Class_^/)-s!5yJ Book .,D t.^ CopyrightN?. COPYRIGHT DEPOSm WINTER RHUBARB CULTURE AND MARKETING BY REGINALD BLAND SAN LUIS REY, CAL. 191 5 ^^t^ Copyrighted 1915 REGINALD BLAND i^:-'',. ^ ©aA41l734 MAY 2^ 1915 FOREWORD. This little book was first undertaken in response to a number of requests for information on the culture and marketing of Winter Rhubarb. It has been difficult to restrain the scope of this work within the limits necessarily imposed by lack of time, be- cause the subject has not hitherto received the treatment its importance merits. The natural temptation has been to proceed to the full elaboration of this curiously neglected subject. This would require so much more time than the writer can command at present that he has been compelled to choose between the alternatives of early publication of the present rough sketch or an indefinite postponement to allow a fuller and more finished treatment. The accumula- tion ot inquiries has led to the rather reluctant choice of the former alternative. This is the only apology offered for the inevitable short- comings of the book, especially as regards the lack of more historical and statistical information, which shortcomings it may be possible to remedy at some future time by issuing a second volume. No apology is made for the introduction of matter con- troversial of ''plant-breeders' " claims. Effort has been made to confine all statements to strictly first-hand exper- ience and, whatever the possibility of error in one's judg- ment, the fact that hearsay evidence has not been admitted without confirmation has done somewhat to limit that possi- bility. The lengthy quotation from Mr. P. M. Kiely's "South- ern Shipper's Guide" has been introduced in the chapter on marketing because the matters dealt with therein are es- sential to our subject. As illustrating the point of view of the best class of commission merchants, it was deemed best to include this as a direct quotation. If subsequent editions of this book are found desirable, effort will be made to broaden the treatment of its various subjects. To this end the writer earnestly solicits the cor- respondence of all whose experience has led to conclusions differing or concurring with his own as here set down. It is recognized that diverse soil and climatic conditions may require methods of treatment or culture wholly outside of the writer's personal experience and any information on these matters will be most gratefully received. Chapter I. ^.^ RHUBARB— AND WINTER RHUBARB. Rhubarb (genus Rheum) belongs to the Polygonaceae or Buckwheat family. This is the sole family in the order, Pohjgonales, but comprises such widely differing genera as Smartweed, Knot Grass, Buckwheat, Sorrel, Dock and Rhu- barb. There are said to be about forty different species of rhubarb, covering a wide range of growth, form, color and inflorescence. They are all supposed to be natives of Cen- tral Asia, their natural range having extended from the Himalayas to parts of Siberia and Western Asia, one spe- cies. Rheum Rhaponticum, our familiar garden rhubarb, being native as far west as the Valley of the Volga. It has been cultivated for thousands of years in China and Tibet for a medicine derived from its dried and pre- pared roots. It had a place in Chinese materia medica as early as 3000 B. C. and for its cathartic, astringent and stomachic qualities was exported considerably to Europe for several centuries past. In the latter half of the 18th century rhubarb culture was tried experimentally in Eng- land by an apothecary named Hayward but, though he suc- ceeded in producing a fair quality of medicine, being award- ed silver and gold medals by the Society of Arts, still it was far inferior to the imported article and not much com- mercial development was made. The true Rheum Officinale or medicinal rhubarb was securely guarded in the sacred land of Tibet as was also the process of preparation. The plant had appeared in England a couple of cen- turies before Hayward's time, little use having been made of it however, though it is stated that the leaves were used as a potherb in the days of good Queen Bess. This use must have had its limitations. I am minded of a gentleman who, passing my ranch some years ago, paused to marvel at the rhubarb and ended by taking an armful home to his wife. Abou'c a week later he drove in, looking exceedingly pale and spirituelle. Answering my inquiry as to his health he yaia, No, not exactly sick, but well, you know, I guess we didn t fix that rhubarb right, or mebbe we et too much, us not being used to it." It developed that he had removed the stems and fed them to the pigs and that his wife had pre- pared the leaves by boiling them like spinach. They both being hungry, had eaten heartily of their "spinach." As the gentleman said, "You know, it didn't taste half bad." From his further relation, however, I have concluded that rhubarb greens could never become so very popular for a steady diet — not even in Queen Elizabeth's day. Its present familiar culinary use, making sauces, pies, puddings and other desserts from its cooked stems with the addition of sugar, is of comparatively recent date. About fifty years ago Rhubarb was introduced on quite a large scale into the United States, being widely heralded as the "Great American Wineplant." This exploitation was naturally destined to end in a fizzle because the average sugar content of rhubarb stems is less than two-tenths of one per cent and buying sugar to make the alcohol had its disadvantages against the competition of the grape, which manufactures its own sugar. But while the craze lasted a wide distribution of the plant was made, particularly through the New England States. For a time promoters vied with one another in the "production" of new and sur- prising "varieties," brought about by the natural variabil- ity of rhubarb seedlings. As in more recent times, those early propogators would talk mysteriously about selection and breedmg and hybridizing, claiming that the wonderful variety they had produced had been born of back-breaking toil and midnight oil spread over a long series of years of patient experiments — "until at last," etc. They had long, thin rhubarb; short, fat rhubarb; giant rhubarb; dwarf rhubarb ; rhubarb smooth, rough, tender, tough, green, yel- low, pink, red, purple, plain, striped, spotted, and (but this I am constrained to doubt) ringstraked! If these last did exist I can readily believe they must have been bred by Jacob's system — ''when they came down to drink." Fancy prices indeed were paid for these fancy "varieties"^ — until the bubble bursted, whereupon the wineplant market be- came inactive, in fact, it died. Naturally interest lan- guished. Besides, certain serious matters engaged the at- tention of the nation about that time so that there was prob- ably not much worrying over ''wineplant." But surviving the national vicissitudes, from war to wineplant, one venerable institution endured unshaken. I refer of course to the Great American Pie. The thrifty and inventive New^ England housewife was quick to discover a virtue in the disgraced and rejected wineplant and as 'Tie- plant" it entered upon a career, less spectacular but more enduring than its former one, for now instead of being con- demned for its deficiency of sugar it was for that very rea- son glorified. After a winter of cellar-stored and frozen vegetables, buckwheat cakes and syrup, mince pies and pies made from fruits "put up" in syrup the previous summer- altogether a diet which hardly needed the added fuel of close, artificially heated air (not forgetting the intimate part played by flannel underwear) to beget a very flame of de- sire for things fresh and acid — after even the supplies of preserved fruit had dwindled and given out, except in the larders of the most prudent— Friend Rhubarb achieved his destiny by sending up his crisp shoots into the smiling sun- shine of the earliest spring. The first rhubarb pie of the season marked a festival day and spring house-cleaning was in order. Of course a money value soon attached to this first rhubarb and extravagant prices were paid for that which appeared earliest on the market. Methods were devised for forcing it in cellars and hot houses and fortunes were made by those who engaged in this trade. Still great labor and expense was entailed and little effort was made to sup- ply any but local markets. In about 1895 Mr. Luther Burbank introduced a winter 8 growing rhubarb from Australia, where it was known as Topp's Winter Rhubarb. About five years later the '^tDck resulting from his experiments was sold by him to the trade in 1900, under the name of Burbank's Crimson Winter^ Rhu- barb. I am unable to find any record of Mr. Burbank's ac- tual experiments in this connection, but subsequent '^study of the plant has proved that it is tfdt a hybrid. • - -■ It is evident that a good selection was made from Topp's seedlings, being thereafter fixed ih the usual manner by root division. The plant so produced had a w^onderfiil po- tential value and California is certainly gre^/tlj)' indebted to Luther Burbank for its introduction."^ jK! This is evidently a distinct species — it differs from the summer varieties of rhubarb in several impdrtant char- acteristics. The principal physical difference is in its root system. The hitherto familiar varieties have a thick, fleshy lump of root substance, formed very close to the surface of the ground, from which the crowns originate, the annual feeder-roots forming a distinct system. On the other hand, with Winter Rhubarb the fleshy substance of the central root extends gradually into the main feeders, giving a long; tapering habit to the permanent root. This is evidently th^ basis of its most important and valuable characteristic, that of perpetual growth. Whereas in other varieties the life of the entire plant retreats in the fall to the fleshy lump of root, which then becomes dormant for the winter, in Winter Rhubarb there is no actual dormant period. In addition to these differences, Winter Rhubarb is far superior in quality to other sorts. Its stems have not the woodiness and stringiness so familiar in summer rhubarb^ especially as the season advances. Its skin is so thin and tender that it is never peeled for cooking. Furthermore, its flavor is more aromatic and less astringent and the acid content is more fruit-like. This may be due to its carrying a greater proportion of malic (apple) acid and less of oxalic and tannic acids. This makes it a perfect substitute for acid f ruit& at all times of the ye^r. When rightly prepared it is never cloying, a factor which undoubtedly has much to"^ do with its ever increasing popularity. Owing to its habit of perpetual growth it produces abundantly at all times of the year wherever conditions are favorable. Even where checked by severe frosts its re- covery is immediate, as soon as the weather moderates. It can nearly always be picked before any summer rhubarb is ready and in the spring will recover from picking and pro- duce another full stand in from six to eight weeks. It bears a heavier tonnage per acre to a picking than summer rhu- barb and besides has the market to itself before its rival appears. The leaves are produced from clumps or crowns at, or very near, the ground level. A single root will carry a num- ber of crowns, ranging from one to as many as twenty or more. It is usually undesirable to carry more than six or eight crowns at most, as with a larger number the stems are apt to be small and weak. Each successive leaf is at first covered by the stipule, a membrane-like extension from the axil of the leaf next preceeding. Aided by the growth of the older stem, the new leaf breaks through the enclosing capsule, emerging in quite an advanced stage of development. Packed in a thou- sand tiny folds, once it is free of the capsule it starts to unfold, often in good growing weather attaining a height of three or more inches in a single day. In favorable weather and under good conditions each leaf attains maturity in about two weeks. Under such con- ditions a new one will come out every week. About four weeks after maturity each in turn becomes old, fades and finally withers. Thus after a full stand has been made, each crown will normally have a new-forming leaf, one half grown, three to five mature and one or more old ones. This stand will then remain nearly constant, each old stem being replaced by the production of a new one. After a series of these leaves, usually ranging from 20 to 50 or more, comes the concluding effort of this particular 10 ^ crown, which is the hollow seed stalk surmounted by its cauliflower-like bud cluster. The stalk shoots up rapidly and is soon decorated with a great festoon of tiny non- petaled flowers. It grows to a height of 5 to 8 feet by the time the seeds ripen. The plant is renewed by the formation of new crowns. In the axil of each leaf stalk there is developed a small bud or eye. Normally these remain dormant and eventually shrivel and disappear from the naked eye, but when the natural course of development of the new leaves is inter- fered with by some injury to the tender heart of the crown or terminated by the production of the eventual seed stalk, one or more of these buds sets in to grow and becomes a new crown. These grow through the same cycle as the parent crown and faithfully duplicate the characteristics of the original in every particular. One feature common to all varieties of rhubarb is vari- ability when grown from seed. Winter Rhubarb seedlings seem to run much truer to type than summer sorts, but the tendency to variation still persists. From these natural variations all new kinds have been originated, as among the mixed offspring of any one plant there are nearly cer- tain to be a few plants which are superior in one or more points to their parent. Some plant dealers claim to have produced new varieties by hybridizing but it is very doubt- ful if such hybridisation has ever taken place, either by ac- cident or design. This doubt will be shared by anyone who will examine the flower. Self fertilization appears to be the rule and I believe the chances to be almost infinite against an accidental hybrid. Manipulation of the tiny bloom is all but impossible and we have further evidence that out of several hundred thousand seedlings of the first generation from the supposed hybrids, there is not one re- version. Furthermore, there is no variety of rhubarb ex- tant which cannot be more than accounted for in the writ- er's own experience of simple seed selection. All plants produced by subdivisions of roots and crowns 11 are very nearly true to type in every respect, possessing both the virtues and the limitations of their parent. For this reason all attempts to establish a fixed type by de- veloping some one superior plant are in a measure self- destructive. This subject will be discussed more thor- oughly in the chapter on propogation and development. For the present it may be briefly stated that the best system of development appears to be a combination of seedling selec- tion and subdivision, working towards a general type of the best average standard. This is especially true as re- gards commercial plantings, where the one all-important criterion is the net profit on the investment. 12 Chapter II. SELECTION OF THE LOCATION. Broadly speaking, Winter Rhubarb can be successfully grown in the kitchen garden, for home or neighborhood sup- ply, in nearly any location in California. The only limita- tion is the extreme cold of our higher altitudes. Unless specially protected it is liable to be killed by long contin- ued freezing, though it will survive a sharp freeze of as low as 10 degrees if not of too long duration. On a small scale, even the most refractory soils can be so managed as to produce good rhubarb. Having the crop laid low by an occasional freeze or even losing a few months benefit from it in the dead of winter is a compara- tively small matter against its value in the home garden, against summer rhubarb. However, all who would make a success of the com- mercial production of Winter Rhubarb should first make themselves familiar with its natural limitations as viewed from the commercial standpoint. The first and most important consideration is the ex- treme range of heat and cold. Almost as important is the factor of mean temperatures. Other essentials are soil adaptation, water supply and drainage. Clearly, there can be no hard and fast lines laid down between various combinations of these different factors. Still, the ideal conditions for perfect success can be de- scribed and the dangers absolutely to be avoided can be in- dicated. The reader should then apply his own judgment as to the safety zone between the two extremes wherein Winter Rhubarb can be grown with the assurance of profit. It must be considered, for a proper commercial ap- praisal, strictly from the standpoint of a single crop or picking. This statement will be objected to by those en- thusiasts who prefer to view the subject in the light of its rosy possibilities. It is a very pleasing indoor sport, if you have the time to indulge in it, to take pencil and paper and 13 figure out the possible (to the enthusiast, probable) profits on an acre of rhubarb. What can be simpler? Given an acre with 5,808 plants averaging 5 pounds to the picking, you have 29,040 pounds at one time. Allowing three pick- ings to the winter season you have 87,120 pounds. Then be generous and require only a profit of one cent a pound on your undertaking and you are charmed to find that you have cleared the sum of $871.20 from a trifling piece of ground some 209 feet square. Possibly you are of a grasp- ing disposition and decline to be contented with less than three cents a pound profit. A stroke of the trusty pencil and behold, you have $2,613.60. If still unsatisfied just intensify your culture and force your patient plants to double their output and presto, — you have produced $5,227.- 20. You think you might do fairly well with 100 acres or so of that sort of pasture. Leaving such aureate visionings for the glittering pros- pectuses of those who have stock to sell to "back-to-the- landers," it is better to stick to hard facts, which, while less alluring, will pay more dividends. These fabulous returns may not be impossible. They are merely, according to our present information, highly improbable. The commonest error comes in applying the results of garden conditions to an estimate of field produc- tion. With rhubarb, as with anything else, a greater pro- duction per plant can be made on a small scale than on a larger one. It will be well first to define a standard by which to measure a commercial valuation. A fair basis for this is to be found in the California Agricultural Experi- ment Station Bulletin No. 121, entitled, "Some Things the Prospective Settler Should Know." The average gross income from the chief farm crops in the United States is income from the chief farm crops in the United States is given as 16 per cent of the capital invested. It is assumed that a competent farmer is entitled to expect a g^oss in- 14 come of 25 per cent on his total investment. The following tables will shew the application of this principle. Table 1. Land and appurtenances, water etc $200.00 per acre 5,800 rhubarb plants @ $40.00 per M 232.00 per acre Planting and caring for same 1 yr 28.00 per acre $460.00 25 per cent Gross yield required to justify inv $115.00 Table 2. Land, etc $500.00 5,800 plants @ $80.00 ^ 464.00 Planting, etc 46.00 $1000.00 25 per cent Gross yield required , $250.00 It will be seen that Table 1 figures land as cheap as it is likely to be found suitable for our purpose. Table 2 places land as high as necessary to compare with the most profitable field crops, being the value of the most productive lima bean land on the southern coast. * $115.00 to $250.00 per acre, gross, varying according to the relative capital m vested, but m no case to be less than 25 per cent of the total investment, should therefore be taken as the absolute minimum to safely justify the undertaking from a strictly business standpoint. It should be assumed that this min- imum return is to be made on one single picking per year. Then such soils and situations should be avoided as will not assure this return, year in and year out. All that is made above these figures is pure "velvet," looked at commercially, and (like chickens) velvet should be counted after the sea- son is over, not betore it begins. 15 A selling price of 3c per pound at the farm may be counted on in the proper season. 25 per cent to 65 per cent more can often be realized but 3c is a safe basis for an esti- mate. To make $250.00 gross per acre will require 8,333 pounds @ 3c, or an average of less than 11/2 pounds per plant. This should be the least yield to justify growing Winter Rhubarb on an investment of $1,000.00 per acre. A greater or less capitalization will demand a proportionally larger or smaller return. In the late spring and through the summer, rhubarb is very plentiful, as are all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Consequently during that time very little rhubarb can be sold except by those who are close to large markets and can so afford to sell very cheap. The first limitation, then, is determined by the time of year at which the necessary production can be commanded. To be absolutely safe in finding a ready market at a good price, the main picking should be finished by the end of March. Rhubarb is sold after that date — often a great deal and often at good prices — but the value of rhubarb market- ed in the early spring, prior to April, can be relied on. After that time returns become more speculative. To be able to finish picking by April 1st, requires at least six weeks of growing weather previous to that date; that is, for the production of a full stand. A frost of 26 de- grees is as low as the stems will endure without injury and once stems are spoiled it takes time to grow new ones, so the first point in the ideal location is freedom from freezing temperatures after February 15th. Winter Rhubarb should not be planted in a location liable to frost below 26 degrees after February 15th. King, in "The Soil,'' states that the germs of the nitric ferment do not develop nitric acid from humus when the soil temperature falls below 41 degrees and cannot work to much effect until the temperature reaches 54 degrees. Therefore a prevailing soil temperature above 54 degrees after February 15th, may be taken as the second important factor in the ideal location. 16 The ideal soil for Winter Rhubarb is a deep, rich, well- drained sandy loam. Such soil will naturally be from 5 de- grees to 10 degrees warmer than a heavy undrained soil with the same location and exposure. Winter Rhubarb should not be planted where there is hardpan closer than three feet from the surface, on account of its deep rooting habit. It is better to avoid even deeper hardpan unless the soil is positively known to be well drained, as on the slope of a hill, or when drained artificially as with tile. It must not be planted on sour land. If drainage is good but the land still slightly acid a liberal application of lime should be given before planting. Rhubarb should not be planted in adobe or heavy clays which crack open when drying. In a region of scanty rainfall, such as Southern Cali- fornia, provision must be made for irrigation. Winter and early spring picking v/ill seldom need irrigation except in years of actual drought, but in a semi-arid climate one or two summer irrigations will be necessary to prevent serious set-backs, if not even loss of plants. Winter Rhubarb should not be planted where summer temperatures run above 120 degrees because from that de- gree of heat upwards there is increasing risk of losing plants by cooking in the sun. To recapitulate ; the ideal soil and situation for Winter Rhubarb is a deep, rich, well-drained, sandy loam soil, lo- cated where the temperature does not rise above 120 degrees in the summer nor lall below 15 degrees in the winter and where after February 15th there is freedom from sharp frosts and a prevailing soil temperature above 54 degrees. This last condition can often be attained by planting on a slight southern slope, provided the soil is sufficiently free and deep. Irrigation must be looked out for where rain- fall is scanty. Under these ideal conditions, with good plants and cor- rect culture, the spring picking should make double or treble the production necessary to justify an investment of $1,000 per acre, or from $500.00 to $750.00 gross. The better the 17 conditions, especially as regards mild winters, the more will be made in actual winter pickings and some can always be sold — sometimes a great deal — after March. Such addi- tional returns constitute the "velvet" which lends a pecul- iar fascination to the rhubarb business. As previously stated, there can be no hard and fast lines drawn in working out suitable combinations. An un- favorable location may be largely offset by especially good soil conditions and vice versa. If in doubt, it is best to experiment, planting, say a quarter of an acre, taking the result as a guide for subsequent operations. It is probable that the practical range of Winter Rhu- barb may be vastly increased by the use of open mesh shade tents such as are used in culture of Shade Tobacco. Ex- tremes of heat and cold can be greatly modified and consid- erable relative humidity maintained by this means. It is a little early to positively recommend this but some very en- couraging experiments are under way. The main question is the justification of the increased investment. The cost of tentmg is about $200.00 per acre and the liie of the tent is about two years, making the per acre expense $100.00 per year. Some locations are especially favorable for winter crop- ping, notably those on or very near the coast. In addition to the mildness of the winters, the fogs are a great stimulant to rhubarb. I should mention in passing that in the freak freeze of Jan. 6th and 7th, 1913, our temperature here in the San Luis Rey Valley went down below 10 degrees. I began ship- ping again Feb. 12th, just five weeks after my fields had iaeen laid flat by the freeze, and was unable to find any plants killed by their severe experience. This seems a very fair test of their endurance of cold, as well as of their quick re- covery afterwards. 18 Chapter III. PREPARING THE FIELD. Take a rhubarb plant, either fresh from the ground or from three to six weeks later. Put it out in the field — any- where. Plant it in any way except upside down. If there is moisture in the ground the plant will grow. It seems almost enough to say that any sort of prepar- ation suitable for any crop will do for rhubarb. Certainly the better the field is fitted and prepared for any crop, the better it will be for rhubarb. As a study of standard meth- ods of garden and field preparation, Prof. Wickson's "Cali- fornia Vegetables" is invaluable. It is, or should be, at the right hand of every up-to-date gardener. The chapters on climate, soils, irrigation, drainage, cultivation and fertiliza- tion will give reliable guidance for general gardening prac- tice in California. At the same time it is proper to accentuate certain spe- cial practices which, applied to preparation for rhubarb, are certain to pay a good profit on such increased expense as they may entail. Most important of these is deep plow- ing. It is of great advantage to the plants if they can root freely straight downward from the start. Where irrigation must be practiced it is of great im- portance to prepare thoroughly for the easy and effective application of the water. Even with a running start, water will not flow readily up-hill in this climate and any man who has done much fighting water over humps and hollows does not need to be told that it saves money to have the land properly laid out before planting. The best paying factor in preparing for rhubarb is to fertilize liberally with manure before plowing. This is not essential, especially if the soil is very rich in the beginning, as the necessary fertilizer can be applied subsequently if inconvenient to do so before plowing, but even with the richest soil it will be found a distinct advantage if it can be done. A heavy application of manure, well worked in be- 19 fore planting, will probably be all the fertilizer needed for two full years, — undoubtedly will be if a leguminous crop be grown between the rows in the summer. The best method, in the writer's opinion, is to apply the manure evenly with a manure spreader, then to work it into the top soil thoroughly with a disk or cut-away. Next, plow shallow and leave the field rough to the weather until shortly before planting, at which time the deep plowing should be given and the surface quickly fitted as if for a seed bed. It has been common practice with summer rhubarb to plow ditches, filling them with manure, plowing the dirt back on top of the manure and then plar>tincr either above or alongside of this buried dungheap. Rhubarb is a gross feeder and needs a large amount of nitrogen. It is also very sturdy and can probably endure closer neoximitv to large masses of manure than any other vegetable. Still it is sure- ly sounder agriculture to incorporate the fertilizer thor- oughly through the soil in as fine a state of division as prac- tical. I find that with thorough mixture of manure and soil the plants do better from the start and besides form stronger and more symmetrical roots than where manure is applied clear without mixing. Where this method is used it is best to use fresh ma- nure. If it is applied roughly and plowed in raw it is de- cidedly safer to use manure which has been composted or which has at least gone through its first fermentation. This precaution should also be taken when the manure is applied after the plants are growing. When well worked into the soil, liberal application is of much greater importance than the actual intrinsic qual- ity of the manure. Its main value lies in the store of humus it will furnish, which on fermenting in the soil forms humic acid which in its turn makes the essential plant food already in the soil in the highest degree available. In addition to this, humus acts as a reservoir both of water and of unused plant food and its mechanical effect is always beneficial, 20 making lighter soils more retentive and heavier soils more open and free and better aerated. For these reasons where manure is not available, straw, leaves, brush, grape pomace, refuse from fruit and vegetable canneries, etc. may be used to very good advantage. Neither manure nor any of these substitutes should be applied without available irrigation except at such time of the year as sufficient moisture is certain. Without moisture the proper fermentation will not take place. One ton of manure to the acre is better than none. Ten to fifteen is usually applied and gives excellent results. These results gain proportionately with increasing quantity of manure up to at least 40 or 50 tons per acre. Besides making the requisite proportional gain in tonnage, the grade and quality are so greatly improved as to command a bet- ter price generally on the market. In preparing for rhubarb there are sometimes things which may be done to transform an otherwise unsuitable location into a good one. For example, where tile drainage is practical an otherwise impossible location can often be made especially valuable for rhubarb. In such a case the time to install the drainage system is before planting the rhubarb — not after. The same observation applies to such grading as may be done to fit a field for necessary irrigation. On the other hand, if the selected situation is in itself satisfactory, there are occasions where the simplest sort of preparation would be better, for instance, in order to take advantage of a favorable season. Also, a prospective plant- er may be confronted with the alternatives of planting quickly so as to get a long growing season to establish his plants before winter or postponing the planting for an- other year to allow for preparation. If his situation is such that extensive works such as draining, levelling, etc., are unnecessary he would be financially ahead to go forward with his planting as early as possible, with no further prep- aration than a good deep plowing and working down the 21 surface, leaving the application of manure until later. Under this system it is better to apply no manure until the plants have been established for about three or four months, after which the manure spreader can be driven astride the rows and the fertilizer well cultivated in. 22 Chapter VI. PLANTING. Planting- can be done at any time of the year in favor- able situations where the winters are mild and the summer heat is not excessive. The best planting time is from Feb- ruary to Jure, the best time of all being about April 1st. In districts of highest summer temperatures earlier planting is better, as the plants will then have time to become firm- ly established before they are called upon to endure tho heat. It is not advisable to plant before February except in an especially mild and open season or in a locality where very favorable winter conditions prevail. On the other hand, wherever the summer heat is not too intense, as for example, near the coast, June and July are excellent months for planting. It may be taken as a general principle that the quicker a plant can establish itself after transplanting, the better root system it will develop and the more thrifty it will be when picking time comes. For this reason plant- ing in times of natural "growing weather" is always best. Mark out the rows five feet apart. If narrower than this it will be necessary to cease cultivation too soon. It is unlikely that any gain will be made with wider space to off- set the loss in number of plants to the acre. If the ground is not sufficiently moist, furrow out and irrigate down the rows, harrow, smooth, and mark again lightly for planting. There is only one important point, peculiar to Winter Rhubarb, to be strictly observed in planting. The plants should be set at such depth that the junc- tion of root and crown stands as nearly as possible at the level at which the ground will stand after the plants have become established. It is well to plant about a half inch higher out of the ground than the apparent level of the ground when planting, as subsequent cultivation will tend to build up the ground a trifle higher on the rows. Accord- 23 ing as the crowns are buried or the roots exposed, the plants become less efficient. Deep burying is apt to induce a ten- dency to mildew and moldy stalks. Exposed roots are prac- tically certain to produce dry or woody stalks and a gener- ally feeble growth. A good method of planting, probably as efficient and economical as any, uses two men, one to make the holes and the other to set the plants. Use a long-handled, narrow spade, thrusting it vertically into the ground on the mark and moving the handle back and forth enough to accommo- date the plant, then setting it in the ground about three inches away from the first hole and pressing the earth to- ward the plant. The man who sets the plants in place as- sists in firming the soil about them with his hands, being watchful of the proper planting depth. Two active men can easily plant 600 plants an hour by this method. Some recommend wet planting, using water to settle the soil about the plants, but I have found it much better to depend upon soil water (capillary moisture) wherever prac- tical, rather than to actually wet the plants. Of course ample moisture is essential and, until thoroughly established with new permanent root systems, the plants must not be allowed to suffer for lack of moisture, so if planting has been deferred too long, irrigation must be given, both im- mediately before planting and as soon thereafter as may be necessary to keep the soil moist — not ivet. It is a good plan, when atmospheric conditions tend to dry the crowns, to throw a light mulch of loose soil over them after planting. This can be done handily by cultivat- ing, using a pair of horse-hoes to throw up a ridge, just high enough to barely cover the exposed crowns. If heat is intense a straw mulch is better than the earth mulch. The root carries a considerable store of material for the manufacture of new leaves and will go on sprouting even if left lying in the open air. This peculiarity some- times deceives a beginner into thinking that his plants are **taking hold." But it is below ground that the real work 24 takes place. Almost immediately after planting, if condi- tions are right, the root begins to send out tiny feeders. I have noted this, exceptionally, within 24 hours from plant- ing. More usually they first become apparent about the third or fourth day. These first feeders are very delicate in structure, silvery white and nearly transparent. They are nearly all water, with an infinitessimal proportion of solid substance. When rubbed between the • fingers they practically vanish. When in this condition, if the soil be- comes dry for even a very short time, all those little feeders will disappear and new ones will have to be made. After a time, varying from two weeks to two months according to conditions, a few of these begin to thicken where they emerge from the old root and the characteristic root sub- stance begins to grow out along the tiny thread. From this point on, development is very rapid and in a very short time thereafter the plant may be said to be established and be- comes very hardy and able to endure an extraordinary amount of abuse. From the foregoing it will be seen that proper moisture and temperature conditions for the first few weeks after planting will have a great bearing on the rapidity with which plants will establish themselves and consequently on their natural thrift. Whether seedling roots or root subdivisions are used, in either case the process is the same and care should be taken that the plants are not subjected to any false starts. They will recover from even a number of false starts but each successive effort will be weaker and therefore no inter- ruption of growth should be permitted. These suggestions for preparation and planting are given for field conditions. For garden planting, where no more than a few dozen plants are wanted, a more intensive plan should be followed. A trench should be dug, IV2 f^^t by 2 feet wide. This should be half filled with a mixture of Iresh manure and soil, tramped down hard, then filled up with clear soil and settled with water. No other fertilizer 25 should be applied for three or four months after planting. The best spacing in the row seems to be about eighteen inches for field planting. In a garden bed, such as just de- scribed, a space of two feet between plants will be better. 26 Chapter Y. CULTURE. The first culture of Winter Rhubarb is not essentially different from that of any other field or garden crop. Thor- ough but shallow cultivation, elimination of weeds and pre- servation of adequate soil moisture are principles which ap- ply here as elsewhere. Such care should properly begin ao soon as planting is finished and continue until within three to six weeks of the main picking. It is generally inadvis-* able to enter the field with a cultivator or to disturb it in any way for at least three weeks before such main picking. Even if rains come or irrigation is necessary during this period of laying the crop over, it will not be necessary to cultivate because the leaves will shade the ground sufficiently to prevent much evaporation of moisture and baking of the soil. Frequent cultivations, two and a half to three inches deep, will prevent the development of any considerable root work within that depth. This will also provide aeration and facilitate nitrification at the same time as conserving- moisture. As picking time approaches, cultivation is dis- continued in order to allow the feeders to develop in every available particle of the surface soil. This is also done with a view to avoiding injury to the perfecting stand of stems. The function of every rhubarb crown is at last to pro- duce a seed stalk. This function runs counter to our design, for we are concerned only with the stems of the leaves — which are merely incidental to the main purpose of the plant. If the plant is allowed to mature its seed vStalks without check it rapidly deteriorates. The production of the enormous seed stalk is a great drain on the vital re- sources of the plant, going so far as noticeably to cause the root to shrink. Besides this, new crowns are then usually developed, often in greater number than the weakened plant can effectively support. 27 For this reason the seed stalks are removed when from one to two feet in height, continuously during the entire period, beginning after the plants are established, three or four months from planting, and up to the time when the field is finally laid over. A sharp knife should be used, cut- ting off the entire crown which has seeded, below its low- est leaves, unless it is desirable to produce a few more crowns, in which case the stalk alone should be cut, close to the leaves. The latter method should always be used in case the plant has only a single crown, which has gone to seed. If the entire crown is removed from such a plant it may not survive the shock and, if it does, it is likely to pro- duce its new crov/ns from dormant eyes quite a ways down the root, thus making a buried crown. Seed stalks should never be cut or interfered with until after the plants have been in the field three to four months and are thoroughly established. There is no way of knowing just how near a given crown may be to seeding so when any considerable planting is made there is certain to be a pro- portion of the plants which were nearly at the point of seed- ing before they were taken up or subdivided for transplant- ing. Bear in mind the classical injunction given little Bo- peep when her sheep were late to supper, ''leave them alone," and they will probably come through alright. The new crowns they form will naturally be slower reaching a usable size than their mature neighbors but they will be ready in time, possibly just about the time that some of the others have w^earied of single blessedness and undertaken to raise a family. This whole seed stem question can best be learned by practical experience. Seeding being inevitable, as it is, the problem consists in turning that habit to our best advantage. Generally speaking, there is considerable advantage in the variations in tim.e of seeding among the plants in a field, as thereby the danger is avoided of having all the plants seed- ing just at the time it is most desirable to sell rhubarb. As only large, quick-growing leaf stems (the incidental 28 by-product of the plant) are wanted, plenty of nitrogen must be supplied except to the richest of soil. Rhubarb is the grossest of gross feeders, hence it is almost impossible to supply too much available nitrogen except from the stand- point of commercial economy. Of course the other elements, potash, phosphorus, lime, etc., must be present in adequate measure in order to enable the plant to assimilate great, quantities of nitrogen. However, its requirements of these elements are not heavy and it is probable that any fairly rich soil contains enough in itself for many years of rhu- barb. Where manure is used freely as the main source of nitrogen there is always a surplus of the other necessary elements. The main reason for recommending manure for the nitrogen supply is that the humus thereby added to the soil becomes a reservoir for the retention of that elusive element. The important part played by humic acid in making all the elements available must not be forgotten, nor the improve- ment in texture of soil which follows the proper application of manure. In addition to thorough admixture with the soil, the only caution to be observed in heavy manuring is to make sure that there is good drainage so that the land will not be soured. However, it is assumed that drainage has been considered as a pre-requisite of rhubarb planting. In the absence of available manure, any organic waste substances which will produce humus can be used with good effect, the preference being always for such as carry the highest percentage of nitrogen. Where such materials are used it will of course be necessary to devise methods of ap- plication to suit their differing structure. It will often be found advantageous to use nitrates to finish off a crop, especially if the supply of nitrogen has be- come depleted. The deficiency of nitrogen shows quickly in stunted growth and a yellowish cast to the foliage. Ap- plication of nitrate is very satisfactory even when plants are in rich ground and appear to be doing very well, always stimulating them to heavier growth and finer texture. I 29 have found Nitrate of Lime best for this kind of forcing. It has all the good qualities of Nitrate of Soda and is safer for the plants. Unless considerable care is taken in using Nitrate of Soda, the plants may receive a set-back which may more than offset the stimulation. There is no such danger with Nitrate of Lime, which has the additional vir- tue that a certain amount of its lime content is in a form immediately available as plant nutriment. The remainder of the lime is a valuable soil amendment and aids nitrifica- tion. Apply at the rate of 200 to 250 pounds to the acre, sprmklmg near the plants and cultivating immediately. I'he most effective results seem to come when applied about four to five weeks before picking. Where irrigation is necessary, whatever is good local practice for vegetable crops is equally correct for rhubarb. During the period that young plants are establishing them- selves, three to four months after planting, and through the time of maturing a crop, six to eight weeks before picking, ample moisture must be maintained continuously to get best results. In irrigating it should be remembered that the water that runs off the land does harm, not good. Every soil has its own limit of capacity to hold capillary, or soil, moisture which a careful irrigator will learn by experi- ment. Saturation beyond this point can bring no good re- sult and often in close, heavy soils, or if too long continued in any soil, will cause actual damage from smothering by the free water shutting off the air supply of the roots. Irrigation should, of course, always be followed by culti- vation as soon as the ground can be properly worked. Never cultivate mud. If necessary to irrigate within the last three weeks be- fore picking, do not cultivate, even if the water has to be run over again to save the ground from baking. It is most unlikely to bake, owing to the dense shade of the spreading foliage, and it is best to leave the ground undisturbed for that time. Clean cultivation is best for the first summer after the 30 plants are set out. Beginning the second summer, cultiva- tion may be very well dispensed with, especially where the following described system of green manuring can be prac- ticed. The plants should be encouraged to take a rest dur- ing the summer. Where they can be mxade to do so they will bear heavier and require less fertilizer the succeeding winter and spring. After the spring picking is off, in March or April, and as the plants are entering upon their second summer in the field, some legumifious cover crop may be sowed thickly in the space between the rows. Vetches are probably the best if they can be made to grow well at that time of the year. Cowpeas, soy beans, or any other legume may be used. When any of these are grown for the first time, be sure to inoculate. Directions for inexpensive inoculation may be found in California Agricultural Experiment Station Cir- cular No. 87. This sort of summer cover crop may appear at first sight to be somewhat opposed to accepted practice, so it is well to give a word of explanation. Resting the plants in the summer is an important factor towards net profits — more and better production at less expense. But where the field is left without cultivation, weeds have full sway and enough damage and extra work may ensue to offset the benefit of leaving the field idle through the summer. On the other hand, a good cover crop will keep down the weeds and in ad- dition, if a legumie is used, will add nitrogen (our great es- sential nutriment) to the soil instead of further depleting the supply as the weeds will do. When finally put down and worked into the ground, this crop will keep up the desired humus — rounding out the argument in favor of this practice for Winter Rhubarb. Vv^hen the cover crop has reached the right stage for green manuring, one to three weeks before blossoming, mow down the entire mass, rhubarb and all. Cover this by plowing six or eight inches deep on each side of the rows, within three or four inches of the plants. Use a plow with a long mold- 31 board so as to throw a good ridge between the rows, cov- ering the green stuff as thoroughly as possible. A large, sharp, rolling coulter will be necessary, both to slice the cover for a clean furrow and, by having a large one and setting it deep, to make the incidental root pruning as smooth and clean as can be. Where practical, an irrigation should be given just be- fore this cutting down and plowing so as to hasten decompo- sition. As soon as the right stage of decomposition has been reached, cultivation should begin. Cultivate so as to work the ridge down into the open furrows and leave the ground level again. The first cultivations should be done with a disc attachment. After the trash has been worked up enough so that it will not drag and clog the cultivator teeth, use chisel or narrow shovel attachments. Make the first few cultivations as deep as possible. After thorough tillage, reduce the depth of cultivation to 21/2 or 3 inches. This plowing should be done in July or August; never later than August, as some months must be allov/ed after such severe root pruning for the development of the new feeder system. This will be found to be the cheapest way of buying nitrogen and should be done wherever practical. After three or four years in the field it is best to take up the plants, subdivide and replant with single strong crowns. This work should be done in the early spring, as soon as possible after the last picking. Planting should be done in a new piece of ground, well prepared in advance. Rhubarb is practically free from pests and diseases. Its rapid growth, vigor and large stalks and leaves render it nearly safe from injurious attacks of insects and it seems to have no natural enemies. In the eastern States, summer growing varieties are sometimes troubled by the Rhubarb Curculio or Snout Beetle and the Rhubarb Flea Beetle. On the Pacific Coast no damage has yet been reported from either of these insects. The California Station reports on three insects said to 32 include rhubarb in their dietary, the Apple Leaf Hopper, the Western Army Worm and the Hop Flea Beetle. Outside of this report I have not seen or heard of these insects attack- ing rhubarb, though I have seen the leaves eaten by the Twelve Spotted Cucumber Beetle {Diabrotica Soror) . 1 have never seen any particular damage done, as the leaf de- velopment is so rapid that the plants run away from the beetle. One year I was visited in the fall by a black aphis. Have never heard of this attacking rhubarb elsewhere except in one instance. As soon as this appears, simply pick the atfect- ed plants down, burning the leaves or dipping in a barrel of poison solution. Then wet the plant with its remaining sprouts thoroughly with the dip, or better, spray with strong pressure. Use ''Black Leaf 40," a 40 per cent preparation of Sulphate of Nicotine. A half pound can will make 50 gal- lons of the proper solution. It is a good rule if aphis appears anywhere to get rid of it immediately without waiting to see what it will do, for one thing is most certain, that it will multiply and replen- ish the earth — with aphis — and inconceivably fast. Hap- pily they are very easy to detect. When they start in on a plant they stay on it until they simply crowd themselves ott. Take the first few plants they attack and it is easy to get rid of them. There seems no reason to believe them espe- cially fond of rhubarb. It is likely that these attacks came when their natural pasture was lacking. In long continued warm, damp weather the stems may be aftected by mildew, especially if planted a little too deep. Sulphur is recommended for control. Use finely powdered flowers of sulphur and apply thoroughly. 33 Chapter VI. PICKING AND PACKING. Stems should not be picked until the plants have been set out for at least four months. A good development of foliage is essential to the formation of a sturdy root system such as is needed for the heavy duty to be required of the plant later on. So far, the most valuable and dependable market has been developed in the early spring, principally through the months of February and March; therefore it is best to de- sign all field operations so as to have the maximum stand of rhubarb within that period. After the plants have been over four months in the field and until the time for laying the crop over for the main picking, as described in the chapter on culture, a certain amount of continuous picking is permissible and even de- sirable. Such continuous picking must, however, be done in accordance with the natural habit of growth of the plants in order to carry them to a point of hignest efficiency at the spring picking. When seed-stemming is practiced as previously recom- mended, removing crowns which have seeded when the stalk is from one to two feet tall (except as noted in the case of single-crowned plants), each such crown will frequently yield trom two to four excellent stems. These are often among the most vigorous stems in the field and seed-stem- ming should provide a small supply of a very attractive pack, which will usually find a profitable local market even when other fruits and vegetables are plentiful. As winter approaches the demand for rhubarb in- creases and prices improve. This condition can be met by picking the largest and best crowns, without disturbing the smaller ones. All the crowns of a given plant are of diff'er- ent ages, hence of different degrees of maturity and devel- opment. When picking in this way do not pick down entire plants. It will pay better to leave the smaller crowns, which will keep on growing if not disturbed and will conserve the vitality of the plant better than if it is entirely defoliated. However, all the old outer leaves should be removed from the crowns which are picked as if they are left on they seem to cause the plant to slacken in its growth. When the main picking is ready and shipments have been arranged for, take everything in sight. That is, take all good rhubarb. Never let your heart grieve over leaving old and faded stems in the field. Similar to a palm, a rhu- barb plant will have many leaves which are past their prime and are deteriorating. Ordinarily, after a proper period of growing weather, good crowns should carry an average of about four good stems apiece. For every new stem pro- duced, the oldest of this preceeding series begins to fade, thus keeping the number of vigorous stems practically con- stant. Exceptionally a larger number of perfect stems will be found on a crown, due to some obscure cause favoring nutrition of that particular plant. Some times a burst of fine ''growing weather" will increase the average over the entire field. On the other hand, a long continued cold spell will naturally retard the development of new growth, while it does not seem to delay the aging of mature stems, and will thereby reduce the plant average and the total stand. This emphasizes the necessity of certain caution in the selection of location, as earlier pointed out. But, much or little as it may be, if you remember that you have just as much rhubarb as you have good rhubarb and do not attempt to pick more than this, you should never have difficulty in marketing your production during the proper season. At this final picking there is no advantage in cleaning the old leaves from the plants. Simply take every good stem in sight and pass on. Some advise leaving immature stems, as being more perishable. This is a mistake, as has been proved by cold-storage tests on the keeping quality of rhu- barb. When decay finally sets in, the oldest stems are the first affected. The youngest stems endure the longest of 35 all. The only ground for leaving small immature stems is the mere matter of size. If not too very small, a certain amount of lighter stock should go into the fanciest pack so that the retailer can make weights. Where correct culture and ample fertilizer have been given there is small danger of there being too much of this light stock. Care is necessary not to break the stems when picking. There is just the least knack about this that is hard to prop- erly describe but which anyone can catch in a few moments trial. The stems should come away, quite cleanly as a rule, from the thin, semi-circular edge where they join the crown. Never pack broken stems. When an accident happens, just throw the stem away — and be more careful next time. Pile the picked leaves from tv/o rows in the space be- tween, laying the piles crossways of the row and with the leaves all pointing the same way. Do not make the piles too large. These directions are given to facilitate topping. Topping should be done immediately after picking, or as soon as possible, as the leaves should not be allowed to wilt on the stems. About an inch of the leaf should be left on the stem in the form of a duck foot. Use a rather heavy, large knife, keeping it very sharp. The acid dulls the blade very rapidly, so a good whetstone carried in the pocket is a time saver. The topper goes down the rows, facing so that his knife hand is on the same side as the leaf-ends are laid. Kneeling or squatting to the pile, as he tops the stems he drops them in a new pile between himself and the first pile. With a little practice and simplifying the necessary motions, this work can be done with great rapidity and neatness. Top- pers should be instructed to make a practice of scattering the piles of leaves as soon as each pile is topped. Following the topping, the piles are again gone over and the stipules removed from the bases of the stems. This can be done when topping, but when heavy picking is done and saving time is an important object it will be found more efficient and cheaper to make a separate operation of it. The 36 stipules should always be stripped off by the fingers, never trimmed off with a knife. . The piles are then gathered into large field boxes, con- taining 60 pounds or more, laying the stems in the boxes with the leaves all pointing the same way, and hauled to the packing shed. Here they are washed and are then ready for packing. In these various operations it is important that the stems be handled with reasonable care, especially avoiding scraping or chafing them. The skin is so tender that rubbing with sand or grit will cause tiny scars, making a dirty look- ing pack. With the least care in handling, this damage can be avoided. Speed, hence cheapness, of picking and topping depends more on size of stems than anything else. A grade that runs 4 stems to the pound will cost less than half as much to handle than one that runs 8 to the pound. This is an addi- tional argument in favor of generous fertilizing. Besides the increased yield of superior quality, expenses are reduced, to the great advantage of the net profits. Packing arrangements will vary according as the pick- ing is done on a large or a small scale. Up to about 2,000 pounds a day the simplest plant will suffice. A bench and frame for making boxes, scales, a slatted or grated bench for washing and packing, a hose, a bench for nailing up the packed boxes and a place to pile them, will furnish com- fortably for a packing plant of small capacity. Where it is necessary to pack car lots from a single ranch and a ca- pacity of 10,000 pounds a day is needed, a little thoughtful planning of these essential arrangements can be made to result in an appreciable saving in packing cost. There are two styles of packing in use in California, lo- cally and for shipment to eastern markets, the "solid-pack" in apple box, with a standard weight of 40 pounds net and the special rhubarb crate designed by the Southern Cali- fornia Rhubarb Growers' Association, carrying 30 pounds net. The Pioneer Fruit Company, who handle practically 37 all the eastern car lot shipments from Northern California and whose good work in this connection will receive atten- tion in the chapter on marketing, insist on the solid pack. At the same time there is much in favor of the Southern Cali- fornia 30 pound crate, when properly handled, especially in express shipments. This crate is made with sides of half- i^rh lumber, 7%x24 inches and ends of quarter inch, 7% by 12 inches. Top and bottom each consist of four slats of quarter inch, 2V2xl2 inches. These parts, known as "box shook," are to be had from the box factory for $8.75 per 100, f. o. b. cars. Paper must be provided to line top and bottom. This should be very heavy, tough and non-absorb- ent and should be cut to size, 1114x24 inches. The paper costs about 1 cent a box. In the solid pack the box is made of a length to accom- modate the average stem and all longer stems must be cut off. Very few stems have to be cut for the 24 inch crate. By distributing the stems well in packing the crate a very nearly solid appearance can be preserved. In packing Fancy Rhubarb for express trade I use a 15- pound crate made just the same as the 30-pound, but half as deep. The especial advantage of this in fancy trade is that it insures the grocer a quick clean-up of fresh stock so that he has no waste. Boxes and crates should always be packed a little extra weight, say one pound in a 30-lb. box. Care should be taken to distribute the largest and most attractive stems through- out the box so that when the rhubarb is finally on sale it will look equally good until the last pound is sold. The rhubarb should be clean and the entire package finished up neatly. The shipper's name and address should always be neatly stamped or stenciled on each box, as well as the name and address of the consignee. As illustrating a few of the essential details in prepar- ing rhubarb for market I give the following letter recently written to a gentleman who had purchased plants from me last year to set out an acre. He found diflficulty in market- 38 ing his rhubarb and wrote for advice. I asked for a sample of his stock, which came in due time and, on opening, dis- closed at first glance a condition which was in itself suffi- cient to account for any selling difficulty. Printing this may seem a bit superfluous, repeating, as it does, a good deal of the preceding matter — but the fact that this letter was nec- essary, under the circumstances, is evidence to me that these things cannot be too strongly accentuated, even if neces- sarily by repetition. San Luis Key, Cal., Feb. 18, 1915. Mr Redlands, Cal. My Dear Mr I have just examined, with great interest, the rhubarb samples you sent me. It is evident that, under the conditions, your rhubarb has done very well and, if you handle it rightly, should bring you a very fair return. At the same time it is forcibly brought to me that some details of handling, which are so familiar to us as to seem natural, will require fuller explanation than would have oc- curred to me as necessary. The main criticism of the samples is in regard to your topping — or removing of the leaf. You have used a dull knife and have cut with a slanting stroke, cutting through a portion of the stem. This gives an appearance of being roughly whittled to a point. The proper method — and the one which preserves the stem best — is to use a very sharp knife, cutting square across the base of the leaf about an inch from where the veins diverge from the stem. This leaves a sort of "duck-foot" effect. Topping should be done within a few minutes after picking, before the leaves begin to wilt, otherwise considerable of the moisture of the stem 39 is transpired through the leaf, impairing the keeping qual- ity of the rhubarb. When topping is done as prescribed, leaving a small section of leaf, the cut portion dries and seals over very quickly retaining the juice of the stem, besides giving a uniformly neat finish. You v^ill find that many of the leaves grow up very crisply from the stalk, with the lower lobes small, crisp and rather folded inwards. These will be topped with a single swift stroke with your sharp knife, square across. Other leaves grow with rather drooping lobes or with the outer veins spreading at a wide angle with the stalk. Such will require another stroke or two to trim them neatly. Use a fairly heavy butcher knife. I use an eight-inch blade by preference. Keep it at a razor-edge and carry a good whetstone in your pocket. Touch it up on the stone two or three times an hour when topping steadily. The stipules adhering to the base of the stems should be removed before the final washing. I don't know that this makes any difference to the rhubarb, but it makes a great improvement in the appearance of the package and appear- ance is the first and most important factor in marketability. Furthermore, of the 34 good stems in the sample, ten had been broken off in picking. With reasonable care this can be avoided. If you are watchful you will learn to be sus- picious of a plant whose stems are liable to break and, giving yourself the benefit of the doubt, grasp the stem well down at the base and endeavor to detach where it springs from the crown. You may be unable to escape an occasional accident but with due caution these should not come to more than a fraction of one per cent of your total picking and you should make a rule not to allow a single broken stalk in your pack. Nearly all the stems were badly chafed and scarred. Their appearance was as if they had not been washed but had been brushed off dry. Do not handle the stems more than absolutely necessary, especially before washing. In such handling as must be done, pick them up and lay them 40 down without letting them slide through the hands as, when there is dust, grit or sand adhering either to the stems or your hands, rubbing is certain to chafe and mar the deli- cate outer skin and makes your pack look old and dingy. Always wash your rhubarb perfectly clean before pack- ing and pack it wet. It will thus retain its freshness much longer. The quicker you can get your rhubarb into the box from the growing plant and the sooner thereafter it can be opened for sale at the grocer's, the better business you will do. Further analyzing the sample marked "two stems each from nine consecutive unfertilized plants," I find these eighteen stems weigh 31^ pounds. Four of these stems only averaged one ounce apiece. Taking these out left fourteen stems weighing just 3 pounds, or a little heavier than 5 stems to the pound. My own experience teaches that an ex- cellent and strictly fancy pack can be made with 5 stems to the pound. Personally, I aim never to send out lighter than an eight stem pack. Seven is fair and six is a good com- mercial pack. Five stems to the pound is fancy and four can be properly called extra fancy. Those four stems which only weighed 14 pound alto- gether should be omitted from your pack. They hardly con- tribute enough weight to pay for the bother of picking, top- ping, washing and packing them and certainly not enough to offset the improved grade you would have by leaving them out. Besides this, it is evident that those two plants have had a hard time of it for some reason or other and will probably do enough better for being left undisturbed to pay lor such rhubarb as you might take from them now. This will hold true even if they have to be left until next year to realize from them. The sample of sixteen stems from ''eight adjoining plants fertilized with one light application of horse manure," weighs 3 pounds 14 ounces — or very nearly a 4 stem pack, 41 showing a gain of almost exactly 25 per cent in average weight of stem in favor of the single light manuring. This is a very clear cut example of the established fact that fertilizing is a double-barreled proposition. It increases the yield sufficiently to pay back the cost with big interest and at the same time improves the grade, making this in- creased production more saleable. You are right in doubting the marketability of the old and pithy stems. Of course it gives pain to a thrifty soul to witness what seems to be waste. But as these old stems are returned to the soil they do not represent so much waste as might at first appear. Under proper growing conditions the plant is being continually renewed from within, keeping the supply of marketable stock fairly constant. Must give you a word of caution in regard to seed- stalks. Remember that the seed stalk is the final effort of every individual crown, after which new crowns are devel- oped from the buds in the axils of the leaves. Cut the seed- stalks as you say you are doing (but better when about 3 feet high) if you want to develop more crowns, but when a plant has as many crowns as you want, say 4 to 6, it is bet- ter to remove the entire crown by cutting or breaking it off, leaves and all. I will ship you a packed box of rhubarb such as I am now supplying to my trade. Examine this carefully, noting the application of the principles I have pointed out. Then pick and pack another sample and ship me. If any points have been missed we can straighten them up in short order. Yours very truly, REGINALD BLAND. 42 Chapter VII. MARKETING. The ancient recipe for rabbit pie begins, ''First catch your hare." The first instruction for profitable marketing of Winter Rhubarb is, "First, produce your rhubarb." Proper culture means the production of fancy rhubarb which, nicely handled and packed, is very easy to sell during the rhubarb season. It has not always been such a simple matter. The earl- ier years of attempts to market Winter Rhubarb covered a series of discouraging experiences and bitter disappoint- ments. There never was a dream that bore fairer promise more barren of fulfillment. The thing looked so good — so reasonable! Small wonder that many, lured by such glit- tering bait as $1,000.00 to $1,500.00 per acre profits the first year after planting," hastened to invest their small savings or even go into debt for these gold bearing plants. The plants were purchased, magnificent rhubarb was raised and then — the awakening! The wholesale grocers looked ask- ance at rhubarb oflfered them in midwinter. Evidently the wonderful tales of world-wide markets clamoring for car- loads of Winter Rhubarb had not reached them! Retail grocers were almost equally .mistrustful of the new product and with good reason, for that maker of markets, the ulti- mate consumer, was slow to make up his mind that he even wanted to sample the stuff until his spring-time hunger forced him to it and while he waited — the rhubarb wilted, When the grocer finally had to dump out half a box of rot- ten rhubarb he was naturally in no great haste to repeat the dose. The rhubarb grower sadly closed up his ledger in red ink and retired from business — that is, the most of them did. Some plowed out the fair deceiver. Others left their patches of rhubarb to the mercy of the elements and, sur- viving its neglect and the drain on its food supply by its companioning weeds, their prized rhubarb struggled on to a 43 miserable growth of spindling stems which were again of- fered for sale the following winter. Meantime a fresh crop of planters had been drawn into the enticing business, to re- peat the pathetic experiences of their predecessors. But there was some relief to this sordid and sorry pic- ture. Among those who went into Winter Rhubarb were some who were more aggressive, more resourceful and far- ther sighted than the average. While compelled to temper their expectations in accordance with actual conditions, they nevertheless contrived to make sufficient returns to justify the undertaking and so kept up their fields. In the mean- time, by dint of continued offerings from year to year, a very satisfactory local market was gradually built up. Still, much more rhubarb was produced than home markets could consume and some scattering efforts were made to ship to eastern cities in carlots. All these efforts were unsuccessful for the same reasons which had caused California markets to develop so slowly, though some small experimental shipments brought good returns. Finally the problem was solved. Looking back over the history of this work, the solution appears so natural and in- evitable that we are inclined to wonder that it was not earl- ier thought of. In the eastern States rhubarb is the first edible open- air plant available after the grip of winter is broken. Com- bining a fruit-like acid and flavor it is relished and prized above any other food in the early spring. It has become a fixed national habit to look for it at that time of the year and on account of the supply being limited relative to the de- mand it then commands a fancy price. This early spring market invited the entrance of Cali- fornia rhubarb and heavy shipments, made just anticipating the eastern crop, became profitable. With this as the en- tering point of the wedge, the shipping season was gradu- ally extended, starting each year a little earlier and increas- ing the range of distribution through wider territory, until 44 now there is a period of over two months before eastern rhu- barb appears, during which time CaHfornia rhubarb is sold in carlots in fine shape. This has crowded the time forward until now practically all of February and March the market is lively in the east and present indications are that within another year or two the month of January will be added to this period. The first shipments of summer growing rhubarb varie- ties from California do not reach the east until the second week of March, or within a range of one week earlier or later than that time, so the earlier shipments are entirely Winter Rhubarb. This gives the grower of Winter Rhu- barb who is so situated as to be able to make his first pick- ing by the first of February the opportunity of disposing of two full pickings, thus giving this business a renewed im- petus — this time with the solid ground of an established market under it. From May to November, inclusive, it is not worth while to expend any great effort in trying to sell rhubarb and, besides, the plants need rest. After connections have been established to take care of the winter and spring produc- tion, it will pay to keep in touch with them during the sum- mer, for it will often be found that a small supply of fancy rhubarb can be kept going profitably through that time. There are many people who like rhubarb for its own sake and are ready for it at ail times of the year. Little development has yet been made of eastern mar- kets for rhubarb in the months of December and January, though during those two months the highest prices of all can be obtained from small fancy express shipments. These are pioneering the way at present and, as stated above, January bids fair to be soon included in the period of heavy shipments. December will probably eventually be included, judging from the way our express trade is building up, and when it is, the most favorably situated Winter Rhubarb - 45 groAVers will be able to send out their three pickings in good seasons. These large marketing developments were only made possible by large operations. The best results have been achieved by co-operative efforts, both rhubarb associations and vegetable growers' associations. When you are in a po- sition to ship co-operatively with other growers who will en- gage to keep their grade up to a high standard, you then have practically nothing to do but to grow your fancy rhu- barb, deliver it to your association and draw your money. In Alameda County is the San Lorenzo Rhubarb Growers* Association, said to comprise 87 per cent of the northern acreage. An association of rhubarb growers was started in Southern California some years ago, w^hile the market was still in its infancy, but failed to survive the discouragements of that period. Undoubtedly a re-organization will be ef- fected in the near future owing to the example set by the brilliant success of the northern association. For the pres- ent its place in Southern California is taken by various vegetable associations, who have recently been marketing rhubarb very successfully. As an instance, I haye just at hand a report of the Orange County Vegetable Association, dated Feb. 14, 1915, stating that they had just sold a car of Winter Rhubarb in Chicago for $2.00 per box. This being six and two-thirds cents a pound should net the growers very nearly five cents f. o. b. cars. Co-operative marketing associations handling mixed products are springing up all over the State and observing the way the question is being taken up by the various Farm Bureaus, it is a safe prediction that we are at the threshold of an era of co-operative marketing of general products in California. Reference to the success of the San Lorenzo Associa- tion would be incomplete without mention of the really splendid work done by the Pioneer Fruit Company (who contract with the association for their entire product), in 46 working up the distribution of California spring rhubarb throughout the eastern markets. Commencing in 1909, when they only had two markets in the east which would even consider buying any rhubarb, they shipped small lots in mixed cars in an experimental way. The experiment was continued along the same lines in 1910, in which season they succeeded in netting thp growers an average of 43 cents per packed box. These are 40-pound boxes, so the margin of profit to the growers was very small. Modest as these early returns were, they showed a promising field and in 1911 the company undertook ship- ments in carlots, shipping in that year over 30,000 boxes (68 1/2 cars) for which the growers averaged .798 per packed box. In 1912 they shipped 104,000 boxes and averaged 83 cents; in 1913, 80,000 boxes (short crop), averaging .977; in 1914, 80,000 boxes, averaging $1,103 net to the growers and also cleaned up all the poor rhubarb to the canneries at from S25.00 to $35.00 per ton. In a communication addressed to the writer, Feb. 1, 1915, their president, Senator Chas. B. Bills, stated: 'This season we will probably net about $1.25, for we have made such a distribution of this stock that we now have more customers on our books than we have rhubarb; and only fourteen packages of our total shipments last year were con- signed. The balance all sold f. o. b. Every grower knew vviiat the f . 0. b. prices were and consequently knew w^hat we v/ere getting for the stock, less our charges." The San Lorenzo Association, aided by the efficient dis- tribution of the Pioneer Fruit Company, have borne the greatest part in establishing the market for California rhu- barb on a sound basis. If you are isolated or in a locality where co-operative shipments are not practical, postage stamps cost only 2 cents apiece and one will take your message to the farthest corner of the United States. Shipments of small standing 47 ^ orders direct to retailers are very practical. As these should 'be made on a monthly account basis, it is important to look into the financial standing and reputation of firms before addressing them. This can best be done through a mer- cantile agency such as R.