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CONNOR SECRETAKY OF THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION THE THOMPSON PUBLISHING COMPANY EALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 1911 C1^ Copyright, 1911, by The Thompson Publishing Company *'•■ Cci.A2f)7446 i^\ i TO MY MOTHER KATE WHITFIELD CONNOR IN ALL THAT IS NOBLE IN WOMANHOOD AND BEAUTIFUL IN MOTHERHOOD A TRUE REPRESENTATIVE OF NORTH CAROLINA MOTHERS, WHO ARE, IN TRUTH, THE REAL MAKERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH r H E F A C E The title of this book sufficiently explains its purpose and its scope. In it I have emphasized, as far as possi- ble, the personalities of the men who have made our history rather than the events in which they were con- cerned. The latter can be studied in the narrative histories of the State which of necessity must present but little or nothing of the former. Of course I do not mean that the great events in which these men were leaders have been neglected. The child who studies this book will acquire as much knowledge of the general history of the State as the average child in the grades is capable of assimilating. This book has been written under the impression that the children of North Caro- lina have more knowledge of the great events of our history than of the great leaders; and under the con- viction that knowledge of the latter is equally as important and even more interesting, to children, at least, than the former. I am, of course, aware that others selecting such a list would probably reject some names that I have included and include some that I have excluded. I have no quarrel with their choice and I trust they will have none with mine. The necessity of selecting at all and the necessary limit to the number to be included in such a book, account for the exclusion of several, names which deserve, as much as any in my list, to be viii PREFACE included in any list supposed to be complete of the " Makers of North Carolina History." The names of John Ashe, James Iredell, Samuel Johnston, Willie P. Mangum, Braxton Craven, James and Alfred Moore, John M. Morehead, Archibald D. Murphey, David L. Swain, and others readily occur. Some of those in my list certainly occupy no greater place in our history than some of those here enumerated. Other reasons, which obviously cannot be discussed here, have determined my selections. This book can be used in three ways: First, as a history; Second, as supplementary to a narrative history of North Carolina or of the United States; Third, as a supplementary reader. The teacher will observe that the " Questions for Special Study" which follow each of the sketches are not the obvious questions suggested directly by the text. They are derived indirectly from the text, and as a rule can be answered by a little reading between the lines of the narrative. Some of them are questions of opinion only, and the pupils should be encouraged to express their own opinions freely without dictation from the teacher and be ready to defend their opinions when attacked. R. D. W. C. CHAPTER I. II. III. IV. V. 'VI. All. VIII. IX. vX. ^I. XII. XIII. ^IV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. ^IX. XX. Xxi. CONTENTS PAGE Sir Walter Ralkigh ^ ^ 14 George Durant 2fi Thomas Pollock Edward Moseley Hugh Waddell John Harvey 7fi Cornelius Harnett Hooper, Hewes, and Penn 91 Richard Caswell Cleveland, Shelby, and Sevier 120 William Richardson Davie 132 Nathaniel Macon 1'*" 1 cq Johnston Blakely 170 William Gaston James Cochrane Dobbin 1^^ William Alexander Graham 192 Calvin Henderson Wiley 210 Zebulon Baird Vance 222 Hill, Pettigrew, and Grimes 241 Charles Duncan McIver 262 Makers of Modern North Carolina . • • 274 Appendix I. Origin and Names of the Counties OF North Carolina 295 Appendix II. List of the Governors of North Carolina ^^^ T ^,, 309 Index . . • MAKERS OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPTER I SIR WALTER RALEIGH Why our Capital City was named Raleigh. — Raleigh, the capital city of North Carolina, bears the name of one of the great men of England. Why should an Ameri- can State name its capital city for an Englishman? Was it because he was fa- mous as a statesman, soldier, author, and patriot? No, it was because Sir Walter Raleigh sent the first English colony to America and his colony settled in what is now North Carolina. As Raleigh's work won the best part of the New World for the English people. North Carolina named her capital city in his honor. The Young Soldier. — Raleigh was born in England in 1552, sixty years after Columbus discovered America. He was born at a beautiful country place called " Hayes," on the southern coast of England. Near his home was the town of Plymouth, a famous seaport where sailors 1 Sir Waltkr Raleigh 2 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA came from all parts of the world. These sailors had many a tale to tell about the countries they had visited. Some of them had been to the New World where they had seen wonderful wild birds and animals and the savage red men with long bows and arrows and curious wigwams. How eagerly young Raleigh listened to the interesting stories of these sunburnt sailors! And how he longed to sail out on the broad Atlantic to see the wonders of America for himself! But after a while school-days came and young Raleigh was sent away from home to school. He studied well and read a great deal. He liked books of travel that told of adventure in foreign countries, and of the strange people and customs of lands beyond the sea. He was fond of history, and the great deeds of famous men made him eager to win fame for himself. After leaving school he became a soldier in the British army. He was so skilful that he soon won the rank of captain, and so fearless that his bravery attracted the attention of Queen Elizabeth herself. Raleigh becomes a Favorite of the Queen. — After serving six years in the army, Raleigh went to London and was presented at Court. His handsome form, his fine face, his rich dress, and his elegant and pleasant manners pleased good "Queen Bess." In a very short time he became one of her most trusted advisers and favorite courtiers. She made him a knight, and heaped honors and riches on him until he became one of the great men in England. Raleigh plans to send a Colony to America. — At that time England and Spain were at war with each other. Spain owned great colonies in America from SIR WALTER RALEIGH 3 which she received vast treasures of gold and silver. With this wealth she fitted out armies and fleets against England. England also claimed territory in America on account of the voyages of John and Sebastian Cabot. But she had not taken possession of it, and Spain denied that she had any right to it. Sir Walter Raleigh thought that England ought to send colonies to the New World. Such colonies he said would help to make England richer and more powerful than Spain. He laid his plans before the Queen, and she gave him permission to take posses- sion of her territory in America and plant a colony there. Raleigh's First Expedition. — In less than a month Raleigh had two vessels ready to sail for America. They were commanded by daring sailors, Captains Philip Amadas and Arthur Barlow. Raleigh intended for them to explore the country and select a good place for the colony. They sailed from England in the spring of 1584, and on July 4th reached the coast of what is now North Carolina. Springing upon the shore, they first gave thanks to God for their safe arrival, and then unfurling the English flag claimed the country in the name of Queen Elizabeth and of Sir Walter Raleigh. A few days later, while exploring the country. Captain Barlow with seven of his men came to an island w^hich the natives called Roanoke. All about them were many other islands "most beautiful and pleasant to behold." The visitors seemed to think they had reached Para- dise. They were charmed with the delightful climate, the fertile soil, the sweet flowers, and the tall trees. On every tree and shrub grew wild vines, filled with HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA sweet grapes, "in such plenty that in all the world the Hke abundance could not be found." From the Indians, they received fruits, melons, cucumbers, and corn, which was "very white, fair and well tasted." The woods were full of deer, hares, and birds; and the waters were alive "with the goodliest and best fish in the world." As the men strolled along the seashore, great flocks of white cranes flew up around them with such cries that it seemed "as if an army of men had shouted all together." The Indians treated their visitors "with all love and kindness"; and the Eng- lishmen thought them "most gentle, loving, and faithful." " Virginia." — Amadas and Barlow thought that Roanoke was the very place for Raleigh's colony. After spending two months exploring the country, they sailed for England, carrying with them two of the Indians whose names were Wanchese and Manteo. In England their story was heard with wonder and delight. Every- body was charmed with the new country and its gentle loving people. When Amadas asked the Indians the name of their country, they replied " Win-gan-da-coa," and by this name Amadas and Barlow called it. But Queen Elizabeth SIR WALTER RALEIGH 5 what the Indians really meant by '' Win-gan-da-coa" was, ''What pretty clothes you wear!" Queen EUza- beth was so pleased that this new land was found during her reign, that she called it "Virginia," in honor of herself, the Virgin Queen. The First Colony. — Raleigh lost no time in sending a colony to Virginia. For governor, he selected Ralph Lane, a brave soldier in the Queen's army. In this colony were 108 men who sailed for Roanoke in a fleet of seven vessels. After a voyage of three months, they reached Roanoke in July, 1585. Their first work was to build a rude fort, called "Fort Raleigh," and then some dwelling-houses. Lane was a good leader, but his men were lazy and would not work. They expected to find gold and silver at Roanoke and instead of planting crops, they spent their time looking for precious metals. So when winter came, their food gave out and had it not been for Manteo, they would have starved. Wanchese and Manteo. — Wanchese and Manteo had returned to Roanoke with Lane. What a wonder- ful story they had to tell their old friends at home! They had crossed the great ocean. They had been to the great city of London. They had seen more people with pale faces than they could count. They had even been to the palace and seen the Queen. Manteo loved the English people because they had been kind to him, and became their strong friend. But when Wanchese saw how powerful the English people were, he feared and hated them. Upon his return to Roanoke, he made up his mind to destroy the little colony before 6 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA the pale-faced strangers became strong enough to take the land from his people. The Colony Fails. — When the English needed food, Manteo sent them corn and fish, and persuaded the other Indians to be friendly to them also. In return Lane and his men were harsh and at times cruel. Then Wanchese got the upper hand of Manteo, and the Indians began to lay plans to get rid of their white visitors. Soon a war broke out. But the red men with their bows and arrows were no match for the whites with their guns and pistols. Lane easily defeated them, but after his victory he found it harder than ever to get food for his men. The men nov,' began to ask each other anxiously, "What shall we do? We can no longer depend on the Indians, yet we must have food or we shall starve on this lonely island." Had their friends in England for- gotten them? Would Sir Walter Raleigh never send them help? All were about to give up hope, when, one day in June, a man dashed up to Lane, all out of breath, and cried out that he had seen sails at sea. How this good news cheered the homesick settlers! An English fleet had arrived, and they were saved. The commander of this fleet was Sir Francis Drake, one of England's most famous naval heroes. In his fleet were twenty-three vessels. He had been among the West Indies plundering Spanish ships and now, with vast treasures, was on his way back to England. He offered to take Lane and his hungry men home. They were glad enough to go and so in June, 1586, they sailed away from Roanoke. Raleigh's first colony had failed. SIR WALTER RALEIGH ''Uppowoc," "Pagatour," and " Openauk." ^ Lane and his men found no gold in "Virginia." But they carried home with them three plants that have brought to England more wealth than the Spaniards got from all their mines of gold and silver. These plants were " uppowoc," ''pagatour," and "openauk." What odd names these are! Who would ever guess that "uppowoc" was the Indian name for tobacco, ' ' pagatour ' ' for Indian corn, and ''openauk" for Irish potato? And why, do you suppose, the white potato, which came from America, is called the "Irish potato" ? Because, after Raleigh planted it in Ireland, the potato became the chief food of the Irish people and more than once has saved them from star- vation in time of famine. Raleigh also taught the English people how to smoke. It is said that one day while he was smoking his pipe, his servant entered the room with a pitcher of ale. Frightened at seeing smoke pouring out of his master's mouth and nose, he cried out that Sir Walter was on fire, and dashed the ale in his face! Raleigh's Second Colony. — Raleigh was disappointed at the failure of his colony, but he did not lose heart. The next year he prepared a second colony for " Vir- ginia." John White, who had been at Roanoke with Sir Francis Drake 8 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Lane, was appointed governor. In this colony were ninety-one men, seventeen women, and nine children. They sailed from England in April, 1587, and reached Roanoke in July. They found Fort Raleigh in ruins, but at once began to repair it and to build new houses. Thus was begun the second English colony in America. Virginia Dare. — On August 18, 1587, a baby girl was born at Roanoke. Her mother, Eleanor Dare, was a daughter of Governor White. On the following Sunday the baby was baptized, and because she was the first white child born in " Virginia," her mother named her Virginia. Perhaps more people know the history of little Virginia Dare than of any other baby that ever lived in America. The very spot on which she was born is now in a county called Dare. Governor White Returns to England. — As the settlers reached Roanoke too late to plant a crop, somebody had to return to England for food, clothes, and other things. Who should go? The settlers said that Gov- ernor White ought to go because he could get the things they needed more easily than anybody else. But he did not think that he ought to leave his colony, and at first refused. Then all the men, and even the women, gathered around him and begged so hard that at last he consented. They promised him that if they had to leave Roanoke before he returned they would carve the name of their new settlement on a tree. If they were in distress, they would cut a cross like this ( "I"" ) above the name. Governor White then sailed for England. "The Invincible Armada." — In England he found everybody deeply stirred over a great war with Spain. SIR WAl.Ti;U HALi:i(;iI 9 A powerful Spanish fleet called ** The Invincible Armada," with a large army on board, was coming to conquer England. Every English vessel and every English sailor was needed to defend the country. There was no man in all the land busier than Sir Walter Raleigh. Still Raleigh found time to prepare a ship loaded with Indian Warriors at Roanoke Island, 1585 (From one of the pifturcs mado by John White.) supplies for his little colony. The ship started on its voyage, but was soon driven back by Spanish war vessels. It was then too late to send another. The great " Armada " had come, and every man's first duty was to defend his country. In the midst of this great danger to England, the little colony on far-away Roanoke was neglected. Finally the great battle was fought and the Spanish fleet destroyed. "God blew with his winds," said the Queen, "and they were scattered." "Croatoan." — Two years had passed before Gov- ernor White could sail again for Roanoke. He found 10 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA the island deserted. Not a sign of his colony could be seen. He blew upon his trumpet. He called to his people by name. He sang their old familiar songs. He fired his guns and cannon. But there was no reply. The houses had fallen down. Weeds grew within the ruined walls. The settlers had disappeared. Governor White wandered sadly about the place, looking everywhere for some sign of his colony. At last on a post near the door of the fort, he found one single word, in capital letters, CROATOAN. But above it was no cross or any sign of distress. Croatoan was the place where Manteo, the friend of the Eng- Indians making a Canoe lisli, lived. So Gov- ernor White started at once to find Croatoan. The Lost Colony. — But during the night a great storm arose. The wind snapped the ship's cables as if they had been of twine. Three anchors were lost. The vessel was driven on a sand bar and nearly wrecked. Food ran low and fresh water gave out. When the storm was over, the captain of the vessel refused to go to Croatoan. In spite of Governor White's prayers, he sailed away to the West Indies to repair his ship. Even after the ship had been repaired, the captain refused to sail for Croatoan, but returned to England, carrying poor Governor White with him. Other expedi- tions were sent to look for the colony, but no trace SIR WALTER RALEIGH 11 of it was ever found. So Governor White never saw his little granddaughter again, and to this day his colony is known as "The Lost Colony." Raleigh's Misfortunes. — Raleigh's colonies had cost him a fortune and had not brought him in a single penny. He soon found himself, too, out of favor with Queen Elizabeth. She was angry because he had married one of the ladies of her Court, and banished him from her sight. But Raleigh, in spite of the Queen's disfavor, continued to serve his country. Upon the death of Queen Elizabeth, James Stuart, King of Scotland, became King of England. He was a wretched tyrant, and disliked the great men who had made Elizabeth's reign so glorious. Of them all, he hated Raleigh most. To please his friend, the King of Spain, James had Raleigh thrown into prison. The charge against him was treason, which everybody knew to be false. Yet the King's judges declared Raleigh guilty and sentenced him to death. But he was so popular with the people that James was afraid to have him executed, and he remained in prison for fourteen years. Raleigh's Heroic Death. — During these j^ears King James fell more and more under the influence of the King of Spain. There was no man in England whom Spain feared and hated as much as Raleigh. So, to show his love for Spain, in 1618 James ordered that Raleigh be i)ut to death. Raleigh met his death bravely. When his friends came to say good-by, he smiled and said : "I have a long journey to make, so I must take my leave of vou." 12 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA On the scaffold, he asked the headsman to let him see the ax. The man hesitated. "What!" said Raleigh. ''Let me see it. Dost thou think I am afraid of it?" Running his finger along the keen blade, he said: "Tis a sharp medicine, but it will cure all my ills." Then he laid his head on the block and told the heads- man to strike. Again the man hesitated and trembled. "What dost thou fear, man!" exclaimed Raleigh. "Strike, man, strike!" He struck and thus ended the life of one of England's bravest and noblest sons. Raleigh's own efforts to plant a colony in America failed. But he never lost interest in the New World. Soon after the loss of White's colony, writing of Vir- ginia, he said, "I shall live to see it an English nation yet." And he did live to see a permanent colony planted at Jamestown. Sir Walter Raleigh rendered many great services to his country, but his greatest service was in pointing out the way to found an English nation in America. GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. In what part of England is Plymouth? 2. Describe the position of England and Spain with reference to Europe. To America. To each other. 3. What i:)ortion of the New World did Spain colonize? \Miat parts of the New World are now inhalMted by EnglLsh-speaking nations? 4. Find and dcscrilie the situation of Roanoke Island. 5. Amadas and Barlow sailed from London down the Thames, to the Canary Islands, thence to the West Indies, thence up the coast of Florida to Cape Lookout, thence to Hatteras Lilet, thence to Roanoke Island. Trace their route on your maj). SIR WAITKR HALKlCll 13 (). Do.scribo the location and surroundings of l^oanokc Island. Wliat is its situation with rofcreucc to the West lntli(\s? In what county is it? What is its county seat? REVIEW 1. Why was the Capital of North Carolina named Kaleifi;h? 2. Describe Sir Walter Raleigh's early lif(\ 3. Why did Raleigh l)ecome such a favorite with the (^uecni? 4. Why did England become interested in sending a colony to America? 5. Describe the voyage of Amadas and Barlow. 6. How was their story received in England? 7. Tell the stoi'y of Raleigh's first colony. 8. What three plants did Lane take to England? Describe each of these plants. Tell how it is cultivated. What are the uses of each? 9. Describe the second colony to Roanoke. 10. Why did Governor White return to England? What i)roniise did the settlers make to hun? Why did he not return at once to Roanoke? 11. Describe White's return. 12. Why did Raleigh give up his j^lans after the loss of his second colony? 13. Describe Raleigh's last days. 14. What were the results of his efforts to plant a colony on Roanoke Island? QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. How old was Raleigh when he was presented to the Queen? When he sent his first expedition to America? At his death? 2. How long did it take Amadas and Barlow to cross the Atlantic? How long does it now take to go from New York to Liverpool? 3. How long did Lane's colony remain on Roanoke Island? 4. A certain historian says that the defeat of "The Invincible Armada" was "the opening event in the history of the ITnited States." Explain what is meant by that statement. 5. Since Raleigh's efforts to colonize "Virginia" failed, what right has he to be called "The Founder of English-America"? CHAPTER II GEORGE DURANT How Settlers came to North Carolina. — After the loss of the colony at Roanoke, many years passed before other white settlers came to North Carolina. In 1607 Virginia was settled and grew into an important colony. From Virginia came the pioneers who led the way to the settlement of North Carolina. In those days there were but few roads through the wilderness. Travel by land was difficult and dangerous, so the settlers usually traveled by water. By water, too, they sent their products to market. Therefore lands lying along the rivers and sounds were usually selected for settlements. They were also more fertile than the uplands. Accordingly the early settler usually built his home on the bank of some stream. Many of the streams of Southern Virginia flow into the sounds of Eastern North Carolina. By following down the banks of these streams, settlers from Virginia came into Carolina, and built homes on the shore of Albemarle Sound. George Durant. — Among the first of these early settlers was George Durant. He was born in England about 1632. While still a young man he left the Old World to seek a home in Virginia. But Durant was not satisfied with his situation in Virginia. He probably heard hunters and explorers talking about the rich lands 14 GEORGE DURANT 15 on Albemarle Sound which could be had almost for nothing. So, about the year 1660, he decided to explore that country, and with several companions he set out on a journey through the wilderness. "Durant's Neck." — Durant's companions soon found lands that suited them. They bought large tracts from the Indians and began their new homes on the Albemarle. But Durant himself was not so easily satisfied. Before settling, he wanted to know more about the new region. For two years he explored the streams and the forests. At the end of that time he probably knew more about the country on the Albe- marle Sound than any other white man. It was this habit of doing things thoroughly that later made him a leader in the province. At last Durant found a place that he liked. Itw^asa fine tract lying on Perquim- ans River and Albemarle Sound. As it belonged to the Indians, Durant bought it from their chief, Kilco- canen. He then lost no time in clearing his land and building a dwelling- house. His plantation which was a narrow point of land between two rivers, became known as " Du- rant's Neck," and by this name it is known to this day. "Carolina." — Other settlers now came to the Albe- marle, and by 1663 their settlement had grown into Charles II 16 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA importance. Virginia claimed it as part of her territory, but the King of England, Charles II, decided to use it for another purpose. He wished to reward some of his noblemen ^ who had done him great services by giving them a large tract of. land in America. In 1663 he signed a paper, called a charter, making them a pres- ent, not only of the Albemarle section, but also of all Sir George Carteret Anthony Ashley Cooper the region from Virginia to Florida, and from the At- lantic to the Pacific. This region had already been called Carolina,^ in honor of King Charles I, father of Charles II, and Charles II retained the name. First Governor of Carolina. — The noblemen were called the Lords Proprietors of Carolina. The King gave them power to select a governor for their colony, 'Th(>y were: Cieorgc Monk, Duko of Albemarle; Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon; Anthony Ashley Cooper; Lord Craven; Lord Berkeley; Sir William Berkeley; Sir George Carteret; and Sir John Colleton. 2 From 'Carolus," the Latin word for Charles. CIEOROE DURAXT 17 and ill 1664, at the suggestion of Sir William Berkeley, (lovcTiior of \'irgiiiia, they selected William Drummoiid. Drummond ruled in Albemarle for three years. He was a good governor. After leaving Carolina he went to Virginia, where he took part in a rebellion against his old friend, Sir \Mlliam Berkeley. The rebels were defeated and Drum- mond was captured and taken before the Governor. "Air. Drummond, 3'ou are very welcome," ex- claimed the angry Gov- ernor, "I am more pleased to see you than an}' man in Virginia. Mr. Drum- mond, you shall be hanged in half an hour." And sure enough the old tyrant had him hanged! The New Government and the People. — At first the government of Carolina was simple enough, people liked it because they had a voice in it. governor was selected by the Lords Proprietors had six men to help him who were called his council. The people themselves elected men to an Assembly. The Assembly and the Council made the laws. But this plan was too simple to please the Lords Proprietors. They had a new one prepared, called the Grand Model, which gave great authority to a class of noblemen who were given such odd titles as " Landgrave" and "Cacitjue." Memorial Stone at Nixonton (The people themselves elected men to an assembly.) The The He 18 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA The Lords Proprietors were very proud of their new plan. But it did not suit the people of Carolina, and they soon raised a cry against it. "Down with your Landgraves! Down with your Caciques! Let us fly to the King for protection." The Grand Model caused nothing but trouble, because the people of North Caro- lina would obey no government unless they had a voice in it. How the People prospered. — The colony was now about ten years old. It contained nearly two thousand people. Their chief crop was tobacco. As they had no gold or silver, tobacco was used as money. People bought and sold things, not for so many dollars, but for so many pounds of tobacco. Their trading was done chiefly with men from New England. These New England men in their small ships easily sailed right up to the doors of the planters. To them the planters sold their crops. From them they bought such things as could not be made on their plan- tations. For a few years the affairs of the colony were orderly and the people prospered. Two Bad Laws. — In 1677 this happy condition came to a sudden end. Two laws which were passed in England, and a foolish officer who was sent over by the Lords Proprietors, caused trouble and disorder. One of these laws required the planters to pay a tax to the King on every pound of tobacco they shipped out of the colony. This tax was called the King's customs. It was to be collected by an officer known as the collector of the customs. The King's customs were a heavy burden on the people because they were poor and tobacco was their chief crop. GEORGE DURANT 19 The other law required the planters to sell their products to English merchants and to buy their goods in England. This law was intended to break up the trade with New England, and to enrich the British merchants. It was called the Navigation Law. The people protested against these laws. They declared that it was not right to tax them for the benefit of people in England. It was not right to make them sell their tobacco to those who gave the lowest prices for it, and to buy goods from those who charged the highest prices. If they had to obey these laws they would always remain poor. They therefore determined not to obey them. George Durant prepares to Resist. — In their resist- ance to these laws, George Durant was their leader. He was one of the largest planters in the province and his influence with the people was very great. When he called upon them to resist the Navigation Law, they readily followed him in their first rebellion against unjust laws. In 1676 two of the leading men from Carolina were in England. One of them was Thomas Eastchurch, who had been speaker of the Assembly. The other was Thomas Miller. From them the Lords Proprietors learned that affairs in Carolina were in bad shape. The people were discontented with the new plan of government. They disliked the Navigation Law. Their governor had grown tired of his office, and gone to England, leaving the colony " in ill order and in worse hands." The Lords Proprietors, therefore, had to select a new governor. They wished to find one with whom 20 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA the people would be pleased. Perhaps, the Lords Proprietors thought, the people would like to have one of their own men for governor. They must like East- church because they had elected him speaker of the Assembly. Believing this, the Proprietors selected East- Duke of Albemarle Lord John Berkeley church as the new governor. At the same time they had Miller appointed collector of the customs. But the Lords Proprietors were mistaken. The people did not want Eastchurch for governor, and there was one man who was bold enough to tell the Proprietors so. That man was George Durant. Soon after Eastchurch was appointed, Durant was in England. Standing up boldly before the Proprietors, Durant said : "My Lords, Eastchurch shall never be governor. If he goes to Albemarle, I myself will lead a rebellion against him." GEORGE DIIRANT 21 Eastchurch and Miller. — In June, 1677, Governor Eustchurch and Collector Miller sailed from l^^ngland. On their way they stopped at the island of Nevis, in the W(^st Indies. There Eastchurch fell in love with a wealthy woman, and while he stayed to win a wife and a fortune, he sent Miller on to look after the govern- ment in Carolina. The people received Miller quietly, and for a short time all went well. But Miller's honors turned his head. He soon l:)egan to abuse his power. He opposed the right of the people to elect members of the Assembly. He compelled men to pay heavy fines which were unjust. He ordered his officers to arrest men whom he disliked and bring them to him, dead or alive. He tried to break up the trade with New England. He seized thousands of pounds of tobacco for the King's customs, part of which he used to keep up a guard of soldiers to do his will. The people called it his ''piping guard." Durant leads our First Rebellion. — For a while there was no one to lead the people, and Miller had his own way. But in October, 1677, a ship arrived from England with George Durant on board. Here was a leader, at last, and Miller knew it. He determined to catch Durant by surprise before he could arouse the people. Quickly calling his ''piping guard" together, he hurried on board the vessel, pointed a pistol at Durant's breast, and tried to arrest him as a traitor. But Durant turned tables on him. He called on the people to resist ^Miller's conduct. They rallied around Durant, arrested Miller, and threw him into prison. Durant then suggested that the people elect an Asseml)ly to meet at his house. The Assemlily met and 22 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA appointed John C'ulpeper collector in Miller's place, and turned over to him the tobacco which Miller had seized as the King's customs. The Assembly then decided to have Miller tried for his crimes, and George Durant was selected to bring him to punishment. About this time a message was received from East church. He had won his bride and was now in Virginia on his way to become governor of Albemarle. East- church was the lawful governor. Would George Durant be bold enough to oppose him? Yes, he was ready to do even that! He first had Miller declared guilty, and imprisoned, and then he raised a strong guard to march against Eastchurch. But no guard was needed, for soon after Eastchurch reached Virginia, he died. And so, just as Durant had declared, Eastchurch never became governor of Albemarle. The People's Government. — For a while after Miller's defeat the people had a government of their own. But in 1678 the Lords Proprietors decided to send over one of their own number to be governor. Perhaps the people would respect and obey a Proprietor. So they selected Seth Sothel.^ But while crossing the Atlantic, Sothel was captured by pirates, and for the next four years, first Thomas Harvey and then John Jenkins acted as governor. But during these years the real leader in the colony was George Durant. The people had great confidence in him. But his enemies declared that he was at the head of the rebels. They said that he opposed the governors sent over by the Lords Proprietors, and ^He had bought the share of Lord Clarendon. GEORGE DURANT 23 pulled down and set up whom he pleased in their place. "Although^ Jenkins had the title of governor," they wrote, "yet in fact Durant governed and used Jenkins but as his property." Durant drives out a Wicked Governor. — In 1682 Sothel was released by the pirates and arrived in North Carolina. He proved to be one of the worst governors North Carolina ever had. George Durant denounced him for his crimes. Then he arrested Durant for treason, threw him into prison without a trial, and seized his fine plantation. But he could not keep Durant in prison. He was soon set free because he could not be found guilty of any crime. Then he again headed a rebellion, captured Sothel, and in turn threw him into prison. Durant then called upon the Assembly to decide what should be done with the wicked governor. The Assembly decided to send him to England to be tried by the Lords Proprietors. But Sothel, afraid for the Proprietors to find out all of his crimes, begged to be tried by the Assembly. The Assembly granted his prayer, found him guilty, and banished him from the province. Thus for a second time, George Durant freed Carolina from a tyrant. Durant's Last Days. — During the last years of his life Durant was a justice of the peace. Among the things that a justice of the peace had to do was to find out and punish all persons engaged in "witchcrafts, enchantments, sorceries, and magic arts." Let us hope that George Durant found no poor old women to punish as witches. He continued to be a leader in the province until his death in 1694. 24 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA George Durant was our first patriot leader against tyranny. Like all patriots he believed in obedience to the law and to lawful rulers. But he also believed in liberty, and when rulers broke the law and oppressed the people, he was always ready to lead the people in rebellion. The colony was small in his day, and his struggles for liberty are but little known now. Never- theless he fought the battles of freedom, and should be remembered as a true patriot. GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. Trace the course of the James River. Point out the site of Jamestown. 2. Trace the course of tlie rivers of eastern Virginia that flow into North Carohna. 3. What are the princii)al sounds of North Carolina? What rivers flow into them? 4. "Durant's Neck" is the point of land between the Perquimans and Little rivers. Find it. 5. Describe the situation of the counties of Pasquotank, Perqui- mans, Chowan, and Currituck, and name any streams or bodies of water in each. 6. What is the general character of the coast of North Carolina? REVIEW 1. When and where was the first permanent English settlement made in America? Why did settlers from Virginia seek land on the banks of Albemarle Sound? 2. Why did George Durant become interested in that region? 3. How did George Durant obtain land on the Albemarle? 4. What did King Charles do with that region? What name was then given it? 5. Tell the story of William Drummond. 6. Describe the government of Carolina. Why did the people like it? What changes did the Lords Proprietors make in it? How did the people like the changes? GEOKOE DURANT 25 7. How old was the colony then? How many people lived in it? What was their chief crop? How was it used? Describe their trade. 8. What two bad laws were passed in 1677? What did the people say about those laws? 9. Why did the Lords Proprietors select Eastchurch for gov- ernor? What did Durant tell them? 10. Why did not Eastchurch go at once to Carolina? Descril)e Miller's conduct. 11. What occurred when Durant arrived in Carolina? Why did not Eastchurch become governor? 12. Describe the government after the death of Eastchurch. 13. How did Durant rescue the colony from a wicked governor? 14. Why should we honor Durant? QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. How many years passed between the birth of Mrginia Dare and the settlement of Jamestown? 2. In what way has the geography of Eastern North Carolina affected our history? 3. By what right did the whites take the land in America without the consent of the Indians? 4. In what ways did the government of Carolina under the Lord Proprietors resemble our government to-day? How did it differ? 5. What is a "tax"? For what purposes are taxes usually collected? Who has the right to levy taxes in North Carolina? 6. In what ways did the Navigation Law injure the planters of North Carolina? How did it benefit the English merchants? CHAPTER III THOMAS POLLOCK Governor Sothel meets His Match. — Other men besides George Durant suffered from the tyranny of Governor Sothel. Once, when two vessels arrived in Albemarle, Sothel determined to seize their cargoes for his own use. Declaring that the captains were pirates, he arrested and threw them into prison. One of them died in prison ''of grief and ill usage." Just before his death, this captain selected a young man, who had recently come to the colony, to take charge of his property for him. This young man was Thomas Pollock. When Pollock demanded the property, Sothel refused to give it up. Pollock threatened to go to England and appeal to the Lords Proprietors. There- upon Sothel flew into a rage, arrested the bold young man, and locked him up in prison. But he was soon released, for the people, tired of the tyrant Sothel, rose against him and drove him out of the province. Thomas Pollock. — Thomas Pollock was born in Scotland, May 5, 1654, and came to Carolina in 1683. Though he was still a young man, he already held a high position. He was the deputy of Lord Carteret, one of the Lords Proprietors. Each of the Lords Proprietors sent to the colony a man to look after his affairs there. These men were called "deputies." Next 26 THOMAS POLLOCK 27 to the governor they were the most important officers in the colony. They formed the Governor's Council, and advised him upon all important matters. They were also part of the Assembly, and helped to pass laws for the colony. When the office of governor became vacant, the president of the Council filled it until a new governor arrived. Thomas Pollock was twice president of the Council, and twice acted as governor. A Colonial Planter. — Pollock soon became one of the largest and wealthiest planters in Carolina. In those days there was ^ but little money in the colony. A man's wealth was counted by the land and number of slaves he owned. Pol- lock owned plantations on the Roanoke, the Chowan, the Neuse, and olonial low the Trent rivers. One of his plantations was the site on which the city of New" Bern now stands. He called his places by such names as Springfield, Canecarora, Rosefield, Crany Island, and Balgra. In all he owned 55,000 acres of land and about one hundred slaves. His slaves were given such odd names as Scipio, Jack Fiddler, Coffee Jacko, Long Mingo, Diego, Venus, Tomboy, Diana, and Pompey. Most of them were negroes, but a few were Indians. The chief crops raised on Pollock's plantations were tobacco, wheat, and corn. Other products were tar, pitch, and turpentine which his slaves made from the great pines that grew in his forests. These were very 28 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA useful for ship-building, and brought good prices in New England. Many fine horses, flocks of sheep, and herds of cattle grazed in his rich pastures. Large droves of hogs ran wild through his woods, fattening on roots, berries, acorns, and wild fruit. Each of these animals bore a certain mark by which Pollock could tell his from those of his neighbors. A person found guilty of changing another's mark was severely punished. He was made to pay a heavy fine, and was taken to the whipping-post and given "forty lashes on his bare back well laid, on." If found guilty a second time, he was made to stand in pillory and branded in the hand with the letter "T" (thief). Ever}^ year Pollock sent thousands of pounds of pork to Virginia and to New England. A Colonial Merchant. — In his will, Pollock called himself a "merchant." This did not mean that he owned a store as a merchant now does. In colonial days a merchant was a man who owned ships and carried on commerce with distant countries. Pollock owned a number of vessels. From his wharves they sailed to the ports of New England and to the West Indies. They carried away cargoes of tobacco, salt beef and pork, tallow, hides, furs, wool, and naval stores; and they brought back rum, salt, sugar, molasses, lumber, and such household articles as could not be made on the plantations. Sometimes Pollock even sent his ships across the ocean to England. From England they brought clothes, furniture, and other things for his own family. But the clothes worn by the slaves and other servants, and the rude furniture in their little cabins, were made by THOMAS POLLOCK 29 his slaves. P'or Pollock, like other large planters, trained his slave women to be skilful spinners and weavers; while among his slave men were good tanners, shoe- makers, blacksmiths, carpenters, and other mechanics. Many years passed before any sawmills were built in Albemarle. Even the wealthiest planters, such as Pollock, lived in log-houses. Their houses were built of hewn logs, with wooden chimneys, wooden hinges, and wooden locks. Indeed, they often had no iron- work about them. But as Pollock grew wealthier, he bought lumber, nails, iron hinges, and locks, in New England, and, with the bricks made by his own slaves, built better houses on his plantations. The Planter at Home. — Hospitality was regarded as one of the first duties of the colonial planter. Indeed, most of them lived rather lonely lives, and were ever ready to welcome guests to their houses. The traveler brought news from other parts of the world, and his stories helped the long evenings pass pleasantly. "The inhabitants of Carolina," wrote one of these travelers, "live an easy and pleasant hfe. As the land is very fruitful, so are the planters hospitable to all that come to visit them." Many housekeepers, he tells us, "give away more provisions to coasters and guests who come to see them than they expend among their own families." Pollock's house was a favorite place for travelers. He was known far and wide for his hospitality. At that time there were no schools in Carolina. The wealthy planters either had teachers in their own families, or sent their sons to England to be educated. Pollock sent his sons to England. One of them became an officer in the English army. 30 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA An "Established Church" in Carolina. — Like many of the other planters, Pollock was a member of the Church of England. But in Carolina the people were so widely scattered that it was very difficult for them to have churches. Several years passed before any churches were built, or any preachers came. The first preachers in the colony were Quakers. These good men visited the people in their homes, preached to them, and converted many to their faith. But such men as Pol- lock thought there ought to be an "Established Church" in Carolina, just as there was in England. An "Established Church" is a Church set up by law to be the official Church of the country. The law provides what officers the Church must have, and requires everybody, whether members or not, to pay taxes for its support. Such Churches are found in nearly all the countries of Europe, but not in America. In England the " Established Church " is called the " Church of England," and it is the same that we in America call the " Episcopal Church." It was this church that Pollock wished to have estab- lished in Carolina. The Quakers, and even some mem- bers of the Church of England, opposed this plan. But the Governor favored it, and in 1701 the Assembly passed the law. By this law Quakers, as well as mem- St. Thomas Church at Bath (The oldest church in North Carolina From a painting by Jacques Busbee) THOMAS POLLOCK 31 bers of the Established Church, were required to pay taxes to build churches and pay ministers. The law divided the colony into small sections called "parishes," and provided that a church should be erected in each. The officers of the church were called "vestrymen." In the parish of Chowan precinct. Pollock was the lead- ing vestryman, and took an important part in building the first church. St. Paul's Church. — This church stood near the present town of Edenton. It was known as St. Paul's Church. Its length was only twenty-five feet. It was built of hewn logs. The posts were driven into the ground. Nails, screws, hinges, glass, and other material had to be brought from England. When finished, it was hardly more than a rude log cabin. But the mem- bers were proud of their first church, and among them were the governors, judges, and other high officers. Their first service was held in January, 1703, but it was not until 1705 that they chose a minister. They agreed to pay him a salary of £30 a year. He was also to have some land and certain fees by law. Only two men paid as much as £5 annually toward this sum. They were Thomas Pollock and Edward Moseley. Pollock and Moseley. — Pollock and Moseley were great rivals. The people were divided into two parties, with Pollock at the head of one, Moseley of the other. In 1708 a dispute arose in the province as to whether William Glover or Thomas Cary was the lawful governor. Pollock was on Glover's side, Moseley on Gary's. Finally the Lords Proprietors settled the matter by sending Edward Hyde from England to be governor. 32 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Pollock and his friends welcomed the new governor, but Gary rebelled against him. Both sides took up arms and threw the colony into great disorder. This division led to a terrible event in which Colonel Pollock rendered his greatest service to the colony. St. Paul's Church, Edenton, N. C, begun in 1736 (Thomas Pollock took an important part in building the first church) Bath and New Bern, — The first settlements were made on the northern shore of Albemarle Sound. In a few years settlers began to cross the sound and move southward. In 1690 a few Frenchmen made a settlement on Pamhco River. There, too, in 1705 was laid off the town of Bath, the first town in North Caro- lina. Later other pioneers crossed the Pamlico River and cleared lands on the Neuse and the Trent. Here they were joined, in 1710, by a body of Swiss and Ger- mans under a Swiss nobleman, Baron Christopher de Graffenried. These Swiss and Germans settled on THOMAS POLLOCK 33 Pollock's plantation between the Neuse and the Trent, where they founded the town of New Bern. The Watchful Red Men. — The increase in the number of white men alarmed the Indians. They saw that the whites were taking more and more of their land, clearing the forests, and driving away the game. Bath, the Oldest Town in North Carolina (A street scene of today) The whites even captured some of the red men and sold them into slavery. The Indians soon learned to fear and hate their white neighbors. But for a long time they did not dare resist them. They waited pa- tiently, pretending to be very friendly, but all the time watching for a good chance to make an attack. The quarrel between Gary and Hyde seemed to give them the very chance they had been waiting for. A Terrible Morning. — The leader of the Indians was Chief Hancock. When he saw the whites fighting among themselves, during Gary's Rebellion, he decided 34 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA that it was a good time for the Indians to strike a blow that would destroy the colony. He appointed the morn- ing of September 22, 1711, as the time for the attack. His plans were kept so secret that the whites did not dream of their danger. They slept peacefully through the night. At day- break the war-whoops of the savages aroused them from sleep. Five hundred painted warriors poured out of the woods on every side. Within two hours they had slain 130 settlers on the Neuse, and burned their homes to the ground. Men, women, and children fell beneath their tomahawks. For three days the burning and slaying went on. All along the Pamlico and the Neuse there were scenes of blood and ashes and ruin. South Carolina sends Help. — Governor Hyde did his best to stop the awful work. He called upon Vir- ginia and South Carolina, for help. South Carolina sent an army under Colonel John Barnwell. Barnwell defeated the Indians in two great battles, but was him- self defeated in the third. Then he and the Indians agreed to a treaty of peace, and Barnwell returned to South Carolina. But neither side kept the treaty. In a little while the war broke out again. In the midst of the war, Governor Hyde died, and the people turned to Pollock to save the colony. Pollock becomes Governor. — Pollock was chosen president of the Council and acted as governor. In times of peace he had refused to act as governor. But now, in a time of danger and trouble, he thought it his duty to serve the people in any way they wished. He had to meet many trials and dangers. A number of the people had been killed. Others were without homes, THOMAS POLLOCK 35 clothes, or food. Arms and ammunition were scarce, and there was no money to pay soldiers. But Pollock did not stop to complain about his diffi- culties. He sent messengers into Virginia and South Carolina to seek help. He appealed to the people of the province to forget their quarrels and unite to defend their homes. Many, who had opposed Governor Hyde, now came to Pollock's support. Even the Quakers, who thought it sinful to take part in war, sent food and su])plies for the soldiers. The Treaty with "King Blunt." — Not only did Pollock unite the whites; he also divided the Indians. One powerful chief, called Tom Blunt, had not taken any part in the war. Pollock made an important treaty with him. By this treaty Blunt was to be called ''King Blunt," and was to be regarded as the head of the Caro- lina Indians. In return he promised to help the whites against Hancock. In this way Pollock obtained valu- able aid, for "King Blunt" and his warriors were faith- ful to their promises. Soon after this treaty was made. Colonel James Moore, of South Carolina, marched an army to the help of North Carolina. He was joined by the soldiers whom Pollock had raised. In March, 17131, they attacked Hancock's fort, Nohoroco, on Contentnea Creek. The battle lasted three days and Hancock was badly beaten. He lost eight hundred of his bravest warriors. After this terrible defeat, the rest of his tribe left North Carolina and joined their kinsmen in New York. Never again were the Indians in Eastern North Carolina strong enough to destroy the white settlers. Pollock establishes Peace. — The people had now 36 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA become tired of wars and quarrels. Pollock sought earnestly to unite all parties. ''Factions and parties are no longer heard of," wrote an English clergyman, who was in Carolina. "Thanks be to God," wrote another, "we have no disturbance among ourselves. All people's hearts unite and everybody is as happy as the times will admit of, under the wise rule of our good President." When the new governor, Charles Eden, arrived in May, 1714, he found all "in peace and quiet- ness." Death of Colonel Pollock. — Charles Eden was gov- ernor of North Carolina from 1714 to 1722. During these years Pollock was a member of the Council. When Eden died, in 1722, Pollock was again elected president, and again acted as governor. He died in office, August 30, 1722. GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. Where is Scotland? 2. Trace the course of the Roanoke River. The Chowan. The Neuse. The Trent. The Panihco. Is this last river called by the same name throughout its entire length? Trace the course of Con- tentnea Creek. 3. Describe the situation of New Bern. Of Edenton. Of Bath. REVIEW 1. Where was Thomas Pollock born? Why did he come to Caro- lina? How was he treated by (Jovernor Sothel? 2. Describe a colonial plantation. 3. Describe a colonial merchant. 4. Describe the colonial planter at home. 5. What was an "Established Church"? What Church was established in Carolina? Why? THOMAS POLLOCK 37 0. Whore was tlu> fii>;t church built in Carolina? What was its name? Describe it. 7. Tell the story of the founding of New Bern. S. How did the Indians regard the increase in the white poi)ula- tion? What plans did they make? Who was their leader? 9. Describe the l)cginning of the war. 10. What help did North Carolina receive in this war from other colonies? 11. Why did Pollock become governor? What were the conditions in the colony then? What did he do to make them better? 12. Tell how he divided the Indians. 13. How was the war l^rought to an end? What became of the Indians? 14. What were the results of Pollock's work as governor? QrESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. What is the meaning cf the word "deputy" ? 2. How are pitch and tar made? For what purposes are they used in ship-building? 3. Why was hospitality to travelers regarded as the special duty of the planters in the South? 4. Why did De Graff enried's colonists name their town New Bern? 5. Whywould not the Quakers bear arms in the Indian war? (See St. Matthew 5:21-26.) 6. For whom was the town of Edenton named? What is the meaning of the suffix "ton" ? 7. Why did the planters usually select their lands on a stream or a sound? 8. Were the early towns usually founded on the banks of streams or not? Give some illustrations. CHAPTER IV EDWARD MOSELEY The Rivals. — For many years the two leading men in North Carolina were Thomas Pollock and Edward Moseley. Each was wealthy, each was ambitious, each was patriotic; and each wished to be the leader in the province. So in public affairs they were generally opposed to each other. First one, then the other would get the upper hand. But after Pollock's death, no one was left to dispute the leadership with Moseley, and he became without a rival the leader of the people. Edward Moseley. — Moseley came to North Caro- lina about the year 1704. He made his home in Chowan County but also owned large plantations in Chowan, New Hanover, Tyrrell, Edgecombe, and Craven counties. Altogether his plantations contained more than thirty- five thousand acres, and he was the master of a hun- dred slaves. His herds of cattle, his flocks of sheep, his droves of hogs were as large and as fine as Colonel Pollock's. No man in Carolina had finer or better horses than Moseley; and his wife could boast of as handsome silver tea kettles, silver coffee-pots, silver knives, forks, spoons, tankards, casters, and other furniture as any housekeeper in the colony. Moseley was a well educated man. Perhaps no other man of his day did so much as he for education in the 38 EDWARD MOSELEY 39 colony. In his will he says, ''I would have my children well educated," and left a sum of money for that pur- pose. He owned the largest and best library in North Carolina. His will mentioned nearly four hundred books then in his library, and before his death he had given away a large num- ber. He sent money to England for the purchase of a communion service, prayer books, and other religious works for St. Paul's Church. Three years later he established at Edenton a public library worth more than £100. The books in this library were mostly written in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Moseley's Political Career. — Moseley began to take part in public ^ p?rT^«^r,^i^l?„ ,''''179^^° t7° ^''- ^ i i-'AUL s Church in 1725 by Edward affairs about 1705. Dur- Moseley ins: the next fortv vonrs (Moseley sent money to England for the iiig lue ULXb lUIiy }LarS purchase of a communion service, he was chnspn to P'^orv prayer books, and other religious UL VVdb CnOSen lO evClJ works for St. Paul's Church) public ofhce to which the people could elect him. From being a simple justice of the peace, he rose to be cliief justice of the prov- ince. Year after year he was elected a member of the Assembly, and was four times chosen speaker. Like Pollock he was a vestryman of the Established Church, but he believed in religious freedom, and thought that every man ought to be permitted to 40 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA worship God according to his own behef. He was also a member of the Governor's Council, and in 1724, for a short time, acted as governor. Moseley Comes to the Front. — It was in 1708, during the dispute between Glover and Gary, that Moseley came to the front as Pollock's rival. That wBBL. iy^-'yk.: CuLONIAL CUKUENCY ShuWING MoSELEY's SigXATUHE dispute grew out of a law passed in England. This law required every official in the colony to take an oath to be true and loyal to Queen Anne. Such an oath is called the "oath of allegiance." In North Carolina there were thousands of Quakers who would not take that oath. They were not opposed to Queen Anne, but they thought it sinful to take any oath at all. Be- fore 1704 they had always been permitted simply to give their promise in place of the oath. But when the Assembly met in 1704, Governor Daniel said that the Quaker members, like all the other members, nmst take the oath of allegiance. They refused. Then the Governor declared they should not sit in the As- EDWARD MOSELEY 41 sembly. The Quakers appealed to the Lords Proprietors. Moseley, though not a Quaker, took their side. The Lords Proprietors removed Daniel and i)ut Thomas Gary in his phice. But Gary, too, declared that the Quakers must obey the law. The Quaker party then sent John Porter to England to appeal again to the Lords Proprietors. Porter was successful. Gary was removed and William Glover put in his place. But this only made matters worse, for Glover also required them to take the hateful oath. In great anger, the Quaker party again turned to Gary, and again set him up as governor. But Glover refused to give up and Gary refused to back down. Each claimed to be the only lawful gov- ernor. For a time it looked as if there might be a war about the matter. The people divided into two parties over it. Most of those who favored an Established Ghurch supported Glover. Pollock was their leader. Those who opposed an Established Ghurch, as well as some who favored it, supported Gary. Their leader was Edward Moseley. In 1708 the two parties agreed to let the Assembly decide the dispute. An election was held, and both sides worked liked beavers. When the Assembly met, it was found that Moseley had led his party to victory. He was at once chosen speaker. The Assembly then decided in favor of Gary. Pollock and Glover, fearing that their lives were in danger, fled to Mrginia. For the next two years IMoseley and Gary ruled without opposition. A New Governor. — But in 1710 the Lords Proprietors sent Edward Hyde to be governor of North Garolina. 42 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Hyde was a cousin of Queen Anne, and on that account the people looked up to him with ''awful respect." So he was welcomed by all parties. Gary and Moseley promised to receive him as governor, and Pollock re- turned from Virginia. For a while all went well. But soon Hyde began to take Pollock's side against Moseley. He then made up his mind to punish Moseley and Gary. Moseley was arrested on a false charge. Then he and Gary flew to arms. But the governor of Virginia sent aid to Governor Hyde. Gary fled from the province, and the rebellion came to an end. About the same time war broke out with the Indians, and the whites saw that they must stop their own quarrel to unite against the red men. Moseley Takes a Stand for Liberty. — No man hated tyranny or loved liberty more than Moseley. He thought that the people ought to obey the laws and respect their rulers; but he also thought that the rulers themselves ought to obey the laws. The law of England declared that the rulers should not take the property of the people for any purpose without their consent. Moseley believed that this should also be law in North Garolina. During the war with the Indians the colonial rulers seized the property of the people for the public service without their consent. They declared that it was necessary to do so in order to save the colony. But Moseley stood up boldly against such conduct. When the Assembly met in 1715 he was speaker, and he per- suaded the members to declare such acts to be unlawful and against the rights and liberty of the people. Fifty years later, when Great Britain tried to tax the Ameri- EDWARD MOSELEY 43 cans without their consent, all the colonies echoed Moseley's bold words. Moseley Defies the Governor. — For several years the rivers and sounds of North Carolina had been a favorite place for pirates. ]\lany of these daring robbers brought their ves- sels into Albemarle and Pamlico sounds and into Cape Fear river. They captured hundreds of trad- ing vessels, plundered their cargoes, and murdered their crews. The most famous of these savage men was Edward Teach, whose bushy, black whiskers gave him the nick- name of ''Blackbeard." "Blackbeard" made his headquarters at Bath, and was the terror of the coun- try. The people were anx- ious to have him captured "Blackbeard" and punished, but the governor, Charles Eden, would not raise his hand against "Blackbeard." After a while people began to whisper that the Governor had been bribed by the pirate. It was said, too, that even the chief justice, Tobias Knight, was getting a share of the pirate's plunder. AMien Mose- ley demanded that he be permitted to see the public records, to find out if there was anything about "Blackbeard" in them, Eden and Knight refused. 44 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA ''Why," exclaimed Moseley, "the pubhc records belong to the people, and every man has a right to see them." So he made up his mind to defy the Governor. Break- ing into Knight's house, he seized the records in spite of the Governor and the Chief Justice. The Governor at once sent a band of armed men to arrest him. "It seems easy enough," exclaimed Moseley, "for the Governor to raise armed men to arrest me, but he would not raise them to arrest the pirate." Moseley was carried before the court and found guilty of break- ing into Knight's house. He was fined £100 and for- bidden to hold office for three years. Moseley never proved that the Governor or the Chief Justice was bribed by "Blackbeard." But Governor Eden would never do anything to capture the pirate. In 1718 Lieutenant Maynard, an officer of the British navy, sailed in an armed vessel against Teach. A fierce battle was fought, and Teach was beaten and killed. An Old Quarrel with Virginia. — Lying between North Carolina and Virginia was a strip of land about fifteen miles wide which both colonies claimed. "Hun- dreds of families" had settled in it, and they would not obey the laws of either colony. When the Virginia officers tried to enforce the law against them, they would say, "We are in North Carolina." When the North Carolina officers came, they would say, "We are in Virginia." They would not pay taxes or rent to either colony. So it was very important to decide which colony they were really in. In 1709 the two colonies appointed certain men, called "commissioners," to run the boundary fine between them and so settle the dispute. Edward EDWARD MOSELEY 45 Moseley was North Carolina's chief commissioner. When he met the Virginians, in 1710, he told them that their surveying instruments were wrong. How angry this made the haughty Virginians! They were so indignant that they marched off to their homes, mutter- ing many ugly things about the stupid Carolinians. But it was not the Carolinians who were stupid that time, for afterward it turned out that Moseley was exactly right. The King Interferes. — For many years the Vir- ginians would have nothing more to do with the boundary line. But in 1728 the King bought North Carolina from the Lords Proprietors. He then sent an order to the two colonies that they must settle their dispute. Again Moseley was the principal commissioner from North Carolina. The chief Virginia commissioner was the proud and witty William Byrd. How the Dispute was Settled. — The Virginians prepared to come with great pomp and ceremony. They wrote to Moseley and his companions that, for the honor of their province, they would bring fine tents and a long train of servants. ''We shall also have," they said, ''as much wine and rum as will enable us and our men to drink every night to the good .success of the following day." They hoped the North Carolinians would meet them with the same pomp and ceremony. But Moseley and his companions were going for work, not for play. So they replied that they had no wish to outdo the Virginians "unless in care and diligence in the affairs we come to meet you about." The commissioners and surveyors had a hard task. They had to cut their way through dense forests and 46 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA wade through swamps and deep rivers. The surveyors who ran the line were the first white men who ever found their way through the Great Dismal Swamp. Many disputes arose as to where the line ought to be run. But after several weeks of hard work an agreement was reached. The disputed territory was found to be in North Carolina. In nearly every dispute Moseley was right. Byrd was so angry that he wrote a spiteful book about the boundary line, in which he said many silly and untruthful things about North Carolina. Moseley Moves to the Cape Fear. — A few years later Moseley left Chowan County, and moved to the new settlements on the Cape Fear River. The first settlers in Carolina, as we have seen, built their homes on Albemarle Sound. After that they pushed farther and farther southward. In 1690 some French Hugue- nots settled on Pamlico River. Then, in 1710, the Swiss and Germans came and settled on Neuse River, where they founded the town of New Bern. But several years more passed before any white men built homes on the Cape Fear. The Indians and pirates stood in the way. But after they were defeated, settlers began to clear the fertile lands on the banks of the Cape Fear and its tributaries. The first ones moved there about 1723. Two years later the old town of Brunswick was laid ofT, and then, after a few years, Wilmington was founded. One of the leaders in the settlement of the Cape Fear region was Edward Moseley. He became the owner of several plantations in that section, as well as houses and lots in Wilmington. In 1734 he moved to his place at Rocky Point, where he made his home for the EDWARD MOSELEY 47 rest of his life. His residence there was known as ''Moseley Hall." Famous Homes on the Cape Fear. — Every planta- tion in colonial days had a name. Some of those on the Cape Fear have become famous in our history. Near Brunswick was Orton, the home of Roger Moore, who was called, on account of his great wealth," Old King Roger." A trav- eler, who visited him in 1734, said that ''King Roger" was "the chief gentleman in all Cape Fear. His house is built of brick, and is exceedingly pleasantly situated about two miles from the town, and about half a mile from the river." Near Orton was Kendal, the home of "King Roger's" son, George Moore, who had twenty-eight children; and Lilliput, which was "a beautiful brick house," the home of Eleazar Allen, chief justice of the colony. Near Moseley Hall, on the North East Cape Fear, were several fine places. There was Lillington Hall, where Alexander Lillington, a famous patriot of the Revolution, lived. Across the river was Governor Burrington's place, called Stag Park. Nearby were The Neck, the home of Samuel Ashe who became governor of North Carolina, and Green Hill, the "Orton," as it is To-day 48 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA home of his brother, John Ashe, the famous soldier of the Revokition. "The finest place in all Cape Fear," said the English traveler, was Rocky Point, the home of Maurice Moore, who was Edward Moseley's brother-in-law. Not far away was Castle Haynes, where lived Colonel Hugh Waddell, a famous soldier of the French and Indian War. Close by lived John Burgwyn, treasurer of the colony, at his home called The Hermitage. Most of these houses were built of wood, but a few were of brick. Usually they had only one story, and were spread out over a large space. The rooms were large and spacious, the halls and piazzas were wide. In each room was a huge fireplace high enough for a man to stand erect in and wide enough to hold a long log. It was great fun in winter, during the long eve- nings, for the family to build a roaring fire, and, drawing their chairs in front of it, to roast apples, pop corn, and pull candy, or perhaps to tell tales, or play games, or read aloud to each other. Most of these houses stood in the midst of large groves, on the banks of the rivers. If you had visited one of them in 1734, you would not have traveled in a carriage, or even on horseback; and probably you would have found no horses or car- riages at the front gate. But you would have seen sloops, or schooners, or brigantines tied at the wharf for most of the traveling and trading was done in boats. Moseley's Last Service to the Colony. — It was in this section among such neighbors that Moseley passed the last years of his life. He continued to serve the people and did much important work for the colony. In 1737 he prepared a map of North Carolina. He EDWARD MOSELEY 49 was appointed chief justice in 1744, and served until his death. His last important work was to help collect and revise the laws of the province. So many laws had been passed, so many had been repealed, and they were so badly scattered, that it was difficult for one to tell what the law was. In 1746, a committee was selected to gather the laws together, to find out which ones were still in force, and to have them printed in a single volume. Moseley was at the head of this committee. The work was completed before his death, but was not printed until afterwards. Moseley died July 11, 1749. Throughout his life he was a bold and earnest champion of liberty. In times of trouble and danger, he was a wise and fearless leader. The people trusted him, and he did not abuse their trust. Wherever Edward Moseley led, they were ever ready to follow. GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. Describe the situation of the following counties: Chowan, New Hanover, Tyrrell, Edgecombe, Craven. Name and trace the principal rivers and streams of each. . 2. Why did the rivers and sounds of North Carolina afford a good refuge for the pirates? 3. Describe the situation of the Dismal Swamp. What body of water is in it? Can you guess the origin of the namv of tliis lake? 4. Trace the boundar}^ line between North Carolina and Mrginia a hundred miles from the coast. What streams does it cross? What counties in each State border on it? 5. Trace the course of the Cape Fear river and its chief tribu- taries. How did the river get its name? 6. Locate the city of Wilmington. Sixteen miles below ^^'il- mington, on the west bank of the river, was the old town of Bruns- wick. Mark the site on your map. 50 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA REVIEW Tell about: 1. Moseley's wealth. 2. His interest in education. 3. What he thought about an Established Church. 4. How he came to the front in the affairs of the colony. 5. How he was treated by Governor Hyde. 6. What he thought about rulers taking the people's property without their consent. 7. Moseley and "Blackbeard." 8. Running the boundary line between North Carolina and Virginia. 9. The settlement of the Cape Fear region. 10. Famous colonial places on the Cape Fear. 11. Moseley's last public services. QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. What were the duties of the speaker of the Assembly? 2. Do members of the Assembly and other officials in North Carolina to-day have to take any oath when they enter upon their duties? What do they have to promise? 3. Why were the Quakers opposed to taking an oath? See St. Matthew 5: 33-37. 4. What King of England bought Carolina from the Lords Pro- prietors? 5. Who were the Huguenots? What four different nationalities settled in Eastern North Carolina? Tell in what section each settled. Do the names of the towns help in any way to locate their settle- ments? How? 6. How long had Moseley been in North Carolina at his death? Name the public offices that he held, and tell the principal duties of each. CHAPTER V HUGH WADDELL England and France at War. — From 1756 to 1763, England and France were at war with each other both in Europe and in America. In European history this war is known as the Seven Years' War; in American history we call it the French and Indian War. One of its causes was a dispute over territory in Amer- ica. Both nations claimed the territory lying west of the Alleghany Mountains and north of the Ohio River. In 1753, the French sent soldiers to build forts along the Ohio and hold that region for France. The governor of Virginia commanded the French to with- draw from British territory. The French refused, Virginia then called on the other English colonies to help her drive the French away. The war that followed was to decide whether the French or the English were to control the North American continent. Hugh Waddell. — In this war North Carolina soldiers fought under the banner of the king of England. One of her soldiers became noted for his courage and abil- ity. This man was a young Irishman who was only nineteen years old when the war began. His name was Hugh Waddell. He was born in Ireland, in 1737, and had been in North Carolina but a short time when the war broke out. His father's name was also Hugh Wad- 51 52 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA HUGH WADDELL dell. His ancestors were natives of Scotland who had settled in the northern part of Ireland. Hugh Waddell, therefore, came from that race of people whom we call Scotch-Irish. They were noted for their love of liberty, of learning, and of religion. Waddeil comes to North Carolina. — In 1742, the elder Hugh Waddell killed a man in a duel, and fled to America. He brought his son with him. They went to Boston, where the boy was sent to school. After a few years, the elder Waddell thought that he could safely return to Ireland. Upon his arrival there, he found that during his absence all of his property had been taken from him; and when he died a little later, he left his son alone in the world, without any estate. But young Waddell did not despair at this misfortune. He promptly made up his mind to seek a new fortune in America. In 1753, one of his father's Irish friends, Arthur Dobbs, was appointed governor of North Carolina. This event probably caused young Waddell to select North Carolina as his future home. He arrived in the colony about the beginning of the j^ear 1754. "Captain Waddell." — Soon after his arrival, the ^i Assembly voted to raise a regiment of 450 soldiers to serve against the French. Colonel James Innes was appointed commander of these troops. Hugh Waddell was selected as one of his lieutenants. They were sent to Virginia to serve against the French and Indians. While on duty in Virginia, Lieutenant Waddell was such HUGH WADDELL 53 an active and intelligent officer, that he was promoted to the rank of captain. On the Western Frontier of North Carolina. — Because of his ability, Waddell was soon given an important command on the western frontier of North Carolina. His duties there were to keep a sharp watch on the Indians, and to protect the inhabitants from their attacks. The two most powerful tribes were the Cherokee and Catawba. Both the English and the French were anxious to secure their aid. In 1755, the North Carolina Assembly voted £10,000 for a fort on the frontier. At the same time, it was provided that three companies of soldiers should be raised for a garrison. Governor Dobbs selected Captain Waddell to build the fort and take command of the garri- son. He was told to win the Indians to the side of the English and to make a treaty with them. Fort Dobbs. — This was a very important duty to place on so young a man. But the young captain was ambitious, and eager to show that he was worthy of the trust placed in him. He went to work with a vim, and soon had his fort built. It stood near the site of the town of States ville. The next year the Assembly sent a committee to inspect the work. One of the members was Richard Caswell, who became North Carolina's most famous soldier during the Revolution. This committee carefully examined Captain Waddell's fort, and reported to the Assembly that it was a good and substantial building. The walls were built of oak logs, from six to sixteen inches thick, and twenty-four feet high. The fort had three floors so arranged that a hundred men could fire their muskets from each at the 54 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA same time. The committee said that the fort was " beautifully situated in a fork of Fourth Creek, a branch of the Yadkin river. The officers and soldiers were well and in good spirits." Captain Waddell had named it "Fort Dobbs," in honor of the Governor. Fort Dobbs was the most important post in the colony. Governor Dobbs was so well pleased with Captain Wad- dell's work, that he kept him in command of the fort for nearly two years. He declared that the young officer was in " every way qualified for such a command, as he was young, active, and resolute." Captain Wad- dell succeeded in making a treaty with the Indians, but as we shall see they did not observe it very long. An Over-Mountain March. — In 1757, Captain Wad- dell received word that the English garrison at Fort Loudon, on the Tennessee river, was in great danger. Selecting some of his best men, he hurried to its aid. His route lay through two hundred miles of unbroken forests. He had to cross high rugged mountains and to ford deep rivers. There were no roads and no inhabitants except hostile Indians. But the young commander conducted the march with great success. He reached Fort Loudon, relieved its garrison, and returned to Fort Dobbs in safety. Upon his return he was again promoted, this time to the rank of major. Major Waddell is ordered to Virginia. — The next year Major Waddell was ordered to Virginia. A great expe- dition was to march against the French at Fort Duquesne. An army had been sent from England, under General John Forbes. It was joined in Virginia by troops from Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina. The Virginia troops were commanded HUGH WADDELL 55 by Colonel George Washington. Major Waddell com- manded the North Carolina troops. He had 300 white soldiers and some Cherokee Indians. The March to Fort Duquesne. — Major Waddell had now become an experienced soldier. He was thoroughly familiar with Indian warfare, and he knew how to fight the savages after their own manner. His men were skilful woodsmen and crack riflemen. They were just the sort of men that General Forbes needed to lead his army through the wilderness. So he placed Major Waddell, together with Colonel Washington, in the front of his army. Waddell's duties were to keep a sharp lookout for hostile Indians; to act as a scout and gather information; to build bridges and boats; and to prepare the route for the army to follow. This was just the sort of work that Major Waddell Hked. On the march he " dressed and acted as an Indian," and " had great honor done him." Sergeant John Rogers. — One of Waddell's men per- formed a service for which the Assembly rewarded him. The march through the wilderness was very slow and difficult. General Forbes feared that winter would set in before he could reach Fort Duquesne. To keep the army in the wilderness during the winter would be too dangerous. Either he must push on more rapidly, or turn back and wait for the spring. But he was afraid to push on boldly until he knew more about the situation at Fort Duquesne. So he offered a reward of fifty guineas to any soldier who would capture an Indian from whom the English could get information. Sergeant John Rogers, one of Major Waddell's men, won the reward. At great risk to his own life, he captured 56 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA an Indian warrior and brought him to General Forbes. The Indian said that the French garrison was very small and weak, and would abandon the fort as soon as the English came in sight. General Forbes was delighted with this news, but he forgot to give Sergeant Rogers the promised reward. The North Carolina Assembly, however, gave him twenty pounds for that important service. The English capture Fort Duquesne. — General Forbes decided to push on more rapidly than ever. He selected his best companies, put them under the com- mand of Colonel Washington, and ordered them to attack the fort. Among these troops were the North Carolina soldiers under Major Waddell. The rest of the army followed more slowly. The Indian's story proved to be true. When the English appeared the French fled, and the fort fell into Washington's hands. He changed its name to Fort Pitt in honor of England's great statesman, William Pitt, the friend of America. It is said that the first English " soldier " to enter Fort Duquesne was a fine large dog that belonged to Major Waddell. For his services in this campaign, Major Waddell was promoted to the rank of colonel. Colonel Waddell defends Fort Dobbs. — Upon his return to North Carolina, Colonel Waddell again found work to do at Fort Dobbs. The Indians had broken their treaty, and were on the warpath. Many of the settlers were driven to seek refuge at Salisbury and among the Moravians at Bathabara. Colonel Waddell hurried to Fort Dobbs to protect the settlers. He was able to check the Indians for a while, but could not HUGH WADDELL 57 Stone marking site of 1<"ort Dobbs entirely stop their destroying property and murdering the colonists. In February, 1760, the Indians attempted to destroy Fort Dobbs. One dark night, they gathered close around the fort to make a secret attack. Suddenly the dogs in the fort began to make ''an uncommon noise." Taking ten stout soldiers, Colonel Waddell went out to see what the trouble was. His little band was attacked by seven times their own number. But Waddell told his men to keep together, and hold their fire until the Indians were within ten steps. Each musket was loaded with a bullet and seven buck shot. When the soldiers fired, the red men retreated. Colonel Waddell then returned safely to the fort. Instantly the red men swarmed around in still larger numbers. ' But Waddell was cool and calm. He inspired his men with courage, and managed them so well that he drove the Indians off in great confusion. Writing to the Governor about the fight, Colonel Waddell said: "I expected they would pay me another visit last night, but find they did not like their reception." The Indians beg for Peace. — The next year North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia joined in sending a great expedition against the Indians. Colonel Waddell commanded the North Carolina troops. They attacked the Indians near the present town of Franklin, in Macon county. The whites won a great victory. They des- troyed the red men's supplies, laid their corn fields in 58 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA ruin, and burned their towns. This blow broke the power of the Cherokee, and forced them to beg for peace. Our Best Indian Fighter. — Colonel Waddell had now become the foremost soldier in North Carolina. As an Indian fighter he had no equal in the province, and no superior anywhere. He had learned all the tricks of the savages, and he knew how to meet them. His hard life on the frontier had made him used to hard- ships and dangers. He had grown into a large, powerful man, with strong, active limbs, and deep, broad chest and shoulders. As a leader he was fearless, cool, and calm in the midst of danger, and quick to see the best way out of it. The Indian Fighter is captured. — In 1757, while he was in command at Fort Dobbs, Waddell was elected to represent Rowan county in the Assembly. In Novem- ber, he went to Wilmington to attend the session. There he found time not only to make laws for the people, but also to make love for himself. The bright eyes of Mary Haynes did what the most cunning Indian could never do — they captured the brave young Indian fighter! Mary Haynes was the daughter of Captain Roger Haynes, an officer of the British army;- He owned a fine place, called " Castle Haynes," near Wilmington. To Castle Haynes, therefore, after his battles were over, the young Colonel came to surrender himself. Colonel Waddell then made his home at Wilmington. He owned several plantations in Rowan, Anson, New Hanover, and Bladen counties. His favorite residence was at Bellefont, in Bladen county, on the Cape Fear, about two miles below Elizabethtown. HUGH WADDELL 59 / Waddell's Political Honors. — Colonel Waddell had now become one of the leading men in the province. In •^1760, he was again elected to the Assembly from Rowan county. After he moved to Bladen he was elected to the Assembly from that county four times. Gover- / nor Dobbs and Governor Tryon both recommended him ( to the King for appointment to the Council. Tryon ' wrote that Colonel Waddell possessed " an easy fortune," and was held " in much esteem as a gentleman of honor and spirit." Waddell defies the Governor. — When Parliament passed the Stamp Act, the Americans declared they would not obey it because Parliament had no right to tax them without their consent. Waddell took the side of the colonists in resisting it. I He became the military leader of the patriots on the Cape Fear. In November, 1765, he led them in one of the boldest deeds ever done in America. On November 28, one of the King's war vessels, the Dili- gence, arrived at Brunswick with the stamps for North Carolina. The news of her arrival spread quickly. Up and down the Cape Fear, and far into the country, men snatched their rifles and hurried to Bruns- wick. There they placed themselves under the leader- ship of Colonel Waddell. He drew them up along the river bank, and told the Captain of the Diligence that none of the King's stamps should be brought to shore. This daring deed prevented any of the stamps from ^•SHIL1.LK"(BS/ An English Revenue Stamp FOR THE Colonies 60 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA being used in North Carolina. Such resistance to the King's officers was treason, and treason was punished by death. But Hugh Waddell and the men who followed him dared even death in defence of their rights. Waddell helps the Governor. — When Governor Tryon tried to make the people buy the stamps, Hugh Waddell resisted him. But when Governor Tryon raised an army to compel the Regulators to obey the laws of the colony, Hugh Waddell was ready to help him. He was ever ready to oppose both tyranny and lawlessness. In the counties around Hillsboro the people complained that the taxes were too high and the sheriffs and other officers were dishonest. They called upon the Governor and Assembly for relief. ]]ut it required some time for the Governor and Assembly to act, and the people became impatient. They formed themselves into bands called Regulators and refused to obey the laws or to pay taxes. They beat the officers, broke up the courts, and insulted the judges. In 1771, Tryon raised an army to march against them. He appointed Hugh Waddell a general, and sent him to raise troops in the West. Tryon met the Regulators and defeated them at Ala- mance, but Waddell did not reach there in time to take part in the battle. Death. ^ — ^ The next year, 1772, General Waddell started on a trip to England. He went down the Cape Fear to Fort Johnston, near its mouth, to board the ship for his journey. But he was taken suddenly ill and compelled to return. After suffering for nearly a year, he died April 9, 1773. HUGH WADDELL 61 GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. What states have been formed from the territory conquered by England from France in the French and Indian War? 2. Fort Duquesne stood where the city of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, now stands. Describe its situation. 3. Fort Dobbs was in what is now Iredell county (then Rowan) near the present town of Statesville. Locate its site. Where is Salem? Bathabara? 4. Fort Loudon was on the Tennessee river. Describe the char- acter of the country through which Waddell had to march to reach it. 5. Describe the situation of the town of Franklin. It was near this town that Waddell fought his last battle with the Cherokee. 6. Where is Elizabethtown? Hillsboro? The Eno River? Ala- mance? 7. Fort Johnston was near the site of the present town of Southport. Locate its site. REVIEW 1. What was the cause of the French and Indian War? 2. Where was Hugh Waddell born? Who were the Scotch-Irish? For what were they noted? 3. Why did Hugh Waddell come to North Carolina to live? 4. What was his first military service? 5. What important duty was given him on the frontier, and why? 6. Describe Fort Dobbs. Why was it such an important post? 7. Describe Waddell's march to Fort Loudon. 8. What service did Waddell and his men render on the march to Fort Duquesne? 9. Describe Waddell's defence of Fort Dobbs. 10. Tell of Waddell as an Indian fighter. IL What political honors did Waddell receive? 12. How and why did he defy Governor Tryon? 13. How and why did he help Tryon against the Regulators? 62 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. What part of North America was settled by the French? Give some names of towns and other places that indicate they were French settlements. Does France now own any territory in North America? 2. What part of North Carolina was settled by the Scotch-Irish? 3. What interest did North Carolina have in driving the French out of the territory north of the Ohio? 4. Tell what is meant by fighting " Indian-fashion." 5. Why were the troops of Washington and Waddell, rather than the regular soldiers from England, selected to make the attack on Fort Duquesne? 6. Why did Washington change the name of Fort Duquesne to Fort Pitt? 7. When the United States was at war with Spain, in 1898, Congress passed a Stamp Act and the people cheerfully paid the tax. What was the difference between that tax and the one the people resisted in 1765? CHAPTER VI JOHN HARVEY John Harvey. — Lying in Perquimans county, between the Yeopim and Perquimans rivers, is a narrow strip of land known as " Harvey's Neck." Here in colonial days lived the Harvey family. For more than a cen- tury, this family bore an important part in the history of North Carolina. One of them was speaker of the Assembly, and the leader of the people at the begin- ning of the Revolution. This man was John Harvey. He was born at Harvey's Neck about the year 1725. When he was four years old his father died. In his will he left directions that his four boys should be well educated. These boys grew up on a large plantation. Besides being well taught in their books, they learned to ride, to hunt, to fish, to swim, to row, to sail a boat. They learned, too, how to do the work of the plantation. They became well educated men. All of them after- wards were leaders in the affairs of the province. John Harvey was a large and wealthy planter. Many slaves worked on his plantations, and vessels from distant colonies anchored at his wharves. They carried the products of his farms to New England and to the West Indies. He was a generous man with his wealth. One who knew him tells us that " his house was one continued 63 64 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA scene of hospitality and benevolence, and his purse, his hand, and heart were ever devoted to the service and relief of the distressed." John Harvey's Political Career. — Early in life, John Harvey began to take part in public affairs. He was just twenty-one when the people of Perquimans county elected him to the Assembly. The Assembly met at New Bern, and thither, in June, 1746, John Harvey went to take his seat. Until 1775, he continued to rep- resent his county. For several years he was speaker and the leader of the Assembly in its struggles for liberty against the King's governors. The War with France. — Soon after he entered the Assembly, the French and Indian War broke out. The North Carolina Assembly ordered that soldiers should be raised in the province to march against the French and Indians, and voted £50,000 for their support. John Harvey helped to prepare these laws. When the Clovernor tried to force the Assembly to levy taxes against the rights of the people, John Harvey spoke out boldly against him. But in all proper measures for carrying on the war, John Harvey supported the Gov- ernor. After seven years of fighting, England and her colonies defeated France, and compelled her to surrender all the territory she owned in North America. Harvey Becomes Speaker. — During these years, Harvey became the leading man in the Assembly. When the Assembly met in November, 1766, the members had to choose a new speaker. All eyes turned toward John Harvey. Richard Caswell proposed his name and he received every vote in the Assembly. Then, accord- ing to the ceremony of that day, they went into the JOHN HARVEY 65 Council Chamber to present their new speaker to the Governor, and ask if he approved of their choice. The Governor bowed and smiled pleasantly, and declared that he was much pleased with their choice of Mr, John Harvey. Then the members returned to their own hall and Harvey took his seat as speaker. Next to that of governor, the office of speaker was the highest office in the colony. The governor was sent from England by the King, and the people had nothing to do with selecting him. So the office of speaker was the highest to which a mem- ber of the Assembly could be chosen. He presided over its sessions, and was its leader in all important mat- ters. John Harvey held that office for seven years, and led the people in some of the most important events in our history. Harvey leads the Fight against Taxation by Parlia- ment. — The war with France had left England deeply in debt, and King George HI decided to make the Americans help pay it. The British Parliament, there- fore, passed the Stamp Act, and other acts to tax the Americans. But the Americans declared that these taxes were unlawful and they would not pay them. They refused to trade with the British merchants unless the taxes were removed. So Parliament was forced to CiEOlKH:; III, KiNi; OF ENGLAND 1760-1820 (The frontispiece on "Watts' Complete Spelling Book" from which many- colonial children were taught) 66 EISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA remove all except the tax on tea. That must be left on, said the King, in order "to try the question with America." We shall now see how John Harvey led the North Carolina Assembly "to try the question with the King." In November, 1766, Harvey persuaded the Assembly to appoint a committee to appeal to the King against the tax. He was placed at the head of this committee, and wrote an address which was sent to the King. In it he said that North Carolina had already paid her share of the cost of the war with France, and it was not fair to make her pay England's, too. Whenever the King had asked North Carolina for aid, the Assembly had always *' cheerfully and liberally" given it; and he promised that it would continue to do so in the future. But the British Parliament, he declared, had no right to levy taxes on the people of North Carolina. They were, he said, entitled to " all the rights and liberties " that other Englishmen had. They were free men, and " free men can not be legally taxed but by themselves or their representatives." North Carolina had no repre- sentatives in Parliament; therefore Parliament could not legally levy taxes in North Carolina. And, moreover, said bold John Harvey, the people of North Carolina would not pay any such taxes! Non-Importation Associations. — Such addresses made the King and Parliament angry, and they passed laws to punish the Americans. Then the Americans agreed with each other that they would buy no more goods in England until all such laws were repealed. Such agree- ments were called " Non-Importation Associations." JOHN HARVEY 67 The King at once ordered his governors to break up these associations. So when John Harvey, in November, 1769, proposed for the Assembly to adopt a " Non-Importation Associa- tion," Governor Tryon angrily dismissed the members and commanded them to go home. But Harvey at once called on them to meet in spite of the Governor. Sixty-four of them obeyed his call. They met as a convention independent of the Governor. John Harvey was chosen their leader. He was called " Moderator." The members declared that they would resist every attempt of Parliament to levy taxes on Americans. They adopted a " Non-Importation Association," called on all the merchants to sign it, and resolved to treat with contempt all who refused. Most of the merchants in the province signed it, and trade with British mer- chants was stopped. The Assembly Rewards Harvey. — Harvey had now become the most trusted leader in the province. The people had great confidence in him. The members of the Assembly were ready to follow whenever he led. In order to show their devotion to him, they voted, in 1773, to give him £100 as a reward for his faithful services to the colony; and the next year they voted £200 more. Committees of Correspondence. — The quarrel with the King had now become very bitter. He sent an army to Boston to overawe the people. In some of the colonies there was fighting and bloodshed. Men began to fear that the quarrel would lead to war, and they saw that the colonies must unite in self-defence. The Virginia Assembly proposed that each colony 68 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA appoint a committee to keep in touch with the other colonies. These committees were to write letters to each other so that each might learn what the other colonies were doing, and make helpful suggestions. They were called '' Committees of Correspondence." The King denounced this plan, for he was afraid if the colonies united they would be strong enough to resist him. Nowhere was there greater excitement than in North Carolina. The Assembly, led by John Harvey, was struggling hard with the Governor, Josiah Martin, who had succeeded Governor Tryon in 1771. The Assembly stood for the liberties of the Americans; the Governor stood for the power of the King and Parliament. He refused to give his consent to laws passed by the Assem- bly. Trade was at a standstill. The courts w^ere closed. Business men could not collect their debts. Criminals escaped without punishment. The people were greatly alarmed, but they were determined to follow John Harvey until they won their liberties. In December, 1773, Harvey proposed that the Assembly appoint a Committee of Correspondence. The Governor tried hard to prevent this step, but the Assembly followed Harvey's advice. Nine men were selected with Harvey at their head. The others were Robert Howe, Cornelius Harnett, William Hooper, Richard Caswell, Edward Vail, John Ashe, Joseph Hewes, and Samuel Johnston. When this committee met, it wrote to the other colonies that North Carolina was ready to unite with them against the King and Parliament. The committee thought that all the colonies ought to elect delegates to a great Continental Congress at Philadelphia to agree on a plan of union. JOHN HARVEY 69 John Harvey leads the Way to Revolution. — These delegates were to be chosen by the Assembly. But the Assembly could not meet except when the Gover- nor called the members together. Governor Martin did not want North Carolina to send delegates to the Con- tinental Congress, so he made up his mind not to call a meeting of the Assembly until it was too late to elect them. When John Harvey heard of this, he flew into a terrible rage. " In that case," he exclaimed, '' the people will call an Assembly themselves." He hastened to ccnsult some of the other leaders. " Let us call a convention independent of the Gover- nor," he urged. " I will call on the people to elect members, and you must help me. Let us get to work at once." This was one of the boldest suggestions ever made in North Carolina. Timid men drew back, for they feared that John Harvey was lead- ing them into rebellion. But he fearlessly took the lead, and the people followed. Governor Martin's anger rose to white heat. He denounced John Harvey's plan. '' It is against the law," he cried. "It is an insult to the King." The Governor declared that it was re- bellion, and that those who dared take part in it should be punished. He commanded the members not to hold any such meeting. But under the bold leadership of John Harvey they met at New Bern, August 25, 1774. Governor's Palace at New Bern 70 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA The First Provincial Congress. — Such a Congress could resist the measures of the King better than the Assembly could. The Assembly could meet only when the King's Governor called it. The Congress met when- ever it chose. The Governor could dismiss the Assem- bly whenever he pleased. He had nothing to do with the Congress. Acts passed by the Assembly did not become laws until he approved them. Acts of the Congress did not need his consent. So it was a wise plan of John Har- vey to call this Congress to oppose the King's tyranny. Seventy-one members attended. Every one of them looked to John Harvey as their leader. They elected him moderator. The Congress remained in session four days. Some very important resolutions were adopted. It was agreed that: 1. There must be no more trade with England until Parliament repealed the laws against America. 2. Merchants must not charge higher prices than usual for their goods. 3. The people must drink no tea until the tax was removed. 4. Planters must not import slaves. 5. There must be no dealings with any colony or any person who would not join the Non-Importation Associa- tion. 6. The people of North Carolina must obey the measures of the Continental Congress. 7. William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, and Richard Cas- well were to go as delegates to the Continental Con- gress at Philadelphia to represent North Carolina. Thus John Harvey again beat the King's Governor; and before the Congress adjourned, it voted to give its JOHN HARVEY 71 thanks to "Mr. Moderator Harvey, for his faithful exercise of his office, and the services he has thereby rendered to this province, and to the friends of America in general." How the People obeyed the Provincial Congress. — In all parts of the colony patriots willingly obeyed the measures of the Provincial Congress. Merchants refused to buy any more goods from England, planters imported no more slaves, and women stopped drinking tea. At Eden ton, October 25, 1774, fifty-one women met at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth King and there signed a paper binding themselves to give up the "custom of drinking tea" until the tax was taken off. The "Edenton Tea Party," as this event is called, showed that the women of North Carolina were as ready to make sacrifices for the good of their country as were their fathers and husbands. Harvey aids the Boston Patriots. — A few weeks before the "Edenton Tea Party," in September, 1774, John Harvey showed his devotion to the American cause in a very generous way. A cry of distress had reached North Carolina from the people of far-away Boston. Because some citizens of Boston one night seized a ship lying in the harbor loaded with tea and threw all the tea overboard (which act is known as the Boston Tea Party), Parliament had passed a law shutting up their port. No vessel could go in or come out, for war ships guarded the entrance, and the people began to suffer for food. The other colonies then raised the cry that "the cause of Boston is the cause of all." They sent food and clothes to the other towns in Massachusetts to be used for the reUef of Boston. 72 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA In September, 1774, John Harvey and Joseph Hewes began to collect supplies around Edenton to be sent to Boston. They collected two thousand bushels of corn, twenty barrels of flour, and seventeen barrels of pork. Then they hn-ed the sloop, Penelope, loaded her with these supplies, and sent them to '' their distressed brethren of Boston." At the same time Harvey wrote a letter in which he said: "I hope to be able to send another cargo this winter, for the same charitable pur- pose, as the American inhabitants of this colony entertain a just sense of the sufferings of our brethren in Boston." The Penelope reached her destination'^ October 15. We may be sure that her cargo was gladly received. The Boston committee wrote John Harvey a long letter of thanks for his noble and generous donation. The Last Colonial Assembly. — The Governor now decided to hold another Assembly. Perhaps the mem- bers might listen to his appeals for obedience to the King. If they would not, then perhaps he could frighten them into obedience. So he called an Assembly to meet at New Bern, April 4, 1775. John Harvey knew that Governor Martin would dismiss the Assembly as soon as it showed any sympathy with the American cause. He thought, therefore, that a Congress ought to be held at the same time to watch the Governor, and be ready to act if necessary. So he called upon the people to elect delegates to a Congress to meet at New Bern, April 3, 1775. How furious Governor Martin was ! He denounced Harvey and the Congress, 1 Probably Marblehead, which upon the passage of the Boston Port Bill "immediately invited the merchants of Boston to use its wharves and warehouses free of charge in shipping and unshipping their goods." JOHN HARVEY 73 too, but his anger did him no good. The people chose the same men to represent them in both bodies. They met at New Bern at the appointed time. The Assembly elected John Harvey speaker, the Congress elected him moderator. The Congress did not have much work to do except to watch the Governor. The Assembly was in session only four days, and each day its actions angered the Governor more and more. Fi- nally, April 8, 1775, in a great rage, he sent a message dismissing the members and commanding them to go home. This was the last time an Assembly, under the rule of a British king, met in North Carolina. When the next Assembly met, North Carolina was a free and independent state. ^ Death of John Harvey. — But John Harvey was not there to be its speaker. One day, soon after he returned home from New Bern in April, 1775, he fell from his horse and was badly injured. A few days later, at his home in Perquimans county, 'he died. The news of his death was heard by the patriots of the colony with great grief and sorrow. "He will be much missed," wrote Joseph Hewes from Philadelphia. " We sincerely condole with all friends of American liberty in this province," wrote Robert Howe, Cornelius Harnett, and John Ashe, "on the death of our worthy friend. Colonel Harvey. We regret it as a public loss, especially at this critical juncture." " In public life," said another, " all his actions were directed to the good of his country. In him the advocates for American freedom, have lost a real and true friend." 74 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. Describe the situation of Perquimans county. Beaufort county, New Bern. 2. Why did the colonists select Philadelphia as the place for holding the Continental Congress? REVIEW 1. Where did the Harvey family live? 2. Describe John Harvey's boyhood; his plantation. 3. How old was he when elected to the Assembly? How long did he serve in the Assembly? 4. What services did he render in connection with the French and Indian War? 5. To what office was he elected in 176G? W^hy was this an impor- tant office? 6. Describe how England tried to make America help pay her debts. 7. How did John Harvey lead the fight against taxation by Parlia- ment? What did he say at:)0ut it? 8. What was the Non-Importation Association? 9. How did John Harvey have this adopted in North Carolina? 10. What plan did Virginia suggest for the colonies to help each other? 11. Tell how this plan was adopted in North Carolina. Describe the conditions in North Carolina at that time. 12. How did John Harvey lead the way to Revolution? 13. Describe the first Provincial Congress. What resolutions did it adopt? Tell how the people obeyed them. 14. What was the Contincnital Congress? Who were chosen dele- gates from North Carolina? 15. How did John Harv(!y aid the patriots of Boston? 16. Describe the last colonial Assembly in North Carolina. 17. Tell of the death of John Harvey. What did the other patriots say of him? 18. State briefly the chief events in Harvey's life. QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. What did the King mean when he said that the tax nmst be left on tea in order "to try the ciuestion with the Americans?" JOHN HARVEY 75 2. \Muit did the Anioricans mean by saying that "taxation with- out representation is tyranny?" What body did they say alone had the right to levy taxes in each colony? What body now has the power to levy taxes in North Carolina? In the United States? What are taxes used for? 3. When the Congress wrote the Constitution of 177(5, it put this clause in it: " The people have a right to assemble together to consult for their common good," etc. Was there anything in John Harvey's experience that explains why this clause was put in the Constitution? 4. In colonial days, acts of the Assembly had to be approved by the governor before they became laws. Is this necessary in North Carolina now? How is it in the United States? 5. Explain the differences between the General Assembly and the Provincial Congress. CHAPTER VII CORNELIUS HARNETT Cornelius Harnett. — Side by side with John Harvey in his battles for American freedom stood his friend, Cornelius Harnett. Harnett's home was on the Cape Fear river, near Wilmington. He was born in Chowan county in 1723. When he was three years old his father moved to the new settlements on the Cape Fear. There young Harnett grew up. He received a good education. Cornelius Harnett was one of the first settlers of Wil- mington. Two of his plan- tations, Maynard and Poplar Grove, were near that town. His house at Maynard was a large brick building. It stood near the river, at the end of a beautiful avenue of trees, in the midst of a grove of cedars and oaks. Harnett was a small, slender man. His hair and eyes were light brown. He had a pleasing countenance, which would often light up with a smile so sweet and kindly that it cheered every person in his presence. His manner was dignified, but courteous and kindly. He loved books and music, and was always an interesting companion. 76 House of Cornelius Harnett NEAR Wilmington CORNELIUS HARNETT 77 Harnett in the Assembly. — Harnett was still a young man when he began to take part in public affairs. For eleven years he was alderman of Wilming- ton. In 1754 the people of that town elected him to represent them in the Assembly. He served in the Assembly for twenty-one years. When the Revolution broke out, Harnett was the leading patriot of the Cape Fear section. His popularity was so great that he is called, " The Pride of the Cape Fear." While he was in the Assembly, the colony was growing rapidly. Settlements soon stretched from the Atlantic to the Blue Ridge. The Assembly had much work to do for the benefit of the new settlers. Harnett took an active part in that work. He helped to prepare laws for building new roads through the wilderness; for establishing ferries over rivers; for laying off new towns; for building new court-houses and school-houses; for erecting churches; and for protecting the frontier against the Indians. In the disputes with the governors he became one of the leading champions of the people, and stood up manfully for their liberties. The Stamp Act on the Cape Fear. — Harnett boldly resisted the Stamp Act. When news of that act reached North Carolina the people quickly made up their minds that no stamps should be sold in the colony. Large crowds gathered at Wilming- ton to prepare for resistance. They marched through the streets shouting, "Liberty, Property, and No Stamp Duty." Every man wore in his hat a Utile white slip on Stone marking Site of RtrSSELLBOKOUGH, THE Scene of Resistance TO Stamp Act on the Cape Fear 78 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA which was printed the word LIBERTY. Thej^ made WiUiam Houston, who had been appointed to sell the stamps, resign his office and swear that he would not try to sell any stamps in North Carolina. They compelled Andrew Stewart, the printer, to publish his paper without using the stamps. They pledged themselves to resist the Stamp Act to the death. And when the Diligence arrived with the stamps, they seized their guns and prepared to fight. Harnett Leads a Revolt Against the Stamp Act. — Captain Lobb, a British officer, commanded another war vessel, the Viper, at Brunswick. In February, 1766, he seized three ships because they had no Cape Fear Patkiots Resist the Landing of Stamps at Brunswick stamps on their papers. Never had anything so aroused the people. They refused to send any food to the crew of the Viper. They seized the sailors who CORNELIUS HARNETT 79 came ashore for food and threw them into j ail. CorneHus \ Harnett and James Moore led six hundred men to Bruns- wick, went aboard the man-of-war, and compelled Cap- tain Lobb to surrender the captured vessels. They then decided to make all the King's officers swear not to enforce the Stamp Act. One of these officers, a Mr. Pennington, fled to Governor Tryon's house for protection. Harnett promptly led his men there, surrounded the house, and demanded the surrender of Pennington. The Governor refused. " Your Excellency must let him go," said Harnett. " We are determined to have him, and will take him out by force if you detain him. But we do not wish to insult your Excellency." " You have already offered me every insult in your power," retorted the Governor. " You have surrounded my house and made me a prisoner without any cause." Pennington became frightened, and said that he would go with Harnett. " But I had rather resign my office," he added, " than do anything contrary to my duty to the King." " Then," said Tryon, turning angrily upon him, " you had better resign before you leave here." So Pennington wrote out his resignation. " Now, Sir," said the angry Governor, " you may go." And Harnett led Pennington out of the house to the people. Harnett then led his men back to Brunswick. There they placed the officers in a circle and made them swear not to enforce the Stamp Act in North Carolina. As each took the oath, the cheers of the crowd reached Gov- ernor Tryon at his home, and he knew that the Stamp Act was a failure. Cornelius Harnett had beaten the 80 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA King's Governor, and had become the idol of his people. Harnett Enforces the " Non-Importation Association." — In 1769, Harnett was one of the members of the Assembly who met with John Harvey in a convention to adopt the " Non-Importation Association." It was very important that the merchants should all agree to this association. The merchants on the Cape Fear bought large quantities of goods in England. The patriots were anxious for the Cape Fear merchants to support the " Non-Importation Association," and they looked to Cornelius Harnett to lead them. Harnett called a meeting of the merchants and planters at Wilmington in June, 1770. He laid the association before them, and urged them to sign it. They followed his lead without hesitation, and after signing it, chose him as their leader to see that all obeyed it. This was a trying position, but Harnett promptly accepted it. He declared that he was "ready to stand or fall with the other colonies in support of American liberty," and that he " would not tamely submit to the yoke of oppres- sion." From this we see that Harnett was in favor of the colonies uniting against England. So when the time came to plan for union, he was ready to take the lead. Harnett Has a Visitor From Boston. — The time came soon. One day in March, 1773, a traveler rode up to the door at Poplar Grove and asked for Mr. Harnett. This man was Josiah Quincy, a famous patriot of Boston. He was making a journey through the colonies, and had come to Poplar Grove to discuss with Harnett a plan for uniting the colonies. Harnett CORNELIUS HARNETT 81 at once sent across the river for his friend, Colonel Robert Howe. These three sat up all night discussing the plan for committees of correspondence. They agreed that the plan ought to be adopted. Quincy was so delighted at Harnett's patriotic views that, in the midst of their discussion, he sprang up and embraced him. When he returned to Boston he told the patriots there of the great patriot of Wilmington. He declared that Massachusetts could depend on North Carolina in resisting the King. When the Assembly met in December, Harnett and Howe both urged the appointment of a Committee of Correspondence. Their names stood in the committee next to the name of John Harve3\ Harnett visits New England. — The next year, Harnett made a trip to New England and other northern colonies. Such visits as his to the North and Quincy's to the South did great good. By them the leading men of the different colonies learned to know and trust each other. Harnett was awa}^ on this trip when the Congress met at New Bern in August, 1774, and therefore he was not a member. But he was a member of the Congress in April, 1775, and of all the other congresses that met in North Carolina during the Revolution. Committees of Safety. — The Congress in August, 1774, advised the people to select a committee in each county to see that its measures were obeyed. Such committees were called "Committees of Safety." They had great power, for they took the place of both the Governor and the courts. Governor Martin commanded the people not to obey them. But the people no longer 82 HISTORY OF NORTH C'AROLINA paid any attention to his commands, and they gave strict obedience to the committees of safety. These committees proved to be so useful that the Congress which met at Hillsboro in August, 1775, appointed a committee for the whole province which was to be at the head of all the other committees. At first it was called the " Provincial Council; " but, in 177G, its name was changed to " Council of Safety." Cornelius Harnett was the leader in the work of these committees. In November, 1774, he was chosen chair- man of the Committee of Safety at Wilmington. In January, 1775, he was chosen chairman of the Committee of Safety for New Hanover county. In October, 1775, he was elected president of the Provincial Council. And in June, 1776, he was elected president of the Coun- cil of Safety. As president of the Council, Harnett was the chief officer in the province and the leader of the patriots. There was no busier man in North Carolina than he. His committees compelled debtors to pay their debts. They punished criminals for their crimes. They re- quired men to obey the measures of Congress. They raised money to buy arms, gunpowder, and other things needed in war. They enrolled men into companies, armed them, and elected officers to lead them. They fitted out armed vessels which sailed to the West Indies and brought supphes of all sorts into the colony. In these ways Harnett's committees prepared the colony for the war which all knew was near at hand. Stirring News From Boston. — One day in May, 1775, Cornelius Harnett received news that a battle had been fought at Lexington, Massachusetts, between CORNELIUS HARNETT 83 the British and Americans. Riders on fleet horses bore the news from colony to colony, from town to town, from committee to committee. Day and night they rode through villages, swam deep rivers, and dashed along lonely roads. A rider with the news reached Edenton on May 4. From Eden- ton he dashed on to Bath, from Bath to New Bern, and from New Bern to Wil- mington. It was in the after- noon of May 8, when he gave his message to Cornelius Harnett. This stirring news thoroughly aroused Harnett. He hurried the man on to Brunswick with a message for the Brunswick com- mittee. " For God's sake," he wrote, '' send the man on without the least delay, and write to Mr. IVIarion to forward it by night and day." Everywhere the news created great excitement, and stirred the people to action. The Last Royal Governor. — Harnett and John Ashe now decided that the royal Governor must be driven out of the province. He had already fled from New Bern, where the governor's residence was at that time, to seek refuge in Fort Johnston near the mouth of Cape Fear river. There he was hard at work trying to stir up the slaves against their masters, Old Court-house at Edenton The oldest Court-house in North Carolina, still in use. Built in 17G7. 84 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA and the King's followers called Tories against the patriots, sometimes called Whigs. But Harnett's com- mittees kept close watch on him and prevented his carrying out his plans. Governor Martin declared that all his troubles were due to four men, who stood foremost among the leaders of the rebellion. They were Cornelius Harnett, John Ashe, Robert Howe, and Abner Nash. He wrote to England that he hoped the King would never pardon them, but would have them put to death. When Governor Martin learned that Harnett and Ashe were getting ready to attack Fort Johnston, he fled from the fort to the British war vessel, Cruizer. Early in the morning, July 19, somebody on the Cruizer waked him with a cry that Fort Johnston was on fire. He hurried to the deck just in time to see five hundred minute-men from Wilmington and Brunswick burning the fort to the ground. " Mr. John Ashe and Mr. Cornelius Harnett," he wrote to England, "were ring- leaders of this savage and audacious mob." Governor Martin was the last royal Governor of North Carolina, for soon after Harnett and Ashe drove him away, the people declared themselves independent of Great Britain, and elected their own governor. Harnett Leads the Way to Independence. — The man who pointed the way to independence was Cornelius Harnett. When the North Carolina Con- gress met at Halifax in April, 1776, none of the colo- nies had taken a stand for independence. They loved the mother country and were anxious to make up their quarrel with her. But when the King refused even to hear their prayers, they saw that they must either CORNELIUS HARNETT 85 separate from Great Britain, or surrender their liberties. But who would take the lead? After the last royal governor was driven out of North Carolina, the Whigs won a great victory over the Tories at Moore's Creek Bridge, February 27, 1776. Then the North Carolina patriots cried out that they were ready to lead the way to independence. So, on April 8, Congress appointed a committee to write out what North Carolina should say on that subject. Cornelius Harnett was at the head of that committee. The other members were Allen Jones, Thomas Burke, Abner Nash, John Kinchen, Thomas Person, and Thomas Jones. Harnett wrote the report for the committee. Amid a deep silence, April 12, 1776, he read this report to the Congress. In his report, Harnett declared that the King and Parliament had tried to destroy the " peace, liberty, and safety " of America. The Americans, he said, had humbly prayed for relief. The King had replied to their prayers by sending armies to destroy the people and their property; by ordering his war vessels to seize their ships ; and by stirring up the slaves to murder their masters. Many persons had been killed, and others had been reduced from wealth and ease to poverty and distress. Harnett thought, therefore, that the Americans ought to overthrow the rule of such a tyrant, and that North Carolina ought to lead the way. After hearing his report, the Congress voted for it. This resolution required the North Carolina delegates in the Continental Congress to " concur with the delegates of the other colonies in declaring independency." 86 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA A copy of the resolution was sent off at once to Joseph Hewes, who was in the Continental Congress at Philadel- phia. How pleased he was when he found that North Carohnahad led all the colonies in declaring for independ- ence! He showed the resolution to the other members of the Continental Congress. Many of them promptly sent copies to their own colonies and urged them to The St ■• ' i I i -i:, oi; 1 ndkpendence Hall, Philadelphia Where the Declaration of Independence was Signed follow North Carolina's example. Virginia was the first to do so. Then others followed. Finally, in July, the Continental Congress itself adopted the Declaration of Independence for all the colonies. Thus North Caro- hna led the other colonies just as Cornelius Harnett led North Carolina. Harnett Selected For Punishment. — The British did not forget the part Harnett played in this CORNELIUS HARNETT 87 important step. He was selected for the King's special vengeance. While Congress was in session at Halifax, Sir Henry Clinton, the British general, with a powerful army, reached the Cape Fear. On May 5 he issued a paper promising that the King would par- don all the rebels in North Carolina who would lay down their arms; but he excepted "from the bene- fits of such pardon Cornelius Harnett and Robert Howe." Harnett Proclaims Independence. — When the Dec- laration of Independence reached North Carolina, the Council of Safety was in session at Halifax. The people of North Carolina, declared the Council, were now " absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown." So the Council ordered that the Declaration of Independence should be publicly read to the people on August first. On that day a great crowd gathered in the little village of Halifax. At midday the soldiers marched through the streets, with beating drums and flying flags. A loud cheer went up from the people when President Harnett, escorted by the soldiers, mounted the platform, with the declaration in his hand. While he read, all listened in deep silence. But when he finished, they showed their gladness by shouts of joy, waving of flags, and booming of cannon. The soldiers seized President Harnett, and bore him on their shoulders through the excited crowd. The people cheered him as their champion and proclaimed their allegiance to the United States. Harnett Becomes a Member of the Continental Congress. — North Carolina was now an independent 88 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA state. The Congress at Halifax in December, 1776, adopted a new plan of government, called the " Con- stitution of 1776." Harnett took an important part in preparing this Constitution. After it was adopted, Richard Caswell was elected governor and Harnett was elected president of the Council of State. But he did not hold that office long. In May, 1777, the Assembly elected him a delegate to the Con- tinental Congress. This was regarded as " the highest honor that a free state could bestow on one of its mem- bers." Harnett was elected to the Continental Congress three times. When he returned home, in 1779, the Assembly thanked him '' for his faithful and important services rendered this State." His work was so hard and he suffered so many hardships that his health broke down completely. Nothing but devotion to his country held him to his post. His expenses were £6,000 more than his salary, but he declared: " I am content to sit down with this loss and much more, if my country re- quires it." " I shall think it my duty," he wrote to Governor Caswell, " to serve my country to the best of my poor abilities, either with or without pay." His chief wish, however, was to return home. There, he said: " I will sit down under my own vine and fig tree (for I have them both) at Poplar Grove, where none shall make me afraid except the boats of the British cruisers." This wish was realized in February, 1780. Harnett in Prison. — But Harnett did not long enjoy his vine and fig tree. In January, 1781, the British captured Wilmington. The patriot leaders had to fly for their fives. There was none of them whom CORNELIUS HARNETT 89 the British were so eager to capture as Harnett. Major Craige, the British commander, at once sent out a party of soldiers to take him. Harnett tried to escape, but after going a few miles was so overcomcwith illness that he had to stop at a friend's house in Onslow county. There the British soldiers found him. They pulled him out of bed, and drove him on foot before them until he fell in the road. Then binding his hands and feet they threw him across a soldier's horse " like a sack of meal," and so carried him to Wilmington. Major Craige threw him into prison and kept him there until he was in a d^dng condition. In April, 1781, at the request of Harnett's Tory friends, Craige released him. But it was too late to save his life. He never recovered from his cruel treatment, and died on April 28, 1781. The Legislature of North Carolina has named a county in his honor, and in the heart of the city of Wilmington, on the bank of the Cape Fear, near where his body lies buried, a monument has been erected to his memory. GEOGRAPHY STUDY Trace the route of the messenger who bore the news of the battle of Lexington, from Suffolk, Virginia, across North Carolina to Bruns- wick. What streams and bodies of water did he cross? What counties? REVIEW Describe: 1. Harnett's home. His appearance and manners. 2. His work in the Assembly. 3. How the people of Wilmington resisted the Stamp Act. 4. How Harnett led the revolt against it. 5. How he enforced the Non-Importation Association. 6. Josiah Quincy's visit to Harnett. 90 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA 7. The Committees of Safety. The duties of the Provincial Council. 8. How the news of the battle of Lexington was carried; how Harnett received it. 9. How the royal Governor was driven out of the province. 10. How Harnett led the way to a Declaration of Independence. IL The punishment selected for him. 12. How the Declaration of Independence was received at Halifax. 13. Harnett's services in the Continental Congress. 14. His sacrifices in the cause of independence. 15. His death. QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. Harnett represented the town of Wilmington in the General Assembly. Do any towns now have the right to send a representative to the Assembly? 2. State the reasons why the Cape Fear became the place of chief resistance to the Stamp Act. CHAPTER VIII HOOPER, HEWES, AND PENN Signers of the Declaration of Independence. — In the history of North CaroUna wc always think of William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, and John Penn together. If you look at a copy of the Declaration of Independence, you will see the reason. There, one after the other, stand the names of the three patriots who signed the great Declaration for the people of North Carolina. William Hooper was an eloquent lawyer of Wilmington; Joseph Hewes, a wealthy merchant of Edenton; John Penn, a liberty-loving lawyer of Williams- boro. Hooper was a native of Massachusetts, Hewes of New Jersey, and Penn of Virginia. But all three gave their services to North Carolina, and their fame belongs to the Old North State. William Hooper. — William Hooper was born in Boston, June 17, 1742. His father wished him to be. a preacher, and so determined to give him a good educa- tion. Young Hooper first attended the Boston Latin School, and at fifteen years of age entered Harvard College. Three years later he was graduated with special honor in languages, literature, and history. When he came to choose his life's work, he decided against the ministry in favor of the law. In 1761 he began to study law under the great Boston patriot, James Otis. This was fortunate for Hooper. Otis was 91 92 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA William Hooper not only a great lawyer, but he was also Boston's leading patriot. In the disputes between the Americans and the King the other members of Hooper's family took the King's side. But through the influence of Otis, William Hooper became a devoted Whig; in other words he opposed the King's w^ay of dealing with the colonies. After receiving his license to practise law, he sailed on a visit to Wilmington, North Carolina. The town and its people delighted the young Boston attorney, and he adopted Wilmington as his future home. Joseph Hewes. — Joseph Hewes was twelve years older than Hooper. His birthplace was on a farm near Kinston, New Jersey. While he was a small boy, he was sent to a school in the neighborhood, where he learned reading, writing and arithmetic. But his school days did not last long. In those days people thought that a man did not need much of an edu- cation unless he intended to be a preacher, a lawyer, or a doctor. Hewes' father intended for him to be a merchant. So after a short time at school, young Hewes was placed under a merchant in Philadelphia to be trained in the business of a merchant. At twenty-one years of age Hewes entered into business for himself. It is probable that he had a trade with the Joseph Hewes HOOPER, HEWES, AND PENN 93 John Penn merchants of Edenton, North CaroHna, for he soon decided to move to that town. In 1756, he left Phila- delphia and became a merchant at Edenton. John Penn. — Hewes was eleven years older, and Hooper one year younger than John Penn. Penn was born in Caroline county, Virginia. When he was eighteen years old, his father died, leaving him a small fortune. Though a man of means, Penn's father cared but little about educating his son. John Penn's school days lasted only two or three years. But fortunately near his home lived his kinsman, the famous Edmund Pendleton, who had a good library. He gave young Penn permission to use his library freely, and by careful reading, Penn made up for his lack of early education. With Pendleton's aid he studied law, and in 1762 received his license to practise. At first Penn practised law in Virginia, where he gained a reputation as a careful, painstaking attorney. In 1774 he decided to move to North Carolina, and selected the Httle village of Williamsboro, in Granville county, as his home. Hooper and Hewes in the Assembly. — ^When Penn reached Williamsboro, he found the patriots of North Carolina deeply stirred over the contest with the royal Governor and the King. Among the leaders of the \Miigs he heard mentioned the names of William Hooper and Joseph Hewes. Both were members of the General Assembly. Hooper represented the little village of Campbellton. He entered the Assembly in 1773, and 94 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA there met Hewes, who had been the member for Edenton since 1766. These two men soon became warm friends. They served on many important committees and stood to- gether in all the struggles against the Governor. The most important event during the Assembly of 1773, as we have already seen, was the appointment of the Com- mittee of Correspondence. Hooper and Hewes were both made members of this committee. They Send Aid to Boston. — In 1774 these two friends were active in collecting clothes and food for the poor people of Boston. At Edenton, Hewes together with John Harvey loaded the Penelope with a cargo and sent it to the Boston patriots. At Wilmington, Hooper called a meeting of the people to decide what Wilmington should do. This meeting declared that the people of Wilmington regarded "the cause of the town of Boston as the common cause of British America, and as suffering in defence of the rights of the colonies in general." Under the leadership of Hooper, the Wilmington patriots collected two ship loads of supplies and £2,000 in money and sent them to the patriots of Boston. Hooper and Hewes in the Provincial Congress. — At the same meeting the Wilmington patriots took another important step. You will remember how John Harvey, in the spring of 1774, suggested to Samuel Johnston the calling of a provincial congress. Johnston at once wrote to Hooper to ask what he thought of Harvey's plan. Hooper was strongly in favor of it. When the Wilmington patriots met, July 21, 1774, to consider the cause of Boston, Hooper was chosen chair- man of the meeting. He advocated the Provincial HOOPER, HEWES, AND PENN 95 Congress, and the Wilmington meeting declared in favor of holding such a Congress. Hooper and John Ashe were chosen to represent New Hanover county. When they reached New Bern, where the Congress met, Hooper found that his friend Hewes was there as the member for Edenton. The Congress met August 25, 1774. The most im- portant business was the election of delegates to repre- sent North Carolina in the Continental Congress which was to meet at Philadelphia. William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, and Richard Caswell were chosen. They were given power to act for North Carolina. Any action they took, or any promise they made to the other colonies, was to be binding upon every person in North CaroUna who was not an enemy to the liberties of his country. John Penn Joins Hooper and Hewes in the Conti- nental Congress. — The first Continental Congress met at Philadelphia September 5, 1774. It came to a close October 26. The next year the second Continen- tal Congress met at Philadelphia on May 10. Hooper, Hewes and Caswell again represented North Caro- lina. But in September, 1775, Caswell resigned, and the North CaroUna Congress had to elect some- body to take his place. One of the members of the North Carolina Congress, which met at Hillsboro in August, 1775, was John Penn.^ Pie had been in North Carolina only a year, yet he had already become one of the leaders of the patriots. The other members now turned to him to take Caswell's place in the Continental Congress. He was elected in September, and in October he took his seat in Congress along with Hooper and Hewes. 96 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Hooper, the Orator. — William Hooper served on thirty-four different committees in the Continental Con- gress. He helped to prepare an address to the people of England. This address set forth the rights of the colonists and showed how the King had trampled on them. Hooper also helped in forming a plan to raise an army to defend American rights. And he helped to write an address to the people of the colonies urging them to support their liberties with their Uves. In this address the committee said: " We have taken up arms in the best of causes. Our troops are animated with the love of freedom. They have fought like good citizens as well as brave soldiers. Britain and these colonies have been a blessing to each other. We feel sure they might continue to be so. But that we may continue to be connected with Great Britain is our second wish — our first is, that America may be free! " Hooper took an active part in the debates of Congress, and gained a reputation as an eloquent speaker. John Adams wrote that Richard Henry Lee, Patrick Henry, and William Hooper were "the oratoi:§^of Congress. Hewes, the Business IvfeT^Hewes was not an orator. He was a plain-spoken, business man. As a merchant he had learned much about ships and the sea. So when Congress decided to build a navy to meet Eng- land on the sea, Hewes put his knowledge to good use for his country. He was placed at the head of the com- mittee in charge of building war vessels, equipping them with arms and men, and selecting officers. One of the officers selected was the famous John Paul Jones. After Jones had become famous he declared that he owed much of his success to the interest taken in him by Hewes. HOOPER, HEWES, AND PENN 97. No man in Congress worked harder than Hewes. In the interest of his country he forgot his own welfare. Hooper and Penn wrote of him: " From the large share of naval and mercantile business which has been allotted to his attention by Congress, his health has been much impaired. From six in the morning till five and some- times six in the afternoon, without eating or drinking, he would be at work." His health broke completely down, and in September, 1776, he was compelled to return to North Carolina. Penn in Congress. — John Penn took his seat in the Continental Congress October 12, 1775. He did not have so much work to do in Congress as Hooper and Hewes. But like them he wrote many letters to his friends at home, telling them what the Congress, the army and the other colonies were doing, and urging them to stand firm for American liberties. What Hooper "Wrote. — A few days before the battle of Aloore's Creek Bridge, Hooper wrote to one of his friends: " Do we not play a game where slavery or liberty is at stake? Were I to advise, the whole force of the colony should be collected for im^tiiediate action when called for, and bid adieu to ploughshares and prun- ing hooks till the sword could find its scabbard with safety and honor to its owner. My first wish is to be free; my second to be reconciled to Great Britain. God grant that both may soon take place. Measures must be taken immediately. Ere this the troops of the enemy are in your country; may you stand forth like men, and fight the cause of liberty, the cause of the living God." What Hewes Wrote. — A few days after the battle of Bunker's Hill, Hewes wrote to Samuel Johnston: 98 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA " I hope you will drive every principle of Toryism out of all parts of your Province. I consider myself now over head and ears in rebellion. But I feel no regret for the part I have taken, nor for the number of our enemies lately slain in the battle of Bunker's Hill." At another time he said: '' All accounts from England seem to agree that we shall have a dreadful storm bursting on our heads through all America in the spring. We must not shrink from it. We ought not to show any signs of fear. We ought to be so firm as to stand un- moved at the bursting of an earthquake. I feel myself quite composed. I have furnished myself with a good musket and bayonet, and when I can no longer be useful in council, I hope I shall be willing to take the field." What Penn Wrote. — Neither Hooper nor Hewes were more in earnest than Penn. As soon as he learned that a large British force had been sent to North Carolina to help crush the patriots, he wrote to Colonel Thomas Person: " I make no doubt but the Southern Provinces will soon be the scene of action. I hope we to the southward shall act like men determined to be free. For Gc^^'s sake, ray good Sir, encourage our people — animate them to dai-e even to die for their country." " Striding Fast to Independence." — Soon after this letter was written, the patriots of North Carolina began to talk of declaring for independence. Among the first men to S3e that the colonies must become independent was William Hooper. In 1774 he wrote that they were " striding fast to independence, and ere long will build an empire upon the ruins of Great Britain." Hewes and Penn also wrote in favor of independence. HOOPER, HEWES, AND PENN 99 Mecklenburg County Takes a Bold Step. — In every part of the province the people were soon talking about independence. Some of course were op- posed to such a bold step, but many others favored it. The boldest of all was the action taken by the patriots of Mecklenburg county. While they were holding a meeting at Charlotte, in May, 1775, they received news of the battle of Lex- ington, and the killing of American patriots by British soldiers. In great anger they all cried out: " Let us be independent! Let us be independent! " They de- clared that Great Britain ought no longer to have any authority over the colonists. So they elected county ofh- Montjment to the Signer? of the '' "^ Mecklenburg Declaration of Cers, and declared that they Independence" should hold their offices "in- (Meeldenbur^Kj^ounty^^^ dependent of the Crown of Great Britain." Captain James Jack at once set off on a fleet horse to carry this declaration to Hooper, Hewes, and Penn at Philadelphia. North Carolina Declares For Independence. — In April, 1776, Hooper and Penn left Philadelphia to attend the Provincial Congress at Halifax. They found the North Carolina patriots eager to be independ- ent of the King. Everybody was talking about inde- pendence. "All regard or fondness for the King or 100 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA nation of Britain is gone," wrote Penn to John Adams. '' A total separation is what they want. Independence is the word most used." So on April 12, as we have seen, the Congress resolved in favor of a Declaration of Independence. Hooper, Hewes, and Penn Sign the Declaration of Independence. — A copy of the "Resolution of April 12" was sent in great haste to Joseph Hewes, who had remained at Philadelphia. A few days later Hewes laid it before the Continental Congress. It was the first resolution passed by any of- the colonies in favor of independence and the patriots welcomed it. John Adams, Samuel Adams, and other delegates wrote to their own colonies urging that they follow North Carolina's good example. Several of them did so. Then in July the Continental Congress adopted the great Declaration of Independence, and Hooper, Hewes, and Penn signed it for North Carolina. Hooper's Last Services. — In 1777 the Assembly again elected Hooper a delegate to the Continental Congress, but this time he declined. For several years he was a member of the General Assembly, and was always active in supporting the cause of independence. When the British captured Wilmington, in 1781, Hooper, like his friend Harnett, had to fly for his life and seek refuge in the interior of the State. After the Revolution Hooper made his home at Hillsboro. There he practised law and struggled hard to regain the fortune he had lost in the Revolution. But his sacrifices had not only swept away his fortune, they had also ruined his health. He died, October 14, 1790, worn out in the service of his country. HOOPER, HEWES, AND PENN 101 Hewes' Last Services. — When Hooper died, Hewes had been dead eleven years. After leaving the Con- tinental Congress, in 1776, Hewes returned to Eden- ton to regain his health. During the next three years he rendered important service in securing supplies for Washington's army. He sent his own ships down to the West Indies for cargoes of arms, ammunition, clothes, and other supplies. These supplies were brought to Edenton and then sent overland to the army in the North. We may be sure that they were gladly received by the ragged veterans and their great general. In 1779 the Assembly again chose Hewes a delegate to the Continental Congress. Hewes knew that he was not strong enough to stand the hard work, but he thought it his duty to try. So he again went to Philadelphia. But his health was so poor that he was absent from Congress much of the time. The last time that he attended a session of Congress was on October 29, 1779. Eleven days later he died. Wlien he was buried, the members of Congress, the General Assembly of Penn- sylvania, and a large body of soldiers and citizens at- tended the funeral. Penn's Last Services. — Penn remained in the Continental Congress after Hewes had died. After adopting the Declaration of Independence, Congress had to prepare a plan of government for the United States. John Penn took part in this work. A great deal of careful thought and discussion was given to it. It was called the "Articles of Confederation and Per- petual Union." This plan bound the thirteen colonies together as the United States. The laws for this union were to be made 102 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA by the Continental Congress. This plan proved to be very imperfect, and afterwards was given up for the Constitution of the United States. But it served the United States for nearly ten years, and under it they fought the Revolution and won their independence. The men who signed the Articles of Confederation for North Carolina were John Penn, Cornelius Harnett, and John Williams. After signing these Articles, John Penn returned to North Carolina. In 1780 the affairs of the United States were very gloomy. Their armies had been beaten in Georgia and South Carolina, and Lord Cornwallis, with a large army, was getting ready to march into North Carolina. It looked as if North Carolina, too, might be conquered. To meet this great danger, the* Legislature appointed a Board of War, composed of three men, to take charge of the military affairs of the State. John Penn was one of the men selected, and did more than both of the others together to prevent the conquest of North Carolina. This board collected arms, ammunition, clothing, food, and other military supplies for the army, so that it might be ready to meet Cornwallis when he came. The work was very difficult. Penn suffered many hard- ships, dangers, and anxieties. His health broke down under his heavy work, and he was compelled to resign. Returning to his home in Granville county, he spent the Hooper-Penn Monu- ment AT Guilford Battle-ground HOOPER, IIEWES, AND PENN 103 last few years of his life quietly on his farm, where he died in September, 1787. A Monument to the Signers. — Hooper was buried at Hillsboro, Hewcs at Philadelphia, and Penn on his farm in Granville. Hewes' grave has been lost. In 1894 the bodies of Hooper and Penn were re- moved to the Guilford Battle-ground. There the two friends and patriots now rest side by side. Over their grave a statue of an orator has been erected, holding in his hand a scroll which represents the Declaration of Independence. REVIEW 1. Why do we think of the names of Hooper, Hewes, and Penn together? 2. When and where was each born? Describe the education of each. Where did each settle in North CaroUna? 3. Describe the political services of Hooper and Hewes. 4. How did they aid the Boston patriots? 5. What did Hooper have to do with caUing the- first Provincial Congress? Whom did the Congress elect as delegates to the Conti- nental Congress? What powers were given these delegates? Who succeeded Caswell in the Continental Congress? When? 6. Describe Hooper's work in the Continental Congress. 7. Describe Hewes' work in the Continental Congress. 8. What did Hooper, Hewes, and Perm WTite about the quarrel with England? 9. What did Hooper WTite about in(lei:)endence? 10. What action did Mecklenburg County take? 11. When Hooper and Penn reachetl Halifax, what did they learn about the feeling of the people toward independence? 12. What effect did the Resolution of April 12 have in other colo- nies? 13. Describe Hooper's last days. 14. What service did Hewes render to Washington's army? Tell of his death. 104 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA 15. What were the "Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union"? Who signed them for North Carolina? 16. Describe Penn's services on the Board of War. 17. Write a summary of the work of Hooper. Of Hewes. Of Penn. QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. What act of James Otis placed him in the front of the patriot leaders? Of Patrick Henry? Of Richard Henry Lee? 2. Tell the story of John Paul Jones. His real name was John Paul. How did he get the Jones? 3. The Congress at Halifax, April 12, 1776, did not try to declare North Carolina independent. It left the making of the Declaration of Independence to the Continental Congress? Why? CHAPTER IX RICHARD CASWELL The Young Surveyor. — In 1746 Gabriel Johnston was governor of North CaroUna. One day in that year a young man rode up to his door and handed him a letter. The Governor found that it was from the Governor of INIarj-land, introducing to him the young man who had brought it. He was a bright young fellow of seventeen, well-educated, ambitious, and determined to make his way in the world. He was already a skilful surveyor, and had come to North Carolina to seek work. Good surveyors were needed in the province, so Governor Johnston gave the young stranger a hearty welcome. How little he thought that he was welcoming a man who would afterwards be chosen governor of North Carolina seven times! This young surveyor was Richard Caswell. He was born in Maryland, August 3, 1729. His father, who had been a merchant, had failed in business, so young Caswell had to start out early to make his own living. He had probably heard that every year thousands of people were moving into North Carolina, where good land was plentiful and cheap. So he thought that North Carohna would be a good place for a surveyor. Caswell Becomes Deputy-Surveyor. — He was not mistaken. There was plenty of work for him to do, 105 106 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA and he was successful from the very first. Within two years he had made enough to purchase for himself more than three thousand acres of land in Johnston and Anson counties. Governor Johnston was so much pleased with young Caswell's work that he appointed him deputy-surveyor of the province. This was a very important office and the duties were difficult. Every year thousands of acres were being bought by immigrants, and the deputy-surveyor had to mark off the tracts and show the people where their lands were. It was hard work and full of danger. Frequently Caswell's duties carried him deep down into the forests where bears, panthers, wolves, and other wild beasts were plentiful. Sometimes, too, he had to enter the wilderness where Indians still roamed and hunted. But it was good training for him. It hardened his muscles, taught him to endure hardships, and gave him steady nerves and keen eyes. He learned the ways of the forests, and these lessons he afterwards put to good use in the service of his country. Caswell Is Elected to the Assembly. — Caswell's work brought him in close touch with the people, and he soon became well known in the colony. In 1752 his friend Governor Johnston died, and two years later Arthur Dobbs became governor. In the same year Caswell was elected to represent Johnston county in the Assembly. He remained a member of the Assembly until the outbreak of the Revolution. In 1770 and again in 1771, he was elected speaker. A Champion of Liberty. — In the Assembly Caswell was a strong champion of the liberties of the people, and stood with Harvey, Harnett, Hooper, and Hewes RICHARD CASWELL 107 in their contests, for self-government. He voted for laws to make the courts better. He wanted none but learned lawyers to be judges. He thought the judges ought to be required to hold court in different parts of the province, instead of in the same place all the time, so the people would not have to travel so far to attend them. He worked hard, too, for improvements in the colony. He voted for money to build forts on the western frontier and to raise soldiers to march under Colonel Waddell against the French and Indians. He worked to establish silk industries, to improve agricul- ture, and to increase the trade of the province. A Champion of Law and Order. — Though Caswell was a champion of liberty, he was also a champion of law and order. When the Regulators refused to obey the laws, and began to abuse the officers and destroy people's property, Caswell was in favor of punishing them. Like Harvey and Harnett, he urged Governor Tryon who had succeeded Governor Dobbs, to call out the militia to put down the Regulators and compel them to obey the laws. Tryon appointed him a colonel in his army, and Caswell marched with hini to Alamance. At the battle of Alamance, May 16, 1771, Colonel Caswell led the right wing of Tryon' s army. The Regulators were badly beaten, and some of their leaders punished. But most of them were pardoned upon promising to obey the laws and keep order. In this battle Caswell showed himself to be a brave and skilful officer, and won praises from Governor Tryon, He learned some lessons in war that he afterwards put into practise in a way that Tryon liked little enough. 108 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Arms used in Revolutionary War (Muskets, pistols, powder horns, bullet pouch, canteen) Caswell Opposes the King. — After the battle of Alamance, Tryon became governor of New York, and Josiah Martin was appointed governor of North Caro- lina. At this time the quarrel with the King was becoming more and more serious. In all the contests with the Governor and the King, Caswell took the side of the people. He was often on commit- tees to draw addresses for the Assembly. In 1773, he was ap- pointed a member of the Committee of Correspondence. He was a member of the first Provincial Con- gress in August, 1774, and by that Congress was elected one of the delegates to the Continental Congress. Caswell's Journey to Philadelphia. — Caswell set out for Philadelphia, September 3, 1774. He kept an interesting account of his journey. How different traveling was in 1774 from what it is now! Caswell rode all the way to Philadelphia on horseback. It took him twelve days to make the trip. Some days he rode only sixteen miles, and the longest distance he made in any one day was forty-eight miles. His horse gave out, and at Petersburg, Virginia, he had to buy another. He usually stopped for his meals and night's rest at public taverns, but sometimes he was entertained in the homes of planters. At Philadelphia he received many invitations to dine, but he did not neglect his duties in RICHARD CASWELL 109 Congress. He paid close attention to the work of the Congress, and when he returned home the Congress of North CaroUna thanked him and the other delegates for their services. The Uprising of the People. — Caswell was also elected a delegate to the Second Continental Con- gress, which met at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775. This time Caswell and Hewes made the journey together. As they rode along the road, they met riders on fleet horses, bearing the news of the battle of Lexington. They now pushed on as fast as possible, for this news made them more than ever eager to reach Philadelphia. They knew that war had now begun in earnest. All along their route they found the people greatly excited. Everywhere companies of soldiers were marching, drill- ing, and practising for war. Caswell and Hewes learned that a few miles ahead of them were the Virginia delegates on their way to Phila- delphia. All along the route they passed " armed men who had been to escort the delegates of Virginia." So they spurred up their horses to overtake the Virginians. At the Potomac river the militia was drawn up under arms to receive them. The soldiers escorted the Caro- linians for some distance " with all the honors due to general officers." At Port Tobacco, Maryland, they overtook the Virginians, after which they all traveled together, escorted by armed troops. At Baltimore great honors were paid to the Virginia and Carolina delegates. The Maryland troops, in their gayest uniforms, marched out to be reviewed by one of the Virginians. This was Colonel George Washington. Caswell was deeply interested in all these military dis- 110 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA plays, and wrote that the Maryland soldiers performed '' their exercises extremely clever." After the review all the delegates were "very genteelly entertained at the court-house." The Carolina and Virginia delegates were now joined by the Maryland delegates. They reached Philadelphia about midday, May 9. Congress met the next day. As everybody now realized that the Americans would have to fight for their liberties. Congress promptly took charge of the American army at Boston, and elected George Washington commander-in-chief. The whole country was in great excitement. From Philadelphia Caswell wrote: " Here a greater martial spirit prevails if possible than I have been describing in Virginia and Maryland." '' The men," he said, " march out to the Common and go through their exercises twice a day regularly; scarce anything but warlike music is to be heard in the streets. 'Tis said they will in a few days have 3,000 men under arms ready to defend their liberties." Caswell Takes the Field. — The martial excitement stirred Caswell's fighting blood, and he was eager to take the field. He wrote to his son urging him to raise a company in Dobbs^ county. "Reject none," he said, " who will not discredit the company. If I live to return I will cheerfully join any of my countrymen, even as a rank and file man. I am here exposed to danger. But I shall not shun any danger whilst I have blood in my veins, but freely offer it in support of the liberties of my country. You, my dear boy, must 1 Afterwards divided into Lenoir and Greene. Caswell lived in the part now embraced in Lenoir. RICHARD CASWELL 111 become a soldier and risk your life in support of those blessings which, if once lost, we shall never be able to regain." Caswell had to wait but a short time before North Carolina called for his services in the field. The Con- gress of North Carolina met at Hillsboro in August, 1775, and decided to raise 4,000 soldiers for the defens3 of the colonies. Caswell, on account of his services at Alamance, was already regarded as one of North Caro- lina's best soldiers. So the Congress elected him a colonel in the new army. He at once returned from Philadelphia to take command of his regiment. He worked hard to get his men prepared for war, and before many months had passed he had them ready to march against the Highlanders at Moore's Creek Bridge. The March of the Highlanders. — The Scotch High- landers, who lived on the Cape Fear river around Cross Creek, were nearly all on the King's side. In 1776 Governor Martin commanded them to form com- panies and march down the river to meet him at Wil- mington. He promised that he would join them there with 10,000 British soldiers, under Sir Henry CUnton and Lord Cornwallis. With the aid of the Highlanders he expected to conquer North Carolina and crush the rebellion in the very beginning. Nearly 2,000 Highlanders gathered at Cross Creek in February, 177G. They were all well armed and in high spirits, for they expected to win an easy victory over the rebels. So they marched out of the little village toward Wilmington, with drums beating and bagpipes playing, singing their old Scotch songs. But the Whigs were on the lookout. The Highlanders 112 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA soon found General James Moore, with 1,100 Whig soldiers, blocking the way. Then they turned back, crossed the Cape Fear river, and took another road to Wilmington. But when they reached the bridge over Moore's Creek they found it guarded by 1,100 patriots. They were under the command of Colonel Caswell and Colonel Alexander Lillington. The Highlanders had now either to fight or give up their attempt to get to Wilmington. They were too brave to give up, so they prepared for the battle. The Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge. — At day- break, February 27, 1776, they marched out to attack the Americans. Their leader was General Donald Mac- Donald, but he was too ill to take part in the battle. So they were led to battle by Donald McLeod. Their battle-cry was: " King George and broadswords! " The signal for the attack to begin was to be three cheers, the drums to beat and the pipes to play. McLeod led the charge. When he reached the bridge, nobody was to be seen, and he thought the Americans had run away during the night. So calling upon his men to follow, he started across the bridge. Then somebody cried out: " Who goes there? " " A friend," replied McLeod. " A friend to whom? " asked the other. " To the King," replied the Highlander. Then all was silence. McLeod raised his gun, fired, gave three cheers, and dashed across the bridge. The Whigs then opened fire. The brave McLeod fell dead. His men tried to cross, but as fast as they rushed on the bridge they were shot down. More than thirty of the RICHARD CASWELL 113 bravest fell into the creek. Then the others lost heart, turned and fled. Caswell commanded his men to follow. They overtook the Highlanders, killed a few and captured a large number. It was a complete victory. The Whigs lost only one man. They captured SoO of the Highland- ers, 150 swords, 1,500 rifles, 15 wagons with all their provisions and horses, and £15,000 in gold. Caswell and Lillington had won one of the most impor- tant victories of the war. They had saved North Carolina from conquest, and probably Virginia, South Carolina, and Cieorgia. The patriots were overjoyed at their success. Nearly ten thousand men sprang to arms, and when Clinton and Cornwallis came with their great army they did not dare to land. So they sailed away to Charleston, South Carolina, where they were badly beaten. The Highlanders did not try to help the King again. They were glad enough to remain at home quietly. The North Carolina Congress thanked Caswell and his brave men for their great victory, and soon after- wards made Caswell a general. Caswell Is Elected Governor, — The victory at Moore's Creek Bridge, as we have already seen, caused the Congress on April 12 to declare in favor of a Declaration of Independence. In December, 1776, the new Constitution of North Carolina was adopted. Con- gress then elected the first officers of the independent State. When the members came to choose a governor, all eyes turned to the victor of Moore's Creek Bridge. So December 20, 1776, Richard Caswell was elected the first governor of North Carolina independent of Great Britain. He was to serve only until the Legislature could meet and elect a governor for the regular term. 114 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA The Legislature met in April, 1777, and at once elected Caswell governor. No other man has ever been chosen governor of North Carolina as often as Caswell. At that time the governor served only one year unless he was re-elected. Caswell was first elected in 1776, and afterwards was re-elected six times. From 1777 to 1780 his attention was given chiefly to the war. He had to raise men for the army, to see that they were sup- plied with arms, ammu- nition, food, and clothes. While he was governor he had gun factories estab- lished, and powder mills erected. He sent out ships to the West Indies to pur- chase supplies for the sol- diers. Governor Caswell not only worked hard to keep a good army in the field, but he also worked to keep up the spirits of the people during the dark days of the Revolution. His own son was a soldier. To him Caswell wrote that he must " put up with hardships, fatigues, and incon- veniences which others may shudder at." " Let virtue, honor, and prudence conduct you." The Con- stitution provided that no man could be governor more than three years in succession. When Caswell retired in 1780, the Assembly thanked him for his great services to the State. sjn uACi'^^jPCMVV^^ k 1 ^mK^ w '^SiS^_ 1 wmm^^^ 1 PK. Cannon Purchased by Governor Caswell during Revolution (Now in Capitol Square at Raleigh) Inscription on the Tablet Bought in France by Richard Caswell Mounted at Edenton, 1778 Re-mounted 1871. Captured by U.S. Force 1862. Trunnion broken off Presented by Edenton to the State of North Carolina, 1903 RICHARD CASWELL 115 The Dark Days of the Revolution. — In 1779 a large British army was sent to conquer the South- ern States. The patriots of Georgia, South Caro- lina, and North Carolina made great exertions to meet the enemy. The Legislature gave General Caswell command of all the North Carolina mihtia, with the rank of major-general. When General Gates came to take command of all the American armies in the South, General Caswell marched to join him. At Camden, South Carolina, the Americans were badly beaten because Gates would not follow Caswell's advice. The next year the British invaded North Carolina. Everything looked dark and gloomy for the patriots. The British captured Wilmington, Charlotte, and Hills- boro. The American army under General Greene was forced to retreat with the British under Cornwallis right on its heels. Then the Legislature again turned to Caswell to defend the State. Never did a man work harder for his country. Caswell collected men and supplies and sent them to General Greene's assistance. After a time Greene was strong enough to turn on Cornwallis. At Guilford Court- house the two armies met in one of the hardest fought battles of the war. General Greene was driven from the field but his army was ready the next day for another trial with the British. Cornwallis claimed the victory, but his army was so badly damaged that he did not dare attack Greene again. He retreated hurriedly to Wilming- ton, and then marched to Yorktown, Virginia, where Washington pounced down upon him and captured his whole army. 116 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Caswell Elected Governor Again. — Caswell's skill and bravery, and his willingness to make sacrifices for the good of the country, had made him one of the most popular men in the State. He was frequently Monument to Richard Caswell at Kinston [North Side] The people of North Carolina have erected this monument in grate- ful remembrance of the eminent service of Richard Caswell, the first Governor under a free Con- stitution Inscri [West Side] He was called to the head of affairs in North Carolina in the darkest hour of the struggle with Great Britain for independence. He gave his service without stint and without compensa- tion [East Side] Born August 3, 1729, died Novem- ber 10, 1789. An able lawyer, pro- found statesman, a worthy grand mas- ter, a devoted pa- trioi, and an honest man PTIONS [South Side] Member of Pro- vincial Congress. Four times elected Governor.' Dele- gate elect to the Convention to frame the federal Constitution — one of the commanding officers at Moore's Creek, and a suc- cessful general of the American Revo- lution elected a member of the Legislature, and was also elected speaker. In 1784, he was again elected governor and served three years. While he was governor, North Carolina was asked to send delegates to a convention in Philadelphia, in 1787, to form a better government for the United States. Caswell was chosen one of the delegates for North Carolina. ^An error. He was elected seven times. RICHARD CASWELL 117 Caswell thought some changes ought to be made in the Articles of Confederation and was in favor of a con- vention. But he did not think that he ought to leave the State for such a long time while he was governor. So he appointed William Blount to go in his place. After the new Constitution of the United States was prepared by the Convention, he urged that it should be adopted by North Carolina. But at first, in 1788, North Carolina rejected it, and it was not adopted in this State until after Caswell's death. Caswell's Death. — In 1789 Caswell was elected speaker of the North Carolina Senate. But the days of his public services were now about over. Soon after the Assembly met, he was taken sick, and a few days later died (November 10, 1789). The news of his death was received with great sorrow throughout the State. The Assembly appointed a special committee to arrange for the funeral, and then adjourned in honor to his mem- ory. His body w^as taken to his home near Kinston, and buried. At Kinston a monument has been erected to his memory, and one of the counties of the State was named in his honor. GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. On his joiirno.y to the first Continental Congress Caswell took the following route: Kinston to Nahunta (near the present town of Snow Hill), Enfield, Halifax, Petersburg, Va., Richmond, Hanover Court-house, Port Tobacco, Baltimore, Md., Wilmington, Del., to Philadelphia. Trace his route on your maps, naming the counties that he passed through in North Carolina, and the rivers in all the colonies. 2. Dobbs county was what is now Lenoir and Greene. Describe their situation. 118 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA 3. What part of North Carohna was settled by the Scotch High- landers? Describe the situation of Moore's Creek with reference to Cross Creek (Fayetteville) and Wilmington. 4. Trace the line of Gates's retreat from Camden, S. C, to Char- lotte, Salisbury, Hillsboro. 5. What part of North Carolina was settled principally between 1746 and 1776? (In answering this question consider the new coun- ties formed during those years and their location). REVIEW 1. When and where was Richard Caswell born? Why did he come to North Carolina? 2. What was his profession? To what office did Governor John- ston appoint him? Descrilie his work as deputy-surveyor. Why was it good training for him? 3. Describe his work in the Assembly. 4. How did he help Governor Tryon preserve law and order? 5. Which side did he take in the quarrel between the colonies and the King? To what important places was he chosen by the Assembly? 6. Describe Caswell's first journey to the Continental Congress. 7. Describe the journey of Caswell and Hewes to the Continental Congress. 8. What did Caswell write to his son about the war? To what military position did the Assembly choose him? 9. Describe the march of the Highlanders. 10. Give an accouno of the battle of Moore's Creek Bridge. What were the chief results of this battle? 11. Who was the first governor of North Carolina independent of Great Britain? When was he elected? How many times was he elected? 12. What were Caswell's principal duties as governor? 13. Describe Caswell's services during the dark days of the Revolu- tion. 14. What did Caswell think about adopting a new Constitution for the United States? 15. Tell of his last services and death. 16. Write on the blackboard a brief summary of his life. RICHARD CASWELL 119 QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. How long was Caswell in the General Assembly? 2. What improvements in the courts favored by him do we now have? 3. By what right did the Continental Congress exercise authority over the colonists? Did all the people recognize its authority? 4. Why did the Scotch Highlanders take the King's side in the Revolution? So did most of the Regulators. Why? 5. Why was Cape Fear the best place for Governor Martin to make his first attack on North Carolina? 6. How much would £15,000 amount to in United States money? 7. Describe the effects of the victory at Moore's Creek Bridge in North Carolina and the other Southern colonies. CHAPTER X CLEVELAND, SHELBY, AND SEVIER Life on the Carolina Frontier. — The boy who grew up on the frontier of North Carolina before the Revo- lution became used to hardships and dangers. His home was surrounded by great forests. If he went out to chase a rabbit or to shoot a squirrel, he never knew but that he might run into the den of a savage old bear, or look up suddenly into the glaring eyes of a fierce panther. When he lay down at night to sleep, he never knew but that he might soon be waked by the glare of his burn- ing cabin or the wild war-whoops of painted savages. His life was full of excitement and narrow escapes. Such a life called for steady nerves, quick sight, pres- ence of mind, and strength of limbs and body. The man who would live on the frontier must be keen on the trail of man and beast. He must know how to trap, to hunt, and to fight, and he must be able to do these things well. He may have learned but little out of books, but he learned much about the woods and the streams, the birds and the beasts, and he knew all the tricks of the Indians. To keep silence, to shoot straight, and to hit hard were among his first lessons. Such was the early training of Benjamin Cleveland, Isaac Shelby, John Sevier, and the other " Heroes of King's Mountain." Benjamin Cleveland. — Benjamin Cleveland was born 120 CLEVELAND, SHELBY, AND SEVIER 121 in Virginia, May 26, 1738. He grew to manhood in the backwoods of Virginia and North CaroUna. When he was thirty-one years old he came to North CaroHna to make his home. He selected a beautiful spot in what is now Wilkes county. There he farmed, raised stock, and fought Indians. His favorite amusements were horse-racing, hunting, and fishing. During the Revolution Cleveland was an ardent Whig. There were many Tories on the frontier and the fight- ing between them and the Whigs was bitter and bloody. Many cruel deeds were done by both. Colonel Cleve- land was one of the most active Whig leaders on the border. His soldiers were proud of him. They admired his good humor, his hearty greeting, and his reckless courage. He weighed over three hundred pounds and his men called him '' Old Roundabout." They called themselves " Cleveland's Bulldogs;" but the Tories called them " Cleveland's Devils." In 1776 General Griffith Rutherford led an army across the mountains to attack the Cherokee Indians who were murdering the people and burning their homes. Cleveland was a captain in Rutherford's army. For his skill and bravery he was made a colonel. He rendered good service to the American cause by break- ing up the Tory bands that scoured the frontier, burning and plundering. He even marched as far south as Georgia and took part in some battles against the regular British army. Isaac Shelby. — One of Cleveland's companions was Colonel Isaac Shelby. He was born in Maryland, De- cember 11, 1750. He was so constantly engaged in the Indian wars of that period that, like Cleveland, he did 122 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA not receive much of an education. When he became twenty-one years of age his father sent him across the Allegheny Mountains to engage in stock-raising on the frontier. In 1774 he was appointed a heutenant in the militia and took part in several battles with the Indians. During the years 1775 and 1776 Shelby explored the wilds of Ken- tucky, then a part of Virginia. While he was engaged in this work the Revolution broke out. Governor Patrick Henry, of Virginia, appointed him a captain in the Virginia militia. Later Shelby was appointed to run the boundary line between North Carolina and Virginia. He ran the line westward between what is now Kentucky and Tennessee. At that time Kentucky was part of Virginia, and Tennessee was part of North Carolina. After running the hne, Shelby found that his home was on the North Carolina side. So Governor Caswell appointed him a colonel in the North Carolina militia. John Sevier. — Another bold frontiersman of the Revolution was John Sevier. He also lived in that part of North Carolina which is now in Tennessee. Sevier was born September 23, 1745, in Virginia. When he was only ten years old, his home was burned by the Indians. For several years there was war all the time with the Indians, and Sevier became one of the most famous Indian fighters on the frontier. It is said that he defeated the Indians in thirty-five battles. Isaac Shelby CLEVELAND, SHELBY, AND SEVIER 123 John Sevier When he was twenty-seven years old, he moved into the western settlements of North Carolina. His plan- tation was in what was called the Dis- trict of Washington, on the Watauga and Nolichucky rivers. Sevier soon became the leading man in the settle- ment. His friends called him " Noli- chucky Jack." In 1776 he was elected a member of the Congress of North Carolina that met at Halifax. "Nolichucky Jack" and "Bonnie Kate." — During one of the Indian wars on the frontier the whites were compelled to take refuge in a fort. A large number of women and children were among them. For several days nothing was seen of any Indians, and everybody began to hope that they had gone away. One day some of the girls slipped out of the fort to gather wild flowers. As they laughed and talked and enjoyed their freedom they strayed farther and farther from the fort. Suddenly they heard a cry that sent them scamper- ing back to the fort for their very lives. " The Indians! The Indians! Run, run for your lives!" Crack! crack! went the rifles of the men on guard. The frightened girls flew over the ground, and all but one got safely through the gate. When this girl saw that she could not reach the gate safely, she ran for another part of the fort. There stood a tall backwoodsman, rifle in hand, and every time his rifle cracked, an Indian tumbled over. The girl sprang to the wall, scrambled over, and fell safely into this frontiersman's brawny arms. This girl's name was Catherine Sherrill, but her friends 124 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA called her " Bonnie Kate." The tall backwoodsman was " Nolichucky Jack." Afterward there was great rejoicing and dancing in the settlement when " Bonnie Kate " and " Nolichucky Jack " were married. The Rising of the Backwoodsmen. — One day a mes- senger reached the backwoods settlements with news that a British army was marching in that direction. This army was composed of 1200 British and Tories. Its commander was Major Patrick Ferguson, who was one of Lord Cornwallis's best officers. Major Ferguson sent word to the backwoodsmen that if they did not stop sending aid to the rebels of North Carolina and South Carolina, he would cross the mountains and destroy their settlements. But he little knew. what sort of men Benjamin Cleveland, Isaac Shelby, John Sevier, and their followers were. As soon as they heard that Fergu- son was near them, they decided not to wait for his arrival, but to go out and meet him. So the leaders sent scouts all through the mountains calling on the people to rise up in defense of their homes. Old men and young boys, hunters and farmers, snatched their long rifles from their racks and hurried to the meeting place. Their only fear was that all the fighting might be over before they got there. At Sycamore Shoals, on the Watauga River, about 1000 of these fear- less woodsmen gathered. There were 400 Virginians under Colonel William Campbell ; 500 North Carolinians under Colonel Shelby and Colonel Sevier; and 160 North Carolinians under Colonel Joseph McDowell. After- ward they were joined on the march by Colonel Cleve- land with 400 men from North Carolina, and Colonel James Williams with 400 from South Carolina. CLEVELAND, SHELBY, AND SEVIER 125 ♦* A Crowd of Dirty Mongrels." — It was a queer- looking army. The men had no bright uniforms. There were no flying flags. No drum beat step for them as they marched. Their only uniforms were coonskin caps, buckskin shirts, fringed leggings, and Indian moc- casins. They were burdened with no tents or baggage. Their only cover at night was the starry sky, their chief food a pocketful of parched corn for each man. But every man rode a good horse, and carried a sharp hunt- ing-knife, a tomahawk, and his trusty rifle. There was scarcely a man in that Httle army who could not send a rifle-ball through the head of a squirrel perched on the highest limb. They were as fleet as deer, as bold as bears, and as keen as Indians on the trail. Nearly every man of them had been in battles with the Indians and knew how to fight " Indian fashion." At first Fergu- son made much fun of this queer army and called it ''a crowd of dirty mongrels." Ferguson Flees to King's Mountain. — But when he learned that this " crowd of dirty mongrels" was getting nearer and nearer, Ferguson began to think that he had better get out of the way. So he turned and fled in haste to the top of King's Mountain. There he took a strong position and declared that all the rebels in the world could not drive him off. But he forgot that he was dealing with men who were used to climbing moun- tains. Cleveland's Speech.^— Just before the patriots were ready to go into battle, the leaders drew their men up in fine to tell them their plans. Then '' Old Round- about " Cleveland, raising his coonskin cap, rode up in front and said: 126 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA " Now, my brave fellows, I have come to tell you the news. The enemy is close at hand. We must go for him. Now is the time for every man to show what kind of a man he is. When the pinch comes, your leaders will be right with you. But we don't want anybody to go into this battle who wants to turn back. We have no place for cowards. If any man is afraid to go into this fight and win his share of the glory, now is the time for him to back out. So when I give the signal, all who want to back out can take three steps to the rear." That would, indeed, have been " backing out." But " Old Roundabout " knew his men. Not a one " backed out," but all cried out for him to lead them against the enemy. Shelby's Speech. — Then up rode Colonel Shelby. "I am proud of you, my fine fellows," he said. " I am glad to see you so determined to meet your enemy and beat him. When we meet the British, don't wait for your officers to give the command. Let each man be his own officer, and do the best he can. If we meet them in the woods, give them Indian play. Advance from tree to tree, and pour your shots into them. Your officers will shrink from no danger, but will be in the foremost of the fight. Come on, then, my gallant boys, and let us go after Ferguson." The Battle on the Mountain-top. — The men cheered their leaders, and they went boldly after Ferguson. It was October 7, 1780. Up the sides of King's Moun- tain the bold pioneers rushed. As they advanced from behind trees and rocks they poured a deadly fire into the British. Ferguson and his men fought bravely, but CLEVELAND, SHELBY, AND SEVIER 127 they were no match for the backwoodsmen. They fell thick and fast before the sure aim of the hunters and Indian fighters. Ferguson himself, struck by several balls, fell from his horse, dead. Then the British raised the white flag and surrendered to the " crowd of dirty Battle of King's Mountain mongrels." The patriots had killed nearly 400 of their enemies and captured more than 700. Of their own men 28 were killed and 60 wounded. A Glorious Victory. — Such a glorious victory had not been won in the South since Caswell had beaten the Highlanders at Moore's Creek. Lord Cornwallis was at Charlotte when he heard the gloomy news. He saw at once that North Carolina was not a safe place for him, so he turned and fled to South Carolina. He was ter- ribly afraid that the King's Mountain boys were coming after him. 128 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA But the King's Mountain boys were not thinking of Cornwallis. After their victory they returned to their mountain homes, hung their rifles again in the racks over the great fireplaces, and went quietly to work. They had merely done what they had set out to do, and had done it well. They had beaten their haughty enemy. They had won an important victory. They had saved the State. And yet it never occurred to them that they were heroes! Cleveland's Last Days. — After the Revolution Colonel Cleveland spent the rest of his life quietly. He grew so fat that he weighed over 450 pounds and could not get about easily. Full of wit and good humor, he loved a good story and always welcomed a good fellow to his house. He amused himself in his last days by sitting on his porch cracking jokes with those who passed by. In October, 1806, he suddenly died while eating his breakfast. Shelby Moves to Kentucky. — At the close of the war Shelby moved to the settlements founded by Daniel Boone in Kentucky. He took an important part in founding the new State of Kentucky. After the Con- stitution was adopted, he was chosen the first governor. He served as governor for four years. During the War of 1812 he was again elected governor and bent all his energies toward helping the United States win the vic- tory. In 1813 he led the Kentucky troops on an expe- dition against the British in Canada, and took part in the battle of the Thames. For this service the Congress of the United States voted him a gold medal. In 1818 President Monroe appointed Governor Shel- by secretary of war for the United States, but on ac- CLEVELAND, SHELBY, AND SEVIER 129 count of his age Shelby dedined. He died July 18, 1826. The State of Franklin. — After the Revolution the people of the District of Washington became discon- tented with the government of North Carolina. So they set up a new State which they called the "State of Franklin," and elected John Sevier governor. But North Carolina declared that Sevier and his followers were rebels against her. Officers who were sent to arrest him brought him to Morganton to be tried for rebellion. A Bold Adventure. — But we may be sure that " Bon- nie Kate " would not rest quietly at home and let " Noli- chucky Jack " be punished. She called together a few of his best friends and they agreed on a plan to rescue their leader. A small party rode all the way from the " State of Franklin " to Morganton. They carried Sevier's fleet horse, ready bridled and saddled. At Morganton a large crowd gathered to hear the trial of the hero of King's Mountain. The little court-house was packed. Sevier's friends entered quietly, and gave him a secret sign. Nobody else knew who they were or what they had come for. Suddenly the leader stepped out in front of the judge and, pointing to Sevier, exclaimed in a loud voice: " When are you going to let that man go?" Everybody sprang up in surprise and confusion. Before the sheriff realized what had occurred, Sevier was out of the door, on his horse, and away to the mountains as fast as the wind. It was needless to try to catch him.^ Perhaps the people, who had not forgotten his services ' This is the traditional account. Historically it may be inaccurate in some of its details, but it is doubtless true in its main features. 130 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA at King's Mountain, did not want him to be caught. Anyhow " NoUchucky Jack " was soon over the moun- tains kissing his brave Httle wife, " Bonnie Kate," who was glad enough to see him. He was never tried for rebellion because the Legislature of North Carolina passed a law that he should be pardoned and permitted to go free. Sevier's Last Days. — The "State of Franklin" did not last long, for the people had to yield to the authority of North Carolina. But afterward North Carolina gave all that great territory, now the State of Tennessee, to the United States. Then the State of Tennessee was formed, and Sevier was elected governor. The people elected him governor six times. They also elected him to Congress three times, once before Tennessee became a State, and twice afterwards. When he died, at seventy years of age, he had been the leader of the Tennessee pioneers for more than forty 3^ears. GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. Describe the situation of Wilkes county. Of King's Mountain. Of Morganton. Of Jonesboro, Tenn. 2. Trace and describe the course of the Watauga and Nolichucky rivers. j^ 3. Where is Cleveland county? What is its county seat? 4. Describe the character of the country through which the "King's Mountain Boys" had to march. REVIEW 1. Describe life on the frontier before the Revolution. 2. What kind of education was needed on the frontier? 3. When and where was Benjamin Cleveland born? Where in North Carolina did he settle? What were his chief occupations and amusements? CLEVELAND, SHELBY, AND SEVIER 131 4. Which side was he on in the Revolution? What kind of war- fare did he wage? What did his soldiers think of liim? What was his nickname? 5. When and where was Isaac Shelby born? Describe his early- life. What service did he perform for North Carolina and Virginia? To what military positions was he appointed? 6. When and where was John Sevier born? What is said of him as an Indian fighter? Where did he make his home? What did his friends call him? 7. Tell the story of "Nolichucky Jack" and "Bonnie Kate." 8. W^ho was Patrick Ferguson? What message did he send the backwoodsmen? How did they prepare to answer it? 9. Describe the rising of the backwoodsmen. 10. What kind of an army did they make? What did Ferguson call them? IL Where did he seek refuge? Why? 12. Repeat by heart Cleveland's speech to his men. Shelby's speech. 13. Describe the battle of King's Mountain. 14. What effect did this battle have on Lord Cornwallis? What did the frontiersmen do after the battle? 15. Describe Cleveland's last days. 16. What services did Shelby render the State of Kentucky? The United States? 17. What was the " State of Franklin " ? What part did Sevier take in it? What did North Carolina say and do about it? 18. Describe the rescue of Sevier. 19. What services did he render the State of Tennessee? CHAPTER XI WILLIAM RICHARDSON DAVIE How an English Boy Became an American. — One day in 17G3 a tall stranger rode into the Waxhaw settle- ment of South Carolina and asked the way to the home of Rev. William Richardson. With him was a handsome little fellow who seemed to be about seven years old. The stranger gave his name as Archibald Davie, and said that Mr. Richardson was his brother-in-law. He had come all the way from England to bring his little son, William, to see his uncle. How glad Mr. Richardson must have been to see his brother-in-law and his handsome little nephew. As he had no children of his own, he wished to adopt his nephew as his son and heir. So when Archibald Davie left, the lad remained behind with his uncle. Thus the little English boy became an American. His Education. — His name was William Richardson Davie. He was born in England, June 20, 1756. His uncle, William Richardson, was a Presbyterian clergy- man. He desired that his adopted son should be well educated. When the boy was about ten years old he was sent to Queen's Museum, a school at Charlotte, North Carolina. A few years later he entered the famous college in New Jersey, then called Nassau Hall, but now known as Princeton University. 132 WILLIAM RICHARDSON DAVIE L33 William Richardson Davie While young Davie was at Princeton his uncle died, leaving him a good estate. Davie was now alone in the world and free to follow his own desires. He was an ambitious boy and determined to make a name for him- self. In 1776 he was graduated at Princeton with the highest honors. Then he returned to North Carolina and began the study of the law at Salisbury. From that time till near the close of his life he made his home in North Carolina. The Student Becomes a Soldier. — While Davie was at Princeton the Revolution broke out. New Jersey soon became the scene of some hard fighting, and a party of Princeton students offered to serve against the British. Davie was one of these young patriots. Though born in England, he had become an ardent American and was eager to fight for American inde- pendence. In New Jersey, therefore, in the summer of 1776, while he was a college student, he saw his first fighting. But it was not long before he entered the war in ear- nest. While he was studying law at Salisbury, the war reached that part of North Carolina, and in a little while was raging all around him. In such times patriots think not of their own welfare, but of their country. So in 1777 Davie laid aside his law books and buckled on his sword. Joining the North Carolina troops under General Allen Jones, he started to the defense of Charles- ton, South Carolina. But on the way General Jones received word that the British had given up the attack, 134 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA and for a little while Davie returned to Salisbury to his studies. Davie Becomes a Cavalry Officer. — But he was soon called to the field again. The British had sent a large force to conquer the Southern States. Davie helped to raise a troop of cavalry in Rowan and Mecklenburg counties, and was at once elected lieutenant. In 1779 his company joined the American army under General Benjamin Lincoln in South Carolina. A few weeks later Davie was elected captain, and soon afterward was promoted to the rank of major. A Narrow Escape. — On June 20, 1779, Davie led his men at the battle of Stono Ferry, near Charleston. The Americans were beaten and driven from the field. While leading his men Davie was shot in the leg and fell from his horse. He was so badly wounded that he could not re-mount, and the British were sweep- ing right down upon him. In a minute they would have ridden over him. But just then a private soldier, regardless of his own danger, stopped in the retreat, placed Major Davie on his horse, and led him safely from the field. The man then disappeared without even telling his name. Two years later, the night before the battle of Ninety-six, while Davie was sitting in his tent, a stranger entered. He said that he was the man who had saved Davie at Stono Ferry. Davie of course was dehghted to see him again and, grasping his hand, thanked him warmly for his brave deed. The man left, saying that he would come again to see Davie. But the next day, after the battle, the gallant soldier's body was found on the battle-field among the slain. WILLIAM RICHARDSON DAVIE 135 Davie Becomes a Lawyer. — Davie's wound was so serious that after the battle of Stono Ferry he could not serve in the army again for nearly a year. So he returned to his studies and in September, 1779, was given his license to practise law. A Patriot's Sacrifices. — As we have already seen, the year 1780 was a gloomy time for the patriots in the South. The British, having conquered Georgia and South Carolina, prepared to set out in the fall upon the conquest of North Carolina. The North Carolina patriots aroused themselves to meet this danger. Davie sent word to the governor that his wound was healed enough for him to take the field again. The North Carolina Assembly promptly gave him authority to raise a troop of cavalry. But the State had no money to give him for the expenses. What then was Davie to do? He must have money to equip his soldiers. He did not hesitate a moment. He sold part of the property his uncle had left him, and with the money purchased arms, ammunition, horses, and clothes for his men. Davie's Battles. — It would take too long to tell you about all the battles that Davie fought for his country. He helped to crush the Tories after their defeat at Ramsauer's Mill. At Hanging Rock, in South Carolina, he surprised a British force, cut it to pieces, captured many horses, rifles, and muskets, without losing a single man. When General Gates was defeated at Camden, Davie threw his horsemen between the retreating Amer- icans and the victorious British. He saved from capture a large number of wagons loaded with clothes and medicines, and saved the life of many a brave fellow 136 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA who afterward did good fighting for American inde- pendence. How Davie Fought. — Davie led his men from place to place so swiftly and secretly that the British could not keep up with him. When they were expecting him at one place, he would suddenly attack them at another. He taught his men to ride fast, to strike hard and to shoot straight. One of Davie's soldiers at the battle of Hanging Rock was a boy thirteen years old. He afterward became the most famous American soldier of his day, and was twice elected President of the United States. This boy was Andrew Jackson. In his old age Jackson often said that Davie was the best soldier he ever knew, and that he learned his best lessons in war from him. The Hornets' Nest. — Davie's skill and boldness won praises from everybody. In September, 1780, he was appointed colonel of all the cavalry in the western part of North Carolina. When Lord Cornwallis started on his march for North Carolina, the only force between him and Charlotte was Colonel Davie's cavalry. The British numbered ten times as many men as were in Davie's force, and Davie knew, of course, that he could not beat them. But he hoped to worry them and delay their march as much as possible in order to give the Americans time to collect a force at Salisbury. So Davie hovered about the flanks of the British army. His men shot down the British soldiers at every chance. They cut off their messengers, captured their scouts, and broke up their foraging parties. It seemed to Lord Cornwalhs that an American soldier was hidden behind every rock and tree and fence. I I WILLIAM RICHARDSON DAVIE 137 At Charlotte Davie stationed his men under the court- house which stood just at the crossing of two streets. When the British came in sight, his men opened fire. The attack was so bold that Cornwallis thought the whole American army must be before him. Three times the British charged and three times they were driven back. For four hours Davie's little band of 150 men held the entire British army at bay. Then he coolly and skil- fully withdrew and retreated toward Salisbury. Can you wonder that Lord Cornwallis said that ''the counties of Mecklenburg and Rowan are more hostile to England than any in America?" Can you wonder that his officers called Charlotte the " Hornets' Nest of the Revolution" ? Davie Equips Greene's Army. — After the battle of Camden, Washington sent General Nathanael Greene to take command of the American army in North Caro- fina. Greene took command in December, 1780, at Charlotte. He found an army of good soldiers who were badly in need of arms, ammunition, food, and clothes. Of course no army can fight without these things, no matter how brave the men may be. Greene's first thought was to find a man upon whom he could depend to equip his army. He had never met Davie, but he knew about his services, and he decided that Davie was just the man for that important work. Davie preferred to remain at the head of his brave horsemen. He loved the excitement of battle, and was ambitious for military glory. But he told General Greene that he was willing to serve wherever he could do the greatest good. So Greene appointed him quarter- master-general. His duty was to find equipment for the army. This was a most difficult task. Davie often 138 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA had to pledge his own fortune before he could secure supplies for the soldiers. But with Governor Caswell's help he succeeded in equipping Greene's army well enough for him to fight the battles of Guilford Court- house, Hobkirk's Hill, and Eutaw Springs. These Home of Davie at Halifax battles forced the British to abandon North Carolina and South Carolina. Davie as a Lawyer. — At the close of the war Davie moved to Halifax to practise law. He was a tall, hand- some man. His manners were graceful and impressive. He was a hard student, and always prepared his work with great care. His voice was so mellow, his eloquence so impressive, that the court-house was sure to be crowded whenever he rose to speak. His clients came from all parts of the State, and he attended the courts as far east as Edenton and New Bern and as far west as Salis- bury. Some of our most eminent lawyers studied law under Davie. One of them, a judge of the Supreme WILLIAM RICHARDSON DAVIE 139 Court, said that Davie was the best lawyer he ever knew. Archibald D. Murphey, a judge and a fine scholar, who often heard Davie speak, declared: ''He is certainly to be ranked among the first orators whom the American nation has produced." Davie Saves the Constitution. — In 1787 Davie was a member of the convention at Philadelphia that framed the Constitution of the United States. The other dele- gates from North Carolina were Alexander Martin, Richard Dobbs Spaight, William Blount, and Hugh Williamson. Had it not been for Davie's patriotism and wisdom this convention would probably have broken up without adopting any constitution. It had been decided that the laws for the United States should be made by a Congress. This Congress was to be com- posed of a Senate and a House of Representatives. Before any measure could become a law, it must be passed by both of these bodies. But how many representatives should each State have in Congress? This important question was debated for several days. The large States said that each State should send a number of members according to its popu- lation. But the smaller States replied that the large States would then have too much power in Congress. They thought that each State ought to have the same number of members, at least in the Senate, and they de- clared that they would not go into any union unless such a plan was adopted. When the vote was taken it was found to be a tie. There was great excitement in the convention. For a while neither side would give way, and it looked as if the convention would break up in confusion without forming any constitution. 140 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Then in the midst of the excitement Davie rose to his feet. Everybody bent forward eagerly to hear what he was going to say. North CaroUna, he said, was one of the larger States and had voted against the plan sug- gested by the smaller States. But he thought the time had now come when the larger States ought to yield. So he and his colleagues were ready to vote that each State should have the same number of members in the Senate. His speech was greeted with great applause. The tie was broken, and the Constitution was saved. North Carolina Rejects the Constitution. — After the convention had finished its work a copy of the Consti- tution was sent to every State. Those which accepted it, if there were as many as nine, would become members of the Union; the others would no longer be mem- bers of the United States. Should North Carolina accept the Constitution? On this important question the people were divided. A convention to decide the matter was held at Hillsboro in July, 1788. The leaders of those opposed to the Constitution were Willie Jones, who had been a prominent patriot of the Revolution, Samuel Spencer, who became a judge, Thomas Person, who had been a Revolutionary general, and Timothy Bloodworth, who afterward became United States senator. On the other side were Samuel Johnston, who was then governor, James Iredell, whom Washington afterward appointed a judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Wilham R. Davie. These three great men worked hard and spoke eloquently for the Constitution and the Union, but when the vote was taken the other side had the majority. WILLIAM RICHARDSON DAVIE 141 North Carolina Adopts the Constitution. — So when Washington was first elected President of the United States, North Carohna was not a member of the Union. But the friends of the Constitution did not give up the m^^ ^ llv, ,:C:^f' '■ 1 mm.iw7y. i^^m I**-— - — ^ University of North Carolina, Old East Building (The oldest building at the University. The corner-stone was laid by Davie, October 12, 1793) fight. Iredell and Davie continued to write and speak in favor of the Constitution, and in 1789 they persuaded the Legislature to call another convention. This con- vention met at Fayetteville in November, 1789. This time the friends of the Constitution had a majority of the members, and when the vote was taken it was in favor of the Constitution. So on November 21, 1789, North Carolina again became one of the United States. Founding of the University. — In the meantime Davie had rendered other important services to the State. The people of Halifax elected him a member of the Legislature eight times. " In the House of Commons," ' ^ Now called House of Representatives. 142 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA says Judge Murphey, " he had no rival, and on all ques- tions before that body his eloquence was irresistible." It was in 1789 that Davie made his great speech in favor of establishing a university. Among those who heard it was Judge Murphey. Says he: "Although more than thirty years have elapsed, I have the most vivid recollection of the greatness of his manner and the power of his eloquence on that occasion." There was much strong opposition to the University, but Davie's great speech over- came it. No other man did as much as he to establish the University He wrote the law creating it; his elo- quence persuaded the Leg- islature to pass it; he was one of the first trustees; he (A giant poplar standing in the center laid the COmcr-stone of the of University (N.C.) Campus under n , U,,i1Hino-- qild hp wqs which Davie and his party rested for urst DUUamg, aUQ Ue WdS UnTverl^trin°i792T ^^^ ^'^'^ °^ ^^'^ always oue of its warmest friends. For these reasons he is called "The Father of the University," and no other man in the history of the State has won a prouder title. Governor of North Carolina. — In 1798 Davie was elected a member of the Legislature. A few days after the Legislature met he was elected governor of North Carolina, and began his duties December 4, 1798. As governor he was interested in education, agriculture, Iff "^ ^ ■ m^ ' jriRt . 1 mSBm^l ^ - wst'-h-' ^ »■'*' 'M . / ' ■^o*^*^=-- Y^g^B kM. m — . "^H^^^^^l :_J ^ The Davie Poplar WILLIAM RICHARDSON DAVIE 143 and other matters for the improvement of the State. But he did not remain governor long enough to accom- phsh much. The United States needed him for an important work and in September, 1799, he resigned his office as governor. Davie is Sent to France. — During the Revolution France had been friendly to the United States and helped them to win their independence. But after the war several matters arose which caused disputes between the two countries, and in 1794 it looked as if they would go to war. Troops were raised and warlike preparations were made. Davie was appointed general of the North Carolina troops. Fortunately war was avoided. Again, in 1798, the quarrel broke out afresh. Congress raised an army, placed Washington at its head, and voted money for war. Washington at once appointed Davie a general in the United States Army. But the president, John Adams, was anxious to pre- vent war. So he decided to send three men to France to try to settle the disputes peaceably. He selected Oliver. Ellsworth, chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, William R. Davie, governor of North Carolina, and William Vans Murray, United States minister to Holland. A war vessel, the United States, carried Ells- worth and Davie to Europe where they met Murray. The ruler of France at that time was Napoleon Bona- parte. He appointed three men to meet the Americans. After a long discussion an agreement was reached, a treaty adopted, and war was prevented. In the fall of 1800 Davie brought the treaty to the United States and delivered it to President Adams. 144 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Davie's Last Days. — Soon after Davie returned from France his wife died. He had grown tired of office and pub- lic hfe, and was anxious to devote himself to agriculture. So in November, 1805, he left North Carohna and moved to his plantation in South Carolina. When the War of 1812 began. President Madison appointed Davie a major- general in the United States Army. But Davie declared that he was too old for military service, and declined. On his great plantation he passed his last days in ease and comfort. His home was always open to his friends and his hospitality was unbounded. Many of his old Revolutionary companions came to visit him. Under an immense oak in his yard they would sit for hours talking over their battles for the independence of their country. Davie died November 18, 1820, and was buried at W^axhaw Church, Lancaster count}^. South Carolina. Of him Judge William Gaston wrote: " He was a great man in an age of great men, admired and beloved by the virtuous and the wise." GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. Locate the following places in North Carolina: Waxhaw, Charlotte, Salisbury, Chapel Hill. Ramsauer's Mill was in Lincoln county, near Lincolnton. Describe the situation of Lincolnton. Guilford Court-house was near Greensboro. Describe its situation. 2. Describe the situation of the following places in South Carolina: Charleston, Stono Ferry, Ninety-Six, Camden, Hanging Rock, Hobkirk's Hill, Eutaw Springs. REVIEW Give an account of — L When and where Davie was born. Why he came to North Carolina. 2. His education. His profession. 3. His first military service. WILLIAM RICHARDSON DAVIE 145 4. His law studies. How tlic war interrupted them. 5. Battle of Stono Ferry. G. How Davie raised a regiment of cavalry. 7. The principal battles in which he fought. 8. His method of fighting. 9. What Andrew Jackson said of Davie. 10. How Davie defended Charlotte. n. The condition of the American army in North Carolina when General Greene took command. 12. How Davie helped Greene with the army. 13. Davie as a lawyer and orator. 14. How Davie saved the Constitution of the United States. 15. What North Carolina did about the Constitution. 16. The leaders for and against the Constitution. 17. How the Constitution was finally adopted. 18. The founding of the University. 19. Davie's work as governor. 20. How Davie helped to prevent war with France. 21. Davie's last days. QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. Give an account of the following battles: Stono Ferry, Ninety- Six, Ramsauer's Mill, Hanging Rock, Camden, Guilford Court-house, Hobkirk's Hill, Eutaw Springs. 2. What changes in the government of the United States did the Constitution make? How many members does each State elect to the United States Senate? How many does North Carolina now have in the House of Representatives? New York? Delaware? Ohio? Rhode Island? 3. In 1787 North Carolina was fourth in population among the States. What is it now? How many people in the State now? 4. What other State besides North Carolina at first refused to adopt the Constitution? How many States were in the Union when Washington was first elected President? 5. How was the governor of North Carolina elected in 1798? How long did he serve then? How elected now? How long does he serve now? 6. Who has the authority to make treaties between the United States and foreign nations? CHAPTER XII NATHANIEL MACON Warren County. — In 1764 the General Assembly cut off the northeast corner of Granville county and formed a new county, called Bute. It was named in honor of an Enghsh nobleman, the Earl of Bute, who was a close friend of the King. When the Revolution broke out, Lord Bute was, of course hostile to the Americans. So, in 1779, the Legislature changed the name of the county to Warren, in honor of the American patriot, General Joseph Warren, who was killed at the battle of Bunker Hill. Nathaniel Macon. — It was in this part of old Gran- ville that Nathaniel Macon was born, December 17, 1758. His father was Gideon Macon, and his mother was Priscilla Jones. It is said that his grandmother, Abigail Sugan, was the first white woman to settle in that section of North Carolina. Nathaniel was the youngest of eight children. Wlien he was five years old, his father died, leaving his widow with a large family and very little property. Nathaniel was such a bright, thoughtful boy that all the family agreed that he ought to be given a good edu- cation. His first teacher was Charles Pettigrew who taught an " old-field " school in the neighborhood. When Macon was fifteen he entered Princeton College, in New Jersey. The breaking out of the Revolution 146 NATHANIEL MACON 147 interrupted his studies there, and in 1776 he returned to North Carohna. For a httle while he studied law, but did not like it and never received his license to practise. There was no good library near his home, but Macon read eagerly such books as he could obtain. He was fond of history and became familiar with the histories of Rome, England, and Scotland. In those days it was very difficult to get good candles, and most of Macon's studying and reading was done by a lightwood fire. Macon Takes Up Arms. — While Macon was at Princeton the Declaration of Independence was adopted. Young Macon had been raised in a patriotic community. It had become a common saying in North Carolina, " There are no Tories in Bute." Macon w^as eager to join in the fight for independence, and when the war came near Princeton, he promptly dropped his books and shouldered his musket. He joined a party of stu- dents who entered upon a short campaign in New Jer- sey. At the end of the campaign they went back to their studies. A few weeks later Macon returned home. The war then seemed to be going against the patriots in the South. Macon thought it his duty to defend his country, so he enlisted in the army as a private. His comrades elected him as their captain, but he declined. During the years 1779 and 1780 he saw much hard fight- ing. He was at the fall of Fort Moultrie, the surrender of Charleston, the defeat at Camden, and with Greene during his terrible retreat across North Carolina in 1780. Macon in the Legislature. — While he was in the army, Macon was elected a member of the State Senate from 148 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Warren county. The first he heard of his election was a message from the Governor summoning him to attend the Legislature. Most men would have welcomed such a good excuse for leaving the army. But Macon was not like other men. He refused to leave. General Greene soon heard about the stanch young soldier who preferred a place full of dan- ger and hardship to one of safety and ease. Why, he thought, I must learn some- thing more about this young fellow. So he sent for Macon and asked him why he had refused to obey the Governor's summons. " Sir," replied the young soldier, " I have often seen the faces of the British sol- diers, but I have never seen their backs. I am determined to remain in the army until I do see them." General Greene was much pleased at this spirited reply. But he told Macon that he could do the American cause more good as a member of the Legislature than as a soldier. In the army he was but one man ; in the Legis- lature he might persuade the members to send hundreds of men to the army. And he could also tell the Legis- lature from his own experience how badly the army needed supplies and equipment. Macon then saw that it was his duty to attend the meeting of the Legislature, and he no longer hesitated. It proved to be just as General Greene predicted. General Greene NATHANIEL MACON 149 Macon's services in the Legislature were very useful in obtaining men and supplies for the army. He him- self never entered the army again. He refused to accept any pay for his services as a soldier, for he declared that it was the patriot's duty to serve his country without being paid for it. ''Buck Spring." — After the war Macon returned to his farm in Warren county. He called his plantation '' Buck Spring," on account of a fine spring where the deer, which roamed his woods in great numbers, were accus- tomed to drink. In the midst of a splendid grove of oaks Macon built a small, simple house. Grouped around the house were several smaller buildings, called "offices," which were really rooms for his guests. On one side was the kitchen with its great fireplace tall enough for a man to stand erect in. The cooking was done in huge pots hung from hooks over the fire. In the distance were the cabins for the slaves, called the ''quarters," and near them were the barns and stables. Macon loved the country. He used to say that he did not want to live near enough to any man to see the smoke from his chimney or to hear his dog bark. His nearest neighbor lived five miles away. Macon was fond of the work of the farm. Even after he had become a distinguished statesman, he would take his hoe, or plow, and work in the field at the head of his negroes. He cared nothing for riches. His fields, his flocks, and his herds gave him enough for his simple wants, and he desired no more. In his habits he was one of the simplest of men. He never changed his style of dressing. His clothes were made of plain, blue cloth in the style worn during the 150 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Revolution. He wore the best linen, a fine cambric stock, a fur hat with a brim, and top-boots into which he tucked his trousers. He was always neat in his person. Macon's Amusements. — Macon's favorite amuse- ments were horse-racing and hunting. The fox chases Farmers of North Carolina on a I'Vix Htnt at Buck Spring became famous. In his stables Macon kept the fleetest thoroughbreds for his friends to ride when they came to Buck Spring. One of his most frequent visitors was the famous John Randolph, of Virginia, who was Macon's life-long friend and com- panion. In 1819, when President Monroe made a tour of the Southern States, he made a special visit to Buck Spring to take part in one of Macon's famous fox chases. Macon was fond of company. He kept open house at Buck Spring and many guests came to share in his well-known hospitality. NATHANIEL MACON 151 Macon's Political Career. — Macon's public career began when he was elected to the State Senate in 1781; it lasted forty-two years. He was five times elected to the Legislature, twelve times to Congress, three times to the United States Senate, and once a delegate to the Convention to amend the State constitution. In Con- gress he was elected speaker of the House of Represen- tatives three times and president of the Senate three times. He was also elected president of the North Carolina Constitutional Convention of 1835. And yet it is said that he never asked any person to vote for him, and never told any one that he desired to be elected to any office. Macon as a Public Official. — In public office, though he held high and important places, Macon was as simple and plain as in his own home. He was a real democrat. Whenever the people understand any public question, he declared, they will decide it right. He would accept no offices except those to which he was elected by the people or by their representatives. Thomas Jefferson twice offered him a place in the President's cabinet, but both times he refused because it was not an office on which the people could vote. Macon was as punctual in attending to his public duties as he was in attending to his private affairs. He thought that public officers who wasted their time were robbing the people. He was too honest to take credit for any act which was due to some one else. Once he presented a very able report to the United States Sen- ate. Another senator, thinking that Macon wrote it, praised it very highly. " Yes," said Macon, " it is a good report; Senator Tazew^ell wrote it." Though he 152 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA was as true as steel to his friends, he would not violate his public duty to please them. When he was speaker of the House of Representatives, he removed his dear- est friend, John Randolph, from an important position because he thought another man could perform its duties better. Nor would he ever appoint any of his own relatives to public office. Kandolph-Macon College, Ashland, Va. (Named after the two friends, John Randolph and Nathaniel Macon) Macon was not an orator. Indeed, he had but little patience with speech-making. A few plain, simple words, to explain any subject, were all he cared to hear. His own speeches were short and plain-spoken. The famous Thomas H. Benton, of Missouri, said that Macon ''spoke more good sense while he was getting up out of his chair, and getting back into it, than many others did in long speeches." NATHANIEL IMACON 153 Macon's Work in Congress. — While in Congress, Macon took a leading part in many of the most impor- tant events in the history of the United States. He opposed the famous Alien and Sedition laws, because they were against the liberty of the people and the free- dom of the press. Aided by Randolph, he persuaded Congress to vote the money that enabled President Jefferson to purchase the Louisiana territory. He always voted against measures for internal improve- ments because, he said, the Constitution gave Congress no power to pass such measures. For the same reason he spoke and voted against a protective tariff. In 1809 IVIacon was chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations in the House of Representatives. This committee had charge of all measures relating to foreign countries. At that time, on account of our quarrels with England and France, it was the most important committee in Congress. Macon was strongly opposed to war with either country. ''This nation," he said, "in my opinion, must take her choice of two alternatives : to be happy and contented without war and without internal taxes, or to be war- like and glorious, abounding in what is called honor and dignity, or, in other words, taxes and blood. Public force and liberty can not dwell in the same country." What wise words these are! But, though desiring peace, Macon would not have his country submit to injustice. When war with England became necessary in 1812, he voted for it and gave it his support. While Thomas Jefferson was President, some of the judges of the Supreme Court severely criticized him and his party. Jefferson and his friends were very 154 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA angry. They planned to impeach one of the judges, remove him from office, and put one of the President's friends in his place. But they could not carry out this plan without Macon's help. He belonged to the same political party as the President, so the President's friends thought of course Macon would help them. But Macon thought that it was a wicked scheme and he would have nothing to do with it. " Suppose," he said, " the judges had flattered the President. Would he then threaten them with punishment? Certainly not. And yet flattery is worse than abuse, and is more dangerous. If you would not punish them for the greater offense, why for the lesser? Besides, if the judges speak falsely they will soon lose the confidence of the people; if truly, it is best for the country to hear them." As nothing could be done without Macon's aid, the plan to impeach the judges failed. Macon Retires from Congress. — Macon was a close reader of the Bible. In the Bible he read: " The days of our years are three score years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be four score years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." He resolved that, when he became three score and ten years of age, he would retire from public office and spend the remaining years of his life quietly at home. When his seventieth birthday came he was a member of the United States Senate, and had two more years to serve before his term would come to its close. His friends urged him to remain in the Senate at least those two years. " Your health," they said, " is still good and your mind is as strong and clear as ever." " Yes," NATHANIEL MACON 155 he replied, " my mind is clear enough for me to know that I ought to quit office before my mind quits me." So he wrote to the Legislature and resigned his office as senator, thanking the Legislature for its long confi- dence in him. At the same time he resigned as justice of the peace and as trustee of the University. The Convention of 1835. — But Macon's services were needed in one more important event in North Carolina. The time had come when some changes were Capitol at Washington needed in the State constitution. It was decided, there- fore, to hold a convention at Raleigh, in 1835, to con- sider what changes should be made. Many distinguished men were elected members of this convention. But when the convention met, all eyes turned at once to Nathaniel Macon for president, and he was unanimously elected. Several important changes were made in the consti- tution. The people of Western North Carolina had 156 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA long complained that the eastern part of the State had more than its share of members in the Legislature. Each county had two members without regard to its population. The West wished that the number of mem- bers for each county should depend upon its population. After a long debate this change was adopted. Before this time, seven towns — Edenton, New Bern, Wilming- ton, Halifax, Fayetteville, Hillsboro, and Sahsbury — had each the right to send a member to the Legislature. The convention took away this right. Since 1776 the Legislature had met once every year; the convention changed the time of its meeting to once every two years. The right to vote was taken away from free negroes. In the future the governor was not to be elected by the Legislature, but by the people, and his term of office was changed from one to two years. During this convention the members from the West and those from the East had many warm debates. They said many harsh things about each other. More than once it looked as if the convention would break up in a quarrel. ^ Then the aged Macon would rise from his seat, and with a few calm, patriotic words quiet the raging storm. Macon's Death. — Macon died June 29, 1837, at Buck Spring. He himself selected the place for his grave. It was a barren ridge near the center of his plan- tation, and he selected it because he said it was too poor for any other use. He wished his grave to be marked by a pile of rough stones, which, he said, were good for nothing else. He himself directed the carpenter how to make his coffin, and paid him for it, because he wished to leave no debts to be paid after his death. The last NATHANIEL MACON 157 few hours of his hfe were spent in conversation with his friends and relatives. Many tributes have been paid to Macon's memorJ^ President John Tyler said of him: " Nothing sordid ever entered into his imagination. He was a devoted patriot whose whole heart — - and every corner of it — was filled with love of country." John Randolph said, in his will, Nathaniel Macon was " the best, wisest, and purest man I ever knew." REVIEW 1. Where was ]\I:icon born? When? 2. Give an accoinit of his education. 3. Wliat military service did he perform during the Revokition? 4. Tell how Macon's political career began. 5. Describe "Buck Spring." Macon's habits. 6. What were Macon's favorite amusements? ' 7. How long was Macon in public life? What important pul)lic offices did he hold? 8. Describe him as a public officer. What did Benton say of him? 9. Give an account of Macon's work in Congress. What did he say about the United States and war? 10. Give an account of the plan to impeach the judges, and what Macon said about it. 11. When and why did IMacon retire from Congress? Did he ever hold any other office? 12. What important changes were made in the Constitution of North CaroUna in 1S35? 13. Describe Macon's death. 14. What tributes were paid to him? QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. Name the counties in North CaroUna whose names were changed on account of the part that the men for whom they were named took in the Revolution. 158 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA 2. Name the counties which were named in honor of Revolutionary leaders. Of Revolutionary leaders of other States. Of British states- men who were friendly to the Americans. 3. For how long a term is a United States senator elected? A representative? Explain the difference in the way in which they are elected. Why was this difference adopted? 4. How are the members of the President's Cabinet selected? 5. What were the Alien and Sedition laws? 6. What is a protective tariff? 7. Explain what is meant by "impeaching" a public official. 8. In what way can the Constitution of North Carolina be changed? What is the difference between a convention and the General Assembly? 9. How is it decided how many members each county shall have in the Legislature? How many does your county have? How many mcml:)ers all told in the North Carolina House of Representatives? In the Senate? 10. How often does the Legislature meet? When and where? How is the governor now elected? For how long? Does he have anything to do with making laws? CHAPTER XIII JOHNSTON BLAKELY Our Second War with England. — For many years after the Revolution England acted toward the United States in a very unfriendly manner. She felt humiliated at being beaten by her colonies, and treated the Americans with great contempt. She refused to remove her soldiers from the forts on our frontier as she had agreed to do. The British Parliament passed acts to injure the commerce of the United States. But worst of all was what was called the " impressment of American seamen." The British Government declared that many sailors ran away from the British navy and entered the American navy or went into the service of American merchant vessels. So Great Britain claimed the right of stopping Ameri- can vessels on the Atlantic, arresting any seamen whom she claimed to be British subjects, and forcing or impressing them into the British service. The United States tried hard in a peaceful manner to put a stop to such outrages. But England would listen to no protests. So at length, in 1812, the United States declared war. 159 Johnston Bl.a.kely 160 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA In that war a young North Carolina captain won great fame by his skill and daring as a naval commander. Johnston Blakely. — This officer was Captain John- ston Blakely. He was born in Ireland in 1781. Soon after his birth his mother died, and his father brought his infant son to Wilmington, North Carolina. When they landed from the vessel they were met at the wharf by a fellow countryman, Edward Jones, a distinguished lawyer of Wilmington. Mr. Jones gave the strangers a warm welcome. Taking the little motherless boy in his arms, he led the way to his own home. There his kind-hearted wife made the strangers feel as if they were really at home. From that day she became as a mother to little Johnston. The elder Blakely was a pleasant, agreeable man. He soon made many friends in his new home. He became a merchant in Wilmington, and when he died left his son a small fortune. Johnston Blakely at the University. — Johnston Blakely was sent to school on Long Island, New York. But when he was sixteen years old he entered the University of North Carolina. He was a good student. The subjects that he liked best were mathematics, sur- veying, and navigation. At that time the students at the University were often disorderly, and sometimes engaged in riots and rebellions. Young Blakely refused to join in these disorders. Still he lost none of his popu- larity with his fellow students, for everybody liked the genial young Irishman. In the Philanthropic Literary Society he was elected to every office. Blakely Enters the Navy. — Two years after he entered the University Blakely suffered a serious misfortune. JOHNSTON BLAKELY 161 A fire at Wilmington destroyed a large portion of his property. This loss compelled him to leave the Uni- versity in 1799. He then had to decide what profession he would follow, and determined to enter the United States Navy. In 1800 he was appointed a midshipman, and placed on board the President, under Commodore Richard Dale. In her he sailed on a cruise to the Med- iterranean Sea. Dale was a splendid officer. During the Revolution he had sailed on board the Bonhomme Richard, under that famous seaman, John Paul Jones. Under Dale, therefore, Blakely had a fine opportunity to study, and he was quick to take advantage of it. War with the Pirates. — Along the northern shore of Africa were four States which made a business of piracy. Their rulers sent out war vessels on the Mediterranean to rob and plunder. They captured many travelers, and either held them for large ransoms, or sold them into slavery. Such nations as England and France j^aid the rulers of those robber states large sums not to plun- der their ships. The pirates thought of course that the United States, which was a small, weak nation, would do the same thing. But when they demanded a bribe for being good to American vessels, the United States sent a fleet of war vessels to punish them. A war which lasted two years followed. In that war Johnston Blakely saw his first fighting. He was ordered on board the ship of Commo- dore Preble who commanded the American fleet. This little fleet of four vessels was engaged in some hard fighting with the pirates. They thoroughly humbled the robbers, who were glad to make peace. Though this war was a small affair, it served a good 162 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA purpose in training American seamen for the war which soon followed with England. One of the best officers trained in this war was Johnston Blakely. He learned how to handle a ship in battle and how to fire his guns rapidly and accurately. Blakely Commands the ''Enterprise." — Blakely was twice promoted on account of his skill and bravery. Soon after the war began with England he was given command of the Enterprise. He worked hard to fit her for the sea and to train her crew. When everything was ready she sailed out in search of the enemy. A few days after leaving port she caught sight of the Fly, a British ship, and after a chase of eight hours overtook and cap- tured her. A Vessel with a Sting. — As a reward for this success, Blakely was given command of a larger and better ship than the Enterprise. This was the Wasp, one of the new ships which Congress had ordered to be built. The Wasp was to be one of the finest vessels in the Ameri- can navy. Blakely was delighted with his good luck. ''In the Wasp," he thought, "I shall win fame and glory." And oh! what a sting this Wasp had. She sailed out of the harbor of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, May 1, 1814. Her crew numbered 173 men. Captain Blakely was impatient to meet the enemy, and steered straight for the English Channel. The "Wasp" Meets the "Reindeer." — Blakely was not disappointed. For several days he met nothing except merchant vessels, which he captured. But on June 28, 1814, a war vessel came in sight. Blakely promptly hailed her. He found that she was the British ship Reindeer. Both vessels at once prepared for battle. JOHNSTON BLAKELY 163 The Reindeer was ready first and opened fire before the Wasp could get into a position to fire. But this did not disturb Captain Blakely. He coolly waited until every- thing was in readiness and then gave the command. The two vessels were about twenty yards apart and were gradually getting closer. The fighting was terrific. Wasp AND Reindeer Blakely stood in the thick of it, giving his orders and cheering his men as calmly as if he had been sailing on a pleasure trip. After a few minutes the Reindeer ran alongside the Wasp, and her men tried to get aboard the American vessel. But after a sharp fight they were driven back. Their captain fell dead. Then Blakely sprang forward and commanded his men to board the Reindeer. With shouts of triumph they scrambled on her deck. A furious hand-to-hand fight followed, but 164 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA in a few minutes it was all over. The British sailors threw down their arms and surrendered. Captain Blakely placed all the survivors on board the Wasp and set fire to the Reindeer. Soon a tremen- dous explosion was heard. When the smoke cleared away nothing was seen of the Reindeer but a few pieces of smoking timbers floating on the water. The French Welcome Blakely. — The victorious Wasp sailed into a French port to repair her damages. The French were overjoyed at the victory of the Ameri- can vessel, for France was also at war with England. They gave the Wasp and her crew a royal welcome. The British newspapers declared that "the American crew were hailed as victors, tapped on the back, shaken by the hand, and complimented on their superior prowess." A Battle in the Dark. — As soon as he had repaired his damages, Captain Blakely steered again for the Enghsh Channel. On September 1, 1814, he fought one of the most remarkable battles in our history. While cruising about after nightfall, he caught sight of a vessel a short distance away. The night was so dark that neither vessel could make out what kind of ship the other was. All that the men could see were two huge black objects looming up in the darkness. But each knew that the other was an enemy, and they opened fire on each other at about half past nine o'clock at night. In spite of the darkness the American gunners fired so accurately that in half an hour the other vessel gave the sign,al of surrender. But before Captain Blakely could board her to take possession, three other British JOHNSTON RLAKELY 165 vessels, attracted by the firing, came up. Blakely thought it would be unsafe for him to meet these three together. He sailed away, therefore, without even finding out the name of the vessel he had beaten. Afterward it was learned that she was the Avon. A Bold Challenge. — Blakely's spirits rose with his success. He had shown himself to be one of the most Wasp Sinking the Avon skilful captains in the American nav3^ The name of the Wasp had become famous in Europe as well as in the United States. Blakely had so much confidence in himself, his crew, and his ship, that he sent a messenger into the harbor of Plymouth, England, "with a challenge to engage any two brigs in his Majesty's service." But the British seamen had learned what a sharp sting this American Wasp had, and they would not accept her bold challenge. The ''Wasp's" Sharp Work. — Captain Blakely cruised about the English Channel for sixty days. During that time the saucy little Wasp captured or 166 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA destroyed thirteen British merchant vessels and sunk two men-of-war. And all the time thirty-five British war vessels, carrying one thousand cannon, were guard- ing the channel! Honors for Blakely. — In the United States the whole country rang with praises of Blakely. The Secretary of the Navy declared that Blakely had done ''all that skill and valor could do." Congress voted to give him a gold medal, and asked the President of the United States to present it to him in the name of the American people. North Carolina of course was proud of her famous son. The Legislature declared that his victories had "thrown around the national flag a blaze of glory." It was voted unanimously to present to him "a superb sword" in the name of his fellow-citizens. But the brave young hero was never to learn what honors awaited his return to his country. The "Wasp" Disappears. — After his victory over the Avon, Blakely captured three merchant vessels. On October 6, 1814, he met with a Swedish ship, the Adonis, which had on board two American officers. They had been prisoners of the British and only a few days before had been exchanged. When they met the Wasp they boarded her, and the Adonis sailed on her way. From that day to this nobody has ever known what became of Johnston Blakely and his brave crew. Whether the Wasp was sunk in battle, or wrecked in a storm, or blown up by an explosion of some of her own guns, nobody has ever known. She was never heard of again. The Wasp sailed the seas only five months, but in that time she won a fame that will endure as long as JOHNSTON BLAKELY 167 the American navy exists. Theodore Roosevelt has declared that she was ''as ably commanded as any vessel in our little navy." Blakely's Personality. — Captain Blakely was a small man, but very strong and active. He had a bright, kindly face, with black eyes and hair. Though as brave as a lion in battle, he was shy and retiring among strangers, Wlien a boy he would sit for hours reading in the library while the other children were playing out- side. He had good manners, was full of fun and good humor, and was liked by all who knew him. The Captain's Daughter. — In 1814, while waiting for the Wasp to be finished, Captain Blakely was married to Miss Jane Ann Hoope, of Boston. Soon after his marriage the daring captain sailed away in search of glory. Little did his bride dream, as she waved good-by to him, that she would never see him again. While everybody was guessing what had been his fate, his little daughter was born. Her mother named her Udney Maria. Perhaps no child in the United States excited so much interest and sympathy as little Udney Maria Blakely. North Carolina's Adopted Daughter. — As Captain Blakely did not return to receive his sword, the Legis- lature decided to make some gift to his daughter. So the Governor was asked to send to IVIrs. Blakely a hand- some silver tea-set "to be kept by her and presented to the infant daughter of Johnston Blakely when she shall arrive at the age of fifteen years." At the same time the Legislature determined to adopt the little girl as the daughter of North Carolina, and to have her educated at the expense of the State. 168 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA When the Governor wrote to Mrs. Blakely about this action, she rephed that it was ''an act of such noble and unexpected generosity, that it deprives me of all power to express what I feel." As soon as Udney Maria was old enough she was placed in school in Philadelphia, and twice every year, until 1829, the governor of North Carolina sent to her guardian the money to pay her expenses. Five years after Captain Blakely's death Mrs. Blakely was married again and moved to the island of St. Croix, in the West Indies. Upon leaving school Udney Maria Blakely joined her mother in her new home, where she died in 1842. Since that time North Carolina has established schools at the public expense for all of her children; but the only child ever adopted by the State was the little daughter of our most famous naval hero. GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. What were the four African States with which the United States went to war? Describe their situation. 2. Where is the EngUsh Channel? Pljanouth (England)? REVIEW 1. Wliat was the cause of the War of 1812? 2. Describe Johnston Blakely's childhood. 3. Where was he educated? Give an account of his career at the University. 4. Why did he leave the University? What profession did he adopt? What kind of training did he obtain? 5. Give an account of the war with the pirates. 6. What vessel did Blakely first command in the War of 1812 ? What success did he have? How was he rewarded? 7. Describe the battle between the Wasj) and the Reindeer. JOHNSTON BLAKELY 169 8. How was Rlakcly received in France? 9. Give an account of the battle between the Wasp and the Avon. 10. What ciiallenge did Hlakcly send to the British navy? 11. Give a summary of the Wasp's work in the British Channel. 12. What honors were prepared for Blakely at home? Why did he never receive them? 13. Describe Johnston Blakely's character. 14. Tell the story of his daughter. QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. What acts did England pass to injure American trade? 2. England claimed that a man who was once a British subject could never become a citizen of any other country. Do nations still hold to that claim? W'hat is meant by "naturalization"? 3. How does the United States now train her naval officers? 4. Why did Blakely sail for the English Channel? What do you suppose became of the Wasp ? CHAPTER XIV WILLIAM GASTON Carolina! Carolina! — Perhaps every boy and girl in school in North Carohna to-day has sung our State song " The Old North State," and has been thrilled with patriotic pride at the opening line, '' Carolina! Carolina! Heaven's blessings attend her! " The man who wrote this song was one of the Old North State's truly great men, and every North Carolina boy and girl should know something about him. The Gastons. — William Gaston was a son of Dr. Alexander Gaston, a physician of New Bern. Dr. Gas- ton was a native of Ireland. His ancestors were French Huguenots who fled from religious persecution in France. They went first to Scotland, and afterward to Ireland. Alexander Gaston studied medicine at the tJniversity of Edinburgh. After leaving the University he served as a surgeon in the British navy. A few years later he resigned, came to North Carolina, and settled at New Bern. At New Bern Dr. Gaston met Margaret Sharpe, a bright, intelligent young Englishwoman, who had been educated in a convent in France. He promptly fell in love with her, courted her, and won her for his wife. They were married at New Bern in May, 1775. There, September 19, 1778, their son William was born. 170 WILLIAM GASTON 171 Alexander Gaston, the American Patriot. — When the Revohition broke out, Dr. Gaston became an ardent patriot. He was selected as a member of the Committee of Safety at New Bern. In June, 1775, he was one of the patriots who drove the royal governor, Josiah Martin, out of the "Palace," and com- pelled him to seek refuge on board the Cruizer, below Wilmington. During the next six years he worked steadily in support of the cause of independence. On account of Dr. Gaston's activity for the American cause the Tories bitterly hated him. When they cap- tured New Bern, in 1781, Dr. Gaston was one of the first men they wanted to take. He was compelled to leave his home and seek refuge in the country. But one day he ventured into town to see his wife and children. The next morning Mrs. Gaston begged him to return to the country before the Tories found out that he was in New Bern. He had already started across the river in an open boat, when a band of Tories galloped into town and rode straight to the wharf. Many years later Judge Gaston told the story of what happened at the wharf. " I have so often heard it re- William Gastox 172 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA peated by my weeping mother," he said, "that I can never forget it. Mrs. Gaston, fearful that her husband might not have crossed the ferry, rushed down the street to the old county wharf, and found them firing at him. He was in the ferry boat, a short distance from the shore, and alone. She threw herself between him and the Tories, and on her knees, with all a woman's eloquence, implored them to spare the life of her hus- band. The captain of the savage band answered these cries by damning him for a rebel, called for a rifle, leveled it over her shoulder, and stretched him a corpse."^ Margaret Gaston. — Margaret Gaston was left alone in the world with two children to rear and educate. She was a woman of strong character and deep religious faith. She was to be seen at all hours with her Bible on her knees. The great object of her life was to teach her son high and noble ideals and the same religious faith which she herself had. Her income was small, and she had to make sacrifices in order to give to him a complete education. William Gaston's Education. — Until he was thirteen years old, Gaston attended school at the New Bern Academy. In 1791 he was sent to Georgetown College, a Roman Catholic college near Washington City. It is now one of the best known colleges in the United States. But in 1791 it had just been established and Gaston was its first student. Its finest building bears the name of "Gaston Hall," in his honor. Gaston was a good student in all his classes, but his favorite studies 1 When William Gaston, while a member of Congress, opposed the War of 1812, one of his opponents called him an unpatriotic American. In reply, Gaston said: "I was baptized an American in the blood of a murdered father." WILLIAM GASTON 173 were Latin and Greek. He pored so closely over his books that he injured his health, and in 1793 was com- pelled to return home. The next year he entered Prince- ton College, and in 1796 was graduated at the head of his class with the highest honors. Gaston Becomes a Lawyer. — Leaving Princeton, Gaston returned to New Bern to study law. His teacher was Francis Xavier Martin, afterward chief justice of Louisiana. When Gaston was twenty years old he was given his license to practise. At the same time his brother-in-law, John Louis Taylor, was appointed a judge, and turned all of his practise over to Gaston. From that time until he himself became a judge, Gaston had a large practise. His reputation as a lawyer soon reached beyond North Carolina, and he came to be regarded as one of America's greatest lawyers. Gaston in the Legislature. — Gaston's courtesy and kindness soon made him very popular in his native town. His learning and eloquence won for him many admirers. He was only twenty-five when they elected him a member of the State Senate. He was elected a member of the Senate four times and of the House of Commons six times. In the Legislature he was as popu- lar as he was at home. At his first session in the House of Commons he was chosen speaker. The next year he was elected speaker a second time. Measures Which Gaston Advocated. — Many men are elected to public offices who never do anything worthy to be remembered. But William Gaston was not such a man. Any measure that he thought would promote the welfare of North Carolina was sure to receive his support. He favored plans for establishing 174 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA public schools. He spoke in favor of internal improve- ments. He advocated a better system of courts. Upon the courts depend men's property and often their lives and liberty. But at that time the courts were so poorly arranged that the judges could not do their work prop- erly. Often people found it difficult to get their cases tried at all. Gaston gave this matter much thought, and proposed a plan to make the necessary improvements. His plan was to establish a Supreme Court, to be composed of three judges who were to be the best lawyers that could be found in the State. Whenever a man thought that he did not get justice in the lower courts, he could go before the Supreme Court, which would give him another hearing. But what the Supreme Court said about a case was to be final. There was much opposition to this plan, but Gaston spoke so earnestly and eloquently in its favor that the Legislature passed the law. That was in 1818, and the Supreme Court as Gaston planned it (except that we now have five judges) has been in exist- ence ever since. We now wonder how the people ever managed to get along without it. Gaston Saves the State Banks. — In 1828 Gaston saved the State from a great calamity. A powerful party of men were trying to destroy the banks of the State. They declared that the banks had disobeyed the law and dealt unjustly with the people. So they proposed to close their doors and seize their money and property. At first a majority of the Legislature was in favor of this scheme. But among those who opposed it was William Gaston. To destroy the banks, he said, would ruin thousands of people who had put their money WILLIAM GASTON 175 in them, and would cause great suffering. He spolce eloquently against this scheme and showed that the charges against the banks were not true. The debate lasted several days. A member of the Legislature, who heard it, said: "Mr. Gaston stood up day after day, and though sneered at and reviled, day after day did he labor and toil against that furious major- ity; day after day did he take captive some of his oppo- nents by the mere force of his arguments; until at last he succeeded in bringing the vote to a tie, thus saving the banks from destruction and the State from disgrace." The Burning of the Capitol. — The last year that Gaston served in the Legislature was in 1831. Just before the Legislature met, the State Capitol was burned. One of the most im- port ant questions which that Legisla- ture had to decide was this: "Shall the capitol be rebuilt at Raleigh, or shall it be moved to Fayette- ville?" A long de- bate took place, for many members were in favor of moving it. Gaston's speech in favor of Raleigh, says one who heard it, "was a masterpiece of brilliant, elaborate and finished oratory." But the Legislature refused to vote any money for a new building and North Carolina was left without a capitol. The next year, however, the money was voted and the capitol was rebuilt at Raleigh. Capitol of North Carolina. Burned IN 1831 176 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Gaston in Congress. — In 1813, and again in 1815, Gaston was elected to the Congress of the United States. He did not hke the work in Congress and dechned to accept another election. In one of the debates in 1816 Gaston was matched against Henry Clay, and most of those who heard the debate thought Gaston got the better of Clay. Clay was "somewhat soured," and for some time he and Capitol of North Carolina as it Looks To-day (East front showing statue of Z. B. Vance in foreground) Gaston were not very friendly. But William Seaton, who admired both, wished them to make up their quarrel. So he invited them to dine at his home. When they met, they bowed to each other coldly. Then Mr. Seaton, looking straight at them, said, "Friendship in marble, enmities in dust." They both smiled, clasped hands warmly, and were ever afterward good friends. When WILLIAM GASTON 177 Clay spoke in Raleigh, in 1844, after Gaston's death, he paid a beautiful trilmtc to Gaston's memory. Gaston Becomes "Judge Gaston." — In 1833 Judge Henderson, one of the judges of the Supreme Court, died. All eyes at once turned toward Gaston to take his place. He was recognized as one of the State's ablest lawyers, and in learning, character, and ability fitted for the highest judicial office in the State. The Legislature elected him by a large majority. Many of his political opponents voted for him. Soon afterward he took his seat on the Supreme Court bench, and served on it until the day of his death, eleven years later. He was a great judge, learned, upright, and just. When Gaston became judge, some people declared that he had done a great wrong. At that time the con- stitution of North Carolina declared that no person who denied ''the truth of the Protestant religion" could hold office in North Carolina. This clause, it was said, was intended to keep Roman Catholics out of office, and as Gaston was a Roman Catholic he had done wrong to accept an office. When he swore to support the constitution, said his opponents, he swore to a falsehood. But Gaston's friends did not think so. They said Roman Catholics did not deny any "truth" of the Protestant religion. Besides, Roman Catholics had held office in North Carolina before Gaston. Many of the men who wrote the constitution had elected Thomas Burke governor in 1781, and Burke was a Roman Catholic. So it was plain that they did not mean for the constitution to keep Roman Catholics out of office. Gaston in the Convention of 1835. — Still many peo- 178 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA pie wished to have that clause of the constitution changed. Gaston wished for this to be done. So when it was decided to hold a convention in 1835, Gaston became a member. He took part in many of the most impor- tant debates, but his greatest speech was in favor of changing that clause which w^as supposed to be against Roman Catholics. At first several members spoke against making any change at all. Most of the members seemed to be against the change. Then Gaston arose. People had come to Raleigh from all parts of the State to hear him speak. The convention hall was crowded. Not a sound, not a whisper, was heard when Gaston began to speak. Members and visitors leaned forward eager to catch every word that he uttered. He spoke for two days. So eloquent and so powerful was his speech that every- body knew, long before he closed, that he had won a great victory. When the vote was taken it stood 74 for the change, 52 against it. Gaston's Popularity. — Gaston had now become one of the most popular men in North Carolina. In 1840 the Legislature had to elect a United States senator. The Whigs, who had a majority of the members, wished Gaston to accept the place. But he declined. In his letter he said: "I find my heart yet throbbing at any indication of the favorable opinion of my fellow-citizens; and that heart will have wholly ceased to beat before I cease to take an interest in the happiness of this glorious Union, and especially in our part of it, the good Old North State." He thought that his duties as judge were "as impor- tant to the public welfare" as the duties of a senator. WILLIAM GASTON 179 To explain the laws, to settle disputes between men peaceably, to administer justice "with a steady hand and upright purpose, appear to me," said he, ''to be among the highest civil duties. And so long as God spares me health and understanding to perform these faithfully, how can I better serve my country?" So he declined to accept an election to the United States Sen- ate, and when the Legislature met it elected Gaston's young friend, William A. Graham. Gaston as an Orator. — Among the orators of his day, Gaston took high rank. He was always a modest man, and when he arose to speak he would seem at first to be frightened. His limbs would tremble and his voice quaver. But after speaking a few minutes he would gain control of himself. Then his voice became calm and steady, and his low, quiet tones would command perfect silence and attention. When he spoke, said one who often heard him, "the grandeur of his expression seemed to increase," and "his whole person seemed inspired." Two Notable Orations. — Such a speaker was of course often invited to make public addresses. In 1832 Gaston delivered a notable address at the University Com- mencement. The largest crowd that had ever attended a commencement gathered to hear him. "No other address ever delivered at the University," it has been said, "has been so much admired or so often referred to." Three years later he delivered an important address at the Commencement of Princeton University. In these two speeches Gaston spoke on the duties of citizenship. He urged the students to prepare them- selves for those duties. In the first he pointed out the 180 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA evils of slavery in the South, and told the students that one of their first duties would be to find some remedy for those evils. In eloquent words he spoke of the blessings of the Union, and warned the people against the men who were trying to destroy it. He spoke also of the liberty, the prosperity, and the happiness which they enjoyed under the Constitution of the United States. '' Surely," he said, " such a country and such a Consti- tution have claims upon you which cannot be disre- garded. I entreat and adjure you, then, preserve that country, uphold that Constitution. Resolve that they shall not be lost while in your keeping, and may God Almighty strengthen you to fulfil that vow." Gaston's Honors. — None of the men whom we have read about received as many honors from other states as Gaston. He was made a Doctor of Laws by the University of Pennsylvania, by Columbia University in New York, by Princeton University in New Jersey, and by Harvard University in Massachusetts. His name was presented at Harvard by the distinguished judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, Judge Story. "My reason," said Judge Story, "for naming Mr. Gaston was because he is one of the most distinguished of American lawyers in the highest sense of the phrase; and because, as a private gentleman, he is all that one could wish or desire. I consider our appointment as conferring honor upon ourselves, not on Mr. Gaston. I am proud that he should stand on our catalogue as truly a Doctor of Laws, whom to know is to respect." Gaston always took a deep interest in the welfare of the Univer- sity of North Carolina, and for forty-two years served as a trustee. WILLIAM GASTON 181 Gaston's Death. — Judge Gaston died at Raleigh, Jaiiiuify 23, 1844. In the morning he took his seat as usual in the Supreme Court. Soon afterward he was taken sick and carried to his room. Later in the day he felt better, and his friends called to see him. They talked and laughed gaily. Judge Gaston told several interesting anecdotes. He told of meeting in Washing- ton, many years before, a man who did not believe in God. "From that day," said Judge Gaston, "I always looked on that man with distrust. An infidel may be an honorable man, but I dare not trust him. A belief in an All-ruling Divinity, who shapes our ends, whose eye is upon us, and who will reward us according to our deeds, is necessary. We must believe and feel that there is a God — All-wise and Almighty." As he spoke these words he fell back, dead. Gaston was buried at New Bern. Over his grave is a large massive tomb on which is carved the single word " Gaston." Edward Everett, the great orator of Boston, standing uncovered by this tomb, declared: "This eminent man had few equals and no superiors." REVIEW Give an account of — 1. Dr. Alexander Gaston's early life and marriage. 2. His services to American independence. 3. His death. 4. Margaret Gaston. 5. William Gaston's education. 6. Gaston as a lawyer. 7. His elections to the Legislature. 8. Measures which he favored. 182 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA 9. How he saved the state banks. 10. The burning and rebuilding of the capitol. 11. Gaston's service in Congress. 12. His election as judge of the Supreme Court. What his oppo- nents said about his election. What his friends said. 13. His work in the Convention of 1835. 14. What he said about the duties of a judge. 15. Gaston as an orator. 16. His addresses at the University and at Princeton. What he said about the Constitution of the United States. 17. His honors. What Judge Story said of him. 18. His death. QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. Who were the French "Huguenots"? Why were they persecuted in France? 2. What men have we read about who were educated at Princeton University? 3. What is meant by "internal improvements"? 4. How many members do we now have on the Supreme Court of North Carolina ? How are they chosen? For how long? What are their duties? 5. Explain what IVIr. Seaton meant by "Friendship in marble, enmities in dust." 6. Gaston was a judge and member of the Convention of 1S35 at the same time. He could not have been a judge and a member of the Legislature at the same time. Explain the reason for this difference. 7. What is meant by such terms as "Doctor of Laws"? "Doctor of Divinity"? Wliy are such titles given to men? CHAPTER XV JAMES COCHRANE DOBBIN James C. Dobbin Dobbin's Early Education. — ^ James Cochrane Dobbin was born at Fayetteville, January 17, 1814o He was a son of John Dobbin, a merchant, and Agnes Cochrane Dobbin. When James was about six years old he was sent to school in Fayetteville. A few years later he entered the famous William Bingham School at Hillsboro, where he was prepared for the University. At the University. — Dobbin en- tered the University when he was only fourteen years old. Soon after- ward he became a member of the Philanthropic Literary Society. He always took an active part in the work of the society. The training that he received there in debate made him one of the most eloquent orators of his time. He was elected to the highest offices of the society. At the University, Dobbin was one of the best students in his class. He was known for his prompt, faithful attendance to his duties and ready, cheerful obedience to the rules of the University. He was gentle in his manners, kind in his actions, and correct in his conduct. There was no more popular student at the University. 183 184 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA ^^: r-t- rt ^-k Dr. Caldwell, president of the University, was often heard to say: '' It would gladden my heart to be father to such a son as James C. Dobbin." When he was graduated in 1832 Dobbin ranked fourth in his class. Dobbin Studies Law. — Leaving the University, Dob- bin returned to Fayetteville to study law under Judge Robert Strange. Judge Strange was an able lawyer and his training had no little to do with Dob- bin's success. In 1835 Dobbin received his license to practise law and settled at Fayetteville. Dobbin was not impatient to become famous as a lawyer all at once. He continued to study hard and paid close attention to his profession. Though the people of the county wished to elect him to the Legislature, he would not consent, for he was not ambitious for political honors. Elected to Congress. — But in 1845 the Democratic Party decided that it could get along without him no longer. So JAMES COCHRANE DOBBIN 185 without his knowledge that party nominated him for Congress. This time he yielded to the people's wishes. But he wrote: "Had my personal wishes been con- sulted, the Convention would certainly have nomi- nated some other gentleman," He saw, however, that "discord and division" would result if he declined, so he accepted and was elected by a large majority. He served in Congress only two years and then declined to accept a second election. Dobbin in the Legislature. — Dobbin wished to remain in private life, but the people of Cumberland county needed his services. So they elected him, in 1848, a member of the General Assembly. The Democrats in the Legislature selected him as their leader. In the Legislature he favored the measures which he thought would advance the happiness and prosperity of the people, though he often had to oppose his own party. He voted for internal improvements, and for the build- ing of the North Carolina Railroad. The Work of Dorothea L. Dix. — It was in 1848 that Dobbin rendered his greatest service to North Carolina. At that time the State had no hospital for the care of insane persons. There were more than a thousand such persons in North Carolina and no suitable place to care for them. The rich sent their insane to the hospitals of other states, but the poor could not do this. Large numbers of them were chained down in cold rooms, cells, and cages of poorhouses and .jails. They were often mis- treated and suffered cruel tortures. Many of these poor creatures could have been cured if they had been cared for properly. Finally their condition attracted the attention of a 186 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA noble woman of Massachusetts. Her name was Dor- othea Lynde Dix. She had given up her life to work for the insane. In 1848 she came to North Carolina to study the condition of the insane in this State. After traveling all over the State she wrote an account of what she saw and sent it to the Legislature. She asked the Legislature to build a hospital to cost $100,000, in which the insane might be properly treated. But the members of the Legislature were afraid that the people would not approve of such action. Many of them thought they would not be reelected to the Legislature if they voted for this hospital. So Miss Dix's bill was defeated by a large majority. Dobbin's Great Triumph. — But Miss Dix did not give up. On the day the vote was taken Dobbin was absent from the Legislature. His wife was very ill and he was at her bedside. Miss Dix had been nursing Mrs. Dobbin and the two had become good friends. One day Mrs. Dobbin said that she would like to do something to show how much she appreciated Miss Dix's kindness. "You can do something," replied Miss Dix. "Ask your husband to speak in favor of the asylum for the insane." So just before her death, Mrs. Dobbin asked her husband, and he promised. As soon as possible after his wife's death, Dobbin returned to the Legislature and asked that the asylum bill be voted on again. His request was granted and he arose from his seat to speak in its favor. As he spoke he seemed to forget himself in his eloquent plea for the insane. He scarcely realized that he was effecting anything until he noticed the stillness in the hall and saw tears in the eyes of the Speaker. He won JAMES COCHRANE DOBBIN 187 a great triumph. The bill was voted on again and passed by a vote of 91 to 10. The next day Miss Dix wrote in great joy to a friend: " Rejoice, rejoice with me. Through toil, anxiety, and tribulation my bill has passed. ... I am not well, though perfectly happy. I leave North Carolina com- pensated a thousand-fold for all my labors by this great success." Work was soon begun on the hospital. A beautiful site w^as selected for it near Raleigh. The site is called "Dix Hill." A large, handsome building stands in the midst of a splendid grove of oaks. Thousands of unfortunate insane persons have been cared for there, and many of them have been cured. Since then the State has erected another hospital for insane white persons at Morganton, and one for insane negroes at Goldsboro. Dobbin Becomes Speaker. — If Dobbin had rendered no other service to North Carolina, the passage of the asylum bill alone would entitle him to our gratitude. But he did render many other services. In 1850 he was again a member of the Legislature, and was elected speaker of the House of Commons. At this session a great debate occurred on the question whether a State had a right to withdraw from the Union. Dobbin made one of the greatest speeches of his life. He declared that a State did have a right to secede if it was necessary, but he hoped that it would never become necessary. The day that this Union is destroj-ed, he exclaimed, ''will be the darkest day for human liberty the world has ever seen." And he made a strong plea for good will between the North and the South and loyalty to the United States. 188 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Dobbin as Secretary of the Navy. — Dobbin was again a member of the Legislature in 1852, and tlie Democrats again chose him as their leader. They also nominated him for the United States Senate, But there were three candidates and the parties were so evenly divided that no senator could be elected. For two years North Caro- lina had only one senator. In 1854 the Democrats had a majority of the Legislature. They offered to elect Dobbin senator, but at that time he was a member of the President's Cabinet and declined. In 1852 Franklin Pierce was elected President of the United States. Dobbin had given important aid in electing him, so Pierce appointed Dobbin secretary of the navy. Dobbin went to Washington and entered upon his duties March 7, 1853. He served until March 6, 1857. As secretary of the navy he won a wide repu- tation throughout the Union. "He is," said a distin- guished statesman, ''the most truthful public man I have ever known." Dobbin's services as secretary of the navy were of the greatest importance. He destroyed many old abuses. He abolished corporal punishment in the navy. Before he entered the office, the United States had found great difficulty in getting good men to serve on our vessels. Dobbin declared that the troubles were low wages, ill treatment, and lack of rewards for long and faithful services. He, therefore, suggested plans for changing these conditions, and Congress adopted them. After these plans were put into operation, more and better seamen were easily secured. Dobbin believed that the United States ought to have a large and powerful navy. Said he: "I regard the steady increase of naval JAMES COCHRANE DOBBIN 189 strength not as a war, but as a peace measure." So he suggested to Congress the building of six new first-class war vessels. Congress adopted his plans and voted the money. Dobbin gave the closest attention to the build- ing of these ships. They were regarded as the finest in the American navy. The Return of the Perry Expedition. — Just before Dobbin became secretary of the navy another North Carolinian, William A. Gra- ham, had held that office. Graham had sent out an ex- pedition, under Commodore ]M. C. Perry, to make a treaty of peace between the United States and the Emperor of Japan. But Graham resigned before Perry returned to the United States. When Perry reached this country Dobbin was the secretary of the navy. Perry brought back an important treaty which, as we shall see later, has had a wonderful effect on the history of the world. This important work was begun while one North Caro- linian was at the head of the navy department, and completed while another was its head. Dobbin's Return to North Carolina. — Dobbin did his great work in spite of very poor health. He realized that his work in the cabinet was slowly pulling him down to the grave. At one time he thought of resigning, but the President begged him not to do so. He therefore remained at his post until the end. On March 6, 1857, his Franklin Pierce 190 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA term of office came to an end, and he prepared at once to return to North Carohna. The people all along the route in the State prepared to give him a royal welcome. At Weldon Matt W. Ransom, who was afterward for many years a United States sen- ator, was appointed to deliver the address welcoming Dobbin back to North Carolina. But Dobbin was too ill to leave the train, and the ceremonies were omitted. At Wilmington, too, similar preparations were made but could not be carried out. All the flags on the vessels in the harbor were displayed in honor of the distinguished secretary. A great reception had been planned at Fay- etteville; but it, too, had to be given up. The committee addressed to INIr. Dobbin a beautiful letter welcoming him back to his native town. To this he replied feelingly and eloquently. Dobbin's Death. — Dobbin and his friends all realized that he had returned home to die. His death occurred at his home in Fayetteville, August 4, 1857. His last words were: "Praise the Lord, oh, my soul'" The news of his death was everywhere received with great sorrow. Many eloquent tributes were paid to his mem- ory. Probably no other man in the history of North Carolina ever attained such eminence, or rendered such great services to the State and Nation, at so early an age, as James C. Dobbin. REVIEW 1. Wlicn and where was Dobbin born? Where did he receive his early education? 2. How old was he when he entered the University? Give an account of his career at the University. JAMES COCHRANE DOBBIN 191 3. What is said about Dobbin as a lawyer? 4. Tell about his election to Congress. 5. What measures did he support in the Legislature? 6. Describe the work of Dorothea Dix in North Carolina. 7. How did Dobbin help her? What did Miss Dix say about her success? 8. What other services did Dobbin render in the Legislature? 9. Give an account of his services as secretary of the navy. 10. Tell of his return to North Carolina. His death. QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. What other North Carolinians have been at the head of the N^vy Department? Who were the Presidents at the time? 2. Explain what Dobbin meant by saying that a large navy was "not a icar, but a peace measure"? 3. For what purposes are war vessels used besides for fighting? CHAPTER XVI WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRAHAM Two Officers of the Revolution. — Two of the officers under Wilham R. Davie who helped to win for Charlotte the name of "Hornets' Nest" were Major Joseph Graham and Major John Davidson. During the war they fought side by side for American independence and became close friends. After the Rev- olution their friendship was made still closer when Major Graham married Major Da- vidson's beautiful daughter, Isabella. The young couple made their home in Lincoln county. They had twelve children. Their eleventh child was William Alexander Graham. William A. Graham's School Days. — William A. Graham was born in Lincoln county, September 5, 1804. His mother died when he was only three and a half years old. Until he was old enough to go to school, William ran about the farm and enjoyed the free and happy life of a country boy. His older brothers must have told 192 William Alexander Graham WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRAHAM 193 him some dreadful tales about the things that happened at school, for when the day came for William to start to school he could not be found. After a long search he was discovered hiding under the bed, and kicking and screaming he was dragged out by the heels. His first school was near his home, but when he was a little older he was sent to a school in Mecklenburg county. There he lived with an uncle three miles from the schoolhouse. Every day William rode horseback to school with his little friend James W. Osborne riding behind. Afterward he attended schools at Lincolnton, Statesville, and Hillsboro. His teachers declared that he was one of their best pupils, and praised him for his sense of honor and truthfulness. One of his classmates said: "He was the only boy I ever knew who would spend his Saturdays in reviewing the studies of the week." Graham at the University. — At fifteen Graham entered the University of North Carolina. He was noted for his careful observance of the rules of the college and for his courtesy to members of the faculty. He was popular, too, with the students. Although he was a hard student, he found time to give to reading, and to pay close attention to the work of the Dialectic Literary Society. There he received the training that made him one of North Carolina's greatest orators. In 1824 he was graduated with the highest honors and was selected to be one of the speakers at commencement. Admission to the Bar. — Leaving the University, Graham went to Hillsboro to study law under the great lawyer. Chief Justice Ruffin. In 1827 he received his license and settled at Hillsboro. At that time no other town in the State was the home of so many eminent 194 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA men. Among them were Chief Justice Ruffin, Fred- erick Nash, who afterward became chief justice, Archi- bald D. Murphey, and Willie P. Mangum, who became a United States senator. Other great lawyers attended the courts at Hillsboro. It was not long before William A. Graham showed himself able to stand among the greatest of them. One of his first cases attracted a large crowd to the court- house. He spoke so well that the older lawyers present were surprised. William H. Haywood, of Raleigh, asked somebody who had prepared young Graham's speech. When told that Graham had prepared it him- self, Haywood exclaimed, "William Gaston could have done it no better." Graham as an Orator. — Graham was well fitted to be a great orator. He had read a great deal and re- membered what he read. All of his speeches were pre- pared with great care. Besides, he looked like an orator. Six feet in height, straight as an arrow, with broad, high forehead and flashing eyes, he was the very picture of an orator. His manners were easy and graceful, and his voice, though full and strong, was soft and musical. He spoke with much force and feeling, but he was careful to treat his opponents with fairness and courtesy. His Work in the Legislature. — In 1833 Graham was elected a member of the Legislature, and was reelected seven times. In 1838 he was elected speaker, and two years later was again elected unanimously. Whenever he rose to speak, the other members listened attentively to his words. He served on many of the most important committees of the Assembly. The two things that interested Graham most were WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRAHAM 195 education and internal improvements. He advocated laws for the building of good roads, the digging of canals, and the widening and deepening of channels of rivers. These things he declared were necessary in order that farmers and manufacturers might get their products to market easily and cheaply. But Graham's best work was done in behalf of schools and railroads. He was one of those statesmen, very rare in those days, who thought that all the children of the State ought to be educated in schools supported by public taxation. While traveling through New England in 1831 he wrote that of all the interesting things that he had seen he liked best the public schools. He called them "the glory of New England." In the Legislature he spoke eloquently in favor of public schools for North Carolina, and he always served on the committee on education. He wrote a large part of the first law to provide public schools in North Carolina. Graham was also greatly interested in the building of railroads. The first two railroads built in North Carolina were the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad and the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. Graham advo- cated the law for building the former and wrote the law for building the latter. For building these two rail- roads the Legislature voted large sums. Many members of the Legislature opposed these measures because they said railroads would ruin the State! But Graham and other leading men spoke eloquently for them and pointed out their benefits so plainly that the laws were passed and work was soon begun on the roads. We cannot see now how we could get along without them. Graham in the United States Senate. — Graham's 196 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA work in the Legislature was so wise, that in 1840 he was elected United States senator. In the Senate he served on several important committees and took part in some of the Senate's most important business. Two of his speeches in the Senate attracted much attention in the country. At that time John Tyler was President. Tyler was elected by the Whig Party, of which Graham was- also a member, but he and the Whigs had quarreled. Many of the leading Whigs, therefore, refused to vote money to enable him to carry on the business of the government. But Graham declared such action was unpatriotic. He would not cripple the whole government in order to spite the President. "I will not," he exclaimed, "stop the action of the government by denying it the means of going on, no matter who may be in power." All patriotic people applauded this sentiment. On another occasion, during a heated debate, a New England senator declared that the States would not obey a certain law which the Senate was about to pass. " What then will you do? " he asked. '' Will the govern- ment send armed troops to compel the States to obey?" But Graham sharply rebuked the Northern senator for such unpatriotic words. The States, he said, would obey the Constitution and the laws, not from fear of punishment, but because it was their duty to do so. "It is faith, honor, conscience," he exclaimed, "and not the hangman's whip" upon which rest the blessings of our government. Such patriotic words won for Graham many friends and admirers. He was in the Senate only two years, but in that time he took a leading place among the states- men of the Union. WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRAHAM 197 Four Years as Governor. — Upon leaving the Senate in 1842 Graham returned to Hillsboro to practise law. But the people would not permit him to remain in pri- vate life. In 1844 they elected him governor, and in 184G they elected him a second time. In the first election he defeated his opponent by a majority of 3,153, but in the second election his majority was twice that number. He declared that if he were to consult his own wishes, he would decline the high honor, but, if the people wanted him to serve them, he thought it his duty to obey. So he began his work as governor, January 1, 1845. The new Governor's inaugural address was heard by a large crowd. In it he urged the people to love and honor their native State. "If," said he, " we glory in the name of American citizens, it should be with feelings akin to filial affection and gratitude that we remember we are North Carolinians. In our past history we have gained a high character for the virtues of honesty and fidelity. In the future let us fervently unite our prayers that our beloved North Carolina may still be permitted to walk in her integrity, the object of our loyalty and pride, as she is the home of our hearts and affections." As governor Graham devoted his energies to the im- provement of agriculture, commerce, and education in the State. He formed wise plans to increase the revenue of the State so that great works of internal improvements might be carried on. He urged the building of railroads, canals, and public highways. He advocated an agricul- tural survey of the State so as to find out what products were best suited to each section. He earnestly sup- ported the plans for a school for the deaf and dumb, and for an asylum for the insane. 198 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA In him the pubhc schools found one of their best friends. He thought that their greatest need was a general head, called the superintendent, who should ''devote his whole time and attention in imparting to them vigor and usefulness." This w^as a subject, he declared, which ought to "engage the best talents and most exalted patriotism of the country." Afterward, in 1852, the Legislature appointed a superintendent as Graham had suggested. The North Carolina Railroad. — We have already seen how Graham while a member of the Legislature advocated the building of the Wilmington and Weldon and the Raleigh and Gaston railroads. As governor he urged the building of another railroad from Raleigh to Charlotte. The plan was for the road afterward to be extended to Goldsboro. At Raleigh it would connect with the railroads of the North, at Charlotte with those of the South, and at Goldsboro with both. It was to be called the North Carolina Railroad. Governor Graham worked hard to get the law passed to vote money for building this railroad. But as the Democrats were opposed to it, there was a hard struggle. The bill was passed in the House of Commons, but when the vote was taken in the Senate it was a tie. Then occurred one of the bravest and most patriotic acts in our history. It was the duty of the Speaker to break the tie. The speaker was Calvin Graves, a Demo- crat. He knew that his party was opposed to the bill. If he voted for it, the Democrats would never again elect him to a public office. Yet he believed that the railroad would be a great blessing to the State. What then should he do? Should he sacrifice all his hopes of high WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRAHAM 199 public office, and vote for the bill? Or should he vote against it and win the applause of his party? He did not hesitate. He loved his State better than he did his party, and gave his vote for the railroad. So the bill became a law. Calvin Graves was never again elected to a public office. But he had done his State a great service, for the North Carolina Railroad has proved to be a great blessing to the State. The work was begun in July, 1851. In the presence of a great crowd at Greensboro, Calvin Graves threw the first shovel of dirt which began this great work. The North Carolina Railroad now runs from Goldsboro to Charlotte and is a part of the Southern Railway system. War with Mexico. — While Graham was governor, war broke out between the United States and Mexico. The Whigs were opposed to this war. They thought that the United States was wrong in her claims and that the war was unnecessary. This was also Governor Graham's opinion. But he thought also that, after the war was begun, it was the duty of patriotic citizens to support their own country. So when the President called on North Carolina for troops. Governor Graham responded promptly. He issued his call for volunteers, and more than three times the required number offered their services. The United States army officer in charge of these troops said: " Pub- Uc men may differ about the justice of the war, but the good people of the Old North State have shown that, in a foreign war, they know no party but their country, and no country but their own." Graham Becomes a Member of the President's Cabi- net. — Under the Constitution of North Carolina no 200 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA man could be governor for more than two terms, or four years. So in 1849 Governor Graham retired from that office. His reputation as a wise statesman had now spread throughout the Union. President Taylor offered to appoint him United States minister either to Russia or to Spain, but he declined to accept either place. The next year President Fillmore asked him to become a member of his cabinet as secretary of the navy. This office Graham accepted. As secretary of the navy he per- formed several important ser- vices for the United States, but here we can mention only one of them. The Opening of Japan. — In 1852 Graham sent a naval expedition to Japan that has had a w^onderful influence on the history of the whole world. At that time the Japanese were only a half-civilized people. They lived entirely to themselves. They carried on no commerce with foreign people and would not even permit foreigners to enter their country. But since 1852 a great change has taken place. To-day Japan carries on commerce with all parts of the world, and is one of the great and powerful nations of the earth. Her people are industrious, enlightened, and highly civilized. This wonderful change began with the expe- dition which William A. Graham sent to Japan. Several events had occurred which made it important for the United States to be on friendly terms with Japan. President Fillmore WILLIAM AlvKXAXDKR GIIAHAM 201 California had just been added to the United States, so that the Union stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Thousands of people were moving into that State every year, A railroad had just been built across the Isthmus of Panama. Some American seamen who had been Perry Delivering President's Letter to Emperor of Japan shipwrecked on the coast of .Iai)an had been thrown into prison and cruelly treated. So Secretary Graham decided to send a naval expedi- tion to Japan to try to make a treaty of peace with the Emperor. He placed the expedition under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry. Perry carried, sealed in a costly gold box, a letter from the President of the United States to the Emperor of Japan. The Japanese were very reluctant to have any dealings with the for- eigners, but Perry was wise and careful. He finally succeeded in getting the Emperor to sign a treaty which permitted the Japanese and the Americans to 202 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA carry on trade with each other. As we have already seen, this treaty was completed while James C. Dobbin was secretary of the navy. Since then Japan has made similar treaties with other nations and has become one of the great commercial nations of the world. Graham Nominated for Vice-President. — In 1852 the Whig Party nominated Graham for the Vice-Presi- dency of the United States. Accordingly he resigned his position in the Cabinet. In the election the Whigs were defeated. Graham then returned to the practise of the law at Hillsboro. The Slavery Question. — During the next few years the whole country became deeply stirred over the slavery question. When the Union was formed, all of the States permitted slaves to be held within their limits. But after a few years, finding that slavery did not pay in the cold North, most of the Northern States abolished it. Little by little the Northern people began to think that slavery was a great moral wrong. They had many discussions about it and formed many plans to have it abolished throughout the Union. But the Southern people did not think it wrong to hold slaves. They declared that the negroes were better off than if they had remained in Africa. In the South, they said, the slaves were treated kindly, cared for in sickness and old age, and taught the Christian religion. Both the whites and the negroes in the South were satisfied, so the Northern people had no right to interfere with them. Congress had no power to abolish slavery in any of the States. But Congress could declare that slaves should not be held in any of the new States which should be WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRAHAM 203 admitted to the Union. The North, therefore, insisted that this should be done. The South opposed it. The Southern people declared that the territory from which these States were formed belonged to all the people of the United States. Therefore the Southern people ought to have the same right to carry their slaves into such States as the Northern people had to carry their horses and cattle. Great disputes grew out of these questions. Both sides became angry and said many harsh things about each other. Secession. — Finally some of the Southern States declared that if they could not get equal rights in the Union, they would withdraw from the Union. Such withdrawal was called "secession." But the North declared that no State had a right to secede from the Union. For a while the two sections forgot their quarrel over slavery, and quarreled about the right of secession. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln, a Northern man who was bitterly opposed to slavery, was elected President. Thereupon South Carolina declared him to be such an enemy to the South that she would no longer remain in the Union. In 1860 she seceded. Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana, and Texas soon did like- wise. These seven States then formed a new government called "The Confederate States of America," and invited the other Southern States to join them. Shall North Carolina Secede. — Should North Caro- hna accept this invitation? On this question the people were divided. William A. Graham was among those who answered, "No!" He loved the old Union for which his father had fought so bravely and which he 204 HISTORY OF NORTH (CAROLINA himself had served so well. So he worked hard to prevent North Carolina from seceding. He spoke powerfully and eloquently in favor of the Union and against secession. When the people, in February, 1861, came to vote on the question, they followed Graham's advice, and voted against secession. North Carohna tried to preserve peace between the North and the South. But in April, 1861, war began in spite of her efforts. President Lincoln then demanded that North Carolina send troops to fight the other South- ern States. But the Governor, John W. Ellis, replied, "You can get no troops from North Carolina." Even Governor Graham and others who had opposed secession now declared that North Carolina must take her stand with the South. So a Convention was called to meet at Raleigh, May 20, 1861, to decide what should be done. Graham was elected a member of that Convention. On May 20, the Convention adopted the ordinance of secession, which separated North Carolina from the United States. Graham voted for this ordinance. North Carolina then joined the Confederate States. Graham in the Confederate States Senate. — In 1863 Graham was elected a member of the Confederate States Senate. He at once became one of the leaders in that body, and was elected president, -pro tem^ He gave loyal support to the Confederate government. When he saw that the South could not win, he urged President Davis to make peace. President Davis declared that he had no power to make peace, but, if the States wished 'The Vice-Prosident (Alexander H. Stephens) was President of the Senate. But the Senate elected a President pro tern to preside whenever the Vice-President of the Confederate States was absent. WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRAHAM 205 to do so, each one could make peace for herself. So in April, 1865 Graham went to Raleigh to urge Governor Vance to make peace for North Carolina and put a stop to further bloodshed. But Vance was not willing to do The Capitol at Richmond, Va., in which the ( 'trnFEDEKAiE ('on<;kks« Met so. Besides, it was too late, for while they were dis- cussing the matter, General Lee surrendered to General Grant, and soon the war was at an end. Reconstruction. — After the war, sad times followed for the South. Union soldiers were stationed in various places to overawe the people. Northern adventurers, called "carpet-baggers," roamed from place to place, protected by the soldiers while they robbed and plundered at will. Ignorant negroes were placed in high and impor- tant offices, but such men as Graham and Vance were not allowed even to vote. Men who remained true to 206 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA the South were denied their rights, deprived of their liberties, and often treated with great cruelty. During those terrible days the people of North Caro- lina looked to Governor Graham as their wisest leader. In 1868 a great meeting of the leading men of the State was held at Raleigh. They were to decide on plans for rescuing the State from the carpet-baggers and negroes. Governor Graham was selected as the leader of this convention. He opened the session with a speech which aroused the members from their despair and planted in them a determination to rescue the State. How a Governor was Punished. — This Convention formed a new party made up of men who had been Demo- crats and men who had been Whigs before the war. All forgot their old differences in trying to save the State from the new dangers. They called their new party the Conservative Party. In 1870 Graham led this party to victory. He then advised the Legislature to impeach the governor, William W. Holden. Holden had been elected by the carpet-baggers and negroes, and was accused of committing crimes against the State. Graham's advice was taken, and Holden was brought before the Senate to be tried. Graham made a powerful speech against him. He showed that Governor Holden had disobeyed the Constitution and broken the laws of the State. The Senate found him guilty of the charges, and removed him from office. Thus the rule of the carpet- baggers and negroes was overthrown in North Carolina. Graham's Work for Education. — Governor Graham always took a deep interest in education. In 1834 he was chosen a member of the Board of Trustees of the University and served until his death. WILLIAM ALEXANDER GRAHAM 207 One of the greatest calamities of the war in North Carohna was the destruction of the public schools. The people of the South were too poor immediately after the war to reopen their schools. In 1867 George Peabody, a wealthy merchant of New England, gave $3,500,000 to be used in helping to reestablish the schools of the South. He appointed a board, called "The Peabody Education Board," to manage this fund. It was com- posed of some of the best known men in the United States. One of them was Governor Graham. He served on the board until his death and was deeply inter- ested in its work. Through the work of this board hundreds of schools in the South were reopened, and thousands of Southern boys and girls were educated. Graham's Last Service and Death. — The last service Graham was called on to render was for the State of Virginia. For many years Virginia and Maryland had had a dispute about their boundary line. In 1874 they agreed to select three men to decide the dispute. Vir- ginia selected Governor Graham. Maryland selected Governor Black of Pennsylvania. The third man was Governor Winston of Alabama. In the summer of 1875 they met at Saratoga Springs, New York, to begin their work. But soon after meeting, Governor Graham was taken seriously ill, and on August 11, 1875, he died. Great honor was paid to his memory by the two States whose dispute he was trying to settle, and by his native State. His body was placed in the Capitol at Raleigh, where thousands of people came to see their great leader for the last time. Then, escorted by the soldiers of the State, it was taken to Hillsboro and buried in the Presbyterian Churchyard. Of him Gov- 208 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA ernor Stuart of Virginia, who knew him well, said: "I have rarely met a wiser man, and never a better man than WilHam A. Graham." GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. Trace the course of the Wihiiington and Weldon Raih'oad. 2. The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad ran between the two towns of those names. It is now part of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. Trace its course. 3. What towns and counties do these two railroads pass through? REVIEW 1. When and where was Graham l)orn? Tell about his school days. 2. What is said about his work at the University? 3. What profession did he choose? Where did he make his home? Who were some of the lawyers there at the time? What success did Graham have? 4. How was he fitted to be an orator? 0. Give an account of his services in the Legislature. 6. What is said of his ser\-ices in the United States Senate? 7. Tell about Graham's election as governor. What did he say about North Carolina in his inaugural address? 8. Give an account of his services as governor. 9. Tell the story of the fight for the North Carolina Railroad. 10. What did Graham think about the war with Mexico? How did he help the United States? IL To what office was he appointed by President Fillmore? 12. Give an account of the expedition he sent to Japan. 13. Explain what the North and the South each thought about slavery. 14. What power did Congress have over slavery? How did this lead to disputes between the North and the South? 15. What remedy did the South suggest? What did the North say about secession? 16. Tell about the formation of the Confederate States. WILLIAM ALEXANDER (JRAHAiM 209 17. What did the people of North Carolina say and do about seces- sion? What was Graham's position? 18. What event occurred in April, 1861, that changed the ideas of such men as Graham? What did the State then do? What was the date of the secession of North Carolina? 19. Give an account of Graham's services as Confederate States Senator. 20. What is meant by "Reconstruction"? What services did Graham render to the State during those days ? 21. What new party was formed in 1868? What was its object? Who was its leader? What success did it have? 22. Give an account of Graham's work for education. 23. What service did Graham render the State of Virginia? 24. Write a summary of his life. QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. Explain how good roads and other internal improvements help the people of any community. 2. What is the difference between a "bill" and a "law" ? 3. What were the causes of the war with Mexico? Why were the Whigs opposed to this war? 4. Make a list of the members of President Fillmore's Cabinet. 5. Explain how the adding of California to the United States affected our relations with Japan. 6. Explain fully the difference between the ideas of the North and the South on slavery. On secession. 7. Why did North Carolina refuse to secede in February, 1861, and then secede in May, 1861 ? 8. Who were the carpet-baggers and why were they called that? 9. Many schools in North Carolina have received aid from the Peabody Education Fund. Is yours one of them? CHAPTER XVII CALVIN HENDERSON WILEY The Founding of Colleges. — We have seen how W^illiam R. Davie and others worked to establish the University. After the year 1800 several other colleges were built. Among them were colleges for girls at Salem, Greensboro and Raleigh, and such colleges for boys as W-'ake Forest, Davidson, Trinity, and Guilford. All of these colleges, except the University, were under the control of the various churches of the State. The University was a great public school, controlled by the State. But it was intended only for well-advanced boys. Many years passed after the founding of the University before any public schools for little folk were opened. Common Schools. — The three men who took the leading part in the founding of public schools for beginners were Bartlett Yancey, Joseph Caldwell, and Archibald D. Murphey. Yancey was for many years one of the leading members of the Legislature. Caldwell was pres- ident of the University. Murphey was a learned lawyer, a fine scholar and an eminent judge. In 1816 Murphey prepared a plan for public schools which he presented in 1817 to the Legislature. Such schools then were called " common schools." Murphey 's plan was considered so good that he is often called the "Father of the Common Schools." Y^ancey and Cald- 210 CALVIN HExNDERSON WILEY 211 well supported Murphey's plan and all three spoke and wrote strongly for the common schools. The Literary Board. — But nearly ten years passed before they could get the Legislature to do anything. In 1825 the Legislature passed a law to lay aside certain money to be used for the support of colnmon schools. This was to be called the "Literary Fund," and was to be managed by five men who were called the "Liter- ary Board." At first the fund was small, and ten more years passed before any of it was used for education. In 1837 North Carolina received more than one million dollars as her share of some money which the United States Government distributed to the States. The Legislature passed a law to add most of this money to the Literary Fund, and the fund soon amounted to about two million dollars. Opening of the Common Schools. — In 1840, therefore, the common schools were opened. But for several years they did not do very well and the people were not satisfied with them. The members of the Literary Board all had other work to do and of course could not give much attention to the schools. Many people thought that the schools ought to have one man at their head whose duty it should be to look after them and nothing else. Such an officer would be called the super- intendent of common schools. So in 1852 the Legis- lature passed a law to place a superintendent in charge of the schools, and elected to that important office Calvin Henderson Wiley. Calvin Henderson Wiley. — None of the men that we have read about did a more important work for North Carohna than Calvin H. Wiley. He was elected 212 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA superintendent of common schools six times, and re- mained at their head for thirteen years. The people had great confidence in him and became very proud of their schools. In these schools thousands of children received the only education they ever had. Calvin H. Wiley was born on a farm in Guilford county, February 3, 1819. The first member of his family in North Carolina came from Pennsylvania some time before the Revo- lution. His grandfather, David Wiley, when a small boy, was present at the bat- tle of Alamance. When the Revolution broke out David Wiley entered the American army and fought bravely for American independence. Calvin H. Wiley's father was David L. Wiley and his mother was Anne Woodburn. His mother hoped that he would become a Presbyterian preacher, so she selected for him the names of two Presbyterian ministers, that of the great John Calvin and that of her old pastor. Rev. Dr. Henderson. Wiley's Early Life. — At an early age young Wiley was sent to Caldwell Institute at Greensboro, where he was prepared for college. In 1836 he entered the Uni- versity, where he was graduated in 1840. Instead of entering the ministry, he decided to study law. In 1841 Calvin H. Wiley CALVIN HENDERSON WILEY 213 he settled at Oxford to practise his profession. But clients were few in number and the young attorney found more time than cases on his hands. But he made good use of his spare time by reading and writing. From 1841 to 1843 he was editor of a paper called the Oxford Mercury. In 1847 he published a novel called "Ala- mance," and two years later a second novel called " Roanoke." Wiley Discovers Two Great Evils. — But Wiley soon found more important work to do than writing novels. He had noticed two evils in North Carolina that gave him much anxiety. First, he noticed that North Carolina was regarded by publishing companies as one of the best states in the Union for the sale of trashy books, and that every year thousands of such books were sold in the State. Secondly, he noticed that every year thousands of people were leaving North Carohna and moving to the South and West. North Carolina, he declared, seemed to be "regarded by its own citizens as a mere nursery to grow up in." The sign "For Sale" seemed to be posted all over the State. "The ruinous effects," he wrote, " are eloquently recorded in deserted farms, . . . in the absence of improvements, and in the hardships, sacrifices and sorrows of constant emigration." Wiley Proposes a Remedy. — Wiley set himself the task of finding a remedy for these evils. After carefully studying the situation he decided that the only remedy was education. The children of North Carohna, he declared, must be taught to love their own State, to take a pride in her welfare, and to understand the opportu- nities which she offered to them. They must also be 214 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA trained how to make use of those opportunities. This great work could be done only by the common schools, and the great need of the common schools was a superin- tendent to direct them in their work. To this work Wiley decided to devote his life. In 1849 he left Oxford and returned to Guilford county. There he told the people what he wanted to do. In order to do it he must become a member of the Legisla- ture. So he asked the people of Guilford county to elect him their representative in the Legislature of 1850. The people had great confidence in him and chose him to represent them in the General Assembly. When the Legislature met, Wiley worked hard to get a law passed to provide a superintendent for the common schools. He spoke eloquently in favor of his plan. ''These schools," he said, ''have been open for seven or eight years. ... In that time they have shed on thirty thousand darkened souls the strengthening and healthful light of knowledge. . . . But perhaps there are those who believe the book of knowledge should be a sealed book to the millions. I have heard such opinions expressed. ... I can only say, in answer to those who may think so, that in all my observation I have found happiness, comfort, and intelligence dwelling to- gether. . . . Let the laborer as well as the politician be educated, and our ships and fields and farms will then take rank with our sermons and speeches. You have doubtless seen magicians taking any amount of stores from a bag of plenty which appeared to be empty: the free schoolhouses, the dirty log houses , . . are filled with untold treasures if we but only knew how to draw them out." CALVIN HENDERSON WILEY 21; But the Legislature, in spite of his powerful appeal, refused to pass his bill. However, he did not give up the fight. In 1852 he returned to the Legislature and again went to work for the common schools. He was so much in earnest, he worked so hard, and he spoke so eloquently in favor of his plan, that this time he suc- ceeded. A law was passed providing for a superintendent of the common schools, and when the time came to elect a man to the office all eyes turned at once toward Wiley himself. So he was elected and began his work January 1, 1853. Wiley's Task. — Wiley found a hard task before him. The schools were in a wretched condition. Most of the school-houses were mere log hovels. Teachers were scarce and generally very poor. They cared but little about their work. The money for the schools was being wasted. The people did not understand how to manage their schools. Many thought they were charity schools intended only for poor children. Others had no confidence in their work. They were poorly attended, and thousands of children were growing up in ignorance because they had no one to direct their educa- tion. First of all the SU- ^he Old Type of a School perintendent had to teach the people what common schools really were. He rode nearly all over the State, from the mountains to the sea, in an old-fashioned buggy, 216 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA talking to the people about education and trying to get them interested in their schools. He wrote about the schools in the newspapers, in hundreds of letters, in messages to the governor, and he spoke about them in eloquent speeches. Two of his hardest tasks were to teach the officers their duties and to teach the teachers how to teach. To aid in this important work he established in every school district a Teachers' Library Association to supply the teachers with good books. He began the pubhcation of a teachers' magazine called the North Carolina School Journal. He organized the teachers of the State into a State Teachers' Association. Others had tried several times to organize a teachers' association, but where they failed Wiley succeeded. What Wiley Accomplished. — His work was slow and discouraging. But Wiley had patience and determina- tion. He resolved to succeed, and he did not know the meaning of the word "give-up." And in the end he did succeed. Old friends of the schools were discovered and put to work. Many new friends were made. Enemies were met and routed. Better school-houses were built. The school term was made longer than ever before. Incompetent officers were removed, and the good ones were spurred on to better work. Poor teachers were dismissed, and better ones put in their places. The colleges began to take an interest in the common schools, and the people were proud of them. When Wiley began his work there were only 800 public school teachers in the State. He increased this number to more than 2,000. The number of schools was increased from less than 2,000 to nearly 3,000. He CALVIN HENDERSON WILIOV 217 increased the amount of money spent each year from $130,000 to !ii;400,000. When he took charge he found only 83,000 children enrolled; this number was increased to 110,000. And those 116,000 children had better A Modern Rural Elementary School-house (Many are found in North Curoliua) school-houses, better books, better teachers, and longer terms than the 83,000 had had. Besides these improvements, the people were no longer leaving North Carolina in such large numbers. The spirit of education was bringing about industrial progress and agricultural improvement. The people were becoming aware of the opportunities offered in North Carolina and were more attached to their homes than ever before. Everybody admitted that the success of the common schools was due to Calvin H. Wiley. 218 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Shall the Common Schools be Closed? — But suddenly everything was changed. In 1861, just as the common schools were beginning to do their best work, the great war between the North and the South broke out. North Carolina needed large sums of money to buy arms, ammunition, food, and clothes for her soldiers. Some persons suggested that the common schools be closed and the school money used for the purposes of war. Wiley was strongly opposed to this. "No people," he exclaimed, "can, or ought to be free, who are not willing to educate their children." The schools, he said, must be kept open in spite of the war. He first went to see the Governor. The Governor heard him gladly and promised to help him. Then Wiley went before the Legislature and spoke for the schools. Here he had his hardest fight, for many of the members were in favor of closing the schools until after the war. But Wiley was just as determined to fight the battles of the children as the soldiers were to fight the battles of their country. He fought hard and won a great victory. The Legislature declared that the school money must not "be used for war purposes and that the schools must be kept open. The Schools are Kept Open. — So in spite of war and poverty and suffering Wiley kept the doors of the common schools open. But of course they suffered from the war just as everything else did. Wiley's difficulties were greater than ever. He found it hard to get text- books. He found it hard to get teachers. But in spite of all these troubles, and a hundred others, in 1863 the common schools enrolled more than 50,000 children. Nothing, declared Wiley, reflected greater honor on CALVIN HENDERSON WILEY 219 North Caralina, or showed her spirit better, than this fact! The Schools are Closed. — But when the war came to a close and the South was defeated, everything was thrown into confusion. Men from the North who cared nothing for North Carolina gained control of the State. They turned Governor Vance and the other officers out of their offices. Men who had been true to the South were not allowed either to hold office or to vote. Their places were taken by North- ern ''carpet-baggers" and ignorant negroes. Wiley, too, was dismissed from office. Then the common schools, which he had kept open during all the terrible days of war, were closed. But he had done a great work for the State. Many thou- sand children who could never have gone to any other schools had been taught in the common schools and become educated men and women. Wiley Enters the Ministry. — While he was superintendent of com- mon schools Wiley studied theology and became a Presbyterian minister. Many honors were bestowed on him. He was frequently asked to make educational addresses both in North Carolina and in other states. The Legislature of Georgia invited him Monument to Calvin H. Wiley at West End School, Winston, N. C. INSCRIPTION Erected by the pupils of The Graded Schools of Winston to the Memory of Rev. Calvin H. Wiley, D. D. As one of the Founders of The Schools of this City And as the Father of the Public School System of N. C. Feb. 3, lS19-Jan. 11, 1887 Supt. Public Instruction 1853-1867 220 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA to address them on the subject of common schools and to help them organize in Georgia such a system as he had organized in North Carohna. In 1881 the Uni- versity conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. Wiley's Last Years. — After the war Dr. Wiley moved for a short time to Tennessee, but in 1874 returned to North Carolina. From then till his death his home was in Winston. In that city he became the leader in establishing the Winston graded schools, and for many years was the chairman of the board of trustees. He died in Winston, January 11, 1887. The school children of Winston have erected, on their playground, a monu- ment to his memory. REVIEW Give an account of — 1. The founding of colleges in North Carolina. 2. The leaders in the founding of common schools. 3. The Literary Board. 4. The opening of the common schools. 5. The early life of Calvin H. Wiley. His education. 6. The two great evils that Wiley discovered in North Carolina. 7. The remedy that he proposed. 8. His plan for obtaining this remedy. 9. What he said about the common schools. 10. Educational conditions in North Carolina when Wiley took charge of the common schools. 11. His plans to interest the people in education. 12. Results of his work. 13. Effect of the Civil War on the common schools. ^ 14. The closing of the schools. 15. Wiley's career after the war. CALMX HENDERSON WILEY 221 QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY L What schools were founded for girls at Salem, Greensboro, and Raleigh before 1840 ? When and where were Wake Forest, Trinity, Davidson, Elon, and Guilford colleges founded? 2. Wliat official is now at the head of the public school system of North Carolina? Make a list with the dates of their terms of all the men who have held this office in North Carolina. 3. How is money raised in North Carolina for the support of public schools? CHAPTER XVIII ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE The Varices and the Bairds. — Zebulon Baird Vance was born about ten miles from Asheville, May 13, 1830. His father's name was David Vance, his mother's Mar- garet Baird. They named their boy after his mother's father, Zebulon Baird. The Vances and the Bairds were among the earliest settlers in the mountainous section of North Carolina. During the Revolution both families sent sturdy patri- ots to the American army. Some of them were among the heroes of King's Moun- tain. From them young Zebulon B. Vance inherited a strong mind, a vigorous body, and an intense love of liberty. The house in which Zebulon B. Vance was born, was a small, simple farmhouse. But it stood amid some of the grandest scenery on the American continent. Near by the beautiful French Broad river flowed through a green valley. The loftiest peaks of the Blue Ridge Z. B. Vance ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE 223 Mountains threw their shadows on the httle cottage. Within plain view was Mt. Mitchell, the highest moun- tain east of the Rocky Mountains. Forests of giant oaks and hickory and laurel covered the mountain sides. The valley was bright with flowers and musical with the songs of birds. All this beauty and grandeur had a strong effect on the lad who grew up in its midst. It kindled his imagi- nation; it planted in him an intense love of nature; it filled him with a deep pride in his native land; and it aroused in him an ambition to be of some great service to his country. Vance at School. — There were no good schools near young "Zeb" Vance's home. The poorest boy in North Carolina to-day can find a better school right' at his door than ''Zeb" Vance could have found in many a mile of the French Broad. When he was twelve years old his father sent him across the mountains to a school in Tennessee. He also sent him some good advice. ''Do mind your books," he wrote, "and be careful of giving offense to your school mates." "Zeb" seems to have minded his books well, for his mother wrote to him: " We are very glad to hear that you are learning so fast. We hope that you will improve your time so as to make a great and good man." Vance and his Mother. — Many years afterward, while he was governor of his State and was great and famous, he remembered those words; and it made him happy to think that he had not disappointed his mother. Her last words to him were, "God bless you, my dear boy! You have been a good and loving son to me." "How happy it made me feel!" he wrote to one of his 224 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA friends. "Believe me, ... I would not exchange the feeling those blessed assurances of my Mother's love and approbation inspire for all the honors I ever have received or may receive in this world." Vance had been at school but a short time when he was called home by the death of his father. For the next seven or eight years he had to' work to help his mother support the family. It was a hard task, but "Zeb" never grumbled. Vance at the University. — When he became twenty- one Vance decided to study law. He wanted to go to the University, but had no money. What then should he do? At that time the president of the University was David L. Swain. Swain was a native of Buncombe County and knew the Vances well. So "Zeb" decided to write to him for help. The manly tone of young Vance's letter pleased Presi- dent Swain. He replied at once that Vance should have the necessary money. So Vance mounted his horse and rode over the mountains, down to Chapel Hill, and began his studies. He and President Swain soon became warm friends, and their friendship continued until Swain's death. Vance remained at the University only one year. But he studied hard, read good books, and became a well-educated man. His favorite books were the Bible, the works of Shakespere, and the stories of Sir Walter Scott. It would certainly be a difficult task to select a better library than this mountain boy selected for himself. He read but few books, but those few he knew thoroughly. Better still, he made many friends at the University who remained true to him throughout his life. ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE 225 226 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA The Young Lawyer. — After leaving the University Vance went to Asheville to practise law. He soon had a good practice. But he was not too busy with his law to practice love at the same time. On August 3, 1853, he was married to Miss Harriet N. Espy. Vance in the Legislature and in Congress. — Vance was such a good speaker and knew so many good stories that he was always welcome into any company. His lively spirits, his ready wit, and his good humor made him very popular. In 1854, when he was only twenty- four years old, the Whigs elected him a member of the Legislature. Four years later they elected him a member of Congress. He was the youngest member of that body. In 1860 he was elected a second time, but did not remain in Congress much longer. Vance Pleads for the Union. — When the dispute arose between the North and South about secession, Vance was a strong Union man. During the years 1860 and 1861 he spoke frequently in different parts of the State against secession. His greatest speech for the Union was at Salisbury, October 11, 1860. Thousands of people had gathered there to hold a great Union meeting. They marched about the streets in long Union processions. The bands played Union tunes. The people carried Union flags and banners. Many of the most distinguished men in the State were to speak for the Union. There were Governor Graham, Governor John M. Morehead, and George E. Badger, who had been a United States senator. The speaking began in the morning and lasted all day. Vance spoke first. For two hours 5,000 people stood in a cold, drizzling rain and listened to him. When he ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE 227 proposed to stop they cried out, "Go on! Go on!" Not a single person left while he was speaking. When night came, after the others had spoken, the crowd went for Vance, bore him on their shoulders through the streets, and called for another speech, "In a minute," says a writer who was present, "he was up and at it, and for nearly two hours swayed the throng at his w^ill, now with eloquence and argument, and now with uncontrollable mirth. Such a store of amusing and appropriate anecdotes as this 'Mountain Boy' has, is not possessed by any other man living." When one of Badger's friends complimented him on his speech, that great man replied: "You ought to have heard young Vance. He is the greatest stump speaker that ever was — the greatest that ever was!" Vance Goes to War. — Vance worked hard for the Union. But when war began in spite of his efforts, Vance declared that he would stand by the South. " If," he said, "war must come, I prefer to be with my own people. If we have to shed blood, I prefer to shed Northern rather than Southern blood. If I have to slay, I had rather slay strangers than my own kindred and neighbors." So in 1861 he left Congress and came home to get ready for the war. He returned at once to Buncombe county, where he raised a company of sturdy mountain men. They promptly elected him their captain. He called his company the "Rough and Ready Guards." In May, 1861, he led them down to Raleigh, where they joined other North Carolina troops. During the summer Captain Vance was sent to help defend New Bern against an attack by the United States troops. Soon afterward 228 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA he was elected colonel of the Twenty-sixth North Caro- lina Regiment. The Battle of New Bern. — The Confederate army at New Bern was commanded by General L. O'B. Branch, of North Carohna. On March 14, 1862, a strong Union force attacked the Confederates and beat them. General Branch was driven out of New Bern and forced to retreat to Kinston. How Vance Saved his Regiment. — In this battle Colonel Vance showed himself to be a brave and skilful officer. Nothing but his courage and skill saved his regiment from destruction. During the battle Colonel Vance was stationed between a swamp in front and the Trent river behind him. The Union soldiers drove the other Confederates back and got between Colonel Vance and New Bern. They were marching right down on him when he was warned of his danger. All the other Confederate regiments had crossed the Trent on a bridge, but when Colonel Vance reached the river he found the bridge in flames. He hurried up the river to a creek called Brice's Creek. This creek was almost as deep and wide as the river, but it must be crossed. Colonel Vance could find but one small boat, and it could carry only three men at a time. The enemy was about half a mile away with ten times his own numbers. What was he to do? He decided in a flash. ''I jumped my horse in to swim him over," he wrote to his wife, "but when a httle way in he refused to swim, sank two or three times with me, and I had to jump off and swim across with my sword, pistols, and cartridge box on. Once over I rode half a mile to a house and ZEBULOX BAIRD VANCE 229 John R. Lane Harry K. Burgwyn, Jr. Z. B. Vance Colonels of the 26th North Carolina Regiment 230 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA got three boats, which we carried on our shoulders to the creek, and after four hours of hard labor got all my men over but three poor fellows who were drowned. "I can not now speak of the thousand dangers which I passed through. Balls struck all around me. Men were hit right at my feet. My men fought gloriously. We feel quite proud of the good name we have obtained and are determined to maintain it. I should like to dwell upon the many instances of love and affection exhibited by the regiment toward me during the fight and the retreat. I believe they would every one follow me into the jaws of certain death if I led the way." Vance Ordered to Virginia. — Soon after the battle of New Bern, Colonel Vance was ordered to join the Confederate army in Virginia. In the great battles around Richmond he led his men with much skill and courage. He was so daring in battle that his men were afraid he would be killed. They begged him not to expose his life so recklessly. North Carolina, they said, could not afford for him to be killed, for in August the people were going to elect him governor. But Vance refused to shun any danger to which his men were exposed. Every time they went into battle, he rode at their head, cheering and encouraging them. After one of his battles he wrote to his wife: "I was surprised at my feelings. Excitement and pleasure removed every other feeling and I could not resist cheer- ing with might and main." Can we wonder that the soldiers were proud of their gallant young colonel? Thoughts of Home. — But this brave soldier, who took such delight at riding into battle where danger was thickest, could be as tender and loving as a little child. ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE 231 ''I am again officer of the day," he wrote to his wife, ''and shall have to tramp all night around our lines and pickets. The moon is at the full, though, and the nights are beautiful. I shall cast many a thought to-night toward my dear home and many a prayer for my lonely wife and sweet little children. Dear little children! Of such indeed must be the kingdom of heaven!" A Soldier's Letter. — Would you not like to read a letter which this young soldier, sitting in his tent after the battle, wrote to his little six-year-old son? " My Dear Son Charlie, Pa received your letter, and was very happy to read it. I was mighty sorry to lose poor Todd. I wanted to keep him for my children to ride when this war is over. I want you and Brother David to be very good boys, obey your Mother, be kind to each other and to Brother Zebbie. You are getting old enough now to be of great assistance as well as com- pany to Mother, and whilst Pa is away you ought to try hard to take care of her and protect her in her lonely home. You write me that the yard and grass are mighty green and nice. Pa is glad to hear his dear ones have such a beautiful home, and you and Brother will always remember not to break or injure the shrubs and flowers, but always to play in the walks or on the grass away from the shrubbery. Goodbye, son. Kiss Mother and Brother and Cousin for me, and tell the servants howdye for me. Your affectionate Father, Z. B. Vance." Vance is Elected Governor. — In August 1862, while Colonel Vance was in Virginia fighting at the head of 232 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA his regiment, he was elected governor of North CaroHna. He did not ask for this office, but when the people had chosen him he felt that it was his duty to accept. Every soldier in his regiment voted for him. He received twice as many votes from the other North Carolina soldiers as his opponent received. The soldiers believed that he could do more good for the State and for the South as governor than as a soldier. So Vance left the army, went to Raleigh, and on September 8, 1862, began his duties as governor. The Great War Governor. — Not since the days of Governor Caswell had any governor of North Carolina had a harder task before him, and never did any gov- ernor serve the people better. Vance kept the ranks of the North Carolina regiments full. He caused North Carolina to send more soldiers to the Confederate army than there were voters in the State, and he kept her soldiers better clothed and better fed than the soldiers of any other Southern State. It would take too long to tell you all the things that Governor Vance sent to the soldiers. But a few of the things that he bought for them in Europe can be men- tioned. Among them were 2000 fine rifles with 200,000 rounds of ammunition, 12,000 overcoats, 50,000 blankets, 250,000 pairs of shoes, gray cloth for 250,000 uniforms, 100,000 pounds of bacon, $50,000 worth of medicine, and many other things for use in the hospitals. Most of these things of course went to the North Carolina soldiers, but some were also sent to the soldiers of other states. After the great battle of Chickamauga, General Longstreet's soldiers were nearly all in rags. Governor Vance sent them 14,000 suits of uniforms. ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE 233 Many a poor, ragged soldier had shoes on his feet, a blanket to cover him from the snow, and a piece of bacon once a week because Zebulon Baird Vance was governor of North Carolina. For the comfort of soldiers travel- ing to and fro he had inns and hospitals established at several places in the State. In them the wearied, the sick and the wounded were cared for and their wants attended to. Is it any wonder that the soldiers called Governor Vance "Our Zeb," and said that he was the "Great War Governor of the South." Suffering in the South. — The war brought great suf- fering to the people of the South. They found it hard to get enough food and clothes. A gallon of molasses cost 18. It took $50 to buy a bushel of corn, and $100 to buy a barrel of flour. A pair of boy's boots cost $150. Carpets were torn up from the floors and cut into blankets. In order to relieve the suffering of the poor, as much as possible. Governor Vance had granaries established at certain places and corn distributed from them. He also had committees appointed in each county to look after the suffering of the needy. Even the richest people had to do without many common necessities which the poorest now have. Vance's Great Speeches. — When the soldiers learned how their families were suffering at home they of course became dissatisfied, and many of them deserted. No other man did so much as Governor Vance to keep up the spirits of the soldiers and the people. He made eloquent speeches at several places in the State. He visited the army in Virginia and made some stirring speeches to the soldiers. These speeches filled their hearts with new hope and courage. General Lee said 234 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Vance's visit to the army was worth 50,000 soldiers to him. Blockade-Runners. — But Vance did more than make speeches. The chief cause of the suffering in the South was the blockade. The United States, which had a large navy, placed armed vessels at the Southern ports to prevent ships from going out or coming in. The South, whose navy was very small, could not ship out Blockade-Runner Advance her cotton, tobacco, and other products to Europe. And but few clothes or food or military supplies could be brought in from European countries. But some- times, in spite of the watchful war vessels, fast-sailing little ships would slip out of or into the ports. Such vessels were called blockade-runners. The most famous of these blockade-runners was the Advance. The Advance was a swift httle steamer that Gov- ernor Vance bought in Scotland. She was sent to the West Indies, where she took on a cargo and then slipped ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE 235 through the Federal fleet into the harbor of Wilmington. There she was protected by a powerful fort called Fort Fisher. Then loaded with cotton, she would again slip by the war vessels and make a trip to Nassau (Bermuda) or Halifax (Nova Scotia), sell her cotton, and buy another cargo for North CaroUna. The Advance made eleven trips before the United States war vessels could catch her. On these trips she carried out thousands of bales of cotton, and brought back tools for farmers, medicines for the hospitals, uni- forms, blankets, shoes, clothes, and arms and ammunition for the army. Vance in Prison. — In 1864 Vance was elected governor a second time. But before his term was out the war came to a close and he was removed from office by the United States Government. On his thirty-fifth birth- day he was arrested at his home in Statesville by United States soldiers. They carried him to Washington and locked him up in a cell of the Old Capitol Prison, In the same cell with him was John Letcher, governor of Virginia. Though a prisoner, uncertain of what punishment was intended for him, Vance never lost his good spirits. He soon became very popular even with the officers who had to guard him. The United States army officer who was in charge of the prison learned to respect and to love his genial, good-humored prisoner. He did for Vance many acts of kindness and courtesy, and a few years later, when Vance was a member of the United States Senate, he had several opportunities to show his gratitude. Vance's enemies tried hard to find some acts of his that would give them a good excuse to punish 236 • HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA him. But they could find nothing. When the Secretary of War of the United States learned how kind Vance had been to the Union soldiers who were prisoners during the war, he promptly ordered that he be set at liberty. After the War. — Vance was then permitted to return to his home. During the terrible days that followed the war, he was one of the leaders who rescued the State from the carpet-baggers and negroes. After the Conservatives won their great victory over the carpet-baggers, they elec- ted Vance to represent North Carolina in the United States Senate. This was in 1870. But when Vance went to Washington to take his seat in the Senate, the northern men who controlled Congress refused to admit him. Vance Becomes Governor a Third Time. — Then in 1876 the people of North Carolina again turned to him to be their governor. He was elected a third time, and entered upon his duties January 1, 1877. Vance won for himself a place among North Carolina's greatest statesmen. He worked hard to improve the schools for both the whites and the negroes. He urged that normal schools for the training of teachers be estab- lished. He improved the charitable institutions of the State. He aided in the building of railroads. While he was governor peace and order were again enjoyed; the lives and property of the people were protected; schools and colleges were opened. The hum of mills, the shriek of factory whistles, the roar of trains proclaimed that industry had taken the place of war and strife. Trade began to flourish, farmers plowed their fields in safety, and the State grew stronger and richer and happier than ever before. ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE 237 While he was thus making the people of the State happy, Governor Vance himself suffered two great sorrows. Soon after he became governor his mother died, and within less than a month he lost his wife also. These sorrows made the people of the State love him all the more. Vance Becomes Senator. — In 1879, after he had been governor two years, Vance was again elected to the United States senate. This time he was permitted to take his seat. Vance remained in the Senate fifteen years and became one of the strongest leaders of the "New South," He was so eloquent, so generous, so kindly, and so honest that many who had been his enemies became his friends. He defended the South without offending the North. No man did more than he to make the two sections friends again. In one of his great speeches in the Senate he said: " If I were permitted to say but one word as to what my country most needed, that word would be. Rest! Rest from strife, rest from sectional conflict, rest from sec- tional bitterness. . . . Can we not give rest to our peo- ple? I know that those from whom I come desire it above their chief joy. The excitement through which we have passed for the last twenty years, the suffering and the sorrow, the calamity, public and private, which they have undergone, have filled their hearts with indescribable yearnings for national peace." Vance was often invited to speak in different parts of the Union. In the North he defended the South and urged the Northern people to be friendly toward the Southern people. In an address before the Union 238 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA soldiers of Boston he spoke eloquently against distrust and hatred between the North and South. Let us, he said, adopt "that wiser and nobler policy which seeks to make every spark of genius, every arm of strength, every heart of integrity," contribute " to the strengthen- ing and upbuilding of freedom, and the glory of the great Republic." In the South he spoke for the Union, urged the Southern people to be good Americans, and to love and honor the American flag. Gombroon. — In 1880, while he was in the Senate, Vance was married to Mrs. Florence Steele Martin, of Kentucky. In the winter they made their home in Washington. But their summer home was a beautiful place in the mountains near Asheville. They called it "Gombroon." It was a large, comfortable house in the midst of dense forests and lofty mountain peaks. There Senator Vance planted his vineyards, orchards, and garden, and rested from his hard work in the Senate. "'Zeb' Vance is Dead." — His hard work injured his health. He pored so closely over his studies that he became bhnd in one eye. His physicians sent him to the mountains of North Carolina, to Florida, and to Europe in search of health. How anxiously the people of North Carolina waited for the news that their great senator was well again. But this good news never came. Instead, April 15, 1894, the sad message came, "'Zeb' Vance is dead." Never before had the people of North Carolina so mourned the death of any man. His body was carried from Washington, where he died, to Raleigh, and from Raleigh to Asheville. At every station, and in the valleys and on the hillsides along the railroad, thousands ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE 239 crowded to catch a glimpse of the train that bore his body. Great crowds gathered at Raleigh and at Asheville to see his face for the last time. The people of the State at once took steps to honor his memory. While he was still living, the Legislature had named a county for him. After his death the State erected a monument to his memory in the Capitol Square at Raleigh. This is the only monument which the State has ever erected with public money to any of her sons. Another monument, a tall, straight shaft of granite, has been erected to him in the heart of the city of Asheville. GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. Describe the section of North Carolina in which Vance was born. What is the height of Mt. Mitchell? Name other prominent mountains near Asheville. 2. What river is Asheville on? 3. Describe the West Indies with reference to Wilmington. Find on the map Nassau. Halifax (N. S.). REVIEW 1. When and where was Vance born? Describe his birthplace. 2. Give an account of his early schooldays. What advice did his father send him? 3. Tell about Vance and his mother. 4. What profession did Vance choose? How did he get his pro- fessional education? What were Vance's favorite books? Where did he make his home? 5. What were his early political services? 6. What did he think and say about secession? Describe the preat Union meeting in Salisbury. 7. After the war licgan, what position did he take in regard to it ? 8. Describe how he saved his regiment at the battle of New Bern. 9. Give an account of his military career in Virginia. 240 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA 10. Tell about Vance's election as governor. 11. What is said about his work for the soldiers during his term as governor? 12. Describe the suffering in the South. 13. How did Vance keep up the spirit of the people? 14. What was the blockade? How did it injure the South? 15. What did Vance do to break the blockade? 16. How was Vance punished for his part in the war? 17. Give an account of his prison life. 18. What part did Vance take in rescuing North Carolina from the carpet-baggers? 19. Give an account of his work during his third term as governor. 20. What service did he render to the South in the United States Senate? How did he help to make the North and South friends again? 21. Repeat what he said about the country's greatest need. 22. Give an account of his death. 23. Write a summary of the chief events in his career. QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. Have you ever read any of the plays of Shakespere? Any of the stories of Sir Walter Scott? 2. Name the principal battles fought around Richmond in 1862. 3. Make a Ust of the men mentioned in this book who were governors of North Carolina. 4. How many solchers did North Carolina send to the Confederate army? 5. Explain fully how the blockade was managed, and how it injured the Confederacy. Why could not the South manufacture the supplies that were needed in the war? 6. What is meant by the "New South"? CHAPTER XIX HILL, PETTIGREW, AND GRIMES Getting Ready for War. — April and May, 18 were busy months in North CaroHna. In every house women were hard at work knitting socks, making shirts, underwear, and other articles of clothing. Fac- tories were busily making guns, cannon, powder, swords, and bayonets. Bugles were blowing, drums were beat- ing, flags were flying, soldiers were marching. In every town and village crowds cheered the soldiers as they marched down the street and boarded the train; and pretty girls waved at them and urged them to fight bravely for their homes and country. All this was because war had begun between the North and the South, and North Carolina was getting ready for it. President Lincoln had demanded that North Carolina send soldiers to fight the other Southern States, and Governor Ellis had telegraphed to him, "You can get no troops from North Carolina." But the Governor had sent out a call for North Carolina to rally to the South, and soon every train was filled with soldiers hurrying to Raleigh to be armed and drilled for battle. As fast as they could be taught the duties of war they marched away to join the Confederate armies in Eastern North Carolina, in Tennessee, Vir- ginia, and other States. 241 242 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina in the Civil War. — North Carolina sent to the Confederate armies during the war more than 125,000 soldiers. Some of them were kept in North Carohna to defend the forts along the coast. A large number were sent across the mountains to the defense of Tennessee, Georgia, and other States. But the largest number were sent to Virginia. They took part in every important battle of the war. More than 40,000 were either killed or died of disease. No other Southern State lost so many soldiers. Several North Carolina officers w'on fame. Among them were two lieutenant-generals, seven major-generals, and twenty-six brigadier-generals. Major-Generals W. D. Pender, Stephen D. Ramseur, and W. H. C. Whiting were killed. General D. H. Hill commanded the North Carolina soldiers in the first regular battle of the war; General James Johnston Pettigrew led the soldiers who charged farthest in the great charge at Gettysburg; and General Bryan Grimes planned and fought the last battle of the Confederate army in Virginia. Daniel Harvey Hill. — At the opening of the war the soldiers were first sent to Raleigh to be trained for war. There they were placed in a camp of instruction under the command of Colonel Daniel H. Hill. Colonel Hill was educated at the United States Military Academy, at West Point. For several years he was an officer in the United States Army and served in the war with Mexico. In that war he won a reputation as one of the best soldiers in the American army, and was pro- moted three times. Many years afterward. General Joseph E. Johnston, the famous Confederate general, HILL, PETTIGREW, AND GRIMES 243 wrote to General Hill: ''Do you know that in Mexico the young officers called you the bravest man in the army?" The Beginning of Civil War. — After the Mexican War, Hill left the army to become a teacher. He taught first in Washington College, at Lexington, Vir- ginia, and then in Davidson College in North Carohna. During these years he watched closely the dispute between the North and the South. He clearly foresaw that it must end in war, and he urged the South to get ready for it. In 1859 he left Davidson College to take charge of a military school at Charlotte in order to train Southern boys in military affairs. He was teaching there when, in 1861, Gov- d. h. Hill ernor Ellis called him to Raleigh to take charge of the camp of instruction. The Governor appointed him to the rank of colonel. In a few weeks Colonel Hill had a regiment ready for the field. It was the First North Carolina Regiment. The men had learned to have great confidence in Colonel Hill, and when they were ordered to the front, were anxious for him to lead them. So he was placed in com- mand, and in June led them into Virginia, where a large and powerful Union army was preparing to march 244 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA against Richmond. Colonel Hill reached the front in time to win the first regular battle of the war. First at Bethel. — This battle was fought at Big Bethel near Yorktown, Virginia. The Confederate army numbered only 1200 men. Of these, 800 were the North Carolina troops under Colonel Hill. The other 400 were Virginians. They were attacked by about three times their number, but Colonel Hill had trained his men so well that they stood their ground, and together with the Virginians, drove the enemy back. During this battle several Union soldiers took shelter in a house between the two armies. Colonel Hill called for some of his men to set fire to the house, and five brave fellows sprang eagerly forward. A hot fire met them and one of their number fell dead. This soldier, Henry L. Wyatt, was the first Confederate soldier killed in open battle during the Civil War. The news that the Confederates had won a victory sent a thrill of joy throughout North Carolina. Every- body praised "the brave boys in gray." The Con- vention, in session at Raleigh, resolved that the First Regiment should be known as the "Bethel Regiment," and gave it permission to inscribe the word " Bethel" on its flag. For his share in the victory Colonel Hill was appointed a brigadier-general. General Hill in Battle. — The war had now begun in earnest. In 1862 the United States sent a strong army to march up the peninsula between the York and James rivers to attack Richmond. The Confederate army opposed the Federals at every step. Before the Union troops were finally driven back, the battles of WilHams- burg, Hanover Court House, Seven Pines, Fair Oaks, HILL, PETTIGREW, AND GRIMES 245 and the famous Seven Days' Battles around Richmond were fought. In these battles General Hill led his troops with great skill. He won promotion twice, first as major-general and then as lieutenant-general, the next highest rank in the army. It was said that his troops were never found in the rear during a battle nor in front during a retreat. At Williamsburg he led two of his regiments, one from North Carolina, the other from Virginia, with such daring that the Union general, Hancock, declared: "Those two regiments deserve to have 'Immortal' inscribed on their banners." President Davis said that the Confederate victory at Seven Pines was largely due to General Hill's "courage, vigilance, and daring." He led his men in a charge against the Union works, drove the enemy off, and turned their own cannon against them. Again at Gaines's Mill General Hill's charge decided the day for the Confederates and won high praise from Lee and Jackson. Three horses were killed under him at the bloody battle of Sharpsburg in Maryland. Under such a leader can you wonder that his men, as General Longstreet said, "fought hke game cocks"? "General," asked one of his friends, "why do you expose yourself so recklessly? Do you never feel any fear?" "Sir," replied General Hill, "I would never order my men to go where I would not go myself. I do not fear death if it comes w^hile I am doing my duty." Though General Hill was so brave, he was not reckless. He never risked his hfe or exposed his soldiers unless 246 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA he thought it necessary. No officer in the army took better care of the health, happiness, and safety of his He taught them how to use the pick, the spade, men. and the shovel as well as the bayonet. General Hill Defends North Carolina. In 1863, at Gaines's AIii.l, as it Lcjc^IvS I'o-uav the special request of Governor Vance, General Hill was sent to the defense of North Carolina. At that time New Bern, Washington, and other places in Eastern North Carolina were held by Union troops. From these towns they frequently made sudden marches out into the country to overawe the people and destroy their crops. These movements were very injurious to Lee's army in Virginia, because they cut off the supplies which were sent from Eastern North Carolina. So Governor Vance and General Lee were anxious to drive HILL, PETTIGREW, AND GRIMES 247 the Federal forces out of the State or to shut them up in the towns. This important task was entrusted to General Hill. His army was so small that he could not hope to drive the enemy out of North Carolina. But he acted with such great vigor and struck such hard blows that for a time he put a stop to their raids. His activity enabled the long wagon trains with supplies to get safely on their way to Lee's army in Virginia. After this cam- paign General Hill returned to Virginia and was put in command of the defense of Richmond when Lee marched northward into Pennsylvania. James Johnston Pettigrew. — Among the North Caro- lina officers who followed Lee into Pennsylvania was Gen- eral James Johnston Pettigrew, Though he had reached high rank in the army, General Petti- grew had not been trained as a soldier. Before the war he had won fame as a scholar, an author, and a lawyer. When the war began, he felt it his duty to give up fame and wealth at the bar and take up arms in defense of the South. Pettigrew Prepares for War. — After graduating from the University of North Carolina, Pettigrew studied law and made his home at Charleston, S. C. Like General Hill he foresaw that war was certain to come between the North and the South. He, too, wished the South to prepare herself for the struggle. In 1859, the same year that Hill took charge of the military school at Charlotte, Pettigrew sailed for Europe to study .Ia.me.s J. I'kttiurew 248 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA military affairs. A war was being waged in Italy, and he applied for a place in the ItaUan army. His applica- tion was granted, but before he could reach Italy peace was declared, and he had to return to the United States without seeing a battle. At Charleston he studied books on miUtary matters, served first as captain and then as colonel of the militia, and worked hard to pre- pare himself for high rank in the Southern army when war should come. The Private Soldier Becomes a General. — Petti- grew was ambitious. He knew that he would have to work hard for the rank that he wanted. So he did not sit still and wait until somebody should offer it to him. As soon as war began he entered the Confederate army as a private soldier, determined to fight his way upward. One day while he was serving as a private in Virginia a message was delivered to him. How his heart jumped with joy when he read it! The message informed him that he had been elected colonel of the Twelfth North Carolina Regiment, then at Raleigh, and ordered him to go and take command at once. Pettigrew needed no urging. As soon as possible he was at Raleigh, hard at work drilling his men and pre- paring them for the field. He was so full of enthusiasm that his men soon caught his spirit and worked as eagerly as he. They were proud of their brilliant young colonel, and he was proud of them. When they finally marched away to Virginia, there was no better regiment in the Confederate army. Pettigrew was offered the rank of brigadier-general, but he declined it because he did not want to be separated from his regiment. Afterwards it was arranged so that he could accept the appointment and still have his regiment under his command. HILL, PETTIGREW, AND GRIMES 249 Wounded and in Prison. — In 1862 General Petti- grew took part in the great battles around Richmond. At the battle of Seven Pines he led his men in one of the bravest charges of the war. While cheering them on, he was hit in the throat and fell from his horse. Thinking that he was killed his men swept on, leaving him on the field. He was captm^ed and sent to prison at Fort Delaware. After remaining in prison for a few months he was exchanged and returned to the army in Virginia. A new brigade, consisting of five North Caro- lina regiments, was formed and placed under his command. One of these regiments was the famous Twenty-Sixth, which Vance had led at the battle of New Bern. . Farthest to the Front at Gettysburg. — With these regiments General Pettigrew followed Lee into Penn- sylvania. The Federal army took a strong position at Gettysburg. There, during the first three days of July, 1863, was fought the greatest battle in American history. Lee's task was to drive the Union army from behind its breastworks. If he failed to do this he must retreat into Virginia. The first day's fighting resulted in a Confederate success. They drove the Union forces out of Gettysburg and captured the town. In this battle Pettigrew bore an important part. His men drove the enemy before them and won great honor. It was a splendid sight, said another Confederate officer, to see Pettigrew "as he galloped along the line in the hottest of the fight cheering on his men." Pettigrew was not in the battle of the second day. The third day found the two armies still facing each other. The center of the Union line was stationed 250 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA behind a long stone wall on top of a high ridge, called Cemetery Ridge. In order to break through it the Confederates had to march across an open field, rush up Cemetery Ridge, and charge against the stone wall. If they failed the battle was lost; if they succeeded, they would win a great victory, which might end the war. Could they succeed? General Lee beheved they could and he determined to try. Selecting 15,000 of his very best troops he ordered them to make the at- tempt. One column was led by Pettigrew, the other by General Pickett, of Virginia. With Pettigrew were fifteen regiments of North Carolinians, and some troops from other States. They w-ere about to make the most daring charge ever made by American soldiers. As they marched across the open field to take their position, with drums beating and flags flying, both armies held their breath. Then came the order to advance, and they swept bravely forward. Sword in hand, Pettigrew rode before his men cheering them on and setting an example of bravery which they bravely followed. Suddenly, from Cemetery Ridge, the Union guns opened fire. Men fell by the hundreds. For a moment the Confederate line wavered and seemed about to break. But above the roar of the guns was heard the cool command of Pettigrew and his officers, "Close up! Forward!" The men rallied and swept onward. They reached the foot of Cemetery Ridge, they dashed right up to the stone wall, they sprang over it. For a mo- ment the Confederate flag waved from the Union breastworks. Around it raged a fierce, hand-to-hand struggle. But so few had lived to defend it that they were soon driven back in retreat and confusion. HILL, PETTIGREW, AND GRIMES 251 Again the Union lines had held firm, and the battle of Gettysburg was over. The Confederates had lost; but as long as men admire brave deeds, the Pickett- Pettigrew charge at Gettysburg will live in history. The Famous Twenty-Sixth at Gettysburg. — When the dead were counted, it was found that the Confed- erates who fell farthest within the Union lines were the North Carolinians led by Pettigrew. More than 1300 North Carolina soldiers fell in that charge. Vance's old regiment, the famous Twenty-Sixth, lost at Gettys- burg the largest number of men lost by any regiment on either side during the entire war. Though sad at the death of so many brave men, Pettigrew was proud of their fine record. After the battle he wrote to Gov- ernor Vance: "Knowing that you would be anxious to hear from your old regiment, I embrace this oppor- tunity to write you a hasty note. It covered itself with glory. Their loss has been heavy, very heavy, but the missing are on the battle-field and in the hospital." The Death of Pettigrew. — The next day, July 4, Lee began his retreat into Virginia. The most important and dangerous post in a retreating armj^ is the rear. The rear must guard the army against attacks from the pursuing enemy. During the retreat from Gettysburg, Pettigrew was in command of the rear of one division of Lee's army. On July 14, while his men were at breakfast, they were attacked by a small Union force. Pettigrew, rushing into the midst of the fight, fell mor- tally wounded. He died three days later. Bryan Grimes. — When the Confederates captured the town of Gettysburg, July 1, the first regiment to enter the town was the Fourth North Carolina Regi- 252 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Bryan Grimes ment. This regiment was commanded by Colonel Bryan Grimes. Colonel Grimes was born in Pitt county. After graduating from the University of North Carolina he traveled in Europe and then settled on his large plantation in Pitt county. There he lived quietly until the outbreak of the war. In 1861 he was elected a member of the Con- vention and voted for the secession of North Carohna. "Our cause is just," he declared; "for it I will fight, even for it I am willing to die." As soon, therefore, as North Carolina had seceded. Grimes resigned from the convention and entered the Confeder- ate army. Governor Ellis at once appointed him major of the Fourth North Carolina Regiment. Afterward he was made a lieutenant-colonel and ordered to Virginia. Colonel Grimes at Seven Pines. — Though not trained as a soldier. Colonel Grimes soon showed himself to be a born leader. At the battle of Seven Pines, near Richmond, he distinguished himself and his regiment. While riding at the head of his men in a charge, a cannon ball blew off his horse's head. The horse fell, catching Colonel Grimes's leg under his body. Thinking their colonel was killed, the soldiers wavered. But Colonel Grimes, waving his sword above the dead horse's body, cried, "Forward! forward!" When his men had re- leased him, he sprang to his feet, seized the flag of the regiment, rushed to the front, and called on his men to follow him. They dashed upon the Union breastworks and captured them. In this charge every officer of HILL, PETTIGREW, AND GRIMES 253 the regiment, except Colonel Grimes, was either killed or wounded. Colonel Grimes and His Regiment. — Lieutenant- Colonel Grimes's gallantry at Seven Pines won for him "f .. ,^ '^ ^,. X * ■^'t^ W^., . Seven Pines Battle-field as it Looks To-day promotion to the rank of colonel. His regiment soon became, under his leadership, one of the best in the Confederate army. He was strict with his men and required them to attend closely to their duties. But he soon won their respect and love, for he was careful of their health and comfort, and he always led, but never followed them into battle. Wherever the fight- ing was hottest, there Colonel Grimes was sure to be found. During the war seven horses were killed under him. No wonder his soldiers were so devoted to him and were ready to follow wherever he led. General 254 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Anderson, who commanded the brigade, declared that, "Though small in number. Colonel Grimes's regiment is the keystone of my brigade." Colonel Grimes Wins the Rank of General. — In several of the great battles of the war Colonel Grimes and his regiment won high praise from the commanding generals. Though only a colonel, he was placed in command of a brigade at Fredericksburg, which he led with much skill and judgment. At Chancellorsville, while leading a charge, his sword was cut in two by a bullet, his clothing was torn in several places, a ball struck his sword-belt, and another wounded him in the foot. On the first day at Gettysburg, Colonel Grimes led his men into the town, and in a charge captured more prisoners than there were men in his regiment. During the bloody battle of the Wilder- ness, the brave General Ramseur, of North Carolina, was wounded. The brigade wavered. Colonel Grimes sprang to its head, ordered a charge, and captured the enemy's position. General Lee himself rode up and, thanking Colonel Grimes for his action, declared that he had saved the Confederate army and deserved the thanks of the country. A few days later Colonel Grimes was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general to succeed General Junius Daniel, who had been killed at Spottsylvania. In the Shenandoah Valley. — General Grimes was then sent to join the Confederate army under General Jubal A. Early in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Their plan was to march up the valley as if to make an attack on Washington City. It was hoped that Presi- dent Lincoln would think the capital in such danger HILL, PETTIGREW, AND GRIMES 255 that he would call back a part of Grant's army to defend it. Then Lee might attack the rest of Grant's force and defeat it. At firet the Confederates swept everything before them. They marched into Pennsylvania, captured the town of Chambersburg, and approached so near to Washington that the men could see the dome of the Capitol. But Lincoln did not call back any of Grant's men. Instead he sent a powerful force under General Sheridan into the Shenandoah Valley. Two important battles were fought, at Winchester and at Cedar Creek. In both battles General Grimes led his men with great skill and daring. At Winchester he had one horse shot from under him, and at Cedar Creek two. His men fought with their usual bravery, but they could not succeed against such great numbers. After some of the hardest fighting of the war the Confederates were defeated and retreated down the valley. So important were General Grimes's services in this campaign that he was promoted over several of his senior officers to the rank of major-general. In the Trenches at Petersburg. — Lee and Grant were now facing each other at Petersburg, Virginia. Grant had more than twice as many men as Lee. Lee needed every man he could get, so General Grimes was called back from the valley to help in the defense of Petersburg. The Confederates had thrown up great breastworks to protect the city. Behind these works they had dug long, deep trenches, in which the soldiers stood and fought. Often they had to stand for hours at a time knee-deep in cold mud and water. They suffered 256 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA terribly from cold, hunger, and sickness. Yet they were compelled, day and night, to be always on the alert and ready for duty. Even when asleep they wore their clothes and slept on their arms. At any moment they might be awakened by a call to battle. For nearly a year, every day and night, the Union soldiers with great bravery kept up their attacks on the Confederate works. The Confederates, realizing that, if their w^orks were lost, all would be over, fought desperately. During this long siege some of the most daring deeds in the history of warfare were performed by both armies. General Grimes held one of the most important posts in the Confederate lines. With about 2200 men he had to defend more than three miles of breastworks against a force several times as large as his own. He did it so well as to add greatly to his fame as a daring and skilful officer. One day General Lee ordered an attack on the Union lines. At Grimes's command his men sprang over their breastworks, surprised the enemy, captured a general and 500 prisoners, and took the enemy's position. General Grimes, riding a captured horse, was a perfect target for the enemy's sharpshooters. His coolness and courage under the thickest fire filled his men with confidence and determination. Though attacked by ten times their own number, they held the Union works for two hours before they were forced to retreat. Last at Appomattox. — After nine months of fighting Lee decided that he could no longer hold Petersburg, so he gave the order to retreat. His army turned westward, hoping to escape from Grant and join the Confederates under General Joseph E. Johnston in HILL, PETTIGREW, AND GRIMES 257 North Carolina. On this retreat General Grimes, com- manding his own division and other troops placed under him by General Lee, was assigned the duty of protecting the rear of the Confederate army from attacks by the pursuing enemy. When the Confederates reached Appo- mattox Court-house they found themselves surrounded by about four times their own number. What should be done? This question Lee put to his generals. After an anxious discussion Lee decided to make one attempt to break through the enemy's line and, if possible, to escape to the mountains. The attack- was to be made on the morning of April 9, 1865. When morning came, the generals who were expected to order the attack could not agree how it should be made. While they were discussing it, General Grimes rode up and impatiently demanded the cause of the delay. "It is somebody's duty," he declared, "to carry out General Lee's orders. If you do not want to do it, I will do it myself." The others then told him to go ahead. So he at once arranged his plans, placed his men in proper positions, and gave the command to advance. Cheered by their leader's example, the men rushed for- ward with a vim, and after a short, sharp fight drove the enemy back for nearly a mile. General Grimes then hurried off a message to General Gordon telling him that the way was open for the wagons to escape. To his great surprise he received in reply an order to withdraw his men. Thinking there must be some mistake, he did not obey. Finally a similar order came from General Lee himself. Then General Grimes gave the command for a retreat. The Union forces followed and made a 258 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA sudden attack. A volley from General William R. Cox's North Carolina brigade drove them back, and Grimes's command retired safely. Riding up to General Gordon, Grimes asked where he should place his men. "Anywhere you choose," re- plied Gordon. Surprised at this strange answer. Grimes asked what he meant. Then he learned that General Lee had gone to meet General Grant, to surrender the Confederate army. All was now over, and General Grimes's men had fought the last battle and fired the last shot of the Confederate army in Virginia. General Hill's Last Battle. — Lee's surrender did not immediately end the war. There were other Confederate armies in the South, and they too had to be overcome before peace could be established. One of these armies was in North Carolina under the com- mand of General Joseph E. Johnston. His army of about 30,000 ragged, hungry men was retreating north- ward before General Sherman's army of about 60,000. At Benton ville, in North Carolina, March 19, 1865, the two armies fought their last battle. General D. H. Hill, who had borne such an important part in the first battle at Bethel, also bore an impor- tant part at Benton ville. In 1863 he had been promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general and sent to aid the Confederates in Tennessee. There he was welcomed as "a stern and dauntless soldier." He commanded part of the army at the great battle of Chickamauga, in which he added to his fame for skill and courage. After this battle he was recalled to Virginia, and later returned to North Carolina, where he joined General Johnston in time to take part in the battle of Bentonville. HILL, PETTIGREW, AND GRIMES 259 The fighting at Bentonville was severe, and both armies displayed great bravery. At first the Confeder- ates were successful, and their spirits were high in hopes of victory. But the numbers against them were too great. More Union troops came up and Johnston was forced to retreat. He retreated toward Raleigh hoping to join General Lee. But on April 10 he heard of Lee's surrender, and he knew that the end had come. So, on April 26, he met General Sherman near Durham and surrendered to him. The Last Days of Hill and Grimes. — After the war Hill and Grimes returned to their homes in North Carolina. Their last years were spent in helping the South to re- cover her wealth and prosperity, one in education, the other in agriculture. For several years General Hill edited a magazine, published at Charlotte, called The Land We Love. It was devoted to the history, literature, and industries of the South. In 1877 he was elected president of the University of Arkansas. Seven years later (1885) he moved to Georgia, as president of the Georgia Military and Agricultural College, where he remained until his death. Thus the last twelve years of his life were spent in teaching the boys whose fathers he had so often led to battle in the great Civil War. He died at Charlotte, N. C, in 1889. General Grimes returned to his plantation in Pitt county. No work was more important for the South Confederate Monu- ment AT Raleigh (State Capitol in back- ground) 260 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA than the rebuilding of her agricultural interests, which the war had nearly destroyed. To this work General Grimes devoted his closing years. He became one of the largest and most successful planters in the State. In his neighborhood was a band of bad men whose crimes kept peaceful people in constant terror. General Grimes made earnest effort to have them captured and punished. They determined to get rid of him. One evening about dark, in 1880, this brave soldier, who had faced death so often on the battle-field, was shot to death by a hired assassin hiding in ambush. GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. Trace the courses of the York and James rivers in Virginia. Between these rivers several of the battles mentioned in this chapter were fought. Describe the location of each. 2. Describe the location of Gettysburg with reference to Washing- ton, Philadelphia, Harrisburg. 3. Describe the location of Chancellorsville with reference to Washington and Richmond. Petersburg with reference to North Carolina and Richmond. Appomattox with reference to Richmond, Petersburg, and North Carolina. 4. General Sherman marched from Cheraw, S. C, to Fayetteville, N. C, thence to Benton ville, thence to Goldsboro, thence to Raleigh, Durham, and Greensboro. Trace the line of his march in North Carolina. QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW 1. Describe North Carolina's preparations for war. 2. How many troops did North Carolina send to the Confederate armies? In what States did they serve? How many were killed or died of disease? What North Carolina generals were killed? 3. Tell the story of General Hill's life before the Civil War. 4. Describe the battle of Big Bethel. HILL, PETTIGREW, AND GRIMES 261 5. What is said about General Hill's conduct in battle ? 6. What services did he perform in North Carolina in 1863 ? 7. Describe Pettigrew's preparations for war. 8. How did Pettigrew become a general? 9. Give an account of his action at the battle of Seven Pines. 10. Describe Pettigrew's conduct in the first day's battle of Gettysburg. 11. Describe the Picket-Pettigrew charge on the third day at Gettysburg. 12. Give an account of North Carolina's losses at Gettysburg. 13. Describe Pettigrew's death. 14. What is said of Bryan Grimes's education and life before the war? 15. Describe the charge of his regiment at Seven Pines. 16. What is said of his training of his regiment? What did General Anderson say of him? 17. How did Grimes win the rank of general? 18. Describe his campaign under Early. 19. Give an account of the siege of Petersburg. 20. How and why did General Grimes lead the last charge at Appomattox? 21. What were General Hill's last services in the Confederate ai-my ? 22. Describe the last years of Hill's life. 23. Tell of the death of General Grimes. CHAPTER XX CHARLES DUNCAN McIVER Charles D. McIver Education Since the War. — One of the greatest evils that North CaroUna suffered from the Civil War and Reconstruction was the closing of her public schools. During the war Calvin H. Wiley carefully protected the public school funds and kept the schools open. President Swain, with great difficulty, kept the doors of the University open. But when Reconstruction came, both the public schools and the University were closed. A few pri- vate schools and church colleges struggled bravely along and rendered important services to the State. But they could not provide education for all the children of North Carolina. Many thousands of them, therefore, never had any chance to go to school at all, and grew up in illiteracy. But w^hen the ''carpet-baggers" were driven out of power, one of the first things the people did was to reopen their public schools and the University. Since that time more attention has been given to education than ever before. Public schools have been established both for the whites and for the negroes. More than 262 CHARLES DUNCAN McIVER 263 twice as many children now attend these schools as attended them in the days of Calvin H. Wiley. More than five times as much money is spent for their educa- tion. The school-houses are better, the school terms are longer, the teachers are better trained, and there are fewer illiterate people in the State than ever before. Charles Duncan Mclver. — Many of the State's greatest men have taken part in this work, but perhaps none of them did so much as Charles Duncan Mclver. To-day thousands of children in North Carolina are at school in pretty school-houses, sitting in comfortable desks, reciting to good teachers, and looking forward to bright futures, because this man was their friend. They may never have seen him; he may never have seen them. But he was interested in them, worked for them, spoke for them, wrote for them, and fought and won battles for them. Charles D. Mclver was born on a farm in Moore county, September 27, 1860. The names of most of the people in that community, like his own, began with " Mac," for they were descendants of the brave old Scotch Highlanders. Mclver's own grandfather was born in the Highlands of Scotland, and came to North Carolina when he was a mere lad of eight years. Mclver's Early Training. — Two things Mclver's father always required his boys to do. First, they had to attend regularly the best school within their reach. When school opened in the fall, young Mclver was there ready for work. And he was there on the last day when it closed in the spring. Whatever he might do, there was no shirking his school duties. Secondly, when school was not in session, the Mclver boys had to 264 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA do regular work on the farm. Charles D. Mclver used to say: "I did all kinds of farm work from planting, har- vesting, splitting rails, minding the gap, log-rolling, corn-shucking, piling brush, and digging ditches, to plowing a deaf mule in a new ground with a bull- tongue plow." 'There were no loafers on the Mclver farm. Idleness was not permitted. So young Mclver learned to love work, whether it was work with his books or work with the plow. "The hardest work I ever did," he said, "was resting." After he became a man, his friends often urged him to take a vacation and rest. But he would reply, "I cannot rest until my work is done. My work is my joy." Mclver at the University. — When he was seventeen years old, Mclver entered the University. There he worked hard for four years. WTien he was graduated in 1881 he was one of the best scholars in his class. He stood first in Greek and French, and shared with three others the first place in Latin. He made many strong friends at the University. Two of his best friends were his teachers, Dr. Kemp P. Battle, president of the University, and Dr. George T. Winston, professor of Latin. "Dr. Battle," said Mclver, "regards the people of North Carolina as a great big family, each member of which owes to every other member affectionate sym- pathy and loyal support in any worthy undertaking. He loves the people of this State. Every sprig of grass and every bird that touches the soil of North Carolina is dear to him. He is proud of our history and is proud CHARLES DUNCAN McIVER 265 that he is proud of it. No man can come under his influence without wishing to be of service to so good a State and so great a poeple." Of Dr. Winston, Mclver said: "Dr. Winston inspires in all young men with whom he comes in contact self- reliance and the audacity to undertake large tasks." To these two men Mclver said he owed more than to any of his other teachers. From Dr. Battle he learned to love North Carolina and to desire to render some great service to the State. From Dr. Winston he gained self-confidence and a willingness to undertake difficult tasks. He was popular both with the faculty and the students. The students called him "Mac," and they all liked the big, genial Scotch boy who had such a catching laugh and told such good stories. Mclver's First Vote. — After graduating from the University, Mclver went to Durham to teach in a pri- vate school. Soon afterward an election was held there upon the question of a local tax for a public graded school. Mclver knew that if the people voted to estab- lish the graded school, his own school would soon be closed. But he also knew that there w^ere many chil- dren in the town who could never get an education unless a graded school were established. What, then, should he do? Should he vote for the graded school and against his own school? Or should he vote against the graded school and for his own school? It did not take Mclver long to decide this question, for he was eager "to be of service" to the children. He was willing to close his own school if he might help to open a school in which all the children could be edu- cated. So he worked hard for the graded school and 266 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA persuaded other men to work for it. On election day he went to the voting place and cast his vote for the graded school. It was his first vote, and he was always proud that he had cast it for a tax for public education. Mclver Begins Public School Work. — When the graded school was opened, Mclver's school was closed. The people of Durham at once called on him to teach in the graded school. After teaching in the Durham school for a little more than a year, he went to Winston to teach in the graded school started there by Calvin H. Wiley. In Winston he not only taught others, but he also learned at least one lesson himself that he had not known before. He learned what it was to fall in love, and in 1885 he was married to Miss Lula V. Martin. After nearly two years in Winston he became a teacher in Peace Institute at Raleigh, where he taught until June, 1889. North Carolina's Most Important Question. — Dur- ing all these years Mclver worked hard to improve himself as a teacher. He visited other schools, talked with other teachers about their work, and read many books about teaching. During the summer months he taught in summer schools and institutes for teachers. Everywhere he went he tried to impress upon the people the importance of education. "The supreme question in civilization," he told them, "is education." In North Carolina he declared that two great needs were: better school-houses and longer school terms; but the greatest need of all was better school-teachers. No school can be better than its teachers. "The school- teacher," said Mclver, "is our most important public official." North Carolina's most important question, CHARLES DUNCAN McIVER 267 therefore, was, "How can the schools secure better teachers?" Mclver Finds the Answer. — Mclver found the answer to this important question. The State, he declared, must establish a college where teachers can be taught and trained how to teach. Such a college is called a normal college. In 1886 Mclver attended the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly to speak in favor of a normal college. Hundreds of North Carolina teachers were there. When they had heard him, they declared in fa- vor of his plan, and appointed a commit- tee to urge the Leg- islature to establish such a college. Mclver was placed at the head of this committee. He worked hard with the members of the Legislature, but could not persuade them to do what he asked. A Campaign of Education. — Instead of establishing the normal college, the Legislature decided to send out two men to hold institutes for teachers and to speak to the people about education. The two men selected were Charles D. Mclver and Edwin A. Alderman. They began their work in September, 1889. In every county in the State one or the other of them met the teachers and taught them how to teach. A Modern Rural High School Building IN Wade County (Many arc found in the State) 268 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA But they had other work to do also. They were expected to speak to the people to get them interested in the education of their children. So everywhere they went, they held public meetings. Farmers, preachers, lawyers, doctors, merchants, editors, mechanics, and many others went out to hear them. They urged the people to vote local taxes to improve their schools. ''Ignorance and ilhteracy," said Mclver, "cost more than education." They spoke about the normal college and urged the people to demand that their legislators vote the money for it. Mclver's Victory. — When the Legislature met in 1891, Mclver again went to Raleigh to work for the nor- mal college. He found it a hard task, for many of the members were too impatient to listen to him. But he never let slip a chance to talk about the college. He met men in the Capitol, on the streets, in the hotels, and wherever he could get them to listen he would talk. And many were glad to hear him, for he talked well. He declared that the only hope thousands of boys and girls in North Carolina had for an education was in the public schools. Most of the teachers in these schools were women. The men who wished to teach could study at the University, but the State had never estab- lished such a college for women. For the good of the children the State ought to establish a college for women, where they could be trained as teachers. "We can better afford to have five illiterate men," Mclver declared, "than one illiterate mother." Mclver was so deeply in earnest and worked so hard that he finally succeeded. The Legislature voted ),000 for the establishment of the "State Normal and CHARLE8 DUNCAN McIVER 209 Industrial College" at Greensboro. Mclver was elected its first president and remained at its head for fourteen years. Mclver's Ideal of a College. — Mclver had a noble ideal of what such a college ought to be. A "great BuiLDiNus OF North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College AT Greensboro (View looking north down College Avenue) and useful college," he said, should teach "love of truth for truth's sake; . , . belief in fair play and the willingness to applaud an honest victor in any contest; . . . the habit of tolerance toward those with whom one does not entirely agree; . . . the recognition of authority; . . . the spirit of overlooking the blunders of others and of helping those who are weak; the con- tempt for idleness and shirkers ; the love of one's fellow- 270 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA workers, even though they be one's rivals; self-reUance ; faith in human progress; confidence in right; and beUef in God." This was the sort of college that he tried to make of the State Normal and Industrial College. While he was president, the college had a wonderful growth. The two or three buildings on ten acres of ground grew to eleven buildings on 130 acres. The number of teachers increased from fifteen to fifty. More than 3000 young women were students there. They were the daughters of rich men and poor men; of preachers, lawyers, and physicians; of merchants, manufacturers, and farmers; of mechanics, engineers, and day-laborers. They were from the country, the town, and the city. They came from every county in North Carolina. Students of the college have taught in the public schools of every county. More than 2000 teachers were trained there under Dr. Mclver, and they have taught more than 200,000 North Carolina children. Our Great Educational Leader. — The teachers of North Carolina looked upon Dr. Mclver as their leader. Wherever there was a word to be spoken in the cause of education, his voice was sure to be heard. Invita- tions to speak on education came to him from all parts of North Carolina, and from more than half the States of the Union. But nothing gave him so much pleasure as to help some small rural district in North Carolina secure a better school than it had had before. The Southern Education Board. — In 1901 a group of patriotic men from various parts of the United States met at Salem, N. C, and formed the "Southern Educa- tion Board." Their purpose was to help improve the CHARLES DUNCAN McIVER 271 rural schools of the South. Dr, Mclver was one of the leading members of this board. When the board decided to send out speakers in all parts of the South to speak on education, it selected Dr. Mclver to take charge of that work. Proud of the fact that he had cast his first vote for local taxation, he now urged other people to do the same thing. He favored local taxation for longer school terms, better school-houses, and better school- teachers. Hundreds of communities followed his advice and are to-day enjoying good schools. Mclver's Honors. — Many honors came to Dr. Mc- lver. He did not seek them; they sought him. They sought him because he was always thinking, not of his own ambition, but of the welfare of others. He was president of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly, and president of the Southern Educational Association. He held high and important places in the National Educational Association. For many years he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the University. Because of his work for education, the University and Davidson College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Laws. Mclver's Death. — On October 17, 1906, while on the train returning from Raleigh to Greensboro, Dr. Mclver was suddenl}^ attacked by a severe pain in the chest. Before a physician could reach him, he fell into the arms of a friend, dead. The news of his death was received with great grief in North Carolina and the South. In North Carolina the sorrow was universal. Not since the death of Vance had the people grieved so deeply at the death of any citizen. Men on the streets, women in the school-room, 272 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA children in the backwoods, all felt as if they had lost a friend. The Governor issued a proclamation in which he said: "The life-work of Charles D. Mclver is ended. For twenty-five years he served his State with fidelity, zeal, and efficiency not surpassed in her annals. No one has rendered the State a greater service. . . . Charles D. Mclver's entire life was given for the better educa- tion of all our women, the improvement of the edu- cational opportunities of all our children, the upHfting of all our citizenship, and the elevation of all our ideals of civic service." REVIEW 1. What effect did Reconstruction have on education in North Carolina? 2. What did the people do after the "carpet-baggers" were over- thrown? 3. What part did Charles D. Mclver have in this work? 4. When and where was he born? Tell about his life on the farm. What did he say was the hardest work he ever did? Repeat what he said. 5. Give an account of his career at the University. 6. Tell about his first vote. 7. Where did Mclver begin his public school work? How did he prepare himself for his work? 8. What did he say was North Carolina's most important public question? 9. What answer did he give to it? 10. What plan did he propose to the Legislature? What did the Legislature do about it? Describe Mclver's campaign for education. 11. How did he finally win his victory? When and where was the State Normal and Industrial College established? Who was its first president? 12. Repeat by heart Mclver's ideal of a college. CHARLES DUNCAN McIVER 273 13. Give an account of the work of the college while Mclver was president of it. 14. Tell about him as our great educational leader. 15. What is the Southern Education Board? What relation did Mclver have to it? 16. What honors came to him? 17. Describe his death. 18. What did the Governor say about him? 19. Repeat what Mclver said was the supreme question in civilization. QUESTIONS FOR SPECIAL STUDY 1. Find out tlie following facts about the public schools of North Carolina during the past year: (a) Number of schools for white children, (b) For negro children, (c) Number of white children en- rolled, (d) Number of negro children enrolled, (e) Number of white teachers. (/) Negro teachers, (g) Amount of money spent for white schools, {h) For negro schools, (i) Length of term in white schools. (j) In negro schools, (k) Number of white people in the State who could not read or write, (l) Number of negroes who could not read or write. 2. Explain the influence that Dr. Battle and Dr. Winston had on Dr. Mclver. How did it show itself? 3. What is a "local tax"? How many school districts in North Carolina have a local tax for schools? Is yours one of them? 4. Explain what Mclver meant when he said, "Ignorance and illiteracy cost more than education." 5. How many of the public school teachers of North Carolina last year were men? How many were women? 6. Why can the State afford to have five illiterate men rather than one illiterate mother? How many illiterate men were there in the State in 1886 ? How many now? How many illiterate women in 1886 ? How many now? CHAPTER XXI MAKERS OF MODERN NORTH CAROLINA A Sad and Gloomy Picture. — After the surrender of the Confederate armies the North CaroHna soldiers returned quietly to their homes. Everywhere they saw a sad and gloomy picture. Many of the comfortable homes they had left in ISOl were now piles of ashes or deserted ruins. Barns and stables were falling down from neglect. Farming tools were rusty from long idleness. So many thousand horses and mules had been destroyed that not enough were left to cultivate the farms. Fields were growing up in weeds. The farming lands of North Carolina had fallen more than $75,000,000 in value since 1860. Country roads were cut to pieces and often impassable. Miles of railroad track were torn up, and hundreds of cars and locomotives were use- less. In 1861 there had been but few factories in the State: even of these few nearly all had been closed or destroyed. The school-houses were empty and falling into ruins. In the towns and cities the streets were deserted and desolate. As bad as were these calamities, there were others still worse. More than 40,000 of the State's brightest and bravest sons had fallen in the war. Other thousands had come home crippled for life, broken in health and ruined in fortune. They found their families in poverty and 274 MAKERS OF MODERN NORTH CAROLINA 275 often suffering for food and clothes. The whole State seemed crushed by her misfortunes. ''There was indeed," as Governor Vance said, ''a cry and lament through all her borders." The Soldier's New Task. — But amid all this ruin the returning soldier did not despair. He determined to repair the damages done by war and went to work at his new task with a vim. He would build a new home on the ruins of the old. He would raise more cotton and corn and tobacco than he had raised before the war. He would build new and better factories. He would improve his country roads so they would be good at all seasons of the year. He would repair the old railroads and build new ones. He would place a school-house within reach of every child in the State. He would make his villages grow into towns and his towns into busy cities. And he would make North Carolina a richer and better State than it had been before the war. This was his new task; let us see how well he has performed it. Agriculture During the War. — Agriculture has always been the chief industry of North Carolina. When agriculture fails, the whole State suffers. The great suffering of the people during the war was due chiefly to the damage done to agriculture. In North Carolina more than a million acres of farm lands were left to lie idle. The corn crop fell from 30,000,000 bushels to less than 15,000,000; the tobacco crop from 32,000,000 pounds to one-third that amount; while the cotton, wheat, and potato crops fell off in the same way. Cattle, hogs, sheep, and chickens were destroyed by the tens of thousands. The value of farm lands fell from $140,000,000 to less than $75,000,000. 276 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA The State Department of Agriculture. — One of the most important things the State had to do after the war was to repair the damage done to agriculture. To aid in this task a State Department of Agriculture was created, and a college and pubHc high schools for the teaching of agriculture were established. The Department of Agriculture was established in 1877. The chief official of the department is the Com- missioner of Agriculture. The first Commissioner of Agriculture was Leonidas L. Polk. In 1862 he became a Confederate soldier in the regiment commanded by Colonel Z. B. Vance. After serving in the army two years he resigned because the soldiers had elected him a member of the Legislature. At the close of the war he returned to his farm and soon became one of the most progressive farmers in the State. He was interested in everything that would help to improve the agriculture of North Carolina. In 1877 he appeared before the Legisla- ture to urge the members to establish a Department of Agriculture. After the department was created Polk was chosen the first Commissioner of Agriculture, to organize it and begin its work. He served from 1877 to 1880 and laid the foundations for the work which the department has since done. Agricultural Education. — In order to supply trained and educated leaders in the work of agriculture the North Carohna College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts was established. Two of the leading men in the founding of this college were Augustus Leazar, of Iredell County, and Richard Stanhope Pullen, of Raleigh. Mr. Leazar, like Polk, had been a Confederate soldier. He thought that North Carolina's greatest needs, after MAKERS OF MODERN NORTH CAROLINA 277 the war, were better schools and better farms. So he devoted himself to education and agriculture. In him the State University, the State Normal and Industrial College, and the public schools always found a strong friend. But he believed that the most important kind of education for North Carolina was education in agri- culture. A plan had been proposed for the establish- ment of a college to teach agriculture. Mr. Leazar was much interested in this plan, and in 1885, while he was a member of the Legislature, he wrote a bill for the found- ing of such a college. He worked hard and spoke ably for his bill, and it became a law. The college was erected at Raleigh on land given by Richard Stanhope Pullen, a wealthy business man who always took a deep interest in education and everything that helped to build up the State. He gave a large tract of land to the city of Raleigh for a beautiful park, which is known as '' Pullen Park." ^\he\\ the State Normal and Industrial College was founded at Greensboro he gave one-half of the land on which it was built. So, too, when the agricultural college was established he gave land enough for the buildings and a large farm. The college was opened to students in 1889. Its first president was Colonel Alexander Q. Holladay who or- ganized the college and directed its affairs from 1889 to 1899. He was succeeded by Dr. George T Winston, who had formerly been president of the University of North Carolina. Under his direction the faculty and equip- ment of the college were doubled and the number of students trebled. When he resigned. Dr. Daniel H. Hill, son of the famous Confederate general, D. H. Hill, was elected. Dr. Hill had been professor of English in the 278 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA college for several years. He is author of several books on history and agriculture. Since he has been president, a number of excellent buildings have been erected and the work of the college has been greatly extended. The public schools of the State are also required by law to teach agriculture. In 1911 the Legislature pro- Agricultural Building at the Agricultural and Mechanical College, Raleigh. N. C. vided for agricultural high schools, called " Farm Life Schools," which train boys and girls for life on the farm. Agricultural Progress. — Under the direction of these agencies, agriculture has become a more important in- dustry in North CaroUna than ever before. In 1910 more people in the State were engaged in it than in all other occupations combined and nearly every crop that was grown in the United States was grown in North Carolina. But the principal crops were corn, cotton, tobacco, peanuts, potatoes, wheat, and other grains. All of these old crops had increased wonderfully through the new methods of agriculture. Many new crops, espe- cially fruits and vegetables, had been introduced. Truck MAKERS OF MODERN NORTH CAROLINA 279 farming had grown to be one of the most important indus- tries in the State. These improvements in agriculture meant that three-fourths of the people of North Carolina dwelt in better houses and lived more comfortably than ever before. Manufacturing. — Before the war very little of the cotton and tobacco raised in North Carolina was manu- factured here. Most of it was sent to the mills and fac- tories of other States and of Europe. When the war began there were many factories in North Carolina, but they were very small and all together employed less than 15,000 persons. The value of their products did not reach $16,000,000 annually. Most of these factories were destroyed by the war. So when the United States fleets blockaded the Southern ports, and kept the people from importing goods from Europe, shoes, clothes, writ- ing paper, and all other manufactured articles became very scarce. After the war great changes were made. Men began to ask. Why should we not manufacture our own cotton and tobacco and lumber? We have great rivers with immense water-power. We have extensive forests which offer abundant fuel. Here are the cotton, the tobacco, the lumber, all right at our own doors. And here, too, are the railroads which will carry our goods to the great cities of the North and West. Let us then build mills and factories and make North Carolina as great a state in manufacturing as in agriculture. Founders of Cotton Mills. — The most important article manufactured in North Carolina is cotton. Among the men who founded this industry in the State were Michael Schenck, Joel Battle, Francis Fries, and 280 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Edwin M. Holt. Schenck built the first cotton mill in North Carolina. It was erected in 1813 on a small stream in Lincoln county. Joel Battle's mill was erected seven years later on the Tar River, in Nash county, near Rocky Mount. Francis Fries was one of the men who made Salem famous as a manufacturing The Old Alamance Mill, Burlington, N. C. (This mill was founded by Edwin M. Holt, and the first colored cotton fabric manufactured in the South was woven in this mill) center. He not only operated cotton mills, but in 1840 he erected a woollen mill. Perhaps the man who did more to develop the manufacture of cotton goods in North Carolina than any other was Edwin M. Holt. Holt's First Mill. — Edwin M. Holt was born on a farm in Orange county. When not at school, he worked on his father's farm or in his shops. In these planta- tion shops, where all sorts of repair work was done, young Holt learned to like machinery and did his first manufacturing. He often visited a cotton mill operated MAKERS OF MODERN NORTH CAROLINA 281 by steam at Greensboro and became greatly interested in its work. After studying it carefully he decided that it should be better and cheaper to operate such mills by water than by steam. He determined to build one on Great Alamance Creek which ran through his father's farm. His father thought his plan would cer- tainly fail and advised against it. But young Holt's mind was made up, and in 1S37 he bought the machi- nery, erected his mill, and started it to work. The peo- ple in that section watched the experiment with great interest, and the wise ones shook their heads sadly. Edwin Holt, they predicted, would waste his time and money Edwin M. Holt How Holt Succeeded. — But Holt was determined not to fail. He worked hard, and was always ready to make improvements. One day in 1838 a Frenchman came to the mill, who offered for $100 and his board to teach Holt how to color cotton yarn. Holt at once accepted the offer, bought the machinery, and erected the dye-house. This was the first dyeing plant in the South. Holt's experiment proved so successful that he trained all of his sons in the business. After his death, in 1884, 282 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA they continued to operate the mills, which grew steadily. When the Civil War began, the Holt mills operated 1200 spindles and 96 looms. Since the war the number of spindles has increased to more than 160,000 and the looms to more than 6000. Growth of Cotton Manufacturing. — Inspired by Holt's success, other progressive men followed his ex- ample. After his death cotton, woollen, silk, and knit- ting mills sprang up in every part of North Carolina. By 1910 the number had increased to more than four hundred, and in the manufacture of cotton North Caro- lina ranked third among the States. Thousands of people left their farms to seek work in the mills, and through them many sleepy little villages became thriving towns, while around the mills several new towns have grown into importance. Manufacture of Tobacco. — Since Sir Walter Raleigh's colonists landed on Roanoke Island in 1585 the tobacco plant has played an important part in the history of North CaroUna. In colonial days, as you have already learned, it was so important that the people used it for money. Ever since then it has been one of the chief means of bringing wealth into North Carolina. When the Civil War began in 1861 there were nearly one hundred tobacco factories in North Carolina, but they were small and employed less than two thousand per- sons. Most of these factories were on the farms where the tobacco was raised. It was manufactured by hand and sold chiefly to the people of the surrounding country. Since the war the manufacture and sale of tobacco has become second in importance only to the manufacture and sale of cotton. Upon it depend the growth and MAKERS OF MODERN NORTH CAROLINA 283 prosperity of several of North Carolina's most impor- tant towns and cities, and in some parts of the State it has become the chief crop. " Durham Tobacco." — In 1865 General Sherman's army, after receiving the surrender of General Johnston's army, encamped near a railroad crossing in Orange county, called Durham's Crossing. The soldiers liked the tobacco which grew in that section and Washington Dukes First Tobacco Factory they called it " Durham tobacco." When they re- turned to their homes they carried supplies of this to- bacco with them, and after it had given out, many of them wrote back for more. In this way they spread the use of " Durham tobacco " and unconsciously helped to lay the foundation of one of the greatest manufac- turing interests of North Carolina. The little town of Durham soon became the center of the tobacco trade. W. T. Blackwell, Julian S. Carr, Washington Duke, and others built factories there and by their energy and ability soon made the name of "Durham tobacco" famous throughout the world. The Present Duke Tobacco Factory at Durham These two factories are typical of the growth of manufactures in North Carolina, not only in tobacco, hut in all products 284 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Durham grew rapidly from a railroad crossing to one of our most modern cities. " Uppowoc " in 1586 and To-day. — Of course many other men entered into the manufacture of tobacco. They soon made the names of Winston, Reidsville, and other towns and cities famous throughout the world for their tobacco factories. Tobacco became almost as important a crop as cotton, and such towns as Wilson, Kinston, Greenville, and Rocky Mount, as well as Winston and Durham, became great tobacco markets. In 1586 Ralph Lane carried the first " uppowoc " from Roanoke Island to England, and showed Sir Walter Raleigh how to smoke. Three hundred years later Washington Duke and other manufacturers made North Carolina tobacco famous the world over. During all these years the tobacco plant was one of North Caro- lina's chief sources of wealth and prosperity. Railroads. — As North Carolina has no large rivers and harbors, most of her commerce must be carried on by railroads. No great progress could have been made in agriculture and manufacturing unless equal progress had been made in the building of railroads. When the war came to a close there were less than nine hundred miles of railroad in North Carolina. In 1910 there were nearly five thousand miles. The principal sys- tems were the Seaboard Air Line, the Southern, and the Atlantic Coast Line. In the development of these systems Major John Cox Winder, Colonel Alexander Boyd Andrews, and Robert Rufus Bridgers were among the leaders. Major Winder and Colonel Andrews were both Confederate soldiers, and Mr. Bridgers served for four years in the Confederate States Congress. MAKERS OF MODERN NORTH CAROLINA 285 Builders of Railroads. — Major John C. Winder rendered important service to the Confederate States by building strong fortifications along the coast of North Carolina. His chief work was Fort Fisher, on the Cape Fear river, the most important fort in the South. This fort guarded the port of Wilmington and protected the Advance and other blockade-runners sent out by Governor Vance. The United States attempted to destroy Fort Fisher, but Major Winder had done his work so well and the fort was so bravely defended that it held out longer than any other fort in the Confederacy. Finally in 1865, after the most terrific bombardment in our history, it was captured. After the war Major Winder turned his attention to the building of railroads. You will remember how, in 1840, the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad was completed from Raleigh northward to Gaston. In 1861 a rail- road, running southward from Raleigh, called the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line, was begun. Major Winder's work was with these two railroads. He improved the track and the road-bed, put on better trains, added new lines, and greatly extended the system. Afterwards these roads became a part of the Seaboard Air Line system, which, in 1910, operated 3000 miles of road, about 600 of which were in North Carolina. Colonel A. B. Andrews began his railroad career at seventeen years of age. At twenty he gave up his work to enter the Confederate army. In the army he fought his way upward from a private to the rank of captain. During the war the railroad bridge over the Roanoke River at Gaston was destroyed. Passengers and freight had to be carried over with great difficulty 286 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA and danger in ordinary flat-bottom boats. Colonel Andrews suggested a plan for ferry-boats which the railroad officials adopted. He operated the ferry while a bridge was being built, and was so successful that he was afterwards given a position with the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. Later he helped to build the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line. When the Southern Railway Company was formed he was made one of the vice- presidents. This system has grown so rapidly that it is now the largest railway system in the South. In North Carolina alone it operates more than 1200 miles of railroad. The work of Robert R. Bridgers was done in Eastern North Carolina. He was not, hke Major Winder and Colonel Andrews, a Confederate sol- dier. But he served in the Confederate Congress from 1861 till the close of the war. After the war he became president of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company. When the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company was formed he was chosen its president. Under his direction the system was extended into various R. R. Bridgers ,. ~\t n r^ ^^ sections oi Lastern North Carolina, as well as into other Southern States. When he became president the company operated less than 300 miles of railroad; in 1910 it owned altogether more than 4500 miles, and operated 950 miles in North Carolina alone. The Western North Carolina Railroad. — Perhaps the greatest achievement in railroad building in North Carolina is the Western North Carolina Railroad. This MAKERS OF MODERN NORTH CAROLINA 287 road, now part of the Southern Railway system, runs from Salisbury to Asheville. There it divides into two branches, one to Murphy, the other to Paint Rock, on the boundary line of North Carolina and Tennessee. It was begun by the State in 1854 in order to give a railroad to the people of the mountains. It reached Asheville in 1879.' The cost of building the road over the mountains had been so great that the State decided not to go any further with it. It was turned over to a company of wealthy men who undertook to finish it, but they failed, and the people of the mountains were in despair. Finally, through the work of Governor Thomas J. Jarvis, Colonel A. B. Andrews, and Major James W. Wilson, work was begun again, all difficulties were mastered, and the road was completed and opened for trains. The building of this railroad was the greatest piece of engineering work ever done in North Carolina. Its success was due largely to the skill of Major James W. Wilson, the chief engineer. Under his direction rivers were bridged, mountains were tunneled, deep gorges were filled in. The track crosses the Catawba, the French Broad, the Pigeon, the Little Tennessee, and the Hiwassee rivers. It spans great gorges. It climbs to the tops of mountains. It runs through dark tunnels, one of which, the Swannanoa, is nearly a thu-d of a mile long. The success of this undertaking has made Western North Carolina one of the most prosperous parts of the State. Thousands of people go there every year for their health, or to escape the heat of summer. Manu- facturing plants have been established, and several 288 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA mountains towns, once straggling little villages, have become famous resorts. Asheville has grown into one of the State's largest and prettiest cities. Educational Leaders Since the War. — Our educa- tional development has kept pace with our industrial Davie Hall, University of North Carolina development. After the war came to an end the doors of the University of North Carolina and of the public schools were closed. But as soon as the white people of the State had regained control of affairs they turned their attention again to their schools and colleges. The public school system was reestablished and the doors of the University were again opened to students. As William R. Davie founded the University after the Revolution, so Kemp P. Battle saved it after the Civil War. He was a graduate of the University, and for a few years before the war was a member of its faculty. No son of the University loved it more than he. After its doors were closed he undertook the MAKERS OF MODERN NORTH CAROLINA 289 difficult task of having them reopened. The State was then very poor, but Dr. Battle's earnest efforts suc- ceeded in raising $20,000 for his purpose. Then he appealed to the Legislature, which appropriated $7500 a year to the University. As soon as it became certain that the doors would be reopened the trustees met and elected Dr. Battle president. In September, 1875, the doors were thrown open to students. Dr. Battle found the campus grown up in weeds, the buildings greatly damaged, the Hbraries scattered, and the recitation rooms empty. But these difficulties did not daunt him. He went to work with great energy and wisdom. He remained at the head of the University for fifteen years, and under his leader- ship it regained the place in the State which it had held in the days of President Swain before the Civil War. At the University were educated such men as Charles B. Aycock, James Y. Joyner, and many others who, together with Sidney M. Finger and John C. Scar- borough, were the leaders in reestablishing the public school system of the State. Mr. Finger and Mr. Scar- borough were both Confederate soldiers. After the war they devoted themselves to work in education, and each became superintendent of public instruction. Their great work was to reorganize the public schools, and restore them to the confidence of the people. It was under their direction that Charles D. Mclver and Edwin A. Alderman made their famous campaign for education which you have already read about. One of the most important results • of the work of these leaders was the establishment of excellent graded school systems in the leading towns and cities of the State. 290 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA In 1900 another great educational campaign for the improvement of the public schools was started in North Carolina in which the leader was the governor, Charles B. Aycock. By his eloquent speeches in all parts of the State and by his efforts to increase the public school fund, A. Modern City Public School at Asheville he won the title of the " Educational Governor of North Carolina," In 1902 Governor Aycock appointed James Y. Joyner superintendent of public instruction. From 1902 to 1910, under Superintendent Joyner's direction, the public school fund increased from less than $1,500,000 to more than $3,500,000 annually. During the same time nearly 3500 school-houses were built and the value of public school property increased from less than $2,000,000 to about $6,000,000. The number of pupils increased from 400,000 to 500,000, and the school term MAKERS OF MODERN NORTH CAROLINA I!91 from eighty to one hundred days annually. As a result of these changes there are fewer people in the State who cannot read and write than ever before. Temperance Movement. — As Governor Aycock be- came known as the " Educational Governor of North Carolina " so Governor Robert B. Glenn became known as the " Prohibition Governor." Along with the educa- tional movement sprang up, soon after the war, a demand that the sale of whisky and other alcoholic liquors be forbidden in North Carohna. The movement at first grew slowly. As the years passed, a town here and a town there, and sometimes a rural community, had laws passed forbidding the sale of such liquors in its territory, Then the advocates of prohibition demanded that the sale of alcoholic liquor should be forbidden throughout the State. In 1903 a law was passed forbidding its sale except in towns. Two years later another law was passed forbidding its sale except in towns which had as many as one thousand people. Finally in 1908 the General Assembly passed a law which required that the people of the whole State should vote on the question whether alcoholic liquor should be sold at all in the State. A great campaign followed for prohibition. Speakers went into all sections of the State speaking for tem- perance as, a few years before, they had done for education. As Governor Aycock led the campaign for education, so Governor Glenn led the prohibition campaign. The election was held in May, 1908, and resulted in a victory for prohibition. Since then it has been unlawful to sell or manufacture whisky or other alcoholic liquors in North Carolina. 292 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA Forty Years of Progress. — With the progress of North Carohna in agriculture, manufacturing, commerce, and education, has gone equal progress in numerous other ways. Since the close of the war, the value of farming land in North Carolina has trebled. The corn crop has become three times, the cotton crop five times, and the tobacco crop more than ten times, as large as they were in 1870. Mills and factories have been built that manufacture cotton, tobacco, furniture, wagons, carriages, and numer- ous other articles. Ten times as many persons are employed in them, and fourteen times as much money used in their work, as in 1865. In every part of the State miles upon miles of good roads have been built. Over these good roads hundreds of rural free mail delivery routes carry daily thousands of letters, papers, and magazines to the people of all sections of the State. The number of newspapers has increased from 64 to more than 300, and their circula- tion from about 70,000 to 1,250,000. More than two thousand rural schools have good libraries, and many of our towns and cities have erected beautiful public library buildings, containing thousands of the world's best books, which are free to all the people. In no way has more progress been made than in the growth of the churches of the State. Since the war the number of churches has increased from 2,500, to 8,500, and the value of church buildings from $2,000,000 to $14,000,000. The improvement of our towns and cities has been marked. Such old towns as Wilmington, Charlotte, MAKERS OF MODERN NORTH CAROLINA 293 Raleigh, and New Bern, and such old villages as Greens- boro, Asheville, and Winston-Salem have grown into busy cities. Several new towns and cities, such as Gastonia, High Point, and Durham, have sprung up. The population of the State has increased from about 1,000,000 to more than 2,200,000, and its wealth from $125,000,000 to more than $600,000,000. These great changes are the results of much toil, sacrifice, and suffering. From the days of Sir Walter Raleigh down to our own time, thousands of brave men and women, many of whom have been forgotten, have worked and struggled in order that they might help to make North Carolina a better and happier place for their children. If the boys and girls who read this book will learn to love the Old North State as those men and women loved her, they too will some day enroll their names among the " Makers of North Carolina History." GEOGRAPHY STUDY 1. What is the chief cotton section of North Carolina? Tobacco section? Corn section? Trucking section? 2. In what sections of North Carolina are most of the cotton mills? Have these sections any natural advantage over other sections for manufacturing? 3. Locate Alamance Creek, Haw River, Graham, Spray, Gastonia. 4. Locate the towns mentioned in the lesson as being centers of the tobacco trade. 5. Trace the main lines of the Seaboard Air Line railroad. The Southern. The Atlantic Coast Line. Name the chief towns on these linee. REVIEW 1. Describe the conditions in North Carolina at the close of the war. 2. What were the chief features of the soldiers' new task? 294 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA 3. What effect did the war have on agriculture? 4. Give an account of the work of L. L. Polk in the development of agriculture. Of Augustus Leazar. Of Richard Stanhope Pullen. Of the presidents of the State A. & M. College. 5. Describe the influence of these agencies on agriculture. 6. What effect did the war have on manufacturing in North Carolina? What lessons did the people learn from this? 7. Give an account of the founding of cotton mills in North Carolina. 8. Who was Edwin M. Holt? Give an account of his first cotton mill. 9. How did Holt succeed? 10. Describe the progress made in cotton manufacturing. 11. In what way has the tobacco plant been important in our history? 12. How did " Durham tol)acco " become famous? 13. Tell the history of tobacco in North Carolina since 1586. 14. How many miles of railroad were in North Carolina in 1865? In 1910? What were the chief systems in 1910? 15. Give an account of John C. Winder's services to the Con- federacy. Of his railroad career. 16. Tell the story of A. B. Andrew's railroad career. 17. Describe Robert R. Bridgers's services as president of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad and the Atlantic Coast Line. 18. Tell the story of the building of the Western North Carolina railroad. What effect has it had on Western North Carolina? 19. What effect did the Civil War have on the schools and colleges of North Carolina? 20. Tell the story of the re-opening of the University. 21. Give an account of the leaders in the reestablishment of our public school system. 22. What has been the result of their work. 23. What has been the history of Prohibition in North Carolina? 24. Describe the progress made in North Carolina since the war. APPENDIX I ORIGIN OF THE NAMES OF THE COUNTIES OF NORTH CAROLINA Alamance. Formed in 1849 from Orange. The name of the county IS derived from Alamance Creek, on the banks of which was fought the battle between Governor Tryon and the Regulators. It is the name of an Indian tribe which dwelt in that locality Alexander. Formed in 1847 from Iredell, Caldwell, and Wilkes Named in honor of William J. Alexander of Mecklenburg county several times a member of the Legislature and speaker of the House of Commons. AUeghany. Formed in 1859 from Ashe. Name derived from an Indian tribe in the limits of North Carolina. Anson. Formed in 1749 from Bladen. Named in honor of George Lord Anson, a celebrated English admiral who circumnavigated the globe. He lived for awhile on the Pedee in South Carolina In 1761 he was given the honor of bringing to her marriage with King George III, Charlotte, Princess of Mecklenburg, for whom Mecklenburg county was named. Ashe Formed in 1799 from Wilkes. Named in honor of Samuel Ashe of New Hanover, brother of General John Ashe. Samuel Ashe was a Revolutionary patriot, one of the first judges of the State, and afterwards governor. Aveiy. Formed in 1911 from Mitchell, Watauga, and Caldwell ^amed in honor of Colonel Waightstill Avery "of Revolutionary tame, Attorney-General of North Carolina, 1777-1779 Beaufort. Formed in 1705 from Bath.' Named in honor of Henry, j Bath county was formed in 1696 out of territory bordering on Famlico Sound and extending southward to the Cape Fear river It was at first divided into "precincts," which in 1738 became "counties." 295 296 APPENDIX I Duke of Beaufort, who in 1728 was one of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina. He purchased the share of the Duke of Albemarle. Bertie. Formed in 1722 from Bath. Named in honor of James and Henry Bertie, Lords Proprietors, who in 1728 owned the share of Lord Clarendon. Bladen. Formed in 1734 from Bath. Named in honor of Martin Bladen, one of the members of the board of trade which had charge of colonial affairs. Brunswick. Formed in 1764 from New Hanover and Bladen. Named in honor of the famous House of Brunswick, of which the four Georges, Kings of England, were members. It was named at the time of the marriage of Princess Augusta, daughter of King George II, to Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick. Buncombe. Formed in 1791 from Burke and Rutherford. Named in honor of Colonel Edward Buncombe, a Revolutionary soldier who was killed at the battle of Germantown, near Philadelphia. Colonel Buncombe lived in Tyrrell county. He was noted for his hospitality. Over the door of his house were these lines, " To Buncombe Hall, Welcome All." Burke. Formed in 1777 from Rowan. Named in honor of Dr. Thomas Burke, member of the Continental Congress and gov- ernor of North Carolina. Cabarrus. Formed in 1792 from Mecklenburg. Named in honor of Stephen Cabarrus, of Edenton, several times a member of the Legislature and often speaker of the House of Commons. Caldwell. Formed in 1841 from Burke and Wilkes. Named in honor of Joseph Caldwell, the first president of the University of North Carolina. He was one of the first and strongest advo- cates of the public school system and of the railroad through the center of the state from Morehead City to Tennessee. Camden. Formed in 1777 from Pasquotank. Named in honor of the learned Englishman, Charles Pratt, Earl of Camden, who was one of the strongest friends of the Americans in the British Par- liament. He took their side in the dispute over taxation with- out representation. Carteret. Formed in 1722 from Bath. Named in honor of Sir John Carteret, afterwards Earl Granville, one of the Lords Proprietors. APPENDIX I 297 When the other Lords Proprietors sold their sliares to tlie king in 1728, Carteret refused to sell, and an immense tract of land in North Carolina was laid off as his share in 1744. It was called the Granville District and was the cause of a great deal of trouble. He lost it when the Revolution freed North Carolina from British rule. Caswell. Formed in 1777 from Orange and named in honor of Richard Caswell. (See Biography of Caswell, p. 105.) Catawba. Formed in 1842 from Lincoln. Named after a tribe of Indians which dwelt in that section of the State. Chatham. Formed in 1770 from Orange. Named in honor of the great Englishman who won for England all of French America and was the most eloquent defender of the American cause in the British Parliament during the Revolution — William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Cherokee. Formed in 1839 from Macon. Named after an Indian tribe which still dwells in that section of the State. Chowan. Formed in 1672 from Albemarle. ' Named for an Indian tribe dwelling in the northeastern part of the State when the English first came to North Carolina. Clay. Formed in 1861 from Cherokee. Named in honor of the great orator and statesman, Henry Clay. Cleveland. Formed in 1841 from Rutherford and Lincoln. Named in honor of Colonel Benjamin Cleveland. (See Biography of Cleveland, p. 120.) Columbus. Formed in 1808 from Bladen and Brunswick. Named in honor of the Discoverer of the New World. Craven. Formed in 1712 from Bath. Named in honor of William, Lord Craven, one of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina. Cumberland. Formed in 1754 from Bladen. Named in honor of William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, second son of King George II. Cumberland was the commander of the English army at the battle of CuUoden, in which the Scotch Highlanders were so badly defeated. Many of them came to America, and ' Albemarle county was the first county in North C^arolina. It was divided into " precincts," which in 1738 became " counties," and "Albe- marle county " disappeared from the map. For a long time the governors of North Carolina were called "governors of Albemarle." 298 APPENDIX 1 their principal settlement was at Cross Creek in Cumberland county. Currituck. Formed in 1672 from Albemarle. Named after an Indian tribe. Dare. Formed in 1870 from Currituck, Tyrrell, and Hyde. Named in honor of Virginia Dare, the first English child born in America. Davidson. Formed in 1822 from Rowan. Named in honor of General William L. Davidson, a soldier of the Revolution who was killed at the battle of Cowan's Ford. When General Greene retreated across North Carolina before Cornwallis in 1781, he stationed some troops under General Davidson at Cowan's Ford over the Catawba river to delay the British army. The British attacked the Americans, killed General Davidson, and forced the passage. The United States has erected a monument in his honor on Guil- ford battle-ground. Davie. Formed in 1836 from Rowan. Named in honor of Wilham R. Davie. (See Biography of Davie, p. 132.) Duplin. Formed in 1749 from New Hanover. Named in honor of George Henry, Lord Duplin, an English nobleman. Durham. Formed in 1881 from Orange and Wake. Named after the town of Durham, a thriving manufacturing city. Edgecombe. Formed in 1732 from Bath. Named in honor of Sir Richard, Baron Edgecombe, an English nobleman, and a lord of the treasury. Forsjrth. Formed in 1849 from Stokes. Named in honor of Captain Benjamin Forsyth, of Stokes county, who in the War of 1812 raised a company of riflemen and marched to Canada, where he was killed in battle. Franklin. Formed in 1779 from Bute. (See p. 146.) Named in honor of the great philosopher and statesman, Benjamin Franldin. Gaston. Formed in 1846 from Lincoln. Named in honor of Judge William Gaston. (See Biography of Gaston, p. 170.) Gates. Formed in 1779 from Hertford. Named in honor of General Horatio Gates, who commanded the American army at the battle of Saratoga. At this battle an entire British arrrly was captured, but General Gates contributed nothing to that success. It is regarded as one of the most important battles in the history of the world. APPENDIX I 299 Graham. Formed in 1872 from Cherokee. Named in honor of Governor William A. Graham. (See Biography of Graham, p. 192.) Granville. Formed in 1746 from Edgecombe. Named m honor of Carteret, Earl Granville, who owned the Granville District. He was Prime Minister under King George II, and a very brilliant man. Greene. Formed in 1799 from Glasgow ^ and Craven. Named in honor of General Nathaniel Greene, Washington's "right-hand man." Next to Washington, General Greene is regarded as the greatest soldier of the Revolution. He fought the battle of Guil- ford Court House and saved North Carolina from the British. Guilford. Formed in 1770 from Rowan and Orange. Named in honor of Francis, Earl of Guilford, an English nobleman. He was the father of Lord North, who was Prime Minister under King George III. during the Revolution. Lord North afterwards became Earl of Guilford. Halifax. Formed in 1758 from Edgecombe. Named in honor of George, Earl of Halifax, president of the board of trade, which had control of the colonies before the Revolution. Harnett. Formed in 1855 from Cumberland. Named in honor of Cornelius Harnett. (See Biography of Harnett, p. 76.) Haywood. Formed in 1808 from Buncombe. Named in honor of John HajTvood, who for forty years was the popular treasurer of the State. Henderson. Formed in 1838 from Buncombe. Named in honor of Leonard Henderson, chief justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and his brother, Archibald Henderson, a member of Congress and a very able lawyer. Hertford. Formed in 1759 from Chowan, Bertie, and Northampton. Named in honor of Francis Seymour Conway, Earl of Hertford, an English nobleman. He was a brother of General Conway, a distinguished British soldier and member of Parliament, who 1 Glasgow county was named in honor of James Glasgow, the first secretary of state after 1776. He had been a prominent patriot during the P^evolution, and while secretary of state was convicted of fraud in issuing land grants in Tennessee, and his name was expunged from the map. 300 APPENDIX I favored the repeal of the Stamp Act. The word Hertford is said to mean "Red Ford." Hoke. Formed in 1911 from Cumberland and Robeson. Named in honor of Robert F. Hoke, of North Carolina, Major-General in the Confederate States Army. Hyde, Formed in 1705 from Bath. Called Wickham until about 1712. Named Hyde in honor of Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, one of the Lords Proprietors. Iredell. Formed in 1788 from Rowan. Named in honor of James Iredell, of Edenton. James Iredell was one of the foremost lawyers of the State. In 1788 and 1789 he was one of the leaders in the State in advocating the adoption of the Consti- tution of the United States. His speeches in the Convention of 1788 at Hillsboro were among the ablest delivered by any of the advocates of the Constitution. Washington ap- pointed him in 1790 a judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. Jackson. Formed in 1851 from Haywood and Macon. Named in honor of Andrew Jackson, who was born in Mecklenburg county (the site of his birthplace is now in Union), won the brilliant victory over the British at New Orleans, in 1815, and was twice elected President of the United States. Johnston. Formed in 1746 from Craven. Afterwards parts of Duplin and Orange were added. Named in honor of Gabriel Johnston, governor of North Carolina from 1734 to 1752. Jones. Formed in 1779 from Craven. Named in honor of Willie Jones, of Halifax. He was one of the leading patriots of the Revolution, was president of the Council of Safety, and was opposed to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. It was due to his influence that the Convention of 1788 rejected it. Lee. Formed in 1907 from Chatham and Moore. Named in honor of Robert E. Lee, the Confederate General. Lenoir. Formed in 1791 from Dobbs^ and Craven. Named in 1 Dobbs county was named in honor of Arthur Dobbs, one of the royal governors of North Carolina. In 1791 the county was divided into Lenoir and Glasgow, and the name of Dobbs was erased from the map. APPENDIX I 301 honor of General William Lenoir, one of the heroes of King's Mountain. Lincoln. Formed in 1779 from Tryon.' Named in honor of General Benjamin Lincoln, a distinguished general of the Revolution, whom Washington appointed to receive the sword of Lord Cornwallis at the surrender at Yorktown. Macon. Formed in 1828 from Haywood. Named in honor of Nathaniel Macon. (See Biography of Macon, p. 146.) Madison. Formed in 1851 from Buncombe and Yancey. Named in honor of James Madison, fourth President of the United States. Martin. Formed in 1774 from Halifax and Tyrrell. Named in honor of Josiah Martin, the last royal governor of North Carolina. It is probable that this name would have been changed like that of Dobbs and Tryon but for the popularity of Alexander Martin, who was governor in 1782 and again in 1790. McDowell. Formed in 1842 from Rutherford and Burke. Named in honor of Colonel Joseph McDowell an active officer of the Revolution. Mecklenburg. Formed in 1762 from Anson. Named in honor of Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg, Queen of George III, King of England. The county seat, Charlotte, one of the prettiest cities in the State, was also named in her honor. Mecklenburg county was the scene of some of the most stirring events of the Revolution. MitchelL Formed in 1861 from Yancey, Watauga, Caldwell, Burke, and McDowell. Named in honor of Dr. Elisha Mitchell, a professor in the University of North Carolina. While on an exploring expedition on Mt. Mitchell, the highest peak east of the Rocky Mountains, which was named in his honor, Dr. Mitchell fell from a high peak and was killed. His body is buried on the top of this lofty mountain. Montgomery. Formed in 1779 from Anson. Named in honor of the brave General Richard Montgomery, who lost his life at the battle of Quebec in 1775 while trying to conquer Canada. ' Named for Governor William Tryon, who defeated the Regulators. Afterwards abolished. 302 APPENDIX I Moore. Formed in 1784 from Cumberland. Named in honor of Captain Alfred Moore, of Brunswick, a soldier of the Revolu- tion, and afterwards a judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. Nash. Formed in 1777 from Edgecombe. Named in honor of General Francis Nash, a soldier of the Revolution, who was . killed while fighting under Washington at Germantown. The United States has erected a monument in his honor at the Guilford battle-ground near Greensboro. New Hanover. Formed in 1729 from Bath. Named after Han- over, a country in Europe whose ruler became King of England with the title of George I. Northampton. Formed in 1741 from Bertie. Named in honor of George, Earl of Northampton, an English nobleman. His son, Spencer Compton, Earl of Wilmington, was high in office when Gabriel Johnston was governor of North Carolina who had the town of Wilmington named in his honor. Onslow. Formed in 1734 from Bath. Named in honor of Arthur Onslow, for more than thirty years speaker of the House of Commons in the British Parliament. Orange. Formed in 1752 from Granville, Johnston, and Bladen. Named in honor of William of Orange, who became King William III of England. He was one of the greatest of the kings of England and saved the English people from the tyranny of James II His name is held in honor wherever English liberty is enjoyed. Pamlico. Formed in 1872 from Craven and Beaufort. Named after the sound of the same name, which was the name of a tribe of Indians in eastern North Carolina. Pasquotank. Formed in 1672 from Albemarle. Named for a tribe of Indians in eastern Carolina. Pender. Formed in 1875 from New Hanover. Named in honor of General William D. Pender, of Edgecombe county, a brave Confederate soldier who was killed at the battle of Gettysburg. The last order ever given by the famous " Stone- wall " Jackson on the battle-field was given to General Pender: " You must hold your ground. General Pender, you must hold APPENDIX I 303 your ground," he cried as he was carried off the field to die. General Pender held his ground. Perquimans. Formed in 1672 from Albemarle. Named after a tribe of Indians. Person. Formed in 1791 from Caswell. Named in honor of General Thomas Person, Revolutionary patriot, member of the Council of Safety, and trustee of the University. He gave a large sum of money to the University, and a building was erected in his honor called Person Hall. Pitt. Formed in 1760 from Beaufort. Named in honor of Wil- liam Pitt. (See Chatham.) Polk. Formed in 1855 from Rutherford and Henderson. Named in honor of Colonel William Polk, " who rendered distinguished services in the battles of Germantown, Brandywine, and Eutaw, in all of which he was wounded." Randolph. Formed in 1779 from Guilford. Named in honor of Peyton Randolph, of Virginia, the president of the first Con- tinental Congress. Richmond. Formed in 1779 from Anson. Named in honor of Charles Lennox, Duke of Richmond, principal secretary of state in William Pitt's second administration. He was a strong friend of the American colonies and made the motion in the House of Lords that they be granted their independence. Robeson, Formed in 1786 from Bladen. Named in honor of Colonel Thomas Robeson, a soldier of the Revolution. He was one of the leaders at the battle of Elizabethtown, which was fought in September, 1781. By this battle the Tories in the southeastern part of the State were crushed forever. The commander of the Whigs was Colonel Thomas Brown. Rockingham. Formed in 1785 from Guilford. Named in honor of Charles Wentworth, Marquis of Rockingham, who was the leader of the party in the British Parliament that advo- cated American independence. He was Prime Minister when the Stamp Act was repealed. Rowan. Formed in 1753 from Anson. Named in honor of Matthew Rowan, a prominent leader before the Revolution, and for a short time after the death of Governor Gabriel Johnston, acting governor. 304 APPENDIX I Rutherford. Formed in 1779 from Tryon and Burke. Named in honor of General Griffith Rutherford, one of the most promi- nent of the Revolutionary patriots. He led the expedition that crushed the Cherokees in 1776, and rendered other im- portant services both in the Legislature and on the battle-field. Sampson. Formed in 1784 from Duplin and New Hanover. Named in honor of Colonel John Sampson, who was a member of Governor Martin's Council. Scotland. Formed in 1899 from Richmond. Named after the country of Scotland, the northern part of the island of Great Britain. Most of the people of this county are descendants of Scotch Highlanders. Stanly. Formed in 1841 from Montgomery. Named in honor of John Stanly, for many years a member of the Legislature, and several times speaker of the House of Commons. Stokes. Formed in 1789 from Surry. Named in honor of Colonel John Stokes, a brave soldier of the Revolution, who was desperately wounded at the Waxhaw massacre, when Colonel Buford's regiment was cut to pieces by Tarleton. After the war Washington appointed him a judge of the United States Court in North Carolina. Surry. Formed in 1771 from Rowan. Named in honor of Lord Surrey, a prominent member of Parliament who opposed the taxation of the American colonies by Parliament. Swain. Formed in 1871 from Jackson and Macon. Named in honor of David L. Swain, governor of North Carolina and president of the University. Transylvania. Formed in 18G1 from Henderson and Jackson. The name is derived from two Latin words, " trans," across, " sylva," woods. Tyrrell. Formed in 1729 from Albemarle. Named in honor of Sir John Tyrrell, who at one time was one of the Lords Pro- prietors. Union. Formed in 1842 from Anson and Mecklenburg. Vance. Formed in 1881 from Granville, Warren, and Franklin. Named in honor of Zebulon B. Vance, " the Great War Governor." (See Biography of Vance, p. 222.) Wake. Formed in 1770 from Johnston, Cumberland, and Orange. APPENDIX I 305 Named in honor of Governor Tryon's wife, whose maiden name was Wake. Some historians say that the county was named for " Esther Wake, the popular sister of Tryon's wife," but there is no reason to suppose that any such person ever existed. She is purely a creature of the imagination. Warren. Formed in 1779 from Bute and Granville. Named in honor of General Joseph Warren, a brave Massachusetts soldier who fell while fighting at the battle of Bunker Hill. Washington. Formed in 1799 from Tyrrell. Named in honor of George Washington. Watauga. Formed in 1849 from Ashe, Wilkes, Caldwell, and Yancey. Named after an Indian tribe. Wayne. Formed in 1779 from Dobbs and Craven. Named in honor of General Anthony Wayne, one of Washington's most trusted soldiers. His courage was so great as to amount almost to rashness, and his soldiers called him " Mad Anthony Wayne." Wilkes. Formed in 1777 from Surry and Burke. Named in honor of John Wilkes. Wilkes was a violent opponent of the Tory party in England, who would not let him take his seat in Parliament to which he had been elected. The Ameri- cans imagined he was suffering in the cause of liberty and named the county in his honor. Wilson. Formed in 1855 from Edgecombe, Nash, Johnston, and Wayne. Named in honor of Louis D. Wilson, many times a member of the Legislature from Edgcombe county, a soldier of the Mexican War, and the benefactor of the poor of his native county. Yadkin. Formed in 1850 from Surry. Name derived from the name of the Yadkin river which runs through it. It is sup- posed to be an Indian name. Yancey. Formed in 1833 from Burke and Buncombe. Named in honor of Bartlett Yancey, an eloquent orator, many times a member of the Legislature, speaker of the State Senate, and a member of Congress. He was one of the earliest advocates of the public school system of North Carolina. APPENDIX II CHIEF EXECUTIVES OF NORTH CAROLINA Governors of Colonial North Carolina Governors of " Virginia " April 1585 — June 1586 .... Ralph Lane ' Appointed by Walter Raleigh April 1587 — Aug. 1587 John White - Appointed by Walter Raleigh Governors, Deputies, and Presidents of the Council under the Proprietors Oct. 1663 — Oct. 1667 . . . .William Drummond ^ . . Appointed by the Proprietors Oct. 1667 — Dec. 1669 .... Samuel Stephens Appointed by the Proprietors Oct. 1670 — May 1()73 .... Peter Carteret .Appointed by the Proprietors May 1673 — Nov. 1676 John Jenkins President of Council Nov. 1676 — Nov. 1678 . . . .Thomas Eastchurch '' ... .\ppointed by the Proprietors 1677 — ... .Thomas Miller < Eastchurch's Deputy 1677 — 1678 . . . .John Culpepper ■• Elected by Rebels 1678 — ... .Seth Sothel ^ .\ppointed by the Proprietors Feb. 1679 — Aug. 1679 . . . John Harvey Deputy appointed by Proprietors Nov. 1679 — 1681 . . . John Jenkins President of Council 1682 — 1689 . . . .Seth Sothel " Appointed by the Proprietors Dec. 1689 — 1691 . . . .Philip Ludwell Appointed by the Proprietors 1691 — 1694 .... Philip Ludwell Governor of all Carolina 1691 — 1694 . . . .Thomas Jarvis Ludwell's Deputy 1694 — 1696 . . . .John Archdale Governor of all Carolina 1694 — 1699 . . . .John Harvey Deputy-Governor 1699 — 1704 . . . .Henderson Walker President of Council 1704 — 1705 .... Robert Daniel Deputy-Governor 1705 — 1706 Thomas Gary ^ Deputy-Governor 1706 — Aug. 1708 William Clover ' President of Council 1708 — Jan. 1711 Thomas Gary ^ President of Council Jan. 1711 — Sept. 1712 . , . .Edward Hyde' Appointed by the Proprietors Sept. 1712 — May 1714 .... Thomas Pollock ' President of the Council May 1714 — Mar. 1722 . . . .Charles Eden . . . .• Appointed by the Proprietors May 1722 — Aug. 1722 Thomas Pollock * President of Council Sept. 1722 — 1724 William Reed President of Council 1724 — July 1725 . . . .George Burrington Appointed by the Proprietors July 1725 — May 1728 . . . .Richard Everard .\ppointed by the Proprietors 1 See p. .5. 2 See p. 7. ' See p. 17. < See pp. 19-22. ^ See p. 23. « See p. 41. ''Seep. 34. « See p. 36. 306 APPENDIX II 307 May 1728- Feb. 1731 - Nov. 1734 ■ July 1752 Nov. 1754 May 1765- June 1771 Aug. 1771 ■Feb. 1731 Nov. 1734 ■July 1752 ■ Nov. 1754 ■ May 1765 • Juno 1771 ■ Aug. 1771 May 1775 Governors under the Crown . . Richard Everard Filled interval . .George Burrington Appointed by the Crown . .Gabriel Johnston .\ppointed by the Crown . .Matthew Rowan President of the Council . . .\rthur Dobbs .-Appointed by the Crown . . William Tryon Appointed by the Crown , .James Hasell President of Council . .Josiah Martin Appointed by the Crown Presidents of the Council under the Revolutionary Government Oct. IS, 1775 — Aug. 21, 177G Cornelius Harnett New Hanover Aug. 21, 1776 — Sept. 27, 1776 Samuel Ashe New Hanover Sept. 27, 1776 — Oct. 25, 1776 Willie Jones Halifax Governors of North Carolina Since Independence Elected by the Legislature - 1776 — April 1780 Richard Caswell Lenoir 1780 — June 25, 1781 Abner Nash Craven 1781 — April 22, 1782 Thomas Burke Orange 1782 — Nov. 8, 1784 Alexander Martin Guilford 1784 — Dec. 13, 1787 Richard Caswell Lenoir 1787 — Dec. 5, 1789 Samuel Johnston Chowan 1789 — Dec. 11, 1792 Alexander Martin Guilford 1792 — Nov. 14, 1795 Richard Dobbs Spaight Craven 1795 — Dec. 3, 1798 Samuel Ashe New Hanover 1798 — Nov. 24, 1799 William R. Davie Halifax 1799 — Dec. 6, 1802 Benjamin Williams Moore 1802 — Nov. 24, 1805 James Turner Warren 1S05 — Nov. 24, 1807 Nathaniel Alexander Mecklenburg 1807 — Nov. 28, 1808 Benjamin Williams Moore 1808 — Dec. 1, 1810 David Stone Bertie 1810 — Dec. 7,1811 Benjamin Smith Brunswick 1811 — Nov. 20, 1814 William Hawkins Warren 1814 — Dec. 6, 1817 William Miller Warren 1817 — Dec. 7, 1820 John Branch Halifax 1820 — Dec. 7, 1821 Jesse Franklin Surry 1821 — Dec. 7, 1824 Gabriel Holmes Sampson 1824 — Dec. 8, 1827 Hutchins G. Burton Halifax 1827 — Dec. 12, 1828 James Iredell Chowan 1828 — Dec. 18, 1830 John Owen Bladen 1830 — Dec. 6, 1832 Montford Stokes Wilkes 1832 — Dec. 10, 1835 David L. Swain Buncombe 1835 — Dec. 31, 1836 Richard Dobbs Spaight, Jr Craven Dec. 19, April June 25 April 22 Nov. 9 Dec. 13 Dec. 5 Dec. 11 Nov. 14 Dec. 3 Nov. 24 Dec. 6 Nov. 25 Nov. 25: Nov. 28: Dec. 1 Dec. 7 Nov. 20 Dec. 6 Dec. Dec. 7 Dec. 7 Dec. 8 Dec. 12 Dec. 18 Dec. 6 Dec. 10 Dec. Jan. Elected by the People^ Jan. 1, 1841 Edward B. Dudley New Hanover Jan. 1, 1845 John M. Morehead Guilford 1 See p. 82. * Term of office one year. •* Term of office changed to two years in 1835. 31, 18.36 1, 1841 308 APPENDIX II Jan. 1, 1845 — Jan. 1, 1849 WiOiam A. Graham Orange Jan. 1, 1849 —Jan. 1, 1851 Charles Manly Wake Jan. 1, 1851 ^ 1854 David S. Reid Rockingham 1854 — Jan. 1, 1855 Warren Winslow Cumberland Jan. 1, 1855 — Jan. 1, 1859 Thomas Bragg Northampton Jan. 1, 1859 — July 7, 1861 John W. Ellis Rowan July 7, 1861 — Sept. 8, 1802 Henry T. Clark Edgecombe Sept. 8, 1862 — May 29, 1865 Zebulon B. Vance Buncombe May 29, 1865 — Dec. 15, 1865 William W. Holden Wake Dec. 15, 1865 — July 1, 1868 Jonathan Worth Randolph July 1, 1868 — Mar. 22, 1871 William W. Holden > Wake Mar. 22, 1871 — July 14, 1874. Tod R. Caldwell Burke July 14, 1874 — Jan. 1, 1877 Curtis H. Brogden Wayne Jan. 1,1877 — Feb. 5,1879 Zebulon B. Vance Mecklenburg Feb. 5, 1879 — Jan. 21, 1885 Thomas J. Jarvis Pitt Jan. 21, 1885 — Jan. 17, 1889 Alfred M. Scales Rockingham y Jan. 17, 1889 — April 8, 1891 Daniel G."Flwl5 Wake April 8, 1891 — Jan. 18, 1893 Thomas M. Holt Alamance Jan. 18, 1893 — Jan. 12, 1897 Elias Carr Edgecombe Jan. 12, 1897 — Jan. 15, 1901 Daniel L. Russell Brunswick Jan. 15, 1901 — Jan. 11, 1905 Charles B. Aycock Wayne Jan. 11, 1905 — Jan. 12,1909 Robert B. Glenn Forsyth Jan. 12. 1909— ■ William W. Kitchin Person ' Term of office changed to four years in 1868. - ■jSi-' ^KK V-v^ V^v'^ -^ n y\ V l^-bi — \ \ INDEX Advance, the, 234-235 Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege, the, 277 Agriculture, in colonial times, 27-28; effect of the Civil War on, 274- 275; State Department of, 276; progress in since 1865, 278 Alamance, battle of, 60, 107 Albemarle Sound, settlements on shores of, 14 Alderman, Edwin A., conducts edu- cational campaign, 267 Amadas, Philip, explores Roanoke Island, 3-4 Andrews, Alexander Boyd, a rail- road builder, 284 Appomattox, last charge at, 257- 258 Articles of Confederation, 101-102 Ashe, John, on Committee of Cor- respondence, 68; burns Fort Johnston, 83-84; proscribed by Governor Martin, 84 Aycock, Charles Brantley, governor of North Carolina leads educa- tional campaign, 290 Badger, George E. 226-227 Banks, saved by Gaston, 174-175 Barlow, Arthur, explores Roanoke Island, 3-4 Bath, oldest town in North Carolina, 32 Battle, Joel, builds cotton mill, 279. Battle, Kemp Plummer, president of the University, 264, 288 Benton, Thomas, tribute to Macon. 153 Bentonville, battle of, 259 Bethel, battle of, 243-244 309 Bethel Regiment, 244 Blackbeard, the pirate, 43; defeated and killed, 44 Blackwell, W. T., builds tobacco factory, 283 Blakely, Johnston, birth, 160; is brought to North Carolina, 160; at the University, 160; enters the United States Navy, 160; in the war with the Algerine pirates, 161-162; in command of the Enterprise, 162; of the Wa>
legates to Continental Congress, 70 Commerce, in colonial days, 27-28 Committees of Correspondence, 67- 68 Committees of Safety, 81-82 Common Schools, 210-220 Corn, carried to England, 7 Cornwallis, Lord, at Cape F'ear, 113; retreats from Charlotte, 127; invades North Carolina, 136-137 Conservative Party, 206 Constitution of North Carolina, 1776, 113; amended by Conven- tion of 1835, 156, 177-178 Constitution of the United States, 139-140; rejected bv North Caro- lina, 140; adopted, '141 Continental Congress, 68 Convention of 1787 at Philadelphia, 116-117, i;?9-140 (convention of 1788 at Hillsboro, 140 of 1789 at Fa\'etteville, 141 Convention of 1835, amendments to Constitution, 156 Cotton manufactures, 282 Council of Safety, 82 Cox, (General WUliam R., 258 Croatau, 9-10 (.Culpepper, John, appointed collec- tor, 22 Cul[)epper's Rebellion, 18-23 Dale, Richard, 161 Dare, Eleanor, mother of Virginia Dare, 8 Dare, Virginia, first white child born in "Virginia," 8 Davidson, John, 192 Davidson College, 210, 243 Davio, Archibald, 132 Davie, William Richardson, birth and education, 132-133; volun- INDEX 311 tecrs in Revolutionary army, 133; major of cavalry, 134; narrow escape at Stono Ferry, 134; ad- mitted to bar, 135; pledges for- tune to equip his company, 135; his battles, 135-136; as a soldier, 136; defence of Charlotte, 136- 137; appointed quartermaster, 137; equips Greene's army, 137- 138; as a lawyer, 138; as an orator, 139; member of Conven- tion of 1787, 139-140; of Conven- tion of 1788, 140; of Convention of 1789, 141; supports the Fed- eral Constitution, 140-141; in the House of Commons, 141; founds the University, 142; elected governor, 142-143; United States commissioner to France, 143; de- clines appointment as major- general in United States army, 144; last days, 144; Gaston's tribute to, 144 Davis, Jefferson, 205 De Graffenried, Christopher, founds New Bern, 32 Deputies of the Lords Proprietors, 26-27 Dix, Dorothea, work for an asylum for the insane, 185-187 Dobl)in, James Cochran, birth, 183; education, 183; admitted to the bar, 184; elected to Congress, 184-185; in the General Assembly 185; speech on insane asylum bill, 186-187; speaker of House of Commons, 187; on secession, 187-188; Secretary of the Navy, 188-190; death, 190 Dobbs, Arthur, appointed governor, 51 Drake, Sir Francis, carries Lane's colony to England, 6 Drummond, first governor of Caro- lina, 17 Duke, Washington, 283 Durant, CJeorge, birth, 14; moves to Carolina, 15; selects site for his home 15; buys land from Indian chief, 15; leads resistance to navigation laws, 19; threatens to rebel against Eastchurch, 20; arrives in Carolina from England, 21; leads rebellion, 21; in con- trol of government, 22; resists Seth Sothel, 23; a justice of the peace, 23; death, 23 Durant's Neck, 15 Eastchurch, Thomas, in England, 19; appointed governor of Albe- marle, 20; stops in West Indies, 21; sends Miller to administer government, 21; arrives in Vir- ginia, 22; death, 22 Eden, Charles, governor of North Carolina, 36; suspected of friend- ship for Blackbeard, 43 Education, in colonial days, 29, 38- 39; before 1860, 194, 197-198,210- 220, 262-271; progress since 1902, 290 Elizabeth, Queen, confers knight- hood on Raleigh, 2; gives him permission to send colony to America, 3; names new country "Virginia," 5; banishes Raleigh from her court, 11 Ellis, John W., governor of North Carolina, refuses troops to Presi- dent Lincoln, 204, 241 Ellsworth, Oliver, 143 Enterprise, the, commanded by Blakely, 162 Established Church in Carolina, 30- 31, 39 Eutaw Springs, battle of, 138 Farm Life Schools, 278 Ferguson, Patrick, threatens fron- tiersmen, 124; floes to King's Mountain, 125; killed, 127 Fort Dol>bs, description of, 53-54; attacked, 56 Fort Duquesne, 54-56 Fort Johnston, 83-84 Fort Nohoroco, 35 Fort Raleigh, built by Lane, 5; in ruins, 8 France, hostility of, to the United States, 143; treatv with, 143 Franklin, State of, 129 French and Indian War, 51-56 Fries, Francis, 280 312 INDEX Frontier Life l)cforc the Revolution 120 Gaston, Alexander, 170-172 Gaston, Margaret Sharpe, 170-172 Gaston, William, birth, 170; edu- cation, 172-173; admitted to bar, 173; in the Legislature, 173-175; speaker, 173; supports plan for a supreme court, 174; saves the State Bank, 174-175; opposes removal of the capitol, 175; elected to Congress, 175; ap- pointed judge of the Supreme Court, 177; work in the Conven- tion of 1835, 177-178; popu- larity, 178-179; as an orator, 179; orations at the University and at Princeton, 179-180; honors, 180; death 181; mentioned, 194 Gaston Hall, 172 Gates, General Horatio, defeated at Camden, 115, 135 Gettysburg, battle of, 249-251 Glenn, Robert Broadnax, governor of North Carolina, leads fight for prohibition, 291 Glover, William, 31, 40-42 Gombroon, home of Z. B. V^ance, 238 Graham, Joseph, 192 Graham, William Alexander, men- tioned, 189; birth, 192; educa- tion, 192-193; at the University, 193; admitted to the bar, 193; as an orator, 194; work in the Legislature, 194-195; in the United States Senate, 195-196; as governor, 197-198; favors North Carolina Railroad, 198; raises troops for Mexi(;an War, 199; Secretary of the Navy, 199- 200; sends Perry expedition to Japan, 200-201; opinion on seces- sion, 203-204; member of C>)n- vention of 18()1, 204; Confederate States senator, 204-205; favors peace, 205; leads fight against reconstruction in North ('aroHna, 206; favors impeachment of (io\'- crnor Holdcn, 206; memb(>r of Peabody Education Board, 207; represents Virginia in Virginia- Maryland boundary controversy, 207; death, 207-208 Grand Model, sent to Carolina by Lords Proprietors, 17; resisted by the people, 18 Graves, Calvin, votes for North Carolina Railroad, 198-99 Greene, General Nathaniel, in com- mand of Southern army, 137; appoints Davie quarter-master, 137; fights battles of Guilford Court House, Hobkirk's Hill, Eutaw Springs, 138; urges Macon to go to the Legislature, 148 Grimes, Major-General Bryan, favors secession, 242; at battle of Seven Pines, 252-253; as a sol- dier, 253-254; appointed briga- dier-general, 254-255; service in Shenandoah Valley, 255; ap- pointed major-general, 255; at siege of Petersburg, 255-257; plans last battle of Lee's army, 257-258; last days, 259-260 Guilford Court House, battle of, 115, 138 (Guilford College, 210 Hancock, Indian chief, 33; insti- gates attack on whites, 34; de- feated, 35 Hanging Rock, battle of, 135 Harnett, Cornelius, birth, 76; moves to Wilmington, 76; appearance, 76; in the Assembly, 77; resists Stamp Act, 77-80; enforces non- importation association, 80; plans committees of correspondence, 80-81; member of Committee of Correspondence, 68; visits New Englantl, 81 ; member Provincial Congress, 81; president Provin- cial Council, 82; receives news of Ijattle of Lexington, 82; burns Fort Johnston, 83-84; proscribed by (Jovernor Martin, 84; leads way to independence, 84-86; pr()s(;rib(>d by Sir Henry Clinton, 87; reads Declaration of Inde- pendence to people at Halifax, 87; elected (lel(>gate to Continental Congress, 88; his sacrifices in INDEX 313 cause of independence, 88; death, 89; signs Articles of Confedera- tion, 102 Harvey, John, birth, 63; education, 63; wealth, 63; elected to the Assembly, 64; si)eaker, 64-65; op- poses taxation by Parliament, 6(); moderator of convention of 1769, 67; rewarded for services, 67; on Committee of Corresijondence, 6S; calls Congress of 1774,69; thanked for service by Congress, 70-7 1 ; sends aid to Boston, 71-72; speaker of last colonial Assembly, 72-73; moderator of Congress of 1775, 72-73; death, 73; tributes to, 73 Harvey, Thomas, 22 Harvey's Nock, 63 Haywood, William H., 194 Hewes, Joseph, meml)er of Com- mittee of Correspondence, 68; elected a delegate to Continental Congress, 70, 95; sends aid to lioston, 72, 94; lays Resolution of April 12, 1776, before Conti- nental Congress, 86; birth, 92; education, 92; moves to Edenton, • 93; in the Assembly, 93; mem- ber of Provincial (congress, 95; head of naval committee of Con- tinental Congress, 96-97; urges resistance to the King, 98; sends supplies to Washington's army, 101; death, 101; journey to Con- tinental Congress, 109 Hill, General Daniel Harvey, mili- tary training, 242-243; trains North Carolina troops, 243; at battle of Bethel, 243-244; his bearing in battle, 244-246; placed in defence of North Carolina, 246- 247; service in Tennessee, 258- 259; at battle of Bentonville, 259; last days, 259-260 Hill, Daniel Harvey, Jr., president of A. & M. College, 277 Hobkirk's Hill, battle of, 138 Holden, William W., governor of North Carolina, impeachment of, 206 Holladay, Alexander Q., president of A. & M. College, 277 Holt, Edwin M., 280; erects cotton mill, 2S1; erects first dye [)lant in South, 281; the Holt mills, 282 Hooper, William, member of the Committee of Correspondence, 68; birth, 91; education, 91- 92; moves to Wilmington, 92; in Assembly, 93; sends aid to Boston, 94; advocates a Provincial Congress, 94-95; member of Pro- vincial Congress, 95; elected dele- gate to Continental Congress, 70, 95; as an orator, 9(5; urges re- sistance to King, 97; prctlicts independence of colonies, 9S; last days and death, 100; monu- ment, 103 Hornet's Nest, 136 Houston, Wilham, forced to resign office of stam[) agent, 78 Howe, Robert, on Committee of Correspondence, 68; proscribed by Martin, 84; by Clinton, 87 Huguenots, settle in North Caro- lina, 46 Hyde, Edward, appointed governor of North Carolina, 31, 41; seeks help against Indians from South Carolina and Virginia, 34; death, 34; sides with Pollock against Moseley, 42 Independence, 84-86, 99 Indians, plan attack on whites, 33; in French and Indian War, 52-58 Innes, Colonel James, commands North Carolina trooi)s, 52 Insane Asylum, 185-187 Internal Improvements, 194-195, 197 Invincible Armada, 8-9 Iredell, James, supports Federal Constitution, 140-141 Jackson, Andrew, opinion of Davie, 136 Jamestown, founding of, 12 Japan, treaty with, 189-190, 200- 202 Jarvis, Thomas J., governor of North Carolina, 287 Jenkins, John, acting governor of North Carolina, 22 314 INDEX Johnston, Gabriel, governor of North Carohna, 105-106 Johnston, General Joseph E., sur- renders to General Sherman near Durham, 259 Johnston, Samuel, member of Com- mittee of Correspondence, 08; supports Federal Constitution, 140 Jones, General Allen, 85, 133 Jones, John Paul, 96, 161 Jones, Thomas, 85 Jones, Willie, opposes Federal Con- stitution, 140 Joyner, James Yadkin, superin- tendent of public insf ruction, 289; progress in education under, 290 Kilcocanen, sells land to George Durant, 15 Kinchen, John, 85 King's Mountain, battle of, 125-128 Lane, Ralph, governor of first colony; 5; abandons Roanoke, 6 Leazar, Augustus, author of bill to establish A. & M. College, 277 Lexington, battle of, 82-83 Libraries in North Carolina, 292 Lillington, Colonel Alexander, at battle of Moore's Creek, 112 Lincoln, Abraham, President of the United States, 203 Literary Board, the, 211 Lords Proprietors, receive grant from the King, 16; formulate government for Carolina, 17; appoint Eastchurch governor, 20; Lost Colony, the, 10-11 McDowell, Joseph, in King's Moun- tain campaign, 124 Mclver, Charles Duncan, birth, 203; education, 263-264; at the Uni- versity, 264-265; first vote, 265- 266; as a teacher, 266; needs of public schools, 266-267; founds State Normal and Industrial Col- lege, 267-70; as an educational leader, 270; member of Southern Educational Board; 270-271; honors, 271; death, 270-271 Macon, Nathaniel, birth, 146; edu- cation, 146-147; volunteers in patriot army, 147; elected to Legislature, 147-149; builds Buck Spring, 149; habits, 149; amuse- ments, 150; political offices, 151; as a public official, 151; his work in Congress, 153-154; on war, 153; retires from Congress, 154- 156; president of Convention of 1835, 156; death, 157 Manteo, Indian warrior, goes to England, 4; returns to Roanoke, 5; sentls food to Lane's colony, 6 Manufacturing, 279 Martin, Alexander, member of Con- vention of 1787, 139 Martin, Josiah, governor of North Carolina, refuses to convene the Assembly, 69; denounces the committees of safety, 81; plans uprising of the Tories, 111 Mecklenburg County, organizes an independent government, 99 Mexican War, North Carolina troops in, 199 Miller, Thomas, in England, 19; appointed collector, 20; tyranny of, 21; arrested and imprisoned 21 Moore, Colonel James, defeats Han- cock, 35 Moore, General James, resists Stamp Act; commands North Carolina troops in Moore's Creek cam- paign, 112 Moore's Creek Bridge, battle of, 85, 111-113 Morehead, John M., governor of North Carolina, 226 Moseley, Edward, rival of Thomas Pollock, 31 ; moves to North Caro- lina, 38; his plantations and wealth, 38; library, 39; political career, 39; member of governor's council, 40; in the Gary Rebellion, 40-41; declares against taxation without representation, 42; de- nounces governor Eden for failure to punish pirates, 43-44; im- prisoned, 44; boundary line com- missioner, 45-46; moves to Cape Fear, 46; builds Moseley Hall, INDEX 315 47; last services to colony, 48; death, 49 Murpliev, Archibald D., 139, 142, 194, 210 Murray, William Vans, 143 Nash, Frederick, 194 Nash, Abner, governor of North Carolina, proscribed by Governor Martin, 84; mentioned, 85 Navigation Laws, resisted by the people, 19 New Bern, founding of, 32; battle of, 228 Newspapers in North Carolina, 292 Non-Importation Association, 66- 67, SO North Carolina Railroad, 198-199 North Carolina-\4rginia Boundary Line, 44-46 Peabody Education Board, 207 Pender, Major-General William D., 242 Penn, John, birth, 93; education, 93; moves to North Carolina, 93; in the Assembly, 9.5; elected dele- gate to the Continental Congress, 95-97; urges resistance to tlie King, 98; signs Articles of Con- federation, 101; member of Board of War, 102; death, 102-103; monument to, 103 Perry, Commodore M. C, com- mands expedition to Japan, 189- 190, 201-202 Person, Thomas, 85; opposes Fed- eral Constitution, 140 Pettigrew, James Johnston, pre- pares for war, 247-248; enters Confederate army, 248; in prison, 249; at the battle of Gettysburg, 249-251; death, 251-252 Pirates, 43-44 Polk, Leonidas L., commissioner of agriculture, 276 Pollock, Thomas, arrested by Sothel, 26; birth, 26; comes to North Carolina as deputy of Lord Car- teret, 26; as a planter, 27; rival of Moseley, 31; president of the Council, 34; defends settlers, against Indians, 35; makes treaty with Tom Blunt, 35; establishes peace in the colony, 36; death, 36 Population of North Carolina, 1870- 1910, 293 Potato, the, taken to England, 7 Prohibition in North Carolina, 291 Provincial Council, 82 Pullen, Richard Stanhope, donates land for college, 277 Quakers, in the colony, 30; refuse to take Oath of Allegiance, 40-41 Quincy, Josiah, visits Harnett, 80 Railroads, 195; since 1865, 285 Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, 195 Raleigh, City of, name, 1 Raleigh, Sir Walter, birth, 1; early life, 1-2; knighted by the Queen 2; sends expedition to America, 3 send a colony to Roanoke, 5 plants the potato in Ireland, 7 learns to smoke, 7 ; sends a second colony to Roanoke, 7; busy against the Spanish Armada, 9; loses the Queen's favor, 11; thrown into prison by King James, 11; death, 11-12 Ramsauer's Mill, battle of, 135 Ramseur, Major-General Stephen D., 242, 254 Randolph, John, of Roanoke, 150, 152; tribute to Macon, 157 Ransom, Matt W., 190 Reconstruction, 205-206, 262 Regulators, the, 107 Religion, in colonial days, 30 Resolution of April 12, 1776, declar- ing for independence, 85-86; effect on other colonies, 100 Richardson, Rev. William, 132 Roanoke Island, explored by Ama- das and Barlow, 3; selected for colony, 4; Lane's colony, 5; White's colony on, 7 Rogers, Sergeant John, on expedi- tion to Fort Duquesne, 55-56 Roosevelt, Theodore, tribute to Blakely, 167 Rough and Ready Guards, raised by Vance, 227-228 316 INDEX Ruffiii, Chief Justice Thomas, 193, 194 Rutherford, General Griffith, 121 St. Paul's Church, 31 Schenck, Michael, erects first cotton mill in North Carolina, 2S0 Secession, 187-188, 203-204 Sevier, John, early life, 122; moves to North Carolina, 123; marriage 123-124; raises troops against Ferguson, 124-128; governor of the State of Franklin, 129; arrested, 129; escape, 129-130; last days, 130 Shelby, Isaac, early life, 121-122; colonel of North Carolina militia, 122; in King's Mountain cam- paign, 124-128; moves to Ken- tucliy, 128; governor of Kentucky 128; in the War of 1812, 128-129; death, 129 Slaves and slavery, 27, 202-203 Social life in the colony, 28-29 Sothel, Scth, governor of North Carolina, 22-23, 26 South Carolina, sends aid against the Indians, 34-35; secession of, 203 Southern Education Board, 270-271 Spaight, Richard Dobbs, governor of North Carolina, member of Convention of 1787, 139 Spencer, Samuel, opposes Federal Constitution, 140 Stamp Act, the, 59, 65, 77-80 State Normal and Industrial Col- lege, 268-270 Stono Ferry, battle of, 134 Supreme Court of North Carolina, created, 174 Swain, David Lowrie, governor of North Carolina, 224 Tea tax, 65 Tobacco, carried to England, 7; used for money, 18; manufacture of, 282 Trinity College, 210 Tryon, William, governor of North Carolina, defeats the Regulators, 60; resists the Asseml)ly, 68; fails to enforce Stamp Act, 79-80 Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regi- ment, 228, 151 Tyler, John, tribute to Macon 157, mentioned, 196 University of North Carolina, found- ing of, 141-142; customs at in early days, 160; 141-142, 155, 160, 179-180, 183, 193, 210, 213, 220, 224, 242, 247, 262, 264; re- opened after Civil War, 289 Vail, Edward, member of Committee of Correspondence, 68 Vance, Zebulon Baird, governor of North Carolina, 205; birth, 222; education, 223; his mother, 223- 224; at the University, 224; admitted to the bar, 226; in the Legislature and in Congress, 226; opposes secession, 226-227; as an orator, 226-227; goes to war, 227; at battle of New Bern, 228-230; in battles around Richmond, 230; elected governor, 231-232, 236- 237; services as governor, 232, 236; speeches to army in Vir- ginia, 233-234; sends out block- ade runners, 234-235; in prison, 235-236; elected United States senator, 237-238; death, 238 " Virginia," named by Elizabeth, 4-5. Virginia, settlers from, come to North Carolina, 14 Virginia-North Carolina boundary line, 44-46 Waddell, Hugh, the elder, comes to America, 51 Waddell, Hugh, his son, birth, 51; comes to North Carolina, 52; appointed captain of North Caro- lina troops, 52-53; sent to western frontier, 53; builds Fort Dobbs, 53; makes treaty with Indians, 54; relieves Fort Loudon, 54; joins expedition against Fort Ducjuesne, 54-56; defends Fort Dobbs, 56-57; forces Indians to make peace, 57; as an Indian fighter, 58; in the General As- .sembly, 58; marriage, 58; poli- tical honors, 59; resists the INDEX 317 Stamp Act, 59; serves against the Regulators, 60; death, 60 Wake Forest College, 210 Wanchese, Indian warrior, goes to England; 4; returns to Roanoke 5; plans destruction of Lane's colony, 6 War of 1812, 159, 162-167, 176 Warren County, formed, 146 Washington, George, 55-56, 109-110 Wasp, the, commantled by Blakely, 162-166; loss of, 166 Western North Carolina, 222-223 Western North Carolina Railroad, 286 White, John, governor of "Virginia," 7; returns to England, 8; returns to Roanoke, 9; searches for his colony, 10-11 Whiting, Major-General W. H. C, 242 Wiley, Calvin Henderson, superin- tendent of common schools, 211- 212; birth, 212; education, 212- 213; author, 213; proposes crea- tion of office of superintendent of common schools, 213-214; elected to the General Assembly, 214-215; elected superintendent of common schools, 215; his work for education, 215-217; keeps schools open during Civil War, 218; enters the Ministry, 219; death, 220. Williams, James, in King's Mountain campaign, 124 Williams, John, signs Articles of Confederation, 102 Williamson, Hugh, member of the Convention of 1787, 139 Wilmington, 46 Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, 195 Wilson, James W., builds Western North Carolina Railroad, 287 Winder, John Cox, railroad builder, 285 Winston, George Tayloe, president University, 264; president of A. and M. College, 277 Wyatt, Henry, L., 244 Yancey, Bartlett, 201 GCI 12 1911 =^^d< 95. ' ' \^*'' : '-e. .<-'^.i^' >., '1°^. '^^^ > *'^^^' '. ^ '^^^ a"" * 9. %;,.-^\^^^ ^^^^^9. v^ 9x ' . 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