American School Chicago U. S. A. D^^ ./^7 Ancient History Prepared especially for the instruction and training of students of the American School By Arthur F. Barnard, A.B. Instructor and Head of Department of History, University High School, University of Chicago American School Chicago U.S. A. OOFTSIORT, 1013, 1920, 1021, 1932, bt AMERICAN SCHOOL COPTKIOHTED IN GREAT BBITADr AIX BIGHTS BBaERVBS 00128*22 (0)CU683916 A^ " ! Ancient History Outlines of Greek History INTRODUCTION This outline is designed to cover the regular Ancient History unit required for entrance to colleges and universities and is based on the two texts accompanying this instruction book, viz, Morey's Outlines of Greek History, and Morey's Outlines of Roman History. In order to make the references perfectly clear td the student, the chapter divisions of the instruction paper follow exactly those of the texts. The questions under each heading are intended to suggest the important topics for special study and to guide the student into useful lines of thought outside of the text so as to broaden his view of the historical incidents of the period under discussion. The answers to these questions are not nebessarily to be put in writing although the greatest value will be derived from working by this method; in any event they are not to be sent to the school for cor- rection. Morey's Outlines are sufficient to prepare the student for the examinations in this book, and for any entrance examination on the subject. However, for those who feel the need or the desire for a broader study, Botsford's "History of the Ancient World," published by MacMillan, is strongly recommended for collateral reading. EXAMINATIONS Send to the School for correction only the examinations on Greek and Roman History pages 32 to 33, and 62 to 64. Send first the one on Greek History. All other questions in this instruction book are for home study. 2 ANCIENT HLSTOKY LESSON I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION-THE BEQINNINQ OF HISTORY I. Subject-Matter of History 1. Give the author's definition of history. Is this definition satisfactory? 2. Is history identical with the study of antiquities? 3. What is the distinguishing characteristic of an historical people? 4. What is the meaning of civilization? Compare civilization and barbarism. 5. Name and describe the elements of x:ivilization. 6. How do we determine the relative importance of historical facts? II. The Early Condition of Mankind 1. What is the prehistoric age? 2. What are our sources of knowledge for the prehistoric age? 3. Describe the stages of progress during the prehistoric age 4. Explain the meaning of the phrase the "dawn of civiliza- tion. 5. How did mankind live at the dawn of civilization? III. Divisions of the Human Race 1. Has mankind always been divided into distinct races? 2 Do the different races of mankind show the same capacity for civihzation? 3. Indicate some of the methods of classifying the human race. 4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a classifica- tion according to language. 5. Define the three classes of languages. 6. Is language an index or evidence of civilization? 7. What is our field of study? ANCIENT HISTORY 3 CHAPTER II THE FAR EASTERN COUNTRIES I. China 1. Why does the author begin with the history of the Far East? 2. Why does the study of China form a good introduction to the history of civiUzation? 3. Describe the Mongolian occupation of China. 4. Describe the improvement in the condition of the people as shown in the traditions. 5. What change took place in the habits of the Chinese after they settled in the great river valley? 6. Describe their industries, inventions, and arts. 7. Show the importance of the family in Chinese government and religion. 8. WTiat were the teachings of Confucius? What is your estimate of Chinese religion? 9. Describe the Chinese language. 10. What are the textbooks used in the Chinese schools? Criti- cise their education. 11. What has been the foreign policy of the Chinese and its effect? Is this policy changing? II. India and the Hindu* 1. Why is the civilization of India of especial interest to Euro- peans and Americans? 2. Describe the culture of the Aryans before their migra- tion. 3. Compare the settlement of the Hindus with that of the Chinese. 4. Describe the growth of the caste system. 5. What was the early literature of the Hindus? 6. Describe the main features of Brahmanism. 7. What advancement did the Brahmans make in science? 8. What were the teachings of Buddha? 9. Describe the monuments of Buddhism. 10. What influence has India had on our civilization? 4 ANCIENT HISTORY CHAPTER III THE MESOPOTAMIAN COUNTRIES I. The Early Babylonian Empire 1. Describe the geography of the Mesopotamian valley. 2. What successive empires were built up in this valley? 3. Describe the Accadian civilization. 4. Give an account of early Babylonian history. 5. What are our sources for Babylonian history? 6. What was the nature of the Chaldean writing and ho was it deciphered? 7. What was the character of the Accadian religion? 8. Describe the growth of astrology and its influence. II. The Assyrian Empire 1. Describe the rise of the Assyrian power and their conquest 2. What was the Assyrian system of government? 3. Describe the construction and ornamentation of an Assyria palace. 4. What were the cylinder seals? 5. Describe an Assyrian library. 6. What were the customs of the Assyrians? III. The Later Babylonian Empire 1. What events led up to the fall of Nineveh and what wei its results? 2. Describe Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar. 3. Indicate the relation between Assyrian and Babylonia civilization. 4. What was the influence of Mesopotamian civilization? CHAPTER IV THE HITHER ORIENT I. Ancient Eg3^t 1. Explain the place of Egypt in ancient history. 2. Show the importance of the Nile River to Egypt. 3. Describe upper and lower Egypt and indicate their order c development. ANCIENT HISTORY 5 4. What are our sources for ancient Egyptian nistory? 5. What is the opinion of historians as to the antiquity of Egyptain civiHzation? _ :. 6. Write a brief sketch of ancient Egyptian history. 7. Describe Egyptian industry and commerce. 8. What is meant by the phrase the "union of Egypt"? 9. Describe the classes of the people. 10. What was the origin and extent of the authority of the king? 11. Describe the development of Egyptian religion. 12. What was the Egyptian belief in regard to death? 13. What sciences were cultivated by the Egyptians? 14. Describe Egyptian architecture, sculpture, and painting. 15. Explain the importance of the Rosetta stone. 16. Describe the forms of Egyptian writing. 17. What was their greatest book? II. Phoenicia 1. Make a sketch map of Phoenicia. 2. What were the customs of the Phoenicians? 3. Describe Phoenician commerce. 4. Describe Phoenician colonization. 5. What was the origin of the Phoenician alphabet? 6. Indicate the influence of Phoenician civilization. III. Judea 1. Compare the Hebrews with other Oriental nations. 2. What is their claim to greatness? 3. Write a brief sketch of Hebrew history. 4. Describe the Hebrew government. 5. Trace the development of the Hebrew religion. 6. Classify the books of the Old Testament. 7. What is the author's estimate of Hebrew literature? IV. Asia Minor 1. Describe the important peoples and kingdoms of Asia Minor. 2. What did the Hittites do for civilization? 3. Explain the importance of the Lydians in ancient history. 6 ANCIENT HISTORY LESSON II CHAPTER V HELLAS AND THE HELLENES I. The Place of Greece In History 1. What Is the relation of Greece to Oriental civilization and to European civilization? 2. Describe the characteristics of the ancient Greeks and theii civilization. 3. Have the modern Greeks these characteristics? Are thej the same in race and language with the ancient Greeks? n. Hellas, the Land of the Greeks 1. Bound the Greek peninsula. 2. Had ancient Hellas the same boundaries as modem Greece 1 3. Describe the geography of Asiatic, Insular, and Europear Greece and state the importance of each in Greek history. 4. Discuss the influence of natural environment on the GreeL character. 5. What bays separate northern from central, and central f rone southern Greece? 6. Draw a rough outline map of the Greek peninsula and locate the following: (a) Districts: Thessaly, Epirus, Attica, Bceotia; Phocis, Corinthia, Argolis, Laconia, Messenia, Arcadia, Elis, Achaia (b) Cities: Athens, Sparta, Thebes, Corinth, Argos, Delphi, Olympia (c) Islands: Euboea, -^gina, Corcyra. in. The Hellenes, the People of Hellas 1. Describe the settlement of the Greeks and their advance- ment in civilization at the time. 2. What people occupied the land at the time of the Greels settlement? 3. Name the Greek tribes and indicate their mythical ancestry, 4. What was the location of these tribes in the earliest times^ 5. What was the effect of the so-called Dorian migration on the tribal locations? ANCIENT HISTORY 7 6. Trace the resultant stream of migration to Asia Minor. 7. Show on an outline map the location of the Hellenic tribes after the Dorian migration CHAPTER VI THE OLDEST CIVILIZATION OF GREECE I. Legends of Early Greece 1. What are the sources for the civilization of the prehis- toric period? 2. What value have the legends to the student of Greek his- tory? 3. Give the legends of Cecrops, Cadmus, Pelops, and show their significance. 4. What does legend tell us of Minos and of Theseus? 5. Who was the greatest of the Greek heroes? What was his prototype? Why has he been considered a type of the Greek race? 6. Give the legends of national exploits- 11. Monuments of Ancient Greece 1. What were the motives of Dr. Schliemann and what have been the effects of his work? 2. Describe the excavations at Hissarlik. 3. Describe the excavations at Tiryns and Mycenae. 4. Make a sketch map of the iEgean basin and locate the various sites of prehistoric remains, III. The Mycenaean Civilization 1. Define the limits of the Mycenaean civilization. 2. What was the character of the periods into which this age is divided? 3. What race produced this civilization, in the opinion of scholars? 4. What is the author's theory as to the origin of Mycenaean civilization? 5. What was the influence of the Mycenaean civilization? 8 ANCIENT HISTORY CHAPTER VII HOMER AND THE HOMERIC CULTURE I. The Homeric Poems' 1. In what environment were the epic poems composed? 2. Explain the origin of the epic poems. 3. State fully the subject of the Iliad and the Odyssey. 4. What theories as to the authorship of the Homeric poems have been held by critics? What seems most reasonable to the author? 5. Are the events chronicled in the Homeric poems historical? 6. What is the chief value of the Homeric poems to the stu- dent of Greek history? II. Homeric Industry and Art 1. What were the means of subsistence? 2. Describe Homeric industry and commerce. 3. What advancement had been made in the fine arts? III. Homeric Society and Government 1. Of what units was early Greek society composed? 2. How was the tribal state governed? 3. Give examples of early tribal leagues. iV. Homeric Religion and Morality 1. What was the character of early Greek religion? 2. Name and describe the Olympian deities. 3. What was the Greek conception of the life after death? 4. What was the Greek idea of sacrifice? 5. Compare the priestly class in Greece and in the Orient. 6. What was the morality of the Homeric Age? CHAPTER VIII THE CHARACTER OF THE GREEK CITY STATE I. The Elements of the City State 1. Discuss the transition from the prehistoric to the historic age. 2. Define the city state and indicate its origin. ANCIENT HISTORY 9 3. Compare the govemmsnt of the city state with Oriental government. 4. Describe the elements of the tribal state: (a) Family, (b) Gens, (c) Phratry, (d) Phyle or tribe. 5. What was the relation of the tribal state to the citv state? II. Organization of the City State 1. Explain the importance of the citadel in the growth of the city state. 2. What function did religion perform in the city state? 3. Describe the powers and duties of (a) King, (b) Council, (c) Assembly. 4. Show the influence of the city state on Greek history and on later history, III. Political Development in Greece 1. What general tendency can we trace in the development of Greek government? 2. Explain the change: (a) From Monarchy to Aristocracy, (b) From Aristocracy to Tyranny, (c) From Tyranny to Democracy. CHAPTER IX THE DORIAN CITY STATE— SPARTA I. Political Growth of Sparta 1. Show in a general way the character of the Dorian race and the Dorian culture. 2. Describe the rise of Argos and of Sparta. 3. To wnat did the Spartans owe their success? 4. What institutions does legend attribute to Lycurgus? 5. How does the author criticise the legend of Lycurgus? 6. Compare the classes of the people at Sparta, as to (a) Origin, (b) Residence, (c) Rights, (d) Occupation, (e) Duties. 7. Describe the government at Sparta in its three branches. 8. Describe the institution of the ephorate. 10 ANCIENT HISTORY II. The Spartan Discipline 1. What was the end and aim of the Spartan discipline? 2. Justify from the Spartan standpoint the exposure of infant and give your own criticism of the practice. 3. Describe the training of the boy. 4. What was the Spartan attitude toward art and literature' How do you account for this attitude? 5. What regulations governed the lives of all citizens? 6. Describe the military organization of the Spartans. Ii what respects was it superior to the Oriental armies? III. The Supremacy of Sparta In the~Peloponnesus 1. Describe the conquests of Sparta in southern Peloponnesus 2. How did Sparta extend her influence in central Peloponnesus' 3. Describe the organization of the Peloponnesian league. 4. What was the influence of Sparta in Greek history? 5. Show on an outline map the states conquered by Spartf and those allied with Sparta. CHAPTER X THE IONIAN CITY STATE— ATHENS I. The Athenian Monarchy 1. What was the character of the Ionian race and of its culture* 2. What was the nature of the earliest government at Athens 1 3. Name some of the legendary kings of Athens. 4. Explain the "union of Attica" under Theseus. 5. What divisions of the people remained after the union ol Attica? 6. Tell the legend of Codrus. 7. Describe the government of Athens by the archons and the council of the Areopagus. Why did the Greeks call such a gov- ernment an oligarchy? 8. What was the attitude of the people toward this govern- ment? 9. Tell the story of the rebellion of Cylon. What was its effect? ANCIENT HISTORY 11 10. Describe the constitutional change made by Draco. 11. What was the nature of the law code drawn up by Draco? Was Draco responsible for this? II. Solon and the Athenian Aristocracy 1. What can you say of the character of Solon and his place in Athenian liistory? 2. Quote the words of Aristotle on the condition of the poor before the time of Solon. 3. What measures did Solon take for the relief of debtors? 4. Criticise the statement of Aristotle to the effect that Solon cancelled all debts. 5. What were the census classes of Solon? 6. How were the qualifications for office based on these census classes? 7. Did Solon establish a pure democracy at Athens? 8. What was the Helieea? 9. What changes did Solon make in the councils? 10. Describe the social regulations of Solon. Compare the Athenian discipline with the Spartan. 11. Was Solon's work permanent? III. Plsistratus and the Athenian Tyranny 1. Describe the political situation after the death of Solon. 2. What weakness in the government gave opportunity for the usurpation of Pisistratus? 3. Tell how Pisistratus usurped power and how he reinstated himself after being expelled. 4. Describe the administration of Pisistratus. 5. Give an account of the events leading up to tne end of the tyranny. IV. Clisthenes and Athenian Deniocrac> 1. Describe the transition from tyranny to democracy. 2. What were the new territorial divisions of Clisthenes and what was their political effect? 3. Describe the constitutional changes made by Clisthenes in (a) Assembly, (b) Senate, (c) Magistrates. 12 ANCIENT HISTORY 4. What was the attitude of the Athenians toward tyranny Describe the institution of ostracism. What would you criticise i] ostracism? 5. Review the constitutional changes made by Athenians ii their progress toward democracy. 6. What opposition was encountered by democratic Athen among the other Greek states? CHAPTER XI THE EXPANSION OF GREECE 1. The Extension of Hellas 1. What conmaon political experience and tendency do we fin( among Greek states? 2. Discuss the causes of colonization. 3. Describe the founding of a colony and indicate its relatioi to the mother city. 4. Name one Ionian and one Dorian city that were prominen in colonization. Locate in a general way their colonies. 5. What situations were preferred by the colonists? 6. What were the two great areas of colonization? II. The Eastern Colonies of Hellas 1. Locate on an outline map the colonies mentioned in th text. III. The Western Colonies of Hellas 1. Locate colonies mentioned on outline map as above. ShoA on an outline map the Greek colonies and the Phoenician colonies CHAPTER XII EARLY GREEK CULTURE I. Religious Culture 1. What influence tended to develop a common national life? 2. Why did Greek culture prove to be the strongest bond o union? 3. Discuss religion as a bond of union. ANCIENT HISTORY 13 4. Describe the Delphic oracle. 5. Describe the Amphictyonic League. 6. Describe the Panhellenic Games. 7. Discuss the influence of these institutions. 8. Describe important local festivals. II. The Beginning of Greek Art 1. Compare Greek art with Oriental art. 2. What does the author consider the chief characteristics of Greek art? 3. In what structures do we find the highest expression of Greek art? 4. Describe (illustrating by diagram) the great types in the development of the Greek temple. 5. Compare point by point the Doric and Ionic styles. 6. In what respects did the Corinthian style differ from the ionic style? 7. How did the Greek architect use color and ornament? 8. What was the character of the early Greek sculpture? 9. What influence caused rapid improvement in the technique of sculpture? III. Tlie Qreelc Language and Early Literature 1. What was the character of the language? 2. Who were the Homeridse? 3. Describe the works of Hesiod. 4. Indicate the nature of the transition from Epic to Lyric poetry. 5. Describe the different kinds of Lyric poetry. IV. Early Greelc Pliilosoptiy 1. Who were the "Seven Wise Men" and what were their say- ings? 2. In what studies did philosophy begin? 3. Describe the Ionic Philosophy. 4. Give an account of the life and work of Pythagoras. 5. Describe the Eleatic Philosophy. 14 ANCIENT HISTORY LESSON III CHAPTER XIII THE ENCROACHMENTS OF THE EAST UPON THE WEST 1. The Lydian Conquest of Asia Minor 1. What danger confronted Greek civilization at the beginninj of the fifth century B.C.? 2. What was the chief point of contact between the East anc the West? 3. Indicate the strength and weakness of the Asiatic Greel cities. 4. Describe the situation of Lydia and the conquests of its kings. 5. How did CrcBsus treat the Asiatic Greek cities? II. The Rise and Conquests of Persia 1. Describe the rise of Persian power under Cyrus. 2. Narrate the events leading up to the conquest of the Lydiar empire by the Persians. 3. What significance has the Persian conquest of Macedonia in Greek history? 4. Show on an outline map the extent of the Persian Empin and the Greek states. III. The Persian Empire and Its Civilization 1. What was the extent of the Persian Empire? Compare its area with that of the Greek states. 2. What was the political organization of the empire? 3. What were the issues at stake in the conflict between Persia and Greece? IV. The Ionian Revolt 1. What is the importance of the Ionian Revolt? 2. Narrate the events leading up to the Ionian Revolt. 3. Did the European Greeks take part in this revolt? 4. What were the consequences of the burning of Sardis? 6. Describe the suppression of the revolt and show its signifi- cance. ANCIENT HISTORY 15 CHAPTER XIV THE INVASION OF QREECB I. Thellnvaslon of Darius 1. What were the plans of Darius? 2. What government did Mardonius give to the Asiatic Greek cities? How do you account for this act? 3. Describe the expedition of Mardonius. 4. What reply was given by the different Greek cities to the heralds of Darius? 5. Describe the exp)edition of^ Datis and Artaphernes with a diagram of the battle of Marathon. 6. What was the importance of the battle of Marathon? II. The Ten Years Respite 490-480 B.C. 1. To what did the Athenians attribute their success at Mara- thon? 2. Describe the character and politics of Aristides and Them- istocles. 3. What were the naval proposals of Themistocles? 4. On what score was Aristides ostracised? 5. What did Themistocles do to promote the maritime great- ness of Athens? III. The Second Persian Invasion 1. Describe the preparations of Xerxes. 2. What were the three plans of defense and which was adopted? 3. Describe the advance of Xerxes. 4. Give an account of the battle of Thermopylae (with dia- gram). What light does this battle throw on Spartan policy and Spartan character? 5. Why did the Greek fleet retire from Artemisium? 6. How did Themistocles keep the Greek fleet at Salamis? How did he persuade the Persians to engage? 7. Show by a.-, diagram the position of the fleets at Salamis. State reasons for Greek success and Persian failure. 8. What action did Xerxes take after the battle? 9. Describe the events leading up to the battle of Platsea. 16 ANCIENT HISTORY 10. How was the war brought to an end on land and sea? 11. Discuss the effects of the war. 12. Show on an outline map the route of Xerxes. CHAPTER XV EFFECTS OF THE PERSIAN WAR UPON GREEK CULTURE I. The New Spirit in Literature 1. How do you account for the increased popularity of the Homeric poems in this age? 2. How does the poetry of Simonides reflect the spirit of the age? 3. In what sense is Pindar the Bceotian a national poet? 4. Describe the origin and rise of dramatic poetry. 5. In what ways do the life and work of ^schylus reflect his age? II. Improvement in Art; Sculpture 1. What improvement in sculpture is contemporaneous with the Persian wars? 2. What change in temple decoration is an index of the national spirit? 3. Show how the works of Myron reflect the influence of the athletic games. III. The State of Philosophy and Science 1. Why was this period unfavorable to philosophy? 2. In what authors do we find the popular philosophy of the times? 3. Compare the environment and ohilosophy of Heraclitus and Parmenides. CHAPTER XVI THE GROWTH OF THE ATHENIAN EMPIRE I. Themistocles and the Recovery of Athens 1. Summarize the work of Athens during the period of the Persian war. 2. What were the aims of Themistocles in the rebuilding of Athens? ANCIENT HISTORY 17 3. How did Themistocles prevent the interference of Sparta? 4. What did Themistocles do for the Piraeus? 5. What is the author's estimate of the work of Themistocles? 6. What was the fate of Themistocles? What is your opinion of his character? II. Arlstides and the Delian League 1. What was the attitude of Athens and Sparta on the ques- tion of the liberation of the ^^gean cities? 2. What was the first work of the allied fleet? 3. Describe the treachery of Pausanias. How do you account for this behavior in a Spartan? 4. What changes in leadership resulted from the treachery of Pausanias? 5. Describe the organization of the Delian League. What was its significance in Greek politics? 6. What is the author's estimate of Aristides? III. Cimon and the Growth of Imperialism 1. Who was Cimon and what were his aims? 2. How did Cimon extend the influence of the league? 3. What was the efTect of the battle of the Eurymedon? 4. Illustrate from the cases of Naxos and Thasos the change made by Athens in the Delian League. 5. Narrate the events leading up to the ostracism of Cimon. Give the date. IV. Pericles and the Athenian Empire 1. What gave Pericles his hold upon the Athenian democracy? 2. How did Pericles complete the work of Themistocles? 3. Describe his attempt to extend the Athenian power over the peninsular states. 4. What changes had taken place in the Delian League? 5. Show on an outline map the extent of the Athenian Empire 450 B.C. 6. What was the fate of the land empire of Athens? 7. What were the terms of the Thirty Years "Peace"? What was its effect? Give the date. 18 ANCIENT HISTORY CHAPTER XVII THE ATHENIAN CONSTITUTION UNDER PERICLES I. The Political Organization 1 . Summarize the events following the progress toward democ- racy at Athens. 2. How did the Athenian conception of democracy differ from the modern idea? 3. Describe the classes of the people at Athens in the Periclean age. 4. Describe the Athenian assembly or ecclesia. 5. What was the composition of the council? What were its duties? What was the method of selecting the generals? What were their duties? 6. Describe the dicasteries and explain their influence. 7. What were the political parties and their policies? II, The Military Organization 1. Describe the organization of the Athenian army and the armor used by each class of soldiers. 2. What was the Greek phalanx? How was it arranged for battle? 3. Describe the Athenian fleet and the ancient methods of naval warfare. III. The Financial System 1. What metals and denominations were used in the Athenian coinage? 2. Did the Athenians have a budget? What were the main items of public expenditure? 3. Classify the sources of revenue. CHAPTER XVIII ATHENS AND ATHENIAN ART UNDER PERICLES 1. The Topography of Athens 1. In what phase of culture do we find the highest Athenian achievement and influence? 2. Describe the periods in the growth of Athens. ANCIENT HISTORY 19 3. What was the population of Athens? How does it com- pare with modern cities? 4. Name three hills within the city limits. For what were they noted? 5. What was "the Agora"? 6. What was "the Olympieum"? II. The Acropolis and Its Buildings 1. Describe the Acropolis before the time of Pericles. 2. Describe the building of the Parthenon. How did this typical Greek temple differ from the ancient Egyptian temple? 3. Describe the construction of the Propylsea. 4. What was the temple of Nike? 5. What was the Erechtheum? Why was its plan so irregular? ill. Athenian Sculpture and Painting 1. Describe the statues of Athena by Phidias. What signifi- cance attaches to the number of statues of Athena by this great artist? 2. What were the subjects of the pedimental groups? What estimate can you quote showing their artistic quality? 3. What was the subject of the frieze? Why are these sculp- tures called the Elgin marbles? 4. What were the metopes? 5. Why is our idea of Athenian painting so inadequate? How did it differ from modern painting? IV. Influence of Athenian Art 1. Illustrate the Pan Hellenic character of Greek sculpture. 2. How did Greek sculpture differ from Oriental sculpture? CHAPTER XIX INTELLECTUAL CULTURE IN THE AGE OP PERICLES I. The Theater as a Means of Culture 1. How did the Athenian differ from the modern theater? 2. Describe the theater: (a) the stage and actors, (b) the orchestra and chorus, (c) the auditorium and audience. 20 ANCIENT HISTORY II. The Drama and the Great Tragedies 1. What causes account for the perfection of the Athenian drama? 2. What changes took place in the drama from ^schylus to Sophocles? 3. What was the subject of the tragedies of Sophocles? 4. Quote the estimate of Jebb as to the plays of Sophocles. 5. What change in spirit do we find in the plays of Euripides? III. The Progress of Philosophy and Education 1. What city becomes the center of philosophy in this period? How do you account for this? 2. What was the central idea of the philosophy of Anaxagoras? In what respect was it revolutionary? 3. Criticise the sophists as teachers and philosophers. 4. Describe the education of the Athenian boy. What oppor- tunities for self-culture had the Athenian citizen? IV. Beginnings of Prose Literature 1. How did Herodotus prepare for the writing of his great history? 2. What poetical elements do we find in this, the first Greek prose work? 3. What circumstances account for the rise of oratory at Athens? 4. How do we know that Pericles was a great orator, when his speeches have perished? CHAPTER XX SOCIAL CULTURE, LIFE, AND MANNERS I. Industrial Life 1. Did the system of state pay suflSce to support all the citi- zens? 2. How was farming regarded? What sorts of farming were allowed in Attica? 3. What articles manufactured at Athens were sought after in other states? ANCIENT HISTORY 21 4. What class of the people engaged in business and mercantile pursuits? Why? 5. Describe the professions at Athens, 6. Discuss the effects of slavery. II. Domestic Life at Athens 1. What place had the home in the Ufe of the Athenian citizen? 2. Describe the plan of the house and the kind and quality of furniture. 3. What was the ordinary dress of the Athenians? What ornaments were affected? 4. How did the Athenian betrothal differ from the modern? Describe the marriage ceremony. 5. What was the sphere of woman at Athens? How would you criticise the representations of the comic poets? 6. Show the importance of burial at Athens. III. Social Life at Athens 1. What was the importance of conversation at Athens? 2. Describe the "society of the street". 3. What was the location of the Lyceum and Academy? What activities did the Greeks associate with these names? What mean- ing do we attach to them? 4. What was the origin of the aristocratic clubs? 5. Describe the banquet and symposium. CHAPTER XXI THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR I. To the Peace of Nicias 1. How does this period compare with the preceding period of Greek history? 2. Criticise the imperial methods of Athens. 3. Why has the war a peculiar significance for us? 4. Narrate the events leading up to the declaration of war. 5. What states allied themselves with Sparta and with Athens respectively? 22 ANCIENT HISTORY 6. What was the war policy of Sparta and of Athens at the beginning of the war? 7. What effect had the death of Pericles on the prospects of the Athenians in the war? 8. Characterize the leaders who succeeded Pericles. 9. Summarize the main events of the war between the death of Pericles and the Peace of Nicias. 10. What event paved the way for the Peace of Nicias? 11. What were the tenns of the Peace of Nicias? Which side in your judgment had the advantage in this first period of the war? Give your reasons. II. From the Peace of Nicias to the Sicilian Disaster 1. Describe the character and influence of Alcibiades. 2. What plan did Alcibiades propose to the Athenians? 3. Give an account of the events following the mutilation of the busts of Hermes. 4. What was the military situation at Syracuse? 5. Describe the siege of Syracuse (using diagram). 6. What advice did Alcibiades give the Spartans? 7. Describe the fate of the Athenian army. III. From the Sicilian Disaster to the Fall of Athens 1. What striking features are presented by the last period of the war? 2. Describe the intrigues of Alcibiades. 3. Give an account of events leading up to the revolution of the 400 at Athens. 4. What were the military operations of Alcibiades? 5. Describe the restoration and disgrace of Alcibiades. 6. What is the significance of the battle of Arginusae? Of ^gospotami? 7. Describe the "Fall of Athens". 8. What defects in the Greek character are displayed in the war? 9. Show on an outline map the states allied with Sparta, with Athens, and also the neutral states.f' ANCIENT HISTORY 23 CHAPTER XXII THE LATER STRUGGLES FOR SUPREMACY I. The Supremacy off 5parta 1. What is the significance of this period of Greek history? 2. What promise was held out by Sparta and how did she actually govern the Greek states? 3. Explain the use of the phrase, "thirty tyrants". 4. Give an account of the expedition of Cyrus and the retreat of the 10,000 Greeks. 5. Describe the war between Persia and Sparta in Asia Minor. 6. How did the war in Asia Minor lead to Corinthian war? Outline the events of the Corinthian war. 7. State the terms of the Peace of Antalcidas. 8. How did Sparta execute the terms of peace? IL The Supremacy of Thebes 1. Narrate the events leading up to the liberation of Thebes. 2. Discuss the revival of the Boeotian League. 3. Describe the recovery of Athens. 4. What were the acts of the Peace Convention at Sparta? 5. On what pretext did Sparta invade Bceotia? 6. Describe the battle of Leuctra, using diagram. 7. What was the significance of the battle of Leuctra? 8. Describe the expansion of Theban power under Epaminondas and Pelopidas. 9. What was the result of the battle of Mantinea? 10. What was the situation after this battle? IIL The Supremacy of Syracuse in Sicily 1. Compare the historical development of Sicily with that of Greece proper. 2. What was the significance of the battle of Himera? 3. What influence did the Sicilian expedition have on Sicilian history? 4. Describe the achievements of Dionysius the elder. 5. What was the character of Dionysius the younger? 6. Describe the work of Timoleon. 7. What was the later history of Sicily? 24 ANCIENT^ HISTORY CHAPTER XXni THE NEW PHASE OF GREEK CULTURE I. The Development of Prose Literature 1. What change is to be observed in the spirit of Greek culture after the fall of Athens? 2. Describe the history of Thucydides. 3. Give the subjects of Xenophon's works. 4. Name three of the greatest Athenian orators and describe their method and style. H. Culmination of Qreeic Ptiilosophy 1. Compare the subject-matter of philosophy in this and the preceding period. 2. Describe the life and teachings of Socrates. 3. Compare the philosophic method of Plato and of Aristotle. III. The New Phase of the Drama, Comedy 1. Compare the development of comedy with that of tragedy. 2. What was the character of the old comedy? 3. What change in subject do we find in the middle and new comedy? 4. In what sense was Aristophanes a reactionary? 5. Give some of the subjects of Aristophanes' comedies. IV. New School of Greek Art 1. What change in spirit is reflected in the sculpture of this period? 2. Name three sculptors in this period and mention a famous work of each. 3. What change in the technique of painting marks this period? ANCIENT HISTORY 25 LESSON IV CHAPTER XXIV MACEDONIA AND GREECE UNDER PHILIP I. Macedonia, Its People and King 1. What is the place of Macedonia in the history of civiliza- tion? 2. Describe the geography of Macedonia. 3. What was the nature of the people? 4. When did the youthful Philip become versed in the civil- ized arts of Greece? 5. What were the abilities of King Philip? 6. Describe the organization of the Macedonian army. 7. How did Philip extend his power to the North and West? to the South and East? II. Encroachments of Philip on Greece 1. How was Athens prevented from interfering with Philip? 2. Give an account of the Sacred War to the Peace of Philoc- rates. 3. Describe the character and policy of Demosthenes. Who were his opponents? 4. V^at was the purpose of Demosthenes in the Philippics? the Olynthlacs? 5. What was the result of the fall of Olynthus? III. The Pacification of Greece 1. How did Philip secure the neutrality of Athens? 2. How did Philip gain a controlling influence in central Greece? in southern Greece? 3. What events led up to the battle of Chseronea? What was its result? 4. What proposals did Philip make at the Congress of Corinth and how were they received? 20 ANCIENT HISTORY CHAPTER XXV ALEXANDER AND THE CONQUEST OP THE EAST I. Conquests In Western Asia 1. Describe the formative influences in the case of Alexander the Great. 2. How did he meet the difficulties which attended his acces- sion? 3. What proposal of Philip's was Alexander carrying out in his invasion of Asia? 4. Write a narrative account of the campaigns of Alexander to the battle of Arbela. 5. What was the general plan of Alexander's battles? 6. WTiat were the reasons, in your opinion, for his uniform suc- cess in his battles? 7. Discuss the importance of his visit to the oracle of Ammon. II. Conquests in Central and Eastern Asia 1. What was the significance of the battle of Arbela? What were the immediate results? 2. What was the fate of Darius? 3. How did Alexander complete the conquest of the Persian Empire? 4. What change in the character of Alexander is indicated by the murder of Parmenio and of Clitus? 5. What further conquests did Alexander make? Why did he return? 6. What changes in the history of the world would have fol- lowed the conquest of the Far East? 7. What projects of Alexander were interrupted by his death? 8. What opposing opinions of Alexander do historians express? 9. What is his greatest service to the world? 10. Indicate on an outline map the route of Alexander and the extent of his dominions. III. Dissolution of Alexander's Empire 1. What were the last words of Alexander? 2. What was the ambition of Perdiccas and Antigonus?, ANCIENT HISTORY. 27 3. Indicate on an outline map territorial divisions of Alexan- der's empire after the battle of Ipsus. 4. What were the dominions of Seleucus? 5. What was the significance and the result of the removal of his capital? 6. What were the dominions of the Ptolemies? 7. Show the importance of the kingdom of Egypt in the history of civilization. 8. What was the Lamian War? 9. What was the chief occupation of the kings of Macedonia? 10. Make a sketch map of Asia Minor and locate the kingdom of Pergamum and the republic of Rhodes. 11. What happened to the kingdom of Lysimachus? 12. Show on an outline map the divisions of Alexander's Empire after his death. CHAPTER XXVI GREEK CULTURE AND THE EASTERN WORLD I. Hellenic and Hellenistic Culture 1. Discuss the question: Does the world owe more to Alex- ander or to Greek civilization? 2. What great Athenians of this period represent the old Hellenic spirit? 3. In what two senses were the new philosophic schools a protest? 4. Who was Epicurus and what were the principles of Epi- cureans? 5. Who was Zeno and what were the principles of the Stoics? 6. How do these schools reflect the spirit of the new age? 7. What was the policy of the successors of Alexander? How did they carry it out? 8. Explain the meaning of the term Hellenistic. 9. What were the limits of the Greek influence? What were its chief centers? II. Hellenistic Culture in Asia Minor 1. What was the chief seat of the Hellenistic culture in Asia Mmor? 28 ANCIENT HISTORY 2. What service did the Pergamene kings render to dviliza* tion? 3. How was the victory reflected in the monuments? 4. In what senses was Pergamum a center of literature? 5. Give examples of the Rhodian school of sculpture. 6. Describe two statues of the Hellenistic period which have the characteristics of pure Hellenic art. III. Hellenistic Culture in Syria 1. In what sense were the Seleucidae the most zealous follow- ers of Alexander? 2. What was the character of the cities of Syria? 3. Describe Antioch as a type of the Syrian city. 4. What offer did Alexander make to the Jews? 5. Did the people of Judea adopt the Hellenistic culture? 6. What was the policy of Antiochus IV with regard to the Jews and what was the result of his attempt to enforce it? IV. Hellenistic Culture In Egypt 1. What was the aim of the Ptolemies? 2. Describe Alexandria as a center of culture. 3. What was the Museum? How did it differ from a modern museum? 4. How did the Library differ from a modern library? 5. What creative work in poetry was produced at Alexandria? 6. What was the character of the work of Aristarchus? 7. What was the Septuagint? 8. Give the great names in Alexandrian science. For what were they noted? 9. What was Neo-Platonism? CHAPTER XXVII MACEDONIA AND THE GREEK FEDERATIONS 1. The Decline of Macedonia 1. What part did Macedonia play in the period under consid- eration? 2. What external danger threatened Macedonia after the breaking up of Alexander's Empire? ANCIENT HISTORY 29 3. How is the condition of Macedonia seen in the character of the Macedonian kings? II. The /Ctollan and Achsan Leagues 1. What was the origin, character, and membership of the yEtoHan League? 2. How does the author compare the iEtoUan and Achaean Leagues? 3. How did the Achsean League originate and when was it reorganized? 4. Describe fully the work of Aratus in extending the Achaean League. 5. Describe the constitution of the Achaean League. 6. What tendency developed in practice? How does it differ from our own government in principle? III. The Working of the Leagues 1. What opportunity was offered for the union of the leagues? 2. What assurance did Rome give the Greek cities? 3. Describe the revival of Sparta. 4. What situation caused the Achaean League to appeal to Macedonia? 5. What was the result of the battle of Sellasia? 6. Describe the Social War. 7. Why did Philip make peace? What were its terms? CHAPTER XXVIIl THE ABSORPTION OF HELLAS BY ROME I. The Absorption of Western Hellas 1. What policy did the Greek states follow in their relations with Macedonia? 2. What was to be the fate of the Greek cities? Greece? 3. Show in detail how Rome extended her authority over the Greek cities of southern Italy. 4. Describe the three-cornered struggle which resulted in the absorption of the Sicilian Greek cities. 30 ANCIENT HISTORY II. The Liberation of Greece from Macedonia 1. What circumstances led Rome to form an alliance with the iEtolians? 2. Why were the Greek cities willing to become the "friends of Rome"? 3. Describe the work of Philopoemen. 4. By what means did the Macedonian king keep Greece in subjection? 5. Summarize the events of the second Macedonian war, indicating its cause and result. 6. What was the proclamation of Flamininus and how far was it fulfilled? III. Absorption of Macedonia and Greece 1. Describe the revolt of the -^tolians indicating its causes and results. 2. Sununarize the events leading up to the battle of Pydna. 3. What disposition was made of Macedonia? 4. How did Rome punish the Achseans? How did she show her generosity to them? 5. Give an account of the events leading up to the fall of Corinth. 6. What disposition was made of Greece? 7. What was the fate of the Hellenistic kingdoms of Pergamum, Syria, and Egypt? CHAPTER XXIX GREEK CULTURE AND THE WESTERN WORLD I. Greek Culture After the Roman Conquest 1. What were the permanent elements of Greek culture? 2. What new sphere of influence had Greek culture after the subjection of Greece? 3. What centers of Greek influence remained after the Roman conquest? 4. Name some of the later Greek writers and mention their important works. ANCIENT HISTORY 31 5. Compare the reception of Greek culture in Italy with its reception in Asia. Illustrate from the fate of Greek statues and paintings. • 6. What was the genius of the Romans? 7. Show from concrete examples how the Greek thought influ- enced Roman culture. II. Transmission of Qreelc Cuiture to Modern Times 1. By what two means was Greek culture preserved through the Middle Ages? 2. Describe the revival of Greek culture in the Renaissance. 3. Does Greek culture survive in modern education? III. Qreelc Elements in Modern Civilization 1. In what respect is our political life indebted to the Greeks? 2. Show by concrete examples how modern science is based on the work of the Greeks. 3. Why do our best modern writers read the Greek authors? 4. What evidence of the influence of Greek art do you find on our city streets? 5. Review the course of Greek culture. 6. Quote Professor Jebb on the civilizing influence of Greece. EXAMINATION ON GREEK HISTORY Read Carefully: Place your name and full address at the head of the paper. Any cheap, light paper like the sample previously sent you may be used. Do not crowd your work, but arrange it neatly and legibly. Do not copy the answers from the Instruction Paper; use your own words, so that we may he sure you Understand the subject. 1. (a) What was the Rosetta stone, and how was it deciphered? (b) Describe the books and writing of the Egyp- tians and Babylonians. 2. (a) What advantages of situation had Phcenicia? (b) What part did Phcenicia take in Oriental history? 3. How did the Hebrew religion differ from other Oriental rehgions? 4. (a) Discuss the Assjo-ian methods of warfare and govern- ment, (b) Describe the palace and court of the Ass3rrian king. 5. Describe the physical features of Greece. 6. (a) Explain the importance of the city state in Greek history, (b) Sketch the changes of government in the city state. 7. (a) What was the purpose of the Spartan discipline? (b) Describe the Spartan army, (c) Locate on a sketch map the states belonging to the Peloponnesian league. 8. (a) What were the causes of colonization? (b) Describe the founding of a colony, (c) Name and locate six important colonies. 9. Discuss the pohcy of Themistocles. 10. Write a short history of the Delian confederacy. 11. (a) What was the policy of Pericles? (b) How did he make the Athenian government more democratic? (c) What did he do to improve the city? EXAMINATION ON GREEK HISTORY 12. (a) What were the causes of the Peloponnesian war? (b) Give a brief account of the Sicilian expedition, (c) What were the results of the fall of Athens? 13. (a) Give an account of the events leading up to the battle of Leuctra. (b) Describe the battle of Leuctra with diagram, (c) What was the importance of the battle? 14. (a) Describe the rise of Macedonia, (b) What did Phihp learn at Thebes? (c) How did he organize his army? 15. (a) Why did Philip interfere in Greek affairs? (b) Sketch the character and policy' of Demosthenes. Why did he fail? 16. (a) Describe the character of Alexander, (b) What tactics did he use in his battles? (c) Give other reasons for his success. 17. What was the importance of (a) the fall of Tyre; (b) the founding of Alexandria? 18. (a) What was the constitution of the Achaean league? (b) How did it come under the influence of Macedonia? (c) Under what circumstances was it broken up? 19. (a) What were the centers of Greek learning after the Roman conquest? (b) In what ways did the Greeks influence the Romans? After completing the work, add and sign tlie following statement: I hereby certify that the above work is entirely my own. (Signed) 34 ANCIENT HISTORY OUTLINES OF ROMAN HISTORY LESSON V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION— THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE I. The Character of Roman History 1. Why is Roman history worthy of study? 2. What is the relation of Rome to the ancient world and to the modern world? 3. Sketch the three phases o£ Roman history. 4. What nation of modern Europe might be compared with Rome in its work for civilization? II. The Qeosraphy of Italy 1. What was the situation of Italy? 2. What is the length and breadth of Italy? 3. What is the latitude of Rome? 4. What is the area of Italy? How does it compare with the area of your own State? 5. Describe the mountain ranges of Italy and show their influ- ence in Roman history. 6. What is the largest river of Italy? On what river is Rome located? How does it compare with the other rivers of the western coast? 7. Draw a sketch map of Italy and locate these districts: Liguria, Gaul, Venetia, Etruria, Latium, Campania, Umbria, Picenum, Samnium, Sabini, Lucania, Bruttium, Apulia, Calabria. III. The Early Inhabitants of Italy 1. Describe the settlement of Italy. 2. What language did these settlers use and what was their grade of culture? 3. Make a sketch map of Italy and locate the Italic tribes. 4. What was the character of the Latins, of the SabelUans? 5. Describe the character of Etruscans, Greeks, and Gauls. (Locate these people on your sketch map.) 6. Which of these people influenced the civilization of the Romans? ANCIENT -HISTORY 35 CHAPTER II THE BEQINNINGS OF ROME I. Traditions of the Early Kings 1. What value have the legends of early Rome? 2. Give the legend of the founding of Rome. 3. What events according to tradition happened in the reigns of the early kings? 4. What does the author say as to the credibility of the legends? 5. What was the legendary date of the founding of Rome? II. The SltuAion of Rome 1. Why does the author consider the topography of the seven hills? 2. What advantages of situation had Rome? 3. How does the author group "the seven hills"? What advantage, in your opinion, had the Palatine hill? III. The Origin of the City 1. How, according to the author, was the Palatine settled? 2. What interesting evidence of this early settlement has been uncovered? 3. How was the Quirinal settled? 4. What evidence of this union does the author give? 5. How was the Ceelian settled? 6. What evidence have we of a three-fold community? 7. What advantage had this union for the three communities involved? 8. What policy later followed by Rome seems to have had its origin in this union? CHAPTER III THE INSTITUTIONS OF EARLY ROME I. The Early Roman Society 1. What social institutions does the author describe in this chapter? 2. Describe the social groups in the early Roman state. 3fi ANCIENT HISTORY 3. What was the relation of the whole Roman people to the tribe? How do these social groups compare with those in early Greek history? II. The Early Roman Government 1. How did the Roman Government originate? 2. Describe the three parts of the government: (a) King, (b) Senate, (c) Assembly. 3. How does this government differ from the Homeric mon- archy in Greece? III. The Early Roman Religion 1. Name the great gods of the Romans? 2. Show by concrete examples the element of nature worship in the earliest Roman religion. 3. Give the duties of the most important religious officers. 4. Describe the prayers and sacrifices of the Romans. 5. What was the character of the festivals? CHAPTER IV THE ETRUSCAN KINGS OF ROME I. The Traditions of the Later Kings 1. How do these legends compare in trustworthiness with the earlier legends? 2. WTiat change in the character of the city do we find under these later kings? 3. \Miat does tradition tell us of the events in these reigns? 4. What is the significance of these legends? 11. The Etruscan Influence 1. What was the power of the Etruscan kings and how did they use it? 2. Describe the insignia of power introduced by the Etruscans. 3. What were the haruspices and how did they compare with the augurs? 4. In what do we find the most impressive evidence of the Etruscan influence? ANCIENT HISTORY 37 III. The Growth of the City 1. Describe in detail the public works of the Etruscan kings. 2. Draw a diagram of the seven hills. CHAPTER V THE REORGANIZATION OF THE KINGDOM 1. The Introduction of the Plebeians 1. What was the greatest service of the Tarquins to the Roman state? 2. Describe the patrician class at Rome. 3. Describe the origin and rights of the plebeians. II. The Reformed Constitution 1. What was the general purpose of the reforms attributed to Servius TuUius? 2. Describe the new local tribes. 3. Describe in detail the new military classification. 4. Compare the new assembly with the older assembly. III. The Supremacy of Rome In Latlum 1. Describe the earliest conquests of Rome. 2. What were the relations between Rome and the Latin League? 3. What policy later followed by the Romans is apparent in these earliest conquests? 4. On an outline map of Italy indicate the extent of these con- quests. 38 ANCIENT HISTORY LESSON VI CHAPTER VI THB STRUaOLE AQAINST THE KINGSHIP I. The Expulsion of the Kings 1. What was the general character of this revolution? 2. Give the legends connected with the event. 3. What is the significance of these legends? II. The Republican Government 1. Compare the consul's powers with the king's power. 2. Describe the dictatorship. 3. What change do we find in the relative power of the assem- blies? 4. State the laws of Valerius Poplicola. How did the people change their minds about Valerius? 5. What success had the republic in its early wars? CHAPTER VII THB STRUGGLE FOR ECONOMIC RIGHTS I. The Grievances of the Plebs 1. Explain the statement of the author, "the new government was an aristocratic not a democratic republic." 2. Describe the grievances of the plebeians. II. The First Secession and Its Rerults 1. Give an account of the secession of the plebeians indicating cause and result. 2. Describe the new plebeian officers and the plebeian assembly. 3. What was the purpose of Spurius Cassius and what was his fate? III. Wars with the i^Equfans, Volscians, Etruscans 1. Locate on a sketch map the enemies of Rome in this period. 2. Show from the above map the purpose of Spurius Cassius. ANCIENT HISTORY 39 3. Give the legend of Coriolanus. 4. Give the legend of Cincinnatus. 5. Give the legend of the Fabii. CHAPTER VIII THE STRUQQLE FOR EQUAL LAWS I. The Demand for Written Laws 1. Explain the political situation which led to the proposal of Harsa. What were the terms of the proposal and its effect? 2. What concessions did the patricians make to the plebeians? What was the purpose and effect of these concessions? 3. How long did the struggle last? Give the terms of the com- promise between the two orders. II. Decemvirs and the XII Tables 1. How does the author criticise the legend of a commission to Greece? 2. Describe the code of the decemvirs. What was its impor- tance? 3. How did the second board rule? What brought popular discontent to a head? 4. What is the date of the decemvirate? III. The Second Secession and Its Results 1. Narrate the events leading up to the resignation of the decemvirate. What government took its place? 2. What were the grievances of the plebeians at this time? State the provisions of the laws of Valerius and Horatius. 3. What was the nature and importance of the comitia tributa? 4. What change in sentiment allowed the passage of the Canul- eian law? State the terms of the law and its effect. \ 40 ANCIENT HISTORY CHAPTER IX THE STRUaOLB FOR POLITICAL EQUALITY 1. The Contest for the Consulship 1. Show by a diagram how the rights of Roman citizenship were classified. 2. Which of these rights had the plebeians gained and what did they want? 3. Describe the military tribuneship. How did the patricians deprive the plebeians of the fruits of this victory? 4. Why was the censorship established and what were the duties of the office? 5. What office was created as an offset to the censorship? 6. Give an account of the events leading up to the murder of Spurius Maelius. II. Wars with Veil and the Qauls 1. What change had taken place in the fortunes of war? 2. What territory did the Romans plan to recover at this time? 3. Narrate the events connected with the siege of Veii. 4. Why had the Romans been so successful in Etruria? 5. Describe the invasion of the Gauls and the sack of Rome. 6. What import has this for the student of Roman history? 7. What was the decision as to the rebuilding of Rome? 8. What were the last exploits of Camillus? III. The Equalization of the Orders 1. What was the changed attitude toward the plebeians? 2. What was the effect of the sack of Rome on the condition of the plebeians? 3. What circumstances led to the condemnation of Manlius? How does he compare with earlier agitators? 4. Describe in detail the legislation championed by Licinius and Sextius. WTiat was the nature of the opposition? 5. What offices were created to offset this plebeian victory? 6. What offices were later opened to the plebeians? 7. How does the author show the importance of the Licinian laws in Roman history? ANCIENT HISTORY 41 CHAPTER X THE CONQUEST OF LATIUM I. The Beginning: of Roman Conquests 1. What did Rome accomplish in this period, and what les- sons did she learn? 2. What territory did Rome possess at the beginning of this period and how was it organized? 3. What dangerous enemies did she have to fight at this time? 4. What was the cause of the first Samnite war? 5. Give a brief summary of the events of the First Samnite war. Are these events well authenticated? 6. How did the Romans quell the revolt of the army of Capua? 7. Under what circumstances did the Romans withdraw from the war? II. The Qreat Latin War 1. Why did the Latins send an embassy to Rome? 2. What were the demands of the Latins, and the reply of the Romans? 3. Describe the revolt of the Latins. 4. Give the legend of (a) Titus Manlius, (b) Decius Mus. 5. What is the significance of these legends? III. The Pacification of Latium 1. Under what circumstances did Rome adopt her policy of isolation? 2. Why did Rome treat the conquered communities differently? 3. Show by a diagram the Roman method of dealing with sub- ject communities. 4. What was the effect and importance of this policy? CHAPTER XI THE CONQUEST OF CENTRAL ITALY 1 . The Second 5amnlte War 1. How was Alexander of Epirus drawn into Rome's struggle with Samnium? 2. What were the circumstances which caused Rome to declare war? 42 ANCIENT HISTORY 3. Give an account of the battle of the Caudine Forks. 4. Describe the Etruscan phase of the war. 5. How was the war ended? II. The Third Samnlte War 1. What would be a more correct title for this war? 2. Who were the allies of Rome? 3. What was the cause of the war? 4. Give a brief account of the war. 5. What did the Lucanians attempt and with what success? III. Results of the Samnite Wars 1. What was the result of the wars to Rome? 2. What terms did Rome make with the Samnites? 3. Why did the Samnites fail, and the Romans succeed? 4. What countries became a part of the Roman domain? What countries became subject allies? 5. What colonies were established by Rome and where were they located? Which of these were maritime colonies and which military colonies? CHAPTER XII THE CONQUEST OF SOUTHERN ITALY I. The Rupture Between Rome and Tarentum 1. How did the Greek cities of southern Italy come under Rome's protection? 2. What was the dilemma of the Tarentines? - 3. Give an account of the events leading up to the declaration of war by the Romans. 4. Where did the Tarentines look for assistance? 5. In what sense was this a war of liberation? II. The War with Pyrrhus 1. Give a full account of the war with Pyrrhus. III. Pinal Reduction of Italy 1. How did Tarentum fall into the hands of the Romans? 2. Describe the final steps in the reduction of Italy? ANCIENT HISTORY 43 CHAPTER XIII THE SUPREMACY OF ROME IN ITALY I. The Sovereign Roman State 1. What lessons did Rome learn in her career of conquest? 2. What distinction did Rome observe in governing the con- quered people? 3. Explain the phrase the "Roman domain". 4. What was the number of tribes in the Roman domain, and what were the privileges of the members? 5. What class of colonies was jncluded in the Roman domain? 11. The Subject Communities 1. What privileges were denied the subject communities? 2. What privileges were granted to the municipia? 3. Describe the colonies which were included among the sub- ject communities. 4. What were the privileges and duties of the Italian allies? 5. What was the origin of this method of governing Italy? 6. How long did these distinctions continue? ill. The Military System 1. Describe fully the Roman army: (a) enlistment, (b) organization, (c) order of battle, (d) armament. 2. Define "civic crown", "triumph". 3. What was the original purpose of the Roman roads? What other uses did they serve? 44 ANCIENT HISTORY LESSON VII CHAPTER XIV THE FIRST PUNIC WAR I. Carthage and Rome 1. How was Rome drawn into her career of foreign conquest? 2. What was the origin of Carthage? 3. Compare the Carthaginian government with the Roman government. 4. Upon what was the power of Carthage based? 5. What territory did both cities covet? 6. Compare the resources of the two rival powers. 7. On an outUne map show the dominions of Rome and Carthage 264 B.C. II. Operations of the First Punic War 1. How was Sicily divided at the beginning of the war? 2. Describe the situation at Messana which caused the war. 3. How did Messana come into the hands of the Romans? 4. What success did the Romans have in their first campaign in Sicily? 5. How did the Romans prepare for naval war? 6. Describe the battle of Mylse. 7. Give an account of the events leading up to the defeat of Regulus. 8. What events in Sicily caused the Carthaginians to sue for peace? Give the story of the embassy of Regulus. 9. Outline the events of the war in Sicily. 10. Describe the battle of the iEgates, and give the date. 11. What were the terms of peace? 12. Make a sketch map of Sicily and locate important battles of the war. III. Events Following the War 1. Describe the government of Sicily. 2. How did Rome gain possession of Sardinia? of Corsica? 3. Describe the war with Illyrian pirates, indicating clearly its cause and results. 4. How did Rome gain possession of the Po Valley? ANCIENT HISTORY 45 CHAPTER XV ITHB SECOND PUNIC WAR I. Prom Saguntum to Canns 1. What were the causes of war? 2. How did the war begin? 3. What were the issues of the war? 4. Describe the march of Hannibal as far as Lake Trasumenus. 5. What action was taken at Rome after the disaster at La]ie Trasumenus? 6. What were the subsequent movements of Hannibal and the methods of Fabius? 7. Why did the Romans change their policy before the battle of Cannse? 8. Describe in detail the battle of Cannse (with diagram). II. From Canns to Metaurus 1. What new allies had Hannibal after the battle of Cannae? 2. Describe the diflBculties of the Romans. 3. Show how the tide of war turned in favor of the Romans. 4. Describe the siege of Capua giving an account of the move- ments of Hannibal. 5. Give an account of the events leading up to the battle of the Metaurus. What was the result of that battle, and what was Hannibal's estimate of its importance? 6. Draw a sketch map of Italy and locate Trebia, Trasumenus, Cannse, the Metaurus. III. From the Metaurus to Zama 1. Describe the rise of Scipio. 2. What was his scheme to end the war? 3. Give an account of the events leading up to the battle of Zama. 4. Describe the battle of Zama with date. 5. What were the terms of peace? 6. What were the results of the war? 7. Show on an outline map the dominions of Rome in B.C. 201. 46 ANCIENT HISTORY CHAPTER XVI THE CONQUESTS IN THE EAST 1. Condition of the East 1. What two distinct worlds do we find among the Mediter- ranean countries at the time of the Second Punic war? 2. Wherein lay the success and failure of Alexander, according to the author? 3. What relations had Rome with the great eastern kingdoms at the close of the Second Punic war? II. First and Second Macedonian Wars 1. Why was peace concluded in first Macedonian war? 2. Indicate the causes of the second Macedonian war. 3. What were the results of the war? III. The War with Antlochus of Syria 1 . Give an account of the events leading up to the battle of Magnesia. 2. What were the terms of peace with Syria? 3. How did Rome handle the ^Etolians? IV. The Third Macedonian War 1. How had Rome treated her eastern conquests? 2. Write a short history of the third Macedonian war. 3. How did Rome settle the affairs of Macedonia? CHAPTER XVII REDUCTION OF THE ROMAN CONQUESTS I. Reduction of Macedonia and Greece 1. What does the author say about Rome's method of govern- ment? 2. Why did Rome decide that her provincial government was too lax? 3. Give an account of the events leading up to the fall of Corinth. 4. What change did Rome make in the condition of Macedonia and Greece after the fall of Corinth? ANCIENT HISTORY 47 II. The Reduction of Africa 1. Describe the revival of Carthage. In this connection, what story is told of Cato? 2. Give an account of the events leading up to the Third Punic war. 3. Describe the siege and fall of Carthage. 4. How did Rome deal with the African cities and countries? What does Romanization mean? III. The Pacification of the Provinces 1. What was the condition of Spain? 2. What was the character of the Spanish wars? 3. Describe the war with the Lusitanians. 4. Describe the Numantine war. 5. Illustrate the growth of slavery in the period of conquest. 6. Show the character of the war in Sicily. 7. In what way did the province of Asia come into the posses- sion of the Romans? 8. On an outline map show the dominions of Rome in 133 B.C. CHAPTER XVIII ROME AS A WORLD POWER 1. The Roman Qovernment 1. Summarize the effect of conquest upon Rome herself. 2. In what way had the Roman government become more democratic? 3. Describe the rise of a new nobility of Rome. 4. How did this nobility control the senate? 5. What were the powers of the senate? 6. What change had taken place in the power of the assem- blies? How do you account for the change? If. Rome and the Provinces 1. What provinces did Rome organize during the period of conquest? 2. How did the government of the provincial cities compare with the government of the Italian cities? 48 ANCIENT HISTORY 3. Describe the preparation and duties of the provincial governor. 4. What rights and privileges were granted to the provincial cities? 5. How was justice administered in the towns? 6. Describe the origin of the so-called "law of nations". 7. Explain the Roman plan of farming the revenues. To what abuses was this plan subject? III. The New Civilization 1. What country influenced most profoundly the civilization of the Romans? 2. Show in detail the nature of this influence. 3. Did this influence change essentially the Roman character? ANCIENT HISTORY 49 LESSON VIII CHAPTER XIX THE TIMES OF THE QRACCHI I. The Cause of the Civil Strife 1. How does this period compare with the preceding period? 2. What were the divisions of the Roman people? 3. Discuss the defects of Roman government. 4. What does the author say of the patriotism of the upper classes? 5. How did the change in methods of farming affect the small farmers? II. The Reforms of Tiberius Gracchus 1. What was the parentage of the Gracchi? 2. Give an incident illustrating the character of Tiberius. 3. What was the agrarian proposal of Tiberius? What oppo- sition did it encounter? 4. How did Tiberius succeed in passing the law? How was the law to be executed? 5. How did Tiberius plan to escape prosecution? Did this plan succeed? 6. What was the significance of these acts? III. The Reforms of Qalus Gracchus 1. How did the policy of Gains differ from that of Tiberius? 2. Describe in detail the reforms of Gaius. 3. Give an account of the events leading up to his death. 4. What was permanent in the work of Gaius? CHAPTER XX THE TIMES OF MARIUS AND SULLA 1. The Rise of Marlus 1. What is the character of this period? 2. Describe the rule of the aristocratic party. 3. What were the abuses which needed correction? 50 ANCIENT HISTORY 4. Give an account of the Jugurthine war. 5. Give an account of the Cimbric war. 6. Show how Marius failed as a party leader. II. The Social War 1. What were the demands of the Italians? 2. Describe the character of Drusus and of his proposals. 3. What was his success in passing these laws? 4. Give an account of the Social war. 5. What laws were passed as a result of the Social war and what was the effect of these laws? 6. Describe the rise of Sulla. III. The Civil War Between Marius and Sulla 1. What were the motives of Marius? 2. Describe the passage of the Sulpician laws. 3. How was the question of leadership settled? 4. Describe the exile of Marius. 5. What did Sulla accomplish in the East? 6. Outline the events at Rome during the absence of Sulla. 7. What was the result of Sulla's war with the Marian party? 8. Describe the proscriptions of Sulla. IV. The Dictatorship of Sulla 1. What official power was conferred on Sulla? 2. How did he plan to support his power? 3. Describe the reforms of Sulla. 4. What was the end of Sulla? 5. What was the permanence of his work? CHAPTER XXI THE TIMES OF POMPEY AND C/ESAR I. The Rise of Pompey 1. Describe the reaction against Sulla and the revolt of Lepidus. 2. Give an account of the Sertorian war. 3. Give an account of the war with the gladiators. 4. How did Pompey and Crassus gain the consulship? ANCIENT HISTORY 51 5. What were the measures of Pompey and Crassus, and what was their effect? 6. Describe the war with the pirates. 7. Describe the work of Pompey in the East. II. The Growing Influence of Caesar 1. Describe the character and aims of the new poHtical lead- ers. 2. Show from the case of Verres the attitude of Cicero toward political corruption. 3. Give an account of the conspiracy of Catiline. 4. What was the effect of this event on the political situation? 5. What grievances led to a coalition between Pompey and Caesar? What was the nature of this arrangement? 6. What laws did Caesar pass in his consulship? Show in each case his purpose. 7. What effect had this legislation on the political sit- uation? 8. What command was granted to Caesar? 9. Locate his provinces on an outline map of Italy. 10. Describe the aims and methods of Clodius. 11. What events led Caesar to call the conference at Lucca? What arrangements were made at this conference? 12. What were the motives of Caesar in his Gallic campaigns? 13. Describe the conquered territory. 14. What was the effect of Roman occupancy? III. The Civil War Between Pompey and Csesar 1. What was the poUtical effect of the death of Crassus? 2. Under what circumstances was Pompey appointed sole consul? 3. Give an account of the events leading up to the civil war. 4. Make an outline of the events of the civil war. 5. Show on an outline map the location of the battles of the civil war. 6. What was the effect of the civil war on the political situa- tion? / 52 ANCIENT HISTORY IV. The Rule of Julius Caesar 1. What titles and powers were granted to Csesar? 2. What was Caesar's conception of the government needed by Rome? 3. Describe in detail the reforms of Caesar. 4. Mention some of his projects. What is their significance? 5. What was the nature of the opposition to Caesar? 6. Describe his end. What is the author's conmient? 7. Show on an outline map the dominions of Rome in 44 B.C. CHAPTER XXII THE TIMES OP ANTONY AND OCTAVIUS I. The Rise of Antony and Octavius 1. Show the effect of Caesar's death on the political situation at Rome. 2. How did Antony gain the favor of the people? 3. Who was Octavius and how did he supplant Antony in the popular favor? 4. What was the attitude of Cicero toward these rivals? 5. Indicate the results of the war of Mutina. 6. What were the motives of Octavius in forming the second triumvirate? 7. What powers were assumed by the triumvirs? 8. Describe the proscriptions of the triumvirs. Who was the chief victim? 9. Describe the battle of Philippi. What was its political result? 11. Civil War Between Antony and Octavius 1. How was the Roman world divided between the triumvirs? 2. Show how Octavius made himself supreme in the West. 3. How did Antony spend his time in the East? 4. What events led to the rupture between Antony and Octav- ius? 5. What determined the result of the battle of Actium? 6. What was the fate of Antony and Cleopatra? ANCIENT HISTORY 53 LESSON IX CHAPTER XXIII THE REIGN OF AUGUSTUS 1* The New Imperial Government 1. What was the pohtical tendency in the period of the civil war? 2. Describe the character and policy of Augustus. 3. What were the titles and powers conferred on Augustus? 4. Describe the position and influence in the new government of the senate, the assemblies, and the magistrates. 5. What change did Augustus make in the army? 6. What was the pretorian guard? II. Augustus and the Roman World 1. Describe improvements in administration made by Augus- tus: (a) Rome, (b) Italy, (c) The provinces. 2. What change was made in the method of collecting the revenues? 3. What was "the imperial budget"? 4. What frontiers were established by Augustus? 5. What success did Augustus have against the Parthians and Germans? 6. What was the advice of Augustus to his successors? 7. Give Morey's estimate of Augustus. 8. Show on an outline map Roman dominions at the death of Augustus. III. The Age of Augustus 1. With what age in Greek history might the Augustan age be compared? 2. In what ways did his advisers assist Augustus? 3. What was the policy of Augustus with regard to art and literature? 4. How was the city transformed during the reign of Augustus? 5. Name three of the authors of the Augustan age, and mention their chief works. 6. How did Augustus attempt to purify religion and morals? Was he successful? 64 ANCIENT HISTORY CHAPTER XXIV THE JULIAN EMPERORS I. The Reign of Tiberius 1. How does Augustus compare with other Julian emperors? 2. What was his plan for succession? 3. Describe the character and poUcy of Tiberius. 4. Give an account of the campaigns of Germanicus and Drusus indicating the reasons for undertaking them. 5. Show from the acts of Tiberius his attitude toward republi- can institutions. 6. Describe the rule of Sejanus. 7. How do you account for the different estimates of Tiberius? II. The Reign of Caligula 1. What was the arrangement for the succession? 2. Describe the character and interests of Gains. 3. What is the significance of his reign? III. The Reign of Claudius 1. How was Claudius raised to the imperial throne? 2. Show the influence of the imperial household in the reign of Claudius. 3. What were the public works of Claudius? 4. What conquests were made in the reign of Claudius? 5. How did Claudius show his interest in the provinces? IV. The Reign of Nero 1. Explain the meaning of the phrase the "quinquennium Neronis". 2. What influences caused the change in the character and policy of Nero? 3. Describe the burning and rebuilding of Rome. 4. What was Nero's motive in persecuting the Christians? 5. How does Tacitus describe the persecutions of the Chris- tians? 6. What was the condition of the empire under Nero? ANCIENT HISTORY 55 CHAPTER XXV THE FLAVIAN EMPERORS 1. The Disputed Succession 1. What was the situation with regard to the succession at the death of Nero? 2. What rival claims led to the war of the succession? 3. Give an account of the reigns of Galba, Otho, and Vitellius. 4. What was the significance of these reigns? II. The Reign of Vespasian 1. Why does Vespasian's reign mark the beginning of a new era? 2. Describe the revolt of CiviKs and the results of Roman policy in Gaul. 3. What were the causes of the Jewish revolt and how was it suppressed? 4. What was the most famous of the public buildings erected by Vespasian? 5. Describe the amusements of the Romans. ill. The Reign of Titus 1. What was the character of Titus? 2. Why is the eruption of Vesuvius of interest to the historical student? IV. The Reign of Domitian 1. What was the policy of Domitian? 2. Describe the work of Agricola. 3. Describe the literature of the Julian age ; of the Flavian age. V. Life and Manners Under the Empire 1. Write a brief description of the manner of life of the Romans under the empire. 56 ANCIENT HISTORY CHAPTER XXVI THE QOOD EMPERORS I. The Reign of IServa 1. Explain the phrase "the good emperors". 2. What was the policy of Nerva and how did he arrange for a successor? 3. What did Nerva do for the poor and for education? 4. Describe the elementary and higher education of the Romans. II. The Reign of Trajan 1. What can you tell about Trajan's early life? 2. What was his policy? 3. Describe the conquests of Trajan. 4. What were his public works? 5. What influence is shown in the art of this period? 6. Compare the Rome of Hadrian and Trajan with the Athens of Pericles. 7. Show on an outline map Roman dominions at the death of Trajan. III. The Reign of Hadrian 1. Compare Hadrian with Trajan. 2. What qualities show Hadrian's greatness as a ruler? 3. What change did he make in the frontiers? 4. Describe the imperial council. 5. What was the perpetual edict? 6. What were the motives of Hadrian in touring the provinces? 7. In what ways was the provincial administration improved under the empire? 8. Describe the municipal system in the provinces. IV. The Reign of Antoninus Plus 1. How does Marcus Aurelius describe the character of Anto- ninus Pius? 2. Describe the reign of Antoninus. 3. Show the influence of Antoninus on Roman law. ANCIENT HISTORY 57 4. Wherein, according to the author, lies the enduring influence of Rome? V* The Reign of Marcus Aurellus 1. What was the nature of Marcus Aurelius? Was he a great ruler? 2. What were the misfortunes of his reign? 3. Describe the spread of Christianity. 4. What were the motives for persecuting the Christians? 5. What was the danger on the frontiers? How was it met by Aurelius? 6. Describe the Roman philosophy. CHAPTER XXVH THE DECLINE OF THE EMPIRE I. The Times of the Severl 1. Review the history of the early empire. 2. What were the symptoms of decay in the empire 180 A.D.? 3. What was the character of the period following the death of Marcus Aurelius? 4. Outline the events of this period according to reigns. II. The Disintegration of the Empire 1. Who were the foreign enemies of Rome in the first half of the third century? 2. Describe the invasion of the German tribes. 3. How did the Romans meet the danger from the Persians? 4. Explain the use of the phrase "the thirty tyrants". III. The lllyrian Emperors 1. How do you account for the recovery of the empire? 2. What danger was averted by Claudius? 3. Describe the work of Aurelian. 4. What were the "Silent Invasions"? 5. Who were "the Coloni"? 6. What lesson is to be learned from the events of the third century? 58 ANCIENT HISTORY LESSON X CHAPTER XXVIII THE REORGANIZATION OF THE EMPIRE 1. The Reign of Diocletian 1. What change in the form of government was made by Dio- cletian? Account for the change. 2. Summarize the life history and imperial policy of Diocletian. 3. Describe, using diagram, Diocletian's plan for the adminis- tration of the empire. 4. Indicate the responsibiUty for the persecution of the Chris- tians in his reign. 5. What was the result of Diocletian's policy? 6. Why did Diocletian abdicate? 7. What was his plan for the succession and how did it work? II. The Rei^ of Constantino 1. What is the author's estimate of Constantine? 2. What was his policy? 3. Give the story of the conversion of Constantine. 4. Discuss his attitude toward the Christians. 5. Why did he recognize Christianity as the state religion? 6. What was the Council of Nicaea? 7. State reasons for the removal of the capital. 8. Describe the imperial court and show its influence. 9. Indicate in tabular form the subdivisions of the empire. 10. Describe the military organization. 11. What were the effects of Constantine's reforms? III. The Snccessors of Constantine 1. What was the policy of Julian? 2. Describe the revolt of the Goths and indicate its signifi- cance. 3. What was the policy of Theodosius with the barbarians? 4. What was his penance? Its significance? 5. Why was the date 395 A.D. important? ANCIENT HISTORY 59 CHAPTER XXIX THE EXTINCTION OF THE WESTERN EMPIRE I. The Great Invasions 1. What contrast is presented by the history of the Eastern and Western Empires? 2. Write a brief account of the great invasions. II. The Fall of the Western Empire 1. How had the authority of the emperors become limitied? 2. Describe the times of Ricimer. 3. Under what circumstances did the Western Empire come to an end? 4. Explain the significance of this event. 5. Locate the Germanic kingdoms. 6. WTiat was the poUcy of the tribal chiefs? 7. In what sense was the fall of the Roman Empire in the West the beginning of a new epoch? CHAPTER XXX THE GIFTS OF ROME TO CIVILIZATION I. The Monuments of Rome 1. What is the place of Rome in the history of civilization? 2. Describe some of the monuments of (a) the kingdom, (b) the republic, (c) the empire. II. The Latin Language and Literature 1. Describe the growth and character of the Latin language. 2. Indicate the origin and permanence of the Latin alphabet. 3. What was the influence of the Latin language: (a) in medi- aeval times, (b) on the modern European languages? 4. Describe the preservation and influence of the Roman writers. 5. What place has Latin in modern education? III. The Political System of Rome 1. What was the peculiar genius of Rome according to the author? 60 ANCIENT HISTORY 2. What political ideas did the Romans transmit to the Go*' mans? 3. Show the permanence of the imperial idea. 4. Describe the influence of (a) the provincial system, (b) the municipal system. IV. The Roman Law 1. Describe the growth and character of Roman jurisprudence. 2. Sketch the ideas and influence of the great jurists. 3. How was the Roman law preserved (a) in the Western Empire, (b) in the Eastern Empire? 4. Describe the revival of the study of Roman law. 5. Show by quotations the influence of Roman law in modern civilization. V. The Christian Church 1. Show the influence of Rome on the Christian Church: (a) organization, (b) the Fathers, (c) conversion of the barbarians. 2. Show how the church succeeded the empire. 3. Summarize the influence of Rome on modern civilization. CHAPTER XXXI TRANSITION FROM ROMAN TO MEDIAEVAL HISTORY I. The New Romano-Qermanic Kingdoms 1. What were the elements in the new society? 2. Describe the character and institutions of the early Ger- mans. 3. Write a brief account of the settlement and the kingdoms of (a) The Angles and Saxons, (b) The Goths, (c) The Franks. II. The Roman Empire in the East 1. What was the character and influence of the eastern emper- ors? 2. Write an account of the history of the Eastern Empire 476-800 A.D. ANCIENT HISTORY 61 III. Mohammed and Mohammedanism 1. Describe the origin and character of the Mohammedan religion. 2. Give an account of the conquests of the Arabians and the decUne of their power. 3. What was the character and influence of the Mohammedan civiHzation? IV. Revival of the Roman Empire in the West 1. What was the importance of the battle of Tours? 2. What difficulties led Pope Gregory to ask aid of the Frankish king? 3. How did Pepin become king of the Franks? 4. What events led up to the "donation of Pepin"? 5. Describe the conquests of Charlemagne. 6. Under what circumstances was he crowned emperor? 7. What is the significance of his work? 8. Whiat is Freeman's estimate of the place of Rome in his- tory? EXAMINATION ON ROMAN HISTORY Read Carefully: Place your name and full address at the head of the paper. Any cheap, Ught paper Uke the sample previously sent you may be tised. Do not crowd your work, but arrange it neatly and legibly. Do not copy the answers from the Instruction Paper; use your own words, so thai we may he sure you understand the subject. 1. (a) Make an outline map of Italy and Sicily and show the location of the Greeks, the Etruscans, and the Gauls, (b) What influence had these races on the development of Rome? 2. (a) Give the legend of the founding of Rome, (b) What value has the legend? 3. (a) Make a sketch map of the seven hills, (b) What were Rome's advantages of situation? 4. (a) Describe the power of the father of the family, (b) What are your comments on Roman religion? 5. (a) In what ways was the power of the consul limited? (b) What official was appointed in emergencies and what was his power? 6. (a) What were the grievances of the plebeians? (b) What were the results of the secession? 7. (a) Describe in full the work of the decemvirs, (b) Compare the different assemblies. 8. (a) Tabulate the rights of citizenship, (b) What were the results of the passage of the Canuleian law? 9. (a) What was the land question? (b) What were the agrarian laws of Licinius and Sextius? 10. Compare the resources of Rome and Carthage. 11. (a) Why did the Romans win at Mylas? (b)What were the methods of Hamilcar Barca in Sicily? (c) How did the Romans raise the money for the fleet which fought at iEgates? EXAMINATION ON ROMAN HISTORY 12. (a) Show on a sketch map the route of Hannibal, (b) Why did Hannibal take the land route? 13. (a) Describe the battle of Cannae, with diagram, (b) What was Roman policy after the battle of Cannae? 14. Give the terms of peace at the end of the second Punic war. 15. State the agrarian law of Tiberius Gracchus. How was it passed? What arrangement was made for its execution? 16. Describe the rise of Marius. 17. (a) Who was appointed by the senate to conunand the army against Mithridates? Who was appointed by the assembly? (b) How was the dispute settled? (c) What was the significance of these acts? 18. (a) How did Sulla dispose of his opponents? (b) What were the main features of his constitution? (c) What is your estimate of Sulla? 19. (a) Sketch the early career of Pompey. (b) State the terms of the Gabinian and Manihan laws, (c) How were they executed? 20. (a) What circumstances led to the formation of the first triumvirate? (b) What arrangements were made at Lucca? (c) What events led to its dissolution? 21. (a) Why did Caesar want Gaul as his province? (b) What were the results of his Gallic conquests? 22. In what ways did Caesar's reforms better the conditions of the provincials? 23. What powers did Augustus allow the senate, assemblies, and magistrates? 24. (a) What was the frontier policy of Augustus? (b) What provinces were added to the Empire after its eetabUshment and in what reigns? 25. (a) What were the abuses of provincial government under the republic? (b) How did Augustus correct these abuses? 26. (a) How was the city of Rome improved in the reign of Augustus? (b) Compare Roman architecture with the Greek. EXAMINATION ON ROMAN HISTORY 27. (a) Name three writers in the age of Augustus and indicate the character of their works, (b) Describe Roman education under the Empire. 28. (a) What reasons can you suggest for the persecutions of the Christians? (b) What was the effect of the persecutions? 29. What causes led to the reorganization of the Empire? 30. Describe the reforms of Diocletian. 31. Give an account of the events leading up to the adop- tion of Christianity by Constantine? 32. Along what lines has Rome influenced modern civiliza- tion? 33. What were the achievements of Justinian? After completing the work, add and sign the following statement: I hereby certify that the above work is entirely my own. (Signed) LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 462 635 4