aass_£ii^ GREEN -WOOD CEME TE KT. SUPPLEMENTAL CATALOGUE OF PROPRIETORS, TO MAY 12. 18 78 B]?()<)KJ>YN : I:A(4LE print, 34, so a. 38 Fl.'LTON STJ^KET. 1 8T3. G 1! E E N - W 1) C E M E T E K T SUPPLEMENTAL CATALOG DE OF PROPRIETORS, T () M AY 13, 1878. tA-c-roL. ZJL-v\^£jjA/J/^ 6' Ir-O-V BROOKLYN: EAGLE PRINT, 34, SCi k. 38 FULTON STREET. 1 S i 3 , h SUPPLEMENTAL CATALOGUE OF PROrrJETORS, (TO MAY 12, 1873,) WITH THE NUMBER OF THE LOTS AND THEIR LOCATION. IjotiS containiu'-f less than 378 superficial feet are designated thus *', the Pro- prietors of wliich are not entitled to vote in the elections of Trustees of the Institution. Persons whose names are designated thus t, are now deceased. Names. A. Abbot, James L *Al)bot, Samuel L *Abbott, Benjamin V. . Abbott, Sarah M " Abbott, Jennie Abbott, Mary 'Abby, Lorenzo H Abeei, John H., (420 ft.) *Abel, Catharine Abel, William H Abercrombie, Margaret. . tAbraham, James, and ') Thos. W. H. Crouch- > ley (2 lots) ) *Abranches, Innocensis ) A, de S *Abrv, John A Achelis, Thos., estate of. *Achiltree, Charlotte... t Acker, James (1| lots). *Ackerle, Frederick Ackerman, Hermann. . Ackerman, Joshua H.. ) Ackerman, John H , .. ^ "Ackerman, Lawrence L t* Ackerman, Lucy A ■^Ackerman, Martin H. . . *Ackernian, William, ) and William Pool - - - ^ *Aco8ta, Anne No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 10606 21 1SSS3 F 15770 164 18049 G 18198 164 20004 97,98 15907 167 14228 112 18144 K 309 ^59,60 S 65,66 1239 17990 150 19998 K, 108 20354 G 12749 100 16127 120 17690 L 16697 164 14514 159 16549 189 12496 161 18103 175 9164 45 12317 35 Acret, Eleanor *Adair, Elizabeth *Adair, Mary A Adams, Benjamin H., and Francis Barber.. Adams, Calvin, estate of. (1| lots).... *Adam8, C. dishing. .. Adams, Edward Adams, Henry A ^Adams, Edwin S.,and wife Adams, Emma K *Adamg, Gordon C Adams, Henry P Adams, Herman C, (6 lots) *Adams, Jane R t ''Adams, John Q.,Jr... Adams, Kussell W ...... Adams, St. Clarence *Adam8, Thomas Adams, William Addinsell, George W. . .. Addoms, William, and ) Arnold Hallett, M.D. S Adee, Daniel, and ) Thomas A. Gerry. .. \ Adriance, Mary L ) (2 lots) C 17320 13319 20338 12674 15130 20217 13666 20771 15721 14737 to 14742 18653 12774 14939 19424 18192 17200 6309 20710 8322 19.362 19363 158 \ » 13 164 187 159 148 157 f32 J 33 'l 46 147 158 61 123 185 189 113 60,65 34 101 41 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. Names. Attlick, Davis, and / Phebe Torrison ^ Agar, Alexandei- Agatz, Frederick '^Agoust, Henry 'Alilstrom, Janner O. ) and Carl F. Plaschke^ Ahrenfeldt, Clias., and f others, (4 lots) i Abrens, Frederick, and > wife ^ fAhrens, Henry C Abrens, Jobn W ^Abrens, Lena *Abrens, Urtgies, and ) wife ) *Aikens, Jas., and otbei-s *Aikman, Cliarles *Aikman, John *Aikman, Kobert S "Aiknian, 8ainuel M *Aikman, Walter M Ainswortb, Enielia V. H. *Aitken, James G *Aitken, Peter *Aitkin, Tlionias, and ) wife ) Albin, William "Albright, Haltbasar Albro, Elizabeth, and ) tElleu Arquit \ Alburtus, Edward K.. > (2 lots) 5 Alcott, Charles W "^Aldage, James C.,and ) wife 5 Aldama, Miguel, de Aldama, Miguel, de- .. ) (•2 lots) S Aldeu, James F t*Alderton, Henry t^Alderton, Ilephzibah .. Alexander, Allen t*Alexaniler, Lncinda. .. "Alexander, Mark ) Estate of ) "Alexander, Mary "Alfaro, Antonio F ''Alfred, Catherine "Alford, Matilda C *Algeo, Thomas *Algeo, William J Allan, liobert Allan, Tristram, Estate of, t^Aliason, Rob't F. and ; Emma (Jarthwaite .. \ Allen, Al>ram Allen, Caroline C Allen, Catherine No. of Lot. 937 1294 17999 16887 17837 1438 to 1441 19797 13419 18185 17113 20383 134S9 20500 20501 12079 12080 12081 13416 15188 7556 20079 15871 15823 13281 12830 12831 17646 19422 19651 19901 19902 550 16642 18752 7923 13602 20944 13306 20970 18059 18580 1.5536 14735 16029 16349 14967 13491 18948 14ii25 Sect's of Map ^91 ^92 v83 ^84 148 164 175 I 148 I 149 75,98 114 F 188 180 148 148 46 46 46 161 173 62 187 105 K 161 > 37 C 42 N 186 E I 89 43,59 113 F 39 180 20 121 L 151 L 172 168 158! 164 188 170 181 99 Names. "Allen, Charles W. and ^ wife, and Barbara > Ramsay ) Allen, Charlotte M i "Allen, Edward V (% lot) } "Allen, Fannie L "Allen, Francis Allen, Frank H 'Allen, Georgianua J., i "Allen, Henry A Allen, Jacob L., and ) Mary Ehlers ^ Allen, James Allen, John R "Allen, Joseph Allen, Margaret L "Allen, Walter S., and ) wife 5 "Allen, William, and > William McMullan.. ( "Allen, William J "Allgeo, William Allgeo, William H Allhausen, John G. ? D. , and wife ^ Allien, Henry V. Allin, George "Allison, John "Allison, Thomas '"Allison, Thomas, and ) wife 5 t"Alnwick, Ann ) Alnwick, Mary J 5 "Alston, John I "Alston, Theodore, and f Abram J. Van Dyke \ Alston, William A. f Estate of C Alt, William Althof, Louis A. A., ) and wife 3 t"Altrenter, Margaret... Amerman, Nicholas Ames, Lydia Amigh, Caroline "Anderson, Alexander.. "Anderson, David Anderson, Elizabeth . . Anderson, Andrew, and Charles L. Doe Anderson, Henry J . .. Anderson, Elbert J . .. I Anderson, 'Charles E., J- and Elizabeth P. | Lord J Anderson, Hiram "Anderson, James t"Auderson, James A... No. of Lot. 15609 15156 8836 8837 19664 17780 16539 18722 12202 5242 14507 19398 16336 6235 18415 18793 12697 18638 15384 21014 9789 17460 14357 20034 20765 16828 14380 20287 16835 12073 19609 13520 2627 21004 13512 17277 15796 9035 3290 1S8L5 13013 15908 Sect's of Map 189 180 176 180 187 42 158 162 L 176 123 111 156 149 178 183 179 90 L 180 114 164 77 93 H 172 189 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. Anderson, John ( (18 lot.^) ( *Anderson, John *Ander8on, John A Anderson, John D Anderson, John J "Anderson, John S ^ *Anderson, Mury Anderson, Mury A., and ) Elizabeth Towers. .. \ "Anderson, Nils, and f wife ) *Anderson, Peter B t*Auderson, William, ^ Jr., and John C. Cor- > tis ) Anderson, William *Anderson, William H.. ''Anderson, William H.. Anderson, William J.,') and Wari'en Carpen- > ter ) *Anderson, William J... *Ander8on, William M.. Andrews, Edwin > (405 feet) 5 Andrews, Elizabeth t*Andrews, George H. .- Andrews, George R Andrews, Haym JVI "Andrews, Henrietta ^Andrews, John "'Andrews, Joseph *Andrews, Margaret 'Andrews, Richard Andrews, Thomas, Es- { tate of (2 lots) ( Andrews, William M.,^ and Mary T. Nicker- > 8(_>n ( 1 1 lot) ) *Andrie, Valentine Andrus, Elizabeth Andrus, Mary A Angarica, Joachin D *Angell, Albert H *An8on. John ) Anson, Thomas \ ^Anstatt, Charles tAnthony, Edward, and > JoluiD. Oakford... \ "Anthony, Edward R ... "Antisell, Mary *Aiit()ui(k's, John *Ant/,, 8iis;ni M *Appe,. Fri'dcrick *Appel, Jacob, and Wil-> ham Bolte S No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 13724 to 13741 is, ]ti421 164 17710 189 20742 147 14794 k 163 I 168 20920 182 20717 182 14317 169 19892 186 13464 111 5472 57 17445 181 10843 89 13320 5 179 I 180 922 73 18310 185 17072 ( 158 I 159 18251 167 58(55 21 14119 180 10893 123 18900 186 16116 164 13216 o 18878 189 19829 L 16038 168 19646 s ^ 19647 10155 72 20412 183 5865 21 13675 149 19650 E 18465 175 18500 189 17579 190 16938 113 13499 49 15243 188 18636 176 20979 176 15359 188 16423 113 Names. *Apelles, Henry - - - Applegate, Charles H., } 1| lot) ] ''Applegate, William Applehoflf, Henry, Es- ? tate of ) "Arango, Aui-elio t*Arbnckle, Robert "Archdeacon, Peter, ) and others ) t'' Archer, Charles O ■^Archer, Hezekiah S "Arend, George "Arenfred, William "Arkell, James "Arming, Francis M Armitage,Rev. Wm. E.. Armour, Herman O "Armour, Neil, and others "Arms, Charles Arms, Lawson, and ? tJacob R. McCall... <■ "Armstrong, Edward "Armstrong, George "Armstrong, George, > e.state of ) "Armstrong, James "Armstrong, Jane Armstrong, John, and) Edward W. Bradley > (Ulot)> Armstrong, John B Armstrong, Joseph E Armstrong, Robert C, ) and wife 3 t*Armstrong, Rosanua . . "Armstrong, Sarah {"Armstrong, William . . . Arndt, Wilhelm, and ) others S Arnold, Dan H. (6 lots) Arnold, George B "Arnold, John H "Arnold, Lorenzo t Arnold, Thcmias G Arnott, David S., and ) wife ) Arnoux, Wm. H. (Ij lot) "Arntz, Mary Arrietta, Ygnacio de, ) Estate of ' (3 lots, of > 468 ft. each) ) Arrowsmith, Augustus, ( and wife, and others. ) "Arrowsmitli, Gilbert L. Arthur, William II tArquit, Ellen, and ) Elizabeth Albro \ No. of Lot, 12246 1616J 18245 18293 19543 13276 19479 16049 15920 18674 8860 14678 14706 16195 19843 20657 13678 10476 12799 16583 18959 12728 20133 8284 8285 16316 14662 20177 13798 17564 13948 16418 17285 to 17290 16365 18453 17828 12322 20633 9046 17103 14669 to 14671 19357 13166 12903 13281 Sect's of Map 178 99 189 F 188 180 96 164 168 F 15 163 168 163 189 G E 177 15 13 164 74 180 156 101 163 121 153 177 168 180 164 164 175 D 150 147 7,28 114 150 159 159 161 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. No. of Lot. ^Aslilenuui, John G ' Asimisseii. Peter *As([iutli, AVilliiim ^Asten, James *Afitie, Hilarie *Atkins, James Atkin-, Richard H., I and wife J Atkins, Thomas A *Atkins Thomas J *Atkins, William Atkinson, Charles F Atkinson, Isahelhi '^Atkinson, Joshua t Atkinson. William, and ) Rufus C. Read S * Atkinson, William Atkinson, William *At water, Harry E., ) and wife ) *Atwood, Charles, Jr.. .. fAubert, Conroi Aiichmuty, Richard T... *Aiidifred, Constatin, } and Felicite IMozer, ) *Augustin, Frederick J.. '"Augustus, Peter *Auld, John R., and ) Edward P. Fox $ "Aupoix, Charles *Austen, Annie Austin, JJwight, ^ Austin, Myron, and > John B. Danley ) Austin, Eugene W Austin, Lewis C. (405ft.). Austin, Samuel J Austin, William, and E > Dupuy Slater ] Auten, James W Auten, John G ■''Avant, Frances Avery, Irving M Avery, John W., (486 ft.) *Avery, Samuel P i *Avery, Walter T., and ) Mary A. A. Ireland. \ *Ayer, Julia B "^Ayer, Julia F.,and others *Ayer8, George *Ayers, Samuel, and J Ann Nicliolsou ] Aylirte, Elizabeth *Aymar, Jane Ayres, Ann ) Ayres, A(h'ieune | Ayree, Ann ( Ayres, Mary, and others j 20690 20428 12371 17708 17106 15134 20290 12063 20407 15133 18237 20796 16077 10479 13347 13436 20112 13352 1Q235 16135 17816 17838 17222 16809 17324 17411 19877 15309 16612 12401 15064 17705 13955 17408 17964 13745 3958 19346 5602 15759 18728 16196 20416 12505 20964 925 Sect's of Map E E 49 189 K 158 148 150 153 158 152 L 177 15 29 29 F 95 7 112 L L 167 167 151 114 120 Names. No. of Lot. Sect's of Map Ayres, Henrietta *Ayres, Reuben B. Babcock, Benjamin, > and Charles Jones... \ Babcock, Franklin C--- *Babcock, Hairiet A Babcock, Henry H *Babcock, James A., > and Edwin Gates \ t*Babcock, Peter, J., ) and Martha Gregg .. \ Bache, Benjamin F., ) Bache. Elizabeth H., > and others ) "Bachmann, George Backhouse, Edward T. ) (2 lots) S Backus, Charles C. , and i Rev. Alexander H. > Clapp, {486 ft.) > *Bacon, Francis *Bacon, Freeman Bacon, Daniel P., aud ) tisaac Fryer \ Bacon, Rev. George W.- Bacon, Lora B "^ Bacon, Francis M > (1^4 lot)) tBacon, William H Bacon, Zadoc M Badger, Daniel D., ) dX lot) \ "'Badger, Franklin O., } and wife J *Baebler, Margaret *Baens, Dorette ''Baesley, Susan A., and ) others ) ''Bailey, Charles H *Bailey, Deborah A Bailey, Elisha > Bailey, James A 3 Bailey, Heni'y M *Bailey, Isaac G Bailey , John C Bailey, John F "Bailey, Maria L Bailey, Nathaniel S. , ) and Daniel D. Miller S Bailey, Thomas C ? Bailey, George H 3 Baillie, Peter R Bainbridge, Henry ^ Bainbridge, Frank S., I and wife j" Bainbridge, Leveritt S.J ■Baird, Eliza A 14948 15218 9545 17115 14157 7486 17462 11088 20780 12611 171.59 17160 6051 13170 13794 4574 18926 15178 16825 15756 18873 20963 159 188 29,30 189 172 54 29 74 168 112 I 114 26 171 61 119 176 162 165 5 162 I 163 115 156 17993 12964 92 180 13561 180 18268 18631 175 23 3948 79 12229 16283 16846 12230 19842 100 167 1.57 160 187 15020 99 17920 152 13960 180 20070 186 19423 186 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1S73. Names. "^Baird, John *Baird, John *Baiid, Thomas W... "Baisley , Lewis Baisley, Nehemiah "Bakenhus, Bernhard. .. *Baker, Ashley C Baker, Benjan'iin A *Baker, Benjaniiii T Baker, Catherine S., ? and others J Baker, David Baker, Edwin, & others. Baker, ElihuE Baker, Frederick, & wife •^Baker, George O *Baker, Harriet E Baker, John H., and^ Emma L, Watkins > (lilot)> .Baker, Laura S '^JJaker, Louisa A * Baker, Rev. Mark B. .. Baker, Joseph P. > (4 lots) S Baker, Josiah W. S (.3 lots) 1 Baker, Sophia, and others *Baker, Sophia C *Baker, Tallmadge *Baker, William Balch, Eliza, and others. *Balch, Martha D Baldwin, Augusta J "^Baldwin, Caroline Baldwin, Charles P., } and wife \ "Baldwin, David A '. Baldwin, Ezekiel *Bald\vin, Henry, & wife "Baldwin, Lewis N *Baldwin, Stephen C ... "Baldwin, Wilhelmina M Balen, Peter "Ball, Ashley H "Ball, George W *Ball, Hosea Ball, John "Ball, Joseph A "Ball. Thomas "Ball, Thomas P "Ballantiiie, ^^'illian^ A-. "Ballard, William "Ballheimer, George L.. "Balliu, Jacob No. of Lot tBallou, Maria K. P. . . Balmanno, Alexander. "Balsdon, Eli/.a "Bamber, Matilda. . Bamber, Josejihine. ::i 13610 1410(3 20697 19509 17126 15882 12766 13891 14565 14812 18108 5697 18432 12420 17741 18433 1143 13432 19242 12711 7964 to7967 3814 to 3816 925 16829 14353 19256 6713 15639 17390 14901 20766 18849 17858 20440 19853 18510 19662 16142 15410 16941 12703 15804 17423 15381 13915 14323 13620 18254 18244 18005 12234 18945 17457 Sect's of Map 177 180 D 186 114 164 95 172 163 163 165 39 186 178 167 95 (72 ^73 172 69 2 5 8 26 27 91 189 124 174 73 161 190 164 E 186 168 45 82 152 187 113 157 164 180 157 168 23 162 172 177 185 175 189 190 178 L 151 Names. Bang, Henry J... (1^ lot) Bange, Henry.. (2 lots) \ Banister, Anna M Banks, Bbujamin t*Banks, Daniel, and } M. Floy Reading ^ tBanks, Edward iVI ( (432 ft.) ^ Banks, George '^Bannerman, Margaret . . "Banning, Edmund P "Bannister, Mrs. Anna M Banta, William, (473 feet) Ban vard, John "Baptist, Benjamin B. .. "Barber, Benjamin F Barber, Francis, arid ) Benjamin H. Adams. ) Barber, Samuel (2 lots) . . Barbour, John JM "Barbour, Thomas "Barbour, William H. and wife Barclay, Thomas No. of Lot. "Barhydt, David P "Barili, Nicola, and wife "Barkeloo, Henry Barker, Ezra D., and ) Agnes Otis ) tBarkley, Robert, (1| lot) "Barkley, Susan M Barkman, Frederick, J. W, and Margaret L. Groesbeeck Barlow, Ann E Barlow, George Barlow, Joseph Barnard, Chauncey. .. "^Barnard, Owen H Barnes, Alfred S . . (6 lots) "Barnes, Ambrose E. t"Barnes, Eli "Barnes, Frances L "Barnes, John ;s)j Barnes, Mary E Barnes, Stth S., and Rebecca Rice Barnet, Harrison "Burnett, Henry "Barnett, John" Barnett, Warren L (H lot) Barney, Daniel J 14494 14485 14486 1694 12632 15473 1.5520 13900 20871 13673 13193 17907 14534 14241 17342 17320 20071 13974 17760 19881 18488 14154 12178 19930 17101 1.5226 1492 14566 159 12271 20912 to 20917 19056 18124 17550 18172 14932 16210 13.579 12511 19668 20124 12743 Sect's of Map 124 111 84 107 181 1.57 159 115 52 48 174 I) 162 I 163 172 189 158 102 172 181 187 i 112 » 123 151 183 152 29 177 187 157 162 112 160 119 73 112 151 L 174 151 152 164 112 9 8 186 M 120 125 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1S73. Names. *Barnie, Alexander, ) and John Patterson. S Baron, Nancy, Estate } of, and Ellen Vail... ^ *Barr, James and Wni. ) Keatley ) Barrard, ' John t'^Barras, Charles M *Barraud, Victorine *Barre, George H tBarre, Walter *Barret, Alexander *Barrett, Emma J *Barrett, Harriet A Barrett, William, and ) wife ) *Barrett, William C *Barrie, John *Barro\v, George Barrows, William H Barry, Caroline, (4 lots) > *Barry , John *Barry, Joseph J., and ) others \ tBarstow, Henry W *Bartel8, George '*Barth, Elizabeth *Barthelemy, Mary, ) and Michael FuUeu . ) Barthold, Rafael R tBartholomae, Charles, ) (2 lots) ^ Bartholomew, Anna E. ^ B., and Jonas Win- > Chester ) Bartholomew, Frede- ) rickH (1 lot) ] *Bartholomew, Mary . .. Bartlett, John K., and > Stephen H.Tinkey.- \ *Bartlett, Junius A *Burtlett, Phebe B t*Bartlett, Thomas Bartlelt,William E.and ) tJoseph Hoxie (610ft) ) ^Barton, Alfred, and wife *Barton, Edwin J *Barton, Thomas M. .. > tBarton, Daniel $ Barton, William B ■] Barton, Richard [ Barton, Aim M. and ( Thomas ,S. Brooks. ..J t'Bartroi), Joseph , nJaslifoid, Richard T ... Bass, Albert R. and wife, *BaB8, Rev. Job G *Bassett, Edwin P., and wife 4679 19457 14755 20212 17295 15170 15557 944 16980 17210 17127 19532 12948 15287 17558 16341 17168 to 17171 13574 19550 854 18336 17967 13273 9039 2442 2443 15731 8639 17774 19856 12251 14837 20741 9.573 13396 8003 169 17441 12670 20029 16S26 19361 Names. No. of I Sect's ' Lot. j of Map 29 111 Basset, Zenas D., Jr ''Basso, Andrew Bast, George Bastian, Bartheld M . .. t*Batchelder, John P., ) M. D S Batchelder, William D. ) (2 lots) S Batsman, John Bates, Aaron P i ""Bates, Andrew, and } wife \ Bates, Cephise C, and ) others, (1^ lot) ^ Bates, James ) Bates, Robert V Bates, Joseph, and > tCharles H. Soar. .. ) t^Bates, Martha Bates, Newton L Bates, Rosalie S., and others *Bather, George 153 189 183 Bathurst, Thomas > *Battersby , Susan *Battersoii, Abraham L., Baudny, Baron Alexan- > der de ^ Bauer, Herman P. and > Philip J. Seiter ) *Bauer John '^Baum, Sarah t*Bauman, Margaret S-. Baumert, Francis X **Baur, John ) Baur, Christian \ Baxter, Charles H ( (2 lots) S *Baxter, Jihn, and ) Robert French \ Baxter, John C Baxter, Edgar Baxter, John F Bayley, Mary f'Baylis, William E. P. ) and tDavid Davis... $ *Bay liss, Samuel "Bayne, George G Bazing, Marshall Beach, Edward P tBeach, Evan *Beach, Moses S Beach, Sophia, Estate of ) (2 lots) S *Beach, William Beach, William n.,and ) Laursi L. Powers,. .. ^ 13455 14230 15447 20042 15101 13461 13462 13334 20769 20411 19177 12702 12714 12166 20780 17241 19712 18381 20568 13129 16480 13323 15816 15313 14172 20265 15451 15452 17381 19284 14306 10494 16045 19986 13569 5605 14057 13297 12945 12946 13707 10233 170 29 162 156 60,65 I 123 47 S 114 ?115 153 180 161 94 168 164 167 183 • 186 152 148 171 151 180 162 K 159 187 120 168 G 163 97 164 187 159 66 122 69,70 [ 32 177 21 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. Beal, Abraham, Estate ' of, and Abraham C. ' Van Ejips , Beale, John C *Beale, William P , "^Beam. Henry > *Beam, Jesse C Beam, Lydia A *Beam, Nathaniel B. .. s *Beam, Peter M., Jr *Beamaii, Allen C *Bean, H ugh J ) Bean, Lorenzo D \ Beard, George, and i Henry Krauke ^ •Beard, Oliver T Beard, William, (6 lots) ) Beard, Willani H., andi Thomas Le Clear, > (11^ lot) > tBeardsley, Charles Beams, James S. (1 1 lot) Beams, Joseph H., and > wife 5 *Beatty, James *Beatty , Margaret Beavan, Edward *Becerra, Enrique L *Bechamps, John d., > and Joseph Pelissier. ) ^Bechtluft, Charles *Beck , Henrietta *Becker, Christopher * Becker, Henry Becker, Joseph *Becker, Valentine, and ? wife ^ "Beekmann, John Beckstein, Augustus B. ) (2 lots) \ Beckstein, Frederick... ( (2 lots) S *Beckwith, Mary A Beekwith, Nelson M Beck with, Townsend.. > Beekwith, George ) *Bedard, John B *Bedell, Cadwallader A- Bedell, Richard *'Beder, Andrew *Bedford, Alfred, and ) wife ) *Bee, Peter •Beebe, Alonzo H Beebe, Anson P 15914 182 48 17826 13120 21006 19145 19711 9800 15039 17224 19075 14727 12937 13422 Names. 150 151 19679 186 19022 Beebe, Charles > Beebe, George Wash- ) ington, and others... \ "Beebe, James D. M Beebe, Jonathan W Beebe, Lydia } (472 feet) J Beebe, Roderick, J r Beebe, Welcome R... ) (2 lots) S Beebe, William J ) (2 lots) ] *Beeken, Cornelia *Beekman, Catharine L *Beers, George Beers, Nathan P *Beesley, Joseph *Beetson, Honora A. Begoden, Achilles Beggs, Nathaniel Belilen, Hermann Behniann, Henry W .. Behning, Henry "^Behrens, Frederick . . . *Behren8, John H Behringer, Mary '"Behrman, Henry *Behrmanu, Henry *Beinecke, Bernhard "■Beinert, John ^Beinert, Michael, & wife Belden, Anna M., and } others ) *Belden, Nathaniel H .. . Belfour, Alexander C., ^ Belfour, Edmund, and > othei-s (Ijlot)) "Belitz, August Belknap, Joseph t*Belknap, Julia M Bell, Alvin W *Bell, Charles Bell, Charles J *Bell, George A Bell, John t*Bell, Mary, and Mary ) E. Farnum 3 Bell, John P t*Bell, Judith t*Bell, Rol)ert C Bell, Thomas, and } Henry Foster ) Bell, Tiiomas Bell, Thomas M.,& wife Bell, William F Bellamy, William Bello, 'Catherine E tBellows, Lucinda *Bel8on, Frederick Belzer, John 17421 18531 13258 18968 18531 17131 16736 16737 16857' 16S58j 13177 19545 17984 14107! 17054 20924: 12827 16801 15082 13075 15927 17225 20825 20142 2514 16727 20388 17864 20058 15235 12252 16164 17900 13764 18478 18726 13430 17303 12596 16927 19893 20788 12408 19083 17345 18798 13167 14171 12987 16647 12103 17006 14164 Sect's of Map 151 152 151 161 152 1.51 187 ^ 113 > 113 ( 114 95 F 175 159 112 L 35 120 162 182 168 167 L E 57 164 F L D 5 180 ) 187 91 156 175 61 175 165 180 91 99 112 98 188 121 137 167 H 30 170 171 167 99,119 151 112 10 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. Names. No. ofl Sect's Lot. olMap *Beman, Samuel *Bencler, Jopeph *Bene, Felifie Benedict, Edward S-. Benedict, Robert D - - - - - Benedict, Samuel R. - Benedict, William €.,"> and Estate of Theo- > dore B. Marsli. ) tBeniamin, Joseph ( (604 ft.) S *Beniamin, Marv B *Benk, Philipp H. ,& wife *Benner, Henry Beiinet, David S. B., ? and otliers (i| lot).-- S *Bennett, Benjamin '^Beimett. Elizabeth G.^ Bennett, Lucy 1 Bennett, John r Bennett, Thomas, and | others - J Bennett, Francis C Bennett, James, and ) Lydia F. Meeker . .. ^ tBehnett. James Gor- ) don(l lot and 202 ft.) ) Bennett, John *Bennett, Mary, and ? Catharine Laiie ) "Bennett, Mary K t*Bennett, Owen "Bennett, Thomas Bennett, William Bennett, William H *Bennion, William H., j and wife * *Bensel, Maria M *Ben8el, Peter C. David L. Wint ham "Benson, Clarissa, and Eliza Johnson S Benson, John S., and ^ tOrlando J. Reynolds ), Bentlev, Norman S ■ -- ( (2 lots) S "Bentley, Thomas tBenton, Buckley T Benton, Jesse, and ) Benton, Marshall F... ) *Bentz, Jacob "Berbenick, Tersia "Berbert, August Berge, Henry, and wife. Berge, John, and wife .. 15308 13819 18750 17855 17981 16488 9646 14767 15523 19449 12351 Names. No. of Lot. 18778 12971 15692 865 20828 13390 5965 19006 12106 16766 18899 17099 20592 19379 8507 1.5773 10876 1377ol 13771 13713 10729 18539 18461 14(;66 14624 17914 11966 186 189 Bergen, George W Bergen, Jacob I., and wife (2 lots) . , ^ ^ tBergen,JohnC 11829. Bergen, lunis *Berger, Charles *Berger, Jacob - - - "Bergmann, Augustus, ) and wife ) tBergmann, Hermann . . . Berkefeld, Adolph Berky, Margaret V Berney, Alfred *Bernhardt, Barbara t*Bernhardt, George *Bernhardt, Ludwig P-- tBerrian, Samuel U., ? and others ) Berrian, William "Berry, James, and / Mary J. Shurlock. - . ^ *Berry, Marcus H "Berfis Mary A *Berry, Peter J Sect's of Map 13539 202571 20258' Berry, Richard, (6 lots) Berry, Robert Berry, Thomas Bertram, Henry *Besser, George 'Best, Samuel *Bett8, Jane E ''Betts, John A.,M.D.,") and Thomas H. Rob- > bins ) *Betts, Lott, and James / Blair S *Betts, Maria Beyea, Wright M., and } others S Bianchi, Theresa Biddle, Harriet S Bidwell, Alfred G., and ) wife ) "Bidwell, Nathan ■ "Bierds, Thomas H "Bigelow, Sophia B Bigg8,l8aac A. and wife J aiid Allen Conrey... } "Biglow, Charlotte H... Bigiow, Lemuel G 158] ItBiglow. Lucius ( LI iBiglow, Lucius H ' 163 I'^Biiilow, Silas L.. 92 164 41 5153 68 Billing, Frederick W. and wife "Billinge, Sarah A Billings, Elmer M 1.5903 16301 15319 7241 15820 14144 16903 15820 19951 1553.5 14871 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1S73. 11 Names. Billings, Livingston G... *Binder, Margaret , Bingham, Emma J *Bingham, Margaret "Bingley, George J i '^Birch, Ann Birch, William "Birchill, Thomas G *Bir(l, Adeline *Bir(l, t'raneis *Bird, Freeman B *Bird, George H. W *Bird, Isaac Bird, William E fBirdsall, Jane BirdsaU,Zadoc,aud others ^Birdseye, Lucien *Birkbeck, Sarah "Birkenhauer, Henry . . .•. *Birkenhaiier, John ^Birmingham, Edward. . '^Biruie, Edward A *Bisco, Letitia *Bishop, Charles K . "Bishop, Henry C, and } others ^ Bishop, Mary K., and ( John H. Keid, (2 lots) J t*Bishop, Marv J. L ^Bishop, William B. > and John Ivortz ^ "Bishop, William E t*Bixby, Laura A "Black, Andrew "Black, David "BLaek, Elizabeth "Black, Francis "Black, William S Black, William T "Blacklmrn, Elizabeth "Blackburn, George.. "Blackburn, Henry .- "Blackbam, JobW... "Blackmore, David Blackstock, Jane William Eginton Blackwell, bamuel / Estate of \ "Blackwood, Sylvester H Blagrove, Phelje Blair, Benjamin F., and ) wife ^ "Blair, James, and Lott ? Betts 5 "Blair, Janet I and^ ■lot)) 18302 21040 1556(; 17399 17427 17059 13706 15707: 159.501 13904 2(U0(ii 20493 14356 17348 18988 16744 17711 19191 20793 12294 18728 13814 12619 17751 16832 17459 13972 19855 11049 16444 17177 8489 19521 20670 15097 20749 Names. Blair, Marion, and ) tJane Cumminge ( "Blaisdell,Alvah, M.D.. No. oil Sect's Lot. j of Map 4510 15175 52 115 172 Blake, Caroline S | 15136 "Blake, Daniel S "Blake, George W "Blake. George W., Jr.. tBlake, James "Blake, Judson J ■'Blakelock, John "HIakeluck, Ralph, M. D "Blakes, James "Blakey , George A "Blamey, Samuel, Es- ) tate of J tBlanchard, Catharine, / and tWilliam Simpson ^ Blanchard, William "Blanck, George G Blanck, Mary C "Bland, Enuly "lihuike, George C tBlankley, John J. Blankman, Edmon i"Blankman, William i*Blatchford, George H. .. "Blauvelt,Peter J "Bleak ley, Andrew Bleaklev, John F > (400 ft) \ Bleaklev, John L Blem, Peter C. A Blend, Leonhard ) Blend, John, and Peter > Leick ) "Bleyert, Helene "Blinn, Robert "Bliss, James t"Bliss,William A., Jr.-. Bliss, William R "Block, Conrad "Block, John Blodget, Henry T ) (2 lots) \ Blodgett, Albert (432 feet) Blodgett, Daniel C ( (3 lots) j Bloom, Rachel A "BloomHeld, John J Blooratield, Jonathan C. ? and others ) "Bloor, Alfred J Bloss, Benj. G. and wife > Bloss, Newell W S 14733 157 2913 108 4451 15244 14205 1314S 170 13664 15860 14525 170 17930 13339 19537 H 112 103 104 12 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST Names. No. of 1 Sect's Lot. i of Map Blossom, Charles W- ..^ Blossom, Frederick A - - Blossom, James B.--- i Blossom, Josiah B, and William S. Tisdale.. 1 (6 lots) j Blossom, Reuben S t*Bloxham, Thomas * Blunt. Hiram S BlydenbnrK, William J ? BlVdenliurg, Jessie S-- ) *B"oar(l of Missions of ^ the P. E. Church .... S tBoard, Rachel ? Board, Helen > Boardman, Georgianna ") R. S., and others > (2 lots) ) *Boardman, Rebecca *Bocalan(lro, Luis *Bochmann, Frank A 171401 I to j y 17145; I I ) 17425 124221 12117 16292 14125 17903 12647 12648: 9657 12406 15527 149 Names. iNo. of Sect's Lot. of Map *Bolte, William, and > Jacob Appel ) ''Bolting, Francis ''Bolton, Adolph *Bolton, James, Estate of Bon, Isidore M Bonard, Louis, Estate of. Bond, Jane J 164231 2097 ij 16450 9744 16212 19935 19533 Bode, Henry 20116 *Bodkin, Martin R *Boehm, Jacob Boell, Martin, and wife *Boerem, M. Antoinette Boerum, F. Rapelje... ) m lot) s *Boese, Thomas *Boesen, Frederick *Boe8sennecker, John H *Boettingheimer, Charles: Boettner, John C I t*Bogardus, Eliza F I Bogardus, Frank L. , ? and Egbert A. Clark S *Bogardus. James, and ) others S Bogart, Richard W *Bogert, Charles H Bogert, Elizabeth Bogert , James *Bogert, Wealthy J Boggs, William, and ^ wife I Boggs, John, and j Hannah Evans J *Bogue, Thomas Bohde, Frederick ) (2 lots) S ''Bohla, Anna "'Bohling, John *Boize, Charles tBoland, Henry "Bolhenhagen, Eliza F.. *B(>lrath, Tiieodore 18552 17146 16563 16536 20668 169 94211 30 134381 161 13843 14568 14212 6915 17419 19567 Bond, B. Williams 'Bond, Lorenzo Bonnell, Adeline Bonnell, Manuel G. de ^ J., and Ebenezer B. > Wood > "Bonestill, James H * Boniface, John K *Bonington, Charles G-. Bonneau, Francis, Jr *Bonneford, Jean N i*Bonner, Celestine L l*Bonner, Maria rBouner , Thomas t*Book8taver, David i S., and John Bos ) l*Boomer, John i*Boornni, John L ? iBoornm, William B. .- 5 Boosman, Frederick Booth, Charles Booth, Ralph W. (U lot) Booz, William B., and ? wife > 'Borland , James Bornhoeft, John F Borsdorif and Winter Bos, John, and tDavid ? S. Bookstaver ) Boscher, Charles N..-. Bostelmann, William Boston, John A- 16916 18426 19721 207.52 14479 14294 19113 14403 20595 12454 21009 3476 10277 20427 12583 14636 16837 Bosworth, Joseph S *Bothmer, Frederick W- *Bothner, Christian t*Botsford, Stephen *Bouchonx, Mary L *Bouck, James B., and ) wife > *Bouillim, Elize t*Boughton, Caroline L- *Boug-liton, Juliet h' ''Bouhvare, Eliza *B()urke, John O. and ? wife ) ''Bourlier, Alfred J. B- -■ ''*U and others ) Bowne, George F.,and ) others ) *Boyd, Edgar S Boyd, Edward A *Boyd, Elizabeth Boyd, George M *Boyd, James Boyd, James R *Boyd, John *Boyd, John G., and wife f'Boyd, Lewis R Boyd, Louisa P "^Bovd, Liicv Boy'd, KolicVt, and janies B. Warden. . (7K lots) ) "Boyd, Robert Boyd, Sarah, and Anne ) E Irving. J *Boyd, William *Boyd, William C *Boyden, George A. Boyer, Anthony, Jr., } and John W. Moulton ) Bover, Lanson *Boyle, Jacob T t*I5oyle, James "Boyle, Mary M., and > Mary A. Storey ) No. of Lot. 16420 1C956 13577 12955 16419 12974 12047 14053 21039 20319 12296 13384 12693 18311 20826 20832 19792 1.3834 12715 12762 1273] 14638 13052 887 19114 Sect's of Map 164 113 63 1G4 1 46 111 124 G 156 180 51 P E 176 186 179 29 29 29 163 83 73 Names. 13353 106 13978 112 17166 F 18490 176 16312 189 15606 ISR 14760 163 20626 182 15357 162 5343 77 15200 188 8004 > O8010 i 75 20868 ) 13780 177 16702 189 13359 180 18404 175 18407 114 5367 ^ 44 } 58 14370 169 16535 158 15362 188 j'^Boyle, Rebecca i*Bracken, William S.. Bradbrook, Gnstavus A., and wife (2 lots). Bradford, Benjamin W. Bradford, Deborah ^Bradford, Harriet M. . 'Bradford, Seth, and Lvman Nolton, Jr... Braclford, William H. and Ralpli Cbtrk Bradford, William H.. Bradley, Edward W., and John Armstrong (13^ lot). Bradley, John N., (702 ft. "Bradlej', Lucius *Bradley , Margaret f*Bradley, Sanuiel *Brad8haw, Hamilton B. *Bradshaw, John *Bradway, Eunice A *Brady, Elizabeth ; Brady, Jane C Brady, George '. Brady, John *Brady, John H Brainard, Julius Brainard, Luther Braiznell, Mary Braker, Conrad, Jr ) Braker, George ^ Bramley, Elizabeth *Bramm, Sarah i Bramwell, Joseph } (2 lots) \ Branch , Sarah L Brandeis, Leopold, (1^ lot) "Brander, James L Brandes, Henry Brandt, Heinrich J Brandt', Sophia Brant, Henry Brasch,Fredericka, and ) others ^ Brasher, William M *Braun, Bernard, and } others \ Braun, Hieronimus ''Brann, Joseph, and wife, Brautigam, Christina.. ) (2 lots) \ t*Braynard, Thomas L.. t*Breckenridge, Evelyn. 'Bi'eguet, Cecile *Breher, George Breher, Philipp No. of Lot. 12916 17956 1944 19443 13298 20634 12646 10955 10981 8284 8285 16331 16260 19265 15743 12341 15893 20098 14484 14496 16347 14850 14109 14110 16604 13717 8768 17566 16714 16715 20050 19631 15365 J2173 16930 19388 12366 15466 1693 15691 17917 20880 11759 12663 13304 17095 17497 15494 14188 Sect's of Map 171 174 89 98 183 103 179 46 14 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. No. of Lot. fBrehm, Philip *Bieideubach, Henry . .. *Breisacber, Hannann, ) and wife ) ""Breit, George, and } George Kirchoff ) *Breineyer, Anne M tBreumer, IJenjauiin E. i and Wni. M. VVbituey ) tBreinner, Benjamin E .. t*Breneman, Elizabeth .. *Brennan, John *Breunan, Mary J *Brennun, William Bi-enon, Alfred D., and ) Frederick Grimmel.. ) '^Brett, Charles S *Brettell, Elizabeth "Brettell, George t*Brevoort, Abraham N. Brevoort, James C ) (2 lots) \ Brevoort, Samuel, and / liobert T. Hicks ) Brewer, Henry O Brewster, George R Brewster, John L., and ) wife J "Brewster, Julia A t"* Brewster, Susan Brewster, Virginia, and ) John Clark ) *Brice, Ann E "Bricher, John W tBrick, Joseph K 'Briddon, Charles K., ) M. D S f Bridge, John ... (8 lots) -j I u P-, t*Bridge, Joshua and otliers Bridgens, William H., and John F. Ketcham tBridgenian. Andrew . . ^Bridges, Henry W- . . liriel, Christian Brien, Henry Brien, Henry, Jr Brien, Martin J BriggB, Alanson T.... ( (8 lots) i BriggB, Daniel D Briggs, Margui'et A *BriggH, Sarah T f*Briggs, Thomas W 15297 19539 14968 12031 16(584 15327 15328 17727 19759 14432 13091 3283 1348S 20652 20681 13840 8702 8703 3387 13279 17120 20985 16113 19276 11554 12498 14544 15173 16741 66 14435 to 14441 1577-2 15363 1-8107 20394 1.5077 1.5795 15794 19386 163S7 to 16394 J 7573 12981 19983 18749 Sect's of Map 188 186 157 164 112 189 162 162 167 168 183 172 K 543 I 44 177 148 148 177 160 161 64 47 112 176 164 183 69 27 170 1.58 55 47 75 158 1 152 183 K 157 157 152 104 164 170 156 152 Names. :har!S I lots)) *Brigbam, Henry G. and wife Brill, Julius .. *Brill, Mary.. tBrinckeriioft", Char lotte and Loui Troup (3 *Brinckerhott', Edwin O Brinckerboff, Elbert A. ) (2 lots) \ Brinckerboff, Walter *Brink, Charles *Briscoe, Sidney B *Brister, John W '^Bristow, Henry *Brittain, Matthew, F J } Brittain, Ann J \ Britton, Alexander > (11 lot) I Britton, Dexter B., and i James Harrison > (i^iot)3 Britton, John W Britton Lloyd L "Britton, William Brockett, Lucv M Brockway, Albert H.. t*Brockway , Caroline - . *Brod, Mat'ilda ]5rolly, James S "Broking, Harniann, and John G. Sper- veslage ^Bromberg, Samuel . . . Bromberg, Sarah ^ tBronson, James, and / Esther Corsa ^ *Brouson, Oliver, M. D. Bronson, Silas, Estate ) of (Ulot) ) Brooklyn Industrial 1 School Association, I Home for Destitute ( Children ....{2 lots) J Brooklyn Society for") the relief of respect- ( able aged indigent fe- [ males (4 lots) j Brookman, Henry D.. ^ Brookman, John U > (4 lots) ) *Bi'()okes, Alice "Brooks, Helen M "Brooks, James fBrooks, James Brooks, Thomas S.,and ) othei's ) "Broome, Col. John L.. No. of Lot. 20204 14622 47980 19957 to 19959 19161 18574 18575 12716 16448 18708 13496 19908 17296 20599 15075 16185 12790 16800 18774 19144 19858 17894 19621 2110 9951 7945 14993 17863 13476 13477 16369 to 16372 12304 to 12307 18961 15746 17665 1819t) 8003 20632 Sect's of Map ^^ (E 124 F, D I 138 C 149 152 I 153 112 163 189 177 { 148 I 149 168 99 167 51 164 153 184 L K, L 149 66 58 15 113 i ^ 182 184 164 120 164 169 185 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1878. 15 ^Broujjli, Elizabeth "Brough, Mary A t*Bron,t;h, Sarah ''Brongbani, John *Brower, Garrit ) Brower, Kem L \ Brower, John D Brewer, Jolni L *Brower, Julia Brower, Laura Li., and ) others (Ulot) S Brower, Mar}' Brower, Mary A *Bro wer, Orlando P *Brower, Rem L *Brower, Samuel Brown, Albert N ) (2 lots) S *Brown, Alexander, ( and Annie Kirlv ^ "Brown, Amanda *Brown, Ann C *Brown, Ann E "^Brown, Anson H Brown, Augustus L. '''Brown, Benjamin X Brown, Charles, and ) Robert Eutter \ *Browu, Christian tBrown, Clark S ■*Brown, Clifford ■*Brown, Cornelia L *Brown, Edward H Brown, Elias G ? (•2 lots) \ *Brown, Eliza Brown, Elizabeth 17870 20532 16140 19303 523 20255 3097 14371 19177 16286 13175 12845 16525 14602 13692 13693 19261 17130 17534 14304 14047 17426 16245 10587 14270 Brown, Epbraim D. (4 lots) ■ Brown, George E Brown, George W Brown, George W Brown, Gulia E., and William A. Valentine * Brown, Harriet M-... *Brown, Henry Brown, Henry T Brown, Alfred *Brown, Hervey Brown, Isaac H Brown, Jacob S (■ *Bro\vn, James *Brown, James G- 'Brown, James R- 17339 18735 15073 13945 K, L 124 167 175 68 153 118 170 112 161 13 68 163 9 183 164 113 172 150 160 151 152 164 179 55 Brown, Jane, Estate of (IX lot) : Brown, John Brown, John *Brown, John "Brown, John D *Brown, John G "Brown, John L Brown, John R "Brown, John S tBrown, Joseph, and ( Joseph Gi'evatt < Brown, Luella E Brown, Maria, . (2 lots) j t*Brown, Mai-garet .... Brown, Margaret E... Brown, Mary Brown, Mary "Brown, Rainey, and / wife '. 5 Brown, Richard "Brown, Richard F . ... ^Biown, Richard L Brown, Robert J. . (U lot "Brown, Robert T.. .'. . . Brown, Rowland G- ... Brown, Samuel C "Brown, Thomas Brown, Thomas D. and ) wife \ Brown, Walter., (li^ lot) Brown, Warren G. , and i John S. Rockwood.. > (504 feet) ) Brown, William t*Brown, William "Brown, William "Brown, William A Brown, William J Brown, William S. and } Alpha Phillips ] "Browne, Elias P Browne, Eliza M ) .. (^Kiot)^ Browne, Margaret "Browne, Robert W . "Browne, Sarah P Brownell, Asa A ) (4 lots) 5 Brownell, Isaac W Brownell, LewisT. and ) Ezra '\^'aterbury ^ Browning, Sarah ) Browning, Mary D \ "Browning, Rev. Wil- ) liam G S Bruce, Eli F. and others 15576 'Bruce, William. (2 lots) ;( 20188 20180, 139081 6967 2250 12024 11764 20132 13996 15025 17842 16229 16230 20492 J 5995 12033 9603 to9606 13058 16603 11646 19336 17260 17261 12755 115 159 16 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1S73. Names. "Bruenn, Simon *^Bruey, Francis '*Brugniann, Augusta *'Brukbaur, George, and > Leonard Steiger ) *BrumIey , Chester R *Brundage, Elizabeth. .. Brundage, Mary L Bruner, Henry ''Brunie, Jobn M "Bruning, CHiarles P *Bruning, Joachim F t*Bruning, Jobn A ^Bruning, John H *Brunner, C'yi'us G Brunsen, EilwardW.,'^ and W. A. Owens, > (2 lots) > "Brush, Alfred C Brush, Elizabeth J Brush, Jobn B., and } Henry B. Walker. .. ) tBrush, Joseph B ) {2 lots) ] "Brush, Mary F. and ) others ) *Brusb, William A *Bryan, Harrj' C *Br}'an, John, and > George Haslan ) "Bryan, Jobn, Jr Bryant, Kobert A Bryce, William ) Bryce, James.. (560 ft) ) *Bryden, Robert *Bryer, Mary H *Bryon, Benjamin *Buchau, James, and ? Rev. James Lillie - -- S *Buchanan, Benjamin W *Bucbanan, Edward '*Bucbanan, Henry B "Buchanan, James D "Buchanan, Maria E "Buchanan, McKean, Jr Buchanan, William and ) wife (H lot) 5 "Buck, Theodore E "Buck, Thomas W., } Estate of ) "Buckenbem, George Buckbam, George "Buckingham, Jane Buckbout , Cornelia A Buckland, William.... > {H lot) \ "Buckley, Edward "Buckley, John H No. of Lot. 1S822 I869ti 15496 14756 12746 15127 17662 12940 19599 12461 12463 12462 12464 14175 17506 17507 14330 12700 14832 15973 15974 19982 14303 18102 18375 14389 18810 14453 15484 13946 20182 748 13796 19100 14340 16553 12730 19312 19699 14766 16593 12635 13393 15533 20081 13643 19909 16397 Names. 150 D "Bunn, Eliza. "Bucklin, Mary E Buckmau , Ignatius Buckmaster, WilliamP. ) (3 lots) i "Buckridge, George W. "Endlong, Alfred W... \ "Buecbner, Augustus "Buist, James M "Bulkley,ArchlbaldE. .. Bulkley, Charles E Bnlklev, Jobn Bulkley, William Bull, Julia W., and ; Eunice P. Moody. .. \ Bull, Richard H Bullev, George F t*Bulloch, Martha "Bullock, Catharine J. ? and Ann G. Hunter. ^ "Bullwinkle, .John, and > Martin G. Reiners.. J tBulhvinkle, Martin "Bunce, Charles F "Buncke, Henry Bunker, Edward H Bunker, Frederick E . . . "Bunker, Frederick P.. "Bunt, Charles H Bunzl, Julius "Burcband, Nathan Burchard, Boardman, > (2 lots) S "Burchell, Jobn C Burdett, Harriet D. and ) Henry D. Howard.. ) t*Burdett, Jane tBurdett, Stephen C "Burdick, Jared C "Burdock, JIargaret. "Burdoii, David B Burdmi, \\illiam t*Burge, Rev. Lemuel. .. Burger, Catharine } (2 lots) S "Burger, Catharine M... tBurger, Louis, and ) Frederick Krutina .. ^ "Burger, Rel)ecca "Burgess, Anna "Burgess, James Burgess, Joseph S "Burgy, Henry V Burbans, Samuel, Jr., ; {IX lot) \ *Burk, George "Burk , George W No. of Lot. Sect's of Map 14140 14398! 17667 to 17669 19861 ! 18278 17243 19416 15210 16375 19981 19982 12836 13558 20330 15305 12510 12747 12285 17833 13868 16644 17819 17783 18449 18838 16738 15779 12J04 12105 19430 13693 137581 4996! 151 83 1 13385 13194 1.3277 13530 21022 21 023 i 17540J 7077 13553 13880 16032 20486 18113 12300 18779 19187 172 112 169 187 ,152 '158 180 183 169 112 183 183 178 149 157 162 121 13 51 1.52 110 ^85 ^88 152 189 F L ;i51 ' 159 173 178 183 ,159 ' 162 180 63 177 180 180 90 177 F 168 49 180 177 189 148 152 72 152 183 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 17 Names. No. of Lot. "Burke, Edward... t* Burke, M. Louise. ..i Sect's of Map Burke, Pascal C *Burke, Walter, and tJulius C. Hicks .. Burke, William L IBurleigh, William H..-. *Burling, Marv A *Burnard, VVifliam.and ) William Potter $ 'Burnell, Mary *Burnett, John M *Burnett, John R 'Burnett, Julia M Buruham , Gordon W. , S (12 lots) ) Burnham, Jane C, and ; De Witt Clinton ^ *Burnhain, Manly A Burns, Alice, and tAnn ) Murray ) 'Burns, Alice, and ? Chrietianna Spering. ) *Burns, James, and wife, *Burn8, Jane *Burne, Lockwood W... Burr, Henry A ? (806 ft.) S Burr, Isaac, Estate of.- ) (2 lots) S Burr, Maria L Names. No. of Lot. Sect's of Map 18809 8964 15350 12357 14925 14933 14528 2665 20751 12696 19767 19716 17609 to 17620 15478 12028 7617 19911 20724 13109 17308 13173 13174 12667! 12668, 4182| *BuVr.' William H I 1"941 'Burrill, George - 1^745 to 10461 18208 20997 20195 187 116 158 163 180 56 169 188 ; 97 I 101 ' L 178 186 69 123 188 17l' 178 i Burrill, Harry, (4 lots) *Burrill, Samuel N.. Burritt, Grace =*Burroughs, Clara L "Burroughs, Frederick A. *Burrough8, William H . Burrows, Jerome *Burrows, Lemuel *Burrow8, Thomas "Burrows, William 14/13 "Burrows, William 20018 "Burt, David, and Rob- ) 12821 ert Blinn ) "Burt, Martha C | 19451 18566 13294 16597 15817 18165 Burtenshaw% and wife . William, ; 90014 Burtis, Abraham Burtis, Oliver D., and , others ! 15155 926 15 187 63 52 157 Kl I 92 83 F 2 50 171 190 10 L (186 )189 181 151 173 L 162 54 < 120 }\2l 187 ('176 183 1 186i 1^187 Burtis, Oliver D '2 lots) *Burtnett, John D Burton, Emanuel Burton, Richard, and wife "Burton, Thomas, and wife Burton, William E Estate of t*Busch, August . Busch, David, Estate of. *Buschmann, Albert, "i and John F. Rode- > feldt ; *Busener, August 'Bush, Richard ? Bush, Charles ) *l')usli, K'ichard, and wife *15ush, Sarab A Bushell, Thoma.s tBushnell, Ann '• Bushnell, Charles I. . - - ? n lot) ) Bussing, Robert S ( (2 lots) S tBussuni, Francis, and ) tJacob Claus ) "Butler, Anne M., and ( Harriet L.Stephenson ^ "Butler, Augustus *Butler, Charles Butler, Cyrus tButler, Edward Butler, Edwin, and ) tRobert Seaton S "Butler, Frederick W . - . Butler, Martha Butler, Neviu W Butler, Richard Butler, Samuel t Butler, Theron R. (IJ lot) Butler, Theron R ^ (5 lots) 1 Butler, William H., and / wife ) "Butterbrodt, Elizabeth . . ■^Buttle, Richard W "Buttle, Robert D "Buttle, Samuel "Button, Jedediah M.,) and Wm. E. De > Groff > Buttre, John C 927 928 20236 12428 172 |t*Buys, Cornelius. -,o |*Byers, William .._ 19675 19676 12244 16297 13309 14982 20606 18836 12874 14355 7793' 5504 20574 16507 10013 14245 17233 12682 16061 20538 20520 15528 12856 15720 L 36 153 153 102 Byrne, Abraham L 16509 IS LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3, Names. Byrne, Joseph, and wife- Byrnes, George, Sr ^ Byrnes, George, Jr > Bj'rnes, William K --■ ) C. "Cable, Matthew V., } and others > Cadwell, p]lisha J.,and ) Thomas B. OdelL... \ *Cady, Ira L., and wife.. "Caenimerer, William H. CagliereHi, Chas. F. and ) tStepheuT. Wood .. ^ "Caird, Maria L "Calder, William W... J Calder, James C ) Caldwell, James W "Caldwell, Jane Caldwell, John "Caldwell, Eobert "Caldwell, Sarah "Calhoun, Elizabeth A... Callioun, James C "Calhoun, William, and > Thomas Cunningham ) t"CallagheD, Eufjene "Callet, Clementine "Callingham, Willie, and ) Charles J. Smith I "Calvert, Annie A Calwell, James Camei'on, Roderick W. .. "Cameron, William D- ) Cameron, George H... ^ "Cannneyer, Cornelius B. Camp, Alpheus W. and > Hannah L. Wilson.. ^ Camp, Calvin B | (4 lots) 1 "Campbell, Alexander. .. "Campbell, Alfred S Campbell, Allan ) (2 lots) S "Campbell, Andrew Campbell, Anthony P. .. Campbell, Augustus, ) and others ) Campbell, Colin "Campbell, Daniel Campbell, Eli C "Campbell, Rev. Gawn > and John Smith ) "Campbell, Rev. Gawn.. "Campbell, Isabella Campbell, Jacob *Campbell, John No. of Lot. Sect's of Map 5984 17560 12983 20562 14789 3098 12298 15029 to 15031 21005 17649 15167 15168 2122 13964 5697 12431 15288 20659 8995 13890 15432 21051 15177 21 189 190 47 1807 573 ?76 19636 149 18235 185 3618 78 16454 164 14852 5163 ^64 13994 176 19541 153 13704 159 13923 180 17800 151 16367 164 15412 111 15336 57 18773 189 21024 24 18624 189 12958 171 15806 157 12094 178 80 168 72 ^ 111 J L 175 I 102 105 159 39 27 157 E 109 109 15: 148 164 Names. "Campbell, John H. P. "Campbell, Joseph "Campbell, Joseph, and John Lewis "Cam])bell , Margaret . . "Campbell, Morris S. .. "Campbell, Thomas N. "Campbell, William P. and Rev. William A. Scott, D D "Canipen, John F Cauda, John M Candler, Flamen B ) (IK lot) s "Cane, Edward, and j wife 5 "Canfield, Hannah E Canlield, Richard S..-- > Canfield, Emma \ "Canfield, William H.... Cannon. James S "Cantel, Lazare Cantrell, Samuel t*Canty, William Capel, Emile, and others. Caraccioli, Hannah M. > and Margaret Hooney ) Carall, Samuel S....."... "Card, Sybil, and Elisha > H. Cheshire \ Carey, Emma Carey, Lorenzo, and wife, and Peter B. Guernsey, M.D "Carey, Mercy "Carhart, John Carl, William C, and? others \ Carley, Benjamin J. M.. "Carlin, Mary Carman, Gilson "Carman, John Carman, Thomas D "Carniichael, Ella "Carnes, John H., and > others ) "Carnie, John A "Carnie, Stephen M "Carpenter, Abby *Carj)enter, Anna M "Carpenter, Henry H.. .. "Carpenter, Lewis O.. .. "Carpenter, Merritt T. .. Carpenter,Warren, and } William J. Anderson ) Carpentier, James T Carpcntier, James T., ) and others (2 lots) S Carr, Delwin B No. of Lot 6879 16847 20980 14111 15444 15815 17796 13266 18559 18587 20878 20870 16888 18474 16139 19895 14179 14256 14943 9182 15758 13214 19126 14274 20494 18476 18299 14771 17820 20484 15352 18765 18527 15215 13714 17400 17572 20039 16961 15934 16561 922 612 4009 4010 16849 Sect's of Map LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. 19 Names. ■'Carr, George ) Can-, John H \ tCarr, Horatio P I tCaiT, Horatio N ) *Garr, Mary t*Carr, Robert '*Carr, Robert Carr, Walter ''Carr, William S Carr, William S *Carroll, Anna M *Carson, Deborah. Es- } tate of 5 "Carson, John Carson, Joseph, Estate } of (2 lots) ] *Carstens, Johanna t*Carter, Edward tCarter, Elizabeth ^Carter, Henry Carter, Henry" C t*Carter, Oliver G Ciirter, Robert Carter, Samuel "Carter, William H "Cartereau, Adelaide S.. Cartwriglit, William, ) and John W. Hartt. > t Gary, Alice *Cary, Benjamin H.. .. [ t*Cary, Clark W *Cary, Jedediah T Gary, John L., and oth- ers (li^lots) Gary, Maria (Clots) ) ( *Case, Mary A < Case, Watson E } (2 lots) S *Gase, William H "Casey, Eliza *Ga8h, Catherine C Cashew, John *Casilear, Francis A. ..^ Casilear, John W > Casilear, Paul S ) "Gasper, George Cassady, Charles, and ) t Waiter Love ] Cassedy, George W Cassidy, James } Cassidy, Jane H \ tCassidy, Letitia, and / Wm. V. Woodworth S No. of j Sect's Lot. I of Map 19184 4991 18016 8855 19576 16848 i:«47 16810 19160 13829 716 13769 16693 16692 16694 15993 14004 to 14009 17C89 17687 17688 20126 18960 15204 7428 29i: 14362 Names. 83 172 *(^a88in, LaBella "^Castellanos, Apolo V — *Castellanos, Miguel "Castle, Alexander C., ) M.D \ "Gastner, Julia A Caswell, Solomon T., } Estate of ) Cater, Mary Catlin, Lynde A Caulkins, David > Caulkins, Daniel ^ *Gauthers, Jaiues *Cave, Archibald G "Gave, Charles J Cecil, George. --(1% lot) Cecil, John R. ..(li^lot) Center, E. Mary S Center, Robert. (3 lots) j "Center, Susan Ceragioli, Catlmrine, } and Peter V. Yerance ) "Cetovicii, Anna ) Cetovich, Nina \ "Chace, Jacob, and wife . "Chadderton, James, > and t John Fletcher.. J t*Chamberlaiu, Benja- ) min F ^ "Chamberlain, James F.. tChamberlain, Joseph, ) and Thomas Corbett- ) tChamberlain, Letitia, ) (2 lots) ( Chamberlin, Howard, > (420 feet) S Chambers, Emma L. , ) and t Joseph Washburn ) "Chambers, Mae, Adelia ^ Chambers, Perlee L., > and Imogene G. Lynch 3 tChambers, Thomas. .. ) {l}^ lot) \ Ghambettaz, Susan Q Ghamplin, Christopher G. Chandler, John F ) (i}4 lot) s "Chandler, Orlando D. \ "Chandler, William tChapeau, Marie E. S. ) de (4 lots) \ Chapel, Richard T Chapin, Asahel, and } tlliram H. Horton .. \ Chapin, Lothrop W. \ and wife, and William > C. Carl ) Chapin, Luther No. of Lot. 14512 13397 13701 12162 15034 20951 20451 21012 18705 15894 16307 15331 14560 14561 19770 19771 20057 19262 13926 12642 19058 17C04 17094 15909 14269 17802 17803 19101 2951 18759 15738 20844 17064 15107 161.55 18260 12996 4184 to4187 18104 12472 18299 14173 Sect's of Map 169 181 181 77 124 103 148 103 115 186 164 164 55 158 158 148 152 183 159 162 180 F : 152 158 167 101 169 151 89 11 61 \-l 187 111 89 55 163 83 171 79 173 169 190 61 20 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, ISTS. Chapman, Creorge M.. "Cliapraau, Isaac F "Chapman, James J. . . "Chapman, Jane *Chapman, John G. ... "Chapman, John H.. .. *Chapman, Joseph Chapman, Levi, (4 lots) ^ *Chapniun, Samuel J. > H.... 5 *Chappell, James H t*Chappell. John t^Charles, Elizabeth *Charlotte, Jolui A t*CharIton, Eliza ) Charlton, Margaret A. . \ Charraud, John J } (567 feet) S Charters, James ) (I lot) \ "Charters, William Chase, Charles, M. D Chase , George H Chase, Samuel D., Es- 7 tate of \ tChatellier, John ) (IK lot) \ "Chatfield, Burton L. ' and t Frederick Wa terhouse "Chatman, Catharine A. "Chavell, Celeste ? Chavell, George \ Cheeks, Wm., and wife.. Cheeseman, Oscar and ) *Cherritree, Theodore V 'Cherry, Albert B "Cheshire, Elisha H., > and Sybil Card ) "Chesternian, Catherine. Childs, Charles M Chilton, George, and Kiibert Stursberj "Chirvi.s Jane "Chorstwhs, Alexander.. *Chovey, Charles L Chrisfield, William.... ) Chrislield, John M J "Christensen, Christen .. (Miristenseii, Claus "Christian, Abraham E.. "Christian, Hans F Christianson, Nicholas, ) and (!hailes West... \ "Christie, Elizabeth V. .. tChristie, John No. of Lot. 14293 16024 16055 18053 20201 12713 15162 13800 to 13803 20843 18182 13364 13501 14574 13609 18017 19463 19464 19314 13984 12802 13300 1346 6302 12823 13659 19734 13122 18414 13204 13214 17472 2854 15431 12090 17206 13015 19859 13853 19^34 17359 13968 16773 15636 12829 Sect's of Map 55 181 164; l! 183: 21 169^ I 169 176 67 41 K 124 177 176 153 41 172 Names. 36 157 Christie, Mary E t"Christman, Catharine.. tChristmas, Charles. .. j (6 lots) ■) Cliristopher, James W., ^ and Alary A. Mac- > kenzie ) Church, Catherine Church Charity Foun- ^ dation of Brooklvn.. > (4 'lots)) Church, Charles R Church. Grand st. Pres- byterian, city of New York '..(31018) "Church, Henry Church, James H ) Church, Andrew S \ Church, North R. P. Dutch, of Gowanus, Brooklyn.... (IS lot). Church, Samuel A., and "^ tJohn M. Nixon > (2 lots) ) Church, Samuel B tChurch, Samuel B ) (2 lots) S Church, St. Ann's of^ Brooklvn > (20 lots) ) Church, The Eeformed') Dutch, of the Town > of Brooklvn. (45 lots) ) tChurch, William C "Church, William H .... Churchman, Alfred "Citzmann, August *C'lague, Frederick W. .. Clan Ranald, George J.. "Clancy, Jane Clancy, Margaret J., } and others \ Clapp, Rev. Alexander) H., and Charles C. > Backus (486 ft.)) "Clapp, Oliver M "Clarendon, Charles H.. Clark, AUiert, and wife.. Clark, Alfred L., and J others (14 lot) C t"Clark, Avery Clark, Bainbi-ldge S "Chirk, Barzilia D t*Clark, Burton E Clark, Caroline A Clark, Charles "Clark, Daniel S Clark, David H No. of Lot 19159 12281 17515 to 17519 17666 7595 16172 17183 to 17186 17605 16445 to 1644 19079 12736 14G85 12709 12710 17084 20121 20122 15615 to 15634 12512 to 12556 12944 18436 19129 16626 14918 19486 16051 14812 6051 Sect's of Map 184 180 169 76 ISO 5 113 158 184 177 118 158 125 115 116 53 72 161 189 183 113 164 153 188 163 26 12247 5179 ?180 17589 151 10510 27 19097 F 18266 174 7303 14 16348 167 12689 13 18530 F 12761 62 13752 180 12759 (y LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. 21 Names. tClark, Edward S Clark, Eifbert A., and ) Frank L. Bogardus . \ •^Clark, Elizabeth *Clark, Elkni *Clark, Garret D Clark, George H *Clark, James *Clark, James, and wife. *Clark, James M "Clark, Jobn, and Vir- ^ ginia Brewster S *Clark, Jobn D Clark, Nathan Clark, Paris G., and ? others (Slots) S Clark, Ealph, and Wil- ? Mam H. Bradford ■■■ ) Clark, Sophia A *Clark, Stephen S *Clark , Thomas *Clark, William, Es- ) tateof S "Clark, William Clark, William H *( !larke, Ann } Clarke, Monson ) Clarke, Cynthia M *Clarke, Elizabeth "Clarke, George H "Clarke, Jane "Clarke. Jenny Z "Clarke, John "Clarke, Joseph "Clarke, Levi G "Clarke, Linus L Clarke, Parker P Clarke, liichard J "Clarke, Richard J "Clarke, Rima S Clarke, Sarah M "Clarke, Sarah R t*Clarke, Stephen T "Clarke, Thomas J ) (■240 ft.) \ "Clarkson, Mary L.,S and Laura E. Hunt- > ing ) tClasbaek, Eliza tClaus, Jacob, and } tFrancis Bussum . \ Clausen Henry, Estate of (6 lots) "Clawson, Albert W... > (13^ lot) ^ "Clawson, John M Clawson, John M "Clay, William No. of Lot. 3910 9421 L5236 13791 7030 7302 13949 19.58(5 13400 11554 13303 13117 13447 1344S 10955 17G95 17832 14723 12760 18771 18265 13719 17762 19671 13813 20373 17218 15437 15438 17782 6264 12181 4209 15439 12148 17801 14165 13125 16345 16346 13222 19775 5504 19751 to 19756 12788 12413 18156 15888 Sect's of Map 11 30 188 54 56 14 54 183 161 69 180 161 179 G 152 32 62 L 174 177 5 120 ?137 D { 161 M62 183 P, 114 162 162! 15lj _ 45 1781 76' 1621 2,3 174 170 36 I 180 159 Names. No. of Lot. "Clay, William H "Clayton, Titus "Clearman, Jobn "(zlegg, Jane Clements, Nelson tClemenz, Charles- , "Clenen, Thomas, Es- } tate of ) Clerk, Andrew ; (2 lots) \ "Cleveland, Harvey T. .. Cleveland, Orestes > (2 lots) S Cleveland, Susan T Click, Joseph S Clniton, Alexander, ) M. D., and Ann E. } Martin ) Clinton, Alexander J. Clinton, Alexander, M. D tClinton, Benjamin . .. Clinton, De Witt, and > Jane C. Burnbam. .. ) "Cloppman, Mary t"Closey, Henry "Closson, James T "Clough, Hamilton "Clongh, Maria Clover, Bertrand "Clover, George F "Clover, Lewis P Clowes, B'rederick, and } otliers ) "Clute, Anne E "Clute, Sarah J "Clvde, Sarah J > Clyde, Eliza A \ "Coar, John "Coar, Joseph Coates, Charles, Estate of "Coats, Margaret t^Coburn, Caroline "Coburn, Edward H "Coburn, Edwin W "Cochran, Ida "Cochran, Samuel, ) (M lot) S "Cochran, William D.. .. Cochrane, John C y Cochrane, James H.. .. > Cochrane, William _) "Cochrane, Mary C "Cockburn, George Cocks, Caroline E "Codwise, Harriette S. .. "Coe, Edwin Coe. Elnior F "Coffin, Alfred 14801 19230 14462 17650 12346 16617 17325 20618 20619 13670 1()354 163.J5 12913 17220 15182 15131 17083 15478 Sect's of Map 96 183 162 181 181 159 151 148 159 162 H 188 158 188 21048 181 12561 27 13548 63 18826 32 19162 D 19323 176 13757 177 16257 177 5287 9 16577 156 15701 164 18864 187 13.356 180 13379 180 13210 47 18886 187 6310 60,65 15640 163 18598 F 20892 176 1.52.54 15255 I 157 20589 156 20352 183 18277 189 12793 171 14387 S 157 ) 158 20642 182 13394 36 1.5361 158 15924 163 22 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. No. ol Lot. Sect's of Map *Coffin, Edward H Coffin, Isaac G- ? Coffin, Benjamin L ) "Cogswell, Benjamin F.. 'Cogswell, William Cohen, William H *Coit, Aug'irtus B t*Colamer, Philip H .... »Colburn, Matilcla E .... •Cole, Charles R., and ) wife ) *Cole, P>dwin ''Cole, Ezra D., and ) Emeline Golder ) *Cole, JacobF *Cole, Marv A. S t*Cole, Richard F., and ? Clarence S. Green .. ) •Coleman, Dorris "Coleman, Margaret *Coleman, Margaret t*('oleman, Sarah ^Coleman, William *Coles, Abraham *Coley, Rachel > Coley", Mary S "Colgate, J()hn H *Colhoun, William H . . . *Collanier, Ennnett "CoUamore, Gilman •Collie, William "Collier, John H "Collin, Norton (4 "Collin, Orient H Collins, Jesse, and f tElizabeth Lambert. S "Collins, John R Collins, Sheldon Collord, Benjamin A "(dolman, Josejih t'Cohnan, Parmeha "Colson, Augustus Colt, William C, and ^ tJames Munson > (lilot)> Colton, Henrv t*Col vert, William "Culvert, William H .... t*Colwit!i, James 'i Colwitb, John, andoth- ? ers ) t*Combs, Samuel B Combs, Samuel H Comings, George "Compton, Maria "Conistock, Elizabeth ... "Conislock, James C 15115 C902 14334 14335 19158 17680 18123 19266 20882 12794 11878 20810 20214 18361 1920S 14477 21048 14422 14348 16044 21045 13557 18366 19326 17745 16208 20653 19315 18558 16.325 13658 12807 14363 20840 14013 19122 19116 19936 15740 15741 14759 12662 j 16614; 19062 I 183581 13456 19023! 159 11 159 159 N 174 189 1 183 156 180 180 114 115 183 183 162 103 115 111 94 157 164 173 53 10 D 151 189 L 153 152 189 177 161 158 176 78 183 N 159 159 163 178 112 123 152 L 180 D Conacher, John "Conart, Maria B Concklin, Walter W... > (li lot) \ Condit, Catharine A . . . ; (2 lots) \ Condit, Isaac J., and ) others ) Condit, William H Conklin, Cornel'a *Conklin, Isabella *Conklin, Isaac "Conklin, Jespe, and ) fWalter J. Smith ...\ Conklin, Mary A I ' dXlot)^ Conkling, Elizabeth M... Conkling, Frederick A. ) (567 feet) ( "Conkling, John, and ) others ) "Conkling, John T "Connell, Eliza K. M., > and Andrew Turnbull S Coimer. Eliza, and others. t*Conner, James Connolly, James } [1% lot) \ Conover, Jacob A "Conover, William H Conradt,Theopliilus M., \ and wife \ Conrey, Allen, and others Constantine, Mary H.^i Constantine, John H., > and Frances A. Tucker^ '"Contrell, Catharine .. tConverse, William P. Conway, Edmund H .. Conway, Frederick B. "Conway, Julia M Cook, Amzi, and othei-s j {\y^ lot) \ "Cook, Catharine B "Cook, George H Cook, Harry, Estate of. t*Cook, Job H "Cook, John "Cook, John J tCook, Rev. liussell S. . Cook, William S. 'Cook,William VV.,and ) Henrj^ M. L. Risbey. \ ^Cooke, Bella Cooke, Charles D it*Cooke, James \ |('ooke, Thomas \ ("ooke. Rev. Samuel, DD, 13514 15208 14677 16817 16818 411 18553 12.378 18.^)22 16048 15745 15836 18343 17959 16945 15440 20312 17829 13326 15441 16410 14704 14831 19793 7241 163S2 14487 1,5435 1230S 16823 18048 16328 1."j883 19307 12444 13072 18775 14040 13343 17255 16833 16859 18163 17909 15790 Sect's ol Map 121 173 158 \ 151 68 F 182 151 151 188 ( 162 ^169 173 5 152 ^58 164 162 \ ^ ?124 152 179 \ 168 163 163 D 49,50 189 169 158 178 167 L 189 ( 188 I 189 187 178 ( 171 I 172 186 177 149 168 167 189 S 103 I 115 175 99 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 23 Names. No. of Sect's Lot. of Map Cookson, Margaretta Cool, Hiram M Cooley, Joshua S., and ? tMatthew Rowe ) "Cooley, Luther H *Coombs, Abby A tCoon, John V ^Cooper, Annie Cooper, Charles ■'Cooper, Edmund *Cooper, Henry *Cooper, Lucia W "Cooper, Thomas C Cooper, Thomas P '*Coo|)er, Tunis *Co()per, AVashington L. ''Coojjer, William, Es- ? tate of \ "Cooper, William "Coots, John, and ) Thomas McAffry \ Copcutt, Frederick W... "Coiieland, Andrew M... Corbett, George, and } tPhilip Pietch \ 'Corbett, James S •Corbett, Richard Corbett, Thomas, and I tJoseph Chamberlain ^ "Corbex. Sarah Corbin, Austin, and } wife (2 lots) $ "Corbit, Joseph Corbit, Rev. William P. ^ and Alanson T. IJriggs > (8 lots) ) "Cordray, Benjamin G.. "Cordts, Elbe "D "Corey, Jane J. B "Corloy, Christopher *Corn, Adolphus M "Cornelison, John A Cornell, Charles G ) (Ulots)^ "Cornell, Hannah S "Cornell, Joel D.,and> wife \ Cornell, John B ; (2 lots) \ Cornell, Samuel H Corning, Catharine J Corning, Hanson K.. ) (5 lots) ^ Cornish, Selah C, and ; wife 5 Cornwell, John Cornwell, Richard H "Corse, Henry 19125 D,F J 8543 F 10833 18891 20609 6989 19135 16562 12580 15207 16703 13004 leiso 13017 14472 13065 17673 20037 18852 15449 2501 17576 17577 14269 15258 21029 21030 15231 16387 to 16394 12719 15757 20557 18466 12965 18928 6054 19382 20582 3416 3417 170S8 8837 18420 to 18424 19851 13950 15653 16538 50 186 186 48 184 168 51 173 180 180 164 170 163 K 167 187 152 164 111 167 167 160 162 4 , 161 I 162 104 61 164 ,172 '173 H 72 D 2 D E 73 112 78 G H 187 169 55 164 "Corson, Rachel Cort, Cliarlott Avon "Cortelyou, Jane "Cortelyou, Leniean Corsa, Esther, and > tJames Bronson \ "Cortis, John C., and } tWilliam Ander.son,Jr ^ Corwin, Charles T t*Corwin, Thomas H Corwin, Tuttle Cosby, Julia A Cosgrove, Daniel J ''Cotterell, Rebecca Cotterell, Thomas, and } wife S Couch, William, Estate ( of (2 lots) S Coughlau, Melinda C. ) H (648 ft ) S Coulter, Charles, and ^ Estate of Charles > Goodwin ) "Coulter, John ) Coulter, Isabella \ Coulter, Samuel ( (2§ lots) \ "Count, Richard Coarsen, Gershom H "Courtney, Robert W. . . ''Courvoissier, Ulysse S ) (In trust) \ Couse, Eleazer M., and) William H. DeCamp } (2 lots) ) *Cousey, Elizabeth "Cousin, Joseph "Covel, James H., and ) wife 5 "Covert, George P "Covert. John > Covert, Adam ) t"Cowan, Jane,' and } Ellen Simpson ) Coward, Thomas R "Coward Mary "Cowl, William H "Cowley, William, and ) Levi Smith ^ "Cox, Abraham B Cox, Elisa S., and ) tPhebe M. Merritt .. ^ Cox, John ■) Cox, William | Cox , James G f Cox, Henry P J "Cox, John T Cox, Kenyon, and wife.. "Cox, Matthew B Cox, Rebecca A., and ) Charles G. Till ( No. of Lot. 17853 16181 19736 19434 7945 5472 16813 16118 13668 19176 14639 18010 19445 18412 18413 14960 5885 20491 Sect's of Map 12426 16599 19707 21028 12567 175 112 L 186 15 57 55 189 61 D, P 164 121 184 I 168 55 U7 183 2814 2816 14920 15797 20506 164 112 D 13374 70 13648 13649 I 29 20906 14907 182 169 19564 P 19401 66 15280 162 8051 76 12569 13767 12279 178 180 53 12476 180 17461 189 9048 5L' 119 K 176 176 24 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. Names. Cox, Townsend *Coyard, Liicie Cozzens, Emeline "Craaijeiischot, Inka, and Henrietta D. Van Zant Crabb, Edward L (473 ft.) *Crabtree, Phebe, and Nellie F. Lordly *Craft, William H No. of Lot. "Cragg, John t*Craig, David, and ) Agnes McKneely ) t*Craig, Susan t*Craig, Thomas Craighead, Eev, James G. *Craigie, James, and Avife "Craui, Jacob, Estate of. Crampton, Levi H Crandall, Ebenezer V. .. *Crandall, Leland "Crane, Charles A Crane, Jacob B Crane, James, M. D "Crane, Jonathan H "Crane, Mary A "Crane, Solomon B "Crane, William H "Cranford, Henry L "Cranford, John P Cranston, Hiram ) (12 lots)) tCrary, Edward Craske, Charles "Crawford, Archibald M. "Crawford, Augustus Crawford, Erastus "Crawford, Joseiih Crawford, Josepu, and ) wife ) "Crawford, Thomas "Crawford, Timothy R.. Creamer, William d... ) (473 ft.) \ "Creech, John "Creemer, Elizabeth "Cregar, Samuel, M. D.. "Cregier, John A "Creighton, Johanna "Creightou, William "Cripps, William "Criscollo, Lorenzo "Crisp, John "Crissey, Benjamin 13232 13457 16177 14132 16681 20835 14108 20542 12226 15461 14087 15550 20497 18997 14048 18712 10152 19933 14506 13444 14102 16374 12405 12030 19826 3802 13180 to 13191 12943 17866 12441 16105 14359 15708 20275 17167 14117 18259 19154 12038 16366 20464 16865 19406 20420 16417 17424 18910 172 160 *Crist, Govenieur M "Ci'ocheron, Jane A tCrocker, George A. .. ^ Crocker, William B. .. > (3 lots) ) t*Croft, Joseph *Crofts, Thomas Crolius, William A Cromwell, Edward Croncmeyer, Gustavus, ) and wife, and others. ) *Cronin, Mary *Cronk, Alexander tCronyn, William B Crook, Chester K } (405 feet) \ Crook, Samuel, Estate of, Crook, Samuel H ) (405 feet) ] Crooker, Alfred E Crooks, Emelie Cropsey, Jasper F *Crosa8, Mary L Cross, Alfred F "Cross, Marvin "Cross, Richard S "Cross, Sarah "Cross, Thomas B "Crossley, Samuel H., } and others \ Grossman, James W... > (700 feet) \ Grossman, William H. ( (540 feet) J Crouclilev, Thomas W. i H., and t James Abra- > ham (2 lots) ) Crouly, John E "Crouze, Albert Crow, Ellis N Crowell, Sarah A., and > others ., \ "Crowell, William T., ) and wife \ Crowley, Robert ) (567 feet) \ Crowther, Annie, and ) Sarah Pelton 5 Crowther, Thomas "Crozier James "Cryder, Duncan Cryder, Mary W "Crygier, James H Crunnney, Edward B.,'^ and Abraham Sanger, > Ji- ) Crummey, Henrv "Cuddy , "Edward 14133 19618 17936 to 17938 12756 17432 12858 13812 19609 18847 12627 12798 15813 17344 15814 12478 12811 15884 14112 18391 13019 13762 15257 17778 19950 17304 17341 309 1239 17316 14843 13506 17097 20991 18004 19157 15847 14059 15135 18340 12312 17829 18692 17740 118 186 n 51 168 K 5161 ^162 183 F 120 49 158 H 158 13 8 159 181 175 171 180 162 189 187 89 89 59,60 65,66 113 164 149 151 52 115 184 (188 ?189 98 180 103 180 152 F 167 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1S73 25 Names. ''Culbert, James E... *Culkin, Thomas Culkin, Peter Culkin, Robert *Ciilleu, Catharine Culver, Andrew R ) (567 feet) I *Calver, John W ) Culver, John L ^ 'Cnlyer, William Cumberson, Charles, ) and wife \ Cumming, Robert L j and wife ^ "Cumming, William *Cummiugs, C!harles P .. Cummings, Edward, C Heirs of } (4 lots) ( tCummings, Jane, and } Marion Blair \ "f ummings, Jane D "Cunningham, Daniel... Cunningham, Eliza . ^Cunningham, Harriet... "Cunningham, James C . - Cunningham, Joseph H.. Cnnningham, Sarali F... *Cunninarham, Thomas, ( and William Calhoun \ t*Cunnington, Samuel . . . "Cnrran, John C *Curren, Thomas, and ) Mary Dale S Currie, Anna M., and ) others \ *Currie, W'illiam i Currier, John A ) (2 lots) 5 *Curry, Duncan P Curtis, Benjamin "Curtis, Cliarles C Curtis, Daniel, Estate of. "Curtis, George W Curtis, Jeremiah "| Curtis, George N I Curtis, Jeremiah W... ( (8 lots) J Curtis, Mary > Curtis, Angeline P \ *Curtis, Mary "Curtis, Nehemiali T.. ? Estate of \ Curtis, Thomas H., and ) Levi W. Hyde \ "Cushing, Caroline "Cashing, Nicholas B., > and wife \ "Cutbill, Martha A Cuthbert, John H No. of Lot Sect's I ofMapj Names. No. of Lot 17264 16079 17038 17085 10181 15094 19593 14868 159 18392 ]1831 2076) to 20764 4510 17906 15651 12275 16023 17309 15782 15138 15336 9591 12491 14542 172 17752 17339 736 9225 18578 18697 14026 12506 13884 17713 to 17720 15785 18632 16215 12432 15690 20184 19073 15781 112 "Cuthbert, Richard tCutler, Rev. Benjamin } c.,D.D : I "Cutler, Hannah , * Cutler, Lizzie ') Cutler, Minerva H., > and Mary C. Terrell. > t*Cutler, John S Cutler, Maria Cutter, Cornelia S "Cutter, Daniel Cutts, Samuel G Cuvler, Annie E ) (2 lots) C D. t"Dad8on, James "Dagnall, John M Dailey, Emily G. (1| lot) "Dailey, Romalda "Daily. Jane A Dale, John G "Dale, Mary, and Thos. ) Curren \ "Dale, Sarah E "Dale, William "Dall, Robert R Dall, Sophia "Dally, Samuel tDalrymple, Jolm, > HeiVsof (621 ft.) \ Dalton, William ) (2 lots) S Daly, Charles, and / wife, and others f *Daly, Edward tDambmann, Charles ) F (840 ft.) 5 "Dammarell, James "Dando, Stephen Danforth,HenrvT ; (396 ft.) \ "Danforth, Joseph B., Jr. "Daniel, Henry "Daniel, Jane ii "Daniel, John, and ) Peter Robb ] tDaniels, Mira M Danley, John B., and ) others \ "Dannemann, Jacob "Darbey, Henry R.,^ and Cassius iJ. El- > more ) "Dargavel, Cai'oline "Dargin, Louisa "Dargin, William "Darke, Margery 15018 12356 20851 18640 14542 1178S 1.3054 16545 16991 19222 14875 17513 17544 17811 1939J 20806 15171 17676 172 163 183 175 26 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1S73. Names. No. of Sect'8 Lot. of Map 'Darker, Jane tDarlinu'. Alexander, ; and Mai-y Gilcbrist.. S "Darling, Kobert "Darragli, Simpson "Darragh, Thomas, and James McCready Darrell, Nathaniel R ''Darrigrand, Peter W- -- Darrow, Clara *Dasbe, Frederick W *Davenport, Eliza tDavenport, Maria L., ? and Henry Dubois -. $ "Davenport, Mary "Davenport, John F "Davenport, Wni. A. F.. tDavey, William O.--- ? (11 lot) \ "Davidge, Robert C •Davidson, George P Davidson, James t"Davidson, Mary T "Davidson, William "Davies, Edward, and ) Mary J. Lebmann... S "Davies, James R Davis, Abraham B Davis, Alson C Davis, Charles A S (10 lots) ^ "Davis, David, and ) Wm. E. P. Bay lis... S Davis, Eliza J "Davis, Evan "Davis, George Davis, Geor Davison, Lavinia Davisson, Alfred W... t"Dawley, Caroline . . . "Dawson. John, and ? Louis Hawley > "Dawson, John H Dawsou, Ralpb "Dawson, Thomas W--- *Day, Edward 15510 L "Day, George H ? S 1 bav, Charles M S ^ 2 iDay, George W ~| .^ iDay, James A I 164 iDaV, Mortimer W., and f 180 others J , 176 Day, Henry 17998 16143! 16988 125981 17548 1517fil 159391 20333 152 <163 )164 189 180 168 ^ 121 122 164 176 •187 18305 187 14952 12942 177 "Dal, Henry E 20530 1841 '"Day, Henry S 1 l^Oll Heurv S ■^Day, 19916 Dav, John. ' l-^O— Day, Lyman H ^ | 1548/ Dav, Francis E "Day, Sophia B "Day, Willard l"Days, Thomas W.. "Davton, Jermie 163851 154871 1'20G5 20GO-'I "Davton, JobnH l^^-4 rgeT. M. ..5 (1656 ft.) J "Davis, Georgeine E., and Charlotte B.Ham S *Da^■is, HattieH Davis, Hiram W "Davis, John "Davis, Joseph A., and ) wife ) "Davis, Lydia, Estate ot- "Davis, Mary "Davis, Mary ? Davis, Isaac G > "Davis, Mary E Davis, Margaret C.,and 5 John Medole ) Davis, Nicholas II "Davis, Theodore Davis, Thomas, and < wife ! "Davis, William "Davy, Henry R 10494 Deacon, Joshua E Deaf Mutes, St Church, City of York '"Deake, Charles . Ann's") of New > 1521 iDealing, William, and ) lS2il wife, and others S 15748 20459 18224 19769 18313 13799 9921 13722 14282 13862 14231 1891 lt*Dean, Ann B ;Dean, Henry jDean, Henry ,»Dean, Hugli P "Dean, John ■ "Dean, Joseph P "Dean, Samuel Dean, Susan, (630 ft.).. tDe Angelis, Mary Dearborn, David B . . . Dearborn, George A., and others DeBevoise, Charles I. S (3 lots) I DeBevoise, David H DeBevoise, Isaac DeCanip, William H., and Eleazer M. Couse (2 lots) "Decatur, Edward, and Medora Weuzel *Decbeud, John. 124 •I 12686 14118 12124 19789 13383 12752 163F01 17595' 7792 16701 17897 20600 13310 17914 17913 14310 to 14312 11211 14309 13648 13649 20962 20728! 29 171 183 9 L,M 172 181 164 181 92 66 158 51 36 183 2 171 158 174 13 ; 120 > 137 ■151 172 160 112 112 169 171 169 115 L LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. 2Y Names. No. of] Sect's Lot. I of Map fDecker, Heniy S Decker, Henry VV *Decker, Mary Decker, Thomas B., and ', Harriet D. EUery... ' t'Decker, William . 'Decker, William H Dederick, Zachariah.. ) (567 feet) ^ Deering, Samuel P., ) and Lizzie Powers. .. ) *DeFaber, Peter R. J.. *DeifIenbach, Louise t*Deitz, George *Defrate8, Joseph K *Dege, Carmille L *Degenhardt, Lena *Deghuee, Jean ^Deghuee, Joseph ^ *Deghuee, Josephine.. •DeGrofr, Mary A. and others "DeGroff, William E. and Jedediah M. But ton DeGroot, Nicholas G Delamater, James "Delano, Eugenia *Delapierre, Henry "Delhanco, George t*Delevante, Harriet ■'Delias, Charles W. } Estate of ^ Dellinger, Charles Delmothe, Mary J., and > John Graves S t*De Long, Catharine, j and Lydia Shaefer.. \ *Delph, Charles Demai, William F *Demarest, Daniel Demarest, Henry •Demarest, James, and } Jane Smith ) *Demilt, James C, and f Ann W. RingvA'ood.. ) Deming, John A *Demonet, John P., and } Adolph Vaucher ^ *De Montiel, 3Iary V ... *Demott, John tDempsey, John A and Jane L. Melville _ (2 lots *Demuth, William A *Denby, Thomas. t*Denecke, Frederick W. s)> 18207 13753 17799 10038 13016 15459 16537 7478 13601 16460 17041 14333 15904 15849 20379 15573 15572 15223 20520 16201 15937 17856 20487 20705 19354 16850 12601 16799 16745 19373 18385 17422 12154 17021 16472 13203 21013 13784 14627 7699 7700 15845 18683 12579 Denham, Charles ) Denham, Henry > tDenham, Francis, and ) tWilliam H. Osborn. ) *Denham, Thomas Denholm, Alexander... Denike, Abraham S (4 lots) 1 Denike, Sarah A Denison, EUery Dennin, Charles Dennis, Charles ) {2}4 lots) S Dennis, William Dennison Mary Denniston, Hans R Denny, James P., and } others ) "Densmore. Byron *Dent, Joseph ^Denton, Ellen C *Dentz, Lewis N Denyse, Louisa J. T., / and others ^ De Nyse, Maria Depierris, Victor B ) (480 feet) S Derry, Thomas C Deshayes, Ernest, and ? Celeste Joiitel S Oessoir, Julius Detless, Jacob Deutz, August, and wife Deutz, William, and wife Deuscher, Jane Devall, Dewitt C Devendorf, Lavinia... Devlin, John Devlin, Samuel Devlin, Andrew Devoe, Olive M f'Devoe, William T... Devoe, DuquaineR.. DeVoursney, Abraham P., and wife *Dewar, Jane Dewey, Benjamin H . *Dewey, Selina A Dewey, Squire P (517 feet) *Dewhurst, James DeWitt, Andrew H ... (2 lots) *Dewitt, Jacob H DeWitt, Naomi H DeWitt, Rev. Thomas, ) D.D (IKlot)^ 2440 2066 20469 14038 18157 to 18160 3178 18518 19377 15928 15929 10618 19741 13585 12354 15547 ] 3568 20066 20850 5271 20779 17217 14276 19939 13584 12071 19628 19629 1837] 17787 20418 12690 20033 14495 18331 15556 10213 14! 20624 14488 19700 15253 505 12503 16534 18907 13454 83 66 183 ISl )K,L 111 ) 124 91 189 153 I 123 80 186 180 72 157 177 L,124 189 45 148 7 172 187 177 178 188 188 114 188 E 43 26 115 157 116 27 183 124 106 188 171 158 ,184 > 185 28 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. Names. "Dewitt, William C *De\vliind, Sarah J tDeWolf, Ht-in-y J De Wolfe, Ste]ih'eii, and I John H. Thompson.. ^ "Dezendurf, Edwin M. .. *Dexheimer, Phillippina. tDexter, George ? Dexter, Henry ) ^Dexter, Thomas *Dey, Ann *Deyell, Robert *Diblin, Harriet *Dick, Elizabeth W^ *Dick, W^illiam t*Dickey, Margaret "Dickey, Margaret Dickinson, John B ) (2 lots) S Dickinson, John C *Dickinson, Maria E "Dickinson, William N.. Dickson, James H *Diederichs, Robert, 7 Estate of ) *Dieckniann, Diederich . . "Diefenbacher, Louis.. '^ Diefenbacher, Christo- > pher ) *Dieffenbacher, Fred'k.. *Diehl, W'illiam, and wife "Dielmann, Charles *Dielmann, Jacob Dieterich, Ferdinand C-- *Dieterich, Gustave Dietrich, George *Dietz, Anna C *Dietz, John G "Dietz, Robert E *Dietz, Sophia tDike, Albyn V Dike, Camden C Dike, Henry A.. (4 lots) j Dike, James P. (2 lots) \ Dike, Oscar D Dilger, John "Dilks, George W ^ Dilks, William W DiUcH, JolmM I Dilks, Charlotte E. M. Dilks, Amelia J J "Dill, Iknry ) Dill, John.' ] "Dillon, George t*Dilworth, Alaria 17874 16153 14674 11122 17603 14186 12564 20775 19866 13743 15488 18215 18227 17561 18229 17962 17963 19305 12928 13913 16298 16606 15684 15681 17357 20895 19002 19003 15304 19459 19224 18274 16700 17551 14661 14857 14401 Names. No. of Sect's Lot. 1 of Map 182 "Dimes, Snsan, and )\ icn-nri Uriah P. Rogers. ...i I ^^^^^\ "Dinant, Anthony B 13702 Dinkelspiel, IMoritz [ 17754i Dinsmore, Cnrran j 20419 "Dinsmore, Jacob N ■ 15728! "1 )in/.ev, Peter I 18963' "Diimal, Daniel j 14390; "Dipjiell, Frederick i 18153 t*Disbrow, MarietenaA.j 19032 "Dithmar, Henry ] 12875 "Disch, Christian "Disch, Peter *Di8ney, Albert J Ditmas, Abraham I Ditnias, Henry ) (567 feet) $ Ditmas, Henry S Ditmas, John Dix, Henry Dixon, Henry, heirs of, i and James S. Hollins- > head ) t*Dixon, Mary A., and ) Mary A. Van Dyk .. ) "Dixon, Thomas Doak, George F Doane, A. Sidney "Doane, Henry P "Doane, Marv'W tDoane, William, and ) others (2 lots) ) 164 17271 17274! 172721 147841 20709 95.59 173t "Dobbin, Joseph "Dobelmaini, John B "Dockson, Ann E "Dockstader, Theodore G "Dodd, Louis F Dodd, Thomas, and ) Robert Stuart ] Dodge, Alexander F tDodge, David S } Dodm, Joseph "Dods, Robert H 173 j"Dodsworth, William Ddertliiiger, George ~ 1 )c)crinLr, Philipp •■"Doernlxrger, Jacob, > and Henry Frederick ) "Doherty, William 1 *Dohrenwend, Louis :*Doig, Mary [*Dolan, Louisa Dolan, Emily itDolan, i^laria Dohm, Ellen 'Dolan, Peter i Dolan, Henry 13255 89 119 15229 JJ- 16637 164 20396, 187 14473! 163 11958i 56 185861 187 13883[ J i«n 161.50 167 17631 189 18741 K 20905' 115 128I3| 47 15733 121 18693 i 9 112 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. 29 "Dolan, Tlioinas H ''Doliird, Sanuiel H *Dollo, Joliii Doleon, William, and } wife........ (J K lot) S *Doinanski, Kate *Dominge, Edward... ) Doniinge, Leblair ) *Dominge, Joseph F *Domin,uuez, Jlaiy C--. "Donahue, Ellen.." "Donald, Alexander "Donald, David ) Donald, Koliert ^ fDonald, Henry "Donald. James Donald, Peter, (li-^lot). "Donald, Robert Donald, Thomas Donald, William "Donaldson, Henry tDonaldson, Henry "Donaldson, Martha, } and Emma Teed ) t*Donaldson, William . . . t^Donall)-, Hamilton "Donhue, Michael "Donley, Archibald ■*Donnell, Jane "Donnelly, James "Donnelly, Mary A Donohue, Charles Donohue, James 'i Donohue, Charles > (473 feet) ) t*Doolittle, William'A... "Dopmann, Henry "Dore, Joseph "Doremus, Geoi'ge P., ) and wife ) "Doremns, Peter C Doremus, Sarah P P (2 lots) S Dorttinger, Chretiau Dorlow, Sidney Dormitzer , Henry t*Dorrance, George W.. Dorsett, Robert "Dorsey, Elizabeth "Doscher, Claus "Doscher, Eliza S "Doscher, John Doscher, Magdalena. .. ) (2 lots) S Doscher, Nicholas "Dotter, Charles T "Dotv, Ethan A "Doty, Stci)lien S Doty, William F No. of Lot. 13867 12843 17780 12988 12218 13382 17725 20077 Sect's of Map 169 112! 189 20413 153 17258 167 14365 111 12314 16860 20907 18902 16575 167 17817 18903 19260 17861 19372 177.33 17364 2388 17125 19414 13686 12595 13313 89 19538 20378 18321 14800 18542 "Doubet, Francis Doubleday, Henry A.. Doubledav, John W.. . and Win. E. Field... "Doubly, Archibald ... "Dougan, John A "Doutrherty, Elizabeth, ) andThos. Dryburgh. ) "Dougherty, j\iary "Dougherty, Richard "Doughty, Cornelia, and ) Eliza Parrott j "Doughty, Edward E. D "Doughty, George S "Doughty, Gertrude S... "Doughty, Isaac T 'Douglas, Arnold Douglas, David Douglas, William... Douglas, Isaac "DimglasH, Charles "Douglass, Charles B-- "Douglass, David, and \ Robert B. Gavens ... ] "Douglass, George B . . . "Douglass, George T . . . "Douglass, James H. "Douglass, John Douglass, John P tDouglass, William H.. "Douglass, William J.. "Dow, Peter t"Dowd, Elizabeth W.. Dowd, William "Dowden, Benjamin... "Downey, John No. of Sect's Lot. of Map Downing, Samuel "Downs, John "Doxey, Thomas , "Doyle, Cornelius Doyle, Gertrude A "Doyle, James E "Drake, Maria, and ) Eliza Patten ) tDrake, Stephen "Dralle, Henry "Draper, John Draper, Julia F., and ) others S tDraper, Orange H.,Es- ) tate of (662 feet) I Dreier, Theodore, jun "Dresler, John "Dreutlaw, Philipp Driggs, Susan E., and ? others ) "Driver, William P "Drohan, Helen E 12787 18446 13291 17809 19397 19747 19310 18191 13750 13207 15702 17151 13504 16! 179 17429 19239 18074 12792 16175 20940 14570 16070 15968 14326 16383 1.5789 12494 17069 15230 18788 17237 20928 18502 15302 18186 12379 16327 18150 18056 15718 16063 17004 16526 16087 14952 15224 15014 176 5 179 > 182 H 187 L,M 69 152 19 19 109 167 48 H 168 183 175 171 K 182 163 112 124 172 168 189 161 167 K 161 ?162 ( 152 ) 153 163 L 152 180 185 164 157 121 177 33,46 167 84 149 29 188 32 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 'Droop, FranciB --j IJ'gO Droge, Clans... (2 lots) ^ , 00943 -Di-oz, Henry E.... 20170 Dnimgold, James T 12888 "Dnimmoud, James.- ... 1908b *Drnmmond, Maria J - - - - 19--*«i *Drvbnrgli, Thos., and ) ^9397 Elizabeth DongliertT S _, „„,,„ *Drvbrougli, Alexander. lby~^ *Duane, William J W' ^6 Dubber, Mary E -- 1»J8« v., 19742 14227 1 Dnbernell. James and wife S *DnBois, Cornelins H. .- Dnbois, Frederic L., ) and wife, and Jacob > T. Vanderhoof ) Dubois, Henry, and ) tMaria L. Davenport S DuBois, N. Greenard, ? and others S. *Dubuar, Mary |(»i^ •Dndenhoeffer, George.. I loooU i\ 172i 157 32 36 67 F 187 167 1631 103 E • T. C' 17393 ) Dunning, Benjamin l ) | to I > (4 lots) 1 1 17396 > *Dunning, Henry S., ? i and wife - -.' " ' I 1 onso! *Dunning, James W...- |^"»~ *Dunning,WilmotM..:^ 160011 *Dunscomb , Alexander H 1 M.>.i ^Dnnscomb, Mary A. - - . ■ \f^^-^' -^Dunten, Albertine..-- ) 16^- J Dnnton,Albertine,and " John Slack 190421 187 46 164 F 177 189 188 15936 5348 6910 7076 Fi Dupignae, Bezaleel H. ^ 1 70 Dupignae Catharine A. > ,,,, l)iiiii,i;n;i*'> Almira..^.- J ^^2 i)npii,nKic, William C.- ? ^ "*' Dupiunac, Andrew J.. ) < 1 iDuPont, Gideon W I 2| jDuPont, John T 19495 2842 11931 and Sarah Frost . . Dnrand, J. Silvie . . 'Duell, James 18893 "Duenkel, Louis E 18442 "Duff; Alfred 15604 *Duff, James E 1^605 *Duff, William H., and } 20853 wife n ,.„r,i 71 10399;) 10400 tDugliss, Hosea- 2 lots C 14024 ■) < 14155 > l\ 14576 > 14024 14155| 1457 145311 17317 Duke, Thomas, (480 feet) •Dumahaut, Edward G.. , •Dunbar, David l'>;50b •Duncan, Thomas R | 16966 *Dnncuif, Sarah J Duncutf, Joseph. . Duncuff, William Durant, Thomas C •■ . (A}4 lots) 1 1 Dnrel,LonisV., and wife *Durfee, James, and wile *Durfev, Joseph P ) 169| |*Durgin, Harriet B - . - . - - *Dnriiig, Charles A. A.. Durivage, Francis A.... , *Durno, SaraliB -...---- 55 t*Dury ea, Nicholas W . - - ^^f- llDuryee, George H... ... Ul^^ Dusenberry, Edmund, ^ | 19578 and wife Dusenberry, George M., | 16485 19294 10399 10400 181611 18162' 18825 20194 13700 19240 18795 15174 18342 15252 7 113| 1621 114 Dusenberry, Richard J. ? 196491 15311 and tBenj. B. Wood. S 14281 20239 i 20239 ^ ts)( 20244 5 *Dunham, Caroline,and ) Hannah D. Maynard S Dunham, James H. and wife (6 lots) ^Dunham, Oscar M.. .--^l 19452 *Dunklay, Leonard, Jr.. 1 12424 Dunlap, Abraham B.-- Dunlap, Rebecca ? {\}4 lot) ] *Dunlop,Mary --■ Dnnlop, Mary J., and f tllenry Shelden < (4 lots) ( Dunn, James... (662 feet) "Dunn, Susie - ") Dunn, Gertrude, and > others ) "Dunning, Benjamin 172 177 189' 16141 14405 12373 10021 to 10024 18736 20746 8156 *Dussol, Germame...... *Dutch,Alonzo,and others Dutcher, Silas B Dutton, Annie....----- Du Vernet, Christian h . Dwight Rev.WilliamB. I and others..-- (2 lots) S 161ll*Dwyer, Catharine O--- 113 Dyar, Harrison G 163 TOyer, Daniel D 168 Dver, Otis --..-- 2 rl^yer, Samuel O *Dyer, Thomas 1791 iDyett, Anthony R • Dyson, Joshua iT ^' 1 'i]bs.w:niSnG:;M.bl llSl 6446 14649 13587 12832 18475 13532 16337 16338 15159 14263 15979 18831 13062 16494 16179 18610 62 119 186 H 123 N 183 177 183 187 162 L 162 F 186 (149 ^151 49 K 180 111 186 58 I 163 157 109 113 F 181 164 180 189 177 119 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. 31 *Eager, George H. . . Eager, James tEager, Jeniiison Eager, Joseph "Eagle, Alexander. . Eagle, William, and tJolin Sliort tEagleton, Jelioida J . . .'. Eaines, Edward E t^Eames, Emily E *Earl, Henry E Earle, Alexander M... ) (IJi lot) \ "Earle, Elizabeth "Earle, Emily J "Easson, Peter *Eaf!8on, Kdliert "Eastburn, William S "Easterbrook, Jnlia Eastman, William P tEaston, Charles \ (4 lots) 1 tEastwood, Frances Eaton, Asahel K Eaton, Darwin G., and ? wife ) Eaton, Elizabeth ) Eaton, Lncin | Eaton, Francis [ Eaton, Julia ( Eaton, Joseph H., and | others J Eaton, Thomas A "Eberbardt, Emannel. ^ and Mathias Stegel- > niann ) "Ebbs, Allen "Echart, Carl..(i^ lot) | Echeverria, Anjel G. .. Echeverria, Manuel G. M. D "Echeverria, M., and (/Ompanv *Eck, Charles E Eckel. John J "Eckel, John L., and Frances L. Wilbur.. "Eckert, Charles A "Eckert, Thomas T.... Eckert, William, and Nicholaus Stenger... "Edey, Percy F Edgar, Alexanders... "Kdgar, Samuel "Edgeworth, Robert. .. 'Edmiston, James No. of Lot 2002.5 C66 13924 2466 13311 14795 17679 18389 19552 14014 14378 18967 17549 17533 1S3S4 14966 13930 to 13933 12044 16503 19654 12109 4395 19411 11575 17386 17387 16017 17594 18528 13688 Names. 171 178 31 184 78 168 113 190 189 K 13381 57 20138 188 21044 { 148 ^149 20309 L 14906 94 16129 N 1.5.558 162 12297 11,12 14620 55 "Edmiston, John "Edmonds, Benjamin.. '^ Edmonds, Benjamin G. > and Joshua F. Bridge ) "Edmondson, Robert, ) and wife S Edsall, William, (2 lots) ^ "Edward, John, and wife tEdw'ards, Alexanner, ) (513 feet) S "Edwards, Dinah E. C-. "Edwards, Francis Edwards, Frederick, ) and others ) t'Edwards, Harriet ■*Ed wards, John S Edwards, Jonas M., ) Estate of \ "Edwards, Joseph, and ? Jane Griff'fn \ ^'Edwarils, William M. .. "Edwards, William W... "Eekhotf, JohnD., and; Charles G. Giebel... S tEgertou, Oliver ) (2 lots) i "Eggers, Frederick "Eggers, Frederick Eggleston, Harvey J., ) and Robert Heberton \ "Rhlers, John, and wife. Ehlers, Mary, and > Jacob L. Allen \ "Ehricbs, Peter "Eiche, Frederick Eichliolz, Benjamin W. > and others \ Eickhoff, Anthony "'Eickhoff, Henry W "Eicks, Bernhard H Eidlitz, Marcus No. of Lot, Sect'3 of Map t"Einpel, Valentine 1 6273 t"Eil8, Christina M fEinhaus, John W "P^isenmenger, Ernest. . "Elbert, Charlotte tElder, George W..and ■wife (2 lots) "Eklredge, Harmon . ... "Eldridge, IMargaret. ... Eltiar, James Elhoff, Philip Elkin, Jane Elkins, Horatio B "Elleau, Anthony G "Fllleau, Lvdia A tElh-rbv, John Eliiry, 'Harriet D., and , Thomas B. Decker.. ' 19748 17574 17575 13665 14526 20038 18306 20777 20343 153 18082 17996 1671 17659 16524 14545 15845 117 13544 13545 15119 20020 13282 20094 5242 14917 109 15000 15348 12900 12129 17654 16746 13411 14195 20947 20948 15110 19359 6333 19005 15249 19409 14711 12812 13878 10038 32 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Elliott, Andrew C "Elliott, Charles C "Elliott, Elishia, and ) others \ tEUiot, George T., Jr.,) M. D., and William > T. H. Duncan ) Elliott, Henry.. (446 feet) Elliott, John'.... (IK lot) Elliott, John H "Elliott, Julia M "Elliott, Marv E Elliott, Robert S "Elliott, Thomas "Elliott, Thomas t"Ellis, Experience Ellis, Christopher C... ) [\% lot) \ "Ellis, Rachel F.E "Ellis, Robert ') Ellis, Matthew > Ellis, Henry S ) "Ellison, Chae. E.. and > Levi G. Malkin S r Ellison, Deborah A ! (ti k.ts) j t'EUison, Samuel Ellison, William Ellison, Eliza C, and Henry Long , "Ellsworth, Joseph W. . Elmore, Cassius B, and > Henry R. Darby \ Elsworth, Edward ) (2 lots) S tElsworth, Henrv \ (2 lots) \ Elting, Robert M } (636 feet) \ Elting, William H. S Ely, Rebecca \ (2 lots) \ Ely, Zebulon S.-dJ^lot) "Emanuel, Frederick 'Embil de Mijiuel Emei son, William H "Emery, Alonzo A "Enike'n, Henrv, and ) William H. Wlecke. \ "Ennnel, Frederick "Enmiens, Charles "Eunncns, Henry "Ennnerrich, Wilhelmina "Eunuons, Charles E "Emmons, George D tKndall, William "Endeinan, Jacob No. ol Lot 15L52 6668 16523 10970 Sect's of Map 55 64 164 95 12930 75 3R60 52 1 6381 158 16095 167 18327 152 151.52 55 15586 162 19174 184 12939 / 18428 175 20691 24 17883 16104 19370 17811 190 164 162 151 169 169 168 12659 180 20992 13287 13286 18727 207(i0 17653 16015 12245 Names. "Endris, Jacob Eneas, Gertrude W... > (l)^lot)i Engel, Adam Engel, Frederick E "Engelbrecht, Henry "England, Martin "Engler, AdolphusW... Englis,John, and wife, i Englis, Jobn,Jr.,& wife > (6 lots) ) "English, Charity t*Engs, William "Enos, Albert G "EnoB, Annie b' "Enswortli, Kate M- .. ? Ensworth, Mary B \ Knj-ard, Isaac S "Enzian, Eliza "Erdmann, Frederick A. "Erickson, Abby "Erickson, Hannah C "Erhuhei', Marv "Erne, Eva, and Francis \ Kinzel \ "Ernst, Henry "Erregger, Jacob "Erregger , J acob W "Erskine, Geoi'ge E Erving, Emily S \ (2 lots) \ Erwin, Eliza Erwin, Hugh Erwin, William H "Escher, Gustave "Esch wege, James t*E8enwein, Frederick.. "Estabrook, Edwin M... Ester, Edward Esterbrook, Richard, Jr . "Estes, Benjamin W "Estevez, Ramon M "Etling, Jacob, and > Andrew Merz \ "Eugster, James "Eulcr, Martin "Ennson, Robert G Evans, Caroline, and \ others \ Evans, Charles T. , and ) Ellen S. Maxfield... \ (IK lot)) "Evans, Felix Evans,George A.(416ft.) "Evans, George W Evans, Hannah, and ) others \ Evans, Jacob M t"Evans, Joiin, and \ William A. Coles \ Rvans, JolmH No. of Lot. 15992 14278 20173 16639 10539 17865 18435 19514 to 19519 18753 20026 19484 18769 13511 163 16202 16981 18904 17813 20932 19633 15786 20467 20468 17658 13710 13711 14174 19301 14084 1438-i 18234 8554 20432 18595 18169 16249 19644 14935 13961 15513 19090 17752 10514 16046 17350 13841 19567 19458 9391 12739 Sect's of Map 168 161 F 113 51 D 185 \ 168 F 187 188 G 180 52,53 167 189 F 189 M E 164 187 187 152 \ 170 170 153 70 162 185 84 103 186 152 164 D 164 161 188 186 167 5 91 \ 107 164 177 180 ^M I N F 182 159 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 33 No. of Lot. "Evans, Joseph , *Evan8, j\Iarv ^Eviius, Pliilip D. . .. Evans, William (4 lot Eveletb, Ralph C ( {■m ft.) \ Everdell, Charles Everdell, Francis Everdell, Henry Everdell, James Everdell, William Everett, Samuel H S (4 lots) I *E verit, Jane *Everitt, George W ^Everstield, Thomas *Eves, Robert tEwbank, Thomas *E\ving, Alexander *Ewing, Gilbert *E v\'ing, James t*Etyuge, Rebecca S F. Fabbii'cotti, Otto, Estate > of (IK lot) S "Faber, Eberhard *Fach, Jacob *Faekler, Susan S *Fabl, Emily Fabnestock, Harris C Fahrenbolz, Henry, ( and others . . (567 feet) *Fair, William, ana Andrew Morrison *Fairbairn, James tFaircbild, Egbert N Fairchild, Hamlet M *Fairclotb, Francis M. .. "Fairgrieve , Hannah Fairman, James B t^Falconer, John A t Falconer, Peter R *Palconer, William H... *Fales, Edward *Fall, Edward, and } Charles Smith ^ Fanning, Abraham M... Fanning, Abraham M. > Fanning, John H S *Fanning, Andrew M... Funning, John H *Kanning, Robert S Fanning, Thomas "Fanning. William G., ? and wife ) Faushawe, George A and > Sect's of Map 285 ) to > 288 ) 13823 20677 18678 20544 to 20547 13253 16917 16842 16841 16918 16843 19285 to 19288 1997 13604 17601 12758 16840 13225 17746 13224 13308 18912 13825 20103 18937 19587 15978 18226 15070 16544 14159 15841 15491 13660 12708 18818 13095 20027 20005 9281 13158 13159 16438 13157 16920 13156 19475 18964 177 148 189 176 171 167 167 167 167 167 153 83 177 167 180 167 112 113 112 180 F 61 187 18 1^ 99 157 181 189 170 169 162 61 80 186 160 E 187 15 K K 151 K 55 K 187 183 Names. .1 Farley, Josephine and others *Farley, Sarah t*Farmer, Robert, and j wife j * Farmer, Robert G . *Farnham, Eliza *Farnham, George G--. Farnswortli, Harriet N. *Farnswiirth, Martha C *Farnsw(>rth, Susan M. *Farnum, Amanda F *Farnum, MarvE., aiid j tMary Bell ." < *Farr, Jane Farrand, Elcey No. of Lot. Sect's of Map ::} Farrand, Joseph S ? (631 ft.) S *Farrand, Matthew... " Farrand, Ellen, and Mary A. DeGroof *Farrell, Mary *Farrington, Washington Farseri, Mary G., and ) Theresa Waldie S Faulkner, Edward H.. 1 and others /■ (li^lot)) *Paulkner, Hiram D Faulkner, Thomas C... *Faunce, Jolin Favill, William M Favill, Josiah M., and Alfred L. Clark ^ Fawcett, Henry, and") wife I Fawcett, William, and ( wife j Fawpell, Peter Fay, Elizabeth P.... Fay, Martha..-. (IK lot) "Fee, Jane t*Fehlis, Henry A. C... Feitner, Daniel, and Barney Vroman .... Feitner, Daniel *Felleisen, Albert *Fely, Francis "Fengado, Augustus *Fensier, John P Ferguson, Alexander... t*Fergu8on, David *Perguson, Esther Ferguson, Maria S 1 Ferguson, Catharine.. (^ Ferguson, Elizabeth | McP j *Ferguson, Marion 15718 20998 16474 20302 19394 18279 17509 19400 13252 20252 19893 16638 12806 12369 15223 18470 17478 16998 10266 14499 13254 14466 19097 18952 14608 15808 13645 17793 12909 6525 6526 19429 17557 16085 4924 12064 15144 20013 12765 14720 177 114 156 183 188 152 158 115 33 180 183 98 3 179 28 117 103 109 164 99 179 180 162 187 34 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. Names. * Ferguson, Mary J. and others *FergU8on, Robert *Fergu8on, William *Fergnson, William. .. *Ferguson, William E. *Ferran, Maria Ferreira, Jose S. M.. .. Ferrier, Ann *Ferri8, Alpheus "Ferris, Henry *Ferris, Josiali S *Ferris, Maria F Ferris, Reed "Fetherstone, John Fettretch , James Fettretch, John (2 lots) j *Fenerbach, Frederick.. *Feuerbach, John E *Feuerbach, Joseph +*Fharenholz, Claus H.. tFicken, Claus *Ficht, Otto Field, Frances A Field, Richard Field, William E., and ? others \ "Fields, Alexander, and > Mary A. Shea 3 * Fields, Joseph *Field8, Warrington *FieIds William "Fiffaniere, Monica, de la *Fii,'-el, Loranz 'Fijux, Louise t^Fillo, John Filor, Emeline R Finch, Sarah E Fink, Jacob Fink, Lewis *Finkle, Milton "Finlay, Mark, and others *Finley, Thomas H *Finn." Richard *Finnigan, William, and ) Robert Mc Williams.. S "Fischer, Caroline "Fischer, Charles E "Fischer, Elizabeth "Fischer, Enic^st W Fischer, Wilhelm "^ Fischer, Adam, and > others 3 "Fisher, James "Fisher, Laura No. of Lot. 16523 121 fi3 15143 20555 16342 16660 12074 13342 19067 14640 12120 12816 10592 2079' 18485 18483 18484 15828 15827 15830 12726 1062 12566 20226 20511 18446 14539 13869 19938 20043 20211 19833 12272 12054 17987 19258 20956 13221 13153 19550 16543 17415 17722 19806 15998 15317 16510 16418 17660 17971 Sect's of Map Names. No. of Lot. 164 169' 173 E 75 168 150 170 152 162 46 21 16 183 185 186 185 186 158 163 158 < 163 ; 158 ' 163 13 113 121 N L 176 162 180 187 187 C 186 79 180 G 183 E 179 25 153 167 168 190 D 167 162 164 164 167 174 Fisher, Mary L., and > others ) "Fisher, Matthew, and ? wife ( "Fisk, Samuel N.,M.D.. "Fisk, Stephen M Fiske, Frederick B Fiske, Georgianna P "Fitch, Thomas J Fitch, William, and } Abraham Salter \ "Fitschen, Peter Fitts, Friend P "Fitzell, Samuel, and ) wife \ Fitzgerald, Andrew "Fitzgerald, Mary J Fitzhugh , Edward J "Fitzpatrick, William . . . Five Points' House of i Industry, New York, > (2 lots) ) "Flagg, William C "Flagler, Albert Flanders, Benjamin F... "Flandrow, Joseph "Fleet, J. Gardner, and ) Edward Strong \ "Fleischmann, Frederick Fleitmann, Hermann "Fletcher, Andrew "Fletcher, Horace R t*Fletcher, John, and } James Chadderton.. \ ^Fletcher, John , "Fleming, Charles E Fleming, Robert t Fleming, William M Fleury , Charles Flint, Cyrus.... (4 lots) "Flint, Beniamin, Jr. . "Flint, Edward Floyd, Benjamin W "Flovd, Jane H "Flnhr, Philip "Flynn, James "Flynn, John F., and } Eunice Tracy \ "Foehrenbach, Francis,") Foerenbach, Michael, > and August Kunle... ) Foertsch , Mary Fogg, William'H > (2 lots) S Fogg, William S "Foley, Mary Sect's of Map 15718 20107 15895 19207 15379 6707 19827 3515 5709 13606 15217 16309 15339 18694 14798 14203 14204 19188 159.59 18611 15500 17118 19263 11815 15037 12665 17604 19726 12694 12630 15145 19733 12637 to 12640 16025 1901 6 12232 14465 17040 13420 177 187 159 153 169 74 173 24 35 159 162 164 180 188 186 163 30 { 180 )187 G,H 157 S112 ^123 183 29 158 61 tl52 >158 187 7 150 182 183 > 177 181 187 5 160 ^161 162 189 180 12563 108 16290 20827 12374 12375 14240 128091 189 148 24 172 47 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 35 FolRer,Winiam B. (504ft.} Folk, Johns I Folk, William H S "Folsom, Enoch t*Fohvell, Martha fFolz, Adam "Folz, Elizabeth Foote, Arthur W *Foote, Elizabeth H Forbell, Isaac S., and ) Daniel T. Levericb. . ) * Forbes, Arthur, and wife * Forbes, George C *Forbe8, George E Forbes, John E., Estate of (3 lots) Force, Dexter N Force, William Ford, Hohart ^ Ford, James li > (4 lots) > *Ford, Sidney A *Ford, William T } Ford, Warwick ) *Forest, Samuel A * For man, James *Formau, Thomas *Forschuer, Charles *Forrest, John, and ) Robert Kent ) "Forrest, John * Forsyth, Thomas t*Fo8tliek, Richard B Foster, Alfred, and wife. "Foster, Amasa, and wife (3 lots) Foster, Blanche "Foster, Eliza Foster, Henry, and ) Thomas Bell' S Foster, Henry C. (Ij lot) " Foster, Henry J "Foster, John ) Foster, Robert ) "Foster, John "Foster, Margaret Foster, William Foulds, Robert "Foulis, David Fountain, James G "Fountain, Mary E "Fountain, William J.. .. Fowler, Amelia Fowler, Catharine "Fowler, Edward B No. of Lot. )504 ) to [ J50(^i ) MOO I )200 1826 ) to } 18291 > 16935 14206 16086 18450 16266 16265 12.321 19012 6985 19590 18894 15935 15504 t 1550( 12400 19200 14826 t' 14829 14459 10817 17034 19136 18532 20571 13596 18039 14729 12666 20161 19612 to 19614 20805 13071 17345 19234 20688 15008 15852 19509 19271 15754 17593 16821 12911 20678 19481 10987 16412 Sect's of Map 159 55 168 L 187 187 171 178 184 118 186 189 158 123 171 1.53 32 162 36 151 184 185 186 L 180 121 168 14 176 99 149 148 171 172 167 187 173 181 188 153 114 55 190 112 113 181 92 183 50 189 Names. "Fowler, Ellen A "Fowler, Frederick "Fowler, Mark Fowler, Margaret, and others Fowler, Orson S "Fowler, Sarah M "Fowler, Ste])hen K- .. Fowler, William A Fox, Alonzo, heirs of- Fox, Baldwin N., and George Luff P"ox, Charles.... (1% lot) "Fox, Edward P., and ) John R. Auld S Fox, George ) (2 lots) S "Fox, Martin "Fox, Robert t*Fox, William "Frambach, Karl "France, Isabella B "Francis, Elizabeth A- .. "Francis, William T "Francisco, Harriet J.. .. Francklyu, Charles G., ? trustee J Frank, Albert "Franke, Charles "Franke, Henry, and ) George Beard ^ Franklin, Mary A Franklin, Philip "Franklin, Sophia C "Franz, Daniel "Praser, Andrew ^ Eraser, Alexander | Eraser, William 1- Fraser, Robert Eraser, Charles J "Eraser, Cesrina "Eraser, Henry C " Fraser, John "Eraser, John > Eraser, Joseph ) Fraser, Margaret C. -. / Fi'aser, John D ) "Eraser, Mary "Frazee, Louedo, and ) wife \ "Frazer, Alexander * Frazer, John Frazier, Lavinia ■■'' Fredeau, Michael Frederick, Catharine "Frederick, George Fredericks, Charles D. .. Frederickson, Charles W. Fredrick, Henry, and ) Jacob Doernberger.. ) t*Freebern, Geoj'ge No. of Lot. 14223 16587 16683 17752 15308 18060 15868 19955 12484 1992 14128 16809 12481 12482 13354 12490 14725 19226 20474 20696 12986 16066 19497 19580 20603 21006 15503 19249 18417 19907 20731 Sect's of Map 29 168 113 167 K 190 157 E,G 161 57 120 167 161 159 172 109 183 L 124 171 156 176 E 63 148 161 D L 156 13152 180 13293 92 12757 51 14537 162 16014 112 14467 162 19577 186 12918 171 12919 171 1(;358 151 20400 124 18217 174 12621 178 13275 159 17439 93 20905 115 12337 41 36 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. Names. No. of Lot. *Freeberii, Sholts- . Freeland, John *Freelaiid, John M. *Freeland, Sophia f^Freligh, Isaac S *Freeligh, William B *Freeman, Elizabeth A.. *Freeman, Charles B., f and others \ tFreeman, Henry * Freeman, John W t*Freeman, Xornian A. I and tArthur Sowerhy ) French, l^enjaniin F., ) and William Phillips ^ French, Benjamin S *French, Charles E *French, Crighton B French, Daniel, and > John Babeock ) *French, Francis M French, Helen D *French, James *French, Robert, and ) John Baxter \ *Freuch, Sarah E *Frere, Thomas *Freund, Christian *Frewen, Catharine M.. Frick, Joseph *Friedhott', Frederick A.. *Friedman, Ferdinand. .. *F'rie8, John C *I<'rings, Ferdinand t*Friuk, Jolni B * Frith, Joseph R *Fritschler, Maria *Fritz, William A *Fritzenger, Charles *Froehlich, Louis W *Frohwitter, Jane *Frohwitter, William. .. tFronk, Edwin C } (2 lots) S *Frost, Charles E "Frost, Elizabeth *Fro8t, George W *Frost, Jane *Frost, John W Frost, Sarah, and others. Frost, Theodore ) {2 lots) \ Frothingham, Abraham R. Frothingham, Isaac H. \ (H lots) j Frothingham, Isaac (J lot H.( .ts) ^ 12338 lt)4S9 20192 20191 6922 17739 12902 15831 18686 18089 6889 4921 1111 16585 12901 15024 17381 168 13437 16932 16771 15055 13789 18995 17641 15201 13458 14364 18011 20096 18069 12499 14207 13068 13069 16333 16334 13522 18687 13078 3895 15676 11931 8872 8873 14250 14088 to 14093 14094 to 14097 Names. i 159 62,63 190 180 57,68 188 119 178 Frothingham, Isaac H... *Fry, William II tFryer, Isaac, and > Daniel P. Bacon ^ Fuchs, Magdalena *Fuhry , Jacob Fuller, Raize J 'Fuller, Edward C *Fuller, Elias "Fuller, Julia S *Fuller, Levi A., and ) Clara Page ) *Fuller, Lydia *Fuller, Lydia A "Fuller, Michael, and ) Mary Barthelemy... \ *Fullerton, Eliza *Fulton, Margaret J *Funck, Julia *Funnan, Guido J. F. ) W., M. D S Furman, Rensselaer, > and William B. Smith \ G. ■'Gabay, David Gabler, Ernst *Gabrielson, Gunerius. . *Gading, Magdalene *Gaffit, Caroline M Gahagan, Henry V Gaige, Preserved No. of Sect's Lot. of Map ^Gaines, Frances E. *Gaines, John "Gajani, Guglielmo... t^Galatian, Ann *Gale, Frank D., and tRobert I. Powell... S *Gale, Monroe F ''Gallagher, Catherine L. *Galliers, Henry, & wife "Gallon, Samuel } Gallon, Mary A ^ "Galpin, Frank H "Galvan, Eliza "Gamble, Arthur Gamble, John "Gamble, Mary "Gandar, Charles B "Gantter, Philipp F "Garbrecht, Theodore G. "Gard, David L Gardiner, Charles C. .- ) Gardiner, Etienne, and > others j "Gardiner, Martha A., ) and tJames Smith... ) tGardiner, William C. Gardner, Edwin H 14249 15271 4574 20604 18180 18354 16959 20320 16960 11168 19180 19616 13273 12810 156421 16264 12248 12200; 14655 17444 17562 13783 14426 13128 17607 17875 20758 12488 14161 S3 15735 16083 20987 16499 18684 14580 13049 17201 19890 16144 19293 13549 13928 885 12221 12456, 17952' 33,46 162 119 188 175 1.52 167 187 167 92 184 183 58 1 162 167 178 170 29 K 170 162 172 167 189 190 L 181 170 80 55 156 182 189 189 163 50 24 187 188 183 61 180 42 180 (! 151 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. Names. Gardner, Emma V., and others Gardner, George A. Gardner, Mary, and others (9 lots) Gardner, Mary L. Gardner, Samuel.. tGardner, Thirsa, and others *Garlichs, Charles Garlick, Susan ^Garlock, George F *Garnaus, John t*Garner, Clorinda *Garrand, William 17280 15169 5169 i~) to [ 103 5176| f 104 6593, J 9 Garrett, Eliza P., and Sarah R. Sheldon... Garrett, Charles W Garrett, William, (2 lots) *Garrick, William H., and Philip S. Harns. Garrison, Cornelius K. (14 lots) *Garrison, Edward *Garrison, Henriette V. *Garrison, John •^Garside, AVm. B., M. D. *Garthwaite, Emma, and tKobert F. Alia son Garvin, Edwin S Garwood, Hamilton C- . *Gasquoine, Samuel. *Ga88ert, Charles G *GasBert, Henry L ♦Gassert, John L *GaB8ert, Samuel F la. ■) lla4 13424 16958 17097 20086 12344 14909 17895 13824 16128 19179 18079 6229 6230 16 167 151 58 1 164 174 17' ;i6 ' 163 : 169 ' 173 174 48 12868! 161 13628 t 13641 18228, ' L 20209 L !628 ) to > 28 1641 > Gassin, Henry Gasten, Robert *Gates, Edwin, and ) James A. Babcock.. ) *Gates. Hannah N Gates, Joshua B "Gates, Leonard H Gates, Martha, and Ann ) M isbet ) *Gauch, Charles A *Gault, Isabella "Gault, James, and wife Gaunt, Caroline F., and > tGeorge T. Green... ^ *Gaunt, Marv A Gautier, Josiah H ) (2 lots) \ 18043 19474 14967 17087 16939 12070 17922 17921 17923 17924 13101 19111 17462 13260 15417 5656 6452 15074 20298 19722 10749 15303 18688 18689 189 148 188 18! 113 71 151 151 151 151 ?112 176 29 180 32,47 40 48 162 183 186 109 173 I 41 Names. No. of i Sect's Lot. I of Map *Gavens,RobertB.,and } David Douglass ) t*Gay, Ellen *Gay ler , Charles Gayler, James Gay nor, Charlotte A... Geary, Gustavus Gebhar(lt,Louis& wife ) Gebhardt, George ) Gee, George Gee, Jacob A Gee, William Geehr, Saiuuel P., and ) wife \ *Geer, Charlotte Geer, Darius W ) tGeery, James *Geery , James M *(Jeiger, George *Geiling, Herman t*Gellatly, Abigail Gellespie, Geo., & others Gelpcke, Wilhelmine Gennuel, James Gendar.TlioniasV., and ) William Smith \ Gendar, William T., and) JohnN. Wyckotf,Jr. S Gerard, James W ( (6 lots) C "Gerdes, Martin *Gerhard8, Charles Gerken, Catharine ( (473 feet) ] *Gerken, Cordt, and wife 'Gerken, Cordt and *Gerken, John.. German J , John, Louis Stetzner ^ *Germond, Jeanette, & ? Sarah Hazard \ *Germond, Wellington.. Gerritsen, Samuel J *Gerrit8en, Simon C *Gerry, John Gerry, Thomas, and ) Daniel Adee J *Geyer, Louis A Gibbes, E. Alton, M D.. Gibbs, George C *Gibson, Alexander "Gibson, Catharine "Gibson, George C ** Gibson, James 13056 19192 17231 19371 15654 20351 18074 175 18513 18514 12949 20104 16466 14003 14376 20377 20447 13854 14637 16268 19279 12214 5431 5430 16554 to 16559 20995 19488 16892 10339 ^ Vi 180 152 167 190 181 188 188 181 188 188 188 173 164 159 159 124 E 177 163 168 173 176 119 S22 ^35 522 ^35 108 109 L D 113 ; 106 ' 107 10340 ) 107 20716 C,E 16677 186 16845 189 13198 104 13096 172 19435 186 20512 183 8322 101 20168 187 18533 186 13970 K 12815 35 19074 124 15076 164 19815 187 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. Names. Gibson, Jane A } (958 feet) I *Gil)son, Maria "Gihfion, Ricliard P *Gibson, Samuel *Gibson, William B., ) and Artbur Gray ) *Gibson, William C Giddings, Cbarles Giddings, Senter M *GiebeI, Cbarles G.,and ) Jobnl). Eekhott.... $ *Gies, Jobn Gieschen, Jobn H., and } otbers {l>-ilot) ] t*Gieselmann, Jobn H... *(4ilbert, Ann J ^Gilbert, Anna Gilbert, Coltjate ■^Gill)ert, Daniel 'Gilbert, Frederick } Gilbert, Alice C 5 tGilbert, George B Gilbert, Heleu'M., Es- ) tate of I Gilbert, Jobn S *(Jilbert, Susan *( i ilcbrist, Fannj^ ~j Gilcbrist, Fannj' | Gilchrist, Sarah X j- Gilchrist, Elizabeth ... Gilchrist, Robert J Gilcbrist, Mary, and ) tAlexander Darling. ) *Gilchri8t, Robert Gildersleeve, Eliza ) (IK lot) \ "Gildei-sleeve, Thomas, ? M.D \ *Giles, p:iizabeth ''Gilfillan, James "Giltillan, Margaret M.. Gillillan,Marv (iillilhai, William 'Gilkison, Anthony Gill, Charles R *Gill, HenrvL *Gill, John H., and ) others S Gill, William P 'Gillender, Artbur Gilles, Thomas 'Gillespie, Eliza E f'Gillespie, James Y No. of Lot. 'Gillespie, John Gillespie, Jobn D. C, and wife, and George A. Dearborn 'Gillespie, Margaret. .. "Gillie, Geoi'ge 3222 4670 13998 17215 20274 18885 1863 16067 12343 15845 16170 10375 18927 17440 16330 14021 16475 20934 14395 12212 12717 18271 17769 5669 17805 14885 16378 14239 16560 20577 14181 15054 12873 18494 21020 17112 18767 18167 14712 133(iO 12076 13361 17913 13781 14643 Sect's of Map 91 180 189 187 189 92 189 77 117 K 21 L 168 167 112 165 115 159 161 170 175 120 Names. 'Gillies, Harriet E 'Gillies, Elizabeth 'Gillmur, David 'Gillon, Thomas 'Gillott, Elizabeth ) Gillott, Ann ^ Gilman, Cornelia Gilman, Smith D Gilmor, Ellenor E tGihnor, Robert, and } Fayette M. Johnson. ) 'Gilmore, Janett 'Gilmore, John Gilmore, John S tGilmore, Noah, and ) Abraham A. Slover.. ) Gilsey, Mary C ) Gilsey, Andrew Gilsey, Charles Gilsey, Peter (iilsey, Henry Gilsey, John I Gilsey, Pauline, and Mary Gardner (9 lots) J Gilsey, Peter, and oth- ) ers (2 lots) \ Gilson, Emma / Gilson, Carlton S ] 'Giltzow, George H 'Girard, John B 'Gisburne, Eunice H., ^ and Elizabeth Phillips ^ 'Gisburne, Pbilus Gladwish, William E. ) {IX lots) S Glanz, Adolphus 'Glass, George, and ) Robert Motiiitt ) Glass, John 'Glass, Mary A 'Glazier, Tilomas 'Gleason, Valentine Gleason, Wesley Gledhill, Richard, and ) otbers s 'Glen, Thomas, and ) Robert Taylor ^ 'Glenn, Esther A Glidden, Martha A. H... 'Glockner, John G 'Glokner, Lucas 'Glover, Henry 'Glover, James. Glunk, Magdalena 'Glyen, Daniel, and ) others J 'Goadby, James H 'Goater, Priscilla No. of Lot. 12822 17918 14559 18177 15881 18047 20203 18901 14811 17958 14268 19568 12605 5169 to 5176 6593 13447 13448 15842 15053 17319 20210 12820 15443 16146 20608 18482 21032 17547 16764 16876 18232 12170 Sect's of Map 27 i F > 114 "162 185 188 137 156 4,5 163 158 172 157 29 103 104 111 112 169 F 185 57 157 157 164 176 187 168 114 151 174 180 15778 118 19190 F 16310 189 13672 116 12890 81 17197 ^114 15192 174 14759 163 20723 148 14726 5 163 ? 168 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 39 Names. fGock, John F Goddui-d, Celestine, and others ^Godfrey , Kemp "Godfrey, Washington, and Alfred C. Murtit. Godwin, Samuel, and ) wife (11^ lot) S *Goeller. Charles J *Goeller, George C *Goerck, Lewis W Goerck, Theodore "Goesmann, Henry *Goet8chins, Joseph. . . *Goette, Prances *(TOetting, George Goetz, Adoljih, and others (li lot) *Gott', Mortimer L *Going, Joseph *Goldbacher, Ernest *Golder, Emeline, and ) EzraD. Cole S Goldey, Wm., and wife S Goldey, James B., and > Louis M. Holton ) "Golding, Gilbert *Golding, John "Goldthwaite, Jennie C *Gomez, Catharine M. .. *Gonzales, Antonio "Gooch, William C ''Goodall, Jonathan, ) and others ^ Gooderson, Hester A Goodheart, George H. . .. Goodhue, Charles W.. S (4 lots) j *Goodliff, Ann, and > Elizabeth Horn ) "Goodman, Ella *Goodnow, Erasmus D.. "Goodrich, Elam T Goodrich, Ellen M Goodwin, Charles, Es-'^ tate of, and Charles > Coulter ) "Goodwin, Edwin O "Goodwin, Mile M "Goodwin, William Goold, Maria R., and ) Mark R. Putnam. .. \ "Gordan, William "Gordon, Al vin W Gordon, Henry H "Gordon, Isabella L "(Jordon, John 18226 14753 17643 20759 11878 20011 18382 12654 17884 16501 13367 20900 19950 15221 17886 15195 to 15198 13805 16016 15898 14077 19977 5885 14502 15289 16329 14513 14220 17563 16000 20347 18589 180 Names. No. of, Sect's I Lot. I of Map tGordon, Philip (4 lots) Gordon, Robert, (IJ^ lot) Gordon, Thomas R , "Gordon, William Gosling, Adolph "Gosling, William W. .. "Gosselin, Peter P , "Gossip, George "^Gott, Henry P., Jr. Gottschalk, Celestina.. "] Gottschalk, Clara | Gottschalk, Augusta .. Gottschalk, Blanche .. Gottschalk, Gaston "Gottsleben, Frederick.. t*Gouge, William M tGould, Charles (2 lots) \ "Gould, Margaret "Goulding, Hannah "Gourley, Helen ■. "Gourley , John l"Gour]ey, William |*Gourlie, John H ["Grabner, George ["Gi-adot, Amelie A it*Graeve, Werner "Graf, Frederick "Graham, Alexander j*Graham, Dorcas, and ) Charlotte Majilton .. ) "Graham, Jane D Graham, John . . (852 ft) ■ Graham, John, and wife and others "Graham, John H "Graham, Lavinia "Graham, Margaret "Graham, Mary I t*Graham, Thomas "Graham, William S., ? Estate of ^ "Grahlfs, Harmann "Grandy, William J Granuis, Thomas C, ) and Selah Squires --■ ) "Grant, James Grant, Julia A "Grant, Thomas H t*Grantegein, Frederick ) and George Werner. ) "Graper, Christina "Graves, Benjamin F Graves, Caroline 'Graves, Chandler F. 12255 to 12258 146.58 12409 20247 13228 19172 12359 16596 13143 195811 12658! 13055 14750 14751 19525 17651 12870 17153 17347 19095 18544 20757 3355 18955 15329 12108 21015 19168 19169 19357 20406 15680 12929 20082 12783 16698 12288 14209 12250 12029 19540 15455 12416 18585 18141 17744 18140 32 111 113 J 87 171 183 ISO 164 178 5 M f N 161 32 D 175 180 189 167 153 189 164 108 186 173 180 176 89 153 168 180 181 187 27 164 51 172 178 179 152 162 27 186 152 158 190 152 158 40 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. Graves,, lolin, and Mary ) J. Delmotte i Graves, Kos well *Gray, Alfred G "Gray, Andrew Gray", Arthur, and ) William B. Gibson.. S *Gray, Charlotte E *Grav, EUaE (■ Gray, Henry Winthrop J (8 lots) I I *Gray, John *Gray, John H., and ) ■wife S Gray, Sarah "Gray , William Gray, William *Greason, Geortje Greatorex, Eliza, and ) Adam S. Pratt ^ t*Green, Andrew J Green, Ann B *Green, Charles H "Green, Charles S., and } tRic-hard P. Cole.... S *Green,ClarenceS.,and } Theodore F. Young . 5 *Green, Deborah L Green, Frank G., and } others (l}{ lot) < tGreen, George T., and ) Caroline F. Gaunt .. ) "Green, Harriet ) Green, Kate ^ ^Green, Jacob *Green, John Green, John D ■'Green, Jonathan P *Green, Lydia A *Green, Mary "Green, Peter < Green, Samuel W., and f wife ) "Green, Soi)hia L "Green, Tlioinas "Green, William G "Greene, Edward P., ) and wife ) Greene. John E t"Greene, Jonathan Greene, Lyman K Greene, Itichard C, ? and wife J "Greenhalgh, Solomon. -. Greenleaf, Augustus ) W (-2 lots) S Greenman, Henry L 16799 13793 16043 13431 18885 179.53 18498 14984 to 14989 15875 15876 16798 20945 9942 18444 18445 14226 16924 14598 15977 14191 18361 13494 14331 10266 10749 19547 13147 15419 20231 14824 20008 20368 3185 11564 20000 15330 18289 5142 19500 16360 13085 17086 1852 18398 13445 13440 14974 149 189 190 186 172 167 No. of Lot. Greenman, Josiiih B... > Greenman, Sophia ) t*Greenwood, Isaac J. .. Greenwood, Langdon.. Greenwood, Margaret. ) m lot) \ "Greenwood, Mary Greer, Joseph tGreer, William A Gregan, Julia t^Greget, Francis X., i and wife S tGregg, Charles > (2 lots) S Gregg, Martha, and } tPeter J. Babcock .. ) Gregory, Clara B ? (l^lot) Gregory, Dudley S.. .. (14 lots) Gregory, Ira W Gregory, Robert *Grenewald, John ~i Grenewald, Theodore, > and others j Greppo, Claude Grevatt, Joseph, and ) tJoseph Brown ) Gridley , Edward Gridley, John V "Grierson, Samuel, and } wife ) "Griflen, Jane, and Jo- } seph Edwards ) "Griffin, Jesse "Griffin, Mary A "Griffin, Sidney L Griffing, Frederick "Griffing, Horace B "Griffith, Charles E Griffiths, John M "Griggs, Wygant Grinniiel, Frederick, and Alfred D. Bren on "Grissell, John "Grissom, Margaret. "Griswold, Caroline Griswold, Charles E . . . Grisw^old, Ethan D., j and wife < "Griswold, James T "Griswold, Josiah "Griswold, Stephen M.. Griswold, W^ilham C "Groenert, Fredericka- - "Groesbeek, David Sect's of Map 14973 14335 20470 14149 16304 18984 18114 18021 20631 14457 14458 11088 16261 15396 to 15409 12847 20117 18359 14320 15576 188 169 F 169 170 169 173 189 185 190 175 150 74 100 182 182 187 175 55 157 16115 167 19393 (184 ^185 12509 7 17659 (113 ?114 18223 186 12209 120 12660 90 12211 161 20502 147 20115 187 9191 57 12777 43 3283 543 ^44 20929 156 15807 164 14017 77 15885 182 20776 148 18444 77 12615 107 13241 112 15470 124 17048 114 17031 74,75 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 41 Names. Groesbeeck, Margaret L 'i and Krederick J. W. ^■ Barkiuan j t'Grogan, James "Grogan, Marie Groody, John Groody, Michael Grosjean, Cliarles *Grossnian, Ezra N Grosz, Michael. -.( I >^ lot) Grote, Frederick E,.. .. ) (11^ lot) \ "Grove, Geo., and wite.. *Grove8, Jnlia A tGruber, Peter, and ) Frederick Sandniann ) *Gruene\vald,Elenora. .. *Graene^vald, Frede- ) rickE \ Gruner, Leopold, and ) otliers \ *Graner, Seigfried Gruner, Traugott, and ) ^vife ) *Gubner, Walter, and } others ) Gucker, Henry, and ) ^vife ) /'Guekel, Louiea ''Guental, George, and > tJoseph LavilTe ^ *Guental, George *Guentz, Aemil, M. D. .. tGuerber, Augustus 'Guerber, Cathai'ine Guerin, Francis A > (IK lot) \ Guernsey, Peter B., M. ^ D., and t\vife, and > others j *Guidet, Charles Guidicini, Joseph t^Guinn, Jane *Gullen. James "Gullett, William Gullivar, Edward, and ) others ) Guramerson, DeForrest j P \ Gunn, Alexander N., ) M. D \ *Gunniug, Campbell, } and wife \ *Gunning, Robert, and } wife 5 Gunther, Gott lob *Gunzenhanser, George ? and Mary Hilker ) Gurncy, William ■'Gustin, Anthony M Sect's of Map Names. No. of Lot 17101 1.57 13712 7, 8 20S6; 1413; 731)3 103! 1929 19489 16418 1(5802 I9f)81 16418 164 19415 20125 13861 17024 1582 2328! 14274 15571 12126 13916 1S323 16742 120 109 'Gustin, George W., and ) Anne S. Larkiu \ *Guth, Henry Gutman, Joseph, Jr *Gny, John , *Guy, John.. *Gwathmey, Archie B. ., *GwLiine, James, and ) others ) *Gwyer, Phebe *Gyves, Fanny, and } Fanny Ivers \ H. ''Haaf, John, and wife.. *Haag- Gustave *Haag, John A *Haag, John F *Haake, Albert *IIaar, Joachim Haarbauer, Jacob, and } otliers ^ Haas, August; ^'Haas, Edward *Habicht, Louisa *Habig, George, and } Michael Halm \ *Habkemeier,?Frederic, 5 and Michal Biechoff. ( *Hackett, William Hackley, Caleb B ) (504 ft.) $ 891 122 181 Hadden, Henry G. "Hadden, Walter J Hadicke, Eliza . . . Haeflich, Martin.. *Haff, Ann E *Haff, Francis, and Da- } vid Knott \ Half, James D ) tHalf, Stephen, and [ t James Hoag ) Half, Robert C Hagan, Edward, Estate ) of I Hagenbucher, Christian Hagenbucher, Jacob... Hagenbucher, John I lager, Fi-ederick L '^llager, John J Hague, Joseph "Hahn, Elizabeth Hahn, Julia Hahn, William, and ) others ^ Haiber, Charles tHaight, Elizabeth 6632 18.503 204S9 17928 198 20729 16945 1671 20566 20910 20010 17732 20953 168ti6 ] 7642 720; 18792 15446 1574 15774 11338 1459; 14768 12992 15923 19828 14785 18253 18593 2846 18252 17753 20701 20700 20702 18507 12262 16054 20450 19065 1324 13283 12800: Sect's of Map 109 186 186 172 F 182 104 41 187 115 L 189 L 167 175 F 162 189 164 182 ; 161 ' 162 , 88 ' 110 57 167 L 163 168 185 179 70 185 , H ' 113 186 186 186 187 34 164 F F 58 116 51 42 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. *Haiaes, Anne *Hales, Elizabeth Halev, Dudley Haley, Maria, (173 feet).. 'Hall, Bazil, and wife. .. *Hall, Elizabeth Hall, George H Hall, Isaac tHall, Isaac, heirs of * Hall, James Hall, James *Hall, Jeannette '^Hall, John, and Wil- > liam McCallum ). *Hall, John, (221 feet). \ *Hall,John *Hall, John D Hall, Joseph } (2 lots) S tHall, Joseph B "Hall, Joseph W *Hall, Mary 'Hall, Mary A *Hall, Mary E *Hall, EachelB t*Hall, Richard *Hall, Samuel, M.D *Hall, Susan Hall, WushinytonA Hall, William Hall, William ; Hall, John ( *Hall, William M Hall William K., and; William S. Phelps . . S Halleck, Elizabeth, 1 wife of the late Maj.- f Gen. H. W. Halleck, { (864 feet); Hallett, Arnold, M. D., ;> and William Addonis ^ Hallett, Catharines... ) (2 lots) S 'Hallidav, Edward C... "Halliday, Hiiyh, Est. of. *Halliday, James "Halliday , Mitchell "Halliday, Samuel Halliday, Sanuicl 15.,^ Hallidav, Arthur T., I and liev. William B. (" D wight (2 lots) J "Halloweil, John ''Halst>ed, John B., Es- ( tate of ] Halm, Michael, and ) George Habig ) "Halpin. Michael *Halsey, Cecilia M "Halsey, John A No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 169(38 K, L 14511 169 14992 162 17527 99 20938 181 15237 188 14628 163 16187 112 17600 113 16026 189 18763 152 12095 180 12477 180 17102 17403 I 151 18145 189 20773 183 19277 19278 I 153 18762 152 16512 151 19987 61 14942 164 13773 177 18270 189 14478 162 16199 L 19857 187 16578 107 15524 173 18616 189 13982 172 5529 40 20293 185 20294 186 20710 34 12447 89 12448 90 12144 161 2034C 183 18006 175 17628 175 20565 156 16337 163 16338 168 3841 1.52 13149 ( 68 ^69 15774 164 18095 L 17652 54 18511 152 Names. eeij ) Halsey, John C, M. D tHiilscy, Edward C Halsey, Elizabeth Halsey, Robert' *Halstead, Francis Halsted, James M (852 feet) *Ham, Charlotte and Georgeine Davis ""Hambler, John . . '^Hamblin, Mary Hambreeht, Albert, and ) others (567 feet) \ *Hamel, James, and > William V. Smart. .. ) *Hamilton, Colson C.. -- Hamilton, Eliza J *Hamilton, John Hamilton, Schuyler, J Maj. -Gen \ *Hamman, John T., and ) wife' 5 *Hammann, Rosalie J. . . Hammell, Charles F *Hammer, John W ^Hammer, Peter C *Hammett, Mary Hammond, Daniel S Hampton, Adam, Es- ? tate of (U lot) I Hampton, Alonzo R *Hanan, James Hanan, John, and others. t*Hancock, James M Hancox, Clement M., ) and William Meeder. \ Hancox, Joseph W. ... } (4 lots) y *Handlcy, Elizabeth *PIan(lify, Josephine B. } anil (.'aroliiic A. Smith \ Handrig, Fridrig *Handy, Susan, and Su- ) san Trask \ *Hanf()rd, George F ''Hanft, John A *Hanft,JohnB Hankinson,Jane S., and ) EpaplirasJ. Sherman \ "llankinson. John t*Hank8, Mary, and ) others ) Hanlon, George ") llanlon, William | Ilanlon, Alfred V llanlon, l^hvard ] Hanlon, Frederick j ■'Hamia, John Hanna, William C ' No. of Lot. 5061 13971 15199 14944 14945 20774 12772 15211 18226 16502 13566 14972 16162 19596 20996 20482 20849 14774 18154 12764 10081 19450 6494 12097 15912 15241 2631 1444 to 14450 20196 17954 20310 7796 14860 16886 16885 9571 18657 12983 19124 13350 18808 Sect's of Map 2'.> 185 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. 43 No. of Lot Hannahs, William "Hannon, William D... *Hanson, John Harbeck, JobnH \ (4 lots) j Harbeck, William H . .■- ? (3 lots) S *Hai'binson, Henry Harden, George, Est. of.. Hardenbergh, John P... *Hardenbrook, Wm. A.. tHardenburgh, Rev. ? James B S Sect's of Map »Hardie, Esther 18073 *Hardie, James =*Harding, Edward L., ) and wife ^ *Harding, Robert, Jr. .. *Harding, William A.. .- Harding, William A... ) (2 lots) 5 *Hardwick, Cornelia ^ *Hardwicke, William... Hardy, Garret L *Hardy, Margaret E '^Hardy, Susan H *Hare, Joshua A '•*Hare, Margarfet J *Harenburg, Frederick — *Haring, Caroline "Harley, Joseph *Harmar, William Harmer, Eliza Harmon, Alexander G . . - Harnett, John H ) Harnett, Richard V.... ] Harold, John, and Lem- ) uel W. Sewell \ Harpcl, George M Harper, James P ^Harper, Robert ^Harrington, Frederick.. ^Harrington, John R "IHarriot, John A tHarriot, Joseph P Harriot, Mary A *Harris, Amos P "Harris, Eliza ■'Harris, George *Harris, George F ^Harris, George 8 *Harris, George W "Harris. James Harris, David . Harris, Elizabeth J. ^Harris, Jeanuette. "Harris, John 'Harris, Olivia S. . . -;;::i 14864 20739 19693 125 29 18.5 190 182 163 Names. Harris, Philip S., and ) William H. Garrick. 5 *Harris, Robert ^Harris, Samuel S ■} 202351 I 157531 73 21037 115 109 183 189 *Harris, William Harris, Arthur T Harris, Willoughby B Harris, William H Hariison, Ann ■'Harrison, Cai-oline J... t*Harrison, Edward *Harrison, George, and ) Alfred G. Powell... S '* Harrison, George E Harrison, Gerardus P., } and John Bird i Harrison, James, and ) Dexter B.Britton... } (IK lot)) *Harrison, James 'Harrison, Sarah J., ) and Ann Scott ) *Harrison, William Harrison, William ) (11/ lot) 5 Harrison, W^illiam L. S-. Hartshorne, James M. ) (504 feet) ] Hartshorne, Richard j B (.504 feet) ] Hartshorne, Sidney G. ) (504 feet) S Hart, Catharine A *Hart, Columbus Iliirt, Lenmel E ^llart, William Hart, William D. and > Joel Ketchum ^ *Hartell, John 'Harter, Frederick A *Harting, Frederick, > and wife ) Hartmann, Henry tHartough, Peter C Hartt, Henry A., M. D.. Hartt, John W., and William Cartwright. (11^ lot) Harttmann, Cassrner. .. *Harvey, Hayward A. .. *Harvey, Joseph, and ) James M. Whitehead S Uarway, James L (6 lots) *Harwood, Lilburn "Harzen, Frederick.... Hasbrouck, John L *Hasenkamp, Henry . . . *Hashagen, Frederick. . No. of Lot. 12868 20647 18152 14482 18723 19899 17236 18329 17758 14266 12169 15075 18148 1643G 16582 19017 14016 16689 16691 16690 18300 1S09I 18480 19066 18032 17597 17789 20637 14067 16815 15161 710 18857 15078 3019 16630 to 16635 14556 12867 11422 12625 14877 Sect's of Map 161 59 I 185 >186 172 176 4,9 167 L 174 170 178 99 174 168 164 30, 49 111 149 149 149 F 189 153 184 54 H L,M 177 151 158 122 152 78 160 180 46 13 163 44 LOTS SOLD TO :«AY 12, 1ST3. Names. Haskett, Wm. J., aud ? Eliza McMenomy. .. ) *Haslan, George, and ) Theodore A. Tufts... J HaslehurBt, James i Haslehurst, Joseph > (4 lots) ) Hasluck, Mynd H., and ) George Grove ) *Hassard, Catharine *HaK,sanl. William S t^Hassclcliclv, Herman. .. Hassell, John, M. D *Hassey, August *Hastie, Alexander *Ha8tie, Peter, Estate of. ^Hastings, Ellen fHastings, Warren Hastings, William, and ) wife ) tHatoh, John C *Hathaway, Coralia Haiick, Philipp t^HauuInvout, Peter N.. *Hanschil(I, John P "^Hauscliildt, John H t*Haush, William *Havemeyer, John C *Havemeyer, Sophia S. .. Haven, Joseph W., Es-"i tate of > (4 lots)) *Havens, Joseph H., ) and wife \ Haviland, Ellas "Hawes, John H. G Hawke, Edward H Hawkins, Charles H Hawkins, Rush C Hawkins, Willet N Hawkshurst, Samuel ) W., and wife ) ^Hawkshurst, William, J and wife ) Hawley , Frank E *Hawk'y, Louis, and ) John Dawson \ *Hawn, Sarah M Haws, Ennna C *Haws, Maria L Hay, Silas C ^Hayden, Eldin IJ Hayden, Mary L "Haydock, Margaret t*Haye8, Ann 'Hayes, Elizabeth *Haye8, Henry G ''Hayes, John G fHayes, Mary No. of Lot. 3267 18393 15260 to 15263 1507 17062 14.547 16747 13S27 9563 15057 132.59 18425 15787 19749 20227 17318 19193 17869 17490 14730 14902 17.599 192.53 20513 to 20516 20136 17089 21031 20535 15719 13236 12886 20166 20935 15597 12598 18710 8425 165S0 1 5S97 20445 128851 I50i(; 12035' 16822! 12051 18075 15295 41 174 Names. 174 173 180 *Hayes, William H., ) Estate of \ *Haynes, Samuel / Haynes, Robert ) *Hays, George M *Hay ward, James '^ Hayward, Henry, and > Septerius Higgins. .. j Hayward, John K ( (2 lots) S *Hayward, Liither C *Haywaril, Richard W.. Hay ward, Thomas S ^Hazard, Sarah, and ) Jeanette Germond. .. ^ flazeltine, Leonard, Jr.. Hazen, Abraham F *Hazen, James Hazlet, Ellen S *Hazzard, Charity P *Head, George W *Healy , Catharine Healy, Samuel, heirs of.. "Heaney, James *Heaney, Martha. Heard, Charles, and Al- ) exander Scott, Jr ) Hearn, George A Hearn, James A *. . Hearn, William L S (4 lots) 5 *Heasley, Robert *Heath, Adoniram J Heath, Elizabeth, and > others ) t*Heath, John '*Heatli, Samuel tHeath, Seneca W., and ) John G. F. Powell-- S Heath, William, {l}{ lot) Heath, William C...".. .. *Heberton, John Heberton, Robert, and ) Harvey J. Egleston. \ *Hecker; Frederick C. A. *Heckmann, Charles *Hedden, Edward O Hedden, Elizabeth C ''Hedenkaiiiii, Diederick. *Hederik, Jane Hedges, William S.... } Hedges, James ) "Heede, Henry, and wife *Heely, Lawrence A *Hegeman, John "Hegerman, Richard S. -- t^Hegone, (xeorge H., ) and Emily A. Udell . 5 No. of' Sect's Lot." of Map 1966 18545 16964 14076 80 185 186 167 181 12134 ; ,.„ 12135i S 19250 19246 15326 16845 14217 17092 17685 12041 19883 18556 16662 18238 19648 19854 13405 15752 15751 15290 to 15293 13434 20623 4230 12751 12750 18273 15714 15922 14254 13282 174.58! 14299 18978 16285 16124 14202 13851 20389 19202 20324 15163 14064 183 184 159 189 149 H 10 178 53 107 164 176 187 ,187 [ 188 159 149 149 177 177 183 33 100 100 185 170 157 1.58 ,161 ' 170 167 172 D 158 157 172 170 183 183 C 157 172 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. 45 Names. *Heil, Georice *Heilig, Louis *Heilmann, Mary *Heim, Charles *Heimburg, Chark-s H... *Heindsman, Ferdinand . *Heiiinainan, Augusta. .. t*Heinrich, Jacob *Heins, William F Heintz, William t'Heiser, Philiii E.,and ) Horace K. Kimball.. \ Heissenbuttel, John D.. Heissenbuttel, John F... *Heitman, Ellen *Heitmanii, Margaret Heller, John H (567 feet) ''Hellmers, Fi'ederick *Hellthaler, Catliarine. .. Helme, Elizabeth A... ) (2 lots) S *Helmkamp,Mary, and ) Charlotte Treuleben. S t*Helml\e, John '^Helmsen, Johanna *Heniingt()n, Elizabeth .. "Hemphill, Joseph Henderson, Alexander... Henderson, Charles *Henderson, Elizabeth. ) and James Patterson. ( Henderson, Isaac ) (2 lots) 5 ^Henderson, James Henderson, John ^Henderson, John C *Henderson, Joseph 'Henderson, Peter *Henderson, Robert ^Henderson, Robert, and ) wife 13492 100 miot)) "Hewett, Edward 18408 175 t"Hewett, Marion 16257 157 "Hewison , George 17626 167 "Hewitt, Edward } 20221 183 Hewitt, George ] j"He Witt, Emily R 20291 187 46 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Hewitt, Isaac L *He\vitt, John, Estate of Hewitt, John C ? (2 lots) S ^Hewlett, Algernon C. } and others 5 ^Hewlett, Algernon C-- Hewlett, James A.. and ) wife (2 lots) S ''Hewlett, Margaret *Heybefk, Susan A *Heyberger, Catharine - . *Heydenreich, Fred'k V. Heyward, Henry ? (6 lots) S Hickock, William ) (li^lotK Hickox, Charles R., and ) wife $ Hicks, Andrew J Hicks, Charles ithilde. i irles, > ^Hicks, John S t*Hicks, Julius C, and ) Walter Burke ] Hicks, Robert T., and > Samuel Brevoort \ Hieronimus, Mathilde. " Hieroninius, Char and others Hitfert, Caroline, and others 5 tHigbie, Nathan T *Higbie, Samuel, and ) James Walton ) *Higgins, Mary P *Higghis, Peter H *Higgins, Richard S *Higghis,8e2iterius, and ? otliers ) '^Higginson, EmmaB-.. *Higham, Louisa, and ) Edward Johnson \ ^Highlicld, John W.,&> Harriet E. Powell... ^ "'Higiiibotham, Ann ■*Hignutt, N. Elizabeth, and Ci Pomeroy 'Hild, Catrine *Hiklreth, Samuel Hileman, Emilc A *Hiler, Selah ''Hilker, Mary, and George Cunzenhauser ■■'Hill Benjamin S., and Samuel N. Stubbs... Hill, Eliza Hill, Elizabeth *Hill, Frederick A.... No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 16182 1959S 13537 13538 19374 1942{i 20222 20223 18908! 17397 20271 1889S 6375' to 6378 13842 19476 14615 20823 20128 12357 3387 19956 , N. Elizabeth, ^ aroline M. > >y - ) 16844 15033 1216 19462 13373 113 49 111 173 173 149 F, F, D 152 48, 103i Names. 'Hill, George W. 'Hill, John R.... 176 18168 109 17323 151 14803 163 13571 8366 17172 95 103 167 14076 181 20002 63 5891 84 20550 156 15442 107 13112 111 20^00 1S725 i3(;os 12115 115 165 170 30 *Hill , Linnfeus C *Hill, Mary *Hill, Mai-v C *Hill, Robert *Hill, Sarah E "Hill, Thomas W '*Hill, Warren E *Hill,William, and wife ; and others \ *Hill. William E *Hill, William J ■^Hilliard, William P.... *Hillier, Joseph Hillman, Sarah ''Hilhuan, William t'Hillmann, William, } and Matthias Spell- j- myer ) *Hilson, Cleaveland *Hiltman, John C Himrod, Elizabeth K... *Hinchman, John C t*Hinchman, Marcus A . . *Hinchman, William t^Hinck, Anna C No. of j Sect's Lot. I of Map 113 f)8 153i 177 180 Hinck, Ahrend, Estate of. *Hinckley, Angelina *Hind, Margaret *Hindley, Alfred H *Hind8, Sarah Hinds, William L Hines, William E. and ) wife ) Hinman, William A Hinsdale, Marv A...... ) *Hinshelwood, Robert — *Hinson, Susannah *Hiuton, Mary E *Hiutze, Ernst A Hipper, John C, and ) otliers ) *Hirsch, Rosa t*Hirst, Euphrates Hiscox, Freeman, and ) Samuel L. Westerlicid ) Hiscox, Samuel } (2 lot *Hisco.x, William and James W. Trub shaw , Hitclicock,BeiijaminW (11..^ lot) Hitchings, Benjamin G Hixon, James B "Hoai,', Elizabeth LOIS) \ rub- > 12303 14141 11718: 15679 19112! 13705 17878 18296 13351' 19760 20919 16910' 20483' 16967 12926 126S8: 15700 I ! 13929 18506, 19745 17747 12869! 1.5158 13990 18600! 18677 13389 20114 12859 18785: 19786 153071 59141 16732' 18474! 18092! 3455 20019 17752 19630 12121 11735 14721 14722 12111 19351 16287 14573 14814 180 170 172 119 168 F 177 189 185 62 D L 167 183 167 170 172 ,157 ' 164 177 152 187 151 180 188 181 103 115 33 180 F 8 1.51 176 183 163 91 186 185 65 187 167 D 46 182 112 105 15 151 159 159 158 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 47 Names. *FIoag, James, and others *Hoa!<, William H Hoagland, Cornelius N. } (P^lot) S *Hoa.<^land, Deborah B.. Hoagland, Joseph C. ? (li^Iot) S Hobart, Charles H *Hobbs. Eliza Hobbs, Robert S. and wife Hobson, George G " (2§ lots) *Hoc-k, Robert B., and Peter Hoffmann Hodge, Alexander, and others t*Hodge, Joseph II *Hodgkiii, Oscar E 'Hodges, Adelaide M.. Hodges, Clara P., and Amelia Turner J *Hodu'sdon, Oeortre *Ii()duson, EdwardA.... •^Hodgson, Ellen M *Hodgson, Harrison *Hodgson, Seraphina J.. t*Hoefer, Charles *Hoertel, William *Hoey, Jeannette W., ) and Eliza Springer.. \ *Hofacker,Wm. and wife *^Hoff, Charles A *Hoft'mau, Catharine ^Hoffman, Frederick, } and twife \ * Hoffman, George W tHoff"man, Henry R. .. ? ■(•2 lots) S Hoff"inan, William ^Hoffman William, and } others .,. ) Hoffmann, Adam, luid ) Louis Ulthoff' I '■Hoffmann, Frederick , . . *HoffuiaDn, Peter, and ? Robert B. Hock 5 Hoffmire, John M *Hogau, William N... *Hogeman, Maria M . . *Hogg, Charles B ""Hogg, Robert Hogg, Thomas, Estate } of: (2 lots) s Hohorst, Ann, and others "'Hohorst, Frederick *Holbrook, Alfred W.... Holbrook, Eveleen, and ) others S 174G3 13975 4936 15466 13756 18042 17930 N.iMES. No. of I Sect's Lot. I of Map 12056 178 175SS 167 9904 . 54 20246 183 12335 178 .5796 46 19156 189 16103 K 19S0S 188 20559 L 19037 78 19578 186 21050 5103 ^115 12206 I 35 12207 18344 103 18778 ( 186 I 189 20743 174 14660 163 17581 190 16830 167 15511 (. 176 ^177 200=i7 187 1S83-I 187 18813 187 80 162 K 189 112 IJ3 tHolbrook, Henry M.. ) (IK lot) S Holcomb , James H Holden, Charles E Holden, Charles E ) [\% lot) \ Holden, Edwin R Holder, Charles B , and } Leonard De Klyn... \ ^Holder, Frank T" ^Holder, Jane *Holling, Mary A tHollingshead, William 1 M.,and wife \ Hollinshead, Jame« S., ^ and heirs of Henry > Dixon ) *Hollis, William H *H()llownv, Edwin '^Ilallv, Ellen F \ Hollv", xMarianW \ *Hoily, Ellen P ) Holly", JMarian W., and > Algernon C. Hewlett y *Holman, Thomas S Holme, William *Holmes, Alice "Holmes, Cecilia J Holmes, Edwin Holmes, Madison, and \ wife 5 "Holmes, Margaret Holmes, Richard J *Holmes, William -^Holmes, William W.... *Holnagel, Fredericka, ? and Albert Klener . . \ *Holock, John, and wife. '^Holsten, Frederick *Holt, Caleb *Holt, Jane P Holt. Robert S. (432 ft).. *Holton, Francis A Holton, Louis M., and ? others 5 *Holton, MinaD. G *Holton, Morris L Homan, Richard S *IIomer, Ann A *Honey well, Edward "Honey well, Irene M . . *Hoodj Maria L *Hood, William *Hoodless, William J . . Hoogland, Andrew.. Hoogland, Elizabeth tHook, Benjamin ... t*Hook, Charles G-. *Hook, Gulian '■:\ 13099i 160 13944! 12710! 15698 18739 8563 19027 14329 6493 19565 20709 16641 16030 19427 19374 18906 14783 12962 19302 15780 2295 19080 9174 16282 17366 15069 20091 20548 14872 14579 15519 14951 20011 14716 14619 1.5434 14961 17873 18614 3534 1S105 20789 14673 12604 20046 15366 47 125 5 60 '~^} 186 12 33 180 62 148 152 p4 G 187 168 173 173 186 163 164 180 D 162 93 184 27 188 189 164 F L 162 168 157 169 183 186 33 169 161 164 189 33 76 175 188 163 29 183 48 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1S73. Names. *Hookey,Josei)h S.,!uid ) wife I ''Hookey, Mary E "Hooiiey, Margaret, and "i Hanuab M. Caracci- > oli ) *Hooper, Daniel ^Hooper, Dinah Hooper, Henry H *Hooper, John C *Hope, Isabella HopKins, Archibald W.. '^Hopkins, James A. P. ? Estate of ] ^Hopkins, J ohn tHopkins, John R Hopkins, Josepli, and ? Koswell D. Tompkins S Hopkins, Lemnel H., j and wife ) ~Hopkins, Lina "Hopkins, William, and ) Georije Lawrence... ) '^Hopjiell , Mary A f^Hoiiiier, Abraham D.. Hopper, Jacob M Hopson, Henry, and ) wife {"l3iIot) I Horn, Albert *Horn, Catharine *Horu, Elizabeth, and ( AnnGodllff. ] "Horn, Thomas, and ) tThomas Purves ) *Horne, Kichard "Home, William *Horr, Henry Horsey, Samuel V "Horton, Catharine +Horton, Hiram H., and / Asahel Chapin ^ "Horton, Luther *Hosking, Williaiii ) Hosking, Ellen ^ *Hotmer, Bernard H *Hou, Jemima A., La "Hough, Henry R tHough, James > (2 lots) \ *Hough, Thompson "Houghtaling, Jenny *Houglitaling,SnsannahP t*Hougliton, Asahel, & } Wm. H. Mountfort.. ) House, Ani^on Houser, jMattliew "Housewortli, iMorti- > mer M \ Houston, James, Jr 12568 14313 9182 17189 16987 20667 16664 17840 18700 16851 13257 14855 14408 19724 17852 18031 17835 15739 12467 19656 14369 19847 13805 8237 12228 18489 15863 14554 19496 12472 15380 18400 14079 19453 13435 17107 1710S 16320 13503 9962 16332 17129 20628 18197 20669 Names. 13 43 189 174 168 187 174 189 161 163 112 1021 103; 175 175 189 158 6 153 169 53 53j 18]! 1861 18] 163 L 169 23 186 I 61! ,183 ' 184 177j HI 1641 63' 181 164 114 L 189 181 182 "Hovell, John Hovey, Catharine M How,' James ) (2 lots) S "Howard, Adaliue "Howard, Harry tHoward, Henry D . . . "Howard, Joseph, and John Van Benren... Howard, Joseph Howard, Nathan, Jr.. (IX lot) Howard, Sanmel E (4 lots) t*Ho\varth, Horatio... Howe, Catharine A... "Howe, Charles, Jr... "Howe, Charles H t*Howe, Dexter "H«we, Edward C "Howe, Emeline N Howe, Epi Euphem:' Howe, John, M. D "Howe, JohnW.. "Howe, Samuel S. Imeline N ^ penetus, and > lia C. Keford > and tHowell, Daniel. "Howell, Eliza A "Howell, Ennna, Sarah Templar... "Howell, James, Jr "Howell, Julius S- . "Howell, Theodore D.. Howell, William S. Howell, John S Howell, Alexande Howenstine, William B. "Howes, Frances A Howland, William \ (4 lots) i t"Howser, John C tHoxie, Joseph William E, '' ler J...) 1548: 14853 20454 20455 13778 9823 13693 14924 14996 15102 20965 to 2C968 15810 18401 15960 14543 18348 15961 16682 16795 16794 14817 12278 16065 12508 16983 13572 13573 5670 17279 20123 12086 Sect's of Map 181 163 106 55 2 159 160 162 158 150 149 168 176 156 169 152 156 113 { 16 ^16 2086 ) to l[ 2089 j ) leph, and ") i. Bartlett, } (610 feet)) " '".lot.. and } Hovt, Eliza H., (1 "Hoyt, John W wife "Hoyt, Mary A., and Hezekiah E. Daven port "Hoyt, Mary A Hoyt, Sanmel "Hubbard, Norman ... *Hu]3bell, William L... "Hubbs, Jesse I^I., and wife 12089 20139 14837 15042 20120 7079 19109 19868 12614 17410 20999 159 159 63 164 178 L 105 113 169 169 24 H 187 119 29 169 186 55 55 183 w 13 114 176 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 49 Names. *HuI)er, Amelia *Huber, John t*Huber, John J Huckel, Rev. William... Huckfeldt, Johanna *Hudmacher, Andrew... *Hndnut, Alexander Hudson, Charles Hudson, Charles Hudson, Henry H ^Hudson, Isaac N., and ) wife, and others S *Hudson, Samuel, and ) wife ) 'Hudson, Thomas T *Huebner, John P *Hugart, Alexander, M.D t*Huggin8, William "Hughes, Alice A Hughes, Dixon G., and ) Charles Wood ^ *Huglie8, John * Hughes, John Hughes, Pascal S ) (2 lots ) * Hughes, Robert ^Hughes, Robert Hughes, Sarah B ) (2 lots) \ ^Hughes, Thomas B.,) and Williain C. Wil- \ ton ) Hughes, William *Huf^hes, William H., ) and wife ) tHulbert, LaFayette. . .. *Hulett, Don A., and ) wife ) *Hull, Elizabeth, and ; John Varley ) ''Hull, Samuel G *Hultman, Frances "Humbert, Elias C ,and ) wife \ ''Humbert, William P., ) and wife S *Hume, Elizabeth H... Hume, William H Hume , Henry Hume, James *Humes, William Humes, Hugh Humphrey, George S... Humphrey, Urania ) (2 lots) S Humphreys, Mary A t*Humphreys, Robert . . - "Humphries, Sarah "Huraphrj's, Archibald.. No. of Lot. 19.530 18929 IGlGl 18791 18416 1.388.5 13089 1503 17830 15424 8029 2026S 16G65 20441 18430 17121 19098 18G32 18117 19203 16356 16357 12320 16797 12834 12835 10083 12495 19624 18673 19727 16437 13298 20836 20778 20792 13472 15590 17435 11458 16769 16770 17176 12741 13234 13907 Sect's of Map 173 D 189 152 187 180 180 82 187 112 N.*.MES. No. of Lot. *Hungerford, Uri T. and wife *Hungerford, Uri T . . . *Hundt, John O "Hunt, Benjamin T.. "Hunt, Eunice "Hunt, James F t*Hunt, Joseph S "Hunt, Mary tHunt, Polly Hunt, Richard R Hunt, Thomas (20 lots) Hunt, Thomas Hunt, William H Hunt, William J "Hunter, Alexander S., ? M. D ( "Hunter, Ann G., and 5 Catharine J. Bullock $ t"Hunter, David "Hunter, David ? Hunter, Henry C \ "Hunter, Edward, and ) others ) Hunter, Eliza, and Jane ) Spencer ) "Hunter, Gilbert V Hunter, Jacob, (405 feet) t"Hunter, James, and / William Macdonald. \ Hunter, James "Hunter, James tHunter, James W "Hunter, Jane "Hunter, Samuel Ill 173 "Hunter, Thomas, and twife "Hunter, Thomas W., and wife "Hunter, William Hunter, William B {IX l£t) "Huntin; an( son, Huntington, Thomas P. Huntliu"', Tennis D. . mtinw, Laura E.,'^ id Mary L. Clark- [■ in J Ilurlbut, Richard W "Hnrd, John, Jr "Hurd, Joseph, and wife. "Hurley, Elizabeth "Hurley, Peter "Hurst, Francis W. J. .. t"Huse, John B Huse, Mary M. B ? (473 feet) ] Sect's of Map 160 19470 152 20248 15276 15910 19945 18064 16464 19270 17081 1695.'; 13020 to 13039 13044 17834 18111 15002 12510 16060 2041 13409 10164 19313 16611 14617 17798 18.554 19U85 18239 12291 14404 20884 14604 16224 13222 19093 20345 18115 17493 20269 13991 12915 18337 13772 17736 179 180 159 F 148 149 89 174 183 181 180 186 180 152 60 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. Names. lard ) *Hu8sell8,FcederickW.A *Hussey, Thoiiiae *Hutching8, Ausrustus F. tHutchins, Charles D.. Hutchinson, Gardner S. and Thomas A. Mori- son 'Hutchinson, James... "Hutchinson, James. . . Hutchinson, Jolin B. . . tHutchinson, Richard J., and Thomas Stenrns Hutchinson, Samuel... S (4 lots) 1 Hutchison, Janet E., ) and others ■■{l}4 'ot) ) tHutchison, James *Hutchison, Joseph C. ? M. U \ Huttemeir, Harman, } and tJohn Roehner.. ) 'Hutton, Benjamin H., ) and Chas. G. Landou ^ *Hutton, Margaret P "Hutton, Mary A Huyler, Isaac *Hyatt, Archibald L *Hy;Ut, Marv J., and ; Elizalic-tli Pariaen... \ Hyatt, William H., Es- ; tate of \ .tHyde, Catharine "Hyde, Henry P > (i lot) S Hyde, Jabez B Hvde, Levi W., and ? 'Thomas H. Curtis. .. \ H^de, Leonard C., and ) others (IJ lot) S *Hyde, Lydia F Hyde, Marian L *Hyer, Emma *Hyland, James Hyne, Charles II I. Ide, Henry . . . 'Ide, William. *Ideen, Amelia *Ide8on, Margaret L... *ne8, Sarah t*Illing\vorth, John *Ilsley, Silas A., and , wife I *Imlay, Joseph M No. of Lot. 17647 13626 15128 14180 867 14616 14641 18933 2406 19365 to 19368 20179 13969 12833 4129 17988 14351 20Q70 14271 15990 17761 19790 15027 17470 18209 12184 12432 16328 19923 17854 15414 20767 16171 13209 14045 15S53 1S045 13378 13103 20190 1 15G55 Sect's of Map 151 60 188 112 43 163 63 55 , 120 121 151 153 169 77 105 168 32 187 169 170 ;i5o 151 151 N 169 F 51 150 189 L 112 12 176 189 112 ,150 ' 1611 164, 175 103 181 176 162 Names. No. of Lot. Immig, August Immig, Henry *Ing, Sarah A IngersoU, Oliver R., and Joseph Weekes. (IJ lot) Inglee, Emma, and } others ) Inglis, Rev. David *Ingli8, Marion Ingraham, Daniel P "Ingram, David Inshee, John H ^Ireland, Mary A. A., ? and Walter T. Avery \ Iremonger, George ) Iremonger, William... \ "Irish, Russell A., and ? wife \ "Irvine, Henry C ^ Irvine, Edward Irvine, John, and Ed ward Hunter tirvine, Henrv H., and'i John H. C. Sister- > msms ) "Irvine, Thomas, and ? wife \ Irving, Anne E., and > Sarah Boyd \ Irving, Mary t*Irwin, Jame=!, and > George W. Sigler... \ "Irwin, John, and wife.. "Ivers, Fanny, and Fanny Gyves I vey , Henry J. 'Jack, David "Jackson, Anna M.,and ) others \ Jackson, Caroline, and } Margaret Le Mare .. ) t"Jackson, Elizabeth "Jackson, Emily A "Jackson, Eninia Jackson, George A... > (2 lots) ] '^Jackson, George R 'Jackson, Henrv A Jackson, Hugh B Mack.-'on, James 'Jackson, James A., ) and wife ^ ■Jackson, James S Jacksi.n, Jo]Hi,(513ft)... t"Jackson, John, and ) others S 202.59 6492 15067 20746 12205 17504 8^28 17098 18184 5602 18830 20371 13409 2601 20581 16702 20218 14541 20822 20566 12804 16622 18168 17698 13992 18055 12733 14032 14033 18509 18639 19071 14300 20611 19070 14610 1 5S.:)7 Sect's of Map L 40 156 35 D, F 14 167 185 186 45 177 180 82 E 189 C,D 32 115 187 182 167 109 151 2 189 62 169 186 189 L 153 172 176 183 1.53 163 157 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 51 Names. * Jackson, Robert A Jackson, Samuel, and ) John J. Merian ) * Jack son, Sarah B Jackson, Sophia ) (2 lots) S "Jackson, Thomas B . . . *Jackson, Thomas B *Jackson, William ~1 Jackson, James | •Jackson, William H. Jackson, Frederick . . Jackson, Benjamin .. Jackson, William *Jackson, William H Jackson, William H Jackson, William H., } and wife S "Jacol), George *Jacol)i, Abraliam, M. D. *Jacobs, Charles ^Jacobs, Frederick Jacobs, William H *Jacobus, Mary D *Jacocks, George M *Jatte, Alfred S JaftVay, Kebecca D., ? Estate of ^ tJaffray, Richmond W. ) (l^ lot) \ "Jaggard, John Jahne, Henry, and ^ George N. Mead > (IX lot)) James, Austin, and ) Anthony Portington. \ James, Daniel W ) (2 lots) S *JameB, Frederick W. . . *James, George S James, Marv E > (2 lots) S *Janies, Morris F t*Jamie6on, Joseph ? Jamieson, Alexander.. ) t Jamison, Marv J., and ) John Tilford ^ * Janes, Ann Manes, Edward H.,M.D. Janes, Edward R * Jantzer , Joseph * Janvier, Francis D Maques, Eleanor 'Jaques, Mary E Jaques, Robert L., ) Estate of ^ t*Jarden, David Jardine, Edward *Jarmon, Maggie *Jarvis, Araminta, and ) Catharine L. Wooley ^ No. of Lot. Sect's of Map 18241 197 1C569 4734 4735 19680 20215 3410 15026 19069 19562 19563 20644 13850 18776 20635 15421 13682 20111 16031 14383 12801 12612 6321 7164 15525 15526 17726 18550 17007 17008 18949 15798 11371 20462 20035 12676 15512 17926 18909 13451 18395 1.5594 15334 18267 18233 108 170 153 G G 182 61 186 156 55 101 183 109 159 171 172 90 55 55 168 190 18: 168 174 163 106 183 149 100 188 190 F K 103 117 159 175, 175 "Jarvis, James L Jarvis, Jonathan *Jarvis, Mary *Jarvis, Sarah E Jarvis, Walter S ■Jeannot , Prancoise A . . Jebb, Eliza A., and > Benjamin Woods ) Jeftcott, Thomas Jeffers, Richard, and wife "Jeffrey, William "Jeffries, Maria *Jenert, Emil Jenkins, Henry T ) (2 lots) S Jenkins, Isabella, and ) t William Turner \ Jenkins, William L "Jenkinson, James ... Jenkisson. James H... ? (1 lot) \ Jenks, William A., and > wife ^ Jennings, Eliza Jennings, Joseph J Jennings, W^illiam "Jensen, Johanna L tJeremiah, Thomas Jerome, Leonard W... ^ Jerome, Catharine H.. /■ {4 lots) > Jervis, Henry C. S Jessen, Jacob ^ Jessen, Ellen, his wife, > and Ann Rice ) Jessup, Benjamin T Jessup, Morris K ) (I5 lot) S Jessup, Richard M.,Es ) tate of ) "Jewel, Alfred "Jewell, Ann E t Jewell, Theodore E.... Jex, Josiah } (2| lots) \ "Joachim, Bernhard "Jochiim, Catharine "Jochum, George P "Johns, Alexander G "Johnson, Augustus Johnson, Bradish ) (2 lots) 5 "Johnson, Broer "Johnson, Charles L Johnson, Dwight "Johnson, Edward, and ) 1 Louisa Higham ^ No. of Lot. Sect's of Map 14470 12145 12616 16735 12440 20807 14851 17067 19758 15052 20053 14251 16110 16111 9224 17093 15905 13301 13302 19446 17117 14328 12455 15870 13135 14234 to 14237 17354 12299 12773 13453 15648 1 6643 20804 14393 13141 13142 18827 19296 19378 18866 17975 8124 8125 18621 13980 20001 5891 152 158 179 98 52 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873 ! Names. t*John6on, Eliza *Johnson, Eliza, and ^ Clarissa Benson I *Johnson, Ellen L "Johnson, Fayette M., ) and tliobert CTiliiiore ) "Johnson, Francis T *Johnson, Garetta P-- ^ Johnson, Sarah A 5 t Johnson, Henry ) (li lot) \ Johnson, Henry L.,and ) William G. Raynor. ) *Johnson, Isaac "Johnson, James Johnson, Jane E "Johnson, Jeremiah W.. Johnson, John "Johnson, John "Johnson, John E Johnson, Jf)hn E Johnson, Josiah, Jr Johnson, Major Mat- ) thew (898 feet) ] "Johnson, Onno "Johnson, Robert Johnson, Robert K ) im lot) \ "Johnson, Sarah Johnson, William, and > Alexander Key \ tJohnson, William Johnson, William T. .. > (l>sMot)^ Johnston, Abraham "Johnston, Alice 1 "Johnston, Andrew M... "Johnston, Charles N "Johnston, Francis "Johnston, James K. and Anna L. McCar tin "Johnston, Jane O "Johnston, John "Johnston, John H.,M.D. Johnston, Margaret 4.., } and Cornelius Agnew \ "Johnston, Robert ) Johnston, William W.. \ "Johnston, Sarah "Johnston, William "Johnston, William Johnston, William, and ) others (JJ^lot) \ "Johnston, William H... "JoUey, Samuel "Jonas, Philip) H t*Jona8, William Jones, Catharine D No. of Lot 16339 15773 15886 14811 13768 15079 14232 19348 15429 18285 18187 12969 15824 18346 12972 18418 15890 1.5542 15543 17892 13111 15061 17737 20837 15232 19666 13003 20292 15237 16515 14501 17105 9327 12876 12410 6746 19720 15570 5667 16386 19731 15109 14115 16064 15709 14360 Sect's of Map 5 167 I 168 164 188 163 180 64 170 E, F 188 F 157 171 112 186 171 176 157 ) 123 ) 124 190 161 181 190 189 55 149 180 L <164 >167 164 63 114 33 13 181 24 187 162 24 164 157 180 164 162 33 Names. "Jones, Rev. Charles J. > and Johann Leary - - • S Jones, Claire > (l}i lot) \ Jones, Daniel F "Jones, Eliza A Jones, Henry A "Jones, James, and } Henry Rice \ "Jones, Jesse "Jones, John R "Jones, John R., Jr Jones, John W Jones, John W } Jones, Thomas D ) t"Jones, Joseph "Jones, Joshua S., and i wife ^ "Jones, Laura E "Jones, Margaret "Jones, Maria "Jones, Merritt A "Jones, Merwin N. . "Jones, Morgan A "Jones, Owen "Jones, Philip L "Jones, Philip L., M. D. Jones, Richard, [\% lot). "Jones, Samuel Jones, Samuel S Jones, Sarah "Jones, Seaman "Jones, Stephen S., and others Jones, Stephen W., and others "Jones, Stephen W. . tJones, William P., and wife (8 lots) "Jordan, Charles, &. wife "Jordan , Jane Jordan, Louise J "Jordan, Richard Jordan, Sarah M Jordan, Thomas D., Es } tate of (21^ lots) \ tJoslin, Benjamin F.,~) Sen. I Joslin, Benjamin F., }- Jr., and Benjamin F. Bowers J "Jossely n, Francis "Jonrdeuil, Augustin Journeay, Henry P } (I3i lot) \ "Joutel, Celeste, and ) Ernest Deihayes J No. of Lot, 16376 15862 15863 12048 19119 15117 19120 17682 16166 16167 17759 18317 14714 11637 2968 16399 15387 16112 15862 17598 16165 15569 15792 14373 16990 18868 14267 16007 17112 2275 15358 16227 16228 16238 to 16243 19940 19206 19228 18076 15415 12570 12571 12047 146.59 17846 14075 19939 Sect's of Map 75 181 61 184 112 F 167 189 189 189 185 186 162 72 44 189 43 164 181 175 189 92 92 159 189 176 158 164 167 164 91 91 137 187 F 186 175 157 178 46 170 L 169 187 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 53 Names. * Joyce, George G t*Joyce, Thomas } Joyce, John ) Joyce, Thomas C "i Joyce, Samuel, anci > George Kirkland ) *Joynt, Oren ''Judah, Oceana, and ) Sophia Worrell \ *Judd, George W "Judge, Emma J,, and ) others ) * Judge, Emma J *Judge, I^redcrick H., ) and wife \ Judson, Joseph G., Es- / tate of ) June, Charles K *Juness, William *Jungling, Henry K. "Kaempf, Clara S. T. . . . *Kaffenberger, Philipp, / and others ) "Kahl, Louis *Kahrs, Enist H Kain, James, and others. "Kalley , Julius N t*Kaman, Louisa Kammann, Henry, and } John C. Kimme \ *Kammerer, Andrew Kaneubley, August --- ? (a lots) s Kannengieser, Francis .. Kappes, George, and ) Charles Refmers \ t*Karel, Albert, and J Otto Ruckser ) *Karr, Mary J., and ) Mary Muncey 5 Karst, Francis *Karst, Francis, and ? Alexander Ross ) *Kasold, Ernest tKassebart, Henry, and } others (IJ^.lot) ] *Kassenbrock, Christina. ""Kattkameyer, Ann M.. *Kaufman , William *Kausche, John, and ) wife 3 "Kavanagh, Emily Kay, J ames No. of Lot. 1849 14886 12399 20019 16678 17401 19619 19627 20639 18472 16217 10309 17637 12479 18359 13410 20898 17280 15958 15106 15724 18620 16719 16720 19259 18571 12634 20062 17627 18206 17849 12507 1.5926 20172 12828 19611 17355 14397 *Kay, William j 14596 *Kay8er, Henry j 14194 *Kazenmeier, John ! 18742 Sect's of Map 163 150 F 167 F 157 157 182 176 180 78 175 180 175 171 103 152 180 187 169 55 D 164 165 186 181 187 H F 67 171 172 43 183 181 183 168 112 161 162 162 K Names. *Keane, Mary J Kearney, Philip R., Es- S tate of (4 lots) J Kearsing, Edward F.. .. "Keatley, William, and > James Barr ) *Kedenburg, John F '*Kedey , James *Keech, Hannah S *Keeler, Edwin S., and ) James W. Terry \ Keen, Marianne B., and ) children \ *Keenan, William D *Keeney , Eirgene W *Keep, Charles W *Keep, Martha A Keese, Samuel T *Keiser, Edwin M *Kellegrew, William F.. ''Keller, Frederick K *Kellermann, John *KeIlett, Esther *Kellett, John Kelley, Henry A ) (2 lots) S t*Kelling, Henry, Jr *Kellinger, Mary E *Kellock, Adam ) Kellock, William J fKellock, James "Kellogg, Azellar Kellogg, Day Otis, and ) wife, and Ralph King \ *Kellogg, Edward R Kellogg, Sarah M tKellum, John ) (2 lots) S PKelly, Martin *Kelly , Michael Kelly, Owen J Kelly, Robert E *Keily, Thomas, and ; Mary L. Spangler... \ Kelly, William f Kelly, William t*Kelsey, Charles *Kelsey, George , "^Kelsey, James E *Kelsey, Mary J *Kelsey , Theron t*Kelsey, Walter Kelso, James J "Kelty, Gibbons Kemp, John *lvemp, William H *Kempe, Jeremiah G No. of Lot. Sect's of Map 20415 18887 to 18890 18921 14755 12487 15921 19639 16926 18486 18877 20186 16041 16040 19148 20473i 19528 14080 13443 20617 20341 13243 13285 18166 17229 12195 12194 20349 10918 20402 20976 13040 13041 13312 13081 12854 12878 12576 12263 1291 129.53 13586 19817 18853 19819 12952 17232 20499 12215 16269 14657 ' 157 ; 158 152 163 180 22 E,F 164 187 L i 156 165 ;i56 ' 165 183 183 187 61 , 177 '180 183 168 119 174 4,9 178 178 L 178 183 153 160 180 121 150 36 ,180 '181 111 171 170 177 174 187 174 170 156 148 161 123 168 54 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3,. Names. "Kempisliall, Eichard,iii '^ trust for Willie and > Isabella Wood > •'Keinpsball, Willis t*Keiiipston, John Kempton, Ferdinand C. Kendall, Joseph S =*Kendall, William B.... t*Kendrick, Charles E... Kennaday, Jane "Kennard, Mai-garet A.. Kennard, William J-, ) and Mary C. Reed... ) t*Kennedy, Isabella tKennedy, John Kennedy, James, and others ^Kennedy , John *Kenny, Lizzie tlvensett, John F., Es- ) tate of \ *Kent, David, and wife.. Kent, Edward > (2 lots) S Kent, Gabriel ) (2 lots) S Kent, George L > (2 lots) S *Kent, James, and wife . . *Kent, James E *Kent, John, and others. Kent, Polly *Kent, liobert, and } John Forrest \ *Kent, Stephen *Kent, William H *Kenzel, Charles W *Keppler, Martin Kern, Christian, & others "Kerr, Ann J *Kerr, James ) Kerr, George S t*Kerr, Hugh tKerr, John (4 lots) 5 t*Kerr, Richard ^Kerr, Robert F tKerr, Thomas *Ker8haw, John II "Kervcr, Jacob, and wife 'Kesler, George W *Kes8ler, George L Ketcham, Alfred, and ) others J Ketcham, Daniel W Ketcham, Enoch Ketcham, John, and I William D. Hart.... S 20366 17751 128S1 15083 12241 15325 10445 14833 17776 12034 18322 14548 19879 13402 20973 18491 18855 16418 16685 16716 15286 174 177 ISO 82 172 36 159 179 150 152 150 175 163 187 159 153 171 171 99 Names. 16648 ) 55 to 16651 ( 56 16878 113i 16288 167 6503 45l 14938 164| 20072 V\ 18291 174 14928 162 18174 H 20734 E 15552 163 18032 N Ketcham, John F., and ) William H. Bridgens \ *Ketchum, Anna Ketchum, Maria ) (2 lots) \ t*Ketchum, Susan L "Key, Emma Keyes, Christopher. .. ) (6 lots) 1 Keyes, George, (513 ft.). *Keys, Charles C tKeys, David, Sen *Key8, Jesse G *Keys, John *Keys, William E t*Keyser, Elizabeth ^Key ser , Jeremiah *Kej'ser, John Keyser, Laura, (l}^lot). *Kickhani, Edward fKidney, Eleanor S *Kidney, Thomas Kiep, Henry, and } Henry Thiel \ *Kiernan, Harriet *Kilborn, George L., I and wife ^ *Kilgour, David *Kilian, Theodor *Killam, Ann *Kimball, Charles B *Kimball, Ellen M Kimball, Hannibal I-- S (4 lots) 1 *Kimball, Horace K., } and tPhilip E. Heiser ) Kimber, Robert H.T.. ' Kimber, Walter Kimber, Kate R Kimme, John C, and Henry Kanniuin. ... \ Kincaid, Mary A "King, Alonzo *King, Cecilia, and i Mary Sander \ King, Edward ^King, Frank D "King, George B tKing, Hezekiah Tiing, Jacob *King, James S King, John W King, Ralpli, and others *Kiug, Roswell D No. of Lot. 15363 15657 15065 15066 13816 18178 17582 to 17587 14994 14632 14631 14630 14633 14634 12147 14104 11367 20692 19254 17845 12562 13113 19229 19512 17621 13100 15250 12471 17734 19556 to 19559 13710 20364 15724 Sect's of Map 168 159 fl61 I 162 1 169 [l70 61 185 i 163 150 159 159 159 U58 ^159 158 2 181 50 L 183 175 65 150 66 187 190 111 5 157 t 164 180 168 I 162 C 163 63 157 55 9920 (55 )56 18276 175 15351 5 12242 36 13235 69 17531 H 12239 36 18695 189 12947 170 13243 36 10918 178 10294 167 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 55 *Kiiig, Sophia, and others *Kinf(, Theodosia *Kiiig, William, and } tHannah M. Martin. ) living , William M King, William S Kingman, Martin E ) (■2 lots) S ''Kingman, Snmner A- .. Kingslage, John, and ) others {n^ lot) S *KingBland, Edmund W. Kingsley, William C-- ? (2 lots) S *Kingsniill, Thomas C... "Kinkel, George -- Kinnier, Sarah . . . (473 ft. ) "Kinnin, John ^Kinnis, Andrew *Kinyon, Whitman "Kinzel, Francis, and ) Eva Erne \ "Kipp, Benjamin, and"> wife I Kipp, William, and j wife J Kipp, George *Kirby, Fannie Kirby, James H., and ) Julia A. Heron ) Kircheis, Frederick *Kirchoff. George, and f George Breit ^ *Kirk, Annie, and Alex- > ander Brown S "Kirk, Hiram, and wife and Edward West, and wife t'Kirkham, Samuel R. "Kirkland, Elizabeth S.. "Kirkland, George, and ) others ) "Kirkland, Henry B *Kirkland, William . . . . *Kirkman, John *Kirkwood, John, and } William Muir ) '"Kirk wood, Thomas Kissam, Benjamin P. .. ^ tKissam, William A. .. > (2 lots) ) "Kitching, Jane, and ) F'rederick J. Pittman \ Kitching, Robert N Kittel, Joseph, (5:23 feet). *Kittson, Hugh *Klages, Frederick "Klee, Carl H Klein, Karl S., and wife. *Klein, Margaret 15831 15233 12803 193S9 3761 3762 10375 18439 18440 15456 32 19633 20453 183 14052 13344 12415 12112 12031 19261 183: 180441 173, 15869 14792 12399 150 134 19999 16495 114 r- *Klemann, Mary Klemm, Adolph *Klener, Albert, and > Fredericka Holnagel \ fKlingelhoft'er, Charles / R. , and wife ) *Klingenberg, Alexan- ) der, executor \ *Kloeppel, Frederick *Klots, Magdalena t* Klumpf, Conrad L *Knapp, Elizabeth *Knapp, Frederick W... *Knapp, Harriet *Knapp, Henry E Knapp, Milton Knapp, Shephard S (4 lots) 1 'Knapp, Theron S *Knapp, William A *Knebel, Harman, and ) Silas T. Wild S Knebel , Herman j Knebel, John F j *Knell, Jacob '^Knight, Alexander W.. *Knight, Alfred *Knight, Charles "Knight, Clara "Knight, Francis E "Knight, Jane Knight. Robert ) Knight, Thomas T \ "Knodel, Erail "Knoess, John C "Knothe, Charles A "Knott, David, and ) Francis Half \ "Knott, Sarah "Knowles, Eliza Knowles, James "Knowles, William A... "IvTiowles, William F. .. *Knowlton, Anna M Knox, Alexander Knox, James ^114 201401 176 15069 164 19663 186 I 20863 115 Knox, Theodore H. 'Knox, W^illiam... 'Knubel , Friedrich . 61' "Knudson, Thomas. 36 t'Kolilie, Augustus. "Kotii, Elizabeth. . . "Koch, Henry C. F. Koch, John.". "Koch, Michael "Koehler, George.. 16008 165 16492 14651 20219 1658G 16050 16589 12276 19013 16042 18403 13782 16476 18593 18692 16293 16687 19887 15^55 18706 12718 17346 14388 20981 20732 20355 12959 19784 12750 20387 20703 17214 56 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. Names. *Koebler, Jacob *Koell, John 'Koepke, Edward ''Kohler, John J Kolhe, Ulrich A *Kollmeier, William *Kolls, Bendix F., and ) Henry Aulbern ) ''Kol3'er, Abraham B "Koop, Hermann (417 ft.) *Kopp, Philip J Korbett, Lonis, and } Gustavus A. Kutz... \ *Korn, Valentine *Kornder, Charles *Kortz, John, andWm. ? B. Bishop S "'Kosmak, Emil H., and } George Wack ) *Kostar , Augustus E *Ko8ter, John D *Ko8ter, John G Kouwenhoven, Come- > lius B 5 *Kraft, Catharine t*Kraft, J.J. Henry "Kraft, John *Kramer, Margaret 'Kramer, William *Krapp, Iverson W 'Kratt, Paul Kranshaar, Pliillip F.,'^ and Frederick F. > Schwerg ) *Krebs, Phebe J., and ? Louis Eeynolds ) *Kreemer, Elijah C "Kreisler, George *Krekel, John G 'KretBchman, Elizabeth. Kreuder, Louis, and wife Kreuder, Theresa ■^Krewolf, Henry, and ) Jane M. Van Doren. ) Krieg, John H Kroeber, Florence Kroeger, Henry, {1}^ lot) *Kroeger, Hermann F., "i and wife, and Johann > C.H. Sc.hroeder ) Krombacks, Louis "Kroning, Augusta *Kruger, Elizabeth ' t*Krnger, Harry J "Krunnnel, Henry, and Richard Schaap (-207 feet) ^Kruppenbccker, Charles *Kru8e, Alexander 'Kruse, Peter No. of Lot. 20032 17970 13292 13509 15962 16753 13126 10320 17R68 17078 12421 19004 19220 13814 20689 16250 17043 4328 17275 20422 10447 15238 19300 16731 15507 15420 6102 2559 17494 13887 18454 19535 20590 14341 17756 17738 18823 11657 20350 188 20622 13528 12147 19128 10882 20509 17916 20651 20674 Names. Krutina, Frederick, and } tLouis Burger J *Kuchenbecker, Hugo.. *^Kuchler, George *Kuck, Diedrich *Kuck, Henr)' *Kuehlke. Sophia H. E. *Kuhn, William K\ikuck, Xapoleon B **Kunenmnd, Hermann . *Knnle August, and ) others ) *Kuntz, John S t*Kurtz, Philip Kutter. Gustavus *Kutz, Gustavus A., ) and Louis Korbett.. ) t*Kyser, Henrv *Kyte, Felix J". S.,and; others S L. Lacev, Margie B • (11.^ lot) Lacey , Richard *Lachat, Gerniin t*Ladd, Ann Ladd, Nathaniel, Jr.. . *Ladd8, James *La Forge, Sarah S , and Robert H. Robin- son *La Grove, William, and Jane Jleeker ... Lahey, Isaiah A *Lahey, John H "Lahmeyer, Adcdphus, and GustavusRichter No. ol Lot. 'La How, Jemima A *Lahr, Frederick Laidlaw, Alexander H.. Laidlaw, Henrv B.... > Laidlaw, Charles E... \ "Lain, Jonathan, Est. of. "Laird, James H., and ) wife S "Lake, Austen H +Lake, Hotclikiss tLake, Joseph S "Lalin, Catharine "Lally, James "Laman, William W t"La Manna, Catharine ) tLa Manna, Dominico. \ 174 182 jLamb, David L !"Lamb, George 707; 21002 18051 20904 20903 13502 17807 12895 2066f 16290 18685 13335 13264 12421 16513 15215 8495 18295 14489 14433 19715 19941 20325 Sect's of Map 49 148 175 183 183 177 190 172 E 189 189 180 161 178 167 162 34 175 111 162 187 187 20572 E 16081 168 15568 172 19453 <]83 M84 19425 5187 ^188 18142 175 13406 172 17677 175 20146 176 10860 94 20421 157 16183 113 13082 3() 12146 41 18709 (189 I 190 5890 84 15194 162 14874 164 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 57 Names. *Laiub, George N., and ) wife ) Lanibelet, Louis Lambert, Edward W., ) M.D S tLambert, Elizabeth, ) and Jesse Collins... S Lambert, Garetta V. .. > (2 lots) S *Lambert, Michael E ■*Lammer. Adam Lammer, Edward *Lamon, Mary *Lamont, Ann *Lamorenx, Carrie C. .. Lampley, Millie P *Lanca8ter, Rev. Daniel. *Lancev, Martha 'LandgVatf, Charles W.. *Landon, Charles G , ) and Benjamin H.Hut- > ton ) *Landon, Elijah _. . Landry, Ruth E ''Lane, Barent H *Lane, Catharine, and ) Mary Bennett S *Lane, Frances *Lane, John T ) Lane, Mary J J *Lane, Henry J *Lane, Sophia *Lane, William *Lang, Emeline *Lang, Margaret J *Laug, Oscar *Lang, Robert *Langbein, Henry *Langdendorf, Henry, > and wife ) Langdon, Reuben Laiiglois, Charles, Es- } tate of. y *Langschmidt, Charles F *Lang9cLmidt, Fritz Lanier, James F. D- .. ) (4 lots) 1 tLanman, David T Lantz, David H., (13^ lot) *Lapham, Henry G *Lapham, Oliver K Laporte, Eliza Larkin, Anne S., and } George W. Gustin .. ) Larmande , Anne A *Larrabee, Aaron K Larzelere, Benjamin F. ^ and wife ^ 20145 18634 13697 16325: 189 17988 19245 16299- 20332 5965 18655 20463 15017 18038 17657 15009 19684 16406 12990 13288 20165 15482 17057 D, F { 168 ?169 6632 19030 16279 19780 109 183 Names. Larzelere, Bernard, and ) wife ) Lasar, Agnes E Latham, Daniel H ) Latham, Elbert ) Lathrop, Francis S ) (4 lots) 1 tLathrop, Richard D.. > Latimer, Brainard G Latting, John.. . (1)^ lot) Lan, J. Henry, and ) wife, and others ) Lauder, James Lauer, Henry *Laner, Richard Laughlin, Catharine... Laughlin, George H Laughlin, John Laughlin, ]\Iary > Laughlin, John J y Laugier, Joseph S *Laverty, Moore *Lavery, Richard La very, Robert t*Laville, Joseph, and } George Guental \ *Law, Francis ) Law, Adams \ Law, George ) (16 lots) ) *Law, Richard Law, William, and others *La Wall, Jacob, and ) others ) *Lawes, George "Lawler, Mary A Lawrence, Daniel H "Lawrence, Ellen *Lawrence, Francis ^Lawrence, George, and I William Hopkins .-. ^ 'Lawrence, George S- .. *Lawrence, Henry Lawrence, Israel C "Lawrence, James W., 7 and wife ^ Lawrence, John T *Lawren( e, Luther S t'Lawrence, Malvenia B Lawrence, Sarah A Lawson, Peter *Lawson, Peter *Lawson, Samuel Q. .... *Laytin, William 4762 to 4765 12324 15132 12753 19956 Sect's of Map 191S5 19186 6080 15892 15659 to 15674 15464 14548 15215 19689 16432 4830 208.59 19437 18031 14152 16552 15695 19740 13073 14808 14116 42 176 158 169 162 175. 187 58 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, ISTc Names. No. of Lot. Lea, George ^ Lea, Henry > Lea, Clayton ) t*Leach, George Leake, Johnson *Learey, Thomas J 'Leary, Johann, and ) Rev. Charles J. Jones S tLeathem, Alexander.. ) Leathern, Robert H ) *Leavenfi, Frederick Leavitt, David, Jr Leavitt, Sheldon t*Leavitt, Thcmias J 'Le Bissoniiais, Isabella } W \ *Leckler, Andrew R LeClear, Thomas, and Wm. H. Beard {IX lot) Lecount, Francis J Lecour, Adolphus } (1 lot) \ '^Lecour, Hippolyte Lediard, Francis J Lee, Elizabeth, and ) others ("2 lots) I *Lee, James *Lee, John "^Lee, John E., and Avife. ''Lee, Joseph R *Lee, Margaret *Lee, Mary *Lee, Robert F *Lee, Robert P Lee, Sophia M *Lee, Wellington Lee, William C ) (Slots) S *Leeder, Carl, and wife. Leeds, George t*Leeds, Henry H 'Leemon, Robert Lees, Sarah E., and > Charles H. Thomson J Leete, Harriet S *LeFevre, Ann *Leffler, Minnie LeFort, Edward 'Legallez, Peter G Leggett, Francis H.,and ) Edward H. Stokes.. S 'Leggett , Sarah ■'Lchmaiiii, Joliann G. H. *Lehmann, Mary J., and ) Edward Davles J "Leibler, Charles "Leich, Oliver B Leick, Peter, and others. . 14540 6298 10528 13281 1637C 2889 17003 14168 14167 4117 14815 17123 19145 18794 16894 17023 15019 18794 4009 4010 18930 16879 20147 18962 14483 19035 20693 5694 18860 18497 17015 17016 20435 4626 15269 17942 1274 13329 15087 19506 12099 16963 14332 16598 17704 15045 1740<.) 18203 14525 Sect's of Map Names. 66 19 99 ''Leigh, Charles 'Le Mare, Margaret, and Caroline Jackson Lembke, Hermann, and Peter Minck.... t*Lemon, Samuel Le Mon, William C (2 lots) Lemont, James *Lenhardt, Christina.. *Lenny, Mary J *Lenton, James, and John Wood 'Leonard, August N. . . 'Leonard, George W.. t'Leonard, James 'Leonard, John *Leopold, Newman, and others 'Leroux, Clotilde jLeroux, Eugene C , Leroux, Honore Leroux, Adele Leroux, Paul D *Le Roy, Eliza J 'Lesher, Stephen R... 'Leslie, Mary Lessels, William *Letson, William W Letts, James C 'Letz, Augusta Leverett, Esther S ) (2 lots) S Leverich, Caleb, heirs of. Leverich, Daniel T., and > Isaac S. Forbell ] Leveridge, John W. C . . - 'Leveridge, Mary A 'Levin, Felicia d"e 'Levy, Arthur W 'Levy, Joseph, Estate of. 'Levy, Luna, and others. 'Lewers, Samuel Lewis, Charles C ^ (2 lots) S Lewis, Charles V 'Lewis, Edwin 'Lewis, George H 'Lewis, Harriett E 'Lewis, Harriet E 'Lewis, James 'Lewis, John, and Jo- ) seph Campbell I 'Lewis, John J Lewis, John W ) (2 lots) S 'Lewis, John W Lewis, Joseph L 'Lewis, Maria 'Lewis. Richard V No. of Sect's Lot. ] of Map 19247 176981 184 151 17161 189 12865 180 16440!^ Ifi4 1044L \ ^''^ 15266 173 19330 184 12980 12 18974 13835 17367 16820 13523 15301 186 66 189 189 130 98 20245 183 19469 10088 19461 12483J 12597; 15142 18058 15219 15220 20733 6985 3362 13372 19355 14524, 172941 20003 126441 12905 12906 18070, 19211 149501 8361 17074 20187 20980 16167 17701 17702 19163 1 ISS3 13239 20680 53 96 (186 H89 161 178 159 152 I 149 S 151 E 118 25 30 66 162 9 D 107 152 162 45 167 187 156 189 I 151 D,F 124 180 148 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. 59 *Le\vis, Sarah tLewis, Sophia N., (Ulot) Lewis, Thompson, and ) others I Lewis, Win. B., (IJ^ lot) Leys, George C *Lev8, George C, and ^ otliers \ Libby , Deniorin "j Libby, Jesse H I Libby, Oliver, and oth- ( ers (1V< lot)j Libbv, William P., and ; wife (2 lots) I *Liborious, Cornelia M.. Liddle, Jane E , "Lieson, Anton, and wife ''Lillie, Rev. James, ) and James Buchan.. ) '*Lillies, Joseph '*Limbeck, Abram J Lincoln, Jonas, and > others (2 lots) ) *Lind, Conrad Linde, Frederick C, and ) wife ^ '^Lindemann, Charles. . .. t*Linden, Marie *Lindenmeyer, John Lindgens, Henry A *Lindo, Gabriel *Lindsay, Kobert Lindsay, Sarah A "Lindsay, Thomas '^Lindsay, Thomas, and ) wife S tLindsay, William tLindsay, Hannah, widow of William . "Lingsweiler, Jacob. . *Linnewerth, C. Louis.. Linnington, Stephen... ) (2 lots) ] *Linstedt, John E. L Lippmann, Adolph "Lister, William S *Littell, John, and ) Mary J. Miles < Little, Andrew, and ) others ) "Little, Mary T 'Little, William Littlejohn, Duncan *Livet, John J "Livingston, Belinda "Livingston, James Livingston, Mary, and ? others ^ t^Livingston, Pliebe "Livingston, S. Otis 18316 7907 19275 19482 15993 20560 20561 15769 1604 20768 748 100 14830 17943 17260 17261 19244 19810 20817 16756 15912 17481 12932 14169 14296 16915 18938 12109 17152 14936 168 J 85 20881 115 4551 112 167 162 t"Lloyd, Charles H "Lloyd, David "Lloyd, David Lloyd , Jane "Llo vd, John P Lloy'd, Samnel H., (720 ft) "Lloyd, Thomas Llovd, William T ( (3 lots) 1 "Lobdell, Nathan "Lock, Abra A "Locke, Frederick T "Lockitt, George "Lockitt, John t*Lockitt, Joseph "Lockhow, Morris Lock wood, Augustus H. "Lock wood, Edmund... Lockwood, Ezekiel S Lockwood, Fi-ancis D. } [\}i lot) \ Lockwood, John A "Loder, Eliza Loesch, Richard C Loeser, Frederick Loeser, Sarah, and others Loew, Edward V "Loftus, Valentine, Es- \ tate of \ Logan, Farrell jt"Logan. John I Logan, Robert "Logan, William J "Logeling, Guillaume . : . . Lohman, John "Lohseu, John t"Lomas, James F "Lommel, Christian "Long, Charles, and wife Long, Henry, and others "Long, Walter "Longo, Wilhelmina , "Longridge, Caroline A.. "Longworth, William T. "Loomis, Caroline Loomis, Mar}^ M Loofborrow, Horace L. ) Lounsbury, Samuel E. \ "Lord, Annie "Lord, Benjamin Lord, Caroline R ) (IK lot) \ Lord, Charles W "Lord, Charlotte 13S46 90,91 15281 \ \^^ 19886 14991 16921 J 8090 14002 18607 to 18609 18698 1 13388! 19380 13269 13270 13268 15121 13676 20229 12355 12680 12701 .15151 14782 17765 12109 15335 19536 19383 17414 12199 17945 19238 15872 18035 17456 159 60 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. Names Lonl, Daniel. (SKlots) Lord, David N.. (3 lots) j Lord, Elizabeth P., and ) others ) "Lord, Joseph L Lord, Thomas.. (3 lots)) *Lord, William B "Lordly, Nellie F., and ) Phebe Crabtree ^ *Losee, Marv, and ) JohnN. Webber.... 5 *LoBekatani, Elizabeth.. Loss, George W. (l%lot) Lott, Aaron, and wife... tLott, Englebert S (3 lots) j Lott, James C, and? Avife 5 Lott, Johannes H Lott, John A ? (2 lots) S Lott, Mary A., heirs of.. tLott, Samnel G *Lotz, Martin *Louck8, Delancey Lough, George F., and ) Thomas D.l\Iiddleton ^ Lounsberry, James S Lonx, Anton tLove, Walter, and ) Charles Cassady ) *Love, Walter *Lovell, Caroline Lovett, Sarah M., and ) others (2 lots)'^ *Lovejoy , Alva F *Lowden, Samnel "Lowell, lieuben, Es- ? tate of ,5 ■*Lowerre, George W Lowerre, James, (IJ^lot) *Lowerre, James M ■t Lowerre, Samuel W.. ) (lilot)S *Lowery , William B *Lowry , Samuel *Loy, John Lozier, Abraham W., ? M. D S "Lucas, Charles "Lucas, JIargaret "Lucas, Margaret, and ) Janet Stewart ) "Lucas, William Sect's of Map 12977 129781 19102 to 19104 3290 20835 9117 12650 3529 19778 9221 5864 13836 20933 13144 19] 73 18274 13014 93 183 104 39 109 Names. "Lucy, William "Ludin, John *Ludlam, Carmen M.. .. Ludlam, Isaac T. (567 ft.) Ludlam, Silas, (567 ft.) Ludlow, Alfred D Ludlow, David P. Ludovici, Louis No. of Lot. Sect's of Map iv.-'i ISOl 1801 158 152 185 180 190 190 Ludwig, Catharine I. .. Luff, George, and Bald- i win N. Fox.-- ) Lundy, Asel ) (2 lots) S ^Lunnin, James "Lutjen, John *Lut'tgen,Walther Luttgen, Paul Luttgen, Frederic W "Luttger, Hermann "Lufz, William "Lyall, Charles, Estate ? of S tLyddon, John "Lvell, James Lyle, John S. , and wife ) (662 ft.) ] Lyles, Henry, Jr Lyles, Ruluf *Lyman, Harriet A Lyman, Lois H., and ) others (2 lots) ) "Lynch, Imogene C, ) and others ) "Lynch, Johanna, and ? Kichard B. Mathews ) "Lynch, John "Lynch, Martin A. J., > and Laura E. Hunting ^ "Lynch, Martin J "Lynch, Samuel "Lynch , Sarah "Lynch, Thomas W. M.. +Lyon, Mary "Lyon, Rachel, and Pe- ? ter Relyea ) "Lyon, Samuel, and } others ) Lyon, William G., and 1 wife, and William > Doane (2 lots)) Lyons, Caleb Lyons, Grossman M. "MuasR, Selig ■ ■Malib,tt,MarkE t*Ma(;utney, William J. "Macaulcy , Mary A 13250 16247 13599 16723 16724 10257 18094 14701 19575 1992 13666 13667 14233 16908 18707 18325 18743 14421 13920 8404 19432 13616 13615 20921 18789 18790 18759 14275 15063 13222 13223 12814 20819 13644 17259 2315 19619 8215 8216 2244 19931 13338 16978 15112 19879 117 167 177 156 156 107 H ^162 )168 188 57 I 159 93 167 168 175 K 110 170 24,25 F 149 99,149 L ) 168 I 174 187 110 159 159 159 181 115 61 189 5 93 I 105 157 I 119 92 15 180 189 162 184 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1S73. 61 Names. Macauley, Mary E (567 feet) *Macl)etli, John "'MacDiannid, Donald . . No. of Lot, 12979 17862 19214 S *Macdonald, Cornelia . .. 16546 MacDonald, Esther S., ) and others \ *MacdonaId, Joseph A... *Ma.doiiald, William, ? ;iih1 tJiiiiR's Hunter.. ) *3Iacd(>ii()Ugh,Enieline A. *Matdonouah, James, ) and others... (li lot) J *Macdonough, James *Macdonough, Rhoda "Mace, John *Macgowan, Jane G and Julia De LaMon tagnie tMacGregor, Mary ^Macintosh, Edward P.. ^Macintosh , Jane Mackay, Alexander '*iMat'kav, Alexander *MaekeIlar, Ellen E Mackenzie, George S (3 lots) ") "Mackenzie, John i Mackenzie, Allan > Mackenzie, Roderick.. ) "Mackenzie, John, and ) wife \ Mackenzie, Mary A., & i JamesW. Christophi *Mackey, Charles E . *Mackey , Joseph ■*Mackey, Joseph Mackey, William J. Mackey, Joseph "Mackey, William .. *Mackie, Hellen Mackie, Robert "Mackin, Francis... Maclay, Moses B. ... Maclay, Rev. Robert S., D. D., and tRt Roberts "Maclin, Claiidine. Macuair, Jane D "Macquivey, Priscilla li., and others t"Macrey, Aninon "MaDan, Maria Madden, Charles A Mairaw, Robert t"Magee, Alexander. .. "Magee, Elizabeth, Es- tate of ertS.,) iobert > 9122 14618 14617 20230 10266 16408 9730 19299 17437 19454 13208 17188 9275 19201 19878 20198 to 20200 19076 20588 7595 17314 17977 13593 19937 20969 15712 1680 7625 17670 2714 20137 19579 16804 12698 20874 15467 19392 12237 17430 173 190 Names. *Magee, Joseph *Magilton, Charlotte, and Dorcas Graham. *Maginn, John , Magnus, Emil "JMagnus, George "Mahler, Matthew t*Mahnken, John. Mahnken, Charles Mahnken, Hermann... Mahon, Margaret S- . Maillard, Fanny , Mailler, William H. and tJohn S. Voor hies (2 lots Major, Elliott M . Major, Richard Major, William E 'Malodm, liaW-n ^Malcolm, Robert M "Malcolm, Sanuiel L., ? and wife, and others. \ *Malcolm, Thomas l\ Malcomson, Henry T "Maleton, Catharine "Malkin, Levi G., and > Charles E. Ellison.. ^ *Maliory, Abraham, Es- ? tate of ^ t*Malloy, Harriet "Maloney, Emeline S Man, Albon G ) Man, William, (Iii'lot) J 'iManchcster, Eliza W. .. "Manchester, James ^Manchester, Jane A "Mandelick, Mark "Mandeville,Isabella D. ) and others J *Mandeville, Thomas fMandewith, Barbara. .. Manee, Abraham Mangan, William D. > Estate of (946 ft; \ *Mangels, Carsteu, and > wife ^ Mangels, Henry, Estate ( of [ tManice, DeForest I Manioc, DeForest, Es- j tate of I (Slots) tManley, Eliza Manley , Laura Manley, Cornelia K. .. Manley, James R.,and others (2 lots) No. of Lot. Sect's of Mai 19055 15426 44 14221 12108 17001 18301 184591 16519 17757 20374 17373 12107 4237 4238; 194831 61411 20847 18672: 18671 19760 19217 16277 17707 15878 14481 172 151 188 19322 182 15314 9917 18839 15345 19760 12220i 16952! 12059! 18133 181341 5815' 21026 12587 to 12590 and 13315 to 13318 19789 19790 81 120 r 137 174 62 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1S73. Names No. of *Manly, George, and } \Yife ^ *Manu, Charles "Mann, frilbert A '^Mann, Joseph } ilaiin, John, and others ) Mann, Eeuben S Planning, Elizabeth H. .. Manning, Henry S "Manning, Mary E "Manning, Richard H. .. *Manuel, Horace *ManueI, Joseph *31anz, Catharine Mapelsden, Reuben *31aples, Edward W *Marc, Theophilus M Marcellus, J. Lawrence. . Marchay, Mary *Marchand, George *Marchant, Thomas t JIarcber, James (13^ lot and 137 feet Marcial, Maria C *JIarcus, Herman *Marcas, Mary A 'Marcus, Mary Marcy , Lemuel *Maris, Rachel A., and ) others ) **Mark, Michael, and j Sophia Miller ) *Markart, Annie Markert, Henry X *]\Iarkland, Margaret . . . t^Marks, Mary A ''Markthaler, Elizabeth . . Markwald, Elizabeth ? R., and others ) f^Marqnis, Dayid Marlor, Henry S , Sr *^Marlot, Anne C *Marr, Julia A *Marrenner, John, Es- ) tateof I ^Marsh, Adeline E t*3Iarsh, Edward W.... 'Marsh, Isabella Marsli, Theodore B.,) Estate of, and Wil- > Ham C. Benedict ) Marshall, Cliarh)tte M. .. Marshall, Daniel D. T... ^Marshall, John Lot. of Map 19653 15160 20208 19982 15516 13765 20974 17442 21041 18345 14298 19702 14978 18876 19818 15011 17202 14166 13852 9383 93S4 14455 16469 12430 13624 14775 9140 12910 18665 17270 17608 12975 14905 17407 5697 14601 13663 17908 17278 13525 13849 14895 17821 9546 20477 6938 12968 Sect's 187j 173; L D 150 61 ( 103 I 115 La 115 F 172 D 159 186 3 163 113 < 170: I ~^ ( 108 151 36 177 168 13, 22 1 (186 ^189| 167 190 181 5 163 ) 164 168 39 163 159 174 (149 ^151 180 61 (163 M64 (120 ^1371 1701 176 25 13 No. of Lot. Marshall, John, and ) others S '^Marshall, Margaret Marshall, Bhebe Marshall, Robert Marshall, Robert, Jr Marshall, William ) (720 feet) S Marshman, Benjamin *Marsland, Joseph Marsters, James F., } and William T. Still. I *Marsters, Silas W Marston, William H. ? (473 feet) S *Marten, Albert S *Martens, Doris "^Martheus, Emil Martin, Alexander ~) Martin, Jane, and Matthew McUougall (2 lots) Martin, Andrew B Martin, Ann E., and ^ Alexander Clinton, > M. D ) f^Martin, David "Martin, Eliza "Martin, Elizabeth t'Martin, Hannah M., ) and William E. King \ Martin, James, and others *xMartin, James "Martin, John "Martin, John Martin, John C Martin, John S "Martin, John VV t"Martin, Joseph S "Martin, J. Marc "Martin, Lucy P t"Martin, Martin, Es ) tate of I "Martin, Mary A Martin, Moses J '^ Martin, Henry C, and > George K. Bowne... ) "Martin, Reune "Martin, Richard "Martin, Samuel tMartin, Sarah, and others Martin, William Martin, William A Martinez, Adele Marvin, Ellen C, ex- S ecutrix (4 lots) ) i"Marvin, Harriet t"Marvin, Julia 13392 15296 11729 14517 14975 17428 12504 15157 17859 13084 18086 19929 13524 21008 8408 8409 19133 15182 13407 11368 15635 9548 14548 20051 12253 18501 15858 14705 20598 18137 17082 13251 13299 12198 20480 16398 14717 16268 20073 12208 17071 19870 to 19873 l(i379 15462 Sect's of Map 172 162 70 112 lti9 118 150 188 16S 179 114 187 46 G I « ( 173 I 176 188 180 50, 52 164 54 163 183 93 189 111 106 156 185 167 30 •101 180 73 H? 172 173 162 168 174 35 74 K L 189 N LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 63 Names. *Miirviu, William C t*Miivx, Jacob *Marx, Marie *Marxsen, Hannah Manon, Charles H *Mas()n, Isaac Mason, James Mason, Jane D *Masou, John *Mason, John F Mason, John W., (400 ft.) *Mason, William Masons, P. A.M., Aflel-; phic Lodge, No. 348, S Masons, F. A., Brook- ) lynLoflge, No. 288.. S Masons, F. A., Enter- i prise Lodge, No. 228, > (3 lots) S Masons, F. A., Sincerity } Lodge, No. 373(21ots) S *Massett, Harriet *Massie, Alexander ^Masters, Sarah M tMasterson, Hannah R.. *Mastersi)n, John M t:\latcoiiicli, Mariraret A. Matlier, Mary ..^(513 ft.) Mathes, Jacob *Matlie8on, Fannie C *Matheus, Johanna E. .. t*Mathew8, Ann J *Mathew8, David G t*Mathews, Galbraith.. . *Mathews. John, Es- ) tate of ) tMathews, Louis 'Mathews, Richard B., ) and Johanna Lynch. ^ *Mathews, Richard T., ; heirs of ) Mathey , John L ) Mathey, Augustus T... ] ■^Matson, Mary *Matthew, James A *Matthew, Sarah E t*Matthews, Archibald.. Matthews, Edward J (21 lots) I *Matthe\v8, Henry Matthews, James, and ^ David W. Piercy ^ *Mattliews, James Mattlaw, Cliarles F *Mauger, Edward G *Maule, James Maury, Matthew ^ Maury, Rutson > Maury, Ann (2 lots) ) No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 17203 156 12151 180 20063 187 17392 151 16568 168 20278 147 16154 164 13761 90,108 19953 187 20277 147 3919 67 16628 167 Names. •4558 15518 15580 to 15.582 16137 16138 15002 20151 17134 13425 13848 12301 13517 16149 17174 15453 15465 12116 18573 20528 15861 14275 18263 7480 18050 19007 15919 14612 16774! to 16793 17915 12846 1991 17901 15342 20276 17683 13917 13918 163 158 164 165! 113 I62I 124 164 170| 61! 180| 170 164 189 157 162 118' 189 61 1 158| iioj 152 190 D 168 162 G H 181 ^73 ?76 (3, 76 180 187 121! ' 1501 Maverick, Brewster, } and Smith A. Parkes \ "Mawha, James, and > Stewart Jleek \ Maxtield, Ellen S., and ) Charles T. Evans... } (IK lot)) *Maxwell, Alice, and ) Edward Willis ] Maxwell, Caroline E *Maxwell, John G "Slaxwell, Robert *May, Charles *Ma}% Reuben *May, Thomas F Maybeck, Bernard, and } others \ "Mayer, Gilford Mayer, Isaac C ^Mayer, John E Mayer, John P., and) Charlotte Sparrenber- > ^ ger ) Mayer. Joseph *!Mayerhofer, Andrew. .. Maynard, George W . . . *Maynard, Hannah D. ) anil Caroline Dunham \ *Mayo, Mary E Mazzur, Amadee, and ? others ) tMcAdam, John ^McAtTry, Thomas, and > John Coots ) *McAleer, Felix *McAlister, John, and') Estate of Margaret > McPherson j McAlley, James, and ? others ) *Mc Allister. William McAlpine, David H... ) (2 lots) S *McAlwaine, John *McArthur. Margaret J. l*]\IcArtv, Charles H.... iMcAnley, John H. (480 ft) [*McAuley, Margaret A.. |*McBrair, Deborah i*MeBi-ian, John t'McBride, Hugh *McBrien, Charles "McCabe, Anna jMcCabe, Francis JMcCarterty, Jeremiah... !*McCain, John itMcCall, Jacob R., and ) Lawson Arms \ No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 8536 52 15096 188 10514 5 91 ^107 20414 C 18505 158 15518 157 12092 182 20952 115 17788 181 20297 183 16418 164 15127 162 13597 99 14463 5111 ^124 16508 164 19243 D 1.5925 168 6281 54,71 14281 172 19583 186 14943 ;i69 ? 170 U81 ^182 12049 20037 187 18660 186 12091 181 14156 61 10276 93 18024 18025 I 157 14686 163 20517 183 20185 187 5548 108 19560 153 10594 102 16618 164 12336 180 13050 111 18110 L 14392 5 162 >163 17969 187 15689 189 10470 15 64 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. McCalluni, Daniel C. ? and Richard D.Plate S MeCallnni, Josejiliine M. "McCalhini, William, ^ and Tliomas McCon- > nell ) f'McCarrick, Eliza McCartie, Dennis* *McCartin, Anna L.. ~i and James K. John- > ston J McCarthy, James *McCartfiy , John *McCartv, John t*McCaughey , William . . JlcCanley, Charles *McClatchey, Florinda.. McClave, James, Sr McClave, John McClave, William H.... *jMcClean, Anna, and ) Samnel A. Roberts.. S "MeClean, John '. McClellan, Robert, Es- > tateof S McClintock, Archibald .. *McClluie, William J... MeClure, Alexander, ) Estate of S *McClure, Edward.... ) McClnre James \ *McClure, George *McClure, Hannah W. .. *McClm-e,John S *]McClure, Thomas t*McColley, Tnnis "IMcCollum, Eliza J., } and others 3 *McComb, James *jyicConnell, Thomas, > and Wm. JlcCallum ] tSIcC'onochie, Catharine. t*McCord, William "^McCorniac, Thomas "JlcCormack, Joseph E- *McCorniick, James IMcCormick, John *McCormick, John E McCormick, Mary A ^IcCormick, William H . . McCoun, Henry T., and > wife ." S McCov, A. Ramsay McCoy, John F.. '..... ) (2 lots) \ McCov, Joeeidi. heirs S of.." (-llots) J 20649 13217 1247 14897 16907 17105 19791 12492 17750 13047 14460 19204 19212 17898 19213 14550 14551 14508 IfiSfil 12679 15040 16620 14375 13206 14374 12893 12910 13561 14603 12477 13500 12771 13551 18996 13227 15589 14810 7769 13362 20183 17313 17311 17312 18970 to 18973 159 168 180 163 180t ^ 170 181 86 173 176 111 173 168 70 291 H? E, F\ 152' I 1521 > 173 M.D (147 feet) ] iMcDonald, Robert McDonald, William J.. ^McDonnell, Henrietta.. |*McDongall, Charles.. ) I (2 lots) S McDongall, Matthe^y, ) I and others (2 lots) ^ rMcDowell, Alexander. . ■McDowell, Mary J *McDowell, Thomas "McElhinney McElligott, "Catharine ) H C *McElroy, John ) McElroy, Margaret. .. \ *McElrov, Nancy K McElroy", Rey. Joseph, ) I). D". \ *McElroy, William *McEwe'n, William 192981 17888 20937 *McCready, James, and ? ] Thomas Darragh \ rMcCreary, Mary A., ? I and others ^ *McCreery, John "McCreery, William .. ) McCreery, Samnel \ J*McCros'key, Marcus, ? I D. L. ..." S *McCrnm, Sarah JMcCne, Mary ) (1 lot and 234 feet) S jMcCullon^, Alfred J. ) I and others ) i*McCullou James Aikens ) *JVIcGonagil, William '^McGovern, John *McGo\van, James *MeGown, Joseph, and > John McLaren ) *McGraw, Nicholas tMcGraw, Nicholas, Es- ) tateof (13^ lot) S t*McGregor, John C *McGrew, William *McIlwain, John *McIlroy, Samuel P., ? M. D \ Mclndo, James Mclndoe, Agnes Mclnnis, Malcolm, and ? wife 5 *McIntire, Archibald *31clntire, Huldah, ) heirs of ^ 5 t*McIntosh, Robert Mclntyre, Alexander. . ) (2 lots) S Mclntyre, Ewen t*McIntyre, Moses "Mclntyre, Robert *McKay , Andrew *McKay, Frances *McKay, Hugh *McKay , George J *MeKay, Rev. William.. *McKeachie, Thomas, } and wife ) McKeague, Sai-ah J *McKean, Samuel *McKean, William, Es- ) tate of ) McKee, David, and wife. *McJvee, Eliza 13202 13967 18320 15458 1547' 17G44 14530 18210 iVjBI 17703 14143 13489 13872 14139 13935 18704 1883 15346 19241 19045 13314 16855 16891 19825 19723 16976 17927 19283 16005 16006 18106 12925 12729 19824 14757 19658 15584 20529 20410 17871 13715 15234 19625 12574 Sect's of Map 179 180 152 161 162 161 162 167 124 185 186 61 180 170 172 180 177 170 61 189 57 162 183 184 179 182 151 167 186 L 189 190 187 168 148 152 180 181 187 168 ,183 ' 186 162 183 153 120 177 162 F 801 McKee, James, and wife t*McKee, James W *McKee, John .-. . McKee, Margaret McKee, Mary E McKee, Robert McKee ver, Eliza *McKendrick,Quentin K. McKenney, Paul McKenzie, Charles McKenzie, Hannah *MeKeon, Mary McKeown, John *MeKeown, Thomas * McKernan, Frances McKmvan, John P *AlcKi-wcn, Mary *MpKibben, Hugh *McKillop, John *McKimmiu, Margaret.. *McKinley, Augustus C- "McKinley, James, and > wife J McKinney , John McKissic, Maria, heirs of McKneely, Agnes, and ) tDavid Craig ) McKnight, James ) McKnight, Henry V McKnight, James, and ( others ) McKnight, Robert McLachlan, Angus, and > wife ) McLain, John, and wife *McLaren, James M McLaren, John, and ) Joseph McGown ^ McLaren, Joseph McLarty, Catharine "McLaughlin, Hugh, "i & Francis B. Spinola, > trustees .....) McLaughlin, John, ) and James Moore . - ■ ^ McLaughlin, Richard.. - *McLay , John *McLean, Alexander "McLean, Andrew *McLean, Henriette, > and others \ McLean, James, and ) Abraham Munday-. ) *McLean, Neill, and wife. McLeay, Emma J *McLewee, Frederick... *McLoughlin, Isabella.. rMcMannus, John rMcMaiius, Augusta 19746 12101 15460 14184 12933 19635 10566 15854 13449 18520 15227 20357 14349 17431 20756 16302 19691 20909 17378 1549 20041 19746 19894 16091 12226 15703 20158 17704 19809 20256 16985 18704 13901 13605 13104 18897 17848 12864 13845 12282 13587 16439 20065 16020 1596 2021 6 14291 16102 Sect's of Map 188 172 98 187 102 ( 162 I 163 111 187 164 C 181 168 15 177 186 156 72 59, 66 167 187 F 167 181 188 187 164 186 183 167 189 177 105 187 r.6 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3, Names. McMaster, David, and } wife \ McMenoniv, Eliza, and ) William'J. Haskett.. S t*MeMillan, Donald t*McMillen, John "McMorrine, Richard... "McMullan, William, > and William Allen.. ^ "McMunu, William ) (IX lot) S McMurray, David W . . i McMnrray, James McMurray, George K.. V McMnrrav, Charles M. McMurray, Dau'l E.D.J *.\l(iMurray, James "MciMurray, Joseph *Mc Murray, Mary *McMurray, Newell, > and Thomas Read ... \ *McMurrav, Robert K. .. *McNaiT, "William H.... *McNeil, James *McM iece, Thomas McNulty , James ... . . *McN«ilty, Sarah A *McT'lieison, Janet ''.Mcl'lH-rson, John McPherson, George W.. *McPher8on, Margaret, 'i Estate of, and John > McAlister ) *McQ.uaid, John *McCJueen, Robert, and ) wife i. \ t*McRae, John S *McTaggart, Gordon t'McVee, William *Mc Williams, Robert, ^ and William Finni- > gan ) Mead, Rev. Alexander ? H., and wife 3 Mead, Charlotte Mead, Edwin ) (2 lots) S Mead, Elizabeth, and I others (l)^ lot) \ Mead, George N., and } Henry Jahne(I>^ lot) ) "Mead, George N Mead, John P., and others *3lead, Louisa Mead, Nathaniel E., ) and Francis M. Odell > (IKlot)) t*Mead, Stephen W No. of Lot 19134 3267 18429 15113 19669 18793 13324 20872 16883 17860 17371 18772 13619 12367 13855 14527 20770 18029 18242 16152 18447 12091 17724 20893 12141 14142 16868 17722 19194 14884 12402 12403 9475 6321 19655 18174 16834 14613 16206 Sect's of Map ^152 ?153 41 189 162 188 189 10,2; 188 167 H 168 187 177 12 177 162 124 ,185 190 152 159 186 181 167 115 36 99 149 165 190 186 157 32 13 22 55 H 167 62 188 189 Names. Mead, Theodore H Mead, William *Medcalfe, Charles Medole. John, and Mar- ) garet C. Davis ) Medole, John Meeder, William, and > Clement M. Hancox. \ *Meek, Stewart, and ) James Mawha \ Meeker, Daniel W.,and / Nathan W. Smith. .. S ''Meeker, Jane, and ) William LaGrove... ) Meeker, Lydia F Meeker, Margaret W Meekt-r, Samuel M Meeks, Joseph ^ Meeks, John I Meeks, Joseph W f (4 lots) J Megarge, Alonzo "^Meginnis, William *Mehding, Edward, Es- ) tate of \ 'Mehlen, Nicholas ''Mehlhop, John H *Mehnken, Charles *Mehren8, Bridget *Mehrtens, John F *Mehrtens, Martin . . "Meier, Elizabeth C... *Mein, Robert "Meisel, Aloys. ^Meisler, Conrad t*Melber, Julius J *Meldum, Alvilde E Mclick, William H., ) and Peter Van Kuren ^ *Melizet, Antoinette *Meller, Catharine R Mellick, Andrew D.,S Jun., (4 lots) 1 ^Mellis, Ann *Melvile, Francis Melville, Jane L., and^ tJohn A. Dempsey.. > (2 lots) ) Melvin, Charles W., ? and others ) *Mennnler, Herman Menair, Benjamin *Mengel, Charles "Meiijes, Angeline "Menninger, Henry J. .. No. of Lot 19117 18750 15344 9838 16875 2631 15096 18272 20325 15692 8055 19468 2592 2593 17404 17405 18851 14790 18941 16449 20225 18499 13387 17196 17195 15267 13155 13176 14776 16832 16189 17162 12840 12963 15864 to 15867 15385 18109 7699 7700 17097 20745 13821 18987 15985 20955 Sect's of Map 4, 5 176 162 \ 161 170 M13 I 114 73 174 187 176 177 52 9 99 149 186 149 D 163 187 185 4] 167 167 5 163 ^ 169 167 81 r6,97 164 U13 ^114 158 120 180 ■ 177 164 190 ■ 47 151 E 161 186 157 115 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 07 Names. Mensch, Louisa *Menshing, Francis . *Men8hing, Henry *Menzies, Alexander . . . "Menziee, Archibald A. *Mergler, Henry *Merian, Alfred Merian, John J., and ^ Samuel Jackson 5 "Merlett, Matilda R *Mermier, Charles F... t*Merrick, James Merrifield, Richard "Merrill, John E *Merrill, Lake T., Es- P tate of I Merrill, Robert *Merritt, Darius C tMerritt, John J ( (2 lots) j tMerritt, Phebe M., and ? Eliza S. Cox ] Mervvin, Eliza *Mer\vin, John G *Merz, Andrew, and ) Jacob Etling ^ *MeB8erve, Ann *Me88erve, Mary S "Metcalf, Benjamin F., ; and Abiel 'VVoGd, Jr. \ *Methner, Antoine '^Metz, Philii) "Metz, William, and wife, and Caroline M. Wilson *Metzer, Michael, and wife 5 *Metzer, Paulue, and 5 wife ^ *Metzinger, George *Metzler, Martin, and ) others I Mexcey, James, Estate 01 *Meyer, Andrew *Meyer, Charles *Meyer, Dietrich W '^Meyer, Ernest t*Meyer, Ernest E...... ''Meyer, Frederick t*Meyer, Henry *Meyer, Henry *Meyer, Henry and ) Anna Pulschen S No. of Lot *Meyer, Hermann. "Meyer, Julius *Meyer, John *Meyer, Louis L'iCOO 18969 19025 14211 16431 19980 19089 197 17528 12891 17632 13951 14519 19269 14039 13937 19146 19147 9048 12197 14215 14935 14772 14806 13087 12474 19001 20593 20361 20613 15321 18359 19505 14665 15114 15349 19252 16814 20424 16122 18088 20879 20295 20016 16123 14503 Sect's of Map 5 121 ?122 ( 188 )189 \ 188 I 189 169 189 18 175 117 113 82, 91 175 61 111 23 172 180 \ 183 50 7 157 164 168 168 171 62 D 183 L 162 175 186 163 180 162 183 K E 157 121 182 176 187 F 157 170 Names. *Meyer, Notburga •'Meyer, Philip P *Meyer, Theresa *Meyerhoffer, Maria - - . *Meyle, George *Mey,von, Alkemade F. Aide *Michel, Albert "Michel, Frederick "Michel, Henrietta "Michel, Julius "Middelegge, Frederick ) W \ Middleton, John Jr ( (4 lots) i Middleton, Spencer "JNIiddleton, Thomas Middleton, Thomas D. ; and George F. Lough. S ''Milburn, Rev. William H Mildeberger, Thomas.. ) (IK lot) \ "Mildrum, John Miles, Andrew, and ) Thomas G. Hensey.. \ Miles, Charles C, and ; tJohn O'Hara \ "Miles, Mary J. and ) John Lift ell \ "Miles, William A Millard, A. Orville.... ; Millard.LefFerts. (429ft.) \ tMillen, Daniel A. A Miller, Alexander Miller, Alvah Jr "Miller, AmiL "Miller, Charles t*Miller, Charles "Miller, Charles W., > and Isabella Mone... I t*Miller, Cornelius B "Miller, Cornelius J Miller, Daniel D.. and ) Nathaniel S. Bailey. \ tMiller, Eliza, and' ) tilers \ tMiller, Ephraim ) (2 lots) \ Miller, Ezra, and wife. ) (4 lots) j Miller, Frederick A Miller, George S Miller, Henry . Miller, Henry Miller, Henry Miller, Henry F "Miller, Hugh "Miller, Huniphrys No. of Lot. 15088 1258J 15715 20877 16570 14736 14135 15965 15717 17992 20097 14889 to 14892 14361 1585(i 9221 12778 13952 12352 17090 14145 16756 19396 19922 Sect's of Map 15436 163 12102 51,170 18761 H 16754 167 14555 163 19582 D 158J2 188 12217 121 13006 57 15020 1846 8616 8617 20326 to 20329 18760 15123 12826 16969 17005 16721 20625 4599 162 180 157 J 87 167 168 124 177 180 188 124 187 171 178 170 164 23 56 179 1 165 112 167 34 22 99 108 106 103 H 169 181 189 123 164 183 102 68 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. No. of Lot. *Miller, James ^ Miller, Mary I Miller, Robert, and [ John Kent J *Miller, John *Miller, John 'Miller, John H Miller, Joseph A *Miller, Loais *Miller, Mary S Miller, Sarah R *Miller, Sophia, and ) Michael 3Iark S Miller, Theodore J ) (2 lots) S *Miller, Thomas A *Miller, Thomas *Miller, Thomas t*Miller, William A Miller, William C } (2 lots) S t'Miller, William P., ) and Chas. J. Osborn \ 'Millet, Joseph D Milligan, Caroline } Milligan, Mary \ Milligan, James *Miliiken, Samuel Mills, Clark W *Mill8, Cynthia M "Mills, Joseph T., Es- ) tate of -• S "Mills, S. Augustus "Mills, Thomas Mills, Zophar, and } t David Webb S "Mills, Zophar Miln, George *Milne, Ann A *Milner, Dorothea ) ,(%lot)$ Mimne, Marshall A "Minch , George Minck, Peter, and } Hermann Lembke. . . ) "Miner, Andrew J Miner, Francis S., and^ Estate of Louisa W. > Oliver ) t"Ming, Alexander "Minnoker, Beta Minnis, Thomas Minns, William Minns, William W Minor, Dr "Minrath, William *Minton, Ruth D tMinulh, Jane ^ Minuth, Jane > tMinuth, John,ife others^ 13063 171 15874 17fi74 18625 18112 15422 19264 162 18665 19210 12266 1620: 17735 15185 14581 15593 17469 20722 16027 9816 17147 141 20539 8067 806S 19672 17102 17161 13751 8493 1846 Names. No. of Lot. Sect's .of Map "Mirrielees, George M. "Mirrielees, John D... tMitchel, Ormsby M... "Mitchell, Andrew 152 tJIitchell, Anna, and ) M. K. Pelletreau.... ^ "Mitchell, Frances G "Mitchell, George "Mitchell, Helen P. S ... "Mitchell, James .Mitchell, James "Mitchell, John los 106 Mitchell, John, and wife. t*Mitchell, John H., ) and wife \ Mitchell, John W > (2 lots) S Mitchell, Maria L "Mitchell, Paul "Mitchell, William, and > others ) tMitchell, William L.. 5 (2 lots) S Mitchill, Tillie "Mitten, Robert Mittnaclit, George M... t"Mix, Mary E tMoffat, Julia A J (2 lots) ] "Mofrat, Reuben C.M.D. "Moti'att, R(>l)ert, and ) George Glass ) "Moffitt, John M "Mohr, Frederick Moir, James ) (2 lots) S "Molitor, Francis W., ) and Henry Stilling.. ) "Mollenhauer, Claus D.. " Alollenhauer, John "MoUer, Cord Moller, George H ) (2 lots) S Moller, Peter Moller, Peter ) (10 lots) 1 tMollison, James, and ^ others 5 Monarque, Eliza "Mone, Isabella, and ) Charles W. Miller... ( Moneypenny, Ann, Es- / tate of...". -.(11^ lot) S "Moneypenny, Mary A.. "Monguni, Henry "Monk, John H Moiu-oe, Ebenezer ) (2 lots) S 152S2 15283 13045 16665 12500 20207 18814 18492 14848 17473 18221 20254 19807 12841 12842 18303 15771 16945 15839 158411 18613 177S6 14715 18670 13910 13911 12023 20608 19094 18269 13985 13986 15918 15264 17539 12368 1469 14698 1322 J 468 to 14696 14156 15540 15812 12578 14611 16686 16940 17772 ; 177731 I 162 162 149 167 168 169 82 187 187 163 149 186 181 188 188 36 174 164 164 169 F 167 163 186 111 182 164 69 185 159 162 180 168 178 41 42 58 16 61 163 188 161 158 167 189 153 .LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 69 Names. *Monroe, Matilda Monroe, Thomas J Monsou, Eliza ,. . ^ Moneoii, Anne E | tMonson, Marcena [- Monson, Alouzo C (2 lots) J *Monta,2:nie, Julia De La, and Jane G. Mac- Gowan Montgomery, John R Montgomery, William . . . ^Montgomery, William. . t*Montgomery, William S Moodey, Moses K., and others (10 lots) Moody, Eunice P., and Julia W. Bull Mooney, James *Moorcroft, James Moore, Austin D., Es- tate of (2 lots) Moore, Edward Moore, George Moore, George G *Moore, George H Moore, Henderson *Moorc, James, and ) John MeLoughlin... \ Moore, John P *Moore, John W * Moore, Richard Moore, Sarah Moore, Ahram J Moore, Clarissa Moore, Washington ... Moore, Cordelia Moore, Clement L. , and Esther MacDonald.. *Moore, Thomas *Moore, Thomas, and wife *Moore, Thomas C Moorliead, James *Moorhead, John Moorhead, Hamilton, and JameM McKnight Moorhead, Joseph Moorhead, Rebecca Mora, Jose A Moran, Francis (4 lots) *3Io ran, James P. Estate of *Moran, Samuel *Morand, Phillip, and wife, and others No. of Lot. 16722 12924 18351 18352 17437 15549 13S39 19049 18701 3749 to 3758 12836 17823 14391 12767 12768 17792 20399 17672 14663 17648 18897 13280 18702 20031 9122 18020 20567 13526 14063 20158 19068 19034 13993 21033 to 21036 20398 14264 19791 Sect's of Map 168 163 180 189 189 34 35 44 45 178 152 174 159 175 C,D 89 32 H 187 161 186 18: 40 174 187 180 163 187 184 152 K 113 183 58 ] Namks. Morange, Hymen, and wife Moran, Myers Moran, Solomon Morch, Jacob More, Agnes A *More, Edwin, Jr *More, Roliert *M<)reau, Charles C tMorehouse, Stephen M.. ''Morel, Etienne, and wife *Morey, Luther ) Morey, Harriet ) Morey, Trueman ) Morey, Josephine E. .. ^ Morlit, Annie E Morford, Charles A.... ) Morford, Elizii L S Morgan, Annie E *Morgan, Caroline "Morgan, Caroline F Morgan, Charles (3 lots, and 662 feet) *Morgan, Charles Morgan, Edward M. .. ") tMorgan, Francis I M(jrgan, Homer )■ Morgan, Henry T | (4 lots and 138 feet) ; "Morgan, Mary L "Morgan, Richard, and > wife \ t*Mort,'an, Sanford F Morgan, Wiliiaiii F "ftlorgan, William H Morison, Frederick S Morison, Thos. A., and > Gardner S Hutchison i Morningstar, Charles "Morrell, Adrian, and wife "Morrell, John *Morrell, Joseph "Morrill, Henry E., M.D. Morrill, Marshall J., ) and wife ] Morris, Alexander B., I and others ^ "Morris, Ann tMorris, Benjamin C Morris, Charles O Morris, De Witt, C ) Morris, William L., Jr. J "Morris, Elizabeth Morris, Ennly (11 lot) tMorris, Jacob "Morris, Oran W No. of Lot 19985 16080 6042 18633 16009 18003 17417 19495 8543 20472 3738 13505 18872 12172 16400 2590 3922 3923 16364 13237 8061 to 8064 17510 13879 20794 20189 19235 15997 14189 867 17686 20839 19051 12187 12671 20803 14917 20978 15788 14523 14522 21038 2405 17148 18622 Sect's of Map 176 149 5 )04 I 105 152 167 L 165 D 47 N 32 170 187 2 168 1 [ 81 52 78 176 187 183 189 159 43 120 63 187 71 174 169 156 159 23 23 41 35 187 186 YO LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. Names. Morris, J. Wynuin *Morris, Kichard Morris, William L., Sr... "Morrison, Andrew, and } William Fair S Morrison, Ainia, and ']> ]$enjamin W. Kobin- > son ) ^Morrison, Cornelius Morrison, David, and^ wife, and Janet C. I Hutchison ( (IK lot) j *Morrison, George H., ) and wife ) *Morri8on, Henry A "Morrison, Hiram "Morrison, Jane, and ) Henry Riddle \ "Morrison, John H Morrison, Joseph "Morrison, Margaret t*IVJorrison, Mary A "Morrison, Mary "Morrison, Mary E "Morrison, Otho E Morrison, Peter, and Philip Zeh (1 lot) Morrison, Robert, and wife 5 "Morrison, Susan M "Morrison, William H... "Morrow, Antoinette "Morrow, Cornelius Morrow, Cornelius W. } L. F \ "Morrow, George T "Morrow, Thomas J "Morton, Eliza, Estate ) of \ Morton. John... (13^ lot) Morton, Joseph L Morton, Rebecca "Morton, Thomas Morton, Thomas ) (4 lots) 1 "Mosely , Harriet H Moser, Andrew A Moser, William Moses, Aaron (454 ft.) Moses, Charles, Estate ) of (454 ft.) I Moses, David B..(454 ft.) t"Mo8es, John G Moses, John M..(454 ft.) Moses, William.. (454 ft.) "Mosher, Charles, and > others^ \ No. of Lot. 14521 20G01 14520 15070 15656 20707 20179 19637 14196 16673 17940 16674 16520 17483 18913 13199 14893 17814 1630 1635 19971 17227 18812 12152 17182 13838 17181 19480 15736 18738 2101 13826 13976 18666 to 18669 13981 16807 18326 16706 16705 16707 16093 16708 16709 13561 Names. 181 153 150 150 151 150 150, 1801 "Jloshier, Charles Mosle, George Moss, George A tMoss, John "Mosscrop, Thomas "."\IoBscrop, Thomas D... "Mott. George P Mott, Jordan ) Mott, Ruth A } (6 lots) } Mott, Jordan L ; (2 lots) ] "Mott, Margaret A ; Mott, Jesse W \ "Mott, Samuel t*Mott, Sarah E "Motz, Christian L Moulton, John W., and > Anthony Boyer, Jr.. ^ Moulton, Severn D "Mount, Hannah B "Mount, Mary "Mount, Samuel R Mountain, William H "Alountfort, William H. > andtAsahelHoughton \ Mowbray, Margaret "Mowry, Havilah "Mozer, Felicite, and ) Constantin Audifred ^ "Mudgett, Benjamin F.. "Mudgley, Thomas "Muerdter, John ) {% lot) ] "Mugford, Henry L Mugford, John H "Muhl, Eugene "Muhle, Ann G Mnhlhausen, Chas., and ) Catarina Ratbgeber. \ "Muhlmeister, Frederick. "Muhlmeister, John H... "Muir, Sophia E "Muir, William, and ) John Kirkwood \ "Mnirhead, Mafy A *Miiirlicad, Susan "Mnliiimii, .leiiiima Miilfonl, Phoebe ) Mulford, David S.,and> others ) "Mulhollan, Elizabeth M Mull, Jane "Mullen, Edward "Muller, Adolpli MuUer, Adrian II | (480 ft.) )■ "Muller, Anna M "MuUer, August F "Muller, Christian No. of Lot 15697 17630 19623 12412 16231 16232 13598 18915 to 18920 14315 14316 20044 13215 13529 14063 5367 15723 1.5834 15999 13866 20510 16332 17193 12458 17816 15591 12067 15032 16236 19527 19529 19155 16096 14700 17541 17542 17433 15592 13386 13830 20S94 16906 20541 18067 18057 13810 14210 19913 13376 12072 Sect's of Map 188 N 149 72 189 189 177 38 41 125 187 2 180 172 177 ^44 )58 32 32 112 169 157 164 112 1 12 179 172 187 187 189 189 163 167 167 168 157 180 61 156 113 63 175 151 177 F 159 178 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873, 71 Names. "Muller, Eniil, M. D . . *MulIer, George H. V. *Muller, Henry . » *Muller, Hermann A and Gerhard H. Spor- leder *Muller, Joban C *Muller, John F.C..-. Mnller, John P Midler, Nicholas Muller, John H Muller, Theodore Muller, Mariane L.,and others, (I3 lot) "Muller, Nicholas *Muller, William...... * Mulligan, George *Mulligan, George .... "Mulligan, James Mumford, Henry — ^ . . :} No. of Lot. Mumford, William ...... *Muncey, Mary and ? Mary J. Karr ) Munday, Abraham, and ( James McLean ', Munn, Benjamin A. S . .. *Munro, John, Estate of. "Munroe, George E. .. Munroe, LeGrand Munroe, Charles E Munroe, William P Munroe, William O *Mun8an, JabezE.,and ) Aaron K. Thompson. ) Munsall, Jabez E ... Munsell, James A., and ) wife \ "^Munson, Eliza. .....;.. tMnnsoti, James and ) William C. Colt } (IX lot)) * Munson , James M *Munson, Mary E. and ) others \ *Murchison, Kenneth ; M. and wife \ Murdock, Ann M Murdock, Warren, and ? tJosiah Watson. . . . . ^ Murfey, Cornelia E *Mnrtitt, Alfred C, and ? Washington Godfrey ) "MiuplK V, Marquis *iMurphy, Isabella ...... '"Murphy, William and ) wife ^ Murray, Adiim, and Pe- / ter Notman \ 12360 14888 19221 20640 13375 13066 20587 16164 20549 12899 17256 20435 20654 18781 20708 20062 16439 16602 14068 20405 15607 14770 13007 20679 13977 19116 15835 13052 20931 16514 14384 14854 15725 12633 20337 19551 6217 Sect's of Map 180 162 183 184 159 180 156 E 180 165 J 83 124 173 176 147 187 159 124 161 98 98 L 180 158 163 83 6 189 162 163 158 181 156 93 105 Names. ^Murray, Alexander.,. . Murray, Alexander W . tMurray, Ann, and Alice Burns j.... *Murray , Charles ..... . . ^Murray, Frances I Murray, Freelove W., ^ and ^Lobias Walters.. J Murray, Jacob C Murray, James.. (426 ft.) *Murray, James J fMurray , John Murray, John ......... Murray, Joseph *Murray, Letitia. Murray, Thomas, and ) John Bateman ^ Murray, William .... Mussina, Simon *Muth, John A *Myer, John t*Myer, Mary A "Myers, Abram H ... *Myers, Evert.. i Myers, Frederick i *Myers, George "Myers, Henry V Myers, James. . (2 lots) \ "Myers, William Myles, Andrew, and ) Thomas G, Hensey.. 3 Myles, Mary No. of Lot, N. tNaegeli, Joseph, M.D. Naegeli, Henry Naegeli, Otto." Naegeli, Albert Naegeli, Max Naegeli, Wilhelmina.. "Nagel, Charles I *Nagel, John H "Napier, Henry Nasemann, Adolph. .. Nash, Duane H Nash, Frank C. Nash, Joseph Nash, Scotto C Nash, Thomas C... Nathan, Edward.. Nathan, George W. "Nau, August C. . . . 18037 12678 7617 18360 18874 23 12740 17475 18871 14480 15803 13833 18940 8322 19667 15802 19021 20926 11343 19882 18546 17763 20922 15943 12203 12204 14976 17090 20990 20563 19166 20479 19701 20069 16011 18201 19091 16012 16816 15749 17179 20299 Sect's of Map ( F M14 61 15 { 186 M89 9 71 51 149 F 82 ( 158 I 163 159 L 101 186 124 176 L 74 66 5 185 jl86 (167 I 175 34 159 I 35 164 165 115 153 lOS 183 183 187 188 ( 109 ^110 65,66 188 151 164 ( 113 ^114 187 72 LOTS SOLD TO MAYjl2, 1873. Names. Neal Dennis K *Nea] , George H Neale, Mary J ) (2 lots) S *Neale, Weltha, and / others ) t*Nebauer, John *Needhani, Henry E *Neefe8, John *Neely, Elizabeth *Neely, John Neergaard, William Negus, John D., and ) wife \ *Negn8, Samuel G., and > wife \ Negus, Thomas *Nehring, F. Gustav... . *Neidlinger, William *Neil, Andrew, and ) others ) Neill, Margaret *Nelson, Charles E ''Nelson, James '^Nelson, Oliver O Nelson, Samuel C Nelson, William B y Nelson, Horatio, Jr.. .. > Nelson, Harvev M ) Nesbit, Robert" W ^Nespeler, I'oseph A *Ne8tell, Andrew 6 Neubeck, Conrad, M. f D., Estate of ) *Neuber, Frederick, ) and others ) *Neuman, Mary L t*Neville, Thomas H t*Nevin, John New, Tobias New York Union Home } and School ) Newburn, Walter *Newby, George, M. D.- *Newbrough, John B Newcomb, Warren, Es- } tate of (2 lots) J Newcomb, William W... Newell, Henry E Newhouse, Jane B ) (2 lots) S Newlin, Howard *Newman, Hiram C-.. } Newman, George A... ) "Newman, William B. .. fNewmaster, Edward ) R., and Ellen Stead.. ) "Newton, (Iharli'K H *Newton, Elizabeth G.. "Newton, Henry J No. of Lot. 16947 20507 16295 16296 12983 13192 17223 1S637 18357 13094 8127 20370 19523 15012 20442 12912 15857 12985 20855 12882 14818 1533 18531 18663 16114 13817 20838 18386 16117 13171 15445 18746 13790 18219 12609 15080 17036 17037 16645 18179 17452 17453 13677 16506 14702 11625 13427 19600 13474 Sect's of Map 181 156 113 47 81 184 176 85 52 7 1.53 153 62 174 181 157 171 115 171 107 111 151 152 123 170 113 Names. *Newton, Jane Newton, Jennie *Niblo, Joseph W "Nichol, Alexander Nicholas, Sarah E... Nicholls, Henry "Nicholls, Robe'rt Nicholls, Rol>ert "Nicholls, William H. Nichols. George L... Nichols, Henry G "Nichols, Moses "Nichols, Samuel B "Nichols, Walter "Nichols, William J "Nicholson, Ann, and } Samuel Ay ere ^ "Nicholson, Eliza "Nickel, Charles Nickels, Reuben D.,and } others \ "Nickerson, Bethuel, ) and others, (IJ lot)... J Nickerson, Lydia H. . . . . Nickerson, Mary T.,and ^ William M. Andrews > (IK lot)) "Nicoll, William "Nicolson, James "Niebuhr, John "Nightengale, Elizabeth. Niles, Nathaniel Ninth Regiment, N. Y ? Volunteers \ Nisbet, Ann, and Mar- ( tha Gates J "Nisbet, James Nitchie, John, Sen'r, } Estate of, (Ulot) \ tNixon, John M., and'i Samuel A. Church.. > (2 lots) ) "Noa, Annie "Noble, Elizabeth "Noble, James "Noden, Abraham, tian J "Noordmeer, Adriana "Norman, Ambrose W. .. "Norpel, Sophia No. of Lot. 19591 19989 18410 15310 7610 16321 16322 17369 16323 14] 22 18922 12093 19520 20799 15475 20416 17841 14958 18316 15993 15139 10155 19018 17791 15650 12923 15848 14055 6452 18782 1113 12709 12710 18862 19407 16750 14654 18766 15554 19782 12646 16679 18787 12489 20941 Sect's of Map D 148 L 188 49 18'J 189 168 189 61 152 I 181 • 182 " 186 156 157 D 187 K 185 I 150 I 151 181 72 184 175 , 163 ' 164 74 149 172 48 F 92 118 186 9 167 36 L K L 103 167 152 2 115 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 73 NAMES. Norrie, Adam.. (4 lots) 133fi8 to 13371 *Norri8, Amelia R- ■ To-io^ »Norri8, Margaret I.---- J^^-^ North, Edward ^^^^^^^ North, Elizabeth V., and others North, Robert L....--- *Northmck, Charles A. f and wife, and others S 15085 16906 14342 19932 19592 183 28' 113! 169 187 tOdell, Isaac, and Wil- ? i2353 ^=^^"oS£.Su:F.and 16652 Edward Rowe.^...-^.Mt^^^^ 'Z\ lodell, Thomas B. and ) jgO? im Elisha J. Cadwell. . . S O'Donnel, William ^-^^ -Oehl, Nicholas \f'l O.-hlerB, Christian...--- ^^^10 0,.Ht.-rlinu,Henry, and ? \ 17299) 113 , IVler Sulor ■-■■) 1881 "Officer, James, and wite - ' " mdwife 55 70 (73 )76 188 1 168 -Northover, Thoums - ... i^^^^ gg, *offiey, John R. , and wi -Northridse, W.lUam G. 1909- '176 OK 30l cis S. Miner. . )\ J "Oliver, Richard i'^^pi "Ollif, James H 11703-3 Oakey, John, and Mar- ? 13499 tha T. Spofford - V Oakford, John D., and ? tEdward Anthony.-- S 1 Oakley, Arthur E Uff "Oakley, John A j i^mo Oakley, Mary E 1 1^47» "Oakley, Sarah--- 17723 "Oakley, Susan M 20155 "Oakley, Wilmot 208481 O'Brien, Terrence l^^^' tOlliffe, William J., M. D. 185 ;, OUive, Thomas S--- 11^1 "Olmstead, Dwight H lfi3 *01mstead, Garnck M 170 "Olney, George W ~"U^» 159 K'>lt' "Ailam ■ - ■ r ' y W." 1891 Olyphant, Robert M 'g!U^lerdonk,LUlA--^.|l8745 L,M ho-Neill, Ella G.. ------- 20860 si77b>pp.J 7 "Orde,MaryA -g 27 Orgill,- Joseph...-- I Ib^^-^ 115 Ormsbee, John H 14ql y-^ li"""' " I Orne William B., Jun. - 140641 172 r.j;;!; Frances - - 1 ^ 17351 17352 15248 16413 i.ail*Orr, Jane. 15»1 \*^J^.^■^ Margaret 10 135701 L 182 186 161 178 179 D 187 10 158 189 121 177 74 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. No. of Lot. t*Orth, Jacob Orth, William "Ort on. Sarah R *Osboin,Charlew J.,and ) t William G. Miller.. S 'Osborn, George B.,and ^ wife, and Luna Levy s tOsborn, William H., / and tFrancis Denbam ) OBborne, William J . . . ^ . Osgood, George ^Osgood, Nathaniel H... "Osmond, John "Ossman, Conrad *088man, Stephen. .... > {'A lot) S *08terholt, Ehler ^Ostrander, Hiram tOstrander, Isaac "Ostrander, James Ostrom, Anthony P.,.. ) ■(2 lots) i *Ostrom, Peter A *Oswald, George W Otis, Agnes, and Ezra ) D. Barker. ] Otis, Benjamin W *Otis, Charles *Ott, George *Otten, Luke Otterson, Andrew, M. D. Ottiwell, John D } Ottiwell, Charles W.. S *Ottmann, Philip *Ottmann, Richard *Ottmann, William *Ottman, William B.. ) Ottnian, Sarah L ) Otto, Annie E fOughton, Walton J... Outhank, Mary A., and > others ) *Outwater, Jacob "Overhiser, John C.-.'i Overhiser, Abraham, > and James Bogardus^ *OverhofF, Catharine Overton, William, Sen.. *Owen, Adoniriim J Owen, Edward J 1 Owen, Edward H > (11^ lot) > Owen, John *0\ven, Micah M "Owens, Elizabeth, and ? Rohuid Williams ^ *0wen8, Francis S *Owens, Jane 14338 20018 16919 19210 20003 2066 20772 4722 14098 1367 14154 12675 9736 15559 16220 13134 2906 18098 16755 18099 20958 15900 13807 14812 4808 13438 15454 14515 15578 14402 19057 12022 13857 74 66 1751 36 29 Names. No. of Lot. 44 Owens, Wilhelmina A."i and Edward W. > Brunson (2 lots) j P. Pabst, Jacob "Pabst, Theodore *Pacalin, One8i()pe 'Packard, Matilda V., ) and others ) Packard, Otis Packard, Silas S., and ) wife S 'Paddock, Rev. John A. t'Padelford, Sarah E.... t*Paft, Sophia F t'Page, Ann E *Page, Clara, and Levi } A. Fuller ^ 'Page, M ary 'Page. Peleriah P 'Page, Sarah Page, William H., and ) wife ) Paige, David S ) {\% lot) \ 'Paine, James, D. B Paine, John B Paine, James H (IK lot) 'Paine, Phebe A 'Paisley, John Palmedo, Ulric, and tRev. Fred'k Steins. Palmer. Anson S (6 lots) Palmer, John D 'Palmer, Thomas Palmer, Thomas J S (6 lots) ^ 'Palmer, William H 'Pangborn, Cornelius, \ and wife \ 'Pangburn, Jeremiah 'Pangburn, William H.. 'Panton, James 'Papplardo, Setimo t'Paradise, John W 'Pardee, William, M. D. PardesBUS, Semon J Paret, Stephen I'aret, Edward Paret, William G... 17506 17507 16943 18338 14957 19550 20311 19696 12957 16415 14683 12040 11168 13898 18565 14896 20154 16270 15933 20176 15932 17030 12075 14415 to 14420 14650 19501 14409 to 14414 12493 20864 14475 14474 14500 17968 12122 16178 15268 17511 Sect's of Map 41 165 190 K,lll 153 188 4,9 47 164 5 162 \ 169 90,91 92 177 S 103 ) 115 164 S 153 >157 OH >124 167 167 189 46 S 158 ^163 187 [ 179 172 115 163 163 169 L 71 \ ^^ ? 107 ( 176 X 177 S 156 \ 165 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 75 Names. "Parisen, Elizabeth.and ) Mary J. Hyatt S Parisen, iVIadeliiie A Pariseu, Mary B Parish, Daniel. . (4 lots) ■? Park, Caroline E., Ex- r ecutrix < (4 lots) ( *Park, James H t*Parker, Anne Parker, Ann *Parker, Eliza Parker, Forrest H ) (1| lots) ] Parker, Frederick J *Parker, Isaac "Parker, John W "Parker, Mary Jane, ) and James Warnock ^ "Parker, Mary L Parker, Ransom Parker, Kansom, Jr Parker, Theodore S "Parker, Thomas "Parker, Thomas "Parker, Thomas A "Parker, William Parker, William A t*Parkhurst, Converse .. Parkhurst, Stephen R. .. "Parkin, Josiah t"Parks, Elizabeth "Parks, Gorham, Jr., Parmley, Ananias W.. ) (432 feet) S "Parr, Henry M *Parr, William "Parrott, Eliza, and ? Cornelia Doughty.. ) "Parsells, Edward S "Parsells, Edward W. .. Parshall, Mary, Estate ) of (2 lots) S "Parson, Sophia Parsons, Ann M., and ) Hainiah Waldren ... ) "Parsons, Jacob C Partridge, Charles ) (IX lot) \ Partridge, George S., Jr. Partridge, Josiah ) (\M lot) \ Pastacaldi, Joseph "Patchell, Edward "Paterson, John, and \ Alexander Barnie... \ Paterson, Mary M.,and > Jesse Taiiton \ "Paton, David 17761 19433 16361 19925 to 19928 16191 to 16194 14977 12465 143.^6 13754 18914 8685 20025 18191 186 13914 15563 13556 15564 4679 113 172 162 164 189 149 Names. "Paton, Henr)% and wife Paton, James \ (2 lots) S Paton, Thomas < (2 lots) \ Paton, William \ (2 lots) I tPattee, James Patten, Eliza, and \ Maria Drake \ Patterson, David Patterson, George R "Patterson , James, and ) Elizabeth Henderson \ Patterson, Rush tPatterson, Thomas H... *Patterson, William Patterson. William G... *Patti, Barbara "Paul, Alexander, and \ wife "Paul, Ann Paul, Charles H. L and wife "Paul, Elizabeth . . "Paul, Henry :i Paul, James, and wife.. t*Paulding, John Paulet, Paul Panli, John A Pawson, Robert F., } and wife \ Payne, Ann E Payne, Nancy.. (4 lots) Payne, Rebecca. Paxson, William. No. of I Sect's Lot. j of Map 1243(il ; ,p, 12437 \ ^*^1 12003 12379 14153 18854^ 46 12 112 186 189 15509 188 14930 13246 16256 17305 14321 19572 19573 13242 16308 19574 13107 16852 17934 19743 14623 16948 to 16951 19110 12407 Taxton, James I 14134 "Peacock, James Peak, William N Peake, Charlotte A Pearce, Eliza A ) Pearce, Edmund A \ "Pearce, Joseph W t"Pearce, Nathaniel Pearce, Pierre L.(13^1ot) Pearsall, John "Pearsall, Sylvester W.. Pearsall, Treadwell fPearsall, William H... Pearson, Alexander... \ (IK lot) \ t Pearson, George Pearson, Hester A., and ? others ( "Pearson, James \ Pearson, William \ 13983 20395 7489 6729 18895 13213 11516 13953 13097 13954 14882 20279 18617 17097 162 14 113 16 172 S 183 ^186 ( 183 ^186 181 L (183 M86 23 167 F 186 162 \ 157 175 118 S 170 ni-2 172 187 109 49 189 170 158 159 47 159 164 147 L 151 19038 152 76 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. *Pear8on, James "Pearson, John G "Pearson, William Peck, ArzaC, and wife ) (462 feet) $ Peck, Benjamin C "Peck, Charles B Peek, Edgar F., M. D.^ Peck, Margaretta, and > others ) Peck, John B Peck, Joshua S Peck, Martha H Peck, Thomas B tPeck, William J •Peck, William W Peckhani, Elizabeth A... "Peekham, Julia E "Peckhani, Harriet E Peekham, Walton H..? (4 lots) C "Pedrazzi, Bergonzoli .. "Peirce, Charles H ■'Pelissier, Joseph, and ) John a. Bechanips.. ) "Pell, JohnH Pell, William W ) ( 2 lots) S "Pellegrew, William F.. Pelletreau, Malthy K., ) and tAnna Mitchell. \ "Pelletreau, Maltby K.. "Pelton, Sarah, and ) Annie Crowther ) Pemberton, William H-- "Pendleton, William D.. "Pendleton, William D.. Penman, Marion "Penniiiian, Jane "Pennock, Homer and ) wife ) "Penroee, Edward "Pentland, Fanny Pentz, Elizabeth . '^ Pentz,Mollie, and others > (IJlot.)) "Pentz, Enoch C t"Pepper, Simeon Perego, Ira, Jr "Percival, James E Percival, William ) Percival, Thomas \ "Pereira, Francisco and ') wife ) Perez, Manuel t"Perine, Stephen M "Perkins, George Perkins, Jas. P. Estate of. Perkins, Lizzie H 19487 15235 19022 12500 14594 6466 17284 J7502 7475 20438 16164 17045 14120 2553 18080 15645 19526 17691 12936 19236 19984 16479 152 188 152 50 55 187 153 184 157 55 180 68,69 175 181 184 Names. "Perrett, Charles Perrin, John D "Perrin, William A t*Perrine, William T.. Perry, Amanda tPerry, Clara W Perry, Henry A Estate of Perry, Joseph A (2 lots.) Perry, Margaret E- .. Perry, Eebecca Perry, Samuel.. (4 lots 4 Perry, Sarah M "Persch, Wm. and wife.. "Pesenecker, George "Peters, Annie Peters, Charles, and others t*Peters, Frederick t"Peters, John Peters, John R., Estate of "Peters, Samuel A "Peters, Sarah A-. "Peters, Theodore. "Peters. William.. "Peterson, Ann J "Peterson, Anne J "Peterson, Christopher. "Peterson, Lewis A t "Peterson, Olle Peti-ie, Isabella "Pettigrew, James Pettigrew, Mary dK lot) Pettit, Benjamin "Pettit, Mary E., and others "Pettus, James T Pevei-eliy, Susan L., heirs of Peyton, William K "Pfaff, Conrad, and wife, and others Pfatfmann, Mary "Pfett'er, Conrad "Pfeiffer, George, and wife Pfeil, Martin Pfizenmayer, Charles, and wife Phair, Jamt^s "Pliair, Joseph, Estate of t*Phelan, James, Estate of No. of Sect's Lot. lot Map 15777 15103 19918 14724 15099 19992 16997 518 519 19943 17925 15980 to 15983 7605 13336 20816 18474 18316 17893 17080 9927 14867 19257 12575 14866 18030 18942 13115 16414 16034 16J63 15056 11248 19897 18728 14887 20270 13698 19932 18944 18255 20392 15693 5033 12838 19123 17640 164 162 187 168 188 ;]73 ' 176 96 97 L P 168 19 108 102 103 186 185 190 189 29 163 183 181 182 163 185 190 186 161 ; J77 ' 180 189 188 ;i72 177 168 183 L 164 188 159 187 F 185 187 •188 163 54 3 184 175 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 77 Names. *Pheling, Dorothea Phelpe, Ansou G., Eb- ^i tate of > (4 lots) ) Phelps, Elizabeth A. T... Phelps, Elizabeth B... ) (436 feet) ] Phelps, Isaac N Phelps, Napoleon B... < (2 lots) } Phelps, Royal I (y lots) \ Phelps, Walter, Jr *Phelp8, William S., ) and William K. Hall ] Philips, Samuel ) (2}4 lots) S "Philipson, Philip "Phillips, Alfred Phillips, Alpha, and ) William S Brown. .. ) 'Phillips, Asa D ■'Phillips, Benjamin R. ) (% lot) S Phillips Catharine A ^Phillips, Ehzabeth, & > Eunice H. Gisburne \ Phillips, Francis *Pliillip8, Hester Phillips, Howard C t*Phillips, James A t*Pliillip«,Jay T Philliiis,Johu 'Phillips, JoTin F 'Phillips, John H 'Phillips, John H 'Phillips, Jonas 'Phillips, Lucy 'Pliillips, Philip Phillips, Rebecca Phillips, Frederic N... Phillips, Martha S and Sarah M. Lovett (2 lots) j t'Phillips, Samuel t'Phillips, Th.mias Phillips, Wells Phillips, William, and ; Benjamin F. French. S 'Phillips, William Phillips, William H. H.. 'Fhillipson, Jane Phinnev, Mary M Phil.ard, William T Phipps, William T 'Phoebus, Eliza A , 'Phoenix, Phoebe Phyfe, James 187 99 149 5529 13818 13819 18605 20210 11146 18925 13947 15312 14114 15729 15730 12411 16490 12231 4921 18015 10661 15760 20007 19327 14865 20975 15450 18230 118 164 187 109 105 Names. No. of Lot. 'Picare, Mardard 'Picken, Samuel S Pidgeon, Francis Pierce, James F 'Pierson, Henry M 'Fierce, John S Piercy, David W., and } James Matthews ) Pierson, John S 'Pierson, John S 'Pierson, Sarah H tPietch, Philip, and ) George Corbett ) t'Piggot, Joseph Pignolet, Susan G FiRe, Benjamin, Estate ) of, 113^ lot) ^ Pike, Daniel (13^ lot) t'Pike, Noah T Pilgrim, Georgianna Pinckney, Henrietta Pinkney, James H (426 ft) Pinckney, Stephen R., > (1 lot) \ 'Finkerton, John 'Pinnell, William J., ) and wife \ 'Pinner, William H. .. ) Pinner, Edward V 'Pinto, Felix G Y 'Piper, Ellen 'Pitbladdo, Thomas 'Pitcher, Caroline Fittfield, Ann... (1)^ lot) Fittis, Thomas, Estate of, (4 lots) 'Pittman, Emily N 'Pittman, Frederick J., ) and Jane Kitching. . . ] tPitts, John 'Flaatje, Bartel ) Plaatje, William, and [ Newman Leopold... j 'Place, Elizabeth, and f others \ Place, Ephraim B Plaeide, Henry 'Plant, Edward 'Plasche, Carl F., and ) Jasper O. Ahlstrom. I 'Flass, Reuben H Plate, Richard D., and ; Daniel C. JlcCallum ( 14904 18733 13919 19954 19171 14046 1991 3588 17019 20578 2501 15637 13863 16699 1554 16871 19608 17372 16572 15318 15333 17855 21046 15278 20753 16734 16625 20641 7173 17135 to 17138 19255 15456 12994 15301 13052 14464 15137 14681 17837 17602 20649 Sect's of Map 5 163 ? 164 189 61 E, G 152 (150 I 160 73,76 19 (113 ?114 C 111 173 159 112 75 148 149 H 114 162 157 164 D 167 58 E 79 149 151 183 181 170 98 78 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, IST Names. tPJatt, Elvira C *Platt, William, Estate ) f)f S "Piatt, William O Plimpton, Edwin U *PInm, Edmund M "Plumb, Napoleon J Plume, Georg-e T "Plummer, Albert T "Plummer, Jerome S. . . > (540 feet) ^ "*Plummer, John F *Pluinmer, John L Plummer, Mary L *Plump, JohnV *Podger, John Poble, Theodore C.,and ) wife \ Polhamus, James A Pi>lhenuis, Harriet M., ) and tJames Suydam. \ ''Polliemus, Jacob Pollen, George P \ (2>^ lots) j t'Pollock, Elliot *Polloek, Hugh *Pollock, Marv A t*Pollo.k, Ma"rv C. J.... "Pollock, Saiiiu'cl "Pollock, Sarah Pollock, Thomas C... ) (2 lots) \ "Pomares, Marino "Pomeroy, Caroline M., ^ andN. Elizi.bethHig- > nutt ) "Pomoroy, John B Pomeroy, Julius R *Pom]tifly, Mary T "Pontin, Elizabeth, and ) Isabella Wilds ) Pool, George ) (2 lots) S "Pool, William, and > William Ackerman.. ^ "Poole, Arthur "Poole, Eliza H tPooler,John W ) Pooler, Eliza \ "Pope, George Po{)e, Harriet "I'ope, Sylvester "Popp, Kredericka Poppenhusen, Conrad. ) (1 lot) <; "Poppenhusen, Conrad, ) executor ) "Portaluppi, Theodore... t'Porter, Alexander E.. "Porter, Catharine No. of Lot. 13623 14899 1732 458' 14425 18018 12685 20685 17663 20687 20686 16812 12451 19421 7227 6690 3912 14816 . 1045 1046 19063 16213 18284 15036 12370 19181 15172 6427 6428 20404 13112 18999 1818 19493 17675 18387 183S8 9164 15497 17824 4627 14314 18246 15474 18570 2620 2621 16109 13909 12372 14840 176 Names. Porter, Henry Porter, William Porter, Eliza Porter, Henry C, and others ^ Porter, John, Estate of.. "Porter, JohnV "Porter,, Mary J "Porter, Thomas C "Porter, Thomas V Porter, W^illiam, Sen'r. . . Porter, William, Jr Portington, Anthony, ) and Austin James... \ "Posbergh, Hermann "Post, Abraham J ... Post, Charles A Post, Edwin ,. Post, Jane C "Post, John H "Post, William M Pott, Thomas Potter, Homer C ■^Potter, Hugh Potter, Israel T 'Potter, Joseph tPotter, Joseph, and ^ wife > (3 lots) > "Potter, Lvdia A Potter, Orlando B ) (906 ft) S "Potter, Robert M Potter, Samuel, and } others ) "Potter, William, and ? William Burnard... ^ "Pettier, Eugene t*Potts, Dorothy "Potts, Wesley "H Pouch, Frank (1| lot) "Powell, Alfred G., and ) George Harrison \ "Powell, Charles H "Powell, Harriet E., ) and John W. High- > field 3 Powell, John G. F.,and ) tSeneca W. Heath.. ] "Powell, Martha A tPowell, Robert I., ) and Frank D. Gale.. ) Powell, Samuel S Fowen, Charles "Power, William H t'Powers, Charles "Powers, Daniel, and > others S No. of Lot. 18220 17752 4438 15529 16671 19047 15530 16669 16670 7164 16864 14471 18008 18570 9673 11602 15677 17492 15887 16531 15092 13168 19772 to 19774 18805 13060 13061 13797 17888 2665 16621 12140 16J51 18525 17758 18189 20550 18273 20656 80 18479 12149 17302 12149 19950 Sect's of Map 189 167 41 188 164 185 188 164 164 55 189 163 190 153 48 ^56 ?59 168 149 105 113 159 162 76 H 152 113 177 189 190 97 101 164 120 107 187 174 176 156 185 183 83 174 180 36 180 187 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 79 Names. Powers, Edward J. ,and ) Thomas W.Smith... S *Power8, James G Powers, Laura L.. and ) William H. Beach... S Powers, Lizzie, and ) Samuel P. Deering.. \ "Powlis, Josiah O *Pranf^e, John E *Prankard, William C... Pratt, Adam S., and ) Eliza Greatorex \ *Pratt, Calvin E 'Pratt, Cynthia C "Pray, Sarah A "Preistly, John, and > w^ife ) *Pre8by, Charles A. M.. Preston, Edward. ........ "Preston, George ) Preston, Nancy \ Preston, Thomas f Preston, Thomas A ) *Price, Henry H *Price, Joseph tPrice,Philo ) Price, Theodore H \ Price. Walter W ( (8 lots) 1 *Pride, Mary, and > Eleanor Shapter . ) *Pringle, Alexander Y.. *Pringle, William *Pringle, William T., ) and wife \ t*Prinz, John P "Pritchitt, Henry, and > wife 3 *Pritchitt, Thomas Prohasco, Samuel R., > and wife \ *Proehl, Rosalea "Prout, Jonathan *Provo8t, Charles H *Pro vot, Paul , *Provot, Paul PUBLIC LOTS— open. Do. do. . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 1404 78 I 16352 189 10233 21 7478 2 18615 189 20284 124 13613 6J 16924 167 17293 167 20040 L 19455 173 19585 189 18473 189 19043 165 13671 3159 ^162 17262 189 14^59 162 19904 187 17119 164 18125 > to }■ 113 18132 ) 16516 189 17002 H 20149 156 7791 3 16272 105 20163 L 18681 164 20342 E 13938 177 17896 174 18603 190 13690 < 94 > 104 1 16487 164 4196 (115 ) 116 7078 D,B ,121 7639 J 12'2 1 126 1 127 7640 127 8898 A, 127 9870 B, D 9895 B, 116 • 9932 5, 6 10219 B, D Names. PUBLIC LOTS— open. Do. do. . Do. do. . Do. do. . Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. No. of Lot. Sect's of Map Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. PUBLIC LOTS— Enclosed with an iron railing Do do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. Do. do. 'Puder, Catharine, and others - "Pulschen, Anna, and Henry Meyer t*Pumarejo, Manuel J. de. Estate of 'Punchard, Henry 10314 A 10548 A 10841 127 10975 (117 } 122 CA,B 11005 ) 122 ( 127 11193 ( 115 ^116 117.31 A 11733 59 11734 59 12919 121 14292 A 14679 (126 ^127 14838 A 127 15309 ( 121 ^126 15563 59 15564 59 15565 86,87 16610 A 127 16836 A 16873 ( 126 ^27 16874 ( 126 > 127 17216 126 17221 ( 116 17244 A 17245 17 17700 (85 )86 17340 86 17748 126 17770 ( 120 I 121 17806 ( 122 > 127 17931 127 17932 85 17955 117 11189 ( 121 I 126 11732 85 1496'! 1637;; 126 17700 85,86 18065 127 18066 86 18386 186 20879 182 16459 114 16395 164 80 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. Names. "Pupke, Henry G *Pupke, John F ^Pnrcell, Martha Purdy , Abrani *Pur(ly, Edward H Purdy, Israel C Purdy, Sarah A Purser, George H t*Purves, Thomas, and Thomas Horn "Purvis, John No. of Lot. Pusey, Charles J Putnam, Mark R., and Maria R. Goold "Putnam, Samuel tPutnara, Tarrant, M.D (2 lots) , Pychlan, Henry W I 13966 Pyle, Jamee, and wife... 19670 •Pyott, William 18947 15683 15682 16609 17949 13681 19921 5439 12026 8237 15448 19369 14513 20178 14708 14709 Sect's of Map Quackenbos, George P. S "Quackenhoss, Sophia A. Quackenbush, David *Quantin, Edward H tOuick, John S S (6 lots) i Quimbv, Isaac N. ,M.D. ? (2 lots) S "Quincey, Charles E "Quinn, Ellen t'Quinn, Charles W "Quinn, George Quinn, James A., and } wife _ ) *Quinn, Sophia H Quirk, Stephen G., and ) Charles H. Hyne ) R. "Rabineau, Henriette . .. Racey , Joseph H Racey, William H . (l^lot) "Rader, Christopher. . . "Rae, John "Rae, Joseph "Uae, William N Rafter, David A "Hahmer, Frederick... Rahmer, Wilhelmine.. "Rait, Agnes "Ralston, Alexander. •• 4453 9770 14599 14400 10475 18394 19340 to 19345 18282 18881 14922 13581 15837 15015 9368 20092 16171 13563 19309 17343 16529 16905 12186 20362 20251 13925 17208 181 181 1641 HJ 180 FJ 82 179 117! 157! , 185 :i86 163 76 47 159 149 186 70 170 15 174 105 168 32 44 164 157 55 84 189 177 180 152 167 189 171 115 156 180 190 Names. "Rame, Louisa A., Es- ) tate of ^ Ramel, Alphonse P iRammelkamp, George... Ramsay, Andrew "Ramsiiy, Barbara, and } others ^ Ramsay, Jacob ^Ramsey, Kate "Ramsey, James Ramsperger, Gustav "Randall, Darley "Randall, Elizabeth Randall, Sarah A ) (2 lots) S Randell, James W S Randell, Anna J., and > others ) "Randell, John U tRandell, Morris "Randolph, John D "Raney, Ellen, and others "Ranftle, Catharine.. "Ranges, John t*Ranken, Hermann.. "Rankin, Susan No. of Lot. Sect's of Map 13165 99 [Ransom, Aaron P > (2 lots) S Ransom, Esther A > (2 lots) I "Ransom, Frank A Ransom, Henry "Ranson, John ) Ranson, Edward K ) "Raoux, Charles F "Raser, Teresa C Rathbone, William B., ? and wife ^ Rathbun, Hannah S Rathgeber, Catarina, '^ and Charles Mulhau- > sen ) "Ratzel, Fritz, and Mar- ) garet Steinberger ) "Ran, Charles "Raven, Anton A Raven, Georgiana P "Raven, John P. C Ray, Francis A ^ Ray, Luman,and others > (2 lots.) > Ray, John "Ray, Mark, and } Isabella Watson > Raymer, Henrietta A.. ) (IK lot) \ Raymond, Charles H "Raymond, Henry S 16486! 168 20369 j 157 18170 152 15609 20809 18606 19976 16636 16805 13295 19320 19.321 15235 18777 12277 20288 15857 14648 12782 16457 19632 15146 15147 15148 15149 15089 14847 20504 15001 20.596 19834 3554 14700 20620 18456 13322 9836 16039 17260 17261 13000 16428 14764 15306 8354 I 189 115 152 187 159 120 66 ( 149 U80 ^187 186 92 156 157 111 66,67 164 187 (-158 ^162 (163 f 158 ) 162 (163 5 181 I 188 161 183 K 156 183 102 163 E 115 180 55 157 158 98 163 63 163 79 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 81 Names. *Rayner, Benjamin S Eayner, Jane *Rayner, Mary A ') Rayner, Sarah J ( Rayner, Margaret E. .. | Rayner, Elizabeth C. .. J "Raynor, William Raynor, William H Raynor, William P., '^ and Henry L. John- > son ) *Rea, Alexander W *Read, David Read, George W ) (5 lots) ) Read, Jehial (5 lots) < *Read, John, Jr., and } Nancy E. Palmer ) Read, Rutus C, and) t William Atkinson.. S *Read, Thomas, and ) Newell McMurray .. ^ *Reading, John T 'Reading, M. Floy, and } tDaniel Banks ) Reamer, William C *Reardon, John Recknagel, Carl L *Rechten, John P *^Redman, William H *Redmond, Margaret, ^ and Anna C. Rotheu- > berg > Redmond, William ) (2 lots) S "'Redpath, John G ''Reed, Abel L tReed, Addiugton > (2K lots) S *Reed, Ann *Reed, George A ^ Reed, George A., Exe- > cutor ) Reed, Margaret Reed, Mary C, and ; William J. Kennard. \ ■*Reed, William *Rees, Elizabeth R No. of Lot. Reeve, Hamilton, and others *Reeve, Mary L Reeve, Stephen N *Reford, Euphemia C, , and others ' *Rehage, Henry *Reich, Augusta *Reich, Jofianna Sect's of Map 13962 20067 16148 189 14177 13005 19348 E, F 17902 10479 18772 14372 15473 16656 19324 13132 18307 15944 20360 20430 20431 12185 16839 14162 14163 17096 16262 16965 12034 17377 17207 891 13102 1908 16682 14710 18612 18457 170 161 47 Names. *Reiche, Henry *Reichert, Catharine *Reid, Alexander M *Reid, James 164 122 70,71 93 113 'Reid, James M ^Reid, John Reid, John H., and '^ Mary K. Bishop > (2 lots) ) Reid, John L t*Reid, Robert *Reid, Thomas tReid, Thomii« M Reid, William J > Reid, A. Bertrand \ Reiffenstein, Georgi- ? anna L 5 tReimer, John ) Reimer, George ) Reimers, Charles, and > George Kappas ^ Reimers, Laura *Reineck, Charles, and ) wife I *Reinecke, Ann Reinecke, John P. (513 ft.) *Reiners, Martin G., and > John Bulhvinkle ^ Reinhardt, Jacob Reisinger . Anton Reither, John G., Sr., ) and wife C Reither, John G.,Jr., ^ and wife ^ Relyea, Peter, and ) Rachel Lyon \ Remington, Charles W., Remington, Rev.Elka- } nah V ^ *Renwick, Charles Renwick, Margaret A. ) (4 lots) 5 fResh, Henry, and G. ? Henry Henges S ^Ressiguie, John S *Retzer, Michael Reuber, Mary E Rev, Alexander, and } William Johnson ) Reynolds, Harriet E *Reynolds, Lewis, and } Phebe J. Krebs S Reynolds, Morris Reynolds, Nanc_y A tli.-yiioMs, Oi-huido J., > and John S. Benson. ) Reynolds, Richard C "Rheinfrank, Adeline II No. of Lot 13792 17503 19660 14214 19659 20727 18026 18027 16659 15859 13661 13116 13108 Sect's of Map 177 F 183 186 172 183 186 183 157 164 164 63 161 172 18879 186 14083 18571 14845 20959 19714 20234 12747 17365 16106 20698 20699 2315 19331 19862 16914 14443 to 14446 12776 19606 19178 20401 20837 18703 2559 12210 19522 10876 8585 20461 159 P 163 156 187 153 ]3 H 167 ; 93 '105 H 156 167 157 158 13 D 183 L 189 P 83 75 153 ^23 ?24 104 L 82 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. "Rheude, Andreas Rhind, Alexander *Rhines, Ellen ) Shines, Isaac O ^ "Rhodes, Charles .... Rhodes, Jane *Rhodes, William P., Sr. "^Riblet, James M *Riccard, Charles S.,M.D *Rice, Albert A *Riee, Ann, and others.. *Rice, Bernard Rice, George S., (567 ft.) *Riee, Henry, and Jas. ) Jones \ *Rice, Lizzie A *Rice, Luther J., and ) others \ *Rice, Lydietta U Rice, Rebecca, and Seth } S. Barnes ) *Rice, Thomas *Rice, Thomas D., Es- } tate of I *Rice, Thomas W *Rice, William *Rich, Charles H., and > wife ^ *Rich, Eliza, and others. Rich, James *Rich, Martha *Rich, Mary, and ) tAlexa Gaw \ Richards, Augustus C-. S (4 lots) i Richards, Daniel, and } tHenry Bradley ^ *Richaras, John P "Richards, Moses H., ) and John Watson .-■ ) 'Richards, Thomas W... "Richards, William H... 'Richardson, Albert G.. Richardson, Arthur W... Ri.-liardsdii, Edward T ^ Riclianlsoii, Joseph W. ) Richardson, Elizabeth O. Richardson, Henry A... Richardson, Henry A... Richardson, Samuel 'Richardson, William H. *Ricliey, Henry A t'Richmond, Jane 'Richroatb, Frederick... 'Richter, Gustavus, and ? Adolplius Lahmever. \ t'Ricliter, Morris A".,M.D 12602 20197 19981 15203 10525 20300 7949 13820 13305 12299 15189 16517 19120 19507 19482 18924 16210 13271 13088 17073 13146 21021 19717 18880 15783 5192 13893 to 13896 7301 17808 16246 18046 18138 j 14498, 20348, 14743| 18806 15755 16211 I 14979; 19408' 18258 16435 20095 15568 17514 123 Names. *Richters, Charles F Rickard, Alexander Rickert, Margaret Ridabock, William, S.,) and Catharine L. > Schmelzel...(13^1ot)) Ridabock, William S "Riddle, Henry, and ) Jane Morrison ) "Riddle, James t*Riddle, William "Riddock, Elspeth Ridgway, Joseph } (2 lots) S Ridgway, Joseph S- -- ) Ridgway, James ! Ridgway, Franklin, . . - ( (2 lots) j Ridley, Edward Ridner, Anne A *Riechers, Hermann *Rieeks, Charles W 'Riegers, Johanna "^Riel, Frederick "Riemann, Henry *Riemenschneider,Jno. G. *Ries, Heinrich "Rigby, Elkanah D *Riha, Rosina *Riker, Abraham Riker, Abraham P., and ) others; J "Riker, Anna E "Riker, Charles B Riley, Edward T "Riley, Susan Rilliet, Julius "Ringe, Hermann *Ringel, Frederick "Ringeling, Henrietta. .. *Ringwood, Ann W., } and James C. Demilt \ Ripley, Joseph / (2 lots) S "Risbey, Henry M. L., ^ and William'W.Cook ^ "Risley, James S Ritch,John W *Ritchey, John Ritchie, David tRitchie, Edward C "Ritchie, Peter C "Ritchie, Robert "Ritter, John Ritter, Susan ? (2 lots) S "Rizzi, Carlo 19375 20317 13622 4424 14190 17940 18740 15006 6713 Sect's of Map 11 158 16472 164 16833 13795 18460, 21010, 15704 16221; 18828 20627 15829 17978 17979 19061 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. 83 Names. ''Roach, Alfred H. Roach, John (4 lots) *Robb, Peter, ami John Daniel Robb, Thomas B. (l^lot) Robbhis, Aaron S ) (4 lots) i Robbins, Amos '■:} *Robbins, Matthew P.. *Robbhis, Marvin R ''Robbing, Thomas H., and John A. Betts M. D. Robe, Henry C., andwife RoberBon, Sylvester *Robert, Adelaide Robert, Christopher R. ) {i)i\ot)\ t*Roberts, David ^Roberts, David E Roberts, Elizabeth B *Roberts, Ellen *Roberts, James Roberts, John S Roberts, Jonathan W... *Roberts, Lester A ■^Roberts, Mary tRoberts, Morris H tRoberts, Robert, and ) Rev. Robert S.Maclay ) "Roberts, Robert "Roberts, Samuel A., ) and Anna McClean.. \ ^Roberts, William ; tRoberts, Thomas \ "Roberts, William Robertson, Andre vf... ) Robertson, Robert ^ Robertson, Andrew J... Robertson, Rev. David F. "Robertson, Elizabeth... "Robertson, JerushaE.. "Robertson, John "Robertson, Ijawrence D Robins, Amelia "i Robins, Sarah A I Robins, Francis F f ax lot) J Robnis, Margaret J Robins, Nathan No. of Lot. Robins, William "Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Benjamin W. ? and Anna Morrison. I Robinson, Elizabeth J... 19725 14198 to 14201 20638 16223 18713 to 18716 16718 J 7546 17052 5153 19140 17887 18820 14277 15688 12261 15486 19381 12649 19152 12240 15490 20531 14614 2714 6964 14550 17391 19033 18780 11257 17374 19231 18431 20740 12142 19924 18257 14787 14100 16646 15656 20380 Sect's of Map 1C2 103 183 112 K < 120 ^37 K 91 68 103 157 187 111 173 43 158 187 180 183 36 12 183 163 76 76 169 190 184 152 94 F 184 175 182 2 176 176 157 164 180 167 K 148 Names. "Robinson, Eveline Robinson, George C Robinson, Hannah, and y Nelson L.Thompson. > (li^lot)) Robinson, James, Es- S tate of (4 lots) 1 Robinson, Jane.. (13^ lot) "Robinson, Letitia "Robinson, Maria "Robinson, Mary R "Robinson, Robert H., ) and Sarah S. LaForge \ "Robinson, Seth B tRobinson, Therese,and ) Helen E. Tracy }■ {4 lots) ) Robinson, William "Robinson, William Gr... tRobison, Sarah Rockwood, John S., & i Warren G. Brown. > (IX lot) ) "Rodamer, Hiram "Roddy, Constance. . "Rodeieldt, John Fred- '^ erick, and Albert > Buschmann ) Roden, Manns, and ) Sarah Smith \ "Rodgers, James H "Rodgers, Martha C "Rodgers, Samnel "Rodgers, Samuel W., ) and Robert P. Travis \ Rodriguez, Mateo C "Roeber, John, and wife. tRoehner, John, and ) Harman Huttemeir.. \ t"Rogers, Andrew Rogers, Charles F ^■"Rogers, Charles M "Rogers, Charles P "Rogers, Ellen Rogers, Edmund F ) (11^ lot) \ Rogers, James > (2 lots) ] Rogers, John No. of Lot. Sect's of Map Rogers, Joseph J., and others (Ij^lot) Rogers, Uriah P., and , Sarah Dimes Rogers, William H.,and , Joseph A. Velsor... "Rogge, Anna , Rogge, Sarah ' "Rohling, Caroline "Rohling, Christian 17847 4452 8386 17486 to 17489 17204 15775 12156 13905 19941 13404 4020 to 4023 16433 12350 5268 6967 17382 19814 16297 13414 174 44 27 163 149 168 180 180 4 61 70 189 181 27 162 169 167 187 67 36 20381 L 171J4 F 13417 177 17948 12345 19553 4129 19499 14869 12497 12168 12855 14894 16058 16059 16234 15216 15706 15360 19251 19358 20537 190 161 165 105 D 163 161 180 121 169 119 151 159 178 179 164 165 189 187 84 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. Names. "Rohrback, Philip *Rolfe, Georg-e B "Roller, Catliarine Rollhaus, Philip Rollhaiie, Philip Jr t^Rollins, Richard *Rome, George. *Rome, John tRouime, John M., and \ Edward P. Whaites. \ *Ronald8on, James, Es- \ tate of S *Roney, Edy W., and > Charles Westgate... \ *Rouk, Jeremiah, and } George H. Whiten.. \ *Roome, Henry R "Roome, William J... > Roome, Mary Ann \ "Roorbaeh, Orville A *Roos, Valentine Roosevelt, James '> Roosevelt, John A > (4 lots}.) "Rosbotham, Hannah *Ro8e, Jane A. *Robeland, Henry "Rosemarin, John F Rosenmiller, Lewis A... *Ro8s, Alexander *Ro8S, Alexander and ) Francis Karst \ Ross, Andrew *Ro88, Charles "Ross, John ^ Ross, Thomas, and ">■ Neil Armour ) *RosS: John T *Ro88, Josephine *Ko8S, Margaretta *Roseire, Emily J. S "Roth, George *Roth, Johannes Roth, John "Roth, William "Rothenberg, Ann C, } &Margaret Redmond ) Rothweiler. Charles Rounds, O. Jerome "Rouillion, Octave *Roulet, Francena "Rourke, Bernard *Rou8kolb, Sarah "Rowan, George R "Rowan, John R 'Rowe, Aretas Rowe, Edward, and Samuel U. ' ward, and ) I. F. Odell. > (Hots)) 13611 18146 18206 927 16473 20657 20360 18721 17465 15072 14150 20694 16084 18567 19549 17655 16652 to 16655 No. of I Sect's Lot. of Map Rowe, Hannah E tRowe, James. --(i}4 lot) ^Rotve, Jane. Rowe, John W. 9322 3 12629 2 13051 o 14243 172 19064 F 14777 ) to > 137 ]478() S 12340 41 12028 90 14504 170 19153 184 19183 186 186 189- 7S! 164 18014 175 20262 183 17211 167 17882 151 12425 125 9180 182 14856 124 16188 167 "Rowe, Louisa M tRowe, Matthew, and ) Joslina S. Cooley ) Rowe, Thomas "Rowell, Morse "Rowley, Reuben t"Roy , Frances "Roy, Peter. Roys, Huldah, G Royston, Mary A ) (2 lots) 5 'Ruck, John "Ruck, Peter C "Ruckgaber, Max "Ruckser, (3tto, and ) t Albert Ivarel 5 Rudd, Catherine Riiddick, Robert "Rudolph, Anne "Rue, Amanda "Rufer, Charles A "Rufer, Charles J Rufers, John, and wife.. "Ruhe, Francis H "Rullman, Emil RuUman, Frederick Rusher, Maria C. (1}4 lot) "Rusher, Mary E "Rushmore, Charles Rushmore, William C t*Rushton, Joseph, and > tWilliam Stonebridge ^ |*Rusk, Thomas Russ, Alan B !t*RuB8, George {*Ru8s, John D itRuss, Louisa 183 165 156 159 ; 170 '172 182 164 189 149| 190 55 70 jtRussel, Abraham T tRussel, Lucy C Ru8.si-ll, Edniinid. (l^lot) K'uf^scll. lle/ekiah ''RuisHell, James H "Russell, John J Russell, Robert W ) (476 feet) ^ "Russell, Sarah A "Russell, Thomae "Russland, William B... "Russo, John "Rust, Andrew "Rust, Franz t*Ru8t, Martin (Xlot) "Rust, William H 16854 12179 15091 17636 19708 10833 16615 12480 20630 12784 17139 14595 13447 13448 17124 16274 14042 12634 18540 13760 18248 183 J 4 20830 20831 20363 12624 13395 15906 20993 17268 13201 943 12293 1762 16870 16313 12839 17187 13882 14358 15058 20391 20336 20443 13691 15338 138S1 19008 18012 16037 17995 13092 13093 18243 167 150 120 ( 148 ?149 ( 95 ^103 50 120 180 L 2 167 123 I 111 124 164 60,61 181 H 159 175 H L L E 2 36 157 173 105 161 72 (179 > 182 190 149 189 13 (113 ^114 172 172 181 153 L 187 99 55 180 184 175 67 D, F ! 182 185 LOTS SOLI) TO MAY 12, 1ST3. 85 Names. Rnston, John ? RiiKton, Charles \ "Rnthardt, Pauline t*Rutherford, David, f Estate of S ''Rutherford, James "Rutherford, Peter "Rutherford, Richard D. "Rutherford, William . . . Ruthven, George R., of ? Havana, Cuba ) Ruth ven, Jane Rutter, Robert, and > Charles Brown \ "Ruttmann, Ferdinand .- t*Ryckman, Ann E "Ryckman, Samuel ) Ryckman, Elizabeth.. ) Ryder, Calvin Ryder, Clarkson W > (IX lot) \ Ryder, John L. , and wife "Ryder, Stephen tRyer, Henry Ryer, Henry L "iiyer, Matilda tRyer, Randolph "RyerB, Hiram M 8. Sabbaton, Joseph A., ? Estate of ) Sackett, Eliza J "Sackett, James H tSaft'en, John H "Satford, Daniel B t^Satford, Eben W "S-age, Alfred R "Sager, Ricliard "Sahs, Anne Sainz, Miguel Salisbury, Frederick S ) (2 lots) S Salter, Abraham, and ) William Fitch S Salter, John W., and^ wife ( Salter, Cornelius W., f and wife j Saltus, Nicholas ) (2 lots) S "Samler, Jane "Samler, Mary, and | Cecilia King j "Sammis, Charlotte L... Sammis, Ezra R ' Sample, Erastus B "Sampson, Harriet 19643 10079 20390 14962 16838 14751 18691 10831 16078 15120 17012 17013 3515 20156 16035 16036 15972 15351 12691 20523 14078 20615 No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 15125 158 19554 149 11392 33 19988 L, 124 10570 23 20228 5148 ^52 13460 180 203 111 2170 12,13 10587 179 19846 C, D 16928 L 3896 (57 ?68 15150 181 694 19919 I 100 19674 176 18618 186 12897 78 13785 177 17039 189 18931 65 123 Names. tSampson, Joseph ? (2 lots) S Sanborn, George H "Sanchez, Jose F Sand, Jacob "Sanderson, Charles Sanderson, Elizabeth "Sanderson , George Sanderson, Sophronia P.. "Sandford, Clarence H.- "Sandford, Harrie E "Sandh am, Sarah A "Sandhusen, Lueder Sandmann, Frederick, ) and tPeter Gruber.. ^ Sands Ann A "Sands, Elizabeth "Sands, Harriet "Sands, John "Sanford, Cornelius Sanford, Harriet f (6 lots) I Sanger, Abraham, Jr., ) and others ^ "Sanger, Lucy M Sainieman Diedrich "Santos, Caroline de "Sargent, William H Sarjeant, Robert "Sarony, Napoleon "Sartor, Eliza D t*Sarvis, Eliza "Sattler, August "Saner, Louis Saunders, David > Saunders, James ) "Saunders, Fi-ederick, ; Jr., and wife ^ Saunders, Job "Sauter, Julianna "Sauveuer, Charles F. L. Sauzade, Robert S., Es- ) tate of (IK lot) \ t*Savage, Andrew D Savage, Edward, and ) wife ) "Savage, Hugh "Savage, John "Savage, William "Savery, John S "Sa ville, James Savin, Augustus F "Sawyer, Kliza A Sawyer, John Sawyer, John Sawyei', Nathaniel, and ) Elizabeth Strong \ No. of Lot. Sect's of Map 277 280 2959 14842 18861 19077 17149 13161 1852 L 18149 13685 19387 12286 7393 14367 17 14646 18824 17790 19835 to 19840 17829 20.570 16505 17781 12636 18312 18592 20220 14056 14430 20936 12973 19996 20075 16819 19164 12572 2708 19465 5, 109 21 5 187 ^88 184 187 179 152 5 189 ^190 177 23 51 103 158 152 170 184 175 \l 152 F 164 175 180 190 190 183 181 172 115 172 187 186 36 D 178 36,43 153 14557 162 13906 170 18356 189 19686 186 11724 178 12078 99 16407 189 12292 42.60 15098 150 12313 ^ 51 ? 170 86 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. Saxton, Edwin and wife *Sayre, Andrew J "Sayre, Elizabeth "Sayre, Gabriel H Sayre, Jane A., and others Sayre, John N ) (426 feet) $ "Scales, George Sohaaf , Edward *Schaap, Richard, and ^ Henry Kruminel > (2 07 feet)) *Sch!icht, John H *Schacl daB \ 'Sehermerhorn Margaret tSehersten, Peter *Schieren, Charles A t*Sehieren, Wilhelmina. *Schierloh, Hermaun, ) and wife ) t*Schiller, Wilhelmine... tSchilling, Ernst, M. D ^ and Henry W. Stein- > liaeuser ) "Scliiiii])f, Henry ) Schinipf, Phillippena.. ) "Schinnayd, John Schlegel, George Schlegel, Henry *Schlicher, John } Schlicher, Jacob ) *Schlotterer, Sophia *Schlueter, Gustavus Schmalholz, Theodore. .. Schmelz, Catharine Schmelzel,CatharineL., ^ and Wm. S. Ridabock > (l^lot)) *Scbmid, Conrad Schmidlin, William G... 'Schmidt, Adam "Schmidt, Adolph Schmidt, August Schmidt, Charles Schmidt, Edward Schmidt, Herman }■ Schmidt, Ludwig | Schmidt, Gustav | (lilot)J "Schmidt, Dorothea "Schmidt, Henry "Schmidt, John, and wife "Schmidt, John "Schmidt, Joseph "Schmidt, Louis 'Schmidt, Louis W "Schmidt, Theodore. . . "Schmitt, Jacob t"Schmitt, John Schmitt, Margaret "Schmultz, John "Schnanfcr, Charles C. and others t*Schneider, Henry "Schneider, John... No. of I Sect's Lot. I of Map 18641 to 18643 13303 17624 16710 17482 14319 20060 19020 15737 15734 203721 20738 15118 19849 17766 4424 14995 20665 20704 14908 14023 19335 16267 19768 20318 15386 16726 13886 15369 16071 16827 13265 14949 152 41 174 175 159 175 172 67 176 158 20643 183 121 188 14182 \\ll 15825! 164 182 170 D, F 151 HI 164 E 186 162 177 1&8 189 187 D 79 188 164 180 188 K 164 159 157 18168: 109 14682 18308 163 168 D LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 87 ^Schneider, Ludwig *Sclmeider, William . . . "Schneider, William F. . Schoals, Francis P (•2 lots) *Schoen, John *Schoeuemann, August.. ^Scholes, Eliza ? Scholes, Irvine ) *Schooley, John C Schoonmaker, James V. > (2 lots) S Schoonmaker, Richard L. tSchoonmaker, Samuel. . *Schortemier, Louis *Schorteniier, Rudolph.. *Schrannn, Ida J. H *Schreiber, Adam, and > Christian Wieseman. \ *Schreiber, John ''Schreiber, John W *Schriefer, Henry *Schrie ver, Carsten H . . . Schroeder, Arthur '^ Schroeder, Lena > (IK lot)) fSchroeder, August Schroeder, Frederick Schroeder, Frederick A. *Schroeder, Johann C. ? H., and others ) Schroeder, Matthias H. ) Schroeder, William H. ) Schroder, John. (432ft.) *Schuetz, Iijuaz C *Schulte, William Schultz, Ann E., and } t Andrew Cropsey... ^ ''Schultz, Anton Schultz, Jackson S. ... ) (IK lot) ^ *Schultz, John C *Schultz, John D., Jr., } and wife ^ "Schultz, Siedonie *Schult7.e, Erail *Schultze, Sophia Schulz, Charles *Schulze, Edward "Schumacher, John D . Schumacher, Wm. (IKlot) Schumacker, Charles A.. 'Schumann, Francis *Schupp, Magdalena "Schuster, Charles A Schuyler, Garret L No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 18034 20818 20263 20842 20280 20281 13618 3372 19010 19009 17784 14801 11883 20264 7225 14773 17500 13832 14929 19683 13401 14192 19850 18190 16584 1.5180 19811 18747 16571 19332 16532 14366 36 186 103 182 20350 188 16018 159 18151 17471 12626 3242 102 167 168 K 162 "Schwarherg, Henry "Schwarz, Christian "Schwarzwaelder, Wm.. Schwedler, Fredei'ick.. Suhwcdlcr.CharK-s Schwedler, Edward F. (2 lots) Schweitzer, Jacob . . . "Schwerer, Justin Schwerg, Frederick h'. and Philip F. Krau shaar Schwind, William S.. Schwindt, Charles O. .. Scoble, Caroline, (IJ lot) Scofield, Rev. Michael, and Archibald Young (4 lots) Scotield, Samuel L Scott, Alexander, Jr., and Charles Heard.. "Scott, Ann, and Sarah J. Harrison "Scott, Archibald "Scott, Atchisson "Scott, Caroline A Scott, James I Scott, Edward W \ "Scott, James Scott, James 'i Scott, Julia E., Estates > of ) Scott, John "Scott, John "Scott, Margaret "Scott, Martlia "Scott, Mary A Scott, Olivia G Scott, Walter Scott, William Scott, William } (2 lots) "Scott,Rev.William A D.D., and William P Campbell "Scott, William H., Jr *Scott, William P and tJames Treanor M.D tScovell, Henry A *Scrimgeour, Archibald. . "Scudder, Samuel V "Seabert, Rose, and ) Charles Witman . . .. \ Seabury, Benjamin H Stiibiuy, Charles B.. .. '^ Seabury, Benjamin H., > and FrederickClowes) t*Sealy , Richard nor, > 13510 18980 12849 15598 15599 1.5966 19869 6102 19460 19036 17050 12036 to 12039 J loiool 13405 16436 14283 18548 15989 15846 15337 19744 7870 18957 13527 20012 14675 18568 14469 12119 15104 15105 17796 15768 5069 180 184 122 I 121 (177 ^180 D 27 187 152 167 ) 29 ( 178 2« 159 168 172 186 U50 ^151 162 162 74 100 189 180 187 52 186 163 46 i lti9 175 158 40,41 12311 16353 18275 51 189 188 16881 189 9107 22 5287 9 12585 180 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. *Seanian, Abby J Seaman, Adeline G S (4 lots) 1 *Seaman, John F Seaman, MadaleneW.. ■) Seaman, Caroline | Seaman, Ann E } Seaman, Elenora | (IK lot) J Seaman, William C Searing, Jobn A., and ) otbers \ *Seai'8, Edward I., and ; wife 5 Sears, Henry B tSeaton, Kobert, and ) Edwin Butler \ *Sebald, Frederick, and } wife ) *Sebert, William F tSebring, Jacob L *Secor, Sarab J., and } otbers \ See, Abrabam S *Seebacb, Henrietta 31.. *Seeba8s, Otscar *Seedortt, Lena *Seekamp, Bertha Seeley, Eliza Finley... \ (4 lots) 1 ■*Seeley, Jobn P Seelye, Isaac H., in trust *Seely, Leonard L *Segelken, Jobn, and } wife ) *Sebnert, William "Seidel, Cbarles *Seidel, Isabella *Seipel , Philipp Seiter, Herman J., and ) • Herman F. Bauer... ) ''Seiter, Pbilip J Selcbow, Punjab G *Selding, Edward F. de.. *Self, George *Selle, Lewis *Selleck, Marv *Selleck, William, Es- ) tate of ) fSellew, Orrin, and > EstesH. Smitb 5 Selmes, Keeves E., ) Secretary (2 lots) \ Selpbo, William Selt7,er,Jolin B., and wife *Senecal, Harriet * Serrano, Juan E Sect's of Map 20408 14745 to 14748 13547 12183 172 20787 18353 12682 20153 16396 17699 18728 20890 19024 13426 17957 15577 16480 161 14099 12999 19325 Names. 98 180 *Serre, Tberesa *Sewall, Henry F ) Sewall, Jobn G ) *Seward, Daniel W *Seward, James Sewell, Lemuel W., ? and Jobn Harold \ Seymour, Abbie G ) (i3€lot)^ Seymour, Charles T., ) and wife. ) Seymour, Henry "^Seymour, Herbert "^Scliaddle, Cornelius *Shaefer, Lydia, and > tCatbarine De Long. ) *Sbaffer, Adam ? Shaffer, Louis \ Shafter, Edward M *Sbafter, George H Shaffer, Jacob Sband, George Sband, Margaret A Sband, Thomas Shandley, Edward(553ft) *Shandley, Michael J Shank, Sarah Shanks, Mary tShaniion, Horatio N '*Sliannon, James *Sbannon, James T 'Shannon, Joseph T ^Shannon, Robert "Shannon, Samuel *Sbannon, Thomas *Shannon, Thomas W. ) (»Xlot)( *Sbapter, Eleanor, and ) Mary Pride ) *Sbare, George Sharkey, James ■.(l}i lot) *Sharon, John O Sharot, Henry D Sharp, Benjamin. Sharp, Jacob A..{13^1ot) t*Sharp, James M ■Sharp, William Shar]), Wm., Jr. .(426 ft.) *Shattuck, William B... ''Sbattuck, Warren F Shaw, James E *Sbaw, John 1) *Shaw, Leander B Shaw, Mark t*Shaw, Marv J *Shaw, Patrick B *Shaw, William P Shay, Jefferson B "Shea, Mary A., and Alexander Fields, No. of Lot. "\ 12315 13080 15272 16.500 15753 15508 20460 14910 20093 17306 16745 12127 11613 169931 16992 15181 19682 13377 1 19471 19273 15838 13415 14990 19196 12284 17872 16311 19197 19198 20450 16516 Sect's of Map 161 180 K 167 55 113 164 187 189 , 164 1 165 180 69 167 167 164 85 58 79 69 164 180 170 F 171 187 189 F F 153 189 18135 175 13546 90 14684 163 14001 181 13337 36 12213 22,35 14012 121 15330 188 18318 174 14497 179 13625 5 161 I 162 16616 149 19719 183 12982 97,98 19S9S 186 15916 164 13307 121 14C)05 111 16772 29 14539 162 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 89 Names. *Sbeals, John Shearman, Thomas G., ? and wife S "Shears, George tSliehlen, Henry, and'i Mary J. Dunlop > (4 lots) ) *Sheldon, Arnol M *Sheldon, Harvey t*Sheldon, Preston ) Sheldon, Benjamin A.. ^ Sheldon, Sarah R., and } Eliza B. Garrett.... S Sheldon, William C... ) (2 lots) S 'Shellard, Harriet A Shelton, William H. . . . ? (IK lot) \ Shepard, Alexander W.. Shepard, Alexander W. ) and wife ) Shepard, Frederick M. .. *Shepard, Hannah Shepard, John E Shepard, Thomas M. .. ? (IX lot) \ Shepard, William A., ) Estate of ) *Shephard, James Shepuerd, George Shepherd, Samuel C *Shepherd, Sarah D *Sheridan, Rev. John... *Sherlock, Phebe H., ? and others \ *Sherman, Catherine Sherman, Edwin Sherman, Epaphras J.,'^ and Jane S. Hankin- > son ) Sherman, Isaac. - (IJ^ lot) Sherman, Josephine L... *Shern;an, William J ... "Sherman, William W., ) and wife ) Sherwood, Anne P *Sherwood, Catharine C. "Sherwood, Mary A *Shevill, Benjamin *Shevill, Thomas 'Shields, Fi-ancis 'Shields, George ? Shields, Thomas ^ 'Shiffer, Elizabeth H.. .. 'Shipley, Jacob & Co. .. Shipman, Asa L Shipman,. Caleb H ? (2 lots) S Shipman, William M 'Shires, Emanuel B No. of Lot 9818 11545 14509 10021 to 10024 17212 12844 13133 19179 8850 8851 14703 13708 7769 20503 20237 15805 12645 12180 20238 16730 19289 17961 12808 20977 19982 14350 20876 9571 13495 17764 18009 19268 14953 18882 16131 12377 12376 12857 14931 15495 17975 13459 14427 14428 12485 20939 Names. 70,71 153 172 i 179 188 44 36 5169 ^173 I - 62 61 70 E L 164 5 171 1172 150 64 186 120 55 176 D 172 185 77 150 H 121 157 114 164 177 177 171 164 162 F 170 125 178i 182! *Shire8, George W. 'Shirlaw, James, and l James Wright \ 'Shirley, William P. .. > Shirley, Henry \ tShort, John, "and Wil- > liam Eagle \ Shortland, Mary A Shotwell, Theodore ) (l|lot)5 'Shotwell, William B... 'Showler, John W 'Showier, Thomas S 'Showier, John W > Showier, Thomas S - .. ^ Shriver, Walter 'Shumway, Jane E 'Shui-lock,Mary J., and \ James Berry ' 'Shuster, J ohn 'Shuster, John 'Shuttleworth, William ; L., Estate of 'Sickels , James Sickles, George G Siebert Charles and wife, 'Sieger, Toni Sierck, Carsten. .. (1^ lot) 'Sievers, John A 'Sigler, George W. and ) t James Irvs'in ) 'Sill, Caroline M Silliman, Benjamin D. ) {2i lots) I 'Silliman, Chauncey M.. Silliman, James R . . . . ^ . . Silver, Abraham P 'Silver, Joseph t'Sim, Daniel 'Simmons, Jane .' . . Simmons, Zachariah E .. t'Simon, Ernst Simon, John R Simon, Maria Simonet, Louis Simons, Augustus H . . . . 'Simons, Judith M Simons, Malcom ? (1 lot) \ 'Simons, William W Simpson, Alexander and S wife (4 lots) 1 'Simpson, Catharine Simpson, Charles C Simpson, Edward No. of! Sect's Lot. of Map 17450 12254 16019 2466 4629 18087 17328 12683 12224 12225 17198 15111 17163 15539 16173 20157 19347 18923 20485 13567 17281 16661 1454] 11991 13888 13889 16796 16897 14553 16471 13809 18364 16315 19492 23282 12995 12956 7750 18309 8892 8893 12607 20305 to 20308 19352 17276 13650 189 190 91 151 43 33 114 151 179 179 179 151 152 62 167 172 172 P 186 187 K 148 177 113 H 32 46 109 167 29 169 164 159 66 123 186 188 121 181 15 P 121 66 3 4 184 76 ;i6i • 162 12 90 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3, Names. No. of Lot. t*Sinipsoii, Edward F., ; and Eliza Thompson < "Simpson, Ellen, and ) tJane Cowan $ *Simps<)n, George, and ) Mina McDonald ) Simpson, George E *Simpson, George W Simpson, George W... } (2 lots) S Simpson, James E Simpson, John Simpson, John B ) (\}4 lot) \ tSimpson, William, and ) tCatbarineBlanchard 3 Simson, Frank W ^Sinclair, Arthnr ■^Sinclair, Napoleon B Sinclair, William Sinclaire, Leah G 16184 13657 16363 12423 *Singleton, Henry • *Singleton, William A... *Sinn, Edward T 18998 8051 18993 20736 15696 16739 16740 16574 12233 1880 2913 18975 13943 13399 17020 Sip, Sarah E Sistermans, John H.C., and tHenry H. Irvine "Skellen, George W. .. tSkidmore, Burtis (2 lots) *Skillman, Jacob C *Slcinner, Christina (K lot) Skinner, Peter *Skorke, Lewis, Estate of *Slack, John *81ade, Charlotte L "Slater, David *Slater, Dewitt C Slater, E. Diipny, and ) William Austin ) Slater, Richard J 'Slater, Sidney P ... *Slavback, John D *Sleigh, James B *Sleight, James H Slimmon, Robert, Es- ) tate of ) Sloan, Augustus K "Sloan, Kiizabeth "Sloan, Moses "Sloan, Samuel *Sloane, Thomas D *Sloat, Anna E tSloat, John D.,U. S N. Sloc\im, George E *Slocum , Isaac S 16200 2601 16190 12158 12159 12201 15212 15213 17385 12469 16898 14983 20083 17495 15064 15776 14834 17532 20629 18427 19673 18597 20113 20614 188 Names. No. of Lot. Sect's of Map Slote, Ann Slover, Abraham A., ) and tNoah Gilmore.. ) 'Small, James, and wife. *Small, John H "Smalley, Elizabeth P... *Smart,William, F. and ? James Hamel.. ,., .. ) *Smieton, James "Smith, Abram G Smith, Alathea , Smith, Alexander, M. C- Smith, Andrew F....( (4 lots) ) *Smith, Ann, and others. "Smith, Anna A "Smith, Annie Smith, Arthur M., and > William L. Sweet... \ "Smith, Augusta D Smith, Augustus (4 *Smith, Avery. . (164 feet) ^ "Smith, Benjamin M "Smith, Betsey C 'Smith, Caroline A. and ) Josephine B. Handler \ "Smith, Charles, and ) Edward Fall S tSniith, Charles Smith, Charles Smith , Charles E "Smith, Charles J., and > Willie Callingham.. . ) "Smith, Charlotte M Smith, Cyrus P ^ (1040 ft.) 1 t"Smith, Ebenezer Smith, Edwin P. (426 ft.) Smith, Eleanor V. D "Smith, Eliza, and John ) J. Voorhis ) "Smith, Elizabeth J "Smith, Elizabeth "Smith, Emma J "Smith, Estes H., and ) tOrrin Sellew ) Smith, Ezra, Estate of... "Smith , Francis E "Smith, Francis M "Sniitli, Frai\k, and wife. ''Sill it h, Franklin "Smith, Geo., Estate of.. "Siiiitli, (ieorge H "Smith, George W "Smith, George W 14476 12605 20253 17749 14873 16502 19215 18863 20458 7528 16198 199.50 19334 18036 15793 17406 10622 to 10625 7631 18744 17535 18380 172 29 183 151 163 164 164 G 187 N 2 151 ' 159 ■ 187 1.53 79 177 L 171 D, F H 179541 174 9281 14123 18405 15354 18624 13674 400 401 19934 16465 15047 12098 18368 20856 16132 16056 12999 13179 17046 16300 20052 13090 16733i 15 118 174 169 189 68 164 163 46 115 164 168 180 Ull ^112 114 167 187 28, 29 164 16.579 113 180S5 190 198761 175 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 91 Names. "it')) Smith , Hannah ,and others *Sniith, Henry D Smith, Horatio S. Smith, Susan D. . (1 lot, and 37 Smith, Isaac E *Smilh, Isaac T } (II lot) \ ■*Smith, Jacob *Smith , Jacob L t*Smitl], James, and } Martha A. Gardiner. ) *Smith, James *Smith, James E Smith, James Rufus..^ Smith, James, Estate of > (11 lot)) Smith, James T ) Smith, James E ) Smith, Jane {1}^ lot) *Smith, Jane, and Jane / Demarest ) Smith, Jeremiah T *Smith, Job L., M. D.... *Smith, John, and Rev. ) Gaun Campbell ) *Smitb, John A *Smith , John H t*Smith, John L Smith, John M,, Estate ^ of (Uot8)1 *Smith, John X., Jr *Smith, John P 'Smith, John P *Sraith, John T tSmith, Julia. ...(11^ lot) *Sniith, J. Harry *Smith, Levi, and Wil- ) liam Crowley ^ Smith, Marcelfa , *Sniith, Margaret *Smith, 3Iargaret I , "Smith, Mary Smith, Mary A. (432 ft.) ^Smith, Mary A *Smith, Mary A "Smith, Mary J Smith, Michael C., and ) wife ^ Smith, Nathan W., and } Daniel W. Meeker.. I *Smith, Nellie A *Smith, Oscar G., M. D.. Smith, Phebe ^ Smith, Ann D., and > Oliver D. Burtis ) *Smith, Philomena M.. .. Smith, Romevn No. of Lot 15889 14262 5693 19657 1206?* 12069 14821 13600 12221 16002 18040 13627 12560 1923 17021 17022 16271 8995 12066 19642 13875 13588 to 13591 14763 14347 20988 12677 13592 19167 12476 15791 14947 20573 20088 14170 15081 19115 20286 19594 18272 19915 18654 926 20862 18786 111 Names. 183, 1741 I87' 186: 78j 182l 151 *Smith, Samuel t*Smith, Samuel A Smith, Samuel H *Smith, Sanniel J *Smith, Sarah, and ) Mann Roden ) *Smith, Sarah N *Smith, Sterling tSmith, Thomas \ (4 lots) j Smith, Thomas L., M.D. Smith, Thomas W., and ) Edward J. Powers.. ^ t*Smith, Walter J., and ? Jesse Conklin ) *Smith, Walter M Smith, William, and ) Thomas V. Gendar.. ) *Smith, William Smith, William "1 Smith, Wesley ( Smith, James" W j Smith, Wilbur, (984 ft.) J *Smith, William B Smith, William B., and P Rennselaer Furman. ( "Smith, William H Smith, William H *Smith, William H "Smith, William P f*Smithson, Edward "Smithson, Robert Smitten, Thomas W. F. . . Smyley, Catharine R Smyth, Bernard L., and ) Mary L. Gardner ... I *Smy th , Charles "Smyth, Frederick Sneckner, William "Snedecor, John "Snedeker, David "Snedeker, John F Snedeker, Valentine, } and others J "Snell, Thomas "Snitten, George F t*Sniffen, Sanmel L "Snow, Charles L t*Snow, Eli "Snow, Isaac F., Jr Snow^, Michael > (2 lots) I Snyder, George No. of Lot. 14151 13497 18002 16581 13414 14762 12837 16424 to 16427 17912 1404 15745 13858 5431 12997 14744 17379 12216 12200 168.53 18367 20141 15821 12938 17899 18335 18419 13424 13357 15228 12309 20478 15468 20359 18174 20646 16995 16996 15710 13391 15711 15975 15976 14101 Sect's of Map ( 170 ^72 78 5 113 36 177 70 i 171 151 78 188 172 ^22 ^35 22,35 I 32 5 179 ^180 70 167 152 187 177 90 185 186 153 9 { K 7 108 164 ( 172 ^177 183 162 183 H 182 165 165 158 179 158 flaO J 151 1 159 [\m 159 92 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. *Snyder, Thomas J tSoar, Charles H., and } Joseph Bates S Societe, Calinaire, Phil- S anthropique of New > York (4 lots)) Soldiers' Plot *Soligny, Jules Solis, Andrew J "Solito, Gaetano Sommers, Frederick t*Son, Anne M *Soper, Isaac B., and wife *Sorg, Catharine *Sormani, Maria *Soule, Elwin, and wife. *Soiile, Mary J *Soulet, Susan, and An- } drew Urmy ) *Soundin,o-, James T "Southard, Abel, and ) others > *Southerland, William . . ^Southwell, Margaret P. Soutliwiok, Henry E *Southwick, Phcebe D. .. *Sowarby, James P *Sowai-b"y, Matilda t*Sowerby, Arthur, and tNorman A. Free man *Spafard, Henry A *S]ialding, Andrew Spangenberg, Leonard. Jr *Spangler, Mary L. and ( Thomas Kelly \ "Sparks, Jane *Sparling, Thomas *Sparreuberger, Char- ^ lotte, and John P. > Mayer ) Spauldinsj, Sarah J > (2 lots) S *Spaunhake, Louis, M.D. tSpear, Charles.. (540 ft.) Spear, George M., Jr ".Speiir, Samuel T *Speai8, Barton W Sp«'iir.s, William S Speir, Francis "Spi'irs, Susan *Sp»llmy«-r, Matthias, } and tWm. Hilhnan.. \ Spelman, Jesse B ■") Spelman, Timothy M.. | Spelman, William C, [■ and others | (2 lots) J 20471 12714 Sect's of Map 189 17728 20099 15332 19448 16013 17443 19830 18523 13912 18602 14796 15191 17638 17815 12576 12222 14318 16508 19337 19975 21019 16259 18013 14518 18496 2211 15873 20150 15700 12617 12618 174 103 164 173 29 Spelman, Roswell S.and } William J. Williams. ^ t*Spencer, Charles C Spencer, Charles D., > and Daniel H. Way. \ Spencer, Fanny D tSpencer, James G Spencer, Jane, and Eliza > Hunter ^ Spencer, Lorillard ) (12 lots) i Spencer, Miranda C Spencer, Sarah A > (2 lots) \ Spencer, William H., ) and wife S Spering, Christianna, } and Alice Burns S Sperveslage, John G. and Hermann Brok Names. No. of Lot. Sect's of Map ■■} Spicer, Charles B., and^ Fi-ederick S. Vander- > pool (13^ lot)) *Spicer, Francis Spiegel, August 'i Spiegel, Gustave, and > others (1^ lot)) Spier, Robert, Jr *S(5ies, George Spies, Mary Spiess, Emma Spiess, Frederick Spinney, Joseph T "Spinning, Edward,and ) wnfe S *Spinola, Francis B., and Hugh Mc Laugh lin, in trust Spoffbrd, Martha T., and John Oakey . . . I-Spoftbrd, Paul... (840ft *Sporleder, Gerhard H., " and Hermann A. Mul ler *Spower8, John J. *Sprague, Pliineas W *Sprague, Sarah E ■^Spring, Aniasa Spring, Marsliall, and ) wife ^ *Springer, Eliza, and ) Jeannette W. Hovey ) Sprout, Eden Squibb, Edward R., M. P D (2 lots) S Squier, Lucien B Scjuire, Charles, Jr Squires, John A U.J 15889 18097 1502 20782 13218 10164 14582 to 14593 9379 15171 15472 19665 19911 2110 16351 13064 18226 18264 12687 14381 17368 20661 13614 18953 13104 18409 14451 20640 14261 12950 20721 14468 19607 16103 12791 17568 17569 164S4 15899 16176 157 175 E 5 11 18 19 7 K 148 152 187 6G 167 159 157 96 172 162 168 E 55 186 105 185 37 172 47 63 163 157 K 51 113 124 123 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 93 Names. Squires, Selah, and ) Thomas C. Grannis. ^ *Staa8, Henry, and } wife S Staats, Elisha M *Staats, Richard H t*.St:icv, Bt'iijamin "Stiirv. Thdi'iias P t^Stadelberyer, Francis.- Stafford, James *Stafford, John Stafford, Mary ) Stafford, Cynthia J ) "Stafford. Nelson "Stagif, Peter, Estate of. tStaniler, Christian •'Stancliffe, Elifetha L.. .. Stanford, William H Stanisics, Theodore Stanly, Marcus C Stanley, Sarah, and ) others {2 lota) ^ *Stauton, Augustus C No. of Lot. Stanton, Philip V. R 'Staples, Isaac R Staples, James M Starin, John H., Jr.. ) a}4 lot) \ Stiirin, AVilliam U > Starin, Julius B ) *Stark, William A. C... *Starke, Adolph *Starke, John G. H *Starr, Elizabeth Starr, George, and wife (4 lots) *Starr, Harriet W Starr, Henry ) (2 lots) S *Starr, J. Leander Starr, Sarah ) (662 ft.) \ Starr, Walter S Starr, William O *Stausburg, Edward A.. *Stead, Ellen, and tEd- ) ward li. Newmaster ^ "Stearns, Joel W Stearns, Thomas G.,and ^ tRichard J. Hutchin- > son ) Stebbins, Charles M- .. ) (11^ lot) I Stebbins, Julia A., and ) children (616 ft.) C 12250 20891 Sect's of Map Names. Sect's of Map Stanton, John, Jr 18406 17291 15273 18434 13490 19812 12779 19015 17420 4009 4010 17911 18870 15100 12894 19195 18596 19096 19412 20283 12174 19798 to 19801 17190 13042 13043 20171 14546 13042 5956 14793 11625 12961 2406 Stebbins, Philander W.. iStebbins, Russell j (23^ lots) i j*Steck, George rSteddiford, Robert J., i j Estate of < *Stedman, Edmund E . . . t -Steed, Joseph Steel, James (1| lot) .Steele, Levi :t*Steele, Thomas ''Steengrafe, Adolph *Steenken, Daniel *Steenken, John G 66 Steers, James R.(3 lots) *Steffan. Eugene . . . *Steffen, William A Steffens, Carsten H. Stege, Frederick H Stegelmann, Mathias, and Emanuel Eber hardt *Stegmann, Henry *Steiger, Leonhard.and George Brukbaur... *Steiger, Simon Steiger, Matthew, and Bernard Braun "Stein, Alexander "Stein, Jacob "Stein, Sophia "Stein, William "Steinberger, Margaret and Fritz Ratzel "Steiner, Conrad Steiner, Simon Steinhaeuser, Henry W. and tErnst Schilling, M. D .1 168 tSteins, Rev. Frederick, ) and Ulric Palmedo.. \ tStehnvay, Henry ~) Stein way, Charles I tSteinway, Henry, Jr. J- Steinway, William | (8 lots) J Stell, John J Stelzner, Louis, and ) John Germany ^ "Stender, Eimert "Steneck, John D Stenger, Nicholaus, and } William Eckert ) Stephens, Mary Stephenson, Edmund.. ) {ly, lot) \ "Stephenson, Harriet L. ) and Anne M. Bucler. \ 19411 15713 14756 15691 14103 19044 17219 18504 20620 18859 12442 15737 12075 15388 to 15395 18837 16677 18116 13543 20309 19473 12712 20574 184 67 162 K 72 D, F 117 186 E 152 2 158 46 46 47 186 186 175 177 180 L 148 177 F 94 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. Stephenson, Thomas fStephenson, William , . *Steplienson,William H Stephenson, Albert L. W , and others ^Sterling, Sherman H., and others tSterritt, Nancy *Sterritt, Ruth *Stetsou, Clement *Stetson, Mary L *Stet8on, Thomas P — Stevens, Anna B Stevens, Barlov\'^ Stevens, De WittC... "Stevens, Geora^e J Stevens, Harold S Stevens, Jessie, and others 'Stevens, Joel O tStevens, John, Sen... Stevens, John, Jr., and John Marshall Stevens, Laura.. (13^ lot) Stevens, Mary A Stevens, Nathaniel F.. > (■2 lots) ] ^Stevens, William E. .. ) Stevens, Thomas H S *Stevenson, Eliza M *Stevenson, George *Stevenson, Henry *Stevenson, Henry Stevenson, Heny J. and ) wife "(5^4 ft.) S *Stevenson, James Stevenson, John ^ tStevenson, James H.. > (2 lots) 3 ''Stevenson, Peter * Stevenson, Samuel Stevenson, Susan E \ (4 lots) 1 t*Stevenson, Thomas R.. tStevenson, William t*Stever, Erastus *Stevet8on Etta A "Stewart, Alexander, i Stewart, Daniel B., and > Eliza Rich ) "Stewart, Andrew, and ) others \ Stewart, Edgar T Stewart, James Stewart, James.. . (I3 lot) t*Ste\vart, James N "Stewart, Janet, and ) Margaret Lucas ) "Stewart, Jannet No. of Lot, 1759a 16533 9475 13052 13445 17844 17521 17111 16-278 1906 13067 4270 10701 925 17505 13392 16222 14876 19328 19329 18956 10338 15294 15678 17750 20869 12046 17729 17730 13989 18155 13439 to 13442 16377 13956 13053 13903 19717 14759 16057 12460 18512 16913 17836 12219 Names. No. of Lot. 83 u 173 Stewart, Jonathan B Estate of jStewart, John, and Alexander Woods "Stewart, John W . |t"Stewart, Margaret . . . "Stewart, Martha Stewart, Mary D Stewart, Melaine V. and others "Stewart, Robert Stewart, Samuel B "Stewart, Thomas C- .. t*Stewart, William "Stewart, William t*Stewart William H.. Stewart, AVilliam H. .. Stewart, William J Stickler, Joseph W and wife (6 "Stiens, Charles. ft.)S 152 177 163 "Stiesi, Christina Stiles, Elijah "Stiles, Isaac Still, William T., and > James P. Marstens.. ( "Stilling, Henry, and ( Francis W. Molitor.. ) Stilsing, Elizabeth 'Stilwell, Marion P Stillwfll, George Stillwcll, Maria > ,S(iUwclI,Phebe 5 Stillweil, Sarah..,,... ; Stilhvell. Elizabeth J "Stlmniel, John Stine, Thomas S., and ? others ) "Stites, Sarah A "Stirk, Lizzie W "Stirling, Margaret "St. John, Stephen A... St. John, William H.... "Stockdeick, Frederick, ) heirs of ^ "Stockton, LaRue P "Stockton, Olivia B "Stoddard, Catharine "Stoddard, Morgan "Stohr, Adam I Stohr, Christian, Jr i"Stohr, Peter Stokes, Edward H., and } I Francis H.Leggett.. ^ Stokes, James S (4 lots) ) 20006 6767 20064 15044 20376 14549 885 17935 14431 19948 12884 19816 12280 19787 16657 19364 15116 20960 14963 20505 17859 15918 16672 14136 18990 18989 20078 16601 17888 8230 19420 17991 18193 18175 15300 16197 18448 13083 17349 15987 15988 15986 14332 19820 to 19823 Sect's of Map 176 24 187 77,96 183 70 42 185 163 36 179 187 150 E 167 79 U80 ^81 115 158 183 168 162 151 124 174 174 183 189 { 189 ^190 18, 19 153 99 176 174 180 167 189 60 167 5 156 M57 K 156 ^57 3 156 ^157 99 99 149 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1S73. 95 Names. ''Stoll, Ottilie *Stoller, Annie E "Stolley, Frt'derick C- *Stoltz, Frederick Stolts, Jonas *Stone, Charlotte *Stone, George Stone, George C Stone, Henry (]}4 lot) Stone, Henry A ) (2 lots) S *Stone, Samuel D *Stone, Thomas Stone, Walter J., and } others ) t*Stonehridge, William, > and tJoseph Rushton \ *St()okey, Amos *St()op8, J. Walter Stootholt', Ann Stoothoff, Aletta Stootnott', John Stoothoff, Ellen M., and Jane Williams j *Stoothotf, Cornelius G-. *Stopp, Charles *Storey, Mary A., and ) Mary A. Boyle ) tStorm, John B } tStorm, Isaac A ^ Storm, Walter t*Storms, Mary A * Story, Adelaide N Stout, Abigail "i tStout, Theodore, and > Isaac J- Condit ) Stout, Andi-ew V ) (1017 feet) S Stout, John W... •*Stout, Richard, Jr tStout, Richard Stoutenborough, William Stoutenburgh, Alfred, } and others ) * Stoutenburgh, W. Im- ) lay > ■*Strachan, James *Strachan, John . . . ^ 'Straight, Rebecca, Es- ? tate of ) *Stratton, Ezra W *Stratton, James Strattou, Pamelia C. -. ^ (Hlot)S *Stratton, Thomas ■^Strauss, David Straut, Jacob B., and } others S Strecker, Emma ) (2 lots) S No. of Lot. 16107 20249 20224 12380 19141 17827 16318 14272 15021 13747 13748 18966 16429 7076 12293 12781 16748 13256 17867 18093 19114 574 15551 18524 17132 411 10281 10282 17965 14572 17972 19605 7207 12735 15190 21047 16082 14629 19703 Sect's of Map 167 183 183 181 183 D 188 169 160 99 150 18( K 27 179 182 44 189 159 180 120 60 163 151 189 68 104 152 15S 105 113 186 74 12 188 156 168 Names. Streeter, Noyes, Jr tStrickland, Joseph, and i others ) ■*Strickler, Jacob *Stringham, George *Strittmatter, Harman .. "Strong, Edward, and ) J. Gardiner Fleet... ) Strong, Elizabeth, and ) Nathaniel Sawyer .. ) Strong, Mary A *Strong, Robert *Stroud, Edward Strout, Albion P ) Strout, Allen C. I *Struller, Frederick A... 'Struve, Maria L Stryker, Gerrit *Stryker, Gerrit, and } others \ *Stryker, John P Stryker, Samuel S., and ) wife \ *Struther8, Robert, and > wife \ *Stuart, Cecilia Stuart, Charles A Stuart, John Stuart, John R., (1^ lot) Stuart, Marion Stuart, Robert, and ) Thomas Dodd \ *Stuart, Samuel R "Stubenbord, Michael. ... Stubbs, Samuel N., and ) Benjamin S. Hill ^ *Stubner, William *Sturhtield, Catharine... Stucke, Jane *Stuckey, Alfred "Stuckle, Ferdinand W-. *Studley , Theodore E Stumm, Elizabeth ^ Stumm, Frederick R... Stumm, Robert Stumm, Louis C Stumm, Edward, and Amelia Kleiuschmidt; Stump, George *Sturgeon, Samuel, and , tRobert D. Webb... ' *Sturge8, Frank F Sturgis, Appleton *Sturn, Ernestine A. *Sturn, Ignatius Stursberg, Robert, and \ George Chilton ' t*Sturtevant, Sarah A.. No. of Lot. Sect's of Map 10117 7076 18858 J 3874 20534 17118 12313 752 19054 15476 20648 14707 16478 19555 19910 15699 19645 20911 14564 14505 20533 15655 19139 18586 14510 15311 15033 18376 17709 12672 18332 13922 14065 20508 17370 164 16743 167 16605 168 20798 4 20340 25,26 12889 S179 ^180 15431 S 158 M59 13110 48 96 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. Names. *Stutt, John *Stut7.man, Henrietta *Suess, Cbailes, and ( wife S *Suhr, John Suhr, John *Sullivan, Eugene H "Sullivan, Robert *Snlzer, Charles Summerfield, Henry... "^ Summertield, Daniel (i. | Summerfield, John B., j- and William Johnston | (li^lotjj Sumner, Albert E., M. > D., and wife \ *Sumner , Perrin H *Suraud, Louis *Surin, John *Su8emihl, Theodore Suter, William M ■^Sutherland, Catharine.. *Sutor, Peter, and Hen- } ry Oesterling 3 Sutphen, John S.. (13^ lot) *Suttie, George L tSutton, Effingham E Sutton, Cornelius K. .. ) {1% lot) \ Sutton, George W *Sntton, Laura C Sutton, Nancy A Suydam, Al)raham V.. '^ tSuydam, Jerome > il}4 lot)> Suydam, Cornelias tSuydam, James, and ) Harriet M. Polhemus ) Swain, Richard, Estate } of. \ *Swaine, Peter M Swan, Benjamin L S (18 lots) 1 Swan, Charles H., and I others ) "Swan, Charles H 'Swan, Emelie N "Swan, John C Swan, Samuel, M.D. .... "Swansboro, William . .. *Swany, TJiomas *Swart, David D *Swart, Matilda *Swartz, Clara A tSweeney, Daniel M Sweeny, Tlumias W., } U. S. A \ Sweet, William L.,and } Arthur M Smith \ 19731 19867 14424 20353 19597 16451 10866 20519 17299 12177 17885 16806 12267 J 162 177 D 163 178 183 113 177 190 167 150 1805 73 20301 183 18452 F 15652 180 18648 176 3912 11 20015 4 12227 22 12381 > to f 91 12398 5 16104 151 18023 185 19638 E, F 16324 167 17525 151 18529 189 13145 3 13197 < 179 ^180 13844 177 16768 151 3224 92 14257 163 15793 177 No. of ! Sect's Lot, of Map Sweetzer, Samuel (6 lots) Swenson, Svante Mag- nus (2 lots) ^ *Swezey, Christopher ... t*Swezey, Jeannett *Swezey , Noah T *Swift, James ■*Swift, Joseph H Swift, Martha E., and) Samuel F. Phelps... > (662 feet)> *Switzer, John A Switzer, Mary A Sydney, George, Estate of 'Sykes, Mary Symington, James 8325 to 8330 18249, > 152 and I T. Tabel, Lena "Taber, James . . . Tabor, Elizabeth others *Taft, Andrew B Tag, Charles F (4 lots Taggart, Francis Taggart, Robert Tailer, Edward N., Jr. ) (2 lots' \ tTailer, Edward N....' ^ (2 lots) S f'Tait, Elizabeth tTalcott, Harriet N... ? (662 feet) [ tTalmage, Daniel ) (6 lots) ^ tTalmage, Susan C.,and ? others 3 Talmage,Rev. Thomas } A \ "Talmage, Tunis V. P. .. *Talmage, William H... '*Tandy, Charles W Tandy", Susan Tankard, Jane *Tanner, Charles C Tanner, Sarah *Tappan, LeWis Tappan, Jeremiah N Tappan, Jeremiah P. Tarr, Benjamin R — 'Tarratt, Joseph 18250 19060 12429 19059 17697 17522 15579 14578 19863 17694 19781 20748 15466 16895 891 15732 18843 to 18846 18324; 17818 153701 1537r 15372 15373 14937 18547 14285 to 14290 20135 12896 13646 13647 19292 14535 17889 16384 14490 19728 15480 15479 15971 3083 < 158 152 2 152 167 114 158 159 D, F 148 187 147 162 167 122 164 114 186 151 157 157 158 169 187 178 61 61 70 162 F 168 27 F 168 169 168 169 164 71 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 97 Tasker, Henry *Ta88elle, Ellen B *Tate, Jane *Tate, Eobert H Tau88i^, Edward. {1| lot) *Tau88ig, Gabriel "Taussig, Joseph "Taussig. Ludwig Tauton, Jesse, and } Mary M. Paterson.. . \ Taylor, Alexander ) (11^ lot) 5 *Taylor, Andrew L., ) and wife \ "Taylor, Ann "Taylor, Charles Taylor, Eliza tTavlor, Rev. Fitch ) W., U. S. N S Taylor, George, and > Edmund Yenni \ Taylor, George H., M.D. Taylor, James "Taylor, James A Taylor, James B ) (2 lots) S "Taylor, James B "Taylor, James G Taylor, John Taylor, John C t"tay lor, John H "Taylor, Maria R "Taylor, Mary Taylor, Mary"0 Taylor, Matthew, and } others ^ "Taylor, Melissa C "Taylor, Robert, and > TLomas R. Glen S t"Taylor, Robert Taylor, Robert H ) Taylor, Philip W [ and others ) "Taylor, Samuel B "Taylor, Samuel P tTaylor, Rev. Thomas / H., D. D S "Tavlor, Thomas J Taylor, Walter H T*Taylor, William "Taylor, William Taylor, William Taylor, William, Estate } of (2 lots) S "Taylor, William B.S., i and wife \ "Taylor, William H 16711 13010 15315 17133 17625 12131 12130 12132 6909 12652 19511 20961 13979 12269 278 6824 15493 19311 16667 12192 12193 16120 15449 18194 577 17301 20314 15750 14923 14156 18557 12170 13196 20343 18164 16922 9858 18222 12404 13940 16062 16666 20108 20109 20313 17178 171 186 183 180 119 58 56 158 152 153 159 125 188 188 153 157 107 167 188 188 112 61 185 180 177 153 175 167 20 152 150 180 188 159 174 175 188 189 Taylor, William L Teatlier, Samuel Teho, William M "Teed, Enuiiii, and Mar- > tha Donaldson I Tett't, ErastusT Tefft, William E Templar, Sarah, and f Emma Howell ) Ten Brook, Archibald) Ten Brook, Hannah E. \ Tenney, Amos Terhune, Albert Names. "Terhune, Lucy, and , others "Terrell, Mary C, and others Terrett, Dudley R tTerrett, Horatio N Terrian, John B Terry, Ann Terry, Edmund (634 feet) ; Terry, Frances Terry, James W., and ', Edwin S. Keeler ' Terry, Joseph K Terry", Tomas, and vife (lU lot) "Testman, Eliza Thallon, Robert (2 lots) Thayer, Austin E (IK lot) Thayer, Robert H Thayer, Samuel G t*Theisen, Ann Theiss, George "Thenen, Charles Theobald, George "Theurkauf, Ottilda Thiel, Henry, and Hen- , ry Kiep ' Thieling, John H "Thom, Jessie Thoiii, James C Thom. John C "Thoniaun, William. "Thomas, Augustus L.. Thomas, Catherine R. . . "Thomas, Edwin P Thomas, George F Thomas, Grifeth, and wife (2 lots) Thomas, Jane t"Thoma8, John "Thomas, John, M. D. Estate of No. of Sect's • Lot. of Map 12623 17464 16904 17125 16255 16214 12508 15245 15942 13074 20746 18640 13124 13123 15541 12707 19306 20865 16926 20452 19687 19072 1649b 16497 14881 18965 16953 17267 18487 12763 20323 18319 13113 7226 14105 20148 1.3899 16305 18724 17009 20321 20322 2102 15004 19888i 171 190 113 158 158 105 188 156 112 13 98 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1S73. Names. *Thomas, Joshua R *Tboma8, Thomas F tThompson, Aaron K *Thomp80u, Aaron K., ) and Jabez E. Munsall \ *Thompson, Andrew J. . . *ThouipBon, Ann *Thompson, Ann Thompson, Elias W., J and others.. (13^ lot)) Thompson, Eliza ^Thompson, Eliza, and > tEdward F. Simpson. ) ^Thompson, Eliza C Thompson, Elizabeth V. ) and others \ tThompson, Francis A ? (2 lots) S t*Thomp80u, George J ... ^Thompson, Harriet 'Thompson, James A., ^ and wife ^ ^Thompson, James M Thompson, James R... ) (Ulot)^ t*Thompson, James W.. *Thompson, John tThompson, John Thompson, John *Thompson, John A. No. of Lot. Sect's of Map Thompson, John H.,and '^ Stej)hen de Wolfe, > M. D ) Thompson, John P. C. S > (2 lots) ] Thompson, Joseph. . . (4 lots Thompson, Joseph Thompson, Joseph H. ) (3 lots of 225 feetS each ) ) *Thomp8on, Josephine. .. *Th()ni]ison, Lucy Thompson, Major, Es- ) tate of (2 lots) ] "Thompson, Margaret. .. tThompson, Maria Thompson, Maria, heirs ? /'f s tThompson, Mary 'I'liouipson, Nelson L. and Hannah Robin- son (1^ lot) "Thompson, Robert I 1787() 12123 16663 12989 14770 14183 16306 18370 10375 16314 18998 18396 17930 14019 14020 15126 14805 19695 15274 15469 13098 15320 15811 15938 19661 11122 1166 19143 8652 to 8655 12600 19978 8386 Thompson, Samuel W.. Thompson, Sarah 52 151 Names. h D... ( (4 lots) i 27 189 190! Thompson, Vernon, Es- tate of Thompson, William .. Thompson, William B. *Thomp8on, William C Thompson, William H. *Thom8, Christian Thoms, Christian J. . . Thomson, Alexander . Thomson, Charles H., > and Sarah E. Lees .. \ Thomson, David Thomson, Edward Thomson, Elizabeth "Thomson, George Thomson, Rev. James,. .. Thomson, James B ) (2 lots) S "Thomson, John "Thomson, John "Thomson, Mortimer "Thomson, Samuel "Thorburn, Grant, Jr.. .. "Thorn, Catharine B "Thorn, Ebenezer "Thorn, Henrj' F "Thorn, Leonard Thorn, William K Thorne, Alexander L., ) and wife \ "Thorne, Elizabeth A.. .. "Thorne, John J Thorne, John R., and ) wife 3 Thornell, Thomas L Thornlev, John, M.D., ) U. S.N \ Thonitou, William C. B. "Thorp, Thomas Thorpe, Thomas S ) (IK lot) \ Thoubboron, James "Thrall, William H Throckmorton, Job "Thrvpsson, Charles H.. Thurlow, Belcher T., ) and wife \ Thurman, Washington > M ] Tlnirston, Caroline ) Thurston, Ellen \ "Thwing, Charles ) Thwing, Maria A \ Thwing, Eliza, and ; others S No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 15994 15945 to 15948 4230 19376 17831 13248 18399 14552 15022 12610 1274 15489 17994 19360 12608 13703 18816 18817 13742 14625 12155 13779 18662 19132 13345 20162 18645 8379 19403 7959 19082 19402 15457 12848 19233 18062 12466 14054 12922 15517 14969 19735 13580 12998 12053 14812 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 99 Names. *Thyler, Frederick. Tibbals, Nathan . . . Tibbals, Oscar t*Tice, Ann *Tice, Lucy *Tiefel, George Tifft , Francis L. Tilden, Thomas (4 lots) ^ tTilden, William ( (5 lots) ) Tileston, Thomas ? (560 feet) S Tilford, John, and i tMarv J. Jamison. .. \ Till, Cliarles G., and ) Rebecca A. Cox \ Tillney, Joseph ) (2 lots) \ ^Tillotson, Jacob N t*Tillou, Francis R "Tills, JohuT Tilton, Lawson V Tilton, Theodore "Timou, Charlotte E Timpson, Edwin VV *Tindle, James ''Tingle, Louis P *Tinkey, Abraham Tinkey', Stephen H., ; and'John K. Bartlett ) *Tinson, Caroline. . . . *Tirney, George H... No. of Lot. Tisdale, William S., and others "Tisdall, Fitz Gerald, Ji Titus, Edmund Titus, Eliza A., wife of Wm. H. Titus (6 lots) *Titu8, Marv J.... Titus, Williiim D. others and "Titus, William W t*Tobias, Morris *Tobison, Peter ■^Tochtermanu, Ann. "Todd, Cecilia C *Todd, John Toledo, Mariano, and others *Tom, JohnB *Tombs, Camilla "Tomes, Joseph H ', Tomes, Alfred ' "Tompkins, John M 18819 18646 1.5046 16284 18867 17326 16592 20583 to 20586 18626 to 18630 14452 11371 12567 20683 20864 1403 292 13296 1S365 18495 15761 17436 14352 16090 12182 8639 15108 17199 17140 to 17145 18240 207.37 17552 to 17556 17567 18994 7076 18564 14644 15880 18946 12966 15483 14943 17499 13046 19127 0221 Sect's of Map 186 152 163 188 D L 151 ■158 37 106 K 173 180 60 180 F ,123 188 173 172 158 39 99 119 162 167 Names. 99 190 115 113 L 27 103 115 124 164 105: Tompkins, Roswell D., ? Joseph Hopkins ^ Tong, George W Tooper, Ann E Toothacker, Jesse H. S. Topping, William D iTornow, John F "Torrance, Francis "Torrey, Jane S Torrey, William L Torrison, Phebe. and ) Davis Afflick ] "Totten, George M Towar, Thomas H., and ) others (l^^lot) ^ Tower, Julius.. -'(11^ lot) Towers, Elizabeth, and } Mary A. Anderson.. \ "Town, Charles H., ) trustee \ "Town, John B "Townsend, Abram S Townsend, Benjamin C. Townsend, Charles A.. > an lot) \ Townsend, Charles H. .. Townsend, Daniel Y., surviving trustee of the Society of Chris- tian Friends | (2 lots) j Townsend, Dwight No. of Lot, Townsend, Effingham. (3 lots) Townsend, Henry P. . Townsend, Henry P Townsend, Jacob S Townsend, Joseph H Townsend, Sylvanus B.. Townsend, Walter W., ) Estate of \ Townshend, John Towt, Louis W "Tracy, Eunice, and ) Johii F. Flynn \ Tracy, G. Manning Tracy, Helen E., and ^ tTherese Robinson.. > (4 lots) ) Tracv, Thomas F 23| I'Tranhagen, Helen C. ? 159J JTrapnagen, Catharine. ^ 169; i*Tra8k, Alanson "Trask, Asa G "Trask, Susan, and ) Susan Handy ) "Traub. Frederick, and J wife \ "Travers, James P 170 151 56 184 120 Sect's of Map 14408 12931 19390 18875 16911 2059 13008 12883 14940 937 13219 19177 12954 14317 18562 17499 13002 13229 12805 13230 12438 12439 13231 17361 to 17363 13331 15013 13001 18950 17028 13233 13876 17164 12563 17524 4020 to 4023 20144 13683 18768 19165 7796 19889 4134 123 171 i 183 ) 184 ■ 186 114 183 56 13 123 ^91 >92 36 F 161 169 174 1.51 98 171 111 171 161 171 99 K 123 98 P 20 171 111 158 108 158 70 F 90 108 G G 187 58 100 LOTS SOLD TO MAY i'l, 1873. Names. Travis, Jacob *Travi8, Robert P., and > Samuel W. Rodgers.J tTi-eadwell, Francis C. Sr Tread well, Henry Treat, Joseph *Treat, Silas B Trefz, Christopher *TreiB8, George P "Treloar, Joseph tTreniblv, Daniel ) (2 lots) S *Trenchard, Stephen D. ) U. S.N S t*Trenor, James, M. D. } and William P. Scott \ "Treuleben, Charlotte, > and Mary Helmkanip ) *Trevivicli, William G.- "Triacca, Charles Trigg, George P > (2 lots) S *Trigge, John *Triner, Joseph *Trinner, Henry Tripler, Thomas E *Tripp, Ervin B Tripp, Feriis.... *Tritt, Edward W "Trope, Frank Trost, Herman (1^ lot) fTrott, Thomas "Trotter, Margaret Troup, Harriet A Troup, Louisa, and tCharlotte Brincker hoft (Slots "Trowbridge, Jane "Trubshaw, James W., "i and William H. His- > cox ) "Trueraan, William tTrussel, Richard Tryon, Hester i, "Tryon, John "Tucker, Benjamin W. .^ tTucker, Edward S Tucker, Frances A., ) and others ) Tucker, George W ) (722 feet) 1 Tucker, Robert A "Tucker, Selah Tucker, Stephen D } (2 lots) S Tuerlipgx, Jacobus tuers, Elizabeth W..... 18572 17948 15122 13555 20556 19844 15222 15941 19472 627 628 12914 5069 16258 19561 14252 17454 17455 14645 16291 17693 12470 18118 17785 16929 19947 18121 16099 17242 20781 19957 to 19959 14031 12111 19944 1825 13164 16889 18560 905 16382 118 17982 18443 19317 12706 12866 12867 18905 12137 180' 172 148 34 162 159 53 i 65 101 ^40 Ul 167 D 1721 I 158; 162' 167 ( 167 j 168 169 190 114 167 187 34 1581 5 1561 ?165 183 I m ( 1491 111 105 187 69 75,98 114 77i 73! ]89| } 88 ( 89 151 180 153 29 Names. No. of Lot. Sect's of Map f;.1 "Tufts, Theodore and George Haslan "Tugman. Charles H *Tulev, Mary E "Tully, John G... "Tully, Joseph J "Turin, Magdalena,and > Abraham Xoden S "Turnbull, Andrew, and ) Eliza K. M. Connell. I "Turnbull, George W.. .. "Turnbull, Peter Turnbull, William ; (459 feet) ] "Turner, Alexander. .... t"Turner, Alvan H. , M. D. Turner, Amelia, and } Clara P. Hodges ) Turner, Henry W ^ Turner, Edward F | Turner, Charles I Turner, George I Turner, Nathaniel F- .. f and GeorgiannaR. S. j Boardman (2 lots) J "Turner, Jabez t*Turner, James "Turner, John Turner, Joseph M., M.D. Turner, Thomas tTurner, William, and ) Isabella Jenkins \ "Turney, Augustus M Turrell, Helen L "Tusch, Hannah "Tuthill, Charles G *Tuthill, George tTuthill, Theodore M.... "Tuthill, Sarah "Tuttle, David H.andwife Tattle, Johns "Tuttle, Reuben M Tuttle, Silas, Jr., Tuttle, Washington I.. (IK lot) Tuttle, William Twamley, Eliza "Twine, "Frederick W.. "Tyler, Corydon E "Tyler, George W Tyler, Milton T., and others "Tynes, Alpheus J Tyng, Catharine Tvng, Rev. Stephen H., D.D./ 18393 15930 20131 18292 18290 14654 20312 15265 19182 16624 19304 14664 12651 12647 12648 16134 1(5696 12692 14820 14148 9224 13897 131,54 13077 16125 17797 17158 20829 19601 17966 17234 19319 14861 19318 18680 19739 16244 20105 16268 16130 11478 11479 174 167 187 174 174 36 i L ' 124 169 184 , 112 '123 183 52 14 51 167 K 112 29 149 55 180 171 159 167 181 149 182 183 152 190 173 176 47 173 176 187 187 180 187 187 168 167 99 99 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. IGl Names. U. Ubsdell, John A No. of Lot. (4 lots) ; *Uffenger, William Ubl, Anna (Ij^ lot) t*Uhl, Chribtian *Uhlenl)Usch, Margaretha *Ulilenhaut, Fritz, and ) wife 5 Uhler, George W *Uhlmanu, Jean R.,E8- ) tate of i y Ulthoff, Louis, and ) Adam Hoffmann ) Unekles, William B "^Underhill, E. Ferris Underbill, James W. . . Underbill, Tovvnsend.. (34 lots) 6 Underbill, Jeannette J. ( {■2 lots) ( Underbill, JobnW....) Underbill, xALiry M.... ( Underbill, Andrew M.. ( (2}4 lots) J "Underbill, Mary A., i and others ) "Underbill, Reuben H. .. Underbill, Samuel B., Underbill, Daniel Underbill, William F-. . (2 lots) J "Underbill, William P. ; and others \ Underwood, William J Underwood I, William J) 1, John E..} (2 lots) ) "Unger, Charles "Unger, John Union Home and School "Unsickers, Caroline "Upton, Francis C "Urmy, Andrew, and ? Susan Soulet ) "Usher, Sophia "Ussinger, Margaret "Utley, Adelaide 'Utley, Mary G 16251 to 16254 12055 14324 17079 20576 20375 12110 20068 20743 14339 12770 11453 to 11455 11745 20551 20562 15059 15060 19619 18411 13594 13595 V. "Vablsing, Henry W. C, and wife Vail, Ellen, and Estate of Nancy Baron Vail, Nina V 11767] 117681 172 158311 1641 Names. No. of Lot. "Vail, Orasnnis M Vail, William M., and j tisaac Odell | Valentine, Brewster... tValentine, Charles H.. "Valentine, Euphemia, , Estate of . - ' "Valentine, James Valentine, William A., and Gulia E. Brown "Valentine, William H . t"Vallant, Richard Valleau, William * Valliere, Ivo Van Allen, William C. "Van Arsdale, Henrv... "Van Arsdale, John "Van Bell, Catharine... t*V"an Beuren, Corne- lius W : . "Van Beuren, John, and Joseph Howard Van Bokkelen, Alary P. M "Van Brunt, Maria 74 14041 ;s; 159401 157 137901 5 17049JF,114 152701 162 17706 174 12236 19333 16400 20930 20074 19457 16994 22 F, 114 168 G 187 186 149 Van Buren, James "Vance, Ezekiel t* Vance, Thomas t"Van Cleef, Isaac "Vandall, Robert "Vanderbergh, Wm. H.. "Vanderbilt, Isaac C.... "Vanderl)ilt, Jacob E.. ) Vanderbilt, William H. I "Vanderbilt, Jane E Vanderbilt, John J "Vanderbilt, Mary C Vanderbilt, Susan A Vanderboof, Jacob T., and others Van Derlip, George M. (1099 ft.) "Vanderminden, William Vanderpool, Frederick and Charles B cer (11^ "Vandeveer, Henry "Vandewiele, John B. Vandewiele, Lewis F and others "Van Dien, Elizabeth "Van Doom, George F "Van Doren, Jane M., ) and Henry Krewolf. ) Vandusen, Caroline t"Van Duser, John Sect's of Map V* llllctuj lerick, ) 5. Spi- > '4 lot) ) 13245 12353 13540 12361 13249 11044 8770 18758 1460' 15124 20650 15418 14970 14971 14563 14946 14924 13684 20233 16588 13349 20030 16989 20266 7356 J 9041 18936 18935 18992 15844 8760 5348 12641 12851 18188 16351 12795 13587 12032 19498 17756 18211 17779 160 178 99, 149 178 180 79 55 152 161 162 9 124 160 (36 ^43 ^36 ^43 159 164 162 40 64 , 180 ' 181 ■ 29 187 189 156 63 68 186 46,47 102 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. Names. *Van Dyk, Mary A., ) and tMary A. Dixon. 5 ''Van Dyke, Abrani J , ) and Theodore Alston ^ ■'Van Eeten, Louis M.. .. VanEpps, Abraham C, ^ and Estate of Abra- > ham Beal ) *Van Gilf^a, Anwiista "Van Guilder, Ellen M.. *Van Hagen, George *Van Hoesen, Pierre D.. Van Horn, Cornelius.. ) (513 feet) ] Van Hosen, Cliarlotte A *Van lugen, Dudley W. *Van Ingen, Edward H *Van Keuren, Maria ... *Van Keuren, Peter Van Kuren, Peter, and ) William H. Melick.. 5 *Van Loon, John F tVan Namee, James, > and wife \ *Van Ne8s,Corneliu8H. } Van Ness, Ann ) Van NesB, Eugene ...... Van Ness, Jane. i E. ^ w.' 3 *Van Ness, Julia A tVan Ness, Matilda E. Van Ness, Eugene Van Ness, Charles Van Nest, Abraham R. S Jr ,-(3 lots) ) Van Nest, Abraham E., ) (3 lots) i *Van Nest, Alexander R. *Vannier, Charles *Vannier, Edward Van Norden, William.. Van Norden, William E and others Van Nostrand, David... *Van Olinda, Garret M.. *Vanolinda, William "Van Orden, Edwin S... Van Orden, Mary *Van Ostrand, Charles.. "Van Ostrand, Lucy A.. "Van Pelt, Henry T * Van Pelt, Tunis C tVan Pelt, William H... *V'an Praag, Judah Van Ranst, Lydia 9559 1 20287; 127891 89 156 111 159141 182 19308' 19356 13755 13694 153 187 K 111 13759 172 17418 17076 17077 19704 17976 17162 14606 20129 12139 12114 16235 14765 12113 6570 to 6572 6573 to 6575 20444 13709 17795 14917 16566 18261 12984 20841 12744 15864 13865 12695 12775 16088 19046 14146 114 189 189 L 189 158 121 148 152 120 119 163 167 168 119 119 31 31 F 63 190 169 Names. t*Van Rensselaer, Jere- ) miah \ Van Santon, Elizabeth . . . Van Sauu, Susannah..) (4 lots) ) *Van Sicklen, Lydia D . . *Van Stavoren, George ) W., Estate of S "Van Tassel, Hannah M. t*Van Tassel, William H. ''Van Tine, Henry Van Tine, Thomas H *Van Treit, John *Van Valkenburgh, ) Watson ) Van Vechten, Junius R . . Van Vleck, Joseph ) (IK lot) \ Van Vliet, Benson, and ) wife ) "Van Voorhis, Alice Van Voorhis, Robert "Van Wagener, George. Van Winkle, Edward ) H., M. D \ tVan Wyck, Henry L. } (2 lots) 5 ''Van AVyck, Jeffrey *Van Wyck, Theodore J. *Van Wynen, Bernard.. 'Van Wynen, John A.. .. *Van Wynen, Rufus J... "Van Wynen, Sebastian. 'Van Zandt, Caroline L. *Van Zandt, Mary *Van Zaut, Henrietta^ D., and Inka Craai- > jenschot ) ^'V^anzile, Calvin *Varlev, John, and ) Elizabeth Hull S ■'Varrelmann, George. .. "Varian, Sarah Varick, Theodore R "Vary. James 'Vary, John H Vassar , George *Vaucher, Adolph, and ? John B. Demonet.. J *Vause, William Vedder, Albert C Velsor, Joseph A., and ? William H. Rogers.. \ Verineiilen, Charles H W., and others (4 lots) "Vernam, Eliza t'Vesey, George W. . . . No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 18464 74 18438 152 13468 ) to } 150 13471 y 18063 175 12852 108 17100 189 16933 165 17664 175 14667 172 18835 153 17150 5 113 M14 15093 182 1660: 19705 19942 18934 12433 14878 12592 12593 12584 20232 20711 20714 20712 20713 15833 16157 14132 17775 164.37 18339 15247 12161 17060 17061 19078 21013 17523 13105 15360 1438 to 1441 18658 14699 165 176 153 152 45 ,163 ;168 119 150 64 188 188 188 188 105 189 172 158 151 190 1.57 8 164 164 184 182 174 161 165 91 152 158 162 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1ST3. 103 "Vetter, Reinhardt 14898 *Viau, Stanislas |' *„^„ Viele, Stephen... (t>62 ft.) l^"- Viemaister, Rebecca- .-f\ ^o,4 {l}4 lot) s Villaverde, Cirilo..--- -■ *Villeplait, Alexander b *Villers, Mary-- ------ - *Vincent, Edward, Es- / tate of - : ) i , f.r,ri t' Virfolet, Josephine .... loooi Virolet, John B I l^^^J *Vischer, Eliza...-. --- Visser, Simon de.(4&u it Vogt, JohnF. H., and others - - - - (4 lots) Volckens, Bernhard-- ?1 Volekens, Wilhelm S Volckmer, Catharine A., Estate of SI „^j- Volkening, Henry ------ ^"-^ ' Vollmer, Charles, and ) 9703I Frederick Herzog-.- S\ ^^-^ Von Aiiw,Iwan -- a^^'"" *Von Felde, George, ? 15202I and wife .---■■." > inn-ii *VonGlahn, Christopher. 190^1 n^on Glahn, C.. ^yllllanl 210UU ^VonGlahn,Hinnc1i..-. l-^JJ *Von Glahn, John H-... ^1^»1 ^VonHein, Otto..;..-^- >^z^ 1621 hWaddell, Hamilton | J6576 19«1 174 *Wade, Johamia- 16804 120 19350 17438 "Wade, Margaret ^' ^• * Wade, Mary------ I ^■*^'^~ Wadleigh, JohnB.... Wadleigh, Geoi-ge R., and PrisciUa B. Mac ouM qiiivey ---■-■•■-.•■■• --. 189 tWadsworth, Decius^-. } 1^'^ *Waechter, Anna. 168 Wagner, William, and ? ^324 186 others ;"' i^n-^ 36 WWagner, William A.... 14113 34 Wainwright, Benjamin ) 13508 *Wait, George.... 1^^^^ nVaite, Harriet B 2031^ ^Wakefield, Peter 15-5^ *Wakeman, Burr Wakeman, George, and others *Walbridge, Augustus 167 163 188 164 Charles M. ] 50 Estate of 188 Walcott, Charles *Walcott,Lo\iise *Waldie, Theresa, and Mary G. Farseri t*Wardo, Deliverance. - t Waldo, Francis 1 Waldo, Horace I Waldo, Francis W....- 1 (540 feet) j t*Voorhees, 5ominicu8 S.l 15g|l J^°| U.^ldren, Hannah, and ) * Voorhees, Edward M. - - ^"^»^ ^ ^^^,^ ^i parsons S tVoorhies, John S., and ^ 4237 > aa\ " ' William H. Mailler, > 4238'' (2 lotsj ) *Voorhis, John J., and " Elida Smith. *VoorhiB, William W. Li- 18368 12705 ^v:Zti^,i^- ■■''''' *Vosburg, Col., monu- ment to *Vo8S, Andreas tVredenburgh, Eliza- ? beth A ) tVredenburgh , Isaac t*Vredenburgh, Robert-. Vreeland, William A., ) and wife - S Vroman, Barney, ana / Daniel Feitner ) W. *Wack, George, and ? Eniil H. Rosmak S *Wacob, Robert i Wacob, Eliza ) 13808 13048 14839 13521 12419 3307 14061 17112 13238 18205 176461 17209 16698 12582 15071 186 192951 15902 18084 20785 108 Waldron, Alfred Waldron. Eliza Walker, Emily S------ Walker, Frances A... *Walker, Frederick 19404 nValker, George M.--.- 14846 Walker, Henry B., and > | ^4830 John B. Brush...... ) 1 _„„„ Walker, James K. C . - - Walker, John, and ? others (IK lot) S nValker, John E Walker, John T Walker, John R Walker, Mary ) Walker, John > 13788 125071 209831 14238 16547 15 L 58 180 181 162 183 162 66 164 160 175 N 149 164 51 124 105 184 124 165 115 ^152 153 161 150 177 (171 )172 176 1J2 159 15259 169 20784 6525 l-'y U'w/aker, Daniel- nValker KobertS If^^l tnValker, William.. .--- ISl-^b *Walker, William, and ) ^95^3 206891 L lwllkington,'i)olway B. 1219G rWall, Selena V ,J,.q\ 173531 165 l^wall, William E ' 122491 115 180 187 178 167 104 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. Names. Wallace, Charles K ) Wallace, William H ... S (11^ lot)) 'Wallace, Isabella W..-. * Wallace, James Wallace, James B 'Wallace, John "^ Wallace, George H., > and others* j 'Wallace, Thomas Wallace, Thomas ^ Wallace, William I Wallace, John, and ( Richard Gledhill.... j ^Wallace, William 'Wallace, William H.... t'Wallinif, Peter P t'Walsh; Albert C Walsh, Jane E... (11^ lot) t' Walsh, John 'Walsh, Patrick 'Walter, Eliza 'Walters, Samuel Walters, Tobias, and ) Freelove W. Murray. S 'Walton, James, and / Samuel Higbee ) 'Walton, Koliert Walton, William T Wambach, Gustav A., ) and others 5 'Wands, Catharine 'Wannialicr, Sarah A 'Waniiein.ickcr, Christian 'Ward, Culien 'Ward, Elizabeth 'Ward, Frederic C Ward, James, Estate of.. 'Ward, John Ward, John, Jr 'Ward, Maria J Ward, Rachel 'Ward, Simeon Ward, Thomas C 'Ward, Thomas C Ward, Warren 'Warden, Charles 'Wardj^l0t) Waters, John 'Waters, Peter E Watkins, Ann Watkins, Emma L. , and John H. Baker. (UA lot) t'W^atkins, Rees, Sen — Watkins, Thomas (l>^lot) 15411 12699 16906 18136 1757) 14060 16100 18549 13939 20261 16757 19783 138?3 2937 18061 13423 15544 20384 19225 8685 4987 7016 17110 5190 17904 17905 18856 13859 15722 17513 18884 2951 12347 20790 12157 16603 6302 55 171 172 113 165 190 112 112 99,149 E 149 183 170 80 120 177 5162 ^163 L 184 84 33 52 ( 112 M13 68 i 152 152 172 164 60 176 (41 ?61 178 176 48 159 84 12732 170 18280 S H )113 20397 L 18283 185 16280 149 1143 72,73 17623 L 16925 K LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 106 *Watson, Anna Watson, Charles Watson, Ethan L---- (2 lot * Watson, Eunice - "Watson, Isabella, and Mark Ray ) 1 ...Qcgi •Watson, James - '.'^ „ Watson, James f- ■---■- \~'q tWatson.James S(lJ^lot) 13/ 4J » Watson, John -- "Watson, John, and f ip,246i Moses H. Richards.. S "Watson, Joseph, Es- ? 20393 tate of 5 *Watson, Joseph M | 14158 tWatson, Josiah, and? Warren Murdock... ^ Watson, Nathaniel * Watson, Robert "Watson, Thomas^ Watson, Thomas W. . . - . *Watt, Margaret ( Watt, Catharine M...- S .„„- Wattles, Alden | i'*''^' "Watts, Alfred J., M. D Waugh , Alexander ..... I 1 6831 Weber, William and wife ■ Webster, Horace.. Webster, Joel . - . *Webster, Michael Webster, William R I 1^041 15675 15742 19237 177 G 159 159 187 , 159 I 162 120421 75,76 17496 14384 205581 200361 20521 159551 162 176 187 40' 1821 191991 152 158 157 - 164 189 Way, "^Daniel H., and C"harlesD. Spencer.. S Waydell, Frederic .. - . f (IK lot) S Waydell, John H...^-^. J tWaydell,Mar..aret^.^..^| Wavdell, W. Anderson j "Weaver, Almeda H t» Webb, Alfred....-.--. "Webb, Augustus V . C tWebb, David, and ? Zophar Mills S "Webb, Georgiana 1 -"' "^^ Webb, Isabella f\^'^ "Webb, Isabella {^^z o Webb, John ---i 17^9^ t»Webb, Robert D.,and Samuel Sturgeon "Webb, Samuel, Estate of-- t*Webber, Isaac Webber, John - "Webber, John N., and Mary Losee , "Webel, Bernard l^WU "Weber, Albert .--.| 14197 "Weber, Alexander, Jr. Weber, Charles P....-- Weber, Henrv--- (448 ft 82 16973 169721 16971 16974 13465 17283 17310| 9816 20735 16743 19490 14337 18462 9117 Wedekind, Frederick > w. c .-- s 411 l"Wedekind, Erich ) 123 Wedekind, Edward... > , AC Wedekind, Charles. . - . ) 1"3| l*-Wedgewood,W)Uiam a ,., ,.MWeed';Cbarl.'s.. (1^ lot) 1'''^ IrWeed, Hamilton A., ( 170 and wife •■-■-•;--•- \ 172 Weed, Rev. Lfvi -^^ ^ and others.. (IK lot) S Weed, Mary A. -.---- -- Weed, William H.,l!.8- ? tate of (l^lot) \ Weedeu, Joseph A - - - - / (2 lots) S ■ Weekes, Edward F .... "Weekes, James W----- i»'"'- ^SlW:ri.tS^orL'l 15067 •*^'^^^*^\ 19713 |*Weeke8, Maria - 1 '^^"^'^ "Weeks, George D ) Weeks, Harriet I ■ S 120ll Weeks, Julia A., and 13711 others (2 lots 17375 17376 16640 19405 < 120 Weeks, Mary - ( 137 "Weckerlin, Herm, and f ( 120 wife - 5 ) 137 l*Wegener, Charles. . - - - ■ ^ 120 IWeidemeyer, John W ., ) 1 137 1 and Paul K. Weizel. ^ 111 167 164 E 43 111 189 167 19652 18644 16564 16565 17681 19084 17606 (2 lots) > "Weidner, Maria A "Weightman, George . . - . "Weilizman, F. Henrich. "Weinheimer, Louis ["Weinman, Oscar C it*Weinmann, John A-. Weinsheimer, John P. Weir, James, Jr Weir, James L., and ( ,„, I Henry Wexel...---- ' ■^53 Weir Jane, and others 170 (2 lots),, 17 ^ 1 ^ 1 7905 185 *Weir , Samuel , ^^^^ t*Wei8. Frederick \ \flf^ 13541 4009 4010 104 Uweisenberger, George. 1"2 j»Weitzmann, Adolph 167 IWeizel, Paul K., and, H John W. Weidemeyer , 189 14 (2 lots) 18455 19026 16564 16565 106 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12 1873. Names. U It. I ait- > "Welch, Elizabeth *Welch, Patrick ., Welch, William, and wife *Welcker, Elizabeth Welcker. Peter, and } wife..: (IK lot) S Weld, Harvey S *Weld, James G *Weldiu, Frederick T... *Weldon, William *Wellenkamp, Gusta- } VU8 E ) *Weller, Lodawick Welles, William B....'^ Welles, George W.. > (2 lots) ) Wellington, Isaac B... > (IX lot) S Wells, Caroline B "Wells, Catharine Wells, Helmns M(426 ft "Wells, Jeremiah, and Montgomery P.Wh lock •Wells, Lloyd W Wells, Sanuiel ■) Wells, MarvG I Wells, Frederick B.... f Wells, Joseph B., heirs | of j Wells, Thomas ) (1 lot) \ "Wells, William C tWelsch, Franziska Welsh, Emily J Weniple, Jay C "Wendall, Hannah M., > heirs of ) tWendelken, Matilda .... Wenman, James F (2 lots "Wentzel, George "Wenzel, Adelaide "Wenzel, Medora, and f Edward Decatur ) "Werbath, AVilliam "Werner, George, and ^ tFrederick Graute- S Sein ) "Werner, George "Werner, William "Wessel, John H "Wessel, William, and } wife S "Wessels, Adelhaida C S. "Wesslau, Julius '. West, Charles, and ) NicliolasChristianson \ "West, Charles "A\'e.st, Edward, and ) wife, mid (illicis \ 18796 12077 21017 16629 14841 17755 14536 15784 20134 16068 19589 13515 13516 17446 14749 20747 17476 16872 15799 13479 9566 9567 16619 14652 1589 19290 17266 12599 15521 15522 15583 20331 20962 20536 12416 18022 15531 18679 20021 16218 18374 16773 20524 18044 L 181 188 164 162 152 149 79 156 181 186 179 113 163 L 149 105 164 109 168 K 74 149 167 1,104 168 162 183 115 187 27 185 162 F 187 189 F 189 C 173 "West, Rachel "West, William N Westerband, William A. Westcott, Robert F "Westerfield, Joseph Westerfield, Samuel L.. ? and Freeman Hiscox ) "Westermau, Bernhard.. Westervelt, Eleanor J. ) (IK lot) S Westervelt, Jacob Westervelt, Margaret.. Westervelt, Peter C, } and others ) Westervelt, Tompkins. I (398 feet) ] Westervelt, William Westfall, Diederich tWestfall, John. . . (No. 5) Westfeldt, George 5 (2 lots) I *Westgate,Charles,and ) Edy W. Ronev ) Weston, John H Weston, Lesley E., ) and wife " \ Wetherbee, William . . . . Wetmore, David W t*Wetmore, Effa Wetmore, Jacob S Wetmore, Josiah F fWetstein, John "Wettereau, Caspar "Wettereau, Daniel . "Wettereau, George "Wettereau, Martin "Wexel, Henry, and ) James L. Weir \ Weyer, Joseph Whaites, Edward P., ) and tJohn M. Komme ] "Wheatley, William.. I Wheatley, James \ Wheeler, Andrew S... (4 lots) Wheeler, Andrew S... (4 lots) "Wheeler, Asa H Wheeler, Billings, Jr... Wheeler, Eliza T Wheeler, Jesse L "i Wheeler, Benjamin ..- / (IX lot) > "Wheeler, John 8 Wheeler, Roderick, ) and others S 20446 12084 18807 14010 13656 11735 13689 20181 13723 13418 12354 18943 18183 20594 1962 12449 12450 13611 15341 20045 16803 12501 18100 12502 14423 14461 16540 15376 16541 16542 13541 1662' 12586 15610 19963 to 19966 1990' to 19970 1676' 19995 15355 183 41 189 61 170 182 180 M 61 180 68 174 L M 66 I 89 180 121 164 181 171 190 171 172 111 ( 161 ) 162 169 ( 161 } 162 5 161 ^162 41 168 171 162 I" i H 151 174 162 13498 170 1C430I 20343 181 153 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. 107 Names. *Wheelei-, William "Wheelej-, William 'Wheelock, Sarah Wheelwright, John *Wheelwright, Marga- ) ret A S *Wheen, Thomas Whelan, Edward "Whelps, Abraham * Whetham, Henry Whetten, William, t*Whipple, Avery D Whipple, Richard, and ) Richard L. Wyckott. <, t'Whipps, b'vederick White, Alexander M. . . ) (4 lots) S *White, Catherine *White, Charles E *White, George G *White, George H "White, Helen 'White, Henry C "White, James 'White, James White, Joseph, and wife White, James H "White, Louisa C "White, Mary While, Robert "White, Stephen White, Stephen V.,and } wife (Slots) S tWhite, Thomas "White, William "White, William A White, William H "White, William W., ) and wife ^ White, William Warren / (lKlot)S W^hiteford, Daniel P "Whitcford, Mary Ann.. "Whitehead, James M., ) and Joseph Harvey . ) tWhitehead, John "Whitehorne, George A. "Whitehouse, Edward... Whitehouse, Elizabeth-. tWhitehonse, Elvira J. ) (6 lots) 1 Whitehouse, Right Rev. ") Henry J I Whitehouse, Edward.. ( (5 lots) J No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 13348 29 20852 115 17235 F,H 15481 1168 ^169 13169 7 18754 186 18463 7 12358 182 12628 5 180 } 181 8701 160 12704 71 296 71 13582 180 37to40 93 15705 181 14900 169 16319 114 14761 168 17213 190 18007 5 185 ?190 13163 181 13429 71 5046 78 20475 115 14025 177 13965 177 20488 188 20671 20672 I 172 14213 170 12921 17J 10978 116 3456 82 16498 167 19960 89 20725 G 12153 50 3019 80 12860 99 13786 111 12724 180 20193 5 148 ^152 18799 to 18804 I 150 J 160 14912 to 14916 > 23 t 24 Names. Whitehouse, JohnO... ) (6 lots) 1 "Whitelaw, Sarah "Whiteside, John A., } Estate of ] "Whitford, William H... Whiting, Henry W Whiting, Julia A "Whiting, Kate D ah> ;l "Whiting, Rhoda R "Whitlock, Margaret A "Whitlock, Montgom ery P., and Jeremiu" Wells Whitlock, Williams (390 feet) "Whitman, Jar vis "Whitman, John E "Whitmill, Francis "Whitmore, Eber t"Whitmore,GeorgeW. tWhitmore, John H. .. Whitney, Elias J Whitney, James F Whitney, James H., and wife Whitney, Peleg T "Whitney, Samuel W., and wife Whitney, William M and tBenjamin E Bremner Whiton, Augustus S Whittaker, Benjamin. .. Whittaker, George Whittemore, Robert J. "1 Wliittemore, Maria F.. | Whittemore, Benj. M.. ! Whittemore, Phebe R. f Wbittemore,LambertS. I and Susan C.Talmage j "Whittemore, Robert ) J. , and wife C Whittemore, Timothy. > (2 lots) \ Whitten, Ann E Whittet, James > Whittet, John ^ "Whittet, John Whittingham,William H "Wichum, Ehregott t* Wicks, Alfred Wicks, George A > (11 lot) ^ Wicks, Loren J Widdifield, John W.... t"Widezk, Leonora No. of Lot. 13480 to 13485 16567 20169 12669 16668 13412 17265 20205 19436 16872 17671 15809 17058 20175 18842 14577 19456 18054 19991 15638 20605 15327 12742 20049 18821 20135 20160 12452 12453 20645 15596 16548 14813 18212 13552 12754 13341 19503 16010 Sect's of Map ( 179 C 182 168 187 61.62 151 (159 I J 60 167 5 176 I 187 187 105 164 55 F 187 158 153 78 M 172 115 162 120 125 187 152 187 187 182 148 168 168 158 L 180 92 18 187 167 108 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. *Widman, Frederick Wiechei'8, VVilliam A- - -- "Wiechmann, Ernst G- -- "Wiener, Wilhelmina ''Wiesenian, Christian, > and Adam Schreiber. ) Wiesmer, Peter Wigand, Francis E "Wigert, Arthur "Wight, Anilierst ) Wight, Amherst, Jr. .. \ Wightmau, Lemnel C- ) (IX lot) ^ Wilbur, Frances L.,and ? John J. Eckel ) Wilbur, Joshua G WilcheiiB, Elizabeth A. ) (525 ft.) S *Wilcomb, Julia t*Wilcox, Anna G Wilcox, Elmira E., and ) others (l| lot) S Wilcox, HarVey R S (3 lots) ^ Wilcox, William J *Wilcoxson, Frederick A. *Wild, Matthew W "Wild, Silas T., and) Herman Knebel ^ *Wilde, Francis H. M. .. Wilde, Thomas, and ) James P. Denny . . . . ^ "Wilder, Milo W.' "Wildnauer, Bety "Wilds, Isabella, and ) Elizabeth Poutin 3 Wiley, George W "Wiley, Harvey "Wiley, James, and Ja- ) cob Bower C "Wiley, Sarah ) Wiley, George ) "Wilfert, Elizabeth ) Wilfert, Catriue \ Williams, Edgar, and i Eliza C, his wife,and > others (2 lots) ) t*Wilhelm,HyronimuB, > M. D \ * Wilhelins, Charles "Wilkening, Charles L.C "Wilkens, Frederick "Wilkens, Henry "Wilkie, John "Wilkinson, Caroline S-. "Wilkinson, John, and ) Mary, his wife \ Willard, Charles A., / and wife \ 16226 17230 14819 20152 14801 19029 15378 12118 15685 17866 13368 20439 12475 16729 17721 9475 14034 to 14036 18369 20449 17559 16008 19972 12354 20569 18635 17676 18122 18516 12955 19718 20801 12617 12618 15277 16405 18977 17011 18330 13655 19137 15298 18362 165 151 100 L 168 165 162 65. 66 H 113 156 170 151 181 M3 / 22 9 103 156 190 165 F 72 148 L ,167 ' 175 149 186 183 183 29 188 168 ; 152 > 153 ■4.9 186 170 175 188 174 "Willard, Edward H.... "Wille, Joseph tWillet, James C, Es- ) tate of (528 ft.) S t*Williams, Beckwith T. "Williams, Benjamin W. "Williams, Bennett "Williams, Bernard t Williams, Charles F.... "Williams, Chrissie M... "Williams, Clarence A... t"William8, Daniel Williams, Daniel T Williams, Deborah ) (453 ft.) S "Williams, Edward "Williams, Edward G-.- "Williams, Elizabeth C. "Williams, Ellen... "Williams, Elvira C, ? and others ) "Williams, Emma L "WilliauiH, Frank U "Williams, George F., ) and wife I "Williams, George H t"Williams, Jabez Williams, James W Williams, Jane, and 7 others ) Williams, Joanna M "Williams, John, and wife "WillianiH, John C Williams, John D tWilliams,J<)hnH.(426ft) "Williams, John H "\Villiaiiis, Lizzie "Williams, Martha S Williams, Mary "Williams, Peter Williams, Peter "Williams, Roland, and ) Elizabeth Owens ) "Williams, Stephen G... Williams, Washington ) B (3 lots)^ tWilliaras, William....^ Williams, Elbert T., ! and Joseph J. Rogers ( (l>i(lot)J Williams, William "Williams, William H , ) M. D S Williams, William J., ) and others ) "Williams, William P.. . 15430 17960 14769 12165 15284 1205 13562 13272 17843 20719 12877 20554 19316 1206 18599 15574 16101 19794 18581 20174 19698 18737 14322 20675 13256 14015 20540 17032 14394 16573 19595 20695 13106 20866 17501 17633 19057 14255 18756 18757 18829 15216 16882 1312 15889 15316 162 174 171 181 106 74 111 101 117 175 156 52 175 189 157 168 186 189 E 185 ■ 25 ' 32 33 "124 176 159 67 156 164 159 114 106 182 50 183 168 76 120 172 168 178 179 164 77 157 162 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 18T3. 109 Names. No. of Sect's Lot. of Map *WilliamB, William T., Williams, James O ^ •Williamson, Charles H. t'Williamsoii, Charlotte ? D S Williamson, Doaw D., > and wife.... (11^ lot) S "Williamson, George "Williamson, James "Williamson, James Williamson, James A "Williamson, John Williamson, Peter L Williamson, William * Willington, Eliza "Willis, Catharine B "Willis, Edward, and } Alice Maxwell. \ "Willis, Matilda M "Willis, Harrison "VVilliston, William S... "Willmer, Charles K.... Wilmerding, William ) E., Estate of > (4 lots) > t"Willson, A. Duncan, ) MD S "Wilson, Adeline "Wilson, Alexander "Wilson, Alexander "Wilson, Alexander, ) and wife ) "Wilson, Alfred H Wilson, Andrew "Wilson, Annie "Wilson, Artemus D "Wilson, Caroline M., ) and others ) "Wilson, Charlotte "Wilson, David "Wilson, Edwin "Wilson, Elizabeth , "Wilson, Elizabeth "Wilson, George , "Wilson, George W. ... tWilson, Guilherme. ... "Wilson, Hammh L.,'J and Alpheus W. ) Camp J "Wilson, Harriet A. ... "Wilson, Heman B "Wilson, Hngh L., and ) others S Wilson, Jacob "Wilson, James "Wilson, James B.,&wife Wilson, James G Wilson, James W S (3 lots) ^ 15575 12657 13121 19677 20414 17358 20720 19979 13999 12316 to 12319 18334 17933 13446 13486 19542 17257 16984 18176 16613 20593 16765 17794 12935 15023 20267 16725 17983 14273 3098 20100 20303 19482 17165 946 20591 19973 12557 to 12559 Names. No. of Lot. Wilson, Jane P. "Wilson, John. . Wilson, John "Wilson, John "Wilson, John A. Sect's of Map .-.i 23! Wilson, John H Wilson, Josephine "Wilson, Josephine Wilson, Mary P. B ... (2 lots) Wilson, Michael K Wilson, Nathaniel .... Wilson, Rhoda, and Henry S. Dunning.. "Wilson, Richard, and wife "Wilson, Robert , "Wilson, Robert Wilson, Robert M Wilson, Stephen Wilson, Stephen and wife '^Wilson, William "Wilson, William E... (316 ft.) Wilson, William H. . . . "Wilt, Eliza Wilt, George A., and wife (2 lots) ^ "Wilton, Emily . "Wilton, William C, ) and Thos. B. Hughes \ "Winans, Charles H... ^ Winans, Lewis M > Winans, De Witt C ) Winans, Chauncey C Winans, Elias P., and ) wife ) "Winans, Jane Winant, Eliza ~) Winant, William W... Winant, Samuel G }• Winant, George W I {!}£ lot) J Winchell, Rensselaer B. Winchester, Jonas, and ^ Anna E. B. Bartholo- > mew J "Winchester, Martha R.. "Winckelback, George L. "Winckelbach, Wilhel- ) mina ) "Winckler, Louis "Windecker, Matthias- .. *Windisch, Frederick... "Wing, Erederieh H 51,74 162 ^176 I 177 X 152 M53 C 149 181 63 I 113 M52 ^158 5 187 F 16896 55 19570 187 17910 185 16303 105 20143 12976 15279 17946 19121 20382 17541 14176 20676 16999 17000 18390 13612 19042 1999; 17063 14377 14379 13847 16522 1117 1118 17388 10083 13205 13828 19615 13837 19014 13766 E L 162 169 170 156 83 ,167 1 168 58 180 36 71 180 9039 S 100 ^101 18517 189 13466 180 14327 180 20386 165 19905 ^167 i 175 13076 182 20365 174 110 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. *Winslow, Alice J Winslow, David C Winelow, Samuel, and ) wife S Winter, Hein-y E. •"Winter, Marj^'aret "Winterbottoni, J. & Co. *Winterhoff, John A fWinterroth, Otto "Winters, John W^., and f wife 5 Winthrop, Robert S (4 lots) 5 "Wintle, Emma "Wintringham, David '^ L., and Peter C. Ben- > sel ) •Wipfler, William "Wippermann, Julius "Wirth, Richard Wisdom, William "Wissmann, Celine F "Withey , John *Witman, Charles, and > Rose Seabert ) *Witte, Carl O., and ) wite ) "Witte, John H "Witteck, Charles "Wixon, Harriet *Wleeke, William H., > and Henry Emken.. J *Woef, Henry *Woef, John ." "Woerth, Peter Wohlrabe, Andrew, and ? others ) Wolcott, Henry H *Wolcott, James L Wolfe, Joel (4 lots) Wolfe, John.... (6 lots) tWolfe, John David.. (4 lots) Wolfe, Stephen de, M. D., and John H. Thompson tWolfe, Udolpho (4 lots) *Wolferz, Amalie W^olters, Henry Wolters, Catharine "Wolven, John P No. of Lot. 21003 19274 19852 18501 12967 8029 19940 15514 20522 15764 to 15767 16890 8507 18471 19108 20682 16936 16594 18951 16881 19952 12427 20858 17075 12659 20663 20664 15561 1324 14185 12045 16072 to 16075 16758 to 16763 9082 to 9085 11122 12188 to 12191 18661 3224 13934 99 150 149 149 107 111 178, 61 Names. Wood, Abiel Jr., and ) Benjamin F. Metcalf. \ Wood, Andrew J \ {IX lot) \ tWood, Benjamin B.,"i and Richard J. Du- > senberry ) *Wood, firewster t*Wood, Caroline Wood, Charles, and ? Dixon G. Hughes... 3 *Wood, Christina Wood, EbenezerB.,and ^ Manuel G. de J. Bo- > nell > "Wood, Francis Wood, George * Wood, James Wood, James R., M. D. ) (IK lot) S *Wood,John,andJames ? Lenton \ "Wood, Margaret tWood. Stephen T., and Charles V. Cag lieresi Wood, Walter N., and'> wife 5 Wood, Walter, R., and > wife I "Wood, William "Wood, William G.,M.D. Wood, William R ^ Wood, John H., and > others ) "Wood, Willie ) Wood, Isabella ] Wo.Mlbridge, Joseph E.. Woodcock, William N., } Estate of \ "Woodgate, Mary A tWoodhead, John Woodhead, John F t Woodruff, Christian B.. Woodruff, Franklin ... > (IX lot) \ Woods, Alexander, and } John Stewart ) ■•Woods, Benjamin, and > Eliza A. Jebb \ "W^)od8, Maria E t Woodward, Arnold Woodward, John H "Woodward, Margaret.. "Woodward, Niun-od. ... tWoodward, Richard S.. Woodward, William Jr. ) and wife ( No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 13087 15953 6446J 16550 16094 18632 14835 16916 171 157 49 187 164 167 .163 ^64 55 15367 162 20498] 174 15368; 162 12175' 150 18974! 13443 3618 20084 20575 7716 7541 17280 20366 13321 19000 18932 12606 12673 12951 12970 6767 14851 19272 14259 12223 13327 16986 12176 19961 186 2 78 176 187 21,36 2 152 174 172 55 189 99 100 172 123 24 (163 >168 183 170 150 63 167 177 148 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Ill Names. No. of Lot. Woodworth,WilliamV. ) and tLetitia Cassidy. \ *Woolcocks, Thomas J.. *Woollev, Catharine ^ L., an<*l AramintaJar- > vis ) ^Woolsack, Catharine. .. *Woolsey, Thomas B Wooster. George H. .. > (13^ lot) Work , Frank ) (■2 lotsl S "Worrell, Sophia, and ) Oceana Judah \ * Worstel, John P Worth, John S Wreaks, Charles F * Wreath, William t*Wrede, Christopher D "Wrede. Julia t*Wrede, William * Wright, Alexander. * Wright, Anna E Wright, Augusta L AV right, Caroline *Wright, Caroline R Wright, Charles, M.D., ) and wife 5 Wright, Charles L ^Wright, Chauncey M... t* Wright, David *Wright, Edgar *Wright, Isabella "Wright, James C 'Wright, John *Wright, Margaret Wright, Mary E. (l}£ lot) *Wright, Stephen M * Wright, Susan ^Wright, William, of; England ) tWright, William 12664 ^Wright, William W. . . . 14130 * W riuch, Eliza * Wyckott", Cynthia A Wvckotr, Hendrick II.. ) WVckotf, C4errit H . . . . ^ *Wyckoflf, Henry R. ..1 Wyckotf, Gerrit H.,and > Gerrit Strvker ) Wyckoff, Joiin N., Jr., f andWillianiT.Gendar )' Wyckoff, Richard L., ) and Ricliard Whipple \ "VVyeth, Harriett L "Wygant, Caroline *Wvkes, George, Jr . ... 14362 16275 18233 20845 18101 13463 3585 3586 16678 15425 13172 17466 20089 17194 18584 1^89 14529 16209 20658 19912 17065 20213 19510 12898 15043 17104 18304 12021 15603 18783 18477 19349 20059 12083 Sect's of Map 13513 18711 19544 19910 Names. No. Of Lot. Sect's of Map 183 183 15567 84 21007 F 18402 H Wylie, James Wyman, Julia Wynian, Samuel, Es- tate of (2 lots) *Wulbern, Catharine, and Bendix F. Kolls *Wulff , Adolph Wurster, Charles (l}£ lot) Y. 'Yale, Henry C Y''ard, Edmund Yard, Wesley S Yardley, Charles B *Yate8, Lorenzo D ) Yates, Alfred C I Yates, Robert Y'^ellowlee, Sarah A... ) [\y^ lot) \ Yenni, Edmund, and } George Taylor \ Yerance, Peter V., and > Catharine Ceragioli \ Yoelin, Hyacinth, Es- \ tateof (13^ lot) \ t*Yost, Andrew "Yost, Charles A Young, Annie Young, Archibald, and'^ Rev. Michael Scofield > (4 lots) 3 *Young, Catharine *Y'oung, Charles L ? Y'oung, James \ ''Young, Duckett A Youug, Edward P *Young, Ellen ''Young, Erastus, and > wife \ "Young, Hannah * Young, Henry C. , and \ wife \ "Young, James "Young, James N ... "Young, James T "Young, James R. , Es- \ tate of \ Young, John "Young, John C, heirs of Young, John M "Young, John R...: "Young, Mansfield "Young, Maria "Y'oung, Robert McC "Young, Sarah M "Y'^oung, Theodore F., } and Clarence S.Green ( 5220 16089 15956 15957 13126 14129 12785 13428 893 19504 17526 20857 13226 19906 6824 13926 12862 15374 15375 18784 12036 to 12039 16595 18656 20616 13746 20527 19813 21016 19617 19218 13160 15239 16688 18833 1997 20612 12283 15240 13267 13162 20802 13494 80 168 99 111 112 71 43 178 151 115 111 <89 ^90 56 159 162 160 169 169 186 29 178 168 186 149 177 156 156 115 188 152 47 169 156 ]87 73 148 171 169 30 , 179 ' 180 115 180 112 LOTS SOLD TO MAY 12, 1873. Names. No. of Lot. *Tounger, Matthew Youugs, Caroline A *Youngs, David A *Youiigs, Elizabeth S Youngs, Henry I ■^Youngs, Joshua *Younie, Margaret *Yule, John *Yule, Peter, Jr Z. Zabriskie, Abraham O. S (3 lots) 1 "Zabriskie, Satie H 14533 19571 20285 17929 16147 20957 17508 17192 13554 14954 to 14956 19903 *Zahn, Bertha Zeh, Philip, and Peter } Morieon (1 lot) \ *Zeller, Theodore, U.S. N ^Zellinsky, FerdinandE ) Zellinsky, Charles L... ] t*Zenke, Adolph Zimher, Lizzie *Zir\vas. John J *Zitterbart, Fidelis *Zizinia, Thomas Zoebisch, Charles A *Zogbaum, Ferdinand... "Zoller, Charles "Zollinger. Gertrude, ) Estate of ) 'Zwergnis, Ellenor No. of Sect's Lot. of Map 20902 L 1630 i 59 1635 66 13433 51 20022 187 16359 168 16458 K 12268 93 18954 152 18561 L 19622 115 18841 186 20448 E 20863 115 18590 174