fit Wt7 F 521 .N875 1897 Copy 1 NORTHERN INDIANA Historical Society. B # # # % tf CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS. # # # & # # LIST OP A\EA\BERS. BUREAU OF ]ERICAN ETHNOLOGY 1* A ICY South BeniW Indiana CONSTITUTION and BY-LAWS, OFFICERS, CHARTER MEMBERS ... or THE . . . Northern Indiana Historical Society, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. ORGANIZED FEBRUARY 5, 1895. INCORPORATED FEBRUARY 29, 1896. LA SALLE. PROGRAMME OF WORK TOR 1896. REGULAR MEETING T1RST TUESDAY OP EACH / v \ONTI1 AT SOCIETY ROOMS PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING. (Dffteem 18%. LUCIUS HUBBARD, President. RICHARD H. LYON, Vice-President. GEORGE A. BAKER, Secretary. OTTO M. KNOBLOCK, Treasurer. The above named officers constitute the Executive Committee. BY TRANSFER BUREAU OF AMF.R. ETHNOLOGY SEP 2 2 1939 2 Charter IllEmbtrs, LUCIUS HUBBARD. MRS. LUCIUS HUBBARD. GEORGE A. BAKER. MRS. GEORGE A. BAKER. HOWARD S. STANFIELD. MRS. HOWARD S. STANFIELD. OTTO M. KNOBLOCK. MRS. OTTO M. KNOBLOCK. RICHARD H. LYON. MRS. RICHARD H. LYON. CHARLES H. BARTLETT. MRS. CHARLES H. BARTLETT. CHAUNCEY N. FASSETT. MRS. CHAUNCEY N. FASSETT. CORWIN B. VAN PELT. MRS. CORWIN B. VAN PELT. THADDEUS S. TAYLOR. MRS. THADDEUS S. TAYLOR. GEORGE FORD. MRS. GEORGE FORD. (Uhcirtrr TOrmhrrs.— Continurtl. GEORGE B. BEITNER. MRS. GEORGE B. BEITNER. WILLIAM B. STARR. CHARLES A. McDONALD. MRS. CHARLES A. McDONALD. EDWIN NICAR. MRS. EDWIN NICAR. WILLIS A. BUGBEE. WILLIAM B. STOVER. DAVID R. LEEPER. STUART MacKIBBIN. PETER E. STUDEBAKER. MRS. PETER E. STUDEBAKER. JOHN M. STUDEBAKER. MRS. JOHN M. STUDEBAKER. JAMES DuSHANE. Ho n o rn n> ^Unn he ra. EDWARD G. MASON, Chicago, Illinois. LEWIS HYDE BEESON, Niles, Michigan Historical* Gm , HIS region was the home of the Miamis; they were ^J induced to move to the vicinity of the Illinois river in 1680. About 1 70 1 the Pottawatomies migrated from the Green Bay country and located along the St. Joseph River, and continued to occupy this territory until 1840, when the Government provided a reservation for them in Kansas. The St. Joseph River, formerly called River of the Miamis and the portage to the Kankakee, has made this region historic, it being the favorite route of the early explorers, missionaries and traders between the great lakes and the Mississippi River. This old portage trail passed within a mile of the present limits of South Bend. La Salle built a fort at the mouth of the river in 1679. The Jesuit Fathers established a mission on the east bank of the St. Joseph River, 9 miles north of South Bend and one mile south of Niles, Mich., early in 1700, which was afterward stockaded and garrisoned by the French and called Fort St. Joseph. It was surrendered to the English in 1763 and was destroyed by the Spaniards in 1781. Many interesting original documents covering the early history of this region are preserved in the archives in Paris, France, and Ottawa, Canada. The Ntfrtl^rn Indiana Historical Stftfetg, THIS Society was formed February 5, 1895, and was incorporated by the State of Indiana, February 29, 1896. Its progress thus far has been encouraging and it is now established on a footing that insures its usefulness and perpetuity. The Society is in its nature a public institution, benefiting not only present, but future generations. As such an institution, the Society hopes for and invites the co-operation of our citizens who are interested in the preservation of historic material relating to Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan. The Society desires, and will be grateful for gifts of books, pamph- lets, newspaper files, maps and original documents of every kind that may throw light on the early, as well as on the later history of this region. The Society requests donations of daguerreotypes and photographs of pioneers and settlers, which will be arranged and displayed in the Society rooms. The Society also desires specimens for its growing museum of curiosities, Indian relics, war relics and old china. All gifts will be appropriately labeled with the donor's name and acknowledged in the proceedings of the annual meeting in February of each year, also by letter of the Secretary. Donations may be sent to the Secretary, George A. Baker, 102 South Michigan Street, South Bend, Indiana. C0ustiiittt0u* ARTICLE I. NAME AND OBJECT. Section 1. This Society shall be called The Northern Indiana Historical Society. Section 2. Its object shall be to institute and encourage historical inquiry, to collect and preserve the materials of history and to spread historical information, especially concerning the Saint Joseph Valley in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan, also for the study of all branches of General, Modern and Ancient History. ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP. Section 1. This Society shall be composed of Active, Honorary and Corresponding members, all of whom shall be elected by ballot, only at regular meetings of the Society, when a quorum is present. Section 2. Applications for membership shall be made to the Secretary, who will bring them before the next regular meeting. The names shall then lie over until the next regular meeting, when they shall be voted on by ballot. Three adverse votes shall reject a can- didate. ARTICLE III. OFFICERS. Section 1. The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, which officers shall consti- tute the Executive Committee, the President to be Chairman thereof they to be active members of the Society. Section 2. The officers named in the first section under this article, shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting, and shall serve for one year or until the election of their successors. They shall perform such duties as are common to such officers, or as may be prescribed in the By-Laws. Vacancies occurring from any cause in any of these offices may be filled by ballot at any regular or special meeting when a quorum is present, notice of such election being given at least two days before such meeting. ARTICLE IV. MEETINGS. Section 1. Annual meetings for the election of officers and the transaction of other business relating to the affairs of the Society shall be held on the first Tuesday of February in each year, and the fiscal year of the Society shall begin at such annual meeting, and end on the following annual meeting. Section 2. Twelve active members shall constitute a quorum for the election of officers or for the transaction of business. Section 3. Special meetings and special business meetings may be called by the President, or in the case of his absence, by the Vice- President, of which due notice shall be given at least two days before the meeting. ARTICLE V. AMENDMENTS. Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be introduced at any regular meeting, and shall lie on the table until the next regular meeting, when if a quorum is present, they- shall be taken up under the order of new business, and to carry, will require a two-thirds vote of those present. Bg^HttESu ARTICLE I. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Section 1. The President shall preside at meetings of the Society and of the Executive Committee, and call special business meetings as he may deem necessary or as he may in writing be requested to call, by five active members of the Society. Section 2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in case of absence of the President from the meetings of the Society. Section 3. The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of meetings and record them in the book provided for that purpose. He shall attend to the correspondence of the Society and fulfill the duties that naturally fall to the Secretary. Section 4. The Treasurer shall collect and hold all funds of the Society and make payment of same only as directed by the Executive Committee. Section 5. The Executive Committee may adopt such rules for its own action, not in conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society, as they may find convenient and necessary. ARTICLE II. MEETINGS. Section 1. The regular meetings of the Society shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month. Section 2. The exercises of the regular or special meetings of the Society shall be under the direction of the Executive Committee, and in general conform to the objects of the Society, subject to the approval of the Society. 9 ©rrier of ^Business at ftfeetrngs. AT KEGULAR OR SPECIAL MEETINGS: 1st. Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting. 2d. Reports of Committees. 3d. Applications for Membership. 4th. Balloting for Candidates proposed at preceding meeting. 5th. Deferred Business. Gth. New Business. 7th. Reading of prepared Articles and General Discussion. 8th. Adjournment. AT ANNUAL MEETING: 1st. Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting. 2d. Reports of Committees. 3d. Reports of Officers for the preceding year. 4th. Applications for Membership. 5th. Balloting for Candidates proposed at preceding meetin: 6th. Deferred Business. 7th. Election of Officers for ensuing year. 8th. New Business. Oth. Reading of prepared Articles and General Discussion. 10th. Adjournment. ^trittles rrf ^ss0rtatt0u OF THE Jsfcrlheru Indiana Historical Stftfeig, WE, the undersigned citizens of the United States, desire to asso- ciate ourselves as a corporation, not for pecuniary profit, under the act of the General Assembly of Indiana, approved March 1G, 1880, Burns Statutes 4613, and for that purpose join in the follow- ing certificate : 1. The name of this Society shall be "The Northern Indiana Historical Society." 2. The particular objects for which it is formed are: (A). To institute and encourage historical inquiry, to collect and preserve the materials of history, and to spread historical information, especially concerning the Saint Joseph Valley in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan, also for the study of all branches of General, Modern and Ancient History. (B). The collection and formation of a Museum of Historical Articles. (C). The collection and preservation of a library of books and documents. (D). The general discussion of historical and literary subjects and the intellectual and social improvement of the society. 8. The number of Directors of this society shall be four and the names of those selected for the management of its business and prudential concerns for the first year are Lucius Hubbard, Richard H. Lyon, Otto M. Knoblock, George A. Baker. In witness whereof we have subscribed our names to and acknowl- edge the execution of the above certificate this 4th day of February, 1896. HERE FOLLOWS NAMES OF CHARTER MEMBERS. department #f State. ..•Qfertiftcale... STATE OF INDIANA, \ ^ Office of the Secretary of State, \ I William D. Owen, Secretary of the State of Indiana, do hereby certify that the Articles of Association of The Northern Indiana Historical Society, showing no capital stock, were filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Indiana on the 29th day of February, 1896. In compliance with the provisions op an act entitled "An Act to Authorize the Formation of Voluntary Associations" approved May ijth, 1852, and the various acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto and subsequent act relating to filing articles of association, approved March 9th, 1891 ; said articles being now of record in the office of the Secretary of State, therefore this certificate shall be and is hereby constituted the authority of said Society to transact bit si '//ess under the provisions of said acts. hi ^Uttness ^Uhcrcuf, / have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the State of Indiana, at the City of Indianapolis, this 29th day of February, A. D., 1896. WILLIAM D. OWEN, Secretary of State. 12 jutting 1893. Life of Alexis Coquillard, Carey Mission, Early River Transportation, - Foil St. Joseph, Life of Lathrop M. Taylor, - Notable Visitors to South Bend, - Early Schools of South Bend, Kickapoo Bible and Alphabet, First Boot Factory in South Bend, Chief Topi n a bee and the Treaty of 1828, Marriage Customs of the Pottawatomies, From the Ranks to the Staff, George Ford. Mrs. Otto M. Knoblock. Otto M. Knoblock. George A. Baker. Thaddeus S. Taylor. Miss. Howard S. Stanfield. Mrs. George B. Beitner. Charles H. Bartlett. - ClIAUNCEY N. FASSETT. George A. Baker. Lucius Hubbard. Edwin Nicar. Note. — Alexis Coquillard and Lathrop M. Taylor, were the original proprietors of the site of South Bend, platted by them in 1831. Carey Mission was established one mile west of the present site of Niles, Michigan, 1822. Fort St. Joseph, the old French Fort Trading Post was established early in 1700 about 9 miles north of the City of South Bend. 13 Trttgramme fnr 1805. FEBRUARY MEETING. First Surveys of Northern Indiana, 1st Section, - Willis A. Bugbee. MARCH MEETING Crimes and Casualties of St. Joseph Count}*, - George B. Beitner. APRIL MEETING. La Salle, ------ Richard H. Lyon. The Kankakee Portage, - - Charles H. Uartlett. MAY MEETING. Pierre Navarre, - Chauncey N. Fassett. Early Manufacturing Interests, - - William B. Stover. JUNE MEETING. Mr. Edward G. Mason, President of the Chicago Historical Society, will deliver an address on the Early Explorers of this region. JULY MEETING. Volunteer Fire Department of South Bend, - - Edwin Nicar. The Hydraulic Power of St. Joseph County, - David R. Leeper. 14 SEPTEMBER MEETING. The Old Town of Bertrand, Mich., - Mrs. Howard S. Stanfield. Address, ..-..- Lucius Hubbard. OCTOBER MEETING. Press of St. Joseph Count}', - - Charles A. McDonald. Town of Mishawaka, - - - Mrs. Corwin B. Van Pelt. NOVEMBER MEETING. First Surveys of Northern Indiana, 2d Section, - Willis A. Bugbee. The Underground Railroad, - - - Stuart MacKibbin. DECEMBER MEETING. At this meeting Lucius Hubbard and William B. Stover will give a lantern exhibition of scenery of this region. JANUARY 1897 MEETING. The Michigan Road, .... George Ford. Early Documentary History from the Paris and Ottawa Archives, - George A. Baker. 15 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS UBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 751 175 9