r II E KAILR(3AI) SYSTEM (» \- CALIFORNIA. OAKLAND AND VICINITY. STAI r: LTNIA ERSirV, ICK J. 11. CARMA^V M CO., I'RINTF.Us I » i lU.AN)) MoNTIlI.V " ruiNTINi, H(X'SKi 4O9 W^WHINCS'I • 1871, Glass V- ^^^ Book .0_^_fk M nSt. lorii|>ili' c Niles (near Vallejo's Mill). 22 Martinez 37 31 79 95 Banta . 100 116 164 Sacramento. 91 31 47 74 55 79 93 119 210 704 83 Vallejo 26 Napa , . . ...» 42 CalisSga. . . 69 50 74 Sonoma . . . Santa Rosa Healdsburg 88 Woodland 80 Mcu'ysville 279 739 192 3C0 760 108 R^ Bluff 210 Portland (Oregon). . . ; San Jose < . . 40 70 83 310 410 Gilroy liollister T unction (north of Tulare Lake) 227 327 248 Tehachepa Pass The distance from Niles in a direct line across the Bay to Ravenswood is 13 miles; thence to Mission Bay, San Francisco, via "shore line," 27 miles — total distance from Niles to San Francisco, 40 miles, as against 22 miles from Niles to Oakland. San Josd is 50 miles from San Francisco, and but 40 miles from Oak- land. OAKLAND AND VlCfflTY. THE CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor, N. W. Spaulding, City Council — E. H. Pardee, President; J. V. B. Goodrich, T. J.«Murphy, A. L. Warner, C. D. Haven, W. J. Gurnett, W. S. Snook. Board of Education — L. Hamilton, President; E. W. Playter, G. W. Armes, R. E. Cole, Jacob Bacon, W. Van Dyke, J. W. Thurman. City Clerk and Treasurer, H. Hillebrand. City Marshal and Tax Collector, Perry Johnson. Police Judge, A. H. Jayne. Police Commissioners — N. W. Spaulding, E. H. Pardee, and Perry Johnson. City Assessor, Joseph M. Dillon. Justices of the Peace, .... James Lentell and G. H. Fogg. Superintendent Of Public Schools, . . . . F. M. Campbell. Appointed Officers — T. J. Arnold, City Engineer; H. H. Havens, City At- torney; George Taylor, Pound Master; Miles Doody, Chief Engineer of Fire Department. Police Department — F. B. Tarbett, Captain of Police; D. H. Rand and E. H. Woolsey, Detectives; W. P. Brandt, G. H. Moore, W. H. Summers, John A. Moore, Spencer Pool, H. C. Emmons, George H. Carlton, C. P. McKay, • Regular Officers ; A. Shorey, A. Wilson, G. F. Blake, G. H. Tilly, Special Officers. [From the Oakland Transcript.] THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE OF OAKLAND. The centralization of society, the development of industries, and the current of trade, being subjects of general interest, the following synoptic review and brief deductions concerning the locality of Oakland are appropriate at the present time. Before Oakland existed, San Francisco had become the great centre of popu- lation and trade on the North Pacific Coast. Admirably situated for deep-sea and inland water traffic, wealth was attracted to her lap. This stimulated the enter- prise of her people, and made her what she is. Sacramento, Stockton, San Josd, Benicia, Vallejo, Sonoma, Petaluma, (to say nothing of numerous mountain towns. 14 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. which dot the map of California), all acquired considerable importance before Oak- land was heard of. On New Year's Day, 1851, the site of Oakland was known only as a part of the Peralta Rancho. Wild cattle roamed where now, surrounded by all that per- tains to modern civilization, more than eleven thousand people are living. The sound of church - organs and college -bells now reverberates where, then, nothing but the bellowing of animals interrupted the stillness of nature. In the place of the old cattle -trails are railroads and macadamized streets ; and where the cattle lazily roamed, we now witness thirty-two daily passenger trains, to say nothing of freight trains, rushing to and fro, propelled by the mighty power of steam. Even the wild flowers, that once bedecked the surface of the earth, exist only by suffer- ance, and a cultivated flora has usurped their place. Considering that Oakland was but a second thotight in C;\ilifornia ; considering the long litigation concerning land titles — now happily settled; considering that one-fourth the area of the city has been held in check for the want of public thor- oughfares — the circumstance of her extraordinary development, the statistics of which we publish elsewhere, affords a useful lesson for economists. Our sp^e is inadequate to a full exposition of the subject, but we will dwell upon it sufficiently to explain "the milk in the cocoanut;" and to show that more extraordinary results will inevitably succeed those which it has been our privilege to witness. For several years after the acquisition of California by the United States, men "planted their stakes" on the exclusive basis of the gold and silver crop, and the trade which mining would develop. Moreover, in their calculations concerning prospective developments, ships, steamboats, and mule-teams were relied upon as the only means of transportation. In short, a single branch of industry was the incentive to action, and the Locomotive was not even i?.r/^^/^^ within the time pop- ularly allotted for making "a pile." The Locomotive has not only revolutionized the carrying trade, but, while add- ing importance to mining industry, it has stimulated agriculture to the front rank, and opened many fields for diversified labor. The gold and silver crop can be "packed" from the mountains to the sea on the backs of mules, and requires not much tonnage to transport it from continent to continent ; but the wheat, wine, wool, and fruit crops will annually require hundreds of vessels and thousands of railroad trains. ' ^ The statistics, and our remarks elsewhere, will show what the Locomotive has thus far done for Oakland, in connection with educational establishments, and nat- ural advantages of climate, soil, and topography. Respecting the present, we will only say, here, that there is no other city, in or out of California, the population of which includes so large a proportion of the well-educated class. Referring to the changes produced, and being produced, by railroads, the un- biased reader need only examine the map to see that there can be no great termi- nus at ship -channel in the Bay of San Francisco, except at Oakland. An "air- line road," so called, will soon be made from Sacramento to Oakland, and engineers are in the field to determine the shortest route. Plans are almost completed for dredging the bar at the mouth of San Antonio Estuary, and making the estuary available for commercial purposes. An impor- tant consideration, in connection with the vast amount of piling already done, and the vaster amount in contemplation, is the "absence of the teredo, or "pile -worm." OAKLAND AND VICINITY. IS Scientific men attribute this to the fact that the flood-tide through Raccoon Straits throws the fresh water from the Sacramento and San Joaquin, far over to the east side of the Bay; and the pressure of the flood, south of Angel Island, crowds it sufficiently to cause a portion of it to pass between Oakland and Goat Island, at every ebb. The absence of the feredo from the estuary has never been accounted for satisfactorily, but the fact of its non-existence is established. We have written enough to show that Oakland must eventually become the base of the greater part of the commerce concentrating at the Bay of San Fran- cisco. The situation of Oakland toward San Francisco, is often compared with the situation of Brooklyn toward New York, and comparative deductions are made corresponding with the history of those Eastern cities. Had New York been lo- cated at the end of a peninsula, jutting from the main-land into the Atlantic Ocean; and had Brooklyn been located on the main-land opposite, and enjoyed a climate as much more genial as that of Oakland, compared with the chmate of San Fran- cisco, we opine the result, there, would have been different. In writing thus about Oakland, it must not be supposed we are predicting the downfall of San Francisco. On the contrary, we believe that San Francisco will prosper and increase. We are looking to the time when the commerce concen- trating at the Bay of San Francisco will be fivefold greater than at present. And without expecting Oakland to depopulate her great neighbor, we judge, from the forces which are operating, that our next annual statistics will make a more won- derful showing than those of the past year. THE WATER FRONT. What is known here as " The Water Front of Oakland," consists of the tide- lands embraced within the charter line of the city, as shown on the map published herewith. This does not refer to the marsh-lands — they being above ordinary, or average, high tide. Some characteristics of this water front are remarkable. The bed of the San Antonio Estuary, and of its main current to ship-channel, is soft, and offers a great reward, in commercial value, for engineering skill. The flat, from the shore of the bay to ship-channel, dips from high -water mark, westerly, on a regular incline. It is "hard-pan," and presents an admirable foundation for wharves and other structures. By the Act incorporating the town of Oakland, passed 1852, the State ceded the water front to the town. By a subsequent Act, the town became a city, and the old charter line was confirmed. In 1852, the Trustees of the town conveyed the entire water front to an individual, for a consideration — siich as it was. The city authorities repudiated the action of the Town Trustees, and sought to recover the water front. A prolonged litigation ensued, the merits of which belong to the past. However much the development of the city was retarded, some of the re- sults have been interesting. One, was the preservation of the water front in its integrity, as a whole ; and when the transcontinental railroad sought its natural terminus at the Bay of San Francisco, the Genius of Commerce was invoked, and she extended an open hand. The city sought, and obtained from the Legislature an "enabling Act," under the provisions of which the htigation was concluded, and her claims to the water front were exchanged for guarantees of metropolitan 1(5 OAKLAND AND VICINITY, portensions. Master minds were employed ; grand conceptions were developed ; great things have been accomplished : and greater things are in progress. The water front, excepting the portion of it owned by the railroad company, and a small reservation belonging to the city, is the property of an incorporated com- pany, known as The Oakland Water Front Company, in which the directors of the railroad company are largely interested. An elaborate survey of the entire property has been completed, and the contemplated improvements, (an outline of which we publish), as shown on the Company's map, develops, one of the greatest enterprises of this or any other age. THE ESTUARY OF SAN ANTOf^IO. An examination of the maps published in this pamphlet will convey a better general idea of the location of the Estuary, with reference to the Bay, the city of San Francisco, Oakland, the railroad system of the Pacific Coast, and the com- merce of the ocean, than \^& could convey in words. On the map of Oakland will be found the outlines of the reservations and rights of way, on the south side of the Estuary, belonging to the Railroad Company ; also, the outlines of the improvements projected by the Water Front Company, which harmonize with those of the former. ; The reader will observe the soundings marked on the map, from four and a half fathoms water in the Bay, to the head of the Estuary; and the scale will, enable him to judge of (he area of this most invaluable, land-locked, sheet of water. Our article upon the Water Front of Oakland explains the situation of the Estuary, in the relation of ownership; and the proposed line of crib -work, as shown on the map — extending from ship-channel, in the Bay, to the head of the Estuary — is the line established by the engineers employed by the Water Front Company, and has been copied, by permission, from an elaborate map which the Company has prepared. As we have stated, elsewhere, the plans of the Company develop one of the grandest conceptions of this, or any other age. Recognizing the immutability of the law of economy, it has comprehended the era of railroad commerce, and its relationship to the commerce of the ocean. It has formed a partnership with Nature where Nature furnishes nine-tenths of the capital. The improvement of a portion of the river Clyde which is now contributary to one of the greatest centres of industry in the world, cost several millions of dollars ; but the Estuary of San Antonio, with a capacity for thirteen miles of land-locked wharfing, and a basin to float a fleet of the largest vessels ; which is " in close alliance with the terminus of a continental railroad system ; and on the banks of which, locomotives from New York, Thiladelphia, and Boston; from Chicago, Cincinnati, and St. Louis; from New Orleans, Mobile, and Charleston; can stand in waiting to whistle greeting to steamers from Panama, Sydney, and Honolulu; from Astoria, Yokohama, and Japan — this Estuary can be made immensely contributary to the commerce of the world, at an expense of a few hundreds of thousands of dollars. OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 17 CLIMATE. Information respecting climate being already widely disseminated, the reader will be more interested in general comparative remarks than in meteorological details. Often, the thermometer is a poor index to the comfortable temperature in Cali- fornia. A degree of heat or cold that is not distressing in one locality, is almost insupportable in another. In the dry atmosphere of the mountains, ice forms in the shade, when nobody feels uncomfortably cold ; and in the humid atmosphere of the sea-coast, ice melts in a blanket, when every body is chilled to the bone. When the mercury indicates a temperature of 80 degrees, people swelter in a humid atmosphere, and refrigerate in a dry one. Therefore, taking it for granted that information about bodily comfort will be more interesting than minutes con- cerning the range of the mercury, we shall devote more attention to the former than to the latter. Taking the climate of San Francisco as a basis for comparison, the mean annual temperature for seventeen years, as determined by Dr. H. Gibbons, Sr., of that city, was 56^ 4' — the mean temperature of spring having been 56° 5'; summer, 60°; autumn, 59°; and winter, 50°. There were but six days when the mercury reached as high as 90°, and but one day when it fell as low as 25°. During the wet season, the climate of the country surrounding the Bay varies little from that of San Francisco ; but during the dry season the variations are remarkable. The rarefaction of the air, produced by the action of the sun's rays upon the vast surface of the interior country, is the cause of our prevailing summer coast- winds. The air is drawn from the ocean to re-establish the equilibrium (inland) which is destroyed by the heat. The force of the wind depends on the degree of rarefaction that has been produced, and its direction is influenced by intervening obstacles presented by the topographical features of the country. At some places, the wind and fogs from the ocean sweep over the surface ; some places are protected from the force of the wind and the humidity of fogs by the configuration of the mountains, but are often deprived of the sun's rays by the fogs passing overhead; others are protected entirely from the wind, and enjoy an unclouded atmosphere which permits the accumulation of heat; and, again, the gravitating tendency of a cold current from the ocean often causes it to sweep down the lee slope of the hills, or to dip to the surface of the plain, between two ranges. Hence, the difference in the sensation of heat and cold experienced at places only a few miles apart. The necessity of substituting cloth wrappings for lawns or linen, within a transit of thirty minutes by boat or rail, seems wonderful, even when we know the cause. The summer climate of Oakland and vicinity, is a matter of curiosity to many. Immediately back of Oakland, the mountains are high, but there are depressions in the range, both north and south of us, at a distance of several miles. The strongest wind-currents are, of course, drawn through these depressions. We see the fog banks which enter the Golden Gate take a northerly direction, and the fog banks which come through the "Mission Pass," in the southerly part of San Francisco, take a southerly direction, across the Bay. The high hills between the central part of San Francisco and the ocean often protect that portion of the city from a low fog bank; but, even when the fog bank is high, and envelops San Francisco in its humid embrace. Oakland almost invariably escapes it. When the l<8 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. log bank is so dense and heavy that the depressions in the mountain range, north and south of us, do not accommodate it, and the fog from either direction meets overhead, it is generally absorbed, before reaching the earth, by the accumulation of dry, heated air; or lifted from the surface, before reaching Oakland, by the upward tendency of the draught which must pass over the high mountains behind us.. Thus, the most important difference between the climate of San Francisco and Oakland, is attributable to the configuration of the neighboring mountains. The movement of the fog indicates the force and direction of the wind, and every boy who has ever sat on the windward side of a board fence, and enjoyed being out of the wind, will understand the foregoing explanation. The diiference in temperature between Oakland and San Francisco, as indicated by the thermometer, is not so great as many persons suppose ; but the difference in the velocity of the wind and in the humidity of the atmosphere, is the chief cause of the contrast in comfort and health between the two places. During the prevaiUng summer winds, our climate is a mean between that of San Francisco and San Josd. Winds from the north or north-west, which come in a direction nearly parallel with the Coast Range, are more violent at Oakland than at San Francisco ; but they are of rare occurrence. SOBL AND PRODUCTIONS. The soil of Oakland is a sandy loam, varying from three to four feet deep. Beyond Oakland, toward the foot-hills, it partakes more of the pure loam, or adobe. In the northern part of the city (the part toward the foot-hills) it is less sandy than in other places. The apple, pear, plum, cherry, and apricot, are pro- duced in great perfection wheresoever planted. The almond also thrives, and bears plentifully. All kinds of garden vegetables, except the egg-plant and okra, can be produced at will, and in great abundance. Raspberries, strawberries, and currants, thrive and bear marvelously. Shade and ornamental trees make rapid o-rowth, as the gardens on every side attest. So much has been written about our productions that we were inclined to omit the subject. Indeed, the cultivation of fruits and vegetables has almost ceased in Oakland. Ornamental trees, shrubs, and flowers, are preferred. The nursery gardens in the vicinity afford an evidence of the public taste for the beautiful in Nature. For example, in the " Belle View Nursery" are found forty-two varieties of the acacia, thirty-three of eucalyptus, ten known varieties of California oak, and more than one hundred varieties of coniferae, to say nothing of thousands of shrubs and tens of thousands of flowers. As a rule, we can gather beautiful bouquets from plants in the open air every month in the year. In sheltered situations, the fuchsia, oleander, geranium, and even the heliotrope, withstand our severest winters. THE NATURAL SUPPLY OF WATER. In every part of Oakland water can be obtained from wells ranging in depth from 14 feet to 35 feet. Taking the neighborhood of Eighth and Center streets as the mean, we find two wells, eight feet eight inches in diameter, and twenty-five OAKLAND AND VICINITY. iq feet deep, which yield, when the water is lowest, all that can be pumped by a single-horse-povver, working ten liours per day. The proprietor of one, informs us that, at times, his well has been taxed at the rate of 10,000 gallons per day. Each of these wells has preserved the verdure of extensive lawns during the past summer, (the driest we have experienced), and the water in both is soft and pure. A corresponding supply of water is obtainable in every part of Oakland, from wells of the same diameter; but the requisite depth of wells depends on the profile of the ground, and varies as before mentioned. The force of the wind, although not so uniform, nor so great, in this neighbor- hood as at San Francisco, is amply sufficient to supply the requirements for both household and garden purposes, if the diameter of the wells and the size of the water-tanks are made to provide against the contingency of an occasional period of calm. Experience has demonstrated that a well of ten feet diameter, witli a good wind-mill and pump, and a tank of 12,000 gallons capacity, will, with judicious man- agement, afford water enough for an acre of lawn, besides what is needed for do- mestic purposes. As a consequence, wind-mills are quite a feature of Oakland. The quality of ordinary well-water is not uniform. Some of it is hard, but, with rare exceptions, it is all pleasant to drink. Judging from the uniformity of the sub- stratum of indurated sand and clay which underlies the site of Oakland, we are in- clined to believe that soft water can be obtained in all parts of the city, if wells are sunk to the proper depth, and the curbing cemented so as to keep out surface water. The stratum of indurated sand and clay, above mentioned, is impenetrable to surface water, and makes an admirable filter for water percolating through it. Hence, if the curbing of wells be cemented to a proper depth, and packed with clay on the outside, on a level with the "hard pan," even the proximity of cess-pools cannot impair the purity of wells. All efforts, in Oakland, to obtain overflowing artesian wells, have failed, but they have resulted in the next best thing, to. wit: inexhaustible wells of soft, pure water which comes within a few feet of the surface. We know of four such wells in as many different parts of the city. The result of experimentation in artesian well-boring indicates the existence of a stratum of pebbles and red gravel, at a depth of less than one hundred feet, through which water percolates freely, under a sufficient pressure to bring it near the surface ; and it is money thrown away to sink an artesian well below the stra- tum of gravel. The water obtained from the latter source is soft and pure. THE CONTRA COSTA WATER COMPANY Furnishes the following statement respecting the water now being supplied from the mountain range back of Oakland : "The water is collected at a point five miles from the city, near the head of Temescal Creek, where two streams flow constantly into a reservoir. The water- shed supplying the streams, above the reservoir, embraces an area of three thou- sand acres, too precipitous for cultivation. It is estimated that a rain-fall of twelve inches upon this water-shed will furnish more than one thousand millions of gal- lons. The reservoir capacity is now small, but is being increased to about two hundred millions of gallons, and can be further increased as occasion requires." The energy exhibited by the Company is highly commendable. It has already laid about thirty miles of pipe, ranging in size from three to fourteen inches. The 20 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. estimate of the water supply obtainable from this source, is three millions of gal- lons per day. The drought of the present year (1871) has demonstrated the uncertainty of the Company's calculations ; and it has been obliged to resort to artesian wells, and steam power, to furnish its patrons with water. The charges, for domestic pur- poses, are the same as at San Francisco. WATER RESOURCES. In Amador Valley, thirty miles from Oakland, there is an abundance of soft, pure water, sufficient to supply a population exceeding half a million. The water- basin is the receptacle of six hundred square miles of adjacent country, with its tributary streams. The water exists in a Tule Lake, partly subterranean, five hundred feet above tide level, surrounded by hundreds of natural wells, which are full to the brim in the driest seasons. During ordinary wet seasons, these wells overflow and inun- date a large surface. The sources that supply the lake are constant — the most important of which are the Los Positas, in the Livermore plain ; the Arroyo Mocho, and the Arroyo del Valle, on the east and south ; the Arroyo el Alamo, Arroyo de la Tasajera, the Los Alamos, and San Cayetao from the north. Most of these are living streams flowing into the lake. There is but one outlet to this water — at the south-west end of the lake — debouching from which, the water forms the Laguna Creek that flows southerly, parallel with the Central Pacific Railroad, six miles to Sunol Valley. There, it forms a junction with the Alameda Creek. The water from the two sources forms a large and beautiful stream which meanders, side by side with the railroad, through the Alameda Canon to Vallejo's Mill, (See map.) Thence, it flows south-westerly, by the town of Alvarado, to the Bay of San Francisco. By diverting the water at the junction of the streams, and conveying it along the mountain -sides, through the canon, five miles to Vallejo's Mill; thence, west- erly, along the foot-hills to Hayward*s ; the San Lorenzo Creek, a large and rapid stream, could be made tributary. Four miles nearer Oakland, is the San Leandro Creek, likewise available as a tributary, and which, alone, would furnish a supply of water for a population of fifty thousand. The water from these sources would not only aflford Oakland an ample supply, for many generations, but the places on and near the line of approach, including Niles' Station, Decoto, Alvarado, Hayward's, San Leandro, Alameda, and Brook- lyn, could reap a similar benefit. The foot-hills present the convenience for conveying the water from the above- mentioned sources to a grand reservoir back of Oakland, one hundred feet above the level of the highest part of the city. North-west of the city, there are also sources whence supplies are obtainable, the most important of which are the San Pablo Creek, fifteen miles distant, and the Wildcat Creek, near the State University grounds. The water from both could be brought to the grand reservoir. We are not prepared with estimates of the cost of obtaining this great water supply; but from information given us by skillful engineers who have examined the ground, we can safely say that it would be trifling, in comoarison with its im- portance. The subject is already attracting the attention of enterprising men, and is worthy that of our city authorities. OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 21 STREETS. The aggregate length of all the streets in Oakland, is, in round numbers, one hundred and live miles, of which fourteen miles have been macadamized and other- wise improved. The streets are generally eighty feet wide, and in most cases cross each other at right angles. Broacfway, the principal thoroughfare, is one hundred and ten feet in width, the sidewalks being twenty feet wide. The streets are mac- adamized with a hard, blue trap rock, of a very superior quality, which is found in great abundance in the immediate vicinity of the city. The following are streets, and portions of streets, that were graded, macadam- ized, and curbed, during 1871*: Oak Street, from Seventh to Twelfth 1,320 feet. Julia Street, from Eighth to Ninth 200 Alice Street, from. Eighth to Fourteenth 1,520 Washington Street, from Eighth to Fourteenth i)5SO Clay Street, from Eighth to Tenth 480 Brush Street, from First to Twelfth 2,760 Market Street, from Seventh to Forty-second 4,420 Sixth Street, from Castro to Franklin 2,040 Seventh Street, from Broadway to Franklin 300 Ninth Street, from Clay to Oak 3,020 Tenth Street, from Broadway to Alice 1,360 Fourteenth Street, from Broadway to Washington 300 Total 19,240 feet. The average cost of macadamizing is estimated at 6]^ cents per square foot. Nineteen thousand two hundred and forty lineal feet of roadway and crossings, converted into square feet, gives : 926,840 feet, at b)^ cents §57,927 50 35,199 feet curbing, at 12^ cents 4,233 88 Engineering, advertising, and culverts 3,OQO 00 Total cost $65,161 38 GRADES. The city of Oakland is situated on a peninsula extending about one and one- half miles from north to south, and two and one -half miles from east to west. It is bounded on the south and east by San Antonio Creek, on the west by the Bay of San Francisco, and on the north by the charter line, established by Act of the Legislature, in May, 1852. The highest ground in the city is found about midway between the northerly and southerly boundaries, and is thirty-eight feet above the level of high tide. From this water-shed the ground slopes with remarkable uni- formity, southerly and easterly, to the estuary, and northerly, to a depression near the charter line, and to the salt marsh along the shore of the bay. Sufficient fall is everywhere obtained for surface drainage, and no serious difficulty is encounter- ed in estabhshing surface grades. Something over a year ago, the Common Council appointed a Board of Engi- neers, "to examine the plans and profiles of the city of Oakland, to suggest changes, :s2 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. if any they may deem necessary, and to report a plan of street grades, lines, and a system of sewerage for the whole city." The Board was composed of George F. Allardt, Chief Engineer of State Tide Lands ; Prof George Davidson, Assistant U. S. Coast Survey ; George E. Gray, Consulting Engineer Central Pacific Rail- road Company; Milo Hoadley, President of the late Board of Engineers of San Francisco, and William F. Boardman, late City*Engineer of Oakland. It has seldom been the fortune of any city to obtain the combined services of thp same number of engineers so eminent in their profession and so well qualified in every respect to deal with the important problegns submitted to this Board. In due time they presented an elaborate report, and all street improvements and other pubhc works are now executed in accordance with their recommenda- tions. On the uplands, the grades adopted by the Board conform to the natural surface of the ground, so far as is consistent with an efficient system of drainage and sewage. On the salt marshes and tide lands along the water-front, while due regard is given to the future commercial requirements of the city, the grade is not placed so high as to be onerous or oppressive to the property-owners. SEWERS. It is proposed to construct two main sewers of sufficient capacity to receive the surface and sewer drainage of the entire peninsula. One, along or near San Antonio Estuary, and the other through the depression near the charter line on the north. The aggregate length of the two sewers will be about five miles. The tidal waters retained in Lake Peralta, at the eastern terminus of San Antonio Creek, will be used for the purpose of flushing the main sewers at stated intervals. The bottom of the upper end, or inlet, of either sewer will be placed one foot below high tide; the bottom of the outlet at the Bay, one foot below low tide — giving a fall of six and a half feet, which is sufficient to keep the sewers free from all deposits. Surface water, and house sewage, will be conveyed to the main sewer by means of smaller lateral sewers of cement pipes, twelve inches in diameter. Gradients of one in one hundred and fifty can be obtained in the most unfavorable locaHties. The projected system of sewage is admirable, and its cost will be unusually small. STONE QUARRIES. There are inexhaustible supplies of basaltic trap rock found in the foothills, within a distance of from two to three miles north-easterly from Oakland. There are now two macadamizing companies engaged in paving the streets of Oakland and Brooklyn, with rock obtained from the above-mentioned source, and they employ about one hundred men. Both companies have machines for crushing the material and graduating its size. The crushing capacity of each is from seven to ten tons per hour. The character of our paving far excels the old fashioned mac- adamizing, and the quality of the material, for paving purposes, is not surpassed elsewhere in the world. The cost of paving is mentioned on another page. Ledges of excellent sandstone are also found in the hills, at a short distance beyond where the material for macadamizing is obtained, and the stone is being used for building purposes. OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 23 CO Oi M '■' co CO On CM 10 1 '^ 1 • ■ M CO CO CO ►- 1-1 • ■ ro 1 ^ c\ I-. ro i-i M ^ r^NO « r^« Tf • CO s " -i ^ ra d 4 f< d d • ^ 1 " 1 OD • M M rn <5, ^0 P< N -1 • • ^ 1 ■ 1- 't M VO '*• CO M d • H 1 ^ C^l (^ « vo •- " oo" VO N ^ CM • N • irl CO N M (S\'^ so M • • 1 " M . . t^ M fC, NO M CM M 1-1 • • CM • • f) r^ C.3 \0 ^ vO 1-1 • r. 1 " CO 1 in M M W VO ^ VOSO "CO N • CM S CO OT 1-1 1- M 1-1 « 1 " CM ^4- M « « NO ^ CnOO no t^ 'd- c^ J^vO M CO d d d d HH ^ M r^ C^ LO t^ 4 CO • ^ Omj-1 lO 'S fl 1-1 M « -^66 00 pi l-H 11 r-~ ;^ CO CO Tt- ■^ • CM «D M ra CO CO 0) C) d • ^\ •^ t-< M 00 " fi 1-1 1-1 l^ 11 0) M co>o ra CO ^ 1-1 1-1 d d <^ 1 *^ C" ►I OM CO „• M CO ■* CO t-^ N vO s 't w w M CO d d d ■+ 1 ^ On • Th LO Q 1-1 r^ 1-1 t~,NO CO M ra" • U-i w 00 1-1 1-1 ro 11 N t^ " l-H CO " ■^ U-lOO c^ M "^ CO CO 0? CO ■* CO 1-1 ir^ CM N On " l-H r^ ON 01 0^ r^ CO OM-c « w s CO Tl- S rj- 1-1 CO 1-1 G ON 1 ^ NO w uo ^ « vo • « « 0? M -^ M f < CO 1-1 -do " CM in ■ M -^ NO '^ "^"^ ^' <^ CM CO • WW-) cooOOi-icoO M •^ ^ CM ■^ " ■^ ■* lA "^^ f^^ f^ HH 0? MOO CO -^ Tl- T^ IT) M ti- ■^ CM (^ 1-1 T^ w 4. CO ■^ CI CO 1-1 w 00 1-1 N S Ttco CO CO d CO ^ c :j- CM CO CM s c «OM»^ CO 00^00 00 ^ ^ d CO 1-t „• vo xt- CM-i r^ M CO ra d d " -1 d t^ a H Z ci • t- t. '-9 >-^^ : H t 5 s^ a s 5 U. n aj OJ > 1 > ^ < 'y iQ ):ij c K- ^(^ rl^ -, 1 ^ tn tfl &i =" " •'" -a o •" ^ « S ^ o O c rrl "S JO ^ ■ n a, > 73 :5 § 2 i § a. 2 <-> 1; "• „, Wl ^ -73 •C t^ > <" Ji CU -4-> ^ S .S -a ^ ^ ■" - ^ 'a J; o Ch^2 m ?i i-i j^ 3 3 ^^ -^ 3 i^ . 03 d (U ■4-* rt (U JJ '-J 1 , f aj JLl u rt ^ CJ Ti -, cfl aj ,rt i3 *S fi 3 ^^ ^ ^ t> ^> 3 ^ f^ c ^ 4J •" CI, i; 3 3 ^2 ■ .!:: aj -3 aj . o ^-^ C) (— c ,aj -r; M •■ rt 3 i^ fe 3 — 1 ,0 o ri aj — [5 3 „ ^ - !/i o 5 *-" (11 r_ ^ >i ~ b/D' b O <« 3 rt <:; aj .tJ 3 „ -z! > fe O "^ Cn! O 3 =^ d bo a; .S SI ."3 , ^ >~. .5 c .2 U 9 P t-fi bc-^ '^ - d 3 t!? .S 03 >, V3 O ? ^ W -3 K .r: cj "^ o 3 ^ .2 -a -5 S £ 3 bJO oi O 50^ s > ^-s 3 ^ 3 i-i .5 c _3 >> J- b/) ~ 3 ^ ctS 24 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. SANITARY AND MORTUARY. From a sanitary point of view, Oakland stands unrivaled among the cities of the Pacific slope. This is a bold assertion ; nevertheless, it is confirmed by official records. We shall not enumerate the causes which render Oakland so eminently desirable as a place for family residences, but we shall proceed to prove that not another of the principal cities in the State can claim such exemption from sickness and death. We quote the recent census reports respecting the population of the several cities ; and the mortuary statistics are summarized from the reports of Dr. Logan, President of the State Board of Health, published in the San Francisco Medical Journal. NUMBER OF DEATHS DURING THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1871. 1870. 1871. CITIES. •— 1 c > c •d < d w 3 a- > <— 1 c 3 5" 0' 3 San Francisco ^nS 281 10 14 14 264 29 7 16 21 309 50 13 17 16 10 266 33 12 18 24 298 28 12 22 19 245 24 13 18 227 31 7 9 9 232 24 9 4 *9 226 39 ID 12 *9 221 1 20 14 3.214 392 180 179 150,361 16,298 11,104 10,033 9,091 Sacramento 31 7 23 16 Oakland Stockton San Jose * The deaths at San Jos4 during April and May, 1871, do not appear in Dr. Logan's Reports ; and to avoid injustice, as between Oakland and San Jos6, we have inserted figures corresponding with the minimum reports of other months. Discarding the decimals, the above exhibit shows, during the twelve months, one death in San Francisco to about every 46 inhabitants ; in Sacramento, one to 42 ; in Oakland, one to 95 ; in Stockton, one to 56; and in San ]os6, one to 51. It is bul fair to deduct from the deaths set down to San Francisco, the number which resulted from suicides and casualties ; and it should be borne in mind that many persons aflSicted with disease contracted elsewhere, visit San Francisco for medical treatment ; and the proportion of these who die, should also be deducted from her mortuary reports, when we are comparing sanitary conditions. Deducting 143 deaths from her 12 months' report to cover the former, and \i per cent, from the remaining 2,702, to compensate the latter, the result will show nearly double the number of deaths in San Francisco, in proportion to the population, as have occurred in Oakland. The comparison between Oakland and the other cities, is no less wonderful; and, considering that Oakland is a favorite resort for persons sutfering from disease, the above exhibit will astonish the people of Oakland little less than persons abroad. DURATION OF SICKNESS. Before concluding, we will refer to a collateral fact, alike unprecedented in sanitary annals, yet, supported by incontestable evidence. For the purpose of get- ting information concerning the average duration of sickness in Oakland and vicinity, we have examined, by permission, the books of two of our most prominent physicians. We took the aggregate of the visits made by tlie two physicians for six months, and divided the sum by the total number of patients visited. The OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 25 result was an average oi four and one-third visits to each case. By leaving out of the calculation several desperate cases, the average would be considerably less. The books of the aforesaid physicians will be cheerfully submitted to the inspec- tion of any respectable practitioner who may think we have committed an error. Is there another city in the United States whose population enjoy such exemp- tion from sickness and death.'' If there be one, sign -boards should be erected on every highway and lane approaching it, warning physicians and undertakers of the danger from starvation attending a residence within. At the request of the Publication Committee, we have investigated the data of the foregoing article, and found it to be correct. Clinton Gushing, M.D., Prest. Alameda Co. Medical Association. John C. Van Wyck, M.D., Librarian. Oakland, Oct. i, 1871. DRIVES AND SCENERY. There are few places upon earth which are more inviting to those fond of out- door exercise, than Oakland and its vicinity. If it be true — as it unquestionably is — that the Bay of .San Francisco is the finest and most picturesque in the world, not even excepting the Bay of Naples, and the magnificent harbor of Rio Janeiro, it is no less ti-ue that the site of Oakland affords the most beautiful view of that Bay, and the most delightful of the valleys by which it is environed. Here, "the Coast Range, generally so abrupt and rocky, recedes gradually into a vale miles in width, and slopes with a gentle declivity to the waters of the Bay that bathe its borders with the health -inspiring ripples of the Ocean, just visible through the opening of the Golden Gate. Eastward, the summit of Mount Diablo presents one of the loftiest peaks from San Diego to Shasta Butte. Westward, gleams the broad bosom of the Bay, bordered in the distance by the triple hills of San Fran- cisco, the blue summits of the San Bruno Range, and the slumbering valleys of San Mateo. Northward, stretch the fruitful orchards of San Pablo, the green hills of Carquinez, and the fairy islets of Golden Rock and The Sisters ; while south- ward, the old Mission of San Josd looms up in the distance like a glimpse of Eden; and the most fertile of hills, and dales, and plains, commingle in the view, assuring the spectator that no land on the globe unites in itself blessings more varied, or landscapes more enchanting, than those which greet the eye from the flower-enam- eled plain of Alameda. Here, are no toll -roads, to check adventure and tax the pleasure -seeker with their oppressive exactions. There are no craggy precipices to climb, or soft mo- rasses to cross; but the country is intersected with highways attesting the genius of MacAdam, and leveled hke the thoroughfares of Holland. Are you weary of city life, and require the mountain air to invigorate your frame ? Scale the summit of Mount Diablo ! Are you ill, and need the waters of old Ponce de Leon to re- animate you with the vigor of perpetual youth 1 Go and bathe in the fountains of the old Mission San Jose ! Are you fond of sport ? Shoulder your gun and gath- er quail from the foothills, or rig your fishing-tackle and bait for smelt or silver-fins, for trout or perch, ofF the ends of our piers, or in the shady nooks of the San Le- andro ! Are you a lover of Nature? Mount your horse, and thread the grounds of the State University ! Visit the gems of the foot-hill farms ! CHmb the gentle acclivities of the Coast Range ! And, turning suddenly in the saddle, cast your 26 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. eyes on the slumbering landscape at your feet ! Where upon the broad earth can your gazeMneet with so enchanting a spectacle? Vineyard, orchard, and garden ; fountain, bay, and ocean ; plain, meadow, and mountain, blend in a unison so per- fect, that you feel there can be no spot where Nature presents greater inducements for homes, than the gorgeous queen of the valleys, the beautiful bride of the Bay, the flourishing city of Oakland. WHAT NATURE HAS DONE. She has given us a climate unsurpassed in the world — preserving the health of those who are not afflicted, and imparting health to those who are. She has given us a soil, in harmony with the climate, which affords sustenance to nearly every description of plants and trees. She has given us a site for a city which, comparatively speaking, is already graded ; she has ornamented it with a profusion of majestic oaks, and sent larks and linnets to perch upon the boughs and delight us with their warbling. She has given us a never -failing supply of pure water within a few feet of the surface, and she guards it from contamination by a formation of sand and clay, impervious to surface water. She has placed, within a convenient distance, inexhaustible supplies of pure water which may be conducted, by gravitation alone, to the tops of our highest buildings. She has placed, close at hand, ledges of stone admirably a'dapted to building and macadamizing. She has surrounded us with scenery which delights the eye, expands the mind, and animates the spirits. She has given us, in common with San Francisco, one of the finest harbors in the world ; and she has banished the teredo from our shores. She has given us a solid foundation for buildings and wharves, from high-water mark to ship-channel ; and she deposits her mud elsewhere. She has made depressions in the mountain ranges which lead the locomotive to our wharves to meet the commerce of the ocean ; and has ordained Oakland as the great terminus of the railroad system of the Pacific Coast. STREET RAILROADS. The contour of Oakland and the surrounding country, being almost level, or gently undulating, is peculiarly well adapted to horse-railroad enterprises. There is one already in successful operation, extending from the foot of Broadway to Telegraph Avenue, and thence to Temescal Bridge. Its franchise extends to the State University grounds. Its present track is three miles in length, and the cars and horses used by the road company compare favorably with those used in San Francisco. The success of the enterprise has stimulated the projection of other horse -railroads, among the most important of which is one designed to connect Fruit Vale and Brooklyn with the University grounds, and one to connect the San Francisco and Oakland Road with the University grounds, via Peralta street. The OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 27 latter will be built and owned by the C. P. R. R. Company. TRe Oakland and San Pablo Avenue Company, and the San Pablo, Webster Street, and Alameda Company, have also located routes of great importance ; and the roads already projected will form, when completed, a cordon of iron rails which will afford the people of Oakland, and the neighboring towns, cheap and constant facilities of communication with each other, and with the State University. OAKLAND GAS-LIGHT COMPANY. This Company has fourteen miles of "mains" already laid in Oakland, besides extensions to and about the town of Brooklyn. The present cajDacity of the works is one hundred thousand feet per day, and the quality of the gas is not surpassed by that of any other company in California. There are few, if any, cities in the United States of an equal number of inhabitants, wherein such an extent of gas- mains has been laid. The quantity of gas consumed is not commensurate with the extent of the mains ; but that militates against the Company, and in favor of property-owners, and of those who desire to build houses and to enjoy the luxury of gas-light. A Pneumatic Gas Company has obtained a franchise for laying pipe in Oak- land ; but whether or not its pipe will be lighted, remains to be seen. LAND TITLES. The stability of the title to real estate in Oakland and Brooklyn townships, rec- ommends it strongly for investment and homestead purposes. It is a fundamental principle in English and Spanish law, derived from the maxims of the feudal tenures, that the King was the original proprietor of all land in the Kingdom, and of all territories acquired (like California) by discovery and colonization, and that he was the only and true source of title. In the United States, the same principle has been adopted. All valid individual titles to land in California are, therefore, de- rived from the Government of the United States, and the State of California — from the latter subordinately, and only for land covered by tide-water ; or, from the Spanish Crown, prior to the 28th of September, 1821 — the day recognized in law as the date of the independence of the Mexican nation ; or, from the Govern- ment of Mexico up to the 7th of July, 1846, when the United States took posses- sion of this State which was subsequently ceded to them by the Treaty of Guada- lupe Hidalgo, February 2d, 1848 — by which treaty all governmental grants, pre- viously made, were confirmed. Thus, was the title to the lands in the city of Oakland, and the town of Brook- lyn, together with that of the surrounding country, comprising about twenty -five thousand acres, derived from the Mexican Government, through a grant made in 1820 to Don Luis Peralta, in recognition of his meritorious services in the con- quest of California. Peralta divided his rancho, first, by actual partition in 1846, and afterward (in 1S51) by will, between his four sons, Josd Domingo, Vicente, Antonio, and Ignacio, 28 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. whose titles have since been recognized and confirmed by the United States Courts. Efforts were made to assail and cloud fractional parts of the title of these brothers, but the Courts have rejected, and declared invalid, all adverse claims. No real estate can be held under a better title than that which is derived from the brothers Peralta, THE PRICE OF HOMESTEAD SITES. In all places where people most do congregate, the active competition for the possession of land, causes the value of real estate to rise with the increase of in- habitants. Thus, has property in San Francisco become very valuable, mostly in the eastern portion of the city, specially devoted to business in its various branch- es ; thence, southerly, over flat lands ; and westerly, over hills and through dales, in all inhabitable directions, where year by year dwellings multiply. But this increase in value is not confined to the limits of the metropolis. It spreads for miles over neighboring localities which are attractive for family resi- dences, as they are brought nearer by means of increasing facilities for travel. It is so with the surroundings of New York, and all large cities ; and the his- tory of the last few years plainly indicates that the same causes are producing like results here. The attention of those whose interests or preferences have called them to San Francisco, has, of late years, been more and more directed, for cli- matic and other reasons, toward suburban retreats, chiefly in the direction of Oak- land and vicinity. Values have consequently increased, but, apparently, not in pro- portion to the progress in population and improvements, nor to the prospective importance of the locality. The object of this article is to invite attention to the very considerable differ- ence which still exists in the value of residence property in San Francisco, as com- pared with that in Oakland and Brooklyn. Various considerations may lead peo- ple to prefer a residence outside of the great city to one within, and not the least among these is the larger quantity of ground obtainable for the same amount of money. For this purpose it will be useful to compare the value of residence property in the places named, for lots of different depths, on streets of different widths — items which enter largely into calculations of value. It is evident that no very precise comparison of one locality with another can be made, as no two localities can be said to offer exactly the same advantages ; nor, owing to the diversity of individual appreciation, are they susceptible of being judged by the same standard. The information, herewith submitted, has been obtained from reliable sources. Opinions on values will always differ, more or less, but the valuations have been carefully made, though necessarily in a general way, and are intended to represent prices which can be realized when opportunities for sales occur. All quotations are stated per foot frontage for inside lots — corner lots being worth from ten to thirty per cent. more. In San Francisco, on streets 82j< feet wide, like Mission, Howard, and Folsom Streets, property ranges, for lots 80 to 90 feet deep, from Fourth to Seventh, at $125 to $20c per foot frontage; and lots beyond Seventh, to Fourteenth, at $75 to $100; farther southerly, to Twentieth Street, $60 to $75, and on Valencia, $80 to OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 29 $90; on Van Ness Avenue, $120 to $150; on the other streets, in the Hayes and Beideman tracts, about 69 feet wide, lots 120 feet deep are worth $60 to $100 per front foot. In Oakland, east from Market Street, lots 100 feet deep on all the 80 feet streets north of Railroad Avenue or Seventh Street, sell for $27.50 to $50 per foot front- age ; and south of Seventh Street, at $22.50 to $30. On Adehne and Market Streets, both 80 feet wide, lots 125 and 130 feet deep, between Seventh and Twen- ty-second Streets, bring $27.50 to $45 per front foot. Again, in San Francisco, on Stevenson, Jessie, Minna, Natoma, and similar streets, only 35 fact wide, lots 70 to 80 feet deep, between Fourth and Seventh Streets, bring readily $50 to $60 per foot frontage, and from Seventh to Tenth, about $40. Oakland and Brooklyn have no streets of such limited width — the narrowest measuring 60 feet. On the 60 feet streets in Oakland, property sells as follows : North of Seventh, to Fourteenth, between Market and Adeline, $30 per foot front- age, 125 feet deep; from Fomteenth to Eighteenth, between Market and Adeline, 125 feet deep, $16 to $22.50; between Kirkham and Peralta, north of Four- teenth Street, 104 feet deep, $12 to $20; between Peralta, Pine, Eighth, and Twelfth Streets, near the Point, lots 135 feet deep, $22.50 to $25 ; between Ade- line and Peralta, Seventh and Fourteenth, lots 125 feet deep, $20 to $22.50; at the Point, both north and south of Seventh Street, lots 100 feet deep, $22.50 to $30; north of Twenty- second Street and west of the San Pablo Road, lots 125 feet deep, $10; east of the said road, lots no feet deep, $15 to $20 per foot frontage. In Brooklyn, property on 60 feet streets is worth: West of Walker, and south of Humbert Streets, lots 150 feet deep, $10 to $15 per foot frontage ; north of Hep- burn Street, lots 140 to 150 feet deep, $5 to $10. The reader will bear in mind that reference has been made solely to residence property, and our allusions to San Francisco values do not refer to certain favored localities where even residence property is held as high as $300 per front foot. Respecting business property, those who desire to purchase, may seek information for themselves. It is hardly necessary to say that business property is far more valuable in San Francisco than in Oakland. BUeLDENG EMPROVEMENIS IN OAKLAND. On January 2d, the Oakland Daily Transcript published a table showing the location and value of the buildings erected in this city during tlie year 1870, from which it appears that 615 houses were built, at a total cost of $1,405,150. Since the first of January, 1871, a very large number of buildings have been commenced, and the improvements for 1871 are very likely to exceed in value those made in 1870, by at least half a million dollars. COST OF BUILDING. The cost of building in Oakland is somewhat less than in San Francisco. The lumber-yards, and the planing-mills, are conveniently located, and the ground which they occupy is much less valuable than that occupied by similar establish- 30 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. ments in San Francisco. Bricks and stone are obtainable cheaper here than at San Francisco ; castings are supplied by the local foundry ; and, generally speak- ing, no grading or filling is required. MANUFACTURING PROSPECTS. The map of Oakland shows the outHnes of the contemplated improvements of the Water Front Company. The most important features of tbe project are the dredging of the Bar at the mouth of the San Antonio Estuary, the cribbing of both banks, from ship -channel to the head of the southerly arm, a distance of over five miles, and the widening and deepening of the channel where necessary. There will be a continuous wharf between the water and the first tier of blocks on the north bank of the channel, from its mouth to Broadway Street. A wide street is provided for, in the rear of the tier of blocks, to accommodate as many rail tracks as may be needed. These tracks will lead to the main trunk of the C. P. R. R. Thus, a manufacturing establishment situated upon any of the aforesaid blocks will be able to receive or deliver freight at "ship's tackles," at the front doors, and to load or unload cars at the back doors. If desirable, "turn-outs" can be laid from the street, passing through the building to the water ; and it requires no gift of prophecy to predict that, as the projected improvements are made, the heavy manufacturing business of the Bay counties will concentrate where such fa- cilities for economizing are provided : and there is not another place about the Bay where it is possible to provide them. The perusal of our remarks under the head of " The Estuary of San Antonio," will give the reader additional light concerning the vast prospective importance of the manufacturing interests of Oakland. BRIDGING THE BAY. Some of our San Francisco neighbors seem much alarmed about commercial prospects at Oakland, and are indulging extraordinary vagaries respecting things which they deem necessary to save their city from decay. The fact is, San Francisco is more interested than Oakland, in commerce at Oakland. That is to say, 150,000 people are more interested than 11,000 people, in reducing the cost of handling exports and imports. For example, unless we can compete with other countries, in shipping grain to distant markets, the culti- vation of grain in California, except for home consumption, will cease, and every branch of industry and trade in San Francisco would suffer. On the contrary, if, by means of machinery, and the economical handling of the grain crops, farmers have the assurance of realizing a profit, they will seed more land, and every branch of industry and trade in San Francisco will be stimulated by the success of the farmers. This proposition is as simple as "rolling off a log;" yet, a portion of the press and of the people of San Francisco are exercised at the economical arrangements at Oakland, for handling our export products ; and are proposing to tax the com- munity for the'purpose of supplying other, and far less economical, arrangements OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 31 elsewhere. They are even advocating the vandalism of destroying half the value of a great harbor which belongs to the Commerce of the World, in the vain hope of forcing business into an unnatural channel. They are horrified at the laying of a "gas-main" across Mission Creek, where hogs wallow at low tide ; but are in ecstasies at the thought of cutting off more than iiinety-tivo square 7niles of the navigable waters of the Bay of San Francisco, from free commerce with the ocean, by constructing a bridge from Alameda, or Oakland, to San Francisco. Nor is this all: The conductors of the San Francisco press are well aware that solemn warnings have been uttered by the highest hydrographical authorities in the United States, against obstructing the currents of the Bay, in any way that might decrease, to a great extent, its tidal area ; for, upon the tidal area, depends the volume and scouring eflfect of the tidal flow over the Bar, at the entrance of the harbor, and the depth of water upon it. In view of this warning, and considering that it is impossible for engineering skill to predetermine the effect of placing fifty, or more, immense piers, in a line across the channel of the Bay, it seems extraordinary, to say the least, that re- spectable journals in San Francisco should advocate such a project. San Francisco cannot afford the experiment. New York and Boston cannot afford it. The merchant marine of CaUfornia, and the farmers of California, pro- test against it. We shall now proceed to enlighten the reader respecting the pecuniary benefits, and the commercial advantages, which San Francisco might reasonably expect from the construction of a bridge ; and we challenge any engineer to discover a material error in the following estimates, by Geo. F. Allardt, C. E., who furnished them by request. Mr. Allardt is recognized by Engineers as one of the foremost men in the Profession: Estimated Cost of Bridging the Bay from San Francisco to the Alameda Shore — Distance, five miles ^26,400 feet), of which three miles (1^,840 feefj will extend across ship- channel; (from 18 to 60 feet in depth at low-tide) ; and two miles fio,^6ofeet) across shoal water on the Alameda shore. First, a wooden bridge throughout : two miles of pile trestling in shoal water, and three miles of Howe truss in deep water, supported on pile-piers, with spans of 200 feet each, including three turn-table spans, or "draws." Bottom of trusses to be ten feet above high- waf.er, in the clear, 10,560 lineal feet of pile-trestling, @ $20 $21 1,200 79 pile-piers in deep water, @ $4,000 316,000 15,840 lineal feet of Howe truss, @ $60 950,400 E.Ktra expense on three turn-table spans 25,000 $1,502,600 Add 10 per cent, for superintendence and contingencies 150,260 Total cost $1,652,860 Or $62.63 psr lineal foot. Second, the same, except with stone-piers, across the deep water, in place of pile-piers. 32 OAKLAND AND VICINITY 10,560 lineal feet of pile-trestling, @ $20' §211,200 15,840 lineal feet of Howe truss, @ $60 950,400 80,400 cubic yards of masonry in 79 piers, @ $40 3,216,000 Extra expense on turn-table spans and piers 50,000 $4,427,600 Add 10 per cent, for superintendence and contingencies, $442,760 Total cost ^. _ , . $4,870,360 Or $184.48 per lineal foot. Third, pile-trestling for two miles, as before ; stone-piers for three miles, across deep water, and iron trusses, in place of the Howe truss. Spans 200 feet. 10,560 lineal feet of pile-trestling, @ §20 $211,200 15,840 lineal feet of iron truss, @ $200 3, 168,000 80,400 cubic yards of masonry in 79 piers, @, $40, „ 3,216,000 Extra expense on turn-table spans and piers 50,000 $6,645,200 Add 10 per cent, for superintendence and contingencies 664,520 Total cost , $7,309,720 Or $276 . 88 per lineal foot. Fourth, a first-class high bridge, with stone-piers and iron superstructure throughout, placed 100 feet, in the clear, above high-tide in ship-channel, and with ascending gradients of 50 feet to the mile, across the shoal water on the Alameda shore, and in Mission Bay at San Francisco. Spans 300 feet each 160,900 cubic yards of masonry in 53 piers in deep water (3 miles) © S30 $4,827,000 32,600 cubic yards in 35 piers on the gradient on the Alameda shore (2 miles) @ $30 978,000 32,600 cubic yards in 35 piers on the gradient on the San Fran- cisco shore, @ $30 978,000 36,960 lineal feet (7 miles) of iron superstructure for double track, wagon-road, and foot-passengers, @ $225 8,316,000 $15,099,000 Add 10 per cent, for superintendence and contingencies 1,509,900 Total cost $16,608,900 Or $449.38 per lineal foot. For the purpose of comparison, we quote, below, the cost of several long bridges, the average of which is over $750 per lineal foot : Britannia Niagara (suspension) St. Charles East River Louisville Menai Straits Niagara Falls Missouri River New Yorl» to Brooklyn . Ohio River ffi fT • ^ a 102 1,841 24=; 1,290 80 6,570 103 5,625 5^ 5,280 $3,009,325 400,000 1,815,000 7,000,000'' 1,600,000 n $1,635 310 276 1,244 * Estimated. OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 33 Even if it were permissible to place a line of piers across ship -channel in the Bay, nothing less than a permanent first-class structure, one hundred feet above high tide, over ship-channel, would be allowed ; and the gradients of the approaches should not exceed fifty feet to the mile, if designed for freight trains. The distance from the Alameda shore to ship-channel (two miles) would accommodate the eastern approach ; but, if the western approach started on the same level as the eastern, the westerly end of the bridge would be two miles distant from the San Francisco water front. To compensate for the height of the bridge, five miles must be added to its length, to make it equivalent to a level way, for railroad purposes. (See note, page 3, "Equating for Grades"). If the reader will figure the result, he will find that, for all practical purposes in railroading, the distance from Alameda, or Oakland point, via such a bridge, to the water front of San Francisco, would be fmtrteen miles. Thus, San Francisco, by the expenditure of over sixteen milhons, could double the distance and time between herself and Oakland. But it is not designed to build a first-class, high bridge — it would not pay. Indeed, our introductory remarks are based upon the assumption that a low bridge is contemplated. We refer the reader to the foregoing estimates, if he desires to fix in his imagination the cost of the undertaking, and we shall proceed to estimate the benefits that might accrue from it, leaving out of the question the damages that would result from destroying free navigation in the Bay, and the peril of shoaling the Bar at the entrance of the harbor : First — Building lots, and homestead sites, in Alameda County, would increase largely in value, in anticipation of an exodus of famihes from San Francisco who object to steamboat travel. Second — Considering that the freight and passenger trains of the Central, and the Southern Pacific, will soon approach Oakland from the north ; if the bridge started from Oakland Point, passengers and freight might be carried thence to San Francisco, by rail, five minutes quicker than by rail and boat — providing no "draws" were open, as frequently there would be. But Oakland would never consent to obstructing the Estuary of San Antonio from free commerce with the ocean. Hence, the easterly end of the bridge, if constructed, would be at Alameda, or at a point farther south. Third — Assuming that it would be at Alameda point : the distance from Oakland point (where the Oakland and Banta Branch will terminate) to Alameda point, via the most available crossing of the Estuary, is five miles. It follows that passen- gers might reach the San Francisco shore at Mission Bay— supposing the brid^-e should terminate there,.and no "open draws" were encountered — cxlmost ^s soon as they could reach the hotels by the Oakland Ferry. But the existence of the bridge would not control, in the slightest degree, the movement of our export products. The great freight route must intersect the Oakland wharf, as the map shows ; and it is as reasonable to expect that grain, for export, would be trans- ported from San Francisco to Oakland, via the proposed bridge, as to expect it to be moved in the opposite direction. Mr. Friedlander, and San Francisco exporters generally, having grain arriving at the Oakland wharf, would decline to incur the needless risk and expense of transporting it from the Oakland docks to the San Francisco docks, to gratify a sentiment. It may be added that the proposed bridge could never be used for passenger travel, excepft for that between San Francisco and Alameda counties. The liability of detention by "open draws " would render 3 34 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. It impossible for the railroad companies to run "through trains," by that route, "on time." If the hotels, churches, stores, and theatres of San Francisco, were removed south of the bridge, it would compensate, in a measure, for some delays ; but, in that event, it would become necessary to remove the Golden Gate to a point south of the bridge — otherwise, the rapid increase of commerce on the water front of the Potrero, and South San Francisco, would cause a "draw" to be kept open contin- ually. One of the San Francisco papers has suggested the expedient of removing "the heart of San Francisco" as far south as the RoUing Mill point, so that trains might be run into it ; but it is doubtful if the heart of San Francisco beats responsive to the suggestion. Seriously, the whole scheme smacks so strongly of outside property that it is impossible to disguise it. Nobody doubts that San Francisco must continue to be the metropolis of the Pacific coast; and the shallow efforts of a few speculators to frighten San Francis- cans into committing an outrage against themselves, and their posterity, is highly reprehensible. Already, more than one-fourth the population of the State is con- gregated at San Francisco ; and considering her established advantages, and the more luxurious habits of city folk, as compared with those of country folk, her "city trade" may be estimated at nearly one -half of the trade of the State, exclusive of the export trade. Of the California domestic trade, outside of the city, she commands, and must ever command, the lion's share. The export trade be- longs, and will always belong, exclusively to San Francisco, for she supplies money for the movement of crops, and has a deeper interest than Oakland will ever have in the economical handling of our export products. If machine shops are built at Oakland, San Francisco men, with San Francisco capital, will build them ; and the profits of such enterprises will return to the fountain-head. In short, Oakland is an invaluable adjunct to the cdmmerce of San Francisco; and far-seeing San Franciscans are proud, not jealous, of Oakland. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAr The University of California was created with the view of carrying the public educational system of the State up to its highest expression, in an institution which should realize the broadest, freest, most hberal, and most advanced ideas of University education. It receives its support from the extensive land -grants made by the General Government to the State of California, for the establishment of Agricultural and Mechanic Arts Colleges — a foundation which has been enlarged by a liberal appropriation from the State Legislature. The University, accord- ingly, is a State institution, and, ayS such, must be of equal interest to the people of every section of California. Yet, the sphere of its activity is not bounded by the lines of our own State, for its register shows that it already draws from every State and Territory of the Pacific Coast, from Mexico, from South America, and from the islands of the sea — a fact which strikingly illustrates the scope of the benefits diffused by our young but progressive University. The Act creating the University of California was passed by the State Legis- lature at the session of 1867-8. It placed the supreme control of the institution OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 35 in a Board of Regents which is, at present, comiDosed of the following gentlemen of well-known culture, public ^irit, and business ability: EX -OFFICIO REGENTS. His Excellency Henry H. Haight, Governor. His Honor William Holden, Lieutenant-Governor. Hon. George H. Rogers, Speaker of the Assembly. Hon. O. P. Fitzgerald, D.D., State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Hon. Charles F. Reed, President of the State Agricultural Society. A. S. Hallidie, Esq., President of the Mechanics' Institute of San Francisco. APPOINTED REGENTS. John T. Doyle, Esq., Hon. Lawrence Archer, Hon. Richard P. Hammond, Hon. William Watt, Hon. John W. Dwinelle, Hon. Samuel B. McKee, Rev. Horatio Stebbins, p.D., Hon. Samuel Merritt, M.D. HONORARY REGENTS.» • Hon. Edward Tompkins, A. J. Bowie, M.D., J. Mora Moss, Esq., William C. Ralston, Esq., S. F. Butterworth, Esq., Hon. John B. Felton, Hon. John S. Hager, Louis Sachs, Esq. ' OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. His Excellency H. H. Haight, President. Andrew J. Moulder, Esq., Secretary. William C. Ralston, Esq., Treasurer. The University went into operation September 23d, 1869, with Professors John and Joseph LeConte, Fisher, Swinton, Carr, Kellogg, Welcker, Pioda, Santi, and Ogilby, as the faculty. Professor John LeConte was appointed Acting- President by the Regents, and he continued in this position till the close of the scholastic year ending with July, 1870. The second year of the University beo-an September 23d, 1870. In the intervening vacation, the Board of Regents had elected to the presidency. Professor Henry Durant. The Register gives the following names, as composing the Faculty and Officers of the University : Henry Durant, A.M., President, and Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy. Stephen J. Field, LL.D., Non-resident Professor of Law. John LeConte, M.D., Professor of Physics, Industrial Mechanics, and Physioloo-y. Joseph LeConte, M.D., Professor of Geology, Natural History, and Botany. Martin Kellogg, A.M., Professor of Ancient Languages. General W. T. Welcker, Professor of Mathematics. Paul Pioda, Professor of Modern Languages. Ezra S. Carr, M.D., Professor of Agriculture, Chemistry, Agricultural and Applied Chemistry, and Horticulture. *The term "Honorary," applied to these Regents, indicates only the mode of their election, which is made by the E.x-officio and Appointed Regents. Every Regent, however appointed, is a voting, legislative, and executive member of the Board. 36 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. William Swinton, A.M., Professor of the English Language and Literature, Rhetoric, Logic, and History. Thomas Bennett, M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine. James Blake, M.D., Professor of Midwifery. J. C. Shorb, M.D., Professor of Chnical Medicine. J. D. B. Stillmax, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica. C. F. Buckley, M.D., Professor of Anatomy. George Davidson, A.M., (Assistant U. S. Coast Survey), Non-resident Profes- sor of Astronomy and Geodesy. Colonel Frank Soule, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Robert E. Ogilby, Instructor in Drawing. George Tait, A.M., Assistant Professor of Ancient Languages. Professor William Swinton, Librarian. It is believed that the history of education in the United States presents a no more signal success, in the founding of a high institution of learning, than that which has attended the University of Califoraia. Opening with about forty students at the beginning of the first year, it has now on its catalogue the names of seven hundred and ninety members of the several Colleges and of the Prepara- tory Department. The University consists of five distinct and independent Colleges, viz. : four Colleges of Arts, and one College of Letters, as follows : 1. A State College of Agriculture, T 2. A State College of Mechanic Arts, I ^^^^ ^^ ^^,^^^ 3. A State College of Mines, | ^ •' 4. A State College of Civil Engineering. J 5. A State College of Letters. The full course of instruction in each College embraces all appropriate studies, and continues for at least four years. Each College confers a proper degree, at the end of the course, upon such students as are found, upon examination, to be proficient therein. Partial courses are organized in each of the Colleges for students "who may not desire to pursue a full course therein." Besides the students jjursuing the regular courses, any resident of California, of approved moral character, has the right to enter himself in the University as a student at large, and receive tuition in any branch or branches bf instruction, at the time when the same are given in the regular course, provided his preparatory studies have been such as to qualify him to pursue the selected branches ; and provided, further, he selects a sufficient number of branches — the number being designated by the Faculty. Measures have been taken to carry out the provisions of the Act creating the University, in respect to military instruction and discipline. Acting under direc- tions from the Board of Regents, Professor Welcker and Assistant Professor Soule', graduates of the West Point Academy, have organized the battahon of the University Cadets. All able-bodied male students of the University are required to attend the military exercises. The utility of such instruction and discipline is generally conceded. The University already possesses excellent apparatus, recently procured from Europe, and valued at over 1:30,000, for the use of the Physical, Chemical, and OAKLAND AND VICINITY. yj o.her Scientific Departments. There is also a Cabinet, rich in specimens collected from various parts of the State, and the Legislature has specially provided that the ample collections of the State Geological Survey shall be devoted to the uses of the University. By an Act of the Legislature, passed at its last session, five Scholarships were established, each of the value of three hundred dollars a year, for four years, to be competed for by candidates for the Fourth Class. It is expected and hoped that the number of scholarships will be increased by private liberality. From the foregoing statements which we compile from the "Register," it will be seen that the University of California, in the second year of its existence, already offers ample facilities for a thorough education. It has a large and com- petent faculty of instruction, and costly and complete apparatus. It opens its doors, without charge, to all of both sexes who are qualified to profit by its advantages. The enlightened founders of the University of California laid its basis upon live and modern ideas of education. It is wholly free from ancient scholastic precedents and routine. It recognizes the equal dignity and worth of all knowledges and arts, and hospitably affords opportunities to students desirous of pursuing any specialty. Those who are enrolled as "students at large" can select their own studies, and attend the exercises of a'ny of the classes. There are still shorter courses for those who can stay but a single term, or attend but a single course of lectures. If any one wishes to study some practical branch of learning — for example, metallurgy or agricultural chemistry — he will find here every facility for its prosecution. In fine, it is a Univejsity in the full scope and mean- ing of the term. The University, while awaiting the erection of college edifices upon its exten- sive and beautiful domain at Berkeley, (near Oakland), is occupying the old College of California building, in this city, where it is probable the institution will remain for a considerable time to come. The striking exhibit elsewhere made of the healthfulness of Oakland, shows that in this respect it could not have been more fortunately located. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY. Our sketch of the University would be far from complete, did we fail to notice the recently created training-school, or " Preparatory Department." The necessity of some training-school which should serve as a link between the public-school system and the University, was felt soon after the latter v;ent into operation. It was at first sought to supply this link by the organization of a Fifth Class. This was begun at the beginning of the last scholastic year, in September, 1870. The experiment was a complete success — very large numbers of pupils of both sexes having joined the "Fifth Class." Indeed, so unexpected was the increase of the class, that it was found necessary to purchase the Brayton school property, in order to afford accommodations for the students presenting themselves. In January, 1871, this class, while still retaining its distinctive name, was greatly enlarged in its scope by dividing it into various grades : thus establish- ing a real training-school or preparatory department. This department of the institution was put under the direction of Mr. George Tait, aided by an adequate corps of excellent teachers. We believe the department now numbers (day-schol- ars and boarders) upward of two hundred. It shows all the signs of enlarging and lasting: usefulness. 38 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Pacific Theological Seminary. — The seminary is under tlie auspices of the Congregational Church. It has recently purchased the property of the Female College of the Pacific, on Academy Hill, and the regular exercises were commenced in June, 1871. Revs. George Mooar, D.D., and J. A. Benton, D.D., are Profess- ors. There is a primary department, termed the Golden Gate Academy, and the number of students in both is about twenty-five. Mills Seminary. — Located near Fruit Vale, about four miles from Oakland. The Mills Seminary enjoys a quiet seclusion, and is yet in almost hourly commu- nication with the metropolis. Rev. C. T. Mills is Principal, and Rev. Eli Corwin is his associate. There are two hundred young lady-students, and in all its depart- ments the seminary is complete, and to it is conceded the position of the leading institution for the education of girls on the Pacific coast, and is by many deemed superior to any institution in the Eastern States. Oakland Seminary and Female College of the Pacific. — This in- stitution has been formed by the consohdation of the Female College of the Pacific, and Mrs. Blake's Oakland Seminary; and the seminary buildings, in Oakland, on Washington Street, between Eleventh and Twelfth Streets, are occupied. The Rev. E. B. Walsworth is Principal, and he has called to his assistance an efficient corps of teachers. There are one hundred scholars. Oakland Military Academy. — This military institution, opened January gth, 1865, is the first of the kind that has been established on this coast. Rev. D. McClure is the proprietor and Principal. The academic staff is composed of nine experienced teachers. The buildings are situated on a rise of ground, known as Academy Hill, about a mile from the Broadway Station, and may be reached by the Telegraph Avenue cars. In the academic department, well-defined and exten- sive courses of study are pursued in the English branches, ancient and modern lano-uages, natural science, mathematics, and commercial knowledge, such as will prepare students for college or business. The institution is also organized as a military post, and it is obligatory upon every student to attend the daily military drill, and perform the duties of a cadet, which do not interfere with hours of Study. Linden Lane Boarding School. — This school is located on Linden Lane, near Telegraph Avenue, about two miles from Broadway Station. The number of scholars is limited to sixteen, and the course of study is designed to fit boys to enter the university or any college. D. C. Stone, A.M., is proprietor and Princi- pal of the school. Convent of our Lady of the Sacred Heart.— This is a girls' day and boarding-school, and is located on Webster Street, at the head of Lake Merritt. It was dedicated in the summer of 1868. The classes are taught by "Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary," who came from Canada. The school con- tains sixty-one boarding-scholars and fifty-two day-scholars, and is in charge of St. Mary's Catholic Church, having been built through the efforts of Rev. Father King. Madame Boullet's School. — Among the private schools of Oakland is a modest little establishment, at the corner of Franklin and Fifth Streets, which has been conducted for many yc.irs by Madame and Mademoiselle BouUet — Parisian OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 39 ladies. The boarders are limited to ten or twelve little girls, and the number of day-scholars is also limited. Notwithstanding the unpretending character of the school, it has long been justly celebrated for the i^arental care exercised over the pupils, and the remarkable proficiency they acquire in the French language. St. Joseph's Academy. — This school is for boys, and is conducted by the Christian Brothers. It is located at the corner of Jackson and Fifth Streets. Brother Gustavus is Principal, and the assistants are Brothers Alexander, Baptiste, and Thomas. It was opened July 5th, 1870, with forty -five pupils, and at the close of the December term, 1870, had eighty-five scholars in attendance. ' J. C. Hyde's Day and Boarding-School. — This school is located on the corner of Harrison and Sixth Streets, and has an attendance of about twenty schol- ars, all boys. ' The Sisters' School. — This school is located on Eighth Street, between Grove and Jefferson, and is taught by Sisters Mary Augustine and Mary Pres- celle, and has an attendance of about seventy-five day-scholars, all of them girls. Mrs. Brown's and Miss Daniels' DAY-ScfiooL. — This school is located on Eleventh Street, between Alice and Harrison Streets. French and English School. — Madame D'Hierry's French and English day-school is on Seventh Street, between Grove and Castro. Alameda Academy. — This institution was opened January 2d, 1871. Prof. J. T. Doyen is Principal. Miss Barnes' School. — Miss Mary Barnes has a private day-school, on the corner of Sixth and Clay Streets, with an attendance of fifty pupils. Mrs. Fogg's School. — Mrs. George H. Fogg's day-school, corner of Frank- lin and Second Streets, has an attendance of twelve scholars. Brooklyn Private School. — Mrs. True has a flourishing private school in Brooklyn, with an attendance of twenty-six girls and six boys. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. There are 5,436 children in Alameda County between the ages of five and fif- teen years, 3,269 of whom are enrolled as attendants at the public schools. There are 1,268 pupils in the public scliools of Oakland. There are in the county, out- side of Oakland, 66 schools, giving employment to 51 teachers. In Oakland, there are six public school buildings, giving employment to 31 regular and four special teachers. The total value of public school property in the city is $129,000. The schools now open are as follows : High School. — Corner of Market and West Twelfth Streets. Cost of prem- ises, $37,376 22. Principal, J. B. McChesney. Number of teachers, 3; number of scholars, 65. Lafayette Grammar School. — Location in High School building. Prin- cipal, J. B. McChesney. Number of teaclrers, 8; number of scholars, 321. Prescott Grammar School. — Second Street (West Oakland). Cost of building, $10,000. Principal, A. W. Brodt. Number of teachers, 3; number of scholars, 55. 40 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. Lafayette Primary. — Corner of Twelfth and Jefferson Streets. Cost of building, $17,000. Principal, Mrs. M. W. Phelps. Number of teachers, 8 ; num- ber of scholars, 340. Primary No. 2. — Corner of Alice and Sixth Streets. Cost of building, $1,200. Principal, Miss F. Brigham. Number of teachers, 3; number of schol- ars, 125. Primary No. 3. — Corner of Grove and Fourth Streets. Cost of building, ,$1,200. Principal, Miss Aldrich. Number of teachers, 4; number of scholars, 201. In addition to these, there is an evening school, taught by F. M. Campbell, City Superintendent of Public Schools, a French and a German class, which would swell the number of pupils to 1,409, and the number of teachers to 35. CHURCHES. First Congregational. — Broadway, east side, between Tenth and Eleventh Streets. Organized December 9th, i860. Temporary Pastor — George Mooar, D.D. Deacons — T. B. Bigelow, E. P. Fhnt, R. E. Cole, and T. L. Walker. Trustees — R. E. Cole, E. P. Flint, E. P. Sanford, Israel W. Knox, Wm. K. Row- ell, and H. A. Palmer. Second Congregational. — Oakland Point. Organized May 31st, 1868. Pastor — Rev. S. D. Gray. Trustees — Jas. A. Folger, H. G. McLean, H. C. Em- mons, E. E. Walcott, and L. P. Collins. First Presbyterian. — South-east corner of Broadway and Thirteenth Streets. Organized in 1852. Pastor — D. W. Poor, D.D. Elders — Samuel Percy, Elijah Bigelow, J. J. Gardiner, Wm. C. Dodge, and G. W. Amies. Trustees — E. C. Sessions, Wm. C. Dodge, Wm. H. Miller, J. J. Gardiner, Elijah Bigelow, J. M. Selfridge, and J. Shanklin. Independent Presbyterian. — South-east corner of Jefferson and Twelfth Streets. Organized February 28th, 1869. Pastor — Rev. L. Hamilton. Trustees — George C. Potter (Chairman), Henry Durant, David McClure, Charles Webb Howard, J. P. Moore, John R. Glascock, J. S. Emery, N. W. Spaulding, and Hi- ram Tubbs. Elders — Henry Durant and David McClure. Treasurer — William B. Hardy. Mission Congregational. — Second Street, between Broadway and Wash- ington. Organized in the summer of 1868, under the control of the First Congre- gational Church. First Baptist. — Corner of Brush and Fourteenth Streets. Organized in 1854. No permanent Pastor, at present. Deacons — William Watts and G. W. Dam. Trustees — A. L. Warner, G. W. Dam, J. F. Havens, William Watts, and A. W. Brodt. Church Clerk, A. W. Brodt; Treasurer, B. F. Pendleton. St. John's Episcopal. — Corner of Grove and Seventh Streets. Organized June, 1852. Rector — Rev. Benjamin Akerly. Vestrymen — Rev. Benjamin Aker- ly (President), Gen. R. W. Kirkham (Senior Warden), Samuel Brockhurst (Junior Warden), Charles D. Haven (Secretary and Treasurer), James De Fremery, J. N. Olney, and R. H. Bennett. OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 41 St. Paul's Episcopal. — South-west corner of Webster and Twelfth Streets. Organized 1871. Rector — Rev. C. W. Turner. Vestrymen — John A. Stanley, A. I. Gladding, W. C. Parker, T. J. Hyde, Watson Webb, J. B. Harmon, R. C. Alden, Dr. Babcock. Senior Warden — A. I. Gladding. Junior Warden — Wat- son Webb. St. Mary's Roman Catholic. — Seventh Street, between Grove and Jeffer- son. Pastor — Rev. Michael King. Assistants — Fathers Byrne and Starra. Methodist Episcopal. — South-west corner of Washington and Ninth Streets. Pastor — Rev. T. S. Dunn. Trustees — M. T. Holcomb, J. Stratton, J. W. Carrick, James C. Stratton, and C. H. Bradley. THE MOUNTAIN VIEW CEMETERY. Several years ago, leading citizens of Oakland, Brooklyn, and Alameda Town- ships, secured a suitable location as a burial place for the dead. It comprises about two hundred acres of undulating ground at the foot-hills, about two miles eastwardly from Oakland. The Mountain View Cemetery Association was organ- ized, and, under the operation of the State law, the ground has been dedicated forever to the sacred purposes for which it was obtained. Mr. Fred. Law 01m- stead, who laid out Central Park, in New York City, was employed to survey the ground and lay out a plan for the cemetery. The plan presented by him was adopted. Improvements of a high order have already been made ; and the officers of the Association comprise gentlemen whose reputation affords a guarantee that its affairs will be attended to with a view of making the cemetery all that could be desired. INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB, AND BLIND. The State Asylum for the education of the deaf and dumb, and the blind, is located about four miles north of Oakland, on grounds adjoining those of the Uni- versity. It is one of the most beneficent of our State institutions, and is exceed- ingly interesting to visitors who care to see how novel and ingenibus modes of instruction, and patient endeavors, are made to overcome the greatest obstacles to mental development. The building, a massive stone edifice, is considered by many to be the finest piece of architecture in the State, and is supplied witli all modern improvements for the comfort and convenience of its inmates, and with all the pe- culiar apparatus necessary for their instruction. The total cost of buildings, grounds, etc., has been about $200,000 — an expenditure which indicates the lib- erality and thoughtfulness of our people. The present number of pupils is eighty -five. Fifty -nine are deaf and dumb, and twenty -six are blind. The course of study embraces most of the branches usually taught in our higher academies. Facilities are also afforded for the learning of trades. The benefits of the institution, including board, tuition, and medical at- tendance, are free to all deaf and dumb or blind persons, between the ages of six and twenty-one years, who may be residents of the State. The Board of Directors consists of J. Mora Moss, President ; Chas, J. Bren- ham, Col. John C. Hayes, I. E. Nicholson, M.D., and Col. Harry Linden. The 42 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. corps of instructors in the deaf-mute department comprises Amasa Pratt, H. B. Crandall, and Henry Frank. In the blind department, C. T. Wilkinson and M. B. Clark. The Principal is Warring Wilkinson, to whom all letters of inquiry, etc., should be addressed. SOCSETEES AND ASSOCIAIBOfyS. MASONIC. Live-Oak Lodge No. 6i, F. and A. M. — Instituted May 4th, 1855. Officers — T. P. Wales, W. M. ; Wm. H. Irwin, S. W. ; Henry F. Evers, J. W. ; A. J. Ba- ber, S. D. ; George E. Carleton, J. D.; Rev. Benjamin Akerly, Chaplain; J. E. Whitcher, Treasurer; James Lentell, Secretary; F. Chappellet and Franklin War- ner, Stewards ; S. Hirshberg, Tyler. Oakland Lodge No. 188, F. and A. M. — Instituted November 4th, 1868. Officers— E. H. Pardee, W. M. ; W. J. Gurnett; S. W. ; W. S. Snook, J. W. ; T. W. Bailey, Secretary ; Myron T. Dusenbury, Treasurer. Oakland Chapter No. 26, R. A. M. — Instituted May 5th, i860. Officers — Benjamin Akerly, H. P. ; George M. Blake, K. ; T. P. Wales, S. ; J. M. Miner, C. H.; S. Nolan, P. S. ; Henry F. Evers, R. A. C. ; Wm. H. Irwin, M. 3d V.; Ernst Janssen, M. 2d V.; Wm. D. Harwood, M. ist V.; J. E. Whitcher, Treas- urer; S. Hirshberg, Secretary; H. E. Hitchcock, Guardian. Alameda Chapter No. 36, R. A. M. — Instituted November nth, 1868. Officers— N. W. Spaulding, H. P. ; Walter Van Dyke, K. ; E. H. Pardee, S. ; C. C. Knowles, C. H. ; W. J. Gurnett, P. S. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Oakland Lodge No. 118. — Instituted July 3d, 1865. Officers — S. P. Knight, N. G. ; R. Dalziel, V. G. ; John Demott, R. S. ; A. B. Brower, P. S. ; Chas. Bar- low, T. ; Wm. L. McKay, Peter Baker, and S. K. Hassinger, Trustees. University Lodge No. 144. — Instituted June 20th, 1868. Officers — M. S. Hurd, N. G. ; T. A. Bell, V. G. ; C. J. Robinson, R. S. ; George E. Farwell, P. S.; J. V. B. Goodrich, T. Alameda Degree Lodge No. 5. — Instituted February 13th, 1869. Offi- cers— W. J. Gurnett, N. G.; J. Barnett, V. G. ; S. H. Goddard, Secretary; Geo. H. Fogg, Treasurer. Golden Rule Encampment No. 34. — Officers — J. Ingols, C. P.; S. K. Hassinger, H. P.; R. Dalziel, S. W. ; B. Van Vrankin, J. W. ; C. H. Townsend, Secretary; A. B. Brower, Treasurer; J. E. Marchand, J. Lufkin, and B. C. Austin, Trustees. Odd Fellows' Hall Association. — Incorporated June, 1869. Location of building, north-west corner of Franklin and Eleventh Streets. Capital stock, $16,000. Directors— J. E. Marchand, President; T. J. Murphy, Vice-President; W. J. Gurnett, Secretary; J. L. Browne, Treasurer; W. L. McKay, Peter Baker, and O. H. Burnham. Odd Fellows' Library Association. — Organized August 12th, 1867. Number of volumes, 2,500, free to members of contributing Lodges, of wliich OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 43 there are two — Oakland Lodge No. 118, and University Lodge No. 144. Trus- tees — From Oakland Lodge, S. K. Hassinger and W. Clayton; from University Lodge, F. L. Taylor, C. J. Robinson, and B. C. Austin. Officers— C. J. Robin- son, President; S. K. Hassinger, Vice-President; B. C. Austin, Recording Sec- retary; F. L. Taylor, Corresponding Secretary; W. Clayton, Treasurer; A. B. Brower, Librarian. MISCELLANEOUS. Alameda Stamm No. 113, L O. R. M. — Organized 1867. Officers — W. Jordan, O. Ch. ; Henry Kornahrens, U. Ch.; P. Ferman, R. S.; A. Koop, Treas- urer; A. Eisenbach, F. Secretary. Cherokee Tribe No. 127, Improved Order of Red Men. — Organized 1869. Officers— H. Nagle, S. ; A. T. Potter, S. S. ; Wm. Ballantyne, G. S. ; W. T. Myles, K. of V. ; J. C. Plunket, C. of R. Athens Lodge, L O. G. T.— Organized 1867. Officers— G. M. Blake, W. C. T.; S. Campbell, P. W. C. T. ; Miss Irwin, W. V. T.; T. Bell, W. S.; A. B. Brower, W. F. S. Turn Verein. — Organized 1866. Officers — D.Vogt, President; Wm. Hum- meltenberg, Vice-President; Henry Sohst, First Secretary; George Bundat, Second Secretary; H. Heyer, Treasurer; Wm. Koch, Librarian; G. Kraft, First Leader; J. Nitman, Second Leader. Oakland Benevolent Societv. — Organized 1869. Officers — Dr. R. E. Cole, President; F. S. Page, Secretary; Dr. B. F. Pendleton, Treasurer; I. W. Knox, Rev. J. E. Benton, and G. W. Armes, Trustees. Knights of Pythias. — Organized 1870. Officers — R. Swarbrick, V. P.; Charles A. Perkins, W. C. ; D. B. Bankhead, V. C. ; Wm. Parish, G. ; Samuel Bailey, R. S. ; Charles Parry, F. S. ; F. W. Butler, B. ; Wm. Myles, I. G. ; E. G. Jones, O. G. Oakland Hebrew Benevolent Society. — Organized 1862. Officers — Jacob Letter, President; Henry Ash, Vice-President; S. Beal, Treasurer; S. Hirshberg, Secretary; N. Rosenberg, J. Alexander, L. Greenbaum, Trustees. St. Joseph's Benevolent Society. — Organized 1867. Officers — John Kearney, President; P. R. Sheehan, Vice-President; John Carry, Secretary; Patrick Scully, Treasurer; Thomas Dagnan, Clerk; Dr. S. Belden, Physician. Ancient Sons of Hibernia. — Organized July 7th, 1870. Officers — James McGuire, President; J. O'Connell, Vice-President; S. D. Cronin, Corresponding Secretary; John Teague, Financial Secretary; E. Fitzgerald, Treasurer. The Society numbers one hundred members. ALAMEDA COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Organized October 25, 1869. Incorporated January 9, 1871. List of members — Clinton Cushing, M.D., President; E. Trenor, M.D., Vice-President; N. E. Sherman, M.D., Treasurer; John C. Van Wyck, M.D., Librarian; H. P. Bab- cock, M.D., Secretary; T. H. Pinkerton, M.D., Stillman Holmes, M.D., Joseph Leconte, M.D., John Leconte, M.D., Ezra S. Carr, M.D., R. Beverly Cole, M.D., Thomas C. Hanson, M.D., Wm. Bamford, M.D., Wm. Bolton, M.D., John Van Zandt, M.D., W. R. Fox, M.D., C. S. Coleman, M.D. 44 OAKLAND AND VICINITY, MILITARY COMPANIES. Oakland Guard. — Org'anized in 1861. Officers — Alfred W. Burrell, Cap- tain; John C. Orr, First Lieutenant; E. R. Turner, Second Lieutenant; H. Ma- loon, Orderly Sergeant. Live -Oak Zouaves. — Organized in 1870. Officers — E. J. Kelley, Captain; Thomas Treanor, First Lieutenant; John F. Teague, Second Lieutenant; James Marchand, Orderly Sergeant. Oakland Grenadiers. — Organized in 1S70. Officers — J. Callaghan, Cap- tain; A. Herrin, First Lieutenant; S. Cronin, Second Lieutenant. OAKLAND BANK OF SAVINGS. Organized August 27, 1867. Capital stock, $150,000. Capital increased March 30, 1869, to $300,000; increased May 9, 1871, to $1,000,000. Officers — P. S. Wilcox, President; J. L. Browne, Cashier. Board of Directors — P. S. Wilcox, E. M. Hall, Samuel Merritt, T. B. Bigelovv, Walter Blair. The following is from the report of July i, 1871 : Stock and reserve fund $141,974 21 Due Depositors 246,098 01 Due Dividend No. 8 22,414 25 . $4io,48»> 47 Loans and bonds $340,645 48 Office Furniture 2,470 78 Stamps and currency 696 00 Cash in vault, San Francisco, and New York 66,674 2X $410,486 47 UNION SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated July i, 1869, with a capital stock of $300,000, which was increased July I, 1870, to $500,000. Officers — A. C. Henry, President; J. West Martin, Vice-President; H. A. Palmer, Cashier and Secretary. Board of Directors — A. C. Henry, J. West Martin, John C. Hays, E. Bigelow, E. A. Haines, Samuel Woods, Chas. Webb Howard, Hiram "Tubbs, H. H. Haight, C. T. H. Palmer, S. HulT, W. W. Crane, Jr., R. W. Kirkham, R. S. Farrelly, A. W. Bowman, J. Mora Moss. The following is extracted from the report of this bank, October i, 1871 : Capital stock paid in $450,000 00 Deposits 271,484 43 Profit and loss 10,681 90 $732,166 33 Loans, bonds, etc $621,090 07 Cash on hand 76,279 i r Sundries, including expense account, banking house, vaults, etc 34>797 15 ■: $732,166 33 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 45 NEWSPAPERS. There are tliree newspapers published in Oakland, as follows : The Oakland Daily Transcript — Issued every morning (Sundays except- ed). John Scott, proprietor. The Oakland Daily News — Issued every morning (Sundays excepted). William Gagan, proprietor. The Evening Termini — Issued every evening (Sundays excepted). By the Termini Company. BROOKLYN. Brooklyn is situated eastwardly from Oakland, and is bounded on two sides by the Estuary of San Antonio, as will be seen on the map. Its site is higher than that of Oakland, and is gently undulating. The bridge across the Estuary, con- necting the two places, is eighty feet wide. The town government is organized as follows : Town Officers — H. A. Mayhew, President; A. Cannon, H. Tubbs, Charles Newton, H. Tum Suden, Trustees; J. F. Steen, Clerk and Treasurer; E. E. Webster, Assessor; O. Whipple, Marshal. School Trustees — A. W. Swett, C. C. Knowles, F. Buell. The main street (Washington) has been graded and macadamized from the Twelfth-street bridge to Park Avenue. Many buildings have been erected during the past year. A large first-class hotel, with accommodations for three hundred persons, is almost completed, and many of the rooms are already engaged. The Contra Costa Water Company have laid their mains from Oakland, for the purpose of supplying the town with water, and hydrants for the use of the Fire Department have been placed at various points. The mains of the Oakland Gas Light Com- pany have alsa been carried into the town. The School Department is well organized and conducted. The town has four churches — viz : one Presbyterian, Rev. Oliver Hemstreet ; one Baptist, Rev. T. C. Jam.eson ; St. Anthony's Catholic Church, under the supervision of Rev. Father King ; and the Episcopal Church, Rev. Mr. Wilbur, Rector. , The absence of oaks in Brooklyn, which add so much to the charms of Oak- land, is compensated, in a measure, by the picturesque scenery on every side. Its water front on the Estuary of San Antonio, with the rail tracks along the bank, gives it great prospective importance as a location for manufactures, and already there are several manufacturing estabhshments in successful operation. At several places near the Estuary, overflowing artesian wells have been obtained by sinking one hundred and fifty feet. ALAMEDA, AND THE WEBSTER -STREET BRIDGE. The beautifully situated and rapidly growing town of Alameda, distant about two miles from Oakland, has been brought into direct communication with this city by the erection of a draw -bridge, spanning San Antonio Creek, from the foot of Webster Street. From the bridge, a macadamised road has been constructed over 46 OAKLAND AND VICINITY. the marsh land, which is nearly a mile in breadth. The progress of tne town can not fail to be much accelerated by the completion of this important thoroughfare ; and the advantages to be derived therefrom by the people of both places can not be too highly estimated. The peninsula upon which the town is located, is about three and a half miles long by one mile wide, comprising an area of about 2,200 acres of remarkably fer- tile soil, ornamented by a profusion of oaks. An abundance of excellent water is obtainable within a few feet of the surface. Nature has made the Encinal a charming resort for people of rural tastes ; and during the summer months its groves and parks are visited by thousands from San Francisco and neighboring places. The township contains about five hundred families, most of whom own the property upon which they reside. In Alameda, there are many delightful residences, including that of his Excellency, the Gov- ernor of California. THE LOCAL RASLROAD AND FERRY. The location of the road and wharf is shown on our map of Oakland, and a description of the wharf and slip may be found in the article quoted from the Alta (page 9). There is a large depot on the southerly side of the slip, for the exclusive accommodation of the local passenger trains, and the facilities for the movement of passengers are excellent. The local track is of heavy "fish-joint" iron, and runs up the wharf between the through-track and the carriage-way, with a safety- rail on each side where, otherwise, there would be a possibility of accident. A STEAM FIRE-ENGINE. As a guard against fire, an elegant locomotive — the "White Eagle" — with a steam-pump attachment, a tank-car, and coils of hose, is kept constantly in readi- ness, to fly to this point or that, with lightning speed. THE FERRY SLIP At San Francisco, is near the foot of Pacific street, but the improvements about it are inferior. Provision has been made for the safety of passengers, but the arrangements for their comfort are not suggestive of the civilization of 1S71. We may assume the reason to be that the railroad company does not regard the loca- tion as a permanent one. Public considerations suggest that the Board of State Harbor Commissioners should assign to the company a place near the foot of Market Street, with guarantees of permanency which would justify the construc- tion of creditable improvements for the accommodation, not only of local travelers, but of the thousands who visit us from abroad. We say the foot of Market Street, because the system of streets in San Francisco admits of no other proper locatiqn. From that point, and that alone, the street railroads could be made to radiate to every part of San Francisco, and equalize both convenience to travelers, and the benefits resulting to property. RAILROAD AVENUE. Returning to Oakland, we must admit that Railroad Avenue, through which the local road runs, is one of the least attractive streets in our city. Nature has done her part, but the railroad company and the property holders have not done theirs. There are six stations between the Bay and the Estuary, with miserable sheds at five, and not a respectable platform at one The street is not macadam- OAKLAND AND VICINITY. 47 ized ; only a few patches of sidewalk are made ; and travelers from San Francisco, or elsewhere, are not favorably impressed with that portion of our c\\.y. Arrange- ments are in progress, however, to remedy these defects. The city, the railroad company, and the property owners on the avenue, are cooperating in the matter, and the sand}', unattractive, and tiresome street will soon be transformed into a beautiful boulevard. THE BOAT AND CAR ACCOMMODATIONS Are not surpassed on any similar line of travel. The steamer El Capitan, which performs the ferry service, is about one thousand tons burden, and is a stanch, powerful, and elegantly constructed boat. Moreover, the attention and forethought which insure punctuality and safety, are not wanting. The local Superintendent is accomphshed in his profession, and unremitting in his watchfulness. The foll(fvv- ing statistics of travel and casualties, attest his efficiency, and demonstrate THE SAFETY OF TRAVELING. During the year 1870, the cars and boat made twelve trips per day, each way. The average number of passengers to each trip was one hundred and eighty, mak- ing four thousand three hundred and twenty passengers per day, or over one mill- ion and a half for the year — more than ten times the population of San Francisco. In this vast movement of passengers, not one fatal accident occurred. Only two persons were injured, and the Company was not accused of responsibility in either case. The Company has recently attached the "atmospheric brake" to its local trains, by means of which the engineer can stop his train almost instantly. THE INCREASE OF TRAVEL Is perceptible from month to month, and it is understood that the Company will soon multiply the trips. Indeed, it is quite evident that the time is not distant when crossings will be made every ten minutes ; and persons seeking homesteads can safely depend upon realizing this prediction. THE ESTUARY ROUTE, Or "Creek Route," as it is commonly called, is used by boats and vessels carry- ing passengers and freight to and from Oakland, and Brooklyn. At present, three steamers, and a number of sailing craft, are plying on this route, which is open to competition. The importance of the estuary is alluded to elsewhere. Its improve- ment is a question of not much time; and those who rely upon seeing first-class passenger boats navigating its waters at an early day, will not be disappointed, A RECREATIVE TRIP. • Thousands of people in San Francisco have never visited this side of the Bay, and are in unblissful ignorance of the attractions which it offers, and of the recrea- tive and invigorating nature of the trips to and from Oakland. The street -car trips, from the business portion of San Francisco to or from any point in that city where residence property costs even double that of residence property in Oakland, consume more time than the trips between San Francisco and Oakland ; and the monotony and discomfort of street-car travel make the former appear twice as long as the latter. FARES. The fares between Oakland and San Francisco are as follows : Monthly com- mutation tickets, $3 ; transient passengers, fifteen cents for regular line, except Sundays, when tickets for crossing and recrossing are sold for twenty- five cents. The fare by the opposition boat — the Chin-du-Wan — is ten cents. OAKLAND AND VICINITY. ALAMEDA COUNTY STATISTICS. The following report of the agricultural products, improvements, and general industries of the county, for 1870, is from the books of the County Assessor, Edwin Hunt: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. Potatoes, acres i)Oi3 Potatoes, bushels 82,640 Sweet Potatoes, acres None. Sweet Potatoes, bushels None. Onions, acres 293 Onions, bushels 25, 108 Hay, acres 7i46'5 Hay, tons 12,475 Flax, acres 375 Flax, pounds 68,600 Hops, acres 5 Hops, pounds 1,870 Tobacco, acres None. Tobacco, pounds None. Beets, tons 1,295 Turnips, tons 32 Pumpkins and Squashes, tons 1,280 Butter, pounds 75, >'i'> Cheese, pounds 4,2i8 Wool, pounds 215,775 Honey, pounds 4,325 Land inclosed, acres 91,328 Land cultivated, acres. 117,763 Wheat, acres 65,991 Wheat, bushels 1,017,031 Barley, acres 36,030 Barley, bushels 505,670 Oats, acres 3,240 Oats, bushels 98,460 Rye, acres 2,510 Pye, bushels 137,000 Corn, acres 562 Corn, bushels 13,180 Buckwheat, acres 17 Buckwheat, bushels 204 Peas, acres 166 Peas, bushels 4,038 Peanuts, acres None. Peanuts, pounds None. Beans, acres 599 Beans, bushels 5,975 Castor Beans, acres None. Castor Beans, pounds^ None. TREES AND VINES. Apple Trees 86,615 Peach Trees 13, 595 Pear Trees .' 35,568 Plum Trees 21,264 Cherry Trees 28, 788 Nectarine Trees 962 Quince Trees .... 1,992 Apricot Trees 3,566 Fig Trees 1,015 Lemon Trees 38 Orange Trees 2^ Olive Trees Prune Trees Mulberry Trees Almond Trees Walnut Trees Gooseberry Bushes Raspberry Bushes .Strawberry Vines 5, Grape Vmes. .' Blackberry Bushes 251 4,120 120 9>249 1,552 43,739 725,882 758,860 136,148 32,200 WINES AND LIQUORS. Wines, gallons 3,080 | Brandy, gallons 500 LIVE STOCK. 45.276 Horses 6,525 ^I"les 733 Asses ■ II Cows 4,063 Calves 2,462 Beef Cattle i,SSi Oxen 327 Total No. Cattle, incl'g Stock Cattle . . i6,C02 Sheep Hogs 34,772 Chickens 57,051 Turkeys 3,791 Geese 971 Ducks 7,042 Hives of Bees 318 IMPROVEMENTS. Grist Mills Steam Power Run of Stone. Water Power Run of Stone. 7 5 24 2 3 Barrels of hlour made 36,470 Bushels of Corn ground 21,496 Railroads 4 Miles in length 90X Land cultivated in 1870, acres 112,750 Acres of Wheat sown in 1S70. Acres of Barley sown in 1870. Assessed value of Real Estate Assessed value of Improvements Assessed value Personal Property Total assessed value Property. Estnnated total population . . . Registered voters Poll-tax collected ..$1 .$2 $11 58-750 41,075 ,084,150 ,532,560 ,164,671 ,786,381 24,000 4,200 $7,403 A D 13 L: N D A . Since the railroad articles contained in this pamphlet were written, the Sacra- mento Union has announced that the contract for grading fifty miles of the "Oakland and Banta Branch," has been let to Messrs. Turton & Knox of that city. COMPARATIVE INCREASE OF POPULATION IN VARIOUS CITIES. St. Louis Cincinnati . . . Pittsburg . . . . Chicago San Francisco Sacramento . . Oakland. . . . Stockton . . . . San Jose Grass Valley . Vallejo Los Angeles. . 212,418 161,044 49>2i7 109,260 56,802 13,785 1,553 3,670 4,579 3,740 1,431 4,385 1^3 13 oo13 ■-t "^ •° S" • . r* 312,903 47 216,239 34 86,235 75 298,983 174 150,351 164 16,298 18 11,104 615 10,033 173 9,091 99 7,066 88 6,392 346 5,514 26 Marysville. Chico Petaluma. . Sonora . . . . San Diego. Columbia . Benicia . . . Alameda . . Monterey. . Red Bluff . Visalia. . . . San Rafael Id ►13 00 ■« „ 00 •« P » .° sr ■ • 3 ; 3 4,740 4,375 1,482 3,718 1,505 2,868 1,960 2,498 731 2,400 2,062 2,200 1,470 1,660 460 1,557 1,653 1,112 1,391 920 548 913 636 831 150 90 27 228 7 13 2:58 66 31 ^l V V LIBRARY OF CONGRESS