XT 683 TTfc^S .rn4 .JVll^ y JAMES M5CREERy&,C0. BROADWAY &, ir-^ST, INFORMATION REGARDING KNITTED SUITS «««*** *^ *^ Published bv James McCreerv (Sc Co. Broadway and FJc\ cnth Street New York CopvRiGiiT, iSgo 3v Jamks McCreerv & Co L TN ()RI)I:RI\(; ilic Knitted Suits tlirough our Mailing A Department, be careful to give the exact bust measure. In ordering the Misses' Suits, give the age and also the length of the skirt. These goods will be sent C. O. I)., if retjuested, but the express companies do not allow any examination of packages in advance of payment. It is, therefore, best that all orders be accompanied by remittance, or by satisfactory commercial reference. Lenox Suit No. i The Lenox Knitted Suit, for Ladies and Misses Style " Number One " AS PICTIU^ED in the cut on the opposite page, is made with tight-fitting waist, knitted of the same soft wool material used in our famous "Tuxedo Suit," with the excep- tion of the striping, which is now knilteil in silU, and adds greatly to the general appearance of the dress. They arc atlapted for either in-door or out-door wear; are light in weigiit, and as summer dresses are superior to anything made in llannel textures. After three years of constantly increasing demand for these verv popular ladies' and children's dresses, we do not hesi- tate to give them our hearty indorsement. On another page we show a suit marked style " Number Two," made in the same colors and prices. We carrv in stock the following colors: Navy Blue, with silk stripes of Red, White or Orange. Garnet, " " White. Black, " " White. 14 years. 16 years. The prices are : Ladies', $18.00 each. Misses', $15.50 $16.75 Sizes for Ladies' Suits, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, bust measure. The skirts are made extra long, but can easily be shortened. Other colors and sizes made to order, $2.00 extra. '^^riS^^^tr'^^fe^^ Ladies' and Misses' Lenox Suit No. 2, The Lenox Knitted Suit, for Ladies and Misses Style "Number Two" THIS Suit as illustrated on the next page differs from St3le ••Number One" in the waist, the skirts in both suits being similar. Colors and prices same as style "Numl)er One." The Child's Lenox Suit SHOWN in tiie same picture, is also knitted with stripes of silk, and made from the same selected wools used in the Ladies' and Misses' Suits. It is a thoroughly useful and becoming child's dress, and is without a rival. \Ve have them in the following colors : Navy Blue, with silk stripes of White, Red and Orange. Garnet, " " White. 4 years. 6 years. S years. lo years. 1 2 years. Prices: $8.00 $9.00 $10.50 $12.00 $13-50 Other colors and sizes made to order, $2.00 e.xtra. The Matelot Blouse Waist. The Matelot Blouse Waist Knitted 01' 'I'lll'l same fabric as the Tuxedo Suit. They are the only whollv-knittcd Blouse Waists made; and, worn with any skirt, are beautiful and comfortable summer orarmcnts. The colors are : White, Black, Indigo Biue, Granite Biue, Heather Brown, Cardinal, trimmed with Biack or Pink. " " White, Scarlet or Orange. " " White, Orange or Red. " " White or Pink. " " White or Scarlet. " " White. Price, $4.00 each. The Atlantic Bathing Suit. The Atlantic Bathing Suit TI I E unique bathing costume, as shown in the illustration, is made in two styles— Xo. i, with Waist, Drawers, Skirt, Hose and Cap ; and Xo. :;. the same without the Hose and Cap. The merit of this elastic suit is that it does not impede the movements of the wearer by clinging to the form, as all cloth suits do ; and, as it absorbs but very little water, it looks as dressy when the bather comes from the water as before entering it. The colors are : Indigo Blue, striped with White or Scarlet. Maroon, " White " Blue. Black, " White " Scarlet. Price of Xo. i, $16.00. Price of Xo. 2. $12.00. Other colors made to order. $2.00 e.xtra. The Little Tuxedo Suit, The Little Tuxedo Suit OUR EXIM-:R1P:NXE with this beautiful and practical Suit for Misses and Children warrants all we can say in its favor. We have spared no expense in its manufacture to make it perfect in every detail ; and, in point of style, effect and economy, it will prove superior to any of the cheap imita- tions which its success created. The colors are : Indigo Blue, striped with White, Cardinal or Orange. White, " Cardinal or Indigo Granite Blue, " White or Scarlet. Heather Brown, " White, Pink or Cardinal. Garnet, " White. Prices : 4 years. 6 years. S years. lo years. 12 years. 14 years. 16 years. $8.00. $9.00. $10.50. $12.00. $13.50. $15.50. $16.75. Other colors and sizes made to order, $2.00 extra. PRESS OF CHARLES K. ALLEY, NEW YORK. 3561 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 063 222 3*