S^ansvillc 1789 lUMllgVlLie ^90: iMtclk mUu EDITOR'S PREFACE, THE STORY OF DAxMSVILLE, past and present, pro- fusely illustrated, is told in the many pages that follow. How well it is told is for the public to judge. How much of time and toil and conscientious care has been put into it, the public may never appreciate. So far as the past of Dansville is concerned, the work undertaken a quarter of a century or more ago would have been infinitely easier of accomplishment. The absence of contemporaneous in- formation at this time is absolute. During the vital period mentioned the successors of the first pioneers have been gathered to their fathers. The lips that repeated their vivid recollections have been stilled. In large measure their written records have been scattered or destroyed. In the material secured through the kind assistance of citizens there was the ever present puzzle of leciding what was correct and desirable as well as legitimate matter or the History, and which were negligible facts. The decisions have leen made without prejudice or partiality, and the work has been conscientiously completed. In the doing of it the History has grown .0 nearly double the volume at first contemplated and promised, and :he orderly arrangement of chapters and subjects has been interfered vvith by the fact that the printing proceeded simultaneously with re- search and writing. Its more than five hundred pages and more than three hundred and fifty illustrations, in handsome typographical dress, tell for themselves of the faithfulness of editor, compiler, publishers and printer. In my researches for reminiscences of the earliest white pioneers, the haunting thought was ever with me that I ought to say a word in behalf of the earlier settlers of this region, the red men whom the pale faces dispossessed, whose noble history no dusky pen has ever traced, whose name and fame have ever been at the mercy of their conquerors. I gratefully recalled the thoughtful declaration of George William Curtis that "New York is a palimpsest. Its great empire of today is written over the great empire of the five Indian nations. * * Like the heroes before Agamemnon, the Indians had no poet to sing their story. But it lives in fragmentary legend." In fragmentary legend only it lives in the beautiful hill-encircled valley in which Dansville has grown from a wilderness into a high state of civilization. All this valley is an integral part of the grand Empire state itself, than which the history of no state is more inspiring, said Curtis, through which the power of the Indian confederacy swept as resist- lessly as the rivers themselves, until it was supreme from Canada to 2 PREFACE the Carolinas, from the ocean to the Mississippi. This valley and Dansville are indissolubly joined in history as in tradition, to a race "Of men Whose deeds have linUed with every glen And every hill and every stream The romance of some warrior's dream." The imperial tradition of the Iroquois fills the place with romantic interest before our annals begin. And is the history of the white man here, which I have essayed to portray, less noble than that of the "Romans of the West?" It may not clearly appear upon the face of the History herein written, but for those who read between the lines there will be resurrected from its pages many noble men and women who wrested homes from a wilder- ness of savage beasts and more savage men, often at the peril and cost of their own lives, that others might live and prosper. There will be recalled lives illustrating" and illuminating the highest practice of the principles of Christian civilization, under whose influence the Dans- ville of the white man is as far beyond the village of the Ganosgagos as civilization is in advance of barbarism and Christianity above paganism. I cannot deny and I would not conceal the fact that Dansville has had its seamy side throughout its more than a century of life." In the quest for historical material there have been unearthed many trage- dies and sorrows under the shadowy power of wrong, and many mis- fortunes; but I confidently affirm that from the gusty days of the early canal period, when a grasping commercial spirit seemed to pre- dominate and recklessness kept pace with it, until the steadier pe- riod of the present when our churches and our schools are better than our warehouses, the advance has been upward and onward to ever higher levels of thought and action. From our humble homes have gone out into the great world men and women who have become famous in the ministry, in school, in literature, in art and science, in law and in business, and never before as today has there been such opportunity in Dansville for the higher education of its young men and women. That this History of Dansville, modestly submitted, may convince its citizens that there is much reason for pride in the past and pres- ent of this village, and the brightest of hopes for the future, in the steady growth toward the solidarity which promises complete unity of interests and ambitions, is the fondest hope of one ivho has grown to love and to believe in Dansville more and more during all the years of half a century. THE EDITOR. CONTENTS PART I. DANSVILLE OF THE P.-^ST—By ^. O Biiitncll. CHAPTER I.— EARLY CONDITIONS Geological Speculations — First Views — -Indian Burying Ground — The Ganos- gago Indians — Relics of an Indian Fort — Mary Jeniison and Queen Esther — Red Jacket and Cornplanter — The Sullivan Expedition — Tragic Fate oi Boyd's Party — Erection of Monument in 1901 — Land Titles — • Pages 17-27. CHAPTER II.— FIRST SETTLERS First Families Came in June, 1795 — James McCurdy's Reminiscences — The First Marriage — Daniel P. Faulkner's Enterprise — William Ferine — Col. Nathaniel Rochester — Dr. James Faulkner's Reminiscences — Indian Festivities — Local Diseases — Sandy Hill — The Brails, Lemens and Stones Pages 28-39. CHAPTER III.— LATER EARLY DAYS In 1812 — Transferred from Steuben to Livingston County in 1821 — Water Power Attraction — The Canal Period — Factories and Mills — Business in 1830 — ■ First Schools — Noted Visitors — JIartin VanBuren and Prince John — ■ War and Politics — Efforts for County Seat Pages 40-45. CHAPTER IV.— THIRD QUARTER OF CENTURY From Canal to Railroad — Wayland, the Nearest Station — Dansville Seminary — Protection Against Fire — Business Men of 1850 — The Civil War and Dansvilie's Prompt Response — Later War Meetings and Bounties Paid — ■ The Draft — The Hyland House and Maxwell Block Pages 46-52. CHAPTER v.— THE LAST QUARTER OF THE CENTURY The Bank Failures — Followed by Improved Conditions — Dansvilie's Celebra- tion of the Nation's Centennial — A Circulating Library — Floods and Storms — Winged Ants — From District School to Union School and a Fine New Building — The Village Improvement Society and Its Important Work Pages 53-65. CHAPTER VI.— CANALS AND RAILROADS Sub-Branch of the Canal — Exciting Conflict Between Village and State Em- ployees — Dansvilie's Prosperous Period — Railroads Turn the Tide — Rail- road Project in 1832 — A Wait of Forty Years — Dansvilie's First Railroad in 1872 — The Second in 1882 Pages 66-71 CHAPTER VII.— NOTABLE MEN OF EARLY TIMES Moses VanCampen — Red Jacket — Charles Williamson — Nathaniel Rochester — Pages 72-79. CHAPTER VIII.— RECOLLECTIONS OF LIVING OLD CITIZENS Elihu Stanley, Ninety-Three Years Old — Mrs. Catherine Harrison, Ninety — Mrs. Jane Shafer, Eighty-Nine — David McNair, Eighty-Three — Dr. A. L. Gilbert. Seventy-Eight — B. S. Stone, Seventy-Seven — Mrs. Kather- ine Rochester Shepard — Mrs. Timothy B. Grant — Mrs. Anna Clark Adams Pages 80-88. 4 COXTEXrS CHAPTER IX.— SOME EXCITING AND INTERESTING EVENTS Bursting of Water From East Hill — The Devil's Hole — Eclipse of the Sun — Dansville Volunteers Descend upon Canada — Rain and Cloudburst in 1813 — Wierd Stories of 1842 — The Wood Poisoning — Shooting of John Haas — Remains of a Mastodon Found — Three Most Destructive Fires — Other Fires — Burning of "Our Home" Pages 89-96. CHAPTER X.— CERTAIN INSTITUTIONS The Jackson Sanatorium — Coterie — The Library — First Red Cross Society — Canaseraga Light Infantr\- — The Normal Instructor — The Dansville Cem- etery Association Pages 97-101. CHAPTER XI.— SOME NAMES AND EVENTS Village Postmasters — Presidents — Clerks — Supervisors — Churches Organized — Early Merchants — Old Residents in 1875 — Reunion Veteran Canaseragas — Old Fashioned Base Ball Game — Handsome Men of 1877 — A Few "Firsts" Pages 102-106. CH.\PTER XII.— 'iiNCIENT DOCUMENTS A Presbyterian Petition of 1809 — Navigation of Canaseraga River, 1811 — Church Subscriptions, 1811 — Dansville Polemic Society, 1811 — District Tax Roll, 1830 — Dansville Academy Examinations, 1837 — Moses Van- Campen Circular, 1844 — School Exercises, 1854 — School Program, 1859 — Pages 107-115. CHAPTER XIII.— THE DOTY ROMANCE TOLD BY DR. A. L. GILBERT Lockwood L. Doty as a Boy in Dansville — Arrested for Robbing the jMail — Taken to Rochester on Packet Boat — Exciting Experience — Innocence Established — Triumphant Return — Subsequent Life Pages 117 120. CHAPTER XIV.— SOME DETACHED FACTS The Iroquois League — A Fenian Meeting — Canal Celebration — Bishop Mc- Quaid's First Visit — Reception to Clara Barton — Board of Trade — Se- vere Frost — A Hurricane — Twenty-Fifth Anniversarj- of Union Hose Company — Dansville Library — Coterie — McKinley Memorial Meeting, etc Pages 121-129. CHAPTER XV.— LATER CONTRIBUTIONS A Few Wood Notes, by Theodore M. Schlick — East Hill — Bradner's Woods — The Isolated Chestnut Tree — Native Birds — Killing of the Last Wild Deer in Dansville, by Charles C. Sedgwick — Early Recollections, by Mrs. L. Aldrich Collins Pages 130-134. CHAPTER XVI.— THE WATER WORKS BY E. A. SPRAGUE, SUPT. Hard Fights — First Board of Water Commissioners — Detailed Reports — First Tap by Blum Shoe Co Pages 135-144. CHAPTER XVII.— OTHER DETACHED FACTS Dansville Union — Soldiers' Monument Dedication — Tender of Co. L. to State — Local Shinplasters — Dr. Jackson's Memorial — Dansville Spirit- ualists — In 1846 — Hilarious Annexation Dinner — Chair Factory — Loan Association — I. O. G. T. — First Driven Well Pages 145-150. CHAPTER XVIII.— A SUMMING UP Head of the Genesee Valley — Geology — The Hill and Valley — Fertility of the Soil — Glens — Our Home on the Hillside — Coterie — The Library — Musical and Dramatic — Outdoor Recreations — Public Spirit — • Pages 151-155. BIOGRAPHIES Andrews. Dr. B. P 217 Austin. Harriet N 210 Baker. James H 200 Beecher, Walter Julius 238 Bragdon, Geo. C 231 Bunnell, A. O 12 Burgess, Joseph W 198 Cogswell, The Family 165 Crisfield, Dr. James E 232 DeLong, H. W 191 Denton, Chas. W 230 Driesbach, Dr. F. R 212 Dyer, The Family 225 Foss, Bertrand G 211 Fowler, Miller H 221 Geiger, Peter 215 Gorham, Newton B 246 Gregory, Walter E 223 Hubbard, Henry E 196 Hyland, The Family 160 Jacksnn. James Caleb 176 Jackson, Lucretia Edgerton 207 Jackson, Giles Elderken 205 Jackson James H 159 Jackson, Katherine J 208 Jackson, James Arthur 206 Johnson Emerson 204 Kramer, William 169 Worey, Jonathan B 189 Noyes, Daniel W 183 Noyes, Frederick W 184 Oberdorf, Bernard H 202 Oberdorf, W. S 242 Owen, F. A 235 Ferine, The Family 167 Pratt, Robert 246 Readshaw, B. F 229 Rowe, Charles H 218 Shepard, Charles 172 Shepard, Charles E. & Thos. R. . . 176 Spinning, Wm. T 185 Stanley, Elihu L 165 Snyder, Chas. F 244 VanValkenburg, A. L 197 Veith, Chas. C 228 Williams, J. C 203 Wooodruff, Oscar 193 ALLUSIONS Austin, Dr. Harriet N 249 Babcock, John F 257 Bagley, Benedict 268 Belts, John 262 Bissell, Chas. J 255 Bradner, Lester 255 Brown, Rev. John J 262 Brown, Merritt H 257 Brown, Robert C 253 Bunnell, Dennis 258 Clark, George W 266 Colvin, Mrs. Mary Noyes 264 Cook, Benjamin C 257 Day, Russell 261 Davis, Martin L 260 Decker, "Huge" Fred 254 Doty. Lock wood L 267 Daugherty. E. C 256 Edwards, Alexander 259 Endress, Hon. Isaac L 251 Faulkner, Dr. James 250 Faulkner. Robert S 261 Faulkner, Hon. Samuel D 251 George. Moses S 256 Goundry, John 261 Grant, Col. Timothy B 255 Hicks, Russell F 255 Harwood, Benjamin F 255 Hedges, Job E 253 Hubbard, Solomon 263 Jackson, Dr. James C 249 Johnson, Emerson 250 Jones, Shepard 266 King, James 262 Knappenburg, Joseph 266 Kiehle, Prof. David L 261 Lei ter, Joseph 266 Maxwell. (J. B 268 McCartney, Judge David 260 McCartney, Matthew 268 McNair, David D 258 McWhorter, John 259 Murdock, James S 263 Palmes, Edward S 260 Patterson, Rowley 258 Proctor, L. B 260 Rau, Erhard 264 Sedgwick, Henry C 260 Seyfforth, Gustav 266 Smith, Joseph W 262 Smith, Col. S. W 265 Stevens, Archelaus 252 Sweet, George 261 Sweet, Sidney 251 VanDerlip, Judge John A 252 Whitenian. Reuben 254 Wilkinson, John 265 Wilson, Samuel 265 Woodruff, B. W 258 Dansville Physicians 269 COXTEXTS PART II. DANVILLE OF THE PTiESEXT—':Bv Can fiihi tors DESCRIPTIVE— BY J. W. BURGESS Attractions — Facilities — Resources — Advantages — Scenery — Streams — Glens — Hunting — Fishing — Synopsis of Principal Industries Pages 5-26 AS A HEALTH RESORT— BY JAMES H. JACKSON Health Movement Begun — Splendid Conditions Today — Analysis of All Heal- ing Spring — Pure Water in Abundance — Remarkable Soil — Health Laden Atmosphere — 700 Foot Elevation Above Sea Level — Splendid Lo- cation in Valley with Protecting Hills Pages 27-31 ORGANIZATIONS— BY MEMBERS (For Index see Village Directory.) Churches, by the Pastors — Fire Department, by J. L. Wellington — Societies: Fraternal. Temperance, Literary, Patriotic, Musical, Recreation, Unions Pages 35-95. BUSINESS Leading Industries — Professional, Mercantile and Manufacturing Establish- ments — Historical and Descriptive — Illustrated Pa^es 97-228 NEWSPAPERS OF THE PAST— BY OSCAR WOODRUFF A complete record of the pioneer local Press and its Influence. .Pages 184-188. INDUSTRIES— FROM CONTRIBUTED INFORMATION Early JIanufactories — Paper Making — Grapes and Wine — Nurseries Pages 213-227 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Business Guide and Historical Census Pages 231-272 /^rs/xEss Advertiser, The Dansville 191 American Correspondence Normal 209 Artman, C. A 168 Baker, J. H 141 Bastian, E. N 142 Blum, Daniel 178 Blum Shoe Co 132 Breeze, Dansville 193 Burkhart & Griswold 138 Byer, Peter W 202 Citizens Bank, The, of Dansville. 134 Cogswell, Wm 166 Cutler, Dr. G. H 162 Dansville Book Store 148 Dansville Gas & Electric Co 181 Dansville Hospital 117 Dansville & Mt. Morris R. R. . . . 129 Edwards, Kern & Miller 180 Engert &• Folts 176 E.xpress, The Dansville 189 Fedder, Henry 159 Fenstermacher Bros 149 Foote, Edward J 161 Fowler, G. G 163 Hall Manufacturing Co 153 Harter. A. L 177 Hotel Livingston 179 Hubbard. H. E 201 Hyland House 210 Instructor Publishing Co 195 Jackson Sanatorium 98 Jenks, A. H. & Son 164 Johantgen Bros 155 Klink, J. F 165 Kramer, John G 175 Kramer & Son, William 137 /^rsLmss Kramer & Sturm 157 Kiihn, Dr. Frederick W 159 LaBoyteaux, Dr. A. & Son 160 Lackawanna R. R 121 McPhee, Dr. J. F 150 Merchants & Farmers National Bank 172 Oberdorf & Edwards 205 Our Home Granula Co Ill Peck, The Geo. W. Co 145 Plimpton, A. H 156 Rail, David E 169 Readsliaw's Forest Mills 113 Schwingel, John A l.SS Spinning, W. A. Co 170 Stone, B. S. & Son 212 VanValkenburg Music House. . . . 125 Veith, C. C 208 Veith, Wm 152 A. S. Welch 151 Werdein, A. J 206 Williams & Co 143 Wilson & Altmeyer 126 Worden Bros. Monument Mfg. Co. 203 For index to illustrations see page 265. qJvj^JM,j^j . to .- o c V cQ * * * not * been * for * 30 DANSVILLE OF THE PAST hanna rivers in arks. We were obliged to go to the Onondaga salt works with teams for salt, where it usuall}- cost two dollars per barrel and was often sold here for ten dollars a barrel. * • We could hardly have lived here the first year had it the Indians, who were exceedingly friendly. * "The year after we came Amariah Hammond, Dr. James Faulkner, Samuel Faulkner, Captain Daniel P. Faulkner, and William Porter settled near us. Thomas Alacklen was our first school teacher. * * There were very few sheep in this section, so that it was hard work to procure wool for stockings. A Mr. Duncan had a few which he brought from Pennsylvania. I tried to buy one, and he finally told me that if I would reap, bind, and shock two acres of barley, I might have one a year old, which I did in two days. Since that time I have always kept sheep, some years to the number of 3,000. * * For a number of years it was a great tax upon us to attend courts, as the country was so thinly settled that we were called upon at least three times a year to serve as jurors, and go twenty-eight miles. About twelve years after we came a man named Benjamin Kenyon moved into our village. He was a desperate character. We nicknamed him Captain Pogue, and from this came the name of Pogue's Hole, ap- plied to the narrow valley where he lived." Mr. McCoy died in 1809. David McCurdy finally moved west, and James succeeded to the homestead farm of 300 acres in the south- western part of the village. His wife's maiden name was Sarah Gray, whose father was one of the pioneers of Allegany county. Both lived on the old farm until they died. The nearest grist mill in the fir.st two years was at Conesus lake outlet, twenty miles away, and the new settlers were often without flour and meal. Indians brought to the McCoys plenty of venison, and received in payment for a quarter of deer, two pumpkins, or six turnips, or two quarts of corn ; this currency system having been arranged by Mrs. McCoy. McCartney and Smith, the first settlers of Sparta, before men- tioned, emigrated together from Scotland in 1791, the former to be clerk for Captain Charles Williamson as agent for the Pulteney estate. They went first to Philadelphia, and early the next winter to Bath, which was then the home of Captain Williamson, and after a few months more came to Sparta, arriving there in the summer of 1792. They occupied a log cabin which had been built by Captain William- son on the west bank of Canaseraga creek three miles north of Dans- ville village, on what is now known as the McNair farm, and kept bachelor's hall there for two years. Then Smith went to Bath and McCartney moved up the creek to the locality of Cumminsville, where he had purchased 209 acres on the fiats and built a log house. Three years later he escorted to this rustic home his beautiful bride — Mary McCurdy of the McCoy household. They were married July 14, 1796, by the Rev. Samuel J. Mills of Groveland, and this was the first marriage within the present town of North Dansville. They became the parents of thirteen children, eleven of whom lived to maturity. Mr. McCartney was one of the founders and first elders of the Pres- byterian church of Sparta, was supervisor of the town for twenty- seven vears, and served one term as Member of Assembly. He died in lS3i, and his wife in 1S64. ■■S^;-. >• o o u °^ u c S ° o en . < o o Q D O < c -3 0) O 32 DANSVILLE OF THE PAST Amariah Hammond, one of the settlers who came in 17'J(), built the second log house of the village that year, and moved his wife and child from Bath into it. He belled his horse in order to find him when he strayed into the forest, and sharpened his ploughshare when dull, on a large stone. If he had his horse shod he must go to Bath, thirty-five miles distant, as the nearest blacksmith shop was there. When the time for cutting his first hay crop approached he went to Tioga Point for scythes, two of which, with expenses, cost him eleven dollars. His brother Lazarus came soon afterward, and settled in a loghouse near him. Captain Williamson was the founder of the ancient village of Wil- liamsburg, now utterly vanished, at the intersection of Canaseraga creek with the Genesee river, this spot being selected because the creek was then navigable with flat boats or arks to Dansville, twenty miles distant. This was in 1792, and a colony was brought there in that year. It was the first white man's village in the county, and there the first school in the county was taught by Samuel Murphy; the first tavern was kept by William Lemen;the first store was opened by Alexander iMcDonald, and the first evangelical preacher was Rev. Samuel J. Wilkinson. vStatements have been published that in 1793 Captain Williamson built a grist mill and saw mill at the upper end of present Dansville, but this does not harmonize with other statements, and his mills there could not have been built before 1796 or 1797. The grist mill was burned before it was entirely finished and was rebuilt in 1806. He and his agents sold from the Pultene)' estate a large portion of the present town of Dansville for $1.50 an acre on a credit of six years. In 1793 he started the first regular horse race of the county at Wil- liamsburg. The advertising bill was headed "Williamsburg Fair and Genesee Races," and the bill .stated that there would be "an an- nual fair for the purchase of cattle, horses, and sheep." The next year fourteen horses were entered for a fifty-pound purse. Captain Williamson's advertisements and personal invitations brought to the valley gentlemen from Virginia, Pennsylvania and other states, some of them with their slaves, and a number of them remained and became settlers. His principal object was to sell them lands of his vast holdings, and his plan was successful. In addition to Williams- burg he established the first settlements at Bath and Great Sodus. A biographical sketch of him is given in another chapter. Daniel P. Faulkner purchased 6,000 acres of land immediately after he came here from Danville, Pa., and induced about fifteen families to move here and settle. He brought to Dansville the first stock of goods, which were drawn on a sleigh from Albany. In 1796, the year of his arrival, he laid out the village and it was named after him. He was enterprising and popular, and spent his money too freely. His military tastes led him to organize ancl captain a showy military company of thirty men called Grenadiers. He failed in 1798, and went back to his old home in Pennsylvania but returned in 1802 and died here. His brother Samuel bought several village lots and put up the first frame dwelling — a two-story house near the site of the Livingston hotel. He commenced keeping a tavern in 1797, this being the second Dansville tavern, John Vandeventer having pre- F/RS T SE T TL F.RS 33 ceded him a few munths in the business in a small plank house. The other brother. James, who came in 1813, was a graduate of Rush col- lege, and the pioneer physician of the village. \ AN EARLY GRIST MILL ON UPPER MAIN STREtT Christopher Vandeventer was another settler who came in 1796. He was from New Jersey, and settled on the Charles Shepard house site. He was the pioneer tanner, and three sons came here with him who were tanners, although John, the oldest, kept the tirst tavern for a short time. The father died of fever in 1798. Nathaniel and Wil- liam Porter of the group of 1796 settlers were from New Jersey. Nathaniel died the next year, which was the first death in town. Thomas Macklen, the first school teacher, was a Scotchman and probably came to Dansville in 1797. He taught ten or twelve scholars in 1798 in the pioneer schoolhouse, which stood about a mile north of the centre of the village. Dodsworth's spelling book was then used. He married into the McCurdy family, and taught school here many years. He died in 1822. William Ferine came from Washington county to the ancient vil- lage of Williamsburg in 1797, but moved up the valley to Dansville two years later and settled at the head of Ferine street, which took his name. He bought large tracts of land on the east side of Main street, of which there were several hundred acres of hill land, includ- ing the site and grounds of the present Sanatorium. He had been in the army of the Revolution five years, and was a captain of cavalry under General Francis Marion. He died in 1847, aged ninety-three. The late Feter Ferine was his son, and Dr. Francis Marion Ferine and Thomas L. Ferine are his grandsons. DAXSVfl.LE OF THE PAST Colonel Nathaniel Rochester, from whom the city of Rochester is named, visited this locality in ISUO, and came to reside here in ISlU, having first purchased a large tract of land embracing the most of the water power of the village. He bought the mills which had been erected for the Pulteney estate, and built the pioneer paper mill of Western New York. He was an officer of the Revolution and a friend of Washington. In 1814 he disposed of his property here, a part to Rev. Christopher Endress and the rest to Jacob Opp, both of Easton, Pa. Rev. Mr. Endress went back to Easton to take charge of his former German Lutheran church. His two sons. Judge Isaac L. and Doctor Sam- uel L. Endress, afterward became residents of Dansville. ^Ir, ( )pp built a grist mill, clover mill and tannery on his property near the upper Readshaw mill. Near them were the mills erected by Cap- tain Williamson. Later, William Porter, one of the settlers of 17'Ki, and his brother David erected a saw mill, grist mill and paper mill by the side of Canaseraga creek, on the other side of the vallev. A grist mill built by David Sholl in 1800 was burned in 18(17. In some reminiscences of William Scott of Scottsburg, deceased, he stated that in 1812 Jared Irwin and John Metcalf were the only Dans- ville merchants, and brought their goods from Philadelphia overland to the Susquehanna, and thence by boat to Newtown (Elmira). Mr. Scott came here from Sparta that year to be a clerk for Mr. Irwin. James McCurdy also clerked for Mr. Irwin about that time. In 1S13 John Shepard came from Connecticut, and became a merchant. At that time trade was nearly all a barter business. Wheat was then sent to ^Montreal. Peter vShoIl came from Pennsylvania in 1808. There were then about a score of houses, but neither church nor school building within the village limits. Mr. vSholl soon became owner of a grist mill and traded a good deal with the Indians. In the log school house a mile north of the village there was preaching some of the time on Sundav and singing school once a week. Some of the settlers not yet mentioned who came before 1800, were Frederick Barnhart, Jacob Martz, George vShirey, Jacob Welch, James Logan, William Pheni.x, John Phenix and Jared Irwin. ^^ /^3/^72~,. COL. NATHANIEL ROCHESTER. 36 DAXS]-fLLE OF THE PAST SOLOMON FENSTERMACHtR DAUGHTER. OF DAVID SHOLL The brothers Solomon and Isaac Fenstermacher came in 1805 and for some time built most of the frame houses, which included the only three story building in the county at that date. It was nicknamed "Solomon's Temple." Among others who are named as having settled here very near the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, were Thomas McWhorter, James Harrison, Samuel Shannim, Jonathan Rowley, John Haas, Daniel Hamsher, Oliver Warren and Samuel Dorr. James Scott, who came from Pennsylvania and settled in Sparta with his family in 1806, remembered that David Sholl then owned the Wil- liamson mill at Dansville, and named among other residents. Peter LaFlesh, Matthew Patterson, Peter and Jacob Welch. Jonathan Stout, J(;)hn Metcalf, ( )wen Wilkinson, David, James, and Matthew Porter. When the McNinches settled in Conesus in 1804 they did their trad- ing in Dansville, and the merchants would sell them only a quarter of a pound of tea and two pounds of coffee at a time, and they paid three or four shillings a pound for the coffee and from six to twelve shillings for the tea, while they could not get sugar and molasses at any price. Some reminiscences by Dr. James Faulkner are in place here. On January 31, 1873, there was a pioneer gathering at his house in cele- bration of his eighty-third birthday, the following being present: Andrew Arnold 91, Harry Hyde 88, Robert McBride 87, Moses B. Oilman 86, Erhardt Rail 85', Daniel Porter 84, Nathan Lockling 83, James Faulkner S3, John Reese 83, William Scott 82, William Perine 80, Obed Aldrich 79, Moses George 78, E. B. Brace 78, Luther Peck 73, John Goundry 71. In the remarks made by Dr. Faulkner at that time, he said there were but fifteen or sixteen families when he came here in 1797 and only one frame house on Main street, which was not enclosed, the other houses, except a plank store, being of logs. A man named Macklen kept a school in the winter of 1798 and had ten or twelve scholars, and Gaylord taught ten or twelve scholars in 1799. Dr. Faulkner's father built a frame house in the summer of 1797, and in the fall used it for a tavern. When he came, his uncle, James F'aulk- ner, lived in a shanty that he had built by the paper mill. He was a member of the legislature in 1802 and 1803, and was appointed first judge of Steuben county in 18(i4. Amariah Hammond came in 1796 and his brother Lazarus about 1800. He sold the land that he then bought to John Hartman. John Hartman was the eldest of thirteen children of Harmon Hartman who settled near the location of the FIRS T SE r TIERS 37 present village of Dansville in 1807. John followed farming and kept a tavern in the house built by his father which is now occupied by Orville T. Hartman, the great grandson of Harmon. A picture of house and sign are given. John and his wife Mary died within two days of each other, February 17 and 19, 1845, of malignant erysipelas which carried off so many early settlers as elsewhere noted. Of John's family of nine children three survive, George of Dansville, Endressof West Virginia and Samuel Frederick of Buffalo. The John Hartman estate when divided among the children in 1848 contained 579 acres. JOHN HARTMAN INN AND SIGN. The Indians that lived on the Genesee river reservation gener- ally came up here to the hunting grounds in October. Their favorite camping place was under the bank in the creek gulch by the California House. They built their houses by divisions or families, and went together in small tribes, and the children followed the mothers. They had their celebrations about the first of Feb- ruary, and one of them lasted five or six days. They made a sacri- fice of five or six white dogs, tying them by their necks to a pole. Dr. Faulkner said that up to twenty years of age he beat the swiftest Indian runners they could bring, but was finally beaten by one who came from Buffalo. There was no such thing as money here for many years, and the merchants sold the most of their goods for furs. In 1805, when Dr. Faulkner's father died, there were more Indians than white people in town. 38 DAXSl'ILLE OF THE PAST In those years, when the Indians camped here, and Red Jacket made occasional speeches on the street, they danced, wrestled, ran races, and sometimes indulged in pagan orgies around their camp fires. The wrestlers sometimes contended to determine who should have a coveted squaw, and there was such a contest fince on Ossian street between two of the strongest braves for the possession of a young squaw of extraordinary beauty who sat near and watched them. The struggle was a long one in which there were several throws, and was equivalent to a fight to the finish. At its close the defeated Indian pushed his conqueror toward the squaw and said, "Take her," when the other silently .stalked away with the dusky beauty, who seemed perfectly content. In cold weather Indians would sometimes ask the white settlers for a night's lodging, and Mrs. McCoy has given sleeping accommodations to as many as a dozen of them at once. They would stretch themselves out close together on the floor, and make no sound until morning. In 1805 the influx of settlers all along the valley was so great that provisions became very scarce, and many were charitably supplied by the former settlers. Up to this time agues and bilious complaints were very common, but afterward rapidly lessened. The "Genesee fever," of a low typhoid type, also prevailed, and was sometimes fatal. From December 1, to the middle of March, 1812, a malignant form of typhoid pneumonia spread through the valley and Western New York. It originated in the British army in Canada, and was brought over by soldiers. Dr. Lyman N. Cook of Dansville said that it was fatal as often as once in three cases, and patients sometimes died in three or four hours after they were attacked. The Sandy Hill settlement, partly in this town, has been so closely identified with the village that it should not be entirely omitted in an account of the early times. John Brail, born in 1771, came to Dansville in 1813, moved to Sandy Hill two years later, and made.the first clearing in that locality. He was called "Grandpap. " and was a teller of large, incredible stories. He manufactured much charcoal. Several other settlers quickly followed him, and in December, 1813, they held their first school meeting at the house of Rufus Stone, with William S. Lemen as moderator. The result was a finished plank schoolhouse by the next January, with a huge fireplace at one end and on each side a twelve-paned window of seven by nine glass. E. W. Brockway was immediately installed as teacher at $13.50 a month. Not until 1824 was a box stove substituted for the fireplace. This schoolhouse was the educational, religious and social center of the Sandy Hill people until 1845, when a new one was built. In 1820 ninety pupils were taught there. Rufus Stone came with his family from Onondaga county in 1816, after prospecting the previous year. He took up a tract of land near .Stone's Falls, which takes its name from him, and was the first one to use its water power. He built a saw mill there in 1816, which was in operation till 1840. In 1825 he built a mill for the manufac ture of flaxseed oil. He died in 1842, and his son Benjamin succeeded to his business, and built a new saw mill and new oil mill. Broton S. Stone, still living, established a wagon manufactory in 1848, and /■YA'.S"/" S/iTTLERS 39 was one of the founders of the Dansville Grange No. 178 in 1874, which put up a hall costing $2,000, and is one of the best organiza- tions of its kind in the state. William S. Letnen moved from Ossian to Sandy Hill in 1816, and his son James B. was the first child born in tliat settlement. Chauncey Day built a saw mill there in 1817, and in 1S21 Mr. Dorr had a woollen mill in operation. In 183*J-40 L. Mel- \in, \V. H. Reynolds and Jonathan^Proctor as partners had ajioe factory STONE'S FALLS. constructed there, with the best possible machinery for making and grinding superior steel hoes. Their business prospered from the start, and they made large preparations for extending it, but a fire destroyed shops and machinery in September, 1841, and although the shops were rebuilt, the attending expense and a series of misfortunes defeated their plans and hopes. CHAPTER III Later Early Days In 1X12 — Transferred from Steuben to Livingston County — Water Power At- traction — The Canal Period — Factories and Mills — Business in 1830 — First Schools — Noted Visitors — Martin VanBuren and Prince John — War and Politics — Efforts for County Seat. THE following- extract from the New York Gazeteer of 1813 is interesting: "Tlie village of Dansville is pleasantly situated on a branch of the Canaseraga creek, near the northwest corner of the town, thirty-five miles northwest of Bath. Here is a post-olifice, a number of mills, and a handsome street of one and one-half miles in length, occupied by farm houses, etc. The valley embracing this settlement contains 3,000 acres of choice lands, and the soil is warm and productive. There is a road from Bath to Dansville Village that leads diagonally across the centre of this town from southeast to northwest, and another between Dansville Village and Ontario county leads across the northern part. The population is 666, and there are about 100 taxable inhabitants." This quotation refers to the year 1812, or the seventeenth year after the first settler arrived. Livingston county was formed from portions of Ontario and Gen- esee counties in 1821. In 1822 the northwest quarter of townships, number six in seventh range, then in Dansville, Steuben comity, was annexed to Sparta. This included "Dansville Village" which was the post ofHce name previous to about 1832, when the name was changed to Dansville. The town of North Dansville was formed from Sparta in 1846, and another section of Sparta was added in 1849, but it is now the smallest township in the state except one. The most of the first settlers were from Pennsylvania and New England, and a number of them were born across the ocean. These for several years were nearly all of Scotch, English, and North-of- Ireland Irish descent. Then the German immigrants began to come direct from their native land, and took up lands along and beyond Sandy Hill, and not long afterward German families began to find homes in the village. There was hardly one among those first set- tlers of mixed nationalities who did not belong' to the industrious and thrifty type of citizens, which is always a fortunate thing in starting a town. Soon the population of Dansville was increasing faster than that of any other village of the county, and although behind Geneseo and Moscow in obtaining a village charter, was considerably more populous than either of them when they were incorporated. There were several reasons for this. While the farm lands were as rich as those of any other section of the county — a county that produced about one-fifteenth of the wheat of the coimtry for several years, and 40 LA TER EARL Y DA YS 41 ANCIENT MAP SHOWING TMt HUbinON OF THE GENESEO COUNTRY COMPREHENDING THE COUNTIES OF ONTARIO AND STEUBEN AS LAID OFF IN TOWNSHIPS OF SIX MILES SQUARE EACH. Rkfebexces: A, Painted Post ; B, liath ; C, DansviUe: I). Williamshurgli ; E, Geneseo ; P, Hartford ; G Athens; H, Canatidarque. the coiintv town mow Caiiandaiguai ; I.Geneva: K,Lyon.s: L, Sodus : M. Cale- donia, a Scotch settlement ; X. Ganson's Tavern ; O, Station on the Big Plains ; P. Hope Town ; Q, Frederick's Inn ; X, Town and Mills at the falls of the Geneseo River (now Rochester, i ranked as the second county in sheep husbandry in 1855 and 1875 — it also had the best water power of the county on three or four streams, leading to the quick establishment here of various manufactories and the employment in them of many workmen, and when the Dansville branch of the Gene.see Valley Canal was completed a vast lumber and farming region on the south became tributary to the village as the most available shipping point. The growth was most rapid during the canal period, from 1843 to 1853. In 1824 A. Bradley & Sons had commenced paper making on the site of the former WoodrufT Paper Company's mill at the upper end of Main street, and in 1844, with two paper mills and a book-bindery, they had built up a hamlet around them of eighteen dwellings. Other mills, some of which are mentioned in Chapter II, also employed many men, and a consider- able number found work on the neighboring farms. As early as 1833 there were fifty-five saw mills within the circuit of a few miles of Dansville, and in 1844 the manufacture of lumber had increased enor- mously, and a number of steam mills had been started. The annual business of the two Bradley paper mills then amounted to $100,000, and that of the three Faulkner, Porter, and Bradner mills to $1(K),0()() more — $200,(100 in all. They paid in wages to about 200 employes $110,000. The business of other factories and mills was $80,000. In (iipsiiiAiyY ^^■TjanmiDEE : j-t-^-5i«^?v^^^H PACKlT'BOAT 844, ARRaNGEMEKTS, 1844, X i'xrU'ifioul lriius,ttO(IIKsTEft «i|il ttAVStlUt I);iiIk ii- Itilloivs:" •' -^ . I^a*c*R:>rli IVniin ill. fur HocWn- < .'-A.,H. I'fl.i^i 5f.i(tvtill«-. du* -11 '■ W'-'W ." ".xKilli-. " d" t»l " JD A>™ UndiiK.' 'il" ^ IJl'M ■*> K.y-or.U|c, Jo . T, ■■ ' H, ■ S.«*fi>„ri-. At' l; ■■ •!» SLA. r SiMtnicn;. i ■• ", 't« Vorl,; . J.i -■ -' I .1..- ■•M...iiii JlortU. *< • ,9 ■• Jo IMj-inlfi. 1' 1 ! .iVIooiltc. .Ip ■ W >• do Cu»U^r\ilt.. iMfcfd.fieiitiCoJaiidinglO; ■•' ' do JWi|mH»..-- V.iiHr d., 11-.-, ;.In ■. Slt,l.,rSnikm. ,i .. 1 " Spci,orii.n. d6 It! - dii ■K(.ir.r.>ill»' .1' ■ 1. - •'■• ..Vo i'.»i»liiis,.li . lail'.M., . d- , • «■- xi.ilfc.,- -.1. ■ ■: do ic. .iiif. -do ^ a ■• ■ »^*(ij^.it DBiiMir.-at . N V nodiur^ttt Kof »v Baffulo ur ti,. ( .-.. i.r rlio M-.im l{,. '«>n;l.akV i»..i™(... 'J 1..- 11. n. ar.- t.....i.ht.| ... ■.- . ' ^ LIGHT FREIGHT CARRIED. tor ^ussiiiic itffh iiltbc I'alkil Koat OHico. Rdchixlit ; A. sriLWEi.i.", Ml. niutriii.i. \i:;ii.\<>v, iii.dMii|. r , , ,4 . ■*■ tjr'tfce" "uptiiiu on -JioanL ■ . .^ ^ PACKET BOAT TIME TABLE SCENE ON CANAL AT CUMMINSVILLE LA TER EARLY DA YS 43 1833 the paper mills emplo\-ed only eighty-four persons. The clover mill that year prepared 1,50U bushels of clover seed for the market. Packet boats for passengers were run with great regularity as the best means of transportation and were largely patronized. Copy of an old time table indicates landings and connections, also speed. vSome of the shipments by canal in 1844 were as follows: Boards and shingles, 5,633,460 feet, valued at $44,979; shingles, 6,Sin,3U8 feet, valued at $13,620; timber, 41,124 feet, valued at $2,467; .staves, 586,899, valued at $6,869; potash, 819 barrels, valued at $16,380; butter and lard, 55,875 pounds, valued at $4,470; cheese, 125,080 pounds, valued at $6, 254; wool, 95, 673 pounds, valued at $28,702; flour, 5,103 barrels, valued at $20,412; paper and sundries, 323,141 pounds, valued at $64,625. Total value of these and other products shipped about $250,000. The canal tolls of this second year of the canal amounted to $8,383, being an increase over the previous year of $2,156. The amount of property brought to the village greatly ex- ceeded the amount shijjped. In 1850 the number of tons shipped was 34,193, valued at $665,469, and the tolls amounted to $28,400. The value of articles received was $1,287,1()6. ' i":-:'^!Sgj?^ 5 ^^r ^iS^^^^^fe?^^^^^ ^4iMii' if^a J^nj';! '^n->*^! * )• , -"s^-' 2W -- ■ \'^{^i^:;t^:2^kp- ■ AW tliW" \ MAIN STREE;T, east side, DANSVILLE. FKOM PEN SKtTCM BV M. t. SEDGWICK 1 .Toshiui Shi'parfl Store ■J <;ec). HvliiTMrs Hat Shop i ;i IlDlnifs" MiiniessShop Culled the Three Sistfrs 4 Hasl»T-sT:iili>rShop t '» 11. I)uv, otlice aiui Residence li W. F. Clark Sture 7 Bahcofk l>nigStort- K Wilson Tcasdale, Watch Shop and Teiiemeiil Honse 9 Mrs. Itowlcy. Residence 10 S. W. Smith Residence 1 1 Smith and Melvin Store 12 Arcliway Leading; U\ Potashery 13 s. Hnnt. Groceiy and Harness Shop 14 S. Hunt Re-iidence If) o. 1), Stacy. Tavern and Residence It; .1. ('. Sfds:wick. Tailor Shop and Residence 17 .I.e. Sedgwick, Tenant House \s I)a\is ( )iPhard 44 DAXSVILLE OF THE PAST Dansville had about eighty structures in 1830, inchiding three stores, four taverns, two potasheries, paper mills, grist mills, etc. In 1844 the buildings had increased to 45U, with twenty-eight retail stores, twenty shops, three taverns, one book bindery, two printing offices, one bank, and fifteen offices for the professions. The cost of the whole was variously estimated to be from $250,000 to $300,000. In 1830 the Dansville fences were nearly all rail fences, and the only residents on South street were James Faulkner and W. Dorry, on Ferine street William Ferine, and on Ossian street Conrad Welch. The old academy building, mmm tiT ^m:s^x:^ so long used for a district school, was built in 1836, and there the older boys and girls of those days received instruc- tion in advanced studies, in its first years from Prof. J. Lyman Crocker as principal. Prof. Ful- ler as assistant, and Miss Niles as preceptress. Their more el- ementary education was ob- tained at the little school-house close by, which was built be- fore the academv, and about 1821. In 1882 the late Henry C. Sedgwick, of numerous rem- iniscences, remembered as sur- viving early pupils William TklcCurdy, John McCurdy, J. J. Welch, Hugh McCartney, Al- onzo Bradner, G. R. Smith, H. A. Sprague, Calvin Fens- termacher, B. W. Woodruff, H. B. Opp, Mrs. Alex. Ed- wards, and ]Mrs. Matthew Mc- Xair. It was the time, Mr. Sedgwick said, of Daboll's arithmetic, Brown's grammar, Webster's spelling book, and the English reader. The little schoolhouse was moved about half a mile from its former position, and is now a dwelling almost opposite the barn of Brightside on AVilliams street, and the academy building was moved across the square and became William H. Dick's shoe factory. O. D. Stacy's tavern, which began to receive comers to Dansville in 1822, had the distinction of entertaining in 1832 two among the most remarkable men which New York state has produced. They were Martin VanBuren, then ex-governor and afterward vice-presi- dent and president of the United States, and his son John, known as "Prince John" because he danced with Queen Victoria more than once, and is reputed to have nearly won her heart — a man of infinite humor and a delightful and persuasive orator. Martin VanBuren had been employed by Amariah Hammond as agent, to look after the legal I'lllDAV EM'.M.Nf; :>IM!< II lllili. (■„„,„„ firi,,^ ill 11 nrll,,!:. V, A I) r'K.s' coiflp irrgTT T n \ s: . tJ.MM.llM.*.J:h«tlW ^ i)ECLA3IATIo:S. r - CMiicIrr t( DiMwtaito flLF.Rijndr Di^>>Uc I . ..|lhc Prni'MM ..,;.. 1 »>ikhe. lann.llc - ii'XifK'm •qw«cb«lCLitbvD B. YL Kniib, I,,,. arJVi.Rit A.Vaullion, " CO.-\TUOVKRSY. • 'ti™!,- I. i/s/ir, AflLf "' .,, >,.\.\^. ... \rat,i(»a YMtt, Ii, .w, V«BE. Ijinnt. ' . ■ ' ' ■■-.-Oni.ul A VurlinHi, S^^u Ainciicn, A. IJrailinji-, Dniisvillc. j V 'Cciiiciininl Address, • • H. S|n-n2;uc, Daiiavillt! ■ RHOUERIC DUCK A?tD FITZ JAMES. Oh Fluiiticiicr, K. PnviK*!- Btiriis. us.. 31.t3ZJ3T?Z?.. DANSVILLE ACADEMY PROGRAM OF 1837 LA TER EARL Y DA) 'S 45 interests of certain settlers who had purchased lands of the Pulteney estate, the titles to which had been imperiled by a decision in the Court of Errors, and was appealed from and carried up to the Court of Chancery. He had managed their case with great ability and tact, and won, and the settlers were thereafter his grateful admirers. Land- lord Stacy, whose tavern received the two great men, established the first stage line between Dansville and Hornellsville. Rowle\ 's tavern was famous for good cookery in the early days, and the landlord once entertained the famous Indian chiefs, Red Jacket and Tall Chief. Another old and popular tavern was kept by Lester Kingsbury and G. C. Taylor. This was on the site of the Hyland house, and Row- ley's and Stacy's taverns were farther up Main street. Those and later years were the years of general trainings, with tall hats, cockades, white breeches and silver lace, and for marching music the screams of fifes and din of drums. Gen. J. Albert Granger of Canandaigua was the first reviewing officer, serving many years in that capacity. He was succeeded by William S. Fullerton of Sparta. The thorough drill master was Captain Isaac W. Drake, and his successor was Captain James H. Parker. When the Patriot war began in Can- ada, some of the militiamen's bosoms swelled large with the spirit of '76, and they talked of going over to fight for the cause of the rebels, but the uprising was quickly put down and their belligerency oozed away with the lost cause. Party spirit ran high during the Tippecanoe campaign of 1840. Two log cabins were erected here by the Whigs, and guards placed in them to defend their ash flag poles against Democratic axes. Discussion wa.xed hot on the street corners and in the stores and taverns, occa- sionally ending in blows and bloody noses. Twice there have been prospects that Dansville would become the capital of a new county. In 1830 a movement was started in Alle- gany county to erect a new county out of portions of Allegany, Gene- see, and "so much of Livingston county as would lie south of a con- tinuation of the north line of the town of vSparta to the Genesee river. " The plan was popular in Allegany county, and pushed with persistent determination, and as Dansville had been selected as the future shire village, she was entirely willing that the movement should be a suc- cess. The most bitter opposition came from Mt. Moi"ris, which was somewhat inclined to be jealous of faster-growing Dansville, and meetings were held there to denounce and resolve against the proposed carving process for a new county. The opposition prevailed, and no similar effort was made until 1853, when it was proposed to form a new county from Livingston, Steuben and Allegany, with Dansville as the county seat. The part to be subtracted from Livingston con- sisted of the towns of Springwater, Sparta, Dansville, West Sparta, Nunda and Portage. Again there was opposition, and again Dans- ville was agreeable. But the legislature could not be induced to pass the necessary bill, and Dansville remains without county buildings and the mild excitements of court and supervisors' proceedings. CHAPTER IV TKird Quarter of Century Fi-oin Canal to Railroad — Waj-land the Nearest Station — Dansville Seminary — Protection Against Fire — Business Men of 1850 — The Civil War and Dansville's Prompt Response — Later War Meetings and Bounties Paid — The Draft — The Hyland House and Maxwell Block. THE most prosperous period for Dansville was the canal period, that is, the ten years between 1842 and 1852, or the year of the completion of the Dansville branch of the Genesee Valley canal and that of the completion of the Erie railroad to Dunkirk. In another chapter some ac- count is given of the business boom during that decade. The new railroad facilities afforded by the Erie imme- diately turned the shipment of the lumber and other pro- ducts of Allegany and Steuben counties from Dansville to the Erie stations on the south, and the rapid growth of Dansville was at an end. Between 1845 and 185U its pop- ulation had increased from 2213 to 4090, or nearly 100 per cent in five years. The hotels and stores had been, and for three years more con- tinued to be, so busy that they could hardly take care of all their customers. Rents increased and hotises could not be built fast enough for the incoming families. The surrounding farmers sold their pro- duce readily at satisfactory prices, and sowed and planted more land from year to year. The people went to and fro with smiling faces in the fond belief that the prosperity would continue, not giving much thought to the diverting power of railroads. Their eyes were opened quickly, and their castles in the air vanished. And then they began to yearn for a railroad of their own, and renewed the agitation for one of twenty years before. Meetings were held, convincing .speeches made, and confidence expressed, but no railroad was completed to our corporation lines until December, 1871. In April, 1852, the Buffalo, Corning, and New York railroad, now a branch of the Erie, was opened from Corning as far as Wayland, and from that time until the opening of the Dansville and Mt. ilorris railroad Wayland was the nearest railroad station to Dansville, and all our railroad business was to and from that point. Dansville's canal business was very large, but soon began to diminish on account of the extension of the main branch of the Erie, and after the railroad connection of Wayland with Rochester and Buffalo, the traffic between Dansville and Wayland with teams was heavy for nearly twenty years, and the stage lines did a thriving business. George Hyland and John Hess started a movement for a plank road, and it was built and leased for thirty years, and paid eight per cent on the stock. It was in 1850, during the prosperous decade, that the Young Men's Christian Association of Dansville was formed, the objects of which were stated to be "a reading room and library, public debate, ad- dresses by members and lectures by distinguished men from abroad." The president was Charles Shepard, the vice-presidents were S. vSweet, 46 THIRD QUARTER OF CENTURY 47 A. J. Abbott and C. R. Kern, the secretary D. W. Noyes, the treas- urer John Hartman, and the librarian H. B. Whiton. No records have been found to indicate that the association realized its ambitious hopes or continued long in existence. The disastrous effects of the great fires of 1854 and 1S5'» made more serious the setback of transportation diversions, and it took a long time to fill with other buildings the spaces made vacant by them. The old academy on the square had become a district school hou.se when, in 1858, under the auspices of the Methodist Genesee Confer- ence, a seminary school was started in town, and a movement made to build the brick seminary .structure on the hillside, which was so far completed as to be occupied in January, 1860. The first annual catalogue, published the j^revious year, shows an attendance of ninety- eight male and 113 female pupils. The faculty were: Principal, Rev. PEN SKETCH OF DANSVILLE SEMINARY IN I860 Schuyler Seager, D. D., who was professor of moral philosphy and belles lettres; Professor of Mathematics, Charles C. Wheeler, A. B. ; Professor of Natural Science, Rev. John J. Brown; Preceptresses, Mrs. Marietta A. Wheeler, and Miss Helen M. Budlong; teacher of instrumental music. Miss ililancie Leach; teacher of drawing and painting, Miss Emma C. Hubbard, The officers of the board of trustees were: President, Rev. A. C. George; secretary, Hon. I. L. Endress; treasurer, B. L. Hovey, M. D. Later principals of the seminary were Rev. John J. Brown, Joseph Jones, Rev. Mr. Crumb, Henry R. Sanford, Albert Lewis, J. E. Foley, W. H. Truesdale Samuel H. Goodyear, J. B. Hubbell, and Mrs. Susan George Jones. 48 DANSVILLE OF THE PAST Many of the present citizens of Dansville, and many mure who have died or gone elsewhere, received their higher education in that brick building of picturesque background and extended outlook, and there not a few of them distinguished themselves at examinations and an- niversary exercises. In the long delay to secure a good Union school for the village it was of incalculable value to the larger boys and girls as a source of instruction and a nursery of laudable ambitions. Although in 1846 the village trustees voted to raise $800 by tax to purchase a fire engine, hose, hooks, and ladders, dig cisterns and reservoirs and provide pumps, when the great fire of 1854 came and the two great fires of 1859, it was the lack of means for coping with them which made them so disastrous. Engine Company No. 1, was organized in 1846, and in 1857, three years after the fire of 1854, Phoenix Fire Company No. 1 was organ- ized. The next company was Canaseraga Engine Company organ- ized in 18t3, and the next Genesee Fire Company No. 3, organized in 1864. The great fires and an occasional small one finally aroused LAYING PlPtS FOR DANSVILLE'S FIRST WATER WORKS the business men of the village to a sense of their danger from lack of water, suitable fire apparatus and an efficient fire department. The first need was water, and to obtain this, agitation began in 1872 and was continued in varying keys — there being strong opposition — until on July 22, 1873, the tax-payers, by a vote of 156 for, to 112 against, voted that water works for fire purposes should be built. These consisted of banded wood pipes down Main street, from Little Mill creek near the California house, with branches on side streets, east and west. The fall was sufficient to produce powerful streams over any building within hose reach of a hydrant, and the spirit of or- ganization for an efficient fire department became active. Dansville's water works were completed, after a long and hard fight, in November, 1873. A large faction under the lead of influ- THIRD QUARTER OF CENTURY 4') ential men had opposed them and put every possible obstruction in the way of their construction. J. C. Whitehead was then president of the village, and perhaps the chief credit for the authority and means which brought them to a successful completion should be ac- corded to him, because of the firmness and persistence which he exer- cised in his official position. The first public test was made on November 20, 1873, at the corners of Main and Ossian streets, when streams were sent a horizontal distance of 156 feet. At last, after three-quarters of a century, Dansville had the water and power in pipes along its streets with which fire could be successfully fought, and the fear of such calamities as the conflagrations of 1854 and 1859 was at an end. This feeling of serenity was increased when in the follow- ing June Union Hose company, with its membership of prominent and athletic young men, was organized provided with cart and plenty of good hose, and officered as follows: Foreman, Col. George Hyland; assistant foreman, Maj. J. J. Bailey, president, George A. Sweet; vice president, Thomas E. Gallagher; secretary, LeGrand vSnyder, treasurer, Frank Dyer. A list of some of the leading business men of Dansville in 1850 has been obtained from advertisements in copies of the Dansville Herald of that year. They are: Hubbard & Bulkley, Fraser & Abbott, Har- wood & Wilkinson, lawyers; G. P. Reynale & Co., hardware; Farley & Bristol, dentists; Orville Tousey, justice of the peace; John Betts, boots and shoes; C. D. Henning & Co., hats and caps: E. Niles, drugs; E. S. Palmes, tailor and ready made clothing; J. V. & M. Taft, grocers; R. S. Faulkner, dry goods and groceries; S. Brockway, ready made clothing; D. J. Wood, boots and shoes; Sprague, Losey & Co., booksellers and stationers; F. Altmeyer & Co., looking glasses, picture frames and mouldings; H. S. & J. Lord, dry goods and gro- ceries; T. S. Ripley, M. D., physician and surgeon; F. & M. Gilman, stoves, grindstones, and pumps; Barna J. Chapin, crockery and in- surance; Foote & Ma.xwell, forwarding; E. C. Daugherty &• Co., publishers of the Herald, book and job printing; C. G. Wetmore & Co., drugs; J. Brittan & Co., general store ; George Brown, groceries; Richard Young, sash, blinds and doors; C. E. Clark, harness work; A. & J. Outterson, paper mill; Sweet & Co., manufacturers; Wm. Welch, John C. Williams, and William Foote & Co., canal freights. Passing into the decade of the sixties, the exciting political cam- paign which elected Abraham Lincoln President, and the ominous war cloud which arose immediately afterward are recalled. The peo- ple of Dansville bestirred themselves, and their patriotism burned with an increasing heat. A great war meeting was held April 21), 1861, at which stirring speeches were made, $1,972 was subscribed to assist needy families of men who might volunteer, and the follow- ing committee was selected to distribute all such moneys: Charles Shepard, James Faulkner, Sidney Sweet, J. C. Jackson, L L. Endress, A. Lozier and A. Bradner. Carl Stephan issued a call for volunteers, and within three days had the names of sixty-three men on his roll. These officers were chosen : Captain, Carl Stephan ; first lieutenant, George Hyland, Jr.; ensign, Ralph T. Wood; sergeants, Henry R. Curtis, George W. Hasler, Mark J. Bunnell, Duane D. Stillwell; corporals, George B. Dippy, George M. Morris, William H. Drehmer, 50 DAXSVILLE OF THE PAST A. J. Hartman. In another list the names of E. G. Richardson and George M. Morrison appear as corporals. This first company went to Ehnira May 3, and became Company B, of the 13th regiment. In the fall of 1861 Ralph T. Wood recruited a second company here which be- came Company G, of the 13th. In November Job C. Hedges and Albert DANSVlLLt SOLDIERS' MONUMENT .S. Lema, both of Dansville, commenced recruiting another company for the saine regiment, and eighty men were enrolled by December 2(), some of them in Rochester, and started for the seat of war January f), 1862. This made three Dansville companies in the 13th, and added to these was the Dansville band, which joined it in Elmira May 2U, 1861. The 13th was the first after the 6th Massachusetts to pass through Baltimore, and participated in the following battles: Cub THIRD 1 \l A' '/7: A' O/- CIlXTl li Y 51 Run. Bull Run, Yorktown, Flanover Court House, Mechanicsvilk-, Gaines Mill, Malvern Hill, Manassas, Stephentown, Antietam and Fredericksburgh. July 2 President Lincoln issued a call for 300,- 000 more men, and another August 4 for a like number of militia for nine months. A war meeting was held in Dansville July 30 at which several men enlisted, and another followed August 2, when there were several more enlistments and $587 was subscribed to pay bounties to the volunteers. When the third meeting was held, August 5, the subscriptions amounted to $1030.50, and twenty more volun- teers were enrolled, all (jf whom received offered bounties from citi- zens present. The recruiting oificer was Andrew J. Leach, and his company left for the military camp at Portage August 18. Adjutant Job C. Hedges of the 13th regiment came from the front August 14 to recruit a company, and to help him a meeting was held August 1'). Lester B. Faulkner and E. H. Pratt went to work with Adjutant Hedges, and under the stimulus of bounties the company was filled in eight days, and August 30 was mustered in as Company B, of the 136th regiment. James Wood, Jr., of Geneseo was colonel of this regi- ment and Lester B. Faulkner lieutenant colonel, and the officers of Company B, were: Captain, E. H. Pratt; first lieutenant, John J. Bailey; second lieutenant, Nicholas V. Mundy. The men enlisted by Capt. Leach became Company K, of the 130th regiment, and the officers were: Captain, Andrew J. Leach; first lieutenant, James O. Slayton; second lieutenant, Edmund Hartman. Of course there were many changes in and promotions in and from all the Dansville com- panies as the war went on. In November, 1863, Mark J. Bunnell was appointed recruiting officer at Dansville, but later being made a captain in the the Invalid Corps, S. G. Dorr, Jr., took his place. In early February the Dansville cjuota was filled, and a town bounty of $30(3 paid to each of twenty-seven men. At a special town meeting held Sept. 15, 1864, it was decided to raise by ta.x a bounty of $600 for each volunteer, or substitute, or the family of a drafted man, up to the number required to fill the town's quota under the last call for 500,- 000 men. Another town meeting Sept. 23 resolved to add $200 to the $(>00 bounty. Other public meetings were held and within three weeks the town's quota was full. On March 7, 1865, a meeting was held at which it was voted to raise $3,400 to pay bounties, and there were a few volunteers, but the ordered draft came off just before Lee's surrender, and forty-eight names were drawn. North Dansville's quota under the draft oi 1862 was 116, and 122 volunteers reported. The number drafted from North Dansville in July, 1863, was 110 and the number exempted ninety-four, but many of the exempts paid the commutation of $300 each. Under the call of October, 1863, North Dansville's substitutes were three and commutations eleven. The well-drilled and much-admired Canaseragas had mostly gone to the war when in April, 1862, the Washington Zouaves were organized as a local company with the following officers and privates: Captain, Charles Reeve; lieutenant, Henry Faulkner ; ensign, Theo. Chapin; 1st sergeant, Wm. Bulkley; 2d sergeant, James Williams; privates, James Edwards, Wm. Knowlton, Charles Niles, Henry Porter, Ed- ward Readshaw, Edward Sweet, Eugene Sprague, Percy Jones, James Lindsay, Edward Niles, Jr., Wm. Readshaw, Charles Shepard, 52 DANSVILLE OF THE PAST Wm. Spinning, Rockwell Lozier, John Wilkinson. How lonjj this promising' military organization continued is not on record. When the war closed the military spirit which it had e.xcited perceptibly diminished in a short time. The returned soldiers devoted themselves to the arts of peace. Money was plenty and prices high, new indus- tries were started and neglected old ones revived; every able-bodied man could get work at good wages, and from 18()5 to Black Friday the country prospered as it never had before. HYLAND HOUSE On April 23, 1.S74, the new Ilyland house was opened, and the finest hotel in this and several neighboring counties began to receive the traveling public. The opening was celebrated with a splendid banquet, music and addresses, and invited guests were present from New York, Syracuse, Rochester and several country towns. The first landlord was Charles P. Howe, and the present popular landlord is John King. The Hyland house and the Maxwell block were the most important building improvements on Main street near the close of the third quarter century, and are still the largest business buildings in Dansville. Without the water works they would have been haz- ardous financial experiments, but with them they have proved to be profitable investments. CHAPTER V TKe Last Quarter of tHe Century The Bank Failures — Followed by Improved Conditions — Dansville's Cele- bration of the Nation's Centennial — A Circulating Library — Floods and Storms — Winged Ants — From District Schools to Union School and a Fine New Kuilding — The Village Improvement Society and Its Im- pcirtant Work. THE last twenty-five years of tlie l')th century was one of disturbing lessons which have, on the whole, been bene- ficial to Dansville, and healthy progress in these latest years is increasingly apparent. With two very depressing bank failures which depleted many incomes and exhausted the savings of a considerable number of depositors, there was an exhibition of grit and elasticity that were inspirit- ing. In the last of those failures the most of the money which had been raised for a Union school building was simk, but more was forthcoming and the construction was not delayed. Two other banks, on solid financial founda- tions, with managers in whom the people have confidence, have taken the place of the defunct ones; the Union school, with a course which prepares pupils for college, is one of the best; electric lights have come in; new water works providing a supply of excellent water for domestic as well as fire purposes, and with sufficient fall to throw streams over the hillside Sanatorium, are a source of many satisfac- tions; Main street has been macadamized; cement sidewalks and brick crosswalks have been substituted for the old board and broken stone walks; the parks have been improved, and the old eye- sores on the Central park removed ; two new brick churches, five or six fine business buildings, and many handsome dwellings have been erected; one of the most flourishing ptdilishing houses outside the large cities has been established; a new trunk line railroad ribbons the hillside and affords first-class transportation facilities east and west; a trolley road (or two) to Rochester in the near future seems to be a foregone conclusion; our nursery business has developed into a great industry, making the town one of the principal centers of the country for nursery stock; tradesmen are prosperous and social and moral conditions have improved. It is noticeable, also, that the scenic, social, and other attractions of Dansville are making it more and more a simimer resort of people from a distance. One of the first great events of the last quarter-century was the celebration throughout the country of the nation's centennial on July 4, 1876. Dansville participated with enthusiasm. There was a great parade, and the Dansville, Mt. Morris and Avon fire departments were a part of it. Dr. James H. Jackson was grand marshal. Judge John A. Vanderlip was president of the day, and Hon. Jerry Maguire was the orator. S3 LAST OL'AKTEK OJ- CEXTrRY 55 The circulating library of the private Library Association had been distributing good books to many patrons for nearly a year, when in April, 1875, a public spelling match in which many prominent citi- zens participated, considerably increased its funds. The library grew steadily, and its value as an educator became apparent in the avidity with whi(-h its books were drawn and read by all classes. DANSVILLK LIBRARY INTERIOR In the first years of the quarter century there were some note- worthy storms and floods, but only one that did much damage. There had been a flood in April, 1873, which carried away the Read- shaw, Angell and Hyland dams, and did much damage on Stony Brook and down the valley. t)n March 14, 1877, there was a similar but less damaging flood. Some of the back streets became creeks, and eighty rods of railroad track two miles from the village were washed away. August 12, 1877, a hail storm about a mile wide started in Nunda and crossed Ossian to South Dansville. Trees and corn were stripped of their leaves, gardens were ruined, and some sowed crops were nearly destroyed. On some farms the hail stones lay four inches deep, and some of them were as large as hens' eggs. A hurricane was in the storm and tore up several trees. The estimated damage was $20,000. Twelve days later a tornado visited Dansville which broke down trees, twisted off branches, toppled over chimneys and sent boards and sticks flying through the air. Other surprising natural phenomena were visitations of winged ants in 1878 and 1879, both years on August 28. There had been a like visitation in vSep- temlier, 1874, which was the first appearance of the insects. They flew LASl^ OCARTUR OF CnXri'RV 57 rapidly in long clouds that darkened the sky, a few hundred feet above the buildings, and millions of them settled down into the streets so thickly that it was difficult to keep them out of mouths and eyes, and the doors and windows of stores and dwellings throughout the village were quickly closed against them. But all these troublesome phenomena were of little account com- pared with the crushing failures of the two banks in 1884 and 1887. The personal negligence and wickedness which brought about these disasters need not be discussed in this history, and perhaps should not be for the sake of relatives and friends. Anyone who desires the stories in detail can go to the files of the local newspapers. The financial or business prominence of the men who controlled the Bank of Dansville inspired confidence, and although at the time of its fail- ure it had been" a private bank for eleven years the depositors were numerous and thiAleposits large, (^n application of John A. \'anderlip, Reuben Whiteman was appointed receiver for the bank May If), 1884, GROUP OF CITIZENS and when he filed his report, November 20, it appeared that the liabil- ities in certificates of deposit, outstanding drafts and individual de- posits amounted to $199,833.44, the depositors being largely women and farmers. The cash balances had not been posted since 1879. The assets were of no value, and the depositors got nothing back. There was much litigation, a part of it being a libel suit against the Advertiser, and another part the conviction for grand larceny and sentence to state prison for five years of the banker who claimed that he had been libeled. One day a hundred creditors held an indigna- tion meeting, raised money to prosecute the bank officers, and re- solved to boycott every man attempting to screen them. This Bank of Dansville was the first bank of the village. It was incorporated February 16, 1839, and capitalized at $50,U0(). Its first officers were: President, James Faulkner; vice president, Justus Hall; cash- ier, A. A. Bennett; teller, David D. McNair. 58 DAXSl'fLLn OF THE PAST In 1887 Dansville received another severe blow in the failure of the First National Bank, made doubly severe by coming so soon after the other failure. On April 25 f)f that year its doors were closed, and creditors clamored in vain for their money. The deposits were then about $200, (JUO, and the largest depositor was the board of education which had deposited $22,000 of school money. Several other deposi- tors were credited with amounts of from $5,000 to $7,200, and those whose deposits were from $1,000 to $3,000 were numerous. "Never before were deposits so large by our best business men," said the Advertiser. The night after the closing of the bank the account books were taken away and hidden or destroyed. The index to the big ledger was found eight miles distant by the roadside in the town of Ossian. Charles L. Bingham of Mt. Morris was appointed re- ceiver, and his report filed in Washington about the middle of October showed the liabilities due depositors to be $191,227.70; due banks, $4,397.02; due in notes, $1(),600; making a total of $211,624.- 72; and the total assets to be $13,981.45. The story of the trials and convictions that followed, with the connecting incidents, would make a long and dramatic chapter which may be omitted. In the final settlement with creditors they received about twenty-two per cent. After the first bank failure some of the citizens hoarded their money and others opened bank accounts in New York and Rochester. Hence deposits in the First National, though large, were much less than they otherwise would have been. But Dansville was not without a bank very long. On September 7, 1887, a movement was started for a new bank, with capital stock of $50,000 and shares $100 each. James W. Wadsworth immediately subscribed for 250 shares, Frank Fielder for fifty shares, and nearly all the stock was taken within a week. The bank was named the Citizens Bank of Dansville, and on September 22 it was decided to open it October 1, and the following officers were elected: President, George A. Sweet; vice president, James W. Wadsworth; cashier, Frank Fielder. The board of directors were James W. Wadsworth, Elias H. Geiger, George A. Sweet, Fred W. Noyes, John J. Bailey, John M. ]\Iagee, Frank Fielder, James H. Jackson, James Krein. On December 9, 1890, a charter was granted authorizing the Mer- chants & Farmers National Bank of Dansville to transact business under the national banking act, and business was commenced Decem- ber 20, with a capital stock of $5(.>,000 and an issue of $12,500 currency. The first officers were: President, William T. Spinning; vice-president, C. D. Beebe ; cashier, D. O. Batterson ; board of directors, William T. Spinning, C. D. Beebe, William Kramer, E. M. Parmelee, James Krein, A. J. Whiteman, Isaac Hampton, George W. Peck, Thorn Carpenter. The most important of all local public movements during the quarter-century was that for a luiion of districts and a union school with High school department. It was started in 1S81, and the union was so far effected that in the fall of 1882 the combined schools opened in the old academy building on the square and Number two's brick building, with a total registration of 273 pupils. But obstructions came. A basis of union had been agreed upon between districts numbers one and two, whereby district number one was to raise LAST CARTER OF CTXT['RV 59 $.1,000 by tax as an offset to the greater value of number two's school building. It was afterwards found that such a tax would be illegal, but on August 3, 1883, a union school meeting had been held, a reso- kition consolidating the two districts adopted, and a board of educa- tion elected consisting of Frank Fielder, W. J. LaRue, James Voor- hees, James H. Jackson, William Kramer, Emil C. Klauck, G. Bas- tian, William Bradley, and James JM. Edwards, of which board G. Hastian was made president. During the year 1883 twenty meetings of the board were held. A suit was brought against them by the trustee and others of district number two to enjoin them from col- lecting taxes as representatives of the united districts, on the ground that there had been a breach of contract on the part of district num- ber one in not raising the $3,000 on which the union of the two dis- tricts was based. The temporary injunction was finally vacated by GROUP OF FIRST PUPILS OF DANSViLLE UNION SCHOOL Judge Rumsey, and the board could act with more confidence. The seminary building on the hillside was leased in the fall of 1883, and the Union school opened there in December with F. J. Diamond as principal, seven teachers and 287 pvipils. The whole. number of pupils enrolled during the year was 462. Here the school was conducted afterward until a new building was completed. On December 2, 1884, a meeting of citizens voted almost unanimously to build a new school house on the west side of the public square. In June, 1887, the con- tract for its construction was given to George W. Phelps of Mount ]\Iorris at a cost of §21,827.21, and the contract for heating arrange- ments and dr\- closets was given to Smead & Northcott of Elmira, for $2,350. Then came the bank failure whereby the village lost the most of the money that had been raised, and more must be obtained. Fifteen men including the board of education signed a note for $4,500 in advance of the annual meeting, which sanctioned what they had done. Work on the building commenced on Friday (a bright, not a Black Friday) June 3, 1887. The corner stone was laid Saturday, August 13. The exercises were of a simple character. President Edwards LAST QUARTER OF C EXT TRY 61 made a few introductory remarks, Rev. George K. Ward offered prayer, the stone was placed in position over a despository of records and other papers, A. O. Bunnell made a brief reminiscent and con- gratulatory address, and Rev. Mr. Ward pronounced a benediction. The building was completed with little delay, and was dedicated Feb- ruary 7, 1SS8, when James M. Edwards as president of the board pre- sided and made an introductory address, A. O. Bunnell gave a com- prehensive history of the enterprise, and Hon. A. S. Draper, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, delivered an ah)lc address in which he paid high compliment to citizens and building. Other ad- dresses were made by Dr. Milne of the Geneseo Normal school and Dr. James C. Jackson. Thus the era of free school for Dansville in a modern school building of the best type, with abundant room, was auspiciously begun. The board of education during the critical building period were J. M. Edwards, president; F. Fiekler, F. M. Ferine, J. J. Bailey, H. F. Dyer, F. W. Noyes, Albert Sweet, William Kramer, W. H. Dick. The entire cost of the Union school building and site was $2(>,5U0. Special credit should be given here to the pioneer president of the board. Dr. G. Bastian, who stood like a rock against which the waves of passion and prejudice and antiquated custom dashed in vain until the storm had largely spent itself. Allusion should also be made to the great meetings held in the roller skating rink to decide on the question of repairing the old seminary building or erecting a new modern building on a central site, when on meeting nights every street seemed filled with a tide of human beings converging at the corner of E.xchange and Elizabeth streets there to do battle for their rights after the fashion of the early town meetings of New England which laid the foundations of civil liberty in this country. In all these meetings there was a large proportion of women to whose ar- duous labors and intelligent influence must be given a great share of the credit for the improved school conditions then and there materi- ally advanced. The present board of education are: Frank Fielder, jjresident; William Kramer, F. M. Ferine, H. F. Dyer, J. M. Edwards, F. W. Noyes, C. W. Woolever, Edward Bacon, J. B. Morey, Jr. The teachers are: Edward J. Bonner, principal; Barbara A. Mac- Leod, preceptress; Louise K. Smith, 1st assistant; Mary C. Cromer, 2d assistant; Leone Stocking, 3d assistant; Carrie Emerson, 7th grade; Agnes H. Brogan, 6th grade; May R. Parker, 5th grade; Genevieve Withington, 4th grade; M. Onnalee Frazer, 3d grade; Rhea Mc Elwaine, 2d grade; Maud E. Warren, 1st grade; Grace Brown, primary. Presidents of board of education: Dr. G. Bastian from October 2(), 1882, to Aug. 31, 1885; James M. Edwards from August 31, 1885, to September 7, 1886; Frank Fielder from September 7, 1886, to Sep- tember 6, 1887; James M. Edwards from September (>, 1887, to Sep- tember, 1892; Frank Fielder since September 1892. Principals of Union school: F. J. Diamond from December 3, 1883—1892; W. G. Carmer, 1892—1899; Edward J. Bonner from September, 1899. LAST OrARTER OF CEXTl'RY 63 Preceptresses: Ada R. Briggsfrom December 3, IS''^^, to June, 1SS4; Jennie McLaughlin, 1884—1885; Helen Boothby, 1885—1886; Anna McBride, 1886—1889; Minnie Lefebvre, 1889—1891; Anna McBride, 1891—1892; Mary E. Lyman, 1892—1893; Elizabeth Goode, 1893— 1899; Alice M. Hutchings, 1899—1900; Barbara A. MacLeod from 1900. The Dansville Village Improvement society was partly organized at a meeting of citizens on February 7, 1888, by the adoption of a constitution and by-laws, and at another meeting February 16, the organization was completed by the election of officers, trustees and a general committee. The officers were: President, B. P. Andrews; vice-presidents, Mrs. Kate J. Jackson, Miss A. P. Adams, George A. Sweet, Rev. J. H. Day, F. W. Noyes; secretary, (Jscar Woodruff; treasurer, W. H. Dick. The society under the energetic and efficient lead of President Andrews, worked hard and enthusiastically for two years. During 1888 Washington park and the northern portion of Central park received the most attention. The trees in Washington ].)ark had been set out the previous year by John McCurdy and Gor- don Wilson, assisted by Hon. J. B. Morey. During 1889 the old burying ground and Fulton square were looked after. Efforts were FANCY SKETCH OF PROMINENT CITIZENS made to stimulate [iride among citizens in caring for private property, and the society influenced the trustees to pass an tirdinance requiring wider and better sidewalks. Much time and carefully planned efforts were found necessary to bring about the desired changes, and in all their work the society had the sympathetic co-operation of the village trustees — E. H. Readshaw, C. Dick, N. Johantgen, Owen (lallagher and B. P. Andrews. Among those especially active in aiding the officers were Drs. James H. and Kate J. Jackson, T. E. Gallagher, E. H. Readshaw, and John M. McNair. Central park, seven acres, (formerly Church square) had been deeded to the village by Nathan- iel Rochester "for public purposes," and been occupied by a variety of things called public. Some received deeds and some squatted. 64 DAXSVILLE OF THE PAST Besides the four churches there were south of the English Lutheran church, a building for the Hook and Ladder compan\-'s truck, one for the Protectives and their apparatus, and one for voting purposes, also an old square stone building used as a lock-up. Near St. Patrick's church was the ancient academy and back of this the still older dis- trict school building. The village trustees purchased the Burns car- riage factory, formerl)- the old ^lethodist church, and refitted it for the use of the firemen and general purposes of a public building, and in the rear built a steel lock-up. The old graveyard was cleared and cleaned, and many of the buried bones removed and reburied in Greenmount cemetery. This job and the beautifying of the plot were the most expensive things done and to aid in accomplishing them the village contributed $100 in labor and Dr. J. H. Jackson gave $50. Fulton square, long used as a pasture and circus ground, was put in order, beautified, and named Elm park, the residents of the vicinity contributing considerably to this end. George A. Sweet contributed the elms, which are now large trees, and this park is now one of the prettiest points in the village. Arrangements were made whereby individuals could have trees, shrubs, etc., planted at a very small cost. The changes in the parks, on the streets and in private yards, the removal of front and boundary fences, brought about by the action and influence of the society during two years have added much ti> the attractions of Dansville. Nor have the moral and religious conditions been neglected during the quarter century. Besides the two new churches before mentioned, the others have been improved and beautified; several new religious and reform societies have been organized, with an active membership, and accomplished a good deal, while the old societies have increased their efficiency ; denominational strifes and jealousies, including the former religious contentions between Protestants and Catholics, have diminished and almost disappeared ; among the evangelical churches union meetings and union revival efforts have not been unfrequent; and an era of good feeling, with community of interest, in marked contrast with the old-time dogmatic frictions, which it is refreshing to contemplate, has slowly evolved. The competitions and methods of local politics have also greatly improved. Time was when party and factional bitterness was in- tense, and caucus, convention and election trickery and bribery were more common than fairness and honesty. More stringent state laws in part, but quite as much a better public sentiment, with the retire- ment or death of old local bosses and their lieutenants, have made the primary and nominating meetings and campaign work compara- tively decent. In short, this community at the close of the last quarter century takes a much more charitable and rational view of human life and human differences than it took in the previous quarter century, and speech and practice have improved correspondingly. CHAPTRR VT Canal and R.ailroads Siib-Bi-ancli of tliu Ciiiial — Exciliiig Conflict Between Villagers and State Em- ployees — Dansville's Prosperous Period — Railroads Turn the Tide — Rail- road Project in 1832 — A Wait of Forty Years — Dansville's First Railroad in 1872 — The Second in 1882. ABr)UT the time the work on the Dansville branch (.)f tlie Valley canal commenced "red dog" banks were started, shinplasters were issued, and for a time prices were so inflated that pork sold for $26 a barrel, flour for $10 to $15 a barrel, and wheat for $2.50 a bushel. The German emigrants along Sandy Hill had built themselves small log cabins, and found work at digging, quarrying and dressing stone for the canal, the locks and bridges. Many built shanties along the line. Much of the stone was quar- ried from the old quarry in the ravine betweeri Woodville and Cumminsville. Amariah Faulkner, sixteen years old, a son of Dr. James Faulkner, was instantly killed by a stone from one of the blasts in this quarry. Hundreds of refugees came from Canada just after the Patriot war and found work on the canal. This was a state enterprise under a democratic administration till 1838. when after Seward was elected governor he stopped the work for a time, and then the plan of the locks was changed from cut stone to com- posite of stone, plank and timbers. The Dansville branch beginning at the Shaker settlement, with eight locks, was completed in 1842 at a LUI\II0N OF CANAL FIGHT OF 1844 66 CA.XAL .l.\7) R.U /.ROADS 67 cost of $375,555. Tlu- Daiisvillt- rnd was at Faulkner's dam, halt" a mile from Main street, and such an ending created much ill feelinjr among business citizens, who soon afterward raised $6,000 b)' sub- scription to build a sub-branch between the main branch and Spruce street, and connecting with the former several rods south of the Faulk- ner basin. It was completed in 1844, and when the time came to make the final cut through the bank into the main branch, three state scows with gangs of men were there to prevent it. A crowd of citi- zens, led by George Hyland and Merritt H. Brown, had gone down with pickaxes and spades, and were ready for them. George Hyland made a speech urging the men not to hesitate in cutting through the berm bank, or in violent resistance if the men of the scows interfered. They did interfere, and there was a short but hot fight, Mr. Hyland giving his attention to the captain of the scows, whom he seized and subdued. The scow gangs fled, the cut was made, and the water soon rushed into the sub-branch, and it was ready for boats. After- ward about thirty leading citizens were indicted for illegally tapping the state's canal and for resisting the state authorities, but their cases were never tried and the sub-branch and basin became the village center of the canal business. In 1842 when the main branch was com- pleted to Dansville there was an enthusiastic celebration with crowds of people, many flags, and a parade by Vicker's Artillery and Washing- ton Engine companies. The state scow came from beyond Rochester, with a large delegation, firing a salute from a cannon at every village. vS. W. Smith was president of the day, and replied to a congratu- latory speech by M. H. Mills of Mount Morris. The most prosperous period of Dansville was the ten years between the opening of the canal and the extension of ..the Erie railroad to Dunkirk, when there was an immediate change, nearly all transporta- tion this way from the counties south being diverted to the new rail- road. For several months before the opening of our canal there was extraordinary activity in the lumber regions south of us, in cutting tAl^Lh. HorLL AND JtKKt^KSON STKEET 68 DANSVILLE OF THE PAST and sawing logs preparatory to early shipment over the approaching water-way, and as soon as it was ready for navigation the lumber teams began to pour into Dansville from that region, extending as far south as Coudersport, Pa., seventy-five miles distant. Often in the winter time from 20U to 300 loaded sleighs a day, sometimes as many as twenty in a string, came in over the southern roads, and the loaded wagons in the warmer season were numerous. They brought lumber and potash, butter and cheese, and from Perkinsville way came many enormous spars for masts, each drawn by several teams. All this made the mercantile trade very lively and gave the hotels a bonanza. There were four or five hotels on Jefferson street, which was a hive of activity. Many canal boats were built yearly, mostly by Benjamin and Jacob Burling, in yards between Ossian street and Faulkner's basin. Lumber piles nearly as high as the Maxwell block extended along the canal bank from the Spruce street basin to the junction and from the junction to Faulkner's basin. But as soon as the Erie rail- road was completed to Dunkirk, in May, 1851, the tide turned, and activity gave place to dullness. The Dansville bocmi and the high hopes to which it gave birth were over, and there was a great calm. From that time until the canal was closed bv the state in 187S the PRESENT VIEW AT UPPER CANAL BASIN business on the canal was comparatively small, and in the later years, after the Dansville and Mount Morris railroad went into operation, very small. The railroad line from Dansville to Rochester was then doing the most of the carrying trade of the valley. The canal,tolls received in Dansville for a series of years, beginning with the first after the completion of the Dansville branch, were as follows: CANAL AND RAILROADS 69 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. .$ 6,21.i.47 1849 $26,741.72 . 8.378,96 1850 28,930.50 . 16.435.27 1851 16,721.47 . 18,715.14 1852 11.378.92 . 21,169.47 1853 10,383.26 . 26,459.43 1854 6,627.28 . 25,494.73 1855 6,662.49 In 1 the toU.s amounted to only $1,560.6'), and the highest year afterward was 1858, when they were |;4,527.74. After 1860 the annual tolls never reached $2,000. Mark J. Bunnell in 1873 was the last canal collector in Dansville with office in the basement of Bunnell block. After 1873 and until the closing of the canal the tolls were collected at Mt. Morris. In 1832 a railroad was projected from Rochester to Dansville, and the Rochester & Dansville Railroad Co. was incorporated by the legislature. Several meetings had been held in Dansville, Geneseo and Rochester to push the project to success, and when the news of incorporation v.'as received at Dansville an enthusiastic celebration was made brilliant with bonfires, rockets and fire-balls. Surveys were commenced, and stock books were opened along the line, but subscrip- tions came slow, were insufficient, and no railroad could be built. Judge Carroll and James Faulkner were prominent in this movement. It was not until forty years later that Dansville people saw the locomo- tive enter their town. A railroad was completed from Avon to Mount Morris in 1859, con- necting with the Erie road to Rochester at Avon. It was leased to the Erie company in 1872. The Dansville and Genesee Valley Railroad company was organized in 1864, with a capital of $150,000, to con- struct a railroad from Dansville to Mount Morris. The first seven DANSVILLE STATION 70 DAXSVILLE OF THE PAST miles were not constructed until 1871, and the remaining S]/i miles were finished in 1872. By an arrangement with the directors the road passed under the management of the Erie company, which agreed to extend it to Burns, but did not. They ran it until Oct. 22, 1892, when they abandoned it, and it passed into the possession of a new local company. There have been complications and pro- longed controversies regarding the relations of the Erie company to this railroad, the most of which it would be extremely difficult to sift, and as unprofitable as difficult. Dansville,and especially Dansville nur- serymen, with their quantities of bulky nursery stock for shipment in spring and fall, suffered great inconvenience and considerable loss by the Erie abandonment. It is operated now as a separate road (the Dansville and Mount Morris railroad) under the direction of A. S. Murray, Jr., receiver, with R. H. England as general manager, and G. E. Dunklee, general superintendent. Many changes have been made in the rolling stock and extensive improvements are contem- plated this year in the roadbed and bridges which promise much added transportation accomodation. The station is conveniently located near the abandoned basin of the sub-branch canal already re- ferred to. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, commcjnly called the Lackawanna, who.se course is along picturesque P3ast hill high up, was so far completed in its westward construction in 1882, that it ran trains to Mt. Morris, and the next year it commenced running to Buffalo. The road is under able management, its local representatives are efficient, it is accomodating to the people a!i)ng its route, and both its freight and passenger traffic is enormous, an aver- age of about eighty trains passing Dansville daily. It is unfortunate for Dansville business men that its station is over a mile from Main street, and can only be reached from the village by ascending a steep hill. A trolley line is expected to soon largely remedy this difficulty. Dansville is on the main line, 334 rniles from New York, 7'> miles from Buffalo. CHAPTER /■// Notable Men of tHe Early Times Moses VanCampen — Red Jacket — Charles Williamson — Natlianiel Rochester. Moses Van Campen MAJOR Moses \'anCampen was born in New Jersey in 1757 and (lied in Almond, N. Y., in 1849, aged ninety-two years. He lived in Dansville on Ossian street from 1831 to 1848 — about eight years — and often came here before his re- moval. He was one of the most adventurous, daring and efficient spirits in General Sullivan's expedition of 1779 to this valley. The interesting memoir of his life and times by his grandson. Rev. J. Niles Hubbard, was completed here in 1841, and the author afterwards resided here as pastor four years — 1856 to 1860. Therefore there are sev- eral links connecting the famous scout and fighter with Dansville history. His strenuous life was one of adventures stranger than fiction, and his general charaoter was not less admirable than his dauntless courage. He acquired muscle by hard labor on his father's farm in boyhood, skill with the rifle and quick observation by much hunting in the deep woods, and knowledge of elementary text books and surveying in a neighboring school before he was sixteen years old. Then, in 1773, his father moved with his family to the Wyom- ing Valley, Northumberland county. Pa. When he was seventeen, and the notes of preparation for the fight against Great Britain were sounding, he adopted the cause of the revolutionists with enthu- siasm, and was made captain of a coinpany organized for military drill and practice with the rifle. Soon afterward he became one of a regiment raised in Northumberland county for the Continental army, and was appointed ensign. In 1777, at the age of twenty, he fairly entered upon his career as a soldier. The war had begun, the militia was brought into active service, and he became orderly sergeant in a regiment commanded by Colonel John Kelley. The vSix Nations had decided in council t(3 become allies of the British, and begun their cunning hostilities against the settlers. Van Campen was placed at the head of a company to make forays against them, and within a few months conducted three or four short expeditions in such a way as to win commendation and admiration. He became a careful and keenly observant student of the character and methods of the Indians, and was one of the first to anticipate their intentions and movements. In times of extreme doubt or danger he was always ready to imperil his life in enterprises of disccjvery and possible or probable struggle. Not once was he known to flinch or draw back in his whole remarkable military career as a soldier. He connected himself with (General Sul- livan's army in the expedition to this valley, was made quarter- master, and for two or three months before it started was occupied in collecting military stores. He had the care of all the supplies for the fleet of twenty boats with 2,000 horses which was propelled from 72 74 DAXSVILLE OF THE PAST Wyoming to Tioga Point up the Susquehanna by means of poles. While the army was at Tioga waiting for General Clinton, General Sullivan sent him out in command of a small company to am- bush some Indian warriors, and probably he would have succeeded if his sentinel had not fallen asleep. Often he acted as scout alone, and would steal close to the camps of the Indians, watch and count them, and discover if possible their designs. General Sullivan quickly dis- covered his mettle and skill, and told him to select and command twenty-six soldiers as the advance guard of the army. At Hog Back hill they had a musketry and hand-to-hand fight with a body of Indians in which ^^an Campen's clothes were pierced by three bullets. Near Baldwin's creek he tricked a big Indian fighter and sharpshooter who was trying to put bullet holes through several of Sullivan's men, and shot him. In these and other exploits on the long march to and up our valley he acted voluntarily, because, being quartermaster, they were not required of him, his duties being confined to the pro- curement and care of supplies. But he always preferred the perils and fatigues of scouting and strife with the savage enemy to the ennui of inactivity. He returned home from the Sullivan e.xpedition dangerously sick with a fever. His father's house had been burnt by the Indians, and he was taken to a fort at Fishing Creek, to which his father had moved. In 1783, a party of ten Indians killed and scalped his father and young brother by his side, thrust a spear through his vest and shirt, making a slight flesh wound, and made him prisoner with two other men and two small boys. They were marched away to probable tor- ture and death, but Van Campen effected their escape in one of the most daring and skillful performances of his life. Watchful of every opportunity, he got hnld of a knife which an Indian had dropped, and in the night cut his own bonds and those of the other prisoners, when he and one of them (the third man proved to be a coward) attacked their captors with hatchets and made quick work with them. Nine of the ten were killed, Van Campen killing five and wounding in the neck the one who escaped. About this time he received a commission as ensign in the Continental service, and had other perilous experiences with the Indians before joining an e.xpedition up the west branch of the Susquehanna, in the course of which he was again taken i)risoner. This time he failed to escape. He was taken to the head waters of the Genesee river, thence to this valley, and thence across to Fort Niagara. At Caneadea he was compelled to run the gauntlet, and an- ticipated some such agonizing tortures as Boyd and Parker had ex- perienced after they were captured near Cuylerville. This would have been his fate if the Indians had known that he was their dreaded foe, Van Campen, but they did not identify him. They handed him over to Colonel Butler of the British army, and learning who he was soon afterward offered the colonel fourteen other prisoners in ex- change for him. Butler offered him a commission in the British army, and threatened to give him up to barbarian cruelties if he did not accept. He scorned both the offer and threat, and Butler finally relented and placed him in confinement. From this he was not re- leased until after the treaty of 1784, when General Washington ap- pointed him interpreter for the vSix Nations, the duties of which he XO TA BIJi MUX OF THE KA RL \ ' TIMES 75 discharged until within a few years (if his death. His military title of major came from a militia commission given him in Northumber- land county after the war. He moved from there to Allegany county, N. Y., in 179(>, and practiced surveying, in which he was an expert and did excellent work. In 1810 and later he was appointed by the state as surveyor or commissioner to lay out several important roads, the first being from Canandaigua to the mouth of the Olean river by wa\' of Conesus. While living in Angelica he filled several offices, among them those of judge of the court of common pleas and county treasurer, holding the latter office from 1814 to 1826. He was eighty- four years old when, in 1841, while residing in Dansville, he was se- lected for president of the day at the imposing ceremonies at Cuyler- ville connected with the removal of the remains of Lieutenant Boyd and his companion, Parker, to Rochester, and although feeble, was present and made a brief address. He was introduced by Mr. Treat, who said: "Listen to his words and call to mind his own matchless heroism and virtues — those of one worthy of this high duty — the brave soldier and patriot, surrendering to the soldiers of another age the precious remains of his own patriotic and lion-hearted comrades, that they may receive at the hands of a grateful posterity the honors which are ever the just due of heroism and virtue." Just before his death in Almond, October 15, 1849, he expressed a wish that Rev. Thomas Aitken of Sparta might preach his funeral sermon, and he was sent for. Although the weather was rainy the admiring people who listened to Mr. Aitken's able discourse and fine eulogy filled the Presbyterian church. Red Jacket Because Red Jacket, though a full-l)liKided Indian, was one of the most eloquent orators that America, the country of great orators, has produced, and because he spent much time and delivered some of his finest speeches in this valley, and because he came to Dansville sev- eral times in the early part of the century and delivered informal orations on the street to wondering groups, a history of Dansville would not be quite complete without a brief sketch of his life. Red Jacket's Indian name was Sagoyewatha or He-keeps-them- awake. He was born at Canoga on the west bank of Cayuga lake. Before he reached manhood he remembered almost everything he saw and heard, and was noted for his swift tirelessness as a runner. His earl\' military career was not important, for he did not believe in war, nor like military affairs, nor care for military fame. The Indian warriors. Brant and Cornplanter, called him a coward in the days of the Revolution, when the part he took was mostly that of bearing dis- patches as a runner tor the British (jfficers. Cornplanter became very angry with him because he would not help him make a stand against General Sullivan's army at Canandaigua beach, but ran away with other Indians, and he exclaimed: "I leave that man — he is a coward." But in the war of 1812 Red Jacket proved his bravery in battle after being overruled by his tribe in his opposition to their taking part in it. Being in principle opposed to all war, and shrewdly observant of the chances that either side might be the victor, he wished his nation to remain neutral in both of our struggles against Great Britain. 76 DANSVILLE OF THE PAST Red Jacket was a philosopher, a profound thinker and a sagacious politician as well as a great orator, and with citizenship and a good education might have become a leading statesman. At the time of the treaty of 1784, at Fort Stanwix he made an opposing speech which was called "a masterpiece of oratory" and astonished La Fayette, but Cornplanter prevailed and the treaty was signed. Immediately after- ward Red Jacket's influence increased among his people, and Corn- planter tried to counteract it, but in a test council at Buffalo Creek the former defended himself with such eloquence and ability in a speech three hours long that he secured a majority in his favor. At the time of the Big Tree council in 1797, he made a most eloquent speech against signing the treaty, but was again defeated by influ- ences which have become familiar history. Both at Fort Stanwix and Big Tree his view was right from the standpoint of justice to the Indian, although it meant obstruction to the white man's progress. Red Jacket was opposed to the missionaries and their teachings, and when questioned about them said: "These men know we do not understand their religion. We cannot read their book — they tell us different stories about what it contains, and we believe they make the book talk to suit themselves. If we had no money, no land and no country to be cheated out of, these black-coats would not trouble themselves about our good hereafter. The Great Spirit will not pun- ish us for what we do not know. He will do justice to his red children. " Red Jacket wished to preserve the independence of his people, and his clear-visioned, prophetic mind penetrated far into the fuure and saw their increasing afflictions and decreasing power before the ad- vance of the white man. His disappointments in connection with his patriotic efforts for their good grieved him and inclined him to the potations which produced the hope or forgetfulness of inebriety. He talked about them in his speeches on Dansville streets, and lamented more and more the flight and condition of his once prosperous and powerful nation. The decay and sorrows of the Senecas seemed to be always in his mind. Intellectually he was the foremost man of the Six Nations. Red Jacket died January 20, 183U, at the Seneca village near Buft'alo, from an attack of cholera morbus. "I am about to leave you," he said, "and when I am gone and my warnings are no longer heard or regarded, the craft and avarice of the white man will pre- vail. * * * Think not I mourn for myself. I go to join the spirits of my fathers, where age cannot come; but my heart fails when I think of my people who are so soon to be scattered and forgotten." The striking portrait of Red Jacket in this history (see page 21) suggests the superior qualities of his mind. Colonel Stone said of him: "When fired with indignation, or burning for revenge, the ex- pression of his eye was terrible, and when he chose to display his pow- ers of irony, which were rarely excelled, the aspect of his keen sar- castic glance was irresistible." .yO TA BL E MEX OE THE EA RL 1 ' TIMES 77 Charles Williamson Captain Charles Williamson more than any one else gave the first and strongest impulse to the early settlement and progress of the Genesee valley, Dansville included. He was an educated man, with foresight, enterprise, remarl^able business ability, and indomitalile energv. He loved horses and cattle, jokes and stories, was hopeful and cheerful, and in his many dealings with the early settlers kind and liberal. It was fortunate for this region that a man so broad- minded and capable, with so pleasing a personality, was its leading pioneer, backed by the financial power to carry forward his projects. He was a Scotchman, and came to America during the Revolution as a prisoner of war. He had been given a captain's commission in the British service, and sailed with his regiment for this country to fight our forefathers, the rebels. But he did not fight them, for his vessel was captured by a French privateer, and all its soldiers of the king were brought to Boston and held captive until the close of the war. In 1791 Captain Williamson was appointed agent for an English company of distinguished men headed by Sir William Pulteney to look after the interests of what was known as the Pultney estate in Amer- ica. He came to this end of the valley, and after a critical survey of the lands and possibilities hereabouts, decided that his first enterprise should be the opening of a road through the dense woods from the junction of Canaseraga creek with the Genesee to Ross Farm (Wil- liamsport). Pa. It was a very difficult and expensive undertaking for those days, but was successfully accomplished. This road was the first one opened from the south, and became invaluable to the early settlers, and provided a comparatively easy means of ingress for many who were seeking new homes in this attractive wilderness. When it was completed Capt. Williamson proceeded in other energetic ways to help develop and populate the valley. He started its first village and brought in its first colony. The village was the now extinct and almost forgotten Wiiliamsburgh at this end of his long road where the streams meet. Canaseraga creek was then navigable to Dansville with a species of plank boats called arks, each of which, it is recorded, would carry 300 barrels of flour, and considerable lumber and produce besides. Something has been said about Wiiliamsburgh in a previous chapter. It was near there that Captain Williamson's annual fairs and horseraces were held, which influenced the \'irginians and Pennsylva- nians to come with their horses, and some of them with slaves, over the Williamson road, and were the means of bringing with them and after them many a permanent settler. Captain Williamson began to give attention to Dansville soon after the first settlers arrived, and as early as 1792 established William Mc- Cartney close by as one of his land agents. He built some mills here, and Pulteney tract lands in and around Dansville were sold to many comers. For ten years — from 1791 to 1801 — his energies were mostly directed towards the development of this end of the valley. In 1796 his Wiiliamsburgh had three frame buildings and twelve log houses, besides Williamson's two hundred feet barn for horses, in which relig- ious services were sometimes held. In that vear he was nominated NO TA RLE MEN OF THE EA RL \ ' TIMES 79 for the assembly in the district embracing Ontario and Steuben coun- ties, (Livingston had not then been formed,) and elected by a vote of six hundred and thirty eight to eleven for his opponent. This shows the esteem in which he was held by the voters. In Albany he con- tinued to work for the interests of the valley. He secured legislation which benefited it, and made his colleagues acquainted with its ad- vantages. The grateful memories of what he was and what he did should not be allowed to fade into forgetfulness. Nathaniel Rochester Another distinguished man who gave an early impulse to Dansville growth was Nathaniel Rochester (for portrait see page 78) from whom the city of Rochester takes its name. He was born in Virginia in 1752, resided in Hillsborough, Orange county, N. C, during the Revolutionary war, was a member of the first provincial convention of North Carolina, became a major of militia in 1775 and a lieutenant colonel in 1776, and in the latter year was elected a member of the convention which adopted the first constitution of the state. He held several other offices in North Carolina, among them those of deputy commissary general for the Continental army with the rank of colonel, member of assembly, and clerk of Orange county. At the close of the war he moved to Hagerstown, Md. , and there established a mercantile and manufacturing business. There he held the offices of state legis- lator, postmaster, county court judge, and sheriff. He was the first president of the Hagerstown bank, and in 1808 he was a presidental elector. He moved from Maryland to Dansville to reside in 1810, having the vear before purchased a tract of land here. His interests in Dansville comprised seven hundred acres of land, a grist mill, a saw mill, and the first paper mill in Western New York. He sold all these in 1814 for $24,000 and in 1815 moved to East Bloomfield, On- tario county. In 1816 he was again chosen a presidential elector, and in 1818 moved to Rochester, where he had acquired large land in- terests while in Dansville. It was chiefly through his instrumentality that Monroe county was partitioned from adjoining counties, and he was its first county clerk. In 1822 he was elc ted assemblyman, and in 1824 became president of the Bank of Rochester. He died in 1831, after an active, useful and honored life. Dansville in less degree shares with RoL'hester the benefits of his enterprise and practical wis- dom. William Scott said that Colonel Rochester was "a fine type of the true southern a;entleman." CHAPr/iK rin Recollections of Living Old Citizens Elihu L. Stanley Ninety-three Years Old — Mrs. Catherine Harrison Ninety — Jlis. Jane Shafer Eighty-nine — David McNair Eighty-three — Dr. A. L. (lilhert Seventy-eight — B. S. Stone Seventy-seven — Mrs. Katherine Roeliester Shepard — Mrs. Timothy B. Grant — Mrs. Anna Clark Adams. Elihu L. Stanley was ninety-three years of age November 11, 1901, and is the oldest living citizen of Dans- ville. Dr. James Faulkner, who died in 1884, aged ninety-four years and eight months, and Mrs. Sidney Stacy, who died in 1885, aged ninety- seven, were probably the longest lived of any deceased citizens. But Mr. Stanley, still in fair health and looking like a man of seventy, gives promise of becoming a centenarian. He came to Mt. Morris in 1811, and from Mt. Morris here in 1830 as a ELIHU L. STANLEY. clcrk iu Luther Melvin's general store, remained about nine months, went away, returned the next year, and has resided here the most of the time since. In 1832 he clerked for Dr. F. W. Clark, who was in both the mercantile and lum- bering business. At that time the dry goods stores sold also groceries and drugs and otiier articles now sold in other kinds of trade. Later Mr. Stanley opened a store of his own where the postoffice now stands. He continued in the business only a few years. In 1845 and 1846 he cleared $8,000 in the Woodville mill, and in 1847, bought twelve acres of land for $5,000 includmg shop, dam and water privilege, on which he built within nine months the stone mill now owned by Frank G. Hall, at a cost of $10,000. Mr. Stanley married Miss Brace, who taught a school for young children on the present site of the Bunnell block. His clear memory recalls the most of the farm owners and residents along Main street in or about 1830. Among the fortner were John Hartman, Amariah Hammond, William Ferine, Joshua Shepard, Russell Day, Dr. F. W. Clark, Col. Sainuel W. Smith, Mr. Gansvoort, Leonard Kuhn, Jacob Opp, Mr. McCartney, Jacob Welch, Jonathan Barnhart, Conrad Welch, Henry Welch, Solomon Fenster- macher, Abram Dippy, Samuel Shannon, Luther Melvin, Isaac Fen- stermacher, John Wilkinson, William Pickell. Some of the farms lay on both sides of Main street, and on the east side extended back to East hill. Dr. James Faulkner lived on South street, and his tract included the most of the present village on the west side of Main from Ossian street up. Thomas McWhorter had a large farm west of the Welch farms, and a grist mill on Canaseraga creek. Other residents 80 RECOLLECTIOXS OF LIllNG OLD CITIZEXS 81 along Main street were Captain Rowley, Dr. F. W. Clark. Philip and Jonathan Kershner, David McCartney, Horatio Taggart, Eugene Day, and Joseph vSedgwick. There were only six brick buildings in town — Mr. Opp's, Mr. McCurdy's, Captain Rowley's, Colonel Smith's, Mr. Barnharfs, and Mr. McCartney's. Solomon Fenstermacher's house was the three-story building known as Solomon's temple. The only streets running back to East hill were Ferine and Chestnut streets. On the west the only streets were Ossian, South and Gibson. J0^ Mrs. Jane Shafer, the date of whose eighty-ninth birthday is February 9, 19(12, was born with a twin sister in a log house in vSparta at the foot of Culbertson's glen, and resided in the town un- til she was forty years old, then went away, returned, and is now living on Seward street with her grand-niece, Mrs. George Sturm. ,She retains her health and facul- ties as few women of her age do, and has clear memories of her childhood days. She says the district school then was so crowded that the teacher could not give much individual at- tention to pupils. There seemed Id be more children than there are now. They had fun out of doors sliding down the steep liillside on sticks of wood; hand- sleds came later. It was danger- ous but exciting, and great risks were run for the sake of the sport. Mrs. Shafer remembers the Indians of her childhood. They came along frequently, and once a big chief came and talked with her father. She was not so obedient that she did not run away from home sometimes, and once when she had gone out into the woods she was paralyzed with fear at seeing a number of Indians coming in single file, all young but an old squaw who was leader. They went by stoically with eyes look- ing straight ahead, and scarcely glanced at her. She could not move or speak until they were out of sight, and then ran home in a frenzy of terror. She remembers when the North Presbyterian church of Sparta was built, and that she helped make the cushions for the fiews. She thinks it was the first church built between Cayuga and the Niagara river. She also recalls that after the division of the Pres- byterian church into old school and new school, an old school Presytery was formed by three clergymen in the North Sparta church. The MRS. JANE SHAFER 82 DANSVILLE OF THE PAST Dansville Presbyterians often came to North Sparta to meeting before they built a church for themselves. Mrs. Shafer remembers well the Rev. Littlejohn, and his queer methods as a preacher and revivalist, and says the people afterward wondered that he could influence them as he did with his talking gifts and aggressive eccentricities. They afterward discovered that he was immoral. Mrs. Shafer remembers that there was one Indian girl called "Laughing Molly," who made a great fuss over her and her twin sister. Finally she didn't come any more, and they were told that the envious Indians had burned her as a witch. They said she bewitched the white people to give her pres- ents. Mrs. Shafer's father had a grist mill on the glen stream, and one day a cloud-burst flooded the glen so as to carry away his mill, cover much of the flats below with drift-wood and stones, and change the lower course of the stream. He rebuilt his mill, and later Mr. Culbertson built a fulling mill on the stream. Mrs. Shafer knew Wil- liam Scott who worked with ]\Iillard Fillmore, afterward President, in a woolen mill near Woodville. Mr. Hungerford was the man for whom they worked, and he was so mean to them that they did not stay with him long. David McNair was born in 1818, and his eighty-three years have not weakened his faculties or dimmed his memory. His farm of 30(1 acres is a short distance from Dansville, and he has watched its growth and changes from youth until now. He has successfully en- gaged in sheep husbandry, grain raising and dairying, and his dairy now supplies many Dansville families with milk. His father, vSamuel McNair, moved from the Lehigh fork of the Delaware river in 18()4, after making three or four trips here on horseback in previous years. He married Margaret Mann of ^Montgomery county. Pa., the next year. They had seven sons and two daughters, of whom David was the youngest and is the only survivor. He remembers his father told him that he helped organize the South Sparta Presbyterian church, that there was a division of opinion among the organizers as to the location of the building, and that this was finally decided by lot. The building was erected in 1819, and the present building is that re- modeled. Rev. Mr. Gray was the first preacher, an itinerant who afterwards settled near the church and preached there many years. Mr. McNair remembers that he once rebuked some boys, who were en- joying the playfulness of .some dogs near the church, for laughing on Sunday. Another illustration of the religious rigidity of his boyhood days was the rebuke of his uncle John to a man who was driving an ox team home from the mill on Sunday, because he could not get his grain ground in time to get away on Saturday evening. "You are wickedly breaking the Sabbath day," said the uncle, and insisted upon the wickedness after the man had explained. Finally the latter got angry, and drove uncle John away with his gad. The eccentric re- vivalist, Littlejohn, held successful meetings in and around Dansville about 1840, and Mr. McNair remembers that he once pointed his finger at a lively girl in the gallery and said; "You are going to hell. " RECOLLECTIONS OF LIVIXG OLD CITLZEXS 83 ^Irs. Catherine Harrison, daughter of Jacob Hartman, one of the earliest settlers, was ninety years old October 24, I'M II, and is still vigorous enough to walk a mile easily, while her sight, hearing and memory are good. Since her marriage at the age of twenty she has lived in the house where she now is, near the Bradner place on lower Main street. She was born in a log house across the street. She has distinct recollections of her early girlhood, and the things she then saw. The Indians were numerous, and used to come in groups, and in sum- mer sleep on the stoop of her father's house, and in winter around the kitchen fire. When they came in summer they were often given milk, bread and pork, of which they were very fond, and when the hunt- ing season came would bring quarters or halves of venison, and soemtimes a whole car- cass, as return gifts. Mrs. Harrison remembers a big wheat field of William Perine's and much forest on the east side of Main street, and on the west side, back of her father's house, a wide meadow and some thick pine woods, and south, nearly to Liberty street, her father's long orchard of apple, peach, and cherry trees. Among the pines were a great many rabbits. Rail fences were on each side of ilain street. There were no churches, and the occasional preaching was in a school house on the lot just south of the Livingston hotel. Her father gave the lot on which the German Lutheran church is built. Her mother put her dough to rise in bread baskets made of twists of rye straw sewed together. The fire places and ovens were constructed of stones, as there were no brick t(j be had. They had to go to Big Tree (Geneseo) or Bath for groceries. J0^ MRS. CATHERINE HARRISON B. S. Stone of Stone's Falls now in his seventy-seventh year gives us the following reminiscences, aided by memoranda which he had written in the early days: March 30, 1839, he went to a militia elec- tion of otificers at Driesbach's. William S. Fullerton was chosen colonel, John Magee lieutenant colonel and John A. Ferine major. April 29 he was elected captain of the Dansville company, Daniel Marts lieutenant and Alonzo Truesdale ensign. This company elec- tion was set aside on the ground of informality, and another election 84 DANSVILLE OF THE PAST was held June 1, when !Mr. Stone was re-elected. He says: "It cost me $3.50 to treat the crowd." August 25 he went to Richmond to general training. September 2 and 10 he went to Dansville and cap- tained the company. November 14, 1842, he went to Dansville, and while at the canal, the second floor of the storehouse close by broke from its weight of corn and flour which rushed down upon I. Z. Reed and Joseph Amos. Mr. Reed was badly injured and Mr. Amos was dead when his body was tmcovered. Proctor's edge tool shop was built at Stone's Falls in 1839. S. G. Dorr's grist mill at Rogersville was burnt in 1838, probably by an incendiary. Old Mr. Dorr died suddenly while sawing wood in May 1843, aged eighty-eight. While in Michigan in December, 1838, Mr. Stone saw a fight between the Patriots and Royalists at Sandwich, across the river from Detroit. The barracks and a steamboat at the wharf were burned. January 14, 1840, Mr. Stone, R. Brail, J. P. Faulkner, S. G. Dorr, and J. B. Lemen went together to the "plaster bed" at Caledonia, twenty miles distant, for plaster, and each brought back a ton. January 19, Rev. 'W.x. Littlejohn was holding protracted meetings at South Dansville. J0^ .^^' .\ Dr. Augustus L. Gilbert of North Cohocton is in his seventy- eighth year. He came to Dans- ville from Cohocton with his father in 1841, and the family lived here until 1846, when they returned to North Cohocton. The doctor's recollections of that period are in- teresting. His father was a gen- eral merchant, and occupied the Joshua Shepard store. Other merchants whom he remembers were S. L. Barrett & Bros., Rob- ert S. Faulkner, dry goods; Goun- dr\- & Kern, Lester Bradner. Mat- thew and David McCartney, Fred Kuhn, J. W. Brown and Mr. Hub- bai'd, general stores; Merritt Brown & Son, hardware; Edward Niles, drugs. George Hyland was manufacturing hats and fur goods, and was the leading buyer of skins. George C. Taylor kept the American hotel, corner of Main and Ossian. The hotel where the Livingston now is was built about 1840 or 1841, and was kept by a Mr. Jennings. Soon there was a great temperance movement and Landlord Jennings professed to be converted, and announced that he would henceforth keep a temperance house. After his liquors disap- peared a great out-door banquet was prepared by the ladies in an orchard and was attended by over 400 people. The proceeds were large and were handed to Mr. Jennings as a reward for the temperance DR. AUGUSTUS L. GILBERT RECOL LliC TIOXS C '/•" L // 7X(; ( U, D L 7 T I ZENS 85 stand he had taken. But he soon backslid, and sold liquor again. Dr. (lilbert recollects distinctly the local canal trouble and the busi- ness boom that followed. The story of these is partly told in chapter VI. The doctor saw the crowd of men go to the west end of the sub- branch with pick-axes, shovels, etc., to make the illegal opening which should let the water in, and saw them come back in the even- ing, after they had finished the job, singing uproariously a song with chorus which had been composed for the occasion. Then all the cliurch bells were rung, and there was a hilarious time. The lumber and timber that came in for shipment were astonishing. There were 5U0 acres of splendid pines between here and Wayland, and the most of them were cut into spars sixty or more feet long, and floated down the canal to Rochester in rafts. Other spars were lifted in the woods and fastened so that two men with a cross-cut saw — one above and one below — could saw them into four-inch planks, which were mostly used in building canal bridges. John Goundry and C. R. Kern, or the firm of Goundry & Kern, had a large lumber yard near the pres- ent Shepard block which was covered with very high piles of lumber, and along the canal were similar yards. Clear pine lumlier then sold for four dollars a thousand, and shingles for one dollar to $1.25 a thousand. Dr. Gilbert heard the revivalist Littlejohn at Union Corners and in Dansville at the Presbyterian church on the square. At the Corners he came into the church one evening when some ladies were praying in low tones, and said: "A few more prayers like these would freeze hell over." At first Littlejohn was successful in getting converts here, but charges of immorality were made against him by two women, and he had to leave. He went to Allegany county, but his reputation followed him, and he was finally tried in the courts and found guilty. A powerful but sucessful revivalist named Adams held meetings in the ;\iethodist church here, in Cohocton and other places. He would take off his coat and preach in his shirt sleeves, and would try to make all declare by standing up, whether they were for God or the devil. This was about 1849. The political Tippecanoe campaign of 1840 between Harrison and Van Buren was exciting beyond any- thing before or since. There was a big log cabin erected near the present site of William Kramer's store. Many coon skins were nailed on the outside, and there was a barrel of hard cider at the door from which all could help themselves. A mass meeting out of doors drew an immense crowd, many coming from distant towns. There were long wagons with open floors on which ladies sat dressed in white, and on the longest one, from another town, was a log cabin. The meet- ing was eloquently addressed by Hugh vS. Legar of South Carolina. Another exciting and showy campaign was that of 1844 between Clay and Polk. The doctor recalls Major Van Campen, who used to come and sit in his father's store and relate his experiences as a soldier and scout. They were thrilling and he was an excellent and charming old man. General training, with Chester Bradley as colonel, was a great occasion, and after the parade and drill the colonel would escort parties to and through the great paper mill of the Bradleys near the California house. Bradley & Sons made foolscap paper mostly, and ruled it with strings. They also made two or three grades of coarse paper. All the paper was then made by hand. 86 DANSVILLE OF THE PAST Dr. Gilbert came back to Dansville in 1852, after his graduation as a physician, and practiced two years; and again in 1874, and prac- ticed four years. The rest of his practice except a year in Michigan and a year in Bufifalo has been in and around Cohocton. je^ ]\lrs. Anna Clark Adams furnishes some interesting recollections, partly from the lips of her father, Dr. W. F. Clark, who came to Dansville with his wife and one child in 1814 and com- menced the practice ol medicine. He found here one other physician. Dr. James Faulkner, and possibly a Dr. Sholl, who lived and died here in the early days. After a few years Dr. Clark stopped his professional work on account of his health. There was a great lumber trade here, and he opened a lumber yard with his brother, Calvin E. Clark, and they started a general store. He also put an ash- ery in operation, which was man- aged by Jacob Welch. On land bought of Colonel Rochester he built his first Dansville home and a store. After a few years he built a new and larger store where the Dyer block DR. WILLIS F. CLAP.K now stauds. Many years later Dr. Clark built the brick bU^ck now owned by the Dyer Brothers. Elizabeth street was so named because there was a daughter with that name in every house on the street, si.x in all. Dr. Clark was influ- ential in getting Dansville and adjacent territory set off into Living- ston county, and when the news of the consummation of this scheme was received, Dansville celebrated with bonfires and house illumina- tions, and Dr. Clark was taken from his house and carried down the street on the shoulders of citizens. Mrs. Adams thinks the Methodist society was the first church society organized in Dansville, and next came the Presbyterian. Rev. Silas Pratt was either the first or second minister in charge of the Presbyterian church. Meetings were held in what was then "the new school house." During Mr. Pratt's pas- torate Mrs. Adams's mother, wife of Dr. Clark, started the first Sun- day school in the Presbyterian church, which was probably the first in the village. The sessions were held in her home, and she was the only teacher. The first teachers in the academy on the square were Mr. Crocker, Mr. Fullerton, Miss Niles, and Miss Peck. There were some exciting times in that academy. The first volume written in Dans- ville was the life of an old resident named Franklin, and was by Rev. John Hubbard, who afterwards wrote the life of Major VanCampen. Mrs. Katherine Rochester Shepard, widow of the late Charles RECOLLECrrOXS OF IJ\ 'fXG OLD CITIZENS 87 Shepard, and granddaughter of Colonel Nathaniel Rochester, writes from vSeattle, Washington, a letter of interest from which some facts are selected. When Joshua Shepard came to Dansville he established a general store in partnership with Lester Bradner just south of the present Livingston hotel. In 1817 he married Miss Elizabeth Hurlbut of Arkport. About 1820 he purchased a farm in Sparta which is now known as the Galbraith farm. He lived there three years, and then returned to Dansville to occupy his new home, now known as the Shepard homestead. This was completed in 1824. Elizabeth Shepard held the twenty-four locust trees now encircling the residence while they were being planted. Sometime prior to this Mr. Shepard had bought what was known in the family as "the 38-acre farm," ex- tending from Main street to the present Lackawanna railroad, bounded on the north by Ferine street, then a mere lane, the southern boundary being just south of the present Shepard block. It was afterward cut into lots and most of it sold. One of the latest sales was the right of way to the Lackawanna railroad. Mrs. Shepard has a copy of the deed of gift by Joshua and Elizabeth Shepard in July, 1829, of the ground occupied by the First Presbyterian church just north of the Shepard block, and burned in the great fire of 1854. The husband died in 1829 and the wife in 1870. Charles Shepard donated a part of the land for the Dansville Seminary. "You probably know," Mrs. Shepard writes, "that the public square upon which several of the churches are built, was given to the village by my grandfather. Col. Nathaniel Rochester. I have a distinct recollection of the first church service I attended in Dansville, shortly after my marriage in 1846. It was held in the upper school district in the schoolhouse standing upon the square. St. Peter's parish had been already organized and the church was, I think, in the course of erection at this time. Rev. Mr. Buell was missionary in charge. On entering the school house we found the men sitting on one side of the building and the women upon the other. It made a great impression upon me as I had never before seen anything so primitive." (Mrs. Shepard died at Seattle May 20, 1902,' and her remains with those of her husband were brought t(i Dansville and buried in Greennuiunt cemetery May 27.) From data in the possession of Mrs. T. B. Grant and her recollec- tions, some facts of interest are gathered. Her mother was the adopted daughter of Jonathan Rowley, and her father was the son of Major Isaac vSmith. Mr. Rowley and his wife came to Dansville from Stephentown, N. Y. , on horseback in 1805, when he was thirty-two years old, bought a large tract of land, and immediately put up the first brick building of the village — a tavern almost at the corner of Main and Exchange streets. After conducting it a few years he leased it, and afterward made a business of buying and selling land until he died in 1833. Mary McCulloch, adopted by him and his wife when a child, and the mother of Mrs. T. B. Grant and Mrs. S. P. Williams, was his niece on her mother's side, and her father, Colonel George McCulloch, one of the first settlers of Painted Post. After 88 n.l.\'S\-//.LE OF THE PAST i\Ir. Rowley left the brick tavern he luiilt and lived in until he died, the house occupied by Dr. Crisfield, but now with an added story and otherwise reconstructed. Col. Samuel W. Smith, father of ^Irs. Cirant and Mrs. Williams, came in 181'J to Dansville from Avon, where his father had built and kept the famous Forest Inn. He married Mary Rowley (McCulloch) the same year. He was a merchant here for thirty years, became owner of a good deal of land in the village, was elected member of assembly in 1832, and was a delegate to the first Republican state convention held in Syracuse. He was one of the founders of the Presbyterian church, and first loaned and then gave the church $2,000 for the erection of its first house of worship. He sold the brick tavern, which came into his possession through his marriage, to James McXair. CIIAI'TliR IX Some £xciting and Interesting Events Bursting of' Water from East Hill — The Devil's Hole — Eclipse of the Sun — Dansville Volunteers Descend upon Canada — Rain and Cloudburst of 1813 — Wind Storm of 1842 — The Wood Poisoning — Shooting of John Haas — Remains of a Mastadon F, when, in December, the property was transferred to the regents, and thus came under the supervision of the state, with the following trustees: Miss A. P. Adams, Mrs. W. B. Preston, Mrs. T. E. Gal- lagher, B. H. Oberdorf and Willis G. Carmer. Following are lists of the successive presidents, vice presidents and librarians: Presidents — Frank Fielder, Isaac H. Dix, A. O. Bunnell, George A. Sweet, James H. Jackson, Miss Ann P. Adams, Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet. Secretaries — Seth N. Hedges, Isaac H. Dix, A. P. Burkhart, F. Fielder, Mrs. Margaret H. Faulkner, Mrs. Theodosia D. Bailey, Dr. B. P. Andrews. Librarians — Miss A. P. Adams, Miss Mary F. Bunnell, Mrs. M. L. Brayton, Miss A. C. Bissell, Miss Elizabeth Hedges, Miss Susan M. Parker. The first local branch of the American National Society of the Red Cross was organized in Dansville in 1881, through the agency of Clara Barton, who was instrumental in its recognition by Congress and final incorpora- tion as a national institution. Miss Barton had at that time been a resident of Dansville several years, and apart from the fame of her philanthropic services in and at the close of the civil war, and the honors of royal recognition which she brought home with her from the Franco- Prussian war, she had convic- tions, knowledge and enthusiasm which were contagious. She was a valued member of Coterie, and CLARA BARTON, PRESIDENT RED CROSS socE^TY ^^^ influential Cotcricans secon- ded her desire for a local Red Cross society. Its organization was soon f(5llowed by that of a like society in Rochester, and others came later. The local societies have sent to the national society much money for splendid alleviating and life-saving work, which Miss Barton as the head, and her corps of lieutenants, have accomplished in times of disaster, and especially during the Spanish war. The international Red Cross was started at an international convention in Geneva, Switz- erland, in 1863, resulting in a treaty signed by twenty-five govern- 100 DAXSVILLE OF THE PAST ments. Our government was slow to recognize the value of the inter- national Red Cross, "which," said Miss Barton, "must by its very foundation stand in the foremost ranks of the great civilizers of mankind." It provides for the neutrality in war of every person and thing needed for the aid comfort and safe conduct of sick or wounded men, and the sign of the Red Cross is the passport. Under the wise suggestion of Miss Barton the scope of Red Cross work in this country has been extended to sufferers by great calamities, fires, floods, plagues, etc., in which it has been notably efficient. The militia company, Canaseraga Light Infantry, familiarly known as the Canaseragas, was organized in 1847 and disbanded four- teen years afterward, at the beginning of the civil war. It became one of the most famous companies of the state on account of the char- acter and standing of its members and the superiority of its drill. Col. Timothv B. Grant, whi) had been one of the Union Grays in Roch- ester, was its captain during the entire fourteen years of its e.\istence, except a very brief interval, and a more capable and thorough drill master than he was not to be found. He brought the Canaseragas to a skill and exactitude of maneuvre and movement that surprised look- ers-on, and infused them with a military spirit and community of feeling which held them together and made them cheerfully obedient. They were in demand at celebrations near and remote, and wherever they went excited admiration and cheers. They took the lead in social gatherings, and gave an annual ball Jan. 8, the anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, which was the most important social event of each year. Not until war became inevitable was the com- pany broken up, and this was because the most of them enlisted, to help save the country. It furnished the Union army with a large number of brave officers, who distinguished themselves in drill and march and battle. The Normal Instructor Publishing Company of Dansville occupies two large brick buildings with floor space of 22,825 square feet in use. It represents an investment of $40,0(10, employs ninety people exclusive of 2,000 agents, and its pay roll exceeds $15,000 a year. Nine power presses do the printing for its publications. The Normal Instructor was started in 1891 in an attic in South Dansville a hamlet oi 200 population, and up to April, 18M2, was printed in Dansville, seven miles distant, and the editions carted to vSouth Dansville, where they were mailed. Then the entire business was changed to Dansville. By November, 1892, 20,000 subscriptions had been received, and the rapid growth of the business required first a part and then the whole of the upper floor of the Fowler & Burgess building; next, in 1896, a three-story brick building 45 by 60 feet, erected by the proprietors; and now a second brick building of three stories 39 by 40 feet con- necting with the other. The business was incorported in 1899 with capital stock of $60,000. Last year the average circulation of the Normal Instructor was about 109,000 a month. Recently the Teach- ers' World, with good will and list of subscribers, has been added by purchase, and the magazine is called The Normal Instructor and Teachers' World, the circulation of which is 120,000. The World's Events is another magazine started by the company eighteen months ago, and the circulation has already reached 75,000. In addition to CER TA IN IXS Tl 71 ' 77 ONS 101 these periodicals an extensive book department in the new building- has been established to supply school libraries with books at low prices. The remarkable growth of the business from its insignificant beginning in 1891 is unequaled in the history of educational period- icals. Frederick A. Owen was the originator and is the controlling- spirit. The Dansville Cemetery Association was organized in 1847, and the first trustees were Lester Bradner, Chester Bradley, Harmon Jones, Isaac L. Endress, Lauren C. Woodruff and George G. Wnod. Twenty-six acres of land were purchased by the side of Little Mill creek at the end of the valley, a mile from the center of the village, and a constitution, by-laws and regulations were adopted. The name selected wasGreeiii-|-ii>iii-it Cemetery, and in its present state of improve- CREE.NMOUNT CEMETEKY CHAPEL ment there is no more attractive village burial place. The soil is a sandy loam, the surface rolling and studded with many pine and oak trees, and on the east is a clear rippling stream. There are several beautiful monuments, a vault and a chapel, and a suitable house and barn for the sexton. The cemetery is more than self-sustaining, and the drives, walks and lots are well cared for. At the last annual meeting in September the treasurer reported that there were $1,040 in the common fund and $2,350 in the trust fund. The present officers are: George A. Sweet, president: A. O. Bunnell, vice president ; Solon S. Dyer, secretary and treasurer. The first superintendent was Shepard Jones, the second Alexander Edwards, third and present one Gordon S. Wilson. The sexton is Philip H. Kinney. CHAPTER XI Some Names a.iid Events lage Postmasters — Presidents — Clerks — Supervisors — Churches Organized — Early Merchants — Old Residents in 1875 — Reunion Veteran Canasera- gas — Old-Fashioned Base Ball Game — -Handsome Men of 1877 — A Few ••FirsLS." COMPLETE list of postmasters of Dansville: Jared Irwin, Jan. 1, 1807; William B. Rochester, Apr. 1, 1813; James "Faulkner, Jan. 1,1815 to 1841; Samuel Shannon, March 2<», 1841; Merritt H. Brown. Aug. 22, 1845; Charles E. Lamport, May 9,1849; Charles Shepard, Nov. 18, 185U; Merritt H. Brown, May 4, 1853; John A. Vanderlip, Julv (), 1858; Olney B. Maxwell, Julv 16, 1861; George Hvland, July 12,1865; Edward H. Pratt, Oct. 5, 1866; Seth N. Hedges, Oct. 5, 1869; John Hyland, Dec. 10, 1873; Albert Sweet, Mav 28, 1886; Charles H. Rowe, May 7, 1890; Limes E. Crisfield, Aug. 29, 1894; Frank J. McNeil, vSept. 17, 1898. Presidents of the village of Dansville: Chester Bradley, 1846; Sid- ney Sweet, 1847; Harman Jones, 1848; John Haas, 1849; Ebenezer B. Brace; M. H. Brown, 1851 and 1852; George Hyland, 1853; Har- man Jones, 1854; Abram Lozier, 1855 and 1856; John Hass, 1857 Matthew McCartney, 1858; Charles R. Kern, 1859 and 1860; J. F Howarth, 1861; Frank Eshrich, 1862 and 1803; D. Cogswell, 1864 Hugh McCartney, 1865; Charles R. Kern, 1866 and 1867; John N Lemen, 1868 and 1869; J. B. Morey, 1870; Hugh McCartney, 1871 W. J. LaRue, 1872; Joseph C. Whitehead, 1873 to 1875; George A Sweet, 1876 and 1877; John Wilkinson, 1878; James Krein, L879 James Faulkner, Jr., 1880 and 1881; E. H. Pratt, 1882; Frederick W. Noves, 1883; James E. Crisfield, 1884; William E. Leffingwell 1885; E. H. Readshaw, 1886; F. M. Ferine, 1887; E. H. Readshaw 1888; Matthew McCartney, 1889; George A. Sweet, 1890; James E Crisfield, 1891 and 1892; j. B. Morey, Jr., 1893; Charles A. Snyder 1894; James H. Jackson, 1895; ChailesA. Snvder, 1896 to 1899; J B. Morey, Jr., 1899; Oscar Woodruff, 1900, 1901, 1902. Clerks of the village of Dansville: Barna J. Chapin, 1846 and 1847 George H. Bidwell, 1848; Charles E. Lamport, 1849 and 1850; Osman T. Crane, 1851 to 1855; Timothy B. Grant, 1859; Andrew J. Leach, 1860 to 1863; Charles B. Mitchell, 1863 to 1867: Oliver W. West, 1867; Jesse B. Prussia, 1871 and 1872; William Kramer, 1873; Jesse B. Prussia, 1874 and 1875; LeGrand Snyder, 1876 and 1877; Patrick O'Hara. 1878; LeGrand Snyder, 1879 to 1882; James M. Edwards, 1882 to 1884; Frederick T. Brettle, 1884 to 1886; Daniel Blum, 1886; Freder- ick T. Brettle, 1887; E. R. Woodruff, 1888 to 1896; B. G. Readshaw, 1896; E. R. Woodruff, 1897 and 1898; Charles A. Brown, 1899; James A. Young, l a> •a c r3 ■— CQ ^ <- > > :3 c ^M «i»'* fT- •— ^ >. 11 s X aj '1^ 7; X t! r; X ■f. lil ^ tii ", p: .„ -a x^ u r- X ^ C3 X sic ^ 6C T3 gsi..:-^.. a en 4) OJ 3. ?^ OJ :^ C 'X "^ E p:; :t > c S K !; 3: ~ CU ^^ ciJ k^.ph a ft, SOME A' AMES AND EJ'EXTS 105 James Brewer, 70; Peter Wilklow, 63; Peter VanNuys, 66; Joseph Sanborn, 65; George Hess, 68; Wni. Ingraham, 68; David Shafer, 62; John Ogden, 62. The score limit was 30, and Squire's side won by a score of 30 to 6, according to the notches mari-K>-<>- - The foll(i\vinj( Classes will be exam- ined on Monday. March 6th, eom- raencing precisely at 1 o'clock. P. M. 1st (teography Class. vS. Picket, H. Rogers, C. Robinson, S. Smith, W. Eply, J. M'Ciirdy. F. Drake, H. Reynale, I. Welch, H. Sejwick, L. Lockling. 1st Arithmetic Class. F. G. Kyser, Smith, H. Hartman, S. Ingols, C. D. J- R. A. G. D. W T. J- Fitch, Bradner, Reynale, Porter, Hartman, Bishop, Davis, McXair, Dimclebiiry, Dresser, J. Stout. 2d Arithmktic Class. A. Faulkner, J. Hartman, N. Porter, H. Sprague, E. Hartman, J. Shannon, P. 'I'oles. W. Davis, W. Clark, G. Fisk. The following Classes will be ex- amined on Monday evening, commenc- ing at 7 o'clock. 3d Gra.mmar Cl.\ss. C. McNair, P. Toles, J. Smith, F. Kyser, D. Davis, T. Bishop. 2d Geography Class. W. Fitch, R. Fitch, E. Payne, M. Porter, A. Dorr, A. Faulkner, J. Shannon, J. Hartman. J. Stout, (i. Fisk, C. Newton. The following Classes will be ex- amined on Tuesday evening at seven o'clock. 2d Algebra Class. W. Clark, W. Fitch, C. McNair, E. Lee. Geometry Class. J. McNair, J. Meyer. The following Classes will be ex- amined on AVednesday, commencing at 1 o'clock P. M. Ment.^l Arithmetic Class. S. Picket, H. Rogers, C. Robinson, A. Scott, S. Smith, W. Eply, J. McCurdy, F. Drake, H. Reynale, J. Welch, H. Sejwick. 4th Arithmetic Class. H. Rogers, S. Picket, H. Sejwick, S. Smith, A. Parker, J. Hass, E. Thomas. Blake's Philosophy Class. A. Faulkner, P. Toles, E. Hartman, W. Davis, J. Shannon, F. Smith. 1st Grammar Class. E. Lee, H. McCurdy, D. McNair, A. Bradner, J. McCurdy, E. Hartman, W. Davis, S. Brown, W. Clark. O. Frost. CoMSTocK's Philosophy' Cl.\ss. H. Sprague, H. Bean, J. Zehner. The following Classes will be ex- amined on Friday, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. 2d Arithmetic Class. E. Payne, O. Frost, E. Lee, C. Newton. S. Brown, 1st Algebra Class. J- J- A. G. H. Zehner, McCurdy, Bradner, Reynale, Bean, D. McNair, W. Day, G. Smith, J. Hammond, O. Frost, M. Porter. J. McNair, 1st Latin Cl.\ss. G. Reynale, W. Fitch, (j. Smith, A. Bradner, W. Day, M. Porter A. Fullerton, J. Moyer. 2d L.\TiN Class. J. McNair, W. Fitch N. Porter, J. McCurdy, H. Sprague. D. Young. Surveying Class. S. Ingols, L. Stutson, A. Dorr, J. Zehner, J. Hammond. 112 DAXSVILLE Of THE PAST [Dausville Academy Examinations.] LADIES' DEPARTMENT COMMENCING ON TUESDAY, March 8, 1S:}7. Exercises to commence March 8, 9 o'clock, A. M. Class in Emerson's Arithmktic. Minerva E. Norton. Class in Geography. Caroline Smith. Minerva E. Norton, Cl.vls In Mental Arithmetic. L. Beckwith, S. Smith, H. Fensdermacher. M. A. Niles, A. B. Means, E. Hoveland. L. Cook. Cl.\ss in Olneys Geogr.\phy. L. Beckwith, S. Smith, H. Fensdermacher, M. A. Niles, A. B. Means, E. Hoveland E. Drake Second Class in Gr.\mmar. F. B, Faulkner, A. B. Means H. Fensdermacher, S. Hammond L. Cook, L. Rogers, L. Beckwith, M. Shannon, S. Pickett, E. Welch. E.xercises to commence March 8, 1 o'clock, P. M. Cl.\ss in Maltebrcn's (Jeograi'iiv. S. Hammond, L. Rogers, F. B. Faulkner. Class in History United States. S. Hammond, M. Shannon, Second Class in Arith.metic. L. Rogers, M. Shannon, S. Hammond, I. Cook, F. B. Faulkner, E. Drake, M. Smith, E. Welch. E.xercises to commence March 9th, at 9 o'clock A. M. First Cl.\ss in Arithmetic. M. Enos, S. A. McCartney, S. Rogers, M. Gillespie, R. K. Bennett, S. M. Bouton, A. Everett, S. Conk, E. M. House, E. Smith, C. Dunkelbury. Class in Smelle's Philosophy. C. H. Bradner. M. Shepard. First Class in Grammar. S. M. Bouton, C. H. Bradner, M. Enos, S. Cook, C. Dunklebury, E. Smith, S. A. McCartney, M. E. Revnale. A. Everett, R. R. Bennett, E. Lockhart, S. Rogers, M. Southwick, M. Shepard, JI. Smith, Exercises to commence March 9th at 1 o'clock P. M. Class in Rhetoric. E. Lockhart, M. Southwick, S. M. Bouton. Class in Geometry. E. M. House, M. Southwick. Class in Comstock's Philosophy. S. A. McCartney, M. Gillespie M. E. Reynale, S. M. Boulen, S. C. Stevens, E. Smith, Exercises to commence March 9, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Class in Chemistry*. M. Southwick, E. Lockhart, C. H. Bradner, M. Shepard. S. C. Stevens. Class in Geography- of the Heavens. M. Shepard, M. Southwick, C. H. Bradner, R. R. Bennett, M. Enos, E. M. House, E. Lockhart, S. C. Stevens, ANCIENT DOCUMENTS \U [Contributed by Miss Martha E. Lemeu.] MOSES VAN CAMPEN. Dansville, July 18. 1844. To the Editor of the "Uaiisville Republican." Sir, In justice to my own feelings. 1 must request yon. not to make use of my name as President of the "Young Hickory Association." in this village. In your paper of this date, I find an address purporting to have been made by myself, at the meeting of that Association, on Saturday last, at the Committee Room. I pronounce that statement false. Those words are not mine: and I must particularly notice the following expression in your statement as especially offensive to my feelings. "He," Major Van Campen, "said the enthusiasm and spirit which pre- vailed, reminded him of the days when the Democrats erected Liberty-poles, and were called Whi^s, and those who have now 'stolen the livery of Heaven to serve the Devil in,' were called Tories." I never used the language, and I disown the sentiment. I request you to retract the statement; and I insist that you shall not make use of my name in future in favor of any political party without my permission. I have hoped that the increasing infirmities of age might furnish an excuse for my withdrawing myself from the political contest which divide my friends and fellow citizens, and for my being satisfied with a silent vote for the man and measures, whose success will in my opinion best secure the good of the country. But I will not permit my love of quiet to be abused in this man- ner. — My character is more precious to me than my repose. I desire to leave the world with my good wishes to all — at peace with all parties — and that I hope 1 may still do, when under these peculiar circumstances I feel compelled to clear my character from the imputation you have thrown upon it by stat- ing my views upon the great questions to be decided at our next election. I am opposed to the immediate Annexation of Texas. I would consider it as a violation of our Treaty with Mexico, and a Declaration of War against that Government. I am in favor of the present Tariff; and opposed to its repeal or reduction. In conclusion I implore my fellow citizens of all parties to leave me in the peace and quiet that best suit my years, and which I supposed I had fairly purchased by my humble and faithful services to the cause of Liberty in many bloody scenes of suffering and danger throughout the whole Revolutionary War. If by that Free offering of the best strength and blood of my best days, I have not earned riches or fame from my countryman, surely I have at least deserved, that, at Four Score Years .\nd seven, my infirmities should not be thus abused nor my gray hairs dishonored by being thus falsely represented to the world as uttering against those whom I love and hcmor, the language of vulgar profanity, and wanton insult. MOSES VAN CAMPEN. 114 DAXSriLLE OF THE PAST SCHOOL EXERCISES. DeclamatioiLS and Compositions. TUESDAY JJVEyiya, Koveinher .iOfh. IS.Vi. PRAYER RESV. O. R. HOWARD. ivrxTSic. 1. ORATION — Extract, Fkancis Lindslet. 2. " '' Grandison Tousey. 3. " " A. Hammond Hicks. 4. " " Granuer Ehgleston. 5. " " Wm. J. Sharp. TklTTSIC (). ORATION — Lawrence, Dork Failkxer. 7. '' Extract, JrnsoN Mkrkitt. 8. " Anonymous Matthew P. McCartney. 9. " Lacey, John Hasler. 10. " Halleek, Geo. G. Wood, Jr. ivrxjsic. 11. ORATION— Phillip?, Ai.o.Nzo T. Welch. 12. " Henry, John W. Perine. 13. " Milford Bard Joseph M Bristol. 14. DIALOGUE— Lochiel's Warning, R T. Wool), } Byron T. SyriRKS. ( 15. DIALOGUE — Brutus and Cassiu?, Chas. A. Thompson, / Jonathan B. Mokey. \ m;tjsic. K;. ( jHATION — Anonymous, Geo. Stilwell. 17. COMPOSITION— Memory, Sarah Tousey. 18. " Contentment, Jane Taft. 19. " Nature, Mary Welch. 20. •' Firmness Gertrude J. Barkett. •n. C< iLL( K^UY— Fashion, Abby Clark, / Makoaret Baldwin \ 22. READING— Concert Exercise, Class. IVITTSIC. 23. OKATK )N— Verplanck Frederick Hartman. 24. " Everett. Henry O. Griffith. 25. " Sorague Chas. A. Tho.mpson. 26. " Jladisoc, Jonathan B. Morey. 27. DIALOGUE— The Docror in spite of himself: Creg-ory Iiavitt Keihle. | James, ,Tohii Hasler. Sir Jasper, George S. Jones. | Harry Joseph M. Bristol. Leander R. T. Wood. ] Davy AlonzoT. Welch. :iMTJSIC. 28. ORATION— (Original,) Patriotism, Geo. S. Jones. 29. " " America, R. T. Wood. 30. " " The Scholar's Hope, David Keihle. nVtXJSIC. BKNEEICTION. DaniiviUe, November Wth, 1853. R. F. HICKS, Teacher. Herald Power Press, Dansville. ANCIENT DOCUMENTS 115 DISTRICT NO. 2. CLOSING EXEIiCISES AT CANASEBAGA HALL, Wednemlay Evening, Sept. 14, lSo9. J. B. jrOREY, Teacher. PRAYER. 3. EXORDIUM, Elmer Hamsher. 4. DISCIPLINE, Jefferson Grover. a. Great Results from Ltttle Causes. Calvia Dunham. (! THE AMERICAN FLAG, Juo. T. McCurdy. 7. CATILINE S REPLY, Theodore W. Chapin. 8. PRIDE, (Original) Miss Harriet White. SELECT READING Class B. MUSIC 11. LOVE OF COUNTRY James Harrison. 12. No ExcbJjLENCE without Lauor, Henry Porter. l;5. HOME, (Original) Miss Frances Smith. 14 THE NOBILITY OP LABOR, George Bulkley. 15. N< )RTHERN LABORERS, George ShuU. Hi. THE RAIN DROP. (Original) Miss Lotta Rose. SELECT READING, Class A. MUSIC 111 AMERICAN HIST( )RY Herbert Tolfree. 20 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER James Wilson. 21 LIFE, (Original) Miss Amelia Hennesy. 22 TH K PRESEN T AGE, Henry Fenstermacher. 2:! PRINTING, Eduiond J. Burke. 24 ANGEL GUIDES, (Original. ) Miss Harriet Porter. PEDANTRY DK^IT Edwin P. Sweet | Ses^uipedalia, W. I. Bulkley. DRONE, George Bulkley. | TRILL, Herbert Tolfree. MUSIC 27. LIBERTY AND UNION, Joseph Your.g 28. THE VALUE OF REPUTATION Amos Keihle, 2'.i FAREWELL, (Oritiinal) Miss Libbie Owen. 30. VINDICATION FROM TREASON, William F. Bulkley. 31. THE CLOSIN(i YEAR Edwin F. Sweet. BENEDICTION CHAPTER XIII THe Doty Romance TOLD HV DR. A. L. (ilLHERT I^cickwciod L. Doty as a Boy in Dansville — Arrested for Robbing the Mail — Taken to Rochester on Packet Boat — Exciting Kxperience — Innocence Established — Triuniiihant Return — SLdiscqtient Life. IN the autumn of 1841, nr the spring of 1842, there came with evident haste into my father's store a young boy who asked rapidly in a soft voice for a burlap needle, paid for it, and departed as hastily as he came. "Who is that?" (.|uickly followed his going. No one could give answer, but the slight form, open, smiling face, black eyes and hair, eager manner and sudden departure, had in a moment aroused a desire to know who he was, and where he be- longed. (Jn seeing him enter the grocery store of C. Hub- bard some one remarked, "That must be a Doty boy from Groveland. I understood Hubbard was to have such a boy." He soon returned for another needle, and while getting it, I learned they were packing dried apples and sewing up the sacks; this was all in a flash, and he was gone. Thus did Lockwood Lyon Doty introduce himself to Dansville. Not long after this, the store where he was first employed was sold out, and young Dotv entered the store of a Mr. Barrett, remaining perhaps a year; then was in the store of Robert S. Faulkner, possibly another year. Then he was employed by Merritt Brown as deputy postmaster, in a building just south of the old Joshua Shepard store, then belonging to Charles Shepard, and occupied by my father, it being the first store south of the old Pres- byterian church on the east side of lower Main street. The postoffice building was moved into the space between the Shepard store and the store of Goimdry & Kern. The front was used for the postoffice, and the rear by Dr. B. L. Hovey, as a medical office. "Lock" Doty, as he was universally called, had nearly the entire charge of the office, as Mr. Brown was well advanced in years and somewhat infirm. The front of the second story of the vShepard store was occupied by William McVicker as a harness shop, a stairway leading up to it on the south outside. One afternoon in the summer of 1844 or 1845 McVicker came into the store with ten dollars in change and wanted a ten-dollar bill for it, which I gave him at the desk. He placed the bill in the letter, folded it after the style of those days, got a wafer of me, sealed it, directed it, placed it in his hat, and went up into his shop. On the Friday following some one entered the store, much excited, and said, "The United vStates marshal has arrested Lock Doty and is taking him off to Rochester on the packet which has just gone. The marshal would not let him go to the house to change his clothes, but searched him, and then hurried him ofif. All that he would say was that he was charged with robbing the mail. " We were all astonished and father 117 lis DANS]'/LLE OF THE PAST was greatly moved. Handing me some mone}-, he said, "Hurry up, overtake the packet. Here, Esquire Hubbard, you go with him, and see that Doty has a fair show." Just then Abel Edwards of West Sparta was driving by with a lumber wagon, father ran out and called him, and in two minutes he was driving furiously down Franklin street to overtake the packet. This he accomplished at the last lock, before reaching Cumminsville. Esquire Hubbard and I sprang on board as the boat was sinking in the lock, and the race was won. The marshal had his prisoner in the forward end of the cabin, and would not allow any one to approach, or speak to him. Benjamin Bradley, one of the firm of A. Bradley & Sons, paper manufacturers, and Merritt H. Brown, hardware merchant, and son of the postmaster, were on board. After some consultation Esquire Hubbard went to the marshal, claimed that he was Doty's attorney and counsel, and demanded opportunity to communicate with his client. The marshal asked Doty if he wished Hubbard for his counsel, and he answered that he did. Then Hubbard was allowed to converse with his client. Doty said, he remembered ^IcVicker handed him a letter to mail, thought it was in the morning while he was sweeping out the office; that he prepared a waybill for the letter, put them in a wrapper, marked it Rochester, and threw it on the large table where other pre- pared letters and papers were ready for the mailbag. When the call came for the mail he hurried them all into the bag, locked it, and passed it out. After it had gone, on moving a large sheet of paper, he discovered this letter left over. Throwing it had caused it to slide under the paper, and so escaped observation. He opened the wrapper, took out the waybill, stuck it in his vest pocket and prepared a new- one, dating it for the next mail. This was all he knew about it, only that when the marshal searched him, he found the discarded waybill in his pocket. We reached Rochester early in the evening, and on being asked what disposition he would make of his prisoner for the night, the marshal said he would have to lodge him in the jail. To this Bradley, Brown and Hubbard strongly objected; said they were satisfied Doty was guilty of no crime, claimed that his character was above suspicion, that nothing had been proved against him ; said they would guarantee his safe keeping at the Eagle hotel, and have him before the court in the morning. Finally the marshal yielded and delivered him to their keeping, which, in fact, was no keeping at all, for they allowed him to go where, and do what he pleased. Neither he nor I went to bed that night. We talked it over and over, discussed, hoped, feared, and hoped again. We went out into the street, walked back and forth in front of the hotel, then in again, to repeat the whole dismal recital, and wonder for the hundredth time, what could have become of that money. Daylight came at last, and we started out for a long walk down State street. I proposed that we call on Orlando Hastings, one of Rochester's most distinguished lawyers, with whom I was slightly acquainted. We rang the door bell, and a young lady, presumably his daughter, came to the door, and said Mr. Hastings was not up. vShe invited us in and went to inform him of our desire to see him. He soon came out dressed in a morning wrapper, greeted us kindly. THIl no TV ROMAXCE 110 and sat clown to hear what we had to say. Our story was soon told, and he proceeded to cross question us, to all of which we replied as best we could, and begged him to assist Esquire Hubbard at the ex- amination. This he said he could not do, but he could send to a lawyer who could do for us better than he could. He soon handed Doty a note to a lawyer in the Arcade. I think his name was Garlock. The note was nearly in these words, "I send you a young man charged with robbing the mail. He is entirely innocent, and you must clear him." We went to the Arcade office, found our man, and presented the note. He looked us over, asked many questions, then said, "All right, I will be there at nine o'clock." Then we returned to the hotel where Doty found his keepers beginning to wonder at his absence but in no way alarmed. The appointed hour found us at the justice's court with Doty and his lawyers, the marshal and his counsel. The first testimony settled the fact that the letter came without the money, that it had been opened and resealed. Then the waybills found in the prisoner's pocket was produced, and date noted. Then the waybill of the ne.xt day dated accordingly, with Doty's acknowledgment that both waybills were prepared for the same letter. Then Mr. McVicker was sworn, and narrated what occurred in the store, the bringing of the change to me, getting the ten dollar bill, placing it in the letter in my pres- ence, getting from me a wafer, sealing it then and there. He then stated that he took the letter directly from the desk into the postoffice and handed it into Doty's hand. While McVicker was being cross- questioned the case for Doty looked hopeless, and I was almost in despair. An Irish woman just behind me, speaking to another woman, said, "Do you see that boy; look at his face; he never stole a cint in his life, the lamb!" At that moment the justice, or one of the lawyers said, "And you say you took the letter containing the money directly from the desk in the store, into the postoffice, next door, and placed it in the hand of this young man?" The witness answered, "Yes, sir." I had heard him make a statement to that effect before and it awoke no memory, but now I started forward and told Esquire Hubbard that McVicker was mistaken; that he did not take the letter into the post- office, and while Hubbard was telling Garlock, the justice was saying, "Mr. Doty, I am sorry, but I do not see how I can do otherwise than hold you." While he was yet speaking, Garlock interrupted him with a statement of what I had said. Immediately the justice called Benjamin Bradley, and I returned to my seat. After a short conver- sation with Bradley the justice said, "Let the young man come for- ward." I went and was sworn. Then the justice asked me, "Did you hear McVicker's testimony?" "Yes sir." "As far as you know, was it correct ?" "Mostly, but not all." "State what you know." "He put the letter in his hat, put his hat on his head, and went up into his harness shop. He did not go into the postoffice. Soon after going into his shop, he called to a man who was hitching his horse in the shade across the street something about a harness, and a moment later he came down the stairs, bareheaded, carrying a single harness, or part of a harness, and was across the street, perhaps half an hour, talking with the man, and changing the harness. While he was there with the man, a boy who was working for him, and learning the trade, f, 120 DA XS I IL LE OF THE PA .V T came down from the shop and asked me for a wafer, which I gave him, and he returned into the shop." In answer to some questionings by the lawyers, I stated that the boy had a reputation for stealing. McVicker was then recalled and asked, "Did you hear that young man's testimony?" "Yes sir." "Did he tell the truth?" "I think he did." "Did you take that letter from the store directly to the postolifice?" "I think not; I think I was mistaken." "When did you mail that letter?" "I think it was the next morning; I think Doty was sweeping out the office." "Where was that letter kept from the time you sealed it in the store until you handed it to Doty at the postoffice, the ne.xt day?" "In my hat." "Where was your hat while you were across the way?" "In the shop. " "Was it where the boy could have access to it ?" "Yes sir." "Where was your hat during the night?" "On a stand, in the hall of my house." "Did the boy have access to that hall?" "Yes, he passed through it going to his room." "Did you know that boy had a reputation for stealing?" "Yes." "Had you known of his stealing?" "Yes." "Did you examine that letter in the morn- ing?" "No, I took it from my hat and handed it to Doty?" "Did you know whether the money was in it wdieii you handed it to Doty?" "No, I supposed it was." The justice then declared the charge not sustained. "The case is dismissed. '\\x. Doty, I am happy to say you are free. ' ' During the next five minutes the court room was a scene of con- fusion, and congratulations were showered upon Doty from all sides. We soon settled with Esquire Garlock, paid our hotel bills, and made our way to the packet, en route for Dansville, where we arrived the next morning which was Sunday. We found a large gathering of friends anxious to learn the fate of Doty. We did not have to declare it, they read it in our faces, and when Lockwood sprang from the deck onto the dock, a happy, free man, there was a rush to grasp his hand, and express joy at his coming home without the shadow of a doubt of his entire innocence. Mr. Brown, the postmaster, made him a present of fifty dollars. The subsequent career of this estimable and brilliant young man is probably as well known to others as to me. His whole life honored Dansville. CHArriiR XIV Some DetacKed Facts The Iroquois League of the Five Nations, whose most powerful nation, the Senecas, inchided tlie Indians of the Genesee Valley, was formed in 1450, and the Tuscaroras were admitted in 1713, making the Six Nations. The French under the INIarquis De Nonville invaded the Genesee Valley in 1687, and were valiantly resisted by the Senecas. When Gen. Sullivan's army came tobacco had lon,g been grown in the valley and was considered of a superior quality. In 183f) there were five tanneries and three carding and cloth-dress- ing factories in Dansville, with a population of only 1,000, and in 1850 there were about KIO saw mills within two miles of Dansville. The Woodruff Paper Company was incorporated in 1866 with a cap- ital of $40,000, and began operations in 1868. It was the first mill to manufacture straw pulp in the United States and consvuned annually 1,200 tons of straw. Bradley & Co. erected a paper mill in 1825 on the site of the Wood- ruff' mill which was burned four times within 20 vears, and again in 1854. "The castle" was a log house built by surveyors, and occupied suc- cessively by the earliest settlers when they first came. Dansville celebrated Lee's surrender April 10. 1S65, with a parade, cannon-firing, addresses and a huge bonfire. A Fenian meeting was held April 26, 1866, which was presided over by Hon. S. D. Faulkner and addressed by John C. O'Brien, head centre of the Fenian brotherhood of the state, and $200 was raised at the meeting to help the Fenian cause. In 1845 A. R. Knox of Dansville jniblished a 224-page volume of American anecdotes of adventures from eminent authors, compiled by (ieorge W. Stevens, who was also the printer. Dr. F. M. Ferine has a pocket memorandum book belonging to his grandfather, William Ferine, with accounts dating back to 1780. The book is leather bound and has a brass clasp. John T. McCurd}- has a pair of iron-bowed spectacles, presented to his great, great, great grandfather by Rev. Ozias Els of Barhamstead, Ct., who was one of the first ministers in Connecticut and said by him to have come over in the Mayflower. ilr. McCurdy also has his grandfather James McCurdy's "Practice," a manuscript book of examples in arithmetic illustrating questions and answers written on the old-fashioned, handmade foolscap unruled. The examples are worked out in pounds, shillings and pence. The writing is very plain and the ink retains a good black. 121 CHARLES ROTHE HOUSE ARTMAN GRIST MILL SO^fH DETACHED EACTS 123 On Friday, the l.^th of May, 18o(), the jieople of Dansville and vi- cinity celebrated the Dansville branch (canal). The day ojjened with firini;' of cannon. A deputation came over from Nunda, 40 in a car- riage (splendid car) shaped like a canal boat, drawn by seven horses. Music, toasts and a public dinner. — Livinsjston Rey;ister, Mav 17, 1836. May 7, 1834. — Only eight and one-half days from New York by packet, fine and superfine brand-cloths. The Dansville Model Water Ciu'e opened for the reception of |)atients June 1, 1854, Wm. Stephens, Mrs. J. P. Stephens physicians. The volunteers of the 130th regiment, recruited in Dansville and vicinity, went to the rendezvous at Portage on a canal boat. July 14, 1868, the mercury in Dansville thermometers went uj) at noon to 102 degrees in the shade. In the Grant and Seymour campaign of 180S there was a joint pub- lic discussion of issues in the Democratic wigwam between S. D. Faulkner and D. W. Noyes. The Dansville Sportsmen's Association was organized May 7, 1875, with Henry J. Faulkner as president, John Hvland vice president and F. J. Robbins secretary and treasurer. Bishop McQuaid's first visit to Dansville was May 8, 1868, and his coming was signalized by a long procession of Catholic societies, car- riages with delegates, cavalry, band, etc. The first reunion after the war of the old 13th regiment took place in Dansville Sept. 30, 1869, when there was a parade and drill, speeches, a presentation, a collation and a ball. The Rochester battalion was present. The first regular firemen's review of the new Dansville fire depart- ment took place Oct. 10, 1877. In line following the band were Union Hose, 25 members; Fearless Hook and Ladder, 23 members; Protect- ives, 25 members. The brick Methodist church on Chestnut avenue was dedicated by Bishop Peck Nov. 8, 1877. The Dansville Grange at Stone's Falls had a great fair and auction sale Dec. 26, 1877, to aid in raising money for building a Grange hall. The Livingston County Historical society was organized in 1876. Dansville was slightly shaken by an earthquake at 11 a. m., Oct. 20, 1870, the vibrations continuing half a minute. The gas pendants swung, walls were slightly cracked, and some dishes were broken. The Sullivan campaign centennial was celebrated at Geneseo vSept. 16, 1879. Dansville is the only place in Livingston county mentioned in the Century Dictionary ot Names. The golden wedding of Dr. and Mrs. James C. Jackson was cele- brated Sept. 10, 1880. April 25 and 26, 1881, St. Peter's church celebrated its semi-centennial. June 29, 1881, the Genesee valley canal property was sold by state officials at Mt. Morris. H. M. BOUGHTON HOUSE WILLIAM H. HARTMAN R t S I D f. \ C E SOME DETACHED FACTS 125 Clara Barton lectured on the Red Cross August 7 and 22, 18S1, and a branch society was organized here on the latter date — the first in the country. In January, 1882, Dr. James C. Jackson retired from active labor as chief physician of Our Home on the Hillside. A charter amendment extended the boundaries of the village in 1SS2. February 3, 1882, was the slipperiest day ever known in Dansville. The streets were all floored with smoothest ice, and scores of pedes- trians fell. The new Sanatorium was dedicated on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the institution — Oct. 1,1883. Reception to Clara Barton at Presbyterian chapel, February 24, 1886, in view of her approaching removal to Washington. A. < ). Bun- nell presided and Miss Barton told the story of her life. A board of trade was organized Feb. 7, 1889, with A. O. Bunnell as president; B. G. Foss, H. W. DeLong and H. F. Dyer as vice presidents; C. W. Woolever as treasurer, and B. H. Oberdorf as sec- retary. The seventieth anniversary of American Odd Fellowship was cele- brated by Canaseraga Lodge April 26, 1889, and attended by large delegations from Bath, Mt. Morris, Wayland and Geneseo. The first graduating class of the Union school in 1890 numbered eight — Max Sweet, Jessie M. Osborn, Emma L. Tenney, Carrie E. vStone, Lillie S. Brayton, Ed. T. Fairchild, Vira Karcher and Helen M. Edwards. The Sanatorium's monthly magazine, the Laws of Life, completed its thirty-sixth year in December, 1893, and was discontinued. In its most pros])erous days it had a far-reaching circulation of over 1(1,- OUO. As early as 1839 a small furnace and machine shop were erected where the George Sweet Manufacturin,g company shops are now. The Erie Railway Co. discontinued its service on the Dansville branch to Mt. Morris Oct. 22, 1891, and the Dansville & Mt. Morris Railroad Co. resumed authority over it, and commenced running trains December 7, the service ha\-ing been interrupted two weeks. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the (iranil Army of the Republic was celebrated in Dansville April (>, 1891. There was a severe frost in the valley on the night of May 17, 1891, which did great damage to growing things. Plums, cherries and peaches were nearly all nipped to death, and grapes were greatly dam- aged. Early strawberries, corn, potatoes, peas, etc., were badly hurt. vSo was young nursery stock. Geneseo celebrated her centennial Sept. 11, 1890. The new Presbyterian church was dedicated March 15, 1892. Rev. H. C. Rig.gs of Rochester, was the preacher. There were seventeen visiting ministers. The cost of the church was a little over $13,5(10. Dansville Advertiser l)uilding caught fire Dec. 22, 1892, and was badlv burned. KNOWLTON PAPER MILL SOME DETACHED FACTS 127 The National Nurseryman for April, 1893, stated that Dansville was one of the greatest nursery centers of the world and that the whole number of growers was 55; and the whole number of acres in nursery stock wasl, 200; that most of the Dansville stock comprised staple fruits. The twentieth anniversary of Coterie was celebrated Oct. 31, 1893, at the residence of J. M. Edwards. The Livingston Circulating Library became the Dansville Public Library in January, 1894, by the action of the regents. The number of volumes in the Dansville Public Library is about 4,400 and the circulation in the last library year was about 2,750. June 8, 18')4, Ambrose S. Murray, Jr.. by appointment of Judge Wallace, took possession of the Dansville & Mt. Morris railroad as re- ceiver. Dansville Grange celebrated its twenty-fifth birthday, April 14, 1895. The Dansville Gas and Electric Light Co. was organized Dec. 14, 1895, bv the election of directors and officers as follows: J. B. Morey, George" A. Sweet, Charles H. Rowe, William Kramer, B. \l. Ober- dorf. President, J. B. Morey; vice president, William Kramer; sec- retary and treasurer, Charles H. Rowe. July 22, 1896, the taxpayers of Dansville decided to have new water works, for domestic as well as fire purposes, by a vote of 268 to 43. The George Sweet Manufacturing Co's buildings were burned June 1, 1897, the loss being about $40,000 and the insurance $10,000. Sept. 19, 1899, the board of trustees ordered condemnation proceed- ings for the purpose of tapping mill creek for additional water supply, in case a settlement could not be made with the owners of water rights. Oct. 4, 1899, the board of trustees granted a thirty-year franchise to the Dansville Gas and Electric Co. Main street was macadamized from Pcrine street to the Altmeyer building in 1899 and 1900. The golden jubilee of St. Patrick's church was observed with solemn ceremonies, July 15, 1900, and there was a sermon by Bishop McQuaid. Jan. 23, 1898, Rev. George K. Ward, who had been pastor of the Presbyterian church twenty-five years, tendered his resignation at the close of his mornmg sermon. The Citizens Band of Dansville was organized Nov. 17, 1896. A hurricane swept across Dansville, June 11, 1898, which did a good deal of damage, felling large trees, tearing down wires and signs, partially unroofing several buildings, and injuring young nursery stock considerably. Sept. 1, 1899, the free delivery of mail matter was commenced in Dansville. Dansville public library was moved from the Maxwell block into more spacious rooms in the Dver block about the middle of April, 1899. The twenty-fifth anniversary of Union Hose company was cel- ebrated bv the formal opening of the new Union Club rooms June 19, 1899. :^:^ •/: J >. - . •■w'-- o-~- . ■•-~^^aii^>- HUBBARD'S fALLS SOME DETACHED FACTS 129 The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Dansville library was celebrated June 18, 189'). A. O. Bunnell presided and made an introductory historical address, a paper was read by Mrs. Elizabeth E. Sweet, and remarks were made by W. R. Eastman, state inspector of libraries. There was also fine vocal and instrumental music. The fortieth anniversary of the Dansville Sanatorium was cel- ebrated Oct. 1, 1898. The twenty-fifth anniversary of Coterie was celebrated in the Pres- byterian chapel Oct. 25, 1898, with history, poem, songs, the reading of several papers and a banquet. The chapel was beautifully dec- orated with a profusion of autumn leaves, flowers and gadding vines. The Lackawanaa station buildings on East hill were burned Dec. 13, 1898. Loss about $7,000. Sep. 19, 1901, there was a great gathering in the opera house in memory of assassinated President McKinley, with tributes by A. O. Bunnell, chairman. Dr. James H. Jackson, James H. Baker, Rev. Father Krischel, F. W. Noyes and Prof. E. J. Bonner. The McNair house seen at the right of the cut on page 29, the Rothe house on page 122 and the Boughton and Hartman houses on page 124 were the first brick houses erected in Dansville, and among the first in all this section of C(juntry. The street fair in Dansville illustrated on page 128 was held Octo- ber 2-7, 1899. The Artman grist mill (see page 128) located at the entrance, or rather e.xit, of Poag's Hole, is one of the oldest mills of the vicinity. CHAPTER XV I^ater Contributions A FEAV WOOD NOTES £/ By Theodore M. Schlick East Hill in all its primitive grandeur must have presented a mag- nificent spectacle to the early pioneer. The writer's recollection dates back but thirty years and in that time considerable change has taken place in its general aspect. When the Lackawanna railroad was put through in the early SOs it left a wound on the hill's broad face that seemed doubtful if it would ever heal. But, left alone, nature soon asserts herself and many of these unsightly cuts are now being grad- ually covered with vines and shrubbery. The old crumbling retain- ing wall above the dugway is still an eyesore, but even that will in time be partially hidden by the forest growth springing up around it. Pieces of woods that were cut off fifteen years ago are again being reclaimed by nature. South of the old Stadler vineyard, above the Lackawanna railroad, was once a flourishing vineyard, but abandoned by its owner it soon lapsed into a wild state and is today a dense mass of almost impenetrable thickets, the haunt of the ruffed grouse and other wood folk. Traces of the grape vines still remain, bearing an annual crop of half wild fruit. The old Stadler vineyard itself, now owned by the Lackawanna R. R. Co., has not been worked in a number of years. As a rule vineyards have taken the place of the cleared forest, compensating to a great extent for the original state. Thus, harrassed by the a.xe for nearly half a century and for nearly twenty years by annual fires caused by sparks from passing locomo- tives, the face of the old hill still presents an unusually wild appear- ance. Northeast from the village there is still a goodly forest growth and the same southeastward. The fringe of pines on the summit of the hill a trifle southeast of the village has been thinned out consider- ably during the past few years, much to the consternation of a great colony of crows, who since time immemorial have used these pines as a roost. A few stragglers still survive but the main body seem to have gone elsewhere. It was an interesting sight ten or more years ago to witness these sable hosts leave their roost at dawn for the western hills, and then see them come streaming back in long pro- cessions at nightfall. There was usually a noisy powwow and much circling about before peace finally settled on the roost. The passing years have dealt gently with the Bradner or Barnhart woods southeast of the village. It is remarkable and commendable on the part of the owners that such a charming piece of woodland, situated almost at our very doors, should have escaped the woodman's axe. Indeed, but little change has taken place in its general features since the writer first rambled amid its devious byways in the summer of 1S71. A row of noble oaks, that stretched out like an arm on the 130 LA TER COXTR/IUn'/ONS IT^l northwest corner, was cut oft" many years ago to be afterwards con- verted into barrels. This was the only part that was entirely cleared within the writer's recollection. Since then many goodly trees, picked out here and there, have been sacrificed, but only as they were needed. Today the rambler in their midst cannot fail to perceive what noble specimens of forest trees still exist here — oak, hard and soft maples, hickory, beech, tulip, elm, ash, etc. There are also some good-sized white pines here and there. The last of the great pines that were at one time plentiful in this vicinity, met its downfall in the autumn of 1890. It was an immense tree. The bole was over four feet m diameter at its base, but its lordly top had long been broken off. It was a fragment of the primeval woods, "full of wind voices and memories of a lost race of men and a vanishing race of birds and mammals." In the northeast corner is a spring, rendering the ground swaley for some distance, and which was formerl)' covered with thick- ets of alder, elder, hornbeam and other gnjwth. In times past wood- cock haunted this cover and on one occasion the writer scared a wood duck from its depths. To find a ruft'ed grouse here is a rarity, but the writer records with utmost satisfaction that under the group of fine pines, which terminates the west portion of the woods he once found the nest, containing eleven eggs, of one of these noble game birds, and several times thereafter scared the wild hen from her nest by venturing too close. It seemed good that one of the most cherished boyhood haunts contained such a treasure. Of squirrels, the little red rover survives in undiminished numbers — its larger brethren, the black and gray, having disappeared. An occasional hare is found here also. The isolated chestnut tree, once so abundant in this vicinity, is almost a memory. It is said that Chestnut street itself derived its name from several rows of great chestnut trees that once flourished on the farm of S. W. Smith, which included the entire north side of the street from the Grant residence east. This was in the early 40's. The writer distinctly remembers that a large tree once stood in the southeast corner of the Mullein lot on Leonard street. The old chest- nut trees on the Bradner farm, southeast of the village, were cut down long ago, and among others the writer can mention several on the Rothe farm, and half a dozen or more on the Martin King place, once a part of the Conrad Welch estate. Then there were other isolated specimens on the Sahrle and Vogel farms, which belong now to memory alone. Almost the last of its kind in the immediate vicinity of Dans- ville is the old tree in the northwest corner of the Stadler vineyard, east of Brewery street. Good walnut trees are also becoming exceed- ingly scarce. Scattered through that tract of land, now known as Park Avenue, were formerly a dozen or more large trees. It is only within a comparatively short time that the last one was cut down. ^^ ^ Many species of birds prefer to be near the habitations of man rather than in the woods and fields, and in this respect Dansville is well favored. And certain it is that the prevalence of shade and fruit 132 DANSVILLE OF THE PAST trees gives the village an unusual sylvan appearance. The birds can- not help but look at it as an ideal place. Baltimore orioles, yellow warblers and cedar birds have been unusually abundant this season (1902), and the bluebirds appeared among us in almost old-time num- bers. Blackbirds, particularly the great purple grackles, are fairly represented, but the main body prefer the flats, a few miles below the village, where they assemble in immense flocks. The writer recollects that a number of these birds have rendezvoused in the spruce tree in front of the Pearson residence on Elizabeth street since he was a small boy. How quickly one notices the visits of a strange flock of birds in one's locality ! When those large yellow birds, the evening gros- beaks (natives of the northwest, seldom venturing east of the Ohio river) appeared among us in December, 1889, how eagerly we sought to make their acquaintance and learn their identity. It was hojied that such distinguished bird visitors would remain with us jierma- nently, but with the advent of the following spring they disappeared. The horned lark is usually a common visitor in our wintry fields, but on one occasion when a large flock settled down on Main street in the heart of the business center, there was much comment and speculation as to their identity, one sportsman in particular even venturing the assertion that it must be a species of upland plover. Such wood species like the black-billed cuckoo, catbird, indigo finch, redstart, vireo and highhole are occasionally found within the confines of the village. The presence of a rufi"ed grouse in one's garden is merely an accident, of course, but the writer knows of two such instances, one in particular where the bird was found in a neighbor's apple tree bud- ding. And it might have been an accident also that prompted a white-headed eagle to come sailing up the valley a certain day in July, 1899, flying very low and passing directly above Elizabeth street, bound in a southern direction. The bluejay, once so abundant, has become almost a rare bird in the woods in the immediate vicinity of Dans- ville. A few stragglers are occasionally met with in the old Dorr woods, south of the reservoir. Of late years the Carolina turtle dove, a lover of fields and roadsides, has also become a rarity. Among the rarer birds that inhabit our woodlands one can easily single out that semi-tropical beauty, the scarlet tanager. In twelve years the writer has come across but a single specimen, and only recently he was grati- fied to note the appearance of a rose-breasted grosbeak in a cherished boyhood haunt, and this after a twenty years' lookout for the birds. A few bobolinks still visit our meadows season after season, where the meadow lark keeps him company. That great woodland artist, the wood thrush, is a great haunter of the woods round about the Schub- mehl quarry on East Hill. It is indeed a rare privilege to take up one's stand at nightfall in this locality and listen to the glorious chorus from dozens of these golden-throated birds. The towhee bunting, a large, beautifully-marked bird of the ground, is also found here. L. I TEK C 'OX TRIP, I ' 1 IONS 1 33 KILLING OF THE LAST WILD DEER IN DANSVILLE By Charles C. Sedgivick Along in the roaring forties, about 1847, a farmer from Oak Hill came into George Hj-land's store leading a hound pup by a string. The dog was pure white, with long yellow ears, and so poor that he staggered. The farmer told Mr. Hyland some hunter had lost a "purp, " anyway, he had found him beside the road in a fence corner about a week previous, where he lay shivering, although not a cold spring morning, and so sore from running he could not get up; he had car- ried him home, fed him all he had to spare, and he wanted some one else to feed him awhile; Mr. Hyland could advertise him. being a fur dealer. Mr. Hyland kept him a week, then offered him to me, say- ing they were about out of food at his house, and he wanted to save a little for his two boys. I kept the dog until fall, and the first time we went out he caught a fox and killed it. R. Wheaton said I did not need a gun, the dog could catch any fox in the county. The next week we turned out from Hall & Ingersoll's shop about twenty guns and three dogs. Shot two foxes and my dog caught another one. We then decided to have a grand hunt in two weeks. A fine morning saw us stepping out for the hills. Charles Goodno was to release the dogs after we had gone into the woods fifteen minutes. Meanwhile Lance Hall and mv- self had come to the upper end of a field west of Mr. Lemen's house. We stopped at a low fence that separated us from the forest to look at some beautiful young pines at the foot of a massive tree blown over in some forest gale, and I said, "What a beautiful spot for a deer to lie down in, nothing could find him." Hall said. "There has not been a deer in this county in fifteen years." Just then my dog came running up very fast, cleared the fence, gave a great yell, with a triumphal note in it, and sprang into the thicket just as a deer bounded out, not over sixteen feet off, the dog quickly following jumping at his throat, — his deer, the deer he had wearily trailed from Pennsylvania in the early spring, both now in full strength, they went by us like a flash of light down to the wood below, and the trial of speed was on to the death. Just then a bullet sung over our heads. Lance Hall turned to me and asked, "Did you ever see two such fools? A deer running eighty rods in sight and not a shot fired! Why, I could have thrown my gun and knocked him down." Run- ning down the field we came to Mr. Watson, who said he was so sur- prised he fired in the opposite direction the deer was going, and asked us to shoot him. We were joined by the rest of the party and soon came down to the Kanouse tavern. Paul Kanouse and James McCurdy told us a deer had passed with a white hound jumping at his throat. Following the do.gs we came to some men standing about a deep hole in Canaseraga Creek. Dr. Faulkner was trying to keep the deer from pounding the dog under the water. Charles Goodno took Mr. Wheaton's rifle and shot the deer. Dr. Faulkner said the deer and the dog jumped into the water, close to him, the deer trying to drown the dog by jumping on him with his sharp hoofs. The Doctor stuck his pitchfork into the animal, when both came out of the water, ran up by the paper mill, down by i:.4 DANSriLLE OF THE PAST Fisk's planing mill, part way over the canal bridge, jumped into the canal, swam a few rods, then ran across lots to the water, where we found him. The following spring Dr. Faulkner accompanied by Dr. Reynale, made me an early call. Faulkner's man had shot and shivered my dog's shoulder blades while it was playing around his sheep in the early morning. Other dogs were biting and killing the sheep. Faulkner said he would give $25 to save him, but upon ex- amination bv Dr. Revnale he was doomed and I had him i, taught but one year here for a salary of $900. The second year he wanted his salary raised to $1,000, which the trustees declined to do. In this they made a mistake for he was greatly superior to his immediate successor as a teacher. Prof. Baldwin taught in the acad- emy in 1841-42. Prof. Crocker died in Genesee county Feb. 11, 1899. The first lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars in Dansville was organized Oct. 1, 1858, and named Industry lodge No. 211. The charter members were H. H. Farley, P. B. Bristol, E. E. Payne, G. C. Hayward, James H. Hoes, L. A. Eggleston, O. T. Crane, J. G. Sprague, Alvah Congdon, Sidney Sweet, D. Ingersoll, G. W. Shepherd, and the following ladies: Mrs. H. H. Farley, P. B. Bristol, E. E. Payne, J. L. Boon, G. W. Shepherd, James H. Hoes, Charles R. Kern, E. C. Daugherty, J. B. Gilman, D. L. Roe, James Brown, S. M. Webb. After a few years this lodge went down. In 1868 Sparkling Water lodge No. 506 was organized and under the con- tagious enthusiasm and liberal contributions of Dr. James C. Jackson, grew to a membership of 730 with an average attendance of 400. Its meetings were held on the third floor of what is now Bunnell block, with ante-roomsonthesecond floor, and there was talk of cuttingthrough the north brick wall to add Canaseraga hall to the main room to ac- ISO DANSVILLE OF THE PAST commodate the membership, then the largest in the United States. But the time came (Nov. 13, 1871) when this lodge, following the ex- ample of its predecessor, surrendered its charter. But much good, still apparent, was accomplished in the brief but brilliant life of the lodge. Subsequent efforts to sustain the order of Good Templars in Dansville had little encouragement. The first driven well in Dansville, and perhaps in the world, was made by a son of Harley Lord, a merchant who occupied the corner store in the Dyer block. The well, made some time before 1852, con- sisted of an old boat pump sunk in a crowbar hole in the cellar of the store. Nelson W. Green, an insurance agent in Dansville, caught on to the idea from this well, secured a patent for driven wells, and en- deavored, with partial success to collect royalties from every one who infringed on his patent. CHAPTER XVIII A tSumTnin^ Up Head of the Genesee Valley — Geology — The Hills and Valley — Fertility of the Soil — Glens — Our Home on the Hillside — Coterie — The Library — Musical and Dramatic — Outdoor Recreations — Public Spirit. THE area of Livingston county is 380,665 acres, and that of the town of North Dansville 5,560 acres. The Genesee valley beginning at Dansville, 685 feet above the sea and 400 feet above Lake Ontario, is about fifty miles long and from one and one-half to four miles wide. The Genesee river, beginning in Potter county, Pa., flows 145 miles to Lake Ontario, 125 miles of which is in this state. Canas- eraga creek, its largest tributary, rises in Nunda, runs through a section of Steuben county, and returns to this county across the south line of North Dansville. It re- ceives the waters of united Mill and Little Mill creeks and of Stony brook within the limits of the town, and after flowing thirty miles from its source enters the Genesee near the north- east corner of the town of Mt. Morris. The lowest rock of Livingston county is the water line of the Onon- daga salt group. Above this in succession are the Onondaga and corniferous limestones, the Marcellus shale, the Hamilton group, Genesee slate and Portage group, the latter occupying the high lands in the south part of the county. The town of North Dansville is underlaid by the Portage sandstone group. The soil is mostly al- luvion and superior timber bottoin lands of clay, gravel and muck. The fiats are unsurpassed for the production of grains, vegetables and fruits, and vineyards on the hillsides produce abundantly succulent grapes of the finest flavor. The flats are so well adapted to the grow- ing of nursery stock that the extensive nurseries cultivated there have become famous in many states, and there is only one other locality in New York where tree-planting is so extensive. The eastern hills rise steeply 800 feet, pleasing promontories are formed by the centering streams on the south, and on the west the land slopes into broad billowy hills. Froin the high points along the eastern steeps may be seen one of the most lovely landscapes in the world, which has been looked upon with exclamations of delight by appreciative tourists who have traveled far and seen much. In late autumn the hillsides, with their varieties of foliage, looked at from the valley, present marvels of many-hued colors, the equal of which may not easily be found elsewhere. Short distances from the village are Stony brook and Culbertson glens, silently inviting the people to their rocky solitudes and rushing waterfalls, and along their pre- cipitous banks may be found an uncounted variety of shrubs, plants and flowers, among and above which the birds love to flit and sing. Passing from the physical characteristics of Dansville, let us notice others less palpable, but more important. The situation, surround- 151 VIEW IN GREtNMOUNT CEMKTARY .>ji.Mk ^''■^'Wir '^^w^^' n^ Mm. a^ P" '■■^^■:&:." '-v; ' w K,i if"- ■ 1' i: -^ flifl^/.. fl[ m. :--^P:'' 1 ^ • '^■-v^t'' " ~k^!>i=£tTWji^ti DRIVE NEAR SANATOKIUM .-; S[\]L]I/NC UP 153 ings, associated traditions and mental and moral influences have been such as to produce a somewhat exceptional village community. One institution which has been largely instrumental in making it so is the great Jackson Sanatorium, formerly known as "Our Home on the Hillside." Starting nearly half a century ago under the manage- ment of a strong original man — who even then perceived and applied the best therapeutics of today, and soon gave it fame by means of his eloquent tongue, ready pen, and successful treatment of the sick — -it has made steady progress from then till now. Dansville people have received two important kinds of benefit in large measure from this institution: One is, the more hopeful and reasonable ideas regarding human life imbibed from its constant droppings in their midst, in speech, magazine, newspaper and pamphlet, with the good results of treatment as object lessons; and the other is, the intellectual and social gain derived from some of the wisest and brightest minds whom it has attracted as patients, companions and guests. The im- pressions thus made upon the community may not be distinctly trace- able in direct channels, but observing citizens can hardly fail to per- ceive that they have been pervading and valuable. Another potent influence has come from the admirable literary circle known as the Coterie, which was organized in the fall of 1873 and has been kept vigorous ever since. Started some years before the Chautauqua circles began or the "Chautauqua idea" had been evolved in the mind of Dr. Vincent, it was conceived and has been carried forward on a broader and more liberal plan than the Chautauquan, and has enlarged the views of its members to an incalculable extent. A general survey of the subjects it has considered and the variety of good work it has done would astonish any appreciative mind unac- quainted with its history. The benefits thus obtained by the mem- bers have been more or less reflected upon the village as a whole, and helped to educate young and old without as well as within the little society. It is doubtful if there is in the state, outside of the colleges and the largest cities, a literary society of its age which has accom- plished so much in proportion to membership. And its good reputa- tion has extended so far that several circles in other comiuunities have been modeled after it. Similar have been the effects of the successful movement by a few earnest men and women for a circulating library, from which books began to be distributed about the time that Coterie was born, and which was kept up and annually enlarged by the efforts of its private Library association until it was transferred to the supervision of the state and began to receive the state moneys, thereby becoming the large nucleus for the larger free district library. It has supplied the citizens with useful and entertaining reading, which they would not otherwise have had, for nearly thirty years, and is now one of the very best of village libraries both in the quality and number of its books! Dansville is quite noted in Western New York for its social amen- ities and functions and its dramatic entertainments by amateur home talent. Much inspiration productive of the latter has been derived from the Sanatorium, where Mr. Spencer for a score of years has been resourceful in preparing or arranging for weekly theatrical and musi- IN STONY BROOK GLEN A SUMMING IT 155 cal entertainments, in the Sanatorium parlors and liall, which have been surprisingly varied and excellent. Down town the Union Hose company takes precedence in the quality and elaborate character of its annual representations, which are eagerly looked forward to by al- most the entire population, and compare favorably with the best class of vaudeville shows of the cities. That Dansville believes in play spells and recreation appears not only in its frequent social gatherings and local entertainments, but the interest of its people in out-door sports, their frequent celebra- tions, excursions and picnics, and the numerous cottages they have built'for summer occupation on Hemlock and Conesus lakes. That they have superior recuperative power in times of depression is evident in their quick financial recovery from the two very disas- trous bank failures in 1884 and 1887. If they have sometimes seemed lacking in public spirit, it has been attributable more to the confus- ing effects of party strife or the opposing influences of wealthy fam- ilies than an untoward natural disposition. The fine and expensive school building— costing $26,500, and because of loss of deposits in a bank failure, twice paid for— some of its churches, its three parks, its macadamized streets, its first-class water works and fire department, its beautiful and well-kept Greenmount cemetery, are evidences that it is easy for them to rise above petty pocket considerations and spend their money for the public good when their eyes are opened to public needs But the most of them are conservative, as the eight orthodox churches, the absence of isms, the annual democratic major- ities since very long ago, and the not remote old school house on the square with old methods of instruction, go to show. And it required a village improvement society, with energetic Dr. B. P. Andrews at the head after years of agitation and Dennis Bunnell's more practical and persistent efforts had partly cleared their vision, to arouse them to a keen sense of the need for park improvements, but they saw at last and then acted. This conservatism is better than being ' blown about by every wind of doctrine," but it must be confessed that it is too slow It is believed, however, that they are more and more get- ting out of their old ruts, through the influences of the hillside insti- tution, the newspapers, the Coterie, and more than all, the now ex- cellent High school and the two parochial schools. There is no eye- opener equal to good schools and universal education therein of rich and poor alike. Biog'rapHies m JAMES H. JACKSON BIOGRAPHICAL James H. Jackson James Hathaway Jackson, the subject of this sketch, has been for forty-four years a citizen of Dansville, and intimately connected with the Jackson Sanatorium, in its foundation, growth and development. His great-o'reat-great grandfather was Lieutenant John Jackson, an inn keeper of Cambridge, Mass., who inherited the Brattle street lands of his uncle Richard Jackson, and who was active in Cambridge affairs from lft()(l to 16'M)^ and a member of Major Appleton's company in the Narragansett war. His great-great grandfather was Deacon John Jackson, born in Weston, Mass. ; and who was one of the first settlers of Tyrringham, Mass. His great grandfather was Col. Giles Jackson of Monterey, Mass., who was major of the first Berkshire regiment of the Massachusetts militia, and served in the Revolutionary war, being a member of the staff of General Horatio Gates at the battle of Sara- toga, and had the honor of engrossing the terms of capitulation which General Burgoyne signed upon his surrender to General Gates. His grandfather was James Jackson, physician, surgeon and farmer of Manlius, Onondaga county, New York. He was post surgeon at Sack- ett Harbor in the war of 1812. His father was Dr. James Caleb Jack- son, a sketch of whom will be found in this history. On his mother's side he was a descendant of Elder William Brewster and Gov. William Bradford of the Pilgrim Fathers, his mother being the daughter of Judge Elias Brewster of Mexico, N. Y. Born and reared until the age of seven years in the town of Peterboro, Madison county, N. Y., he then with his father went to Glen Haven, Cayuga county, where he lived until 1858, being 17 yearsof age the fall he came to Dansville. He attended school in the old brick schoolhouse under Prof. Seager, and afterwards finished his education at the Dans- ville seminary under the same teacher. He graduated from East- man's Commercial college in the spring of 1861, and became the cashier and bookkeeper of his father's institution in the month of May of that year, and the next year became superintendent and general business manager, which office he held without interruption or any interregnum until 1883, when for three years the management passed into the hands of W^illiam E. Leffingwell, under the new organization of the Sanatorium. In 1864 he married Katherine Johnson, daughter of Hon. Emerson Johnson of Sturbridge, Mass., who afterwards came to live with his son-in-law. On the death of his brother Giles E. Jack- son he became a partner in 1864 in the institution, whose business he continued to manage. In 1873 he began his medical studies, graduat- ing in the spring of 1876 from the Bellevue Hospital Medical college of New York city, and at once entered upon a professional career as 150 160 BIOGRAPHICAL his father's first assistant on the medical staff of the institution. His father's declining health gave him a leading position on the staff from 1882 onward. In the year 1888 he bought out his partners, the broth- ers Leflingwell, and became sole owner of the great institution. He, however, at once associated with himself in the ownership and man- agement of the institution Dr. Walter E. Gregory and his wife, Mrs. Helen Davis Gregory. On May 4, 1868, James Arthur Jackson was born, the ovXy son of Dr. James H. and Katherine Jackson, who early became associated with his father in the business of the institution, and was admitted to ownership and to the directorate of it in 1900. Dr. Jackson is also interested in the business and social life and en- terprise of the town, and is an active participant in all movements for its progress and development. He was admitted a member of Phoenix Lodge No. 115 F. and A. M. July 16, 1867, and in 1879 became Worship- ful Master for a term of years. He is also a member of Dansville Roval Arch Chapter No. 91. He served his time as a member of the Board of Education when the new High school was first started, and was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Dansville Cemetery Associa- tion and was the first Republican village president elected in the his- tory of the town after a pleasant rivalry with his lifelong friend, George A. Sweet, being elected only by a narrow majority of a vote or two. His residence on the corner of Health and William streets, known as '"Brightside," was occupied by him and other members of his fam- ily from the year 1870 to 1901, at which time he moved with his fam- ily into the handsome structure known as "Alta Vista," built on the grounds formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bouyon just south of the Sanatorium. Dr. Jackson is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, the Society of Colonial Wars and the Society of Mayflower Descend- ants. ^ ^^ THe Hyland Family The Hylands of Dansville were a remarkable family, now extinct. The three men — father and two sons — were striking individualities, with powerful wills, great persistence, and keen perceptions, who generally succeeded in what they undertook, and whose straight- forward honesty was proverbial. While the}- were generous to a fault in the direction of their likes, they could dislike as strongly, and never shrank from a contest because of the strength and numbers of their adversaries. Those who knew them as they were — not always as they seemed — liked them best or admired them most. George Hyland, Sr., was born in Ireland June 21, 1803, and came with his father's family to America when he was fourteen years old. They located in Toronto Canada, where the father died two years after- ward. Then the young George began the struggle of life with the determination which never failed him. He did farm work, attending school at intervals and then, from 1820 to 1824, worked at and thor- oughly learned the hatter's and furrier's trade in Toronto. In 1824 he went to Prescott, from Prescott to Ogdensburg, N. Y., and from 162 BIOGRAPHICAL Ogdensburg to Bethel, N. Y. In Bethel he attended school nearly a year working between school hours to pay his way. In May, 1829, he came to Dansville, and it became his future home. He opened a store for the sale of dry-goods, hats, caps, and furs, and this was the begin- ning of his successful business career, which continued without failure during the rest of his life. He was first a Whig in politics, but iden- tified himself with the Republican party soon after its organization, and in 1860 was elected Member of Assembl)^ after nearly a imani- mous nomination in the Republican County Convention. In 1865 he was appointed postmaster, but his free and open criticisms of Presi- dent Johnson's administration policy led to his dismissal. He was never an office seeker and never a political trimmer, but always zeal- ous for his party because he believed in it. He could make a good political speech when an occasion seemed to require one from him and it was sure to be brief, pointed and forcible like his private conversa- tion, but he did not care for such opportunities. George Hyland was rigid in his business methods and he never de- viated a hair's breadth from strict honesty, never took advantage of anyone in any transaction. He was much more generous than his neighbors supposed him to be. To needy creditors he was lenient and kind, and he distributed many private charities which were never men- tioned by himself and if the}' became known it was through the recip- ients or their friends. j\Iany recipients never knew from where their relief came. He was one of Dansville's most public spirited citizens, and did what he well could to build up the village, make it prosperous and give it a good reputation abroad. The sub-branch of the Genesee Valley Canal near the center of the village, which was invaluable dur- ing the booming decade that followed, would never have been con- structed but for his energetic efforts and unyielding will. In 1873 he erected the four-story Hyland Block with its fine stores and largest and best hotel in Livingston County. But to enumerate all that he did for Dansville and its citizens in practical, judicious and wholly unostentatious ways would fill a book. In a local, political or personal fight he was always aggressive and determined, and generally won. In 1833 George Hyland married the widow of Jacob Sholl who died about 1828. She was a daughter of Major Thomas Lemen. By Jacob Sholl she had a son, William H. Sholl, and a daughter Catharine Lemen vSholl. Both moved to Cleveland, Ohio. Catherine married Col. E. A. Scovill of Cleveland in Dansville in 1845, and their son E.T. Scovill, is now a resident of Dansville. Mrs. Hyland was a woman of lovely character, almost worshipped by her husband and children, and their domestic life was a very happy cine. George Hyland, Jr., was born December 27, 1834, and died June 12, 1896. With some of the strong traits of his father he possessed others which brought him into wider contact with the world and the refine- ments of polite society. He early acquired much legal and general business knowledge. His military career in the Civil War was bril- liant. He was commissioned as first lieutenant of Co. B. 13th N. Y. Infantry in April 1861, and was in the active and dangerous service of that fighting regiment for two years. He was soon promoted to Captain and then to Major, and last was breveted Colonel for his gal- lantry in battle. Before his enlistment he had been one of Col. T. B. BIOGRAPHICAL 103 Grant's crack militia company, the Canaseragas, and therein had ac- quired a l_^^>y II^^^^P^^V ^^^^Bw^^ N ^^^^^^^^^^^^■> ^^H^^n r ■ iK ^^H^_. . ^HB£^ \ FRANCIS M. PERINE JUOGRAPHICAL 169 famous All Healing- Spring. He always followed the farmer's occupa- tion. He was one of the charter members of the Presbyterian church, and retained his connection with it during life, or half a century. He was one of the first to identify himself with the Washingtonian tem- perance movement, and was in the habit of giving free and courageous expression to both his religious and temperance convictions. He was thoroughly conscientious and faithful to duty as he understood it in all the relations of his quiet life with church and people. He died March 9, 1883, aged 83/i years. His surviving children are Dr. F. M. Ferine of Dansville, and Thomas L. Ferine of Ohio. Dr. Francis Marion Ferine, oldest son of Peter Ferine, named for his grandfather's favorite general, was born in Dansville, March 27, 1831. He studied medicine with Dr. Endress, and graduated from the Buffalo Medical College in March, 1855. He has practiced medi- cine almost half a century — five or six years in Byersville, and the rest of the period in Dansville — with skill, prudence and success. For twenty-one years he held the office of coroner. He is a Mason, and was a high priest of the order five years. He has been a prominent and useful member of the Livingston County Historical Society from the time of its organization. He was president of the society in 1886 and is now and has been for years president of its board of councilmen. Among the local positions which he has held is that of president of the village, and member of the board of education of Dansville High School. In politics he is a republican, in religion a Presbyterian, and his pres- ent good health and undimmed faculties indicate that he will live to serve his church and country many years longer with accustomed enthusiasm and public spirit. ^* ^ WillisiTn Kramer William Kramer, a veteran of the Civil War, merchant tailor and dealer in ready made clothing and gentlemen's furnishings in Dans- ville, was born in Gettersbach, province Hessen Darmstadt, Germany, July 31, 1842. Bernhardt Kramer, father of William, received his ecUication in the schools of Germany, and learned the trade of a cooper, which he followed in his native country until 1847, when he came to America, bringing his eldest son Adam with him. He settled for a time in Dansville, and worked at his trade in the shop of his brother John on Ferine street. In 1849 he and his son Adam went to New Orleans. While there his sight became impaired and he decided to return to his family in Germany for treatment. He eventually re- covered his sight, and in 1856 came with his wife and children to Dansville where he followed his trade to the time of his death, which occurred in April, 1872, at the age of seventy-two. The maiden name of the wife of Bernhardt Kramer was Eva Eliz- abeth Freidel. She was a native of Germany and she and her husband had five children as follows; Adam, who left his father at New Orleans and went to California, and there died in 1858; Catherine, who married Louis Hess of Ottawa, 111. ; Fred, George, and William the subject <.)f this sketch. The mother died at Dansville at the age WILLIAM KRAMER r.IOCRAPHICAL 171 of seventy-three. Both she ami her husband were members of the German Lutheran church. William Kramer came to Dansville at the age of fourteen. In 1857 he entered the employ of James Krein, a grocer, as clerk, remaining three years, and then filled a like position in the employ of Milton J. Puffer, the clothier. Messrs. Kellogg & Nares purchased the stock of Mr. Puffer in 1861 and Mr. Kramer remained with them until August, 1862. His patriotism and love for his adopted country made him enlist as private in Company K, One Hundred and Thirtieth Regi- ment of New York Infantry, serving as such until the summer of 1863, when the regiment through the influence[of its Colonel, Alfred Gibbs, were mounted and united with the cavalry forces of the Potomac, and thereafter known as the First New York Dragoons. RESIDENCE. WILLIAM KRAMLR Mr. Kramer was promoted to corporal in 1862, to sergeant in 1863 and to sergeant-major in 1865. He was wounded on the 10th of May 1864, at Beaver Dam Station, Va., by a minie ball, which necessitated his confinement in a hospital for six weeks. After his discharge from the service at Cloud's Mills, Va., in July, 1865, the war being ended, he returned to Dansville and accepted a position as clerk in the clothing store of Fritz Durr, with whom he remained until the year 1872. Mr. Kramer next formed a co-partner- ship with his brother Fred, and established a clothing business in the Krein Block, under the firm name of Kramer Brothers, said firm re- maining in business until 1886. William Kramer then purchased his brother's interest, and continued the business until 1893, when he 172 BIOGRAPHICAL admitted his son Fred as a partner, the firm being now William Kramer & Son. They carry a full line of ready-made clothing and gentlemen's furnishings. A custom tailoring departnient under the management of his son Carl, is a great addition to the business. !Mr. Kramer married Margaret Huber, a native of Dansville, whose father was a farmer and came to western New York many years ago from Germany. Mrs. Kramer is the mother of six children ; namely, Mary E., who married Edward C. Schwingel, a manufacturer of the Red Star Boiler Compound, Buffalo, N. Y. , who have two children named ^Margaret and Mildred; Fred L., Carl B., William and Florine. William died at the age of eighteen, and a twin sister at the age of three months. The children were educated at the public schools of Dansville. Fred attended also the Normal school at Geneseo, and both he and Carl B. attended the business college in Rochester. Mr. Kramer is a member of Phoenix Lodge, No. 115, F. & A. M., and of Royal Arch Chapter, No. 94, Canaseraga Lodge, No. 123, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, has been Commander of Seth N. Hedges Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and officer of the day. He has been a member of the Board of Education for several years, and president of the Merchants and Farmers National Bank; he has served the public in various stations, from corporation clerk to super- visor. Having been identified with many matters of interest to the general community, besides being closely attentive to his own private affairs, he has faithfully discharged the duties of the different positions of public trust which have fallen to him, with credit both to himself and to his constituents. CKarles SHepard. Charles Shepard, leading a quiet, unobstrusive life and not widely known beyond western New York, was yet an interesting and instruct- ive character. He was born in Dansville on March 15, 1818; he died in Seattle, Washington, on September 7, 1899. All his life Dansville was his home, except a few years in his boyhood, when his widowed mother moved to Canandaigua, then the nearest seat of anything higher than a common school, to educate her children, and the last year of his life which he with his wife and daughter spent in Seattle where his sons reside. Mr. Shepard's ancestry was of Puritan New England stock on both sides. Ralph Shepard, his earliest ancestor in this country, migrated from London to Massa- chusetts Bay in 1635. When western New York was a wilderness, Joshua Shepard settled in the frontier hamlet of Dansville, and a little later in 1817 married Elizabeth Hurlbut. Her forbears had long lived in and near Saybrook, Connecticut. Her father was a Revo- lutionary soldier, and some of his relatives were victims of the "Wyoming Massacre. " Charles was the eldest child of this pioneer couple. He received an academic education, and read law in the office of the late Judge Isaac L. Endress of Dansville, where he is said to have become remarkably proficient as a legal draughtsman, but he never practiced law. The management of the family's and his own BIOGRAPHICAL 173 property, the duties of local agent for several of the older and leading fire insurance companies for many years — extending to forty- five years for the Aetna and nearly as long for the Home Insurance Com- pany of New York — and the discharge of public trusts or commissions of a non-political nature on a number of occasions, filled a large part of his active life. In his earlier manhood, although never holding important public office, he took an active part in politics, being a most ardent supporter of Henry Clay, and enjoying that great statesman's personal acquaintance. Among his reminiscences of those times was an account he used to give of hearing short speeches by Web- ster, Clay and Calhoun in the United States Senate, all on the same day — March 8, 1850, the day after Webster's famous speech which so alienated his Northern anti-slavery adherents. Mr. Shep- ard was one of the earliest, warm- est and most energetic advocates of a railroad to Dansville, and was the president of the Erie & (iene- see Valley Railroad Company from its organization and for many years. Its line from Dansville to Geneseo was built not under con- tract but by the company under his personal oversight, within the estimates, and at a remarkably low cost, even for a level line, of $3,000 a mile for the roadbed. When the movement for a Sem- inary at Dansville took shape he was the building committee and erected a substantial and worthy building at low cost. In these and in minor instances, whenever he was called on to aid or promote public interests, by purse or personal service, he illustrated the idea that not only political office but the time and means of the citizen constitute a public trust to be used in due measure for the public good. In 1846 ^Ir. Shepard married Katherine Rochester Colman, a grand- daughter of Col. Nathaniel Rochester, the founder of the beautiful city of that name, who had also at an earlier date been a resident of Dansville contemporary with Joshua Shepard. Mrs. Shepard died at Seattle jNIay 20, 1902, and her remains with those of her husband were buried in Dansville May 27. Col. Rochester built the original mill on the site of Readshaw's mill and an old stone structure now standing opposite it on the east side of Main street, Dansville, is a part of his house. It is probably the oldest building here; and Mr. Shepard's home at the corner of Main and Ferine streets, built by his father in 1823 is. except one or two, the oldest complete and inhabited house in the village. The keynote of Charles Shepard's character, both morally and men- tally, was truth. By this is not meant simply the trait of verbal truth- CHARLES SHEPARD 174 BIOGRAPHICAL fulness — the virtue of not lying, valuable though that is — but the subtler and deeper quality of innate fidelity to realities. He was the soul of honor, and would not countenance the shadow of a subterfuge or of a divided interest whereout he or anyone could draw a private benefit in any of the public enterprises or constructions he was con- cerned in. In the same way he was exact and just almost to a fault in dealing with employes or tradesmen. He abhorred shams and pre- tences in all things and persons. That was what made him so excel- lent a builder, for he would not stand any of the hollow frauds, the fair deceitful shows that hide faulty and dangerous constructions of a cer- tain kind of buildings. And in this way his work as a builder was typical of himself. His acts, opinions and words might be right or wrong, but they were the same inside as out — they showed for what thev were and thev were what thev showed. IHt bHtfARU nOMt^ltAD Without the Puritan's narrow religiosity, he had inherited his strict morality and somewhat of his intolerance of other standards or no standards. He had nothing of the easy acquiescence, the more cos- mopolitan temper which, while living by a correct enough rule itself, is not greatly concerned at the moral laxity of others. And one saw something of the stern old Roman in him too, when in vehement out- bursts he would pour out his hot indignation on the frauds and wrongs from which individuals or the community or nation suffered. His hatred of sham went so far as to make him suspicious or cynical to- wards acts or courses which proper enough within due limits might de- generate into self-seeking humbug. But this was only the defect of his quality; and something must be forgiven to one of a generation to which Carlyle had preached a holy war against the Devil of Cant and Sham. BIOGRAPHICAL 175 The mental equivalent of moral veracity is accuracy, and Charles Shepard had a most accurate mind. Nature endowed him with a re- markalile memory — quick, tenacious, ready. In a school contest he once learned in one day the Latin text of one entire book — about 800 lines — of Virgil by heart. His mother was almost as remarkable. It was very interesting to hear this bright old lady recite to her grand- children long passages from the English "classics" — theclassics which nobody now reads. She was brought up in a frontier forest, where Indian trails were the roads; but she fed on Pope, Dryden, vScott, Cowper, Milton, Shakespeare, the vSpectator, the Bible — the best prose antl best poetry ever written in the English tongue. So her son came naturally by his memory. But such powers, however striking as proofs of the stretch of the human mind, are of little worth to the pos- sessor or to others unless put to good use. A vast warehouse may be filled with rubbish as well as with costly silks. Mr. Shepard had, however, not only a capacious but a well-stored mind. Like his mother he had drunk of all the "Wells of English undefiled." He retained through his life a cultivated love for the an- cient classics and the literature sprung from them. He was, too, very fond of the modern romantic literature in fiction and poetry. A constant and omnivorous reader, except in the fields of science and art, he became literally a "walking encyclopaedia;" and so well assimilated had been his reading that he could turn at will to the page in his memory where any desired facts were inscribed. His knowledge of local history — -dates, places, events and persons — was so full and precise that he was the unappealable resort on mooted points. Never travelling abroad, he had yet roamed over the world in his library and was fond of books of travel. His mind being of the mathe- matical type, he had a very wide and exact acquaintance with geog- raphy, in names, distances, area, population, and even famous build- ings in the old world. Reading seemed to have depicted mental maps or pictures of such spots, so that he was often asked if he had not been in Europe. In the practical branches of knowledge pertain- ing to finance, transportation and manufactures, and notably in their statistics, he was well versed; and his sound judgment, as correct in the mart as in the library, made his advice valuable and much sought after. An e.xactness in his own mental processes which became impatient with others' vagueness and mistakes and merciless in probing the weak spots of an opponent's logic, was saved from declining into pedantry by the salt of humor. Mr. Shepard had a ready wit, a keen sense of the comic side of life, and an enormous fund of "good stories" and of the humorous in literature — especially of odd epitaphs and quaint tales picked up in the by-paths of reading; and being a good raconteur his conversation was very entertaining. He was ever ready, without conceit or efifort at display, to bring forth from his treasury things both "new and old," both "grave and gay," for recreation, counsel or instruction, in scjcial converse or deep debate. Such a man, while leavini^ nothing of permanent record, has yet not lived in vain, because his noble integrity, his broad and sound scholar- ship have improved and enlightened his community and left the wt)rld better than he found it. 176 BIOGRAPHICAL Cbarles E. and TKomas R. SHepard Charles E. Shepard, oldest son of Charles Shepard, was born in Dansville March 14, 1848, and was educated at Dansville, Canandaigiia and Yale, graduating from this university in 1870. He then studied law, and after admission to the bar practiced at Fond du Lac, Wis., from 1872 to 1883; at Milwaukee, Wis., from 1883 to 1891, and then moved to Seattle, Wash., M-here he still resides and has become a prominent and influential citizen. In the Democratic district of Fond du Lac, Mr. Shepard was elected as a Republican to the lower house of the Wisconsin legislature, and served during the term of 1881- 83. In Seattle he has been Library Commissioner of the city several years, and is now in his second term. In 1883 he compiled with his brother, Thomas R. Shepard, "Shepard's Wisconsin Digest." He inherited the literary tastes of his father, which, however, reach out into the wider range and variety of literature to which a thorough university training is the natural introduction. One of his published addresses is on Chief Justice John Marshall, which was delivered before the faculty and students of the L^niversity of Washington Feb. 4, 1901, and is an admirable appreciation of that great jurist. Another able paper on "Limitations of Municipal Indebtedness" was read by him at the annual meeting of the AVashington State Bar association July 10, 1900. No intelligent man can peruse these publications without recognizing the intellectual strength and discrimination of their author. Withal he is a very busy lawyer, and one whose counsel in difficult questions and cases is always worth seeking. He married Alice M. Galloway of Fond du Lac, Wis., in 1881. His brother, Thomas R. Shepard, was born in Dansville July 31, 1852, and has practiced law since 1874. He is now a member of the firm of Burke, Shepard & McGilvra, a leading law firm of Seattle, and has won distinction as a trial lawyer and advocate. He married Car- oline E. McCartney of Dansville in 1879, and she died in 1893. He has recently married again. James Caleb Jackson James Caleb Jackson was born at ilanlius, Onondaga county. New York, March 28, 1811. He came from patriotic New England lineage. On both sides he was descended from Revolutionary soldiers. His grandfather was Col. Giles Jackson who was chief of staff under Gen. Gates at the Battle of Saratoga and who had the honor of writing out and engrossing the articles of capitulation of Gen. Burgoyne and his army. The mother of Dr. Jackson was ]\Iary Ann Elderkin, descended from Col. Jedediah Elderkin of Windham, Conn., a man of more than local renown for his patriotism and military services in the war for American Independence. His name is celebrated in the ballad of "The Flight of the Frogs," familiar to all students of Connecticut historj'. Dr. Jackson was the son of Dr. James Jackson, a successful practi- tioner of medicine and surgery in Manlius and the surrounding coun- try. He served also as post surgeon and physician at Sacket Har- JAMES CALEB JACKSON 178 BIOGRAPHICAL bor in the war of 1812. It was the desire of Dr. Jackson's father that he should become a physician, but his mother's hope and prayer was that he might go as a missionary to the heathen. Frequently, when alluding to his mother's prayers for him, he maintained that they were answered, although not in the sense she anticipated. He was a stu- dious lad and at the age of twelve years was well advanced in Latin and Greek. His school education was completed at the Polytechnic Institute at Troy, N. Y. At the age of nineteen he married Lucretia Edgerton Brewster, a lineal descendant of Elder William Brewster, one of the leaders of the colonists who came over to this country in the Mayflower. She was a woman of rare Christian character and in every way worthy of her noble ancestry. The first years of their married life were spent on a farm in Mexico, New York. But the health of the young farmer proved unequal to the demands made upon it. His attention was nat- urally called to the field of medicine by the necessities of his own case, and thus early he began to read and study medical works at home. He was a public spirited man and took part in all the local afl:airs of the community. In this way was cultivated a natural gift for public speaking. While yet in his teens he espoused the temperance cause and frequently spoke at the temperance meetings held in his county and vicinity. The anti-slavery question which had begun to agitate the country interested him greatly and he became a prominent speaker in that cause. He was thus brought in contact with Gerrit Smith, through whose influence he entered the lecture field as agent of the New York State Anti-Slavery Society. During the ten following years he successfully held the positions of agent of the New York State Anti- vSlavery Society, agent of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, corresponding secretary of the American Anti-Slavery Society, editor of the Madison Co. Abolitionist, and finally editor and proprietor of the Albany Patriot. In 1S46 his health failing, he sold his paper and returned to his home in Peterboro, N. Y., where he had settled in order to be near his friend, Gerrit Smith. His continued ill health induced him, all other treatment failing, to place himself under the care of Dr. Silas O. Gleason at his institution (water cure) at Cuba, N. Y., in the fall of 1846. The improvement in his own health, and the enthusiasm for the water cure treatment as taught by Priessnitz, the great German medical reformer, led him to form a partnership with Dr. Gleason and open a water cure at Glen Haven, as he called his settlement, situated at the head of Skaneateles lake in Cayuga county, N. Y. At the end of three years Dr. Jackson purchased Dr. Gleason's interest and became the proprietor and phy- sician of the institution. He took his medical degree from the Medi- cal College in Syracuse, N. Y. , and began the career in which he be- came so renowned and successful. In 1858 he removed to Dansville, N. Y., and on the beautiful wooded "Hillside" looking westward over the picturesque valley and the distant hills encircling it, he founded The Jackson Sanatorium (giving it at that time the name of ''Our Home on the Hillside") where his field of work was widely extended. The public opening of the Hillside Home took place on October 1, 1858, and since that time the first of October has been celebrated as "Founder's Day." Dr. Jackson was always an enthusiastic promoter '"**<... 180 BIO GRA PHICA L of these anniversary celebrations, and many old-time members of the Hillside family will never forget some of these festive occasions at which he was the central figure. The founding and developing of this institution culminated Dr. Jack- son's public work. His remarkable powers of mind and spirit were devoted to the work thus inaugurated and were freely spent in the cause of health reform, which to him had become a sacred cause. As phy- sician, as lecturer, as editor of his health journal, "The Laws of Life," he vigorously prosecuted his mission and eloquently preached the gos- pel of health. In his methods of treatment he was opposed to the prevalent use of drugs. He sought by initiating normal habits of life and conformity to the laws of health to remove the causes of sickness. He placed great value upon mental and moral influences in the culti- vation of courage, hope, cheerfulness, in strengthening the will and banishing doubt and despondency, as well as upon prudence in eating, drinking and dressing and in the observance of all physiological laws. He fully believed in the power of the mental and spiritual forces to restore and preserve health, and made these forces constantly available in his professional work. The term "psycho hygiene" which he early applied to his methods of treatment, fitly expresses the idea he so suc- cessfully worked out in his practice. In 1879 Dr. Jackson's failing health obliged him to resign the re- sponsible management of the Sanatorium to his son, Dr. James H. Jackson, although he continued to hold quite active relationship to it until 1883, often counseling with the physicians and lecturing in the chapel of the Sanatorium. From 1886 to 1895 Dr. Jackson lived in North Adams, Massachusetts, with certain members of his family. Here he was free from care and intrusion. He wrote for the Laws of Life and Journal of Health, and kept up a voluminous correspondence with old friends, patients and professional and public men. He was interested in all the great political questions and other movements in the world of thought and trade. He was a delegate to the first State convention of the Republican party and a stalwart member of it till the day of his death. He frequently made visits to his old home in Dansville, renewing the scenes of his busy and successful life and cul- tivating his oldtime friendships. On one of these visits he was taken ill, and after a three weeks' illness died on July 11, 1895, in his eighty- fifth year. This remarkable man will be long remembered for the force of his character, his far seeing qualities and generous dealings as a business man, his deep religious convictions and enthusiasm, his oratorical ability of the first order, his devotion to the principles of living which he cherished; his love for and loyalty to Dansville as a place of resi- dence, and as a natural sanitarium, as well as for the wide publicity his reputation and institution gave the town. m 'v' A ■.y^:^ :^m DANIEL WEBSTER NOYES BIO GRA I 'HICA L 183 Daniel "W. Noyes Daniel Webster Noyes, whose name was associated with the practice of law in Livingston county for many years, came of good New Eng- land stock. He was born in Winchendon, Massachusetts, on the 30th day of September, 1824. His father was Samuel Noyes, an architect by profession, and a lineal descendant of Nicholas Noyes, who came from Choulderton in Wiltshire in the brig Elizabeth in 1634, and his family was originally of Norman descent. The mother of Daniel W. Noyes was Elizabeth Wales of Roxbury, Massachusetts, a daughter of Captain Jacob Wales, a staunch patriot who served in the revolution- ary war on Washington's staff. Soon after the birth of Daniel W. , their youngest child, Samuel Noyes and his wife removed to Edin- burg, Saratoga county, New York, where the boy was brought up on a farm. As a youth he went first to Galway academy and then to the Am- sterdam academy, and in these two schools he received his fitting for Union college, which was then, with Doctor Nott at its head, in its prime. From this institution he graduated with honor in the year 1847, and afterward pursued his legal studies in the law offices of Judge Belding at Amsterdam and Nicholas Hill at Albany, being admitted to the bar in 1849. In the same year he married Miss Frances C. Baldwin, then of Owasco, New York, and shortly thereafter located in Dansville, Livingston county, as a partner of Benjamin C. Cook. This association lasted but a short time, and during the next dozen years he was successively in partnership with Joseph W. Smith and Judge Solomon Hubbard. The old firm of Hubbard & Noyes contin- ued until about the time of Mr. Hubbard's election as county judge of Livingston county which caused his removal tothevillage of Geneseo. Shortly after the close of the war Mr. Noyes formed a copartner- ship with Major »Seth N. Hedges, which existed almost continuously down to the year 1878, when Mr. Noyes was appointed county judge of Livingston county by Governor Robinson, to fill the vacancy in that ofilice caused by the death of Judge Samuel D. Faulkner. During his copartnership with Major Hedges, in 1875, he was elected district at- torney of his county, running upon the Democratic ticket and overcom- ing the usually large Republican majority. His conduct of that office won for him many friends in the county and materially increased his already wide reputation as a trial lawyer. After his retirement from the office of county judge on the 1st day of January, 1879, he associated his son, Fred W. Noyes, as a partner with himself under the firm name of Noyes & Noyes. This firm con- tinued to exist until the death of the father in 1888. In his practice of the law Mr. Noyes had charge of many important and complicated cases, both in his own county and the surrounding counties, and his fame as a trial lawyer and a faithful, industrious student of the law was far more than a local one. He held no official positions which were not in line with his own professional work, and his time and energies were always devoted to his chosen profession, in which his tireless industry was .such as to impress one with the idea that his great ambition was to be a good lawyer and a safe counselor. 184 BIOGRAPHICAL Frederick W. Noyes Frederick W. Noj'es is the only son of Daniel W. Noyes. He was born in Dansville in 1852, and his home has always been here. He was educated in the Dansville seminary, the River- view Military academy at Pough- keepsie and Cornell university, where he belonged to the class of "lU^ and received the degree of Ph. D. He was one of the six members of his class elected a Phi Beta Kappa by the faculty, and before this one of the six se- lected to compete for the Wood- ford prize oration. His college secret society was the Psi Upsi- lon, into which he was initiated at Union college, and he was one of the founders of the Cornell chapter, now very strong. After leaving college he studied law in the ofifice of Noyes & Hedges, and was admitted to the bar at Rochester in October, 1878. On the first of January, 1879, he be- came a law partner of his father, and since his father's death in 1888 has continued the practice alone. Governor Flower appointed him district attorney for Livingston county in 1894 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Lubert O. Reed. He ran on the Democratic ticket the next fall for the same office, and was defeated by William Carter, and in 1896 was the Democratic candidate for county judge and defeated by Judge Coyne, Republican, both of which results he expected in so strong a Republican county. He has been a member of the Dansville board of education for about fifteen years. He is a director of the Citizens bank and president of the George Sweet Manufacturing company, and is also one of the trustees of the Pres- byterian church. Mr. Noyes is and has been absorbed in the labors of an extensive and lucrative law practice, and in this is the worthy successor of his very able father. He is a ready, forceful and eloquent public speaker. He has a liking for and appreciation of the best Eng- lish literature, and has also been a careful student of German litera- ture, regarding which his critical knowledge is uncommon for a busy American lawyer, as shown in a lecture on the subject which he has once or twice delivered. And is it not true that a lawyer is likely to be more successful in his practice if he buoys up his mind occasionally by excursions into the rich field of letters? In the year 1881 Mr. Noyes was married at Dansville, N. Y., to Miss Emma Catherine Hartman, a daughter of the late William Hart- FB.EDER1CK W. NOYES BIOGRAPHICAL 185 man of this place. Mrs. Noyes graduated at Vassar college with the class of 1880 and at the time of her marriage was a teacher of vocal music at Vassar. Mr. and Mrs. Noyes have three children, Nicholas Hartman Noyes, who graduated at Lawrenceville, N. J., Preparatory ■vf^l^ *?^^'%^-^. I ''^^%A:-"^3 ' /^SKKBL ■ --..;,•• *.'^sr ■•' U.v :*.,.'i^^ .. BIH^^^I^Bu:^ - ^ ' '^•^fflflgSKHS^^^^H ^JEi^^S^ 'j^^^wKSV ^':;^'-v^;'^^c ^SBI^^i^i^^^^^F wm^^^tgmk '^^^^- HH^^^^^aj^l^l^ ^^^/T^i ffTl flP ''- '"'Q'''9l9^^^'^'^^^w^ ^^^^ _ 1^^ H^Ji I^W .<;. -^''' '-l'^- m Li. ■'W^ i \ 2'\^r.^ .; -!- H ^ ■nTi ' -3y 1 U ^^^ ^^UJl -,— - ...-=5==—' ==«f*^ ^' RES[DENCE. F. W. NOYES School in June, 1902, and enters Cornell university this fall, Frederick Jansen Noyes and Katherine Frances Noyes, both of whom are at present students at Dansville High school. William T. Spinning AVilliam T. Spinning was one of the leading merchants and sterling characters of Dansville. He was born on a farm near Auburn, N. Y., September 20, 1820, and moved from there to West Sparta in 1847. He opened a general country store in Kysorville, and after doing busi- ness in that hamlet a few years, came to Dansville, where he engaged first in the dry goods and then in the grocery trade. Reverses came, and for some time he was employed in the stores of the Dyer Brothers and Fielder & Olney, but commenced business for himself again in 1876, with his son, William A. Spinning, and Nicholas Uhl as part- ners, the firm name being vSpinning, Uhl & Co. It prospered from the beginning, and the business grew continually. Every citizen knew that any business of which W. T. Spinning was the head would be honestly and ably conducted, without any tricks of trade or false representations, and with an intelligent and thorough attention to every essential detail. The firm knew what and how to buy and how to sell as few country merchants know, and their daily throngs of customers indicated that the people believed it. When William T. WrLLIAM T. SPINNING BIOGRAPHICAL 187 Spinning died there were not many village stores which co^ld show so laioe and desirable a variety of goods, or books which would de- monstrate so large and profitable a trade. So keen was his sense of honesty and so exact his business methods that he never used for per sonal purposes so much as one of the firm's postage stamps without placing its equivalent in the drawer. ^ .- .1 ;,-, P When the Merchants and Farmers National ''''"L^, 7^^, f '^"li, 1893 Mr. Spinning was elected its president, and filled the position until his deith-another proof of the confidence which he inspire I He ioined the Presbyterian church early in life, and remained a faitnful, consistent and useful, although never a demonstrative mem- ber. He applied his religious principles to all his P^^^.^^'^^^' ^"^1 "° one thought of accusinghim of the religious hypocrisy which scoffers oc- W. T. SPINNING. RESIDLNCE casionally insinuate or charge against not a few church members. For manv years he was one of the elders of the Presbyterian church, anJ regular in attending its services. He was never obtrusive in his opinions and seldom gave advice until it was asked for, but when he expressed his views they were worth considering. Retiring, serious and earnest though he was, he had a genial nature, a fine sense of hu- mor, and heartilv enjoyed a good joke. ,raU-.. Mr Spinning was married in Sparta 54 years ago, to Sarah W alker, who is still living. He died August 26, 1899, and it he had lived six da vs longer would have been 80 years old. The very large attendance at his funeral of sorrowing citizens showed how generally his depar- ture was mourned. They included the Odd Fellows in a body o Can- aseraga Lodge, of which he had been a member since 1849, and in which he always manifested a lively interest. BIOGRAPHICAL 189 JonatKan B. Morey Hon. Jonathan B. J\Iortv was born in Dansville, Livingston county, N. Y., November 26, 1836. His grandfather, Harcourt Morey, was a native and farmer of Dutchess county, whence he went to Schoharie county and from there to Dansville, bringing with him a wife and three children, and was one of the pioneer farmers of this section. Purciiasing a large tract of timbered land, he cleared and cultivated it, and in the course of time erected a house and barn. His final place of residence was Erie county, Pennsylvania. There on the State line he kept an inn, which was the station for the negroes from the South who were fleeing to Canada. Mr. Morey was a Whig, and in sympathy with the Abolitionists. RESIDENCE. J. B. MORtY Milton Morey, son of Harcourt and father of Jonathan, was inured to the toils of a farmer's life from his early boyhood, when he assisted in the heavy task of clearing away the dense and almost impenetrable forest growth. But his father, realizing the advantage of every man's haying a special line of work upon which to rely for a livelihood, ap- prenticed the boy to a tanner, that he might become one of the hide and leather guild. Young Milton Morey applied himself diligently to the various branches of the trade, in due time becoming both skillful and expeditious, and finally purchased the tannery which occupied the space on the corner of Main and Milton streets in Dansville, the last named street being so called in honor of him. He remained in the business a number of years, was prominent in local public affairs, being one of the incorporators of the village, and was held in high es- teem throughout the county. In 185S, after selling his tannery, Mr. Morey migrated to southern Minnesota, where he bought a large tract of timbered land twenty miles from human habitation, and for thir- teen years engaged in the lumber trade. He next went to Yankton, and, investing in land, cleared a good farm. He died in 1886, aged seventy-six years. 190 BIOGRAPHICAL Milton Morey's first wife was Eva Banihart of Daiisville, who was of German parentage and was of a family of three children. She was a member of the Methodist church, and died in 1837, leaving one child, Jonathan B. Morey, the subject of the present sketch. Her father, Frederick Barnhart, came from Germany. He was a well-read man and earned his living as a shoemaker. By his second wife, Eliza Ribbey, Mr. Morey had four children — Priscilla, Perrilla, Permilla and Daniel. Mrs. Eliza Ribbey ^lorey and the children Priscilla and Daniel are dead. After the death of his mother, little Jonathan, then an infant of ten months, was taken to live with his uncle, Jonathan Barnhart, with whom he remained until 1860. The best educational advantages that the vicinity afforded were given the boy, who was sent to the district school of the neighborhood and afterward to the Normal school in Albany in 1858. He began teaching when he was seventeen, and taught in the same district school four terms, proving both his com- petency and popularity, and after leaving Albany taught in Dansville for two years. At this time his uncle died, and the farm to which he fell heir now claimed his attention. In 1871 he formed a partnership with his brother-in-law, Mr. George A. Sweet, in the nursery business. Ten years later Mr. Morey sold out his interest to Mr. Sweet, and then was established the nursery firm of J. B. Morey & Son, who are among the largest dealers in trees in this part of the State, and have one of the finest places on Main street, the father owning also another farm in this locality. Mr. J. B. Morey's influence is felt in many di- rections, and he has been connected with both local and national poli- tics. He was the chief mover in creating Washington park — the firm of Sweet & Morey furnishing all the trees — while he, personally, paid for and superintended the grading and planting. He was also active in the work of raising money for the soldiers' monument and provid- ed for its location, inscriptions and the arrangement of its surround- ings. The first railroad and the first system of water works were urged to completion by him. In his political career Mr. Morey has displayed rare tact and keen perception, and is known far and near as one of the strongest Republicans in this section. He was elected to the Assembly of 1864 and re-elected in 1865, when there were two districts, and again in 1872 and 1876. He has been president of the village and has three times been elected trustee. He was sent as a national delegate to the convention that nominated General Grant for president the second term. In 1861 Mr. Morey was united in marriage to Miss Laura Sweet, a daughter of Mr. Sidney Sweet. Mrs. Morey is a native of ilichigan, but came with her father to Livingston county in 1841. They settled in Sparta where her father bought a saw mill. He was afterwards in- terested in the foundry works of Livingston, which he continued until he opened an exchange office known as "Sweet's." This he conducted for some time, and then founded the National Bank of Dansville. Mr. Sweet left New York State during the latter part of his life, and be- came a resident of Vineland, N. J. After three trips to Europe, he returned to Dansville and died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. !Morey was one of four children and has two brothers, George A. and Edwin T., now living. Four children have been born to Mr. and !Mrs. BIOGRAPHICAL l')l Morey. The eldest son, Edwin S. Morey, was a graduate of Hamil- ton college, and was admitted to the bar at Buffalo. After beginning to practice in Dansville he went to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he entered the law office of an uncle, and in a short time was made attor- ney for the Michigan Trust Company. From the brilliant career which seemed to lie before him he was suddenly cut off, dying of typhoid fever at 31 years of age. Fanny, their only daughter, is the wife of H. S. Chase of Huntsville, Ala. ; Jonathan B. Jr. , a graduate of the Normal college at Rochester, and Sidney S., are with their father in the nursery business. H. W. DeLongf Though a native of Mon- roe county, having been born at Honeoye Falls June 23, 1851, Mr. Herman Wells DeLong removed with his parents to this village at so early an age that he is generally con- ceded to be a native of Dansville. His father, George Wells DeLong, was born at Rich- mond, Ontario county, N. v., July 15, 1818, and there spent the first six- teen years of his life. In 1834 he removed to Hon- eoye Falls and in 1841 married Phebe Ann Os- trander, a native of that village, who still retains much of her youthful vigor and comeliness at the age of eighty-four, having cel- ebrated that anniversary of her birth on the 10th of last October. For over forty years after his arrival in Dansville in 1855, Mr. George W. DeLong was actively en- gaged in the manufacture of sash, doors and blinds. He was suc- ceeded by the Hall Manufacturing Company, the present owners of this early established and extensive business. Mr. and Mrs. DeLong celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage during 1901. Amid the refined surroundings of his home, this most worthy citi- zen is enjoying the quiet and peace to which in his later years every man is entitled who finishes a long, active career of usefulness and profit. Especially is a competence well merited when it is bestowed on one whose life has been a continued round of persistent efforts along lines of honest endeavor. H. W. DELONG 192 BIOGRAPHICAL Herman W. DeLong, possessed of many admirable traits of mind and character inherited from a long line of worthy ancestors, early ap- preciated the necessity of a liberal education to future success. He followed up the early advantage of five years in the Dansvilie semin- ary, then in the hands of most competent instructors, by spending the years 1868 end 1869 at the Canandaigua academy, a most excel- lent institution of learning. He varied his school work by acquiring practical business ideas under the competent tutelage of A. M. Ander- son and Ferine Bros., proprietors of two representative drug estab- lishments. At the comparatively youthful age of nineteen he became associated with F. J. Nelson in the drug business, this partnership being in force until 1874, when Mr. DeLong sold his interest to Mr. Nelson who is still conducting the establishment. His natural love of RESIDENCE. H. W. DELONG literature and general artistic tastes induced him to embark in the book and stationery business on September 10, 1875. Unrivalled in a prosperous field, the substantial size and scope of his business is the best evidence of his sagacity and acuteness as a man of business and his power to win and hold the confidence of the public. June 24. 1902, "Wx. DeLong assumed the editorship of the Dansvilie Breeze, on the retirement from the business of J. W. Burgess. He was married September 10, 1872, to Olive Ellen Thurber, a res- ident of Springville, Erie county, N. Y. Both of the two children, Isabel and Herman W. , reside at home. On the personal side it may be said of ^Ir. DeLong, he is widely respected for his upright charac- ter, genial temperament and engaging social qualities. BIOGRAPHICAL 193 Oscar Woodruff Oscar Woodrutf, editor and proprietor of the Dansville Express, a paper devoted to the interests of the Democratic party and the people, is prominent in the social, literar}-, political and religious life of Liv- ingston coimty, of which he is a native, having been born in Geneseo, September 17, 1839. He comes of New England antecedents. His paternal grandfather, Oliver Woodruff, an honored pioneer settler of this county, was born in Litchfield, Conn., in 1775, and when nineteen years old, entered Yale College; but a week after he enlisted in the Continental army. Having served si.\ months, he re-enlisted, and assisted in building Fort Lee on the Hudson River, which was cap- tured by the British a month after it was finished. He and others were taken prisoners, confined in New Bridewell, New York, and kept there all winter with but little food, without fire, and every window in the building broken. An exchange of prisoners took place in the spring; and. when released, thirty-three out of the thirty-five men in Mr. Woodruff's company died in one night from overeating. Oliver Woodruff" was among the original settlers of the town of Livonia, having emigrated to that town from Connecticut nearly a century ago, bringing with him his wife and seven children. He pur- chased a tract of heavil}- timbered land, which during the busy years that succeeded he converted into a fine and productive farm, where he lived until his death, at the venerable age of ninety-one years and eight months, December 24, 1845. Of his seven children that grew to adult life, nearly all attained advanced age. Sidney who married Oliver D. Stacy, lived to be ninety-seven years old, and retained her faculties to the last. Hardy lived to the age of eighty-eight years. Bushrod Washington, the father of Oscar, attained the age of eighty- seven years. Ann Sedgwick lived to the age of eighty-seven. Olive and Birdsey lived to the age of three score and ten years. vSteptoe passed away when but sixty years old. Of this family, whose lon- gevity is noticeable, all of the sons were named after military officers. The mother died while yet in the prime of life, at fifty years of age. Bushrod W. Woodruff was born in Livonia, May 26, 1806; and un- til fourteen years old he assisted in clearing and improving the home farm. Going to Geneseo, he entered the office of one of the first papers published in this county, and learned the printer's trade, re- maining there .seven years. Beginning his career as a journeyman printer, he worked at his trade and as a publisher in Geneseo and ad- jacent towns, continuing at his occupation until 1860, when he retired from active pursuits. He departed this life at Dansville in 1893, aged eighty-seven years. He had great force of character, was of a deeply religious nature, and was a conscientious member of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Woodruff's maiden name was Sally A. Rose; and she was born in the town of Bath, of which her father James Rose, was an early settler. She reared ten of the thirteen children born to her and her husband; and of these five are now living, Oscar being the eldest. She was a sincere Christian and an esteemed member of the Presby- terian church. She died August 27, 1899, at the age of eighty-five vears. OSCAB. WOODRUFF ' ' Jr;'l -I'jfl rioiflv/ 'in iliil J fi-jyjih(j -jflj lo ^' ' ,;2fiivil wofi ')-u; ■>. l''jrii'j:jjH3 nr. brir, ri Ji: .('t'xr ,TC i;ii..fi BIOGRAPHICAL 195 Oscar Woodruff received a little education in the public schools of this county, and at the age of seventeen years entered the oiilice of the newspaper he now owns, which was then known as the Dansville Herald. He became thoroughly proficient in the business of the office, following the printer's trade until 1S()1, when his patriotic spirit was aroused by the call of the President for volunteers in defense of the Union. He enlisted in the Tenth New York Cavalry, which was connected with Gregg's Cavalry Division, and, having served for three years, re-enlisted and served until the close of the war, when he re- ceived his honorable discharge at Syracuse. He actively participated in many of the battles of the war, and was three times promoted — first to the rank of second lieutenant, then to first lieutenant, and after- ward to the brevet rank of captain. Returning to civil life, Mr. Woodruff once more became a citizen of Dansville, where he has since passed the most of his time, although from 1873 until 1875 he was paymaster's clerk in the United States Navy. Having a decided in- clination toward journalism, for which he was well fitted, Mr. Wood- ruff bought the Dansville Express in 1877, and has since then devoted himself to its management It is a bright, newsy and original sheet, and has a large circulation that is by no means confined to party lines. This paper was formerly called the Dansville Herald, and was started in 1850 by E. C. Daugherty and J. C. vSprague under the firm name of E. C. Daugherty & Co., and was published in the interests of the Whig party. About January 1, 1857, it passed into the hands of the Know-Nothing party, and was under the management of E. G. Richardson & Co. for three months. In April, 1857, H. C. Page assumed control of the paper; and at the end of that year it was pur- chased by George A. Sanders, and changed to an advocate of Republi- canism. On August 1, 1865, it was sold to Frank J. Robbins and L. D. F. Poore, who on August 9, changed its name to the Dansville E.xpress, and enlarged it from a six to a seven-column paper. In October 1S70, F. J. Robbins became the sole proprietor, and further enlarged it to an eight-column paper, which he conducted in the interest of Horace Greeley until the close of that famous campaign, when he continued it as a IDemocratic journal. On June 1, 1877, the paper was bought by Oscar Woodruff and A. H. Knapp; and they conducted it in partnership until Mr. Woodruff purchased the interest of Mr. Knapp in 1882, since which period he has managed it himself, greatly increasing its circulation, and bringing it up to its present high rank among the leading newspapers of the county. Mr. Woodruff has been twice married. In 1869 he was united in wedlock to Marv Betts, daughter of John Betts, a pioneer settler of Dansville. Mrs. Mary Woodruff died in 1870; and in 1892 Mr. Wood- ruff' married Miss Nettie Carney, daughter of William G. Carney, of Sparta. Mr. Woodruff" has thoroughly identified himself with the best interests of the town and county wherein he resides, served as super- visor from 189(1 to 1895, having been chairman of the board one year. He was elected president of the village of Dansville in 1900 and was re-elected in 1901 and 1902. Politically, he is a strong advocate of the Democratic principles. Socially, he is a prominent member of Canaseraga Lodge, No. 123, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and has held every office in the lodge. He is also a member of Phoenix 196 BIOGRAPHICAL Lodge, No. 115, F. & A. M., and a charter member and one of the organizers of the Seth N. Hedges Post, G. A. R. . of which he was commander for two years, and adjutant for seven years. Henry E. Hubbard Henry Eugene Hubbard, the well known manufac- turer of pumps and well curbs, has been a resident of Dansville for over forty years, having come to this village with his parents in ISOl from Norwich, Che- nango county, N. Y. He is the eldest of three chil- dren of Henry and Lucretia (Gates) Hubbard and was born at Newport, N. H., November 4, 1852. He is descended from English stock which took root in the colonies in the early days, and who brought from their native land a name and fame which antedated the year 1000 to which the present family can trace their gene- ology. HENP.Y E. HUBBARD fjis carly education was acquired in the village schools and the Dansville Seminary. Having thus acquired a liberal education to fit him for an active busi- ness career, in 1876 he succeeded his father in the manufacture of pumps and well curbs, in which business he is still engaged with every prospect of continued success. On April 14, 1875 he married Ida D. Squires, daughter of Bryon T. Squires who for many years was one of Dansville's first and most respected citizens and lawyers and who held public office for sixteen years. Mr. Hubbard's present family consists of one son and one daughter; Katharine Eggleston and William Arthur. Katherine is a graduate of the Geneseo Normal and is now the able instructor of the Teachers training class at Haverling High School, Bath, N. Y. William resides with his parents and is fast becoming proficient as a practical jeweler, which trade he has followed for some years. Under Mr. Hubbard's watchful care and wise and prudent manage- ment, his business has rapidly extended until the territory embraced covers this and many adjoining States. He is an adherent to the Episcopal form of worship and is strongly Republican in his political beliefs. Personally he is a man of genial temperment and attractive social qualities, which are in no small way accountable for his influence at home and abroad. BIOGRAPHICAL 197 Alfred L. VanValKenbvirg Alfred L. ^'an Valkenburg, proprietor of one the largest musical establishments in western New York, now located at Dansville, N. Y., was born April 25, 1861 in the town of Wayland. Attending the district school at Groveland and later the (jeneseo Normal School, Mr. VanValkenburg laid the foundation for a successful business career b\' acquiring a thorough and liberal education. Inheriting from his father, William H. Van\'alkenburg, a desire for commercial pursuits and from his mother Rodina (Rau) Van Valkenburg, a taste for the cultivation of the mind, Alfred L. has happily combined these two heritaQ'es so that the most benefit might ultimately accrue therefrom. His first commercial venture was made ALKENBURG at Cuylerville, N. Y., where he conducted a general mercantile busi- ness until 1889, when he became the representative of the Singer Sew- ing Machine Co. In the latter capacity he was located at Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1895, he has been identified with his present business in Dansville, N. Y., which has steadih- increased under his wise and judicious management. Mr. Van\'alkenburg was married in 1883 to Miss Cora S. Johnston of Geneseo N. Y., daughter of the late Law- rence Johnston of Webster, N. Y. One boy and one girl. Earl W. and Mazie R., complete the immediate family. Mr. VanValkenburg served as postmaster at Cuylerville, N. Y., under the last Harrison administration. Aside from business, he has been identified with an unusual number of interests both social and artistic; he is the present prophet of the local order of Red Men and prominently identified with the Maccabees, the Sons of Veterans, the Odd Fellows, and Hay- makers, and the Protective Fire Company No. 1 of this village. In the prime of life, Mr. VanValkenbvirg can look forward to many years of continued prosperity, sweetened by the respect of his associates in business and social circles. 198 BIOGRAPHICAL JosepH W. Bxirgess Joseph William Burgess, as editor of the Dansville Breeze since its establishment nearly twenty years ago, has undoubtedly become as well and favorably known to most of the people of Livingston and Steuben counties as any other resident of Dansville. Shaping his early career with a shoemaker's hammer, creditable work as a me- chanic won him many friends and liberal patronage. His tastes, however, had always been of a literary character which he afterwards made manifest on his entrance into journalism. His early acquired ability to strike the nail on the head enabled him by judicious management and an unimpeachable desire for the truth, to make an immediate success of his first venture in newspaper work. His JOSEPH W. BURGESS parents, Joseph and Ann (Brettle) Burgess, are both natives of England, the former's birth occurring at Nottingham, July 31, 1824, and the latter's at Carlton, July 30, 1823. Strong-minded, warm- hearted people, they brought with them to this country a conscien- tious desire to succeed and the noble manner in which they made this possible, has ennobled the name of American citizenship. The mother died January 1, 1890. The daughters, Anna and Elizabeth, reside with their father at the homestead on Elizabeth street. Joseph W., was born January 1, 1851, at Dansville, N. Y., and with the exception of three years spent in a jMichigan lumber yard, 1876 to 1879, and the Pennsylvania oil fields, he has been a continuous resident of this village. He was educated in the district schools and BIOGRAPHICAL 199 Dansville Seniinar_v, interspersing his scholastic training with a liberal sprinkling of hard work at the bench with his father and as clerk in the postoffice. From 1880 to 1883, he was assistant editor of the Dansville Advertiser. During the latter year, he launched with the able assistance of Miller H. Fowler, a dollar a year, non- partisan, weekly newspaper, the Dansville Breeze, which has won cumulative favor by never deviating from its original firm policy. On August 21, 1873, Mr. Burgess was married to Miss Rhoda A. Shafer who was spared to him for only two years, she died Septem- ber 20, 1875. May 1, 1889, he married Miss Helen F. Sutton of Hornellsville, N. Y., who is the mother of three boys and two girls: J. Edwin, Alice A., Carl S., Robert W. and Helen L. Mr. Burgess has always been identified with the Methodist church, having been elected to the office of superintendent of the Sunday school, con- tinuously fcr twenty years. He has also taken an active part in pro- moting the efficiency of the fire department, assuming the responsi- bility of a number of offices in the Protectives Company, of which he is a charter member, and serving as chief of the department for three RESIDENCE, J. W. BURGESS years. He is a ready public speaker, and a most agreeable and cul- tured gentleman who has a host of friends and sincere admirers both in his private life and among the constituency of his newspaper. Dansville takes pride in his citizenship. June 1, 1902, jNIr. Burgess sold his interest in the Breeze to his partner Miller H. Fowler and accepted a position as advertising representative of the Instructor Publishing Company, a responsible position to which he is peculiarly well adapted. 200 BIOGRAPHICAL James H. BaKer In twenty years, Mr. James H. IBaker has so -i.,.-., Dansville became his home. MILl.tR H. FOWLtR His father Thomas M. Fowler, was a man possessed of many ad- mirable traits of mind and character, a successful politician and pro- gressive merchant. For two terms, 1872 to 1874, he represented Steuben county in the State Legislature. During his residence in Dansville, which continued to the time of his death, he was engaged in the dry goods business. The mother, whose maiden name was Harriet G. Everett, still resides here with her son, G. G. Fowler. Starting in life with priceless qualities of mind and character in- herited from a long line of worthy ancestors, Mr. Fowler followed up this advantage by securing a good business education. In addition to the public school he attended the Dansville and Genesee Wesleyan BIOGRAPHICAL seminaries. At the comparative!}' youthful age of thirteen years, he became interested in the art of printing, and a few years later opened a job printing office in Dansville. During the year 1883 he estab- lished, with Joseph W. Burgess as partner, the Dansville Breeze, which has fast developed into one of the best country weeklies in New York State, from both typographical and literary standpoints. RESIDENCE. M. H. FOWLER Mr. Fowler was married in 1885 to ]\Iinnie A. Lemen, daughter of Archibald Lemen, who was one of Dansville's oldest and most re- spected citizens. He died in 1899. Mr. Fowler is an exceedingly busy man, devoting himself heart and soul to the interest of his pa- trons and the constituency of his newspaper, preferring this method of confining his energies, to seeking prominence in social or political organizations. A son, Harold G., a student of the High school and dealer in foreign and Am.erican stamps, is the only child. BIOGRAPHICAL 223 Walter E.. Gregory WALTER E. GREGORY Walter Eugene Gregory, M. D., one of the managing physi- cians of the Jackson Sanatorium of Dansville, N. Y., was born in Reedsburg, Wis., on vSept. 18, 1857. Dr. Gregory's father, was a native of Ashtabula, Ohio, in which town Ezra Gregory, his grandfather, was also born. At the age of thirty-five Ezra moved to Wisconsin, where he lived un- til his death. He reared a family of seven children, two of whom followed the medical profession, and one was killed at Chalk Bluf?, Mo., during the Rebellion. Walter E. Gregory attended in his childhood the graded schools in Missouri, and on returning to Wisconsin, at the age of sixteen, continued his studies in the dis- trict school where he prepared for the high school course, which was completed in his twenty-first year. Failing in health in 1882 he came to The Jackson Sana- torium where twenty-five years before, his uncle, Levi Cottington, had been restored to health. Putting himself under the care of Dr. James H. Jackson, he faithfully followed the directions laid down for him, and in six months was able to engage in some light employment, from that time making himself useful wherever he was needed until after the fire of 1882, when he became superintendent in the business office. In 1886 he entered the Medical Department of the University of Buffalo, graduating in 1889 on the honor roll. In April, 1889, he married Miss Helen C. Davis, of St. Andrews, Quebec, Canada, and at once became a member of the staff of physicians at The Jackson Sanatorium. Dr. Gregory comes of a fam- ily of physicians, two of his father's brothers, and one of his mother's being well known physicians in the West. The same year Dr. and Mrs. Gregory became stockholders and directors in what was then known as Our Home Hygienic Institute, and they have since been ac- tive coadjutors of Dr. Jackson. Mrs. Gregory, as Miss Helen C. Davis, came to the Sanatorium in the autumn of '81, and in the spring of '82 became cashier, a position she held until appointed treasurer which office she now holds. Mrs. Gregory has for several years suc- cessfully conducted classes in the Delsarte system of physical culture. Cherry Knoll situated a little to the south and east of the Sanatorium is the home of Dr. Gregory. Beatrice H. Gregory is the other mem- ber of the family, the little girl making her own history _ in study in the High school in music, work and play. lUOGRAPHICAL 225 The Dyer Family The Dyer family is of old English stock. William and Mary Dyer came to America in 1620 and settled in Rhode Island. A few years after reaching their new home, William Dyer together with Roger Williams and sixteen others, formed a company, which was incor- porated, and purchased the state of Rhode Island. Mary, daughter of William Dyer, who was accused of witchcraft after she had become a Quaker, was hanged on Boston Common in the year 1660. Later some of the family moved to Vermont and among them were Elisha and Solon_Dyer who settled near Rutland. Solon Dyer had a family of twelve children; Elisha, the eldest, died in New Orleans during the cholera epidemic in 1832. Horatio, the second son, was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1805. He received a good business education in his youth and at the age of nineteen went to Warsaw, N. Y. , and took charge of the store of Augustus Frank, who had large dealings with the Indians, and was afterwards asso- ciated with Mr. Ayrault of Castile, both well known business men. In 1828, Mr. Dyer removed to Springwater, N. Y., and formed a co- partnership under the firm name of Dyer & Wells, doing a general mercantile business. After four years Mr. Dyer became sole pro- prietor and conducted the largest mercantile business in that part of the county. He was also interested in agriculture and purchased farming lands which were an additional source of profit. In 1830 Mr. Dyer was married to Electa Ann vSouthworth, daughter of Alva South- worth a prominent lawyer of Ontario county. Four children were born to them; Mary Lois, Solon Southworth, Horatio Franklin and Caroline Electa. In 1864 Mr. Dyer moved to Dansville and the fol- lowing year occurred the death of Mrs. Dyer. Having retired from active business, he still retained a keen interest in everything pertaining to it. In 1868 he purchased what is now known as the Dyer block. His mind was stored with information drawn from careful reading and he was especially interested in American history and the march of political events. His truthfulness and integrity were beyond question and his genial presence was every- where welcome. He found his chief pleasure in the tender devotion and companionship of his family where he was the trusted and be- loved counselor and guide. His death occurred November 26, 1880. Solon Southworth Dyer was born in Springwater, N. Y. , August, 30, 1835. He was educated at Temple Hill Academy, Geneseo. For some years he had charge of his father's extensive agricultural inter- ests and in 1864 became a member of the firm of Dyer, Austin & Co., dry goods merchants of Dansville. After four years of successful business he retired from that firm and formed a co-partnership with his brother Horatio F., under the firm name of Dyer Brothers. They opened a store in the block recently purchased, for the sale of dry- goods and carpets. The business has continued uninterruptedly ever since, enjoying the confidence and patronage of the people. Horatio Franklin Dyer was born in Springwater, N. Y. , May 4, 1838. He attended Lima Seminary, was graduated from the Albany Law School and admitted to practice in the State courts in 1862. The following year he was admitted to practice in the Lhiited States 228 BIOGRAPHICAL courts and was engaged in the office of Hon. Sherman S. Rogers of Buffalo. In 1868 he became one of the firm of Dyer Brothers, and in conducting the business his law e.xperience has been of great value. In 1872 he was married to Julia Elizabeth Denio, daughter of Israel Denio of Rome, N. Y., and niece of Hon. Hiram Denio, chief justice of the court of appeals of New York. Three children have been born to them; Grace Denio, Robert Franklin and Annie Louise. Mr. Dyer is a member of the board of trustees of the Presbyterian church of Dansville, and has served several terms as president of the board. He was one of the building committee who had charge of the con- struction of the present edifice. He is also a member of the board of education and a director of the Citizens Bank. The Dyer Brothers have contributed liberally of their resources towards promoting and advancing the general welfare of the town and occupy a foremost position of trust and honor both as merchants and as citizens. ^^ ^ CKarles C. VeitK Charles C. Veith, a well known pharmacist and one of Dansville's most respected citizens, has been prominently identified with the drug business in this part of Livingston county for over sixteen years. He was born at Dansville, N. Y., where he has always lived and where his many and versatile talents render him deservedly popular among all classes. His birth occurred May 10, 1865. His father, J. William Veith, was born at Baden. Landshausen, Germany, May 21 , 1839, and came to this country in 1855. His mother, Mary ^I. (Haben) Veith, was born at Dansville, N. Y., July 24, 1841. Both parents are still living. Charles C. received his early education at St. Mary's paroch- ial school and the Dansville Seminary. September 23, 1886, he en- tered into copartnership with F. D. Horton, and October 2, 1888, be- came sole proprietor of the same drug establishment. Mr. ^'eith was married in 1889 to Miss Mary vS. Kramer, daughter of John J. Kramer, a highly esteemed resident of Dansville, N. Y. She died ]\Iarch 6, 1902. after a short illness. Her bright, winning character and ever cheerful disposition attracted to her many friends, while her whole hearted devotion to the members of her family enhanced the charm of her personality. The three daughters and one son are named respect- ively: Virginia M., Katherine M., A. Doratha, and C. Benjamin. Mr. Veith has always been highly regarded by his fellow citizens, as a progressive business man and for his many engaging personal qualities which have won him many friends and admirers. He has been town auditor since 1899. His political sentiments are democrat- ic. He is an honorary member of the Protectives No. 1 fire company and is also identified with the local orders of Red Men and Macca- bees. BIOGRAPHICAL 229 Benjamin Firney ReadsKavi^ For more than three score years, the Readshavv family has been identified with the best in- terests of Dansville and repre- sentatives by this name have made it synonymous with every- thing that signifies good citizen- ship. Benjamin Firney Read- shaw, who came to Dansville in 1840, was born at Athy, County of Kildare, Ireland, February 26, 1813 and emigrated to this country with his parents at the age of twelve years. For a little while his home was at Wadding- ton, St. Lawrence county, whence he removed to Roches- ter, N. Y., where at the compar- atively youthful age of eighteen he took complete charge of Har- \ey Ely's large mill at the east i-nd of the aqueduct. Returning to Rochester in 1843, he only staid a few years when Dans- \ ille again claimed him as a citizen, and the remainder of his useful life was spent among her boundaries. As the oldest son in a large family, he was compelled at an early age to contribute to the support of his parents and growing brothers and sisters. He made the most of his scant advantages to secure an education, however, and became a good penman and accountant and well informed on all topics of interest which agitated the minds of the people of his day. Like his father, grandfather and great-grandfather, he became an adept at the milling business, and was looked up to and consulted as an authority on all subjects relating to the old style of milling. He was one of the old school and a perfect master of the art as it was then understood. He had retired from active duty as a miller when the new style or "roller process" superseded the old method of stone grinding. An exceptional and important, as well as most memorable, epoch in his career was the manufacture of cereal products for table use, and he is generally conceded to have been the pioneer in this in- dustry now being prosecuted on such a mammoth scale in all parts of the civilized world. He was married February 4, 1844, at Rochester, N. Y., to Phoebe Grant Hills of Oneida, Madison Co., N. Y., who was the mother of three sons and three daughters and who died Decem- ber 5, 1894. The following children and grandchildren are now living in Dansville: Edmund H. Readshaw, Mrs. Harriet R. Browne, Ben- jamin G. Readshaw, Alice F. Readshaw, M. Pierre Browne, Anita F. Browne. Mr. Readshaw was a strong Presbyterian by faith and en- BENJAMIN FIP.NEY READSHAW 230 BIOGRAPHICAL deavored to live strictly according to the divine law. His political sentiments caused him to become strongly affiliated with the re- publican party. A courageous, zealous, and straightforward man of business, a generous and warmhearted friend and parent, he closed a long and useful career, having completed the allotted three score and ten, but the influence of his strong personality will continue to be exerted on the present and many succeeding generations. CKarles W. Denton Charles W. Denton was born in the town of Ossian, in 1858. Mr. Denton's father, Jonas Den- ton, was born also in Ossian, of parents who were among the very first settlers of that town. His mother whose maiden name was JMary R. Wood, was born in Dansville. His father being a farmer, Mr. Denton remained at home, working on the farm summers and attending district school winters until the age eighteen, when he began attending the Dansville Seminary. Attending school during the fall term and teaching the following winter, Mr. Denton thus spent three years. After leaving school he took up farming, continued to teach winters until fifteen terms had been completed. In 1892 Mr. Denton moved from Ossian to Dansville and opened a meat market. Having conducted the market for three years, he sold it and entered the Williams & Go's large Flouring Mills, at the foot of South street, of which for the past five years he has been superintendent. Mr. Denton was married in 1883 to Jane Elizabeth Bonner of Ossian. Two children were born to them, Benjamin and Minnie, who reside with their parents. Mr. Denton, a member of the Presbyterian church of Dansville, has been an elder for the past two years. Politically a democrat, he has served as town clerk, highway commissioner and supervisor, receiving at his second election as commissioner, the highest majority ever given in Ossian. He was the first democratic supervisor of the town, after a long period of republican control. During his residence in Dans- ville, Mr. Denton has served two years on the board of village trus- tees and was recently appointed town collector to succeed James Mur- dock deceased. Fraternally, Mr. Denton is a mason ; having joined that organization at the age of twenty-one. CHARLES W. DF.NTON BIOGRAPHICAL 231 George C. Brag^don Mr. I^ragdon's residence in Dansville for about four years and the stimulus his presence and work lent to the literary atmosphere of the village, en- title him to cordial and com- mendatory record in this his- tst success- ful of local literary societies from the organization of the Dansville Polemic Society in 1811 to the present time. Mr. Bragdon was born on a farm in Oswego county, April 29, 1832, was educated in Falley Sem- inary and Union College (class of '56), and after leaving college, taught school for some years. In 1860 he was married in Oberlin, Ohio, to Miss Katherine E. Shipherd, a woman of fine literary ability, the daughter of a Congregational clergyman. A daughter and son blessed this union. The son, Claude Fayette Bragdon, has won fame as an architect and writer on architecture. In March, 1861, Mr. Bragdon commenced work in his chosen profession as editor of the Watertown Daily News. He was subsequently city editor of the Utica Morning Herald, editor and proprietor of the Adams Journal, the Ithacan, the Ithaca Journal the Watertown Post and the associate editor and pro- prietor of the Financier, the last named paper being published in New York city. All through life he has contributed to magazines and other periodicals, prose and poetry of great literary excellence, and has written some stories. Mr. Bragdon delivered the annual poem before the New York Press Association in 1872 at Watertown on the notable occasion of the visit of the Southern editors. In 1869 he wrote a com- prehensive description of the more picturesque features of the fifteen or twenty glens of the region around Ithaca, entitled Glens of Ithaca and Vicinity, which was published in the Ithacan and afterward, in part, in a guide book. He also wrote descriptive pamphlets of the Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence and rare sketches of various other parts of the Empire State. His numerous poems have been writ- GEORGE C. BB.AGDON 232 BIOGRA PHICA L ten in the intervals of a busy life. Some of them have been published in book form, some have been widely copied by the press, and a few of them may be found in recent anthologies. Mr. Bragdon has been a resident of Rochester for the past eighteen years. His latest work there has been as editor and writer of the historical compend of the Notable Men of Rochester and A'icinity, published this year. Mr. Bragdon has read widely and is conversant with the best literature. He has also enjoyed the personal acquaintance and friendship of many of the distinguished litterateurs of his da3^ His writings and his rare conversational powers reveal this intimacy, and his appreciation of and sympathy with the best and broadest minds of the past and present. James £^. Crisfield James E. Crisfield, M. D., of Dansville, a leading physician of Liv- ingston county, N. Y., was born at Lodi, Seneca county, N. Y., August 6, 1851, son of John Crisfield, a native of Queen Anne's county, Maryland. John Crisfield was born March 4, 1805, and he and his brother Edward were quite young when after the death of their father, who was an extensive slave owner, their widow^ed mother liberated the slaves, came north, and settled on a farm in Seneca county. John Crisfield married Lnvina Wamsley, who was born in Seneca county, where her father, William A., was a pioneer and farmer, and remained a resident there until his decease. She was one of a large family, and she and her husband reared five children; Gilbert, Philip, Louisa, Henrietta and James E. Dr. Crisfield's parents possessed many rare qualities, being high-minded and conscientious people, whose active lives were productive of much good. They were both members of the ^Methodist church, of which Mr. Crisfield was a trus- tee for many years. He was seventy-six at the time of his death, and his wife reached the same age. The boyhood of James E. Crisfield was passed upon his father's farm, during which time he attended the district schools. At the age of fourteen he went to Lima and attended the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, where he prepared for college, which he entered later, remaining through his junior year. The college being then removed to Syracuse, he began the study of medicine with Dr. John W. Gray, of Avon, N. Y., later entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York city, and was graduated from this famous medical school in 1873. He began the practice of his profession the same year at York, but, after remaining there three months, came directly from that place to Dansville, where he has attained a large and lucrative practice. He, is next to the oldest practitioner in Livingston county, Dr. Perine, a sketch of whose career appears elsewhere, be- ing the senior. Dr. Crisfield is a member of the New York State Medical Society, the Medical Society of Western New York and of the Livingston County Medical Society, of which he has been president. He takes an active 234 BIOGRAPHICAL interest in fraternal matters being prominently identified with the Elks, Odd Fellows, Masons, Royal Arch Chapter, and Commanderv at Hornellsville. He is also vice president of the recently organized Mill Creek and Electric Light and Power Co., and is one of the in- corporators of the Brae Burn (Solf Club. He manifests a lively in- terest in political matters, being a strong Democrat, having been a member of the county committee many years, and having served as a delegate to the State Convention, and is now a Democratic State committeeman. He has served several terms as a trustee of the village, president of the board, and four years as supervisor of the town. He was presidential elector from the district in 1892, and re- ceived the appointment of postmaster of Dansville for four years, having assumed his duties October 1, 1894. Dr. Crisfield married Miss Elizabeth Gray, and they have two chil- dren; Abbie and Louise. Dr. and Mrs. Crisfield are members of the Presbyterian church. Having always faithfully discharged his ardu- ous duties, both professional and public. Dr. Crisfield enjoys a well- earned reputation as an experienced and skillful physician, while his kindness and never failing courtesy have contributed to win for him the esteem and good will of his fellow townspeople. The accompany- ing portrait of James E. Crisfield, M. D., will be recognized and appreciated by many warm friends. RESIDENCE. DH. JAMES E. CRISFIELD BIOGRAPHICAL 235 F. A. Owen Frederick Augustus Owen was born at South Dansville, N. Y. , March 22, 1867, being the oldest boy in a family of seven children. His father was Stephen H. Owen who was of Welsh descent and a man of inventive turn of mind. His mother was Mary (Root) Owen, now Mrs. Charles P. Graves of this place, who is of English extrac- tion and a woman of strong energy and persistent character. The subject of this sketch is therefore possessed by inheritance of those qualities of character which enable him not only to devise, but to execute plans, which combined faculty so few men possess. At the age of ten years the death of his father and the humble cir- cumstances of the family compelled him to leave home and make his own way in the world. He at once engaged to a farmer for seven months at five dollars a month, and during this time of service, the distance being so great, he did not visit his home; but on the expiration of his time, he returned home and laid thirty-five dollars in crisp, new bills in his mother's lap. Mr. Owen told the writer several years ago that this was one of the happiest moments of his life. He immediately left home again and the time up to the spring of 1889 was spent in working on a farm summers and attending or teaching school winters. His education was obtained in the district schools, the Rogersville Union Seminary, the Hornellsville Academy, and the Lima Seminary. From none of these institutions was he graduated, his rather desultory course of study being confined to those subjects of a general and prac- tical nature. In the spring of 1889, Mr. Owen engaged the old Seminary build- ing at Rogersville and for two years conducted a private school. This famous old school, which at one time was classed among the best in the State, had, by the introduction of the union and Normal school systems, gradually lost its importance, and at this time no school had been held there for a number of years. In a very short time, how- ever, Mr. Owen succeeded in bringing it up to a point of efficiency where it was accorded all the privileges of the Regents. Several young men and women were fitted for teaching under his tuition. It was while organizing this private school that he conceived the idea of teach- ing by correspondence. This method of instruction in late years has become a very important factor in the American system of education, and has lately been introduced in England and on the Continent. Al- though Mr. Owen's system was antedated by the University E.xten- sion and the Chautauqua method, it was the first to correct and crit- icise the individual work of the student, and therefore entitles him to the distinction of being the pioneer in correspondence instruction. It was also from a certain few books of the old Seminary library that he obtained the theories which have influenced his career and inspired him to his life's work. Mr. Owen was married on November 28, 1889, to Nettie V. Master- man of South Dansville, from which marriage two children, Helen and Mary, were born. This marriage, on account of the extreme in- i:ompatibility of the two temperaments, proved to be an unfortunate one, and after a few years of unhappy domestic life, by mutual agree- ment a legal separation was efliected, Mrs. Owen and the two children ^^fels. /^ iyi, (^A^cj^-iL^^^^^ BIOGRAPHICAL 237 moving to Rochester which city has since been her home. As a re- sult of this domestic difficulty and of overwork, Mr. Owen's health completely failed, and in the fall of 1898 he relinquished all busi- ness care and responsibility for a period of two years. In April, 1900, his health having been regained, he again assumed the manage- ment of the Instructor Publishing Company, which enterprise was in- stituted by him at South Dansville, N. Y., in 1889, and which through his efforts has grown to its present proportions, without the aid of capital and in the face of the strongest competition. A more extend- ed sketch of this enterprise will be found elsewhere in this book. On September 27, 1900, he was married to Miss Grace Fenstermacher, w-ho is descended from one of Dansville's oldest and most respected families, and their domestic life though simple is a most happy one. As a business man, Mr. Owen possesses a strong power for organiz- ing and getting results from his employes. In fact he attributes his RESIDENCE, F. A. OWEN success largely to his discrimination in choosing his assistants and inspiring them with his ideas and purposes. The high character of the Instructor Publishing Company's employes as a whole is generally commented upon, and the relations existing among them, as well as those between employer and employe, are decidedly agreeable. Besides being the president and general manager of the Instructor Publishing Company, Mr. Owen is a director and officer in the Worden Brothers Monument Mfg. Co., and took an active part in the recent incorporation of that company. His latest enterprise was the organizing of the Mill Creek Electric Light and Power Company, a corporation composed of a number of Dansville's most substantial citi- zens for the purpose of exploiting the water power of Mill Creek for electric lighting and power purposes. This stream at Dansville's 238 BIOGRAPHICAL very door has a fall of five hundred feet over a course of three miles and IS capable of producing about nine hundred horsepower It was Mr Owen s idea to pipe the stream from its source to the foot of the hiJl and convert its tremendous force into electric power For this purpose the company was formed and contracts have alreadv been com- pleted with the village for lighting the streets and with most of the leading industries who wish to use the cheaper power. It is hoped that the cheap power which this scheme makes possible will induce manv incipient manufacturing enterprises to locate here where perhaps all the power needed by each for years to come can be secured over a single wire. The utilization of this splendid water power has been the subiect of serious thought on Mr. Owen's part for a number of vears and when Its feasibility had once been pointed out it was so apparent that It was a cause of wonder that it had not been discovered before. The plant in all probability will be in running order by Auoust 1 190". I he discovery and turning to account of this impoilant natural power which had been going to waste for so manv vears is onlv another proof of Mr. Owen's ability to see an opporlunitv and turn it to some useful end.— C7c'«//-//;///(y//?j' y. L. Wellington. ' "Walter Julius BeecKer In 1806 Par.son Beecher, a young man of the town of Salem (now Waugatuck), Connecticut, joined the ranks of the many from that sec- tion looking for homes in "the West," and came to New York state the Catskill and Ithaca Turnpike was then being laid out and he followed the proposed line of that road as far as Chenango county, there he purchased two hundred acres of land, lying high on the hills between the Chenango and vSu.squehanna rivers, in the present town ot Coventry, and near where a neighbor from Connecticut had already located. He returned home and in januarv, 1808, married Maro-aret Porter. This Parson Beecher was descended from the first of that name and family in America, who came with the Puritan colonv which found- ed JSew Haven in lf,38. His wife, also, was from one of t'he old families ot the young commonwealth. Her father was Truman Porter, record- ed as a major in the Revolutionarv war and later a member of the Connecticut Assembly. The eldest son of this union and father ot the subject of this sketch, was Julius Porter Beecher, born October -4, 1808. In the spring of 1809, with his young wife and child Parson Beecher removed to his new home. He had previously in ISO/, made another trip there, cleared land, planted crops and built a house. This house was the only frame structure for many miles along the Catskill turnpike, which soon became an important artery ot travel, and was for a long time used for church, town meetings and other gatherings. In this house Walter J. Beecher was born Septem- ber 10. 18^5. His mother was Sarah Ann Stewart, born in Greenwich Washington county, N. Y., of the Scotch-Irish people numerously settled there. Julius Beecher, in addition to farming— he having taken the old home on the death of his father was a drover— and coun- BIOGRAPHICAL 239 try merchant. As drover he made trips into Ohio, gathering up large herds of cattle and taking them through on foot to the New York market. This route led through the southern tier of counties of western New York. He thus became acquainted with that section, and being attracted by the apparent advantages offered by Wellsville, in Allegany county, as a business point under the impetus given it by the completion of the Erie railroad, he removed to ll &t vill: gtinl8S9, engaging in lumbering, milling and trade. He died there in 1887, and his wife in 1891. In that village the subject of this sketch passed his youth and school days, taking advantage of the educational facilities offered there. The course of study was not so advanced but that he was able to finish the school in the summer of 1870, before he was fifteen years old, hav- ing added somewhat to the branches taught by attending classes with an outside tutor. Later in that same year Mr. Beecher went to Lin- coln, Nebraska, not to seek his fortune, but for the purpose of attending school. An older brother had a short time before located in that new city where the State L^niversity was situated though not yet in operation. It opened its doors in the fall of 1871, and Mr. Beecher was a student during the first year of its existence. Circumstances compelled him to give up school just as he was about to commence the second year, and though this was thought to be only temporary, it proved to be his last experience in the schoolroom. He then spent several months as clerk in a dry goods store in Lincoln, and returned to his home in Wellsville in 1873. In accordance with his plans he entered the office of the Wellsville "Times" to learn the printing trade, and enjoyed all the varied experi- ences that go with the position of "printer's devil." In 1874 the "Times" was consolidated with the "Allegany County Reporter," with a stock company formed for its publication and in which Mr. Beecher was advanced to an official position, gaining business experi- ence and throwing on him considerable responsibility. The business was purchased by Enos W. Barnes in 1875. Mr. Beecher remained with the "Reporter" until 1883, performing the varied duties which belong to the foreman, office manager and assistant editor of a busy village paper. The "Daily Reporter" was established in 1881 and added to these duties measurably. In January, 1883, Mr. Beecher, in company with the late William J. Glenn, then a printer in the "Reporter" office, purchased the "Patriot" at Cuba, N. Y., forming the firm of Beecher & Glenn. Mr. Beecher was editor of the "Patriot" for four years. During that pe- riod the paper increased largely in circulation and influence and took a first place among the newspapers of the county. Always a Republi- can and interested in public affairs, Mr. Beecher found congenial work in the advocacy of Republican principles and the support of Republi- can policies and candidates. In 1887 he sold his interest in the "Patriot." It was with no intention of quitting newspaper work that this move was made, but to take advantage of opportunities which seemed to be opening in a somewhat broader field. These failed to materialize and Mr. Beecher, having spent fourteen years in a print- ing office, was willing to take up less exacting work. For three years he was interested in life insurance, traveling over a portion of western WALTER J. BEECHER BIOGRAPHICAL 241 New York, having, with a partner, the general agency of the Equitable Life at Elmira. Desiring to re-locate at his old home in Wellsville, where his mother still lived, he entered in 1890 the employ of the Empire Novelty Company, manufacturers of advertising novelties, installing and conducting their extensive printing plant. In 1892 he came to Dansville to attend to the advertising of the E. M. Parmelee Medical Co., at that time manufacturers of proprietary articles, and was connected with that and its successor, the Parmelee Drug Company, imtil its business was moved from Dansville in July, 1897. In the meantime the "Normal Instructor" was growing into vigorous proportions and was about to move into its new building and install a printing plant. Mr. Beecher entered the employ of the Teachers Improvement Company, its then pub- lishers, in November, 189(). In November, 1898, he purchased an interest in the Company and on the incorpora- tion of the Instructor Publishing Company in August, 1899, became its treasurer. He is at present vice president of the company and editor of its publica- tions. He is also one of the incorporators and directors of the newly organized Mill Creek Electric Light and Power Co. Mr. Beecher m.nrried in September, 1898, Elizabeth C. Hoyt of West Pittston, Pa., and they have one child, Robert Hoyt Beecher. Their home is corner of Seward and Cottage streets. Mr. Beecher is a Presbyterian in his church relations, a Republican in politics, a member of the Masonic fraternity, of the Union Hose Club, of the Maccabees, and a trustee of the Dansville Public Library. RESIDENCE. WALTER J. BEECHER 242 BIOGRAPHICAL Winfield Scott Oberdorf WINFIELD SCOTT OBERDORF Win field Scott Oberdorf was born ill tills village on January 12, 1861. lie is a son of JMr. and ^Irs. Peter Ji>lin Oberdorf. His early life was s|icnt alternately between the farm of his grandfather and the village of Dansville. At fourteen he entered the office of the Dansville Advertiser to learn the printer's trade, where he remained three and one-half years. In the latter part of his apprentice- ship he prepared for entrance to the Geneseo vState Normal School, the money he had saved contributing toward his school expenses. Although during the four years from 1878 to 1882 he was absent from school twenty weeks or more for the purpose of teaching, besides being engaged, during vacations, teaching or work- ing to pay expenses, he completed the four years' classical course with his class in the spring of 1882, and within a year after being graduated, repaid the money that he had been obliged to borrow. Before his senior year at school had closed, he being then twenty- one years of age, he was offered the editorship of the Livingston Republican, a paper published at the county seat, and having at that time the largest circulation in the county. This was accepted, and his editorial work began soon after the commencement exercises in June. In a little less than two years a copartnership interest in the Dansville Advertiser was tendered to him by A. O. Bunnell, in whose employ he had learned his trade. Accordingly, on March 1, 1884, Dansville again became his home. Becoming identified with various local organizations, he progressed from secretary of Union Hose Company, one of the best associations of the kind in the State, to foreman, and to Chief Engineer of the whole fire department; from scene supporter in the C)dd Fellows to Past Grand, and through vari- ous positions of other societies. He is a member of Phoenix Lodge, F. & A. M., and a Presbyterian. In June, 18'Jl he attended for the first time a State encampment of the Sons of Veterans. That same summer he went to Minneapolis as one of five delegates representing this State at the National encampment ; and next June at the State encampment in Amsterdam he was elected without opposition to the highest place in the gift of that body, Commander of all the camps in the State. This year the order had a most successful career, the membership in the State reaching a point never before and never since attained. The gold cross of the order was conferred upon him for meritorious service by the next National encampment. BIOGRAPHICAL 243 RESIDENCE OF W. S. OBERDORF, CORNER SEWARD AND CLINTON STREETS Mr. Oberdorf was a journalist of the progressive school, productive of ideas, which he turned to the very best account — a live editor of a live newspaper. He has fine oratorical talent, and has made a wide reputation as both a political and after-dinner speaker. A Republi- can in politics, and always active in promoting the interests of that party, he first appeared as a campaign speaker in 1888, when he went on the stump for Benjamin Harrison. In 1893 he was Memorial Day orator at Utica, having that year received no less than fifteen in- vitations to deliver memorial addresses. Thoroughly in earnest in whatever he says, brimming with ideas and talking for a purpose, he impresses himself upon others by the irresistible logic of fact and argument rather than by the use of honeyed words or florid rhetorical phrases. He never tries in speech simply to amuse or entertain, but to interest, edify and inspire. In the spring of 1896 his health failed, compelling absolute absten- tion from business. In September, 1897, his health still impaired, he decided to sever all business cares, selling his interest in the Dansville Advertiser to his partner. Recovering, he was married September 27, 1899, to Miss Katherine Angell Hall eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hall of Dansville, and on the death of John Hyland, February following, he was employed by E. T. Scovill, residuary legatee under the will of Mr. Hyland, as his agent for the estate, which position he now holds. As a business man Mr. Oberdorf aims to be exact, thorough and progressive. He is never content with things as they are, but insists upon a steady advance along the whole line. He possesses excellent 244 BIOGRAPHICAL executive ability, and is conscientious in the discharge of the duties of any position which he has gained or accepted, whether the work be gratuitous or remunerative. A man of positive convictions and irrepressible industry, and a staunch friend of all who struggle to rise, he has not only fairly won his way to his present position of wide influence and great responsi- bility, but his interest and his example have proved a help and an in- spiration to many young men with whom he has come in contact. £^ £^ CKarles Frederick Snyder Charles Frederick Snyder, princi- pal and proprietor of the American Correspondence Normal and a high- ly esteemed resident of Dansville, was born in the town of Spring- water, X. Y., July 7. 1867. He is the son of Jacob and Julia (Bevins) ^^^^ Snyder who recently celebrated the j|i|^^ .jfl^^^B sixtieth anniversary of their mar- «^H|^ ' ^^^^^H '''^S^- ^^'^- Snyder is the youngest ^^^^ ^^^^^^ of a family of nine boys and one girl. Seven of the sons are still living. He spent the early years of his life on the farm where his par- ents still reside and in the hardy environment of an agricultural community acquired a spirit of in- dependence which has enabled him to attain unaided in a compara- tively few years, an important position in the business world. After he had become possessed of a district school education, he spent several terms at the Geneseo Nor- mal, alternating his years devoted to study by teaching school. In all he spent over five years in this occupation, as principal of the school at Springwater and at South Dansville. While teaching at the latter place in 1891, he became interested in the Correspondence school then being conducted in that village, and the following year purchased the business and moved its headquarters to Dansville where he has since been located. The history of this school is a most interesting one and will be found elsewhere in this work. On January 8, 1896, he was married at vSouth Dansville to Miss Ede Marv Kuder of that town. Four children have blessed this union; Wilson F., J. Eloise, Edith M., and Theodore R. Mr. .Snyder is an active and prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Dansville and is now serving his third term as its financial secretary and as chairman of the board of trustees. In these official capacities he has displayed rare acumen in the CHARLES FREDERICK SNYDER BIOGRAPHICAL 245 discharge of the many duties which have devolved upon him, and has aided greatly in making possible the splendid and flourishing con- dition which that church now enjoys. In politics he is a republican. Mr. Snyder is a man of culture and refinement whose long associa- tion with his school has brought him in touch with thousands of in- telligent and earnest workers, and in aiding them, he has strength- ened his own purpose in life. A man of genial temperament, progres- sive ideas and upright character, he has advanced his own interests along lines of usefulness and profit by which the community as a whole has been benefitted. RESIDENCE, CHARLES F. SNYDER 246 BIOGRAPHICAL Newton Burtron GorHam NE-Wfu\ liUKIKUN bUKllAM Newton B. Gorham, attor- ney and counselor at law in this village, is a son of Rev. Jason B. Gorham who was for some years pastor of the Methodist church at Byers- ville, this county. The father, for a good many years re- sided at Geneseo, N. Y., and is now a resident of The Dalles, Oregon. Mr. Gorham was educated at the district and Normal schools of Gen- eseo and lived there most of his life before coming to Dansville in 1898. He is a graduate of the Georgetown University School of Law, Washington, D. C, and has been practicing law for si.x vears. BiograpKical Allusions BiograpHical Allusions Dr. James C. Jackson Dr. James C. Jackson is referred to in other parts of this history, as the wise founder of the Jackson Sanatorium. He was born in Onondaga county m 1811, r'K.' and died in 1895. He was one of the ^,'. orisjinal anti-slavery orators, in 1842 cor- ■--^ responding secretary of the American Anti-Slavery Society, and for a time edited the Madison County Abolitionist, which advocated emancipation of the ^ slaves. He came to Dansville in 1858, .1, I and something of what he accomplished ' here is elsewhere stated. His observation ^ was keen, his mind original, with re- markably clear intuitions, which guided him more than precedents. His resources of knowledge and thought seemed exhaustless, and his published writings and public addresses would, if collected, fill many large volumes. He was a magnetic and convincing speaker, and a most genial and friendly companion. Modern Dansville is more indebted to him than to any other man. He died July 11, 1895, in his 85th year, and his funeral was held from Brightside July 13. His son. Dr. James H. Jackson, now the head of the Sanatorium, received his father's mantle of power and popularity, and is as progressive in his day as his father was in his. He speaks to his frequent audiences at the Sanatorium and in the village with somewhat less fluency than his gifted father, but has been a close student of books and men, thinks for himself, discriminates keenly between the false and true, theory and fact, and his addresses are re- plete with suggestive wisdom which is often so condensed as to seem like strings of aphorisms. _^ Dr. Harriet M. Austin Dr. Harriet N. Austin was born in Connecticut in 1825, and died in North Adams, Mass., April 27, 1891. She moved to Moravia, this state with her parents when but two years old, and there grew to womanhood. She studied medicine, began practice in 1852 in the Glen Haven water cure, under Dr. James C. Jackson and was his associate physician for thirty years at Glen Haven and Dansville insti- tutions. When Our Home on the Hillside was opened in 1858 she be- came a partner in the business, and remained such until the institution was burned in 1882, when she retired from professional practice, and afterward made her home at North Adams, Mass. Dr. Austin was very popular wnth both patients and citizens on account of her lovely, even-tempered character, varied knowledge and unfailing tact. For many years she was one of the editors of the Laws of Life, the valu- able health magazine of Our Home. 249 250 BIOGRA PHICA L ALL USIONS Emerson Johnson A well remembered and highly esteemed citizen of Dansville was Emerson Johnson, who was prominently identified with the business management of Our Home on the Hillside and the Sanatorium from 1866 until the year of his death, 1896. He was born in Sturbridge, Mass. Aug. 11, 1812. He was elected to the house of the jMassachu- setts legislature in 1861, and to the senate in 1865. His one vote first sent to the U. S. Senate Charles Sumner, he being elected by a majority of only one. He married ^liss Hannah Arnold in 1838, who died in 1844. A surviving daughter is Dr. Kate J. Jackson, wife of Dr. James H. Jackson of the Sanatorium. Air. Johnson married for his second wife Miss Fanny L. Brown, a woman of fine literary ability who survives him with one daughter, Mrs. William K. Smalley. Mr. Johnson was a very intelligent man, of sound judgment and kindly nature. Both he and Mrs. Johnson were for some years valued members of Coterie, aiding in the best work of its earlier days by their regular attendance and thorough preparation in sub- jects assigned to them, and show'ng in what they did and said care- ful and thoughtful readings of the best authors. Air. Johnson died Alay 2, 1896^ Dr. James Faulkner One of Dansville's strongest characters was Dr. James Faulkner, who was born in AVashington county in 17'*0 and died in 1884 aged nearly ninety- five years. He came to Dans- ville with his father and mother, Air. and Mrs. Samuel Faulkner, in the last decade of the 18th century. He studied medicine and surgery, practiced awhile here, and then engaged in other business. He purchased a paper mill and a large tract of land about 1815, and these were the foundation of the large fortune which he left to his children. His business energy and sagacity were mani- fested in many ways, and his will power was extraordinary, like George Hyland's, with whom he often came in conflict in local and political matters. He was elected supervisor in 1815, member of assembly in 1824, and state senator in 1842. Because of this last office he re- signed the position of judge of the court of common pleas, to which he had been appointed by Governor Marcy in 1835. In the war of 1812 BIOGRAPHICAL ALLUSIONS 251 he was on the staff of Gen. McClure, and went with him to the north- ern frontier. He was the selected president of the First National Bank of Dansville when it started in 1864, and retained the position until he died. He was as skillful in politics and legislation as in business, and his mastery ot men was remarkable. For a long time after he passed his ninetieth year he walked the streets with erect car- riage and elastic step. Of seven children but one survives, James Faulkner of Dansville. who took his seat as member of the state assembly Jan. 4, 1875, just fifty years to a day after his father had taken his seat in the same body, and drew the same seat, number 'J'*, coincidences worthy of record. Hon. Samuel D. Faulkner Hon. vSamuel D. Faulkner, son of Dr. James Faulkner, died August •*, 1878, aged nearly forty-three years. He was a graduate of Yale College. After his admission to the bar in 18b0 he practiced law for awhile in partnership with Solomon Hubbard. He was elected supervisor in 1863 and 1864, member of assembly in 1S(>5, county judge and surrogate in 1871 and 1877, each time on the democratic ticket. His logical mind was furnished with a wide range of information, and he was a thorough lawyer, a good speaker, and an able, impartial judge. He was dignified yet urbane, and always an interesting conversationalist. Sidney Sweet Sidney Sweet was born in Connecticut in 1800. He came to Liv- ingston county in 1841, and for some time conducted a machine shop at Cumminsville. In 184';* he and Endress Faulkner established a private bank at Dansville with the firm name of Sidney Sweet & Co. After Endress Faulkner died Dr. James Faulkner became a partner, and later Barna S. Chapin. Mr. Sweet retired from active lausiness about the time the Civil war closed, and spent much of the rest of his life in travel, making several trips to Europe and also visiting Eg)pt, Asia and the Sandwich Islands. He was supervisor of the town four years and state senator in 1856-7. He was a well-read man of rare intelligence and admirable domestic and social qualities, and his busi- ness ability was shown by his success. He died August 31, 1887, aged seventy-eight. Hon. Isaac L. Endress Hon. Isaac L. Endress died January 22, 187<), in the sixtieth year of his age. His father was a Lutheran clergyman of Lancaster, Pa., and sent his son to Dickinson college. Pa., where he was educated. He commenced the practice of law in Rochester and in 1832 moved from that city to Dansville, where he practiced, a part of the time as partner of John A. VanDerlip. until his death. He was appointed one of the judges of this county in 184U by Governor Seward, and the ap- pointment was confirmed by the senate. He was a republican presi- dential elector in 1856, a member of the State Constitutional con- vention later, and in 1868 was a delegate to the national republican convention. He was also several times a member of Republican state committee. In both public and private life he was faithful to his convictions, kind, courteous and honorable. He was one of the lead- ing citizens of Dansville for over thirty years. 252 BIOGRA PHICA L A L L US IONS Judge John Ji. VanDerlip Judge John A. A'anDerlip, who died April 14, 1894, aged seventy- six, was a graduate of Union college, class of 1838, and studied law in Troy. He came to Dansville in 1842, and practiced law here until his death, a part of the time with Isaac L. Endress, for eighteen years with Joseph W. Smith, two years with his son now of Minne- apolis, and several years without a partner. He was postmaster from 1858 to 1861. He was a prominent Mason and a charter mem- ber of Canaseraga lodge I. O. O. F. . instituted in 1844. He was prominent in the organization of St. Peter's Episcopal church, and a regular attendant at its services. Probably Dansville never had an abler or more conscientious lawyer than Judge VanDerlip. To com- prehensive knowledge of the law were added clear convictions of right and wrong, the solid judgment of a liberal and judicial mind, with quick discernment of the false in sophistries and subtleties, and ability in argument or brief to state his case in the most convincing language. Other characteristics were quiet, unaffected manners, and courtesy to all in both social and professional life. In 1853 he mar- ried ]\Iiss Anna Day, who survives him. Jlrchelaus Stevens Archelaus Stevens became a resident of Ithaca N. Y., in 1821. wheie he engaged in farming and teaching for a few years, and afterwards was partner in a paper mill firm. In 1834 he assisted Lyman Cobb in in- troducing his scho(.)l books — the Speller, Expositor and Primer — in the vicinitv of New York City. In 1836 he moved to Dansville and opened a printing office and book bindery, and com- menced publishing for Mr. Cobb the books which he had been introducing. He erected a three-story brick building in 1839 and the Second Presbyterian society held their services in its second story for three years, and in 1846 he built another three-story brick building. In 1842 he and his eldest son, G. W. Stevens, published the Dansville Whig. The paper finally passed into the latter's possession and the name was changed to Western New Yorker, and was edited by Rev. John N. Hubbard, author of the Life of Major VanCampen. In 1850 the father moved to New York city, and lived there eleven years, return- ing in 1861 to Dansville, where he died in 1876. He was the publisher /uo(;ka phica l a li. l s/oxs 253 in Dansville of various other books besides the Cobb school books, including the Life of VanCampen, copies of the original edition of which are now rare and valuable. It was bound in his bindery in tree calf. It appears that he was an uncommonly enterprising publisher and citizen, and esteemed for his Christian virtues as well as business ability. Job C. Hedges Almost at the beginning of a brilliant professional career, Job C. Hedges, stirred by patriotic enthusiasm, helped recruit the famous fighting 13th regiment of the Civil war, and went with it to the front. He became its adjutant, and was never remiss in military duty while connected with it. When this two years regiment was discharged he aided Col. E. G. Marshall in recruiting the 14th Heavy Artillery, and after having participated in seven hard-fought battles was in- stantly killed June 17, 1864, while gallantly leading his men before Petersburg. He was several times commended by his superior officers for his ability and courage, and died gloriously. Dansville citizens were proud of him, and paid unusual tributes to his memory. Major Hedges was born in New York June 12, 1835. After completing his education at Princeton college, he studied law in Rochester, was admitted to the bar in 1858, practiced in Rochester and New York for a time, and then, at the solicitation of friends, moved to Dansville. Here he found the promise of great success in his profession, Init the war came and his country was dearer to him than professional suc- cess. Several times he prophetically said that he did not expect to survive the struggle. Hon. job E. Hedges of New York is his only child, and worthy of his parentage. He graduated at Princeton col- lege and the Columbia law school, and soon commenced the practice of law in New York. He has been prominent in State and municipal politics, was Mayor Strong's private secretary, and by him was ap- pointed municipal judge. This important and lucrative office he re- signed long before the close of his term, because he preferred legal practice. He is now special attorney-general for the state in New York. Seth N. Hedges, a brother of Major Hedges, died Aug. 27, 1881, aged forty-two. He was born in Dansville and his home was always here, He served in the 13th infantry and 14th heavy artillery during the civil war, afterward studied law, and engaged in practice, at first with D. W. Noyes, and then by himself. He was an able and successful lawyer and a popular citizen. President Grant appointed him post- master in 186'J, and he held the ofifice four years. Another brother is Paul I. Hedges, who went west long ago, and is now a leading lawyer in Whitehall, Mich. Robert C. Brown A unique, interesting and distinguished character is tiiat '.>f Robert C. Brown. Although he was born in Cohocton, Steuben county, in 1842, he is proudly claimed as a Dansville product, for he came here before he was two years old and got his start here as follows: First money earned driving cows, ringing auction bells, selling papers and driving on the canal. After a short season with the Shakers he re- turned home and in a Dansville printing office under the tender care 254 BIGORAPHICAL ALLl'SIOXS of H. L. Rann, "Capt. Digby" and A. (J. Bunnell ripened so rapidly that he graduated at eleven years of age by disappearing in the boot of a stage to Wayland when sent after a pitcher of water. Thus he swung out into the great world beyond the rim of hills which enclose this valley and began life anew, reappearing first in a lumber camp in Wisconsin wilds, where he was caught and caged in school for a short time, only to escape with some Indian mail carriers, and finally enlist- ing in the U. S. regular armv in 1861, and after two years gallant service returning to Dansville to bring that pitcher of water. Then "Bob" drifted into New York city where he has literally grown up with the big city, honored and beloved — prospering physically, financially and socially, as such an original, enterprising, great-hearted, honor- able man deserves to prosper. His family consists of a wife and two daughters. lieuben Whiteman Very plain and simple in his manner and speech and life was Reu- ben Whiteman, grandson of Jacob Whiteman, a native of Prussia who came to America at the age of four years, and was a stout American soldier throughout the revolutionary war. Reuben Whiteman came from Wayland to Dansville in 1851 and died in 1888 a prominent citizen and a wealthy man. He acquired much real estate in this vicinity and took advantage of lumbering and canal forwarding, but in later years acquired the bulk of his property in timber lands of the great West. In keeping track of the details of his large business he relied less on account books than on his remarkable memorv. Of his family, his wife and two children, ^Irs. Clara J. Gibbs and Alonzo J. Whiteman survive. "Huge" Fred Decker "Huge" Fred Decker known as the "Ossian Baby." was born in Os- sian, lived a few years in Dansville, and was often seen here from child- hood, until his death. He was the most picturesque figure ever seen on our streets. He died about fifteen years ago aged about fifty. In his prime he was seven feet two and one-half inches tall, with broad shoulders and large muscular limbs. He had the strength of four or five average men, partly acquired in logging and saw-mill tending, which were the principal occupations of his life. Many stories are told about his Samsonian strength. One of them is, that he separated two bullies who were fighting, and held them by the shoulders at arms' length kicking in the air. If a loaded wagon got stuck in the mud he would easily lift it out. He would lift the ends of large logs while men at the other ends worked with levers. He once jumped twelve feet on a level to win a bet. He was invited to try a lifting machine war- ranted by its owner against any man's muscle and his lift ruined it. He once had a hand grip here with the Arabian giant, several inches taller than himself, and made him cry quits. Barnum got wind of him, and secured him for his New York museum at a large salary: but after a few months he got tired of being stared at and felt of, and bolted for home. When he left the cars at Dansville, adorned with uniform and brass buttons, a long procession of boys and girls followed him through the streets. Afterward he went with a travel- BIOGRAPHICAL ALLUSIONS 255 ing show two or three years, but he preferred the saw mill and log lifting. He was a grave, kindly nv.ui, slow to anger, but a terror when thoroughly aroused. Lester Bradner Lester Bradner died at the residence of his .son-in-law Lauren C. Woodruff, in the city of Buffalo. Aug. 18, 1872, in his eighty-second year. Horn in Oneida county, as a citizen of Dansville he bore a conspicuous part in the settlement and business of the Genesee valley for more than half a century, his extensive and successful mercantile operations covering the counties of Livingston, Allegany and Wy- oming. In 1842 he was elected president of the bank of Dansville, wiiich position he held till his death. Charles J. Bissell Charles J. Bissell, now quite near the head of the Rochester bar, where he located as a lawyer in 1889, practiced eighteen years in Dansville, and won laurels in this county early in his professional career, which began in 1871. He has conducted many important liti- gations, and done much business for wealthy corporations, in which he has been exceptionally skillful and successful. In Rochester he is regarded by the bar as one of the best of trial lawyers, both in the examination of witnesses and in addresses to juries. He has delivered various talks and lectures in Rochester in response to flattering in- vitations, and because of his fluency and ready wit, has several times been selected for toast-master at public banquets. Benjamin F. Harwood Benjamin F. Harwood was born in Steuben county in 181'), studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1839, and located in Dansville the same year. Here he mixed a good deal of politics with his law prac- tice, and his ability in both was apparent, but the former interfered somewhat with the latter. In 1848 he was chosen a presidential elector, and in 1855 was elected clerk of the Court of Appeals, but died the next year while in office. Russell F. Hicks Russell F. Hicks died at his residence near vSyracuse August 23, 1869, in his sixtieth year. He had been a resident of Dansville, where he was a teacher many years. He was elected clerk of the Court of Appeals on the Republican ticket in 1856, to fill the place made vacant by the death of Benjamin F. Harwood. He was a fine scholar, an eloquent speaker and a courteous gentleman. In Albany he became a center of political influence, and his rooms were often thronged with the politicians of his party. He was known best in Dansville as an admirable teacher of select and district schools. Col. Timothy B. Grant Col. Timothy B. Grant came to Dansville from Rochester in 1846 and became a partner of Merritt H. Brown in the hardware business. The partnership was dissolved in 1870, and Col. Grant continued the business till 1887, when he sold out. He was town clerk twentv vears 256 BIOGRAPHICAL ALLVSIOXS and for a time was secretary and treasurer for the George Sweet Manufacturing Co. He was a member of the famous inilitary com- pany known as Union Grays while in Rochester, and in Dansville was captain and drill-master of the Canaseragas, as elsewhere stated in detail. His uniformly cheerful, and almost exuberant nature was inspiring. He was a special favorite, and seemed to have no enemies. He was born on the banks of the Hudson Aug. 2, 1819, and died here Oct. 15, 1899. Moses S. George Moses S. George, who was a veteran of the war of 1812, and long a resident of Dansville, died at Bluff Point, Keuka Lake, Sept. 8, 1881, aged eighty-six. He carried an Indian bullet in his thigh over three- score years, and when it came to the surface cut it out himself. He was a zealous and prominent member of the Methodist church, . and the father of the distinguished Methodist clergyman, Rev. Dr. A. C. George, and the well-known educator, Mrs. Susan George Jones. Dr. George, who died in 1885 at Englewood, 111., was the president of the first board of trustees of the Dansville Seminary, when in 1858 the successful movement was started to build the brick seminary building on the hillside. He was one of the ablest preachers in the Methodist church, and there was a prospect at one time that he would be chosen bishop. He was also a fine, strong writer, and contributed many articles to the papers and magazines. Mrs. S. M. Clapp, his sister, was a talented and successful teacher. Mrs. Jones, a half sister, was preceptress of the Dansville seminary several years, and became a very useful and popular teacher. Her lovely character, charming personality, and rare conversational gifts attached hosts of friends to her wherever she lived. In her later years she filled important po- sitions as preceptress at Hackettsiown, N. J., Baltimore, Md., and Auburndale, JNIass. She died in Rochester daring her vacation time, .September 15, 1898, aged about sixty years, being then preceptress of the celebrated Lasell seminary for ladies at Auburndale, under C. C Bragdon, its owner and principal, who said of her that she was the noblest woman and best manager of young women that he ever knew. Her only son Lewis Bunnell Jones, is the eft'ective advertising man- ager of the Eastman Kodak works of Rochester. E. C. Daugherty E. C. Daugherty is remembered and honored in Dansville for his consistent Christian character and uncommon ability as a printer and editor. He learned his trade in Buffalo, and graduated as one of the swiftest and most skillful printers in that city. He came to Dansville, and started the Dansville Herald in May, 1850, and published it four years, winning general confidence and esteem. Then he went to Rockford, 111., where he started the Rockford Register in February, 1854. By hard and conscientious labor he gradually raised the paper to wide-spread influence and financial success, but in doing so sapped the fountains of life. He went to Jacksonville, Fla., to improve his health, and died there February 19, 1868, aged forty-five. BIOGRAPHICAL AIJ.USIONS 257 Merritt H. Brotvn jNIerritt H. Brown was born in Vermont in 1806 and died in Dans- ville in 1S()4. He came here with his parents in 1818, and after he grew to manhood was a leading hardware merchant and manufacturer for over thirty-five years. He was one of the potent characters of Dansville — self-reliant, strong-willed, public-spirited, kindly, gener- ous, with attractive social qualities. He was one of the leaders of the crowd that opened the berm bank which separated the sub-branch from the Genesee valley canal, elsewhere described, and participated vigorously and effectively in the fight of that local episode. The fol- lowing data regarding him are furnished by R. W. French of Chicago who obtained them from Dr. Hovey of Rochester. He engaged in the hardware trade here in 1834. T. B. Grant became his partner in 1846. He and George Sweet united in starting the business of G. Sweet & Co., at Cumminsville in 1854. Was appointed postmaster by President Pierce. The firm of M. H. Brown & Son was formed in 1859, and the firm of Brown & Grant was re-established in 1860, M. H. Brown retiring in favor of T. B. Grant. Engaged in the grocery trade with B. W. French in 1863. Mr. Brown's daughter Martha be- came the wife of B. W. French, above mentioned, who was for several years one of the best business men of Dansville, and has been so fre- quent a visitor here since that he has not become a stranger. Long ago he moved from Dansville to Chicago, where he became one of the prominent insurance men of the city and of the great West. His re- gard for his old home and old friends is kept fresh in his big heart and his genial nature and broad intelligence are such that they are always glad to have him come and sorry to see him go. He has an ideal family of one daughter and four sons. (Mr. French died in Chi- cago, August 23, 1902.) John F. Babcock John F. Babcock died at Asbury Park, N. J., May 2, 1902, aged seventy-seven. He learned the printing trade with A. Stevens in Dansville, and went from here to New York in 1844. There he was foreman and private secretary for Morris & Willis, publishers of the Home Journal. He moved to New Jersey in 1852, and was connected with the New Brunswick Fredonian for many years, the most of the time as part owner and editor. Among the responsible positions which he afterward held were those of secretary of the New Jersey senate and one of the commission to revise the state constitution. He was one of the founders of the New Jersey Editorial association and its secretary for twenty-one years. He was influential as a re- publican in New Jersey politics, and also as a member of various so- cieties. He always retained his love for Dansville. Jilexander Edwards Alexander Edwards, who died Octob,er 16, 1900, aged seventy-eight, was a descendant of the great divine, Jonathan Edwards. He was born in Bath, came to Dansville in 1844, and was in the dry goods business with Matthew McCartney until the great fire of 1854. After- ward he held a number of local official positions, and in his later years 258 BIO GRA PHICA L ALLL 'SIONS was superintendent and treasurer of the Dansville Cemetery asso- ciation. He was married to Miss Elizabeth McCurdy in 1849, and they celebrated their golden wedding in 1899. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and worthily filled his place in religious and secular life. He was the father of James M. Edwards, cashier of the Merchants and Farmers bank, and Mrs. Elizabeth E. Sweet. B. W. Woodruff B. W. Woodruff, father of Oscar Wood- ruff of the Dansville Express, died Sept. 30, 1S93, in his eighty-eighth year. He was born in Livonia, and commenced learning the printer's trade in Geneseo in 1821. In 1834 he was publisher of the Livingston Journal of Geneseo. He came to Dansville to reside in 1850. His golden wedding was celebrated in 1884. A genial companion and a good man. Rowley Patterson Rowley Patterson, known as '"the astronomer of Poag's Hole," died January 20, 1893, at an advanced age. He watched the night skies through a $500 telescope, and constructed some B. w. WOODRUFF curious theories about man and his re- lation to the planets and moons, whicn he claimed were based on Bible teachings. He was entirely sincere, and some of his theories were remarkable, to say the least. David D. Mc^air David D. McNair, who died January S, 1892, aged seventy-eight, was born in Sparta, and came to Dansville as early as 1836. Later he was connected with the Bank of Dansville, and for a long period previous to the failure of the Woodruff Paper Co., was its treasurer and business manager. He was also loan agent for the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York. He was considered one of our ablest business men, and his transactions gave him a wide acquaintance. He was one of the leading members of the Presbyterian church. His son Clarence I. McNair is a prominent paper maker at Cloquet, Minn. Dennis Bunnell Dennis Bunnell, father of A. O., and Major Mark J. Bunnell, died July 2, 1885, in his seventy-ninth year. He was respected by his acquaintances for his unassuming sincerity and earnest convictions, and beloved by his family for his aft"ectionate and loyal domestic nature. He was an ardent whig and then republican and through the papers kept in close touch with political events. It was largely owing to his persistent efforts that the excrescences on the public square were removed, and it became a source of pride instead of shame to the village. BIOGRA PHICA L ALLl 'S/ONS 259 Benjamin C. Cook Benjamin C. Cook was born in Herkimer county in 1799, was edu- cated at Fairfield seminary, and studied law in the office of Judge Crippen of Cooperstown. He was admitted to the bar in 1823, and practiced in Cohocton until 1829, when he changed his residence to Dansville, where he resided until about 1854, and then with his family went to Marshall, Mich. He was a well-read and careful lawyer, very industrious, and attended faithfully to all interests entrusted to him. His professional work in Marshall was cut short by paralysis of the brain, and returning to Steuben county he died there in 1856. He has been characterized as "a man of orderly habits, sound morals and strict integrity." His two brothers, Paul C, and Constant Cook were prominent in the business and politics of Steuben county many years. 1^, ■ W —^ 1 f -.A «. -Mma ■ iifiii!^! m ijl^^H THE COOK RESIDENCE John MclVhorter John McWhorter lived in Dansville from 1804 until his death, March 1, 1880. He was a steady, practical man well liked by his acquaintances, and an interesting talker about the early times. He was four years old when his father, the first agent of Sir William Pultney, moved here from Bath. 2f)0 BIOGRA PHICA L A LL US IONS HENRY C. SEDGWICK Henry C. Sedgwick Henry vSedgwick, who wrote many interesting communications of local historical reminiscences for the Advertiser, and who once published a historical- pamphlet about Dansville, died March 31, 1892, a;^ed sixty-six. He was clerk in the Dansville post office or deputy postmaster nearly all theyearsfrom 1846 until hisdeath. He was a quiet, kindly, happy man, who loved his fellowmen and the fields and woods and glens. Judge David McCartney Judge David McCartney died at his home in Sterling, III., March 18, 1887, aged seventy- nine years. He was born on the old i\IcCartney place north of the village, and about half a century ago was one of the successful merchants of Dansville. He went to Sterling about thirty-five years before his death, became an honored member of the Illinois bar, and was three times elected county judge. He was a brother of James, Hugh and Matthew McCartney and father of Mrs. A. L. Parker now residing in Dansville. L. B. Proctor L. B. Proctor, for thirty years a Dansville lawyer, died in Albany April 1, 1900, aged seventy-seven years. He was author of the Bench and Bar of New York, Lives of the Chancellors of the State, Life and Times of Thomas Addis Emmett, and many biographical sketches. F"or thirteen years he served as secretary of the State Bar association. He was a graceful writer, and skillful in the choice of words from his abundant vocabulary. Martin L. Davis Martin L. Davis, an eccentric but intelligent resident of Dansville for a long period, died September 4, 1899, aged seventy-six. He was a man of many original schemes, and one of them was for congress to make an appropriation for drilling test holes all over the country to ascertain its mineral wealth. He was one of eight sons of Abner Davis, only one of whom survives, Lewis L. Davis of New York city. Edward S. Palmes Edward S. Palmes died in St. Paul February 2(>. 1891, aged seventy- nine. The most of his life was spent in Dansville, where he was a merchant tailor and an influential elder of the Presbyterian church. Humorous remarks flowed spontaneously from his lips. BIOGRA PHICA L A L L [ 'S/OXS 2(,1 GEOKGE SWEET George Sweet George Sweet died June 19, 1894, in his seventy-sixth year. He was a skilled practical mechanic and in- ventor, and for many years was the head of the George Sweet Manu- facturing Co. He invented the first horse-power corn sheller in ()nondaga county, when very young, and in Dansville invented valuable agricultural machinery and appliances. His integrity, intelli- gence and sound judgment were recognized by all his neighbors. Prof. David L. Kiehle Prof. David L. Kiehle and Rev. Amos A. Kiehle, D. D., natives of Dansville, went west many years ago. and have distinguished themselves, one as an educator and the other as a clergyman. David L. was state superintendent of public instruction in Minnesota for twelve years, and resigned to accept a position in the State university at Minneapolis, where he has now been professor of pedagogy fourteen years. Dr. A. A. is one of the leading Presbyterian divines of Wisconsin, and has been pastor of Calvary church, Milwaukee, twenty-one years. Both brothers are graduates of Hamilton college, New York. lipbert S. Faulkner Robert S. Faulkner came to Dansville from Steuben county, and became a merchant. He was a Presbyterian and a careful student of the Bible. His Bible readings led him to draw a plan of Solomon's temple, which was lithographed and had a large sale. He also pre- pared an elaborate address on the three Jewish temples, and delivered it to interested audiences in various places. He married Miss Eliza- beth L. Todd, and they celebrated their golden wedding in 1882. Air. Faulkner died October 7, 1886, aged seventy-seven. John Goundry John Goundry moved to Dansville from Sparta about 1840, and be- came a merchant in partnership with Charles R. Kern. Seven years later he purchased the McCartney farm north of the village, and re- sided there about thirty years, or until his death, Oct. 18, 1889. Be- fore coming to Dansville he dealt in lumber, and afterward quite ex- tensively in real estate. He was uniformly successful in business enterprises, and left a large property. I^ussell Day Russell Day, father of Mrs. John A. VanDerlip, died in 1864 in his seventy-third year. His residence on the site of the present Maxwell block is remembered by the older citizens. He was a shrewd man full of humor, and was prominent in Dansville's early life. 262 nrOGRA PHICA L A LL US IONS James Ki^ng James King, the oldest man in this region and for over half a century a well known and prosperous resi- dent of Poag's Hole valley, was born in Mayo, Ireland, in 1810. After living some time m England, he emi- grated to America and set- tled near Dansville in 1852. A daughter and son are still living: Mrs. Fred Freyner, and Charles King of Buffalo. Mr. King is an active old gentleman and quite as ready to play a joke on other people as they are on him. l^ev. John J. Brown Rev. John J. Brown, LL. D., who was a teacher in Dansville Seminary on the hillside in its early years, and highly esteemed as citizen and educator, became a valued professor of sciences in Syracuse university for many years from the date of its opening. There he was greatly beloved by both students and professors. He was a learned scientist, a clear reasoner, a useful instructor and an interest- ing lecturer, unmarred by egotism or pretension. He was recognized as a much greater man than he estimated himself to be. His wife was a daughter of Rev. John Wiley of Springwater. John Belts John Betts came to Dansville from Buffalo in 1830, and was in the boot, shoe and tanning business here until a few years before his death, June 7, 1887, at the age of eighty-seven. He was a member of the Buffalo Historical society, and his retentive memory made his remin- iscences very interesting. He was on the first steamer that plied on Lake Erie when it was launched in 1817. As militiaman he assisted in driving the English from Grand Island in 1819, in obedience to a proclamation of (Governor Clinton. Joseph W. Smith Joseph W. Smith, long associated with Judge Vanderlip as law partner, came to Dansville from Bath in 1842, and died here in 1876, aged fifty-five. He married a daughter of Dr. William H. Reynale. He was a very capable trial lawyer, and a popular citizen. BIOGRAPHICAL ALLUSIONS 263 Solomon Hubbard Solomon Hubbard was born in Schoharie county in 1817, lived in Mayville, Chautauqua county, from the age of two to seventeen, and then went to Buffalo to seek his fortune. There he learned the printer's trade, saved some money, went to Lima to school, and graduated from the Genesee Wesleyan seminary in 1839. He then studied law in Buffalo, was admitted to the bar in 1844, came to Dansville, and practiced law here with conspicuous success for twenty years. In 18(>3 he was elected county judge on the republican ticket, and the next year moved to Geneseo, which became his permanent home. I-[e was an early advocate of temperance, an abolitionist be- fore he was a republican, and became one of the most prominent Methodists of the county. In rugged honesty and native talent, Mr. Hubbard was of the Lincoln type. He was public spirited and greatly interested in education. He helped to establish both the Dans- ville seminary and the Geneseo Normal school. He built up a large legal practice in Geneseo, and served a second term as county judge. His wife was a daughter of Rev. Robert Parker, a famous pioneer Methodist preacher of Western New York. Judge Hubbard died June 25, l')02. James S. Murdock James S. Murdock was born November 28, 1817, and died May If), 1902. There has been no more familiar figure on Dansville streets than he was for nearly a quarter of a cen- tury. He did hard work as a stage driver and drayman in his earlier manhood, and ex- hibited such qualities that his fellow citizens finally in 1858 began to elect him to office, and kept it up for forty-four years, during which period he was constable and collector continuously. He was so faithful, courageous and cor- rect in the performance of his official duties, and the voters knew him so well, that no one could defeat him at the polls. He has also held the positions of deputy sheriff and chief of police. He was the oldest living member of Canaseraga lodge I. O. O. F., when he died, and had held the office of Noble Grand three terms and that of Deputy Grand Master for Livingston county two years. He was also a Mason, and had been Master of Phoenix lodge and High Priest of the Royal Arch. The esteem in which he was held was deserved. 264 BIOGRA PHICA L A LL USIONS Mrs. Mary ^oyes Colvin Mrs. Mary Noyes Colvin, oldest daughter of Daniel W. Noyes, is a woman of rare gifts and accomplishments. She was educated at Mt. Holyoke Female college, Mass., and became an educator, commencing in Milwaukee Female seminary, next going to Worcester, Mass., and then to the State Normal school of Geneseo, where she was precep- tress. Resolving to obtain a broader culture, she went to the Zurich university, Switzerland, and there graduated with the degree of Ph. D., siiiiniia cum landa — the highest degree of the kind that had ever been conferred by that university. Then she spent two years in the Paris library, translating the Provencal French for the Old English Text Society, which published her translations in book form. A committee went across the water and induced her to leave Europe and take charge of the Bryn Mawr school in Baltimore, where she re- mained four or five years. Being offered the chair of Philology, with special reference to the Romance languages, in the Cleveland, O., Woman's college, she spent a year in Spain and Italy preparing for the position. She held it three or four years, when she and Mrs. Delafield bought the famous Hersey school in Boston, Mass., which they still own and conduct. Mrs. Colvin's varied literary attain- ments include a thorough knowledge of five or six languages. Erhard Rau One of the largest landholders in the county for over a half century and a man who reared to manhood and womanhood a family of sixteen children was lirhard Rau. He died Decem- ber 6, 1885 at the age of ninety- seven years. He was born in Northampton county, Pa., Sept. .>, 1788, and came v.-ith his wife and ten children to reside in Dansville in 1822. For two years he ran a tavern in the village and then moved to Sparta where he lived until his death. At one time he possessed over 1,500 acres of land which was later di- vided among his sons and daugh- ters. Fifteen of the children married and have descendants living. One child when a boy of fifteen years, was killed by the falling of a tree. Mrs. Sally Ann Traxler and Mrs. Mary vStong of vSparta and Mrs. Susan Johns of Dansville are the daughters who still survive, and Hiram of Springwater, Owen of Wayland, and David E. of Dansville, are the sons who are still living. John, another son, recently deceased. BIOGRA PHICA L ALU 'SIGNS 265 was a resident of South Dansville. The descendants of Erhard Rau are estimated to be over 3U0 strong. Daddy Rau, as he was familiarly called, is remembered as a man possessed of many admirable traits of character and was one of the liardy pioneers of Dansville. FOURTEEN OF ERHARD RAU'S CHILDREN Samuel Wilson Samuel Wilson was born in 1801 in Pennsylvania, and learned both bJacksmithing and the saddler's trade in that state. He came to Dansville in 1826, and opened a saddler and harness shop. He mar- ried in 1829, and the same year put up a frame building where the Hedges block now is. Mr. Wilson was one of the earliest members of our ( )dd I'ellows lodge, and an influential Methodist, his home being usually the hospitable stopping place of presiding elders and other clergymen from abroad. He was one of the California "forty niners," but lived in Dansville the most of the time till 1856, when he went to Buffalo, where he died in 1893 widely esteemed and be- loved. The surviving members of the family are two daughters. Misses Cordelia M., and Mary M. Wilson of Batavia. Col. S. W. Smith Col. S. W. Smith, w'ho came to Dansville in 1818 at the age of twenty, died August 23, 1S69. He had been a prominent merchant and was elected member of assembly in 1832. John Wilkinson John Wilkinson died April 20, 1884, aged seventy-six. He was a good lawyer and for a long time justice of the peace, and possessed sterling qualities for which he was universally esteemed. 266 BIOGRA PHICA L ALL US IONS JOSEPH LtlTER Joseph Letter Joseph Leiter, noted for his eccentricities and ready wit — the oddest man in Dansville — died June 30, 1898. He was born in Hagerstown, Md., Dec. 12, 1797, and was therefore over one hun- dred years old. George IV. Clark George W. Clark resided a long time in Dansville. He had been famous as an abolitionist singer, musical composer and speaker, and also as a temperance singer and lecturer. He published three (ir four books of songs. He died in Battle Creek, Mich., Jan- uary 14, 1899, aged seventy- eight. Gusfav Seyfforth Gustav Seyfforth, a distinguished scholar and Egyptologist, lived in Dansville a number of years during the seventies and early eighties, and established a school where he gave instruction on Main street in the building now occupied by S. C. Allen. He had been a universitv professor in Leipsic, and was succeeded there by George Ebers, the Egyptologist and novelist. He went to New York from Dansville, and died there in 1886, aged eighty-nine. In a masterh- article by Ebers, published in the Journal of the German Oriental society in 1887, he finds Prof. Seyfforth entitled to the honor of being the first discoverer of the polyphone hieroglyphics, and of a very important constituent of the hieroglyphic system, namely, the syllable signs. Prof. Sevfforth also did important work on the so-called king papvrus of Turin. Joseph I^nappenberg Joseph Knappenberg was two years old when he came to Dansville vvitli his parents in 181)9 from Catawissa, Pa. They found seven log houses here, one of which they rented for a home, and locjked out up- on a wilderness on every side. They journeyed here in two covered wagons, and it took them two weeks. They drove two cows and four pigs, strained the milk night and morning into the churn, made the motion of the wagon do the churning, and fed the buttermilk to the pigs. Mr. Knappenberg died Feb. 20, 1885. Shepard Jones Shepard Jones died Dec. 1, 1882, in his seventy-first year. He was in the cabinet trade here for many years, and built a brick block on Upper Main street. He was for many years superintendent of Green- mount cemetery. JUOGKA PHICAL ALLUSIONS 267 Lockwood L. Doty Lockwood L. Doty was born in Groveland March 15, 1827. He came to Dansville when about 14 years old and found em- ployment in stores and the postoffice for six or seven years. Soon after leav- ing Dansville he was a law student in the office of Mr. John Young of Gene- seo; was appointed canal appraiser by Gov. Young; served as deputy state treasurer under Treasurer Albert Hunt and Treas- urer Spaulding; secretary and treasurer of the La Crosse & Milwaukee rail- road company ; chief clerk in the executive depart- ment under Gov. E. D. Morgan ; private secretary of Gov. Morgan in his second term which in- cluded the exciting period of the call to arms in 1861 ; private secretary under Gov. Seymour; chief of the bureau of military records; deputy collector of customs in New York city; private secretary of U. S. Senator Morgan; assessor of internal revenue in New York city; editor and proprietor of the Livingston Republican ; pension agent of New York city, where he literally died at his post Jan. 18, 1873. The world of valu- able work conscientiously, tirelessly performed by Col. Doty in these various positions is immeasurable, almost astounding, and through it all he bore his labors so cheerfully, so uprightly that he won the praise of all parties, with a spotless integrity unquestioned. In the midst of his most arduous work Col. Doty wrote a large portion of his admir- able History of Livingston County, to which he gave the best ener- gies of a trained mind and conscientious devotion to the highest inter- ests of his native county. This work, most painstaking and exhaust- ive, was continued until the pencil dropped from fingers palsied by death. As Christian, patriot, husband, father, brother, his forty-six years of noble, useful life made the world better and happier. He died in Jersey City Jan. 18, 1873, of pulmonary disease, aggravated undoubtedly, by too close and constant devotion to his work. Mr. Doty left five children, viz: Alvah H., Lockwood R., Martha A., Mary Louise and Edwin M. Edwin died about ten years ago. Alvah is now C(jmpleting his second term as health officer of the port of New LOCKWOOD L. DOTY 268 BIOGRAPHICAL ALLVSIOXS York, in which he has greatly distinguished himself and made notable scientific advances in the performance of the duties of the office. Hon. Lockwood R. Doty, a leading lawyer at Genesee in Livingston county, was an active member of the last constitutional convention. Martha is the wife of E. Fred Youngs, surrogate clerk of Livingston county, and Louise, the wife of Eugene W. Scheffer, secretary of the New York city board of health. vSons and daughters in their work and life are honoring the memory of their distinguished father. Matthew McCartney Matthew McCartney was born in a part of Sparta which now be- longs to North Dansville Oct. 18, 1815, and died in Dansville Jan. 17, 1900. His father was William McCartney, a man of fine English ancestry, who came here with Col. Williamson, and was the first man married in Dansville. The most of Matthew McCartney's active life was spent in mercantile trade in this village, where he was always re- spected and popular, and one of the influential citizens in village af- fairs and movements for the public good. He was a reading man, a thinker, and always more of a leader than follower. He was positive but genial in the expression of his views, which were often novel and interesting. In manner and spirit he was a gentleman of the old school, and his infinite humor, untainted by bitterness, made him a delightful companion. He served as village trustee many terms, sometimes as president of the village, and was a trustee of the Dansville seminary from the time it was founded in 1857. His religious views were liberal, but he attended and supported the Presbyterian church, and was baptized into its faith a short time before his death. He endured his sufferings patiently, even cheerfully, during his long last illness. He is survived by his wife and only daughter Mrs. Ellen i\I. Peltier. Olney B. Maxwell Olney B. Ma.xwell was prominently identified with the business in- terests of Dansville for over thirty years, and built its largest and best business block in 1873. He was public spirited and generous, with attractive social qualities, and his friends were so numerous that they could not easily be counted. He died July 18, 1875. Mrs. George A. Sweet of Dansville and Mrs. }Ienry C. Taft of Oakland, Cal., are his daughters. Benedict Bagley Benedict Bagley died Nov, 4, 187S, aged seventy-five. He practiced law in Nunda, N. Y. , and Covington, Ky. In 1860 he came to Dans- ville, where he was manager of the Woodruff paper mills until his death, and as such demonstrated his business abilitv. BIOGRAPHICAL ALLUSIONS 269 Dansuille Physicians A Dansville physician has kindly furnished brief sketches of the most of the former and present physicians of the village. We con- dense: Dr. Jonathan Sill was the ne.xt Dansville physician after Dr. James Faulkner, but remained only about a year, moving to Geneseo, where he died in 1807. The third was Dr. Sholl, who came in 1808 and practiced here until the year of his death, 1821. Dr. Willis F. Clark came from Utica in 1813, made his permanent residence here, and died October 5, 1858. Dr. Josiah Clark practiced here several years from about 1820 and then moved to Livonia. Dr. L. N. Cook first practiced in Livonia and Richmond Hill, and moved to Dansville in 1818, where he practiced till 1824, when he went to Ohio. He re- turned in 1831, and remained until his death in 1868. Dr. William H. Reynale, who died August 7, 1870, in his seventy-seventh year, was born in New Jersey, and came to Dansville the first time in 1814. He graduated from the Medical university of Pennsylvania, and prac- ticed awhile in Eaton, Pa., and next in Hartland, Niagara county. From Hartland he came to Dansville to remain permanently, and was called its leading physician. Dr. Samuel L. Endress came to Dans- ville from Pennsylvania in 1828, and was for some time associated with Dr. Reynale, to whom he was hardly second in skill or reputation. Both were not less esteemed as citizens than as physicians. Dr. Endress died Feb. 24, 1871, aged nearly 67. Dr. George W. Shepherd was a resident of Dansville over half a century, and commenced prac- tice here as a physician in 1846. He obtained the most of his medical education in Charleston, S. C. He w^as an elder of the Presbyterian church and superintendent of its Sunday school many years. He was born in Albany and died in Dansville in 1897, aged eighty-one. Edward S. Shepherd, his youngest son, is a prominent business man in Chicago. Dr. Edw. W. Patchin practiced in Sparta four years, then a year in Livonia, and came to Dansville in 1843, where he prac- ticed imtil 1869, and died October 20 of that year. He was a success- ful physician and safe counselor. Dr. B. L. Hovey practiced in Dansville from 1842 till the beginning of the Civil war. He was then appointed surgeon of the 136th regiment, and remained in the army until the close of the war, when he moved to Rochester, where he now resides. Dr. Zara H. Blake, born in Livonia, commenced the study of medicine in Dansville with Dr. Endress in 1840, and gradu- ated from the Buffalo Medical university in 1847. He began and con- tinued his practice in Dansville until the Civil war, when he was ap- pointed examining surgeon on the provost marshal's staff of this dis- trict, afterward resuming practice here, where he was one of the leading physicians and accumulated wealth. He died in 1888. Dr. George M. Blake, his son, graduated from the medical department of Ann Arbor university, but, after practicing a few years studied law, and went to Rockford, 111., where he has achieved distinction in his second profession. Miss Josephine Blake, his daughter, also graduated in medicine from Ann Arbor university, and practiced a short time. Dr. Davis of the Thompsonian school, came in 1846, and had an ex- tended practice. His nephew, Dr. George Davis, succeeded him, and the' nephew's successor was Dr. Ripley. Dr. Asahel Yale and Dr. Alonzo Cressy were practitioners here in 1829, and probably later. 270 BIOGRAPHICAL AILl'SIOXS Dr. \'elder, a native of Austria, who studied medicine in the best schools of Vienna, came to Dansville about 1850, and moved in 1807 to Elmira, where he died. Dr. J. M. Blakesley located in Dansville in 1859, and practiced here about eight years. He was succeeded by Dr. Isaac Dix. Both belonged to the Homeopathic school. Dr. Dix was succeeded by Dr. B. P. Andrews, who has had a large and grow- ing practice from that time to the present. Dr. Charles W. Brown graduated from the Hahnemann Medical school of Chicago in 1873, came to Dansville in 1877, and practiced here a few years. Dr. S. L. Ellis came to Dansville from Lima about 1871, and after building up a fine practice brought his medical career to an end in 1873 by shoot- ing John Haas. Dr. (). S. Pratt came from Byersville about 1868, and after practicing here a few years moved to Canaseraga, where he now is. Dr. Charles T. Dildine studied with Dr. Reynale, gradu- ated from the Buffalo university, practiced here a short time, and moved, first to Almond, and then Lincoln, Neb., where he was very successful. An accident caused a cancer in his stomach, of which he died. Dr. George Yochum, a native of Dansville, studied medicine with Dr. W. B. Preston and in 1881 after graduating from the Cin- cinnati Eclectic college, began practicing in this village. He died Sept. 11, 1885, in his twenty-eighth year. He is remembered as a young man of unusual ability. Dr. Anthony Schunhart came to Dansville in 1888 and practiced medicine here for about three years. He died Sept. 6, 18'J1, twenty-eight years of age. Dr. A. L. Daiuon, a native of Canaseraga, N. Y. , was born June 22, 1862, and died Oc- tober 18, 1895. He was a graduate of the medical department of the L^niversity of Buffalo and came here to practice medicine in 1892, re- maining here about two years. Dr. O. M. Blood, a graduate of the University of Chicago, practiced in Dansville during 1890 and 1891 and is now established in the West. Dr. Francis M. Perine is the old- est living practicing physician in Dansville, and has had a successful and honorable professional career of over forty-seven years. He first located himself in Byersville, and established himself in Dansville in 1861, where he has practiced ever since. The other resident practi- ticjners today are Drs. Jas. E. Crisfield, C. \'. Patchin, B. P. An- drews, F. R. Driesbach, W. B. Preston and Dr. Ella F. Preston, all of whom have practiced here many years, and are physicians of skill and repute. Few, if any villages in the state, are favored with members of this important profession in whom the sick and friends of the sick can so confidently trust to prescribe for diseases or perform delicate and difficult operations in surgery. PART II Dansville of To-Day BY J. AV. BURGESS IS an undeniable fact that any one who has ever lived in Dansville for any length of time, or who has had occasion to visit the town long enough to become acquainted with place and people, always likes to come back again. There seems to be a sociability and cordiality about the place that makes one feel at home if one is at all disposed to be friendly. ]\Iany forces combine to produce this gracious impression upon the dwellers within our borders. The salubrity of climate; the magnificent scenery; the enchanting walks, the bewitching drives, the imposing hills, the fertile valleys, the romantic glens and the delightful streams, all combine to cap- tivate and make a lover of anyone who is not absolutely sordid. Go where you will the natural beauty of the place is apparent. The kodak fiend is in his element, for let him point in any direc- tion he will he cannot fail to find a pretty picture. This is no fancy sketch, but a wretched attempt to place in cold and prosy type a few of the manv charming and interesting features of a most beau- tiful village. WINTER SCENE STONY BROOK GLEN 6 DESCRf/'T/rE SECT/OX There is every indication that at some time in the remote past the valley, m which Dansville is located, was filled with water, and formed another of the cham of lakes, great and small, that adorn the western and central portions of the Empire State, ■ and bv some sudden up- heaval, which tore away the retaining hills at the northern boundary or by the more deliberate though equally effective process of gradual disintegration, the waters were released from their boundaries and nature adorned with verdure the valley that had for ages been hidden trom view by the sparkling waters of a lake. This lake was supplied by the streams that flow through deep gorges, several of which enter the valley at the southern boundarv of Dansville. WHITEMAN'S FALLS LITTLE MILL CREEK There are Little .Mill Creek, Big Mill Creek, Stony Brook and Can- aseraga Creek, the latter flowing in through Poagshofe valley and skirt- A^f u u ^'''■'"^" '''"■ "'^''^'' 'he western boundary of the town All the other streams find their way into Canaseraga Creek, through which channel they are borne to the Genesee River to finally mingle with the waters of Lake Ontario. ' These streams are the natural homes of speckled tn,ut and for three-quarters of a century after the first settler came here their waters teemed with this prince of piscatorial delicacies During the last quarter of a century the streams have undero-one a change. The onward march of civilization; the woodman's lixe nAXSr/LL/z OF TO-DAY 7 and the gradual clearing up of the forests, have let the sunlight into tliL- ravines that were formerly almost impenetrable; the springs and swamps that furnished a never-failing supply of water have one by one dried up, until the streams that once flowed with undiminished volume the year rouiui are now spasmodic and uncertain. ss:s»" '-er^-'^-^J^- '^-^ FIRST FALLS IN STONY BROOK GLEN (touB.Ttsi or breeziJ These swamps and springs formerly furnished a perfect natural breed- ing place for trout, that easily kept the streams stocked, no matter how great the drain upon their numbers. With this supply cut off by the disappearance of these breeding beds, it is easy to see how the stock of trout was gradually depleted until, but for the annual re-stocking of the waters with trout fry from the state hatcheries, through the enterprise of the Dansville Gun Club, there would not be a single specimen left in any of the streams. (ALLS NLAR DANSVTL[.L UN SUGAR CKF.LK DESCRIPTIVE SECTION As it is, many fine catches are made every season, and those who know the haunts of the wily trout can, when the conditions are fav- orable, enjoy an excellent day's sport and return home with a filled creel. wel STONY BKOOK GLEN ^ Perhaps the most widely famous of these gorges is Stony Brook Glen. It is truly one of Nature's masterpieces, and a person mu.st be fastidious indeed who cannot find .somethina; about it to admire. There are gigantic precipices, rocky defiles, beautiful cascades, shady pools and shooting rapids. Unlike most of the famous gorges of the country it broadens out, so that there is plenty of sunlight on cool days and an abundance of shade on hot ones. It is in great demand for picnics and excursions and is also a favorite resort for fa parties. Substantial bridges span the streams at intervals and safe stairways enable the excursionist to scale the var- ious falls in safety. Rustic tables, sur- rounded by seats, located at intervals through the Glen, provide a convenient means for spreading the picnic supplies, and a large pavilion' near the entrance furnishes a fine hearted and light-footed vis- itors to indulge their terpsicho- rean tendencies. At the upper end of the Glen the Pitts burg STONY BROOK GLEN VIEW (courtesy or luckawanna railroad) 10 nESCR/r/Il 7i SECTIOX and Shawmut railroad crosses the gorge on a bridge that is 243 feet from the stream below. Hundreds of pictures are extant setting forth the beauties of this romantic spot, and people who have trav- elled al! over the world aver that it compares favorably with the best that nature has to offer in this or other lands. The entrance to Stony Brocjk Glen is about two and one-half miles south of the village of Dans- ville, along one of the many charm- ing drives that abound in the vicin- ity. It is private property and a small admission fee is charged at the entrance, where a family resides. Near the lower entrance to the lilen is a gas vein, where from time immemorial gas has bubbled up through the water. Many years ago a cone was placed over it and it was 11 inducted to the house through a pipe and used for illuminating pur- poses. Some twenty years ago a well was drilled near this point, in hopes of finding oil, but having reached a depth of 1800 feet the drilling was abandoned with noth- ing but a small flow of gas tt) show for the eft'ort. The general belief was that had the well been shot a considerable inci'ease of gas might have been obtained, but it was never md the derrick stood until a few years ago, when it was taken Later on, a stock company was organized, of which J. W. Burgess was president ; B. ^ treasurer. With the money thus down at the upper end of Main BRIDGE CROSSING STONY BROOK GLEN (courtesy or LACKAWANNA RAII.ROAU.) done down to prevent accident, among the business men G. Foss, secretary, and D. Foley subscribed another well was put street. David Lamb had the ccju- tract. At about five hundred feet a small vein of gas was struck, and at twenty-one hundred feet a bed of solid rock salt was struck, which was over sixty feet in thickness. There the tools were lost in the well, and as all were satisfied that no oil was in sight they were left there and the well was abandoned. However, the general belief is that gas in pay- ing quantities does exist below this village, or near by, and that some day it will be found and utilized. The gorge through which Little Mill Creek finds its way to the vil- lage is not so easily accessible its entire length as is Stony Brook Glen. The stream is the most pure and undefiled of any of the WHERE OIL WAS SOUGHT (courtesy or dansville breeze.! LITTLE MILL CKLEK VIKW LITTLE MILL CREEK FALLS 12 DESCK/J'7f\ -f: SECT f OX streams, as its entire length of four miles is throiioh farmino- lands and deep ravines. It is fed entirely by springs and "its bed is all rock. It IS the nearest to the village of any of the streams, and is so con- veniently located that it has been tapped, and now provides the village an unlimited reserve supply of pure water for all purposes with a capacity that would easily supply the needs of a place ten times as large LITTLE MILL CREEK Big .Mill Creek is another of the streams that once helped furnish water to fill the lake that covered this vallev, in the dim and remote past It IS a considerable stream, flowing into this town from the southeast, and just after it reaches the town it enters a pretty little glen at what has been known for three-fourths of a century as Stone's Kills. It IS a charming spot and well worth anvbodv's while tovi^t i he manufacturing interests carried on here bv B. S' Stone are the subject of a .special sketch and illustrations in another portion of this book. Here is also located Grange Hall, the headquarters of Dansville Arrange, which has been a prosperous society for many years Poagshole IS another of the gorges that lead into 'this vallev hut although the entrance to it might bear out this characterization the place Itself will be more correctlv de.scribed if we refer to it as a"vil kv, famous for the granduer of its hills and the beautv of its scenery It IS a chanmng spot, and the tourist can never claim 'to have .seen all ot Dansville until he has driven along the quiet country road that threads Its way through Poagshole valley. Mile after mile the trav- eler follows the Canaseraga Creek, now close beside it, now crossinf Dansvilie where the sports- man is so likely to bag par- tridge, or woodcock or squir- rel as along the swales and in the woods of this .same Poagshole valley. Of course the deer, for which this place was once famous, have disappeared decades since, though there are persons still living who can easily remember when their grace- ful and agile forms bounded over the hills, or they nip- ped the tender shoots from the shrubs that adorned this beautiful valley, or fled in terror from the stealthy foe that threatened their lives. But they have long since lapsed into a pleasant memory, never to return, and that too will soon be nothing but .a tradition,, as are the wild turkeys that once roosted in the tree BLUFF POINT NEAR DANSVlLLE (COUB-TESY LACKAWANNA RAtLROAD.) 14 DRsciuin-n ■/■: shct/ox ^^!^;:^.^-.:^:i.:z^r:.:ix^t::^:^z POAbillUH, NAKKOWS ™ ••''\"'^'"l"''^ ^™'" ^'^'^ Dansville end of P<,agshole is the "Nar WINTER. SCENE POAGSHOLE the shaley rock during- the ages jiast, to rearh bottom ^' ' its present bed rock S:L.^;ss^£™=';^i-si5^"^=«s^s ming appearance, especially l)A\S\-/LLJi OF TO-DAY 15 when tinted with tlK- October glory. A tradition still clings to this locality of a deer, when being closely pressed by the remorseless hunter, having leaped over the precipice to the rocky bed below. And it is no tradition, but a fact well remembered by many, including the writer, of a once prominent business man of the village, who having reached the latter end of a dissipated and ill-spent life, chose this spot as the stage upon which to enact the last scene in the drama of his life, by deliberately jumping from the crest of the precipice and dash- ing' his life out upon the ice that covered the stream at its base. At a comparatively recent date a man, working upon the summit, backed his team of horses over the embankment, making another historical fact for people to marvel over while driving through the narrows. And here too is the famous swimming hole, known for half a cen- tury past as "The Rocks." It is located close to the main road, though years ago when the valley was sparsely settled, that fact made little difference. But of later years, since the children and grandchildren of the settlers have come to inhabit the valley, the 'bathers can no more indulge with the freedom and neglige which once characterized their movements, and the time has come when evcn^the ubiquitous small boy cannot perform his hourly ablutions at "The Rocks" without clothing himself in a modern bathing suit, or bring- ing down upon his juvenile head the left-handed benisons of the inhabitants. Thus does the onward march of civilization affect even the young- est of us, and this great country grow s less and less a land of liberty as the years roll by, and there is every prospect that if things go on as they are doing, in a few more decades the youth of America will have been so far curtailed in his God-given right to go in swimming that he will not dare indulge in a bath anywhere but in a tub in the privacy of the bath-room at his own father's domicile, and that to nine- tenths of them will mean no bath at all. The sign of the two fingers will have lost its meaning and the diso- bedience of the urchin will never more be betrayed by the bedraggled scalp-locks nether garment. - , i n There have been numerous attempts on the part ot the dwellers m this valley to change its name for one that would be more euphonious and pretentious, but each attempt has been met with discouraging failure The most pronounced and persistent effort in this direction was made a few years ago, when some of the inhabitants decided with a desperate earnestness that the valley should be once more re- christened. It mattered not what the new name should be, only so it was not Poagshole. Pleasant Valley had been tried and found want- ing as had other names equally pretty and appropriate, but somehow thev had soon worn threadbare and at last disappeared entirely under the'magic power of the original cognomen. After much deliberation WAY UP IN ['UAC.SHOl \ (courtesy or lackawanna b.ailp.oau or the reversed u, nESCR/PT/] ■/•: SECT/OX A FAMOUS TROUT STREAM the valley, it was re-christened "Canaserao-a \M1pv •■ t-i tor success were deeolv lairl Ti, ^''"'*^^™sf ^ alle\ . The plans « IILKh II lb ALWAYS [OO DANSVn.LE OF TO-DA Y 17 after-to-be name of the valley. Everybody, from near and far, was given to understand that the homely old title, so suggestive of the venerable Mr. Poag, was consigned to oblivion forever, beyond the possibility of a resurrection in this world or in the world to come. The newspapers were given to understand that a lapse into the old condition of things would be regarded as a mortal offense, which would demand an immediate retraction and apology. BRADNER'S FALLS Fur a time matters went smoothly and people really seemed to make a commendable effort to be proper and accommodatin;;', and if, in a moment of abstraction the old name escaped their lips, a correction immediately followed and the new name was substituted. If an editor or a correspondent happened to make a break and use the ob- solete and objectionable name instead of the modern and revised and up-to-date one, he was reminded of his indiscretion in no gentle terms and warned to be more careful in the future. The world in general must be credited with having made a good, honest endeavor to adapt itself to the new order of things and con- form rigidly to the revised code. But never was the old adage con- cerning "old dogs" and "new tricks" more forcibly illustrated than in this instance. The more people thought ujjon the matter the more the new name seemed to be an unwelcome innovation. To the citi- zens of Dansville it seemed like parting not only with the name, but also with all right, title and interest in the beautiful and romantic suburb, for the new name clearly separated it from the old associa- tions at this end, and annexed it to the village of Canaseraga, located at the other end of the valley. It did not take Dansville long to decide that come what would she would never submit to such unjust usurpation without a struggle. It, however, required no effort on 18 DESCRIPri] 7: SECTIOX the part of our people to return to the ,,ld order .,f things f,,,- thev simply relaxed their vigilance and things returned naturallv The name by whieh the valley had been designated f<:,r a century after having been for a season crushed to earth, began, like Truth to rise fhlv "', '''l Z^^ "T"" T"" ^^'"^''"'^ ''''^^' "P'^" ^^""■''' 3"d in aA incred- bl> short time found itself again in universal use, and now the old homely, time-honored, fire-tested name is so firmlv entrenched in the earts of the people at large that not even an act of legislature could peimanently change or even cripple it. f.KADNER CREEK VIEW All honor to Mr. Poag, who squatted the claim, and to all the noble band o pioneers who follr.wed him. They have wrested frmi! the javvs of a rocky wilderness one of the prettiest vallevs in the State and spread out green meadows and fields of waving grain and erected substantial farmhouses and turned loose the grazing cattle upon a thousand hi Is. where once the frightened scream If the panther and the weird hoot of the owl gave answer to the war vvhoon of the untutored savage as it echoed through the primeval forest Just how Poagshok; received its name nobodv at the present time seems to know. We have repeatedly questioned the "oldest Inhab tants but always meet with the same response, that it gloried in that name when they hnst knew it. There are several tradidons rela ing to this feature of the valley, and the one that seems o £ most leasonable and the one most generally accepted as a fact is that itlJZfJ^" ""^'"'' Tl'7' ^'■- P°^^- "«'it f- having bu-Lc -uu P°^"°^^ '" a P>t' ^^hich later on was looted by an unprincipled neighbor, who was subsequently arrested, and a lawsuit ensued This inence\r'p "'''"' '?l'^"'''"'"'y/'^'>'^' '' ^™"^ht into such prom"- inence Mr. Poag and his potato hole, or "Poag's hole" as it was re- DAXSVILLE OF TO-DAY 19 ferred to in the lawsuit, that the name stuciv fast and was g-radaull)' shortened into a single word, by which it is known to this day and will doubtless continue to be known so lonij; as grass grows and water runs. THE WILLOWS ON CANASER.AGA CREEK If one tires of "gorge"ous scenery and hilltop views, and longs for something more tropical, he has but to drive down the valley, below the village, and his longing can be fully satisfied. V 1 h \S MN L\NA^KKAUA tRtLK 20 DESCRIPTH-E SECTIOX The waters from these several streams have blended witli th.ise of the Canaseraga before they pass beyond the corporate limits of the II age, so that the Canaseraga becomes quite a pretentious and re- sistless torrent ^\ hen ,t reaches the fiats below the villao-g it becomes for miles and miles a lazy, sluggish stream, wandering about in a seemingly aimless manner from side to side of the valley curv- ing at times for a distance of half a mile, only to turn and curve back again withm a few rods of the starting point. Much valuable land is hht^ f \? r'"'"; ^^''i* ^""'^ "^^ '^P^^d^y reclaimed and made tillable if the channel of the stream were straightened. Several attempts have been made by those interested to induce the legislature to have the work done at the expense of the State, but thus far these ettorts have been unsuccessful, for various reasons. I'AilORAL ilL.Nj, "UN IMK H.AIi" The rich alluvial soil furnishes a natural home for shrubs, climbinc^ vmes and flowering plants, and here they grow in tropical luxuriance" chmbing up the trees that border and, in many cases, completely span- ning the stream; their graceful tendrils hang in festoons from the branches and are reflected in the lazy waters beneath in a manner strongly suggestive of the tropics. A drive of a few miles down one side of the valley and then across and back on the other side, will give the lover of nature something to ponder over for vears to come There is no finer farming land anywhere on earth than 'is found on the "flats" below this village. Midway between the hills, through the center of the valley lies the roadbed of the Dansville and Mt.^IMorris railroad which connects with the Erie at Mount Morris fourteen miles below' A large amount of business is done over this road, especially in the hue ot freight. This, with the D. L. & W. railroad, furnishes ample shipping facilities, and there is every reason to believe that within a DAXSl'flJJi OF TO-DAV 21 year or two an electric railway, and perhaps two, already surveyed by the Rochester & Southern Traction Company, and the Rochester, Corning and Elmira Electric Company, will go through the village, connecting it with Rochester at one end and Elmira at the other. Ai)pr()ach Dansville from any direction and the first feature that strikes the eye is the glorious old "East Hill. "' So thoroughly is it identified with the village itself that they are and always will be inse[)arable. The eastern boundary of the town extends beyond its summit, and the corporation line is half way up the hill. If this eminence were located in some sections of the country it would be referred to as a mountain, but in this region of hills the pioneers were content to name it "East Hill" and their descendants have never sought to be more ambitious in that res])ert than were their ancestors, hence it is still referred to as a hill. East Hill rises abruptly to the height of a thousand feet, and its summit is one mile from the Main street of the village. At its base the village has gradually crept up the incline, until a considerable I)ortion of it is now above the level of the valley. The pure air, magnificent view and the scarcity of desirable building sites in the center of the village, have all tended to attract people to this locality. Added to this the fact that the Jackson Sanatorium, one of the largest health resorts in the world, was born and has always lived and thrived a third of the way up the hillside, and that the D. L. & W. railroad traverses the hill midway between the base and summit, it is no wonder that the tide of emigration has moved eastward and covered the base of the hill with residences for a considerable distance. No longer than two score years ago this hill above the village was a mass of forest, broken only by a road that wound its circuitous way to the summit where could be seen the white house of Isaac Deiter, on what was known as Sky Farm. The trees have gradually disap- peared before the woodman's axe until but few remain. In their place is acre after acre of vineyard, and a few years more will find the hillside completely covered with grapes, for which the location and soil are admirably adapted. In the early 80's the hill received a wound which left a scar entirely across its fair face, for the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rail- road secured the right of way and blasted its road bed about half way up the hill, or 450 feet above the base. Now the locomotives puff where the squirrels used to bark, and the sparks from passing loco- motives have set fire to the undergrowth so many times that even the partridge and rabbits, that were once so plentiful, can no more find cover in which to hide and propagate. The view from the summit of East Hill is one never to be forgotten. As far as the eye can reach in almost every direction there opens up a panorama that cannot be excelled, go where you will. The distant hills, checkered with fields and woods and dotted with farmhouses; the pretty village nestled at your feet, with the streets laid out in squares and bordered with shade trees; the church spires pointing to better and higher things; the smoke ascending from the tall chimneys of numerous manufactories; the handsome residences and well-kept lawns and gardens, and the substantial brick blocks that adorn both sides of the ample business portion all combine to make DANSVILLE OF TO-DAY 23 a picture that one never tires of gazing; at, and the person who has never taken an early morning; walk up the winding road to the sum- mit of East Hill, resting now and then to drink in the scenery as it unfolds to the eye, and watched the first rays of the sun as they tint the distant hill tops and gradually creep down until the whole valley sparkles in its new found light, has missed an experience that is well worth going miles to see. Especially is this true when the trees are in bloom, for every dooryard and garden in the village looks like a bouquet; and in the autumn, when Nature has tinted the forests in their rich and variegated hues, and every shrub and shade tree in every street of the village is ablaze with October glory, the view presented is one never to be forgotten. The beauty of Dansville, as it lies nestled among the hills, forms one of tlie most attractive bits of scenery for which the Lackawanna rail- road is famous. The story is told that when the road was being built the engineer of the construction train, as he came nearer, day by day, to the valley, became more and more curious to know what sort of a "jumping-off" place it was just beyond where he could see. Gradually the track was lengthened and he came nearer and nearer, until one bright morning his locomotive rounded the corner of East Hill and this scene of wondrous beauty burst upon his vision. His astonishment and delight are experienced by every passenger who rides over the road, especially for the first time, and the seats on that side of the train are sure to be chosen first, as one never tires of gaz- ing at the moving panorama that seems to unfold, mile after mile, as the train moves on its way down the hill. In order to make the ascent of the hill it was necessary to establish an unusually heavy grade for several miles west of Dansville, and nearly the same distance east. This necessitates the constant use of pushers on all heavily laden trains, and almost any hour of the day or night may be seen from the village these ponderous locomotives, two, or sometimes three, on a long freight train, puffing slowly up the in- cline, or like a farmer after his day's work is complete, they return leisurely back to the foot of the hill, only to give a lift to the ne.xt train that may need their assistance. In violent contrast to these slow moving machines, are the locomotives that go screaming and scooting back and forth, day and night, over the road, drawing some of the fastest trains in the world, and delivering to its destination in a marvelously short time tons of express matter and United States mail, or a still more precious cargo of human freight. Protected as it is upon three sides by high hills, this spur of the Genesee Valley in which Dansville is located is naturally warmer than the surrounding territory, and, as a result, vegetation here is usually from two to three weeks in advance of that in all the country around. Market gardeners, truck raisers, and grape men find in this fact a wonderful advantage, in that they can raise their products enough in advance of their neighbors to afford them a ready market in the sur- rounding towns. It is not at all unusual to see the grass green in the spring, down in the valley, while the winter's snow still whitens the hill tops that bound the town, and on the other hand the hill dwellers have good sleighing for weeks together, at times, when the roads are sj «- --^.aii,: M:^€-li 't--:^!^i '-^tet^Sm^J^ 1 O *^iJ-' z o Z. u Isi tn :£ ct: h- J- z (- < c: c£ z vS < s eC LJ H. >M. D DAXSVILLE OF TO-DAY 25 bare in the village. Rut if they cannot have both, our people prefer the early vegetables to the protracted sleighing. Dansville may justly boast of her nursery interests, which give em- ployment to a large number of men and boys and which bring thou- sands of dollars annually into the coffers of the town, through the nat- ural channels of trade. The climate and soil seem to be especially adapted to the producing of nursery trees in perfection, and their fame has gone out over all the land. This feature of Dansville forms the subject of a more extended write-up in another part of this book. Few towns of its size have so many first-class, up-to-date business houses as has Dansville. Her Main street extends the entire length of the town and the business portion has been macadamized in the latest ajiproved manner, with a uniform curb the entire length of both sides. Most of the sidewalks through Main street are of cement, and those which are not will be in a very short time. The same is true of the walks throughout the village, and thousands of feet of cement walks are being laid each year. An ordinance stipu- lates that they must conform to a uniform grade and be four feet wide. The buildings on Main street are for the most part, of brick, two and three stories in height, and present a well-kept and thrifty ap- pearance. The merchants take pride in keeping their respective places of business tidy, and there is always enough competition to stimulate each one to tlo his best. A goodly proportion of the patronage enjoyed Ijy Dansville merchants comes from the farmers who live adjacent to the town. As there is no other village within several miles there is a large territory of excellent farming land on all sides, which is, as a rule, owned by the men who work it and who are f4, ST. MARY'S SCHOOL s^ ORGAX/ZA T/OXS Rev. Joseph Albinjrer came here and continued his ministratinns un- til 1875, when Rev. Henry Egler assumed the jiastorate. He was succeeded July 13, 1879, by Rev. Frederick R. Rauber. During the pastorate of Father Egler, in 1876, the present parochial school connected with this church was erected. It was formally opened and dedicated on the 5th and Oth of June, 1876. The paro- chial school, which is attended by about 150 pupils, is taught by the Sisters of St. Joseph, of Rochester, four in number. The church edifice is a wooden building, located on Franklin Street, in the west part of the village. The present number of members is about 800. The church property is valued at $15,000. Father Rauber built the present convent for the Sisters in 188') at a cost exceeding $2,500. During his pastorate he did much to improve the financial" and spiritual condition of the parish. Rev. Joseph H. Straten succeeded Father Raulier on May 13, 1894. He improved the church property by installing a hot water system in the church and parochial residence. Rev. M. Krischel the present pastor came to Dansville Tulv 3 1899. ■ ^ ' During the summer of 1900 the schoolhouse was enlarged, placing all the class rooms on the first fioor, thus providing a large hall to be used for all purposes. The present attendance at the school is 135 children. The Church auxiliaries are, The Christian Mothers of which Mrs. N. J. Huver is presi- dent, and St. Agnes Society pre- sided over by Miss Adelaide Kramer. The trustees are, Fred J. Michael and F. M. Schlick. Anthony Kramer is Cullectiir. Rev. Michael Krischel Born Grosslittgen, Germany. Studied at St. Mary's School, Buffalo, Canisius College and Niagara University. Ordained to the priesthood May 27, 1890. In charge of Missions at Lancas- ter, N. Y., Bo.ston, N. Y., Cohoc- ton, N. Y., and Dansville since July, 3, 1897. Naturally possessed of the firm- ness of purpose and breadth of in- tellect which are characteristic of so many of his native country- men. Father Krischel has added to these inherited advantages, a kindlv, unassuming manner as well as a pleasing address and made himself beloved by all who have come within the s[)here of his influence. REV. M. KRISCHEL CHURCHES 53 St. Patrick's CatKolic CHvircH The history of this, so says our informant, dates from twenty years after the settlement of the town of Dansville. The first priests who visited this locality ministered alike to the German and Irish Catholics. The first Irish priest who found his way hither, of whom there is any record, was Rev. Bernard O'Reilly, Init when he came, how freciuently he visited Dansville, and how long he continued to do so, is a matter of uncertainty. From the time of Father O'Reilly, priests visited Dansville at regular intervals, and the number of Catholics increased to such a degree that larger accomodations were needed, and under Father O'Connor, the successor of Father O'Reilly, the people assembled at the town hall to assist at mass. ST. PATRICK'S IRISH CATHOLIC CHURCH In 1847 the western portion of this State was formed into a diocese by the late lamented pontiff, Pius the Ninth. Buffalo was made the episcopal seat and Rt. Rev. John Timon was the first bishop. With- in a couple of decades of years dating from the first appearance of permanent Catholicity in Dansville, the number of Catholics had in- creased to such an extent as to warrant Bishop Timon in sending them a priest to reside among them. All the historical records agree as to the name of the first resident pastor, but none gives the date of his arrival. His name was Rev. Edward O'Flaherty, and it was under his administration that the foundation of St. Patrick's church was laid, at the head of the public square, where the church 54 ORGANIZATIOXS now stands, at the corner of Liberty and Church streets. Some tra- ditions which seem sufficiently reliable mention the names of Father McEvoy and Father Carroll, who paid occasional visits fronj Roches- ter to the Catholics in Dansville, but beyond the fact of their visiting as missionaries little seems to be known. Before the erection of any church in Dansville, the town hall — the property of Charles Shepard ■ — was used as the place of divine worship. Father O'Flaherty min- istered to the wants of the German, as well as the Irish Nationality, and according to one account, in the year 184'J, according to another, in the year 1850, laid the foundation of St. Patrick's church. The church structure, which was completed in 1851, at a cost of $1,51)0, was about half its present size. Father O'Flaherty was succeeded immediately by Rev. Charles Tierney, and one account gives him the credit of having completed the church, the foundation merely being laid hv Rev. Father O'Flaherty. ST. PATRICK'S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL AND CONVENT We find Father Tierney recording a baptism in the church register as late as May 1852, and Rev. John Donnelly recording his advent in June of the same year. Father Donnelly remained but a short time, for we find him succeeded by Rev. Joseph McKenna on the 1st of May, 1853. Father McKenna's stay was of even shorter duration than that of Father Donnelly, for his autograph does not appear in the church registries later than August of the same year (1853). He was succeeded by Rev. Aloysius Somoggi, who, it would appear, took charge of both Catholic churches, St. Mary's and St. Patrick's, dur- ing his stay. His signature appears upon the records for the first time on October 5, 1853, and the last baptism recorded by him was administered in December of the same year. From that time until CHURCHES 55 October, 1855, we find the names of Rev. Terence Kernan, Rev. Dan- iel Dolan and Rev. Michael Casey, in the order given. In the month of October, 1855, Rev. Michael Stager took charge of St. Patrick's congregation as well as St. Mary's. His latest signature is that of December 2, 18()0. Rev, M. Steger was succeeded im- mediately by Rev. J. A. Marshall, who remained only a few months, and was in turn succeeded by Rev. Chrysostom Wagner in June, 1861. His stay seems to cover the time from June, 18(il, to April, or Ma}*, 1862, when Rev. Sergius de Stchloupnekoif, a Russian by birth and a Catholic by conversion, assumed the pastoral charge. There were few among the many priests who remained in Dansville for any length of time who made such a lasting impression on St. Patrick's congre- gation as S. de Stchloupnekoff, and many a heartfelt and warm trib- ute is today paid to his zeal and energy. His name disappears from the records after January, 1864, when Rev. Joseph Albinger assumed the pastorate. Father Albinger took charge of both congregations from his arrival until the 5th of July, 1871. Father Biggins labored among the Irish Catholics of Dansville six- years, and was transferred to the Catholic church at Clvde, in August 1877. The same year marked the commencement of the eventful pastorate of the Rev. S. Fitz Simons who labored among the Irish Catholics of Dansville for six years. During this pastorate the church was enlarged, improved and ornamented, a new steeple being added and a grand pipe-organ installed. The most important enterprise, however, was the building of the parochial school, the corner stone of which was laid June 4, 1882, and opened with a large attendance on September 10, 1883. Father Fitz Simons remained only six months later, being trans- ferred to Lima, March 7, 1884, and succeeded in Dansville, immedi- ately, by Rev. James H. Day, whose pastorate was the largest in the history of the church. He commenced March 22, 1884 and ended his labors here May 1, 1893, and in these nine years liquidated $3,000 in- debtedness, purchased and paid for present convent, and improved, re- paired and embellished other church property. A man of force and ability his successful work is being continued in the neighboring vil- lage of Mt. Morris. Rev. James T. Dougherty was the next pastor, and after eight years' faithful service was transferred to Avon and subsequently to Canandaigua. Here he assumed charge of the important mission made vacant by the death of Rev. Dennis English. During Father Dougherty's memorable pastorate, $1,000 indebtedness was liquidated, $5,0011 improvements made, the convent rebuilt and a cemetery pur- chased. In 18'H a church was built at Groveland and the mission left free from debt. An enthusiastic temperance worker, a skillful finan- cier and a literary genius, Father Dougherty is gratefull)' remembered by a majority of Dansvillians of every class and creed. The present pastor. Rev. Wm. T. Dunn, was appointed to this parish Sept. 14, 1901. Father Dunn is a man of unusual earnestness of pur- pose and an indefatigable worker for the good of all. With three Isrii- liant predecessors, his arrival in Dansville has added a fourth name to the list of which St. Patrick's is justly proud. 56 ORGANIZATIONS The corner stone of St. Patrick's Parochial School was laid in 1882. In September, 1883, three Sisters of St. Joseph were sent from Roch- ester to open the school and organize the classes. The school consists of a substantial two-story brick edifice well arranged and equipped and in charge of most competent instructors. The present Superior is Sister Teresa, assisted by Sisters Euphemia, Antonette and Patnis. Many of the leading men and women of Dansville cherish fond recol- lections of the pleasant and profitable days spent in St. Patrick's. The parish now has 600 communi- cants at Dansville and lOU at Grove- land and the following auxiliaries: The parochial school; the Missions; the Sunday School and Choir. The Rosary and Altar Society, with forty members is presided over by Mrs. D. E. Driscoll. Miss Margaret Maloney is president of the Children of Mary Society, consisting of fifty-eight members . James Kelley is president of the Holy Name Society and Edward Brogan holds the same office for the Cadets of the Sacred Heart. Free from debt and possessed of every convenience, this church is now enjoying al)un(]ant prosperity. Rev. WiLliam T. Dunn Born at Elmira, Feb. 23, 1861. Educated in the primary schools, Elmira Free Academy and Niagara University, graduating from the last institution May 26, 1888. Served as assistant pastor at vSalaman- ca for about a year and in charge of parish at Horseheads twelve years. Succeeded Rev. James T. Uoughertv in Dansville SejJt. 14, 1901. REV. WILLIAM T. DUNN ^' ^ TKe Baptist CKurcH The Dansville Baptist Church was organized Oct. 23, 185(), at the house of Barnett Brayton. The Rev. B. R. Swick, of Bath, was chairman of the meeting held for that purpose, and M. R. Marcell, secretary. The constituent members were: Aaron W. Beach and Mary Ann his wife, Barnett Brayton and Olive his wife, Martin R. Marcell and Emily his wife, Nancy Filer, Ann Brayton, Maria Bates, Joseph Palmer, Elijah Hill and Judith his wife, Paulinus Cook and Abigail his wife. They were recognized by a council convened in the Lutheran church in Dansville, November 6, 1850, and composed of delegates from the churches in Mt. Morris, Bath, Wayne, Almond, South Dansville, Avoca and Burns. Barnett Brayton and Aaron Beach were chosen deacons, November 8, 1850. CHURCHES 57 At a meeting held in Dansville Academy, their usual place of wor- ship, December 10, 1.S5U, the following trustees were elected : Paul- inus Cook, George Hovey, Barnett Brayton, Martin R. Marcell, Lemuel J. Swift, and Charles L. Truman. January 12, 1851, it was resolved to call Howell Smith, of Penn Yan, to the pastorate, at a salary of $500. The call was accepted, and Mr. Smith commenced his labors the first Sunday in March fol- lowing. Jtme 24, 1851, the church united with the Livingston Bap- tist Association. The church edifice was built in 1852. Mr. Smith closed his labors, as pastor March, 1855. He was suc- ceeded by Rev. O. L Sprague, who comenced his labors May 5, 1855, and closed them April 1, 1858. Edwin S. Walker of Rochester The- ological Seminary, entered upon his labors as supply in April, 1858, BAPTIST CHURCH 18f)4 to June 24. 1805; Elder M. Barker from June (>, 18fc6, to ; Rev. E. L. Crane, from December, 1870 to September 24, 1871 ; Rev. R. J. Reynolds, from September 3, 1873, to September 4, 1874; and July 8, 1858 was called to the pastorate. He commenced his labors as such August 1, 1858, and was ordained September 16, 1858. He closed his labors in the spring of 1860, and was followed in No- vember of that year by Rev. J. Wilson, who remained only about two months. Rev. L W. Emory of Canaseraga, supplied the pulpit from the spring of 1861, and April 4, 1861 was given a call to the pastor- ate for one year from April 1, 1861. He was dismissed April 4, 1863. His successors have been: Rev. George W. Baptis from September 3, 58 ORGANIZATIONS Rev. O. B. Read, from October 10, 1875, to July 1877. Rev. L. Q. Galpin Jan. 9, 1878 to 1882, who started extensive repairs upon the house of worship and succeeded only in partially finishing same at the close of his pastorate in 1882. He was succeeded by Rev. A. J. Brown whose pastorate extended from May 1, 1883 to Feb. 1, 1885, and who completely raised the indebtedness consisting of $1,450. Rev. J. M. Bates then followed continuing from April 1, 1885 to April 1, 18')0, during which time the repairs which were begun by Rev. L. U. Galpin were completed through the generosity of John J. Jones, Esq., of New York. Rev. H. II. Thomas began his labors as pastor July 1, 1890, and in 1892 a fine parsonage was erected adjoining the church property on Chestnut Avenue, at a cost of $2,600. His relation as pastor terminated Feb. 1, 1890, and William K. Towner of Hornells- ville, a singing evangelist, came as a supply, June 1, 1895, and accepted the pastorate Sept. 1 of the same year. Mr. Towner was ordained in this church Feb. 4, 1897, and was married May 5, 1897 to Miss Florence Hotchkiss, at Locke, N. Y. , and continued his labors as pastor until Nov. 13. 1898. Rev. J. C. Tibbets of Roche.ster Thef)- logical Seminary supplied the pulpit from Dec. 11, 1898 to Feb. 22, 1899. H. A. Waite was pastor from May 24, 1899 to Sept. 1, 1900. William A. McKinney, of Philadelphia, a student at the Rochester Theological Seminary, supplied the pulpit from May 12, 1901, to Nov. 1, 1901. Rev. Wm. H. Brown, of Moravia, is the present pastor, having begun Nov. 10, 1901. The present membership of the church is ninety-two. C. ^I. Kinne, E. A. Hall, Geo. E. Dunklee, William Brown, C. W. Hoffman, and J. C. Van Scoter constitute the board of trustees. The deacons are Charles M. Kiime, George E. Dunklee and C. W. Hoffman. Mr. Hoffman is also superintendent of the Sundav School and president of Y. P. S.' C. E. /Jew. William H. Brown Born at Mciravia, N. Y. Early education rec^eived in village schools. Preparatory course taken ^■— 1^^^^^^ at Moravia High School for Col- ^^^k "II^^^^H S''^^ University from which he ^^^^PR^'\j . -^^^^H .Q;raduated in 1896. Completed "^^^^Sv^^ '^^^^^^1 course at Hamilton Theological Seminary in 1899. Ordained to the Ministry Sept. 27, 1899 at Bap- tist church, Walesville, N. Y., which constituted his first charge. ^Married to Katherine j\l. Brownell of Clarks Mills, at the same church Jan. 24, 1900. One daughter, Frances, completes the family. Pastor at First Baptist Church at Dansville, since Nov. 10, 1901. Leaving a more prosperous charge to accept his present call, Mr. Brown has ah-eady manifested his earnestness of purpose in the work of God. REV. WILLIAM H. BROWN TKe Fire Department BY J. L. ^VE,LLINGTON T IE history of the Dansville Fire Department dates from the year 1836, nine years prior to the adoption of the first village charter. On March 26 of that year a fire company was formed, taking the name Washington Fire Company No. 1. At that time Dansville was included in the town limits of Sparta and the commission of the company was signed tiy the Supervisor and Justices of the Peace of that township. The persons a]ipointed as members were: William H. Pickell, captain; Austin Gard- ner, 1st assistant; Samuel Wilson, 2d assistant; Benjamin Bradley, clerk; George Hyland, treasurer; John Betts, Luther Melvin, David D. McNair. Lucius H. Brown, Isaac H. Overton, Jeremiah Allee, David Holmes, Frederick M. Kuhn, Philip Hasler, John Weldy, Nicholas Slick. Volney G. Weston, Edward Niles, Milton Morey, and Eli B. Irvin. This company was known as the "Coffee- mill" company, from the resemblance of their engine to that article of household utility. Water was fed into the engine by buckets and was forced through the hose by turning large cranks at the sides, each crank accomodating six or eight men. Something of the appearance of this pioneer company on parade can be gained from a resolution adopted by them on July 2, 1838, when it was resolved to "celebrate the Fourth of July in Firemen's order; that the company wear black hats with a blue ribbon one-half inch wide as a band, tied in a double- bow knot, and to wear white round-abouts and dark pantaloons." There is nothing on record to indicate the extent of fire duty per- formed by this company, except the records of their monthly "exer- cise," which consisted in from one to two hours of running and of throwing streams. The last meeting and exercise of the original "Coffee-mill" company, of which there is any record, was held Sep- tember 7, 1840. The first village charter, adopted May 7, 1845, provided for the appointment of one or more fire companies of twenty members each, and one Hook and Ladder company of fifteen members. One mem- ber of each company was designated as foreman thereof. The amended charter of May 9, 1846, limited the number of fire companies to one for each fire engine procured by the village. At the first cor- poration meeting (June 16, 1846), it was resolved "to raise by tax eight hundred dollars to purchase a fire engine, the necessary hose and other apparatus therefor, hooks and ladders and other necessary apparatus for a Hook and Ladder company, to erect or hire a suitable place to keep such engine or apparatus, and to pay the expense of pro- curing the same and other needful and proper expenses." 59 60 ORGANIZATIONS The first company under the charter was Engine Company No. 1, organized August 5, 1846, with the following members: William C. Bryant, B. J. Chapin, C. R. Kern, William G. Thompson, Samuel M. Welch, J. L. Boone, C. W. Dibble, George G. Wood, Matthew Mc- Cartney, John Nares, C. E. Lambert, and H. Howe. Other members of this company were the late James Murdock, who held the position of foreman three years, Samuel P. Williams and Henry and Calvin Fenstermacher, now living. On vSeptember 9, 1846, the Board of Trustees approved the ofificers and by-laws of the Phoenix Engine Company No. 1. The members of this company were: O. B. Maxwell, R. Wilfiams, William H. South- wick, William Hollister, James H. Parker, J. D. Pike, Charles Rum- ley, E. Miles, M. Halsted, L. H. Colbourn, Elias Geiger, G. H. Rice, John U. Wallis, Charles E). Heening, James M. Smith, J. V. Taft, J. H. Freeland, and Charles McElvanev. RECEPTION P.OOM UNION HOSE CLUB Engine Company No. 2 was formed December 11, 1849 with the following members: Julius A. Reynolds, J. H. Conrity, T. B. Good- rich, L. W. Reynolds, William Brown, Jr., G. F. Shannon, J. G. Shepard, Nicholas Schu, H. Brewer, Charles Heidacker, S. L. Barrett, J. W. Merriman, B. Lewis Brittan, Jonathan Doty, N. Bavenger, D. Shafer, H. O. Reynale, A. N. Barto, Charles Barto, Carl Stephan, and Joseph Hallaner. April 28, 1857, H. C. Payne and twenty others were organized as Phoenix Fire Company No. 1. June 21, 1858, De Forest Lozier and eighteen others were constituted Hope Fire Company No. 2. DeForest Lozier was appointed foreman. The year 1863 marks the birth of two of the most efficient fire com- panies ever organized in Dansville; the Canaseraga Fire Company Fire department 61 No. 1, organized May 2, and the Phoenix Fire Company No. 2, or- ganized May 2(1. Tiie former consisted of thirty-two charter mem- bers, all Germans. The officers were; Nicholas Schu, foreman; Conrad Dick, 1st assistant : Wendel Schubmehl, 2d assistant; James Krein, president; Peter Schlick, vice-president; Adam Gillium, secretary; John Blum, treasurer; James Caton, steward. This com- pany, during its ten years of existence, took part in many parades both at home and abroad, and held many balls, devoting, in many cases, the proceeds to charitable purposes. Their public enterprise led them to subscribe one hundred and twenty-five dollars a year for the organizing and sustaining of the old Canaseraga Cornet Band under the leadership of Prof. Michael Sexton. The Phoenix Company, whose members were described as an ener- getic, enterprising and muscular set of boys, was officered as follows: James Faulkner, foreman; Henry R. Curtis, 1st assistant; William UNION HOSE COMPANY AND CITIZENS BAND ON PARADE McCuUum, 2d assistant; G. C. DaboUe, president; John Hyland, vice-president; A. (). Bunnell, secretary; Gordon Wilson, treasurer; Fred Ripley, steward. These companies took charge of the two new engines which hail recently been purchased by the village. The engines, which were of the old side-brake pattern, arrived in Dansville May 19, 18f)3. On June 2, an appropriation of eleven hundred dollars was voted for the benefit of the Fire Department, and during the progress of the elec- tion a trial of the engines took place between the new companies, with honors slightly in favor of the Canaseragas. On May 22, two hose companies were organized, taking the names Canaseraga Hose No. 2 and Genesee Hose No. 3. The companies (>2 ORGAXrZATIONS were attached tn the Canaseraga and Phoenix companies, respectively. The members were boys under twenty-one and their duties consisted chiefly in carting and caring for the hose. Both the Canaseraga and the Phoenix company disbanded in 1872. The former disbanded and reorganized on May 2, 187(1, but on the 13th of May, two years later, the engine was formally turned over to the village trustees and the company property sold. From the dis- bandment of these companies up to 1874, Dansville was practically without organized fire protection, fire duty being performed by the citizens in general without reference to organization. In June 1874 a meeting was called at the Hyland House at which preliminary arrangements were made for organizing a hose company. On the 17th of the month, at an adjourned meeting, the organization was completed and adopted the name Union Hose Company No. 1. BILLIARD ROOM UNION HOSE CLUB Twenty-four enrolled as charter members as follows: George Hyland, Jr., foreman; John J. Bailey, assistant foreman; George A. Sweet, president; Thos. E. Gallagher, vice-president; Legrand Snyder, sec- retary; H. Frank Dyer, treasurer; Seth N. Hedges, Randolph D. LaRue, Thomas J. Burby, Thomas O'Meara, Charles Sutfin, Gates L. Austin, Herman W. DeLong, Solon S. Dyer, Judd C. Whitehead, James M. Edwards, Samuel Sturgeon, Jr., Frank H. Toles, Frederick W. Noyes, Jesse B. Prussia, William A. Spinning, George B. Thomp- son, William Welch, and Elmer F. Hamsher. The present memberhip consists of twenty-eight active members and seventy-seven club room members. The following are the present officers: J. B. Morey, president; C. J. LaBoyteaux, vice-president; FIRE DRPA R TMENT C..^ James F. Kramer, secretary: R. W. Adams, treasurer; George O'Meara, Karl Kramer, D. C. Bryant, F. E. Kenney, L. H. Heckman, G. H. Cutler, trustees; G. A. Sutfin, foreman; George O'Meara, 1st assistant: L. J. Schwingel, 2d assistant. Meetings are held at their rooms in the Ossian Street Fire Building, the first ^londay in each month. This company is regarded as one of the best disciplined of volunteer fire companies. It supports an elegant suite of rooms in the Maxwell Block, and the social and club features are made prominent. The company's annual ball is regarded as the chief social event of the year, and its bi-annual minstrel show bespeaks credit to the talent and enterprise of the company. lilt I'ROTECTIVES ON PARADE The Protectives No. 1, was organized January 24, 1876 with twenty-live charter members, and two days later was admitted to the ilepurtnieni. The charter members were: James Porter, foreman; t'hark'S V. Patchin, 1st assistant; C. A. Snyder, 2d assistant; H. K. \'anNuys, ])rosident; W. H. Dick, vice-president; Edward Moody, secretarv; |. F. Hr\-ant, treasurer and steward; George M. Blake, Kred T.'Brettle, Edwin R. Woodruff, Charles H. Rowe, F. William Krein, Joseph W. Burgess, Lansing B. Grant, Lawrence (i. Tildt-n, Al. A. Oaks, Frank E. Kenney, Frank L. Miller, Henry F. Beyer, Alva W. Pease, Alonzo B. Lindsay, C. Britt Casterline, William C. Croll, William J. Lee. From its inception this comi)anv has been an active and potent factor in the department. Its outfit consists of the latest improved extinguishers, ropes, stakes, buckets, rubber blankets and all that go to make up an efficient fire-fighting equipment. The company sup- ports a large and nicely furnished suite of rooms in the Kramer Block, it E < a. o FIRE DEPA R TMENT 65 over the ^Merchants and Farmers Bank. The present officers are: H. A. .Schwingle, foreman; (iuy Hungerford, 1st assistant; B. F. Lander, 2d assistant; \V. J. Maloney, president; J. L.Wellington, vice-president; A. E. Thurston, secretary; H. j\I. Altmeyer, treas- urer; Joseph Kimmel, S. E. Allen, E. H. Maloney, B. F. Lander, H. C. Folts, trustees; A. E. Thurston, N. W. Uhl, H. C. Folts, club room committee. Meetings of the company are held the first Wed- nesday in each month at the Exchange vStreet Fire Building. The present membership numbers thirty-five. This company was incor- porated ^fay 3. 1S7(>. The Fearless Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 was admitted to the department at the same time as the Protectives. There were twenty-eight charter members as follows: D. K.. Price, foreman; Martin LaForce, 1st assistant; Conrad Kramer, 2d assistant; James Hoover, president; J. Kramer, Jr., vice-president; F. Schubmehl, secretary; Baldis Foote, treasurer; Adolph Huber, steward; Peter LaForce, H. vSteinhardt, F. S. Schubmehl, M. C. Hirsch, Fred Freidel, E. C. Klauck, Albert Saurbier, Jacob Sturm, G. Fesley, Peter Geiger, Conrad Yocum, S. Schwan, A. Lauterborn, Wm. Thomas, Jr., F. Gregorious, Jacob Foot, T. Eschrich, J. Hubertus, B. Shafer, and Peter J. Deitsch. The company now has thirty-three active members, including the following ot^cers: Matt Cook, presi- dent; Frank Zatfke, vice-president; F. E. vSprague, secretary; H. Zafifke, treasurer; William Freas, foreman; Peter Michael, 1st assist- ant; Lew Wilbur, 2d assistant; Isaac Rauber, color bearer; John Gerger, William Olmstead, John Rectenwald, Ernest Freiberg, John Fidler, trustees. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month, at their rooms in the Exchange Street Fire Building. The "Hooks," as they are familiarly known, are a muscular set of men and the individual pride taken by the members in the company's enterprises, necessarily sets a high standard of efficiency. For a num- ber of years the company has held membership in the New York State Volunteer Firemen's Association, its delegates always taking an active part in the councils of that organization. The company was incor- porated March 28, 1877. 66 ORGANIZA TfONS The last company to enter the department was Jacksc.m Hose No. 2, which was organized October 27, 18'*0, with a charter membership of fourteen as follows: J.J. Peck foreman ; Jacol) Huver, 1st assist ant; William Doty, 2d assistant; William Huver, jjrcsident: 1', | Hoffman, vice-president; J. J. Rohner, secretary; Ocorijc li,:,chricii, treasurer; vSamuel Townsend, Joseph Losey, Chester Bailor, Michael Hubertus, Harry Howe, William Ash, and Clarence Sarrjenl. The present officers are : Bert Holbrook, president ; I. L. Opp, vice-presi- dent; Edward J. Zaflfke, secretary; John Kress, treasurer; Gus Dick, foreman; Frank vS. Fox, 1st assistant ; Wm. Howe, 2d assistant; James A.Alverson, Wm. Short, Wm. Zaffke, N. Price, vSamuel Peterson, trus- tees. Meetings are held the first Monday in each month at the Ex- change Street Fire Building. The present membership is thirty. JACKSON HOSE TRUCK There was considerable discussion at the time Jackson Hose com- pany was organized as to the need of a fourth company and an effort was made on the part of some of the taxpayers to prevent the new company from being admitted to the department. But upon the written guarantee of the company to supply themselves with 1,000 feet of hose before the first day of January 1893, the question was submitted to a vote of the taxpayers and the company was admitted by a majority of twenty-five. The company is well organized and equipped. It supports a hose team of twelve men which has taken part in various contests, always with credit to themselves and to the department. At Geneseo, August 17, 1890, the team made the record of laying 300 yards of hose, made the couplings, and had the stream on in 59| seconds. Their record for 20()-yard hub-and-hub race is 23- j seconds. These four companies constitute the present Fire Department. When on duty all officers and members of the various companies, as well as all police officers and citizens, are subject to the orders of the Chief Engineer, who is chosen annually by the Department, subject, however, to the approval of the village Board of Trustees. In 1892 there was a severe controversy over the election of Chief Engineer, and as a comproniise a system of rotation was adopted by II FIRE DliPARTMRNT 67 means of which the office rotated annually from one company to an- other in reoular sucession. The system was never satisfactory, and at the regular annual meeting held February 18, 1, of the Catholic Relief and Beneficiary Association, which is everything that its name implies, was organized during 1892 by L. A. Schwan. From the first seventeen members the following officers were chosen : L. A. Schwan, president ; Mat Cook, . 1st vice-president ; N. J. Gerber, 2d vice-president; Fred Schwan, financial secretary; Phillip E. Blum, treasurer; Frank J. Johantgen, recording secretary; Frank Gerber, marshal; Charles Fox, guard; Daniel Blum, Jacob Vogt, William Rowan, trustees. There are sixty members at present and a substantial reserve fund in the treasury. The present officers are: Rev. M. Krischel, spiritual advisor; Jacob J. Vogt, district deputy organizer; N. J. Gerber, president; G. H. Fries, 1st vice-president ; Jacob J. Simon, 2d vice- president; J. J. Vogt, financial secretary ; G. W. Shafer, recording secretary; C. C. Fox, guard; N. F. Smith, chancellor; H. Zaffke, John P. Mahoney, William Rauber, Joseph B. Myers, Jacob J. Vogt, trustees. Meetings are held every other Wednesday evening in their Council Hall in the Howarth Block. i\Ir. Jacob J. Vogt, who furnished the above information, has been trustee, president, financial secretary, district deputy organizer, and delegate, filling all these important offices most acceptably. 69 70 ORGANIZA TIONS A. O. U. W. Dansville Lodge No. 101, Ancient Order of United Workmen, a fraternal society, was organized in Dansville by Grand Special Deputy, William MacWorters, August 10, 1900. There were eighteen charter members from whom were elected the follow- ing officers: Chas. Schafer, past master workman; Wm. A. Rowan, master workman; Alton E. Ran- dall, foreman; Edward P. Maloney, overseer; S. E. Wright, recorder; F. W. Schwingle, financier; Ira M. Bates, receiver; L. A. Pfuntner, inside watchman ; Fred Dantz, outside watchman; John Schuster, guide. The membership at present numbers sixty with the following officers; Alton E. Randall, pastmaster workman; Edward Peck, master workman ; John W. Shafer, foreman; Robert Sinclair, over- seer; Charles H. Peck, recorder; William A. Rowan, financier; Wil- liam Foote, receiver; L. A. Pfuntner, inside watchman; Fred Dantz, outside watchman; George B. Foote, guide. \V'illiam A. Rowan is representative to Grand Lodge, and Alton E. Randall, alternate. Meetings are held the first and third Thursdavs of each month in A. O. H. hall. Alton E. Randall, the author of this sketch, has been foreman and master workman each one term, and is at present past master work- man of local lodge. C. M. B. Jl. Branch No. 73 of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Asso- ciation, a fraternal organization, was instituted in Dans- ville on the 22d day of September, 1884. From among the twelve charter members, the following officers were chosen: Louis A. Schwan, president; Thomas Earls, 1st vice-president; Daniel Burns, 2d vice-president; Patrick O'Hara, recording secretary; Frank En^el, Jr., assistant re- cording secretary; William F. Veith, financial secretary; Daniel Blum, treasurer; Nicholas Hubertus, marshal; Michael Hirsch, guard; Joseph Cogan, Jr. , Nicholas Grimm, George Albert, L. A. Schwan. Thomas Earls, trustees. The presidents in rotation since the branch was organized are: Louis Schwan, Joseph Cogan, Daniel Blum, George Albert, Emil Klauck, Edward Bacon, Dennis Foley, Thomas Earls, Jacob Smith, James Kelly, Daniel Driscoll, Joseph Pfuntner, Patrick Reilly, Joseph Ott. There are seventy present members in good standing with the following list of officers; Joseph Ott, president; Joseph Stiegler, 1st vice-president; Patrick Reilly 2d vice-president ; James Kelly, secre- tary; William Kelly, assistant secretary; Albin Altmej^er, financial secretary; Wendell Pfuntner, treasurer; Robert Goodwin, marshal; Max Beck, guard; D. Foley, Thomas Maloney, Edward Bacon, James Welch, Jacob Smith, trustees. Meetings are held every Thursday evening at eight p. m., in the C. M. B. A. rooms located on third floor of Citizens Bank Building. Mr. James Kelly, who supplied the above information, a member since 1888, has been twice president and is now recording secretary. PRA TERNAL SOCIETIES 71 F. Sr -A. M. Phoenix Lodge No. 115, F. &A. M., was instituted April 15, 1846, and char- tered August 18, 1846. The charter nfficerswere: Merritt Brown, master; John Culbertson, S. W. ; Javan Bradley, J. W. There are now in good standing 125 mem- bers with the following officers: F. P. Magee, W. M. ; C. J. LaBoyteaux, S. W. ; |. E. McCurdy, ]. W. ; R. W. Adams, Sr. b. ; J. G. Kram"er, Jr. D. ; G. S. Wilson, treasurer; B. G. Readshaw, secretary; Oscar Woodruff, chaplain; S. L. Keyes, tiler; George DeL. Bailey, S. M. C. ; N. B. Gorham, J. M. C. ; George L. Krein, marshal; F. M. Ferine, Oscar Woodruff, C. W. Woolever, trustees. The lodge meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdaj^s of each month in their handsomely equipped quarters in the Maxwell Block, four rooms of which are used exclusively by this society. The succession of worthy master since organization, excepting the first five years, the records for which have been lost, are as follows: '51, O. T. Crane; '52, O. Tousey ; '53, J. A. Vanderlip; '54, E. W. Patchin; '55, A. J. Peck; '56, Z. H. Blake; '57, H. Jones; '58, William A. Roberts; '59, Henry Hartman; '60-'63, Stephen Brayton; '64-'65, Henry Hartman; '66-'67, J. A. Vanderlip; '68-'70, Abram Lozier; '71-72, N. Schu; '73, W. J. LaRue; '74-'75, Henry Flartman ; '76, James S. Murdock; '77, B. T. Squires; '78, Elmer F. Hamsher; '79, James H. Jackson; '80-81, John C. Wheaton ; '82, George C. Stone; '83-84, A. H. Lemen; '85, C. V. Patchin; James Lindsay; '87-89, A. P. Burkhart; '90, (). R. Stone; '91- A. P. Burkhart; '93-'94, George L. Krein; '95, A. P. Burkhart; '97, George L. Krein; '01, F. P. Magee. Mr. B. G. Readshaw, this sketch, has been a January, '00. '86, -'92, '96- '98-99, C. W. Woolever; '00, B. H. Oberdorf; who supplied the information contained in member since '99, serving as secretary since E. K O. R. A fraternal insurance society, Sherman Council No. 24, Empire Knights of Relief, was organized February, 1891, and changed to Burkhart Council No. 24, April 4, 1892, and transferred to Safety Fund Insurance Society, August, 1900. There were twenty charter members with officers as follows: Dr. A. P. Burkhart, commander; William Kramer, past commander; O. R. Stone, vice-commander; William H. Clavei, assistant commander; Joseph G. Munding, secre- tary; John J. Sterner, receiver and treasurer; Rev. R. M. Sherman, chapkiin; Henry Schwingle, orator; George R. Brown, guide; Phillip E. Blum, guard; D. O. Batterson, William vSchwingle, trustees; Dr. F. R. Driesbach, medical present membership is ten. George R. Brown, who furnished this infcirmation, has been guide, vice-commander, orator, commander, and since 1897 receiver and treasurer. Kramer, Henry examiner. The ORGAXIZA TIOXS ~'>-y*' -Mirj.jet^^,. I. O. R. M. Kan-a-skra-ga Tribe No. 372 Improved Order of Red Men, a fraternal insurance society, was instituted in Dansville by District Deputy Great Sachem W. H. Brace, December 2, 1897, assisted by de- gree team from Onalee Tribe, Avon, N. Y. Sixty charter members organized with the follow- ing officers: Dr. J. E. Crisfield, sachem; A. H. Plimpton, senior sagamore; George R. Brown, junior sagamore; Daniel Fenstermacher, prophet; Dr. J. F. McPhee, chief of records; E. J. Foote, keeper of wampum; George J. Lindsay, collector of wampum; E. R. WoodrufT, H. M. Altmeyer, J. F. Hubertus, trustees. Since organization the follow- ing, sachems have held office: J. E. Crisfield to July, 1898; C. V. Patchin to July, 1899; William Cogswell to July, I'UK); George L. Krein to January, 1901; William Schwingel to July, 1901; A. L. VanValkenburg. Those who have acted in the capacity of C. of R. are: W. J. Fedder to July, 1900; E. R. Woodruff to July, 1901; William Schwingel. The title of senior sagamore has been conferred upon the following: A. H. Plimpton to January, 1898; C. V. Patchin to July, 1898; P. W. Kershner to July, 1899; A. L. VanValkenburg to January, 1900; George L. Krein to July, 1900; William Schwingel to January, 1901; A. L. VanValken- burg to July, 1901; Charles Ginock. The Tribe is in a very flourishing condition having a present mem- bership of nearly one hundred members and nearly $1,000 in the wam- pum belt. The members have lately organized a Haymakers' associ- ation of thirty members, and a Continental Red Men's League of thirty-six members. The deaths since organization have been two members and the wife of another member. The present officers are as follows: A. L. VanValkenburg, sachem; Charles Ginock, senior sagamore; N. F. Smith, junior sagamore; William Cogswell, prophet; William Schwingel, chief of records; Albin A. Altmeyer, collector of wampum; Alton E. Randall, trustee; William Cogswell and C. V. Patchin, keepers of the faith. Officers appointed: Matt Cook, guard of the wigwam; E. A. VanScoter, guard of the forest; John Fidler, N. Hubertus, H. McWhorter, A. E. Thurston, warriors; Roy Kingsley, A. E. Randall, Joseph Steigler, James Wood, braves; H. McWhorter, George Hubertus, A. E. Thurston, finance committee. Meetings are held at Red Men's Hall, vShepard Block, every Monday evening from October 1st to April 1st, and on the first and third Mondays in each month from April to October. The author of the above sketch is Dr. Charles V. Patchin, who has filled the stumps of senior sagamore and sachem, at present and for three consecutive years, has been district deputy great sachem for the reservation of Livingston county. FK. I T/iRXA L SOCIE TIES 73 L. C. B. Jt. St. ElizabcLli Branch No. 78, Ladies Catholic Be- nevolent Association, was organized July 20, 1891 in the C. M. B. A. rooms by Mrs. K. J. Dowling, Su- preme Deputy, assisted by Miss S. Ouinn, for the pur- pose of fraternal insurance. There were sixteen char- ter members with the following officers: Rev. J. H. Day, spiritual advisor; Minnie O'Donnell, president; ^Irs. ^Margaret Donnelly, 1st vice-president; Mrs. Margaret Schub- mehl, 2d vice-president; Mrs. A. Schoonhart, recorder; Miss Eliza- beth Werdein, assistant recorder; Mrs. A. Driscoll, financial secre- tary: Miss Katherine Hubertus, treasurer; Mrs. Kate Krein, mar- shal; Miss Anna Burke, guard; Mrs. Mary Alberts, Mrs. Mary Maloney, Mrs. Elizabeth Byron, Mrs. Minnie Pfuntner, Mrs. Mar- garet Morgan, trustees; Mrs. Rosa Klauck, Mrs. Kate Krein, Miss Anna Burke, auditors. The present membership is eighty-three, with the following officers: Rev. W. T. Dunn, spiritual advisor; Mrs. Margaret Buxton, presi- dent; Mrs. Margaret Ott, 1st vice-president; Miss Margaret Deren- bacher, 2d vice-president; Mrs. Rosa H. Klauck, recording secretary; Miss Susan We3aiand, assistant recording secretary ; Mrs. Kate Krein, financial secretary; Miss Margaret Maloney, treasurer; Mrs. Anna Driscoll, Miss Anna Denzer, Miss Nora Heiman, trustees; Miss Lena Gross, marshal; Mrs. Madeline Stefffer, guard; Mrs. Rosa H. Klauck, Mrs. Anna Driscoll, Mrs. Katherine Finn, board of appeals. Meetings are held alternate Tuesday evenings at C. M. B. A. rooms. Mrs. Anna Driscoll, the author of this sketch, is a charter member and has served as president, recorder, financial secretary and trustee of the local society. L. O. T. M. Dansville Hive No. 172 of the Ladies of the Maccabees, was in- stituted June 21, 1894, by Deputy Commander Ada L. Johnson. The L. O. T. M. is a fraternal life benefit association for women and an auxiliary of the K. O. T. M. There were twenty-seven charter mem- bers with the following officers: Fannie J. Welch, past commander; Mary A. Wheaton, commander; Lena C. Sprague, lieutenant com- mander; Eleanor McNeil, record keeper; Carrie M. O'Brien, finance keeper; Amelia C. Sutfin, chaplain; Barbara Eschrich, sergeant; Cora M. Lindsay, mistress at arms; Mary L. Sauerbier, sentinel; Barbara Folts, picket. At present there are over 120 members and the following is the list of officers: Mary A. Wheaton, past commander; Cora M. Lindsay, commander; Mary E. Thrall, lieutenant commander; Lena C. Sprague, record keeper; Rose M. Rowan, finance keeper; Kate Nor- ton, chaplain; Mary Murphy, sergeant; Kate Smith, mistress at arms; Theresa Hemmer, sentinel; Mary L. Sauerbier, picket. Meet- ings are held the second and fourth Wednesdav evenings in each month in K. O. T. M. hall. Mrs. Lena C. Sprague, who has been a member since the organiza- tion of the local society and has been lieutenant commander two years and record keeper five years, is entitled to credit for the above information. 74 ORGAXIZA TIOXS K O. T. M. .DansviUe Tent No 04, a local branch of the Knights of the Maccabees of the World, which is a fraternal life insurance society, was organized by Deputy Charles Melville, February 22, 1888, with twenty-four charter members. At the first meeting the follow- ing officers were elected; Frank Mehlen- bacher, past commander; J. B. Morey, com- mander; Charles V. Patchin, lieutenant commander; Henry M. Altmeyer, R. K. ; William Cogswell, F. K. ; H. Fenstermacher, prelate; Michael Rowan, sergeant; Charles V. Patchin, physician; Thomas Bowman, Mas. at A.; Herbert J. Mil- ler, 1st M. G. ;'j. H. Galbraith, 2d .M. G. ; N. Denzer, sentinel; Albert Sauerbier, picket. Since organization the following commanders have been installed: Jonathan B. Morey, 1888-89; Charles V. Patchin, 1889-90; Herbert J. Miller, 1890-94; William Cogswell, 1894-96; Peter W. Kershner, 1896-01; Adam Gessner, 1901-02; E. J. Rowan, 1902. The record keepers for the same period have been Henrv M. Altmeyer, 1889-90; Jacob Folts, 1890-93; James M. Kennedv,' 1893-94; John W. Perrv, 1894-95; Adam Freidel, 1895-96; Edward J. Rowan, 1896-1902, Robert Gamble, 1902. The present membership of the tent is 135 and officers are as fol- lows: Adam Gessner, past commander; E. J. Rowan, commander; Jacob Young, lieutenant commander; Robert Gamble, R. K. ; P. W. Kershner, F. K. ; C. H. Knowlton, chaplain; J. E. Crisfield, F. R. Driesbach, physicians; F. J. Gerber, sergeant; James Wood, Mas. at A. ; William Howe, 1st M. G. ; Albert Holbrook, 2d M. G. ; John Gary, sentinel; George Fedder, picket. Tent reviews are held the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at eight o'clock in their large and handsomely furnished lodge room in the Dyer Block. Edward Rowan, the author of this sketch, was admitted into the society April 9, 1895; elected record keeper of the tent June 9, 1896, and has been unanimously re-elected each ensuing year until 1902, when the office of commander was extended him. P. of H. Dansville Grange No. 178 Patrons of Husbandry, a farmers' social and co-operative fraternity, was organized April 14, 1874, in the wagon shop of B. S. Stone at Stone's Falls, by L. A. Palmer, a gen- eral deputy from Honeoye Falls, appointed by the State Grange. There were twenty-five charter members whose names follow, includ- ing those holding the first offices: B. F. Kershner, worthy master; B. S. Stone, overseer; H. A. Kershner, lecturer; R. K. Stone, steward; G. C. Stone, assistant steward; J. F. McCartney, chaplain; Fred Driesbach, treasurer; Henry Driesbach, gate keeper; Mrs. Fred Driesbach, ceres; j\lrs. B. F. Kershner, pomona; iVIrs. G. C. Stone, flora; Miss Emma J. Lemen, lady assistant steward. The remaining charter members were: J. B. Lemen, J. H. McCartney, William Hartman, Henry Hartman, William Hall," U. R. Stone, Mrs. J. F. FRATERXAL SOCIETIES 75 McCartne)', Mrs. G. C. vStone, Mrs. Henry Driesbach, Mrs. William Hall, Mrs. J. B. Lemen, Mrs. R. K. vStone, Mrs. B. S. Stone. The executive committee was composed of B. S. Stone, Fred Driesbach and J. B. Lemen. R. K. Stone was secretary from the time of or- ganization, e.xcepting one term, until his death December 15, 1898, and since that time Lena G. Stone has acceptably filled this office. Thirty of the most progressive farmers and their wives constitute its present membership with the following officers: A. W. Hawk, worthy master; Charles ^IcCurdy, overseer; Sadie Hawk, lecturer; Henry Driesbach, steward; O. H. Lemen, assistant steward; B. S. #' ' v|l il' ■ ' '' ^Ml>^ ^eJ-''^-=S*^l Vi'"'''''/ 1 P T iji M^'^^ H ^ ■ ^ " DANSVILLE GRANGE HALL Stone, chaplain; Louis C. Gottschall, treasurer; Lena G. Stone, sec- retary; Samuel Alexander, gate keeper; Miss Rose Gottschall, pomona; Mrs. Henry Driesbach, flora; Mrs. U. A. Losey, ceres; Miss Mabel McCurdy, lady assistant steward; B. S. Stone, Henry Driesbach, A. W. Hawk, executive committee. Mr. Stone has served as chairman of this committee since the time of organization. Before moving into the present well equipped quarters, the Grange occupied rooms in B. S. Stone's wagon shop through the courtesy of its proprietor. On Nov. 14, 1878, the Hall was formally dedicated, appropriate services being conducted by the Worthy Master of the State Grange William G. Wayne, and Secretary A. W. Armstrong, the members afterwards being addressed by Dr. James C. Jackson, of the Sanatorium. The twenty-fifth anniversary was observed April 14, 1899, the Grange being favored by a most inspiring address from the late Dr. S. G. Dorr, then postmaster at Buff^alo, N. Y., and the first member to join the Grange after organization. 76 ORGAXIZATIOXS Sept. 23, 1874, was held the first Grange picnic, being attended at Stone's Falls by over 2,U00 people. Hon. T. A. Thompson of Minne- sota, Lecturer of the National Grange, was the tjrator of the oc- casion. Oct. 21, 18^)2, Columbus Day was patriotically celebrated. Jan. 25, 1879, the Hall was crowded to hear the late Hon. Sidney Sweet talk of his travels in Egypt and the valley 01. Twelve members were chartered with the following officers: William Welch, venerable counsel; John C. Finn, worthy ad- viser; George J. Hubertus, clerk; Wesley Thrall, banker; Michael Burke, escort; Joseph Kimmel, watchman. The present membership is fifteen and the officers for the ensuing term are: W. J. Welch, venerable counsel; John C. Finn, worthy adviser; Wesley Thrall, excellent banker; Pat- rick Daley, escort; George J. Hubertus, clerk; Joseph Kim- mel, watchman; Urban Hubertus, sentry; Dr. C. V. Patchin, physi- cian; Thomas Ireland, Peter Byer, and J. Earl McCurdy, managers. Meetings are held the first and third Thursdav in each month at Camp Hall. Mr. George Hubertus, who kindly furnished the above facts, has been clerk since organization. R. A. C. Dansville Royal Arch Chapter No. 91 was chartered Feb- ruary 2, 1825. The charter officers were: Merritt Brown, high priest; Warren Patchin, king; Paul C. Cook, scribe. The Chapter was organized March 31, 1824, under a dispen- sation granted February 21, 1824 by the G. R. A. Chapter. The officers elected in addition to the three above named were: Timothy Atwood, R. A. C. ; Moses Conn, C. of H. ; Wm. Mc- Pherson, P. S. ; James Conn, M. of 3d. V. ; Anson Delamater, M. of 2nd V. ; N. Boyden, M. of 1st "\'. ; Thomas M. Bowen, secretary ; Samuel ■ Stillwell, treasurer; Henry Burley, guard. The members present at that meeting in addition to those named were Andrew Prindle and Jacob Thorn. The Chapter meets in the Maxwell Block the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Following is the list of present officers: Samuel F. Consalus, E. H. P.; F. M. Ferine, K. ; B. H. Oberdorf, S. ; J. T. McCurdy, treasurer; Woolever, secretary; George L. Krein, C. of H. ; James Lind- S. ; Silas L. Keyes, R. A. C. ; Charles J. LaBoyteaux, M. of Frederick E. Worden, M. of 2d V. ; George W. Cross, M. of ; S. L. Keyes, tyler. ROYAL TEMPLARS. Charles Mills, the Grand Councellor of the Royal Templars, a fra- ternal insurance society, of New York State, assisted by Deputy Grand Councellor, C. D. Foose, James H. Ward, and Warren Preston, organized a council of Royal Templars, Friday evening, December 2U, 1901, in A. O. H. hall,' with thirty-six charter members. The following officers were elected and installed : Eugene Hulbert, vS. C. ; Mrs. Ida T. Hoffman, V. C. ; Charles M. Kinne, P. C. ; Rev. W. H. Brown, chaplain; Frank Campbell, recording secretary; Mrs. Emma L. VanScoter, financial secretary; ^Irs. Jeannette Lindsay, treasurer; Nathaniel Price, herald ; Mrs. Mary Kershner, deputy herald ; Henry O. Ash, guard; Mrs. Sarah J. Bower, sentinel. At present writing seventy-three members have been enrolled. Regular meetings are held second and last Thursdays in each month, at A. O. H. hall. c. W. say , P 3d V. 1st V. 78 ORGANIZA TfONS I. O. O. F. Canaseraga Lodge No. 123 I. O. O. F. This Lodge was instituted Nov. 15, 1844, bv District Deputy Grand Master Scott Lord of (ieneseo. The charter members were John A. VanDerlip, William Hollister, John B. Smith, JohnC. Williams, William G. Thomp- son and Peter S. Lema. The first initiates were Bleecker L. Hovey and Benjamin Brad- ley, on the night of institution. Dr. Hovey, now in Rochester, is the only living first memlier. John A. VanDerlip was the first Xdble Grand. The membership of the Lodge during the nearly three score years of its existence has included the leading profes- sional and business men of Dansville and vicinity who have been lead- ers in all local enterprises for the betterment of Dansville socially, intellectually and financially. Two of its members have filled state grand offices, A. O. Bunnell by election. Grand Master in 1884-5; William Kramer, by appointment by Grand Master Bunnell, Grand Marshal for the same term. In 1850 there were eight lodges of the order in Livingston district, but for a long period subsequent to that year Canaseraga lodge was the only survivor. There are now five other lodges in this district, one each at Avon, Mount Morris. Gene- seo, Springwater, and Hemlock. The Lodge has held notable cele- brations of the anniversary of the order and of the Lodge, the fiftieth anniversary of the Lodge, Nov. 15, 1894, being specially signalized by the presence of Grand Sire Stebbins. The high value of the order to individual and community life has been practically exemplified in Dansville. Canaseraga Lodge has fine rooms in Maxwell block. Meets every F'riday night. ST. BOJ^IFACIUS SOCIETY In the little old parochial school building which stood in the rear of St. Mary's church, on March 30, 1852, was organized the Dansville branch of St. Bonifacius Society, which celebrated its golden jubilee on Monday evening, June 2, 1902. Rev. Father Alois Somoggi, long since gone to his reward, then priest of the parish, was the organizer. Of twenty-six charter members only five survive — Fritz Durr, John Schwan, Anthony Schwan, Nicholas Schubmehl and Stephen Rauber. Peter Schlick, also a charter member, who expected to join in the anniversary festivities, died on Wednesday of the previous week. The present membership is seventy-seven, officered as follows: Frank M. Schlick, president; Nicholas Uhl, vice-president; Joseph Steigler, secretary; Henry Zaffke, treasurer; Nicholas Johantgen and Casper Thilges, color-bearers; Baldis Vogt and Wendel Zimmer, marshals; Frank M. Schlick, Henry Zaffke, Joseph Steigler, John Blum and Henry Hubertus, trustees; Jacob H. Smith, Jacob Huver and Peter Schlick, finance committee. There have been thirty-nine deaths in the society and $19,000 paid out in benefits since organization. The annual sick benefits average about $550. During the past year about 80 ORGAN IZ A TIONS $1,000 has been paid in death claims and $500 in sick benefits, and there is about $5,000 in the treasury, showing good financial con- dition. Its membership includes some of our oldest and best business men, and our enterprising young men. In 1856 this society joined the D. R. K. Central Verein (German Roman Catholic Central Soci- ety) of the United States and was incorporated under the laws of this state in 1884. In May, 1896, it joined the Staats Verband upon the organization of that society. The society has been an honor to the village and a great help to its members and their families in time of sorrow and need. To the young men also it has been a guide and help. In these and many other ways it has been a valuable auxiliary to church and society. The seventh annual convention of the Staats Verband, a federation of the German Catholic church societies of the state of New York, held in Dansville on Sunday and Monday, June 1 and 2, was suc- cessful and profitable from every point of view. The convention was held here upon the invitation of St. Bonifacius vSociety of St. Mary's church of Dansville as an act of fraternity and also to emphasize the golden jubilee of St. Bonifacius. Nothing was left undone that was desirable for the reception and entertainment of the distinguished delegates who came from every part of the state. The principal Inisiness houses of Main street were handsomely dec- orated with red, white and blue, to which the Roman Catholics added yellow, the papal color. On Monday, June 2, at 1 o'clock there was a grand parade led by Marshal Baldis Vogt and Assistant Marshals Anton Marx and Fred Hemmer, mounted, the societies and bands in the following order: Bath Soldiers Home Band, Delegates to the Staats Verband, St. Wendelinus Society of Perkinsville, N. Y., Martial Band, C. R. B. A., Dansville, C. M. B. A., Dansville, St. Bonifacius Society. The men were nicely uniformed and presented a fine appearance. At the business meeting held after the parade the following officers were elected: Joseph Mielich, New York, president; Frank M. Schlick, Dansville, 1st vice president; Gebhart Sauter, Syracuse, 2d vice president; John Hoffmayer, Buffalo, 3d vice president; Valentine J. Riedman, Brooklyn, corresponding and financial secretary; Carl May- er, Jr., New York, recording secretary ; Virgil Joseph Essel, Utica, treasurer; Louis J. KaufTman and John B. Seiz, of New York city, consultors. President Mielich, who had served so well, was re-elected, and our own townsman, Mr. Schlick, was elected first vice president unanimously. The gratifying success of the jubilee celebration was largely due to the able efforts of a large corps of well known business men who are members of this progressive society and who were officered for the occasion as follows: Hochw. Michael Krischel, ehren praesident; ehren vice praesident, Hochw. Aloysius Huber; Frank M. Schlick, praesident; Nicolaus Uhl, erster vice praesident; John Blum, zweiter vice praesident; Nicolaus Schubmehl, dritter vice praesident; Henry Zaffke, secretaer; John Hubertus, schatzmeister. Mr. Joseph Steigler, who has been a member of the society for nine years and who is now acting as secretary, kindly furnished most of the information for this sketch. Miscellaneous Societies TEMPERANCE W. C. T. U. A branch of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, a national temperance society, was organized in Dansville in August 1881, by Miss Frances E. Willard, president of the National Union. There were thirty charter members and the following served as the first officers: Miss A. P. Adams, president; vice-presidents from all the churches; Mrs. Jane White, recording secretary; Miss M. F. Bunnell, corresponding secretar)- ; Mrs. D. W. Noyes, treasurer. The present officers are as follows: Mrs. Lillian F. Lewis, president; Mrs. A. E. Thurston, corresponding secretary ; Miss Bessie Knapp, record- ing secretary ; Mrs. E. G. Tiffany, treasurer. Meetings are held the first Tuesday in each month at the homes of the members. Mrs. E. G. Tiffany, who furnished the above information, is a char- ter meml)er and has been activeh* engaged in the work for twenty years. LITERARY YOUJ^G MEM'S LITERARY CLUB Thursday, March U, 1902, thirteen young men met at the office of Dr. F. W. Kuhn to perfect arrangements for the organization of a literary club, the leading feature of which was to be weekly debates on topics of current interest. The names of twenty members were enrolled the following Monday, and the membership limited to that number. The names of officers and other members were as folk)ws: James Brogan, president, F. W. Kuhn, vice-president; Carl Ross, secretary and treasurer; J. L. Wellington, critic; Charles R. Fedder and Ray vSandford, executive committee; Alexander Kennev, Frank Zafifke, W. A. Hubbard, F. H. Young, W. J. Maloney, F'. L Quick, James D. Kennedy, Fred E. Clark, Herman W. DeLong, Jr., J. T. Knap- penberg, Edward Alexander, Thomas Alexander, Joseph Thompson, H. A. Schwingle, Edward Murphy. In addition to the debate, a short talk is givon at each meeting by a member, who is assigned a subject closely associated with his every- day business. Considerable enthusiasm has marked the commencement of this society's work and im]")ortant results are anticipated. Meetings are held each Monday evening in the C. M. B. A. rooms. 82 84 ORGAXfZA TIOXS D. H. S. LITEllARY CLUB The Dansville High School Literary Club was organized Thursday, November 22, I'JOO, with twenty-five charter members. Prof. E. J. Bonner was made temporary chairman and Carleton Reynell and Martin King were appointed tellers pro tem. The first officers of the society were as follows James M. Brogan, president; Fred E. Clark, vice-president; Nicholas H. Noyes, secretary; Joseph T. Knappen- berg, treasurer; George C. Kingsley, teller. The present official staff elected January 28, 1902, consists of Bayard H. Knapp, president; Carl Hoffman, vice-president; Carleton Reynell, secretary; Dorr Price, treasurer; Charles W. Knappenberg, teller. Meetings are held at the Dansville High School every Tuesday evening at 7 :30 P. M., during the school year. The attention of the members is given almost entirely to debating, and much talent is-being displayed in their in- teresting sessions. JlLPHJl LITER JUiX SOCIETY The Alpha I^iterary Society was organized at the Dansville High School, November 26, 1900. Twenty young ladies, all students of the High School, were enrolled as members with the following as officers: Katherine Smalley, president; Mabel Tenney, vice-presi- dent; Charlotte Fairchild, secretary: Anita Woodruff, treasurer; Vera Burkhart, teller. The present officers are Ruth Brettle, presi- dent; Katherine Noyes, vice-president; Sara vSmalley, secretary; Jennie Bastian, treasurer; Bessie Woolever, teller. Meetings are held at the High School every Thursday evening during the school year. The above information was furnished by Miss Jennie Bastian, who is a charter member and the present secretary. READING CIRCLE Tuesday, February 18, 1902, a reading circle was organized at the home of Mrs. William Benson. Meetings are held each Tuesday at the homes of members. The membership, limited to ten, consists of the following: Mrs. William Benson, Mrs. B. P. Andrews, Mrs. W. J. Beecher, Mrs. E. H. Readshaw, Miss Mary Shepard, Miss Josephine Blake, Miss vSusie Parker, Mrs. Charles M. Herrick, Miss Aline Blackman, Mrs. W. B. Preston. COTERIE The literary circle known as the Coterie was organized in the fall of 1873, being planned b)' A. O. Bunnell and G. C. Bragdon, and the first meeting held Oct. 25, 1873. The first officers were George C. Bragdon, president, and Mary F. Bunnell, secretary. The member- ship is now limited to twenty. The following ofificers have been elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. E. E. Sweet, president; W. J. Beecher, vice-president; Miss Josephine Blake, secretary. A more extended sketch of this organization will be found under chajiter entitled "Certain Institutions." MISCELLANEOCS SOC/ET/ES 85 PATRIOTIC G. Ji. R. Among the many rural Posts of the Grand Army of the Republic in this Slate, there are but few which equal Seth N. Hedges Post, No. 216, of Dansville, not alone in members but in its efficiency as an agent for good in the community, and few Posts have received more favors from the National and State Department Commanders in the past. Its organiza- tion dates from the 16th of May, 1881, when a few veteran soldiers met at the office of Major Seth N. Hedges, then a practicing lawyer in Dansville. At tliat meeting there were present the following veteran soldiers: Seth N. Hedges, Mark J. Bunnell, J. J. Bailey, Oscar Woodruff, William Kramer, Charles Sutfin, Samuel Allen, Jacob J. Gilder, Edward Kelly and Conrad Kramer. After the usual preliminaries a Post of the Grand Army was organized, and it received the name of Barton Post, No. 216, in honor of a deceased relative of Clara Barton who won fame as a nurse during the war and afterwards as the first president of the Red Cross Society of the world. She was then living in Dansville and took an active interest in affairs with which the vet- erans were connected. The officers elected at the first meeting were as follows: Seth N. Hedges, commander; Jacob J. Gilder, senior vice commander; Edward Kelly, junior vice commander; Oscar Woodruff", surgeon; J. J. Bailey, quartermaster; Mark J. Bunnell, GROUP OF G. A. R. VETERANS TAKEN SOON AFTER THE ORGANIZATION OF THIS POST chaplain; William Kramer, officer of the day; Conrad Kramer, officer of the guard; Horace Wing, sergeant major; Samuel Allen, quarter- master sergeant. The officers and comrades were immediately mus- tered and installed by Comrade L. W. Defreest of Naples, assisted by a staff sent to Dansville for that purpose by the Department Com- mander. Charles Sutfin was appointed adjutant by Commander Hedges. Immediately upon being organized Commander Hedges 86 ORGANIZA TIONS instituted vigorous measures for recruiting members, and in a short time they began to come in rapidly. At the fourth meeting of the Post the names of M. B. Hotaling, Horace M. Herrick, Dennis Rowan and M. A. vStearns were proposed for membership and accepted. The first three are still active members of the Post. At nearly every sub- sequent meeting the names of veteran soldiers were presented for membershi]3, and in an incredibly short space of time the membership had reached one hundred. On the 27th of August, 1881, Commander Hedges died after an illness of several weeks. His loss was sorely felt by the members of the Post, for in every matter relating to the good of the order his counsel and advice were sought and accepted, and his death left for a time a void that was not easily filled. At the next regular meeting Senior Vice Commander Jacob J. Gilder was elected Commander to fill the vacancy, and he served until the meeting in January following. SETH N. HEDGES POST G. A. R. ON PARADE On the 27th day of August, 18S2, a suggestion was made that the name of the Post be changed from Barton Post to Seth N. Hedges Post, and a committee was appointed to confer with Clara Barton and secure her approval of the change. This she readily gave and the Post at once assumed the name of the first commander. Since the organization of the Post the following persons have held the office of Commander: Seth N. Hedges, Mav 16, ISSl, to August 27, 1881; Jacob J. Gilder, Sept. 0, ISSl, to Jan". 3, 1882; Charles Sut- fin, 1882, 1884, 1891, 1892, Jan. 1(1, 1893 to April 16, 1893; M. A. Stearns, Jan. 9, 1883 to ]\Ia"v 8, 1883; A. W. Fielder, May 8, 1883 to Jan. 1, 1884; William Kramer, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1896; Oscar Wood- ruff, 1888, 1889; H. A. Fairchikl, 1890; J. H. Baker, June 13, 1893, 1894, 1900; M. J. Bunnell, 1895; Samuel Allen, 1897, 1898; M. E. Hillman, 1899. MISCELLANEOUS SOCIETIES 87 The following' comrades have held the office of Senior Vice Com- mander: J. J. Gilder, 1881; Horace Wing, 1882, 1887, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1896, 1898, 1899; A. W. Fielder, 1S83; George C. Stone, 1884; J. H. Baker, 1885; R. Cranmer, 1886; H. A. Fairchild, 1888; C. P. Squires, 1894, 1895; M. E. Hillman, 1897; A. M. Plimp- ton, 1900. The present officers of the Post are: Oscar Woodruff, commander; A. M. Plimpton, senior vice commander; Charles INIcLaughlin, jun- ior vice commander; J. J. Bailey, quartermaster; H. A. Fairchild, adjutant; Geo. C. Stone, surgeon; J. H. Baker, chaplain; Wm. Kra- mer, officer of the day; Wm. Kidd, officer of the guard; Samuel Allen, quartermaster sergeant ; Conrad Kramer sergeant major. The death of Commander Sutfin in 1893 was another serious loss to the Post. He was ever zealous in good work and his interest in the Post was manifested on every possible occasion. The meetings of the Post are held on the second Tuesday evening of each month in the Odd Fellows' hall in the Maxwell Block. It has borne upon its rolls the names of 210 veterans and its present member- ship is 126. The most harmonious relations have always existed among the members, political or sectarian discussions have never been allowed, and its standing in the community as well as in Grand Army circles in the State speak well for its officers and members. It has a small amount of money in its treasury and during the more than twenty years of its existence it has expended approximately $5,000 for the relief of indigent soldiers and sailors, their widows and orphans. The author of this interesting history of the "boys in blue," is Mr. Oscar Woodruff", who has served three terms as commander of the Post and eleven terms as Adjutant. SOMS OF VETER^MS ^^__^__^^_^ Thirteen young men patriotically inclined, met in [IJIIIMAiJ-.^^tiaiml the editorial rooms of the Dansville Express, Monday, June 1, 1885 and organized a branch of the Sons of Veterans. The following officers were mustered in the ensuing Thursday: Wiley Newton, commander; Frank Scheely, senior vice commander; Frank J. Al- verson, junior vice commander; Lester Brown, quarter master; Michael Rowan, surgeon; L. E. Tiffany, chaplain; George Bunnell, officer of the day; Chauncey Slayton, officer of the guard; Frank Brown, adjutant; A. L. Harter, inside sentinel; Hub McWhorter, Geo. R. Brown, A. L. Harter, council of administration. The Mark J. Bunnel Post, No. 36, Sons of Veterans, was changed to conform with the camp system, with impressive ceremony, December 18, 1890, when the following officers were installed: W. S. Oberdorf, commander; Edward T. Fairchild, senior vice commander; Geo. R. Brown, junior vice commander; N. W. Uhl, quartermaster; A. L. Van Valkenburg, officer of the day ; Hugh Campbell, officer of the guard; M. C. Harter, surgeon; H. McWhorter, chaplain. 88 ORGAXIZA TIOXS W. S. Oberdorf was elected Division Commander for the State of New York, June 1892, serving until June 18'J3. The present officers are as follows: H. McWhorter, captain; W. S. Oberdorf, 1st lieutenant; J. W. Ullyette, 2d lieutenant ; C. M. Kinne, chaplain; George R. Brown, 1st sergeant; N. W. Uhl, quartermaster sergeant; A. L. VanValkenburg, officer of the day; C. B. Kramer, corporal; R. J. Cranmer, camp guard; A. L. VanValkenburg, C. M. Kinne, P. M. Fairchild, camp council. Meetings are held the second Tuesday in each month at \'illage Hall. N. W. Uhl, who supplied the aljove information, has been a member fourteen years, and during that time has held the following offices: 1st lieutenant, 2d lieutenant, 1st sergeant, quartermaster sergeant and delegate, attending si.\ State Encampments. MUSICAL p. J. OBERDORF EJHILY BAMDS Mr. P. J. Oberdorf, for many years promin- ently identified with various musical or- ganizations in Dansville and who has fol- lowed music as a profession at Rochester, N. Y., since leaving this village, has kindly fur- nished the following sketch of the bands which existed here during the early days: "The first musical organization that I re- member, was the Canaseraga Cornet Band, organized in the early forties with Jack Brown as leader, assisted by M. T. Stout and John Brown, all of whom were consid- ered excellent musicians at that time. The personnel of the band, as I remember it, was Jack Brown, Charles Goodno, Edward Goodno, Joseph Welch, John Sheppard, John Brown, John Hood, Lansing Hall, Edward Tiffany, Dick Buck, M. T. Stout, Charles Dibble, Lucius Brown, fames Newton, Emerson Rogers. The band had a reputation throughout this part of the State that was second to none. They were attached to the Canaseraga Light In- fantry and escorted this organization wherever they went. About 1857 or 1858, they engaged as leader, Alexander Scott, the founder of Scott's band of Rochester, who was at that time leader of the Great Western Band of Chicago. With Captain Scott as leader they were kept busy filling important engagements in many parts of this State and Canada. In 1861, when the 13th N. Y. Infantry was raised to go to the front, the band in part enlisted with the regiment. Those enlisting were: Alexander Scott, Edward Tiffany, Edward Goodno, James Scott, Theodore Wood, Robert Weisman, P. J. Oberdorf, Dick Buck, Charles Dibble, Dwight Hess, Lucius Brown, James Newton. The band was sworn into the service of the L^nited States for three months, at the expiration of which time they rettirned home never M/SCJiLLAXJiOUS SOC/ETJES 89 again X.o be toyethcr as a band of the original members. John Brown, M. T. Stout, Charles and Edward tioodno, Lucius Brown, Lansing Hall, Joseph Welch, John Hood, John Sheppard, and Alexander Scott are known to be dead. A band of si.xteen players called the Dansville Cornet band was or- ganized in January, 18()7, but only living a short time. In May, 1869, A. W. Fielder, by the addition of new material to the few remaining members of the old Canaseraga Cornet band, succeeded in bringing forth an organization of musicians which won great favor at home and abroad. The personnel of this band was as follows: A. W. Fielder, A. J. Brown, Charles Goodno, C. C. Sedgwick, Henry Preston, George Croll, William Dick, Archie Lemen, Frank Bartz, Albert Gilman, G. Hood, Morgan Price, F. Fenstermacher, M. T. Stout, George Wheaton, Edward Tiffany, William Miller, Lucius Brown, John Reese, William Cogswell. During the time that Fielder's band was m existence, there was an effort made to reorganize the old Canaseraga Cornet Band and M. C. Sexton, an eminent musician from Bath, N. Y., was engaged as leader but the results were not what were anticipated. The next band to be organized in Dansville was under the direction of P. J. Oberdorf and commenced its wtirk in 1875. The members were Fred McArthur, Frank Adams, Nicholas Hubertus, Joseph Yochum, Clifford Artman, Daniel Burns, Joseph W. Burgess, George Wheaton, John Palmer, P. J. Oberdorf, M. T. Stout, Herman Wheaton, Charles Welch, William Prussia. This band arrived at quite a degree of proficiency and during the presidential campaign preceding the election of Rutherford B. Hayes, were kept especially busy, their services being in demand by the Republican, Democrat, and Greenback parties. At a band contest at Geneseo the first prize was awarded this band. They were also the first to introduce the weekly open air concerts which have since proved such an enjoyable feature of the summer season in Dansville. This brings us to the year 1884 since which time the writer has not been identified with the musical interests of Dansville." Nicholas Hubertus started a band in 1882 which played inter- mittently for about fourteen years. Among the members during the first few years were the following: Samuel Consalus, George Til- lotson, Nicholas Hubertus, Eugene Walters, Daniel Burns, Jacob Smith, John Sparks, Fay Rose, Jacob Huver, George Wheaton, Joseph Stiegler, Michael Carmody, M. T. Stout, Frank Mehlenbacher, John Yochum, Leo Hubertus, D. Swift, Albert Sweet, P. J. Coleman, David Sweet. For a year or two the reorganized Fielder band and the Hubertus band played in opposition to each other. The Breeze Piccolo Band, organized in 1886, by Joseph W. Burgess who became both instructor and sponsor, consisted of sixteen juveniles ranging in age from ten to fourteen years. Drums and pic- colos with an occasional triangle were the only instruments. During the three years before this band outgrew itself by losing its juvenile character, the following members participated: H. B. Hall, William Boyd, Harry Slate, Carl Stephan, Claud Stephan, Henry Toles, Henry Hubertus, James Bailey, Henry \"eith, Charles Gilder, George Lind- say, Robert Dyer, Dwight Bailey, William Miller, Samuel Allen, 90 ORGANTZA TIONS Irving Hall. The uniqueness and excellence of this aggregation of musically-inclined youths, won great favor at home and considerable renown throughout all of New York state. Many flattering requests for their services were tendered them but the extreme youth of the musicians prevented their filling any but nearby engagements. THE CITIZENS BJIJ^B The Citizens band of Dansville was or- ganized November 17, 1896, with twenty- four charter members as follows: Edwin S. Whitehead, Pearl H. Cole, E. G. Weid- man, Fred E. Redmond, Charles Gilder, J. I>. Wellington, George Whitehead, H. C. Folts, H. B. Hall, J. A. Bailey, Will H. Fedder, Carl B. Kramer, C. M. Pierce, S. E. Wright, W. A. Smelcer, J. M. Snyder, Charles E. Merrill, George L. Hammond, Herbert A. Schwingle, W. S. Boyd, Daniel Fenstermacher, James F. Dieter, Irving Hall, and Sireno F. Adams. J. L. Wel- lington, H. B. Hall and Sireno Adams, were elected president, vice-president, and secretary and treasurer, respectively. J. A. Hill was instructor for two years and Leo Hubertus was instructor for the succeeding winter. Five hundred dollars was raised almost immediately among the citi- zens toward procuring the necessary equipment. Instruments were purchased of A. L. VanValkenburg and uniforms of Wm. Kramer & Son. The first public appearance was on May 30, 1897, when the band accompanied the G. A. R. veterans to Greenmount Cemetery. The first out of town engagement was to accompany the Rescue Hook & Ladder Co. of Bath to Hammondsport, N. Y. The band has since filled many important engagements at Buffalo, Rochester, Lima, LeRoy, Batavia and other places, creditably conducting themselves on each occasion. A local talent circus was held on the public square in June, 1897, to replenish the treasury of the organization, and proved unusually successful. Mr. George Whitehead, now with Dozenbach's Band of Rochester, was leader during the seasons of 1899 and 1900, and the band rapidly improved under his efficient leadership. Mr. Alonzo Jenks took charge of the band in May, 1901, and by painstaking effort and natural leader.ship has brought the or- ganization to a degree of perfection that has created much favorable comment at home and abroad. Mr. Jenks has had a wide experience in various bands and orchestras in Western New York also in New York City orchestras. He is a pupil of LaFrone Merriman, Mus. Dr. of Hornellsville, and of Herr Werner, a noted fiutist of New York. As a soloist on the flute and piccolo, Mr. Jenks's name on any program is a guarantee of pleasing entertainment. During the past season the following members have participated; Edwin S. Whitehead, Willard Morris, Charles Maybee, Pearl H. Cole, Fred E. Redmond, H. C. Folts, J. J. Rouse, Robert Foster, H. B. Hall, Niles Patterson, George Kramer, Charles Simons, Joe Werdein, Herman DeLong, Jr., George Whitehead, Willis Ellsworth, Daniel Fenstermacher, J. F. Dieter, Samuel Allen, Jr.. and F. E. Sprague. M ISC ELLA NEO US SOCIE TIES 91 BJiMSVILLE OIICHESTR^ In answer to the popular demand, an orchestra was organized dur- hig the fall of 1901, for the purpose of supplying music at receptions and at the theatre. So gratifying were the results of this combination of excellent talent that neighboring cities and villages sought the services of this orchestra, and engagements were repeatedly filled at Hornellsville, Geneseo, Mt. Morris, Canaseraga, Nunda, Craig Colony, Wayland, and the Jackson Sanatorium. The players and their instru- ments were as follows: Alonzo Jenks, (leader), flute; Willard Morris, violin; George Kramer, piano; Edwin Whitehead, cornet; Charles Maybe, clarinet; Carl Merriman, cello and drums. RECREATION D. H. S. BJISE BALL CLUB The Dansville Higii Schcjol Base Ball Team for the year 1901 was under the management of James M. Brogan, captained by Alexander L. Kenney, with Fred E. Clark as substitute. The team won nine otit of eleven games played during the season; many of the victories being gained against great odds, which reflects most favorably on the D. H. S. BASEBALL TEAM OF 1901 skill of the players. The members of the team were as follows: Charles H. Nichols, catcher; Bernard McNeil, pitcher and third base; Fred E. Clark, first ba.se; John Berman, second base; Alexander Ken- ney, third base and pitcher; James D. Kennedy, short stop; Irving- Marble, right field ; Frank Zaffke, center field; Nicholas Noyes, left field: Ralph Hyde, substitute. D. H, S. FOOTBALL TLAM OF 1900 D. H. S. FOOTBALL TEAM OF 1809 J//.SY liLLA XEO US SOL //: TIES D. H. S. FOOT BALL CLUBS The High School of Dansville during the years '98- '99 and 1900, was the proud possessor of a most efficient team of foot ball players, meeting on the gridiron many strong opponents who almost invari- ably succumbed to the superior ability of the D. H. S. F. B. C. Dur- ing the year 1898, out of seven games played, only two were lost. The team of '99 scored 144 points, including twenty-six touchdowns, to their opponents twenty-five points. Only two out of the seven games played during 1900 were lost by the home team — a remarkable record considering the previous records of their opponents. The line up for the three years was as follows: 98 99 1 900 Centre F. Grant F. Grant F. Clark Left Guard C. Ross C. Ross C. Ross Right Guard F. Snyder F. Snyder J. Sanford Left Tackle J. Kennedv J. Kennedv R. Hyde Right Tackle O. Smalley O. Smalley O. Smalley Left End N. Noyes.' N. Noves N. Noyes Whitehead E. Whitehead. .E. Whitehead Bastian F. Bastian J. Kennedy Alexander T. Alexander. . .T. Alexander Kenney A. Kenney A^ Kenney Right End E. Quarter Back F. Left Half Back. . . .T. Right Half Back. .A. Full Back F. Zaffke. F. Zaffke F. Zaffke Substitute J. Noyes C. Nichols Substitute F. Lemen L Marble Captain F. Grant F. Grant F. Zaffke Manager F. B. Snyder H. W. DeLong, Jr. GUJ^ CLUB The Dansville Gun Club was organized January 12, 1898, at the of- fice of P. Hoffman with twenty-five charter members. The first of- ficers were: James Bryant, president; Herbert Miller, vice president; ,=&iS<- DANSVILLE GUN CLUB SHOOTING GROUNDS P. H. Willey, secretary and treasurer; N. Tompkins, captain; J. C. Folts, J. A. Bailey, Daniel Fenstermacher, directors. The present of- 94 ORGANIZA TIONS ficers are: H. J. Miller, president; F. D. Knowlton, vice president ; Norman Tompkins, secretary; C. J. LaBoyteaux, treasurer; H. D. Rail, captain; Joseph Ott, J. C. Folts, Charles Eschrich, trustees. Meetings are held every month. Practice shoots are enjoyed at regular intervals while friendly contests with other clubs are of fre- quent occurrence and always add credit to the skill of members of the D. G. C. Near the Dansville Paper Mill the club has a fine gallery and equipment for wing shooting. The club anticipates stocking the covers in this vicinity with imported quail. One of the several predecessors of the present Gun Club and proba- bly the most important of the many of years past, was the "Dansville Sportsmen's Association," organized May 7, 1875. There were fifteen charter members with the following officers: Henry J. Faulkner, president; John Hyland, vice president; F. J. Robbins, secretary and treasurer. The association has a recorded existence of only six years, the name of B. H. Oberdorf, secretary, being attached to the last in- sertion in the record book. BRME BUliN GOLF CLUB The "Brae Burn Links" were established in the Spring of 1900 by the Jackson Sanatorium in its corporate capacity. This beautiful golfing ground is located in the southwestern part of the village, near the Dansville paper-mill. Exceptionally well adapted for the purpose, with its many natural hazards, good shade and fine club-house, these links are sure to please the most enthusiastic devotee of the sport. 1 _ 1^\ Wf^^M^ ■ •'^ - ■ BRAE BURN LINKS GOLF CLUB HOUSE Tournaments are held at regular intervals and have brought forth a number of fine scores, which have fully demonstrated the expertness of local players. Dr. John W. Craig of the Sanatorium medical staff won the first cup, which was offered by guests Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Talcott. At a meeting of the golf enthusiasts, held Monday evening M ISC ELLA NEO US SOCIE TIES 95 March 7, 1902, it was decided to organize and incorporate the Brae Burn Golf Club of Dansville, N. Y. The following were named as in- corporators: Dr. James H. Jackson, Dr. Walter E. Gregory, Dr. J. Arthur Jackson, Dr. James E. Crisfield, Bernard H. Oberdorf, Charles H. Rowe, Jansen Noyes. Charles H. Rowe was given the authority to take necessary steps for incorporating the organization under the laws of the State of New York. We are indebted to Dr. Walter E. Gregory for the information herein contained. ^^ UNIONS G. C. N. U. Dansville Branch of Granite Cutters' National Union was organized vSeptember 1, 1899. The purpose of the Union is to advance the inter- ests of the members by fraternal, social, and beneficial methods, and by encouraging greater skill in their particular craft. The first offi- cers were: Patrick Daly, president; George Morgan, vice president; Albert Marx, secretary; George Burrell, shop steward. There are thirty members at present and a large fund in the treasury. The present officers are: George Burrell, president; Patrick Daly, vice president; Charles Baird, secretary; Ernest Freiberg, treasurer; Charles Kilburn, shop steward. Meetings are held the third Thursdays in each month at K. O. T. M. hall. Charles Baird, who is the authority for the above statements, has been a member of the National Union for eleven years, and has served many different branches as secretary. C. M. N. U. NO. 119. Branch No. 119, of the Cigar Makers' National Union, was organ- ized at Cohocton, N. Y. in 1881, and transferred to Dansville in lS8f). The following named members and officers constitute this Branch: Matt Cook, president; J. A. Wirth, secretary and treasurer ; Matt Cook, Frank Schwan, Charles Simons, John Pruner, J. N. vStadler, J. J. Yochum and William F. Vieth, finance committee. J. A. Wirth, who sujpplied the above information, has been a mem- ber seven years and secretar}' since 189'). D. 6rM. B. Mr. William E. Leffingwell sold his interest to his brothers; in 1887 Dr. E. D. Leffingwell sold his interest to Dr. Albert Leffing- well, and in 1888 Dr. Albert Leffingwell sold his interest to Dr. James H. Jackson who associated with himself as trustees and managers. Dr. Walter E. Gregory, and Mrs. Helen D. Gregory, his wife. Dr. Gregory had been for years a superintendent in the Institution and had graduated in medicine. Mrs. Gregory had been cashier of the Institution from 1882, and Dr. James H. Jackson associated them in the enterprise when the Leffingwells sold their interest. On May 4, 1868, there was born to Dr. James H. Jackson and Kate J. Jackson a son, who was named James Arthur Jackson, after his father and his mother's brother. This lad grew and prospered and was early introduced into the business and learned it thoroughly from its least to its greatest interests and departments. He grad- uated in medicine in 1895 and became a physician and business manager in association with his father and Dr. and Mrs. Gregory in that year, his father retiring practically from the details of the busi- ness management. In the year 1890, the old stock company, known as Our Home Hygienic Institute of Dansville, New York, was sold to a new cor- poration known as The Jackson Sanatorium, and Dr. James Arthur Jackson became an owner, Mrs. Gregory retiring from ownership, but retaining her office as cashier and treasurer. Dr. James Caleb Jackson lived to be within his 85th year, dying on the 11th day of June, 1895. He lived to see the Institution which he organized, so to speak out of nothing, beginning in the smallest way, take its place in the front rank of the Health Institutions of the coun- try, with a world-wide reputation. He lived to see the ideas, to represent and io promulgate which the Institution was established, ac- cepted and cherished and adopted by thousands of people in whose families his name is a household word. L OCA L IND I 'S TRIES 111 Our Home Granula. Co. Granula was perfected slowly by one of the most discerning and pro- gressive men of his time in matters pertaining to the preservation of health and cure of disease. The experiments were begun at (ilen Haven by Dr. James C. Jacksv's Forest Mills Readshaw's Forest Mills produce the best food substances in the world. It is in the brains and blood of the Readshaws to take the lead and keep it as progressive millers; for they are descended from a long line of skilled ancestors who were at the head of their craft on the Green Isle across the ocean, procured royal leases of lands, water rights and mills, and supplied both nobility and peasantry with the powdery constituents for their most wholesome food — the choicest grindings in the United Kingdom. Successive generations of Readshaws kept the business continuous in the family line, and valuable secrets of manufacture and selection were handed down from father to son. At last a Readshaw miller emigrated to America, and thus it came about that Benjamin F. Readshaw at the age of eighteen step])ed into Harvey Ely's popular flouring mill in Rochester as its head miller, and retained the position as long as he pleased. Every best process then known for making grain into flour and meal was as familiar to him as his ABC. After a time the beauty and promise of Dansville up the valley attracted him. He came here in 1840 and in partner- ship with John C. Williams leased the Opp mill at the upper end of the village, and there ground grists that pleased their many custom- ers for three years. Benjamin F. Readshaw and J. C. Williams were the first millers in Dansville to grind flour for shipment to the outside trade. At the expiration of their lease Mr. Readshaw returned to Rochester, married there and remained until 1846, when he returned to Dansville and purchased the Opp Mill that he leased before, and became a permanent, useful and popular citizen of the thriving village. In December of that year another miller was born in the Readshaw home. This was E. H. Readshaw, now very much in evidence in Dansville and elsewhere as a maker of the best flours and meals from the best grains. The father made his mill famous as the the pioneer manufacturer of the genuine Graham flour, and his imitators in this direction have never been able to reach his standard of quality. In his mill, known then as the Opp Mill or the Farmers' Mill, he was quick to start new processes and bring out new products; and he adopted the name of Forest ilills as a trade mark to distinguish his products from those of other mills which might try to imitate them. Other grindings came from his mill from time to time, some of which are now included in the list of choice specialties advertised by his son and successor. Dr. James C. Jackson appeared in Dansville in 1858 and started his great health institution on the hillside. His eyes were open to per- ceive the things around him which were most needed, and after test- ing Mr. Readshaw's products he e.xclaimed ''Eureka!" It was the combined skill of these two men, each remarkable in his own line of investigation, that made the tables of "Our Home on the Hillside" famous so early for their new and delicious grain foods, which went a long way towards ridding the incoming patients of their ailments and morbid feelings — Mr. Readshaw furnishing the essential constituents and Dr. Jackson's helpers under his directions, trans- forming them into palatable dishes easy to digest and assimilate, and -^ - •_ ^ ^_ G • " "o X Ul ■*-• OJ 116 BrS/NESS potent to purify the blood, clarify the brain, and tone up the whole body. From the first year of the original "Home" to this year of the imposing Jackson Sanatorium, which evolved from it as naturally as the flower evolves from the bud, the grindings for that splendid insti- tution have been obtained from the Forest Mills of the Dansville Readshaws. When E. H. Readshaw took his lamented father's place, processes were further improved and other specialties invented. The business became too large to manage in the original mill, and in 1889 was moved into the "Stone Mill" which after a few years was also found to be too small, and left behind for better and more spacious quarters in 1896. E. H. Readshaw then purchased the three-story brick school build- ing 45 by 60 feet, with high basement, on Ossian street, that he might have room enough to carry out his ideas of better appliances and re- sults. He furnished it with every convenience for perfect manufac- ture and quick shipment with a minimum of labor, erected a separate building for a fifty horsepower engine, and as soon as possible estab- lished himself in the midst of these greatly improved conditions. The three-story building has the best obtainable stones, rollers, lifts, puri- fiers and other mechanical requirements for the production of the un- equaled Readshaw specialties. The complicated machinery runs as smoothly as clock work and produces food substances from the various grains, with every foreign substance eliminated, which are a joy to every household where they are used. The standard grain is the Genesee Valley white winter wheat, pre-em- inent among the grains of the whole world in the quality and proportions of its concentrated food values. It is richer in phosphates, nitrates, gluten and other nutritious and health-giving elements than any other kind of grain not only, but any other wheat, not excepting the famous wheats of the prairied West. The Sanatorium scientists have experi- mented enough with different grains to endorse this statement with- out hesitation. No wonder, therefore, that E. H. Readshaw and his son, Benjamin (t. Readshaw, now associated with him, have a demand for their ground and packed specialties from all over the United vStates and Canada, and also from the West Indies and the countries across the seas. Their Forest Mills are cosmopolitan mills because they are located where the best grains are grown, and these are reduced by the most approved processes under the supervision of men with inventive minds, who be- lieve in practical progress all the while. Here is a list of specialties produced at Readshaw's Forest Mills: Graham Flour (pure wheat meal), Entire Wheat Flour, Complete Flour, Grana (granulated wheat). Dyspeptic Flour (light gluten), Di- abetic Flour (dark gluten). Broken Wheat, Rye Meal, Rye Flour, Buckwheat Flour. Also Winter Wheat Patents, Winter Wheat Straights, All Full Roller Flours. The quality of every product is guaranteed, and Mr. Readshaw will furnish price lists and descriptive booklet containing testimonials and valuable recipes to anyone asking for them, LOCAL INDUSTRIES 117 Dansville Hospital The Dansville Hospital is an institution combining all the advan- tages of a Public Hospital and Private Sanitarium, where both medi- cal and surgical cases are treated. It is located in Dansville, Living- ston County, New York, at the southern end of the famed Genesee Valley, the garden of Western New York. The Hospital is a three- story brick building with a frontage of one hundred feet and a depth of sixty feet. It stands near the foot of the slope of East hill facing west, commanding a fine view of village and valley. The building is in the midst of a park of five acres with avenues of handsome maples and other shade trees. The climate of the valley is mild and invig- orating, and the entire region is noted for its healthfulness. The interior of the building is handsomely finished and furnished. The ceilings are high and the rooms are well lighted and thoroughly ventilated. There are pleasant prospects from every window. A wide sweep of country including the mountain ranges, can be taken in from the observatory on the roof. On the first floor there is a spacious entrance hall, with a reception room at one side in front and office on the other side; in the rear a pharmacy and a men's bath room. At the south end of the transverse hall is a commodious dining room and serving room, at the north end a large ward capable of accommodating twenty-five persons. The second floor contains a fine operating room with all the appli- ances of modern surgery, medical and surgical rooms, wards and pri- vate rooms for women, and a women's bath room. On the third floor are private rooms and rooms en suite for patients and their friends. In addition to the well equipped operating room and the latest im- proved instruments, there is a hot air apparatus very useful in the treatment of certain diseases in which the waste products of the sys- tem can be eliminated by the skin. There is also a twelve plate Morton-Wimshurst-Holtz Static machine, and an X-Ray outfit in use both as a means of diagncjsis and for the treatment of cancer, lupus, tubercular glands, etc. Many victims of cancer who suffer and languish in their own homes, a source of great care and solicitude on the part of their friends who are helpless to give them relief, are skill- fully treated here by the X-Rays and made comfortable without pain. The disease by this'treatment can be arrested and occasionally cured. A separate ward is given to such cases. Special attention is given to the treatment of nervous diseases, par- ticularly neurasthenia and locomotor ata.xia. Massage and hydro- therapy are used in suitable cases. In the quiet and homelike atmosphere of the Hospital and with ex- perienced nurses, maternity cases can often be more safely and suc- cessfully treated than in the homes of the patients. In addition to the large and competent local staff, and regularly graduated nurses, some of the best consulting physicians and surgeons of Rochester and Buffalo and other cities promptly respond to call. A peculiar and specially noteworthy advantage of the Dansville Hospital is, that patients can have their own family physicians and surgeons attend them and all the appliances of surgery and medicine LOCAf. fXnCSTRrES 119 ami nursing are at their service. Provision may also be made tVir friends of patients who wish to accompany them. In addition to the advantages of recuperative conditions inside the walls of the Hospital, the outside surroundings are most attractive and health-giving to the convalescing patient according to his strength. The park in which the building is located invites him to try the outdoor air, and if he can ride there are numerous charming drives near, by the smooth country roads, through winding ways be- tween high walls of rock fringed with shrubbery, and into glens, or along mountain roads overlooking fascinating panoramas of valley fields of nursery trees and grain and corn and grass; farther away beautiful Conesus lake dotted with boats and surrounded by beautiful cottages. A more delightful region for short drives or extended ex- cursions can hardly be imagined. All Nature seems here to join with the Hospital in promoting the restoration to complete health of the sick and worn-out, or the victims of accident. World-wide travelers have enthusiastically declared that they have never seen in all their wanderings so beautiful a valley as the one in which nestles the vil- lage of Dansville. The village has many handsome private and pub- lic buildings and parks, churches and sch(jols. ^luch quiet, effective work has already been done and is now doing at the Dansville Hospital, which gives cordial invitation to pliysicians and patients everywhere to test its merits. Terms are $10 to $25 a week, which include room and board, sur- gical and medical treatment and supplies and nursing — according to room and condition. This is less than it often costs to be cared for at home, and insures skillful treatment and care at all hours of the day and night. A church or society can provide for a bed for a member at a most reasonable price. Consulting physicians and surgeons are Dr. John Parmenter, 399 Franklin street,' Buffalo, N. Y. :"Dr. M. A. Crockett, 452 Franklin street, Buffalo. N. Y. ; Dr. William B. Jones, 215 Lake avenue, Roch- ester, N. Y. ; Dr. George H. Ahlers, Pittsburg, Pa. ; Dr. Wm. C. Phelps, 146 Allen street, Buffalo. N. Y. ; Dr. Edward Clark, S()(, Elli- ci;)tt square, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Dr. Al. Benedict, 174 Franklin street, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Dr. F. B. Willard, 334 Potomac avenue, Buffalo, N. Y, ; Dr. E. Wood Ruggles, 204 Alexander street, Rochester, N. Y. ; Dr. Henry Koch, 19 Cumberland street, Rochester, N. Y. Local consulting physicians and surgeons, Dansville, N. Y., are Dr. B. P. Andrews, 109 Main street; Dr. James E. Crisfield, 138 Main street; Dr. Frederick R. Driesbach, 100 Main street; Dr. Francis M. Perine, 218 Main street: Dr. Charles Y. Patchin, 06 Elizabeth street; Dr. \N. B. Preston, 48 Elizalieth street; Dr. Ella F. Preston, 48 Eliz- abeth street. Robert Sinclair, superintendent. The matron and nurses are regular graduates. Tile builtlinj; occupied as a hospital was built in 1860 under the auspices of the Methodist (ienesee conference for educational purposes under the name of Dansville Seminary, and as such became widely and favorably known. It was also used as the starting place for the Dansville Union school from 1883 until the completion of the new Union school building in 1888. The building with its fine grounds was purchased about eleven years ago by Dr. George H. Ahlers of Pittsburg, Pa., and opened as a hospital in January, 1900. LOCAL ixnrsrRiiis 121 LACKAWANNA STATION THe L/acKawanna R.ailroad Four hundred feet above the level of the valley and only midway up the side of a precipitous hill, the Lackawanna winds its way for many miles east and west of Dansville station. The wonderful feat of engineering construction which placed this territory on the main line of this road, not only opened up a country rich in natural re- sources but one resplendent in magnificent scenery. Looking from the car window out over Dansville, one can scarcely resist an exclama- tion of delight. From hill to hill the village stretches directly away for two miles; the surrounding hills converging at the southwest form a precipitous ravine, and diverging at the northwest, the valley becomes a fertile plain, a spur of the famous Genesee. Watered by many streams with numerous tributaries the surrounding country glories in lu.xuriant vegetation, cultivated so well that the casual ob- server gazes apparently u[)on a landscape garden of marvelous pro- ])ortions. The historical relations of the Lackawanna and L)ansville are given in the general history under the chapter on Canals and Railroads. The purpose of the sketch is to give further evidence by fact and figures of the value of their association and thereby to acquaint the uninitiated with the importance of local transportation facilities. For twenty years the company has been represented in Dansville, by Charles A. Snyder, whose careful regard for the interests of his 122 /.TS/X/^SS employers and his courteous treatment of all patrons of the road, have been important factors in maintaining the amicable relations that have always existed between this corporation and the inhabitants of this and adjoining communities. The passenger depot is a two-story structure of commodious size, containing every modern convenience. All the buildings composing this station were entirely destroyed by fire in 1898 and were replaced by the handsome ones here illustrated in 18')9. During the past year (I'tOl) tickets were sold at the local office CULBERTSON'S GLEN BRIDGE amounting in round numbers to $26,893.38. Three thousand tons of freight were billed and 18, (KK) tons received. These figures show a large gain over corresponding ones of any previous year and best illustrate the growing popularity of the Lackawanna, and its effect on the community. Two miles to the east there is under way one of the most daring feats of engineering construction ever attempted. Here a deep and wide ravine is spanned by a mammoth steel structure which, proving inadequate to support the largest engines, is being rapidly replaced by a bridge of earth to contain (i(l(l,(M)U tons of soil and rock, covering a culvert 34().\16 feet in size, and the bridge itself over 530 feet from end to end. This will be accomplished at a cost of half a million dollars, but will be an improvement that will last for- ever. Four miles to the west a similiar undertaking is being accom- plished so that the heavy grade extending sixteen miles, from Grove- I. OCA I. IXD I 'S TRIES 123 land to Piirtway, may have the advantage of the most powerful mo- tive power, and thereby overcome to a material degree, the imped- iment to traffic, caused by the gradual elevation of the road bed for so long a distance. Mr. T. W. Lee, General Passenger Agent of the Lackawanna for Western Xew York, is an occasional visitor to Dansville. whose com- X CHARLES A. SNYDER ing is lo(.)ked forward to with pleasure by his many friends in this locality. A just arbiter of grievances and an able executive, few who come under the sphere of his influence can fail to be impressed with the justice of his decisions and the value of his methods. Mr. Burch has for ten years been in charge of the receipts and prompt shi])ment of all freight and baggage at this station. Mr. Cross since 1SS2 has been the intermediary for the cash of the public and the comj^any's guarantees for transportationn, and the efficient telegrapher as well. The history of the Lackawanna as exemplified in Dansville is paralleled in hundreds of other places, causing the whole story to read like a romance but one, however, that has a substantial culmination. J LOCAL /XDlSTRfES 125 Vai\ Valkeiibtirgf's Music House "Music is the art of the prophets, the only art that can cahn the agitation of the soul ; it is one of the most delightful presents God has given us." To the untutored ear the harmonious blending of pleasing soimds is an indescribable delight; to the cultured performer it becomes a source of e\-erlasting pleasure and comfort. A taste for music, inherent in many, is, in the majority of cases, acquired under judicious instruction. Never, however, is adaptability for the art manifested without the aid of a good instrument, which is an inspira- tion in itself. The prospective purchaser is seldom a capable judge of quality or tone and for this reason should intrust the fulfillment of his desires to a specialist. Dansville is called a musical village, for few communities of its size are favored with so much local talent or so many professional artists. This undoubtedly is in a measure responsi- ble for the centering here of the large trade now controlled by the A. L. Van ^'alkenburg musical establishment, the traffic of which extends all over western New York and northern Pennsylvania and is rapidly increasing, as it continues to draw heavily on the trade that formerly went to the large cities. Mr. Van Valkenburg has been a resident of this village since 1890, having purchased in 1S')5 the business established by Hoecker & Co., during the year 1887 in the Hoecker block on Exchange street. The present business is located at 148 Main Street, where the whole of a large three-story block is occupied by the business. A large stock of the leading makes of pianos, organs and string instruments, as well as other musical merchandise, is carried, so that oi'ders are promptly filled. Edison's Phonographs and supplies are made a specialty, and being so well known need no recommendation. Sheet music in end- less variety is always on hand or is secured in forty-eight hours after order is received. The success which Mr. Van Valkenburg has at- tained in his line of business has been due to the adaptability he has shown for his particular vocation and the push and enterprise exhib- ited by continually extending the field of his operations until it now covers a radius of hundreds of miles. Pleasing in manner and ex- tremely obliging and courteous to all, Mr. Van Valkenburg has a host of friends both in and out of his business relations, who are proud of his unusual success and are equally sure of the continued prosperity of his business. Mr. A. E. Thurston, who has been associated with Mr. Van Valkenburg as representative for a number of years, has a wide reputation as a salesman who sells. Miss Mazie Van Valken- burg, a pianist of unusual ability, is the obliging demonstrator of new music, making a visit to this establishment a pleasure not soon to be forgotten. 120 BC:S/N£SS "Wilson <5l Altxneyer Man by nature is a social creature and as such he craves the comforts of a home, which be it ever so humble there is no place like unto it. Our forefathers in the days when hardships were accepted as an indis- pensable part of existence, resorted to their own mechanical skill to hew from the rough the few necessaries that constituted their modest household equipment. As prosperity grew upon them, their tastes advanced accordingly and one by one pieces of home-made furniture were replaced by the constructions of skilled artisans. Before the age of modern machinery, laborious indeed was the task of building a single article and necessarily high was the price set upon it. In those days a few pieces represented a competence and a house full a small fortune. How different, how superior are the existing circumstances when illumined by contrast with the old. The great mechanisms of iron and steel, moving with more than life-like accuracy, carve the ugly timbers into beauteous shapes or intricate designs, which, when combined, become available for utility and adornment. The consumer shares best in these improvements, for he receives today his household furnishinurs for but a small advance on the value of materials used in LOCAL INDUS TRIES i: construction. Few people would dare trust their own judgment in selecting' furniture which perhaps appears to be one thing but may t)c another. It is therefore essential to the welfare of every community that some one versed in the art of cabinet making and upholstering should be available to guide one aright and make selections of more than temporary value. These public benefactors are generally called furniture dealers, while undertaking seems to have become of late years an allied branch, as exemplified in the firm of Wilson & Altmeycr. Ifc^ VIEW IN OFFICE Tills co-partnershi]) was established in July, IS^T), by F. G. Wilson and H. M. Altmeyer, both men of many years' experience in their es- pecial vocations. Today they stand without a competitor in one of the choicest districts in western New York. Opposition they have had, but none that could live because it was not needed by the jniblic. The building now occupied by them for office and salesrooms is a brick structure with a large annex, having a total floor space of nearly 15,-A-i--k-<^^22^ LOCAL IXDrSTKf/iS 131 fifteen miles of track connecting Dansville and Mt. ^Morris passes throLigli what is locally called "the flats," which are really a spur of the Genesee valley. The most important intermediate stations are West Sparta, which is rapidly developing the cultivation of nursery stock; Meyers, with its large store and bolt mills; (Sroveland, the lo- cation of The National Coo]ierage Co. Mills; Sonyea (Crr.ig Colony), with its White City — New York State Institution for the Care of Epileptics. The station and yards are at the foot of Milton street, in the very heart of the village. The well appointed freight and passenger depots are combined in one substantial structure, which contains also the of- fices of the superintendent. The equipment of the road consists of through car service with the Erie railroad between Rochester, Buffalo and Dansville. One of the most important factors of the road is the facilities and advantages which it offers to the local nurserymen for the prompt shipment of stock and the importing of supplies. Passing for its entire length through the very center of one the finest nursery- belts in the state, the railroad is approached at regular intervals by the loading stations of the leading nurserymen. Mr. Robert H. England, general manager of this railroad since 1898, was formerly a resident of this village, but for some time has been an honored citizen of Rochester, N. Y. He still continues to im[)ress his personality upon all the operations of the company and with his customary thf)roughness and directness is steadily adding to and improving the equipment of the road and increasing its subsetjuent patronage. Mr. G. E. Dunklee, the present gen- j eral superintendent, has acceptably ■^ filled this important post since 1900. Thoughtful of the wishes of all patrons of the road and careful in the conduct of local management and the selection of his assistants, Mr. Dunklee has made his influence felt by a substantial increase to both the passenger and freight traffic. GEORGt E. DUNKLEE 132 BrS/.VESS Blutn tSKoe Company- Fifteen years ago a small shoe factory was started in the vShepard block by John Blum. Only a few were employed, and while a wood stove furnished the necessary heat, the hands of the employes did all the work. From this small beginning, in spite of strong competitors, the busi- ness forged rapidly ahead until today the superior excel- lence of the goods and the enterprise of the promoters established a large and lucrative trade in the best markets the United States and Canada. In 1895, the quarters proving inadequate to meet the demands of the rapidly increasing business, a change was made to the present location on the corner of Milton and Spruce streets where they now occupy the handsome three- story brick building erected by Stephen C. Allen in 1.S73. Today the company does all its work by machines of the latest patterns, running at a high rate of speed, and every new mechanical device which will have firmly throughout improve quality, style or workmanship, is introduced as soon as it is placed on the market. About Idtt skilled workmen are constantly em- ployed and though each shoe passes through some fifty diiferent hands, 4UU pairs of various kinds of men's, ladies' and children's felt shoes and slippers are manufactured daily. The Blum Shoe Co. was incorpor- ated in 1898 for iji25,UU0, and in 1900 the capital stock was increased to $50,000, members of the Blum family controling all the shares. John Blum is president, Frank J. Blum superintendent and manager, and Philip E. Blum secretary and treasurer; each one being peculiarly adapted to his position, making a combination of great strength and reliability. One of the most important industries in Dansville as well as the county, the Blum Shoe Company needs no further com- mendation. LOCAL L. YDUSTRLES 133 The adjoining' illustration shows one of the many different kinds of shoes built for warmth and comfort by the Blum Shoe Company, under patents which cover their special construction. The demands of this rapidly growing business are already taxing the present quarters and the near future is sure to wit- ness a substantial extension to their present commodious prem- ises. The growing popularity of these products, manifested by the in- creased size of successive orders and the considerable demand from unsolicited quarters, best illustrates the confidence which the Blum trade mark inspires in both the trade and buying public. 134 BUSINESS TKe Citizens Bank of Dansville The Citizens Bank at Dansville, one of the strongest financial in- stitutions in western New York, during its fifteen years of substantial support since organization, has established a precedent in the rapid growth of local banks. It was called into life in the time of Dans- ville's greatest financial distress and not only succeeded in ameliorat- ing the conditions which characterized its inception, but contributed CITIZENS BANK BUILDING to and encouraged the subsequent prosperity of the village and made possible the splendid, general, financial outlook of today, unparalleled by any period in the history of the village. Twenty-three public spirited business men met at the office of Noyes & Noyes, Sept. 22, 1887, and consummated their plans for the organization of this bank. On the 24th, the certificate of as- sociation was recorded with the county clerk, the twenty-six share- holders representing a paid up capital stock of $50,000. The direc- tors elected the 28th day of the same month, were: Frank Fielder, James H. Jackson, John J. Bailey, James Krein, James W. Wadsworth, LOCAL fX DCS TRIES 135 George A. Sweet, Elias H. Geiger, John H. Magee, Fred W. Noyes. Officers elected : George A. Sweet, president ; James W. Wadsworth, vice president; F. Fielder, cashier. F. W. Noyes was appointed attorney for the bank July 31, 1888, having served as such officer from date of organization. F. P. Magee was elected book-keeper September 38, 1887, and on January 15, 1889, elected teller and head bookkeeper, and on January 31, 1898, was duly elected assistant cashier. Charles A. Brown began his term of service as assistant l)ookkeeper in Feb- ruary 1888 and as head bu(jkkeeper January 31, 1898. A. H. Welch F. FIELDER entered upon his duties as clerk in October 1894 and resigned October 1, 1901, Mr. Frank Lemen being chosen to fill the vacancy. January 12. 1891, Mr. H. F. Dyer was elected a director to fill the vacancy caused by the decease of James Krein. January 9, 1893, James Arthur Jackson was elected a director in place of his father James H. Jackson, resigned. January 13, 1896, John T. McCurdy was elected a director in place of Mr. Elias H. Geiger who died January 27. 1895. No other changes have been made in the board of directors. The board of directors now stands as follows: J. W. Wadsworth, James Arthur Jack.son, John J. Bailey, John H. Magee, George A. vSweet, Fred W. Noyes, H. F. Dyer, J. T. McCurdy, Frank Fielder. Amount of taxes paid by this bank during the period beginning December 1889, is as follows: Town, county and state, $3,374.24; village, $3,7(11.62; school, $3,422.62; special war tax, $510; total $11,008.71. This does not include tax for the year 1901 which under 136 BrS/XESS provisions of new law will be payable to the county treasurer in De- cember, 19U1. The taxes on bank stock prior to December, 1899 were paid by individual holders of stock. The bank building occupied by this bank was purchased in Feb- ruary, 1891, and in the summer of same year, considerable improve- ments were made to the same, including the introduction of a system of heating for the entire premises by hot water. On January 19, 1899, the board of directors instructed its duly ap- pointed committee to purchase a new safe of the best and most ap- proved modern construction and to make contracts for extensive im- provements in the banking offices, which would require temporary re- moval to another building. By courtesy of Mr. John Hyland a re- moval was effected in March, 1899, to his stone building on Ossian street adjoining the bank property, until such improvements could be completed as per specifications prepared by Messrs. Bragdon & Hil- man of Rochester, N. Y. The cashier in the meantime contracted for the delivery of a Corliss safe of ample capacity weighing seven and one-half tons with all modern equipment to secure safety of de- posits against all species of invasion or accident through fire. On the 4th day of July, 1899, the reconstructed bank building was completed and reoccupied and the next day was opened for business to the pub- lic. The Citizens Bank of Dansville is now in possession of one of the most modern, convenient and substantial banking suites of offices that can be found in any country town in the state. The report, condensed, to the superintendent of banks for the state of New York, of the condition of the Citizen's Bank of Dansxille at the close of business June 10, 1902, is as follows: RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $165,097.87 Bonds and Securities 13,7.S4.S8 Due from Banks 78 ,356. 58 Real Estate 7 ,51)0. 00 Furniture and Fi.xtures 4,000.00 Cash 11,072.92 $279,781.95 LI.\BILITIES. Capital Stock S 50,000.00 Surplus and Profits 22,197.27 Deposits 207, 584. 68 $279, 781. 95 The splendid showing of the bank as manifested in the above tabu- lated report, demonstrates the efficiency of its management, which has justly encouraged the confidence and substantial support that it now enjoys. The conservative yet sound, and when essential, liberal business judgment of the cashier, Mr. Frank Fielder, combined with his attractive personality causes all relations with the institution to abound with pleasure as well as profit. LOCAL IXDUSTRIES XTi William Kramer <5l Sow "Justice to All" is a motto the strict application of which to an ex- tensive business, soon becomes a strong test of the personalities of the men behind the enterprise. It is now thirty years since it became a synonym and thus perman- ently identified with the name of Kramer & Bro., now Kramer & Son, and during all these years a predominating influence for fair dealing has upheld this early adopted resolution, and a business of un- usual size and importance has proved its efficacy. Established in 1872 by Messrs. William and Fritz Kramer, this bus- iness was continued from 1886 to 1893 by William Kramer singly, who at the former date purchased his brother's interest and during the latter year admitted his son Fred as a partner under the firm name of William Kramer & Son. KRAMER BLOCK In IS'IO, Mr. Kramer built the substantial and handsome structure on the corner of Main and Exchange Streets known as the Kramer Block, which is a most complete and modern equipped place of busi- ness. Large show windows, e.Ktensive floor space, up-to-date fixtures and steam heat being among its advantages. JUST in all their transactions. JUST in quality, quantity com- pleteness and price of ready-to-wear clothing, gents' furnishings, hats, caps, neckwear and underwear. "Justice" is also assured in the custom tailoring department in charge of Karl B. Kramer, a practical and fashionable cutter and fitter. When justice is meted out in all business relations and pleasantness prevails between patron and salesman, prosperity is assured. 138 BUSnVESS BurkHart V. Peek Co. To see a man enter upon a business career in a modest way and day by day imbued with the spirit of his enterprise, overcome all obstacles, outdistance competitors and in a few years establish himself at the head of his class, becomes truly an inspiration. jMr. George W. Peck, though not a native or even resident of Dansville, has so thoroughly impressed his individuality upon the community that in spirit if not in person his association with the best interests of this village has be- come of permanent importance and increasing value. Commencing on a small scale at Savona, N. Y. , Mr. Peck started out in 1875 to solve the problem of successfully conducting a hardware store. INTERIOR GEO. W. PECK CO. STORE Though the sales during the first year amounted to over $4,UUU, and steadily increased each succeeding year, the promoter of the enter- prise soon found his business overreaching his ability to take care of it with a single establishment, and found it advisable in 1881 to open a branch at Prattsburg, N. Y. His well deserved reputation preced- ing him into new communities, has caused the rapid installation of new branches at advantageous locations, to be fraught with no ele- ment of uncertainty as to ultimate prosperity. In 1883 his sign was hung in Pultney, N. Y., in 1886 at Cohocton. In 1888 a fine open- ing was taken advantage of by this firm at Bath, N. Y., followed in 1893 by the sending of a representative to the neighboring village of Bradford. The ne.xt extension was made in the city of Hornellsville in 1889 and in 190(1 the G. W. P's began to appear in and about Dans- ville, acquainting all who read that goods are sold to the consumer at dealers' prices. The Altmeyer block from March 1, 1900 to Janu- LOCAL INDUSTRIES 147 ar)' 1, 1902, became tlie repository of the George W. Peck Co. for harness, wagons and implements while the local headquarters were at the large store in the Bastian block, formerly occupied by Schwingel &■ Carney, successors to E. C. vSchwingel who was preceded by F. C. Walker. Opening at the latter location May 1, 1901, a thriving busi- ness was enjoyed until July 27 of the same year when the first fire in the history of the Peck Company and one of the severest ever experi- enced in Dansville, devastated the entire block. Before the ruins were cold large placards announced a fire sale, at which what little re- mained of a $13,000 stock was disposed of for a song. Insurance was carried that scarcely covered half the value of the stock, so that the loss including that forfeited by the inability to take care of the regu- lar trade exceeded $7,000. A temporary location in the Hedges block preceded their entrance into the new Scovill block, the greater part of which was then being fitted up for their occupancy. The il- lustration can give but a partial idea of the beauty of design and tempting arrangement of the enormous stock of goods displayed to advantage in this most modern equipped and commodious emporium. Row upon row and tier after tier of shelves and drawers stretch from floor to ceiling and from end to end, full of everything that is needed in the hardware line. The 2,500 feet of floor space in the store alone, gives ample room for the display of stoves and smaller implements in various grades and styles, while the large pressed steel-covered repos- itory, two stories high and having nearly 8,000 square feet of floor space gives a storage capacity that permits of a large assortment of carriages, implements, wagons and general hardware being carried. The Dansville branch is managed by George J. Dodson. John F. Hubertus, an efficient salesman, takes care of the hardware depart- ment. The plumbers and tinsmiths, who are skilled craftsmen, are under the supervision of John Berman. The George W. Peck Com- pany is incorporated under the laws of the state of New York with a capital stock of $100,000. with the following officers: George W. Peck, president, Bath, N. Y. ; Fred Plaisted, vice president, Penn Yan, N. Y. ; Ira C. Pratt, secretary, Prattsburg, N. Y. ; Frank B. Peck, treasurer, Cohocton, N. Y., . A large wholesale and retail business is conducted with the aid of seven stores in different localities, a large harness factory at Bath, also a New York office. With these advan- tages, cempetition is minimized and the public purse is benefited thereby. A new store has just been opened at Penn Yan, N. Y., in- suring the C(.)mpanv that their record of $220,675.80 in sales during 1901 will be eclipsed in 1902 to the handsome sum of over $300,000.00. A record like the above is its own criterion of continued prosperity. George J. Dodson, who has lately become a stockholder in the George W. Peck Company, assumed control of the Dansville branch January 1, 1902. With an enviable record of sixteen years' continuous success in the same line of business at Watkins, Ithaca, Niagara Falls and Geneva, Mr. Dodson is well prepared for his present important post. His modern ideas and aggressive business methods combined with a confidence-winning friendliness, have already enthused new life into the establishment and assure a future of well merited pros- perity. 148 BrSLV£SS TKe Dansville BooK Store The second tenant of the Maxwell block and the first in his present location, Mr. II. W. DeLong, on vSepteinber 10, 1875, established the Dansville Book vStore which for more than a cjuarter of a century, has been to this community the basis of all necessary supplies for the cultivation of the mind, the recording of business and the perfection of the artistic temperament. In spite of the fears of old citizens who considered this venture extremely hazardous, Mr. DeLong by his per- sistence and close attention to detail, rapidly increased the size and SECTIONAL VIEW H. W. DtLONG'S BOOKSTOKE scope of his business, until for a radius of many miles, his school and other supplies have become recognized as standard in all .school dis- tricts. Books of all kinds at all prices, rapidly change on the well- filled shelves; for new ones as fast as published, supplant the pur- chased copies. Stationery and fancy goods, school and otifice supplies are here in abundant profusion and varied assortment, and sporting goods to delight the younger generation. In 1SS5 ^Ir. DeLong be- came the local manager of the Bell Telephone Company and on the completion of the Lackawanna Railroad his place of business became LOCAL LVDCSLAVLS 14') the ddU'ii-tiiwn office uf this line, and at the same time an at^'ency for the United States Express Co., all of which except the Telephone re- main at the same location, 1()4 Main St. :\Ir. Thomas Alexander and Miss Louise Fisk are the present assistants at tiie down-town store, and Miss Kittie Swartz is in charge of Mr. DeLong's vSanatorium branch which has been in successful operation at that institution for nearl\- ten years. ^Ir. Herman DeLong Jr., is the present local manager of the Bell Telephone Co. The success of this establishment, is not a chance occurrence, but the result of many years of persistent effort to win the confidence of the public and warrant their patronage by assuring their satisfaction. Its steady development and present substantial size, demonstrate the wisdom of this policy. FenstermacKer BrotHers In a little old tavern in Pennsylvania was recently celebrated the centennial anniversary of the discovery of the famous coal regions of that State. A handful of "blackdirt," thrown carelessly into a blaz- ing fire-place a hundred years ago, suddenly burst into a flame that ever since has warmed and lighted the greater part of the civilized world, and kept in motion the wheels of industry. Fenstermacher Brothers who have, since 1895, been well known dealers in this com- modity, during the past year disposed of 1, ()()() tons against v^.^ll tons in their first year, this remarkable increase being due to carefulness in the conduct of the business and the general satisfaction of all patrons. The present proprietors, Clarence W. , and Frank Fenstermacher, suc- ceeded in 1895, F. H. McCartney, who established himself in the business in 1893. The coal sheds, office and scales are opposite the D. & M. R. R. Depot on Milton St., a most convenient and easily accessible location. The substantial showing of this business and the progressiveness of the proprietors assure its continued success. ISO BC'SLVESS Dr. J. F. McPHee A native of Arnprior, Canada, Dr. McPhee ac- quired his early education in the public and high schools of that place. After successfully completing courses at Prof. Cronley's Business College, and Up- per Canada College, both of Toronto, he entered the dental office of his uncle Dr. D. :\IcPhee. After a year's practical experience under efficient demonstra- tions, he entered the Phila- delphia Dental College, be- ing the youngest student at that time in the institution. On ilay 23, 1893, he became associated with Dr. L. T. Sheffield who enjoyed the enviable reputation of be- ing the best crown and bridge specialist in New York City, if not in the country. iVfter a year with Dr. Sheffield, being ambitious to perfect himself in his chosen profession, he returned to Canada and securing an outfit of dental instruments, discarded by his uncle, sup- plemented by a few of his own, some of which will be cherished as Souvenirs of a hard earned education, he set out to practice intermit- RECEPTION P.OOM. DR. MtPHEE OPLRATING ROOM. DR. McPHEE LOCAL /XnrSTRIES 151 tcntly in over a hundred towns and hamlets unsupplied with dentists. Remaining from a week to two weeks in each town along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, he found abundant opportunity for using his professional skill among people of all classes and nation- alities. Perhaps the most interesting of his patients in the varied phases of their peculiar natures, were the half-breed Indians of the Northwest Reservation who readily exchanged valuable furs for a glittering array of gold in their front teeth. The Doctor enjoyed what few white faces have seen; i. e., the mystic religious ceremony in- dulged in by the Indians of that region, called "Chasing the Devil." In 1896 he entered the University of Buffalo, Dental Department, and was graduated with the degree of D. D. vS. in 1897. After a few months at Youngsville, Pa., where he opened an office, he removed to Dansville establishing his present practice with offices in the Kramer Block, Oct. 23, 1897. The Doctor, in the few years he lias resided in this village, has made many friends, and a lucrative [iractice has necessarily resulted from the success of his first opera- tions. A member of the seventh district Dental Society of the State of New York, the Barratonian Society of the University of Buffalo, and the Alumni Association of the same institution, the doctor oc- cupies a prominent position among the men of his profession. Dr. !McPhee is also the proud possessor of naturalization papers which en- title him to citizenship in the United States. "With the assistance of the best mechanical aids, his acquired skill and inherent adaptability. Dr. McPhee is well prepared to perform any and all operations requiring the services of a D. D. S. His suc- cess is well deserved and its continuance well assured. A. 5. WelcH On the grocery trade the whole civilized race depends for daily sup- ])lies, and as one of the best known and most reliable houses engaged in this line here, we mention that of Mr. A. S. Welch. It is located at 125 Main Street, and the stock embraces a full line of the purest and best the market affords in staple and fancy groceries, canned goods, coffees, provisions and vegetables. The store room is well ar- ranged, and every convenience is at hand for the accommodation of patrons, while straightforward business methods have drawn to this house a large and lucrative trade. Mr. Welch is a good judge of the values of merchandise, and is always at the store to attend to the wants of patrons, and in the years that he has been in business as above, he has met with most gratifying success. 152 B['S/NESS William VeitH The molding of the weed into the shapely form of a cigar, the aroma of which is the surcease of many a supposed ill, is an art that needs no eulogy. Those who become skilled in this craft are public benefactors. William Veith, a native born German, learned his trade in Baden, Germany. Coming to this country in 1855, he first located in Corn- ing, N. Y., removing to Dansville in 1860. For a year his place of business was that now occupied by W. H. Rowan and from '(>! to '63 at the present location of John Foley. Since the latter date, his bus- iness has been a permanent fixture at 2U9 Main street. During these forty years of uninterrupted prosperity the business has steadily in- INTERIOR VJEW, WILLIAM VEITH'S CIG.AR STORE increased in size and importance. A large wholesale and retail trade is now carried on, a large assortment of choice tobaccos and smokers' supplies being included with his own creations. The most noted of the many brands of cigars manufactured at this establishment are the: Resolution, Irene, Charles Ideals, Humps, Deweys, Infants, Meteors, Invincibles and C. R. & B. A's. The cigar makers now employed are Joseph A. Wirth, William F. Veith and Charles Simons, who are all skilled craftsmen. Mr. Veith owns the business block in which his store is located and in many other ways is giving evidence of the competence that has justly come to him through his perseverance and strict integrity in all business relations. LOCA L IND i '.V TRIES 153 TKe Hall Manufacturing Company On upper Main street near the corporation limit is located the fac- tory of the Hall Manufacturing Co., established in 1893 by H. B. Hall. Mr. William C. Squires, an architect, builder and contractor of several years' successful experience, became associated with Mr. Hall as a partner in 1<)0(). This manufacturing establishment was built up about the old Klauck tannery, which made use of the natural water power from a twelve-foot fall in Mill Creek as early as 1865. This progressive firm deals in all kinds of sash, doors, blinds, moldings, etc., and makes a specialty of plate-racks and jardiniere stands, as ■ -ff-*'-^ FACTORY, HALL MANUFACTURING CO. well as flooring and ceiling; estimates, on application, being furnished on all kinds of wood-work. The machinery and other appliances used are of the latest patterns and most approved makes, permitting of all work turned out being first class in every particular. The handsome Scoville Block, illustrated in another part of this work, was built by the Hall ilanufacturing Co., and constitutes one of the most substan- tial and modern equipped business blocks to be found in any village. Both Mr. Hall and Mr. Squires, as progressive business men with uj)-to-date ideas and aggressive methods, are rapidly increasing their trade both in volume and extent of territory covered. LOCAL L\DCSTK/ES 155 JoKantgen BrotHers In the spring of 1856, under the firm name of Foster & Puffer, the business now being conducted by Johantgen Bros., was established. Beginning as clerk, Sept. 1, 1859, Nicholas Johantgen, in 1873, be- came the partner of J. F. Brayton who had succeeded the original firm during 1861. In 1877 Mr. Johantgen purchased his partner's interest and jjecame sole jjroprietor of the establishment, remaining as such until 1898 when he was succeeded by his sons, Charles G., Frank H., Fred W., and Nicholas, Jr., who are the present owners. A large wholesale and retail business is conducted both local and general in its extent, increasing in volume each succeeding year. The stock of ready-to-wear clothing and gents' furnishings is most INTERIOR VIEW. JOHANTGEN BROS. complete. With the latest styles, the finest fabrics, the best of make, the most courteous salesmen, few customers turn away with wants unfilled. A large branch store is conducted at Perry, N. Y., and is in charge of Charles G. , and Fred W. Johantgen. The firm is also manufacturers of superior grades of workingmen's apparel. Under the efificient tutelage of Nicholas Sr. , Johantgen Bros., have become care- ful buyers and ready salesmen, encouraging confidence and winning friendship. The interesting record of their establishment is one of which they may justly be proud and that it will be maintained without blemish, none who have closely investigated, will gainsay. 15f> B['SLV£SS A. H. Plimpton In the old structure that formerly occupied the lot where the hand- some Rouse Block now stands, Mr. A. H. Plimpton on April 1. 18').^, became identified with the business interests of Dansville. Coming from the neighboring city of Hornellsville, well equipped to satisfy a critical public, Mr. Plimpton in a short time became firmly estab- lished in a rapidly growing jewelry business. In 1894 a change of location was made to lf)5 !Main Street where the stock was partially destroyed by fire necessitating a temporary removal to 132 Main street. The present location in the Rouse Block at 151 ]\Iain street INTERIOR VIEW. A. H. PLIMPTON'S JEWELRY STORE was taken April 1, l")Ul. A full line of everything likely to please the fastidious tastes of all who take delight in the purchase of gold, silver and precious stones, is artistically displayed in a large well lighted and handsomely furnished store. Mr. Plimpton has made a specialty for a number of years of expert diamond setting, watch repairing and the improving of weak vision by the fitting of glasses. Mr. William Hubbard, his present assistant, has exhibited unusual adaptability for his chosen craft. Mr. Plimpton possesses many admirable qualities as a business man and citizen. His success is of his own making. LOCAL L\'/)[SLR/JiS 157 Kramer VOODRUFF That the present generation knows nothing what- ever of the earlier newspapers of Dansville is to be regretted, but it is due solel)^ to the fact that only an occasional copy of a few of the papers have been preserved. Had the work of writing the history of these early journals been done half a century ago the task would have been an easy one, and the gener- ation of today would have had reason to thank the writers for this particular portion of our village his- tory. Fifty years ago the material for making this history could easily have been obtained, either from the files of the newspapers, or from copies that had been preserved in garrets and closets, or the facts could have been secured by interviewing a few of the older and more intelligent readers. By a careful perusal of the few newspapers of the past that have come into the hands of the writer, it is evident that the publishers and editors were nearly all men of scholarly attainments and mechan- ical ability, and in every way masters of the art of making and edit- ing a newspaper. In those early days the most important element in the construction of the paper was the foreign news, and the paper that had the largest list of city exchanges generally made up the most interesting matter. The next in importance were the political arti- cles, and no issue seemed to be complete without one or more of these editorials couched in courteous but emphatic phraseology. The local news was something unknown and if by chance mention was made of some local affair it was generally in connection with politics. The papers, however, were well filled with advertising matter, and more real information of a local nature can be obtained from this source than in any other way. But in all departments of the work there was easily seen to be an apparent design to make the paper just as good as it possibly could be, and to give the readers the best of the editor's talents. It was extreme mental exertion that gave the early newspapers of Dansville the position in the front rank of country journalism they no doubt held, and it is the same mental exertion, coupled with advanced thought and improvements in machinery, that has raised the newspapers of Dansville today to the level they occupy and makes them the peers of the country newspapers of America. 184 LOCAL LNnUSTRLES 185 The Village Chronicle The first newspaper published in Dansville was The Village Chroni- cle. It was started April 19, 1830, by David Mitchell and Benjamin C. Dennison, and the late B. W. Wood- ruff was one of the compositors who assisted in making the first issue. The paper was a six-column quar- to and it was printed on a Ram- mage press, a crude piece of ma- chinery made of wood, but on which very good work was done when a skillful printer pulled the lever. Mr. Dennison retired some time during the first year of the paper's e.xistence, and presumably the same year, Mr. Mitchell, who was then the sole publisher, changed the name to The Dans nlle Chronicle, adding the sub-head, "And Steu- ben and Allegany Intelligencer." When the anti-Masonic crusade be- gan in this state in 1832 Mr. Mit- chell converted the paper into an anti-Masonic advocate and strongly supported the political candidates of the anti-Masonic party, viz: William Wirt for president, Amos Ellmaker for vice-president, Fran- cis Granger of Canandaigua for governor, and Samuel W. Smith (father of Mrs. Caroline Grant now living in Dansville) and George W. Patterson of Leicester for members of assembly. It has been intimated that Mr. Mitchell afterwards changed the name of the paper to The Village Record but there is no record of that fact in existence. It is certain, however, that the paper had a brief career. Mr. iMitchell moved from Dansville to Rochester and engaged in the manufacture of perfumery, and died there. The Dansville Times was published in 1835 by D. C. Mitchell but nothing further is known of the paper, nor is it known whether the publisher was the D. Mitchell who conducted the anti-Masonic jour- nal or another person. The Western J^ew Yorker In 1841 The Western New Yorker was established by A. Stevens & vSon. The publication was continued for a short time when for some reason the name was changed to The Dansville Whig, and Geo. W. Stevens, son of A. Stevens, became its publisher. Some time later the paper was purchased by Charles W. Dibble (this was in 1846) who conducted it less than a year, for in 1847 the name of Geo. W. Stevens appears as its editor and publisher. Stevens continued in charge of DAVID MITCHELL. FOUNDER. OF FIRST LOCAL NEWSPAPER l86 BrS/XESS the paper until 1848 with much success and in that year he changed the name to The Dansville Courier. The paper was then enlarged and greatly improved in appearance by new type, a large and attract- ive head, and by being worked on an iron Washington hand press, which presses were then coming into general use. In 1849 the paper was sold to Henry D. Smead, who changed its name to the Dansville Democrat and continued its publication in the third story of the Hedges block on ilain street for four or five years. It was then dis- continued and the material was sold to George A. Sanders who moved it to Geneseo. Mr. Smead came from a family of printers, his father being the founder of The Steuben Farmers' Advocate at Bath. Mr. Smead moved to the West in 1854 and died there. The Chimes In August, 1853, Orton H. Hess started "The Chimes" as a monthly, but it lived only a short time. It was an eight-page paper, devoted to "fact, fun and fancy," and it was a bright, witty paper and much superior to most journals of its class of that day. One of its chief contributors was Leonard H. Grover, now of New York, who has for more than forty years been connected with the theatres of the metropolis. Mr. Hess later on graduated in medicine and died in the West several years ago. The Truth Teller The Truth-Teller was started in ^lay, lS4-f, by Rasselas Fairchild and continued for sixteen weeks, or until September 5, when the editor in a lengthy and sarcastic editorial announced its suspension, "for a time at least," because of "poor patronage and want of friends." It was a small paper, neatly printed, but for some reason it was not appreciated. Mr. Fairchdd left Dansville afterwards and was a compositor in the office of the New Orleans Picayune, where he was found dead one morning near his case. The Laws of Life The Laws of Life, originally called "The Letter Box" was a month- ly health journal started at Glen Haven, N. Y. , in 1857, and brought here in 1858 by Dr. James C. Jackson when he took possession of The Dansville Water Cure, later known as Our Home on the Hillside, but now known the world over as The Jackson Sanatorium. A circu- lation of 10,000 copies per issue was attained before the publication was discontinued in 1893. Dr. Harriet N. Austin was associate edi- tor and editor for a considerable period preceding the year 1880. The Daily Ifegister The Daily Register was started June 20, 1859 by W. J. LaRue publisher and edited by H. C. Page. It was a four-page paper with four columns to the page, and as it received Associated Press Dis- patches over the Genesee Valley Telegraph line its news was always the latest. When the Register suspended on August 8, after a fairly successful career of about two months, it was followed by the Valley City Register, a weekly, published and edited by Jlr. LaRue and "Sir. Page, which was discontinued at the end of that year. LOCAL LNDUSriUES 187 The Daily Herald The Daily Herald was started Jan. 2, 1870 by Geo. A. Sanders, and so far as is known it existed but three months, it having been demon- strated that a local daily could not thrive long in Dansville. For about two months of the time A. O. Bunnell was associated with Mr. Sanders as its local editor. The Dansuille Chronicle The Dansville Chronicle was established in 1848 by E. G. Richard- son & Co., George H. Bidwell of Bath being the partner. On the 15th of Februai-y, 1850, Mr. Bidwell sold his interest to Charles C. Sedgwick (who is yet living in Dansville) who was at once installed into the editorial chair, and he continued in this position for seven months when he sold out to Mr. Richardson. The next year the paper was discontinued and Mr. Richardson took a "case" in the of- • fice of the Dansville Herald where he remained as a compositor until the Civil war broke out in 1861, and he then enlisted in Co. B, 13th New York A'olunteers, and was supposed to have been killed at the battle of Fredericksburg in Virginia in 18b2, as he was severe- ly wounded and was never heard from. The Fountain The Fountain was a small temperance monthly started in 1849 by I. R. Trembly, who continued to publish it for two years. It was made up mostly of selected stories and miscellaneous reading. The Livingston Sentinel In October, 1857, H. C. Page, who had had charge of the Dansville Herald for a few months, started the Livingston Sentinel, the office being located on the second floor of the Dyer block. W. J. LaRue was its publisher and Mr. Page its editor. It was discontinued in the spring of 1860 and Mr. Page and Mr. LaRue went to New York where they started the New York Sentinel, a daily and weekly newspaper which supported Stephen A. Douglas for the presidency and for a year or two afterwards it was an ardent war democratic journal. Mr. LaRue was the publisher and Mr. Page attended to the editorial work. When the paper suspended ]Mr. LaRue came back to Dansville where he is yet living and Mr. Page founded the Herald at Bayonne, N. J., which he is still conducting. The Dansville I(epublican The Dansville Republican was established in January, 1842, by David Fairchild. The paper was a small sheet but it ardently sup- ported Polk and Dallas, the democratic candidates for president and vice-president in 1844, at which time it was published and edited by F. Orville Fairchild. In December, 1844, its publishers were F. O. and R. Fairchild, evidently sons of the founder, for in 1S45 it was published by D. Fairchild &- Sons, and the paper had been enlarged and very much improved typographically. At this time, too, local affairs began to receive attention and as the Village of Dansville was incorporated in that year and much space was given to the fact, the paper was much more interesting than it had been. 188 BUSINESS The Invincible The Invincible was started as a Greenback paper in November, 1878, by David Healy, who had come from Canada a short time be- fore. It was printed at the office of the Dansville Express, but it was short lived, suspending in May, 1879. Mr. Healy, who was a promis- ing young man, went to Brooklyn soon after and studied law and took an active interest in politics. The Young Enterprise and the Dansville Union The Young Enterprise was a four-page weekly newspaper, published for four months during the summer of 1877 by JNliller H. Fowler and John Faulkner. It was a bright little paper containing local news items and advertising and ran in strong competition with the Dans- ville Union, another juvenile production, published at the same time by Job E. Hedges and John L. Johnson. Editor Hedges once remarked in a news item : 'Our correspondent from Syria informs us that the water in the Dead Sea is salty.' Editor Faulkner was once led to announce that "the Union must and shall be disturbed." A few copies of these papers are still preserved and from both typographical and literary standpoints are very creditable, and bespeak the early tendency towards journalism manifested by boys of whom Dansville now is justly [iroud. Good Times Good Times was an eight-page storv paper, published from Decem- ber, 1887 to September, 1888, by E. M. Parmelee with H. W. DeLong as editor. The mechanical work was done at the Breeze office. As many as 20,000 copies per month were circulated. The paper was afterwards consolidated with the Young Folks Circle, published at Springfield, Ohio. Cycling Young America This magazine was published by W. H. Dick and printed at the Breeze office, attaining at one time a circulation of 5,000 copies a month. It was started in January, 1893, and in October of the same year was disposed of to the publishers of the official organ at the tri- county-league of bicyclists at Nunda, N. Y. The D. H. S. Mirror The Dansville High School Mirror was instituted by James Brogan and Fred Clark in February, 1900, and run successively by them until June, 1901. From September, 1901 to June, 1902, it was published by Roy Welch and Edward Brogan. Five hundred copies of each issue have been printed at the Breeze office. The numbers for April, May and June, 1902, were combined in a year book, which was deemed so creditable by the board of education that several hundred extra copies were issued in place of the usual annual catalogue. The style and general construction of this journal combined with its able man- agement reflects credit on the school as well as those in direct charge of its publication. It is well deserving of liberal support. LOCAL INDUSTRIES 180 THE DANSVILLE E XPRESS. Playeil Dm. luntfliUciiuct MUUM. Ilinb UD IHOItl ^""4? Kidnev Pills W: The Dansville Express (formerly the Dansville Herald) was started in 18S0 by E. C. Daugherty 6t Co., James G. Sprague being the silent partner, but he never as- sumed any part in the manage- ment of the paper, as he was at the time conducting a book and news business in the store now oc- cupied by G. G. Fowler. The of- fice was located in the third story of the same block. It was started as a whig paper, and as Mr. Daugherty, having learned the printer's trade in Buffalo, was a first-class printer and a man of ex- cellent character, he succeeded in making the Herald a model paper, having but few equals among the rural weeklies of the State. He continued to publish the Herald until the fall of 1854 E. c. DAUGHEB.TY when it was sold to H. L. and L. H. Rann, who also came to Dansville from Buffalo. Mr. Daugherty moved to Rockford, Ills., and started the Rockford Register, and built up a prosperous business. He died of consumption while in Florida in 1863, lamented by those who knew him best. In a year or two L. H. Rann retired and in January, 1857, H. L. Rann sold the paper and moved to Pontiac, Michigan. At that time the Know-Nothing party cut quite a figure in politics and it was a syndi- cate composed of members of that party who purchased the paper from Mr. Rann. The members of this svndicate were Nelson W. Green, A. J. Abbott, Dr. B. L. Hovey, C. R. Kern, Orville Tousey and others. The manager of the business affairs was E. G. Richard- son and the political editor was Mr. Green. When Mr. Green left 190 /WSLVESS Dansville he went to Cortland county and in January, 1862, he was instrumental in organizing the Seventy-.Sixth Regiment of New York A'olunteers and he was elected colonel. He served eight months, and having engaged in a broil with a brother officer whom he shot, he was discharged from the service. He died in Cortland county a few years ago. In April, 1857, H. C. Page took charge of the paper and conducted it until October of the same year when it was sold to George A. Sanders who converted it into a Republican journal. Dur- ing his ownership the form of the paper was changed to an octavo, and a power press supplanted the old hand press on which it had been printed. In August, 1865, Mr. Sanders sold the paper to Frank J. Robbins and L. D. F. Poore, two enterprising young printers, who at once changed the name to The Dansville Express and changed its form to a seven-column quarto. In October, 1870, Mr. Poore retired, and going to Yankton, vSouth Da- kota, he became prominent in poli- tics and Odd Fellowship and held a number of positions under the gen- eral government. He died ten years ago. Mr. Robbins enlarged the paper to eight columns, and during the Horace Greeley presidential campaign he supported that gentle- man, and at the close of the cam- paign he continued it as a Demo- cratic paper. On the 27th of May, 1877, The Express passed into the hands of Oscar Woodruff and A. H. Knapp, and this partnership con- tinued until February, 1882, when Mr. Knapp retired and Mr. Wood- ruff has from that date to the pres- ent been the sole owner of the paper. During the nearly a quarter of a cen- tury tliat it has been under the con- trol of the present owner it has ad- hered strongly to the principles of the Democratic party, and through good report and ill it has supported the candidates of that party for office in the nation. State, county and town, and at the same time it has been a firm believer in Dansville's possibilities, and the varied in- terests of the village have been given the most hearty support. Gener- ally speaking it has been more of a local paper than a political journal, and its publisher has labored assiduously to maintain the reputation the Express has long enjoyed of being ably and conscientiously con- ducted as a dispenser of local news and a staunch Democratic journal. The job department of the Express is one of the best in the county, being fitted with a large cylinder press, two small presses, and other needed machinery for turning out a superior quality of work. EXPRESS BLOCK LOCAL L\'D US TRIES l')l aijfgansbillcpbcrfer. vol. XUIL DAKt^VILLK. LIVINOSTUN COUNTY, N. V.. TirWRSRW. AUGUST V. IBM. lliubillE ^MrVIistt A MAN LOST t (i.<;-iB.*Hfi™»»»a«. ■ -".j.i;'.;^=^ Hr-^v^^-— The present owner, editor and publisher of the Dansville Advertiser, A. O. Bunnell, started the paper in a very modest way August 2, 1860, as a small advertising sheet, not anticipating that it would de- velop into the much larger weekly of wide and weighty influence which it not long afterwards became and has continued to be. Be- cause he intended it as an advertising medium chiefly he named it the Advertiser, and when its advertising became secondary to its news, editorials and miscellany, he conservatively refrained from changing the original name. He has told a little story about his sensitive timidity on issuing the first number. So nervous was he that when he left the office he hurried through a back street, and reached home in a roundabout way with a sigh of relief from having escaped a gaunt- let of the possible comments of Main street. Gradually he grew out of these flutterings, and thought better of himself and his printed child. Nearly two-thirds of the time of the Advertiser's existence Mr. Bunnell has been alone in its ownership and management. About fifteen and a half years in all he had partners. Prof. Joseph Jones, of blessed memory, was associated with him as partner from July 1, 1866, to July 1, 1868, having stepped from the principalship of the Dansville Seminary into the newspaper harness. After sixteen years more of exacting labor with undivided responsibility, Mr. Bunnell received another partner, W. S. Oberdorf, whom he had educated to be a printer, who had afterward graduated from the Geneseo State Normal school with high honors, and then for two years done editorial work on the Geneseo Republican. The new partner confined himself mostly to the business end of the office, and proved an efficient and enterprising helper. His health failing, so that he had to withdraw entirely from office duties or other labor for many months, the part- nership was finally dissolved. It began March 1, 1884, and ended October 1, 1897. In 1871 Mr. Bunnell bought the present Bunnell block in the center of the business section of Main street, a three-story brick building with two stores on the ground floor. The entire second floor is used for the editorial, composing, press and engine rooms; the third floor for packing and storage. The Advertiser office has long been re- garded by visiting printers and journalists as one of the best equipped and most attractive of country offices. The room occupied by editor, 192 BrS/XESS stenographer and book-keeper, has an inviting and almost ornate in- terior, inckiding walls with suggestive pictures, three oak folding desks, a large safe, cabinet file, copying press, book cases and case for the bound volumes of the Advertiser. All rooms are steam heated. Mr. Bunnell, although a Republican from the formation of the party, did not intend to publish a political newspaper. But the Ad- vertiser was started on the very eve of the great Civil war, when the stirrings of the coming strife were in every man's heart, when the I - 1 1 II r M u y i I n n □ ^ Mm inherited blood of revolutionary ancestors tingled in every patriot's fingers, and the editor could not resist the imperious impulse to ardently advocate the political principles of the administration upon which had fallen the supreme duty of preserving the Union. So it naturally came about that from the first year the Advertiser has been a strong Republican newspaper. The Advertiser has also strenuously supported all local movements which to the editorial mind promised to be of public benefit. Among these have been the agitations which resulted in the raising of companies for the Civil war, and in the town's LOCAL INDUSTRIES 193 first railroad, the first waterworks for extinguishing fires and the second for domestic as well as fire purposes, the beautiful Greenmount cemetery, the Union school, the circulating library, the improvement of parks and streets and the establishment of new manufactories. Of the Jackson vSanatorium on the hillside, wliich has been of great bene- fit to the village as well as its thousands of patients, the Advertiser has always been an ardent advocate, and for years the office published its famous health magazine, the Laws of Life, which reached a cir- culation of 10,000 copies. The literary quality of the Advertiser's original articles and selected miscellany has always been of a high order of merit, and the general motive of the paper has been educative and enlightening, taking broad and liberal views especially of church and temperance work. The columns of the Advertiser have been notably rich in local history and biography, as acknowledged by coimty historians years ago and this year by the writer of the History of Dansville. Dansville Breeze. VOLUME XIX DATiSVILLE. LIUINGSTON COUMTV N *. TUCaOAV lEPTEMBEB . .^ uxsviLie .uui^ '——r— -. . 1, ,|-.-_ ^.■; _- :.-_-.^-.| —I ,. J^3^ still They Go ! WiW&k '■ tart^SMdpi^'-V:^^"^ -■-!jr;?^-n'*-;x;: ^''iHrHi.'-.ZT: r '~t Hood 1 Sarsaparilla ^3r35ri'~-i- DoQ'iBreanoQrBaci »,O...O^f,0«..*ll» S^^r.-^TX—.Ts Ii";'.tJUl-" :.—: Business Cards. L~~Z-'Z'J.r^- r''"- -- .„, -, L . .'i:=.'^ The Dansville Breeze was established in 1883 by M. H. Fowler and J. W. Burgess. Mr. Burgess had been employed as associate editor of the Dansville Advertiser for three years, and Mr. Fowler had been conducting a job office for some time. They joined their forces and the Breeze was established. As there was already a Republican paper and a Democratic paper in the village, Messrs. Fowler & Burgess con- cluded that there was room for a strictly non-political paper here, hence it was established upon that basis, and as both the other papers were issued on Thursday they chose Tuesday for their publication day. In the opinions of many the success of the venture was problematical, as it was considered doubtful whether Dansville furnished a field sufficiently large to assure the success of three papers. However the venture was made, and the Breeze has been a success. With the first number of the Breeze, Mr. Burgess started a column of original humorous writings under the heading of "Old Zimmerhackle's Ob- servations," and this department soon came to be a prominent feature of the paper, having been widely quoted by other papers throughout the country. The Breeze has adhered strictly to the original idea of being absolutely non-political. Its proprietors have pronounced views on political matters, but they have never been allowed to crop out in 194 BrSLV£SS the columns of their paper. Believing that corporation matter should be lifted clear out of politics, the Breeze has reserved the right at all times to have its say in the affairs of the village, endeavoring to champion the cause it considered best for the general good, and to elevate the moral tone of the community. The Breeze has for several years been fitting up its job department with special reference to the turning out of book and pamphlet work, and has as a result succeeded in bringing in a large amount of work from outside, thus turning into Dansville's coffers a considerable sum of money that formerh- went into other channels. In 1893, being unable to secure an office suited to their needs, ^Messrs. Fowler & Burgess erected the brick block on the corner of 3REEZE BLOCK Main street and Chestnut avenue, in which the office is now situated. In 1900 Mr. Fowler purchased Mr. Burgess' interest in the real estate, and on the first of June, 1902, he purchased Mr. Burgess' interest in the Breeze and since that time he has been the sole owner of the paper. Mr. Herman W. DeLong, the present editor of the Breeze, is best known in connection with his bookstore, which he has conducted suc- cessfully for more than a score of years. His ability and natural talent in literary pursuits have been manifested for many years by con- tributions to leading magazines, notably The Forest and Stream. Mr. DeLong is ably maintaining the high standard of excellence which the Breeze has always enjoyed as a clean, newsy and well edited sheet. /. O CA L IND I 'S TRIES 195 Vmi NORMAL INSTRUCTOR 1^ AND ^ TEACHERS WORLD ^ ) OANSVILLC. SCPTCMBCA.- I 90 J THE npcninc bell of ihc new school year givps a varied tone indifferent leachers To some ii is a knell, sadly summoning to laborious duties and hated routine, while to others ii is a peal o( welcome to pleas- ant occupation and beloved assonaiions. As- suming the same tr.-iinmg and equipmeni, ■which are likely to gel Ihe best results out of thesihoot' It IS unnecessary to ask ivtoch teacher the pupils will enjoy the most ' •WE POINT WITH PFUDt~ The above phrase is generally assumed to be the peculiar property of the polTiical orator, and it is trequentty overworked by that per- sonage during a campaign where party rec- ords or party candidates are heing eulogized We are constrained, however, to take the phrase out ol its ordinary environntcni and put It ai work in a different field, as being a peculiarly apt tcxi tor our present discourse "We poini wiih pride — then — to the pres- ent issue of NoHM^i. Instructor anoTeacH' But we also "point with pride" to the mag- nificent number of subscribers possessed by this jnumal. Before the present combinatiun waseffecied, the Normal Instructor wuh Its list of one hundred thousand, probably h^d twice as many subscribers as any other edu- cational paper. The Teachers World, with- out doubi. came next on the list in this re gard The combination of two such lists K'vcsa circulation so far and away beyond any other of its class as to make comparisons UMtrsv To be more exact In dcalinj; TKe Instructor PtablisKing' Co. The Instructor Publishint;- Company is the outgrowth of the Empire State Teachers' Class which was established by F. A. Owen at South Dansville, N. Y., in 188'>. In the autumn of that year Mr. Owen, who had then barely passed his majority, engaged the old Rogersville Union Seminary building for the purpose of conducting a private school. In canvassing the community for students he was confronted with the fact that many who desired to attend school could not do so for want of time. The thought of sending lessons to these would-be students through the mail was conceived and gradually enlarged upon until finally a comprehensive system of teaching by correspondence on a large scale was evolved. Although the fact is not generally known, it is true that this was the first institution in America to teach by correspondence — a method of instruction which has taken on such extensive proportions during the last four or five years and which has been so generally endorsed by college officials and instructors. After two years of association with the teachers of the country in the correspondence work, Mr. Owen conceived the idea of a magazine devoted to the interests of the school-teaching profession. Although having not a dollar of capital nor a particle of journalistic experience, he boldly advanced into the already crowded field of educational jour- nalism, and this' in the face of the discouraging advice of consulted friends and publishers. The title chosen for the journal was Nor- mal Instructor, the first issue of which — November, 1891, 20,000 copies — resulted in only five hundred paid subscriptions at thirty cents each, and barely paid half the cost of publication. But with that aggressiveness which has ever characterized the management of the enterprise Mr. CJwen pushed steadily forward, with varying success, until today Normal Instructor is read by a quarter of a million teachers in every part of the world. The first quarters of the business was the attic of a small country grocery store at South Dansville, a village of less than one hundred inhabitants. This attic, which was shared with the thousand and one LOCAL INDUSTRLES 197 1. _llWW..ilj/' ^ ^^^H^R 1. f - < 1 'i^^^l -^^ T! "^^^ ■■'->^i M MAIN OFFICE articles that go to make up the stock of a country grocery, served as an office for about six months. During this time the type for the magazine was set by the printing establishment of Fowler & Burgess, Dansville, N. Y. , forwarded to Rochester where these first issues were jirinted and bound, then shipped to Dansville and carted to South Dansville where the editions were mailed. The papers were then brought by stage back over the same route and passed through the Dansville postoffice. Realizing the importance of better mailing and publishing facilities, Mr. Owen, in April, 1892, moved to Dansville and engaged a single room over the present store of Kramer & Sturm. This room contin- ued to serve as oiBce, m a i 1 i ng- room and store- room until De- c e m b e r , 1893, when Fowler & B u r g e s s — who still continued to do the printing under contract — to meet the re- quirements of the constantly grow- ing subscription list, were com- pelled to enlarge their equipment. To provide room for t h i s they erected a fine two story brick build- ing, with a suite of office rooms on the second floor for the especial BUILDING IN WHICH THE INSTRUCTOR. ORIGINATED. NOW A BARN. USe of the Nomial l')8 BUSINESS Instructor force which then numbered less than ten persons. During the next three years it was necessary gradually to increase the office room until at length the whole second floor was utilized. It was now (winter of '95-'96) apparent that the development of the business would require vastly more space than was available here, and a new three-story brick structure was erected directly across the street, which it appeared would answer for all time. The business was moved into this latter building in December, 1896, and in less than one year from that time it was necessary to double the space by an addition in the real. With this added facility more room was not required until the fall of 19U1, when about 10,0(10 square feet of floor space was provided in the form of a new three-story brick building adjoining the original one. In November, 1895, C. F. Snyder, who had previously purchased the above mentioned correspondence school, became associated with Mr. Owen in the concern, and these two gentlemen with W. J. Beecher, who also became connected with the business in 1897, con- tinued to conduct the publishing business and the correspondence school under the name of Teachers Improvement Company. In August, 1899, the concern was made a stock company, being incor- porated under the laws of the State of New York, with a capitalization of $60,000. F. A. Owen, C. F. Snyder, W. J. Beecher and F. C. Owen were the stockholders. The last named remained with the company as advertising manager until August, 1901, when his shares were purchased by Messrs. F. A. Owen and W. J. Beecher. In June, 1900, Mr. Snyder sold his stock in the corporation to the other share- holders and again purchased the correspondence school which has since been conducted as an independent concern. The capitalization of the coinpanv was increased to $300,000 in July, 1902, and D. C. Kreidler, L. M. Paine, C. T. Lemen, R. C. Perkins and J. L. Wellington, all employes of the company, became associated as stockholders, and with Messrs. Owen and Beecher were elected- directors. The present officers are: F. A. Owen, president; W. J. Beecher, vice president; D. C. Kreidler, secretary; R. C. Perkins, treasurer. During these yearsof progressthe circulation of Normal Instructor has steadily advanced, increasing gradually to 100,000, which number was reached in December, 1897. In May, 1902, the Teachers World, a leading monthly educational journal in its thirteenth volume, was purchased and combined with Normal Instructor. This consolidation gave the POOK DEPARTMENT LOCAL LND US TRIES 199 COMPOSING B.OOM magazine a circulation of 130,000 — three times that of any of its con- temporaries — and reinforced by the added professional merit which the new magazine furnished the Normal Instructor was placed beyond question in the front rank of educational journalism. The World's Events, an illustrated monthly magazine of current news, established by the company in November, 1900, has already attained a circula- tion of 75,000, and according to the present ratio of increase will have obtained more than a quarter of a million subscribers before it has reached its fifth volume. In producing World's Events, the pub- lishers have achieved a success never before attained by a current topics journal; namely, the covering of the world's news for the entire month up to the date of issue, in exactly the same manner as is done by daily papers. This could not be accomplished, except by the application of the most modern journalistic methods and the use of the latest improved facil- ities. The mechanical equip- ment of the institution con- sists of about ten tons of type, a type-setting machine with a capacity of seven men, a complete electro- typing outfit, a Dexter fold- ing machine equipped with an automatic feeder, with a capacity of 30,000 a day, a binder with a daily capac- ity of sixteen thousand, a trimmer, two mailing ma- chines, five job presses, and five large cylinder presses each equipped with a Dexter automatic feeder. The pro- duct of these presses, which are operated day and night, at the present time is a little less than two million impres- sions a month, and, if the writer may be permitted to make a few local compari- PRESS ROOM, SECTIONAL VIEW 200 BUSLVESS sons he would say that these impressions represent an output of maga- zines which if placed end to end would extend the entire length of the Genesee Valley from Dansville to Rochester. If this monthly issue were stacked one upon another, they would form a column over two thousand feet in height, or considerably more than twice the height of East Hill. If each impression of these presses represent a sheet of paper 42'i' inches by 27 inches — which is the size used — the sheets passing over the presses in one month reduced to a single ribbon one inch wide, would reach once and a half times around the world. Estimating that each magazine issued from these presses every month were read by five persons — which is a fair estimate — such readers would constitute a city with a population equal to three-fourths that of Greater New York, or would populize New England with the excep- tion of Massachusetts. If these readers were formed in a straight line, standing shoulder to shoulder, the line would extend a distance of five hundred miles, being longer by ninety miles than the Lackawanna railroad from New York to Buffalo. The amount of postage paid by the company last year on all classes of mail matter was twelve thousand dollars, and it is due to the large volume of mail dispatched and re- ceived by this company that the Dansville postofifice has attained its present rank and the people of the village given the benefit of free delivery. The company daily receives and dispatches an average of about two thousand letters and about two tons of second class matter. At the present time,' more room and greater facilities being required by the grow- ing demands of the business, the company is arranging for the erection of a large plant, double the capacity of the present one, and the es- tablishment of a job printing department on a large scale. When these plans are con- summated, which in all prob- ability will be within the coming year, it is expected the company will give em- ployment to about twice its present force or two hundred people, whose combined wages will amount to at least $50,000 a year. F. A. Owen, the originator and controlling spirit of the enter- prise, has the general management of the business, and W. J. Beecher is the literary and managing editor of both journals. D. C. Kreidler is advertising manager, L. M. Paine manager of the subscription department, and Charles Lemen superintendent of the printing department. — Contributed by J. L. Wellington. electrotyp;ng department. LOCAL LXD US TRIES 304 H. E. Hubbard Undoubtedly the most important of all local industries are those which create a demand for home products, employ home labor and find market abroad for their manufactured output. When the income that supports an enterprise is derived from outside sources, one can readily see that the wealth of the village is increased in much larger proportion than is possible where a business is only local in its extent. One of the men of Dansville who have already made manifest the truth of these statements is Henry E. Hubbard. About two miles south of Dansville village on Big Mill creek is lo- cated the factory of H. E. Hubbard, whose horse pokes, well curbs, chain pumps, buckets and tubing are used e.xtensively throughout this State and many adjoining ones. The business was established in 1861 by H. O. Hubbard, father of the present proprietor. Until 1870 the ^, s. in f (■ ,^ *<5::^ FACTORY OF H. E. HUBBARD manufacturing of these goods was carried on at the establishment now presided over by Fisk Bros. In the spring of 1880 Mr. H. E. Hub- bard, having succeeded his father in the business, erected the present factory, choosing for his location the former site of a pioneer's saw mill. At this point there is a natural fall of eighteen feet on the creek bed which, besides furnishing abundant power, forms one of the most beautiful of the many scenic pictures about Dansville. Mr. Hub- bard's business has continued steadily to increase in volume until it now ranks among the most important of the home industries. Five thousand horse pokes, 3,000 chain pumps, 1,000 well buckets, 500 curbs, 80,000 feet of tubing and 125.000 feet of finished lumber constitute an average yearly output. 202 BUSINESS Peter "W. Byer One of the oldest established shoe houses in western New York and one of the largest and best equipped to be found outside of the very large cities is the elegantly appointed emporium now being success- fully conducted by Peter W. Byer, who has had over fifteen years' ex- perience in this line of commerce. This business was originally es- tablished in 1850 by Henry Byer, father of the present proprietor and owner, the first location being in the Cook block. Mr. Henry Byer is a native born German and like the majority of his race who have favored this vicinity, has been an energetic worker and successful merchant as well as a skilled craftsman. In 1891 Messrs. P. W. Bver BYER'S SHOE STOB.E and E. M. Parmelee came into possession of the business and continued as partners until 1896 when Mr. P. W. Byer became sole proprietor of the establishment. During the forty years of the first owner's control, numerous locations at advantageous points were secured. Fire in 1864 destroyed the building, including all the contents, located near the present Breeze block, which constituted the headquarters of the business at that time. Mr. Byer afterwards built the block now occupied by C. Kramer on Exchange street and was located there for a number of years. Two years in the present Randall block, three years in the Hyland House block, two years at the present location of Daniel Blum brings us to the year 1882, which marked the entrance into the Maxwell block, from ivhich the business has but recently been removed. LOCAL LND US TRIES 2o3 Half of the ground floor of the new Scoville block was fitted up especially for Mr. P. W. Byer, being constructed under his personal supervision according to the most modern plans of the finest retail shoe houses in the country. The arrangement of the interior is most artistic and well adapted to display to advantage the mammoth stock of foot coverings which include only the leading makes and latest styles. The stamped steel ceiling is twelve feet high, the shelves reaching from floor to ceiling and from end to end of the seventy-foot store. A very fine basement furnishes ample storage room for reserve stock and rubber goods. All fixtures and shelving are of light oak and all interior decorations are made to correspond, giving to the whole an appearance of elegance and beauty hard to describe. The large plate glass display window on one side is backed by one of the largest plate mirrors ever made for this purpose, reaching from floor to ceiling. Mr. Byer has for many years been called a thorough shoe man, be- cause of his broad conception of the needs of his business and the capable manner in which he has always conducted it. By the interest and personal attention that he takes in all patrons and gives to their needs he encourages custom, and when once received it is generally for all time. As a'side line, Mr. Byer in 1895 began the sale of stand- ard makes of bicycles, and being an enthusiastic wheelman himself, he soon commanded a large trade which has lasted to the present time. In six seasons nearly eight hundred mounts were disposed of by him and all have given entire satisfaction. It might be said of Mr. Byer, that he is one of those practical, sagacious, enterprising business men who constitute a very welcome and important factor in the material welfare and progress of a favored community. "Worden BrotKers Montiment Mfg^. Co. It is nearly twenty years since the name Worden became associated with the construction of monuments, and from a small beginning when most of the work was done by the proprietors of that name, there has developed one of the most extensive institutions of its kind in New York State. Fifty skilled workmen are now employed and the finished products ranging from the cheapest marker to the most expensive statue are seen in nearly every county in the State. The business was originally established in 1885 by C. A. Worden & Son and continued as such until 1891, when the sons C. A. and F. E. Worden formed the co-partnership known as Worden Bros. The sons having learned the trade of their father, becoming skilled in the use of mallet and chisel, were enabled to turn out satisfactory work with increasing rapidity. The addition from time to time of an extra workman gradually increased their working force and consequent out- put. The business originally confined to Livingston county was soon extended to adjoining counties, and for a considerable period the satisfaction which their work has produced, enabled them to 204 Bi'S/NESS avail themselves of the services of a salesman. Early in the nineties, greater expansion having been decided upon, travelling salesmen were employed and the business took on new growth and development. Branch depots were established at Buffalo and Rochester and com- petent agents placed in charge of them. The first location of the home factory on E.xchange street was found inadequate to meet the needs of this rapidly growing business, and the present fine premises on Franklin street, near the tracks on the D. & M. R. R. , and only a few rods from the station, were secured and the present plant and office building erected. The two score of skilled granite cutters (all union men), by the aid of pneumatic tools, with which the plant is equipped throughout, execute with exactness and rapidity the finest carving and art work. The beautiful soldiers' monument pictured on another page of this history was erected under contract by this firm, and besides being an object of great local pride is a pleasing example of their finished products. While possessing large interests in Barry, (Vt.,) quarries, they do not confine themselves to the use of this one kind of stone, but supply any kind of granite or marble that may be desired. April 1, 19U2, the Worden Brothers Monument Mfg. Co., was in- corporated with a paid up capital of $50,U00 and the following officers elected; C. A. Worden, president; F. A. Owen, vice president; F. E. Worden, treasurer; W. 'SI. Gilboy, secretary. This unusually strong combination places this institution on a most substantial basis and promises to still further augment its power and usefulness. Something of its importance to the community may be gained from the fact that over $25,000 in salaries is distributed to their employes each year and most of this large sum is spent with the home merchants. Practically all the money received for finished products comes from outside and the em- ployed workmen are attracted here from other places, making most de- sirable citizens, from which it can be readily seen that Worden Brothers Monument Mfg. Co., has not only added to the financial strength of the village, but has made a substantial increase to its population. The output for 1902 will double that of any previous year and is a truly marvellous record in view of the considerable size of their previous business. Messrs. Worden Brothers are men of mature judgment and long experience in their branch of commerce and manufacture. Possessed of self-reliant and aggressive spirits, they have forged steadily ahead and will continue to progress until they stand at the head of their class of manufacturers. They have grown up in Dansville and as citizens have taken that interest in public affairs which is manifested by men of business activity who never shirk a civic duty or responsibility when occasion demands their services or when their assistance can be made of benefit to the public at large. As manufacturers they have done much to spread abroad the fame of Dansville as an industrial center of the first class. LOCAL LYD US TRIES 205 Oberdorf CSi Edwards Charles Shepard, deceased, wrote fire insurance in Dansville for half a centiir\- — much longer than any other man or firm. He retired from the business in 1893, and sold his agency interests to Oberdorf & Ed- wards (B. H. Oberdorf and James M. Edwards) who have since carried it on with the enterprise, skill and industry characteristic of the men. They were already experienced in the business, having commenced twelve years before, when Mr. Oberdorf, who had long been connected with the Dansville Advertiser, was obliged to engage in something less confining on account of impaired health. Mr. vShepard had been commissioned agent for the Aetna of Hart- ford in 1848, the Home of New York in 1853 and the Hartford Fire in 1856. With these great companies added to their others, Oberdorf & Edwards subsequently became the leading agents in Dansville in the amount and variety of their insurance, and are now the oldest — James Krein and Charles Sutfin, who were in the business in the later period of Mr. Shepard's time, having both died. The exceptionally strong companies they represent, including the oldest and largest American companies, are the Aetna of Hartford, Caledonian of England, Connecticut Fire of Hartford, Continental of New York, Hartford Fire, Home of New York, Pennsylvania Fire of Philadelphia, Queen of America, Williamsburg City Fire of New York, Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, and New York Life. These eleven first class companies enable them to furnish all kinds of policies with the assurance that every honest loss will be met; and, in fact, from the beginning until now all losses covered by their pol- icies have been fairly adjusted and promptly paid, not one patron hav- ing suffered by the injustice, failure or retirement of any of their companies. This is partly due, of course, to the integrit)- and effici- ency of the local agents, and the people have learned that they can insure through them with entire confidence. Few of our citizens realize how large are the aggregate amounts that have been paid to policy holders in Dansville by the various com- panies. The Aetna has paid over $24,000, the Hartford over $14,U00, and the Home about the same, to say nothing of the rest of the com- panies represented here by Oberdorf & Edwards and other agents. The security thus afforded against fires, accidents and calamities by the payment of small premiums annually should not be underestimated. In addition to their insurance, Oberdorf & Edwards conduct a gen- eral real estate business and make loans, and anyone desiring such in- 206 Bi'S/JV£SS vestments or accommodations will be benefited by consulting with them. The prospect of considerable advances in the values of real estate has not been so bright as now in many years, and this reliable firm can point out desirable properties at reasonable prices. It should be said that the active manager of the firm's business has been and is Mr. Oberdorf, ;\Ir. Edwards having had enough to do in other directions, and being now the cashier of the Merchants and Farmers National bank. ^^ ^ A. J. Werdeim The manufacture of cement walks, while comparatively a new in- dustry in Dansville, during the past few years has been prosecuted with so much skill and enterprise, that these substantial and sightly pavements have become of almost universal use. Strong as iron, though not as hard as flagstone, they are more pleasing to the eye, more comfortable to the feet of the pedestrian, and resist fully as well the atmospheric forces, making them by far the finest pavements that can be constructed. The man who has had almost a monopoly of this branch of industry in Dansville is A. J. Werdein, who in eight years has laid over eleven miles of walk in Dansville and over a mile in Wayland. Three- quarters of this work has been accomplished in the last three years and is a natural sequence of the eminent satisfaction manifested by his first patrons. His work having stood the test of time and re- mained as new, no better recommendation could be given. For the year 1902, the record of 65,000 square feet surpasses all previous ones for the same length of time. Mr. Werdein has also constructed over 1,700 feet of curbing for the village and is a general contractor for street and gutter work. The Wayland Portland cement, the best in the world, is used in preference to all others. Fifteen skilled work- men are employed by him. Being a skilled mason as well as manu- facturer of cement walks, he is enabled to almost invariably secure the choicest contracts for brick and stone construction as evidenced in the new buildings of the Instructor Publishing Company, the Blum Shoe Company and the new Scoville Block. Mr. Werdein while strongly aggressive in his business methods, is also most conscientious in all of his business dealings and will not accept a contract where he cannot give his personal attention to its every detail. He has met with unusual success and he well deserves it. 1 208 BUSINESS C. C. VeitK The drug house of C. C. Veith was established in the ilaxwell block during the year 1874 by James Hodgmire, at the location now occupied by the postoffice. Mr. C. C. Veith became associated with Mr. Horton, who succeeded Mr. Hodgmire on September 23, 188C), and on October 2, 1888 became sole proprietor and owner. On April 1, 1891 a change was made to the Krein block where the business has since been located, at 135 Main street. A general retail business is conducted in drugs, patent medicines, wall paper, paints and oils, glass, mouldings, liquors, cigars and toilet articles.- A C. C. VEITH'S PHARMACY handsome soda fountain attracts many patrons who consider the con- coctions Mr. Veith dispenses, especially delicious. An agency for Huyler's bon-bons is also here located. This store has become popular under its efficient management and is one of the most prosperous and enterprising places of business in the village. Mr. F. L. Uhl and Henry W. Veith assist Mr. C. C. Veith, all being licensed pharmacists. The business has been built up and the trade extended in a matter most gratifying to its many friends and patrons. Mr. Veith is an active, progressive and honor- able business man and fully understands the many requirements neces sary to successfully conduct his establishment. fl LOCAL LND US TRIES 209 TKe American Correspondence Normal C. F. SNYDER Twenty years ago if some lore- sighted individual had suggested a system of correspondence instruction such as now exists in this country, the plans would have been scoffed at and his ideas deemed most im- practicable. It is certainly a most wonderful accomplishment — the edu- cating of far removed scholars who are thrown entirely on their own re- sources in following the instructions sent them by mail. A grand suc- i-ess it has proved, nevertheless, and today millions of students are per- fecting themselves in all branches of mechanical and scientific research and investigation, who otherwise would have been grubbing away in humdrum occupations with small chance of advancement. The pioneer correspondence school of America is the American Correspondence Normal, established in the fall of 1889 as the Empire State Teachers' Class and conducted during the years 1890 to 1893 as the American Correspondence College. The originator and prime promoter of the enterprise was Mr. F. A. Owen, now president of the Instructor Publishing Company. In 1892, the school was purchased by Mr. C. F. Snyder and con- ducted by him singly until 1895 at which time he became associated with the publishers of the Normal Instructor magazine, the con- solidation being known as the Teachers Improvement Company. This corporation remained intact vmtil June 11, 1900, when ^Ir. Snyder withdrew, again purchased the correspondence school and has since conducted it as a distinct institution. During the first year of the Empire State Teachers Class, fifty scholars were enrolled at the small sum of one dollar each ; there are today, at the end of thirteen years, more than 30,000 names of students on the books of the American Correspondence Normal. The facts to be deduced from this comparison are sell evident. The most important feature of the school, as the name implies, is the training of teachers for higher grade certificates, thus enabling them to render more valuable service to their profession. The curriculum, however, has been extended so that it now embraces, 210 JU'SIXESS aside from the ordinarj' courses of study pursued in graded and high schools, Penmanship, Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Com- mercial Law, Correspondence and Shorthand, subjects especially adapted for those contemplating a business career. Mr. Snyder has spacious and well arranged quarters in the Breeze block, which are a scene of continual activity. He is an able and most successful educator himself and has drawn around him a corps of competent instructors and examiners. Thus far in his business career he has shown unusual adaptability for his chosen line of work, and the earnest and conscientious methods which he employs can not fail to insure a greater success for his institution of learning so strongly founded and so ably conducted. ^ >i? TKe Hyland House The Hyland House occupies the site of the old American hotel, a wooden building, which was purchased by George Hyland, Sr., about 1845 and burned in the spring of 1854. George Hyland, Sr. , owned the property till his death, when his son George succeeded to this business and ran the hotel during the intervals in which it was not rented, until the year 1896. He was proprietor at the time of his death which occurred that year. Mr. E. T. Scoville, the principal legatee of the Hyland estate, now controls this hostelry, while Mr. John King, since 18')8, has had possession, under lease, as landlord and proprietor. The success of any hotel depends on its reputation among the trav- eling public, and this is only gained through the ability of the man- agement to meet the demands of the guests in every detail. Such has been the good fortune of the Hyland House under the manage- ment of its present proprietor, and it stands today with as popular a reputation as any hostelry in Western New York. The building is a magnificent, four-story brick structure with an eighty-five foot front- age on Main street, extending along Ossian street for a distance of 120 feet. There are over 75 finely furnished and decorated sleeping apartments, many having private baths adjoining; a large and most attractive dining room, spacious parlors, reading room and office. Throughout the entire house every device that can possibly add to the comfort, convenience or safety of the guests is at hand, while courteous attendants are in charge of all the departments. It is lighted LOCAL LNDUSTRLES 211 by gas, heated by steam and is kept in a most orderly condition at all times. To all this, together with the justly renowned culinary de- partment, the popularity of the establishment may be accredited. Mr. King is a most able hotel man, having been previously located at Sal- amanca, N. Y., and having devoted more than a score of years to this line of work. By energetic and courteous methods he has made himself and "The Hyland" general favorites, not only with the traveling_pub- HYLAND HOUSE lie but with the people of Dansville, who gladly avail themselves of the exceptional service here in force which would be obtainalile in their own homes only at extreme cost. The recent improvements, which represent an outlay of many thou- sands of dollars, consist of the re-modeling, re-furnishing and re- embellishment of the entire premises. Large upper verandas on both Main and Ossian streets' sides are being erected, which will add greatly to the beauty of the structure. These and many other evi- dences of the present efficient management are cavising the Hyland House to surpass all previous records as a hotel of the first class. 212 LOCAL LND US TRIES B. S. Stone ^ Son. One of the must important oi early industries in and about this vil- lage was the manufacture of fine carriages and wagons for all pur- poses, and for over fifty years, Mr. B. S. Stone of vStone's Falls, has been one of the best known representatives of this class of business in the county. A man of excellent business tact and unusual ability, he has a'lways been active and enterprising and a leading spirit in every- thing that pertained to public welfare. The present business was es- tablished in 1848 by its present proprietor, who for two generations has made his name stand for the best that the market afforded. Besides the superior grades of farm and lumber wagons manufactured, Mr. Stone does an extensive business in repairing. The drop in the bed of the creek at Stone's Falls constitutes a fall of several feet and fur- nishes ample power for the machinery of the establishment besides ^** **'*., B. S. STONE 6 SON'S WAGON SHOP making one of the prettiest scenic pictures to be found near Dansville. Mr. Stone compares the old time methods in wagon making with the old style Ben Franklin printing press, and the developments in both during the past fifty years have been truly marvelous. Mr. William P. Stone, son of the senior member of the firm, who was recently admitted as a partner in the business, has for many years been popular as a clever workman, an astute business man, a good financier and an agreeable companion. This progressive firm have won their enviable success by energy, persistence and persever- ance and are worthy in every way of the competence that has neces- sairly accrued to them. A personal sketch of Mr. B. S. Stone and family will be found among the biographies. LOCAL INDVSTRLES 213 SCHWAN PRUNES GB.OWN BY THOMAS MALONEY & SONS Dansville Nurseries. From a small beginning some fifty years ago the growing of fruit and ornamental trees has expanded into an industry of large propor- tions. Fifteen hundred acres are now set out to nurseries in and around the village and forty firms, employing during the busy season four or five hundred men and boys, are engaged in the business. As it requires from 15,000 to 17,000 seedlings to cover one acre of nur- sery, it can be readily seen, by a simple mathematical calculation, that nearly twenty-five million trees are now under cultivation, hereabouts. The soil, climate and atmospheric conditions are such in the valley and on the hillsides, that stock matures rapidly and produces strong, healthy trees, free from all vermin or insect pests as well as plant dis- ease or blight. The reputation attained and now awarded Dansville trees is equal to that possessed by those of any other locality in the United States. It is somewhat in doubt just who was really the first one in Dans- ville to set out a nursery, as quite a number engaged in the industry about the same time. D. M. Pierson, a well remembered citizen and life long resident of this village, is generally credited with having been the pioneer in the industry and as seen by the date on the ad- vertising circular reproduced on another page, he was actively en- gaged in the business as early as 1851. His nursery was located on the west side of Main street near Morse street and consisted of about twelve acres. Following this work suc- cessfully for about fifteen years, he then gave his attention to other lines of business. During the ten years immediately following Mr. Pierson's experiment, which proved a highly profitable venture, con- siderable interest was manifested in this new industry and before the Civil war such great progress had been made that Dansville established a reputation as a leading nursery center that bids fair to remain a II LOCAL INDUSTRIES 215 permanent feature. A comparison of the early conditions which char- acterized the nursery of a half century ago with the highly improved conditions of toda}', fully demonstrates that enterprise in this direc- tion has been more apparent during the last decade than has been no- ticeable of scarcely any other industry. Fifty years or more ago the would be planter or nurseryman grew his own seedlings from seeds and pits of small fruits gathered at the farm houses. The growing of seedlings soon became an industry in itself and reached at one time considerable proportions. Now, prac- tically all of the seedlings are imported from France where it has been demonstrated they can be grown more cheaply and where the soil and climate predispose the plant to early ripening without disease or pests. In the early days before and during the war, women and children were employed at wages ranging from 25 to 75 cents per day. Only able bodied men and boys are now employed at wages averaging $1.25 per day. For tying the buds, strips of bark were formerly used which had been procured by soaking bass wood logs in neighboring streams for several weeks or until the bark was loosened and could be torn into tape like strips which were called strings. The "Raffia," which has superseded the bark is a sea grass imported from the Island of Mada- gascar. The ordinary farm spade was the first instrument used for dig- ging. This was followed after a great many years by the horse power digger which requires several teams of horses to furnish the power. It was the perfection of the Dansville steam tree dig- ger, however, which practically revolutionized this branch of the industry. The first one of these machines was invented by, con- structed for and patented in 1897 by J. B. Morey Jr. and William H. Hartman. It is mounted on a four wheel truck and furnished with power from a stationary (ir traction engine. The machine consists principally of two im- mense drums on which rope cables are wound. Pulleys are stationed at the ends of the rows of trees so that the strain will be at right angles to the row of trees. A man on each side of the row guides the scoop like plow or digger which reaches down under the roots and raises them out of the soil cleanly and quickly. D. M, PIERSON, PIONEER NURSERYMAN 21f) BUSINESS The moss for packing the trees, which is now obtained in car load lots from swamps along the line of the Rome, Watertown and Ogdens- burg railroad, was formerly obtained from marshes hereabouts. The lumber used for boxing the trees was formerly sawn from native tim- ber, but is now secured from the great western forests. The pioneer nurserymen sat up nights and whittled their labels, marking the varieties on them with a lead pencil. The handsome, pol- ished wood labels now used, can be purchased, printed, perforated and wired for from 5 to Ij/i cents per hundred according to size and quantity. The Automatic Tree Label Machine, the invention of a local, mechanical genius, Mr. Samuel Allen, has alone rendered these improved conditions possible. Here we have brought to our at- tention an intricate, mechanical device which is life-like in its operations and has a capacity equal to the manual labor of hundreds of men. These machines weigh about one ton each and are supported on a frame similar to an iron lathe. A hopper at one end holds a sup- ply of several hundred long, thin strips of wood, which are fed into the machine automatically, the first operation stamping and shaping them the desired size, the second one printing them, on both sides if desired, the next perforating and wiring them, when they are delivered into an automatic binder, which bunches them ready for shipment. A capacity of 300 per minute, 18,000 per hour, is claimed for the ma- chine. The machine requires no attention from the operator after once being adjusted and set in motion until it is necessary to refill the hopper or carry away the finished product son, Samuel Jr., are the manufacturers They are now located on Franklin street, the Franklin street foundry. From a few score of standard varieties, the number has steadily in- creased until it includes nearly all kinds and species of desirable fruit and ornamental trees that are native to this country and climate and many foreign ones which have been domesticated. The older resi- dents well remember the time when the hauling of trees to AVayland, then the nearest railroad station, was of such importance that it con- i\Ir. Samuel Allen and and control the patents, having recently purchased SPRING PLANTING OF STOCK LOCAL INDUSTRIES 217 stituted an industry of its own, but at great inconvenience and loss to the nurserymen. Most of the large nurseries are now either skirted or intersected by the Dansville and Mt. Morris or Lackawanna raih-oads and have loading stations of their own adjoining the tracks. The territory covered by local growers, while originally confined to a few nearby states, is now not even limited to this side of the sea, but is made to include Europe, South America and the West Indies. It is not an unusual occurrence for numerous car loads of ornamental trees to be shipped from here into Oregon, Colorado, California and Washington. . 1 i . .i.:,oo i UK rviNG When it is considered that only the most important of the improve- ments have been mentioned, and that there are hundreds of others in minor details, a truer realization may be grasped of what Dansville has done during fifty years in her leading industry. ^' ^^• The Pioneers. It has been very difificult to secure accurate information regarding the pioneers who were engaged in the business before the war of 1861- 1865, so that only those who attained some prominence will be men- tioned. O. B. Maxwell came to Dansville in 1843 and was the leading fac- tor in opening the canal a few years later. About 1850 he engaged in the nursery business and was the first man in this vicinity to con- duct the planting of stock and the growing of seedlings on a large scale. He continued his operations in this line until his death in 1875, and during the quarter of a century that he was a nurseryman was the leading and most potent factor in the development and e.xpan- 218 £[/S/N£SS sion of this industry. Three of his brothers, Thompson C, Henry E., and Joshua I. came here and learned the business, going to Geneva after two years residence in Dansville and establishing the far-famed Maxwell nurseries of that city which are now conducted under the firm name of T. C. Maxwell & Brothers. Mr. O. B. Maxwell set out to nurseries nearly all of the land that now is intersected by Seward and Chestnut streets, having his office and storehouse on what is now the corner of Seward and Clinton streets. He laid out Seward street later, gave the name which it bears, cut up the adjoining land into building lots and planted the magnificent shade trees now so much in evidence during the summer months. He planted the two hundred acres available of the Morey farm to nurseries and purchased the Wm. H. McCartney farm of 110 acres and the present Sweet farm of 40 acres, using the land for the same purpose. Samuel and James Ramsden were identified with the business here as early as 1854 or 1855. James went west in 1858. Samuel was in partnership with J. C. Williams for a number of years. John iNIurphy who died in Rochester about two years ago was a heavy planter here from 1860 to 1875. vSamuel Ingersoll came to Dansville in 1822 and died ^larch 27, 1861. He was one of the earliest growers and an extensive planter. H. Southwick and son, T. T. Southwick, who is now a resident of Rochester, cultivated about fifteen acres during the years 1860 to 1870. Dr. H. H. Farley and Dr. Porter B. Bristol, practicing dentists during the late fifties, made several successful plantings. Dr. Farley, after his removal to Union Springs, attained national prominence as an authority on the culture of small fruits. Mr. E. H. Pratt, now a resident of Fredonia, N. Y., ranked among the largest growers of the state for about a score of j-ears and com- menced his undertakings here about 1855; William Bristol was asso- ciated with him at the time of the breaking out of the Civil war. They both joined the army, Mr. Bristol being killed in active service. After Mr. Pratt had returned and again took up his business interests, he had as partners, Mr. Frederick Taylor, a native of Massachusetts, who died a few years later, and Mr. J. J. Bailey who withdrew to engage in the hardware business, which he has since conducted. Messrs. Maxwell and Pratt for a number of years had joint interests. J. C. Williams, a sketch of whose life will be found among the biographies, was engaged in the business for a score of years dating from 1858. Mr. William C. Bryant in 1860 laid the foundation of the large nursery business now conducted by his sons James and William. Mr. W. C. Bryant was for many years in partnership with Mr. J. C. Williams. Mr. S. P. Williams, whose death has occurred during the compila- tion of this sketch, commenced in 1855 his first operations as a nur- seryman, and the splendid business now conducted by his daughters under the name of The F. E. Williams Nursery Co., is strongly rep- resentative of the enterprise and ability of this worthy pioneer. In the early days the more gradual slopes of East Hill and land immediately adjoining were considered to be all that was desirable for tree growing. After this land had been temporarily exhausted LOCAL INDUSTRIES 219 (all nursery land must be given a rest after each three-year crop) experiments were made down the valley and on the hillsides to the west of Dansville, which have proven very successful. Every portion of available land in or near the village either has been, or is now being used for tree growing. Even fraction of acre building lots are covered with young trees, a very high annual rental being paid for the use of this land for three years. A large number of the most successful and largest planters today are men who a comparatively few years ago were working for other nurserymen. This was largely brought about by Western growers, who being an.xious to take advantage of the splendid reputation of the local stock and advantages of soil and climate, have shipped in mil- lions of stock and contracted with local nurserymen to mature them here. There are now between forty and fifty different firms or individuals who are raising nursery stock for the wholesale and retail trade. With the exception of a few concerns, the business is all wholesale, and principally the growing of fruit trees. Representatives of the leading jobbing houses come here every Spring and Fall and buy direct of the grower and they in turn supply the retailer. As our space is limited we can give but a brief mention of the present nursermen. TRIMMING STOCK IN WINTER 220 BCrS/JVESS Present J\[urserymen. Mr. E. P. Clark, the oldest living local nurseryman, still cultivates about ten acres, mostly seedlings, in the growing of which he is also a pioneer. He began in 1856. Mr. Geo. A. Sweet first engaged in the nursery business in 1869 in partnership with J. B. Moray, Sr. The firm of Sweet & Morey was in force until 1885 at which time the partnership was dissolved; Mr. Morey the same year organizing the present firm of Morey & Son. the junior member of the firm being J. B. Morey Jr. Until 1889 Mr. Sweet conducted an exclusively wholesale business under his own name "Geo. A. Sweet." Mr. Geo. W. Whitney become associated with Mr. Sweet in June 1884 and in 1889 under the style of "Geo. W.Whitney & Co.," an extensive agency business was established requiring at various times the services of more than one hundred travelling representatives. In 1896 a retail department was inaugurated and through the med- ium of a handsome and comprehensive catalogue issued semi-annually trees are sold direct to the consumer. Business in this department is conducted under the name of the "Geo. A. Sweet Nursery Co.," of which Mr. Geo. A. .Sweet is president, Geo. W. Whitney vice presi- dent and general manager, and Maxwell Sweet secretary and treasurer. The Sweet nurseries cover over 150 acres and during the busy seasons upwards of fifty men and boys are employed whose wages will average $1.25 per day. All kinds of fruit trees are grown and many of the finest ornamental and shade trees as well. Mr. Geo. A. Sweet is president of the local Nurserymen's association, with which nearly all Dansville nurserymen are associated. It was formed some years ago for purposes of mutual protection and assistance by co-operating with each other in securing favorable terms and better service from rail- roads, etc. J. B. Morey Jr. is secretary of this association. Mr. Sweet has served two years as president of the National Nur- serymen's Association and is prominently identified with the two National Protective associations for Nurserymen. Mr. J. B. Morey, in 1885, retired from the firm of Sweet & Morey, and with his son John Jr. established the present firm of Morey & Son. This firm employs from 25 to 100 men during the year and have an annual payroll of over $10,OiiO. . The following list of nurserymen is arranged chronologically accord- ing to the dates the various nurseries were established; the present acreage of each is also given : 1855— F. E. Williams Nursery Co 60 " 1856— E. P. Clark 10 acres I860— Bryant "Bros 50 " 1861— Geo. C. Stone 40 " 1869— Geo. A. Sweet 15() " 1870— Jacob Uhl & Son (Nicholas) ; 90 " 1874— C. F. McNair 50 " 1876— J. M. Kennedy 30 " LOCAL INDUSTRIES 221 1877 — Martin King 25 acres 1882— Edward Bacon 30 " 1884— Michael vSheerin 5 " 1885— Morey & Son (J. B. and J. B., Jr.) 150 " 1885- F. M. Hartman (>0 " 1885— Kelley Bros. (James and William) 45 " 1887— Thos. Maloney & vSons (Edward H. and William J.,).. 'tO " 1887— Michael Burke 17 " 1887 — Anthony Daugherty 5 1888— James Dowds 18 " 1889— Wm. H. Hartman f.O " 1889— C. W. McNair 75 " 18'50— McLane Bros. (Michael and Peter) 15 " 1892— J. H. Sheerin 30 " 1892— Albert Hartman 15 " 1892— Orville Hartman 3 " 1892— James O'Connor 3 " 1894— John W. Finn 8 " 1894— Hugh Nolan 2 " 1895— Isaac Rogers 100 " 1896— Anthony Gary 10 " 1897— Fred Young 30 " 1897— Lester Nolan 2 " 1898- Patrick Reilley & Son 20 " 1899— John Nagle 10 " . 1900— Ulyette Bros 7 " The following not furnishing information we have estimated their acreage as follows: J. E. McLane 20 acres; Patrick O'Hara 10 acres; Edward Morrison 10 acres; W. B. Maloney 25 acres; John Daugherty 15 acres. Of the above mentioned firms, The Geo. A. Sweet Nursery Co., Bryant Bros., J. H. Sheerin, Geo. C. Stone and Isaac Rogers conduct a retail as well as wholesale business and issue semi-annual catalogues. Mr. Rogers who is located near the Lackawanna depot issues a quarterly magazine called the Tree Breeder. He believes that a tree may be bred from fine parent stock as well as horses or cattle and by using scions from bearing trees of pronounced merit, he has propaga- ted trees of unusual excellence for size of fruit and delicacy of flesh and flavor. 222 BUSLVESS Grapes and Wine The late J. M. ^IcNair in a hip-hly interesting article in the Dans- ville Advertiser under date of January 15, 1891, reviewed the history of the grape and wine industry in Dansville, which with a few changes and additions is made to describe these industries as they exist at the present time. The first vineyard was set out by F. M. Ferine in 1860 as a test plantation. It embraced about eight acres and was on the hillside just above the Sanatorium and comprised the standard varieties Catawba, Isabella, Diana, Concord and Delaware. In the years fol- lowing the maturity of this vineyard Dr. Ferine regularly took first premiums on his Catawbas at the Hammondsport fairs. MlCHAtL'S WINE CELLAR The result of this test vineyard established the fact now conceded that there is no better soil and climate for successful grape culture to be found anywhere in the Eastern states than on the slopes of East Hill. A southwest exposure and almost complete exemption from frost insure, with other advanta«;es of soil and atmospheric conditions, large yields and superior size and delicacy of flavor. Grapes ripen here a week to ten days in advance of those in the Naples district which is noted for its early ripening. Dr. Ferine's experiment was soon fol- lowed by a vineyard of fifteen acres, set out by three Germans who came here from Hammondsport: John F. Michael, Jacob Smith and Andrew Freidel. This vineyard included substantially the same varieties and was located south of the Sanatorium grounds and is to- day in splendid bearing. The next vineyard was planted by Dr. Ferine on the John Dieter farm on East Hill. It covered five acres and is now owned by the Lackawanna Railroad Company having LOCAL INDUSTRIES 223 been purchased by them when its road was constructed along the hillside. About the same time Dr. Ferine set out another vineyard on the same farm, embracing about five acres which afterwards sold to Dr. D. W. Babcock and later reverted to Dr. F. M. Ferine. The next vineyard, one of ten acres, was planted by H. A. Brewster upon the Samuel Welch place just above the Dansville Brewery. This vineyard is now owned by the Brewster estate. vStill another vineyard was planted by Dr. Ferine in 1872 upon his own farm south of the Sanatorium grounds and covered at the time eight acres It is now a part of Dr. Ferine's large vineyard of fifteen acres. The ne.xt planting was around the southern point of the hill and embraced a tract of some twenty acres of all the leading varieties which are now flourishing vineyards. Charles Stadler, now deceased, soon after the Lackawanna was constructed, purchased and set out fifteen acres of the Welch farm to grapes, which tract is also now yielding abundant harvests of luscious fruit. Cyrus Clark set out about twelve acres to Niagaras in 1889 on the banks of the Canaseraga creek near "the narrows" south of the vil- lage. In 1889 and 1890 Dr. Ferine set out fifteen acres upon his East Hill farm as a second test vineyard to the principal new vari- eties, such as Focklington, Worden, Niagara, Empire State, Wyom- ing and Brighton. The present area under cultivation to grapes is a little over two hundred acres mostly on East Hill. The principal grapes growers with the acreage of their vineyards are: Dr. F. M. Ferine 20 Birdsall Kennedy 20 Charles Stadler estate 21 Jacob Smith 15 John Gering 12 George Dieter 10 Frederick Michael 10 Andrew Freidel 8 H. A. Brewster estate 10 Cyrus Clark 18 Kiehle estate 8 M. C. Biek 5 J. B. Morey 3 Besides which there are a number of smaller vineyards covering one, two or three acres which are not enumerated. As near as can be estimated over 400 tons were grown and either shipped or pressed into wine the season of 1902. In this connection it is well to mention the production of wine which is carried on by half a dozen establishments and has already reached large proportions. Dr. Ferine manufactures from 3,000 to 4,000 gallons annually of Catawba, Diana, Fort, Claret and Sherry wines. The capacity of his cellars is about 9,000 gallons. The Charles Stadler estate makes about 5,000 gallons annually of Dry and Sweet Catawba, Port and Claret wines. Adam Stadler makes about 500 gallons, Jacob Smith 400 gallons, Andrew Freidel 400 gallons, Fritz Michael about 2,000 gallons, and Cvrus Clark about 2000 gallons. 224 BC'SLVESS Paper Making The manufacture of paper and paper stock was the most important industry in Dansvillefor nearly a centur_v, or until quite recent times. The pure water of the many streams flowing in and around the vil- lage, early invited this branch of manufacture. The pioneer paper mill in western Xew York was, as we have seen, built here in 180')-10, by Nathaniel Rochester and was located near the present site of the \Villiams & Co. grist mill. From this single enterprise the business increased, until in 1844 there were four large paper mills manufactur- ing over $100,000 worth of paper per annum. In 1820, Amos Bradley came here with his family from Hartford, Conn., and commenced the manufacture of writing and print paper on a large scale, renting for that purpose the "Old Faulkner paper- mill," which he occupied until 1825, when he formed a co-partnership with his two oldest sons, Javin and Chester, under the well-known name of A. Bradiey & vSons, and in the spring of that year erected a fine mill on the ground later occupied by the pulp-mill of the Woodruff Paper Co. In 1837, the company met their first great reverse by the destruction of their mill by fire. It was immediately rebuilt. Two years elapsed and then the fiery element again reduced their mill to ashes. They immediately erected what is known as the "lower paper mill." Scarcely was this mill got in operation, when they commenced rebuilding the one destroyed by fire, which was superior in size, machinery and facilities of all kinds to its predecessors and to the lower mill. In 1841, the upper mill was again destroyed by fire. Phoeni.x-like another soon raised from its ashes, to be in turn destroy- ed four years later by the same element; but again it was rebuilt. About this time the firm divided, Amos and his sons, Javin and Lucius who had also acquired an interest, remaining here, while Chester and Benjamin removed to Niagara Falls, and commenced the manufacture of paper there. For five years Lucius and Javin con- tinued the business, principally at the upper mill, which, in 1854, was again destroyed by fire and was never rebuilt by any of the Bradley family. In 1852, Chester and Benjamin separated, and the former returned to Dansville and erected the Livingston mill, which was in active op- eration, but under a dift'erent management until Nov. 1, 1866. The Woodruff" Paper Co., the successor of the Bradleys' manufactur- ing interests in Dansville, was incorporated Nov. 1st, 1866, with a capital of $40,000 by L. C. Woodruff", Alonzo Bradner, D. D. McNair and Thomas Brown, the latter of whom retired Dec. 7, 1869. his stock being purchased by the remaining partners. This company was organized for the manufacture of pulp from straw, by the process patented and owned by the Hydrostatic Paper Co., the Woodruff Paper Co. having the exclusive right for this vicin- ity. In 1866 the company purchased the upper mill property of the Bradleys, located on upper ilain street, near the junction of Big and Little Mill Creeks, which had been unoccupied since the fire of 1854. The walls of 100 by 40 feet of the present mill were erected by the Bradlej's, and have withstood at least three fires. The building, which was then a mere shell, was fitted up and enlarged by an addition LOCAL INDUSTRIES 225 of 4() X 4(1 tVet, i)f lirick and stone, the character of the original build- ing, the whole being two stories high. The works were got in reatli- ness and operations were begun January 1, lSf)8. The works gave employment to about twenty persons, and consumed annually about 1,2 iAtt>A AV^ "^^ W'L i^or sr Business Directory City Government Oscar Woodruff, president; James A. Young, clerk; Daniel Blum, treasurer; Joseph Yochum, collector; B. G. Fobs, attorney. Board of Trustees — James E. Crisfield, Herman Hoffman, Henry Fedder, George P. Wheaton. Board of Cemetery Trustees — George A. Sweet, president; A. O. Bunnell, vice-president; Solon S. Dyer, secretary and treasurer; Gordon S. Wilson, superintendent; Philip H. Kinney, sexton. Board of Education — Frank Fielder, president ; William Kramer, F. M. Perine, H. F. Dyer, J. M. Edwards, F. W. Noyes, C. W. Woolever, Edward Bacon, J. B. ^lorey, Jr. ; E. J. Bonner, principal of high school. Board of He.^lth — F. M. Schlick, president; Jacob H. Smith, secretary and registrar vital statistics; Fritz Durr, C. V. Patchin, health physician. Board of Water CoiniissiONERS — Consists of Board of village trustees, Eugene A. vSprague, superintendent. Trustees Dansville Public Library — Mrs. Elizabeth E. Sweet, president; Mrs. Ella H. Preston, treasurer; W. J. Beecher. secretary; Miss Lillie M. Endress, Prof. E. J. Bonner. Oscar Woodruff, H. Hoffman, Robert Pratt, H. A. Burdick, Henry K. Wheaton, justices of the peace. Police Department — Oscar Woodruff, chief of police; M. J. Welch and Fred Michael, uniformed police; Robert Pratt, police justice; Henry K. Wheaton, assistant police justice; John Gunther, night watchman. Town Officers — B. G. Foss, supervisor; George L. Krein, clerk; Jacob Huver, highway commissioner; Joseph A. Wirth, overseer of the poor; Charles W. Denton, collector; W. J. Welch, truant officer. Assessors — William Cogswell, Nicholas Schubmehl, E. B. Cridler. Auditors — Samuel F. Consalus, George E. Kern, Charles C. Veith. Constables — William J. Welch, John Gunther, Harrv K. Welch, A. D. Steffy, Nicholas J." Gerber. Fire Department (.See Part 11, Paires 5'.i-67.) P. J. Melody, chief engineer ; P. J. Coleman, 1st assistant; J. J. Stein, 2d assistant; J. L. Wellington, president; F. E. Sprague, secretary ; Henry Zaffke, treasurer. Volunteer Companies — Union Hose Co., Protectives, Fearless Hook and Ladder Co., Jackson Hose Co. Fire Buildings — Village hall, Exchange street; L^nion Hose Build- ing, Ossian street. 231 232 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Schools (See i'art I, Pages 58-63.) High School, SL-hool street, opposite Central Park, E. J. Bonner, principal. St. Mary's Parochial School, Franklin street, opposite St. ^lar^-'s church. Sisters of St. Joseph, instructors. St. Patrick's Parochial School, Exchange street, adjoining Village hall. Sisters of St. Joseph, instructors. Postoffice Located in Ma.xwell block. Office hours 8 a. ni., to 8 p. ni. Sun- days, 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. Money Order department closes at 6 p. in. F. J. McNeil, postmaster; Katherine H. Rowan, assistant postmaster; W. J. Brown, mailing clerk ; W. E. Bacon, money order clerk; E. J. Murphy, stamp clerk; Karl Krein, window clerk. ViLL.AGE Carriers — William J. McNeil, E. C. Alexander, W. J. Maloney, William \'eith, substitute. Rural Delivery Carriers — Philip Schubmehl, Route No. 1; P. O'Hara, Route No. 2; D. G. Acomb, Route No. 3; George Morrison, Route No. 4; J. W. Finn, Route No. 5. Deliveries — 8 a. m., and 1 p. m., residence section. 7:30 p. m., business section extra. Collections — 7. a. m., 10:30 a. m., 3:30 p. m., residence section. 9 p. m., business section extra. Arrivals — 6 a. m., east and west; 11:15 a. m., east and west; 12 m., D. & M. R. R. ; 6:30 p. m., east; 7:28 p. m., east; 7:00 p. m., D. & M. R. R. Departures — 5:30 a. m., D. & M. R. R. ; 1(> a. m., east and west; 2:30 p. m., west; 3:30 p. m., D. & M. R. R. ; 5:20 p. m., west; 6:30 p. m., east; 10 p. m., east and west. Banks Citizens Bank, Citizens Bank building, northwest corner of Main and Ossian streets. See Part II, Pages' 134-136. Merchants and Farmers National Bank, Kramer block, northwest corner Main and Exchange streets. vSee Part II, Pages 172-174. Cemeteries Greenmount Cemetery. Cemetery street, outside southern cor- poration limits of the village. See Part I, Page 101. Holy Cross Cemetery, -Catholic, on Stone's Falls road. Churches (8ee Part II, Pages 35-5S.) Baptist, Rev. William H. Brown, pastor, southeast corner Elizabeth and Chestnut streets. English Lutheran, Rev. Charles G. Bikle, pastor, southwest corner Church Square and Exchange street. German Lutheran, Rev. John J. Lehman, pastor, lower Main street. Methodist Episcopal, Rev. Irving B. Bristol, pastor. Chestnut street, near Main. B US IX ESS DIREC TOR V 233 Presbyterian, Rev. Charles M. Herrick, pastor, Central Park square. St. Mary's German Catholic, Rev. M. Krischel, pastor, Franklin street, near D. &. M. R. R. St. Patrick's Irish Catholic, Rev. William. T. Dunn, pastor, Central Park. St. Peter's Episcopal, Rev. vStephen Howard Ailing, pastor. Cen- tral Park, near Exchange. Hospital Dansville Hospital, Health street, near Sanatorium. See Part I, Pages 117-120. Incorporated Companies Blum Shoe Co., capital $50,000. President, John Blum; superin- tendent and manager, Frank J. Blum; secretarv and treasurer, Philip E. Blum. See Part H, Pages 132-133. Dansville Brewing Co., capital $10,000. President, Peter Laforce; secretary, C. R. Heiman; treasurer, Henry Zaffke. Dansville Gas and Electric Co., capital $80,000. President E. Floyd Kizer, Towanda, Pa., treasurer, E. L. Smith. See Part H, Pages 181-183. George Sweet Manufacturing Co., capital, $3b,000. President, F. W. Noyes; vice president, James E. Crisfield; secretary and treasurer, R. W. Adams; superintendent, C. H. Nichols. Instructor Publishing Co., capital $300,000. President, F. A. Owen; vice president, W. J. Beecher; secretary, D. C. Kreidler; treasurer, R. C. Perkins. See Part II, Pages 195-201. Jackson Sanatorium, capital $100,000. President, James H. Jack- son; secretary, J. Arthur Jackson; treasurer, Mrs. Walter E. Gregory. See Part II, Pages 98-110. Mill Creek Electric Light & Power Co., capital $200,000. President, F. A. Owen; vice president, James E. Crisfield; secretary, D. C. Kreidler; treasurer, J. H. Baker. Peck, The George W. Peck Company, capital $100,000. President, George W. Peck, Bath, N. Y. ; vice president, Fred Plaisted, Penn Yan, N. Y. ; secretary, Ira C. Pratt, Prattsburg, N. Y. ; treasurer, Frank B. Peck, Cohocton, N. Y. ; manager of Dansville Branch, George J. Dodson. See Part II, Pages 144-147. Worden Bros., Monument Manufacturing Co,, capital $50,000. President, C. A. Worden; vice president, F. A. Owen; treasurer, F. E. Worden; secretary, W. M. Gilboy. See Part II, Pages 203-204. Library Dansville Public Library, second floor. Dyer block. Main street, librarian, ]Miss Susan Parker. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 3 to 5 p. m., Fridays and Saturdays 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Newspapers and Magazines Dansville Advertiser, weekly, issued on Thursday, A. O. Bunnell, editor and proprietor, Bunnell block, Main street. Terms $1.50 per year. See Part II, Pages 191-193. 234 BUS/XESS DIRECTORY Dansville Breeze, weekh-, issued on Tuesday, Miller H. Fowler, proprietor, H. W. DeLong, editor, Breeze block, Main street. Terms $1.00 per year. See Part II, Pages l'J3-194. Dansville Express, weekly, issued on Thursday, Oscar Woodruff, editor and proprietor, Hubertus block. Main street. See Part II, Pages 189-190. Normal Instructor and Teachers World, monthly magazine. In- structor Publishing Co., Main street. Terms $1.00 per year. See Part II, Pages 195-200. World's Events, monthly current topics magazine. Instructor Pub- lishing Co., Main street. Terms 50 cents per year. See Part II, Pages 195-2IH). Public Parks Central Park, bounded by Exchange and Church, Liberty and School streets. Elm Park, northeast corner Fulton and Pine streets. Washington Park, the square bounded by A'anCampen, William, Clinton and Clay streets. Miscellaneous Schools American Correspondence Normal, instruction by mail, C. F. Snyder, princioal and proprietor. Breeze block. Main street. See Part II, Pages*209-210. Caton's Business College, H. A. Harvey, principal. Dyer block, Main street. Railroad Lines Dansville and Mount ]\Iorris Railroad, H. McKinney agent, station foot of Milton street. See Part II, Pages 129-131. Lackawanna Railroad, C. A. Snyder agent, station one and one- half miles northeast from center of village. See Part II, Pages 121-123. Societies FRATERNAL. A. O. H. — First Division No. 3, of the Ancient Order of Hiber- nians. See Part II, Page 69. A. O. U. W. — Dansville Lodge, No. 101, Ancient Order of United Workmen. See Part II, Page 70. C. M. B. A. — Branch No. 73 of the Catholic ^Mutual Benefit Asso- ciation. See Part II, Page 70. C. R. & B. A.— St Patrick's Council No. 16 of the Catholic Relief and Beneficiary Association. See Part II, Page 69. E. K. O. R. — Sherman Council No. 24, Empire Knights of Relief. See Part II, Page 71. F. & A. M. — Phoenix Lodge No. 115, Free and Accepted Masons. See Part II, Page 71. J. O. O. F. — Canaseraga Lodge No. 123, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. See Part II, Pages 78-79. I. O. R. M. — Kan-a-skra-ga Tribe No. 372, Improved Carder of Red Men. See Part II, Page 72. K. O. T. M. — Dansville Tent No. 64, Knights of the Maccabees of the World. See Part II, Page 74. J^rS/N£SS DIRECTORY 235 L. C. B. A, — St. Elizabeth Branch No. 78, Ladies Catholic Benevo- lent Association. See Part II, Page 73. L. O. T. M. — Dansville Hive No. 172, Ladies of the Maccabees. See Part II, Page 73. M. W. OF A. — Dansville Camp No. 421, Modern Woodmen of America. See Part II, Page 77. N. P. L. — Dansville Legion No. 293, National Protective Legion. See Part II, Page 76. P. H. C— Protective Home Circle No. 339. See Part II, Page 76. P. OF H. — Dansville Grange No. 178, Patrons of Husbandry. See Part II, Pages 74-76. R. A. C— Dansville Royal Arch Chapter No. 91. See Part II, Page 77. R. T.— Dansville Council of Royal Templers. See Part II, Page 77. S. B. S. — Dansville Branch of the Saint Bonifacius Society. See Part II, Pages 78-81. LITERARY A. L. S. — Alpha Literary Society. See Part II, Page 84. Coterie.— See Part II, Page 84, Part I, Pages 97-99. D. H. S. L. C. — Dansville High School Literary club. See Part II, Page 84. R. C.— Reading Circle. See Part II. Page 84. Y. M. L. C. — Young Men's Literary Club. See Part II, Page 82. PjVTRIGTIC G. A. R.— Seth N. Hedges Post No. 216, Grand Army of the Re- public. See Part II, Pages 85-87. S. O. V. — Mark J. Bunnell Post No. 36, Sons of Veterans. See Part II, Page 87. MUSICAL Citizens Band. — See Part II, Pages 90-91. Dansville Orchestra. — See Part II, Page 91. RHCRE.VTION B. B. G. C— Brae Burn Golf Club. See Part II, Page 91. D. H. S. B. B. C— Dansville High School Base Ball Club. See Part II, Page 91. D. H. S. F. B. C— Dansville High School Foot Ball Club. See Part II, Page 93. D. G. C— Dansville Gun Club. See Part II, Page 93. UNIONS B. & P. U. — Dansville and Mount Morris Bricklayers and Plasterers Union. See Part II, Page 95. C. M. N. U. — Branch No. 119, Cigar Makers National Union. See Part II, Page 95. G. C. N. U. — Dansville Branch, Granite Cutters National Union. See Part II, Page 95. Telegraph Companies Western L^nion Telegraph Co. Office .second floor, new Scovill block, Mrs. Manley Walker, operator. 236 BrsLV£SS DIKECTORV Telephone Bell Telephone Co., central office, second floor Citizens Bank build- ing, entrance on Ossian street. H. W. DeLong, Jr., local man- ager; Mrs. Maria Walters, Miss Rena Schwingel, Miss Ida Bacon, Walter Kennedy and Joseph Sandford, operators. All night service. Pay stations at DeLnng's bookstore and Hyland House. Sanatorium Jackson Sanatorium, Health street, near Lackawanna railroad. vSee Part H, Pages 98-110. Express Companies U. S. Ex. — United States Express Company, via Lackawanna rail- road. C. A. Snyder agent, Frank Camijbeil, messenger. Milage office at DeLong's book store. W. F. Ex. — Wells Fargo Express Company, via Erie and D. & M. railroad. H. McKinney agent, Edward Maloney messenger. Vil- lage office at Edwards, Kern & Miller's hardware. Opera House Heckman Opera House, corner of Exchange and Church streets. L. H. Heckman, manager. Public Buildings, Blocks, etc. Altmeyer Block, 104-106 Main Bastian Block, 139 Main Betts Block, 161-165 Main Belden & Co., Warehouse, 6 Spruce Boughton Block, 231 Main Breeze Block, 108-110 Main Biek Block, 114-116 Main Bunnell Block, 150-152 Main Citizens Bank Building, 193 Alain Davis Block, 8-10 Ossian Dyer Block, 154-158 Main Engel Blocks, 217-221 Main Farmers Home Hotel, 117 Main Fielder Block, 173-177 Main Folev, D., Block, 197-201 Main Folev, D., Block, 211-215 Main Ge'iger Block, 132-136 Main Granula Building, 198 Main Heiman Block, 126 Main Hedges Block, 155-159 Main Heckman Opera House, 9 Exchange Hoffman Block, 128 Main Hotel Livingston, 229 Main Hotel Murphy, 195 Main Hubertus Block, 169 Alain Pluver Bros., Block, 147-149 Main Huver, N. J., Block, 127 Alain Hylmun Block, 142 Alain BUSINESS DIRECTORY 237 Hyland House Block, 185-191 Main Instructor Publishing Company Building, 111-113 Main Johantgen Bros., Block, 167 Main KHnk Block, 130 Main Krein Block, 135-137 Main Kramer, (C.,) Block, 10 Exchange Kramer, Fritz, Block, 141-145 Main Kramer, Wm., Block, 131-133 Kramer, Wm., Block, 6-8 Exchange Laundry Building, 12 Ossian Laforce Hotel Block, 122-124 Main Martin Block, 203-207 Main Marx Block, 112 Main Mehlenbacher Block, 121 Main Maxwell Block, 160-168 Main Nichols Block, 144 Main Randall Block, 182 Main Redmond Block, 196 Main Rouse Block, 151-153 Main Schwingel Block, 178 Main Scovill Block, 179-181 Main Scovill Block, 125 Main Scovill Block, 4-6 Ossian Schubmehl Block, 123 Main Skating Rink, 32 Ossian Sheioard Block, 184-188 Main Sweet Block, 176 Main Smith Block, 140 Main Stevens Block, 146 Main Titsworth & Casterline Block, 10 Spruce Thomas Block, 174 Main Union }Iose Building, 24 Ossian VanValkenburg Block, 148 Main Veith, William, Block, 209 Main Village Hall, 14 Exchange Welch, M., & Son Block, 180 Main Whiteman Block, 171 Main Whiteman Block, 170-172 Main Wilson & Altmeyer Block, 21 Ossian Wilson & McCurdv Warehouse, 8 Spruce Zaffke, Henry, Block, 129 Main Explanations. In compiling and arranging tlie following historical census of Dansville village, which is practically complete up to the summer of 1902, we have deviated somewhat from the style of the ordinary directory by arranging the census in para- graphs or groups, each of which contains the names of all those of the same surname living in the same house. Mem- bers of families living out of town have in many instances been included in these groups. It is very apparent to us that some mistakes are sure to creep into such a comprehensive list of names, no matter how carefully it may be compiled; when it is considered, however, that in most cases, it will be because we have been misin- formed that such errata occur, we hope the reader will not too strongly criticise the best efforts of those who have had this work in charge. — ^^-v^ Historical Census I Acker, Frnnk, laborer, 238 Main. Aciimb, Dan, rural mail carrier. 85 Main, wife Lillie, children Nellie, Charles. Adalade, Mar\-, nurse, 17 South. Adams, Mrs. A. C, q4 Main. Adams, Mrs. Julia, ?6 Seward, children Sireno F., lawyer; Richard W., sec. Sweet Mfg. Co.; Mrs. Jennie Eagan, Rochester, N. Y. Albert, George, chief engineer, 46 Ferine, wife Mar>', children Agnes. Helena, May, George, Lucy, Simon electrician ; Julia, dressmaker; Katharine, milliner; Anna, dressmaker. Albert, John, 68 Franklin, engineer, wife Elizabeth, children John, Mar\-, Char- lie, Henrv, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Sexton, Lakeville; N. Y. Alden, Mrs. Margaret, 7 Jefferson, child Minerva. Alexander, Edward, emp. P. O. 191 M.iin. Alexrmder, Thomas, clerk, 19 Elizabeth. Allen, Burton, milliner, 142 Main, v\ife Theo, child Lois. Allen, Comfort, aeronaut, wife Mary A, children Edgar, Edward, Ella, Martha, Rich.ird, James laborer; Mary. Allen, M.irtin, jeweler, 94 Ossian, wife Fannie. Allen, Samuel, mechanic, 30 Elizabeth, wife Agnes, children Edward, Jose- phine, Grace, Angle, stenographer; Frank, Pittsburg, Pa. Allen, Samuel Jr., machinist, 214 Main, wife Amy, children Ruth, Gretta, Marguerite, Carl. Allen, Stephen, retired farmer, 45 Main, wife Electa, children Lillian; Mrs. Gertrude Moose, East Hill: Bessie, te.acher. Allen, Stephen L., teamster, 2 Elm, wife Marv C., children Mary B., John J., Earl" J., Pearl M. Allen, Warren N., balloonist, 92 Ossian, w ife Nina D., children, Mildred, Elmont, Gladys. Ailing, Rev. S. H., Episcopal minister, 16 Williams, wife Margaret N., children M. Dean. Alsdorf, Frank, 45 Health. Altme\'er, Albin A., plumber. 2 Chestnut, v\ife' Katharine, child Katharine A. Altme\er, Mrs. Frank, 2 Chestnut. Altme\er, Henry, undertaker, 20 Seward, wife Safronia,' children Bernard, Wilhel- mina. Altmeyer, Mrs. Mary, 8 Ferine, child Anna M., stenographer. AKersnn, Augustus, laborer, 4 Jefferson, wife Maria, child James, printer. Alverson, Frank J., lawyer, 78 Main, wife Minnie, child Donald. Ames, John, laborer, 45 Ferine, wife Lillie. Andrews, Dr. B. P., physician, 109 Main, wife Jennie, child Edith. Applin, Mrs. Mary, 85 Seward, children Mrs. Fred Holbrook, Maggie, Charles F., rural mail carrier. Applin, Minnie, domestic, 249 Main. Argus, Loretta, domestic, 40 Elizabeth. Artman, Milton E. 16 Seward. Atvxood, Clarence, engineer, 53 Ferine, wife Anna, children, Ella F., Lillian E., Hiley J. Auer, Mrs. John, 64 Liberty. Austin, Mar\', 15 Liberty, child Fred G., emp. Instructor. Austin, Philip, laborer, 3 Jefferson, v\ife Mar\- E. Averhill, William, painter, 21 Elizabeth wife Louisa. Avey, James, 9 Franklin, wife Mary, child Lester, laborer. Avory, George, farmer, loo Franklin, wife Josephine, child Mabel. Avory, Mrs. Rebecca, 35 Main. B Babcock, Mrs. Eva, 13 Health, children Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Carrie, Mrs. Eva Wilson, Pennsylvania ; Mrs. Mat- tie Rogers, Berlin, Maryland ; Daniel W., Berlin, Maryland. Bacon, Edv\ard, nurseryman, 44 Liberty, wife Theresa, children Bessie L. , Theresa M., Fannie C. Ida C Wil- liam E., clerk P. O.; Nellie L., teacher; Matie. Bagley, Mary, 23 Elizabeth. Bailey, George, hardware, 3 Seward, wife Sella. B.iiley, J. Jay. hardware merchant, 81 Main, wife Theodosia, children John D., Lima, O., James A., lawyer. Baile\-, Louis, laborer, 8 Pine, wife M.ary. Baird, Charles B., granite cutter, 4 South, wife Alice. Baker, Mrs. Helen, 58 Elizabeth, child Webster N. Baker, James H., insurance agent, 257 Main, wife Grace A, child Fred. Baker, Willis J., 12 Pine, miller, wife Emma. 239 240 HISTORICAL CENSUS Balcom, Thomas, carpenter, 12 Wilmot, wife Lillie. child Arthur. Burns, Christobai, laborer, 68 Main, wife. Baldwin, Elmer, slKiem.iker, 6 West, wife Bessie. Bauer, Mary, 39 Main. Barber, John, liver\-man, Ossian. Barnes, Clair D., q Wilmot. Barnes, J.ick, painter, 31 Jefferson. Bastian, Edv\-ard N., druggist, 28 Liberty, wife Minerva, children, Carl, Jennie, Fred. Bastian, Gottlob, retired, 32 Liberty, wife Jennie, children Ottm.ar; Carl, Pasadena, Cal.; Mrs. K. P. Barnard, Pasadena, Cal.; Henry, New York City; Gottlob Jr., Jersey City, N. J. Bastian, Ottmar, retired, 32 Liberty. Batchelder, Edwin, 7 Washington, wife Mar>-. Bates, Aaron, dra\man, 21 Knox, wife Fannie, children Lizzie, Melva. Bates, Ira M., dravman, 22 Spruce, wife Agnes, children Agnes M., Ira, James, Edward. Bates, Mrs. Marv L., 16 Adams, child Frank, laborer. Bates, William C, 21 Kno.x. Baver, John A., farmer, 60 Gibson, sister Katharine. Beach, Martin, 19 Elizabeth. Beck, George W., nurser\man, 2 Adams, wife Elizabeth. Beck, Max, laborer, 8 Williams, wife Katharine, children Elizabeth L., emp.; Flora, nurse; Marv A., waitress; Anna M.. Buffalo. Beecher, Walter J., 38 Cottage, Instructor Pub. Co. wife Elizabeth, child R(]bert H. Bennett, Mrs. Charles, Paris, France. Home 74 Main. Benson, William, 62 Elizabeth, wife Mary C, prop. Coloni.al House, children Alice M., Mar>- M. Bermann, John', clerk. 18 Fulton, wife Marger\-, child John. Barnard, Thom.is. merchant, wife Lena, children Clarence, Lero\-. Biek, Michael C, barber," 114 Main, wife Katharine, children Katharine, Robert, Fred, clerk. Biek, Valentine, carpenter, 33 Main, wife Josephine, children Frances, Arthur. Bikle, Charles G., Lutheran minister, 11 Chestnut, wife Catharine, daughter. Bills, Amelia, domestic, 13 West. Bingham, Miss M. J., 218 Main. Birdsell, Fred, barber, 132 M.iin, wife Libbie. Birrell, Alexander, stone cutter, 40 Elizabeth. Birrell, George, granite cutter, 49 Eliza- beth, wite Harriet. Blake, Josephine D., 243 Main. Blum, Daniel, shoe dealer, 273 Main, wife Mary, children Walter, Ra\mond, Sena. Blum, Frank J., shoe manufacturer, 10 Ferine, wife Marv, children Norbert, Paul, John. Blum, John, shoe manufacturer, 40 Frank- lin, child. Miss E. E. Blum, milliner; Mrs. K. B. Sauerbier; Anthony, Boston: Joseph, Erie, Pa. Blum, Joseph, emp. Blum Shoe Co. 7 West, wife Mary. Blum, Philip E., 'shoe manufacturer, 46 Franklin, wife Alice .M., children Helen M., James J. Blunden, William C, collector, Gas & Elec. Co. 41 Ossian, wife Charlotte. Bollinger, Mrs. Margaret, 15 Ferine. Bond, Frances, nurse, 257 Main. Booth, George, laborer, 12 Milton. Booth, James, laborer, 8 Battle, wife Clara, child Mrs. Alice Fogel, Spring- water Valley. Booth, William, laborer, 6 Mill, wife Florence, children Hattie, Clara, Benja- min. Boughton, Henry M., retired, wife Julia S. Bradley, Edward J., granite cutter, Liv- ingston. Bradner, Alonzo, 236 Main. Bradner, Mrs. A. H., 241 Main. Bradner, Lester B., retired. 267 Main, wife, child Lester, Jr.. New York Cit\'. Brettle, Alice, instructor, Amer." Corr. Normal, 20 Leonard. Brettle, Frederick, bookkeeper, 25 Jeffer- son, wife Lyda, children Katharine, Ruth. Briggs, Mar\-, domestic, 273 Main. Bristol, Irving B., pastor M. E. Church, 84 Main, wife Etta, children Vivian, Grace, Everett. Broas, Sterling, 36 Ossian. Brogan, Mrs. M.iry B.. i Seward, children Grace, Edward E., Ellen M., te.acher; James M., law clerk. Brogan, Nell, teacher D. H. S., 12 Seward. Brookins, George, lumberman, 12 Van Campen, wife Fannie, children Kath- erine, Ellen. Brown, Mrs. Amelia, 25 Liberty, children Charies A., teller Citizens Bank, Sarah J. Brown, George E., painter. Main, wife Emma L., child Herbert W. Brown, George R.. printer, 41 Chestnut, wife Harriet, child Elsie. Brown, Grace, teacher D. H.S., 23 Liberty. Brown, William, harness maker, 9 Wash- ington, wife Julia. Brown, William H., Baptist minister, 28 Chestnut, wife Katharine, child Francis. Brown, William, emp. Granula factor\-, 24 Elizabeth, wife Mertie, child George. HISTORICAL CENSUS 241 Brown, William J., clerk P.O. 12 Ful- ton, wife Katharine S., child Pearl S. Brownson, John W., shoemaker, 28 Franklin, wife Eliza. Br\ant. James, nurseryman, 24 West Ave, wife Mar\'. Br\ant. William, nurseryman, 34 Liberty, wife Flora, children Mary: Mrs. Eliza- beth Connors, Geneseo ; DeWitt, printer. Bunnell, A. O., editor and publisher, 98 Main, wife Anna M. Bunnell, Miss D. B., 3 Church. Bunnell, Mark J., emp. Washington, D. C home 60 Elizabeth, wife Josephine. Bonner, Edward J., principal High School, 56 Main, wife Nettie. Burch, Marcus, baggage master Lack.i- wanna, 53 Cottage, vvife Delta, child Lena. Burr, Mar\-, boards, 19 Clay. Burdick, Horace A., justice of peace, 44 Ossian, wife Mary H., children Charles A., electrician; Irving E., New York City. Burgess, Joseph, retired, 18 Elizabeth, children Elizabeth; Robert Buffalo., Ann;i. Burgess, Joseph W., trvg. advertising agent, 32 Cottage, wife Helen P., chil- dren Helen L., Robert W., Karl S., Alice A., J. Edwin, Chester. Burke. Michael, nurseryman, si Franklin, wife Anna, children John, nurseryman; Michael nurser>'man; Mrs. AnnaPendar- gnist, St.imford, Conn. Burke. Minnie, Main. Burkhart,A. P., D. D.S. Buffalo, home 10 Washington, wife Katharine, children Vera, student, Syracuse University, George. Auburn, N. Y. Bush. Eugene, laborer, Theodore, laborer, 8 B;ittle. Butler, Jonas, 8 Pine. Buxton, Frederick A., private boarding house, loi Main, wife Margaret, child Guy, emp. Instructor. Byer, Henry, shoemaker, 70 Main, wife Margaret, children Hattie, Peter, boot& shoe merch;int ; Elizabeth. Byerley, Frank painter, 24 Clay, wife S.arah, children Mabel, Mary. B>ron, Isabel, boards, 125 Main. B>ron, Michael, farmer, 260 Main, wife Mary, children Clair, Marie, Helen. Callahan, James, stonecutter, 24 Clinton, wife Margaret, children Cornelius, Mar- g;iret, James, William. Cantleld. Mrs. Emma, 11 Pine, children Arthur laborer, Mrs. Minnie Pragle, E. Springwater. Campbell, Charles, emp. U. S. Express Co., 10 Clinton. Campbell, Fr.ink, agent U. S. Express, Co.. iQ Washington, wife Lenora, chil- dren Katharine, Esther. Helen. Campbell, John, foreman Advertiser, 10 Clinton, wife Clara, children Reginald, H.irold. C.impbell, William, horse dealer, 7 Perine, wife Nellie W., grandchild Edith. Capel!, Mrs. Sarah, 11 South, child Henry L., El. Paso, Texas. Carey, Anthonv, nurservman, q6 Ossian, wife Bridget,'children 'Dewey, M.itilda, Marie, Helen, William, Edward, nursery- man. Caramella, James merchant. 27 Van Campen, wife Julia, children M;irgaret, Ida, Frank, Lizzie, Trac>'. Charles. Carmody, Michael J., nurser\nian. 22 Jefferson, v\ife Anna, children Ella, Roy, Michael, emp. nursery, John, James. Carney, Frank, retired merchant, 79 Main, wife Susan, children Walter, Victoria. Carney, Louis L., undertaker's assistant, 8 Milton, wife Anna. Carpenter, Mrs. T., 3 South. Casterline, Charles B., grain dealer, i South, wife Josephine. Casterline, Charles G., retired, 41 Frank- lin, vvife Mary, children Helen A., printer; Fred J. Chicago, 111.; Arch F., Owego, N. Y.; Mrs. W. J. Lee, Ro- chester.; DeWitt C, Pasadena, Cal. Cavagnaro, Angelo, painter, 3 Pine, wife Mary, children George, Lena, Louise. Cheney, Dr. W. M. Towanda, Pa., home 241 Cottage, wife Elizabeth, chil- dren Ruth, Bessie; Gordon, Towan- da, Pa.; Ra\miind Towanda Pa. Chrvsler. Sarah, i Knox. Chirk, Dan. laborer, 20 Van Campen, wife Hannah, child Patsey, Watkins. Clark, Edward P., nurseryman, 18 Liberty, wife H.-irriet, children Fred student, Alice; Harry, Eauclaire, Mich.; Louise, teacher. Clavell, Mrs. Harriet. 182 Main, children Laverne, Ethel. Cogan, Miss Elizabeth, dressmaker. 44 Liberty. Cogswell, Mrs. Hattie, 34 West A\e, child William, lumber dealer. Cocknift, Charles, civil engineer, 72 Main, wife Amanda, children Ora, Edith. Cole, Mrs. Elizabeth, 17 Church, children Emma, domestic, Jennie domestic, .Wrs. John Shafer. Hornellsville N. Y., Sheldon, U. S. A. \-olunteer, Edwin, U. S. A. volunteer. Cole, James, insurance agent. 28 Leonard, wife Elizabeth, child Pearl H., Jackson, Mich. 242 HISTORICAL CENSUS Ciile. Reuben, farmer, 64 Franklin, wife Mary. Coleman, Patrick J., laborer, 6 Exchange, wife Katiiarine, children Gertrude, Vir- ginia, Robert, Edna. Colerick, Peter S., retired, 4 Morse, wife Helen S. Collins, Mrs. Lynett A., 74 Main. Collins, Mrs. Katharine, 07 Main. Comar, John, upholsterer, w ife Elizabeth. Comban, Emma, domestic, 36 Elizabeth. Comstock, Harriet, boards, 65 Main. Conable, Mrs. Eliza, boards, 16 Leonard. Conklin, Mrs. Angeline, 17 Gibson, chil- dren Maude dressmaker; Mrs. Mabel Pierce, Coxsackie, N. Y., Georgia, Newark, N. J., Mrs. Margaret Sweet, Newark, N. J., Grace dressmaker; Cora dressmaker. Conklin, Philip, painter, 12 Milton, wife Lulu, child Roscoe. Connors, Mrs. Mar\-, bd.irds, 33 Leonard. Conrad, Elizabeth, bo.irds, 8 Chestnut. Consalus, William, 1 Fulton, wife Maria, children Samuel, grocer, William E., Rochester, Adelina. Cook, Matt, cigar mf'r, 13 Clinton, wife Anna, children Frederick M., John, cigar maker; Mar\- M., dressmaker. Corliss, Fr.ank, painter, 40 Leonard, wife Clar.i, child Inez, emp. Instructor. Corliss, Mrs. Julia A., resides 74 Main. Crane, Mrs. Harry, boards, 257 Main. Covel, Albert, laborer. 12 Wilmot, wife Mary. Couchman, John, laborer. 44 Main, w ife Carrie dressmaker, children Mrs. 01i\'e McFadden, Petrolia, Ontario, Can., Mrs. Eva A. Treat, near Dansville. Cridler, Burt E., insurance agent, 112 Ossian, wife Alice M. Cridler, John, farmer, 114 Ossian. Crisfield, Dr. J. E., physician, 138 Main, wife Elizabeth, children Louise, Abbie. Crokenbecker, Miss Sophia, domestic, 39 Chestnut. Cromer, Mary C, teacher D. H. S., 12 Seward. Cross, Geo., telegrapher, boards H\land House. Croll, Josiah, shoemaker, 20 Eliz.abeth, wife Sarah. Croston, Eugene, brakem.in, 9 Franklin, v\ife Grace, child Beatrice. Culberson, John A., farmer, 30 Ferine, wife Saloma, child Eleanora. Curry, Mrs. Margaret, 44 1-2 Main, chil- dren Margaret, Mar\'. Cutler, Mrs. Belle, boards, 4 Lincoln A\-e. Cutler, Dr. George H., dentist, 4 Leonard, wife Helen M., child Frances. 2) Daboll, Mrs. G. C, Paris, France, home 74 Main. Dagon, Harry, emp. Instructor, 9 South. Dailey, Patrick, granite cutter, 13 Ferine, wife Rose. Dantz, Fred, plumber, 38 William, wife M;u\', child Howard. Daubert, Joseph, granite cutter, 14 Clinton, wife Daisy, children DeWitt, Grace, Willard. Deegan, Hugh B., cashierSan., 18 Wash- ington, Jay, ass'tcashierSan., Blanche, teacher. Deiter, Geo., vinevardist, wife Sybilla. Deiter, James, ticket agent D & M R. R., 4 Lincoln Ave, w ife Mamie. Deitz, Mrs. Anna, 17 Washington. DeLong, George, retired, 81 Main, wife Phoebe A. DeLong, Herman, stationer and editor, 17 Seward, wife Olive, children Herman Jr., mgr.. Bell telephone, Isabel. Derenbacher, Mrs. Margaret, boards, 13 Leonard. Denton, Chester, merchant, 19 Jefferson, wife Anna, children Nellie, Lena, Lloyd clerk. Denton, Charles W., manager Williams mill, 10 Elizabeth, v\ife Elizabeth, chil- dren Minnie, Benjamin. Denton, Joseph, teamster, 9 Park Ave, wife Sarah, children Katharine, Mrs. Carabell Emie. Denton, Ralph, student, 21 Chestnut. Denton, Zenas, farmer, 21 Chestnut, wife Sar.ah. Denzer, Jacob, shoemaker, 23 Jefferson, wife Mary, children John, Anna. Denzer, Mrs. Katharine, boards 26 Frank- lin. Derenbacher, Joseph, salesman, 16 Ful- ton, wife Lena. DeKroyft, Mrs. Helen A., 74 Main. Dick, Charlotte, clerk, Victoria L., fore- lady Dick's shoe factory, Georgiana, 39 Main. Dick, Mrs. C, boards, 13 Washington. Dick, Augustus J., emp. Instructor, 39 Washington, wife Lena, children Wal- ter, La\ancha. Dick, John W., dras'man, i Williams, wife Jennie, children Blanche, Ida. Dick, M.irguerite, boards. 19 Leonard. Dick. Mrs. Sarah, 19 Leonard, child John, painter. Dick, William H., shoe manufacturer, 71 Main, wife Grata. Dildine, Mrs. Emelin^ 94 Fr.uiklm. Dillenbeck, Mrs. Elizabeth, 10 Le(jnard, children Henry, Ben, Neal, Fred, emp. Instructor, Laura, emp. Instructor. Dippy, George, B. farmer, 5 Church, v\-ife Sophia M HISTORICAL CEXSrS 243 Dodge, John, farmer, g2 Franklin, wife Mary B., children Cliarles, farmer, John W. Jr., farmer, Jennie, Mrs. Lena Holdford, Cl.irl< Lake, Michigan; Allie, domestic. Dodson, George J., hardware mercliant, <-)2 Main, wife Ella, children Allen, De- Witt. D', bo.ards, j6 Franklin. Gross, George, boards, 52 Ferine. Guggel, Mary, 44 Ferine. Gunther, John, policem.m, 31 Ferine, children Elizabeth; Frank, Riichester; Margaret, matron, Mary, nurse, Ellen. Gunther, Joseph, butcher, 5 Milton, wife Barb.ar.a, children Laura, Josephine, emp. Blum's Shoe Co. Gunther, Peter, emp. nursery. 34 V.an C.ampen, wife Alice, children Ruth, Walter. 246 HISTORICAL CENSUS Griggs, Ella, boards, 245 Main. Griswold. Elmer R.. dentist, boards loi M.-iin. Goff, Leiinard, 220 Main, wife Helen M. Goldman, Moses, boards, 19 Liberty. Gormal, Samuel, engineer, 35 William, wife Mildred. Gr.iham, Elizabeth, 15 William. Graham, James, street commissioner, 42 Ossian. Grange, William, teamster, 24 Gibson, wife Harriet, children Flovd: John, farmer, Wilson, HornellsviUe; N. Y. Grant, Mrs. Caroline A., 36 Elizabeth, grandchild L. Fred student. Grant, Luther, 222 Main, children Mary , L., Alice B.; Cli.arles H., farmer, Lester B., Chicago, 111; Henry E., Buffalo; Mrs. Fannie Gregory, Rochester. Gray, Mrs. Susan, E., 2 Morse. H H:ill, Hiland B., manufacturer, 241 Main, wife, Luc\', child Hiland B. Jr. H:ill, E. A., grocer, 53 Washington, wife Idella, child Wilm.it. Hall. Fr.incis G., 76 Main, wife Maria A., children Florence E., Edwin A., John R., Francis G., Jr., New York City. Hall, Mrs. Elizabeth, 8 Health, child Elizabeth V., stenographer. H;ill, Mrs. Jennie E., 14 Chestnut, chil- dren Julia, New York Cit>': Albertine, New York Cit\': Mrs. Helen Owens. New York City.' Hall, W. Irving, printer, 14 Chestnut, wife Marguerite, child Sidne>'. Hawlev, Mrs. Frances, 26 Health, child Olivia. Hampton, Is;uic F., wool bu\er, 14 West, wife Anna, children Marguerite, Fre- mont. J;me, K.itherine, Cora, Maude, Mrs. J. C. Gallagher, Jessie. Hancock, Mrs. Mary, 41 Elizabeth, child Bertha, clerk. H:inne, Mrs. Daniel, i Cemetery. Hanne, Mrs. Fred, 39 Ferine. Hard\-, Mrs. K:itharine, 27 Elizabeth. H:irrington, Mrs. K;itharine, boards 18 Washingtiin. Harrison, Mrs. Katharine, 232 Main, chil- dren Mar\'; George F., Colorado Springs; James H., Color.ido Springs. ^ Harter, Alpha, merchant, 114 Ossian, wife Bertha, children Flossie, Floyd. Harter, Mrs. Betsey M., 57' Franklin, child William, clerk. Hartman, Albert, printer and nurseryman, 98 .Main, wife Anna May. Hartman, Celia, nurse. 13 Ferine. H.irtman, Mrs. K.itharine, 53 Elizabeth, child Lydia M. Hartm;vn,' Geo., farmer, lower Main, wife Caroline, children Frank M. nurser\man, Mary B. Hartman, Orville, farmer, lower Main, wife Rosa, children Ralph, Joyce, Blanche. Hartman, Wm. H.. nurser\man, west of lower Main, wife Ella, child Herbert. Harv'e\', Jesse, teamster, 102 Ossian, children Edith, Ernest, Edwin. Hassler, Ann:i, 86 Main. Hathawa\', Eliza, domestic, 32 Cottage. Hawk, A;iron W., farmer, 41 M:iin, wife Juitv. children May, Sadie, Edward A., Wayland, N. Y. Haven, Ada S. , emp. Instructor, 7 Wash- ington. Hazard, Josiah, 18 West, wife Alize, child Elizabeth. Heckm:ui. Mrs. Anna, i Church, children Anna C, Louis H., m.anager Heckman Opera House. Heckman, Jacob, newsdealer, 11 West, wife Nellie, children M.artha, Fannie. Heiman, Conrad R., restaurant, 126 Main, wife Katharine, children Harry, Michael, Mar>-, Josephine, Olive; Louise, Rochester. Heiman, John, laborer, 48 Fr;mklin, chil- dren Louise. Cimrad, Elizabeth, domes- tic; John, Sheldon, N. Y.; Mar\', Union City, Mich. Heiman, Joseph C engineer, si Chestnut children Henry, Agnes; Elizabeth, do- mestic; Leanora, domestic; Benjamin. Philadelphia. P.a.; Mrs. Julia Welter. So. D;msville, N. Y. Hemmer, John, carpenter, 20 Lincoln, w ife Theresa, children Theresa, Marie, Otto, Helena: Peter, clerk; Fred, clerk. Hemmer, NichoLis, carpenter, i P;irk,\\ife Elizabeth, children, Carl, John. Herrick, Rev. Charles A1., Presbyterian minister. 2 Eliz.ibeth, w ife Bessie; child- ren Warren C, Marguerite. Herrick. Horace M.. salesman, 51 Ossian. wife Katharine, children William, Frank, Mrs. Edith Gardner, Rochester; Louis, Johnstown, Pa. Hillman, Monroe, i Cemetery, wife, Eliz- abeth, child Guv H.. D. D.S.. Plaintield, N. J. ■ Hildorf, Mrs. Ann;i, 66 Libert>-. Hirsch, Miss Katharine dressmaker, 42 Franklin. Hirsch, Michael, c;irpenter, 6 Fulton, wife Mary, children Harold, Frank, Evelyn, emp. Blum Shoe Co. Hirsch, Victor, laborer, 26 Williams. Hoeppner, Ludwig, merchant tailor, 51 Fer- ine, wife Mar>',child Clara, stenographer. Hoffman, Charles, paper m;iker, i West, wife Verbena. Hoffman. Herm.in, market, 40 Liberty, wife Agnes, children Helena, Edmund O., market. Hoffman, Peter J., tinsmith, 59 Main; wife Ida, children Raymond, Carl. HISTORICAL CENSUS 247 Hoffman, James, blacksmith, 224 M.ain, wife Jennie, cliildien May, Lydia ; Ab- ram, U. S. A. Volunteer. HolhrooU, Epliriani, drayman: 44J Main. Holbrook, James, drayman. 15 Pine, wife Julia, children Pearl; .Wartin, laborer; Isaac, laborer; Ephriam. Rochester, N. Y., Milton, laborer. Mrs. F.innie Mc- Dimald, Mrs. Mary Hamsher, Waviand, N. Y.. Clarence blacksmith. Hood, Mrs. Lucinda, 18 Clinton. Horr, Benjamin, gardener, g William, wife Elizabeth, child John, emp. Blum Shoe Co. Horr, Pliny, 72 Elizabeth, emp. Blum Shoe Co.', wife Mrs. Plin\-, child M.iur- ice. Howarth, John H., painter, 32 Jefferson, children Flovd, Charles, Alice, Sarah; John F., U. S. A. Vol. Howe, William S., fireman, i Elm, wife E\'a R., children Eva,S>'dney, Bessie E. Howe, William H., blacksmith, 4 Elm, children Charles, Arkport, N. Y.; Mrs. Nettie Town. Hower, Sarah, hoards 9 Elizabeth. Hulbert, Clyde, emp. Instructor, 16 Washington, wife Mabel. Hubbard, Henry E., manufacturer. 57 Main, wife Ida D., children William A., jeweler; Katharine E., teacher. Hubertus, Henry, clothier, 11 Seward, wife Elizabeth, children Otto, Clara, Frank, clothier; Amelia, Lena; Mrs. Eli- zabeth Stratton, Chicago, Mrs. Floratine McTighe, Binghamton ; Mrs. Anna Everman, Sparta, N. Y. Huber, Mrs. Helen, domestic, 50 Libert\-, child Max. Hubertus, Henry E., clothier, 19 Seward, wife Mae. Hubertus, Jacob, butcher, 58 Franklin, wife Mary, children George clerk; Er- bon, Buffalo; John, salesman, Kathar- ine, Mt. Morris. Hubertus, Michael J., clerk Li\ingston Hotel. Hubertus, Nicholas, shoemaker, 200 Main, child Leo, Newtown, L. I. Hubertus, Mrs. S., boards 17 William. Hughes, Thomas, laborer, Main, wife Luc\', children John W., Mary E., Frankie. Hulbert, Eugene, painter, 45 William, wife Marth.i, children Eugene, Lizzie. Humphreys, William P., machinist, 12 Washington. Hungerfiird, Victor, night watchman San- atorium, 37 Morse, wife Mary E., chil- dren Jessie, Guy miller. Hunter, Mrs. Virginia, 204 Main, child J. Ward. Hunter, William, V. S., boards 219 Main. Hurd, Mrs. Ada, 8 Libert\', children Dana, Caroline, emp. Instructor; Walter, emp. Instructor. Huver, Byron, boards 3 Clay. Huver, Edward P., harnessmaker, 4 Eliz- abeth, wife Frances, child Nicholas M. Huver, Frank, shoemaker, 12 Franklin, wife Caroline, children, Frank, Margar- et, Herman, Joseph, Clara. Fred. Huver, George, laborer, 26 Perine, wife Emma, children Hazel, Carl. Huver, Jacob, laborer, 54 Cottage, wife Margaret, children Mrs. Mary Bricks, Perkinsville, N. Y., Mrs. Anna Rowan, North Bloomfield, N. Y. Huver, John, carpenter, 3 Clay, wife Eliz- abeth, children Josephine, John car- penter, William carpenter, Jacob car- penter. Huver, Mrs. Mar\', 13 Cla\', children Paul, Raymond; Lester, rest.iurant; Alonzo, restaurant; William; Mrs. Eliz- abeth Sauerbier, Livonia, N. Y. Hyde, Charles E., 20 Liberty, wife Jennie, children Darwin, R.ilph. H\-de, William, 237 Main, emp. Worden Bros., wife Cora, child Mabelle. Illick, Miss J. E., 52 Elizabeth. Ireland, James, granite cutter, boards Liv- ingston Hotel. Ireland, Thomas, granite cutter, boards Livingston Hotel. Isler, William, boards 59 Main. Jacobs, James E., teamster, 221 Main, wife Elizabeth, children Nina; Mrs. May B.iird, Springw.-iter, N. Y., Mrs. Lulu May, Scottsburg, N. Y. Jacobs, Mrs., 7 Adams, child, Abel. Jeffrey, Charles, wagon maker, 104 Os- sian, wife Esther. Jeffrey, John F., teamster, 67 Franklin, wife Sarah, child Charles H. Jenks, Albert H., jeweler, 53 Ossian, wife Lucia, children Lucia A., Fay A.; Alonzo D., jeweler. Johantgcn, Frank, clothier, 6 Clinton, w ife Anna, children James, Helen. Johantgen. Fred D., nurseryman, 59 Lib- erty, wife Susan, children Jerome C, Lizzie, Minnie. Johantgen, Joseph, laborer, 69 Liberty, wife Mar>', children Lizzie, George, Katharine, Minnie. Johantgen, Nicholas, clothier, 13 Seward, wife Louise, children Herbert, Leo, Henr\-, Flora; Louis, clerk; Eliz.ibeth, Nicholas, clothier; Fred, Perry, N. Y.; Charles, Perry, N.Y.; Mrs. Mary Rauber, Rochester. Johns, Mrs. Susan R., 50 Elizabeth. Johnson, Sylvester, boards 65 Main. Jordan, Anthony, nurser\'man, 33 Wil- liam, children Kate, Fanny. 248 HISTORICAL CENSUS K Kearney, Mrs. Maria, bnards 85 Franklin. Keifer, Supliia. bnarJs 23 Elizabeth. Keihle, Albert B., fireman, 51 Ossian, wife Elmettie, children Ross, Delia, Har- riet. Keihle, Charles M., fanner, 49 Ossian. Keihle, Elias, farmer. Upper Main, wife Martha J.; children Mrs. Susan Sick Canaseraga, N. Y.; Rena, dressmaker; Mrs. Kittle Flory, Sparta. N. Y.; Jennie, dressmaker; Mrs. Lola Whiting, Can- aseraga. N. Y. Keihle, Hannah C, boards 49 Ossian. Kelle>-, Wm., nurseryman, 19 Clay; brother Edward, nursers'man. Kelly, James, nurserxman, 56 Elizabeth, wife Julia, children Clement, Clara. Richard. Kelley, John G., wagon maker, 7 Wash- ington, wife Frances C, child Gregory M.; wife Marv,. children, Helen H.'. Robert. Kellogg, Mrs. Marcia, boards 51 Main. Kenney, Eleanor, stenographer, 2 Seward. Kenne\-, Frank, 20 Fulton, wife Elizabeth, children Blanche, Florence. Kenne\', Mrs. George, 30 Van Campen, child Alexander, student. Kenne\', Margaret, nurse; Lucile, nurse, 48 William. Kenne\-, Margaret, hoards 5 South. Kennedy, Birdsall, dairv, 97 Main, wife Julia, children Mrs. 'Ida Banker, W. Sparta, N. Y.; Charles, Island of Pine. West Indies. Kennedy, Fred, lab. nurseryman, i Adams, wife Elizabeth; children Agnes, Her- bert, Emil, Mary; Frederick, clerk; Ed- ward, printer; Nicholas, emp. Finn's. Kennedy, James M., nurser\'man, 210 Main, wife Elizabeth; children James E., Helen E. Kennedy, Katherine, dressmaker, 30 Wil- liam. Kennedy, Mrs. Mary J, 46 William. Kennedy, Michael R., paper mfr.; wife Mrs. Michael, children Walter,telephone operator; James, civil engineer; Eleanor K., Rochester, N. Y.; Frank, Philadel- phia, Pa. Kennedy, Thomas, laborer, 15 VanCamp- en, wife Helen; children Helen, John. Kennedy, Mrs. Anna, 237 M;iin, child Mary. Kennedy, Anna, 30 Van Campen. Kennyham, Alice, boards 37 Health. Kern, George E., hardware merchant, 250 Main. Kern, Augusta, boards 35 Ferine. Kershner, Charles, blacksmith, 49 Eliza- beth, wife Mary, child Emma, dress- maker. Kershner, Mrs. Christina, 4 Knox. Kershner. Mrs. Cora A., boards 4 Knox. Kershner, Frank, blacksmith, 233 Main, wife Maria. Kershner, George E., farmer, wife Rilla, children Warren; Mrs. Maude Wilcox, Ossian, N. Y., George, farmer. Kershner, Peter W., produce dealer, g Elizabeth, wife Mary, child Fannie, teacher. Keyes, Silas, wife Ella, board 212 Main. Kidd, Edwin H.. retired, 10 Seward, wife Mary E. Kidd, Herbert, carpenter, 17 Morse, wife Jennie, children Arthur, Dorothy, Carl. Kidd, William, carpenter. 228 Main, wife Mar\-, grandchild, Edith Hamilton. Kiehle, Milton E., clerk, 27 Liberty, wife Emma E., child Fred. Kieser, Mar\', emp. Shoe Factory, 49^ Main. Kilburn. Ch;irles, granite cutter, 226 M.iin, wife Lucy, children Dorothy, Capitola, Ransom, Ravmond. Marshall. Kilda\', Anna, 20 Franklin. Kimmel. Mrs. Henrietta S., 6 Seward, children J(jseph M.. Newark. N. J.; Mrs. E. H. Drew, Newark, N. J. King, Charles, clerk H\land House. King, John, proprietor Hyland House, wife Mary, children Geraldine, How.ird, Raymond. Kingsley, Newton L., laundrxman, 12 Washington, wife Lizzie, child Verna B. Kingsley, George, student Hamilton Col- lege, 48 Ossian. Kinne, Charles M, 13 Church, insurance agent, wife Jennie, child Grace F. Kinney, Mrs. Caroline, 37 Main, child Lena R., New Haven, Conn. Kinney, Phillip, sexton cemetery, near cemetery, wife Ophelia, children Vern machinist; Lloyd, Earl, Florence, Ben; Reed, Buffalo. Kling, Albert, laborer, 6 Exchange, wife Mary, children Jennie, Mary. Klink. Mrs. Christina, 128 Main, children Robert, Joseph A., trawling salesman; Mrs. RiiseKn Stork, Erie, Pa.; John F., photographer; Katharine, Louise. Knapp, Adelbert, printer, 64 Ossian, v\'ife Lizzie; children Lester, Walter, Olive, Carlos, Helen; Ba>ard, printer; Bessie compositor. Knapp, Mrs. Sarah J., 49-> Main. Knapp, Liiuise, 45 Ossian. Knappenberg, Adam J., fumer, 3 South, wife Sarah; children Charles W., Jos- eph T., Buffalo; Loretta L., Buffalo; Mrs. Gr.ace J. Merrill, Geneseo, N. Y. Kn;ippenberg. Katherine, 11 Church. Knowlton, Clarence, salesman, 17 Pine, v\ife Mary, children Alice, Paul; Gu>-, engineer. HISTORICAL CENSUS 249 Kornbau, Augustus, masseur, 9 Clinton, wife Elizabeth, cliiidren Henry R., How- ard, Clarence. Kramer, Adam, cook, 11 Liberty, wife Louise. Kramer, Anthony, 17 William, harness maker, wife Elizabeth. Kramer, Conrad, lumber dealer, 10 Ex- change, wife Louise, cliiidren Laura, Charles, Rochester. Kramer, Mrs. Elizabeth, 4.8 Cottage, chil- dren Anthiun', Joseph, Anna, Louis, Adel.iide. Kramer. Frederick, painter, 35 Main, wife Hattie, children Evelyn, Molly, Edward. Kramer, Frederick L., clothier, 21 Sew- ard; wife Ernestine. Kramer, Fritz, 18 South, wife Christina, children Edward, clerk; James grocer; John, dry goods merchant; Anna. Kramer, Louis, shoemaker; 22 Ferine, wife Katharine; children George, musician, wife Marg.aret; Mrs. Anna Gerger, Sal- amanca, N. Y. Kramer, George, painter, 11 Clay, wife Eva, children Helen, Lilian; Frank, printer; George, Wayland; William, Texas. Kramer, John, boards 21 Elizabeth street. Kramer, William, clothier, 1 3 West, wife Margaret, children Florine; Carl, mer- chant tailor; Mrs. E. C. Schwingel, Buffalo. Kreidler, Deo C, adv. manager Instructor, 38 Liberty, wife Sarah; child Chester. Kreiley, JohnS., retired, 14 Leonard; wife Laura. Krein, Mrs. Mary, 16 Clay, children George insurance; Elizabeth, Mary. Krein, J;unes, salesman, 2 Leonard, wife Mamie; child Erasta. Krein, Mrs. Katharine, 43 Cottage, chil- dren Rhea, milliner; Hilda; Carl, clerk P. O; Fred, prop, restaurant. Kress, John, shoemaker, 26 Jefferson, wife Anna, children Cletus, Henrietta, John. Krischel, Rev. Michael, German Catholic priest, 22 Franklin: Elizabeth, house- keeper. Kroock, Henry, shoemaker, 10 Battle, wife Susan. Kruchten, John, farmer, 42 Main, wife IV\ar\-; children Peter, Cenia. Anna; Margaiet, Rochester; Minnie, Roches- ter; Mrs. Katharine Woodruff, Roches- ter. Kruger, Alice, 73 Franklin. Kruzcke, laborer, nurseryman, 11 Pine, wife Margaret, child Anna. Kruzcke, Pauline, 35 Seward. Kruzcke, Valentine, laborer; 40 Sew.ard, wife Madalene; child Victor V. Kuder, Mrs. Katharine, boards 8 Chestnut. Kuhn, Augustus, laborer, 31 William, wife S. Angeline. Kuhn, George, farmer, 18 Sevward, wife Harriet, children Bertha; Mrs. Blanche Fairchild, Sparta, N. Y. Kuhn, Henry, janitor High School, 13 South, v\ife Rose, children Frederick, dentist; Rosina, dressmaker. Kuhn, Mrs. Lilian, masseur, 16 Van Campen, children Lorena, La Verne. La Boyteaux, Dr. Auten, dentist, 47 Main, wife Sallie M. LaBo\teaux, Chas., D. D. S.. wife, Eliz- abeth. Lacher, Conrad, laborer, 71 Libert\-, wife Mar\-, domestic, children Albert; John, Elmira, N. Y., Mrs. Josephine Mosher, Elmira, N. Y. La Force, Peter, proprietor Arlington Hotel, 124 Main, wife Elizabeth, chil- dren Robert, Laura, Mabel. Lanphear, Charles A., 45 Health, wife Marg.-iret, children Mabelle, George, Samuel, Adah, Ida, stenographer. La Rue, Helen, domestic, 60 Elizabeth. La Rue, William J., jeweler, 38 Elizabeth, wife Harriet, children Bessie, Ward, Margaret, Florence, Helen; Harry, Roch- ester; William and Charles, Chicago. Lauterborn, Frank, carpenter, 35 Leonard, child Michael, laborer nurseryman. Lauterborn, John, carpenter, 38 Frank- lin, wife Elizabeth, children Mrs. Rosa, A. Retman, Corning, N. Y.; Katharine, Michael, Corning, N. Y.; John, Corn- ing, N. Y., Mrs. MarvDemuth, Corn- ing. N. Y.; Joseph, Hornellsville, N. Y.; Ch.arles, barber. Lauterborn, Mrs. Mary, boards 35 Leon- ard. Lauterborn, Michael, laborer, 63 Liberty, wife Rosa, children Anna, Elmira, N. Y.; Edward, Elmira, N. Y.; Alonzo, Elmira, N. Y. Lauterborn, Wendell, laborer, 48 Van Campen, wife Louise, child Elmer. La\en, Louisa, 4 Health, children Joseph; Frank laborer, Lena domestic. Lawton, Oliver, laborer, 7 Pine, wife Elizabeth, children Charles, Groveland, N. Y.; Byron P., Groveland, N. Y. Layer, Henry, masseur, 52 Ferine, wife Katharine, children Julius, Helena, Anna V., Katherine E., teacher; Eliza- beth. Leven, Robert, baker, 16 Health, wife Helen, children Helen, Arthur, Robert O., Charlotta. Lee, Mrs. Louise, 4 Barrett, children John; Walter, Moscow, N. Y.; Lillie, Arkport, N. Y.; Mary, Groveland, N. Y. 250 HISTORICAL CENSUS Lee, Elmer, traveling salesman, 7 Ex- change, wife Minnie, child Clarence. Lee, Miss M., boards 48 William. Lehman, Rew John J., Lutheran clerg\- man, 6 Bank, wife Elizabeth. Lemen, Charles, 16 Lincoln, foreman In- structor, wife May, children Tom, Erma, Archie, Clinton, Clifford. Lemen, Mrs. A. H., 63 Main, child Wil- liam, photographer Instructor. Leonard, Charles, retired, wife Mrs. Charles, board 14 Elizabeth. Leven, George, grocery clerk, 16 West, wife Flora, children Marie, Clara. Lewis, George, machinist, 60 Ossian. Lewis, Mrs. L. P., boards 94 Main. Lewis, Mrs. Mary A., i Brewery. Lindsay, Alonzo, miller, 26 Liberty, wife Cora, child John. Lindsay, Elizabeth, nurse, 64 Elizabeth. Lindsay, James, boards 26 Libert\-. Lindsay, Frank, blacksmith, 2, Spruce, wife Liddie, children Lizzie, Fred. Lindsay, James H., painter, 13 Elizabeth, wife Janctte, children Minnie composi- itor; George clerk. Lindsay, John, farmer, 24 Franklin, wife Blanche; children Lucene, Ethel. Edith. Lockwood, Mrs. M. E., boards 5 West. Loftus, Mrs. Mary, 6 West, children Ella, compositor; Anna, compositor; Mar- garet, compositor; John. Loughney, Mrs. Mary, 47 Franklin, child Louis. Luther, Edgar, laborer, 8 Washington, wife Louise, children Addle Ma\-, Albert w. Lyman, Margaret, boards 126 Main, sister Pearl. Rochester. Lyon, Stanley, shoemaker, 11 Washing- ton. Lyons, Katherine, 15 West. M Macnoe, Mrs. Julia, boards loi Main, child George. Mader, Ch.irles, carpenter, wife Mary, children Mary, Carl, 32 Elizabeth. Mader, John, traveling salesman, 12 Leon- ard, v\ife .Marguerite, children Helena, Edward, Elizabeth; George, Elmira, N. Y.; Frank. A\oca, N. Y.; John, Roch- ester, N. Y. Magee, Frank P., cashier Citizens Bank, 80 Main, wife Lilian, children Henry B., Margaret. Mahan\-, John, painter, 37 William, wife Elizabeth, children Walter, Harr>', Fred, John, Gr.ace. Maloney, Edward P., W. F. express mes- senger, 26 Franklin, wife Margaret. Maloney, James, nurseryman, 55 Ferine, wife Ellen, children Edwin J., Kathar- ine, clerk, San.; Fred B., New York; Anna J., Buffalo. Maloney, Michael, laborer nurser\'man, 27 William, wife Maria, children Josephine, John, James; George, printer; William laborer nurseryman, Sarah, Martin, la- borer nurseryman; Thomas, lab. nur- seryman. Maloney, Peter gardener, 55 Libert\', wife Margaret, children Beatrice, Eleanor. Maloney, Thomas, nurseryman, 20 Wil- liam, wife Mary, children Albert, Agnes, John; Eliz.ibeth, teacher; William mail carrier, Edward, nurseryman; Margaret, stenographer. Manion, Thomas, emp. Sanatorium, 14 Washington, wife La\onia. Manion. Mrs. Viola, 214 Main, child Gen- evieve. Marble, William, farmer, 31 Jefferson, wife Clarissa; child, Irwin. Marshall, William, mason, 31 Leonard, wife Caroline, children Bessie, Mrs. Fred, laborer; James, ard man Livingston Dora McClane; laborer. Martin, Joseph, Hotel. Marx, Anthony, laborer, 100 Main. Marx, John, baker, boards 119 Main. Marx, John J., 10 Quay, v\ife Jennie, children Jennie. John. Marx, Peter, street musician, 14 Quay, wife Mar\-, children Anna, Gus, Lena, Peter; Mrs. Elizabeth Flvnn, Bruwns- \-ille, N. Y. Mason, Adelbert, laborer, 28 Maple street, wife Ella music teacher, child Paul E. Mason, Charles, laborer nurscr\man, 95 Main. Masten, Mrs. Electa, 220 Main, children Orrin, restaurant, Addison G., Los An- geles, Cal. Mastin, Phineas, laborer, 21 Health, wife Matilda, children Flo\d, Rochester, N. Y., Mrs. May Rabing, Rochester, N. Y.; Mrs. Amand.a Herron, Painted Post, N. Y. Mathevxson, Mrs. Carrie, 10 Spruce, child Kate, dressmaker. May, Mrs. Mary, 20 Ferine, children Charles A., Syracuse, N. Y.; Mrs. Lilian Van Henckeroth, Fort Preble, Portland, Maine. Maybe, Charles, stenographer, 53 Ossian. Maynard, William, farmer, 34 Mill, wife Rose, children William, fireman; Sarah. McCarthy, Frank, painter, boards Liv- ingston Hotel. McCarthy, John, carpenter, 74 Ossian, children Josephine; William jeweler; Frank, Trum.ansburg, N. Y. McCartney, Mrs. Emma, dressmaker, 42 Cottage, child Bert, Toronto, Can. McCartne>-, Hugh, Glen road. McCartney, M.itthew, laborer, 7 Exchange, v\ife Emma, child Frederick H. McCormick, Katharine, domestic, 82 Main. HISTORICAL CENSUS 251 McCormick, Mrs. Katharine, domestic. 17 Clay. McCoulin. Miss, nurse, 37 Health. McCo\-ick, John, laborer, 5 Clay, wife Mary, children John, emp. Blum Slioe Co.;' Mar\-: Martin, Lestershire, N. Y ; K.atharine. McCovick, William, emp. Williams mill, 22 Knox, wife Amelia, ciiildren William, Charles. McCurdx', Hush, farmer, 7 Gibson, v\ife Elizabeth, children Elizabeth; Charles, Milwaukee, Wis. McCurdx-, J. Earl, market, 4 Ferine, wife Ros.i, child Thelma. McCurJ\-. James M., retired, 35 Ferine, wife Carolina. McCurdy, John T., 263 Main, insurance adjuster, wife Hattie, child James R. McCurd\-, William, carpenter, 74 Elizabeth, vx'ife Nellie. children Marv, Grace, Helen, Herbert. McCurdy, Margaret, boards 17 Pine. McDi.irmid, Bertha, boards 31 Jefferson. .McDonald, Ellen, domestic, 17 Cla\-. McDonnell, Fatrick, laborer, 54 Gibson, wife Fannie, children James, Jennie. McElwaine, Rhea, teacher D. H. S., 16 Leonard. McFetridge, Ellen, Margaret, i Leonard. McKelvey, Nancy, boards 86 Main. McLane, John, boards 20 Maple. McLane, Mrs. Mary, 33 Maple, children John, nurseryman; Peter, nurseryman; Michael, nurseryman; Anthony, nur- seryman; Alice dressmaker; Jennie. McLeoJ, Barbara, preceptress D. H. S., 243 Main. Mac Michael, Fred, boards 6t Main. McNair, C. Fred, school commissioner and nurseryman, 75 Main, wife Helen. McNair, Hugh W., South, wife Ida J. McNair, Mrs. Margaret, South. McNair, Mrs. Mary, 247 Main. McNeese, Mrs. Mar\-, 48 Liberty. McNeil, Frank, postmaster, 83 Main, wife Maggie A., children John, James, Ann, Helen, Ruth, Frank, Marguerite. McNeil, Frank, liveryman, 259 M.iin, wife Caroline, child Viola. McNeil, Martin, nurseryman, 3 Knox, wife Ann. McNeil, Martin J., insurance agent, 29 Ossian, children Dorothy, Harold, Be.a- trice. McNeil, William, mail carrier, 31 Liberty, wife Sarah. McPhee, Dr. J. F., dentist, 28 Cott.ige, wife Dema. McQuaid, Mrs. Anna, 32 VanCanipen. McTarnaghan, Mrs. Agnes, 15 Health. McTarnaghan, Robert, farmer, 24 Main, wife Minnie, child Ross. McVicker, Joseph, laborer, 21 Church. McWhorter.Scott, 43 Ossian, wife Louise, children Sophia; Thomas telegr.ipher. Mehlenbacher, Frank, proprietor Farmers Home, 117 Main, wife Elizabeth. Mehlenkicher, Conrad, baker, Tig Main, wife Louise, children Mrs. Augusta Tunnev, Penn Yan, N. Y.; Burt. Mehlenbacher, Frank E., merchant, 119 Main. Melody, Patrick, nurseryman, wife Delia. Mertz,' Mrs. Louise, 26 Cottage, children Ctrl, Phillip, Walter, Robert, William. Meyers, John, mason, 27 Seward, wife Anna, children William, Anna, Frederick, George. Me\ers, Joseph B., 14 Park, wife Minnie, children Carl F., Trase I., George L., John J., Lulu M., Anna Bell, Marguer- ite. Michael, Andrew, 9 Brewery, wife Mary, children Catharine; Anthony, butcher; Conrad, Anna. Michael, Frederick, policeman, 10 Wil- mot, wife Rose. Michael, M. M., manager Sanitorium greenhouse, near Health, wife Flor.i. Michael, Peter, shoemaker, 67 Liberty, wife Katharine. Middleton, Alva G., mason, 21 Main. Middleton, John, mason, 4 Wilmot, wife Julia, children Mary, Carl, Julia; M;irk, Morgantown, W. Va.; Freder- ick, John, laborer nurseryman; Samuel, Morgantown, W. Va. Middleton, Samuel, mason, 39 Cottage, wife Clara, children Braxton G., Katharine C, Theodore F. Miller, Carrie M., dressmaker, 4 Quay. Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth, 97 Main. Miller, Eva, 4 Quay. Miller, Herbert J., tinsmith, 5 Adams, wife Mina, child Roy. Miller, Joseph, mason, 50 Chestnut, wife Martha. Miller, Mrs. Kate, 39 Main, child Mrs. Alt.i Gormal, Nunda, N. Y. Miller, Morgan L., farmer, 12 Seward, wife Frances; children Mrs. McCartney; Mrs. Herve\- Squires, Erie, Pa. Miller, Mrs. Sarah, boards 8 Clay. Miller, William G., boards 18 Clinton. Mills Mrs. H. P., boards 21 South, child Louise B. Mills, Robert H., tr:i\eling salesman, 52 Liberty, wife, Jane R. , children Mrs. Anna May Grim, Rochester, N. Y.; Merritt B., Rochester, N. Y.; Frank R. Mills, Samuel, boards 100 Franklin. Moe, Mrs. Mary, 8 Milton. Moon, Mrs. Amelia, 12 Clinton, children Minnie, teacher; Walter violinist; Bertha, compositor, Mrs. Arthur Noxon, Ayoca, N. Y. Mooner, Mrs. Mary, laundress, 15 Health. Moose, Hann,ah, boards 18 Washington. 252 HISTORICAL CENSUS Moose, Orville, carpenter, i6 Quay, wife Mina, children Clarence, Alta. Morehouse, Mark S., proprietor Hotel Li\-- ingston, wife Helen, cliilJ Bertha. Morey, Jonathan B., nurseryman, 238 Main, wife Laura, children Sydney nurseryman; Mrs. Fannie Chase. Morey, Jonathan B. Jr., nurseryman, 249 Main, wife Clara,chilJren Ruth. Laura E. Morgan, Patrick, mason, 21 Clinton, wife Margaret, children Bernard, John, Burke, Anna. Morrison, Anna, 6 Eagle. Morrison, Edward, nurserxman, 6 Health, wife Ellen, children Elizaheth, Mamie; Edward, nurseryman. Morrison, Frank, painter, 13 Leonard, wife Margaret. Morrison, George, rural mail carrier; wife Marie, child Helen. Morrison, Joseph, lahorer, boards 6 Eagle. Morrison, Patrick, boards 6 Eagle. Muchler, Frank, laborer, 24 Main. Muldoon, Charles, 233 Main. Munger, Lucy E., boards 30 Elizabeth. Murdock, Mrs. Mary, 46 Cottage, child Rose. Murdock, Mrs. Marv A., 3 Fulton, child Mrs. Edith Hartm'an, Woodsville, N. Y. Murphy, Albert, barber, rooms 153 Main. Murph\', Mrs. Andrew, 13 William, child Mrs. Polly Barrett, Buffalo. Murpln-. Mrs. Helen, 27 Clinton, children Mrs. Katharine E. Erbeck, Mt. Morris, N. Y.; Mrs. Nellie Schermer, Mt. Mor- ris, N Y.; Mrs. Jennie Steinbrook, But- ler Co., Pa.; Edward, Depew, N. Y. Murphy, John, teamster, 30 Clay, wife Mary, children Grace; Albert, nurser\- man; Ma\-; Edward, clerk, P. O. Murphy. Mrs. Mary, domestic, 46 Chest- nut, child William, Washingttm, D. C. Murrax'. Mrs. Margaret, 23 Jefferson, child Vincent. Nagle, John, stone mason, 36 Van 'Cam- pen, wife Margaret, children James, printer; John, nurseryman; Ella. Nelson, F. J., druggist, 105 Main, wife. Mrs. M. L. Newton, James M., painter, 44 Chestnut, wife M.-iry M., children James C, paint- er; Lilian, emp. Instructor; Wiley R., Butler, Pa. Nice, Frank, carpenter, 12 Elizabeth, wife Engie, children Frances, Florine, Agnes, Marguerite, Lea. Nice, Joseph, carpenter, 9 Leonard, wife Gertrude. Nichols, Charles, sup't Sweet Mfg. Co., 17 West, wife Elizabeth, children Charles, Frances. Nichols, Frank, harness maker, 29 Eliza- beth, wife Margaret, child Katharine. 19 Jef- Mary, emp. Nichols, Stoddard, painter, 179 Main, wife Ella, child Mrs. Eva Lander, Way- land, N. Y. Nickerson, Mrs. Hannah, boards, ferson. Nolan, John, 57 Ferine, wife cliildren Thomas, Bertha San.; Edward, nurseryman; Josephine, nurse; Lester, nurseryman; Hugh, nurseryman; Minnie, matron San.; Mrs. Katharine O'Learx', Perry, N. Y.; John, Rochester, N. Y.; William, Rochester, N. Y. ■ Norton, John, laborer, 2 Barrett, wife Katherine. children Loretta, James, Helen, Willie. Norton, Thomas, kiborer, 2 Barrett, wife Sarah. Noyes, Frederick W., Lawyer, 51 Eliza- beth, wife Emm;i, children Kath;irine, Jansen, Nicholas. o Oakes, Mrs. Sarah C, 28 Health, child Elbert N., lawyer, Buffalo, N, Y. Oberdorf, Bernard H., insurance, 36 Eliza- beth, wife Helen. Oberdorf, Vk'infield Scott, cashier, E. T. Scovill, 5 Seward st, wife Katharine. O^Brien, Mrs. Carrie, 233 Main. O'Brien, Patrick, mason, 4 Eagle. O'Brien, William, barber, 43 Elizabeth, wife, Addie. O'Connor, James, nurseryman, 13 Van Campen, wife Ann, children Charles, clerk; Margaret; John, lawyer, Buffalo; Marie, nurse. O'Connor, P.atrick, bl.icksmith, 4 Clay children Mar\-; Eugene, blacksmith. O'Hara, Mrs. Marg:net, 14 Church. O'Hara, Martin, nurseryman, 34 Maple, wife Annie. O'Hara, Mrs. Lawrence, boards, 30 Van C;uTipen. O'Hara, Mrs. M;ir\', emp. San. 25 Wil- liam, children Louis, Huntsville, Al;i- b;mia ; James, Eauclaire, Mich.; John, California; Mary, Buffalo; Mrs. Kath- erine Fritz. N. Tonaw.md:i. O'Hara, Michael, laborer, 29 William, wife Julia, children James, Helen, Katharine. M;iry, William, Clara. O'Hara, Patrick, nurseryman, 30 Van Campen, children Elizabeth, New Hav- en, Conn.; Mary, Rochester, N. Y. Oliver, Mrs. E. Ann, 61 Main, children Mrs. Mary Culbertson, Sparta, N. Y., Clara. Olmstead, William E. , traveling salesman, 27 Ferine, wife Anna E. O'Meara, George, grocer, 36 Ossian. Opp, Addie, emp. Instructor, 17 Libert\'. Opp, Mrs. Susan, 45 Cottage, children 1. Louis, Jacob; Henrv K. .and William, Wellsville. HISTORICAL CENSUS 253 Ott. Joseph, restaurant, ii6 Main, wife iV\argaret, child Helen. Owen, Alta, emp. Instructor, 30 Chest- nut. Owen, Frederick A., president Instructor Pub. Co., 66 Main, wife Grace. Page, E. H. L., photographer. Sanatorium. Paine, Lurten M., circ. mgr. Instructor, 22 West, wife Emma, clrild Blanclie. Palmer, Alba C blacksmith, 23 Spruce, wife Hattie, children, Walter, Olive. Palmer, Charles, painter; Jolin, painter; sister Rebecca, 5 Fulton. Palmer, Philip, laborer, 29 Liberty, wife Helena, children Augustus, nursery- man; Charles. P;irker, Augustus L., retired, 21 Liberty, wife Elizabeth, children Nellie, stenog- rapher; Frankie, Alice, Syracuse, N. Y.; Elizabeth, nurse; Mrs. Anna Lee, East Groveland. N. Y.; Susie, librarian. Parker, Emor\-, tra\eling salesman, 10 Pine, wife Carrie, children Ra\', Bessie, Harry, Detroit, Mich. Parker, May R., teacher, D. H. S., 61 Main. Parker, Theodore, hoards 14 Chestnut. Parsons, John T., boards loi Main. Parsons, Albert E., mason, 86 Franklin, wife Anna, children Olive M., Carrie E., Katie M. Partridge, Frank L., salesman, 3 Church, wife Elsie, children Louis, Marie. Passage, Willet, conductor D. & M. R. R., 10 Milton, wife Katharine. Patchen, Dr. C. V., physician, 66 Eliza- beth. Patterson, John, stone mason, 20 Jeffer- son, wife Elizabeth, child Mrs. Susan Wagner, Reeds Corners, N. Y. P;itterson, Mrs. Mar>- O., 11 Clinton. Patterson, Niles, barber. 11 Clinton. Pierson, Nellie, 24 Elizabeth. Peck, Charles, laborer, 62 Ossian, wife Katharine, children Edward, Carl. Peck, Edward, fireman, 7 Leonard, wife Clara, child John J. Peck, Emily D., boards 218 Main. Peckins, Julia, domestic, 279 Main. Perliam, Leander, watch maker, 11 Jeffer- son. Ferine. Mrs. Elsie, 25 Clinton, children Fred; Charles, laborer, nurseryman; Margaret, Hornellsville, N. Y. Ferine, Dr. F. M., physician, 218 Main, wife Emily P. Ferine, John, laborer, nurseryman, wife Nellie; 19 Spruce. Perkins, RayC treasurer Instructor Pub- lishing Company, 58 Liberty, v\ife Grace, child, Paul. Perry, Louise, boards 51 Ferine. Perry, William, 11 Pine, wife Elizabeth. Perr\-, William H.,62 Main, wife Mary A.', children Katheryn L., ;issistant editor; John W., lawyer. Peterson, Mrs. Amelia, 6 Adams, children Henr\-, shoemaker; Samuel, nursery- man; James, Rochester, N. Y. Pettibone, Orren, bo;irds 60 Ossian. Pfuntner. Alfred, laborer, 34 Chestnut, wife Anna, children Raymond, Marie, Clara. Pfuntner, Henr>', laborer, 73 Liberty, wife Anna, child Rudolf. Pfuntner, Henry, farmer, 78 Libert\-, wife Barbara, child Lilian E. Pfuntner, Mrs. Margaret, 26 William. Pfuntner, Wendel, laborer, 50 Chestnut, w ife Minnie, children Mark, Rochester; Lawrence, plumber. Phillips, Mrs. Eliza A., 17 South, child Harry R., carpenter. Phillips, William, laborer, 22 Main, wife Epha. Phelps, Mrs., boards 19 Seward. Pierce, Raymond, boards 17 South, v\ife Estella. ' Pierpont, Mrs. Martha, 15 Washington, child Henry, Rochester. Plimptim, Albert M.. carriage maker, 8 Clay, wife Delia, children Mrs. Frank Pratt, Hornellsville; Mrs. Cecil Mackey, St. Augustine, Fla. Plimpton, Arthur H., jeweler, 9 Church, wife Alice, child Florine. Porter, M.itthew, 10 South. Pratt, Robert, lawyer, 40 Main, wife Nellie, child Fr:mcis. Pratt, Miss S. F., hoards 48 William. Prentiss, Mrs. Ocie, 58 Main, child Grace. Preston, Dr. W. B., physician, 48 Eliza- beth, wife Ella, physician, child George R., student. Price, Clarence L., laborer, 68 Ossian, wife Edna. Price. Emor\- H., salesman, 20 Exchange, wife Anna, child Dora C. Price, William D., 68 Ossian, wife Kath- erine. children Bert D., Hunts, N. Y.; William E., Ossian, N. Y., Eugene D.. Hunts, N. Y.; Frank, farmer; Nathan- iel C, Clean, N. Y. Pruner, Jnhn, cigar maker, 13 Cl.iy, wife Margaret. Purd\-, Mrs. Matilda, boards 60 Ossi.in. Purdy. Warren, teamster, 39 William, wife S;u-ah, children, Georgie, Clara, Charlie. Q. Quick, Ernest E., printer, 20 Clinton. Quigley, Hannah, Health. R Rail. Henry D., carpenter, 15 Lincoln, wife Katherine. Rail, Rudolph, carpenter, 233 Main. 254 HISTORICAL CENSUS Randall, Alton E., grocer, 20 Clinton, wife Janette, children Esther, Dana, Randall, Alonzo, merchant, 27 Jefferson, wife Rose, children Florence, Josephine. Randall, Edward, merchant, 28 Jefterson, wife Mary, children La Verne, Ra>', M\- ron, Mrs. Bird Chapman, Rochester, N. Y. Ran, Benjamin E., retired farmer, 216 Main, wife Anna, child, Garfield. Rau, David E., coal dealer, 47 Ossian, wife Letitia, children Mrs. Ola A. Mer- rell; Bert A. Rowe, Hibhing, Minn.; Mrs. Ida May Zerfass, Sparta, N. Y. Rau, Mrs. Jane, boards, 216 Main. Rauher, Edward, carpenter, 10 Health, wife Lenora, child Harold. Rauber, Mrs. Elizabeth, 47 Chestnut, children Paul B., Alice, Regin.i, nurse; Isaac, Wilhemina, nurse; Lizzie. Rauber, Frank, farmer, 12 Gibson, wife Mary, children Herman, Lester, Fred, milkman. Rauber, Frank P., dry goods merchant, 2 South, wife Mary. Rauber, Stephen, retired, 22 Liberty, wife Helena, children Elizabeth, Nicholas, Jacob, Wayland, N. Y.; John S. Rauber, John, laborer, 46 Main, wife Elizabeth, children Antoinette, Leo, Ida, dressmaker; Elizabeth; Nicholas, clerk; John, clerk; George, Rochester, N. Y. Rauber, William S., laborer, nurseryman. 18 Clinton, wife Jessie. Rauber, William, laborer, 5 William, chil- dren Mav, Virginia, Albert, clerk; Joe, clerk; Margaret; Mrs. Clara McCarth\', Nunda, N. Y. Rauber, William, emp. Instructor, 32 Elizabeth, w ife Effie. Readshaw, Benjamin G., merchant miller, 281 Main, wife Leil. Readshaw, Edmund H., merchant miller, 67 Main, wife Margaret. Reagan, Patrick, granite cutter, 85 Frank- lin, wife Alice, child Daniel J. Reap, Patrick, mason, 11 Williams, wife Julia, children F. J. Reap, Buffalo, N. Y., K.atherine, Mrs. Julia Powell, Rochester. Rector, Frank, moulder, 255 Main, wife Fannie, children Howard, Geneseo, N. Y.; Mrs. Frank Montgomery, Warsaw, N. Y. " " , Rectenwald, Jacob, boards, 8 Elizabeth. Rectenwald, John J., butcher, 34 Cot- tage, wife Anna, children Adeline, George. Redmond, Clarence, baker, iq6 M.iin, wife, Florence. Redmond, Samuel, 196 Main, wife Hulda, child Fred. Reese, John, carpenter, 14 Jefferson, children Elizabeth, dressmaker: Frank- lin, hostler; James, Scio, Allegany Co. N. Y. Reese, John M., harness maker, 52 Chest- nut, wife Ada, children Fred, Alice, Fannie, dressmaker. Reimer, Frank, granite cutter, 214 Main, wife Elizabeth, children Frank, Emma, Leonidas. ReilK', Patrick. nurser\man, 84 Ossian, wife Margaret, children John. Thom.is, Michael. Mary, dressmaker; William, nurseryman; Margaret; James, Craig Colony, N. Y. Remmel, Joseph, blacksmith, 44 Cottage, wife Mary, children Mrs. Marg;iret Schubmehk Rochester; Mrs. Mary Wingler. Rochester; M.artin V., Roch- ester; Fred F., Rochester. Reynell, C.arleton, 230 Main. Reuden, Lewis, pressman. Main, wife Libbie, child Charley. Rhineager, Richard, s6 Franklin, wife Elizabeth. Rice, Edith, boards, 123 Main. Rice, Frank G., tailor, 9 West, wife, Launi L., child Lulu A. Richardson, Miss Ann, boards, 20 Spruce. Ryan, Mrs. Rosa, waitress, 21 Van Campen, children John, emp. San.; Bessie, waitress. Riple\, Fred L., jeweler, 19 Elizabeth. Rivett, Alfred A., tinsmith, 28 Elizabeth, wife Margaret, children Francis C, Donald, Gertrude. Robbins, Grace W., M. Blanche, board, 45 Ossian. Robinson, Mrs. Mary, milliner, 19 Spruce. Robinson, Frank, nurseryman, is Brew- ery, v\-ife Mary. Roberts, George, laborer, 10 Mill, wife Helen, children Clarence, Helen, George, Harry. Roberts, Miss Louisa, 50 Cottage. Robson, John F., R. R. Contractor, 64 Main, wife Emma E., children Florence S., Emma E.; Charles K., emp. paper mill. Rohner, Nicholas, farmer, 13 Lincoln, wife Lena, children Celia, Ch;irles, painter; Lena, dressmaker; Katharine, dress- maker. Rolisiin, C. E., farmer, 12 South, wife Stella, children Mary O., Walter P. Root, Elisha, teamster, 40 Ossian, v\-ife Sanih J., child Homer, Boston. Mass. Root, Mrs. Mary, emp. San., 39 Health, child Anna, emp. San. Rose. Frank, laborer, 2 Morse, wife Alice, child Grant. Rose, Mrs. Mary, boards. 8 Washington. Ross, Mrs. Antionette, 38 Seward, children Margaret, Michael, Elizabeth, M.iry, George, Frank. Ross, Robert H., merchant, 16 Sew.ird, wife, Mary E., children Carl A., stud- ent; Edw.ird S. com. trav. HISTORICAL CEXSUS RooJenhush, Amos G.. commercial travel- er, 6 South, wife Addie E. Rouse, James, 15? Main, wife Elizabeth, milliner, children Gretchen, Marie. Rouse, Patrick, laborer, 53 Leonard. Rowan, Mrs. Bridget, 32 West, children Elizabeth emp. Instructor: Joseph, Wis- coy, N. Y.; Edward, bookkeeper; Rose, Mrs. John Shafer, Groveland; Mrs. Mary Alden, San Francisco, Gal. Rowan, Mar\' E., teacher, 15 Jefferson. Rowan, James A., emp. San., 13 Jefferson. Rov\an, Dennis, 24 Glinton, children, John, barber; Michael, Brooklyn. Row.in Michael, laborer, 50 Main, wife Ella, children Mabel; William, clerk. Rowan, Thomas, 44 Franklin, children Mrs. T. J. Gostello, Buffalo. N. Y.; Alice M., derm;itologist; Katharine H., ass't postmaster: Mrs. R. T. Grotty, Erie, Pa.; James W., Erie, Pa. Rowan, William H., barber, 89 Main, wife Mary, children Harr\', printer; K;itharine. Rowe, Gharles H.. lawyer, 9 Ghestnut, v\-ife Adina, child Marguerite. Rowe, Scott T.. teamster, 10 West, wife Lola, child Garl A. Rowe, Mrs. Sar;ih, 48 Ossian, children Delila; Frank, Bridgewater, N. Y. Rowe, Wilber J., bus driver, to West. Rowle>-, Augustus B., laborer, 24 Mill, wife Mary J., children Mrs. Garoline Fisher, Elmer, engineer; Mrs. Letra Bentley, Rochester, N. Y.; Herman H., Rochester, N. Y.: Mrs. Lillie Gurr\-, Burns, N. Y.; William A., Addison, N. Y. Rubenstein, E. J., merchant, 19 Lib- erty, wife Esther. Ruff, Martin, barber, 18 Ghestnut, wife Margaret, children Louise; Anna, Roch- ester, N. Y., Mary, t.ailoress. Runisey, John, laborer, 37 Health, wife Mrs. John. Sauerbier, Peter, mason 47 Cottage, wife, Elizabeth, children William, Louise, George, Garl, Katharine, Frederick, Peter, Minnie: Albert. U. S. Arm\-; Mrs. Elizabeth Brov\-n, Elmira, N. Y. Sandford, Gharles H., teamster, 39 Frank- lin, wife L;iura, children Arch, printer; Ray, printer. Sandford, Fr.ink S., engineer, 7 Seward, wife Elizabeth, children Helen L., Georgiana K., J. Joseph; Ruth L., teacher. Sanger, Emma, dressmaker; 6 Lincoln. Sanger, M:ibel,emp. Instructor, 6 Lincoln. Sanger, Laura, bookkeeper, 6 Lincoln. Sargeant, Mrs. Glara, 43 William, chil- dren 01i\'e, Stella, Cl.irence. Sautell, Benjamin, granite cutter, boards, Livingston. Sauerbier. Albert, teamster, 59 Franklin, wife Lilian, children Edith; Mrs. Anna Gongdon, Rochester, N. Y. Sawde\-, Floyd, laborer. Main, wife Jen- nie, children Ella: Roy G., laborer. Schledorn, Fred., Frank. Edw;ird, board 90 Ossi;m. Schledorn, Nicholas, farmer, 90 Ossian, child M:u'g;iret. Schledorn, Nichol.as, Laborer, 18 Adams, wife Louise, children Irma, Veronica, Glar;i, Gustave, Frances, John, Mary. Scherer. George, forem;m pressm;m. Ins. Pub. Go., f8 William, wife Eliz:d>eth, child Beatrice. Scherer, Mrs. Mary, 18 William, children Helen: Frank, Rochester, N. Y. Schlick. Gharles P., grocer, 8 Eliz:ibeth, wife Elizabeth, child Ann:i M. Schlick, Frank M.. b:irber. 11 Ferine, wife Katharine, child Frank A., Printer. Schlick, Janette, 39 Gottage. Schlick, Frank E., K:Ltherine, 14 Ferine. Schlick, Lillian, compositor; Gelia, George pressfeeder, 5 Leonard. Schlick, Theodore, foreman Breeze, 3 Leonard, wife Alice, child Frederick. Schmidt, Jacob M., laborer, 16 Morse, wife Kath.irine, children Laura E., stenographer; Edwrird, emp. D. & M. R. R., Anna, tailoress: Mar\', emp. San.; K.atharine, John, Sparta, N. Y. Schomaker, Henry, sup. of stave factory, 13 Morse, wife Emma, children May, Joseph, Ethel, Harr\-, George. Schubmehl, Jacob, b;irber; Frank S. fire- man; Katharine, 8 Ferine. Schubmehl. Mrs. M:ir\', 58 Gottage, child- dren Martin J., U. S. army; Philip F., rural mail c:irrier; M Eva, nurse; Mary K.; Frank, Iowa F:ills, Iowa; Willi;uii J., Olyphant, Pa.; Ferdin;ind N., Rochester. Schubmehl, Nichokis, retired, 17 Glinton, children Lena, K:ith;irine, Joseph, Mrs. Margaret Ne:ilan, Paterson, N. J., Elizabeth, Yonkers, N. Y. Schubmehl. Wendell, carpenter, 35 Lib- erty, wife Elizabeth, children F:uinie: Gelesti.a, org:inist; M;irgaret, Rochester, N. Y.; Isabel, Rochester, N. Y.; Frank, Holderness, N. H.; George, travelling salesman; Elizabeth, Rochester, N. Y. Schleyer, Frank, laborer, nurseryman, 3 Lincoln, wife Adelia, child Glara. Schuchart, Mrs. Mar\', 32 Franklin, chil- dren Fnmces; Bertha, tailoress; Emiel, Rochester. N. Y. Schudome, Fred, section boss, Main, wife Wilhelmine, children Marie H., Rosa, William, Anna. Schuster; Mrs. Barbara, boards 12 Leon- ard. Schuster, Frank, Laborer, 4 Health, wife Louisa, child Edith. 256 HISTORICAL CEXSrS Schuster, John, emp. Blum Shoe Co., 19 Elizabeth. Schutz, Daniel, clerk, boards 119 Main. Schwan, Anthony, tailor, 28 Ferine, wife Mary, children Mrs. Lizzie Gross, Per- kinsville, N. Y.; Louis Schwan, Way- land. Schwan, Frank, cigar manufacturer, 56 Cottage, wife Mary, child William. Schwan, Fred, tailor! 11 Park, wife K.ath- erine, children W.ilter, Frank. Schwan, John, tailor, 63 Ferine, child Ma- tilda. Schwan, Joseph, carpenter, 59 Ferine, wife Helen, children Agnes, Anna, Jo- seph, Florine, Clara, emp. Instructor. Schwan, Louis J., emp. Sanatroium, 48 Ferine, children Margaret, Teckla, Carl, May. Schwendler, Elizabeth, milliner, 6 Elm. Schwendler, Rose, boards 6 Elm. Schwendler. William, grocer, 14 Fulton, wife Ida, children William, Emil\-. Carl, Leon. Schwingel, John, shoe merchant, 33 Liberty, wife Mary. Schwingel, Lester J., 45 Elizabeth, wife Esther, child Jessie F. Schwingel, William, tinsmith, 9 Liberty, wife Minnie, child Myra E. Schwingle, Airs. Clara, 14 South, children Rena, telephone operator; Mrs. F. H. Brown, Newaygo, Mich. Schwingel, Frank, salesman, 63 Eliza- beth, wife Laura, child Phillip. Schwingle, Frederick, plumber, 59 Ossian, wife Albertina, children Oline R., Her- bert A., Maude A., Rochester; Mrs. Estella E. Truman, Sparta, N. Y. Mrs. Irene Simpson, Rochester, N. Y.; George W., clerk; Frederick W., clerk, Scott, George F., mechanic, wife Mary L., children Leonard D., mechanic, Mrs. Edith R. Bean. Scott, K.-itharine, boards 30 William. Scott, Mrs. Mary, boards 27 Ferine. Scovill, E. Tr.ic\-, lumber and land, wife, Florence S., children Justin, Edward. Sedgwick, Charles, musician,44 Elizabeth, wife S.arah, child Mrs. Ethel McNair, Sparta, N. Y. Seed, Mrs. Deborah W., boards 23 Spruce. Sellen, Mrs. Ellen E., 5 West. Se> ler, Elizabeth, 26 Chestnut, Seyler, P.iuline, Flora, 26 Chestnut. Se\mour, Mrs. Mary, 92 Main, child, Herman L. Tillotson. Shaffer, Mrs. Bridget, 30 Franklin, chil- dren Emma, te.acher; Ida, dressmaker, Shafer, George W., carpenter, wife Marie, children Elsie C, George T. Shafer, Mrs. Jane, boards I2 Leonard. Shafer, John W., shoemaker, 64 Liberty, wife Katharine, child Otto. Sharp, Miss L. P., boards 16 South. Shaw, Hiram F. .cabinet maker, 21 Gibson, wife Georgiana, child Hubert F, Sheerin, John H., nurseryman, 106 Os- sian, wife Mary, children Raymond, J. Conwa\-, Bernice, Andrew, Florence, Katharine, W. Harry, Thomas. Sheerin, Michael, nurseryman, 89 Frank- lin, child Mrs. RoseStratton, Rochester, N. Y. Shepard, Marjorie B., student, 19 Chest- nut. Shepherd, Mrs. Julia, 19 Chestnut, chil- dren Mar\- L.; Edward S., Chicago, III.; James, Indianapolis, Ind. Short, William, emp., Knowlton paper mill, 17 Jefferson. Shull, Mrs. Bertha, 14 Elizabeth, children Mrs. Alonzo Peck, Buffalo; Carl; Mrs. Harriet Humphrey, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Shull. Fr.ink. laborer, 17 VanCampen, wife Dell, cb.ildren Ray, Ruscoe, Clair, Dan, Mrs. Grace Swartz, child Susie. Shults, Louise, boards, 48 William. Shults, Mrs. .Mar\-, 17 Jefferson, child Anna. Shultz, Mrs. Adaline, 13 Cottage. Shutt, Aaron, carpenter, 216 Main. Simon, Charles, cigar maker, 4 Mill, wife Elizabeth, children Paul, Jacob, Lena, George, Lillie, Willie. Simon, Jacob, machinist, 88 Franklin, wife Angeline, children Abbe\', Julia; Louis, nurseryman; Elmer, nurseryman; Clara, Jessie; Fannie, emp. San. Sinclair, Robert, sup't Hospital, 17 Health, wife Susie, children Jennie, Winifred. Slate, John, 3 West, wife .Matilda, chil- dren Harry R., law student; Mrs. Georgie Eschrich. Slaxton, James O., 10 Chestnut, children Ruth; Arthur, New York City; Mabel, compositor; James, New York; Chaun- ce\-, Seabright, N. Y.; Fred, New York: Mis. Ch.irles Elliott. New York City. Smalle\-. Willi.am, 48 William, wife Lucy, children Merwin, Mary; Emerson E., Avc:ca. Sarah, K.atharine; Orton, On- tario, Canada. Smith, Ada H., 4 Seward. Smith, Adelbert, 52 Franklin, wife Har- riet, children Ra>'mond A,; Ralph H., emp. Blum Shoe Co.; Torrey I., clerk. Smith, Jacob, nurseryman, 61 Franklin, wife Katharine, children Harold, Her- man, Carl. Smith, James, shoe cutter; 8 South, wife Margaret. Smith, John M., artist, 37 Health, wife Mary. Smith, Katharine, domestic, 3 Ferine, Smith, Louise K., teacher, D. H. S., 54 Eliz.ibeth. Smith, Nicholas B., fireman, 6 Park, wife Mary, children Arthur, Margaret, Wal- ter, Raymond. HISTORICAL CENSUS 257 Smith, MeKin M., 4 Fulton, wife Rlioda A., cliilJ Elizabeth M., stenog. Smitli, Nicholas, nurseryman, 3} Leonard, wife Sarali, child Norbert. Smith, Norman, salesman, 90 Main, wife Mar\', children Warren, Rose, emp. In- structor. Smith, Susie, domestic, 24 West. Snyder, Anna, domestic, 67 Main. Snyder, Cliarles A., agent Lackawanna, R. R., I Ferine, wife Helen L., children Freas B., Philadelphia, Pa., Lovina A., teacher. Snyder, Charles F., Prin., A. C. N., 8 Chestnut, wife Ede, children Theodore Roosevelt, Edith, Eloise, Wilson. Snyder, Elizabeth, boards, 88 Main. Sn\der, Mrs. Helen, teacher, 41 Elizabeth, children Gene\ieve bookkeeper; Alberta music teacher. Sn\der, James M., instructor, A. C. N., 30 Liberty, wife Mary, children James B., Hadley C , Waldo B. Snyder, John, carpenter, 26 VanCampen. wife May, children Rosa, Edith. Sorg, Mrs. Louise, 7 Clay, children Clarence, cigar maker; Rosa M., stenog- rapher; Edwin, Rochester, N. Y.; Irene. Sorg, William F, shoemaker,i4 Pine, wife Katharine M., children Gladys L., Harold J., Walter A. Spencer, Mrs. Harriet, 7 Gibson, child Hugh. Sprague, Frank, mason and bill poster, 19 Church, wife Lena, children Hazel, Edna, Frank. Sprague, Harvey A., billiard room, 20 Chestnut, children Emma, milliner; Eugene, supt, water works; Mrs. Nel- son Batterson, Binghamton. Spinning, Mrs. Sarah, 105 Main. Spinning, William A., merchant dry goods, 103 Main, wife Susie, children Marguerite, Wilhelmina. Squires, Byron, 18 Quay, wife Mar\-, child W. Chapin, Minneapolis, Minn. Squires, Charles P., carpenter, 66 Main, wife Harriet P., children Ross, Little Valley,. N Y.; Ray, Little Valley. N. Y.; Arch I., carpenter; Clara, compositor, Emma, dressmaker; Charles, Wayland. Squires, Elizabeth, 53 Main. Squires, Mrs. Luna, 57 Main. Squires, R.ilph, merchant, 50 Main, wife Emma, child Glad\s. Squires, Thomas, carpenter, 5 Knox, wife Emily, child Belle, emp. Instructor. Squires, William, mfg., 52 Main, wife Nina. St. Joseph, Sisters of, German Catholic, 2Q Franklin, Dionysia, Frederica, Regis, Irene, Veronica. St. Joseph, Sisters of, Irish Catholic, Ex- change, Alpheus, Evaresta, Imelda, Patrice. Stadler, Adam, \ineyardist, 6 Liberty, wife Marguerite, child Christian, vine- yardist. Stadler, John N., cigar mf'r., 6 Eliza- beth; wife Katharine, child Esther, Vin- cent. Stadler, Mrs. Mary, 52 Leonard, children Charles, Louise. George, New York; Mrs. Julia Horeschler, Rochester, N. Y.; Henrw Steffey,' A. B., boards, 36 William. Steffey, Bert, gardener, 2 Eagle, wife, Jessie. Steffey, Byron, laborer, 36 William, wife Sarah, child Lottie. Steffey, Daniel, laborer, 47 Ferine, wife Anna, children Alonzo, laborer; George, Utica, N. Y. Steffey, Elizabeth, boards, 31 William. Steffey, Herman, laborer. 6 Barrett, wife Margaret, child Nellie. Steffey, James, teamster, 25 Main, wife Frances, children Robert, Frederick, Bertha; Cory, Ossian, N Y.; Lester, Ossian, N. Y. Steigler, Joseph, shoe merchant, 6 Jef- ferson, v\ife Katharine. Stein, Fred, butcher, 6 West, wife Kath- arine, children Hildegard, Margaret, Louis. Stein, George, mason, 45 Chestnut, wife K.itharine, children William, Helen, Gertrude, Joseph, Celia; George, Buf- falo. Stein, John J., ice dealer, wife Bertha, children Florence K., Jerome L., Carl G. Stein, Lawrence B., masseur, 143 Main, wife Hannah. Steinhardt. Frank. barber, 14 William, wife Helen, children Mrs. Anna Maloney, Rochester, N. Y.; Mrs. Elizabeth Towne, Corning,N. Y.; William F. Steinhardt, Louis, barber, 21 Leonard, sister Barbara. Stephan, Carl, retired, 9 Seward, wife Caroline, children Horatio C, Carl D., Mrs. Helen;! Hengerer, Buffalo. Stevens, Anna, 4-; Elizabeth. Ste\'ens, Clarence, moulder, i Pine, wife Cora, children Fa\e E., Fred H. Hattie M. Stillwell, Mrs. Katharine, 6 South, chil- dren, Mrs. Celia Southwick, Rochester, N. Y.; Duane D., LaGrange, Ind.; Mrs. Minerva O'Brien. Stocking, Leone, teacher, D. H. S., 62 Elizabeth. Stout, Henry, painter, 15 Church, wife Adelaide, children Rachel; Louis, clerk, Mamie. Stout, Nellie, dressmaker, 17 Perine. Stryker, George, laborer, 43 William. Sturgeon, Samuel, farmer. South, wife Mary. 258 HISTORICAL CENSUS Sturm, George, gnicer, i 1-2 Seward, wife Sadie, child Helena E. Sturm, Jacob L., carpenter, 34 Leonard, wife Elizabeth, children Julia A., Fran- ces, clerk. Sturm, K.atherine, boards, 22 Leonard. Sturm, Morris, 22 Leonard. Suttln, Abram H., farmer, 15 Chestnut, wife Amelia, child George. Suttln, Mrs. Charles, 16 South. Suttm, G. A., merchant, 36 Cottage, wife Ella. Swarts, Mrs. J., boards, 48 William. Sweet, David, wagon maker, 77 Frank- lin, wife, Rachael, children Ruth J., Clara M., D. Arthur, Eleanora,; Albert C., Newark, N. J.; Mrs. Anna Nichols, Loson, Miss. Sweet, George, nurseryman, 277 Main, wife Clara M. Sweet, Maxwell, nurseryman, 279 Main, wife Frances, child, Frances M. Sweet, Mrs. Ruth, 250 Main, children Fannie; Mrs. Jay Austin Young, Roch- ester, N. Y. Swift, James, 20 Maple, wife Delia. Swift, Marv, 7 Willi.am, grandchild Harry Olmstead. Sylvester, Stella, 107 M.ain. Szecker, Franz, merch.int tailor, 8 Adam, wife Kittie, child Frances. Taft, Miss Fannie, S4 Main. Taft, Sophie. 54 .Wain. Taft, S. J., 177 Main. Tarbox, Mrs. Bridget, 6 Exchange, chil- dren Marv. Charles. Taylor, Reuben, laborer, 44 Gibson. Taylor, Mrs. Susan, bo.ards, yS Ossi.an. Teachout, Henry, emp. paper mill, ly Eliz.ibeth. Teachout, Louis E., clerk, ig Elizabeth. Teasdale, Miss Mary E., 19 Elizabeth. Thein, Edith. 15 South. Tierney, Katherine. 29 Leonard. Thielges, Mrs. Ordeance, 3 Mill, children Jacob R., Fred W., Elizabeth A.; Rose, John M., laborer: Mrs. Tracv Kuhn, Wavland. N. Y.; Mrs. Marv A. Shultz, Cohocton, N. Y. Thielges, Casper G., clerk 8 Mill, wife Margaret. Thom, Alexander, granite cutter, 6 Pine, wife Eunice, children Frank F., Eunice C. Thom, John F., granite cutter, 50 Frank- lin, wife Mary, children Richard, Is.abel, John. Thomas, Clinton, laborer, 21 Spruce, wife Eva. Thomas, John, teamster, g Pine, wife Helen, children Evelyn, Fred. Thomas, Katharine, emp. Instructor. 70 Ossian. Thomas, George, marble setter, 12 Ex- change, wife Helen, child William, stone cutter. Thomas, Morgan, liverv, 75 Main, wife Eliza. Thomas, William, boards. 10 Exchange. Thompson, Alonzo. liveryman. 24 Spruce, wife Ella, child Isabel E. Thompson, Henry K., sup"t of paper mill, 20 Washington, v\ife Phebe. Thomson, Joseph, emp. Instructor, 54 Franklin, wife Nellie, child George. Thompson, Louis, wife Mary. Thompson, Mrs. Helen, housekeeper. Main, child Sophi.i. Thrall, Wesley, shoemaker, 7 Liberty, w ife Mattie. Thurston, Adrian E., salesman, 2 School, wife Bessie, child Lorena. Tiffanv, Edwin, decor.aior. 28 Seward, wife Sarah E.. child Ernest, Wilson, N. Y. Tillotson, George, carriage maker, 15 Clay, child Edna. Tinker, Miss Mattie. 42 Eliz.abeth. Titsworth, Josiah, grain & coal, SS Main, child, Mrs. H. S. McCartnev, Belfast, N. Y. Toles, George, 8 Van Campen, wife M.arg.aret. children George, Buffalo, N. Y.: Mildred, nurse. Tompson. Burten, 13 Health. Thompson, William, 56 Franklin, wife Margaret, children Elizabeth, Hilda, Marguerite, Lloyd. Tompkins, George, laborer, 233 Main. Toms, H. E.. bicycles, Ossian. Touse\', Miss Frances. 245 Main. Townsend, Henry, carpenter, 19 Knox, Townsend, Sam, emp. paper mill, 19 Knox. wife Lucv. child Guss, Steffe\-, barber. Traxler, Mrs. Charlotte, 15 Clinbm. Treat, Charles, emp. paper mill, 19 Eliz.a- beth. Trippe, Mrs. C. A., 26 Health. Tritschler, Augustus, emp. San., 68 Lib- erty, wife Katharine. u Uhl. Frank, druggist, 20 Clay, sister Katherine Uhl, George, clerk. 12 West, wife Nellie. Uhl, Jacob, nurserxman, 15 South, wife Eliz.abeth, children Nicholas, nursery- man; Edith; Mrs. Eliz.ibeth Thein, Rochester, N. Y. Uhl, NiclKil.as, retired merchant, 102 M.ain, \\ ife Marv. Updike. Mrs. H. P. 1 Cemetery. V Vaihinger, Robert, baker, 30] Leonard, wife M.ar\-. child K.itherine. Van Allen. Sarah A., 5 South. HISTORICAL CENSUS 259 V;inJerlip, Mrs. Ann.i, 3 Perine. Van Dusen, Mrs. Almira, 50 Gibson, children Mrs. Etta Kersliner, Dans\ille R. F. D.: Mrs. Lil^bie May Sliannon: James M., painter; Samuel f}.. paper maker. Van Du7-ee, Mrs. Ev.i, 230 Main. Van Husen, Mrs. Electa T.. 20 Spruce. Van Norman, Nelson, painter. 14 Ossian, wife Florence, children Frank, Charles, Amy. Van Scoter, James C, gardener, 33 Gib- son, wife Emma L. Van Scoter, Mrs. Matilda, 27 Gibson. Van Scoter, Emory A., barber, 28 Maple, wife Clara. Van Valkenburg, Alfred, merchant, 148 Main. v\ife C>ira, children Earl, Mazie. Van Valkenburs, Mrs. Susan D., 97 Main. Van Vranken, Mrs. Sarah, 9 Jefferson. Veith, Adam, drayman 259 Main, wife Caroline, children Louise N.. Roches- ter, N. Y.: Charles, Ellicott, N. Y. Veitii. Charles, druggist. 21 Elizabeth, children Dora, Katharine, Benjamin, Virgini.a. Veith, William F., cigar maker, 15 Perine, wife Margaret, children Margaret, John, Fred, Bertha. Veith. William, cigar mfg.. 22 Elizabeth, v\-ife Mar\-. children Rosa; Henry, phar- macist; Carrie; Anna, Wayland, N. Y. Vogel. Fr;inces, bo;irds, 53 Cottage. Vogt, B;ddis, drayman. 24 Cottage, wife Katharine, children Fr;mk J., barber; Mrs. Anna McCormack, Cle\eland, O. Vogt, Jacob, tinsmith. 22 Cottage, wife Katharine, children Arthur, John, Her- man, Frederick, Clara. Vogt, Joseph, shoemaker, 60 Liberty, wife Elizabeth, child Lola. Von Waldegg, Mrs. Almeda, boards, 50 Cottage. Vocjrhees, James, coal merchant, 61 Eliza- beth, wife M;irgaret, children Dora B., Nellie M. Voorhees. .Mrs. Mar\-, 24 Jefferson, child Ella, dressmaker. w Walker, Daniel S., merchant. 119 M.ain, wife Sarah B. Walker, Manle\- T., li\er\nian. Main, wife Minerv;[,telegraph openitor,children Mrs. Mabel Tuthill, Asburv Park, N. J., Harr>-, New York W:dter, Mrs. Maria, teleplKme operator, 1 1 South. Waters, Mrs. M. E., 23 Leonard W;impole, John, retired farmer, 4 Wash- ington, wife Mrs. John, child Melvin, Ossian. Wandless, Miss L., Miss J., board, 48 William. Ward, Jessie, boards. Main. Warren, Maud E., teacher D. H. S., i South. Watson, Ocean J., painter, 29 Perine, wife Mary, children Adolphus, M.arie, Admadell. W;itson, Patrick, 44 William, wife Anna. Weaver, Bert, machinist, 15 Clav, wife Mabel. Weber, Ernest, weaver, 4 School, wife Mary, children Ernest, Mary, Ernestine; Frances, Buffalo, N. Y.; Louisa; Mrs. Sophia Hann, Cleveland, O. Weidm;in. George, farmer, 5 Chestnut, wife Emma, children Edward, musici.an; Mrs. Nellie Van Patten, Meadville, Pa.; Lillie. Weiss, S\ivester, laborer. S7 Libert\ , wife Rosa, children Adeline, IVlartha, Louise, Katharine. Welch, Elam D., 16 Leonard, wife Alice, children Roy D., Florine, teacher; Ed- win C Cincinnati. O. Welch, Adelbert. grocer, 10 Lincoln, wife Grace, children Frederick, B,. Gretchen C. Welch, Alonzo T., mfg machinist, 86 Main, wife Maria O., children Samuel; Alonzo H. , New York Cit\'. Welch, Mrs. Fannie, 70 Ossian, children Jennie, Clara. Welch. Harry, constable, 18 Jefferson, wife Jennie, children H;izel, Marguerite. Welch, James, mason, 6 Washington, wife Rose, children Raymond, Eugene, Clarence, Murray, Mary. Welch, John, farmer, 98 Ossian, wife Elva, Welch, Katharine, boards, 23 Ossian. Welch, Mrs. Katharine, 23 Ossian, child George G., New York. City; Mrs. Agnes Sheldin, San Fran Cisco, Cal. Welch, Leon.ird, teamster, 87 Franklin, wife Lena, Welch, Mrs, Mar\-, 43 Franklin, child Margaret, grandchild, John. Welch, Mrs. Mary, boards. 18 Jefferson. Welch, Michael, butcher, 5 Jefferson, wife Rhoda, children C;irrie; William, butch- er; Edward, butcher. Welch, Nicholas, 12 Adams, wife Wini- fred, children Nora, teacher; Wini- fred, compositor; Nicholas, Salamanca, N. Y.; Mrs. Katherine Gagan.Sauquoit, N, Y.; Mary, N. Cohocton, N. Y. Welch, William J., village officer, 20 Os- sian, wife Ellen, children John, Kath- arine, Ra>'mond, Ann.a, La\'inia, Mary. Welch, Michael, policeman, Ossian, wife Sadie, child James. Weld, Gene\ie\e, boards, 13 He.alth. Wellington, John L., ass"t editor of In- structor, T4 Lincoln, wife K.atherine, child Frederick L. 260 HISTORICAL CENSUS Welter, Mary, cook, 8 Seward. Welton Miss, boards 14 West. Werdein, Adolph, contractor. 16 Elizabeth, wife Agnes. Werdein, William, mason, 25 Quay, wife Helen, children Edward, clerk: Emil; Joseph, Rochester, N. Y.; Mrs. Mar- garet Schuster, Rochester, N. Y.; .Vlrs. Elizabeth Slaxton, Cohocton, N Y. West, Perrv, ? Lincoln, daughter Mrs. Martha Horton. Buffalo West, Mrs. boards, 33 Ferine. Wester, Wilhemina, emp. San. 39 Health. Weynand, Mrs. Mar\-, 15 Elizabeth. children Helen, Mar\', Susan. Wheaton, George, carpenter, 9 South, wife Mary, children Margaretta E., Grace V., Carrie May. Wheaton, Mrs. Hannah L., 12 Clay, cliil- dren Bertha A., Henry K., law clerk; Anna J. Wheaton, Mrs. Elizabeth, 7 South, chil- dren Ida C, agent; Mrs. Torah Izeman, Rocliester, N. Y. Wheeler, Frank, solicitor, 29 West. White, Effie, 45 Elizabeth. White, John, laborer, 60 Main, v\ife Hen- rietta, children La Verne, Harry. White, Samuel, painter, 20 Leonard, wife Elizabeth children EveK n, Gertrude. Whitehead, Mrs. EKira, 2Si Main, chil- dren George, jeweler and musician; Rochester, N. Y.; Edwin S., musician; Robert S.. Syracuse, N. Y. Whiteman, Edward, farmer, 73 Main, wife Laura, child Elma. Whitem;m, Fannie, 73 Main. Whitemrm, Mrs. Katharine, boards, 63 Liberty. Whiteman, Lester, baker, 119 Main. Whiteman, Mrs. Rebecca E., 35 Elizabeth, children Alonzo J., Mrs. Clara Gibbs. Whiteman, Mrs. Rosetta, 19 Ferine, child Harry, Rochester. Whitney, Mrs. Charles, 245 Main, child ren George W., nurseryman; Mrs. E. F. Gorton, Lake Forest, 111. Wilber, Lewis, miller, 17 Cl;iy, wife Emih-, L., child Mrs. Mar\' Hu\er, ReynuldsviUe, Fa. Wildey, Samuel, bartender, boards, 124 Main. Wilhelm, Charles, brewer, 75 Liberty, wife Flora. Wilkinson, William, farmer, 24 Leonard, wife Clara, child John. Willet, Nelson, emp. San., rooms 39 Health, wife Mars'. Willey, Cliarles B., retired, 8 Seward, wife Lavanchia, children Pearl H., farmer; Cameron, Chicago; Mrs. Dora Endress, Jamestown, N. Y.; LorenG., Allegheny City, Fa. Williams, Catherine B., 21 South. Williams, Minnie F., 21 South. I Jefferson. cSc under- M., chil- Willi.ims, Samuel F., 82 Main, children Florence E., nursery business; Harriet R., nursery business. Williams, Sarah, domestic, 277 Main. Williams. William F. , electrotyper, 13 Chestnut, wife Fannie. Willis Daniel, student, 28 Cottage. Willis, William F., carpenter, Main, wife Frances, grandchild Cora. Wilson, Mrs. Emma, boards, 31 Wilson, Frank G., merchant taker, 14 Spruce, wife Stella dren Howard, Harr\', Arthur. Wilson, Gordon S., 25 Ferine, wife Mary A., child Charles R., Canaseraga, N. Y. Winchell, Mrs. Elizabeth, 11 Washing- ton, child Hattie. Wing, Horace, 212 Main, wife Mrs, Horace. Wirth, Edward, Aloysius, Agnes, 36 Franklin. Wirth, Joseph, cigar maker, 61 Ossian, wife Laura, children Leo, Amelia, Andrew. Withington, Genevieve, teacher, D. H. S., I South. Wolff, Henry, blacksmith, 10 Spruce. Wolf, John A., cigar maker, 26 Clinton, wife Mary E., children Charles W., - Dorothx- K., Lauretta M., Elizabeth L., Helen T., Raymond J., Marguerite. Wolf, Mary, Sophie, 34 Franklin. Wompole, Frank, laborer, 24 Main. Wood, Henr\-. miller, 30 Jefferson, wife Aline, children James, Effie. Wood, Lina, resides, 30 Jeffierson. Wo-, miller. WOODSVILLE. Forsythe, Mrs. Nancy, child Robert. Galbraith, James, laborer. Gibson, Elizabeth, Sarah, Margaret, farmers. H;nTisher, James, M., laborer, w ife Sar.ih L. Hartman, Fred, laborer, wife Elizabeth, child Deney. Hartman, Mrs. S.irah. Hunt, George, farmer. Schutz. Charles, laborer, wife Marv, child Walter. Shafer, Am.ariah. farmer, wife Lavina, children Mrs. Loretta McNair, E. Sparta, N. Y.; Frank, Ossian, N. Y. Toles, Seth, cooper, boards, George Mc- Laughlin. Toland, Mrs. M.irv. children James, Michigan; Mrs. Katharine Barnes, Con- necticut; Daniel, New York. Ullyette, J.ames, carpenter, wife Anna, children Charles, nurseryman; William, nurser\'man. 262 HISTORICAL CENSUS THe Jackson Sanatorium Officers and Employees Alberts, Geo. Alberts, Luc\ Alberts, Simnn Alsdort", Mrs. Elizabetli Atwdiid, Clarence Austin, Elizabeth G., cashier. Bailey, Alice Barber, John Barber. Samuel Barbiiur, Helen Barbiiur, Minnie Baldins, Albert Barrett, James Bills, Bert Bills, Mark Bock, Dr. F. W., wife, children Marjjaret, Riibert. Boynton, Miss A. Brown, Frances Brown, Margaret Brown, Dr. W. E., wife Buckley, Stephen Gary, Miss P. CoUman, Daisy Coe, Miss M. Glancy, George Creegan, W. F. , steward. Crittenden, Dan Croll, Albert J., supt.,v\ife, child Etliel\-n. Dantz. Fred Deegan, H. B., asst. cashier. DeMuth, Helen Denel, E. B. Denton, Mrs. Emma Didas, Michael Didas, Jacob Didas, Nicholas Dickinson, Dr. Mary E. Dougherty, Barbara Dougherty, Katherine D(i\le, Mi'ss Edwards, Mary Elliott, Marie Engel, Marie Engel, Peter Finn, Katherine Finn, Mary Finnian, Sadie Fisher, Mrs. Ford, Dr. C. F. Ford, John Ford, John, Jr. Ford, Mrs. John Fox, Mrs. Fritz, Harry Gary, John Geiss, Rose Gibson, Mrs. Gilroy, Jennie Greble, Katherine Gregory, Dr. Walter E., wife Mrs. Helen D. Gregory, treasurer; child Beatrice. Grim, Miss Griswold, Mrs. Mae Gunther, Lizzie Gunther, Margaret HarJie, Andrew, clergyman. Harris, Maud Harrison, Elizabeth Hassman, Anna Hassman, Wm. Heiman, Agnes Heiman, Olive N. Henty, Lillian Hirsch, Charles Hoffman, Katherine Holbrook, E. A., mgr. liverv. Hulbert, E. C. Hungerford, V. R. Ingraham, Wm. Jackson, Dr. J.ames H., president, wife Katherine J. (M. D.) Jackson, Dr. J. Arthur, secretary and manager. Johnson, Mrs. Fanny B. Johantgen. Minnie Johnston, Margaret Jones, Dorothy Jordan, Katherine Kemp, Miss D. Kemp. Etta Kernahan, Robert Kenney, Karl Kiehle^ Mary Kingston, Nellie Klauck, Mrs. Kornbau, A. P., massuer. Kramer, Adam Kuhn, Miss Waltha Lanphear, Samuel Lauterborn, Anna Laven, Robert Laven, Miss La>'er, Henry Lindsay, Clara Linton. Celia Littlefield, Anna Long, Anna Magee, Orphia Mahaney, Grace Maloney, Katharine Maloney, Sarah Manion, Thomas Matson, Jane Matson, Margaret McCallom, Elizabeth McCarthy, Alice McFadden, Mrs. McGregor. Martha McKee, Miss F. HISTORICAL CENSUS 263 McNinch, Nellie McPhersdP, Ida McPlierson, Mar\- Me>er, Mary Michael, Clara Michael, M. M., mj;r. greeiilmuse, wite. Miller, Anna Moffatt. George Mills, Donithy Molyneaux, M:illy Mooney, Mrs. Morrison, Anna Morsch, Frank Murphv, John Nolan, Bertha Nolan, Minnie O'Hara, Katherine O'Hara, Marv O'Hara, Michael Opp, Louis Palmer, C. A. Peters, Charles Prochelle, Louise Purchase, Frank Purchase, Clarence Purdy, W. Quigley, Hannah Rauber. Renna Reasor, Mav Reese, Mrs. Rickle\-, M.ary Riccord, Miss D. Rohner, Mrs. Rohwerdon, Louis Root, Anna Root, Mrs. M.iry Robinson, Claudia Rowan, James Ryan, Bessie Sanford, Edward Schiefen, Jennie Schwan, Louis Schubmehl, Frank Schubmehl, Mrs. Scott, Katherine Shafer, George Shaw, Matie Shankland, Miss C. Shutz, H. Smith, Ella Smith. Mary Spencer, Emma Spencer, G. F.. Med. Electrician .and amusement mgr. Stein, Lena Stein, Celia Stein, Mrs. Stein, Lawrence Stein, Joseph Stevenson, C. M. Stocking, Verna Stoner, Van Swartz, Eliz.iheth Swartz, Katherine Sweeney, Anna Svmons, Fanny Svmons, Robert Thompson, Abr.iham Thompson, B. G. Thompson, George Townsend, Henry Upthegrove, E. S. Vandenhurg, Dr. B. P. (Mrs.) Vogel, Miss L. Wallace, Boyd Wather, Mrs. Ida Walther, Ruth Wandless, Jennie Waltman, Frank Weiand, Frank Weiand, John Webber, James Wester, Mina Wilhelm, Theresa Wilkinson, Miss K. Williams, Emeline Williams, Josephine Williams, R.ay Wills, Jennie Witherell, Mrs. Yost, Edward J. Zimmer, Mary Index to Illustrations PARTI Andrews, Dr. B. P 216 " Residence 217 Artman's, Grist Mill 122 Austin, Harriet M 210 Bartiin, Clara 99 Baker, James H 200 " " Residence 201 Base Ball Nine, Old Fashioned 104 Beecher, Walter J 240 " " Residence 241 Bragdon, Geo. C 231 Burgess, Juseph W 198 Residence 199 Bunnell, A. O., (initial cut) 17 Bunnell, A. O 8 " " Residence 9 Canal Fight, Location of 66 " Basin 68 Central Park 65 Citizens of 1870, Group 57 " Fani;y Sketch of Prominent 63 Cogswell, Daniel 166 Cook, B. C 259 " " Residence 259 Clark, Dr. Willis F 86 Crisfield, Dr. James E 233 " " Residence 234 Dansville Acadeiin- Program, (1837).. 44 Dansville Village, Birds E\'e View.... 16 Dansville Seminary, ( i860) 47 D. &M. R. R. Station 6g Delong, H. W 191 " " Residence 192 Denton, Chas. W 230 Doty, Lockwood L 267 Doty. Lockwood L 116 Driesbach, Dr. F. R 213 " " Residence 214 Drive, Near Sanatorium 152 Dyer, Horatio 224 Dyer, Horatio F 227 Dyer, Solon S 226 Eagle Hotel and Jefferson street 67 Early Grist Mill 33 Faulkner, Dr. James 250 Fenstermacher, Mrs. Solomon 36 Fire Engine, Ancient 92 First Residence, Location of 29 Fortification ig Foss, B. G 211 Fowler, Miller H 221 " ■' Residence 222 Geiger, Peter 215 Genesee County, Ancient Map of 41 Gilbert, Dr. Augustus L 84 Gorham, N. B 246 Gregory, Dr. Walter E 223 Greenmount Cemetery Chapel loi Greenmount Ceinetery View 152 Handsome Men of 1877 105 H.irrison, Mrs. Catherine 83 Hartmaii, John, Inn and Sign Hartman, Wm. H. residence High School Building ■' Teachers Hose Cart. Ancient Hubbard, Henry E Hubbard Falls Hyland, George Hyland House Jackson, James Caleb " (18S4-68-83) " Our Home (1882) " " (initi.al cut) Jackson, Dr. J.ames H . " " Residence Jackson, Giles Elderkin " James Arthur Katharine J '■ Lucretia Edgerton Jackson Sanatorium, E.xterior Views.. Johnson, Emerson Janierson. T. F John, Andrew King, J.I nies Kramer, William " " Residence Knov\'lton Paper Mill Lackaw.anna R. R., Views Along the.. Leiter, Joseph Librarx', Interior Main Street in 1830 Main Street, Panoramic View .McCurdy, James (pioneer) " Mrs. James Morey, Jonatli.in B Residence Morris, Robert Murdock, James Noyes, Daniel Webster " Frederick W " " Residence Oberdorf, Bernard H Oberdorf, W. S Residence Owen, F. A " Residence Packet Boat Time Table Ferine, Dr. P. M Pioneer Scene Pratt, Robert Rau, Erhard Rau, Family of Erhard Red Jacket Readshaw, B. F Rothe, Charles, Old House Rowe, Chas. H " " Residence Rochester, Nathaniel Rochester, Col. N.athaniel " " Residence, Portion of Scene on Canal Sedgwick, Henr>- C 37 124 60 63 93 iq6 128 161 52 177 179 181 249 158 209 205 2c6 208 207 96 204 25 23 262 170 171 126 71 266 55 43 56 31 31 188 189 27 263 182 184 185 202 242 243 237 238 42 168 18 246 2(34 265 21 229 122 219 220 78 34 35 42 260 266 INDEX TO ILLTSTRATIONS Shafer, Mrs. Jane 8i Shepard, Charles i73 " " Residence 174 Snyder, Charles F 244 " " Residence 245 Sdldiers' Monument 'tO Srinninj;, W. T 186 Residence 187 Sprajiuc, E. A., (initial cut) 135 Stanley, Elihu 80 Stevens, Archelaus 252 Stime's Falls 39 Stnn\' Brook Glen Views 154 Street Fair, View of 128 Sweet, Georj^e 261 Union Scliool, Group of First Pupils., sg VanCampen, Moses 73 Van Valkenburg, A. L u)7 Vallev and Village from East Hill 54 Water Works, First Reservoir 94 Waterworks, Reservoir 138 Water Works, Layinji Pipes for First Svstem 48 Williams, J. C 203 Woodruff, B. W 258 Wdodruff, Oscar 195 Woodruff, Paper .Mill 126 PART 11 Advertiser, The Dansville, (headinj;) 191 Allins, Rev. S. H 46 A. O. H. Emhleni 69 A. O. U. W. Emblem 70 Artman,C. A., Residence 168 " " Factory 168 Artman's Dam 13 Baker, J. H 141 Baptist Church S7 Bastian, E. N 142 " Interior Store 142 Bikle, Rev. C. G 49 Bluff Point 13 Blum, Daniel, Exterior Store 178 Blum, John 133 Blum Shoe Factory 132 Blum, Shoe I33 Bradner"s Creek View 18 Bradner's Falls 17 Breeze, Dansville (heading) i93 " " Block 194 Bristol, Rev. 1. B 40 Brown, Rev. Wm. H 58 Bunnell Block 192 Burj;ess, Joseph W., (initial cut) 5 Burkhart & Griswold Sign 138 " Office (1838) 139 " Office (1902) 140 B>'er, Peter W., Exterior Store 202 Canaseraga Creek View 19 Citizens Bank Building; 134 C. M. B. A. Emblem 70 Cogswell Lumber Yard 166 Cutler, Dr. G. H., Reception Room... 162 " Operating Room 163 Dansville Book Store 148 Dansville Gas & Electric Co., Electric Light Plant i»i " InteriorView 182 Gas House 183 Dansville Gun Club House 93 Dansville Grange 75 Dansville Hospital & Park 118 Main Hall 120 Dans\ille cc Mt. Morris R. R. Station 129 " Engine 129 D. H. S. B.aseBall Team of 1901 91 Foot " " 1900 92 ■' '■ " ■' 1899 92 D. H. S. L. C. Oratorical Team 83 E. C. Daugherty 189 Dunklee, Geo. H 131 Dunn, Rev. Wm. T 56 Edwards, James M 173 Edwards, Kern & Miller, ExteriorStore 180 England, Robert H ...! 130 Engert ci; Folts, Exterior Store 176 Express, The Dansville, (heading).... 1S9 Express Block 190 Fielder, F 135 F. oc A. M. Emblem 71 Foote, E. J 161 Tonsorial Parlors 161 G. A. R. Emblem 85 G. A. R. Veteran Group 85 G. A. R. on Parade 86 German Lutheran Church 35 Glen Falls 30 Golf Club House 94 Hall Mfg. Co. Factory 153 Harter's Bazaar, ExteriorStore 177 Herrick, Rev. Charles M 43 Hook oc L.idder Emblem 65 Hotel Li\ingston 179 Hubbard, H. E., Factory 201 H\iand House 211 1. O. O. F. Group 79 1. O. O. F. Emblem 78 I. O. R. M. Emblem 72 Instructor Pub. Co. Buildings 196 " Original Building. 197 " M.iin Office 197 " Book Department 198 " Composing Room 199 ■' Press Room 199 " Electrotype Department 200 J.ickson, Dr. James H 103 Jackson Sanatorium, (initial cut) 99 Jackson Sanatorium, Main Building... 100 J;ickson Sanatorium, Main Entrance and Lobby 104 J.ickson San.itorium, Parlors and Dining Hall 107 Jackson Sanatorium, Rustic Walks and Tennis Court 106 J.ackson Sanatorium, Group Exterior and Interior View 108 Jackson Sanatorium, Group of Cottages no Jackson Hose Truck (56 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIOXS 267 Jenks. Almizii go Jenks, A. H. & Son, Interior Store.... 164 Johantgen Bros., Exterior Store 154 " " Interior Store iS5 Klink Block 165 Knowlton P;iper Mill 225 Kramer, John G., Interior Store 175 Kramer, Willi.im, Block 157 Kramer & Sturm, Interior Store 157 Krischel, Rev. M 52 K. O. T. M. Emblem 74 Kuhn, Dr. F. W 159 Lackawanna R. R. Station, Bridge... 121 Culbertson Glen 122 L. C. B. A. Emblem 73 Lehman, Rev. J. J 37 Little Mill Creek View 1 1 •• 10 Falls II M.iin Street Panorama 24 Map of Streets 230 McPhee, Dr. J. F., Reception Room... 150 " Operating Room 150 M. E. Church 38 M. & F. Bank, Interior View 174 Michael's Wine Cellar 222 Mitchell, D.avid 185 M. W. of A. Emblem 77 Normal Instructor Heading 195 Nurser\' Cuts — Budding cherry trees 214 Schwan prunes 213 Spring planting of stock 216 Trimming stock for winter 219 Whipping out strings for tying 217 Oberdurf, P. J : 89 Our Home Granula Building m Pastoral Scene on the Fl.ats 20 Peck, The Geo. W. Co., Interior Store 14s " Exterior Store 146 Peri ne Street Panorama 24 Pierson, D. M 215 Plimptcm, A. H., Interior Store 156 Poagshole Narrows 14 ' Winter Scene \x Valley ,5 Presbyterian Church 41 Protectives Group 64 Protective on Parade 63 R. A. C. Emblem 77 Rail Ro.ad Connections, Map of 98 R.iu David E 169 Re.idshaw's Forest Mills 115 Re.-idshaw Mill— Old Opp Mill 114 Schwingel, John A., Interior Store. ... 158 Snyder, Chas. A 123 Snyder, C. F 209 Smoggi, Rev. Alois 81 Sons of Veterans, Emblem 87 Spinning, W. A 172 Spinning, W. A. & Co., E.xterior Store 171 Stone, B. S. & Son, Wagon Shop 212 Stony Brook Glen View S . " " Bridge 10 8 Viaduct 9 First Falls 7 Oil Well 10 Stony Brook Winter Scene 5 St. Mary Church 50 " School 5j St. Patrick's Church 53 " School 54 St. Paul's Church 47 St. Peter's Church 44 Sugar Creek Falls 7 Trout Stream 16 Union Hose Company on Parade 61 Reception Room 60 " Billiard Room 62 Valley View from ab(i\e Sanatorium.. 28 Valley View fri}m Lackawanna 22 VanValkenburg's Music Store 124 Veith, C. C, Interior Store.. 208 Veith, William, Interior Store 152 Water Cure, The Original Bldg loi WaterCure 27 W. C. T. U. Emblem 82 Wellington, J. L., (initial cut) 59 Werdein, A. J., Pavement 207 Where it is Always Cool 16 Whiteman's Falls 6 Williams Mills 144 Willows, The, On Canaseraga 19 Wilson & Altmexer, Exterior 126 Office 127 Salesroom 128 Woodruff, Oscar, (initi.-il cut) 184 ^(/Ci Compiler's Acknowledgment If it were attempted to j;i\e iiiJi'iidual credit to all tliose who have assisted in rendering this work possible, the list would be almost as comprehensi\e as the fore- going census. The editor, Mr. A. O. Bunnell, \eteran newspaper man and honored member of State and National Press Associations, in eighteen months of exhaustive research and ceaseless enthusiasm, has contributed most generously of his valuable time and talent to make the interesting story of "Dansville of the Past" the most complete re- corded village chronicle in the Empire state. A special debt of gratitude is also due the large corps of esteemed contributors. Most of the photographs used in illustrating the foregoing pages were taken b\' Mr. J. F. Klink. Many of the choicest scenic views were from the cameras of Messrs. Amory Stuart, Fred and Bert Schwingle. The engravings v\-ere made by the Electric City Engra\ing Compan\' of Buffalo, with the exception of a few from the Matthevvs- Northrup Co., of the same city. The publication of the work in its present st\le and comprehensi\e form, and its evolution into such from a very modest beginning, has been rendered possible by the Instructor Publishing Co., who as publishers have taken a deep interest in its per- fection, and as individuals have encouraged its success. Its excellence from a typo- graphical standpoint is evidence of the resources of the publishers and the loyal in- terest of their employes. Without the financial support of the leading business and professional men the work would ne\er have materialized. Their public spirited interest is truly commendable. Whoever has gathered and recorded history knows the impossibilits' of absolute accuracy and completeness. It is therefore sincerely hoped that in the disco\-er\' of minor defects, the value of the work as a whole will not be lost sight of and the authors unjustly criticised. The compiler has endeavored so to arrange the work that it might contain some- thing to interest every villager and former resident, to encourage attention from the stranger and give Dansville as a community and as a village, full credit for her achievements, her present condition of prosperity and the possibilities for her advance- ment. Should these ideals in a small measure be accomplished, it will ha\e satisfied THE COMPILER. I