed, James, 3 .0 Snider, Widow, Smith. John, 1 .3 Smith, Sam'l 4 .2 Sutton, Tho's 3 .8 Sutton, Geo 1 .4 ^tevens, Amos, 1 .2 Sellers. Nathan 1 .4 Sharp. Andrew, 2 .3 Snider, Peter, 2.6 Snider, Peter, Jun'r, 6 St. Ciuir. Arthur, 1 .9 .8 Tosh, Henry 1 .6 Tait, David 9 .2 Woods, George 4 .0 Woods, Tho's, 1 .6 SINGLE MEN. Andrew, Lynn, 10 .0 James Flack 10 .0 John Rogers, 10 .0 Arch'd Woodside 10 .0 James Clifford 10 .0 Rob't Hammill 10.0 Wm. Thomas 10 .0 Jn'o Golden 10 .0 Henry Hise 10 .0 Neal Dougharty 10 .0 John Smith, 10 .0 536 RETURN OF STATE TAX, WHEATFIELD TOVVNSiilP. Bready, Sara'l, Bready, James, Biackin, Win., Bowler, Jno Clark, Wm., Carrol, Wm., Clark, James Carson, Benj'n, Douglass, And'w Dills, Malhew Finley, George Farmer, George, Garrison, Levi, Hill, Gasper Hise, Henry Johnston, Sam'l Kindle, Rowland Lynn, Adam McCartney, Jos'h Powers, Jacob, Riley, Nathan Roseberry, Rob't Steel, George, Skiles, James, Simon, Peter, Tabill, Abr'm Woods, Wm Wilson, Jn'o, Wharton, Wm SINGLE MEN. Samuel Sellers William Steel Wm. Brachin James Shaw Dan'l Reynolds Amount o( Tax. 1 .4 1 .6 4 .7 1 .9 2.10 8 2 .3 2 .9 4 1.10 1 .8 1 2 2.10 4 3 .6 1 .6 2 5 3 .0 1 .1 4 3 .8 1 .9 1 .2 2.11 1 .4 1 .3 11 1 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 17SG. 531 DONNEGAL TOWNSHIP. Archibald, Patrick Archibald, Thomas, . . . Archibald, Jn'o Alexander, .Jacob Byers, Philip Brant, Abraham Eaise, Stephen Brant, Jn'o Brant, Jn'o, Jun'r Brown, Jn'o, liunnel, Barny Bruckenp, Charles Bandford, James Bogle, James Bonsy, Lodwic, Byres, Philip Cams, William Cells, George Campbell, Joseph Campbell, Rob't Campbell, James, Campbell, James, Jun'r, Cams. Mathias, Caven, James Crawford. Robert Campbell, Thomas Cams, Peter, Cams, Jn'o Carns, Nicholas Cams. William Curry. William Dougharty, Dudley, . . . Davis, James Dugan, Jn'o Dugan. James Dougharty, Jean Ewen. Jn'o Ewens, Doct'r, Eager, George Arnv^unt of Tax 4 .3 3 3 1.10 1 .6 4 6 2.10 1.11 3 5 6 .6 2.10 2 .9 1 .4 1 .8 5 2 .7 1 .?. 1 .C 2 .6 3 .5 2 .5 3 .5 2 .0 2.10 1 .3 7 1 .6 1 .3 2 .6 2.10 1.10 2 .5 1.11 1 2 .0 8 .5 2 .3 538 RETURN OF STATE TAX. Amount of Tax. Ewens, William 1.10 Ewens, Alexander, 1.11 Ekeman, William 1 .8 Fisher, Rachael, 2 .6 Fisher, Mathias 1 .3 Fisher, Thomas 1 .0 Fisher, Abel, Father, Stephen 10 Glenn, George 4.0 Guffy, James, 2 .9 Glenn, Martha, 9 Gelbreath, Jn'o, 2 .9 Gelbreath, Alex'r, 3 Hamilton, William 2 .0 Hamilton, William 3 .3 Hare, Christ'r, 2.6 Hare, Henry, 10 Hinds, Jacob , 9 Harganet, Jacob, 2 .3 Hutton, Charles 9 Hutcheson, George 2 .6 Hanna, William 1 .0 Hempfield, James 5 .3 Henry, George 2 .6 Hiuds, Jn'o, 9 Hover, George 2 .4 Harmon, Stephen 1 .4 Huffnagle, Mich'l 3 .0, Hazleton, Jn'o 7 Jon«s, Thomas 7 Jones, Amos 1 .6 Jones, Isaac 3 Jameson, William 1 .0 Kilgore, David, 1 .3 Knnffsinger, 10 Lawson, James 1.7 Larimer, Robert 1 .2 Laughlen, Robert : 3 .2 Livingston, Jn'o 1 .3 Luper. Allen, 7 Lodwick. George, l.H Low, Isaac 3 Larimer. Hugh 3.11 Linch. Edward 5 .7 COUNTY OF WESTMORELAND— 178G. 539 Amount of Tax. Mulvean, William 2 .0 Moore, Mary, '' McDowell, James 3 .3 McMuUen. James 4 .3 McAfee. Matthew 3 Miller, Conrorl 1-4 McNab & Chrisly 3 .2 McDowell, Edward 2 .5 -Mickey, Daniel l-H Means, Jn'o, 1-6 McKinsey. William 2 .3 McKanavin. Daniel 2 .2 McGranahan. James 3 .0 McDowell, William 9 McKrek-en, Jn'o 1-3 McGaw, Jno 2 .4 McKen, James, 3 .2 Martin, William, 7 McKean, Jn'o, Jun'r 3 .7 Moorhead, Robert 1-1 McKean, Jn'o^ 8 • Marshall, Heiiry 1-2 McDowell, James, 2 .9 McClane, Joseph 1 C McKean, Jean 1 C McGuffock, Rob't 11 Nechly, Adam 2 .7 Overley, Marten, 3 .7 Overly, Boston, 11-4 Overley, Gasper, 3 Overley, Henry 1.11 Proser, Daniel 1-3 Peters, Jn'o 6.10 Pain, Peter, 2 .3 Poston, Henry, 3 Porter, Jn'o 2 .6 Ross. William 2.10 Roberts. Robert 4 .0 Richmond. Henry 1.10 Roberts, Jn'o Roody, Ezekiel 1.10 Rogers, Jn'o St. Clair, Arthur G .7 Steatty. 3 540 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Spears, Robert, Sutton, Benj., Ste\» art, Robert, Spears, Jn'o, Shaw, Jacob, St. Clair, Arthur Shannon, Samuel Shaver, Jacob, Smart, Hugh, Shannon, Eliz"a Shannon, Rich'd, Trecher, Boarcal Thompson, David, Timbol, Frederick Timbol, Peter Todd, Samuel, Williams, Rich'd, Williams, Robert Waltenbaugh, Adam Willson, Nicholas, Willson, Charles Wilkius, Jn'o Wheeler, William SINGLE MEN. Charles Wilson, Isaac Jones, Alex. Gelbreath Abel Fisher Thomas Fisher Peter Cams George Setts, William Ceans, Abraham Brant Gasper Overley Jn'o Roberts Jn'o Rogers, James McGranah, Jn'o Means Rob't Larimer of Tax 2 .6 2 9 5 3 .2 5 .6 1 .6 10 5 1 .4 9 1.10 3 1 .3 3 .2 1.10 3 .9 1 .6 2 3 .0 1.10 3 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 10 .0 RETURN OF STATE TAX co^xT^ OF i^\m:ttf: 17) 5 .8 1 .3 3 .5 .1 .1 11 9 .9 11 .8 2.11 6 .7 11 .8 UNION TOWNSHIP. Amount of Andrews. Michael, 10 Allen, Hugh Beeson. Jacob 1 -2 Beeson. John 1 Butcher, Jacob 10 Bunton, William 3 Brownfiekl, Empson 8 Brownfield. Benjamin, 6 Beeson, Henry 1-12 Bright, John 10 Bach, Andrew 4 Brown, Adam, 18 Brown, Hermanns 19 Brownfield. Thomas, 13 Brandon, John, Brown, Charles, 10 Campbell. Matthew ■•• 4 Crum. Adam 2 Craig, John 10 Campbell. Collin, 5 Collies, John, 9 Collins, James H Cock, John Carter. Benjamin, Tui. .0 5 .0 .C .0 .31/2 .2 .8% ^ .0 .0 .1 .4% .0 .1 2 .0 2 .1 .7 .0% .01/2 .oy2 10 11^ 550 RETURN OF STATE TAX. Carter, Jacob, Curry, George, Curry, Joseph Countryman, Christian, . . Campbell, William, Campbell, William, Jun'r, Campbell, Abel Cook, Jeremiah Craig, James, Cowen, William Clark, William, Creacraft, William Cornwall, John, Cook, Phillip, Douglass, Ephraim Douglass, Joseph, Downer, Jonathan Dawson, Henry, Dollison, James Evans, Francis, Elliot, John Fauvers, George Finley, James Galaher, James Griffith, Nathan, Green, Jacob Gaddis, Robert, Grey, David Gaddis, John Gaddis, Thomas, Gard, Jeremiah, Gray, Jonathan, Gist, Benjamin, Gillespie, William, Gibson, William Hoover, Andrew Hook, Peter Haydon, Enoch, Huston, John Higginson, Mary, Higginson, George, Hutton, John Heister, John Henthorn, James, Amount of Tax 10 .4 5 .0 10 .6 11 .6 10 .7% 10 .7% 9.10 2 .0. 9 5 8 .6% .4 3.11% 6 1 .7 .9 10.10 11 12 .9% v.7% 6 7 10 .0 10.10 17 .6 9 .2 1 .0 10.10 4 .6 12.11 1 .0 .6 17 .6 5 .0 1 5 .4% 10% .7% 9 2 .5 12 .5 3 .0 6 10 .6% 10 .6 2 .n 14 .3% 13 .9 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 17S5. 551 Aninunt of Tax. Henthorn, John, 13 .5 Howard, John, 8 Hoover, Henry G .3 Hynnian, Matthew, 3% Hoge, David - - Hankins, William 10 Hankins, John 4.3 Huggins, William 1 •(' Huggins, William, Jun'r 3V2 Huggins, John 10.0 Hill, Jonathan, 13 .7 Hagin, James 10 .4 Hall, John, Sen'r 1 .2 .G Hall, John, Jun'r, 10 .0 Hall, Thomas, 10 .0 Irwin, Joseph , 1 -2% Kidd, John Ill -SVa Kindel, James, Sen'r 11 -0 Kindel, James, Jun'r 11 Kindel, Thomas, IS .4 Little, James 3% Lewis, Jacob 7% Little, Job 11 Lemmon, John "5 Little. Joseph, 3 .3 Lee. William 10 .OM: Murphy. John 8 .0 McClelland, William 4 .0 Moore, Phillip 7.11 Moore, John 10.0 Moore, Phillip, Jun'r 10^/2 Maharry, John 9 McClane. Samuel, 17 .5 Miller, Samuel 10 .2V2 McCrea, Robert, 1-1 McClane, Alexander 1.11 .2 Mitchel, George 1 .0% McDonnald. Arthur, 2 McCulloch, James 10 .7 McConnel, John, TV2 Murphy. Jacob • 12 .31/2 McCarty. Adam 3 .71/2 Martin. John 7 McCarly. John 1 .31/2 552 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. McDonnald, Joseph 7% McMillen, Hugh, 9 Moore, Michael, 10 f /McClelland, Martha, 4 .71/2 ^ McGlaughlin, Thomas 1 .SVg McCoy, George, 10 .0 McCoy, William, 5.11 McCoy, John, 1 .1 1^ McCoy, James, 14 .6 McCoy, Isaac, 10 .6 Mooney, James 1 .4 Meetez, Elias 1 .OVo McClane, James 1 .0.10 McVay, 4 Miller, Andrew, 1 .0 Musgrove, Samuel, -. 1 .OVij Moore, Augustine 18 .6 McDonald, Abraham, 3 McClane, John, Jun'r, 10.10 McClane, John, Sen'r, 10.1 . McGooden, Francis, 11 .51/2 McDowel, Rob't 10 .0 McDowel, William G.ll Mooney, William 10 .0 Neely, Thomas, 6.10 Napp, Jacob 10 .0 Napp. Peter 10 .0 Okinson, John 4.10 Osburn, Morris, 9 Osburn, Abraham 5^/4 Pounds, Samuel 2 .8 Porter. John 6.11 Porter, William 12 .2 Plunket, Abraham 10 .0 Patton, William 1 .IV2 Parker, Joseph, 3.1 Pool, Benjamin 10 .0 Patton, John, Jun'r 10 .8 Pattrick, John 15.10% Patton, John 2.10 Parr, John, 4 .l^^ Parr, Samuel, 8 .0^^ Pizer, Henry, 9^^ Porter, Thomas 1 .0% COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 1785. 55^5 Amount cf Tax. Pearce, George 1 .2 Pearce. Isaac 1 .2 .2 Ryau, Michal 7 Rich, Samuel 4 .7 Rowland, Jouathan 5 .S Right, Robert, 9 Reid, James 2V^ t/liied, Joshua 51^ Ranivin, James 14 .IV^ Rankin, Hugh 17 .21^ Rankin, William 14 .0 Reid, Jonn, Jun'r 10 .0 Springer, Job 10 .0 Stephens, William 10 .5 Sutton, Isaac, Sen'r, G .3 Seacrist, William 8 Sturgeon, Robert 7 .0 Sturgeon, William 11 .ly^ Sutton, Isaac, Jun'r 3 .6V^ Sutton, Jacob 4 .OV^ Sutton, Samuel, 5 .5 Stitt, John 7 Shute, Phillip, 1.12 .0 Smilie, William 71^ Stitt, David 7 ' Springer, Dennis 14 .41^ Shanks, John 10 .0 Springer, Levy 11 .7 Sutton, Moses 9 .7V^ Thornton, Samuel 8 Thornberry, Abram 1 .1% Todd, John, 6 .0 Tenant. Richard, 10 Troutman. George, 5 .6 Vanderaenl, John 10 .0 Williams, Charles 5 .0 W^illiams, Jesse, 3 .0 Warner, John, 41^ Wells, John, 10 .0 Walter, Michael 21/2 Walter, Conrad, 5 .6 Williamson, William 10 .0 Waller. Richard, 14 .0 Williamson. Francis 10 .0 554 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Work, Samuel 10 .2 Work, Robert, 10 .6 Woods, John, 14 .2 Walter, Barnard 5 MEN ALLEN TOWNSHIP. Asher, Anthony, Ashby, George Adams, Matthew Adams, Samuel, Jun'r, . . Adams, Samuel, Sen'r, . . . Adams, Robert Alton, John, Beard, Alexander Beard, William, Brown, Bazel, Brashears, Othey, Brown, Thomas, Brown, Thomas, Jun'r, . Brashears, Benjamin Bivino, John Black, Jacob, Bruner, Leonard Bruner, George Bigham, Hugh, Bruner, Peter, Bruner, Michael Beard, Margaret, widow, Beard, Moses Beaver, Michael, Bryan, James, Brawn, John, Barrickman, Jacob, Craft. George Colvin, William Cummins, William, .... Craft, Benjamin, nt of Tax 2 .2 10 .9 6 .7 6 .5 6 .0 15 .9 10 • 10 10 2 .0 .0 1 .3 .0 3 .0 .0 1 .5 .9 11 6 13 .0 2 .2 2 .2 11 .0 9 4 2 10 A 7 .6 3.10 9 .8 14 .0 10 12 .0 1 .0 .0 2 .2 10 .0 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 1785. 555 Ainuuul •>( Ta.v. Colley, Peter Cells, Anthony Cre€gar. John, Chambers, Jonathan Cherley, George Cole, John, Connaway, Richard Crawford. Hugh Crispaum, Phillip Downs, Thomas, Downs, Jeremiah, Downs, Jonathan Downs, Widow Davidson, Moses, Dowliu, Edward Dimlap, James, Rev'd Doraugh, Henry Donaldson, John, Elliot, Edward Easter, Mark, Fowler, Jacob Fulton, John Finley, Ebenezer, • • Frost, James, Futhey, Samuel Fisher, Steven Fisher, Henry Gray, Robert Gray, William Greble, Samuel Greble, Samuel, Jun'r Gibbens, Joseph Gaddis, Henry Grier. John, Grier. Henry Heath, John, Hathaway. David Hendricks. John Hendricks. Leunard Hibhs, Jacob Hendricks. William Hawkins, Gregory, Hough. Amos Hickman, Jonathan lU .U y .U 1 .G 7 IJ 7 .G 12 .4 10 17 .7 2 .0 1 .8 IG .3 10 S .0 hi;] .y 7 .G 1 .8 7 .G 15 .4 2 2 13 .G 1 .U .4 1 .4 . 1 3 .It 1 .0 1 .0 .0 9 9 8 .6 13 .9 3 .9 3.10 5 .8 4 .8 6 .6 3 .5 1 .4 1.11 9 7 2 9 4 .5 9 2 55G RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Hickman, Charles 2 Hawkins, Jeremiah, Hattfield, Edward, Hart, Henry, 10 Hewit, Jacob, 1 .6 Hagar, George, 1 Higinbotham, George, 1 Hamilton, John, 7 Hughes, William, 1 Hughes, Andrew Hall, Edward, 1 .1 Higinbotham, John Higinbotham, Widow, 15 Henthorn, James '. 7 Hawkins, Richard 10 Higinbotham, Ralph 8 Hanson, Joseph, 7 Jones, John 13. Jones, Thomas, 6 Irons, John, 1 Jackson, Hugh, 7 Jennins, David 1 .8, Jeunins, Jonathan Jackson. Robert, 1 .4 Jackson, Isaac, 7 Jackson, Abraham 1 .1 Kelly. Timothy 7 King, William Kemp, Ruben, 1 .4 Lynn, Andrew, 1 .3 Lucas. Abraham 1 Laughlin, Hugh 1 .7 Laughlin, John, 1.16 Mackey, Robert 3 Mattson. John 13 McUonnald, Basset And'w 1 Morgan, Patrick 1 ' Moore, John, wheel 16 McDoncald, John 10 Moore. John 15 McKinlcy, Samuel 13 Miller, Ludwick 12 Miller. Solomon, 4 Miller, Jacob, 8 Tax. .4 9 10 .6 .8 .8 .0 .6 .2 8 .1 9 2 .3 .4 2 .6 11 •5 .0 .0 10 9 .0 .6 .6 .6 9 .2 .4 .8 .0 .9 .4 .6 .0 .0 .1 2 .3 .6 .11 .6 .4 COUNTY OF FAYETTE -1785. 557 Amount of Tax. Miller, .Jonathan ^ McCreary. Hugh ^^ -^ McMasters. John, 10 .0 Maffet, Adam ^ -^ McKinley, Roger, ^ McGill, Robert 2 .3 McCann, Widow. 1 .5 McCrea, John, , ^ Morris, Jonathan ^ Moss, John ^ -^ Moss, William '^ ^ McCarty. Nathaniel 12 .5 McCarty, David "< ■'* McFarland, William 9 -^ McDonald. James IQ .S McDonnald, Charles 2 .0 McGlaughlin. William ^ -2 Maffett. John 1-2 McCarty, Samuel 1 ■^ 1 McCleary, Thomas 12 .4 McGowen. John '^ -^ . Morrison. Joseph '^ -^ McFaden. John 1 •'^ Morris. Reaph "^ •" Newgan. James ^ -^ Newkirk, Junas, ^ -^ Nilson, John 2 .8 Oyler, Edolph, 1 -^ Ozburn, Jonathan 2.10 Ozburn. Abraham "^ -^ Pierson. Reuben, \\ .^ Phacet, Phillip, 1 .0 .3 Price, Joseph 1 •'^' Pierce, Jeremiah, 10 .3 Parker, George, 1 -^ Parker, John, 8 .6 Parkess, John, ^ Porter. Robert '^ -^ Plckempaugh. Widow 9 .0 Paull. William ^ Pickempaugh. George "^ -^ Rose, William, ^ -^ Rayl, Thomas, 8 .7 Rayl. William 6 .5 558 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Rayl, Noble, 2.11 Riggs, Symon 2 .9 Rude, Zeloy 6.3 Rude, Asher, 3 .9 Ray, Adley 9 Ristine, John 2 .2 Rutter, Benjamin, 9 .0 Russel, Robert, 2 .9 Reader, Danneil, 13 .8 Reader, Jacob, 2 .3 Reader, Stephen 2.3 Reader, David, 5 .7 Raddock, Joseph, 5 .5 Rogers, John, 7.5 Steel, James, 1 .0 Smith, Samuel 9 Scott, Arthur, 10 .9 Saljiday, John 5.10 Salliday, Phillip .8 .G Salliday, Jacob .0 .8 Sallzer. Conrod, 9 Smith, John 1 .0 Stevens, John, 9 Scantling, John, 5 .5 Starrett, Isaac 8 .7 Stroud, Samuel 9 Smith, Nicholas 5 .*j Svi^ann, Hugh 3.1 i Sharp. John, 1 .4 Stevens, Hanson, 11 Sipple, John, 7 .G Snyder, Adam 1 .0 Teat, John 1 .4 .(; Thompson, John 7 .(; Todd, Edward 8 .4 Trean, George 9 Vanlear, John 7.6 Vandement, Henry, 3 .4 Winders, James 1 .6 Wells, Thomas 1.2 Watts, Richard 1 .4 Wallver, Gideon 4 .7 Wart. Johri 9 Whitesides, William 11 .7 Winget. Reuben 1.8 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 1785. 559 Walters, Jacob, . Walters, Henry, Wilson, Thomas, Wilson, Henry, Wood, James, . . Watson, Mich'l, GEORGE TOWNSHIP. Archer, WMlliam, . . . Ashcraft. John Ashcraft. Ephraim, . Ashcraft, Icabode, . . Archer, John Alison. Robert Abraham, Enoch, . . . Ashcraft, Daniel, .... Bridgewater. Sam'l, . Buchanan, Alexander, Brynnhart, Peter, . . . Brownfield. Empson, Bell, John, Bowoll, Thomas, .... Berry, Samuel Bailey, Silas Backus, Sarah Baccus. Catharine, . . Bouell, Bazil, Boltenhouse. Joseph. Beck, Jeremiah Brownfield. Robert, . Bell, Theophilus Berry, John Bell. James Coombs. John Colvin. James Coombs. Joseph Carr. Elisha, mount of Tax. 14 .C y 1 .0 3 .9 9 mount of l.ax. 10 .5 11 G .?'^h 19 .2 2 .2 1 A IS .0% 10 .0 13 • 1,1 .0 12 .5% 1(5 . 1 10 .0 11 .81/2 10 .5 7 .9% 11% 5. 10 1/4 11.111/2 1 .0 • GVa 13 .9% 13 .41/2 10 .0 10 .0 10 .8 2 .2M: 5 .2V4 17 .2% 6 .6 560 RETURN OP STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Carr, John, 10 .61^ Carr, Thomas, 12 .5% Carr, Moses, 12 .9 •Carr, Elijah 7,11 Coan, George, 15 .6 Chadwick, John, 4 .^ji^ Coffman, Chrisley 10 .4% Culbert, William, 10 .8% Campbell, George 10 .8% Davis, Owen 1 .0 .1 Davis, William 2.1] i/^ Dail, James 9.10% Drake, John, Junr, 7 .91^ Drake, John I-IO^^ Drake, Samuel 6 .6 Davis, John, 2 .iy» Downard, James, 17 .5 Downard, William 1 .0 .4% Downard. Jacob, i9 .6 Downard, Thomas, J5 .9^'^ Ephod, Henry, 10 .9% Edwards, Peter, Hi^ Ferrol. Daniel, 4 Fowler, Joshua 1 ji/„ Fowler. John 12 .4 Forsythe, William 3. 11 Fraze, William 7% Franks, Michael, 10 .4% Finley, John, 16.11 Green, Daniel 3.II Green, William 1 .9 Glover, Uriah 2.11 Graham, John 2 .2% Graham, William 1 .31^ Harden, Benjamin 1.12 .6 Harrison. John, 9% Hewie, James 10 .0% Haydf n, John 14.10 Heady, James, ". 4 .9% Heady, Thomas 16 .11^ Heady, Thoma", Jun'r 9 .8V2 Hiddleberry. Frederick 7 .1% Haufield, Cath'r 9 .9 Hautield, Mathias, 7 .1% COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 1785. 561 Amount of Tax. Hickman, Samuel, 1 .9 Holland, Jacob . 6 .9V4 Haufield, Peter 8 .0 Haufield, Eliezer 1 .5 ■ Hogliu, William 5 .IV^ Hutsou. John 13 .IVo Huston, John 1 .OV^ John, David 13 .0 John, James 1 .3% Jones, Wells 1 ..S^A Jenkins, John 11 .4V4 Jenkins, Phillip, 12 .5% Jameson, James 7% Kennison, Joseph 10 .4% Kennison, James 4i/i Kelly, Pattrick 2 .l^k. Kennison, James, Jun'r, 10 .0 Little, John Daniel 7% McDow, John 5.11% McPike, Roger 4 Mackey, Stephen 11 .8V^ McDowel, John 1.10y2 McChristey, Arthur 5 .6^4 Minninger. William 13 .6l^ McDonnald. John 15 .71/2 McDonnald, Isaac 14 .5 McDonnald, Alexander, 9 .6 McDonnald. Jeremiah, 11% Moody, Robert, 8.10 Manser, Daniel 7 .6^^ ' Main, George 1 .6% Mitchel, William 10 .614 Marshall. Hugh 2 .3% Marshall. Ralph 9% McNealidge. James, 11% McFerson, Alexand'r 1 .6i,i McClane. John 10 .9% McClane, Thomas 11 .OV2 McCafferty. Abra'm 10 .0 McChristey. George, 10 .0 McChristey, James 10 .0 MWcClelland, Hugh, .^^ 10 .9% McDonnald, David, 10 .9% Masters, John 10 .9% 36 —VOL. XXn— 3rd Ser. 562 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Noon, Christopher, i .31^ Nixen, William 3 ^gi^ Nannymaker, Mich'l 1 ji^ Orr, James, 6 J 14 Phillips, John, 3.3 Patton, Robert, 4 .614 Phearson, John, 3.10% Powell, Thomas, 12 .2% Phillip, Thomas 1 .5 Phelps, John, 3.10% Poundfctone, Rich'd, 13 .0 Patterson, William, 2 .614 Patterson, John, 2 .614 Phillips, Isaac 15.11 Reed, Samuel 4 Rogers, Phillip, Jun'r, 9 .414 Richie, Rol>ert, 15. 10^^ Rogers, Henry 4 .314 Rogers, Hannah 3 .91^ Rhodes, William 1 .71^ Reed, Andrew 4 6% Reynolds, Jeremiah H Rogers, Phillip, Sen"r, ■. 1.16 .3 Ditto, ditto 10 .0 Reed, Richard 6 .7^^ Reed, Caleb 3 41^ Riffle, Jacob 15 Robinson, Henry, 12 .5% Rees, Jonathan 13 11^ Richie, Joseph 4 Reeves, Thomas, 1.11% Re«ves, Nathaniel 2 .5% Robinson, James, H qi^ Shacklit, John 12. 10^^ Smith, Augustus 8 51^ Smith, Charles 2 .5^ Salsbury, William 12.101/. Stillwill, Joseph 10 .91^ Stevens. Charles 7 31^ Stillwill. Obadiah 11% Stillwill, John gi^ Smith, Henry 10 .3 ScoLt. John 14.11% Sleel. James, 1.11% COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 1785. 563 Amount of Tax. Slack. Phillip 5 .0% Springer, Zaddock, 15 .7% Smith, Phillip 14 .41/4 Ptraddlor, John 1-5 Smith, John 1-1^ Street, John 1 -5% Sanetstone. Isaac 4 .8^ Scratcher, Simeon 1-11^/^ Smith, Peter 2 .7% Shanks, John, "% Sherred, Hugh 6V4 Suthrod, Jacob *. 10 .9% Smith, George 10 .9% Tucker, John 11 Trueax, Obadiah 7 .1% Tarr, George, 1 -1 % Taylor, Frederick 6 .6% Thomas, Joseph 5 .2^ Templeton. James 1 .3% Woods, James, Woodbridge, Samuel 9 .1% White, John, Jun'r, 1 .9 White, Abraham 6 .9J/4 White. James, 17 .8% Wood, Daniel 17 .GVs White, John 6.0 Waytis, John 12 .5% Wells. Levi 11 .9% Watson, William 1 .2% Walker, James, 4 .9 White, John 10 .0 White, Daniel 10 .0 York, Jesse 1.111/2 York, Jeremiah, 11% York, Ezekiel 11% 564 RETURN OF STATE TAX, SPRINGHILL TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Bowen, Samuel, 4 .0 Bams, Ezekiel, 15 .5 Bigle, Elias 1 ,5 Beagle, Jonathan 1 .0 Black, James 3 .0 Black, Ann, 2 Beeson, George g Ballanger, Rudolph 5 .9 Boyce, William 1 .3 Brown, Joseph 2.11 Barckley, John, Sen'r, 4.11 Barckley, John, Jun'r 6 .9 Barnes, Silvanus, 1 .2 Berry, Thomas, 5 .5 Berry, Joseph, 1 .0 Batton, Joseph 59 Brown, Joshua, 1 .3 .7 Bell, James Ill Barrett, iSamuel 3. 10 Batton, Thomas, Jun'r 13 .7 Brown, Robert 15 .7 Bennefield, George, 1 .3 .9 Blake, Nicholas, 1 .3 .9 Boyles, William 17 .5 Barckley, James, 15 .0 Bell, John I5 q Carroll, Anthony, 1 .7 Coon, John 2 .6 Caldwell, Joseph 13 .1 Crowshore, Nicholas, 8 .0 Coffman, Granny, 9 Cox, Joseph 11 Coon, John 15.0 Clauson, Garrett 15 .0 ChurchHill, Richard, 15.0 Clare, Thomas, 19 7 Carter. Mr., at Joshua Brown's 15 .0 Dcuftherty. Roger 10 Dougherty, John 1 5 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 1785. 565 Aiiiuuiil ol Tax. Draggo, Ann, 3 Davis, Joseph 3 .3 . Davis, Thomas 1 .4 Dougherty. Cornelius 2 .5 Dean, Richard 1 .2 X)avis, Benjamin, 10 .G Draggo. Belteshazzer, 5 .3 Dean. Benjamin 2 .9 Draggo, William 1 .8 Davis, Phillip 6 .5 Davis, Samuel, IS .G Deval, Margaret 17 .0 Dickenson, Samuel 8 Dickinson, William 10 Davis, David 1 .2 Draggo, Peter 4.11 Dounaldson, Charles 1 .1 Evan, Hugh 12 .5 Evans, Richard, 15 .0 Frame, David 8 .4 Futtney, Henry 9 Gilkey, David 1 .0 Gray, James 12.1 Landlord's part 19 .0 Gray, Rebecca 3 Gethan, Clem, .1 .4 Griffin, Charles, 2 .5 .7 Gance, Jacob, 19.11 Gance, George 1 .2 Gance, Joseph, 1 .9 Griffen, W' illiam 15 .0 Hill, William 3 .4 Landlord's part, 4 .5 Henderson, Robert, 7.11 Hannah, John, 3 .9 Howard, Charles 3.4 Hiil, William 13.11 Harden, Abraham 1 .9 Hewing, John 7 .9 Harden. Robert, 3 .8 Honey, John, 2 .9 Hoggin, Barbary, 5 .3 Haun. PauU, 1 .0 Haun, Michel 2 .4 566 RETURN OF STATE TAX Amount of Tax. Hendricks, Abraham 3 .9 Haut, Elizabeth, 11 .1 Harden, Mary, 3 Hill, John, Jun'r, 1 .2 Hill, John y .5 Harden, John l.iy.ll Harden, Martin, 7.11 Harden, Catharine 8 Holtsclaw, James 4 .3 Hannah, Robert, 9 Hoover, John, 2 .4 Hannah, Samuel, . .• 8 Hansacker, John 4.10 Hansacker, John, Jun'r, 1.10 Harden, Mark 12 .2 Hill, George, 15 .0 Hill, Robert, 15 .0 Harden, John 15 .0 Harden, Henry 16 .0 Hammilton, Jn'o 15 .0 Hannah, William 15 .7 Hansacker, Nicholas, 16 .5 Jones, Morgan 10 Jenkins, David 1 .3 John, Thomas, . ; 7 .4 Kelly, Samuel " 2 .0 Kelly. Eloner, 6 .6 Kinkade, Samuel 12 .3 Lammon, William, 4 .1 Lynch, John 3 .2 Landlord's part, 6 .4 Luckey, George, 7.11 Lewis, Phillip 5 Larsh, Paull, 19 .G Lawrence, Valentine 11 Lucas, John 8 .4 Lucas, Elizabeth 1 .2 Lucas, Eloner, 1 .0 Little, Levinia, 3 Lucas, Richard 7 .7 Lucas, Elizabeth 3 Lucas, Mary, 3 Larsh. Charles, 2.11 Merryfield. Mary, 10 .0 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 178G. 567 AiiiuuiU ol Tax. McFarland, John 1^ -^ Moore, Aarou 1 .1 .5 Merryfield, Samuel, 1-1 Martin, George, 10 Martin, John, Juii'r - -^ Martin, Asa, •4 .7 Martin, John ^ •"* McGin, Charles, " Moore, Ezekiel, lU .11 Maine, Henry ^ -^ Masterson, Sarah, 11 .2 Michael, William "^ -^ Moore, James, l-l^ Michael. Nathan 1 -^ Moore, Nancy, ^ Moore, Hosea 15.0 Morgan, David 1 .0 .2 Martin, Thomas 1^ •'J Moore, George 1^ 1 Moore, Joseph, lu .7 McCafferty, William, '^^ -'^ Neal, Joseph, 4 .'J Nevill, Denniss " Neal, James lo.ll Notes, John, 1° -^ Ovell, James, 2 .0 Oliver, Allin, -H Oats, Matthias, ^ Petty John, John 2 .4 Pottingor, Samuel, . . .' 3 .6 Parks, Rodger 1-0 Phillips, Tneophilus 1 .2 .2 Porter, Sussana, 3 .6 Pock, Nicholas, 2 .0 Paine, Jonathan 3 .3 Pierce, Phillip 1 .3 .8 Pierce, Duvall, John, 1-0 Phelps, Elijah, 15-7 Prather, Bazel, 15 .0 Phelps. John 16-9 Ruble, Samuel 5 Roreck, William 1-0 Robb, Joseph 9. 6 Robins, Richard 1710 568 RETURN OF STATE TA>i , Amount of Tax. Ramsey, Thomas, 11 .u Robbins, Mercy, 12 .7 Robins, William, 14 .0 Robbins, Isaac, 1 .U Robb, Robert, 2 .0 Robb, Joseph, 15 .U Robins, Richard 15 .7 Robins, Jacob IC .3 Robins, John, 15 .0 Reynolds, Weighman 15 .0 South, William, 1 .0 Sterling, James, 3.11 Simpson, Gatar, S .1 Landlord's part, 8.1 Swearingen, Van, 4.7 Swearingen, Catharin 1 .9 .7 ^ Sicks, John 4 .0 Landlord's part 8 .7 Stevens, Richard, 1 .4 .0 Smith, Thomas 1 .0 Shively, John 6 .4 Stevenson, Edward 6 .3 Sutton, James 9.11 Setterfield, Benjamin 1 .0 Stillwell. Mary 5 Stillwell, Ann 4.10 Shanks, Phillip, 1 .2 Sims, John 8 Six, Jacob, 15 .7 Shiveley, Eli 15 .7 Torrence, William 2 .4 Thomas, Enos 1.0 Toben, George 14 .4 Toben. Robert, 1 .6 Tucker, John 8 Walker, John, 8 .4 Williams, William 8 .8 Webb, John 2 .4 Workman, William, 4 .0 Wade. Alexander 2.11 Wilkinson, John, 7.11 Watkins, Evan 2 .2 Wilson, John 1 .0 .2 Weatherton, Jesse 7 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 1785. 569 Amount Wade, William Weatherton, William Weatherlon, John, Wade, John Wilson, .lames Williams. Elizabeth Williams. Nancy Williams, Elisha, Wells, William, Wade, Thomas, Yeager, Joseph, Yeager, George York, Joshua of Tax 1 .;• 5 .9 5 1 .9 3 11 7 .4 10 .1 15 .4 s 2 1 3 1 '6 GERMAN TOWNSHIP. Amount Adair, John Artm.'in, John Arrowsmith. Samuel Allison. John Alexander. Scotchman Andrews, John, Alton, Marj' Barkman. John Brackhill, Jacob Barkman, Frederick I^rown, James Burns. Andrew, Beard, John Baxter, William Baisinger, George Boyers. Phillip Baker. Malachi Branherry. Conrod Berry. Thomas Bowman. Phillip Baker, Phillip Brooks. Jeremiah of Tax. 1 .1 19 .:5 ;4 11.10 IS {] 10 2 .9 14 .1 I .4 9 8 .9 11 9 .0 9 1 .9 1 .1 10 9 .4 4 9 3 .4 II 1 ni 4 570 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Care. Henrj' 2 .4 Catt, John, 10 Crisley, Michal, 19 .G Cooper, John 3 Collins, Henry, 1 .8 .9 Colliiib, John, 5 .9 Coon, Phillip 4 Cams, John, 10 .4 Catt, George, 15 .G Cams, Lewis 1 .4 Caner, Sebastian, 14 Catt, Michael, ^ 1 .3 Dawson, John 1 .6 Dawson, Charles, 3 .1 Derry, Jacob, 1 .d Davison, Thomas 14.7 Diinlap, Robert G .;) Delinger. George ] .G Debolt, (J^orge 1 .2 .1 Eberley, Nicholas, 2 .0 Ester, Jacob, 14 .3 E.-ler, Jacob, Jun'r 1 .9 Eberley, Leonard 10.9 Fleck. William 4 Ferst, Jacob 4.0 Frame. Thomas 9 .4 Frame, William 8 .3 Flough, Casper, 6 .0 Franks .Jacob 1 .0 .6 P'ranks. Michael 1 .i .9 Fast, Nicholas, 1 .1 .9 Ditto, ditto 12 .G Franks, Henrj' 10.0 Gilmore, James 1 .0 .G Gilmore, Matthew 1 .2.10 Gilleland. John, 17 .4 Gilbert, Margaret 1 .1 .4 Godhort. William 1 .3 Gilmore, Hugh 4 .9 .7 Gordon. Robert, 11 .g Gilmore, William 7 Golaher. John, 13 .9 Gwinn, Joseph, ... 10 .0 • Hester, Jacob 10 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 1785. 571 Amonn' f'f Tux. Huston, Andrew 6 Hogleberry, George 13 .0 . Hester, Jacob, Jun'r 7.1 Hellicott, George 1.10 Hainey, William 1 .0 .9 Hillicott, Conrod 2 .0 Howard, Gedeon 4 Hibbs, William, 1 .0 Huffman, John 11 .3 H uff man, George 9 Hoover, Jacob, G .0 Hester, Martin l.Kl Herber, Thomas, 10 Herman, John, 9 .9 Hillyard. Thomas 2.1 Hillmire, Nicholas, 5 .7 Harrison. Robert, 1.10 .9 Ditto, ditto 3.1 Harrison, John 13 .1 Ditto, ditto 6.3 Heald, William 3.10 Holly, Samuel 10 Hosteater, Nicholas 10 .0 Huffman, George, ] .0 Hoover, George 10.0 Hutchison, Samuel, 10 .0 Kindle, Benjamin 13 .4 Kindle, Reuben 5 .0 Kindle, Jared, 3 .4 Leckey, John, 1 .8 .C Lee, Randal, 12.1 Little. Adonijah 2 .9 Lee, Alexander 6 Laurence Jacobs, 1 .0 Leslie, Thomas, 19.10 Leslie, John, 2.0 Ditto, 10 .0 Myers, Elizabeth 2 .0 McClane, Robert 1 .0 .7 Moss, Joseph 2 .9 Meets, Henry 7 Mills, James 1 .4 McNerlin, John C Moyers, Adam 1 .fi 572 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. McWilliams, Samuel, 9 McKinley, William, 1 .1 McWilliams, John, 19 .3 Ditto, ditto, 10 .0 Messmore, John, 1 .7 .3 Meetz, Jacob 2.1 May, George, 1.1 Moyers, Frederick 18 .7 Moyers, Henry, 8.1 Moyers, Andrew, 4 Miller, David, 1 .1 Metts, Leonard, 4 Myers, William, 7 .4 Mason, Phillip, Jun'r, 10 Myers, John 3.6 Mason, Martin, 11 .9 Mason, George 10 .9 Mason, John 12 .2 Moyers, Hannah 3.1 Nicholas Hostater 4.10 Nixon, Jonathan 1 .3 Newman, Isaac, 12 .3 Owl, David 1 .4 Overturf, John, 4 Overturf. Martin, 6 .9 Overturf, Valentine, 3 .0 Pitzar, Cheiley 1 .2 .9 Province, Sarah, 1 .1 .9 Peters, Catharine 2 .6 Pitman, Jonathan 4 Province, Joseph 1 .1 Parker, Samuel, 1 .6 Rifle, George 7.0 Ross, Joseph 9 Remley. Henry 1 .4 Rich, Jacob, 15 .0 Robb, Andrew 15 .4 Remley, Hieronimus 6 .0 Robb, Samuel 1 .1 .3 Robb. William 12 .1 Ross. Robert 5 .0 Rudisil. Michael, 1 .7 Rifle, Matthias 1 .3 Rifle. Nicholas 1 .9 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 1785. 573 Amount or Tax. Rifle, Jacob 8 .0 Shiplar, John 1 .4 Smith, Godfrey 10 .6 Sellars, Christian, 2.1 Sprott, Joseph, 15 .7 Ditto, ditto 10 .0 Stockwell, James, 1 .0 Shiltey, Joshua, 1 .3 Shoemaker, John 1 .0 Shoemaker, Adam 1 .0 Snare, Michael, 4 Shaley, Adam 18 .3 Snodgrass, Charles, 1.0 Thompson, James 14 . . 7 Trissilbaugh, Conrod 14 .6 Viedman, Christian, 1 8.3 Vernor, John 4 .0 Vest, Jacob, 1.0 Vernor, Martin, 1 .1 .0 Vernor, Leonard, 10 .3 Vandeman, Henry G .3 Vandeman, Frederick 10.0 Wilson, David 1 .3 Walser, Frederick, 5.1 White, Samuel 3 .4 Work, John, 12 .9 Wilson, Alexander 1.1.4 Wilson, James 7.6 Work, Henry, 10 .4 Whealing, George 4 Watson, John 1 .5 .2 Wal.ser, Peter 4 Wetts, Richard, 4 Walter, Ephraim, 14 .9 Webb, John 19 .0 Woolf, George, 7 Woolfe, Adam, 7 Weaver, Henry 2 .2 Write, Benjamin 1 .1 Walser, Frederick, 10 .0 Wolfe, George, 10 .0 Wolfe. Adam 10.0 Wilson, Samuel 10.0 Westbrook, Will 10 .0 Work, John, 10 .0 574 RETURN OF STATE TAX, BULLSKIN TOWNSHIP. Amount of Taxr Alison, Robert, 2 .6 Arbough, John 13 .2 Rougher, Peter, Sen'r 1 .8 .214 Rougher, Peter, Jun'r 1 .1 .8^4 Beall. Robert 3.17 .9 Boyd. William 1 .0 .514 B.ack, William, 13 .2^ Black, Samuel, 7 .6 Briggs, Joseph 1 .0 Brown, William 3 .0 Bachelor, George 1 .5 .8% Crist, John, 7 .1^ Coldwell, Isaac 6 .6 Cherry, Ralph 18 .9 Connell, Zachariah, 2 .3 .2V4 Conuell, William 1.10 .9% Cherry, Ralph 8 .6 DavlKe, Shedrake 5 .2 Dummet, William ■ 1 .9% Doyle, Edward 3.14 .0% Davis, Thomas 4 .9 Evans, Henry 3 .0 Fleraan, Thomas, 3 Fleman, Samuel 7 .6 Fleman, l^ewis 3 .9% Finney, John 1.3 Fusser, George 1 .3 Garner, Abram 3 .0 Cost. Craft 7 .9% Good, William 1 .1 .3 Graham, David, 3 .3 Hollon, John 1 .0 Houghhance, Joseph 11 .4V^ Hoover, George 3 .214 Hight, John 9 .514 Hattfield, Adam 1.11 .3% Hoile, Conrod 9 .0 Hicks, Samuel, 4 .0 Jordan. , 4.3 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— ITbo. 'o"*-' Amount of Ta* Jump, Johc ^ Jervise, .Joseph " "^* Johnston. Roger !^ 1 1 1 - Jones. Phillip i /'' Losure, Stophel, V' ''V Liindsey, -David ^ - •'■ A Mounts, Rachel "^ '! ' ■ Mounts, Providence '^ •*' McKee. William ^ -^-^J^^ McCormack, Will'm 1 .7 ._ A Mounts, Thomas, '* McKee, James ^ G Martin, Thomas, ^ '^ Matthews, William '^ '' Mathers, Thomas, •'^' McDowel, James - v Mason, John * i J Messer, Hugh 1 .)^ • /2 McKinley, David, "* '! ''^ Martin. John - 1 1 v Mclnturf, Daniel ^ •';Jj ^^ Morgan, George, - -^ '^ Muir, Thomas " \^ ^^'gl^t, John --"(^ Osburn. Samuel, '/^ Orr, George, Patton, Thomas ^ " Piper, James * '^ Phillips. Thomas !^ ' Ramsey. Hugh Roger, George " Robeson, John ^ ' ^^ Stacey, Thomas, ^ ^ Slauter, Henry, i r Ditto, ditto, ^■'^^ •'• Stewart. William -'y^ Sook, Henry, Snider. Jacob Shaffer. Adam ^ jl Sinnet. Casper ''o 11/ Shick. Ludwick ^ -J-Zf Scissle. Isaac iJ •- a 2 3 Shaw. John Smith. David 1 .1 .9 576 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount Shicklin. Eli, Smith, William Trump, George Tumbolt, Abram 1 Trunibolt, Peter Vautruce, Conrod, Varnon, John, White, Henry, White, John, Warm, John, Warram, James, White, Isaac, • White, WHliam Wile,s, Andrew, Woodruff,, Cornelius Wright, John of Tax. 9 8 .6 5.111/4 .0 .3 4 .3 6.111/4 9 .51/4 19 .0 7 .21/4 11 .21/4 3 .0 7 .21/4 7.111/4 5 .51/4 i3.iiy4 4 .0 TYRONE TOWNSHIP. Amount ct Tax. Burch, John 3 .9 Bell, Samuel, 2.11 Bell, John 1 .5% Bell, Hugh 7 .6 Bute, Thomas 1.3 Bell, Thomas, 1 .51^ Black. Thomas 4 .0 IJowers, Robert 7.6 Bowers, Widow 2 .1 Beelor, Christopher 11 .8 Brewer, Benjamin 5 .2 Bear, John, 8 .4 Elaxtone, James, 1.17 .1 Busang, William, 8.4 Beelor, Frederick 8 .4 Cunningham. Barnette, 12 .4 Cunningham, John 7 .6 Cunningham. Margaret 3 .1% Ceslor, Peter 4 .2 Clark, Richard 1.11 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 17S5. 577 Amount of Tax Chain. William 7 .4 Cliftord, Robert 8 .9 Clifford, Charles 2 .0 Copper, Joseph 1 .6 Copi>er, Joseph, Jun'r 8 .4 Copper, Charles, 8 .4 Chain, John 1 .1 Dunn, Hugh 8.4 Daverson. John 8 Espy, William IS .f; Egnew, James 3 .2 Espey, Hugh 7 .C Fix, Charles 7 .6 Forsythe. Thomas 6 .4 Flinu, William, 1 .3 Glasgo, Samuel 14.11 Gautt, Matthew, 2.11 Gautt, Benjamin, 8 .2 Grimes, Richard 11 .3 Grimes, Noble, 9.0 Hutcheson, Rebecca 12 .3 Hutcheson. James 7 .C Hodge. John 1 .3 Hickman, Elizabeth 1 .3 .7 Hickman, Joshua, 1 .3 Huston, William 1.15 .8 Hazlep, James, 5 .5 Hatter. John, alias Jn'o Downs 7 .G Hickman, Francis, 2 .1 Highland. Andrew 2V^ Hull. Samuel 10 Irwin, Joseph 1 .3 Johnston, James 5.5 Kent, Absolom G .1 Linn, Samuel, 1.10 Meason. Isaac 5.1 4 .7 Martin. John, 1 .3 Murphy, Patrick 1 ) . • McCafferty. John 1 .i McCoy. John .0 McCoy, Nathaniel 7 .G Moorecraft. John 3 .4 Morrison. John 2.1 Mounts, Providence 15 .8 37— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 578 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax Murphy, Samuel, -. ^ •'^ Minter, John, 1-1"^ •'^ McQuittey, Samuel 1-8 Masse, John, 1 .3 .9 Meason, Phillip 18 — Mounts, William, 16 .8 McClintock, John, 9 •" Nesbet, Nathan, 3 .7 Perry, William, 11-8 Pollock, John, ^^ -S Porter, John - -1 Rudibaugh, Christian, 2 .1 Rule, Thomas 1-8 Rose, Enoch, 3 .C Rice, Edmond, 1 .9 .0 Stephenson. Mark - 14-0 Stewart, David C .0 Secrest, Valentine 9-2 Smith, John "^y^ Studybecker. Peter, 10 -^ Stewart, William 4 .3 Stewart, Robert '7-6 Stephenson, John 1-17 -4 Stewart, John 14 -2 Stewart, Jesse "7 •" Stephenson, Ann 2 .0 .2 Smith, Moses 1-15 -8 Siniky. John 19-10 . Terrence, James 12 -4 Tompson, Robert S .2 Vance, Margaret 1 -3 .SVi; Vann, Henry Ill Vann, Henry 3 .9 Whaley, Benjamin 2 .7 Watson, William, 2.11 Vvaugh, Paul 7y- Whitesides. .loseph 10 .0 Wilt, Benjamin 1 -Syz Walters, John 4 .7 Whitesidcs, Samuel 3.3 Wilson, Samuel 10 White, William 1-3 Wells. Benjamin 17 .1 Wilsnn, Samuel 1 -O.Kl COUiNTV OF FAYETTK — 17bG. 57;» AiiMjuiit of Tax. Wilson, Petfir " -^ Whealey, James ^-^^ Young, John ^-^^ LUZERNE TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. \nderson, William |^ " Arnold, Jonathan 1 . < .0 Arnold, Benjamin ^'^' •^' Allen. Thomas, Z , Arnold, Jonathan ^^ -^^^ Andrews, James Bates, Christian Botts, George ' ^' ^ Botts, George, Jun'r 1.1144 Bonner, John 10 .iVo Broomcr, James *' Bonner, Mathias lAO-'A Bewer, Mathias ^ '' Bradiug. Nathaniel l.lG.ll V- Brown. Samuel \ Brooks, W'illiam -^ •*' '' 7% Bannon, James " - Baird. Robert ^ .^^-Vi Collom, George ^^ ■^' Copperrschar, George ^ •" Cothwell, John ^ -^ Cocks, Jacob, ^^Z- Crawford, Josiah ^-^^ -^ Crawford, James ^ '^ ' ' Conwell, Jehu, -^ ^ ■' Crawford, John • -^ ••* Crawford, James ^ -j Crable. Joseph - • ' Vi; -I 9 Corwinn, Jesse Clemmons, Lenard - •^'■^■' Cock. Michal, Sen'r ^^ - Cock. Michal Jun'r : •' 580 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Crawford, Ephraim, 1 -'JVa Crable, Joseph, 1 -SVa Cooper, Nathaniel, 2 .TVs Coleman, Nathaniel 3 .0 Coleman, Neal, 4 Coulson, Tanner, 1-6 Conwell, William, 1 .3 .0 Dunlap, Andrew 7 .6 Daley, Dennis, 3 Death, Edward, 1-3 Death, James 1-19 .41/2 Death, James, Jun'r, T .2V2 Dicks, John 10 AV2 Deem, John, 8.0 Davidson, Levis, 10 .3 Deem, Lewis 11 -IV^ Death, Randal 5 Douglass, Samuel, 10 .u Douglass, William, 2.11 Davidson, William, 12 .y Death, William, 1 .0 Earl, Edward 2 .6 Frazer, Andrew 1 .2 .4V4 Fisher, Christian, 6 Frame, James 15 .7% Finton, Jeremiah, lOVi Fry, Jacob 17 .9 Finton, Michal 3 Fleman, Samuel, 1 .3^^ Finton, Samuel 1 .6 .1% Fame, Thomas 4 .3V^ Falls, Richard 1 .3 Goodwin, James 10^^ Gogle. Andrew, 17 .G Gaws, Charles 1 .1 .6 Gogle, Daniel 1 .0 Goble, Daniel 2 .9 Gilpin. George 19 .9 Gishard, George, 4.6 Gilleland. Hugh 1 .9 Griffin, Jasper, 2 .3 Griffin, Ebenezer 8 Garwood, Obed 1 .1 .71/2 Golden, Stephen 3 .41/2 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 17S5. 581 Amount of Tax. Goodwin, Samuel 9.1 Gaws. Solomon 2 .(! Goodwin, Thomas 10 .0 Gri£;s, Thomas, Junr 2 .dVz Griinn, William 1 .21/2 Garwood. Samuel 2 .dVz Gaws, Enoch 1 .3 Hackney. Aron 1 .3 .8 Hall, Andrew 7V^ Houph. Amus 18 .9 1 Ionian. Eber SVz Harlen, George, 1 .9 Hammond, James, 1 .8 .8V^ Hallock, Thomas, 2 .0 Homan, William, 3 Harlin. Joshua 1 .9V2 Hallock. Benjamin 1 .dVz Jones. Jonathan, 1 .3V^ Kadwallader, John 2 .2i^ Kadwalleder, Reese 1 .7 .0 Kadwalleder, Septimus 3 .6 Laughlin, Hugh G Little, Absolom, G .0% Lighter, John 4 .7 Lawrence, John 10 .4V2 Lackey, Hance, 1 .9V^ Martin, Alexander 1 .9V^ McClane, Charles 2.6 Mmger, Christian 1 .0 McFadden, James 2 .9V^ Miller, James, 1 .6 Moore, John 1.10% Miller. Nicholas, 5.11 Miller, Samuel 9 .9 Miller, Samuel 1 .3 .0 Neely, Alexander 4 .5% Olifant. Andrew 1.2.0 Olifant. John 2 .9V^ Paul!. William 5 .7% Porter. Armstrong 8 .9% Porter. Charles, 17 .2 Porter. Joseph 3.0 Rolierts, Roger, 8 .9 Ralibctt, Bryan 2 .2V^ 582 RETURN OF STATE TAX. Riloy. John Roberts, James, . Robert, Thomas, Raws, Joseph, . . . Tatraau, Joseph, Tatraan, John, . . Thatcher, Joseph, Veech, James, . . Virgin, Reason, . Wood, Edward, . Wilson, Thomas, Williams, James, Ward, Stephen, . Wright, Thomas, Warford, William Yager, Jacob, . . . Sayer, David, . . . Sames, Edward, Swinler, Henry, Smith. George, . . Smith, Susanna, . Smith, Robert, . Shooley, William Swindler. Samuel Shane, Thomas, . Amount of Tax. 7 .0 2 .91/2 6 .41/2 1 .3 1 .7 .0 1 .3 3 .9 1 .8 .9 6 .71/2 3 .3 2 .6 1 AV2 6 2 .8 2 .41/2 3 1 .31/2 7 .5 9 .6 14 .71/2 !) .fiV2 3 .(1 3 1 .1 .0 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Ammint of T.ix Allin, David 1 .3'^ Landlord's part 2 .9 Best, Thomas, 8 .OV2 Bowman, George 2 .214 Burford, James 7 .0 Brown. Nathan 1.10 .r> Brown, Andrew 7 .fl Blakeley, Robert 12.11 Burns, John, 2 .7 Burns. Samuel 15.11% COUNT V OF FAVF.TTK— 1785. 583 Burns. Patrick Burgess, Ann Baker. Andrew Brown. Eliezer Boyd. Robert Clcmmons. John Cook, Edward Cook. Edward, Jun'r, . Cunningham. William. Cunningham. James, . Chalfant. Chads Craig. John. »^. Caulk, Benjamin Cyfret. Joseph Landlord's part, . . . Cyfrett. Jacob Clemmons. Joseph. . . . Clark. Benjamin Crawford, George (Chambers, Edward, . . Clark, George Clark, Nathaniel Coi)e, John , Clemmojis, Samuel, . . Chambers. John Chamberlain, Thomas, Crawford, James Dunn. William Davis, Benjamin, I^unn, Andrew, Evans, Thomas Forsythe. William, .... Forsythe, Robert Forsythe. Jacob Fulton. Samuel Fleming. Robert Fleming. James Flemming. Samuel Fitch. Joseph Landlord's part Fitch. James Flemming. Nathaniel. . Landlord's part Finny. .lames mount of Tax. 10 ■l^A 10 .2 11 .9% 8 .6 7 .8% 16 .G ■J .7 .0 8 .u 10.111/4 8 .9% 12.10 6 .71/4 1 .9 8% 3 .8 7 .6 1 .41/2 1 .01/2 17 .91/2 11 .0 11 .11/2 11 .11/2 J) .4 11 .OV2 2 .21/2 1 .6% 1 .7% 17 .6 G .1% 7 .G 10 .1 8 2 7 .6 10 1 .5% 7 .6 7 .G 2 .4% • 14 • IVi 7 .G 3 .4% 10 .7V^ 12.10 5S4 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Freeman, Thomas, . . Flood, Michal, Gorham, John, Gorham, Thomas, . . Grist, William, Jun'r, Grist, William. Sen'r, Gorby, Thomas, Goe, William, Goe, John Goe, William, Jun'r, . Gaston, Alexander, . Greer, James, Gibbs, Edward, Hutton, Margaret, . . , Hardisty, Francis, . . . Harris, Hugh Henry, William Hathaway, Jonathan, Hood, John, Harris. Benjamin, . . . , Johnston, Jonathan. , Jones, Samuel Jackson, Samuel, . . . . Ireland, John Jackson, John, Jones, Joseph Jones, William Kelly, Thomas Landlord's part, . . . Kelly, Thomas, Jun'r, . Kelly, William, Kirk, Vincent Lute, Thomas Linn, Andrew Long, Thomas Linn, Andrew , Lynch, James Lynch, John Lynch, Samuel Lynch, Patrick Laughlin. James Laughlin. Robert Laughlin. Peter Law, Andrew, Amount of Tax. 4.101/2 2 .3 2 .21/2 1.10 .81/4 11 1 .21/4 4 .7% 2 .7 .71/2 1 .1 .71/2 19 .7% 1 .01/2 10 .8% 7 .6 2.11 .31/2 8 .6% 6 1/2 2 .01/4 10 .31/2 8 .5 10 .91/2 1 .5 .9% 7 .6 3 .6 .3V4 2 .8 2 .9 8.101/2 10 .41/4 3 .01/4 1 .1 .3 7 .6 7 .6 31/4 1 .4y2 6 .51/2 8% 6 12 .31/4 14 .8% 5 .3% 1 .4y2 16 .8 13 •sy* 12 .1 6 .1 COUNT V OF FAYETTE— 1785. 585 Amount of Tax. Alitchel, David 5 .tj Mastorson. Hugh 10 .2 Masterson. Zachariah 12 .2% McGinnis, Johu, 3 .9 Landlord's part 10 .71^ Masten, Peter 1.11 Moorehead, Widow 11 Morrow, Benjamin 1 AV2 Magrooder, Hezekiah 3 .7 .v Mc'Ginnis, Thomas 1 .2 .CVi MtGuire, Rich'd 7 .6 Merier, Thomas, 2 .4% Landlord's part 7 .0% Alitchel. George, 1 .7% Landlord's part 13 .2V4 Mclctire, John, 7 .G . Mercer, John 10 McClure, William, 5 .9% MoGarraugh, Joseoh 10 .8% XoLile, Richard, 2 .4 .2 Ncrris, William 11 .0 Niffley, Mary S .2V4 Purdy. John, 7 .Qi^ Purdy. Edmond 8 .5 I^ressor, Henry, 7 .G Pnrsley. Lawrence 7 .G Patterson, William 14 .9 Patterson, William 7 .G Powland, Samuel 1.11 Patterson, Peter, 8 .9yo Patterson, James, 8 .5 Patterson, Thomas 15 .5^4 Patterson. John 8 .5 Peck, John 1 .8 Pressor, Henry 2 .9V' Landlords part 7 .614 Paris, William 1 .71^ Parkus, Zekiel Gi^ Landlord's part 6 .SV4 Patton, Joseph, 12 .7 Patterson, John 1 .3 .1 T^lunket. Robert, 1 .1 Landlord's part 1 .1% Patterson, Thomas 13 .0 586 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Paterson, Alexander, . Riggs, Nathan Richy, John Riggp, Phebe Rowan, Robert, Seward, John, Sheeves, Samuel Sunderland, John, . . . Sunderland, William, Shaver, Paull, , Sissly, Jacob Shaver, Jacob Sisley, Lewis, Stewart, John, Stewart, John, Coll'r, Stapleton, Andrew, . , Stephens, John Stephens, John, Jun'r. Stevens, Levi Swaney. Thomas, . . . Seward, Daniel Steel, William, Thompson, Moses, . . Tetrick, John Thornton, Robert, . . Landlord's part, . . . Vandoler, Peter Vandoler, Henry, . . . Vandoler, Joseph, . . . Vankirk, Jacob Wells, Tunas Worley, John Walker. Robert, ..... Landlord's part, . . Walker, Henry Walker, William Landlord's part, . . Amount of Ta>; 1 .51/2 8 .5 1 .21/4 CVs 7 .1% 7 .3% 6 7 .6 2 .31/2 2 .8 7 .G 1 .9 8 .01/2 3 .71/2 18 .11/2 1 .0 2 .31/2 10 2 .9 .41/4 1 .4 7 .6 19 .01/2 f) .71/4 11 1 .0 7 .4% 9 .51/4 7 .6 7 .6 4 .5% 11 .61/2 1 .11/4 2 .3y2 3.ioy4 1 .2y4 2 .3y2 15. 10 y4 cor NT Y OF KAVETTIO— ITbr.. 587 W n AKTON TOWNSHIP. Anderson, James, .Mison, James, Abrams. Henry Abrams. Gabriel Askins, Thomas Askiu. John Askin, William Anderson, Jacob lirooks, William Bevelin, John Cross, William Cushman, Isaac Colihorn, William Clark, Widow, Cooper, James Clark, William Duffey, Michal Davis, George Dunwoody, James, Donnald, JeremiaJi, Davis, Danniel Downer, Jacob Faucett, Thomas Frazey, Samuel Gibbens. James Greathouse, Harman Harriman, David, Hall, Moses Hooper, & Mercer Hilletzas & Tue Hill, Jonathan Ink?, John Johnston, Godfrey Kelly, James Leonard, Enick Linch. Cornelius McClelland. James McClelland, James, Sen'r, McCarty, Samuel Amount of Tax. 12 .G 2 .IV2 1 .G .3 8 .IV2 2 .i.ioyo 14 AV2 7 .G 2 .G 3 .3 1 .l.lOVa 14 .y la .0 5 .0 1.11 2 .G 1 .3 10 .7% 3 .y 9 .•11/2 3 .11/2 4 .0 C .3 G .3 3 .9 3 .9 1.101^ i.iG.ioy2 1 .4 .0 1 .3 .9 lu .0 11 .3 1.11 2 .G 12 .G 1.17 .G 5 .0 G .91/2 6 .3 5b8 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Moore, Ann, I.IU.IU McCarty, John 5 .0 McCreary, Andrew, 13 .6 Moore, Thomas 19 •4y2 McMillen, James (i ■TV2 More, Robert, G .9 McPike, Daniel 14.10yo McClelland, William, 2 .5 .3 McCown. Duncan C .3 Morrow, Thomas 2 .b Mclntire, John, 15 .7% Moreland, John, 2 .0 Norman, George, 6 .3 Patto, PYancis 15 .7i/^ Rowland, Evan, 7 .6 Rodes, Anthony - 11 .3 Rodgers, Jolley 14 AVz Ramsey, Thomas 8 .9 Rowland, Jonathan 6 .3 Sulliu, Andrew 2 .6 Simonds, Thomas 12 .C Shipley, Hayman 4 .21/^ Steward, John, 11. 101/2 Shipherd, John 8 .IVa Shaflen, Daniel 5 .0 Therp, Ichabod, 13 .9 Watson, Arthor 2 .6.101/2 Worsted. Humphrey 1 .0 .0 Washington, George, Gen'l 12 .0 Wilson. William, 5 .0 Warren. Edward 3 .9 Young, David 12 .(' RETURN OF STATE TAX COrNTY OF FAYETTE FOR THE YEAR 1786. ( 589 ) ( 590 ) FAYETTE COUNTY STATE TAX- 1786. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Allin, David D'o landlord's part Allin, John Alexander, Rob't Burford. James, sing"e man Burgis. Richard, d'o Best. Thomas, d'o Brown, Nathan, Brown, Eliezer Bowman, George Brown, Andrew, sins'f man Blakely, Robert, Burns, Samuel Brown, William Burns, John Bradshaw, Samuel, Burges, Ann Brenaugh, George Baker, Andrew (?hipley. William Cook. Edward Colvin, William, Chambers. Josiah. sing'e man, . . . Cunningham, Will'm, d'o Cuningham, James, do Craig. John D'o landlord's part Clemmons, Joseph Cyphers, Jacob, single man Crawford, George, d'o. ........... ( 591 ) Amount or Tax 1 .G 3 .9 2 .0 2 .2 14 .1 10 .0 10 .8 19 .3 3.11 2 .5 10 .0 18 .7 14 .8 1 .3 2.10 10 .0 4.11 8 15 .4 4 .9 4.13 .7 10 10 .0 14.11 11 .0 2 .0 G.IO 1 .0 10 .0 1 .6.10 592 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax Chambers, Edward 14 .7 Clark, George, 13 .7 Clark, Nathaniel, H .0 Cope. John I4 9 Cleramons, Samuel, 14 .5 Chamberlain, Thomas 1 .G Connolly, Nicholas, 1 .0 Chambers, C. John 2.4 Clialfant, Chads H .3 Crawford, James, 1.6 Clemmons. John 18 D'o landlord's part 18 .3 Cloud, John, single man 10 .8 Conniers, Samuel, 1 y Davis, Benjamin g jj Dunn, Andrew, single man, 10 .8 Dunn, William 1.0.0 Elliot, William 35 Fleming, Robert 2 .5 Fleming, James, single man 10 .0 Fleming, Samuel, d'o 10 .0 Finny, James 16 .5 Fleming, Nathaniel 1 5 D'o landlord's part 15 .8 Freeman, Thomas, H _q Flood, Michael, 3 j Forsythe. William 16 6 rieak, John 2 11 Forsyth, Jacob, single man 10 .0 Forsythe, Robert 14.10 Fitz, James, single man 13 3 D'o landlord's part 14 .0 Fulton, Samuel, 19 Goe, William 3 ^ Goe, John, single man 1.11.11 Goe, William, d'o 1 q 9 Gaston, Alexander, 1 3 Gorham, Thomas 1 Ig 2 Gorham. John 3 2 Christ, William, Sen'r 9 Christ, William, Jun'r 9 Greer, James ^3 q Henry, William o q Hood, John, single man 11 .0 COrXTY OF'-FAYETTE— 17SG. 593 Amount of Tax. Harris, Benjamin 1 .2 .9 Hardisly, Francis 4.10 Hardisty. Francis, single man 10 .5 Hathaway, Jonathan, d'o 1- -^^ Huiton. Margret 3.14 .9 .Johnson, Laban 1 •'' .Johnson. Rachel 1 ■'^•H Ireland, John, 2.11 Jackson, John, 1 -^ Jaclewis, Samuel, single man 10 .0 Likens. Peter, d'o 10 .0 McCoy, John, single man 10 .0 McCoy, Faney. do 10 .0 Moore. George, d'o, 10 .0 Mason. John 1 .9 .0 Mclnturf. Daniel 4 .8 Martin, John, Sen'r 4 .6 Martin. John. Jun'r 6 McRory, William 3 .3 Matthias, Daniel 4 .2 Mounts. P'rovidence 8 .4 604 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amo-int of I'ax Mounts, Rachel 1.13 .8 Morgan, George, 2.10 .2 Morgan, David, 6 .4 Moore, Robert, 6 McDowell, James 3.11 McCoy, James, 1 .6 McCormack, William 15 .9 Matthew, William, 1 .0 Matthew, Thomas, 8 McKee, James 4 McKee, William 16 .5 Martin, Thomas, 1 .2 -fiercer, Hugh 13 .6 McKinley, David, 2 .0 Orr, George, 1.1 Patten, Thomas, 1.1 Patten, Ebenezer, 7 Robertson, William 7 .4 Robertson, John, 3 .8 Reno, , 4.2 Rhea, Ann, 4 Rogers, George, 2 .2 Ramsay, Hugh 1 .6 Ross, the lawyer 4 .3 Robertson, Andrew, single man 10 .0 Slaughter, Isaac, single man 10 .0 Shaw, John 8 Stewart. William 1 .9 ^Slaughter, Henry, 11 .7 ""Slaughter, Joseph, 7 .0 Snider, Jacob, 3 .9 Shaffer, Adam 1.0 Senniff, Casper, 7 .7 Stick, Ludwick 3.3 Swan, George 6.3 Smith, David 2 .9 Ditto, landlord's part 12.11 Sook, Henry 8 .4 Stacy, Thomas : 8 Smith, Henry, 7 Stricklin, Eli 1 .0 Tumbalt. Abraham, 14 .9 Tete, Samuel 7 Trump, George 3 .11 COUNTY OF FAYETTE -178G. 60o Tiimbalt, Peter Vernon, John, Vend€ron, Lnderhill. William Wearim, John Wile, Andrew, Woodrough, Cornelius, . . While, Henry While, John, While, Isaac, Wearim, James White, William Wright, John Wooley, Henry White, Adam, single man. mount ol Ta 3. 10 3.11 6 .3 5 .9 6.10 G .1 14 .<) 7 .4 6 .8 3 .7 1 .4 1 .6 1.11 10 .0 TYRONE TOWNSHIP. Amount o( 'ra.\ Aspy, William, single man 14.11 AUice, Robert, d'o 15 .6 Bell. John 11 Bell, Samuel 1 .T Bell, Hugh, single man 15 .0 Bute, Thomas 9 Beeler, Christopher 9 .5 Bowers, Robert, single man 16 .2 Bowers, Matthew, d'o 15 .2 Blake, Thomas 2 .6 Brewer. Benjamin, 3 .2 Bell, Joseph, 7 Bare, John, single man 15 .6 Bell, Thomas, 10 Blackstone, James, 1 .4.11 Copper, Charles 5.0 Cunningham, Bamett 10 .7 Cunningham. John, 10 (Cummins. Alexander 5 Chain, William 5 .0 606 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Chain, John 10 Casey, John, 3 Cunningham, Margery, 1 .2 Clarli, Richard, 1 .7 Clifford, Edward, single man, IG .2 Clifford, Robert, d'o ■ 16 .9 Clifford, George, 1 .G Clark, Ann 5 Copper, Joseph 1 .j^ Copper, Joseph, single man, 15 .6 C;onnell, Zachtriah 2 .4 Davidson, John, 9 Elliot, William, 8 Egnew, James 2 .4 Erwin, Joseph 1 .4 Egnew, Isaac, single man 15 .G Emmerson, John 3 .< Huston, William, executor 3 .2 Hutchinson, Rebekah 5 .0 Hazlip, James 3 2 Hodge, John 1 7 Hickman, Francis 1 q Johnston, Thomas j^ Johnston, James 2 9 Johnston, Joh:\ 1 5 Kent. Absolum, 2 8 Kent. William, sm^Je man 15 .6 Keslor, Peter r^ Kelly. Nathaniel 2 .4 Lynn, Samuel 15 McMuIlen. Margret COINTY OF FAYETTE— ITbU. GU7 Amount of Tax. Mason, Isaac 4.1G.11 Marlin, Jutm 11 Murphey, Patrick, single man 15.11 McCall. Solomon, d'o, 15 .u .McMiilkn, James, do 15 .2 .McMulleii, Robert, d'o 15 .0 Massey, John IG .S Mason, Philip 11 .G Massey, Mary Martin, Esel 2 .0 D'o landlord's part 4 .8 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 17Sti. USl Morland, Humey Merts, Cleinraents Martin, John, Sen'r, D'o landlord's part, Martin, Daniel, single man Moore, Hannah McGinn, Charles Mitchel, Nathaniel, Morgan, David, McCafferty, William, single man, Merryfield, Mary Martin, Thomas, single man, . . . Moore, Joseph, Moore, William, single man, . . . McFarland, John Moore, Marj', Moore, Rosea, single man, Moore, George, d'o Maine, Henr>', Moore, Ann McGee, John Neal, James, Esq'r Neal, Joseph D'o landlord's part, Nevill, Dennis, Nealy, James, Oliver, AUin O'Cull, James, Pottinger, Samuel, Philips. Theophilus, Prather, Basil, single man, Pock, Nicholas, Pock, Michael, Pauhore, George Phelps, John, single man Pearce, Philip Phelps, John, Sen'r Phelps, Elisha, single man Phelps, Hugh Paigne, Samuel, single man Paigne, Jonathan, Pettyjohn, John, Porter, Susannah Paul, James Aiiiijuut of Tax 5 3 .0 9 .5 10 .7 1 .0 4 2 .0 1 .7 .7 12 .9 1 .8 10 .7 2 .0 10 .7 17. 11 1.11 .4 10 .9 10 .7 1 .5 7 10 .0 1 .0 .4 1 .9 1.11 1 .3 1 .6 2 .8 1 .9 8 2 1.11 .0 12 .6 1 .7 .0 2 .5 5 12 .6 1.18 .7 4 .0 10 .7 8 10 .4 3 .1 1 1 2 10 .0 632 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Qiiarden, Adam 10 .0 Ramsay, Thomas 17 .9 Robb, Joseph, 4 ,7 Robb, Joseph, landlord's part, 9 .5 Robbins, Richard, 1 .2.11 Hobbins, Isaac, 17 Robbins, Jacob, single man 19 .1 Robinson, Simon 10 Robb, Robert, 3 .3 Robbins, Richard, single man, 10 .7 Robbins, William, 1.10 .6 Ruble, Samuel, 1 .0 Robbins, John, single man, 15.11 Robb, Joseph, d'o 10 .7 Rhoads, Basil, ■: . . . 10 Roach, William, 9 Runnel, Waiteman, single man, 10 .0 Rodgers, James, landlord's part 9 .5 Snider, Mary, 2 Swearingen, Cathrine, 1.4 .2 Swearingen, Van 7 .1 Summs, John, 17 Sicks, John 19 D landlord's part 19 .3 Swank, Philip 10 Shively, John 9 H Stillwill, Ann 5 .0 Stillwill, Joseph, single man 10 .0 Sutton, James, 9 .3 Smith, Thomas 1 .6 Smith, Augustus 18 .9 Saterfield, Benjamin, 1 .2 Stephenson, Edward 9 .1 Stephenson, John, single man 10 .0 Stewart, William 4. 10 Stephens, Richard, 2 .2 .7 Shannon, Robert g Simpson, Gather 10 .3 D'o landlord's part 18 .9 Stirling, James, a .9 Swearingen, John 10. n Sicks, Jacob 10 .7 Toban, Robert, single man, 11 .3 Thomas, Eneas 1 .0 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 178G. 633 Amount loban, George Toban, Thomas Tucker, John Trader, Arthur, Senr Torrence, William Wilkinson, John, Watkins, Evans Wilson. John ^■ Wade, William Weatherington, William, Weatherington, John Weatherington. Jesse Walker, John, Williams. Ann Wade, John Williams, Elisha, Wells, William Wells, David Williams, William Wade, Thomas, single man Wade, Elisha, d'o Webb, John Workman, William Wade, Alexander, Wood, John, Yager, Joseph Yager, George \ ork. Joshua of : i"nx 5 . 9 8 . 2 1.11 1 , .0 2 . ,5 13 .4 2 .5 ,15 .5 2 .0 13 5 1 .5 12 .9 9 .5 3 ') 11.11 17 .2 1 1 .6 10 .5 10 .5 3 .1 6 .4 4 .9 5 15 .11 1 .5 1 .5 GEORGE'S TOWNSHIP, Abrahams, Enoch, Ashoraft, Ichabod, Ashcraft, Ephraim Ashcraft, John Ashcraft. Richard Ashcraft. Daniel, single man Allison, Robert Amfunl ( f 19 Tax .6 19 .2 1 .6 1 .7 5 .3 10 .3 1 .2 634 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Archer, William 1& .8 Archer, John 1 .9 Ashcraft, Jacob 9 .8 Brownfield, Robert, 14 .3 ' Bell, John, 13 .0 Bell, James 6 .0 Berry, Samuel, 8 .0 Bowell, Thomas, 12 .2 Baker, Melchor, 8 .9 Bowell, Basil, 16 .0 Beck, Jeremiah 9 .4 Baily, Silas, 5 .7 Baccus, Cathrine 6 .2 Brinehart, Peter 2 .8 D'o landlord's part 13 .9 Berry, John, single man, 9 .8 Baldwin, Benjamin, 1 .0 Browneld, Empson 1 .2 .3 Bridgewater, Levi 5 Baccus, Sarah, 2.5 Buchannan, Alexander, 16 .2 Bell, Humphrj', single man, 9 .0 Boltenhouse, Joseph 4 .3 Boltenhouse, John, 9 .0 Bridgewater, Samuel, 1 .6 Carr, Elisha 10 .6 Carr, John 15 .3 Carr, Rachel, 8 Carr, Moses 11 .3 Carr, Elijah, 4 .3 .Calvin, James, 1 .2 Coffman, Mary Coffman, Chrisley, 9 Chadwick, John 3.11 Conn, George, 17 .5 Coombs, Joseph 1 .3 .6 Coombs, William, single man, 10 .0 Coombs, John , . . . 5.11 Carr, Thomas 16 .6 Downard, William, 1.11 .2 Downard, James, single man, 1 .4 .3 Downard, Thomas, d'o 10 .6 Drake, Sarah, 3 .2 Drake, John, 7 .0 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 178C. 63b Amount of Tax. 8 '^ Deal, James " -David, John Davis, Owen : Davis, William •_. Duval. John, Pierce i i - - Downard. Jacob, single man 1-1^ •• Davis, Benjamin • Drake, Samuel \^ Ephud, Henry '^ Evans, Mary Edwards, Peter Evans, John Frasier, William, Forsylhe, William, 13 11 Fowler, John, Fowler, Joshua '^ Finley, John • • ^^ '^ Ferrell, Daniel Graham, John Green, Daniel Glover, Charles, Glover, Uriah Green, William ■' Graham. William - ^ -^l Hogland, William ^ -^ Husted. John ^ ' llusted, Robert ] \ Huckleberry, Frederick, ° • ' Hannah. Robert '■^ • Hawfield. Matthias ^ -^ Holland, Jacob, Hawfield, Elisabeth ^ -^ Haydon. John, -^^ -"^ Headdy. Thomas, Sen'r ^^ -^ Hall, Joseph ^ -^ Headdy, Thomas. Jun'r, 1^ -^ Hea,ddy, James ^ -^ Harrison. John Huphey, James ^ "^ Hardin, Lidia Hudson, John ^^ -^ Hawfield. Cathrine '^ -^ Hawfield. Peter, ^-^^ Hardin. Benjamin ^^ •" Jenkins, Philip ^^''^ G36 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of Tax. Jenkins, John, 13.10 Jameson, James, 1 .0 Johnston, John, 1 .3 John, David, 7 .6 John, James, 1 .2 Kennison, Joseph, 7.10 Kennison, James, single man 9 .0 Kennison, James, Sen'r 5 Kelly, Patrick 2 .0 Littlejohn, Daniel, 1 .2 J^upton, James, single man 9 .0 Marshall, Ralph 9 McPherson, Alexander 2 .0 i/ McDanold, John, 1 .1 .3 McDanold. David, single man, 10 .0 McDanold, William 10 .8 \y McDanold, Rachel 8 McDanold, Alexander, 9 .2 McDanold, Jeremiah 9 Mensor. Daniel, 4 .8 D'o Landlord's part 11 .8 Maine, George, 9 Moody, Robert ." 3.9 Marshall, Hugh 3.10 D'o landlord's part 14 .1 McDowell, John, 1 .8 McCarty, Adam, single man 10 .0 Minninger, William 3 .2 D'o landlord's part ". 14 .1 McChristy, Arthur, 4 .2 Mackey, Stephen 14 .9 Moore, John, 2 .0 McDow, John, 4 .3 McClean, James, Sen'r, 2 .0 McClean, James, single man 10 .0 McCafferty, Adam, d'o 10 .0 McCaff erty, Abraham, d'o 10.0 McChristy, George, d'o 10 .0 McNillage, James 9 Mitchell, William 11 .3 McClean, John, single man 11 .0 McDanold, Isaac 18 .8 Ninnymaker. Michael, 10 .0 Nixon, William 5.9 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 1T8G. 637 Amount of Tax. Noon. Christopher 1-2 Orr, John, single man, 10 .5 Orr, James ^ " Powell, Thomas 2 .2 Poundstone, Richard 12 .5 Philips, Thomas, ^ -^ D'o landlord's part 14 .o Pearson, John ^ Philips, John ■* 1 Patton, Robert •I -"^ Philips, Isaac 5 .4 Patterson, John 2 .8 Patterson, William - -2 Phelps, John, landlord's part 1 .3 .4 Richey, Robert, Esq'r ' 1 .3 .1 Reeves, Nathaniel, single man 10 .0 Reeves, Nathaniel 1 -^ , Reeves, Thomas, 1-10 Reed, Caleb 5 .2 Riffle, Jacob 1 •» Robinson, Henrj- 14.10 Robinson, James, single man 10 .0 Robinson, Joshua, 2 .3 Reed, Richard ^ -3 Reed, David 5 Rogers, Philip, single man 2.12 .0 Reed, Thomas, d'o 10 .b Ryley, John « •- Rogers, Henry C-10 Rogers, Hannah '^ -0 Rogers, Philip, Jun'r 14 .3 Reed, Andrew 6-5 Reed, Samuel 9 Rhoades, William 1 -5 Rees, Jonathan 2 .7 .4 Reynolds, Jeremiah, 1-1 Richy, Joseph, 9 Slack, Philip 4.10 Steele, James 1 -3 Stradler, John 1-1 Smith. Philip, 2 .0 Smith. George, single man 10 .0 Smith. Phelty 1-5 Smith, Henry 1'^ -6 Stephens, Charles 5 11 63S RETURN OF STATE TAX, Southerland, Jacob, siugle man, Slillwell, Joseph Salisljerry. William Sherwood, Hugh, Smith, Peter, Smith, Charles Shacklet, John Shanks, P. C, Jolm Smith, William Scratcher, Simon Street, John Springer, Zadoc Scott, John, Sanctson, Isaac Smith, Henry, Sen'r : Smith, Adam Turner, Rachel Taylor, Fendrick Thomas, Joseph Tarr, George, Trex, Obediah 'I'homas, Levi Tucker, John, Templin, James Tobin, Thomas Vandeventer, Wiuen Wells, Levi, , White, John, single man White, Abraham , "White, John, Jun'r Wynn, Thomas, Walker, James Webb, Leanna AVoodbridge. Samuel Watson, William, ." Welch, William Wood, Daniel, Wood, James, single man, White, James, Sen'r White, Ruth White, James York, Jeremiah, York. Jesse York, Ezekiel, Amount of Tax. 10 .0 10.11 5 2 .5 7 .7 15.10 C 5 .9 4 .0 2 ,0 1 .3 .5 IG .1 9 .3 4 .0 1 .0 4 8 .5 3 .9 1 .5 6 .5 9 1 .0 5 13 .r. .3 .0 7 .6 2 .0 7 .4 2. 11 8 9.11 1 .5 3 .9 .3 .8 10 .5 .4 .8 1 .0 5 9 2 .3 1 .3 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 17b6. 639 WHARTON TOVv'NSliir. Amount Askren. William Askren, John, Askren, Thomas Abrahams, Gabriel Abrahams, Henry AUin, Joseph, Anderson, James Allison, James Beaverland, John, Cross, Williams Cushman, Isaac Clark, William Craighead, Robert, Cook, Philip Callahan, William, Clark, Market, Duffy. Michael Davis, Daniel Dinwiddle, James Davis, George Donald, Jeremiah Downard, Jacob Downard, W^illiam Fleck, Peter Faucet, Saul, Faucet, Thomas, Frasy, Samuel, Ferguson. Robert, Gibbins. James Herriman, David, Hall, Mose? Hill, Jonathan Howard. John Hilligate, & Tue Higgison. George Hooper & Mercer Inks, John, Johnson, Godfrey (t Tax 4 .3 7 , ') 13 , .6 3 .0 5 .4 18 .0 4 .0 8 10 4.10 3 .5 8 3 .8 e 1 .3 10 3 .9 2 .0 5 .7 6 .7 6 .0 3 .8 3 .8 5 .9 3.11 2 .6 3 .8 1 .4 9 .9 2 .7 15 .6 12 .0 2 .5 16 2 3 .'6 6 .0 10 .0 640 RETURN OF STATE TAX, Amount of T&z. Kelly, James, 13 Lynch, Cornelius 1 .0 .3 Luman, John, 1 ,0 Leonard, Enoch 2 .9 Loxley, in Philadelphia, 5 .5 McCreary, Andrew, 4.10 Morland, John 10 McCantire, John 4.6 McClelland, William, Sen'r, Esq'r, 15 .6 McClelland, James, Jun'r 2 .2 McClelland, James, Sen'r, 2 .9 Morris, Thomas, 3 More, Thomas, 5 .9 McPeak, Daniel, 5 .1 Moore, Ann g 6 McClelland, Robert .^ 9 Merry, Richard, g McCarty. Samuel 1 .3 Moore, Robert, Jun'r 2 .5 xMcCoy, George, single man 13 .8 McCantire, William, 1 .3 McCreary, Robert's heirs 2 .5 Moore, Samuel, single man 12 .2 Moore, William, d'o, 10 .0 Moore, Samuel, d'o, 10 .0 McMuUen, Robert, d'o 10 ".0 McMullen, William, d'o 10 .0 McCown, David, d'o, 10 .0 McCown, Andrew, d'o 10 .0 McClelland, John, d'o 10 .0 Moore, Robert, Sen'r, 2 .2 Meredith, Rees 55 Nowels, James 3.8 Norman, George 3 g Norton, William 55 Patten, Francis 6 Peairs, Joseph, 2 .5 Rhoads, Anthony 3 10 Rogers, Jolly : 5 6 Rowland, Evan 3 8 Ramsay. Thomas 3 8 Rowland & Wireman 10. n Shepherd, John 2 .3 Stewart, John 4 6 COUNTY OF FAYETTE— 1786. 641 Amount of Tai. Stull. Paul 3 .11 Simraomis, Thomas S.ll Shipley, Anion 3 .»» Sullen, Andrew 1 .1 .3 Stephens, Daniel -^ .» Spought, Stophel 2 .5 Tharp, Ichabod 4 .7 Watson, Arthur .' 14 .G Wistell, Humphrey G .7 Wilson, William 1 .3 Warren, Sarah 2 .5 Warrin. Edward 2 .5 Wilson, John 8 Woods, George, 5 .8 Young, David, 5 .2 41— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. ( 642 ) RETURN OF TAXAliLES County of Alleg-lieny. 1791. ( 643) ( 644 ) ALLEGHENY COUNTY RETURN— 179L MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. Black, John, Amount of Tax. Anderson, .lohn * Allison. William ^ -^ Bentley, Benjamin, 1-12 -2 Barnett. John '^ Brunton, Thomas, 1 -^ Brown, John, ^ -"^ Boggard, Benjamin 2 .8 Beam, Jacob ^ -^ Boyer, John, '^ -^ Butler, Widow ^ -^ 2 .3 Barrackman, Mich'l ^ -^ Beam, Abraham, " •"* lirown, Henry ^ -^ Bentley, 0;5wald 3 .9 Berkly, John ^ ■* Beam, John, ° Bear, Jacob, ^ -^ Beasor, William, ^ -^ Bra&hford, James ^ -^ Bayard, Stephen, 2.10 Bentley, Abraham 1 -^ Cochran, William 12 .7 Cochran. Samuel l^-^^ Comman, George ^ -^ Camron, Allen ^ Chambers. John ^ -^ Collins, Thomas 2 .5 Custard, Conrod, ^^ Custard. Benjamin l^-^" Custard. Noah ^ -^ ( 645 ) 646 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax. Chambers, Joseph 2.2 Crawford, Thomas 3 .7 Cunningham, John 11 .9 Cunningham, Widow, 11.10 Carmickle, John 7 .8 Colhoun, David 7 .7 Coihoun, James, 2 .7 Crawford, James, 1.11 Crawford, George, 18 .8 Craig. John 6 Colhoun, James, Jun'r, 3 .9 Cochran, Robert 3 .9 Driver, John, 1.6 Davidson, Joshua 1 .1 Dunlap, Thomas 5 .9 Ewalt, Samuel 6 .3 Ervin, James, 11.10 Erwir., Joseph 10.11 Edgay, Conrod 10 Elliott, John 5.8 f-:]lliott, William 6 .3 Elliott, James 3 .9 Finney, Andrew 9.11 Ferree, Jacob 14 .6 Friend, Isaac 1 .4 French, William, 1 .0 Foster, James 1 .0 Forgey, John 3 .3 Foster, Samuel, 35 Forsythe, James, 12.10 Foreman, Thomas 15 .6 Ferguson, Samuel 4. 11 Fletcher, Simon 2 .0 Gallagher, William 2 .9 Gallagher, Lewis. 2.2 Gailey, James 2 .2 Gilmore. John 2 .4 Gallaghar, Ebenezer, 2.1 Giffin, William, I9 .7 Gordon, Alexander 1 .4 Gorden, John S Graham, Andrew 30 GitRn, James 39 Gunno, John 39 COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 647 Amount of Tax Heth. Henry 1 .0.10 Harmes, John 7 Heth, Samuel 7 .7 Heth, Robert 3.11 Hankins. Enoch "* .U Hankins, Absalom 3.10 Hill, Adam 1 .2 Horner, Stophel, 2.1 Hannas, Samuel 1.11 Hannas. Samuel, Sen'r, 6 Harden, Thomas 1 .3 Hu?:hey, John 5 .1 Hughey, John, for Rob't Brisley, 10 .5 Hays, Abraham 5.0 Haydon, Barnabas, 3 .9 Hays, Francis 3 .9 Heth, Henry, Jun'r 3 .9 Jones, John 1 .7 Hughey. William, 3 .9 Irwin, Andrews, 3 .9 Kykendall, Sarah, 3 .6 .2 ]\ildc,o. James 7 .5 Kykendall. Henry, 1 .4 Kykendall, James 9 .5 Kykendall, Benj'n 12 .4 Kinraid, John 9 .0 Kildoo, Thomas 10 .1 Lee, James 7 Little, Robert, 10 .3 Lyles, Charles 4 .1 i-apsley, Thomas, 7 .4 Lapsley, Martha 6 .3 Loudprback, Michael 7 Lowe, Henry 19 .9 Louderbark, Andrew 9 Louderback, John, 1.2 Louderback, Peter 1 .4 Louderback, Conrod, 1 .1.10 Leiphart. Augustus 5.11 Ludwell. George 3 .9 Miskelly. William 4 .3 McKee, William, 3.3 Moore, James 3.10 McCully, Robert, 2 .9 McKay, Hugh, 1 .0 648 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount f Tax. McRoberts, John, 4 .1 McGowan, Charles 7 Morrison, Jamts, 1 .8 — ?.lcRoberts, James, 3 .7 McDermott, John 14 .2 McKinnah, James, 9 McBride, James 4 McMahan, Barney, 5 .8 Morrison, Matthew, 1 .3 Meanes, Adam, 9 Mcllhaney, John 1 .0 .1 McMillan, William 5 .4 McGuire, Daniel 7 McFarlane, Andrew 1 .2 .0 Maise, Job, 8 Mayers, John 2.11 McMillan, Thomas 3 .8 McClure, Denny • g .7 Murray, John, 6 .7 McCartney, Robert 4 .5 McDonald, John 6 .7 Morton, George 11 McKinley, John, 4. 10 McKinley. James 7 Meates, John, 10 .7 McKee, John 3 .2 Meates, Casper 6.11 Miller, William, 6 .7 Miller, James 12 .7 Miller, Thomas 7 .4 Miller, John, 5.5 McGill, William 8 .4 Mantle, George, 4 .9 Montgomery, John, 4 .0 McKinzey, Jesse, 8 McCully, John, 7 McCormack, James, 7 .8 McLeland, John, 1 .0 McDowel, Archib'd 10 McKinzey, James, 9 .7 McLure. John 1 .4 .6 McLnre, Andrew, 5. 10 McDermot. Dan'l, 8 .9 McDowel. John ^18.10 McKay, Alexander, 3 .9 COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY— ITHl. G4:t Amount nf 'I'jix Morris. George, 3 .9 Melody, John 3 .9 MeElhaney, Thomas 3 .9 McGilL James 3 .9 Neil, John 6 .4 Neighman, Eli 11 Neal, James 13 .1 Nielly, Thomas, 2 19 Nye. Andrew, 10/10 O'Niel, Charles, I 9 Perseall, Samson, A. 10 Pettigrew, Edward, 3 .7 Powel, William 5 Powel, John 4 Patterson, Robert, 9 Patterson, B. Thomas 6.10 Patterson, Nathaniel 2 .1 Patterson. John, ' 3 .6 Patterson, James 3 .9 Pierceall. John 6 .3 Powel, Isaac 3 .9 Reed, Benjamin 8 .4 Ried, James 6 Robertson, John 1 .4 .0 Robbins, Daniel - .2 Robinson, Samuel, 5 .5 Redick, David, 6 .4 Ritchie, Robert, 4. 10 Reid, John, H 2 Reid, William 9 .5 Rouse. George 10 .2 Risher, Daniel 18 .1 Row, 2.11 Snodgrass, James 1 .2 .9 Snodgrass, Alexander, 8.10 Sheriff, John 2.11 Swaswick, George 12 .0 Sanderson, James 10 Stewart, John 10 Sickman, George 5 .1 Stewart, James 4 .0 Stewart, Thomas 1 .g Sailor, Peter 3 .2 Stilley, Widow 6 .6 Shields. John 13 .4 650 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax. St. Clair, Samuel, 12-6 Swan, Alexander 8 .0 Shearer, John 10 .0 Spencer, Ephraim, 3 .9 Snodgrass, Thomas, 3 .9 Snodgrass, James, Jun'r 3 .9 Thompson, Robert, 3 .8 Test, William, ^ Thatcher, James, 3 'I'annehill, John, 1-4 Trumbo, John, 17 .G Thompson, Widow 13 .1 Torrence, James, 3 .1 Torrence, John 3 .9 Vangllder, Jeremiah 3 .8 Vertner, John 9 Vandegraft, Samuel 8 Wallace, James 3 .9 Wright, Zadok 1 .3 .1 Wright, William 9 .7 Wylie, Samuel 16 .6 Wylie, Widow 1-7 Walker, Samuel, 2.6 West. John, 8 Wallace, John, 15 .6 Wallace, James 3 .7 Wikerham. Adam 10 .3 Welber, Charles, 1 .3 Wilson, Abraham 6 .4 Wilson, James 11 -3 Wilson, John 1 .3 White. Robert 11 .9 Whitacre, Widow 15 .7 Whitacre, Isaac 10 .3 Whitacre, Aaron, 10 .5 Whitacre, Abraham 2 .0 West, Joseph 1 .2 .8 Walton, Jeremiah 1 .4 Walton, Joseph 1 .3 Wallace. John, 3 .9 Wilson, William .' 6 .1 Wilson, Samuel 3 .9 Young, Samuel 7 Yeager, Jokn, 5 COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 651 ST. CLAIR TOWNSHIP. Amount of Alliseu, David, 1 Adams, Samuel 3 Abraham. William, 1 Barr, Alexander, 11^ Brannon, Mich'l 1 Bowman, Nichelas ^ Bogs, William 6 Brooks, James Landlord, 18 Earr, John, 6 Bell, Sam'l Bell. John 11 Blekeney, John Blair, Sam'l 1 Landlord 3 Boyd, Robert, 6 Brody, James y Bair, William, Bradin, Robert, Landlord -i Bowman, Gasper, - . 1 Bennet, William 6 Boyd, Thomas, 4 Buttler, Edw'd, 2 P.rown, Mich'l, Burns, Geo., C Burns, John Body, Peter 2 Bowsman. Jacob 1 -4 Catt, Geo 9 Cooper, Sam'l, 1 Ches, William Landlord ^ Croco. Peter, Craig. Alexander !■ Landlord 3 Carnaghan. David 4 Landlord 5 Chrislie, James 2. Tax. .4 .G .5 .1 .3 .2 .0 9 .4 .1 3 .0 3 .7 .6 .5 II 6bJ RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tux Campbell, John 2 .8 .G Cochran, Sam'l " ■'^ Landlord 13 .0 Cool, Peter 5 .1 Cully, William 4 .3 Collins, Daniel 7 Creighton, James ~ Clark, John, Rev'd 10-0 Caldwell, James 5-10 Crail, John, 3 .0 Conner, Cornelius, Scn'r, 6 .0 Conner, Cornelius, J'r, 7 Couch, Nath'l, 9-3 Couch, Joseph 11 Carrol, Daniel, 6 .0 Conner, William 10 Conner, John, 5.2 Cairns, James 11 .3 Craig, Isaac 2 .9 Crawford, Thomas, 3.10 Dickson, James 5 Dougherty, William, 7-6 Douglass, John. Esq'r 1 .1 .0 Elliott, Elizabeth, 15 .0 Easy, Conroad, 2 .7 Ewings, Alexander, 9 Fulton, William 3 .3 Faulkner, John 10.0 Frew, John 3 .7 l-'rench, Samuel 9 Finley, John 5 .0 Fife, John, son to William 3 .4 Fife, William, Sen'r, 7 .0 Fife, William, Jun'r, 7 .4 Fife, John, Sen'r 5 .3 Fife, John, Jun'r, 5 .1 Fowler, George, 1.12 .0 Finney, Robert, 1 .0 Grant, Hugh 9 Glass, Samuel, 2 .5 Glimore, Matthew C Gutshalk, Dan'l, 2 .0 Gilllillen, Thomas 2 .3 Gooshom, Geo 8 .6 COUNTY OK ALLEGHENY— 1791. 653 Amount of Tax. Gillfillen, Alexander 11 .1 Guy, William 7 Gilkisen, James 1 .3 Gill, James 4 Gilles, John, 4 Hamilton, James 13 .6 Helman, Thomas 1 .1 Humbert, Jacob 2 Henderson, William 2.11 Hand, Edw'd 6 .0 Hagart, Mich'l 2 .1 Harvey, William 1 .2 Harbet, Moses, 3. 10 Henry, John 15 .3 Hulce, Henry, Sen'r, 13 .0 Hulce. Henry. Jr 4 .1 Htilce, Richard, Sen'r, . . .' 4 .4 Huey, Ephraim 4 .1 Horsfield, Thomas, 10 Hoglin, Henry, g Hulce, Joseph, 8 .1 Henry, William 9 Harbid, Dan'l 7 .1 Hood, And'w 1 .0 Hulce, Richard, J'r, 4 .8 Irwin, Archibald 4 .3 Johjison, James 4 .0 Johnson, Robert, 5 .0 Johns, Thomas, 11 Landlord 8 .3 Jewel. Robert 3 .0 Kirkpatrick. Abr'm, 10 .0 Kean. Timothy 3 .0 Kincaid. Robert 9 Kincaid, Thomas 3 .0 Kerr, Jn'o ' 2 .0 Kerr, Samuel 9 Kelley, John, 1 .1 Kennedy, David 4 .7 Kennedy, William 4 .7 Keever. Henry 7 .7 Lonp, James 12 .2 Lucas. John 3 .5 Lauc;hlin. James 6 .1 654 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax. Lea, William, M .5 Long, William 6.11 Long, Alexander 15 .0 Long, Joshua 2 .S Logan, Adam 2 .1 Lusk, Robert 1.4 Lock, William 11 Lamb, John 1 .1 Logan, Joseph, 5.1 Means, Robert 3 Landlord '. 5.0 McFarlane, Baptist 2.11 McLean, Enos !i McLean, John, '^ Landlord, 5 .3 Miishruch, Jacob .^ McDonald, William 1 .4 McCtirmlck, John 1 ..i Miller, Jacob 4 .8 Metzger, John, Esq'r, 1 .4 Moore, John, 3 Landlord 3 .f> McLean, Robert o Melch, Jacob, 7.10 Miller, Isaac 5 .5 Martin, James, 11.11 Middlesworth. Jacob 10 McCiilluch. David 9 Mantle, John, 4 .0 Matthews, James, 2 .1 Mount, James 9 McDerment, Archb'd 6 .5 McNutt, Alexander 10 McDerment, Dan'l 7 McDowall, James, 11 MoKean. Martin 3 .8 iMcDerment. Joseph 5.1 McPherson, James 3.10 McDowall, Joseph 14 .G McKee, Robert, 7 .7 McCormick. John, 1 .2 McIUroj . David 2 Menough, Sam'l 3 .7 McMillen, James 2 .3 COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 655 Amount of T«.x. MoKnight. Joseph 6 .3 Meal. John 2.11 Miller, Alexander, 8 .0 McCash. Samuel 6 .9 Murry, Joseph 5 .0 Minnis. Hugh, 1-0 Murray. James 5 .9 Manning. Cornelius, 1-9 Murdock. William 1-3 McOway, Barny 3 Murphy, Edw'd 9 Manners, John 2 .3 Moore, Mary Ann 1 10 Neilly, William 3 Neilly, Samuel 8 Nichelson, William, 1-3 Nevil. Jn'o 114 .9 Ormsby. John 2 .0 .6 Ormsby. Oliver 10 .0 Phaeen. James, 4 Plumer, Nath'l 1 .0 .0 Parson, Jesse, 6 Paterson, John 10 Philaps. David 11-8 Philaps. Mich'l 3 .9 Landlord, 1-6 Paterson, Thomas 7 .6 Paterson, Adam 10 .9 Philaps, Joseph 8 .7 Pennsy'l Proprietors 12 .6 RcHS. Hugh 1-7 Richmond, William 17 .1 Rcss, Philap 1 .5 .0 Ross. Stephen 8 .5 Robb. John. 3 .3 Rutherford. James 7 .3 Reed. Paul 10 .6 Rigdon. Thomas, 8 .6 Rige. Edward 1-5 Ralston. Alexander 9 Ramsey. Thomas 5 .8 Reno. Francis 2 .8 Reno. William 1 .8 Rigdon. William 8 .6 056 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax. Stwart, William 5 .4 Stwart, Robert, , 7 .1 Stwart, John 8 .8 Stitt, James 47 Smith. Francis 3 Small, John 11.10 Shay, John 1 j Smith. Charles 7 _y Shaver, Lewis, Sen'r 1 .7 Stoops, James 3 11 Landlord 15 4 Snodgrass, Robert, 7 ,6 Steele, David 12 .g Sturgen, John, 2 .9 Strawbridge, David 3 C Smith, Robert, Sen'r 3 .0 Stone, John 3 q Sterling, Hugh, 47 Sullivan, Charles 7 Sharp, Edw'd 10 1 Smith, John 1 q Shohan, Rob't 2 .9 Turk, William 11 '9 Tarrance, John 3 q Thompson, William 4 2 Thomas, Elam 2 1 Tidl;«ll, Thomas C .2 Timbral, Jacob, 3 Tidhall, William 10 .g Whiteman, W^illiam 9 g White, Thomas 14 Landlord 14 1] Wark, Aaron, 9 5 Wilson, Benjamin 9 Wilson, John g 1 Ward, Edw'd 4 q Wild. Christian (^ Wright, Robert 2 Watson, Thomas 2 10 Wallace, Geo., Esq'r 5 r, Williams. John o 9 William.'^. Thomas 7 2 Williams, Isaac ^ I Wylie, Robert 2 COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 657 AinouiU of Tax. Woodard, William, Wilson, James, .... 1 .2 1 .1 Wilson, John 1 •" Wilson, And'w, ^ Warner, Jacob, 2 .0 Young, Robert, ^ -^ SINIII.K MEN Hogs. David ^ ^ liradin, William 4 .3 Uaniield, Geo 3 .9 Burns, John, 3 .9 Belchoover, Jacob 5-9 Chess, John ^ -^ Couchran, Joseph 3 .9 Couch. Henry, 3 .9 French, William 4 .3 Grimes, Sam'l 3 .9 Hammell, John, 3 .9 Hagart. Peter 3 .9 Hughes, Thomas 3 .9 Jackson, Thomas 3 .9 Kincade. Robert 4 .9 Lafferty, William 4 .9 Mincham, Timothy 3 .9 Martin. Thomas 3 9 McDerment, James 3 .9 Murry. David 3 .9 McDonald, Rob't 3 .9 Person, Ebenezer, ■ 3 .9 Purdon, John 3.10 Ralston, James 3 .9 Stwarl. Richard 4 .G Smith, William 3 .9 Pmith, Rob't, J'r 3 .9 Saviers, John 3 .9 Shaver, Lewis 3 .9 Stoops. Sam'l 3 .9 Tidball. .John 3 .9 Vaughan, William 4 .S Watson, Alexander 3 .9 42— VOL. XXH- 3rd Ser. 658 . RETURN OF TAXES, ELIZABETH TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Adair, William, 7.1 Alexander, Adam 2 Aspey, Robert, 2 Applegate, William, Sen'r 18 .4 Ai)plegate, William, single man 3 .9 Applegate, Robert 1 .0 Applegate, Benjamin 1 .7 .2 Applegate, Garret, 10 Applegate, Benj'n, Jnn'r 10 Applegate, Geo 1 .2 Applegate, James, 1 .5 Applegate, Daniel 14 .1 Applegate, John, 3.10 Applegate, Aaron, single man 3 .9 Allen, Mosses 11 Applegate, Sam'l 4 .9 Allen, Barnard, single man 4.1 Alcorn, William, d'o 4.1 Brown, Caleb 10 Brown, Caleb, single man 3 .9 Brown, Abraham, do 3 .y Brody, Hugh, 1.1 Bedsworth, Jos 1 .0 .1 Budd, William 1 .4 Berryman, Duncan, 3 Bayard, Stephen, 1.10 .1 Barclay, Jos., single man 3 .9 Brown, Frederick, 3.10 Becket, Joseph 1 .6 .0 Bayard, Frederick, single 3 .9 Basset, Amos, 5 Benhal, John, 11 Bigger, Samuel, 13 .5 Boyd, David, o Boyd, Nathaniel xl .5 Craighead. Robert, *. . 1 .1.11 Carrol, Jess 1 .1 Carrol, Taylor 1 -i Cnrnal. Joseph 4 Cozad, Nath'l, 1 .3 COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 659 ■.rr.ouMt of Tax. Crawford, John, single, 4 .."> Chambers, John 5 Cord. James, single 4 .5 Casteel, Samuel 2 Calhoon, Audly, 13 .5 Carlf>, John, single mail, . 3 .9 Crool Dobbins. MaLth"\v, single 4 .3 Dehaver, Jacob. 11 Doughty, Christopher 7 Doner, Joss, single 3 .0 .9 Devere, Mosses 13 .4 Douthart. Hezekiah 4 .5 Downing, William, s. man 4 .3 Dreanan, Thomas 1 .(> Landlord 4 .G Downing. James 4 .4 Dabzelc, Geo 9 Denny, Samuel, s. man 4 .0 Drenan. John IS .4 Ellicot. 2 Evans, Edw'd 1.1 Lml^iy. John 7.4 ]!:irod. William 3.1 o Fitch, Jos., 4 .8 Fitch, John 2.1 Finrey, James 13 .1 Findley, David 6 .1 Kininey, Robert 11 Finney. William 8.11 Fowler, Robert, 2 Forkler, Geo., 6.10 Foster. Benjamin 2 .8 Fleming, George 12 .5 GiiTert, Elisha 5 Gilmor, David 11.10 Gilmor. John 11 .4 Gilmor. William, single 4 .0 Grier, John 3 .(; Grier, Isaac 4.1 Green, Nath'l 4 5 Hood, John, 6.10 660 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax. Harsha. Peter, 6.10 Hun, Samuel, 5 Henry, Ebenezer, 8 Hull, Benjamin 10 Hall, Steven, 7 .5 Hayden, Christopher 9 .5 Houk, Philap, * 1 .1 Landlord 14 .2 Hart, Elijah 5 .4 Henderson, Matth'w. Rev'd 14 .9 Hartshorn, Geo 19 .0 Huly, Leven 8 Howell, Luallin, Sen'r, 17 .3 Howell, James, 9.10 Howell, Philap, 7 .0 Howell. Luallin 7 .0 Hara. Charles 1 .9 .1 Harra, William 3 .9 Halliday, Samuel 7 .7 Halliday, John, Sen'r 4 .3 Howel, Andrew 1 .4 Henry, Patrick, 5.11 Harshman, Casper '. . . . 1 .4 Job, Isaiah 1 .0 Jamieson. Mat'w 4 .4 Jamieson. Robert 5 .8 Johnston, William, 1 .1 Job, Robert, 2 Johnston, Richard 17 .4 Johnston, Solomon 9 .0 Jackson. Robert 2 .2 Johnston, William 15.11 Jamieson , Geo., 9 Kylie, Widow 3 .1 Kyle. Sam'l, & Joshua 13 .1 Kainan, William 11 Ketcham, Hannah 6 .6 Kenny, Lewis IC Kerr, David 5 .0 Ketcham. William 1 1 .7 Ditto orphans 8 .S Kennedy, William 3 .4 Kennedy, Hugh 3 .5 Kennedy. James 2 .8 COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 661 Amount of Tax. Kaya, Philap, einj^le 4 .2 Kelly, John 5.10 Lemon, Thomas 10.10 Lemon, Henry 1 .1 Leiper, John, single man 4 .2 Laremore, Samuel 4 .3 Mitchell, Matfh 10 .8 McCague, James 4.11 Monieeth. James, G .7 McDonongh, 5 Landlord 1 .7 McNichol, James, single man 3.11 McConnal, William 6 .1 McCracken, Jos., 1 .0 Landlord, 2 .9 McNaughton, Thomas 4 .8 Miller, John, 2 .G Murphy, Hugh, 5. 11 Mclnlire, And'w 2 Menrod, I^faver, 7 McKinney. Matt'w 18 .6 McConnal, Adam 8.0 McClure. William, Sen'r, 1 .2 .3 McClean, John 1 .1 Moore, William, Sen'r 1 .0 .9 Muse, Fantly 4 .7 McConnal, Robert 19 .3 McConnal, John, 4. 11 McConnal, Jean, 9 Mitchell. Widow 12 .9 McNeel, John, 9 McCague. Patrick 3 .0 Morton, Thomas 11.1 Means, John 2.4 Morton, John 6 .8 Moore, William 7 .2 McClure, William, Jun'r 12.10 McClure, Alexander 13.10 McClure. Richard, 14 .5 McMillen, Samuel 2 McManus, Charles 5 McGee, William 11 Naash, Joshua 5 Newman. Owen 4 662 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax. Naash, Samuel 7 Owen. Thomas, 13 Patton, James 2 Person, Zacheus, 2 .3 Perry, James 1.13 .3 Pearce, John 19 .0 Perce, Isaac, single man 3 .S Pearce, John, d'o 4 .(i Pearce, Jos., Sen'r 11 .0 Pearce, Elisha 7.11 Pangburn, William, 10 Pancake, Geo 3 .2 Plummer, Jonathan, 9 Pearce, Isaac 5 Petterson, James, 10 .5 Porter, Amos, 7 Porter, Amos, single man 3 .9 Putman. Allen, 5 Pedan, John 7 .5 Peane, And'w, Jun'r 1 .3 .5 Pearce, James, Jun'r 1 .2 Pearce. Sarah 8 .4 Pearce, James, Sen'r 4 .7 Pearce, Stephen 5.1 Pearce, And'w, Jun'r 1 .3 .5 Pearce, Lewis 2 .3 . Penny, John 1 .3 Penny, Thomas, s. m 4 .3 Pearce, Jas., Sen'r 14 .1 Pearce, Lewis, 9.10 Quick, Cornelius 6 .2 Quick, Moses 1 .1 Rosebrough, William, Sen'r 3 .9 Riirdin, William, 1 .9 Rardin, John 2 .7 Randels, David, 2 Risely, Elihu, 4 Robins, Obadiah 1.11 Robison, David, 19 .9 Robison, John, single man 4 .5 Rankin, William, 1 .7 .5 Ritchie, William 12 .3 Robb, James 6 .0 Robb, Thomas, s. m 3 .9 COrXTV OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 663 Riley, Geo Keid, David, s. m Sheilds, Geo., Stinsou, James Scott, James Stuart. John Sloan, John, single Sinclar, John Scott, John Stephen, Henry Smith. Philap Stover, Ezekiel Sutten, David Stover, William Shields, William Striver, Daniel Stuart, Thomas, Sill, Geo Sill, John, Sill, G€0., J'r Sill, William Sinclair, Samuel, Scott, Jos Sparks, Richard Sparks, Benjamin Stover, Thomas Stout, David Store, Richard, Smith, Robert, or his assigns, Thompson, Cornelius Taylor, Edward Taylor, Freegift, single, Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Edward Taylor, Jonathan, 'I'urnbull, William Thompson, James Taylor, John Thatcher, Isaac Tindal. William Taylor. William Thompson, Daniel Underwood. Isaac, Var.skyhawk, Stephen Amount of Tax. 1 .1 3 .9 8 .9 8 8 .5 10 .1 3 .9 ' 4 2 11 .3 y.iii 5 3 .7 5 .0 4 .0 3 .9 7 3 .2 7 9 4 .0 1 .8 .3 1 .7 9 .1 4 2 2 .3 1 .0 4 2 5 .9 1 .1 .3 13 .6 4 .2 4 2 4 2 3 .9 5 2.10 7 8 5 6 .2 12 .5 6 4 .2 664 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax. Vaukirk, Sam'l 1-5 Westbay, Henry, Esq'r 16 .8 Wilson, Zaccheus, 14 .4 Wilson, Aaron, 11 -4 Walker, John 3 .6 Williamson, John, 2 .5 Winkler, William 5 .8 Wilson, Hugh, smith 3 .6 Waddel, James 4.11 Waddel, Dan'l, 9 .7 William, Asher, 1-3 Westbay, Patrick 1-10 Wicoff, Jonathan, 7 Wall, James, 1 .0 .7 Wail, Walter, 1 .1 .1 Wall, James, 3 .9 Warner, Dorcus 19 .9 Warner, Stephen, 3 .9 Wall, William 3 .9 Wall, Walter, single man, 3 .9 Whitaker, Jonathan 5 .4 Wakeman, Geo., 8 Williams, David, 13 .9 Williams, Thomas 4 .2 Wilson, Isaac 2 .0 Williams, David, s. m., 3 .9 Wilson, Robert 9 .2 White, John 7 White, Thomas 8 Wilson, Thomas, 8 .9 Westbay, Henry, J'r 8 Wilson, Hugh, 7 .9 Withrow, William, 1 .5 .7 Wilson, Samuel, 9 .2 Wilson, James, 15 .8 Wilson, Thomas, 3.11 Wright, John 4 .8 W right, Rob't, 3 .9 Withrow, David 3 .9 Young, William 10 Young, Henry 6 Landlord 8 .6 Young, Philap 3 .9 Aspy, David, 6.4 COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 665 VERSAILLES TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Beales. Daniel, 1 •^ Barber, William, 6 Barber, James 3 .9 Bailey. Stephen, 3 .9 Baird, James 3 .>< CriEty, John 11 .2 Carson, James, 9 Carson, John, ti .7 Crawford, James, 2 Corry, Robert 12 .6 Craner, Philip 6 .2 Cone, Michael 3.5 Clark, Joseph, 4 .4 Clark. John G Crawford. John 5 .0 Chambers, John 1 .0 Coulter. Elie 18.8 Corry. Moses 3 .9 ('arson. William 3 .9 Dunlap. Robert, o Dunning. John 3 .9 Eathen, John, '• Eccles, Andrew Ji .7 P rederick, John, 6 .9 Gibson, John, 110 George. Robert 5 .C Gil.. John, 7 .4 Howe. Thomas 1 .6 Huffman. Lewis 1 .3 Hellman. Ludwick 12 .0 Johnston. John, 2.11 Kildoo. George, 4.10 Kyser, John 6 Kennedy, William, 7 King. Jeremiah 3 .9 Long. John 10 .7 Long. Matthew 1 ]-,ockwood. Silas ^-0 Lorimore. Robert 5 9 CGG RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax. Lodge, Benjamin, 2 .8 MeKee, John, 2 .2 .6 McKce, Susanna 12 .5 McCulloch, John, "^ -3 McKee, James 12 .0 Martin, Henry, ^^ McGinniss, Charles 5 .4 McKean, John, 13.10 McKean, Hugh, 7 ^3 McNair, Dunning 2 .0 McCulloch, Andrew 4 .1 McKee, David, 1 -^ Noble, John, 3 .6 Pannel, George 10 .6 Plummer, William, 7 .3 Patterson, Robert 5-5 Parker, William 5-0 Peebles, James, "^ -9 Porter, Ehenezer 10 .8 Plummer, James 6 .1 Reed, John, 2 .7 Roblnfion, James 1-9 Rollans, Anthony 9.1 Stewart. William 6 Seeds, James 1-0 Shannon, George 5 Straughan, George 7 .3 Smith, Jonathan '7-7 Shaw, Samuel 8 .0 Shaw, David 1-0 St. Clair. Samuel 5-0 Sirams, James 3 .9 Shaw, John 3 .9 Thompson, James 9 .7 Wilson, James 9-0 Wallace, William 9.11 Wallace, James, 6 .0 White, Alexander 11 Wansetler. Philip, 1-7 Whigham, John 2 .8 Wright. John 1-6 Vertner, Daniel 3 .9 COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 667 MOON TOWNSHIP. Amount of Tax. Armstrong, John 1 .8 Adams, Jacob, 4 .2 Alexander, Samuel 2 .6 Alexander, Thomas, 2 .4 Aberry, James 1 .1 Agnew, Frederick, Sen'r 3 Agnew, Frederick, Jun'r 5 Alexander, Matthew 4.1 Agnew, Robert , 11 Averit, Thomas ^./. 1 .8 Ainsley, Thomas, ' x 5.8 Abercromby, John^ 2.11 Anderson, Normaa 1 .0 Alspagh, Henry 1 .5 AytOQ. James 6.4 Adams, John, ; '' ,,\ 6 Anderson, John, i. *".".'. 2 .6 Baggs, James 4 .7 Bond, Hugh, ',.^. '^ .' - .\ . 2 .3 Barwell, Ephraim,^ .' 1 .5 Bails. Joha, y^;/':'^. .,''. .-, ^:-:. 5 .i Bails, George, .^-.j , .'. 9 Bowdon, Joseph, . /*. .-'.'. . ;.{v.T^. 7 Bell. James, ^ ..';,' .^ . . . 11 .9 Brice. William ' ». .1 \ 2 .4 Boyce, Richard, .'„.■.. ; .' 8.5 Brackenridge, James A. 4 .2 Boyd, Thomas ^.'^''^r ^ -^ Boyd, Rolley, {yi . .: 4 .7 Blunck, William, . . . a'. 5 Boyd, Robert, ,:...!. 2 .9 Benney, John, 1 .1 Barnes, John 9 .1 Beer, Robert 5.8 Blunk. John 3 Blair. John 1 .5 Blunck, Widow 10 .8 Baker, John 6 Bruce, Charles 12.8 668 RETURN OF TAXES, Ainoun- of Tax Baker, George, 10 .6 Baker, Henry, ■* -2 Blunck, Andrew, 3 .2 Barnes, Thomas, ^ Beer, William, ^-^^ Banfield, Thomas, 9 Barnett, John, 6 .3 Burnes, Alexander, 19 .2 Braden, Ja's & Irwin, 5 .2 Bradford, David • 6 .3 Bever, John "* -^ Bailsman, Jacob, 15 .7 Barnes, Peter, "^ -^ Blackstoe, James, 2 .5 Boyce, David, 3 .4 Bays, Robert -^ Bags, Joseph 1 -^ Braden, James .• 12.10 Beaver, Samson, 2 .1 Bryan, John ^ -3 boyce. James ^ jjarnes, William 3 .9 Chambers, James -5 Crail, Thomas -10 Cochran, William, 3 .5 Cochran, Alexander -^ C'raigg, Isaac 17.11 Cunningham, Robert -3 Campbell, Arthur -^ Cox, Thomas 3 Clow, James & Co 3.10 Clow, James, 1 -^ Cunningham, Jonathan -^ Carswell, Joseph, -1^ Collins. John -^ Campbell, Joseph, '* -2 Cunningham, Thos 1-1 Crooks, Henry "^ •'* Cook, Edward 3.11 Clifford, John 6.10 - Caviat. Patrick 4 .5 Clark, William, Clark. Robert, . 3 .9 6 .8 Chambers. Thomas 2.10 COUNTY OF ALLEOllENV-lT'Jl. GG'J Caldwell, James Cunningham, Anue, . . Carter, Barzilla, Cook, David Caha, Samuel, Campbell, William Craig, Henry, Clark, Widow Colhoua. John Cristy, Michael Cristy, Daniel Colhoun, David, Colhoun, James Colhoun, Noble Douglass, William, ... Dawson, Thomas Dawson, Benona Dennis, Bartholomew, . Dickson, George, Dobbins, John, Davis, Basil, Denny, Widow Dunsmore, James, . . . . Donohoo. William Davis, William Duna, Hugh, Drake, Edward, Drj'bread, John, Elliott, George, Sen'r, Ewing, Sam'l Elliott, George, Eckles, Arthiir Ewing, Alexander, ... Ewings, William Ewings, Alex'r, Jun'r, Ewings, James English, Samuel, Evans, Hugh Ewings, Samuel Ewings, William, I-'inck, Andrew Fi"azier. Jonathan, . . . Faulkner, William, . . . Fennon. John Aiiiuuiit uf Tax. 3 .b .8 2 .G 2 .9 l.lu 1 .3 1 .8 C .7 G .2 7 .G 3 1.11 1 .0 3 .1) 7 3 .0 13 .9 V 4 .0 5.10 5 2 .G 8 7 .0 4 .C 10 1.11 4.10 7 .7 4 .0 3 .9 2 .8 2 .7 2 .6 3 .5 1 .7 .5 G 7 6 .4 4 .3 1 .5 4 .8 1 .9 7 670 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax. Fulks, William 4 .0 Gallon, Patrick, 4 Glendy, William, 9 Goe, Joseph ^ -8 Graham, Hugh, 1-4 Gumm, Abraham 6.3 Gilliam, Jonathan, 1-1 Grimes, Abraham 2 .9 Gillson, George, 5 .9 Gumm, Abraham l-H Greenlee, Robert 6.11 Galbraith, Janes 4 Gordon, William 4 .G Guy, William 14-0 Green, Widow 2 .8 Grant, Jonathan, 1-2 George, John 4 .2 Galljraith, John, 3 .5 Galbraith, William 2 .9 Galbraith. David •. 2 .5 George, John G Gray, Alexander 3.10 Gibson, James 3 .2 Gossett, John 1-8 Grier, Seth 5 .0 Grimes, Abraham 2 .9 Gillson, George 5 .9 Harvey, William 10 Hill, John 8 Herod, Andrew 9 .5 Haynes, Joseph' 8 Hinston, Joseph 7 .6 Hubler, Cutlip 3 .4 Hays. Robert 8 .0 Henderson. William 2 Hays, 1 -3 Hall. Robert 2.6 Hall, William 7 .6 Hall, John 4 .6 Hickman. Adam 2 .n Herod, Ephraim 2 .8 Herod. George 8 Holmes. Obadiah 2 .6 Hull. Rachel 1-8 COIN'IY OF ALLEGHENY— l^i-l. 671 Amount of Tax. Hauuah. Thomas 2 .7 Hickman, Peter, 15 Hamilton, Matthew 43 haddon, Robert 3 _y Hull, Samuel 4 Hall, Hugh, 22.10 Hipner. Jacob 2.10 Huftnagle, Mich'l, & Co., 2 .C Holland, Frantis 12 .1 Hillman, James, Sen'r 7 Hillman, James g g Husjer, Thomas 5 Hill, Thomas 5 - Hill, John, , 9 g Harshay, William, 7 1 Hokes, Matthias 47 Henrj-, James, 1 4 Hogg, Thomas 1 H Johnston, Joseph g Ingles, James 1 4 Irons, John 1q Inman. Ezekiel, 2 .3 Johnston, James • 3 4 Jordon, James 7 g Justice, Isaac 3 9 Justice, George, (heirs), i q Johnston, Hugh 9 .3 Johnston. Samuel 13 .] Jcffrys. Samuel, I4 9 Jackson, George 4 Johnston, John 4 q Johnston. Robert 1 q Johnston, Court, 5 3 Johnston, Daniel, 39 Johnston, Jonathan 4 ] Jones. Thomas 5 g Jones, Ephraim - 7 Kelso, George g 7 Kelso, John g Kirkpatrick, William 4 .3 Kirkpatrick. Jam^es, 3 Kelso, George, Jun'r, 40 Kain, John, 2 1 Kerr. David 4 2 G72 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax Kennedy, David, 2 .1 Kelender's heirs 1 -l-l*^ Kykindal, Benj's lieira 6 .3 Kerr, Jolin ^ -^ Kerr, Josepli, '^■^^ Kennedy, Samuel 1-1 Kelso, Jolin, 1 -^ Lindsey, Hezekiah ^ Lafferty, William, 3 .2 Laurence, Isaac ^ ■'^ Laureh(?e,__PhiIip -^^ -^ l^aurence, Henry ^ -^ Laurence, Daniel ^ ■" Loudon, Thomas, 8 -^ Loury, William, 2 .3 Lee, William, 3.1 Loury, Robert, ^ -^ Loury, James 2 .3 Legett, Widow 2 .9 Lee, Webster, John 8 .0 Lane, Carr, Presley, 6-3 Loney, Amos 1 •" Long, George • ^-^^ Larrimore, John 1 •" Lisle, William ^ Lutton, Robert ^ Lisnett, Cristopher 9 -^ Logan. Adam, 1 -^ Logan, William ^ Laughlan, Robert '^ -^ Little, William 2 .4 Little. John 2.10 McCulloch, , 2 .6 Moore, Thomas 2.11 Matthews, William ^ Matthews, Thomas, 3.10 McKoy. Nathaniel ^ -^ McHenry, George ^ -^ Matthews, James, 2 .7 McKoune, Cristopher 2 McKindley. Andrew 6 .0 Mattox, Elijah 1 -^ Mattox, Tobias 3 .7 McMin, Robert, Sen'r, 6 .9 COUNTY OF ALLIilGHENY— 1791. 673 .- ... -, , Amount of Tax. McMin, Robert, .^ „ Meeke, Jacob q V McCandlass, Alex'r l'> n iMiller, Samuel, ^ \ Miller, John, go Maxwell, William 3 g Alagner, Edward, 2 4 McDonald, Crist'r - \ ' o .1 Montgomery, Hugh j ^ McConnoche, Tho's , q McCormack, James , \. McCoy, David ' ^ "^ McLeland, Robert, Mu:r, John, „ " McKee, Robert n '-. McUinnis, Hugh i o ,, J- .o — Morrison. James . ' 4 Miller, James . ^ Moore, Alexander ■, g McCormack. Benj'u, 10 8 Mitchel, James q ,.. Meeks, Joshua , 4 „ McCauley, Andrew 3 "q McCowan, John, 09 McCulloh, William 82 McCulloh. James, c o McConnel, Dennis, , , McNeal, Jean , \ 4 .0 McAdoo, John , ^ 4 .0 Marshal, John, , j, McLaughlin. William, ' .^ 2 ■> - Morrison, James, sheriff 4 'g McElhaney. Thomas j '2 McLoney. Samuel J3 "g McKee, James, w q McCormack. Pat., r \ Morgan, Charles ' 1 19 McConnell, William 37 McKee, James, .^ '. McCoy, Alex'r, J.Iarks, William . ^ McCoy. William , '" 4 .4 Mcllheron. John g „ McCoy, Margaret 24 43— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 674 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax. McKone, John S McCoy, James 1-3 McBride, Henry 8 .4 Mclllianey, John, 2 .3 McCast, John, 10 McLeland, Alex'r 7 .2 Miller, John, 1-6 McVey, Benjamin, 4 .2 McFadden, Benj'n, 2 .6 Merryman, Fred'k, 4.11 Moore, James 6 McGregor, William 1-8 McGregor, Matthew, 2 .3 McCandless, Will'm 6 .9 Moore, Thomas 2 .6 McMichle, John, 6 .6 McMichle, Isaac, 4 .6 McMillan, Thomas 3 .8 McGowan, John 1-0 Middleswarts, Henry 4 Mid dlesw arts, Abraham 3 .6 McCurdy, Alex'r, C .0 McCurdy, Sam'l, Doc'r, 1 -^ McMahan, Ebenezer 1-0 McMahan, Robert, 6 McKinzey, Kenith, 2 .0 McKinzey, Robert 10 Martin, Jonathan, 4 .2 McMasters, Stephen 9 Morgan, John 7.6 McKone, Samuel, 5 .2 McVey, William, 1-2 Morgan, Samuel, 9 McDonald, John, 9 .0 -Morrison, Samuel, 4.1 McGregor, John, 3 .9 McCoy, John 6 .9 Middleswarts, Moses 6 .8 Marshal, John 4 .3 McKenzey, John, 3 .9 McDade, Robert, 3 9 McAdoo, John 7.1 Mike, John f) Neville, Presley, 1 6.0 OOUiNTY OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 675 Amount of Tai Nicoll, John 4.4 Nicoll, William 3 .S Nancarrow. John 2 .2 Noble, Henry , 19 .1 Nielly, Samuel 3 .2 Nesbit, John 2.1 Norriss, John 4 .2 Neilson, William, 1 .9 Neilson, John 1 .2 Neilson, James, 1 .2 Orr, John 11 O'Hara, James, 10 .G f'ecples, William 6 Patterson, Joseph 8 Price, Richard 6 Porter. James 3 Parks, James 1 .3 Parks, John, 5 .1 Powel, Robert 1.10 Parkes, Samuel, 5 .1 Parkes, Robert 7 .5 Poe, Andrew, 7.11 Potts, Jonas 5 Potter, Joseph, C Potter, Henry, 3 .7 Pinkerton. Alex'r 1.1 u Potter, Robert, 4 .S Patterson, John 1 .9 Porter, William 2 .6 Paterson, Alex'r, 10 Philips, Sam'l 7 .6 Perry, John 3 C Pierce, Paul G.IO — Philips. Jonathan 6 .8 Philips, John 2 .0 Pickle, Henry 45 Porter, John, 3 .9 Pickle, Henry 6 .8 Philips, Thomas 4 .1 Qninn, Edward S Quigley, James, 4.1 Quillan, Ambrose 3 .3 Reader. John 7.10 Ray, Sam'l 1 .2 676 RETURN OF TAXES. Amount of Tax Richers, ■* Reed, Thomas 1-1^ Roe, James, 1 •'^ Rtt'd, David 7 .7 Rosebraugh, William, 3 .7 Ramage, Robert, 2 .9 Ralston, Samuel 2.10 Rosebeiry, Isaac, 6 Rector, Daniel, 8 Richardson, James 5-6 Rowley, William 8 .0 Reid, Thomas, 2.10 Ross, Hugh, 3 .6 Riddle, Samuel, 3.11 Riddle, William, 3 .9 Rosberry, John, 5 .9 Reid, John, 8 Rardon, Henry 8 Rardon, Thomas '^ -^ Reid, William 4 .0 RogerSj Jeremiah 3 .7 Riley, George, 3 .9 Robinson, Joseph "? •■* Ringer, Matthias, 9 Reid, Andrew, 5 .9 Rogan, Hugh, 3 Redick, John 9-10 Rardon, John 2 .3 Reid, Alexander 3 .9 Ritchie, Craig 9 Reid, Issabel, 3 Redick, David, & Co., 3 .1 Records, Piiilip 7 ^6 Steel, David, 2 .4 Short," James 4 .6 Scott, Joseph, Bsq'T 13 .6 Springer, Michael, '7-4 Shane. Timothy 7 .7 Stedham. Zechariah, 4 .3 Sproal, Thomas. Sen'r, 10 .7 Slough, Matthias, 11-8 Spoat, John, 4 .0 Sproat, John, 4 .0 Sproat. Samuel 4 .2 COINTV OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 677 o ,x ^, ... Amount of Tax. Saltsman, Philip 9 2j Spears. Alexander -^ ^ Sweem. Jesse 3 Smith. John ^ q Sutton. William g 3 Shoemaker, Michael jj Smith, David 4 g St. Clair. Samuel 2 4 Stephenson, John n Scholars, William g Stewart, James 2 -^ 3 Scott, James 3 jq Stewart, Joseph, 4 q Springer, Matthias 9 4 Swearingen, John 5 jq Scott, Samuel, 2 4 Seaton, Widow, 4 Slough. Matthias H g Simms. Charles -^ q g Timlenston. Joseph 4 g 1'hompson. William 4 4 Teamor, Adam g (, Stephenson, John, S'r 2 7 Stephenson. John 5 4 —Sproul. Hugh 3 4 Stephenson. William 2 7 Shrodes. Henry 2 Shrodes, John 3 2 Short, John 4 2 Shoemaker, Michael, 1 g Simcock, Samuel, i.^,^ g Stewart, William 2 South, Daniel 5 2q Stewart. William 5 5 Sharp. Nehemiah Scott. James g Scott, John g Spencer, Doc'r 2 6 Short, Martin j 2j Shrodes. Jacob, 3 q Spears, Andrew, g q Spears, Alex'r g g Spears, James 5^2 Shaver, John 3 ^ Samson, John, j g 678 RETURN OF TAXES, Amount of Tax. Todd, James, 2 .5 Taylor, William, "? Turner, William 9-2 Tucker, William, 7 .6 Turner, John, 3 Thiompson, , 3 .8 Tucker, James 2 Thornbury, Thomas, 6 .6 Thiompson. John 13 .0 Thompson, Samuel 4 .5 Thornbury, John, 3 .9 Thornbury, James, 4 .0 Tucker, William, 4 .1 Turner, Thomas 3 .9 Verlandagham, George 9 .0 Williams, William, 1-6 Webster. Samuel 2.11 Walker, William 4 .7 Walker, Isaac 10 .0 Wort., Casper 1-3 Wilson, Mary 6 .8 Wright, Jeremiah 3 .4 Wm. Williams 6 .4 Walker, James, 8 Witherspoon, David 1-10 Whitesides, James, 2 .0 Wright, James 8 .6 Wolf, Adam 3 .0 Woosthoff. William, 3 Wolf, Henry 2 .0 Walker, Joseph, 11-4 ■iWalker, Gabriel, 8 .0 Williams. George, 1-9 White, Joseph 8 .0 Wilkinson, John 3 .0 Will is, George 4 .6 Willis. Sarah, 3 .0 Wilkinson. John, 2 .1 Walker, John 5 .0 Wilson. George 3 .9 Wilson, Seth, 3 .9 Wright, John 8 Witherow, John 5 .2 Woods, Hugh 8 COUNTY OF ALLEGHENY— 1791. 679 Amount of Tax. Wells, William 10 Ward, Edward, & Co., 3.12 .8 Worthingrton's heirs 15 .7 Whirley, John 3 .2 Warden, James, 5 .4 Wilson, Samuel 9-0 Welch, Felix 5 .0 Wilson, Thomas 1-6 Wallace, George 3 .1 Woods, William, 3 .6 Wheeler, John 4 .2 Wolf, John, 3 .6 Wright, Jerry, 13 .0 Woods, John 14 .6 Wylie, Jacob 10 Woolery, Henry, 3 .9 Whery, David, 2 .4 White, James 8 .8 Wilson, W' illiam, 3 .1 Wood, Robert 6 Vail, Solomon, H Vezey, Elijah, 6 .9 Vance, Robert, 9 .3 , Vail, John "7 -9 Valck, Audrain, 6-3 Vanderon, John 14 .6 Young, Thomas, 5 Young. W'illiam 3 .9 Anderson, John, 2 .6 Braden & Co " •" Bowman, Joseph 4 Baggs, John 10 Buckhannan, Walter 3 .4 Cook, John 4 .9 Gibson, John, Gen'l, 3 .1 Gardner, Arthur, 1-3 Hogg. James 2 .0 Irwin, Andrew 1-8 Kykendall. Nath'l, 6 .3 Kerr & Wallace 2 .6 Kinzey, Ulysis 1-8 Laughlin. John 4 .2 Morgan, Alexander 1-3 McCormack. George 1-0 680 RETURN OF TAXES, McCallister, , McLaughlin, Nath'l, . . . Redick, John Redick, David, & Co Richardson. William, . . . Shields, John, Vaughan, William Woods, James Webster, L', 1 "^ Stealy, Martin 3 .8 Scott, William ^ -^ Stealy, Jacob, ^ Street, Jn'o '^ Scott, Jn'o ^ Sanctzer, Matthew, 2 .4 Sands, Thomas 5.10 Steele, Alex 3 .9 Sampler, James, 4.8 Singer, Gasper, 10 Sterks, James, 1-12 -6 Slough, Mathias 6.10 Strookabrot, And'w, 5 .0 Schmyeer, Mich'l, 13 .4 Stwart, James 6 .2 .3 Summers, Richard 1-15 -8 Shield, Thomas • 1 .0 .8 Syuer, &eo ^ -^ Schmyser, Jacob, 3.10 Say, Benjamin, 119 ■'^ Snider, Abraham 3 .7 Steele, John, 3.11 Steele, James, 3 .7 Shaffner, Peter; Shaffner, Casper; Boyd. Sam'l, & Johnston. Caleb 10-9 Shaffner. Casper; Boyd, Sam'l. & Johnston. Caleb, 6 .8 Stephen. Williams 3 .4 Tnorne. John, Esq'r 17-3 Tiiton, William, 1 -f* Todd, James, 8 696 RETURN OF TAXES, Thornhill, Joseph, Thoruhill, Lewis, Turnbull, William, Turner, John, Trotman, Samuel, Thompson, William Thompson, John, Thompson, Catherine Taylor, Samuel Thompson, George, Thomas, Henry, Tannehill, Josiah Tannehill, Adamsou Unrue, G-eorge Todd, William ; . Vanphul, William, Wilcox, Mark Way. Caleb, Wax, Henry Wager, Philip, Ward, George Wallace, M. Joshua, Wilson, John Wren, Joseph WhiLesides, Peter White, John, Wyer, William, Williams. Robert, Wilson, William, Wallace. George Walters, John, Williams, James, Whitzel, Jacob Watson, Andrew Weed. Elijah Watson, William, Williams, John Wygart, Thomas Woosthoff, William, Woods. John, Wilson. Francis, Wize. John Wyble. Casht Wilson, Matthew, Amount. 1 f 2 3 .9 2.15.10 7 .9 2 3 .9 3 .9 5.10 3.10 5 .6 4 8 .3 8 .3 3 .4 1 .2 .2 1.15 .5 2 .2 .4 6 .8 9 .4 17 _2 7 .5 7.10 14 .2 3 .4 3 .2 2.11 3 .6 3 .4 9 .3 1.18 .5 10 .0 4 1 .3 17 .1 7 .9 10 3 5 3 .9 9 .7 10 .3 7 .3 7 3 .9 COUNTY OK ALLEGHENY— 17yi. 697 Amount of Tax. White, William 1.10 Wilson. Jame? 18 .9 Wilkinson, William 6 .4 Watson, David 3 .4 Wilson, Thomas " -4 Wigfield, Matthew, 9 Wilson, Peter 4 .2 Walker. Dougall 9 White, .Joshua 1-7 W'elch, George 4 Whitacre, John 2 Wilkins. John. Jr 8.11 Wilkins. Charles, 4.10 W'ilkins, John, Esq'r 12 .8 Wolf, Henry 1-6 Wilson. Galbraith 7 Way. Joseph, Doc'r 3 .9 Winbeddle. Conrod, 15 .9 Wilkinson, Angus 6 .5 Wertzs, Henry 2 .0 Zeigler, David 1 1 Zantzinger, Paul 1-13 .4 ( 698 ) EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX FOK THE County of Washinirton 1781. ( 69S ) (700> WASHINGTON COUNTY SUPPLY TAX — 1781. AMWELL TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle Axtill, Thomas 150 2 2 Allison, Patrick 600 5 5 Atkinson. Thomas, 400 3 4 Atkinson, G- 100 Cooper, Valentine Diveu, Lenard Driskil, Daniel, 180 Dixon, James 200 David Foster, 200 Davis. Kinser, ] 00 Dowlen. John, Death, Isaac, Deawal, Widow, 100 Dagar, Martin 400 Diles, John, 20 Donfield. Micheal Durban, Thomas, 60 Doudel. Joseph 15 Drake, Fetter 200 Davis, John, 30 Dalby, Widow Evins, Walter Evins, Josiah 100 EnxDcks, David, 400 Enocks. Henry Evins, Samuel 60 Fraaks. Henry 200 Fitchpatrick. James, 200 Fox, Absolom 95 Frute, George 125 Friend, George, Foot, Ebenezer 50 Horses. 1 Cattle. Sheep Value 19 2 4 15 171 2 3 4 21 2 3 3 2 88 2 1 17 1 34 2 1 3 26 2 3 8 11 2 9 2 1 3 10 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 6 2 2 40 2 1 4 11 2 2 8 13 2 2 3 58 2 3 68 2 1 76 2 2 4 35 2 3 1 1 5 1 10 3 2 4 114 21 1 2 2 3 34 2 3 3 18 3 3 4 61 1 4 1 1 2 1 6 2 1 3 25 4 4 8 159 3 2 15 2 4 9 33 2 1 36 2 3 9 61 2 7 40 3 4 5 42 1 2 3 6 1 1 4 16 70S EFFECTIVE oUPPLY TAX, Acres. Felty, Isaac, Friend, Tobias, Grips, Widow 300 Gamble, William Grimes, William Ginkins, Ebenezer 250 Glase, Nathaniel, Griffeth, Bartley Griffeth, Charles 50 Glaspy, Allen 220 Gadis, Reese 100 Grimes, James, 40 Hollis, Daniel 70 Hartman, Anthony 150 Hartman, Anthony, Hedge, Absolom 35 Hill, Thomas, 170 Hill, Thomas, Hill, Joseph 350 Hatten, John Hill, Samuel 200 Hails, Nathan, 120 Hawkins, William 100 Hines,, James, 70 Hawkins, Richard 100 Helps, George 50 Horable, Henry 240 Horable, John 270 Henry, John Horable, Jacob, 200 Hook, Mathias 75 Hails, Hugh Hails, John Hatfield, Thomas, Hatfield. John 100 Hatfield, Jonas Hughs, Thomas 30 Hornet. Jonathan Hup, Averhot 300 Hatter, Adam 100 Horsack. Micheal 250 Hill, William. Sen'r 3S0 Hill. William Hokens. Thomas 24G [orses. Cattle. Sheei) . Value. 3 1 10 2 3 11 2 3 94 1 1 6 2 3 2 3 6 65 1 3 2 2 3 11 1 6 4 1 39 2 2 36 2 1 18 5 3 4 10 65 1 2 3 7 2 2 4 21 2 3 14 58 2 2 5 9 4 5 15 98 2 1 9 2 1 36 3 10 49 9 2 4 43 1 1 11 3 3 11 63 2 2 3 17 •> 6 8 142 7 2 4 168 1 3 2 3 90 9 2 10 36 1 1 6 7 1 1 6 2 1 6 11 2 2 4 45 2 1 7 1 1 12 2 2 8 15 2 4 6 'tr 1 42 2 3 42 2 5 8 7G 2 2 5 12 2 2 4 90 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 17S1. TOO Acres. Hardgrose, William HO Harlfork, Henry 30 Hardman, SoUomon Hook, Jacob 150 Horn, Christopher 300 Hardesty, John 50 Holloway. Elkinah Hearsh, Simon, 50 Hersh, Henry Hersh, George Hansel, Micheal 150 Hardman, Adam 150 Hardman, Abraham 150 Kinder, Vallintine 200 Kinder, George Large, Widow 300 Leatherman. Daniel 250 Little. Samuel 100 Lethormau, Frederick Lastly, Solomon Laur, Polser CO Leet, Isaac 150 Laullan, Philip 100 Leazor, Peter Luckey, Andrew, J 00 Leannan. Joseph, 50 Lasly, Peter 125 Lantes, George, McKowen, John 150 Mallin, Isaac 150 Miller, William, Tu Michael. Widow 90 ■ Morrison, Robert Maning, John, 250 McName, Barnabas 150 McGinnes, John Miller, Criston • • • 50 Mere. Michael McCarther. John 125 Mirs, Nicholas Mirs. John, Mirs. George 50" McGibin, Thomas 1 1 " Mccarty. Paul 100 2 3 4 35 •ses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. 2 3 5 60 4 5 5 49 1 2 2 2 68 3 3 G 99 1 1 17 •) 3 5 11 2 .4 5 30 1 2 5 1 1 6 2 3 51 2 2 4 38 4 5 63 2 2 5 98 1 1 5 75 2 2 G 75 2 2 s 52 1 2 4 9 2 4 8 22 1 9 27 2 2 54 1 4 o 32 2 o 12 1 2 4 50 3 4 4 8 68 1 2 2 1 40 3 8 10 76 2 1 5 35 2 2 C 30 2 1 8 2 3 13 80 2 1 59 1 1 5 8 2 1 3 7 o 1 92 2 1 7 2 2 8 •} 5 8 219 710 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. McFarlami, Daniel, 100 Meeks, John, 40 ' Moore, Andrew, Miller, John, ^^^ Me«ks, Samuel, 200 Nossinger, John, Nossinger, Samuel, Proker, George, 300 Plickeustose, Ulrick, 20 Packer, John 80 Potts, Jonas 40 Pattrick, Jonathan Powel, James 150 Peck, George, 400 Polsor, Henry, Polsor, Henrj', 100 Parry, Esable 30 Rigdon, George, 60 Rigel, Jacob 150 Ross, Alexander, . Rigg, Clement, Reedford, Widow 50 Rooss, Jonathan 200 Ruble, David, 325 Rich€son, Thomas, 300 Rose, Ezekeil, 150 Roberts, Leonard 300 Ricker, Gasper, CO Reese, Thomas, 2,50 Ridenour, John 400 Smith, Samuel Snuff, Jacob 150 Stone, William 200 Stanley, William, Shanks, Christopher 300 Smith, Robert, Swany, Robert, 50 Smith, Joseph, Stogdale, James 40 Smith, Abraham 90 Smith, Henry 50 Swineheart, George Sellers, Frederick, 175 Shawn, Darby 80 "ROF. 4 Cfittle. 5 Sheep. 11 Value 69 3 3 9 97 1 1 4 3 3 4 24 3 3 7 69 2 2 11 2 1 12 3 4 5 172 2 1 11 1 2 18 2 1 4 14 1 2 2 2 6 55 3 2 120 1 2 11 2 2 4 32 2 6 1 2 19 2 3 4 42 2 2 10 1 6 5 2 13 2 1 9 46 4 5 10 123 3 6 96 3 12 78 2 2 58 2 3 4 28 3 3 12 70 2 2 68 1 1 5 2 2 9 42 2 2 83 2 1 2 8 2 2 111 2 2 3 13 3 4 40 2 1 7 1 12 2 2 48 1 1 21 2 2 11 2 3 6 54 3 5 48 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 711 Acres. Stickle, Philip Shidelor. John 200 Shidler. Peter 60 Sundtaker, Christopher SO Sinder. Peter 30 Sarjent. Jeremiah, '^^ Serjent, Rechal, Sutton, David, 1^0 Smith, Dennis 1^0 Sims, William, 1^0 Swineheart. Jacob, 40 Simons. Adams, 400 Simonds. Andrew, Shidler, George 350 Shidler. Henry 100 Shidler, Jacob 150 Spoon, Martin 100 Tucker, John, H'^ Tegarden, Widow Tage, Michael Tage, Frederick 400 Tage. Mathies, Talon, Elias Tansor. George 200 Tusman. Jacob Veavor, Adam 350 Vendeafender, Barns Vanrirafender, Winit, Varval. John 60 Weair, Samuel 500 While. Edward 130 Wear. James 46 Weir. Robert, • William. George Wilch. John 250 Weast, Isaac Write, James Woodfield. Joseph 150 Wise. Peter 200 Wise, Andrew 100 Wise, Adam 100 Waltman, Amos 200 Williams, Thomas, 100 Waston. John 40 Horses. C ittle. Sheep. Value. 1 1 5 2 5 1 56 3 3 32 1 4 4 28 1 2 10 1 14 1 1 5 3 3 3 47 2 3 6 44 2 2 32 2 2 3 17 2 3 6 90 1 2 8 3 4 8 90 2 2 4 44 2 4 4 48 1 2 5 32 3 1 9 45 1 1 4 6 2 1 4 11 3 1 3 1 6 113 8 3 13 2 4 8 59 2 2 12 5 6 8 163 1 4 9 1 2 2 1 33 4 2 5 142 2 2 G 40 2 2 44 1 2 6 2 2 10 4 6 4 51 1 1 4 2 1 7 2 1 73 2 2 8 117 1 3 68 2 2 27 2 1 3 1 7 48 10 7 712 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Willson, William, Youst, Cristiau, . . Kunkel, Henry. . . Kunkle, John, . . . Young, Andrew, . 330 50 300 350 150 3 4 120 3 .. 33 3 12 105 3 6 72 3 2 70 SINGLE MEN Stephen, Robert, Morgan, Charles, Leatherman, Michael, Davis, William, Duan, George, Callander, John Callander, Robert, . . . Mong, Henry Loier, Holser Plickestafe, Abraham, Simon, Jacob, Friend, Philip Cornwell, John, Plickestafe, David Reese, Jesse, Barnet, Egnatious, . . . Bradan, Jacob, Will, John, Frederick, Jacob, Frederick, Daniel Welch, Richard Horton, Richard Horton, Charles, Arnold, Jeremiah, . . . Hays, John, Buckingham, Enoch, . Jackson, Jesse, Blackburn, James, . . . Blackborn, Joseph, . . Jankins, Isaac Tawnend, John Townand, Amos, Young. John Weair, John Cline, Henrj' Hartfork. Daniel McNeme, Isaac 300 40 10 96 2 13 6 20 3 30 6 3 25 4 12 5 COUNTY OF WASiilNUrOiN— 1781. 713 CECIL TOWNSHIP. Acres. Hors(>s. Cattle. Shei-: Armstrong, John, 150 Andrew, Mary 600 Allison. Samuel 1,000 Ashby, Stephen Agnew, Robert, Allison, James Allison, John, Atcheson. Catherine, Bracken. Thomas, . . . Boice, David, Bolly, John Beaver, Samson Boice, Richard 100 569 400 600 200 300 400 Boyed, Rouly, 200 Brice. James 200 Burnell, Ephraim 50 Boatman, Henry, 50 Beatman, William Barns, William 150 Boatman, Henry Boatman, Robert, 250 Blair. John, Black. William, 150 Brice, W^illiam 150 Brown, John 130 Bowland, Mathew, Bowman, John Buchannan. JohB, Bowland, Sims, 174 Boice, John 200 Bilderback. Charles -120 Berry, John Bell, William Brown, Joseph Beggard, Thomas, . . . Brown, John, Mars't, Cannon, John, Col'l, . Cannon. Joslah 300 100 400 70 100 800 10 Value. 147 240 509 67 13 228 237 50 473 3 155 243 350 101 112 35 21 12 46 9 77 12 99 100 83 15 15 16 103 122 75 166 93 337 35 25 777 6 714 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, AiTfs. Hurses. Cattlu. Shuop. Valut Campbell, John, Col'l, 600 Creal, Thomas, 5U Creal, John, 3U0 Conyer, Dennes, Catheral, Thomas, Cheese, Edward, 300 Carsey, Wi^am, Coughran, William 200 earns, Petter, 50 Custer. Mr., 200 Campbell, James 200 Crawford, J osiah, 200 Conyer, Henry, Jun'r 100 Cunning, John Cross, Samuel Cammeron, Daniel 40 Cowan, Henry, Densmore, James, 200 Dunn, Samuel, 250 Dixon, John, 300 Downard, Joseph, 100 Davison, Robert, 300 Donehee. William, 250 Dunlap, William, 100 DunUin, John 128 Downun, Robert 250 Dougharty, Micheal Donahon. John 240 Donahon, Elisabeth Evans, Joseph, Eweing, James Emeus, Henry Ellott, Samuel, Ewing, William, Fraizer, Thomas 100 Facett, Thomas 300 Fascett. John 300 Forbus, Daniel, Foreman. James 300 Fraizer, George, 600 Francis, Henry, Gunns. Nicholas 20'i Galleher, James, 100 Gaston. James, 300 1 2 24 75 1 2 12 1 1 9 2 2 3 168 2 2 18 3 4 130 1 ') 4 38 4 3 136 3 2 174 100 2 2 4 44 1 1 9 2 2 18 20 1 6 3 3 6 120 3 4 155 150 50 4 1 177 2 2 143 2 1 43 2 3 3 86 2 5 7 153 1 3 15 2 1 135 1 1 9 1 6 2 1 15 3 1 21 2 3 ■ 21 2 2 18 3 2 74 3 3 177 5 4 222 1 6 4 10 12 432 4 4 13 189 2 1 15 2 3 8 123 3 3 77 2 3 4 22 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 715 300 Gault, James Gibson, Andrew Guthrie, Robert Grant, John, Glenn, John 250 Gamble, Josiah, 268 Huston, John, Huston, William 100 Hill, Robert, 200 Herring, William, 150 Herring, John, 150 Herring, George Herring, James, 75 Hickman, Adam 60 Hopewell, Thomas, Hays, John, 30D Hays, James, Hemer, William 50 Holmes, William, 120 Hall, John 400 Hill, Thomas Hughes, Elisabeth, 400 Hills, William 260 Henderson. Matthew, Rev'd, Johnston, John, Johnston, W'illiam Johnston, William, Sen'r, . . Johnston, Mathew Johnston, John, single Ireland, John, Kaughey, Samuel Kyle, Charles Kilpatrick, James Kilpatrick, William Kelly, William, Kirk, Martha Kent, David, Long, William Lemet, Christian, Lorimore, John Lewebester, John Little, James Lughlin, John Leadly, James, Acr<'S. Horses. Cattle. Sliei-i'- Value. 200 2 3 6 73 1 2 . . 12 2 3 4 202 1 2 .. 12 2 3 3 147 2 2 . . 269 1 1 3 10 3 3 ^ 3 203 2 3 ..121 2 3 .. 58 2 3 .. 58 1 1 .. 9 1 2 .. 31 2 1 .. 30 1 1 .. 9 3 4 187 1 .. .. 6 2 2 3 44 1 3 3 76 1 1 ..209 1 1 .. 9 2 2 3 219 2 2 . .. 150 143 3 3 18 151 200 2 3 5 72 134 2 2 5 86 ^00.. 2 2 198 300 1 3 5 166 1 .. .. 6 2 .. .. 12 2 2 . . 18 1 .. .. 6 300 3 2 C 100 1 .. .. 6 1 2 4 13 2 2 .. 18 2 2 .. 18 600 3 5 2 528 400 5 5 5 246 40 2 . . . . 32 700 350 195 2 2 3 116 100 2 4 3 75 1 1 30 716 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Lucky, William, Lawyer, Irwan Lapsly, Thomas McReaay, James, Money, James Middleswart, Henry Middleswarth, Abraham, . . . Miller, Christopher, McManemy, Widow, McKinsey, Keneth McKwon, Samuel Morgan, John, Maticks, Tobias Martian, Jonathan, Martin, James Martin, John Moor, Mary, widdow McLaughlin, William McConuel, Allexander, McConnel, Matthew. Esq'r, . McCrogry, David Miller, Mary Miller, Sarah, Munrae, Andrew Munroe, William McCay, Alexander, McCoy, Daniel, McCoy, William, McCoy, Daniel, lit'l McDonald, William McCoy, Angush, McDonald, William, Meeks, Robert, Mallon, Daniel McBride, Samuel McNavy, James McCollock, George Morrison, Gavin McCallister. Allexander, 390 McKnight. Hugh Montgomery, Robert Miller, James Merchant, Thomas, McClellon, James Acres. Horses. Cattlf. Slieei V;Uu 300 2 1 165 190 95 2S0 2 2 158 2 2 4 19 2 2 16 1 2 12 200 1 106 3 7 26 1 2 12 200 1 53 250 2 3 7 115 200 2 3 4 97 200 4 1 136 100 2 1 5 41 300 2 2 162 12 100 2 2 68 200 2 2 4 133 150 3 3 7 140 150 2 4 6 137 30O 2 3 6 172 2 1 15 2 1 15 1 1 9 2 3 21 2 9 18 1 2 3 13 2 2 18 1 2 12 130 2 2 83 1 2 12 2 2 3 19 200 3 3 5 202 1 2 12 200 2 3 6 122 200 3 3 127 50 2 2 3 56 400 2 3 6 323 390 2 2 213 2 2 18 300 9 9 168 200 2 2 118 60 9 2 5 49 300 2 3 5 172 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 17S1. 717 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Mulholland, Sarah Merchant, John 250 McComb, George 120 xMcClelland, Hance 100 Mitchel. William 100 McLaughlin, Jamee 280 McCormick, James 300 Mays. Allexander 200 McBride, Samuel 150 McBride. James, .'. 40 McComb, John, 70 McCage, William 15 Miller. Robert, Cap'n 6)0 Navel, John, Col'l, 990 Navel, Pressley, Col'l Nilson. John 100 Osburn, Samuel, Odonald. Henry, 200 Odonald. Joseph, Odonald, John 300 Oram. William Orr. John 140 Philips. Thomas Park. Samuel 530 Porter. Robert. Parks, Rob't, W. R Philip. John. 3..0 Pumphrey, Cable, 200 Parker. James, 200 Patton, Hugh, 150 Phillis, Charles 100 Porter. Joseph, 253 Quin. James, Quin. John, Quillin. Ambrose 100 Rettinghoufe, Ellijah Renor. Thomas 200 Robert. James Reed. Thomas \'i\ Ralstone, Robert 4 Russel, John Robineon. Andrew 300 Rawling. Mary 400 Ritchy. Andrew 100 1 1 9 2 4 4 150 1 ') 57 1 1 99 2 2 68 2 4 4 169 150 2 2 118 3 3 5 103 2 3 5 42 35 3 4 4 38 2 4 10 326 10 l(i 23 1,207 3 68 2 2 4 69 3 2 24 1 3 115 2 2 2 19 3 5 7 185 1 2 3 13 3 3 97 1 2 12 3 4 282 1 6 1 2 12 2 4 7 138 2 2 4 119 2 2 3 119 2 2 93 1 2 62 3 4 9 157 51 1 6 7 1 56 2 2 18 2 2 68 1 1 9 3 3 105 4 5 G 276 1 1 6 11 15.) 3 2 6 2r5 2 13 95 718 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Ross, Daniel, Rankin, Thomas Ramsey, James, 100 Roberts, Thomas 2,'0 Roch, William, Russle, Andrew, 141 Russel, Robert Russel, William, Robinson, Robert 900 Robinson, John 100 Rankin, David, Sen'r, 400 Rankin, Thomas, Cap'n 250 Randies. Jacob IGO Reed, James 36 J Rosberry, William Reed, John, Esq'r 350 Reed, David 530 Springer, John 400 Stockwell, Samuel South, Daniel 211 Stallions, John, 300 Sterling, Hugh 200 Saltsman, Philip 300 Struthers, John, Sen'r 300 Stevenson, David 300 Sweringam, Andrew 1,358 Sinclair, William, 100 Stepheson, Robert 100 Scott, Archibald, 40 Scott, James, 300 Smith, William, Suttles, Thomas, 230 Terbritt, John 300 Thompson. Robert Thompson, Samuel Tharp, George Turner, William 100 Willson, Thomas, Waaker, John Willson, Mills 210 Willson, William 100 Willson, John William.= . William, I.t") WilJiamson, James Icn Horses. 1 Cattle. 2 Sheep Value 12 2 12 2 2 68 4 2 155 1 6 2 4 7 97 1 6 o 1 15 2 2 468 2 1 65 7 6 8 362 2 3 146 9 2 68 2 4 10 228 2 12 ') 3 5 303 3 3 4 278 1 2 6 213 2 1 14 3 2 7 182 2 2 7 95 100 1 1 158 2 2 10 170 4 5 8 191 2 4 11 80G 2 1 52 2 2 68 2 1 35 4 5 8 191 2 2 3 19 3 f. 176 2 1 1 167 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 59 2 12 2 IS 5 !t 179 3 188 1 15 2 93 2 1 '0 COUNTY OP^ WASHINGTON— 17S1. 719 Welch. Felex Wright, Benjamin, . Wheeler, John Weights, Sarah, . . . Willson, Robert, . . . Willie, Adam W'illiams, Zedock, . Williams. Shederick, White, Thomas, . . . Weaker, Robert, . . . Walker, Robert, W^oodburn, James, . Whaley, Capt'n Welch, Daniel Young, Thomas, . . . Acres. 75 200 200 300 300 102 100 400 300 Horses, rattlf .Stiecii Valu. 23 15 12 125 1) 120 IGS 9 182 37 9 7S 200 175 9 SINGLE MEN. Armstrong. John. . . Armstrong. William, Alexander, Thomas, , Atcheson, Matthew, , Allison, John Boland, Robert Boyd. John Brown, Samuel, Carter, Barney Campbell. Charles, .. Carmichael, Daniel, Carmichael, John, . . Carnego, William, . . . Dornan, Olliver, .... Daugherty. Roger, . . Ewing, Allexander, . Glance. Crist/epher, . Gutherie, James, . . . . Gault. David, Grieer, Sheth, Hickman, Peter Hays, Robert Hays, W^illiam Holmes. Ohediah Hood. William Holmes. Joseph Irwin. John, 250 250 100 2G0 200 200 350 125 137 G G G G G5 6 6 18 6 142 (; 16S 6 112 214 fi G 3G 2 1 43 3 1 5 322 1 2 44 1 81 720 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Hnr'ses. Cattle. She"]). Value. Kevener, Garret . . 1 . . . . 6 Kinley, Andrew . . 1 . . . . b Kinkaid, Robert Lesnett, Frederick Lowrie, William, . . 1 . . . . 6 Love, William . . 1 . . . . 6 Mlddleswarth, Moses Middleswarth, Jacob McGinnis, James, McDonald, Patrick, 100 Morrison, James, 40u McNight, Robert li~.0 McClain, John ISO Mays, John, Park, John Ralston, John, . . . .- Ralston, Allexander 100 1 .. .. 56 Roberts, William Ramsey, Thomas Richie, Matthew, Esq'r 1,000 Richie. Craig, Capt'ii Reed, Samuel Reed, James Reed, Matthew, Reed, Andrew Stevenson, David, 100 Sproul, James 150 Sproul, Hugh 300 Sheerer, James 200 Struthers, John 100 Sibbet, James, 100 Scott, Samuel, Seward, William, 300 Thompson, Samuel, Thompson, John Thompson. Samuel Tanihill. Nathan 100 Wakefield, Thomas '^itihill. Hill <»''ood, William W^ood, James, 6 2 5 ti 595 L 1 6 1 t) 1 G 1 31 9 2 95 1 1 .. 159 ') 2 .. 118 2 3 65 2 3 63 1 6 1 1 159 1 6 1 6 1 6 3 1 3 97 41 COUNTY OK WASHINGTON— 1781. 721 CUiMBERLAN.) TOWNSHIP. Acres. HorscR. (';;tt:e. Sheop. Value Abraham Armstrong 150 Adamson, John 1-13 Adamson, Thomas .... 113 Armsitroug, John 25 i Adamson, Joseph Antrum, John, 3 jO Archi r, James luO Archer, Simon Anderson, Daniel liiO Anderson, Charles 50O Andrew, Charles Crawford, Mary 15U Curmicheal, Jam€s 809 Crawgo, Thomas 15 Congee, Mosses, Clarke, James Cain, Patrick Coharan, Allexander, 300 Crawford, John 2 Crawford, William 400 Cune, Mitcheal, Crawford, Oliver 2oO Cain, John 200 Blany. Jacob 50 Boll, Joseph Boas, Henry Blain, James 88 Burns, John, Burnhill, Samuel, Jun'r Bowen, Thomas Brown, Thomas 150 Blaclidy, Thomas 200 Blaclidy, Knock, Bradford, Robert 50 Brint, John Boner, William Dunham. Dines 46— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 2 1 108 1 5 - 7 143 li 1 143 3 4 10 245 1 2 4 If) 3 3 5 22] 2 1 2 \ 2 107 14 1 \ 95 3 5 10 455 2 2 36 2 3 97 2 4 3 643 1 2 2 136 1 1 18 3 3 6 31 1 1 11 1 2 252 3 2 2 197 4 4 f) -35D 1 1 2 14 1 3 10 152 2 2 151 1 2 47 2 3 2 30 2 1 34 2 2 3 77 1 3 1 1 1 15 2 2 22 2 2 2 113 1 3 10 182 1 1 3 15 1 3 3 55 1 1 10 1 1 13 1 3 15 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Doherty, John 200 2 2 Davis, Turner, - . 1 1 Devall, Daniel, 100 2 3 Dun, Joseph, 200 2 2 Dun, Isaac, • • 2 Dun, Edmond, 50 1 1 Daly, James, 50 . . 1 Davis, William, 200 1 1 Davis, Azariah, ■ • 2 3 Davis, Stephen, ■ • 1 1 Duncan, David, 1,100 Eaton, Thomas 100 1 1 Edward, John, 1 2 Ectile. Daniel, 150 2 3 Enoch, Henry, 300 Eaton, John, 59 1 1 Finly, Allexander, 200 1 1 Flenikin, James, 200 3 4 Felix, Nathan, 2 3 Flenican, John, 5Gfl 2 1 Fee, John 1 1 Fee, Thomas 250 2 4 Fee, John, Laurel Run, 2 2 Foster, Racheal, 100 2 1 Gilgus, George . . 2 1 Grigg. George, 300 4 5 -Garrard, Elias 300 3 4 Griggy. Richard 3)0 2 3 Garwood, Median, 106 2 2 Gorral, Robert 50 1 1 Garvin, John, 2 1 Gillaspy, James, 1 1 Haslet, James . . 1 Hatfield, Thomas 1 2 Huston, John 40 2 1 Hughes, James, 500 3 4 Hatton, John, 250 2 2 Hill, John, 1 1 Thompson, Thomas, . . 1 1 Henderson, James - . 1 1 Hughes, Thomas 100 3 4 House, Levi 45 1 Hughes, Roland 200 2 2 Hagon, James 300 2 8 Sheeii Value. 3 183 13 5 71 9 149 16 41 33 2 199 6 31 13 .. 960 71 15 6 91 240 43 123 7 210 29 8 372 15 4 183 26 59 19 9 338 3 218 5 210 89 52 4 21 13 6 3 17 43 7 484 C 1S2 11 9 ii 4 lfi>. 30 7 150 8 215 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 723 Acres. Hegan, Barnet, Hughs, Nathaniel 250 Hathaway, Samuel Hathaway, William 25(i Horrid, William, 180 Jones, .Mitcheal 2o0 Jameson, Allexander, Jamison, William 100 Ingram, Arthur Johnston. Hugh Jones, John, M. C 5 ) Jackson, Samuel Ingram, William 100 v.' Ingram, Arthur, T. M 100 Jones, John. T. M 50 Kerk, Adam Lisader, Adam, Luas, Andrew 2'10 Limming, Benjamin 100 Leonard, Lot, ino Levengood, Peter ICO Livengood, Peter, McDonald. Thorn's McDonald, William 150 Marata, James, McDowl. Charles 200 McKee. John McKing, Robert McKiug, Joseph 200 Marchant, William Moore. Samuel 100 Magour. Anthony McLaughlin. Edward. Miller. Amos McClallen. Andrew 150 McCleroy. John, McCleroy. William, 100 Monroe, Allexander 150 Meer^. Peter, 100 McClary. William 30') Martin. Quilla 50 McAntire. William Mordouch. Daniel 400 Miller, Isaac, Horses. Cattle . Sheep. Value. 2 23 2 3 G 281 60 2 4 7 236 80 1 218 3 1 3 34 3) 1 113 1 1 9 1 1 13 2 2 52 2 2 3 29 2 2 2 107 2 o 5 132 2 o 45 2 2 4 29 3 2 2C 2 2 151 2 2 5 75 2 I 10 115 2 •? 74 2 14 1 1 16 1 1 8 106 '> 2 20 1 2 136 2 2 2 18 1 1 23 1 1 173 1 3 60 2 1 19 1 1 9 1 1 2 12 3 2 136 2 1 24 1 60 1 1 133 2 2 4 71 4 5 8 353 o 2 8 68 1 3 4 4 16 388 1 2 2 17 724 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Hnrses. Cattle. Sheep Value. Miller, Isaac, Jun'r, . . . . 1 . . 3 Miller, Nicholas, 2 1 . . 18 McMillian, Richard 20 1 1 .. 27 Minor, Josiah, 200 1 .. .. 168 McClallend, Robert, 80 . . 1 . . 53 Morris, Ezekel, 150 3 5 3 112 Moor, George, 100 8 2 . . 54 McCurry, John, 2 1 . . 20 Mordoch, James 400 3 G 10 371 Nott, George 100 2 3 4 68 Pirkinis, John, 2 2 7 28 Pigman, Jesse 2 3 . . 29 Pribblc, Thomas 100 2 2 6 86 Prible, Stephen, 100 1 1 . . 73 Prible, James 1 . . 3 Porter, James 100 2 2 . . 90 Prible, Ruben, 1 1 .. 9 Poaks, Samuel 200 2 2 . . 106 Prier, John, .. 1 1 .. 9 Rice, John, 100 2 4 7 94 Roach, Thomas, 195 3 2 9 195 Richart, Joseph 100 2 4 6 74 -Rinehart, Barnett, 150 2 2 6 148 -Rinehart, Thomas, 200 3 2 6 163 -Rineheart, Tho's, Jun'r, 150 2 3 4 121 Reed, Robert, 2 2 2 31 Thurramand, Thom's 1 1 . . 13 Thurman, William, . . . . 2 . . 6 Thomas. Samuel, 5u 1 1 . 43 Tegarden, George, 400 4 4 13 393 Tegarden, William, 1 . . 3 Trasher, John, loO 2 3 149 Seton, Betty 250 2 3 3 276 Stroud. Samuel 100 1 2 2 102 Scott, Abraham, 300 2 2 6 278 Stephenson, Hugh .. 2 3 .. 29 Smith, Scobur 2 2 ., 36 Shepherd. William 400 2 5 5 360 Santee, George 300 2 2 4 266 Slvon, Richard 300 3 1 218 Strahan. Thomas, 100 1 3 5 81 Stars. Richard . . 2 2 . . 26 Smith. John 300 2 2 4 207 . Seton. Kinner 125 2 3 . . 129 Stiles. Stephen 100 1 4 8 63 2 4 66 2 12 3U8 •> 5 217 11 15 243 9 215 2 14 14 7 143 21 35 22 3 98 16 13 COLNTV {3F WASHINGTON— 17bl. 725 Acrei^. Horses. Call.e. Sheej). Value Simouion, John 100 Swon, John 270 bwon, Charles, 3U0 Vanmatre, Henry 200 V'aumatre, Joseph 200 Veach, Francis Veach. Jerimiah Villers, John 300 Winn, James Wood, Isaac 50 Willson, Thomas Write. John 100 Wortun, Rob€rt, Weakly. Thomas While, David lOu 2 4 .. 88 Willson, John, 2 1 .. 23 SINGLE MEN. Acins, Gabriel, Boreman, John .. 1 •• •• 30 Bennett, William, Cree. Robert, Bradford, John 1 • • • • 12 Crawford, Alexander, 50 1 . . . . 37 Uiceson, Jesse, 1 • • ■ • 10 Dearmond. Samuel, 1 . . • • 10 Doherty. Mickel 1 • • • • 10 l-oster, Samuel .. 1 •• •• 10 Goskins, John, 1 •• •• 10 Gregg. Levi 1 •■ •• 55 Gunser, James, . . 1 • • • • 10 Huston. Paul 50 2 2 . . 54 McClalland, Robert 200 160 McClalland, James McCon. John, •. Montgomery. David Fribble, Job Fribble, Thomas 1 •■ •• 10 Flumer, Elijah Seton, George . . 1 • • • • 10 Seton. Richard Steel. James 1 . . • • 10 Thomas, John Vanmetre. Absolom . . 1 . . . . 10 Veach, Nathan 1 .. •• 10 W^illsou, Absolom 1 .. .. 10 726 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX DONEGAL TOWNSHIP. Allis, Jeremiah 125 Adyer, Robert, 400 Altt, Mathias Ankrim, James, 200 Ankrim, Samuel, Acton. James, 200 Allexander, Joseph 300 Archibald, Richard 100 Adams, John, Atkeson, George 300 Ezekel Bogs, 140 Byers, Samuel, 150 Byers, Thomas, 150 Brownlee, Archibald 300 Bunnes, Alexander, 300 Brownlee, James, 600 Bruncr, William, 200 Benner, Charles, . .• 200 Beuner, Barnet 200 Bennett, Stephen 200 Brison, Philip, Bread, James, Caldwell, James, 382 Callwell, David, 100 Clyne, George, Clemens, James, 400 Cross, John, . . . Cox, Isaac, 150 Clerk, Calip Chapman, Thomas, 400 Connoly, John, 30 Cox. Jacob 200 Dennes, Michael, 250 Drakes, James, Dunevan, John 100 Diets, Henry, Deeds, Andrew 40 Horse.";. 2 Cattle. 2 Sheep 2 . Valu 103 2 3 6 133 1 1 18 2 6 110 2 2 26 80 2 3 G 153 2 1 26 1 1 13 120 29 1 47 2 2 66 2 2 6 150 75 3 3 ') 281 1 2 6 99 1 2 2 98 2 3 2 112 2 3 3 78 2 2 26 1 1 13 1 3 8 853 25 1 4 5 4 304 3 2 37 1 3 3 81 2 2 27 3 2 197 1 1 26 80 2 2 2 134 2 3 6 33 2 2 3 68 1 1 13 2 2 1 37 CCJUNTV OF WASHINGTON— 1761.. 727 AlTUS Dunn. Jeramiah 300 FuUmwider, Henry 200 French, Robert, Fugale, James FuUmwider, Old 200 dreams, John 200 Gill, Samuel ISO Glover, Hugh 100 Gillelan, Thomas 500 Glass, Samuel 200 Graham, Robert 100 Granly, Robert 100 Gillilan. Hugh 300 Gillespy, Neil, 400 Callaway, Patrick .".. 300 Gayler, Edward 300 Hup, Philip 200 Henry Holms, 400 Humphery, George 500 Humphery, William 200 Howel, John Hunter, James 300 Hyet, Elishua 300 Hawkins, Hanna, 100 Hup, Ann 1.200 Hays, William Jephery, John 100 Joston, Samuel, 400 Johnston, William 300 laglish. David 600 Inlow, Abraham 600 Inlow, Luke, 200 Jamison, John Knox, Thomas Kerson, James, 3 00 Kaiu, John 100 Kleark, Kiaha, 200 Kellar, Jacob 100 Keller, Peter, 200 Keasey, Joseph beane, John, 400 Lisler, George 80 Lisler. Widow 600 Linch, Abraham 200 McRobaut-, Charles 650 •SL-.S. C'alllu. ShtL-p- ValUf. 180 1 2 97 1 1 13 1 1 13 2 3 3 111 9 2 2 107 1 1 53 9 1 48 9 2 5 329 4 8 13 195 9 2 67 1 35 2 3 3 242 100 75 2 3 5 212 1 1 88 200 2 3 5 232 82 2 4 14 41 120 9 2 14T 1 2 4 57 9 3 749 9 2 2 28 1 2 42 2 4 4 396 4 5 9 181 1 3 2 171 3 4 9 198 1 1 93 2 2 27 2 2 26 2 3 105 3 1 73 1 1 63 3 2 96 2 2 107 2 9 4 28 2 2 187 2 1 2 44 3 2 3 4 3 6 281 50 627 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Mc Williams, John, McWilliam, William McGee, John, McClean, George, McClalin, Kenith, Mortan, David, Miller, Cristely, Miller, Francis, Miller, Jacob, McClure, Francis McClure, David, 1,425 Minson, William McCarral, Edward McCarrel, Robert, Moore, Andrew, McNeil, Archabald, Mclnlosh, John, Mason, Samuel McDowel, Nathaniel Paxion. Joseph Phillips, Isaac, Philips, Sarah Peake, Thomas Russel, Joshua Rodgers, Samuel Rice, Jacob Rice, Abraham Roger, Jacob, Roney, James, Roney, Herk, Summon, Walters , Smith, George Smith, Leaven Snodgress, James, Stephenson, James, Sidwell. Hugh Steel. Captain Smith, John Swearingam, Van, Smith, William, Smith, Robert Taylor. Samuel Taylor. Henry Taylor, Robert Tempieton, James Acres. Horses. Cattle. Shee ). Valu 100 2 2 52 1 1 IS 100 •> 3 55 300 2 2 102 300 1 88 200 120 300 3 4 IGG 3l''0 2 3 103 300 1 137 100 60 ,425 570 3 2 37 200 1 3 4 101 200 2 3 110 400 3 3 3 201 200 2 1 73 1 2 16 500 2 4 C 487 20(1 9 2 3 188 1S2 1 42 200 1 3 100 200 80 300 2 2 D 149 200 2 4 154 100 2 3 55 400 6 6 6 244 200 3 4 13 126 2 1 23 400 160 800 4 3 6 173 240 3 3 6 187 400 4 6 9 162 300 100 100 '> 47 300 180 150 1 2 c 57 300 75 300 120 400 240 •) 2 27 300 120 200 2 2 107 200 2 9 3 148 400 3 3 3 281 300 1 78 OOl'NTY (W WASMIXGTOX— 17S1. 729 AiTos. Hiirsi' Templeioii. Esbila 300 Templeton. John Vance, John 300 Vineyard. Stephen Williamson. Samuel 3U0 Williamson. David 800 Wolf. Christly 200 Williamson, Josepl^ 250 Workman. Samuc' 350 Winters, Charles 300 Williams. Bassel 20 Wolf. William 100 Walker. Robert 250 Walter, Thomas 600 Walter. Richard 400 Wordly, Brice Wills, Bollimore 300 Yealh. Richard 400 Wolf. Isaac 150 Sl.NCiLK Ml-.N. Brownlee, Thomas 300 Brackenrige, , 500 Benner. James 100 Colston. John, Caldwell, James 400 Cox, Jonathan C3 English, William England, John 250 House, Jonathan Howel, Aaron Howel, Thomas Henry. Robert 100 Loean. David McRobins. James McKinly. Samuel, McNight. John Peck, Pressly Summirs. John 4iM) Shewly, Morly Steel. Micheal Synckler. John lO't Williamson. Elizer 60i) Williamson. Laurence Williams. Leaven Walters. John, Valuo. 120 13 140 27 101 507 101 120 140 150 S3 80 127 380 240 160 102 120 300 40 10 190 36 10 65 10 'y 20 45 10 10 10 10 100 13 10 35 250 33 10 730 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, FALLOWFIELD TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Almond. William 100 2 3 7 72 Almond, Thomas 10 1 .. ■• 47 Adams, John, 434 4 4 C 254 Allen, Joseph, '. 540 2 3 5 427 Allen, John, 2 2 .. 18 Burk, John 3 .. 2 7 Brooks, Daniel 200 2 3 6 173 Boyd, Dugal, 200 2 1 2 91 Bell, Seth, 700 G 8 7 562 Buffington, John 150 1 2 . . 87 Biickiy, John, 150 1 1 3 66 Brinton. Joseph 300 2 2 6 170 Bayley, Thomas •• •• 1 1 ^ Bonlield, Thomas 2 2 . . 18 Crabs, Henry 200 2 3 5 97 Calvin. Vincent, 1.430 5 10 18 700 Crint. Nicholas, 200 3 4 12 233 Conrad. Henry, 50 2 1 . . 34 Calvin, Luther 2 3 6 23 Carson. Thomas, 280 3 5 7 184 Coughran, Jacob • 2 3 6 22 Casner, Peter 270 2 4 . . 294 Cunningham, Richard 150 2 1 .. 71 Carrill, John 400 2 4 9 176 Coopper, Frederick 400 3 9 20 375 Carrold, John, 400 2 4 8 176 Conrod, Henry 318 3 4 10 151 Chaffing, Isaac • • 1 ■ • • • 6 Carr. Robert 1 2 . . 12 Chaffing. William 318 1 3 .. 134 Crow, Lawrence, 318 3 6 5 157 Cull, William, 2 2 .. 18 Crow. John, 150 3 3 .. 83 Campbell. Lucie, • • • • 1 • • 3 Clark. Bazzal 1 1 ■• 9 Chester. Joseph 155 3 4 11 176 Decker. Abraham 398 1 5 14 219 Depew. Daniel 769 3 3 9 455 Dunn John 100 2 3 58 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 731 Acres. Dunkin. John 50 Dies, John, Darnal, Isaac DeeniGS, Marquis, 100 Ueemes, John ^^ Deemes. Adam 50 Dixson. Samuel, 460 Dixson, Abraham Dowler, Thomas 40 Dawlittle, Moses Davis, James Dixson, Henry 180 Dixson, Josua ^ • • 330 Everley, Leoneard Ellis. Nathan, 50 Ellis. Samuel Edward, William Everill, John, 200 Everile, William 200 Ellis, James 1"8 Ellis. Jesse England. David 160 Cattle. Sheep 1 Frye, Benjamin, Fryo, Samuel, 200 50 200 750 300 Frye, Abraham 300 p-rye, James Fryman. Philip Fleming. John Fauctt, Robert Foot, Elizezer Grunnland. James Guitery, John Goodard, Richard Graybill. Cristian Graybill. John Gregg, Henry Gagg. Sollomon Gregg, John. Jun'r Gregg. John, Grimes, James Gillaspy. Neal Hank, John Hoy. Charles Hull, John, 100 300 250 250 250 500 200 4 2 2 2 1 4 4 2 3 5 2 2 2 6 1 2 2 9 4 4 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 5 4 2 6 8 9 20 11 4 4 14 6 4 4 2 10 Value. 21 15 9 9G 89 36 398 29 38 30 9 172 278 18 23 27 12 94 88 215 9 140 495 362 357 175 34 155 68 11 15 24 13 56 131 115 114 113 9 9 375 15 18 107 732 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Hawl, James, •• 1 1 •• 9 Hickman, Abraham, 300 2 2 .. 130 Hawl, Joseph, 200 2 .. .. 112 Harbin, Josua, 130 3 7 17 215 Haush, Andrew, 100 3 5 6 71 House, Adam, ■• 1 1 •• ^ Hopkins, John, 500 (J 6 14 400 Hopkins, William 280 3 1 4 127 Hopkains, James 280 4 2 . . 135 Hoglin, Richard 100 3 2 6 62 Horris, Benjamin, ■ • 2 3 C 22 Hutten, Thomas 400 4 3 9 185 Hale, Nathaniel, 340 201 Hiney, Moses, 60 2 3 6 44 Hamilton, Thomas 318 2 1. . 134. Hoe, William, 204 3 5 7 127 Hopkins, John 280 2 4 . . 179 Hatheway, William 2 4 4 55 Holloway, George 100 1 2 . . 49 Hopkins, Aleck., 150 106 Hopkains, Silis, CO 2 .. .. 54 Johnson, Mary, widow .. 3 3 8 130 Johnson, Nicholas 200 1 2 4 88 Jerseron, Petter, 240 4 4 12 159 Jamison, David . • 1 2 . . 12 Jones, Jacob 200 3 2 7 101 Jackman, Edward, 400 3 2 3 175 Innes, James, 600 4 7 3 371 James, Samuel •■ 1 1 •• 9 Jackman, Robert, 640 3 3 12 730 Jackman, John 318 1 3 4 185 Jones, Jacob 320 3 7 12 322 Keller. Frances 120 2 2 3 109 Lash, Jacob 2 2 5 19 Lain, Henry . . 2 2 . . 18 Lemon, Samuel . . 1 2 . . 12 Laedy, Jacob, 89 1 1 .. 42 Leatherman, Frederick 100 2 2 4 56 Moore, Samuel 2 1 . . 15 McComis. William 250 2 3 9 216 McComes. John 80 2 1 4 46 Mclntire. Alexander, 2()0 2 1 4 114 McCard. William, 80 2 1 .. 15 Martin. John •• 4 3 .. 33 C'OUiNl V OF VVASlllXGTON— ITSl. 733 Acres. Miller. Philii) 75 M.lcheiil. James, 2U0 McKinly, Patrick McDwire. Thomas 25U McGuire. Philip McCalt. John 200 Mathis. James McGuire, John McCartney, John MocKly, Alexander 100 McGuettire, Andrew Mifferd, George McGuines. Thomas Mifferd, John, Mulholand. Pattou 50 Nacholas. John, 80 Nigh, Samuel 40 Nox, William 13o Nox, Hannah 440 Nixon, John Nicholas, Thomas 120 Nicholas, Thomas 80 Oar, Hump)hrey Flatten. Joseph 124 Flatten, Nicholas 375 \ Powers, Micheal 150 Parkison, Thomas 300 Peters, William, Prichard, James 80 Parr, Stephen Panther, Zyeral 130 Powel, Isaac 100 Roler, George, 38 Rish, James Routh, David, 200 Riddle. George, 56 Reep. Jacob 80 Richey, David 300 Riddle. John Rysinger. William, 150 Reed. John 45 Reed, George Rally, John 25 Kiggs, Elezzer iorsus. Cattlf. Sh.'.'i . Valu. V 2 4 47 V 1 90 1 1 9 2 2 111 1 2 12 •; 4 lOU 2 3 •y •>•> 8 1 7 36 •) 1 15 ') 2 55 1 1 9 1 2 12 1 1 y 1 1 9 1 24 2 3 51 2 2 33 2 1 63 4 o G 199 1 2 12 3 2 G 70 2 3 51 2 2 18 3 3 5 74 2 4 7 101 1 2 68 2 2 668 1 1 Q 1 1 39 3 4 10 2 2 66 1 2 4 50 2 2 4 33 1 2 12 1 3 90 2 2 39 2 2 48 2 4 o 185 2 2 18 2 1 95 3 2 108 2 3 47 2 2 C 30 1 2 4 13 734 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX. AcrcB. Horses. Ralley, Henry, Riggs, Edmond 70 Riggs, Jerimiah 150 Riggs, William 150 Saylor, Jacob Stillwagar, Jacob, Sinnard, Thomas 100 Shain, James 200 Stacker, Christopher, 200 Sheursberry, Daniel 3J Snapp, Peter 200 Steward, Thomas, Speers, Henry 188 Scott, Alexander 140 Shaplan, Daniel 82 Stouble, Obcdiah 200 Springer, Jacob, 120 Stibbs, Joseph, 300 Scott, James, Shivelely, John Sparks, William Stillwell, Ellas Taylor, Michael 2 Thomas, James lOO Tanehill, John Thomas, Jacob Taylor, Robert Warth, John, 250 Willfion, Ephraim 100 Wallace, John Watson, Isaac Wirth, Edward 266 Watson, Daniel lUO Wood, William, Whittecare, Daniel la Walloure, Harbet 90j Willk, Joseph, Wheeller, Charles, 157 White. Edward 58 White, Amos 175 White, Jacob ISO White, Benjamin 150 Whittack, Charles 100 West, Jonathan, Cattle. 1 rihee]). Valuu. 10 6 10 C 6 5 4 8 6 13 24 3 10 4 4 39 99 90 9 13 52 142 107 30 168 12 255 70 52 97 67 139 15 18 1L> 6 96 55 72 15 9 119 52 17 9 137 49 22 60 900 11 256 44 77 76 64 56 COUN'l V OK WASHINGTON- 17S1. 735 VVacts, Andrew, . Wilks, John Wells, Augustus, White, William, . Wells, Thomas, . Young, Harkitut, Young, James, . . Young, Jacob, . . . Acres. Horsus. C'altlu. Sheep. Value. 100 G6 318 60 lOO 15 46 21 3 25 36 4 144 4 91 4 56 SINGLE ME Almond, Thomas, . . Adam, Jacob Almond, John Almond, Amos Bellingsley, James, Bill, Robert, Carson, James Crabs, Philip Dixson, Henry Ellis, Hezekiah Fitzgarland, Nic's, . . llervester. John, Hcrshman, Arch'd, . Henderson, Joseph, . Jones, John Jackman, Richard, . . I^asley. William McComes, Daniel, . . . McComes, Samuel, . . . MoCinley, Archibald, McCordal, Farguson, McCordall, Patrick, . Morison, William, . . . Nox, Eunock Platter. Peter Powel, Nathan Richey, Thomas Smith, George Wikles, Robert West, Thomas West, Joseph Wood, Anderson Wood. Ezekiah W^allace, James 80 100 36 6 40 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 736 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Wallace, Nathan"!, Young, John, .... Brown, Joseph, . . liugh, John Jameis, Evin .\cies. H )rsi.-.s. 1 Cattle. ihet'li Vilu 6 ItJO 2 3 8 107 1 1 9 \ 3 15 GREENE TOVVNSxlIP. Acres. Horses. Allin, John 200 3 AUin, Ross, single, 1 Anderson, Daniel, . . 1 Bonds, John Burk, John, 300 1 Brune, Jacob . . 2 Burns, Micheal, 300 2 Bradford, James, s., 150 1 Brown, John . . 1 Burt, William 250 3 Baldwine, Frances, 150 1 Brown, John 3ii0 2 Baker, Nicholas 60 2 Bell, Humphrey, s Bennofield, John 300 1 Cannon, Richard . . 2 Carrol, John, 300 1 Covatt, Abraham 500 2 Cook, Zeba, s Clegg, AUexander, 15o 2 Cro&sley, Roose 80 2 Crobley, John 100 2 Clawson, Mary 100 1 Choffln, John, 2 Clark, Josiah Cuby, John 120 2 Dillmer, Augusta 200 2 Cattle. Sheep. V.Hlue 3 4 68 y 1 12 59 9 24 2 69 1 29 1 3 14 3 4 2 45 1 2 82 3 5 40 48 6 1 1 57 98 2 4 44 3 34 2 44 1 22 3 27 1 3 4 65 4 8 94 5 5 11 140 9 3 3 158 9 9 2 2 66 1 12 6 5 10 101 2 2 G 45 4 4 3 169 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 737 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Dyer, Andrew 300 Davis, John 300 Dyer, Benjamin, s Dosson, Alton Douglas. John & Thomas, s., . . 100 Douglas, Timothy Deval, John Evans, John, Sen'r, 150 Evans, John, Jun'r 70 Evans, David 600 Evans, John, s Evans. Zachariah Evius, George Edward, John, Fast. Cristian loO Futner, Hertney, 150 Franks, Henry Fuirt, Francis 200 Flin, James 100 Frozzer, Joseph 100 Flowers, David 300 Flowers, Thomas 100 Ferry. Oner Fast, Jacob Fast, FYancis, s 100 Garrison, Frances, 300 Glasks, John 300 Garritt, Justice 200 Garrit, John 300 Griffy, Osee 400 Green, John 100 Greson. Leonard, 250 Guttery, John, 300 Gappens. Zachariah, 600 Howard. Samuel 300 Huzzey, Hamilton 300 Hinker, Joseph 200 Hide, Samuel 500 Hutson, William 180 Hobs, Hinson 300 Hannon, Matthew 600 Jackson, Henry, 300 Jackson, Allmen'd 300 Julin. Isaac 300 47— VOL. XXII— 3rd Ser. 1 2 15 1 1 1 30 2 2 15 1 2 54 2 2 64 2 2 3 57 2 2 3 55 2 1 2 82 1 2 1 40 1 3 2 2 2 25 18 o 3 4 66 1 3 6 69 2 2 64 3 4 2 120 2 2 3 85 1 2 1 22 2 2 74 2 2 83 3 10 7 130 1 1 70 57 1 1 42 1 2 1 150 2 3 5 109 2 2 74 2 2 4 84 2 2 4 71 1 2 45 2 2 1 114 738 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Irvian, William, Jinkin, Aaron, . Jaus, Richard, . \- Acres. 200 540 590 Jonas, Robert, .^ 372 Knotts, Solomon, 60 Kidd, Nathaniel, 300 -^ Keaner, Samuel, lOO Knotts, Benjamin 100 Knotts, James, 200 Knotts, William Luis, Philip, 100 Long, John 30o Limely, George 300 Lance, John 450 Lance, Andrew 50 Long, Jeramiah Long, John 30o Long, James, Long, Eleial Long, Noah Long, David, 200 Miller, Peter, 400 Morris, George 50o Morris, Joseph Mundal, James 250 Mundul, Abner Miner, William 600 Miner, John, 40o McCoy, William 270 Moore, John, Masters, William, Night, William, Neilson, Garret, 150 Pill, Zechariah 200 Pickingpock, Peter 30o Provin, Sarah, 30o Pricket, Josiah, Parker, James Parkins, William Pain, Richard Railly, Peter Reed, Joseph, Robinson, Susane 400 Robinson, William 400 Horses. Cattle. 2 3 3 6 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 3 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 1 7 3 Sheep. Value. 48 4 4 3 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 2 8 5 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 180 137 204 31 60 45 93 39 12 30 81 108 111 62 24 72 16 12 9 79 41 89 45 89 16 224 200 82 22 24 25 42 49 66 60 43 21 21 21 39 9 100 122 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 739 Acres. Horses. Cattle Rutten, Joseph 60 Rainheart, Daniel 200 Richey, John Roberts. John Ross, Joseph Six, Henry ^500 Six, Margarett Suben, Luis 150 Sebzer, George 200 Sriven. John, 300 Swope, Michael 100 Smith, Henry 300 Sutton, Ebenezer, 300 Sutton, Nathan lOO Sutton, Benjemin Suttcn, Stephen Stone, Elias 300 Shebby, David 400 Thomas, William 200 Williams, Luis 300 Wilkey, Archibald Winser, James Williams, Elezer Wolford, Joseph Wood, Isaac, Young. Fetter loo Coughran, Thomas, 200 Burns, William, Boils, William Belliston, David, . . . . Belliston, George, . . . Crows, Widow Carmicheal, James, . Colwell. Elverton. . . Dotterer, Henry Eveley, Leonard Fast, Nicholas,, Gilpin, Samuel, . . ; . . Garret. Eleias, Haver, Jacob Hooper, Roberts Johnston, Zepheniah, VACANT LAND. 300 300 300 300 300 300 600 300 480 300 300 300 3,900 300 30 36 36 30 48 30 30 36 36 42 33 33 302 30 r4o EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheej). Value. Joues, Jacob, 300 . . . . . . 15 (Illegible) 200 30 L,itch, John, 300 15 Luckey, Minster 106 18 Luis, Andrew, 300 36 Moor, John, 300 33 McFarland, Daniel, 300 30 McMarking, John, 300 45 Nevil, John 400 48 Dallson, Henry 300 30 Rankins, Joseph, 300 33 Moris, Jonathan, 300 36 Seats, Widow 300 30 Sliver, Adam, 300 36 Shannon, Roberts 300 30 Shinks, George, 300 30 Swan, John 300 30 William, Jeremiah, 300 30 Williams, George, 600 81 Worley, Brice 300 18 Weaver, Henry -180 18 Willson, Samuel 300 15 White. Benjem'n 300 15 Newman, Isaac 300 . . . . . . 36 Wood, William 300 15 HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Anderson, Edward 200 And'Prson, Andrew, 100 Anderson, William 130 Anderson, Allexander Anderson, James, s., 100 Amspoker, Jonas, 200 Allen, Jacaniah 2 3 6 138 1 1 48 3 4 72 2 3 10 26 1 45 2 2 96 1 1 10 COUNTY OF WASH liVUTON— 1781. 741 Acres. Ashbrook, Aaron Buchanon, Samuel 400 Brown, Josiah IGO Buckston, Jacob 200 Beaty, Thomas 300 Bay, Thomas, 600 Best. John 600 Beling, Henry 300 Barr, James 200 Brown, Simon lOO Boid, John, 60 Burtiu, Thomas lOO Bailey, Allexander Brown, Callab, Baker, John 50 Boggs, Frances Calwell, David 200 Calwell, Williams 300 Calwell, Esibel Cumins, Hugh Cond. Josiah 150 Cuningham, Ambis ■ 150 Clerk, James lOO Coe, Fetter Clerk, John, s., 400 Clerk, John Crawford, James 300 Crawford, Widow lOO Crawford, John, 150 Campbell, William, 200 Criss. John 150 Chatman, John, 300 Chrispfield. William Campbell, John 200 Donohey, John 300 Doudan, Thomas lOO Davis, Philamin 50 Davis, John 50 Davis, John, 202 Dewet, Ezeceal 400 Downing, John 300 Downing, James 400 Downing. Timothy 200 Dowling, Edward 1.50 Horses. Cattle Sheei >. Valu 2 15 9 3 6 176 2 1 4 84 3 3 3 108 9 3 7 139 3 2 G 255 2 3 S 25G 112 2 2 1 9C 1 1 1 47 1 2 36 2 1 57 1 1 30 4 30 9 1 37 1 2 14 2 2 5 98 112 2 1 18 1 9 1 14 1 9 7 72 3 1 81 2 2 4 59 2 2 21 150 1 1 10 112 1 1 2 49 2 3 5 82 5 7 14 198 2 2 77 3 2 5 145 2 1 2 18 2 3 5 100 4 5 149 2 4 59 2 2 40 18 75 2 4 177 3 8 146 3 1 181 2 4 10 135 56 742 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. "Value. Dadrige, Philip, ...*. 150 3 6 2 97 Delong, Aarou • • 1 3 . . 16 Dunlap, Samuel, 1 1 • • 18 Doddrige, John 400 4 5 3 196 Eliss, William 90 2 3 . . 57 Elson, Archibald 150 2 1 . . 73 Fowler, Matthew, 150 2 2 7 78 Finley, James, s Fowlar, Richard, 150 2 2 . . 76 Fullin, James 50 2 1 .. 36 Farguson, James, 300 2 4 8 142 Felson, TTiomas 2 2 . . 21 Forgison, Robert . • 2 2 . . 21 Forgesson, James, s •• 2 .. .. 15 Grymns, Henry 300 2 3 2 137 Guttery, Robert 1 1 • • 10 Gill, William, 300 1 2 6 128 Kerry, William, 150 2 3 5 81 Hill Walter, 90 1 2 6 49 Hide, Thomas, 150 1 4 9 78 Huston, Robert, 33 20 Hamilton, Thomas 300 112 Huston, John, s., Hereman, David 40 1 1 3 26 Haraman, Geo., s 70 2 2 .. 47 Hamilton, Thomas 200 75 Hamilton, Thom's, 300 112 Hunter, AUexander 100 87 Hutton, John 2 2 . . 21 Heart, Epharim 300 3 3 144 Hill, George 1 2 . . 13 Huse, William 100 2 3 5 62 Henwood, James . . 2 2 5 22 Huff, Michael 1 3 1 16 Johnson, Able 1 2 3 14 Johnson, Samuel 350 3 7 13 179 Johnson. Isaac, s Jackson, James 300 2 2 1 133 Johnson. John 200 4 2 4 112 John, Ephram 300 112 Johnston, John 1 1 1 10 Johnston. John, s 200 4 2 4 112 Joseph. James • • 3 1 3 26 Kelly. John 200 2 1 .. 93 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 743 Law, Thomas, 200 Lemong, Nicholas Jjeaper, James 30 Laveus, Henry 200 Leapor, Samuel 300 Linwell, Petter McGuire, Thomas 500 McGuire, Frances 31S Marcheal, Will'm, s 100 McClain, John, s Marshall, Samuel 400 Merquis, George 200 Merquis, Thomas, 400 Merquis, John 190 McGuagan, Daniel, 300 Marsheal, James, 350 McCauley, Frances 200 Merit, Daniel Montgomery, Allex'r McBride, Charles 200 McBride, Robert Merit, Mathew, 150 Marsheal, Thomas 300 McClock, George Morrison, John 150 McKibbins, Thorn's 200 McMullon, John, s Marshall, John 300 Martine, Jesse 300 Marsheal, James, Esq'r 200 McKibben, John, 300 Mar&heal, John, Esq'r 200 McReady. Robert, 300 McCollock, William, McCowan, John,' McCowan, Joseph McConnal, Arthur 200 McKee. Petter 100 McKee. Thomas, 200 Martin, James, 150 McKibbins. Richard McGarrow. Henry 200 McGarrow, John Marsh. William, rses. Cattle. 2 Sheep 4 . Value. 97 1 2 13 1 2 Id 25 1 3 12 95 2 3 3 166 2 1 18 2 4 4 7 8 C 247 169 "f 1 45 ] 8 2 1 168 2 3 2 100 3 3 181 2 2 G 94 3 4 9 150 2 3 5 156 2 2 8 98 1 9 2 1 18 1 1 85 1 1 10 3 27 2 1 130 2 1 5 20 3 2 6 108 3 3 7 82 1 1 18 1 2 3 127 2 5 9 147 2 2 7 196 3 6 7 117 2 2 96 2 4 11 143 1 1 3 12 1 2 12 1 2 12 2 o 6 101 3 2 66 77 2 2 75 1 4 2 3 4 100 2 3 16 3 2 30 744 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Martin, Henry ^ 300 McConohy, Samuel, McCannah, Frances 200 Marshael, Robert, Newel, James 200 Nicholis, John 147 Nuel, Hugh, 200 Persen, Baldwine 500 Piles, Joseph 100 Perren, William, 150 Pecit, William, Perren, Joseph, 50 Pollock, John 50 Polks, William, s., 160 Poiks, Thomas 84 Plumer, George Plumer, Samuel, Patterson, William 400 Patterson, Samuel, s Patterson, Sam'l 200 Quimbley, Dan'l Runald, David, 450 Runald, William 300 Riley, Joseph 300 Reed, Joseph 200 Robertson, Rob't s Robertson. James 150 Smith, Joseph 400 Steel, John, Scott, Arthur, 100 Scott, Joseph 250 Scott, William 300 Scott, John 100 Scott, Arthur, s Sprye, Benjamin Stewart, John 108 Scott, Andrew 700 Shepard, Solomon 300 Smith, Thomas Snodgrass, Robert 100 Smith, John 300 Stephen, Alexander 200 Scott. William, s Smith, John, 50 2 3 5 138 2 15 4 2 10 114 1 8 2 3 99 2 2 12 80 2 3 2 99 3 4 5 223 37 1 3 2 73 2 4 27 2 2 2 40 1 2 5 74 1 67 2 1 49 2 4 3 28 2 1 18 3 7 18 199 2 2 96 3 2 3 29 4 5 3 214 2 3 3 137 2 3 6 138 75 2 2 21 2 15 3 5 217 1 2 3 14 2 3 3 62 4 4 12 158 2 4 7 141 2 2 8 61 1 7 1 7 2 1 55 3 6 7 305 112 2 2 51 2 2 58 3 4 11 150 1 3 6 93 1 7 18 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 745 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Shepp. Value. Shearer, \\'illiam, ...: 200 2 2 .. 96' Smith. John 56 1 1 3 32 Stephenson, John, 200 2 2 10 99 Scott, James, s Scott, James 66 1 1 . . 55 Sparks, William 340 2 4 8 190 Smiley, William 200 1 2 . . 93 Smith. Thomafe 2 2 2 21 Sparks, George 400 2 4 8 190 S\Q. 4 Value. 62 3 8 10 96 4 4 G 94 1 2 1 6 1 1 14 1 2 1 96 2 4 1 35 2 3 4 75 2 5 8 98 2 3 5 32 2 3 49 3 5 13 133 1 19 1 1 1 7 1 35 2 4 8 33 2 2 2 35 1 1 2 2 2 14 1 2 4 29 2 2 8 1 2 1 42 2 2 1 37 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 747 Acres. Horses. Cuttle. Sheep. Value. Enoch, Henry 1,600 4 13 20 544 Fix, Henry 6U 2 1 1 29 Fox, Philip 3 2 2 13 Gragason, Philip 100 2 2 4 30 Grooms, William 100 4 2 6 70 Goodwine, John 150 2 3 8 82 Gray, Archibald 80 2 3 4 45 Griflin, Reacheal 300 1 2 1 50 Gray, Mathew, 2 2 2 38 Gray, Archibald 60 1 1 . . 21 Griffin, Reachel 300 1 2 1 50 (Jroom. Sollomon 80 1 2 2 28 Galloway, Patrick . . . . 1 . . 3 Hill, Thomas 600 5 8 IG 243 Hays, William 300 3 2 6 98 Haiden, Miles 200 2 3 8 62 Harley, William, 100 1 2 . . 30 Harrid, Levie, Esq 300 2 3 10 99 Hardisty. Richard 100 1 2 .. 35 House, Samuel 150 2 4 6 66 Houge, George 150 2 3 2 100 Huffman, Henry 1 1 .. 5 Hathaway, Samuel 100 2 5 6 85 House, Felty 200 2 3 76 Hook, James 400 2 3 4 100 Heardsly, Hezekiah .. 1 i i 5 Hathaway, Nathan, 300 3 3 G 70 Hurley, Zachariah .. .. 1 2 5 Hardsley, Frances Johnston, Zephan'h 100 1 2 1 60 Jennings, Benj'n, 100 2 2 10 77 Jenning, David 100 3 3 8 60 Jackson. Richard 300 3 2 6 96 Johnston, Isaac, 100 2 1 2 28 Kelly, Nathan, 3 3 7 76 Kelly, Thomas 150 2 5 10 93 Kelly, Elias 1 .. 2 Lines, Samuel, 100 1 1 2 29 Leonard, Jesse, 200 2 5 3 69 Lee, William 300 2 3 12 97 Leonard, William 300 2 3 12 97 Lowry, John 100 2 3 . . 37 Leonard, Zila 50 1 2 7 35 McKenny. John .. 1 2 2 9 748 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. McCray, Samuel, 100 Miles, Joseph 150 Millegan, James 50 Miles, Jacob, 100 Miner, Joshua, Mills, John Morris, Richard 100 Meraudex. James 300 Millegan, William, 100 Mecks, Nathan 100 Matherny, James 100 McCreay, Fennehas McVau, Benjamin, 100 Miller, Carneales, Monis, Archibald, Minor, Thomas, 100 Moor, John, Miles, Elijah 400 Morris, James, 50 Need, Jacob 120 Owens, Judith, 200 Parker, James Parkens, Elijah, 100 Perkins, Rubin Ross, John 300 Rush, Jacob 150 Rush, William, Ross. Tychicus 60 Ross, Henry, 200 Ross, John 80 Slator, Thomas 200 Stiles, Benjamin 400 Stuard, Joseph, 100 Smith, Ralph 200 Seats. James Sellars, Leonard Sellers, Jacob, 200 Steel, Henry 60 Steel, John 100 Stump, Booth, 100 Steward. Philip 100 Summens, Lazerus, 100 Veach, John 40 Wyley, Joseph 100 2 2 9 55 2 2 1 46 2 2 3 63 1 1 6 50 1 4 3 4 28 2 3 76 2 4 4 99 1 2 28 3 2 59 1 1 37 1 1 1 7 1 2 29 2 3 1 18 1 2 9 2 1 50 2 . 2 2 15 1 2 4 81 2 2 5 56 2 1 4 46 1 2 38 1 4 23 1 3 4 65 1 3 5 5 10 133 3 7 5 120 1 4 10 1 3 46 2 6 6 99 1 4 6 62 2 4 6 92 3 3 10 109 2 2 2 32 2 4 10 101 1 2 6 14 1 1 1 8 2 3 4 69 1 3 4 69 2 1 2 43 2 1 30 2 o 6 66 1 1 36 2 3 8 43 1 2 4 52 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 749 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Wright, James 80 Wright, bewis Walton, Jacob, 80 Wolverton, Thorn's 200 Yeats, John, SINGLE MEN. Arnald. Abraham 200 Arnald, Daniel, Railey, James, Lindsecomb, Cubbas Perkln. Rubin, Leonard, Amos 50 Leonard, David Young, Andrew, Kinney, John Ross, Robert 50 Ross, William 50 Ross, Rubin Ross. Ignatious 50 Seats, James Seats, Joseph Taylor, Frances, Gaskins. John, Isaiah Hogue 50 2 23 1 5 2 24 2 57 2 10 35 37 6 5 6 6 16 6 6 6 20 20 6 16 6 6 6 6 20 NOTTINGHAM TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horse.s. Cattle. Sheen Value. Adam, William 100 Anderson, WMlliam 100 Byers, W^illiam, Bounds. Thomas 300 Brown. John 125 Blackemore. Natha'l 300 Blackemore, Willis Bowers, Robert Beverton. John 1 2 63 1 7 56 2 1 18 3 3 3 183 1 2 3 77 4 o 7 267 4 3 173 1 1 10 2 4 41 750 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Bentley, Benjamin, 200 Bruce, James Brown, George, Bruce, William 200 Boice, William 47 Bryan, David Brown, William 756 Barr, John 260 Collems, John 138 Collams, Joans, Crawford, Josias, 400 Crawford, Andrew 250 Craig, Henry Cook, Ann 400 Crouck, Robert, 100 Cox, Gabriel 600 Custard, Benjamin 350 Carman, Joshua 140 Collins, Thomas 40 Crooks, Henry Crooks, Robert 300 Chambers, James, 100 Camaron, Luis 150 Crawford, Benjamin 100 Couburn. William 100 Casheard, Jonath'n 9 Collence, Benjamin 10 Dillin, Isaac Devore, Andrew 800 Dix, Thomas, Devore, John, 300 Devore, Henry 600 Devore, Nicholas 80 Davis. Samuel Devore, Fetter, 40 Dayley, Ellinor 114 Dayley, Nathan, 280 Dayley, Philip 100 Douthard, Thomas Dole, Abraham Edginton, Isaac 80 Edginton, George Engle, William Erarch, Leonard 150 Horses. Cattle. Sheep Value 2 2 3 272 2 2 7 94 2 1 18 3 6 8 294 1 3 3 53 1 1 1 11 705 5 4 4 283 3 1 5 84 1 1 2 9 4 5 8 349 3 3 218 2 2 2 15 4 5 8 238 3 4 1 85 5 10 9 882 4 2 7 734 3 2 7 134 1 1 60 4 2 10 41 2 2 4 173 2 2 71 1 1 160 1 1 85 3 1 98 2 5 36 50 2 1 18 3 2 7 616 1 1 4 12 2 3 4 256 2 3 10 394 3 4 3 96 1 2 13 2 2 2 42 3 2 3 172 3 4 2 223 2 2 8 130 2 2 7 1 1 2 11 2 3 6 77 1 2 2 14 2 2 26 4 1 98 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 751 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Feroll, James 300 FarfTusoD, Isaac 100 Farguson, Henry 140 Frame, Archibald Farguson. Vurson Fowler, James Flitcher, William, Farnan, Patrick 300 Fegley, Jacob, 300 Ferson, Edward Fegley, Simon, 100 Farguson, James 182 Gilaspy, George 200 Gray, Allexander 200 Galagher, John Gibson, Thomas Graham, James, 100 Hamilton, Will'm, Hemes, Frances, 100 Hopkins, Elize, Sen'r, 360 Hughs, Sophey 100 Holaday. Moses 400 Heth, Henry 300 Heath, Samuel 300 Hopper, John 200 Hill, Samuel, 150 Hardin, John Hamilton, Will'm, 300 Hill, Allexander, 100 Hamilton, John 150 Jolly, James 80 Jolly, David, Jacobus, Daniel 260 Jinkins, William 100 Kinney, William 150 Ker, John, 280 Kerkindall, Benjamin 600 Lauder, Moses 140 I.,everton, David 80 Tjoagan, James 60 Little, Robert 350 Leadman. John 100 Lick, Amona 2 2 . . 21 Munn, John 738 4 7 4 573 2 1 1 168 3 1 1 76 4 3 4 111 2 2 22 2 1 1 18 1 2 13 1 1 10 2 9 3 161 2 5 10 325 1 1 5 15 1 2 4 153 3 3 3 138 2 4 4 184 2 2 2 177 1 3 1 1 10 1 3 3 78 3 3 1 32 3 •) 80 3 6 4 304 50 2 8 7 777 4 6 12 140 o 2 5 271 2 I 141 1 3 90 3 2 2 32 2 9 2 240 1 2 3 137 2 4 199 3 3 4 93 3 2 9 29 2 2 2 222 1 1 3 63 3 4 4 120 3 4 5 317 9 10 25 1,399 2 1 2 109 1 1 1 50 3 2 9 89 3 4 8 391 2 3 7 72 752 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Munn, James, 246 2 2 2 187 Muller, George, 300 2 5 6 213 McGee, Robert, 280 2 2 6 219 Miller, John, 2 4 8 31 McKay, David 2 1 . . 11 Miller, John 143 2 1 2 99 McCoun, Joseph 60 2 4 3 63 Martin, Joseph, . . 1 1 4 12 Morrison, John 300 3 2 4 213 McMiller, James, 100 1 2 2 64 McFarland, Andrew 200 4 2 5 358 McHealeney, John, 300 3 4 8 341 McMillian, William 200 1 1 . . 160 Mitcheal, John 100 1 1 . . 85 McDonal, Enis 100 2 2 . . 40 Meek, Samuel 40O 2 3 3 269 McClain, David 60 2 2 5 20 Newkirk, Henr>-, 150 2 3 5 101 O'Donald. James 180 2 2 3 112 Onetler, Philip 3 4 6 33 Parkison, William 300 1 . . . . 153 Parkison, Benjamin, 267 2 3 4 248 Paramore, Thomas 150 3 4 11 130 Paramoure. John 150 2 3 3 115 Paramore, Nathaniel .. 1 1 2 14 Paramore, John, 150 2 2 . . Ill Pentecost, Dorsy 2,000 5 10 18 2,010 Pegg. Benjamin 200 4 .. .. 180 Parkison, Joseph 60 1 1 1 189 Reed, John 100 1 1 . . 90 Robinson, Thomas . . 1 2 . . 13 Rankin, Thomas, 300 3 3 6 262 Romine, John, 2 2 8 28 Robinson, John, 300 4 2 6 554 Richeson, George 4 2 . . 36 Robins, Daniel 60 2 2 . . 56 Sonoms, Joseph . . 2 3 . . 24 Shannon, John 200 2 3 6 187 Spiver, John, . . 2 3 2 24 Samson, , . . l l 2 12 Stephens, Joseph 20 1 1 .. 23 Sawings, Henry 500 2 3 2 403 Scott, Hugh 350 3 5 16 317 Spear, James 1 2 3 15 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 753 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Slif.|,. Value. Stephens, John Sanderson. James, . . Swauningen, Samuel, Scott, William Scott. Samuel 100 300 260 300 Thomas Liverton 210 Taylor, William 70 Taylor, Will'm. Jun'r Tanihill, Admerton Tanihill, John Trootman, Samuel Thompson, William Underbill. John Vanata. John Obediah William Wines, Abnor Williams, Andrew Williams, John Washburn, Jeramiah Wright, Samuel Wright, William Williamson. William, Willson. James Wright. Zeadick Wickersham. Jacob Watt. Samuel Wealch, George Wickersham. Adam Walker, Andrew Yaunt, John 40 120 300 400 100 300 250 80 100 15 4 3 75 25 344 337 281 190 68 10 36 18 136 14 10 61 18 24 42 42 86 20 222 22 25 138 23 69 265 566 90 72 SINGLE MEN. Adams, William Backer, George Barber. Samuel Barr, William, Crooks. Robert Crawford, Benjamin, . Chamber, Joseph, ... Cuningam. Robert. . . Dealey. Charles Dealy. Philip Dealy. Samuel 48— VOL. XXII- 15 10 17 -3rd Ser. 754 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Francis, William, Fegley, Zechariah, Guttery, Adam Gilaspy, James, Gasse, James, Hopkins, David, 128 64 Hopkins, John, 104 2 .. .. 75 Hamilton, James, Health, William 1 .. .. 7 Jolly, David, . . 1 . . . . 10 Jordon, John .. .. .. .. 55 Munn, John, Miller, James Miller. David 1 .. .. 9 Melius, David 1 .. .. 9 Morrison, Henry, 200 3 2 10 242 Milleney, James . . 1 . . . . 9 Parkison, John .. 1 .. 9 Parkison, Richard Poaton, Thomas Person, Samuel Pegg, Elias 1 3 4 Philip Reed 1 9 Rankin, John Rankin, William Randies, Henry . . j 9 Show, John 1 9 Scott, Hugh [] Scott, Abraham Sutton, David Sheeve, Andrew Smith, John, 1 9 William, George, 1 . . 9 Willson, Daniel, Willson. George Wright, Jeramiah Williams, John, COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 755 PETERS TOWNSHIP. Acres. Agustes, Leehcart Agustes, Anies, Armstrong, W' illiam 100 Anderson, John, 100 Allison, Charles, Atkins, John Bailey, Anthony • 1^^ Bririey, Robert 300 Bell, Thomas, 300 Barr, Allexander 300 Boyd. Robert 220 Burk, Micheal 300 Baker, Charles Barr, John, Bums. Richard 200 Buchannon, Ebenezer, Black, William Bready, Samuel, Bousraan. Jacob, 10 Beem, Abraham 300 Bennet, William 100 Blackamore, Samuel 400 Bell, Joseph °0 Bell, Robert, ^0 Boyd, Thomas, 1^0 Blair, Samuel 300 Barnet, John 300 Bell, John, 300 Brandon, Fetter, 100 Brioe, James Benston, William Brady, Peter ^0 Brayer. John, Bradford, Charles Barker, Aaron Blackburn. John 160 Bealor. Joseph 300 Horses. 2 2 Cattle. 2 Sheep. 2 Valu^ 8 29 1 1 119 9 1 4 101 2 3 4 34 1 4 1 9 7 14 164 225 1 1 239 3 1 3 1 267 164 1 2 318 2 1 9 1 3 5 20 14 185 1 1 14 1 9 9 9 1 4 2 9 4 1 ' 4 14 38 380 255 2 5 1 9 1 19 100 656 1 2 1 56 50 1 2 130 225 300 3 3 3 384 2 2 1 104 2 3 2 2 1 2 33 39 1 2 5 40 3 2 4 40 2 2 2 29 2 3 9 34 3 3 c 165 4 3 4 374 756 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Beam, Jacob 100 Carr, John, Cunning, Robert, Crooks, Richard 296 Cunningham, Jo'n, 150 Cunningham, Th's, Cunningham, Sam'l 100 Crawford, James, Cernehor, David Cleark, John Reed, 100 Campbell, John 900 Cenneday, David, 200 Carra, John, 200 Clark, Charles, Chambers, John 180 Clark, Thomas 200 Caha, Moris 100 Custard, John, Campbell, John 50 Carris, James, 300 Clark. Robert, Comes, Cornel 200 Conner, John 100 Coutlir, Nethaniel Carch, Nathan 200 CoUans, Benjamin 180 Cox, John, 250 Creal, John 100 Corris, David 270 Clemens, Alexander Coe, Moses 250 Duglas, John, Esq'r, 350 Dunlevey, Anihony 200 Davison, Joseph, David, Joseph Erwin, James E\ ans, Mebery 340 Evans, Richard 240 Elliott, John 300 Evatt, Henry 250 Ells, James 300 Evans, Duncan 200 Evans, John Elliot, Daniei; 200 2 2 4 105 2 2 28 3 4 8 275 2 4 6 270 1 2 18 3 5 9 129 2 1 18 2 2 3 29 3 4 10 166 900 1 2 168 1 2 3 169 3 4 46 2 2 108 150 1 1 89 1 1 14 1 1 3 52 2 2 250 2 2 1 28 1 1 2 165 1 1 89 1 1 14 2 2 2 179 2 1 99 2 4 6 151 2 1 3 100 2 3 3 233 2 1 24 3 4 4 285 3 3 8 308 3 5 8 204 1 2 1 19 1 2 18 2 2 4 30 1 1 5 271 2 3 3 243 2 2 2 254 2 2 3 216 2 2 258 2 1 3 175 1 1 2 15 3 3 1 292 90 1 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. "57 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Estub, Robert 150 Fife, John Fife, William, 150 - Fry, William 900 2 Freal, James 2 Fife, William 150 2 Fowler, Allexander 600 Farguson, Samuel, 2 Forsler, Samuel 60 2 p^orster, James 200 3 Freend, Isaac, 80 1 Forgey, John 50 2 Fraizer, Jain • • ^ Fife, John 400 2 Fife, William ^ Frew, John ^ ?iney, Robert, ^ Farland, Patrick 85 Sless, James 1 Gray, Allexander 2 Gordan, William 1 Gray, James ^ Glassgo. Samuel 50 3 Gooshorn, George - Gilkison, Samuel 250 1 Gillfillin. Thomas ^ Gilkison, James, 100 2 Gilfillia, Allexander 300 2 Gaudy, William Gurnen, Abraham 100 Hughey, Robert, 200 3 Hershey, Edward 100 2 Hays, Robert ^ Hamilton, J?mes 300 2 Hewey, John, 1 Holladay, James 1 Hays, Matthew 300 4 Hays, Abraham 80 3 Huey, Ephram 2 Hobler, Gilbert 100 Heth, Joseph 100 . 1 Henderson, Robert 200 1 Henry, James 1 Henderson. Will'm, 2 3 2 6 147 86 3 2 145 3 o 809 2 G 41 2 140 450 2 2 29 1 3 69 3 192 3 2 83 1 6 64 1 14 3 5 334 2 4 20 2 ^4 50 4 64 9 18 3 ^ 33 1 7 17 2 18 3 3 120 1 2 25 1 261 1 14 2 103 2 7 256 2 105 4 6 119 2 4 105 1 14 2 1 253 2 18 1 14 2 388 3 4 104 1 24 75 1 ') 90 2 188 2 18 2 5 80 758 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Haymaker, Jacob Henry, John, 300 Hulls, Richard, 150 Hulse, Joseph, 200 Hulse, Hum 3oO Hudd, Andrew, Hanson, Jacob Hopkins, John, 300 Hannah, Samuel, 100 Johnson, Robert, 50 Irvan, James, 300 Irvan, Joseph, 200 Jones. John, 300 Jones, John 200 Jones, Jacob 150 Jewel, Robert, 82 John, Robert, ' . Jackson, George James, Thomas 300 Kuykindle, Cobus 400 Kelldore, Thomas, 50 Kinkaid, John, 380 Kinsaly, James Kildore, George Killer, John 150 Kerrel, Daniel 300 Kuykindale, Benj'n 300 Lapseley, Thomas, 100 Long, Jacob, 300 Laughlin, Robert 100 Loutherback, Joh'n Looth, Cristian 300 Lapsley, Martha 100 Loutherbach, Conrod 300 Long, William 300 Logan, Joseph 100 Logan, Adam, 40 Long, James 300 Long, Allexander, 300 Lee, William 300 Lewis, John Lawyear. James, McFarshan, Robert Mitcheal, James Horses. Cattle. Sheep Value 3 2 30 2 4 8 265 1 2 1 130 2 3 2 183 4 10 6 380 2 2 28 3 2 4 '50 3 4 ] L2 412 2 2 5 105 1 1 2 64 2 2 4 254 2 3 4 184 3 3 8 271 3 3 5 194 2 1 2 137 2 2 4 91 3 2 2 39 2 2 28 3 3 3 268 1 2 328 2 3 2 70 2 2 2 254 3 2 38 1 1 1 14 4 5 6 175 1 235 3 3 4 269 2 2 6 107 2 4 6 304 3 6 8 433 2 1 24 2 245 75 2 4 261 1 3 272 2 3 4 113 2 2 4 60 2 2 2 254 2 3 2 288 2 2 1 342 2 2 2 29 3 3 12 2 2 28 2 2 28 COUNTY OF WASHINOTON— ITSl. (59 Acres. V Murdock, William, Morrow, George 1^)0 Morrow, John 100 McDarmont, John, 800 McLaughlin, Laughlin, 20 McGee, John 100 McGee, James, 100 McKee. David 300 McLaughlin, John, 310 McLaughlin, Will'm 180 Montgomery. Nathaniel 275 McDowell, John 300 McDowell, Archib McCalloster, Enos 300 Miller, William 50 Mary Miller 80 Miller, Thomas 200 Miller, AUexander 200 Morgan. Charles 50 McDowell. Joseph 100 McDarraint, Archib'd 200 McDerment, Joseph 200 McCane Ma^'tin 100 McAnulty, John 90 Mathews, Thomas 55 McKee, Robert 300 McKee, William 100 McKnare, John Mathews, William McCoy, Hugh McCoy, Hugh, 100 McKinsy, John, Miller, Jacob 40 Milles, John 200 McDonald. John 100 Miller, John 250 McMeans, John, McNight, Joseph 100 Masters, Richard 150 Mayhall, Edward McMillen. Patrick 150 Magnar, Henry 100 Miller, James McFarland, And'w 300 McMichael, Isaac 100 •ie«. I ■lUUe. Sli eei^. Value. 2 2 2 30 9 3 3 118 2 9 1 103 2 1 249 45 75 2 2 103 2 2 253 1 2 256 1 2 253 2 3 b 308 2 1 1 289 1 1 24 1 1 304 3 2 1 75 3 2 1 98 3 3 2 118 3 3 2 193 2 4 3 114 1 9 o 69 2 4 (i 96 9 170 9 2 1 103 2 2 96 3 1 6 77 1 3 12 313 1 2 93 1 9 3 19 4 2 48 2 2 2 29 2 2 103 1 2 2 19 1 2 48 2 3 5 184 2 2 1 103 2 2 2 216 2 1 1 44 2 2 103 9 2 5 142 1 1 14 3 3 4 149 9 3 8 151 2 3 2 33 300 1 2 4 96 760 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX. Moore, William 30 McGlaughlin, James 300 McCanless, William 100 Mahon, Alven, 30o McDuffy, Robert, 50 McMillin, Thomas, 100 Malody, John Marshall, Timothy Masters, John 150 McCartney, James Matthews, James 400 Mickey, James, 100 Morrison, William 100 Masters, William, 40 Miles, Benjamin, Malloney, John 300 McCormick, Sam'I McGoun, John, 125 Mayhill, W'illiam 96 Morrison, Frances 300 Mannen, Corniles Nighman, Eliezer Nighman, Henry 300 Neel, John 20 Nesl, Joseph, Nye, Andrew, 30 Nation, Edward Neely, Thomas Neely, Jonathan Ormby, John 1.200 Philips, Jonathan, 200 Power, James Plumer, George, Patterson, John, Purdy. John, luO Plumer, Jonathan Parks, James 150 Parks, Thomas 50 Person, John Patterson, Joseph 50 Phillips, Joseph 150 Philips, William 300 Petterson, John Power, John Philips, David 300 iorses. Cattle. Shet'i 1. ^'alue 2 2 51 2 2 254 75 2 2 225 2 3 66 2 99 1 10 1 6 17 2 132 2 20 3 6 349 2 95 2 95 2 3 55 2 1 75 2 7 264 1 4 16 93 74 2 3 258 1 14 1 1 14 3 1 „ zbO 2 2 6 96 1 2 1 18 3 2 263 1 1 18 2 2 3 29 2 1 24 900 1 4 7 179 1 10 1 10 1 10 9 2 3 104 1 2 28 1 3 4 136 1 1 1 51 1 1 1 14 1 1 51 1 2 1 130 3 2 6 269 2 3 6 35 2 2 28 3 9 15 328 COINTV Oh WASHINGTON— ITSl. 761 Acri s. ] Philips, David 300 Pyat, Benjamin 150 Philips, Samuel 100 Quin, James, 100 Kalsion. William Rasher. Daniel 550 Redman, Hugh Rusher. Michael Reed, William 300 Robb, .John 150 Ritchey. Robert 150 RittinHouse, Edward 100 Ricords. .Tosiah Retherford. .lames 300 Ritchey. .lames 50 Redkk. David, Esqr 300 Redick. .John Rigdail, Thomas 250 Reed. .lohn 400 Redman, Thomas 100 Redman. John 400 Ross. Philip 3G7 Richman. William 300 Reno. Jain 150 Ramsey. Thomas 50 Redman. Thomas 150 Ross. John Smith, David Suster. Vallintine 318 Schener. Walter Small. Henry 100 Smith, (-..arles 100 Sprout. Thomas Swack. Richard 300 Sway. John 100 Swim. Barbara 200 Sheeb. John 300 Sharp. Adam Snodgrass. James 4riO Steward, Wi.liam 150 Stewart. John 150 Swashick. George 150 Sweet, Benjamin 300 Stilley. Agness 100 rses. C; mil.". ShP.'l'. Value. 3 - 4 265 112 3 1 1 5 m- 2 3 9 33 13 5 5 022 2 8 1 1 14 1 235 1 9 5 132 9 2 5 142 2 2 103 1 2 3 19 9 2 253 1 47 3 2 263 2 2 1 28 9 1 218 3 G 574 3 2 113 3 6 2 190 3 6 7 397 3 3 240 9 9 4 146 9 2 4 67 9 4 9 150 2 1 9 25 1 1 14 233 3 3 9 43 4 4 191 9 9 104 1 2 4 20 9 9 G 260 1 85 1 1 9 165 2 2 3 264 C, 2 2 69 4 5 360 1 112 o 2 4 125 9 3 6 147 2 5 C 268 1 1 1 89 762 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Sheman, John 100 Stoops, James, 300 Sellers, Isaac, 400 Stokes, Nathaniel, 300 Shockan, Daniel, 150 Strobridge, David, 100 Stewart, William 140 Shukeman, George, 10 Steel, David, 200 Sharp. John, Sharp, James, 180 Sharp, Edward, 600 Stevenson, John 140 Swerengen, Daniel 136 Swerengen, John, 182 Shaw, William, Sinckler, Samuel 300 Thompson. Samuel 200 Trumbo, John 300 Townsend, Daniel, 150 Tilball. Thomas 200 Thomas, William 40 Terrance, John, 600 Thompson, Archib'd 300 Tenias. Daniel, 100 Tout, Abraham, Tilball, William 150 Thompson, Robert 50 William, James 100 Willson, Robert White. John Wilkens, John Whittaker. Abraham Whitaker, James, 300 Willson, Samuel, 200 Willson, Amos, 300 Wallace, James Willson, Joseph, lOO Willson, John Watson. James White. James Watson. Thomas 150 Williams, Thomas 300 Wood. Joseph, Horses. 2 Cattle. 3 Sheei 3 .. Value. 108 2 3 6 260 4 4 11 286 2 •} 3 258 3 5 5 112 1 2 2 94 2 2 126 1 1 89 2 3 6 185 2 2 4 30 2 2 163 4 3 10 507 1 115 2 2 3 131 3 4 12 228 1 1 1 18 25 2 2 8 182 7 8 10 332 2 4 10 153 4 3 202 1 1 2 45 1 1 314 1 229 1 159 2 1 o 25 2 3 6 147 1 o 5 71 2 2 1 103 2 2 3 29 2 1 2 25 2 2 28 1 2 6 21 4 4 3 282 2 5 6 189 6 2 368 1 1 1 14 2 2 103 2 1 3 25 1 20 1 2 18 2 1 136 1 2 243 1 1 14 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 763 Wayance, John, . . . Walls, James, .... Walls, John Wallace, John Watson, Thomas, . . Whitman, William, Visey, Eliah Acres, Horses. Cattle. Shefp. Valufl 300 500 28 30 338 48 29 239 25 Brackinridge, John Bouseman, Nicholas, . . Coughran, Wm Hill, Richard, Haman, Richard Lile, Peter, Long, Jacob Luck, James Loutherbach, Zacharias, McCouligh. John Morrison, John, McGloughlan, John McGloughlan, Henry, . . . McCoy, John McCully, John Montgomery. John Morrow. Joseph McCown, Samuel McGill, William, Martin. William McNight, William, Magnor, John, Miners, John, Elliot, William Elliott, Oliver Elliott. James, Edward, James Dick, Samuel FYazzer, Robert Fife, John, Hurley, James Harry, Charles Hall, Richard Hanlin. Michael Patterson, Patrick MEN. 150 300 500 300 160 100 50 200 200 150 100 90 10 250 30 20 10 403 18 246 167 10 85 52 10 10 10 164 10 20 174 764 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep Ralston, Archibald, . . 1 Richard, Robert, Rasher, John, Reed, Benjamin, 250 Smith, William, 1 Sheaver, John, 300 1 Small. John, 1 1 Watson, Andrew, Willson, James, ISO 2 2 Williams, John, Willson, Abraham, Vent, Andrew, . . 2 Value. 10 197 10 235 14 68 163 20 ROBINSON TOWNSHIP. Acres. Armstrong, John Archley, Susanah, 250 Atlet, George 200 Brakenrige. Hugh 1,000 Bail, Jasin 300 Bell, William, 50 Bell, Robert Bell, James 50 Boyd, Robert, 100 Barns, John Blunk, William 300 Bailey. Allexander 600 Brown. Thomas 300 Biggart. Thomas, 250 Beer, Robert Bagg, James, 300 Burns, Allexander 300 Brady, James 30 Baker, George 300 Black. Robert 600 Campbell. John 600 Chery. Aaron, 300 Chamberlain, Rich'd 400 Carpenter, William 250 Crawford. James 2,800 rses 2 . Cattle. 2 Sheep 4 A'alue 32 1 45 1 38 165 2 3 72 3 3 47 1 1 12 2 3 3 39 1 2 2 40 3 3 34 3 4 9 93 2 1 109 2 1 64 2 2 60 2 2 19 2 2 2 68 3 3 76 1 53 1 53 1 98 150 2 2 60 1 4 6 83 3 3 9 54 420 COUNTY OF WASHINOTON— 1781. "65 Acres. H discs Drumond, William 250 3 Deneson. lUirthalamy - Donoldson. ^^^] Ewings, Thomas '^^^ ^ Endly. Thomas 1^^ ^ l 1 • 126 37 700 250 Link. Andrew Link. Henry, s Lawyear. James Long. David Little. James ^00 200 11 40 16 300 48 139 116 1 2 . . 15 1 2 . . 15 60 98 Long, George ^^0 - Loudera. Thomas '^^ McDolind. John 1-200 McCandlesh. Allex'r 300 16 417 5 87 48 McMine. Robert ofiA 9 '.', 1 ■' (4 McBride. Henry '"" McAdoo. James ^'^0 McMicheal, John, s McMicheal. James, 800 McGregar. Mathew 300 60 19 140 68 766 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Marks, William 400 McKee, Thomas, 1.202 McMicheal, Daniel Meeks, Jonathan, 600 Meeks, John, 30 McCormick, Benjamin 400 Moorland, William 400 McCormick. Patrick lOti McCialey, Elizebeth 300 Morgan, Charles 900 McGre.^oray, William, s 80 Morgan, Able McNealey, Allexander 300 McMullin. Thomas, 300 McCoy, William 300 McCandless, William 300 Nikle. William 400 Nikeis, John 400 Noble, Henry 600 Nibeny, James Potter, Henry 250 Potter, Robert 150 Philips, John 400 Quin, Charles 400 Reed, John 150 Robb, John 300 Reed, William Rien, William Reardon, John Rolb, William 1 Readick, William 700 Readick, William 400 Scott, Joseph 300 Sharp, Nehamiah 300 Scott. John 200 Singers, John 200 Shearer, Hugh 40 Simmons. Jones 40 Stoken. Edward Sutten. William 40 Stuard. "William 400 Stephenson. John 400 Stuart. James 150 Stuart. Daniel rsfs. 2 rattle. 3 Sheeji 2 Value 86 300 1 1 12 4 12 349 2 86 4 <> 126 60 1 24 ') 64 ] 224 1 18 9 '» 23 45 2 61 45 :; 3 7 82 ') •) •} 74 2 3 76 5 2 251 1 8 2 2 ] 54 2 2 4 45 3 o 91 2 1 72 :! o 49 :; 4 G 84 2 9 24 3 4 3 38 1 1 11 1 11 4 2 184 2 76 3 5 86 5 6 121 2 2 3 131 2 2 3 53 2 2 2 83 60 1 11 o 101 1 71 1 71 2 2 43 1 2 3 16 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— ITSl. TGI Acri'S. > Scott. James Smith, David 300 Stephenson, John 600 StrouLs, Thomas 300 Scott, Josiah 500 Scott, Thomas, Thornborough. Thorn's 400 Tolin. John Turner, William 3U0 Tucker, Wm 1^'*' Thompson, Benjamin 100 Vallendegham. George 400 ^ Walker, Gabril 900 ■..Walker, Isaac 900 Woods, William Wright, Allexander 300 White, James 400 . Warden, William, 300 'Walker, Joseph 500 \Walker, John Woo^s. Jobias W'arden, James 300 W^oollery. Henry Wlte, James Woolf, John, Junr 300 Wolf, Adam (Waste), Andrew Moses 400 Bell, Robert 800 Busman, Jacob 2,000 Bellor, Joseph 400 Bradley, John 300 Carman. Joshua 300 Cooper, John 1-000 Cambers, James 500 ■ Crawford. John 400 Dawson, John 800 Ewings, Amos 300 Jerrell, Joseph Fife. William, 100 Forbus. William 300 Henderson, Matthew 300 Hall. William 3uO Holmsgworth. Step'n 1.000 Hall. John, s 300 Juster, Isaac 300 ses. C 2 ■allle. SI .-.•P Value. 16 1 1 56 •) 161 3 3 100 75 1 8 •) 2 73 •> •) 9 25 2 ;; 4 80 15 2 1 8 3G 2 c 4 98 4 3 :] ICl 4 3 177 1 1 11 '>- o 71 1 2 o 75 2 2 98 1 4 8 99 1 9 1 1 12 1 2 12 ') •-> 4 24 1 19 1 •> 60 1 8 60 800 300 50 45 45 15U 75 1 68 120 45 1 8 24 45 45 3 2 lOG 20 2 45 45 768 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. \ aiue. Ingman, Widow 300 45 Lyons. Samuel 300 45 Lipheart. Jacob 600 90 Lebart, Bruen, 300 45 Muchealheiia, Johu, ItO 1 . . . . 24 McCoy, Widow, 30o 45 McManamay, Wm 300 40 Moore, Robert 400 60 Moor, John, 200 25 Murphey, Patrick, 300 45 McCready, James 250 38 Miller, David 150 22 Morrison, James 300 . . . . . . 45 Meek, Jacob, 300 45 McDowell, Allexander 300 45 Morison, William, 300 . . . . . . 45 McBride, James, 300 39 Newel, Samuel 400 60 Newel, William 300 45 Neally, Hugh, 400 100 Owings, Christopher 200 30 Pierce, Paul 600 150 Philips, Jonathan 300 45 Philips, Samuel 300 45 Pinkerton, Allexander, 400 2 2 . . 83 Richirds, Josia 300 45 Robinson, Andrew 300 . . . . . . 45 Reverend Smith, Jose'h 300 . . . . . . 45 Swaringam, John 400 . . . . . . 60 Swiley, John 100 12 Wolf, John 400 60 Westefall, John 150 37 Westfall, John 200 50 Wright. Zedock 400 100 Wearington, Robert 1,000 250 White, James 400 60 Gibson. John, Col'l 1.000 250 Askins, Widow 300 45 Boyd. Samuel 200 30 Cunningham. Jonath 300 . . . . . . 37 Casselman. Jacob 300 . . . . . . 45 Derremiah, John 300 . . . . . . 45 Denton. Thomas 300 45 Ewings, James 300 75 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 769 Meaduor, John 300 Riddle, Samuel 300 Richard Mordici 300 Ross, Enoch. 300 Stuart, James, 300 Taylor, John 300 Vein, John 300 Logan, Andrew 300 Miller, James 300 Acres. Horses. Callle. ShcL-p Valut 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 SOMERSETT TOWNSHIP. Acres. Horses. Cattle. Armstrong, Thomas, 100 Braiding, James . . 1 Bentley, Sapbhezor, 800 4 2 Ballohern, John 100 Book. Margerett 250 3 G Book, Isaac, . . 1 2 Black, Petter 400 2 4 Burt, Joseph 40 2 1 Black, Philip, 200 2 2 Baird. John . . 1 1 Carr, Mary, . . 1 Carr, John 100 Cammeron, James . . 3 3 Carrey, Luther, 80 2 2 Carven, James, 150 3 4 Campbell. Rosana 100 1 1 Cravan, Jeramiah 40 2 1 Craven. John 250 2 3 Craven, Armania . . 2 2 Cravan. Elisha ■ 60 2 2 Coons. Frederick .. 1 2 Clouse. William 3 3 Crammer, James 200 1 3 Cox, Joseph 300 1 3 Cretes, Henry . . 2 1 49— VOL. XXTI— 3rd Ser. Shoep. Value 40 6 10 412 40 1 142 9 15 (i 181 4 31 o 26 12 6 40 2 24 9 50 6 89 48 30 127 17 41 10 11 2C 92 120 14 770 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Davidson, John, Dyson, Zepheuiah, Daniall, John 300 Davis, Joseph, 200 Dickinson, Thomas 100 Dickinson, Henry, Davis, Richard, 100 Eary, Cannor Forthner, Samuel, 100 Fryar, John Forwood, William, 140 Forbus, Arthur, 300 Forbus, Hugh 100 Frazer, Samuel 150 Feely, Thomas, Greenlee, John 90 Gillcress, John Guteridge, John 100 Guteridge, James 100 Huffman, Henry 100 Huffman, Rudlef 400 Huffman, John 200 Hoseck, Micheal Heart, Andrew, 150 Henthorn, William 100 Hooper, Philip 100 Hamilton, William 100 Hill, John, li'O Harp, Joseph, Heill, John 150 Hopkins, Charles John, Petter, Lyda, James 200 Leathtrraan, Chris'n, Leonard. Isaac 150 Leonard, Siles 140 Leonard, William 130 Ijashley, Jacob 150 Lemmon, Robert Lyda. John 550 Laughlin. Matthew 3o0 Leonard, Calab 100 Masterson. John 250 Masterson, John, Jun'r, 1 1 2 8 1 1 4 9 4 3 150 3 3 G 143 2 2 2 56 2 2 4 17 2 2 7 60 1 1 v 13 2 2 57 1 6 56 2 2 5 137 2 1 54 60 1 2 10 2 2 4 53 2 2 16 3 3 7 69 2 2 5 69 2 2 2 56 4 5 12 197 2 2 4 99 4 3 30 60 3 3 4 70 2 3 G 59 3 2 62 1 3 3 60 1 ] 8 2 1 76 1 2 • 10 1 6 1 2 3 90 1 2 6 36 2 3 78 2 2 2 74 2 64 1 2 3 70 1 1 8 4 4 G 282 C 4 11 231 ') o 8 56 2 3 5 119 2 1 14 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 771 J,cres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. 10(1 3 2 3 62 Masterson. William 1^^ ^ ^ ^. 225 Myer., George 4 4 5 175 Myers. Mitchell ^^^ ^ ^, ,4, Martin, Edward -^^^ ^ ^ _ 42 Masterson. John ^ ^^ ^ '^ ^g McUonough. Henry ^JJ ;^ ^ ^ ^g McPharran. John, '^'^ - " j., ^g., McCollough, Patrick |0U - ^ - ^^- McComb, William ^uu o ^ ^ ^^^ McCombs, Robert 4"" ^ - _^ ^^^ McMillin, William -00 ^ ; ^^^ Newkirk. Isaac 3 3 3 184 Newkirk, Henry -^Oii ^ ^^ ^ ^^ Nelson, Joseph ' _^ J ^ ^^ Nickfclson, Samuel o 9 7 91 Obt. Frederick _. ^^ ^^2 Parker. Wmiiam ^"0 ^ ^ ^ ^^^ Preston, Daniel ^ ^ ^ l^. Preston. Barnet. ^^^ ^ ^ 8 9G Robinson, John - ^ ^. ^^3 Keed. Nathan ^0 3 3 c 75 Ramsey, Robert ^"^J ^ „ , 04 Ramsey. James ^ -jo Smith. Andrew • • ;^ " ' -,4 Simpson. James - " ^ , ^^9 Stephenson. John ^ ;^ ^ 3 ^^ Spaith. Christop i" ^ " 295 Sumers, Callab ^f " ^ •- ^^ Spaith. Jacob - ,, 2 G 49 Shoplaw, John ^^^ " 2 .. lOS Sook, Jacob ^ ![ ^ g4 Sypole, George " ^ g. Sarter, Petter, 20O 3 2 5 120 Swickard, Daniel ^ . ^2 111 Stephenson. John ^ ^ ^ -g Shiister. Micheal 1^" " ; ^ ^^ Shuster. Phelty .• ^"" -^ i 1 5 Sticklet. Peter - ^ ^ ^g Swagler. Jacob " ^ 20 Spaith. Anthony ^ ; ^^^ Stephens. Daniel y " " ^ g^ Seaborn. Edward ^^^ ^ ^ 34 Taggart. James • • ^ " 9 Tompaw. Mathew 772 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Thompson, Matthew, Thompson, Mich'l Thompaw, George Vance, John, Vance, Isaac White, AUexander, Wallace, Nathaniel, Wallace, Frances Wever, Conrode Wallace, William, Willson, Joseph Wallace, Jaha 150 Whirey, David Wherey, James Wheays, Joseph Williams, John Williamson, William Wellman. Rudlif Wilson, William Wise, Frederick, Kenther. George Kenth. Catharine Hiles, John Turner, James Fleming, James Nevar. William Staks, Patrick Paylitill, Henrj- McCoullagh, John Ross, Isaac Bryfin. Hugh McCrackin. Hugh Scott. Patrick Campbell, Duncan Study, John Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. 50 2 2 3 36 200 1 1 78 90 2 2 46 200 ') 4 2 160 200 2 4 9 96 2 1 12 180 2 1 5 87 1 2 4 160 200 3 4 6 128 200 3 1 105 70 1 34 150 2 2 2 76 80 1 2 4 43 300 3 3 5 147 2 2 1 16 1 1 8 2 2 16 1 2 8 1 1 8 150 1 2 2 70 300 5 10 9 177 200 5 1 6 8 114 6 35 2 1 1 28 2 1 12 1 1 12 2 1 15 150 2 1 8 64 1 1 8 100 1 ') ') 50 1 1 16 o 1 14 100 3 ') 2 59 2 12 200 4 3 7 119 SMITH TOWNSHIP. Atcheson, Mathew. . . Atcheson. Humphrey, Acres. Horse 400 3 150 ] (".Tttle. Shceii. Vain 2 2 147 3 .. 64 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 17S1. 773 Acres. Horses. Cullk-. Slu-i-i'- %'hIui-. Accols. Arthur 150 10 Andrew, Robert 150 1 2 .. 35 Anderson. William 300 2 .. .. 80 Armour, Thomas 800 2 2 .. 142 Allen. John, 990 2 3 3 589 Bealer. Thomas 450 6 7 14 426 Bay, Thomas 400 1 3 3 120 Bell, Philip 400 3 4 2 130 Blozer. John 300 3 2 6 104 Blazer, George 200 1 2 2 56 Bell. Hugh 400 2 1 .. 99 Burkfct, Boston 300 3 5 . . 135 Brooks, Benjamin 300 2 2 . . 48 Brady. James 300 2 2 .. 160 Cooper, John 400 2 3 . . 134 Cherry, Thomas 200 2 3 5 87 Cherry. Thomas SCO 8 5 11 407 Castleman. William 300 1 1 ■ • 61 Coutheruthers. Samuel 300 1 . . • • 63 Cowen. Allexander 400 2 .. .. 90 Cohoon, John 300 2 . . . . 78 Clark. Samuel 30 2 2 . . 74 Campbell. James 400 2 2 .. 120 Comley. John 150 2 2 3 72 Cooper. John 100 1 1 . . 30 Campbell, Arthur 4i50 3 4 7 144 Decker, David, 100 2 3 4 56 Danlap, John 300 3 2 3 132 Dunlap, Allexander 200 2 1 .. 73 Dundan, Levy " 900 4 3 9 305 Dawson, Nicholas 300 1 3 1 119 Dornan. James 300 1 3 5 80 Duncan. Allexander 300 3 3 93 Dranan. David 300 2 .. .. 80 Dood. John 100 2 2 2 47 Dumbar. Robert 120 2 3 1 65 Baking. John 200 1 3 5 68 Edger, James 200 2 3 1 117 Ewing. James 300 45 Freshwater. Rubin 400 2 4 C 132 Fulten, James 300 60 Gardner, Christoph 400 4 2 .. 124 Gardner, John 3 1 2 27 Gibson, Robert 400 2 2 5 145 774 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Hutchington, John 240 Hull, Gersham, 201 Hillis, Mathew 3ii0 Holms, Robert 5i Hust, Henry, nibble, William 400 Holms, James, 400 Hartford, James 400 Johnston, James, 150 Johnston, James 60 Jackson, Thomas 250 Jackson, Philip 300 Jackson, Joseph, 150 Johnson, Jacob, Kincade, John 200 Keneady, James, 500 Leech, James 100 Lankford, William 300 Moor, William McCart, John 100 McCarty. Johji 300 Moody, James Martin, William, 250 McCoy, Daniel 250 McDonough, Hugh, 100 McCormick, George 800 McGehan, Duncan 800 McGeehan, Bryce 200 McKnigh, John McCaslin. George 300 McConnal. William 280 McCoulugh, Allexander 200 McReady, Joseph 400 McCready. Hugh 400 Matthews, Thomas 600 McGee, Robert 100 Merchant, Samuel 200 Murphey, Petter 200 Merchan, James 200 Moor, Thomas 300 McComb, James 100 Moor, Samuel 300 McCready, Thomas Philips, Joseph Horses. 4 Cattle. Sheep. 3 Value 109 2 2 5 74 2 4 6 127 3 1 128 2 2 7 24 3 1 2 104 2 3 127 2 2 60 3 4 4 123 1 2 22 2 5 4 107 ') 3 9 117 2 3 4 75 4 5 5 54 1 1 3 52 1 103 2 2 4 46 3 85 1 13 1 37 3 3 112 1 10 3 7 113 3 98 1 37 3 8 290 3 3 5 160 3 3 88 1 2 14 1 1 1 40 2 o 3 138 2 2 52 2 54 1 47 2 9 67 2 2 49 2 3 55 2 1 67 2 2 52 2 2 5 111 2 31 30 1 1 9 2 2 18 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 17S1. 775 Willson. Uriah, William Acres. Horses. C 300 2 Poe, Andrew Poe, Adam Patterson, William Potts, Jonas Parks, Robert, Patter, David Porter, Samuel, Philips, Charles Rankin. David, Raveucraft, James Rankin. Henry, Rankin. John Rankin, William ^-^OO Ross, Mary Ross, James, Russel, Abraham Ralston, Joseph Rogers, Thomas Smith, John, Strain, John, Spiller, John Stephens. Isaac Stone. John Stone. John Stephenson, James Tarance, Joseph 300 Thompson, W^iiliam Temmons, Thomas Thompson, David, Tucker, John Vaughin, Richard Vance. Joseph v ^'^ Vance, William, ^^^ 200 200 300 500 300 300 300 300 400 100 200 60 400 300 300 200 300 100 400 800 40 400 200 200 300 150 , Joseph, 150 200 Willson, David, Willson, Abner, Wells, Isaac Willson, John Winfield, Henry Willson, William Woods. Archibald 300 Walls. Robert Willson, William 300 300 300 300 itlle. Sheep. Value. 2 6 114 3 5 90 53 86 100 99 30 42 18 151 186 31 528 46 2 3 12 20 79 29 54 193 91 63 24 45 52 128 240 60 38 100 65 91 153 145 130 74 75 124 24 176 12 11 90 38 r7G EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Whitegar, Thomas, Ward, Mathias, . . . Withro, John, .... Wood, Amos, Wallace, William, . 300 300 200 100 99 2 68 66 60 SINGLE MEN. Curuthers, Ezekiel. Cowen, Hugh Diimbar, Samuel, . . Gaston. Hugh Kidd, Peter Little, James Little, William, ... McGomery, John. . Miller, James Naugle, Andrew, . . Parker, Samuel. . . . Reed, Allexander, . Rinkins, Matthew, Rankin. Zachariah, Ross, John, Willey, James Whitaker, Samuel, Wark, David, 300 130 300 400 600 600 100 300 300 100 200 53 30 10 18 67 70 67 31 30 85 9 31 40 20 40 10 10 10 Alspaugh, Henry, Brown, John Blackburn, , Boyl, John Bevington, John, rXINHAIUTKl) LANDS 250 300 300 300 300 Cannon, John 1,000 Clemmons, Joseph, Cleark, Elizabeth, . Crage, John Chain, Frances. ... Calven, Elizabeth. . Dawson, Robert, . . , Dawson, Benjamin, 400 300 200 300 300 150 150 300 300 25 30 30 30 30 150 60 30 20 30 30 30 30 60 30 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. Furseith, William Frazer, James Gemel, James Glascoe, Samuel Walfield. Edward Harsha, Andrew Kilpatrick, Frances, . . . Kirkpalrick. Abraham, Karril. John Keneday, Robert Laughlin. John, Laughlin, Robert, LauRhlin, William, . . . Lin, Andrew McCaskey, Matthew, . . McCleary, William, . . . McDonald, John, Mullin, Thomas Martin. John Nolin, Henry Penticost, Dorsey Pierce, Isaac Quimley. Daniel Rethcrford, Robert 1,000 Richey, Matthew, Rogers, John Rogers, Thomas Stephen, Levi Stephens, Thomas Swaningen, DanieU Stephens. Seth Tate, Magnis Tharp. George Vanter, Isaac White, James White, John Willson, Miles Webslerlee, John 4,700 Acres. Hor ses. Cattle. Sh' ■ep. Valu 200 20 300 30 300 30 300 30 200 20 100 10 300 30 400 40 300 60 400 60 300 45 400 60 300 30 400 60 300 36 300 30 400 40 150 15 300 30 200 24 800 120 300 45 150 8 1,000 150 800 96 300 45 300 45 600 90 300 45 300 45 300 45 800 150 300 45 400 60 200 30 200 30 300 45 4,700 470 778 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX. STRABANE TOWNSHIP. Armstrong, George, Armstrong, James, . Allexander, Hector, Adams, William, . . . Adams, Widow, . . . . Agnew, Samuel Anderson, Joshua, . . Adam, John, Acklin, Samuel Buchannon, James, Bailey, William, . . . Bushears, William, Brady, Samuel Barnet, Ksq'r Burns, James, Brodick, John Brodick, Frances, . . Brownlee, John Browclee, James, . . Brownlee, William, . Bradford, James, . . . Beard, John Been, John Bradford, James, . . . Belderback, Ep'm, . Brown, James Brown, Nathaniel, . Brown, John, Boice, David Bickett, John Black, John ^.rien, Nicholas Crow, Henry, Cotter, Henry Cotten, John Cline, Leonard Cleark, Joseph Clark, David Veres. Horses. Cattle. 1 Sheep 1 Value 5 1 1 2 13 2 1 5 22 300 1 1 312 30 2 2 324 400 3 4 6 364 300 2 4 2 85 400 60 50 1 1 14 160 1 154 2 2 28 150 1 2 3 92 300 2 2 96 100 2 2 2 100 280 o 4 5 268 100 ') 3 5 80 4 4 o 77 300 2 5 8 194 200 2 4 8 112 3&0 2 4 1 156 190 4 2 192 300 2 3 207 2 2 5 34 100 3 4 8 120 300 2 2 6 186 100 1 1 4 74 250 2 2 1 149 1 1 1 16 1 2 16 2 2 4 210 100 2 1 29 2 2 28 230 6 6 5 556 230 2 1 190 100 3 1 2 3' 250 2 2 3 187 400 2 3 357 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON— 1781. 779 Acres. Horses. Carr, AUexander 660 Campbell. Joseph • 3 Cmiiiigham. Franc's 300 2 Cuningham, Robert ^^ ^ Cahvell, William 2 Cowen, Edward Cook, Padeu, 300 1 Calvin, Robert ^ Davison, George, - Derby, Patrick "^^ 1 Dickson, Richard 300 4 Ditis, David ^^^ ^ Die, Enoch 1^1 ■* Dement, James 200 2 Dodd, John 1^6 1 Donaley, John 100 3 Irwin, William, 100 2 Irvin, Davis 200 2 Emos, Henry, ^ Fran, Polster, 200 2 Farguson. Will'm 230 3 Fort.us, William 100 3 Glass. Lister, 300 3 Glass, George 1^0 2 Gibson, William, 1^0 1 Greenlee. Archiba'd 1 Gordon, George, 1 Gaudy, Hugh Georl, James '^ Hamilton, David, 250 1 Hamilton, Robert 300 Hamilton, Thomas 600 1 Hannah, James, 40 1 Huston, William 400 3 Hill, John =0 2 Hutman. Christ 300 Hamilton. Robert 100 2 Hannah, Samuel, 130 2 Hannah, Henry 1 Herris, Daniel. 1 Holms. Henry ^0 1 Henry. Robert 300 2 Hindman. James 1 Johnston, W' illiam 2 tie. Sh ecp. Value. 396 45 ) 5 200 2 2 1 2 2 4 66 80 25 737 12 28 35 9 3 221 1 3 67 3 G 147 2 144 2 573 1 68 2 7 71 3 8 176 1 o 45 3 4 140 2 1 178 4 111 4 321 1 145 2 4 147 1 2 15 1 20 10 3 1 46 9 3 27 i 300 3 4 629 2 1 48 5 11 501 2 8 54 180 1 69 1 132 1 12 1 12 2 9 44 2 280 1 14 2 28 780 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Value. Johnston, Jonathan . . 2 2 3 23 Johnson, David, 70 1 1 1 38 Jolly, Petter, 2 5 2 45 Johnson, William 300 3 4 7 239 Fserael, Isaac, 311 2 4 4 358 Jordan, William, 200 3 3 6 120 Kith, Valliutine 50 1 1 .. 64 Laughlin, William 50 2 3 2 58 Leet, Isaac, 300 2 3 8 370 Leet, William 40 1 1 . . 24 Latimore, George 300 1 2 . . 198 Leeman, John 340 2 3 4 274 Long, David, 1 . . . . 19 Leeper, Samuel 100 2 2 . . 76 Leeper, James 26 1 3 4 39 Little, Nicholas 347 3 3 6 305 Merick, 150 2 2 4 120 Maurdock. John 108 4 2 6 126 McBurney, James 194 3 2 5 135 Montgomery, Wm 200 3 3 8 128 Montgomery. Thorns 350 3 8 3 223 Moor, John 100 2 1 . . 74 Madan, John, 34 1 . . . . 17 Morten, Kenedy 30 2 . . . . 200 McCliire, . . 4 1 . . 84 McCleray, James 3 2 3 39 McMullen, John 400 3 6 5 356 McConkey, J"ui . . . . . . 20 Mf-Clain, John, 100 4 3 7 114 Milligan, George 90 2 2 . . 53 McCemson. Robert 400 2 1 . . 424 McClure, Andrew 300 2 4 2 337 McDonald, James 300 4 2 .. 318 Micheal, Samuel 2 .. .. 20 Henry, Thomas 200 2 2 4 235 Norris, Susana 100 2 2 6 120 Norris, Jacob 30 1 1 . . 40 Nicholas, Andrew 150 3 2 5 100 Nuttle. Allega 400 3 4 7 499 O'Donald. Charles 200 2 2 1 213 Patterson, Petter 3 3 7 47 Pollock, Samuel 150 1 .. .. 66 Pels, Nichoal 290 3 5 5 477 Peck, Daniel .. 2 3 5 34 COUN'IY OK WASHINUTON-ITM. I'humpliery. Reason, ... I'huniphery. Ezeck Parkison, William Parkison, . Province, John, Patterson, .James Right, John Riddle. Joseph Ridgway. James, Reed. Paul, Roes, William Robert. W Richman. William Ridick, David Rilly. John Riddle. David Shively. Jacob Smith. Lowdeck Slogan, Robert, Smith, John Snowden, Joseph Snowden. David Stuart. William Span-. John Sparr. W'illiam Steen. Matthew Sillex. Samuel Scott. Josiah Scott, Thorn's Taylor, Henry, Esq'r, Thompson. William, Uriah. John Vaneraan. Wer'd Vaneman. George. . . Vergin. Bricc White, James Workman. Samuel. . Workman. James. . . Wolson. James, Wilson. Th's Willson. James White. Nathaniel. . . White. John. Jun'r. Young. Robert Acres. 318 360 630 150 150 50 300 Horsi-s. I'iillli 3 4 3 4 16 3 100 150 300 250 330 150 TO 70 400 150 300 300 200 230 200 250 425 250 300 100 150 70 400 570 300 . 260 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 3 O O 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 5 6 3 9 4 2 781 ValUP. 447 ' 383 13C 300 94 304 148 49 104 29 25 12 26 198 87 94 360 280 192 120 160 107 500 90 154 140 154 208 58 266 206 i5 462 256 214 73 18.0 160 55 229 781 32 355 260 782 EFFECTIVE SUPPLY TAX, SINGLE MEN. AriPstrong, G'e Adams, David, Burr, Allexander Huston, James 300 Hogg, John 400 Hogg, William Henry, John Johnston, Benjamin, Lettimore, James Lettimore, Aliexandvr Veach, Meadcap Veach Meadcap McCormick. John Rusk, David, Ross, James Stophil, Wm., 160 Steel, James Stuart, Samuel 300 Stockley, Joh/i Stockley, Thorn's 2 White. James 100 Acres. Horses. Cattle. Sh( 1 White, James, White, George, 100 eji. Value. 32 319 645 20 24 30 12 10 16 16 50 13 10 70 62 176 10 56 115 115 15 Phfi LLAp'3G LBJa'07 .. .^,^i\^ii >:.• ^••^ v ' '* d^"'-°-«.' V • • '>\' ^'N ' -'.o- .-♦i-^ .1 o o. ^\, • >'°*'%# o<.■•<'.A-"■^*^- ; ^\ °,^^/ <;? ■' .ONG;^ ^:-'^ 4* i>. t) . V-. ; "<:f<^" ,• ^< 0^ .^.''^vP, '^^o^ o^; ''^. ■r ■% :.^'''^^.> -^ , ^ * * ; '"■ *■*'.« o r KMAN RY INC , JUL 92 '> ^< ^. \ '^. «