LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf .....Mil UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. m Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress \ jfcfcj. Ufc4' m il Hi DISPUTING THE FLY QUESTION {See History of the Moose, Plate 4) FAVORITE FLIES AND THEIR HISTORIES BY fwva MARY ORVIS MARBURY WITH MANY REPLIES FROM PRACTICAL ANGLERS TO INQUIRIES CONCERNING HOW, WHEN, AND WHERE TO USE THEM ILLUSTRATED BY THIRTY-TWO COLORED PLATES OF FLIES SIX ENGRA VINGS OF NATURAL INSECTS, AND EIGHT REPRODUCTIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHS BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY €&e Ktocrsi&e Press, Camirtoffe IH^OTX ( 3\ Copyright, 1892, Br MART ORVIS MARBURY. All rights reserved. fZ-dbyor The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A. Electrotyped and Printed by H. 0. Houghton & Company. o TO MY FATHER CHARLES FREDERICK ORVIS I LOVINGLY AND GRATEFULLY PROFFER THIS RECORD OF HIS INSTRUCTIONS TO ME REGARDING HIS FAVORITE RECREATION, WITH THE HOPE THAT THE SAME MAY BE USEFUL TO ALL WHO ARE FOND OF THIS PLEASANT PASTIME, AND ESPE- CIALLY TO THE MANY WHO HAVE PROVED THEMSELVES HIS FRIENDS, AND THERE- FORE MINE CONTENTS. PART I. Page Insects, Natural and Artificial 1 History of the Red Hackle 28 PART II. Prefatory 45 Histories of the Favorite Flies, accompanied by Letters relating to their Use in — Canada 46 Maine 100 Vermont and New Hampshire 128 Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island 144 New York 160 Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware 226 Virginia and West Virginia 266 Ohio 306 Missouri, Iowa, Indiana, and Illinois 334 Michigan 368 Minnesota and Wisconsin 392 Maryland, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, and Mississippi .... 406 Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, and Nevada 418 Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho 432 Montana 446 Washington 472 California 482 Oregon 492 " Hie Habitat Felicitas " 510 Index of Plates and Flies 515 List of Correspondents 520 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Disputing the Fly Question Frontispiece. Stone Flies 13 Drakes 15 Caddis Flies 17 Crane Flles and Spiders 19 House Flies and Ants 21 Beetles and Chrysopa 23 Plate A : Hackles 27 Plate B : Salmon Flies 39 Portrait of Charles F. Orvis ■ . 45 Plate C : Salmon Flies 63 Plate D : Salmon Flies . 81 A Pleasant Memory 93 Plate E : Lake Flies 95 Plate F : Lake Flies 113 Plate G : Lake Flies 125 Plate H : Lake Flies 139 Plate I : Lake Flies . . 157 Plate J : Lake Flies 171 Plate K : Lake Flies 189 Plate L : Lake Flies 199 Plate M : Trout Flies 221 Plate N : Trout Flies 239 Plate O : Trout Flies 255 Equinox, the Edge of the Shadows 261 Plate P : Trout Flies 277 Plate Q : Trout Flies 297 Plate R : Trout Flies 315 Plate S : Trout Flies 327 Plate T : Trout Flies 349 viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate U : Trout Flies 363 Plate V : Trout Flies 379 Plate W : Bass Flies 389 Plate X : Bass Flies 401 Plate Y : Bass Flies 413 Plate Z : Bass Flies , 427 Plate AA : Bass Flies 441 The Ondawa 442 " Up the Long Road " 443 Plate BB : Bass Flies 457 Manchester 459 Plate CC : Bass Flies 469 Plate DD : Bass Flies . . . . ' 479 Plate EE : Bass Flies 489 Plate FF : Bass Flies 503 " Hie Habitat Felicitas " 510 The mm was eetliuff and Vespers done, from Chape! (he monks cam« one by one. And duwn they went thro' Iho garden (rim In cnssock amleowl lotha ; Hvera brim. Ev.'ry brother Iiis HhV 1 j j j . j — i — k — ^ H — i 1 ^r rod ho took. ev_*ry rod had a J 1 \ j line and hoot. Ev.Yy hook had a bait no fine, and +Wr- FJ-r-f-ri X * ^ — J ' ' 4 ' -*■ — — £ — f — -u — 1— 1 y- p— 1 #W"~3~> 1 . ' 1 " 1 - " 1 . " f==^ 41 . cl te." -jry- =F ^ CE^ *Li_L* 1 *T¥ *ti i p ~f f: T =: ~^~^~ r — f ' 1 ' «i Molloy. FAVORITE FLIES. PAET I. INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. I 'm wrapped up in my plaid, and lyin' a' my length on a bit green platform, fit for the fairies' feet, wi' a craig hangin' ower me a thousand feet high, yet bright and balmy a' the way up wi' flowers and briars, and broom and birks, and mosses maist beautiful to behold wi' half-shut ee, and through aneath ane's arm guardin' the face frae the cloudless sunshine ; and perhaps a bit bonny butterfly is resting wi' faulded wings on a gowan, no a yard frae your cheek ; and noo waukening out o' a simmer dream, floats awa' in its wavering beauty, but, as if unwilling to leave its place of mid-day sleep, comin' back and back, and roun' and roun' on this side and that side, and ettlin in its capricious happiness to fasten again on some brighter floweret, till the same breath o' wund that lifts up your hair sae refreshingly catches the airy voyager and wafts her away into some other nook of her ephemeral paradise. — Christopher North. To create history one should be a great general, an inventor, or an explorer, but to those of us who are not so fortunate as to be creators is permitted the more humble mission of recording what is accomplished by others. We confess, though, that we are not quite content in this latter capacity, but are ambitious to submit some day to the angling fra- ternity a series of imitations of natural insects peculiarly our own. Those now known, it seems to us, are not as perfect representa- tions of nature as they might be, and therefore not wholly satis- factory ; but before offering to displace them we desire to extend 2 FAVORITE FLIES. our study of entomology, and prove, by repeated experiments, other imitations of greater value. At present, fishermen are chiefly in- debted to the fly-makers of Great Britain for copies of the insects alluring to game fish. Their experience extends back for centu- ries before our time or country even, and until we have studied more thoroughly our own stream-life we do well to abide by many of their conclusions ; but there can be no question that in the years to come the differences between the insects of the two coun- tries will be better understood and defined, and that a collection of the water - insects interesting to the fishermen of America, with directions for accurate imitations, arranged after the manner of Alfred Ronald's " Fly-Fisher's Entomology," would be of value. Until this can be successfully accomplished, it has seemed well to preserve carefully our present form of adopted and adapted pat- terns, fancy flies, and theories and associations connected there- with; or, before venturing too far in untrodden fields, to mark well the paths we have thus far taken, and establish beyond a possibility of removal or forgetfulness the landmarks of the past. The associations connected with artificial flies are so many and so pleasant that they should neither be lost nor ignored, since they constitute one of the charms of angling. To us, beyond the value of service, past or prospective, a fly is often of more real interest in being the reminder of more than its actual worth. In accord with this, one angler writes : " When I take one of my fly-books out of an evening or at any time during my waking hours in win- ter, I generally seek out some tattered fly that is wrapped carefully in a paper and placed in one of its pockets. The book may be full of flies, sombre or gorgeous in all the freshness of untried silk, mohair, or tinsel ; but take, for instance, this one with the legend INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. 3 on its wrapper ; " then follows a loving and enthusiastic reminis- cence of other days and happy scenes. That these " veterans of many a fight " are not forgotten and thrown aside, but are care- fully treasured, inspires the belief that their histories, so far as may be repeated, will be gladly welcomed. The field is so extensive that we are led in many and diverse ways. We desire so earnestly to indicate the identity and personality of each one who is asso- ciated with the flies spoken of in these pages that, even at the risk of seeming prolix, we shall take the liberty of quoting, as far as possible, his own words relative to anything in their connection, and thus to enter the camp-fire circle of anglers, and with them con- tribute our share of interest and information ; our primary motive being to bring forward the many valuable suggestions given in the letters from fishermen, which form Part II. of this book. These introduce many new flies that are their personal favorites, but must, of course, come into general popularity when their merits are known ; and our special mission, with the exception of the few pat- terns of our own invention and introduction during the last ten or twelve years, will be to preserve the history and associations, or, as a noted society leader would say, to write of these three hundred flies " as I have found them." Except to a studious few, dissertations upon the intricacies of entomology and of artificial-fly nomenclature are wearisome and to be avoided. The object of this treatise is to aid those who fish and observe for pleasure, — who seek fresh vigor and strength in a pursuit which occupies mind and body in the open air, and yields excitement without worriment. The Creator has endowed the majority of mankind with an am- bitious spirit, presumably for the advancement of the human race, 4 FAVORITE FLIES. undoubtedly promoting by it a restlessness, strife, and contention that can be satisfied only by the evasive will-o'-the-wisp success. Success blindly accomplished is difficult to sustain, but success achieved by study and care and delight in the same develops a power to hold its own, be the affairs mighty or trifling. Who of all that go a-fishing will deny the feeling of calm content and the glow of satisfaction consequent upon a creel a little heavier or a fish a little larger than that of his fellow-fisherman ? There seemed to us no better way in which to assure success than to learn from the experience of those who had succeeded ; hence this collection of notes from anglers in all parts of our country. To give this testimony it has been necessary greatly to con- dense, but it has been done with reluctance, for it was much more satisfactory to let each one tell his story in his own way, as if it were a firelight chat in a summer camp, or a winter's retrospect in a snug library. The voices are many, and we trust they will meet old friends and make new ones in this assemblage of their expe- riences. Artificial flies have been made and recorded since the third cen- tury ; until, now, protests are frequently heard against the " accumu- lation of ages." Wonder is expressed that they are so many in form and name. Indignation is hardly suppressed at the thought of more being added to increase the perplexity of those whose minds are already dismayed by the problem wherein the unknown quantity is represented by the interrogative Which ? We do not always stop to consider that the many imitations are, in the main, the work of eyes and fingers that see and execute differently, each with the worthy aim of greater perfection in representing some insect. But strive as they may, use what they will, they cannot create the INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. 5 buoyancy, glitter, and glow of life. All are failures in a meas- ure, yet other attempts will be made again and again, and with ever-varying effects. We can best be guided to a choice among these by known results from their use in all places, seasons, and methods. No one man could determine this for us, but surely from the expressions of hundreds one can find hints that may be firm stepping-stones to cross the stream of doubt. In the naming of flies, there has been an attempt in many in- stances to follow the classifications of insects. Sometimes this has been done correctly, and is most helpful ; but often it has been done carelessly or ignorantly, and then it is bewildering. Again, flies have been tied hastily, with whatever materials might happen to be at hand; or a liking for certain combinations of color has resulted in what we now term "fancy flies," as distinguished from imitation flies. In America, " fancy flies " are more numerous than the imita- tions, especially since their introduction as a lure for black bass. In Great Britain, the entomology of the stream-life has been carefully studied, and subjects have been copied ; but, alas, the lat- ter has been done in such varying ways and endowed with such varying names that one finds himself in a labyrinth of minute diversities. You wander round and round among these "delightfully accurate (?) perplexities, thankful enough if, at last, you find your- self back again remembering the point whence you started. The path is a narrow one to be taken this time ; and frequently there are big stones of contradictions, lost records, and conflicting claims to confront us. We have tried to roll aside as many as possible ; but now and then one will be found one too heavy, too deeply fixed, or too insignificant to be moved : such we must pass as best we may. 6 FAVORITE FLIES. As before stated, in America the majority of flies are the crea- tion of fancy, without an attempt to imitate any known insect, and are named according to circumstances. Yet some that are imita- tions of insects have not been named after the originals, but after the person who first made or used them. As an instance, the Reu- ben Wood is a well-known artificial fly. One day Mr. Wood, while fishing in the Adirondacks, saw the fish feeding upon a fly that he imitated as nearly as possible. Fishing with this, he had great suc- cess. He then sent a sample to a professional fly-dresser, and had a number tied, which he afterward distributed among his friends, who called them, after him, the Reuben Wood. The fly became popular, and the name will now never be changed. Another fly, the Morrison, is a small dark fly noticed by Colonel Morrison upon the waters of a little lake in the Northern woods, and before observed in many other places, always eagerly seized by the trout. He preserved no specimen, but described it as a tiny black fly, having a dark red body ringed with black. The color in the body he thought was due to the blood, which in the light shone through the delicate dark skin ; the wings and feet were black. The fly was made after this description. He tried it, and found it all he had hoped, and, not knowing the name of the insect which it represented, allowed it to be called the Morrison. The Dorset is a trout fly, described by a fisherman who was expert in catching fish, noticing their ways and all that concerned them, but having no scientific knowledge. In the little town of Dorset, Vermont, he fished frequently on a small pond. In the month of June he observed that when a certain fly was upon the water the fish refused anything he might offer them, even though his assortment was varied. He therefore concluded that his only INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. 7 chance of success lay in offering them a fly similar to that which engrossed their attention. From his description a fly was made which, he said, was very like the one he had seen. The copy was given a trial, proved successful, and has since been found effective in other waters. As the original was never obtained and identi- fied, the new fly was called the Dorset. Many other familiar flies, with a like history, might be men- tioned, with regret that the knowledge of entomology is not more general, as they might have been given names that would convey more clearly their characteristics. Modern entomologists have divided insects into sixteen orders, as follows : Order I. Thysanura. Sprig-tails, Bristle-tails. II. Ephemeroptera. May-flies, Day-flies. III. Odonata. Dragon-flies. IV. Plecoptera. Stone-flies. V. Platyptera. White ants, Book-lice. VI. Dermaptera. Ear-wigs. VII. Orthoptera. Locusts, Cockroaches, Crickets. VIII. Thysanoptera. Thrips. IX. Hemiptera. Squash-bugs, Water-bugs, Parasites. X. Coleoptera. Beetles, Weevils. XL Neuroptera. Corydalas, Lace-winged flies, Ant-lions. XII. Mecoptera. Scorpion-fly. XIII. Trichoptera. Caddis-flies. XIV. Lepidoptera. Moths, Butterflies. XV. Hymenoptera. Honey-bee, Saw-flies, Ants. XVI. Diptera. Flies, Gnats, Mosquitoes. Of these sixteen orders, five only are of special interest to the angler : the Ephemeroptera, or short lived day-flies ; the Plecop- tera {nXsxog, plaited ; itrepov, a wing), from the peculiar folded 8 FAVORITE FLIES. way in which the wings rest upon the long flat body, concealing and extending beyond it ; the Neuroptera (vsvpov, a nerve), or lace- winged fly, as the beautiful " golden-eyed gauze-wing ; " the Tri- choptera (hairy-winged flies), sometimes called caddis-flies or case- worms ; and the Diptera, or two-winged flies. The orders Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Hymenop- tera furnish occasional specimens for imitation, but the five just named yield those of more frequent service. All of these orders are divided again and again into groups, divisions, families, until the whole is too complex for any but those who have unlimited time and the gift of great continuity of thought. To those so blessed, what can be more fascinating than the study of entomology, giving, as it does always, new thoughts, new forms, the opportunity for out-of-door searchings, and study that need not cease when winter forces one within ; for then is the time to arrange specimens and verify opinions. To the one who shall simplify the branch relating to the insects of interest to anglers great gratitude will be due, for it will be a worthy work, and it will add an almost unlimited pleasure to fish- ing with the fly ; but as yet this seems a difficult and bewildering task. One who has made a life-study of insects, and perhaps has writ- ten more clearly of them than any one else, in describing the Libu- lidse, or family of dragon-flies, and the Ephemeridse, or May-flies, writes of the latter, — " This group is the most characteristic of those heretofore classed with the Neuroptera, or veiny-winged insects, and most interesting to the systematist, as it is composed of so many heterogeneous forms which it is almost impossible to classify in our rigid and at present INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. necessarily artificial systems. We divide them into families and sub-families, genera and sub-genera, species and varieties, but there is an endless shifting of characters in these groups. The different groups would seem well limited after studying certain forms, when, to the systematist's sorrow, here comes a creature, perhaps mimick- ing an ant, or aphis, or other sort of bug, or even a butterfly, and for which they would readily be mistaken by the uninitiated. " Bibliographers have gone mad over books that could not be classified. Imagine the despair of the insect-hunter and entomo- phile, as he sits down to his box of dried neuroptera. He seeks for a true neuropter in the white ant before him, but its very form and habits summon up a swarm of true ants ; and then the little wingless book -louse (Atropos), scampering irreverently over the musty pages of his ' Systema Naturse,' reminds him of that closest friend of man, Pediculus vestimenti. Again, his studies lead him to that gorgeous inhabitant of the South, the butterfly-like Ascala- phus, with its resplendent wings, and slender, knobbed antennae so much like those of butterflies, and visions of those beautiful insects fill his mind's eye ; or sundry dun-colored caddis-flies, modest and delicate, with finely fringed wings and slender feelers, create doubts as to whether they are not really allies of the clothes-moth, so close is the resemblance. " Thus the student is constantly led astray by the wanton freaks Nature plays, and becomes skeptical as regards the truth of a nat- ural system, though there is one to be discovered, and at last is disgusted with the stiff and arbitrary systems of our books, — a disgust we confess most wholesome, if it only leads him into a close communion with nature. u The sooner one leaves those maternal apron-strings, — books, 10 FAVORITE FLIES. — and learns to identify himself with nature, and thus goes out of himself to affiliate with the spirit of the scene or object before him, or, in other words, cultivates habits of the closest observa- tion and most patient reflection, — be he painter or poet, philoso- pher or insect-hunter of low degree, he will gain an intellectual strength and power of interpreting nature that is the gift of true gfenius." If, after years of investigation and thought, such conclusions as these are admitted, we who can give but limited attention to the study naturally approach it with hesitation and doubt, realizing, — ■ " Truth dwells in gulphs, whose deeps hide shades so rich That Night sits muffled there in clouds of pitch, More darke than nature made her : and requires (To cleare her tough mists) heaven's great fire of fires To wrestle with heaven-strong mysteries." No attempt will be made in these histories closely to trace the similarity between the natural insects and their artificial representa- tions. That would be ample for a work by itself, and would absorb too much time and space, when the present motive is to show the flies best known, most used, and where, when, and how. Until recently, but few fishermen felt that they could designate artificial flies by names ; it was only now and then that you would meet one who spoke with confidence in his knowledge. You would hear him describe his favorites, and such descriptions ! He would de- clare, "For an all-round fly, give me a Professor with a green body ! " meaning a Grizzly King. The next might say, " Now I tell you, the best fly for black bass, every time, is a large-sized Fer- guson with a green body and a speckled wing ; " again a Grizzly King was intended. One who wrote the above to us pitifully INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. H added, "But I can no more get the right Ferguson ; I have or- dered of many dealers, and they always send the wrong fly." A specimen of the Grizzly King was sent to help him out of his di- lemma, and he wrote back gratefully, saying, " You are the first I have met in a long time who knew the real Ferguson." It is surprising to find how many men call blue green, or vice versa. Experience shows us that most of them also call chestnut- brown a red ; drab, a gray ; purple, a blue ; with no distinction at all for the various shades of olive, claret, maroon, and yellows. The colored plates in " Fishing with the Fly " have seemed to remedy this in a marked degree, and it is cheering to notice how many can now give by name, readily and correctly, a long list of flies. We feel sure that this is due in a great measure to the plates mentioned, as the naming adopted in them is the one generally known and used. In adding to these plates, we have endeavored to give, as far as could be learned, the patterns best known and most liked; also their origin and history, briefly, so that in the future these records may be consulted when claims conflict. We urge that when a new pattern is adopted it be given a distinctive name ; and we also urge all to avoid giving old flies new names, or old names to new flies. Mention has been made of the need of a better knowledge of entomology, and this, when attained, will assist in the whole system of fly making and naming ; but, until it is acquired, let us take good care to keep the present knowledge as clear as possible. We have many valuable periodicals in which to announce and preserve our discoveries and inventions. In time we may establish some sim- ple and perfect system for classification and nomenclature. Michael Theakston, an English fisherman, has adopted a practi- 12 FAVORITE FLIES. cal method of classifying natural insects, which, although imperfect, is helpful in identifying and suggestive for naming. He divides the insects most imitated into seven classes, naming them as fol- lows : — First Class ....... Browns. Second Class ...... Drakes. Third Class ...... Duns. Fourth Class ...... Spinners. Fifth Class ....... House-flies, Sixth Class ...... Beetles. Seventh Class . ..... Ants. Each of these classes embraces many varieties ; but the class con- fers the surnames, to which is prefixed the additional name distin- guishing each member of the class. This prefixed name may indi- cate size, color, season, or circumstance, but the class name suggests the shape. Many of the variations in a class consist only of a slight difference in size or shade of coloring. These variations are immensely increased by the metamorphoses of insects. In the varying stages of development, it is often difficult to say where the larva ends and the pupa begins ; also where the pupal state ends and the imago begins. In one genus, the Chloeon, of the order Ephemeroptera, Sir John Lubbock has described twenty- one stages of existence. With the caddis-flies, belonging to the order Trichoptera, the developments are comparatively abrupt and well defined, but among the many families of the Ephemeroptera and Neuroptera may be seen minute and imperceptible gradations, until ample excuse is offered any imitator for a variation in copy ; for who can be sure the subject was in the same stage as that chosen by another worker as a model ? BROWNS, STONE -FL IES I GLASS INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. 13 This may easily be a chief source of confusion and dispute re- garding the differing imitations. It is not so much that each man may be wrong, but that each man may be right from his own stand- point. So, with the endless variety of insects and the never-ending variations of the same, there is multiplied the diverse patterns, until who can determine if each imitation of the Red Spinner was not true at the time of capture ; but, if possible, let a spinner be called a spinner, be it red, brown, or black ; a drake, a drake ; an ant, an ant ; and a beetle, a beetle. We do not urge the adoption of Mr. Theakston's classification, but will explain it as we understand it from his notes, compiled by Mr. Francis M. Walbran, and published in a little book entitled " British Angling Flies." In that book there is no attempt to con- nect or show a relation between his own classification and that of the scientific entomologist, so, for the service of those who may not be informed regarding either method, a typical specimen is given of each of Theakston's seven classes, and its place in the sixteen or- ders of Hexapoda, or six-footed insects. From these types, if any one desires to do so, it will be possible to identify forms, and trace connections to the greater information to be found in available sci- entific books. Theakston's first class, or Browns, includes a number of flies familiar in name : the Needle Brown, Early Brown, Orange Brown, Yellow Brown or Yellow Sally, and others ; also, the valuable Stone-fly. Of the last-named fly Charles Cotton wrote : " The Stone-fly has not the patience to continue in his crust, or husk, until his wings be full grown ; but so soon as ever they begin to put out, that he feels himself strong, — at which time we call him a Jack, — ■ squeezes 14 FAVORITE FLIES. himself out of prison, and crawls to the top of some stone, when, if he can find a chink that will receive him, or can creep betwixt two stones, the one lying hollow upon the other, which by the way we lay so purposely to find them, he there lurks till his wings be full grown, and there is your only place to find him, and from thence doubtless he derives his name ; though, for want of such convenience, he will make shift with the hollow of a bank, or any other place where the wind cannot come to fetch him off." The Stone-fly is the largest of the class, and prefers to come out in the dusk or dark days ; but all the other flies are seen in the daytime. The females of this class may sometimes be noticed on the tops of posts and rails, or on the beams of bridges, whence they drop their eggs into the water ; from these eggs are hatched the larvae, or, as they are called in Great Britain, the " creepers." The eggs and creepers vary in size according to genus, the latter resembling in shape and construction of body the parent flies. In the larval or " creeper " state they are extremely active, running about on the bed of the stream or hiding under stones. When ready to change into flies they seek the edge of the streams, some- times leaving the water and running up the stems of plants ; but the greater number fasten themselves by a glue-like substance to the under sides of stones just at the water's edge, and there the creeper skin splits open, permitting the imago, or perfect fly, to escape. The Browns belong to the order Plecoptera, family Perlidse. They are also known as Perlids. The second class, Drakes, are perhaps the favorites in the fish- ermen's list. They are most interesting, and were formerly classed by scientists in the order Neuroptera. Though they have the deli- cately veined wings of that class, it has been decided that, owing DRAKES E GLASS INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. 15 to their many peculiarities, they do not rightly belong to any of the older established orders, but must be noted as distinct in specializa- tion, and are difficult to locate. They are named by some writers the Plectoptera, but this is so similar in orthography to Plecoptera that, to avoid confusion, the latest authorities place them in the second order, Ephemeroptera. As Day-flies, or Drakes, they exist for a brief time in two distinct stages, the sub-imago (called by Theakston the pseudo-imago) and the imago ; in these forms they possess only the most rudimentary mouth-parts, and take no food. The thorax is peculiar in being globular ; the prothorax, mesotho- rax, and metathorax are each very small. The abdomen is very long and slender, terminating in two or three long delicate stylets. The winsfs are net-veined. The mature insects exist but a short time, and for the purpose of reproduction only ; but as larvse and pupge they live one, two, or three years, burrowing in the mud, hiding under stones and among grass and weeds. During this time they pass through many changes and a gradual development until the time arrives for them to assume the imago. In different localities they are known under various names, as " May-flies," or " day-flies," but generally " drakes," because of the peculiar re- versed and elevated position of the stylets ; owing to this they are also known as " cocktails," and in Ireland as " caughlans," mean- ing cocktails. After leaving the pupa - skins, they may be seen assembled in groups or swarms about the waters on summer even- ings. In some places they appear in immense numbers, so that they seem to fall in showers. By many persons they are thought to emerge from the caddis cases ; but this is an error, the larva being hatched from the egg laid by the parent drake or cocktail. This larva changes to the pupa, progressing toward the perfect insect ; 16 FAVORITE FLIES. but during this entire time, be it one, two, or three years, it is an aquatic insect and is preyed upon by the fish, its only protection being its ability to " run and hide." As the larva and pupa it is a voracious creature, feeding upon other insects ; but in its final and great change it assumes the most delicate shapes and colors, in a seemingly endless variety. Among the species best known are the Green Drake, Brown Drake (March Brown), Iron Blue, Amber Drake, Gray Drake, Black Drake, Yellow Drake, and many more. Theakston's third class, the Duns, is a very numerous one, varying in shades from a light copper hue to the deep dun of the thunder-cloud, from which he gives them this name. Of the Hex- apods, they are the thirteenth order, designated Trichoptera (0pti*, a hair ; 7tTep6v, a wing) from the hairy aspect of their wings and body. The structure of the wings and general development of the caddis-flies in some respects bear resemblance to those of the moths ; indeed, they are commonly but erroneously called " water- moths." Like the insects of the two classes previously mentioned, the flies of this class lay their eggs upon the water, or attach them to stones and cover them with a jelly-like substance. From these eggs are hatched the larvse, or " creepers," but, unlike other larvae, all of this family, that is, the Phryganidae, as soon as they hatch begin to construct a covering of tiny sticks, stones, bits of sand, gravel, or shells. These they cause to adhere by means of a glue- like thread, until they have formed about themselves a case, the outside showing the substance of which it is composed, while the interior of the structure is perfectly smooth and round, apparently lined by the thinnest possible coating of the glutinous substance that assisted in its construction. While abiding in this they are known as case-worms or caddis - worms. Of them Izaak Walton DUNS HI CLASS INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. 17 wrote in the long ago : " You are also to know, that there be divers kinds of cadis, or case-worms, that are to be found in this nation in several distinct counties, and in several little brooks that relate to bigger rivers, as namely one cadis called a piper, whose husk or case is a piece of reed about one inch long or longer, and as big about as the compass of a two-pence ; these worms being kept three or four days in a woolen bag with sand at the bottom of it, and the bag wet once a day, will in three or four days turn to be a yellow ; and these be choice bait for chub or chevender, or indeed any great fish, for it is a large bait. " There is also a lesser cadis-worm, called a cock-spur, being in fashion like the spur of a cock, sharp at one end, and the case or house in which this dwells is made of small husks and gravel and slime, most curiously made of these, even so as to be wondered at, but not made by man (no more than the nest of a bird is :) this is a choice bait for any flote fish ; it is much less than the piper-cadis, and to be so ordered ; and these may be so preserved ten, fifteen or twenty days. " There is also another cadis called by some a straw-worm, and by some a ruffe-coate, whose house or case is made of little pieces of bents, and rushes, and straws, and water-weeds, and I know not what, which are so knit together with condens'd slime, that they stick up about her husk or case, not unlike the bristles of a hedge- hog ; these three cadis are commonly taken in the beginning of summer, and are good indeed to take any kind of fish with flote or otherwise. I might tell you of many more, which as these doe early, so those have their time of turning to be flies later in sum- mer ; but I might lose myself and tire you by such a discourse. I shall therefore but remember you, that to know these, and their sev- 18 FAVORITE FLIES. eral kinds, and to what flies every particular cadis turns, and then how to use them, first as they be cadis, and then as they be flies, is an art, and an art that every one that professes angling is not capable of." In most species, the caddis-worm, or larva, is able to walk or move about on the bed of the stream by thrusting- forth from its tubular case its head and forefeet ; it then travels along dragging its case with it. In many species the lower end of the case is par- tially closed, having only a small air-hole, and it is in the power of the larva to raise itself and habitation by secreting a sufficient portion of air with which to buoy itself up, and they may often be seen in groups apparently hanging in the water " heads down." A sudden alarm or touch will cause them to descend instantly by expelling the air through the round holes " at the end of the cases." When ready to assume the pupal form, the larva closes up the opening of the case with a grating or thick silken mesh ; while so inclosed the insect undergoes the changes peculiar to the pupa, the wings form and the body alters its shape. When finally mature, the pupa pushes through the network at the end by means of its two front hooks (which meet each other like a beak) ; and, though pre- viously immovable, it can then walk or move again with agility by means of the four fringed forelegs, now free. The pupae of the larger species crawl up the stems of water-plants, there throw off thin pupa-skins, expand their wings, and betake themselves to the new element, leaving the old caddis cases to be washed away by the current. In the plate the caddis-flies are represented with wings extended, poised, and folded, the larva, pupa, a case with the larva protruding its head, and two varieties of the closed cases. SPINNERS W CLASS INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. 19 In Great Britain over two hundred species have been identified, but in North America they have not been as fully studied, though they are numerous, and have been named to a considerable extent. It is said of the family Phryganidse that they are of greatest value as fish-food, the fish devouring eagerly the flies, larvae, and even the cases. They are also valuable as indicating the chemical composition of the water, and its adaptability to fish-culture, no ponds being considered suited to pisciculture unless the Phryganidae or caddis-flies are abundant in them. Efforts are being" made to o determine if they can be readily propagated, in order to increase them, and so add to the supply of fish-food. The Spinners are numerous upon the water and frequent upon the land. Familiar types are the crane-flies, daddy-long-legs, and mosquitoes. There are vast numbers in this fourth class of these slender, long-legged insects belonging to the family Tipulidse, of the order Diptera ; the mosquitoes are of the same order, but an- other family. These delicate water insects exist in endless variety. Spiders are classed also by Theakston with the Spinners, al- though they do not belong to the division of insects, but are of the Arachnida. Among the well-known imitations of the fourth class are the Jenny Spinner, Early Spinner, Black Spider, Black Hackle, etc. In the fifth plate examples are given of both the fifth and sev- enth classes, viz. : the fifth class represented by the House - fly, which has so many allies in the order Diptera, as the blue-bottle, cow dung fly, gnat, etc., and the Ants, or seventh class, are equally familiar to all of us. The Beetles, forming the sixth class, properly belong to the order Coleoptera, and are easily distinguished by their shell-like wing- 20 FAVORITE FLIES. covers. They are most interesting, and of untold variety in shape, color, and habits. Theakston makes the sixth class also embrace the insects of the order Hemiptera, or bugs, owing probably to the fact that many of these, to the casual observer, appear of the same structure. Belonging to the latter order are the back-swimming water-boatmen, so common on our ponds, and the giant water-bugs that are so terribly destructive to young fish ; also the squash-bug and the soldier-bug, often erroneously called the " soldier-beetle." Theakston seemed to allow no place in his classes for the insect known to fishermen as the " golden-eyed gauze-wing," and to nat- uralists as the Hemerobius. We have therefore added it to the drawing showing the beetles, for it is of value to anglers and a most interesting little creature ; beginning with the peculiar form of the eggs ; then during its good service in the larval stage, when one species is known as the " aphis lion," because it destroys on the rose-bushes and hop-vines myriads of these tiny pests ; and finally when- it develops into the pale green lace-winged fly, with its bright golden eyes, and is a treasure to the fisherman, but so delicate that it is difficult to use the natural fly and the imitation is generally preferred. (See Plate P, No. 138.) Although we have mentioned only a few types, it will be seen how, with a little more study, a much better understanding and intelligent observation can be acquired. Christopher North found his greatest pleasure in the noonday rests, when, lying on the green grass, he could watch with half-closed eyes the dream-like motions of the airy creatures flitting in and out through the sunlight. We may also see in the waters the earlier stages of these ephemeral forms, and so can find added interest in the ripples and wave-washed shores. Each stone shall suggest to us a possible home for some te; INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. 21 shy life, to be noticed carefully, that we may better copy its fea- tures and offer a more true enticement to the elusive, fickle-minded trout ; a fish whose chief charm, perhaps, lies in its varying moods, — moods that demand incessant change, a demand born of a life of change, owing to the ever-varying seasons and gradations of insect life. In our studies we should bear in mind that we are to endeavor to judge from the standpoint or instincts of the fish rather than from our own impressions. Too little thought is given to this, although Ronalds and Henry P. Wells have made some interest- ing experiments by the aid of glass tanks and other apparatus ; but there is yet an almost unlimited field for study and discovery beyond then attempts. Sir John Lubbock, in his thoughtful work on " Animal Intelligence," is very suggestive in the following : — " The general aspect of nature must present to animals a very different impression from what it does to us. These considerations cannot but raise the reflection how different the world may — I was going to say must — appear to other animals from what it does to us. Sound is the sensation produced on us when the vibrations of the air strike upon the drum of our ear. When they are few the sound is deep ; as they increase in number, it becomes shriller and shriller ; but when they reach forty thousand in a second they cease to be audible. Light is the effect produced on us when waves of light strike on the eye. When four hundred millions of vibra- tions of ether strike the retina in a second, they produce red, and as the number increases the color passes into orange, then yellow, green, blue, and violet. But between forty thousand vibrations in a second and four hundred millions of millions we have no organ of sense capable of receiving the impression. Yet between these limits any number of sensations may exist. We have five senses, 22 FAVORITE FLIES. and sometimes fancy no others are possible. But it is obvious that we cannot measure the infinite by our own narrow limitations. " Moreover, looking at the question from the other side, we find in animals complex organs of sense richly supplied with nerves, but the function of which we are yet powerless to explain. There may be fifty other senses, as different from ours as sound is from light ; and, even within the boundaries of our own senses, there may be endless sounds which we cannot hear, and colors as different as red from green, of which we have no conception. These and a thousand other questions remain for solution. The familiar world which surrounds us may be a totally different place to other animals. To them it may be full of music which we cannot hear, of color which we cannot see, of sensations which we cannot conceive. To place stuffed birds and beasts in glass cages, to arrange insects in cabinets, and dried plants in drawers, is merely the drudgery and preliminary of study ; to watch their habits, to understand their relations to one another, to study their instincts and intelligence, to ascertain their adaptations and their relations to the forces of na- ture, to realize what the world appears to them, — these constitute, as it seems to me at least, the true interest of natural history, and may even give us the clue to senses and perceptions of which at present we have no conception." To know and understand only a little of all this will give a wider reach to skill and fancy and our interest in this wonderful universe. Legends there are, too, associated with many of these tiny crea- tures. They have a folk-lore all their own, brought down to us by wondering tradition. Who can see the quaint old daddy-long-legs without an echo of the childlike rhyme relied upon in the day we were sent to " call the cattle home " ? We well remember our YI CLASS BEETLES AND CBRYSOPA INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. 23 searchings for the little prophet that would point one foot to tell us whither they had gone ; again the air is fresh with the sweet smell of the damp earth, for the dew has fallen ; again we see the pussy- willows, and then the stray white blossoms of the wild strawberries, promises of the tiny tempting red berries that will later cause many delays in the home-coming. We remember, too, the other delights following one after another all through the long, happy summer days, till finally the beechnuts under the big tree by the brook-side, and the blue gentians on the knolls, told us it was nearly time for wanderers to desert the pasture lands. Perhaps even yet the old childish fear clings to us as the dragon- fly, or "darning-needle," darts by, and we instinctively pull our hats down closer, that it may not " sew our ears up," as we once so firmly believed it could. And do we not yet stop to listen, and perhaps shiver a little, when we hear the dreaded " death-tick " ? A few years ago we attempted raising the American silkworms, that is, the silkworms native to this country, and so much larger than the foreign worms; hoping, if successful, to procure from them strands of gut of greater length and strength than that ob- tained from the Chinese worms. We had much difficulty at first in collecting the cocoons of the kinds we desired to experiment with, but finally succeeded in gathering quite a number of both the Cecropia and the Polyphemus moths. We raised from these thousands of worms. Space will not permit us to describe in detail how interesting we found it to watch and wait for the transforma- tions, the marvel it was to note the development from the cocoon to the beautiful moth, the hundreds of tiny eggs, then the little furry black specks that were hatched and grew and grew into the huge clumsy worms of an exquisite green. These yielded strands 24 FAVORITE FLIES. t of silk of astonishing length, but insufficient in strength. This we thought probably owing to the larvse not having been fed on the proper food ; but though that experiment was in one sense a failure, it quickened our observation regarding the great interest there is in the transformation of insect life. A few books, a few visits to the good collections of insects in the museums, a few searchings and watchings, and you have unceasing entertainment to fill in the time when the fishing is poor, or you have gathered knowledge to help make it better. Theakston's classification must be considered only as suggestive to fishermen. Other writers on angling have endeavored to sim- plify it all by adhering to two classes only ; but that hardly permits sufficient examples, and confuses by its generalities and wideness. Explanation must also be made here regarding the reproduction of some of the flies depicted in the colored plates in " Fishing with the Fly." It was at first intended not to do this, but as letters came from different anglers, they so often mentioned as their favor- ites those already pictured in that book that it was found necessary to include some of the old standard varieties among the many new favorites. As an instance, the Coachman could not be omitted, even though, in the new collection, the Parmacheene Belle was a strong rival for favor. Moreover, in writing what we know of the histories of these flies, it seemed clearer to show the flies than to refer to them by descrip- tions. But one duplicate is given in varying sizes, although many are often so used, and the greatest care has been taken to ascertain the best authorized dressing^'. The kind interest manifested by so many fishermen will be shown by the letters here gathered together. They are an all-sufficient INSECTS, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL. 25 reason for the existence of this book. We have been surprised at and most grateful for the same, and hope their arrangement may- please the writers and their many friends. Our desire has been to produce in this way a reliable amount of practical information to assist fishermen when going to new waters. Each will be able to find something relating to the section of special interest to him, and from the suggestions build up his own theories. One is slow to part with friends. These letters, and the writers of them, have been in our thoughts constantly ever since our first request for their experiences and opinions. We shall feel lonely when turning from them to other affairs, for as we have read the letters we have imagined the faces of the writers, and have been with them by the river-side, in the dewy mornings and the noonday rest, and in the gloaming. As the fishing days grow fewer, the heart grows more wistful. We miss the old friends that will never be forgotten, and because they are gone hold the more steadfastly to those yet within reach. Old scenes are dear to memory, and new ones are doubly pleasant as they revive the recollections of other days. Thus our lives grow richer, notwithstanding we are so often called upon to lay down what it seems to us we cannot go on without. There is so much more we would say in these pages, but we can only trust that many of us may some day meet face to face, and together cast our favorite flies upon waters " where memories and fancies and facts rise." Though I love civility, I hate severe censures. Izaak Walton. HACKLES Made by C.F.ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR 1 G H T E D. PLATE A. 1. Red Hackle. 2. Soldier Palmer. 3. Ashy. 4. Zulu. 5. Yellow Hackle. 6. Scarlet Hackle. 7. Brown Hackle. 8. Grouse Hackle. 9. Coch-y-Bonddu Hackle. 10. Yellow Pennell Hackle. 11. Brown Pennell Hackle. 12. Green Pennell Hackle. 13. Deer-hair Hackle. 14. Deer-hair Hackle. 15. Crane-fly. 16. Epting Hackle. 17. Black Spider (W. C. Prime's pattern). 28 FAVORITE FLIES. THE HISTORY OF THE RED HACKLE. Fly-fishing is a most ancient, and, as the ever-moderate Walton claims for it, " a most virtuous pastime." We find suggestions of its pursuance by men of all stations in all times, and it may be in- teresting to some to know how one little fly has held its name and form from century to century. An old " North Country Fisher's Garland " contains in the following verses a pretty tribute to THE BONNY RED HECKLE. Away frae the smoke an' the smother ! Away frae the crush o' the thrang ! Away frae the labour an' pother That has fettered our freedom sae lang ! For the May 's i' full bloom i' the hedges And the laverock 's aloft i' the blue, An' the south wind sings low i' the sedges, By haughs that are silvery wi' dew. Up angler, off wi' each shackle ! Up, gad an' gaff, an' awa' ! Cry ' Hurrah for the canny red heckle, The heckle that tackled them a' ! ' We '11 see if the Shaperton lasses Are winsome, as in our young days — If they '11 rin to the ringin' o' glasses, Or the lilt o' the auld merry lays. Oh, we '11 shake off the years wi' our laughter, We '11 wash out our wrinkles wi' dew, — An' reckless o' what may come after, We '11 revel in boyhood anew ! HISTORY OF THE RED HACKLE. 29 Up, angler, off wi' each shackle ! Up, gadd an' gaff, an' awa' ! Cry ' Hurrah for the canny red heckle, The heckle that tackled them a' ! ' Then back to the smoke and the smother, The uproar an' crush o' the thrang ; An' back to the labour and pother, But happy and hearty and strong. Wi' a braw light o' mountain and muirland, Out-flashing frae forehead and e'e, Wi' a blessing flung back to the norland, An' a thousand, dear Coquet, to thee ! As again we resume the auld shackle, Our gad an' gaff stowed awa', An' — goodbye to the canny ' red heckle,' The heckle that tackled them a' ! Empires have risen and fallen ; cities been built, lived in, and crumbled to dust ; continents discovered, populated, and grown old in wealth and culture ; human ingenuity has conquered space, and the knowledge of new inventions has sped round the world to the aid of all men ; unknown forces have been made familiar, and now light our ways, warm, feed, speak for us, and convey us where we will ; but in all these strides we who fish have carried with us, and handed on and on down through the ages, the tiny " bonny red heckle." Over two hundred years before Christ, Theocritus wrote of fish- ing with " the bait fallacious suspended from the rod," but failed to tell of its color or method of construction. Who first thouo*ht to substitute feathers for the delicate gauze-like wings of insects, and bind them to hooks, outlining in shape the ephemera of the 30 FAVORITE FLIES. streams, we do not know ; but in the third century after Christ iElian writes as follows : — " I have heard of a Macedonian way of catching fish, and it is this : Between Boroca and Thessalonica runs a river called the Astracus, and in it there are fish with spotted (or speckled) skins ; what the natives of the country call them you had better ask the Macedonians. These fish feed on a fly which is peculiar to the country, and which hovers over the river. It is not like the flies found elsewhere, nor does it resemble a wasp in appearance, nor in shape would one justly describe it a midge or bee, yet it has some- thing of each of these. In boldness it is like a fly, in size you might call it a bee ; it imitates the color of a wasp, and it hums like a bee. The natives call it a Hippourus. As these flies seek their food over the river, they do not escape the observation of the fish swimming below. When, then, a fish observes a fly hovering above, it swims quietly up, fearing to agitate the water lest it should scare away its prey ; then, coming up by its own shadow, it opens its jaws and gulps down the fly, like a wolf carrying off sheep from the farmyard : having done this, it withdraws under the rippling water. Now, though the fishermen know of this, they do not use these flies at all for bait for the fish ; for, if a man's hand touch them, they lose their color, their wings decay, and they become unfit for food for the fish. For this reason they have nothing to do with them, hating them for their bad character ; but they have planned a snare for the fish, and get the better of them by their fisherman's craft. They fasten red (crimson red) wool round a hook, and fit on to the wool two feathers which grew under a cock's wattles, and which in color are like wax. Their rod is six feet long, and the line is of the same length. Then they throw their snare, and the fish, HISTORY OF THE RED HACKLE. 31 attracted and maddened by the color, comes up, thinking to get a dainty mouthful ; when, however, it opens its jaws, it is caught by the hook and enjoys a bitter repast, a captive." * This is our first recorded description of the " canny red heckle " so often after to be tossed with eager watchfulness into " the cur- rent's quick ripple." Time rolled on, carrying with it the fallen Roman Empire, and creating history for us to ponder over with a fascinated wonder. The Dark Ages, full of mysticism, poverty, romance, and bigotry, came and passed. After forcing many a knee to bend in submis- sion to the " Koran, tribute, or sword," Mahomet and his caliphs drifted into the stream of events. Then the mighty Charlemagne, whose strong arm had reached north, south, east, and west, wielding its force alike on the powerful and the weak, appeared and disap- peared, the earnest brain and active hand overwhelmed by the flood, and remaining unstirred by the thunders of the Crusaders as they went singing and praying on their holy quest ; chivalry turned into the tide story and song, and on the waters was thrown the bread of sweet courtesy and the care of true love, to be found " after many days " in elements that create and bind our loyalty and homes. England shared in all this turbulent, restless time, and from the days of the good King Alfred to Richard II. wars and bitter conten- tions had held the thoughts of nearly all ; yet " far from the mad- ding crowd " there were those who found time to meditate upon and write of the follies, pleasures, and pursuits of the day. In the Benedictine nunnery of Topwell, near St. Albans, its wise, pious, and stately prioress dictated graciously and well of " hawkynge, 1 Translation from iElian's Uepi Zwcvv iddrriTos (more generally known as De Animalium Natura), Book xv. cap. i. 32 FAVORITE FLIES. huntynge and fysshynge." Her precepts first went out into the world in quaint old black-letter English on sheets of vellum ; after- wards they were printed on paper by Caxton, and later by his work- man, Wynkyn de Worde of Lorraine. These are among the dear- est treasures of the bibliophile. In the course of the good dame's kindly discourse, she advises the angler " how to make his harnays and tackle." After giving minute directions for the same, and the use of various baits, in writing of their use for trout she concludes thus : " From April tyll September ye troughte lepyth. Then angle to hym with a dubbyd hoke accordinge to the moneth, whytche dubbyd hokys ye shall fynde in thencle of this treatyse and the money thys wyth theym." This is followed by descriptions of the many fish she considers of value, with directions how to take them, at the end of which we read : — " Thyse ben xij. flyes wyth whytch ye shall angle to ye trought and grayllying and dubbe lyke as ye shall now hear me tell." Then come rules for dressing the flies, and the names of the months in which to use them. To quote the whole would be to repeat what perhaps many are familiar with, but it is interesting to find the following : " In the begynning of Maye a good flye, the body of roddyd wull and lappid abowte wyth blacke silke; the wynges of the drake of the redde capons hakyll." So again we find record of the Red Hackle of the Macedonian fishermen. The knowledge of the old, peaceful pastime drifts on for two centuries more, and then Izaak "Walton, biographer and philosopher, gave to the world his " Compleat Angler." This " lit- tle tome, brown-jerkin ed, friendly-faced," came to be worth more than its weight in gold ; and it would be impossible to estimate the number of fishermen who have read its precepts. It has reached HISTORY OF THE RED HACKLE. 33 its hundredth edition ; no one knows the number of copies in each edition, or the number of readers to each book, in the generations after generations. These have been carefully treasured, for to-day may be seen and read the little book of which Westwood has writ- ten : — " Ah ! if thou couldst tell Thy story — how, in sixteen fifty-three 1 Good Master Marriott standing at his door, Saw anglers hurrying — fifty — yea three score, To buy thee, ere noon pealed from Dunstan's bell : — And how he stared and — shook his sides with glee ; One story, this, which fact or wisdom weaves." And of which Charles Lamb wrote to his friend Coleridge : "Amongst all your quaint readings did you ever light upon Wal- ton's Compleat Angler? I asked you the question once before. It breathes the very spirit of innocence, purity, and simplicity of heart; there are choice old verses interspersed in it; it would soften a man's temper at any time to read it ; it would christianize every discordant, angry passion. Pray make yourself acquainted with it." Who can analyze the atmosphere of Walton's writings ? Who- ever reads must fall under the charm of the simple, direct language, kindly in all its turnings, and full of gentle graciousness and yet a wise reserve. Walton instructs his pupil Viator in the use of twelve special flies. The fourth, or the " ruddy fly," is to be used " in the beginning of May." " The body made of red wool wrapt about with black silk, and the feathers are the wings of the drake ; with the feathers of the red capon also, which hang dangling on its sides next to the tail." 1 1653, the date of publication of the Compleat Angler in St. Dunstan's Churchyard. 34 FAVORITE FLIES. Twenty-two years later, Charles Cotton wrote his treatise on " The Art of Fly-fishing," submitted it to his " Father " Izaak Walton, who affectionately approved the discourse of his adopted son ; and you may now find in many copies of the " Compleat Angler " this second part by Charles Cotton, and in it more minute explanations regarding the making of artificial flies. Among them he mentions three for February, which are varied reproductions of the bonny red hackle, but called by Cotton the " Plain or Palmer Hackle " and the " Great Hackle," — and so still we find the first favorite surviving; time and change. Times were more peaceful now, and books more frequent. The little fly held its own until two hundred years more had rolled by, and then we are given beautiful engravings of it, many of them colored by hand, and later exquisitely lithographed. In one book — " A Quaint Treatyse on Flies and the Art of Artificiale Flee Making " — we may see the fly itself on medallions inserted in the pages, with the materials for its construction, so that to-day we need not fear losing the formula. The original materials, " redde wulle and a capon's hackle," are yet used. Sometimes all the hackle is wound in at the head of the fly, when it is called simply a Red Hackle ; but when the hackle is wound the entire length of the body it is " a palmer." The red coat or body of the fly suggested the distinction of " soldier palmer," but either fly, the " bonny red hackle " or the " soldier palmer," can boast the oldest record of any fly known and used to-day. The White Hackle, Yellow Hackle, Black Hackle, and a number of others are named simply after their color ; the Grouse Hackle, by the feather of which it is made, as is the Deer-hair hackle from HISTORY OF THE RED HACKLE. 35 its material. The Cock-y-Bonddu Hackle is made in imitation of a small beetle, sometimes called the Bracken-clock. There are sev- eral species, some of them found upon poplar-trees, and others are numerous upon ferns by the water-side. Fly-makers vary the size of the fly and its color slightly, and name it according to locality, as the Marlow Buzz, Shorn-fly, Hazel-fly, Brown Beetle, etc. We quote the following from Mr. Pennell's book, " The Modern Practical Angler," in explanation of the " Pennell Hackles : " — " I propose to substitute six typical flies, three for salmon and grilse, and three for trout, grayling, etc., for the whole of the arti- ficial flies now used. ... I will not go so far as to say that there may not be exceptional occasions, or even exceptional rivers, though that I should much doubt, on which some local patterns of fly may not prove more killing than the three typical flies I recommend ; but I am quite satisfied that, taking the average of waters and weathers, and the great saving of time in the avoidance of experi- mental changing of flies, my patterns will kill more fish in the course of the year than any others at present generally known." The Spider Hackle is a favorite pattern with Mr. W. C. Prime, who considers its action upon the water extremely lifelike. The Ashy is intended to represent one of the many species of caterpillars. It is made with an orange or red body, its entire length wound with a dun or ash-colored hackle feather. These feathers are worth more than their weight in gold, being exceedingly rare and desirable for many of the gray dun flies. The Ashy is what would be termed among fly-makers a " palmer " or " palmer hackle," and some one may have wondered why they do not use the more familiar term caterpillar. We find early mention of the palmer-worm, or caterpillar, in the 36 FAVORITE FLIES. Bible. The good Izaak Walton set the fashion of using this name, and gave his reason, saying, "It is needless to tell you what the curious searchers into nature's productions have observed of these worms and flies ; but yet I shall tell you what one Topsd says of the canker or palmer-worm or caterpillar : that whereas others content themselves to feed on particular herbs or leaves (for the most think, those very leaves that gave them life and shape, gave them a par- ticular feeding and nourishment, and that upon them they usually abide ;) yet, he observes, that this is called a pilgrim or palmer- worm for his very wandering life and various food ; not contenting himself (as others do) with any certain place for his abode and any certain kind of herb or flower for his feeding ; but will boldly and disorderly wander up and down, and not endure to be kept to a diet, or fixt to a particular place." The term " palmer " has, from this, come to be applied to all bodies of artificial flies made to resemble the hairy caterpillar. Mr. T. E. Pritt, in his book on " Yorkshire Trout Flies," makes the following claims in the support of the use of hackles : " In one important matter the fancy of Yorkshire anglers, and indeed of an- glers all over the north of England, has undergone a change during the past twenty-five years. It is now conceded that a fly dressed hackle wise is generally to be preferred to a winged imitation. The reasons for this are not far to seek and are satisfactory. It is far more difficult to imitate a perfect insect, and to afterwards impart to it a semblance of life in or on the water, than it is to produce something which is sufficiently near a resemblance of an imperfectly developed insect, struggling to attain the surface of the stream. Trout undoubtedly take a hackled fly for the insect just rising from the pupa in a half-drowned state ; and the opening and closing of HISTORY OF THE RED HACKLE. 37 the fibres of the feathers give it an appearance of vitality which even the most dexterous fly-fisher will fail to impart to the winged imitation. Moreover, trout are not accustomed to see perfect winged flies underneath the surface of the water ; a drowned fly always looks drowned, and although hungry trout will sometimes take a winged fly very well, it will generally be found that the hackled flies account for the largest number of fish. Perhaps too much attention is commonly given to the wings of artificial flies, and too little to the bodies. " These remarks, it must be understood, are written mainly of our Yorkshire and other north country rivers, which abound in rip- pling streams and rough, broken water. In the clear, smooth-glid- ing waters of the chalk streams of Hampshire and a few other counties, the case is different. There, fly-fishing as an art is per- haps at its greatest perfection, and to deceive the wary two or three or four pound trout which abound, say, in the Test, all the skill which the angler can bring to bear is required, and to accomplish this it is often necessary to fish what is called the ' dry ' fly. In this the angler pins his faith on a single fly, a winged one, which he throws up stream over a rising fish, and so manipulates it as to bring it floating down the river with upright wings like a living fly. The hackled fly fished on such rivers would, of course, be out of place ; and whilst strongly leaning to hackles for our own rivers, there are times in big, bold waters, and when fishing imitations of large flies, when winged flies will sometimes kill quite as well as hackled or spider flies. One other point. Within reasonable limits, the flies for Yorkshire rivers, and for most other rivers of equal size, — for, as the size of your river increases, so, to an extent, must your flies, — cannot well be dressed too sparingly in the matter of feather. 38 FAVORITE FLIES. It stands to sense that, to a creature with such wonderful vision as a trout, it is better to err in offering a deception rather too small than too large. Do not make the mistake, though, of fishing hooks which are too small, or you will fail to strike your fish. You will find it worth while to examine your hooks every time you touch a fish and miss him. The point of a fish-hook is probably more liable to go than any other kind of steel, because the hooks are all pointed before they are hardened. You may remedy an accident of this kind with a bit of Arkansas whetstone, which you can get from any watchmaker and carry in your waistcoat pocket." Although the foregoing suggestions were applied to Yorkshire trout streams, they may not be inappropriate in theory to all trout streams, subject, of course, to different conditions ; but, whatever theories may be advanced in approval of hackles, there is no disput- ing their very general and successful use. In those two most de- lightful books, " The Rod and Line in Colorado Waters," and "Mountain Trails and Parks in Colorado," written by Mr. L. B. France ("Bourgeois"), he speaks frequently of the usefulness of hackles above other artificial flies. In one place Mr. France gives an amusing account of assisting a fellow-fisherman out of discour- agements, in the course of which he " gave him a Gray Hackle, and told him that was to the trout what bread was to civilized man, a staple article of which he seldom grew tired, or, if he did, to try the Brown Hackle, which still, like the bread, was a wholesome change;" and he further adds: " In the matter of lures, the taste of the trout must be considered ; as to all else you may consider your own. It is well to have in your fly-book a little of everything, but of Gray and Brown Hackles, as already mentioned, Coachman and Professors, an abundance." SALMON FLIES. Made by C.F.ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR I G H TED. PLATE B. No. 18. Silver Doctor. No. 21. Mitchell. No. 19. Kennedy. No. 22. Inver Green. No. 20. Harlequin. No. 23. Blue Doctor. No. 18. The Silver Doctor. Many salmon fishers would place the Jock Scott before the Silver Doctor, were they naming the most successful flies for salmon ; but in this country the Silver Doctor salmon fly has been proved effectual under so many circumstances, and for such a variety of fish, that it is probably valued by American anglers more than any other salmon fly. If we were speaking of salmon flies alone, the Jock Scott and other patterns would be considered equally good, if not better, but the universality of the Silver Doctor for all game fish would be undisputed. The fly did not originate in this country, though it has been so heartily adopted, and adapted to all waters by making it on all sizes of hooks, from very large to very small. English salmon fishers have a theory that if you " raise " a salmon with a Silver Doctor, and fail to secure him, you must change your fly for one of a smaller size, or some other and darker pattern ; but it seems especially relied upon by them for " raising " or exciting the fish. No. 19. The Kennedy may be called an American salmon fly, although it was first tied by Forest & Sons, of Kelso, Scotland. Mr. John S. Kennedy, of New York city, having secured some very perfect wild turkey feathers, sent them as a gift to the celebrated fly-dressers ; they in return made a fly of them which they called the Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy tried it and found it to be successful for Cana- dian salmon. As the fly is becoming known to other anglers, they announce its success in Maine and Lake Superior waters. When correctly made it is very pleasing, the wings being of the beautiful burnished feathers growing just above the long tad- feathers of the wild turkey. None of the domestic turkeys furnish feathers of exactly the same shade of brown, or with the same gleaming, metallic lustre. They are few in number on the wild turkey, even, and the more brilliant are found 40 FAVORITE FLIES. on the large fine birds. The body and hackle of the fly are subdued in color, but harmonize perfectly with the wing ; altogether, the fly, from an artistic point of view, as well as the more practical, is very gratifying. It has a good name, too, this American salmon fly, a name that brings to mind generous gifts for the aid of the poor and suffering. Walton liked to tell of " the good Doctor Nowel," who, he writes, " was chosen in the time of the Reformation of Queen Elizabeth (1550), not that of Henry VIII., because of his meek spirit, deep learning, prudence and piety, to make the cate- chism for public use, such a one as should stand as a rule for faith and manners to their posteritie. And the good man (though he was very learned, yet knowing that God leads us not to Heaven by hard questions) made that good plain, un- perplext catechism, that is printed with the old service book. I say this man was as dear a lover and constant practicer of angling, as any age can produce ; and his custom was to spend (besides his fixed hours of prayer, those hours which by com- mand of the Church were enjoined the old clergy, and voluntarily dedicated to devotion by many primitive Christians :) besides those hours, this good man was observed to sjDend, or, if you will, to bestow, a tenth part of his time in angling ; and also (for I have conversed with those which have conversed with him) to be- stow a tenth part of his revenue and usually all of his fish, amongst the poor that inhabited near to those rivers in which it was caught, saying often that charity gave life to religion ; and at his return would praise God he had spent that day free from worldly trouble, both harmlessly and in a recreation that became a churchman." The last words in Walton's book, written so long, long ago, were to implore a blessing " upon all that hate contentions and love quietness and vertue and An- gling ; " and one cannot but think how he would rejoice at the noble charities of one of those who, withal, " Hath no scorn of common things," but " Doeth little kindnesses Which most leave undone or despise For naught that sets one heart at ease, And giveth happiness or peace Is low-esteemed in his eyes." THEIR HISTORIES. 41 No. 20. The Harlequin. It frequently occurs that there Is need of a bright, strong fly. All the salmon flies are tied with an aim to the utmost strength and durability possible ; but in some patterns the construction of the body or the ma- terial of the wings is too delicate for all rivers and seasons. The Harlequin is a firm, well-protected fly, and as its name suggests a power of adaptability as well as a gay and varied dress, it may, like those other Harlequins in the well-remem- bered pantomime of Christmas time, be able to accomplish wonders. We are indebted to the salmon fishers across the Atlantic for this pattern. No. 21. The Mitchell. In Part II. of this book will be found a letter from Dr. Mitchell giving an account of this fly and its record. Its success has since been further proved, and we feel it is destined to be one of the standard salmon flies of America. Its symmetry and judicious combination of colors certainly enti- tle it to first rank. Dr. Mitchell is a most accomplished fisherman, and at the Fly Caster's Tourna- ment, held in New York city in 1889, was greatly envied by all who witnessed his casting. His grace and accuracy aroused unlimited enthusiasm. No. 22. The Inver Green is a Scotch salmon fly originated by Mr. Charles Austen Leigh, who named the fly after the river which identifies also quite a class of flies as the " Inver flies." This fly is heartily indorsed by the anglers of Scotland, but it is not as well known in this country. We include it in the plate because of the good reports of the fly, and to give variety to the patterns depicted. No. 23. The Blue Doctor is heartily recommended by nearly all salmon fishers. Special mention of it will be found in some of the letters in Part II. relating to salmon fishing in Canada. It is also used for the large trout in the Maine lakes. The fly is one of the best known and best liked. It is called by some writers the Doctor, merely, while the other flies of the same type are distinguished as the Silver Doctor, Black Doctor, etc. PART II. So may it be : that so dead yesterday, No sad-eyed ghost, but generous and gay, May serve you memories like almighty wine, When you are old. Henley. ^f <3^^ PREFATORY, The letters which form Part II. of this book were written to Mr. Orvis in response to letters of inquiry which he sent to anglers in all parts of this country. Two or three years were spent in col- lecting information in this way. The kind interest shown by fel- low-fishermen in cordial replies giving their knowledge and opinions was both surprising and delightful, and awakened warmest gratitude. These letters are records of actual experiences, and conclusions de- ducted from the same. We feel, therefore, that they cannot fail to be of great assistance to any one who may wish suggestions regard- ing new waters. That these suggestions may be the more available the letters have been geographically classified. The inquiries made had reference to the following subjects : — Favorite fly or flies among those well known. Testimony regarding the same, in connection with locality, time of day, and season. Facts relating to the origin of any fly ; either those well known or new creations. Incidents proving efficacy of ahove. New Flies. — Origin, time, name, place. Theories regarding shape, size, and kind of hooks. Theories regarding snells, whether stained or clear, light or heavy, twisted or single, short loops or long strands. CANADA. C. B. BuRNHAM George L. Wetmoke. Dr. J. H. Baxter Dr. Archibald Mitchell . . . N. C. Smillie, M. D Walter Greaves . C. "W. Young , John E. Eden, Guide , Frank G. Simpson C. M. Palmer Charles Hunter f Black Hackle. J Red Hackle. J Scarlet Ibis. [_ Royal Coachman. f Jock Scott. J Silver Gray. | Silver Doctor. [ Black Dose. f Mitchell. ■^ Silver Doctor. [Jock Scott. f Silver Doctor. J Jock Scott. ] Curtis. (_ Fairy, etc. f Massassaga. •{ Lake Edward. [_ Hofland's Fancy, etc. [ Jock Scott. J Silver Doctor. | Blue Doctor. [_ Durham Ranger. Jock Scott. Black Dose. Silver Doctor. Dawson, etc. C Silver Doctor. I Alder. j Red Spinner. [Jenny Spinner. C Jock Scott. <( Parmacheene Belle. [ Brown Hackle. f Jock Scott. j Silver Doctor. Parmacheene Belle. Montreal, etc. CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 47 f Jenny Lind. •ill ........ \ Silver Doctor. 1 oodle-bug. Yellow May, etc. W. W. Hall .... i Q ueen o£ the Water - ( Parmacheene Belle. f Blue Jay. C. W. Bunn J ^ ofessor - Kaven. [ Blue Bottle. F.Hallowat j Parmacheene Belle. ( brrizzly King. [ Silver Doctor. C. "W. Hinman *{ Montreal. [ Grizzly King, etc. f Fiery Brown. Julius P. Bucke 1 Lord Baltimore. [ Munro. r Zulu. Claude D. Black J ^? g dier ' [ Queen of the "Water. f Brown Hackle. Edward E. Flint < Coachman. [ Grizzly King, etc. C E. Martel { Oak Fly. Erastus Corning, Jr. f New Fly. Francis C Green { Red Ibis. [ Coachman, etc. \ Brown Hackle. E.S.Merrill I Silver Doctor. j Jenny .Lind. [Parmacheene Belle. E. T. Whitmore { Toodle-bug. O. D.M.Baker . {Strawberry. (Josephine. \ Jock Scott. James Barnes Baker . . . . ■< Silver Doctor. Durham Ranger. 48 FAVORITE FLIES. Black Hackle. Canada. J Ked Hackle, bcarlet Ibis. Royal Coachman. C. B. Buknham, St. Louis, Missouri. The first trout I ever captured with a fly was a half-pound fish, seduced from his hiding-place by a fly with scarlet wings and body, the latter embellished with gilt spirals. If that fly had then been christened (it was in 1836), I did not know its name ; but I now think it to have been a Scarlet Ibis. I wore out that fly subse- quently in the waters of a Vermont stream, and made frequent un- successful attempts to tie others resembling it, until I finally aban- doned all idea of becoming an adept at fly-tying. In 1842 I became a resident of Canada, in a section where trout were abundant. I procured improved tackle from Montreal, with which I worried the fish to a degree and extent reflecting seriously upon my reliability as an employee ; but I went a-fishing all the same, and found the trout in those waters to be partial to a caddis with pale green wings. On one occasion, while fishing with a companion from a boat, my chum struck a three-pound trout, a fine fellow, which gave fine sport. "We had broken the staff of our landing-net, and the prob- lem was how to land the fish. A shot-gun, which was a component of our outfit, was loaded and in the boat ; at the proper moment, while my companion handled the fish, I saluted the trout by dis- charging a load of shot at his head, and by that means saved the fish. The flies we found the most killing in the section to which I refer were Caddis, Black and Red Hackle on No. 4 hooks. In 1847 I went West to grow up, and located in a Western city where Salve- linus was unknown, and not until 1883 did I have any intercourse CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 49 •with the trout family. But in August of that year, while sojourn- ing at a town in California near the Merced River, I made a friend of Tom, a Digger chief who purveyed for the hotel where I was stopping. Tom was a dandy ; by contributing to his wardrobe I gained his confidence to a degree that eventuated in his promise to conduct me to " where the trout hide." Tom's outfit consisted of stout brogans, no stockings, a ventilated pair of overalls, a calico shirt, a mat of hair cut straight across his forehead, and a wide- brimmed straw hat in its third or fourth summer. His fishing-rod was a twelve-foot sapling covered with the skin of a rattlesnake, no reel, a black silk line of equal length of rod, no leader, line attached to a small Black Hackle tied on a No. 4 Sproat hook. My wardrobe did not permit me to appear in a like costume. I purchased a Japanese jointed hollow cane rod, line and flies a la Tom, and, borrowing a reel, we sallied forth. Arriving at the stream, I dis- covered Tom had me at a disadvantage ; he could wade, while I was unprepared to follow his lead in that respect, and must jump from rock to rock to fish the pools. I outcounted Tom, taking six trout to his two ; he, however, had his revenge, for, plunging into the stream among the rocks, he made for the most inviting pools. I essayed to follow by jumping from rock to rock, and alighted upon a slop- ing water-worn boulder, from which I slipped to my waist into the icy water, my glasses shot from my face into a pool beyond, and, falling face downward on the boulder I fell upon, I smashed my rod and broke my arm. I fished no more that day, nor have I since cast a fly on California waters. I made a discovery, however, viz., that a black line is substan- tially invisible in air and water. In 1884 I first indulged in salmon fishing in New Brunswick 50 FAVORITE FLIES. waters. Trout under such circumstances are a nuisance, and, when moderately abundant, are continually fooling with and spoiling one's flies ; they take anything, have no discretion, and with their sharp teeth will destroy a Jock Scott at seven dollars per dozen with no more compunction than they pull to pieces a Fairy costing half that money ; while a salmon, toothless, does very little injury to a fly. In 1888 I fished in Moose River waters, contiguous to Moose vil- lage and Jackmantown, in streams emptying into Long Pond, where trout were plenty, but small. Black and Red Hackles on No. 4 hooks seemed to best please them in these streams, but removing to Big Wood and Little Big Wood ponds a different lure was requi- site ; the fish were larger, and Ibis, Montreal, Royal Coachman, and Lady of the Lake on No. 2 Sproat were more alluring. At the out- let of Long Pond I caught, with a Royal Coachman on a No. 2 Sproat, a three-pound male trout. Opening his stomach to ascertain upon what he fed, I found wing feathers from the common wood sparrow lying upon one another, and in perfect condition ; other- wise the stomach was empty. How they got there I did not ascer- tain, but I washed, dried, and wrapped those feathers, intending to preserve them, and placed the parcel in my fly-book, from which it escaped without my knowledge. In August of this year (1889) I found myself sixty miles, or thereabout, from settlements on one of the rivers of New Bruns- wick. I went there purposely to try for trout, and found them abundant, and of good size and weight. They apparently had ap- propriated pools apportioned in extent to the size of the fish ; that is, 2^ to 3| pound fish occupied a larger and deeper pool than fish of 1 to 2 pounds. The favorite fly there was one with red in it, either all of that sanguine color or combined with white. I cast CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 51 with two flies, Scarlet Ibis or Scarlet Hackle for a tail, changing the dropper frequently as an experiment, all tied on No. 2 Sproat hooks, with two red flies on my cast. I on these occasions struck doublets, saving two pairs and losing one of the third ; the scamps ran against the canoe and broke one of the hooks ; they were fine fish. My limited experience in trout fishing does not qualify me to respond in full to your several questions ; but I conclude that red with red and white, and black with red, have been the combinations with which I have been most successful. I prefer the Sproat in shape, size dependent upon the weight of fish angled for. One can impale a small trout upon a large hook and save him, but a heavy fish on a small hook one is liable to lose. My favorite sizes are No. 4 or smaller for fish of eight ounces or less, and No. 2 for larger. I prefer stained snells, the darker the better, — if black, best of all, — fight or heavy in proportion to size of hook ; for light fish single, for heavy twisted ; short loops for large hooks, say from No. 3 up ; long strands for No. 4 and smaller ; twisted if the gut is thin, otherwise single. Time of day and season " do not count." If a trout will, he will ; if he won't, he won't, and that 's all about it, except he may or will take this when he won't take that. So have a fair variety of hackles and colors, ditto of wing-flies ; tempt him with everything, even to a bit of red flannel ; and possibly, should your patience and perseverance endure, you may secure your reward,, 52 FAVORITE FLIES. George L. Wetmoee, Sckreiber, Canada. I fill the position of Resident Engineer on the Canadian Pacific Railway between Port Arthur and White River. I do a great deal of traveling, and fish more or less almost every day ; consequently during the season kill a large number of fish. My favorite points are Nipigon and Steel rivers, and along the shore of Lake Supe- rior, where the fishing is excellent. I do not catch a great number, six to eight being an average catch for an afternoon and evening ; but the fish are all large and very strong ; will weigh from 1| to 5 pounds. Those who are fond of fishing and can spare the time could not do better than spend a few weeks along ^he north shore of Lake Superior. They would have to take a camping outfit, but would not require guides or canoes, so that, outside of railroad fare, ex- penses would be light. The fishing is done from the shore, which is rock, and free from trees and underbrush. The Canadian Pacific Railway runs along the shore of the lake, so there is no trouble in moving from point to point. The weather is always cool, scenery delightful, and there are no flies. Good river fishing can also be had without difficulty. The most desirable points are Jack Fisk, Peninsula, Middleton, and Gravel River, all stations on the Canadian Pacific Railway. CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 53 ( Jock Scott. Canada. I f\ vev £"*' I Oliver Doctor. [_ Black Dose. Dr. J. H. Baxter, "Washington, D. C. I am sorry to say that I am not a good authority on trout flies, for I have fished only for salmon for the past six years. The best trout fly, according to my experience, is the Coachman. The best salmon flies are in the following order : 1st. Jock Scott ; 2d. Silver Gray 1 or Silver Doctor ; 3d. Black Dose. f Mitchell. f Canada. ■{ Silver Doctor. -j Salmon. [ Jock Scott. *- Dr. Archibald Mitchell, Norwich, Conn. I take pleasure in sending you the Mitchell salmon fly, as re- quested. Its history is short and easily told. I conceived the idea that a very dark fly would be a success on the Penobscot River, for salmon, and tied a few of them for the first time during the winter of 1887-88. It is my own invention, and was not copied from any other fly. It was first tried on the Penobscot during the following spring. A gentleman from Boston put one on his leader, when fishing one day after dinner, and, to my surprise and his delight, he hooked and brought to gaff two salmon on this fly during the afternoon. I gave another to a well-known Bangor fisherman. A few days later, while using it he hooked a salmon, but the fish broke away. Still later he struck another ; this time his leader parted, and the 1 See Silver Gray in Fishing with the Fly, salmon fly plate. 54 FAVORITE FLIES. salmon, as well as the fly, was lost. Last spring, well on toward the end of the season, Mr. F. W. Ayer, of Bangor, killed a 27 pound salmon on one of these flies. The writer, while on his way to Canada, during the last week in May, last year, spent one day at Bangor, and hooked a salmon, also on this fly ; it made two leaps in the air and broke away, being lightly hooked. This happened at a time when the fishing was very poor, and it was the only fish that had been struck during the past ten days. I therefore consider this fly, for a new one, has made a fair show- ing. It should be varied in size according to the season, condition of water, etc. It has not yet been named, but Mr. Ayer suggested that it be called the " Mitchell." The one I sent to you is not as good a specimen as I would like to have, it being a last year's fly and the best I have on hand now ; but it is good enough to show you its formula of construction. I have not tied any of these flies this winter yet, as I find consid- erable difficulty in procuring natural black feathers long enough in the fibre to make wings for large flies. Can you inform me where I could get some? In replying further to your letter, I would say that for salmon fishing the Silver Doctor is my favorite, having killed more salmon on this fly than any other. However, I am of the opinion that the Jock Scott would have been almost, if not equally, successful had I used it as often ; but I killed my first salmon on the former, which gave me confidence to persist in fishing with it. Having confidence in a fly goes a long way toward making it a success. A fisherman will almost invariably kill the greatest number of fish with the fly he uses the most. CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 55 As to my opinion regarding hooks, I would say that for salmon, trout, and black bass flies I consider the O'Shaughnessy the best, unless for very small trout flies tied on very fine and drawn gut, such as are used on the streams of Scotland. For these I believe there is no hook equal to the Carlisle Round Bend as manufactured by Samuel Alcock & Co., and Addlington & Hutchinson, of Red- ditch, England. I prefer to have the gut slightly stained, just enough to take the " white glare " off. (If gut were made translu- cent, as it should be, if possible, instead of opaque, there would be no need of staining it.) The object to be attained is to have it as nearly invisible to the fish as possible, and I think nothing comes nearer to that, after the gut is softened by the water, than a light mist color (so called). The first receipt given in the " American Angler," by Norris, is a good one for dyeing gut. I never use anything but single leaders, and those always as fine as the size of the fish and condition of the water, etc., will admit of. In other words, I believe in always fishing as fine as possible, and by so doing long ago found by experience that, to use an expres- sion of Izaak Walton's, " if you can attain to angle with a single hair, you will get more rises and catch more fish." That was written a long time ago ; and if it was necessary to use fine tackle in those days, it is much more so to-day. I have known many occasions when fine tackle skillfully handled filled a basket, and coarse tackle under the same conditions was almost a complete failure ; the difference between the fine and the coarse tackle was simply the dif- ference between the thickness of the leaders and the size of the flies used. 56 FAVORITE FLIES. f Silver Doctor. Jock Scott. „ 7 Black Dose. ( i Canada. a F ' • 1 Salmon. Curtis. Fiery Brown. N. C. Smillie, M. D., Gaspe", Canada. There are three rivers in the immediate vicinity of Gaspe, and all contain salmon and trout ; there are also many small streams con- taining the latter fish. Our lakes are both larg-e and small. There are some five or six within a clay's journey of this place ; though I can assert that they all contain trout, not much is known about them, as the salmon fishing absorbs the interest of most of us, so that the fishing of the lakes is neglected. In the same way, we do not make much distinction with regard to flies for trout, as they will take almost any kind of fly ; this is a fact. In fishing the rivers we are seeking salmon, and if we do try a cast or two at the lower end of the pool for trout, we generally use an old salmon fly, a Jock Scott, Fairy, Fiery Brown, etc. Regarding salmon flies, on the St. John River, early in the season, with high water, the Silver Doctor, Jock Scott, Black Dose, and flies of that sort are best. Later in the season the fish are more difficult to deceive, and smaller flies are required ; the Fairy, Curtis, etc., are the most taking. On York River the same will hold good, as well as on the Dartmouth, where I have found a Popham or Prince William of Orange good flies early in the season. Of flies for the small streams and lakes I have nothing to relate, but should think that any well-stocked fly-book would get a good score. My experience with double hooks is that they are a delusion. Casting lines must be chosen according to the water, high or low, heavy or light casts, and should be able to stand a dead pull of CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 57 respectively four and two pounds. Snells or loops on the fly should be roomy, as well as the loops on the casting line ; whether stained or clear gut is used I have no preference, finding one as good as the other, provided it is sound. Canada. A. Parmacheene Belle. B. Polka. C. Canada. D. Professor. E. Scarlet Ibis. F. Parmacheene Belle. G. Red Crow Tag (English). H. Oak. I. Coachman. J. Claret. K. Professor. L. Marston's Fancy. M. Montreal. N. Romeyn. O. Hofland's Fancy. < Black Bass. | Trout. (Q- Massassaga. Lake Edward. < My own designing. Ottawa, Canada. Walter Greaves, A. I feel that I cannot speak too highly of this fly, both for trout and bass. I am of the same opinion in regard to it as Mr. H. P. Wells. (See p. 90 in " Fishing with the Fly.") I generally use one in my cast, and find that in all kinds of weather and at all times of the day, where fish are rising at all, the Parmacheene Belle holds its own against all others ; that is, on an average. B. This is a capital fly (thanks to Dr. Henshall). From my own experience, and from what other people have told me, I think it may safely be ranked as one of the best ; in fact the best on many occa- sions. During the months of August and September I have had 58 FAVORITE FLIES. excellent sport with it on the Bay of Quinte, county of Hastings, and at Sharbot Lake, county of Addlington, Ontario. C. Body scarlet, ribbed with gold tinsel ; wings gray mallard ; red cock's hackle ; tail scarlet ibis. For bright days, same as above, with exception of the body being claret ribbed with silver tinsel. I give the formula of this fly because it is made differently by some people. I have not, however, used it sufficiently myself to be able to express a definite opinion as to its merits ; but from the experi- ence I have had, and from what I have heard from a thoroughly practical angler (Mr. R. Hilton, of Trenton, Ontario), I am con- vinced that it is an excellent fly. D. A very taking fly on a dull day, E. At times I have found this fly to prove successful when many others failed. I have found it useful on rather rough, dull days. F. The Parmacheene Belle heads the list on an average, so far as my experience goes. G. First-class fly. Have used it with success in several localities. H. I have used this fly with considerable success in streams dur- ing June and later in the season. I. I have found this to be a very good fly for dull days or during the evening. J. This is an excellent fly, particularly for lake fishing. Took many trout with it in Lake Edward, P. Q., last season. K. Used with much success in various localities. L. Capital fly on No. 12 hook for streams. Used with success on Quyon River, P. Q., and at Springbrook, Ontario. M. Good fly for a bright day. N. Judging from the few times I have tried this fly, I should think it a good one. CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 59 0. This is a splendid fly for stream fishing. It is made thus : body bright green peacock side feathers, ribbed with gold tinsel ; small red tag ; red cock's hackle ; hook No. 10. 1 P. Designed by myself in 1885, merely as an experiment. Body green, with gold tinsel ; wings guinea-fowl dyed yellow ; hackle yel- low ; tail scarlet ibis. In fishing for bass on the Bay of Quinte, county of Hastings, I have found this fly to take better than any fly I have used, and several of my friends say the same thing. It takes particularly well during the evening, say between six o'clock and sundown, in the months of July and August. Q. I made this fly in July, 1888, when at Lake Edward (on the Quebec and Lake St. John Railway, where the trout fishing is first- class^ and found that it generally proved the most taking fly I used whilst there. Body reddish-brown mohair ; silver twist ; tail golden pheasant ; hackle claret ; wings dark bronze or brown turkey, with thin strips of dyed bright yellow and purple feathers on each side. Regarding hooks and snells, I prefer the Pennell Limerick eyed, the Sproat, and the Kendal sneck bend hooks. For bass fishing I generally use flies (I am not a bait fisherman) dressed on hooks between No. 7 and No. 0, and for lake fishing for trout, No. 7 to No. 1. For stream fishing for trout I prefer small flies, say from No. 7 to No. 15. At Lake Edward I caught most of my trout on flies dressed on No. 1 hooks. I do not think that with stained leaders or snells one is liable to take more fish than with those of the natural color. I do, however, think that the finer the gut is the better, particularly for trout fish- ing ; provided, of course, that it is of the desired strength. As to 1 This, although doubtless an excellent fly, is not the usual formula for Hofland's Faney. — M. E. O. M. 60 FAVORITE FLIES. leaders, I prefer them with loops on which to attach the flies, as I find it much easier and quicker to change flies when your leaders are thus made, and they are not nearly so liable to break where the fly joins the leader. I strongly recommend the best of everything for fly-fishing pur- poses, no matter what the cost may be ; and I advocate light rods and tackle. [ Jock Scott. | Silver Doctor. ^ Canada. ■{ Blue Doctor. -j Salmon and Sea Trout. Durham Ranger. *- l Fairy. C. W. Young, Cornwall, Ont., Canada. My fishing is confined principally to the Gaspe rivers. I have found there that, for salmon, the Jock Scott, Silver Doctor, Blue Doctor, Durham Ranger, and a few Fairies will generally do the business. We are using double hooks, Sproat, exclusively, and find them much more satisfactory than the single hooks. I fancy that a good deal of the blue is needed in every fly for these waters ; the guides, who watch things pretty closely, seem to think so. Hooks with loops only are best. As to leaders, they must be strong ; that is the chief consideration under ordinary cir- cumstances. I do not think it makes much difference whether they are stained or bright. A friend of mine, who fished one of the north shore rivers, saw fishermen using all kinds of flies ; he impaled a live green frog on his fly hook, and floating it down over the salmon it was taken with a rush. This would seem to conflict with the generally received opinion that salmon don't feed in fresh water. CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 61 As for sea trout, they will take anything a salmon will ; old salmon flies are good enough. The trout will ruin any fly in short order. I caught a great many trout with a large Coch-y-Bonddu Hackle dressed on a sneck bend hook. One day I used a Brown Hackle, Pennell, and a Parmacheene Belle, and landed from a pound to two pounds or over of trout in two parcels every time. They were thick that day ! Two of us caught about one hundred and fifty in a few hours, all large, half a pound and upward to two or three pounds. f Jock Scott. Black Dose. ^ 7 The Butcher. ( a ■, Canada. < rr,, -^ 4 Salmon. Ine Dawson. ( The Fairy. Silver Grey, etc. John A. Eden, Guide, Gaspe Basin, Canada. I can give you a little information about fly-fishing, as I have been with gentlemen for twenty seasons in the Gaspe River and north shore rivers. The Black Dose is a good fly for a bright day. The Butcher, the Dawson, the Fairy, Silver Grey, Fi«ry Brown, Parson, and Prince William of Orange. The two best flies, I find, are the Silver Doctor and Jock Scott for any kind of waters. When salmon won't take these two flies it is no use to try any others. These flies should be tied with a short loop of twisted gut, and no other. For heavy waters should be double hook, flies about the size of No. 2, 3, 4, of the O'Shaughnessy hooks. Trout flies are not worth speaking about, as they will take any kind of flies in our rivers. It is very nice for a man to have a book of flies, but those 62 FAVORITE FLIES. that are mentioned are all that are required, excepting a few others. The Blue Doctor is a very nice fly. If any gentlemen want to know anything about our rivers, or north shore rivers, I will be happy to let them know, and if they want to go fishing, I will go with them and hire men for them, and have good safe canoes on hand. The canoes are four feet long and thirty inches wide, made out of aspen wood ; will carry from sixteen to eighteen hundred pounds. The St. John River, Gaspe, is a very fine river, a good river for four rods for salmon, and plenty of trout. Anything else you want to know I will tell you. Canada. Montreal. Yellow Professor. ^, , < Land-locked Salmon. Coachman. ( Tinseled Ibis. Blue Professor. The foregoing list of flies gives those advised for land-locked salmon by Mr. Genio Scott, on page 259 of his most instructive book. * ^SALMON FLIES. Made by C.F.ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR I G H TED. PLATE C. No. 24. The Notion. No. 27. Dun Wing. No. 25. Childers. No. 28. Dusty Miller. No. 26. Baker. No. 29. Thunder and Lightning. No. 24. The Notion was first made and named by John Shields, the veteran fly-maker of Brookline, Mass. It was intended for land-locked salmon, but we hear of it as also successful for salmon, trout, and black bass. Dressed on a large hook it is very beautiful, the gilt and golden brown harmonizing perfectly ; it can also be adapted to a small hook. It is a fly that many anglers " take a notion to," and value for the good it does as well as for its beauty. No. 25. Childers. A year or two ago " The English Fishing Gazette " wrote to a number of dealers in fishing tackle asking the following question : " What six flies do you use most, consider best to have for the widest range, or sell the greatest number of for Scotch salmon angling ? " In answer to this inquiry the paper received lists of the salmon flies that were most largely sold, and in these lists the Childers was frequently included. It is well known to American fishermen, and is said to be an excellent general fly for salmon anywhere on this continent, being good in either bright or dull weather, its yellow body being effective in the latter. In 1869 there was an especial furore over this fly, and it was almost impossible for the dealers to supply the demand ; and al- though, since then, new favorites have appeared to claim attention, the Childers has not lost its prestige. It is usually considered better dressed rather small than large. No. 26. The Baker is one of three celebrated salmon flies, viz., " the Butcher, Baker, and Candlestickmaker." The Butcher is better known and more used than the other two ; but as it had already been depicted in " Fishing with the Fly," it seemed better to give in this collection its companion, the Baker. The Candlestick- maker is the least popular of the three, but is recommended by Mr. Francis as " a fly to light the salmon to bed with." He writes of it: "I dressed one as a whim, 64 FAVORITE FLIES. several years since, and sent it to a friend, who reported favorably of it to me ; since then it has done useful service. The body, for the lower half, is black silk ; the upper, black pig's wool, very bushy towards the shoulder, and picked out at the breast ; hackle, golden-olive, with claret at the shoulder ; tinsel, broad silver ; tail, scarlet ibis and wood-duck ; wing, five or six toppings with double jungle-cock on either side. At dusk this fly will often show the salmon the way upstairs, when others will fail." The Butcher has the greatest reputation of any of the three, and by the man who first brought it into popularity it was called " the finest fly in crea- tion." He was a tradesman and skillful angler by the name of Moon, and because he sometimes traded in meat for the table the fly known to be his favorite was called " the Butcher." The pattern was invented by Mr. Jewhurst, of Tunbridge, Kent, England, and was but little known until 1838, and before then as Moon's fly merely ; a number of years after that it was tied and sold by Blacker, and then began to be known as " the Butcher," because, it is supposed, of its advocate's con- nection with this trade. It has been a remarkable killer on nearly all waters fre- quented by salmon, especially when the waters were clearing, and the Baker is said to be " always the best change " and invaluable to use in conjunction with the Butcher. The Parson is usually mentioned whenever this trio is spoken of, as it seems to belong with them, perhaps, because of the old rhyme that is current regarding the worthy divine after whom this last fly was named : — " Butchers and Bakers, Wheelwrights and Watchmakers, A Clark smooth and Parson ' to boot,' Whose orthodox views filled his church-pews, Though he took a day off to fish or to shoot." No. 27. The Dun Wing is mentioned in Mr. Francis's " Book on Angling " as one of the Tweed flies, and well known on that river. It has also been adopted in this country as a favorite, first on the salmon rivers of Canada, and later for large trout in the Maine lakes. A year or two ago, a party of gentlemen from Water- bury, Conn., were going up into Maine to camp and fish ; just before they started we sent to them, among other flies, a large-sized Dun Wing. They had great success on that trip, and the next year wrote to us saying : " We want to get some THEIR HISTORIES. 65 more flies like the one you sent us called the ' Sure Thing,' for it was a sure thing every time ; we caught some of our largest fish on it." We could not imagine what fly they meant, and wrote saying that we knew of no fly of that name, and would like to see the one they mentioned. They wrote back that they were sorry, but the fly was all used up ; that they had only the card to which it was fastened. This they returned, and on it was written the name of the fly, Dun Wing, but so carelessly that it could easily be translated Sure Thing. We then explained that the true name of the fly was Dun Wing, an old and well-known salmon fly ; but they replied : " Well, we call it the Sure Thing ; that name suits it better, and we all know it by that name now." So it is probable that in time the similarity between the Dun Wing advocated by one angler and the fly known as the Sure Thing by another will puzzle those who do not know the history of these names. No. 28. The Dusty Miller is sometimes, but not often, called " the Beryl." As the season advances and the fish begin to seek deeper water, the gayly dressed flies with bright silver bodies are found desirable to take the place of the ever- reliable Jock Scott and other favorites. Where the water is rough and rapid, ox- deep, a large fly should be used, and the Dusty Miller, Silver Doctor, and Wilkinson are admirable for this purpose. No. 29. The Thunder and Lightning was once known as the " Great Storm fly," deriving its name from the fact that in its early days it was universally used when the water was rising after a storm. At this time the appetite of the salmon or grilse is thought to be more keen, and with the proper fly success more probable. But of late other patterns have become more valued for this state of the water, and the Thunder and Lightning is considered best to raise fish in low clear water, or for autumn fishing. Mr. George Kelson writes : " It has been proved that the fly can also be advan- tageously used on other occasions than in clear water. Under trees in bright water, or in water that is slightly discolored, the fly certainly shows well, and therefore should kill well. I cannot call to mind any other standard pattern that is equally effectual, regardless of changeable weather, state of the water, either clear or dirty, or the humor of the fish. There is no river that I have ever visited where it has not succeeded at one time or another." 66 FAVORITE FLIES. Lake Superior Region and Rocky Mountains. Silver Doctor. \ °~ , ™ ° ( fashing. Alder. Red Spinner. , -r* xl , -^t £, , < l 1 or the trout in Olive Gnat. ■< ,, to- i smaller streams. Jenny spinner. '■ Iron Blue. Frank G. Simpson, Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is the aim of all fly fishermen to obtain a certain amount of knowledge of entomology, which beyond doubt places the possessor in an advantageous position in the rank of anglers, and more partic- ularly those who possess the ability to construct their own flies. I may as well be candid at once, and state that I have so often fished with skilled work, and my ideas of neatness in flies are such, that my conscience would not permit me to offer my productions at the shrine of Salmo fontinalis, for fear that if I should be able to see him he might appear to me as pointing his tail to the corner of his eye, in a manner that might suggest to me the question of there being "any green there." As to entomology, I have a smattering of it, which I find very valuable, and which was gathered at the stream-side and by careful attention to the flies on the water, and am often rewarded with suc- cess which I can attribute to the little information I possess of this science. My fishing has been done on streams where fish were shy ; also on those where they would rise to almost anything that resembles a fly. On streams of the former kind is where knowledge comes to one's aid, and where the novice would be sore pressed to make a basket, when success depends upon skill and close observation. I am inclined to think that one of the chief elements of success lies in avoiding flies of too large a size, whether they be close imitations of the natural fly or conventionalized. CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 67 On all small streams flowing into and out of Lake Superior, whose waters are for the most part clear, I find that the moderately dark-colored flies are the most killing, and for that class of fishing I carry an assortment of such flies as Alder, Red Spinner, Olive Gnat, Jenny Spinner, and Iron Blue Dun, dressed on No. 8 and 10 hooks, and some as small as No. 12 ; also Ginger and Brown Hackles. These will be found quite good enough for the small streams, and the angler will be safe in selecting these, or similar ones. To demonstrate what I say, last year I met by accident, as I landed from the steamer at the Sault Ste. Marie, a brother* I had not seen for thirteen years, and having in our younger days taken many a basket of trout from the beautiful rapids there, we decided to remain over a few days and enjoy a reminiscence of old times. I had rod, reels, and flies with me, but we were told it was abso- lutely useless to go, as the waters were fished to death, and a catch of two brace of trout was considered good. However, we went, and on reaching the rapids we intended to fish we counted six canoes containing anglers and their guides, and the shore seemed to be lined with fishermen, — surely a poor outlook. We commenced to fish and to kill, using a cast of Flight's Fancy, Olive Dun, and Coachman-leadwing, changing to Marryat, Iron Blue, and Jenny Spinner, all dressed on No. 10 hooks, and on reaching the foot of the rapids our baskets contained respectively forty-three and thirty- six trout, the largest being about one pound. Our friends soon arrived, and the best catch among them was seven fish to one canoe of two rods, and well I remember the looks of astonishment at seeing our catch, and more so at seeing the flies we used. I looked at their casting line, and perhaps my look astonished them as much, 68 FAVORITE FLIES. for they were using flies, such as Parmacheene Belle, Scarlet Ibis, and Coachman, dressed on No. 4 hooks, and large and gaudy enough to frighten a trout to death. We consoled them by giving them our entire catch to divide, and they good-naturedly took about all the flies I had, just as samples. The finest fish as regards size are those in the Nipigon River, and there you are safe with almost any fly so long as you are care- ful as regards size. I am satisfied that anglers go to the extreme in the way of large flies on this river. It must, of course, be remembered that three-pound fish are common, and I have known them to be killed as large as seven pounds and a quarter; for these fish, flies dressed on No. 2 and 4 hooks are plenty large enough ; still it is a common thing to see men use No. 2/0 hooks, and they certainly should not blame the fish if they refuse to take them. In my opinion, success on this river depends, not so much in color of the flies as in the size of hooks used. My favorite fly on the Nipigon is that in your list of Lake Flies called Silver Doctor, and were I limited to the use of any single fly it would be this ; it certainly is a grand fly, and will kill every day of the season. I consider it the best, and so do many of my friends to whom I have sent it to try. This fly, with Coachman, Coach- man-leadwing, Green Drake, Portland, Canada, and Parmacheene Belle, will carry any angler successfully through a season on the Nipigon. By the way, an improvement in dressing the Silver Doctor is the substitution of silk in place of wool, usually used for the head. On mountain streams, should an angler's fancy carry him to such a place (I speak of the rivers flowing through the Rockies), he will find that from the extreme clearness of the water it is necessary to CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 69 use very small flies, and there the Black Gnat and Iron Blue are great favorites. I have done a great deal of fly-fishing on the rivers, but would not advise any one to go there if he is able to select any other locality. The trout are poor as compared to those of Eastern rivers, and are not capable of giving the same sport. These rivers are supplied with water from the melting snow and glaciers, and the fish are soft, and give in easily ; still, what the angler misses in gameness is to an extent made up in number of fish to be killed ; but too soon it becomes tiresome, and I would sooner kill a five-pound fish on the Nipigon than one hundred fish in a mountain river such as the Bow. To sum up the whole question of flies, my theory is, that as a rule favorite flies are dangerous. I remember once having a theory that I could select say six varieties that would carry me through safely, but how often was I disaj)pointed ! And on occasions of that kind, some flies considered of very little value would, upon being used, turn the current of events so much in my favor that I have said to myself, " All kinds are good in their proper time, and I shall in future depend no more on favorites." This sentiment is my present " theory," and I carry it to success by keeping a book of flies well assorted both as to size and color, of close imitations of nature as well as conventional, and this without unnecessarily duplicating colors. To the beginner, this idea of variety suggests an endless chang- ing of flies on the water to suit the sometimes fickle fancies of the trout. It looks difficult to decide properly, and so it is ; and just there is where the pleasure is felt by the angler of experience at being able, by the judicious selection of a fly, to make a trout that has been sulking come with such a rush as if his whole existence 70 FAVORITE FLIES. depended upon his securing that particular fly. All that the beginner has to learn ; but by careful notations, as he goes on from day to day, he will shortly acquire knowledge obtainable in no other way, — no, not by all the books ever written on the subject; then, and then only, will he be able to appreciate fly-fishing as it should be. I would again strongly urge a goodly selection of flies outside of favorites ; you never know at what moment you may be sorely in need of them. As to the shape of hook upon which flies are usually dressed, viz., Sproat or O'Shaughnessy, Limerick, etc., it is my opinion that it would be difficult for any one to decide which is the best. Cir- cumstances will prejudice us against a certain bend of hook, and in favor of another. Should fish on some day be dilatory in rising, or some peculiar circumstance connected with the color of the fly cause a fly to strike short and become so lightly hooked that the hold gives way, the hook is generally blamed ; and on the circum- stances being the reverse the hook is praised. In the selection of one or the other of the hooks mentioned, I should be influenced only by the appearance of the fly when dressed, and from this standpoint I would choose Limerick, or, better still, Pennell Lim- erick. This hook, aside from its neat appearance, has the shape to a marked degree that gives the hook-point the full benefit of the direct draft of the line, causing it to enter the more readily; and if I were restricted to the use of any particular hook it should be this one. Still I would be happy at any time on a good river with any of the others, and some of my best days have been with Sproat and O'Shaughnessy. Regarding snells and loops, I prefer snells, and more particularly on small flies; they have a neater appearance, and for this reason I CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 71 am now using Pennell Limerick turned-clown-eyed hooks. With the proper attachment, you get the full strength of a loop, with the idea of the snell carried out as closely as if you originally tied it with the fly at construction, and I think I can plainly see the universal adoption of this hook in the near future, for most certainly its advantages are great. f Jock Scott. Canada. -\ Parmacheene Belle. [ Brown Hackle. C. M. Palmer, Minneapolis, Minn. My experience this summer was in the Lake St. John country in Quebec, and I can give you little new information as to flies, as I found the trout there willing to take almost anything. For win- ninisch, in the River Mistassini, I used the Jock Scott mostly, but found nearly all brown, red, gray, and bright flies taken as readily, when the fish were rising at all. Just as an experiment I used a dozen or more abortions, some of them big enough for shark fishing, made by a Western amateur, who evidently tried to work off a surplus stock of millinery goods in fly manufacture, and found them just as good as the best English and American flies for trout ranging from one to four pounds, on the upper Metabetchouan, Metesquac, Ecorce, and other streams in the wilderness. The result was to confirm my already strong belief, that when trout are biting one fly is about as good as another. I was two months in the woods out of sight of man, and if I were to repeat the trip I would take a few dozen Jock Scotts of different sizes, some Parmacheene Belles, and a good lot of Brown Hackles. 72 FAVORITE FLIES. With this outfit I can keep up with the angler who has a trunk full of flies, and I would be willing to take any two of the varieties I name, and try to do so. For the waters I have named, by all means use single gut stained brown, with long strands for snells. The long snells are better than the loops, because they can be used anywhere on the leader, which should also be of single gut stained brown. Canada and the < Nipigon. r Jock Scott. Silver Doctor. Professor. Parmacheene Belle. Montreal, etc. C Salmon <• and [ Lake fishing. < Coachman. Parmacheene Belle. Montreal. Hackles. j Trout. Charles Hunter, Toronto, C Canada. My favorite flies are : for brook trout, Salmo fontinalis, in On- tario, Red Hackle, Coachman, Parmacheene Belle, Brown Hackle, Dark Montreal, Ginger Hackle, Black Hackle. These are all I find necessary to ring the changes. I use Sproat hooks only, and tie on No. 4 to 7 stretchers ; 8, 9, and 10 for droppers. A good evening cast is White Coachman for stretchers, Ginger Hackle for droppers. In Muskoka, have found the Parmacheene Belle and Dark Montreal most effective. In Province of Quebec, I have found the most taking flies to be Red Ibis, Parmacheene Belle, Dark and Light Montreal, Professor ; these may be tied on larger hooks than used in Ontario, as the fish run larger and the waters are less fished. I tie the Montreal and Parmacheene Belle as follows. Montreal : body, crimson silk or CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 73 wool, ribbed with gold tinsel ; wings, feather from turkey wino- ; hackle, red or scarlet ; tail, three fibres red ibis ; tag, gold tinsel. Parmacheene Belle : body, lemon-yellow mohair, ribbed with scarlet silk, gold or silver tinsel ; wings, equal parts white goose and red ibis ; hackle, red ; tail, goose and ibis ; tag, gold tinsel. The latter is also a very killing bass fly. On the north shore of Lake Superior I have fished the Puckaso, Steele, Magpie, Nipigon, and a number of smaller rivers, and have invariably found the usual trout flies to be of no use to catch the large fish. On most of the rivers small salmon flies were the most taking. On the Nipigon the large salmon flies we had were not too large. The largest fish I caught (5 J pounds) and the best sport I had on the river was with a fly made for me by Major Scott, a commissioner of fisheries in Ireland. It was tied on a very large hook ; body was made from black hair from an Indian dog, wound with yellow wool, making largely marked alternate bars of black and yellow, ribbed with thin gold tinsel ; yellow hackle ; wings of dark turkey feather and red ibis ; tail, three fibres of red ibis. This fly proved so successful that our whole party used it, and found it very killing. Black silk chenille may be used to replace the Indian dog hair. As to salmon flies, I found the Silver Doctor to be by long odds the most taking ; next to that, Jock Scott and Professor. A word about the Nipigon fishing. I have met a number of fish- ermen in the last year or two who insist upon it that the Nipigon fishing is overrated ; but this has not been my experience, or that of the parties with whom I have been fishing ; and I believe the fish are as plenty to-day and run as large as they did five years ago; but they are certainly better educated, consequently more 74 FAVORITE FLIES. wary, and not to be caught by tyros who throw their flies any how into the water. But the skilled fisherman, the man who can place his flies like thistledown on the water fifty to seventy feet away, and can handle them when hooked, will always find grand sport in this noble river, and very large fish. At the same time it would not be surprising if the river was de- preciating, when we consider it is the ambition of all North Amer- ican trout fishers, good, bad, or indifferent, to get to the Nipigon, and that at one time in August of last year there were nearly one hundred on this short river of fifty-six miles. I use nothing but the Sproat hook ; I prefer it to the Pennell eyed hook. For leaders and snoods, I use the finest and best gut I can find, and use only single gut. If care were taken always to well moisten and to test the gut before making up and before using, there would be little necessity for doubling. Canada, Nova Scotia, and Maine. Jenny Lind. Silver Doctor. Professor. ( Trout, Grilse, Toodle-bug. ( and Bass. Black Gnat. Parmacheene Belle. Yellow May. J. M. Dill, Dorchester, Mass. One summer, a friend and I, with guides, went into the woods north of the St. Lawrence, on the headwaters of the Riviere du Loup. We carried the usual assortment of flies, but a small Jenny Lind was about the only fly that seemed to give any sport ; this was in July and August. Another season, on the Liverpool River in Nova Scotia, all other CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 75 flies, including the Red Ibis, Jenny Lind, Professor, Silver Doctor, Toodle-bug, the various Hackles, etc., were all useless, and a small, very small Black Gnat was the only thing grilse would touch. My studies of bright flies for dull days, bright ones for twilight, have never brought that success which the books warrant. In northern Maine, and the vicinity of the Tim and Seven Ponds, the Parma- cheene Belle seemed the best, judging from my own and others' experience ; this was in July. Over on the waters of the West Branch of the Penobscot, I found the Professor the best August fly in my book. In my somewhat limited bass fishing, I remember that on some of the ponds in Maine the Yellow May was a taking fly. These are my especial experiences, as I recall them ; possibly another man on the same waters will testify quite differently. I am, as I said at the beginning, no fisherman ; like Abou Ben Adhem, I fear my name is not in the book, but I write as one who loves the woods and streams, and who has passed many happy hours in and near them. ~ , ( Parmacheene Belle. Canada. j Queen of the Lake. W. W, Hall, Quebec, Canada, I consider the Parmacheene Belle the best fly all round for trout, and no more can be said for the same than the recommendations given in " Fishing with the Fly." We find that a fly closely resembling the Abbey, with a small jungle-cock feather laid over the wing, is a very taking fly indeed, especially in the evening, and on dull days ; we call it the " Queen of the Lake." The jungle-cock feathers I consider a great im- 76 FAVORITE FLIES. provenient to a number of flies ; some flies, of course, it would not suit. Nipigon River Blue Jay. Professor. and ■{ Royal Coachman. Wisconsin. j Grizzly King. (^Silver Doctor. {Ike Bottle. { For Bass. C. W. Bunn, St. Paul, Minn. As regards trout fishing in Wisconsin and about Lake Superior, I have found the Silver Doctor perhaps the most taking fly under all circumstances. The Professor, Royal Coachman, and Grizzly King, in the territory mentioned, are among the most reliable flies, and any fisherman equipped with the flies above mentioned can cer- tainly take trout where trout are to be found. In April, 1889, fishing for trout in northern Wisconsin, which you will observe was very early in the season for fly-fishing, I found the Silver Doctor, Professor, and Seth Green, in the order named, to be the most taking flies ; the remainder of the party fishing with bait, I caught with those flies a larger number of fish than was taken by any other of the party, and of quite a good average size. In the Nipigon River, the Silver Doctor and Royal Coachman I have found on the whole to be very effective. The largest trout I have ever taken, or seen taken there, weighing up to six pounds, were taken after five o'clock in the evening, on one or the other of these flies. However, last summer I had remarkable success upon the Nipigon with the Blue Jay ; so much so that with a Blue Jay fly on the leader I seldom caught trout on any other. These flies were tied usually on No. 1 hooks. CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 77 One more word in regard to flies for black bass fishing, which may be of interest. I have no hesitation in placing the Raven at the head of the list, and the Blue Bottle next. Without exception, where I have seen these flies used they have taken two to one as many fish as any others, and I have frequently found black bass rising freely to these flies when it was almost impossible to allure them with anything else. ^ 7 ( Parmacheene Belle Canada. i rt • i -ir- ^(jrrizzly King. F. Hallow ay, Quebec, Canada. My best takes have been on the Parmacheene Belle and Grizzly King flies, which are strongly recommended for the lakes of the north of Quebec. Silver Doctor. Montreal. Queen of the Water. Nova Scotia. ^ Professor. Brown Hackle. Grizzly King. Parmacheene Belle. C. W. Hikman-, Boston, Mass. My fly-fishing has been principally for trout in Nova Scotia, where the water is somewhat colored ; and it has been confined to the month of May (in Nova Scotia). The best trout run from \ to 2| pounds in weight, and I find No. 4 to No. 6 a good size for hooks. I have had good success as a general thing with the Montreal, but have found the Silver Doc- tor nearly if not quite as good. "With these two flies and the Queen of the Water and Professor, I think I could catch just as 78 FAVORITE FLIES. many trout where I am accustomed to fish as with any number of flies. The Brown Hackle and Grizzly King are also good flies, and I have found the Coachman good at dusk, while the Parmacheene Belle proved good during the last of the fishing. For the last three years I have had all my flies tied on Pennell eyed hooks. I con- sider these hooks the best shaped of any on the market. The eye enables one to use a fly until it is worn out, does away with the fly- book, and allows the flies to be kept in a box without being pressed flat ; also, the change of flies can be made quicker than with ordi- nary snell. [ Fiery Brown. Canada. <{ Lord Baltimore. [ Munro. Julius P. Bucke, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. The cast I prefer for trout is the Fiery Brown, made by Trout & Son. Body, bright reddish mohair, ribbed with tinsel ; hackle, bright dark red ; tail, strands of golden - pheasant crest feather ; wings, dark mallard. I send you samples of the two others. They are tied by myself. One has been called the Munro ; the original of it was found in a bush, on a stream emptying into Lake Superior, by a friend, who found it to work well, had it repeated at Toronto, and gave me one for a pattern. I have called it after him. Tail, red ibis and mallard, dyed yellow ; hackle, yellow ; body, bright green, ribbed with gold tinsel ; wings, red ibis, covered with wild turkey. The other fly is the Lord Baltimore modified. These flies will catch trout, and so will others, but I always have had success with them, and feel confident and like going in to win when they are on the CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 79 cast. Of course, I always like to have a general assortment of winged flies and hackles along, for, as a Spiritualist once observed during his lecture in this town, " sometimes the spirits will work, and sometimes they won't ; it depends upon the conditions." Trout are fickle also. This cast has been found to work well on Loon Lake and the Nipigon, north shore of Lake Superior, and in the water near Murray Bay, Quebec. Zulu. Soldier. Gray Drake. Nova Scotia. -( Ibis. Queen of the Water. Grizzly King. Cow Dung. Claude D. Black, Amherst, N. S. The Gray Drake and Grizzly King are fished with successfully on bright days, but the best satisfaction I ever get is with the Red Ibis, or the Soldier, in a sluggish stream or on a cloudy day. In rela- tion to size, I do not think the Ibis as successful as the Queen of the Water in taking large fish, though it is a very sure fly for all around fishing. I have had great success at times with a fly called the Zulu, having several times taken trout with it when I could do nothing with any other. It is of English origin, and is black, with a short red tail, and is tied on a No. 12 hook, being very small. Most of our flies are tied on No. 6 or 8 hooks, No. 8 being the popular size. The most of my fishing has been for trout on lakes and streams. We seldom take one larger than 3 pounds, but fish from 1 to If pounds are not scarce. 80 FAVORITE FLIES. f Professor. ( - Canada. ■{ Wickham's Fancy. < Trout. [ Duns. <- William "Woodruff, London, Ontario, Canada. In the month of May, I use the Professor, Wickham's Fancy, almost all the standard brown flies, such as the March Brown, Tur- key Brown, Brown Hen or Chantrey, Governor, Brown Palmer, Red Cock Palmer, Cow Dung 1 , when the water is lumpy ; Coachman on dark days ; and the Alder when the weather is warm, — all upon No. 9 hooks ; the Blue and Olive Duns, of dark to light and lighter shades, upon Nos. 10 and 12 hooks. With regard to the Duns, I believe in the theory that their shades vary ; that on cool days they become darker, whilst on warm, sunshiny days they as- sume lighter shades. After a flood, during the latter part of May or early in June, when the water is yet high, the fish all over the stream, and the water not over clear, the Coch-y-Bonddu, the Sol- dier Palmer, and a bright Red Cock Palmer will do great execution. In fact, the Coch-y-Bonddu, the Red Cock Palmer of suitable sizes, as well as the Wickham's Fancy and Governor, may be relied upon all through the season. As the season advances, the weather be- coming warmer and the water low and clear, I use flies on No. 12 hooks ; the colors of subdued shades, with the hackle quite plenti- ful, that they may float more or less. When any gray flies are upon the water, the Gray Palmer and Gray Drake are effective. During hot weather, when the midges are on and the fish are skir- mishing around, I rely chiefly upon the Furnace Hackle ; later on, and in the fall, the King of the Water, the Light and Dark Montreal, and the Grizzly King ; on cloudy days, as well as in the evening,- the Coachman, Gray Stone, and Gray Palmer. ^SALMON FLIES. Made by C.F. ORYIS, Manchester.Vt. CO PYRI G H TE D. PLATE D. No. 30. Jock Scott. No. 33. Popham. No. 31. Durham Ranger. No. 34. Wilkinson. No. 32. Black Dose. No. 35. Black Doctor. No. 30. The Jock Scott seems to arouse the enthusiasm of every one who writes or speaks of it. In the nineteen lists of flies, spoken of in connection with the Childers, received in response to the questions sent out by the " English Fishing Gazette," and published in that paper, the Jock Scott is included in every list except two, and the other seventeen lists are led by either the Jock Scott or the Silver Doctor, these two flies being without doubt the prime favorites with salmon anglers the world over. Major Treherne indorses the Jock Scott in these words : " During my long experience, I have found it to be the best fly ever invented. I have used it from the largest size, in spring fishing, down to the smafl one inclosed, with which I killed a twenty-three pound fish in the Dee, where the water was so low that every one else had given up trying." Perhaps Mr. George Kelson's praise is the most powerful of any we find, because he clearly explains his reasons and conclusions in the following : — " Remembering the simple method of judging, at the river-side, which kind of fly is best for the moment, thus adapting what has been said with regard to light and shade, color of water, and so on, we shall find that no fly illustrates my theories so perfectly and so satisfactorily as does Jock Scott.. Fitted with all the most ingen- ious appliances of color devised by angling science, no other pattern puts forward such pretensions to be perpetually in season. It is equally of service when the light is gathering strength, in the grayness of morning, as in even the brightest of noonday sunshine. Or when we welcome peaceful evening in, implicit confidence may also be placed in it, many instances having occurred of its successes at this time of day. Against the sombre background of summer woods Jock Scott is equally effective, while all sorts and conditions of men sing its praises in high or low water, in gales of wind or in dead calms. Whether used in rushing torrents or in more tranquil waters, where its appearance is enhanced according to geological forma- tions or the varieties of substance in the bed of the river, the attractiveness of this 82 FAVORITE FLIES. special treasure is ever the same. Other origin than that of its intrinsic worth, of its legendary influence, equally observable in the brightest or dullest weather or water, there is none. No other fly fishes so well in ordinary pools, streams, flats, and rapids, taking them altogether, eddies and still waters alone excepted. Coming to the details necessary to show how the universal fitness of Jock Scott comes about, I am naturally forced to the conclusion that, before constructing this fly, its inventor, the late Lord John Scott's water bailiff, had come to hold similar opinions to my own with regard to the effect of certain colors. It stands to reason that this ex- perienced and ingenious individual asked himself the question, What colors assem- bled together would play the important part of invariably accommodating them- selves to the ever-varying elements of weather and water, on which salmon anglers are so dependent ? That he succeeded in his choice goes without the saying, since every one readily admits that, if perchance one were peremptorily restricted to the use of one fly only all the year round, that fly would be none other than Jock Scott. The majority prefer it because they find it successful, doubtless without knowing that the success is the natural outcome of its wonderful combinations. " There is ample show and attraction in the tail and first portion of the body, backed up by the gaudy fibres in the wings, the cheeks, and the sides, to lead one to select the pattern for employment in clear water. It is when the water is bright that one and all of those items appear at their best, and therefore most advan- tageously. " On the other hand, in dark water nothing shows so well as black ; and here we have the natural black hackles, doing duty over floss silk of the same color, besides the white-tipped turkey in the under wing, together with the gallina throat. To complete the gathering, the strands of the sword feather of the peacock have the power of active operation in dark, deep dells and nooks and corners. The inventor of Jock Scott incontestably took his cues from nature herself, who seldom leads her earnest students astray." Our own reliable authority in this country, Mr. Henry P. Wells, who never makes a statement until he has carefully thought upon and tested its truth, suggests in his book, " The American Salmon Fisherman," the following as a limited assort- ment for salmon fishing in Canada : " Jock Scott, Silver Doctor, Black Dose, Brown Fairy, Durham Ranger, Fiery Brown, Butcher or Popham, and Black Fairy. But always have plenty of Jock Scotts. It holds the rank among salmon flies of the Brown Hackle among trout flies, in that it is universally applicable to any and every water with good effect." THEIR HISTORIES. 83 Mr. "Wells has invented a salmon fly, which will be seen in Plate H, that has proved valuable in American waters. It is to be used in conjunction with Jock Scott. He calls it the Moisic-Grub, and writes of its success, as will be seen in the note accompanying the fly. We feel an eagerness that it shall prove a worthy squire to the older and ever-valiant knight. No. 31. The Durham Ranger was invented nearly thirty years ago by James Wright, of Sprouston, Kelso, and has continued popular ever since its first appear- ance. It is especially recommended for three qualities, — proportions, transparent brilliancy owing to the abundance of golden-pheasant feathers, and a power of attracting from a distance. Mr. H. P. Wells has described some interesting experi- ments made by means of a glass tank, looking up through which he could view the effect of the flies as seen by the fish. The depth of the water was not sufficient to convey all the impressions of the stream or lake, but it was, to an extent, satisfac- tory and conclusive. When our magnificent aquarium is completed for the Colum- bian Exposition, there may be opportunity for experiment, and an astonishing amount of light be thrown upon the mysteries of effectiveness of artificial flies. It is to be hoped that this chance for investigation will not pass unimproved. We quote from Mr. Wells's account of his experiments several paragraphs that will explain somewhat the advantages of the combination called the Durham Ranger, a combination containing nearly all the materials most powerful in lumi- nous qualities. " The tank was five feet long and fourteen and a half inches deep, measured on the inside. Where the bottom met the ends apertures were formed three inches high and the width of the tank, which were inclosed with plate glass. When the tank was in use, the head of the observer and the end of the tank, as weU as the glass at the opposite end, were so wrapped in black rubber-cloth as to exclude all light except such as entered through the surface of the water. " To the end of a salmon-rod tip a piece of copper wire, in shape like an inverted T, was secured by a freely movable joint. To the cross-piece of the T the flies to be examined were secured by pieces of very soft iron wire, about the thickness of fine sewing thread. The joints at the points where the iron wires were secured to the copper wire, as Avell as where they were attached to the loop at the heads of the flies, admitted of perfect freedom of movement. Six flies could thus be simultaneously compared. 84 FAVORITE FLIES. " It was thought best to choose well-known flies of uniform size, and by a well- known maker, for experiment. " Flies tied by Forest, of Kelso, Scotland, on No. 1 O'Shaughnessy hooks were therefore selected, of the following varieties : Jock Scott, Durham Ranger, Silver Doctor, Silver Gray, Butcher, Black Dose, and Black Fairy. Subsequently a Fiery Brown was added. My first effort was addressed to determine whether the salmon did mistake the fly for a minnow or shrimp, as by many supposed. My belief that salmon take the fly as and for food, and for no other purpose, has been elsewhere stated, together with the reasons upon which that belief is based. . . . " The sky was entirely overcast and leaden in color, with rain The water in the tank was in what would generally be considered first-class fishing condition ; that is, very slightly turbid, the tank having just been filled. A whitebait was selected of the same length as the wings of the flies, and suspended in a like manner from the copper wire with two flies on each side. Throughout these experiments the flies were manipulated two or three inches below the surface of the water, as is custom- ary in salmon fishing. " A marked increase in the size of both fish and flies when submerged,. over that in air, was first noticed, — an apparent increase of one half, if not somewhat more. "At the extreme farther end of the tank the whitebait was unmistakably a fish, and nothing else. As long as the flies were sufficiently near the observer to enable him to distinguish their details of construction, they bore not the faintest resem- blance to the fish. But when moved to the farther end of the tank, the bodies of all, except those of the Silver Gray and Silver Doctor, disappeared altogether. Then, when those flies were moved which were provided with mixed wings, of which the crest of the golden pheasant formed part, the wings seemed to flash with reflected light in a manner and with an appearance not unlike that of the fish. The effect was extremely beautiful to my eye. It was like the intermittent flash of a firefly, lighting up the closely contiguous water with a mellow glow, yellower in color, and by no means so pronounced and incisive as the flash of the minnow. Mere inspection would, I believe, fail to enable any one to determine the nature or form of the object ; but something was there softly luminous, and endowed with motion and apparent life. Had it been possible to view the fish through a thicker stratum of water than that of the five feet which the tank contained, I could not question that as its form became more obscure its resemblance to such flies became more and more marked. . . . THEIR HISTORIES. 85 " Whether the full blaze of an unclouded sun fell on the water, or whether the sky was like lead and the hour late, at all times and under all circumstances light colors were far more conspicuous than dark. This was to be expected. All non- luminous opaque bodies are visible solely by reflected light, and the more perfect the reflecting surfaces, the more light will reach the eye and the more visible they will be. The silver bodies of the Silver Doctor and Silver Gray were the most obtru- sive ; then yellow, including golden-pheasant crests, jungle-cock neck feathers, the darker color of golden-pheasant tippets, reds, browns, and blacks, in the order given. With the rain-sky, only the butt of the brown mallard wing of the Black Fairy where it merged into the gray could be seen at their feet, while all but the wing of the Black Dose disappeared as well. The Fiery Brown could be seen a little farther, and a little beyond this the Butcher disappeared. Those flies having a mixed wing with a golden-pheasant crest topping, or light colors in the body, were at the same time quite visible the entire length of the tank. " Swan's feather and goat's beard, both dyed yellow, were added to the wing of the Black Fairy, to test their respective values as substitutes for the expensive golden-pheasant crests. Both lacked the peculiar sheen of the crest, and were thought to be decidedly inferior. The jungle-cock neck feather, employed so frequently upon the cheeks of flies, was a very conspicuous feature at all times, when anything beyond the flash of the crest feather of the wing or the sheen of the silver bodies could be seen. When a dark-colored body was visible the hook was invariably at least equally conspicuous. Silver tinsel appeared to be more efficient than gold, as might be expected from its higher reflecting power, though both held their own well." Therefore, according to these experiments of Mr. Wells's, confirming well-estab- lished theories, that furnish suggestions for the construction of any fly, we find ful- filled in the Durham Ranger the requisites for a brilliant and well-nigh irresist- ible fly. No. 32. Black Dose. We find that we are taking too much space for theories and facts regarding the growth of favorite flies into popular favor, and we must curtail accounts of the same, although it would be interesting to quote the thought- ful opinions of various fishermen ; for we desire these notes to express, as far as possible, prevailing views regarding flies, and the individuality of the anglers who have used them, rather than our own personal opinion and knowledge merely. 86 FAVORITE FLIES. But to give all we should like in relation to them would too greatly enlarge a book already grown far beyond our original intentions. We shall, therefore, strive to limit where we can, and will only say of the Black Dose that it has become espe- cially noted for fishing in Norway and Canada, and is generally to be found in the fly-books of the salmon anglers frequenting those localities. No. 33. Anglers contend for the honor of having invented the Popham. A variety of it is said to have been introduced over thirty years ago by Mr. John George Children, living at that time at Halstead-place, Kent, England ; but the pattern that is most familiar to us is that named after Mr. F. L. Popham, another British angler. This Popham is, I fancy, more popular on this side of the Atlantic than in the land of its birth. It is in particular favor for the salmon of the Pacific slope ; it has also been found excellent for trout fishing in the lakes of Maine. The Prince William of Orange salmon fly, represented in " Fishing with the Fly," bears a strong resemblance to the Popham, and seems to be used under simi- lar circumstances with equal success. No. 34. The Wilkinson is another fly that has been adopted by American anglers as an especial favorite. Its silver body and bright feathers cause it to be liked for late fishing. Mr. P. D. Malloch recommends it highly for autumn fishing, to follow the Jock Scott, and be used where such flies as the Silver Doctor or Dusty Miller would be chosen. No. 35. Black Doctor. The energy with which men and women will each uphold their own especial favorites among the medical fraternity against the claims of others is a well-established fact, and amusing if you do not happen to be in the controversy ; if you are drawn into it, your own powers of defense are apt to be as vigorous as those you inclined to ridicule when not involved. Of artificial flies, the Doctor, Silver Doctor, Blue Doctor, and Black Doctor each have their adherents, but like the doctors of the medical profession they have their specialties, and each upon occasion is more successful than the others ; so it is well to acknowledge their merits as a whole, and judge by their successes, which may be most relied upon under different circumstances ; for the circumstances of time, place, wind, weather, dan state of the water determine the case, and dictate a choice among them. Where one would fail, another may rescue from despair. CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 87 f Brown Hackle. Coachman. Nova Scotia. \ £° W ?™S- f Trout and Koyal Coachman. ^ Grayling. Grizzly King. Parmacheene Belle. Edward E. Flint, Chicago, 111. My favorite fly is the Brown Hackle, but I have been almost as successful with the Coch-y-Bonddu, which it so closely resembles. I have found it a killing fly at all hours and seasons, and in many waters. The Cow Dung, Coachman, Royal Coachman, and Grizzly King have at times been equally good. When all these have failed, a Parmacheene Belle, Reuben Wood, and a large silver-bodied fly with a black head, and red and yellow wings, name unknown to me, have occasionally proved successful. While fishing in Nova Scotia for brook trout, last May and early in June, a red-bodied Brown Hackle and the Parmacheene Belle were my most taking flies, the latter at evening. In September, in the same streams, I found the Cow Dung much superior to the other flies. I think seven out of every ten trout I caught on this fly. Of twenty-four taken on successive days, and weighing a fraction over twenty-four pounds, all but three were taken on the Cow Duno\ The preference for it was so marked that I repeatedly changed its position on my cast, sometimes using it for a stretcher, and again as a dropper, in connection with perhaps twenty different flies, and always with but two on every cast ; there was no change ; it was invariably the favorite. I have often heard of such instances, when trout showed a decided preference for one particular fly, but it stands alone in my personal experience. My flies are tied on a sneck Kendall hook No. 7 and 88 FAVORITE FLIES. 8, except the Parmacheene Belle, when a No. 3 is used. I believe the peculiar bend of this hook strikes a happy medium between ease of penetration and holding powers. I am convinced the snells should be stained and of a dark mist-color, and should be as fine as possible, and yet strong enough to serve the purpose, say capable of standing a strain of 1 to 1^ pounds for ordinary trout fishing. The loops seem to be more convenient when short. Getting a fly upon the water carefully and making its motions resemble those of the insect have always appeared to me far more important than the use of any particular fly. Canada. Oak Fly. C. E. Martel, Quebec, Canada. Having heard very often that trout do not rise to the fly on Lake Edward, I take the liberty of inclosing one that I have used on that lake with fair success. The best season to fish on this lake is, to my knowledge, from the 1st to the 15th of June. Note. — The fly sent was a large Oak fly on No. 2 O'Shaughnessy hook. Canada. Salmon Fly. Erastus Corning, Jr., Albany, N. Y. My fishing is all done in Canada. I use up there, on a stormy day, i. e. windy and dark, a light brown fuzzy fly tied on a No. 6 hook, and very large. I have had good success with it, but the fly is condemned by my fishing friends in this vicinity for trout fishing. I believe the best flies are the White Miller, Professor, Green Drake, and Hackles, tied on No. 12 sneck bend hooks. CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 89 Canada. f New Fly. j Red Ibis. •{ Professor, j Coachman. [ Brown Hackle. Boston, | Trout. Francis C. Green, Boston, Mass. The only fish that I have killed that are not in the common way were some trout on Prince Edward's Island. In Ckarlottetown, I made the acquaintance of the " Old Fisher- man " of the town, and he made a fly for me like the one I inclose, which is killing in those parts in early summer. You may know this fly, but as I never saw one anywhere else, I am under the impression that it is original with my friend in Charlottetown. I have had only good sport at the head of the Brudnell River, P. E. I., when I used with varying success the Red Ibis, Professor, Coachman, and Brown Hackle. Note. — See fly called Prince Edward in plate of Lake Flies. Canada, Maine, and New Hampshire. E. S. Merrill, Brown Hackle. Silver Doctor. Professor. Grizzly King. Scarlet Ibis. Coachman. Parmacheene Belle. Jenny Lind. Winchendon, Mass. It is doubtful if I can give you anything new or of much interest, as I have never given much thought or attention to a large variety of gaudy flies, but have made the acquaintance of the more modest. After casting awhile and getting no rise, I exchange for another kind. 90 FAVORITE FLIES. When I first fished the Rangeley Lakes, forty years ago, we thought there was no fly like the Montreal, and it proved very good, too ; for thirty years I used that, and the Brown, Ginger, White, and Gray Hackles, and the English Blue Jay ; later on, I depended more on Brown Hackles with tinsel and green bodies, and the newer flies that were then coming on. The first nine-pound trout I caught below Morrell Rocks I took with a Brown Hackle ; the one a few years later with a large Montreal. Fishing one day below the dam, at Rangeley, a gentleman who had fished near me for some time, and without success, asked what kind of fly I was using. I told him that I had taken the last fish on a Brown Hackle. He wanted one, and I gave him two or three, putting one of them on his leader. He had not cast ten minutes before he hooked a five-pound trout. But they will not always take Brown Hackles at this same dam : the year following, I fished with a good fisherman, and tried in one day, nearly three dozen large gaudy flies without getting a rise. In Canada waters, I have had good success with the Silver Doctor, Professor, Grizzly King, Scarlet Ibis, Coachman, Jenny Lind, Hackles, and Grey Miller. For King and Bartlett lakes, and Tim Pond, near Eustis, Maine, the Parmacheene Belle is quite taking and the Silver Doctor good. Of course I use many other flies not named, and take fish with them. For water that I do not know, and for a " blind cast," or as a reserve cast, I generally use a Brown Hackle, Scarlet Ibis, or Parmacheene Belle, and, third, some other fancy fly. Different waters and latitudes have their influence, also. As an instance, a hundred and fifty miles northeast from Montreal, I no- ticed the flies and insects upon and around the water, and upon which the trout feed, differed somewhat from those of a more CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 91 southern latitude. I find that if the artificial fly is assimilated to their food they take it apparently more readily, but at times they will take the opposite from pure wantonness, seemingly. I have a small trout pond of eight or ten acres where the common black house-fly seems to be the favorite, and a small Jenny Lind : these two also are good at Monadnock Lake in Dublin, N. H. Maine. Toodle-bug. Trout. E. T. Whitmore, Putnam, Conn. The Toodle-bug is greatly used by the fishermen at Rangeley, and with much success. St. Lawrence River -] Strawberry. and > The Catskills. -] Josephine. 0. D. M. Baker, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. For a number of years I have used flies quite extensively each season, and, upon the whole, with satisfactory success. As to bass flies, I have had the best results in the use of red, white, and the combination in various forms of the two colors. Six or seven years ago, in tying some bass flies for my own use, in a random way I made a few with scarlet chenille bodies, white hackles, and grass-green wings ; also some with bodies of the same shade of green chenille, with scarlet wings, — both kinds tied upon 1/0 Sproat hooks. The appearance of these colors so much resembled the strawberry and leaves that I dubbed the flies the Strawberry. 92 FAVORITE FLIES. , , >. Except on the St. Lawrence River, I have had no special success ■■■ ^ in their use, but there, on several occasions, I liave^been exception- . * ally favored in being able to take larger fish, in -greater numbers^ 1 than did my associates using other flies. ^ • <£ In the waters of that river I have also had excellent-sport through' *\ the use of hackles of the Pennell style, with bodies,^bout the diam- eter of an ordinary lead pencil and as long as possiWe to tie upon a 1/0 Sproat hook, wound with large white hackles and a silver or gilt cord made of a number of small gilt threads twisted, and with heavy white hackles at each end of the body. At other times a hackle of the same pattern, made with yellow gilt cord instead of silver, has proved very useful. Flies of this style can be used in a strong wind, when it would be almost impossible to cast those having wings, while the grub-like shape and appearance in the water at times seem attractive to the fish. For trout fishing I have ordinarily used the standard varieties of flies. The only exception in my experience came in this way. Several years ago, my daughter, then about thirteen years of age, was so seriously injured as to be confined to the house for a long time, and, to amuse herself, very successfully made trout flies in imitation of those found in my fly-book ; then the spirit of variations pos- sessed her, as it does all amateurs, I believe, and she made, among others, some like the ordinary Coachman, except in the substitution of scarlet wings for white. I have used these flies in the Catskills for three successive sea- sons, and have taken more and larger fish with them than with any other fly. CANADA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 93 We have called them the Josephine, after the name of the maker. It may be that there is nothing new in any of these flies., but I have never seen or heard of them elsewhere. The clear, light single snell has always been the most satisfactory to me, and I have never observed any indication that the fish were in any way alarmed by the white appearance of the unstained silk. f Jock Scott. Restigouche and J Black Dose. f ^ , Matapediac Rivers. j Silver Doctor. ( [_ Durham Ranger. James Barnes Baker, New York, N. Y. In writing of the Restigouche and Matapediac rivers one necessa- rily writes of the Restigouche Club, because that club now controls the larger portion of the fishing on both rivers. I should advise any novice who is fortunate enough to have an invitation to fish these waters, or, for that matter, any salmon stream, to read Mr. Henry P. Wells's book, " The American Salmon Fisherman." Mr. Wells wrote this book shortly after he became a master in the art, and had not yet forgotten the trials and failures that beset the beginner. In it he sets forth, in his clear and ex- haustive way, everything that can be of assistance, and a careful study of this book will give one more real facts, free from personal theories and " guides' tales," than any other book I know of. The Jock Scott, Black Dose, Silver Doctor, and Durham Ranger are the regular diet of the Restigouche salmon. The value of these flies ranges as they are written, — the Jock Scott first, and the Dur- ham Ranger last. In size, No. 1/0 and No. 2 single hooks, No. 5 and No. 8 double hooks, I have found sufficient. If flies are made 94 FAVORITE FLIES. on the Pennell eyed hooks, they will last much longer. The hook itself is a good one, made on scientific principles. A few flies of any variety added to the list given, to make a decided change for a fish that has " come short," I found answered every purpose. The club keeps a book in which are recorded the weight of fish, when taken, fly used, and general remarks. At the end of last season's fishing, the four flies named had taken about three hundred out of three hundred and seventy fish, actual count from the rec- ord. The seventy were scattered through twenty varieties. I prefer a first-class, plain, well-made click-reel, and I don't know of any one who makes a satisfactory one for the market. The best way, per- haps, is to get the best reel to be had, and have it altered to suit. Its mechanism should be as perfect as that of any delicate piece of machinery. I prefer a rod of about fifteen feet. It is too hard work to use one much over that in weight ; a rod much under is coming near the line of a single-handed rod, and might be mistaken for such, to one's mortification. In handling the canoe the main point is to keep below the fish, so that he has both the current and line to take away his strength. It seems to me that the supposed time of killing a fish is much exag- gerated unless the actual time is taken. I once killed a twenty-five- pound fish, fresh run, on a medium-weight, fifteen-foot rod, and happened to have my watch lying on the bottom of the canoe be- fore me. When the fish was in the canoe, and had received its quietus, I asked the guide " how long the fight lasted." He said " about twenty minutes." His assistant agreed. The actual time was a few seconds over seven minutes ! 1 1 In the photograph entitled " A Pleasant Memory " may be seen the salmon referred to in Mr. Baker's letter as having been killed in a little over seven minutes. — M. E. O. M. LAKE F3LIES. Made by C.F.ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR I G H TE D. I.IraJli) Ci.lift. PLATE E. No. 36. Alexandra. No. 39. Black Prince. No. 37. Brazilian Blue -Wing. No. 40. Royal Coachman. No. 38. B. Pond. No. 41. Cassard. No. 36. The Alexandra, named after the Princess Alexandra, may not properly be called an artificial fly, being intended as a vague imitation of a minnow, and was originally recommended to be cast and played minnow fashion just below the surface of the water. This pattern was invented by Dr. Hobbs a number of years ago, and it came into great favor with English fishermen ; indeed, it was believed to be so taking that its use was forbidden on some streams. Their favorite method was to allow the line to run with the current, and then draw it back up stream by short, sudden jerks that opened and closed the hackles, giving glimpses of the bright, silvery body. In this country the Alexandra is not often dressed on small-sized hooks, but is preferred on large hooks, and is used for trout in deep, dark waters, or for black bass, for either of which it is frequently effective, owing probably to its likeness, when being drawn rapidly through the water, to a tiny minnow. This fly was originally named by General Gerald Goodlake " Lady of the Lake," but this name was afterwards abandoned in favor of Alexandra. No. 37. The Brazilian Blue-Wing, known quite as often as the Beatrice, was named at first from the feather of its wing. It is one of those odd flies that one falls back upon in emergencies, which is not of the uniform value we attribute to other patterns, yet many times proves of exceptional service. Blue is not a popular color for trout or bass flies, yet it would sometimes seem that it is the best color with which to raise a sulky, obstinate trout. The extraordi- nary experiences related by many with the Jenny Lind, Puffer, and other flies hav- ing blue in their composition go to prove that it is never wise to be without some fly with blue in its make-up, any more than it would be safe to rely wholly upon flies of that color alone, for there are times when these blue flies are successful where 96 FAVORITE FLIES. all other flies seem to fail. They form an interesting study, fruitful of many theories. No. 38. The B. Pond is written of in the letters from Mr. Freeland Howe and Mr. R. N. Parish. It was named after one of the Maine lakes near Middle Damand is popular for that region. The fly strongly resembles another called the Brandreth, after Colonel Frank Brandreth, of Sing Sing, N. Y. The latter fly is much used in the lakes of Hamilton County, and is an excellent fly for both trout and bass. We cannot gain positive information as to which fly was first introduced, and which should have the precedence in name and credit. No. 39. Black Prince. Perhaps no fly, since the ever famous Fiery Brown, was more discussed and written of, for a few years, than the Black Prince. As with the Black Knight of romance, there was a mystery connected with this Black Prince ; no one seemed to know, or perhaps to be ready to declare, just whence he sprang, and to assert his true rights ; and many were the doubts as to the correctness of his colors, whether the doublet should be of silver or gold. Even the tiny plume of red was declared out of place on this black knight, but finally the Prince with doublet of gold, scarlet plume, and sable mantle held his own, and was accepted as tried and true and admired of all, and has since fought and con- quered in many a royal battle. It should also be mentioned, in connection with the Black Prince of American origin, that there is another and quite different fly known in England under this name. It is a salmon fly, the invention of Major Treherne. The following is the formula for dressing it : — Tag. — Silver twist and very dark yellow silk. Tail. — A topping. Butt. — Black herl. Body. — Three equal divisions of silver tinsel (flat), butted with two black feathers from the nape of the Indian crow at the termination of each section, and peacock herl. Wings. — Five or six golden toppings. Korns. — Blue macaw. Head. — Black herl. Something in this fly may have suggested the American Black Prince, but his successor is far less richly dressed, though we hope as well arrayed for contests and conquests. THEIR HISTORIES. 97 No. 40. The Royal Coachman was first made in 1878 by John Haily, a profes- sional fly-dresser living in New York city. In writing of other matters, he in- closed a sample of this fly for us to see, saying : " A gentleman wanted me to tie some Coachmen for him to take up into the north woods, and to make them extra strong, so I have tied them with a little band of silk in the middle, to prevent the peacock bodies from fraying out. I have also added a tail of the barred feathers of the wood-duck, and I think it makes a very handsome fly." A few evenings later, a circle of* us were together " disputing the fly question," one of the party claiming that numbers were " quite as suitable to designate the flies as so many nonsensical names." The others did not agree with him, but he said : " What can you do ? Here is a fly intended to be a Coachman, yet it is not the true Coachman ; it is quite unlike it, and what can you call it ? " Mr. L. C. Orvis, brother of Mr. Charles Orvis, who was present, said : " Oh, that is easy enough ; call it the Royal Coach- man, it is so finely dressed ! " And this name in time came to be known and used by all who are familiar with the fly. No. 41. The Cassard was designed in 1886 by Mr. William J. Cassard, of New York city. Mr. Cassard is the happy owner of undoubtedly the finest collection in the United States of everything in the shape of modern fishing implements. All are arranged and kept with the most perfect system. A beautiful chest or long box of cedar, lined with softest plush, holds his fly-books. Each book is filled with flies, and has a memorandum of contents, so that a glance tells one where to find anything wanted. These books contain flies of every description, for Mr. Cassard aims to make his collection as complete as possible, and no one is better informed than he regarding the endless varieties. His snuggery is a fascinating place to any one loving hunting or fishing. One corner is devoted to pictures of flies and fish, and shelves filled with angling-books ; another is occupied by rods of every description ; a third to a case of reels ; the fourth to guns ; a side of the room to a cabinet holding photographs of the many happy hunting and fishing grounds, for Mr. Cas- sard is an expert photographer as well as angler. His exquisite taste and intel- ligence regarding all these possessions make the hours fly by like moments, when in the midst of his treasures. Pipes and easy-chairs there be, too ; and when, at last, we turn from all these we echo " the brave old sign," " Hie habitat felicitas ! " Under the yaller-pines I house, When sunshine makes 'em all sweet-scented, An' hear among their furry boughs The haskin' west-wind purr contented, While 'way o'erhead, ez sweet an' low Ez distant bells that ring for meetin,' The wedged wil' geese their bugles blow, Further an' further south retreatin'. Lowell. MAINE. George H. Pendergast Joseph B. Townsend, Jr. William Goldthwait W. G. Briery B. E. Pickthall f Scarlet Ibis. J Silver Doctor. | Parmacheene Belle. [ Yellow May. { Silver Doctor. fRed Ibis, j Reuben Wood. | Jenny Lind. I Parmacheene Belle, etc. (" Bumble Bee. j Parmacheene Belle. IEVDT N. FRASSE i Jungle Cock> [Montreal, etc. ( Scarlet Ibis. ^ ^ „ Silver Doctor. George F. Gale ...... and clear, long strands of gut. This applies entirely to Rangeley Lakes fishing, as that is where nearly all my experience has been obtained. Had wonderful suc- cess once at Cedar Stump, on Rapid River, below Middle Dam, cap- turing eighteen trout, from 2 pounds to 5| pounds, all taken with a Blue Jay ; but the fish were there and ready for business, and perhaps some other fly would have done as well. Maine. Grizzly King. Professor. , Silver Doctor. •] Trout. Montreal. *■ The Hackles. W. G. Briery," Dexter, Maine. During the fishing seasons of 1888 and 1889 I made four or five trips to Moosehead Lake, the date ranging from June 15th to July 15th, and in 1888 one trip as early as June 9th. I found the Grizzly King to be the best fly I could use at any hour of the day. I have used it at all hours, from early morning until evening. Next to this fly I find the Professor, Silver Doctor, Montreal, and the Hackles are all good, in about the order here named. I 110 FAVORITE FLIES. like No. 6 Sproat books, but at times find No. 1 or No. 2 Sproat books good in tbis vicinity. f Silver Doctor. ( - Maine. < Parmacheene Belle. 4 Trout. [ Montreal. <■ R. E. Pickthall, Boston, Mass. Five years ago I first used a fly-rod, and since then I have availed myself of all opportunities to become better acquainted with the sport of fly-fishing. T am the happy possessor of " Fishing with the Fly," and value it highly. My fly-fishing has all been at Seven Ponds, Tim Pond, and the Dead River region of Maine, for three years during the latter part of May and the first of June ; and in 1887 and 1888, in the month of September. Last year was the first that I kept a regular score-book with notes and account of results from different flies and methods, but my recollections of previous years are good, and of some value to me, at least. I remember distinctly that in 1884, '85, '86, in which years I vis- ited Tim Pond and Seven Ponds early in June, my cast was made from Scarlet Ibis, Professor, Grizzly King, "White Miller, and Brown Hackle ; a favorite cast of three flies being Scarlet Ibis, Professor, and Brown Hackle. Last year my order was for eleven varieties, viz., Parmacheene Belle, Silver Doctor, Montreal, Scarlet Ibis, Grizzly King, Professor, Cow Dung, King of the Water, Stone Fly, Seth Green, and Brown Hackle. Of these, my record mentions as favorite casts, Silver Doctor, Parmacheene Belle, Montreal, the Doctor being the most killing fly, while in 1887, the same time of year, September, the Parmacheene Belle seemed to be the best. MAINE. Ill While I tried faithfully all the flies named, the cast of three flies given was the best, and it made little or no difference as to position of the flies, or time of day, except, of course, the evening fishing was always the best by far. I do not expect this will be of any particular use to you, as it is a too limited experience, but it is pleas- ant to recall and relate. I have always used flies tied on Sproat hooks, and have always considered them good ; have failed many times to hook my fish when I have had a good rise, but always took all the blame to myself. Last year I fished for bass some, using hellgamites on hooks like sample inclosed, with great success ; and one week ago (Fast Day) I took my first trouting trip on a stream not more than ten miles from Boston, and, with a companion, brought home fourteen trout weighing, six hours after caught, 6f pounds. Both of us used hooks same size and style of inclosed ; we hooked every trout that " bit " at our worm ; never lost one while "playing" him. Would such a hook be a proper one to use for fly-fishing ? * Queen of the Water. Montreal. Blue Jay. i Red Hackle. ( rr , Maine. -< -d n 1 1 •{ J- rout, .crown Hackle. ( Red Ibis. Professor. Quack Doctor. William J. Epting, Philadelphia, Pa. Just a few lines to let you know how we spent last summer (1891). We stayed at Maquam Bay but seventeen days. The fishing was 1 The hook inclosed was a " Kendall sneck bend ; " and it is a fact worthy of notice, that while it frequently happens that anglers use this hook doubtfully, they testify to their unusual success in hooking their fish with it. — M. E. 0. M. 112 FAVORITE FLIES. miserable ; the largest catch of bass made there in a single day was but eight, and that was made by father and myself. We next went to Round Mountain Lake, in Maine. It is forty miles from Kingfield, the last railroad station, after which you go by stage twenty-eight miles to Eustis, over elegant roads, and make the drive in six hours or better. From Eustis to the camp is twelve miles over a corduroy road. Round Mountain Lake is in the Dead River region. It is about one mile long. The camps are located about one hundred and fifty yards from the lake, and command a fine view of the five round mountains directly opposite on the other side of the lake, which lake abounds with myriads of trout running from \ to If lbs. Near the camp are two fine trout streams, called the Big and Little Alder. The Little Alder runs into the Big Alder, and that empties into the Dead River. These creeks are full of gamy fish. Father and I caught in Big Alder, in five hours, about five hundred trout with the fly. Smith's camps are composed of twelve large and separate spruce log cabins. The bark is peeled to keep away the vermin, and the spaces between the logs are filled up with moss to keep out the air. The table is excellent, and the camps are kept in perfect condition ; the attendance, also, is very good. I inclose you a piece of the line I used in England. It is for your daughter, and is intended for a curiosity. They use these lines around Lincolnshire altogether, and catch fifteen-pound lake trout and twenty and thirty pound pike with them. 1 We stayed eight weeks at Round Mountain Lake. 1 The piece of line sent was of closely-twisted white silk, soft finish, and not larger than No. 40 white cotton thread. — M. E. O. M. LAKE FLIES. Made by C.F. ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR IG H TED KJrallej Ci.l PLATE F. No. 42. Green "Weaver. No. 45. Fiery Brown. No. 43. Golden Pheasant. No. 46. Grackle. No. 44. Gray Duke. No. 47. Grasshopper. No. 42. Green Weaver. This fly, so far as we can learn, is one of those that " sprang up in a night," but of sturdy growth in the favor of fishermen. Its deli- cate coloring is in pleasing contrast to many of the deeper-hued flies ; and it seems to be found useful as a change from them in fishing in the large lakes. No. 43. Golden Pheasant. In our quotation from Mr. "Wells's booh regarding his experiments with artificial flies viewed through the water in a glass tank is explained the peculiar power possessed by the feathers of the golden pheasant of reflecting the light, making them visible beyond all other materials used in fly-mak- ing. While airy and graceful, they are also of hard surface, and do not become matted, nor readily absorb the water. Mr. George Heme, of Hertfordshire, Eng- land, has made a specialty of breeding golden pheasants to furnish feathers for fly- making, and the feathers from his birds are far superior to those of any other that we know ; the crest feathers deepening to the dark, beautiful orange, almost blood- red tips that so greatly enhance the perfection of the salmon flies ; the markings on the neck feathers or frills are also deeper and more distinct. Different makers vary in their dressing of the bodies of the Golden Pheasant flies, but that shown seems to us to be in the best harmony, and is, we think, the best known, and most used for salmon, large trout, bass, and sea trout. No. 44. The Gray Duke, Golden Duke, and several similar flies have lately become popular patterns for lake fishing, more especially since the yearly migra- tion of camping parties up into the now famous fishing-grounds of the Nipigon and Maine regions, where large, strong flies are a necessity. No. 45. Fiery Brown. Charles Cotton, in speaking of the proper flies to use in the month of March, describes a fly which is probably the original of the Fiery Brown, but he calls it the Bright Brown, "the dubbing for which is to be had 114 FAVORITE FLIES. out of the skinner's lime-pits, and of the hair of an abortive calf, of which the lime will turn to be so bright as to shine like gold ; for the wings of this fly the feather of the brown hen is best." Later he writes of December, saying : " Few men angle with the fly this month, no more than they do in January : but yet, if the weather be warm, — as I have known it sometime in my life to be, even in this cold country, where it is least expected, — then a brown that looks red in the hand, and yellowish betwixt your eye and the sun, will both raise and kill in clear water." This sentence, "red in the hand, and yellowish betwixt your eye and the sun," has become famous almost, and an enigma. It is used to describe the body of the true Fiery Brown fly ; " but it is one of those things no man can find out." Such fre- quent reference is made to the difficulty in obtaining the " real Fiery Brown " that it may be interesting to reprint the letters regarding the same which appeared in 1864 in " The Fisherman's Magazine," the story having become almost history connected with the " real Fiery Brown." Sir, — In Mr. Ff ennell's very interesting and entertaining article, which appeared in " The Fisherman's Magazine " a few months ago, that gentleman refers to the " real Fiery Brown " in connection with salmon flies. As it is possible that the allusion may not be quite so well known to all your readers as Mr. Ffennell would appear to think, I inclose, for the chance of its being acceptable, an extract from Colonel Sir James Alexander's " Salmon Fishing in Canada," which gives a very humorous account of the origin of the term in question ; and am, etc., Wildrake. To the Editor of The Fisherman's Magazine. When I lived [says the colonel] in the county of Clare, and fished Bosroe Lake, a son of Captain Bridgeman, who resided in the neighborhood, used frequently to accom- pany me in my excursions, and whenever the trout were sulky and the sport was dull my young friend used to heave a heavy sigh, and utter an ardent wish that we had " one fly made of his father's real fiery brown." As this was often the case, and we could not by any manoeuvring get hold of the old gentleman's book of colors, I wrote to Martin Kelly to send me a dozen of " fiery browns." In a few days I received the flies, which appeared to me everything that a man or trout could wish for, in an extremely civil letter from old Martin, in which he expressed an ardent hope that they would be found according to order, and an earnest expectation of further commands. I hastened to notice my friend Bridgeman to meet me at Boger Hickey's, the usual rendezvous, early on the following morning, convinced that I had got the real thing, and that we should have a boat full of trout before the shades of evening fell upon us. When at length we had got under weigh, I handed my tail fly to my companion, with the question, " Well, Bridgeman, what do you think of that ? " THEIR HISTORIES. 115 " Well," said he, " that 's a neat fly, and ought to do." " That 's the 'fiery brown,' " said I. " Oh, no," said he. " It 's a good brown, but it 's not the real fiery brown." Our sport on this occasion was indifferent, so on the following day I addressed another epistle to old Martin Kelly, telling him I was pleased with the flies be had sent me, and convinced that earlier in the season they would have done good work, and requesting him to send me a dozen of the veal fiery browns of the same size. In due time Martin trans- mitted to me the flies, stating that extreme pains had been taken to meet my wishes, and expressing a confident hope that they would give satisfaction. Again I summoned my friend Bridgeman ; again we failed to realize the sport which he had always promised me from the possession and exhibition of the real fiery brown. Rather impatient at the bad sport, and disgusted at the imputation east upon the credit of my ancient friend Martin, I held a fly between Bridgeman's eyes and the light, and rather testily asked him, while I pointed to the glistening fibres in the body, " If that is not fiery brown, will you be good enough to tell me what it is ? " " Oh," said he, " the fly is well enough, and as neatly tied as one could wish ; but still it 's not the real fiery brown." Strong in my faith in old Martin, I again addressed him, emphazising in my order for another dozen of flies the word " real." Again I had an ex- tremely civil reply, inclosing another dozen of well-tied flies, and assuring me that, in compliance with my former orders, he had done his utmost, as well as in the present in- stance, to meet my wishes ; and venturing very respectfully to suggest that I should send him a pattern of the colored fly I required, in which case he had no doubt but that he could execute the order in such a manner as to give satisfaction. In answer to which, after having failed to have any great success with the flies he inclosed, I wrote to him to say " that a specimen or pattern of the real fiery brown was the very thing of which I was in search, and that if he could not furnish it I must only say it was by no means creditable to his establishment." Upon this, I received a short, well-written letter, in which the old man asserted that he had spared no pains, having sent to both Scotland and England for varieties of the fiery brown, specimens of all of which he had sent to me ; but he perceived with regret that in the present instance he could not please me, and begged, therefore, very respectfully, to give up the commission. Very shortly after the termination of this correspondence, which was seriously commenced, and towards the conclusion car- ried on in banter, old Martin Kelly died ; and one of my imaginative friends insisted that his inability to discover the real fiery brown was the cause of his illness and his death. I should add that the desire for the real fiery brown had spread very widely amongst Irish fishermen at this time, several having read the letters above alluded to, and men- tioned the matter to others, so that I believe few days passed over, during that summer, in which there was not some application at Kelly's shop, in Sackville Street, for this mys- terious and unobtainable fly. . 116 FAVORITE FLIES. Several years subsequent to these events, and after I had been four years in Canada, and had ascertained the virtues of the fiery brown in the waters of the Marguerite and Eschemin, having occasion to write to my old friend, college companion, and law agent about some legal matters, I requested him to send me a small parcel of color in his reply, to which request I received the following answer : — Dublin, 41 Upper M. Street, 19th July, 1845. My dear Friend, — I rejoiced at receiving your epistle, notwithstanding that it was silent as to my last to you. I essayed to gratify your desire for the " fiery brown " im- mediately upon learning your wishes, and " I '11 ever remember the day," as the song has it, for " may I never do an ill turn " but I was near suffering for it. The most natural place for getting the fiery brown was of course the most celebrated and the most convenient, so in I toddled to Martin Kelly's. It goes by the same name still. And " Pray," says I, " have you got any fiery brown ? " " Say that again," says a fellow with an ugly aspect, that put me in acute remembrance of your brother-in-law, Dr. Bell. " Have you any fiery brown ? " said I again. " Oh, by the holy," says he, " you 're one of the gang that killed my father. Fire me if I don't brown you ! " And without doubt he seemed bent on making me black and blue, for he let fly the butt of a salmon rod at me, which, most fortunately for me, being misdirected by his wrath, went against the glass door of the shop, which it smashed. I forthwith threw myself on the protection of a policeman who was passing, and who advised me to charge him ; this, however, I declined to do, dreading the publicity of so ridiculous a history as would have come out, and which, as sure as a gun, would have been laid hold of by Lever, and I 'd have been persecuted to the death by the wags. The next day I went to a decent man of less notoriety, who does a little splicing for me now and then, and sells me flies. On my proceeding to make the inquiry for you, he grew very red about the gills, and said he was " sorry to find I came to humbug him." I assured him I had no such intention, and that I wanted the article for a gentleman in Canada. " Oh, now," said he, " I am sure you 're going it, for it was a fellow who went there that killed poor Kelly with his fiery brown ; " and then, altering his tone, he added, " Sir, I 'd rather not have anything to do with the fiery brown at any price ; I am striving to rear a large small family, and for God's sake, sir, leave me to do so in peace." Now, I '11 tell you what I did next. I followed Kelly's example and gave up the com- mission, but I hope it will not cost me my life. Any other kind of brown you want I '11 do my utmost to procure, but just don't ask me to mention fiery brown again in Dublin, or I think it will blow up the city. THEIR HISTORIES. 117 1st August, 1845. After I had written the foregoing, and before I could seal and dispatch it, I happened to meet in the street your friend Bomford, and amongst other topics of conversation turned up your commission to me for the fiery brown, and my failures. " Oh, said he, " come with me to Ettingsal, on the quay ; he does a deal of business in Galway, and knows me very well." Of course, as I was most anxious to get you what you wished for, I went with Bomford to the shop. " Pray," said I, in the most bland manner possible, " can you procure me some fiery brown ? " Whereupon the individual who was behind the counter, after looking steadily at us in silence for a minute or so, drew up his left hand to a level with his mouth, applies his thumb in a very significant manner to the tip of his nose, protrudes a considerable length of tongue, cuts some cabalistic figure or motion with his right hand, and asks me if " my mother is aware that I am out." I am fearful, my boy, that you have been playing tricks with me, and that either no such thing ever existed as pig's wool, or that a certain black gentleman shaved it all off whin he took to amusing hisself in that way ; but I am, as ever, Your affectionate friend, T B . I need not take the trouble to explain to my piscatorial readers — and I desire no others — that the fiery brown is now well understood, and may be obtained not only at Martin Kelly's, but at any other respectable fishing-tackle warehouse, without the slightest danger of being smitten with a salmon rod or of disturbing the peace of an industrious tradesman. And, moreover, I would not advise any fisherman to come to Canada without an ample supply of it, though I am confident the exact hue of the real fiery brown will with difficulty be agreed upon by any two fishermen or manufacturers. No. 46. The Grackle flies are named from the birds of that name. The fly shown in the plate is, we think, a greater favorite than the Black and Yellow Grackle, though the latter is often found desirable. No. 47. Grasshopper. Green little vaulter in the sunny grass, Catching your heart up at the feel of June, Sole voice that 's heard amidst the lazy noon, When even the bees lag at the summoning brass ; And you, warm little housekeeper, who class With those who think the candles come too soon, Loving the fire, and with your tricksome tune 118 FAVORITE FLIES. Nick the glad, silent moments as they pass ; O sweet and tiny cousins, that belong, One to the fields, the other to the hearth ! Both have your sunshine ; both, though small, are strong At your clear hearts ; and both seem given to Earth To ring in thoughtful ears this natural song, — In doors and out, summer and winter, — Mirth. The poetry of earth is never dead : When all the birds are faint with the hot sun, And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead : That is the grasshopper's. He takes the lead In summer luxury ; he has never done With his delights ; for, when tired out with fun, He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed. The poetry of earth is ceasing never : On a lone winter evening, when the frost Has wrought a silence, from the stove there shrills The cricket's song, in warmth increasing ever, And seems, to one in drowsiness half lost, The grasshopper's among some grassy hills. Leigh Hunt. John Keats. Every one who attempts artificial insects sooner or later undertakes an imitation of the grasshopper. Some of these imitations bear close resemblance to the orig- inals, and have been made with bodies of wood, cork, or quills, and covered with silk, wool, rubber, and silkworm gut ; but they are apt to be clumsy, lacking as they do the spring and softness of the real insect. Any one who will invent a grasshopper with the natural " kick " in it has a fortune in his hands. That pictured in the plate can claim semblance only because of colors that in the water may suggest the red-legged grasshopper, so successful as bait. This pattern came to us ten or twelve years ago from Mr. Harry Pritchard, of New York, who for a time made the only flies sold of this combination ; they were in great demand with his customers. Since then this fly has become generally known, and has proved excellent for large trout and bass, as well as small trout. MAINE. 119 Maine. f Montreal. Royal Coachman. \ B. Pond. | White Miller. [Parmacheene Belle. Norway, Trout. Freeland Howe, JNorway, Maine. I do most of my fishing at the Upper Dam, Oxford County, Maine, where I always go twice, and sometimes three times a year. I go in the spring as soon as the ice is out, when the fish are taken with bait, either still-fishing or trolling with a minnow, by which we take the largest fish. Last spring my largest was six pounds. May, 1888, I took one with an angleworm, weighing eight pounds. The fall fishing has not been good the past two years. I took one trout with a Montreal fly in the fall of 1888, which weighed five pounds, a beauty, giving me good sport for twenty minutes or more. The Montreal, B. Pond, and Royal Coachman are good flies, and the White Miller I find the best for evening fishing. For spring fishing I think the Parmacheene Belle the best. It has been used only a few years, but with good success. Regarding snells, I like the clear heavy gut, long strands. Leader single, without loops, as I use only one fly. Flies recommended for Maine trout by Lorenzo Prouty : — Black Hackle. Scarlet Ibis, with some white. Blue Jay, English Jay. Golden Pheasant, tinsel body. Brown Hackle. Richardson. Prouty. Nameless. Tinseled Ibis. Yellow Moose. Megalloway. Bemis. 120 FAVORITE FLIES. \ Webster. | Grizzly King. , Maine. ■{ Montreal. \ Trout, j Parmacheene Belle. *■ [ Silver Doctor. John W. Webster, Waterbury, Conn. I have had much experience in fly-fishing in Maine, having spent several weeks there annually for thirty years. I have found the Grizzly King, the Montreal, and the " Winged Brown Hackle " standard and always reliable flies. In a dark day the Parmacheene Belle and Silver Doctor are excellent ; they are effective in fishing at twilight, also. There are certain waters, particularly inland ponds, where the Scarlet Ibis is almost the only fly that succeeds. Of course there are numerous other flies which are good, but the varieties named are all that are needed to make a complete outfit. For spring and summer fishing in the Maine waters, flies upon No. 5 Sproat hooks are my preference. In autumn, larger flies are often used success- fully. The snell should be medium in weight, reinforced where joined to the hook, but single, and not over six or seven inches in length. I do not regard the coloring of the snells of much importance, but if stained they should be light blue. The winged Brown Hackle 1 should have a red tail. I will send you a fly that the maker saw fit to name the Webster, which I regard as nearly perfect, and effective on any waters. 1 A Hackle is a hook dressed with the usual materials, but without wings. Mr. Web- ster probably intended the well known Brown Hackle, with wings added, when it would technically be termed an artificial fly. — M. E. 0. M. Maine. MAINE. 221 ' Hill Fly. Portland. » W*-*-***-*- Grizzly King. Scarlet Ibis. Parmacheene Belle. Jungle Cock. J. W. Hill, Waterbury, Conn. It would be rather a hard matter to determine which are the best flies at different times, seasons of the year, etc. There are three flies that I think of that I have always had good success with, par- ticularly at the Rangeley Lakes in June, viz., the Portland (or Montreal), Grizzly King, Cinnamon Hackle, and occasionally the Scarlet Ibis. One season I had great sport with the Jungle Cock and Yellow Sally. The Parmacheene Belle is also a good fly for a dark day, or just at sundown. The Katoodle-bug I consider one of the best of flies for all-round fishing, at any season. I am much in favor of the English tied flies, or I should say of the material they use. The flies furnished Mr. Hunt this spring, tied from the sample of English flies, are as perfect as anything can be, and are just as good as their English prototypes, and cost con- siderably less. One of the samples I had great luck with last June, in one morning's fishing, taking seventeen fine trout in two hours, from one pound up to two and a half pounds. Mr. Hunt has named it for me, calling it the Hill Fly. f Hamlin. , Maine. \ Montreal. (1 rout and [ Silver Doctor. <- Land-locked Salmon. Edgar W. Curtiss, Meriden, Conn. My fly-fishing has been done usually at the Rangeley Lakes, Maine, and in the fall. At times I have had good sport with two 122 FAVORITE FLIES. flies which are my especial favorites, the Hamlin and the Montreal. My good luck with these particular flies very naturally gives them favor over others, in my mind. Supplementing my experience with the Hamlin in these waters, I can add the testimony of William H. Fullerton, of Windsor, Vermont, with whom I have fished, and whose name gives a weight that will be recognized by all fishermen who have had the pleasure of meeting him. I have brought more fish to the net w r ith the Hamlin than all others combined. At times the fish would prefer other flies, and as the light began to fade the White Miller would be taking, yet I have seen a five-pound trout captured by moonlight on a Hamlin. Last year I made a departure from my usual practice and visited the lake in the early part of June, and enjoyed good sport, particularly with the land-locked salmon ; for these I used the Silver Doctor. The efficacy of the Silver Doctor with the fish was demonstrated by two other fishermen. Mr. C. P. Stevens, of Boston, caught one weighing 5^ pounds, and Mr. Parish, of Montville, Conn., one of the same weight. This fly, I think, is generally considered the most killing for this fish. f White Miller. Maine. i ^ ed ™ s - { ? tre £ m fishin § Cow Dung. ( for Trout. [ Montreal. C. W. Newhall, Worcester, Mass. There is such a pleasant and varied picture in following a stream through woodland and meadow that I prefer brook fishing to any other ; and on my visits to Maine, with one exception, I have always followed the streams, and with good success. I find that I can MAINE. 123 catch more fish from five a. m. to ten a. m. than during" the remain- o der of the day. I have used the White Miller, Red Ibis, Cow Dung, and the Montreal. The first named worked best in a dull day, when the sky was overcast, or toward night. The Red Ibis and Cow Dung have yielded equally good results on the bright parts of pleasant days. I have tried my Montreal flies only once or twice without a rise to reward my efforts. Sometimes you may try every fly made, and the fish will not rise ; why, I know not, but have resorted to hooking my fly on an alder-leaf, and with good results. Prefer medium-sized sneck bend hooks. B. Pond. Brown Hackle. Montreal. , Maine. \ Abbey. J Trout. Parmacheene Belle. *• Yellow Sally. White Miller. Raymond N. Parish, Hartford, Conn. Regarding favorite flies, I find each season varies more or less as to the most taking flies. I visit the Rangeleys each year, in June and September usually. Some seasons a fly is unusually good, and perhaps the next year it is not good at all. A most excellent fly with me, nearly every time, is the Brown Hackle ; red body, dressed either with the hackle the whole length of the body, or at the head only ; not much choice as to that. The Montreal, dark, or Canada flies have proved very good flies at this season, and I took two of my largest fish with them ; there is but little difference in the two flies, but the claret body and 124 FAVORITE FLIES. hackle suits me the best. The Abbey has also proved a most ex- cellent fly. Some seasons the Professor leads, but this time did not seem to be acceptable. A local fly at the Rangeleys, called the B. Pond, in most years is the best there. One spring the Yellow Sally was the most taking fly, but I have taken but few fish with it since. The Parmacheene Belle, for two or three seasons past, has been very good in early morning, or just at night, but this year I was not successful with it. The White Miller proved better. I inclose herein the fly B. Pond. It has been used a little, as you will see; but I have none entirely new. The way it origi- nated is this : a local fly-maker near the Rangeleys made it accord- ing to his own fancy several years ago, and used it on a pond near the lakes, called " B " pond, so called from being in the town- ship " B ; " he found it to be very successful there, and it has now become one of the standard flies for the large lakes in that vicinity. I do not know that it is made by any other than this local fly-maker. It has proved better for spring than for fall fish- ing, although sometimes in the fall it is very good. How it will take in other waters I cannot tell, as I have tried it only in the Rangeleys. Note. — The Brown Hackle with a red body, spoken of by Mr. Parish, when made palmer, i. e. with hackle wound the length of the body, is known as the Soldier Palmer ; when simply made with a red body and hackle tied in at the head, it is known as the Red Hackle. The Red Hackle is the first recorded fly, the oldest known in history. See description in Part I. — M. E. O. M. »■ LAKE FLIE S. M.Bradlsy Ci.Iitl. Made by C.F. ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR I G H TE D. PLATE G. No. 48. Hart. No. 51. Golden Rod. No. 49. Hill Fly. No. 52. King of the "Woods. No. 50. Kingfisher. No. 53. Green Glade. No. 48. The Hart is a combination of colors almost unknown among artificial flies, but one that is very beautiful in this fly, which was sent to us by Mr. George Hart, of Waterbury, Conn., after whom it was named. In his letter inclosing this fly he wrote us that it had proved one of their best flies in their late expedition to the Maine woods, where he and a party of friends have recorded some phenomenal catches. No. 49. Hill Fly. This is another pattern used by the same party from "Water- bury, Conn., and named after Mr. J. M. Hill, one of its members. The Hill Fly resembles somewhat the Black Doctor, and claims all the merits of that design, with distinguishing qualities of its own. No. 50. Of the Kingfisher, Mr. John B. McHarg, veteran angler and fly- maker of Rome, New York, has written : " If I could have no dinner until I had taken a big trout with the fly, the one particular lure I would select from the mul- titude would be that which years and years ago I christened the Kingfisher. This is the best of the chosen four with which I have whipped the waters of America for a lifetime, and the only one with which I ever had really good luck casting for shad. For big trout and jumbo bass, I do not believe a more killing fly was ever made. From Skowhegan to Alaska it is always in season. Try it at either end or the middle of the season, anywhere in North America, and my word for it you will find a most killing lure, and worthy a place in the best fly-book on the earth." Mr. McHarg's enthusiasm is always contagious, and we know his to be one of the generous hearts that enjoy sharing the good things of this world with their fel- low-men ; we feel a hearty respect for his opinion, as well as for his cordiality and generosity, of which we frequently have had proof. 126 FAVORITE FLIES. No. 51. We cannot ascertain who is responsible for the Golden Rod. It is popular for Maine, and whoever named it may have had in mind a pretty little story the scene of which is laid at Mount Desert, in that State, and added to the fame and romance of that picturesque summer resort. No. 52. King of the "Woods. The first fly we ever saw of this name was given to us by Mr. A. N. Cheney, of Glens Falls, N. Y., who had known and used it for some time. As nearly as we remember, he had first seen it used in the woods of northern New York, which he has visited annually since boyhood, and written of most delightfully. He spoke of the fly as of unknown origin, but much esteemed by the guides, and called, therefore, the King of the Woods, as companion to the Queen of the Waters. No. 53. The Green Glade was originally a Scotch salmon fly, named after a kite, or glade, but it is found more useful in this country for large trout than for salmon. They were blest beyond compare, When they held their try sting there, Amang the greenest hills shone on by the sun. VERMONT AND NEW HAMPSHIRE. John E. Hubbard . Feed E. Atkins E. B. Griswold . . Frank W. Proctor C. O. Allen . . . Samuel "Webber George H. Comstock E. G. Tuttle Blue Jay. No Name. Seth Green. Parmacbeene Belle, etc. >f Coachman. l\ Alder. H Governor. r \ Fin Fly, etc. f Gray Hackle. '.-■< Grizzly King. |_ Seth Green. { Brown Hen. f Brown Hackle. < Professor. [Fin Fly. ' Professor. Grizzly King. Coachman. __ Scarlet Ibis, etc. i { Leadwing Coachmano f Coachman. J Black Gnat. | White Miller. [ Grasshopper. VERMONT AND NEW HAMPSHIRE. 129 ' Blue Jay. Alder. No Name. Parrnacheene Belle. < tosshopp^r. { Tr0Ut> Grizzly King. Professor. Black Gnat. White Miller. Johx E. Hubbaed (••' Sylvanus "), Montpelier, Vermont. I consider the following list to be as good as any for such trout fishing as we have in this section, and I have placed them in the order in which I value them : Blue Jay, Alder, No Name, Parrna- cheene Belle, Seth Green, Grasshopper, Grizzly King, Professor, Coch-y-Bonddu, Black Gnat, White Miller. As to size of hooks, I think they should be suited to the size of fish and the kind of water to be fished, and these two things and the condition of the weather should govern the selection of the cast. On dark days, or with a strong ripple, or in swift streams, or in muddy water, or when fish are in deep water, use colored flies, and hooks as large as No. 5. There is little fishing in Vermont when a large hook is required. On bright days and on clear, still water, use modest and dark colors for flies, and very small hooks, down as small as No. 12. Use only one fly at such times, and let the leader be the very lightest to be obtained. I think that, as a rule, fishermen use leaders that are far too heavy for the game. I prefer leaders made of gut which has not been drawn, and think they should all be dyed a neutral tint, like that obtained by using as a dye equal parts of "Arnold's Writing Fluid" and water. My first choice for hooks would be the Sproat, and I prefer all flies tied with short loops. The advantages of the loops are many. I 130 FAVORITE FLIES. think. A short length of gut, colored to match the leader, can be used to fasten on the dropper ; and in place of the loop at the end of these, and on the end of the leader, have just a simple hard knot, and fasten each fly by tying it to the leader with the "angler's knot." This knot will unfasten so easily that you can change flies much quicker than by drawing them through the old-fashioned loop, and with this arrangement you have a leader that is of one color all the way to the hook, and has none of the objectionable bunches caused by the double loops. Any close observer will have discovered that the fish often jump at the loops, and at the knots on the leader when they are large. I will give an incident to prove that it is sometimes advantageous to " change flies." One day, last season, a friend and myself were fishing a little pond where we felt quite well acquainted with the fish, but as the day was clear and still we were not having much luck. At last we found a little cove among the bushes where the water was literally alive with trout. They were small, to be sure, but it would have done your heart good to have seen them jump. We placed our boat carefully where we could reach them with an easy cast, and settled ourselves for sport. We soon discovered, however, that our flies were not what they wanted, and so got out our fly-books, and did our best to find an assortment of colors that would please them ; but though we changed many times, using three flies each, it was of no use. All the time the trout continued to jump, and though our flies fell among them ever so lightly, and though they were drawn quickly or allowed to rest where they fell, it made no difference and we had not caught a fish. At last I rested and watched them, and tried to find what it was they were jumping at; and if you have VERMONT AND NEW HAMPSHIRE. 131 ever tried to do this you know that it is not so easy to find out as one would expect. After a long time, and by watching the differ- ent kinds of flies that were over and on the water, instead of watching the fish, I saw a trout take a sort of blue-black fly that settled on the water. I immediately consulted my fly-book, and found a little old-fashioned fly, that, I think, is innocent of a name, but seemed to be a sort of cross between the Black Gnat and the Iron Dun, which resembled very closely the natural fly I had seen taken. I put this on, and the thing was done. I could take fish on that fly anywhere and at every cast ; and no matter whether I used it as the hand fly, dropper, or tail fly, the effect was just the same ; they were bound to have that fly. I did not have another one like it, and my friend could not find one that much resembled it, and the result was that he did not take a fish while we were in that cove. I could give many other incidents, but to my mind this one proves the point, and it cannot possibly be explained away. I cannot say very much about bass fishing, as I have had very little experience, but I think it is governed by the same laws as trout fishing. I use hooks several sizes larger, and I find that bright colors are nearly always the best. So far I have written only of the fishing in this locality, and I think that will be sufficient for one letter. If I were to make a list of flies for such fishing as is to be found in Maine and in Canada, I should put the Parmacheene Belle at the head, and next would come the B. Pond and Katoodle-bug;. The two latter are tied by Mr. Whitney, who is one of the famous guides of the Rangeley Lakes. For fishing in these regions the hooks should be, of course, much larger, say No. 1 and 2. 132 FAVORITE FLIES. Vermont. Coachman. Alder. ^ -{ Trout. (jrovernor. Fin Fly. Fred E. Atkins, Waterbury, Vermont. I have found the Coachman, Alder, Governor, and a red and white fly, something like the one called the Fin Fly, are usually taking ones. The latter was rather a favorite during the middle of the season, and though so light in color seemed good on a bright day and in clear water. I took my largest fish with this fly last season, but sometimes had good success with a small buff or brown- winged fly. I found the Alder very good on several occasions, and a small- sized Grizzly King was effective for morning fishing or on a cloudy day. Many persons in this vicinity do not use flies, the usual object being to take fish for food, and they can, as a regular thing, get all they want with bait ; but a few of our best fishermen use flies, and I trust to have better opportunities for observation in the future. f Gray Hackle. < - Vermont. < Grizzly King. -] Trout. [ Seth Green. <- E. B. Griswold, Bennington, Vermont. My favorite fly for mountain streams is the Gray Hackle, espe- cially in swift-running waters. Have used it under various circum- stances, in clear weather and in dark, cloudy weather, and it is almost invariably a taking fly. For still water and clear weather I use either the Grizzly King or the Seth Green. No. 10 hooks seem large enough for trout weighing one pound or VERMONT AND NEW HAMPSHIRE. 133 under and it appears to make but little difference whether the snells are stained or clear ; they should be single strands, and short. Vermont. {Brown Hackle. < - Professor. •] Trout. Fin Fly. <• C. 0. Allen, Wallingford, Vermont. I have always been successful with a Brown Hackle and a Pro- fessor. I consider these standard for all times of the year. Just at dark I would use a Black Hackle in place of the Brown. I have also had good lack with a fly having white wings and bright red body. Prefer Sproat hooks. New Hampshire. Brown Hen. Trout. Frank W. Proctor, Boston, Mass. During the past fifteen years my fishing has been mostly done in New Hampshire ponds that have been pretty closely fished, and in which the trout have been well educated. I believe that more than three fourths of my fish have been taken with a whip composed of a Brown Hen for a stretcher fly and a Brown Hackle dropper. The Brown Hackle I used from the first, upon the advice of brother anglers. The Brown Hen I tried experimentally in common with many other kinds, and found it more taking than any other fly in my book. I have used it more and more, and now I rarely make a whip without it. I think it is best adapted for bright days and clear, smooth waters ; but I have found it good under all con- ditions, excepting at dusk and in discolored waters. When trout refuse this fly I frequently try other varieties, but 134 FAVORITE FLIES. in ordinary conditions a change of flies rarely produces better results. For civilized waters I consider the Brown Hen by far the best fly I am acquainted with. As to hook and snells, I find no trouble in hooking fish with a Sproat hook, if they seize it. With- out having any special theory on the subject, my acquaintance with trout inclines me to the opinion that hooks and snells should be as light as is consistent with strength, and I prefer stained leaders and snells. The weak spot in flies I find to be where the snell joins the shank of the hook ; with me they usually part there before the fly is other- wise too much worn for use. f Professor. Grizzly King. J Coachman. ,-r TT 7 . ! Royal Coachman. Cm i Scarlet Ibis. \ Tvmt > Black Gnat. Coch-y-Bonddu. Hackles. Samuel Webber, Charleston, N. H. From my past experience I should select for our New Hampshire waters the following, varying the fly with the weather and the time of the day, viz., Professor, Grizzly King, Coachman, Royal Coach- man, Scarlet Ibis, Black Gnat, Coch-y-Bonddu, and all the other Hackles, especially the Soldier ; Alder and the Green Drake are also good. I have to suggest one fly, a hackle or " palmer," which you do not show on your plates in " Fishing with the Fly," viz., a White Hackle with a red body wound with gold tinsel, body rather full or plump. I have found this fly rather killing after sunset on the VERMONT AND NEW HAMPSHIRE. 135 celebrated Diamond Ponds, and think it well worthy a place in " Fishing with the Fly " if you propose to get up a new edition. I would suggest as a name for it the Royal White. Generally, I prefer a Limerick hook on a clear, single snell, rather long and stout. Size of hook varies from No. 4 to No. 10. New England States. Leadwing Coachman. Trout. George H. Comstock, Ivoryton, Conn. The dark-winged Coachman is my favorite fly, after having tried it throughout New England, from Averill Lakes in northern Ver- mont to the Moosehead Lake in Maine ; also all along the south- ern border of Connecticut in the streams emptying into Long Island Sound. It seems more effective in the evening, but the trout will rise to it at any time of day. I prefer, for trout not weighing over one pound, No. 8, 10, or 12 O'Shaughnessy or Sproat hooks, using the large hooks early in the season ; for trout in the Rangeleys running from one to four pounds, hooks No. 6 and upward are needed. I prefer stained snells, if for nothing else than neatness of appear- ance. Snells should be as light as consistent, single, long strands, no short loops, particularly on flies, as I do not care to pick up looking-glasses every time I raise my line to cast. I make my own leaders, and for use in fine fishing tie the gut together in a single knot. This is perfectly sufficient ; never had one come apart in years of so doing. I make no loops whatever, and cut off the loop in the snell of the fly used for the tail fly, and tie both leader and fly together by a single knot. For the upper fly (I never use but two flies at a time) I take a turn in my leader 136 FAVORITE FLIES. and tie a knot, first cutting off loop on snell of fly, but leaving the knot to secure it. Such a cast as this cannot be improved upon by a man who knows his business ; but for the man who changes his flies every few moments, — why, any kind of a leader will do for him ! f Coachman. Tr I Black Gnat. ( rr* Vermont. j White Miller. \ Trout ' [_ Grasshopper. E; G. Tuttle, Manchester, Vermont. Your letter asking for information regarding artificial flies has been received, and in reply will say that your questions are hard to answer, as a fly excellent at one time of the day in any locality or stream, in an hour's time may be good for nothing. One impor- tant rule is to observe what kind of flies are upon the water, and use the nearest like them that you may have. The Coachman, representing nothing I have ever seen, is an exception to this rule, and is probably the best of all artificial flies for general use in all localities and waters. A medium-sized black fly is the most useful in a clear day and low water ; it should be drawn up stream. A Black Gnat or a White Miller is to be used at evening. When it rains, the White Miller, also a Coachman with a slender or partially woven body, are fatal to the fish. There are several things needful to success in fishing. One must like the sport ; must have patience, perseverance, observation, know the locality and the habits of the trout ; must have a good rod, reel, line, flies, and hooks ; must not get excited ; must have an eye for distance ; must cause his flies to light gently upon the water ; must throw his line so that it will straighten out from his rod, and be VERMONT AND NEW HAMPSHIRE. 137 sure that it has straightened out behind before making the forward cast, or off will go his flies, snapped off ! If you have a strike, a slight wrist motion hooks the trout, and a taut line holds him ; then let your rod do the rest of the work. It is not often necessary to give much line on our streams, but if you have to do so, make the trout earn every inch he takes ; keep him away from all snags, and in the end you will have your fish. In landing a trout of any size don't try to lift him out with the rod, but use either a landing net or take him with your hand. I neglected to say that in casting one should always throw up stream and across the current, letting the current carry the fly. No human being ever saw one of the miller species floating up stream ; in fact, there are but few insects that work up ; the major- ity drift with the current down the stream. In midsummer comes the grasshopper-fishing, requiring more skill than any other; for this you must first keep the grasshopper on the water with a down-stream motion. Use great care in casting; observe the same rules as when casting a fly, lest you lose your grasshopper. When you have a strike, first give a downward wrist motion, and when settled give the upward wrist, or hooking, motion. A slight trembling movement of the rod will cause a natural appearance to the grasshopper as well as the fly. In " grasshopper time " the trout lie well down stream in the holes ; they also gather there towards night during the fly-fishing. Success in trouting depends greatly upon your having everything to tempt them with ; hence bait should always be carried. When not jumping, trout will often take worms or chubs. A trout that is lying close to the bottom will not rise to a fly, and one well up from the bed of the stream will rarely bite when the water is high 138 FAVORITE FLIES. i and roily. At such times bait is the only thing to use. Drop your line in the eddies or near the ripples and near the shores, always letting your bait work around near or on the bottom, with an occa- sional pull up to the surface, and now and then a jerky motion, always keeping a taut line. When you have a bite give the upward wrist motion, remember- ing that a slight wrist motion is all that is necessary to hook a trout. I have hardly answered any of your questions, except in a general way. Still, I think the advice I have given may be useful to begin- ners, and perhaps old fishermen may get a new idea. I learn a little every time I go fishing. My final advice to one and all is to provide themselves with a good rod, reel, line, and a large variety of flies, hooks, and bait, and never to go a-fishing when the wind is in an easterly direction; a southwest wind is ever the most favorable. LAKE FLIES. Made by C.F. ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR I6HTED. M.BradlEy Waft. PLATE H. No. 54. Moose. No. 57. Mooselucmaguntic. No. 55. Claret Montreal. No. 58. Juno. No. 56. Moisic-Grub. No. 59. Plymouth Rock. No. 54. Mr. John Shields writes to us that the Moose fly was made in imita- tion of a natural fly of that name. Mr. Shields, on his annual trips to the Maine woods, always carried with him a " box " fitted with a well-assorted stock of ma- terials for fly-making. With these, he was able to create new flies adapted to the different localities. If they proved valuable, he brought them to the notice of his angling friends. It may be interesting to some who read these notes to know the story of the frontispiece in this collection ; also how we first learned that the Moose was a good bass fly. Over fifteen years ago, an uncle, Mr. J. C Hinchman, while sojourning in the White Mountains, sent to us the original of the picture which forms the frontispiece of this book ; but for years the little photograph was fastened with a number of others to the inner side of the door of a bookcase holding angling books. One day, glancing out of the window, I saw sitting on the piazza of the hotel opposite two men, fishing-rods and baskets beside them, and fly-books spread out on a chair between them, as if they were discussing their contents. I was struck by their resemblance to the figures in the photograph from the White Mountains that we had had so many years ; attitude, dress, features, all were the same. I watched them a few moments, interested by the similarity, and thought no more of it. Later in the day, my father said, " Mr. W. C. Prime and his friend Mr. Bridge are in town, and this evening I will bring them in to call on you." I was pleased to think of meeting the author of " I Go A-Fishing," and said so ; and when even- ing came found them to be the two fishermen I had noticed and compared with the picture. During the evening I told them of it and showed them the photo- graph. When Mr. Prime saw it he exclaimed, " Why that was taken of us at Lonesome Lake Cabin as many as fifteen years ago ! " So the resemblance was accounted for. Later, when this book came to be thought of, I wrote to Mr. Prime requesting 140 FAVORITE FLIES. permission to reproduce the photograph as its frontispiece, thinking the many fish- ermen who had enjoyed Mr. Prime's delightful writings would he greatly interested in a picture of him. Mr. Prime kindly consented, and gave permission to mention his name with that of his companion, Mr. William F. Bridge, of New York city, who is " Dupont "of " I Go A-Fishing." During their call our talk was somewhat of fishing, and I showed Mr. Bridge a fly which he greatly admired. It was the Moose ; and the next day, as they were about to drive away, I handed a fly like it to my father, asking him to give it to Mr. Bridge with my farewell, and say that I hoped it would bring him a good fish. The next year Mr. Prime and Mr. Bridge again drove through Manchester, on their annual trip to the White Mountains, and, meeting Mr. Orvis, Mr. Bridge said : "Do you remember that fly your daughter sent to me by you ? I had the greatest success in the world with it catching black bass ; such success, that after it was all worn out, I kept it on my leader just for luck." Since then we have frequently heard the testimony in favor of it for black bass repeated, and have rejoiced to think that our good wishes resulted in a discovery of further merit in this pretty fly first intended for Maine trout by its originator, John Shields. No. 55. In the note accompanying the Montreal trout fly, No. 179, Plate S, will be found an account from Mr. Leach of the origin of this fly and the correct dress- ing ; but the Montreal with a claret hackle and body has become so widely known and so generally used that it may perhaps be said to be more of a favorite than the true pattern. To distinguish between the two we suggest that hereafter this fly be called the Claret Montreal. No. 56. The Moisic-Grub should properly be placed among the salmon flies, but we obtained it after those plates had been filled, and we could not make up our mind to displace any of the older favorites for this late comer, and therefore put it among the lake flies. Because of the marvelous success of the Parmacheene Belle of Mr. Wells's invention, we have great faith in this fly. Mr. Wells has been good enough to reply to our inquiries concerning this last creation of his in the following letter : — January 9, 1892. In reply to yours of 7th. As to all wingless flies provided with two or more hackles, each placed at a different part of the body, I follow the English nomencla- THEIR HISTORIES. 141 ture and call them " Grubs." The fly you speak of I therefore call " the Moisic- Grub," usino- the generic term " grub " since it has one hackle placed in the mid- dle of the body, and another at the head. The wingless flies are, I am informed, quite popular with the more advanced school of transatlantic salmon fishermen. The great rank and file of the fraternity look upon them, it would seem, with less, though perhaps increasing favor. Naturally fond of reasonable experiment, I have tried these grubs extensively during the past six or seven years, following the printed formulas of British anglers as well as devising several patterns of my own. They have answered very well, particularly on much-fished waters where they were quite new to the fish. I don't think they will ever supersede the winged flies of best type, such as Jock Scott, Silver Doctor, etc. ; but I do think they supplement them wonderfully well, both under the conditions above named, and as a " change fly " to tempt a fish which has risen short of one of the well-known patterns of winged fly. In the latter case the grub should bear some general resemblance to the primary fly, though much more sober in tint and tone. Of the various grubs I have tried, both of foreign and domestic design, the Moisic-Grub has been the most used and the most successful. It was originally designed and tied by me in June, 1887, when salmon fishing on the Moisic River, which, as you know, flows into the St. Lawrence on its north shore. Though intended as a change fly for Jock Scott, it was first tried on its own merits, tied on a No. 4 double hook, on a drizzly day with a leaden sky. In a pool from eleven to nine feet deep that grub killed that day four salmon from 21 to 32£ pounds ; besides, two were fastened and lost after a time. Of course it became at once a prime favorite with me, and such it still remains. I have tried it on trout in the Maine lakes with fair but not phenomenal success. I don't know that it has ever been used for black bass. It has, perhaps, been most successful in rainy, dark weather. This is not as conclusive, however, as it may seem. Having made its first success under such conditions, it has naturally had more use under similar circumstances. You know fly-fishermen, the world over, may be divided into two classes, — those who advocate a bright fly on a dark day and a dark fly on a bright day, and those who preach and practice a directly opposite course. The latter are the innovators, and do the most of the talking. For some seven or eight years, now, I have endeavored to decide by experiment and for my own satisfaction which party was right. I have changed from one system to the other, back and forward, 142 FAVORITE FLIES. in every alternative I could think of as likely to throw light on the question, and sometimes fifteen or twenty times in the same day. Though, perhaps, I have a slight bias in favor of a dark fly on a dark day, yet to this minute I am quite uncertain which is the better method. Yours truly, Henry P. Wells. No. 57. The Mooselucmaguntic is another of Mr. John Shields's patterns, named by him after the lake where he found by trial that it was most successful. Nos. 58 and. 59. Juno and Plymouth Rock are described in the following letter from Mr. D. W. C Farrington, of Lowell, Mass : — My fishing with the fly has been mostly in the Maine lakes and streams, during the month of June. My favorite flies are the Professor, Scarlet Ibis, and Plymouth Rock. I have been so successful with them in many localities, and at times and weather so varied, that in making up a cast I generally use one of them. I consider that the following named flies cover a range of form and color suffi- cient for the wants of the ordinary fisherman ; but for one who likes to indulge his fancies a larger assortment may be necessary : Professor, Silver Doctor, Brown Palmer or Hackle, Plymouth Rock, and Juno. The first seven are, as you know, old and standard flies, and I have found them both killing and durable. The Plymouth Rock and Juno are of my own creation. I send you one each of my own tying. I have had success with the Plymouth Rock in bright weather in the middle of tha day, when all others failed to cause a rise. Description : tail, gray from the mallard duck ; body, silver gilt ; hackle and wings, from the Plymouth Rock fowl ; head, red. The Juno, for dark days and in shady places, is a very killing fly. Description : tail, red and white ; body, pale green chenille with silver twist ; hackle, scarlet ; wings, scarlet and jungle fowl. Fishin' Jimmy had never heard of entomology ; Guenee, Hubner, and Fabricius were unknown names, but he could have told these worthies many new things. Did they know just at what hour the trout ceased leaping at dark fly or moth, and could see only in the dim light the ghostly white miller ? Did they know the comparative merits, as a tempt- ing bait, of grasshopper, cricket, spider, or wasp ; and could they, with bits of wool, tinsel, and feather, copy the real dipterous, hymenopterous, or orthopterous insect ? And the birds : he knew them as do few ornithologists, by sight, by sound, by little ways and tricks of their own, known only to themselves and him. . . . He could tell you, too, of strange, shy creatures, rarely seen except by the early-rising, late-fishing angler, in quiet, lonesome places : the otter, muskrat, and mink of ponds and lakes, — rival fishers, who bore off prey sometimes from under his very eyes, — field-mice in meadow and pasture, blind, burrowing moles, prickly hedgehogs, brown hares, and social, curious squirrels. Sometimes he saw deer, in the early morning or in the dusk of the evening, as they came to drink at the lake shore, and looked at him with big, soft eyes, not unlike his own. Sometimes a shaggy bear trotted across his path and hid himself in the forest, or a sharp- eared fox ran barking through the bushes. He loved to tell of these things to us who cared to listen, and I still seem to hear his voice saying in hushed tones, after a story of woodland sight or sound : " Nobody don't see 'em but fishermen. Nobody don't hear 'em but fishermen ; " and — "As I was tellin' ye," he said, "I allers loved fishin' and knowed 't was the best thing in the hul airth ; I knowed it larnt ye more about creeters an' yarbs an' stuns an' water than books could tell ye ; I knowed it made folks patienter an' com- monsenser an' weather-wiser, an' cuter gen'ally ; gin 'em more fac'lty than all the school larnin' in creation ; I knowed it was more fillin' than vittles, more rousin' than whiskey, more soothin' than lodlum ; I knowed it cooled ye off when ye was net, an' het ye when ye was cold : I knowed all that, o' course — any fool knows it. But will ye bleve it ? — I was mor'n twenty-one years old, a man growed, 'fore I foun' why 't was that way. " From Fishm' Jimmy, by Annie Trumbull Slosson. CONNECTICUT, MASSACHUSETTS, AND RHODE ISLAND. C. M. Turner J. H. Farnham O. E. Borden A. J. Collins S. Proctor Thayer. Charles E. H. Higgins Andrew S. March Robert C. Bourn Black May. Red Spinner. Coachman. Alder, etc. f Bi'own Hackle. J Red Hackle. J Yellow May. [ Coachman, etc. Montreal. Coachman. < Jenny Lind. Polka. Perch Fly. f Silver King. J Raven, j Black Prince. [ Scarlet Ibis, etc. White Miller. Scarlet Ibis. Royal Coachman. Yellow May, etc. f Silver Doctor. < Parmacheene Belle. [ White Miller. ( Grizzly King. ( Montreal. CONNECTICUT, MASSACHUSETTS, AND RHODE ISLAND. 145 " Black May. Red Spinner. , Connecticut. ■{ Coachman. •] Trout. J Alder. <■ [ Soldier, etc. C. M. Turner, Lakeville, Conn. For Dutchess County, New York, and Litchfield County, Connec- ticut, I would use for May the following flies : — Black May. Red Spinner. Coachnian. Alder. Soldier. For the month of June : — Great Dun. Dark Stone. Black June. Shoemaker. Governor. And later in June I find nothing better than the White Miller, particularly in the latter part of the day. In small streams and clear water any small fly is a better choice than a large one. If the day is gloomy, I would want a mist- colored snell. If the day is bright and the water clear, the lighter color the snell is, the better. I always use single strands for this locality, and medium-sized loops. The best hook is made from a sewing needle ; the bend is like the genuine Limerick, except to turn the point to one side. Size of hook No. 10. 146 FAVORITE FLIES. f Brown Hackle. Red Hackle. • Massachusetts. < Coachman. ■] Trout. Yellow May. <■ Abbey. J. H. Farnham, Spencer, Mass. The result of my experience in fly-fishing is to make me a stronger advocate for it than ever, both for the increased amount of pleasure over bait-fishing, and the larger and better fish obtained by this method. I repeatedly proved this to myself as well as to my companion in my rambles, who is an adept in the art of bait- fishing. In numbers his creel may have exceeded mine, but in size mine averaged much higher. My best sport was obtained by using Brown and Red Hackles with palmer bodies. One rainy afternoon in July I remember especially, when the fly proved the lure. My friend, fishing with bait, caught only a few small ones, while I had good success fishing with the Brown Palmer Hackle and the Coachman. On another afternoon I was out alone on a small brook, so small I could easily jump across it most of the way, and one that was " fished to death ; " there came up a violent thunder-shower, but in spite of this I caught my best trout of the season immediately after it ceased, a fourteen-inch trout, very broad and deep and beautifully colored, — this on a Brown Hackle. While it rained hard I caught some on a Canada, and after the sun came out clear had some sport with a Coch-y-Bonddu and a Red Hackle. On another trip in late July, a cloudy, overcast afternoon, I did fairly well with a Yellow May and Royal Coachman. In August, on a bright, sunny afternoon, in some deep, sluggish water, I caught some half-pounders and one fish weighing a pound, with the Abbey and a little " buzz." CONNECTICUT, MASSACHUSETTS, AND RHODE ISLAND. 147 To sum up : I found, during the best season, the Brown and Red Hackle the best for my fishing, with the Coachman for a second, and took trout occasionally on the other. The poorest fly in my small collection, I think, was the Grizzly King. I do not remember that I had a rise to it on any occasion. I tried one of the floating flies, but it was a failure in my hands. When I use bait, I prefer Carlisle hooks for trout fishing to all others ; they should be snelled on single short strands of gut, and used with a clear leader. I use single gut for all my snells and leaders ; the leader should have loops for attaching flies. I prefer Sproat hooks for flies, No. 10 and No. 12, and only use two flies on a cast. I would rather change than have more on at a time. Massachusetts. Montreal. Coachman. ^ Jenny Lind. ■< Trout and Black Bass. Polka. ( Perch Fly. 0. E. Borden, Fall River, Mass. The most of my trout fishing has been done in the Rangeley and Seven Ponds region, and my fishing for bass in this vicinity. My favorite fly for all-round fishing, trout and black bass, at any and all seasons, is the Montreal, and if I were obliged to restrict my choice of flies to one I would rather have it by half than any other fly ever made ; of course there are times when some other fly takes better. I recall a Maine trip when the Coachman did more execution, and another when the Jenny Lind did far more work than the others, and the Coachman was of no use whatever. But through M8 FAVORITE FLIES. all the "vicissitudes of changeful time" the Montreal is always reliable ; for black bass fishing in this region it is one of the best, ranking with the Polka, which for black bass, I think, is unexcelled. I make my own flies, and have done so for years, so I have had abundant chances to experiment with new combinations of colors ; but I must confess that the result was to make me stick to a few established patterns, finding I cannot, as a rule, improve on those that years of experience have proved good. In this locality the white perch rise freely to the fly during the latter part of June and the first of July, and I have had better luck with a fly of my own make for them than with any other I have ever tried. Finding that white perch took the Red Ibis well, and the flies that had yellow in their make-up, I tried a combination of red, yellow, and white, generally a white body with gold tinsel, a wing of mixed yellow and red, or red, yellow, and white, with a bright yellow hackle, and it proved a most alluring creation for white perch. I have not given it a name, but simply call it a perch fly ; and as the perch is hardly a game fish, perhaps the fly deserves no other. I have never had much luck with large flies. I have stopped making them on hooks larger than No. 3 Sproat for bass, and have taken bass as readily on No. 4 or No. 5 hooks as on larger. I have tried many experiments with large flies, but in this locality they are of almost no use. I generally use Sproat hooks, but do not know that they are any better than the O'Shaughnessy. I make my leaders of stained gut, but I cannot truthfully say that I think it makes much difference. I have used them both ways, and believe that if fish feel like biting they will do it with equal gusto whether the gut of the leader and snell is stained or clear. CONNECTICUT, MASSACHUSETTS, AND RHODE ISLAND. 149 ' Silver King. Massachusetts. \ Black Prince. \ B1 ^ B f SS Scarlet Ibis. 1 and Suckers. Gray Hackle. A. J. Collins, Fall River, Mass. In August last, iny brother and myself were fishing together in a small lake in Rhode Island. The day had been quite warm, and we had done no fishing during the afternoon. About six o'clock we took the boats and ran along close to the shore for perhaps a half mile ; as my brother did not understand fly-fishing, he took his place at the oars, and I did the casting myself. I started out with a White Miller for tail fly, Silver King for second, and Gray Hackle for third, all hung to short leaders ; the fish would rise almost in an instant, and we captured forty-eight bass, two small pickerel, and two sunfish before dark. None of the bass were very large, the largest not over one pound. It was the second time in my life that I had taken pickerel with a fly. The next morning we went out again at sunrise, and I started out with Black Raven for leader, for second a Green Ibis, and Scarlet Ibis for third. I took five small bass with the scarlet fly, but not a rise could I get to anything else, though I tried repeated changes. Then I took my place at the oars, and Jim took his rod and put on to his line a small spoon hook, and I rowed back over nearly the same ground, and he captured thirty-two bass and four or five large white perch before ten o'clock ; one of the bass weighed three pounds. Jim laughed at my fly-fishing so much that I took good care not to repeat it when he went fishing with me afterwards. One of the most curious things that I ever saw about fly-fishing 150 FAVORITE FLIES. happened to me the 6th of October, 1881. On that day a party of three of us were fishing for pickerel in a lake just below Worcester, Mass. The day was quite warm, with hardly any wind. There were plenty of small gray flies that seemed to come out of a swamp near by and settle on the water. We saw fish rise to these flies at short intervals, and supposed them to be small perch, as there were no bass in the pond at that time. Just for fun I fastened two flies to my line, a Brown Hackle and a Grey Miller ; at the third cast a fish rose to the fly, and when I struck him I found that I had quite a fish to deal with. I thought that I was fastened to a pickerel, but when I reeled him in, instead of a pickerel I was fastened to a large sucker, and he had the fly in his mouth, too. I caught two more after that, and each one had the fly inside of his mouth. Query, did the fish rise to the fly or not ? I have caught eels, horned pouts, and one small mud-turtle with a spoon hook, but I never before caught suckers with a fly. Massachusetts. Grizzly King. Stone Fly. Fin Fly. C ^ Red Hackle. \ lrout ' Red Ibis. White Miller. S. Proctor Thayer, North Adams, Mass. I have fished for several seasons in the Adirondacks, in Maine, New Brunswick, the Provinces, and elsewhere, both for trout and salmon. My favorite flies for this locality, Massachusetts, are Yel- low Professor, Red Hackle, Grizzly King, Stone Fly, Fin Fly, and the Gnats, using small flies and the smallest size of mist-colored gut. It is of great importance to have well-made flies. Poorly-made, CONNECTICUT, MASSACHUSETTS, AND RHODE ISLAND. 151 cheap flies are an abomination. Where trout are as wild as they are around here, nothing will do but the smallest and most delicate line, leader, and fly. Your flies, etc., meet all requirements. It is difficult to answer your questions briefly, as so much depends on the stream, etc. In general, I should say, use the very smallest size of hook and the lightest gut possible, single, mist-colored, in long- strands. It is frequently of advantage to have two or three extra leaders in readiness, so that when one becomes water-soaked and heavy, a new one which is light and dry can be put on the hue, and will float nicely on the water. 1 Then, again, perhaps the only way in which trout can be taken will be by sinking the fly under water and drawing the fly along with a sinuous motion. In a great many in- stances the only thing that attracts trout is the novelty of the fly. This is noticeable in localities that have been persistently fished. I have very frequently observed this. A friend of mine at the Rangeley Lakes, at a time when there were plenty of good fishermen about, who cast and cast without success, put on a bright yellow fly, something that no one there had, or had seen, and had very good success. As a general thing, however, better success in the long run will be had by sticking to the best of the standard flies, which are well known. The best all-round fly I have found to be the Red Ibis, although it does not take around here as far as I have been able to observe. Of course dark waters require light flies, like Gray Hackle and White Miller, etc., and light waters the reverse. The more transparent the water and the wilder the trout, the more invisible should be the line, leader, and fly. I once fished the Clear- 1 A dry leader is liable to break, therefore we cannot refrain from a word of caution against this advice. To cause a leader to float well, oil it lightly with red deer fat, or mutton tallow. — M. E. O. M. 152 FAVORITE FLIES. water, a tributary of the Miramicki, where fishermen very rarely go. The water was extremely clear, and I found that I could only take trout there by using some of the smallest flies which I happened to have with me. I expect to fish with the fly every year as long as I am able to throw one, and I am sure that I shall find something new every season that I may cast a line. Massachusetts. White Miller. Scarlet Ibis. Royal Coachman. ( Trout and Yellow May. Parmacheene Belle Silver Doctor. Seth Green. \ Bass. Charles E. H. Higgksts, D, D. S., Worcester, Mass. The love of angling must be born in a man ; anglers are not taught. If an angler takes up fishing late in life, it is only the blossoming of the late flower ; the germ was there, although dor- mant, perhaps, through the pressing duties of business life. A true angler is the happy product of the Creator's will, and he is happiest when, by the brook-side, rod in hand, he communes with nature and pursues his quiet way through woodland and meadow, dropping the fly at the foot of that rapid water, or in the little pool where the stream enters the meadow land ; taking a trout now and then, or, if his creel be not made heavy, delighting in the sur- rounding scenery, the green sweet-smelling grass-lands, the blossom- ing flowers, the song of the birds, the chattering of the squirrels, and above all the tremulous delicate apple-blossoms that every wind sends floating about him like so many snowflakes. My experience has led me to favor small flies for such brooks and CONNECTICUT, MASSACHUSETTS, AND RHODE ISLAND. 153 streams as are sufficiently clear o£ brush to permit fly-casting. In Worcester County they are few indeed. I prefer the White Miller, Scarlet Ibis, Royal Coachman, and Yellow May, tied on No. 12 hooks or smaller, and for bass fishing about here I choose flies tied on hooks not larger than No. 8. For the latter the flies are White Miller, Scarlet Ibis, Parmacheene Belle, Silver Doctor, and Seth Green. I have a decided preference for the flies tied with expanded wings. I well remember an instance when, after repeated casting with a White Miller tied in the ordinary way, I substituted a White Miller with expanded wings, one of my own tying, which was suc- cessful immediately in taking bass. Whether the principle is equally applicable to all patterns of flies I am not prepared to say, but I can say that such of my flies as are tied with the concave of the wing outward I find to be more taking than the others. Among hooks, I consider Pennell eyed Limerick is worthy of the first place, and the straight-backed Sproat a strong second. Anglers should distinguish between the straight and hog-backed Sproat. I use stained gut, not dyed, and rather lighter than most that is used. There is much satisfaction to be derived from using fine tackle, especially fine leaders. I have some leaders that I made from fine drawn gut, each strand of gut being fifteen inches long, which I consider the par excellence of leaders, as the length of each strand dispenses with about one half the usual number of knots to be found in common leaders. I am decidedly in favor of flies tied with a short loop at the head, or, better still, tied on Pennell eyed hooks. 154 FAVORITE FLIES. Massachusetts. {TI , Silver Doctor. Parmacheene Belle. Trout. White Miller. ~ , ™. (Land-locked [Salmon Flies. j Salmon. Andrew S. March, Boston, Mass. I find great enjoyment in the woods and in casting a fly. I do not know that it makes much difference what the fly is, if it is only the right size. For trout, I am partial to the Silver Doctor, Parmacheene Belle, and White Miller, according to the day ; and if for land-locked salmon, a brilliant Salmon fly. Rhode Island. j MonteeaL ^ Robert C. Bourn, Providence, R. I. For my favorite cast for small-mouth black bass upon inland lakes, after trying many different casts many different years, my mind has settled itself upon this as my standard one ; change, of course, be- ing necessary upon occasion : the Grizzly King with Ibis shoulders dressed on No. 2/0 Sproat, or, better yet, the reliable O'Shaughnessy hook. This used as a tail fly at the end of a good six-foot leader is the whole thing. I know that it is a large fly, but I believe in it. One fly of that size used with forty feet of line and whipped with seven ounces of rent bamboo, is all the strain a good trout rod can bear comfortably, and more than a poor one can. I believe that allowing the fly to sink a foot or so after the cast, in bass fishing, secures many fish that would not look at a fly cast upon the surface, as in ordinary trout casting. A tremulous motion imparted to the fly upon the surface, especially in the absence of a ripple, I deem of great importance. CONNECTICUT, MASSACHUSETTS, AND RHODE ISLAND. 155 After many experiments, I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing better for leaders than the best of round, even, unstained gut. I tried an experiment last spring in local trout fishing in mounting my Carlisle hooks instead of binding the gut on with silk, as usual. I bought the eyed hooks, and fastened my leader, after soaking, with half a double water -knot directly to the hook. During a week's constant fishing, in which time I took about five hundred trout, I did not lose a fish by breakage at the knot. It was far easier to change in case of lost barb or broken hook by cutting the leader close to the eye and tying on another hook. I told a friend of mine my experience, and he tried it, and was delighted. Care should be taken, when dressing flies tied with simply a loop of gut to the hook, not to have the loop too long, or it will twist badly. Sneck bend hooks may have good penetration, but I prefer to see my flies stand straight upon the water. After a dozen different trips to the Moosehead Lake region, Maine, I have no one fly that I place beyond every other. I have had good success with many at different times. I am a Jonah upon the subject of the Montreal. I have caught fish on it, but it has never been a success with me, either for land-locked salmon, trout, or bass. Friends of mine laud it to the skies, but I cannot, though it seems such a favorite. 156 FAVORITE FLIES. Rhode Island. Blue Jay. Grasshopper. ( Trout and Montreal. ( Bass. Wm. H. Hammett. William H. Hammett, Newport, R. I. I have before me at this writing two large fly-books. In the pockets I find many a worn fly, and among them the greatest prize of all, a Blue Jay that captured my first large trout in the Range- ley Lakes in 1882. While at Kennebago Lake, Maine, I found the Blue Jay, Grasshopper, and Montreal flies the most taking, and also used with great success a fly that I invented some years ago while fishing in the south part of Rhode Island. Observing that the bass were rising to a large green fly, I used some green worsted for a body and tail, with a red and white wing, and have since found it successful as an all-round fly for trout or bass. The fly has since been given my name. In regard to the rod, I handle some very good split bamboos ranging from 5|- to 10 ounces, and none pleases me more than my favorite 10^ foot rod, weighing 6^ ounces. As regards hooks, my preference is the Sproat, reinforced when above No. 3. I pay more attention to the quality and smoothness of the gut than to color. For trout fishing, three flies are ordinarily used, though I gener- ally prefer two on a six-foot looped leader, using judgment as to size, according to the water fished. I usually select a cast from the Montreal, Professor, Coachman, Grasshopper, Canada, Cheney, Griz- zly King, Blue Jay, and the Hackles. For lines, I always use an enameled braided silk, and level, as I do not like the tapered ; size to compare to weight of rod. LAKE FLIES. Made by C.F. ORVIS, Manchester. Vt. CO PYR IGHTEO. PLATE I. No. 60. Parmacheene Belle. No. 63. Cunningham. No. 61. Nicholson. No. 64. Lord Baltimore. No. 62. Nameless. No. 65. Orange Miller. No. 60. The Parmacheene Belle was invented by Mr. Henry P. Wells, and named after Parmacheene Lake, in Maine. Mr. Wells's first mention of this fly is in his interesting paper on " Fly-Fishing in the Rangeley Region " in the second edition of " Fishing with the Fly." Later he writes of it again in his valuable book, " Fly Rods and Fly Tackle," saying : " My first favorite is the ' Parma- cheene Belle.' Perhaps I am too partial to this fly, since it is in a measure my own child. John and I seldom fish between half past eleven and four o'clock. That interval is passed prowling about the woods, or shooting at a mark with a rifle, or in some similar way. Often the fly-tying box is produced, and the word is, ' Well, John, what shall we tease them with this afternoon ? ' Thus, on joint suggestion, very many different combinations have been tried, and so some seven years ago was the ' Parmacheene Belle ' born. It was a success, and since then I have used it four fifths of the time when fishing the headwaters of the Androscoggin River. " Unless I am deceived, these large trout take the fly not as an insect, but as some form of live bait. If this is true, an imitation of some favorite form of food is in itself sufficient under all circumstances, provided it is so conspicuous as readily to be seen. To test this theory the fly in question was made, imitating in color the belly-fin of the trout itself. " Place the whole catalogue of known flies on the one hand, and this single fly on the other, and force me to choose and confine myself to that choice, and for fishing in those waters I would choose the ' Parmacheene Belle ' every time. I have tried it in sunshine and rain, at noonday and in the gloaming, and at all times it has proved successful." The Coachman for many years was probably as universally popular in this country as any fly one could mention, but the Parmacheene Belle has come to be its strong rival, and we have astonishing reports of its success in all waters. Mr. Wells also recommends the Parmacheene Belle for sea trout. A fly called the Parmacheene Beau has lately appeared. It is practically the 158 FAVORITE FLIES. same as the Parmacheene Belle, with the addition of jungle-cock feathers as shoul- ders, and is an infringement upon the former pattern and name. We feel sure Mr. Wells is not responsible for this latter device. No. 61. The Nicholson, sometimes called the Blue and Brown, has for many- years been popular for salmon as well as for large trout. Thaddeus Norris wrote : " The Blue and Brown, or Nicholson, is named after an old salmon fisher, ' a broth of a boy/ of St. John, New Brunswick. The wings, of mallard, according to Mr. Nicholson's style of tying, stand well up. The large hook is for high water, when the dubbing and hackles are of lighter shades ; as the water falls the hackles and dubbings should be darker. On low water and bright weather dark brown and purplish blue are best ; the hook decreasing in size as the water falls. In fact, trout hooks Nos. 3 and 4 O'Shaughnessy are, as a general rule, large enough for the rivers of Canada ; Nos. 1 and 2 are full size for high water." No. 62. The Nameless is supposed to be a reminder of Mr. W. H. H. Murray's enthusiastic account of his experience in fishing for trout in " the Nameless Creek," a part of his " Adventures in the Wilderness," — the book that did so much to attract invalids and sportsmen to the Adirondack region. The fly was made and named by Mr. John Shields. No. 63. Mr. G. V. Cunningham, of Cohoes, N. Y., was the first to tie this combination, and requested us to give it a name ; we therefore called it after him, " the Cunningham." No. 64. Lord Baltimore. In the extract from Dr. Henshall's book, wherein he relates the origin of the Oriole bass fly, is also told the story of the Lord Balti- more ; but Professor Mayer has said that this fly was invented for fishing in the lakes of Maine, where he has found it as successful as other fishermen have else- where for black bass. Professor Mayer, its inventor, will also be gratefully remembered for his further good work for sportsmen in the compilation of the beautiful book of sketches, pub- lished by the Scribners, entitled " Sport with the Rod and Gun." No. 65. The Orange Miller is so distinguished because of its color and form, and is held to be useful for either trout or bass. With what words shall I be able to make you see what we saw ? The air was pure and clear as a newly-cut diamond, white and colorless as mountain air always is, — a per- fect lens, through which, with unimpeded eye, we saw the marvelous transfiguration from day to night go on. Five thousand feet beneath us Lake Placid slept, verifying its name. In the south, a hundred mountain peaks were ablaze with the peculiar red sunset light. For a hundred miles the wilderness stretched away, — a deep green sea, across whose surface the sun was casting great fields of crimson. Amid the darker portions eighty patches of gold flashed, representing as many lakes. Eastward, the valley of Champlain lay in deep shadow. To the north, bounding the vision like a thread of silver, gleamed the St. Lawrence. In the valley of the south lay the martyred dust of him who died on a Virginia gallows, that American manhood and American liberty might not perish. The closing moment had now come. The heavens to the west were swathed in the richest tints of scarlet and orange. A thousand colors lay on forest and lake. The mountain summits flamed. The sun, like a globe of liquid fire, quivering in the intensity of its heat, stood as if balancing on the western pines. Down into them it burnt its way. Pausing for a moment, and only for a moment, it poured its warm benediction upon the forest, bade a crimson farewell to each mountain top, kissed the clouds around its couch, quivered, dropped from sight ! And there in the crisp air we thus stood, and gazed in silence westward, until the shadows deepened along the sky ; the fog crept in and filled once more the valley at our feet ; and the wilderness which had been to me and mine a nurse and home, and which we feared we should never see or enter together again, lay wrapped in silence and in gloom. W. H. H. Mukray. NEW YORK. T. V. Allis . J. M. Johnson John H. Osborne A. P. Van Giesen . . Rev. Arthur Lawrence Walter S. MacGregor { Trout Flies. {Beaverkill. Queen of the Water. Professor, etc. f Griffith. Black Gnat. Cow Dung. Queen of the Water. [ Brown Hen ■{ Coachman. [ Yellow Professor. { Blue Professor. f Magpie. J Silver Doctor. I Reuben Wood. [ Gov. Alvord, etc. f Van Patton. Ira S. Dodd ........ 1 Grizzly King. (_ Ginger Hackle. H. A. Pride (S^TtF*??®' ( Black Hackle. f Beaverkill. Gardner Ladd Plumlet . . . < Queen of the Water. [_ Coachman, etc. f Brown Hackle. S. J. Bryant 4 Reuben Wood. [_ Babcock, etc. T. P. Proctor { Proctor Fly. f Brown Hackle. John Lyman Cox < Coachman. [_ Red Ibis, etc. William E. Wolcott C Green Drake. < Soldier Palmer. [ Red Ibis, etc. NEW YORK. 161 Dr. J. R. Romeyn f Brown Hackle. A. M. Gove < Ginger Hackle. [_ Blue Jay. Brown Hackle. Scarlet Ibis. Seth Green. Romeyn, etc. John Davidson { Davidson Hackle. William J. Cassard { Bass Flies. f Royal Coachman. Frank Pidgeon -J and Trout . Qeeen of the Water. John H. Osborne, Auburn, N. Y. In 1886 I was on the Saguenay for " Winanish " (land-locked sal- mon), and my friend, Mr. Creighton, president of our club, whose article in the May number of " Scribner's Magazine " for 1889 you may find interesting, showed me a fly of his own invention, named by him the Griffith, which was a very killing fly. I inclose speci- men and description of them furnished by Mr. Creighton : — "The Griffith." {Tie with yelloio silk.) Tag. — Gold tinsel (would be better in twist). Butt. — Yellow seal's fur. Body. — Black mohair, with three to four turns over it of gold-colored floss silk. Biackle. — Black, tied in at shoulder only. Wings. — Black crow, jungle-cock two thirds up on each side. (Leave gray- butts of jungle-cock on.) Topping. — Golden-pheasant crest. Head. — Of yellow tying silk. 170 FAVORITE FLIES. I also inclose specimen of a fly that has proved very killing for the small native trout in Balsam Lake (on a small tributary of the Beaverkill, near its head). 1 I do not know the name of the fly, or whether it has any. I have found the Black Gnat, Queen, of the Water, and Cow Dung also very effective on the same waters. f Brown Hen. .- New York. -I Coachman. -< For Trout. [ Yellow Professor. *- A. P. Van Giesen, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. More than elsewhere I have fished in the streams of Ulster and Sullivan counties, New York. If I could have but one fly, that one would be the Brown Hen, as described by Thaddeus Norris. If I could have but two, the second would be the Coachman. If I could have but three, the third would be the Yellow Professor. As a general rule, I have found that when a cast made of these three will not take, nothing will take. New York ( ,,, x* t 7 ,~ , < .Blue Protessor. and Canada. ( Rev. Arthur Lawrence, Stockbridge, Mass. Last year I found in the northern Adirondacks that the gray drake wings on a blue body (Blue Professor) were extraordinarily effective. At the Laurentian Lakes, in Lower Canada, there was nothing so killing as a brown fly, of which I cannot give the name, but to which the Seth Green with a red body would be the nearest. 1 The fly sent as the one found killing at Balsam Lake had white wings and tail, scarlet chenille body, pale ginger hackle, and was dressed on a No. 11 Sproat hook. — M. E. 0. M. Z> i- LiiKE FLIE S. Made by C.F. ORYIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR ICHTED. PLATE J. No. 66. Oquossoc. No. 69. New Lake. No. 67. Klamath. No. 70. Tomah Jo. No. 68. No Name. No. 71. Prince Edward. No. 66. The Oquossoc is a combination made and named by Mr. John Shields, and intended for fishing in Maine. No. 67. The following extract from a letter written to Mr. Orvis by Major Henry McEldery, U. S. A., will be an explanation of the Klamath : " I left clear old Fort Klamath in 1876, that paradise of fishermen sportsmen. Let us call the trout fly that I am going to describe to you by the name of ' the Klamath,' in honor of that post, for it was there I had my great success with it. I usually tied the fly on No. 3 or 4 Limerick hook straight. Body, of copper-colored peacock herl, made rather full ; tail, of the barred wood-duck feather, with sometimes a little bright red ibis added ; tip, gold tinsel ; head, of black ostrich herl ; wings, of the black loon feathers with white spot on either side. By varying the size of the white spots I found the fly did equally well for day or evening fishing, or for bright or dull clays, or for clear or dull waters. I had more success with this fly with the salmon-trout on the Williamson River, ten miles below Fort Klamath, and in the streams about Fort Klamath, than any fly I ever fished with. Among the officers, it soon became noted for its killing properties. I could catch larger fish with it than any other fly I had." No. 68. The No Name was first tied by C. F. Orvis, in about 1880, at the request of a fisherman, whose name we have forgotten, who wished to try a varia- tion of the Professor. The fly proved successful, and as it had not been named we often wrote on the card underneath the fly No Name, until in time we found it was being called the No Name. It has been a favorite fly from the first. No. 69. The New Lake was a fly designed and named by Mr. Lorenzo Prouty, of Boston. There is also a valuable fly for Maine fishing called the Prouty. Mr. Prouty was not only a skillful fisherman, but a man who left hosts of friends who 172 FAVORITE FLIES. remember him with loyalty, and grieve that he could not have lived out his days of usefulness and happiness. The following is a portion of a letter from the ven- erable Mr. John Shields, who will be glad, we are sure, to have us print this trib- ute to one whom he remembers so faithfully : — " Few, if any, are more deserving of a notice in your book than Lorenzo Prouty. It is doubtful if to-day any person has as large a circle of fishing friends in New England as Mr. Prouty had. His long experience in the tackle trade had given him a wide reputation among anglers in general. His integrity and abiding atten- tion to their wants secured for him the entire confidence of his patrons, who invari- ably left the selection of flies and other articles needed in their outfit to him. Mr. Prouty was a capital angler and an expert woodsman. The writer had the pleas- ure of spending many pleasant days with him on the Maine lakes. In the death of Lorenzo Prouty I lost a good and kind friend." No. 70. The fly called Tomah Jo was first made by Miss Sara J. McBride, of Mumford, N. Y., and named by Mr. Charles W. Stevens, of Boston, who intro- duced it to the public in his pleasant little book entitled, " Fly-Fishing in the Maine Lakes." In his trips to Maine Mr. Stevens was often accompanied by an Indian guide, of whom he writes as follows : — " Tomah Joseph, the son of his father, who still, at an advanced age, occasionally acts as guide, is now about forty years of age, is himself the father of several embryo guides, and as 'cute an Indian as ever paddled a canoe. To enumerate his several accomplishments in his particular line would require more space than we can afford to give here at this time. In casting a fly I have never seen him ex- celled, scarcely equaled. In mending rods he is an adept. I think, after seeing him run the rapids on the stream, Mr. Murray would preach a sermon from that text, and Tomah Jo would always say, " When you come to Maine bring plenty wood-duck-wing-fly, yellow body." This fly is beautiful, but its special interest to us, beyond its success, lies in its name, for that awakens a remembrance of the wonderful Wabanaki traditions that the elder Tomah Joseph has related and so helped to preserve. A collector has said of them : " This Wabanaki mythology, which was that which gave a fairy, an elf, a naiad, or a hero to every rock and river and ancient hill in New England, is just the one, of all others, which is least known to the New Englanders. When the last THEIR HISTORIES. 173 Indian shall be in his grave, those who come after us will ask in wonder why we had no curiosity as to the romance of our country, and so much as to that of every other land on earth." The Algonquin was one of the six great divisions of Indians in North America : its people spoke forty different dialects, and extended from Labrador to the far south, and to Newfoundland on the east. The eastern division of these was known as the Wabanaki, the word suggesting that they lived near the white light, or rising sun. They were subdivided into the Micmacs of Nova Scotia, the St. Francis Indians of Canada, and some lesser clans, and the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy tribes of Maine. Tomah Joseph belonged to the latter, and was Indian governor at Peter Dana's Point. Mr. Charles G. Leland, who was greatly interested in col- lecting and preserving all the Indian traditions possible, to aid in their future study, has said of them : " The Indians were as fond of recitations as the white man is of reading, and their memories of stories were wonderful." Arthur Wentworth Eaton in a pretty little poem tells us something of their habits and their God in the " Legend of Glooskap," which concludes as follows : — But the old Acadian woods and shores, Rich in beautiful legend stores, Were once the home of an older race, Who wove their epics with untaught grace. The Micmac sailed in his birch canoe Over the Basin, calm and blue ; Speared the salmon, his heart's desire, Danced and slept by his wigwam fire ; Far in the depths of the forest gray Hunted the moose the livelong day, While the mother sang to her Micmac child Songs of the forest, weird and wild. Over the tribe, with jealous eye, Watched the Great Spirit from on high, While on the crest of Blomidon Glooskap, the God-man, dwelt alone. 174: FAVORITE FLIES. No matter how far his feet might stray From the favorite haunts of his tribe away, Glooskap could hear the Indian's prayer, And send some message of comfort there. Glooskap it was who taught the use Of the bow and the spear, and sent the moose Into the Indian hunter's hands ; Glooskap who strewed the shining sands Of the tide-swept beach of the stormy bay With amethysts purple and agates gray, And brought to each newly-wedded pair The Great Spirit's benediction fair. But the white man came, and with ruthless hand Cleared the forests and sowed the land, And drove from their haunts by the sunny shore Micmac and moose, for evermore. And Glooskap, saddened and sore distressed, Took his way to the unknown West, And the Micmac kindled his wigwam fire Far from the grave of his child and his sire ; Where now, as he weaves his blanket gay, And paddles his birch canoe away, He dreams of the happy time for men When Glooskap shall come to his tribe again. All the old Indians, male or female, retain stories and songs of greatest interest, and as Mr. Leland says of our Eastern Indians : " The Wabanaki have in common the traditions of a grand mythology, the central figure of which is a demigod or hero, who, while he is always great, consistent, and benevolent, and never devoid of dignity, presents traits which are very much more like those of Odin and Thor, with not a little of Pantagruel, than anything in the Chippewa Manobozho or the Iroquois Hiawatha. The name of this divinity is Glooskap, meaning, strangely THEIR HISTORIES. 175 enough, the Liar, because it is said that when he left earth, like King Arthur of Fairyland, he promised to return, and has never done so. It is characteristic of the Norse gods that while they are grand they are manly, and combine with this a peculiarly domestic humanity. Glooskap is the Norse god intensified. He is, however, more of a giant ; he grows to a more appalling greatness than Thor or Odin in his battles ; when a Kiawaqu' or Jotun rises to the clouds to oppose him, Glooskap's head touches the stars, and, scorning to slay so mean a foe as an equal, he kills him contemptuously with a light tap of his bow." All through it, this American mythology of the north bears a wonderful resemblance, perhaps we are safe to say relation, to the Edda of the old Scandinavians ; there is said to be hardly a song in the Norse collection which does not contain an incident found in the Indian poem-legends, while in several there are many such coincidences. To quote again from Mr. Leland : " Thus in the Edda we are told that the first birth on earth was that of a giant girl and boy, begotten by the feet of a giant, and born from his armpit. In the Wabanaki legends, the first birth was Glooskap, the Good principle, ,and Malsum, the Wolf, or Evil principle. The Wolf was born from his mother's armpit. He is sometimes male, and sometimes female. His feet are male and female, and converse. We pass on only twelve lines in the Edda (Vafthend- nismal, 36) to be told that the wind is caused by a giant in eagle's plumage, who sits on a rock far in the north ' at end of heaven.' This is simply and literally the Wochowsen, or Windblower, of the Wabanaki, word for word, — not the ' Thunder Bird ' of the Western Indians." As Tomah Joseph has been one of the principal narrators of these traditions, the time may come when his name will be of special consequence, as the interest- in Indian archaeology grows deeper, and the enthusiasm over these myths, legends, and folk-lore greater, among ethnologists, as they seek to follow up these traces of affinity between the northeastern Indians and the Eskimo. The subject was, perhaps, too large even to mention in these pages, but we cannot resist giving in this connection one of the less wild, more homely beliefs, telling Tomah Joseph's own story as he handed down the tradition, from his forefathers, of the origin of the fishes in the sea ; for surely this native legend of New England must be of in- terest to the fishermen who know its rivers. Mr. Charles G. Leland has divested it of its broken English, but is careful to give it in other respects as nearly as possible in the form in which it was rendered by the old Passamaquoddy Indian. It is called — 176 FAVORITE FLIES. How Glooskap conquered the Great Bull-Frog, and in what Manner all the Pollywogs, Crabs, Leeches, and other Water Creatures ivere created. (Passamaquoddy and Micmac tradition.) N'Tcarnayoo, of old times, there was an Indian village far away in the moun- tains, little known to other men. And the dwellers therein were very comfortable : the men hunted every day, the women did the work at home, and all went well in all things save in this. The town was by a brook, and except in it there was not a drop of water in all the country round, unless in a few rain-puddles. No one there had ever found even a spring. Now these Indians were very fond of good water. The brook was of superior quality, and they became dainty over it. But after a time they began to observe that the brook was beginning to run low, and that not in the summer time, but in autumn, even after the rains. And day by day it diminished, until its bed was as dry as a dead bone in the ashes of a warm fire. Now it was said that far away up in the land where none had ever been there was on this very stream another Indian village ; but what manner of men dwelt therein no one knew. And thinking that these people of the upper country might be in some way concerned in the drought, they sent one of their number to go and see into the matter. And after he had traveled three days he came to the place ; and then he found that a dam had been raised across the rivulet, so that no water could pass, for it was all kept in a pond. Then asking them why they made this mischief, since the dam was of no use to them, they bade him go and see their chief, by whose order this had been built. And when he came to him, lo, there lay lazily in the mud a creature who was more of a monster than a man, though he had a human form. For he was immense to measure, like a giant, fat, bloated, and brutal to behold. His great yellow eyes stuck from his head like pine-knots, his mouth went almost from ear to ear, and he had broad, skinny feet with long toes, exceeding marvelous. The messenger complained to this monster, who at first said nothing, and then croaked, and finally replied in a loud bellow : — THEIR HISTORIES. 177 " Do as you choose, Do as you choose, Do as you choose. " What do I care ? What do I care ? What do I care ? " If you want water, If you waut water, If you want water, Go somewhere else." Then the messenger remonstrated, and described the suffering of the people, who were dying of thirst. And this seemed to please the monster, who grinned. At last he got up, and, making a single spring to the dam, took an arrow and bored a hole in it, so that a little water trickled out ; and then he bellowed : — " Up and begone ! Up and begone ! Up and begone ! " So the man departed, little comforted. He came to his home, and for a few days there was a little water in the stream ; but this soon stopped, and there was great suffering again. Now these Indians, who were the honestest fellows in all the world, and never did any harm to any one save their enemies, were in a sorry pickle. For it is a bad thing to have nothing but water to drink, but to want that is to be mightily dry. And the great Glooskap, who knew all that was passing in the hearts of men and beasts, took note of this, and when he willed it he was among them ; for he came as the wind blows, and no man wist how. And just before he came all of these good fellows had resolved in council that they would send the boldest man among them to certain death, even to the village which built the dam that kept the water which filled the brook that quenched their thirst, whenever it was not empty. And when there he was either to obtain that they should cut the dam, or do something desperate, and to this intent he should go armed, and sing his death-song as he went. And they were all agog. Then Glooskap, who was much pleased with all this, for he loved a brave man, came among them looking terribly ferocious ; in all the land there was not one who 178 FAVORITE FLIES. seemed half so horrible. For he appeared ten feet high, with a hundred red and black feathers in his scalp-lock, his face painted like fresh blood, with green rings round his eyes, a large clam-shell hanging from each ear, a spread eagle, very awful to behold, flopping its wings from the back of his neck, so that as he strode into the village all hearts quaked. Being but sinrple Indians, they accounted that this must be, if not Lox the Great Wolverine, at least Mitche-haut, the devil himself in person turned Wabanaki ; and they admired him greatly, and the squaws said they had never seen aught so lovely. Then Glooskap, having heard the whole story, bade them be of good cheer, de- claring that he would soon set all to rights. And he without delay departed to the bed of the brook ; and, coming to the town, sat down and bade a boy bring him water to drink. To which the boy replied that no water could be had in that town unless it were given out by the chief. " Go, then, to your chief," said the master, " and bid him hurry, or, verily, I will know the reason why." And this being told, Glooskap received no reply for more than an hour, during which time he sat on a log and smoked his pipe. Then the boy returned with a small cup, and this not half full, of very dirty water. So he arose, and said to the boy, " I will go and see your chief, and I think he will soon give me better water than this." And having come to the monster, he said, " Give me to drink, and that of the best, thou Thing of the Mud ! " But the chief reviled him, and said, " Get thee hence, to find water where thou canst." Then Glooskap thrust a spear into his belly, and, lo ! there gushed forth a mighty river ; even all the water which should have run on while in the rivulet, for he had made it unto himself. And Glooskap, rising high as a giant pine, caught the old chief in his hand and crumpled in his back with a mighty grip. And, lo ! it was the Bull-Frog. So he hurled him with contempt into the stream, to follow the current. 1 And ever since that time the Bull-Frog's back has crumpled wrinkles in the lower part, showing the prints of Glooskap's awful squeeze. 1 It may be observed that the Indians commonly say that wherever the hull-frog is to be found in summer there is always water. It is not to he understood, ill this tale, that the bull-frog is supposed to have merely drunk up the river. It is the river which has become incarnate in him. It is the ice of winter penetrated by the spear of the sun, that is, Glooskap. Thus, in another tale, a frozen river tries, as a man, to destroy the hero, but is melted by him. The Passamaquoddy name for the monster who swallowed the stream is said to be Hahk-lee-be-mo. THEIR HISTORIES. 179 Then he returned to the village ; hut there he found no people, — no, not one. For a marvelous thing had come to pass during his absence, which shall be heard in every Indian's speech through all the ages. For the men, being, as I said, sim- ple, honest folk, did as boys do when they are hungry, and say unto one another, " What would you, you like to have, and what you ? " " Truly, I would be pleased with a slice of hot venison dipped in maple-sugar and bear's oil." " Nay, give me, for my share, succotash and honey." Even so these villagers had said, " Suppose you had all the nice, cold, fresh, sparkling, delicious water there is in the world, what would you do ? " And one had said that he would live in the soft mud and always be wet and cool. And another, that he would plunge from the rocks and take headers, diving into the deep, cool water, drinking as he dived. And the third, that he would be washed up and down with the rippling waves, living on the land, yet ever in the water. Then the fourth said, " Verily, you know not how to wish, and I will teach you. I would live in the water all the time, and swim about in it forever." Now it chanced that these things were said in the hour which, when it passes over the world, all the wishes uttered by men are granted. And so it was with these Indians. For the first became a Leech, the second a Spotted Frog, the third a Crab, which is washed up and down with the tide, and the fourth a Fish. Ere this, there had been in all the world none of the creatures which dwell in the water, and now they were there, and of all kinds. And the river came rushing and roaring on, and they all went headlong down to the sea, to be washed into many lands over all the world. We have had three motives in repeating this old Indian tradition. First, because it was given to posterity by Tomah Joseph ; second, because it is of New Eng- land, " my ain fair countree," and relates to the origin of fishes, and they are the motive of all there is in these pages ; and third, to repeat and enforce the work so enthusiastically and intelligently begun by Mr. Leland. In his book of Algonquin legends he said : " I sincerely trust that this work may have the effect of stimulating collection. Let every reader remember that everything thus taken down and deposited in a local historical society, or sent to the Ethnological Bureau at Washington, will forever transmit the name of its recorder to posterity. Archae- 180 FAVORITE FLIES. ology is yet in its very beginning ; when the Indians shall have departed it will grow to giant-like proportions, and every scrap of information relative to them will be eagerly investigated. And the man does not live who knows what may be made of it all." Who will have better opportunities for adding to this information than those who are annually fishing and hunting ? Around the camp-fire or in the floating canoe will be heard scraps, now and then, that should be remembered and recorded, for each may be a blaze on the tree to point farther on, or show whence came the unknown. No. 71. An account of the Prince Edward fly will be found in the letter from Mr. Francis C Green. NEW YORK. 181 Magpie. Silver Doctor. Reuben Wood. Royal Coachman. Black Gnat , rp , . •■ New York. \ Polka Dot. j B J™ a ^ .rroiessor. v - Seth Green. Gov. Alvord. Ferguson. Orange Wren. Walter S. MacGregor, Syracuse, N. Y. I have always found it difficult, if not impossible, to determine in advance the proper cast of flies for either trout or bass, at any season of the day or year. So much depends on the condition and temperature of the water, and of the air and sky, whether the water is cold or warm, clear or discolored, high or low, smooth or rippled, still or swiftly moving, and whether the sky is overcast with dense or fleecy clouds, or clear and dry, or warm and humid. Then, again, much depends on the capricious tastes of the fish themselves, and on the insects on which they may be feeding at the time. I am one of those who believe that under any or all of these circumstances, if the fisherman is patient and skillful, and has a sufficient variety of flies, he can catch more and larger fish than with any other lure. I suppose every practical fly-fisherman has a few favorite flies, the reliables on which he depends, as the basis of his cast, and these will differ according to individual taste and experience, or locality. But to be successful, one needs, I believe, a great variety of flies, of different colors and combinations of colors. It has repeatedly been my experience, while bass fishing from a boat, with a companion, to find none of the standard flies attractive, 182 FAVORITE FLIES. while some solitary specimen in my fly-book proved a killing bait. My companion, without that fly, was helpless, no matter how skill- fully he cast. For trout fishing my favorite fly has always been the Brown Pal- mer Hackle, wound on red worsted body ; * next in their order, the Reuben Wood, Royal Coachman, Black Gnat, and Polka Dot, Pro- fessor, and Seth Green. These have almost always proved taking flies in the North Woods. In bass fishing, the best early fly is the Silver Doctor with green hackle. This has also proved a most excellent fly throughout the season. Next, the Reuben Wood, the John Mann, the Magpie, Gov. Alvord, Montreal, Ferguson, Orange Wren. Next to the Silver Doctor, the Magpie has proved the best gen- eral fly throughout the season, in all kinds of weather. I have been surprised to find it an attractive fly until long after sundown, in fact as long as you can see to fish, — much more so than the light- colored flies. Of course, these are but a few of many excellent patterns. With the single exception of the Silver Doctor, my experience in bass fishing in Central New York has proved that bright, gay-col- ored flies are not nearly as taking as those of subdued colors, with light or dark brown, gray or black wings, brown, black, or green hackle, and orange, yellow, red, purple, black, or white bodies, or combinations of these colors. I have never had much success with Hackles or Palmers in bass fishing. But with me success has largely depended on a great variety of flies from which to select the cast for the particular day and season. 1 Soldier Palmer. NEW YORK. 183 f Van Pattern. [_ Coachman. Ira S. Dodd, Riverdale, New York City. My experience last season was confined to the Beaverkill River, Sullivan County, N. Y. I was there twice : first for a day or two in June, when I found the Van Patton a good fly ; and then I spent a month in that re- gion, beginning with the second week in July. I then found the Van Patton of little use; in fact, no fly with white in it seemed wanted in the middle of the day. The Black Gnat was good, and on one day, after a rise in the water, the Grizzly King seemed to be the thing. But the best fly was a small drab fly (tailless), with a nearly black body wound with a fillet of gilt, and leaden wings ; the hook, I think, was about No. 13. I do not know the name of this fly. I bought it of Mr. Pritchard, who died last winter. A fellow-angler had excellent success, one day, with a curious light blue fly which I never saw before. I took some large trout (large for that stream), over a pound in weight, toward evening, with a good-sized Ginger Hackle, orange body, No. 7 or 8 hook, and some after dark with a Coachman. New York f Brown Hackle. ( T JXew lorfc. { Black Hackle, j Irout. H. A. Pride, Holland Patent, N. Y. Favorite flies are Black Hackles first, and Brown Hackles next, and no others. Hooks, Kendall sneck bend ; snells, single and white. 184 FAVORITE FLIES. Neiv York. [ Beaverkill. Queen of the Water. ! Coachman. ( rr . < ^ ■< Trout, (jrovernor. ( Van Patton. Black Hackle. Gardner Ladd Plumley, New York, N. Y. My favorite flies on the streams of Ulster and Sullivan counties, where I feel most at home, are the Beaverkill, Queen of the Water, Coachman, Governor, Van Patton, and Black Hackle. The Queen of the Water and the Beaverkill, in the early season on those streams, are also certainly very successful flies. The Coachman as an evening fly seems always the best possible. Late in the season, when the water is very low and clear, or in the middle of a warm day in June, sometimes, the Governor seems better adapted to " raising 'em," as I now sadly remember, from an inci- dent of several seasons ago, which may possibly prove instructive to my readers, as it was to me. In the latter part of June I was fishing the headwaters of the Neversink, in Ulster County, in company with a friend who is a master in the art. The middle of the day was very hot, with a cloudless sky. I was ahead, and had carefully fished over a fine pool without a rise ; I say carefully, for I had tried most of the dark flies in my book. I gave it up for the time and went down the stream some little distance and found a cool spot. From time to time I looked up stream for my friend. Finally I could see his rod flashing in the bright sunlight over the pool I had just left. From where I sa't I could not see the fisherman, so, after waiting a long time, I concluded he must somehow have had luck, so I went back to him. I found him standing nearly up to his waist in water, and seemingly greatly interested in the pool which I had found so NEW YORK. 185 barren. He was anxious to show me the results, so brought his creel to me, and in it I had the pleasure (?) of counting seven good trout, all taken from that stand. He then told me that, finding everything else to fail, he had tried a Governor with a bit of red on the body, and with this he was successful. Why, though, those fish would not take my Black Hackle I shall never know. I believe in a Sproat hook, and a dark, almost black leader. New York. < ' Brown Hackle. Reuben Wood. Red Ibis. Babcock. Brown Stone. Montreal. Trout. S. J. Bryant, Wallingford, Conn. My experience has been confined to the Adirondack waters in the vicinity of Bisby Lodge, of which I am a member. I feel fully equipped for that section if supplied with the Brown Hackle, Reuben Wood, Red Ibis, Babcock, Brown Stone, and Montreal. I have mentioned the foregoing in the order of my valuation. They are all well known, unless it be the Babcock, named after a most expert and experienced fly-caster of Bisby Club. Mr. Babcock originated the fly which more nearly resembles the Mont- real than any other ; it has quite a circle of white in the body, and the other colors are brighter than the Montreal. I most decidedly prefer the short loop, about two inches long, made of clear, heavy gut. Hooks should be of medium size. 18G FAVORITE FLIES. New York. Proctor Fly. Trout. T. P. Proctor, Utica, N. Y. My fishing is all done at the lakes owned and controlled by the Bisby Club. Having had good success with the Reuben "Wood fly, and think- ing it might be improved upon, I made some suggestions for the making of it which are embodied in the inclosed fly. Many of my friends have had good luck with it, and they have named it the Proctor fly. I hope you will give it a trial, and let me know what success you have with it. Note. — The Proctor fly is similar to the Reuben Wood, except that the body is mad 3 with chenille of a pale pink tinge tipped with three turns of olive-brown chenille. Brown Hackle. Coachman. Red Ibis. ^ New York. ■( Professor. < Trout. Montreal. <• Grizzly King. Orange Miller. John Lyman Cox, Orange, N. J. The unfortunate destruction of my notes, which I was in the habit of keeping each day, and recording the catch made and flies that caught it, makes me dependent upon my memory for facts, but I may be able to mention one or two points of interest. My experience has been confined wholly to the Adirondacks between June and September. For general work, at nearly all hours, both morning and evening, three flies have done the best, — Brown Hackle, Coachman, and Red Ibis. NEW YORK. 187 Four others are also killing, — Professor, Montreal, Grizzly King, and Orange Miller. I incline to the belief that it is the red in the Montreal that does the work, for when that fly has taken well the Red Ibis has per- haps taken better. The Professor and Brown Hackle, similarly, have gone together. I have not had as much success with other flies as with those enumerated. It is a very general belief that a light-colored fly must be used to kill at night. My experience, certainly in one instance, was not confirmatory of this. I was fishing on Lake Colden, on the Adirondack Club preserve, about August 20th, a few years ago. There was quite a strong wind blowing, and the sky was some- what overcast, about six o'clock. Until after sunset the trout would not rise, but then took the fly poorly. As the darkness in- creased the fish rose better, and I had fine sport when it was so dark that I could not see the flies, which were all dark, though. I do not now recall which they were. Instinct seemed to tell me when to strike, and the sport was very exciting, though the fish were small. I had been advised to try dark flies by a New York gentle- man who had been through the same experience. For Adirondack trout, flies tied on No. 8 Sproat hooks have seemed to me quite as large as desirable, and my judgment on this has been confirmed by some of the best fishermen among the guides. I suppose every one is troubled by snells breaking close to the hooks; for this reason looped hooks would seem to offer advantages. One fly that I never succeeded with is the Black Hackle for late August fishing, though I have been told that it was absolutely the only fly taken on very hot days. 188 FAVORITE FLIES. Neiv York. Green Drake. Soldier Palmer. , Red Ibis. -j Trout. Coachman. *- Professor. William E. Wolcott, Utica, N. Y. From my experience in angling for speckled trout in the waters of the Adirondack region in the State of New York during the past eighteen or twenty years, I will briefly state the following con- clusions. My favorite here for trout in the smaller streams, and on the rifts in the larger ones, is the Brown Hackle, although the Soldier Palmer is perhaps its equal. In lake fishing for speckled trout the Coachman and Professor are the more reliable flies, and on one particular lake at the headwaters of the south branch of the Moose River the Green Drake is unsurpassed for killing qualities. Time and again, in the early evening hours, have I filled my basket on this lake with beauties ranging from one half to a pound and a half in weight, and four out of the five would be taken on the Green Drake fly. The Scarlet Ibis takes well as a tail fly in almost any of the Adirondack waters during the summer months. Many anglers claim superior merits for a fly having brown wings, orange body, red game-cock hackle ; and it certainly averages well. I use mist-colored leaders and quite large flies. LAKE FLIES. M.Brailty Co.lill. Made by C.F. ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR IOHTED PLATE K. No. 72. Silver Doctor, H. P. Wells's pattern. No. 75. Spider. No. 73. " " J. G. Shearer's " No. 76. Seth Green. No. 74. " " C. F. Orvis's " No. 77. Silver Ibis. No. 72. The Silver Doctor has been subjected to many variations. John Hailey, who first taught us how to tie an artificial fly, said : " There is no better fly than the Silver Doctor ; make it with a silver body, and put a little of everything you can find in the wing, and you will have a Silver Doctor." This rule was unorthodox and not to be indorsed, even though it apparently expressed the prac- tices of many. The best pattern is that given as a salmon fly in Plate B ; the more closely one follows this dressing, the more correct will be the result. In Plate K will be seen three dressings that are much used. We believe Mr. Wells now adds the gallina hackle outside the blue hackle on the lake fly as well as on the salmon fly, but this was learned too late to be shown in this plate. Mr. J. G. Shearer, in his letter, gives testimony regarding the second dressing. The third was one of our first attempts at fly-making, but it immediately became popular, and so was retained as a form of the Silver Doctor, though we do not up- hold it as the correct pattern, and can only claim for it that it has been used with much success, and was therefore thought too good to be abandoned. We have often wished that it had been called by some other name, but it is now too widely known to recall and rename. Another variety is made with a bright green hackle ; it is then sometimes known as the Silver Ferguson, but the fly is more like the Silver Doctor than a Ferguson. All of these patterns have proved of especial value under varying circumstances, and therefore each has its friends. No. 75. Spider. To our mind this is the poorest possible representation of a spider, and we can see no sufficient reason why that name should have been given to it ; but the fact remains that it is called " the Spider," and when made on the larger hooks is much liked for large trout, and sometimes for black bass. It must be remembered that in these plates we are endeavoring to give the favorite flies, the general fav orites ; not those we admire as most beautiful, taking, or durable, but those that are most widely known and approved. The only criti- 190 FAVORITE FLIES. cism we can make in regard to this successful fly is that it was named " the Spider," hut then Charles Dudley Warner has said : " The trout fly is a ' conventionalized ' creation, as we say of ornamentation. The theory is that, fly-fishing being a high art, the fly must not be a tame imitation of nature, but an artistic suggestion of it." No. 76. The Seth Green fly is made with either a gray wing or one of cinna- mon brown ; the latter seems to be chosen for black bass, while the gray wing is preferred when fishing for trout. A representation of the fly, with light brown wings, can be seen in the colored plates of bass flies in " Fishing with the Fly ; " that shown in this plate is the one so much used for Lake Superior regions and in the far West. Some years ago, Mr. Seth Green, in a letter to the " New York Express," gave his favorite cast of flies, with directions for using the same. It may be well to repeat them here, that they may not be lost. " There are two kinds of fish, both kinds called black bass, in different localities. I designate them as black and Oswego bass. They look very much alike to ama- teurs. The Oswego bass has the larger mouth, and lies in still waters where there are weeds, flags, and pond-lilies. He takes a spoon, a frog, or a minnow. They are the poorer table fish of the two kinds, and lack the game qualities of the black bass, which live only in pure lake or river water with a rocky bottom, and are taken with fly, or dobsons, or crawfish, or grasshoppers, which are their favorite food, but will take minnows or a spoon sometimes. Trolling with flies in large waters, I use a twelve-foot leader made of single gut, and four flies, and two B shot and two small brass swivels on the leader ; one swivel at the upper end and one in the centre, and two shot about equal distance from each end of the leader ; put the flies an equal distance apart. I have used hundreds of different kinds of flies, and have kept sift- ing them out until they have got down to four kinds. They are the killers. My upper fly is red body, white wing, and white hackle, with gold tinsel stripe. My second is a fly called Grizzly King. It has a green body and mottled wing of a mallard or red-head. It is called by fly-makers the ' Under- Wind.' The hackle is grizzly, and it has a red ibis tail. My third fly is called the Governor Alvord, in honor of our worthy statesman. The wing is made of two colored feathers, cinna- mon and drab ; the cinnamon is used for the under wing. The body is made of peacock herl, and has a red ibis tail, and a red hackle from a red rooster. The fourth fly I call the Seth Green. The body is green, with a large yellow stripe ; the hackle, chicken red ; the wing, either gray or light cinnamon brown. I do not THEIR HISTORIES. 191 cover the body of my flies with the hackle ; the hackle of all my flies is put on at the head of the fly. The flies are tied on a ' two-aught ' (00) hook ; the body of the fly is one fourth of an inch in diameter in the largest place in the body. When trolling with flies for bass, your boat should be rowed one third slower than for any other kind of fish. The flies should be allowed to sink within three or four feet of the bottom, and when you have a strike take plenty of time to reel him in, as there are ten fish lost by reeling them too fast where one is lost by reeling him too slow, and you are likely to take some more on the lower flies. If the fish is on the lower fly you will not take any more, but if he is on one of the upper flies you will be sure to take more if there are any in sight. " When casting for black bass in a river where there is a current, you should cast abreast the current and let the flies swing round with the current without drawing them in, only just enough to keep the line taut ; and when it has swung round so far as to be directly below you, draw it gently toward you as far as you can, and recover your line for another cast. Great care should be taken to have your tackle as fine as you can and answer the purpose." Mr. Seth Green will long be remembered by American fishermen for his labors and success as a fish culturist ; his work is now faithfully continued by his brother, Mr. Monroe Green. No. 77. The Silver Ibis, sometimes called the Tinseled Ibis, receives its name from its silver body and red ibis wing. This pattern was first made and introduced by Mr. C F. Orvis, about 1884. It is a very durable fly. This fact, added to its brilliancy, has caused it to be liked for deep, rough waters, and large fish. 192 FAVORITE FLIES. Brown Hackle. Ginger Hackle. Blue Jay. , New York. -I Scarlet Ibis. -] For Trout. Alder. <• Grizzly King. Silver Doctor. A. M. Gove, Lebanon, N. H. Brown, Ginger, and Ked Hackles are my favorites, yet in some localities and at some times winged flies are very taking, — the Blue Jay, Scarlet Ibis, Alder, Grizzly King, and Silver Doctor and Coachman. The White Miller that so many are partial to I never caught a trout on in my life, and now never carry this fly in my books. As you must know, in four seasons some particular fly may be very taking. For instance, in the month of August, 1879, while fishing in the Adirondacks, the Scarlet Ibis was the most taking fly of the season. I had but two with me, and was offered for one of them five dollars ! Money could not buy the fly, but I gave it to the person desiring it, for you know a fisherman deserves contempt who is not willing to divide. Another season I was given a half dozen royal purple Hackles by an old friend of mine, Mr. Prouty, who you may know as an ardent lover of the " gentle art," and a friend to all of its disciples. I found in one pool I could take trout with these hackles, as the saying goes, "right out from under the noses" of far better anglers than myself, for no other fly would allure the fish. The next season I stocked my book with some more of them, but they were poor ; the dye was not permanent, and washed out imme- diately on coming in contact with the water. In 1878, while fishing in the Adirondacks late one afternoon, I NEW YORK. 193 took fifteen trout, the combined weight of which was thirty-three pounds ; twelve were taken on the Brown Hackle, and three on the Alder. In 1881, from the same pool I took twelve trout that weighed twenty-one pounds ; ten were taken on the Ginger Hackle, and two on the Silver Doctor. At this time Nessmuk was visiting my camp. In 1884, I took from another pool twenty trout, none less than one pound in weight ; all were taken on the Brown Hackle. This last season, I went out one morning for trout for breakfast, and brought in three, the combined weight of which was seven and a half pounds, all taken on a Brown Hackle. These are only a few of the cases that occur to me, but from these records you may judge what I think of hackles. I prefer the O'Shaughnessy hooks, sizes from No. 6 to No. 9. I always tie my own leaders, and prefer a clear to a colored one, and as light as a good snell will tie. Of course, in buying a lot of gut a large portion is of no use for leaders. I always weight them after they are tied, and the ones that will stand two pounds dead weight without parting I consider good for from six to eight pounds of fish. I have tied only two flies myself, and both were successful at the time. One had a red flannel body, made of a piece cut from my shirt, wound with silver thread from an old guitar string, brown hackle legs, and wings from the speckled feathers of the ruffed grouse, white tail and black head. The other fly was purple, wound with a bit of brass tinsel, and had tiny wings from the mottled feathers of the loon, and a scarlet head. 194 FAVORITE FLIES. New York. Brown Hackle. Scarlet Ibis. Seth Green. Cow Dung. Coachman. , Fiery Brown. ■] Trout. Montreal. *• English Blue Jay. Governor. Bee. Romeyn. Dr. J. R. Romeyn-, Keeseville, N. Y. The foregoing list indicates my favorite flies among those well known. In fly-fishing in the Saranac Lake region, early in the sea- son, I use the Brown Hackle, Seth Green, and Scarlet Ibis, always using the Brown Hackle as the tail fly, and change, say in June, the two upper flies to suit the whim of the trout ; and as trout are as fickle as some of our maids, I change often to please them. I take many trout with the Seth Green in June. I do not put much faith in theories advanced regarding the day and season. The Komeyn fly was named after me, and devised by the late Dr. "W. S. Ely. It has proved very successful towards evening, and in quiet waters. In my thirty-seven years' trouting in the Adirondacks I have tried all kinds of hooks, but for all purposes give me the good old O'Shaughnessy. With it I can hook a trout more successfully, and save him too, than with any other. I think its peculiar shape and its larger wire commend it over the Sproat. I use No. 7 for all my flies, and always have my snells 4£ inches long, as then they do not wind around the leader, as the longer ones are apt to do. I prefer them stained if they would last stained, but all that I have ever used, or seen used, will lose their stain after NEW YORK. 195 being used, and return to their original white color. I want heavy gut, white and round, and single strands. The number of flies made is legion. I have a very large num- ber, but with one dozen flies of one dozen in variety I can take all the trout I want to or ought to, and have flies left over at the end of the season. New York. Davidson Hackle. Trout. John Davidson, Elizabeth, N. J. For twenty-eight years I have fished the Salmon River at Ed- rington Park, New York, for brook trout. I go there every year with my friends, Dr. Kempshall, Mr. Abram B. Knapp, and my brother, Mr. James Davidson. Our usual catch for a summer is about four thousand five hundred to five thousand fish. Our favorite flies are Brown Hackle and the Davidson Hackle. The latter is an invention of my own. It is dressed on a No. 10 O'Shaughnessy hook, with a single gut stained a light brown ; the body is thick, and dark orange in color ; hackle, light brown near the hook, shading off to a yellow. This fly takes in all seasons from June to September 1st. Whichever flies we have on our fines, a Davidson is sure to be one of them. William J. Cassakd, New York, N. Y. My personal experience in fishing for black bass in the St. Law- rence has proved that the flies most effectual are as follows : — Caddis, cork body, drab wings. Parmacheene Belle. White Miller, best of all. Cheney. Orange Miller. Orange Brown Hackle. Yellow Professor. Tinseled Ibis. 196 FAVORITE FLIES. Reuben Wood. Silver Doctor. Later experience added to this list the Golden Doctor, salmon pattern. Golden Dustman. Oconomowoc. Ferguson. Oriole. Golden Duke. Moisic-Grub. New York. Frank Pidgeojst, Royal Coachman. Grizzly King. Professor. Brown Hackle. ] Ginger Hackle. Cahill. Green Drake, and others. \ Trout and Bass. Saugerties, N. Y. To name my favorite flies as they have been of service to me, I should place them in the following order, with but little difference allowed in the first half dozen: Royal Coachman, Grizzly King, Professor, Brown Hackle, Ginger Hackle, Black Hackle, Cahill, Abbey, the Midges, all the Fox flies, Hackles, Cow Dung, Montreal, dark Green Drake, Ronalds Stone, Dark Stone, Soldier, Kingdom, Captain, Brown Hen, Oak fly, Alder, Gen. Hooker, Golden Spinner, Shoemaker, Caughlans, Great Dun, Queen of the Water, May-fly, etc., according to season and time of the day ; but I have had expe- rience which proves to my satisfaction that one cannot formulate cast-iron rules for regulating a trout's appetite, or his want of it. I have caught trout with a Royal Coachman at the regulation twilight hour, and on dark days, and I have also caught them in the finest of weather at high noon. Again I have tried my favorite Coachman in the gloaming, and would take only one or two with it, finding it was the Professor that had the call, until it was so dark NEW YORK. 197 that nothing could be seen unless held to the sky line. The Pro- fessor has always been a favorite fly of mine through the middle of certain kinds of days, and towards the evenings of others, but it was a revelation to me when I first found a Coachman discarded for a Professor in the dark. I have caught trout when the snow still lay along the mountain streams, and when it was snowing and hailing, with a Grizzly King. I favor small flies, as a general rule, for this section. They should be tied on Sproat hooks, and no other, No. 8 to No. 13. I think the Sproat hook the truest in draught, and best proportioned in size of wire to size of hook. I favor a single-strand tapered leader as light as I can get them, and in as long lengths as possible, the whole about nine feet long, mist-colored. I detest a twisted leader for this kind of fishing. I think slipping the ends of snells into a leader wears them out quicker, although it is the method I use ; but it is better to have a short length of gut to fasten the dropper fly to. For black bass I prefer, also, single gut leaders, nine feet in length, but of heavier quality. Flies should not be too large, Nos. 3, 4, and 5. I think most of the black bass flies sold as such are trash. A year ago last July, one morning when the sun was shin- ing brightly, I caught a black bass on a Coachman tied on a No. 10 Sproat hook, with light trout tackle, lightest kind of a leader, and a split bamboo that weighed 6f oz. ; as the tackle was made to use as well as to sell, the fish was landed from water running like a mill- race, instead of adding to the list of departed big fish that always get away. This one weighed 3 lbs. 2 oz., and was drowned and landed in water over three feet deep without the help of a net, which, of course, I had forgotten on that particular morning. 198 FAVORITE FLIES. I prefer for black bass the following flies : Royal Coachman, Lottie, Silver Doctor, Reuben Wood, Brown, Black, Ginger, Red, and Gray Hackles, Governor, Brown Hen, Grizzly King, Professor, Abbey, Seth Green, Gov. Alvord, Ferguson, and many of the trout patterns, all to be used according to season, time of day, or weather. I do not think a hook fly should ever be tied " fluttering," i. e. at the bend of the hook, for the reason that the larger quantity of long wet feathers make a heavy mass that will turn inside out and cover the hook with a wad, changing all the original design of form and color. I can see, though, that there may be some advantage in this method of tying smaller trout flies. A better and more sportsmanlike feeling is gradually growing here in regard to the protection of fish and game. I hope the day may yet come when fishing with the worm will be looked upon with as much horror in the community as the use of an old " Queen Anne " in potting a bevy of quail upon the ground. New York. Brown Hackle. Q uaker f, , { For Trout, (jreen Drake. ( Coachman Red-tip. E. T. Strong, Elizabethtown, N. Y. The popular fly here is the Brown Hackle. I have had better success by sticking to it for one of the cast, but for the last two seasons I have done better with more variety. I should, with my slight knowledge, name the Quaker, Green Drake, and Coachman Red-tip as my favorites till the middle of July ; after that time would prefer the Brown Hackle and Black Gnat. Two years ago, a nice string of young California trout was caught in the Bouquet, in June, with a gray fly similar to the Quaker. LAKE FLIES. Made by C.F.ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR I6HTED PLATE L. No. 78. Split Ibis, No. 81. Sheenan. No. 79. Saranac. No. 82. Webster. No. 80. The Tim. No. 83. P. G. Simpson. No. 78. The Split Ibis is so designated from the construction of its wing, it being made of the fibres of white and red ibis ; a portion of these are put on under the hackle, and the balance over it. Mr. H. P. Wells has recommended this split or shredded effect in making the Parmacheene Belle. The method is very mani- fest in the Lake George fly shown in Plate BB of bass flies. No. 79. The name " Saranac " always arouses a memory of one of the most stir- ring descriptions that we ever read, — that of the boat-race between " John Norton the trapper, the guides of the woods, the professionals, and the Lad," written by W. H. H. Murray in " Adirondack Tales." No fresher, more vigorous word- painting ever existed ; though enjoyed again and again, it always holds its strong, wholesome excitement ; and this little fly brings to mind Saranac as it was on that autumn day, — the crowds that had gathered at the summer hotels on the lake, the intensity of feeling in the race that followed, the sweet odor of the dry leaves, and the exhilaration of the atmosphere. "William Cullen Bryant, in his poem on " The Death of the Flowers," perhaps voiced the prevailing sentiment of mankind regarding the closing of the year, when he wrote : — " The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year, Of wailing winds, and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear. Heaped in the hollows of the grove the withered leaves lie dead ; They rustle to the eddying gust and to the rabbit's tread. The robin and the wren are flown, and from the shrubs the jay, And from the wood-top calls the crow through all the gloomy day." But we who live in the Eastern States find in these days a keen joy and glory that are almost matchless, a joy for sight and for all the senses that Murray had a vision of when he wrote the following : "It was high noon at Saranac, and a brighter day was never seen. The sky was so intensely blue that it fairly gleamed, 200 FAVORITE FLIES. as if, like woods of compact fibre, it was capable of taking polish. In it the sun stood, and shone with self-asserting brilliancy. It glistened, it scintillated, it spar- kled, as if its rays were actually frosty. The sky above was wintry. The cold of the North was journeying southward, like her feathered couriers on lofty wings. The upper atmosphere was chilly, but on earth summer still tarried with its hazy warmth and slumberous airs. The heat came from the earth rather than from the sun, and it lingered like a happy child near the mother that gave it birth, and from whose bosom it would not fly. The lake had not stirred a ripple. It took its mood from the atmosphere, and matched it perfectly. Perhaps it said to the wind, ' Oh, let me rest to-day ! You have blown me about and kept me moving, until I am weary. Do give me a little peace. Come, dear, sweet wind, if you love me so, do let me have one day of rest ! ' And the wind, thus coaxed by the sleepy beauty, had humored her luxurious whim, and stood all day holding his very breath. The air was thickened as with golden-colored smoke. It was not common air ; it was in- censed, aromatic, pungent. The nose found strange, spicy scents in it, and breathed it in slowly, as a delicate mouth receives cream, not to swallow, but to taste. No one could breathe such air for the purpose of ordinary life, — mere respiration, — but as one breathes perfume ; receiving its delicious sensation as a luxury, and drawing each breath, not for life's, but for joy's sake. In front of ' Martin's,' across the lake, the hillside fairly flamed. The leaves had a ripened glory, rich as that which the old painters, with their ardent colors, painted into the faces and around the heads of their saints. Along the shores, blown by previous winds, the bright-colored leaves lay thick ; some lying limp and flat, — patches of crimson on the dull water, — some half immersed, while others, curled and curved, floated jauntily on the surface, as if they could scarcely bear to touch the element on which they rested. Nature, on tree and water, and in the air, was lavish of her highest tints ; until the gray moss on the rocks, and the gray rocks themselves, looked, with the golden colors on them, almost gorgeous." After the spirited descriptions of the race and shooting-match came the affecting scene when " the Lad " played on the violin for the dancers, and a farewell that awed them by its pathos and sweetness. We cannot resist quoting the account of the later farewell that took place between the three friends that night, as they sat by the camp-fire under the pines near the lake ; for though so differently expressed, it urges the same idea of " affiliation with Nature " and independent observation so earnestly spoken of by Packard, Lubbock, and nearly all successful scientists : — THEIR HISTORIES. 201 " I 'm sorry, Henry, that ye must leave us to-morrer," said the Trapper, breaking the long silence that had preceded the remark ; " but you say ye must go, and I suppose we must give ye up. There be many in the settlements, I dare say, that love ye and long to see ye ; and it 's but right for ye to go. But ye won't quite forgit us, boy, when ye 're livin' in the great city, and the han'some and the rich be round ye ? " " I shall never forget you, John Norton, nor the Lad either," responded the young man ; " I owe my life to both of you, and while I live I shall remember it. My life was saved here in the woods, and here would I live, were I not bound to civilization by ties I cannot in conscience break. But I mean to have you both visit me this winter. Do you know it is only two days' travel from this island to my city home ? " " It is n't distance, Henry," said the Trapper, after a moment's pause, " that makes a visit likely or onlikely atween friends. I footed it from the shore of the Horicon to the shore of Ontario once, jest to call on a comrade I heerd was campin' on the Big Water. No, it sartinly is n't distance, Henry, but difference in ways of livin' that keeps friends apart. Lord bless ye, boy, if miles was all that lay atween us, me and the Lad, and the pups there, could make ye a visit eenamost any time arter the snow has crusted ; for the trappin' is onsartin then, and the snow-shoes be famous things to travel on. But ye live one way, and we another ; and, though ye be a nateral woodsman, and take to our way of livin' as easily as a young otter takes to the crick, yit I conceit it would be different with me in the settlements, and that yer way of livin' would n't suit an old man whose days have been passed in the woods, and whose ears hate the noise of the clearin's." " I don't know about that, John Norton," replied the young man ; " you should live as you wished with me, and I would do everything I could to make your stay pleasant." " Aye, aye, Henry," responded the Trapper ; " I understand the goodness of yer heart and the openness of yer hand ; and if anything could make me contented with the ways of the settlements, ye sartinly could do it. But natur' and habits be stronger than wishes ; and my natur' and habits be agin it. Why, Henry, I should smother in the city ; for I 've heerd that the cabins be made of brick and stun, and stand so nigh together that they act'ally tech ; and that the smoke of the fires be so thick that ye can't tell when the sun rises or sets ; and that the carries from p'int 202 FAVORITE FLIES. to p'int be covered with folks ; and that the trails be thicker with people than the trunk of a bee-tree when the bees be swarmin'. Is it raally so, boy ? " "Yes, the houses do stand side by side," replied Henry Herbert, " and the streets are full of people from morning till late at night, and the noise and jar of cars and carts are continuous." "That's it," interrupted the Trapper, "that's it. The noises would eenamost kill me ; for beyend the crack of a rifle, or the sound of an axe cuttin' wood for the camp, my ears hate noises, onless it be such as Natur' makes. For when the ears be full of noise the eyes can't obsarve, nor the heart meditate on the things around. It is n't what folks tells us makes us knowin', but it 's what we find out for our- selves. It 's the blaze on the tree that the hunter sarches and finds with his own eyes that he never forgits ; and I have never seed a city man yit that knowed any- thing, of his own self ; for his edication was what he larnt by others or had read in books. And ye know, Henry, that the raal wisdom of Natur' has never been printed in books yit." " I think you are right, there, John Norton," returned the young man ; " the best wisdom has never been printed ; for scholars, as a class, never study for the new, but for the old, and the present generation only recites the same lessons that the fathers had recited." " Yis, Henry, that 's it ; and queer enough it seems to a man of the woods. Lord ! I guided a man a year or two ago that knowed everything that books could tell a mortal. He was as full of Aggers and facts as a hedgehog is of quills, and if ye poked him up a leetle with a question or two, he 'd shed 'em faster than ye could pick 'em up. But when ye got him right down to it, he did n't know nothin', Henry. He could n't tell the p'ints of the compass on a cloudy day, nor keep the trail on a carry, nor tell a doe's track from a buck's. He did n't even know how to dress out his venison nor cook a pancake. And I do believe the creetur' would have starved to death when the Lord had made plenty around him. And it made me thankful for my gifts and larnin' as I obsarved his ignorance." "And yet," replied Herbert, " he was, very likely, a wise man in his way." " Sartinly, sartinly," admitted the Trapper. " But the way was n't a good un, Henry ; for what 's the use of bein' knowin' if ye can't make it sarve ye ? The larnin' that don't help a mail find his way when he is fetchin' his trail through the woods, and don't tell him where to find the spring holes, or the spawnin' beds, or the places on the mash where the bucks feed, or how to cook his venison arter he THEIR HISTORIES. 203 has got it to his camp, is n't wuth much to a mortal, for sartin. For larnin' is given to us, as I conceit, as the scent is given to the nose of the hound, for the parposes of life ; and larnin' that don't tell a man when he is in danger how to git out of it, or when he is hungry how to satisfy the cravin's of his natur', is of no raal use to a man, as I jedge." " The Bible says," interrupted the Lad, " ' Take-no-thought-of-what-ye-shall-eat-or- what-ye-shall-drink,-or-what-ye-shall-put-on,- for - after-all - these - things-the-Gentiles- seek.' " " Yis, yis," said the Trapper, " them Gentiles always seemed to me to have the right idees of it. And I never could understand how the Lord could think they was off the trail, if they was honestly sarchin' for victals and clothin' to kiver their nakedness. No, I never could see how they was wrong in doin' jest what every man has to do to keep body and soul together. What did He mean, Henry, when He told them not to think about their victals and their garments ? He did n't mean to have them go naked, did He, or trust to luck in the matter ? " " No, by no means," responded Herbert. " The phrase ' take no heed ' means not to be anxious ; not to worry about it." " Well, well," said the Trapper, " now I git the direction of the trail. Lord-a- massy ! how different the Scriptur' looks from one pint than it does from another ! It sartinly don't do any good to worry over a thing. Many be the nights, when I used to be out scoutin', that I 've gone to bed in the leaves hollow as a horn without a karnal in it, wonderin' where I 'd find breakfast in the mornin' ; but worryin' never brought a partridge to the snare yit, or a trout to the hook, and there 's but one way for a mortal to act when he 's in a pickle, and that is to do the best he knows how and trust to the Lord for the rest. But the doin' must be put under the trustin', as the powder is under the bullet, as I conceit." The Saranac fly was made by Mr. John Shields, and named after the lake made famous by story, and noted as a health resort. No. 80. The Tim. Legend hath it that when the " Pine-Tree State " was yet an unexplored wilderness, three trappers, Tim, Jim, and Sutton, came to it annually in search of game. Separating where Eustis now stands, Tim went to the west, and followed Tim Brook up to what is now called Tim Pond ; Jim went to the north, and Sutton to the south. At the end of the season they met and related their 201 FAVORITE FLIES. various experiences. Tim Pond lies two thousand feet above the level of the sea, and is to-day a favorite camping and fishing ground ; the forests guard its spar- kling waters, and the man who gave it its name sleeps by its side. The following verses, written by M. J. Messner, are familiar to all who frequent the lake and know the story of TIM. I love a man whose deeds are earnest, Whose heart is faithful, whose words are true, And little it matters where God has placed him, Or what is the work that is his to do : Whether he sits in halls of marble, To make the laws for a mighty land, Or hears in the forest the wild birds warble, And grasps an axe in his brawny hand. Just such a man was Tim the hunter, A guide, with record without a stain ; Who knew like a book each brook and river, And loved every tree in the woods of Maine. For forty years, through pathless forests, He followed the moose and the caribou ; But never again shall we hear his rifle, Or, piercing the darkness, his loud halloo. For Tim is at rest ; his life-chase ended, He sleeps 'mid the scenes that he loved so well, By the side of the tranquil mountain lakelet, Whose beauty the tourists with rapture tell. And his memory lives in that sheet of water, Though his spirit rests in the great beyond, And will live as long as the wavelets ripple, For 't is known to the world by the name Tim Pond. No. 81. The Sheenan, sometimes called the Sheehan, is probably not of Amer- ican origin, but is a copy of some one of the many " Shannon flies." There is a very beautiful fly pictured in " Ephemera's " " Book of the Salmon " that is king of them all, called " the Shannon fly," but there are many other patterns known THEIR HISTORIES. 205 vaguely as " Shannon flies," one of which the Sheenan may resemble, and the name have been misunderstood or misspelled, until the fly came to be generally known as the Sheenan, instead of Shannon fly. No. 82. The Webster is spoken of in the letter relating to fishing in Maine, by Mr. John W. Webster, of Waterbury, Conn., after whom the fly was named. Mr. Webster is an angler of long experience and much success, whose judgment of a fly has great weight with his many friends. No. 83. This fly has been found especially effective for fishing in Winnipeg. Mr. F. G. Simpson was the first to introduce it to us, and recommend it to other anglers ; we therefore identify it by his name. 206 FAVORITE FLIES. \ Black Gnat. j Claret. , New York. ■{ Queen of the Water. \ Trout. | Coachman. *- [ White Miller, etc. H. C Wilcox, Friendship, N. Y. ON THE GENESEE. This certainly is an auspicious day for trouting. The hazy at- mosphere and clouded sky are forerunners of spring showers. The leaves on the birches are about the size of a Coachman's wings. Our old landlord advises me that the water is at the proper stage. I have a supply of garden worms and grubs from decaying timber, which are not to be ignored when flies prove unattractive, or in places where casting cannot be properly adhered to. " And mark me now," that man who scorns the use of other lures on all occa- sions will often be compelled to satisfy his appetite with codfish ; or he will make his appearance with flies or leader attached to his rod after using worms to fill his creel, and blandly inform you that he only uses flies, when perhaps the color of the fish exhibited will locate them up some mountain stream where flies could not be used. While fly-fishing is preeminently the proper method and infinitely more enjoyable, there are times and places where it fails absolutely. On such occasions, trout caught with worms, if properly served, will be found palatable, at least to a hungry fisherman ; so we will not be sentimental to the extent of returning with empty creels because forsooth the fish prefer a diet of worms. Here is room in my box for your leaders, and the damp felt will keep them in condition for immediate use upon our arrival, after which coil them inside your hat, thereby avoiding the corkscrewing resulting from close coils. My old friend M will not forget his first experience in this NEW YORK. 207 practice. He is a most persistent and skillful angler, observing and quick to adopt seeming improvements. My plan came under Lis notice, and the first change found kis leader resting securely inside his hat. While busy fishing in a difficult place he felt a fly seeking to obtain a foothold on his eyebrow. This f amiHarity was resented, and a vigorous slap impaled the fisherman on a " Queen " which had innocently worked out of the hat. A surgical operation, performed on the spot, extracted the hook from his finger, and ever since he forswears Queens. Yes, this is the West Branch. We will drive up and fish down ; there is a millpond five miles above, which has twenty feet of water, and some fine trout lurk in its depths. Before it was completed I located a large spring near the bottom, and that knowledge has been valuable since. Last year I fished that particular place for hours without a nibble, but the absence of the smaller fry strengthened my conviction, that some old residents were in possession of the premises. Experiments were in order, and in addition to a white grub on a No. 3 Sproat hook I placed a lively worm on the point. This soon attracted a minnow, who proceeded to scurry the whole combination through the water in all directions. Suddenly the tip was drawn down steadily under water, the hook set with a sharp jerk, and work was commenced on strictly business principles ; that fish had to be brought above the sunken logs and brush without delay. It was a trying time for both angler and rod, and possibly for the fish, for he was compelled to come up, although evidently against his wishes. He was a beauty of 1^ lbs., and was quickly followed by another of If lbs. How nicely they topped off the basket, and how small the others looked which heretofore were fair sized. 208 FAVORITE FLIES. Below the old mill is a famous pool : make your cast for it, Queen, stretcher, Coachman and Red Hackle, droppers; mine, Pro- fessor, Cow Dung, and Ginger Hackle. There was a rise above you near the fall. Try and drop your stretcher exactly where he rose. Missed it ? Well, " pick your flint " and try again. Now bring him away from the bank into clear water. " A good fighter ? " Lead him this way. He weighs about twelve ounces. We have done fairly well, and the sun is shining here. We will move down to the woods. Change your cast to darker and smaller flies, the Egg, Claret, and Black Gnat, with Brown Hackle, Hawthorne, and Leadwing Coachman for another cast. Note which are the killers. Approach carefully ; try the shady places under the banks, close to old logs, in the eddies where the current naturally gathers the food ; there will be found the much sought prizes. Do not allow your shadow or that of your rod to fall on the pool. Don't touch that old log ; it projects into the stream, and the jar would alarm every fish in that vicinity. Cast across the current, allowing your flies to drift to the eddies in a natural manner. There you have him ! He took the Claret ; try the same eddy again. Missed it ? Cast lower down ; trout often drop down to recover lost flies. There, be careful ; he is larger than the first one. " Lost ? " Well, he will not patronize you again soon. You gave him slack line. " Going below ? " Very well, I will try that place where the foam covers the dark water. Observe how near the stretcher will cut the edge. Did you see that ! He took it later, about four- teen ounces ! In that pool below you, where the old tree lies along the edge, I once caught a trout after my stretcher fly had caught in the log, leaving the droppers dangling in a very tempting manner over the NEW YORK. 209 water. One was seized by a fish, which made it necessary to detach the stretcher at once or lose the fish ; this was successfully accom- plished. It is still a mystery how that No. 10 Sproat hook held its victim through the struggles, but he came to creel, and weighed a pound. Frequently the excitement of hooking and landing a large fish brings on well-defined cases of " buck fever." Once, while fishing a spring hole on the Genesee, when making the first cast, the leader was stiff, and when the second dropper was drawn under it caused the stretcher to describe a circle and the fly to be taken by another trout immediately upon its alighting. Here was a little of the ex- citement approaching " buck fever." This appeared to be the first time these fish had been " hitched up " together, and they made it warm for the teamster, but we ran them into the fence finally, and scored fourteen and sixteen respectively. Some time back in the seventies, about the middle of July, Judge F and myself were casting over this stretch of water, and were caught in a sudden shower. It was brief, and although the water was not swollen, it was highly colored. We had decided that to fish with bait was our only chance, but for the fun of it I said, " Now see me take a trout from the mud-hole with a fly." Proceeding to cast, much to our surprise a trout generously impaled himself upon a Professor, quickly followed by another. This was a revelation in fly-fishing, and with flies of rather gay colors, and in the scorching sunshine, we filled our creels with fair-sized fish. Occasionally one would leap entirely clear from the water. I have never since experienced such fly-fishing, but no doubt under precisely the same conditions the results would be similar. Here by this spring is a favorite place to lunch ; under the shade 210 FAVORITE FLIES. of this birch-tree we have met with fair success. The sun is bright and the water so clear that we cannot add much to our catch until three or four p. M. This pool below the spring is a favorite place for large trout. They will assemble near the outlet of the spring after dark. It does not signify that we cannot get a rise now ; the water is deep near the opposite bank where the driftwood is lodged ; the bottom is covered with sunken logs, large boulders, and brush. Select a favorable place from which to make casts over the entire pool, and experiment to ascertain if any brush needs trimming to give flies free swing behind. Select your place to land your trout and remove any obstructions which might interfere with landing. Now place a flat stone at the exact spot where you wish to stand, that you may find it after night. Here will be no striking at a rise ; you must feel a strike, and frequently it will be almost imperceptible, while the sound of a rise will often direct your cast. Yet trout will usually hook themselves securely after dark. Give no line where possible to land them ; otherwise " it 's a fight in the dark," and impossible to know what dangerous places the fish is aiming for. Reel in and land quickly ; you will lose fish by any other process. A piece of wax candle or small pocket lantern will often be useful for changing flies or disentangling snarls in the line or leaders. Take plenty of luncheon ; the fish will take their own time, and hungry fishermen are handicapped by a well-fed trout. I often remain out all night. As a rule, trout will not rise in deep water ; but once in a while, experimenting to see how far I could cast from a position about ten feet above the surface of the water, I have noticed some trout near the bottom, in about twelve feet of water, that were apparently getting interested in my opera- tions, and were slowly working up toward the surface ; and soon NEW YORK. 211 one made a dash, and, upon being landed, proved to be an eight- ounce trout, which had appeared of not more than four ounces in the deep water. Eventually several were taken. The sun was shining into the pool from the southwest, it being about three P. m. This was at a " splash-dam " on Pine Creek, in Potter County, Penn- sylvania. On another occasion, while fishing a pool surrounded by weeds, the leader and flies were allowed to He quiet until I could light my brier pipe. Upon attempting to withdraw for another cast, the White Miller was fast to a large trout ; the flies must have settled two or three feet below the surface. For clear water and a cloudless sky, a leader of single horsehair, with midges tied on No. 16 hooks, will often take trout when ordi- nary tackle will fail. Such tackle must be enforced by a flexible rod and careful angler, or a large fish will not endanger his liberty seriously, even if hooked. Keep out of sight as much as possible, and if trout are rising in any particular portion of the pool make casts elsewhere until you have the distance measured and the flies can fall like snowflakes. Then cast directly to the spot and be pre- pared for a rise at once. When a fish is fast, get him away from that particular spot quickly, so as not to unduly alarm others. When a trout rises and turns back without touching your flies, change your cast and try again. I once hooked a fine fish at the foot of a rapid, which immediately made a dash for the deep water below, and in his effort to free himself hooked one of the flies into the back of a huge sucker. What a mismated pair, sucker and trout at one cast ! With all their natural caution, trout act strangely at times. Not many years ago, I lost a portion of my leader, stretcher, and dropper 212 FAVORITE FLIES. with a trout. He was caught next clay with a worm, and had my property in his possession. It is my belief that large trout, after the spring runs, can be found in nearly the same place day after day, except that they may go on the rapids to catch flies, and then return to the old haunts, usually the most inaccessible portion of the waters. Well do I remember one old fellow that selected an abiding-place close under an old tree-top which hung conveniently near the water, and where it was impossible to cast a fly ; whence he could rise easily and take whatever pleased his fancy. Hooking the stretcher through a leaf, I floated it below him, and when it stopped the droppers danced in a bewitching manner directly over him ; soon the thumping made by that fish in my basket was sweet- est music. If your hook becomes fast under that old log, don't break it; reel up and allow the tip-ring to follow down just as you would use a disgorger ; when the ring finds the hook push it loose ; you have saved time, hook, and temper. When it is time to return to our night-pool put on larger hooks, — a Miller, Coachman, and Queen. Did you tie your line securely to the reel this morning ? Well, do it now, before some fish swims away with the whole cast. Now tie your leader by that knot, which will not slip, but can be taken off easily. No, I am not tying to the wrong end of my leader ; the loops are designed to stand toward the line, so that the droppers will not cling to leader, but stand clear and consequently are more easily taken. Throw your leader out into the water to soften, while we lunch and smoke. There was a rise from a large one ! You notice he did not break the water, but the swirl was similar to one from an oar. We need not hasten; eat heartily. Now try the foot of the rapids first. That was a fine one ! Keep cool ; don't NEW YORK. 213 let him cross to the driftwood; lead him carefully to the place selected for landing. Good for a pound at least ! Enticed by a Coachman. Trout will take the fly when it is so dark that only by feeling can you know anything about how or where you cast ; however, with a familiar rod and line it is easy to tell when you are doings o-ood work. Do not move about unnecessarily ; the grinding gravel under your feet will not benefit us. My fish took the Professor. Will change the Queen for a Miller. Let them sink a trifle when first alight- ing. That was only a water-rat ; trout rise more quietly, making very little splash ! If you feel anything touch your flies, strike in- stantly and firmly ; if trout break water after being hooked, keep them up and reel in rapidly, — it is your best chance. Lost that one? Reel up and see if your flies are all right. Coachman gone? Come over to my lantern and repair damages. We have plenty now ; let us finish our luncheon, take a whiff, rest ourselves and the fish. I once took twelve pounds of trout after twelve m., no fish having risen before midnight. As in conditions of wind and weather favorable to fly-fishing, there are as many exceptions as rules. I have often been successful when all conditions seemed unfavorable, — cold winds and not an insect in the air. Again, when the air was sultry, and filled with bugs and millers, very few would notice my flies. I reason that when there are no flies to choose from except those on your leader there are no comparisons to make, and if they accept yours you fill your creel more rapidly than when different conditions prevail. Usually trout will not rise in moonlight, but I have found excellent fishing moonlight nights when a shady place could be selected to cast over. 214 FAVORITE FLIES. Well, it is late, and we will return. Did you mark the way? Follow me. I noted the direction carefully, and can follow the course. You have proved an apt scholar, and the size of your fish shows a marked improvement over your last. We left plenty of fish in that pool, never fear. Did it ever occur to you how many fish each good pool furnishes each fishing season ? You can usu- ally get a few each day from each favorable place, and your catch will be duplicated many times during the year. Once while fishing a long rapid with both flies and worms, with- out taking a fish, I had concluded that place, at least, was fished out. While debating the question mentally there came a swarm of deer flies, and they commenced to settle upon the water, when " presto ! " the water commenced to boil, and there were fish in the air, " fish everywhere," so long as the flight lasted. This circum- stance convinced me that where a few are taken plenty are left for a good fry, even though they refuse to be fried. Trout do not seem to hear, but they manage to get sounds by some sense. The usual theories of wading down a stream I do not advocate except when the trout are uneducated. Then you can often walk up in plain sight and they will accept the offer, al- though not tendered in the latest approved style ; while among the initiated they will disappear at the first sight of the angler, or the sudden appearance of roily water from above ; to them in a majority of cases it means an enemy. Notice where this tree projects into the deepest portion of the pool ; approach slowly to where you can look into the deep water. Did you notice any disturbance among the fishes ? " What did I do?" Scratched on the log with a pin. You will now see why caution is necessary in approaching the haunts of trout. Well, the NEW YORK. 215 sun is about where we saw it yesterday morning on our arrival, and for one clay we have had quite an experience. Perfection in fly-fishing will be acquired when you can make the trout leave the natural fly and accept the artificial, which has not yet been claimed by reliable anglers. Trout feed at the upper or lower portions of pools alternately, without apparent reasons for making the changes. You will find it difficult to take them from the lower portions except by fishing up stream and keeping below the fish. I had supposed that the Red Hackle was an imitation of the small red caterpillar, but the veteran Nessmuk affirms that it resembles nothing below or above. It is his favorite bug, and that settles the question. Occasionally a fly which begins to get frayed and ragged will be taken with renewed vi^or. This teaches us that in its bedraggled condition it more closely resembles the natural fly, and often leads to changes in tying additions of tails and other extras. My first tying of flies furnished plenty of the extraordinary pat- terns, and some proved killers, for reasons before stated ; others faded, and a new combination of colors appeared, often improving their taking qualities. I never troubled myself about their resem- blance to other flies, provided they filled the creel. Flies may look differently after wetting, or upon being viewed from below. A moving bait will often attract, and when drawn quickly up a rapid will be seized at the first pause by a pursuing fish. Twenty- five years ago, while casting on Pine Creek, I saw trout come within six feet of me and take the fly, even when I was wading the stream. But I have no expectation of that now. The least suspicion of a shadow or disturbance of the water will send them to cover, and terminate your chances for those particular fish. 216 FAVORITE FLIES. New York. G. V. Cunningham, Cow Dung. Governor. Professor. Grizzly King. Henshall. ' Reuben Wood. Orange Miller. Ferguson. Seth Green. Cunningham. Cohoes, N. Y. The flies that I use are the Cow Dung, Governor, Professor, Grizzly King, Henshall, Reuben Wood, Orange Miller, Ferguson, Seth Green, and Montreal. These flies are used between the hours of three and eight p. m. in the Mohawk River. I have tied a new fly that I have great luck with for bass : body, seal-brown wool, ribbed with silver tinsel; tail, a wisp of green parrot, scarlet ibis, and mallard ; hackle, dark ginger ; wings, wood- duck or partridge. Is there any name for this fly ? If so, I wish you would be kind enough to tell me. 1 I use No. 7 or No. 8 Sproat hooks. I prefer natural color to the stained gut, and single gut leaders with loops. New York and Pennsylvania. \ Montreal, with deer-hair hackle. ! Coachman. ( -^ . „ Green Drake. j Bass and Trout. Dark Stone, etc. Charles Van Kirk, Ithaca, N. Y. I am sorry to say that in Cayuga and Oneida lakes, where I fish a great deal, and in the Susquehanna River, the largest bass are caught with bait, and all sizes rise indifferently to the fly. 1 We have named this fly the Cunningham, after its maker. See Plate I. — M. E. O. M. NEW YORK. 217 I use 7 and 8 oz. rod, F and G silk lines, make my own leaders of best selected gut, clear and single snells ; also a clear, long strand on dropper, and short loop on tail fly. For the waters above men- tioned, for bass, I place the Montreal fly first, followed by the Professor, Grizzly King, Seth Green, Scarlet Ibis, Coachman, White Miller, Caddis, Ferguson, Gray Drake, and " fluttering black fly " for tail on stretcher. In Cayuga Lake the Montreal has never failed me from June 15th to September 1st, but the hackle should be tied of deer hair au naturel, as the body and tail give plenty of color without staining the hackle. A strip of skin and feather cut from the neck of a Dominick rooster will make an attractive lure when there is a good ripple on the water, but should be carefully trimmed and tied to a medium-sized hook. For hooks, I prefer the Sproat, medium and small sized, and in addition to the foregoing have always used the common hackles more or less. For trout, I use the Coachman in all its variations, and White Miller at dusk or on dark days, Cow Dung, Fern, Red Ant, Pro- fessor, Black Ant, Abbey, Seth Green, Dark Stone, Grizzly King, Evening Dun, Scarlet Ibis, Brownstone, Yellow and Green Drakes, Palmers, Alder, Yellow May, Black June, Red Fox, Soldier, Oak, Beaverkill, Quaker, the gnats and hackles, all on small Sproats for this section ; but larger for " John Brown's tract," where the larger and more gaudy flies can be used to good advantage. Last season the trout here seemed to take well to small hackles and gnats, colors of red, black, dun, and yellow predominating. I purchased from a German, resident of Scranton, two scale-wing flies, some- thing akin to a blue-black water-bug, different in make from any- thing I have ever seen, very glassy in appearance, with which I had splendid success for larger trout, by allowing them to sink well to 218 FAVORITE FLIES. the bottom in deep pools. Unfortunately, I have lost the address of the maker, and do not know where I can send to replace them. f Governor. New York Beaverkill. and < Van Patton. Pennsylvania. White Miller. [ Black Hackle. Geokge H. Payson, Englewood, j Trout. N.J. As you know, the " fish fever " is a more difficult disease to get out of an angler's system than malaria, and can only be cured, and that temporarily, by eight ounces of fly rod and several days' soaking in running water. I regret that I have not had a wider experience from which to draw replies to your questions concerning flies. Doubtless every angler has his favorites, which he regards with a sort of holy veneration ; and when persistent casting with these charmed lures fails to produce even a rise, there must be something wrong with the universe. My fishing has mostly been done in the much-fished streams of Pennsylvania and New York, where fish are small, and high scores difficult to obtain. I find that the Governor, the Beaverkill or Van Patton, which are very much alike, and a Black Hackle have been the most effective for the time of year when I do my fishing. When the waters are low, and, with the exception of some of the tan-colored streams of Pennsylvania, of crystal clearness, I prefer small flies, a No. 12 Sproat hook seeming to be the most satisfactory. But to upset this theory, I remember that once, having wearied myself casting with a delicate trio of flies, on a bright day, I put on a White Miller, tied on a bass hook, in NEW YORK. 219 sheer desperation. It struck the water such a spat as I was con- vinced would scare any trout in that neighborhood, but, to my unutterable surprise, was taken at once by a trout which weighed nearly a pound. So much for pet theories. For two or three years I have used coffee-colored gossamer leaders, and do not believe them a particle better than a fine mist-colored one, while their extreme lightness makes them most difficult to handle. Of course I do not advocate a bass leader for fine trout fishing, but I do think that the rage for hair-like tackle is mostly nonsense. If a trout does not see you and is on the feed, he will rise to the fly without much regard to leader or snell ; but if he is scared or not hungrv, coffee-colored leaders, green leaders, mud-colored leaders, or any other artful combination of man will have no effect on him. I have seen an old he-trout caught out of a hole by a man standing in full view, armed with a big hook and a lively worm, when two of us had wasted all our science and flies in vain ; and, as I again say, so much for pet theories. Every year, when I come back from my fishing trip, I am convinced that I know less about the true inward- ness of the elusive trout than ever : and the old couplet regarding a woman's whims seems to apply equally as well to those of a trout : — " For if she will, she will, you may depend on't ; And if she won't, she won't ; so there 's an end on't." 220 FAVORITE FLIES. f Brown Hackle. / New York. < Green Drake. -j Trout. [ Orange Miller. *- John D. Quackenbos, New York, N. Y. My favorite flies are the Brown Hackle, Green Drake, and Or- ange Miller. If I can have three, give me these ; if I can have but one fly, I will take the Brown Hackle every time. I prefer a small hook, full hackle, and gut either white or mist - color, I really do not think it makes any difference which. For all-round flies, as regards locality, time of day, and season of year, I do not think a better selection could be made than that I have named. f Brown Palmer. New York. < Coachman. [ Professor. C E. Fritts, M. D., Hudson, N. Y. Favorite flies are Brown Palmer, Coachman, and Professor on No. 6 and 8 Sproat hooks, and light stained single snells. These flies seem best at all times and seasons. Neiv York. Brown Hackle. Red Ibis. ■< Trout. Loacnman. ^ Alder. A. R. Fuller, Meacham Lake, N. Y. The best flies are Brown Hackle, Red Ibis, Coachman, Alder. If trout will not take one or more of them, they are N. G., and I have no use for them. Regarding color of snells, I doubt if it makes any difference. 3 . TROUT FLIES. MJrailsy C1.BT1. Made by C.F. ORVIS, Manchester.Vt. CO PYR IGHTED PLATE M. No. 84. Alder. No. 92. Black May. No. 85. Abbey. No. 93. Beauty. No. 86. Alice. No. 94. Ben Bent. No. 87. August Dun. No. 95. Brown Adder. No. 88. Allerton. No. 96. Black June. No. 89. Adirondack. No. 97. Blue Jay. No. 90. Bowman. No. 98. Bee. No. 91. Brown Gnat. No. 84. The Alder. The original of this fly is hatched from the egg laid by the mature insect upon the leaves of trees or bushes bordering the water, prefer- ably alder-bushes. The natural fly was first imitated in Great Britain, where it was much used, early in the season, as an evening fly. In this country it seems effectual throughout the summer, and wherever the " trout lepyth." No. 85. The Abbey. In America, the Abbey is credited to, and named after Mr. Charles Abbey, of Abbey & Imbrie, a New York firm of fishing-tackle dealers. The fly has been popular in this country many years. It is claimed that it is an English pattern of old standing, which received its name from a building, not from an individual ; also that long before it was called the Abbey fly it was in general use, known as the Jew fly. No. 86. The Alice was copied from a fly sent to us by Mr. T. V. Allis, of New York city. The fly was one that experience had proved valuable, but it had never been named. We called it the Alice, as being approximate in sound to the name of its donor, Mr. Allis. No. 87. The August Dun belongs to the order Ephemeroptera, the natural insect existing only two or three days in a mature state. It was first copied and named by English fly-makers, being called the August Dun from the month of its appearance. In this country we have adhered to the English name and dressing. The fly is not as well known here as other patterns, though it possesses many merits. 222 FAVORITE FLIES. No. 88. The Allerton was named after Mr. Robert G. Allerton, of New York city, treasurer of the Oquossoc Angling Association, a club having a fine preserve and club buildings in Maine. The fly, perhaps, should be dressed on a larger hook than that shown in the plate, and classed among the lake flies, but it is frequently made small, and thought to be better adapted to brook trout. No. 89. The Adirondack is a fly that has been used for many years in the waters of northern New York, or the Adirondack region ; hence its name. In some of the lakes and streams of the wilder portions of the State, better success seems to be attained by using flies of larger size and brighter color than one would select for the more thickly inhabited sections. This fly is valued for such conditions. No. 90. The Bowman is a quill gnat, i. e. a fly having the body made of a strip of quill. It was named after Mr. William H. Bowman, of Rochester, N. Y., associated as Fish Commissioner for the State of New York with General R. U. Sherman, R. B. Roosevelt, Eugene Blackford, and Seth Green, men well known to the angling fraternity for the efforts they have so constantly and generously made to further all fishing interests. Mr. Bowman is a skillful fisherman as well as an able fish commissioner. A fly indorsed by his name is without doubt good. No. 91. The Brown Gnat is one of the immense order Diptera, similar in shape to the Black Gnat, but brown in hue. No. 92. The Black May is an imitation of one of the two-winged flies, or Diptera. In some species, the bodies are covered with shaggy gray hair. These flies are loath to leave the water, and will walk or float on its surface with great agility, a tantalizing vision to the trout. No. 93. The Beauty is a fancy fly having a modest dress that would suggest use as well as attractiveness. We know but little of it further than that it is a pet fly with several successful anglers. No. 94. The Ben Bent was first made in 1884 by C. F. Orvis, and named by Mr. A. N. Cheney after Colonel Frank S. Pinckney, whose nom de phwie was " Ben Bent." A pleasant circumstance in connection with the naming of this fly was, that THEIR HISTORIES. 223 the first time Colonel Pinckney tried the new fly named for him he caught on it the largest trout he ever captured, one weighing nearly five pounds. No. 95. The Brown Adder is a fly that has been long in use, but we have not been able to learn who first made or named it. We can only testify that it is one of the " tried and true." It resembles closely several forms of the Phryganidae, or flies coming from caddis cases, and in this resemblance probably lies its charm for the fish. No. 96. The Black June is an imitation of one of the caddis flies appearing upon the water in the month of June. Its color is so much darker than the other flies of this order that it is called " black," and " June " from the time of its appear- ance. It seems especially good in the mountain streams of the New England States. No. 97. The Blue Jay flies are not imitations of any insect, but derive their names from the feather of their wings, obtained from the plumage of either the common American blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) or that of the English blue jay (Garrulus glandarius). The color and markings on the feathers of the two birds are equally beautiful, but quite different, though apparently equally effective. The under portions of most of the feathers are without the blue and black bars, but they give some fine dun shades, of most delicate transparency, for small gnats and " floating flies." The fly No. 14, in the accompanying plate, is made from the English blue jay feathers ; that in the plates in " Fishing with the Fly " from those of the American jay. No. 98. Imitations of bees have been made since early times with no special restrictions as to material, so each maker has chosen his own. The one illustrated in the plate of trout flies, also in the plate of lake flies in " Fishing with the Fly," was first made by C. F. Orvis, in 1878, for use in the streams west of the Missis- sippi River. The peculiar burnished effect of the upper feather of the wild turkey used for the wings, and the alternate rings of chenille which permitted a bulky, bee-like body without too much weight, has been so satisfactory that it now seems to be the generally accepted method. Up i' the early morning, Sleepy pleasures scorning, Rod in hand and creel on back, I 'm away, away ! Not a care to vex me, Nor a fear to perplex me, Blithe as any bird that pipes in the merry May. Out come reel and tackle, Out come midge and hackle, Length of gut, like gossamer, on the south wind streaming. Brace of palmers fine, As ever decked a line, Dubbed with herl and ribbed with gold, in the sunlight gleaming. Westwood. PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY, AND DELAWARE. f Queen of the Water. James B. Chandler <( Hamlin. [_ Bright Fox, etc. M. E. Doyle { Trout Flies. f Silver Doctor. C. A. Babcock = . ( ( and oea lrout. George Trowbridge, New York, N. Y. I noticed your inclosure about Supplement to " Fishing with the Fly." Here is an account of one fly, " the Cracker," a compara- tively new creation. It has been on the market now about eighteen months. I inclose sample. In regard to its origin. While fishing in the Homosassa River, February 2, 1885, I caught a channel bass of six pounds on a home-made fly, which resembled, when new, the Blue Jay of the Orvis-Cheney collection. This channel bass was the largest I had ever caught with the fly. I at once put the fly aside as a " record-breaker," and tied up some more like it. On February 24, 1886, I tried another fly like this on the Mos- quito Lagoon, at Oak Hill, Fla., and there caught in one afternoon one channel bass, 4 lbs. 8 oz., and one of 4 lbs. 6 oz. These were the first fish which had ever been caught in the Mosquito Lagoon with the fly. On March 12, 1886, I had very good luck with a red-winged fly in the same waters, taking one channel bass, 3 lbs., one sea trout, and one channel bass of 7 lbs. This was the best record yet. On January 12, 1887, in the Homosassa River, with a blue-bodied fly, I took three sea trout, six black bass (large mouth), one chan- nel bass, 9 lbs. 4 oz. " Better and better," I thought. Meantime I had been successful with flies having more of a vari- ation of colors in wing and tail. These were not " record-break- ing" flies, but very good for all-round work, and especially fascinat- ing to the sea trout. The luckiest models always contained red, 420 FAVORITE FLIES. peacock sword feathers, blue and yellow in wing and tail. Blue was always attractive to channel bass. Without going more into detail, I compared my lucky models, eliminated a color from one and added a feather to another. Thus I developed a new series of flies from the fundamental fortunate shapes and colors. Next I went out on the river and tried each new creation. This was the crucial test. If one was good, I kept its record and made more flies like it. The less successful I cast aside. Finally I settled on one model as being the most successful. This I called the Cracker. As far as the origin of the name goes, it is appropriate for two reasons. First, it was " born and brought up " in Florida, and, being a native of that State, is entitled to the native's name, Cracker. Second, it is pronounced a " crackin' good fly " by those who have tried it. It is not in any sense a theoretical fly, but purely practical in its origin and its results. As to what the fly, as it now appears, has done, I think that its record cannot be beaten. It has caught every variety of fish which rises to the fly, when it has been cast over the waters that these fish inhabit. I do not think that black bass have been caught with it, because I never had any one tell me that he had tried it for black bass. Here is a record of three Crackers which are on my table as I write : — I. St. James City, Charlotte Harbor, Fla., January, 1888, 15 sea trout, 28 lbs. ; 2 channel bass, 7^ and 3^ lbs. II. Sarasota, Fla., April 5 and 6, 1888, 3 channel bass, 17, 23f, 22 lbs. III. Sarasota, April 9, 1888, 3 channel bass, 12±, 20J, 18i, — 51 lbs. April 10, 4 channel bass, 14, 18, 14, 14, — 60 lbs. Total, FLORIDA, LOUISIANA, TEXAS, ARIZONA, AND NEVADA. 421 111 lbs. on one fly in two days. All these fish were killed with single leader and 8£ oz. trout rod. Now as to variety. This is an enumeration of the fish taken with this kind of fly in the salt water of Florida : — Tarpon (weight, 1 lb. 3 oz., small, but it is the only one that has yet been taken with the fly in Florida). Channel bass (largest, 24 lbs. 5 oz. In April, 1889, I saw Mr. John D. Wattles, of Philadelphia, while using a Cracker fly, hook, play, and land a 15 lb. channel bass, using a 5£ oz. Bethabara wood rod). Sea trout, cavaille, rovaille, bluefish, Spanish mackerel, grouper, mangrove snapper, skip-jack, sailor's choice ; also a nonde- script, called a " tenpounder." I never could find any one who knew it intimately enough to give it a Latin nickname. On April 8, 1889, while fishing New Pass Bar, I caught a sheeps- head with this fly. Depth of water three feet, strong tide, grassy bottom. In the North, this fly has taken trout in Maine, in the Adiron- dacks, and in Canada. It has caught, but not killed, one salmon. It is also good for sea trout. In regard to size of hook and dressing. The smallest fly that I have ever used has been tied on No. 8 hook. This size is good for small brook trout in Maine, — "Kennebago size," as they say there. No. 3 is about right for trout from f lb. to 1^ lb. No. 1 is what I use for the largest channel bass. It is a good size for trout from 1 to 3 lbs. in Canada. If trout are expected to run larger than that, I prefer a larger fly. In one respect the Cracker belies its name, or rather its name- sakes. It is purposely overdressed. The mohair of the body should be picked out to make it fluffy. 422 FAVORITE FLIES. Friends who have used this fly report favorably of it from all quarters, but all of the statements made above are from my own experience, and I vouch for them. Louisiana and Fiery Dragon. Black Bass. Minnesota. H. P. Ufford, Lake Charles, La. I regret very much my inability to be of any aid to you in your laudable undertaking. Of necessity, the great bulk of my fishing for the past many years has been for the black bass, and most of that with bait. The most successful flies I have used for bass have been those in which green and yellow predominate. One in espe- cial, a monstrosity of my own making, with a yellow body, green hackle, and yellow wings, has proved very killing on the lakes of Minnesota. I am sorry I have no specimen of the Fiery Dragon, as a friend of mine named it, to send to you, but perhaps you can gather some idea of it as a work of art (?) when I tell you how I made it. On a 2/0 Sproat hook I wound half a yard, more or less, of yellow gimp, and in the last dozen turns or so wrapped in one or two feathers from the teal duck for tail and hackle ; I then tied on a couple of canary-bird feathers for wings, and had a hor- rible-looking thing which ought, by rights, to have scared any fish into a state of gibbering idiocy, but which gave me seventeen bass, one June afternoon, in Detroit Lake, Minn., when they would n't touch a Cheney, Oriole, Coachman, Red Ibis, Seth Green, or any- thing: I could offer them. FLORIDA, LOUISIANA, TEXAS, ARIZONA, AND NEVADA. 423 [Of later date.] Many thanks for the Fiery Dragon, which came duly to hand ; the larger one is like my recollection of the nondescript I made, and I think it will prove a " killer." Texas. Scarlet Ibis. Cheney. Montreal. Professor. Royal Coachman. White Miller. C. S. Wells, Victoria, Texas. Your idea of collecting information in regard to the use of flies in different sections is a good one, as, if the material thus received is compiled and published, it will be very interesting reading for anglers. In this part of the country we have but one fish, the large- mouth bass, that takes a fly with anything like satisfaction to the angler. With an experience that extends throughout the length and breadth of the United States, I consider the large-mouth bass of Southern waters the peer of any game fish to be found in the fresh water of our land, not excepting even the lordly Fontinalis. After repeated trials of all the best known varieties, styles, and shapes of flies, I have settled on the Scarlet Ibis, Cheney, Montreal, Pro- fessor, Royal Coachman, and White Miller as comprising all the best varieties for our waters. One curious fact that I have noticed in my fishing experience in this State I do not remember to have seen mentioned as occurring elsewhere ; and that is, the dropper is almost invariably the fly taken when one fish is hooked. On ac- count of the many obstructions, such as tules, brush, and lily-pads, that occur in the waters where our bass are found, I always use a 42tt FAVORITE FLIES. six-foot leader with but two flies attached. In recovering the line after a cast, and just before the hooks are drawn from the water for the back cast, the dropper will skip along the surface three or four feet more out than in the water, and hanging perpendicularly. This appears to be an irresistible attraction for the bass, and I ven- ture to assert that at least seventy -five per cent, of all I have caught with the fly in this vicinity have been hooked on the dropper fly. I have sometimes imagined that it was the fly, and not its position on the leader, that made the dropper most attractive, and changed their positions, but without any change in results. I am not exclusively a fly-fisherman, but prefer the fly to all other methods, if the fish can be induced to take it. I favor mist-colored leaders for clear waters. Have never found the bass in this State to prefer a natural to an artificial fly ; by this, I mean that whenever I find them breaking water after natural insects they will take the fly readily. Strange as it may appear in a fish of such exceeding voracity, the large- mouth bass is at times as capricious and as dainty in his likes and dislikes for the different lures as the most finicky and highly-edu- cated trout. One of my most pleasing angling experiences of recent date was the conversion of a friend from an indifferent bait fisherman to an enthusiastic and accomplished fly-fisher, by the loan of my copy of " Fishing with the Fly." " I have ordered an outfit," he wrote, " and am going in for the poetry of the art." During the past season I watched closely the results from using particular patterns of flies in fishing for bass (large mouth), with the view of determining the comparative killing qualities of each. I used about a dozen different varieties, including the old standard FLORIDA, LOUISIANA, TEXAS, ARIZONA, AND NEVADA. 425 favorites, and found that if there was any difference in their kill- ing power it was so slight as to be not worth mentioning, with the exception of the White Miller, which, after sunset, appeared per- fectly irresistible, and would be taken in preference to all others, while it was equally killing during the day. Next season, therefore, my book will be made up of about one half White Moth or Miller, and the balance distributed among a half dozen or so of the dif- ferent standard sorts. Hackles are no good for our bass. [ Brown Ant. Arizona. •{ r* x. \ Trout Flies, j Coachman. [ [ Royal Coachman, W. L. Carpenter, Fort Whipple, Ariz. I am only familiar with fishing west of the Missouri River, where I have had an experience of twenty-five years, which has convinced me that but three flies are needed for Western fishing, namely, Brown Ant, Yellow Sally, and Coachman or Royal Coachman. The Brown Ant will be taken under all circumstances where the Brown Hackle and similar flies would be useful. It is probably mistaken by the trout for the Crane fly ( Tipulidce), which are very numerous in early spring throughout the Rocky Mountain region. The Yellow Sally is taken by the fish for the yellow-bodied grass- hopper, which forms the principal part of their food in August. I believe all flies with yellow bodies or wings prove effective for that reason, holding as I do the opinion that fish can distinguish colors. The White Millers are very numerous in June and July, and the imitation is particularly taking late in the afternoon and until too dark to see it. 426 FAVORITE FLIES. I think that flies are usually made with too small bodies. They are all made much smaller than the bodies of the insect they repre- sent, and would prove more taking if made more in the style of the Eeuben Wood and Seth Green. Prefer the Sproat hook with heavy gut, stained. ' Coachman. Brown Hackle. Black Hackle. Nevada. * Professor. Black Gnat. Cow Dung. Alder. Abbey. Ernest Harris, Carson City, j Trout Nev. My favorite flies are Professor, Black Gnat, and Cow Dung. Of course I use many others, but I find those mentioned good, morn- ing, noon, and evening. The Coachman, Alder, Abbey, and Mon- treal are the ones the most of my fishing chums use. Brown Hackles and Black Hackles are also used a great deal here, but the Coachman is first choice for fishing in the pools. All of our fishing here is for brook trout, as our river and lake trout seldom take a fly in this neighborhood. I prefer the Sproat bend, but the sneck with the side bend is generally used. Snells should be about four inches long, and of size to accord with the fly ; No. 8 is my choice in size for hook. Leaders should be light, and I rather think the unstained gut is the most durable. B.A S S F3LIE S. Made by C.F. ORYIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR I G H TE D. PLATE Z. No. 252. Golden Dustman. No. 255. Jungle Cock. No. 253. Henshall. No. 256. Holberton. No. 254. Knight Templar. No. 257. Holberton II. No. 252. The Golden Dustman was designed by Dr. Henshall in 1883. In his book entitled " More about Black Bass," he writes : " I have been experiment- ing with a fly of my own designing, for several seasons, that is yet a puzzle to me. Sometimes it is the most killing fly I ever cast, the bass rising madly when they would notice no other fly ; but on other occasions it is not at all successful, the bass refusing it altogether, always taking the other fly in the cast. I have not yet determined the most suitable conditions and occasions for using it, though I am in- clined to think it best on cloudy days. It is constructed entirely of metallic colors." "We made a fly from the formula given by Dr. Henshall, sent it to him for criti- cism, and received the following reply : — " Yours of the 20th inst. and the flies came this morning. The ' Golden Dust- man ' flies are just right in every way, but the smaller of the two is the proper size. I like even a smaller hook, and a Sproat instead of an O'Shaughnessy, though of course that is a mere matter of individual preference. Many anglers prefer the O'Shaughnessy hook. It is a most brilliant, beautiful fly, and at times the most successful I have ever used for black bass. You have hit the nail on the head, for I could not tell them apart from some that I tied a year ago last spring. The larger one is just right for Florida, and it is a very successful fly in these waters for all coast fishes that rise to the fly." We imagine this fly would prove killing for salmon, owing to its iridescent effect, or as Dr. Henshall says of it : " The idea is to get the metallic reflections from the various shades of yellow and brown, without green." No. 253. The Henshall was also made and named by Dr. Henshall, who reckons it among his favorite four flies for black bass. Dr. Henshall has been placed in charge of the angling exhibit at the coming Columbian Exposition, and it is a pleasure to repeat what has been said of him in one of the journals of the day : — 428 FAVORITE FLIES. " Dr Henshall is the best known angling expert in the United States in all kinds of angling, though he is better known, perhaps, as the ' apostle of the black bass,' and is the author of two works entirely devoted to this grand game fish : the ' Book of the Black Bass,' and ' More about Black Bass.' He has for many years been a valued contributor to various scientific and angling periodicals. He is president of the American Fisheries Society, president of the Ohio Fish and Game Commis- sion, secretary of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, and secretary-treasurer of the Cuvier Club of Cincinnati, the most prominent club of its kind in the United States, besides being an honorary member of the principal angling associations of America and England. " Dr. Henshall is a native of Baltimore, Md., but removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, when a boy, where he graduated as a physician, and practiced his profession for many years at Cynthiana, Ky. Afterward he resided a few years at Oconomowoc, Wis., of which growing city he was the first mayor. He returned to Kentucky in 1878, and to Cincinnati in 1888, where he at present resides. His headquarters are at Washington, where he is special agent of the United States Fish Com- mission." Our own knowledge of him is that of a most agreeable man, always thought- ful for the pleasure and comfort of all around him, gifted and accomplished beyond most men, but, above all, a man to trust and respect as one who would stand a faith- ful comrade in sunshine or storm. No. 254. The Knight Templar is a combination suggested and named by Mr. William J. Cassard in 1885 or 1886. No. 255. The Jungle Cock bass fly is named from the wing feathers taken from the jungle fowl described in the history of the trout flies. For the bass fly, the feathers are selected from those pendent on each side of the tail feathers ; the colors in the fly were chosen because believed to be those most generally captivat- ing to black bass. The fly shown in the plate was first tied by O F. Orvis in 1879 ; it has since ranked high among the favorites. No. 256. Mr. Wakeman Holberton, of New York city, has designed a number of attractive flies, among them this bearing his name. Mr. Holberton has painted some very pleasing pictures of trout with flies grouped about them, and is an THEIR HISTORIES. 429 authority on matters connected with fly-fishing, writing frequently for the papers under the nom de plume of " Scarlet Ibis." The fly called the Holberton is known to some anglers as the Greenwood Lake. No. 257. Holberton II. We have had some hesitation in deciding what to do in regard to this fly. It is widely known as the Holberton, and had been much used before the Holberton proper made its appearance ; but Mr. Holberton affirms that he is not responsible for his name being applied to the fly, and we cannot find who is, yet the fact remains that it is called the Holberton by many, and is too suc- cessful a fly not to be mentioned with the other favorites. We have, therefore, designated it the Holberton II., in concession to the popular nomenclature. Room ! Room to turn round in, to breathe and be free And to grow to be giant, to sail as at sea With the speed of the wind on a steed with his mane To the wind, without pathway or route or a rein. Room ! Room to be free where the white-bordered sea Blows a kiss to a brother as boundless as he ; And to east and to west, to the north and the sun, Blue skies and brown grasses are welded as one ; And the buffalo come like a cloud on the plain, Pouring on like the tide of a storm-driven main ; And the lodge of the hunter to friend or to foe Offers rest ; and unquestioned you come or you go. My plains of America ! Seas of wild lands ! From a land in the seas in a raiment of foam, That has reached to a stranger the welcome of home, I turn to you, lean to you, lift you my hands. Joaquin Millek. London, 1871. COLORADO, WYOMING, UTAH, AND IDAHO. E. C. Woodward -J ^ Drake - Cxovernor. [ Coachman. J Gray Drak j Governor. [ Willow, etc. M. D. Byerly. f Coachman. L. Z. Coman < White Miller. [ New Fly, etc. S. W. Hatch. J. W. Hunt. T . T ( Brown Hackle. John A. Lehreitter < n , ( Coachman. f Coachman. J. S. Lawrence < Leadwing Coachman. [ Royal Coachman. f Scarlet Ibis. r\ -n tt J Black Gnat. Charles P. Hill ........< n , Coachman. [ White Miller. Col. P. T. Swaine C. S. Farren . [" Royal Coachman. Coachman. Professor. [ Imbrie, etc. {Dark Stone. Professor. Hackles. L. C. Eastman ........ { Red Hackle. COLORADO, WYOMING, UTAH, AND IDAHO. 433 [ Coachman. | Gray Drake. ( Colorado. •{ Governor. J Trout. | Willow. <■ [ Black Gnat. E. C. Woodward, Leadville, Colo. The best fishermen in this part of Colorado use rather quiet-col- ored flies; in size, No. 8 is about the largest, No. 10 the average, and No. 12 the smallest. The Coachman is the fly most commonly used. Gray Drake, Governor, Willow fly, and Black Gnat I should select as those that I have had best success with. The largest fish that I have known of being caught here with a fly (4-| lbs.) was caught with a very small black fly of Scotch make. The custom here is to use a leader about eight feet long, colored a little to destroy its glitter. I color leaders by working them in tea, and then dropping them into a weak solution of green vitriol (sulphate of iron), and immediately after taking from the iron solu- tion putting them into water till all the iron is washed out. The leaders can be colored faintly or almost black, according to the time they are left in the iron solution. I do not find that the lead- ers are weakened by this, as all of mine stand a five-pound pull on a spring balance. The largest fish have been caught here about the middle of the day. The streams here are so cold, being fed from melting snow, that the fish seem disinclined to rise before the sun has warmed them a little. Sunrise here is apt to be frosty even in midsummer, and insects are scarce till the sun thaws them out. I think more fish are caught here in the fairly swift water than in the pools. "We speak of the eddies in swift water as " riffles," and fish there. 434 FAVORITE FLIES. Colorado. Trout Flies. M. D. Byerlt, Alma, Colo. The flies that are used in the mountains of this State are the Queen of the Water, King of the Water, Brown Caughlan, and Royal Coachman. I have fished with good success with those flies for nine years, and never fish with a hackle. Trout will not rise here at the approach of a storm or in windy weather. f Coachman. n 1 , White Miller. f ™ Colorado. < t> „ 1 i i lrout. I Brown Hackle. ( [ New Fly. L. Z. Coman, M. D., Boulder, Colo. My favorite flies are Professor, yellow body, Brown Hackle, yellow body, Coachman, and the White Miller for evening fishing. There is, also, a fly that I have not been able to get lately, and do not know the name of ; it has a slate wing and silver body. I have noticed all bright bodies seem to take well, especially those with a glimmer of metal. I like a large hook, as the fish will take it, and it is more apt to fasten them. For the larger hooks I would have a doubled and twisted snell ; the doubling makes them stronger, and the twisting prevents tangling. I like hooks with a sharp angle just below the barb (like the old Limerick) ; the fish cannot throw themselves off as easily as from hooks of other shapes. Would always have the snells stained ; think they are not so easily seen by the fish. COLORADO, WYOMING, UTAH, AND IDAHO. 435 Colorado. Trout Flies. S. W. Hatch, Conejos, Colo. My favorite fly is one with a yellow body, light brown hackle, and darker brown wing. The Brown Hackle also proves a staple fly during all the fishing season. Very late in September the Coachman is a most killing fly, and during the high water in our streams, in May and June ; yet it is hard to tell what the trout prefer during that time. I once used as a tail fly a dark brown winged fly with a light brown body, while my fellow-fisherman used as tail fly a Royal Coachman. There was no perceptible difference in our catch, the trout seeming to take one as greedily as the other. Late in the season, among the well-known flies, the Professor and Grizzly King are " taking " flies in our waters, but as a rule I always use a small dark fly as the tail fly. The Oak fly is a new one with me. I expect to prove it a favorite fly this coming season. Fishermen on our streams prefer a small hook, not larger than No. 5, usually either No. 6 or 7. A few use as large as No. 3, but they are the exception. I prefer a light leader and snell always, and cannot perceive that it makes any difference whether they are stained or clear. Colorado. Trout Flies. W. Hunt, Buena Vista, Colo. The favorite flies here are as follows : — Plain (or white wing) Coachman. Black Gnat. Lead (or dark wing) Coachman. Gray Hackle, green body. Jungle (or spotted) Coachman. Brown Hackle, peacock body, etc." Use light flies for early season and day. 436 FAVORITE FLIES. Use dark flies late in the season and in the evening. No. 8 and 10 hook are mostly used here. Short heavy snells, say about four inches long. Hooks should be bent and sharp- pointed and well-tempered. I have added the experience of others, and the above is the result. •v , 7 ( Brown Hackle. ( rr , Colorado. < ^ •. < I rout. ( Coachman. ( John A. Lehreitter, Salida, Colo. I find, for general use and good results, that with a plentiful supply of Brown Hackles and Coachmen there is but little need of any other flies in our mountain streams. I will mention that, as our streams are swift, a good stiff, well- made fly is desirable. I mean a fly with some body to it ; none of those cheap flimsy excuses called trout flies. One time on Taylor River, a friend fishing alongside of me, with more success than I, gave me a fly with a yellow body, the same kind that he was using. I hooked a few fish, and finally a larger one took the fly, when snap went the snell ; after that I used my own stock, and did not break any more snells. As the waters here are very clear, I prefer the uncolored snells and leaders. f Coachman. ( Colorado. ■{ Leadwing Coachman. ■< Trout. [ Royal Coachman. *■ J. S. Lawrence, Gunnison, Colo. The experiences of individual anglers are so varied that it would be quite difficult to say with any certainty what particular flies have been used with the greatest success. COLORADO, WYOMING, UTAH, AND IDAHO. 437 My own experience has been that the three kinds of Coachman, viz., Common, Royal, and Leadwing, are superior to all the other flies in taking our mountain trout. About a No. 6 O'Shaughnessy hook is the one I would choose for a season's fishing. A six-foot single leader, with short loops at intervals, is to me the most desir- able one. Of course it is taken for granted that a split bamboo rod is the only satisfactory one to use. f Scarlet Ibis. ttt • I Black Gnat. ( m Wyoming. ^Coachman. { Trout * [ White Moth. Charles P. Hill, Rawlins, Wyo. For my favorite fly I must be guided by the ones I have found the best in our Western waters, and therefore must concede the palm to the " Scarlet Ibis ; " there are other very useful and killing flies, but the Ibis is always good. Black Gnat, Coachman, White Moth, and Professor have also always been killing flies with me, but my cast is incomplete without the Ibis, sometimes as a dropper, but more frequently the stretcher fly. Last season, in fact, on a two weeks' trip, when I first put my rod together at the Three Forks of Snake River, I made my cast as follows, Ibis (stretcher), Miller, and Black Gnat (they were good flies and were on a good leader, and I have the same leader bearing the same flies in my book now, and they seem good for another trip) ; and though I fished daily in Snake River, Slater Creek, and the Savory, and had most excellent success, I did not use anything else. I tried other casts just to see the effect, but while I caught some fish, I had the surest rises and killed more fish with the first mentioned. 438 FAVORITE FLIES. Regarding size of hook, I find the small hook very much the best with us, No. 9 and 10 being my favorite sizes. I think I like the quite light leaders and snells the best, and I don't find the difference in color of much importance. I never was much of an angler until I learned to fish with the fly, and while my companions would talk enthusiastically of the pleas- ures of the rod, I preferred my gun ; but I have since learned (though not to be an expert, by any manner of means) to fish with the fly, and I consider it the most enjoyable sport in the world. Colorado. Trout Flies. Col. P. T. Swaine, U. S. A., Fort Keogh, Mont. My experience in fly-fishing has been confined to four seasons in the mountains of Colorado. Almost any fly named in the popular lists was used, resulting in a selection of the Coachman as a favorite, particularly for morning and evening fishing. In the middle of a bright day I found a Grizzly King a good substitute, and I always used a Brown or Black Hackle with each of these flies. Wyoming. Royal Coachman. Coachman. Professor. Imbrle. ( Black Gnat. -j Trout. Dark Cow Dung. *- White Miller. Montreal, etc. C. S. Farren, Cokeville, Wyo. The best flies for this section, that is, those that I use most fre- quently, are those named in the following list : Royal Coachman, COLORADO, WYOMING, UTAH, AND IDAHO. 439 White Wing Coachman, Professor, Imbrie, Black Gnat, Dark Cow Dung, White Miller, Brown Hen, Dusty Miller, Abbey, Dark Montreal, Gray Drake, Brown Hackle, Ginger Hackle, and Black Hackle. The two Coachmans are my standard flies. I use them at all times, no matter if it is a bright or a dark day, and I always catch trout on them when all others fail. I have fished all day with the plain Coachman for a tail fly, and have only changed it when I wanted to put on a new one. The Royal Coachman is not quite as good as the plain, but I would as soon think of going out after trout with no rod as to go without the two Coachman flies. I have caught the genuine mountain trout here, all I could carry, when other men were fishing beside me with other flies and could not get a rise, and the same thing has happened when fishing for salmon trout. The reason I like the Coachman is that it is a combination of white and dark, and in the Royal Coachman you have the three different shades, light, dark, and red. I use Nos. 1, 2, and 3 Sproat hooks. [ Dark Stone. r Idaho and Utah. < Professor. -j Trout. [ Hackles. *- W. P. Webster, Salt Lake City, Utah. My experience " fishing with the fly " has been mostly in the headwaters of the Snake River in eastern Idaho, and other streams between the Yellowstone Park and southern Utah. If confined to two patterns, I would choose the Dark Stone and Professor. They 440 FAVORITE FLIES. would cover all needs of season and time of day in this section. When fishing in the tributaries of the Gunnison River, in western Colorado, I found a small fly which, described as " pepper and salt " (don't know its name), took better than any other. It is not equal to the two kinds mentioned. In this locality, any fly, salmon-color in appearance, is good. Have found a grasshopper fly with large brown outside and yellow inside wings and blue body, to be very killing. Think a fly of similar description with a scarlet hackle would be a great success. The body to be dark, but rather pale. The wings might range from dark brown to cinnamon. Hook for large flies, Sproat ; for small, sneck Kendall. Leaders and snells, single, light stained. Light gut is strong enough, and not nearly as liable to splinter as the heavy. Have never used short loops, but think they must be good for tail flies. Idaho. Red Hackle. L. C. Eastman, Soda Springs, Idaho. The trout take the fly here until late in November. It is not necessary to pattern after an insect for them. A good stiff wing would help most flies. The Brown Hackle with a red body succeeds here at any time of the day. Hooks should be large No. 2 and No. 3, tied on short strands of mist-colored gut, double at hook. B .AS S FLIE S. ■* ^pMi^k. 263 Made by C.F. ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR ISHTED, PLATE AA. No. 258. Matador. No. 261. Oriole. No. 259. Ondawa. No. 262. Oconomowoc. No. 260. La Belle. No. 263. Polka. No. 258. Matador. This fly was designed by Mr. William J. Cassard, of New York city, and later named by C. F. Orvis the Matador ; i. e., the killer. Its gay, rich dress reminds one of the picturesque matador of the Spanish bull- fights, who is also the triumphant killer. The fly is calculated to be effective for large trout in deep, strong waters, and ought to be taking for black bass. Mr. Cassard has also invented two similar patterns that are excellent bass flies, which he calls the Romany Rye and Romany Ree, both having wings of the black barred feathers of the wood duck, like those of the Matador. No. 259. The Ondawa is a bass fly, to which has been given an old Indian name belonging to a little river in a valley of the Green Mountains. It is an ideal trout stream which can be waded or fished from a boat. It winds and doubles upon itself in never-ending curves. Numberless mountain streams swell its waters, and contribute the fingerlings to grow to vigorous trout in the cool, fern-shaded pools. The river gradually widens and deepens until it joins the Hudson near Schuylers- ville, so famous in Revolutionary times. Many anglers who read these lines will remember restful, dreamlike hours spent drifting down the Ondawa. " Hard's ripples," " the pent bridge," and other pools dear to memory, will once more glimmer and beckon. They will remember, too, the quiet smoke after luncheon, while resting under the shade of the meadow elms, where eyes could wander from mountain to mountain that circle and guard the quiet valley. Later came the ride home, the cool night air fanning our faces, and bringing to us the odor of the willows, balm-o'-Gilead, and roadside mint ; then the welcoming lights, greetings, supper, and a rehearsal of the day's doings. A little girl of thirteen, who was permitted to go on one of these fishing-trips, in her delight wrote the following verses to 442 FAVORITE FLIES. THE LOVELY ONDAWA. Down on the river, The sunshiny river, Down midst the eddies And deep limpid pools, There 's where my heart lies, There 's where the trout rise : I think that 's the place To go fishing, don't you ? As we float down the river, The sunshiny river, By willows and alders That droop as we pass, The fish are a-flashing, The streamlet is dashing : I think that 's the place To go fishing, don't you ? We reach the red bridge, Find the horses in waiting ; We all hurry in, And are off with a rush Up the long road, With the fireflies flashing : I think that 's the place To go fishing, don't you ? No. 260. La Belle. This bass fly was the first made by C. F. Orvis in 1879, and when tried was found to be excellent in some waters for black bass. For a long time the fly had no name, until one day somebody said it " reminded him of a pretty girl in a white muslin dress and a blue sash, it ought to be taking ; " so then and there it was named La Belle. No. 261. The Oriole was invented in 1870, and we quote from Dr. Henshall's book his own description of the origin of the Oriole fly and its name : — THEIR HISTORIES. 443 " The Lord Baltimore fly originated with Professor Mayer, of the Stevens Insti- tute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J. Its formula is as follows : Lord Baltimore : body, orange ; hackle, tail, and wings, black, with small upper wings of jungle-cock. Professor Mayer and I, being natives of Baltimore, and knowing that black and yellow formed a good and taking combination in an artificial fly, each designed, unknown to the other, a fly to embody these colors ; and as they are the heraldic colors of the State of Maryland, and were the heraldic colors of Lord Baltimore, Professor Mayer aptly named his trout fly Lord Baltimore, while I designated my black bass fly the Oriole, from the Baltimore oriole, or hanging-bird, which beautiful songster was named in honor of Lord Baltimore, as its colors were the same as his own, black and orange." Since taking this account from his book, Dr. Henshall has visited Manchester, and one May day, while we were sitting under the old apple-trees, chatting and watching the shadows drift down the mountains and flicker over the sloping fields, a tiny oriole came fluttering by. "When she stopped to swing on the currant bushes near us, I motioned to him to notice, and then said : " I could never understand why our Oriole fly should be made with the canary-yellow wings, as it is." He re- plied : " It should not be made so ; it was not originally." " And yet," I said, " it is now so generally made the other way that I doubt if the fly made with orange, like the color on that bird, would be accepted as the right fly. What can one do about it ? " "I do not know," was the answer ; and this is another illustration of the errors that creep into fly-making and add to the mysteries of fly-nomenclature. The fly depicted in the plate is the one with the yellow wings, being the one better known, and probably the one intended by the several writers who refer to it in their letters. No. 262. The Oconomowoc bass fly was invented by Dr. Henshall in 1872. Its name was the one used by him as his nom cle plume, he having adopted it from a lake near his former home in Wisconsin. No. 263. The Polka. Dr. Henshall writes in his book entitled " More about Black Bass : " — " Each angler will soon adopt a few flies for his own fishing, none of which I may have mentioned, but he will nevertheless continue to use them, and swear by them on all occasions ; and this is one of the glorious privileges of the art of angling. 444 FAVORITE FLIES. "As a father naturally thinks his own children the best, smartest, and hand- somest, I may be pardoned for placing in my list, and strongly recommending as general flies, my Polka, Oriole, Oconomowoc, and Henshall, leaving to others tbe praise or condemnation due them." — Dr. Henshall created the Polka in 1870, and it has been most popular ever since its appearance. 1 sit beneath thee, mountain pine, — I breathe thy balm, I drink thy wine, — Upon the lonely hill. The world lies far beneath my feet ; Again my life is strong and sweet, In regions high and still. I listen to the longed-for hymn, Chanted within thine arches dim, Far up the azure air. Ye subtle murmurs, floating o'er From some far spiritual shore, What messages ye bear ! "What hints of high, immortal things Come floating down on unseen wings, To thrill the heart of care, — To reassure the fainting mind, That saddens, lest it cannot find Worlds that are still more fair ! Ah, when the restless city street Again receives my rested feet, I '11 lift my vested wine ; I '11 listen, in my chamber dim, The low chant of thy far-off hymn, O sacred mountain pine ! And when the springs of life run low, Effort grows feeble, purpose slow, Fill, fill thy chalice up. Again and yet again I '11 stand ; Again and yet again thy hand Shall fill my empty cup. Mary Clemmer. MONTANA. f Coachman. J Professor. « Tamarack " i Grasshopper. [Cheney, etc. J. R. Hofflin {Professor. J. V. Nye. Capt. Harry Reade. C Coachman. William H. De Witt . .... j Brown Hackle. \ Coachman. J Brown Hackle. Lieut. C. A. Devol ..... K Black Gnat [ Deer Fly. [ Coachman, j Royal Coachman. W. W. Adams ....••• ^ Hackles. [ Jungle Cock, etc. Montana. { MONTANA. 447 Coachman. Professor. Grasshopper. Imbrie. J Trout. Cheney. < Captain. White Miller. Mont. or " Tamarack," Missoula, I have often been asked, " What kind of flies do you use ? " What is the best fly to use ? " To answer these questions I must beg leave to spin a yarn, and to tell it in my own language. I have never cast a fly east of the Kocky Mountains, and can speak only of the waters of the Pacific slope. During a residence of ten years in Montana, I had to learn the art of fly-casting, fly and rod making, and nearly all the other essentials to an angler's success. The first fly (?) I ever saw I made myself, and it came about in this way. In October, 1877, while accompanying an expedition to the far West, we marched overland from Corinne, Utah, to Missoula, Montana, a distance of six hundred miles. We were forty-one days on the road, and suf- fered some hardships, including a snow blockade of five days on the main divide of the Rockies, where the thermometer fell from forty above to twenty below zero in twelve hours. For the benefit of those who do not know, I will say that all marches are regulated by wood and water, especially the latter. Our fifth camp was on a beautiful little stream about twenty feet wide, which wound and twisted in nearly all directions in its efforts to reach the Snake River, and from there to the Pacific. As soon as the tents were pitched we rushed to the stream, clear as crystal, for water ; and oh! the beauty of the sight! Trout of all 448 FAVORITE FLIES. sizes, from the two-pounder clown, were literally swarming in a pool. Immediately every one who had a hook and line hunted them up, picked up the first stick he could find for a "pole," and got ready for business ; but there were neither flies nor hoppers to be had. When I was a little boy, I heard my father speak about catching trout with a piece of red flannel. My boyhood recollections stood me in good place. Running to my tent, I got a piece of flannel, tied it on the hook, and made my first cast. An eight-inch trout, spying such a curious object, rapidly slashed and jerked through the water, came to the surface to investigate, and, after following it for a while, made a rush, and the next moment he was high in the air and fell gasping several yards from his native element. By this time the banks of the stream were so crowded with fishermen using salt pork for bait that my " fly " was no longer a success. Casting fat pork was so vigorously carried on that even Idaho trout became shy. I took my trout in one hand, my "fly-rod" in the other, and started to seek quieter waters, where I would not be annoyed with vulgar fishermen and salt pork. Going up stream about one hundred and fifty yards, I came to where a bunch of alders had been uprooted by a freshet and had fallen into the water, but still held by their roots to the bank. This made an eddy in the stream, and below the bushes it was smooth. I could see clearly to the bottom, and what a sight ! At least two dozen large trout were quietly swimming about, eager for anything in the shape of food, except my red flannel, and no amount of skillful or scientific casting would induce a strike. My better half, having joined me, suggested cutting up my fish for bait. I did so, and in less than half an hour I had fourteen trout, ran- ging in weight from one to two pounds, strung on a forked willow, MONTANA. 449 and we inarched back to camp, where we soon became the centre of attraction and the envy of all the other fishermen, — we having caught three times the number that all the others had. The fish were soon dressed, and as the aroma of fried trout and bacon floated on the evening breeze I had many anxious looks cast towards my table (on the ground) ; but as my own mess numbered eight persons I did not issue any invitations. Many were the pipes of navy plug that I quietly smoked that night before retiring, and why ? I had suddenly tasted the joy of fishing with the fly. After having learned to tie a fly, I turned my attention to rig- ging up a pole. We arrived at our destination, Missoula, Montana, November 14, 1877. That country was then the sportsman's paradise, but winter had already set in, and I was interested in deer-hunting. Daring my tramps in the Bitter Root Mountains I found just what I wanted for a pole, already made, in the young fir and tamarack which grow in the coulees high up in the mountains as thick as cane otows in the South, and in size from an inch to an inch and a half in diameter at the ground, growing straight as an arrow, and with a beautiful taper, from twelve to twenty feet high. Here was my ideal pole, just what I wanted. I selected one about eighteen feet in length, and after smoothing it nicely I laid it up for the winter. When spring came I put on the mountings, which consisted of the smallest screw-eyes I could get, for guides. These I placed about eighteen inches apart, screwed into the pole. A twisted wire loop, firmly lashed on, served me well for a tip ; and when the reel plate was attached with two screws on each side, and firmly wrapped with waxed thread, my pole was ready for work. 450 FAVORITE FLIES. My first fly having proved a success only once, I began to study how to improve on it. When the snow melted in the spring, I found a great many wild-goose feathers scattered around, and these I took and made into flies. I sent to New York and got a box of long-shanked bass hooks, and soon had a dozen beautiful (?) flies tied and laid carefully away, ready to use as soon as the ice went out of the river. For the benefit of the beginner I will briefly describe them : wings, gray goose ; body, blue steel (hook) ; head, yellow silk about the size of a pea, but the size depended upon the obstinacy of the feathers, which persisted in slipping up and down. The more they slipped, the more wrapping I applied. When the fly was completed it could be seen a hundred yards ; and why not ? Did n't I want the trout to see it, or how was I going to catch them ? Name and origin of this fly was never published. The ice went out of the river at last, and with fifty yards of braided silk bass line (formerly used when bass fishing in Kentucky) and my Frankfort reel I went a-fishing. Talk about long casts ! With a pole of eighteen feet, and twenty-four feet of line reeled off, I would stand upon a sandbar, revolve my pole at arm's length over my head until my fly made a noise like a quail rising from a brier thicket, and launch forth. The fly would strike the water from forty to fifty feet away, with a splash and splutter equal to that made by a wounded duck. I labored with a zeal worthy of better success for two or three hours without a rise, and then went home firmly convinced that either there were no trout in the river, or else the season was too early and they were chilled too badly to rise. It did not take me long, however, to find out that the fault lay MONTANA. 451 in my flies. A local dealer having received a supply of flies (the first that I had ever seen) from San Francisco, I bought nearly all he had, choosing the gaudiest and most attractive, and from that time I had no trouble, but met with good success. Now, a word about my eighteen-foot tamarack. I continued to use it nearly all summer, until it became very dry and brittle. It did me good service (at the expense of muscle), until one day in making an extra long cast the line caught in a bush ; the pole was broken in three pieces, and fell a total wreck behind me. This is no made-up tale, but a true story of my first fly-rod. With it I caught more and larger trout than falls to the lot of a great many 4£ and 5 ounce split-bamboo devotees ever to see. Yes, and I used it with a No. 3 Frankfort, Ky., reel. I used this reel for ten years in Montana and Dakota, and will never use any other. A jovial friend of mine calls it a " nail keg," but that is because he never used it ; to do so would soon convince him (?) that for all purposes there are none better. Kid glove and 4£ oz. ryestraw anglers I am not writing for, neither do I want them to agree with me. When a man is so effeminate as to use such light rods, and then worry the rod-maker for something lighter, he had better stay at home. The trout stream is unhealthy for him. Having some idea of jointed rods, from seeing cuts of them in catalogues, I procured a few tools and started in to make a fly-rod. No more "poles" now. From the bottom of an old boiler I got a piece of sheet-copper, and from this, with the assistance of a black- smith, I made two single ferrules, one four and the other three inches long, the larger three quarters, and the smaller half an inch in diameter. The next thing was to find suitable wood for my rod. It must be remembered that no hard wood of any kind grows in that 452 FAVORITE FLIES. country (Montana), and at the time I am writing about everything had to be freighted by wagon five hundred miles. Hickory wood was retailing at twenty cents per pound, but with the assistance of an ash-fork handle and two whipstocks I made a rod which I thought was quite a success ; but I had not quite gotten over my idea as to length, and this rod was about sixteen feet long. It was not equal to my tamarack, and I soon found out that it was not a success. I made another, using the metal connecting parts of a jointed gun rod which screwed together in the place of ferrules. I soon tired of this ; it was too limber. By writing to dealers, I found out that I could purchase mount- ings of all kinds, which I did ; and from that time on, I went into the rod business, using ash and hickory and with stronger ferrules of German silver. I worked down to as low as 12 ounces in weight and 10^ feet in length. As I became educated in rod-making, I cast about for lighter material than hickory, but it proved a failure. I finally wanted something better than I could make, and sent East and got a very fine split bamboo. Oh ! it was a beauty, but it had one fault : the reel seat was below the hand, and my " nail keg " would not work in that way. I sold it (the rod) and went to ash and hickory, which for rough use, in my estimation, stands at the head of all woods except pecan, and that is superior to hickory in not warping. I once struck and landed two three-pound trout at once, in a very strong current, where the banks were abrupt and bushy, and this without a landing-net. I could give many instances of this kind, and of others where large trout were hooked and had to be held until tired out, where the giving of as much as two feet of line would have been the loss of the fish, and my hickory rods, although not so beautiful in finish nor so elegant in taper, never MONTANA. 453 once failed me. I never had a rod broken by a fish except once, and that rod was made for me by a very expert carpenter, and he put it together with dowels. So much for dowels. I would not accept a doweled rod as a gift. As regards the kind of flies suited for the waters of the Pacific slope, my experience covers a long period, and all kinds of weather, light and shade, from daylight to dark, and no doubt differs from that of others. I have had some men advise dark flies, and have seen others have good success with them, but I always preferred those of a light color, and for the best of reasons, — success. They are more attractive in all kinds of weather and water, present more the appearance of the natural insects of the country, especially the grasshopper, which is the most killing bait that was ever cast on the Western water-shed. Of my favorite flies, and the only ones that nearly always proved successful (and I have tried them nearly all), I will mention Coachmans, Professors, Grasshopper, Imbrie, Cheney, Captain, and White Miller. Of course there are many others that I have used, and with good success, but for all purposes I prefer the Coachmans and Professors, with reversed wings. I once had a very large trout, in a swirl, quietly take my stretcher, and then my dropper, which was a Royal Coachman, was taken with a rush, and I landed him with both flies fast. In regard to size of flies, experience also proves that both the very large or very small should be avoided. Very small flies will fill your creel with small fish, while very large ones will send you to camp with it empty. With medium-sized flies I have always caught my largest fish ; and when flies failed, I was not beyond the use of hoppers, bugs, or other substitutes. Casting on lines, or leaders and snells, are much better colored, 454 FAVORITE FLIES. but not too dark. Should be of good single gut. Leaders of six feet and snells six inches are about the proper lengths. A cast of two flies, rarely three, have always been my preference. Long snells, or too many of them, are apt to get snarled with the leader, or caught in the bush. Long snells caused the wreck of my tam- arack. Do not use double or twisted leaders for trout. Medium-sized gut is strong enough, and if you should happen to get fastened some time in a deep rapid current, better lose a part than your entire cast by having your line break instead of snell or leader. Montana. Professor. Trout. J. K, Hofflin, Minneapolis, Minn. One year ago I had the pleasure of spending three weeks with an old Indian scout and trapper, Jack V. Nye, fishing and shooting along the Yellowstone, Rosebud, and Stillwater rivers, Yellowstone County, Montana. His success was so marked and great in catch- ing handsome trout that when your letter came I forwarded the same to him. Inclosed find his reply. J. V. Nye, Nye City, Mont. Some of your questions will be very hard for me to answer, espe- cially those regarding the size of the hook, although I know what kind of a hook I want for trout, but do not know the number of it ; so I will send you some of my favorite flies, showing the sizes and kinds I use here in Montana. I believe they are all well known MONTANA. 455 with the exception of one, — the Yellowstone trout fly ; it takes this name because it looks very much like a fly that we have here in June and July, 1 I always use light-colored single snells. I never use gaudy flies. Of the six dozen flies in my fly-book, you will not find a red or a white fly. I use the light flies early in the morning and evening, and the dark flies when it is bright. The fly inclosed was a Professor, tied on No. 7 hook. BASS FLIES.- H.SraSey Cd.IJL Made by C.F. ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR I G H TE D. PLATE BB. No. 264. Marston. No. 267. Lake George. No. 265. Manchester. No. 268. Max Von Dem Borne. No. 266. Horicon. No. 269. Munro. No. 264. The Marston bass fly was designed by C. F. Orvis, and named by Mr. A. N. Cheney after his friend, the editor of " The London Fishing Gazette," Mr. Robert B. Marston, in consequence of his interest in black bass fishing, and his endeavors to introduce these fish into the waters suited to them in Great Britain. Mr. Marston deserves the gratitude of the entire angling fraternity on this side of the Atlantic for his unvarying kindness and courtesy extended to them. He has always shown a cheerful readiness to be of assistance or to welcome friendly ad- vances, and has probably done more than any other to promote a cordial feeling of interest and friendship between the anglers of the two countries. No. 265. Manchester. " Only a little village street Lying along a mountain's side. I know not, then, why it should bring Into my eyes such sudden tears. But unto the mountain's sheltering The little village seems to cling, As child, all unaware of fears, Unconscious that it is caressed, In perfect peace and perfect rest, Upon its mother's breast." Back in the year 1761, Benning Wentworth, governor of the province of New Hampshire, granted a charter which read as follows : — 458 FAVORITE FLIES. Province of New Hampshire, George the Third, By Grace of God, Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith. To all whom these presents shall come : Greeting. Know ye that we, of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, for the due encouragement of our truly well-heloved Benning Wentworth, Esq., our Governor and Commander-in-chief of our said province of New Hampshire, in New England, and of our council of our said province : Have, upon the considerations and reservations here-in-after made, given and granted, and by these presents our heirs and successors do give and grant in equal shares, unto our other governments, and to their heirs and assigns forever, whose names are entered upon this grant, to be divided among them into sev- enty equal shares : all the tract and parcel of land situate, lying and being within the said province of New Hampshire, containing by admeasurement twenty-three thousand acres ; which tract is to contain six square miles and no more, . . . butted and bounded as follows : At the northwest corner of Arlington, from thence due north by Sandgate, six miles ; thence due east six miles ; from thence due south six miles to the northwest corner of Sunderland ; from thence due west by Sunderland aforesaid; being the bounds began at, — and that same to be, and hereby is incorporated into a township by the name of Manchester. This stately document was the beginning of Manchester, destined to be famous in history, but as yet never more than " a little village street." A party of ex- plorers on their way to Salem, N. Y., were attracted by old Equnnuck, — now meta- morphosed from its Indian naming and modernized into Equinox, — and climbed to its summit from the New York side. Thence they looked down upon the quiet valley, and it was beautiful to their eyes ; so these men from Amenia sought pos- session of the " New Hampshire Grants," which had been so cheerfully conceded by Governor Wentworth, but their ownership was afterward disputed by claimants from the State of New York. Some of the owners from Amenia came with their families, and were soon after followed by the English Puritans from the Connecti- cut Valley, — sturdy farmers, strong in mind and body, and grave and courteous in demeanor. These people were disposed to pursue their own way peacefully, till the soil, and people the land ; for, as one old writer quaintly says of them, " they were wise, strong men, and very prolific." But the aggressions of the New York ■ &**«?£«! ■■•..•"■'■•.. ;■>■■;■ . •:-il::.>!.?;y: , :: 4 -';^.' ! '^-f?^ THEIR HISTORIES. 459 " land-jobbers," as the New York contestants were called, compelled these settlers to organize means of defense, and the organization so created was known as " the Green Mountain Boys," of which Ethan Allen was colonel. The story of their early struggles is an interesting one, full of self-denial, determination, and bravery. In time the New Hampshire Grants were called Vermont, from verd mont, in refer- ence to its rolling mountains of green. The news from Ticonderoga and other battle-grounds of the Revolution became alarming, and a " Council of Safety " was appointed to meet at Manchester. Ira Allen, the youngest member of the council, proposed the enlistment of a full regiment. The older members declared it impos- sible without funds, but gave him until the next day to perfect a plan for the same. He then solved the problem by suggesting that they seize and confiscate Tory estates for the general welfare. This measure was approved and executed. The Tories were not so numerous in Manchester as in some of the neighboring towns, but all were driven forth into Canada, and only the loyal allowed to remain. Manchester village was the rendezvous for troops, and the meeting-place for the commissioners ; thence they went forth to the struggle that ended in establishing independence. The place has ever since been peculiarly American. There is no large industry to bring into Manchester foreign elements. To-day one will hear in the post-office and village store the same old names that occur in the original organization of the town ; and though he may have been for long years a wan- derer from the ingleside he first knew, when he returns he will recognize the faces of the sons and daughters, though their fathers and mothers may be resting in beautiful Dellwood, that last earthly abiding-place of these homefolk. It is a good place " to come back to." We all feel this, and, realizing that we shall find it ever the same, our hearts turn towards it amid changes, and in times of trouble or weariness, and we remember thankfully that the old trees will wave a welcome, the mountains will steadfastly guard this " fair countrie," and that where their shadows reach we may find a resting-place. This little fly is only a reminder ; the yellow and the green only an emblem of the sunshine that is ever flickering through these peaceful shades. No. 266. Many years ago, Mr. A. N. Cheney gave to us a fly which he said was at one time believed to be the only fly that would take black bass in Lake George, N. Y., but that other patterns have since been found effective there. After this the fly was occasionally made and used, and to identify it we called it " the 460 FAVORITE FLIES. Lake George fly ; " but having learned later that two other flies claim the name, we must relinquish it in connection with this fly. But Lake George has other and older names, and we feel at liberty to continue the connection by one of these. Lake St. Sacrament was the name given to it by the Pope and tbe French nation, but Horicon is the old Indian name, meaning " pure water." It is the name we like best, and it rightfully belongs to the lovely lake. Cooper, in his fascinating tales, has created for it a halo of romance, and so we will call this old fly of Lake George by the waters' old appellation, Horicon. Reference will be found to this fly in the letter from Mr. Jeptha Dunlap. No. 267. This Lake George fly is one of the rightful claimants to the name, and has many of the merits of the Parmacheene Belle. It was designed and named by Mr. John Shields. No. 268. Count Mas von dem Borne, of Germany, author of the celebrated treatise on fish culture, entitled " Fischzucht," tied the original of this fly, and sent a copy of it to this country, saying that he had had with it much success. Mr. C. F. Orvis therefore placed it in the list of good bass flies, believing that black bass, by going abroad, are not likely to change their tastes and habits, as are some of the more vacillating members of the human race. No. 269. Mr. Julius P. Bucke, the inventor of the Munro, recommends it in his letter on Canadian fishing. MONTANA. 461 Montana. Brown Hackle. Capt. Harey Kjeade, Fort Shaw, Mont. During my very brief experience in trout fishing in the vicinity of Fort Missoula, Mont., I found the Brown Hackle to be the most effective. Montana. { BrownTackle. { Trout William H. DeWitt. Helena, Mont. It is a pleasure to reply to your letter, and give you some infor- mation upon fly-fishing in Montana waters, — information gleaned from a considerable experience in that most charming sport vouch- safed to office-tired mortals. As to the favorite or effective flies, I have always held that there is a thousand per cent, more in the manipulation than in the con- struction. Make a long cast, drop the flies gently, do not let the trout know that you are in the same county, and your success is nine tenths secured. I will agree to give a " chump " every fly in the market, and I will beat him all day, casting, without change, a gang of three Brown Hackles, or Coachman, sixty or seventy feet, at any season or in any water. It is infinitely more important that the flies drop upon the water, " Softer Than petals from blown roses on the grass," than that colors or styles be observed. The notion of ascertaining the trout's taste for flies by dissecting his stomach, or of following the color of the natural flies in the atmosphere, is absolute non- sense. As an illustration, I have filled my creel in the winter, in a partly frozen stream, casting flies off an ice floe, when there was not a live fly nearer than Florida. 462 FAVORITE FLIES. One is amply supplied in these waters if his book contains three Hackles, Black Gnat, Professor, Coachman, Royal Coachman, and Cow Dung ; also the Jungle Cock attachment. I find that the shank of the hook covered with red or green wound with gilt thread is very effective. There are many flies brought out every season similar to the above, with slight variations and new names. They are good, and good because they resemble those mentioned. The so-called " fluttering fly " is a thorough failure. I have cast the flutterer and straight fly in one gang, the latter doing all the execution, and the former as lonesome as Republicans in " Precinct 34," in the recent election. Its motion is jerky. Neither motion nor appearance resembles nature, and it always looks like the parrot after his historical interview with the monkey. I as emphatically condemn the flies, recently placed upon the market, made in the verisimilitude of flies and insects. They are a thing of beauty upon the dealer's card, and attractive to an ama- teur buyer ; but three or four casts make hotchpotch of them, and excite the ridicule of a crafty, four-year-old trout who has been snapping up grasshoppers for three seasons. The only testimony I can give as to time of day and season is, that lighter flies should be used on dark days, and at early and late hours, and in cloudy water, and the darker ones in clear water and under bright skies. This distinction, however, I do not regard as of great importance. I go back to the principle of the motion, and not the color. Another important matter is your day. It should be bright and sunny, the water clear, and the stream falling, or at least stationary. On a cloudy day, with rain falling or threatening, and the stream swollen, even though the water be clear, stay at home. MONTANA. 463 The selection of the season follows the same rules as that of the day. Some time in February the streams break up ; the snow in the valleys runs off and carries out the ice. The water soon falling, there is fine fly-fishing from the middle of March to the middle of May. At that date, or from then to the first of June, commences the " June rise." The warmer suns attack the heavy accumulations of snow in the mountains and in deep canons and shaded gulches, and the country is flooded for a month or six weeks, and fly-fishing is a suspended art. By the first of July the conditions are favor- able, and remain so until ice closes the streams. The dates are, of course, approximate. Seasons vary. But the fisherman cannot miss it if he comes in April, or any time after July 1st. The law does not limit the season. You may cast your flies in January or July. I speak of these conditions, times, and seasons as to the moun- tain trout of Montana only. The requirements are quite different, I believe, with the speckled brook trout, the Salmo fontinalis of the Eastern waters. And, in passing, I would thank some one to refer me to a classifi- cation of the Montana trout. I have never seen one. The Salmo fontinalis, found east of the Mississippi River, I do not believe lives in this State. I have landed thousands of trout, and have fished the waters of every county of Montana, and have never found the brook trout of the East. Nor does our trout answer the description given in the United States Fish Commissioner's reports of the Salmo pupuratus or the Salmo irideus. That is popu- larly and locally called the mountain trout, and to be ichthyological and Latin we will call him Salmo montanus. Even with this clas- sification and name there are a half dozen varieties of the species, 464: FAVORITE FLIES. differing in proportions and markings. For instance, I have seen a trout as long as my forearm outweigh one the length of my whole arm. Last season I saw Hon. J. B. Clayberg, Attorney-General, land a salmon trout thirty inches long, weighing three and a half pounds. It was as thin as the fat woman's husband in a dime museum. The mountain trout has not the brilliant carmine and blue spots of the brook trout. His spots are all black : sometimes irregular in shape, like sprinkled pepper, in large sizes; sometimes perfectly round. They are found on the fins and tail as well as on the body, and are generally distributed from gill to tail. Occasionally the sides are clear, and nearly all the spots are crowded into the space from anal fin to tip of tail. In the latter variety the meat is inclined to the salmon-pink color. Ordinarily it is white. Such are the general characteristics of, and variations in, the mountain trout. Both as a game fish and a table delicacy he is not the equal of his Adirondack brother. You inquire as to leaders and snells. The necessary qualities of a leader are strength and invisibility. Its use is to prevent the trout from observing the connection between the fly and the fisher- man. Answering your questions as you put them, the leader should be as light in weight as is consistent with holding your fish. One familiar with the water he is working on knows about the weight of the fish he will hook. Let him test his leader with his pocket scales. A mist leader is less visible than a clear one. The latter is too much of a reflector of the sun's rays. On the same ground of invisibility, select a single leader or snell in preference to one twisted or double, and also take the long strands to avoid the visibleness of frequent knots. Leaders made of the qualities I MONTANA. 465 describe possess sufficient strength for all uses in our streams. A double leader is an abomination. Avoid them as the professional fly-flirter hates a bait-fishing chump. I learned the " divine art " of fly-casting on Pennsylvania and New York waters, and for the Salmo fontinalis, the king of the Salmonidce. The Montanus does not rank with his Eastern rela- tive, but he is of a family of princes, and wears his purple royally in the dancing waters and pitching cataracts of his Rocky Mountain kingdom. He who hath no fish lore in his mind and no fish love in his soul " Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils ; The motions of his spirit are chill as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted." Fit out your friend, next season, with a seven-ounce bamboo and the accoutrements as I have indicated ; send him to the Blackf oot, Flathead, Thompson, Upper Yellowstone rivers, or any one of a hundred others in this Rocky Mountain region ; and he will go home a better, greater, and nobler man for all time. Coachman. Montana. J grown Hackle. -Black Gnat. Deer Fly. Lieut. C. A. Devol, Fort Missoula, Mont. The best all-round flies for these streams are the Coachman and Brown Hackle. In the Little Blackfoot, which has not been much fished, these two flies will kill all day, and nearly as fast as casts can be made. 4:66 FAVORITE FLIES. I have caught fifty-five fish in about two hours, averaging nearly a pound each, without moving more than two or three rods down stream. In the Bitter Root River, on whose banks the post is located, the fish are more wary, and a greater variety of flies is needed, the Black Gnat proving very good in the early season. Later on, and especially towards evening, when the fish are jumping at the small gray millers that hover over the water, I have taken many fine trout on a fly with a green body, name unknown to me. I have tried the White Miller and Gray Hackle under the same circumstances, but neither seems to tempt them as does the small fly I have referred to. The Professor I have found good occasionally, but not often. The Bee, too, has been a failure as far as my efforts are concerned. The use of a great variety of flies is apt to reduce the catch, in my opinion, instead of increasing it, as one is continually tempted to change flies after a short trial, whereas a little patience with the fly in use may be all that is needed, and every change and experi- ment uses up a good deal of time. I think that a half dozen flies to resemble the species generally, if adopted, would be a good thing in the end. I have no theories about the shape of hooks ; the ordinary hook, No. 6, has proven satisfactory. In regard to the snell, I think clear is good enough ; don't think the fish ever notice it. I prefer it single. I use the ordinary three-foot leader, single, with two droppers. MONTANA. 467 Montana. Trout Flies. W. W. Adams, Phillipsburg, Mont. For all-round work the following are standard for this vicinity : Coachman. Professor. Royal Coachman. Gray Alder. Brown Hackle. Queen of the Water. Gray Hackle. Black Gnat. Jungle Cock. A selection with various colored bodies, but always the spotted wing, Grizzly King. With these in my book, I would be prepared to catch a good basket in any part of Montana or Idaho. The past season, my most killing flies were the Queen of the Water and a Jungle Cock, spotted wing and yellow body. I had very fine luck with some flies made to represent the horse fly. Trout are very plenty, game, and full of fight, and the care neces- sary in my Maine home to catch a few is not required here. The hook in common use is the Sproat. It is my favorite, and although I have tried other shapes, have always got back to Sproat. I will now stay there. Our streams are very rapid, and make the use of large-size gut absolutely necessary. Good fly-fishermen do not use double gut at all here, but heavy single gut. I speak of trout, not of salmon trout. A light stain, in my opinion, is a decided improvement. As the trout run large, pounds are common. I use No. 6 Sproat. Next spring, I intend to send you an insect we call here the salmon fly. It is a most killing bait, and it ought to make a very successful fly. BASS FLIE S Made by C.F. ORVIS, Manchester, Vt CO PYR I G H TED. PLATE CC. No. 270. Lake Edward. No. 273. Mather. No. 271. Massasaga. No. 274. Owner. No. 272. Frank Gray. No. 275. McCloud. Nos. 270 and 271. Mr. Walter Greaves, of Ottawa, in his clear and com- prehensive letter regarding the best flies for Canadian waters, tells of two flies of his own invention, which he has named the Lake Edward and Massasaga, after the localities where they have been most successful. No. 272. Mr. C. L. Valentine, of Wisconsin, writes of the origin and name of the Frank Gray, and its efficiency for wall-eyed pike. No. 273. The Mather was made by C F. Orvis, several years ago, and named by Mr. A. N. Cheney in compliment to his popular friend, Mr. Fred Mather. Some one, in speaking of Mr. Mather recently, said that he was " really one of the most accurate scientists we have in this country, for what he knew he had learned with his own eyes, and thought upon with a clear, strong mind." The only trouble is, that he will not write freely of all he knows, and benefit others by his knowledge and observations, though occasionally he gratifies his friends with lucid papers, abounding in a strong sense of the humorous. Mr. Mather is cele- brated for his success in fish culture and transportation. He was for a long time editor of the fishing department of " The Forest and Stream," associated on that paper with Mr. Charles B. Reynolds, who is another careful student and delightful writer. No. 274. Mr. J. S. Owner, of Hagerstown, Md., writes, giving descrip- tion of the Owner, or Red Guinea, and adds : " It originated with me in 1885, and for two summers it was a very successful fly. Then it seemed to give way to the great variety, principally all black, like the Silver Black, or white, as the Parmacheene Belle or Coachman. In the years that the Owner was popular, I remember that the waters of the Potomac were very low and clear. Fishing, for 170 FAVORITE FLIES. that reason, was better early and late : at daylight to eight or nine A. M., and from four P. M. till dark ; even after dark, if there were a full moon, clear sky, and clear, low water. I, with a companion, fished one night until half past ten, not having caught a fish until it was dark. The position we occupied was on the walls of an old fish-pot, at the head of a long reach of deep water, the water within the fish- pot being about two feet deep, and with clear, pebbly or rocky bottom. The flies were hardly ever laid out, but they were taken by one and frequently two fish, all of good size, from one to three pounds. At 10.30 p. m. we had all we could carry, and stopped." No. 275. The McCloud was made by C. F. Orvis, in 1879, and named by Mr. Horace D. Dunn, of San Francisco, who thought it would be successful on the Californian river of that name. The fly has sometimes been called the McLeod, but it should properly be spelled as is the name of the river. The hills were brown, the heavens blue, A woodpecker pounded a pine-top shell, While a partridge whistled the whole day through For a rabbit to dance in the chaparral, And a gray grouse drumm'd, " All 's well, all 's well." WASHINGTON. C. E. Newton , J. O. Bingham , Robert Frost . John P. Tweed. f Professor. < Coachman. [ Brown Hackle. Coachman. Professor. Scarlet Ibis. Hackles, etc. {Brown Hackle. Coachman. Professor. Col. J. G. C. Lee « Curtis. Lord Baltimore. Black Gnat. Professor, etc. WASHINGTON. 473 C Professor. , Washington. < Coachman. < Trout. [ Brown Hackle. *- C. E. Newton, Spokane Falls, Wash. My experience has been that the Professor, the Brown Hackle, and the Coachman are the best flies here at all seasons of the year. I find our trout bite all of them well. I would like to suggest a fly that would be taking in August and September. It is on about a No. 10 hook, with drab wings, with white lining and yellow body. I do not know what you would call it. My experience has been that the fly makes very little difference. It is the way that it is thrown and handled that makes the suc- cessful fisherman. Many fishermen (so called) might try every fly known to the fraternity and would have no success. There is more in knowing the habits of the fish, and the most enticing way to handle the lure to induce a trout to take it, particularly if the fish be one of those wary fellows that is suspicious of every- thing. Any old hunter knows there are plenty of old suspicious bucks in the woods that no ordinary hunting will capture. You have got to invent new tricks to get them within gunshot. Just so with a trout. I have followed a stream a mile behind three or four other fishermen, and my basket at night would contain the most pounds, if not the most in number. I have very little faith in changing flies, but have a great deal in changing position and throwing a fly from the most natural point, and making it act as much like a natural fly as possible. A wild trout has a vora- cious nature, and unless he has been hooked or frightened, any moving object in the water attracts his attention, and he is just as liable to jump at a Black Gnat as he would at a salmon fly or any other fly. There is much more in throwing your fly than there is 474 FAVORITE FLIES. in the selection of it, and to be a successful fisherman a man needs to study the habits of the fish. There are hours of the day when you cannot induce a trout to jump at a fly. In this country, it is next to impossible to catch trout with any success in the light of the moon, as fish then feed at night. The most sport I have ever had fishing was catching trout by moonlight. When fish feed nights, which is quite common, you can do better in two hours than all day over the same ground by daylight. If you are skeptical, try it. My word for it, you will be pleased at your success. Use only a very light-colored fly. A Coachman is good. As to snells, make them as near the color of the water as possible. Hooks are optional with the fisherman. I like both the Limerick and the sneck hooks. I write this at your request, not because I wish to obtrude any opinions or theories of my own upon you. I have done a great deal of fishing, and what I have written you is my personal knowledge and my own success in the matter. If this is of any value to you, use it as you see fit. Washington. Coachman. Professor. /■ Brown Hackle. -] Trout. Red Hackle. <■ Scarlet Ibis. J. O. Bingham, Spokane Falls, Wash. My favorite flies are, Coachman, Professor, Brown Hackle, Red Hackle, Scarlet Ibis, about in the order named; Coachman and Professor in the morning, and the others for evening fishing on the lakes ; Scarlet Ibis and Red Hackle on the river any time during the day, morning or evening. The latter is always the best time WASHINGTON. 475 for fishing in this country, say from six p. m. until quite dark. The most striking instance of the superiority of above flies that I can recall is a trip taken by eight of us on Lake Cceur d'Alene last summer, in July (late). Four took one bay with two boats, and the other four another, also with two boats. The other boys used some " mongrel " flies, with a few Coachmans and Professors among the lot, and in eight hours took something like fifty trout. We used the above flies almost exclusively, and caught in the same time something over four hundred and eighty trout, averaging at least one pound each, and probably much more. Some of them weighed six and seven pounds, and we kept none shorter than about eight inches. f Hackles. , Washington. < Coachman. ■] Trout. [ Professor. *• John P. M. Richards, Spokane Falls, Wash. I would state, as the result of my own experience, as well as that of friends, that the flies which take the most trout here are Red and Brown Hackle, Coachman, and Professor. In the Spokane River and lakes in the vicinity, June and July are the best months, and after sunset the best time of the day. On the large lakes, such as Pond d'Oreille and Cceur d'Alene, late in the season, the most killing bait is a small kidney spoon. I would remark that during all the season trout will take a natural grasshopper before any fly (artificial). For snells, I find the best are smoke-colored, heavy and double. 476 FAVORITE FLIES. [ Brown Hackle. ( - Washington. ■{ Coachman. < Trout. [ Professor. *- Robert Frost, Olympia, "Wash. I seldom go out with more than four kinds of flies, viz., Brown Hackle, peacock body, Brown Hackle, red body, Coachman, and Professor ; these are good all the year round in this State. If I were to add any to them, it would be the Governor, Royal Coach- man, and Cow Dung fly. These may not suit the Eastern States, but I will guarantee they are good in all parts of the Northwest. The sizes are No. 4 and No. 6. Washington. Trout Flies. John P. Tweed, Olympia, Wash. My favorite flies, among those best known, are the Coachman, Royal Coachman, Brown Hackle, red body, White Miller, Black Gnat, and a fly similar, but with a red silk winding and red tag in wing. Dark flies should be used at the first of the season and on bright days ; light colors on dark days and evenings. Larger flies are used than in the East, about No. 5 or No. 6. Snells should be just tinged to destroy their glitter, and with strength just sufficient to give way before the leader will part. WASHINGTON. 477 Washington. Col. J. G. C. Lee, U. S. A., ' Curtis. Lord Baltimore. ■{ Brown Hackle. Black Gnat. Professor. Vancouver Barracks, Wash. The foregoing list of flies comprises all my favorites. I have had great sport with the Curtis and Lord Baltimore flies. I always use small double hooks, with clear, light, strong single gut, and long loops. *• BASS FLIE S. Made by C.F. ORYIS, Manchester^. CO PYR I G H TE D. PLATE DD. No. 276. Scarlet Ibis. No. 279. Toodle-bug. No. 277. Parker. No. 280. Read. No. 278. Raven. No. 281. Premier. No. 276. There are many Scarlet Ibis flies, named after the bird supplying the feathers that form their chief feature. The Scarlet Ibis shown in the plate is a favorite of C. F. Orvis, and was first made by him in 1878. The feathers of the ibis are of constant value to the fly-maker, and enter into the composition of nearly half the patterns. The peculiar red is the natural color of the feathers furnished by a bird whose entire plumage is of this brilliant hue, except the tips of the wings, which are a blue-black. The red ibis (Ibis ruber) is found in tropical America, chiefly Brazil, where it lives in the marshy districts in the vicinity of the estuaries. The young are at first covered with a blackish down, which gradually turns gray, and then becomes almost white ; at this time they begin to fly. When about two years old, the red makes its appearance, the feathers becoming more and more brilliant as the birds grow older. "When ready for the fly-maker's use, all trace of the gray or white has disappeared. There is a great choice in the skins imported ; only those of the older, more brilliant birds being desirable. It is often erroneously supposed that the ibis from which these feathers are obtained is the bird known as the " sacred ibis " of the Egyptians, which was regarded by that people almost with adoration, and after death was reverently embalmed. Historians differ as to the origin of the respect felt for this bird ; some attributing it to its devouring the serpents which would otherwise have multiplied to a distressing extent ; others to a tradition ascribing some connection between its plumage and the moon's phases ; but the generally received opinion is, that the appearance of the ibis announced the overflow of the Nile. To kill one of these birds, by accident or otherwise, was considered a capital offense, and the punish- ment was so severe that it would indicate a more cogent, deeper reason for their careful protection, and suggest that they were cherished because of some theory in connection with the Egyptian belief in the transmigration of souls. The prettiest fancy connected with the ibis of the Nile was, that it is symbolic. 480 FAVORITE FLIES. because " it has the shape of a heart, and its feathers are black at the extremities, but white elsewhere, to indicate that truth is dark outwardly, but clear within." The white ibis of Florida is similar to the Egyptian ibis, and its feathers are often used as a substitute for swan's feathers. No. 277. The origin and naming of the Parker is given by Mr. W. P. Andrus, in his letter in the Minnesota and Wisconsin division. No. 278. The Raven is a black bass fly much liked by the fishermen of La Crosse, Wis. From its success in that vicinity, it is becoming known and used by fishermen in other localities. No. 279. The Toodle-bug, or Katoodle-bug, for it is known by either name, is the invention of Myron Whitney, formerly living in Upton, Maine. One of his friends writes of him, " He was a guide for many years at the Rangeleys, and understood the cravings of the finny tribe, and could place a fly on the water in a long cast as well as any man I ever saw." The same writer recommends highly the Katoodle-bug, saying that " at the Rangeleys it would often do the work when others would fail." The fly is also much used for black bass. No. 280. The Read is another favorite for black bass fishing in Wisconsin, and is named after Mr. George Read, a resident of La Crosse. No. 281. The Premier is one of C. F. Orvis's patterns, named in 1878 by his brother, Mr. L. C. Orvis, because its colors were the same as those in the robes of state worn by the Prime Minister of England. It has always been a most impor- tant fly for black bass. Thou bring'st me back the halcyon clays Of grateful rest, the week of leisure, The journey lapped in autumn haze, The sweet fatigue that seemed a pleasure, The morning ride, the noonday halt, The blazing slopes, the red dust rising, And then the dim, brown-columned vault, With its cool, damp sepulchral spicing. Once more I see the rocking masts That scrape the sky, their only tenant The jay-bird, that in frolic casts From some high yard his broad blue pennant. I see the Indian files that keep Their places in the dusty hether, Their red trunks standing ankle-deep In moccasins of rusty leather. Bret Harte. From On a Cone of the Big Trees. CALIFORNIA. Ramon E. Wilson E. F. Pettengill G. E. Davis St. Charles A. Biederman Willard Gray. Wilson Ant. Bicknell Fly. Beans Fly. Shain Fly, etc. Gray Drake. Green Drake. Royal Coachman. White Miller. Caddis. Black Gnat. ■{ White Miller. | Royal Coachman. ^ Professor, etc. ( Brown Hen. I Yellow Bumble. CALIFORNIA. 483 Willard Gray. Wilson Ant. BickneU Fly. Beans Fly. , California. \ Shain Fly. -j Trout. Spiders. Governor. Duns. Cow Dung, A. P. Williams' pattern. Ramon E. Wilson, San Francisco, Cal. Owing to the large extent of territory in the State, and the cli- matic differences existing therein, I venture the suggestion that anglers from different sections will materially differ in their answers to the questions you propound. We have hut one fish which will take the fly, viz., the trout. Those in our Coast Range streams, on the west, differ considerably in their habits and food from those in the Sierras, on the east. All our Coast Range waters are supplied from rains, and the streams have an exit into the ocean, while the waters of the Sierras are sup- plied by melting snow, and the fish do not find their way to the sea. The fish in the latter depend in a large measure upon case worms for their food, while the fly is the common food of the fish in the former. The fish in the Coast Range, as a rule, are small, while those in the Sierras are large. For example, in the Feather River, in Lassen County, brook trout of five and six pounds are not uncommon, while fish have been caught weighing nine and ten pounds. Of course I am writing of fly-fishing. For the mountain fishing, as it is called in the Sierras, larger flies and tackle are used than on the Coast Range. I would say for the former, the flies well known and most commonly used are the Coachman, Stone flies of various patterns, and the Brown Hackle 484 FAVORITE FLIES. of different kinds ; and in addition, some local flies like the Wil- lard Gray, the Salmon fly, and the Williams Cow Dung. Samples of the Willard Gray and the Williams Cow Dung I send inclosed. In size, the hooks range from 6 to 9, American numbers. The Salmon fly is patterned after the fly of the caddis- case worms, found in great abundance in all of the waters of the Sierras. The Willard Gray and the Williams Cow Dung are modifications of well-known flies, and their names are derived from gentlemen who suggested the pattern, viz., Mr. William Willard and Senator A. P. Williams. In the Coast Range, the tackle and flies in use are very small. The streams are so accessible and fished so much that the fish have become very wary, and it requires the combined skill of the fly- maker and angler to creel them. Most of the flies in use are tied on Pennell sneck bend hooks, ranging in size from 1 to 5, as those hooks are numbered. The varieties most used, I think, are the Red Spinner, March Brown, Black Spider, Hen Pheasant Hackle, Governor, Red Ant, Red Spider, and Duns of various shades. We have an old fly-tier by the name of J. S. Bean, who has lived here in San Francisco for many years. He is most ingenious and prolific in his devices for new flies ; but few of them, however, are in general use. I will send you three devices, more or less novel in the combination of colors. No. 1 is called the Bicknell fly. It is purely a fancy fly, and was named after a genial old angler here. The wing is taken from the bronze curlew or black ibis frequently found in our fresh-water marshes. It is a good fly in most waters. CALIFORNIA. 485 No. 2, the Beans fly, is made after a pattern gotten up by Mr. T. Ellert Beans, a noted angler from San Jose. He uses it with as- tonishing success in waters about Lake Tahoe. He told me he took the pattern from an actual fly, but I have never seen the fly. No. 3 is the Wilson Ant. You will notice the wing of this fly is entirely different from those in common use for any ant. I took the pattern from a natural winged ant found in our sand-hills. They come out in August and September in great numbers. I have used it with great success in our coast streams, and in the lakes and streams of the Sierras. There is probably no section of the whole country where so great a diversity of opinion prevails in regard to fishing-tackle, especially as to the color of flies and the kind and size of hooks. You will find anglers of fair repute fishing in waters in the northern portion of the State with flies large enough to kill salmon, and with tackle in proportion. In San Francisco, I think the modern tendency of anglers is to the use of small flies and small tackle. For some four years past I have been using the sneck bend hook ; the largest No. 5, and from that down to 00. I find that I can kill more fish and get more pleasure with them than in the use of large tackle and flies. Last season, I fished in the Sierras and in our coast streams considerably, and used exclusively small flies without any snell ; that is, the down-eyed Pennell bronzed hook. I have proven to my entire satisfaction that the fly tied on the down-eyed hook is far superior to the fly tied on the snelled hook. 486 FAVORITE FLIES. Gray Drake. Green Drake. ri T-e • Royal Coachman. ( m L California. ^ Black Gnat. j Trout - White Miller. Hackles. E. F. Pettengill, Eureka, Cal. Fly-fishing is in its infancy here as yet, but it is getting more popular every season. The mountain streams are very clear in this locality, so that dark flies are the best, such as the Brown Hackle and Black Gnat for June and July fishing ; later in the season, the Red Ibis, Royal Coachman, and Golden Palmer. For evening fishing white flies are good. I use the Carlisle hook, No. 6 to 10, and a long strand of clear gut. The trout in these streams range from eight ounces to one and a half pounds. In the river and lake fishing the water is more or less colored, so that lighter flies are better, — the Coachman, Gray and Green Drake, White Miller, and a fly I don't know the name of. It has blue and white wings, with light drab body, and is very good on a bright day ; so also is the Gray Hackle ; in fact, we all carry a good supply of Hackles. I use in the rivers and lakes a double leader, stained short loops, also stained No. 4 to 8 hooks, Carlisle. The trout weigh from one pound to five, and quite often salmon weighs from eight to twelve pounds. CALIFORNIA. 487 ' Caddis. Black Gnat. White Miller. , California. \ Royal Coachman. ■< Trout. Coachman. *■ Professor. Brown Hackle. G. E. Davis, M. D., San Francisco, Cal. The best flies for the California waters I have found to be Brown and Black Hackles, with a gold or silver tag, dun, stone, or brown hen's wing, Professor, Coachman, Royal Coachman, Black Gnat, White Miller, and Caddis. The Caddis is made to copy the natural fly found early in the summer months along our streams, and it is a most killing fly. The Caddis and dark flies, such as the Brown Hackle (with gold tag and peacock herl body), Black Hackle, and Black Gnat, have been best early in the season ; later on came the Duns, Professor, Coachman, Royal Coachman, and White Miller ; in the evening I have found the fishing best from the time the shadows strike the water, although the warm mornings are also good. The best months, in this State and on our streams, are April, May, and June, and September and October. I have found the Sproat hook to serve my purpose best, in sizes running from No. 6 to No. 10, using frequently No. 7 or No. 8. I generally use single leaders, and prefer those of medium size. On the McCloud River, where the water is very rapid and the fish larger, one is likely to fasten to two fish ; therefore on that river I use the double leaders, and only two flies on my leader. I am sure the reinforced snells on flies are a great improvement, as the flies are much less apt to break off at the end of the hook after being used any length of time. 488 FAVORITE FLIES. n tj? ' f Brown Hen. ( —, California. j YeUow Bumble> j Trout. St. Charles A. Biederman, San Francisco, Cal. For the last two seasons I have been most successful with the Brown Hen and Yellow Bumble, on No. 8 hook ; the Brown Hen has often been successful when other flies have failed. I also made a fly myself, which I have used in Boulder Creek and the Big Basin in Santa Cruz County, and in two streams in Tahoe. I took a No. 9 hook, and in the construction of the fly used a gray hen's feather, a piece of brown satin, deer hair, and tinsel thread, tying the con- cave of wing outward ; with that I have caught five fish to one with the flies now on sale. I am quite positive regarding snells, feeling that they should be light, clear, and with short loops ; have given up using the heavy long strands entirely. I am curious to find out more about an eel that I caught in the San Lorenzo. It was a silvery gray, 3 ft. 2 in. long, 3 in. around in the thickest part, 1| in. around tail, and weighed 12f lbs. I had to use a net in landing him, after playing him two good long hours. BASS FLIE S M.Bradfey Mid. Made by C.F.ORVIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR I G H TE D. PLATE EB. No. 282. Yellow Miller. No. 285. Triumph. No. 283. White Miller. No. 286. Tipperlinn. No. 284. W. H. Hammett. No. 287. "W. T." Nos. 282 and 283. The Yellow Miller and the White Miller are flies made in imitation of the natural insects. Their effectiveness is proved hy their fre- quency in the lists of the different anglers given in these pages. No. 284. The TV. H. Hammett was designed hy Mr. TV. H. Hammett, of Newport, R. I., and intended for black bass fishing in that State. The fly has proved of more extended service, and taking with trout as well as bass. No. 285. The Triumph was an attempt to combine in a rather dark fly the colors thought alluring to black bass ; the result was so satisfactory that it was called a triumph, and continued to be known as such. Invented by C. F. Orvis, 1882. No. 286. The Tipperlinn. A long time ago, in the first of our fly-making, a dear friend was often beside the fly-table, embroidery in hand or reading aloud, while we busied ourselves with the flies. Much of her time had been spent in Scotland, and a house where many of her happiest days had been passed was called Tipperlinn. One day, as we were busy together, she said suddenly, " Now make a fly unlike anything you ever have made before, for I have a name I want to give it." The fly was made, and she called it Tipperlinn. Memory often brings visions of Mattie Williamson's bright face, winning manners, and gracious intelli- gence, and we cannot yet feel reconciled that she could not have been spared longer to us, she was so talented and so lovely, and loved and needed by so many. No. 287. The "W. T." Mr. W. Thomson has written much of interest in the fishing papers, but of all his accounts we think we like best that of his de- parture from his home in Scotland, with twenty other young men, for Australia, to 490 FAVORITE FLIES. engage in sheep raising. Arriving there, they found gold had been discovered ; then came their weary tramp through the sands to the gold-fields, and the halt on the way when they had a day of wonderful fishing. All this and more he relates in his quiet graphic language, until your interest is keen and lasting in this man of adventures. Later life found him settled in Canada, and now in Michigan. We shall ever hold in grateful remembrance a few letters of kindly encouragement once written to us by "W. T. ;" and although we see less of his writings in the papers than we did, we wish for him for whom this fly was named, peace and comfort in these his later years. Let earth in gold be garmented, And tented in her tent of blue ; Let goodly rivers glide between Their leaning willow walls of green ; Let all things be fill'd of the sun, And full of the warm winds of the sea, And I beneath my vine and tree Take rest, nor war with any one. Joaquin Miller. OREGON. C Black Midge. S. H. Green- Gen. 0. D. Green J ?^ al Coachman. ] Montreal. [ Grizzly King, etc. f Coachman. Gen. J. H. Eaton J ? row 1 n Hackle. | Jungle Cock. [_ Green Drake, etc. E. Shelley Morgan f Natural Flies ( tor Bait. Royal Coachman. Professor. White Miller. Yellow May, etc. W. F. BlJRRELL i£ 0aC * m ? n - . ( Deer-hair i lies. f Brown Hackle. H. 0. Wilkinson 1 Governor. [_ Coachman, etc. [ Brown Hackle. Dr. Jay Tuttle ■{ Nicholson. [ Professor. \ Silver Lady. j Maid of the Mist. M. O. Lownsdale J Humniing Bird. Coachman. Jock Scott. Donkey, etc. OREGON. 493 f Black Midge. , Oregon. < Royal Coachman. < Trout. [ Grizzly King, etc. ^ Gen. O. D. Green, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. My daily official duties are such that, after completing them, any more writing is a painful labor ; but yet, in view of the fact that I take a deep interest in all legitimate matters connected with fly-fish- ing ; that I have been a lifelong lover, and for very many years a keen follower, of the gentle sport ; and further, that I am indebted to you personally for several nice suggestions or hints in your writings, I feel that it would be simply churlish in me not to give you a few words in reply to your courteous letter of inquiry. How- ever, I shall ask you to give full credit to my statements as to lack of time, and consequently to make due allowance for haste, condi- tion, and brevity. I will consider your questions in the order you put them. First, name my favorites in the order of my preference : Black Midge, an imitation of a small green grasshopper, name unknown, Royal Coachman, Montreal, Grizzly King, Cow Dung, Coachman, Jungle Cock, and Brown Hackle. This is a small list in view of the al- most infinite variations, but in my experience of nearly forty years, and extending from the Berkshire Hills to the Pacific coast, I have never struck a stream, pond, lake, nor a day where a cast could not be made from it that would do as good service as mortal man ought to ask. Of course I know there are restricted localities and sea- sons where some special fly is, or is supposed to be, possessed of universal attractions and ability ; but I contend, nevertheless, that a cast made up from the given list, properly handled, is abundantly able for the sportsman's purpose on any waters. 494 FAVORITE FLIES. To the second question my testimony is largely given above, but in connection therewith, and as the result of my experience, I should add, disregard very greatly the term " locality " and the sense in which you use it, and substitute therefor a consideration of the differing conditions between rapid-running and standing (lake or pond) waters, and between large and small waters. In rapid-running waters my cast will be : for upper dropper, a Black Midge ; for lower dropper, either a small green grasshopper, Montreal, or a Cow Dung, according to fancy, but nine times out of ten it will be the grasshopper ; for stretcher, a Royal Coachman or a Grizzly King always. For standing waters both droppers will be as above, either bright or dark days, but the stretcher will be varied between the lightest and darkest colored accordingly as the day may be dark or bright. In considering the difference between large and small waters, which practically means the difference between large and small fish in a general sense, I should use essentially the same casts as before indi- cated, only increasing the size of the flies commensurately with the size of the water to be fished. A complete answer to your third and fourth questions involves information and time requisite to produce a treatise on the subject of fly-fishing. I have neither, and accordingly pass them over. In answer to the fifth : several years ago I saw a fly in use on the Williamson River, in southern Oregon, which was a world's wonder for large fish, and I have never heard of it since ; I presume it to be entirely new to you and all other Eastern fishermen. It was a very large fly, — as it should be, according to my theory of " large waters," Williamson River being a genuine river, and the home of the greatest number of the largest fish of any stream in the world, OREGON. 495 unquestionably. I do not remember all the distinguishing features of the fly, but the main one was the use of the small feathers from the neck of the loon (great American diver), each of which had a white dot about the size of and greatly resembling a fish's eye ; whether or not its wonderful acceptability was due to those " fish eyes " I do not know, but at the time I so believed. In the river mentioned a two-pound fish was a small one, and I doubt if one of that size ever got a taste of this fly, for the reason that those of from 5 lbs. to 12 lbs. (the latter was the largest size caught while I was there, though they are caught as high as 16 lbs., or even heavier) were so greedy for it that the " small fry " had to take a back seat, as it were. I should not be surprised if this fly were " taking " on the Rangeley Lakes, or other large standing waters in Maine and Canada. I understand the inventor was Surgeon Henry McEldery, 1 U. S. Army, and you can correspond with him, if you desire, at Fort Wayne, Detroit, Mich. For ordinary fishing I want the smallest practicable hooks, and prefer the Sproat for kind and shape. I use the very finest (lightest) leaders, mist-colored preferred, and of course want snells to correspond ; for upper dropper a snell from five to seven inches in length, lower dropper about four inches, single strands. 1 See Klamath, No. 67, Plate J. 496 FAVORITE FLIES. Gen. J. H. Eaton - , Portland, Oregon. Favorite flies in the order here named : — Coachman. Brown Hackle. Brown Hackle, with Palmer body. Romeyn. Jungle Cock. Soldier Palmer. Green Drake. Yellow Drake. White Miller. Professor. I prefer the Coachman (including Royal Coachman) and Brown Hackle. I use the Coachman on all occasions and in all waters. I like the Brown Hackle with palmer body, the hackles alternating with yellow or red in the spirals ; when these are worn or ineffec- tive, I then use the other flies named, as I may fancy ; I am almost always successful with Coachman and Brown Hackle. Kind of hooks : preferably always Sproat and O'Shaughnessy, Nos. 11 and 12 and 6. The steel wire of the O'Shaughnessy seems rather heavy for small flies ; size of wire of the Sproat is better. Snells about five inches long (as you make them) ; they should be reinforced (doubled) about three fourths inch near the hook, — so made by Mr. Bean, of San Francisco. It is unimportant whether they are stained or clear, but they should be of light, single gut. The same as to gut leaders ; double or twisted leaders are not used for ordinary trout fishing on this Pacific slope ; single, strong gut is sufficiently good. In some of the creeks in Oregon, in May and June, there is a yellowish fly produced from a worm or caddis-like insect upon which the trout feed ; when feeding on this they will touch no artificial fly unless strongly resembling it. I am not able to give a minute description of said fly, but it is known to my friend, Major J. P« Canby, U. S. A., stationed here in Portland. OREGON. 497 Oregon. Natural Flies for Bait. E. Shelley Morgan, Portland, Oregon. Accompanying this, I send you three specimens of flies, two of them males, and one female. You will notice the males are much the larger. I do not know whether I can give you a good description or history of these flies or not, but I will tell you all I know of them. They are first found in August, on the bottom of flat rocks at the edsfe of the mountain streams. I have often turned a stone over and found as many as twelve or thirteen shells on a stone. When in the water on those stones, they are in a shell of gravel and mud about an inch long. How long they stay in that state, or get so, I do not know, but when they get far enough along the shell bursts, and they crawl out on top of the rocks, where the sun seems to develop them, and then they fly on to the willow-trees along the banks ; there they cling to the leaves until they fall, or the wind blows them off into the river. Before the flies came out we used to gather these shells, break them open, and use the flies as they were for bait ; but they are very soft and tender then, and will not remain on the hook long. These flies always float down stream head first. When a large trout sees one, he gently rises to the surface, opens his mouth to let the fly float in, and then disappears. These large trout generally lie close to the banks, as most of the flies float near them when they fall from the branches that line the banks of the streams. The fly usually floats with outspread wings, especially when at- tached to the hook. A very light hook should be used, the bend coming- out at the head of the insect. Some of the male flies are much larger than any I have sent to you. 498 FAVORITE FLIES. These flies are most plentiful on the bushes in the middle or latter part of September. They are by far the best bait I have ever used. The 3d of last September, two friends and I started from one ranch on the McKenzie River, and in two hours returned with thirty-eight pounds of trout : the largest one measured from tip to tip sixteen and three quarters inches ; the smallest one, ten and one half inches. We had six that averaged thirteen and one half inches. Those we caught with these flies, most of them taken from the shells, as the others were very scarce at that time ; that is, the fully developed ones. Note. — This letter was most interesting to us, because accompanying it were three specimens of stone flies. Mr. Morgan's letter would imply that they were caddis flies, as he mentions taking the undeveloped flies from the cases formed in the bottom of the streams, but the flies sent were undoubtedly stone flies. These would naturally be found on the stones, as he first mentions in his letter, but it is questionable whether the same in- sect was found in the cases. We are inclined to think that both stone flies and caddis flies inhabited the stream, and in some way he confounded the larvae of the two flies, either of which are valuable as bait, and not unlike in the larval and pupal stages, though the imago or perfect fly is dissimilar. (See mention of these in Part I.) The flies were sent to Professor Packard for identification, who also declared them to be stone flies, but was uncertain as to the species and genus. — M. E. O. M. Oregon. Royal Coachman Professor. Brown Hackle. Soldier Palmer. \ Yellow May. White Miller. S. H. Green, Portland, Oregon. Permit me to say that, after a pretty thorough trial of many of the leading flies, in these waters, I have settled down to the follow- OREGON. 499 ing combination for all seasons of the year, in all kinds of weather, and at all times of day : stretcher fly, Royal Coachman ; lead fly, Professor ; with Brown Hackle for middle or second dropper. I was in the Molalla country last summer, two weeks in June and two weeks the last of August, fishing for trout. The Molalla, with its tributaries, come from the Cascade Range, regular moun- tain streams. Myself and companion tested the matter thoroughly (to our own satisfaction) there. I have tested the fly-question at a dozen different places in Oregon and Washington, and at nearly all seasons, morning, noon, and evening, the above-described arrange- ment proved most satisfactory. I would add that the Imbrie, the Reuben Wood, the Soldier Palmer, and in some streams, late in the evening, the Yellow May, were also excellent. Mr. W. J. Newman, my companion in many of these trips, after fishing the waters of Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, and Washington, determined that the above arrangement is about the most reliable, except that in Colorado and Montana he would at dusk use a White Miller in preference to a Hackle. The White Miller for Oregon waters is not good. W. F. Burrell, Portland, Oregon. My favorite flies for the waters of the Northwest are Coachman and Deer-hair flies ; the latter are tied from the deer's hair when it is " in the red." Salmon fishing with a fly, in the Clackamas River, a tributary of 500 FAVORITE FLIES. the Willamette, was a new experience with us last spring. My brother, Herman J. Burrell, now of Moscow, Idaho, was quite suc- cessful in fishing there, and if you ask him, he can perhaps give particulars about the kind of flies and tackle used. It was the first time salmon had been known to take the fly in Oregon or Washington fresh waters. Brown Hackle. Governor. , Oregon. ■{ Coachman. -] Trout. Cow Dung. *■ Green Drake. H. 0. Wilkinson, Fort Klamath, Oregon. The favorite flies in this vicinity are Brown Hackle Palmers, Dark Coachman, Governor, Bee, Claret, Cow Dung, and Green Drake. The waters here are all from springs, and are perfectly clear ; hence the use of dark flies. We fish entirely within a radius of fourteen miles, and have no less than ten fine trout streams, where we take the Rainbow and Dolly Varden trout in large numbers, and in sizes ranging from fingerlings to eight and ten pounds. No hook smaller than No. 8 Sproat is of use, while the general sizes are Nos. 2, 1, and 1/0, with heavy stained snells. During the early day such flies as the Brown Palmer or Brown Hackle, Gov- ernor, and Coachman prove the most killing, while for evening work the Cow Dung and Green Drake are best. Men who have fished the world over say that here they find the finest sport they have ever enjoyed, and although I am only an ob- serving novice, I am sure no better could be obtained. I believe, however, there are better flies than we have been using for these waters, and some time I intend to take a greater assortment and OREGON. 501 experiment upon their respective merits. We are four hundred and fifty miles from the nearest tackle shops, Portland and San Francisco, so I have never carried in my book any but the well- known flies. A recent article in the "Forest and Stream." by Captain Bendire, said the Ibis was the favorite fly for these waters, but this is not corroborated by those who have tried it ; in fact in this country you can scarcely find any one using a Scarlet Ibis. f" Brown Hackle. Oregon. «j Nicholson. { Trout. (_ Professor. *- Dr. Jay Tuttle, Astoria, Oregon. Among the well-known flies, the Brown Hackle, red body, catches more fish than any other. Next to this my favorite is the Nichol- son, next the Professor. I never enjoy catching anything less than a half-pound fish. I use a good-sized fly, and sometimes, late in the season, September or October, late in the afternoon, the fish will rise to an Ibis when nothing else will lure them. I have not paid particular attention to style of hook, but think they have generally been No. 1 Limer- ick. I like a long snell, and double of slender gut. I fish, or have fished, the waters of Coos Bay and tributaries, and of Tillamook Bay and tributaries, and the tributaries of Columbia River in western Oregon. TRO'UT&BASS FLIES Made by C.F.ORYIS, Manchester, Vt. CO PYR I G H T E D. PLATE PF. No. 288. Fiery Dragon. No. 290. Humming Bird. No. 289. Maid of the Mill. . No. 291. Silver Lady. No. 288. " To-day I saw the Dragon-fly Come from the wells where he did lie. An inner impulse rent the veil Of his old husk : from head to tail Came out clear plates of sapphire mail. " He dried his wings ; like gauze they grew. Through crofts and pastures wet with de'w A living flash of light he flew." A brief account of the Fiery Dragon fly will be found in the letter from Mr. H. P. Ufford, its originator. In connection with what he writes it may be well to mention that though trout are supposed to have an aversion to the natural dragon- fly, we have frequent testimony regarding them as a lure for grayling ; also many statements of their being found in the stomachs of these fish. Very perfect imita- tions can be made of the several different species of dragon-flies, and though they are a little unwieldy to cast and retain a resemblance to a " living flash of light," yet with care they might be so manipulated as to be effective. Nos. 289, 290, and 291. The Maid of the Mill, Humming Bird, and Silver Lady are the inventions of Mr. M. O. Lownsdale. In his letter written from Oregon he gives full details regarding these flies and their success in deep waters. They are certainly a revelation as trout flies, and will solve the difficulties to many who have been unsuccessful with the ordinary small trout flies, such as are used on the streams of the Eastern States. 504 FAVORITE FLIES. Oregon. Silver Lady. Maid of the Mill. Humming Bird. Coachman. Queen of the Water. Reuben Wood. Jock Scott. Donkey. M. O. Lownsdale, Portland, Oregon. " Just out of the swirl of the veering stream, In niches and caverns 'neath moss-fringed shelves Like gossamer floating in idle dream, In weirdest haunts hewn by the river-elves, In castles of crystal whose turrets old And battlements rugged like outworks rise, In vestures of silver and azure and gold The indolent king of the river lies." Ever since the settlement of the country by the white people Oregon has been preeminently noted as a paradise for the trout fisherman. But of late years the encroachments of civilization have robbed many of the streams of their plethora of fish, and the angler must now seek the more inaccessible mountain streams for the sport which he might have enjoyed, a few years ago, in all the streams of the Willamette Valley. But in the brawling rivers that tear through our narrow mountain passes are still to be found those monsters whose tugging at the point of a six-ounce rod plays such havoc with the fisher's pulses. We have no brook trout in Oregon, the Salmo Irideus, or Rainbow trout, being our only representative of the trout family. Specimens of these gamy fish have been taken weighing seven and eight pounds, and possibly heavier, but the average weight of " big- fish " in our waters is about three pounds. The streams running OREGON. 505 from and through the Coast Range Mountains to the sea are prob- ably the finest trout rivers in America. In appearance they are typical fishing rivers, and, as they traverse a very rugged country, are a succession of riffles and immense pools. A party of three, of whom the writer was one, passed the summer of 1889 in these mountains, accompanied by a servingman, who was at once guide, muleteer, and cook. During the greater part of the summer we were continually moving our camp, thus securing new ground for each day's work. We were only moderately successful in the early part of the season, for, though there were myriads of small fish in the rivers, the big fellows did not come up from the ocean until about the middle of July. In many of the interior rivers these trout never visit salt water, but in all the coast streams they make an annual seaward pilgrimage after the salmon spawning season. In July our party was on the Doherty, a stream of great local celebrity, so that we were able to take advantage of the mid- summer run. An experience of many years has taught us the efficacy of large flies for this class of fish. Large fish do not rise often, and a very substantial and toothsome morsel is needed to tempt them up through the clear deep pools they most affect. I will not say that small flies may not often receive as many strikes as large ones, but in rough water heavy fish will tear out the hold of a small hook. Our flies are constructed somewhat like bass flies, imitating no insect, but suggesting approximately the appearance of a nonde- script moth. We have three varieties which have been found to be extremely satisfactory. No. 1 is the Silver Lady, tied with silver body, brown hackles, slate-colored wings, and often silver streamers for tails. The wings are solid feathers taken from a young robin's 506 FAVORITE FLIES. winff, with the under slate-colored side being turned outward. No. 2 is the Maid of the Mill, with rough canary-colored body bound with gold tinsel, yellow and brown hackles, and double wings, each of four gaudy feathers from the Mongolian pheasant, with streamers of golden pheasant plumes. No. 3 is the Humming Bird, a fly with either silver or lemon-colored body, orange, scarlet, and brown hackles, wings of the peacock-blue feathers from a mallard wing, with red and white streamers. All these flies are tied on Sproat hooks from No. 1 to 00 in size, and are from one and a half to two inches in length. Large and gaudy weapons indeed for a trout fisherman. However, they are the results of many experiments, and it is an almost unvarying rule to see large fish taken on them in pools where common flies were unsuccessful, or if suc- cessful had ceased to attract. Of the well-known flies, our favorites for the large trout of this locality are the Coachman, Queen of the Water, and Reuben Wood ; and among salmon flies, the Jock Scott and Donkey, the smallest of which should be on No. 2 Sproat hooks. One of these flies is always on my cast as a dropper. The large trout in the Doherty River seldom notice a fly before nine o'clock in the morning, a habit of which I heartily approve ; and, on our working-days, the sun has already burnished the over- hanging maples before we put the " bugs " in motion. Our last day's sport on the Doherty will long be remembered by two of our party. We fished from Dry Stocking Camp, through the wilder- ness, past the Islands, and on to Gum-boot Bar, a distance of about three miles. This was a Silver Lady day, for the fastidious fellows would notice nothing else. At the entrance of the wilderness is the most magnificent pool on the river, and we had scarcely flecked its OREGON. 507 quiet surface with our casts when a four-pounder, bewitched by the charms of the Lady, came with such a rush from the limpid depths that he sprang sheer five feet in the air with his glittering prize. He struck the water heavily, and was off with such impetuous speed that the next moment an iridal flash in the air at the very foot of the pool told that he had discovered the treachery of his Lady. But, like all his tribe, he scorned surrender, and rushing to the riffle above he thrashed the surface of the swift current for an anxious moment, then was off again for the quiet water below, where, after a nervous half hour's battle, he was guided into the shallows and the net slipped under him. He was the king of the day, but on the two rods at work at least twenty fish were taken that weighed from two to three pounds each. In these fishing jaunts, when the mountains are clothed in their most voluptuous dress, when the forest is redolent with the odors of swooning flowers, and the river gleams with a thousand silver lights, while everywhere are rivulets that drain what must be the springs of eternal youth, one may drink deep of an elixir of life more potent than that of Septimius Felton. In this sense, our last day on the Doherty was idyllic and prolific of thrilling scenes, while the victories we dramatically rehearsed about the camp-fire at Gum-boot Bar seemed heroic ; and when we laid down at night, bathed in the amorous breath of the pines, we were fretted only by the " thrut " of a great trout striking in the pool below, and. were lulled to rest by the witching song the siren of the river sings ; and a crescent burning brightly in the eastern sky threw enchantment over all. Here are cool mosses deep, And thro' the moss the ivies creep, And in the stream the long-leaved flowers weep, And from the craggy ledge the poppy hangs in sleep. Why are we weigh'd upon with heaviness, And utterly consumed with sharp distress, While all things else have rest from weariness ? All things have rest : why should we toil alone, We only toil who are the first of things, And make perpetual moan, Still from one sorrow to another thrown ; Nor ever fold our wings, And cease from wanderings, Nor steep our brows in slumber's holy balm, Nor hearken what the inner Spirit sings, " There is no joy but calm ! " Why should we only toil, the roof and crown of things ? Tennyson. " HIC HABITAT FELICITAS." "Felicity. Enquire within. Truly, the goddess is at home ! " So read, so thought the rakes of Rome, Some frail one's lintel fain to win. And now it blares thro' bronze and tin, Thro' clarion, organ, catcall, comb : "Felicity. Enquire within. Truly, the goddess is at home ! " For, tent or studio, bank or bin, Platonic porch, Petrsean dome, Where'er our hobbies champ and foam, There o'r the brave old sign we pin : " Felicity. Enquire within." Henley. Oliver Wendell Holmes has said that " it 's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that make life worth looking at." Frank, the fisherman of the picture, is one of those who, like " Fishin' Jimmy," " allers loved flshin', an' knowed 't was the best thing in the hull airth ; " but there are many of us who are never able to attain the felicity that bides under the tattered coat, or un- derstand the restful joy in a temporary freedom from all ambitions, except, perhaps, a desire to capture a big trout that has long eluded us. A small boy of our acquaintance has ideas of his own which do not always accord with those of his guardians. One day his aunt gently reproved him for some breach of propriety, saying, " I would not do that, Teddy, dear," but Teddy promptly and cheerfully replied, " Teddy would ; " and although we might not v;,-: ~j ■ »*«