UBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 113 0481 .n5 M52 Copy 1 iviumSINK valley HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections PORT JERVrS, N. Y. FEBRUARY 1895, •M^H^: GAZETTE JOB PRINT, Port Jervis, N. Y. 1895. M,Y. Slave Library. JeirOT COLLECTIONS OF Minisink Valley Historical Society. DEEDS 30. I. DAVID BEECHER to W. W. RODNER and X. SMITH, ^[ATTHIAS KEEN to TIIEO. XORTON. 2 P]ENJA:\1IN ransom to MATTHIAS KEEN. PEREGRINE JONES to DAVID VAN GORDON. WM. J. MYERS t(; J. B. ROCKWELL. DAVID LEE to NATHAN SMif hV ' jjEEDSu jy:o, II, 1. CORNELIUS BRINK to ANTHONY WESTBROOK, May lotli, 1732. 2. CORNELIUS BRINK to ANTHONY WESTBR(X)K, May 31st, 1750. 3. CORNELIUS BRINK t<. SOLOMON WESTBROOK. Jan. 2nd, 1755. 4. CORNELIUS BRINK to ^LVTTHEAV BRINK, Sept. ]oth, 1770. ! MIX/ SIX K I 'A L L E V j)ei:j)S no. III. '. JOHN and SARAH C()[>F.MAXto JOSHUA COLE- ]\IAX, I So I. 2. JOSHUA COLEMAN to JOSHUA V. COLEMAN, 1837. -5. PETER VAX (iORI)ER K. JOSHUA Y. COLEMAN, ..... BAPTIST CHURCH OF GREENVILLE to JOSHUA V. COLEiMAN, 1827. S- SARAH STEVENSOX and JOSEPH KIRKBRIDE to HOLOKE DECKER, with (Tcnealogical Sketch of Decker Familv, \-]2(^.'3itryi£k:d.^ L% , /^MA-^^n-^ .-".. JOSEPH KETCH AM OF DEERPARK to ABNER CORWIN OF WALLKILL. 1738. DEEDS JSO. IV. r. JOSEPHUS WESTBROOK, CHDEON COLE, SIMEON COLE and WILLIAM COLE to WILHELMUS AVESTBROOK, Tunc 24th, 1793. c JAN CORTRIGHT to JOHANNES WESTFALL, June 9th, 1739, 3. THOMAS OUICK to CORNELIUS BRIXK, March i:%t, 4. CORXELIUS HORNBECK, of Rochester. Ulster Co.. to LODEWICK HORNBECK. conveying- part of a lead mine. 1730- Donated by Hon. C. V. R. Lndington. DEEDS NO. V. ! STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA by GOV. MIFFLIN to CONRAD HANSonCONASHAUGH, Dec. 5th, 1793. 2. CONRAD HANS to BENJAMIN and JOHN DRAKi^., June 15 til, 1S16. JIISTORICAL SOl/ETY. 5 j)Bi:ds \(). VI. 1. jAMi-:s iioRTox to Roirr. waiUtH. 2. sti-:phi-:x st. joiix for school iiousk\ fJ3■^r>^,^^Zc:^ ^ ;,. LI-:VI VAX ICTTEX f.u- SCHOOL \\()V<,V^.J^&U^Sll^^^^^ 1)i:ei)s xo. VII. 1. HAR^LAXUS BRIXK AXD OTHLRS to ALIHU JOBBS, Au-. ;,oth, iy84- 2. JAS. SHIMER to ALIHU joBBS, Dec. i.nli, 1783. 3. SAMUEL BRIXK to LEWIS WESTBROOK, June 13th, / / -• 4. ISAAC VAX AKEX to CORXELIUS BRIXK. Oct. 22d, 1742. 5. PETER LAMB1':RTUS BRIXK to DAXIEL BROD- HEAD, \\\'^. 2 2d. 1730. Donated by Geo. W. Westbrook. DEJEUS J\'0. VIII. 1. WM. CUDDEBACK to BEXJ. CUDDEBACK, June 3rd 1777- 2. BEXJ. DEPUV. MARMAXUS VAX IXWICGEX, AB:\I. AVESTFxVLL, ABM. CUDDEBACK, jr., JACOBUS SW.ARTWOUT, COR. SWARTWOUT YEOMEX and BEXJ. CUDDEBACK, Farmer. Jan. nth. 1788. .3. PETER GUMAER, (iRAUDUS VAX IX\VE(xEX, WM. CUDDEBACK, BEXJ. DEPUY, JACOB R U T S E N D F> W I T T. ] A C O B D E W I T T ( t U II A E R, CHRISTGPHOL CODIXGTON and DANE- VAN VLIET, Oct. 23rd, 1770. ■) . U/N/S/XK F.l LLFA' 4. HEXJ. and WAI. CU DDICHACK to P.EXJ. DEPUY, i-eb. 6, i76f same place, April 14th, 179S. COPY OP DEED PROM WM. A. CUDl)k:BACK to DP. lav; ARE. cV- ilUDSOX CAXAL CO. iS:6. JJEEDS ^(). XJ. J. CAPT. WM. ROSI*: of Mamacottin--, to EZICKII'LL GU- .ALAER, Yeoman, of same place, Peb. 2nd. 1797. 8 MlXJS/yK r. ALLEY 2. BEXJ. r'?:PUV to ^lARTIX DEPUV, Jan. 251!:. 1805. 3. BEXJ. DEPUY to PETER E.GUMAER. May 3rcl, 1805- 4. JOHX VAN ETTEX to I'ETER E (^TMAER, Sept. 29th, iSoS. 5. JACOB I). ROSE to PETER E. (tUMAER, Feb. ijtb,. 1807. 6. MARTIX DEPUV to PETER E. (xUMAER. Jan 24th, 1S09. 7. JOHX VAX ETTEX to PETER E. OUMAER, Xov. 28th. 1S09. S. PETER GUMAER to PETER E. (iUMAER, Xov. 15th, 1810. 9. CORXELIUSVAXIXWEGEXto PETER E. (iUMAER Feb. 22nd, 1S15. 10. GRAUDUS (xU.MAER to PETER E. GUMAER, Feb. 20th, 1816. 11. PETER P. (tUMAER to PETER E. GUMAER, Feb. 20th, 1816. 12. ESTHER HORXBEEK to PETER E. GUMAER. Apni 15th, 1829. 13. SARAH GUMAER, Adin. of Jacob (nimaer, deceased, to PETER E. GUMAER, Sept. 30th, 1S2S. 14. JOHX DEPUY to PETER E. (xUMAER^Feb. 2i.st,i8i5. 15. LAWREXCE I. VAX KLEEK, WM. CUDDEBACK, Jr. AXD OTHERS to PETER E. (tUMAER. Partition Deed. April ist, 1838. 16. CAPT. ^\. VAX IXWECiEX to PETER E. (tUMAER, June 1 8th, 1836, 17. JACOB CUDDEBACK to PETER E. GU.NIAER, Dec. 7th, 1829. HISTOFICAL SOCIF/rV. 9 MISCBLLASEOVH P APE US, NO. 1. LIBRARY SCRIPT OF I>. E. (;UMA1:R. ixdp:xture of afprfxticp:siiii> of james squirrel, 1805. sale of xegro1':s, 1791. DESCRIPTION of TOWN OF DEERPARK, sent to Surveycr General, 182S. LETTER OF E. NIXON. LETTER OF LOTAN SMITH. PETITION FOR MT. HOPE AND NARROWSBURGH TURNPIKE. RELEASE OR DEED OF PARTITION OF LANDS, of John, Solomon and Benjamin Carpenter. DRAFT FOR RELEASE, between Lawrence T. Van Kleeck, Peter E. (nimaer and others and — Stoddard. MAP OF TRACT OF LAND OF DAXIEL GUN- SAULUS. NO. II. DIVISIOX OF LAXDS. SCHOOL LAWS OF 1S51. ELIHU ALLYX'S BOXD. SALE OF LAX I) BY WM. CU DDE BACK to SELAH GORDON. MAPS OF GERMANTOWX. John Caskey, Martin Caskey, Richard Decker and Sam- uel D. Caskey, Deed. lo M/X/S/XK I'ALLKY DEP:D of JOHN AND RICHARD PEXX to THOMAS TRAVIS, 1802. Loaned to Socii-ty by Mrs. Robert Taylor. LETTERS OF ACCEPTANCE. Hon. Wm. Bross. R. M. Stocker, Ed^'-ar ?3roacllieacl, H. jNI. Brace, M.D.. Hcjn. AI. Schoonmaker, Rev. A. S, Gardner, Rev. R. Randall Hoes. Miss M. AI. Lawr- ence, C. O. ICllidtt, T. (7. Bunnell, Rev. A. A. Haines, Hon.L. W.Broadhead, Hon.C. H.Winfield, J.R.Oibsor., Jr., J. D. Biddis, Dr. P. F. Fulmer. Wm. Evans. Rev. Dr. O. Talmaoe. V. M. Drake. MILlTxVRV PAPERS. NO. I.— 1796 to 1835. NO. II. LETTER OF CAPT. ABM. CCDDEBACK to (iEN. HAND, Jan. 28th, 1779. Donated b)- W. R. Benjamin. JOHN VAN CAMPEN to JOSEPH REED. Prest. Ex. Council, April 24111.1780, relating to Indian Invasion. COMMISSION OF CAPT. A.T.J( )HNSON,signed by Gov. W.L.Marcy.Jiil}' i^tli, 1836. Donated !:>>• Mr. Johnson. GENEALOGICAL. NO. I. 1. ANCESTRY OF JOSEPH VAN CLEFT, of New- burgh. Fi'oni Mr. \'an Cleft, 2. ANCESTRY OF S. D. HAVILAND. ..f Weslbvoolc ville. From Mr. Haviland. 3. HIRAM C. CLARK'S ANCESTRY, Newton. X. From Judge Clark. 4. CHARLES F. ROCKWELL, of lionesdale. Pa. Fr()m Mr. Rockwell. 5. C. M. VAIL, of New York. From Mr. Vail. 6. REY. J. L. STILLWELL. From Mr. Stillwell. HISTORICAL SOCIF/jy. ji NO. II. r. E ASTON I'AMILV. Im-ohi J as. ]':a,ston. 2. XEWMAN I'AMILV. Fion^ Ja.<. Iviston. 3. MILLS (;i-:XEAL()(;V. From S. \V. Mills. NO. III. 1. HAWKINS (xENlLALOCiV by Jas. II. Mills, of Huf- talo. From Mr. .\Llls. Do by J. R. HAWKINS, of Mountainville. Froii) j. H. Mills. 2. THE COR WIN FAMILY. PAPERS READ BEFORE SOCIETY. 1. PAPER Bi' DR. JOHN CONKLING, relatin- to Neversink Valley from 1S27. 2. ANCIENT HICxHWAYS by Dr. W. L. Ciuldcback. 3. COPPER MINES OF SANDYSTON AND WAL- PACK, by John H. Wood. 4. ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT, at First Ai^iinal Dinner. 5. LAKES IN DEERPARK, by J. M. Allerton. 6, PAPER BY PETER WELLS, relating to the people --A Mil ford. >. PAPER UPON HIGH POINT, by Dr. S. T. Barrett. ^ LINES WRITTEN BY HON. T. M. NIVEN, for Fourth Annual Meeting of Society. Manu.script Copy. ^^OUR \'ALL1:Y,— What it was, what it is. what it will be. J. M. Allerton. ARTICLES FOR BUILDIN(J CLOVE CHURCH Names of vSnbscribers. 1790. QUIT Rl'LNTS. NON-RI:sIDI:NT lands, i.Si4and 1S49. 12 M/ A- J SINK VALLEY ACT FOR ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES, passed April 5th, 181 3. DIVERS PAPERS. RECEIPTS FROM CHURCHES EOR MONEY LEFT BY WILL OF THOMAS WHITE. Donated by Capt. Lewis vS. Wisner. RECEIPT' OF PINCHOT. BILL OF JAS. BARTON FOR SURVEYINfi. NOTE OF ARCH A McDANIEL. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT OF LEWIS COR- NELIUS OF MILFORD, PA., by Jas. Eaton. 6j[s^2\h^. PAPERS RELATING TO THE OLD DAM. PAPERS RELATING TO POOR MATTERS. MARTIN L. CORWIN PAPERS, of Mt. Hope. Deed Will, Etc. EARLY SETTLERS OF NEVERSINK VALLEY, by Peter E. Gumaer. Donated by Peter L. (rumaer. HISTORY OF VALLEY by Peter E. Gumaer. Donated by Peter L. Gumaer. • HISTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES IN VALLEY. Read by Mr. Gumaer at ringing of bell, in Cudde- backville Church. Doiiated by P. L. (nimaer. ADDRESSES' AT BI-CENTENNIAL. REV. G. TALMAGE, D.D , REV. S. W. MILLS, HON. HIRAM C. CLARK, REV. A. A. HAINES, J. H. VAN ETTEN, C E. CUDDEBACK. MAPS. OF TOWN OF LUMBERLAND, by C. S. Woodward. MAP OF LOTS II, 12 AND 13 OF ist DIA'ISION OF MINISINK PATENT. IflSTOR/CAL SOLfK'J'Y. 13 MAP OP P:XPEXSE lot no. 2, IX iMINLSIXK I'AT- ]^vX'l\ by Phineas TcTy. Surveyor, and C. S. Wooa- wartl. MAPO]' TWO LOTS OF LAXI) LX MIXISIXK. .\.\ in 1st Division, and 39 in '/tli Division of Minisink I'atent, iS[3. Pro])crty of T. H. P>rantin<;iuun. TAX RECEIPTS L\ PIKE CO. 1800— 1815. DUPLICATE OF ROAD TAX IX UPPER SMUrH - FIELD, 181 1. ARTICLES OF IXCORPORATIOX OF M. V. HIS- TORICAL SOCIETY, Auo. .2nd. 18S9. HISTORY OF PORT JERVIS SCHOOLS, by Dr. W L. Cuddeback. NEWMAN PAPERS. — Ira Xcwman, Tliomas Xev/man. Donated by Jas. PZaston. ACKXOWLEDGMEXTS from Archaeob.gical, (icnea- looical and Historical Societies of Ohio and Xew York. THE OLD FLEMISH BIBLE BELONGING TO MRvS. JOHN T. QUICK, by Rev. A. S. Gardner. Donated by Mr. Ciardiner. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THOMAS WHITE ANu PETER E. (iUMAER. Donated by P.L.Gumaer PAPERS IX COURT PROCEEDIXixS, RECEIPTS, jUDJMEXTS, ETC. APPEAL OF CHAS. ST. JOHN, JR., Supervisor of Deerpark, from Assessment of B(;ard of Supervisors of Orange, 1S74. P.-^PERS RELATIXG TO DELAWARE cK: PIUDSON CANAL. 1 4 MINI SINK I A ILEY PAPERS RELATING TO BRIDGES ACROSS NEV-- ERSIXK RIVER, at Carpenter's I*oint and Fort Dewitt. PAPERS RELATING TO DIVISION OF TOWNS OF DEERPARK, MINISINK and WALLKILL. ASSESSMENT ROLLS. TOWN OF MAMAKATING, 1792. TOWN OF DEERPARK, 1809 to 1S25. PAPERS ri<:ad before M. V. H. S. /. S K 1^: TC H O F CO L. J O H N S E W A RI ). ,2.. ACCOUNT OF WELLIN(tS AT WARWICK, AND OF GEN. JOHN HATHoJLjV. J>. HESSIANS IN REVOLUTION. All of above l)y Rev. A. A. Haines. ^^ EARLY VISITORS TO MINISINK COUNTRY, by Miss Lawrence. S\ REMINISCENCES OF PORT JERVIS, by Dr. John Conkling-. 6 MONTAGUE TOWNSHIP, by Hon. Martin Cole. INTERVIEWS AND REMINISCENCES. 1. SOLOMON J. WESTBROOK. 2. JOHN VAN ETTEN. 3. COL. PETER CUDDEBACK. 4. JOB MAPES. ^. SILAS T. L. NORRIS. IIISIOR/CAI. SOCIF/JY. 15 ^URVKYS AND MAPS OF LANDS liY VBTiyit JJ. OU 31 A Eli. Donated by P. L. (iuinaer. PACKAGE A. .. SURVJ':V ()!■ LAXI) OF lUCXJ. C'L' 1 )1 )KBACK, THOS. VAN FLIKT. and JOIIX \'AX IN- WF(tF:N. April IS;,;. .:. BENJ. CUI)DE15ACK, eV- CO.. March 1.S45. 3. iMOSES VAX IX\VE(;i-:X and CIIARAC A. VAN INWEGEN, T^Iarch 1849. 4. PETER (i. CU DDE BACK, Wn.Il ICLMUS WICST- BROOK and (iRAUDUS SWAR'IAVOUT, April 1849. r. MOSES VAX IXWEGEX and HARMAXUS VAN INWEGEN, April i6tli, 1840. 6- MOSES VAX IX\VE(iEX and ALBERT D. SOUTHARD, Marcli 1848. 7. WILLIAM OTIS and JOHX WH ITLOCK, Xov 1848. X. COL. P. CUDDEBACK, S. CUI)D1-:BACK and P. G, CUDDEBACK, March 1849. 9. :\lOSES VAX 1X\VE(;EX'S farm, .March 1S4S. 10. JOHX S. VAX IEW1":GEX, Sept. .840. 11. SOLOMOX VAX ETTEX and PICTI^R (i. CUD- DEBACK, June 1849. 12. JOHN WHITLOCK'S EAR.M. July 1848. 13. PETER G. CUDDEBACK and JOSI-MTI COXKLIN, Nov. 1848. 14. WM. C ROSE and LEWIS JOXE.S, also JOXES and SCOFIELD. Xov. 1848. 1 6 J//A'/S/A A' VALLEY 15. JACOB AND SAMUEL ROSECRANS and WM. CUDDEBACK, 1S4S. 16. AARON BEEBE, May i6tli, 1848. 17. JOEL WHITLOCK, ^Larch 1S48. .8. JAMES H. TAYLOR and M. JONES, March 1848. 19. EZEKIEL CUDDEBACK and JAMES CUDDE-- BACK, May 1847. 20. DR. VAN KLEECK. May 31st, 1847. 21. ROAD FOR W. C. ROSE and D. SCOFIELD, April 1847. 22. WM. N. CASE, April 1847. 23. PHILIP SWARTWOUT and PETER BELCHER^ and PH. SWARTWOUT and HENRY SCOTT. Nov. -846. 24. CHARAC A. VAN INWEGEN and ELIJAH GORDEN, July 1845. 15 ROAD FROM COUNTY LINE NEAR WEST- BROOK VI LLE to Turnpike at Cuddebackville, ^lay 1849. 26. WM. CUDDEBACK. (Mill Farm.) May 1 1111,1849. 27. WM. CUDDEBACK and MOSES VAN INWEGEN April 1850. 28. JOHN H. DURLAND, July 1850. 29. MARTIN WHEELER and JAS. TERWILLK^ER, Oct. 11th, 1850. 30. ALTERATION OF HIGHWAY NEAR GU- MAER'S STORE, Nov. i2tli, 1850. 31. JOSEPH CUDDEBACK and BENJ. WHITE- HEAD, Jan. 1851. /I/S TORICA L SOC/F. TV. ►7 ;,2. JOSHIMICUDDICI'.ACK ami niCXj. I K )RX HI'X'K , I-'el). \'^^\ . :,:^. PHILIP SWARTWOUT and I'ETER (I. VAN 1':TTEN. Feb. iS^t. 34. HARMON and PHILII' VAN IN\V]-:(H-:N, Aug. 1851. 35. JAMES AUSTIN and WM. DoXEY. 36. CARPENTER and (;E()R(;E CUDDEBACK, 1852. 37. JOHN WHITLOCK, Feb. 6tli, 1S52. 38. (lEO. CUDDEBACK and CARPENTER, 1852 or '53. 39. CAPT. M. VAN INWEGEN, Dec. 8th, 1S53. 40. CAPT. M. VAN INWEGEN, Dec. 6th, 1851. 41. SOLOM(JN VAN ETTEN. Aug. 25th, 1S51. 42. COL. P. CUDDEBACK and JOHN H. DURLAND, 43- LINE ON N. E. OF NEVERSINK, 1851. 44. MOSES VAN INWEGEN, near Aqueduct, 1852. 45. S. B. CARPENTER Sz BROTHER and GEO CUDDEBACK, 1852. 46. DAVID SWARTWOUT and OWEN, May 1854. 47. ELIZOR CLARK. Huguenot, Aug-, ist, 1855. 48. COL. PETER CUDDEBACK. May 1S55. 49. S( )L( )M( )N VAN ETTEN, 1S56. 50. (iE()R(iE CUDDEBACK. :\Iay 26th. 1856. PACK A (H: B. BOUNDARIES OF LOTS OF LAND of Evert Van Auken in Montague, James Bennct. Wilhelniufj Fredenburgh. 1 8 MINI SINK I'ALIEY PACKAGE C. 1. HENRY VAN ETTEN and J AS. VAN ELIET, 1818. 2. SAMUEL xMERRITT and CYRUS SKINNER. April 1S06. 3. TURNPIKE FROM OTIS STILL HOUSE TO ESOPUS ROAD, 1825. 4. ALSOP CORWIN, Sept. 1823. 5. CAPT. HENRY VAN ETTEN, April 30th, 1819. 6 GRAUUUS GUMAER, Feb 26th, 1825. 7. ANDREW JOHNSON. 8. TURNPIKE ROUTE from Mt. Hope and Lumber- land Turnpike, Nov. ]2tl], 1818. 9. MINISINK AND M()NT(iOMERY TURNPIKE, June 1809. PACKACtE D. 1. ESQUIRE REEVE. May 25111, 1836. 2. WM. LOCKWOOD. VAN INWECiEN and SULLI- VAN, 1831. 3. SAMUEL JACKSON and WM. C. ROSE. 4. SELAH GORDON, April 27lh. 1S36. 5. SYLVESTER and HENRY OUARTUS,i834,'35,-36. 6. ABNER S. WELLS and EDWARD NORRIS, 1S36. 7. HENRY CASE, March 1837. 8. ROAD FROM MINISINK AND MONTCxOMERY TURNPIKE to DAVID SWARTWOUT'S, and lines of Philip and David Swartwout, Feb. 1838. //IS7VFIC.U, sociF/rv. ^9 9. STEPHEN JOIIX and I'l^TlvR 1 )l'X"k' I':R, May 10. WILLTA:\r N. CASE, Oct. tS;,8. 11. HENRY CUDDEBACK. Jan. 1838. 12. J A:\IES I). SWARTWOU'P. ^[ay 1839. 13. PHn.H' SWARTWOUT, Sept. 1837. 14. (iARRET D. SULLIVAN and SA^[E. STANTON or MR. MARVIN, Feb. 1838. 15. BENJAMIN R. COMFORT, 1840. 16. WILLIAM CUDDEBACK. 1831, PACKAGE E. 1. THO:\IAS DECKER. April 1806. 2. BOUNDARIES OF 1200 ACRES, granted to Jacoh Cuddeback and Co., May 30th. 1S04. 3. GERARDUS (iUMAER, Patent Line down Never- .sink River, Oct. 1826. 4. NELSON WHEAT, Mongaup, Nov. 1835. 5. OERARDUS CLOWS, Jan. 1S31. 6. JOHN H. DURLAND, Aug. 1838. 7. MAP OF ROADS, CANALS, ETC., in School Dis- trict 14 at Monganp, July 1845. 8. ABM. J. CUDDEBACK and BENJ CUDDEBACK, Maroh 1840. 9. S. B. FARNUM AND OTHERS, for School House at Mongaup, April 1845. 10. JOEL L. HOVT, Port Jervis, I). »!<: H. Co., June 30th, 1842. MJX/S/.\ 'K I 'A LL li 3 ■ 11. LEWIS and ELI VAN INWECiEX, May 1843. 12. FRANCIS KELLY, Oct. 1839. 13. ANCIENT NOTES OF CUDDEBACK PATENT SURVEY. 14. MAP OF LOT 36, isl Division of M. Patent. 15. SIMON WESTFALL, Jan. 19th, 1843. 16. GERARDUS S\VARTW()UT, Lot 45. May 1S51. 17. LOTS 45 AND 46 IN 7TH DIV. OF M. PATENT AND EXPENSE LOTS i AND 2, May 1851. J 8. MAP FOR KEEN SWARTWOUT AND OTHERS, Nov. 1834. 19. LINE BETWEEN EXl^ENSE LOT NO. 2 AND MOUNTAIN LOTS, April 26th, 1849. 20. I). JOHNSON and D. cV- J. CUMxMINS. 21. CHARLES C. BOYD, April 1833. PACKAGE F. 1. LITTLE BINNEWATER SWAMP.April and May 1810, 2. DAVID PENNY, JOSHUA WELLS and JACOB SHIMER. 1S09. 3. HEIRS OF MAJOR DECKER. JAMES GREEN, March 181 1. 4. CORNELIUS SWARTWOUT. April 1809. 5. EVERET, Oct. 25th. 1809. 6. THOMAS HELMS AND SONS, THOMAS and BREWSTER. May 1810. 7. SA:\IUEL HAWKINS. May 1810. JIISrORICA f. SOCJK TV. 21 y. MOSES BEERK and STEDMAN CHAPMAN, 1809. 9. HENRY C. SMITH, DAVH) <;. FINCH and CX BLIZARD, March 1809. 10. LITTLE BINNEWATER SWAMP. Jonathan Lane, J. Pcekluini. J. Reynolds. J. Rundle, R. Stanton, April i8ic. 11. THOMAS P. VOUN(;. April 1809. 12. HENRY CCDDEBACK, Oct. 1826. VI. DANIEL GREEN, ]an. 181C. 14. DANIEL VAN FLIET and JOHN PECKHAM, May 1810. 15. ESQ. REEVE and EATON SMITH, Nov. 1810. PACKAGE G. 1. LAND FOR DITCH by D. c^- H. CANAL, CO.. May 1840. 2. LAND OF D. & H. CANAL CO., at Mongaup. June 'S43- 3. J AS. H. TAYLOR to D. cK: H. CANAL CX).. March 1843. \. LAND OF DR. BALL at Mongaup. iux D. Sz H. CANAL CO., June 1S43. ^. D. & H. CANAL CO. at Mongaup. June 1843. 6. JOHN VAN INWE(tEN and D. c^- H. CANAL, .Feb. 7. JOSEPH CUDDEBACK and D. ^ H. CANAL, May 3rd. 1847. WEGEN, and MR. BROWN, 1808. 7. MAPS of SURVEY for TURNPIKE, from B. Cay. penter's to Montgomery, Jan. 1808. 8. SURVEY of ROUTE of MINISINK and MONT- GOMERY TURNPIKE, 1809. 9. SURVEY for DR. FISHER, of New i^ork. (Lot 45.) May 18 10. 10. SURVEY for DR. BENJ. NEWKIRK, May 1807. It. '' " JOHN BRINK, JAS. VAN KEUR- EN, MR. WOOD. iSii. 12. PETER and JOSEPH VAN NOY, Oct. 1810. 13. SURVEY for DANE. VAN GORDEN. (Map.) PACKAGE N. 1. SURVEY for JOHN CCniFORTand E. Y. PRIME, April 1805. 2. MAP of LAND of ALEX. BODLE and THOS. P. YOUNG, Oct. .S07. 3. JACOB SHIMER. E. KUVKENDALL and COR. COLE, May 1802. 2 S MINISINK r ALLEY 4. DANIEL and JONATHAN SMITH, May 1805. 5. ORIGINAL COURSE OF LINES ACROSS THE MOUNTAIN. 6. CALEB CLARK. (Map.) May 1804. 7. CALEB CLARK and ASAHEL F. SMITH. (Map.) 8. SURVEY for WM. ROSE, Ex., xMay 1804. 9. C. SKINNER, BENj. BROWN and EATON SMITH. (Map.) 10. C. SKINNER and A. F. HILL, April 27th, 1805. IT. PHILIP WINTERS and JOSEPH KETCHAM, April 1808. 12. JAMES FINCH and RUFUS STANTON. (Map.) Nov. 6th, i8o2. 13. PETER G. SWARTWOUT. (Map.) Feb. 1807. 14. ESQ. SEYBOLT. (Survey.) March 1807. 75. PHILAMEN WAY. (Map, 1805, Survey, Aug.iSo7.) 16 JOHN DECKER and AB^L A\\N AUKEN, Oct. 13th, 1807. 17 SURVEY for JACOB SHIMER.— Jacob Shimer, Isaac \ -cxW and Soh)inon Finch, 1807. j8. LANDadjoinirg- WM. YOUNG'S. Oct. 1807. 19. JOHN COMFORT, ^)ct. i,"o7. 20. WIDOW ESTHER HORNBECK. (Map) Sept. 1809. 21. (tARRETCHE PATERSON. (Map.) 1807. 22. PHILIP WINTERS. (Survey.) Nov. 1S07. 2^. ESQ. SEVBOLT. " 1S07 or 'oS. niSJ'OFICM. SOCIETY. 29 2-1. MARTIN I)h:CKI':R. iM-yn-.K swartwott, SAM. CASKKV. Heirs of Rev. Raldwin, May iSoS. 25. CYRUS SKIXXER'S FAR^^ (Survey.) March 1 80S. 26. RICHARD SIIIMICR and ISAAC DECKr:R. Jr. (Map.) 1S08. 27. MATTHEW LOCKWOOI), WM. 15AIRJ), EXOS BROWN, E. HROWX, Jr., JOHN KETCHAM, JOHN DAY and ALEX BODLE, (Map.) 1808. 28. ISAAC YAH>, SOE. FINCH and II. C.SMITH, (Map.) 29. HEIRS of R1<:V. MR. BALDWIN. (Map.) 1808. 30. JOHN SEYCOLT, M. LANE and A. F. HILL, (vSurvey) April 181 o. 31. JOHN SEYBOLT, CRAWFORD. J. LAIN and J. & C. MURRAY. (Survey.) Jan. 1810 WILLS. 1. WILL of DYRK Wl':STBR()OK, Sept. 25th, 1755. Cer- tified copy donated liy ]^Irs. Harriet W. Durland. 2. WILL of THOMAS WHITE. Aug. 29th, 1007. .3. WILLof ELIZARl^yni. wife of Thomas White, Oct. 25th, 1813. These hist two wills presented by Benjamin Mapes through Dr. Writer. Ji O VN J J VO L U3IE S . AMERICAN ANCESTRY. By Thomas Hughes. Yols. 1-5. By exchange with Muusell. AMERICAN PEDIGREES. Index to. By Daniel S. Di;rr;e. ^ By exchange with. J. Munsell. 30 AfJNISINK VALLEY AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Diplomatic Correspondence of. Compiled under direction of Congress. By Francis Wliarton. 6 Vols. Donated by Hon. F. ]\Iarvin. AGRICULTURE, Report of Department of, 1871. iSSi and 18S2. '* Report of Secretary of 1889. 3 Vols. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. ART OF WAR IN EUROPE. Report to U. S. Government by Major Delafield, 1854, '55 and '56. Donated by J. H. Wood. BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM. Report on by Senate Com- mittee on Taxation and Retrenchment, 18S8. BURHANS GENEALOCiY. By Samuel Burhans. Donated by Author. COLLINS, MRS. A. VAN ETTEN, Memoir of. By Hold- ridge Ozoo Collins. Donated by Author. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, ist Session of 51st Congress;. 12 Vols. Donated by O. H. Adams. CONKLING, ROSCOE. Memorial addresses in the A.ssembly CORWIN GENEALOGY. By Edward Fanjore Corwin. Do- nated bv jfente»-. yjfliyi. , Xi) OmX^^ DABOLL'S SCHOOLMASTER'S ASSISTANT.— DabollV Arithmetic. DE PEYSTER, COL., Letters of. 2 Vols. Donated by J Watts De Peyster. DICTIONARY, English and Low Dutch. By W. SeweL Amsterdam 1735. ERSKINE'S SONNETS. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. HIS TORICA I. SOCJF. TV. 31 FLEAIISII HIRLE, formerly owned l^y Mrs. J. T. Uuick of Milford. Piinted at Dort, 1741. Cost ^'4. or $20.00. Do- nated by Rev. A. vS. (lardiner. •GOSHEN, X. Y. Independent Republican. IJonntl copies from 1829 to 1831. Donated by Rev. Dr. Tlios. (iordon. HARDYSTON MEMORIAL. By Rev. A. A. Haines. Do- noted by Thos. (i. Bunnell. HODGES, JACK, lile of. By A. D. Eddy. Donated by Mrs. G. W. Sew a id. HUDSON CO.. N. J., Hi.-tory of. By Charles H. Winfield. Donated b}' Author. HUDSON CO.. N. J., L;ind Titles in. By Charles H. Winfield. Donated by Author. INTERNATIONAL PENITENTIARY CONGRESS. Re- port of 1872. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. JENNINGS, RICHARD. Trial of Hodges, Teed and Dun- ning for murder of. at Goshen, N. Y., 181 9. with au- togra]Mi letter to Geo. W. vSeward,by Richard Steel, com- menting on pardon of Hodges. 18S0. Donated by Mrs. (t. W. Seward. JL'STICES OF PEACE, Sherriffs. Coroners and County Officers, 1721. Donated by \V. Westfall. KINGSTON, N. Y.. Old Dutch Church of. Baptismal and Marriage Register, 1660-1689. By Roswell Randall Hoes. Donated by C. F. Van Inwegen. KL KLUX CONSPIRACY. Congressional Report on. 13 Vols. Donated by N. Pflaum. LABAR, GEORGE, Centennanan, Reminiscences by. By A. B. Burrell. Donated by Peter Wells. 32 AfrN/S/NK VALLEY MEDICAL SOCIETY OF STATE OF NEW YORK. Trans- actions of, 1 868. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. MINERAL RESOURCES WEST OF ROCKY MTS. 1869. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. MONTANA, (jeological Survey of and of Adjaoent Terri- tory, 187 t. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. NEW EN(tLAND primer, with Catechism etc. Printed by Evert luiyckinck, 1816. Donated by Mrs. S. W. Mills. THE SAME. A reprint by Munsell, 18S7. NEW JERSEY. Outline History of. [Without title page. J NEW JERSEY. Oflficersand men of, in Revolutionary War. Donated by Gen. W. S. Stryker. NEW YORK. University of the State of. Historical and Statistical Record, 17S4-1084. By Franklin B. Hough and Di\ Murray. NEW YORK. Transactions of State Medical Society, 1S68. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. NEW YORK. Transactions of State Medical Society, 1869. NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY. Boundary lines and other Papers. By Miss ]M. M. Lawrence. Donated by author. NEW YORK SCHOOL SYSTEM, Rise and Progress of. By Andrew Schepmoes, 1891. Donated by author. NEW YORK. Transactions of State Agricultural Society. ,883— '86. NEW YORK. Documentary History of. By E. I). O'Calla- ghan, M. D. Vol. i, 1849. Donated by Mrs. M. A. Shorter. NEW YORK. Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vols. 15. 16, 17, 18. HISTORICAL SOCIF.TY. 3,^ NEW YORK. Assembly Report 011 Indian prolilcni, 1S88. NEW YORK. Sixth Annual Report of R. R. Commission. 18S8. NEW YORK. Six Nations in. Extra Census I^ulletin. By Thomas Donalson. NEW YORK. System of Taxation in. By Julien T. Davis. NEW^ YORK. Report of Forest Commission. 1888. NEW YORK. Report of Board of Mediation and Arbi- tration. 1S89. NEW Y(3RK, Province of. Laws passed i6ox — 1762. Title page gone. OLD DUTCH DICTIONARY. Donated by Miss Woodward. OLD FAMILY BIBLE, of N. W. Mulley, Esq. Donated by M. Van Akin. OLD MERCHANTS OF NEW YORK CITY. By AValter Barrett. Donated by Mrs. ]\I. A. Shorter. PENNSYLVANIA, Magazine of. History and Biography. Vols. I — 12. Donated by Hon. L. W. Brodhead. PHILADELPHIA, Saturday Evening Post. Bound Vols.Jan. 1831 to Dec. 1832. Also scattering numbers of N. Y. Journal of Commerce, April to Nov. 1832. Donated by Rev. Dr. T. Gordon. PINE AND PALM. Editorial Excursions South and North, 187 1 and 1872. By N. H. Hotchkiss. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. TOM QUICK. By Rev. A. S. Gardiner. 2 Copies. Donated by Author. TOM QUICK AND LEGENDS OF THE DELAWARE By William Bross. Donated by Author. 34 MINI SINK VALLEY REVOLUTIONARY WAR. History of in Verse. By Is- rael Skinner. SCHENECTADY. 200th Anniversary of the P^irst Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in. By Dr. W. E. Griffis. Do- nated by Author. SliAWANGUNK, Legends of. By Philip H. Smith. Donated by Author. SMITHSONIAN REPORTS FOR 1869,1870 and 1887. 3 Vols. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. SONS OF THE REVOLUTION, Constitution and Register of the New York Society. Donated by J as. M. Mont-- gomery. STATUTES OF UNITED STATES, 48th Congress, 2nd Session. Donated by Hon. M. D. wStivers. SPARTA, N. J., Presbyterian Church of. Centennial An- niversary. Rev. T. F. Chambers. Donated by Rev. wS. W. Mills. SYNGE, DR. EDWARD, London 1744. Propertv of Wm. Denn in 1766. Donated by Dr. Writer. THEOLOGY, Natural. By William Paley. TRAPPERS OF NEW YORK, Biography of Nicholas Stoner and Nathaniel Foster with some account of Sir William Johnson. By Jeptha R. Simms. By exchange with Munsell VIRGINIA CAROLORUM, Virginia under the Charleses. By Edward D. Neill. By exchange with Munsell. VON ROTTECK, History of the World. 4 Vols. Vols. 1-4. Donated by Mrs. M. A. Shorter. WASHINGTON, and other officers in Revolutionary Army. Correspondence of, with Governor of New Jersey. Do- nated by J. H. Wood. MINJ^JNK I .1 1. L /•: V 3 s WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Vols. ,3 and Tracts No. 73-84, 1S92. Donated by the vSocicty. WILBER, DAVID. Memorial Addresses in Con^^ress. WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 2nd Tri-ennial Catalogue <»f Portrait Gallery. Donated by the Society. WYOMING, looth year Commemoration of the Massacre. By Wesley Johnson, Sec. of Wyoming- Memorial Committee. Donated by W. Johnson. WYOMING VALLEY. Families of. By George B. Kulp. Do- nated by Dr. W. W. Bidlack. HISTORY^ OF DEERPARK, by P. E. Gumaer. Publishe*! by Society. PAMPHLETS. AGRICULTURE, Report of Department of, 1871. " " " jSSi and 1882. '•' Report of Secretary of 1889. 3 Vol*;. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. ALMANAC OF 1779. Donated by B. A. Westbrook. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REGISTER, Nov. 1894. AMERICANS OF ROYAL DESCENT. By Charles Brown- ing, Philadelphia. Index, 2nd Edition. ANDROS, SIR EDMUND. By Henry Ferguson, M. A. BATTLE OF BENNINGTON. By Hon. S. D. Locke. BEEKMAN, LIEUT. TJERK, Journal of, on Sullivan Ex- pedition. By James R. (xibson. Donated by Author. BEEKMAN, LIEUT. TJERK Mess Account of, 1778 to .7S0. By James R. (libson. Donated by J. R. (ribson. BEEKMAN FAMILY, Some Records of. By James R. (iib- son. Donated by J. R. (iibson. j6 MINI SINK VALLEY BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Report, 1893. Donated by vSociet3^ CLEVELAND, OHIO. Address before Early Settlers' As- sociation. By S. O. Griswold. Donated by Historical Societ3\ CIVIL LIST OF THE TOWN OF DEERPARK, 1690-1891. By J. M. Allerton. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. CLEVELAND, History of City of. From Western Reserve Historical Society. COCHECTON BRIDGE CO., History of,i864 Donated by Rev' T. Brittain. ELLSWORTH, OLIVER, 4th Chief Justice of U. S., Sketch of. In Current Comment and Legal Miscellany. Vol. 2, No. 2. EUROPEAN HISTORY, Translations and Reprints from Original Sources of. \o\. i, No. i. INDIAN CAMPAIGNS OF 1779. By Gen. W. S. Stryker. Donated by Author. JERSEY CITY. Monograph on Founding of. Donated by Hon.C. H. W^intield. MASON, MAJ. JOHN. Story of Statue to. By Thomas S. Collier. MINISINK. Centennial Celebration of Battle of. By J. W. Johnston and Albert Stage. Donated by J. W.Johnston. MINISINK, Poem on Battle of. By W. W. Padgct. Donated by Mrs. Tho.s. Goble. MISCELLANIES BY AN OFFICER OF GEN. SULLI- VAN'S EXPEDITION. Col. Arent Schuyler DePeyster. With Apppendiy and Expianalory Notes. jnS'JORfCAL SOCIETY. 37 BI--CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OV 200TII AXXI- VERSARY OF SI-yrTLEMENT OF NICVKRSIXK VALLEY. NEWBURGH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First Annual Mect- ingf of, 1884. Donated by Wm. H. Roe. •' Papers read before the vSoeiety. :NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, Proceedings of, Jan. 1S91. NEW JERSEY. Capture of Block House at Toms River. Donated by Gen. AV. S. Stryker. NEW JERSEY. Continental Line in Virginia. Campaign 1781. NEWJERSEY. Executive Correspondence, 1776 — 1786. NEW JERSEY. Oration at Jersey City, July 4, 1876. By Charles H. Winfield. Donated by Autlior. NEW JERSEY. ^Memorial of Centennial Celebration of Battle of Paulus Hook. NEWJERSEY. Massacre near Old Tappan. By William S. Stryker. Donated by Author. NEWJERSEY. Old Barracks at Trenton. By William S. Stryker. Donated by Author. NEW JERSEY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Nos. I and 5, 2nd Series. Donated by Hon. Hiram C. Clark. NFW JERSEY. VOLUNTEERS IN THE REVOLUTION. By William S. Stryker. Donated by Autnor. NEW JERSEY, Washington's Reception by the People of By William S. Stryker. Donated by Author. NEW YORK. Decisions of John A. Dix as State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. 1S37. Donated by Mrs. M. A. Shorter. HfS TO R rCA L SO CTE TV. 3S OHIO HISTORICAL vSOCIETY, 8th Annual Report, 1892, PAMUNKV INDIANS,. By John Garland Pollard. Do- nated by Hon. F. Marvin, M. C. PHILADELPHIA. First Annual Banquet of Netherlands Society. POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. Printed 1695. Title page gone. PORT JERVIS, N. Y. Historical Discourse on Reformed" (Dutch) Church in (Deerpark.) By Rev. S. W. Mills. Donated by Author. RELATION OF PRESBYTERIANISM TO REVOLU- TIONARY SENTIMENT IN N. Y., and Some of the Beginnings of Westchester Co. History by Ex-Gov^ Cornell. Two Pamphlets from Westchester County His- torical Society. PUTNAM, GEN. ISRAEL, History of Equestrian Statue of. JJonated by J as. Easton. RED JACKET AND HIS PEOPLE FROM 1750 to 1830. By J. Niles Hubfeard. Donated by Mrs. Harriet M. Con- verse. REED, JOSEPH. Further Facts with Reference to his Character. Printed by the vState of New Jersey for pri- vate distribution, 1876. SALISHAN LANGUAGES, Bibliography of. By Jas. Con- statine Pilling. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. SILENT CITY. Poem by Peter Wells. Donated by Author. SIX NATIONS OF NEW YORK. Donated by Hon. F. Marvin. SONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Annual of the Society. Donated l^y J. R. Gibson. 1S89-90. HIS TO RICA r. SO CIE TV. 39 ISONS OF THE REVOLUTION. Year I'.ook of the Cali- fornia Society, 1894. Donated b}- H. O'Collins. STRYKER FAMILY, (ienealo<^-y of. Donated by (ien. \V. .8. Stryker. TRANSLATIONS AND REPRINTS FROM ORIGLNAL SOURCES OF EUROPEAN HISTORY. Donated by Hon. F. Marvin. TRENTON MONUMENT. Proceedings at Laying of Cor- ner vStone of VIRGINIA COMPANY OF LONDON, History of. By Edward D. Neill. By excliange with J. Munsell. INAUGURATION OF GEO. WASHINGTON AS FIRST PREST. OF U. S. Address by Chief Justice Fuller be- fore two Houses of Congress in conimemmoration of, Dec. nth, 1889. WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, His- torical Sketch of. 1 888. By D. W. Manchester. Do- nated by Society. WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tract No. 69, 19th Annual .Meeting". Tract No. 40 The Iro- quois m Ohio. Tract No. 50 Indian Narratives. By Judge Hugli Welch. Donated by Society, WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Publications of. WHITTLESEY, COL. CHARLES, Memorial of. Donated by Western Reserve Historical Society. WISCONSIN, 38th Annual Meeting of Historical Society of. 1891. Donated by the Society. 40 MINISINK VALLEY WISCONSIN STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 40th An- nual Meeting, Dec., 1892. 41st Annual Meeting, Dec.^ 1S93. Donated b}'' Society. WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. K Y. State Loan Exhibit of Embroideries, Etc. Report of Sub- Committee on Music for N. Y. State. Women of N. Y, State, J. Imogen Howard. Women of N. Y. vState, Special Report. J. Imogen Howard. Women of N. Y. State, List of Books written by. SUJSJDRIES. ADDRESS FROM COUNCIL OF PROPRIETORS OF WESTERN DIVISION OF NEW JERSEY, to occu- pants of lands within the Angle. Burlington, May 7th, 1795. Donated by John W. Hasbrouck. ASSESSMENT ROLL OF DEERPARK, 1803. Donated by Stoddard Van Inwegen. Framed. BLOOMINGBURGH, N. Y., Deed for Pew in Reformed Church of. Donated by Rev. J. L. vStillwell. BILL OF SALE OF A NEGRO, April 3d, 1816. Donated by Wm. Westfall. BRIGADE ORDERS, July 21st, 1804, and Aug. 22d, 1805, for Review of Orange County Militia by Major Tusten, Donated by J. J. Hart. CERTIFICATE AND REQUEST, of Consistory of Dutch Reformed Church in the Clove, N. J., Jan. 2d, 1812. Do- nated by S. W. Mills. COPY OF LETTER WRITTEN BY GEN. WASHING- TON, March 28tb, 1779, to Col. Daniel Brodhead, giving directions relating to Military Operations. Donated by Captain Edgar Brodhead. HISTORICAL SOtrETY. 41 DEERPARK. Manuscript of the (Uimacr History of. Do_ nated by P. L. Guniaer. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, Litlio-raph Copy of. DENN, MARY A., Manuscript Arithmetical Exercises, Written in 1S09. DEERPARK, TOWN OF. Register of Ear Marks, 1799 to 1849. Also Record of Stray Cattle, 1800 to 1850. DIARY WRITTEN IN 1816. Chietiy Religious Subjects. No Name. FULLERTON, SAMUEL, Account Book of. 1 794-1809. FAC-SIMILE OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE SO- CIETY OF THE CINCINNATTI with signatures of the First Members. Donated by J. L. Bonnell. GOSHEN REPOSITORY, Dec. 31st, 1799, Containing ac- count of death of Geo. Washington, with President'^ Message to Congress announcing the same. Framed, GOSHEN REPOSITORY AND WEEKLY INTELLI- GENCER, Aug, 1 2th, 1794. LEDGER OF SANDS & MONDON, Merchants, Deerpark. 1825 -1831. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR 1873. Old Ledger of 1825. Donated by John Ridgway. MONTAGUE AND SANDYSTON. Petition of Inhabit- ants of, to Legislature of New Jersey, Oct. 9th, 1804, fot Permission to hold a Lottery to raise ,*$8oo to complete Church Edifice, Donated by Gen. W. S. vStr^vker. MINISINK, Petition of Reformed Dutch Church of, to Leg- islature of New Jersey, Oct. i6th, 1795, for Permission to hold a Lottery to raise $350 to repair Churcli. Do- nated by (len. W. S. Stryker. 42 MINI SINK VALLEY MINISINK, SALARY LISTS, of Church of. 17S5-178S. 1790-1794. Five Lists. Donated by T. G. Bunnell. MINISINK REGION. Hi:,torical Note'-- and Communica- tion.s Relating to Capture of John Hilborn on Brodhead's Creek, Pa. Donated b}' Hon. L. \V. Brodhead. MAMAKATING. Records of School District No. 10. 1829-1S64. MAMAKATING. School District No. 10 Records, 1829- 1S65. MAPS. Germantown. Original Map of Addition to Port jervis. Donated b}^ Stephen St. John. Minisink Valley, Old Map of. Donated by J. M. Montgomery of New York. Map of Lots 40 and 47, of 7th Division, of INIini- sink Patent. Donated by Mrs. M. A. Shorter. NEWSPAPERS. Gumaer Collection of Old Papers. Do- nated by P. L. Gumaer. NEWSPAPERS. Various Old Papers received from numer- ous wSources and of Divers Dates. NEW YORK, R. R. MAP OF, 18S6. Donated by J. W. Hasbrouck. NEW YORK, xMAP OF PROVINCE OF. London, .779. Cop3', b}^ Authority of State, 1840. PICTURES. 2d Semi-Annual Meeting of Minisink A'alley Historical Society, 1890, (3 pictures.) PICTURE OF STONE CHURCH IN FORT AT NEW YORK IN 1642. Donated by T. R. Anderson. PICTURES ; Cuddeback Homestead near Port Clinton. PICTURES: Robert Ogden, 1746-1826. Lottery Ticket No. 12,095 for Benefit of Princeton College on Back. Donated bv Rev. A. A. Haines. IlISTOKICAI. SOCIETY 43 PLYMOUTH, MASS. First Cluirch in. 1620-189;,. An Ap_ peal for Aid, REPRINT OP FIRST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN AMERICA. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. RECORDS OF REVOLUTION. Published in 1S68. Loaned to Society by Mrs. Robert Taylor. RECORD OF SLAVES IN DEERPARK. From Town Officers. SCRAP BOOK, Containing- specimens of Sliin-Plaster Cur- rency; Butter or Yellow colored Bill of Bank of Orange County; Penny Recipe for Hydrophcbia and Newspaper Clippings of Historical Interest. SKINNER, ABNER C, Letters of Administration on Es- tate of his fatlier, Abner wSkinner, 1806. Masonic De- gree, 1812. Commission as Sergeant of Infantry, 1835. Commission as Lieutenant of Infantry, 1856. SCHOOL RECORDS FROM 181 2 to 1859. Donated by Eugene Rhodes. SWARTWOUT, JACOBUS, Commission of. Signed by DeWttt Clinton. Donated by Dr. S. Van Etten. SURVEYS ALONG NEVERSINK RIVER AND BASHA'S KILL. Donated by Miss Woodward. vSOLDIERS OF DEERPARK. Register of 1S61-5. FIVE RECEIPTS OF E. VAN BUNSCHOOTEN. Do- nated by T. (t. Bunnell. INCORPORATION OF LOW DUTCH CHURCH, in Town of Wantage, Sussex County, N. J.. Dec. 28th, iSoL Donated by S. W. Mills. ULSTER COUNTY, GAZETTE, Jan. 4th, iSoo, Contain- ing Account of Dentil of Washington. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. 4 ^ MIA ^ISIA K ]' ALLEY AVALPACK C^HURCH. Deed tor Cemetery, Feb. isi. 1737. Donated by Thos. G. Buunell. PETITION OF IXHABITANTvS OF PAHAQUALOXG AND WALPACK, to Council of Proprietors of Eastern Division of New Jersey for Certain Unappropriated Lands for Use of Minister and Congregation. No date Copy. Donated by T. G. Bunnell. RELICS. BED WRENCH USED BY NATHANIEL CONKLING, Great Grandfatlier of Dr. John Conkling, 1725. Donated by Dr. J. Conkling'. BUTTER BILL (Yellow color) of the Old Orange County Bank of Goshen. Donated by Wni. Westfall. (See i^crap-Bo-ok.) BLOOMINGBURGH, N. Y. Plate from Cornerstone of Masonic Lodge Built 1824. Donated by Rev. J. L. Still- well. CONTINENTAL CURRENCY, 1776-177S. Six Notes $104. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. CONTINENTAL CURRENCY, 1776-1778. Two Notes. CONFEDERATE BILL, $20. RICHMOND, VA. Donated by Rev. S. W. Mills. (See Scrap-Book.) ENGLISH PORCELAIN PLATE PRESENTED TO GEO. WASHINGTON BY LAFAYETTE. Donated by W. B. Asten. LONDON CLARIONET USED IN WAR OF 1812, by John Osborne a Mui^ician in the Army. Dfniated by Mr. Osborne of Cliicago. JIISTORJCAL SOC/KTY. 45 LOTTERY TICKET OF ROBERT OGDEN, 1763, for Benefit of Princeton College. Donated by Rev. A. A. Haines. On back of Picture. PHOTOGRAPH OF LETTER OF WASHINGTON, to Consistory of Dutch Reformed Church of Kingston. Donated by Hon. A. T. Clearwater. PETRIFIED SHARK'S TEETH FROM BEAUFORT, S. C. Donated by John Hunn, of vS. C, through Dr. V. Emerson. SWORD AND TWO CANNON BALLS FOUND AT CAMPBELL HALL, ORANGE COUNTY. Donated by Alonzo Dowe. PENNY RECIPE FOR CURE OF HYDROPHOBIA. (See Scrap-Book.) PIECE OF WOOD FROM THE HOUSE IN WHICH GEN. MONTGOMERY DIED IN QUEBEC. .SECTION OF PALISADE FROM DEFENCES OF SCHENECTADY IN 1690. Donated by Rev. Dr. W. E. Griffis. .SHIN-PLASFER CURRENCY. J^OTE. The Names of Donors, so far as they could be ascer- tained, liave been Published in this Catalogue in connection with tlie Articles Donated, In numerous instances Dona — tions have been received by Mail and without anything to designate the source from which they have come. From this and other causes it has been impossible to attach the Name of the Contributor to many Articles in the vSociet3''s Collection. CORRECTION— On page 14. line 12. for ^ftathom, read Hathorn. ^^^ 29 1907 LIBRftRV OF CONGRESS "e'SlA" 113 048 i • LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ,,,.,.,. ,1.11 iiHIvniVltlMi 014 113 048 1 HBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 113 048 1