/.J>M/ /fff LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 895 487J Hollinger Corp, pH 8.5 f \ i^r-si. - Ctass i^ci^t 1884. Exercises of the Senior Class. \ JU^E 20tli. k Class Day jUNE 20tl), 1884. At 9.30 A. M. the S© "^^^* Class will assemble in front of Holworthj- Hall and md,T^^^^ ^^^^ Chapel, where prayer will be offered by the R'jv. A. P. PeaboVA"; ^- ^• At 10.30 Sande^js Theatre will be open to tuJ^^e having Tickets. At 1 1. 15 the Senior y^if^-'^ will reassemble in front of Hol- worthy and march to the Theatre, wn'cr'e^ .^>e^ exercises will occupy nearly two hours. From ^ to 5 p. m. there will be music in the yard. From 3 to 5 o'clock there will be dancing in Memorial Hall. At 5 o'clock, Harvard Hall, Holden Chapel, and the en- trance to the seats around the tree will be opened to those having Tickets. At 5.15 the Class will reassemble in front of Holworthy, march through the yard and cheer the College Buildings, then to the Tree, where the usual exercises and the sinP'ins: of the Class Song will take place. During the exercises at the Tree, the College Yard will be fenced off and cleared, and during the remainder of the after- noon and evening a Ticket will be rccjuired of every gentle- man entering the portion of the yard enclosed bv the fence. In order to facilitate the clearing of the yard, Seniors are requested to see that their guests who are not at the Tree shall be in the parlors. From 7 to 9 the President will receive the Seniors and their friends. From 7.30 to 11.30 there will ])e illuminations and music in the portion of the yard fenced off. From 8 to II there will be dancing in Memorial Hall and in the Gymnasium. At 8.30 and during other portions of the evening there will be singing by the Glee Club in front of Hoi worthy. No checks will be issued to those leaving the yard after 8.30 P. M. After 9 P. M. no checks will be received for entrance to the yard. Those entering the yard after that hour must surrender their Yard or show their Memorial Tickets. All Seniors and Students are obliged to have Tickets to the different exercises except where they go hy classes. Seniors are requested to appear in dress s.uits, white cravat'^ and silk hats, both on Class Day and Commencement Day. Seniors are requested to avoid anv absurdity of dress at the exercises around the Tree. Each Ticket for Memorial Hall will be good for both after- noon and evening. The entrance will be at the south door, the exit from the north door. The same Tickets will be good for the Hemenwa}- Gymiiasium after 6 o'clock p. m., and there will be no admission without Tickets. There will be dancing in the Gymnasium from 8 to 1 1 p. m. The entrance will be at the main entrance of the building, the exit at the side door facing the common. The exits from the yard will be between Holworthy and Stoughton, University and Thayer, Massachusetts and Har- vard, Grays and Matthews. The entrances to the portion of the yard fenced off will be between Massachusetts and Harvard, Holworthy and Thayer. Graj's and Weld. In order to assist the Committee, all Students are requested to conform strictlv to the above arrans^ements. STUART WYETH, Chairman. 1 CLIFT ROGERS CLAPP. \ C. D. C. 'S4. TAMES HENRY McIXTOSH. ' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 895 487 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 895 487 4 # Hollinger Corp. pH8.5