ff/O „„H,«„H,»-, Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 5D 252 C!oNGREss, I SENATE. i Document "^ Seadcm. ) | No. 443. 1910 Copy 1 EDUCATION OF FOREST STUDENTS. L E '{' T E R KKOM THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE, IN UlCSIMINSK TO A SENATE RESOLUTION OF FEBRUARY 9, 1910, WITH A STATE- MENT OF THE AMOUNT OF MONEY EXPENDED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE FORESTER IN THE EDUCATION OF FOREST STUDENTS. March 22, 1910. — Referred to the Committee on Agriculture anil Forestry and ordered to he printed. \\^ Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, WoHhiugtoru D. C, March 19, 1910. To the Senate: By direction of the President and in accordance with Senate reso- lution No. 174 of Fe))rnary 9, 1910, I have the honor to submit the following statement concerning- " the amount of money expended under the direction of the Forester in the education of forest students, the institutions they attended, the names of such students, and whether or not their transportation to and from these institutions and their salaries were paid during their attendance." The amount of money expended under the direction of the Forester in the education of forest rangers is $9.5t)().27, of which amount §9, 125. OS was paid for salaries and $441. 1!> for traveling expenses. The institutions attended by the forest rangers are: University of Montana, Colorado C^ollegc, Utah Agricultural College, University of Washington. The names of the rangers grouped according to institutions are as follows: University ok Montana: I University of Montana — Continued. Abbott, Arthur H. } Breen, John Ehner. Arrison, D. William. Bucher, A. J. Beal, Orion L. Calbiek, Allen O. Heatty, Dwight L. Cleaveland, Horace A. Bell, John W. Crawford, Chipman L. Bening, Frank F. David, John E. ^ ft> EDUCATION OF FOREST STUDENTS. ^ ;0 University op Montana— Continued. DeGroot, Peter. Durgan, Edward C. Feary, Alfred J. Findley, Sterling H. Fitting, Ray R. Griffin, Claude W. Grigg, Alfred. Gumaer, Robert M. Hays, Samuel R. Holt, Lewis T. Howell, Charles F. Hughes, Fred PI Jarvis, Charles E. Kierstead, John A. McAbee, James W. Martin, George E. Morgan, Lewis T. Owings, William A. Porter, Gardner I. Raymond, William A. Shy, James D. Sutherland, Baigrie. Tanner, Earl Byron. Thompson, Benjamin F. Weholt, Adolph. Wilson, Emery E. Colorado College: Accord, Thomas. Alexander, Leslie. Ashlock, Norman S. Bluck, Edwin. Blundell, Ira W. Bowers, W. F. Boyd, J. W. Cammann, J. B. Clark, E. F. Clark, Jay C. Cooper, Lee E. Crimmins, John T. Cuenin, Joseph M. Darley, William M. Edick, Mark. Emery, O. A. Frey, Merle F. Green, John B. Hall, Henrv C. Hall, VV. J." Hazzard, William H. Huffman, William P. James, John M. Jensen, James C. Joy, F. E. Kauffman, H. E. King, Milton, S. Lawson, James F. Lee, Alfred T. Lester, T. D. Lytle, C. W. Mack, Charles B. Miller, Harry E. Miller, L. C. Nelson, Jesse W. Peck, Rav. Penley, Frank T. Price, Norman B. Ratliff, J. H. Colorado College — Continued. Robinson, Jolly B. Ryan, Josephus. Sartor, M. H. Seals, Fred J. Shelledy, B. F. Shoemaker, Theo. Smelser, H. E. Snodgrass, Perry L. Snyder, Simon. Sobey, F. P. Sobey, R. T. Spencer, Henry L. Stanley, A. L. Stephenson, A. E. Stockwell, A. G. Strawn, A. L. Taft, Charles. W. Wagner, Frank H. Watkins, Thomas J. White, Charles. C. Whitten, W. E. Will, W. F. Wright, S. H. Utah Agricultural College: Adamson, Jesse W. Alsop, John D. Anderson, Joseph F. Arthur, Scipha Bert. Bach, James F. Bagley, Edward C. Barstow, Glidden J. Beam, Charles A. Benson, John C. Bowen, W. Jones. Brotherton, George W. Brough, Walter F. Burke, Robert E. Butler, Frank M. Carpenter, Grant. Christensen, Edward M. DeLong, James H. Fetherolf, Nathan J. Fotheringham, Edmund. Graham, Fred. Gray, Charles T. Hardy, Albert A. Hedrick, Frank. Henrie, Samuel E. Herrick, Coit E. Huffman, Edgar P. Job, Wallwin T. Joice. Ernest P. Judd, Daniel K. Kerby, David H. McCall, James D. MacNamara, Hubert A. McPheters, Herbert G. McPheters, Wallace. Mace, Charles A. Maelzar, Julius G. Moody, Joseph M. Peters, Truman R. Porter, Joseph J. Riddle, W. M. Romero, Andrew. Say, Arthur P. A on T^IO EDUCATION OF FOKliST STUDENTS. Utah AciRicuLTURAL College — Cont'd. Shurtz, Josiah. Smitli, l\i(lianl L. Smith, William W. Smith, WilHaiu Wilev. Snow, KUis H. Stoddard, Samuel W. Swan, William. Taylor, ImI. Tremewaii, Will 11. Tuft, Albert. Williams, DavM II. Woolstenhulme, Thomas. E. University ok \Vasiiini;tok: Barnes, E. Billings, N. J. Blanken.^hip, E. O. Blanken.-^hip, S. Blevins, L. A. Bolen, J. II. Bonebrake, G. F.. Brown, (t. D. Canby, E. B. Cunningham, H. M. Evarts, H. K. Fisk, D. W. Gribble, E. W. Hansen, H. T. Harpham, V. Harris, J. A. Hill, F. P. Hilligo.ss, R. A. Hoist, John D. U.MvEKsrrv OF WASHi.NciTON — Contlnucd. Ingram, Douglas C. Ingram, P. V. Ireland, A. Johnson, Benj. F. Jones, W. J. Keithley, C. L. Kendall, W. H. Looney, G. H. McClain, J. F. McLaughlin, U. F. Mahn, F. H. Milbury, W. B. Morgenroth, C. Morris, Walter T. Musgrave, M. E. Pearson, C. L. Pierpont, R. B. Poole, Andrew T. Radigan, A. Ross, Homer. Russell, F. R. Schurr, J. M. Shaner, O. W. Smith, G. L. Smith, R. E. Taylor, S. L. Thompson, T. Treen, L. A. West, Geo. H. Wheeler, E. W. Wright, A. T. The range r.s were assured by the Forest Service that their trans- portation to and from the institutions and their sahiries while attendinir the institutions woidd be paid by the United States. Steps have l)een taken to recover the sums paid, such pa3'nieuts having been declared unlawful by the Comptroller of the Treasury (Decision of Comptroller of Treasury. January lo, 1910). \'erv respectfully, James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. o LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 002 821 913 1 s LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■If 002 821 913 1 Hollinger Corp. «H ft.5