Author -> v.- o ■^ rt- i5 > E 1-/6-^ .-. .L8B±.. Title Imprint. lCl-~»7:i72-3 GPC LIST OF MEMBERS LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, WITH THE BY-LAWS A SKETCH OF THE INSTITUTION. *s> BROOKLYN: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. 1875. fn !<; um oil flit' Saciefif* 187B-6. Presided RICHARD S. STORRS. First Vice-President HENRF C. MURPHY. Second Vice-President JOSHUA M. VAN COTT. Foreign Corresponding Secretary J. CARSON BREVOORT. Home Corresponding Secretary T. STAFFORD DROWNE. Recording Secretary CHAUNCEY L. MITCHELL. Treasurer JAMES R. TAYLOR. Librarian GEORGE HANNAH. RICHARD S. STORRS, J. CARSON BREVOORT, JAMES R. TAYLOR, A. ABBOTT LOW, HENRY SHELDON, ALFRED S. BARNES, HENRY C. MURPHY, T. STAFFORD DROWNE, CHARLES E. WEST, CAMDEN C. DIKE, HUGH ALLEN, THEODORE L. MASON, CHARLES L ^Directors. SIMEON B. CHITTENDEN, HENRY E PIERREPONT, CHARLES STORRS, JOSHUA M. VAN COTT, ELIAS LEWIS, Jr., JOHN GREENWOOD, CHAUNCEY L. MITCHELL, ENOS N. TAFT, HENRY D. POLHEMUS, W. IVES BUDINGTON, MILAN HULBERT, THOMAS W. FIELD, BENEDICT. Ejrecutibe Committee. J. CARSON BREVOORT, Chairman. HENRY SHELDON, CAMDEN C. DIKE, CHARLES STORRS, ELIAS LEWIS, Jr., JOHN GREENWOOD, ENOS N. TAFT. GEORGE HANNAH, Secretary. ffiouuscllors. King* County -{ ( Hon. JOHN A. LOTT, I Rt. Rev. A. N. LITTLEJOHN, D.D., Hon. TEUNIS G. BERGEN, Rev. FREDERICK A. FARLEY, D.D., BENJAMIN D. SILLIMAN, L DARWIN G. EATON. WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT, HENRY ONDERDONK, Jr., ^ n 4 \ HENRY W. EASTMAN, «"^^"*^''""'^^ JOHN HAROLD. Hon. L. BRADFORD PRINCE, L SOLOMON TOWNSEND. Suffolk County ■{ Hon. JOHN A. DIX, JAMES H, TUTHILL, Hon. J. LAWRENCE SMITH, Rev. EPHER WHITAKER, I WILLIAM S. PELLETREAU, I HENRY P. HEDGES. f |e Jflitg Jslanlj IJistflrical ^flcictir. This Society had its origin in the desire of many gentlemen, principally living in Brooklyn, not only to bring together, at a convenient centre, books, documents, memorials of all kinds, relating to the history of Long Island, and of the State of New York, but also to collect a library rich in all departments of historical literature : a library of reference, in wliicli the student may find what he needs for the illustration of any period in history, of any epoch of progress, in politics, art, invention, letters, and human thought. Even the partial accomplishment of so large a plan must, of course, require large funds, and occupy many years. With small means, a limited and fluctuating membership, and no building of its own, the Society has as yet been able only to make a com- mencement of what it hopes will ultimately become a vast and rich library, attractive to students, honorable to the city, and furnishing constant aids and incentives to liberal studies. The necessary foundations of such a library have, however, been secured ; and they are broad enough to show how ample and helpful the library will be, to all persons of scholarly tastes, whenever the original design concerning it shall be more fully realized. The Society was incorporated in 1863 ; and it numbers, at present, 596 Annual Members, and 42-i Life Members. The library already contains over twenty-six thousand volumes, with nearly as many selected pamphlets, many of the latter being- rare and valuable. It is very rich in works relating to American local history, and to family genealogy ; and contains nearly all the important works which have been published upon general American history. It is also strong in English and French history and biography, and has a fine collection of costly and 6 richly illustrated volumes, relating to fine art, antiquities, and natural history. The following works may be mentioned, as representing the classes of books which this Society already pos- sesses, and which it seeks to gather in larger numbers, for its members : Description de I'Egj^te, public par les ordres de sa Majeste I'Em- pereur IS'apoleon le Grand. 23 vols., folio. Audubon, J. J. — The Birds of America, from original drawings. 435 ])lates of Birds, all of the natural size. 4 vols., Elephant folio, and 5 vols. text. Kingsborough, Lord — Antiquities of Mexico ; comprising Fac-' similes of Ancient Mexican Paintings and HierogljqDhics. 9 vols., folio. Silvestrc — Universal Paloeography ; or, Fac-similes of Writings of all Nations and Periods. 2 vols, folio of illustrations, 2 vols, of text. Academic des Incriptions et Belles-Lettres (Histoire et Mcmoires d 1'). 62 vols., 4°. Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain. Published by the British Government. 128 vols. Calendars of State Papers, Letters and Papers ; Foreign and Domesiic. Published by the British Government. 82 vols. Petitot — Collection de Mcmoires sur I'Histoire de France. 131 vols. Eussell — Modern System of Naval Architecture. 3 vols., folio. Madrid Gallery. 3 vols., folio. Dresden Gallery. 2 vols., folio. Musee Frangais. 4 vols., folio. Musee Poyal. 2 vols., folio. Gallery of the Palais Pitti. 4 vols., folio. Gallery of Florence. 4 vols., folio. Gallery of the Palais Eoyal. 3 vols., folio. Bologna Gallery. Folio. Les Loges de Paphael. Folio. Hogarth's Works. Folio. Berry Gallery. Folio. Le Moyen Age et la Eenaissance. 5 vols., 4:°. Dore — Illustrations of the Bible, Dante, Don Quichottc, &;c., &;c, London Art Journal. 30 vols. Fine Arts Quarterly Review. 5 vols. Portfolio. 5 vols. Annales du Musee et de I'Ecole Moderne des Beaux- Arts. 35 vols. Reliquary, 15 vols. Paris dans sa Splendeur. 3 vols., folio. Nicolas — Orders of Kniglitliood. 4 vols. Masterpieces of Industrial Art. 3 vols., folio. Humphreys' History of the Art of Printing. Folio. Meraoires de la Societe des Antiquaires de Normandie. 27 vols., Naturalists' Library. 40 vols. Smithsonian Institution Publications. 30 vols. Natural History of the State of New York. 22 vols. Humboldt's Geographical Works. Folio. Lodge's Portraits. 12 vols. Collections of Costumes. M'Kenney & Hall — Indian Tribes of North America, 3 vols. , folio. Schoolcraft's Indian Tribes of the United States. 6 vols., 4*^. These works are mentioned only as representative of classes of books included in the library, of which private collections will usually contain but single specimens. A department of works relating to Egypt, the Holy Land, and Greece, has been founded by two ladies ; and another lady has founded a department of American biography. There is also a Medical department, which was established by members of the Kings County Medical Society, to which was added, in 18G9, the entire library of an eminent Brooklyn physician, presented by his widow. In addition, the library contains a good collection of general literature, and is well furnished with encyclopaedias, dictionaries, and similar works of reference. It is also supplied regularly with the most important American and English periodicals, and the New York and Brooklyn daily and weekly papers. Of many of these periodicals and newspapers the library contains complete, or nea ly complete, files. A small library-fund, of a little more than fifty thousand dol- lars, has been secured, the income of which is annually applied to the maintenance and the increase of these collections. Many unpublished manuscripts are in possession of the Society, among them a large portion of the papers of Henry Laurens, President of the Continental Congress, the correspondence of his son, Col. John Laurens, with many letters of Eichard Henry Lee, Gen. Gates, and other eminent men of the period ; also a series of one hundred and twenty-three original letters of Washington, formerly belonging to Edward Everett, which have never been printed, and which abound in curious details, illustrating the times and the character of the illustrions writer; besides many papers relating to Long Island, New York City and vicinity, from the period of the Dutch government to the present time. It has always been a plan of the Society lo publish valuable original manuscripts, as they come into its hands, and as it becomes possessed of the necessary funds. Thus far, however, it has been able to publish only two volumes, with the following titles : Vol. I. — Journal of a Voyage to New York, and a Tour in Several of the American Colonies in 1679-80. By Jasper Bankers and Peter Sluyter. Translated from a Dutch Manuscript in the collection of the Society, and edited by Hon. Henry C. Murphy. (Octavo, pp. xlvii. 440. With twelve lithographic illustrations of Old New York. Brooklyn, 1867.) Vol. II. — The Battle of Long Island, T^itli Connected Preceding Events, and the Subsequent American Retreat. Narrative by Thomas W. Field, with Authentic Documents. (Octavo, pp. ix. 550. With two Maps and five engravings. Brooklyn, 1869.) These volumes haA^e been approved by historical students, both in this country and abroad, as of great intrinsic interest and value. Others will follow, whenever the funds needed for the expensive work of publishing are again within the control of the Society. The Society possesses a considerable number of paintings, mostly portraits of historical persona,ges ; a valuable collection of Indian curiosities, many interesting relics and memorials, and a collection of coins. The department of Natural History contains 9 classified specimens representing tlie Natural History of Long Island ; and the committee in charge is using every means in its power to make this complete as a local collection. There are also many specimens from other parts of this country, and from abroad, of which only a few are on exhibition at present. The Natural History Committee holds monthly meetings, to which all members who are interested are invited, when papers on appro- priate subjects are read. The general meetings of the Society are commonly held on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of the month, from Novem- ber to May, These meetings are, for the present, held in the Packer Institute. Those who have addressed these meetings during the past season, are as follows : Prof. Darwin Gr. Eaton, on The Great Pyramid. Prof. Julius H. Seelye, on India. Prof. Lewis R. Packard, on The Drama in Persia, Greece and England. Rev. Charles W. Baird, on The Huguenots of New York. Hon. George T. Davis, on the Uncertainty of the Law. Prof. W. Henry Green, on the Recent Researches on the Site of Nineveh. Prof. William E. Griffis, on his Observations in Japan during 1870-4. Prof. John F. Weir, on the Gates of the Baptistry at Florence, with a Sketch of the Renaissance. Daniel M. Tredwell, on the Evidences of the Pre-Historic Migra- tions from America to Polynesia and Eastern Asia. W. J. Forsyth, on Strange Customs of the East, Hon. Henry R. Pierson, on Railroads. Dr. Isaac I. Hayes, on the Millennial Celebration in Iceland. The original plan of the Society can never be accomplished until it has a building of its own, accessible, commodious, in which to safely house its Library and various collections, and in which also to hold its meetings. The most desirable lots in the city for such a building, (on the corner of Pierrepont and Clinton Streets,) were secured for the Society several years since, and are still held by it. But various causes have thus far conspired to 10 delay tlie raising of the amount necessary for tlie erection of such a substantial and handsome structure as the Society needs, and should have. Whenever that is secured, the rapid and permanent progress of the Society, toward the complete accomplishment of the generous and wise plan contemplated at its beginning, will, humanly speaking, be assured. Meantime the Society occupies a suite of eight convenient and attractive rooms in the " Hamilton Building," on the corner of Court and Joralemon Streets, the principal entrance being on Joralemon Street. These rooms are open to members, and their families, from 8:30 A. M. to 9:30 P. M., excepting during the Summer, when they are closed at 6 P. M. A separate room is provided for the use of Ladies, many of whom are in the habit of availing themselves of the aids to cul- ture, and the mental refreshment, which the Librarj^ offers ; and a young lady is in daily attendance at the rooms, as Assistant Librarian. Members of the Society are entitled to the constant use of the Library and Beading Rooms, and have free admission to all the meetings of the Society. During the past year nearly one hun- dred new members were added to the list. But these additions were so far counterbalanced by the removal of previous members from the city, their death, or their necessary resignation of mem- bership for private reasons, that the total number of members is now scarcely larger than it was a year ago. It is earnestly to be desired that those who know and value the Institution would make known to others its character and work, and its generous aims, and would enlist them in its faithful and active member- ship. Terms of Membership : Initiation fee, Five Dollars. Annual dues, Five Dollars. Life membership (including fee and annual dues), Fifty Dollars. Applications for membership can be made through any member of the Society, or to the Librarian, at the rooms, . BY-LAWS. NAME. I. — The name of tliis Society is, "The Long Island Historical Society." OBJECT. II. — The object of the Society is to discover, procure, and preserve whatever may relate to general history ; especially to the natural, civil, literary and ecclesiastical history of the United States, the State of New York, and more particularly of the counties, towns and villages of Long Island. MEMBERS. III. — The Society shall consist of Resident, Corresponding, and Honorary Members. Resident Members shall be persons residing on Long Island. Cor- responding and Honorary Members shall be persons residing elsewhere ; and not more than twelve Honorary Members shall be elected in any one year. Resident Members, upon removing from Long Island, and on giving notice thereof to the Recording Secret&ry, shall thereafter be Corresponding Mem- bers ; and, in like manner. Corresponding Members, upon coming to reside on Long Island, shall cease to be Corresponding Members, and, upon giving the like notice, shall thereafter be Resident Members. The Clei'ks of the several counties of Long Island shall be members, ex officio. FEES AND DUES. IV. — Each Resident member shall, on admission, pay five dollars as an ini- tiation fee, and five dollars as dues for the current year ; and annually, there- after, five dollars as dues ; or, in lieu thereof, a Life Membership fee of fifty dollars, as a commutation for all regular dues. Should auy Resident member, other than a Life member, fail to pay the said fees and dues for two years successively, or at any time refuse to pay the same, the Executive Committee shall erase his name from the list of members, and he shall no longer be a member of the Society. GOVERNMENT — ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. V. — The government of the Society shall be vested in a Board of twenty-five Directors ; to be chosen by the Society, as hereinafter provided, by ballot, on the second Tuesday of May of each year, of which election notice shall be given in at least two papers, printed on Long Island. *-x ******* At the regular meeting of the Society, to be held on the first Thursday of May, 1864, there shall be held an election for five Directors to fill the places of the Directors of the first class, whose term shall then expire ; and annually thereafter an election shall be held for five Directors to fill the place of those 12 whose term of office shall then expire ; and all Directors elected at said elec- tion in 18G4, and thereafter, shall hold their office for five years. Any Director appointed to fill a vacancy, shall hold his office for the balance of the unex- pired term of the person to whose place he shall be so appointed. In case any election for Directors shall not be held at the time above ap- pointed, such election may be held at the next regular meeting of the Society, or at any special meeting called for that purpose, in the manner herein before mentioned ; and the Directors elected at such meeting shall hold their offices for the same terms as if they had been elected at tlie meeting at which such election should have taken place. The Directors shall have custody of all buildings, funds, securities, and collections, belonging to the Society ; shall fix all salaries to be paid to its officers ; and siiall have in their hands the entire control and regulation of its affairs in the intervals between the Annual Meetings. They shall fill vacancies occurring in the Board during the year ; and shall meet on the third Tuesday of May in each year, and as much oftener as tiiey shall deem necessary, or shall be called together by the President or Executive Committee. The Direc- tors may declare the place of any member of the Board vacant who shall be ab.sent from three successive meetings of the Board without sending a reason- able excuse therefor to the Recording Secretary. ELECTION OF MEMBERS. VI. — Members shall be elected as follows : The candidates shall be proposed publicly at a meeting of the Society, by a member thereof, and the nomina- tions, together witli the name of the member making them, shall be entered on the minutes, and be referred to the Executive Committee. The Reports of that Committee, recommending candidates for election, shall be openly read to the Society, at a meeting subsequent to that at which the nominations were made ; and if any member demand a ballot, the election shall be by ballot, and five black balls shall exclude. If no ballot be demanded, the candidates so recommended shall be declared duly elected members of the Society. Members may also be elected by the Board of Directors ; and Corresponding or Honorary members, may, by a unanimous vote of the Board, be elected without a previous nomination. All certificates of membership shall be signed by the President and by the Secretaries. OFFICERS. VII. — The Officers of the Society, except the Counsellors, shall hereafter bo elected annually, on the third Tuesday of May, by the Board of Directors, and shall be : A President, A First Vice President, A Second Vice-President, A Foreign Corresponding Secretary, A Home Corresponding Secretary, A Recording Secretaiu-, A Treasurer, A Librarian, and An Executive Committee, of seven mombera. 13 The oificers of the Society shall be, ex- officio, members of the Executive Com- mittee ; aud five members thereof shall constitute a quorum. COUNSELLOKS. VIII. — There shall also be eighteen Counsellors, who shall be elected by the Society annually ; six of whom shall be residents of Kings County, sis of Queens County, six of Suffolk County. It shall be the duty of the Counsellors to consult and advise with the Society, with the Directors, and with the Executive Committee, as to the best means of promoting the objects of the Society ; and for that purpose they may attend the meetings of the Directors, and of the Executive Committee, and take part in their discussions, but shall not be entitled to vote. The Counsellors shall also be, ex-officio, members of the Committee on Fine Arts. COMMITTEE ON THE FINE ARTS. IX. — The President, Librarian, and Chairman of the Executive Committee, together with seven other members, to be appointed annually by the President, shall constitute a standing committee, to be called " The Committee on Fine Arts." ANNUAL MEETING. X. — The Society shall hold an xlnnual Meeting on the second Tuesday of May in each year, at which an election of five Directors and eighteen Counsellors, by ballot, shall take place. In such election, a plurality of votes given shall determine the choice. At this Annual Meeting, a Report shall be presented by the Board of Direc- tors, of all the business which they have transacted in the preceding year, and of all the property of the Society under their charge ; which Report shall be entered in full on the permanent Records of the Society. STATED AND SPECIAL MEETINGS. XI. — The Society shall meet statedly for literary exercises, and for the nom- ination and election of new members, at its Library, on the second Tuesday in every month, excepting July and August, unless otherwise specially ordered. But the President, or in his absence either of the Vice-Presidents, may, and upon the written request of any nine members, three of whom shall be Direc- tors, shall call a Special Meeting, giving three days' notice thereof, to be pub- lished in at least two public newspapers printed on Long Island. OllDER OP BUSINESS. XII. — At the Stated Meetings of the Society, the following shall be the order of exercises : 1. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting. 2. Communications from officers of the Society, or from the Board of Directors. 3. Election of members previously proposed. 4. Nomination of new members. 5. Papers read, and addresses delivered, before the Society, But at the Annual Meeting, the Report of the Board of Directors, the elec- tion of Directors, and Counsellors for the ensuing term, and the transaction of 14 Miscellaneous Business, shall follow the nomination of new members, and pre- cede the reading of papers. QUORUM. XIII. — At all meetinjrs of the Society, twenty-one members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. PRKSIDING OFFICEK. XIV. — The President, or in his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, or in their absence, a Chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Directors and of the Society, and shall have a castino^ vote. He shall preserve order, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal. He shall also appoint all committees authorized by the Directors, or by the Society, un- less otherwise specially ordered. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES. XV. — The Corresponding Secretaries shall conduct the general correspond- ence of the Society. They shall, at every meeting of the Society, report such letters and communications as they may have received ; they shall prepare all letters to be written in connection with the business or objects of the Society, and transmit the same ; but the Executive Committee may appoint a commit- tee to prepare a letter or letters, on any special occasion. They shall keep, in suitable books, to be provided for that purpose, true copies of all letters writ- ten on behalf of the Society ; and shall carefully preserve said copies, with the originals of all letters and communications received, and shall deposit the same in the Library. The duties of the Foreign Corresponding Secretary shall be limited to the correspondence with individuals or associate bodies in foreign countries ; and those of Home Corresponding Secretary shall, in like manner, be confined to Ihe United States ; except that, in the absence of either of these officers, or during a vacancy in either office, the duties thus left unfulfilled shall devolve upon the other Corresponding Secretary, until such absence shall terminate, or the vacancy be supplied. RECORDING SECRETARY. XVI. — The Recording Secretary shall have the charge of the Seal, Charter, By-Laws, and Records of the Directors and the Society. He, together with the presiding officer, shall certify all acts of the Directors and of the Society. He shall notify all members of their election, and of such other matters as shall be directed by the Society or Directors, and shall transmit to them their proper diplomas or certificates of membership. He shall, under the direction of the President, or either of the Vice-Presidents, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Directors and the Society, and shall attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings and orders of the Directors and the Society; and shall give notice to the several officers, and to the Executive and other Committees, of all votes, orders, re- solves, and proceedings of the Directors and the Society, affecting them, or appertaining to their respective duties. 15 TREASURER. XVII. — The Treasurer sliall collect and keep tlie funds and securities of the Society ; and so often as these funds shall amount to One Hundred dollars, they shall be deposited in some bank in the City of Brooklyn to the credit of "The Long Island Historical Society," and shall be drawn thence on the check of the Treasurer, for the purposes of the Society only. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums only as may be ordered by the Board of Directors, or by the Executive Committee out of appropriations made by the Board. He shall keep a true accotint of his receipts and payments ; and at each meeting of the Committee, or of the Board, and at the Annual Meeting of the Society, shall render the same, when the Executive Committee shall audit his accounts. XVIII. — If from the report of the Treasurer there shall appear to be a balance against the Treasury, no appropriation of money shall be made for any object but the necessary current expenses of the Society, until such balance shall be paid. LIBRARIAN. XIX. — The Librarian, in connection with the Executive Committee, shall have the charge and superintendence of the Library, and the care and arrange- ment of the books, manuscripts, and other articles belonging to the Society. He shall cause to be prepared and kept, a proper catalogue and list of the same. He shall acknowledge the receipt of donations to the Society in his department. He shall expend in the purchase of books and other articles, and for their safe keeping and preservation, at the direction of the said Committee, such sums of money as shall from time to time be appropriated for that purpose, and report thereon to the Executive Committee, and to the Board at each of its Regular Meetings. He shall, at least once in each year, render his accounts for such purchases and expenditures to the Treasurer for settlement ; and shall further make to the Society, at each Annual Meeting, a full report on the condition and progress of the Library and collections. LIBRARY REGULATIONS. XX. — The following shall be the regulations for the use of the Library : 1. No book or manuscript shall at any time be lent to any person to be removed from the Library. 2. No manuscript in the Library, nor any paper read before the Society and deposited in its archives, shall be published, except by the order of the Directors, or with the consent of the Executive Committee. 3. The hours during which the Library shall be open, shall be determined from timt^ to time by the Executive Committee. 4. During such hours, any member of the Society jnay have free access to consult any book or manuscript, except such as may be designated by the Executive Committee, and to make extracts from the same under the authority of the Librarian. Any person, not a member, may obtain the like privilege of consultation from the President or Librarian, if known to them, or upon the recommendation of some other member to whom the applicant is known. But no person, not a member, shall be permitted to make extracts from the manuscripts of the Society, excepting the donors or depositors of the same, without special authority from the Ex- ecutive Committee. 16 5. It shall be tbe duty of tlie Librarian, or his Assistant, to report to the Ex- ecutive Committee any injury done to any book or manuscript by any person consulting the same ; and the said Committee may, at their dis- cretion, lay such reports before the Board. For any such injury, the person doing it shall make such pecuniary compensation as the said Committee shall judge proper ; and if he be not a member, the Com- mittee shall have power to prohibit him from further access to the Library. EXECUTIVE COirlllTTEE. XXL — It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to solicit and receive donations for the Society ; to provide for its literary and other exercises ; to recommend plans, and make the necessary arrangements for promoting its objects ; to digest and prepare business ; to authorize the disbursement and expenditure of moneys in the Treasury, out of the general appropriations made by the Board of Directors, for the payment of salaries, current expenses, fitting up the Library, the ordinary purchase of books, binding, printing and other necessary outlays. They shall have power to appoint a Janitor and Porter, and to prescribe their duties and fix their salaries. They shall, in connection with the Librarian, have charge of the arrangement and regulation of the Library and collections ; and shall have authority at any time to examine into the condition of the same, and into the state of the finances ; as also generally to superintend the interests of the Society, and execute all such duties as may from time to time be committed to them by the Board. They shall meet at least once in every month, excepting the month of August ; and shall keeji accurate Minutes of all their transactions ; and a full Report shall be presented by them, at each Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors, of what has been done by them, or by the Librarian and Treasurer, at their direction, in the interval between that and the preceding Regular Meeting. COMMITTEE ON FINE ARTS. XXII. — The Committee on Fine Arts shall have the arrangement and gen- eral direction of the Society's Gallery of Art. They shall decide upon the ad- mission into the Gallery of objects of art, and determine their position therein. They shall, subject to the approval of the Board, make such special rules and regulations in regard to the Gallery, as they may think necessary for its pre- servation, proper use, and enjoyment ; and shall devise and present plans for its extension and improvement. ALTERATION OP BY-LAWS. XXIII. — No alteration in the By-Laws of the Society shall be made, unless such alteration shall have been openly proposed at a previous meeting of the Directors, entered on the minutes, with the name of the Director proposing the same, and shall be adopted by a majority of the members of the Board. And in case of such proposed amendment, the Recording Secretary shall be required to accompany the notice for the next meeting of the Board with a copy of the proposed amendment, and a notice that the same will be acted upon at the meeting for which the notice was given. BY-LAWS BOARD OF DIRECTORS -:o:- I. — The Regular Meetings of tlie Board of Directors shall be held on the third Tuesday of May, September, and January, and the first Tuesday in May, in each year, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Special Meetings may also be called at any time, by the Executive Committee, or by five members of the Board, on giving written notice of ihe same to each Director three days previously. II. — The Executive Committee shall audit all bills and claims before the same shall be paid by the Treasurer. TTI. — The Order of Business, at the Regular and Special Meetings of the Board, bl all be as follows : 1. The reading of the Minutes of the last Meeting. 2. Report of the Executive Committee. 3. Reports of the Treasurer and Librarian. 4. Reports of Special or other Committees. 5. Appropriations for objects of the Society. 6. Miscellaneous Business. IV. — These By-Laws may be amended in the same manner as the By-Laws of the Society (Art. 23), or may be temporarily suspended, by unanimous con- sent, but not otherwise. LIST OF RESIDENT MEMBERS. LIFE MEMBERS IN LARGE CAPITALS. Abbot, Chakles R., Abbot, Josiaii H., ACHELIS, THOMAS, AcKERMAN, John R., ADAMS, COE, Adams, William Menzies, AGER, Rev. JOHN C, AIRMAN, WALTER M., Aldridge, Volney, Allen, Abuam, Allen, Abkam, Jr., Allen, Albert Q., ALLEN, HUGH, Allen, Wm. J., ALLIN, GEORGE, Ambler, Robert T., AMERMAN, JOHN W., Anderson, Humphrey S., Anderson, John J., ARCHER, GEORGE B , Armor, Samuel G., M.D., ARNOLD, EDWARD, ARNOLD, EDWARD H., Arnoux, William H., Aten, Henry F., M.D., Atkinson, Asher D., AT WATER, JAMES C, Averill, Horace, AvERiLL, Joseph 0., AYRES, DANIEL, Jr.,M.D., Ayres, Morgan W., M.D. Babcock, Edward H., Babcock, John H., BACCHUS, Rev. JOHN G., Bache, Benjamin F., M.D., Badger, Daniel D., Badger, Horace D., BAGLEY, JOHN S., BAILEY, JAMES, Bailey, James S., BAKER, D IRA, Baker, Frederick, BAKER, JOHN H., BALL, JOHN, M.D., Bancroft, Rev. Lucius W., Banta, Theodore M., BARBER, WILLL^M B., Barnes, Alfred C, BARNES, ALFRED S., BARNES, DEMAS, Barnes, Henry W., Barnett, David, BARTOW, SAMUEL B , BASSETT, FRANtUS M., M.D., Baxter, Alfred T., BAXTER, ARCHIBALD, BAXTER, CHARLES H., BAYLIS, ABRAHAM B., BAYLIS, CHARLES S., Baylis, David B., Bayliss, Rev. Samuel, BEACH, CHARLES Y., Beadle, Erastus F., BEAL, J. HARPHAM., BEALE, JOHN C, Beard, George M., M.D., BEARD, SYLVESTER M, Bebee, Stanton, Bedell, Miss Amanda, BEDELL, CADWALLADER A., BEEBE, CHARLES E., Beebe, Wilf-iam S., BEECHER, Rev. HENRY WARD, BEEKMAN, ABRAHAM J., Beers, Edwin, Bell, A. Nelson, M.D., Beman, Henry D., Benedict, B. Lincoln, BENEDKJT, CHARLES L., BENEDICT, ROBERT D., Bennet, Ludovic, BENSON, ARTHER W., Benson, Robpjrt, Jr., BER(:fEN, GEORGE W., BERGEN, JACOB I., Bergen, Johv H., BERGEN, TEUNIS G., Bergen, Van Brunt, Bestow, Marcus P., Betts, Benjamin, Betts, Charles W., BiGELOW, George N., BiGELOW, Rev. John F., D.D., BH^L, CHARLES E., BILL, LEDYARD, Birdseye, Lucien, BISHOP, T. ALSTON, Blacklin, Joseph J., Blake, Alexander V., Blanke, George C, Bloor, William V , BLOSSOM, JAMES B., Bodkin, Dominick G., M.D. 20 BoELL, Frederick W., Jr., BoEKUM, F. Rapelye, BoGEKT, Philip S., BoGEKT, Stephen G., Boi-TE, Hermann, Bonestell, John N., Booth, Samuel, BosTwicK, Edwin P., BouGHTON, William H., BOWEN, HENRY E., BOYD, HUGH, BOYER. I.ANSON, BOYNTON, NATHANIEL A., Brackett, George C, BRADLEY, WILLL\M, BRAINARD, KOSWELL C, Brainero, George B., BRANDEIS, LEOPOLD, Bretz, George Z. , M.D., BREVOORT, HENRY L., BREVOORT, J. CARSON, BiJEZ, John D., BRINKERHOFF, AARON, Brinsmade, James B., Bristow, Isaac, Bromley, Miles S., Brooke, Ciiakles A., BROOKS. THOMAS, Brooks, William, BROSE, FRITZ, Brower, George V., Bhown, William A., Brown, William K., M.D., BRUMLEY, JAMES L., BRUSH, HENRY N., BRUSH, JARVIS, BRUSH, J. THEODORE, BUCK, RICHARD P., Buckingham, John A., BUCKLEY, OLIVER K., Jr., BUCKLEY, THOMAS T., BUDINGTON, Rev. W. IVES, D.D. BUFFUM, DAVID. BULKLEY, EDWIN. BULLARD, JOHN, Jr., BUNCE, JOHN, Bunker, Edward S., M.D., BuRCHARD, Nathan, Burge, J. H. Hobart, M.D., Burke, Frederick W., Burnett, Edwin H., BURNHAM, LYMAN S., BURRELL, SEYMOUR, BuRTis, John H., BUSSING, ROBERT S,, Butler, John Q. A., Byrne, John, M.D. CADY, HOWARD C, Calder, Robert, Caldwell, Charles, CALDWELL, CHARLES B„ CALDWELL, JOHN J., M.D., CAMP, CALVIN B., CAMPBELL, ANTHONY F., CANDA, JOHN M., Candler, Flamen B., Capwell, Albert B., CARLY, JESSE, Carman, Nelson G., Jr., CARMICHAEL, Rev. WM. M., D.D. CARPENTER, Rev. HUGH S., D.D. Cartwright, David G., Carver, Benjamin, CARY, Mrs. MARIA, CASE, JOSEPH S., Casey, Silas, Cassidy, James, Cassin, John, CiiADwicK, Alexander B., CHADWICK, Rev. JOHN W., Chapin, Gardner S., Chapman, Edwin N.. M.D., CHAUNCEY, DANIEL, CHAUNCEY, MICHAEL, CHITTENDEN, SIMEON B., CHITTENDEN, SIMEON B., Jr., CuoLLAR, Thomas T., CLAFLIN, HORACE B., Clapp, Hawley D., Clapp, John F., Clark, C. Frederick, M.D., Clark, Joseph E.,M.D., CLARK, PICKERING, Clement, Nathaniel H., CLOSE, GEORGE C, COCHRAN, ALEXANDER, M.D., Cocks, John D., Cocks, John J., COFFIN, ANDREW G., Coffin, Edward A., Coffin, Isaac S., COIT, WILLIAM, Colby, Josiah, Cole, Jacob, Colgan, Joseph P., M.D., COLLINS, HENRY, Colton, Frederick H., M.D, CoNANT, Rev. Thoma.s J., D.D., Condit, Stephen, CONGDON, CHARLES, CoNGREVE, Charles M., Conkling, John T., M.D., Cook, Charles D.,M.D., Cook, John F., Cooper, Albion K. P., Cooper, Charles, Corey. Charles, M.D., CORLIES, EDMUND W., CORNELL, PETER C, Cornell, Samuel H., CoRN"WELL, Richard H., CoTREL, Thomas, Cowing, James A., 21 Cowing, James R., Crandell, Charles P., Crane, James, M.D , Cranford, John P., CREAMER WILLIAM G., Crooke, Philip S., Crosby, Rev. Arthur, CROSS, NELSON, Grossman, Henry, Cruikshank, James, CuLYER, John Y., CUTTER, BLOODQOOD H., Cutter, John D. Da Costa, Charles M., Dana, Alexander H.. Dauchy, S. Theodore, Davenport, Cyrus B., Davenport, William B., Davidson, Elliott C. , DAVIS, BENJAMIN P., Davis, Benjamin W., Davis, Hezekiah, Jr., DAVIS, SOLOxMON N., D.wis, William W., DAVOL, JOHN, DE CAMP. JOHN L., Deming, Frederick, DENNIS, CHARLES, Dewey, Chester P., De Witt, Andrew H., DIKE, CAMDEN C, DIKE. HENRY A., DIKE, JAMES P., DILLINGHAM, EDWIN R., Dillon, Robert, DixsoN, Coutland p., DIXSON, WILLIAM P., DODGE, EDWARD, Dodge, Richard J., Dodge, William A., Donnelly, Th )Mas F., Doty, Ethan Allen, DOUGLAS, THOMAS, Douglass, George B., DRO WN E, Rev.T. STAFFORD,D.D. DUCKWITZ, ARNOLD F., DucKwrrz, George T., Dudley, William H., M.D., DuFFiN, John P., M.D., DUNHAM, WILLIAM S., DuNKLY, Leonard, Jr., DUNTON, WILLIAM C, DURKEE, EUGENE R., DURYEA, HeRMANIUS B., DURYEA, SAMUEL B., DusENBURY, William W., Dutcher, Charles H., DUTCHER, SILAS B., DuTTON, George R. EARLE, ALEXANDER M., Eastman, Henry W., EATON, DARWIN G., EDDY, Rev. ZACHARY, D.D., EdMANDS, J. CUSIIING, Edwards, Sylvester J., Eisenach, Carl F., Elmendorp, James L. H., M.D., ELTING, ROBERT M., ELWELL, JAMES W., Ely, Joseph N., Ely, Philo S., Emery, James W., ENOS, Mrs. D. C, Ensign, Charles S., ESTES, BENJAMIN, Evans, William, Everett, Erastus. Fairbanks, Frederick P., Farley. Charles S., FARLEY. Rev. FRED'K A., D.D. FARRINGTON, HARVEY, Fayerweather, Daniel B., Fellowes, Samuel M., Fellows, Charles H., FIELD, THOMAS W., Field, William, FiNCKE, Bernhardt, M.D., FiNCKE, Frederick G., Firth, Horatio E., M.D., Fish, John D., FISHER, GEORGE H., Fithian, David, FITTS, FRIEND P., Ford, Augustus, Ford, Gordon L., Ford, Nathaniel, M.D., FORMAN, ALEXANDER, Forrester, George B. , Foster, William H., FOWLER. FREDERICK R., Fowler, William A., FOWLER, WILLIAM C, Fransioli, Augustus C, Eraser, Edward A., Freeman, John N., M.D., Frisbie, Oscar, FROTHINGHAM, JAMES H., Frothingham, John B., FROTHINGHAM, JOHN W., Fulton, Henry, FURMAN, WILLIAM H. GALLAGHER, Rev. HENRY M., Gardiner, Thomas A., (HARRISON, SAMUEL, Germond, Henry S , GiBERSON, Ch.\rles H., M.D., Gii.BEiiT, EbenEzer D., GiLBEUT, George W., GILBERT, JASPER W., Gilbert, Rev. Lyman, 22 GILFILLAN, GEORGE, M.D., GiLFii.LAN, William, M.D., GILKISON, ANTHONY, GILLESPIE, EDWARD R., Gladwin, Sidney M., Glovek, Charles H., GODARD, Charles W,, Godfrey, Wilson, GoLDMARK, Joseph, GOODNOW, ABEL F., GOODRIDGE. JOHN C, Jr., M.D. GOODRIDGE, SOLON E., Gorton, David A., M.D., Graef, Edward L., Granger, Elihu J., Granniss, George B , GRANT, FREDERIC, GRAVES, RUFUS R., GREATON, JOHN W., GHEEN, FREDERICK DEMING, GREEN, Rev. JOSEPH M., Green, Samoel W., GREEN, SIDNEY, GREENE, JOSEPH W., GREENE, LYMAN R., Grekne, Randall H., Gheenwood, Isaac J., GREENWOOD, JOHN, Gregory, George F., Gridley, Junius, GuiERsoN, Samuel, GRIFFEN, CHARLES, GRIGGS, JAMES M., Guild, Frederick A., Guy, Samuel S., M.D. Hagner. Henry, H.\ll, Rev. Charles H., D.D., Hall, Hiland, Hall, Isaac, HALL, Mrs. ISAAC, Halliday, Thomas A., Hallock, Mrs. E. V., Halsey, John, Halsey, John C, M.D., Halsey, Rev. Samuel P., Hammond, Daniel S., Hammond, William F., Hannah, George, Hardcastle, Robert, Hardknisergh, Louis V. D., HARDY, GEORGE J., Harlow, Samuel R., Harmon, John W., Harold, John, Harris, Philip S., HARRISON, FREDERICK H., HARRISON, GABRIEL, Hart, Jamks M., Hart, Samuel, M.D., Harteau, Henry, HATCH, WALTER T., Hathaway, Henry B., HAVILAND, HENRY, Haviland, Robert H., Havvley, James S., M.D., Haynes, Stephen, H.\ZEN, Abrah.^m F., HAZZARD, WILLIAM H., HEALY, AARON, H EATON, Clarence D., HEGEMAN, JOSEPH, HENDERSON, ISAAC, Henry, John F., Hewlett, James A., HiCKOK, William, HiCKOX, Charles R., HICKS, BENJAMIN D., HICKS, JOHN D., HICKS, JOHN S., Higgins, Ai.gernon S., HiGGiNS, Charles S., Higginson, Stephen, HiNE, Ethel C, HINES, DAUPHINE S., HiNMAN, Ransom B., Hinsdale, Theodore, Hiscox, Gardiner D., HOECKER, JOHN B., HoLBROOK, Francis W., HoLCOMBE, William F., M.D., HOLDEN, HeNDKICK S., Holt, George (I, Holt, Horatio N., Hondlow, Sylvester, Hooper, William W., Hopkins, George G., M.D., Hopper, Jacob M., HoRTON, David P., HosFORD, Frederick J., How, Bfc:NjAMiN W., HOW, JAMES, HOWARD. JOHN T., HOWARD, SAMUEL E., HoxiE, Nathaniel B., HoxiR, William E., HoYT, Frederick T., HOYT, Rev. WAYLAND, Hubbard, Hermanus B., hudson, george, hulbert, henry C, hulbert, milan, Hulett, Don A., HULL, AURELIUS B., HUMPHREY, Mrs. URANIA, HUMPHREYS, ASAHEL W., HUNT, FURMAN, HUNT, THOMAS, Hunt, William G., M.D., HUNTER, JOHN W., HUNTER, ROBERT J., HUNTER, WILLIAM, Huntington, Rev. S. B., Hurst, Lewis, 23 HUSTED, SEYMOUR L., HUSTED, WILLIAM A., HuTcniNS, Alexander, M.D., HuTCHiNS, Edgar A., HUTCHINSON, JOHX B., HUTCHINSON, SAMUEL. Hutchison, Joseph C, M.D., Hyatt, Abraham C, Hyde, Simeon T. Ingalls, William, Inglis, Rev. David, D.D., IsHAM, Henry Hayward, IVES, JAMES S., IVES, JULIUS Jr., IviNS, William M. Jackson, Joseph H., JAMES, DARWIN R., JAMES, DAVID H., Janes, Lewis G., Jarvie, William, Jr., M.D., Jarvis, George A., Jelliffe, William M., Jewett, Charles, M.D., Jewett, Charles C, M.D., JOHNSON, DWIGHT, Johnson, Jeromus J., Johnson, John G., M D., Johnstone, Howieson J., M.D., Johnstone, Robert, Jones, Charles C, Jr., JONES, JOHN D., JONES, ROBERT E., JOURNEAY, HENRY P., JuDsoN, Edward G., JUDSON, FREDERICK A., JuDSON, Henry I., JUDSON, ISAAC N, KALBFLEISCH, EDWARD L., KALBFLEISCH, FREDERICK W, Kelley, Edward G., KELLOGG, CHARLES, Kendall, Rev. Henry, D.D., KENNADAY, JOHN R , Kent, Andrew W., KENT, GEORGE L., KENYON, WHITMAN W., Kidder, Stephen, Kingsley, William C, KiRBY, James H., kirkland, r. McDonald, KiHKWOOD, James P., Kissam, William A., M.D., KNIGHT, NEHEMIAH, KOCH, JOHN C, KuRTH, Augustus. Lamb, Albert E. , Lamb, Mrs. Martha J., Lane, Nathan, Lapham, Henry G., LAPHAM, OLIVER K., Larrabee, William H., Latimer, John A., LATIMER, JOHN G., LAWTON, WALTER E., Lazell, Lew[s T., Leavitt, James M., LEAVITT, JAMES T., Leech, John E., IjEeds, James S., LEFFERTS, JOHNC, LEFFING WELL, ALBERT J., M.D. LEONARD, WILLIAM B., Leslie, Thomas, Lewis, Arnold A., Lewis, Mrs. E. C, LEWIS, ELIAS. Jr., Lewis, Sylvan us D., LIBBY, WILLIAM P., Lightbouhn, Alfred J., LITCHFIELD, EDWIN C, LITCHFIELD, ELECT US B., Little, William Mayo, Littlejohn, Rt Rev. A. N., D.D., LiTTLEJOHN, Duncan, LITTLEJOHN, JAMES, LONGMAN, GEORGE, LONGMAN, ROBERT, LooMis, Charles B., LooMis, John S., LOTT, ABRAHAM, LOTT, JOHN A., LoTT, John Z., Loud, Henry W., Lough, George F., LovELL, Frank H., LOW, A. ABBOTT, LOW, A. AUGUSTUS, LOW, EDWARD A., Low, Ethelbert M., Low, Harriette, LOW, HENRY W., LOW, JOSIAHO., Low, Seth, Low, William G., LOWELL, SIDNEY V., Lowrey, Charles, LOVVREY, CHARLES J., LowRY, Robert II., LuDDEN, Julius E., LuDLAM, Silas, Lyman, Rev. Albert J., LYMAN, EDWARD H. R., Lyman, Joseph, LYNDE, MARTIN T., Lyon, William H. McAllister, Thomas II., McCLELLAN, CHRIS'R R., M.D., McCOY, JOHN F., McCUE, ALEXANDER, 24 McElroy. Samuel, McEwEN, Daniel CHtrRcn, McFakland, Rev. Henrit H., Mackay, Daniel, Mackay, George, Mckenzie, john d., McLean, SAMUEL, McMauon, James, McPhail, Leonard C, Mali, Charles, Man, William, Mann, Cyrus S., M.D., Marcellus, J. Lawrence, MARQUAND, FREDERICK, Marsh, Edward H., Marston, William H., Martin, Charles C, MARTIN, JOHN T., MARVEL, WILLIAM D., MARVIN, CHARLES, H., MARVIN, CHARLES R, MARVIN, JOSEPH H., MASON, CHARLES H., Mason, George B., MASON, JOHN W., MASON, THEODORE L., M.D., MASSEY, MARCELLUS, Masters, Augustus E., Mathewson, Arthur, M.D., Matthews, William, Maurice, James, Mead, Edward B., MEAD, GEORGE W., Medler, Henky, MEIGS, CHARLES A., Menzies. James G , MENZIES, WILLIAM, MERIAM, JAMES S., Merrill, Julian W., Merritt, Edward, Merryweather, George B., Mervin, Joseph. Mervin, Timothy T., Miller, Jared, Miller, J. Ernest, Miller, Thomas R., MITCHELL, CHAUNCEY L., M.D., MOODY, MOSES K., Moore, Samuel S., Jr., Morgan, Henry P., MORGAN, JAMES L., MORGAN, JAMES L.,Jr., Morgan, John B., MORGAN, N. DENISON, Morgan, William G., Morrill, Mrs. H. E., Morris, Lewis, Morris, Samuel D., MORROW, C. W. L. F., MoHSK, George F., MORSE, GEORGE L., Morse, Nathan B., Mumford, William, Murdock, Skth M. , Murdock, Warren, MURPHY, HENRY C, MURPHY, HENRY C, Jr., Mygatt, Eli, Jr., Mygatt, George, NAPIER, ALEXANDER D., Nesbitt, Robert M., Nesmith, Henry E., Newman, Clement D., Newton, Albro J., NEXSEN, JOHN A., Nichols, Claudius B., Nichols, Elisha W., Nichols, George H., NICHOLS, GEORGE L,, Nichols, Henry G., NICHOLS, JOHN P., Nichols, Walter, NICOLL, WILLIAM, NivER, William K., NoRCROss, John E., NoRRis, John B., northall, thomas j., notman, peter, NoYES, Stephen B. Oakey. John, O'Connor, Timothy, Ogden, James B., OGDEN, JONATHAN, Ogden, Robert C, O'Maiiony, John, Onderdonk, William H., Ormistdn, Robert, M. D., OsBORN, Albert H., OsBORN, William E. , OSTRANDER, FERDINAND W , M. D. OsfRANDER, George A., M. D., OSTRANDER, JOHN W., M. D., OSTRANDER, PeTER W., Of^TRANDER, STEPHEN M., OsTROM, Anthony P.. Otterson, Andrew, M. D., OuTWATER, Jacob, OviNGTON, Henry A. Packer, William S., Palmer, Justus, Palmer, Lorin, Park, Trenor W., PARKER, ASA W., PARSONS, CHARLES H., PARSONS, GEORGE W., Parsons, Samuel, L., Parsons, William H., Paul, Charles H., PEABODY, ENOCH W., Peck, Edgar F., M. D., PECK, WILLIAM M., 25 PeCKETT, JOTIN W., PEET, JOHN H., Peet, William, Pell, Ogden P., Pell, William K., Pell, William W., Pellet ueau, (Jharles H., Jr., Pennoyek, James, M.D., Perkins, Thomas A., Perhine, William L. R., M.D., Perky, Andrew J., Pekry, Ciiauncey, PERKY. CORNELIUS, PETTIT, FOSTER, Phelps, George N., PHELPS, HENRY B., Phillips, Joseph C, PHOENIX, S. WHITNEY, Pierce, Frederick O., PIERCE, JAMES F., PIERKEPONT, HENRY E., PIERKEPONT, HENRY E., Jr., PIERREPONT, JOHN JAY, PIERREPONT, WILLIAM A., PiERSON, A. JUDSON, PIERSON, HENRY R., PITBLADDO, THOxMAS, PITKIN, GEORGE D.. PLATT, GEORGE W., Jr., Plimpton, Edwin D., POLHEMUS, HENRY D., Polley, David, POLLEY, GrAHMS, Porter, Anthony B., ■PORTER. WILLIAM R., Potter, Ray W., Powell, Charles II., POWELL, ROBERT I., Pratt, Calvin E., Pratt, Mrs. Frances Lee, PRENTICE. JAMES H., PRENTICE, JOHN, PRENTICE, JOHN H., PRESTON, WILLIAM I., PREVOST, ANDREW J., PRINCE, L. BRADFORD, Probasco, Samuel R., Prout, Jonathan S., M.D., Pryor, Roger A., Putnam, Rev. Alfred P., PYLE, CYRUS. Raven, Anton A., Raymond, Joseph H., M.D., Raymond, Robert R., Read, Isaac, Reddish, Thomas J., Redhead, James F., Reese, William W., M.D., REEVE, HENRY G., REEVE, HENRY W , REEVE, TAPPAN, Reynolds, Frank, RHODES, JOHN H., RICHARDSON, ASA B.. RICHARDSON, EDWARD T., M.D., RICHARDSON, ENOS, Richardson, Thomas, Richardson, William, RIPLEY, HORACE, RIPLEY, JOSEPH, Ritchie, Alexander H., ROBBINS, AMOS, ROBBINS, DANIEL C, ROBBINS, ELI, RoBBiNS, William M., Roberts, Lester A., ROBINSON, GEORGE C, ROBINSON, JEREMIAH P., ROBINSON, MARCUS W., Robinson, William E., ROCKWELL, JAMES S., RODMAN, THOMAS H., Roe, Newbury, ROLFE, JOHN P., ROPES, REUBEN W., Ropes, Ripley, ROSE, WILLIAM W., ROSS, SAMUEL P., RusHMORE, John D., M.D., RUSHMORE, MeRWIN, Russell, William, Ryan, James E. SAGE, HENRY W., SALTUS, NICHOLAS, SANDERSON, ELNATHAN L., SANDERSON, SIDNEY, SAN FORD, EDWARDS S., SANGER, HENRY, Sawtell, Rev. Eli N., D.D., Saxe, John G., Sayres, William J., SCHENCK, Rev. NOAH HUNT,DD. Schenck, p. Lawrence, M.D., Schieren, Charles A., SCHOONMAKER, RICHARD S., SCHUMAKER, JOHN G., SCUDDER, HENRY J., Seabury, Alexander, Seabury, James M., SEAVER, Rev. NORMAN, D.D., Seeley, George H., Seeley, John P., Segur, Benjamin A., M.D., Selpho, William, SENEY, GEORGE L, Sharpe, Hezekiah D., Shaw, John C, M.D., Shearman, Thomas G., SHELDON, HENRY, SHELDON HENRY K., Shepard, Charles W., SHERMAN, BENJAMIN P., 26 Shtpman, Henrt, SHUSTER, JOHN, SlI-I.IMAN, AlJGOSTUS E., SILLIMAN, BENJAMIN D., Silver, Charles A., Skenk, Alexander J. C, M.D., SLOAN, SAMUEL, SLOCUM, HENRY W., SMITH, BRYAN H.. Smith, Crawford C., SMITH, n. ALLEN, Smith, Horatio S., M D., Smith, Jksse C, SMITH, J. LAWRENCE, Smith, John C, Smith, Thomas L., M.D., Smith, Mrs. Thomas L., Sneden, S Warren, Snively, Rev. William A., SNOW, MICHAEL, SPEARWATER, P. A., SPEIR, S. FLEET, M.D., Spelman, Timothy M., SPOON ER, ALDEN J., Sprague, Homer B., Sprague, William E., Squibb, Edward H., Squibb, Edward R., M.D., Stadlmaih, Henry, Stanley, Ira N., Starr, Peter, Stearns, James S., Stearns, J. Milton, Jr., STEBBINS, JAMES H., Steele, James A., STEELE. McttREGOR, STEELE, OLIVER R., Sterling, John H., M.D., Stewart, Charles J., Sticht, John C, STILLMAN, THOMAS E., Stone, David M., Stone, D wight, STORRS, AUGUSTUS, STORRS, CHARLES, STORRS, Rev. HENRY M., D.D., STORRS, JAMES H., STORRS, Rev. RICHARD S., D.D., Story. William H., STRANAHAN, JAMES S. T., Stryker, Cornelius S., STUDWELL, HENRY A., Sturges, Edward B., Sturges, Theodore, Sullivan, William, SUMNER, ALBERT E., M.D., summerfield, john b., Swan, Lyndon M., SWAN, WILLIAM H., Sweet, Abram M., swenson, svante m. , swezey, noah t., Syme, William R.. SziGETiiY, Charles A. H., M.D. TAFT, ENOS N., Talmage, John F.. M.D., Taylor, Andrew L., Taylor. Edwin S., TAYLOR, FRANKLIN E., Taylor. G. Carrington, TAYLOR, JAMES R., Taylor, Wii,liam Jr., TERRY, EDxMUND, Thalheimer. Miss Mary E., Thallon, Robert, THAYER, GEORGE A., Thayer, William H., M.D., Thomas, Henry, Thomas, Mahquis D., Thomas, Thomas F., Thompson, Daniel B., THOMPSON, FREDERICK, THOMPSON, GEORGE, Thorn, Abiah B., THORNE, JOHN S., M.D., Thornton, W. Charles B., Thorp, James H.. THURBER, CHARLES, THURS TON, Miss CAROLINE, THURSTON. Miss ELLEN, TiLTON, Theodore, TISOALE, WILLIAM S., TITUS, DANIEL, TITUS, EDMUND, TITUS, HENRY, Todd, John, TOEDTEBERG, AUGUSTUS, TORRANCE. HENRY, TOWNSEND. CHARLES A., Tracy. Benjamin F., TRASK. ALANSON, TREDWELL, DANIEL M., Troy, James, TRUSLOW, JAMES L., Truslow, John, Turner, J. Mott, M.D. UNDERBILL, REUBEN H., UNDERBILL, SILAS A., Upjohn, Richard M., Utley, William R. Valentine, Benjamin E , VALENTINE, BREWSTER, VALENTINE, SAMUEL T., Valentine. Thomas W., VAN ANDEN, ISAAC, Van Buhen, Robert, VAN COTT, JOSHUA M. Vanderveer, Charles H., Van Doren, John V., VAN DYCK, ANTHONY v., Van Ingen, Henry S., 27 Van Nostrand, John J., VAN SINDEREN, ADRIAN, Van Tuyl, Andrew, VAN VVAGENEN, G. HUBERT, VAN VVYCK, RICHARD, VAN WYCK, SAMUEL, VOORHEES, JUDAH B. Walden, Daniel T., Waldron, Henry, Jr., Walker, Jerome, M.D , WALLACE, JAMES P., Ward, Frederick A., WARD, JOHN S.. WARD, RODNEY C, Wardwell, Jeremiah M., Waring, Nathaniel P., Waring, William H., Warner, Wyllts H., WATERS, HORACE, WATERS, HORACE, Jr., WATERS, T. LEEDS, WEBSTER, HOSEA, Webster, Warren T., Weck, Philip, WELLINGTON, ISAAC B., Wells, D, Hendenson, Wells, Henry P., WEST, CHARLES E., Wheeler, Andrew S., Wheeler, George S., WHEELOCK, JOHN W., Whipple, R. Frank, WHITE, ALEXANDER M., WHITE, ALFRED T., WHITE, G. GRANVILLE, White, G. Rankine, M.D., White, Stepsien V., White, Sylvanus T., White, Thomas, WHITE, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, Wtutehouse, Edward, WHITEHOUSE, JOHN 0., WHITNEY JAMES F., WHITNEY, JAMES W., WICKES, WILLIAM W., Wilbur, Joshua G., M.D., WILDER, VICTOR A., WiLLETS, Charles D., WiLLETS, Edward B., WiLLETS, George P., WILLETS, JOSEPH, WILLETS JOSEPH H., Williams, John, Williams, John J., WILLIAMS, WILLIAM H., M.D., WIN ANT, DANIEL D., WiNSLOW. David C, WINSLOW, JOHN, WINTRINGHAM, JEREMIAH, WINTRINGHAM, SIDNEY, WOOD, ALFRED M., WOOD, CORNELIUS D., Wood, Walter R., WooDHOusE, Sylvester L., Woodruff, Albert, WOODRUFF, FRANKLIN, Worthe, Paul, WUNDERLICH, FRED. W., M.D., WYCKOFF, PETER, Wyckofp, Richard M., M.D., WYCKOFF, VAN BRUNT, WYMAN, LUTHER B. YOCUM, WILLIAM D. YOUNG, ALFRED R., Young, Henry D.