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Mine haulage - Safety measures. 2. Mine haulage- Accidents. 3. Coal mines and min- ing-Safety measures. 4. Coal mines and mining- Accidents. 5. Spine -Wounds and injuries. I. Bobick, T. G. II. United States. Bureau of Mines. III. Title. IV. Series: Information cir- cular (United States. Bureau of Mines); 9097. TN295.U4 [TN331] 622 s [622'.8] 86-600129 CONTENTS Page Abstract 1 Introduct ion 2 Acknowledgments 2 Past research to reduce underground materials-handling injuries 3 Program 1 3 Program 2 3 Program 3 4 Present areas of cooperation 5 Present research project 5 General description of the supply-handling system 6 Organization problems 6 Storage areas 6 Supply packaging 7 Excessive manual materials handling 7 Lack of mechanical assists 8 Other hazards 8 Accident analysis 8 Proposed solutions 8 Systems approach — unitized-load supply system 9 Unitizing supply loads 12 Modular packaging 13 Job redesign 13 Mechanical-assist devices 13 Task or load redesign 14 Task elimination 17 Laboratory simulation 18 Summary 21 References 22 ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Materials-handling flowcharts 7 2. Scoop-mounted forks and adapter plate 10 3. Forks attached to low-seam scoop 11 4. Experimental underground supply-handling forklift 11 5. Summary flowcharts of materials paths using palletization 12 6. Prototype mine jack and wheel changer during testing 14 7. Pivot boom mounted on maintenance vehicle 15 8. Scoop beam at an eastern Kentucky coal mine 15 9. Acceptable levels of lifting, vertical reference planes 16 10. Acceptable levels of lifting, transverse reference planes 17 11. Hanging miner cable: laboratory simulation 18 12. Building a stopping: laboratory simulation 19 13. Handling rock dust: laboratory simulation 19 14. Controlled studies related to lifting in the stooped posture 21 11 TABLES Page 1. Materials handling and back injuries for an eastern Kentucky coal company, 1983 9 2. Accident frequency and average cost for nonfatal accidents reported to MSHA, 1983 9 3. Energy expenditure requirements for performing specific simulated low-coal mining activities 20 4. Energy expenditure and grades of work 20 UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT ft foot L/min liter per minute h hour lb pound in inch min minute kca 1/min kilocalorie per minute pet percent kg kilogram yr year BUREAU OF MINES RESEARCH INTO REDUCING MATERIALS-HANDLING INJURIES By Richard L. linger 1 and Thomas G. Bobick 2 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines entered into a cooperative agreement with an east- ern Kentucky coal mining company to comprehensively redesign the flow of equipment and supplies throughout its underground mines. Items were tracked from delivery to the warehouse and from surface storage areas to their final usage locations underground. Three underground mines were visited, and a great variety of tasks were videotaped for subsequent laboratory analysis. Of particular interest were tasks that required manual handling of the supplies or equipment components. Activities such as handling daily supplies (concrete blocks, rock dust, and cross- beams) and handling or lifting the continuous miner power cable were de- termined to be the most hazardous. Recommendations to the company included redesigned surface storage areas to facilitate the use of forklift vehicles to load the underground supply cars. Designs were also developed for different mechanical- assist devices to help in unloading the supply cars underground and to handle equipment maintenance tasks underground. Additionally, the videotapes of the underground manual handling tasks became the basis for simulating those activities in controlled laboratory conditions. This testing will contribute to developing guidelines for proper lifting techniques for low-seam coal mines. 'Civil engineer. ^Mining engineer. Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA, INTRODUCTION Underground coal mining has justifiably developed a reputation for being an ex- tremely hazardous occupation. The condi- tions encountered in the underground environment (possibility for fires, ex- plosions, and roof falls) pose a high potential for fatalities and injuries. Extensive research by the Bureau of Mines and the coal mining industry, together with enforcement of Federal regulations, has substantially reduced the catastroph- ic disasters associated with mine explo- sions and fires that were commonly en- countered in the earlier years of this century. During the 1930' s and 1940' s, more than 1,000 miners were killed yearly in underground coal mines (JO . •* Injuries and deaths now typically occur as single incidents, and the number of fatalities each year currently ranges from 100 to 150. As mining technology has improved and work conditions have become somewhat safer, the major disasters have de- creased. The problems that remain are the kinds of accidents and injuries that occur in any industrial setting, although they may well happen more frequently in mining. Specifically, back injuries con- stitute the largest single category of lost-time accidents in the mining in- dustry. The mining environment, by its very nature, presents extremely difficult working conditions not normally encoun- tered in general industry. Lack of ade- quate illumination and uneven footing contribute to tripping hazards; wet con- ditions can cause slippage accidents; and low seam height forces the miners to work on their knees or in a stooped, bent-over posture. All of these hazards contribute to the back injury problem. The Mine Safety and Health Administra- tion (MSHA) Health and Safety Analysis Center, located in Denver, CO, indicated that in 1978-79 approximately 34 pet of the accidents that occurred while han- dling materials in underground coal mines resulted in back injuries (2^). In 1981, approximately 25 pet of the more than 37,000 accidents in the mining industries involved the back ( _3_) . Additionally, back injuries account for more lost work- days than any other type of injury; for example, 40 pet of the lost-time back injuries incurred by underground coal miners during 1981 resulted in the em- ployee's missing more than 4 weeks of work (_3) . Statistics compiled by MSHA for 15 mines in the central Pennsylvania area indicated that, during the years 1981 to 1984, accidents related to manual han- dling of supplies and materials ranged from 28 to 50 pet of all the accidents in those mines. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors want to extend their sin- cere appreciation to the following em- ployees of the Bureau's Pittsburgh Re- search Center: William Doyak and George Fischer, mechanical engineering techni- cians, for fabricating the mechanical- assist devices and delivering them to the test mines for field evaluation; Sean Gallagher, research physiologist, for assisting with the simulation studies at the University of Kentucky and for his ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this report. input to the writing of the "Laboratory Simulation" section of this report; and Henry Kellner, industrial engineering technician, for his suggestions and modi- fications to the underground task analy- sis procedure, for designing and con- structing the low-seam mine simulator, and for his assistance in conducting the simulation studies at the University of Kentucky. Additionally, the authors want to thank the management and workers of the eastern Kentucky coal company that cooperated with this research program. PAST RESEARCH TO REDUCE UNDERGROUND MATERIALS-HANDLING INJURIES During the mid-1970' s, the Bureau began to research the possibility of developing a systems approach to mechanical handling of the daily supplies and equipment used in the underground environment in order to reduce the number of accidents and in- juries from manual handling activities. The three research programs discussed be- low included design of hardware intended to reduce such accidents and injuries. PROGRAM 1 The first program resulted in a de- tailed study (4) that defined the physi- cal characteristics of the supplies that are manually handled, the typical envi- ronmental conditions under which the sup- plies are handled (including distances moved) , injury data associated with the manual handling tasks, and an estimate of the daily supply-maintenance-production tasks that had the best possibilities for replacement by mechanical handling de- vices. This study defined, in great de- tail, the supply flow in typical under- ground mines and identified the items that were (and still are) handled under- ground, including the range of sizes and weights. This work resulted in classifying the supply-handling functions of the various items used underground into five general categories: 1. Production end use . — The handling of items during their end use at the working face, such as rock dusting, roof bolting, and erecting temporary ventila- tion curtains (this activity represented 11.2 pet of the total accidents studied in this 22-mine research project). 2. Production supply . — The handling of materials from the surface storage areas to locations near the working face (but excluding the actual end use handling) , such as transportation of the rock dust, roof bolts, support timbers, or ven- tilation curtains (49.5 pet of the accidents) . 3. Section move . — The handling of ma- terials as mining proceeds from one production section to another, such as moving haulage belts, tearing up or re- laying rails, or moving airlines, com- pressors, or longwall face supports (13.0 pet of the accidents) . 4. Equipment maintenance . — The han- dling of items involving the maintenance of mine equipment, such as removing mo- tors from face equipment, replenishing hydraulic oil or transmission fluid, or replacing extinguisher canisters (16.3 pet of the accidents). 5. Mine maintenance . — The handling of supplies for maintenance of the mine it- self, such as erecting permanent venti- lation stoppings, setting crossbars and cribbings for roof support, and install- ing or upgrading of rail (10.0 pet of the accidents) . These designations were utilized by sub- sequent researchers (_5 - _7) • Essentially, this early study provided valuable information on the materials- handling practices in underground mining. This program identified the importance of mechanical-assist devices for manual lifting-lowering-maneuvering tasks, based on the injury frequencies for the equip- ment maintenance and mine maintenance handling modes. Although the program was very thorough, logical, and well planned, the prototype vehicle developed (a three- wheeled, battery-powered vehicle, with a 6-degrees-of-f reedom manipulator) was far too complex for easy maintenance and us- age in underground coal mines. PROGRAM 2 The second program (_5_) followed di- rectly from the first one and made use of the extensive materials-handling data generated by the previous research. The objective of this second project was to design, construct, implement, and eval- uate a system for the mechanical han- dling of production supplies in under- ground coal mines; the end result was a battery-powered, skid-steer forklift that was equipped with ancillary handling attachments. The report contains an excellent de- scription of the current supply-handling methods, various materials-handling vehi- cles commercially available to the mining industry, and the supply-handling prob- lems that are the most hazardous, have high labor costs, or interrupt produc- tion. The study identified the need for mechanization of the loading-unloading tasks at the working section. Research- ers also looked at the typical supply- handling systems in underground coal mines and investigated the possibilities of unitizing (palletizing) the supply loads. Additionally, specifications of a mechanical handling system that could handle palletized loads were discussed and design concepts for such a system generated. Finally, researchers evalu- ated the potential and cost effectiveness of the concepts, selected the most appro- priate concept to develop a workable de- sign, and then constructed the prototype piece of equipment. The prototype vehicle was a battery- powered forklift, which was permissible for use in underground coal mines; it was fairly successful in its initial testing. A few design deficiencies were identi- fied, which are being improved upon in a second-generation, diesel-powered fork- lift now being designed and tested by the Bureau in-house. The permissible fork- lift method of handling palletized daily supplies in underground coal mines has great potential for reducing manual han- dling of materials. The results should be a reduction in materials-handling in- juries and more efficient of supplies, as well as savings in daily supply-handling labor. PROGRAM 3 Data from the two earlier studies indi- cated that production supply, mine main- tenance, and equipment maintenance ac- count for approximately 76 pet of all materials-handling accidents. The third research program (6^) was initiated in 1981 to investigate and design equipment to reduce the manual effort (and hence the accidents and injuries) associated with mine and equipment maintenance activities. This program began with a literature review with the manual mate- rials-handling problem, which indicated that except for the Bureau-funded re- search, no maintenance-related programs for the mining industry had been con- ducted. A number of mines were then vis- ited to observe maintenance activities and to discuss the problems with the miners and safety personnel. The two prior Bureau research programs (4-5) were used to identify the items handled dur- ing all types of supply activities. Ac- cident data were analyzed to identify possible trends and any hazardous tasks that could be addressed during this spe- cific project. Thus, specifications were compiled to help devise a mine-equipment maintenance vehicle. A series of vehicle concepts was developed by the contractor. Howev- er, because of the resultant complexity and high cost of the proposed machines, the contractor was requested to devise a series of materials-handling devices or tools (instead of a vehicle) that could be fabricated by a typical mine mainte- nance shop. Based on the accident sta- tistics, the personnel interviews, and the mine visits, eight device-tool con- cepts were developed (_8) . Of these, the three most useful devices were fabricated and provided to an eastern Kentucky coal company for evaluation and testing. The three devices, which have been undergoing testing since early in 1984, are de- scribed in the section "Job Redesign." In late 1983, the coal company cooper- ating in the testing of the materials- handling devices developed an outline of the Preventive Back Injury Program to re- duce back injuries for its employees. Specific program goals were a reduction of injuries by 80 pet within an 18-month period after implementation. The preven- tive program included a discussion of workplace modification and job redesign, and a training program that emphasized proper lifting techniques and the impor- tance of exercise and correct diet. This proposed program became the basis for further cooperation between the mining company and the Bureau. PRESENT AREAS OF COOPERATION Two categories mentioned in the Cooper- ator' s Preventive Back Injury Program — lifting techniques and workplace modi- fication and/or job redesign — are areas where the Bureau is presently doing re- search and where in-mine cooperation be- gins. During discussions regarding the in-mine testing of the materials-handling devices, the cooperating company inquired whether the Bureau could assist in devel- oping its comprehensive program for pre- venting back injuries. The Bureau agreed to help in this venture, since it was re- lated to on-going Bureau research that included a detailed analysis of the man- ual handling activities in underground coal mines and their relationship to back injuries for certain work groups. The cooperator agreed to allow the Bureau to gather data at its mines and to use vol- unteers for laboratory simulations of certain materials-handling tasks. The cooperator runs three low-seam mines (defined as having seam thicknesses less than 48 in). Compared with working in high-seam (greater than 72 in) under- ground operations, working in low coal prevents the miners from standing erect, thus forcing them to perform heavy work while in stooped or kneeling positions. This imposes significantly more stress on their backs than experienced by other in- dustrial workers, who can lift supplies and move about in an erect posture. The traditional approach to reducing back injuries has been to train the miners to be more aware of the restric- tions caused by the existing environmen- tal conditions. Although regular train- ing is important, ideally the task should be redesigned or modified to reduce the potential of injury. The best way to evaluate a manual han- dling task is in terms of the percent- age of the worker population who can be expected to perform the task without overexertion or excessive fatigue. The higher the percentage of workers who can perform the task, the lower the risk of injury or illness; the lower the percent- age, the higher the risk of injury (9^). If a task can be safely performed by only a small percentage of workers, it should be redesigned or modified so that more of the workers can do it. The ideal task will fit 90 pet or more of the work population. When redesign of a heavy lifting task is infeasible, workers must be carefully selected who can perform that particular task safely. The lower the percentage of workers who can safely do the task, the more carefully the workers should be se- lected to avoid an injury ( jO . Detailed tables that list the maximum weights ac- ceptable to various percentages of the male and female industrial population for various manual handling tasks, and the methodology used to determine these weights, are provided in Snook and Cir- iello (9) and Snook U0 ) . Redesigning the task to fit the average worker is the preferred approach, rather than trying to select the most suitable workers, because it eliminates problems that can develop when replacement workers have to fill in for absent employees. Bureau research studies to be conducted with selected coal companies will em- phasize the concepts of supply system organization and job redesign. In job redesign, there will be three primary approaches investigated: (1_) utilizing mechanical-assist devices, (2) task or load redesign, and (3) task elimination. Some work has been initiated in all three areas, and further plans will be devel- oped in the near future. These are dis- cussed in more detail in the "Job Rede- sign" section of this report. PRESENT RESEARCH PROJECT Before solutions implemented on handling problems, can be developed and specific materials- the existing supply system has to be thoroughly studied and evaluated. A detailed task analysis must be conducted to identify problem areas that are unique to each particular system being investigated. Such a task analysis was conducted at three underground mines of the cooperating eastern Kentucky coal company. The techniques used to gather the in- formation on manual materials handling at these mines involved interviews, on-site observations, and accident analysis. All facets of the materials-handling system were studied, from the purchasing depart- ment to the actual end-use handling of the supplies. Interviews were conducted with purchasing agents, section super- visors, warehouse employees, and under- ground supply workers to determine how they performed their jobs and to document any suggestions they had for improving the supply distribution system. Once the general procedures of the supply-handling system were determined, the various supplies were traced from their arrival at the mine site to their final use underground. Videotaping and still photography were used to document the materials-handling activities. When- ever possible, miners and warehouse work- ers were interviewed immediately after they had completed a task to record their impressions of the work and any problems they might be having. The videotapes were studied to uncover hazardous manual handling tasks and to serve as a basis for future work in futher task analyses and laboratory simulations. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SUPPLY-HANDLING SYSTEM taken underground on a pallet and then dragged off the flatcar with a chain that was attached to a face vehicle (scoop or shuttle car). Supplies were taken to their end-use area by whatever means was convenient. Usually they were loaded by hand onto a face vehicle, whether the unloading was done by hand or mechanically depended on the vehicle used. In addition, there were no established procedures for handling infrequently used items such as replacement motors or tires. Presumably they were loaded onto whatever vehicle was convenient to carry them, and all subsequent handling was done manually. A variety of problems were uncovered in the supply-handling systems of the mines studied. Most were common to all three mines visited. These problems can be categorized into two general areas: lack of an organized method (systems approach) to supply handling, and not using mechan- ical-assist devices where feasible. ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEMS The problems associated with the lack of a systems approach mean that the pre- planning and organization vital to run- ning an efficient and safe supply-han- dling operation are not present. The following problems, identified at these mines, could be eliminated by utilizing a systems approach. Storage Areas The equipment used to handle supplies at mines included battery locomotives and tractors, scoops and jeeps, rail-mounted and rubber-tired flatcars and trailers, and shuttle cars. Generally, supplies were loaded by hand onto the supply trip. A forklift was available on the surface of one mine and used when convenient; however, the rough terrain and close con- fines of the supply yard usually made its use impractical. On arriving in the underground sec- tion, supplies were generally unloaded one piece at a time, by hand. The only exception was the roof plates, which were Both the surface and underground stor- age areas were, to some extent, unorga- nized and mismanaged. Supplies were not always placed where they could be loaded or unloaded most efficiently. For exam- ple, the concrete blocks used to con- struct ventilation stoppings were stacked where a forklift could not conveniently reach them; the supply workers frequently had to handle them twice before they were loaded onto the supplly car for the trip underground. Many of the smaller items, such as wedges and cap blocks, were piled randomly, with little apparent concern for breakage or loss. This lack of organization can easily contribute to strain and sprain injuries by causing supplies to be handled many times. Supply Packaging Many times supplies were packaged in such a way as to magnify the problems of handling once they were underground. Roof bolts are a good example. During this study, roof bolts were delivered in wire-wrapped bundles of 500 bolts, which were loaded onto the supply car by a forklift. The wire straps were then cut to allow the bolts to spread out so they could clear a low roof area of the mine along the main haulageway. However, this meant that the bolts had to be manually unloaded underground, three to six at a time. What would have been a 1-min task using mechanical means (a chain attached to the scoop bucket) was turned into a 20- or 25-min task that involved poten- tial pinching, twisting, and lifting haz- ards. The Bureau recommendation was to contact the vendor to request that the bolts be delivered in bundles of 250. The smaller bundles could clear the low area along the haulageway. Thus, the bolts could remain strapped together, which would permit workers to use the scoop to pull the bundles off the supply car to the section storage area, saving time and eliminating manual handling. Excessive Manual Materials Handling This problem is closely related to poor materials packaging and storage. Some supplies, most notably rock dust bags and concrete blocks, were handled as many as five times before reaching their end use. This means that each block or bag was probably lifted and lowered manually four or five times before being handled the final time to complete the task. This unnecessary excessive handling increases the risk of strains to the workers and, of course, materials breakage. Figure 1 shows the flowcharts, devel- oped from the task analysis that was conducted at each underground mine, of the paths that some of the most commonly used supplies take through the mine(s). ROOF PLATES Palletized plates Pallet dragged off looded on supply supply cor with chain car with forklift Loaded manually onto face vehicle CROSSBEAMS KEY Q Manual transfer O Manual transport /\ Mechomcal transfer V ) n — y use Lifted to roof Loaded monually "on'" onto face vehicle monually (end use) Unloaded with forklift ROCK DUST Stacked in rear of rock dust trailer Loaded manually onto face vehicle CONCRETE BLOCKS Transported from surface storage to supply car Looded monually onto face vehicle FIGURE 1.— Materials-handling flowcharts. Three modes of transportation are shown. Manual transfer occurs when the materials are moved manually with support, such as sliding a rock dust bag across a supply car. Manual transport refers to unsup- ported transportation of materials; an example would be carrying a rock dust bag to the face area. Mechanical transfer- transport covers any handling of sup- plies or materials conducted entirely by mechanical means. An example of a mech- anical transfer would be using a winch to drag equipment or supplies to another area; an example of a mechanical trans- port would be using a forklift to pick up and move supplies and equipment. The flowcharts show that all supplies required some degree of manual handling. The supply-handling technique for the roof bolt plates, however, eliminated all but the most necessary manual handling. The other three charts indicate that the supplies were being handled unnecessarily many times before reaching the end-use area. LACK OF MECHANICAL ASSISTS The following example illustrates the problem of not using mechanical-assist devices when feasible. On the surface, crossbeams were lifted manually onto the forklift forks, driven to the supply car, and then unloaded manually from the forks. These wooden crossbeams, which are usually 8 by 8 in or 10 by 10 in, with lengths ranging from 10 to 16 ft, are installed in haulageways that need extensive roof support. They weigh 200 to 300 lb and were typically lifted and supported manually by two workers (and in extraordinary cases, a single worker) on each end. When the Bureau observed the installation of the beams, a hydraulic jack that could have assisted in lifting the beam was actually moved aside to make room for an extra worker to help lift. The hazards associated with manual han- dling of some of the more common items in the mines observed are discussed below: 1. Crossbeams (timbers) . — Attempting to pull heavy timbers to the edge of the supply car for unloading is highly haz- ardous. Pinched fingers, strains and sprains to the trunk and upper and lower extremities, and crushed or fractured feet are potential injuries. 2. Posts . — Injuries are similar to those for timbers. Back strains occur easily from lifting and twisting with the posts during installation. 3. Concrete blocks . — The blocks lo- cated in the middle of the supply car have to be lifted an extra time and placed at the edge of the car for unload- ing. Crushing injuries can occur to the hands and feet of the supply workers; back injuries can occur quite easily be- cause of the lifting and twisting move- ment during loading and unloading the supply car. Additionally, eye injuries can occur from pieces of the block chip- ping off during loading or unloading. 4. Rock dust bags . — Loading and un- loading 50-lb rock dust bags can cause strains or sprains to both the upper and lower extremities, as well as to the back, from the constant, repetitive twisting. Additionally, eye injuries can result if the rock dust bag tears and the dust gets into the worker's eyes. OTHER HAZARDS The section floor also presents hazard- ous conditions. Blocks and other loose materials can lie scattered about. The floor is often wet and slippery. Workers carrying supplies can trip over the loose items or the haulage tracks and can slip in the muddy conditions. In addition, little is known about the cumulative ef- fect that repeated lifting and twisting with heavy loads in restricted workspaces has on injury rates. The laboratory work discussed later in this report begins to address this question. ACCIDENT ANALYSIS The materials-handling accident records of the cooperating company for 1983 were examined to uncover any trends in acci- dent types or parts of the body injured. A summary of the materials handling and back injuries is given in table 1. Given the limited number of accidents, little can be said except that, based on Bureau experience, the types and causes of these materials-handling accidents closely parallel those in the coal indus- try as a whole. A cost analysis was also done on the cooperator's accidents reported to MSHA. The results of this analysis are given in table 2. PROPOSED SOLUTIONS The following are proposed solutions to excessive and hazardous manual materials handling in the mines visited: 1. Implement a systems approach to daily supply handling by developing a unitized-load supply-handling system for each mine. 2. Develop the concept of job rede- sign — this includes developing and uti- lizing mechanical materials-handling de- vices for some of the more hazardous handling tasks, and, where possible, re- structuring or eliminating other tasks. TABLE 1. - Materials handling and back injuries for an eastern Kentucky coal company, 1983 Activity Handling and/or pulling cable.... Moving rock , Maintenance: Tightening or loosening bolts.. Changing motor or transmission. Other Lifting: Guard rail on miner , Cross ties Belt roller , Pipe Parts Hydraulic jack , Being struck by or against: Back of deck rail , Loose coal Rerailing mantrip , Shoveling Unloading rock dust , Loading belt structure , Welding overhead , Washing out dryer , Total , Number of injuries Total days lost 1 175 2 3 4 10 5 1 13 11 5 229 1 specific accident accounted for a total of 156 days lost. TABLE 2. - Accident frequency and average cost for nonfatal accidents reported to MSHA, 1983 Frequency Average cost Accident type United States Ken- tucky Coop- erator United States Ken- tucky Coop- erator 8,085 5,337 2,748 1,099 1,649 1,077 698 379 178 201 28 18 10 5 5 $7,312 5,708 10,427 4,421 14,430 $8,281 7,287 10,111 4,536 15,049 $2,613 2,824 Materials-handling: Back 2,233 3,366 1,101 SYSTEMS APPROACH— UNITIZED-LOAD SUPPLY SYSTEM The general structure of the unitized- load or palletized supply-handling system is — 1. On the surface, unit loads or pal- lets of supplies will be loaded onto low-profile flatcars or trailers by a forklift. 2. Once underground, the loads will be handled with some form of a forklift de- vice. One possibility that the Bureau is testing is a scoop equipped with a spe- cial fork attachment. The attachment will allow the scoop to switch from the bucket to the forks in just a few minutes for supply handling and then back to the bucket for coal and/or rock clean-up (figs. 2-3). A dedicated supply-handling 10 FIGURE 2.— Scoop-mounted forks and adapter plate. forklift is also an option the Bureau is working on for higher seams (fig. 4). The supplies will be kept in section storage until needed. 3. As supplies are needed at the face, the forklift will be used to transport them in unit loads. Figure 5 illustrates the paths that most supplies would take if this system were implemented. The Bureau estimates that a unitized-load system could reduce manual handling of supplies by up to 60 pet. Implementation of this system would not be without problems, some of which are described below: 1. Unit-load handling equipment. — There are no fork trucks commercially available that are permissible for under- ground coal mines. A proposed cost- effective solution is to install forks on a proven vehicle to perform the required pallet handling. The Bureau is currently working on design of a quick-attach fork system for low-seam scoops, as mentioned previously, as well as a diesel-powered permissible fork truck for supply han- dling and general mine maintenance. 2. Unit-load design. — Every inch is critical in the thinner seams; most cur- rent pallet designs are too high and thus not applicable for usage in low-seam mines. A pallet would have to be found or developed to meet an underground low- seam coal mine's height restrictions and durability requirements. This is dis- cussed further in the next section. 3. Supply car and trailer design. — To minimize the height of the supply trips, the supply cars and trailers would have to be designed to be as low as possible. Several manufacturers have indicated that they will build their supply cars to whatever specifications are required by their customers, which would provide a feasible solution to this problem. 4. Supply vendors. — To have an effec- tive supply-handling system, supplies 11 FIGURE 3.— Forks attached to low-seam scoop. FIGURE 4.— Experimental underground supply-handling forkllft. 12 ROOF PLATES Pallets loaded on Pallets unloaded supply car with at section storage (orklift Plates loaded manually onto face vehicle KEY O Manual transport /^Mechanical transfer or transport V End use Pallet taken to face CROSSBEAMS End use Picked up with forklift Unloaded by forklift onto timber car Unloaded with Put into place Taken to end forklift by timber car use area with in section forklift ROCK DUST AND CONCRETE BLOCKS Pallets loaded on supply car with forklift Pallets unloaded Taken to end- with forklift use area with forklift FIGURE 5.— Summary flowcharts of materials paths using palletization. must be delivered to the mine in unit loads or stacked so they can be easily palletized manually. Most vendors will deliver their products however the cus- tomer wants them, sometimes at no extra cost, but the customer must make a pref- erence known. 5. Supply trip planning. — For the sup- ply system to operate most effectively, the needs of each underground section must be discussed with the supply person- nel before the trip is loaded. An accu- rate projection of supply needs must be made daily with the intent to optimize unit-load design, minimize underground storage, and minimize the number of sup- ply trips. This will allow better inven- tory and cost control. Unitizing Supply Loads The purpose of unitizing supply loads is to reduce the handling frequency and to facilitate mechanical handling. Gen- erally, two types of unit loads are sug- gested for underground coal mine sup- plies. The first type, end-use units, consists of the package that would be de- livered to the face or underground end- use area. One example of these loads would be a pallet or container loaded with a small bundle of roof bolts and plates, a bag of rock dust, and a small bundle of wedges. The second type, stor- age units, consists of the larger unit loads that would be carried to and stored at the section. Examples of this type of load are several bundles of roof bolts and plates strapped together, a cube formed out of bundles of wedges, or sev- eral dozen rock dust bags stacked on a pallet. The makeup of each type of unit should be based on the following criteria: 1. The end-use unit load must not con- tain more than the number of pieces used in one end-use operation, including an allowance for scrap during the operation. An end-use operation is the final han- dling of the materials. Larger unit loads would involve rehandling of loose pieces. The number of pieces used in one end-use operation depends on the standard work practice and equipment in the par- ticular mine or section. 2. The storage unit load must not con- tain more than the number of units re- quired in the end-use operations for the period that the unit load is stored at the section. Larger storage unit loads would require rehandling of the remaining end-use units when the section storage area is moved periodically during advance or retreat of the section. 3. Both end-use and storage unit loads must be accommodated in the space avail- able at the face or the section storage area. 4. The unit loads must be transported as individual units on underground trans- port vehicles such as the supply car or the face trip vehicle. They must be able to be unloaded as individual units. 5. If unit loads are supplied already palletized by the supplier, it must be at a cost acceptable to the mine operator. 6. The unit loads, after being pack- aged in a container, on a pallet, or in a self-wrap, must be within the han- dling capacity of the mechanical-handling device. The final makeup of both types of unit loads can be determined only after imple- mentation of the supply-handling system. Periodic refinements, which will be based on input from the mine's suppliers and the miners, will be required. 13 The choice of suitable pallets or con- tainers to carry unit loads will depend on the availability of space on the sup- ply car, on the section floor conditions, and most significantly on whether mate- rials arrive on pallets or slipsheets from the suppliers. Four basic types of pallets that may be needed are — 1. Timber and post pallets, which have removable vertical side bars. 2. Flat boards for blocks and bags. 3. Tub pallets for items such as grease pails, wedge bundles, etc. 4. Self-wrapping as a method of pack- aging so the unit load can be handled as a pallet. The flat pallets can be used for stor- age and handling at the yard and for some unloading at the section. The unit loads should be wrapped so they can be mechan- ically handled as a single item. This way the supply car pallets will be imme- diately returned with the empties, avoid- ing pallet rehandling at the section. In most cases, the width of pallets should be limited to a standard 36 in. Larger pallets will be too wide to be easily unloaded in the narrow space available on either side of the supply car. However, the exact determination of pallet size should be made during the de- sign of the supply-handling system. An alternative to pallets or contain- ers for some loads would be slipsheets. Loads such as rock dust would arrive at the mine stacked on a strong sheet of cardboard or synthetic material that would be handled by a specialized fork- lift attachment. This would save the cost of a pallet and further reduce the height of the load. face. The empty car can be returned to the surface supply yard and replaced by another modular car on a single-shift or daily basis. Modular packaging, however, does have the following limitations: 1. The unit consisting of sufficient rock dust bags, timbers, roof bolts, blocks, and the like for a shift or one- day operation may be too large to be car- ried on one supply car. 2. The large supply module, if left close to the face (in some mine configur- ations), could hinder vehicle traffic and movement of personnel during the face operations. 3. The supplies required at a section will vary during the course of mining. Thus, a standard modular package will realistically match only the average daily needs. Additional nonmodular sup- plies would have to be handled daily. 4. Since so many supplies are stored in' a single unit, the pickup of individ- ual items may be difficult because of overlapping. This mixing may also damage some supplies such as rock dust, oil cans, and grease pails. 5. The operations at a section are carried out at several locations. For example, two rock dust bags may be used for dusting the face, while several dozen bags may be used for the rock duster or the trickle dusters located at crosscuts. Similarly, concrete blocks are needed at the crosscut that is to be blocked and not at the face. The supplies will still have to be distributed from the modular unit, and rehandling may not necessarily be reduced. JOB REDESIGN Modular Packaging Another possible method of unitization is based on a modular packaging concept. All the supplies needed at the section may be bound together in one package and supplied to the section as a unit for one shift or one day. This method of unit- ization can reduce the handling at the section. The daily needs of a section can be transported on a single supply car that can be left close to the working There are three primary approaches in the concept of job redesign: (1) utiliz- ing mechanical-assist devices, (2) task or load redesign, and (3) task elimination. Mechanical-Assist Devices Many of the most hazardous manual han- dling tasks occur during mine and equip- ment maintenance. To address these prob- lems, the Bureau has designed specialized 14 mechanical-assist devices to handle the more difficult jobs. Each device is in- expensive and can be built in any reason- ably equipped mine shop, which will allow the mine to fabricate enough of the de- vices to be generally useful. Three of the devices developed thus far and their intended uses are — 1. Mine jack-wheel changer. — This de- vice (fig. 6) is the underground version of the floor jack found in most surface maintenance shops. High-flotation tires provide quick transport and positioning in wet or rocky bottom, and the fore-and- aft saddle adjustment permits easy align- ment of bolt holes. With a jack of this type, a shuttle car tire can be replaced or a motor removed from under the machine frame without any manual lifting. 2. Pivot boom. — This device (fig. 7) is an adaption of a common device found on pickup trucks. It can be used to lift and position loads up to 500 lb that are adjacent to any machine. 3. Scoop boom. — This is a hydrauli- cally driven boom mounted on the front of a scoop for heavy lifting and transport- ing (fig. 8). It incorporates a hydrau- lic winch and 100 ft of cable for pull- ing objects and for general lifting activities. When the detailed engineering drawings of these and other mechanical-assist devices are finalized, they will be supplied to all interested mining companies. Task or Load Redesign In this second category, the standard rock dust bag may provide an example of the advantages of redesigning packaging. Rock dust is packaged in heavy paper bags FIGURE 6.— Prototype mine jack and wheel changer during testing. 15 FIGURE 7.— Pivot boom mounted on maintenance vehicle. FIGURE 8.— Scoop boom at an eastern Kentucky coal mine. 16 that are fairly unstable and can break open rather easily. Although the weight of the package, 50 lb, seems reasonable, it may be excessive in the unique situa- tion of lifting in low-seam mines. The unloading of the rock dust supply car at the underground storage area was observed as part of the task analysis. The supply car had a normal load of 216 rock dust bags. These were unloaded by the two supply workers in two 10-min work periods separated by a 5- or 10-min rest period. Thus each worker unloaded an average of 54 bags per 10-min work peri- od. Working in low coal, these employees generally alternated among working on both knees, working on one knee (the oth- er one being used as a brace or support) , and working in a stooped-over position. This task involved fully extending the arms and picking up the 50-lb bag (or, if possible, sliding the bag across the sup- ply car closer to the body and then lift- ing it with arms bent) , twisting with the load, and then fully extending the arms again to place the rock dust bag onto the storage pile that is lined up along the haulage track. Of course, because of the restricted height (42 in) , only about eight bags could be stacked on top of one another; placing the last two bags on the pile involved a great deal of lateral twisting and swinging the arms higher than the worker's shoulder to put the bag at the top of the pile before starting a new pile along the track. This slide, lift, twist, extend, and place activity occurred every 11 seconds for a constant 10 min before they took a rest. Reference 11, "Force Limits in Manual Work," gives some idea of the strenuous- ness of this particular task. This ref- erence was developed in 1980 by the Mate- rials Handling Research Unit in the Institute of Industrial and Environmental Health and Safety of the University of Surrey (England) primarily to prevent in- juries in the European coal and steel in- juries. Figure 9, which is from refer- ence 11, presents the acceptable weights that can be lifted at various distances from the acromion (the prominence) of the worker's shoulder; this point is marked in the figure by the black dot. KEY The vertical reference planes used in the guide / Hand(s) in front of the trunk (sagittal plane) 2 Hand (s) in a plane at 45° 3 Hand(s) in line with shoulders (coronal plane) Age groups -40 yr 4l"50yr 5l-60yr male male male A 14 kg 14 kg 10 kg B 15 kg 15 kg 1 1 kg C 20 kg 20 kg 14 kg D 22 kg 22 kg 16 kg E 25 kg 25 kg 18 kg F 28 kg 28 kg 20 kg G 30 kg 30 kg 2 1 kg H 35 kg 35 kg 25 kg K 40 kg 40 kg 28 kg L 45 kg 45 kg 3 2 kg M 50 kg 50 kg 36 kg Two-handed upward, vertical forces (including lifting) when kneeling on one knee with the thigh of the other leg approximately parallel to the floor. The trunk should be main- tained in a reasonably upright position, with the weight divided equally between the two hands, which should be in similar positions on either side of the body. FIGURE 9.— Acceptable levels of lifting, vertical reference planes. (By permission of Butterworth Scientific Ltd., P.O. Box 63, Westbury House, Bury Street, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5BH, UK) Assigning acceptable levels of force application for a particular activity "assumes that the worker [s] can perform the particular maneuver in free space, and that [they are] not required to carry out the activity more than once a minute. The effects of space limitation are un- known. If the activity has to be per- formed more than once per minute, then the acceptable levels given in the tables should be reduced by 30 pet. . . . Diagram 1 in each set gives the force levels with the hand(s) directly in front of the trunk, diagram 2 with the hand(s) in a plane at 45° to the left or right, and diagram 3 with the hand(s) in a plane in 17 line with the shoulders" (11). (Emphasis is in the original.) Since the workers unloading rock dust bags are positioned between the supply car (on one side) and the stacks of rock dust bags (on the other side) , their movements are approximately from a 45° plane on the right to a 45° plane on the left and then back again. Thus, diagram 2 in figure 9 is applicable in deter- mining what acceptable weight could be lifted. Since the workers have to extend their arms fully to grasp a rock dust bag and then start to lift it, value C or E in the table— 20 or 25 kg (44 or 55 lb) — would be acceptable for 95 pet of the male work force (similar acceptable lim- its for female workers have not yet been developed). However, since the activity is performed more than once per minute, the values have to be reduced by 30 pet; thus, the acceptable values would really be in the range of 14 to 17.5 kg (31 to 38.5 lb). This is when the workers are kneeling; when they are lifting from a stooped (standing, but bent over) posi- tion, the situation is much more criti- cal. The guide (_1J_) "does not consider acceptable force levels for workers in stooping positions. Stooping is known to be dangerous, and should be avoided." Figure 10 presents the acceptable lev- els of lifting when the hand(s) are in the horizontal plane directly in front of the body (diagram 2) and when the hand(s) are in a plane 45° above (diagram S) and 45° below (diagram 1) the horizontal plane. These positions would correspond to the movements of the workers when they are placing the rock dust bag at the be- ginning of a stack, and at the end (near the roof). The critical values, as ex- pected, are when the workers have to raise the load into the 45° plane above the horizontal; these values are again C and E— 20 and 25 kg (44 and 55 lb). At the same 30-pct reduction factor de- scribed previously, the acceptable values range from 31 to 38.5 lb. As a result of these findings, the Bu- reau recommended that the cooperator ini- tiate a program to find a supplier who will assist in developing a 25- or 30-lb- capacity paper tube with a twist-gathered 2 <■ KEY The transverse planes used in the guide 2 Hand(s) in the horizontal plane level with the shoulders 3 Hand(s) in a plane 45° above the horizontal plane / Hand(s) in a plane 45° below the horizontal plone Age groups = 40 yr 41-50 yr 51-60 yr male male male A 14 kg 14 kg 10 kg B 15 kg 15 kg 1 1 kg C 20 kg 20 kg 14 kg D 22 kg 22 kg 16 kg E 25 kg 25 kg 18 kg F 2 8 kg 28 kg 20 kg G 30 kg 30 kg 2 1 kg H 35 kg 35 kg 25 kg K 40 kg 40 kg 28 kg L 45 kg 45 kg 32 kg M 50 kg 50 kg 36 kg Two-handed upward, vertical forces (including lifting) when kneeling on one knee with the thigh of the other leg approximately parallel to the floor. The trunk should be main- tained in a reasonably upright position, with the weight divided equally between the two hands, which should be in similar positions on either side of the body. FIGURE 10.— Acceptable levels of lifting, transverse reference planes. (By permission of Butterworth Scientific Ltd., P.O. Box 63, Westbury House, Bury Street, Guildford, Sur- rey GU2 5BH, UK) end. The tube would be easier to handle because of the lighter weight, and the twisted end would provide a more positive means of grabbing and handling the pack- age. Modifications to other supplies may also be considered based on future research. Task Elimination Task elimination is the best way to avoid possible injuries, but it presents the most difficult change to accomplish. One of the most common tasks in under- ground coal mining is lifting and secur- ing the continuous miner power cable to the roof bolt plates so the continuous miner and other mobile equipment can travel freely without running over and 18 damaging the cable. An alternative that is being tested is a lightweight cable ramp. This device will eliminate the hazardous task of lifting the power cable by enabling mobile equipment to drive safely over the (protected) cable. LABORATORY SIMULATION A previous Bureau research project (12) evaluated the job demands associated with working in low-coal mines. The physio- logical data were collected as the coal miners performed their normal activities underground. Ventilation volumes were used to estimate the energy requirements of the tasks performed. Other, more sen- sitive instrumentation that could have measured the oxygen consumption could not be used since it was not approved for use in underground mines. In the current study, the Bureau col- lected metabolic data while the coopera- tor's miners performed several manual tasks in a simulated low-seam environ- ment. The mine simulator was located in a laboratory setting where sophisticated instrumentation could be used to collect the pertinent data. The objective of the laboratory research was to determine how closely data from the simulated tasks, which were conducted under controlled conditions, compared with data collected in the underground environemt. The initial laboratory simulation test- ing was conducted at the University of Kentucky during January 1985, using nine test subjects regularly employed in un- derground coal mines owned by the cooper- ator. Each test subject performed four specific tasks: lifting the continuous miner power cable and securing it to a standard roof bolt plate; constructing a roof support cribbing and installing tightening wedges; lifting and position- ing concrete blocks to build a ventila- tion stopping; and moving 50-lb rock dust bags from one side of the simulator to the other. Some of these tasks are shown in figures 11 through 13. FIGURE 11.— Hanging miner cable: laboratory simulation. 19 FIGURE 12.— Building a stopping: laboratory simulation. FIGURE 13.— Handling rock dust: laboratory simulation. 20 The mine simulator was designed and constructed by Bureau employees; it con- sisted of standard 2- by 4-in studding for the sides, 3/16-in plywood for the floor, and chicken wire for the roof. The roof design allowed overhead photos to be taken is desired, but prevented the test subjects from standing upright. The roof was variable from 32 to 48 in, in increments of 2 in; most tasks were conducted with a roof height of 42 in. Rock and coal were scattered about on the floor, so the test subjects had a sense of kneeling in a typical mine environment. As each task was conducted, high-speed films were taken of the subject simulta- neously from locations that were perpen- dicular to the front and one side of the simulator. The analysis of these films will determine the range of motion that the various body segments of the workers moved through as the tasks were con- ducted. This type of information, cou- pled with anthropometric measurements of each miner, will be used to determine the amount of torsional loading experienced by a miner's lower back during these work activities. In addition to this biomechanical eval- uation, metabolic measurements were col- lected for three of the four tasks. Metabolic data were not collected for the cable lift because this activity occurs so quickly that the data would be mean- ingless. The other tasks, however, were ideal since they were conducted long enough so that a measure of the worker's energy expenditure (V02> which is the volume of oxygen used) was obtainable for each activity. Analysis of these data will provide an indication of the physio- logical cost of the job in terms of the volume of oxygen utilized per minute of activity performed. Thus, the absolute oxygen requirements for the three differ- ent tasks will be determined; these data will be published in the future. Table 3 presents the mean and standard deviation of the metabolic data collected from the nine test subjects for the three simulated tasks. The data indicate that building a roof support cribbing and mov- ing concrete blocks to build a ventila- tion stopping are equally strenuous. Moving rock dust bags, however, is quite a bit more demanding. Another Bureau- funded research study (13) utilized oxy- gen-consumption information to catego- rize the grade of manual work (table 4). Based on these categories, handling concrete block and building a cribbing are considered heavy work and moving TABLE 3. - Energy expenditure requirements for performing specific simulated low-coal mining activities Task' V0 2 , L/min Mean Std dev Energy, kcal/min Mean Std dev Building cribbing Moving concrete block Moving 50-lb rock dust bags, 1.68 1.69 2.06 0.26 .32 .34 8.4 8.45 10.3 1.3 1.6 1.7 Bureau of Mines-University of Kentucky laboratory simulation data. *9 replications for each task. TABLE 4. - Energy expenditure and grades of work Grade of work Energy expenditure, kcal Approx O2 con- Per minute Per 8-h shift sumption, L/min >12.5 10.5- 12.5 7.5- 10.0 5.0- 7.5 2.5- 5.0 <2.5 >6,000 4,800- 6,000 3,600- 4,800 2,400- 3,600 1,200- 2,400 <1,200 >2.5 2.0- 2.5 1.5- 2.0 1.0- 1.5 .5- 1.0 <.5 21 FIGURE 14.— Controlled studies related to lifting In the stooped posture (while the test subject's expired air is collected and analyzed), conducted at the Bureau's Ergonomics Laboratory at the Pittsburgh Research Center. rock dust bags is considered very heavy work. The biomechanical data analysis was completed by February 1986. It is impor- tant to note that only nine workers have been tested under these controlled con- ditions; a much larger sample popula- tion has to be tested before any meaning- ful conclusions can be drawn from this testing. As a continuation of this research, biomechanical and physiological testing has been initiated at the Bureau's Pitts- burgh Research Center Ergonomics Lab (fig. 14). Future plans include conduct- ing the same type of underground task analysis with selected coal companies in central and western Pennsylvania. As the task analysis is conducted in the under- ground workplace, volunteers will be selected from the job categories that normally involve a great deal of manual handling of supplies and equipment (la- borer, supply worker, mechanic, shuttle car or scoop operator, continuous miner helper, etc.) to participate in labora- tory studies under closely controlled test conditions. This laboratory testing will increase the data base to enable the Bureau to develop guidelines for handling and lifting supplies and equipment in un- derground low-seam coal mines. SUMMARY Working in underground mines involves a great deal of manual handling of mate- rials. Accidents from manually han- dling supplies and equipment typically represent 30 to 40 pet of all lost-time accidents in underground coal mining. A task analysis conducted at three un- derground coal mines in eastern Kentucky 22 identified a need for organization in both the surface and underground storage areas. Additionally, it indicated that commercially available materials-handling devices should be utilized. Other types of mechanical-assist devices were de- signed and tested underground in an at- tempt to modify several lifting tasks. A few tasks were identified that could be eliminated by utilizing materials-han- dling devices or through modifications to the work procedure. Another possibility for reducing in- juries from manually handling supplies depends on communication between the cus- tomer and vendor. For example, the ven- dor may be able to supply smaller sized loads or palletized loads, which can be handled more easily at the mine. This type of communication is critical. The task analysis identified that only 9 of a total of 48 tasks observed (less than 20 pet) were conducted by mechanical means; a total of 39 (more than 80 pet) were handled manually. The Bureau esti- mates that approximately two-thirds of the manual handling tasks that were ob- served could be modified by existing or easily designed mechanical-assist de- vices. Finally, the analysis indicated that some of the manual activities ex- ceeded acceptable lifting limits. Laboratory simulation of several lift- ing tasks, which tested coal miners under controlled conditions, permitted a bio- mechanical and physiological analysis of those activities. This type of testing will be the basis for developing lifting guidelines for the underground low-seam coal mining industry. REFERENCES 1. National Academy of Sciences. To- ward Safer Underground Coal Mines. 1982, 190 pp. 2. Mine Safety and Health Administra- tion (U.S. Dep. Labor). Back Injuries in Coal Mining, 1978-1979. MSHA Yellow- jacket, 1980, 10 pp. 3. Peay, J. M. (comp.). Back Injur- ies. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Tech- nology Transfer Symposia, Pittsburgh, PA, August 9, 1983, and Reno, NV, August 15, 1983. BuMines IC 8948, 1983, 110 pp. 4. Foote, A. L. , and J. S. Schaefer. Mine Materials Handling Vehicle (MMHV) (contract H0242015, MBAssociates) . Bu- Mines OFR 59-80, 1978, 308 pp.; NTIS PB 80-178890. 5. Booz Allen and Hamilton Inc. Sys- tem for Handling Supplies in Underground Coal Mines, Executive Summary. Ongoing BuMines contract HO 188049; available upon request from R. Unger, BuMines, Pitts- burgh, PA. 6. Canyon Research Group, Inc. /Essex Corp. Mine Maintenance Material Handling Vehicle: Investigative Study and Concept Development. Ongoing BuMines contract H0113018; for inf., contact R. Unger, BuMines, Pittsburgh, PA. 7. Unger, R. L. , and D. J. Connelly. Materials Handling Methods and Problems in Underground Coal Mines. Paper in Back Injuries. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Symposia, Pittsburgh, PA, August 9, 1983, and Reno, NV, August 15, 1983, comp. by J. M. Peay. BuMines IC 8948, 1983, pp. 3-13. 8. Unger, R. L. Mechanization of Ma- terials Handling Tasks. Paper in Back Injuries. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Symposia, Pittsburgh, PA, August 9, 1983, and Reno, NV, August 15, 1983, comp. by J. M. Peay. BuMines IC 8948, 1983, pp. 102-110. 9. Snook, S. H., and V. M. Ciriello. Maximum Weights and Work Loads Acceptable to Female Workers. J. Occup. Med., v. 16, No. 8, 1974, pp. 527-534. 10. Snook, S. H. The Design of Manual Handling Tasks. Ergonomics J. (London), v. 21, No. 12, 1978, pp. 963-985. 11. Materials Handling Research Unit, University of Surrey (England). Force Limits in Manual Work. IPC Sci. and Technol. Press Ltd., 1980, 25 pp. 12. Texas Tech University. Mining in Low Coal. Volume 1: Biomechanics and Work Physiology (contract H0387022) . Bu- Mines OFR 162(l)-83, 1981, 175 pp.; NTIS PB 83-258160. 13. . Biomechanical and Work Physiology Study in Underground Mining Excluding Low Coal (contract J0308058) . BuMines OFR 90-85, 1984, 211 pp.; NTIS PB 85-243566. 6 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1986—605-017/40,071 INT.-BU.0F MINES,PGH.,PA. 28343 U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Mines— Prod, and Distr. Cochrans Mill Road P.O. Box 18070 Pittsburgh, Pa. 15236 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE. S300 ~| Do not wish to receive this material, please remove from your mailing list* "2 Address change. Please correct as indicated* c 64 A <•> ^ ... • a v -^ - 5? .-0 A V ^«. ~ J ' ^\ : -liIf* n ^*V : w ; ****** : -lilf* «^ ww* B J>\ '-wig: #*\ v O V ^ ^, r « t * o, "\3 ^0 X "ot? r ^0 x C, vP \2> *o . i ,v 'bV" 4. o a ^° 4 V ^ -»" A. V, " , ' / ^ ♦* /iter- ^ ^ ,* v % ■*t bV 'bV '% ^ c^ .^v>j:-. tc a^ •vsa&f. >, .c^ ^v^- ^ ^ • "O.. 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