Gass t /"-^ '/ Book ' /• r itn THE COMMODITIES OF THE ILAND CALLED Manati ore Long Ile WHICH IS IN THE Continent of Virginia. Imprinted by J. M. for J. G. S. And for f ale at the Jign of the Two Storks. <^^l. X- THE COMMODITIES Iland called Manati Ore Long lie w^ is in the Continent of Virginia. I. gp^ IRST thear grow ^_r naturally ftore of Black Wilde Vines w'^ make verie good Ver- gies or Vinniger for to ue w^" meate or to drefle Stur- p;on but by the Frenchmens Arte b:ing boylde and ordred is good \/ine and remeanes for three nioneths and no longer. But re- Aij rth planting the vines in 2 yeares c will then be excellent Wine. 11. There is alfo great ftore of deere theare and of three foarts, w^^ on! y by impaling the Thickets ore For- refts ore plafhing trees acrofle are eafely imparted. III. There are verie fayre Turkey,'^ fare greater then heere 500 in flocke w^^ infinite ftore of Berries, Chefnuts, Beechnuts and Maft ^ "" the feed on. iv. Thears Oacks of three fevral foarts, w'^ Afh and Wallnutt tn es fweet red Ceader & Pines, Fers and Deale, and Spruce for Marts [ 5 ] of Shiping and Afhe all excellent hudge and infenite, Pitch and Tarr and Mafts and Yeards for fhips of 400 tunne heere worth 30 and 40 £ a peece. V. Whole Groves of Wallnutt Trees to make Wallenutt oyle ore milke, in Fraunce worth ^20 a tunne and efteemed theare before other oyle or milke. VI. Groves of Mulberrie trees for Hike wormes w''^ in Ittalay are lett theare as howfes are heere for rent at 6|' the leaves of one Tree by the yeare and likewife are fo lett in fome part of the Province of Fraunce att ye like rates. A iij . [ 6 ] VII. Fitt places for to make bay falte in as low clay lands as y^ doe in Fraunce and foner becaufe hotter ; ore white falte by boyling brine theare made by the fonne. And y^ in New England and Verginea to y^ Fifhers is deerer folde than heere. VIII. Ther are alfo fitt places to build and launch ihips and fet up fawing mills for Timber and Plancke and Winfecote and for Cabonets of fweete red Ceader and Barrel boarde for the Canaries or Spaine. IX. Ther are Ponds of Frefh Watter [7] 3 ore 4 miles in Compaffe to fet up Iron and Water Mills and fanday and Clay Cleefs likely for Iron Mines, and on y^ Continent North- wards heigh rockey hills w^^ Chrijft- alls fphure and glittering oare and after great raines and wafhings the bring a third w^^ fome Copper. X. Theare is infinite ftore of ftur- gion and mulliote very lardge : The mulliote is to be dryed and faked for Spaine, Canaries & Ittaley and are treble the price of Codfifh ore poore John and doe take them in nets by 500 att a draught in the fandey fholes: Wheras the Portugales 50 fayle att a time att Cape Blanque in Bar- barie doe hooke them, being much [ 8 ] leffe and not a quarter the gaine to be made by them and the quan- tatie of Sturgion great ftore, of y^ Roes of w^^ y^ make Caviarie and Potargo w''^ bringeth redday golde and iilver and retorneth from the Straites, Wines Frutes and Silks. And this is the Staple to imploy Ships and faylors 4. moneths: As in fommer where each man bred to fifh may erne £20 wages, £20 to the honnor of the Ship and £20 to the Vi6luler as att thirds is the ufual cuftome of y^ Wefterne Fifhers. And for making of greene fifh dryde curd and traynde oyle is alfo 60 miles to the North- wards a Bancke where there is alfo good places to dry it as ftages, much better then in Newfound- lande, and is much bigger fifh. The fifhing begineth in Martch [ 9 J and endeth in Jimne and fo is caught and fowlde before New- foundlande fifh is caught, and att double the gaine and is worth 20 Marks a vyoge w''^ in Newfound- land is worth but J4. a fhare att the thirds. XI. The Planters and Coloney one moneth after Cattell brought as Cowes Goats and Hoggs doe digg and plant Mayfe, Wheate in Aprill and is reapt in Auguft ore planted in Junne and rept in October. XII. There is infinite ftore of grownde nuts, and fo much maft and walenuts as Hoggs increafe 20 for one in a year and Goats three for one w^^out anney chardge. Bij [ lO ] XIII. Ther are deere breede 2 a peece of w^^ y^ heigheft are 1 6 handfulls and ther is alfo a race of Bufaloes w''^ will be ridden and brought to draw and plowe and be milked. XIV. The trade for hatchets knives and nayles beads and toyes w^^ the Savages for their Beavers heere worth Ji: 2 a waight and otters and deere fkins and for their Mayes wheat is worth ten for one by way of trucke. XV. Ther is infinite ftore of Fowle and Egs of all foarts, of ponds of frefh fifh moft excellent, fea and fhell fiih in abondance and 1000 [ 'I ] loade of oyjfter fhells in a heape to make lyme of. XVI. By letting out a Pond 500 ac of meadow 8c Curable Lande is made in a weeke. XVII. Irifh Cowes of y^ Englifh breede at 5B1 io|' in Aprell are befttobe carried w'^ y^ PafTengers goeing 50 in a fhip, w^^ oate meale and wheat meale. XVIII. He that can lay out 5B20: for a man's armes, bedding, victualls, wages and Paffage w^^ a Carpenter ore Woodman may erne for it after in building fhiping Barrell B iij [ 12 ] board Wenfcott and maft &c £60 p"^ ann. XIX. A Fifher in fix moneths may make his Wages worth J 60 per ann. XX. For Pitch and Tarr and hops and woade and Hike grace & fine flax w'^^ growes theare. XXI. Ther is Greene Tobacco & dryed w^^ you may have theare by way of trucke w^^ the Savages. XXII. The firft yeares chardge will be to builde and to fortefie and to be provided of Laborers and not of [ '3 ] Droanes and factious Mutino'' but good tradefmen is the gaine. XXIII. As for freedom and pleafure to hancke hunt iifh and fowle theare is great varietie and alfo all daynties of fruits that Ittaley or the Gardens of Spaine affordeth may be had out of thofe ritch grownds, for it is as hott as Spaine ore Ittaley and as full of pleafure and comforte. XXIV. The Winter for y^ space of two moneths is as fharp as heere, and ftormes then, for by reafon of the raine and the woods being fo thick the fonne enters not. XXV. The Spring Waters thear are as B iiij [ H] good as fmall beere heere, but thofe that com from the Woods are not fo good but alltogeather naught. XXVI. By unitie and focietie of Part- ners fecuritie and hope of gaine growes if order and diflapline & in- telligence w*^ the Savages Verginia on the Sowth, New England on the North, the Dutch Plantation 60 miles on the Weft be had. XXVII. So that 30 idle men as fouldiers or gent be reftdent in a rownd ftone towre and by tornes to trade with the Savages and to keep their Or- dinance and Armes neat, fo y^ 300 in one Coloney of Tradefmen, fo y^ 100 of them be Negro flaves condemned men or apprentaftes [ 15 ] will free all danger if a Govner for his Watch and Ward and trayninge and ammunition be carefull, And y^ 8 of y'^ Planters be in Councell w^^ their voyces w^^ the Govnor to fee all Planters and Searvants and all Tennants y^worke att halfe in- coraged & well ufed. And y^ to worke in fommer clofe all lande from tenne till two out of y^ fhade & abroad in the Water for after it is hott and y^ muft reft. XXVIII. The Partners are willing to mentaine y^ Govnor & 2 men to wayte on him & a Steward & a Factor & his man theife to be att the chardge of y^ Adventurors and 25 Soldiers and 25 marriners to trucke and trafficke by torne w^^ the [ i6 ] Savages and never above tenn of them abroad at once in a Pinnace planqued againft arrowes. XXIX. And laftly the feare of the Span- iards or Forriners theere are litle "by reafon the fowndings and CoafI: to them is unknown unto aney, Beiides the Verginnians being neer us where are 4.000 Inhabitants and the Barmodes 2000, the two Dutch Foarts 2000 New Plimmouth and Salem 2300 All theife in three dayej faile and fome in one are allyed unto us to aflijft us if need require againft anny ftrangers. As for tht Savages 10 peeces will affright 3 00 01 them and put them to flight, having, no other defence for themfelves but! ' bowes and arrowes and all naked People. \s EIVIy'03