CIciss^^J TGB'i HMI|\ ^T ['RFSFNTl-:r) IIY m : . i -i - • ^ U Forty Years IN NORTH DAKOTA Forty Years IN ISrORTH DAKOTA IN RELATION TO GRAND FORKS COUNTY LARIMOBE, N. D. PRINTHD BY H. V. ARNOLD 1921 ■hi Pafoliaher'e Booklet No. 2i, ?&IKTED FOE DISTBIBUTIOM IK LA&UlGam Author PREFACE Tbis wjoirk was cootemplated as probable for isaet > %7 means of oar private outfit of printing material A^ .r^^^^r some tica« befor« the year came around that com* pleied forty yeare resideace here. The 'first nine year« ^}f that period was under territorial fOTernment, when t&e two states of Kortb and South Dakota comprised a tfiBgle large territory. Tbas work as a whole is not so much a record of personal experiences (though for the earlier part of it these form a considerable portion) a« it is an account of observed facts and conditions in (different decades, and of observed development, both in town and the surrounding country. Some attention ba9 been given to customs in vogue and the life condi- tions of each decade aT>d ttbe changes that bare modi^edl them from what th^y were previously. The pioneer period round LarimoFe was short, extend* ing from 1878 to 1882. The agricultural development of the county itself bad hardly more than begun in t¥e iflrst of the years mentioned. After the year 1881 that kind of development in the Elk Valley progrfissed very rapidly. The creation of Urge farms in the wester^ part of the county rendered the bintory of eaob town- ship afi'ected durinsr the -period ccvered, somewhat different from what otherwise would have been th<^ case, since the tendency of the large farms waa towar4 lessening a larger resident agricoltoral population. [The boy Fred A. Wiijrht mentlone d in the flrf t cbapt>»r at b*?-^ companding ns to North Dakota, left Rraud Forks for CMe&g^ In the spring of 18Sl. He reappeared here In the spring of 188S aaft , worked a month oo the Arnold farm. He Bpent most pf hie «i*« •Itfein Chicago and diedthero teeeuBher I IJDil?.] CONTENTS 'L I'ii© Jottra«y to North Dakota 5— 26t II. Eatabliehing ft 8«tfclemont 27—42 III. Subdiyision of the Township 43—54 IV. Aflfalra in Eightj-oae 55—70 V. The Boom Year and Later 71—90 VI. Lagging Years for Town and Country 91—107 YII. The Late Eighties and Early Nineties 108—127 VIIL Railroad Diviiion Times 128—159 IX. After DiviiioB RemoTal 160—172 Business Places and Vocations in 1920, 173 Larimore Necrology 1910 to I9?0, 175 Forty Years IN NORTH DAKOTA I. THE JOURNEY TO NORTH DAKOTA nPBE Southeastern counties of Minnesota were ^ quite generally settled by emigrants from the eastern states during the decade of the fifties. No 8mail proportion of these settlers came frona the 8tate of New York and from the New England «^.ates. By the ye-ar 1860 the counties of south* eastern Minnesota had become fairly well settled. It was a region of small farms from forty to two hundred or more acres. The rolling prairie tracts^ woods and bluff-lined valleys and ravines of the counties adjacent to the Mississippi river did not of lartre estates. Before the Civil war the method of disposing of government lands was to sell it directly to the settlers at $1.25 per acre at land offices and in amount by forties, eighties and quarter-sections. Hence settlers purchased land according to their means, receiving a land office receipt until their eovernment patent or deed wa« forwarded from Washington. For a Ion a: term of years these Minnesota settle* ments made but slow progress in comparison with t i^ilT^ YEAR3 IN MORTH ©AROTA those made In eBstarn North North DakoU during ;he early eighties, thfjujrh her« condition! were iTei like the others with straw, piled up and round* iid no as to shed rain. The hogs and cattle raised by the farmers were of the common western sort, little or no attention being paid in the sixtiet in regard to improving breeds. The raising of wheat was the principal market* Me product. Corn was raised mainly for hogi ^nd oats for horses. Onlr three or four farmers in the community, comprising some forty families, had frranaries on their premises, and other com* munitiea in the county were probably hardly any better ofP. As in the case of barns, makeshifts had to be provided, such as building bins of fence rails lined and covered over with straw, or bins of scantling and pine boards also covered with straw* The marketing of a load of wheat, about fortf f«« JOURMSY TJ NORTH DAKOTA 7 bushels, was ao small task. Every farmer had the eotnmoQ farm wagon; the body had to lifted off the wheels and bolsters and placed on the ground near the bin; a fanning- mill was set in one end of the wagon body and the wheat cleaned and sacked. The wagon body bring replaced, the sacks. «ach holding a little over two bushels, were loaded into it and the wheels being greased the load was ready for the long haul to market. The community roen^ tioned, called Portland Prairie, i? about fourteen tniles back from the Mississippi river and some five hundred feet higher than the river bottom lands* It is not comprised in any one township and has some extension across the state line into Iowa. The market towns on the river were then Brownsville, Minn., and Lansing, Iowa, both about 22 miles distant which involved staying in town over night. There were three school houses in the commiin* ity each about two miles from one another. In one ®f them religious services were held each al«» ternate Sunday. The mail came from Brownsville once a week, bringing besides letters, weekly and monthly publications, since daily papers formed no part of the contents of the mail bag. During most of the decade the people got their flour, feed and meal ground at a mill in a creek valley south acroas the Iowa state line four to six miles distant from different farms of the community. From aix to eight miles due north is located Caledonia, county seat of Houston County, already something of « village in those days. Pere the farmers of tht surrounding country did much of their tradifig« i 9QWfX TSUM m liOaTH DAKOTA Hq commuQity in a proj^ressive state such as is Ulasesota, was apt to remain stationary for man^f jears though it is true that those remote from iai^road coxntnunication made only slow progresa for more than a decade after the pioneer period of the niddle and late fifties had passed. A railroad had been built across the northern part of the fouoty in the Root river valley in 1865 and '66, but beinff about twenty miles distant it was too far away to influence very ciuch eommunites in the southern part of the county, in 1872 the west side ffiver line was constructed alonsr the eastern ?«#£re iif the county* A srnall miirket town called New Albin was built on this line la the northeast cornet ?f Iowa, and this beins: some fourteen miles dis- tant, the farmers could now take « load of whea^, ^ere and return home with their purchasea^^bt ^ame day. In 1879 a narrow gBx^gt railroad or one with a three feet track was eonstructed mere ceo* trally thru the county, starting from the river lin« and terminating at Preston, in Fillmore County, having a length of 56 miles. Locomotives, cars, etc., on such lines were about one- third smaller or lighter than what was then common to the standard Sines. This road made Caledonia a market town, especially for hogs and cattle. After 22 years use the three feet track was altered to the standard gauge of 4 feet 8^ inches. Considerable progress was mpid^ in the Portland Prairie community during the decide of the seven* ties. Some new and larger bouses were built and ot^^l*s were made CDore poomy by fidditip^; p)prA rsLVL lovwonr to wortr Dakota u framed barntt and crranariet were added to the few in the eommuaity previously; drilled wells beiran eominfi: into use on some of the farms; moreover light wagoDS and buggies and musical instrumenta became more common than before and in 1876 a church was erected in the community. From 1870 the people had semi-weekly mail service. A last item in the way of change was that the old decaying rail fences began to be replaced on the farms by the kind constructed of oak posts and pine boardt. The foregoing sketch is descriptive of the com- munity in Minnesota from which there emigrated k the spring of 1880 the first three occupanta U Larimore township in Grand Forks County, K. D. In respect to the development of the westera part of this county, to be referred to lately thf eketdi may be serviceable by way of contrast, though th0 Minnesota community had a priority of beginning by about 26 years, Ellery C. Arnold was born near Manvflle, R. !.• July 4, 1828. His ancestry had lived in New Fng* land since about 1636. From 1846 to 1866 tho family to which he belonged resided at Bridgetoo* a village adjacent to Pascoag, R. I. From 1861 to 1854 he was with his father, Amos Arnold, In Cal- ifornia durirg the gold mining period. In 1866 he was married to Adeline A. Steere of the aamo village in which his father's femily resided. Tho same year Amos AmoW and family moved to Tan- ielBon, Coon. About that time the elder Mr. Arnold purchased of a Hhode ialand neighbor % quMxtu ^.■. 10 mi-it z YEAfU W HOKrH DAKOTA i^ectiofi of lacid in the Mi?3ne3ota community thatl haa baen mentioned, and ou recommendation of a son who had g-occ west in the spring of 1856. In i86l E. C. Arnold ana fas^ily moved out there and wflg on the journey when the Civil war broke out. Later in the yearhi^i father went to Minnesota to 9ee his land and while there he had the local car- penters build a houiie on it. No small part of the community had, in fact, been settled by families Xrom the neighborhood of Pascoag and from Black* Dtone, Mass., just over the Rhode Island line. In June, 18G4, Mr. Arnold with the portion of bit family utill at home, moved from Danielson to the west. E. C- Arnold and some other men of the community were drafted late in the fall of 1864 and had to serve about a year in the Federal army, $h?ir regiment (5th Minn.) being retained ia the South some months after the close of the war for jjCarriiion duty. E. C Arnold had three children, Horace F., bona At Danielson, Conn., June 19, 1867; Addie L., born in same town June 2'i, 1S60; and Smma C, bora at Portland Prairie, Minnesota, August 14. 1864, Amos Arnold had twelve children. Ellery C, beinfl: the oldest and Henry V., the vounpest, the last born atBridgeton, R. I., March 26, 1848. We shall next make some brief statement of the causes whereby in the early eighties Houston County was depleted of nearly two thousand of ita population. It is not a large county, being about twenty-four qfiilea square. coinpHsiPff ^^^ square TKli XuUU^lSY TO WOUrH DAKOTA 11 ^iWn; ia 1675 it conUiued 16,566 population. At ^aa beefi iadicfited, the raising: of wheat was the «hief depeadence. ir. 1878 the crop was unusually Ei^ht and of poor QDfciit> tt.d the oext year the farmers said that which was raised was '*no better than chicicen fetd." The ultimate failure of wheat Taising in southern Minaeaota and northern Iowa had been I'oresecM by many from the analofi:y of the older 8tAt<*B and now the people of those sectioni fci^nd themseivea confronted with the reality. It '?7a3 said by some that farmers must pay naore attention io stock raising with improved breeds of both hogs and cattle. But there were hundreds ci the small farmers who were unable to cope with the changed situation, sinee to adjust matters ta the required new conditions would take several yearu« Most of the small farms had mortgages ott them and their owners saw little hope of improv« |ng their prospects except by emigration to newer parts of west. Hundreds of the small farmerai therefore either turned their places over to the mortiragora or sold them to their more prosperous aeighbors subject to any mortgages on them, and In canvas cov^^red wagons they journeyed to west^ ern Minnesota, Dakota Territory and Nebraska. Some emigration from Houston County had taken place in the late seventies for the census returns for 1880 show a decrease in population of 227 less than the state census of 1875. The government censiJD of 16P0 p^eve the county 14,653 population and its Isrge decrease after IS70 probably has never eioce boeo regatne4« S2 I'OtCT* YEAIW IN ^R/KTH DAKOTA In the spring of 1879, H. F. Arnold accompanied A family of his acquaintance who resided near Hokah, Minn., and who were emigrating, to North Dakota, to where they located rear Valley City. He returned to the home community late the next fall in much better health than when he had left it the prev iou3 spring. Hi3 account of the country and «f what were then its prospects, induced his father |o follow the example of others who had already emigrated or intended to do so in the following spring. E. C. Arnold only had a fifty acre farm with a mortgage of a few hundred dollars on it» *ad under the existing wheat situation the outlook for the future was not promising. The publisher of this pamphlet at once decided to accompaAy the party when the project was first discuased. Early in April, IbHQ, some days were spent in iimking preparations for a long journey with ox teams. Two farm wagons had to be provided with bows shaved out of long, slender saplings as framea for the canvas coverings of the wagons. The space inside was made wider th|in usual by blocking out the lower ends of the bows where they were bolt- ed to the sides of the wagons. Both H, F. Arnold and n yse:f had Pets of carpenters tools so that ncne had to be borrowed of neighbors. And the task ot fitting out and repairing the wagons re- quired the use of many tools. April had come in warm and pleasant so we could work comfortably out of doors. Finally the wagons were rather heavily loaded with household goods, trunks, bed^ ding, and some light Carfning i^nplements, etc. THK iovnHut Ta inorts Dakota 13 The one span of horses oa the place was sold with eome other thiasrs and five yoke af oxen purchased at $80 to $90 per yoke, the fifth pair having: been trained to pui) in harnesses. This crave two yoke of oxen to each team and an extra pair of animals to change off, if need be, with any of the other ^our yoke of oxen. A cow and grown colt were ^Iso taken along. There accompanied us a boy of eighteen yeara of age named Frederick A. Wright, son of a near .^aeighbor. His father told me privately that he was willing to let his son leave home at that age 80 as to get some experience in the world. There were three boys in the family of which Fred waa the oldest, but according to current report they Had not been brought up on the part of their father In the way that is apt to make boys contented witli their home life. Fred brought to E. C. Arnold's place just prior to our departure a common sized trunk well tilled with his belongings. Three yeara later he told me that if he was to experience em- igrating again he would take with him as baggage nothing more than a valise or grip. On the 12th of April, 1880. after passing thn» the village of Spring Grove, located on a plateau, we pulled out of Houston County near a small village called Riceford. This plac^ had already begaii to show the effects of the construction of th^ narrow gauge in so far as vacant sites were iq evidence from which buildings had been moved to to the new village of Mabei a few miles distut* ill f*Olcrt VBSAtU IW NORTH &AKOTA The ratiroad had taken in Spring Grove but had Vef t Ricef ord to one &idie two or three miles, perhapa o^ringr to its location in a creek valley some seventy- five feet deep. The part of Fillmore County first, entered is more level and prairie-like and less cut by hills and valleys than Houston County. This is owing to a greater distance from the Mississippi river, for westward, creek and river valleys become less deep- We camped three nights within the limits of Fillmore County. The second stop w»i made within a mile of Preston and on the eastern edge of Camp Creek valley down which the railroad runs before swinging into the south fork of Root River valley in which Preston is located. We had started out on the journey with a good supply of baked bread and groceries and a cook atove was carried in the rear end of one of the wagons where it could be lifted out and used, if Eeed be, Sundays, sinee it was made a point to lay over on those days and give the animals and our« selves a rest. Aboutalt that was needed for the ordinary camp halts was a pot. a skillet for coffee, A few tin plates and tabte knives. The loads in the wagons were arranged so as to sleep upon them in quilts and blankets. The night halts were usually by the roadside not far f com some farm house so as to obtain hay for the animals. At first some fifteen miles per day were made, but after gettiofip past the hilly country of southeastern Minnesota, long stretches of level road with few and moderate ascents began to occur, so that this average wai increased to eighteen or twenty milea. TBK iOVKNKf TO HfORTS DAKOTA IS Entering Preston the next morninf » April 14th. we made a brief stop there. This place was then about the size that Larinnore is now, the countf seat of Fillmore County, and had a population of 1.825 that year. This county lost 2,196 of iU pop- ulation during: the eighties. North Dakota gaining «o small part of this number. Preston is built oo <^ terrace not very high above the river plain, th^ depot of the narrow gauge being at the foot of it. Crossing over an elevated tract of country to the aorth of towut the road next descended into a creek valley. After crossing the stream the road struck up a branch valley or ravine and we came out of it on the common country leirel at a small village called FounUin, a station on the Southern Minnesota railroad. Passing some little distance beyond this place the road descended a long slope into another creek valley and next we had to pull over another broad upland terrane about two milea over between valleys. This was the last bold hill we encountered. We were now in the valley of the north fork of Root river and camped that night near Chatfield, the end of a branch line of railroad from the north. This town is located on a bench or high terrace considerably above the valley bot- torn land and the railroad. This was the third and last night that we camped in Fillmore County. Soon after leaving Chatfield we were in Olmsted County. Both the highway and the railroad ran northward up a small creek valley of moderate depth, and near its head we followed a road west- ward toward Rocheatere Tkte country was mvf 16 f^Ktt YiBAtia CN tH&tVA DAKOTA moreievet than heretofore, and the ascents and descents, where encoantered on the roads, were of a gentle order, hence we beg:aa making more miles per day. We camped next near a small village named Marion. On looking out of the wagons the next morning, April i6th, we found that two inches of snow had fallen during the night The road was somewhat sandy and the snow melting off early in the forenoon we pushed on to Rochester, This was the larg^t town thus far reached on the journey, having a popuiation of 6,103 that year. We made a short stop here and on leaving took a road leading northwest toward St. Paul, presum* Ably a stage road before railroad days in Minne^ fiota, but Rochester was a railroad point in 1864. Before reaching Cannon Fails, 44 miles from Ivochester as the roads ran, we passed thru placet Xi&med Oronoco, Pine Island and Zumbrota, th«i latter located in the valley of the Zumbro river and the terminus of another narrow guage track that came up the valley from Wabasha. After A short stay in this town we passed up the valley two or three miles and then pulled up a moderate hil( to the common country level and went into eamp beside a poplar grove. We were now in Goodhue County, and the next day being Sunday, April 18, we did not resume our journey until Monday mora* ing and then passed on to Cannon Falls and beyond* Soon after emerging out of the valley of Canno^ river we entered Dakota County, and for a die* tance of 35 miles to St. Paul no other towns were Ine^t with on the route followed. tm JotfaNfff TO i^oRrK dakota 11 Aiter paaaiaff thru Caaaon Falls we traveled ii» d nortiiward direction much of the way on the high Und above the Missiaiippi, which is elevated a little »ver three hundred feet above the river itaelf . Approaching St. Paul, a long descent was made ta H bridge end which in crossing the river has agrad* tiai upward slant to the other end at the loot of Wabasha street, so that small steamboats can pats fiader that portion of it. We had no occasion ta tarry long in St. PauU but pulling up the street iibout a half mile to what was then the end of it, we bore westward to Minneapolis, i had been ia both cities previously, in 1873 and 1878, at whic^ time they were far from being what they are now both in size and population. Some two miles out of the city, as its oiatskirU then existed, we passed on the country road the smoking ruins of a building evidently burned dowa the previous night, Several years later I learned that it had been (tailed the ''old dub house." Most of the country between the twin cities was then open and of the nature of farms, though nowgea- erally built over. The day we passed thru St Paul was April 21st, and we camped that night somewhere between the two cities. The next forenoon we passed the State University and stop. ped several hours in the business part of the last Side, Minneapolis, as H. P. Arnold wished to look tip and call on a university student who waa from our home community; his father also had a CiviJ war time acquaintance to find- Meaawhilt Fred and I remained witb th^ teapui. M FOMfr «fii^«t;» KK MCWtTB DAKOTA The next objective piiot, %% one of the stagres ot the jouFDey, was St. QlQud , 64 miles distant f roA Minaeapoiia. W^ foiiowed the east side of the river, both th^ highw^ay aad a railroad running aorth westerly on the river plain. In this shortet stretch of the journey v9e passed thra Anoka and Sherburne cauaties and the villages of Anoka an^ £lk River, camping ia the last named place and ileeping under a shed instead of in the wagoaa. y^e lay oyer Sunday, April 25th, within two miles of St. Cloud. On this oe^asion the cook stove waa temporarily taken out of the wagon for use in the camp. On aay day of our journey we were aeciia* ;tomed to make noaa halts for dinner and to rest and feed the stock, bags of corn or ground feH oceasionally being purchafied in towns where some ^top was made. At St. Cloud the Mississippi runs thru a narrow gorge the cliffs of which rise some sixty feet above the water, spanned by both wagon and railroad "bridges. Crossing the highway bridge we were in St. Cloud, at that time a town of 2.462 inhabiUnts and county seat of Stearns County. After a stop of an hour or more in this town we resumed the journey. Ever since leaving Fillmore County we had seen granite bowlders near the roads, but the bedrocks were of limestone and sandstone, the bowlders belonging to the glacial drift. But in the t)eighborhood of St. Cloud granite in place begaa %o be observed in the form of low ledges or bosses ^veral rods in diameter protruding above the sur* face imd small lakes h^ui occur. Neither laket >3»r fflacial drift exists in Houston County for that «'e£:ioQ is part of what K^clogiata call 'The Driftless Area of the Upper Mississippi River." From St. Cloud we tdck a route that diverged ^jieveral miles south of the Great Northern railroad, ^hen called the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba* i>ut we reached this line agrain at Sauk Center, 42 ttiiles from St. Cloud. Thereafter all the way to Fergus Falls, a third stage of the journey and a long one, the road did not diverge far from the railroad. In fur trading times this route had been 4 Eled Kiver cart trail to St. Cloud and earlier to St. Paul; in 1859 ft became a stage road and when the railroad was built during the seventies it took essentially the route that had been marked out by the Red River cart ti^aina. Stearns County is quite a large one, but We pulled cut of it April SO and crossing the southwest part of Todd County, w^ entered Osakis in Douglas Caunty, This place is located at the southern erM of a lake of the same name which is seren miles long and two or three miles in width. We Went on to Alexandria where we arrived May 1st. We camped that night about two miles out from town between two lakes, Bdme fifteen or twenty rods apart, the railroad alsopassing between them. A creek connected the lakes and that evening a party of men and boys came out from Alexandrim to fish in the stream bv torchlight, remaining fat into the night They appeared to have made qult^ a haul as they left several suckers with us before returning to town. Next day being SQAdfty» w^ rercaiaeti id eamp by the lake, havins: fried (ish that day. A U or wegla^z aeighbor had emiRrateH to Oousrias County in 1678 and havinir learned ia Alexandria his loeation near the road that we wer« travelins:, we stopped for about a half hour to seft and talk with him* The country for miles toward Fergus Falls was then but sparsely settled and away from the railroad probably not at all. It abounded with lakes, timber and gravel knolls. &nd was frequented by water fowl, including pel* ican8> Pasainif thru two small villages far apart* Evanssrille and Pomme de Terre, we crossed a low divide where waters take their course either to the Gulf of Mexico or Hudson Bay, and a few miles farther on we entered Fergus Falls May 6tll« this stage of our journey comprising approximate* ly l'S& miles fby mere rcracl irt*Qkoning, though th« distance from St. Cloud to Fergus Falls by railroad isll£ miles. These stages were comparable t# divisions on a long railroad )ine, in our case mereljF maz^ked by cities cr large towns on the route. Fergus Falls was quite a large town at thattha^ having water power to run its mills and located 09 t)tter Tail river, !iavitfg 1636 population. We next bore northwest thru the southwestern part of Ottat Tail County, the ojeetive point now being Fargo^ about sixty miles distant by the toads. We pasael thru two or three small railroad villages on th4 moderately elevated land between the Otter Ta^ and Red rivers, and next came upon the Barnes vilie flats, a moist tract in the broad valley of Red river « We bad aomatroubie in erotiiog this tracts TbLK Jl>i;KH«t TO VtORTBL DAKOTA 21 «s the narrow tires of the rear wagron sometimes cut thru the prairie turf, letting the fcri^ard wheels dowQ into a whitish, putty-like clay and nearly to their hubs. There was no resource but to partially unload the wagon and have the oxen pull it out. We h:-id several experiences of this sort until we reached more firm ground. We camped on the flats over Sunday in sight of Barnes* ^iile some three miled away, but this place was left :o one side. The last camp for a night in Minne* *,ota, and in Clay County, was made within two .nniles of Moorhead, The Wright boy, curious te *ee Fargro, footed it to that place in the evening ^nd returned to the camp late at night. He found ^argo a smaller place and Red river less wide there 5han he had expected. Ihe next forenoon. May U. we passed thru Moor* kiead and going down a moderate slope of the river bank we crossed a low bridge over Red river, then up a similar slope into Jpargo. The wagon bridge was just below the higher Northern Pacific railroad bridge which spanned the river from the top of one bank to the other without any intervening pier. For the convenience of people on foot a walkway, with railings, had been provided alongt the north side of the railroad bridge on about the same level as the track, Just below the wagoi^ bridge was the steamboat landing of that time. Fargo was then not very much larger than Lari* more is now and had 2,693 inhabitants that year« Moorhead was a smaller place but contaiiied ft steam flour mill on the river b^ik. M I^KTr VBJtRi IN WORTH DAKOTA We were now ia Cais Couaty, Dakota Tesritory. The teams were unhitched for the day on some vacant lots north of the track and not far from the Headquarters Hotel, which in those days was also the Northern Pacific railroad depot. No other railroad then entered Farg^o. Near where we had stopped a brick rouadhouae was being torn down, for the railroad company had moved their yards farther out from town. No steamboats come to i^'argo now but the day we were there two, the *'Pluck" and the "Selkirk" lay moored in the river, in the afternoon the last named boat de* parted down stream with barges attached, loaded with freig-ht and agricultural machinery. Ourinfit the day H. F. Arnold traded off the horse that had been brought along tlhua far, for some breaking plows. To load them, e&riy in the evening we hitched up and wer»t to a machinery stand ann Fargo and next day struck out on foot for Casseiton. following the railroad, as he knew that would be our next stopping point. We left Fargo on the morning of May 12th and taking a road to the south of the Northern Pacific railroad, we commenced what was to be the last long stage of our journey- We traveled westerly^ crossing the Sheyenne river a few miles out from Fargo, but did not reach Casseiton that day. The next forenoon we crossed part of the Cass Farm mn /OVKKTBt TO MOKIH DAKOTA t3 imd entered the village, where we found Fred AwaitiDgr our arrival and who had passed the night there. Casaelton is about twenty miles west of Fargo and in 1880 was a small village of 361 in- habitants, having been kept down by the large Icarms around the place. This was the last village passed thru on our journey. We did not stop there long and next sve journeyed north, at timet bearing west« About four miles out of Casselton we passed in sight of a large railroad force laying the rails on the roadbed of a branch line running corth which had been graded the previous year. Our objective point was now Grand Forks County. For twenty miles oa either side of the Northern Pacidc railroad each aiteroate section of land was a railroad land grant and much of the southern h<' of Cass County wag then absorbed by big ^arra3, and there were others in its north half; con- sequently for twenty miles or more northward from Casselton we saw but few actual settlers. Even the road dwindled to a mere wagon trail and as this began to get but faintly n eiked cd the prairie Bod we struck a ''half breed trail" over which Red Riv^?r cart trains had moved in fur trading days. This we followed several miles to where it crossed Elm river, near where Blanchard in Traill County is located, but which wag an uninhabited section of that county, as we saw it. The next day, May 17th, we reached Goose river a little below where Mayville is now located. The course of Goose river had already been occupied by Norwegi&-^ settiers a« far up stream as any *84 rOKT\i: YK\&i IN >«)RrH 'DAKOTA Umber existed. Ihere wtis a store at the edge of the valley of the stream, the bottom land appear* ing to be about a hundred feet below. We wert told that there were bridg:ea over both forks of the xiver about three 'miles above where the valley was shallow and so we followed -a road aloDg the < south side of the vaKey to that poiDt. Here a road was reached that led from the upper Goose i-iver settlements northeast to Grand Forks. The Goost' river settlers were then living: in log houses* The next camp for a night was on the prairie somewhere i)ear the site of Hatton and during the day following we reached whatis now Waahington township in the southerh p»rt of Girand Forka County and went into camp on 'the oorth side of a streamlet called Coven creek, and beiide the road that has been mentioned. The praixte thereabout was roliingand uninhabited except bT a lone wo- man occupying a-cabin en -the couth £ide of the xreek and to the «a8t of the road, her husband 4>eing away at work somewhere. Vt e arrived at this camping place May 20th ard did not leave it again until the forenoon of 'Monday, the 24th. In the meantime H. F. Arnold went to Grand Fbrkii to confer with Geo. B. WiDship ana to look over the county along what was then 'expected woi:^}^ be the course of the railroad "when it advanced west from Grard Forks. For about two yeara prior to June, 1879, kinship had ptafblisbed a week* ly paper in Caledonia, l/jinn., but at the datexr^ecr* tioned he suspended it end Ehippco far as it contained timber in 1878 and '79 and were living in log cabins. At Bachelors Grove, a body of between three and four (idQdred acres of timber in the unsurveyed ranges, there were in 1880 eight or ten men holding claima aa sQuatters, some of whom had been living thera tor two years. The Elk Valley tract ia a long prairie mainly level and extending along the base of the hills or uplands from the vicinity of McCanna to Mayvilltt end Portland. This tract is keystone-shaped and varies from four to twelve miles wide, narrowing toward the fiorth and widening toward the south, for a distance of at least thirty-five miles. It is a deposit of lake sediments, mainly sand, laid dowi^ in the ancient Lake Agaasiz. Along ite axis, as at Larimore and Northwood. these sediments whicl| rest upon the bowlder clay, are about sixty feet in depth, the lower thirty or forty feet being a quick* sand abundantly filled with pure water, the sand, clay ana boil above forming a natural filter. Th9 eastern side of this tract is slightly rolling and t(h ward its western side near the uplands there wer^ sloughs and lakelets, now more or less drained. As stated, we found Larimore township devoid of occupants, and untouQbeil by the plov. Tbt I© rORTY YKAftJ tH KORtS DAKOTA i&nd within the limits of th« township wai entire!/ treeiesa, no timber beia^ visible iny nearer ouJ iocation than Thomaa' grove, then called Leavitti Ifrove. The natural prairie prrass on the flat land did not grow many inches high, but on the slope of the uplanda it grew higher and in summer could be seen waving owing to the gentle breezes uauaU ly prevalent. Late in July and in August its shade i>f green began changing to a lighter color owinff to maturing. The Elk Valley (more of a geo* graphical designation than any actual valley) had. in eai iier times, been a notable range for buffalo and doubtless had ot'ten been visited by halfbreed ?ernbi:ia buffalo hunters- The bones of these an- imald lay scattered all over the flat land and to a iese extent over the hill country. Those of single animals covered small areas four or five rods in diameter, as dragge*i a:?ide by foxes and coyotes, and were generally observable in that way. The motJt prominent objects were the whitened ikuUs, the horns usually gone, their pointed corea pro* trading outward at an oblique angle four or five tnchei. Some twelve years had passed since the la3L of the buffalo had been hunted here; the bonea were bleached from long weathering and those that had lain on the ground longest were partially decayed. In the late seventies the Elk Valley was occ-ssionally visited by hunting parties from Grand Forks, out after any chance elk, deer or antelope that might still be found in this region. In coming in upon the flat grassy plain we halt* ^d first in the northeast cornier pf Section 10 aa^ i^ear & small shallow depression then containing water, but toward evening: we moved to the center of the section. The next day, May 28, the wagoofl were unloaded and a temporary abode fixed up to use during warm weather. A patch was plowed for a garden and the turf was used to make walls about three feet hig-h and over all the bows and canvas of the wag-ona was stretched. The bodies of the wagons were taken inside for bunks and such other thingfs as would be injured if exposed to a i^hower of raih. It was desirable to know where the corners of Ihe quarter aectioas we had selected were located before doing: any breaking. A wad of binder wire had been brought along from near Casselton and a small rope one hundred feet in length was braid- ed from the wire. H. F. Arnold made a right an- gled triangle from long slats that had been used to strengthen the wagon bows and provided it with sights. Taking this to mound stakes on the town- ship line U mile north of our location, north and south lines were ranged and marked and with the east and west line of set bushes that has been men- tioned aid sn\2 maaaufing of half mile stretches, corners were approximately ascertained. On the first of June we began breaking the prairie sod, running three plows. The previous spring appears to have been unus* ually wet and this included a snow storm out of season. When we arrived in the country, it waa noticable that all shallow depressions were filled with water. Over about a half mile west and 92 lA>i«Tt VSARd Vi WOKTH DAKOTA southwest from our location there was then Al •hallow lakelet, tenor fifteen rods wide and nearly a half mile io length. This was of use in waterintp tl^e Btock. The grass vrks now grown so that they tould feed but when working they were ffivea some ground feed. Along near the east aide of the lakelet mentioned there ran a wagon trail ot ftuch recent origin that it was merely rutted oa the prairie sod. It was occasionally used by per- •one traveling in canvas covered wagons from the Goose river settlements to those on th« upper <«aches of Forest and Park rivers. On Sundays i was accustomed to stroll arouid on the prairie, making ol;>6erva8ionB. On what ia now the Gailbraith place I came upoa a long and extensive depression about ten feet deep and sepa* sated from the low land north of town by a swell of the surface. Part of the bottom was sheeted over with water but the soulhern end was merely moist j^round. On this area the ground was thickly covered with broken buffalo bones, fragmenia of Red River carta, lodge poles and others used for frames in smoking pemmican. The wood waa partially decayed for it had lain in this hollow since the middle sixties. This had been a eamp of the Pembina halfbreeds, who were accustomed each summer to take to the plains, with their carta accompanied by their wives and children and a priest, to be gone several weeks. The slaughtered animals were cut up and brought to camp by the carts, the larger bones being broken to get the iparrow for the pemmican. the making of which vm mainly done by the women. Of many animals ilain of some they took oaly choice parts, leavinfr the bulk of the carcasses to the foxes and coyotes. From this old camp site we obtained a wagon load or two of wood, among it several oak axles of carts ^Cseful in other ways than fuel. Soon after this we dug a well, the water beiag reached within twelve feet from the surface. A headless barrel was placed in the bottom an4 pieces cf boards and material brought from the old camp site was used to curb it up. Along at drst the water was drawn up with a pail but in the fall a small iron hand pump was got so that the «tock could be watered directly from the well. We mailed letters and received mail at H. B. Hanson's place on Turtle river some seven miles Co the northeast of our location. A mail route had been opened from Grand Forks to Fort Totteil with three intervening postofiices on thf ^oute ii| the log cabins of settlers. Two were 0.9 Turtle river and the third at Stump lake. From Blake* ley's in Mekinock the route lay north of the river, but crossed the stream again at a ford near Hanson's and thence bore west by south across Elm Grove and Niagara townships, cutting across the north* west corner of Moraine township. W. N. Roach had the mail contract and started on his first trip October 12, 1879, accompanied by Jas. H. Mathews ard had a wagon trail to follow as f ar as Bachelor^ grove. Mathews called it by that oeme fceceue€ so many of the F^uatt^ra found there were single men. At first it M h^ep eaJled Thomsons gro?««. U rt>itTi VlSi^ft^ l?r NdKtH &AKOTA Hanaon came from SMit County, Minn., in June, 1879, and the poatoffice in h\9 !ofr house was called Hegton before the township was given the same name. Since the postoffice had to have a name when the application for it was sent to Washington, he took the first ay!Ub!e of the name of the locality in. Norway whence he had originally came, and added to that the common Enj^lish affix **ton'* and thu» made out a name, which was better than repeating ftny name from over in Minnesota. Only one round trip per week was made with the mail and the route came to be called the Fort Totten trail. One morning a lone elk was seen leiaurtly stalk- iaa: across the prairie abouc a half mile north of dur habitation aad heading eastward. H. F. Ar* Siold Drought oat a Winchester ritie and fired & lew shots in the direction of th< elk, but the dis« \hnc& ^'us too far. The animal at first looked in our direction without stopping and then struck into a trot until out of si^ht. The ponds filling: depressions bred innumerable mosquitoes and on still evenings we had to smudge the cattle. One night in the midst of a heavy wind and thunder storin the oxen broke from their tetherings and made olT in the direction that the storm urged them. H. F. Arnold started out next day in search of them and the second day found them at a distance of nine or ten miles southeast from our location and brought them home. While breaking, small flocks of blackbirds came and followed along the newly turned furrows for worms and ant's eggs. Ihe iodividoal birds of a RS1PASLf9HVMQ A BKl^LEMEKT 35 flock aeemed to belong to four varieties, for while gome were quite black others were light black* then §ome were marked with yellow and red, but all were mixed together. They, were remarkably tame, for whenever I stopped the team they would approach to within a few feet of where I stood. I did not disturb them, as I wished to ascertain how tame they might be in a region where they had not been shot at. At times they would hop upon the upturned furrow making the air voca! vith their peculiar sonj?. There were some prairie chickens in the coaatry, but as these birds follow- ed up th3 cultivation of wheat and corn they were aot namjroas, A. fev daeks ware seen frequent* fng the sloughs and ponds in the depressions, while wild geese were birds of passage, as nowo The English sparrow whe absent, not then havinflT intruded into the country. We had not long bec-n settled in our temporary abode when we began to receive occasional callerSo Probably the first was a young man who drove up in a two horse farm wagon, but did not remain long. He said that he was looking over the coun* try for a locRtion, and had passed the preceding winter in the Territory. Asked as to the character of the winter, he said that it had been a severe one, the snow deep and that it had been much blown about by the winds. He thought that a succession of such winters would result iii driviog many peo- ple then here out of the country. Another day, late in the afternoon, a man who appeared to be about thirty years of age^ arrived from aeroii tht hitl country. He carried a blan* ket and a few campiaK uteosils ic a ba^ suspended from hi'i shouldera by atraps. He aUted that be bad traveled from Vailey Uity, moat of the way across aa uniahabited stretch of country, and was making: for Smugglers Point, cow Neche. He remained with as until the ntxX moraing aad then reiumed bia journey. In Jua3 the U. S. census waa taken and Paul Johnson, of North wood township, was assigned the western part of the county, so far as he could Jdnd any inihabitants in it. He found only three in Larimore township, then unnamed. In what is ftow Niagara township there were more, all timber- settlers, located in the west end of Bachelors grove and two small grovea in coulees or ravines io tht eastern slope of the uplands. Johnson stated that he had then been located five yean oo Goose river* The course of this stream^ being farther south, had been eceupied several years earlier than the upper reaches of Turtle river. By the year 1630 every quarter section in Grand Forks County oa which there was any timber, had its claimant. The wagon trail over west of our location was traveled by canvas covored wagons, usually draw» by oxen. Two or three of these teams going ent way or the other, were observed each week. Tba township then being entirely treeless, they wer« apt to remain in sight between one and two hours. On rare occasions aome of these travelers called at our abode to make Inquiries about the country* jDnce that auamer tw^ gf these teams travdiog la eompatiy camped on the trail by the lakelet for two days and then journeyed southward. We learned later that theee campers settled in Traill County. It seemed singular that such a fine body of land as the Elk Valley tract presented should not have been appropriated by squatters, but there was then no difficulty in regard to obtaining land, and people seemed ta prefer to select locations in aurveyed areas. There were then people at Grand Forks who were watting for the survey of the £lk Valley, understood to be done that year. During the latter part of June, Fred Wright came out from Grand Forks on ^ Saturday to pa/ us a short visit- On going to Grand Forks in th^ latter part of May he had worked at odd jobs and then Winship, who had known something of hini \n Caledonia, Minn-, took him into the Herald oiffice. Soon after dinner time, Sunday, I noticed that the oxen, turned out to gra?e, had got on the trail and were moving northward with the cow ia the lead, E. G. Arnold and myself started ont after therr*. the animals havirg thrf e quarters of a m:i2 the start and were moving as fast as they could walk. We had an arduous chase after them but they stopped at Elm grove ^\iere we turned them back again. The grave popBisted of three or four acre's of tall timbey n|th a^ log cabin in it and was located near where tho Elra Grove church now stands. A short time before we reached the grov« and turned back the cattle, we had met on the trail a lone rridale aged Norwegian woman who was cooposed/y knitting^iWJ fiJbe leisurely trudged 99 Tfy^SfTt YKAiti m HC^RlHi DAKOTA 9\ong the trmili. Oa returainj: we overtook her. She could talk English quite well and was sociable and camtnunicative. She stated that she lived in the Park river countrr and was on her way to Goose river where she had land interests. Asked if she was not afraid to travel in such a lone way, she saidi that she was not, because there were no bad peo* pie in the country. When we arrived where we turned off the trail, the woman was invited to oar camp to rest a while and get some refreshment She accepted the invitation, remained about an hour and then proceeded on her way. While we had been f^one, young Wright had started back to Grand Forks, then a growing village. Once a week some one of us went on foot acrosf the unsettled country to Hanson's fcr our mail. We could easily crross the south branch at a point on what is now the Marien farm where the creek was then narrow enough between sodded banks to be lightly leaped over. The stream had once flow- ed on the opposite or south side of the valley. At the point of crossing the north side of the val* ley rose steep and sandy about twenty feet high. This made a land mark to locate from a distance the point of crossing. North of the valley some distance a depression a mile long, forty or fifty rods wide and about ten feet deep with a flat bottom, was met; with. The route lay along the east side of this basin and just beyond its northerq end one came upon the Fort Totten trail, withiq about two miles of Hanson^s place, whoae loeatios was tn Section 19, Hegto& township. One Sunday in makiDfr t ramble I directed m^ course west by south for 3i mile* or more. Thia brought me to the Moraine township line mlreadj marked north and south and all around it by aline 9f mounds and stakes, one half mile apart The township was not inhabited and remained so. for the most part, thru the next year. Along the slope e( tbe bills and enough above their base to avoid the wet and sloughy land below, ran an old disused faalf breed trail, the aamc we had followed some miles to Elm river. It was still well defined oq the surface, though gr^8> grown, and had been Kittson's cart trail from Pembina and St. Joseph ^WalhaUa) to St. Paul, in 184^ Major Woods and Capt. Pope traveled over it oo their expedition from Fort Snelling to Pembina. The white man's wagon trail ttruek out on the prairie turf by the common farm wagon, and only traveled occasionally, conaisted el two rutted paths, worn by the wheels and hocfa of the horees and oxen drawing tht^m. A strip of grass a foot to flixteeo Jnches wide remained in the center, but If the trails became much traveled this was grad* ually worn away and they became more like beateo roads until relegated to the section lines by the breaking and cultivnticn of the land- Now the half breed or fur trader's cart trails were of a dif- ferent order. They consisted of three parallel paths, the two outward ones worn by the large wheels of the carts with rims 4 or 5 inches thick, and the cecter pat^ by tfee animals used, ponie« and oxen» harnessed single bdtwjeen the phills. 4i potert rsu^i ut pwnn Dakota At»mr the bttt of the bill country there was «Ofnethtfi|r else marked eaottgh to attract sooaa ^ people*! attentloA. ThU was a ridge line, not entirely eootlotiottf in solaces, from about five to ilf teen rods in width, and uauaUy seven or eight feet high. The narrow form makes a fine rounded f idge, white the wider form is more like a low tweU of the surface. Between the ridge and tht toot of the lowest slope of the hills there is apt ta occur a concave hollow, but on the east or valley lide the ground dtps gently inward across a aooe of bowlder clay under the gravelly top soil. Th* fidge itself along the foot of the hills is composed ;^f sand, gravel and pebbles, derived from northern archf»an and white limestone rocks. These matt- rials were thrown up during storms b.v tb« wavea 9f the glacial lake Agassis, swept shoreward by the scouring of the top of the bowlder clay from about a mile inward from the beach line which marka the highest stage of the ancient laka« To the northwest abcut fiveifiiles from our ctmp the tops of trees were in view risirg from a coulet or ravine. This locality was called Whisky creek Altho only a small streamlet ran down the coulat* That this locality was inhabited could be inferred from the fact that during still evenings in Junt the smoke of a smudge fire was observed rising from a grove near the head of the coulee, presum* ably at the Hitstad place. Elm grove, ne foage? in existence, atood a »hort distance east of the lower end of this coulee* Wm ftnishfed breaking for that season about the feOthaf July. Accord injr to measurements made, the prairie aod turned over amounted to as much us I6ii acres, doce on three quarter sections. As the season for backsetting was not yet at hand, a, F. Arnold and hia father fitted up the tw* wagons and taking four yoke of oxen they left for Grand Forks to be gene & week or more, and <;j(uring their absence i remained alone io the town* ;$hip, its sole inhabitant, there being do other persons nearer than the vicinitv of Thomas* grove. A EenjamJD family had come from Grand Fork* U>at summer and built a cabin on the edge of the basin on the present Peatman place and about a quarter of a mile south of where the Leavitt fam* ily was living at the grove. I do net recall thai any one came to the camp except a young Norwe* gian who came over from the trail in a wagoi| without the usual c&uvas covering. He said that he was born in Spring Grove township, Houston Co., Minn., and was looking over the country; h% seemed to be in a hurry and soon drove back to tht trail. When seen the canvas covered wagons made CDRspieous objects on the level, treeless plaint. As stated, they were usually drawn by oxen and their owners fitted them with bows and canvts coverings to camp and sleep in nights, since theil Journeys lay thru much uninhabited country. Left to myself end meiely Icckirg after the camp for the time being, 1 had some opportunity for ohsenHnc weather conditions and certain aspects pt land and sky. The weather was ideal eoongb ftt that season, thedaya like perpetual sunihine, dry &tid warm without betag decidedly aultry. To one if'ho had lived in Rhode island and Connecticut ia Hbout the same latitude as Dcs Moines. Iowa, and in southeastern Minnesota, aspects of nature here were somewhat different. The summer days are longer; the lay of the (and is somewhat different and its veg:et&tian iiot whoHy the same. At the Sast the gopher i& not known, but in Houston County the small spotted variety and the burrow- ing: pocket gopher were present, as here, but twa *ther species were also to be found here, the com- Bion yellow ones and the rather rare gray kind called ground squirrels. Even the heavens pre- sented some noticeable difference; here cne has ta iook 6iJ degrees higher toward the zenith for the pole star than in central Iowa, while the bright star Vega which sets in the northwest in the lat« jtude of southern Mifcretcta, here swings just clear of the northern horizon, always within what is called the circle of perpetual apparition. When the teams returned from Grand Fork* some lumber was brought. We now built of ship- lap a cabin twelve feet square with a shed roof. Four bunks to sleep in were provided on the north side beneath where the roof was lowest. These were arranged so as to have two lower and two upper ores. No tarred peper wes prcvided at first, one of the wagon canvacees being battened on to the roof instead , erd ctr lekrgings mere moved into it from the camp close by. o III SUBDIVISION OF THE TOWNSHIP N the 5th of August E. C. and H. F. Arnold again departed for Grand Forks, taking th^ iame number of teams as before. One of the wagons had its bows and canvas covering replaced tor camping purposes while away, besides, Grand Forks, over thirty miles distant by trails or roads, «ould not be reached with ox teams the first day. While down previously an engagement was made with McKelvey to do some backsetting for him on land across Red river from Grand Forks. There was no East Grand Porks on the Minnesota side of Red river at that time. It was intended thin time to be gone about a month and I was left with the pair of oxen that worked in harncsees to do some of the backsetting. This was turning back the dried and partially rotted turf of the breaking season with the addition of an inch of the subsoil from the bottom of each furrow. I think all of the pjowp. were run for a short time before the second move to Grand Forks was made. The railroad track was laid across Red river and into Grand Forks as soon as a bridge could be finished which was early in January, 1880. Trains began running into Grand Forks from Crookston, but in a few days a blowing snow storm blocked the line and it was not cleared again until March. What waK merely a village at the time the railroad arrived, now fceganto luild cp rspidly duriLg th» fo!low2fif wtrir seEeona. The census irave Grand Forks 1,705 inhab4tanWi that year. In July the ten milea stretch cf roadbed* graded in the fall of 1879, was ironed and a small village was atartedi At the en^ of the track, at first called StickQey» ^ut the next year th<> railroad maa^gemeiit chaagt «d this nanne to O^ata. On the occasion ol their l&rst trip to Grand Porici. £^ a and ^.. F. Araold taw a loeomotivf there and as this was bieaded %th mud th> Slk Valley, it was aa eaeouragiag sight* Id June of that year« Gea, G, Beardsley, wh(k was a contractor fct goveroirent surveys, left fargo with two weli-equipi>ed parties for siinrey* Ing work. One of ^heae parties weal t^ Sheyeao« f47er, and probably w^^rked ic Barnea County. the other party came to this coui^ty to sobdivtd^ iato sections and ({uarter*s«ctiocs the lasd lying in raniiTes 65 and 56, The Utter range now borderi on Nelson County, but there was bo Kelson County existent in the territory in IbSQ and Grand Ferl^i County at that time extended three ranges far thcf west, and also included the south half riae4 fitjht or nine m«n in charjfe of a young man d| the name of James E. Dyke who^ home waa im Pembina County, They were well provided witll tent9, ox teams and provisions and also had a peay and cart and a saddle horse. They tottmeBeed work in the southwestern part of the county aa now bounded, working northward, eubdividing t township in one range, th«x^ U the other amd to oa «lier&ately. Dnrinff the first w<*ek in August the p&Tiy wer4 ix^ Moraine townahtp. or wh^t to thern was "TawR 15i North, Rangre 66 West." and no* thing more, except that they did not consider it ft tract of country so apt to invite settlers as the Hat valley land below. Belore moving camp to ga into the the next township to be subdivided, a maa was fent out to select a aite and who also took aote of any obstaeics to the teama on the way that led to it. It was their aim to pitch the eamp as near to the center of a township as would be near Abater. On Sunday, August 8th, the surveying party moved their camp into Larimore township and located it for a week at the southwest corner of Section 13 and on the east side of a slough. The laying out of townships in p^rts of ranges, or in blocks in some county, was done one, two or three years prior to their subdivision. 3oth of these forms of surveying work involved separata contracts by different parties. It was the aim of the General Land Office to keep pace with tha factual needs of settlement. The surveying party evidently worked according to some arranged system that would economize time. Their aim was to complete the Fubdivision of a township within a week, unless delayed by bad weather, la running lines across the township the process waa as here described: Dyke carried his three-legged surveying instrument theodolite) by a strap that passed over one shoulder and adjusted it on tha grouud for siajhtiog every fifteen or twenty rods, A poleman held the pole in position when 19 Una »Qtil afiother maa had cut with a sp&de a pointed piece of turf about Bzven inches wide and a foot and a half loQg:^ braced upright with another pieee of sod and set it close to the pole. The polemaa and his assistant then went forward another etretch while the surveyor lugired his instrument forward from his last position and set it for sight* f ng agaiFi do that it£ piumoiet was suspended just over the point of the upright paece of turf. In the meantione two chainrnen were measurinfl: o£F the ground and I think tkev preceded the man iDg in iymber and building ehacka «St ifOmrf YEARS Ui iHiMTH I^aHOTA vrithoal floors, merely to indicate until the land aame into market, that the qiiarters the shacks iitood ap^n, had been "taken." borne plowing wa» lone around them as a protection against chance prairie fires and then they ¥.eie left until the foJ- iowing spring, none cf these parties atiemptisi^ lo pass the winter on their claims. The greund froze up that year about November dth, leaving about thirty acres oi the backsetticg unaccomplished, and that could easily have been «ione but for so much outside work. H. F. Ar^ Siold made two or three more trips to Grand Forks md Ojata for lumber and supplies. Later in the season he got a position in the office of clerk of court in Grand Forks and spent the winter ther«t It was during the early part of winter that £. C* Arnold and myself hauled the supply of fuel from Turtle river and its south branch. At tinr^es itt November and December I worked on a cabin o^ 16 by 12 feet ou my own claim, in which to pasar the winter. It had not been wholly completed either outside or inside when on Sunday afternooii« December 12lh, i tock n y bclrngitirs erd a stock of provisions into it in cider tcpess the winter &• best 1 could, 3con covering the cabin with tarred paper, completing the icsioe and digging a eella» hole beneath the floor. E. C. Arnold, wife and two daughters, and myself, were the only inhabit tants in the townehip in the winter ol HfiiMh xrFAlRS IS KIGHTV-OKE THE winter that now followed wm a«l, m m whole, a Tery told one, nor wag tbece mmdm snow on the ground until the latter half of it^ The coldest morniDsrs remembered came betweeo Christmas and New Year's, reaching a cliBaax olf l^w temperature at perhaps 40 degrees below zero., After that there were cccasiocally days of still at* mosphere and dear sky, but the temperature wat n) ways at the best during the winter months more or leas below the freezirg peict. The days which ^d a ieng:th of about seventeen hours of sunshine ^jQ June, had now shortened to about 8) hours. As stated, the cabin I had buiU was sixteen fa^l m length, and it was of the shed roof form eight feet studded on the south side and six on the north side. This gave slant enough to gbed rain off the tarred paper covering. Inside, the cabiQ waa divided off by a partition which was made to jog in some three feet so as to construct a bunk* The smaller room had no floor and was used for & woodshed part, in this wae the door leading out- aide< but opening inward, and in the partition waa another door made of flooring material. There were two windows to the cabin, a full one of 12 bv 8 inches lights in the south front and one sash to light the east end woodshed part. On the whole^ the cabin was built to live in end was no flimsy structure like those |kut up merely to claim, laud. I ffifide the bunk tiis:h ccioutirh to shove a trunk under it. A lay«r cf b&y wns placed ia the bottom v>i the buak, thsa with quilts aad blankets and ioMr overeoatii that I had brought into the country ^9r«ad over all or sandwiched between, I managed to sleep fairly comfortable. The stove used wa» a moderate sized sheet iron one with two holes for >ot9 and skillets. A table was made from pieeea »f pine lumber and as I had no chair to sit on, a atn^li bench made from the last of the lumber that was left had to suffice for the time beinff. Whoa ike weather became very cold 1 occasionally hr^ard nii?ht3 reports comparable to those made by lArg** firecrackers and which came from the roof t»r)ard<3. In building the cabin the ola-fashioned cut :i&il3 had been used, since the steel wire nails had not then came into general uee on aeccunt of being more costly than the old kind. 1 thereforr sttrmi?^d that the reportn were caused by th« breaking ct the oails, bvt seen came to know thai this was not the cause. The &team from kettle* entered the joints between th^ roof boards and formed a cementing of ice and at times eoated th« undrr side of the beards with frcgt cwirg to a lack of ceiling otfrhewd. Ibk crxtiscticn of th« boards on unuasually cold nights caused the iee in the cracks to snap asunder in some places, thsA producing the loud sounds occasicrally heard. At times that winter I experienced more or less dis- comfort, but faced such corditioDS ^rfliirclhiiDgly with what J presume was the pioCf*er spirit, and ia hopes of better surroundings in the aear! future. It (tavolved upoo myself to make most •t tke irips to the po»toffice to get any chane^Ietteraandl alae our weekly papers. On February Sd I mad^ 9\itk a trip, there being some three inches of snow AOL the ground. In the afternoon a light snow began falling. While talking with the inmates is the log cabin, Mr. Hanson said that the snow fait was increasing and advised me to lose ne time in getting back home for he feared that a blizzard ml^ht ensue. In returning I conoid distinguish mv tracks made in the snow on the way to the pos^oflice aad followed themdoaely, though inth» last anile I be^an to tire down some owing to th» fncreasin^ depth of the snow. J reached my cabio In the evening just before dark- Sometime in the night a gale of wind sprang up and next day a blizzard was raging. The storm came from the southwest, hence the weather was not very cold. The storm raged for three days with occasional lulls. After that we did not get to the postoffice again for two or three weeks and then only by going around by Leavitt's, since the direct route across the country could no longer be traveled, I aimed to do considerable writing during that winter but found that I could not accomplish much of anything until March and April. To sit long at a table made my feet cold; then if it came a moderate day outside, the sun shining in at the window combined with the warmth of the 8tove» caused the frost above to melt and drip down upoa the table. I had braught but little literature with me, but a f ries^d in CftUforola sent mc the 3uaday San Fr aneiaca Chronicle and occasionally dome other literature. I ion^ed for certain sc ©Us- iific works bat for some years thia sort of reading matter lay beyond reach. For water i had to go down to the other cabin. * little over a half mile south. The tirst snow fall ct^ntained dust and did not make water when it was D3elted that waa lit to use; but after the bliz- ftard there waa a bank of clean snow near the door ^ di'S into SLud cieit for all the water needed. In the latt«r part of March, £. C. Arnold and rxiy^saU with two ox teams made a trip to Ojataor Xo & i&rm (wo miles south of that place after oats Onrfi wheat for .^edinir i^ the 9prin^. In plaeea ftJoGgr thvch of anything: at Ojata now, but at that time a small village waa grouped about this temporary end of the railro^ ten miles weat of Grand Forks. We cleaned th* teed grain with a fanning-miU in a granary OBtb* farm menticzied. sacked it up and got back t« the young man's hostelry in the evening. All of the seed grain needed could not have been gotten that trip. Some lumber was got for a floor and bin in the woodshed part to my cabin and a load of oatt was stared there. «iilH Deeded in seeding time* 2>ttrla7 the laat of March and oarlj part •! April ihere ^«tied almost daily a euccessioa of little ijlitiard* of short duration and then the sun would appear Eirain. Scire of them lasted hardly more Oian ten or fifteen minutes, the wind coming from southerly quarters. But as late as the lOth of April the great body of scow that had accumulated on the ground showed no |ign of melting, l-ighi northwest winds seemed to keep the temperature % little below the freezing point thruout each day. The sun was getting high above the southern horiton at midday and a glistening cr^st formed ^ the surface of the snow. This reflected the ray» af the sua with a fierce glare such as I had never »£€cbeforev A day or two more and the snow aext to the ground began turning to slosh. A fouth wind eosued ano in the night following the booming ftotiad of rushing waters could be heard in the coule«3 of the hills two miles and more t« the weat. That part of the Elk Valley near the hills became flooded over f orj some time with broad shallow lakes until the water could drain away. Within four days there had ensued a tranaition from the chilly air of wictcr totbf genial vaiiLtk of spring and appearance of migratory birds. Before the snow went off I went to work eo • small barn at the farm, about 28 by 24 feet, witk pine Bills six inches square. It was never finished further than to put up studding all ftround and to board up the sides and ends of what waa to be its lower story. As left when the lumber on hand gave out, it had neither fl^ora »or reof . Uter i^ ihe seasoa a shed roofed strueture of the eabii^ farm was bailt ia the north end, the boarded up^. walia of the intended barn being utilized on three sides. Thia was for a span of horses ^ot that •pringr and presumably for the cow also. Tn putting in the crops th&t season H. F. Arnold engaged a young man named Bosard to come ukk from near Ojata with teams and a seeder to do^ tbe bulk of the work. Two young men had beea hired thai spring to work oa the farm until tbe< 5frouad froze in November. Their names were WiUiam Flumfelt and James Eyington, both from Ontario, the home of the latter being id Johns* tow& township in this county. After the leeding jiob was finished the main work was breakios iaor# Und . With the opening of spring thoae who had pot claim shacks on the land in Larimore and other Elk Valley townships the previous fail, began al once to occupy their claims and to put the shaekl into habitable condition for temporary abodes. ViTlthout watting for the land to come into market these settlers commenced breaking on their claims^ To the extent of thus occupyicg land before having any chance to file upon it at the nearest U* S. Land Office, the Elk Valley settlers were sciuattera om government land. During the breaking season of 1880. Albert F. Clark, who was from Clayton County, Iowa, and who had rented a place on Turtle river, broke 29 acres in the aoutheast qcsrter of Seeticn 12. That is the quarter seotiofi upon which the weat part of Lsirimorehas beeo built. Clark's break- mg extended north and south close to the township^. line aod the buildings on the west side of Towner avenue stand on sites once a part of the breaklBs:. Ciark did not build on his claim that year, but \m> March, 1881, he erected a small one-story house oa it near it3 southeast, corner.* in the spring of l-dSl Clark sowed op«U cm, his breaking:, the 0QI7 tsrop it ever bore. It was the custom of the surveying contractors to rsUin their tov^nship plats until their season's ^7ork was completed in the fall when they were turned io to the local land office, the district itself iiornpnsine: .^verai counties. The plats were theo sent to the interior Department at Washington for record ?iiid approval. Then after several months they were returned to the district land office RXkii the land comprised in the survey repre. fenced on the plats waa declared to be open to settlement; in other worde, sqt&tters and other persona might now make their filings, it wap arranged to have two lawyers take tilings at the Elk Valley Farm. The land came into market iibout the middle of May, 1881, but the lawyers were not pre.^ert at the farm until a day or two later. Some put in their filings there and others at Grand Forks where a U. S. Land Office had • CIftrk'8 hooae stood on the present Swain House pronisefl^ In the late eighties It waa aiov«d to the north side of a livery stable wVicb stood on the site of the Mercantile block and wat used for a veterinary'H office. When D. P. McLbId built a resl« denceon the corner north of the Johnson Hou«e in l^^Sl. theoffio*. WM« again a.oTea aco B.acie ab til to U>e WMt aldf of his hooM' bedQ opened (a A.pril 1880. There was oeareelr any attempt made that year to file on land iD> Moraine tovrnship, nor in Niagara township ex^ c^pt by a few squatters who for the two or three preceding: years had been holding down elaiiaa th'at had some timber on them. ^ccjrding: to eomrnon saying in those timet th# settlers were entitled to 48d acres of land or thre« quarter sections; but it did not follow that the^ h»i the opportimity to secure that amount of lan^ la as a-ijoinin^g body, unless by purchase after proving up. A squatter was entitled to hold th^ Qtt^rter section he resided upon and nothing more. Such quarters were pre-emptions. A pre-emp* tiou right aad a homestead could not be ftled otk at the same tine; anyone holding a pre-emptioa ai%i who wished also to take a homestead, had first to prove up on the pre-emption and thiseoold be done after six months residence apon it and hy paying $L25 per acre for the same at the U. SL Land Office. But long before that time all of th6> desirable quarter sections in the vicinity of aaell person's location would have been filed upon by ©ther parties^. A tree claim right might be ftled at the same time as either of the others. Bnt here also there were limitations. Only one sncli claim was alio^ved to a section and none at all if that section contained any natural timber. Therd were many tree claim rights ftlefl in this county, but quite generally they were later changed ta ho iiesteais or relinquished to others for some coii'. sideration for bomeste^ or pfe-amptioa filings. £t. C. Aroold g9t the northwest quarter Section 10 and was enabled to file a tree claim right on the southeast quarter of the same section, lor a claim shack had been built on it in which the two hired men slept and some breaking done. H. F. Arnold's pre-emption was the northeast quarter of Section 10. It was also desirable to secure th« southwest quarter of that section, since this cor* Oered where the buildings were located and wa« Gfi value for hay land* A brother of Mrs. Arnold residing in St. Louis, and ^ho had been in th« Civil war, sent up a soldier's claim right which held the claim until H. F. Arnold could prove up on his preemption, get a relinqaiahment from his uncle, and put a homestead filing on the claim. Addie L. Arnold got the claim next west of thia last and located in iSecticn V, while |i. V. Arnold obtained the southeast quarter of Section 9. Al* logether in thrair$e sarfaec^ pajUff no atleatidB to the iee« tioo HneB and niDDif g in aL^ direction acrcM <:laim8 where not interrupted by &ny breaking. Oa June 17th as 1 was makirtg a trip to Stevena Ernttheri store I met a party of railroad surveyors ruDQioff a line westward on the <]uarter-8ectioft Une one half mile north of where the railroad now pasaes thru Larimore. This took the aurvej right by the few buiidings then on the Arnold farm. Hoscever, this was only a preliminary line* subject to atteration, and wae only carried to the borders lit Moraine township. A day ot tvto before the Fourth of July 1 went «7ith Byington to his home in Johnstown wherehe had au elder brother and two si iters living. After leaving HaoKon's place on Turtle river, we passed cA«e dwelling north of there and saw no other until Gilby township was reached. Our route lay thru the north part of Hcgton and the south part of Wheatdeld townships, the country thereabout oot being settled at that time* 1 recollect crossing a halfbreed trail in that section which ran aorth* ward. When we returned on the 5th we stoppf4 a short time at Hanson's and found Gates there (mentioned pngre bO) who told us of the shooting of President Gartield. The particulars of this detestable tragedy were gotten later in the news» papers. About harvest time H. F. Arnold got a bindet which bound the bundles with wire the sizs of that used in making brooms. The wire binder had been in use for leveral yegrs^ while Ikt twtae biod«r f7;te JGgt thf^ts bein? pf>r?eeted. t «iw &• more wir9 biaders aftur that year, as though th« oachtnerr dealers arranged with farmers to hav# tinem turned in for alteration aud in exchange for twiod biodera, with no great loss to the farmers themselves. In threshing the wire bands were cut with a too! like nippers held in one hand aod which also held the wire until thrown hack where A pile or wad of ft gathered at the foot of tha band cutter's stand. the threshing at the Arnold farm was doae e&rly in October. The grata had been stacked aa &ad b^en eastamar/ in Minnesota. Ahorsepowar machine and crew came and did the work wiUl th? help of those on the farm and I think a few hired persons and teams besides. It took seTerM days to complete the job. On those machines four or five span of horses were attached to a rig called the * 'horsepower*' set about three rede back from the separator, kept circling around bj a driver, and treading a ring on the ground about the same diameter as a merry-go-round. The concection with the separator was made by % jointed shaft which slanted up to one end of the cylinder shaft, with bereled gears, but where H left the rig It was cIofc to the prccnd end cov* ered so the horaea could tread over it. The horses drove the separator with about the same vim as a steam engine does. The itraw was elevated some ten feet high by a slanting carrier and run into a higher straw pile, two or three men working with pitchforks on the pile whea it got large end high. h\\ thb wsbs a cantiauanee in Dakota of threshinsr Taet'aods Ions: in use f n Minnesota and other wheat raisifigr states, ilcccrdiG^ to machine measure the crop on the farm amoaated to 2,438 busheia of wheat, a large ^rnouQt of oats and I think some flax that had been ^own Oft new breaking:. Before threshini^. lumber had beca gotten, and a temporary granary sixty ^:>r oiore feet ia leni?th built. Much of the wheat W43 stored in this structure until next spring and %hen being cleaned by runnin^r it thru a fanning otiil, it was sold at $1.25 per bushel for seeding jmrpo3€9. There was considerable breaking dane on the farm that firot crop .vear, aa much or more Shaa daring the breaking: season of 1880. Larjmore township was organized in August^ 1831. The organization included Moraine town- shi J uatii 183 i, thousrh when this movement was effected there was sarcely an inhabitant residing within tha limits of the latter township. Lari* uTiore township was named after N. G. and Joha W. Larimore, who, with JohnN. and Thos. Booth, grain commission men of St. Louis, constituted the Elk Valley Farming company. In the same month Lucius? P. Goodhue established a country store near the future townsite. This stood on a slight rise of ground south of the railroad and joit east of the present Imperial elevator. As before stated, the first railroad survey in thia vicinity was merely a preliminary line. It wat next changed a half mile south so as to pass eleia to the south side of the proposed townsite* and thea continued west on the south side of the road le&di&g to Moraine townBbip» but before reaching the foot of the hills thia line curved toward the aorthv^est. The railroad company also surveyed a Hoe from the site of Larimore to Forest river. yhe grading that year between Ojata and the Larimore townsite had been finshed and gradert ^ere at work west of it to a point a half mile south of the buildings on the Arnold farm when a party id iNorthern Pacific Railroad surveyors appeared running find staking out a line from May ville to Foreitriveft ao extension of what was called the Oaaaelton branch of the Northern Pacific, which 'isad baen completed to Maj-viile, The graders weil of the townsite were now called off and set to work on the line that the Manitoba company had surveyed to Forest river. Nor was the grad* ing directly west of Larimore ever resumed; both that and the second survey were later abandoned for the route a mile farther north where the rail- road now runs across the Elk Valley. In October Alex. Oldham, the county surveyor, came from Grand Forks and began laying cut the townsite on Clark's claim and on another acrosi the tojvnship line next east of it. . We think that the surveyor or whoever drafted the plat he used, got the site crowded on its south side too close t# the railroad right of way, since lots in several blocks were afterwards detached to irake enongh Boace for a merchandise track and passway; be- sides, the row of blocks on the north side of the townsite are wider than elsewhere upon it. The 4lrit buitdittir erteted on the tu^nstte for husIaeM p\XTpoi€9 wa8ftir«ncral merchandise store putupt df Nicholas S. NeUon who came f rem Grand Forks t? establifh himself here and the building: inqae«^ tion occupied the site ot the Elk Valley Bank for iboat twenty y^ar?. Other basineaa places and fomt ahaeks followed during the fall, the ereeU«A of ioae of them g^oingr oa while the laying out of IH^ towosite wat still in pro^rtss. ruHnir the fall tk6 Northern Pacific branch wm» jl^rad^ north vfard from ftfarville, tbe grad« be« fnif carriid mme uven mlea beyond Larimort. It cr^siei the dast p and beyond waa never ironed. This grade H almost entirely oMltvratcd. tbouyli the ramaina of eccbankmcnti where it crossed tke loath branch of Tnrtle rlver» near the £Mtfat% S^l&ea» are still observable. Beth of tbe railyard companies wasted thcusande of dollars la tim vicinity of Larinore on surveys and grades tbal th^y never ntllited. At the farm the fall work was mainly ptawlef ttnder the f.tQbhte cf the tint land cropped aa4 backsetting sQch breaking as had beta dOM tM# ^ear. Late in the fall the prt-emptioa elaSmt #f fi. C, Addie L., and H. f. Arnold were provea «p« The holder of a pre-emption might reside ot i| for two years after Klirg on tt before makingani^ final proof by eommutation, tbat is, proving resi« dejiee hy witine^ses and by paying ^ fall the osoil goveramefit price tper Hft* the railroad reached Laritnort Wednesday after- soon. Novembftr 22, 1881. There were about thirty perfions in the place whcD the track came, mostly carpenters^ laborers and owners of build* inga. To this number a considerable railroad force was now added who were housed in boarding cars. Siiia lay* 9?efa spent in puttinir down i^ tiid^ track, turntable, buildinsr a depot, etc., then tbe new piece of road thus far used by the supply Vr&ins, waa opened to e:eneral traffic on Sunday, Oacember 1st. At first miiced trains were run to Lari nore every alt^rnatd day and the first one to arrive brought mail to the new town. Goodhue having previously been appointed postmaster. A hotel and a boarding: house were early com* plated, one or two lumber yards were established! fever^l stores opened, a blacksmith shop and % livery stable running, and l&stly, a bank bailding istarted, all before the middle of December. The bank stood on the corner cow occupied by the C. N. Swanson residence; it was a two-story strne« ture and measured 60 by 24 feet. Althouj?h the ji^round had frozen on the surfaet liibout the same time as in the previous year, so aa to stop fall plowing:, weather conditions remained Ane until January 4thc when a »now storm sad belo'*' zero temperature stopped active work. Il| the latter part of December, Stevens Brothers took down their store in Arvtlla townsliip prd rebuilt it faein? Booth avenue in the bioek wm| of the one now occupied hf tbe public sctieol buildioffs a a I g/aaaasiuoi. L. P. Goodhue moved 7t WfCTY t&KtOA IN nORTH DAKOTA his store bodily to the townsite about Chrittnat and placed it on Towner avenue where the Co* aperative store now does business next north of the Mercantile block. In December a man began buying wheat in town as brought in sacked up. A pair of scales was placed just within the doora af a box car, the wheat weighed, several sacks at a draft, and emptied into either end of the ear. The price paid at that time was dS cents to $1.0(^ per bushel. The first hardware store in town was built in December by Baughman & Moore« r.WD Ohio men and they had it opened shortly after the end of the month and year. Several saloons were also open before the year closed. The settlers who came upon their claims ia th« apring of 1881 could not raise any wheat crop thai first year as the land had to be broken and back* set and the turf dry rotted. A man of the namt of Thompson who lived in Grand Forks had filed on the quarter next west of £. C. Arnold's claim, had some breaking done on it, and worked on the Arnold farm to some extent while occupying hit claim shack. He was to make final proof of hit claim December 20th, and of the four witncssea of his residence on the claim named in the pub» lished notice, he chose myself and Wm. Plurofelt, Byington had returned to Johnstown and F1iib« felt was then living in Larimore. This to^k «• t« Grand Forks, the first opportunity that eumt im my way to see the place. Though not the aita of a small city, it was then soorethicg of a tewi. V, THE BOO^ YEAR AND LATER A3 has been incidenUlly stated, the year 1882 marked a fioodtide in regard to imroigratioii into eastern North Dakota and which extended westward in this latitude as far as Devils lake. In the main, those who came thatyear were either Rgriculturists or intended to become euch by taking up laad. But with them came also a Urf« sleraent habituated to town life, intending t* ®ng:age in nereaatile pursuits and numerous other vocadana in the new raiiroad towns and villages then being started. In a larg«- measure the im- migration movennent of that year was inaugural ed by extensive advertising on the part of real estate men and otherg Interested in townsites, who flooded the eastern states with boom liter- ature describing the capabilities of the country In glowing terms and with avein of exaggeration. In former years people came into the Red River Valley by emigrant wagons or in small parties by stage, or by steamboat or flatboat down Red riv«r; now it wag hs'^^ming possible to reach the valley by railroad and to load freight cars with horses, farming implements and household goods and bill them thru from distant points. In this way, settlers came from as far east as New York stat* and from as far south as Missouri and Kentucky. The myth that Dakota was part of a supposed "Great American Desert** was already dissipated. 7) r««rr r&ja w ttott^m Dakota As tt&ted!,, the frtoter wfts cpen like op to earljr in Jaft-i&rjr aad the character of the weather be- fore Bad after the railro&d canoe* facilitated such hailding: operations as were in proi^rees en the t^^Qsite dariogr several weeks prior to the adveot of real v7iot«r weather with snow aad 8t9rm8. ?eople ta the surroundlcfir country could now get their mail in towa ia-jtead of eoiofir or sendiag to Sanson's, four or fire to seven miles distant for ACine of them. Oat at the farm two miles west (4 Larimore« ther^ was tittle to do those short printer days besides taking care of the stock. It «iij about three miles from my eabia into tows aij oae of the wasroa trails ran, and I had bought raitariaU aid pat the inside of the cabin into fair* \y comfortable condition for tte seccnd wtDtcr to bo spent in it. There was cow such a variety of atores in the new village that one could buy any of the common cosnmoditiei ceeded, though at (irst the merchantsjiid not aim to carry in hand very lar^e stocks of goods. Darin? the winter H. K* Arnold managed to secure four quarter sections by buying up soait relinquishments of parties who had cot proven up. A. pre*emptien right of 160 acree in Sectiona 4 %ni 9 had been died on by a person of the namo of Challenir, also a tree claim right, the south- eait quarter of 4. He went into business at Graf cm aid H^ac* eiuld n^t reside upon the first nor develop the other. The tree claim right waa therefore jrelinquished to Addie L. Arnold and ths homestead to E« C. Arnold. The third of tho THE l^CK^W f BAH AK1> LATltl 75 leireral relintiuishmeBts was the eouthwest quai'* t«r of Sectioa 10, held as before mentioned, as a aoidier'a pre-emption, on which H. F. Arnold put t homestead filing. The fourth of the relinquish* «d quarter* waa purchft&ed for 5^360 f rem a party who had filed on the northeast Section 16. This ciaim lay directly south of the one that H. F. Ar- nold had homesteaded, but at that time it wag not considered a» valuable as the others, since in ease the snow went oS suddenly in the spring, most of \t was subject to being fiooded, A.ddie L. Arnold put a homestead filing on it. The reltnquiehiceDt taken over by E. C. Arnold was a mile in length and a quarter mile in width, or eighty acres t^ i>Hch of the two secliors coiot^ining it. There was a claim shack twelve feet square on it near the section line trail that later became the Stomp Lake ro&d, and this was mot^ to the southeast eorner of its south eighty a mile west of the farm buildings. The quart>er on which H, F. Arnold made his homestead filing previously was consid- ered as part of the farm (p- 68) but the oth^ir relinquishments added 480 acres to its already large area making a total of 1,440 acres. Quite a body of snow accumulated on the ground during the latter part of winter but it melted oft suddenly during the last days of March, floodinf the plain nearest the hills as in the spring of 1881, The night of the Slst a brisk wind and cold wave eame from the northwest, the temperature sink- ing to zero or a little below so that ice eerered the waters on the moroiog of the first ef Aprils ?4 i*Mfert xwiM IN woftTJd Dakota To return aow to the immis:rtt!on movement of 1882, The vanguard of the d< w arrivals begaQ eoraing into the country duringc the last half of March while the enow still lay on the ground, but the bulk of the immigration came in April and May and fiome in June. We can ouly refer to such part of it as made Larimore their objective point which was then as far west as they could get by railroad in this part of Dakota. Those who ar« rived in March had to find ehelt^r hb they could; Hi xne bought lumber and put up ahaeks near the end of the track in what ib no7»: the southwest i;art of ta^u; presumably others who shipped id ^heir effects p&rtiaily unloaded the box cars and ivrad vi tfia n a while; in fact, to one aide of the track there were gathered at times piles of im* j .Tji?r&Rt*s be!oagiQg3. Their families, generally, iid not come until after they had got settled OQ ciaiuis. The chief bliizard of the winter 'cam« from the southeast on the 4th of March and one ftr t«va leaser storms of short duration also ensued after the immigrants haii be^un to arrive; but to m&ny of thv^m the transition from winter weather to actufcii spring that year seamed to occur In thif northern latitude with n^frktd Ircility. The opening of spring Inangurated an interval of unusual activity on the part of those already in the country end those arriving later in time to take part in the movement. The townsitc com- pany and the Elk Valley Farming company were identical so far as financial interests were coa- cerned, and thru their ageot. O. M. Towoer^sold VS& 1^K)]« rSAR Aim LAT9R 75 8 iftfl^c eamber of Iot« betvtreen the layfo^ out of the ti^wQgite and the end of March, and many more in April and May. Two blocks in the mid»t of iown, those containing the city hall and the Gchooi buildings, were reserved fcr public pmr- posei. The buildinga piit up ir, 1881, rrainly ia November and December, formed in the spring something: of a hollow sc^uare, bounded north! by ft fe^ business buildings in blocks 48 and 4d on Third street; on the east by iotattering buildini^t ftn both sides of Towner avenue; south by the Srst depot, a temporary storehcuse fcr Fort Totten supplies, and a lumber yard or two with their offices; and on the west by Booth aveoud with just a few structures, ore of ^hich was ^tdvcDO Brothers store. Nor were the buildings within these limits erected upon undisturbed ground; the party who first owned the quarter on the east side of the township line had brokea a strip of ground there in 1880; nsxt west of that came the stubble of Clark's twenty acre field of oats, and adjoining it west he turned over in '81 thirty more acres of the prairie turf which was nev«r even backset. There were no framed resi- dences built on the townsite in 1881; people lived in shacksi in the lofts over business piaees or stayed at a hotel and one or two boarding places. Usually the business men had left their families in their former homes until they could build resi* denees in Lariraore. With the opening of spring a veritable buildiff boom seemed to have struck the new town. Ili« t6 PoaiT tBAKtt w norm Uakota rftrio\if persons wbt hiid bought lots were now apparently seised with & mania to erect buEicess baiidingi« or residences upon ibem acccrdiLg to bcation, the iatter eort being more needed in some cases thaa the first mentioned kind. Thra «acb day the noise of sa^s and clatter of hammera van iac?33aat aad aa the days lengthened, carpen* ters often put in ttxtra tims after the supper hour, }a thia rush of baiidio? no attention was paid to permanent foundations; inetc&d, wooden blockt generally were used and cellars were Urge holes da? in the graaad with a trap door above them i.i the fioor. Called cellars and stone foundft* ti.>ii4 waj a matter left for future conaideration. Tne inside walls of business buildings usually were ceiled with flooring materials with the same overhead. Everything was then wooden buill in the new town. Among the buildings erected that spring were two large hoteU in the southwestern quarter of block 37, that is to say, in the block next to the north of the one that now contains the Methodist church. Both hotels fronted Booth avenue and the oia oa the c^r/ier of the block was erected by Geo. D. Leavitt acd hia brother-in-law, a man of the name of Coleman. They called it the Grand Central. Later in the year it was purchased by • man named Frank C. Swain who enlarged it and re-aamed it the Swain House. The other hotel stood next n^rth of it, and was erected by L. C. Neil who called it the Sherman House. On the corner ndxtsauth of the hateU stood e foxDit^re TUB BOOK YBAX Am> tATSB 7? Atore owfted by 0. B. Thomas and managed hy Orr Saaders; then across the avenue west stood % iWQ'Btory general merchandige store, dinnec8ioi.& $0 by 24 feet, owned by Cantwell, Ballard & Co.^ this latter corner location now being occupied bf the residence of A. P. Lord. To any one not familiar with the early history of Larimore, it may seem singular that two large hotels and two business houses should ever have been built in a location a quarter of a mil;e north of the railroad depot and in what is now merely 4 residence section of town. The grade of th« Northern Pacific "Casselton Branch/' it has been stated, crossed the more eastern part of the town* site in a northwestern direction. There was a printed plat of the townsite circulated at that time and this represented the depot of the branch line a3 prospectively located in the block next to the north of the one containing the hotels. The object had been to place the buildings mentioned between two depots and not far from one of them. Larimore was represented on a newspaper map aa being quite a railroad center, branches of both the Northern Pacific and Manitoba railroads being shown as entering the town from the south. Now it was this illusion in regard to supposed futur# prospects of the new town that spurred on tht local building boom so long as it lasted. The train to Larimore was still a m^ed ob« but since March it now arrived daily, a (oag Udb of box cars loaded with emigrant's outfits, mer» ehandise, lumber, farm maehinery andslao atock •:ar3 with horses. The passeii^ier coRch«», etc.,, werr tv\fo was iy^ned to Scump and Devils lakes 'Mid the Fort Totten trail, as a mail route, was discontinued that spring:. Two roads on section iices ieading westward from Larimore,on€a half- ciile .youth and the other the oame distance north of th'.j huilcJirig-s on the Arnold farm, were much traveled by loaded teame thatspringc and summer ^rrying: buildJiu/ materials, hcuetholdaroodsand merchnadise into the couctry west, even as far aa the north shore of Devils lake. The most nojrthero of these routes waw called the Stump Lake road. A railroad aur^eyiag party catre to Lariniore in May and resumed \^ork in the country west, but aline they surveyed in Nelson County was thrown ap for another route several miles farther north where ths railroad is now located, it appears that wh?5n the enflrineericpT department of the railroad came to examine the levels where the line ae run would surmount the eastern slope of the uplands, it would Feqfuiro frradea steeper than was desirable aYid hecieft a L'e<[ocatioiQ of the line was ordered which took the road more diiigotitUy up the slope ^i the hillg ia Elm Grove aod Niagara townships^ the aseeQt ia dve or bix milea being nearly three ktiadred feet. This last ourvey started from the grrade of the coi th iisiic^ 6cme 2| iscileg northweit of Lartmore, and from this junctioti antii sear the billiii the railroad i£ on a (^tuarter-secticn line. !% JuQQ gan^a of cuea were set to work gradi^ thia &6W •steceioci of the road acd a track was laid |or about a miU out of towa to form a temporary yard for s&thering ?aiUott iavdsttnent. Uow as these plaQt $ould not be carried into effect and the farm, so^ far as ihe^ broken, probably net exceeding ZSQ 9,iire3, managed at the same time, the wholt waa rencdd for the year 18^;^, as mentioaed* to Copp £f>. Whitney who were capable mtinagerj*. The drst thing to be done: that spring was •• err to build tb€ bcuses the temporary granary on the farnr. was taken down ani Copo and Whitney, who helped the writer in this work, remarked that they did not think that taking down a building Btill good for some yeare to come and carting the luinber cff the place wet ^ny wise pr^ceediOig, « ^urtniae that tisn^ proved B% fK>Kn Ti&AJKA m wyaLVd dakot to bs quits correct. In May, Copp ecd Whitrey, having: horse teams, h&uled several loads of build* tag materials out to Loretta lake. H. F. Arnold and myself accompanied them the first trip and all of us spent several days there, doirg: lome preliminary work, nuch as locating ccicere cl Quarter sections. The north and south toiKOfhip Une which already was marked by mound posts* r&n close east of the lake, and its north line was a^out 1^ mild distant, thus farnishin? points for ranging:. We had come provided for a camp and some of the lumber made a temporary shelter. The construction of four one-story houses wai (kaiiruQ toward the end of May, then the other three men returned back to the farm and I was left alone for a week in the township, probably the only inhabitant then within its limits. I had the first of the four houses, 18 by 12 feet, well mlong when Copp and Whitney arrived late one afternoon with more lumber and there came with them a carpenter with his chest of tools. By the time th^ first house was completed, or soon after, Mrs. J. M Steere and children, who had beea staying for some time at the farm, moved out to the lake, being well supplied with houshhold goods that had been shipped up from St. Louis. Th« relatives of Mrs. Steere, whose family name was Baker, arrived later. There came with them % young man, a relative, not old enough to take up land, to work on the place, and he was provided with a wagon and yoke of oxen from the Arnold farm. The houses were located near each other rHK mjKnn tiPA« aki> iatkr 8t in the corners of four quarter sections- They h&d shingled roofs, but were not finished inside, nor did they need this for summer and fall use. Before all of the work was wholly done the other ^an left for Stump or Devils lake and himself and liis tool chest were taken south some five railed % the ox team to the F)rt Totten trail whert lie «ouM intercept one of the stages. The Rhode Island contingent came later and located about the southern end of the lake, shti 4>ofed cabins being provided. These presumabljp were built by H. F. Arnold and his uncle, Jas. M. Steera, who came up from St Louis for a While l^at summer. On Sunday, June 25th, one of the ioagest days of summer, the writer returned to his cabin at the Arnold farnn, which at that time was owned severally by different Dieaabers of the family. The young man mentioned was to make ^ trip with the ox team for supplies and the jour- ney back was in that way with tools and camping outfit. We reached the summit of the uplands nbout sunset. The Elk Valley in its livery of green looked fine after a month's absence, witli Larimore toward its eastern side, then wholly unobscured by any cultivated trees. Just after my return t added twelve feet to my cabin whicb gave it a length of 28 feet with ample room. To return now to affairs in Larimore. Early in June a disturbing report was circulated to the effect that the Northern Paeific Railroad compaey would not build into Lartmare as they had eithef 64 ro«TT trsiLK» IK m)?ira Dakota Bold or traded the grade of thetr Casselton Branch Hne to the Manitoba eomp&ny, consequently no competing: line of railroad into Laiiirore was to be expected' Altho this report was n«t officially confirqied until October, it forthwith checked the bttildinj? boom in progress and stopped the sale of to ^a lots. Before this report was heard of» Captain Whitney, hearing the distant sound of ham mere in town, remarked to the writer, ' Thig fcljiu^ is not going to last; after a while the rail- road will raj/e on and Larimore will dwindle to A one-horse town/' Ctrpcct^is v^trfe stil! kept at work to finish a few basiaess places that were already under way, and also some residences of whi^h latter as many as forty were built on the towu3ice that year. Persons who had built their busineas places north of Third street and in blocks 48 and 4i» bordering that Etreet, now began to realize that in all probability a mistake had been made/in regard to their locations. Only a few dayi before the boom had begun to collapse, Frank C. :Swain purchised of Liavitt & Coleman the Grand Central hotel for $(5,750. in the midst of an iaterval of ia'leciaion that folio »ard by construction trains, along the slope of the hills. Thru most of the fall following the writer wat one of a threshing crew on a steam machine own- ed by Geo. Knauss who had rented a farm acrosf the track from the Arnold farm. He had thresh* ed at the Mathews farm and then came to do the rather large job of Copp & Whitney. This was done from the shock, but elsewhere we mainly threshed from stacks. Threshing rigs were still limited and farmerb had generally stacked their grain, not knowing when they could have a ma- chine come on their pieces. In thcfie days the machines had straw-stackers, or the straw was drawn in heaps right and left by a man operating a drag pole with a span of horses. The "blower" was then an invention that lay many years in the future. Having finished a nunr^ber of jobs Berth 09 VQucrt xmM m ifos-m Dakota aad northeast of the track, we next worked southward in the eastern part of Arvilla towQ£hip aad as far as Avon township. Thifi was in Octo* ber and occasionally we were delayed a day or tw* by fall rains wetting the outsides of the stacks. In sttcb instances myself and two Illinois men who had elaims between Stump lake and Bartlett, would foot it to my cabin, stoppirg Icng enoughi in town to sret a meal at some restaurant and buy provisions for short stays away from the machtneo FotatoeB 1 had in abundance from a garden plot. Our w-Agei wero $2.00 pet day paid by farmer9 directly to the hands not of the machine men attlie toicl j^ion of eat:h separate job. We had blank* nts ^ith us and usually slept in barns. Our work end^id early in November, it had its hardships to aorne extent, but we rather enjoyed it. Th« machidi? did not run Sundays and I will not iay that on passing thru town S&turday evenings w« observed strict temperance prirciples. However, with so many drinking places in town it was only on rare occasions that I ever entered any of them and then only because in company with others. Having uo'?^' spent two and a half years \m Dakota Territory, I left Larimore early oo tht morning of November 16th for Houston County* Minn. From Minneapolis the route taken wm aouth thru Northfield ard Fetihetiltto Owatonna; then east thru Rochester and south again to Pre»» ton. I traveled leisurely, paying local fare bt- tween some points after leaving Misneapolii, aa to Northaeld lo as to atop off betwseo traUa.^AJi m&ttert utood by takliiir thie round abont Tont^% tt iavolved etopping over eight Bt Owatocna, Chatfietd and Preston. Some parts of the trip were covered on foot; thu8« at 0%»atonna there WM no train east for several hours bo 1 had tint to reach Claremoat, tea miles distant and alio footed it from Chatfield to Preston, eiiiteen miles. the day bcint? Sunday; the li^lh. In h'orth Da* k>ta the ground had frozen and Red river wat covered with ice, but in scr there Iflinnesota the leather was still mild and pleasant. From Prea- ton the remainder of the journey was by the cuarrow gauge to Spring Grove and thence ott foot to the old home community. Things had eiot e^anflTdd much during my absence, but the fact that a steam threshicg t^^chite obecrvc^} ie the commnnity threEhfrg oats at a time when wheat had ceased to be rattled there, seemed to b« a peculiar innovation on the old ways of doinif things. In Dtcember I returcfd to Larimore* My recollection is that fonr inches of snow fell just before I cftre away tct fourd ncce io tb# Red R'lP^T Valley, While absent the raflrctd hsd been opened at far west as Bartlett and trains passed back and forth on the quartrr-secticn lire of the nortH side of my claim, besides cutting cff a little of iti northeast corner in makirg the curve where the junction of the n^ain and north lines has existed since 1884. Thercrd, Vcvcvtr, cid not reiraia open long. No enow ferces for shallow cuts had been put up, cocee^itteDtly a blizzard which eaue «bout the oiiddle of Jaouary caused a blockade «ad the eiLteabioa mas Qot a^ain opened until spring. Meanwhile a stagre aud loaded teami on runners traveled the road» from Larimore as far WifSt &3 Devila lake. During the fall of 1882 there was au exteoeiTe amount of proTirg up on ciaiirs so that owDert might leave thena for the whole winter if that "WAd the priaeipai motive. A copy of the Lari* more Pioneer for October i?» has what amountt to aeyen columns of final proof Dotices, the col* amns of the paper then being 21 inches io l^^nKth, ^aeh notice was 1} inch long, in nonpareil type urchase8 without incurring either incettedrcee »r mortgaf ea. As it was, the proving up done ia 1881 and 1882 was after the manner described, se that each quarter on which final proof had beea made, had a mortgage attached to it. In the case of pre-emptions a settler did not have te prove up under two years, by which time most of them might be supposed to have had the mesBe to do so without recourse to money loaners. A fact or two should be stated at this pei»t. The settlers who came here in the spriaff ef IWt bad Ibased their eftleulBtiooa for the future upom esiatir.ff eooditioQe as they foucd them- dollar wheat and a ff ood yield per ficre at raited fron vifiria soil. This was Dot a t&fe basts upon whiek to lay plans for the future. In busmett affaira there is apt to come the aafordseon, the unknown contingency to take account of if thought of at ftU« &ir. Copp once stat4sd to the writer that the crop of 1881 and price gotten for it had proved to hs a detriment to the immigrants of *82 since it had giv^n them a falsa view of what was to be xh^ real normal conditions of the country. There ^oema to have existed a mania for proving up ^£^1719 as early as possible and needlessly in many cases. Even at the Arnold farm it wu thought tl^at, with a large amount of land on the place ^tfili unbroken, the mortgages already incurred If ould be a light burden, easily cleared up at the ai^piratioQ of their five year's time limit, butwttK the changing conditions beginning in 1863t it did iiot follow that this would be the case. In regard to iacurring needless encumbraneee on the farms, a9 m&ny did» there should also be taken into ac« count the speculative spirit of the times. Gopp& Whitney continued en the farm until the fall of 1886, renting on shares a part of it while H. F. Arnold managed the rest of it so far as the whole was then being brought under cpl* tivation. During the breaking Ee&eco cf that year, 285 acres were turned over and 482 aerea of land broken during the three previous yearf w^l^e under caltivattoa. Of this latter eereage Copp & Whit&ey managred over two hoadrod of the same aad probabl? also did most of the sew breakiDff of that year. The seasoD of 1882 waa not aa gocd for eropt as the two preeedinsr yeart had bees. Fart of the season was dry and the wheat stalks wer« ahorter than usnal. Besides, there maa lome ditmaire here and there sustained by hail. The ^ield ran from fifteen to twenty bushels per a«re aad a Uttie larger in exeeptional cases. The (threshing around Larimcre was mainly iiniehed *>y the end of September, mostly from the shocks AS but little stacking was done, and owin^r to the conditions mentioned and to the fact that there Tiere now more machines to do the work. On the Arnold farm the part of it cultivated by H. F« Arnold yielded over 4,000 bushels of wheat sod 2j^,555 bushels 6t oats were obtained from siztj acres. The part of the farm managed by Cop^ & Whitney yielded S,212 bushels of wheat from 176 acres and they also obtaiticd 1,276 bushels of oats from thirty acres. There were as many as ft dozen st^am maehinea at work in the vicinity of Larimore that year. Most of the engines were nrovcd from farm te farm bf t^o span of horses, one span attached te ft toagae aad the other in the lead. The tractioa ifear engine was coming into use and a few were wholly of that kind; then there were others that in moving had a span of horses attached to the tongue, more to guide the machine than to pull* the tractioa gear being the maiQ moving pewer. The^ngi&ei that were moved abcui with kariei tiad 0ix-iceh tires, tbe wheals cot large, and aa with a waffon, the rear ones were the larreat. X^ threshiofl: on the Arnold farm that jtar waadoQe by Geo. Knause who had bought a bcv i»sttfttaad turned his other over to his brothar«ia* law« a man namrd Staples. Both men were f ram <9a9tern Pennsylvania, Knanss being an ej^periena* ed thresher and sought the larger jobs. Staples, ^ho had gone east, brought from NertharaptoA County, Pa., about harvest time, a half douA young naa f.>r his thrashing crew. I worked an 4^i8 oatfit daring September, or until the Tallty threshing was completed, after which Staples l^alied into the hill country to do a few stack jobs* Mr. Knauss now asked me to join bis crew whicH was then at what was called the Forgham plaeai in Chester township, for he had been cbliacd to move eastward to get any October threshing te do. We did several jobs on both sides ef tha railroad and then quit for the season. 8taple«* crewSall went back to Pennsylvania that faU, complaining that they had hardly more than made enough money la Dakota to cover their railreadi fare both ways. We shall now add a few notes that pertain te the town before closing these principal memeriee of the year 1888. Among the buildings ea Third atreet was one called the Larimore Leader office. This paper was owned by Bennett ^ Mmrphy >f the Grand Forks Ptaindealer. Its editor apeot much of hl8 time in Gtacd Fcika. Uai^isg tba «#ffiee ifi eharee of a boy, and teudtoff up eopy by mail for him to work oit. A lawyer located aear the oiliee also paseed into it eoiTie fdttoiial writ- iQ8:i. OuriQg the sumcier and ai&o in the fall if a ghower itopped threshlDg for a day or two, I WK8 in the habit of svritioi^ locals and headed articles for the paper relative to the fartna west ^l Larimore and boqq acquired the faeilitj of puttiDfiT some of them in type and otherwise help- iu}£ out the office boy at ihta ease. The eonomoB priaeiples of priDticc: i had understood wbea m school bay in Connecticut. Karing the drst half of the year a ehanirc was d^ected fro OS a village to a ecuuicipal form of iroreroaieat. First, on Friday evening January &, 188S« a meeting of citizecitt was held to diseaaa the matter. During the month a charter waa drafted and considered. A confirmation of th« ch&rter and city officiaU chosen wasnaxt obtained from the territorial legislature. The first offieiat qoieeting was held March i5th. The city council Hi at first constituted cccEikted of W. N. Raaeli, mayor, and six councilmen, as follows; firatward. |i. A. Noltimeir and W. M. Scott; second ward« O. A. Wilcox and J. F. Stevens; third ward» Sol. K. Bailey and J. H. Ballard- A city clerk, mar- shall and treasurer were appointed. Later, aide- walks were provided for on the business atreets. So far as any had been built it had been 9laol( walks at the option of owners in front af their properties. The three wards originally attabUak* ^ iiave nerer been iqcrcpt^cd in nutttiter. DariDi? thf last half cf the year a fine pablie icbooi building was greeted io the center of od« of the t«re blocks that had been reserved for pub* Uc parposefi. This y^ss iit central bnildinf o| the three in which the city fichooU now asseable. Meanwhile the school?, assei^bled in Neltimeir'a §iall and in the vacated Ballard bnilding that hat been mentioned as having occupied ths site el 4. P. Lord's residence. Three schools eonveBed la the new building right after the dose ef the Chri^tmad holidays, higher, intermediate and pri* mary departments, which was as far as they ad* \^anced toward a graded sch&cl »>itcc: for ft anmber of years. The Fourth of July was ofe»erved in town for (he first time in 1833. The gathering was in th« i^orthwest quarter of the school block, th« new building not being cotnmenced ontil Avgvst« Of course the whole block lay vacant, but the stand and sale counters were plaeed in the part of it mentioned. Besides the school building, fear or five residences were built in Larimore that year. The most important matter relative to th% country eurroucdirg Lariirore etd fcr the year 1884, was in regard to the wheat crop. It waa no failure but the reverse so far as it well eould be. There were abundant rains during the grow* ing season which in succession came at the right tim«; and otherwise weather eonditious wert very favoraMe. The result was the productirr ef tli« largest crop thus far known in thia sectieo^ lar luAOaiWG TEAKd rOR TOWN AND Ct UNTRY 9& &a8 like results ever bccR I'uli^ repeated Kere. U chanced that crcp ceLcuUi£ mtie vtviusily isood fche country ever t|jat ytsr sLd it the {b\\ the market price ci v^heai ke{.i dircpplLg ae the threBhiag ectfrcu picj^atfitc, inn- tt tclCcctts per bushel asc even les& liCitil it (quitltQ th« cost ir>f producticn or Grcf ^tii telt^ tltiffcvie, Ihe farmers cccn plaice o that with tht pi o£t abundant crop they had ever i&ieed hcie the> ccv.c make nothing that year atcvc tx|^tcs*& ted that they had cropped iheir IsLd Icr iht ttii ht cl elevator men and Minneapolis miilerh, instead of for them* selves. In short, the wheat cxop et 1384 was re« yarded as a calamity to this section of the eoun« iry rather than cf try Itttfit to Itid t%ii.ib.. At the Arnold. f aim, H. F. Arnold bcLght a TfCW threshing outfit that year, the engitie being v;hoUy of the tractor kind. He therefore did hia own part ci the thies^hicg and a few jobs for others outfiide the farm iirrits. His o^n crop ftfiiounted to 8,S00 bushels ci vheat fioni 247 acres and about three thousand bu&bels of oatt from sixty acres. Geo. Knaues did the threshinff for the part of the farm carried on by Copp & Whitney.. From 324 acres ecwn to wheat they got 8.9^3 bushels, ai&o 1,672 additional bvebelt from land rented of an outside party. They fur» ther realized 1,333 buBhels of oats from 31 acr#t and 500 bushels of barley, the latter from fif teei rented acres en tl-e Ibcn fsct < If ion. During part of September I worked with Gea, Rnaass' out6t on the large farm of George Bull lOO tfosftt "tWiWa m NusTHK Dakota located aext cast of of the Mmthews farm. The <^utfit started in there early la September. At the same time Staples' machine ^ab ranninir on the Mathewa farm. The crew of Knauss' outfit alept in tents, first spreading on the ground A quantity of straw. Previously rain had left the {cround somewhat damp and in about ten daya I was rendered unable to work owing to a lame back. Had I known just what to do for it as I waa iiformed a month later, to try a porous plaster* i could have resumed work in a few days. As the matter stood, i did no more threshing work that fall. This I thought to be unfortunate for the going wages were ^2.ii) per dcy. After thatyear A put in threshing time on the Arnold farm. In the breaking season ot the previous yea? Opp & Whitney agreed to bresk and backset most of the remainder of the prairie turf on m? claiia. a little being left on the highway and the railroad borders. They wished to keep their teams at work and I was not to pay for the work done until a crop had been rcturced from the breaking which amounted to 115 acres. Theerot» frf buildtni^B began in December, I8b4, when L. C« ^'^eal purchased four lots in Block 50 next north ixt what 13 now Bennett's machinery stand and ^liidVFed the Sherman House to this location where U fronted Towner avenue* Here it remained be- 'woen three and four years when another removal wm c-tleeted. During the f^^ime CDontb the Free* !:^yterian church was also moved to the site of the g>resent church edifice on the corner of Ihjid street and Booth avenue. At that time it was the only'church building existent in Larimoie, the ather three denominationu then represented here udng temporary quarters* Where Block 63 opposite the city hall borders 1 owner avenue there were some vacant lota that had never been built upon. Certain business buildings now beiran to migrate to this loeatioa. First the Ballard building that has been mentioii* ed, was amoved in there late that seaeoD, beinff ti\aced on the fourth lot north of Regan '^s corner. In the sprlns: some Third street buildings from Block 48 were tnovetf to tfee vacant lots. These were the First National Ba&k, one of the !driiir 194 rOKVt lIBxSa tit K0ST1B DAKCTA ttor«i aad L. P. Gocdhae'e ^central merckandiBe ctore. A la\xr office that stood oq Booth avenua epposite the achooi groucc^ v^&s &Ie& tr.ovcd over and placed next 8outh of what for thirty*five yaart was the Olcnetead etore. Gradually th« othsr buainess places on Ihiird tiiett ^erc vacat* ed. The moet Dotable moviDg jcb of all was t% transfer the Swain HoU£€ Ucw BIcck b7 to ita iS^rese&t site. This v>as acccon^^liehed in July^ 18)S5. Id those times there were no telephone or 9tber wires to eocounter aod certain buildinga an Booth and Terry avcnuee that would now >bfltruct the way on the route taken in ixcving the bailuiog, then had no existence. A temporary building 120 by 40 feet was pot UP th^t year by Portland. N. D. parties to be used f a^ a roller skating rink and public gatherings. it stood on the two lots made vacant by tht re^ o^oyal of the bank building. On the evening o| August 8th memorial services ^ere held in this structure for General Grant. The building wa« also used for ccnvfcticxs. Attcr clout tw« years it was taken down and the lumber carted away. St. Stephens Catholic church was erected that year. The Episcopalian ^uild had fitted up tha vacated Stevens Brothers store for a temporary place of worship and it was also used by the Methodist society until the next year when they similarly fitted up a vacant ?tcre en Third street. A drusr^istfirro, Benham & Davis, erected a new drug store adjoining what ip t^ow ^tha WUliainf iU^QOiua niAK« wm town Mn» oovn tst 101 Fliftrtnaey but whick ftt that time was tht Elk /alley Bank. A few residences were erected ii| town that year. In the middle eighties 6ye er fix new houses each year seemed to be needed at a time when the number of hotels and busimeta places in town were actually decreesirfi:. We do not have at hand any further reeerda in regrard to crop statistics pertaining to th« Arnold farm though such are presumably buried, »t least in respect to some cf the paisirg years, in the old files of the Larimore Pioneer. The wheat crop of that year was below the averagt I'leld but prices .were better than in the pteviovf year. Farmers with one or two quarter eectioofl t>n the £lk Valley flat now had them more or leae thoroughly under cultivation and whole quarters kad been broken on the Arnold farm. in Moraine township where the land was hardet to subdue than on the valley flat» less progreaa had ;been made. Some quarter secticca wer« owned by persons who did not occupy them and on which fifteen to forty acres were brckeo. The original pettlers were mainly preEcr.t and culti* vating from 75 to over 300 acres. There was a% that time an Arnold farm of 1.280 acres in tliit township owned severallv Ity Geo. P., Charles J., Ida K., and John J. Arnold, of Lockport, N. Y, Of this amount. 640 acres were in John's Barc» hi mself a n^n-resident. Two brothers, Jamea H., and A. K. Magoris, of Binphamtrn, N. Y., alse owned seven quarters or l,120pcre8of laid ift ike BQuthern portion of the tc^cehip. The ^«ar 1886 as wetl iig tbe &e?eral yeari that .liiceee'ded it wat a eoaticuation ot the cccditicra I'^hat begati Co be felt in 188S. U should be said e.hat feimo9 in thia /section of country were by iRo meaas decidedly hard, like regiccs which now aad then have & crop failare, but nevertheless, wer^ not satisfactory either to the tradeeoTien in town or the farmers m the surrcucdirg country. Wheat was the main dependence of the latter ♦had prices usually ranged from 66 to SO cents per Voishel. Most all of the sniaJler farmers as well Ri most of those whc had acquired moderately large farms had their quarterc mortgaged to iftaney loaners—why and wherefcre ha»? already ?H3eo ststed—and were drifting into the status of beiuff the slaves of these mortgagors. Occasional haii storms in those times struck here and there ^heu the wheat was about ready to cut, to tha damage of some farmers, more or less, end in a few instance?, entirely cleiinirg out others. In the latter cases where no heil ineurar ce hsd teett earried, ^matters went hsid with tuth perfcre. On Friday nieht, June 4, 1886, a frost cutdowa the growing wheat, then some four inches high^ leaving the fields a black looking waste. But tho roots were not irjured and the summer raina brought the wheat forward more luxuriantly than before. The letter p^rt of the growirf season was dry and the wheat gtalVs shorter than usual so (hat the threthirg season wound up early. The yield was belcw the average but the quality of what was raised was generally food. Ourinji? the middle eiprhtiea a considerable number cf busiiaesjis chfci^i Si tctk | iect. ^cire moved from where they were to other and nore 4o»sr&ble loc&tiot^£ in iovsT. llti^ were acne, ti^ew comera Abo Id various traces bdq voc&ticiit in ec^nie meascre t&kirig the pUces of others who ^ad left town, Oq Third street only the Baugh- man hardware f sine business places on Main or Second street, IfrGQtirg toward the two reserved btccks» and ©ccup>irig SL position ih bkcks 76fccd 77 from the Lutheran church corner to Willians Fhsriracy, Of these placee two wtve sftkciDs, ihite were feed, grocery and general merchandise stores; the Lsrimore Pioneer cfFice; a drugstore; a hotel; and a hardware store on the corner where th« Lutheran chutch bow standee At the dose of 1886 only the Pioneer cflfice and the hotel were doing business and the latter was torn down the next year. Fcur or 6ve ot the buildings noted were moved to Towner avenue which was Qow becomiogr the general busin^fes qijartcr ot tcmSo vn. THK LATB ElGHTtES AKD EARLY NINCTIES 'T^HE principal events for tke year U€7, t© far •*- ai Larimore was specially concerBcd, were, first, th€ establiehmeDt here of aoire sort of rail* road division keadquartere; ecccrd, the inetiti:t« intr of what were called tournaonente, these beinf held annually for several Tears; ard third, a fir* late in the fall which destroyed a to^ of bufinesa buildingrs on Towner avenue. Otherwise there <»nsued various minor changes or nnutaticLs ia relation to business matters, churches and public affairs in general. The division force, which was rather limited, (iame about the first of February and established itself in the depot and part of the freigrhthouse* a room being partitioned off. Altho the division headquarters rcnrained here until 169'4it seetred never to have made any particular difference for the betterment of the town, The Harding build« ing on Third street, which stood rnpty, was moved back from the sidewalk and remodel«| into a residence for Cept C. h- Jetks, ttperic* tendent of the division. F. p. Hughes of Arvilla, who had taken up his residence in tcwn in ftdarch* bought the vacated Then: as furcittre store (yp. 76I-77) ai^d moved it to a position north of th€ depot where it wfie remodeled into a railroad eating house. (At this writing the building ttUt stands there« empty for many y dsrs,.ia ft rviasvi «oaditio&p ready to be tore down.) Dadley H. Heresy, of Arvilla, bought four lots in block S2« ^ear the depot, ioteadicg to move a large hotel; there from Arvilla, but it proved to be too heavy tiM: the appIi&EieeB vecd eo ilc pic jrct wai gives loip. but the Best year the Sherman House wa« moved to these lots, this being its third loeatioD. ^even houses were luilt in Laiinicie in 1^86, bui there wer^ only three or four erected during thia i^rst year oi ihfi division hefidquarteri. There was at that time £n engine houee herein wooden structure with three staDs for loeomo- iHves, but it was never tDlarged- It stood east Kf.f the present roundhouse and south of the most western part of town. A long eo&l shed tl^e» occupied the south side of the track whert tkt curve occurs opposite block )»7. That spring l^ number of supply trains were running, engaged \fx transpoi^ting railroad materials to Miaot t^t an extension of the road to Great Falls that year<< $ixty-pound steel rails were laid from Grand li'orks to Larimore in 1886 and this work wa« continued to Devils Lake in 1887. The steel rails displaced old wrought iron ones which had bees used elsewhere before being iilaid in Dakota m the early eighties. Heavier loeonnotiveSp called moguls, could now be used on tbt- road. In the latter part of May, 1887, the writer went out to the Nelson County colony location to do some work there. I had not been at the set« tlement near the north end of the lake since the early part of Septen^l^cr* 19§2. but had wuAt s brief vfsit {n July, 1883, to those settled arount tile southern end of the take while retarniog from a trij» out to Stump lake' About four yearg had therefore passed since I bad been at Loretta lake» Those who had been settled there had Iodst since itiroven up and were grone. The lands of the St. Louis part of the celery had been divided be* tv^een H. F, Arnold and his uoele. Mr. Steer* had, I think, srott^'n rid of his portion of the land for what it ^ould brin^ and the same may be said of those around the southern end of the lake. At that paint the fields ence cultivated had rererted back to prairie and i onl.T saw the ruins of one of the cabins. Of the four houses at the northern «nd of the lake only one remained occupied by a rentv-tr who was putting in a crop of barley and had two men at work for him. The other houaea had either been torn down by settlers for fuel or 9o!d and moved away. From this location to Michigan City, a distance of about five mileai, there were no houeeg nor any ether cultivated fields, mainly owing: to the low price of wheat ia those years. K. F. Arnold retained his portion cif the land, 240 acres, into the next decade when he turced it over to a Michigan City banker ta whom it was mortgragfed. The outlook may hava b^en promising: enough in the eprirs: of 18£2» but judged by the final outcome, this colony pro- ject ought never to have been undertaken at all* since it entailed financial less to ell concerned. The people of Larimore made no effort to e^U ejbrate the Fourth of July in 1687, they hf ard a t&\i CAtlft aKOH vma Kf*t) EiHSLY KnOETIBS 111 little later tbat other towos in the county had ffeaerally done bo. The businees n en and come others tbereopcn grot up ^hst v^Bh called a tour* aament which included horse racing and other attractions. A race track was provided on vacant irround close to the northwest (.art of town. Here the first tourc&oient was observed during two day^, July 19 and 20. Ihere was no fencing off of an enclosure, every tbirg teiRg in the c|>ea except a ^rand stand* Besides the Larimore band one from Grand Forks was in attendance. Co« object of these tournaments, which were held annually until about 1892, was to bring into towa the people from the surroi^rdicg coi^ntry. During that year the Methodist society ereeted a neat looking church on the corner site where the present church now stands. Their temporary place of worship was a two-story building witli living rooms above, but the whole was now re* modeled into a parsonage, having been maved back from the plank sidewalk of that time. The church was a wooden structure and coat $1,488« It was dedicated January 1, 1888. The wheat crop that year was a fairly good 0|s« as there had been abundant rains at the right season and prices vere a little r ere fatifftctcry than for the previous three years. 0. H. PbiHips, a dealer in farm machinery, stated that he knew of sixty steam threshing outfits being used within fifteen miles arrurd Larimore. The burniag of strpw in field thrffhitpwre then cuile fercral, atasking of wheat for that work baviog ceased. 112 tOKtt t8Alu$ IN (<0R1» DAKOTA In hC«¥cint>ef th% writer made a third trip ta^ the old home eommunity ir Boutheaeterc Miccc* sota. While down there a ceighbcr icfctmcd m^ that iie had ieen in a paper an account af quite ft f^rc at LarifDore. When bocd after, I could get the paper, the location and extent cf the fire was rendered plain, Ali of the buildicge that had b^en moved to block 63 from Third street and elsewhere were deFtM>ici ^^hile those at the bioek camera that had been built in 1882 where they stood, escaped the flames. The fire broke '>.it io a bakery, the farmer Goodhue store, be- tween two and three o'clock Sunday morniDg, November 20th. Only a hand eoirine was avail* ahf the farm around the center of Section 10 bad become fairly well provided with buildicgt, a lar^e barn, a granary and a machine shed haTi&f been built, while part of the old cabin ivas new used for a blacksmith shop. In 1889 a new elevator called the St. Anthony & Dakota was built here. Had thiaelevator been In ezistenee when the mill burred dcwn it wcvld probably have been destroyed also as the flames were partially in that direction. The elevator referred to is now the Imperial, after beiofi: ra« built over and much ealarged' A Lutheran church society was now organized in l,arimore but as neither this society nor the Episcopalian then had any church building:, they were accorded the use of tho£e of theHethodiit and Presbyterian societies. VhM^ far the people who had made this section their homes had been living under a territorial form of government. There was really HttU difference between living under a state govern- ment and the other and so far as businees affairs and the ordinary life of the people were concern^ ed no difference was apparent. What real differ^ ea^e existed, was in the main political. The new state adopted a Dnhibition constitution and tha last of the saloons disappeared from Lariaarc. VH& LATC EJGHTTGB A£*'D SaRLY NINlTXeS 118 The govfiTntnent census for U£0 tbc^c d that Itariraore had 5SS icViElitirU— a cere ^illjge population-~and probabl}' tbat ^es ti lew in number as the place ever got. PresuiKabis there were over six hundred peop^ in town daring the preceding wi&ter, but in the spring bcoic had left town for the farms. That was the year in which the city hall Wftt hxxWt. The question had been raised by the Lar- imors Pioneer whether block 64 had been held in feaerve or not for some public biiildirg and it was understood that the Klk Valley FsiCiitg Co. would deed it to the city if one was erected io the block. The city council held their mcttiigft in the Elk Valley office then still remaining on Third street, and this Ucy tock the matter in hand, discussing the advisability cf Ivildirg & city hall. On May 2 1st a special election wa© held relative to isei^in^t bends in the eum of $5,500 to erect the proposed htilcitg fcit there were only a few opposing votes east. Farners with their teams contributed woi k by hauling stone for the foundaticn and bri«li ard Lvilciitfc materials. Work on the building began in June, progresee^ thru the summer acd f&ll ttd it v&s dccicettd by a ball December 19th, The building measures 86 by 40 feet, with fire engine and other roome below and hall and stage for pv^Uic (nteitaic* men Is above. This was the fi«rst brick building erected in Larimore. The Larimore Pioneer ie nearly as old as thm town itself, it was st&itcd in February^ US2, hy Geo. B. Winship, of the Grand Forks Hert Id. and Warren M. SzoU ox the same cffice- The first issue, dated February 21, lfcfc2, y^ki priLUd at the Herald office, bu; th^^ laext fourteen is^ucs^ were printed in a kuikirg cia lie til ttitti to Ihe aotttbeast of the Elk Valley Bank. Mr. gcott «rectad a two-stoiy Luiicitig ex h. coiter ti K^io •Weet and I^^rry avenue ^hich web cccciifd abaut the first of June. The Ic^er Etcry ^tie rented a while hy a dry goods firm acd the hih Valley Eaoic began huoinei^s there in IBh^, Ere long Wic3hip sold his int^reet in the Pioneer to^ Mills Church. By the year 1886 a remcval had been made to the lower story of the buildirir. About 1886 Scott and Church di\^ided their inter* ests, 3;::>U redainiog the paper and Chureh tak« i&g the building. In 18^7 the clfice was moved i.o the second story of » lairge wooden buildinir an Towner avenue ir> bl&ck 77c In Augmat, 1888^ Seott sold the Ploreer to M. M- Miller and ia October, ifefcO, it wau puxtbaEeo ty H. F. Arnold who had entered state politics and been tlected senator for the fifth district. {m, p. Mason located at the correr r^f r the de- pot in the year ucdcr eonsidcraticUp buying oat $L small restaurei t ehei rj f stsblifhed there for several years. Thie place he later enlarged and being a native of Chic, it hae bcfc ctJl*d the Buckeye now these thirty years, though theewner at tivnes has been out of it, hotel keeping and la the earoentering line. It chances te betbeftcaV" est business site to the depot. It was in the summer of 1891, I thiDk, that I had occssbn to cross Moraine to^Behip item, ftear its western border, follovic^ tie road that passes directly west fuir tc? n ttd en fecticn lines entirely thru the town&hip, Withir the limits of the township 1 did cct pEss a single dwelling, all cfibirs cr httFte of any sort once i.i proximity to the road having disappfBied; Qor did the road itself appear to be much travel- ed, bvit had begun to resemble the early prairie wsjjon trails that preceded section line roads. Oa either side the land in places showed signs ©f former cultivation, but the fields had reverted to grass and weeds. The settlers alorg this road had in the main pcsseftsed single quarters only &r>A these had been abfiidcncd to mcrtgfgcrs, the former owners hsvirg either moved to town or left the country. This was a consequence of proviug up on loaned money, (receivirg by loan more than was needed for that purpcie) an4 paying I'd per cent intercRt. It would have been better, in many cases, where continuous resi- dence on a claim ensued, to have tskcn them 119 fi3 homesteads instead of pre-emptions. The papulation of Moraine towcfbip by the ceneus of 1890 was 64 inhabitants, 1 also Ffw ex tcitic ta similar to those referred to, in the southern part of Niagara townehip slrcut t^it tine. There was a fair average wheat crop that yeir some fields producirg freer twecty to twenty- five bushels per acre. By this time ie threshicr ft convenient method of dispositff of the straw lid ffv&ti tHAJia ii% MOtna Dakota ^&d bnaa daviged. U coasisted of two ilide ran<» aars, a cross piece 8 by 4 inchos and tea feet i» loagth in which upri&ht piLS 6cir.e two feet hiirli x'7«^re set about two feet apart. Ihie rig called Che "straw bucker" waE drawn back and forth by tnro horses ridden by boys who kept ten or tceeive feet apart. The backer did not have to ^e turned around as there were rings at one end of the ropes, by which the rig was palled, aad these slipped along on iron reds attathed to the outward sides of the runners. The palling ropes were as much as twelve feet in length. By this ^rraai^ecnent the straw was dragged, a load at a tii-ne, to the right and left of the machine and left ageld for burning in long huminocky ricks. Oae of the riders had to pass beneath the straw stacker, a dusty place, but oeeasiocally the boys changed sides. The ccginee were usnally straw barners and when needed the boys delivered a load close to the rear of the engine by riding in on both sides of it- It will be our purpose to make some mentloB of all of the weekly newspapers ever published in Larimore, of which there h&ve been five sack undertakings. The Larimore Leader never sor* vived the year 1884. On November 7, 1891, E. E. Sloniker, who had been foreman of the Pioneer office, issued the first nvnrber of e paper called th? Lariii'ire Times and in a building on the site of the Cn-operative store. In about two moathe the outfit was moved to Morthwood and merged with a local paper there* tiLa LJiT^ ia(£icsn2e» IWM» SIAEtLY MINimES 11& there were bui»i&e!BSi chiuDgea taking piece id town each year including chsngea in regard to tbe ministry over the several churches. Now that the town had a city haii occagiocei ectertain- ments by traveling troupes could be presented in it, also whatevet wae gotten up by home tal« ent. There was a hotel on the ccrLer of Front street and Terry avecue, one block north of th« depot, called the Commercial House and whick had beea built in the spricg of 1S82. It had been closed for some time, but in 18^2 it ^ss again {Opened by Theodore Johnson and has ever since been called the Johnson House. In August of that year the first graveling cf cur streets ^as dene. The Larimore Pitnecr had tew been n^cvtd from the upper story of the building in which it wai published to the lov^er one. The printing of the paper thus far bed been on a hand press, but In 1892 a cylinder presa was purcbsfcd en which the paper is still being printed. The south half of the wooden block in which the Pioneer was printed was purchseed by H. F. Arnold during the early nineties and Capt. Jerks having moved to Grand Forks when the division of 1887-92 left Larimore, the residence on Third street Taclited by him was also bought. In 1892 a new and heavier set of steel rails were laid f"»r the railroad bo that locemctlves of heavier v^ight tha.^ moguls could be used on the main line. In 1890 this system tock the rf nre of th^ Great Northern Railroed erd thru ccrcccticQ with Seattle was established Jaoudiy 6, 18i»'8. Iq 1893, which was the year that the World*^ Fair, as it was called, was held at Chicago, LarU mare beg^ao showi&g riprs of picking v>p a little* ?fi>ai 1887 to 1892 scarcely any new reeidencca ^^ere added to those existiiig in to^n, butdurirg the 3ummer J. B. Streeter Jr., of the First Na- tional Bank, took in hand the remainder of the disused business buildings on Third St., and had them remodeled into dwelling htuEeE. The old <8!ureka saloon was moved a block farther east for thesaaae purpore. in thcte times GWtJlitgt %tit scattering in the west part of to^n, there Icii-if half blocks and even v^hcle blockB ccnttmirg aaiy one, two or three houses and siitilar con* ditioQ3 prevailed in the east end. Theresas then ft<*.arceiy anything north of the blocks thtt bcrder on Third street. A notable event fcr Lsrinnore iu IfSS WM the visit of the World's Fair Foreign Ccn^mhB'itnejB who came to study sgricuUvial ctiiitifie *t typical places In the Noithwest. lYty csirc to Larimore by special train August 29tb and ^«re taken to the Elk Valley Farm in carriages. Her« thay witnessed a harvest scene, f or ty*two binders bain? at work in one large field. At the Cweft or Kentucky farm a lunch was served in • tent, N. G. Larimore, Gov. S^hortficge atd invited guests being present. The wheat crop of that year vbb e ofieldtrc^ cs b«ing a little below the average, gcing geteially 15 to 17 bttflhels per acre. There had been more than the as«ftl acDomnt of acpw the prevloua winter, ti'^uch Incicatcd ty etorn s an4 drifU toward the latter part of it The month of April *afl almost coBEtiiSitb clcic-n &o thni tie enow did cot wholly meK off uiitil the last ^bJ'E of the month. Hence farmeiF vexc late in getting in their crcps that year. Daring the year Fricker & Wf the one that had been burned dcww m 1888. Ihe first named party was a practical mill man, the other a well- !taowii physician of Larimore. As first built tk« mill measured 42 by 5i6 feet, three storice high vith a one-story wir.p 4€ by 30 feet. In after times the mill way much ealarffed, changed own- ership, and was irregtiljirly rvn. It tht end. th« machinery of the ir,iii havirg been mcved t^ Moitana, it was torn do^n severs! yesreego. Th^ tendency of large faroQS to keep down any town surrounded by thefr*. by reapcn ef di»in- Iflhing the trade of the country trifcutfiiy t©6tcfc places, has been rcfen^d tc •}K pirnr^« ^» that where a family resides upon each qwter section CT tvr it givet a Isigfr pcrnlrtirr f the said triLutery arce to ever a thousand. The to?fDfihip froTr? ^hich the wiiitr came, which was puiHJy hu figricultursl ote, had i.087 inhabitaota bj the census of 18^0. Oace in a conyersation with Mr. Kitffer in re- gard to the foregoing subject, he referred to the Mk. Valley Farm in particular, advancing the opinion that so far as beoefittiDg the town in a mercantile way the land coinprited in the farm jnight as ^eli have been a morass, for, he said, IhQ eonpany had their supplies shipped to them Tiy tha ear load aod bought little in town. He admitted that some trade was derived from the employees on the big farm. But on the eupposi- tion that tne lesser sized Large farms did their trading in town, still, the principle iVti it is the population on many farms collectively that build up the country market towns, holds good. Thii eannot be the case where large areas cf the land are absorbed into big farms. We herewith giT© & statement regarding the acreage of a number of large farms withiu a dozen miles of Liirimor* aceording to a plat book published in l&iS* Elk VA.LLBY FA.&U. LartTiore Township — Et?bteen qvarrer fectloos, *,%$0 acres; ArviM* Township— 2, 7^0 acres. HeJit'^n Townshio— <>i^ acres. A»<»i Trtwnsh»p— f 407 acres. Praec l>iras^ip— i6e aerei. TpJ^ %»f lfm> ABVILL4 ToWNSHIf. New York Farn, J. H. Mfttbewe, i,a8o acrei. Algo^ 5^ acres ia Avon towBihip. Toui, 1,840 acres. Bitil ft Ramsdabl, 1,280 acres. Dadltj H. Hvsrsej, 3,066 acres. (Crystal SprisKa Fars.| Clm Gaovs TowNSHir. T. S. Sdisoo, 1,600 acres. Includes 480 acres iBarka4 «*T. S. Sdisoa Jk J. B. iStreetcr Jr." Simon A. McCanna, I«I44 acres. Nelson & Parcel!, 1,760 acres. C. L. Grabcr, 800 acres. Hiraisa Spade, 640 aer«a> MotAiNE Township. Farna owned setefaily by John J., George P., CbariM G.. aad Ida H. Arnold, of Lockport, N. Y., 1,249 acres. Jasses H. & A. E. M&goris, 800 acres. Arnold Faroa cf La^icsore tc'woship, owned levtratly bf Horace F., Ellery C, Henry V., Addie L., and Eava C. Arnold, x,6oo acres. The sixteen hundred acres ccnrrilfcd iu the Arnold farm in 1893 did not include the north* east quarter Section 15 as that had been traded to the 5lk Valley Farminir Company ia 1885, their lands already bordering: it on three lidea. What haa been mentioned as the Them pecc claim bad been purchased, also another quarter teetiom at the foot of the hills, its south aide bordering the Moraine township road. in th^ Utter part of March, while winter still held sway, I had a severe attack of ecitc kird cf stATDach complaint frcn which I had oeeasioBall^ auffered for g ;rear or inor« |)Mt. Hitherto it VZi l^tm* YBAM^ IJf tiOmU DAKOTA had been of the nature of sudden brief attacks, lasting only amonrjent or t^c, sifter v^hicb I feife AS usual except for scn:e mcmecti^iy ^erVtet^, But I now experienced a diftercct fcim cf the complaint and after a hcrrio night, alcne in my cabin, I managed to reach thru the enm the haaiqiiarters of the farm a half mile south. Dr. Rounsevell thought that 1 hsd little chance of re- covery, my vitality had sunk so low, but 1 pulled •:hra it nevertheless. 1 attributed the ccaplsict t3 smoking, but the doctor said it ^£b gtetralgift induced by the use cf dry crackers insteEd of bread— that it was a painful, but tct tacin iViy a daDjjerous complaint if its ceuEe was ren:cved. i was confined to the house ever a n^cnth, Itt could have been out two weeks earlier hac weath- er conditions in April {ermitttd. After the ye^r 1896 i did not require the services of & ph^sici^n again for nearly twenty years. Dr. Rounsevell advised ne to n:cve into town. Having: owned some property there since 1885, I built a small house on it in the warm season of 1893 and fn the threshing: pericd en the Ar- nold farm. The last week of October was spent in Chicagro and I cheered to be theie at the time that the mayor of the city. Carter Harrison, was asgassinated. I had attended the Centennial Exposition in 1876 and thought then that cothirar of the «*ame ««ort in this country would exceed it durinc: the rpnsirf'er cf the century. But tH« exper^t^ntion H'd net prrf rr to be wholly realised in comparison with thu? World's Fair. t^E LaTK KKOtfTilW AN© KaRLY NINBTIB3 125 During: the nineties there were feverel C'iffcr- eat foremen at the Picnt^er rfiice eacl remainins: as much as two years. Often youtg nr>en in sith positions aspire to run a paper tKtn^seUct^ seme day. Another foreman cf the cfrce tanLtc V^iU liam Miller^ after vacating his position, started a paper in town called the Larimore Graphic, the first issue of which was publiehcd b« j u n I € r 7, 1893. There were not enough people in town and surrounding country successfully tc support two local papers, hence after about one year's experience Miller DQoved to Minnewaukan. Most of the months cf Lecen bcr trd Jf rtsry were of that sunny aad mild sort of weather that occasionally prevails in this latitude, a prolong- ing of late fall conditions into the wint» months 9wing to the prevalence of frut^f r]> winds and the ground bare of sncw. Weather conditions of that kind at that season of the year shortcQ the actual winter which if spt tc set ir. later. A, similar state of weather conditions prevailed one winter in the late eighties, tbf re being only six weeks of snow and that melted off about the first of March. In April, 1894, a notable railrcad strike oceurr» ed on the Great Northern which hsieo eighteea days. It was said that for eleven days of this Interval no train passed thru Larircre. Peirjr out rear the track ere evfrirg, the writer ftw a nassenger train from the wept quietly enter town with:>ut sounding bell or whistle for the crossing or on approaching tke depot. Tuntg It9 irVKTt YKA&f IM m>fiiTH DAKOTA the coDtinuRDce of the Lti:ike trail frcm the ce^t was brought op from Grsvd ForVB by a lailrrt^ velocipede and a horse iesn). On M«y 8d t leitle* .meat was reachod by crbitieticD, trd in tfce p'/ening the railroad iren of Lariirtore celcbtftfd the end of theetriki^ with powder ttd acvila fed a bonfire. During the yf ar such divisicn force as had by that time been located here were grad* i$Uy transferred to Grand Forks. At that tim« ihe force consisted of ab&ut twenty ttco, the t.ii3t of #hom left November 19th. What is now the North Dakota Co&ferenec of ih\3 Methodist Church beg:aQ as a mission confer- ence in 1886 with jjbout thirty menrbere atd twe rear» later was recognized as a full ccclcrcikce. During: the early eighties the Methodist churches i»f eastern North Dakota v ere UEccr the juris* ^ictios) of the Mime^Fota Cocffierce. In May, 18^5. &he North Dakota Confeiefcce held tl»** sessions in the city hall, Larimcre, this haTing been the only occasion that this city has ever beea chosen for the annual meetis^s* of this confercccis. Uaually larger places fcsve beet prefer?* d. There were now six church societies ia towa, to wit, Roman CafhoHc, Prcfibyterien, Methodist, EpiBcopelisr, Lutbercn ard Free Methodist. The Norweflrian Luth&r£!n srciety ocly, as yei, had no church buildirp, bvt were acccrc'ed the use of other places of wcrfbip. At f iJt « »iris* ter from Northwocd preafhed ccce a trcrtK The Bpiscopaliac puilc built A cknrch in Block 66 in i^n. The Free MetkodiaU purckaaed ia Ta« LAT8 ElQUnits ^ND fc^AJtLt NIKKTIBS 12? 1892 the buildmr in Block 77 that W. M. Scott bviilt for & priDtiog office (p. 116) «iid they fitted up most of the lower 8toc> && a place io which t« bold services, la those years Larimoie \%'&8 active ic a locial w^y, tocludicg: various foroaa of eatertaiDDii-iit« The towa h&d become quite a resort for teachers meetings and for hcldicg miccr ccDveEitic(>£. There w^ere oceasiooai chureh suppers as now, &ad lectures in some of the churches^ Theatrical and minstrel troupes cr n e at itteiv^ls ttd gave i^atertainnjents in the hail scd ir.cre rarely hcBie talent presented somethirg there. Ihtre had been balls and banquets annuallj ever sirce the town had started.' In each of those later yeart *ne or two social clubs ^ere in e^ciftcrce ecd the school, whi«h had tsken a graded foriK, had Us literary society, 7 he Ifecicf aleo had their aid Bocieties in connection with church \\ork. A few fraternal orders, such as the Masonic and the O 1 1 Felloes, were represented here and a Grand Army post was not lacking, under whose auspicca Decoration dfiy began to be observed. It waa in 18y5 that the bicycle bfptEi te be in evidence \n Larimore. The town was now on the eve of anither start forward in material iBPprr vcnreEt o^in? te railroad icfiueccee lasticig ficv Ui6 to X907. vm. RAfLROAD Dr/ISIO?^ TIMES AX thig point* before speakin? of the priaeipil characteristics of what are remembered as the railroad division days, when for about eleven years the Dakota Divisiia of the Great Northern Rail- way had ita heaiq lartars located here, wa will revert back to what were our ooportunities of procuring sro'^l r^alin,^ matter after settling itk North Dakota. To my nothini? of newspapers, mat^azines ani namphlets, enougrh books had been read before conriint? to Dakota pr^<;amably to make ft small library whi?h in^lalej a nimber on Civil war topic?. Altho cm^ii^rable in the way of fic» tion was read frirn S>yh'iod no vard, our sreneral preference wa? for hi^torit^al, and certain classes of scientific work?, a^ w^il p.g ofher? containing: useful Information. pro(?ureahle on^y at intervals. While livmtf out a*^ the fa^m ii the ei^rhties and earlv nineties, a number of books were loaned to us without the a<*kinflf. amon^r which were such work? n? O^een'^ ••t^ipv of th<* Enfirli*»h People**; plain**'? "'^'Vf^nty Y^ar? in Concrress"; Logan'a •*Hi«i*'orv of t:he Great r->n?Diracy" and Stanley's •*Tr» Dn»*k«<'t Afn<^!4". Wf» were also loaned th& Centnry Mao^azine at the f.^m^ that nublication was r^inniiT ?t? Cvil war «t^»nV9 ani r>'^»"t? of Hav and Ki^olav*? '*^^raha'n Lincoln: A. History." thialast b^inqc <»^ntin'i<»'1 throncrh n vear's niimSers of the magazine. )^n those yaars too we oceasionally had ^>kiT V$AhS IM NORTH DAKOTA 120 books from the school library to take oat to the farm and read at leisure. This was io the early Dineties, the library, which had been started in 1889, havinsr in its earlier years a printed catalog:. When 1 came to North Dakota I had already beg:un to take a deep interest in the subject of Prehistoric Man then developing: more rapidly than Sn previous years. I had made the statement in print about the year 1879 that in course of time this subject would bejorin to find some reeogrnition in the school books and in the new century I begran to see the statement verified as much as could be ex- pected in that clas3 of works. Two other subjecta In which considerable interest was taken at that time and ?ifterward were Historical Geology and the Glacial Period. The first of these two topici concerns the physical changes and revolutions of the crust and surface of the earth aside from the science of fossil remains. In regard io the second topic, there was no urvanimity of opinion among: geolojfists in regard to the causes of the observed glacial phenomena at the time the subject attracted the writer's attention in the late seventies. The majority of the greoloigrets were settling: their minds to the conviction that the drift and transported bowlders wHs an effect of land ice or a grlaclal ice- sheet, but some still supported the marine submer- IT'^nee theory with floatincr icebergrs, a view that had been maintained by Sir Charles Lyell. The IceberflT theory was the mo^ obvious one that could have been propounded, but about 1890 it begran to be cast aside as bo tb fnn^egvAte aud errQoeou& ISO if\ tnnKB CM fiowra Dakota Anothar error of that time in re^arci to the Glacial Perbd was tha general suoTjosition that there had «niuai in Pleistocans tima^ but one ice age only* Thiq vie'V was miintained by Prof G F. Wni^ht as late as the early nineties at which time most Ideologists in this country held that the evidence! pointed to at least two stasres of ^laciation. Later on, the members of the U. S. Geolocrical Survey recognized five glacial episodes in our northern states, and four have been traced out in Earope, all having long interglacial epochs between them. Oil the foregoing -iubje^rts the writer began aeciiring a cumber of books during the eighties and later and much of the literature published by the U. S. Geological Survey in one way and another came In his way. It may alio be added that for many years pirior to the Worl-! wnr. I bought the McClure Magazine when thit puhlic^tlon was of the form and size of th« ordinary magazine, contained much excellent reading matter, yet was sold at ten and later at fifteen cent? per copy. On W<>'^nesday ev^^nlng. February 26, 1896, a% about 7:45 o'clock, the clanging nf a belt In the tower of the city hall ringing a fire alarm roused peotjle into the streets. A winter mild soel! waf prevotapf-, nri^d there was no snow on the srround as t3«iii<»llv 's the ♦•n«e at that season. The bell Bound« ed the Vn'i^ nf ♦'he old wooden built deoot an<5 C'>'^ne'»t,e<^ fri»larties. ^8 the war progressed telegrapiiic bul}>s- P.\ILKOAD DIVISION TIMES 13^ tins were often put out at the front of the office. These were more reliable than the great man of 'war news" contained in the daily papers. The TTar ended somewhat more abruptly than had been anticipated generally. On September 12, 1899, there occurred a fire at Northwood whereby the business part of that place was destroyed. Shortly after the fire E. L- Kichter and myself drove down there, the former jpresumably having a business project in view. The people seemed determined to recover from the disaster with commendable energy. The office of the Northwood Gleaner had been destroyed with ftll of its contents, hence it was arranged to print the paper for several months in the Pioneer office in Larimore. The paper had been in charge of a middle aged man named Monteith who came to town and assisted in its publication each week. There was then a lawyer in town named J. D, Campbell who had a younger brother, Daniel L» Campbell, whose vocation was that of a printer. It was arranged in the spring of 1900 that he purchase what money interest there was in the Gleaner and with some printing materials that the Pioneer office could spare, reestablish the paper in Northwood. This was accordingly done by D. L. Campbell and Ed. Tholin. Looking back to 1900 it seems to have been a sort of unique year in regard to the trend of affairs ia the Pioneer office. E. L. Richter relinquished its management for about two years and engaged la Pther business, being succeeded by ):\is brothf ~« "fciO FOHTjr YEAKS IK N(>R'P» DAKOTA Dan E. Richter of Minaeapolia, whose proclivities bordered on the sensational. Instead of employ- ing: any young man of the regular craft who hap- pened along, he chose a couple of twelve-year old boys who lived at that time in the close vicinity of the office, and named Percy Montgomery and John Neff. The latter had a brother fourteen years of age, called Joe, who was about the office a goo4 deal because the others chanced to be there, but the younger Neff boy was the most capable at the case. In that respect the Montgomery boy was quick-handed and expert in manipulating type. Until the summer vacation the boys attended the school but worked in the office two hours after school and on Saturdays, being a help at times in other ways than case work. D. E. Richter soon had the acquaintance of a number of the young men df town, especially some that were employed at the division headquarters and attended their club and party gatherings in which both sexes participated. In June of that year the annual fireman^s tour- nament of the state convened in Larimore during three days, making a carnival time, two merry-go- rounds being among the attractions provided for the crowds of town and country. This made busy times in the Pioneer office, since a daily paper, the size of two leaves of the Pioneer, was issued for each of those days and gold by the boys on the streets. In anticipation of the tournament, Dan organized and drilled a juvenile fire brigade of some twenty-f#ur town boys whose ages raaged jfrom twelve to sixt^een years. Thfiy were jjeatjy a.^.IIJiOAD DiVlSION TIMES 141 uniformed and made quite a feature in the parade. The tournament over, affairs about the office be- gran to take on normal conditions. The schools were now closed for the summer vacation so the three boys mentioned were in the office the greater part of regular working hours, Dan was often absent on business around town for the paper or otherwise. On a few occasions two Mason boya eame in when Dan was absent. The three printer boys were disposed to resent this intrusion into their presumed domain and one day all five got into a violent quarrel, each party heaping upon the other the usual school boy ephithets used on such occasions, including: other objectionable lan- guage. The two boys whose presence in the office was sure to breed trouble, ceased to come there. H. F. Arnold, supposedly the editor of the Pio- neer, did little writing for it, leaving that work to D. E. Richter and others. Absorbed in the man- agement of his large farm and state politics, he seldom visited the office. One aide of the sheetsi the paper was printed on called "patents'* came each week already printed, then there were boxea of stereotyped plates a column long but graded as to length of articles and other matter so that any vacant space In the home print part of the paper could be filled in from an inch to a column length, the plates being sawn apart for anything less than a column long. As though these accessories were not enough, editorial sheets were also obtained weekly containing long and short articles both with and without headings. SelectioT^s H. F. Arnold h«d the Pioneer in- corporated under the name of the Pioneer Printing' Company, the stock being capitalized at $10,000. With money obtained by the sale of shares, the* paper that Mercer had been publishing was bought, out so as to have no rival printing office in town. This incorporation project was &ot needed in the* case of a paper of the circulation that the Pioaeer had at that time. Mercer^s paper came with the railroad division and would not have long survived Its removal had its publication lasted until then. In the summer of 1900 the writer learned that the children of the Lloyd family Hving on the out- skirts of the northwest part of town had several pounds of type which they had in a small box. It was a kind called brevier and already somewhat old. This I bought of them and learned that it had been obtained from an empty house a quarter of a mile further north which had been left opea after the family that had last lived there had left with their household goods. I was also told that more of the type was in a chamber above in the house. Going there I found some in a partially broken up printer's case and more scattered on the floor mixed with a lot of millet seed from a torn open bag. Altogether I secured what would amount to about one- third of a case when full. There had been other small fonts in capitals be- longing to this amateur outfit, but these had he^ T
r more, being bu«y in the Pioneer office, except t}o let some of the boys of the neighborhood use it for prints of the nature of proofs. Meanwhile an outfit was being built up by obtaining scrapped materials from the office that could be turned tc^ account. Later on some wreckage from Mercer's office furnished still more, including another smalls type font, enough to mare than print a book page and of a size next above the other. I was enabled ^0 make metal composing-sticks (the implement a printer holds in his left hand while setting type) also a temporary wooden press on which two small booklets for children were printed. In January ^ 1908, a common iron copy-press, nearly new, came into my possession, and after metal and wooden attachments had been added, it was by that means Improvised into a small printing-press on which many pamphlets have since been printed in small editions, usually not over fifty copies. Later or^ the outfit was somewhat further ^nlarge^. RAILROAD DIVISION HME3 14T The writer first saw the inside of a printinpr office at the age of ten years, having^ been sent to^ one on an errand. This was at Danielson, Conn.,. «nd while in th« office, the things seen there were inspected with curiosity. The sigbt of a handbill in type on a composing-stone with' wood-cut letters? in it, snggested the idea of cutting with knife an^; «hisel an alphabet of plain letters on blocks an inch square made by sawing up pieces of a disused screen frame. The letters were used for play- things, one at a time, by pressing them on paper, paint being used for ink. After completing the set it was found that eight or nine of them like P and R had to be cut over again as the curves had not been cut in reverse. Others such as A, H and Ot could be used as made and others such as B, C, D, by turning them, the letters having no points. At a later date a small font was made, letters a quar- ter inch size which would print bills three or four inches square on a wooden press that was devised. Jtist before my parents moved to Minnesota, I was sent on an errand to the office of a cotton mill. While but briefly there I caught sight of a copy- press, something I had never seen before, and at once I thought, what a good printing-press this appurtenance would make, and following theMea of amateur printing with real type came to mind, but with no expectation that it would ever be realized; nevertheless, my making of pamphlets is a sort of inheritance from boyhood days in the east. How the type abandoned in the empty house ©ame there has not yet been accounted ^^ar. I v»a^ M8 FORTY YEARS *N JiORT® i>A«OTA able to learn aomething about the matter while C, E. Cox was maaager of the Pioneer office. A Pierce boy of the average age of a high school boy lived in town back in the nineties and worked for some time in the office. He sent away some- where and bought an amateur press and a limited variety of type for such jobs as card printing, etc He also bought a depleted case of body type, that in question. When he moved away the outfit came into the possession of Cox and probably led to his working in printing offices. With steady employ- ip^nt away from home, the outfit came to be ne- glected and finally abandoned. The sale of the Arnold Farm and subsequent building of the Mercantile block have been refer- red to on a previous page. Much having been said concerning the farm in the earlier part of this work, the disposing of this property will now be mentioned more in detail. In the middle nineties tine farm sustained considerable losses by hail; then, in 1900, there occurred a total failure of the wheat crop around Larimore, owing to drought for the first time since this portion of the state had been settled. Moreover, the farm, owing to a lack of conservative management where its in-, come was concerned, had become heavily mort- gaged. There had been in the early eighties di- versions of funds into outside speculative projects which in the long run had brought losses instep of returns, hence the earlier mortgages incurred in making final proofs continued to stick %) the farm RAlIJfeOAD DIVISI«^ TH«S8 149^ whereas some even of these might have been avoid- ed. Along in the nineties three or four more- quarter* sections on the west borders of the farm4 had been purchased and where any of them werev mortgaged those mortgages were assumed. Onj tfte whole, at the end of the century;, owing tox loases, it became difficult to make ends meet. • After the failure of the wheat crop in 1900, the^ owner offered to turn th« f^rm over to a Grand^ Porks banker subject to any mortgages other tftan those the banker held, if any there were. The banker said that he did not want the land and? encouraged the owner to try matters one more^ year. The crop of 1801 wasgood, prices fair, and' profitable to the farm, but^the Mter was now sov heavily loaded witbitidebtedness that the owner- concluded no longer to risk matters. Toward the spring of 1902 the farm was therefore advertised for sale. E. G. Arnold advised his son to sell off' outlying quarters, clear up indebtedness, and keep. Section 10. But H. F. Arnold had a deal on with a local land association of that time who bought the farm and did not wisbto take it over unlese^ the headquarters section was included. Thirteen? quarter-sections were corn-prised in the purchase* which included alt stock, machinery, etc., then on the place. The price got was $56,000, while mort- gages, assumed by the association, amounted toi something over $41,000. My own quarter-sectioa was not sold at that time. The association held the land about two years, managed by J. H. Pifer . ^hen it was sold off ta different n^ew oWiii^ra. 150 FORTY YEARS IN NOftTfl DAKOTA The selling of the farm, judged in the light of succeeding yeara, was a great mistake. A series of good years and fair prices ensued during which /and, even in the hill country, rose in value. In 1912 or about that year, while returning to town from a buggy drive across the farm with my brother, E. C. Arnold, I asked him if he thought that the indebedness on the farm could have been cleared up during the prosperous years follovnng its sale. He stated that he thought it could have been accomplished under careful management. Most of the equity money over and above the mortgages, obtained by the sale of the farm and its appurtenances, was invested in a row of old business structures with their lots on the west side of Towner avenue covering five of the lots of the southeast quarter of Block 77, most of which stood on the sites of the Wisner and Swanson buildings. Lot 18 at the corner (Storaker clothing store) was then owned by S. O. Bondelid, and if purchase of the lot and building upon it was ever contemplated, no such purchase was ever made in regard to the case in hand. As the case stood, 125 feet of street frontage was acquired besides the south half of the old Pioneer block next north across an alley, already long owned in the family and which made an additional forty feet of street frontage. In all probability no other business man of Lari- more would have risked so much money in such dangerous property. The buildings were wooden feuilt with upper stories^ all of them old, while fifty RAILKOA® DIYieiON TlMSa Ml feet of this frontage wss occupied by a livery ttable- If fire once got a start in the last named building likely nearly all in the block would have, gone. On that account fire insurance in the block was high. But all this was in railroad division times when Larimore had a larger population than ever before. It might have been safer to have invested the money in farm securities on land, But at that time mortgages and money deposited by individuals in banks was subject to taxation according to a law passed by a Populist legislature in 1893. The majority of the members knew no- thing about finance and the law presumably was aimed in the first place at bankers and money loaners in retaliation for their high rates of in- teregt in those days. The banks protested that if the law was enforced they would be obliged to close their doors. In the incorporated towns the taxation might be six or seven per «ent of the assessor's valuations. Suppose a thrify mechanic or other individual, besides owning a home, had a few hundred dollars deposited ia a bank, his certificate at that time bearir>g 4-per cent interest; in such cases individuals might be robbed of their interest money under the guise of law as a sort of penalty for having any money in a bank. After a while, assessors, recognizing the injustice of the law, were not particular about inquiries in regard to mortgages held or money in a bank. H. F. Arnold was a member of the Commercial Club and certain other members suggested that it would be a credit to himself and to the town to 152 FORTY YEARS IN NORTff DTAKOTA move out or tear down some of the old businea* baildinga fronting the avenue and erect a good two-story block on their sites, and arguments in favor of such a project were not lacking. The members probably never had in mind a structure coisting over $12,000 or $15,000 and said that such a block would pay its cost in rentals within ten years. The owner fell in with the project and during the winter of 1904-5 made preparations ta carry it into effect. A large amount of stone for the basement walls of a brick building 75 feet front and 100 feet deep, was hauled in from the country during the winter and brick and other materials were shipped in later. In March, 1905, it was announced that on April 80th following, the train dispatcher force would be moved from Larimore. This would take away about thirty men, but the freight division was the main factor in regard to the dependence of the town upon the railroad. Were that to go also it woHld be a heavy blow to the town as things stood in those days. In some alarm over the an- nouncement, H. F. Arnold wrote to the railroad management at St. Paul, explained his plans and preparations and stated that if the freight division were liable to be removed he would not build the proposed block. In reply he was informed that the railroad company had no intention of taking the freight division from Larimore and was ad- vised to go on with his plans. This may have been true at that time, but the majority of the business men ^henhere would h*ve mo,r^ than hesitated. RAILROAD DIVISION 'TIMEa 153 for quite generally, they distrusted the railroad, company, especially on account of reports of divi- sion removal annually circulated among: railroad e^mployees, as rumors, since about 1903. On the strength of the assurance given by the railroad management, and in the face of the warn- ing furnished by the departure of the dispatchers, H. F. Arnold proceeded to carry out his project. First, the livery stable was in part torn down and in part moved out; then a building between it and the corner property, called the "old billiard hall" was torn down. These removals cleared a space upon which to erect the new block. DeRemer of Grand Forks furnished draughts and specifications and sent up a surveyor to determine measurements, and levels, while J- A. Hollahan, a local builder, had charge of the interior construction after the brick walls were up. The excavations for the base- ment and its stonewalls cost upward of $5000 ere any brick was laid. The work of construction then progressed through the summer and fall. Agreements were made with tradesmen and others to occupy the building when completed. A part below was designed for the postoffice and an Odd Fellows hall and suite of office rooms were arranged for the upper story. A space in the northwest part about 50 by SO feet and comprisinj? one story was designed for the Pioneer office with several small connected rooms included within the space mentioned. This part of the building was the last to be finished. There was also a space in the south part of what is now the Mercantile stor© IS4 Pi^RTY YEARS IN NORTS l>AK01?i^ partitioned off and running" back the depth of tb© building, seventeen feet in width and which was saed about three years for a billiard hall. The new block began to be occupied in December, the finishing of some interior parts of it being in pro- gress at the same time. The part designed for the Pioneer was completed last of all and the presa and other materials were moved in from the old Pioneer building about the first of February, 1906. On the whole, the n^w block proved to be an ex- pensive fcuilding, costing upward of $25,000, and mainly built on borrowed money with mortgage securities. Under any consideration at that par- ticular time it was a rather hazardous undertak- ing. A one-story brick building of fifty feet front might have sufficed for the time being. The block was far under way, when, in October, the owner came to me ia the Pioneer office and stated that it would require some six thousand dollars to complete the building and proposed that I allow him to sell my quarter-section which had no mortgage on it, and invest its value in the new block. At first I was decidedly against any such, project and stated that while the valuation of the quarter remained in the land it was a safe holding. Both he and his father used arguments to the effect that I would receive more annually in the way of interest on the proposed investment than could be derived from renting the quarter and be relieved of the risk of crop failures; that I would save paying taxes on it, and further, that renting land was liable to deteriorate it owic)? to carelesa RAILROAD Dnri3io<«^ Ttmma 15S cWture and introduction of foul seed. On accounts of these repjsesentatLona the sale of my quarter wast authorized. The value of my part of the crop of t>hat year and, besidses,. money 1 had in the banki,, made an indiebtednesa to me amounting: to $6,600. The price of lami had risen since 1902 and thie- quarter was sold for $5,400 exclusive of several* hundred dollars derived, as stated, from my sha^e^ of the crop. For security 1 was given a mortgage on the two lots now covered by the Swanson build^ ing, but at that time thiey were covered with old. wooden structures, which was not ample security, i^ut at the time the deed was signed I was not aware ef other indebtedness that involved the block itself, and moreo,ver, was under the impres- sion that one of the lots specified was covered by the north part of the block. Had I known the facta I would not have been satisfied with the security mentioned. Thus all five lots became niortgaged. The year 1906 was rather disastrous far fires in Larimore. There were as many as sia; calls on tfc^e fire department during the year. Early Monday morning of August 20th, or after midnight, w^at was called the Kelly livery stable occupying most of the northwest quarter of Block 93, Front street, was burned down. Three persons, all non-resi- dents, temporarily sleeping in the hay loft perished, in this fire and there were lost besides, thirty-one horses, two cows, sixteen buggies or other light vehicles, and two automobiles belonging to some travelers who had housed them there for t|j^ night while they stayed at one of the boteln, 156 FORTY YEARS W NORTH DAKOTA The next fire broke out about 2:10 Saturday morning, October 13th. This involved the destruc- tion of all of the buildings on the two lots next north of the new blcfCk and upon which 1 held the mortgage mentioned. The buildings extended back from Towner avenue about to an alley and; burned fiercely for an hour, the flames beating? against the dead wall of the block and heating it near the top so that the block took fire under the roof, but the firemen dragged a hose up the stairs and saved the building. The old Pioneer block next north also sustained some damage. Th& loss of the buildings cut off about $900 in rental money and the lots remained vacant until 1914. The third fire which was a burn-down, occurred after midnight, or in the early morning of Sunday, November 11th. An old building on the corner lot next north of the Strandness store used for a restaurant and lodging place, was burned and the lot has remained vacant ever since. The writer witnessed all of these fir>es. Beginning with 1901 more prosperous year* for farmers in the surrounding country ensued than had been the case back in the nineties. As haa been stated, much of the land of the hill country west of Larimore was in the hands of bankers and other money loaners. Early in the decade an as- aociation of these men began getting these landai back into the possession of persons of means, gen- erally farmers from Illinois, Icv^a end Mirceeota. In course of time improved roads, good houses and the big red barns characteristic of pro8per4>ua i^AlLROAD DIVISJGN TIM^S 157 fcmin^ communities began to follow. In the* ^arly period following settlement days the com- mon farm wagon is for a long time used with which to drive to town on all sorts of occasions by the farmer and hia family. In the first decade of the century it was noticeable that the farm popula- tion around Larimore were providing themselve». with buggies and other light vehicles. Another change which began in the same decade was the introduction here of threshing-machines with the^ blower attachment by which the straw stack forms itself. This new device ended the services, of the "bucker boys'^ mentioned pp. 117-118. The life of the town during railroad division times was more varied than now as there were a,t least 600 more population here than at present. Traveling troupes of various kinds often came and presented entertainments in the city hall. In the building season there was much carpentering work in progress and cement men had much to do in regard to foundations and walks. Any one visit- ing the roundhouse on a Sunday during the warm season would have observed the stalls all occupied by locomotives except the space for two used for a machine-shop, and even in that part there was usually one,. more or less dismantled, undergoing* repairs. Generally too, there were f^ur or five others on the tracks outside apparently awaiting a chance ro get in when some departing engine Fef t a stall vacant. At the same time, two engines were busy in the yards switching or making up height trains. The compapy intended to add >5S FORTr YEARS IN N(^5TS DAHO^fc seven more stalls to the roundhouse but this wast aever done. At all hours of the night men with, hinterns could be seen on or between the tracks, paSBing back and forth between the roundhouse and the depot; then there were the call boys froja zhe roundhouse also out in night hours to summoiv train crews with an hour's notice of departure^ and who had to know where each man was to be found, whether in their homes, in hotels, boardingf places or as roomers in some house. The last h^lf of railroad division times best presented what waa the characteristic life of those days. As late as 1906 the railroad company put in four yard tracks up toward the Park River juncr tion and did some other work of the same kind east of the roundhouse. All this did not look as if the company had any intention of removing the freight division from Larimore. It was about that time that the grove of trees on the east side of the track west and northwest from town were set out and gotten into growing condition. Every spring for at least four years before the final event, a rumor wopld be circulated among the railroad employees to this effect : **Next fall the railroad company is going to move the division away from here." This rumor reaching the busi- ness men of town had a disturbing tendency; tha tradesmen saw visions of curtailed trade and re- duced profits; heuse owners who had built mafiy dwellings in town to rent saw vieiocs of empty tenen^ents, on which taxes, none to light, would have to be paid whether occupied or not, and rev iuced rent charges if occupancy were maintained. After 190i this class of owners built no more? houses, thoug^h a few more good ones could haye< been rented. Theue were some fair houses built: m 1905 and 19G6, but they were put up by private* S^arties, mostly in railroad employment,, as homes; for themselves and families. In the fall of 1907 it became evident that tbe. removal which rumor had so long predicted or threatened, was at hand. Gradually the train* crews, yard and? roundhouse men were dispersed to other points, mainly ta Devils Lak^, The stalls in the roundhouse began to show an absence of locomotives and the yards a diminishing activity., One after another railroad fa^iilies moved away- leaving the tenements they had occupied emptys, that is, in most cases no other families immediate- ly occupied them. Earfy in November the writer took a stroll one Sunday thru the roundhouse and saw only five locomotives there, two of them ap-. pearing like as if in disuse. In the repair 8hoi> there were four or five men idle, apparently await- ing their assingmeats elsewhere. Subsequently the machineis were removed from this part, and the boilers from the boiler-house, but the yard tracks were left in place and ever since have beea largely used for freight car service. Lastly, the Uiost of the roundhouse windows were boarded up with shutters to protect the glass and this in ft way rendered visible the fact that railroad dfvi8i4>a times for Larimore were ended. IX. AFTER DIVISION REMOVAL n^HE removal of the Dakota DivigionheadquaPH ^ ters from Larimore after all of the progreBs^ that had bees made since 1896, was a considerable setback to the town and a blow to its continisedi prosperity. The main thinir in the matter was the loss in population, and that both directly and in- directly aflFected other interests. Of men in rail- road employment as many as 175 had to leave and with their families, where any they had, took away at least three more persons to each man, f op some allowance needs to be made in the case of tanmarried employees and families comprising a man and wife only. In any town of about a thou- sand population anxious to pass that mark, every new family moving in and every new-born child is considered to be an asset. But it was not railroad people alone that left. Persons of minor and of duplicated vocations that could thrive only in places of at least 1500 population, also felt con- strained to go. Altogether over five hundred people had maije their exodus from Larimore by the following" spring. Not long after the main outgoing movemeut had passed, I asked a general merchandise mer- chant how trade had been affected. He stated that it had fallen off ten per cent. Ultimately it roust have decreased fifteen per cent, but the grocery trade was propped up somewhat by the dropping^ AyXlSR DiiVIdlON R-eMOVAL 161 out of two firms. L. Stern, a Jewish groceryman who kept what he called the "Always Busy Store"" where the Mercantile Store is now, closed out and left town. This left the store room of the block vacant for about a year. The other grocery fircrt was bought out when the present Larimora Mer- cantile Company Store was started. Empty houses that were not owned by their occupants, were soon in evidence as was to be expected, and these conditions were continued for several years though meanwhile a certain process of elimination was gradually going on from time to time. Rent had decreased somewhat and the better class of residences in town even where built for renting, continued to be occupied. But there were a number of small one-story houses in town, gome of which were little better than hovels, yet in division times everything was occupied. Where occupants of such dwellings did not leave with the division force they soon deserted these housea for more commodious ones then easy to obtein. In course of time these deserted dwellings were either torn down or moved out. That was one of the processes of eliminting the empty dwellings. But a more extensive method was the selling of the fair story-and-half sort and moving them on timbers and wheels with a tractor engine to farms in the surrounding country. In both of the ways mentioned more than twenty houses disappeared from the sites once occupied by them. Some who had built houses for renting, sold them off their hands to private owaers ^scbaaces cffer^. MS P-OSTT YEARS VH NORffiT DAKOTA During the next half dozen years the writer remembers of only two houses being built in town and two others rebuilt over. L. F. Mason, whc owned considerable town property during railroad division days, stated that this form of property all over town had decreased in value 50 cents on the dollar. Larimore had now to depend agaia mainly on the merits of the surrounding country. The town had to adjust itself to changed condi- tions suddenly imposed, and it took several year* to accomplish this result. About the time that the division moved out the culture of potatoes on a large scale for shipment began on some of the farms near Larimore. It had long been known that the soil of the land hereabout was well adapted to the raising of po- tatoes, but they were thought to be too cheap a l^ushels. He devised machinery to clean, separate and carry to bins the loads as delivered. Another and larger potato warehouse was built by th^ same party east of the first in 1909. Both are located across the railroad track south of the east part of town and have a spur track running past their north ends for loading cars. In the early evening of February 17, 1909, th« two-story depot that had been the division head- quarters was burned down, but the firemen sua* ceeded in saving the long one-story extension or freight house p^rt. T^e fire originated iq the AFTER DIVISION REMOVAL 163^ baggage room, tbence got inside between the plastering and the brick wall and run up under the roof and under the floor of the second story where water could not reach it, finally bursting* Itito room after room until all within the brick waiU had been completely burned out. There was at that time a long framed building, mostly two-8tory, that stood on the corner lot now occupied by the National Bank. It had been add- ed to in division times so that all of the space on the lot from Towner avenue back to the alley had been filled in similar to the Storaker store build- ing on the opposite side of Front street from it. The last sixteen or more feet had been a one-story house, but in division years had been used for a Chinese laundry. The part of the building next to Towner avenue had been fitted up for the National Bank which opened for business July 1, X902. The remainder of the building was used for a restaurant and lodging place with entrances on Front street. At about quarter of two in the early morning of June $, 1909, fire broke out in the restaurant and the long building was burned down, except that the firemen partially saved the bank part, though in a damaged condition so that later it had to be torn down. The beck moved its business temporarily across the avenue to the annex to the Elk Valley Bank building- A smal! one-story house near the alley, unaccupied at the time and located on the next lot south, went with the rest in this fire. We have witnessed all of tho large fires here since moving int9 town in 1893, 160 FORTY YEARS M NOB'fH BAKOTA On July 12, 1909 work for rebuilding began oil bath of the burned sites. The railroad company erected a better one-story brick depot than what was thought would be done under existing condi- tions. The freight house part had been saved by the firemen at the time of the fire owing to a^ brick cross wall intervening between it and the depot part. The new was joined to the older building as had been the case before the fire. In the case of the bank building, a cement stone Btruoture sixty feet in length and the width of the lot was erected, two stories high. The bank opened in its new quarters January 5, 1910. The first moving picture shows to exhibit here was early in the century and in the city hall. Later in the decade a traveling tent show of that kind came and remained a week. Then, begin^ ning in 1908, shows were held more or less con- tinuously under different proprietors and for several years in part of a building then standing on the site of the Masonic Temple. The -'Grand Theatre," as it is called, was started in the annex to the Elk Valley Bank about 1913. The apparatus Bsed in the business has been much improved since the first decade of the century. The store room in the Mercantile block, as we have before stated, remained vacant for about a year, involving a loss of at least eight hundred dollars in rental money. In the fall of 1908 H. F. Arnold and others organized the Larimore Mei^ cantile Company which was capitalized at$25jQ0O. AlPTaS DIVfc^lOH RBMOTAL 165 There had been conducted in town since 1895 a mercantile company store and this firm was now bought out. In establishing the new mercantile store the billiard hall in the south end of the block was eliminated, the partition removed, and the long narrow hall merged into the common store room. A small one-story building that cost $3,000 was added to the rear part of block at that time dose to the Storaker building. The year 1910 was a drought year similar to the year 1900- In the fall the mortgages on the.'block and other real estate property would become due and n© sinking fund had been provided to meet this contingency nor very well could be as affair* turned after th« block had been built. In May, 1909, H. F. Arnold sold his holdings in the Mer- cantile company to NeJs Hemmingsen. Then in. October, 1910, all the real estate properties in* volved were turned over to creditors. Clay Lari> more and V. S. Wisner coming into possession of the block. There was a mortgage of ten thousand dollars on it held by a Grand Forks bank b^ut this the parties mentioned were enabled to assume. With the party most intimately concerned, care- less of incurring mortgages and lacking in. that prudence which most business men possess, things had at last reached their legitimate outcome- The row of **company houses" as they were called, five in number and located in the south- west part of town remained more or less empty for years after the division removal. At on^ time only one of these tenementia was occupied. Mo ?OftTY YBAiiB m WOKT« »A«OTA Tenant families came and went seemingly in » sort of haphazard order as to their time of re- maining, so that sometimes,^ two and sometimes!, ouiy three of the tenements hai families living in them. In August, 1911, all of these houses were empty, their rear doors open or >anlo«ked, seem- ingly with the intent of allowing persons in search of a tenement ready access to inspect them inside. If a family contemplates buying or renting a house- about the first thing the woman thinks of is to^ look its interior over from cellar to chambers. The census of 1910 gave Larimore a population of 1224 people, thought to have been somewhat more than the town had in 1908. Until the next government census, Larimore appears to have experienced fluctuations in regard to population. In the spring of 1916 we found over twenty u»- occupied dwellings soattered over town which was ntore than could have been found a year or two previously. These included a few hovels and de- teriorated houses afterwards torn down or moved to other premises being next used for cow barns and hen houses; then occssiocally Fcnne one of the empty houses observed wert to the country as had more often been the case during the years following the division removal. A year or tw© after the observations made in 1916 nearly all of the houses in Larimore were occupied. We were not so much in the Pioneer office dur- ing the second decade of the century as during the previous decade and this gave the more time to work on booklets with our private outfit at otsr APTBR DIVidlON REMOVAL 16? heme place in town. In 1912 Earle Champion, who had been brouprht up in Larimore, and who for some time previously had worked in the office, became its foreman and did part of the editorial work such as gathering most of the locals. Each week I made it a point to be there Wednesdaya and Thursdays and often more time than that to help get oat and mail the paper, including soiiie work at the case. Besides, while Earle was mak- ing up each week's issue of the paper on the com" posing stone there were the mailing galleys to correct. Each winter I was in the office during working hours from Decembe afternoon, would be back home between nine and ten o'clock.. In the case of the trip to Park River the party were entertained there in a grove during the even- ing and did not leave until about nine, reachingr home along about midnight. In 1916 a large party planned to visit Mayville, Sharon, Aneta, and intervening places. At Hatton, a storm in yie south threatened, so the party did not venture^ to go to Mayville, but they were overtaken by a drenching rain near Sharon. Some of the autoa reached Larimore after midnight and others came stringing back in a soiled condition thru the next day. During the same years Larimore was often vieited by auto parties from Grand Forks, Fargoi and even Minneapolis, the latter made up of busi- ness men out on inspection tours about the time that the grain was ripening for harvest. The first County School Play Day to be enacted here assembled on the school ground May 14, 191B and have become an annual feature for Larimore ever since that year. It ie estimated that upward of five hundred automobiles bring to town from all parts of the county grown people and school children to attend these exercises. Another annual feature of interest are the July visits during five days by the Vawter Chautavqua tent which is pitched on the school ground- TJie pret yieit w«i6 tFuly 11-15, 19U. AFT«a Din^lOU ftElCOYAL 1691 CoQira«jacing: about 1913, in which year a new Methodist church was built here of brick and tile if7ork, and extending: the time limit no farther at iifeaent than 1917, Larimore began to show signa w»f picking up again to some extent in a material way. Within those five years the Swanion build- ing, a one-story structure 80 by 50 feet, was also feuilt next north of and adjoining the Mercantile block, being erected in 1914 of cement blocks and trick; the Liberty Garage, 140 by 50 feet, in 1915- with walls of cement blocks, and the three-story brick Prevost Hotel built in 1916. There was not isnuch in the way of house building done In those •everal years, nothing that^ was wholly new, in fact, besides the residence of Mrs. Millie Tobiason in the east end of town. During the same years, life on the farms wit^ rural mail dalivery, the telephone, better house* than formerly, the big hipped roofed red barns, cultivated groves,, and diversified farming hay© all modified country conditions to a considerable extent around Larimore. During the World War prices and conditions were much in favor of the farmers and during that interval the owning of automobiles by them became a common circum- stance, thus revolutionizing former methods of driving to town and making evening visits quite practicable in the warm months of the year. In the same interval something of a rei^olutioD w^f being wrought on the Elk Valley Farm. The f ai m was districted off into half sections or larger areas, $L fair sort of house a^d oX\\eT b\|ildic|^8 built iipoR ilO FORTY YEARS IN WORTH DAKOTA each tract ^ith a grovvth of trees for windbreaks, i^Qd tenants on each of these areas of land. There were twelve tenant houses built on the farm ia 1916 and four more the following year. F. W. Relnoehl, who had been superintendent of the Larimore public schools from 1911 to 1917, next i^came superintendent of the farm. It was mentioned p. 121 that a roller mill was erected here in 1$93. This mill stood just south, of the Imperial elevator. In the new century it <^hanged ownership two or three times and waa run only at intervals; then the machinery having been moved to Bainbridge, Mont , the mill wa9 torn down in April, 1917. The Arnold family had control of the Pioneer from October, 18i>3, uatil Jaaaary 8. 1918, whea they sold their interests in the p^rtr to William Koche and H. E. Goertz of Ickster. The new firm took possession en the first day of February foT- iowin^. Subsequently Mr. Goertz bought out Mr. Roche's interest in the plant. In April, 1920^ 9 removal of the place of publication was made from the rear part of the Mercantile block to a j^uilding next south of the Prevost Hotel. In the last year of the World War there were upward of fifty young men from Lt^rimore or th& near by vicinity who were in the militate or th^ naval service of the United States, either over seas, on the water, or in training camps in various states. None of them were killed or died abroad^ but four died at training camps whose names ajid dates of their deatha will be specified later. AFTER DIVWJOjy REMOVAL 171 ' Daria^ the winter of 1918-19 the queation of iSstalliDg for Larimore a sewerage system and w^terworka waa discussed. The result of the city election held Monday, April 7, 1919 was construed fts a popular endorsement of the project and the city council proceeded to provide for the issue of bonds and contracting for the necessary work and materials. A steam operated ditching machine and other apparatus came from Minneapolis and began work in July. Earthern tile pipes and iron water mains were laid as the ditching progressed. This part of the work was finished in October. The b;;iilding for tha ^^aterworks and the electric light plant in Block 94 was begun rather late in ;the season, the laying of cement blocks beginning October 9th. The north end and east side waUli are of brick. About November 20th cold weather stopped further work until spring. Before this, two large covered concrete cisteiCB cutside and a large well inside the buildirg had been com- pieted. Work on the building was resumed April 12th, 1920, and a chimney ninety feet high con* structed of tile blocks was begun that spring and finished May llth. Boilers and new dynamors were installed and the plant was gotten into operation by the 4th of August. During the year 1919 there were also built in town the 0. H- Phillips Company machinery depot with walls of cement blocks and brick front; thfli Masonic Temple, a two-story brick structure; 8cd the School Gymnasium, of trick and tile work^ j^pne of which were fully corfi plated ipside p^til 172 ?m,Ti XEAR» IN HOWm DAKOTA the following spriag. The old Sherman House had been vacant forsome time when it was bought by J. Pifer, rebuilt over in 1919 and covered with »tucco on the outside, it was not finiBhed inside that year but was ready to be opened as the Hotel Violet, August 24, 1920. In the year last named, W. M. Edwards having bought the Olmstead buildings in Block 63 had them built over into a single structure and sta^oji oataide similar to the hotel, and for an undertaker's establishment. The Ohms meat market adjoining the south side of the National Bank was also built in 1920. In the last three years, the residences built are pot so many but that they can readily be named. in 1918 the residence of F. W. Reinoehl in the East End was built; in 1919 that of O. G. Storaker in the same neighborhood, but this was not complet- er} until the next year; in 1920 three small housefr- w^ere built by different parties, Michael Paulsoa in the southwest part of town; and those of N. A*. Nelson and Haakon Lysne in the Third ward. .'The first airplane to visit Larimore ca^me here in the fall of 1919 and made flights from the field south of the elevators. Most of the children and not a few adults resident here now saw an air- plane for the first time. To my mind the most marked change observed during our forty years residence here lies in ttia alteration of the face of the (jountry effected by the groves of cultivated tree^ on the fartos^ in contrast with the blank prairie bb ?ecn Ip ISSQ, Ijunmore Business Places attd Vocations in 192(K TOWNKR AVRNUE, Wc«l Side. S^aia House, (closed), Mrs. Bertha Masoa. Robert Black, Bakery aad Coofectionef jr. Taorval Joba«oo, Groceries, in south part of Ltppert Bail4' teg. — Ed. Lippert, Toosortal artist, in north part. Mrs. J. G. Bexter, Millinery and Dress Ms^king. Fcrd Ohms, Meat Market. National Bank, O. A. Hasen, Cashier. — Lambert Mason, Toasorial artist, in vfest end. In second ttory: G. A. Pkas^ Diotist. — ^Northwesterp Telephone Exchange. O. G. Storaker, Clothing Store. In same building: E6, ytraefer. Tailoring.— C. L. Eenway, Watches and Jewelry. Wisner or Mercantile B^ocH. Larimore Mercantile Com- pany, Nela Hemmiagsen, Manager. — Larimore Postofi^cev Thos. Regan, Postmaster. In second story: J. A. Walsh^ Attorney at Lasv; Ciaads LaDue, Insurance.— Peirce & Thorn- a^, Real Estate Dealers. — Dx. A. V. Thompson, Physician 9: Surgeon.— Odd Fellows Hall. Swanson Building, Co-operative Store, W. W. Reis, Mgr. Old Pioneer Building. G. W. Mowris, Tontorial artist.— E. Skardall, Electrical apparatus. — £. Litton, Drags and Medicines. — R. M. Pratt, Soft drinks, Ice cream and Confec- tionery. — Weidenhoeft & Doyle, Meat Market. Williams Building. John GraS, Merchant Tailor.'^ Vfilliama Pharmacy, T. R. Williams. TowNKR AvENUK, East side. O. H. Phillips Company Building, Farm Machinery, Lum^ Vcr, Fuel and Cement. C. M. Peatman, president. John Wurth, restaurant. Richard Johnson, Shoe Store and repairing work. Stiandness ftepartroent Store, Theo. Strandnc??, Prop'st. 174 FORTY YEAR* IS NORT» DAKOTA Elk Valley Baak, P. L. Armi, presidtatj Psal E. Glaas Cxshier. Flk Valley Baak Annex. The Grand Theater, a moving (>icfure establishment, Fraak J. Ujka (u-ka) Mana(;er. Ed. O' Bryan, Soft drinks and Confectionery. Elk Valley Baak Propsfty; three doors, i. Room vacated i»:^ Ohms. 2. Geo. P. Arnold, Farrier. 3. J. A. Traioor^ Drogs ficd Medicioes. Qeo. M. Naylor, Hardware and Farniture. G. L. Sande, Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Galbraith Bailding, Galbraith Bros., Hardware and For- piiare. In second story: S. J. RadcliS;, Attorney at Law and Dealer in Real Ejtate.-^H. C. Kreiger, Dentist. Masonif Temple. Regan Buildings, t^ro doors, x. Farajjrs Store, B. G. Kaugea, Manager. 2. Drdss Making* Hofer Sisters- Old Bank Bnildia?, Oiztr W. Bode, Phot>graphic Stadia* Ja second storyt Dr. VV. H. W»lch, Physician aai Surgeov .^W. L. T. Goodison,|Spectalist. Edwards Baildiag, W. M. E J wards, Uaieitaker. The Old Stand, H. B;nn*tt, Faroi Machinery. Liyery Stable and Veterinary, Dr. H. M. Eisealohr. Terry Avenue, East tide. Hotel Violet, owned by J. H. Pifer; Wm. Mortimer, Mgr. William Dresden^ Pool or billiard hall. Busy Bee Restaurant, Isaac Davis, owner. Larimore Pioneer Office, H. E. Goerti, Editor aad Pt©p'r, Hotel Prevost, Mrs. Prevosr, Proprietor. West side of Avenue: Buckeye Restaurant, L. F. Maton, Proprietor. Sorliie Motor Company, C. A. Sorlie, Managet. 'Johnson House, Martin T. Johnson, Proprietor. Front Street, Either side. ' ^asi End Garage, Andrew Carlson, Proprietors l-iberty Garage, Cooper Bros. L^rimore Vulcaaijing Works, E. I. Woods, Proprictgr. i.aricaore Cash Produce Stqre, J. A. Waldow. LAftojore Lumbir & Fa;l Go.-ppiny, K. D. Hsald, Mgr. B. C. Mtttsrliag, Machiae Shop, Auto repairlag. Ciif Watervyoiks and Electric Light Plant; Henry J. Wylie^ fiiipcriatendeat; John F. Anderson, night engineer; John Rock* arImore Plumb|ng & Heating Co; B. J. Craton, Manager. Larimore Steam Laundry, (closed) Great UJorthern Depot, Fred IL Jones, Agent; Louis J. Trudeau, Ef press Agent; Reuben Gray, Baggage Mastet. Elevators. Elk Valley or FaroBor's Elevator, Hans Nid- ge*. Agent. — Northwest«ra Elevator, Carl Nijlsen, Agent. -~ {mperiai Elevator, Chas. Wood, Agent. O. J. Barnes Potato Warehouses, W. C. Miller, Manager. Standard Oil Company, H.G. Hanson, Agent.->6artlei Oil Company, Alex. Steedsmatt, Agent. Pray Lines. Arthur H. Bridgeford; Guitav Schafer. Larimore Necrologry, 1910 to ld2p. tgio—Lttke Whalea, March 4> Scott A. Smith, io St» Paul, March 2i. Mri. Margaret Mc Williams, May 4. T1»3jph Diily, Jane 4. N. J. Powell, August 22. Isaac T. Cobara, Nov, 9, Mrs. H. Champion, Movsmber 2$. Christiao Christiansen, L'ecenber 4. Mrs. Richmond Faddea, December 30. 1920— Mrs. W. C. Miller, February 12. D»niel McNally* February 23. Mrs. B. E. Mitierling, March 13. Walter W. Webst«r, March ro. N. F. Barton, Civil War soldier, April 17. Homer U. Smith, at Arvilla hospital. May 27. Theo- dore Johnson, October |. Peter Wasmnth, November 23. Necrology in regard tq several yot^ag people of Larimor© between fonrieen and tf?enty years of ages Ray Tice, Attg;tt3t 22, 1914. In 1918; Anna Sandstrooa, November 26; Mira- bel Swanson, November 2S; Doris Dresden, December 17.— Raymond Spiclman, Jnne 10, 19x9. World War boys who died in Training Camps io 191$. Theodore Valerius, January 9.— Charlet LeoOlmsUad, April 27.— Vivian OlmBtead, October 17.— Frank Per t^yt, October 29. LRBFe"23