Gass_t Lc-j—, -J »^ in RECORDS OF THE R. D. CHURCH F Y S T E R B A Y» L.I. rvolverhollow) taken from a copy in the possession of Dr. J. H. Bogart, Hoslyn.L.I, iJi^l. ORiG OF THE H E F n lu E D i; U x C H CHURCH !<• Y S 1' L xl B ^1 Y,L. 1. l'/41 - 18o5 T H i5 ^' L 7 IL a HOLLO W ( K U P. C £. 7aXen trov. a copv made by The Hollarid Society of New York. Transcribe a by The ^'ev; York GeneHlOi^loal and :iiO£raphical Society October, 1912. -1- Ant jo f 1741 Oci;.?,4 Jacob ::ov.,-j9 ^ tToost 3 Gorrit, 'Z 174?> ?«1).21 T'illlan ^" Hoeltje Apr . Ifi A'brahara ^ Apr. 18 J^iesehet * <^ '-la;^ 9 Saera ^ May 30 Gosoinn ^^ June 20 Pieter // .Tnly IB 3todf)l*)ena -^"^ Aug. 14 narr*>> ^^ Geertrixyd 1743(?UTan.l6 Johannla Jan. 16 f^ Catrine '^ (1743^?«j7).13 Wlllftn "^ "ar.?,3 Ilabot /r i)anl«l "7oorhio,T GerrAt Van "-lokftPv^n T,ena Anornan H«nAerAc3% :^«rj<» "aria :-;rinkorhof Gorrit Sn«A«3cftr ^naria Van Arndall^n Cornelia Hoo.r;«landt, '^afira ^afirtnan j««roonAi*niR Bonnit TTe«ltJ« Hoo^elandl-. Al^rahJm van "Voorh^oR ?>tftynt,ja "an fl« Boor Toon5.« Hendricks on Jan Haj? Sa«ra .Loyse Jan Jjoyfl« N«»el1yje ThaodoruB r.aljor :>»ria Rflffolant Ahrahan Hoo£;fllant Anatje IterJ«« /".ypion r.jninnl I'art j e " v oo rt nf;n G«rriLt. Jfoorstrant r^arya Vandnr"bilt jofiRt. T)irJ«o ^ill«npJo Terhnnft TiOiweris J-iTnonso Cornelia jnoBt :-!nolonor f^ornftlia rtn^loflf^ Cornelifl voorh««8 ":rai»> Kali ins Oorn«li3 Voorhees Antle ^Tillfirn Hoorftlandt, A«lt.Jo BrinckRrhaf i.nyokan ''an Voorheon F.tevntj(^ Van de }.oor ?i«ter Xnyntor Paera ^tonfoort Joni.p r«oold«r t< aistc ■"TTltjfi Gonlder Jan Vanderbilt Maragrita Hoogelant ;^oftlif Torhune Jan T.iquipr Janit.jt. f-prinvSt.ficn Jwian Haf h i^ife Ana catrina -2- May 21 ::arya JI^j May 22 rorn«llB Vnorhfton <=^ara ^5 June 24 Sara Jiine 24 ^^ Catrina ^^ June 24 JJorrlok -^^ AMQ, 7 Jan -^^ 1747 Apr.2» HenAryk -^^ Heoltjft ^f Neeltjo ^^ Antje ^^ Al©t.ta ^^ Al)raham ^ ^3 JaooTins ^v' Johannes -^^ 77ill«n - ' Joost "^ '^^ Henderikii.s Harclflnborgh Janotje uorlant Isaac JJfinflon ?ara TJUlet Johannes Van Coats r.atrlna ?:prone ulllora Hocolant Aoltje .Hrink«lhof Isaac Hansen G««rtrny Van di»r hylt. Yan Van A«r "bylt "aragrit. Hoorelant J«r opins Bonnfit, N^'^ftl'tije Hoo£;«lant ATirahan Hon£;eiant Annat.Je T.uryo YooBt Piiryft f.ftrt.jft JToorstrant Krystoffftl 'R' F.n8al)ot, rile Daniel rmj'irft rittl KoeX jonst r'.efoor Catrlna iniryo "art, Hinnftlty '■llsa1>©t rrftt.pjan Pavyt, ;iar?;«)>oon Rara Van Veison Jan Voorhees Lea Sprlnatein r>t,«ft+. 57 Jannetjft d'iJ ATjrah*^ ^^ 1749 Apr. 16 Seeli,Je 5~¥ Johannifl ^^ J>oort7e S^C Jolvanneo "v'an Kaat, ^atrlna "pron ?.arH TJLllftt, Thftodorns Xaly«r J4all« H«ff Aland iBaac Menilryo;5on ":?ill«pe J\vd«r Domenie Kendrionn C'UtS38«n« "yo)ckla«« van KatB .Tannet.j© '^/oert-Faan Johannes Synonsen Tiaryt.Je r^tockholn 34ar1; rhunmiltx '■:llaaV>et, rrltnan Johannes Benn«t, Isla^ ljett%Hn rornelia Hoor«lant Sara -ortman Joo«t. r>«rjfi«» ^«lpi.« Der Hnnou .Tsaan Hennpn CrOftrtrny x^'an d«rbilt. Jan T.nyatftr LiRahet Toorhfies jooRt .'^ofoor ratrvntjft :^'Tirye ^TyoklaeB Van Kat.s Jannetje "'oertnan Hflndrl k '■'.irvft Marya .>rJLn}c«lhnf Jan voorhftftB T^a ?.prin£:aty«n Jacob fonsnon L©na -too)choln Plt«r "«foor Kittle HarclftnT^ereh Johannftfl XouBon, Jr. h T,na, dan. of T'owriR ??yinonsfi Jan '"oftrtroan ^t wife Jannetj*» Let ten johannlF ronnaow A wife !-:attye v/oort- nan JacoV.un Mefonr .^ wijfe rortyo ;'e:foor -4- Joronirnis 1750 Jtine 13 17no Jnn« 13 !?err«t ^-^ P.arr. »o ^^ Annatjfl ^4 Daniftl ^ / Oct. 3 Hfinder JLkUH iS' Jan nor, J« /<5 1751 !iar.l7 Jnoop ^/ ?-!ehlt,(;*»'b«l /^z^ 1751 i^ay 1?. ••aria /^ a err it ^^ Jooflt l)e Jnielonaor Kn«l«R Kn«lo?8s«n Jeronlrnis Bf^nnet :Teel+,j«5 Ho£;clant ToraaR Menrlriolcsrfn f^ara Kvder Cornfiinf? Vnorhooj? iToeltjo Hnc;^-^5int Gerr«t Koorntrant Xarya Vandftrliilt riara ■Pillilf Sioklaf? v&n Xatn Jann«tj<» "'oertraan Johannift ^•"i*n ''ant VfA.^r Van v,;inon .7an Lily at, «r Frftdfrriok /.f>up,nnn riai-a£;ritft -Iara«nh«r{;h )AiJais Koevort rornelia :-erfftr:?on Vrt^derick ''.ynhart TIarva Tan Vnls-on Jacop Konson Lena ritooJchnlm Pavid Aarp«;hoon Far a Van "el pen HendrioJc On^l rdonck Fn.'MetJe Tr«d"Wlant. Jan "' Sc vi.ff^ Antje Tfoorntrant ifikkales ^.etten S^. wli'e Marfjrifttr.a rornnl JohanmiS PypjonRfin ?■. wifo Karytvft ".tockholwi Jeromus Bennet & wife Neeltje Hogelant -6- /oi JohstnnlB /^^ :&rya Oct. 12 1754 -!a7 14 I811SC /^y •Tan . //o 1754 Am:. 6 /// -ara //^^ F«r.nietj« fii :^ov,i7 T)«C. 1 Sara ''/ :'«fi.lfi Season /« Jar? op '."arthaxt. Saartjo P.f*.pi>f>ly« ,THoor/ ?ioorfti;rant forjfiolin 7an ^«Wcel«n Jan Tniyrter ?.l«3ahflt, 7oorhe«B J)anflol Moorf3'',rant ?.tyo I-Iarflfin'S-iirgh .Tar* Vandurhilt Catrynii Brink*! Ihof Jan rtryJcer JohannlF. Xoson Jan Vandfirhilt ??illfsr5 'J'an Tf«lf5fin & wjlffj Jann«tjf» Lor© Freclfjrlfik l^ynhart 5- wifft r'iU-ya Van Velnfin JohanulR KCRSon -^- wif® Karya f?ynon»en fsyjnon Losft, .*< wifo Grlt.J*) Koiik C'frrnt Var V'flkkelflr >% v?l:ffi Lftna Arwrman Petnr T.njrRtpr .?; wife F-ara riofonr Daniel voorheee v'v wife F«;Tir:tJe Jionnot GftTTfit T-rnor«trant; ,».; wlffi :^:arla van ^r Bllt Arirah»4n Brinkolhof ,?; wifo Annfitjft VanAerbelt Jan TToorptrant ?r. wif© ,"^ohannl5 Koaon f- wife -7- ivnf) Jan. 19 P3^ .^«l5.16 Apr. 13 /z^3 Jannfliiy*} /a-*/ 17Sr* Jnnfi 6 AV-T^ahaw /;^^ "^ onaB /a^i' ^iU>. •'5 Ann*3*t Jo /^^ Nov. 9 /<9* r,f^rrit. Dec. 7 /a/ ■71.1 loro /ai/ T,ona ^^^ 1750 -«h.l "arret j« /^y rornolnn ''^^ fSara /37 ratrviia Tan ^Tilck^Ien irjtk ''andca-hiolt i.tye Hoe«lan^ Joo,Mt, .iiij-ye 5.'ilXerapy*! Terhunen Jan •o^ytRUiri.-^r, Aall;j»-i 1. Ulster G arret 7an "♦♦JO-cftlen .unnatjft .'laruenberch Johannls van Pant r. at r *»rja - or •', ;uiri JTan :!«foor '^fla l.u^J'atar Rerrflt VTortnan .Hanrtjti ^^itftraon Tomas *«aAn ^tioAj^o; ii&rytfl Onderdonk Tan Xata f'at-.j-yna .Hjiron :)anfi«l '>ury« :^ryty«* Xonk David XaRfffthnom :*ara "an v«ia«n '■'It'^r '-'an '^'"olRen ?anlnf? 7an '"lkk«l«n /i«*ndrikyft ?en»«in Johannes Bonnet .'so'^r^ 1. J rt ;.«t t o n B«nud(lufi Stftftk '. lypiw ":acl «us f I\Of^ fir R ) CornftXln^ Horolan- Sara ' ortrfi&n Adrean Kogonan .ri.nnatx'« :>flnnot Joiiannis Koson & wife Marytje Symonsen CornoXufj Hogolant & wlJTfi rara v^'ortnan Jan .'oertPian.hiR father Piotftr .^UA«t»Tr, her fathey rara Luistar, "hiPiT TCot}ier. a«nd«rikn« Kardenborp-h h '«lf« ,T«inft;3rt Jan ^^oortman r. wife jvnty« r.tinrBtrant JorlR :'>rinkt -6- "ay 9 /ar Kiinnrik /^7 1756 Aa7 9 AnAarir> ''^'^ Cornelus '^y "opt. 19 Jan "^^ no;;. 17 Bara ''^^ 17D7 }.V)V>.6 Kle8sl)ai: T!arya Af^ Apr. 17 Oorret ^^^ .:-.y 15 Ty«na ^^^^ I'ay ?>9 **The following Magrita F!r«' dr^r io3c •^.;jT;cna«-5ri Janet je TAiyj^tor T>fi.n«fll ''o or Arrant Ityo Ilardenbftrrh Pltar ';oor»^trani; Kleflabet Araerraan ''•lrm<»n "an .''ik}c#»l«n AcLrJla«intj*) "tof/fllnftn rorn«lup .'at Jan yvn«=',rr?kin f orn«l«a Areaan OndftrdonoJc Mary a T'o^ r: nan Jo>ianniB BoTinin .Tann»^^;jo J oro H«TO B«nnot rai;ryna nog^i-lant ?*»t;rn8 Onder^lonok ■^,l«Bal>ei; r-}iank Jan Mftfoor Jan ijiiyster Kl«r>ul)f?t; v-orrh^^es A'brahun ?n«^lk«r S'Uu'va ?;o.-)rf?'ran1: rhrl«t,*)aan fin^flftkor I'tirya :'.«r:i^>n Jan 3hon3c fiftbriftl Ko«k '"l^Ra-oat Var; '"o5ckelen entry is mis sing* - Daneel Noorstrant Jtye H ardeobergh r'oTima F^.ynonn«n ?: wifo rorn«lia .Tyfjqiftr wlfis rieaahot -chftnk JeromftR Bfinnet ♦.: wlfo :^ftftlt1o Hoe;ano«l Ho<;^enan *:■ vrlff? Cat.r'^a onderdonok JoriB B«nnot Ant.lo T^omnon r:i«Rah«t Lono C'«rr«1; van '"ekk*>lnn h -9- Gorrot. IS^ Gerrot, '^^ Lena ^^^ Joria l^f CornftTidt JCasaehoon Sara Tan "^^Inon G«rret, ?Toorsi:rant Tjftna '-too^linlin Gerre^ Van '^i3d":ol«n Annatyo 7ari KardnnT)'Vch Isaao Bogert, J^aar-t; J « IRri;- r <^ 1 y o Toraaa ::ad« (Dodge) Joi-iiinn<--'8 "Ta.-i rant Catr.lna !?oort,r»5fi.n Gerro"!; ^^sn •*''ilf?«»n Margr it y«3 ".n'^de)c«r Paulif5 Van '■'yc]iftl«>n Hendrlk« ?ltftr LiivT>t,«;r PeiojaeijJ*) /^^ Pil;er van veln«n 17S8 Apr .30 i'.ay 14 .Tiil;/ 9 :art«i ^5^/ Alr«ina Araerraan Adr«aan nnderSonck U wife r^axya Hfts«nan wiiiflpi Van VolR^n ? wife ,TannotJ« Xoj?e Jan HiPTnBftn ^ wif« Anatyo Piter Luyster >vryan Onderdonok C «rt rny H<^{:enan Corn^luB -Hor-f^lant •■ wife Para '"oorrfiaon Treileriolt Byn«nsftn Gerryt '"nedekor l- v^ifa -xo- r.arya Ar F.ept..l7 1758 Jul;' S''^ Oo+. .15 Kese //r Johanna /7^ Mlmien '-^ Anal;y« /arA AS-f Atis.19 ?.lir,a>)f;'!. /f^ net. 7 A^rahara .♦s /fo Goertniy Pitor /^/ not. 20 L£adfjlftna y^x^ i^'oy.ll J.erjr-or'; ^^^ ^edorvolt ?.e"nhaert, T'arya ^«lsfln Xan ')«nnit ?.ara Xu^Ftter '"•fttrnr Or4d«r«',on3c ?':iiRai> rtoffenon Harrianif? AflTnnon Prilojf ^a«nt Tan "ofnor YAa Lvynter G err it ro«rtnan r>j*ra ''^itorren AlolclafiR Van Katf< Tannlte '."ocrtraan yohi^nnl^! V.c^rvs^ yannete Lor.e Abraham :>,rln:telhoj? TTarya Miller yooflt "ofonor ratryna 7)Tp^« AArla«n<\onJc Marva 'iof;onan r-otT^m '^Ti^ rdonk 'llBahftt "chonck Yan 7:t;i dor l>llt Cutrina T?rin)celhof r-anlel "^Tonrstrant ICagrlt Hartenbwre: Vr.nnt Mnfjfttnan r.««rtn;jr Xeffort I<>ff«rtsftn Anatft t.lo}cDan« 7r|:llera 7an V*fls«n Cfttryna Tot ^yllew Leten fv wife "agrite ( xhjiXiiXkjui^<^u^ Yan PvftTnRtan .*c wii^e Anatvft Hoeolant Plt#»r T,.Tivpr.fir 'c wifo catrlna .i.ot Cornelio Kogelant «? wifr, rara Wo^rtnan ?".ara i-lartf^naf) laank I^omaon '^ wife G««rtniv Van cjer hilt Ante f .-^'/.■'.^..; >V' '''•' ' ?iti=ir Tjtiyfittir 5; wife Catrlna Lot -ai- Gerret '"^^ :-;onse 1760 Jan, 6 ran '9^ Jan. 20 ::ar. 2 May 11 Ccrn-slls HendrllceFi Catrina Jacop PanliiR 7an "'lc3ckftl«n ^ar.UHl '"lolc r.RtrinR :'Jlll>ir Hen.. H.; ..; iiv Ondi:ru,onc> wlJCf* Catrina Tot TlHinrik«R J*iirttenl><» ere ^ wife Yannet© T/orlarit HarmaniK Toalcjan 5: wifft HehecJcna :;^^l■■rot;Je 'opt. 88 Icaan ::arc-rltl;a Oct. 1?, Catrina .TfiiinotJ« "'oortpian ,Tnhrtnni! •vr5onr<5n- T'avia, T^ton Lona 7un '.Tlklcolon A"hrahr4.n Birynlcolhof T^ar^'a *'jyllr.r viite. rorni oa T-ftqiej WilloTn Tarat,y*» rons«lye ritor T.nyf?tor ^, wifft Catryna lot -1^- llert c-r C err It 1761 Juno 4 JTloTclcifiB 7an '^at.8 Jannotlft Toortnaa Yan PanXnp 7an '^ynkolftn Earol Karya Toojjt He£;ornan ( Itye Yan op Xof5f?on Yan Ao"1.a Honron Oct. 23 Voont "efoor r-atryna Jmyo Keelt> Nov. 7 Adr i ap n 5'o ^.anan Annatjp Bonnlt Yan Yan Anpr-iar, Cornfrlia Slmion F.lleal.ot, 75ec.l5 YAa Vail cl*-;r bilt Atrahari ^•ylh'^lnln ;'on.;;»rlant 1762 Apr. 4 Yan "'''an T^nrtrant Sara Yan :*«foor Yda Ininter Yannltrr Jnno r.7 Tfraao5c Bnop-ort Sara Happ*»lyp Frederick rypgn^nsfin ?.: d«ue:htftr, T^s Corrit '"oortnan .*c v^if** Sara ritersen Yan RemRen $« wife AnnatJ#i Hogolant, Yan HoMB^n f<; v?ifn Annat.jf? Hognlant Geer^jri^' ""ndardonolc Adriaon r.»£or^.rm .*> wiff> Anatft Ber.nyt Ante riogf^lant Yoronian van dor bilt i: wi:f« Sara Van Erunt Abraham Hongolant Isack Remson & wife Geertruy -13- Ante Yannot jo Aixe. 1,1762 Antp 17(,." Jan. 1 ::ar. J>0 Tiarrit 1e Apr. 10 Roodft ;!a7 7 Sara, Catrina JOORt, Cai;rina 1763 Jnn« 19 Doortia Jnly 17 S.liBii))«t; AinojTian Llisaht/v. "norh««« Gerrot "-'f.j! Vi^lson .r>avlt, T,^t,en J^jia Ta/i "'i'O^^kftlen 3)anif;l Koorst.rant i lar £;r i *; o Kar t o nl>e rg 3era. "lok Catrina ;'?,lXor I«&ac ?,enp,tin,^r, J^aj'ixnf ; t J f> Tf^lheronB J'alup Van -yckelon H«nd«rike R«n8«n jiyckklfvo.R vun Kat.» JamiCliJH oertwan Yan MojToor Ida LuyRi;«r " ■vyl}i<^,li!ii^B "oogeiant ^hruhaa T/rinlDBlhof :4arya :-:ill«r :-it^r Li^yr.tor ?eifU5i« IJonnet Adrla«n ;iO£;«rcan r:ib*»r!;« lioorfltranl; T;anS.el Vo.'irhftes ^ '^llom Van "kelson ft wife Yarinete Los© ?it«r Lnipiter t< wife Catrlna .'.ot, Adriaen Hoc**^^n *; wij*e Doortla Cndftr- Aonk YohannlB July 17 Prederynk Oct. 55 Marya Yflrouiiris 176^. "..'■I'r 23 Kynnfi 7an r>yokklftn Adrian nt« ^toffolnon Fred«^ryck r.oj^Rpn "j^Trri% I rarde nb« rgrh &6rr«t ?an ^ikkolen Ruinate Hartf!r5"ber£h Jan Bennyt Sara Lnyst^r Jftronljrma Bonnlt i'^ v?i.f e Tft«lt J« Hoof^-a- lant -14- Daniol Johannl« Jan Banrlel r.arti Josep 1764 A\r. 6 f-orj.ciia I.:aricrii;« YohaiiclR Oct. 4 Co::;0 1765 Apr. 15 Cferryt laapj Fobi Mai" t f: ■Ut:- * Jan Voorheefl Joost Ko«e«nMin fTan An*>j"inan A'hrahan xo^son r>a.ra .tonnon (5 err it 'rtoortnan Tara ?ltf»rf5«n ,Toof?t :'o:foor r.'itrlna T'niryA JacoT; 7an Horo*;rant CornfilAa "7a*i '^vo'kkftlen Kt^n :4«foor .TdR VftTirt«rT>5.1t ?larta ^try^ftr T^arya JjfitPin .Tan ^nriaw T.ona 37i»iftnp«n ■^ftrtjp *'ooj*P't;j'ant "^li pah fit: j''i.m*»r?nan Anatn ATnoman .Toofjt 5'n«<\«*"ker Aeltjp Tan *''7«X»l«r. Joj.'vB Tio^r^trant Ant« A«inR«n ■ Hfinflftrvk fender donJc F:laon Van Xa'^.s yarinfite '^oej'trnan T,anPiPto ^olhwPKiR "Daniel Voorhefi« * wifo TiTftrTinetfl Bnnnyt Slhert Hegeman Maria Kosson Jan Woe rt man J0S6P Haecf'^r'iiin .^ daiirjhter , rn san na Yaco"bes Sudani & his mother Marigrita Sudam Gurret nn.^di>:er 7; wife Carfitina T.i^ Isack Hemsen & wife Geertruy Van der bilt Catrina Onderdonk -ia- i;s.niol Aug. 4 Sep f;. 15 Jacop 176G ..«r. 9 yu^i^r i r, c ; :ar At) nT; «r £ G«rrvt. "-'a-n Velson paXuf^ Van 7.':r.v.< .ion Sara Pitr.rn^/i >Jl"wO 3)oorl;ia 1766 :.::r. 6 i^me Jan vooj*h««R Jan fjudij'^i ,Tohanni« Bonnet. .^< isifo i'^ir^e :iiy 4 AnnatH Hartenlx^Lf^ Jan :4oni*"!or1; ;)an5.ftl ''lu^rhoen Jannt^tje 3,u7F:tor May 25 ■'..■yll«K! jo/i;-n;)«:>^i A«lt,ye '7an 'Tyjcfjlf-n Aron ■']_■ Ke 1 1> li a A'^u": man ''firia reyrjonnon Ann«.!t j.; 1766 J-oly ZO Miir^ti Aljrali'-m '^ct. IK Johana Deo. 6 AA>*:i.iit-Jij 'vi^t .u*,n 'gheri. j« Van iior sr.rant, Ahrfihf-n Brinkcrhof Jiary I'^ilar ?ara Kar>#tly#T ^ylholl«^r.yfl Hoogr^lant Marya He^jHiaan Jan '"OjumJc ::il«a]5«='t Jaton Pe tenia HecaTnaji ?q vrifo Antyo Koognlant Jan Van :rof5jr-p.t,rant J>^^vf;c i, ...t;:.*>n V . ;^r^i- f;J~Ff^t;ft Ketftlyi wlff* of T'yllen Let, fin -16- Antjfl Ad«rivafin ;>£nyn&n Annaat.Jo Bonnot, Ileeltje 1766 i)eo.2a Jan ?onn«t, Sara 7.uyfll;©r Johannes Johann«» Tmirvri Henni "^ett Johannes Johannes ^yrn^aon Jenyme P.o£;£:«rn Jan Helena 7an "yck^lon Hendt^rlok 1767 Apr. 1.'^ .T^a*»nm6rt, ?ndara Saara Heeenan Gerrit. 1767 May 11 Jaonp Van Tlofltrant riornfilia van "'«oJcftl« Johanna Abraham oelrnfif?a« T^arya >5ay rvl Jacoh Marar:rif!t,a ' Juno Zfi L<3«nQchJLo Cornolya Para Cornolyufl !iara2;rl*^t.a Boortye 1768 Jan. 31 Jacob Cornelyiis :!ar, P,7 Marya Tjiten ^Vndrean n*>£:onan ".'Uirya ^^yn«BJ9*) Darld Van Hoostrant Marya De«n« JJanJlel Derye •toraj;rleta CoJce J^nif'l .''oorptrant. r.ara{;riot,a Rardonborch Jan Mlll«r T^na i^^tookholpj CariBtoffol Tynonf! ^\,elchle HenR«n Jan T'eAan Lena Fyn««Re (^«rr«t Van Ve3.f5« TviaragrJleta Reyde jooRt, Monfoort r.atryna ^«ry««» Saimi«l v?ae]c«R Cat.ryna "illftr Tennis Hocolanrtt, Antie Van ^ooRt,ranAt nylftmpye ?firhiin« Jan Let en -% v?jlf« Tj«a S«ynonsft Hen Aery ok •^ndam ^: wjLf« (ieertyn Heyvfirne Jan T^t.en ft not.her :!araf];rlet,a Kotela Sara '^nanfl Cornelius Hogelandt wife Sara Woortman -17- Jan Steven "ohf^nok Geertye Coko Jan Schenck & wife Maragrieta Hegeman Rem Frederyck :'^boouw !5ararri«t.a Rardenhfireh Rem Hardentergh and sister Jaratje Jore» Jan Kenson Sfira Van ( ) Jores Remsen, & wife Catryna Voorhyes I^em B«nn«t, Aron "^yrfjoRB^ rat,ryna Jloo^i^lant, Jeronf»pniP ;>*>nnet, ancl wife -vntlo "oorn- landt Zagaryns Japiyraa Hocers }>larat.y*» C-<^7rr<^t Tort nan "ara ?etor«« T«:arya ::ay 15 Jan Lnistor r.lJlBahet, Voorhyfifl Jar;o>)"af5 T.uister w wife yxirju rioorRJrrant Catryna rr«rr«t. Van "'lokolon Annatlft Haj?A*inl>erch Catryna Jo}iarjn«s? T>erye Anna ?ret-.t. verrit, Juno 1?, Christ, flvaen ?n#»cl«ker Aeltjlo Van A«r»dal*»n G«rrnt faiodeker ?«t July 10 Jan ^ci).fir\-« Van ''ats rchar«Il r-ynosse ^-. Jacoh '■•ov. r;7 Jajinanhio .'oortnan J)avid ijfiton Lona Vein -iok«len wif« Fetometjf, ' 'ortnan Pei;j.nxB 1769 :iar. 19 Jnnf?t "fi.^oinan Petrus Hegeman -xr*- Apr . 16 July 2 17o3 Nov. 19 Corn*iXlTw Karye. A^itt?J 177 ! ^TJ^„ 19 :^arya. :-;iif»^'«th KyA« ^Toh^rmo** '-''an A&t .Tan J>ni8^".*»r n^j-rrst; "entrant ^ -15- Jan Itoy. 1.1 ::arya reo. 9 :,'.arii£;riftl;a Antye 17'/ 1 reh.17 T/Oa 1771 :.'el..l7 Helena Apr. 14 JSarya T>avid .''\«na Van "ickolftn Jor^f? Benn«t rai.1;rina Boongaercl Aron ^yroenso Catt.ryna '{oogolandt .Tan '^chenok yilBahft-h T;«ton A(lrya«n ^'.nhench ^Io«lty« Bftnn^t (lolyan P^ynome .Tanatlo f'nw^an Jan ;!onf nort :^ara 7an '^ioJcelon rorrftlliifi ?.«' am Ant,y« NoRt.rant, Arniati.^ B«nnet TTfieltye 31^8ic) J«ronerans ?f^nn«t Catryna Jan v.olenart X.ena r-">too}cholrQ .'Ibort; 1771 Ang. 18 JoRt n«£;eTnan rtillorapl' 5 IQ rharfil Tftryo Hannah Van Onntrant. Cornolia Mov, 7 r-^jlnnft njtAan Catrina ?!lnonR«n Catrlna Crdrrit 7'ortnan Isaok Jan ?«ptf»on Arr«ant,le r'arhasoo ?.ynif>r AT>rah£i-r. !\#=>nr>ftn fatrina .?''«r"har?oo loaolc I»aok Kfinsen errot 8 JaooT* "'an "*lckl«n '■■larya T^oor^trant Joha-nnos 177 r. Peh .26 Jan r>ndara Tjftna ?-7TOnnson Jan roJionck dauf;ht«r J^a Helena /iinerpian C'«rr«t. ?v'fiRt.rant & wif« vyntifi Lnister JoBt '^iftryo ,*-; wife '.^ill(>nri*5 T«rh\ine G«ertrn7 "^anclorli^lt Sara Van Leuwen Jaren !ioorBt,rant & Vfifft Antle Hermon Helena Anernian -20- Thopjas T>&niHl Hflrarfiokfson KliB&bftth 7>vc\or Jan Onrrst Van "ricklftn Ir^ftltio H«lnniR Koo^<=»lant "aria Kftgftrruin 177?. -.-.av 9 Aflfixfian H<*f:<»rjan Kl)nr"t.i« '^^ "'oorntrant Pfttrns riisa^ftth Aiwrwan Jan ratrina'^r Jan ATie.20 jooBt ?inftd©)tfir *.ltyo Van "lolcrlen 7;oY.?.2 Jan :-^onfoort, fara Van "ickftlen :Tinen Jaoohns r#»dan Adr<»7a#» van ''«cko] Jan 177,-5 M«>).4 parid T^t,on T^na Van KJLclc«»len Hcwlor Jan ?.ohf»no)c Johannes Frederick ?^yTi0S«« ?.!arya Lott, Joost, Arr.24 Jor*»n ])erye ?,iXX«r:yenti« Braainboo Jooat Jaoot) Derye Farah Rini-!;h Adreyan :j!arya Boon^art T.ona 1773 Jiinft 24 Jan Mol«nar 3>»na Stokholn Pemnotlo HendrlOc vandfir>>ilt. Kllsabeth Vftr^fi da-i;,';;ht.or ".axya Joost 7:f»ry« ^: Mr. wife Wi3.1finpio Ter- hiine Annatia Bonnet Jacob J/fiten ?5 ^Ifo j^na :'too3d\oln Gabrifll Perye V wifft F«Fieti*» Hos**- landt Aelti<5 Chrifitoffwl Tines Aoltlfi !^fl?ison -?.l- Adrelaen Jooat. Her^epsan Goftrtniy' Hoe;«jnan 1774 Jan. 7 ^orrftt, ".'ort.nan Sara Peterse Adreyaentie T^arya lott l?re«l«riok A>)rahrin "yne»o« riarya T^i;on :'a^ 24 Jaoo'o Tan Wickolon Harya !3foof»t,7'ant; Garret, rserret, va.n '"lokol^^n Annatjft Karden'bero:!! I sack Cattryna Boocf>rt TTonderloXft Jan Hardf n^erch !R«11« Blrch*»n 1774 ?3ay 24 J-«na Syraftflf'e Gftrret Antye Foorni;rant : larva 3)anlrl IToors?t.rant, yan.'itlft Androna KiwBchon Anne 7allontin« Annati© Jan «7«rojrinf? Bennet >Iarya Pohonck leack Ahrahan Ponnon r-atryna Harhafic" Jan Oct. 11 Jan ^«li«n«k Sara JToostrant Joost Joojjt Fnftdokflr Altifl 7an '"iok«l«n I>aniel Gaiiriftl w«ryo ?eTO«l;y« Hnnr;landt llar&tyo "ioklaoj? Bennot Maria Ji-eryo Gelyam Symesse wife Wyntifi ;,uyr.t.«r I sack Boo£;ert <^ wlf« Para Rappely« H«nc5<%riokar> HMrAiiii- horijh >^T wlfp Jannet. Dorlandt C-erret TTonrstrant NoorRtrant Jacob XiBsnhoii ?.. wjl T^na St.okholm Annatie Brush Jan Sohfinftk A; wifo r.ary£:rl«t,a H«e:epifin Geertmy van dor T>i Jan ^chonck ,*v vito I'arycrJleta Hoc^nan Dtinirtl ':)0T-ve ^: wife Maragrifita Kock Johannes TJennet *.- wift! :-!arati« Van Let. en '?.?.' Vernaht, ( 1 1 sio f 1775 Apr.fil Gorrot !'07ifoort •'.Ida ?!7de Andriep riop;«man Johann«B i?3Ped«rlft>: Jaco"h 'Rrnhard Catryna :'eoen Marya ■Tlllran Jiftton Ftara^rlota 1775 Apr. 21 "ly8al)et)i July 2 '"ilhelrms Honeolandt, Harya He^oman ' lisanoth T.r.t;on Hendericlc :':anfar ("^^ Marya Kooptrant alnno '^edfij^ f^ai;ry)ia riy*r>onn« Johannof? van Catt, »ster All<^n nendrlck ronflrickn«n 'llliiwo Bra&in>)0» rJores T)ery« Jnlv 7.0 Helena Xsack !)OT.. 1 f^ornftlla 1776 Feh.ll Jogna Ant ye leaok C^T'drtniy :^j>r. 7 "Mll*jr3yntlo T^raawljon T)avld Let. on H«lft^ "an ""Ickelon .■'^t.riiB *i«£:rtFiajri '*arya BonnraT^, Jaool) Voorh««s Xsaok RePiBon Jan Hardftr*bfrf;h }•*« lift Biir chf ;rn Joran ?-«nrj«t f.atryna Bnopirart T"«iynf5B Booc;«rt; Andr«yan He£:«PB.n Krhortle Fop pt rant :.!iiraf;riftta "ardonlier^h pewrtr^jy Onderdonk Karla Van Velf,*in PfttrynB Noostrant A wii^e '*lysa>#nth Arwnaan Janati« "rrortman T>anlftl TTftndrlnkf^ftn KlynaT)f»i;h ?ydo ^^.lllTun Jiraarahos f^ wilV Catryna van Cat iBaok Booneart *; wif«5 Sara P^pp«ly« CornrilAiiP ^'edar; ^; wife Antio Koatrant his dau.Aeltie Remson Anatye Hardfinljf>r(;jh Isack J^opert ?■■■, vita Sara Rapr.rjlye Peertmy H«c*>raan -2r.- ?!l7Rahftth '"illian Lot. on Apr. S8 A"hrahaTn "une 15 1777 ;)ct.26 I panic 1777 '^ct..?,6 ?feolty« Jan Cattrvna "aye>:e Andrliifj 1770 )nt. 19 ?.li«a]mth -Iron Scharoll J008t 1778 0<5t.l9 Jaco1)«R r.ei^api Aflreya*5nti(} Var* r.lokfilen Marya Pchar^l Peryfi Karjijah Van nooflt T)avl(l J,f>tnn Hftlena Ya.n W.lnk«lon HolT?i«n Hoof;;olant T'^arya *-r«r:«nan Kl^*'*^^^^*^^ Tftt.on An^yupi Hep:ftinan :/.arya Syjn^^Rfie Abram Hemp on Cat.tryna Bvaraboko s<^hr*»l :^yin*»»?« J.,^na ryra«pp'-o r»err«t Tlonfoorl; "yda T?yde Adroyoan Cnf^erdonk Xaj-ya K«>g«nan AnArfiUB ;*<^f;f^-.pian Dnortyo "or fonrt Pfttryej? H«£;«nan Hairya Boor^^rt Tnyrw^s hoo^i.rl: Vejnotyo LiiiRt.or Al'oort, Van "os^t.ran'; Sara IIi*r;«nan Ahram SymoBHo narya Lf»ton Jan "jlller .TohanniP Kianon .?; daugihte-r I 'aria '^lllempie ?erhnne Kl^ort nft~nrnan Jan H«nn«n Janat.yo 'Vonrtnan Jaoobwn Hyd^ ^i hlP wife Kayc3c« "'illimfi*? Cll7.aV>el;h Voorhees -cavi'' I-IO'jireR Eietii Pet or Abriirn Jor«fl B«nnet, Catt.ryna HooQfiTt p«t«r rionfoort ThoraaB Bur lack : liXfi^rXfit^ L«1; o n Golyan HymeBse Jawrtja Sadara Corn^linn Jieilan Antj« ?;no»trant Gerrot, .jonfoort "yda Rydfi A>>ri«Q JieyriHon Cat.tryna Bar'oanco ¥jitv-8. fyifseflBo Kondryk r-'iedam and AAr«yaont.i6 r.edan Jacol-jfif? F.yde and "ayko ^viH^w-no Marptriota Krianw Janat.y#» '^oortman i I sack Bongert ,1- wife ?'Rra Hapelye laaok 7-;nor;er-i. .*v wife Saj'a Kapelyf^ Cat.tryna Tierje Helena 7an Wiolcraen ••■'oTireB "yrvioRnf! « hi?^ datx, Cattr^Tia -25- Fernet Je I^arya J)erye f^ytle Jacob voorh.<^on G««rt,ye PeAan Grieta Hert..J>4 Ant one Tan JTo wl^« ?4«rBC5 lie Geertye Hendrickytft AX) ram Cattr^na Marya CuflRon Janatvo Jlarta f^yraoj^no tTan Hoof?trant VTyntje Jan ? p.ara NooRtrnnt Fernnetvft Anai-.yo Hardon1iorr;:h Johannes Joh!xnne« Bonn Marretje Hennat. .ila^flalt^na. Marya Bocort Antyo 1761 T'ar.lO Albert 7an ".Tnr:.t.riir.t n&ra Fies'^'nan Annatyf> Bftnno Sara i«g,„ rtnr Corn«lii).p. 'In or; It Ian t, :^liaahet?i Lrtyni, ar Sara ^Tnortnan Tsilliratye "/illf»raynl;i« '>r.'ia?nT)o?! 7)anlel Jan !?ydo :4ara^;ryet;a 'ror-f^rjint wiffi ::ariit;rl« berch F.liKalieijh July B Alle"l")arl;yt^r ^ar do vvut,erB Klisabftth r^Mllnian •^llll^in Saranel :\cfA :?arar-rl«ta "nsson KTefleriok J*in T^oftV)' rgbertyc Van :?ofltran-t; Johannes Richard ::acoR 'iarya Hynard ^!ary& :?5ari ''«! Geertyo Oerret ^ooptriint f^ornelia :)cry« Wllholnrttsi John Covert Oattryna Hoorlant, Abrara Kogelar '"'OY'-lQ TT*^ ailiaHerieCTan 26. Cathrjiw leack P.enc.lo Jacoh Hemaon !^o'h»>oka Vonrtman Catt.rjrnn, JXiryR Aelt,yfl J*«inson '%'Olirr»r! William Marya Sohenok Marya ,Tan Sohenc>: y X i sail «t. h r.« t on Adreytiftn Janatye Ker^fm^n Abi'j.Tn 178Ji ,7nX7 14 JaooT) Van "'if'.kfll*)!! Maria 'Tocptrart Arifl ChrlBtoffeJ 7yr«>« A^ltifi H'^rfiRon Henry Henry >!ah« Anty*^ fat; Jacnb ;rar5o'b Xispon ?5a7*a BaraT>aPoo Sa&rtye Xasparia Tyrnis "'o^. rrjp. Aeltye S«pt.8 Jan riisalwith ' :lisal)eth Ferae tyft Jan B acknp AoXtvf: Rf-ny'on (J«rret I'onfoort ?.yda r^'yS.f^ Cornelius "^odani An{;ye r^'^^nstrant Potrtr T'onfoort ?^"ara "nxjr.f.^r ?ot<^r . f^e«rt,nii Ondcrdonk Frank Arrastronc L«»a Symenne Kiifjanna Lot on Jacol* !'aho Tu'Sirafjry+.a Kinson Jan T,^i; ?■ wif<^ KliJ5aViiol;h Vonrheen Jan Lnyntor *< wife Klir.abotJi Vnorheea Peter Lr^y^ter ^■o wife F«raf!t,y« I'.fsiinot ► 27. Janat,;rfi ^^einaon 1782 ^V)ca T)ec.29 •^JLllinpi BraanboR.Jr. 'Mllljbip;'"e :)eryet I sack 1783 Apr. 20 I s viok P o n^ fir t , Jr Ajmatyo Poor;«iandt Jan Cornoliup Tlno^elajit JOiiarineR ra'i-,i;rina ■•.efi?.'-er Jul- ir. A"bran T'onf^'^^-rt Henple do RonsiH :^ara£;rieT,a Jacol)us Jan ;^7A«r •taria Wil l^nyn '^; i o Brtvanh o« Jan F«L. 5^2, 1784 Cattryna :;l"b«rt }I*j(^«man Atrani !!arya, Johancn Apr. 18 Willon').i.f; 1784 :'a;r 16 Jail June 13 John Covfiri. Cattrjna Altvn.t Karya ^ Janatvf»)T5T;*,arA Saroiiftll :-:oi:t ".^aracrvftt.a 7:i.«sfion '^■' ill.-lrjii jiri^anb o 3 , Jr . willi?nplft 'V^r.-f! H«net.h Monfoort Anatyo Benjwt 5vara KanelTr** i-:ay3c« Willi«n»e Jan ?onnot, .^ wife Sara Ltiister Abram Hoogelant , Jr , I'larya 7an Velse Janat.y ?.f»c^an 28, ■elena Oct. 7. "ara 170.0 riar.lS .kron r.enory J^aoo^ Van T Ickftlmi ;!ary& noort.rant ?iioJclaef? Schonck Cinertrn;'^ Cnu«: .Tan -Ranson Thomos Biirloftk iUiragrif.ta ;.,oton :-ioo£;«lant Jan "^ohencJc Sara Van "'"'or»trar;t ^oro« ;:onfoorv Annaty« Kardon'bQrch An^uyaen OnclerdonX :"a3\H Barabasco I'Jarj'a Hecf^t'ian :-".arn v.iiyFtter ...iroyaan Jiino 5 T'hortaa :tl«}i»)l Tllilfrlj'niS Abrain Hoocolt'-nt. :: illlara July 3 ,Tanai;y«) -.«dam Anatvn Marya Jana"fc^« A«MB<^n Jaoohen ■i\'llliiun Jul 7 31 Hlohftrd i!apnn Cornalii«? Actonh- At;:j. ?.r, ♦Tiu'yan Hofx IsacJt Jan i.acJofts Aftlt.yo HfjnF,on Caiitryna : 0V.13 Vi^n Katts Ifjack Noostrant ?*,arya Hec^pian Marya KoBRfthou Areyaer.tyo redan Jan Her.non Sara Cornoliiin : onrolant 29. Anatyo 1786 Ffer,.19 Mrch 19 Jan Jos ftp Karton Jan Lnjlf?t,«r Jar. Tsan)r Van Kontrant >!aretye July fJ .'^ar^i >>enn6t Anatye Benn^t Aoltyc rornf Ija. Alls. 13 ,Toro5? 1785 ?.(fpt,,XO Jaool> 170n not.B Sara .To}irw ?*illoni«n^lft BrfiaahoBch ?et«r Mnnfoort; r.ara "i.nyr.tftr JfiTWR Ofkicer Tilc."kla.^s r,«h«ncJc Joseph ?]e;;:firoan Janfii; 1 e H ftp ! l;m .P«t«r J nyfsljer Gnertyf) (!nd«rAor?ok "ioklaen '-;«.ir)«1; KfxriT&. '■ieryo Allfthort Van i;u6t.raht H«nA«riok "ftoaw An^yft -Top t runt Jaooli Van Viok«len T-^Arya N'ofii;rftnt, John Covert". f^a'-tryna Hor^«:>lant AT-jrahsiin Hofjelant, Jan XniFtter ^-i v,iffi Klyfla>,ot.h Voarh.«ep. Chrintcffel Tywasj Rem Hegeman & v/ife Eyda Vander"bilt Annatie Bennet J)anJlol Kostrant fv wife Kara£;rl«t;a Hard«iitj«r£:h A"hran Hoftelant Cattrina Hoogolant 3f:. Jomia Jan Haj'rt Goertxniy T) Hee«nan Jucol)e» :4a£:aal»» Hegoimn Aatye 1783 Jan.?/0 Antenot.t« Mar. 16 Jan Van d«/vf;v)r Jtine Oahiin Cattryna Derye Jan Tanderbilt Cattryna Brinkerhoff Tunes Hooglant & wife Antie Van T\'OBtran Cat;ryna Derye In t.ho Tear 1??^, .-tl) ■,-. - ....• i:.. ule of Jurit , • .. .o ohils^j-fcn woiv* hapti7.«A; t.hft firnt, nario<*, ^netjLo, and the second ncwnor? Frftd- erlolc, and tho third naivid ^.ara, : }u> iffather was '/linhard !--aflon tpid the laowher Janotie Kjii/u-rd, (KOTK:- For conv«nlenne th« copyist repoatR these namftr. In the follcminQ f^T^^a^yk^-rm^l-rti-T^^ oiitr;^, vvhinii does not appear in the orii:inaXj 1775 Jun*-, iir.' ) Sara Jan 17Pfl 15^0 bo. Apr, (i«rt,i« Jlemloriksnn Jan C-fx^rtift onoftr don f5>: Hanra'n , < f.jartierAet,R :':n«non An lye Jan Cot. f> Liurya 6 err el. nee . £r> 1709 Jari.JX 7?illi^im ?.o«lof 1789 ^r.!-. ;j Jaoow'iW Ji-iCOO ::arflt.y*» van rr-tt, JacoT>e8 '^';.'Irvn HonrtftrJ.«3cfi /I«{^wan Aoraj-a Ilooc^f la.nt ?h«"bo Crookftr Ja;'«R l:ekicor ".ghortye van TTontrant Joft*«p}i uorto.n •T&natyr* Bfirra^anco '^illiiOT .r^x-w-boRch "/illlTnpift T'BT-vff K«ja "o?'.t,rr.rt Marya 'Toortman Jiftn&«rick r^ Anty« ^OBtrant T-'ar7a J'^erv^ TH"iniel Kar-r-c3-7<^ P^ara Hegenan Gerrfii; -!orir''- ort. :^;yAa .lyde "ioklaes r chenck Bytifi ?,ntann T-iaiierd I-Uir.on Jamit.ya Jiynhard -Tuiiatyft Har do nbftrj^ ;."arya Hecaman Q:v.rre.-h ...-.(.rtman A wifo Sara Petorne C o.artyfi i-odam RoR !i«p:«P5an 8^ wife y.yda Van d«r bllt. 32. -liRa>j..t,Vi 'tilllaa corcsrt. :-W 17 (T*im*t,y#f 7JL"*».«5 Isack JacoTi 7fvn .'ickolon .lunfc -.C >larya Hontrart rhj' i f t oXiU) X ? ines ^T^jfiity. Sara Jan 1790 yiiru?A Wl IXoM^mt i o Braanb or oh Corn«linff Hoo£;t-l:int Cai.i;5'yna 3nyr,tor Al^raw Boocort 7:.H « 1 1; le JIoo^;, Ian t '/ho?t!H5i Mitohel ])oor1;yo H©c«nan tTan '7a.n Aer ^'oor Jane OnsV'OJi fOsborn?) I Back -^om^r.rt ": duu. Janv.t,-.'^,' Jor«« iia]!oi;'o JoR«ph /-ftfjfiPtfin !!ar.;.l Jan»n<5k 8ara '3'an "or- 1 rant, Kelona : .aya'-' r iota t.« t on K«l«nft "-'an V-ifi)c«len A'briin 1790 :iav ;: A(lreya«ji Japi«»s 5Ior<: Jajri 'Toortinan nai;'.,ryna J^er./f* Geertruy OnA«rdonk Jan Convert, liriiia ::onr lant; t, U3i.T~ra. ■■Trtr<:-.-'ar Alarar^i Jan ';riii;m. ray f' Anatyiv Hoorlant. ?«t,er Honf oort 3Bra I.iiyfjter ATirara Hoo.<;:lant ijidereya Hogojarin -.lonifoort iinnojm .Tnref, r'onfi'ii^rt Phebe Burtes I'iar' a 'aT^ ^iirr.on Anderviis bo. .'^1 T;f;f!.178^ uari,25 .InXv 1790 vS&ra 1791 Vf,);J.3 :aiHaT)ot;5i Jjanlol .'ay 1 •"illiiuri Annatyo '^li8ab«i;h 1791 Mav f>9 Helona Hf;lr:nis July 24 Corn<^lJLuB Jan Jacoh Oct. 16 Jan T.Tiipt:ftr T>ny»l(>l rr-ppl;ro Antyft 'Toontrarjt Ayjtyp ^Bn flf»r >5llt H*»nclfir i ("k ' :rl nXorhof T'in5claoB '^rtrnot, ;%aTya "^T^ro <■ oriJr^linn "'onr-or. Ant** "^an r'lf^kfrl<=^n Alh«rt. "onntranl; f-sra !;firr<*nnn ''ioklann ^ohenok rorn^llr.n Hnor>;Xant ■^llnahoth '.xiiptnr Jan 7an d*> Vof^r Janp nfiiirn 5?.aTya V^or^f^^fiTt Inank TJooRtrant I»'aDrta ?.vmf'!f?f?« Jaooh Hf>nfjon jHcon '/. Xon i'ar va '5 '- _ , r^anlel Koo«trant ^ wife :.;;i?:a{*rieta f5ara Anal;y« "iirdonbergh Maxya Tiegonan ?narai;-r?.!-~.,ci. .T-ianR j.RaftiC Boop:o!rt 34. Jan 172^ Jun.i^^ ,Tan Van Bruni; I;~*uc]'; ;>ooe«*rt 1792 Joria .M«rvft '" ;it^ #»ntry arj'«arR thus: 3.79?., ^i. ch:llu vfafi ■^aptjL:s?ed ft ■i-iriOvL Hoftlo.f^" 'h^ Ttithc^r in JoriB ?'6rv<-:, rwi.i t.ho mother 1792 ^U<^ ?;7 Atu'cn -tur retrnf; 179r; .>n. 1 Joris Peter !^!a^ia 179:: j\ay 7 r.a'f;}irina i^f)}»asoc Hen >ionr»ftt r.^rr^jfif^on Isa^iC Koorstraiid Corn<*lia ?om?!on Al»rarr; ' 'on rr; or 1; "llliaio r^arnh Briftkorhoff AftV/viooa v.'oj-tirian JoJianriifl Kiahou, .Tr . .Tohn !*cC"aeor) .Tflan "o£;**jQan cafiai/ja ;roos<^land LuHra>i Ilacoratin A.i-. ''i^n Hoorntrand Lttiiti .u*'''»<)n '.'ifij-xa Hoo£t>land,wJld. Mariii ('^rl Jerri i^ Antjrfl Tan "^iolc^ltm H«nrtrio3c riiivdar. AntvR Van ^oorntr&nd f orn< .linn "Van PoIr ;)an io 1 :in orfilan ^'c3or Pt rand V rtsta Hardonbereh 'ii-rit:. Hoogftland.wid. ..i.,.,.. ; .TnrRtranA wifo Oct . ^7 •Tarif^fs "oorr> i" i i^r i t7 Ht-i ndr i fiksi or 'arir. .Tohn Van dorort. 1794 '::^-.:^0 V^-IUbt'--' Annat.7« Ho ore land Ah ran j>Jir;"oa "uwanna .■{)«h«volno Thomat* "l^ch''! T5oortl« He£;«Mftn .TaooTniR ; ;ny!":t er ?^arah B«»nne1; yann'^tys Happwlyea 36, Caty July EO Isaac Aug. 17 !'argarit Aug. 17 Annatye xiug. 31 Susannah •'ov. 9 Catrina ^ec. 7 Jacob John Tec . 28 Geertruy 1795 Jan. 6 George I'onfoort ?"eby 3urtus Isaac Van TTostrant Jan Schenck ^arah Van Nostrant John "ortnan Cathrina ""uryea Jan Luyster ■-lizabeth Happelyea Cornelius P.enisen Antye Van enklen Herri t Van '•eklen Jannetie Syinessen Daniel drinker hoff "aria Luister Peter luyster GeertrTiy Onderdonk -lizabeth Dodge Cornelia Bogert, wid Hate Hardenbergh Antye Luyster Sarah TTicklaes Sohenck 3eytye mans John 1795 neb. 15 George Hensen Sarah 'alters ■■"eter Apr. 12 Jeromus Luyster • Mare tie T^ennet Yannetye I?einsen 'Teeltye Abraham Bogert Neeltye Hoogland * Henrietta :.'.ay 24 Daniel Eogeland Sarah Latten Anne ::ay 24, 1795 Charles Van Seys Ileeltye Stilwell itnne July 5 Garret Bennet Sarah Horten Geertruy ^lUg. 29 Rem B. Siraonson Anthe Hegeman Johannes John Suydam "lizabeth Sirnensen * Ilrs. Daniel Hegeman of ?:oslyn. She died 1885. 37. * John Covert Sep. 24 "illiam Oct. 11 David Oct. 25 Antye TJOV. 8 Jane 'lov. 22 Jan. Dec. 6 Gabriel D\iryea Farnmetye Hogeland Jacob Latton Janatie r^ogert Cornelius Suydain Eaohel Van Ye Is en John Covert Catharine Hoogland Ahraiu Snedeker Yannetye Rensen (This John Covert may have been the child of other parties - or may have been an adult). Antye Suydam, wid of Cornelius Suydam. Getye Jan. 4,1796 Neeltye Jan. 31 Rebecca Feb. 18 Hendriok Apr. 10, 1796 Hannah June 5 Daniel June 19 Jan July 17 I^aria Oct. 23 Dorothy 'lov. 25 Geertruy Jan. 1. 1797 Jacobus Joseph ::rch 26 George Kay 7 Cathrina Tiaria Siiydam William Bennet Cornelia Duryea Jacobus Suydam Rebecca Rite Hendrick Suydam Anthe Tlostrant James "oor Charity Hendricks on Abram Duryea Susannah Debevoise Jan VanDeVeer Yannetye Osborn Wilhelmus Suydam Ilaria Keschou Garret ronfoort Ida Ryder Jacobus Hegeman Cathrina Onderdonk ^'ieter Luyster Geertruy Onderdonk Joseph Hegeman Yannetye Rappleyea Daniel Duryea Cathrina d^ . Jacobus Luyster Sarah Bennet 38. Daniel Laton June 4. Daniel Hoogland Sarah Laton Mariii Julj 2, 1797 Isack Bogert Annate Hoogland William John I^c Queen Jane Eegeman Althe Aug. 27. George West rant Aelthe Times George Oct. 22. Hen B. Simonson ^inthe Hegeiiian Grace Hertell Oct, 23. Jacob Laten Jane Bogert John sov. 16. Cornelius I^anaon An the Van '.Vickie n Antye ilaria Dec. 17. Darid Care 11 Jan. 14, 1798 George Mrch 11. Jophet uipr . 8 . Abraham Apr. 8, 1798 Petrus Onderdonl Kay 6. Catherine Crestina July 3. Gerret Cornelius IJoT. 23 Jan Luyster Elizabeth Rappleyea Jacob Van V7icklen Maria ITostrant John Covert Catherine Hoogland Isaac Van Kostrant I" art ha Same ns on George Rerason Sarah 77alters Janes I.loore Charity Hendrickson John Van Deveer Jane Ausbun Jacobus Hegeinan Catherine Onderdonk Johannes Simenson Llaria Van '"icklen Angelhart Ourstraat Crestina Francy Gerret Bennet Sarah Horten John '"ortrnan Catherine Duryea Chare 1 Simonson Fenmete d° Cornelia Duryea,v/ife of 7?ill. Bennet 39. Fame tie Oct. 25. Wilhelmus 53ov. 6. Hendricks Apr. 7,1799 IJicholas Apr. 7,1799 Isaac June 2.1799 Annatie July 28. I^Iene Johannes Cornelius Margaret a Aug. 25, 1799 Dorite Garret Sep. ?2. Hebhecca Garret 7an Wicklen Jannety SiTnonson Elbert Hoc gland Willempe Deryea Cornelius Be rye a Gabrael Deryea L'inne (Jenima) Yan Kostrant Famety Hoogland Rem Kashou Llaria Bennet I sack Kostrant Cornelia HeTSon William Bennet Cornelia Duryea William P. Xuypers Cornelia Suydam Hendrick Suydam Antbe TTostrant Thomas I'itchel Dorite Hegeman Johannes SimonBon IJIaria Tan "/ioklen Hoelof T. Schenck Febe Mitchel Peter Oot. 20. IJaria Jan. 5, 1800 John Maria Aug. 17. Thomas D02cys Dec 28. Eliza Annaytie Jan. 10, 1801 Maria Feb. 15 Albert Petrus luyster Geertrue Onderdonk Jacobus Hegeman Catrina Onderdonk John r.iller Maria ir-artlings Isaac Van Nostrand Martha Simons on George I'onfort Fobe Burtus Gerret Suydam Maria Valentine Jacob Van 'Tickle n TTancy Snediker Isaac Bogert Annatie Hooglant Maria Van Wicklen 40. Sarah Feb. 15, 1801 John Catherine Vanderbelt r.!rch 15. '!aria Apr. 1?? Sarah Floyd June 7 iVilliai;! Jiily 5. tnne :.'aria Aug. 2 Jan Bennet Cornelius Deryea r^inne Van TJostrant John Luynter Kli^iaheth Rappleyea Cornelius Suydam Ida Rappleyea Gerret Van iTofjtrant Sarah Valentine John Bonnet Maria Hegeman David Laton Helena Hegeman William Deryea Mime I^odgerB Johannes .Sinonson Maria Van TJioklen JacohuB Luyster Sarah Bennet Fame tie Deryei .^.nthe Van TJostrant Isaac Ludlura Aug. 30. Peter Oct. *'Iaria 25. Karia Oct. 25, 1801 Elener Dec. 20. Febe Jan. 3, 1802 Jannetie Llrch 20 Helena Miller Hendrick Suydam ^vnthe Ilostrant Flhert Hoogland 'illempie Duryea John Vooris Febe Bennet John "iller "laria '..lartlings ^vbraham Duryea Cynthia Voores Jacob Van ''icklen Annatie Snediker George ?.'iller Cornelia do Jannetie Snediker Andre is I'rch 28. Susanna Ondertlonk :-:ay 23. Thomas Mitchell T orate Hegeman Peter Luyster Geertruy Onderdonk (Kote. * married Samuel Thorne is v?ritten in pencil.) 41. Ida Vanderbelt June 20. \"illiara Schenck Daniel Sep. 12 John Bennet Tec. 5. Joseph Heeeman Jannethe Rappleyea George Deryea nelly Schenck Janes Hegeman Catherine Onderdonk Daniel Eeryea Catherine d° Peter /i.rnstrong i:rch 27,1803 John Johannes Bennet Febe ^a*nstrong Gerrit T'ostrant Sarah Valentine Anne llroh 27,1803 Isaac 23. Hendrick Apr. 24. Cornelius Deryea riiiae Van Kostrant John Van Kostrant Febe Van "'ioklen Ren Kashou liaria Bennet Anne Van Uoatrant Thomas July 10. Joris Thonas Mitchel Dorothea Hegenan Isaac Jiogert Annatye Hoogland Jacobus John Voores Febe Bennet Klbert Hegeman Sep. 11. George "onfort Jenny Hegeraan Anney Thorn John Bennet Maria Hegeman Annate Oct. 9 Gerrit Suydam L^ary Valient ine I7illiam '"illien Ber/net Febe Karia Nov. 6. Ture Feb. 26, 1804 Cornelea Deryea George Duryea Elizabeth Luyster Gerrit Van .icklen Jannetye Siinonson John Siiydara Abigail Kilse xinne Suydam 4?., George Feb. 26 Maria j:iisaLetii June 17, 1803 Sarah ^>.nn ^^lisabeth and Ann Apr. S2. 1804 James Voores July 15. Elisabeth Karia Andreas Eegeman ^iUg . 5 . Cathrina Garret Oct. 4. Aaron Jan. 27, 1805 Jane nrch. 24. Darid ?ebe i,!ary Jane Apr. 21 Hannah. i:ay 26, Nicholas F-lbert Hoogland Willerape Deryea '"illian Deryea Jemime Rogers Georse Turye TTelly Schanck Cornelius Suydam Ida Rappelyea James Hegercan Cathirine Onderdonk Abraham r^eryea Cynthea Voores Gcrret nor.trand' Sarah Valentine George Bennet Susan Travis Rendrick Sui^'daiji Anohe ]^ostrant John Van '.'/icklen Elisabeth r.onfort John Van "^ostrant Febe Van 'i^icklen John Siraonson Maria Van "ioklen Gerret Van "'/icklen Jane Sinonson John I'o Clue en Jane Hegenan John Voores Febe Bennet liOures 'li'raonson "ary T.varje Come litis Durye Mime Van Ilostrant George 3ennet Susan Travis Maria Bennet iunthe Simons on Cintya Siraonson Cathrin Luyster Sfiary Bennet 43. * Sarah -^nn JtiQe 16 Sarah AtJg . 11 . Sariiel Sarah TIov. 2 Hannah ■Toy. 3 Jane Dec. 1, 1806 Walter Hancj Jan. IJ^, 1806. Eoeloff Apr . 6 . Jane Xlaria John June 1. ji-trahara June ?9 Daniel July 27 f-lhert Stephen Sohenclc Sep. 21 J nines Luyeter Not. 16 Anne Jan. 6,1807 Cornelia Laquier Jan. 25. Daniel Koogland Fehe Coles T^illian Duryea Joniiae Hodgcrs Abraham Dtdryea Cynthoa Voores George Ilonfort He lien Van 'ioklen Isaac Snediker Sarah Spriner James I'.o Queen Ann Horten Janes Hune I'artha Benson Isaac liogert z».nathe Hoogland Daniel Deryea Catherine do George Teryea Uelly Schenck George Deryea Elizabeth Luyster John Van Hostrant Feby Van wicklen George ■'.onfort Jane Hegersan Gerrit Tostrand Sarah Valentine James TTegenan Catherine Onderdonk ■"illiarr, Tiennnt Catherine filler Johannes 3ennet Feby Armstrong John Vt.n "iolrlen 'lijcahftth :'.onfoort Cornelius Suydain Ida Rappelyea (*written in pencil married Berry Carpenter) Sarah Luyster 44. Tilathaniel Hilse Ilrch 22 Catherine Joseph ::ay 17 Eelly Isaac :'ay 18 Susannah July 12 Ann Sep. 6 Charity Dec. 25 Gabriel John ^nyclarn Abigail Hilse Cornelius Duryea Jeriime Yan Tloorstrant .vdrian I'-itchell Catherine Meers (Myers William Puryea Jemima Podgers John P.enson Cornelia r;uryoa George Bennet Susannah Travis John :.'.onf ort . Helly Duryea ^ihrahaia L'uryea Cynthea Voores Tunes Dxiryeo. Zilphe Kide Catherine Eoogland Jane Dec. 27. Sarah ::rch 13. 1808 Cornelius Renson Isaac !;ay 8. Ann Luyster llary Smith John June 5. John r'-iller July 3. George r.emson July 21. Abraham IZonf ort Aug. 20. Agbert Tan Nostrand John y.c nueen w.artha Starkens Jacob Van ^icklen nathe Snedeker John Van Nostrand Pebe Van '^icklen HeliDUS Bogart Sarah Valters George Deryea Klizaboth Luyster Jernniah Kegenan Rebecca do John Voores Febe Bennet Willian Bernet Catharine "'.iller Isaac Snedeger Ann Snedeker Sarah Spriner f Springer) Isaac Bogart Maria :'.onfort 45, John Fet. 13, 1809 Nelly Apr. 9 ■ illiara Daniel T^appelyea :;ay 7, 1809 John June 4 Janes Had is on John Yan Tlootrant Adraen Mitchell Catlirin Meers (::eyers written in pencil Isaac 3ogart Ann Hoogland !<-0Tiric5e Simons on Catherine :'.onfort Cornelius Suydam Ida Rappelyea George :'onfort Helena Van "icklen John "onfort TJelly Duryea Cornelius Ttiryea Jeffiina Van MoBtrant Eliza xinn June 4 Sarah Tlicholas laton July 30. John Luyster Sep. 24 Thomas Peter Oct. 22 Hannah Dec. 17. Peter Luj'ster ?el3. 11, 1810 Peter Mrch 11, 1810 TIelly Apr. 8 John Hyde George Sep. 23. James I-lo Queen Ann Horton Georcfi Bennet Susannah Travis Johannes Bennet Fehe Armstrong Daniel Van V.'icklen Saru.h Luyster John Van TIo strand Febe Van Wicklen Bogart Sarah T.'aters Jacob Van "i'icklen Hannah Snedeker George Deryoa Flizabeth Luyster John Van 7icklen J:iip!abeth I'onfort "'illian Bennet Catherine '.'-iller Tunus Deryea Zilphe Hyde Isaac Bogart Maria Monfort Haria Bennet Catherine Hyde 46. Joseph Hem Elizibeth Oct. 14 Ann lo'ay 5, 1811 John Jay Catherine Jane June 1 Annate onfort July 28. Eiram -i^ug. 25 Albert Sep. 22 Jererniah Hegenan Rehecca do Abrah^n Leryea Cyntho 7oores Gerrit IIoRtrant Sarah Valentine John "o Tueen I'.arthe Star kins iVllliam Ber^ea Jerairae Rogers Tunis Hoogland Ann i-onfort Cornelius Imryea Jemlna Van I^'ostrant Aaron Van Nontrant Sarah iioogland Cornelius Hoogland Catherine Luyster Gerrit Van ^icklen George :'onfort Oct. 20. 1811 Alienor Van .Vicklen Abraham Oct. 20 George ?Iov. 19 !£argaret .i.nn ^ipr.19,1812 Villian Laton Lanlel Vt-n .'icklen Sara Luyster John Van TTop.trant Febe Van -icklen I'-Oses P.eigel Jane P.emson Adrean Trostrand Sarah Laton John June 14 Gerrit '^onfort I-.lizabeth Luyster Gerrit Jacob Van 'ickltm Ann Snedeker George George Rennet Susan Travis Henry July 12 Nicholas Llaby Sarah Monfort George T)uryea Hary Ann July 30. John T.'onfort "elly T^uryea George -'onfort Jane Hegeman 47. Andrew Atig. 9 L'ary /^nn Aug. 9, 1812 Natie Oct. 4 Janes lie Queen Ann Rorten Darid Saruinis ?ebe noo{jlana Isaac Bogart "uria I^onfort Cornelius Hongland Catherine lujster Maria Oct. 31 Eornelius Suydum Rachel Van Hanntih Van Trickle n Abraham Dec. S5 Hoelof Bennot Pllizabeth Ilendi-iokson George Jan.' 7.1813 Isaac !!ary ^i.nn John Bennet Adrian I'itchell Catherine lieera Abram Bogart Ann luyster Abram Dnryea Cynthia Voores Jeronimus Van VooreB Hannah Hendrickson u Hoogland Cornelius P'Uryea Jenima liootrant George "'ay 16 George Pniryea Klizabeth Luyfiter Catherina Ann Ha^iTinon !;!ouria Suyda^^i Sarah //ortman ?:iizabeth July 18 Sarah Aug. 15. 1813 Margaret i».nn Aug. 22 Samuel TJOT. 7 'iartha Jane Nov. SI John Bennet Dee. 21 Garret .-onfoort Elizabeth ",\iyHter Garret Koorstrant Sarah Valentine Johannes rjpnnot Phebe Arras tj-ong Tunis Duryea Zilpha Hide iohn Van Jlostrand ?hebe Van . icklen Adrean Luyster Phebe do AbrahaHi Feb. 1.'^., 1814 Hen I-Iafihou Ivlary Bennet 46 < Mary Ann Apr . 24 F-lizabeth George "ionfoort Helena Van V.icklen Jeronius Van Voorliees Hannah Ilendriokson Nicholas ^illiarn Hoogland John Travis June 19 Sarah July 17 John "-onfoort Sep. 25, 1814 iinn 'ov. 28 tJane Jan. 1,1815 Sarf^h -^nn Hulef Bennet Elizabeth Hendriekaon David Sanuais Phebe Hoogland George Bennot Susan Travis Garret I^Ionfoort l-liaabeth Luyster Nicholas ::abee fiaraii Monfoort Adrian Van liostrand Sarah Lay ton Abra}iani Dury oa Cynthia Voorea John Bennet Ann Tlostrand Mary Rennet :,lay 21 George June 11 Ann Jul:; 16 i'eter Luiator rhebe do Cornelius T)uryea Jemiraa I. B. He.^eiQan Catherine a ens on Garret IConfoort Elizabeth Luyster Tunis Hoogland Car.harini^ Luy a t er 49, L'argarat .^an Apr. 21 John Arnstrong Jime 30 Mary June 50 RvLlof Bennet zabeth Heridrickson John 3f>nnet Phebe -iarastrong Relntis '-.ogurt Saruh "alters Andrew Hegeman rep. 5 John Vernon Sep. 29 Ann li;ia Oct. ?7 John 1.0 ;-.rifien llartha Ftiirkins Willian :-ooglanA Maria Verron Niohclae abf'e Sarah /.onfort Annata 'ec. 1 Sarah ^..nn rec. 15 T:lizaboth Apr. 27,lbl7 Gsorre J^apnlyea .Tur.f: 22 Klizabftth Schenck Joseph July 20,1817 Henry Sep. 14 Jane Elizabeth :/.rch 29,1818 Cornelius ?erason 12 Susan June 21 Helrnus July 8 Cynthia Voorhee AUg. 2 John I-anittl .rcgart Ll&ria Luyeter iy,nna P.aj-pelyea Phebe '.Vrl£;r;t George ^onfort Hel^r^a Var. Vic-klen Pe-^iOr Tuynter Tr^e'cG do Jor.eph Hegenan J^ali Tan ''o:?':rand "Ibcrt Hngernan Maria Onden^onk John Van t'oor strand Phnbe Tan ■xcklen (Teor£;e Monfoort Jane Flegenan John T. D. B. Hegenan Catherine Per-.son George Turyea Elir.abGth Luyster Helmns 'ogart Sarah "alters ^ibrahain Euryea Cynthia 7oorhes John Tan "inklon -Elizabeth 'onfort 50. Daniel and Johannes Sep. 27 Garret :ionfoort Dec. 21 Alfred Jan. 17. 1819 Charles Simonson Apr . 25 Mizabeth June 13,1819 John TsOstrand July 25 Silary Alonzo Phebe F.lizaheth Sep. 12 Catharine Oct. 31= Jane Pec. 25 John Cashow Klizaheth Underhill "lieholas .'abee Sarah r.onfoort .'.'illiam Hoogland I'ary Vernon Joseph Hegeman Jr. Leah Van "'ostrand Peter Luyster hehe do George Hensen Gertrude Luyster .^ndris Bogart Susan Luyster "'illiara Duryee -Iseny itman John Van Nostrand PheLe Van "'icklen George .Monfoort Jane Eegeraan Jeromus Van t: ostrand Maria Cornell fctohannes, witness Darid Schuyler Bogart Hot. 21 Thonas ::rch 26, 182 J George TTostrand '^ary '"ay 21 Susan June 4 Daniel June 18,1820 Tov/nsend June 18 Johannes Bennett rhebe Armstrong Thomas Hyatt Catherine Monfoort John Bennett Ann JI ostrand John Monfort 3elly Duryea Janes Luyster Maria Van Nostrand Daniel Bogart I'aria Luyster George "uryea ^i.nn Suydam 51, Daniol Oct. 1 Garret 'ionfoort Elizabeth Luyster Catherine Jane Oct. 22 Tunis Hoogland Jr. Catherine I-uyeter Andrew nderdonk Dec. 31 George Pniryea Elizabeth luyster Louisa Jan. SI, 1821 Jacob Van. "'icklen Hannah Craft Tunis r'rch 4 William Iruryea -•'^Isy "itman Phebe -:inn Mrch 25 Peter Luyster Phebe do Elizabeth John Bennet Ann Uostrand John Slraonson ray 30 Andris Mc Queen Catherine Simonson George July 15 Rxiloff Duryea ilary ^inn do Jacob John Van '"icklen Elizabeth !"onfoort Phobe Ann Sep. 23,1821 Charles Oct. 14 James Henry ?T0T. 4 William Duryea Benjamin Dec. 25 Jane C 'irch Caroline 24,1822 John Spafford Apr- 14 Peter "ay Luyster 12 Peter !IoT. 24 Williain Hoogland r.'.ary Vernon James Luyster !!aria Van Nostrand George ''onfort Jane Hegeraan John Remsen Anne Duryea John r.'.c lueen y^irtha Starke na Joseph Hegeraan Jr. Leah Nostrand Isaac Ludlum I'.iller Amelia Hendricks on Johannes Bennet Phebe ^j.rnstrong Garret 'ionfoort i:iizabeth Luyster 52. Jeromns 27,1823 Cornelius Pec. 20 Andrew :.:rch 24.1824 i.!ary Jane Apr. 18,1824 Sarah July 4 Al'bert Ida Ann Sep. 5 r^lizabeth TTOT. 6 Uouris Sinonson :!ay 25,1825 Ann Sep. 11 Jaraes luyster Ida Ann Oct. 2 F.lizaheth Rapelye Oct. 22 Garret, 4,1814 John Hot. 20,1816 Oct. 22, 1826 Peter Luyster Phehe do William Hoogland Mary Vernon "illiani 7)uryea "-Isie "itinan Ludlum :. iller ^uaelia Eendrickson John Van Vicklen Elizabeth :'onfoort Hulef Duryea "ary Ann do Joseph Fegeraan Jr. Leah Van TTostrand James Voorhis Catherine Van "Ticklen Laniel Hegcman Ii'ary Jane Simons on Peter Luyster Phebe do Ttmis Hoogland Catherine Luyster Garret I'onfoort J-llzabeth Luyster --indris rogart Susan Luyster John "onfort ^inna "icks Jackson J!ov. 5 Williara Hoogland Mary Vernon Janes Adrian 'Tot. 5. 1826 Daniel Hegeinan Mary Jane Simons on Isaac Isaac L. Miller Amelia Hendrickson ''/illiam Henry Apr. 22 bo. ilrch 16 1827 Tunis Hoogland Catharina Luyster 53. Sarah Jane T^ay 18 Jacob May 30, bo. Feb. 8 Kary Dec. 4, bo. Nov. 17 William -^pr. 19, 1829 bo. Oct. 10. 1828 James Luyater July 26, bo. Jtme 30, 1829 John Sep. 14, bo. July 16 Andrew James Feb. 21, bo. Tlor. 18 1830 1829 Klbert l^TOh 30, ho. Oct. 6 *1829 Sarah Jane Apr. 18, bo. Jan. 25, 1830 John r.ay 2, bo. ::rch 1, 1830 John May 28, bo. Feb. 26 Albert July 4, bo. liay 2 George Rappelyea Sep. 12; bo. -i-ug. 4 Janes Oct. 21, bo. Sep. 13 *1830 Peter May 27, bo. lilrch 31,1831 Mary bo? Tirch 31 Peter Luyster ::iiza IS OS t rand Garret Bennet Karia Van Vicklen V.'illiam rioogland liary Vernon Daniel Hegeman Kary Jane Simons on Tunis Hoogland Catherine Luyster Aaron Simons on Leah do Andris Bogart Susan Luyster George Duryea Ann Suydam Garrit Bennet ]!., Van V'icklen Peter 3. Luyster Phebe do Garrit Simonson Julia ^i.nn Smith ii.ndrus I'g Oueen Catherine "imonson Joseph Hegeman Leah Van 'ostrand "ouris Simonson Catherine I'onfort Daniel Hegeman liary Jane Simonsen Aaron Simonson Leah do (* These two dai;es are written in ponoil.) 54. Susan Klizabeth June 12; ho. .Jan. 15 Peter ^iUg. 28; Lo. July 26 Andrew llay 17; bo. Feb. 6 1833 Elbert !T0T. 8; bo. Feb. 8 L'ary bo. July 21 John Luyst-er Jan. 9; bo. Oct. 16 1834 1833 Williara Hoogland Kary Nostrand Peter 3. Luyster Phebe do Garret Simonson Julia Ann Smith John Van Cott Mary Voorhees Daniel Eegeman Hary Jane '~imonson Andris Bogart Susan Luyster "our IS :!rch 16; bo. ^Tot.27 *1834 *1833 Andrew James Aug. 5; bo. June 25 1834 Catharine, ho. July 26 1826 Garret Suy darn, bo. July 6 1834 bp. Not. 21,1834 Aaron Simonson Leah do Peter 3. Luyster Phebe do Rulef Duryea Hannah F-uydara (These years are marked in pencil! 55. Record of I'arriages by Henry Heennance. 1826 Dee. 16 1827 Jan. 2 lirch 11 1828 June 2. II II Dec. 31 1829 Feb. 10 llTCh 11 1830 May 10 r.ay 12 Hot. 30 1831 I'rch 14 Sep. 11 Dec. 21 1832 ITov. 27 1833 !.:rch 6 1833 Apr . 6 May 4 i;ay 25 Sep. 8 Oct. 12 Garret Bennet to Maria Van '.Vicklen. Daniel Titus to -^nn Van Vicklen. Peter Tjostrand to Hannah Burt. By Jas. Otterson. Aaron Slmonson to Leah Siraonson. V/illiam Dunham to I/lary Ann Cornell. Darius Clark to Anne Hicks. Henry V.abee to ..nn I'.onfort Hoogland. Garret Simonaon to Julia -mn Smith. Elbert Ketcham to Fanny ^mn Carpenter of Hempstead Harbor. '.Villian Hoogland to :"aria Nostrand. Isaac li^ott to Diana Tappen. ft'illiam Verity to Sarah Totten. Hempstead Harbor. Abram Duryea to Phebe K. Hicks. Korwich. John Van Wicklen to Anne Tlostrand. Daniel Lai ley to Lydia Snedeker. Jacob S. Jackson Jones to Rebecca T. Jackson of Jerusalem South of E. Hempstead, Peter Vande'/ater to Glorianna I.'ott. James 3ond of Hempstead to Kllen CoTert of H. Hempstead. Daniel Smith of Hempstead to Leah Ann Van "ostrand. Hiram Duryea to "ary liakens Garrit Van .Vicklen to Phebe Bond. 0«t. 19 lor. 23 Sec. 1?. 3«c. Jil 1834 Jan. 5 Zez. 21 Oct. 26 13; 35 Sep. 21 0«o7se aosnrs to Baaejr 3oaA. Xoorls 2iqrdBA to ?:«tii«r ?e«lcB. Hctert i. SiUlecle to 2^r32i .=>&2 La-jtoa* Thocaa Squire tc .-.llzaiieth .^rotten, Zea^^toaA 2&jfWr. 3&enel "^eeks tc Je&naettc£7. lA-niel Tas ~lcxl£s^ ''olTer ZoLIcw, to rUlxabetb TrualLej, Tedar Jacob 7ac lc>l z : : -letta 2cdataa, o^ '7Ht«r 2ecj. SmoT aa7%«« to Zarj ^lalra 'i':*, sett of To1-»«t Oct. 13 Jolm Jaj Z.lirLr.^-.'.z. '.' ^r^.i^ ~. ::-illl:i*-:r. --.'.i 57. The following Records were copied from Diaries of Peter Eegeman, son of iidrian and iJorothy (Onderdonk) Hegeinan. He was born 1748 died Oct. 11, 1841 at Cedar Swamp. And by his uncle Peter Hegeman, son of -Adrian. The following Hegeman and Cemel records v.ere on a separate sheet, the upper portion of which was torn or eaten. The first two lines which probably gave the date of ^idrian Hegenan's marriage contain only "Hegenan net raeyn." The remainder is perfect. (Note in Dr. bogart's copy). 17 '4 June 3 1708 May 28 1710 June 29 1712 Dec. 10 1719 July 21 1686 Apr. 29 1679 1681 1683 1713 1699 1704 1776 1780 Peteres Hegeman was born; baptised June 9. Feianetie KeQerrJxn was born; bapt. liay 30. Josep Hegeman wan born; bapt. July 1. ^^.driaaen Hegeman was born; bapt. 13th of same month. Tiaergrita Hegeman was born; bapt. xiug. 4. Adriaen Hegeman was born in the year 1680, Oct. 29, and was bapt. the 31st of the same month, and died in the year 1747, February 28 (say 1747). Maria Camel was bapt.; died Jan. 30, 1728. Gilliam Cernel bapt. Aug. 23. Corneles*Cornel bapt. ^^ug. 14. Jacobes Cernel bapt. Not. 11. Llaergrita Cernel died July 29. Jacobus Cernel died Aug. 18. Corneles Cernel died liaj 26. -idriaaen Hegeman died Oct. 5. Andries Hegeman died Feb. 17 ihere is an_e written over the £ in Cornel, in pencil. 58. 1782 1799 follows: 1776 Oct. 22 1777 Adriaen Hegeman died Dec. 6. Dorothy Hegeman died May 22. Death Notices give date of burial instead of death, as was btiried the Body of James "onfort, Jan. 2 Garret Duryea " 4 George Van TTostrand " 18 Susanna Rappleyea, of Cow Neck. Feb. 8 Kordecai Koberts, a soldier, died, ilrch 9 Garret Van Tlostrand's wife. " 15 Greeehe Duryea -ipr. 14 Peter Leister, Jr. " 18 Greeche Crocker May 14 James Leister " 16 Adriaen Bchenck " 20 Cornelious Hogeland " 28 Anne Eagenan June 4 Kelly Sennet " 9 John Bennet 22 Polly Sniffen July 25 Joannis Kasshow Sep. 6 Garret Van 'icklen Jr. 1778 Mrch 17 Thomas Mshmore Apr. 26 Samuel Prier July 13 Henderick Hortenbergh Hot. 22 77ilhelmus Hogeland died of Small Pox JiOT.21, Dec. 20 Benjamin Kirk 1779 Jan. 12 V.'illiarc TTillets 59. 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 Ilrch 25 Apr. 7 24 June 23 Aug. 17 Sep. 17 Not. 30 July 19 Dec. 28 29 Jan. 6 16 18 June 15 II 17 It 20 '>.116. 9 n 30 Sep. 9 H 30 Not. 10 Dee. 28 liay 9 TJOT. 23 Dec. 1 Jan. 25 Feb. 7 Garret Vander Belt Jacob Yan Sostrand William Williams of Jericho Lena Tan '■'icklen Isaac Hushrcore Jost lionfoort Sarah Happelyea had a child buried. Sarah Ben net Prissy C dwell Mouris Simonson Henderick Van der Belt Sarah Renisen Thursday night. A sorrov/ful accident happened at thq Widdow Vander Belt's a gun went off by accident and Kil'd her oldest daughter, and vjounded the Vfiddow in her arm. Jane Hortenburgh William Smith of Cow Ueck Joost I/'eryea V/ife of Peter Sniffen Joseph Coles Wlddow '.Villets Capt. llott's vrf.fe Nioajah Townsend Joshua Hortenbergh Anne Wortman Istiac !^ickenaon Adriaen Hegeman. Pied Dec. 6. John Remson Sr. Joseph Hegeman. Died Feb. 5. 60, 1783 1784 1785 ilrch 2 ri 18 n 27 Apr. 9 Jiay 17 Tt 17 June 11 Atig. 3 Feb. ?.l n 24 ti 28 Mrch 3 iipr . 15 It 23 Kajr 4 n 17 July 30 Aug. 12 Oct. 13 Dec. 14 If 26 Feb. 22 !:rch L 20 June 1 20 »i 29 Juls ' 22 Oct. . 18 Susanna Townsend Hendorick Van 7.'icklen r-lizabeth Onderdonk Cornelia Van Hostrand wife of Garret Van Hostrand William Crooker Obadiah Lawrence Thomas Pears all Thomas Prier Zehtjlon flearcan of Jericho Anne Colwil Sarah Dodee, Cow ISeck Gilbert ".'rlsht, Jericho JooRt Snediker, -olver Hollow Catherine J. Kasshow Anne Hi'onfoort Catherine, dau. of Peter r.onfoort Sarah Sedain Amy Downing Jane Onderdonk Anne Coles Anne Tilayoee Chc.rity Hegeraan of Cow ITeck Jeronus rennet Sr. Garret Snediker of "'olver Hollow Catharine Tle^erian of Cow TTeck Peter Hniffan was killed by accident by a log in the woods. Was buried the 23d. Joseph Coles 61. 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 Hot. 14 ft 23 Feb. 23 " 27 llrch 14 Apr. 28 Axig. 11 :5ay 11 lOT. • 1 Jan. 24 :jrch 25 Jiily 3 n 8 Sep. 19 May 14 ft 15 June 29 Sep. 9 Jan. 11 ft 26 ^^pr. 29 tt 26 ?Iov. 26 ft 26 Jan. 28 -^ug. 13 Sep. 17 Jeremiah Tander Belt at Flatbush Villiam Bennet Joseph Craft Kem Eeinsen, from Kings Co. Died rery sudden, between Crocker's and xibraham Ilonfoort's, in a sled. Daniel Plegenan, of Cow !Teck Sarah Sogart, of vVolvor Hollow Sarah Prier Sarah Ti'illet's Charity latchell. Died Oct. 30 Henry Dickenson Christa Snediker, widow of Garret Snediker Seaman Sniffen Xe^jia Coles, wife of Isaac Coles Solomon Dickenson Thomas Dodge, Sr. "lizabeth Onderdonk l-olly 7an "ioklen John Van TTo strand Anne Onderdonk, of Cov, ?Ieck Joost Hegeinan -^nanias Dov/ning Doctor Janies Townsend Timothy Townsend Samuel Townsend Phebe Hoogland (nee Crocker ) (wife of Abram "oogland ) Timothy ~ His on Jr. Fdohard Alsop 62. 1791 Sep. 19 1792 lilrch 19 Apr . 1 June 16 Aug. 29 Sep. 17 Oct. 22 1793 Jan. 26 June 14 July 6 8 Aug. 25 Sep. 7 8 Oct. 24 27 1794 Jan. 22 T^rch 9 ^pr . 14 28 Oct. 6 21 21 Not. 10 12 1795 Feb. 2 5 " 11 Widdow bright Elizabeth Leister Sr. Thomas Underhill John "Aonfoort, at v;heatley Jacob Titus Thomas Xerby ^».ndries Hoogland (died Oct. 20) Martin Schenck Townsend Dickinson "illian Frost, who died very sudden iliolly Luyster Pe.trua Onderdonk, of Oow 'leck -ariche ~>ennet Fhebe Coles, dau. of Jacob Coles John I'itchel Nelly Hoogland, died Oct. 25 Adriaen Onderdonk of Cow ^eck Charity Toorhis, wife of Jacob Voorhis ''.illiani Laton 3r. ."oily Hegenan Sanpson Crooker r.lolly Onderdonk, of Cov/ Neck Laniel Deraelt Catharine Sinonson Sell,7 Bennet "oily, wife of Daniel "onfoort Cornelius Suydam John Hortenberg 63. 1795 -ipr. 27 ITelly Boogart (nee Eoogland) ILay 17 Lanau Laton, wife of John Laton 1796 Jan. 13 Georg,; Mennet i:rch 13 Abraham Underhill " 30 ?:iizat.oth Dickenson i^pr. 3 rldmtind Biokenson June 20 Sariiuel V/eeka " 27 John Van nostrant at "ast T'oods, son of Garret Sep. 22 Nicholas Schenck " 22 Nicholas Sennet . Not. 20 Abraham Hemsen " 21 Magdalena Titus (nee Hoogland) 1797 Jan. 2 Isaac Bogart " 25 Jacob Van ''icklen's dau. Mr oh 7 John Crooker I."ay 22 Sarah (Tatting) wife of Taniel Hoogland July 16 Coles '.'udee 1798 :!rch 28 George Hen.sen of ""olTor Hollow Oct. 5 Abigail Coles, wid. of Joseph Coles " 25 Charles Siitionson TIov. 2 Jane Valentine " 15 -inne .lege man, dau. Poter Hegenan of 'Tolver Hollow " 29 Sarah Hegeman, dau. of Peter 'deseman, of ■"olTer Hollow 1799 Hay 22 Israel Peareall, was found hanging 'o-y a rope, and was dead. The jury's inquest was that he was deprived of his senses and rcade way with hinself. May 23 Dorothy Hegeraan, wid. of .idrian Hegeraan, Cedar Swamp. 64. 1799 Oct. 2 Catharine Z'onfoort, wid. of Joost I'.onfort, Cedar Swamp Dec. 12 John ^an Cott, .VolTer Hollow " 20 ratlisrine TeeJcs " 14 2)epar1;ecl this; life General George 'Vashington, and v/as buried the 17th .'ednesday A^ed 68 years. 1800 r.rch .31 Harry OnderdonJc, of Hempstead Ilarbor liay 12 Isaac hennet had a child bxirled Jnly 10 Sarah Dodge of tow Neck, vvid. of Thomas Dodge Oct . 12 Ferdinandus Scdain 18<'l Jan. 26 -aron Sitnonson ^as found dead in the cow yard, and Viurifid ti.e 2Sth '.'ednesday. I'rch 2 Willian ;:iller was found dead in Charles xhorne'R mill pond. He had been missing near ten weeks. Henr:;." Cock at y.etene Tock Kpenetus Tovvnsend -■^nthony Van ^ or, t rand Sarah Townsend wid. of Timothy Townsend of Cedar Swamp John 'right of ITorwich Peter Luyster Sr. of East ^Voods Phebe Onderdonk wife of Hendrick Onderdonk Michael .-'udge 1802 Jan. 17 Klizab«th Leighton, wife of Jacob J.eighton. The same day was buant down the dwelling house of John Carle . Feb. 2 T'lbert Hegeraan Sr. of Cow Neck ilrch 4 Old George Downing of Littleworth June 26 Phebe Snedeker, dau. of Garret "'oortman of Mutton Town. -vug. 20 Sep. 3 Wcv. 7 n 25 TIov. 23 M 29 Dec. 20 II 30 Jan. 17 July 3 Chiirity Jrinknrhoff at Cow liee'k 65. 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 July 4 John Xirk Mot. 2 TlTi.othy Titus Sr. " 18 Rebecca Titus " 27 Widow Van .vieklen Jan. 24 Timothy Tovrnsend, son of Richard Townsenfl.Jr. Apr. 13 Daniel Rappelyea of Cow Neck " 14 Sarah 'oortraan wife of Garret V.'oortman June 3 '.Tilliara Hopkins Sr. " 4 John LnyBter "r. Oct. 9 Peter :/.uttee Not. 9 Thomas Hopkins " 16 Widov/ .lonfoort at Trneatly " 20 Henry Cock, s-on of old Henry Cock Dec. 9 Prier Townaend T'.rch 4 Jane 7an NoF.tri^nd, wid. of John Van TTostrand ^pr. 20 John Van der ;^elt June 28 John Schenck ^r. jiUg. 1.'5 Ruluff 3chenck " 27 Rem fiegeman, v»ho died very sudden in his hed, Oct. 24 Daniel Cook, Captain " 25 Daniel Coles Feb. 10 !'olly, wife of Moiu'es Slmonson Apr. 25 John Luyst^'r Jr. son of Peter Luyster Aug. 18 funday laorninp; was found the hody of ..ndries Hegeman Jr. of Cow "leek, in the street, and was dead. IIIb nfick was broke. Supposed to he by «he fall from a horse. Sep. S Nelly iJorland Dec. 19 Sarah Kashow. wife of Jacob I'ashow Mreh 7 Joseph Jood, of iiusqueto Cove 60. 1806 June 15 Jane^ Me Queen Aug. ?S ZolTj Snedeker, wife of old .vtraham Snedeker Aug. 30 Patty I'utiee, wid. of Peter I^uttee Sep. 12 Jane Hortenberg 1807 Feb. 7 Anciries Hegeman, farmer of Cow Ueok " 14 Polly Eirk " 2'd Thomas Ji^ckson of !'orwicb " ?A Peter I'-Onfoort, Mrch 11 IsR&o Pemsen of "'olvor Hollow July 2 Old Nicholas "^an Cots of iblrer ITollow " 26 Molly Boeart. of Cow Seek 1808 Feb. S2 Sarah Bennet, dau. of the Tiddow Bennet !!ar. 7 Maria Plortenberg, of VolTer Kollov. " 10 Polly i'OY'ning, dan. of r*iniel Hopkins " 26 John Voorjiin by accident fell from a horse as he was running a race Saturday. Hurt 80 wuoh that ho died the next day, Sunday, and was buried the 28th. Apr. 6 Ruth :;.:ott, dau. of Jackson "ott 11 Rem Hortenberg " 11 Dorotriy Hegeman, Wid. of .xndries ITegeman, Cow Neck " 24 Sarah ^chenck, wid. of John Schenck May 11 Jacobus T>oxsee June 4 Jerornus Rennet, of Cedar Swamp 4 Jacob Coles 5 Jacob TituR, of 'Vheatly " ?^2 John Mill^^r Jr. son of old John "iller UOT. 28 Jacob Seamans 1809 Mrch 4 (rarret 7'oortman 67. 1809 1810 1811 1812 l!roh 19 Apr . 2 July 29 AtLg. 4 Feb . 5 llroh 25 June 19 July 29 Sep. 28 Oct. 21 Hov. 28 Jan. 4 Feb. 18 Kay 24 June 18 July 24 't 7 "^Ug. 8 Oct. 19 Dec. 8 n 12 Feb. 10 ■• 22 Krch 13 I^rch 23 Apr . 19 " 19 Jeremiah Pobbins FenAriolr Onderdonk L:'o117 'Tllison, wid. of Timothy "^llison John 7an der 3elt Isaac Bennet George Tov/naend, son of Richurd Townsend Darld Leighton Jane Bennet had a daughter biiried. Polly Dingy Catharine, wife of L'inne Suydam Jordan Bearie;.ns of Jericho Catharine Hegeman, wife of Jacobiis Hegeman Phebe Sinonj^on, wid. of Charles Simonson Nan(?he Hoogland, dau. of Jacobus TiOnfoort Sarah TaTis, dau. of •Villiam Dodge, of Cow Neck Elisabeth Townsend, wife of Jacob ?ownsend of latting Town Jarces Illmstead Jr. who died yetrj sudden. Old Johannes 'tCashow Garret Van "'icklen son of Jacob Nathaniel Okerly of Cow iJIeck ilioholas Van Cott, who got badly hurt Polly, wid. of Benjamin Coles Tunis ""Ogert of C">w Neck ^ntareta /^asshow, wid. of old Johannes Kasshow of 7?olver Hollow williaiT! Latting, of Jiattingtovm Isa^G " ogart oT '-:ast v.'oods David Valentine of llusqueto Cove 68. 1012 -^pr. 19 1772 1774 1775 1776 25 Jnne 3 n 6 Sep. .^0 The accounts : Apr. 18 l'.&7 1 n 2 n 9 Oct. 19 JIOY. 12 n 24 Jan. 25 11 30 Feb. 15 If 23 n 24 lirch. 1 n 11 Apr. 8 " 18 June 21 T.QY. 9 Dec. 18 " 30 Apr. 5 Dinah Carpcntor, wife of James Carpenter of raisqueto Cove I'.onrin I^ashov: Isaac C-och, son of old Samuel Cock, of uckram John Kashow, son of JacCn Kashow Hnnderick ^rinokerhoff foll077inG were recorded on pages with i'eter Luyster died. ArcoG rrderhlll JJoctor luwrence Uary Kashov? Jacob V.&shOTf rancy Jogart :>Iolly Xaahov? Cornrtlia Sirconson lene Xaahow Frederic?- Si;-nonson Amy Hopkins !tar£jaret "^nryea, died Wife of Solomon Craft, riied Cornelia :--meraan i^Vtiderick Simons on Molly liostrand r>arah PhiBhnore, wife of Inaac Rixshmore /;.braham Fashow, died John 3chonck r.'orothy I-onfoort Joseph Carpenter 69. 1776 "ay 2?. :;ary Prior Aiig. p,l Charity wife of Jost liegeman died Oct. 6 died .-^.drian negeTcan Jr. at Cruple Bush. The 5th he wa;-" 'brcxight home at his own house at "olrer Hollo??, and buried the 7th. Oct. 9 Deborah Tov/naend 11 Phel;e OndGrdcnk 16 FreeloTe Pcrsall " 21 Salve nus Tov,nsend " 25 Charity Hegercan, died Dec. 21 Sar.ticl ''^.TJi^ge These Birth rocorclr! wnre writtor. in "Dutch, on loose leaves: Daniel Hegeraan v/ap horn in the year 1712, lieceinber 22. Catrina Onderdonk war horn in the year 1709, February 10. V/e were rnarrind on ..pril 6, 1734, iiarya Hegeman was born in the year 1735, January 4. Andries Hegeraan wan born in the year 1738, Septenber 10. Elbert Hegeman wan bom in the year 1742, June 2. Catrina Hegeman died June 28, 1735. Daniel Hegeman died Ilrch 12, 1786. In the year of onr lord 1735, on the 13th day of January on Tuesday about nidnight, ray son Johar.nes Cymesen was born. In the year of our lord 1738, on tho 25th day of October my daughter Helena v/ap born, at 7 o'clock in theeyening. In the year of our lord 174'1., on the 15th dt^-y of May, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon my daughter Karya Cymecen was born. In the. year of our ^,ord 1746, on the 7th day of I;eceraber, Sunday, in the afternoon, my daughter Annaetie Cymecen was born. In the year of o:ir I;ord 175& mj wife Kareya Syni.ensen died, on the 19th day of .-iugust, at about 11 o'clock. 1780 70. In the year 1770 died Joannes Symeasen, on the 7th day of January. Andries Hegeman was inoculated for the small pox January the 30th, Sunday, and Fehruury the 17th Thursday he died and v/as buried. 1776 June 12 Rem Hegeman raised his house . 1776 :."rch 13 Aug . 4 1779 Aug. 8 "OT. 30 1780 July 9 1781 Apr. 19 Oct. 19 20 El 1782 June 30 Not. 3 1783 Oct. 28 1784 Feb. 21 TTov. 11 11 1792 Ilov. 1 June 24 Marriage Records from the Hegeman diaries. '."ilhelraus Snedeker to Llolly Kashow. Caleb Kerby to "oily Valentine Daniel Rappelyea to Sally Hegeman Thomas Dodge to Elizabeth lHonfoort Cornelius Hoogland to rlizabeth Luyster " John Kc Queen to Jane Hegeman Peter Luyster to Charity (should be Gertrude) Onder- donk Isaac Bogart to ^i.nne Hoogland John Sockas to .^lohe Herasen Abraham Brinckerhoff to Charity Onderdonk Hendrick Brinckerhoff to " lizabeth Hegeman Thomas Mitchell to Dorothy Hegeman Abraham Hoogland to Fhebe Crocker Joseph Hegeman to Jane Rappelyea Hendrick Brinckerhoff to .>.nne Rappelyea John Bennet to i:olly Hegeman of Cow ?:eek. James Luyster to Sarah Bennet 71. 1791 Oct. 16 Dec. 10 1793 Apr. 2 2 Iv^ay 7 July 16 1794 TTOT. 27 1795 Jan. 25 Mrch 2 Dec. 12 1796 Jan. 17 Mrch 19 Apr. 23 1799 Sep. 15 1800 TIov. 16 180E Aug. 22 1803 Jan. 3 Jan. 31 1807 IIov. 2 1810 July 12 July 16 Ren Siraonson to Anne Hegeman Timothy ?itus to Kagdalena Hoogland Minno Onderdonk to Caty Schenck Lot Onderdonk to Susanna Schenck George Willets to liolly I'udge Garret Van .Vicklen to Jane Simonson Jacob Townaend of Prior to Elizabeth Townsend of Hewlett. Elbert Hegeman to Peggy Crocker Peter Hegeman to P.oaetta Crooker Janes Hegeman to Catharine Onderdonk George Onderdonk to Sarah Rappelyea Daniel 3ogart to Kolly Onderdonk Daniel Duryea to Catherine Duryea of of Gabriel George Duryea Benjamin Coles, of Yieni. to Tlancy Townsend of Hewlett Townsend. Janes Mc Queen to Joseph Horton's daughter. Hewlett Townsend to ' thelena Coles John Van Wicklen to Peter L-onfoort's dau. Elizabeth George Duryea to : lizabeth Luyster Tunis Hoogland to .^nn, dau. of James ::onfort Rowland -^.llen to Sally Townsend Daniel Bogart to liolly Luyster 7E. 1811 Kay 31 June 2 Garret J.onfoort to "".lizabeth Luyster Abram Sogart to Ann Luyster From Bible of Peter Kegenan (49) which record was con- tinued by his son Adrian (130) and probably by his son Peter (162) 81 Nassau Harold: 1728 May 30 1729 Dec. 4 1746/7 Dec. 13 1728 Dee. 3 1745 Oct. 28 1771 Sep. 23 1777 :^ay 27 1767 TTov. 30 1767 Deo. 5 1767 Dec. 10 1874 Sep. 16 1815 Nov. 16 1730 Dec. 5 1733 Jan. 1 The Bible is in possession of Mrs. Ilary Fowler, St., Brooklyn, daughter of Adrian Hegeman and Ilary Am I Peteres Hegeman married to my wife Jannetje llontefort Am I Peteres Hegeman married to my wife Madaleent^Je Derie (Duryea) Am I Peteres Hegeman married to my wife Annetje Hogeland My wife Jannetje Hegeman died. I-Iy wife liadaleentje Hegeman died. Peteres Hegeman died. xkunatie Hegeman died, Adriain Hegeman died, iintie Hegeman died. Madaleentje Hegeman died. Annatie Hegeman died. Sara Hegeman died. Adrian Hegeman was born. Bapt. Jan. 10, Joost Hegeman was born. Bapt. Ilrch 23. 73. 1752 July 16 1772 ?ep. 25 1774 May 13 1775 Sep. 10 1778 June 14 1781 Feb. 17 Pe teres Hegeman was born. 3apt. Sept. 17. Am I Peteres Hegenan married to my ?vife I.'aria Bogart . ^idriaen Hegenan was born. Bapt. June 25. Isaac Hegeinan was born. Bapt. Oct. 1. Daniel Hegeinan was born. Bapt. Oct. 18. luadaleentje Hegeman was born. 3apt.wrch 18. and his 1789 May 12 Record of Deaths from diary of Klbert Hegeman (199) son Joseph (288), continued by Mrs. Joseph 0. Hegeman, 1800 July 9 1801 Dec. 18 " 23 1802 liay 21 Jan. 6 6 31 Aug. 16 Sep. 16 Feb. 15 ixpr. 1? 1803 Apr . 14 Dec. 18 " 23 Dodge Thomas, b. Jan. 17,1722, m. Sarah Onderdonk 1749. Dodge Sarah Onderdonk, b. Aug. 5, 1722. Onderdonk Phebe Thomas Elizabeth Wilson Eliza Cornell Caleb a. 54. Sell Molly Bogart Elizabeth Hegeman Elbert, Schoolmaster, gt. uncle to i^. J. H. & J. 0. Hegeman C orley Phebe Heves Susannah Baker Kelly Rapelyea Daniel, of Flower Hill Smith Elizabeth Smith Jane Sell Sally 74. 1804 Feb. 21 Rapelyea Anna of Flower Hill, mother of Daniel, who d. ^pril 12, 1802. Mrch 7 Jacobs Jane n 9 Hegeman Klbert, son of 'Veaver --ndris Hay 21 Cornwell Lewis 47-5-18. Aug. 27 Rapelyea Aletta, wife of Jacob H, n 27 Hegeman Rem Sep. — Ziott Adam, father of Samuel IJott Oct. 9 Onderdonk Catherine, wife of I'inne TJov. 4 Dodge Anna Burke, of !I. Y. 1805 Jan. 18 Brinckerhoff Sarah Aug. 7 Hewlett James, aged 89. n 18 Hegeman Andris, found dead. Supposed to fell from horse. Sep. 10 Hutchings John Oct. 3 Onderdonk Andrew Lot, son of Joseph 5. Dorothy 0. Dec. 21 Sands Mary, wife of JoBhua n 29 Monfoort r,lbert H. 1806 Krch 8 Sands Elizabeth, wife of Col. John Jime 29 Sell James July 6 Wooley Deborah iv-Ug. 16 Brinkerhoff Peter Oct. 2 Mitchell Deborah " 4 n Molly (rates Horatio, T^. Y. aged 78. Gaines Hugh, aged 81. 1807 Moore Lambert, of Brooklyn, British officer. Feb. 6 Hegeman ^^ndr is, grandfather of .w J. i J. 0. Hegeman 75. 1807 Feb. 19 Kissara £2 Monfoort :.lrch 26 Craft July 25 Bogart Oct. — Dodge Dec. 10 I.'.ott 11 Dodge 12 Krwin 1808 Feb. 20 Bennet 20 II Mrch 8 Xissan " 24 II March — Llitchell Urch 17 Bobbins Apr. 9 Hegeman Oct. 27 Cornwall 18C9 Jan. 21 Hegeman Krch 31 Onderdonk Apr. 1 Hutchings 1 Pluiner n __ Dodge May 10 Schenck May 18 Carle 28 Craft July 6 Piatt 11 Hewlett Hancy v?ife of ".'.Tiitehead. Peter» brother of Jacobus I^., ^bram "A. and Dorothy (Onderdonk) Robert T. Maria, v/ife of Laniel Hannah Abigail, wife of Stephen I.'. Sc mother of Susajcnah Henry Mott Mr. Suicide by shotting himself. John, drovmed Sarah Daniel w. Benjamin Robert Jeremiah Dorothy, mother of P.lbert & Peter Hegeman. Ruth ji.ndrew in JI. Y. aged 59. Hendrick Sainuel David, shot. wife of Stephen tlinne, father of ]!;.artin S. J^ancy, wife of David Carle, of Suffolk Co. Jemima Polly, dau. of John Piatt, drowned off big mill dam. Hannah 76. Aug. 16 Ziitchell lov. 22 Corley 1810 Sov. 11 Fouse 1811 Jan. 12 Kegeman May 1 Mitchell ft 21 :;onfoort June 17 Davis ti 25 Sands July- 18 Thorne May — .Mitchell Aug. 20 V^ood It 25 Sands Sep. 19 Wood ^ov. DaTls 1812 Jan. 10 Mott Feb. 9 Davis It 19 Bogart n 22 Hewlett Mrc-h 1 Baxter . 11 Sands " 17 Bogart It SI Cock Oct. 1 Place Dec. SO Stoeter 1813 Feb. 22 Smith Doot. Charles, father of Dr. 7/. L. & John T. "at Che 11. Richard Mrs. Widow Catherine Onderdonk, wife of Judge Jacobus of Greenvale. Sally, wife of John !:itchell. Nauche Hoogland, clau. of Jacobus Konfoort, Sarah Dodge, wife of Joel Davis Col. John Henry Bebeccah Hannah, dau. of Stephen "?ood Robert Sarah Cornell Jaraee Edmund Joannah Tunis, father of Isaac Bogart Hannah, wife of L. S. Hewlett John John Guthrie Isaac, ;'.ast Woods ]:ii:!!a r.liza iilassy John I'. 77. !.1ay 23 Cornwell June 9 Smith Sep. 24 Dodge Oct, 19 Onderdonk " 20 latchell It 22 Onderdonk ::ov. 11 ^ott ft 16 Fxanklin Oct. 26 Ketcham Dec. 5 Onderdonk Deo. 11 »» 1014 Jan. 11 Dodge n 17 Demelt ti 19 Hoogland Feb. 7 Hegeraan Apr . 7 Cornwell II .^O Rape lye a !v!:ay 29 ;Vright May 29 Brinkerhoff ::ay 5 JarTis Dec. 10 Hoogland n 26 Jacobs 1815 Rape lye Jan. 8 Franklin I'rch 9 Pear sail Free love Jane, v;id. of Timothy Smith Jeremiah Andrew Lott, son of Lot George Lott, father of Henry, Caty & Llaria Stepjjen, father of Henry Ilott. illiam, died in 3:ngland a. 82. Son of the celebrated Doct. Hen j. Franklin formerly r^ritish Gov. of T^Jew Jersey. Philetus Jacob freorge, father of Catherine, I'aria & F.lizabeth. Sarah, wife of Jonathan. Obediah Andris Andrew J, infant son of Flbert & Maria Hegeman Charles Catherine Anne »^illiam, son of Daniel Brinkerhoff Sarah Maria Elizabeth George "atthew Catherine li. 78. 30 Sep. 19 30 Oct. — TIov. 5 )eo. 10 Jones Sands Searing Sands Allon Hap e lye a Stocker Kostrand Aekerly 1816 Jan. 2 Hegeraan Feb. 2 Mitchell l.'ay 4 Salts n 15 IJonfoort 11 19 Sands " 25 Hegeman June 6 Burt is Aug. 7 xv-kerly Sep. 18 II ti 19 Rapelyea n 20 Cashew n 28 Allen Oct. 21 Mott rt 28 Hegeman ^OY. 11 Sands ■• 19 Dodge 1S17 Mitchell John, of Staten Island Elizabeth, wife of Griffin Sands Mary, wife of Simeon Searing Ray, Sands Point Samuel Mrs. widov; of George Rapelyea Elizabeth Sarah, wife of Albert Hostrand Benjamin, son of Jeremiah -^ckerly Cornelius riandome, father of Stephen the miller Jane, wife of John "itchell Martha Sarah, wife of Peter :.'onfoort Clary, dau. of Richard Sands Andris "leaver" John "Blacksmith" Jeremiah, :i. Y. Jeremiah, "the old man" TT. Y. Sarah, wid. of Daniel R. who 12, 1802 Rem, father of Capt. Peter Cashew Dobs on Benjamin, I?. Y. :-:ibert, father of Jane I'.onfort, Rebecca H. 8c Caty Bogart Deborah Trust am Joseph, 1,'arch 16, 1816. 79, 1817 June 23 Woo ley- Sep. 1 Hewlett "Nov. 1 Craft 1818 Jan. 15 rianett 11 22 Hegenan Feb. 24 Mitchell Mrcli 4 Wllletts »i 7 Daining II 29 Brinkerhoff Aug. 7 Demelt n 6 Hoogland rep. 22 Dodge Oct. 3 Bremner Dec. 22 Akerly 1819 Feb. 3 Allen II 3 Thorne jipr . 9 Jarris May 5 Xing T^OT. 4 I^!itchell Hov. 13 Allen 11 20 Corley IT 30 Dodge 1820 IcTCh 16 :iitchell F.ariam ■^Thitehead D. !!oll7, wid. of Thomas Craft, aged near 90 years. Abraham Joseph, infant son of Tllbert Sc "aria Hegfixnan John ochenck, son of Judge !".itchell Daniel Daniel Henry, son of Abram Brinkerhoi'f Glorianna Abram of Owego aged 58, brother-in-law of Joseph Onderdonk Susannah S. wife of Capt. V™ Lodge. Catherine Hannah Charles Sarah 0. v/id. of Thomas Darid, father of Ilias Jarvis. Hand lost by blasting rocks, otip. eye, one thumb Si one leg. Mary, wid- of "ufus King, a. 50. Samuel, brother of Whitehead M. j?olly, wife of James ^llen Henry Isaac H. Y. John, nephew of V.'hitehead, fell from a building. an. 182C Aug. 8 iVooley Sep. 11 Hongland Oct. 2 ■-^ooley Oct. 8 Hicks Dec. 2 Treadwell n 8 Bogart 1821 Jan. 7 Tend Feb. 5 Todd n 3 Hewlett It 20 Thorne Mroh 18 v?est Sep. 15 Oct. 16 1822 Jan. 17 24 Feb. 14 17 Apr. 26 June 4 Sep. 13 " — _. TTOT. 9 10 10 Appleby Kegenan 3urtis ^'00 ley Cornwall Tan Cant Tiorrill Schonck Miller RenRen Camp TTo strand IJott TJest Phebe, wife of Stocker '.Vooley Daniel, son of D. Hoogland Benjamin Kenry John C. Capt. Cornelius N. Jemima, wife of -Vmo 3, tended big mill James Jemima, vi^ifo of Benjamin Hewlett Sr. MaJ. Richard, a. 80 Great :JTeck Phebe, vfife of John Vest Elizabeth, sister of T. a. aunt of Fpenetus S: John A, Elbert, father of Andrew J. & Joseph 0. a. 31-4-13. Leonard, brother of John 3. & James R, John Sr. Joshua, a 60 yrs . 8 m. son of Im. Cornwell Susannah, sister of Llartin Schenck Nancy Susannah, wife of John Schenck Margaret, wife of Sylvanus :.liller T'sq. Peggy Fagan sister of ^^unt "artha Hegeman Betsey Albert Amy, wid . of Stephen Kott John, father of the present John, died June 26, 1881. 81, 1822 Tlor. 14 Tlllir. 1823 Jitn . 23 !frch 27 ZlRBam Apr. 19 Todd n 22 Pap e lye a May 2 Buck 1'M.J 4 ".udge July 21 Cheeseraan vOot. 7 :.'itchell Jjec. 18 "lllis M ^^ Old Bob 18?A ?e>, . 4 .'.ennct 25 -r.kerly I^rch 14 "vBon Apr. 3 FroBt liay 20 HopJtina 25 VTooley Juiie 9 /.Xidnore 17 ~odCe 20 Hewlett July 26 -.kerly 3choonnaker oiUg. 16 negeman Pep. 17 CeshOTT C'Urollne Ja:'>fi8, brother In law of Annt Patty Hegeman ITiebe, wife of John KlBeari Greachy 3. Y. fitergaret) Hoeloff, husband of Phebe B. David » a Itethodlet clergynan Phebe George John, father of "hltehead Townsend, llyed where "lias Vott now liyea. Colored man, fomerly a slave *e supported by Peter 'e Ibcrt ^egeEU-r. J. 0. Ee^eman with hln mother wa>.;r of Villiara '"illis TovvnKend Cedar Swamp Brooks Hannah N. Y. Dfivoe Heuhama i'itohell Lathaa, son of Judge 1, Allen John, at the raising of a barn. Great TTock. "ands Tfobert Hoogland Benjamin, son of T., H. drowned. 83. 1835 Sep. 17 llitchall ^:8 Treadwell Oct. 15 Hogeman Oct. S5 Salts Vor. ?1 k'onfoort Nov. 25 Lowning 1836 Jan. 19 rionfoort Xay 26 Troadwell June 10 Ondordonk Juno 17 Hand July 5 Griffin Oct . 7 Dodge 12 :.'iOtt II ov. PA Rape lye a Deo. ni Onderdonk Villis Dec. 15 r^odge Stuart 18.^7 Jan. 4 S Che nek ::rch 4 Hewlett 5 Salts 18 Hems en James K. Y. Benjamin, 5reat Ileok i.'ary, widov/ of "Ihert K. mother of H. Eegenan, Jane !'-Onfoort,and Caty Bogart llaurice. Carpenter Jaoohus {Cedar Swamp) g^' father of Madison Sally Sands, wife of George Downing -i-rina, wid . of Jacobus Llonfoort John H., Henry's father :'.inne. Father cf Abraham and Peter Onderdonk Mary Sands, v;ife oi Isaac Hand Abagail Rebecca, aged 31 yrs. wife of Peter Dodge ^U)igail Jones, wife of James T'ott Ida .Villiam, agod 75 Sarah Bapelyea, wid. of Ge dirge -ape lye a Jacob, Farmer's Village, a 93. -""eggy !.!aria Onderdonk, v.-ife of Janes Stuart, a 3H ::. Y. Liary l-lizabeth Ruth Caroline ^^nna, wife of Abraham fO. 1S.T7 ray 5 "ay 14 It 18 Aug. 2 Oct. 14 1838 Feb. 3 i:roh 20 Apr. — l-'ay 27 " 31 July 18 Au^. 4 31 lArch 6 1839 Apr. 13 June 23 July 12 Nov. 7 Dec. 9 1840 Jan. 5 Feb. 4 'A'ililams Jiine P.apelyea, '.vife of Isaac ''.'iHiams TriinoiB Francuc! "onifoort Ilancy, wid. of ^-.braharc, notlior of George CoGiC loaac Appleby 'i'homas, a 86 yip. Father of ^.penetus and John . ''ott iietaey of I. Y. wife of Benjamin Schenck ^>.brahan Bennett liar la of N. Y. I^ills Maria Bapelyea, wife of :.:. Illlls, aiat^r of Ccrneliua Lay ton "ary Bog«.rt Rer. Dayid 3. a. 80 Baxter Patty, nother of Israel & ''.'m. & widow of Israel rr , P.apelye I.linne Sands Polly Sohenck ^ylvanus Close Xargaret, wifo of .''benezer C, sister of Harry Lay ton ^mith "i^illiaxn f Great ^leck) a. 93. Lane Capt. James, of Steamboat Sun, that plied from Cow Bay lock Catherine 'Hiome Sarah, widow of Piohard, a. 90. Craft Ziporah Dodge -'^lizabeth F, Underbill ITilliara H., oon of .Villiam Haydock Emily, wife of illiam i;. a. 25. 91. 1540 Krch 5 V.&y 8 '■ 31 Sep. 14 Oct . 1 TIov. 13 Deo. 1 ^ ■ 25 1841 Jan, 6 n 25 •1 30 Feb. 27 n 27 July 28 Sep. 8 '• 18 Oct. Ketchara Kudge Dodge IiiTyea Dodge SandB Dodge Griffin Sands Sands Dod^e Cra.n Hutchings Mason Perhasco irinkerhol'f Craft Papelyea HoKeman Oct. 24 Hainptf 1842 Feb . 9 Sands Mrch 3 Sell Peleg Daniel Thonap,, 85 yrs., v«.nole cf -eter & Eenrj. >Inole of r'.tLria Hegeman. ^porge Aletta, sister of D. Brinkerhoff wife of ?"i-crcas Doa^jc John, son in law of George Coles Capt . Willijim Peter, a. 80. Edgar, son of John Sands Capt. Abraham L. !*ary "lizabeth, pieter of Dorothy Onder- donk, wife of Thomaa D, Derick John in his 90th year Capt. Noah, in his 85i:h year. Keepei of Sands Point Light. Free love Jacob Abigail George Deter, Ceclur -wamp. Palsy. His parents vv-ore .-^driian H. and Dorothy Onderdonk Charles, an :nglishraan. lU/rried Klias Jarris' daughter. Jane ''rs. widow of ?,tephen "ell 92, Zrah 9 15 27 Apr. — June 20 Aue« 16 ^Tie. ?2 Oct. 23 ?TOT. 3 184.-^ Feb. 3 " 14 ::rch 20 Apr. 5 Julv 20 iiUg. 6 Ati£. 9 30 Sep. 6 !7ov. 22 I/ec. 29 31 1344 I'.Tch 8 Morr«il L'ott Darning (.'>o Wiling; Lay ton Walters Sand 8 '.£ott !'.ltchell JackBon Underhlll 3rln) rfaxter San dp Daining f Dovyning) T5eToe Mitchell '^ott Onderdonk ^-llon Lodge JohUf Hon of John -'*orrell Joseph of Greut : 11 n 12 Feb. 7 Mrch ?-4 II 27 fi 28 June 28 ti 28 July 9 fi 15 Aug. 24 Sep. 30 Oot. 1 It 7 n 10 It 13 " 13 Oct. 24 Not. — Deo. 3 Dec. 6 n 22 1853 Jan. ??1 n 24 Feb. 7 Van Nostrand ^inna Schenck Susannah, Manhasset, aunt of Calvii| Klnnison David at Chicago, last of the Boston Tea Party, a. 115 yra. Hegeman Adrian, at Littleworth Mott Joseph, neat the point of Barrow Reach 76-1-16. Cornell Samuel, Fisherman Blackledge Benjamin, sail maker, ^ast side the ITeck Smith llary, mother of Timothy Sc Wessel Allen Hiram, Great TTeck, thrown off a colt Skidmore Anna Willets, wife of 7m.Skidmore Hutchings VJilliam, Sexton in Dutch Church Dodge Caty, widow of Joseph Dodge, Lake vi lie Searing Coe, brother of Alexander 'Villets Polly, widow of George Wooley. ?i:r8. widow of Benjamin Mitchell Dr. William I. suicide, aged 56 Allen William, Great I^'eok Webster Daniel U. S. Senator Sohenck Infant son of Jacob R. Schenck Frost Mary ^nn, dan. of .'/ra. Francis Brook Abraham (Friend) Cock Maria Hegeraan, wife of Charles Cock, Buckram Van 2ant 7;ynant a. at sea on his return from California Frost James, son in law of Wm. Francis ITackey Terry, killed by the falling of a building in Glen Cove 100. 1852 Feb. 12 It 2£ tT 25 lUXGh 9 n 24 1? 25 Apr. 12 n — . n 24 tt 29 May — June 24 July 1 n 2 ti 12 n 26 Aug. 3 II 17 Oct. 9 1854 Feb. 6 11 7 ^ipr . 16 ^ . 20 TT 25 May 2 " 9 June 18 Williams John T. death caused by the same accident I-'-orrell Henry, "anhassat 7alley Mitchell Edward, son of Judge M. Onderdonk Susan Ilather, sister of Joseph Onder- donk, Burlington, Otsejjo Co. Mitchell John T. Valentine Eugene Blackledge Benjamin, son of Benj. B. Hicks Joseph son in lav/ of Jacob Hemsen Stoutenburg Tir. Peter a. Glanders taken from horse Rapelyea Catherine ^aien, wife of Cornelius 7/illi8 Jacob B, Cedar Swamp Ditmas Bow I. Jamaica Kashow Tlicholas, brother of Capt. Peter & Hen^rick Haines John, Herricks, found drowned in a v;ell Smith Daniel r. Great Eeek Mackey Betsey, "other of John, Klbert etc. Van iTicklen John, Hoslyn, dysentery Sands ^mna, sister of John & Benjamin Hultse William, consumption Hegeracxn Joseph/ Ceoar Swamp S Che nek ^^CSVt I.'anhasset Appleby Deborah, sister of John Sc ':penetus Udall Hamilton Arthur Elbert, caused by blasting stone Covert Willemina, wife of '.Vm. Covert Dov/ning Charity, sister of Isaac 11. Dodge llackey Janes, a. 62 101. 1854 June \b Smith July 10 Allen II Valentine " 19 Bogart Aut;. 3 Maybe e 11 16 Uostrand Oct. P,5 Jacks on n 26 ".Teeks f» 16 Craft lov. 6 Sands II 25 SanclB Dec. 22 TownBend 1855 Jan. 2 Hay den Feb. 1 Craft n 22 Henderson Krch 20 Van Bur en " 25 Harold It 25 Onderdonk j».pr . 7 Schifinmaker " 7 Jones II 16 Mason II 17 Thorne n 17 Harrold Kov. 13 Searaan 11 16 Treadv;ell II 19 Covert n 26 Thturston Hezekiah, found duwned at Great Seek, colored John, r>on of Hiraia Ohadiah '.Vashington Maria L. wife of Daniel ,Poslyn Sarah Jacob, brother of Peter & F.penetus Phebe Schenck, mother of John R. Schenek Daniel, Lakeville, uncle to Stephen Stephen Keziah, sister of John, Benjamin & Anna Cato, colored, pon of old Cato Joseph I. I'ineola John, Great Neck Jordan Robert i.:artin at Paris, son of the ex Pres. -'eggy ?I. y. a. 83. '.VilliarTi, at Piverhead, son of Hendrick I^argaret, v/ife of Rev. R. L. Schoonmaker Walter R., TT. Y. Lucretia, widow of Capt. IToah Jacob, accidental discharge of gun .Villian, Glen Cove Abigail, wife of David Benjamin, father of Doet . T. Jacob, farm & mansion by I'anhasset Bay "William, gri^ndson of John ::iller 102. 1055 Wov. 28 1856 Feb. 17 llrch 19 E5 July 26 u _^ AUg. 14 Sep. 21 Oct. 1 18 !I ov . 3 17 19 1857 Jan. 12 Feb. 27 May 5 Smith II 6 Schoonma] tt 11 Jackson (1 25 Klssam June 21 Catoo July 5 Hooglancl Jonea John IC. Bon of Nicholas Jones Culrer Chatterson, son in law of Harry layton, rTirser in T^avy. Luyster Peter, Cedar Swamp, brother of James *: .xdrian Baxter William L. Sands -.».lfred. Sands Point , father in Law of 3. B. NoRtrand Monfort Nelly, mother of LTadiaon & George Allen Henry, father in law of Thomas Vlo Kee Waybee Henry, Juatloo of the Peace, in Oysterbay Gunder»r,an Haohel Ann, dau. of Ton J. Blackledge Sands Sarah, colored, dau. of Cato, sister of Phebo Sc ' liza Weeks Hhoda Ann, sister of Stephen "eeks Hayiland Roe, Little TTeok Onderdonk Susannah ichenck, mother of Caty, Henry Sc !.laria - C-reat *!eck DeboToise Dorothy Hegeman, wife of George Debevoise Cock Thomas Buckram Hegeman '.Villiam, son of Peter & Martha Luyster Peter l5, of Brookville, lived and died in N. Y. Jane, Herrioks Schoonmaker Ilicholas H., Bushwick Coles, Cedar Swamp Baniel," formerly Judge of Cueens Co. Sylvanus, an old colored man, lived on place of Silar« ::ott ""illium, Brookville 103. 1857 Sep. 18 Jackson 19 Duryoa 25 ReiDSien 27 Baxter I^ec. 10 Dodge Oct. 18 Onderdork Tec. 26 Covert 1858 Jan. 1 Appleby Feb. 6 Smith 20 Allen " 24 Concur 'J.rch 2 Allen Apr . 1 Seaman 6 Hinman May 6 Monfoort Jtuio 26 Post July 2 Bogart Aus. 16 Underhill 29 Armstrong Oct. 18 Jones Dec. 20 Treadwell 26 Coles 31 Chapman 1859 Jan. 11 Onderdonk Thomas T. Funeral at Kpisoopal Church Georfje, of Herrio?^» called uncle George Wiiliaai, Great Neck, a 67 yrs. Chirles, lirother of Israel Sc TVilliam Robert, son of '?7illiain, brother of Henry Elizabeth S., wife of Judge Onderdonk John, died at Poslyn, a mac of violent r Plpenetus, brother cf John Kpenetus, Lakeville, member of Dutch Chur< William Henry, Great !?eck Sarah ?ogart, wife of Dr. Conger Hp.nry, Great !Teok, brother of Sydney & Jo] Sally Devoe, wife of "m. T. Seaman Xa.Tj Elizabeth, dau. of Judge Mitchell Jano, v/ife cf George 5: mother of Catherine Hegeraan Ilizabeth, iVestbury, Killed lij lightning. Isaac, buried July 5, at Flower Hill T-lizabeth, widow of ':7illiam Samuel, at the Court House, f cither of Judge A, Solomon, brother of Tlicholag John, Great Neck George D., Glen Cove DrI. AXistin, practiced medicine at "anhas- set TJike, an old colored man, former slave of J. Onderdonk 104. is.'sg Jan. 2b Bennet H 26 .^llen " 17 Bremner It 30 ^llen Feb. 2 Stub'bf! tt 8 Coffeo Tt 19 Tatterson »t 14 Carrie N PA Grocery tl 26 Townsend tl 28 Tatt^TBon lirch 17 Cock 11 27 Treadwell Apr. 9 Francis May- 6 Vlott It 23 Allen June 4 Rapelyea 11 — Seaman July 15 Hegenan ti 18 Francis Aug. 4 Hewlett It 4 Siinonson 13 Heiser lirs. mother of Ilrs. Reynolds Helly, Great I^eck Catherine, dau. of ^indrew Phehe, widow of Henry, mother in law of Thos. I'iC Kee A15-oe, wife of John Reniier, colored, mother of Xowis, Richard, etc. Rachel Layton, wife of John Tatterson Helen, widow of Dr. Thomas Garvie a. 73 Sarah, wifo of Rev. Thomas B.Gregory a. 73 Isaac W. at Williams hurgh John, lived at Cedar Swamp, took laudanum accidentally. Jane ^ostrand, widow of Thomas Buckram ^i-ltie. Great Meek 'Villiam/ father of Isaac '.- Hiram Sarah Jane '."eeks, dau. of Stephen wife of Capt. Benj. Ilott, aged 30-6-14 Richard, ^sq. Great Heck Cornelius IJ. Zebulon Maria, mother of Andrew J, 5: Joseph 0. 69-f?-25, brother of ' iniam Samuel, deaf man, brother of Lewis & "illiam Aaron, ^ehoolnaster . Taught in the old schoolhouse Distr. No. 5 North Hemp- stead about 1821 and at Brookville some time. Christopher, lived ettst side of Keck. Black ledge place 105. 186< ) 19 L'onfoort Oct. 5 Tan 'lenao] Oct. 19 j>uryea ^ov. 5 Hntnhings ?» 11 Tcrity ii — H6,wkiiur8t Deo. 13 Hegeman I860 Jan. 5 "illetts ti — Armstrong II 22 -aien Feb. 7 ;5.onfoort It 25 Boney II 25 Towne Jan. £7 Jiather Mrch 7 Devoe Apr. 2 Sutton M 6 iVillis Kay 18 Killer June H8 ::ott H 28 Woo ley July 3 Kip Ram Ann, sister of Madison '^ George Tan 'lenaohotfin Phebe K. dau. of V/lllianj Underhill at iTorthville, Cayuga Co. Joiin, lived on, and worked, !Tary Sand's farm. f^etsey, mother of -ibraham 'Gillian, fell overboard and drowned in Cow Bay T^piiraira, Westbury, brother of :.!rs. 'Vm. L. Bajfter -Toseph J. machinist, F.oslyn Kartha Amanda Baxter, wife of Jona^ Vv'illetts James, father of Janes, William Elizabeth, Great T^eck, widow of .: land sister of Abram & Peter Cnderdonk George, at Cedar ?wamp, father of Catherine 'logeman Jim, black nan, buried this day Amos, mason, a rock blower Teresa D. Curmings, wife of -^ndrew A. Ilather, a 44 yrs. Caroline, dau. of Tristam Iseiac, colored man, at Appleby's Corner 3enjarflin H. at Cold Spring son of Corn* well John, lived on Silas "ott's land, by Steam :?oat Bock Thoraas, son of l-anuel a. 59 John, (treat Tleck ^hebo, dau. of Charles H. gd.dau. of Jacob B. ::ott 106, 1860 Aug. J. < Home en II 19 Reynolds •• 19 Schenok Ser- 14 Cornell Oct. 26 Hemsen Nov. 17 Wood hull Sall7, sister of John '.7ooley ■ineline Franer'.R, v^ife of Townsend Peynolds John, Poalsm, Kept store John, vTon of Sam Cornell, consmnption Jeremiah Sell, son of John 3. Remsen, sore throat Iiary Anna, sore throat, nince of T, B, Davis' wife 107. Deed from John Pine to Hondriek Onderdonk of Grist Mill and Daniel Bogar-c's Property, P.oslyn. This indentiu-e nad,: thiti thir1;ie:t]i day of March ir; tho year of oxir Lord ouri thvousand seven hundred .and fifty eight Ly and between John Pine of Hempstead Harbour within the bounds of Hemp- stead in Queens County on liassau Island in the province of TJew York, Yeoman, of tiie one pai't, and Hendrick Onderdonck of the said Hempstead LLarhovLr in the j'own. County, Island and Province aforesaid, I'.archant, of the other part^: V'itnesseth that whereas the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Hempstead above- said did give anc grjint unto John Pobinson the stream of J/ater at the Head of Hempstead Harbor aforesaid for the erecting and building a (Trist .iill upon the said stream S: in pursuance of the sd grant of the Town of Hempstead sd J. Robinson did erect a Crist Mill upon sd stream and in prcssosp of Time the said John Pobenson togather with his two Sons Joseph and John Hobenson did pass a Deed of Conveyance from under their hands and seals unto Charles Tvlott of Hempstead aforesaid for the said Ii'ill and Appurtenances as may appear by the said Deed bearing Date 2 Day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and nine which said mill with the Ilill Dam and stream and the other ii-ppurte nances was transferee from the said Chailes "ott unto Jeremiah "Williams his heirs and assigns forever by one certain Deed bearing Pate the 2d Bay of July in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and fifteen as may appear at Large by the f.aid Deed and further the said Jeremiah "'illiatcs hath also purchaised Sundry Small pieces of Land Lying adjacent to the said Mill on the Vert side of uhe stream and Harbour as may appear by the 108, r.rveral respective TOeeds for the same, viz one whereof is a Deed fron under the hand ana seal of Jenjanln Seaman of "est- hury, deceased, Yenring daLa the 2Cth oa;r of 1'b.j one thCTreand seven hundred anc twenty including tv.o arrall pieces of land one piece whereof is that wheroor the orchard if. on the "-est Side of ths !^ill Swar:p and house ?;cye8aid I-'il? Fouses Landp Fnrl appurter-.arioes . TTow this T.ndertitre further tp?tifieth that the aforenamed Eiohard Kott, .^ec , cl1c? in and hy his !l.-:^st V/ill and Testartent bearing date the 10th day of the eigth roonth seventeen hundred and forty three order his Real and Personal "state to be sold by his '^Tcecutors which included the above Bargained Frerrdses and in and by said will did appoint ordain and constitute his wife Sarah Mott and her father rhomas Pearsall, rdminii Mott and Richard Thorno of Great i'leck, al.l of Hempstead in Qunene County aforesaid to be his 'xecutors as may also appear by said '7ill but the said Richard Thome having relinquished hi^ right thereto which said will boing approved of by George Clinton 1 nqujre. Captain General and Governor in chief in and over the province of Jlew York etc. as may appear by the probate of the sa^e bearing Pate the 29th day of October 1743 and the said Sarah !.:ott Thomas Pearsall and ?.dmund :::ott in pursuance to the last ^ill and Testament of the said Richard Llott Deceased Did pass one Deed of convayance from under their hands and seals unto John Pin« of the To7/nsbip of Hempstead aforesaid for the abovesaid ^fill Houses Lands and Appurtenances Bearing Date the 3nth Day of ::nrch 1744. Peference theirunto being had may more at large appear and further the s^M .Tohn ..i™ ,ano purohasod of Thom^„ Por.mall of H«r,patead Harbour la tno To,™hlp of ne,rpnt„aa all ttet of or.o o«rtsln Sw«=p or part thoroof lyife a. t,.-, >,,,,.„ cf 'a,np.,t«a« n=^i,o^ a Cra^t p^rt thcroof holng „ow overflowed »lth Tater In th<, Bald John rines -111 ?ond belnc bnttod aw hor^nded as follo>«,th ^^osinnme near t!.. Head of t.,„ s....p i.avlns ont about half an ^ acre and then runnlne -Jotharftly ta!rl„c in all the Bwa^p '.,,* n*t to infrlnee upo. th„ j,ieoe of ^^^^ j_^^. „,^,^ ^^ ,j^^^^^_ Talentlne to the rjill Dan. onntalnlns fifteen aere., h« It r>ore or less Togather with all the appnrtenanoen thereunto !,elonain,; aa .a. appeal- hy the said, "honan -areall Deed of ConToyanoe for the 8a.e unto the xaid John ^Ine bearing date the 19th Dav of .-aroh 1V49/50 aeforence th.rcnnto helns had .0 that the aald .ohn ■Ine 1. la,.Cuaiy vested ,„,d sel«i „f ;:,„ ,,„^,,,,4 „,,j „„,^^^ j^_^^^ and appiirtenanfles. sow thla indenture further .Itnenneth ihat r,he .aid John "ine for and In eonalderatlon of the full and Junt sua of one thousand one hundred poundn of ^ood currant an« Ia.ft,ii „„„ey ^f the oolony of :,ew Vor. to „e in .and well and truly paid or secured to be paid by the before mentioned nendriok OnderdonoJc the -eoelpt whereof I do hereby aokno^ledge and myself to h., therev,^ th full, satisfied contented and paid and thereof and of ever-, part and paroell .0 Palease ..„,ult and full, dinch.r.e hi. the eald Hendrlck ondordonc* hla h.ira executors and administrators and each and every of the. forever by these presents hath .,lve„ granted bar- gained sold alL-nea enfeofe. assured conveyed , oon«r.e. and bv the.e ,reeents do .^aiy freely clearly and absolutely give cran^ fc-Sam sell all....te enfeof convey a.d ccnflr. unto hi.' Hi. t".:e said Hendriclc Cnderdonck his heirs and assigns forever all that of the aforesaid Grist .Mill sitxiate at the he&.d of Eecipstead Harbour togather with the stream of 'aoer, i'"ill Dam fluv-s, .Vlill Houses Mill stones Runnins Gears with the three .-■citing L'ills thereunto belonging and the appurtenariCes to the foreTr.sntioned things Belonging or in any wise appertaining and also the !'ill Picks and Irf^;^ Crow etc Togather with ell other the privileges £,nd appurtenances to the same l.elCinging as tilso the tv/o 'leasuages situnted on the '"est Hide of the "ill oonprehendfng all the land described and honnder! in the Deeds before mentioned containing in the pieces near the mill about eleven aores and three quarters by estimation togather v,ith the piece and paroell of Swamp ground situated An and at the head of the mill pond which is comprehended in the a'nove Resited Oeed of Conveyance from Thomas Pearsall unto nc. the said John Pine togetbor with allthe dwelling Houses and Barnes buildings Edifices ".Tnat soever^ standing & being upon all alid every part of the Lands isentioned as abovesaid togather with all the. fences fields pastures Orchard Gardens, Inclosures Timber ."'reep 7/oods Underwoods waters "Vater \ courses P.ivolets or '.Vhatsoever F.lls Belonging appurtaining or Deeroed to be a larcell or ."ember thereof with the I'.eversions and Pemainders thereof To have an^3 to hold the paid CrivSt Mill and Appurtenances with all the lands Housen and appurtenances thereto belonging Unto him the said .'^endrick Onderdonck hifi heirs and ass-i^nf; forever to his and their ovm sole and proper use benefits i-md behoof fo.rover ano fan s&i'l John ?ine for him self his heirs executors administrators doth covenant pronis grant and agree to and with the said Kendriok Ondercioncli his 112. heirs and asRignn that ho i,lie suid John 1-ine is thfi nole and lawfull Owner of the ahove bar.^alned pre^nises and am lawfnlly seized and pofc-a<=SRed thereof in his o\;ri proper right of a good pori'ocL and u... solute estate of Inheritance in fee simple and had in himself full power good right and lawfull authority to grant bargain sell and dispose of the sa:ne in manner as ahove said and that the said Hendrick Onderdonck his heirs and assigns shall and may by virtue hereof lawfully quietly and peacahly have hold uoe occupy Ccnmand enjoy and posess all the. above j^ranted and Bargained preriises with tne appurtenances free and clearly acquitted released and forever dlsciiai'ged of ana from all Manner of former and other gifts grants 3arg?:.ins Sails Morgaiges Joyntors Dowrys Judgenients r,xecutions and a?.l other Incxunbrancos 'Vhatsoever and further I the said John Pine "loth Covenant Bind and Oblige myself my heirs executors and ^dninr.strators and every of them to warrant secure and forever defend all the above bargc.ined prenices with very the aprurtenances unto tiv.\ the said Hendrick Onderdonck his heirs and assigns forever against all the Just and lawfull claims and Demands of all r^anner of persons '.Whomsoever In V7itness herHL>nto I the sajd John ?ine have set to my hand and filled my seal thr. "^ay and T)atp. first above written. Sealed & Delevered John Pine. in the Presents- of Obadiah Pe I.'ilt. Thomas lerland Queens ) County ' "emoranduiT) that on tho 301; h day of :'ay Anno Domini 1758 Peraonr.lly appeared >-vfore ne .'Oaniol Kissar. "a^, one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for Queens County 113, the v;ithin named John Pine and ackno-w'ledged the within vvritten instminent to T)e his vol- lentary -.ct So Deed and having examined the Same and finding no Hasures nor Interlinea- tions 1)0 allow the Sane to he Kfecorded Daniel KisBam Enter & Compared with the Orriginal By Valentine E. Peters, Clk. LR6D':9