• • ?: *? ** \y : ^; * # * r ^ w & v u Cv 7* , »* r^ <*. *?f®Sjf <» A V \*xmiS. - ' • ' • f MRS. B. BLAIR EASTMAN SEE 228 THE MOTHER OF THE PUBLISHER History and Genealogy OF DEACON JOSEPH EASTMAN of Hadley, Mass., Grandson of ROGER EASTMAN of Salisbury, Mass. By GUY S. RIX, Concord, N. H. WITH PREFACE AND INTRODUCTION BY M. EMILY EASTMAN, Who has re-compiled it, adding all records sent to her Published and for sale by M. EMILY EASTMAN, Westfield, Mass. John C. Otto, Springfield, Mass. < Publisher's Preface Dear Cousins: I am not going to write a lengthy preface, but will just tell you how I started in on this work. First, I found a package of old and yellowed papers, tied carefully together, which, on opening, I found to be the Key to the answer to a question I had often asked my father when I was a child; it was, "Haven't you some cousins, papa?" (None were ever known to me.) His answer always was what a busy man's usually is, and suggested he didn't have time to explain, "Yes, lots of them, but they're away out West." By the contents of this package I found father had four uncles and three aunts who married. That suggested there might have been lots of cousins, and I made the endeavor to find out about them and succeeded far beyond my expecta- tion. You will find the result if you begin at the family of Benjamin 2 and follow it out. Only one own cousin of his was then (1903) living. In that search Mr. Rix helped me, as he has also helped in the records of this book by compiling and sending me all that he had of this branch of the family. I have added many new ones found in the last six months, and where corrections were sent have corrected if they were not previously done by Mr. Rix. Some Records that I found could not be verified, as I have been unable to get the families interested. Such have, there- fore, been compared with other collected records of the family and will be indicated as shown in the list of abbreviations on page 5. I trust you will glean from the following pages as much pleasure and encouragement as I have in this work, to be (•what I feel sure Grandpa Dea. Joseph Eastman would say to us to be) "Quit you like men, be strong," and I am sure we have many examples of brave, sturdy men, who have proved it is possible for us to be helpers and workers in Life's great battlefield. Let us hope that the Circle gathered above this world may know even now that we are true to the trust they have in us, for we know that our dear ones will eagerly push aside the veil that hides them from our view when we come to leave this world, and by and by take us to see dear Grandpa and Grandma Eastman, who joined hands November 22, 1711, for, as every father and mother knows, they love the grand- children. No matter how many generations removed, we are all their grandchildren still. & j Sincerely your cousin, M. EMILY EASTMAN. List of Abbreviations c. no c. daug. b. . m. . unm. bapt. d. . abt. H. S. Sem. P. S. A. . C. . Univ. Theol. S. Grad. Prof. Dea. Capt. Lieut. Col. . Theological S children no children . daughter born married unmarried . baptized died about High School Seminary Public Schools . Academy College University Seminary Graduated Professor Deacon Captain Lieutenant Colonel x preceding number, indicates a further record. v preceding number, verified and new, that is, furnished by some member of the family to the publisher, f preceding number, from town records by publisher. X preceding number, compared with other collected records by publisher, of which are the Kelloggs, Field's, Adams' and Dwight's. Introduction In this Introduction, of what one thing to tell you of Hadley I hardly know. It is so closely associated with the early home of our ancestors, and it has, to me, a certain charm I know not how to express, as of one long absent returning to his own old home. There is rest and peace and content in the very air. It is surrounded by hills, not the least of which is Mt. Tom, that stands like a sentinel on guard, keep- ing watch over the towns that look out all the beautiful summer-time, and see at night the lights that shine far from its topmost point. In the years long, long ago no lights shone there, but a band of sturdy, brave-hearted men came hither seeking a home in the wilderness. A wild country it was, with dangers from natives and beasts of prey. Their first petition for this home was made May 20, 1658; the Agreement or Engagement April 18, 1659. Of these men three were our ancestors — Peter Tilton, Lieut. Samuel Smith and William Partridge. To these three only will I refer you, though many of those named in this work claim ancestors in other members of that band of fifty-nine Engagers. All these who are descendants of Dea. Joseph Eastman and wife are through them descend- ants of these three men, and as I know you will want to know of the first Eastmans I have also added that. What I have of the first three families is mostly gleaned from the History of Hadley, a book well worth owning, and still to be secured from the reprint published in 1905, by Huntting & Co., of Springfield. 1. Hon. Peter Tilton came to Hadley from Windsor, Conn. The place he occupied in the town and surrounding towns was one of the first. He took the freeman's oath March 10 INTRODUCTION 26, 1661 ; was Recorder, or Town Clerk, in Hadley from 1661- 1693; Deputie, or Representative, to the State, 1665, 1666, 1668-1670-1680; Townsman, or Selectman, 1670, 1674, 1677, 1679, 1687. In 1663 he is referred to as Deacon. On the 26th of March, 1669, he, with Nathaniel Dickinson, was chosen to be one of the five trustees of Hopkins School of Hadley, a position which he resigned before 1686. This was a school donated to the town by Edward Hopkins, Esq., who died in March, 1657, and had by his will left a portion of his estate to trustees "to be disposed of by them, to give some encour- agement in these foreign plantations for the breeding up of hopeful youths in a way of learning, both at the Grammar School and College, for the public service of the country in future times." In 1669 he was first chosen School Com- mittee. He was the second Associate Judge from Hadley, chosen in 1680, which place he held for three years, and County Treasurer for about ten years. In the words of Lucius Root Eastman in his Genealogy of the Eastmans, published in 1867, Hon. Peter Tilton 1 was one of which can be said, "Few men had greater influence in Church or State. He was a man of God and one of the few who dared to conceal two of the Regicide Judges of Charles the First," an account of which can be found in the History of Hadley, in the Intro- duction by George Sheldon, which has also been published separately. The will of Peter Tilton can be found at Northampton in the Probate Registry room, the original paper bearing his signature ; it was made April 4, 1694. His property inventory is' dated July 16, 1696, valued at £300 19s. 9d. There were fifty-one books valued at £6. 7s. 6d. Among them were a Dalton's book, an old Law book, one Hildersham's book, one Senod book, one Rastell, one English Liberties, one Dictionary, one on Cotton on ye Canatels, one Locker's book, one Resolves, one Prophecy on Dan, one osition of Gat, one Pemble's book, one great Bible, one Bible, one Concordance, one Pilgrim, one Foxes book, one INTRODUCTION 11 Zealanders, one Annotations on ye Psalms, a Bible and Psalm book. In those days books were not so easily obtained as now. He was married three times. His children by first or second wife, Mary or Elizabeth: 2. i. Elizabeth^, bapt. June 19, 1642; d. 1655. x, 3. ii. Marys bapt. Feb. 18, 1643; married Joseph East- man of Suffield, Conn. No. 34 in Introduction. 4. iii. Peter 2 , bapt. Dec. 5, 1647; d. unm. From which it will be seen that all the descendants of Peter Tilton were those of his daughter Mary. We have seen that Peter Tilton was a godly man. In a letter to his wife dated 18d, 3 mo., 1672, he closes with these words : "Remember me to mine and thine, with my love to all with you. I cannot forget you before the Father of Spirits night and day. The goodwill of Him that dwelt in the bush be with you, cause His face to shine upon you all, and give you peace. So prayeth still, Yours unfeignedly to love, Peter Tilton." In a postscript he adds: "My dear ones, forget not him who hath you all on his heart, and whose desire it is to leave himself and his all with that merciful high-priest who hath the keys of life and death. Farewell, Farewell." And, dear cousins, would he not say these same words to us now if here with us ? His home was occupied later by his grandson, Dea. Joseph Eastman 1 , who died there in 1769. In 1770 Dea. Joseph Eastman's son John 2 lived there in a new house. In 1807 Joseph 4 of John 3 of Joseph 2 lived on the old homestead. It has now pasesd into the hands of other parties. 5. Lieut. Samuel Smith 1 was the great-grandfather of Mercy Smith, the wife of Dea. Joseph Eastman. The Sunder- 12 INTRODUCTION land History tells us that he with his wife Elizabeth and children, Samuel aged 9, Elizabeth 7, Mary 4, and Philip 1, sailed from Ipswich, England, April 30, 1634, landed at Boston in June, 1634, settled at Watertown and was admitted freeman Sept. 3, 1634. He soon removed to Wethersfield, Conn., of which town he was one of the most prominent citizens. He was Lieut. Deputy to the General Court in 1641, and in every year from 1643 to 1653, also in 1655 and 1656. He was one of the signers of the agreement to remove to Hadley, and became one of the founders of that town. He and his son Philip were among the men who had knowledge of the concealment of the Regicide Judges, Goffe and Whalley, in Hadley. From the history of Hadley we find in the Agree- ment as written, are found the names of seven men chosen by vote, to order all public occasions that concerned the good of that plantation for the ensuing year. One of them was Samuel Smith. In March, 1661, Jurors from the New Town first attended the Court. There were four, one of which was Samuel Smith. By order of the General Court, May 22, 1661, the town was called Hadley. At this time commissioners were appointed and empowered to keep the Court appointed at Springfield and Northampton. The town of Hadley appointed three; one was Samuel Smith. In regard to the naming of the place, it was said to be named from Hadley, or Hadleigh, a town in England, situated a few miles west of Ipswich, from which place Grandfather Smith sailed for this country, and doubt- less he knew much of this place in his early days. Town measurers were first chosen in Hadley Dec. 31, 1660, and were Samuel Smith and Peter Tilton. On the 26th of March, 1669, he was chosen one of the trustees of the Hopkins School, the same date that Peter Tilton was chosen for the same office. In 1669 he was one of the first School Committee chosen; there were five, one other of which was Peter Tilton. Raters or assessors were chosen to make the rates Dec. 16, 1661. There were three, Samuel Smith and two others; later Peter Tilton was chosen. INTRODUCTION 13 For eight years he was an Associate Judge from Hadley. In 1675 and 1676 they were in peril from Indian wars. One of Capt. Appleton's sergeants died at the home of Lieut. Samuel Smith, and in 1676 his son John Smith, of Hatfield, was killed. He was our ancestor, too. May 11, 1661, the town voted there should be training for a Militia. Samuel Smith was chosen Lieutenant, which posi- tion he held about fifteen years, including the trying times of King Philip's war. In May, 1678, Lieut. Smith requested to be freed from military trust, being then nearly eighty years of age. He was discharged, and his son Philip was then chosen Lieutenant. In 1677 Lieut. Samuel Smith was empowered to solemnize marriages. In 1680 Peter Tilton became a magistrate with the same power. He was Deputie and Representative in 1661, 1663-65, 1667 and 1668, 1671, 1673, four of which years Peter Tilton served with him in the same office. He was Townsman, or Selectman, 1660-1668, 1672, 1676, 1678 and 1680. His will was made June 23, 1680, and can be found at the Registry of Probate room in Northampton. The inventory was dated Jan. 17, 1681, valued at £600. lis. One clause of the will I copy : "To each of my grandchildren living shall be given a Bible, and there shall be written in it by my executors, fairly and Legibly, the Last verse of the 11th chapter of Ecclesiastes and the first verse of the following chapter." In 1687 John Smith, son of John Smith, slain by Indians in 1676, and Samuel Smith, son of Philip, owned and lived on his place. His wife, Elizabeth, died March 16, 1686. Children 6. i. Samuel 2 , b. abt. 1625. 7. ii. Elizabeth 2 , b. abt. 1627. 8. iii. Mary 2 , b. abt. 1630. 14 INTRODUCTION 9. iv. Philip*, b. abt. 1633. These first four came from England. 10. v. Chileab*, b. abt. 1635. x, 11, vi. John 2 , who was grandfather of Mercy Smith. He was slain by Indians in the Hatfield meadows, May 30, 1676. He married abt. 1663, Mary Partridge, daug. of William. No. 27 in Intro- duction. Their children were : x, 12. i. John 3 , b. May 15, 1665, afterward known as the Orphan John. 13. ii. Samuel 3 , b. Dec. 7, 1667; d. June 19, 1681. 14. iii. Joseph 3 , b. Nov. 16, 1670. He was of Hatfield. 15. iv. Benjamin 3 , b. 1673; settled in Wethersfield, Conn. 16. v. Marah 3 , b. 1677; m. John Day. 12. John Smith, the eldest, was called Orphan John. He died abt. 1724; married abt. 1687, Mary, daug. of John Root of Westfield, Mass. In 1687 he lived on the place of his grandfather, Lieut. Samuel Smith, and he was a selectman in 1702, 1709, 1715, 1720, 1723. Children A son 4 , b. and d. the same day, 1688. Mary 4 , b. May 7, 1689; m. Thomas Sheldon. Abigail 4 , b. Oct. 26, 1691; m. John Montague, x, 20. iv. Mercy 4 , b. July 3, 1694; m. Nov. 22, 1711, to Dea. Joseph Eastman. No. 39 in Introduction. John 4 ,b. Feb. 1, 1697; m. Elizabeth . Rachel 4 , b. Aug. 4, 1699; m. John Smith. Hezekiah 4 , b. Dec. 21, 1702; m. Dorcas Dick- inson. 24. viii. Noah 4 , b. May 16, 1707; m. Mary . 14. Joseph Smith 3 , brother of Orphan John Smith, married Canada Waite, daug. of Benjamin Waite. She was born in Canada, one of the babes born in captivity, her mother being 17. i. 18. ii. 19. iii. 20. iv. 21. v. 22. vi. 23. vii. INTRODUCTION 15 taken captive at Hatfield and taken to Canada, from which place they were released after a ransom being paid. They were the grandparents of Oliver Smith 6 , who was distinguished for his wealth and the trusts he created under his will for the benefit of the poor in several towns in Hampshire and Franklin County, Mass. One of their great granddaughters, Sophia Smith, was the founder of Smith C, Northampton, Mass. Their sixth child, Esther, married Jonathan Field, and was the grandmother of Martin Field, who was the grandfather of Eugene Field, the poet. No. 928. There are several other families who are connected with Lieut. Samuel Smith by marriage. Experience Smith, who married Mercy Eastman, No. 5, is a descendant of Philip Smith. Josiah Smith, who married Abigail Eastman, No. 8, is a descendant of Chileab Smith. Enos Smith, who married Polly Dickinson, No. 100, grand- daughter of Mary Eastman, No. 1, is a descendant of Chileab Smith. The family of Martin and Esther (Kellogg) Field, No. 142, are descendants of John Smith and Philip Smith. There are also the families of: Charles Eastman, No. 187. Hinsdale Smith, No. 537. Mercy E. Smith, No. 67. whose lines I have not traced, but are from Lieut. Samuel Smith. John Smith, slain by Indians in Hatfield, married Mary Partridge, daug. of William Partridge, who was also one of the founders of Hadley in 1659. Mr. Partridge came from Berwick upon Tweed, England; was an early settler of Hartford, Conn., whence he removed to Hadley, where he died in 1668. He married in 1644, Mary Smith of Hartford, the sister of Christopher of Northampton, 16 INTRODUCTION Joseph of Hartford, whose eldest son Joseph removed to Had- ley in 1680, Simeon and William. 25. William' and Mary(Smith) Partridge had two children: 26. i. Samuel 2 , born in 1645, who was a Representative, a Colonel of the Regiment, Judge of Probate, and one of his Majesty's Council, and the most important man, after the death of Col. Pynchon in 1703, in all the western part of the Province. x, 27. ii. Mary 2 , who married John Smith. No. 11 in intro- duction. William Partridge was one of the first auditors in Hadley, with Peter Tilton. Jan. 27, 1663, he was chosen constable. His business was that of a cooper, and he was a trader with the Indians. He was selectman in 1668, the year of his death. The Eastmans recorded in introduction are all from Guy H. Rix's work. The earliest found record of the Eastmans is of John East- man, of Romsey, county Southampton; will dated Sept. 24, 1602, proved Oct. 22, 1602 ; to be buried in church at Romsey. "To son Roger Eastman all lands, whatsoever in default, to son John, also Roger, 100 marke at 14, to be paid by my father Roger Eastman, to my son John 50 pounds at 14, to daughter Elizabeth and Margaret when 21 or married 40 pounds each. Ditto to child my wife now goith with, to servant Elizabeth Head 5 pounds. Residuary legate and executrix, wife Anne, overseers, Roger Eastman, Michael Mackall and Mathew Mundsey. John Eastman. Witnesses : Walter Godfrey Giles Newe Thomas Stote." The first of the name coming to America was Roger and Thomas Eastman. Thomas returned to England, while Roger, who was born in Wales, England, in 1611, came from INTRODUCTION 17 Langford, county of Wilts, sailing from Southampton in April, 1638, in the ship "Confidence," John Jobson, master, bound for Massachusetts Bay Colony. On the ship's papers he was entered as a servant of John Saunders. It is believed that on account of the emigration laws, or for political reasons, his real rank was higher than appears. Many traditions have been handed down, but it is believed that Roger Eastman was the sole ancestor of all the Eastmans in America. The name has been spelled "Easman" even by members of the same family. No record of his marriage has been found, or of his wife's full name, and it is only by tradi- tion that we suppose it to be Smith. 28. Roger Eastman married Sarah Smith (?), born in 1621. He settled in Salisbury, Mass., and received lands in the first division in Salisbury in 1640. His minister's tax in 1650 was 8s. 3d. From Salisbury the family dispersed; his son Philip went to Ashford, Ct., Joseph settled temporarily in Suffield, Ct., but soon removed to Hadley, Mass.; the third generation, however, settled further north, following up the valley of the Merrimack River, while others settled further south, in Massachusetts, and Connecticut and others in Maine. From these places they scattered over the United States and Canada. Roger Eastman died in Salisbury, Mass., Dec. 16, 1694. His wife died March 11, 1697. Children 29. i. Johns b. Jan. 9, 1640; m. 1st Oct. 27, 1665, Hannah Healey; 2d Nov. 5, 1670, Mary Boynton; he d. in Salisbury, Mass., March 25, 1720. One of his descendants was Daniel Webster 5 , (Abigail Eastman 5 , Roger 4 , John 3 , John 2 , Roger Eastman 1 ). (Daniel Webster 6 was of Ebenezer 6 of Salisbury, N. H., Ebenezer 4 of Kingston, N. H., Ebenezer*, Thomas 2 , Thomas Webster 1 of England.) 30. ii. Nathaniel 2 , b. May 18, 1643; m. April 30, 1672, Elizabeth Hudson; he d. in Salisbury, Mass., Nov. 30, 1709. 18 INTRODUCTION 31. iii. Philip*, b. Dec. 30, 1644; m. 1st ; 2d Aug. 22, 1678, widow Mary Morse; he d. before 1714. 32. iv. Thomas', b. Nov. 11, 1646; m. Jan. 20, 1679, Deborah Corlis; he d. in Haverhill, Mass., April 29, 1688. One of his descendants was Guy Scoby Rix 8 , who has fur- nished us with what records he had of our branch. He was born in Littleton, N. H., Nov. 12, 1828, being therefore 73 years of age when he published the Eastman Genealogy, it being the second one published. The first was by Rev. Lucius Root Eastman, No. 360, published in 1867. Mr. Rix* was of Guy Carleton Rix 7 , Rebecca Eastman 6 , Obadiah 5 , William 4 , Jonathan 3 , Thomas 2 , Roger 1 . 33. v. Timothy 2 , b. Nov. 29, 1648; m. 1682, Lydia Mark- ham; he d. in Hadley, Mass., April 1, 1733. x, 34. vi. Joseph 2 , b. Jan. 8, 1651; m. Mary Tilton. No. 3 in introduction. 35. vii. Benjamin 2 , b. Feb. 12, 1652-3; m. 1st, April 5, 1678, widow Ann Joy; 2d, April 4, 1699, Naomi Flanders; 3d, Oct. 5, 1719, Sarah Carter. He d. in Salisbury in 1728. 36. viii. Sarah 2 , b. Sept. 25, 1655; m. 1st, June 13, 1678, Joseph French; 2d, Aug. 2, 1684, Solomon Shepherd. She 4. Dec. 1, 1745. 37. ix. Samuel 2 , b. Nov. 29, 1657; m. Nov. 4, 1686, Eliza- beth Striven; he d. Feb. 27, 1725, at Kingston, N. H. 38. x. Ruth 2 , b. March 21, 1660; m. prob. May 23, 1690, Benjamin Heard. 34. Joseph, Eastman 2 , (Roger 1 ), was born in Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 8, 1651. He served in King Philip's war, Dec. 1675, at Chelmsford, Mass. He took the oath of allegiance and fidelity at Salisbury in 1677. He was a weaver at Suffield and Hadley, to which place he moved as early as 1682. He married Mary Tilton, daughter of Hon. Peter Tilton. He died April, 1692, and his widow married second, Feb. 17, 1693, James Guernsey, and removed to New Jersey. The record of his children's birth has also been found at Suffield, Ct. The inventory of his property is recorded at INTRODUCTION 19 Northampton, Mass., dated April 7, 1692, valued at £249 13s. 9d. Children x, 39. i. Joseph 3 , b. in Hadley, Mass., Aug. 2, 1683. 40. ii. Mary', b. Dec. 11, 1684; d. April 10, 1685. 41. iii. Peter 3 , b. Jan. 20, 1686; m. Nov. 28, 1708, Mehitable Root. From his descendants we have George Washington Eastman 7 , Harvey 6 , Hezekiah s , Joseph 4 , Peter 3 , Joseph 2 Roger 1 . He was a founder of the Rochester Busi- ness College in 1842. His son George 8 is president of the Eastman Kodak Company, of Rochester, N. Y. We have also Harvey Gridley Eastman, founder of Eastman's Business College, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He was of Horace H. T , Harvey 6 , Hezekiah 5 , Joseph*, Peter 3 , Joseph 2 , Roger 1 . Trusting that this I have gleaned will be of interest, I will add only this. I have numbered the following generations, giving Dea. Joseph Eastman as one. From Roger Eastman he is the third. From Peter Tilton he is the third. From Lieut. Samuel Smith, Mercy, wife of Dea. Joseph Eastman, is the fourth generation. From William Partridge she is the fourth. Those numbered 2 are the first generation from Dea. Joseph Eastman, the following generations in like manner. Yours most sincerely, M. EMILY EASTMAN. First Generation Dea. Joseph Eastman 1 and 3 , (Joseph 2 , Roger 1 ,) was b. in Hadley, Mass., Aug. 2, 1683; m. Nov. 22, 1711, Mercy Smith, b. July 3, 1694. He d. in Hadley, Sept. 29, 1769. She d. Jan. 10, 1784, in her 90th year. Joseph Eastman was a student with Rev. Mr. Williams at Deerfield, Mass., when that place was burned by Indians. He was three years a captive of the French government in Canada, captured Feb. 29, 1704, and on his return settled on his grandfather Tilton's estate in Hadley. In the final set- tlement of his father's estate, Jan. 1, 1705, he was given a double portion, amounting to £50. 9s. 3d., and mention made of his being "now in captivity." He was a deacon of the church in Hadley for many years, a staunch friend of Elder Edwards and endorsed his views. He served as selectman in 1727, 1730, 1732, 1734, 1736, 1738, 1740, 1743 and 1747. Partial accounts of the Deerfield Massacre of 1704 are found in the History of Hadley, and also of Deerfield. One of the descendants of Rev. Mr. Williams also wrote a book describing the long march to Canada and the trials of captivity. f Children of Dea. Joseph Eastman. Mary 2 , b. Oct. 11, 1712. Joseph 2 , b. Feb. 1, 1714. William 2 , b. Aug. 25, 1718. John 2 , b. March 28, 1721. Mercy 2 , b. Sept. 5, 1723. Rachel 2 , b. Jan. 2, 1725 ) ™ . Benjamin, b. Jan. 2, 1725 i Abigail 2 , b. May 28, 1728. Ruth 2 , b. Nov. 13, 1730; d. Mar. 13, 1740. Keziah 2 , b. Nov. 5, 1733. x, 11. xi. Timothy 2 , b. Sept. 9, 1736. x, 1. i. x, 2. ii. x, 3. hi. x, 4. iv. x, 5. v. x, 6. vi. x, 7. vii. x, 8. viii. 9. ix. X, 10. X. Second Generation J 1. Mary Eastman* (Dea. Joseph'), b. in Hadley, Oct. 11, 1712; m. Nov. 27, 1735, Fellows Billings, he was from Ebenezer*, Samuel 2 , Richard Billings, the emigrant ancestor who, with his wife Margary, was in Hartford, Conn., in 1640 removed to Hatfield, Mass., in 1661, where he d. March 3, 1679. His wife died Dec. 5, 1679. Fellows Billings lived first in Sunderland and removed to Conway during the Revo- lutionary War, purchasing a farm there of 150 acres. He was a Lieut., a representative in 1754, and afterward, 10 years in all. He d. June 29, 1784. She d. Dec. 18, 1799. Children 12. i. Aaron Billings*, b. Aug. 15, 1736; d. Nov. 28, 1827; m. Aug. 25, 1788, Caroline Adams of West Springfield, Mass. 13. ii. Mary Billings*, b. Sept. 15, 1738; d. 1744. 14. iii. William Billings*, b. Mar. 18, 1740; d. Aug. 10, 1743. x 15. iv. Ruth Billings*, b. Feb. 10, 1742. x 16. v. William Billings*, b. July 20, 1744. 17. vi. Jonathan Billings*, b. Sept. 20, 1746; d. young. x 18. vii. Elisha Billings*, b. Oct. 1, 1749. 19. viii. Jonathan Billings*, b. Nov. 20, 1751. x 20. ix. Hannah Billings*, b. Feb. 24, 1754. v. 2. Joseph Eastman 2 , (Dea. Joseph') was born in Had- ley, Mass., Feb. 1, 1714; m. 1743, Sarah Ingram. She was a lineal descendant of John Ingram, an English emigrant. Mr. Eastman was a selectman, delegate to state convention, and the first treasurer of the town of Amherst when set off from Hadley. Mr. Eastman served five months in the Revo- 22 SECOND GENERATION lution under Capt. Reubin Dickinson, in 1778. His wife was a lady of fine personal appearance, of great industry, and exercised a marked influence in the church of which she was a distinguished member. He died Oct. 23, 1790. His wife died August 30, 1811. Children x, 21. i. Sarah 3 , b. Jan. 28, 1744; m. David Cowles, and d. Aug. 14, 1815. x, 22. ii. Ruth*, b. Aug. 10, 1745. 23. iii. Joseph', b. March 21, 1747; m. Feb. 6, 1771, Eunice Dickinson. He served one year, eleven months and three weeks in Capt. Reubin Dick- inson's Co., in the Revolution, d. March 26, 1826. Had no children. kM\-»'-} Ebenezer 3 , b. May 31, 1749. John 3 , b. May 7, 1751. Mercy 3 , b. Oct. 14, 1754. Lydia 3 , b. Jan. 13, 1757. Mary 3 , b. Aug. 2, 1761. Hannah 3 , b. Feb. 21, 1766; m. March 1, 1786, David Billings, and d. June 18, 1786, aged 20 years. 30. x Tilton 3 , b. April 28, 1769; d. Aug. 17, 1773. v, 3. William Eastman 2 , (Dea. Joseph 1 ) was born in Had- ley, Mass., Aug. 25, 1718; m. first, Dec. 11, 1744, Mary White, b. June 25, 1727, daug. of Dea. Joseph White. She d. Nov. 19, 1752, and he m. second, Elizabeth Mosley, of Glastonbury, Conn. He settled in Granby, Mass. Mr. Eastman was a deacon in the church in Granby, was a prominent man in the town and became very wealthy. He d. July 20, 1793. Children x, 31. i. Mary 3 , b. Sept. 12, 1745. 32. ii. Mercy 3 , b. Dec. 31, 1746; d. Jan. 22, 1747. 33. iii. Mercy 3 , b. Feb. 2, 1748; d. Dec. 31, 1752. 34. iv. William 3 , b. Nov. 10, 1749; d. 1759. x, 24. iv. x, 25. v. x, 26. vi. x, 27. vii. x, 28. viii. 29. ix. 35. v. x, 36. vi. x, 37. vii. 38. viii. x, 39. ix. x, 40. X. 41. xi. x, 42. xii. x, 43. xiii. SECOND GENERATION 23 Joseph', b. July 14, 1751; d. Feb. 26, 1752. Joseph, 2d', b. Nov. 13, 1754. Elizabeth', b. Dec. 1, 1756. Rachel', b. Dec. 15, 1759; m. Eli Dickinson.. Lois', b. July 8, 1761. William', b. Nov. 20, 1763. Abigail', b. ; d. young. Abigail', b. 1766. Ruth', b. Sept. 30, 1769. 4. John Eastman 2, (Dea. Joseph 1 ) was born in Hadley, Mass., March 28, 1721; m. Dec. 3, 1765, widow Submit Keyes, sister of Jonathan Belding of Northfield, Mass., who m. Keziah Eastman, No. 10. He lived on the Eastman estate in Hadley. He was a soldier in the seven years' war (1756). He was a deacon in the church in Hadley, and d. March 28, 1790. His widow died in East Hartford, May 23, 1816. Children x, 44. i. Lois', b. Sept. 27, 1764. 45. ii. Anna', b. April 22, 1766; d. Aug. 22, 1767. 46 iii. John', b. May 18, 1768; Grad. from Yale C. in 1788; settled in Flushing, Long Island. 47. iv. Joseph', b. Feb. 22, 1771; d. Aug. 21, 1775. 48. v. David', b. Aug. 31, 1774. He left home for the West and was never heard from. 49. vi. Submit', b. Aug. 24, 1776; d. Aug. 24, 1778. t 5. Mercy Eastman*, (Dea. Joseph'), b. Sept. 5, 1723; m. Experience Smith, son of Ichabod Smith of Granby. This record is from the South Hadley Town Records. Children Mercy Smith', b. Aug. 19, 1746; d. Jan. 6, 1748.. Mercy Smith', b. Sept. 27, 1748. Asa Smith,' b. Sept. 29, 1750. Rebeckah Smith', b. Jan. 22, 1753. Ruth Smith', b. April 22, 1755. 50. i 51. ii 52. iii 53. iv 54. V 24 SECOND GENERATION 55. vi. Martha Smith', b. Oct. 5, 1757; d. Nov. 12, 1757. 56. vii. Jemima Smith' b. Oct. 18, 1758. 6. Rachel Eastman 2 , (Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Hadley, Mass., Jan. 2, 1725; m. Nov. 23, 1749, John Clary, b. in Sun- derland, Mass., Jan. 24, 1722, son of John Clary. He re- moved to Conway, Mass., in 1777, where he d. July 20, 1798. His wife d. April 9, 1792. Children X, 57. i. Mary Clary, b. Sept. 24, 1750; m. Nov. 14, 1773, Daniel Cooley, b. 1752. He was a graduate of Yale, 1773, a lawyer; settled in Amherst, where he was a man of note and influence. She d. and he m. 2d, Oct. 5, 1780, Mrs. Mary (Bolt- wood) Dickinson, by whom he had three chil- dren, but none by first wife so far as now known. 58. ii. Elijah Clary, b. Aug. 25, 1752; m. Electa Dick- inson. He d. Aug. 18, 1804, at Conway, Mass. Joseph Clary 3 , b. Sept. 5, 1756. Lucinda Clary, b. Oct. 9, 1760. Lucy Clary 3 , b. Sept. 20, 1764. v, 7. Benjamin Eastman 2 , (Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Hadley> Mass., Jan. 2, 1725; m. in 1758, Eunice Day, b. in Springfield, Mass., March 4, 1734, daug. of John Day. He settled in Granby, Mass. He was a soldier in 1747, and helped to build the fort at Easthampton, Mass. He was a selectman in 1770, and he died in Granby, Nov. 28, 1792. On his gravestone is written, "Death is a debt to nature due, I have paid and so must you." He died intestate, and his son Benjamin was appointed administrator. From receipts given in the settle- ment of his estate the names of Eunice White, John Eastman of Paris, N. Y., Hezekiah Eastman of Granby, Joel Eastman of Ludlow, Timothy Eastman of Sidney, N. Y., Mercy Smith and Kezia Nash, and on a quit-claim deed Joel calls him "my honored father, Benjamin Eastman, late of Granby." x, 59. iii. x, 60. iv. x, 61. v. SECOND GENERATION 25 The receipts were dated in 1793, and the deed is in the hand of Miss Mary Emily Eastman of Westfield, Mass. Children x, 62. i. Benjamin 3 , b. June 23, 1760. 63. ii. John 3 , b. April 24, 1762; d. Sept. 17, 1762. x, 64. iii. Eunice 3 , b. Nov. 8, 1763. x, 65. iv. John, 2d 3 , b. Dec. 23, 1765. x, 66. v. Joel 3 , b. x, 67. vi. Mercy 3 , b. April 15, 1768. x, 68. vii. Hezekiah 3 , b. x, 69. viii. Kezia 3 , b. Feb. 17, 1770. x, 70. ix. Timothy 3 , b. 1772. 8. Abigail Eastman 2 , (Dea. Joseph'), b. May 28, 1728; m. Dec. 26, 1751, Josiah Smith, b. Aug. 26, 1729, son of Samuel Smith of Granby. Resided in South Hadley, and he d. Aug. 29, 1779. t 10. Keziah Eastman*, (Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Hadley, Mass., Nov. 5, 1733; m. Dec. 28, 1763, Jonathan Belding of Northfield. She d. Oct. 24, 1812. He d. Sept. 24, 1825. Children 71. i. Asa Belding 3 , b. Oct. 28, 1764; d. April 26, 1817. He had no children. 72. ii. Sarah Belding 3 , b. Aug. 1, 1766; d. unm. Aug. 12, 1829. 73. iii. Samuel Belding 3 , b. March 1, 1768; settled in Boston. 74. iv. Joseph Belding 3 , b. April 3, 1770; m. Dec. 31, 1801. Elizabeth Bogle. He d. May 10, 1850. Had no children. He was a Revolutionary soldier. 75. v. Hepzibah Belding 3 , b. Jan. 19, 1772; m. Nov. 1, 1789, Clement Miner. 76. vi. Keziah Belding 3 , b. May 20, 1774; d. Feb., 1841, unm. 26 SECOND GENERATION x, 77. vii. Elijah Belding 3 , b. May 20, 1774. 78. viii. Mary Belding 3 , b. Nov. 7, 1776; d. June 8, 1882, unm. 11. Timothy Eastman 2 (Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Hadley, Mass., Sept. 9, 1736; m. first, Nov. 15, 1770, Anna Smith, daug. of Jonathan Smith. She d. Dec. 7, 1777, and he m. second, in 1780, Ruth Sheldon. She d. in 1830. Timothy enlisted as a private in Capt. Eliakim Smith's company in the Revolutionary war, later commanded by Capt. Moses Kellogg, which marched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775; returned home April 24, 1775. In a list of men who served under Lieut. Col. Loammi Baldwin at Pros- pect Hill, July 16, 1775, is found the name of Timothy East- man from Hadley. Children by First Wife 79. i. Anna 3 , b. 1773; d. an infant. 80. ii. Timothy 3 , b. Sept. 1, 1775; d. Sept. 15, 1775. Children by Second Wife x, 81. iii. Anna 3 , b. May 22, 1781. 82. iv. Lucinda 3 , b. July 12, 1785. x, 83. v. Samuel 3 , b. Sept. 26, 1786. x, 84. vi. Joseph 3 , b. April 8, 1788. 85. vii. Ruth 3 , b. March 2, 1791; m. Jan. 1, 1824, a Mr. Wright of Northampton. She d. Jan. 1, 1834. x, 86. viii. Grace 3 , b. Nov. 5, 1793. 87. ix. Timothy 3 , b. Sept. 15, 1796. Third Generation % 15. Ruth Billings 3 , (Mary Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Sunderland, Feb. 10, 1742; m. Oct. 2, 1763, Joseph Ashley, son of Rev. Joseph Ashley of Sunderland. He was deputy sheriff in 1774; later is said to have removed to Nova Scotia or New York State. No c. known of. X 16. William Billings 3 , (Mary Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ) b. July 20, 1744, in Sunderland; m. Jan. 1, 1772, Jerusha, daug. of Col. Israel Williams of Hatfield. He Grad. at Yale, 1765; was admitted to the bar and was a justice of the peace; a representative 1769-70-72. His two eldest c. were b. in Sun- derland; the rest probably in Conway, where he removed. He d. Nov. 8, 1812. She d. April 30, 1821. Children 88. i. Mary Billings*, bap. Nov. 1, 1772; d. Oct. 13, 1776. 89. ii. Caroline Billings*, bap. Oct. 30, 1774; d. Oct. 20, 1776. 90. iii. William Billings*, bap. Feb. 9, 1777; resided in Conway; m. Feb. 7, 1803, Abigail Smith of Hadley. 91. iv. Molly Williams Billings*, bap. Feb. 21, 1779; m. Feb. 4, 1798, Jonathan Stoddard of North- ampton. 92. v. Charles Eugene Billings*, bap. Dec. 2, 1781; m. Oct., 1808, Sally W. Storrs of Longmeadow, and d. in N. Y. State. 93. vi. Israel Williams Billings*, b. Jan. 12, 1784. Was a lawyer in Hatfield. 94. vii. Jerusha Billings*, b. Jan. 4, 1786; d. July 4, 1813 28 THIRD GENERATION I 18. Elisha Billings 3 , (Mary Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Sunderland, Oct. 1, 1749; m. first, Feb. 9, 1780, Elizabeth, daug. of Col. Israel Williams of Hatfield. She d. March 7, 1786. He m. second, Mrs. Mary (Storrs) Hovey of Mansfield, Conn. He Grad. from Yale in 1772; studied for the ministry and was ordained in 17 75, but owing to ill health was obliged to resign. He resided in Conway and d. Aug. 7, 1825. She d. July 4, 1856. Children by First Wife 95. i. Henry Percy Billings 4 , b. Dec. 24, 1780; m. Dec. 24, 1825, Emilia Hitchcock. He d. Jan. 3, 1856, in Conway. 96. ii. Louisa Billings 4 , b. 1782; d. Oct. 22, 1795. 97. iii. Elisha Billings 4 , b. Jan. 9, 1785; d. unm. at Con- way 1858. Children by Second Wife 98. iv. Louisa Storrs Billings 4 , b. Oct. 27, 1806; m. Oct., 1837, Rev. Ezekiel Russell of Randolph. 99. v. Mary Williams Billings 4 , b. March 8, 1808; m. first, Aug., 1835, Rev. Robert O. Dwight, mis- sionary to India; m. second, Rev. Myron Winslow. J 20. Hannah Billings 3 , (Mary Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Feb. 24, 1754; m. Elisha Dickinson. He d. Sept. 25, 1811 ; she d. April 6, 1829. Children x, 100. i. Polly Dickinson 4 , b. June 4, 1783. 101. ii. Hannah Dickinson 4 , b. March 4, 1786; m. Elisha Ely of Rochester, N. Y. 102. iii. Elisha Dickinson 4 , b. April 15, 1788; m. Azubah Hammond of Winchester, N. H. 103. iv. Ruth Dickinson 4 , b. Oct. 30, 1790; m. Henry Smith. THIRD GENERATION 29 104. v. Charles Dickinson*, b. June 25, 1793; m. and removed to the West. t 21. Sarah Eastman* (Joseph', Dea. Joseph'), was b. Jan. 28, 1744; m. David Cowles, b. Aug. 11, 1741. She d. Aug. 14, 1815; he d. Nov. 18, 1817. Children 105. i. David Cowles*, b. Dec. 20, 1773; m. Sally Wheelock of Leverett, May 23, 1814, and d. without c. He lived in Amherst. x, 106. ii. Sally Cowles*, b. July 23, 1775; m. Dec. 6, 1798, Rev. Ichabod Draper of Amherst, pastor of East Church. She d. in Elk Grove, 111., Aug. 3, 1848. See No. 398 and No. 400; also Addenda, x, 107. iii. Joseph Cowles*, b. May 29, 1777. x, 108. iv. Silas Cowles*, b. Nov. 4, 1779. x, 109. v. Jonathan Cowles*, b. Dec. 2, 1781. t 22. Ruth Eastman*, (Joseph*, Dea. Joseph'), b. Aug. 10, 1745; m. Oct. 30, 1765, Ebenezer Dickinson of Amherst. She d. Jan. 3, 1833. Children 110. i. William Dickinson*, b. Feb. 6, 1767; m. Sept. 28, 1789, Tirzah Warner, and d. Nov. 4, 1824. 111. ii. Lucinda Dickinson*, b. Nov. 17, 1769; m. May 11, 1800, David Watson of Amherst; d. Jan. 16, 1842. 112. iii. Editha Dickinson*, b. Dec. 16, 1773; d. Feb. 15, 1774. 113. iv. Sylvanus Dickinson*, b. Dec. 2, 1776; m. Deb- orah Parker and removed to Reedsboro, Vt. 114. v. Ebenezer Dickinson*, b. April 7, 1779; m. Abi- gail Barrows, and removed to Cincinnati, O. 115. vi. Abijah Dickinson*, b. Dec. 7, 1781; m. Oct. 26, 1806, Mary Stetson; d. in Amherst, April 11 1824. 30 THIRD GENERATION 24. Ebenezer Eastman', (Joseph', Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Amherst, Mass., May 31, 1749; d. in Amherst, Nov. 7, 1820; m. Nov. 12, 1772, Mary Dickinson, b. Dec. 27, 1746. He resided in Amherst, Mass. His widow d. March 16, 1825. He served in the Revolutionary war four different times. (See Mass. Rev. Rolls.) Children x, 116. i. Tiltons b. Aug. IS, 1773. x, 117. ii. Polly 4 , b. Nov. 8, 1775; m. Dec. 14, 1794, Stephen Dickinson, x, 118. iii. Elijahs b. March 13, 1777. J, 119. iv. Zebinas b. Sept. 28, 1778; d. unm. in Carlisle, Mass., Nov. 5, 1855. 120. v. Salome*, b. Oct. 25, 1780; m. 1st, April 14, 1803, Silas Adams; 2d, David Putnam. She d. Dec. 11, 1818. 121. vi. Samuels b. March 18, 1783; m. Sally Pyncheon. He Grad. from Dartmouth C. in the class of 1802. d. April 11, 1864. x, 122. vii. Clarissa*, b. Nov. 9, 1784. 123. viii. Achsahs b. Oct. 19, 1786; m. April 15, 1805, Josiah Warner, Jr. 124. ix. Theodores b. Dec. 17, 1788; m. Jan. 3, 1811, Susannah Scott; d. May 27, 1816. 125. x. Ebenezers b. Nov. 22, 1790; d. in the War of 1812. 25. John Eastmans (Joseph s Dea. Joseph 1 ), was born in Amherst, Mass., May 7, 1751; d. May 6, 1829; m. Hepzibah Keyes. He resided in Amherst, Mass. He was a Revolu- tionary soldier; served in Capt. Noah Dickinson's Company Mass. troops in 1777, also in Capt. Reubin Dickinson's Com- pany in 1778. Children x, 126. i. Submits b. Oct. 20, 1780. x, 127. ii. Emelias b. March 7, 1782. x, 128. iii. 129. iv. 130. v. x, 131. vi. 132. vii. 133. viii. X, 134. ix. x, 135. X. x, 136. xi. 137. xii. x, 138. xiii. X, 139. xiv. x, 140. XV. THIRD GENERATION 31 Joseph*, b. Nov. 4, 1783. Beulah 4 , b. June 1, 1785; d. the same day. Hannah*, b. June 22, 1786; d. unm. Sept. 5, 1818. Solomon Keyes*, b. July 12, 1788. Jonathan*, b. March 21, 1790; d. unm. Sept. 7, 1830. Oman*, b. March 30, 1793; d. Dec. 28, 1793. Lois*, b. Aug. 17, 1794. Oman*, b. March 27, 1796. Anna*, b. Sept. 14, 1797. John*, b. May 3, 1799; d. Nov. 28, 1799. Hepzibah*, b. Jan. 8, 1802. John*, b. July 19, 1803. David*, b. June 16, 1806. | 26. Mercy Eastman 3 , (Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Oct. 14, 1754; m. Dec. 15, 1778, Daniel Kel- logg 5 , b. in Amherst, July 26, 1752, son of Daniel* and Esther (Smith) Kellogg, Nathaniel 3 , Nathaniel 2 , Joseph 1 , who was of Farmington, Conn., in 1651; removed as early as 1659 to Boston, and thence as early as 1662 to Hadley, where he was a Lieut, and one of the selectmen. He d. abt. 1707; will proved Feb. 4, 1708. Daniel Kellogg* married Esther Smith 5 , of John*, John 3 , Philip 2 , Lieut. Samuel Smith 1 . Daniel Kellogg 5 served in the Revolutionary war. He d. March 1, 1826; his wife d. Jan. 12, 1823. They resided in Amherst. Children 141. i. Sarah Kellogg*, b. ; d. Feb. 25, 1780 x, 142. ii. Esther Smith Kellogg*, b. Feb. 25, 1780 x, 143. iii. Mercy Kellogg*, b. Aug. 4, 1782. 144. iv. Sarah Kellogg*, b. Dec. 6, 1787; d. Feb. 25, 1788. x, 145. v. Rufus Kellogg*, b. Nov. 23, 1788. 32 THIRD GENERATION x, 146. vi. Daniel Kellogg*, b. Feb. 10, 1791. x, 147. vii. Charles Kellogg*, b. Dec. 9, 1792. x, 148. viii. Henry Kellogg*, b. Dec. 10, 1794. X 27. Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , (Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Jan. 13, 1757; m. June 8, 1778, John Dickinson of Amherst. She d. May 10, 1834; he d. Jan. 4, 1850. Children 149. i. Zebina Dickinson*, b. 1779; m. 1808, Mary Watson. He d. in Amherst, June 2, 1837. x, 150. ii. Chester Dickinson*, b. April 26, 1780; m. May 29, 1803, Susanna, daug. of Nathanial Dick- inson; d. in Amherst, May 10, 1850. 151. iii. John Dickinson*, b. Feb. 25, 1782. Grad. Williams C, 1800. Lawyer and Judge of Pro- bate at Machias, Me. Returned abt. 1837 to Amherst. He m. first, Oct. 12, 1807, Rebecca Ellis; second, Jan. 5, 1848, Olive S., widow of Rev. Samuel Shepard, D. D., of Lenox. 152. iv. Nehemiah Dickinson*, b. Feb. 16, 1784; m. Jan. 18, 1826, Widow Wealthy Cowles; d. in Amherst, March 15, 1837. 153. v. Bissel Dickinson*, b. Sept. 1, 1787; d. Dec. 19, 1789. x, 154. vi. Lydia Dickinson*, b. July 9, 1791. 155. vii. Amy Stoughton Dickinson*, b. April 6, 1796; m. first, Sept. 19, 1816, Jonathan Dickinson; second, May 6, 1847, John Kellogg, Esq., of Benson, Vt., and d. in 1860. 28. Mary Eastman 3 , (Joseph', Dea. Joseph 1 ), was born in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 2, 1761; m. Dec. 22, 1785, Azariah Dickinson. They resided in Amherst, where she d. Nov. 20, 1836. Children 156. i. Sarah Dickinson*, b. June 17, 1787; d. April 1, 1788. THIRD GENERATION 33 x, 157. ii. Ransom Dickinson*, b. May 8, 1789. 158. iii. Austin Dickinson*, b. Feb. 15, 1791; m. in 1836, Laura M. Camp. He Grad. from Dart- mouth C. in the class of 1813. He was a clergyman, d. Aug. 15, 1849. One daug. Constance A. d. in infancy. x, 159. iv. Daniel Dickinson*, b. June 18, 1793. x, 160. v. Baxter Dickinson*, b. April 14, 1795. x, 161. vi. Hannah Dickinson*, b. June 7, 1797. 31. Mary Eastman*, (William », Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., Sept. 12, 1745; m. Joel Lyman, b. 1742; d. in Northampton, Mass., where they lived, Oct. 10, 1801. Children 162. i. Joel Lyman*, b. in 1765; d. Sept. 5, 1778. 163. ii. Mary Lyman*, b. 1768; d. aged lOy and lmo. x, 164. iii. Mary Lyman*, b. in 1778. x, 165. iv. Elizabeth Lyman*, b. Sept. 9, 1785. 36. Joseph Eastman* (William*, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., Nov. 13, 1754; m. Nov. 9, 1780, Hannah Lyman, b. in Northampton, Mass., Nov. 19, 1754, daug. of John and Hannah (Strong) Lyman. Mr. Eastman resided in Granby, where he d. Aug. 21, 1830. Children 166. i. Jerusha*, b. Aug. 28, 1781; m. Jan. 25, 1815,. Wareham Shepard, his second wife. 167. ii. Joseph*, b. May 1, 1784; d. young. 168. iii. Polly*, b. April 13, 1785; d' young. x, 169. iv. Joseph*, b. June 24, 1787. 170. v. Joel Lyman*, b. Dec. 11, 1789; resided in Lud- low, Mass. x, 171. vi. John Lyman,* b. Jan. 25, 1792. x, 172. vii. Chester*, b. April 16, 1794. x, 173. viii. Augustus*, b. Oct. 3, 1796. 34 THIRD GENERATION 174. ix. Pollys b. March 10, 1799; m. Nov. 14, 1821. Benjamin Witt, or as spelled now by the family, Dewitt, b. May 3, 1793. | 37. Elizabeth Eastman*, (William 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Dec. 1, 1756; m. July 9, 1794, Lucas Morgan*, of Joseph*, Nathaniel 2 , of Miles Morgan', one of the early settlers of Springfield, whose statue stands in Court Square, Springfield, Mass. Lucas Morgan m. first, Tryphena Smith, sister of Experience, who married Joseph Morgan 4 . Lucas had by first wife, nine c. Joseph Morgan* was father of Joseph 5, who was father of Junius *, the father of John Pierpont Morgan', of worldwide fame. Children of Lucas and Elizabeth 175. i. Elizabeth Morgan*, b. Sept. 24, 1795. 176. ii. Lucas Morgan*, b. Aug. 3, 1798. % 39. Lois Eastman*, (William 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., July 8, 1761; m. Dec. 30, 1786, Eliakim Kel- logg, b. in South Hadley, Mass., Sept. 10, 1759, son of Joseph and Dorothy (Taylor) Kellogg. He resided in South Hadley, where he d. April 25, 1826. She d. there July 28, 1850. (Eliakim Kellogg was son of Joseph Kellogg*, Joseph*, John 2 , Joseph') Joseph* m. (Abigail Smith*, Ebenezer*, Chileab 2 , Lieut. Samuel Smith'). Children of Eliakim and Lois Eastman Kellogg 177. i. Fanny Kellogg*, b. March 8, 1788; published March 25, 1810, to Alpheus Ingram of South Hadley. She d. without c. Nov. 20, 1860. x, 178 ii. Elijah Kellogg*, b. April 1, 1790. 179. iii. William Kellogg*, b. March 31, 1792; m. April 10, 1827, Abigail Brainard, b. in Haddon Neck, Mass., April 17, 1795, daug. of Robert and Abigail (Spencer) Brainard. He d. Sept. 27, 1834; she d. Oct. 28, 1836. They had no c. THIRD GENERATION 35 180. iv. Hawley Kellogg*, b. Oct. 2, 1794; d. unm. April 8, 1821. x, 181. v. Abigail Kellogg*, b. Feb. 5, 1797. J, 182. vi. Esther Kellogg*, b. June 27, 1799; m. April 3, 1825, Obadiah Montague of South Hadley; no c. v 40. William Eastman* (Williams Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., Nov. 20, 1763; m. first, Tammy Reed, b. in 1770. She d. in Granby, June 21, 1808, and he m. second, May 17, 1809, Mrs. Sarah Shepard, widow of a Mr. Curtis, and daug. of Gen. William Shepard of the Revolutionary army. Mr. Shepard was a Lieut, in the French and Indian war in 1754, at the age of 21. Mr. Eastman was a representative in Congress in 1797 and 1803. Resided in Granby, Mass. Children x, 183. i. William*, b. 1796. x, 184. ii. Reubin*, b. Oct. 22, 1797. x, 185. iii. George*, b. . x, 186. iv. Tammy*, b. 1801 ; m. Daniel Dickinson (see No. 159). x, 187. v. Charles*, b. Oct. 3, 1803. x, 188. vi. Edwin*, b. . 42. Abigail Eastman *, (William *, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., in 1766; m. Seth Dwight, b. in Somers, Conn., April 8, 1757. She was his second wife, his first being Esther Pease, by whom he had seven children. He was a cooper and lived in Somers and West Springfield, Mass. He d. April 10, 1821, and she d. in Hadley, Mass., Nov. 3, 1833. Children by Abigail 189. i. Abigail Dwight*, b. in 1798; d. Sept. 12, 1802. x, 190. ii. Jonathan Dwight*, b. in 1800. 191. iii. George Dwight*, b. 1802; d. young, x, 192. iv. Mosley Dwight', b. Dec. 23, 1804. x, 193. v. Clarisa Dwight*, b. May 8, 1807. 36 THIRD GENERATION v 43. Ruth Eastman 3 , (William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Granby, Mass., Sept. 30, 1769; m. Oct. 8, 1788, Dr. Daniel Coit, b. in Sheffield, Mass., June 4, 1762, son of (William*, Joseph 3 , Joseph 2 , and John 1 , the emigrant). They lived in Granby, Mass., where the first two sons were born; moved to Johnson, Vt., before 1793, where Dr. Coit began the practice of medicine, and was the first physician there. They moved to St. Albans, Vt., before 1796, remaining till abt. 1802, when the family removed to Burlington , ] Vt., where his brother William Coit lived. He became a physician of note, and the originator of "Coit's Pills," which were very famous. Dr. Coit also became one of the charter members of the First Con- gregational Church at Burlington, Vt. In later years he became blind, and retired with his wife Ruth to the home of his youngest daug., Emily A. Averill, at Rouse's Point, N. Y., where he d. July 4, 1832. His wife d. Aug. 18, 1832, at the same place, and both are buried in the Rouse's Point ceme- tery, in the Averill family lot. The notice of his death in the Burlington, Vt., paper reads: "In Champlain, N. Y., at the residence of C. R. Averill, Esq., on the 4th of July, Dr. Daniel Coit, formerly of this town, died age 72. Daniel Coit served his country faithfully in the early part of the Revolution, was a respectable citizen, a kind neighbor, and died in the hope of a blessed immor- tality." Both Dr. Daniel and his eldest brother William were in the Revolutionary war (see page 130 of Mass. Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution roll, dated Sheffield, Mass.). William went first to Vermont with Ira Allen, brother of Gen. Ethan Allen, and was the first surveyor of Burlington, Vt. Selectman in 1792-94-95 and 1801. Representative to General Assembly 1794, and one-third owner of Coit's gore of 10,000 acres of land in Lamoile County, it being land that surrounded and included Johnson, Vt. He was also one of the founders of Burlington C. in 1791. THIRD GENERATION 37 Children 194. i. William Homer Coit 4 , b. in Granby, Mass., Jan. 19, 1790; d. Dec. 25, 1806, while a student at Burlington C. in his sophomore year, it being the first death at the C, on which occasion the President, Rev. Daniel C. Sanders, gave an oration. 195. ii. Isaac Coit 4 , b. in Granby, Mass., Jan. 16, 1792; d. Aug. 17, 1804, in Burlington, Vt. 196. iii. Elizabeth Coit, 4 b. in Johnson, Vt., Sept. 30, 1793; d. unm. Dec. 4, 1878, in Louisville, Ky. 197. iv. Abigail Coit 4 , b. in St. Albans, Vt., July 6, 1796; d. unm. in Niles, Mich., June 25, 1877. x, 198. v. Harriet Coit 4 , b. in St. Albans, Vt., July 31, 1798. x, 199. vi. Emily Amelia Coit 4 , b. in St. Albans, Vt., June 15, 1801. x, 200. vii. Daniel Pierce Coit 4 , b. in Burlington, Vt., Aug. 10, 1804. 201 viii. William Homer Coit, 2d 4 , b. in Burlington, Vt., Feb. 24, 1808; d. March 6, 1809. v 44. Lois Eastman^, (John 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Hadley, Mass., Sept. 27, 1764; m. Dec. 9, 1788, Dr. William Porter; he was of the fifth generation from John Porter, of Windsor, Conn. She d. Dec. 12, 1792. He m. second, Char- lotte Williams, a descendant of Roger Williams of Roxbury, Mass. By second marriage he had seven c. ; the fourth, a girl, b. Feb. 8, 1801, was named for his first wife, Lois Eastman. She lived in Hadley and m. Curtis. Children by First Wife 202. i. Eunice Porter 4 , b. Oct. 14, 1789; d. in child- hood, x, 203. ii. John Porter 4 , b. Oct. 24, 1790. x, 204. iii. William Porter 4 , b. Nov. 14, 1792. 38 THIRD GENERATION | 59. Joseph Clary 3 , (Rachel Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Sunderland, Mass., Sept. 5, 1756; m. April 10, 1786, Polina Frary of Deerfield, Mass,, b. Oct. 10, 1761, daug. of Nathan and Elizabeth (Barnard) Frary. He resided in Con- way, Mass., where he d. May 16, 1827. Children x, 205. i. Polina Clary, b. 206. ii. Henry Clary*, b. ; d. . 207. iii. Sylvia Clary*, b. . x, 208. iv. Henry Clary*, b. . x, 209. v. John Clary*, b. in Conway, March 30, 1802. v J 60. Luanda Clary 3 , (Rachel Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Conway, Mass., Oct. 9, 1760; m. Martin Root of Montague, Mass. Children x, 210. i. Lois Root*, b. Sept. 17, 1786; m. July, 1806, Joseph Eastman, No. 128, son of John and Hepzibah (Keyes) Eastman. 211. ii. Molly Root*, b. Aug. 15, 1788; d. June 28, 1814. 212. iii. Joseph Root*, b. Nov. 12, 1790; m. Dec. 12, 1820, Sally Gunn, who d. Oct. 11, 1842; m. second, June 29, 1843, Lima F. Marsh. He d. Sept. 7, 1845. Had no c. 213. iv. Abigail Root*, b. March 16, 1793; m. Oct. 26, 1818, Thomas Moody, x, 214. v. Electa Root*, b. May 14, 1795; m. May 28, 1818. 215. vi. Lucius Root*, b. Oct. 20, 1797; d. April 28, 1808. 216. vii. Martin Root*, b. July 8, 1802; m. March 2, 1829, Jerusha Barbour. Removed to Byfield, Mass. 217. viii. Lucinda Root*, b. Feb. 18, 1807; m. Oct. 30, 1834, Kendall Bancroft; she d. Dec. 15, 1867. v 61. Lucy Clary 3 , (Rachel Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Conway, Mass., Sept. 20, 1764; d. in Wilmington, Vt., 220. ii. 221. iii. 222. iv. 223. v. 224. vi. 225. vii. 226. viii. x, 227. ix. THIRD GENERATION 39 Nov. 15, 1819; m. in 1788, Bani Wing, b. Aug. 10, 1763, d. in Charlemont, Mass., April 2, 1847. He m. second, Thirza Flint. Mr. Wing was a Revolutionary soldier; resided in Conway, Mass., and Wilmington, Vt. Children 219. i. Adolphus Wings b. in Conway, Oct. 20, 1789; m. Nancy Hamilton. Wealthy Wing*, b. Nov. 24, 1793. Joseph Wing 4 , b. in Wilmington, Vt., Nov. 18, 1795; d. Aug. 11, 1803. Charles Wing*, b. in 1797. Rufus Wing*, b. Aug. 7, 1799; m. . Gulielmus Wing 4 , b. April 3, 1802 ; m. . Lucy Wing 4 , b. Sept. 21, 1804. Stalham Wing 4 , b. Oct. 20, 1806. Joseph Knowles Wing 4 , b. July 27, 1810. Child by Second Wife x. Lucius B. Wing, b. ; resided in Newark,. O.; d. Feb. 1, 1902. v 62. Benjamin Eastman 3 , (Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Granby, Mass., June 23, 1760; d. in Chester, Mass., Aug. 26, 1842; m. first, Jan. 1, 1795, Mary Dickinson, of Gran- by, b. Jan. 10, 1770. She d. in Chester, March 3, 1813, and he m. second, Aug. 8, 1815, Mrs. Deborah (Blair) Bowditch, b. Jan. 19, 1778. She d. in Chester, Dec. 25, 1835. He lived in Chester, and on his gravestone he is called "Deacon Ben- jamin Eastman." He was appointed administrator of his father's estate, Feb. 16, 1793. He had no c. by his first wife, but adopted a girl, Lucia, b. ; m. John Leffler. The two sons, Benjamin and Samuel, of his brother Hezekiah,. were indented to Mr. Eastman Oct. 18, 1810, until they were fourteen years old. Children by Second Wife x, 228. i. Benjamin Blair 4 , b. in Chester, June 23, 1816. x, 229. ii. Rachel 4 , b. in Chester, Sept. 7, 1817. 40 THIRD GENERATION v 64. Eunice Eastman 3 , (Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Granby, Mass., Nov. 8, 1763. She m. at South Hadley, June 8, 1786, Samuel White, son of John White. Samuel White enlisted in the Revolutionary war when only 16 years old, and stood on tip-toe to stand muster. His father enlisted to take care of him. His father returned home and died be- fore the war closed. After Samuel enlisted, Esq. Benjamin Eastman said to him that if he lived to come home he might have his choice of his daughters for a wife, and he chose Eunice. Eunice d. Nov. 6, 1795, and he m. two years later Abigail Day, a cousin of his first wife, by whom he had four c, the eldest of whom was Eunice Eastman White, who wrote of her father, "Nature did well for him, he did not have a child one-half as smart as he was, and I have heard it remarked several times that he was fit for Congress." He resided in Granby and Chester, Mass. Children of Eunice 230. i. John White 4 , b. March 26, 1787. He went to California, then to Mexico, since which time all trace of him is lost. x, 231. ii. Benjamin Eastman White 4 , b. Sept. 12, 1789. x, 232. iii. Montgomery White 4 , b. in Chester, Aug. 19, 1792. x, 233. iv. Samuel White 4 , b. in Chester, Nov. 4, 1795. v 65. Rev. John Eastman 3 , (Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Granby, Mass., Dec. 23, 1765; d. in Fowlerville, Livingston Co., N. Y., Dec. 6, 1834; m. Sept. 30, 1799, Mary Hooker, b. in 1773, daug. of Joseph Hooker of Farmington, Conn., a descendant of Rev. Thomas Hooker, who founded the city of Hartford, Conn. She d. Jan. 26, 1855, and both lie in Mount Pleasant cemetery in Fowlerville, N. Y. Rev. Mr. Eastman Grad. from Dartmouth C. in the class of 1794, and after taking the usual course of theological study, and being ordained, he entered upon the work of the ministry at Norwich, Chenango Co., N. Y. Here he remained several THIRD GENERATION 41 years, when he received a call from the Congregational Church in Marshall, Oneida Co., N. Y., and was installed its pastor in May, 1809. Here he bought a farm and farmed it until 1822, when he sold his farm and removed to York, Livingston County, where he bought a farm of 56 acres near the village of Fowlerville, and erected the necessary buildings, and commenced his ministerial work in Greigsville in the same town, and was instrumental in instituting the First Congregational Church of York. Mr. Eastman was a man possessed of a marked vein of humor, much urbanity of manner, exceedingly fond of society, a pungent and effective preacher of the Word, and always popular and in demand among the young people of his vicinity desiring the offices of a clergyman to join them in the holy bonds of wedlock. Children Marys b. Dec. 25, 1800. Elias Hooker*, b. in Yates Co., N. Y., June 29, 1803. Joseph Addison 4 , b. in Paris, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1806. Eliza Ann 4 , b. March 14, 1811. v 66. Joel Eastman 3 (Benjamins Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Granby, Mass. He and his brother Timothy left home when young men. Joel was in Ludlow, Mass., in 1793, when he signed in that year a receipt in the settlement of his father's estate. He m. Vashta Gallard, and his three oldest c. were born in Mass., and the others in Groton, N. Y. He lived in Groton upwards of thirty-five years, when he d., leaving the following c: Children x, 238. i. Vashta s b. Nov. 28, 1809. 239. ii. Timothys b. . He was a boatman; run on a boat on Lake Erie for a number of years, then went on a steamer on the Mississippi x, 234. i. x, 235. ii. x, 236. iii. x, 237. iv. 42 THIRD GENERATION River, and was drowned at St. Louis, Mo., abt. 1870. 240. iii. Joel 4 , b. . He never m., and d. in Michigan abt. 1885, aged abt. 70. 241. iv. Harriet 4 , b. May 20, 1817; m. Lyman Childs in 1870. Went to Illinois, lived there a short time, and returned to Groton and d. there in 1900. She had no c. 242. v. Lyman 4 , b. in Groton, N. Y., April 22, 1821. unm. v 67. Mercy Eastman 3 , (Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. inGranby, Mass., April 15, 1768; m. Jan. 28, 1791, to James Smith of Granby, and resided there, where he d. May 5, 1821. She d. in Springfield at the home of her son, Alvah Smith, Feb. 21, 1847. Children 243. i. James Smith 4 , b. Nov. 11, 1791; d. Nov. 27, 1792. x, 244. ii. James Smith, 2d 4 , b. Sept. 18, 1793. x, 245. iii. William Smith 4 , b. Aug. 22, 1795. x, 246. iv. Eldad Smith 4 , b. Oct. 14, 1797. x, 247. v. Alvah Smith 4 , b. Dec. 6, 1799. x, 248. vi. Benjamin Eastman Smith 4 , b. April 5, 1802. x, 249. vii. Herodotus Smith 4 , called Harry, b. July 24, 1804. x, 250. viii. Cynthia Smith 4 , b. Feb. 15, 1807. x, 251.' ix. Edmund Smith 4 , b. June 19, 1809. v 68. Hezekiah Eastman*, (Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass. ; m. Theodocia Alvord, b. in Granby, Feb. 22, 1784, daug. of Gad and Phebe (White) Alvord. It is thought he d. abt. March, 1822. His sons were indentured to his brother Benjamin, Oct. IS, 1810, until they were fourteen years old. His wife d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1874. THIRD GENERATION 43 Children x, 252. i. Benjamin*, b. Sept. 13, 1805. 253. ii. Samuel*, b. Aug. 3, 1807; d. in Granby, Nov. 19, 1831. v 69. Kezia Eastman 3 , (Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Granby, Mass., Feb. 17, 1770; m. Oct. 21, 1792, Capt. Asa Nash 6 , b. Dec. 1, 1763, son of Dea. David Nash 5 of Amherst and South Hadley, Mass., son of Dea. John Nash* of Am- herst, John 3 , Timothy 2 of Hadley, Thomas' of New Haven, Conn. Kezia (Eastman) Nash d. July 29, 1806, and he m. second, March 31, 1808, Lydia Bodworth. He d. May 25, 1814. t Children Elizabeth Nash*, b. Sept. 22, 1793. Spiddy Nash*, b. Oct. 5, 1795; m. Sylvester Burchard. Asa Nash*, b. Jan. 20, 1798; d. March 26, 1799. Asa Nash*, b. Dec. 16, 1799. Eunice Nash*, b. May 20, 1802. David Nash*, b. April 5, 1804; d. April 19, 1832; unm. x, 260. vii. Kezia Nash*, b. July 28, 1806; m. first, George Kilbon; second, Augustus Eastman. (See No. 173.) v 70. Timothy Eastman 3 , (Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Granby, Mass., in 1772. He left home when a young man, and went to Sidney, N. Y., was there in 1807, when he signed a receipt in the settlement of his father's estate. Later he removed to Groton, N. Y., where he continued to live until a few years before his death, when he sold his farm and removed to Dry den, N. Y. He m. in 1821, Lucy Branch, b. in 1792, daug. of Nathan and Elizabeth ( ) Branch, of Worthington, Mass. (Nathan 5 was of Thomas* of Peter 3 of John 2 of Peter Branch 1 , who came to this country in 1638.) x, 254. i. 255. ii. 256. iii. x, 257. iv. x, 258. v. 259. vi. 44 THIRD GENERATION Mr. Eastman was a very honest man, and was called "Uncle Tim." He d. in Dryden, Jan. 21, 1855, in his 83d year. His widow d. in Dryden, Feb. 18, 1874. Only Child x, 261. i. Eunice Amanda 4 , b. in Groton, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1823. % 77. Elijah Belding 3 , (Keziah Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ,) was b. May 20, 1774; m. March 18, 1810, Lois Steams. He d. March 17, 1843. She d. April 25, 1860, aged 82. Children x, 262. i. Jonathan Belding 4 , b. Aug. 16, 1815. x, 263. ii. Elijah Eastman Belding\ b. April 19, 1816. 264. iii. Lois Stevens Belding 4 , b. Sept. 15, 1818; d. unm. Dec. 13, 1862. 265. iv. Maria Belding 4 , b. Oct. 2, 1820; m. June 1, 1843, Elijah M. Dickinson, of Fitchburg. X 81. Anna Eastman*, (Timothys Dea. Joseph'), b. May 22, 1781; m. Dec. 30, 1807, Elisha Cook. She d. Feb. 23, 1841; he d. Jan. 7, 1846. Children 266. i. Abigail Cook 4 , 267. ii. Mary Cook 4 , 268. iii. Jane Cook 4 , 269. iv. Roswell Dickinson Cook 4 , b. 1820; d. June 9, 1842, while a member of the class of 1843 in Amherst C. 270. v. Henry Martin Cook 4 , b. abt. 1825; d. April 7, 1842, aged 17. 83. Samuel Eastman \ (Timothy 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Hadley, Mass., Sept. 26, 1786; m. Nov. 21, 1815, Abigail Smith of Chester. She d. in Oct., 1837 ; he d. in May, 1837. THIRD GENERATION 45 Children X, 271. i. Samuel Shelden*, b. Nov. 2, 1816; m. and lived in Greenfield, Mass. He was the editor of the Gazette and Courier. He had a daug., Sybella W. A., who m. Walter L. Gunn of Greenfield; she d. in 1895. 272. ii. Charles Baxter*, b. March 12, 1819; resided in Chicopee. 273. iii. William Smiths b. Feb. 7, 1821; d. April 28, 1821. 274. iv. Child, b. and d. in 1822. 275. v. Harriet Sophia*, b. May 4, 1824; d. Jan. 25, 1853. 276. vi. William Merrick*, b. July 10, 1827. Went to Macon, Ga. 277. vii. Lucy Ann Smith*, b. July 27, 1831; lived in Springfield, Mass. 278. viii. Sarah Maria*, b. Nov. 1, 1834; lived in Spring- field, Mass. 84. Joseph Eastman 3 , (Timothy 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Hadley, Mass., April 8, 1788; m. Nov. 1819, Susan Shelden, b. 1786, and d. Jan. 13, 1853. He d. Jan. 13, 1860. Children 279. i. Timothy Phelps*, b. Nov. 27, 1810; m. April 24, 1860, Susan P., daug. of Milton Woodville, of Chicopee. 280. ii. A son, b. Aug. 2, 1823; d. June 29, 1850. $ 86. Grace Eastman 3 , (Timothy 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Nov. 5, 1793; m. Aaron Breck, b. at Northampton, Mass., Aug. 2, 1791, residence Northampton. He was a Deacon of the First Congregational Church. He d. Oct. 3, 1868; she d. Children 281. i. Julia A. Breck*, b. Aug. 21, 1816; d. Sept. 18, 1849. 46 THIRD GENERATION 282. ii. Eunice A. Breck', b. Oct. 18, 1818; d. Jan. 5, 1854. x, 283. iii. Aaron Breck\ b. Oct. 12, 1820. 284. iv. Lucinda Breck*, b. Sept. 24, 1822; m. Nov. 29, 1852, Edward Wright. They removed to San Francisco, Cal. 285. v. Samuel Breck*, b. Aug. 23, 1824; Grad. at Brown Univ., Rhode Island, in 1848; d. June 24, 1853. 286. vi. Elizabeth Breck*, b. June 29, 1826. Resided in 1889 with her sister Ruth, in Chicago, 111. 287. vii. Susan C. Breck*, b. May 12, 1828; m. Jan. 11, 1855, to John W. Hubbard, d. Nov. 9, 1855. 289. viii. Ruth C. Breck*, b. June 30, 1830. Lived in Chicago. Fourth Generation J 100. Polly Dickinson*, (Hannah Billings 3 , Maty East- man 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. June 4, 1783; m. Dec. 10, 1804, Enos Smith. He d. Jan. 24, 1822; she d. Nov. 9, 1849. Children 290. i. Roswell Smith*, b. Nov. 30, 1805; d. Aug. 30, 1807. x, 291. ii. Mary Smith', b. Sept. 23, 1807; m. April 30, 1835, Nathaniel Collins Prior. 292. iii. Hannah Smiths b. June 23, 1809; m. Joseph Enterton. x, 293. iv. Delia Smith 5 , b. June 22, 1812; m. Ephraim Potter, x, 294. v. Roswell Smith 5 , b. April 5, 1815. x, 295. vi. Enos Dickinson Smith 5 , b. July 25, 1817. 296. vii. Lucius Smith 5 , b. June 5, 1819; d. Oct. 22, 1819 297. viii. Mehitable Morgan Smith 5 , b. Dec. 28, 1821; m. Joseph Howe. v 107. Joseph Cowles 4 , (Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. May 29, 1777; m. Sept., 1801, Beulah Walkup. He d. in Amherst, Sept. 23, 1833; she d. Children x, 298. i. Enoch Cowles 5 , b. x, 299. ii. Clinton Cowles 5 , b. 300. iii. A daughter 3 , b. ; unm. v 108. Silas Cowles 4 , (Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Nov. 4, 1779; m. Dec. 22, 1808, in Amberst, by Rev. I. Draper, Zilpha Shumway. They lived at Plainville in Hadley, where he d. 48 FOURTH GENERATION Children 301. i. David Cowles 5 , b. 302. ii. Daniel Cowles 5 , b. 303. iii. Lewis Cowles 5 , b. 304. iv. Elijah Cowles 5 , b. v 109. Jonathan Cowles 4 , (Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Dec. 2, 1781; m. April 16, 1807, Esther Graves, daug. of Elias and Hepzibah (Belden) Graves of Sunderland. She was b. Nov. 23, 1783, d. June 20, 1868; he d. Jan. 18, 1866. Children Justin Cowles 5 , b. Jan. 11, 1808; d. Feb. 28, 1808. Erastus Cowles 5 , b. March 29„ 1809; d. Aug. 20, 1811. Lois Cowles 5 , b. Nov. 14, 1810; d. April 14, 1811. Ira Cowles 5 , b. Aug. 21, 1812; d. Sept. 4, 1814. Esther Cowles, 5 b. Aug. 23, 1814; d. July 11, 1815. Sarah Cowles 5 , b. Feb. 17, 1817. Ransom Cowles 5 , b. Aug. 18, 1818. Jonathan Cowles 5 , b. May 4, 1822. v 116. Tilton Eastman 4 , (Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 15, 1773; d. in Ran- dolph, Vt., July 8, 1842 ; m. in Plainfield, N. H., Oct. 20, 1802, Experience Smith, daug. of Francis Smith; she d. He Grad. from Dartmouth C. in 1796, studied for the ministry, and was ordained pastor of the First Congregational Church at Randolph Center, Vt. David H. Nutting, M. D., a man 78 years old, who was for 22 years a medical missionary in Eastern and Central Turkey, is now clerk of the church, and has care of the records, writes that Rev. Tilton Eastman was ordained June 2, 1801, the second pastor of the church. At that service (Mr. Nutting has been told) prayer was offered by Rev. Aaron Cleveland, who was then preaching in the adjoining town of Braintree. Mr. Cleveland is said to have been a near kin of ex-President Grover Cleveland. Mr. 305. i. 306. ii. 307. iii. 308. iv. 309. v. x, 310. vi. x, 311 vii. x, 312. viii. FOURTH GENERATION 49 Eastman remained pastor of the church till May 25, 1830, he having (on account of his health) resigned March 19, 1830. He owned a house and farm near the village, and continued to live there and preach occasionally until his death. He was highly esteemed by his parishioners and by contemporary ministers in the State. Mr. Nutting remembers hearing him preach, and also has several of his sermons in Mr. Eastman's own handwriting, and the diploma given Mr. Eastman at Dartmouth C. His daughters, Eunice and Mary, continued to live there till their decease. The house which Mr. Eastman built and lived in many years is still standing and in good repair. c . t Children all born in Randolph x, 313. i. Francis Smith', b. Dec. 16, 1803. x, 314. ii. Edward', b. Feb. 22, 1806. 315. iii. Eunice Smith', b. Aug. 5, 1809; d. in Randolph Center, Vt. x, 316. iv. George Burder 5 , b. Dec. 24, 1811. 317. v. Mary, b. Nov. 3, 1816; d. in Randolph Center, Vt. J 117. Polly or Mary Eastman 4 , (Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Nov. 8, 1775; m. Dec. 1, 1793, Stephen Dickinson r of Amherst. She d. May 25, 1822. Children 318. i. Adolphus Dickinson 5 , b. Oct. 11, 1794; m. Oct. 16, 1817, Lydia, daug. of Andrew Hyde. 319. ii. Judith Dickinson 5 , b. ; m. April 11, 1816, Samuel Thayer, of Belchertown. Asa Dickinson 5 , b. ; m. Sophia Hastings. Joseph E. Dickinson 5 , b. Polly Dickinson 5 , b. ; m. April 15, 1824, Erastus Smith, Jr., of Hadley. Osman Dickinson 5 , b. ; d. young. Orin R. Dickinson 5 , bapt. Dec. 21, 1806; m. Jan. 19, 1830, Mary Hyde. 320. in. 321. iv. r 322. v. \i 323. vi. L? 324. vii. 50 FOURTH GENERATION 325. viii. Salome Dickinson 5 , bapt. May 6, 1810; m. Oct. 21, 1831, Elisha Clark, Jr. 326. ix. Elihu Dickinson 5 , bapt. Oct. 18, 1812; m. April 2, 1835, Susan D. Pettengill. 327. x. George Dickinson 5 , bapt. Nov. 10, 1816; d. Jan. 11, 1824. 328. xi. Maria Dickinson 5 , bapt. Nov. 15, 1818. 329. xii. Hosmer Dickinson 5 , b. ; m. Roxanna Goodale. 118. Elijah Eastman 4 , (Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., March 13, 1775; d. March 26, 1820; m. Oct. 24, 1802, Rebecca Hall, b. April 19, 1779; d. Aug. 11, 1822. He resided at North Amherst, Mass., a deacon in the church. Children 330. i. Elijah Lyman 5 , b. Dec. 13, 1803 ; d. in Amherst, May 9, 1878. 331. ii. Caroline 5 , b. Jan. 2, 1806; d. April 24, 1823. 332. iii. William 5 , b. April 13, 1808; d. April 5, 1826. 333. iv. Samuel 5 , b. July 18, 1810; d. May 11, 1828. x, 334. v. Austin 5 , b. Oct. 5, 1812. x, 335. vi. Zebina 5 , b. Sept. 8, 1815. x, 336. vii. Baxter 5 , b. Jan. 29, 1818. 122. Clarissa Eastman 4 , (Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Nov. 9, 1784; d. Aug. 26, 1870; m. Nov. 25, 1801, Asa Adams, Jr., b. in Shutesbury, Mass., Feb. 13, 1778, son of Asa and Grace (Ward) Adams. He resided in Shutesbury, held the office of selectman, and was a successful farmer. He d. June 26, 1833. To verify the records of this family I was referred to Gene- alogy by Prof. Herbert B. Adams. I find dates the same to the time that was published, 1880. Some extra has been added. The families of the first two children were sent to the publisher by different members of their families up to date. FOURTH GENERATION 51 Children x, 337. i. Mary Adams', b. July 26, 1803. x, 338. ii. Johannah Adams', b. March 30, 1805. x, 339. iii. Clarissa Adams 3 , b. Nov. 15, 1807. x, 340. iv. Achsah Adams', b. Sept. 24, 1809. x, 341. v. Silas Ward Adams', b. Sept. 26, 1811. x, 342. vi. Nathaniel Dickinson Adams', b. July 5, 1813. x, 343. vii. Joseph Baxter Adams', b. March 24, 1815. x, 344. viii. Lucena Adams', b. Dec. 18, 1816. x, 345. ix. Caroline Adams', b. July 24, 1818. ., 346. x. Dea. William Adams', b. Feb. 18, 1820. x, 347. xi. Harriet A. Newell Adams', b. Nov. 28, 1821. x, 348. xii. Dea. Asa Adams', b. June 25, 1824. 349. xiii. Isaac Adams', b. June 25, 1826; d. Nov. 6, 1848. v 126. Submit Eastman*, (John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Oct. 20, 1780; m. first, Nov. 19, 1801, Enoch Bangs, b. in Barre, Mass., Dec. 10, 1769, d. in Amherst, Sept. 7, 1811. He was grandson of David and Eunice (Stone) Bangs, of Hardwick, and later of Wilmington, Vt. Eunice Stone was the daug. of Rev. Nathaniel and Re- liance (Hinkley) Stone, Reliance being the 17th child of Gov. Thomas Hinkley; and also Capt. Samuel Bangs, great grand- father of Enoch Bangs, m. Mary Hinkley, daug. of Samuel Hinkley, 5th child of Gov. Thomas Hinkley, of Massachu- setts. Eunice Stone d. Feb. 5, 1816, aged 104 years. When 100 years old, she walked almost a mile upon the occasion of a sermon in honor of her reaching her century mark. Submit Eastman was the second wife of Enoch Bangs. She m. second, Levi Cowles, by whom she had no c. She m. third, Oliver Cowles. She d. Aug. 7, 1868. Children 350. i. A nameless child, b. Aug. 5, 1802; d. Aug. 25, 1802. x, 351. ii. Azubah Dickinson Bangs', b. Feb. 22, 1804. 52 FOURTH GENERATION x, 352. iii. Danforth Keyes Bangs*, b. Sept. 26, 1806; d. Oct. 19, 1895. See No. 339. x, 353. iv. William Freeman Bangs', b. Oct. 23, 1809; d. Feb. 24, 1892. v 127. Emelia Eastman 4 , (John 3 , Joseph', Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., March 7, 1782; m. Jan. 25, 1814, John Hawkes, b. in Deerfield, Mass., in 1783, son of Obed Hawkes, and grandson of Col. John Hawkes, b. in 1707, who was called the hero of Fort Massachusetts, he being in wars from 1746 to 1760. He was also great grandson of John Nims, one of the Nims family who lived in Deerfield, Mass., at the time of the massacre of 1704. Mr. Hawkes resided in Deerfield, where he d. March 21, 1883, at the age of nearly 100 years. His wife died in Deerfield in Jan., 1870. Children x, 354. i. Charles Hawkes 5 , b. in Deerfield, Mass., Feb. 14, 1815. Harriet Hawkes 5 , b. March 16, 1816. Frederick Hawkes 5 , b. Sept. 26, 1817. Emily Hawkes 5 , b. June 28, 1819; resided in Rockville, Ind.; d. Dec. 9, 1903. x, 358. v. John Hawkes 5 , b. Jan. 22, 1823. v 128. Joseph Eastman 4 , (John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Hadley, Mass., Nov. 4, 1783; m. first, July 4, 1806, Lois Root, No. 210, daug. of Martin and Lucinda (Clary) Root, No. 60, and grand-daughter of John and Rachel (Eastman) Clary, No. 6. She was b. Sept. 19, 1786, and d. Feb. 14, 1810. He m. second, Eunice Parker, of South Deerfield, with whom he lived 57 years. Joseph resided on the Tilton estate in Hadley, but d. in Bleecker, N. Y. Children x, 359. i. Rilus 5 , b. in Amherst, Mass., Nov. 23, 1807. x, 360. ii. Lucius Root 5 , b. in Hadley, Mass., Sept. 15, 1809. x, 355. ii. x, 356. iii. 357. iv. FOURTH GENERATION 53 361. iii. Martin 5 , b. ; d. young. v 131. Solomon Keyes Eastman*, (John 5 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. July 12, 1788; m. Almira Richardson, Nov. 10, 1819. He d. April 15, 1872; she d. April 10, 1853. Children 362. i. Hannah 5 , b. ; m. William Chapman, of West Springfield, Mass. 363. ii. Henry Keyes 5 , b. Sept. 5, 1822; d. June 15, 1871. 364. iii. Matilda 5 , b. April 16, 1828; d. June 8, 1898. 365. iv. Martha 5 , b. Aug. 15, 1831; d. July 4, 1902. 134. Lois Eastman*, (John 5 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass.,' Aug. 17, 1794; d. in Syracuse, N. Y., March 8, 1848; m. Aug. 26, 1824, Lewis Whittemore, b. in Worcester, Mass., July 17, 1796, d. in Sept., 1861. Resided in Auburn and Syracuse, N. Y. Children 366. i. Celia Ann Whittemore 5 , b. in Auburn, June 28, 1828; d. Dec. 24, 1845. x, 367. ii. Cecil Starritt Whittemore 5 , b. in Auburn, Aug. 23, 1829. 368. iii. Hepzibah Whittemore 5 , b. in Syracuse, Aug., 1831; d. Feb. 15, 1839. x, 369. iv. Oliver Cowles Whittemore 5 , b. in Syracuse, April 18, 1834. v 135. Oman Eastman* (John 5 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amberst, Mass., March 27, 1796; d. in New York City, April 24, 1874; m. Nov. 6, 1832, Mary Reed, b. in Marble- head, Mass., Jan. 1, 1806, daug. of Benjamin Tyler and Re- becca (Blackler )Reed. She d. in New Britain, Conn., Oct. 17, 1878. Mr. Eastman prepared for college at Amherst Academy, and entered Yale C, graduating in the class of 1821. He studied theology at Andover, Mass., graduating in 1824, and served the following year in organizing auxiliaries to American Board of Foreign Missions in New Hampshire. He 54 FOURTH GENERATION then entered on his life-long work in service of the American Tract Society, and after employment as secretary of the New England branch in Boston, where he was ordained as an evan- gelist, Aug. 27, 1828, and as general agent for the Mississippi Valley, was elected May, 1832, finance secretary. In this work he labored untiringly until May, 1870, when he volun- tarily laid down his heavier responsibilities, thenceforward as honorary secretary, attending only to such lighter duties as his growing years permitted. Children 370. i. Benjamin Tyler 5, b. in New York City, April 28, 1834; d. Cct. 3, 1867. William Reed', b. Oct. 19, 1835. Mary D wights b. Aug. 1, 1838. Elizabeth Reed*, b. Feb. 26, 1841. Harriet Maria 5, b. March 7, 1843. vi. John Cotton', b. Dec. 30, 1845. v 136. Anna Eastman 4 , (John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Sept. 14, 1797; m. Archimedes Ferry, Oct. 31, 1821. She d. April 11, 1870. Child 376. i. Sarah Porter Ferry*, b. Dec. 29, 1823; d. unm. Jan. 10, 1906. v 138. Hepzibah Eastman 4 , (John 3 Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ) was b. in Amherst, Mass., Jan. 8, 1802; m. first, Henry Clary, No. 208; second, Matthias Ogden Halsted. Resided in New York City and East Orange, N. J., where she d. Feb. 28, 1878. Children x, 377. i. Julia Halsted*, b. in New York City, 1836. x, 378. ii. Cornelia Wade Halsted*, b. in New York City, 1838. x, 379. iii. Emily Goldsmith Halsted 5 , b. in East Orange, 1840. 380. iv. William Halsted s , b. ; d. in childhood. X, 371. ii. 372. iii. 373. iv. 374. v. x, 375. vi. FOURTH GENERATION 55 381. v. Henry Halsted', b. ; d. in childhood. v 139. John Eastmans (Johns Joseph », Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Amherst, Mass., July 19, 1803 ; d. in Wellesley, Mass. r May 17, 1880; m. July 26, 1834, Prudence Dole, b. in Shel- burn, Mass., in Aug., 1812; she d. Feb. 17, 1844. He was a Congregational minister, and held pastorates in Danville, Vt,, in West Hawley, Mass., Fulton, N. Y., and Mexico, N. Y. Children 382. i. Julia Arabella*, b. in Fulton, N. Y., July 17, 1837. She was a teacher in Wellesley C, Wellesley, Mass., and resides there. 383. ii. Sarah Porters, b. in Mexico, N. Y., June 19, 1839. Resides at Wellesley, Mass. The sisters founded, and were for nineteen years principals of the Dana Hall School, Wellesley, Mass., from 1880 to 1899. v 140. David Eastman 4 , (John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., on the "Dark Day," June 16, 1806; m. first, Jan. 31, 1839, Sarah Elizabeth Smith, b. in Exeter, N. H., Oct. 4, 1815. She d. in Leverett, Mass., March 3, 1843, daug. of Joseph and Sarah ( ) Smith. He m. second, Oct. 8, 1844, Emily Pomeroy, b. Nov. 30, 1815, in Greenwich; d. in Athol, Aug. 10, 1895. Mr. Eastman Grad. from Amherst C. in the class of 1835, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1838; minister, held pastorates in Leverett and New Salem, Mass. Children by First Wife x, 384. i. Anna Ferrys b. in Leverett, Mass., Nov. 20, 1839. 385. ii. David B. s , b. ; d. young. Children by Second Wife 386. iii. Sarah Elizabeth', b. July 24, 1846; d. May 24.. 1849. 387. iv. Jonathan Edwards 5 , b. Feb. 21, 1849; d. Feb.. 20, 1850. 56 FOURTH GENERATION v, 388. v. Emma Josephine 5 , b. Feb. 27, 1852; m. Feb. 22, 1887, Henry Edward Stone. She has no c. Resides in Athol, Mass. 389. vi. Mary Persis 5 ,b. March 24, 1854; d. Dec. 6, 1855. | 142. Esther Smith Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Feb. 25, 1780. She was a descendant through her grandmother, Daniel Kellogg's mother (Esther Smith 5 , John Smith 4 , Dea. John 3 , Philip 2 , of Lieut. Samuel Smith 1 ) of Hadley, and through her mother (Mercy Eastman 5 , Joseph Eastman s , Mercy Smith 4 , John Smith 3 , called Orphan John, John 2 , slain by Indians in Hat- field meadows, May, 1676, Lieut. Samuel Smith 1 ). She m. Feb. 22, 1802, Gen. Martin Field, of Newfane, Vt., b. in Leverett, Mass., Jan. 12, 1773, son of Seth and Mary (Hub- bard) Field. He was a descendant of Zachariah Field, who d. in Hatfield, Mass., in 1666. He Grad. from Williams C. in the class of 1798; studied law in Chester, Vt., and com- menced practice in Newfane in 1800; was a long time attorney in Windham county. His wife was an accomplished lady, of fine personal appearance and unusual ability. Two of her brothers, Daniel and Henry, studied law with her husband. He d. Oct. 3,, 1833, and she d. June 6, 1867. See Field Gene- alogy, pages 338-341, for engravings and records of Martin and Esther (Kellogg) Field; pages 507-511 for engravings and records of Charles K. and Roswell M. Field; pages 792-805 for engravings and records of Eugene (the poet) and Roswell M. Field, his brother. Children x, 390. i. Charles Kellogg Field 5 , b. April 14, 1803. 391. ii. Mary Hubbard Field 5 , b. Sept. 13, 1804; m. July 27, 1824, Theodore Francis French, of Troy, N. Y., who d. Sept. 11, 1828, and she m. second, Dec. 24, 1835, Thomas Jones of Enfield and Amherst, Mass. She d. Oct. 21, 1853. She had a daug., Mary Field French 6 , FOURTH GENERATION 57 had charge while living in Amherst, of her cousin, Eugene Field, the poet, and Roswell Field; she d. in April, 1900, aged 75; also a son, S. Minot Jones 6 , of Washington, D. C. x, 392. iii. Roswell Martin Field', b. Feb. 22, 1807. 393. iv. John Fisher Field', b. Sept. 25, 1808; settled in 1840 in St. Louis, Mo.; from there he went to Wisconsin. He d. Aug. 25, 1847. 143. Mercy Kellogg 4 , (Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 4, 1782; m. June 3, 1803, Alden Cooley, b. June 12, 1782, son of Daniel and Mary (Boltwood) Cooley. (See No. 57.) They lived in Guildhall, Vt., from 1804 to 1810; in Amherst, Mass., from 1810 to 1842; in Newfane, Vt., from 1842 to 1845; and in Elk Grove, 111., from 1845 till his death, which occurred Dec. 10, 1857. She d. Jan. 3, 1875. Children 394. i. Mary Boltwood Cooley, b. May 28, 1805; m. May 11, 1834, Clement Godfrey, b. in Wal- pole, N. H., Nov. 14, 1803. He was a button manufacturer in Waterbury, Conn. She d. there July 23, 1865. 395. ii. William Henry Kellogg Cooley 5 , m. Oct. 29, 1866, Adelaide Eliza Coe, b. in Walcott, Conn., Oct. 29, 1845. 396. iii. Sophia Shelden Cooley 5 , b. Sept. 22, 1806; m. Robert Barclay Prebles, of Morrisville, Ala. 397. iv. George S. Cooley 5 , b. April 13, 1810; m. Clarissa Wast; d. in Newfane, Vt., Sept. 5, 1845. x, 398. v. Catherine V. Cooley 5 , b. Oct. 16, 1813; m. first, Ichabod Draper; second, Timothy Hubbard. (See No. 434, and Addenda.) 399. vi. Margaret Cobb Cooley 5 , b. Oct. 16, 1815; m. George Hapgood Pratt. 58 FOURTH GENERATION x, 400. vii. Sarah Parsons Cooley 5 , b. July 13, 1817; m. Joel Draper. See Addenda. 401. viii. David G. Cooley 5 , b. June, 1819; m. Jan. 1, 1845, Adeline Maria Foster, b. July 10, 1828; lived in Boston, Mass. x, 402. ix. Charles Cooley 5 , b. July 18, 1821. 403. x. Ann Mercy Cooley 5 , b. Sept. 9, 1823; m. Feb. 16, 1842, William Ober, b. May 7, 1808; lived in Hopkinton, Mass. x, 404. xi. Esther Maria Cooley 5 , b. March 23, 1826; m. Frederick William Miner. See Addenda. | 145. Rufus Kellogg 4 , (Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Nov. 23, 1788; m. (pub- lished) Jan. 27, 1809, to Esther Mayo, of Orange, Mass. She d. April 18, 1813, aged 27. He m. second, Oct. 26, 1815, Abigail Chamberlain, who d. May 8, 1824, aged 33, and he m. third, May 25, 1826, Mary Smith, b. Nov. 15, 1793. He was the first postmaster in Amherst, Mass. He d. Dec. 2, 1833, and was buried in Amherst cemetery. She d. in Had- ley, Mass., Aug. 23, 1861. Children x, 405. i. Willard Mayo Kellogg 5 , b. Dec. 29, 1810. 406. ii. James Kellogg 5 , b. ; d. Feb. 3, 1819. 407. iii. Esther Kellogg 5 , b. 1817; d. Feb. 1, 1835. x, 408. iv. Daniel Kellogg 5 , b. Aug. 9, 1820. 409. v. Henry Kellogg 5 , b. ; d. in New York, Oct., 1850, unm. x, 410. vi. Mary Dickinson Kellogg 5 , b. April 30, 1827. 411. vii. Abigail Chamberlain Kellogg 5 , b. Feb. 28, 1829; d. in Hadley, June 25, 1871, unm. 412. viii. Child, b. and d. Oct. 5, 1833. X 146. Daniel Kellogg 4 , (Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Feb. 10, 1791; d. in St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 10, 1875; m. first, at Saxtons River, Vt., FOURTH GENERATION 59 May 23, 1820, Jane McAffee, of Rockingham, Vt. She d. in Saxtons River, Sept. 13, 1827, and he m. second, in West- minster, Vt., Feb. 2, 1830, Merab Ann Bradley, b. in West- minster, Feb. 4, 1806, daug. of Hon. William Czar and Sarah (Richards) Bradley. She d. in Saxtons River, March 27, 1845, and was buried in the tomb of her father in Winchester. He m. third, in St. Albans, Vt., June 30, 1847, Miranda Met- calf Aldis, b. June 20, 1803, daug. of Asa and Amy (Owen) Aldis. He was a lawyer; practiced in Saxtons River until 1854, when he removed to Brattleboro, Vt., where his wife continued to live. Children by First Wife 413. i. Henry Kellogg 3 , b. ; d. in infancy. 414. ii. Henry Kellogg 3 , b. Aug. 23, 1823; Grad. from Williams C. in the class of 1843 ; was drowned June 18, 1844, while bathing in Saxtons river, x, 415. hi. George Bradley Kellogg 5 , b. Nov. 6, 1826. Children by Second Wife x, 416. iv. Sarah Bradley Kellogg 3 , b. Aug. 17, 1831. 417. v. Daniel Kellogg 3 , b. 1833; d. 1834. x, 418. vi. Daniel Kellogg 3 , b. April 9, 1835. J 147. Charles Kellogg 4 , (Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Dec. 9, 1792; m. first, Oct. 29, 1812, Tryphena Hubbard, b. in Sunderland, Mass., March 31, 1794, daug. of Maj. Caleb and Abigail (Montague) Hub- bard. He d. in Amherst, June 20, 1834, and she m. second, June, 1846, Timothy Henderson. She d. in Townsend, Mass., May 27, 1876. Children all born in Amherst 419. i. Chester Kellogg 3 , b. 1813; d. Oct. 11, 1817. 420. ii. Daniel Kellogg 3 , b. July, 1814; d. Sept., 18, 1817. x, 421. iii. Charles Field Kellogg 3 , b. June 23, 1817. x, 422. iv. Elizabeth Billings Kellogg 3 , b. July 28, 1819. 60 FOURTH GENERATION 423. v. Edward Henry Kellogg*, b. June, 1823; d. Oct. 14, 1828. x, 424. vi. Frances Lucretia Kellogg s , b. Oct. 4, 1825. 425. vii. George Hubbard Kellogg 5 , b. Aug., 1827; d. April 19, 1829. x, 426. viii. George Hubbard Kellogg 5 , b. Feb. 27, 1830. x, 427. ix. Jane McAfree Kellogg 5 , b. Aug. 28, 1832. v 148. Henry Kellogg 4 , (Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Dec. 10, 1794; d. in Troy, N. Y., in 1873; m. first, in Bennington, Vt., Jan. 27, 1825, Margaret V. D. S. Hubbell, b. Aug. 2, 1804, daug. of James and Margaret (Schenck) Hubbell. She d. Oct. 28, 1829, and he m. second, Oct. 16, 1831, Anna Maria Hubbell, b. June 11, 1807, sister of his first wife. She d. in Troy, N. Y. He Grad. from Yale C. in the class of 1815 ; was a lawyer in Bennington, and was postmaster there from 1832 to 1850; was clerk of courts in Bennington several years, and in 1868 removed to Troy, N. Y. Child by First Wife 428. i. Margaret Anne V. D. S. Kellogg 5 , b. Nov. 22, 1825; d. Oct. 28, 1829. Children by Second Wife, all born in Bennington 429. ii. Maria Schenck Kellogg 5 , b. Sept. 6, 1832; d. Dec. 27, 1847. 430. iii. John Dickinson Kellogg 5 , b. May 4, 1835; d. Aug. 11, 1843. 431. iv. James Hubbell Kellogg 5 , b. May 6, 1837; m. in 1889, to Ella Clark. No c. d. Dec, 1891. 432. v. Henry Eastman Kellogg 5 , b. Jan. 9, 1840; d. Dec. 16, 1864; was a soldier in the Rebellion and was killed in battle at Nashville. 433. vi. George Sumner Kellogg 5 , b. April 11, 1842; m.; has c, Anne Hubbell, b. abt. 1886; he is liv- ing at Baldwin, Long Island, N. Y. x, 434. vii. Theodore Preston Kellogg 5 , b. Dec. 7, 1844. FOURTH GENERATION 61 435. viii. Sarah Parsons Kellogg 5 , b. April 22, 1846; d. July 15, 1846. x, 436. ix. William Amherst Kellogg 5 , b. Feb. 6, 1849. v 150. Chester Dickinson*, (Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. April 26, 1780; m. May 29, 1803, Susannah Dickinson 6 , of (Sarah Marsh 5 , Sarah Eastman 4 , Timothy 3 , Timothy 2 , of Hadley, Roger-). She was b. Sept. 6, 1781; d. Oct. 8, 1836. He d. May 10, 1850. Children 437. i. Sally Dickinson 5 , b. ; d. in Amherst abt. 15 years ago; unm. 438. ii. Pamelia Dickinson 5 , b. ; d. ; m. and was first wife of Bela U. Dickinson. 439. iii. Thankful Dickinson 5 , b. ; d. unm. in Amherst. v 154. Lydia Dickinson 4 , (Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. July 9, 1791 ; m. Nov. 7, 1806, Walter Dickinson*, (of Sarah Marsh 5 , Sarah Eastman 4 , Timothy 3 , Timothy 2 of Hadley, Roger 1 ). He was b. in Amherst, May 2, 1784; d. April 9, 1851. She d. . They lived all their life in Amherst. Children x, 440. i. Sylvester Dickinson 5 , b. Nov. 23, 1809. x, 441. ii. Frederick Ely Dickinson 5 , b. Oct. 25, 1811. x, 442. iii. Marquis Fayette Dickinson 5 , b. Jan. 4, 1814. 443. iv. Nathaniel Albert Dickinson 5 , b. Dec. 1, 1815; d. Nov. 4, 1884. 444. v. Lydia Eastman Dickinson 5 , b. Sept. 17, 1817; d. unm. at Amherst, 1898. 445. vi. Nehemiah Othman Dickinson 5 , b. July 25, 1819; d. April 13, 1833. x, 446. vii. Leander Melancton Dickinson 5 , b. Aug. 20, 1821. x, 447. viii. Amy Stoughton Dickinson 5 , b. Oct. 22, 1823. 62 FOURTH GENERATION 448. ix. Walter Mason Dickinsons b. Feb. 27, 1826; still living (1908) at Macon, Ga.; was a soldier in the Confederate army, in Wade Hampton's Legion, x, 449. x. Sarah Marsh Dickinson 5 , b. March 3, 1828. See No. 312. J 157. Ransom Dickinson 4 , (Mary Eastman *, Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. May 8, 1789; m. Nov. 17, 1808, Eliza- beth Dickinson; she d. May 29, 1849; he m. second, Adelia Gilbert. He d. Feb. 26, 1863 ; she d. at Natick, April 30, 1890. He lived first in Amherst, where his c. were b.; removed to Sunderland after 1830. Children by First Wife 450. i. Lucinda Dickinson', b. May 2, 1810; d. Nov. 17, 1849, unm. 451. ii. Eleanor Morton Dickinson s , b. Jan. 26, 1813; m. May 7, 1835, Rev. Stillman Pratt, b. at Reading, April 24, 1804. He was the founder and editor of the Middleboro Gazette. He d. at Middleboro, Sept. 3, 1862; she d. at Adams, Nov. 18, 1839. x, 452. iii. Cordelia Dickinson 5 , b. Dec. 7, 1816. 159. Daniel Dickinson 4 , (Mary Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., June 18, 1793; d. in Am- herst, Dec. 15, 1874; m. first, Feb. 1, 1819, Laura Adams, who d. March 16, 1828. He m. second, June 25, 1829, Tammy Eastman, No. 186. She d. Oct. 15, 1887, aged 96 years. Children by First Wife 453. i. Mary Adams Dickinson 5 , b. 1820; d. 1839. v, 454. ii. Daniel Austin Dickinson 5 , b. April 1, 1822; m. twice ; second wife was Ellen Hobart, of North Amherst; he had no c; d. March 2, 1904. Children by Second Wife x, 455. iii. Louisa Dickinson 5 , b. July 14, 1830. FOURTH GENERATION 63 x, 456. iv. William Eastman Dickinson *, b. June 11, 1832. x, 457. v. Sarah Tamison Dickinson*, b. May 19, 1834. f458. vi. George Dickinsons b. 1836; d. young, x, 459. vii. Charles Reed Dickinson*, b. Oct. 16, 1837. 460. viii. Edward Baxter Dickinson*, b. May 6, 1840. He was an officer in the Civil war, and d. in the West in 1867. v 160. Baxter Dickinsons (Mary Eastman*, Joseph*, Dea. Joseph'), b. April 14, 1795; m. in 1823, to Martha Bush,' of Boylston, Mass., b. Feb. 10, 1798, daug. of Jotham and Mary (Taylor) Bush. Mr. Dickinson Grad. at Yale C. in 1817; was valedictorian atjAndover Theol. Sem. in 1821 ; pastor of the Congregational Church, Longmeadow, Mass., from 1823-1829, of the third Presbyterian Church at Newark, N. J., from 1829-1835. Was Prof, at Lane Theol. Sem. from 1835-1839; Prof, at Auburn Theol. Sem. from 1839-1847, then Prof, in Andover Theol. Sem., and then Secretary of American and Foreign Christian Union in Boston, Mass. He d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1875; she d. Aug. 15, 1892. Children 461. i. Richard S. Storrs Dickinson*, d. . 462. ii. Martha Bush Dickinson*, d. . x, 463. iii. William Cowper Dickinson*. 464. iv. Martha Maria Dickinson*, d. 465. v. Edward Baxter Dickinson*, d. 466. vi. Mary Taylor Dickinson*. 467. vii. Harriet Austin Dickinson*. 468. viii. Elizabeth Tichenor Dickinson*, d. . x, 469. ix. Isabella Halstead Dickinson*, b. May 17, 1841, at Auburn, N. Y. v 161. Hannah Dickinson*, (Mary Eastman*, Joseph * Dea. Joseph'), b. June 7, 1797; m. Austin Loomis. 64 FOURTH GENERATION Children x, 470. i. John Milton Loomis 5 , b. March 23, 1823. x, 471. ii. Austin Dickinson Loomis 5 , b. Sept. 4, 1828. x, 472. iii. Richard Baxter Loomis 5 , b. March 17, 1832. 164. Mary Lyman % (Mary Eastman », William*, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Northampton, Mass., in 1778; d. in Granby, Mass. She m. John Dickinson, of Granby, and lived there. Children 473. i. John H. Dickinson 5 , b. ; he was a minister, and d. in Plainville, Conn. 474. ii. Abby Dickinson ^, b. ; m. George Salisbury; moved to Oregon, and d. there, leaving 3 c. 475. iii. Margaret Dickinson 5 , b. ; m. George Under- wood, of Hindsdale, Mich.; d. in Hindsdale. Had one son, who went to Williston Sem. and d. there. 165. Elizabeth Lyman*, (Mary Eastman', William*, Dea. Joseph'), b. Sept. 9, 1785; m. Nov. 2, 1813, David Bassett. Children 476. i. Justin Bassett 5 , b. July 22, 1814; d. Aug. 20, 1846. 477. ii. Joel Bassett 5 , b. Feb. 17, 1817; d. Aug. 8, 1817. 478. iii. Elizabeth Bassett 5 , b. July 21, 1818; d. April 22, 1838. 479. iv. Hannah Bassett 5 , b. Nov. 14, 1821; d. May 10, 1838. 480. v. Joel Lyman Bassett 5 , b. Jan. 13, 1825. v 169. Joseph Eastman*, (Joseph ', William*, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., June 24, 1787; m. Oct. 13, 1812, Persis Reed, b. Feb. 18, 1785, daug. of Reubin and Hannah (Cheney) Reed. They removed to Ovid, N. Y., where he d. Aug. 21, 1830. She d. in 1839. FOURTH GENERATION 65 Children born in Granby, Mass. v, 481. i. Waldo Reeds b. Oct. 31, 1813; d. 1851; killed by Indians on the way to California. x, 482. ii. Ogden Moseley*, b. July 18, 1815. x, 483. iii. Lyman Foster*, b. June 19, 1816. x, 484. iv. Joseph*, b. July 19, 1819. v, 485. v. Charles E>., b. Feb. 10, 1821; m.; had two c, who d. in infancy. x, 486. vi. Eliza Jane*, b. June 17, 1823. v, 487. vii. Persis Viann*, b. Sept. 19, 1827; m. a Mr. Aldrich. x, 488. viii. Reubin Reed*, b. Sept. 29, 1829. 171. John Lyman Eastmans (Joseph*, Williams Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., Jan. 25, 1792; d. in Lodi r Seneca Co., N. Y., Feb. 19, 1857. He m. Feb. 23, 1819, Mrs. Sally R. Sanford. He Grad. from Amherst C, studied medi- cine, and removed to Lodi, where he practiced medicine as. long as he lived. He was a deacon in the church in Lodi. Children 489. i. Clarissa*, b. April 25, 1820; m. May, 1844, William R. Schuyler. 490. ii. Sanford*, b. Sept. 29, 1821; m. first, June 25, 1844, Elizabeth Taylor; second, May 25, 1853, Sarah A. Schuyler; third, Nov. 3, 1867, Anna Louisa Schuyler. He Grad. from Amherst C, studied medicine, which he practiced in Buffalo, N. Y., many years. He went to California for his health, and d. there Jan 8, 1874. x, 491. iii. Herman D*.,b. in Lodi, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1822. 172. Chester Eastman*, (Josephs Williams Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., April 16, 1794; m. April 17, 1832,' Mrs. Mary Dunton Nevius. He removed to Ovid, N. Y. He 66 FOURTH GENERATION was a deacon in the church for over forty years. He d. in Ovid, March 13, 1879. She d. in June, 1900, aged 94 years. Children 492. i. Marys b. Jan. 22, 1833; d. June 1, 1835. x, 493. ii. Hannah 5 , b. Jan. 9, 1835. 494. iii. Benjamin N 5 ., b. Dec. 2, 1836; d. Feb. 9, 1840. 495. iv. William (X, b. Feb. 1, 1839; d. Feb. 17, 1839. x, 496. v. Benjamin Neviuss b. Jan. 28, 1840. x, 497. vi. William Lyman 5 , b. April 22, 1842. x, 498. vii. Mary Dunton 5 , b. June 30, 1844. ' 499. viii. Clinton*, b. Sept. 15, 1846; d. April 12, 1901. v 173. Augustus Eastmans (Josephs Williams Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., Oct. 3, 1796; m. first, Nov. 28, 1822, Clarissa Vinton, b. in South Hadley, Mass. She d. March 4, 1840; m. second, Nov. 10, 1841, Mrs. Kezia (Nash) Kilbon, No. 260, b. in South Hadley. He lived in Granby. Children by First Wife Samuel FinleyS b. May 3, 1823. Medad Vintons b. March 13, 1825; d. Aug. 15, 1826. William Medad s b. Oct. 24, 1826; d. July 31, 1828. William AugustusS b. Nov. 4, 1828; d. Sept. 25, 1831. Clarissas b. Dec. 24, 1830; d. Aug. 16, 1832. Clarissa Romaines b. Nov. 20, 1832; d. July 12, 1854. Children by Second Wife x, 506. vii. Augustas b. Sept. 1, 1842; m. William Lyman Eastman. See No. 497. 507. viii. Mary Kezia 5 , b. Jan. 30, 1845; d. Jan. 15, 1846. 508. ix. George Augustus 5 , b. Aug. 19, 1847; d. Aug. 28, 1848. x, 500. i. 501. ii. 502. iii. 503. iv. 504. v. 505. vi. FOURTH GENERATION 67 t 178. Elijah Kellogg* , (Lois Eastman*, William* Dea Joseph-), b. April 1, 1790; m. (published March 28 1812) to Ruth Church, daug. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Ingram) Church He d. June 29, 1836; she d. Nov. 27, 1840. Children 509. i. Sabra Kellogg*, b. June 19, 1813; d. June 6 1837. x, 510. ii. Caroline Kellogg', b. May 20, 1814. 511. iii. Harvey Stoughton Kellogg*, b. May 11, 1816; d. July 9, 1882, unm. ; resided in Enfield', Conn.' He was an Elder among the Shakers, and highly esteemed by the world's people. 512. iv. George Hartwell Kellogg*, b. May 11, 1818- d Jan. 31, 1842, unm. 513. v. Austin Kellogg*, b. June 24, 1820; d. at Enfield, Conn., Nov. 26, 1840, unm. x, 514. vi. Hawley Kellogg*, b. July 25, 1822. 515. vii. Eunice Kellogg*, b. Aug. 16, 1824; d. March 19 1826. 516. viii. Elijah Norris Kellogg*, b. Dec. 21, 1826; was a farmer at Enfield, Conn.; d. Aug. 30, 1862, unm. x, 517. ix. William Kellogg*, b. Jan. 6, 1829. x, 518. x. Otis Kellogg*, b. Nov. 17, 1831. 519. xi. Charles Kellogg* b. Oct. 3, 1832: was a farmer at Enfield, Conn.: d. June 27, 1856, unm. 520. xn. Andrew Wright Kellogg*, b. May 4, 1834; m. April 3, 1861, to Maria Jane Shumwajr, of Belchertown, Mass. He was a farmer at South Hadley. She d. March 16, 1870, aged 33 years; he d. June 15, 1871. No c. t 181 Abigail Kellogg*, (Lois Eastman*, William*, Dea Joseph'), was b. in South Hadley, Mass., Feb. 5 1797- m Feb' 25, 1823, Eleazar Wright, b. Aug. 20, 1788,'son of Lieut' 68 FOURTH GENERATION Eleazar and Hannah (Pendleton) Wright. He inherited the homestead of his father in Chicopee, Mass. He d. April 11, 1858; she d. April 2, 1839. Children born in Chicopee, Mass. 521. i. Lorenzo Wrights b. Oct. 10, 1824; d. Aug. 16, 1847, unm. 522. ii. Lyman Walters Wrights b. Aug. 12, 1826; d. in New Orleans, La., Dec. 30, 1849. 523 iii Harvey Wrights b. Dec. 2, 1828; d. in Selma, Ala July 10, 1851. He was a civil engineer. 524 iv Cynthia Wrights b. June 20, 1831; m. 1854, Henry S. Herrick, b. in Montgomery, Mass., Dec. 8, 1822, son of Aaron and Polly (Shurt- liff) Herrick. He was a pattern maker in Chicopee, Mass. She was educated at Willis- ton Sem., Easthampton, and Wesleyan Uni- versity, Wilbraham. Grad. from Mt. Holy- yoke C. in 1851. 525. v. Samuel E. Wrights b. Dec. 10, 1833; d. Feb. 25, 1837. vl83 William Eastmans (William*, Williams Dea. Joseph-), was b. in Hadley, Mass in 1796; d. in ^ Newton. Mich Feb. 16, 1853 ; m. first, Louisa Merrill, b. in 1821 ,d.— , andt m. second, Elmira Bevy (?), d. Feb. ,1852. Mr. East- man was a Congregational minister. Child x, 526. i. Williams b. in Newton, Mich., Jan. 11, 1844. 184 Reubin Eastmans (Williams Williams Dea. Joseph.) was b. in Granby, Mass., Oct. 22, 1797; m. in South Had ey, Mass Mav 18 1825, Samantha White, b. in South Hadley, M i< TlVdaug.' of Josiah and Mabel (Mitchel) Whit. HeVesided in Granby, where he d. Sept. 18, 1867. His widow d. in Austin, Mich., Jan. 16, 1871. FOURTH GENERATION 69 V. Children 527. i. Sarah Shepherd*, b. June 12, 1826; d. July 14, 1851, unm. 528. ii. Mary White', b. Oct. 24, 1828; d. June 11, 1853, unm. 529. iii. Frances*, b. May 10, 1830; d. March 12, 1906, unm. x, 530. iv. Samantha White 5 , b. in Granby, Mass., March 19, 1833. 531. v. Jane Hastings 5 , b. Sept. 22, 1834; d. Sept. 25, 1834. 532. vi. William 5 , b. Oct. 24, 1837; d. Nov. 2, 1843. x, 533. vii. Maria Clarissa 5 , b. Aug. 27, 1841. 185. George Eastman*, (William*, William 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass.; m. Hannah . He removed to Michigan, and was the first Principal in Kalamazoo C, Kala- mazoo, a branch of Michigan University in 1835. He d. June 6, 1896. He was a Congregational minister. Children 534. i. Hannah Maria 5 , b. abt. 1835; m. and went to St. Louis, Mo. 535. ii. Ann Elizabeth 5 , b. abt. 1837; m. a Dr. Marsh. She Grad. at Ann Arbor, Mich., and settled in Denver, Col. She became a very successful physician, and was known as Dr. A. E. P. Marsh. She d. some years ago, leaving no c. 536. iii. Emma 5 , b. abt. 1839; d. unm., a "great sufferer for years." v 187. Charles Eastman 4 , (William 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., Oct., 3, 1803; m. first, in Dec, 1830, Sophia White Smith, b. in Granby, July 22, 1809, daug. of Major David and Clarissa (Day) Smith. She d. in Granby, Jan. 18, 1841, and he m. second, April 18, 1847, Pamelia Forward, of Belchertown, Mass., daug. of Justus and Lydia (Merrick) Forward. Mr. Eastman resided at South 538. n 539. iii 540 iv. 70 FOURTH GENERATION Hadley, where he was a merchant many years, and when about fifty, he retired from that business and went onto a farm. He was an upright member of the Congregational Church. He d. in South Hadley, Sept. 22, 1884; she d. April 1, 1886. Children x, 537. i. Pamelie Clarissa 5 , b. in Holyoke, Mass., Oct. 1, 1831. Sophia s , b. in Granby, Mass., July 12, 1834; d. Julia s , b. in Granby, Aug. 1, 1836. Ellen Sophias, b. in Granby, Nov. 2, 1839. She is writing a history of South Hadley, Mass. Child by Second Wife 541. v. George Francis 5 , b. in South Hadley, Nov. 21, 1849. Is m.; has no c. 188. Edwin Eastman 4 , (William*, William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Granby, Mass. — ; m. Minerva S. Nash, and settled in Michigan. He was a Congregational minister. Children 542. i. Henry 5 , b. ; m. and had a son Fred, a physician, who d. in Battle Creek, Mich., July 6, 1896. 543. ii. "Capt." James 5 , b. ; d. . He Grad. from West Point. 190. Jonathan Dwight 4 , (Abigail Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Springfield, Mass., in 1800; m. in Reading, Pa., May 10, 1827, Anna Josephine Eichborn, daug. of John Francis Eichborn. He went to Reading abt. 1823, and opened a private school with great success, and meanwhile began the study of law most earnestly. He was a man of high moral principle and decided literary tastes and habits. He d. of consumption, Jan. 8, 1829. Children x, 544. i. Francis George Dwight 5 , b. in Reading, Pa., Feb. 26, 1828. FOURTH GENERATION 71 t 545. ii. Helen Abigail Dwight 5 , b. June 27, 1829; d. unm., Aug. 26, 1849. 192. Rev. Moseley Dwight*, (Abigail Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Springfield, Mass., Dec. 23, 1804; m. first, June 13, 1833, Jeanette Esther Morgan, b. Nov. 23, 1807 ? daug. of Theophilus and Mary (Hinkley) Morgan. She d. in Stafford, Conn., Nov. 7, 1833. He m. second, June 14, 1835, Delia Lucilia Allin, b. Dec. 4, 1815, daug. of Diah and Lydia (Bush) Allin, of Springfield, Mass. He went to Monson, Mass., at the age of 17, and became a cloth dresser (1822-28). He afterwards fitted himself for the Methodist ministry, and on April 2, 1831, was licensed to preach in that church. Children x, 546. i. Albert Dwight 5 , b. in Cabotville, Mass., June 16, 1841. 547. ii. Irwin Dwight 5 , b. in Williamsburg, Mass., March 29, 1843; d. May 19, 1844. 548. iii. William Eastman Dwight, 5 b. in Chelsea, Mass., June 10, 1847; Grad. from Wesleyan Univ. 549. iv. Anne Jeanette Dwight 5 , b. in Boston, Mass., Oct. 8, 1848. 193. Clarissa Dwight 4 , (Abigail Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph-), was b. in Springfield, Mass., May 8, 1807; d. Jan. 26, 1860; m. July 8, 1829, Harvey Danks, b. May 11, 1807, son of Eliakim and Aurelia Danks. He d. in Chicago, 111., July 13, 1865. He was an insurance agent, lived successively in South Hadley, Springfield, Mass., and Chicago, 111. Children x, 550. i. Mary Jane Danks 5 , b. in South Hadley, May 25, 1831. x, 551. ii. William Newton Danks 5 , b. in Springfield, May 16, 1841. v 198. Harriet Coit*, (Ruth Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. in St. Albans, Vt., July 31, 1798; d. in Niles, Mich., Feb. 19, 1881; m. Rev. James Towner, Sept. 27, 1824. 72 FOURTH GENERATION Children x, 552. i. Mary Burnap Towner', b. April 12, 1829. ' 553. ii. Daniel Coit Towner', b. Feb. 16, 1831; Grad. from Amherst C. in Aug., 1851; lawyer, and practiced in Chicago, 111.; d. unm. Aug. 11, 1855. 554. iii. William Adams Towner', b. April 9, 1837; d. Feb. 9, 1841. v 199. Emily Amelia Coit*, (Ruth Eastman', William*, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in St. Albans, Vt., June 15, 1801; m. Feb. 10, 1825, Calvin Ketcham Averill, Esq., of Rouses Point, N. Y. She d. there Feb. 10, 1866. Children 555. i. Addison Coit Averill', b. March 6, 1826; d. Nov. 5, 1826. 556. ii. Daniel Coit Averill', b. Aug. 9, 1828; d. Aug. 23, 1828. 557. iii. Emily Eliza Averill', b. Dec. 15, 1829; d. March 10, 1834. x, 558. iv. George Pierce Averill', b. June 11, 1832. x', 559. v. Henrietta Averill', b. April 14, 1834. x! 560. vi. William Coit Averill', b. Oct. 30, 1837. '561. vii. Emily Caroline Averill', b. May 27, 1840; d. Sept. 18, 1841. 562. viii. James Towner Averill', b. Sept. 2, 1843; m. Kate Scheiner. He d. in Lancaster, Ohio, April 8, 1871. No c. v 200. Daniel Pierce Coit*, (Ruth Eastman', William*, Dea. Joseph'), was born in Burlington, Vt., Aug. 10, 1804; d. in Texas, May 27, 1842; m. Miss Harding, of Kentucky, and settled in Texas, where he was county Judge of Liberty, Texas. Children x, 563. i. Mary Coit', b. Dec, 1836. 564. ii. Harriet Towner Coit', b. June, 1840; m. first, Blivegood; m. second, Duncan. x, 566. l. x, 567. ii. 568. iii. 569. iv. FOURTH GENERATION 73 x, 565. iii. Emily Averill Coif, b. Aug. ,1842. v 203. John Porter 4 , (Lois Eastman 3 , John 2 , Dea.Joseph 1 ). b. Oct. 24, 1790; m. in 1824, Abby Martha Phillips. Children Charles Porter*, b. Jan. 18, 1826. Anna Phillips Porter ', b. June 1, 1828. John J. Porters b. , 1834; d. , 1848. Caroline L. Porter', b. , 1838; d. , 1847. v 204. William Porter 4 , (Lois Eastman 3 , John 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Nov. 14, 1792; m. Feb. 11, 1819, Mary A. Quincy. He was a Grad. of William C. in 1813, and was a lawyer in Lee, Mass. She d. Dec. 3, 1835; he d. in Lee, Feb. 11, 1853. Children 570. i. William Porter', b. Jan. 13, 1820. Was a Prof, in Beloit C, Wisconisn. x, 571. ii. Samuel Quincy Porter', b. May 31, 1821. 572. iii. Charlotte W. Porter', b. Jan. 23, 1823; d. , 1838. 573. iv. Mary W. Porter', b. March 2, 1824; m. F. Chamberlin, and lived in Lee, Springfield, Mass., and Hartford, Conn.; d. there June 22, 1907. X 205. Polina Clary 4 , (Joseph Clary 3 , Rachel Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. Christopher Arms, of Deerfield, Mass., b. in 1777, a hatter; settled in Conway, Mass., and d. April 27, 1855. Children Frederick Clary Arms', b. Oct. 14, 1815; m. Martha Allen, and removed to Carlisle, Pa. Fanny Arms', b. July 14, 1817; m. E. N. Syl- vester, of Lyons, N. Y. Paulina Arms', b. Aug. 28, 1819. Harriet Arms', b. Oct. 18, 1823. v 208. Henry Clary 4 , (Joseph Clary 3 , Rachel Eastman 2 , 574. i 575. ii 576. iii 577. iv 74 FOURTH GENERATION Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Conway; m. first, ; m. second, Hep- zibah Eastman, No. 138; he d. and she m. (see No.. 138) Child by First Wife 578. i. A son, said to have gone south. Child by Second Wife 579. ii. Henrietta Clary 5 , b. ; d. unm. v 209. John Clary 4 , (Joseph Clary, Rachel Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Conway, Mass., March 30, 1802; d. in Conway, June 19, 1879; m. first in South Deerfield, Mass., Dec. 14, 1831, Martha Amsden, b. in South Deerfield, Nov. 20, 1811, daug. of John Amsden. She d. in Conway, Sept. 2, 1836, and he m. second, in Pittsford, Vt., Feb. 22, 1838, Mrs. Clara Hawley (Moulton) Hale, b. in Castleton, Vt., May 5, 1806, daug. of Abel and Olivia (Safford) Moulton. She d. in Conway, July 13, 1886. Mr. Clary was a farmer and school teacher; Representative to the Mass. Legislature; school committee; and deacon in the Congregational Church in Con- way, where he resided. Child by First Wife 580. i. Francis Adams Clary 5 , b. Aug. 18, 1836; student at Amherst C. ; was Color Sergeant in the Civil war; killed June 14, 1863, at Port Hudson, La. Children by Second Wife 581. ii. Martha Hale Clary 5 , b. July 24, 1839; teacher. 582. iii. Susan Miller Clary 5 , b. March 5, 1841; teacher in Mt. Holyoke C. and at Pretoria, South Africa, where she d. Aug. 3, 1878. 583. iv. Harriet Arms Clary 5 , b. June 22, 1843 ;d. Aug. 17, 1844. x, 584. v. Samuel Harris Clary 5 , b. June 6, 1845. 214. Electa Root 4 , (Lucinda Clary 3 , Rachel Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. May 28, 1818, Isaac Cheney of Holden, Mass. Children 585. i. Henry Cheney 5 , b. 586. ii. 587. iii. 588. iv. 589 v. FOURTH GENERATION 75 Martin Clary Cheney 5 , b. Sarah Ann Cheney s , b. Elizabeth Webb Cheney 5 , b. Isaac Cheney, Jr., 5 b. v 227. Joseph Knowles Wing 4 , (Lucy Clary 3 , Rachel East- man 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Wilmington, Vt., July 27, 1810; d. Jan. 1, 1898; m. Oct. 17, 1842, Mary Brown, of North Bloomneld, Ohio. Children x, 590. i. Mary Huntington Wing 5 , b. Aug. 18, 1843. 591. ii. Elizabeth Brown Wing 5 , b. Dec. 30, 1844; unm.; lives at North Bloomfield, O. 592. iii. Virginia F. Wing 5 , b. Nov. 17, 1846; m. March 30, 1869, Horace R. Cheney, of Boston, Mass. She d. Feb. 13, 1871. No c. 593. iv. George Clary Wing 5 , b. April 4, 1848; unm.; is a lawyer in Cleveland, O. x, 594. v. Francis Joseph Wing 5 , b. Sept. 14, 1850. 595. vi. Julia King Wing 5 , b. May 7, 1853; unm. x, 596. vii. Anne M. Wing 5 , b. March 7, 1857. v 228. Benjamin Blair Eastman 4 , (Benjamin 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Chester, Mass., June 23, 1816; d. in Chester, Dec. 13, 1886; m. first, in Granby, Mass., Sept. 7, 1839, Sarah Gibson, of Chester; she d. in Chester, April 1, 1847, and he m. second, in Brattleboro, Vt., June 7, 1847, Lemira Lewis, who d. March 25, 1848, when he m. third, in Chester, Sept. 30, 1849, Martha Fisk, b. in Chesterfield, Mass., June 8, 1824, daug. of Moses and Olive (Porter) Fisk; she d. in Westfield, Mass., Feb. 5, 1902. Mr. Eastman was a mem- ber of United Lodge of Masons, at Huntington, being admitted June 16, A.L. 5865. He was a Justice of the Peace from March 12, 1863, to 1870, and from April 18, 1881, until his death. He had two c. by his first wife and one by his second, but each died in infancy without names. 599. in. x, 600. iv. x, 601. v. 602. vi. 76 FOURTH GENERATION Children by Third Wife x, 597. i. Sarah Olive 5 , b. in Chester, July 3, 1850. 598. ii. Oliver Addison 5 , b. Sept. 11, 1851. He was never m., and lives at No. 21 Leonard Ave., Westfield, Mass. He has been engaged for years in building, and in moving, hauling and raising heavy machinery and bulky material, which requires experience and much engi- neering ability, coolness and sound judgment. Martha 5 , b. Feb. 28, 1853; d. March 17, 1853. Edwin Blair 5 , b. March 22, 1854. Austin 5 , b. July 26, 1856. Benjamin 5 , b. April 26, 1859; d. Jan. 29, 1885, unm. 603. vii. John Porter 5 , b. June 2, 1864; d. March 6, 1883 ; unm. 604. viii. Mary Emily 5 , b. Oct. 29, 1867; resides No. 21 Leonard Ave., Westfield, Mass. v 229. Rachel Eastman 4 , (Benjamin 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Chester, Mass., Sept. 7, 1817; m. Sept 9, 1844, Oren Converse, of Huntington, Mass., where he d. Aug. 12, 1888; she d. in Springfield, Mass., Aug. 22, 1889. Child 605. i. Esther Emmazetta Converse 5 , b. in Huntington, April 19, 1854; m. in 1875, John Benjamin Dowd, of Springfield, Mass. He d. in March, 1900. Child a Oren Frank Dowd 6 , b. in Huntington, April 20, 1876; m. in 1894, Grace O'Malley of Springfield, Mass., where they reside at No. 5 Ashley St. Child b Helen Irene Dowd', b. May 5, 1895. v 231. Benjamin Eastman White 4 , (Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Chester, Mass., Sept. 12, 1789; m. in 1821, Sarah Weston, b. in Wilmington, Conn., in May, 1794, daug. of Abraham and Naomy (Clark) Weston. x, 608. in. 609. iv. x, 610. v. x, 611. vi. X, 612. vii. x, 613. viii. FOURTH GENERATION 77 He was a stone mason; resided in Belchertown, Mass., Hart- ford, Conn., and New York City, where he d. in April, 1862. She d. in Hartford, Conn., in November, 1876. Children 606. i. Joanna White 5 , b. in Belchertown, ; d. in 1822. 607. ii. Samuel White 5 , b. in Belchertown, ; d. in 1822. Sarah Porter White 5 , b. Oct. 29, 1823. Benjamin Franklin White 5 , b. June 1, 1825; d. in Mexico, Aug. 30, 1871 ; unm. John Henry White 5 , b. July, 1827. Mary Elizabeth White 5 , b. in Granby, Aug. 29, 1830. Martha Ann White 5 , b. April 8, 1833. Elmira Ellis White 5 , b. April 7, 1838. v 232. Montgomery White 4 , (Eunice Eastman 3 , Benja- min 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Aug. 19, 1792; m. June 16, 1813, Roxy Howard. They lived in Granby and South Hadley, Mass. Children 614. i. Tamerson White 5 , b. 1814; d. unm., Sept. 20, 1885. She taught school in Granby and South Hadley; later went to Worcester, Mass., where she was Matron of the Orphan's Home from 1848 to the time of her death, 37 years in all. Samuel White 5 , b. Austin White 5 , b. James White 5 , b. Eunice White 5 , b. Lovinski White 5 , b. Elihu P. White 5 , b. Oct. 10, 1833. v 233. Samuel White 4 , (Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Nov. 4", 1795. His mother d. when he was 4 days old, and he was brought up by a woman named Eaton. x, 615. n. 616. iii. 617. iv. 618. v. x, 619. vi. x, 620. vii. ;d. unm. ; d. unm. ; d . unm x, 621. i. x, 622. ii. x, 623. iii. 624. iv. 78 FOURTH GENERATION At 16 years of age he went to Chester, Mass., to learn the clothier's trade. When 21 he went to New York, where he spent two years, then drifted on to Canada, a few miles from Brockville, where he was m.; afterwards removed to Sparta, N. Y., Dansville, N. Y., Adrian, Mich., Girard, Mich., and last to Union City, where he d. March 21, 1888. He m. in 1823, Ruth Lindsay, daug. of Ephraim Lindsay, b. in Peacham, Vt., Feb. 12, 1800; she d. June 21, 1875. Children Susan White', b. in Canada, March 26, 1824. Thomas Lindsay White 5 , b. in Sparta, N. Y., May 21, 1826. Eunice White 5 , b. in Sparta, N. Y.July 18, 1828. William Barnes White 5 , b. Aug. 2, 1831; d. in Girard, Mich., June 10, 1843. 625. v. Eliza White 5 , b. in Adrian, Mich., Nov. 15, 1835; unm. Has been for many years a teacher. She contributed the records of her father's family. 626. vi. Samuel Milton White 5 , b. in Girard, Mich., Feb. 4, 1840; d. in Girard, June 5, 1843. 627. vii. Henry Dexter White 5 , b. in Girard, July 18, 1841. Went to the Pacific slope years ago and has not been heard from for years. v 234. Mary Eastman 4 , (John 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), wasb. Dec. 25, 1800; m. Edward Peck, April 17, 1828; she d. Nov. 25, 1832; he d. June 23, 1837. Children x, 628. i. Esther Louise Peck 5 , b. Nov. 16, 1829. x, 629. ii. John Eastman Peck 5 , b. Nov. 16, 1832. v 235. Elias Hooker Eastman 4 , (John 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Yates County, N. Y., June 29, 1803; m. first, in Fowlerville, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1829, Sarah Fowler, b. in Pittsfleld, Mass., April 5, 1811. She d. in Fowlerville. April 23, 1836, daug. of Wells and Sally (Hubbard) Fowler. He x, 630. i. x, 631. ii. 632. iii. FOURTH GENERATION 79 m. second, July 1, 1838, Elizabeth Pryor Gaylord, b. in 1811. She d. April 15, 1857. He m. third, at Bethany, N. Y., May 9, 1858, Sarah Dow. She d. July 26, 1860. He was a farmer in Fowlerville, and York, N. Y. He was a deacon in the Congregational Church. He d. in Maywood, 111., Dec. 19, 1880. Children all born in Fowlerville Sarah Eliza', b. Dec. 26, 1829. Jane Adelia 5 , b. April 21, 1832. John Frederick 5 , b. April 5, 1836; d. March 14, 1841. Children by Second Wife 633. iv. Edward Hooker*, b. July 24, 1839; d. March 6, 1841. x, 634. v. Mary Sophia 5 , b. Dec. 13, 1841. v 236. Joseph Addison Eastman 4 , (John 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., Jan. 1, 1806; m. Oct. 17, 1835, Emelie J. McKnight, b. in Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1815, daug. of Judge Calvin and Lorinda (Mansfield) McKnight. Mr. Eastman Grad. from Dartmouth C. in the class of 1827, studied law, and in 1836 removed to Rochester, N. Y., where for many years he was City Clerk and City Attor- ney; he d. there March 8, 1890. His widow d. in Rochester, May 5, 1901. Children 635. i. Isabel Mansfield 5 , b. in Rochester, Nov. 26, 1843; m. April 5, 1888, Edward Allen Frost, b. Jan. 14, 1832, son of Alonzo and Mary Frost. He d. Jan. 24, 1900 and she resides at No. 146 Plymouth Ave., Rochester, N. Y. She had no c. 636. ii. Elias 5 , b. ; d. in infancy v 237. Eliza Ann Eastman 4 , (John 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. March 14, 1811; m. Alonzo Fowler, Dec. 11, 1828. She d. in 1880; he d. before she did. 80 FOURTH GENERATION Children 637. i. Mary Eliza Fowler', b, Oct. 27, 1829; m. Aug. 22, 1856, to Thomas Wadsworth; d. March 28, 1866. 638. ii. Frances Cornelia Fowler 5 , b. Dec. 15, 1831; d. Sept. 15, 1857. 639. iii. Emily Josephine Fowler*, b. Oct. 2, 1837; m. Dec. 26, 1866, Thomas H. Brown; d. Aug. 18, 1868. x, 640. iv. William Henry Fowler 5 , b. Feb. 6, 1841. 641. v. Grace Churchill Fowler 5 , b. Feb. 6, 1847; d. March 21, 1871. v 238. Vashta Eastman 4 ( Joel 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. Nov. 28, 1809 ; m. Levi Benedict; lived in Groton, N. Y. She d. in 1853. Children 642. i. Mary Benedict 5 , b. ; m. Jacob Sweezey; had two c, both d. She d. in 1880, aged abt. 55. 643. ii. Lois Benedict 5 , b. 1835; m. Edward Smith. He d. in 1877; lived in Summerhill, N. Y. She resides in Como, N. Y. Had one son, viz., a Arthur B. Smith 6 , b. 1856; lives in Moravia, N. Y., R. D. 15. 644. iii. Albert Benedict 5 , b. ; m. and has two c, viz., Byron and Inez. He resides in Moscow Mills, Mo., a farmer. x, 645. iv. Martha Benedict 5 , b. 646. v. George Benedict 5 , b. . He was killed at the battle of Gettysburg, aged 18. 647. vi. Ellen Benedict 5 , b. ; m. Lorenzo Kester; lives in Iowa. v 244. James Smith*, (Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Granby, Mass., Sept. 18, 1793; m. Rhoda FOURTH GENERATION 81 . He went West, and in 1863 lived in Columbus, O., where he kept the United States Hotel. Children 648. i. Henry Smith*, b. ; lived in Yates City, 111., his mother living with him. 649. ii. Fred Smith*, b. ; said to have been a doctor. 650. iii. Eleanor Smith*, b. ; m. a Mr. Moody and had two c., viz., a James E.«, and b Ella Moody 6. James E. was living in San Fran- cisco, Cal., in 1890, on Mint St. v 245. William Smith*, (Mercy Eastman*, Benjamin*, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., Aug. 22, 1795; d. Nov. 18, 1830; m. Jan. 13, 1827, Clarissa Ward, b. in 1804; d. June 24, 1892. Children x, 651. i. William Fitzallen Smith*, b. March 10, 1828. x, 652. ii. Helen Sophia Smith*, b. Nov. 19, 1830. v 246. Eldad Smith*, (Mercy Eastman*, Benjamin*, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., Oct. 14, 1797; m. first, Dec. 28, 1830, Sophia Emiline Dwight, b. May 2, 1810, d. in Racine, Wis., Aug. 11, 1836; m. second, in Kenosha Co., Wis., Sept. 3, 1839, Harriet Ames Underwood, b. in Madrid, N. Y., April 3, 1804, daug. of Amos and Abigail (Whitney) Underwood. He removed to Racine, Wis., where he was postmaster, a lumberman, and was engaged in real estate and insurance. He was vestryman in St. Luke's Episcopal church for many years. He d. in Racine, Dec. 25, 1875. His widow d. in Racine, Dec. 5, 1893. Child by First Wife 653. i. Josiah Dwight Smith*, b. in Racine, in 1833; d. in Belchertown, Mass., in 1840. Children by Second Wife x, 654. ii. Sophia Dwight Smith*, b. Oct. 17, 1840. 32 FOURTH GENERATION 655. iii. (Josiah Dwight Smiths b. Dec. 5, 1842; d. < aged 18 mo. 656. iv. [ Stirling Gill Smith 5 , b. (twin); d. aged 9 mo. 657. v. Harriet Ann Smith 5 , b. Feb. 11, 1845; d. in 1864. x, 658. vi. Eliza Smith 5 , b. May 3, 1847. v 247. Alvah Smith 4 , (Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., Dec. 6, 1799; m. Amelia White, b. in Springfield, Mass., Feb. 16, 1802. They resided in Springfield until 1852, when they removed to Delaware, O., where he d. Jan. 31, 1887. She d. there Nov. 14, 1873. His wife was a descendant of Elder John White, who landed in Boston, Sunday, Sept. 16, 1632. Mr. Smith was a contractor and builder. Children 659. i. Abbie Eastman Smith*, b. 1833; d. unm. 1899. 660. ii. Franklin White Smith 5 , b. 1836; d. 1856. x, 661. iii. Caroline White Smith 5 , b. May 31, 1839. x, 662. iv. William Alvah Smith 5 , b. Nov. 21, 1842. x, 663. v. James Luther Smith 5 , b. Sept. 23, 1845. v 248. Benjamin Eastman Smith 4 , (Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Granby, Mass., April 5, 1802; m. in 1825, Armenia White. He settled in Racine, Wis., later removed to Fort Madison, Iowa. He was a farmer. He d. in Chicago, 111., Sept. 24, 1899. She d. in Fort Madison, in 1876, and was buried there, as well as her husband. Children 664. i. Jane Elizabeth Smith 5 , b. ; m. Asa B. Draper; both deceased; had six children. 665. ii. Horace White Smith 5 , b. . Lieut, in Civil war, and d. there. x, 666. iii. Sophia L. Smith 5 , b. v 249. Herodotus Smith 4 , (Mercy Eastman 5 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., July 24, 1804; m. in FOURTH GENERATION 83 Gallipolis, 0., in 1836, Sarah Wood Barker, b. in Fredonia, N. Y., Sept., 1812, daug. of William and Lucinda (Cushing) Barker. Mr. Smith was a dry goods merchant in Gallipolis; removed to Fredonia, N. Y., and was in the same business there. He d. in Fredonia, May 18, 1892; his wife d. there Sept. 12, 1854. Children x, 667. i. Mary Lucinda Smith*, b. Jan. 2, 1841. x, 668. ii. Flora Catherine Smith*, b. May 7, 1842. v 250. Cynthia Smith *, (Mercy Eastman*, Benjamin*, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Granby, Mass., Feb. 15, 1807; m. Judge Simeon Nash, of Gallipolis, O., in 1832; she d. in 1892. Children x, 669. i. William Holt Nash*, b. June 22, 1834. x, 670. ii. Mary Gleason Nash*, b. April 30, 1836. x, 671. iii. Elizabeth Nash*, b. May 27, 1838. x, 672. iv. James Henry Nash*, b. Jan. 7, 1841. x, 673. v. Simeon Nash*, b. Feb. 13, 1843. x, 674. vi. Frank Augustus Nash*, b. April 30, 1845. v251. Edmund Smith*, (Mercy Eastman*, Benjamins Dea. Joseph'), b. in Granby, Mass., June 19, 1809. He went to Gallia Co., 0., and m. there, Aug. 16, 1836, Sarah Pierce- field Rambo, b. June 9, 1818, daug. of Reubin and Charity (Haptonstall) Rambo. He d. in Knoxville, 111., May 22, 1888; she d. there March 11, 1897. Children x, 675. i. Louisa Malinda Smith*, b. Oct. 15, 1838. 676. ii. Henry Stowers Smith*, b. Nov. 18, 1839; d. Oct., 1840. x, 677. iii. Charles Bruce Smith*, b. April 22, 1841. 678. iv. Benjamin Allen Smith*, b. May 7, 1842; d. Oct. 10, 1865, unm. 679. v. Abraham Smith*, b. Oct. 15, 1843; d. Dec. 5, 1892, unm. 84 FOURTH GENERATION x, 680. vi. William Smith*, b. Feb. 17, 1846. 681. vii. Rachel Ann Smith 5 , b. March 3, 1848. x, 682. viii. Cynthia Jane Smith 5 , b. April 6, 1850. x, 683. ix. Edmund Filmore Smith 5 , b. Feb. 11, 1853. x, 684. x. Sarah Rebecca Smith 5 , b. Nov. 11, 1855. x, 685. ix. Margaret Ellen Smith 5 , b. Dec. 13, 1857. 686. xii. James Reubin Smith 5 , b. March 15, 1859; d. April 19, 1860. v 252. Benjamin Eastman 4 , (Hezekiah 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Granby, Mass., Sept. 13, 1805; m. in 1827, Fannie B. Pease, b. March 28, 1805. He was brought up by his uncle Benjamin Eastman. He settled in Northampton, Mass., where he lived until his sixth child was b., when he moved to Philadelphia, Pa. He was a cabinet maker. He d. May, 1859. His widow d. Aug. 10, 1884. He was a "duti- ful son, an affectionate father, a fraternal friend and a living Christian." Children John Hunt 5 , b. June 25, 1828. Abbie Pomroy 5 , b. March 28, 1830. Sarah 5 , b. Sept. 20, 1832; d. 1832. Charles Benjamin 5 , b. June 28, 1834; d. March 19, 1904. unm. William Richards 5 , b. March 16, 1836. Harriet Louisa 5 , b. Nov. 25, 1838. Sarah Francis 5 , b. ; d. in infancy. George Washington 5 , b. Feb. 22, 1843. Henry Clay 5 , b. Aug. 23, 1845. % 254. Elizabeth Nash 4 , (Kezia Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. Sept. 22, 1793 ; m. Aug. 22, 1819, Rodney Ayres, of Granby, Mass. She d. Dec. 11, 1838. Children 696. i. Spiddy Augusta Ayres 5 , b. Aug. 12, 1820. 697. ii. Lois Ayres 5 , b. June 24, 1822. x, 687. i. x, 688. ii. 689. iii. 690. iv. x, 691. v. x, 692. vi. 693. vii. x, 694. viii. x, 695. ix. FOURTH GENERATION 85 698. Hi. Henry Ayres 5 , b. Dec. 23, 1824. 699. iv. William Ayres 5 , b. Feb. 9, 1828. 700. v. Elizabeth Nash Ayres 5 , b. April 20, 1833. 701. vi. Susan Roxana Ayres 5 , b. June 19, 1836; d. Nov. 5, 1838. | 257. Dea. Asa Nash*, (Kesia Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. Dec. 16, 1799; m. Jan. 3, 1828, Electa Branch, b. April 28, 1803, daug. of Dr. Nathan Branch of New York State, brother of the wife of No. 70. Mr. Nash removed to the township of York, Medina Co., O., in 1830. Children x, 702. i. Asa Branch Nash 5 , b. Nov. 12, 1828. 703. ii. Marcus Irvine Nash 5 , b. Dec. 28, 1831; d. unm. 704. iii. Eunice Electa Nash 5 , b. Sept. 5, 1836; d. April, 1851. x, 705. iv. George Kilbon Nash 5 , b. Aug. 14, 1842. v. Mary B. Nash 5 , b. June 29, 1846; m. Henry Camp, and had two sons. 706. v 258. Eunice Nash*, (Kezia Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. May 20, 1802; m. May, 1829, Joseph Bard- well of Belchertown, Mass. They removed to Brecksville, O., between 1831-35. She d. there Aug. 25, 1835, and he m. second, and had nine c. One of them furnished these records. He d. in Stillman Valley, 111., Jan. 1, 1869. Children by Eunice 707. i. James Bardwell 5 , b. in South Hadley, Mass., May 22, 1831. He went West, was m. and had two c, a and b. He lived and d. in San Jose, Cal. 708. ii. Sarah Bardwell 5 , b. in Brecksville, O., May 15, 1835. She d. abt. 1852, while on a visit to her uncle, Asa Nash in York, Ohio. 86 FOURTH GENERATION v 261. Eunice Amanda Eastman 4 , (Timothy 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Groton, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1823 ; m. abt. 1844, Milo Goodrich, b. in Homer, Cortland County, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1815, son of Philander and Almira (Swift) Goodrich. He received a liberal education, studied law, and was admitted to practice in 1840; member of State Constitutional Conven- tion in 1867-68; elected a Reperesentative from New York to the Forty-second Congress as a Republican. He resided in Dryden and Auburn, N. Y. He d. in Auburn, April IS, 1881. His wife d. Aug. 23, 1897. Children Lucy Goodrich 5 , b. Feb. 19, 1846; d. in infancy. George Eastman Goodrich 5 , b. in Dryden, Dec. 12, 1846. Jennie Goodrich 5 , b. ; d. July 19, 1864. Evelyn Goodrich 5 , b. ; d. in young woman- hood, Oct. 4, 1875. Eliza Goodrich 5 , b. ; d. Feb. 20, 1861. Frank P. Goodrich 5 , b. . He is a Prof, in Williams C, Williamstown, Mass. 715. vii. Fanny G. Goodrich 5 , b. 1866; m. A. C. Schwein- furth; resides at No. 32 Linden Ave., Brook- line, Mass.; he is now d. 716. viii. Charles J. Goodrich 5 , b. ; d. March 17, 1879. X 262. Jonathan Belding 4 , (Elijah Belding 3 , Kezia East- man 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. Aug. 16, 1815; m. Oct. 20, 1841, Esther Barber, daug. of Jonathan Barber. Children 717. i. Augustine S. Belding 5 , b. Aug. 6, 1842; m. June 5, 1872, Emma S. Young. 718. ii. Anna S. Belding 5 , b. Nov. 6, 1847; m. Oct. 19, 1872, Warren Wetherby. v 263. Elijah Eastman Belding 4 , (Elijah Belding 3 , Kezia Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. April 19, 1816; m. Eliza 709. i. X. 710. ii. 711. iii. 712. iv. 713. v. 714. vi. FOURTH GENERATION 87 Frost, daug. of Jacob Frost, of Vernon, Mass. She was living in 1906, in Springfield, Mass. He was a selectman for many years, and Representative in the Mass. Legislature in 1873. Children 719. i. Edward E. Belding*, b. Jan. 2, 1837; m. Oct.. IS, 1861, Mary A. Steadman, daug. of Phineas Steadman, of Chicopee, Mass. 720. ii. Emma E. Belding', b. May 11, 1842; d. April 3, 1849. x, 721. iii. Elijah Belding*, b. April 18, 1847. 722. iv. Edgar E. Belding*, b. Jan. 17, 1850; Grad. from Yale C, 1872. 723. v. Everett E. Belding*, b. May 25, 1854; d. Oct. 9, 18—. J 283. Aaron Breck*, (Grace Eastman 3 , Timothy 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Oct. 12, 1820; m. Oct. 22, 1856, Elizabeth Stark- weather; she was b. Jan. 1, 1832, at Northampton, Mass. He was educated and lived in Northampton till 1850, when he removed to Lawrence, Kan., where he was Deacon of Union Congregational Church, in Kanwaka Township. He d. May 14, 1886. Children Grace Almira Breck*, b. 1857; d. April 7, 1866.. Susan Hubbard Breck*, b. Dec. 26, 1859. Alfred Starkweather Breck s , b. June 30, 1863. Aaron Brecks, b. Sept. 22, 1867. Louis Merrick Brecks, b. Feb. 15, 1870. /24. i. 725. ii. 726. iii. 727. iv. 728. v. Fifth Generation I 291. Mary Smith 5 , (Polly Dickinson 4 , Hannah Billings 3 , Mary Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Sept. 23, 1807; m. April 30, 1835, Nathaniel Collins Prior, son of Frederick, of East Windsor, Conn.; he was b. Jan. 21, 1804; d. Nov. 29, 1857. Children 729. i. Enos Parsons Prior 6 , b. ,1836. 730. ii. Cynthia Rebecca Prior 6 , b. Oct. 6, 1840. 731. iii. Frederick Smith Prior 6 , b. July 26, 1842. 732. iv. Helen Adelaide Prior 6 , b. June 1, 1845. J 293. Delia Smith 5 , (Polly Dickinson*, Hannah Billings 3 , Mary Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. June 22, 1812; m. Oct. 6, 1835, Ephraim Potter, b. in Marlboro, Mass., March 6, 1807. Children Ellen Augusta Potter 6 , b. Oct. 12, 1836. Ephraim Henry Potter 6 , b. March 2, 1839. Mary Louisa Potter 6 , b. Dec. 16, 1842. Abby Jane Potter 6 , b. July 26, 1845. Eugene Emerson Potter 6 , b. Dec. 31, 1847. Martha Everlyn Potter 6 , b. June 2, 1852, in New Salem. J 294. Roswell Smith 5 , (Polly Dickinson 4 , Hannah Bil- lings 3 , Mary Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. April 5, 1815; m. first, Nov. 28, 1843, Louisa, daug. of Henry Tuttle, of West Springfield; she was b. April 3, 1824, and d. May 2, 1844. He m. second, Nov. 10, 1846, Elizabeth Ely of Charlestown, N. H. Child 739. i. Emma Elizabeth Smith 6 , b. Nov. 19, 1849. 733. i. 734. ii. 735. iii. 736. iv. 737. v. 738. vi. FIFTH GENERATION 89 J 295. Enos Dickinson Smith 5 , (Polly Dickinson 4 , Hannah Billings 3 , Mary Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. July 25, 1817; m. Nov. 25, 1840, Adeline, daug. of Elihu Cook. Children 740. i. Lucius Smith*, b. Nov. 22, 1842. 741. ii. Clara Adeline Smith', b. June 25, 1845; d. July 30, 1849. 742. iii. Orra Louisa Smith 6 , b. Sept. 13, 1847; d. Aug. 6, 1849. 743. iv. George Ely Smith 6 , b. May 12, 1851. 744. v. Lucy Jane Smith 6 , b. April 17, 1855. v 298. Enoch Cowles 5 , (Joseph Cowles 4 , Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. ; m. . Children 745. i. Enoch Cowles 6 , b. ; d. . 746. ii. Watson Cowles 6 , b. ; d. . 747. iii. William Cowles 6 , b. ; m. and lives in Spring- field, Mass. v 299. Clinton Cowles s , (Joseph Cowles 4 , Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. ; m. . Children 748. i. Edson Cowles 6 , b. ; m. and has c. ; lives in Iowa. 749. ii. Almon Cowles 6 , b. ; m.; lives with a daug., Mrs. Charles Barnes 7 , in Dallas, Ore. v|310. Sarah Cowles 5 , (Jonathan Cowles 4 , Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Feb. 17, 1817; m. Sept. 30, 1840, George Bridgman. She d. June 30, 1899; he d. Dec. 8, 1896. Children 750. i. George W. Bridgman 6 . 751. ii. Sarah F. Bridgman 6 . 90 FIFTH GENERATION v 311. Ransom Cowles 5 , (Jonathan Cowles 4 , Sarah East- man 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Aug. 18, 1818; m. Aug. 24, 1843, Sarah Baker Gunn, daug. of Stephen and Esther (Hatch) Gunn. She was b. Aug. 3, 1821; d. May 14, 1894. He d. June 17, 1906. Children 752. i. Stephen Gunn Cowles 6 , b. Jan. 15, 1845; d. Dec. 9, 1854. x, 753. ii. Francis Ira Cowles 6 , b. Oct. 26, 1846. 754. iii. George Cook Cowles 6 , b. Aug. 13, 1848; d. March 1, 1849. 755. iv. Esther Tryphosa Cowles 6 , b. May 24, 1850; m. Frank D. Cushman, of Northampton. Chil- dren, a Esther 7 and b Clara'. 756. v. Albert Ransom Cowles 6 , b. June 23, 1852; m. Mary Knightly. 757. vi. Edward Jonathan Cowles 6 , b. July 8, 1854; d. Dec. 18, 1865. 758. vii. Charles S. Cowles 6 , b. June 14, 1856; d. Feb. 4, 1859. 759. viii. Melville Austin Cowles 6 , b. Nov. 11, 1859; m. Clara Nickles. Children, a Emerson R 7 . and b Russell A'. v 312. Jonathan Cowles 5 , (Jonathan Cowles 4 , Sarah East- man 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. May 4, 1822; m. July 1, 1851, Sarah Marsh Dickinson, b. March 3, 1828; she was daug. of Walter and Lydia (Dickinson) Dickinson, Lydia Dickinson being No. 154, and Walter Dickinson 6 was of Sarah Marsh 5 , Sarah Eastman 4 , Timothy 3 , Timothy 2 , Roger 1 . They resided in Amherst, Mass. She d. Jan. 26, 1901; he d. April 11, 1902. Children x, 760. i. Walter Dickinson Cowles 6 , b. June 30, 1852. 761. ii. Newton Erastus Cowles 6 , b. April 1, 1854; m. April 5, 1893, Lenora Knight; lives in Gar- dena, Cal. x, 762. iii 763. iv x, 764. V FIFTH GENERATION 91 Sarah Jeannette Cowles 6 , b. Dec. 17, 1856. Abbie Grace Cowles 6 , b. ; d. Nellie Graves Cowles 6 , b. Dec. 31, 1866. 313. Francis Smith Eastman 5 , (Tilton 4 , Ebenezer-*, Joseph 2 Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Randolph, Vt., Dec. 16, 1803; d. He m. in Roxbury, Mass., May 1, 1833, Sally Patten, b. in Roxbury, Feb. 22, 1808; d. Jan. 14, 1873. Mr. Eastman Grad. from Burlington, Vt. C. In 1831 he wrote a history of New York of 455 pages, published by A. K. White of New York City. Mr. Eastman was a fine scholar, especially in Latin, which he taught in Boston for many years. He was a soldier from 1861-65. Child x, 765. i. Polly Robbins 6 , b. in Roxbury, Mass., Oct. 21, 1836. 314. Edward Eastman 5 , (Tilton 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Randolph, Vt., Feb. 22, 1806; d. in Oskosh, Wis., Feb. 23, 1870; m. first, Sarah Tracy; m. second, in Randolph, June 3, 1841, Catherine Peckham Granger, daug. of Jonathan Granger. Mr. Eastman was a pioneer resident and first mayor of Oskosh, Wis. He represented Oskosh in the Wisconsin Legis- lature several terms, and held many public offices of trust. He was a book dealer. His widow d. in Oskosh, June 18, 1897. Child by First Wife 766. i. George Francis 6 , b. Oct. 8, 1837. He is a book dealer in Oshkosh; unm. Children by Second Wife Sarah Tracy 6 , b. in Randolph, Vt., July 23, 1843, Edward Tilton 6 , b. in Oskosh, Oct. 24, 1845; d. Dec. 13, 1846. Lucas Miller 6 , b. in Oskosh, April 25, 1848. Jane Catherine 6 , b. in Oskosh, Aug. 27, 1850. x, 767. ii. 768. iii. x, 769. iv. x, 770. v. 92 FIFTH GENERATION 316. George Burden Eastman \ (Tilton*. Ebenezer*. Joseph*, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Randolph, Vt., Dec. 24, 1811; d. in Fond du Lac, Wis., Oct. 20, 1892; m. in Geneva, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1838, Margaret Brother, b. in Geneva, N. Y., March 1, 1819, daug. of Valentine and Margaret (Schelly) Brother. She d. in Fond du Lac, July 4, 1882. Mr. Eastman Grad. from Dartmouth C. in the class of 1836 ; studied theology and entered the ministry; preached at Waterford, Avon, Brownsville and Oswego, N. Y., and Fond du Lac, Wis. He was a Chaplain in the Civil war. Children x, 771. i. Francis*, b. in Waterford, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1842. x, 772. ii. Henry Brothers b. in Waterford, N. Y., June 10, 1843. 773. iii. Mary 6 , b. in Waterford, N. Y.. Jan. 30, 1845. x, 774. iv. Margaret Scheie, b. in Avon, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1848. x, 775. v. George Edward 6 , b. in Brownsville, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1851. 776. vi. Catherine Mann 6 , b. in Oswego, N. Y., Nov., 1854; m. William A. Francis; resided in Boze- man, Montana. Had one c, a Margaret Fran- cis', b. July 26, 1893; d. May 29, 1894. 777. vii. William Tilton 6 , b. in Fond du Lac, Wis., Sept. 23, 1857. He lived in Seattle, Wash.; unm. 778. viii. Elizabeth Thomas 6 , b. in Fond du Lac, Wis., Nov. 6, 1860. She is a teacher in Milwaukee, Wis., and resides at No. 1900 Wells St.; unm. 779. ix. Eleanor Hudson 6 , b. in Fond du Lac, Wis., Oct. 9, 1864; resides in Chicago, 111., at 2400 Indiana Ave.; unm. v 334. Austin Eastman 5 , (Elijah 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), was b. in North Amherst, Mass., Oct. 5, 1812; m. Oct. 6, 1833, Mary Haskins Spear, b. April 19, 1814, daug. FIFTH GENERATION 93 of Elisha Spear, of Shutesbury, Mass. On Oct. 6, 1883, they celebrated their golden wedding, many of their descendants and friends being present. Mr. Eastman had a large intellect and admirable self poise and masterful will; an active, pushing business man. He worked with the church for over sixty years blameless. He held from time to time every office in town except that of town clerk. He d. in the house in which he was born., Aug. 7, 1892; she d. March 27, 1890. Children 780. i. William Elijahs b. April 17, 1839; d. Feb. 1, 1849. x, 781. ii. Charles Austin*, b. Jan. 13, 1843. x, 782. iii. George Henrys b. April 1, 1846. 783. iv. Edgar Elisha s b. July 7, 1848; d. the next day. 784. v. Lyman Andrews 6 , b. Oct. 10, 1849; d. Aug. 16, 1851. 785. vi. Mary Carolines b. Feb. 11, 1853 ; m. in Amherst, Mass., June 20, 1889, Benjamin Felton Leach, b. in Wendell, Mass., April 16, 1842, son of Chester and Mary Humphrey (Orcutt) Leach. He was a dentist, and lived in Shelton. Conn. He was a deacon, trustee, and superintendent in the Baptist Church. They had no c. He d. in Shelton, Conn., Aug. 17, 1904. x, 786. vii. Martha Ellens b. June 28, 1855. x, 787. viii. William Nelsons b. Dec. 6, 1858. 335. Zebina Eastmans (Elijahs Ebenezers Josephs Dea. Joseph'), was b. in North Amherst, Mass., Sept. 8, 1815; m. in Burlington, Vt., in 1840, Mary Jane Corning, b. in Vermont in 1819. Mr. Eastman was consul to Bristol, England in 1861, returning in 1869. He resided in Chicago, 111., where he was the publisher of the "Western Citizen," Chicago. He d. in Chicago, June 14, 1883. His widow is living in Chicago (1905), with her son Sidney. 94 FIFTH GENERATION Children 788. i. William Sidney 6 , b. Nov. 29, 1841; d. Nov. 3, 1846. 789. ii. Charles Baxter 6 , b. July 17, 1844; d. Nov. 15, 1847. x, 790. iii. Mary Jane 6 , b. Nov. 17, 1847. 791. iv. Sidney Corning 6 , b. in Chicago, 111., Jan. 26, 1850; m. in Ann Arbor, Mich., June 6, 1886, Charlotte Hall, b. in Toledo, O., in 1859. He is a lawyer, resides in Chicago. They have no c. 792. v. George Austin 6 , b. Jan. 23, 1853; d. March 26, 1861. 336. Baxter Eastman 5 , (Elijah 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in North Amherst, Mass., Jan. 29, 1818; m. M. Eliza Bentley. He d. Dec. 9, 1860. Children x, 793. i. Edward Baxter 6 , b. in North Amherst, Mass., June 9, 1847. 794. ii. Lucy Rebecca 6 , b. Oct. 31, 1848; m. Greene. She was a teacher. v 337. Mary Adams 5 , (Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., July 26. 1803 ; m. Joseph Davis, b. in Hubbardston, Mass., Nov. 20, 1800. They removed to Cazenovia, N. Y., in 1827. He d. Oct. 27, 1846; she d. Oct. 22, 1846. Children x, 795. i. Charles F. Davis 6 , b. in Hubbardston, Mass., May 3, 1826. x, 796. ii. Francis W. Davis 6 , b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1828. x, 797. iii. Clara E. Davis 6 , b. Jan. 29, 1830. V FIFTH GENERATION 95 798. iv. Lucia M. Davis*, b. Dec. 18, 1831 ; m. first, April 1, 1858, Myron Tower, of Hadley, Mass., who d. Dec. 19, 1860; m. second, Dec. 15, 1864, Sherman White, of Hadley, Mass. She d. — . One child, a Harriet E. White 7 , b. Feb. 3, 1867, d. . 799. v. Infant, b. March 12, 1833; d. April 14, 1833. x, 800. vi. Ward Adams Davis 6 , b. Sept. 14, 1835. x, 801. vii. Dwight H. Davis 6 , b. May 16, 1837. 802. viii. William H. Davis 6 , b. Sept. 5, 1839; m. March 5, 1867, Esther E. Smith; reside in Tekonsha, Mich. Child, a George W 7 ., b. Aug. 4, 1871. 803. ix. Seymour W. Davis 6 , b. Nov. 8, 1841; d. Oct. 30, 1862, in the Civil war. x, 804. x. J. Harlan Davis 6 , b. April 24, 1844. 805. xi. John Edward Davis 6 , b. Oct. 6, 1846; m. Sept. 5, 1876, Lucy A. Boies, of Hadley, Mass. They resided in Van Buren, N. Y. Children, a Homer W'., b. Oct. 24, 1877, b George H 7 ., b. Nov. 16, 1878. v 338. Joannah Adams', (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer*. Joseph*, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., March 30, 1805; m. Oct. 6, 1825, Park Warner, b. in Granby, Mass., Sept. 29, 1803. He d. in South Hadley, Mass., Nov. 15, 1871. She d. in Springfield, Mass., Feb. 8, 1887. Resided in South Hadley, Mass. Children 806. i. Austin Warner 6 , b. Aug. 13, 1826; d. Oct. 19, 1844. 807. ii. Sarah Warner 6 , b. March 2, 1828; d. the next day. x, 808. iii. Charles Adams Warner 6 , b. Sept. 5, 1829. 809. iv. George Warner 6 , b. Jan. 22, 1835; d. Feb. 19, 1895, unm. x, 810. v. Lucien Warner 6 , b. Feb. 22, 1837. 96 FIFTH GENERATION 811. vi. Mary Jane Warner 6 , b. Dec. 8, 1841; m. Oct. 2,1866, Clinton W. Stebbins, of Granby, Mass. She d. March 13, 1868, at Columbus, O. Had one child, d. 812. vii. Ella Maria Austin Warner 6 , b. Jan. 10, 1846; d. March 12, 1846. 813. viii. Milan Park Warner 6 , b. Aug. 5, 1848; landscape photographer; resided in Springfield, Mass.; d. Aug. 29, 1903. 339. Clarissa Adams 5 , (Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., Nov. 15, 1807; m. May 8, 1834, Danforth K. Bangs, b. Sept. 26, 1806, son of Enoch and Submit (Eastman) Bangs, No. 126. He d. Oct. 19, 1895; she d. Feb. 27, 1888. Child v 814. i. Louisa Submit Bangs, ' b. Feb. 14, 1839; m. May 14, 1863, John A. Baker; he d. Feb. 5, 1875; she d. in Amherst, March 2, 1908, at the old homestead of her father on Pleasant St. By her will she left bequests to the Mass. Agricultural C, to Amherst C, and to several religious societies. Her nearest living rela- tives are Asa Adams and Mrs. Caroline A. Spear, an uncle and aunt. 340. Achsah Adams 5 , (Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., Sept. 24, 1809; m. Feb. 15, 1831, Cyrus King, son of Peter King. He d. Oct. 28, 1880. She was living in Amherst, Mass., in 1896, their home. Children x, 815. i. Woodbridge Adams King 6 , b. April 1, 1832. 816. ii. Clarissa Lucene King 6 , b. June 5, 1834; d. March 26, 1841. x, 817. iii. Ebenezer Atwood King 6 , b. March 1, 1839. FIFTH GENERATION 97 x, 818. iv. Isaac S. King*, b. Sept. 12, 1841. x, 819. v. Rev. Edward Payson King*, b. Dec. 28, 1843. 820. vi. Chloe Ella King*, b. July 29, 1846. 821. vii. Clara Emma King*, b. Oct. 23, 1850. 341. Silas Ward Adams*, (Clarissa Eastmans Ebenezers Joseph^, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., Sept. 26,' 1811 ; m. first, Dec. 29, 1835, Lucinda Blodgett. She d. Dec' 19, 1848; m. second, Oct. 31, 1849, Matilda Church of Bland- ford. They resided in Shutesbury, where their c. were b. Children by First Wife 822. i. Willard S. Adams*, b. Oct. 1, 1838; d. May 19, 1848. 823. ii. Jane Adams*, b. July 26, 1840; m. Jan. 14, 1864, Levi Woods, of Leverett, Mass. 824. iii. Mary Ann Adams*, b. May 26, 1844; m. first, April 17, 1864, Joseph Howard, of Shutes- bury, by whom she had three c. ; second, Sept. 5, 1871, Orus Fitts, of Leverett, Mass., by whom she had four c. 825. iv. Ella Adams*, b. Sept. 18, 1846; m. Jan. 1, 1863, John Church. She d. Dec. 22, 1876. Children by Second Wife v. Rev. Dwight Ward Adams*, b. Nov. 19, 1851; m. July 21, 1876, Emma Taylor. He is an M. E. clergyman. 827. vi. Laura M. Adams*, b. Aug. 4, 1853; m. Aug. 3, 1873, Rufus H. Fitts; lives in North Amherst, Mass. ; has two c. 828. vii. Carrie F. Adams*, b. Oct. 23, 1855; m. Aug. 3, 1873, William E. Roberts, of North Amherst, Mass.; has three c. 829. viii. Emma Adams*, b. Oct. 18, 1859; d. Oct. 23, 1864. 830. ix. John M. Adams*, b. Nov. 10, 1861; m. Mary S. Hobart. 826. x, 831. i. x, 832. ii. 833. iii. 98 FIFTH GENERATION 342. Nathaniel Dickinson Adams 5 , (Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., July 5, 1813; m. Dec. 1, 1836, Harriet Hastings, b. May 15, 1816. He resided in Shutesbury and Amherst, Mass. He was a manufacturer and dealer in lumber, in company with his brother Silas, for many years. He is described as a man of genial and quiet ways, of great energy and untiring industry, strict and pious, with much of the Puritan in his character. He d. Sept. 7, 1856. Children Charles Dickinson Adams 6 , b. Oct. 11, 1839. Maj. Henry Martin Adams 6 , b. May 8, 1844. Prof. Herbert Baxter Adams 6 , b. April 16, 1850. He studied in the public schools of Amherst, fitted for C. at Phillips Acad, in Exeter, in 1868, and Grad. from Amherst C. in 1872. Student of history and political science at Lausanne, Heidelberg and Berlin, 1873-76, and received the degree of Ph. D. in 1876 at Heidelberg. Became a fellow and prof, in Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore. Md. He edited the "University Studies in Historical and Political Science," and "Contributions to American Educational History," and was secretary of the American Historical Associa- tion. He has written numerous historical works, as "The Germanic Origin of the New England Towns," "Norman Constables in America," "Village Communities," Methods of Historical Study," and several other pub- lications. 343. Joseph Baxter Adams 5 , (Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebe- nezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 )- was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., March 24, 1815; m. April 30, 1845, Silence Hall, b. in Conway, FIFTH GENERATION 99 Mass., March 30, 1824. He d. Nov. 23, 1879; resided in Shutesbury and Deerfield, Mass. Children x, 834. i. Harriet Adams 6 , b. June 8, 1847. x, 835. ii. Myron N. Adams 6 , b. May 10, 1849. x, 836. iii. Elizabeth Adams 6 , b. Jan. 3, 1852. x, 837. iv. Marie Adams 6 , b. June 10, 1860. 344. Lucena Adams', (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer*, Josephs Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., Dec! 18, 1816; m. March 6, 1836, Alden C. Field, of Leverett, Mass. she d. May 11, 1837. Resided in Amherst, Mass. Child 838. i. Ralph Adams Spear Field 6 , b. March, 1837; m. Mary Elizabeth Hobart, Nov. 21, 1866; re- sided in Leverett, Mass.; no c. 345. Caroline Adams', (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer*, Josephs Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., July 24, 1818; m. Jan. 1, 1840, Ebenezer Spear. Resides in North Amherst, Mass., He d. Dec. 21, 18—. Children x, 839. i. Asa Adams Spear 6 , b. Nov. 23, 1841. 840. ii. George Porter Spear 6 , b. May 20, 1844; m. Oct. 22, 1865, Pamelia A. Mayo; resided in North Amherst, Mass. He served in the Civil war. 841. iii. Harriet Amelia Spear 6 , b. Jan. 10, 1846; d. Feb. 9, 1849. 842. iv. Mary Joanna Spear 6 , b. Sept. 30, 1851; unm.; resides in North Amherst, Mass. 843. v. Sarah Louisa Spear 6 , b. June 8, 1853; m. June 27, 1877, Charles M. Conant; resides in Gard- ner, Mass. 346. Dea. William Adams', (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer*, Josephs Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., Feb. 18, 100 FIFTH GENERATION 1820; m. Nov. 6, 1844, Mary Eastman Dickinson, b. Oct. 30, 1823. Resided in North Hadley, Mass. Children 844. i. Corilla Sophia Adams 6 , b. Nov. 22, 1848; unm. 845. ii. George Herbert Adams 6 , b. Nov. 6, 1852; d. Oct. 6, 1853. 846. iii. William Herbert Adams 6 , b. March 12, 1855. unm. 347. Harriet A. Newell Adams 5 , (Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., Nov. 28, 1821 ; m. Oct. 28, 1852, Dea. Edmund Hobart, of North Amherst, where they resided. She d. Oct. 15, 1905; he d. April 6, 1908, aged 85. Children 847. i. Henry Ward Hobart 6 , b. July 31, 1855; d. Dec. 23, 1858. 848. ii. Frank Adams Hobart 6 , b. Nov. 22, 1866; m. Dec. 28, 1887, Annie Odin Roberts. 348. Dea. Asa Adams 5 , (Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer*, Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Shutesbury, Mass., June 25, 1824; m. Jan. 7, 1855, Carrie Bingham, who d. Feb. 27, 1887. He was a teacher in North Adams, and was living in 1907, in Cushman, Mass. Children 849. i. Charles Bingham Adams 6 , b. May 28, 1857; d. April 4, 1874. 850. ii. Clara Emily Adams 6 , b. Nov. 1, 1860; d. Sept. 8, 1865. x, 851. iii. Carrie Bell Adams 6 , b. Oct. 1, 1866. 351. Azubah Dickinson Bangs 5 , (Submit Eastman 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Feb. 22, 1804; m. David R. Angier; resided in Amherst. He d. in FIFTH GENERATION 101 Jan., 1848. She m. second, Hezekiah Crapo, a merchant residing in Ballston, N. Y., where she d. Children v, 852. i. Mary E. Angiers b. March 25, 1840; m. in Ballston, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1888, George Mer- chant, b. in Schodack, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Feb. 5, 1834, son of Stephen and Electa (Stanton) Merchant. He resides in Ballston, a bookkeeper. They had no c. She d. July 28, 1904. 853. ii. Irena C. Angiers b. ; d. Aug. 3, 1885, unm. v 353. William Freeman Bangs 5 , (Submit Eastmans Johns Josephs Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. Oct. 23, 1809; m. first; Frances Cowles; she d. He m. second, Mrs. Emily White, she d. He m. third, Miss Isabella Ferry; she d. and he m. fourth, Mrs. Martha Church. He d. Feb. 24, 1892. Children (By First Wife, One) x, 854. i. Lucy Bangs s daug. of Frances Cowles. 855. ii. John Bangs s b. ; d. in infancy. 856. iii. Emily Bangs s b. ; d. in infancy. v 354. Charles Hawkess (Emelia Eastmans Johns Josephs Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Deerfield, Mass., Feb. 14, 1815; m. in Milton, N. Y., April 3, 1848, Lucinda Holden, b. in Whitestown, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1821, daug. of Moses and Patience (Gould) Holden. She d. in Ballston Spa., N. Y., April 15, 1886. He was a merchant in Ballston Spa, N. Y., moving there in 1868. He d. Sept. 25, 1903. Children 857. i. Kate Wells Hawkess b. in Deerfield, Mass., Jan. 12, 1849. 858. ii. Elizabeth Nims Hawkess b. March 6, 1850. 102 FIFTH GENERATION 859. iii. Mary Elmina Hawkes 6 , b. Feb. 5, 1855; d. March 31, 1904. 860. iv. Edward Gould Hawkes*, b. May 8, 1857. 861. v. Martha Hawkes 6 , b. April 26, 1863; d. Feb. 22, 1865. v 355. Harriet Hawkes 5 , (Emelia Eastman 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Deerfield, March 16, 1816; m. Jan. 1, 1841, to William Hall, of Bleecker, N. Y.; m. second, Daniel H. Hanks. She d. in Feb., 1851. Only Child by Second Husband 862. i. John Fletcher Hanks 6 , b. ; living in Balls- ton, N. Y. v 356. Frederick Hawkes 5 , (Emelia Eastman 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Deerfield, Mass., Sept. 26, 1817; m. first, Oct. 31, 1856, Mary E. Barnard, daug. of Allen Bar- nard, of Charlemont, Mass. She d. July 2, 1877, and he m. second, Helen Star Hoyt, daug. of Horatio Hoyt, of Deerfield, Mass., and widow of Rev. A. D. Jones. He was a bridge builder and carpenter, and settled in Greenfield, Mass. He d. Aug. 24, 1899. Children by First Wife Frederick Elliot Hawkes 6 , b. Aug. 28, 1857. William Halsted Hawkes 6 , b. May 21, 1859; d. Jan. 3, 1900. Helen Almira Hawkes 6 , b. Sept. 28, 1863. Mary Ellen Hawkes 6 , b. July 14, 1865; d. Feb. 9, 1882. 867. v. Ruth Hawkes 6 , b. May 17, 1870. v 358. John Hawkes 5 , (Emelia Eastman 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Jan. 22, 1823; m. first, Sept. 21, 1852, Eliza- beth A. Woods, of Barre; she d. June 13, 1860; he m. second, Mrs. Emma Davis Mann, at Lafayette, Ind., Dec. 20, 1876. She had three c. He d. March 11, 1892, at Rockville. He 863. i. 864. ii. 865. iii. 866. iv. FIFTH GENERATION 103 Grad. at Amherst C. in 1847; settled in the ministry at Rock- ville, Ind. She resides at Warsaw, Ind. 868. Children by First Wife i. James W. Hawkes*, b. Aug. 13, 1853; m. in Persia, Ind., to Belle Sherwood. 869. ii. William Hawkes*, b. Mav 6, 1855; d. Nov 30 1855. 870. iii. Francis E. Hawkes', b. March 18, 1856; d. Oct. 6, 1856. 871. iv. George F. Hawkes*. b. Aug. 28, 1857; m. Aug. 5, 1879, Lida Maxham, at Terre Haute, Ind. His address is 1117 Arizona St., El Paso,' Tex. 872. v. Mary E. Hawkes*, b. Aug. 28, 1859; d. Aug 1 1860. Children by Second Wife 873. vi. Stella Elizabeth Hawkes 6 , b. March 26, 1878. 874. vii. John Thurlow Hawkes«, b. July 23, 1880; m. Dora Mclntyre, at Crawfordsville, Ind.; has two c. 875. viii. Charles L. Hawkes«, b. Sept. 27, 1882. 359. Rilus Eastman', Joseph*, John^, Joseph', Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Nov. 23, 1807;' m. in Bleecker, Fulton Co., N. Y., May 5, 1831, Catherine Jipson, daug. of Reubin Jipson, a soldier in the war of 1812-14. He resided in Bleecker, where his c. were b. He d. in Bleecker May 2, 1870. Children x, 876. i. Lois Root*, b. Feb. 27, 1832; d. Sept., 1898. 877. ii. OrJn«, b. Sept. 20, 1833 ; d. July 19, 1857, unm. x, 878. iii. Catherine Lucinda 6 , b. May 17, 1835. x, 879. iv. Elizabeth Jane 6 , b. May 25, 1837. x, 880. v. Rilus\ b. Oct. 24, 1839. x, 881. vi. Joseph', b. Jan. 29, 1841. 104 FIFTH GENERATION x, 882. vii. Davids b. May 24, 1844. x, 883. viii. Sarah Ann 6 , b. Sept. 27, 1846. x, 884. ix. Money Cheneys b. May 23, 1849. x, 885. x. Lucius Roots b. Dec. 8, 1851. x, 886. xi. Lena Hatties b. Feb. 28, 1S57. 360. Lucius Root Eastmans (Josephs Johns Josephs Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Hadley, Mass., Sept. 15, 1809; m. Dec. 20, 1837, Sarah Ann Belden, b. in Whatley, Mass., July 20, 1817, daug. of Aaron Belden. He d. in Framingham, Mass., March 29, 1892. She d. in Suffield, Conn., April 11, 1898. Mr. Eastman Grad. from Amherst C. in 1833, and from Andover Theol. Sem. in 1836. He was ordained in Sharon, Mass., in 1837, and continued in active service as a preacher of the gospel in Berkeley and Boston, Mass., and in other places in the State for fifty-six years, a number of churches now quite prosperous having their beginning in his missionary labors. Rev. Mr. Eastman was a member of the New Eng- land Historic-Genealogical Society. In 1867 he published a small pamphlet of ten pages, a genealogy of the first four generations of the Eastman family, the first ever in print. This work can be found in the "New England Historical and Genealogical Register" for July, 1867. It has been a great help to the compiler, Guy S. Rix. Children x, 887. i. Lucius Roots b. in Sharon, Mass., Jan. 25, 1839. x, 888. ii. Mary Louisas b. in Amherst, Mass., March 27, 1841. x, 889. iii. Sarah Hibbards b. in Berkeley, Mass., Nov. 5 1850. 367. Cecil Starritt Whittemores (Lois Eastmans John 3 Josephs Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 23 1829; m. in Leverett, Mass., May 27, 1856, Julia Electa Willis, b. in Leverett, July 11, 1831, d. in Verona, Grundy Co., 111., Nov., 1886. Mr. Whittemore is a carpenter, and resides in Verona, 111. 893. iv. 894. v. 895. vi. FIFTH GENERATION 105 Children 890. i. Lewis O. Whittemore 6 , b. in Farmersburg, Iowa, Feb. 5, 1858. x, 891. ii. Edward Walter Whittemore 6 , b. in Vienna, 111., Dec. 7, 1859. 892. iii. Eugene Clifford Whittemore 6 , b. in Verona, 111., Oct. 9, 1861; d. Oct. 14, 1875. Lucy A. Whittemore 6 , b. Oct. 19, 1863. Julia M. Whittemore 6 , b. Jan. 15, 1868. Leonard Archie Whittemore 6 , b. Jan. 1, 1871; m. April 10, 1907, Hattie Dix. v 369. Oliver Cowles Whittemore 5 , (Lois Eastman 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Syracuse, N. Y., April 18, 1834; m. in Leverett, Mass., Sept, 19, 1855, Lucy Sophia Keet, b. in Leverett, March 18, 1838. Mr. Whittemore resided in Easthampton, Mass.; he d. April 13, 1906. Children 896. i. Cora Minerva Whittemore 6 , b. in Leverett; d. March 17, 1906. x, 897. ii. Alfred Lewis Whittemore 6 , b. in Ravenna, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1857. 898. iii. David Eastman Whittemore 6 , b. in Easthamp- ton, Feb. 2, 1871; d. July 7, 1872. 899. iv. Albert Oliver Whittemore 6 , b. in Easthampton, June 27, 1874; m. in Aug., 1907. v 371. William Reed Eastman s , (Oman 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in New York City, Oct. 19, 1835; m. Nov. 20, 1867, Laura E. Barnes, b. Nov. 28, 1846, daug. of Allen and Grace (Kirby) Barnes. Mr. Eastman Grad. from Yale C. in the class of 1854. For five years he was a civil engineer, first on the Erie Canal enlargement, then on the construction of a part of the Goshen Air Line of the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad (now the Lake Shore), and afterwards on the preliminary survey for three 106 FIFTH GENERATION hundred miles of railroad between Vera Cruz and the City of Mexico. In 1859 he began the study of theology in Union Sem., New York, where he was ordained in 1862. For three months, in the summer of 1862, he served as first sergeant in Company H, Twenty-Second New York State National Guards, sta- tioned at Baltimore and Harper's Ferry, Md. On Jan. 1, 1863, he was appointed chaplain of the Seventy-second New York Volunteers, and served with them in the army of the Potomac till June 25, 1864, when the regiment was mustered out. He was pastor of Congregational churches in Plantsville and Suffield, Conn., and in South Framingham, Mass., from 1866 to 1888. Since 1890 he has been connected with the New York State Library at Albany, having been since 1892 Inspector of Public Libraries for the State, and an instructor in the New York Library School. In 1906 he was made chief of the Division of Educational Extension in the New York State Education Department. He was in 1900 Chaplain- General of the Order of Founders and Patriots of America, claiming eligibility to membership in the order through Roger Eastman, the founder in 1638, and the patriots, Joseph Eastman and his son John, both of whom were Revolutionary soldiers. Rev. Mr. Eastman resides in Albany, N. Y. Children 900. i. Grace 6 , b. Jan. 4, 1869; m. April 3, 1899, Adrian D. Stevenson. She d. May 27, 1899. 901. ii. Mary Reed 6 , b. May 19, 1870. 902. iii. Margaret 6 , b. March 1, 1874; m. Feb. 23, 1905, Malcolm Shiland Fearey, of Albany, N. Y.; daug. a Grace', b. June 8, 1907. v 3 75. John Cotton Eastman *, (Oman* John 3 , Joseph', Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in New York City, Dec. 30, 1845; m. in Westfield, Mass., Sept. 10, 1879, Lucy Ashman Hooker, b. in Westfield, Sept. 19, 1845. Mr. Eastman lived at one time in Gainesville, Fla., and while there was an elder of the Pres- byterian church. For six years (1874-1880), while in Florida, FIFTH GENERATION 107 he was a Sunday School Missionary. He resides in New Britain, Conn. Children 903. i. Paul 6 , b. in Westfield, Mass., Sept. 14, 1880; d. Sept. 17, 1880. 904. ii. Henry Hooker 6 , b. in Gainesville, Fla., Nov. 22, 1881; d. March 24, 1882. 905. iii. Elizabeth Reed 6 , b. in Greenfield, Mass., Nov. 21, 1886. v 377. Julia Halsted 5 , (Hepzibah Eastman*, John^, Joseph*, Dea. Joseph'), b. in New York City, in 1836; m. Charles Wiley, of East Orange, N. J. She d. in Dec, 1905. Children 906. i. William Wiley 6 , b. 907. ii. Brewster Wiley 6 , b. 908. iii. Helen Wiley 6 , b. 909. iv. Jack Wiley 6 , b. v 3 78. Cornelia Wade Halsted », (Hepzibah Eastman*, John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in New York City, in 1838; m. in East Orange, N. J., Oct. 15, 1857, George W. Bowers. Resided in East Orange, 48 Halsted St., where their c. were b. Children x, 910. i. Mary Stockbridge Bowers 6 , b. 911. ii. Ogden Halsted Bowers 6 , b. 912. iii. Cornelia Bowers 6 , b. x, 913. iv. Emily Bowers 6 , b. 914. v. Laura Halsted Bowers 6 , b. 915. vi. George Bowers 6 , b. x, 916. vii. Mabel Eastman Bowers 6 , b. v 379. Emily Goldsmith Halsted 5 , (Hepzibah Eastman 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in East Orange, N. J., , 1840; m. George Kirtland. 108 FIFTH GENERATION Children x, 917. i. Anna Kirtland 6 , b. 918. ii. Kenneth Kirtland 6 , b. v 384. Anna Ferry Eastman s , (David 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Leverett, Mass., Nov. 20, 1839; m. in New Salem, Mass., Oct. 10, 1871, Henry Cook, b. in New Salem, Nov. 15, 1836. The next year after they m. they removed to Athol, Mass., where he d. Dec. 13, 1898. His widow resides in Athol, Mass. Children 919. i. Emily Melissa Cook 6 , b. in Athol, Mass., Jan. 10, 1873. 920. ii. Robert Henry Cook 6 , b. in Athol, Aug. 26, 1876. 921. iii. John Putnam Cook 6 ,b. in Athol, Aug. 4, 1880; m. April 20, 1907, in Albany, N. Y., to Isa- belle Jane Munro. % 390. Hon. Charles Kellogg Field*, (Esther Smith Kel- logg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Newfane, Vt., April 24, 1803; m. July 29, 1828, Julia Ann Kellogg, b. Oct. 6, 1809, daug. of Silas and Sophia (Lamb) Kellogg. He Grad. from Middlebury C. in 1822; studied law three years with his father, and was admitted to the bar in 1825; removed to Wilmington, Vt., in 1828, to Newfane in 1829, and to Brattleboro in 1861, where he d. Sept. 16, 1880. His widow d. in Montpelier, April 9, 1886. Children x, 922. i. Julia Kellogg Field 6 , b. Oct. 14, 1829. 923. ii. Martin Field 6 , b. April 24, 1831; d. in Missouri, Sept. 3, 1861. 924. iii. Esther Sophia Field 6 , b. Jan. 5, 1834; d. April 17, 1837. 925. iv. Mary Hubbard Field 6 , b. Aug. 5, 1839; m. June 1, 1868, Henry C. Willard, of Brattleboro, Vt.; resided in Greenfield, Mass. They had FIFTH GENERATION 109 one son, a David W. Field', b. March 2, 1871; his address was University Settlement, 184 Eldridge St., New York City. x, 926. v. Henry Kellogg Field 6 , b. June 8, 1848. J 392. Hon. Roswell Martin Field*, (Esther Smith Kel- logg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Newfane, Vt., Feb. 22, 1807; m. in St. Louis, Mo., May 30, 1848, Frances Maria Reed, b. in Newfane, June 2, 1806, daug. of Merrill and Sally (Townsley) Reed. He Grad. at Middlebury C. in 1822, studied law with his uncle, Hon. Daniel Kellogg, was ad- mitted to practice in Sept., 1825, at 18 years of age. In 1839 he removed to St. Louis, Mo. He d. July 12, 1869; she d. Nov. 18, 1856. Children Theodore French Field 6 , b. 1849; d. in infancy. Eugene Field 6 , b. Sept. 2, 1850. Roswell Martin Field 6 , b. Sept. 1, 1851. Bradley Field 6 , b. 1852; d. in infancy. Charles Kellogg Field 6 , b. 1854; d. young. Frances Victoria Field 6 , b. 1856; d. Jan. 18, 1857. v 402. Charles Cooley 5 , (Mercy Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, July 18, 1821; m. Nov. 6, 1S44, Clara Green. He d. at Elk Grove, 111., Aug. 11, 1878. Children Clark Alden Cooley 6 , b. Sept. 21, 1847. Katherine Cooley 6 , b. July 30, 1849. Sarah Cooley 6 , b. Jan. 2 7, 1854; m. Dec. 29, 1886, John B. Weeks. He d. July 27, 1892. She resides at Des Plaines, 111. 932-4. iv. Clara Cooley 6 , b. Jan. 16, I860.; m John Car- son, Feb. 22, 1888. Child, a Caroll', b. Nov. 26, 1888. 927. i. x, 928. ii. x, 929. iii. 930. iv. 931. v. 932. vi. x, 932-1. i. x, 932-2. ii. 932-3. iii. 110 FIFTH GENERATION 932-5. v. Mary Cooley', b. Nov. 17, 1862; m. John White, Feb. 12, 1903.; d Aug. 30, 1904. % 405. Willard Mayo Kellogg*, (Rufus Kellogg*, Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in East Amherst, Mass., Dec. 29, 1810; m. May 13, 1834, Elvira Minerva Marsh, b. in Hadley, Mass., Sept. 5, 1813, daug. of Joseph and Roxa (Johnson) Marsh. They resided in Amherst, where he d. Dec. 22, 1899. She d. Dec. 15, 1890. Children born in Amherst, Mass. 933. i. Rufus Kellogg', b. March 11, 1835; d. Dec. 30, 1835. 934. ii. Willard Kellogg', b. Feb. 18, 1837; m. in Am- herst, April 2, 1867, Mary Elizabeth Dean, b. in Attleboro, Mass., in 1838, daug. of Lepre- lett and Harriet Eddy (Whittaker) Dean. Resided in Amherst, Mass. 935. iii. Rufus Kellogg", b. July 28. 1839; d. young, x, 936. iv. Charles Kellogg', b. Nov. 26, 1843. 937. v. Mary Harriett Kellogg', b. March 28, 1847; m. June 2, 1869, Henry Hawley, b. in Amherst, Oct. 25, 1841, son of Harrison and Lucena (Dickinson) Hawley. He served in Company D, Twenty-seventh Mass. Inf. in the Civil War. Resided in Amherst. Had no c. 938. vi. Joseph M. Kellogg', b. Aug. 23, 1849; resides in Amherst, Mass. 939. vii. Esther Mayo Kellogg', b. Feb. 29, 1852; m. Aug. 14, 1878, Frank Alvan Hosmer, b. in Woburn, Mass., Nov. 14, 1853, son of Alvan and Octavia Emerson (Poole) Hosmer. He was president of Oahu C, Honolulu, Hawaii Islands; was a member of the Advisory Coun- cil under the Provisional Government of the Republic of Hawaii. He resides in Amherst, Mass. They had no c. FIFTH GENERATION HI t 408. Daniel Kellogg', (Rufus Kellogg*, Mercy Eastman', Josephs Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 9, 1820; d. in Hadley, Mass., Jan. 27, 1899; m. Julv 5, 1854^ Martha Hunt Kellogg, b. Oct. 25, 1823, daug. of Giles C. and Martha Hunt (Warner) Kellogg. He resided in Hadley, Mass. Children 940. i. Henry Martin Kellogg*, b. Oct. 2, 1855; fanner in Hadley; unm. 941. ii. Charles Daniel Kellogg*, b. May 20, 1857; d. Jan. 15, 1874. 942. iii. Edward Hunt Kellogg*, b. March 29, 1859; d. April 10, 1874. x, 943. iv. Giles Melcher Kellogg*, b. Aug. 16, 1863. i 410. Mary Dickinson Kellogg', (Rufus Kellogg*, Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph », Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Amherst, Mass., April 30, 1827; m. in Hadley, Mass., April 13, 1858, George E. Smith, b. in Hadley, Jan. 11, 1825, son of Eli and Hannah (Stockwell) Smith. She was his second wife; she d. in Had- ley, Aug. 4, 1S62 ; he d. in Hadley, in Sept., 1865. Child 944. i. Herman Kellogg Smith*, b. in Hadlev, March 23, 1860. t 415. George Bradley Kellogg', (Daniel Kellogg*, Mercy Eastman', Joseph*, Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Rockingham, Vt., Nov. 6, 1826; m. in Brattleboro, March 15, 1847, Mary Lee Sikes, b. Oct. 10, 1S26, daug. of Uriel and Elizabeth (Edwards) Sikes. He studied law, and commenced practice in Rocking- ham county in 1846; removed to Brattleboro in 1855; was postmaster there in 1861-62; State's Attorney for Windham county from 1854 to 1859; Adjutant and Inspector-General of Vermont; represented Brattleboro in the General Assembly; was active in raising the Vermont Cavalry Regt., and was its Lieut. -Col. After the Civil war he removed to St. Louis, Mo., where he resumed the practice of law. He d. in St. Louis, Nov., 1875. 112 FIFTH GENERATION Children born in Rockingham, Vt. x, 945. i. Jane McAffee Kellogg 6 , b. Sept. 23, 1849. 946. ii. Sarah Bradley Kellogg 6 , b. Jan. 6, 1853 ; d. Aug. 17, 1853. + 416. Sarah Bradley Kellogg 5 , (Daniel Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Rockingham, Vt., Aug. 17, 1831; m. in Westminster, Vt., Nov. 6, 1855, Henry Augustus Willard, b. in Westminster, May 14, 1822, son of Joseph and Susan Dorr (Clapp) Willard. He with his brothers were owners of Willard's Hotel, Washington, D. C. Now living (1908) at 1333 K St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Child 947. i. Henry Kellogg Willard 6 , b. in Washington, D. C, Oct. 20, 1856; he Grad. from Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn., in 1875, and from Yale C. in 1S79. X 418. Daniel Kellogg 5 , (Daniel Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Bellows Falls, Vt., April 9, 1835; m. in Westminster, Vt., May 2, 1861, Margaret White May, b. in Westminster, April 10, 1833, daug. of John and Catherine (Vose) May. She d. in Westminster, Nov. 30, 1892. From 1862 to 1868 he was postmaster in Brattleboro. He has lived in Rutland, Vt., New London, Conn., Shelter Island, N. Y., and now resides in Westminster; is one of the Assistant Judges of Windham County Court, which office he has held several years. A later record received in 1907 gives his address as Greenfield, Mass. Children born in Brattleboro 948. i. William May Kellogg 6 , b. July 27, 1862. x, 949. ii. Merab Ann Bradley Kellogg 6 , b. April 2 7, 1865. 950. iii. Susan White Kellogg 6 , b. June 12, 1871; unm. J 421. Charles Field Kellogg 5 , (Charles Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., FIFTH GENERATION 113 June 23, 1817; m. Dec. 7, 1837, Mary Ann Ingram, b. in Am- herst, Mass., Aug. 9, 1816, daug. of Peter and Emily (Roberts) Ingram. She d. in Waterbury, Conn., June 4, 1871 (?). He m. second, April 29, 1868, Mary E. Park, b. in Nova Scotia, in 1843, daug. of Atwood and Mary A. (Hawley) Park. He was Corporal of Co. H, Second Mass. Vol. Inf. He re-enlisted for three years Jan. 10, 1864, as Sergeant in Co. C, 57th Mass. Vol. Inf.; was wounded in the battle of the Wilderness, and discharged because of wounds, July 20, 1865. He resided in Springfield, Mass., until 1883, when he removed to Hartford, Conn., where he d. Oct. 10, 1897. Children x, 951. i. Mary Eliza Kellogg 6 , b. in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 14, 1839. 952. ii. Charles Peter Kellogg 6 , b. Sept. 17, 1843. He enlisted in Co. K, First Wis. Vol. Inf., Sept. 10, 1862; was promoted Corp. for gallant conduct at the battle of Perryville. He d. in Mitchellville, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1862, after an illness of eight days, and was buried there. I 422. Elizabeth Billings Kellogg*, (Charles Kellogg', Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., July 28, 1819; d. in Harlem, N. Y., June 17, 1852, and was buried in Amherst. She m. Oct. 8. 1836, Moses W. Campbell, b. in Bloomfield, N. J., Aug. 28, 1814, son of Ezekiel and Mary (Arnold) Campbell. He had two other wives after the death of his first wife. He resided in Amherst, Mass., New Haven, Conn., Harlem and Kingston, N. Y., and about 1872 he removed to Ellaville, Fla. Children 953. i. Charles Kellogg Campbell 6 , b. in Amherst, July 9, 1837. He went to sea and has not been heard from since. 114 FIFTH GENERATION 954. ii. Frances Jane Campbell 6 , b. in New Haven, Dec. 11, 1842; m. Feb. 8, 1866, Amos Turnage Hooker, b. in Pitt Co., N. C, Aug. 28, 1833, son of Elias and Lucy (Heath) Hooker, of Marlboro, Mass. He served all through the Civil war in Co. G, 8th N. C. Vol. Inf. He resided in Kingston and Marlboro until 1872, when he removed to Jasper, Fla. They had one child. 955. iii. George Hubbard Campbell 6 , b. in Harlem, N.Y., Oct. 16, 1848; resides in Florida. J 424. Frances Lucretia Kellogg 5 , (Charles Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Oct. 4, 1825; d. in Montrose, Iowa, May 26, 1880; m. in New Haven, Conn., Sept. 29, 1845, George Bullard Felt, b. in Ringe, N. H., Nov. 3, .1819, son of John and Sally (Bul- lard) Felt. He resided in Mason Village, N. H., Worcester and Townsend, Mass. ; removed to Keokuk, Iowa, where he was a lumber dealer. He retired from business and removed to San Diego, Cal. Children 956. i. George Kellogg Felt 6 , b. in Keokuk, June 19, 1856; m. Oct. 26, 1S82, Lillian Ernestine Ehinger, b. in Franklin, Iowa, April 18, 1856, daug. of Dr. George E. and Caroline Deborah (Palmer) Ehinger. He d. in Keokuk, March 2, 1886; no c. She resides in Keokuk. 957. ii. Ivah Elizabeth Felt 6 , b. April 17, 1861 ; m. Jan. 25, 1888, Carrol Berry Graves, b. Nov. 9, 1861; resides in Ellensburg, Wash.; she d. July 25, 1892. J 426. George Hubbard Kellogg 5 , (Charles Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Feb. 27, 1830; m. in Lowell, Mass., June 7, 1861, Charlotte Augusta Leighton, b. in Lowell, March 19, 1836, daug. of FIFTH GENERATION H5 Josiah and Hannah (Reed) Leighton. He was a passenger on the steamship "City of Columbus," which was lost off Gay Head, Mass., on a voyage from Boston to Savannah, Ga., Jan. 18, 1884. His body was recovered and interred in Fitchburg, Mass. He was a printer, and resided in Fitchburg. Child 958. i. Eva Minnette Kellogg*, b. in Amherst, Dec. 24, 1864; d. in Lowell, Mass., Feb. 28, 1888. 1:427. Jane McAffee Kellogg*, (Charles Kellogg*, Mercy Eastman*, Josephs Dea. Joseph'), was b. in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 28, 1832 ; m. in Townsend, Mass., Jan. 21, 1854, Frederick Augustus Worcester, b. in Hollis, N. H., Jan. 2, 1807, son of Jesse and Sarah (Parker) Worcester. He d. March 3, 1888, and after his death she resided in Townsend. He Grad. from Harvard C. in the class of 1831; studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1835; had an office in Ayer, Mass., and was a member of the Mass. Legislature in 1856. Children 959. i. Charles Frederick Worcester*, b. Feb. 28, 1859; unm. 960. ii. Frances Jane Worcester*, b. April 8, 1861; m. April 19, 1900, Ransom Bixby Adams, b. May 28, 1862. 961. iii. Mary Elizabeth Worcester*, b. March 25, 1863; unm. 962. iv. Joseph Emerson Worcester*, b. Aug. 19, 1867; unm. v434. Theodore Preston Kellogg*, (Henry Kellogg*, Mercy Eastman*, Joseph*, Dea. Joseph-), was b.'in Benning- ton, Vt., Dec. 7, 1844; m. in Chicago, 111., June 26, 1867, Sarah Eastman Draper, b. Feb. 25, 1840, daug. of Ichabod and Catherine Vose (Cooley) Draper, No. 398, and Addenda. She is a granddaughter of Mercy Eastman, daug. of Joseph. He resided in Chicago, and Arlington Heights, 111., and in Dec, 116 FIFTH GENERATION 1899, removed to Farmer, N. Y., now of Interlaken, N. Y. She d. in Feb., 1899; he m. second, the widow of his brother William, on Jan. 10, 1900. Children x, 963. i. Henry Draper Kellogg 6 , b. in Chicago, June 21, 1868. x, 964. ii. Timothy Hubbard Kellogg 6 , b. in Arlington Heights, 111., Jan. 8, 1873. 965. iii. William Theodore Kellogg 6 , b. in Elk Grove, 111., June 3, 1878; m. and living at Arlington Heights, 111. Child by Second Wife 966. iv. Joseph Warren Kellogg 6 , b. June 13, 1901. v 436. William Amherst Kellogg *, (Henry Kellogg*, Mercy Eastman', Joseph*, Dea. Joseph'), b. Feb. 6, 1849; m. June 10, 1891, to Harriette E. Richardson, of Troy, N. Y. He d. April 4, 1899, and she m. second, Theodore P. Kellogg, No. 434, an older brother of William. Children of William 967. i. James F. Kellogg 6 , b. June 30, 1892. 968. ii. John V. Kellogg 6 , b. Jan. 8, 1894 969. iii. Paul William Kellogg 6 , b. July 26, 1895. v 440. Sylvester Dickinson', (Lydia Dickinson*, Lydia Eastman', Joseph*, Dea. Joseph-), b. in Amherst, Nov. 23, 1809; m. July 24, 1856, Harriet Cutler; they moved to Riley, Mich., abt. 1857, and he d. there. Children 970. i. Avandor Valet Dickinson 6 , b. 971. ii. Avalmy Lavander Dickinson 6 , b. 972. iii. Ophelia Mundane Dickinson 6 , b. v 441. Frederick Ely Dickinsons (Lydia Dickinson*, Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph', Dea. Joseph'), b. in Amherst, Oct. 25, 1811 ; m. Elmira Brown. He lived in Leverett, Mass. 973. i. 974. ii. 975. iii. FIFTH GENERATION 117 Children Ely Othman Dickinson 6 , b. Henry Dickinson 6 , b. Julia Dickinson 6 , b. Oct. ,1839; m. ; d. v 442. Capt. Marquis Fayette Dickinson 5 , (Lydia Dickin- son*, Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in Amherst, Jan. 4, 1814; m. Nov., 1838, Hannah Shepherd Williams, daug. of Asa Williams, of Shutesbury. Capt. Dickinson was a prominent citizen of Amherst, Mass., where he lived. He, with the aid of a noble wife, brought up a remarkable family. Their homestead was just north of the Agricultural C. grounds. He d. in Amherst, March, 1901. Children Marquis Fayette Dickinson 6 , b. Jan. 16, 1840. Walter Nehemiah Dickinson 6 , b. Oct. 30, 1843; d. April 17, 1845. Lydia Jane Dickinson 6 , b. July 17, 1846. Sarah Amelia Dickinson 6 , b. Oct. 8, 1848. Roxy Elizabeth Dickinson 6 , b. April 3, 1851; m. E. A. Holbrook, of Holbrook; is living at Brookline, Mass. 981. vi. Asa Williams Dickinson 6 , b. Oct. 24, 1853; m. Dec. 21, 1882, Anna W. Hay, of Easton, Pa. He was a lawyer in Jersey City, N. J. ; d. Jan. 1899. 982. vii. Walter Mason Dickinson 6 , b. April 3, 1856; m. in 1880, Martha E. Otis. He Grad. from West Point, U. S. A.; was military instructor at Mass. Agricultural C, 1892 to 1896; Capt. of 17th U. S. Inf.; killed at El Caney, July 1, 1898. x, 983. viii. Julia Cowles Dickinson 6 , b. June 7, 1859. x, 984. ix. Hannah Frances Dickinson 6 , b. Sept. 28, 1861. 985. x. Mary Underhill Dickinson 6 , b. July 3, 1864; d. June 28, 1870. x, 976. i. 977. ii. x, 978. iii. x, 979. iv. 980. v. 118 FIFTH GENERATION v 446. Leander Melancton Dickinson 5 , (Lydia Dickinson 4 , Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, Aug. 20, 1821; m. Laura Adams. Children 986. i. Lydia Thankful Dickinson', b. Sept. 21, 1852; m. C. E. Wilson; d. in Amherst. 987. ii. Julia Dickinson', b. Oct. 14, 1857; d. Feb. 13, 1858. 988. iii. Edward Leander Dickinson 6 , b. April 2, 1860; lives in Holyoke. x, 989. iv. Mason Adams Dickinson 6 , b. Jan. 23, 1863. 990. v. Frank Nims Dickinson 6 , b. Jan. 15, 1866; lives in Amherst. v 447. Amy Stoughton Dickinson 5 , (Lydia Dickinson 4 , Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, Oct. 22, 1823; m. Avery D. Hubbard, of Sunderland, Mass., and d. there. Children 991. i. Emma Hubbard 6 , b. ; unm. ; living in Sunderland. 992. ii. Alice Hubbard 6 , b. ; m. Silas V. Ball, of Sunderland; she d. there recently. 993. iii. Frederick Hubbard 6 , b. ; lives in Missouri. 994. iv. Charles Hubbard 6 , b. ; lives in Sunderland. X 452. Cordelia Dickinson 5 , (Ransom Dickinson 4 , Mary Eastman', Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Dec. 7, 1816; m. June 23, 1841, Rev. Hemenway J. Gaylord, of Otisco, N. Y.; he retired from the ministry, and resided in Clyde, Kansas. She d. in Plainfield, Dec. 23, 1847. He d. Feb., 1901. Children 995. i. Edward Dickinson Gaylord", b. June 2, 1843, in Union, N. Y. ; d. at Lincoln Hospital, Washington, July, 1864; he was Orderly Sergeant, Seventh Regt. Delaware Vols., 1862. FIFTH GENERATION 119 x, 996. ii. Eber William Gaylord 6 , b. in Union, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1845. 997. iii. Lucinda Lucretia Gaylord 6 , b. Aug. 26, 1847; d. Dec. 23, 1847. v 455. Louisa Dickinson 5 , (Daniel Dickinson 4 , Mary East- man 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), and also from Tammy East- man, No. 186, b. July 14, 1830; m. Sept. 30, 1857, to Rev. John Morton Greene; she Grad. at Mount Holyoke C. in 1857; resided in Hatfield, and Lowell, Mass. She d. in March, 1881. He resides now (1908) at Winter Hill, Somerville, Mass. Children 998. i. John Morton Greene 6 , b. Jan. 8, 1859, in Hat- field, Mass.; d. in Hatfield, Jan. 27, 1861. x, 999. ii. William Storrs Greene', b. March 5, 1860, in Hatfield. 1000. iii. Louisa Dickinson Greene 6 , b. April 6, 1862, in Hatfield. x, 1001. iv. Harvey Bartlett Greene 8 , b. Sept. 21, 1864, in Hatfield. 1002. v. Joseph Lyman Greene 6 , b. Nov. 1, 1866, in Hatfield; d. in Lowell, Mass., Nov. 5, 1870. 1003. vi. Helen French Greene 6 , b. Dec. 20, 1868, in South Hadley, Mass. 456. William Eastman Dickinson 5 , (Daniel Dickinson 4 , Mary Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), and also from Tammy Eastman, No. 186, was b. in Amherst, Mass., June 11, 1832; m. Sept. 6, 1860, Eliza Hobart, b. Oct. 6, 1832. Mr. Dickinson Grad. from Amherst C. in 1883; pastor in Chicopee, Mass., many years; he d. in Amherst, Mass. Child 1004. i. Edward Baxter Dickinson 6 , b. March 3, 1863; m. Sept. 6, 1892, Caroline Bemis, of Chicopee, Mass.; he is a dentist in Amherst, Mass. v457. Sarah Tamison Dickinson 5 , (Daniel Dickinson 4 , 120 FIFTH GENERATION Mary Eastman', Joseph', Dea. Joseph'), and also from Tammy Eastman, No. 186, was b. in Amherst, Mass., May 19, 1834; m. April 19, 1865, Rev. Frederick B. Phelps. Children 1005. i. Frederick William Phelps', b. April 13, 1866; Grad. from Amherst C. in 1885 ; Prof, at Washburn C, Topeka, Kan.; d. much lamented, at Tucson, Arizona, Feb. 27, 1893, unm. 1006. ii. Charles Dickinson Phelps', b. Nov. 29, 1868; Grad. at Amherst C. in 1880; m. Clara Bently Mead, Oct. 30, 1901. 1007. iii. Edith Sophia Phelps', b. June 14, 1871; d. Sept. 17, 1884. 1008. iv. Myron Austin Phelps', b. Aug. 2, 1873; d. Nov. 3, 1894. 1009. v. Julia Eastman Phelps', b. March 15, 1875; d. June 11, 1898. x, 1010. vi. Florence Dell Dhelps', b. May 14, 1876. 1011. vii. Isabel Maude Phelps', b. July 25, 1877. v 459. Charles Reed Dickinson *, (Daniel Dickinson*, Mary Eastman' , Joseph', Dea. Joseph'), and also from Tammy Eastman, No. 186, was b. in Amherst, Mass., Oct. 16, 1837; m. Aug. 16, 1865, Ardelia Melissa Harris, of Hatfield, Mass.; he resides in Amherst, Mass. Children x, 1012. i. Edwin Harris Dickinson', b. March 22, 1868; see No. 764. 1013. ii. Louisa Dickinson', b. Sept. 24, 1869; Grad. at Mount Holyoke C. 1014. iii. Laura Austin Dickinson', b. Nov. 15, 1870; Grad. at Mount Holyoke C. x, 1015. iv. Raymond D. Dickinson', b. Dec. 7, 1878. v 463. William Cowper Dickinson *, (Baxter Dickinson*, 1017. ii. 1018. iii. 1019. iv. 1020. v. 1021. vi. FIFTH GENERATION 121 Mary Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. Annie Dougherty, of Aurora, N. Y.; he d. Children x, 1016. i. Martha Bush Dickinson 6 . William Henry Dickinson 6 ,' ; d. Sarah Stevens Dickinson 6 . Richard Baxter Dickinson 6 . Clarence Dickinson 6 . Stanley Dickinson 6 . v 469. Isabella Halstead Dickinson 5 , (Rev. Baxter Dick- inson, D. D.,« Mary Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. May 17, 1841, in Auburn, N. Y.; m. July 12, 1866, at Lake Forest, 111., to John Haskell Keep, LL. B.; he d. at Norwich, Conn., Jan. 12, 1895; is buried at Forest Hills, near Boston. Mrs. Keep removed from Norwich, Conn., in 1898, to Brook- lyn, N. Y., where she has since resided. Children 1022. i. Richard Hamilton Keep 6 , b. Nov. 16, 1867, at Lake Forest, 111., He Grad. from the C. of the Acad, of New Church, Philadelphia, Pa., in 1893; from Theol. Sem. of same institute, in 1895. Began his ministry in 1895, in Middleport, Ohio. x, 1023. ii. John Haskell Keep 6 , b. Sept. 12, 1869, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 1024. iii. Wallace Huntington Keep 6 , b. June 4, 1871, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He Grad. from Amherst C. in 1895. 1025. iv. Arthur Dickinson Keep 6 , b. Oct. 18, 1872, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; d. Oct. 21, 1873; buried at Woodlawn cemetery, New York. 1026. v. William Dickinson Keep 6 , b. April 7, 1874, in Brooklyn. 122 FIFTH GENERATION 1027. vi. Austin Baxter Keep, A. M 6 ., b. Nov. 13, 1875, in Bloomfield, N. J. He Grad. from Am- herst C. in 1897. 1028. vii. Annie Bush Keep 6 , b. June 6, 1878, in East Orange, N. J. 1029. viii. Clifford Holcombe Keep', b. Feb. 11, 1883, in Norwich, Conn. Grad. from Amherst C. v 470. John Milton Loomis 5 , (Hannah Dickinson 4 , Mary- Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 23, 1823; m. Oct. 25, 1843, to Sarah Gleason. He d. Dec. 12, 1862; she d. Nov. 17, 1900. Children 1030. i. Marietta Loomis 6 , b. Feb. 14, 1847; m. George Endicott; has four c. 1031. ii. George Milton Loomis 6 , b. Sept. 18, 1849; d. unm. Aug. 25, 1885. 1032. iii. William Baxter Loomis 6 , b. Oct. 25, 1857, unm. v 471. Austin Dickinson Loomis 5 , (Hannah Dickinson 4 , Mary Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Sept. 4, 1828; m. May 25, 1854, to Martha Newell; he d. Dec. 1, 1904; she lives in North Amherst, Mass. Children 1033. i. Francis Eugene Loomis 6 , b. July 23, 1855; m. Julia Moulton, April 22, 1891; no c. 1034. ii. Nellie Florianna Loomis 6 , b. Jan. 7, 1858; unm. 1035. iii. Charles Edwin Loomis 6 , b. Sept. 5, 1859; d. Oct. 16, 1861. 1036. iv. Harriet Newell Loomis 6 , b. Dec. 3, 1862; m. May 5, 1886, to Howard Herrick; he d. Jan. 7, 1898; no c. 103 7. v. Herbert Russell Loomis 6 , b. March 18, 1867; m. May 2 7, 1896, to Sadie R. Holmes; c. a Mary Frances', b. Oct. 10, 1897; Flor- ence Louise', b. Jan. 1, 1902. 1039. ii. 1040. iii. 1041. iv. 1042. v. FIFTH GENERATION 123 v 472. Richard B. Loomis 5 , (Hannah Dickinson 4 , Mary Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 17, 1832; m. Julia Amsden; he d. May 20, 1906. Children 1038. i. Frederic Austin Loomis 6 , b. May 5, 1866; m. and has two c, a Howard' and b Ralph 7 . Lives at 55 High St., Greenfield, Mass. Osborne Milton Loomis 6 , b. April 8, 1868, unm. Abbie Loomis 6 , b. ; d. Nettie Loomis 6 , b. ; d. Bessie Loomis 6 , b. ; m. Carl Whipple; had one c. that d. 1043. vi. George Richard Loomis 6 , b. ; m. and has four c, a Edmond', b Alfred 7 , c Marion', d Bessie r . v 482. Ogden Mosely Eastman 5 , (Joseph*, Joseph 3 , Will- iam 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. July 18, 1815; m. Children Lucellah 6 , b. Oct. 16, 1837; d. Aug. 17, 1838. Norace B. 6 , b. Aug. 19, 1839; m. Jan. 10, 1862. Lucy Eliza 6 , b. Dec. 2, 1841 ; m. Nov. 14, 1861 ; d. Dec. 19, 1899. Persis A 6 ., b. Aug. 25, 1845; m. April 8, 1872. Rachel A 6 ., b. Aug. 6, 1847; m. Aug. 22, 1865. Frank H 6 ., b. Aug. 23, 1855; d. Feb. 13, 1856. Emma L.\ b. Oct. 25, 1856; d. Sept. 6, 1864. v 483. Lyman Foster Eastman 5 , (Joseph 4 , Joseph 3 , Will- iam 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. June 19, 1816; m. at Ovid, N. Y, July 18, 1839, Margaret Alida Van Epps, b. June 19, 1821, daug. of Peter and Catherine Van Epps. He d. at Decatur, Mich., April 10, 1887. 1044. i. 1045. ii. 1046. iii. 1047. iv. 1048. v. 1049. vi. 1050. vii. 124 FIFTH GENERATION Children 1051. i. Ann Alida 6 , b. at Greenfield, 111.. May 29, 1840; m. at Grand Ledge, Mich., March 31, 1865, to Orlando Wheelock, son of Rev. and Louisa Wheelock. 1052. ii. Caroline Covert 6 , b. at Lodi, N. Y., May 26, 1842 ; m. at Comstock, Kalamazoo Co., Mich., Dec. 4, 1865, to Legrant Fisher, son of John and Mary Ann Fisher. 1053. iii. Charles Willis 6 , b. at Ovid, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1844; d. at Farmington, Mich., Feb. 2, 1848. 1054. iv. Catherine Lillis 6 , b. at Farmington, Mich., May 24, 1848; m. at Decatur, Mich., Nov. 30, 1876, to Mahlon Slade, son of Benjamin Slade. 1055. v. Charles Payson 6 , b. at Farmignton, Mich., Aug. 28, 1850; m, at Mattawan, Van Buren Co., Mich., July 5, 1870, to Laura Eastman (no relation), daug. of James Eastman. 1056. vi. Newton Lyman 6 , b. at Farmington, Mich., Nov. 22, 1854; m. at Township of Arlington, Co. of Van Buren, Mich., Nov. 24, 1879,to Celia Cfinia Jones, daug. of William and Mary Jones. 1057. vii. Harriet Newal 6 , b. at Grand Ledge, Mich., July 21, 1860; in. at Decatur, Mich., Jan. 21, 1880, to George Herbert McDole, son of Osa and Rua McDole. 1058. viii. Willie Harold 6 , b. at Lansing, Mich., March 31, 1864; m. at Grand Ledge, Mich., March 31, 1885, to Cynthia Belle Tower, daug. of Joseph and Phoebe Ann Tower. v 484. Dr. Joseph Eastman 5 , (Joseph 4 , Joseph 3 , William*, Dea. Joseph'), b. July 1, 1818; m. July 9, 1848, Nancy Mc- Allister, b. Jan. 19, 1827, daug. of William McAllister, a drum- X, 1059. i. 1060. ii. 1061. iii. X, 1062. iv. 1063. v. FIFTH GENERATION 125 mer boy in the war of 1812, who drew a pension until his death; she d. Feb. 10, 1872, at Davison, Mich. He m. second, Oct. 3, 1872, Ann McAllister, b. Sept. 7, 1832; d. Oct. 5, 1907. He. Grad. in the Cleveland Medical School, moved to Michigan, practised in Genesee Co., was very successful and highly re- spected by every one. He d. March 23, 1878, at Flint, Mich., and is buried in Davison, Mich. Children all born in Goodrich, Mich., except the youngest. Otis', b. April 18, 1849. Williams b. Sept. 19, 1850; d. March 26, 1852. Jennie', b. May 23, 1854; d. Oct. 3, 1856. Ellens b. June 23, 1858. Susan', b. Dec. 7, 1860; m. June 25, 1884, at Flint, Mich., to F. C. Newcombe; lives at Ann Arbor, Mich., 1817 Gedeles Ave . x, 1064. vi. Frederick 6 , b. in Davison, Sept. 7, 1862; m. Emily Schultz. v 486. Eliza Jane Eastman 5 , (Joseph 4 , Joseph 5 , William 7 , Dea. Joseph'), b. June 17, 1823; m. Jan. 1, 1851, Reubin Goodrich, b. in Clarence, Erie Co., N. Y., June 28, 1819, son of Levi H. and Eunice (Skinner) Goodrich. They resided in Travers, Mich. He d. Jan. 8, 1899. Children x, 1065. i. Clara Goodrich 6 , b. in Goodrich, Mich., July 18, 1853. 1066. ii. Mary Eastman Goodrich 6 , b. Oct. 15, 1854; d. Feb. 6, 1890, unm. x, 1067. iii. Charles E. Goodrich 6 , b. Jan. 17, 1856. 1068. iv. Frank Reubin Goodrich 6 , b. Aug. 16, 1858; m. first, 1878, Mary Alice Bailey; she d.; m. second, My rtie Thompson; no c. 488. Reubin Reed Eastmans (Josephs Josephs Williams Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Granby, Mass., Sept. 29, 1829; m. in Ottawa, 111., July 30, 1848, Mary Jane Covell, b. in Ottawa, 126 FIFTH GENERATION April 6, 1830, daug. of Thomas R. and Elizabeth (Brown) Co veil, of Chicago, 111. She d. in Brooklyn, Iowa, Feb. 26, 1894. Mr. Eastman resides in Inglewood, Cal. Children x, 1069. i. Persis Elizabeth 6 , b. in Proviso, 111., Dec. 6, 1849. x, 1070. ii. Joseph Reed 6 , b. Oct. 31, 1851. 1071. iii. Lucretia Maria 6 , b. in Auburn, Iowa, Jan. 5, 1854. x, 1072. iv. Jane Cornelia 6 , b. in Eden, Iowa, April 26, 1856. 1073. v. Elmer Marias 6 , b. in Auburn, Iowa, April 3, 1864. He is unm. and lives at No. 297 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. 1074. vi. Mary Minerva 6 , b. in Auburn, Iowa, July 14, 1866; d. in 1880. 491. Herman D. Eastman*, (John Lyman 4 , Joseph 3 , William*, Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Lodi, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1822; m. May 16, 1849, Fanny M. Wilson. He d. Dec. 23, 1890. Children 1075. i. John Lyman 6 , b. March 29, 1850; d. Sept. 4, 1850. 1076. ii. Frank Daggett 6 , b. April 26, 1851; d. Sept. 16, 1875. 1077. iii. John Lyman, 2d 6 , b. Feb., 1853; d. March 25, 1872. 1078. iv. Sarah Halsey 6 , b. Oct. 30, 1854. x, 1079. v. Lysander W 6 ., b. March 6, 1857. 1080. vi. Herman L 6 ., b. Oct., 1858; d. Jan. 4, 1860. x, 1081. vii. Anna Louise 6 , b. Nov. 11, 1861. 493. Hannah Eastman 5 , (Chester 4 , Joseph 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in Ovid, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1835; d. in Hector, N. Y., July 10, 1866; m. in Ovid, Nov. 5, 1856, Dr. David Warner Birge, b. in Manchester, Conn., Dec. 6, 1822, son of Simeon and Electa (Pitkin) Birge. He moved with his parents to FIFTH GENERATION 127 Portage, Ohio, in 1832. He attended school at Western Reserve C. and at Oberlin C, and Grad. from Cleveland, Ohio, Medical C. in 1848, receiving the degree of M. D. He located in Hector, N. Y., where he followed his chosen profession for many years, but has retired from active practice, and since 1885 has been engaged in fruit culture. Mrs. Birge Grad. from Mount Holyoke C. He lives in Hector, N. Y. Children 1082. i. Mary Eastman Birge 6 , b. in Libertyville, 111., Feb. 7, 1858; unm. and lives with her father. x, 1083. ii. Julia Birge 6 , b. in Libertyville, May 24, 1859. 1084. iii. Helen Birge 6 , b. in Hector, N. Y., March 4, 1862; d. Oct. 4, 1S64. x, 1085. iv. Hannah Grace Birge 6 , b. in Hector, Jan. 22, 1866. 496. Benjamin Nevius Eastman 5 , (Chester 4 , Joseph 3 , William*, Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Ovid, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1840; d. in Syracuse, June 22, 1892; m. Nov. 26, 1863, Cornelia Post. Child 1086. i. Cornelia Estella 6 , b. Nov. 10, 1864; m. Ly- sander Eastman (see No. 1079) son of Her- man D. and Fanny M. (Wilson) Eastman. v 497. William Lyman Eastman 5 , (Chester 4 , Joseph 3 , William*, Dea. Joseph'), b. in Ovid, N. Y., April 22, 1842; m. June 7, 1866, Augusta Eastman, No. 506, b. Sept. 1, 1842, daug. of Augustus and Mrs. Kezia (Nash) (Kilbon) Eastman. Mrs. Kezia Eastman was No. 260, was b. July 28, 1806, daug. of Asa and Kezia (Eastman), No. 69, Nash, and widow of George Kilbon. Augustus Eastman resided all his life on the old homestead in Granby, where he d. Aug. 18, 1856. His widow d. in Granby, May 10, 1857. William Lyman Eastman resided in Ovid, N. Y.; he d. Nov. 16, 1902. FIFTH GENERATION Child 10 87 i. John Nevius«, b. in Ovid, Nov. 1, 1875; m. Dec ^7 1899, May L. Purcell. Children, -Esther Maria', b. March 23, 1904; b William Purcell', b. July 20, 1907. v 498 Man- Dunton Eastman', (Chester*, Joseph', Will- iam', Dea. Joseph'), b. June 30, 1844, m. June 18 1867 James F. Harris, b. Jan. 21, 1841. They reside at 9311 Edmonds Ave., N. E., Cleveland, Ohio. Children x, 1088. i. Charles Eastman Harris*, b. March 30, 1868. x 1089. ii. Chester Morgan Harris 6 , b. Sept. 8, 1874. x, 1090. iii. Fred Page Harris', b. March 17, 1877. 500. Samuel Finley Eastmans (Augustus*, Joseph', Will- iam', Dea. Joseph'), b. in Granby, Mass., May 3, 1823; d. in Nashua, Iowa, June 26, 1900; m. in Granby, Oct. 29, 1845, Hannah L. Dickinson, b. in Granby, Aug. 11, 1825, daug. of William and Lois Parsons (Ferry) Dickinson. He removed from Granby to Iowa, date unknown. His widow resides m Nashua, Iowa. Children x 1091. i. William Augustus', b. in Granby, Aug. 6, 1850. ' 1092. ii. A son, nameless, b. Sept. 8, 1852; d. the next day. 1093. iii. Samuel Finley', b. Jan. 16, 1855; d. Oct. 24. 1857. 1094. iv. Clara Romaine 6 , b. July 23, 1857. 1095. v. Man' Louisa', b. march 16, 1859; m. Oct. 19, 1888, Edwin S. White. 1096. vi. Helen Dickinson', b. July 26, 1862; m. Oct., 1883, Elmer J. Wells. 1097. vii. Fannie Vinton', b. March 11, 1864; resides in Nashua, Iowa. FIFTH GENERATION 129 % 510. Caroline Kellogg* (Elijah Kellogg*, Lois Eastman 3 , William^, Dea. Joseph'), b. May 20, 1814; m. June 7, 1843, to Edward Richardson Gaylord, a farmer in Hadley. She d. Nov., 1844. Child 1098. i. George Edward Gaylord 6 , b. July 19, 1844; m. Oct. 21, 1868, to Sarah L. Weir, of New- ington, Conn. t 514. Hawley Kellogg 5 , (Elijah Kellogg 4 , Lois Eastman 3 . William^, Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. July 25, 1822; m. Nov. 26, 1851, to Susan Maria Holman, b. in Tolland, Conn., Sept. 14, 1835, daug. of Justin and Maria (Tilden) Holman; she d. Dec. 28, 1877; he m. second, Dec. 16, 1880, Mary Louise Tamblin b- in Ottawa, 111., Dec. 1, 1845. He removed from South Had- ley, Mass., to Hartford, Conn., in 1859; he d. July 9, 1882. Children 1099. i. Dana William Kellogg 6 , b. in Hartford, Conn., Dec. 7, 1857; Grad. from Yale C. in 1880; d. Sept. 11, 1880. 1100. ii. Anna Ruth Kellogg 6 , b. Dec. 3, 1859; d. Jan. 18, 1877. J 517. William Kellogg 5 , (Elijah Kellogg 4 , Lois Eastman 3 , Williams Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Jan. 6, 1829; m. May 9, 1861, to Maria Oliva Blackman, b. in Florence, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1837, daug. of Joel and Wealthy (Tilden) Blackman: she d. July 28, 1871. He m. second, March 26, 1872, Edith Ellis, daug. of Freeman and Miranda (Denman) Ellis, of Wakeman, Ohio. Children by First Wife, Born in Wakeman, Ohio 1101. i. Charles Church Kellogg 6 , b. Feb. 15, 1862; m. first, in Clarksfield, Ohio, May, 1886, to Rose Twaddle, daug. of William'and Sabria (Pixley) Twaddle. He m. second, at Colo- rado Springs, Col., April, 1891, Mary Mc- 130 FIFTH GENERATION Eldowney, of Salem, Ohio. He d. in Colo- rado Springs, Oct. 19, 1893; was a printer; had no c. x, 1 102. ii. Frederick Blackman Kellogg 6 , b. Dec. 29, 1863. 1103. iii. William Grant Kellogg 6 , b. Nov. 19, 1865; m. Feb. 5, 1891, Isadore Eugenia Wiggins; resides at Berlin Heights, Ohio; no c. 1104. iv. Florence Wealthy Kellogg 6 , b. Dec. 27, 1867; a teacher in Norwalk; unm. Children by Second Wife, Born in Wakeman 1105. v. George Owen Kellogg 6 , b. June 26, 1874; m. in Ashland, Ohio, April 14, 1900, to Celia Snader, daug. of Lemon and Malinda (Morr) Snader; resides in Ashland, Ohio; no c. 1106. vi. Fannie Ruth Kellogg 6 , b. July 26, 1875; a teacher in Wheeling. 1107. vii. Bertha Mary Kellogg 6 , b. April 23, 1877; a teacher in Wheeling. X 518. Otis Kellogg 5 , (Elijah Kellogg 4 , Lois Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Nov. 17, 1831; m. in Springfield, Mass., Sept. 3, 1856, to Susan Griffiths, of Foster, R. I., daug. of James and Clarissa (Ide) Griffiths. He left South Hadley when a child, but returned when 41 years old; was a farmer and machinist. Children 1108. i. James Henry Kellogg 6 , b. and d. in Long- meadow in 1857. x, 1109. ii. Charles Stoughton Kellogg 6 , b. Feb. 24, 1860. x, 1110. iii. George Otis Kellogg 6 , b. Sept. 18, 1863. v 526. William Eastman 5 , (William 4 , William 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Newton, Mich., Jan. 11, 1844; m. in Rockford, 111., March 21, 1867, Emma E. Hinds, b. in Grafton, Mass., Nov. 19, 1845, daug. of Elisha Woodward and Martha Eveline (Goddard) Hinds. Her father, Elisha W. Hinds, FIFTH GENERATION 131 served three years in the war of 1861-1865. Her grandfather, Warner Hinds, was a colonel in the war of 1812, and her great grandfather, Corlis Hinds, was a member of safety on Concord resolves, July 14, 1779; member of committee of safety, March 20, 1780. Mrs. Eastman has given much assistance in gathering the records of this branch of the family from William. They reside in Holyoke, Mass. Children x, 1111. i. William 6 , b. in Amherst, Mass., April 19, 1868. x, 1112. ii. Alice Alvera 6 , b. in Amherst, March 25, 1870. x, 1113. iii. Walter Merrill 6 , b. in Amherst, Jan. 1, 1874. 1114. iv. Louise Hinds 6 , b. in Holyoke, Mass., Nov. 9, 1881; she is secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association in Holyoke. v 530. Samantha White Eastman 3 , (Reubin Reed 4 , Will- iam 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Granby, Mass., March 19, 1833; m. March 19, 1856, to Rev. Prescott Fay, of West- boro, Mass. He was in Lancaster, N. H., where he held a pastorate from 1855 to 1865; now resides in Saxonville, Mass., 76 Central St. Children 1115. i. Flora Maria Fay 6 , b. Nov. 26, 1857, on Thanks- giving Day. She has been a teacher of music in Wellesley C, Wellesley, Mass., and Carleton C, Northfield, Minn., and at present has private pupils at Copley Square, Boston; is organist at Edwards Congregational church, Saxonville, Mass. 1116. ii. William Eastman Fay 6 ,b. March 8, 1859; he m. Nov. 1, 1893, Mrs. Louise Collingham Fowler. He is a practising physician, re- siding at 366 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. 132 FIFTH GENERATION 1117. iii. Alice Prescott Fay 6 , b. Feb. 18, 1865. She is a special teacher in the public schools of Cambridge, Mass. v 533. Maria Clarissa', (Reubin Reed 4 , William', William*, Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Aug. 27, 1841; m. Harlan Winslow Page, Jan. 16, 1868; they live at Northfield, Minn., where he is treasurer of Carleton C. Children 1118. i. Agnes Eastman Page 6 , b. March 5, 1869; is a teacher of music. 1119. ii. Frank Winslow Page 6 , b. Sept. 26, 1873; d. Feb. 16, 1882. 1120. iii. Alice Maria Page 6 , b. Dec. 9, 1878; is private secretary to the president of Carleton C. v 537. Pamelie Clarissa Eastman*, (Charles*, William 3 , William', Dea. Joseph"), b. in Holyoke, Mass., Oct. 1, 1831; m. in South Hadley, Mass., June 13, 1867, Hinsdale Smith, b. in Hadley, Mass., March 2, 1819, son of Sereno and Betsey (Stockbridge) Smith. He d. in Springfield, Mass., and she d. there Feb. 11, 1876. Children x, 1121. i. Arthur Parks Smith 6 , b. in Feeding Hills, Mass., May 24, 1868. x, 1122. ii. Hinsdale Smith 6 , b. in Springfield, Sept. 10, 1869. 1123. iii. Elizabeth Chester Smith 6 , b. in Springfield, May 3, 1872; d. Jan. 28, 1876. 1124. iv. Harry Eastman Smith 6 , b. in Springfield, Sept. 23, 1874; d. July 29, 1875. 544. Francis George Dwight 5 , (Jonathan Dwight 4 , Abigail Eastman 3 , William 3 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Reading, Pa., Feb. 26, 1828; m. April 12, 1853, Ida Hockley, daug. of Jacob F. and Anne Elizabeth Hockley, of Philadelphia, Pa. He Grad. from Georgetown C, D. C. He was a merchant in Reading, FIFTH GENERATION 133 Pa., for some time, but removed to Cuthbert, Georgia, and engaged in raising cotton. Children 1125. i. Helen Dwight 6 , b. Jan. 28, 1854. 1126. ii. Anne Maria Dwight 6 , b. June 4, 1856. 1127. iii. Ida Elizabeth Dwight 6 , b. Aug. 31, 1858. 1128. iv. Mary Cecilia Dwight 6 , b. Sept. 10, 1861. 1129. v. Frances Helen Dwight 6 , b. Feb. 4, 1864. 546. Albert Dwight 5 , (Rev. Moseley Dwight 4 , Abigail Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Cabotville, Mass., June 16, 1841; m. June 16, 1864, Caroline Paine, b. in Marble- head, Mass., April 5, 1841, daug. of William Bladder and Mary Elizabeth (Anderton) Paine. He was for a long time a clerk in the probate office of Suffolk Co., Boston, Mass. Child 1130. i. Caroline Francis Dwight 6 , b. March 6, 1865. 550. Mary Jane Danks 5 , (Clarissa Dwight 4 , Abigail East- man 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in South Hadley, Mass., May 25, 1831; m. May 7, 1851, Burton M. Ford, b. May 19, 1829, son of Merritt and Althea Ford. They lived in Spring- field, Mass., and later removed to Chicago, 111. Children 1131. i. Henry Burton Ford 6 , b. in Springfield, Aug. 13, 1853. 1132. ii. Jenny Althea Ford 6 , b. in Chicago, June 19, 1858. 1133. iii. Clara Dwight Ford 6 , b. in Chicago, Nov. 23, 1865. 551. William Newton Danks 5 , (Clarissa Dwight 4 , Abigail Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Springfield, Mass., May 16, 1841; m. Jan. 3, 1864, Susan A. Llewellyn, b. in New York, March 20, 1843. He was a captain of the "Ellsworth Avengers," in the 44th N. Y. Regt. in the war of 1861-65. 154 FIFTH GENERATION He served until Oct. 4, 1864. but escaped unharmed until the end. Child 1134. i. Mary Burton Danks 6 , b. in Lexington, Ky., Aug. 14, 1865. v 552 Mary Burnap Towner', (Harriet Coit«, Ruth East- man 1 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. April 12, 1829; m. first, Oct. 13, 1852, John A. Bassett, of Chicago, 111. He d. March 25, 1854, and she m. second, Jan. 18, 1859, James C. Larimore, of Niles, Mich. Children by Second Husband x, 1135. i. Charles Towner Larimore 6 , b. Oct. 11, 1859. x, 1136. ii. Ida Larimore 6 , b. March 2, 1863. v 558. George Pierce Averill*, (Emily Amelia Coit 4 , Ruth Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Rouses Point, N. Y., June 11, 1832;m. Dec. 2, 1858, Amelia Maria Coltrin, of Plette Valley, Neb.; now living in Joplin, Mo. Children Emily Frances Averill 6 , b. Oct. 18, 1859. Henrietta Amelia Averill 6 , b. May 4, 1862. Carrie Belle Averill 6 , b. Sept. 11, 1863. William Coltrin Averill\ b. Sept. 21, 1866. Minnie Manchester Averill 6 , b. July 12, 1874; unm. v 559. Henrietta Averill 5 . (Emily Amelia Coit«, Ruth Eastman-'. William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Rouses Point, N. Y., April 14, 1834; m. at her home, Rouses Point, May 20, 1857, Lieut. Walworth Jenkins, of the United States Army. He d. in Louisville, May 17, 1874. His widow resides in St. Louis, Mo., at No. 1115 Hamilton Ave. Children 1142. i. Edgar Averill Jenkins 6 , b. at Fortress Monroe, X, 1137. i. X, 1138. ii. X. 1139. iii. x, 1140. iv. 1141. v. FIFTH GENERATION 135 Old Point Comfort, Va., Jan. 28, 1859; d. in Rouses Point, N. Y., July 26, 1860. 1143. ii. Clarence Hyde Jenkins 6 , b. at West Point, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1860; m. Oct. 8, 1889, Eliza- beth Hahlein. 1144. iii. Fannie Benson Jenkins*, b. in Louisville, Ky., Dec. 9, 1862; unm. 1145. iv. Franklin Walworth Jenkins 6 , b. in Louisville, Ky., March 26, 1865; d. in St. Louis, Sept. 6, 1886. x, 1146. v. William Marshall Jenkins 6 , b. in Louisville, Ky., Jan. 4, 1867. 1 147. vi. Edgar Coit Jenkins 6 , b. in Louisville, Ky., Dec. 15, 1869; d. Sept. 10, 1870. x, 1148. vii. Walworth Jenkins 6 , b. in Louisville, Ky., Oct. 10, 1871. v 560. William Coit Averill*, (Emily Amelia Coif, Ruth Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Rouses Point, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1837; m. first, Belle Martin, who d. in 1882; m. second, Annetta Butler. He d. at his brother George's in Carrollton, Mo., Nov. 13, 1894. His widow survives him. No c. v 563. Mary Coit 5 , (Daniel Pierce Coit 4 , Ruth Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Dec, 1836; m. John Richard Harris, and lived in Texas. He d. and she m. second, I. A. Penton. Children x, 1149. i. Belle Harris 6 , b. 1150. ii. John R. Harris 6 , b. ; m. Emma and has four c. ; resides in St. Louis, Mo. v 565. Emily A. Coit 5 , (Daniel Pierce Coit 4 , Ruth East- man 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Aug., 1842; m. William Harris, brother to John R. Harris; he d. and she m. second, Walter Harris, a younger brother of John R. and William Harris. Is living at Galveston, Texas. She had c. 6 , and has 136 FIFTH GENERATION two grandchildren, aa Mary and bb William Harris', living at Palestine, Texas. v 566. Charles Porter*, (John Porter*, Lois Eastman', John', Dea. Joseph'), b. Jan. 18, 1826; m. Oct. 10, 1848, Hariette S. Morgan. He Grad. from Hamilton C; lived in New York City and Montclair, N. J. Children 1151. i. Annie M. Porters b. Sept. 5, 1852; d. in child- hood. 1152. ii. John Porter*, b. Aug. 11, 1854; m. and lives in Montclair, N. J. ; has five c. 1153. iii. Charles T. Porter*, b. Dec. 16, 1857; d. in childhood. 1154. iv. Lewis M. Porter 6 , b. Feb. 28, 1861; m. and lives in Philadelphia; no c. v 567. Anna Phillips Porter s , (John Porter 4 , Lois East- man 3 , John 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. June 1, 1828; m. Alonzo Glover Beardsley, of Auburn, N. Y.; he d. Aug. 14, 1906. Children x, 1155. i. Caroline Porter Beardsley 6 , b. Jan. 12, 1850. x, 1156. ii. William Porter Beardsley 6 , b. Aug. 4, 1852. x, 1157. iii. Alonzo Glover Beardsley 6 , b. Sept. 28, 1853. 1158. iv. George T. Beardsley 6 , b. Nov. 14, 1855; d. in infancy. :■:. 1159. v. Douglas Beardsley 6 , b. June 4, 1861. 1160. vi. Porter Beardsley 6 , b. March 16, 1863. v 571. Samuel Quincy Porter 5 , (William Porter 4 , Lois E . -tnian 3 , John 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. May 31, 1821; m. first, May 31, 1S48, Maria Hurlbert, of Lee; she d. Nov. 9, 1855. II m. second, Feb. 21, 1861, Frances A. Smith, of Union- ville, Conn.; she d. Jan. 26, 1897; he d. at Unionville, Feb. 22, 1907. x, 1163. iii. 1164. iv. 1165. v. X, 1166. vi. 1167. vii. FIFTH GENERATION 137 Children by First Wife 1161. i. William Porters b. May 1, 1849; d. July 25, 1850. x, 1162. ii. Mary Wild, Porter*, b. March 16, 1853; m. No. 1156. Children by Second Wife Samuel Quincy Porter*, b. March 25, 1863. Kate H. Porter*, b. April 18, 1866; d. in infancy Elizabeth Q. Porter 6 , b. May 10, 1868; lives in Unionville, Conn. Henry Carleton Porter 6 , b. Oct. 9, 1871. Lucy G. Porter 6 , b. Sept. 10, 1875; lives in Unionville, Conn. v 584. Samuel Harris Clary 5 , (John Clary*, Joseph Clary 3 , Rachel Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Conway, Mass., June 6, 1845 ; m. at Shelburne, Mass., June 10, 1875, Martha Rebecca Peck. He resides in Conway, Mass. Children 1168. i. Hattie May Clary 6 , b. in Conway, May 4, 1878. 1169. ii. Fannie Maria Clary 6 , b. May 25, 1880. 1170. iii. John Albert Clary 6 , b. Sept. 26, 1892. v 590. Mary Huntington Wing 6 , (Joseph Knowles Wing 4 , Lucy Clary 3 , Rachel Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Aug. 18, 1843; m. June 30, 1869, John S. McAdoo. She d. March 14, 1893. He resides in North Bloomfield, Ohio. Child 1171. i. Joseph John McAdoo 6 , b. in North Bloom- field, Ohio, Aug. 20, 1875; m. Alice K. Snider, daug. of Denton J. Snider, of St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 5, 1907. v 594. Francis Joseph Wing s (Joseph Knowles Wing 4 , Lucy Clary 3 , Rachel Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Sept. 14, 138 FIFTH GENERATION 1850; m. Minnie Remington, daug. of Stephen and Maria (Provost) Remington, Sept. 25, 1878. He has been an associ- ate judge, and is now a lawyer in Cleveland, Ohio. Children 1172. i. Virginia Remington Wing 6 , b. Oct. 2, 1881. 1173. ii. Marie Wing', b. Nov. 8, 1885. 1174. iii. Stephanie Wing 6 , b. Dec. 12, 1888. v 596. Anne M. Wing', (Joseph Knowles Wings Lucy Clary', Rachel Eastman 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. March 7, 1857; m. June 30, 1885, William Storrs French, of New Hartford, N. Y. Children 1175. i. Marguerite Mary French 6 , b. in New Hartford, Jan. 31, 1890. 1176. ii. Emily Palmer French 6 , b. July 12, 1892. v 597. Sarah Olive Eastman 5 , (Benjamin Blair*, Benja- min 5 , Benjamin', Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Chester, Mass., July 3, 1850; m. Jan. 16, 1886, Frederick D. Hickox, of Spring- field, Mass. He d. June 22, 1902. Child 1177. i. Viola Elsie Hickox 6 , b. in Chester, Mass., Aug. 26, 1887. v 600. Edwin Blair Eastman 5 , (Benjamin Blair*, Benja- min 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Chester, Mass., March 22, 1854; m. first, April, 1878, Rosa Degoes, of Poughkeepsie, X. Y.; she d. in Chester, Sept. 5, 1879; m. second, Bertha Virginia Degoes, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He is a carpenter, and runs a mill in Littleville, where he resides. Child bv First Wife 1178. i. Rosa 6 , b. in Chester, Mass., Sept. 5, 1879. Her mother d. at her birth. She m. Jan. 18, 1899, George M. Cone, of North Chester, Mass. Child, a Lyle Louis Cone', b. in FIFTH GENERATION 139 Westfield, Mass., April 15, 1900; d. in North Chester, Mass., Oct. 2, 1900. George M. Cone d. July 1 3 , 1 906. She lives at 2 1 Leon- ard Ave., Westfield, Mass. Children by Second Wife 1179. ii. Gertrude Virginia 6 , b. in Chester, Aug. 14, 1888. Grad. of Huntington H. S. in 1907. 1180. iii. Raymond Philip 6 , b. May 15, 1891. 1181. iv. John Wesley 6 , b. June 26, 1894. 1182. v. Peter Henry 6 , b. March 8, 1896. 1183. vi. Pearl Alice Louise 6 , b. Sept., 1898; d. aged 3 days. 1184. vii. Edwin Irving 6 , b. Nov. 10, 1900. v 601. Austin Eastman 5 , (Benjamin Blair', Benjamin 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Chester, Mass., July 26, 1856; m. first, Dec. 25, 1882, Lillar May Fuller; second, Aug. 1, 1899, Alice Estelle Freeman; she d. April 10, 1901. He resides in Littleville, Mass., a carpenter. Child by First Wife 1185. i. Herbert Austin 6 , b. in Westfield, Mass., March 20, 1886; m. Oct., 1905, Mary Lewis, of Salem, Mass. Child, a Frank', b. Oct., 1906; d. October., 1906. v 608. Sarah Porter White 5 , (Benjamin Eastman White 4 , Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Belcher- town, Mass., Oct. 29, 1823; m. Aug. 13, 1846, Jared W. Smith, of Ledyard, Conn. He resided in Hartford, Conn., where he d. March 17, 1887. She resides at No. 48 St. Marks Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Children 1186. i. Clarence Devere Smith 6 , b. Aug. 10, 1847; d. Feb. 7, 1853. 1187. ii. Francis Raymond Smith 6 , b. Dec. 13, 1848; d. Jan. 8, 1849. 140 FIFTH GENERATION 1188. iii. Frank Beaumont Smith 6 , b. May 26, 1852; m. Amelia Kellogg, of Colchester, Conn. He resides in Hartford, Conn., where he has been in a bank for over thirty years. Child, a Allen Kellogg Smith', b. Aug., 1888. His wife's name has been spelled Kellogue. 1189. iv. Jennie Estella Smith 6 , b. Aug. 24, 1857; d. in Middletown, Conn., Nov. 17, 1861. v 610. John Henry White*, (Benjamin Eastman White*, Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. July, 1827; m. in Holyoke, Mass., June 30, 1850, Ann B. Denison, daug. of John and Mary (Avery) Denison. He d. in New York City, Dec, 1878. Children 1190. i. John Denison White 6 , b. in Hartford, Conn., Dec. 26, 1852; m. in South Hadley Falls, Mass., Feb. 12, 1874, Hattie M. Hatfield, daug. of Horace and Marie E. (Lyman) Hatfield. a Child', Stanley Denison White, b. Feb. 2, 1889. 1191. ii. Minnie L. White 6 , b. in Hartford, Conn., Feb. 28, 1854; d. May 12, 1871. v 611. Mary Elizabeth White', (Benjamin Eastman White 4 , Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in Granby, Mass., Aug. 29, 1830; m. Aug. 11, 1852, Arthur Mitchell. He d. Jan. 13, 1900. She resides at No. 48 St. Marks Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Children 1192. i. Nellie Mitchell 6 , b. March 29, 1858; d. Aug. 11, 1858. 1193. ii. Alice Mitchell 6 , b. Feb. 5, 1861. v 612. Martha Ann White 5 , (Benjamin Eastman White 4 , Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Belcher- FIFTH GENERATION 141 town, Mass., April 8, 1833; m. June, 1872, George Seymour; he d. abt. 1884. She resides in Hartford, Conn. Child 1194. i. Carrie Edna Seymour*, b. June 4, 1873; m. Howard Seymour, of Hartford, Conn., where they reside. Child, a Barbara White Sey- mour', b. in 1904. v 613. Elmira Ellis White 5 , (Benjamin Eastman White 4 , Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Belcher- town, Mass., April 7, 1837; m. a Mr. Favor, who d. in the 80's in Mexico. She resides at No. 48 St. Marks Ave., Brook- lyn, N. Y. v 615. Samuel White 5 , (Montgomery White 4 , Eunice Eastman 3 Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Granby, Mass.; m. Angeline Keyes; they lived in Ludlow, Mass., where he d. Children x, 1195. i. Lucy White', x, 1196. ii. James White 6 . v 619. Lovinski White 5 , (Montgomery White 4 , Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Granby, Mass., m. Harriet Frost ; they lived in Ludlow, Mass. Children 1197. i. Charles White 6 , b. x, 1198. ii. Herbert White 6 , b. 1199. iii. Percy White 6 , b. 1200. iv. Edith White 6 , b. 1201. v. Sadie White 6 , b. m. Arthur Frost. v 620. Elihu P. White 5 , (Montgomery White 4 , Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Granby, Mass., Oct. 10, 1833; m. Adelaide Hitchcock; she d. in 1907; he lives on Park St., West Springfield, Mass. They furnished the records from Montgomery White. 142 FIFTH GENERATION Children 1202. i. Lena Addie White 6 , b. x, 1203. ii. Cora May White 6 , b. v 621. Susan White', (Samuel White', Eunice Eastman', Benjamin', Dea. Joseph 1 )- b. in Canada, March 26, 1824; m. March 17, 1842, Peter Blazier; she d. Children Two c. b. and d. in infancy. x, 1204. iii. Ida Blazier 6 , b. Sept. 10, 1861. v 622. Thomas Lindsay White', (Samuel White 4 , Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Sparta, N. Y., May 21, 1826; m. Melvina Gage, of Coldwater, Mich., May 5, 1875; lives in Girard, Mich. Children 1205. i. Milton Gage White 6 , b. July 9, 1876; is a machinist in Battle Creek, Mich. 1206. ii. Byron Barnes White 6 , b. Feb. 15, 1878; is a wood mechanic in Los Angeles, Cal. 1207. iii. Thomas White 6 , b. April 21, 1880; lives in Leeds, Dakota. 1208. iv. Ruth White 6 , b. April 18, 1882; lives in St. Louis. 1209. v. Ralph White 6 , b. March 29, 1885; lives with his father at Girard, Mich. 1210. vi. Bell Blossom White 6 , b. Dec. 28, 1888; lives at home. v 623. Eunice White 5 , (Samuel White*, Eunice Eastman 3 . Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Sparta, N. Y., July 18, 1828; m. Dec. 7, 1851, Steven Lee. She d. March 23, 1893. Children x, 1211. i. William Milton Lee 6 , b. in Union City, Nov. 3, 1852. FIFTH GENERATION 143 x, 1212. ii. Stephen Eugene Lees b. Feb. 7, 1854. x, 1213. iii. Rosa May Lees b. Aug. 9, 1858. v 628. Esther Louise Pecks (Mary Eastmans Johns Benjamins Dea. Joseph'), b. Nov. 16, 1829; m. Robert Grant' April 25, 1853. He was b. Sept. 20, 1822, and d. July 2o' 1895. She d. May 21, 1903. Child 1214. i. Mary Eastman Grants b. July 3, 1855; lived at 454 Court St., Rochester, N. Y. v 629. John Eastman Pecks (Mary Eastmans Johns Benjamins Dea. Joseph'), b. Nov. 16, 1832; m. Dec. 29, 1857,' Mary Barnes, who was b. Dec. 26, 1836. Children 1215. i. Edward Barnes Pecks b. Nov. 23, 1858; d. April 16, 1860. Addie Barnes Pecks b. April 20, 1862. Charles B. Pecks b. Feb. 9, 1868. Louise M. Pecks b. Jan. 23, 1873. v 630. Sarah Eliza Eastmans (Elias Hookers Johns Benjamins Dea. Joseph'), b. in Fowlerville, N. Y., Dec. 26,' 1829; m. in Ravenna, Ohio, Nov. 9, 1858, Norman Austin Barrett, b. Dec. 14, 1832, son of Samuel and Sarah (Sack- rider) Barrett. He resided in May wood, 111., but d. in Alle- gan, Mich., Dec. 19, 1899. Mr. Barrett enlisted as a private in Co. C, 19th Ohio Vol. Inf. ; was promoted from time to time until he returned from the war of 1861-65 as colonel. Children 1219. i. Lelia Belle Barretts b. in Newton Falls, Ohio, Aug. 16, 1859; m. Lyman Lilly; resides at No. 427 Kalamazoo Ave., Petoska, Mich. 1220. ii. Clyde Eastman Barretts b. Dec. 17, 1861; m. Mary Fuller; resides in St. Charles, 111. x, 1216. ii. x, 1217. iii. x, 1218. iv. 144 FIFTH GENERATION 1221. iii. William S. Barretts b. Sept. 22, 1864; d. Nov. 1865. 1222. iv. Sarah Jane Barrett*, b. in Madison, Ohio, Feb. 15, 1869; m. James Percy Randolph; resides at No. 669 Van Buren St., Milwaukee, Wis. They have no c. v 631. Jane Adelia Eastmans (Elias Hooker*, Johns Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Fowlerville, N. Y., April 21, 1832; m. in Fowlerville, July 5, 1854, John Ayres Drake, b. in Yates county, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1822, son of Asa and Phebe (Potter) Drake. He d. in Howard, Stuben Co., N. Y., Jan. 10, 1896. His widow d. in Canisteo, N. Y., Feb., 1906. Children x, 1223. i. Sarah Ella Drake 6 , b. in Kingsville, Ohio, Oct. 11, 1856. x, 1224. ii. Fred Ebert Drake 6 , b. in Ravenna, Ohio, Nov. 17, 1857. x, 1225. iii. Wells Eastman Drake 6 , b. in Waterloo, Ind., March 8, 1868. v 634. Mary Sophia Eastman 5 , (Elias Hookers Rev. Johns Benjamins Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Dec. 13, 1841; m. Oct. 13, 1858, William K. Wight, b. Feb. 25, 1833. She d. March 26, 1898; he d. Dec. 9, 1903. Children 1226. i. Edward E. Wight 6 , b. July 24, 1859; d. Sept. 13, 1860. 1227. ii. Lewis Albert Wight 6 , b. Oct. 4, 1860; m. April 2, 1891, Minnie L. Fulmer, b. April 11, 1869. Child, a Clyde Fulmer Wights b. June 5, 1898. They adopted, July 17, 1898, b Lewis Wight,'. 1228. iii. Lucien Eastman Wight 6 , b. March 5, 1862; m. Feb. 15, 1888, Eloise Phillips, b. Nov. 8, 1865. Children, a Ruby May Wight, b. May FIFTH GENERATION 145 18, 1889; b HarryW. Wight, b. June 23, 1894; 4 'Florence Villa Wight, b. March 9, 1896- d. May IS, 1897. 1229. iv. May Arabella Wights b. May 4, 1865; d. April 26, 1883. 1230. v. Guy Vernon Wight', b. Jan. 29, 1870; m. Dec. 14, 1898, Lois A. Krewson, b. Jan. 13, 1877. Children, a Edna May Wight', b. May 28, 1900; Catherine Elizabeth Wight', bf Feb'. 21, 1902; she is called "Beth"; c Doris Wight, b. April 3, 1904. 1231. vi. Arthur Earle Wights b. Nov. 15, 1871; m. April 20, 1898, Natalie Chapman, b. Feb. 12,1878. Children, a Sophia Lorena Wight', b. Feb. 11, 1899; b Donald Emerson Wight,'' b. Dec. 19, 1902. 1232. vii. Clarence E. Wights b. Dec. 30, 1876; m. March 12, 1901, Flora Elvira Krewson, b. Aug. 12, 1878. Children, a Gaylord Clark Wight', b. Feb. 27, 1902; c Marjorie Wight', b. March 15, 1904; Myrtle Wight', b. July 20, 1905. 1233. viii. William Harold Wights b. Aug. 2, 1878. 1234. ix. Infant daughter, b. and d. July 9, 1882. v 640. William Henry Fowlers (Eliza Ann Eastmans Johns Benjamins Dea. Joseph'), b. Feb. 6, 1841; m. Nov. 17, 1862, Mary Muzzy, who was b. Sept. 6, 1839; she d. Nov. 3, 1878. He m. second, . Children 1235. i. Frances C. Fowlers b. Oct. 22, 1863. 1236. ii. Susan Fowlers b. Aug. 18, 1865; d. Aug. 19, 1865. 1237. iii. Mary Maude Fowlers b. Oct. 22, 1867. 1238. iv. Emma Sophia Fowlers b. June 19, 1870. 1239. v. Florence Eliza Fowlers b. Feb. 13, 1872. 146 FIFTH GENERATION 1240. vi. Helen Ada Fowler*, b. Oct. 25, 1873. 1241. vii. William Eastman Fowler*, b. April 8, 1875. 1242. viii. Edward Fowler 6 , b. v 645. Martha Benedict', (Vashta Eastman*, Joel 1 , Ben- jamin', Dea. Joseph'), m. Marion Howell, of Ludlowville, X. Y. She d. at the age of 54. Children 1243. i. Darwin, Howell 6 , b. ; m. and d. leaving two sons, and a widow living in Chicago. 111. 1244. ii. Carrie Howel! 6 , b. ; m. Charles Howell, and d. abt. 33 years of age, leaving three sons and four daughters 7 . 1245. iii. Mineroy Howell 6 , b. ; m. and is living in the far West. She has one daug. 1246. iv. Josephine Howell 6 , b. ; m. Lafayette Jacobs, of Ludlowville, N. Y. He d. leaving one son, viz., a Roe Jacobs'. 1247. v. Myron Howell 6 , b. ; d. aged 17. 1248. vi. Bert Howell 6 , b. ; unm. 1249. vii. Nettie Howell 6 , b. — — ; unm. 1250. viii. Cora Howell 6 , b. ; m. a Mr. Austin; has a son and a daug'. 1251. ix. Daisy Howell 6 , b. v 651. William Fitzallen Smith*, (William Smith*, Mercy Eastman 5 , Benjamin 3 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 10, 1828; m. May 27, 1852, Elizabeth Maria Sage. She d. Sept. 27, 1870. He resides in Middlefield, Conn. Children 1252. i. Frank Nash Smith 6 , b. March 22, 1853; d. Sept. 20, 1853. x, 1253. ii. William Barnes Smith 6 , b. June 10, 1854. \. iii. Charles Sage Smith 6 , b. Nov. 9, 1858; d. April 10, 1887. 1255. iv. Helen Maria Smith 6 , b. Oct. 11, 1861. FIFTH GENERATION 147 1256. v. Clara Elizabeth Smith', b. Aug. 13, 1866; m. April 30, 1902, Gordon S. Goodrich. 1257. vi. Louis Ward Smiths b. Sept. 25, 1867: d. Feb 20, 1869. v 652. Helen Sophia Smiths (William Smith*, Mercy Eastmans Benjamins Dea. Joseph'), b. Nov. 19, 1830 at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y.; m. Charles Alonzo Barker, b. Oct. 22, 1829, at Fredonia, N. Y., son of William and Lucinda (Cushmg) Barker, m at Bantam Falls, Conn., May 3 1857 He d. Aug. 10, 1870; she d. Jan. 13, 1890. Children 1258. i. Clara Lucinda Barkers b. April 26, 1858, at Fredonia, N. Y.; d. Dec. 13, 1901, at Fre- donia, N. Y. 1259. ii. Erne Barkers b. March 24, 1860, at Fredonia, N. Y. ; resides at Fredonia, N. Y. 1260. iii. William Buckingham Barkers b. June 20, 1862, at Fredonia, N. Y.; m. July 18, 1891, at Fredonia, N. Y., to Elgia Waterhouse.' Child, a Charles Russell Barkers b. May 25 1892. 1261. iv. Walter Cushing Barkers b. April 2, 1867, at Fredonia, N. Y.; m. Aug. 27, 1902, at Niagara Falls, N. Y., Jessie Rogers McClan- athan. He is a lawyer and resides at No. 15 Dorchester Road, Buffalo, N. Y. v 654. Sophia Dwight Smiths (Eldad Smiths Mercy Eastmans Benjamins Dea. Joseph'), b. in Racine, Wis., Oct. 17, 1840; m. June 24, 1875, Capt. Asa M. Simpson; they have four c; reside at No. 2200 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal. In the great earthquake and fire in San Francisco, the family escaped safely, the fire coming within a few blocks from them. v 658. Eliza Smiths (Eldad Smiths Mercy Eastmans Benjamins Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Racine, Wis., May 3, 1847; 148 FIFTH GENERATION m. Dec. 20, 1870, Dr. John G. Meachen, Jr., of Racine, Wis. They reside at No. 775 College Ave., Racine, Wis. Children 1262. i. Dr. John G. Meachen, 3d', b. . He is in practice with his father. 1263. ii. A daughter, who d. at the age of six years. v661. Caroline White Smith', (Alvah Smith*, Mercy Eastman*, Benjamin', Dea. Joseph'), b. in Springfield Mass., May 31, 1839; m. Oct. 31, 1858, Calvin M. Latham. She d. in 1894. Children 1264. i. Emma Jeanette Latham', b. Aug. 23, 1859. She Grad. from high school ; studied abroad, and is now (1906) a teacher in the public schools in Delaware, Ohio. x, 1265. ii. William Kendrick Latham 6 , b. Oct. 1, 1861. x, 1266. iii. Harry Smith Latham 6 , b. Feb. 9, 1863. x, 1267. iv. Franklin White Latham 6 , b. March 3, 1865. x, 1268. v. Edgar Milton Latham 6 , b. 1269. vi. Chauncy Shepard Latham 6 , b. Nov. 21, 1869. He was educated in the public schools, and took a partial course in the Ohio Wesleyan Univ. ; a clerk in Toledo, Ohio. x, 1270. vii. Gertrude E. Latham 6 , b. May 27, 1881. v 662. William Alvah Smith', (Alvah Smiths Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Nov. 21, 1842; m. July 15, 1874, Eliza Jennings. They reside in Winfield, Kan., No. 1021 Menor St. Children 1271. i. Amelia Jane Smith 6 , b. Sept. 17, 1875; d. July 1876. 1272. ii. Fred Jennings Smith 6 , b. Jan. 26, 1880; Grad. from Medical C, and in practice in Winfield, Kan. FIFTH GENERATION 149 1273. iii. James Harvey Smith*, b. June 24, 1881; Grad. from Ohio Wesleyan Univ. ; a clerk. v 663. James Luther Smith* (Alvah Smith*, Mercy East- man 3 , Benjamins Dea. Joseph'), b. Sept. 23, 1845; m. in Wellington, Ohio, April 20, 1869, Eliza Delphine Rininger. He resided in Wilmington, where their c. were b.; now living in Delaware, Ohio. Children 1274. i. William Smith* , b. April 20, 1874; m. in Dela- ware, Ohio, Feb. 26, 1903, a Miss Wilson, of Findlay, Ohio. 1275. ii. Louise Smith*, b. Oct. 2, 1879; m. Nov. 21, 1905, George W. Armstrong, of New York. 1276. iii. Alvah Ward Smith*, b. March 9, 1882 ; m. Aug. 4, 1904, Clotilda Weatherby, of Delaware, Ohio. v 666. Sophia L. Smith 5 , (Benjamin Eastman Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. in 1855, Dr. J. J. M. Angear. Reside at No. 522 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Children 1277. i. A son, b. ; a druggist, and in real estate in Chicago Heights, 111. 1278. ii. Benjamin Angear*, b. — — ; a physician in practice in Sublette, 111. v 667. Mary Lucinda Smith 5 , (Herodotus Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Fredonia, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1841; m. in Fredonia, Feb. 9, 1864, Charles Addison Woodworth, b. in Madison County, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1838, son of Daniel and Mary (Davis) Woodworth. Mr. Woodworth served all through the Civil war; was severely wounded at Malvern Hill, Va., and left on the field for dead; was carried off, and finally recovered and served the balance of the war. After the war he became colonel of the 97th Missouri Militia, x. 1280. ii x. 1281. iii 1282. iv 150 FIFTH GENERATION and was instrumental in putting down the "Ku Klux Klan" in Southeast Missouri; served two years, when he resigned. He was, in 1907, pastor of the M. E. church in Williamsville, Erie County, N. Y. ; has been a clergyman for 30 years. Is now (1908) at Buffalo, N. Y. Children 1279. i. Daniel Grannis Woodworth 6 , b. May 13, 1866; d. July 2, 1879. Sara Barker Woodworth', b. Sept. 24, 1868. George Smith Woodworth 6 , b. Dec. 8, 1870. Evangeline Woodworth', b. July 2, 1872; d. Sept. 16, 1884. 1283. v. Charles Woodworth 6 , b. in Arcade, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1875; unm. v 668. Flora Catherine Smith 5 , (Herodotus Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Fredonia, N. Y., May 7, 1842; m. Nov. 28, 1860, Chauncy Clothier, a post- master. Children x 1284. i. Harry Smith Clothier 6 , b. Feb. 22, 1864. 1285. ii. Marie Louisa Clothier 6 , b. Nov. 15, 1866; re- sides in Fredonia, N. Y. x 1286. iii. Kathrine Evelyn Clothier 6 , b. Oct. 4, 1873. 1287. iv. Chauncy Norman Clothier 6 , b. Jan. 2, 1872; d. Feb. 6, 1885. v 669. William Holt Nash 5 , (Cynthia Smith 4 , Mercy East- man 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Gallipolis, Ohio, June 22, 1834; m. Jan. 1, 1857, Susan Forsythe, of Ohio. She d. in 1891, and he m. second, in 1892, Mrs. Mary M. Wilson, of Gallipolis, who survives him, and is now living at Hotel Vendome, Columbus, Ohio. .Mr. Mash was educated at Gallia Acad., Gallipolis, Ohio, 1 finished at Marietta C, Marietta, Ohio. On June 1, 1861, d the United States service as telegraph operator, FIFTH GENERATION 15 1 and became confidential cipher operator for General Mc- Clellan until Nov., 1862. The reason he was selected for this position dates back to his college days. When there, he was around the telegraph office and much interested in its work- ings, and when the operator went on his wedding trip he left him in charge. On his return he noticed that he was taking the messages by sound instead of reading from the indented paper. When the war broke out and Colonel Fuller was put in charge of the telegraph corps, they found that men must be had who could read by sound; they remembered Mr. Nash and went for him. He found he could not remain where he was, so, through friends, of whom John Sherman was the principal one, he was given his position, and from that went on until he reached the highest position in his department. In 1862 (Nov. 28th), he was commissioned a Commissary of Subsistence in the volunteer army, with rank of Captain, and served in that capacity until Dec. 15, 1865, when he was appointed Commissary of Subsistence in the regular army, with rank of Captain. He was on the staff of General Crook during the war, and they were close friends during life. Pres- ident McKinley was also on General Crook's staff at the same time. It was President McKinley who made him Commissary General, and who also retired him a few weeks before the age limit (64 years) on account of his being almost helpless from sciatic rheumatism contracted during the Civil war. On July 14, 1890, he was promoted to Major, and Lieut. - Col. June 10, 1896; he was promoted to Colonel and Assistant Commissary General Feb. 4, 1898, and on April 21, 1898, was promoted Commissary General of Subsistence in the regular army, with the rank of Brig. General of U. S. A. He was retired May 2, 1898, and went to Columbus, Ohio; was an invalid until his death, which occurred Dec. 2, 1902. Child by First Wife 1288. i. Katherine Nash 6 , b. ; resides in Colum- bus, Ohio. 152 FIFTH GENERATION v 670. Mary Gleason Nash 5 , (Cynthia Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Gallipolis, Ohio, April 30, 1836; m. in 1855, Jonas M. S. Neal. They left Gallipolis soon after their marriage. She d. in Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 16, 1884; he d. in 1905. Child 1289. i. Nelly Neal 6 , b. in 1866; m. a Mr. Colton; lives in Toledo, Ohio. v 671. Elizabeth Nash 5 , (Cynthia Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 Benjamin', Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Gallipolis, Ohio, May 27, 1838; m. in Gallipolis, July 28, 1S57, Lemuel Perry, b. in Orwell, Vt., Dec. 12, 1812, son of John and Electa (Clark) Perry. He was a lawyer, and resided in Gallipolis, where he d. in 1877; she is living in Tallahassee, Florida. Children born in Gallipolis, Ohio x, 1290. i. Clara E. Perry 6 , b. April 16, 1859. 1291. ii. Mary A. Perry 6 , b. Jan. 29, 1863; m. March 28, 1883, John W. Bushnell, a civil engineer in Jacksonville, Fla. X, 1292. hi. Alice Perry 6 , b. Dec. 13, 1866. v 672. James Henry Nash 5 , (Cynthia Smith 4 , Mercy East- man 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Gallipolis, Ohio, Jan. 7. 1 841 ; m. Lucinda Allen, of South Hadley, Mass. ; he d. June 19, 1876, at Charleston, W. Va. He was fitted for C. at the Ilia Acad., Gallipolis, 0.; entered Amherst C, Amherst, is., in 1858; Grad. in 1862 ; returned to Ohio, where he read law with his father; later settled in Charleston, W. Va. Children 1293. i. Augustus Nash 6 , b. ; now of Cleveland, Ohio, and connected with the Y. M. C. A. work there. ii. Ruth Nash 6 , b. ; m. Rubey, of Topeka, Kan. 1295. iii. Lou Nash 6 , b. , of Topeka, Kan. FIFTH GENERATION 153 v 673. Simeon Nash 5 , (Cynthia Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Gallipolis, Ohio, Feb. 13, 1843 ; m. in 1879, Minerva Tupper Nye, of Zanesville, Ohio. He was fitted for C. at the Gallia Acad.; entered Amherst C. in 1859; Grad. in 1863; read law with his father, and resided in Gallipolis during life, where he d. in April, 1883. Child 1296. i. Simeon Nash 6 , b. ; in 1906 was a lawyer in Columbus, Ohio. v 674. Frank Augustus Nash 5 , (Cynthia Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. April 30, 1845; m. Aug., 1888, Mary Munger, of Gallipolis, Ohio; he d. Nov. 2, 1905; one child, a a daug 6 ., resides with her mother in Pitts- burg, Pa. v 675. Louisa Malinda Smith 5 , (Edmund Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Gallia County, Ohio, Oct. 15, 1838; d. in Knoxville, 111., March 2, 1906; m. Aug. 13, 1863, Lewis Franklin Roe, b. in Adams, 111., Aug. 22, 1838, son of Lewis and Caroline (Strong) Roe. Mr. Roe Grad. from Knox C, Galesburg, 111. He enlisted March 5, 1858, in Co. F., Seventh U. S. Inf., regular army; served in Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona; was engaged in the battle of Valuerda, New Mexico, Feb. 21, 1862,, with Texan rebels; discharged March, 1863. He volunteered Feb. 10, 1864, in Co. C, 50th 111. Inf., and served until the end of the war; was in the Atlanta campaign on the march to the- sea, also through the Carolinas; was near Raleigh, N. C, when the end of the war came; was also in the battles of Resaca and Altoona, siege of Savannah, Ga., and Bentonville, N. C, and was in the grand review in Washington, D. C, March 24, 1865; discharged at Springfield, 111. He resides in Knoxville, 111. (1906.) Children x, 1297. i. Carrie May Roe 6 , b. in Adams, 111. 154 FIFTH GENERATION 1298. ii. Sarah Ella Roe 6 , b. in Wheeling, Mo., June 22, 1866. x, 1299. iii. Minnie Roe 6 , b. Jan. 21, 1868. 1300. iv. Charles Foster Roe 6 , b. Aug. 12, 1870. x, 1301. v. Herbert Edward Roe 6 , b. Dec. 31, 1871. x, 1302. vi. Frederick Knox Roe 6 , b. March 4, 1874. 1303. vii. Amy Louisa Roe 6 , b. in Adams, 111., Nov. 22, 1879. v 677. Charles Bruce Smith 5 , (Edmund Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman', Benjamin', Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. April 22, 1841; m. Nov. 14, 1889, Addie (Morgan) Dennis. He is a retired farmer, residing in Knoxville, Ohio. He enlisted Feb. 11, 1864, in Co. A, 77th 111. regimental Vol. Inf., and served until the close of the war. He did garrison duty at New Orleans one winter; was at the siege and taking of Mobile, Ala. ; crossed the Gulf to Dry Tortugas as guard of prisoners. They have no c. v 680. William Smith 5 , (Edmund Smith*, Mercy East- man J , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Feb. 17, 1846; m. Lizzie Chase, of Fulton Co., 111. He was a soldier in the Civil war, and was taken prisoner soon after going to the front, while on the Red River expedition, at Shrieveport, La. He resides in Persia, Harrison Co., Iowa. They have six c. v 682. Cynthia Jane Smith 5 , (Edmund Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 5 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. April 6, 1850; m. John Hughs, a soldier in the Civil war. He d. and she resides in Gilson, Knox Co., 111. She had six c. v 683. Edmund Filmore Smith 5 , (Edmund Smith 4 , Mercy stman*, Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Feb. 11, 1853; m. Man' George, of Farmington, 111., who did not live long. His present address is Tularosa, New Mexico. v 684. Sarah Rebecca Smith 5 , (Edmund Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 1 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Nov. 11, 1855; m. FIFTH GENERATION 15 5 John Lindsey, and resides in Knoxville, 111. They have eight c. v 685. Margaret Ellen Smith 5 , (Edmund Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Dec. 3, 1857; m. F. M. Rose; resides in Gilson, 111. They have two daughters. v 687. John Hunt Eastman 5 , (Benjamin 4 , Hezekiah 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Northampton, Mass., June 25, 1828; d. April 30, 1883; m. Caroline Myers, from whom he was divorced, and he m. second, Mehitable Evans. He was a cabinet maker; resided in Philadelphia, Pa., and Cuba. Child by First Wife 1304. i. Alonzo 6 , b. abt. 1854; d. in 1865. v 688. Abbie Pomroy Eastman 5 , (Benjamin 4 , Hezekiah 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Northampton, Mass., March 28, 1830; m. in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, in 1857, Chauncy Nash, from Oneida County, N. Y. He was a lawyer in Rochester, N. Y., and was City Clerk in 1845-6. Children x, 1305. i. Cora Belle Nash 6 , b. May 5, 1858. x, 1306. ii. Clara Luella Nash 6 , b. March 28, 1860. 1307. iii. Stella Louisa Nash 6 , b. June 15, 1862; d. Sept., 3, 1862. v 691. William Richards Eastman 5 , (Benjamin 4 , Heze- kiah 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Northampton, Mass., March 16, 1836; m. in 1858, Sarah Hallowell. He went to Langshorn, Pa., where he d. in Jan., 1906. She d. in Dec, 1905. Children 1308. i. Willie 6 , b. in Sept., 1859; m. and lives in New York City. 1309. ii. Sallie 6 ,b. ; d. 1310. iii. Alvin Day 6 , b. ; d. in 1866. 156 FIFTH GENERATION 1311. iv. May 6 , b. Aug. 31, 1862; m. Joseph A. McAloan, of Philadelphia, Jan. 21, 1890; he d. in Dec. 1905. 1312. v. Elsie 6 , b. ; d. in infancy. v 692. Harriet Louisa Eastman 5 , (Benjamin*, Hezekiah 3 . Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Northampton, Mass., Nov. 25, 1838; m. in 1862, John Milton Moorehead, in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, now residing in San Jose, Cal. Children 1313. i. Helen Moorehead 6 , b. in 1863. 1314. ii. Stella Moorehead 6 , b. v 694. George Washington Eastman 5 , (Benjamin 4 , Heze- kiah 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 22, 1843; m. in 1863, Mary Hargraves; resides at No. 3809 Fairmount Ave., West Philadelphia, Pa. Children Sallie 6 , b. Feb. 24, 1864; d. Oct. 7, 1864. May Ella 6 , b. Sept. 19, 1865. Emeline 6 , b. June 29, 1868. Fannie P 6 ., b. June 14, 1871. Hattie L 6 ., b. Oct. 11, 1873; d. Nov. 5, 1881. Charles B 6 ., b. June 9, 1876. Abbie P 6 ., b. March 3, 1880. v 695. Henry Clay Eastman 5 , (Benjamin*, Hezekiah 3 , K njamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 23, 1845; m. in California, Mary Campbell. He is rector of St. Michael's Church, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Child H22. i. Harry Campbell 6 , b. ; he was a cadet at West Point, N, Y., in 1906. v 702. Asa Branch Nash 3 , (Asa Nash 4 , Kezia Eastman 3 , i.imin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Nov. 12, 1828; m. Eliza Hall. 1315. i. X, 1316. ii. x, 1317. iii. X. 1318. iv. 1319. v. 1320. vi. x, 1321. vii. FIFTH GENERATION 157 Children 1323. i. Asa Nash 6 , b. ; m. and went to California. 1324. ii. Clara Nash 6 , b. ; d. 1325. iii. Ernest Nash 6 , b. ; d. v 705. Gov. George Kilbon Nash 5 , (Asa Nash*, Kezia Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in the township of York, Medina County, Ohio. Aug. 14, 1842; m. in April, 1883, Mary Adeline Ay res, daug. of A. W. Ayres, and widow of W. K. Deshler, having two c., viz., David W. and Kate Deshler, now Mrs. Worthington E. Babcock, of Columbus, Ohio. He was a student at Oberlin C. in 1862-4, when he left C. and entered the army as private in Co. K, 115th Ohio Vol. Inf., and took part in the defence of Washington at the time of Early's raid on the Capitol in 1864. After the conclusion of his military service, he began to teach school, and later entered upon the study of law. In 1865 he removed to Columbus, Ohio, and was admitted to the bar in 1867 and practiced law there. He was chief clerk in the office of Secre- tary of State of Ohio in 1869; prosecuting attorney of Franklin County, 1870-4, and attorney-general of the State in 1880-83. He was a member of the State Supreme Court Commission, 1883-87; chairman of State Republican Executive Committee, 1880-81-87; he was nominated for governor of Ohio in June, 1899, and was elected to that office, Nov. 7, 1899; was re- elected in 1901, his term expiring in 1904. He d. Oct. 28, 1904. In the Ohio State Journal, Oct. 29, 1904, Governor Herrick issued this statement: "Beloved as he was, the death of Governor Nash comes as a personal bereavement to all our people. Rarely in the history of our State has a governor retired from office so se- curely in possession of the love and complete confidence of the citizens of the State." Senator Dick says of him: "The richest heritage he left is the purity of his private life, his devotion to every duty, 158 FIFTH GENERATION and his unwavering integrity in every official relation. His whole life was above reproach." Attorney General Ellis, moved almost to tears, says: "He was the best friend I ever had, the kindest, most considerate, most affectionate man I ever knew, the soul of honor; I cannot say more." Child 1326. i. Mary Nash', b. in 1884; d. in 1897. v 710. George Eastman Goodrich*, (Eunice Amanda Eastman*, Timothy 1 , Benjamin 5 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Dryden, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1846; m. . He lives in Dryden, where he is attorney and counsellor; he is a Grad. of Amherst C. Children 1327. i. Luther Griswold Goodrich 6 , b. Sept. 9, 1876, now of West Medford, Mass.; m. and has one child, a Betsey Hart Goodrich 7 , b. Dec. 8, 1905. 1328. ii. Milo Goodrich 4 , b. May 30, 1880, now of Hart- ford, Conn. 1329. iii. Grace Evelyn Goodrich 6 , b. Sept. 28, 1881, now of Baltimore, Md.; m. Oliver; has one child, a Edward Goodrich Oliver 7 , b. Oct. 23, 1907. 1330. iv. Georgiana Goodrich 6 , b. Aug. 22, 1884, at Dryden, N. Y. 1331. v. Florence Louise Goodrich 6 , b. May 29, 1890, Dryden, N. Y. v 721. Elijah Belding 5 , (Elijah Eastman Belding 4 , Elijah Belding 1 , Kezia Eastman 3 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Northfield, Mass., April 18, 1847 ; m. in Hudson, Columbia County, N. Y., June 14, 1870, Hattie E. Overhiser, b. in Hillsdale, Columbia County, N. Y., daug. of John H. and Emily (Dowing) Over- hiser; he resides at 15 Edwards St., Springfield, Mass. He is treasurer of the Mcintosh Co., manufacturers and wholesale lers in boots, shoes and rubbers. FIFTH GENERATION 159 Children 1332. i. John Eastman Belding 6 , b. ; he is a physician and surgeon in Springfield, Mass. 1333. ii. Everett E. Belding 6 , b. ; a director in the Mcintosh Co., Springfield, Mass. Sixth Generation v 753. Francis Ira Cowles 6 , (Ransom Cowles 5 , Jonathan Cowles 4 , Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Oct. 26, 1846; m. Sarah Wormwood, daug. of William and Fidelia (Murray) Wormwood; she d. in 1881. Children 1334. i. Esther Cowles', b. ; m. Elijah Weed; has one c. 1335. ii. Sarah Cowles', b. ; m. Albert Weed; c, a Robert A*., b. ; b Edward B«., b. v 760. Walter Dickinson Cowles 6 , Jonathan Cowles 5 , Jona- than Cowles 4 , Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. June 30, 1852; m. June 15, 1886, Etta Jane Younie, b. May 14, 1866. Child 1336. i. Sarah Etta Cowles', b. May 15, 1887; m. June 12, 1907, Gerald D. Jones, of North Amherst. v 762. Sarah Jeanette Cowles 6 , (Jonathan Cowles 5 , Jona- than Cowles 4 , Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Dec. 17, 1856; m. Oct. 31, 1882, Francis L. Frary, a merchant in Minneapolis, Minn. Children 1337. i. Francis Cowles Frary, b. July 9, 1884. 1338. ii. Hobart Dickinson Frary, b. April 28, 1887. 1339. iii. Ralph Thomas Frary, b. March 18, 1889; d. Nov. 16, 1890. 1340. iv. Louise Grace Frary, b. May 11, 1891. Nellie Graves Cowles 6 , (Jonathan Cowles 5 , Jona- than Cowles 4 , Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ); she SIXTH GENERATION 161 is also of (Sarah Marsh Dickinson 5 , Lydia Dickinson 4 , Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), and (Sarah Marsh Dick- inson 5 and ', Walter Dickinson 6 , Sarah Marsh 5 , Sarah East- man 4 , Timothy 3 , Timothy 2 , of Hadley, Mass., Roger 1 ). She was b. Dec. 31, 1866; m. March 24, 1892, Edwin Harris Dick- inson 6 , see No. 1012; he was b. March 22, 1868; his lines run (Charles Reed Dickinson s , Daniel Dickinson 4 , Mar}' - Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), and (Charles Reed Dickinson 5 , Tammy Eastman 4 , William 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ). Their c. being, therefore, descendants of three daughters of Joseph Eastman 2 , of Amherst, Mass., that is (Sarah 3 , Lydia 3 , and Mary 3 ), one generation back of two sons of Dea. Joseph, that is (Joseph 2 , of Amherst, Mass., and William 2 , of Granby, Mass.), and in the second generation of Eastman of (Joseph 2 , and Timothy 2 ), both of Hadley, sons of Roger 1 . While of the Dickinson family they are descendants by their mother of (Sarah Marsh Dickinson 7 , Lydia Dickinson 6 , John s , Nehemiah 4 , of Samuel 3 ), and (Sarah Marsh Dickinson', Walter Dickinson 6 , Nathaniel, Esq. 5 , of Nathaniel 4 , of Samuel 3 ); by their father of Charles Reed Dickinson', Daniel 6 , Azariah 5 , Azariah 4 , of Samuel'); being descendants of three sons of Samuel Dickinson 3 , (Nehe- miah 4 , Nathaniel, Esq. 4 , and Azariah 4 ,) and (Samuel 3 was of Nehemiah 2 , of Nathaniel 1 ). They are also through the daughters of Joseph Eastman (Sarah 6 , Lydia 6 and Mary 6 ), descendants by (Sarah Ingram 5 , wife of Joseph Eastman, of John Ingram 4 , Mehitable Dickinson 3 , John Dickinson 2 , of Nathaniel 1 , of Hadley, being descendants of two sons (John 2 and Nathaniel 2 ), of Nathaniel 1 , of Hadley. Children of Nellie (Cowles) and Edwin H. Dickinson 1341. i. William Cowles Dickinson', b. Oct. 12, 1893. 1342. ii. Edwin Harris Dickinson', b. Dec. 21, 1905. 765. Polly Robbins Eastman 6 , (Francis Smith 5 , Tilton 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Roxbury, Mass., Oct. 21, 1836; m. June 1, 1859, George Hollingsworth, b. in Milton, Mass., Oct. 13, 1831; d. in Milton, June 20, 1883. He was an 162 SIXTH GENERATION artist, was an instructor in art in Lowell Institute, Boston, for twenty years. His widow resides in Boston, Mass., and has a summer residence in South Hadley, Mass. Children 1343. i. Rose Hollingsworth 7 , b. 1344. ii. May Hollingsworth 7 , b. ; d. 767. Sarah Tracy Eastman 6 , (Edward 5 , Tilton 4 , Ebene- zer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Randolph, Vt., July 23, 1843; m. in Oskosh, Wis., Oct. 25, 1879, Henry Bailey. He d. in Oskosh, and his widow lives there Children 1345. i. Edward Eastman Bailey, b. Nov. 16, 1871; d. Feb. 2, 1872. 1346. ii. Jane Mary Bailey 7 , b. Jan. 16, 1880. She is a teacher in La Crosse, Wis.; resides at No. 923 King St., La Crosse, Wis. 769. Lucas Miller Eastman 6 , (Edward 5 , Tilton 4 , Ebe- nezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Oskosh, Wis., April 25, 1848; m. Hattie Musser. He d. April 9, 1880, and she m. second, a Mr. Hull. Children 1347. i. Luke Edward 7 , b. May 19, 1874; d. Dec. 6, 1881. 1348. ii. Child 7 , b. July 13, 1876. 770. Jane Catherine Eastman 6 , (Edward 5 , Tilton 4 , Ebe- nezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Oskosh, Wis., Aug. 27, 1850; m. Oct. 10, 1871, Henry Clifton Ferguson, b. in Troy, Maine, Jan. 19, 1847, a lineal descendant of John Alden of the Mayflower. He is a lumberman, and resides in St. Paul, Minn., at No. 237 Nelson Ave. Children 1349. i. Henry Clifton Ferguson 7 , b. in Oskosh, Wis., Aug. 12, 1872. SIXTH GENERATION 163 1350. ii. Katherine Eastman Ferguson 7 , b. in Oskosh, Jan. 5, 1875; m. in St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 18, 1897, Thomas Graham. c, a Catherine Eastman Graham 3 , b. in St. Paul, Feb. 27, 1899; b Thomas Graham 3 , b. in St. Paul, May 28, 1902. 1351. iii. Lucien Eastman Ferguson 7 , b. in Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 2, 1884. 1352. iv Samuel Butman Ferguson 7 , b. in Stillwater, March 21, 1887. 1353. v. George Francis Ferguson 7 , b. in Stillwater, Sept. 15, 1890. 771. Francis Eastman 6 , (George Burder 5 , Tilton*, Ebe- nezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Waterford, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1842; m. Jan. 26, 1870, Sarah Glover. He d. in Salt Lake City, Utah, April 11, 1880. Children 1354. i. Margaret 7 , b. 1355. ii. George 7 , b. 1356. iii. Helen', b. 1357. iv. One other 7 , b. 772. Henry Brother Eastman 6 , (George Burders, Tilton*, Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Waterford, N. Y., June 10, 1843; m. in Milton, Wis., Aug. 12, 1871, Tena Mc- Innis, b. in Ottawa, Canada, Feb. 22, 1854, daug. of Hon. John and Jennie A. (McMillen) Mclnnis. Mr. Eastman was a soldier in the great American Rebellion, enlisting as private in the Third Wis. Cav., promoted Nov. 4, 1862, Quarter- master Sergeant, and later Sergeant Major; was commissioned 2d Lieut., Co. B, and on Dec. 20, 1864, was promoted 1st Lieut, and transferred to Co. D, Feb. 1, 1865, but not mustered. He studied law, was admitted to the bar in Wisconsin, Illinois and Montana. He resides at No. 966 Sawyer Ave., Chicago, 111. They have no c. 164 SIXTH GENERATION 7 74. Margaret Schell Eastman 6 , (George Burder 5 , Tilton*, Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Avon, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1848; m. Jan. 22, 1874, Eddy F. Ferris. She d. in Boze- man, Montana, Dec., 19, 1889. Children 1358. i. Eleanor Ferris', b. 1359. ii. Katherine Chilton Ferris', b. May, 1878; m. May, 1898, Byron Story; resides in Boze- man, Mont. Children, a Katherine Story*, b. March 21, 1899; b Byron Ferris Story «, b. Sept. 30, 1900. 775. George Edward Eastman 6 , (George Burder 5 , Tilton 4 Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Brownsville, N. Y. Sept. 13, 1851; m. Ellen Moore. He resides at No. 323 North Seventh St., Saginaw, Mich. Child 1360. i. Nellie', b. v 781. Charles Austin Eastman 6 , (Austin 5 , Elijah*, Ebe- nezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in North Amherst, Mass., Jan. 13, 1843; m. in Gill, Mass., March 6, 1865, Clara Isette Wyart, b. in Gill, Nov. 1, 1845, daug. of Joshua and Sophronia (Scott) Wyart. Mr. Eastman was a farmer; resided in North Amherst, Mass., but is now of Springfield, N. J. Children x, 1361. i. Clara Belle', b. March 5, 1866. x, 1362. ii. Sidney Baxter', b. May 30, 1868. 1363. iii. Fred Austin', b. July 23, 1873; m. July 11, 1894, Nettie Cutting; he d. Sept. 26, 1894; She m. second, Leonard G. Blodgett, of Amherst, Mass. x. 1364. iv. Mary Harriet', b. April 10, 1877. 1365. v. Charles Lyman', b. July 25, 1879; d. Nov. 14, 1897. SIXTH GENERATION 165 x, 1366. vi. Julia Roxana 7 , b. March 3, 1885. v 782. George Henry Eastman 6 , (Austin 5 , Elijah*, Ebe- nezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in North Amherst, Mass., April 1, 1846; m. in Chicago, 111., Nov. 6, 1871, Kate Ayres Dewey, b. in New Orleans, La., May 11, 1843, daug. of John and Nora (Kerby) Dewey. Mr. Eastman received his educa- tion in the common schools of his native town, and at New London, N. H. He Grad. from the Massachusetts Agricul- tural C. of Amherst, Mass., in 1871. He went west in the 70's and located at Storm Lake, Iowa, where he was Supt. of Schools in 1873-75, and since has been connected with the banking interests in Storm Lake for twenty years, commenc- ing with the Storm Lake and Trust National Bank, holding every position from bookkeeper to president. He operates a farm by "proxy" and for the past fifteen years has owned one of the best stock of Jersey herds in the United States. He has no c. v 786. Martha Ellen Eastman 6 , (Austin 5 , Elijah*, Ebe- nezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in North Amherst, Mass., June 28, 1855; m. in Amherst, July 11, 1878, William Arthur Smith, b. in North Amherst, July 11, 1852, son of Spencer and Martha (Potwin) Smith. He is a Baptist, member of the church in Amherst, Mass., where he resides. Children 1367. i. William Austin Smith', b. June 30, 1879; d. July 11, 1879. 1368. ii. Mabel Caroline Smith', b. April 8, 1883; m. in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 21, 1907, Erwin Stanley Fulton, of Lynn, Mass., b. Aug. 9, 1878. v 787. William Nelson Eastman 6 , (Austin 5 , Elijah 4 , Ebe- nezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in North Amherst, Mass., Dec. 6, 1858; m. in North Amherst, Dec. 25, 1879, Eva Estella Ward, b. in Warren, Mass., Aug. 23, 1857, daug. of Charles 166 SIXTH GENERATION Rockwood and Mary Hewitt (Crossman) Ward. He is a farmer, residing in North Amherst, Mass. Children x, 1369. i. Estella Adeline', b. Nov. 8, 1880. x', 1370. ii. Ethel Haskins', b. Sept. 12, 1884. 1371. iii. Gwendolena Caroline', b. April 4, 1890. 790. Mary Jane Eastman*, (Zebina 5 , Elijahs Ebenezers Joseph', Dea. Joseph'), b. Nov. 17, 1847; m. in Elgin, 111., Aug. 31, 1871, Ichabod S. Bartlett, b. in Amesbury, Mass., Feb. 17, 1832. He is a journalist and mine owner; resides in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Children 1372. i. Edna Sargeant Bartlett', b. in Elgin, 111., June 11, 1872. 1373. ii. Sidney Eastman Bartlett', b. in Elgin, Sept. 5, 1874. 1374. iii. William Austin Bartlett', b. in Maywood, 111., Dec. 7, 1876. 1375. iv. Albert Babbitt Bartlett', b. in Fairbault, Wyo., April 15, 1885. v 793. Edward Baxter Eastman 6 , (Baxters Elijahs Ebe- nezers Josephs Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in North Amherst, Mass., June 9, 1847; m. in Greenfield, Mass., Dec. 13, 1868, Esther Arabel Wyatt, b. in Gill, Mass., July 18, 1847, daug. of Joshua and Sophrohia (Scott) Wyatt. Mr. Eastman is a farmer, re- siding in North Amherst, Mass. Children x, 1376. i. Mary Bentley', b. Oct. 2, 1872. 1377. ii. Fanny Mears', b. Dec. 24, 1877. 1378. iii. Allie Twitchell', b. Feb. 2, 1881. 1379. iv. Lucy Kellogg', b. June 2, 1885. 1380. v. Edward Baxter', b. July 21, 1890. v 795 Charles F. Davis s (Mary Adams s Clarissa East- SIXTH GENERATION 167 man 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Hubbardston, Mass., May 3, 1826; m. Aug. 28, 1850, Elvira Adams, b. Dec. 28, 1830, daug. of Erastus Adams, Jr. They resided in Mar- shall, Mich. He d. Dec. 29, 1902. Children 1381. i. Herbert E. Davis', b. ; m. May 15, 1878, Etta Hobart, in Athens, Mich., where they now reside. He Grad. at the Univ. of Mich. Child, a Bertha E. Davis*, b. Aug. 4, 1879. J. Elwyn Davis', b. Jan. 29, 1855; d. Cora A. Davis', b. Oct. 19, 1856; d. Charles S. Davis', b. Sept. 8, 1858; d. Aug. 5, 1860. William S. Davis', b. Jan. 2, 1863. Edward W. Davis', b. March 13, 1864. Eugene C. Davis', b. Aug. 1, 1868. Clara E. Davis', b. Sept. 18, 1871; d. July 3, 1873. v 796. Francis W. Davis 6 , (Mary Adams 5 , Clarissa East- man 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Cazenovia, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1828; m. June 22, 1853, Emma Prentiss; they resided in Marshall, Mich. He d. Sept., 1901; she d. Oct., 1907. Children 1389. i. Mary E. Davis', b. Sept. 16, 1854; m. Sept. 12, 1877, Frank Henderson; lives in Jack- son, Mich.; have two danghters, a Dora s , b. April 8, 1879, and b Zaida«, b. 1390. ii. Frank J. Davis', b. April 24, 1858; m.; lives in Chicago, 111.; has one son, a Harold 8 , who lives in Detroit. v 797. Clara E. Davis 6 , (Mary Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Jan. 29, 1830; m. Nov. 16, 1858, James A. Adams, of Plainville, N. Y. 1382. ii. 1383. iii. 1384. iv. 1385. v. 1386. vi. 1387. vii. 1388. viii. 16S SIXTH GENERATION Child 1391. i. John D. Adams', b. March 9, 1860. He Grad. from Cornell Univ. in June, 1882; m. Oct. 12, 1899, Mary Crowford, of New York City. Children, a Dorothy*, b. Jan. 23, 1901; b John C.«, b. Oct. 11, 1903; c. Eliza- beth*, b. Oct. 12, 1905. He lives at 466 Audubon Road, Boston, Mass. v 800. Ward Adams Davis 6 , (Mary Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Sept. 14, 1835; m. first, Lucy Sweetland Johnson, Sept. 16, 1858; she d. June 18, 1872, leaving four c; m. second, Maria Spencer Jones, of Meridian, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1877. He is now living in Cazenovia, N. Y. Children by First Wife 1392. i. Henry Ward Davis', b. July 4, 1859; m. Marie Lindener, in Syracuse, N. Y., where he d. May 22, 1901. 1393. ii. Harriett Ingersoll Davis', b. Sept. 9, 1861; d. in Boston, March 14, 1893. 1394. iii. William Adams Davis', b. March 7, 1865; was an M. D. He m. April 9, 1890, Maud C. Morgan; d. Oct. 11, 1890, in Cazenovia, N. Y. 1395. iv. Seymour Harlan Davis', b. Oct. 3, 1867; now living in Cazenovia, N. Y. Child by Second Wife 1396. v. Flora Spencer Davis', b. Dec. 20, 1879; resi- dence, Cazenovia, N. Y. J 801. Dwight H. Davis 6 , (Mary Adams 5 , Clarissa East- man 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 3 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. May 16, 1837; m. March 11, 1858, Fannie Marvin; they live in Lysander, N. Y. Children 1397. i. Mary E. Davis', b. Oct. 18, 1859. SIXTH GENERATION 169 1398. ii. Lucia S. Davis 7 , b. Nov. 3, 1862. 1399. iii. Charles F. Davis', b. March 15, 1864. | 804. J. Harlan Davis 6 , (Mary Adams 3 , Clarissa East- man 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. April 24, 1844; m. Oct. 22, 1873, Emma Dean; they live in Tekonsha, Mich. Children 1400. i. Clara E. Davis', b. Dec. 24, 1874. 1401. ii. Russell H. Davis', b. June 10, 1878. v 808. Charles Adams Warner 6 , (Joanna Adams 5 , Clar- issa Eastman*, Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Am- herst, Sept. 5, 1829; m. Sept. 2, 1851, in Easthampton, Cath- erine Knight, daug. of Milo and Mary (Ingalls) Knight, of South Hadley, Mass. He resided in Chaska, Minn.; was a merchant, and State Senator in Minn., 1860; he d. Oct. 24, 1867; she d. Feb. 19, 1902. Children x, 1402. i. William Austin Warner', b. Dec. 12, 1853, in South Hadley, Mass. 1403. ii. Alice Kate Warner', b. April 11, 1858; d. Feb. 20, 1862. 1404. iii. Clinton James Warner', b. Jan. 3, 1866; d. April 25, 1866. v 810. Lucien Warner 6 , (Joannah Adams 5 , Clarissa East- man*, Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Feb. 22, 1837; m. first, Adelia F. Silvey; she was b. Feb. 27, 1834; d. July 24, 1884; he m. second, Sadie K. Jones, July 28, 1886; was divorced May 17, 1898; d. Nov. 20, 1907. Children by First Wife x, 1405. i. Lily Maria Warner', b. June 21, 1860, at Granby, Mass. x, 1406. ii. Emma Alice Warner', b. July 19, 1862, at Granby, Mass. 170 SIXTH GENERATION x 1407. iii. Arthur Churchill Warner', b. Oct. 31, 1864, at Granby. x, 1408. iv. Mary Jane Warner', b. Aug. 21, 1869, at Chaska, Minn. 1409. v. Jessie Grace Warner', b. Sept. 14, 1874, at Chaska, Minn., unm.; lives at 620 East 17th St., Minneapolis, Minn, x, 1410. vi. Bessie Silvey Warner', b. Feb. 7, 1878, at St. Paul, Minn. Child by Second Wife 1411. vii. Lucia Clayton Warner', b. May 26, 1887, at St. Paul, Minn.; unm. and lives at 546 Holly Ave., St. Paul. 815. Woodb ridge Adams King 6 , (Achsah Adams', Clarissa Eastmans Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. April 1, 1832; m. July 4, 1852, Sophia A. Slate, daug. of Proctor and Lora Slate, of Bernardston, Mass. Children 1412. i. Henry Woodbridge King', b. Aug. 16, 1855. 1413. ii. Flora King', b. June 25, 1858. 817. Ebenezer Atwood King 6 , (Achsah Adams', Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 1, 1839; m. April 11, 1860, Clara Hawley. Children 1415. i. Hattie King', b. July 28, 1862. 1416. ii. Frank Arthur King', b. April 30, 1869. 818. Isaac S. King 6 , (Achsah Adams', Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer*, Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Sept. 12, 1841; m. Dec. 20, 1864, Mary Dickinson. Children 1417. i. Homer Cyrus King', b. Dec. 27, 1870; d. Feb. 6, 1876^ 1418. ii. Mary Adella King', b. Aug. 1, 1878. SIXTH GENERATION 171 819. Rev. Edward Payson King 6 , Achsah Adams 5 Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Dec. 28, 1843 ; m. Aug. 3, 1869, Emilyetta Dickinson; he d. Oct. 3, 1893. Children 1419. i. Carrie Isidore King', b. Aug. 26, 1871. 1420. ii. Edward Samuel King', b. Dec. 4, 1875. 831. Charles Dickinson Adams 6 , (Nathaniel D. Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Shutesbury, Mass., Oct. 11, 1839; m. Aug. 14, 1873, Mary Clark Wood. "A diligent, apt, and brilliant student." He Grad. from Amherst C. in 1863, with honors, and from Colum- bia Law School, N. Y., in 1864; he entered into the practice of law in New York City and took high rank in his profession. Intense and conscientious in his work, he d. in the prime of life, March 20, 1889, and was buried as wished, in the beautiful new cemetery, "Wildwood," in Amherst, Mass. His brother has laid a loving tribute "In Memoriam" on his grave. He resided in New York City. Children 1421. i. Georgianna Wood Adams', b. Sept. 29, 1874. 1422. ii. Mason Tyler Adams ',b. May 18, 1877; entered Yale C. 832. Major Henry Martin Adams 6 , (Nathaniel D. Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Shutesbury, Mass., May 8, 1844; m. Oct. 28, 1875, Fannie Louisa Maguire. b. in Nashville, Tenn., July 17, 1850. He Grad. from Troy Polytechnic Institute, and entered West Point U. S. Military Acad., graduating in July, 1866, becom- ing 1st Lieut, of Engineers, and served as Prof, at West Point, 1867-69; as an engineer of surveys and repairs on the Missis- sippi and in Texas till 1874, and on the Lakes till 1878, and in 1879 took charge of the 4th and 5th divisions of the office of the Chief Engineers. He was later stationed at Fort 172 SIXTH GENERATION Wadsworth, Staten Island. He resided in Washington, D. C, in 1880. Children 1423. i. Henry Herbert Adams 7 , b. Aug. 13, 1876; Grad. from Johns Hopkins Univ. in the class of 1897, and in 1900 from Mass. Institute of Technology. 1424. ii. Edward Maguire Adams 7 , b. Oct. 22, 1877; went to West Point Military Acad. 1425. iii. Thomas Dickinson Adams', b. April 19, 1881. 834. Harriet Adams 6 , (Joseph Baxter Adams', Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Deerfield, Mass., June 8, 1847; m. April 17, 1873, Charles L. Loomis, of Florence, Mass. They reside at Chicopee Falls, Mass. Children all Born in Northampton, Mass. 1426. i. Cora Mabel Loomis 7 , b. Sept. 18, 1875. 142 7. ii. Bertha Marion Loomis 7 , b. Dec. 13, 1876. 1428. iii. Fannie May Loomis 7 , b. March 21, 1881. 835. Myron N. Adams 6 , (Joseph Baxter Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Deerfield, Mass., May 10, 1849; m. April 18, 1877, Clara Allen, and resided in Williamsburg, Mass., where their c. were b. Children 1429. i. Millie Ethel Adams 7 , b. Sept. 17, 1881; d. Jan. 21, 1890. 1430. ii. Anna Belle Adams', b. April 17, 1885. 1431. iii. A daughter 7 , b. March 8, 1889; d. at birth. 1432. iv. Allen Baxter Adams', b. March 5, 1891. 836. Elizabeth Adams 6 , (Joseph Baxter Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer 3 , Joseph', Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Deerfield, Mass., Jan. 3, 1852; m. May 15, 1876, George T. Adams, son of Henry and Clara W. (Muzzey) Adams. He was a veteran of Co. C, 36 Mass. Vol. Inf., and served under Gen. Burnside SIXTH GENERATION 173 in the 9th Army Corps until Nov., 1863, when he was trans- ferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps at Washington, D. C, and served as clerk in the War Department. He was also a countersign clerk with Maj.-Gen. Auger, Department Head- quarters. He settled in Chicago, 111., in June, 1878. Children 1433. i. Esther Louisa Adams', b. in Springfield, Mass., Feb. 23, 1877; m. Oct. 18, 1896, Dr. Emilie Theodore Lutz. 1434. ii. Grace Maria Adams', b. in Chicago, May 28, 1879. 1435. iii. Leslie Joseph Baxter Adams', b. in Chicago, Dec. 10, 1880. 1436. iv. Theodora Bell Adams', b. in Evanston, 111., March 5, 1882. 1437. v. Bessie Juliette Adams', b. in Maplewood, 111., July 13, 1884. 1438. vi. Emma Converse Adams', b. in Chicago, June 17, 1887. 1439. vii. Ruth Frances Adams', b. in Chicago, July 9, 1890. 1440. viii. Margaret Gertrude Adams', b. in Chicago, Nov. 27, 1892. 837. Marie Adams*, (Joseph Baxter Adams*, Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer^, Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. June 10, 1860; m. May 3, 1882, Charles H. Church; reside in Williams- burg, Mass. Children born in Ashland, Mass. 1441. i. Herman Howes Church', b. June 26, 1884; d. in 1885. 1442. ii. Walter Herman Church', b. March 20, 1887. | 839. Asa Adams Spear 6 , (Caroline Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastmans Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Nov. 23, 1841; m. Nov. 3, 1870, Caroline Adams Crocker, daug. of 174 SIXTH GENERATION Stoughton D. and Caroline (Field) Crocker. He was a Lieut, in the war; Grad. from Amherst C. in 1866; is now a lawyer in New York City. Children 1443. i. Lillian Caroline Spear', b. Jan. 31, 1872; d. April 2, 1882. 1444. ii. Leroy Alpheus Spear', b. July 14, 1883; d. Sept. 24, 1883. 1445. iii. Clarence Adams Spear', b. July 16, 1885. 851. Carrie Bell Adams', (Dea. Asa Adams', Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 3 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in North Amherst, Mass., Oct. 1, 1866; m. Oct. 13, 1887, William L. Nutting; he d. Nov. 30, 1894. See No. 996. Children 1446. i. Rena Nutting', b. 1447. ii. Bertha Nutting', b. 1448. iii Clara Nutting', b. 1449. iv. Grace Nutting', b. ; all living with their mother in North Amherst. v 854. Lucy Bangs*, (William Freeman Bangs 5 , Submit Eastman*, John 3 , Joseph 3 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. Morrison Smith, of Granby, Mass.; she d. Child 1450. i. Frances L. Smith'. v 863. Frederick Elliot Hawkes 6 , (Frederick Hawkes*, Emelia Eastman*, John 3 , Joseph 3 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Aug. 28, 1857; m. Oct. 2, 1889, Susan Belle Hyde, daug. of William Sage Hyde, of Ware, Mass.; he lives in Greenfield, Mass. Children 1451. i. William Hyde Hawkes', b. Aug. 8, 1891. 1452. ii. Elizabeth Mary Hawkes', b. June 24, 1897. 1453. iii. Harriet Sylvia Hawkes', b. Feb. 10, 1900. SIXTH GENERATION 175 v 876. Lois Root Eastman', (Rilus', Joseph*, John*, Joseph', Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Bleecker, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1832; she m. Alexander Young, who was b. near Poughkeepsie , N. Y.; they resided in Parishville, N. Y.; he was the owner of a sole leather tannery. She d. in 1898; he d. in 1905; they had no c. v 878. Catherine Lucinda Eastman 6 (Rilus*, Joseph 4 , John*, Joseph', Dea. Joseph'), b. in Bleecker, Fulton Co., N. Y., May 17, 1835; m. in Bleecker, Oct. 24, 1857, John M. Young, b. in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1829. He d. in Binghamton, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1894, son of Robert and Phebe (Buckout) Young. He was a tanner; resided in Bingham- ton, N. Y. Children 1454. i. Mary Augusta Young', b. in 1858; lives in Binghamton; unm. 1455. ii. Elmer Ellsworth Young', b. in 1861; d. in 1883. v 879. Elizabeth Jane Eastman 6 , (Rilus*, Joseph 4 , John 1 Joseph', Dea. Joseph*), b. in Bleecker, Fulton County, N. Y., May 25, 1837; m. in Bleecker, May, 1865, Daniel Phillips Brockway, b. in Saratoga, N. Y., May 9, 1842, son of Na- thaniel and Keziah (Davis) Brockway. They reside in Ar- ington, N. J.; he is a tea and coffee merchant. Children x, 1456. i. Philip Eastman Brockway, b. March 18, 1866, in New York City. 1457. ii. Helen Maria Brockway', b. in New York City, July 3, 1868; lives with her parents; unm. 1458. iii. Charles David Brockway', b. Nov. 19, 1869, in New York City; m. in 1906, Alida Harper Torrence; lives in Arlington, N. J. x, 1459. iv. Kate Eastman Brockway 7 , b. April 3, 1872, in New York City. 176 SIXTH GENERATION x, 1460. v. Guy Howard Brockway', b. July 20, 1875, in Saratoga Springs, N. Y. v 880. Rilus Eastman 6 , (Rilus*, Joseph*, John*, Josephs Dea. Joseph'), b. in Bleecker, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1839; m. at Gloversville, N. Y.June 20, 1863, Betsey Josephine Valentine, b. in Gloversville, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1841; resided in Glovers- ville. Both d. at the home of their daug., Mrs. Ladd, where they made their home; he d. at Gloversville, Aug. 4, 1901,; she d. at Lynn, Mass., Oct. 12, 1903. Children x, 1461. i. Emily Jennie 7 , b. Feb. 27, 1864. x', 1462. ii. Arthur Raselle', b. Feb. 27, 1867. x, 1463. iii. Oman', b. May 18, 1868. x, 1464. iv. Fred Rilus', b. Aug. 16, 1871. x, 1465. v. Nellie Corrinne', b. June 14, 1874. 1466. vi. Minnie Josephine', b. Oct. 4, 1878; d. Nov. 14, 1880. .v 881. Joseph Eastman 6 , (Rilus *, Joseph 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in Bleecker, Fulton Co., N. Y., Jan. 29, 1841 ; m. in 1868, Mary K. Barker. Dr. Eastman's early education was confined to winter schools and night study. On reaching the age of 18 he became a proficient blacksmith, having com- menced to learn the trade when 15. At the breaking out of the Civil war, early in 1861, he enlisted as a private in the 77th N. Y. Vols. ; went to the front and took part in four battles. After the battle of Williams- burg he became a victim of fever, and was sent to Mt. Pleasant Hospital, Washington, D. C; after his recovery, Dr. Charles A. McCall and Dr. Harrison Allen placed him on medical duty at that hospital, later having him discharged from his regi- ment, and having him appointed Hospital Steward in the U. S. Army. Through the favors of these doctors he was permitted to attend three years of medical lectures in the University of Georgetown, from which he Grad. in 1865. SIXTH GENERATION -[jj He then passed the army examination, and was commissioned Assistant Surgeon in the U. S. Vols., and served in that capac- ity until May, 1866, when he was mustered out of the service at Nashville, Tenn. On his way home from the armv he stopped at Indianapolis and located in a countrv village a few miles west of the city, where he followed the General practice of medicine and surgery for a period of nine" years In 1870-71 he attended a course of lectures in Bellevue Medical C, where he Grad. in 1871. At the solicitation of Drs. Parvin and Walker he accepted the position of Demonstrator of Anatomy in the C of Physi- cians and Surgeons in Indianapolis, locating in that city in November, 1875. Soon after he was appointed consulting Surgeon to the City Hospital, a position he held for nine years, delivering lectures on Clinical Surgery during that time. During this time he assisted Prof. Parvin, now of Philadelphia, in most of his gynecological operations. In 1879 Dr. Eastman was one of the organizers of the Central C. of Physicians and Surgeons of Indianapolis, accept- ing the Chair of Anatomy and Clinical Surgery. After having taught anatomy in the two colleges for seven sessions, a special chair was established in the last named institution, that of Diseases of Women and Abdominal Surgery, which he held at the time of his death. He was also president of the C. when he d. For the last twenty years of his life his practice was absolutely limited to diseases of women and abdominal surgery. During this period he had opened the abdominal cavity over 3200 times, and performed hysterectomy, supra- pubic and infrapubic, over 120 times. Dr. Eastman was the second in the world, and the only American surgeon, who, in operating for extra-uterine pregnancy, had dissected out the entire sac which contained a living child, and saved the life of both mother and child. While doing general surgery he exsected the knee joint five times, with five recoveries with five useful limbs, and per- formed lithotomy five times in the male, with five recoveries. 178 SIXTH GENERATION At the beginning of his special work he visited the hospitals of Europe, critically examining the methods of distinguished operators in the department of Diseases of Women and Abdominal Surgery, in London, Birmingham, Paris, Stras- burg, Munich, Leipsic, Dresden, Halle and Berlin. In 1891, in recognition of his original professional work, the degree LL. D. was conferred upon him by Wabash C, the first and only time in the history of this old institution that this honor was given to a medical man. Although Dr. Eastman performed hundreds of operations, yet his sym- pathies were never blunted. His patients found him a friend as well as a physician. It is a well known fact that when he was alarmed about a patient he could neither eat nor sleep, and at these times he walked the floor, vigilant and wakeful always. The following extracts are from a sketch by Samuel E. Earp, M. S., M. D., of Indianapolis, Ind., in the Medical and Surgical Monitor: "In 1866, after being mustered out in Nashville, Tenn., he engaged in general practice of medicine and surgery, first in Clermont, and later in Brownsburg, Ind. "In 1871, he Grad. from Bellevue Hospital Medical C, and located in Indianapolis in 1875. "From 1886 his practice was limited to diseases of women and abdominal surgery. He has been the possessor of a large and modern private sanatorium in North Delaware St., Indianapolis, No. 331, of which now (1908) his sons, Dr. Thomas B. and Dr. Joseph Rilus, have charge. "It was characteristic of Dr. Eastman to extend a helping hand to the fallen, speak a word of encouragement to those groping darkly in the slough of despond, grant mercy to the erring one, and throw the mantle of charity over the unfor- tunate. "For years the younger members of the profession have sought his counsel, and in fact, the older ones have relied SIXTH GENERATION 179 upon his wisdom and judgment, and in every quarter his eminence and greatness have received recognition. "He was president of the Central C. of Physicians and Surgeons for 24 years; it is located one-half square north of the State House. He was trustee and M. D., LL. D. Of the faculty he was Prof, of Abdominal Surgery and Diseases of Women. "His sons are Thomas B., A. B., M. D., Clinical Prof., the same as his father; Joseph Rilus, B. S., M. D., Prof, of Surgery and Genito Urinary Diseases." Dr. Eastman was made a Mason in 1863; was a Knight Templar, thirty-third degree Mason, and a member of the G. A. R. He d. in the prime of his usefulness, June 5, 1902. Children x, 1467. i. Thomas Barker 7 , b. in Brownsburg, Ind., April 8, 1869. x, 1468. ii. Joseph Rilus', b. April 18, 1871. x, 1469. iii. Mary, b. Nov. 22, 1873. v 882. David Eastman*, (Rilus 5, Joseph*, John*, Josephs Dea. Jospeh>), b. in Bleecker, Fulton Co., N. Y., May 24, 1844; m. Dec. 17, 1873, Arra B. Markwood, in Mansfield, Ohio; they reside in Toronto, Can. Children 1470. i. Lois Amanda', m. Ralph Bush; resides in Arlington, N. J. 1471. ii. Murray Eastman 7 , d. in 1883. 1472. iii. Bessie Eastman', d. in 1885. 1473. iv. Anna Eastman', m. Henry Wood; resides in Arlington, N. J. 1474. v. Harold Eastman', is in Toronto, Canada, with his father and mother. v 883. Sarah Ann Eastman 6 , (Rilus*, Joseph 4 , John 3 , Josephs Dea. Joseph'), b. in Bleecker, Fulton Co., N. Y., IgQ SIXTH GENERATION Sept. 27, 1846; m. in Gloversville, N. Y. f Dec, 1872, Dr. Joel T. Barker, b. in Indianapolis, Ind., in 1847. They reside in Danville, Ind. Dr. Joel Barker was educated in North Western Univ. (now Butler C). His medical course was at Rush Medical C. in Chicago, and he was Grad. from Bellevue Medical C. in New York City in 1870. Children 1475. i. Sarah Catherine Baker', b. Dec. 1, 1873; Grad. from Danville H. S. 1476. ii. Thomas Rilus Barker', b. Feb. 17, 1875; Grad. as an M. D., in 1900; m. Kate T. Manners, Oct. 30, 1907. He is a practicing physician in Danville, Ind. Attended Danville H. S. and Butler C. ; Grad. in Central C. of Physi- cians and Surgeons; attended post graduate school in New York City. 1477. iii. Oman Eastman Barker', b. Jan. 30, 1877; was educated in Danville H. S. and in Butler C. Is head of the Commercial School Depart- ment of the Bobbs-Merrill law firm in Indian- apolis; has been admitted to the bar. 1478. iv. Eunice Elizabeth Barker', b. Aug. 25, 1878; Grad. in Danville H. S. and Central Normal College. 1479. v. Hattie Eastman Barker', b. Nov. 17, 1883; Grad. in Danville H. S. v 884. Aloney Cheney Eastman* (Rilus*, Joseph*, John', Joseph^, Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Bleecker, Fulton Co., N. Y., May 23, 1849; she m. Dec. 1, 1875, Judson Drew, b. in Albany, N. Y.; reside in Gloversville, N. Y. Children 1480. i. Hattie E. Drew', b. 187 ; m. George Kenedy; lives in Jamesburg, N. J.; c, a Annie Eliza- beth 8 ; b Katherine. Alberta*. SIXTH GENERATION 181 1481. ii. Albert Drew, b. 1884. v 885. Lucius Root Eastman 6 , (Rilus*, Joseph 4 , John*, Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Bleecker, Fulton Co., N. Y., Dec. 8, 1851; m. Oct. 6, 1893, Annie Miller; he d. in 1901. Child 1482. i. Roscoe', b. ; d. v 886. Lena Harriet Eastman 6 , (Rilus 5 , Joseph 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Bleecker, Fulton Co., N. Y., Feb. 28, 1857; m. at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1884, Warren Lester Hill, b. in Stillwater, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1856, son of Reubin Wright and Caroline Elizabeth (Arnold) Hill, of Malta, N. Y., where they resided; she d. in 1900. Child 1483. i. Florence B. Hill', b. Feb. 1, 1887; resides in Malta, N. Y. v 887. Lucius Root Eastman 6 , (Lucius Root 5 , Joseph 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Sharon, Mass., Jan. 25, 1839; m. first, in Salem, Mass., Jan. 1, 1863, Octavia Yale Smith, b. in South Woburn, Mass., May 15, 1843, daug. of Rev. George Phillips and Octavia Ann (Yale) Smith. She d. in Holyoke, Mass., June 20, 1866. He m. second, Rebecca Porter Crane, b. March 14, 1844, daug. of Abiel Briggs and Emma Tisdale (Porter) Crane, of Berkeley, Mass. Rev. Dr. Eastman Grad. from Amherst C. in the class of 1857. After teaching a year in Bacon Acad., Colchester, Conn., he entered the Theol. Sem., Andover, Mass., from which he Grad. in 1861. Having preached six months in West Boxford, Mass., he accepted a call to the South Church, Braintree, Mass., where he was ordained May 1, 1862. He was dismissed June 5, 1865, to accept an invitation to the pastorate of the Second Congregational Church, of Holyoke, Mass., where he served from June, 1865, to the end of May, 1867. He was installed pastor of the First Congregational 182 SIXTH GENERATION Church, Somerville, June, 1867, where he continued until June, 1871, at which time he became pastor of Plymouth Church, Framingham, Mass., which position he still holds. Amherst C. conferred the degree of D. D. on Mr. Eastman, on which occasion President Harris read the following: "Rev. Lucius Root Eastman, of the class of 1857; for more than thirty years minister of an ancient Massachusetts parish; of the old school as to the dignity of the pastorate, of the new school as to modern beliefs; in line of three generations of the sons of Amherst.'" He has seen seven sons Grad. with honors from Amherst C. Children by First Wife x, 1484. i. George Pomeroy', b. in South Braintree, Mass., Oct. 15, 1863. x. 1485. ii. Osgood Tilton 7 , b. in South Braintree, Mass., Jan. 18, 1865. 1486. iii. Hibbert Smith 7 , b. in Holyoke, Mass., May 19, 1866; d. Aug. 26, 1866. Children by Second Wife 1487. iv. Helen Louise 7 , b. in Framingham, Dec. 13, 1871; d. Sept. 27, 1893. 1488. v. Arthur Belden 7 , b. in Framingham, June 20, 1873; d. April 11, 1885. Lucius Root 7 , b. July 29, 1874. Alexander Crane 7 , b. Dec. 8, 1875. Rufus Porter 7 , b. Sept. 18, 1877. Henry Keyes 7 , b. Jan. 6, 1879; Grad. from Amherst C. in 1901. Address, Southbridge, Mass., where he is associated with the American Optical Works. 1493. x. John 7 , b. Jan. 2, 1880; Grad. from Amherst C. in 1902. In the insurance business at 70 Kilby St., Boston, Mass. 1494. xi. Margarette Smith 7 , b. Aug. 3, 1881; d. Jan. 2, 1893. x, 1489. vi. x, 1490. vii. x, 1491. viii. 1492. ix. SIXTH GENERATION 183 v 888. Mary Louisa Eastman 6 , (Lucius Root 5 , Joseph 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, Mass., March 27, 1841; m. Oct. 23, , Dr. Jarvis King Mason, of Suf- field, Conn. He d. April, 1905. She Grad. at Oakland Institute, Needham, Mass., and taught school in Amherst sev- eral years previous to her marriage. Mrs. Mason resides in Suffield, Conn. Children 1495. i. Mary Belden Mason 7 , b. July 20, 1878; studied two years at Mt. Holyoke C, taught several years, and more recently has been clerk in the Prudential Insurance office, Springfield, Mass. 1496. ii. Edward Jarvis Mason', b. Oct. 23, 1879; Grad. from Trinity C, Hartford, Conn., 1901. Assistant instructor in Electric Depart- ment, Technical Institute, Troy, N. Y. 1497. iii. Fannie Eastman Mason 7 , b. Dec. 24, 1881; Grad. from Mt. Holyoke C, 19—. Has been engaged in teaching. v 889. Sarah Hibbard Eastman 6 , (Lucius Root 5 , Joseph 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Berkeley, Mass., Nov. 5, 1850; m. Oct. 15, 1878, Frank Stuart Mason, son of John Leonard and Lydia H. (Drew) Mason. He d. in Newark, N. J., Jan. 13, 1896, aged 41 years. Mrs. Mason resides at 485 Washington St., Brookline, Mass. Children 1498. i. John Leonard Mason 7 , b. in Framingham, Mass., Nov. 24, 1880; teacher of gymnastics in Lawrence ville Acad., Lawrenceville, N. J., for three years; instructor of gymnastics in Univ. of Pennsylvania three years, and now Superintendent and Physical Director of the Municipal Gymnasium, of Brookline, Mass. 184 SIXTH GENERATION 1499. ii. A daughter 7 , b. July, 1883; d. an infant. 1500. iii. Stuart Eastman Mason 7 , b. April, 1886; d. Dec. 21, 1886. v 891. Edward Walter Whittemore*, (Cecil Starrit Whitte- more s , Lois Eastman*, John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Vienna, 111., Dec. 7, 1859; m. in Antelope County, Neb., Sept. 2, 1884, Alice Nutt. Children 1501. i. Ella May Whittemore 7 , b. in Neb., April 20, 1886. 1502. ii. Cecil Silas Whittemore 7 , b. in Illinois, Feb. 6, 1889. 1503. iii. Elsie Whittemore 7 , b. in Illinois., March 9, ' 1893. 1504. iv. Mabel Whittemore 7 , b. in Kansas, Nov. 29, 1895. 1505. v. Gilbert Ernest Whittemore', b. Aug. 26, 1898. 1506. vi. Whittemore 7 , b. March, 1901. v 894. Julia M. Whittemore*, (Cecil Starrit Whittemore 5 , Lois E. Eastman*, John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Verona, 111., Jan. 15, 1868; m. in Verona, Feb. 16, 1898, Lucius Ed- ward Moore, b. April 21, 1872. He is a farmer, residing in Carbon Hill, 111. Children 1507. i. Lloyd Edwin Moore 7 , b. July 2, 1899. 1508. ii. Minetta Lois Moore 7 , b. May 29, 1903. 1509. iii. Lyle Eugene Moore 7 , b. May 30, 1906. 897. Alfred Lewis Whittemore 6 , (Oliver Cowles Whitte- more 5 , Lois Eastman 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Ravenna, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1857; m. in Chelsea, Mass., July 3, 1880, Stella Mary Burton, b. in Chicopee, Mass., Jan. 18, 1850. Children 1510. i. Lewis Burton Whittemore 7 , b. in Chelsea, Mass., April 24, 1881. SIXTH GENERATION 185 1511. ii. Afton Freeman Whittemore', b. in Ashburn- ham, Mass., May 5, 1891. v 910. Mary Stockbridge Bowers 6 , (Cornelia Wade Hal- steds Hepzibah Eastmans Johns Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. April 16, 1881, Frank Williams. Children 1512. i. Ogden Halsted Williams 7 , b. 1513. ii. Alan Stockbridge Williams 7 , b. v 913. Emily Bowers 6 , (Cornelia Wade Halsteds Hepzi- bah Eastman*, Johns Josephs Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. Oct. 15, 1890, Robert Day Carter. Children 1514. i. Robert Day Carters b. 1515. ii. Ogden Bowers Carters b. v 916. Mabel Eastman Bowerss (Cornelia Wade Halsteds Hepzibah Eastmans Johns Josephs Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. June 15, 1904, Theodore Hubbel Smith. Child 1516. i. Theodore Hubbel Smiths b. v 917. Anna Kirtlands (Emily Goldsmith Halsteds Hep- zibah Eastmans Johns Josephs Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. Robert Wight Hawksworth. Children 1517. i. Eleanor Hawksworth'. 1518. ii. Robert Hawksworth 7 . 1519. iii. Margaret Hawksworth 7 . t 922. Julia Kellogg Field 6 , (Charles Kellogg Fields Esther Smith Kelloggs Mercy Eastmans Josephs Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Newfane, Vt., Oct. 14, 1829; m. Jan. 15, 1861, Elisha Payne Jewett, of Montpelier, Vt. ; he was b. in Lebanon, N. H., 1801; he was a banker. She d. Dec. 30, 1890; he d. in Montpelier, Aug. 19, 1894. 186 SIXTH GENERATION Child 1520. i. Ruth Payne Jewett', b. Oct. 11, 1865; m. Sept. 2, 1885, Prof. John W. Burgess, resides 323 West 57th St., New York City; he was b. Aug. 26, 1844, at Cornersville, Tenn.; attended Cumberland Univ. at Lebanon, Tenn.; Grad. from Amherst C. in 1867, (Ph.D., LL.D.) ; admitted to bar, Springfield, Mass., 1869; Prof. English Literature and Political Economy at Knox C, 1869-71; studied history, public law, and political science at Gottingen, Leipzig and Berlin, 1871-73; Prof, of history and political science at Amherst C, 1873-76; since 1876, Prof, of law at Columbia Univ.; child, a Elisha Payne Jewett Burgess 8 , b. 926. Henry Kellogg Field 6 , (Charles Kellogg Field 5 , Esther Smith Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. June 8, 1848; m. Nov. 25, 1872, Kate L. Daniels, of Hartford, Conn., b. Dec. 18, 1850. He Grad. from Amherst C. in 1869; studied law and was admitted to bar of Windham Co., Vt., 1871; settled in 1872 in Montpelier, Vt., where he remained till Oct., 1881, then removed to Oakland, Cal.; now resides at 717 Paru St., Alameda, Cal. Children 1521. i. Charles Kellogg Field', b. Sept. 18, 1873; unm. 1522. ii. Martin Field', b. Feb. 3, 1875; unm. 1523. iii. Henry Willard Field', b. May 18, 1877; unm. 1524. iv. Russell B. Field', b. March 24, 1880. 1525. v. Alan Daniels Field', b. Oct. 21, 1887. 1526. vi. Kate Daniels Field', b. Oct. 29, 1891. 928. Eugene Field 6 , (Hon. Roswell Martin Field 5 , Esther Smith Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in St. Louis, Sept. 2, 1850; m. Oct. 16, 1873, Julia Suther- SIXTH GENERATION 187 land Comstock, b. in 1857; he was a journalist, lecturer.and the noted poet. When once asked who it was that had the most influence on his life and molding of his character, he said it was his grandmother, Esther Smith (Kellogg) Field, and his cousin Mary Field French, who cared for him after his mother's death. He resided at 2339 Clarendon Ave., Chicago; he d. Nov. 4, 1895. Children 152 7. i. Roswell Martin Field', b. July 29, 1874; d. Sept. 28, 1874. Mary French Field', b. March 5, 1876. Melvin Gray Field', b. Dec. 12, 1878; d. Oct. 3, 1890. Eugene Field, Jr\, b. Jan. 28, 18S0. Frederick Comstock Field', b. Sept. 3, 1881. Julia Field', b. Nov. 1, 1882; d. Nov. 28, 1882 Roswell Francis Field', b. March 2 7, 1893. Ruth Gray Field', b. March 27, 1894. 929. Roswell Martin Field 6 , (Hon. Roswell Martin Field 5 Esther Smith Kellogg*, Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph*, Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in St. Louis, Sept. 1, 1851; m. in Kansas City, Kan., Oct. 28, 1885, Henrietta Dexter. He is a journalist and editor, and worked in connection with his brother Eugene. He resides at 35 Bittersweet Place, Chicago, 111.; no c. • ' v 932.-1. Clark Alden Cooley, (Charles Cooley 5 , Mercy Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Sept. 21, 1847; m. first, Anna E. Stebbins; she d. Jan. 24, 1872; m. second, Rose J. Crego, March 16, 1876. Children x, 1535. i. Frank A. Cooley', b. Jan. 4, 1881. 1536. ii. Anna E. Cooley', b. July 17, 1885. v 932-2. Katherine Cooley, (Charles Cooley 5 , Mercy 1528. ii. 1529. iii. 1530. iv. 1531. v. 1532. vi. 1533. vii. 1534. viii . 188 SIXTH GENERATION Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. July 30, 1849; m. March 16, 1870, William E. Higgins. Children 1537. i. Florence Higgins', b. Nov. 6, 1875; m. June, 1904, David Lewis. 1538. ii. Burton Higgins 7 , b. March 19, 1877. 1539. iii. Edith Higgins', b. Dec. 22, 1880; m. June, 1903, Albert H. Bray. 1540. iv. Alice Higgins', b. Oct. 20, 1883. 1541. v. George Higgins', b. Dec. 19, 1896. 936. Charles Kellogg', (Willard M. Kellogg*, Rufus Kel- logg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Am- herst, Mass., Nov. 26, 1843; m. in Prescott, Mass., Nov. 30, 1876, Clara Augusta Paige, b. in Prescott in 1849, daug. of Francis and Elzadie (Haskins) Paige. She d. in Amherst, Oct. 1, 1894. He resides in Amherst, a farmer. Children 1542. i. Francis Willard Kellogg', b. Jan. 29, 1878. 1543. ii. Leon Mayo Kellogg', b. Sept. 25, 1879; d. March 11, 1883. 1544. iii. Edward Arthur Kellogg', b. June 6, 1881. 1545. iv. Elzadie Haskins Kellogg 7 , b. Jan. 21, 1883; d. Nov. 28, 1883. 943. Giles Melcher Kellogg 6 , (Daniel Kellogg 3 , Rufus Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Hadley, Mass., Aug. 16, 1863; m. in Whateley, Mass., Nov. 11, 1891, Frances Crafts, b. March 24, 1867, daug. of Bela Kellogg and Juliette Montague (Cook) Crafts. He is a farmer, residing in Hadley, Mass. Child 1546. i. Howard Fletcher Kellogg', b. in Hadley, Oct. 9, 1895. 945. Jane McAffee Kellogg 6 , (George Bradley Kellogg 5 , SIXTH GENERATION 189 Daniel Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Rockingham, Vt., Sept. 23, 1849; m. in St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 17, 1872, Victor William Fisher, b. in Prague, Germany, Sept. 30, 1844, son of Dr. Gustavus and Rose (Taussig) Fisher. He resided in Brooklyn, N. Y., until 1875, when he removed to St. Louis, Mo., where he is in a banking house. Children born in Brooklyn, except the youngest. 1547. i. f Mary Lee Fisher', b. Oct. 22, 1872; m. in St. Louis, May 29, 1896, Alfred Leonard Fassett, son of Alfred K. and Margaret F. (Watson.) Fassett. He is a dealer in diamonds. James Edward Fisher', b. Oct. 22, 1872. (Twin.) 1549. iii. Guy Kellogg Fisher', b. Jan. 29, 1875. 1550. iv. Rose McAffee Fisher', b. in St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 19, 1878. 949. Merab Ann Bradley Kellogg 6 , (Daniel Kellogg 5 , Daniel Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Brattleboro, Vt., April 27, 1865; m. in Westminster, Vt., Oct. 17, 1883, John Harris Williams, b. in Bellows Falls, Vt., Nov. 18, 1849, son of James Henry and Frances Mary (Hap- good) Williams. He is treasurer of Bellows Falls Savings Institution, and resides there. Children all bora in Bellows Falls 1551. i. Mary Kellogg Williams', b. May 27, 1885. 1552. ii. Alice Brooks Williams', b. Sept. 23, 1887. 1553. iii. Merab Bradley Williams', b. June 28, 1895. 1554. iv. John Harris Williams', b. June 8, 1897. , 951. Mary Eliza Kellogg 6 , (Charles Fields Kellogg', Btnwl Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 14, 1839; m. in Fond du Lac, Wis., Nov. 15, 1861, Edward Thomas Odekirk, b. in Rensselaer, N. Y., April, 1835. He enlisted in the Civil war, March 31, 1864, in 190 SIXTH GENERATION the 38th Wis. Inf., Co. A; was Quartermaster Sergeant, and d. at Camp Randall, Madsion, Wis., April 22, 1864. His widow m. second, in Hartford, Conn., June 19, 1867, Hamlet Fairchild Roberts, b. in East Hartford, Conn., July 9, 1829, son of Joseph and Harriet (Smith) Roberts. He served as Lieut, in Co. A, 21st Regt. Conn. Vol. Inf., from Aug. 12, 1862, to April 13, 1864; was United States Mail Agent from Water- bury, Conn., to Boston, Mass. Child by First Husband 1555. i. Carrie Marsh Odekirk', b. in Fond du Lac, Wis., Feb. 28, 1863; unm. Children by Second Husband 1556. ii. Charles Waldo Roberts 7 , b. in Waterbury, Conn., Aug. 10, 1870. 1557. iii. Mina Lawrence Roberts 7 , b. in Waterbury, Conn., June 4, 1873; m. Sept. 6, 1898, Rev. Vernon Henry Demming; had one a child 3 . | 963. Henry Draper Kellogg 6 , (Theodore P. Kellogg 5 , Henry Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Chicago, 111., June 21, 1868; m. Oct. 23, 1892, Lillie Nicol, b. in Gartly, Scotland, July 19, 1874, daug. of George and Ellen (Simpson) Nicol. Living at Arlington Heights, 111., in 1908. Children 1558. i. Catherine Kellogg 7 , b. May 15, 1894. 1559. ii. A child', b. July 25, 1897; d. Aug. 14, 1897. 1560. iii. Theodore Preston Kellogg 7 , b. July 18, 1898. v In 1908 he has two sons and three daughters. % 964. Timothy Hubbard Kellogg 6 , (Theodore P. Kellogg 3 , Henry Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Arlington Heights, 111., Jan. 8, 1873; m. July 8, 1899, Alice Maud Chidley, b. in Hamilton, Ont., Jan. 28, 1874, daug. of Alfred and Mary (McCue) Chidley; living at Interlaken, N. Y., in 1908. SIXTH GENERATION 191 Child 1561. i. George Edwin Kellogg 7 , b. April 24, 1900. v In 1908 has four sons. v 976. Marquis Fayette Dickinson 6 , (Capt. Marquis Fay- ette Dickinson 5 , Lydia Dickinson 4 , Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, Jan. 16, 1840; m. Nov. 23, 1864, Celia R., adopted daug. of Hon. Samuel Williston, of East- hampton, Mass. He Grad. from Amherst C. in the class of 1862, M. A. 1865. He is overseer of the charitable fund of Amherst C, president of the Board of Trustees of Williston Sem., Easthampton, Mass., a prominent lawyer in Boston, Mass.; resides in Brookline, with summer residence on the old Dickinson homestead at Amherst. Has had three c; one survives. 1562. i. Charles Dickinson', b. July 17, 1872; a Grad. of Harvard C, class of 1896. v 978. Lydia Jane Dickinson 6 , (Capt. Marquis Fayette Dickinsons, Lydia Dickinson 1 , Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in Amherst, July 17, 1846; m. Rev. Henry N. Couden, who is the present (1908) blind chaplain of the National House of Representatives at Washington, D. C. He lost his sight in battle in 1863. She d. at Chatham, Mass., Feb. 13, 1884. Had four c; two survive. Children 1563. i. Fayette Dickinson Couden 7 , b. May, 1880; Grad. Mass. Agricultural C, class of 1903; is now in Entomological Bureau, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 1564. ii. Jennie Dickinson Couden 7 , b. Jan. 22, 1884; m. March 12, 1907, William Carey Marble, of Los Angeles, Cal., where she resides. v 979. Sarah Amelia Dickinson 6 , (Capt. Marquis Fayette Dickinson 5 , Lydia Dickinson 4 , Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , 192 SIXTH GENERATION Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, Oct. 8, 1848; m. in Amherst, Aug. 6, 1873, Franklin Leonard Pope, b. in Great Barrington, Dec. 2, 1840; he was assistant engineer of American Telegraph Co. in New York until 1864; assistant engineer in the Russo- American Telegraph from Washington Territory to Siberia and Behring Strait, which was partially completed and abandoned in 1867. He settled in Union township, near Elizabeth, N. J., in 1887; was an electrical engineer, with place of business in New York City. She d. in Amherst in March, 1900. Children 1564-1. i. Hannah Dickinson Pope', b. May 3, 1876. 1565. ii. Amy Margaretta Pope 7 , b. Aug. 9, 1878. 1566. iii. Franklin Leonard Wainwright Pope', b. July 29, 1880. 1567. iv. Seth Willard Pope', b. Oct. 23, 1883; d. Nov. 13, 1883. v 983. Julia Cowles Dickinson 6 , (Capt. Marquis Fayette Dickinson 5 , Lydia Dickinson 4 , Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, June 7, 1859; m. June 23, 1886, Rev. C. S. Nickerson, of Beverly, Mass.; they reside in Am- herst, Mass. Children 1568. i. George Payne Nickerson', b. March 31, 1890. 1569. ii. Frances Lindsey Nickerson', b. Sept. 20, 1892. 1570. iii. Charlotte Williams Nickerson', b. Oct. 25 1896. v 984. Hannah Frances Dickinson 6 , (Capt. Marquis Fay- ette Dickinson 5 , Lydia Dickinson 4 , Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, Sept. 28, 1861; m. June 20, 1888, Prof. J. B. Lindsey, of Massachusetts State Agricultural Experiment Station; they reside in Amherst. Children 1571. i. Amy Blaney Lindsey', b. April 13, 1893. SIXTH GENERATION 193 1572. ii. Joseph B. Lindsey 7 , b. March, 1898. v 989. Mason Adams Dickinson*, (Leander Melancton Dickinson', Lydia Dickinson 4 , Lydia Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Jan. 23, 1863; m. Jan. 18, 1888, Susie M. Strick- land, b. Dec. 18, 1862. Children 1573. i. Edith A. Dickinson', b. March 16, 1890. 1574. ii. Freeman N. Dickinson 7 , b. Dec. 22, 1891. v 996. Eber William Gaylord 6 , (Cordelia Dickinson 5 , Ran- som Dickinson 4 , Mary Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Nov. 27, 1845; m. July 27, 1871, Ann Ellinor, daug. of Jacob Y. and Ellinor H. (Cropper) Foulk, of Milford, Del. She d. Dec. 20, 1900; he m. second, Sept. 7, 1905, to Mrs. Carrie Adams Nutting of North Amherst, Mass. See No. 851. He Grad. at Amherst C. in 1866, at Lane Theol. Sem. in 1872; has been pastor of churches at Georgetown, Md., Leacock, Pa., Wrightsville, Pa., and North Amherst, Plainfield and Hawley, Mass., and now (1908) of Brickerville, Pa. Children 1574-1. i. Mary Ellinor Gaylord 7 , b. at Huntsburg, Ohio, Dec. 2, 1872; m. Dec. 27, 1897, Charles Stoughton Crocker of Pawtuckct, R. I.; d. in Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 4, 1904. 1574-2. ii. Cordelia Dickinson Gaylord 7 , b. at Freder- icktown, Md., Feb. 23, 1875; Grad. from Mt. Holyoke C. June, 1904; is a teacher in the Hartford, Conn., High School. 1574-3. iii. Edward Dickinson Gaylord 7 , b. at Frederick- town, Md., Sept. 18, 1877; Grad. at Amherst C, 1899; Hartford Theol. Sem., May, 1902; is pastor of Goodwill Congre- gational Church at Syracuse, N. Y. 1574-4. iv. Ella Cropper Gaylord 7 , b. at Paradise, Pa., May 17, 1881; m. Sept. 5, 1907, Elton 194 SIXTH GENERATION Holmes Beals, attorney at law in Buffalo, N. Y. 1574-5. v. Eber William Gaylord, b. Aug. 12, 1885. Grad. from Amherst H. S., 1903; is a machinist in Syracuse, N. Y. v 999. William Storrs Greene 6 , (Louisa Dickinson s , Daniel Dickinson 4 , Mary Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Hatfield, Mass., March 5, 1860; m. in London, England, Sept. 2, 1895, Ruth Andrews Newcomb, of Albany, N. Y.; she was b. in New York City, Dec. 8, 1871. Children 1575. i. Ruth Newcomb Greene', b. Dec. 15, 1896, in Lowell, Mass. 1576. ii. John Morton Greene 7 , b. Dec. 9, 1897, in Low- ell, Mass. v 1001. Harvey Bartlett Greene 6 , (Louisa Dickinson 5 , Daniel Dickinson 4 , Mary Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Hatfield, Mass., Sept. 21, 1864; m. in Lowell, Mass., July 23, 1891, Hannah Phillips Kidder, of Lowell, Mass.; she was b. Aug. 5, 1867. Child 1577. i. Charlotte Greene', b. June 10, 1892, at Fair Haven, Mass. v 1010. Florence Dell Phelps 6 , (Sarah Tamison Dickinson 3 , Daniel Dickinson 4 , Mary Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. May 14, 1876; m. Aug. 25, 1897, Henry C. Kelsey. Children 1578. i. Howard Phelps Kelsey, b. Aug. 26, 1898. 1579. ii. Dorothy Isabelle Kelsey', b. Aug. 17, 1900. 1580. iii. Alice Agnes Kelsey', b. Nov. 10, 1903. v 1015. Raymond D. Dickinson 6 , (Charles Reed Dickin- son 5 , Daniel Dickinson 4 , Mary Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. SIXTH GENERATION 195 Joseph'), b. Dec. 7, 1878; m. Aug. 12, 1903, Mary Brown, of Danvers, Mass. Children 1581. i. Charles Augustus Dickinson 7 , b. Aug. 16, 1904. 1582. ii. Frances Dickinson 7 , b. Sept. 20, 1905. v 1016. Martha Bush Dickinson', (William Cowper Dick- inson*, Baxter Dickinson*, Mary Eastman', Joseph', Dea. Joseph '), m. William R. Bond, of Springfield, Mass. Children 1583. i. Helen Bush Bond 7 . 1584. ii. William Dickinson Bond 7 . || 1585. iii. Clifford Avery Bond 7 , 1586. iv. Edith Raynolds Bond 7 d. v 1023. Rev. John Haskell Keep', (Isabella Halstead Dickinson', Rev. Baxter Dickinson, D. D.,« Mary Eastman', Joseph', Dea. Joseph'), b. Sept. 12, 1869, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; m. Jan. 25, 1893, in Springfield, Mass., to Eda Mabel Rix, daug. of Albert Stanton and Helen Mar (Bruce) Rix. She was b. Aug. 3, 1870, in Hartford, Conn. He is a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church; received his education in the preparatory schools, Bible Normal C, and Drew Theol. Sem. Entered the New York Annual Conference of his Church in 1895; withdrew on account of ill health in 1898; entered the Troy Annual Conference in 1905. Mr. Keep is a Free Mason, thirty-second degree, and K. T. Children 1587. i. Samuel Hollis Keep 7 , b. Oct. 1, 1894, in Gay- lordsville, Conn.; d. April 29, 1897, in Alford, Mass.; buried in "Cedar Hill," Hart- ford, Conn. 1588. ii. Isabella Dickinson Keep 7 , b. June 13, 1896, in Alford, Mass. 1589. iii. Alida Gertrude Keep 7 , b. Oct. 28, 1897, in Alford, Mass. 196 SIXTH GENERATION 1590. iv, Donald Bruce Keep', b. March 20, 1900, in Wells, N. Y. 1591. v. Doris Rix Keep', b. Sept. 20, 1901, in Wells, N. Y. 1592. vi. Evelyn Haskell Keep', b. Aug. 7, 1905, in Glove rsville, N. Y. v 1059. Otis Eastman*, (Joseph 5 , Joseph 4 , Joseph 3 , Will- iam*, Dea. Joseph'), b. in Goodrich, Mich., April 18, 1849; m. Mary . He lives in Walkerville, Can. Children 1593. i. Charles', b. at Davison, Mich. 1594. ii. Effie', b. at Davison, Mich. v 1062. Ellen Eastman 6 , (Joseph 5 , Josephs Josephs Williams Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Davison, Mich., June 23, 1858; m. June 26, 1883, at Flint, Mich., William A. Locy, b. in Troy, Mich., Sept. 14, 1857. He is Prof, at the North Western Univ., at Evanston, 111.; residence, 1823 Hinman Ave. Children 1595. i. John Lorenzo Locy', b. at Mt. Morris, 111., July 26, 1884. 1596. ii. Anne Louise Locy', b. at St. Paul, Minn.; d. at St. Paul. 1597. iii. Francis Eastman Locy', b. Dec. 20, 1889, at Lake Forrest, 111. v 1064. Frederick Eastmans (Josephs Josephs Josephs Williams Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. at Davison, Mich., Sept. 7, 1862; m. Emily Shultz. Children 1598. i. Edwin'. 1599. ii. June'. 1600. iii. Roger'. 1601. iv. Frederick'. SIXTH GENERATION 197 v 1065. Clara Goodrich*, (Eliza Jane Eastmans Joseph' Joseph*, Williams Dea. Joseph'), b. in Goodrich, Mich., July 18, 1853; m. June 8, 1881, Charles B. Atwood; they reside at Monravia, Cal. Children 1602. i. Clarence Goodrich Atwood', b. at Traverse City, Mich., April 16, 1883. 1603. ii. Mary Emily Atwood', b. at Traverse City, Mich., March 4, 1889. v 1067. . Charles E. Goodrich*, (Eliza Jane Eastman', Josephs Josephs Williams Dea. Joseph'), b. in Goodrich, Mich.; m. Ella F. Hunter; he d. at Kansas City, Mo., March 16, 1888; she resides at 5607 Bartmen Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Children Born in Traverse City, Mich. 1604. i. Alice E. Goodrich s b. ; m. June 24, 1907. 1605. ii. Edith F. Goodrich s b. v 1069. Persis Elizabeth Eastmans (Reubin R*., Josephs Josephs Williams Dea. Joseph'), b. in Proviso, 111., Dec. 6, 1849; m. in Auburn, Iowa, Jan. 24, 1869, William Johnson, b. in Ashtabula, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1845, son of William and Eliza- beth (Cleveland) Johnson. They reside in Collegeview, Neb., where he is an insurance agent. Children 1606. i. Mabel Mary Johnsons b. in Brooklyn, Iowa, Oct. 26, 1871; m. May 20, 1892, Will G. Pierson. 1607. ii. Paul Eastman Johnsons b. in Mitchell ville, Iowa, June 27, 1879; he resides at home ;unm. 1608. iii. Genevieve Johnsons b. in Gowrie, Iowa, Oct. 19, 1881. She is a music teacher; lives at home. 1070. Joseph Reed Eastman 6 (Reubin Reeds Josephs Josephs Williams Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Oct. 31, 1851; m. in 198 SIXTH GENERATION Chicago, 111., Phoebe Antoinette Hill, daug. of Edward Hill. She d. in Chicago, 111., Dec. 27, 1890. He resides in Battle Creek, a carpenter and builder. Children Born in Oxford, Neb. 1609. i. Phebe Mae', b. Feb. 24, 1883. 1610. ii. Hal Reed', b. Aug. 16, 1885. 1611. iii. Paul Lewis', b. May 1, 1887. 1612. iv. Fred', b. Oct. 7, 1889; d. April 1, 1891. 1072. Jane Cornelia Eastman 6 , (Reubin R. 5 , Joseph 4 , Joseph 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Eden, Iowa, April 26, 1856; m. at Fredericksburg, Iowa, Sept. 24, 1873, Nathan G. Calkins, b. in Columbus, Pa., April 24, 1841. He is a rancher; resides in Inglewood, Cal. Children 1613. i. Oral Lyman Calkins', b. in Bradtville, Wis., Aug. 8, 1877. 1614. ii. Ollie Mary Calkins 6 , b. in Bradtville, April 2, 1879. 1615. iii. Ray Calkins', b. in Elm Creek, Neb., July 25, 1880. 1616. iv. Lee Calkins', b. in Elm Creek, Dec. 5, 1882. 1617. v. Ansel Calkins', b. in Elm Creek, March 15, 1885. 1618. vi. Hazel Calkins', b. in Kimball, Neb., Dec. 27, 1887. 1079. Lysander W. Eastman 6 , (Herman D. 5 , John Lyman 4 , Joseph 3 , William', Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 6, 1857; m. Oct. 17, 1883, Cornelia Estella Eastman, No. 1086, b. Nov. 10, 1864, daug. of Benjamin Nevius and Cornelia (Post) East- man. He d. June 28, 1886. Child 1619. i. Fanny May', b. July 3, 1884. SIXTH GENERATION 199 1081. Anna Louise Eastman 6 , (Herman F 5 ., John Lyman*, Joseph', William^, Dea. Joseph'), b. Nov. 11, 1861; m. Oct. 16, 1890, Harlan Page De Land. Children 1620. i. Helen Marguerite De Land', b. Dec. 22, 1891; d. Dec. 16, 1892. 1621. ii. Dorothy Eastman De Land', b. July 21, 1893. 1622. iii. Harlan Page De Land', b. Dec. 25, 1897. 1083. Julia Birge 6 , (Hannah Eastmans Chester*, Joseph 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Libertyville, 111., May 24, 1859; m. July 2, 1890, Cyrus E. Kinne; resides in Ovid, N. Y. Children 1623. i. Katherine Kinne', b. Sept., 1891. 1624. ii. Birge Kinne', b. Jan. 6, 1894. 1625. iii. Mary Lucretia Kinne', b. May, 1897; d. Jan., 1901. 1085. Hannah Grace Birge 6 , (Hannah Eastman 5 , Chester 4 , Joseph 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Hector, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1866; m. Sept. 1, 1891, Arthur B. Clark, and resides at Stanford Univ., Cal. Children 1626. i. Birge Malcom Clark', b. 1893. 1627. ii. Esther Clark', b. in 1900. v, 1628. iii. f Donald Eastman Clark', b. Sept. 27, 1904. J Twins, v, 1629. iv. ( David Bridgeman Clark', b. Sept. 27, 1904. v 1088. Charles Eastman Harris 6 , (Maty Dunton East- man 5 , Chester*, Joseph 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 30, 1868; m. Gertrude Coville; he lives in Cleveland, Ohio. Child 1630. i. Carle Coville Harris', b. Dec. 14, 1901. v 1089. Chester Morgan Harris 6 , (Mary Dunton Eastman 5 , 200 SIXTH GENERATION Chester 4 , Joseph 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Sept. 8, 1874; m. Jennie Andrus; he lives in Cleveland, Ohio. Children 1631. i. Gertrude Louise Harris 7 , b. Aug. 28, 1901. 1632. ii. James Denton Harris 7 , b. May 26, 1904. v 1090. Fred Page Harris 6 , (Mary Dunton Eastman 5 , Chester*, Joseph 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 17, 1877; m. Lydia Ockenden; he lives in Cleveland, Ohio. Child 1633. i. Margaret Maria Harris 7 , b. June 11, 1903. 1091. William Augustus Eastman 6 , (Samuel Finley 6 , Augustus 4 , Joseph 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Granby, Mass., Aug. 6, 1850; m. first, Emily Hawkins; second, Harriet Powers, daug. of Hiram and Nancy (Child) Powers. She d. Oct. 10, 1893, and he m. third, Margaret Laird. He is a mer- chant and a traveling man; resides in Nashua, Iowa. Children by Second Wife 1634. i. Finley Eugene 7 , b. in Nashua, Iowa, July 29, 1878. 1635. ii. Vinton Powers 7 , b. in Nashua, April 25, 1880. 1636. iii. William Raymond 7 , b. in Nashua, Dec. 29, 1883. X 1102. Frederick Blackman Kellogg 6 , (William Kellogg 5 , Elijah Kellogg 4 , Lois Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Dec. 29, 1863; m. in Ashland, Ohio, June 12, 1888, Dora May Zimmerman, daug. of Jacob L. and Mary J. (Cormoney) Zimmerman. Children Anna Maria Kellogg 7 , b. July 25, 1889. Florence Ruth Kellogg 7 , b. Nov. 30, 1891. William Blackman Kellogg 7 , b. April 2, 1894. X 1109. Charles Stoughton Kellogg 6 , (Otis Kellogg 5 , Elijah 1637. i. 1638. ii. 1639. iii. SIXTH GENERATION 201 Kellogg*, Lois Eastman*, William*, Dea. Joseph'), b. in Springfield, Mass., Feb. 24, 1860; m. in Holyoke, Mass., May 31, 1883, Mary Tucker Aldrich, daug. of William and Alfrida (Blodgett) Aldrich, of Belchertown, Mass.; she d. in Boston, Dec. 2, 1899. He m. second, at Providence, R. I., Mattie Busford Larock, daug. of Joseph and Frances (Seymore) Larock. He is a carpenter; residence, South Hadley. Children by First Wife 1640. i. Charles Leslie Kellogg 7 , b. Dec. 16, 1884. 1641. ii. William Otis Kellogg', b. July 30, 1887. t 1110. George Otis Kellogg', (Otis Kellogg*, Elijah Kel- logg 4 , Lois Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Spring- field, Mass., Sept. 18, 1863; m. in Springfield, Jan. 22, 1855, Lulu Ardella Calkins, daug. of William Pember and Jerusha Maria (Billings) Calkins. He was a motorman on the street railway; residence, South Hadley Falls, Mass. Children Born in South Hadley Olive Ardella Kellogg 7 , b. April 26, 18S7. Ruth Anna Kellogg 7 , b. March 3, 1889. Daphne Eudella Kellogg 7 , b. Aug. 11, 1891. Florence Marion Kellogg 7 , b. June 17, 1893; d. Sept. 12, 1893. v 1111. William Eastman 6 , (William 5 , William*, William 1 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, Mass., April 19, 1868; m. in Chicago, June 23, 1894, Anna M. Vail. He is the fifth generation of William Eastman's without a middle name, and the last three were the eldest son. They live at 2719 Walnut Ave., Evanston, 111. Children 1646. i. William 7 , b. May 23, 1895. 1647. ii. Donald Vail 7 , b. in Chicago, Sept. 2, 1896. v 1112. Alice Alvera Eastman*, (William', William*, William 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in Amherst, Mass., 1642. i. 1643. ii. 1644. iii. 1645. iv. 202 SIXTH GENERATION March 25, 1870; m. May 31, 1894, Silas Irving Keeler, of Binghamton, N. Y. They reside in Caudler, North Carolina. Children 1648. i. Alice Hazel Keeler', b. in Port Dickinson, N. Y., March 1, 1895. 1649. ii. Gordon Eastman Keeler 7 , b. in Asheville, N. C, Nov. 10, 1896. 1650. iii. Waldo Forest Keeler', b. in Inanda, N. C, Oct. 27, 1899. 1651. iv. Paul Irving Keeler', b. Sept. 28, 1901. 1652. v. Ruth Evelyn Keeler', b. Aug. 22, 1904. 1653. vi. Louise Margaret Keeler', b. March 15, 1907. v 1113. Walter Merrill Eastman 6 , William 5 , William 4 , William 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, Mass., Jan. 1, 1874; m. June 9, 1897, Alice Blanche Chase, of Holyoke, Mass. They live at 4773 Hammett Place, St. Louis, Mo. Child 1654. i. Irene', b. Dec. 21, 1899. v 1121. Arthur Parks Smith 6 , (Pamelia C. Eastman 5 , Charles*, William 3 , William', Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. May 24, 1868; m. June 6, 1894, Jennie Dey, of Trenton, N. J.; they reside in Springfield, Mass., on Spruceland Ave. Children 1655. i. Eastman Smith', b. April 2, 1897. 1656. ii. Bodine Smith', b. March 8, 1900. v 1122. Hinsdale Smith 6 , (Pamelia C. Eastman 5 , Charles*, William 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Sept. 10, 1869; m. Miss Bosworth, of Springfield, Mass; they reside in Springfield. Children 1657. i. Hinsdale Smith'. 1658. ii. Evelyn Smith'. SIXTH GENERATION 203 v 1135. Charles Towner Larimore', (Mary B. Towner*, Harriet Coif, Ruth Eastman*, William*, Dea. Joseph-), b.' Oct. 11, 1859; m. first, Edna ; m. second, Maude May Hoffman. They reside in Clyde, Cook Co., 111. Child by Second Wife 1659. i. Ralph Hoffman Larimore', b. April 25, 1902. v 1136. Ida Larimore*, (Mary B. Towner', Harriet Coif, Ruth Eastman', William*, Dea. Joseph'), b. March 2, 1863; m. July 15, 1890, Dr. Francis Chipman Ford; they reside in Clyde, Cook Co., 111. Children 1660. i. Roy Francis Ford', b. May 17, 1892; d. May 27, 1893. 1661. ii. Chester Larimore Ford 7 , b. June 21, 1894. v 1137. Emily Frances AverilK (George Pierce Averill*, Emily Amelia Coif, Ruth Eastman 3 , William*, Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Oct. 18, 1859; m. Jan. 1, 1884, Charles Edward Yates, in Carrollton, Mo.; now of Joplin, Mo. Children 1662. i. Mary Averill Yates', b. ; m. Cunning- ham; has one a child 8 . 1663. ii. Carrie Ellen Yates', b. ? 1664. iii. Yola Edna Yates', b. ; d. Dec. 22, 1895. 1665. iv. Josephine Amelia Yates', b. Jan. 17, 1891. 1666. v. Jack Yates', b. in Carrollton, Mo.; d. March 1, 1900. v 1138. Henrietta Amelia Averil! 6 , (George Pierce Aver- ill 5 , Emily Amelia Coif, Ruth Eastman 3 , William 5 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. May 4, 1862; m. W. Burton Thomas, of 606 Greenwood Ave., Canon City, Colo. v 1139. Carrie Bell Averill 6 , (George Pierce Averill, 5 Emily Amelia Coif, Ruth Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), 204 SIXTH GENERATION b. Sept. 11, 1863; m. April 25, 1888, Owen McClellan Jarboc, of Carrollton, Mo. Children 1667. i. Earl Averill Jarboc', b. May 8, 1889. 1668. ii. Ruth McClellan Jarboc', b. Aug. 5, 1894; d. 1669. iii. Jarboc', b. ,1908. v 1140. William Coltrin Averill 6 , (George Pierce Averill 5 , Emily Amelia Coit 4 , Ruth Eastman*, William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Sept. 21, 1866; m. Nov. 24, 1897, Anna Byrd; resides in Joplin, Mo. Child 1670. i. Anna Byrd Averill', b. in Carrollton, Mo., Oct. 4, 1899. v 1146. William Marshall Jenkins 6 , (Henrietta Averill 5 , Emily Amelia Coit 4 , Ruth Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Louisville, Ky., Jan. 4, 1867; m. Sept. 30, 1891, Angelina Lockwood Robinson, of Old Orchard, Mo. Children 1671. i. Anne Randolph Page Jenkins', b. Dec. 25, 1892. 1672. ii. George Robinson Jenkins', b. Jan. 27, 1894; d. Dec. 25, 1898. 1673. iii. William Marshall Jenkins', b. Dec. 19, 1896. 1674. iv. Evelyn Page Jenkins', b. March 23, 1903. v 1148. Walworth Jenkins 6 , (Henrietta Averill 5 , Emily Amelia Coit 4 , Ruth Eastman 3 , William 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Louisville, Ky., Oct. 10, 1871 ; m. Betty Watson, of Louisville, Ky., b. Nov. 29, 1872. They reside at No. 1115 Hamilton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Child 1675. i. Franklin Walworth Jenkins 7 , b. in St. Louis, Sept. 3, 1896. SIXTH GENERATION 205 v 1149. Belle Harris s (Mary Coif, Daniel Pierce Coit\ Ruth Eastman*, William', Dea. Joseph'), b. ; m. Charles Phillips Gregory, of St. Louis, Mo.; resides at 3680 Blaine Ave.; he has d. recently. Children 1676. i. Ruth Gregory, b. Sept. 16, 1891. 1677. ii. Charles Sherman Gregory, b. March 10, 1895; d. June 13, 1898. v 1155. Caroline Porter Beardsley, (Anna Phillips Porters John Porters Lois Eastman*, John*, Dea. Joseph'), b. Jan. 12, 1850; m. June 5, 1872, John Herman Woodruff, of Auburn, N. Y. Children 1678. i. Anna B. Woodruff', b. Feb. 24, 1875. x, 1679. ii. Carlton Hurlbert Woodruff', b. Jan. 14,' 1877. 1680. iii. Hermione Woodruff', b. Oct. 2, 1878. 1681. iv. Carrie Belle Woodruff', b. July 26, 1880; m. Rev. William S. Ewell, April, 1906; resides in Winchester, N. H. 1682. v. Douglas Woodruff', b. Jan. 6, 1882. 1683. vi. Hope Woodruff', b. April 20, 1884; d. May, 1884. 1684. vii. Dorothy Woodruff', b. Jan. 13, 1887. 1685. viii. Mildred Woodruff', b. Dec. 18, 18S8. v 1156. William Porter Beardsley 6 , (Anna Phillips Porter 5 . John Porter 4 , Lois Eastman 3 , John 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Aug. 4, 1852; m. June 9, 1875, Mary Wild Porter, No. 1162, daug, of Samuel Quincy and Maria (Hurlbert) Porter, of Unionville, Conn. Children 1686. i. Alice Taylor Beardsley, b. May 5, 1S76. 1687. ii. Glover Beardsley, b. Aug. 19, 1881. v 1157. Alonzo Glover Beardsley, (Anna Phillips Porter', John Porter*, Lois Eastman 3 , John 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Sept. 206 SIXTH GENERATION 28, 1853; m. June 11, 1879, Agnes F. Sartwell; resides in Au- burn, N. Y. Children 1689. i. Ethel Beardsley', b. Feb. 23, 1882; m. Nov. 6, 1907, Sloan , midshipman in U. S. Navy. 1690. ii. Henry Sartwell Beardsley', b. Feb. 23, 1885. v 1159. Douglas Beardsley 6 , (Anna Phillips Porter s , John Porter 4 , Lois Eastman 3 , John 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. June 4, 1861; m. July 10, 1885, Mary Augusta Chedell; resides in Auburn, N. Y. Children 1691. i. Chedell Beardsley', b. Feb., 1889. 1692. ii. Winthrop Beardsley', b. Feb. 23, 1892. v 1163. Samuel Quincy Porter 6 , (Samuel Quincy Porter 5 , William Porter 4 , Lois Eastman 3 , John 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 25, 1863; m. 1885; reside at West Plains, Mo. Child 1693. i. James Alward Porter 7 , b. v 1166. Henry Carleton Porter 6 , (Samuel Quincy Porter 5 , William Porter 4 , Lois Eastman 3 , John 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Oct. 9, 1871; m. June, 1898, Elizabeth Evans; they reside at 233 West 83d St., New York. Child 1694. i. Quincy Evans Porter', b. May 10, 1905. v 1195. Lucy White 6 , (Samuel White 5 , Montgomery White 4 , Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Ludlow, Mass.; m. Elliot Harris. Children 1695. i. Merton Harris', b. ; went to Bellows Falls, Vt. 1696. ii. Leon Harris', b. ; is in Los Angeles, Cal. SIXTH GENERATION 207 1697. iii. James Harris 7 , b. v 1196. James Whites (Samuel White 5 , Montgomery White*, Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Ludlow, Mass. ; m. Lily Pyke and lives in Ludlow. Children 1698. i. Howard White', b. 1699. ii. Samuel White', b. 1700. iii. Josephine White', b. v 1198. Herbert White 6 , (Lovinski White 5 , Montgomery White 4 , Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. Ada Severance. Children Vernon White', b. Gladys White', b. Addie White', b. Victor White', b. v 1203. Cora May White 6 , (Elihu P. White 5 , Montgomery White*, Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. Arthur Duckworth. Children 1705. i. Warren Hiram Duckworth'. 1706. ii. Alline Duckworth 7 . 1707. iii. Hazel Maria Duckworth'. 1708. iv. Willis Duckworth'. 1709. v. Ruth Duckworth'. 1710. vi. Robert Duckworth'. 1711. vii. Elihu Henry Duckworth'. v 1204. Ida Blazier 6 , (Susan White 5 , Samuel White*, Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Sept. 10, 1861 ; m. Dec. 21, 1878, Clifford; lives at 429 East Bond St., Hastings, Mich. 1701. i. 1702. ii. 1703. iii. 1704. iv. 208 SIXTH GENERATION Children 1712. i. Parley B. Clifford', b. April 23, 1880; m. June 28, 1900; has one son, a Carl W. Clifford 8 , b. April 9, 1902. 1713. ii. Susie E. Clifford', b. June 22, 1885; m. Dec. 10, 1901. 1714. iii. Roy White Clifford', b. Sept. 5, 1888. 1715. iv. Bessie J. Clifford', b. Oct. 7, 1890. 1716. v. Glendora Clifford', b. Aug. 23, 1892. 1717. vi. Lovene Clifford', b. July 29, 1896. 1718. vii. Francis Willard Clifford', b. Aug. 9, 1899. v 1211. William Milton Lee 6 , (Eunice White 5 , Samuel Whites Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Union City, Mich., Nov. 3, 1852; m. June 21, 1880, Lillie McClellin. He went to Olivet C. and Eastman's Business C, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; is a bookkeeper in Melrose, Mass. Children 1719. i. Howard Lee', b. in Union City, Sept. 30, 1883; attended school at Williamsport, Penn., and Lancaster Acad. ; is a teacher. 1720. ii. Myma Lee', b. Sept. 5, 1885, at Kalamazoo, Mich.; is a trained nurse in Melrose, Mass. 1721. iii. Fred Lee ' , b. Feb. 1 890 , is attending Lancaster Acad. v 1212. Stephen Eugene Lee 6 , (Eunice White 5 , Samuel Whites Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Feb. 7, 1854; m. Dec. 12, 1878, Emma Eugenia Lincoln; she d. in Denver, Col., April 21, 1902. Children 1722. i. De Villo White Lee', b. March 4, 1881; he is superintendent for the Col. Telephone Co., of Las Vegas, New Mexico. 1723. ii. Bertha Ernestine Lee', b. Sept. 12, ; lives at home in Union City, Mich. SIXTH GENERATION 209 v 1213. Rosa May Lee 6 , (Eunice White 5 , Samuel White*, Eunice Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Aug. 9, 1858; m. May 7, 1889, Davis; lives in Chelsea, Mich. Children 1724. i. Affa Northcote Davis', b. in Detroit, Sept. 3, 1892. 1725. ii. Ella Lee Davis', b. in Detroit, Sept. 8, 1894. 1726. iii. Gordon Stephen Davis', b. in Union City, Oct. 4, 1897; d. Feb. 22, 1899. 1727. iv. Leon Alger Davis', b. in Chelsea, April 21, 1900. v 1216. Addie B. Peck«, (John Eastman Peck 5 , Mary Eastman 4 , John 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. April 20, 1862; m. Oct. 26, 1880, William Thomas Irvine; he was b. Aug. 5, 1858. Children 1728. i. Edward Eastman Irvine', b. March 6, 1883. 1729. ii. George Gurney Irvine', b. July 4, 1885. v 1217. Charles B. Peck', (John Eastman Peck 5 , Mary Eastman 4 , John 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Feb. 9, 1S68; m. Mari Esther Weise, Aug. 17, 1896. Children 1730. i. John Hooker Peck', b. Jan. 19, 1898. 1731. ii. Edward Eastman Peck', b. Aug. 25, 1900; d. 1732. iii. Lloyd Peck', b. Dec, 1901. v 1218. Louise M. Peck*, (John Eastman Peck 5 , Mary Eastman 4 , John 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Jan. 23, 1S73; m. Sept. 15, 1898, Clinton Eugene Farnsworth, b. Nov. 2 7, 1873. Children 1733. i. One child'; has d. 1734. ii. One child', b. , 1904. 210 SIXTH GENERATION v 1223. Sarah Ella Drake 6 , (Jane Adelia Eastman 5 , Elias H 4 ., John 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Kingsville, Ohio, Oct. 11, 1856; m. May 21, 1878, Jacob Cook. He resided in Tuscarora, N. Y., and Gaines, Pa.; d. May 28, 1904. Children 1735. i. Cora Belle Cook', b. in Tuscarora, N. Y., July 6, 1879; m. June 22, 1904, Leonard Townes. 1736. ii. Clarence Herbert Cook 7 , b. June 20, 1880. 1737. iii. James Arthur Cook', b. June 9, 1882. 1738. iv. Fred Harmon Cook 7 , b. in Gaines, Pa., Dec. 6, 1885; d. Aug. 12, 1887. 1739. v. John Raymond Cook', b. Aug. 31, 1890. 1740. vi. Frances Adelia Cook', b. April 23, 1894. v 1224. Fred Ebert Drake 6 , (Jane Adelia Eastman 5 , Elias H 4 ., John 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Ravenna, Ohio, Nov. 17, 1857; m. Sept. 25, 1888, Fanny Barton Gregory, b. in England, daug. of John and Alice (Redfern) Gregory. He was a lawyer, and resided at No. 324 Plymouth Ave., Roch- ester, N. Y.; d. in March, 1906. Children 1741. i. John Eastman Drake', b. in Rochester, N. Y., June 14, 1890. 1742. ii. Eleanor', an adopted daug. v 1225. Wells Eastman Drake 6 , (Jane Adelia Eastman 5 , Elias 4 , John 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Waterloo, Ind., March 8, 1868; m. Sept. 21, 1892, Rose Miller, of Bath, N. Y. Children 1743. i. John Stanley Drake', b. in Howard, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1896. 1744. ii. Fred Miller Drake', b. in Howard, N. Y., June 20, 1899. v 1253. William Barnes Smith 6 , (William F. Smith 5 , SIXTH GENERATION 211 William Smith*, Mercy Eastman', Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. June 10, 1854; m. in May, 1873, Ophelia Lowe. Children 1745. i. Julia Elizabeth Smith', b. March 17, 1874; d. 1877. 1746. ii. Grace Lavinia Smith', b. Nov. 9, 1876; m. Nov. 28, 1896, Octave N. Morrill; has three c 8 .; lives in Norwich, Conn. 1747. iii. Florence Maria Smith', b. Oct. 19, 1878; m. Nov. 1, 1895, Eben D. Buxton. Children, a Arthur H. Buxton 8 , b. May 1, 1899; Ir- vine L. Buxton 8 , b. April 14, 1905; c a child 8 , b. 1907. Resides in Brookline, Mass. Orrin Stedworth Smith', b. Nov. 10, 1880. Le Barron Hetherton Smith', b. Dec. 10, 1882. William Thomas Smith', b. Aug. 24, 1884; d. in 1888. Charles Louis Smith', b. Aug. 6, 18S6. Edna Cordelia Smith', b. Nov. 26, 1S8S. Atta Clara Smith', b. Sept. 7, 1890; d. in 1S95. Helen Edith Smith', b. Jan. 13, 1893. v 1255. Helen Maria Smith 6 , (William F. Smith 5 , William Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Oct. 11, 1861; m. in Middlefield, Conn., May 10, 1881, Frederick M. Screen. She d. March 23, 1903; he d. in New Britain, Conn., May 22, 1906. Children 1755. i. Charles Frederick Screen', b. Oct. 19, 18S3. 1756. ii. Elizabeth Maria Screen', b. Feb. 12, 1886; m. May 10, 1905, Edward Meisner; child, a William Monroe 8 , b. April 7, 1906. 1757. iii. Effie Clara Screen', b. Aug. 11, 1889; d. June 12, 1890. 1758. iv. Lulu Frances Screen', b. Nov. 23, 1890; d. Aug. 25, 1891. 1748. iv. 1749. v. 1750. vi. 1751. vii. 1752. viii. 1753. ix. 1754. X. 212 SIXTH GENERATION 1759. v. Allen Wilbur Screen', b. Feb. 11, 1895. v 1265. William K. Latham 6 , (Caroline W. Smith*, Alvah Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Oct. 1, 1861 ; m. Ida Rogers. He resided in Columbus, Ohio, where he was a clerk in the Pension office; now lives in Indianapolis, Ind., clerk in the Pension office. Children 1760. i. Milton Rogers Latham', b. 1888. 1761. ii. Carrie A. Latham', b. 1890. 1762. iii. Harry Smith Latham', b. 1894. v 1266. Harry Smith Latham 6 , (Caroline W. Smith*, Alvah Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Feb. 9, 1863; m. Margaret Dobyns. He resides in Dela- ware, Ohio, proprietor of a bookstore. Children 1763. i. Lillian L. Latham 7 , b. 1764. ii. Leland Dana Latham', b. v 1267. Franklin White Latham 6 , (Caroline W. Smith 5 , Alvah Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 3, 1865; m. Blanch Baldwin. He was educated in the Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio, and Chicago Univ.; he is now (1906) principal of the Newbury School, Detroit, Mich. Child 1765. i. Anabel Latham', b. v 1268. Edgar Milton Latham 6 , (Caroline W. Smith 5 , Alvah Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. ; m. Lottie T. Tunison. He Grad. from Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio, and from the Toledo Medical C, and is now in the practice of medicine in Holland, Ohio. Child 1766. i. John Tunison Latham', b. 1905. SIXTH GENERATION 213 v 1270. Gertrude E. Lathams (Caroline W. Smith', Alvah Smiths Mercy Eastman', Benjamins Dea. Joseph')! b. May 27, 1881; m. Harry Robinson. Child 1767. i. Jeanette Robinsons b. v 1280. Sara Barker Woodworths (Mary Lucinda Smiths Herodotus Smiths Mercy Eastmans Benjamins Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Yorkshire, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1868; m. July 6, 1898, Walter Norton Renwick, a lawyer who resides in Cuba, N. Y. Child 1768. i. Walter Norton Renwick, Jr.s b. July 11, 1902. v 1281. George Smith Woodworths (Maty Lucinda Smiths Herodotus Smiths Mercy Eastmans Benjamins Dea. Joseph'), b. in Arcade, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1870; m. July 18, 1904, Grace Victoria Woodworth. They reside in Sanborn, Niagara Co., N. Y. Children 1769. i. Marguerite Ellen Woodworths b. Dec. 8, 1S95. 1770. ii. Evangeline Woodworths b. Jan. 14, 1S97. 1771. iii. Addison Emerson Woodworths b. March 25, 1899. 1772. iv. Adrian Marcus Woodworths b. Aug. 10, 1900. 1773. v. Walter Benjamin Woodworths b. Oct. 1, 1902. v 1284. Harry Smith Clothiers (Flora Catherine Smiths Herodotus Smiths Mercy Eastmans Benjamins Dea. Joseph 1 ) b. Feb. 22, 1864; m. June 28, 1889, Georgine Dewey; they reside in Duluth, Minn. Children 1774. i. Helen Dewey Clothiers b. May 6, 1891. 1775. ii. Chauncy Buckingham Clothiers b. Nov. 4, 1894. 214 SIXTH GENERATION v 1286. Katherine Evelyn Clothier 6 , (Flora Catherine Smith 5 , Herodotus Smith*, Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Oct. 4, 1873 ; m. July 30, 1902, Clinton O. Tarbox; resides in Fredonia, N. Y. Mr. Tarbox and wife both Grad. from Cornell Univ. ; he is a lawyer. Child 1776. i. Charles Harry Tarbox', b. June 28, 1903. v 1290. Clara E. Perry 6 , (Elizabeth Nash 5 , Cynthia Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in Gallipolis, Ohio, April 16, 1859; m. Dec. 13, 1882, Rev. Charles Douglas Barbour. He d. of yellow fever at Jacksonville, Fla., in 1888. Child 1777. i. Charles Douglas Barbour, Jr., b. July 24, 1888. He is now (1906) in the Georgia Military Acad., near Allentown, Ga. v 1292. Alice Perry 6 , (Elizabeth Nash 5 , Cynthia Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Gallipolis, Ohio, Dec. 13, 1866; m. April 16, 1885, Frank P. Damon, of Fernandina, Florida; now resides at Tallahassee, Fla. Children 1778. i. Elizabeth Nash Damon', b. June 18, 1887; Grad. from a Florida C, June, 1906. 1779. ii. Frank Nash Damon', b. April 25, 1895. • 1780. iii. Mary Perry Damon', b. Oct. 6, 1897. v 1297. Carrie May Roe 6 , (Lucinda Malinda Smith 5 , Ed- mund Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 5 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in Adams, 111.; m. Newton Chase; she d. Jan. 26, 1899, at Myrtle, Mo. Children 1781. i. Lydia May Chase', b. in Harland, Iowa, Dec. 25, 1890. SIXTH GENERATION 215 1782. ii. Minnie Hazel Chase', b. in Irwin, Iowa, April 9, 1893. 1783. iii. Carrie Louisa Chase', b. in Myrtle, Mo., Jan. 6, 1899. v 1299. Minnie Roe 6 , Louisa Malidna Smiths Edmund Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Jan. 21, 1868; m. Joseph Thomas Stevens. Child 1784. i. Edith Dorothy Stevens', b. in Knoxville, 111., Oct. 2, 1899. v 1301. Herbert Edward Roe 6 , (Louisa Malinda Smith 5 , Edmund Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Dec. 31, 1871; m. Cora Enlow; resides in Knoxville, 111. Children 1785. i. Harold Leo Roe', b. in Knoxville, 111., Oct. 28, 1901. 1786. ii. Opal Roe', b. in Knoxville, 111., Oct. 20, 1903. 1787. iii. Mildred Enlow Roe', b. in Knoxville, 111., Sept. 19, 1905. v 1302. Frederick Knox Roe 6 , (Louisa Malinda Smith 5 , Edmund Smith 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 4, 1874; m. Rose Oakes; resides in Galesburg, 111. Child 1788. i. Winifred Roe', b. in Galesburg, 111., Dec. 2, 1903. v 1305. Cora Belle Nash 6 , (Abbie Pomroy Eastman 5 , Benjamin 4 , Hezekiah 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. May 5, 1858; m. Sept. 13, 1888, John E. Rhodes, of Warren County, Ohio. Children 1789. i. Infant', b. ; d. March 5, 1890. 1790. ii. Emery Winfield Rhodes', b. Sept. 15, 1891. 216 SIXTH GENERATION 1791. iii. Ruth Nash Rhodes', b. Dec. 2, 1893. v 1306. Clara Luella Nash 6 , (Abbie Pomroy Eastman', Benjamin 4 , Hezekiah 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 28, 1860; m. in 1879, Langdon Wall, of Webster, N. Y. Children 1792. i. Ray Nash Wall', b. June 9, 1881. 1793. ii. Sophia May Wall', b. May 6, 1883. 1794. iii. Edna Langdon Wall', b. May 29, 1885. 1795. iv. Harold Lyman Wall', b. June 29, 1891. 1796. v. Ralph Eastman Wall', b. March 19, 1895. v 1316. May Ella Eastman 6 , (George W 5 ., Benjamin 4 , Hezekiah 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 19, 1865; m. Oct. 10, 1882, Eugene McCausland; he d. in March, 1903. Children 1797. i. Alice McCausland 7 , b. 1883; m. Jerome Jar- della. Child, a May Bodine Jardella*. b. Dec. 10, 1904. 1798. ii. Eugene McCausland', b. 1890. 1799. iii. George McCausland', b. 1893. 1800. iv. Paul McCausland', b. 1901. v 1317. Emeline Eastman 6 , (George W*., Benjamin 4 , Hezekiah 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Philadelphia, Pa., June 29, 1868; m. Edward Benjamin Mawson; lived at 3822 Aspen St., West Philadelphia, Pa. Children 1801. i. Charles Mawson 7 , b. 1893. 1802. ii. Elsie Josephine Mawson 7 , b. 1902. v 1318. Fannie P. Eastman 6 , (George W 5 ., Benjamin 4 , Hezekiah 3 , Benjamin 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Philadelphia, Pa., June 14, 1871; m. Sept. 22, 1896, Howard Wilson. SIXTH GENERATION 217 Children 1803. i. Clara A. Wilson', b. July 20, 1897. 1804. ii. May Wilson', b. v 1321. Abbie P. Eastman*, (George W*., Benjamin*, Hezekiah*, Benjamin*, Dea. Joseph'), b. in Philadelphia, Pa. March 3, 1880; m. Sept. 12, 1900, Samuel Longwell. Child 1805. i. Margaret J. Longwell', b. July, 1901. Seventh Generation v 1361. Clara Belle Eastman', (Charles Austin 6 , Austin 5 , Elijah 4 , Ebenezer*, Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in North Am- herst, Mass., March 5, 1866; m. in Amherst, Mass., Nov. 26, 1890, George A. Knowlton, b. in Gill, Mass., Dec. 22, 1866, son of Josiah D. and Lydia (Scott) Knowlton, of Gill. Mr. Knowlton is an electrician, and was superintendent of the street railway, Conway, Mass. He now resides at Provi- dence, R. I. Children 1806. i. Mabel Louise Knowlton 8 , b. in Providence, R. I., Sept. 7, 1892. 1807. ii. Marion Frances Knowlton 8 , b. in Gill, Mass., Feb. 8, 1894. 1808. hi. Harold Ray Knowlton 8 , b. in Conway, Mass., March 9, 1896. 1809. iv. Elsie May Knowlton 8 , b. in Conway, Mass., Dec. 29, 1897. 1810. v. Edna Eastman Knowlton 8 , b. at Providence, R. I., Aug. 14, 1901; d. Aug. 14, 1901. 1811. vi. Horace Charles Knowlton 8 , b. at Providence, R. I., Feb. 17, 1906; d. Feb. 20, 1906. v 1362. Sidney Baxter Eastman', (Charles Austin 6 , Aus- tin 5 , Elijah*, Ebenezer*, Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Amherst, Mass., May 30, 1868; m. Jan. 1, 1895, Sarah Saxton, of Hadley, Mass. He resided in North Amherst, Mass. Children 1812 i. Edice Mabel 8 , b. 1895. 1813. ii. Roger Austin*, b. May 23, 1900. SEVENTH GENERATION 219 v 1364. Mary Harriet Eastman', (Charles Austin s Austin* Elijahs Ebenezers Josephs Dea. Joseph'), b. April 10, 1877; m. April 6, 1904, John Randolph Bodurtha, of Agawain,' Mass.; she d. Jan. 5, 1907. Child 1814. i. Dorothy Eastman Bodurtha s b. April 24, 1905, at Springfield, N. J. v 1366. Julia Roxana Eastman', (Charles Austin 6 , Austin 5 , Elijahs Ebenezers Josephs Dea. Joseph'), b. March 3, 1885; m. in 1905, John W. Sweeney, of Sheldon, Vt. Children 1815. i. John Lyman Sweeneys b. and d. in infancy. 1816. ii. A sons b. Jan. 6, 1908; d. Jan. 7, 1908, in in Springfield, N. J. v 1369. Estella Adeline Eastman', (William Nelsons Austins Elijahs Ebenezers Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in North Amherst, Mass., Nov. 8, 1880; Grad. from Amherst High School, and taught in the public schools five years; m. June 22, 1904, Charles Dickinson Harris, of Hatfield, Mass., b. Sept. 15, 1877; now living in Bradstreet, Mass. Child 1817. i. Parker Eastman Harriss b. Feb. 11, 1906, in Bradstreet, Mass. v 1370. Ethel Haskins Eastman', (William Nelsons Austins Elijahs Ebenezers Josephs Dea. Joseph'), b. in North Amherst, Mass., Sept. 12, 1884; m. June 20, 1906, William Elon Ward, of South Deerfield, Mass., b. March 3, 1885. Child 1818. i. Eva Eastman Wards b. July 11, 1907, in South Deerfield, Mass. 220 SEVENTH GENERATION v 1376. Mary Bentley Eastman 7 , (Edward Baxter 6 , Bax- ter*, Elijah 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Oct. 2, 1872 ; m. July 11, 1900, Harry Weston Whittemore, of Lynde- borough, N. H.; they reside at Tufts College, Mass. Child 1819. i. Rodney Eastman Whittemore 8 , b. Sept. 20, 1904. v 1402. Willam Austin Warner 7 , (Charles Adams Warner*, Joanna Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer*, Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in South Hadley, Mass., Dec. 12, 1853; m. Dec. 16, 1874, Julia Anna Burnette, b. in South Hadley, Dec. 10, 1853, daug. of Nelson Warner and Ruth Cordelia (Kellogg) Burnette. He is sales manager for American Litho. Co.; residence, Northampton, Mass. Children x, 1820. i. Charles Nelson Warner 8 , b. April 30, 1876. x, 1821. ii. Alice Ethelberta Warner 8 , b. April 22, 1879. v 1405. Lily Maria Warner 7 , (Lucien Warner 6 , Joannah Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 5 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ) b. at Granby, Mass., June 21, 1860; m. Sept. 1, 1881, F. W. Noyes; lives at 351 Magnolia St., St. Paul, Minn. Children 1822. i. Albert L. Noyes 8 , b. July 9, 1882 ; he m. March 16, 1905; has one child, a Holly Frances Noyes*, b. Nov. 7, 1907, at St. Paul, Minn. 1823. ii. Arthur V. Noyes 8 , b. July 8, 1888. 1824. iii. Clarence S. Noyes 8 , b. Nov. 9, 1890. v 1406. Emma Alice Warner 7 , (Lucien Warner 6 , Joannah Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 5 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ) b. at Granby, Mass., July 19, 1862; m. June 16, 1889, B. H. Ogden; lives at 546 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Children 1825. i. Warner Ogden 8 , b. Oct. 27, 1894. SEVENTH GENERATION 221 1826. ii. Arietta A. Ogden*, b. Oct. 20, 1902. vl407. Arthur C. Warner', (Lucien Warner*, Joannah Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer 5 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph') b. in Granby, Mass., Oct. 31, 1S64; m. April 22, 1890; lives at Seattle, Wash. Children 1827. i. Adelia R. Warner*, b. March 12, 1891; d. March 13, 1891, at Seattle, Wash. 1828. ii. Ralph R. Warner*, b. March 30, 1892; d. April 5, 1892, at St. Paul, Minn. 1829. iii. Arthur L. Warner*, b. Jan. 12, 1895; d. July 8, 1895, at Minneapolis, Minn. 1830. iv. Alice Warner*, b. Dec. 26, 1895, at Minne- apolis. 1831. v. Ruth Warner*, b. Sept. 20, 1898, at Seattle. 1832. vi. William R. Warner*, b. June 23, 1904, at Seattle. v 1408. Mary Jane Warner', (Lucien Warner*, Joannah Adams » , Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 5 , Joseph 2 , Dea . Joseph ') , b. at Chaska, Minn., Aug. 21, 1869; m. Dec. 23, 1890, J. R. Gay; lives at 1819 16th Ave., Seattle, Wash. Children 1833. i. Donald W. Gay*, b. Dec. 13, 1892, at Mar- tinez, Cal. 1834. ii. Gladys A. Gay*, b. Oct. 29, 1894, at Minne- apolis, Minn. 1835. iii. Gordon L. Gay*, b. Feb. 22, 1896, at Grand Rapids, Mich. v 1410. Bessie Silvey Warner 7 , (Lucien Warner 6 , Joannah Adams 5 , Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Feb. 7, 1878, at St. Paul, Minn.; m. Dec. 19, 1900, A. W. Selover; lives at 620 E. 17th St., Minneapolis, Minn. 222 SEVENTH GENERATION Children 1836. i. Arthur L. Selover 8 , b. Oct. 14, 1901, at St. Paul. 1837. ii. Harvey W. Selover 8 , b. Aug. 23, 1904, at Min- neapolis. 1838. iii. Robert M. Selover 8 , b. Sept. 15, 1907, at Min- neapolis. v 1456. Philip Eastman Brockway 7 , (Elizabeth Eastman 6 , Riluss Joseph 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. March 18, 1866, in New York City; m. June 7, 1895, Amelia Crosby Anderson. He resides in Arlington, N. J.; is a salesman for a New York firm of importers of tea, coffee and spices. Children 1839. i. Phyllis Elizabeth Brockway 8 , b. April 22, 1896. 1840. ii. Alexander Crosby Brockway 8 , b. Oct. 10, 1898. 1841. iii. Daniel Philip Brockway 8 , b. , 1906. v 1459. Kate Eastman Brockway 7 , (Elizabeth Eastman 6 , Riluss Joseph*, John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. in New York City, April 3, 1872; m. W. Martine; lives in Sara- toga Springs, N. Y. Child 1842. i. Kathleen Martin 8 , b. , 1896. v 1460. Guy Howard Brockway 7 , (Elizabeth Eastman 6 , Riluss Joseph*, John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. at Saratoga Springs, July 20, 1875; m. in 1903, Anna B. Crane. He lives in Rochester, N. Y.; is salesman in a jewelry store. Child 1843. i. Elizabeth Brockway 8 , b. , 1905. v 1461. Emily J. Eastman 7 , (Rhus 6 , Riluss Josephs John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Feb. 27, 1864; m. at North- ville, N. Y.,Dec. 31, 1885, Curtis S. Ladd, of Northville, N. Y. They have lived in Northville, N. Y., in Gloversville, N. Y., twice at Clyde, N. Y., where they are now (1908) living, at Lynn, Mass., and Ballston, N. Y. SEVENTH GENERATION 223 Children 1844. i. Oman Frank Ladd 8 , b. at Gloversville, X. V., Dec. 7, 1886; now living at Lynn, Mass. 1845. ii. Clarence Royal Ladd 8 , b. at Clyde, Jan. 29, 1888; d. at Lynn, May 18, 1903. 1846. iii. Howard Fremont Ladd 8 , b. at Clyde, Feb. 12, 1889; now living at Buffalo, N. Y. 1847. iv. Bessie Fidelia Ladd 8 , b. at Clyde, July 10, 1890. 1848. v. Rilus Eastman Ladd 8 , b. at Clyde, July 26, 1891; drowned at Clyde, Oct. 9, 1897. 1849. vi. Arthur Raselle Ladd 8 , b. at Clyde, Oct. 5, 1892; d. at Clyde, April 2, 1895'. 1850. vii. Fred Robert Ladd 8 , b. at Clyde, May 30, 1> 1851. viii. Wallace Herbert Ladd 8 , b. at Clvde, May 12. 1896. 1852. ix. Mabel Corrinne Ladd 8 , b. at 'Clyde, Oct. 11, 1S9S. 1853. x. Frank Fegby Ladd 8 , b. at Gloversville, Feb. 15, 1901. 1854. xi. Harold Roy Ladd 8 , b. at Lynn, March 29, 1903. 1855. xii. Leslie Curtis Ladd 8 , b. at Ballston, Oct. 2, 1904. 1856. xiii. Eva Dorothy Ladd 8 , b. at Clyde, Sept. 22, 1907. v 1462. Arthur R. Eastman 7 , (Rilus 6 , Rilus s , Joseph 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Feb. 27, 1867; m. first, at Mayfield, N. Y., April 11, 1900, Hattie Holden, of Mayfield. She d. Aug. 21, 1901. He m. second, Kathany Bowers, at Athens, N. Y., May 2, 1906. They live at Gloversville. X. Y. Child by First Wife 1857. i. Grace Beatrice 8 , b. March 2, 1901; d. Oct. 27, 1901. Child by Second Wife 1858. ii. Lena Adelia 8 , b. March 28, 1907. v 1463. Oman Eastman', (Rilus 6 , Rilus 5 , Joseph*, John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. May 18, 186S; m. first, Dec. 22, 224 SEVENTH GENERATION 1891, Mary Murphy; she d. July 4, 1902; m. second, Matilda Murphy, April, 1904. They lived in Gloversville, N. Y., until 1905; now living in May field, N. Y. v 1464. Fred R. Eastman', (RilusS RilusS Joseph 4 , John*, Josephs Dea. Joseph'), b. Aug. 16, 1871; m. 1890, Minnie L. ; they live at Gloversville, N. Y. Children 1859. i. Alberts b. , 1890. 1860. ii. Leonard 8 , b. , 1891. 1861. iii. Ida May 3 , b. , 1893. 1862. iv. Oman 3 , b. 1863. v. Elmers b. 1864. vi. Teddy 8 , b. 1865. vii. Robert 8 , b. v 1465. Nellie C. Eastman', (RilusS RilusS Josephs Johns Josephs Dea. Joseph'), b. June 14, 1874; m. at Pitts- burg, Pa., 1906, John M. Bennert; now living at Johnstown, N. Y. Child 1866. i. Kilburn Mills Bennert 8 , b. Dec. 6, 1906. v 1467. Thomas Barker Eastman', (Josephs Riluss Josephs Johns Josephs Dea. Joseph'), b. in Brownsburg, Ind April 8, 1869; m. in Crawfordsville, Ind., Ota Beal Nicholson, b. in Crawfordsville, Ind., Oct. 25, 18. „ daug. of William Edmund and Jane (Beal) Nicholson. Mr. Eastman Grad. from Wabash C, Crawfordsville, in June, 1890, and from Central C. of Phvsicians and Surgeons in March, 1903; studied in New York City in 1905, in England, France and Germany in 1897, making a special study of surgery. Dr. Eastman is Prof, of Anatomy and Clinical Gynecology in the Central C of Physicians and Surgeons, Gynecologist to Central Free Dispensary, to the City Dispensary, and to the City Hospital. He is a member of Marion County Medical Society, SEVENTH GENERATION 225 the Indiana State Medical Society, and the American M Association. He resides in Indianapolis, Ind. Child 1867. i. Nicholson Josephs b. in Crawfordsville, Ind., Jan. 20, 1895. v 1468. Joseph Rhus Eastman 7 , (Josephs Riluss J Johns Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Brownsburg, Ind., April 18, 1871. Attended Princeton Univ. at Princeton, N. I . Butler C, Indianapolis, and was Grad. at Wabash C. ; at the C. of Physicians and Surgeons at Indianapolis, where he Grad. in 1892. He afterwards attended one year at Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. He was a post-graduate student in Berlin, Germany, for two years, where he recer the degree of M. D. "Cum Laude," from the Univ. of Berlin in 1900. He spent the years 1906 and 1907 in the hospit of London, Paris, Vienna and Berlin. He resides in Indian- apolis, Ind., and in connection with his brother, Dr. Thos. B. Eastman, he has charge of the Joseph Eastman Sanitarium. He is a member of the County, State and National Medical Associations, and is Prof, of Genito-Urinary Surgery in the Medical C. of Indiana. v 1469. Mary Eastman 7 , (Josephs Riluss Josephs Johns Josephs Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Nov. 22, 1873; m. Frank Day. Children 1868. i. Josephine Eastman Days b. Oct. 7, 1903. 1869. ii. Eastman Truman Days b. Dec. 13, 1906. v 1484. George Pomeroy Eastman', (Lucius Roots Lucius Roots Josephs Johns Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in South Braintree, Mass., Oct. 15, 1S63; m. in Brockton, Mass.. N 18, 1891, Alice Gardner Pettee, b. in Stoughton, Mass., Nov. 20, 1864, daug. of Samuel Gardner and Harriet (Drake) Pettee. He Grad. at Amherst C. in 1S84; taught in Buffalo, N. Y., one vear; attended lectures in the Boston Univ. Law 226 SEVENTH GENERATION t School one year; entered Yale Divinity School, Sept., 1886, and Grad. in June, 1889. He spent one and a half years as Assistant Pastor of the Porter Congregational Church, Brock- ton, Mass., and on May 7, 1891, was ordained pastor of the Second Congregational Church, Millbury, Mass. During this pastorate he served one year as President of the Worcester Congregational Club. In Dec, 1903, he was dismissed from the church in Millbury to become pastor of the Orange Valley Congregational Church, Orange, N. J., which position he still holds. Children 1870. i. Gardner Pettee 8 , b. Nov. 8, 1893. 1871. ii. Roger', b. April 16, 1895. 1872. iii. Philip Yale", b. Nov. 1, 1896. 1873. iv. Harriet Drake*, b. Dec. 24, 1899. v 1485. Osgood Tilton Eastman 7 , (Lucius Root 6 , Lucius Root 5 , Joseph 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in South Braintree, Mass., Jan. 18, 1865; m. Sept. 30, 1891, Nellie McKell Burns, daug. of Samuel Burns, Esq., of Omaha, Neb. Mr. Eastman Grad. from Amherst C. in the class of 1886. He was in the office of the Union Pacific Railway at Omaha, Neb., from Sept., 1886, to April, 1890, when he became Secre- tary and Treasurer of the Searle and Hereth Pharmaceutical Company, which position he held until the summer of 1906. Since then he has been associated with Morrison, Plummer & Co., in Chicago. He resides in Glencoe, 111. Children 1874. i. Helen Louise 8 , b. in Evanston, 111., Dec. 7, 1895. 1875. ii. Octavia Yale 8 , b. in Evanston, March 26, 1899; d. Aug. 31, 1902. 1876. iii. Margaret Burns 8 , b. April 17, 1902. v 1489. Lucius Root Eastman 7 , (Lucius Root 6 , Lucius Root 5 , Joseph 4 , John 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in Fram- SEVENTH GENERATION 227 ingham, Mass., July 29, 1874; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 14, 1905, Eva Louise, daug. of John and Anna Louise (Hast- ings) Hills. Mr. Eastman Grad. at Amherst C. in 18 taught two years in Brooklyn and New York City; Grad. from Boston Univ. Law School in 1898; practiced law in Boston from 1898 to 1906, and lectured on Corporation Law in the Boston Y. M. C. A. Law School. In 1906 he mowd to New York City to accept the position he now holds of President of Hills Brothers Company, large importers of foreign fruits. His residence is in Upper Montclair, N. J. Child 1877. i. Margaret Hills*, b. March 30, 1907. v 1490. Alexander Crane Eastman', (Lucius Root 6 , Lucius Roots Josephs Johns Josephs Dea. Joseph'), b. Dec. 8. 1S75 ; m. in South Glastonbury, Conn., June 7, 1905, Katherinc Scranton, daug. of Jewett and Susan Alice Scranton, of Madi- son, Conn. Dr. Eastman Grad. from Amherst C. in 1S96, and Harvard Medical School in 1900. After spending a year as Interne in the Children's Hospital in Boston, he practiced medicine for three years in South Framingham, and thr years in Southboro, Mass., until the summer of 1907, when he settled in Springfield, Mass., as a specialist in children's diseases. Child 1878. i. Alice Scranton s b. in Southboro, July 26, 1906. v 1491. Rufus Porter Eastmans (Lucius Roots Lucius Roots Josephs Johns Josephs Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Sept. 18, 1877; m. in Roselle, N. J., April 22, 1903, Lucia Madeline, daug. of Dr. William E. and Caroline L. (Kimball) Forrest. Mr. Eastman Grad. from Amherst C. in 1899. He is con- nected with the Prudential Insurance Company in Newark, N. J.; resides in Gillette, N. J. 228 SEVENTH GENERATION Children 1879. i. Forrest Porter 8 , b. in Orange, N. J., Nov. 18, 1904. 1880. ii. Dorothy*, b. in Orange, N. J., April 10, 1907. v 1535. Frank A. Cooley', (Clark A. Cooley 6 , Charles Cooley, Mercy Kellogg «, Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Jan. 4, 1881; m. Nov. 4, 1903, Agnes Danielson. Children 1881. i. Dorothy Cooley*, b. Aug. 17, 1904. 1882. ii. Clark Cooley*, b. March, 1906. 1883. iii. Alice Cooley 3 , b. Feb., 1908. v 1679. Carlton Hurlbert Woodruff', (Caroline Porter Beardsley 6 , Anna Phillips Porters, John Porters Lois East- man*. John 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. Jan. 14, 1877; m. Nov., 1905, Mary Rice; resides in Auburn, N. Y. Child 1884. i. Mynduse Rice Woodruff 8 , b. Sept., 1907. Eighth Generation v 1820. Charles Nelson Warner 8 , (William Austin Warner', Charles Adams Warner 6 , Joanna Adams *, Clarissa Eastman 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. in South Hadley, Mass., April 30, 1876; m. in Chicago, 111., Jan. 2, 1905, Maud Estell Staring, b. Feb. 16, 1879, daug. of Peter and Elizabeth Irene (Garlock) Staring, of Ludington, Mich. They have no c. v 1821. Alice Ethelberta Warner*, (William Austin War- ner', Charles Adams Warner 6 , Joanna Adams 5 , Clarissa East- man 4 , Ebenezer 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. April 22, 1879, at South Hadley, Mass.; m. at Northampton, Mass., May 6, 1903, Philip Witherell, b. in Northampton, Nov. 20, 1877, son of Alphonse and Esther (Hoxie) Witherell; residec Northampton, Mass., where he is General Manager for Wil- liams Mfg. Co. Children 1885. i. Catherine Knight Witherell', b. Oct. 1, 1904. 1886. ii. Julia Esther Witherell', b. April 16, 1907 Addenda v 106. Sally Cowles 4 , (Sarah Eastman 3 , (Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. July 23, 17 75; m. Dec. 6, 1798, Rev. Ichabod Draper, pastor of East Church, Amherst, Mass.; he d. in Amherst; she d. in Elk Grove, 111. They had three sons, who went West with their mother. Children x, 1. i. Ichabod Draper 5 . x, 2. ii. David Draper 5 . x, 3. iii. Joel Draper 5 . x, 3a. v. Hannah Draper 5 , b. April 14, 1805 v 1. Ichabod Draper 5 , (Sally Cowles 4 , Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. Catherine V. Cooley. See No. 398. She was a sensible, good business woman, with an excellent Christian character, respected by all; has d. He d. on a return trip from California, June 16, 1851. Children x, 4. i. Daniel Kellogg Draper 6 . x, 5. ii. Sophia Cooley Draper 6 ; m. Her present address is Mrs. Sophia C. Duncklee, Vinton, Iowa. 6. iii. Sarah Eastman Draper. See No. 434. Her children were descendants of No. 143 and 148, children of Mercy Eastman, and also of Sarah Eastman, the sister of Mercy Eastman. v 2. David Draper 5 , (Sally Cowles 4 , Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), lived in Elk Grove; he m. and had a son and daug. He went to Michigan, where all have since d. v 3. Joel Draper 5 , (Sally Cowles 4 , Sarah Eastman 3 , ADDENDA 2^1 Joseph 2, Dea. Joseph'), m. Sarah Parsons Cooley. See I 400. She was an industrious, honest and much respei- woman. They both d. and are buried in Nebraska City, Xeb. They had four sons, who d. in childhood; one daug. lived. Children 7. i. Flora Draper'; m. Mr. Christy; she d., leaving children. 8. i. Alice Christy'; m. . 9. ii. Bertie Christy 7 . v 3a. Hannah Draper', (Sally Cowles\ Sarah Eastman', Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph'), b. April 14, 1805; m. Dr. Stephen W. Tibbits, from New York State ; he d. in California. She d. — . Children 7a. i. Hiram Orlando Tibbits 6 , b. Oct. 22, 1825; m. and removed to Nebraska City, Neb., where he d., leaving several children. 7b. ii. Sarah Eastman Draper Tibbits 6 , b. Jan. 14, 1829; d. unm. v 4. Daniel Kellogg Draper 6 , (Ichabod Draper 5 , (Sally Cowles 4 , Sarah Eastman 3 , Joseph 2 , Dea. Joseph 1 ), m. June 7, 1865, to Emily Tilton Bradley, of Addison, 111. She was b. in New Hampshire, near Concord; removed with her parents when a child to Arlington Heights, 111. She Grad. at Wheaton C; was b. April 11, 1843. On her 65th birthday a party of friends met with them and the following poem by Mr. Draper, dedicated to his wife, was read: MR. DRAPER'S TRIBUTE Away down east 'mid snow capped hills, With bubbling springs and sparkling rills, In Granite State, a thousand miles away, Our honored guest first saw the light of day. Her parents, strong and kind and true Nursed well their little one, With suited food and proper care, And exercise in healthful air. 232 ADDENDA They also saw her youthful mind To books and authors much inclined, So they resolved to find some way To give her mental traits fair play. So when the proper age arrived, She to a school was sent, In Wheat on town not far away, Her mind on learning bent. When graduating day at length had come, And I was busy in my way, A letter came informing me Of Wheaton's graduating day. And also making a request That I should try to come. Of course I heeded that behest, Forgetting many things at home. Now when the nuptial day arrived On which we were intent, Who should perform the act, and "give the charge," But the old, much honored president. The blessing asked, the charges given, To me he turned and said, What'er mistakes you've made in life, In this ther's no mistake you've made. Three and forty years have passed Since that eventful day, When the old college president Assured me in his pleasing way. I've found the truth in what he said, And think of him the more, Though he is numbered with the dead, Transferred to the eternal shore. My wife and I the noonday mark have passed; Our years grow short, our strength grows less; May we grow wise as we grow old And seek for strength in righteousness. Child 10. i. Cyrus P. Draper', b. Aug. 31, 1866; m. Aug. 29, 1889, Louise R. E. Whren. Children 11. i. Helen Theodora Draper", b. April 20, 1890. 12. ii. Lillian Ruth Draper", b. Dec. 26, 1901. ADDENDA 233 v 404. Esther M. Cooley*, (Mercy Kellogg*, Merc, I | man 3 , Joseph*, Dea. Joseph'), b. March 23, 1826, m. Fr William Miner. She d. Dec. 8, 1907. She was a very en, mg woman in conversation, honest, and very religious. Children x, 13. i. Walter Leroy Miner*. x, 14. ii. Ellen Marion Miner*. v 13. Walter L. Miner*, (Esther M. Cooley*, Mercy Kel- logg*, Mercy Eastman*, Joseph*, Dea. Joseph'), m. - ; is living at 1029 6th St., Greeley, Col. Children 15. i. Sterling Leroy Miner', b. April 13, 1895. 16. ii. Bernard Miner', b. Oct. 12, 1897. v 14. Ellen Marion Miner*, (Esther M. Cooley*, Mercy Kellogg*, Mercy Eastman*, Joseph*, Dea. Joseph'), m. Girandot; she d. March 1, 1881, by drowning in Box Elder Creek. Children 17. i. Flora Girandot 7 , died in infancy. 18. ii. Mattie A. Girandot', b. July 27, 1S6S. 19. iii. Mabel A. Girandot', b. Oct. 26, 1872. 20. iv. Frederick R. Girandot', b. Dec. 6, 1874. v 18. Mattie A. Girandot', (Ellen M. Miner*, Esther M. Cooley 5 , Mercy Kellogg*, Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph', Dea Joseph 1 ), b. July 27, 1868; m. Clifford; lives at Weldon Col. Child 21. i. Frank Clifford^, b. 1899. v 19. Mabel A. Girandot', (Ellen M. Miner*, Esther M. Cooley 5 , Mercy Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman 3 , Joseph -\ Dea. Joseph'), b. Oct. 26, 1872; m. Oct. 26, 1892, M. H. Brink, of Orchard, Colo. 234 ADDENDA Child 22. i. Ellen Marion Brink*, b. Oct. 26, 1893. v 20. Frederick R. Girandot', (Ellen M. Miner*, Esther M. Cooley 5 , Mercy Kellogg 4 , Mercy Eastman*, Joseph*, Dea. Joseph 1 ), b. Dec. 6, 1874; m. and lives at Salt Lake City, Utah. Child 23. i. Frederick C. Girandot*, b. 1900. Dear Cousins: The following errors having been noted and correction given, I gladly call attention to the correct record. All corrections are in boldface. And I have also added a few extra records that were received since the book was published. Errors noted in printing: Page 103. (Eastman), No. 877. Should be Oman. See index page 239. Page 189. (Kellogg), No. 951. Her grandfather's name should be Charles. See pages 112 and 113. Page 244. (Clary), No. 579. Henriette should be Henrietta. See page 74. Page 24S. (Feary), No. 902. Should be Fearey. See page 106. Verified records in error. Page 52. (Hawkes), No. 127. This record was not verified. John Hawkes, the husband, was b. Mar. 21, 1783, and d. Oct. 24, 1866. His wife, Emelia, d. in Rockville, Ind., Jan. 2, 1870. Page 103. No. 868. Grandson to the above m. Belle Sherwood. He is a missionary in Persia not Indiana. Pages 80 and 144. (Fowler), No. 640. He was b. August 23, 1840 m. 2d Mary Moore; they have two sons, Harry King and Her- bert Atherton. Page 145. No. 1237. A daug. b. Oct. 18, 1S67. Page 146. No. 1241. A son, should be William Muzzy. Page 146. No. 1242. A son, should be Edward Eastman, b. Oct. 18, 1877. Page 144. (Randolph), No. 1222. They have had three children, Dorothy Barrett, age 10 yrs.; Virginia Anna, age 1 yr., 6 mo., and a son, Percy Walker, who d. 3 years ago. Page 144. (Wight), No. 1227. They have only one child, the adopted child, Clyde Fulmer. Page 180. (Drew), No. 884. Her husband was Daniel Judson Drew, b. in Schodack, Rens. Co., N. Y. No. 1480. A daughter was b. Sept. 9, 1877: m. Nov. 15, 1900, George Howard Kennedy. Her children are: Anna Elizabeth, b. Sept. 30, 1901. Kath- erine Alberta, b. Nov. 7, 1904. Page 181. No. 1481. A son should be, Albert Judson Drew, b. May 26, 1884. Unverified records that have been corrected : Page 28. (Billings), No. 96. Was b. Feb. 9, 1783. Page 45. (Eastman), No. 279. Was b. abt. 1820. His wife d. soon after the birth of his child, and the child d. at the age of 2 years. Page 46. (Breck), No. 287. She d. in 1S85. Page 87. (Breck), No. 283. He lived in Northampton till 1880. Page 91. (Eastman), No. 313. He was not in the war; he died before the war. Pages 53 and 105. (Whittemore), No. 369. He was b. March 18, 1834. Pages 105 and 184. His son Alfred L., No. 897, was b. in 1859: the son's wife in 1S60. Page 189. (Kellogg and Roberts), No. 951. She d. Sept. 14, 1906. Mr. Roberts d. Nov. 12, 1904. Page 190. (Deming), No. 1557. Her name should be Nina; her hus- band is Rev. V. H. Deming, now of North Wilbraham, Mass. They have two children, Charles Henry and Dwight Roberts. Additional records: Page 26. (Eastman), No. 82. Born 1783; unm.; d. April 29, 1865. Page 23. (Eastman), No. 46. He had a twin sister, Anna; she d. Aug. 29, 1769, age 15 mo. Page 26. (Eastman), No. 11. He d. Aug. 19, 1816; his wife, Ruth d. Feb., 1830. Page 27. (Billings), No. 94. Born June 4, 1786. Page 28. (Billings), No. 18. Married 2d, Oct. 28, 1805. Page 42. (Eastman), No. 242. He has d. recently. Page 44. (Cook), No. 268. Her name was Jane Ann: she m. James Temple and had 2 sons. A full record has been received. Page 45. (Breck), No. 86. She d. Aug. 26, 1878. Page 46. No. 286 and 289. Were last known of at Los Angeles, Cal. Page 57. (Godfrey), No. 394. They had one son, William. Page 58. (Cooley), No. 401. They had one son, Frank. Page 58. (Ober), No. 403. They had no children. Page 73. (Arms), No. 575. She d. in 1871; has one son now living a full record has been received. No. 576. Died unm. No. 577. Married a half brother of E. N. Sylvester; they were missionaries to the Indians. Page 79. (Fowler), No. 237. She d. Sept. 29, 1880; he d. Sept. 24 1872. Page 80. No. 637 and 639. Left no children. Page 92. (Eastman), No. 773. Is m. and has children and grand- children. Page 99. (Spear), No. 345. She d. Oct., 1908. Page 104. (Whittemore), No. 367. He d. Feb. 14, 1908. Page 105. (Whittemore), No. 896. She was b. April 6, 1857. Page 108. (Willard), No, 925. She d. abt. 1908. Her son is at Brattleboro, Vt. Page 112. (Willard), No. 947. He is m. and lives at Walpole, N. H.; they have a little daug., Sarah Kellogg Willard. Page 107. (Wiley)., No. 906 He is m. and has 2 children. No. 907. He has d. No. 908. Was m. and had two children; she has since d.; records have been received. Page 130. (Kellogg), No. 1105. He has 2 sons. No. 1106. Has m. and has a daug. No. 1107. m. to H. Rice of Elyria, Ohio. Page 201. (Eastman), No. 1111. They have a daug., Winifred, b. 1908. Page 213. (Robinson), No. 1270. She has 2 children, one a son; they live at Octander, Ohio. Page 212. (Latham). Was in 1908 sent to Washington, D. C, as clerk in the U. S. Pension Office. Page 164. (Ferris), No. 774. Had one other daug., Margaret Maria; she m. Walter E. Collins. No. 1358. Married George G. Palten; she has two daug. No. 1359. Married Thomas Byron Story; she has 4 children now. Records have been given of families since August, 1908, of which the following is a partial list: Page 34, No. 174. Page 92, No. 773. Page 38. No. 207. Page 147, No. 654. Page 39, No. 224. Page 164, No. 774. Page 46, No. 284. Page 189, No. 951. Page 57, No. 396 and 399. And yet there are many families not heard from. If you can help me find them, please write. Yours sincerely, M. EMILY EASTMAN. . , Please keep these records in your genealogy. Index for Introduction Giving the Number of the Perso N EASTMAN Benjamin, 35. John, 29. Joseph, 34, 39. Mary, 40. Nathaniel, 30. Peter, 41. Philip, 31. Ruth, 38. Roger, 28. Sarah, 36. Samuel, 37. Timothy, 33. Thomas, 32. Daniel Webster, 29. Guy S. Rix, 32. George W. Eastman, 41, Harvey G. Eastman, 41. Samuel, 26. William, 25. SMITH Abigail, 19. Benjamin, 15. Chileab, 10. Elizabeth, 7. Hezekiah, 23. John, 11, 12, 21. Joseph, 14. Mary, 8, 18. Marah, 16. Mercy, 20. Noah, 24. Philip, 9. Rachel, 22. Samuel, 5, 6, 13. PARTRIDGE Mary, 25, 27. TILTON Elizabeth, 2. Mary, 3. Peter, 1, 4. Index to Descendants Giving Their Number with Name EASTMAN Abbie P., 1321. Abbie Pomeroy, 688. Abigail, 8, 41, 42. Achsah, 123. Albert, 1859. Alexander Crane, 1490. Alice Alvera, 1112. Alice Scranton, 1878. Allie Twitchell, 1378. Aloney Cheney, 884. Alonzo, 1304. Alvin Day, 1310. Ann Alida, 1051. Ann Elizabeth, 535. Anna, 45, 79, 81, 136, 1473. Anna Ferry, 384. Anna Louise, 1081. Arthur Belden, 1488. Arthur Raselle, 1462. Augusta, 506. Augustus, 173. Austin, 334, 601. Baxter, 336. Bessie, 1472. Beulah, 129. Benjamin, 7, 62, 252, 602. Benjamin Blair, 228. Benjamin N., 494. Benjamin Nevius, 496. Benjamin Tyler, 370. Caroline, 331. Caroline Covert, 1052. Catherine Lillis, 1054. Catherine Lucinda, 878. Catherine Mann, 776. Charles, 187, 1593. Charles Austin, 781. Charles Baxter, 272, 789. Charles B., 1320. Charles Benjamin, 690. Charles E., 485. Charles Lyman, 1365. Charles Payson, 1055. Charles Willis, 1053. Chester, 172. Clara Belle, 1361. Clara Romaine, 1094. Clarissa, 122, 489, 504. Clarissa Romaine, 505. Clinton, 499. Cornelia Estella, 1086. David, 48, 140, 882. David B., 385. Donald Vail, 1647. Dorothy, 1880. Ebenezer, 24, 125. Edgar Elisha, 783. Edice Mabel, 1812. Edward, 314. Edward Baxter, 793, 1380. Edward Hooker, 633. Edward Tilton, 768. Edwin, 188, 1598. Edwin Blair, 600. Edwin Irving, 1184. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 237 Effie, 1594. Eleanor Hudson, 779. Elias, 636. Elias Hooker, 235. Eliza Ann, 23 7. Eliza Jane, 486. Elijah, 118. Elijah Lyman, 330. Elizabeth, 37. Elizabeth Jane, 879. Elizabeth Reed, 373, 905. Elizabeth Thomas, 778. Ellen, 1062. Ellen Sophia, 540. Elmer, 1863. Elmer Marias, 1073. Elsie, 1312. Emelia, 127. Emeline, 13, 17. Emily Jennie, 1461. Emma, 536. Emma Josephine, 388. Emma L., 1050. Estella Adeline, 1369. Esther Maria, 1087a. Ethel Haskins, 1370. Eunice, 64. Eunice Amanda, 261. Eunice Smith, 315. Fannie May, 1619. Fanny Mears, 1377. Fannie P., 1318. Fannie Vinton, 1097. Finley Eugene, 1634. Frances, 529. Francis, 771. Fr ancis Sm ith, 313. Frank, 1185a. Frank Daggart, 1076. Frank H., 1049. Frederick, 1064, 1601. Fred, 1612. Fred Austin, 1363.1 Fred Rilus, 1464. Forrest Porter, 1879. Gardner Pettee, IS 70. George, 185, 1355. George Augustus, 508. George Austin, 792. George Burder, 316. George Edward, 775. George Francis, 541, 766. George Henry, 782. George Pomeroy, 1484. George Washington, 694. Gertrude Virginia, 1179. Grace, 86, 900. Grace Beatrice, 1857. Gwendolena Caroline, 1371. Hal Reed, 1610. Hannah, 29, 130, 362, 493. Hannah Maria, 534. Harold, 1474. Harriet, 241. Harriet Drake, 1873. Harriet Louisa, 692. Harriet Maria, 374. Harriet Newal, 1057. Harriet Sophia, 275. Hattie L., 1319. Harry Campbell, 1322. Helen, 1356. Helen Dickinson, 1096. Helen Louise, 1487, 1874. Henry, 542. Henry Brother, 772. Henry Clay, 695. Henry Hooker, 904. Henry Keyes, 363, 1492. Herbert Austin, 1185. Herman D., 491. Herman L., 1080. Hibbert Smith, 1486. Hepzibah, 138. Hezekiah, 38. Ida May, 1861. 238 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS Isabel Mansfield, 635. Irene, 1654. James, Capt., 543. Jane Adelia, 631. Jane Catherine, 770. Jane Cornelia, 1072. Jane Hastings, 531. Jennie, 1061. Jerusha, 166. Joel, 66, 240. Joel Lyman, 170. Jonathan, 132. Jonathan Edwards, 387. John, 4, 25, 46, 63, 65, 137, 169, 1493. John Cotton, 375. John Frederick, 632. John Hunt, 687. John Lyman, 171, 1075, 1077. John Nevius, 1087. John Wesley, 1181. John Porter, 603. Joseph, 2, 23, 35, 36, 47, 84, 128, 167, 169, 484, 881. Joseph Addison, 236. Joseph Reed, 1070. Joseph Rilus, 1468. Julia, 539. "" Julia Arabella, 382. Julia Roxana, 1366. June, 1599. Kezia, 69. Keziah, 10. Lena Adelia, 1858. Lena Hattie, 886. Leonard, 1860. Lois, 39, 44, 134. Lois Amanda, 1470. Lois Root, 876. Louise Hinds, 1114. Lucas Miller, 769. Lucellah, 1044. Lucinda, 82. Lucius Root, 360, 885, 887, 1489. Lucretia Maria, 1071. Lucy Ann Smith, 277. Lucy Eliza, 1046. Lucy Kellogg, 1379. Lucy Rebecca, 794. Luke Edward, 1347. Lysander W., 1079. Lydia, 27. Lyman, 242. Lyman Andrews, 784. Lyman Foster, 483. Margaret, 902, 1354. Margaret Burns, 1876. Margaret Hills, 1877. Margaret Schell, 774. Margaret Smith, 1494. Mary, 1, 28, 31, 234, 317, 492 773, 1469. Mary Bently, 1376. Mary Caroline, 785. Mary Dunton, 498. Mary Dwight, 372. Mary Emily, 604. Mary Harriet, 1364. Mary Jane, 790. Mary Kezia, 507. Mary Louise, 888, 1095. Mary Minerva, 1074. Mary Persis, 389. Mary Reed, 901. Mary Sophia, 634. Mary White, 52S. May, 1311. May Ella, 1316. Martha, 365, 599. Martha Ellen, 786. Martin, 361. Maria Clarissa, 533. Matilda, 364. Medad, Vinton, 501. Mercy, 5, 26, 32, 33, 67. Minnie Josephine, 1466. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 239 Murray, 1471. Nellie, 1360. Nellie Corinne, 1465. Newton Lyman, 1056. Nicholson Joseph, 1867. Norace, 1045. Oct a via Yale, 1875. Ogden Moseley, 482. Oliver Addison, 59S. Oman, 133, 135, 877, 1463, 1862. Osgood Tilton, 1485. Otis, 1059. Pamelie Clarissa, 537. Paul, 903. Paul Lewis, 1611. Pearl Alice Louise, 1183. Persis A., 1047. Persis Elizabeth, 1069. Persis Viann, 487. Peter Henry, 1182. Phebe Mae, 1609. Philip Yale, 1S72. Polly, 117, 168, 174. Polly Robbins, 765. Rachel, 6, 38, 229. Rachel A., 104S. Raymond Philip, 1180. Reubin, 184. Reubin Reed, 488. Rilus, 359, 880. Robert, 1S65. Roger, 1600, 1871. Roger Austin, 1813. Rosa, 1178. Roscoe, 1482. Ruth, 9, 22, 43, 85. Rufus Porter, 1491. Sanford, 490. Sallie, 1309, 1315. Salome, 120. Samantha White, 530. Samuel, S3, 121, 253, 333. Samuel Finley, 500, 1093. Samuel Sheldon, 271. Sarah, 21, 689. Sarah Ann, 883. Sarah Eliza, 630. Sarah Elizabeth, 386. Sarah Frances, 693. Sarah Halsey, 1078. Sarah Hibbard, 889. Sarah Maria, 278. Sarah Olive, 597. Sarah Porter, 383. Sarah Shepherd, 527. Sarah Tracy, 767. Sidney Baxter, 1362. Sidney Corning, 791. Solomon Keyes, 131. Sophia, 538. Submit, 49, 126. Susan, 1063. Sybella W., 271a. Tammy, 186. Teddy, 1864. Theodore, 124. Tilton, 30, 116. Timothy, 11, 70, 80, 87, 239. Timothy Phelps, 279. Thomas Barker, 1467. Vashta, 238. Vinton Powers, 1635. Waldo Reed, 48 1 . Walter Merrill, 1113. Willie, 1308. Willie Harold, 1058. William, 3, 34, 40, 183, 332, 495, 526, 532, 1060, 1111, 1646. William Augustus, 503, 1091. William Elijah, 780. William Lyman, 497. William Medad, 502. William Merrick, 276. William Nelson, 787. WiHiam Purcell, 10876. William Raymond, 1636. '■'■ 240 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS William Reed, 371. William Richards, 691. William Sidney, 788. William Smith, 273. William Tilton, 777. Zebina, 119, 335. ADAMS Achsah, 340. Allen Baxter, 1432. Anna Belle, 1430. Asa (Dea.), 34S. Bessie Juliaetta, 1437. Clarissa, 339. Clara Emily, 850. Caroline, 345. Carrie Belle, 851. Carrie, F. 828. Corilla Sophia, S44. Charles Bingham, S4 ; >. Charles Dickinson, 83 1 . Dorothy, 1391a. D wight Ward (Rev.), 826. Edward Maguire, 1424. Ella, 825. Elizabeth, 836, 1391c. Emma, 829. Emma Converse, 1438. Esther Louisa, 1433. George Herbert, 845. Georgianna Wood, 1421. Grace Maria, 1434. Harriet, 834. Harriet A. Newell, 347. Henry Martin, (Maj.), 832. Henry Herbert, 1423. Herbert Baxter, S3 3. Isaac, 349. Jane, 823. Joannah, 338. John C, 13916. John D., 1391. John M., 830. Joseph Baxter, 343. Laura M., 827. Leslie Joseph Baxter, 1435. Lucena, 344. Maria, 837. Mason Tyler, 1422. Mary, 337. Mary Ann, S24. Margaret Gertrude, 1440. Millie Ethel, 1429. Myron N., 835. Nathaniel Dickinson, 342. Ruth Frances, 1439. Silas Ward, 341. Theodore Bell, 1436. Thomas Dickinson, 1425. Willard S., 822. William, 346. William Herbert, 846. ATWOOD Clarence, Goodrich 1602. Mary Emily, 1603. ARMS Fanny, 5 75. Frederick Clary, 574. Harriet, 577. Paulina, 576. ANGEAR Benjamin, 1278. ANGIER Irena C, 853. Mary E., 852. AVERILL Addison Coit, 555. Anna Byrd Avery, 1670. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 241 Carrie Bell, 1139. Daniel Coit, 556. Emily Caroline, 561. Emily Eliza, 557. Emily Frances, 1137. George Pierce, 558. Henrietta, 559. Henrietta Amelia, 1138. James Towner, 562. Minnie Manchester, 1141. William Coit, 560. William Coltrin, 1140. AYRES Elizabeth Nash, 700. Henry, 698. Lois, 697. Spiddy Augusta, 696. Susan Roxana, 701. William, 699. BAILEY Edward Eastman, 1345. Jane Mary, 1346. BANGS Azubah Dickinson, 351. Danforth Keyes, 352. Emily, 856. John, 855. Louise Submit, 814. Lucy, 854. William Freeman, 353. BARBOUR Charles Douglas, 1777. BARD WELL James, 707. Sarah, 708. BARKER Clara Lucinda, 1258. Charles Russell, 1260a. Effie, 1259. Eunice Elizabeth, 1478. Hattie Eastman, 1479. Oman Eastman, 1477. Sarah Catherine, 1475. Thomas Rilus, 1476. Walter Cushing, 1261. William Buckingham, 1260. BARTLETT Albert Babbitt, 1375. Edna Sargent, 1372. Sidney Eastman, 1373. William Austin, 1374. BARRETT Clyde Eastman, 1220. Lelia Belle, 1219. Sarah Jane, 1222. William S., 1221. BASSETT Elizabeth, 478. Hannah, 479. Joel, 477. Joel Lyman, 480. Justin, 476. BEARDSLEY Alice Taylor, 1686. Alonzo Glover, 1157. Caroline Porter, 1155. Chedell, 1691. Douglas, 1159. Ethel, 1689. George T., 1158. 242 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS Henry Sartwell, 1690. Porter, 1160. William Porter, 1156. Glover, 1687. Winthrop, 1692. BELDING Anna S., 718. Asa, 71. Augustine S., 717. Edgar E., 722. Edward, E. 719. Elijah, 77, 721. Elijah Eastman, 263. Emma E., 720. Everett E., 723, 1333. Hepzibah, 75. John Eastman, 1332. Jonathan, 262. Joseph, 74. Keziah, 76. Lois Stevens, 264. Maria, 265. Mary, 78. Sarah, 72. Samuel, 73. BENEDICT Albert, 644. Byron, 644. Ellen, 647. George, 646. Inez, 644. Lois, 643. Martha, 645. Mary, 642. BENNERT Kilburn Mills, 1866. BILLINGS Aaron, 12. Caroline, 89. Charles Eugene, 92. Elisha, 18, 97. Hannah, 20. Henry Percy, 95. Israel Williams, 93. Jerusha, 94. Jonathan, 17, 19. Louisa, 96. Louisa Storrs, 98. Mary, 88, 13. Mary Williams, 99. Molly Williams, 91. Ruth, 15. William, 14, 16, 90. BIRGE Julia, 1083. Helen, 1084. Hannah Grace, 1085. Mary Eastman, 1082. BLAZIER Ida, 1204. BODURTHA Dorothy Eastman, 1814. BOND Clifford, Avery, 1585. Edith Reynolds, 1586. Helen Bush, 1583. William Dickinson, 1584. BOWERS Cornelia, 912. Emily, 913. George, 915. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 243 Laura Halsted, 914. Mabel Eastman, 916. Mary Stockbridge, 910. Ogden Halsted, 911. BROCKWAY Alexander Crosby, 1840. Charles David, 1458. Daniel Philip, 1841. Elizabeth, 1843. Guy Howard, 1460. Helen Maria, 1457. Kate Eastman, 1459. Philip Eastman, 1456. Phylis Elizabeth, 1839. BRECK Aaron, 283, 727. Alfred Starkweather, 726. Elizabeth, 286. Eunice, A. 282. Grace Almira, 724. Julia A., 281. Louis Merrick, 728. Lucinda, 284. Ruth C, 289. Samuel, 285. Susan C, 287. Susan Hubbard, 725. BRIDGMAN George W., 750. Sarah F., 751. BURGESS Elisha Payne Jewett, 1520a. BUXTON Arthur H., 1747a. Erville L., 17476. CALKINS Ansel, 1617. Hazel, 1618. Lee, 1616. Ollie Mary, 1614. Oral Lyman, 1613. Ray, 1615. CAMPBELL Charles Kellogg, 953. Frances Jane, 954. George Hubbard, 955. CARSON Caroll, 932-4a. CARTER Robert Day, 1514. Ogden Bowers, 1518. CHASE Carrie Louisa, 1783. Lydia May, 1781. Minnie Hazel, 1782. CHENEY Elizabeth Webb, 588. Henry, 585. Isaac, 589. Sarah Ann, 587. Martin Clary, 586 CHURCH Herman Howes, 1441. Walter Herman, 1442. 244 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS CLARK Birge Malcome, 1626. David Bridgman, 1629. Donald Eastman, 1628. Esther, 1627. CLARY Elijah, 58. Fannie Maria, 1169. Francis Adams, 580. Hattie May, 1168. Harriet Arms, 583. Henrietta 5 79. Henry, 206, 208. John, 209. John Albert, 1170. Joseph, 59. Martha Hale, 581. Mary, 57. Polina, 205. Samuel Harris, 584. Susan Miller, 582. Sylvia, 207. Lucinda, 60. Lucy, 61. CLIFFORD Bessie J., 1715. Carl W., 1712a. Francis Willard, 1718. Glendora, 1716. Lovena, 1717. Parley B., 1712. Roy White, 1714 Susie E., 1713. CLOTHIER Chauncy Buckingham, 1775. Chauncy Norman, 1287. Harry Smith, 1284. Helen Dewey, 1774. Katherine Evelyn, 1286. Maria Louisa, 1285. COIT Abigail, 197. Daniel Pierce, 200. Elizabeth, 196. Emily Amelia, 199. Emily Averill, 565. Harriet, 198. Harriet Towner, 564. Isaac, 195. Mary, 563. William Homer, 194, 201. CONE Lyle Louis, 1178a. CONVERSE Esther Emmazetta, l 4 605. COOLEY Alice, 1883. Ann Mercy, 403. Anna E., 1536. Catherine V., 398. Charles, 402. Clara, 932-4. Clark, 1882. Clark Alden, 932-1. David G., 401. Dorothy, 1881. Esther Maria, 404. Frank A., 1535. George S., 397. Katherine, 932-2. Margaret Cobb, 399. Mary, 932-5. Mary Boltwood, 394. Sarah, 932-3. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 245 Sarah Parsons, 400. Sophia Sheldon, 396. William H. K., 395. COOK Abigail, 266. Clarence Herbert, 1736. Cora Belle, 1735. Emily Melissa, 919. Frances Adelia, 1740. Fred Harmon, 1738. Henry Martin, 270. James Arthur, 1737. Jane, 268. John Raymond, 1739. John Putnam, 921. Mary, 267. Robert Henry, 920. Roswell Dickinson, 269. COWLES Abbie Grace, 763. Albert Ransom, 756. Almon, 749. Clinton, 299. Charles S., 758. Daniel, 302. David, 105, 301. Edson, 748. Edward Jonathan, 757. Elijah, 304. Emerson R., 759a. Enoch, 298, 745. Erastus, 306. Esther, 309, 1334. Esther Tryphosa, 755. Francis Ira, 753. George Cook, 754. Ira, 308. Jonathan, 109, 312. Joseph, 107. Justin, 305. Lewis, 303. Lois, 307. Melville Austin, 759. Nellie Graves, 764. Newton Erastus, 761. Ransom, 311. Russell A., 7596. Sally, 106. Sarah, 310, 1335. Sarah Etta, 1336. Sarah Jeanetta, 762. Silas, 108. Stephen, Gunn 752. Walter Dickinson, 760. Watson, 746. William, 747. COUDEN Fayette Dickinson, 1563. Jennie Dickinson, 1564. CUSHMAN Esther, 755a. Clara, 7556. DAMON Elizabeth Nash, 1778. Frank Nash, 1779. Mary Perry, 1770. DANKS Mary Burton, 1134. Mary Jane, 550. William Newton, 551. DAVIS Affa Northcote, 1724. Bertha E., 1381a. Charles F., 795, 1399. 246 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS Charles S., 1384. Clara E., 797, 1388, 1400. Cora A., 1383. D wight H., 801. Edward W., 1386. Ella Lee, 1725. Eugene C, 1387. Flora Spencer, 1396. Francis W., 796. Frank J., 1390. George H., 8056. George W., 802a. Gordon Stephan, 1726. Harriet Ingersol, 1393. Harold, 1390a. Herbert E., 1381. Henry Ward, 1392. Homer W., 805a. J. Harlan, 804. J. Elwyn, 1382. John Edward, 805. Leon Alger, 1727. Lucia S., 1398. Lucia M., 798. Mary E., 1389, 1397. Russell H., 1401. Seymour Harlan, 1395. Seymour W., 803. Ward Adams, 800. William Adams, 1394. William H., 802. William S., 1385. DAY Eastman Truman, 1869. Josephine Eastman, 1868. DE LAND Dorothy Eastman, 1621. Harlan Page, 1622. Helen Margurite, 1620. DICKINSON Abijah, 115. Abby, 474. Adolphus, 318. Amy Stoughton, 155, 447. Asa, 320. Asa Williams, 981. Austin, 158. Avandor Valet, 970. Avalmy Lavendar, 971. Baxter, 160. Bissell, 153. Chester, 150. Clarence, 1020. Charles, 104, 1562. Charles Augustus, 1581. Charles Reed, 459. Cordelia, 452. Constance, 158a. Daniel, 159. Daniel Austin, 454. Ebenezer, 114. Edith A., 1573. Editha, 112. Edward Baxter, 460, 465, 1004. Edward Leander, 988. Edwin Harris, 1012, 1342. Eleanor Morton, 451. EHhu E., 326. Elisha, 102. Ely Othman, 973. Elizabeth Tichenor, 468. Frances, 1582. Frank Nims, 990. Frederick Ely, 441. Freeman N., 1575. George, 327, 458. Hannah, 101, 161. Hannah Frances, 984. Harriet Austin, 467. Henry, 974. Hosmer, 329. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 247 Isabella Halstead, 469. John, 151. John H., 473. Joseph E., 321. Judith, 319. Julia, 975, 987. Julia Cowles, 983. Laura, Austin 1014. Leander Melancton, 446. Louisa, 455, 1013. Lucinda, 111, 450. Lydia, 154. Lydia Eastman, 444. Lydia Jane, 978. Lydia Thankful, 986. Maria, 328. Margaret, 475. Martha Bush, 462, 1016. Martha Maria, 464. Mary Taylor, 466. Mary Adams, 453. Mary Underhill, 985. Mason Adams, 989. Marquis Fayette, 442, 976. Nathaniel Albert, 443. Nehemiah, 152. Nehemiah Othman, 445. Ophelia Mundane, 972. Orin, R. 324. Osman, 323 Pamela, 438. Polly, 100, 322. Ransom, 157. Raymond D., 1015. Richard Baxter, 1019. Richard S. Storrs, 461. Roxy Elizabeth, 980. Ruth, 103. Salome, 325. Sally, 437. Sarah, 156. Sarah Amelia, 979. Sarah Marsh, 449. Sarah Stevens, 1018. Sarah Tamison, 457. Stanley, 1021. Sylvanus, 113. Sylvester, 440. Thankful, 439. Walter Mason, 448, 982. Walter Nehemiah, 977. William, 110. William Cowles, 1341. William Cowper, 463. William Eastman, 456. William Henry, 1017. Zebina, 149. DRAKE Eleanor, 1742. Fred Elbert, 1224. Fred Miller, 1744. John Eastman, 1741. John Stanley, 1743. Sarah Ella, 1223. Wells Eastman, 1225. DREW Albert, 1481. Hattie E., 1480. DOWD Frank Oren, 605a. Helen Irene, 605o. DUCKWORTH Alline, 1706. Elihu Henry, 1711. Hazel Maria, 1707. Robert, 1710. Ruth, 1709. Warren Hiram, 1705. Willis, 170S. 248 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS D WIGHT Abigail, 189. Albert, 546. Anna Jeannette, 549. Anna Maria, 1126. Caroline, Francis, 1130. Clarissa, 193. Frances Helen, 1129. Francis George, 544. George, 191. Helen, 1125. Helen Abigail, 545. Ida Elizabeth, 1127. Irwin, 547. Jonathan, 190. Mary Cecillia, 1128. Moseley, 192. William Eastman, 548. FAY Alice Prescott, 1117. Flora Maria, 1115. William Eastman, 1116. FEARY ^ Grace, 902a. FERRIS Eleanor, 1358. Katherine Chilton, 1359. FERRY Sarah Porter, 376. FERGUSON George Francis, 1353. Henry Clifton, 1349. Katherine Eastman, 1350. Lucian Eastman, 1351. Samuel But man, 1352. FELT George Kellogg, 956. Ivah Elizabeth, 957. FISHER Guy Kellogg, 1549. James Edward, 1548. Rose McAffee, 1550. Mary Lee, 1547. FIELD Alan Daniels, 1525. Bradley, 930. Charles Kellogg, 390, 931, 1521. Esther Sophia, 924. Eugene, 928, 1530. Frances Victoria, 932. Frederick Comstock, 1531. Henry Kellogg, 926. Henry Willard, 1523. John Fisher, 393. Julia, 1532. Julia Kellogg, 922. Kate Daniels, 1526. Martin, 923, 1522. Mary French, 1528. Mary Hubbard, 391, 925. Melvin Gray, 1529. Ralph Adams Spear, 838. Roswell Francis, 1533. Roswell Martin, 392, 929, 1527 Ruth Gray, 1534. Russell B., 1524. Theodore French, 927. FRANCIS Margaret, 776a. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 249 FRARY Francis Cowles, 1337. Hobart Dickinson, 1338. Louisa Grace, 1340. Ralph Thomas, 1339. FRENCH Emily Palmer, 1176. Marguerite Mary, 1175. Mary Field, 391a. FORD Clara D wight, 1133. Chester Larimore, 1661. Henry Burton, 1131. Jenny Althea, 1132. Roy Francis, 1660. FOWLER Edward, 1242. Emma Sophia, 1238. Emily Josephine, 639. Frances C, 1235. Frances Cornelia, 638. Florence Eliza, 1239. Grace Churchill, 641. Helen Ada, 1240. Mary Eliza, 637. Mary Maude, 1237. Susan, 1236. William Eastman, 1241. William Henry, 640. GAY Donald W., 1833. Gladys A., 1834. Gordon L., 1835. GAYLORD Eber William, 996, 1574-5. Edward Dickinson, 995, 1574-3. George Edward, 1098. Lucinda Lucretia, 997. Mary Ellinor, 1574-1. Cordelia Dickinson, 1574-2. Ella Cropper, 1574-4. GRAHAM Catherine Eastman, 1350a. Thomas, 13506. GRANT Mary Eastman, 1214. GREENE Charlotte, 1577. Harvey Bartlett, 1001. Helen French, 1003. John Morton, 998, 1576. Joseph Lyman, 1002. Louisa Dickinson, 1000. Ruth Newcomb, 1575. William Storrs, 999. GREGORY Charles Sherman, 1677. Ruth, 1676. GOODRICH Alice E., 1604. Betsey Hart., 1327a Charles E., 1067. Charles J., 716. Clara, 1065. Edith F., 1605. Eliza, 713. Evelyn, 712. Fanny G., 715. 250 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS Frank P., 714. Frank Reubin, 1068. Florence Louise, 1331. George Eastman, 710. Georgiana, 1330. Grace Evelyn, 1329. Jennie, 711. Lucy, 709. Luther Griswold, 1327. Mary Eastman, 1066. Milo, 1328. HALSTED Cornelia Wade, 378. Emily Goldsmith, 379. Henry, 381. Julia, 377. William, 380. HARRIS Belle, 1149. Carle Coville, 1630. Charles Eastman, 1088. Chester Morgan, 1089. Fred Page, 1090. Gertrude Louise, 1631. James, 1697. James Denton, 1632. John R., 1150. Leon, 1696. Margaret Maria, 1633. Mary, 565aa. Merton, 1695. Parker Eastman, 1817. William, 56566. HAWKES Charles, 354. Charles L., 875. Edward Gould, 860. Elizabeth Mary, 1452. Elizabeth Nims, 858. Emily, 357. Francis E., 870. Frederick, 356. Frederick Elliot, 863. Harriet, 355. Harriet Sylvia, 1453. Helen Almira, 865. George F., 871. James W., 868. John, 358. John Thurlow, 874. Kate Wells, 857. Martha, 861. Mary E., 872. Mary Elmina, 859. Mary Ellen, 866. Ruth, 867. Stella Elizabeth, 873. William A., 869. William Halsted, 864. William Hyde, 1451. HAWKSWORTH Eleanor, 1517. Margaret, 1519. Robert, 1518. HENDERSON Dora, 1389o. Zaida, 13896. HANKS John Fletcher, 862. HICKOX Viola Elsie, 1177. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 251 HIGGINS Alice, 1540. Burton, 1538. Edith, 1539. Florence, 1537. George, 1541. HILL Florence B., 1483. HOBART Frank Adams, 848. Henry Ward, 847. HOLLINGSWORTH May, 1344. Rose, 1343. HOWELL Bert, 1248. Carrie, 1244. Cora, 1250. Daisy, 1251. Darwin, 1243. Josephine, 1246. Mineroy, 1245. Myron, 1247. Nettie, 1249. JACOBS Roe, 1246a. HUBBARD Alice, 992. Charles, 994. Emma, 991. Frederick, 993. IRVINE Edward Eastman, 1728. George Guerney, 1729. . JARBOC Earle Averill, 1667. Ruth McClellan, 166S. JARDELLA May Bodine, 1797a. JENKINS Anne Randolph Page, 1671. Clarence Hyde, 1143. Edgar Averill, 1142. Edgar Coit, 1147. Evelyn Page, 1674. Fannie Benson, 1144. Franklin Walworth, 1145, 1675. George Robinson, 1672. Walworth, 1148. William Marshall, 1146, 1673. JEWETT Ruth Payne, 1522. JOHNSON Geneviere, 1608. Mabel Mary, 1606. Paul Eastman, 1607. JONES S. Minot, 3916. KING Carrie Isidore, 1419. 252 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS Clara Emma, 821. Clarissa Lucence, 816. Chloe Ella, 820. Ebenezer Atwood, 817. Edward Payson, 819. Edward Samuel, 1420. Flora, 1413. Frank Arthur, 1416. Hattie, 1415. Henry Woodbridge, 1412. Eomer Cyrus, 1417. Isaac S., 818. Mary Adella, 1418. Woodbridge Adams, 815. KINNE Birge, 1624. Katherine, 1623. Mary Lucretia, 1625. KIRTLAND Anna, 917. Kenneth, 918. KEELER Alice Hazel, 1648. Gordon Eastman, 1649. Louise Margaret, 1653. Paul Irving, 1651. Ruth Evelyn, 1652. Waldo Forrest, 1650. KEEP Alida Gertrude, 1589. Annie Bush, 1028. Arthur Dickinson, 1025. Austin Baxter, 1027. Clifford Holcombe, 1029. Donald Bruce, 1590. Dorris Rix, 1591. Evelyn Haskell, 1592. Isabella Dickinson, 1588. John Haskell, 1023. Richard Hamilton, 1022. Samuel Hollis, 1587. Wallace Huntington, 1024. William Dickinson, 1026. KELLOGG Abigail, 181. Abigail Chamberlin, 411. Anna Ruth, 1100. Anna Maria, 1637. Anne Hubbell, 43 3a. Andrew Wright, 520. Austin, 513. Bertha Mary, 1107. Catherine, 1558. Caroline, 510. Charles, 147, 519, 936. Charles Church, 1101. Charles Daniel, 941. Charles Field, 42 1 . Charles Leslie, 1640. Charles Peter, 952. Charles Stoughton, 1109. Chester, 419. Dana William, 1099. Daniel, 146, 408, 417, 418, 420. Daphne Eudella, 1644. Edward Arthur, 1544. Edward Henry, 423. Edward Hunt, 942. Elijah, 178. Elijah Norris, 516. Elizabeth Billings, 422. Elzadia Haskins, 1545. Esther, 182, 407. Esther Mayo, 939. Esther Smith, 142. Eunice, 515. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 253 Eva Minnetta, 958. Fannie Ruth, 1106. Fanny, 177. Frances Lucretia, 424. Francis Willard, 1542. Frederick Blackman, 1102. Florence Marion, 1645. Florence Ruth, 1638. Florence Wealthy, 1104. George Bradley, 415. George Edwin, 1561. George Hartwell, 512. George Hubbard, 425, 426. George Sumner, 433. George Otis, 1110. George Owen, 1105. Giles Melcher, 943. Harvey Stoughton, 511. Hawley, 180, 514. Henry, 148, 409, 413, 414. Henry Draper, 963. Henry Eastman, 432. Henry Martin, 940. Howard Fletcher, 1546. Jane McAfee, 427, 945. James, 406. James F., 967. James Hubbell, 431. James Henry, 1108. John Dickinson, 430. John V., 968. Joseph M., 938. Joseph Warren, 966. Leon Mayo, 1543. Maria Schenck, 429. Mary Dickinson, 410. Mary Eliza, 951. Mary Harriet, 937. Margaret A. V. D. S., 428. Merab Ann Bradley, 949. Mercy, 143. Olive Ardella, 1642. Otis, 518. Paul William, 969. Rufus, 145, 933, 935. Ruth Anna, 1643. Sabra, 509. Sarah, 141, 144. Sarah Bradley, 416, 946. Sarah Parsons, 435. Susan White, 950. Theodore Preston, 434, 1560. Timothy Hubbard, 964. Willard, 934. Willard Mayo, 405. William, 179, 517. William Amherst, 436. William Blackman, 1639. William Grant, 1103. William May, 948. William Otis, 1641. William Theodore, 965. KELSEY Alice Agnes, 1580. Dorothy Isabelle, 1579. Howard Phelps, 1578. KENEDY Annie Elizabeth, 1480a. Katherine Alberta, 14806. KNOWLTON Edna Eastman, 1810. Elsie May, 1809. Harold Ray, 1808. Horace Charles, 1811. Mabel Louise, 1806. Marion Frances, 1807. LADD Arthur Rasselle, 1849. Bessie Fidelia, 1847. 254 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS Clarence Royal, 1845. Eva Dorothy, 1856. Frank Fegby, 1853. Fred Robert, 1850. Harold Roy, 1854. Howard Fremont, 1846. Leslie Curtis, 1855. Mabel Corinne, 1852. Oman Frank, 1844. Rilus Eastman, 1848. Wallace Herbert, 1851. LATHAM Anabel, 1765. Carrie A., 1761. Chauncy Shepherd, 1269. Edgar Milton, 1268. Emma Jeannette, 1264. Franklin White, 1267. Gertrude E., 1270. Harry Smith, 1266, 1762. John Tunison, 1766. Leland Dana, 1764. Lillian L., 1763. Milton Rogers, 1760. William Kendrick, 1265. LARIMORE Charles Towner, 1135. Ida, 1136. Ralph Hoffman, 1659. LEE Bertha Ernestine, 1723. De Villo White, 1722. Fred, 1721. Howard, 1719. Myma, 1720. Rosa May, 1213. Stephen Eugene, 1212. William Milton, 1211. LINDSAY Amy Blaney, 1571. Joseph B., 1572. LOCY Annie Louise, 1596. Francis Eastman, 1597. John Lorenzo, 1595. LONGWELL Margaret J., 1805. LOOMIS Abbie, 1040. Austin Dickinson, 471. Alfred, 10436. Bertha Marion, 1427. Bessie, 1042, 1043. Charles Edwin, 103 Sd. Cora Mabel, 1426. Edmond, 1043a. Fanny May, 1428. Florence Louise, 1037b. Francis Eugene, 1033. Frederick Austin, 1038. George Milton, 1031. George Richard, 1043. Harriet Newell, 1036. Herbert Russell, 1037. Howard, 1038a. John Milton, 470. Marion, 1043c. Mary Frances, 1037a. Marietta, 1030. Nellie Florianna, 1034. Nettie, 1041. Osborne Milton, 1039. Ralph, 10386. Richard Baxter, 472. William Baxter, 1032. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 255 LYMAN Elizabeth, 165. Joel, 162. Mary, 163, 164. MARTI NE Kathleen, 1842. MASON Edward Jarvis, 1496. Fannie Eastman, 1497. John Leonard, 1498. Mary Belden, 1495. Stuart Eastman, 1500. MAWSON Charles, 1801. Elsie Josephine, 1802. MCADOO John Joseph, 1171. MCCAUSLAND Alice, 1797. Eugene, 1798. George, 1799. Paul, 1800. MEACHEN John G., 1262. MEISNER William Monroe, 1756a. MITCHELL Alice, 1193. Nellie, 1192. MOODY Ella, 6506. James, 650a. MOORE Lloyd Edwin, 1507. Lyle Eugene, 1509. Minette Lois, 1508. MOOREHEAD Helen, 1313. Stella, 1314. MORGAN Elizabeth, 175. Lucas, 176. NASH Asa, 256, 257, 1323. Asa Branch, 702. Augustus, 1293. Clara, 1324. Clara Luella, 1306. Cora Belle, 1305. David, 259. Elizabeth, 254, 671. Ernest, 1325. Eunice, 258. Eunice Electa, 704. Frank Augustus, 674. George Kilbon (Gov.), 705. James Henry, 672. Katherine, 1288. Kezia, 260. Lou, 1295. Marcus Irvine, 703. Mary, 1326. Mary B., 706. 256 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS Mary Gleason, 670. Ruth, 1294. Simeon, 673, 1296. Stella Louisa, 1307. Spiddy, 255. William Holt, 669. NEAL Nelly, 1289. NICKERSON Charlotte Williams, 1570. Frances Lindsay, 1569. George Payne, 1568. NOYES Albert L., 1822. Arthur V., 1823. Clarence S., 1824. Holly Frances. 1822a. NUTTING Bertha, 1447. Clara, 1448. Grace, 1449. Rena, 1446. ODEKIRK Carrie Marsh, 1555. OGDEN Arietta A., 1826. Warner, 1825. OLIVER Edward Goodrich, 1329a. PAGE Agnes Eastman, 1118. Alice Maria, 1120. Frank Winslow, 1119. PECK Addie Barnes, 1216. Charles B., 1217. Edward Barnes, 1215. Edward Eastman, 1731. Esther Louise, 628. John Eastman, 629. John Hooker, 1730. Lloyd, 1732. Louise M., 1218. PERRY Alice, 1292. Clara E., 1290. Mary A., 1291. PHELPS Charles Dickinson, 1006. Edith Sophia, 1007. Florence Dell, 1010. Frederick William, 1005. Julia Eastman, 1009. Isabel Maude, 1011. Myron Austin, 1008. PRIOR Cynthia Rebecca, 730. Enos Parsons, 729. Frederick Smith, 731. Helen Adelaide, 732. POPE Amy Margaretta, 1565. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 257 Franklin Leonard, 1566. Hannah Dickinson, 1564. Seth Willard, 1567. PORTER Annie M., 1151. Anna Phillips, 567. Caroline L., 569. Charles, 566. Charles T., 1153. Charlotte W., 572. Elizabeth Q., 1165. Eunice, 202. Henry Carleton, 1166. James Alward, 1693. John, 203, 1152. John J., 568. Kate H., 1164. Lewis M., 1154. Lucy G., 1167. Mary W., 573. Mary Wild, 1162. Quincy Evens, 1694. Samuel Quincy, 571, 1163. William, 204, 570. 1161. POTTER Abby Jane, 736. Ellen Augusta, 733. Ephriam Henry, 734. Eugene Emerson, 737. Martha Everlyn, 738. Mary Louise, 735. RENWICK Walter Norton, 1768. ROBERTS Charles Waldo, 1556. Mina Lawrence, 1557. ROBINSON Jeanette, 1767. RHODES Emery Winfield, 1790. Ruth Nash, 1791. ROE Amy Louisa, 1303. Carrie May, 1297. Charles Foster, 1300. Frederick Knox, 1302. Harold Leo, 1785. Herbert Edward, 1301. Mildred Enlow, 1787. Minnie, 1299. Opal, 1786. Sarah Ella, 1298. Winifred, 1788. ROOT Abigail, 213. Electa, 214. Joseph, 212. Lois, 210. Lucinda, 217. Lucius, 215. Martin, 216. Molly, 211. SCREEN Allen Wilbur, 1759. Charles Frederick, 1755. Effie Clara, 1757. Elizabeth Maria, 1756. Lulu Frances, 1758. SELOVER Arthur L., 1836. 258 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS Harvey W., 1837. Robert M., 1838. SEYMOUR Barbara White, 1194a. Carrie Edna, 1194. SMITH Abraham, 679. Abbie Eastman, 659. Allen Kellogg, 1188a. Alvah, 247. Amelia Jane, 1271. Alvah Ward, 1276. Arthur B., 643a. Arthur Parks, 1121. Asa, 52. Atta Clara, 1753. Benjamin Allen, 678. Benjamin Eastman, 248. Bodine, 1656. Caroline White, 661. Clara Adeline, 741. Clara Elizabeth, 1256. Clarence Devere, 1186. Charles Bruce, 677. Charles Louis, 1751. Charles Sage, 1254. Cynthia, 250. Cynthia Jane, 682. Delia, 293. Eastman, 1655. Edmund, 251. Edmund Filmore, 683. Edna Cordelia, 1752. Eldad, 246. Eleanor, 650. Eliza, 658. Elizabeth Chester, 1123. Emma Elizabeth, 739. Enos Dickinson, 295. Evelyn, 1658. Franklin White, 660. Frank Beaumont, 1188. Frank Nash, 1252. Frances L., 1450. Francis Raymond, 1187. Flora Catherine, 668. Florence Maria, 1747. Fred, 649. Fred Jennings, 1272. George Ely, 743. Grace Lavina, 1746. Hannah, 292. Harriet Ann, 657. Harry Eastman, 1124. Helen Edith, 1754. Helen Maria, 1255. Helen Sophia, 652. Herman Kellogg, 944. Herodotus, 249. Henry, 648. Henry Stowers, 676. Hinsdale, 1122, 1657. Horace White, 665. James, 243, 244. James Harvey, 1273. James Luther, 663. James Reubin, 686. Jane Elizabeth, 664. Jemima, 56. Jennie Estella, 1189. Josiah Dwight, 653, 655. Julia Elizabeth, 1745. Le Barron Hetherton, 1749. Louise, 1275. Louisa Malinda, 675. Louis Ward, 1257. Lucius, 296, 740. Lucy Jane, 744. Mabel Caroline, 1368. Martha, 55. Margaret Ellen, 685. Mary, 291. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 259 Mary Lucinda, 667. Mehitable Morgan, 297. Mercy, SO, 51. Orra Louise, 742. Orrin Stedworth, 1748. Rachel Ann, 681. Rebeckah, 53. Roswell, 290, 294. Ruth, 54. Sarah Rebecca, 684. Stirling Gill, 656. Sophia Dwight, 654. Sophia L., 666. Theodore Hubbell, 1516. William, 245, 680, 1274. William Alvah, 662. William Austin, 1367. William Barnes, 1253. William Fitzallen, 651. William Thomas, 1750. TARBOX Charles Harry, 1776. TOWNER Daniel Coit, 553. Mary Burnap, 552. William Adams, 554. WALL Edna Langdon, 1794. Harold Lyman, 1795. Sophia May, 1793. Ralph Eastman, 1796. Ray Nash, 1792. WARD Eva Eastman, 1818. SPEAR Asa Adams, 839. Clarence Adams, 1445. George Porter, 840. Harriet Amelia, 841. Leroy Alpheus, 1444. Lillian Caroline, 1443. Mary Joanna, 842. Sarah Louisa, 843. STEVENS Edith Dorothy, 1784. STORY Byron Ferris, 13596. Katherine, 1359a. SWEENEY John Lyman, 1815. WARNER Adelia R., 1827. Alice, 1830. Alice Ethelbert, 1821. Alice Kate, 1403. Arthur Churchill, 1407. Arthur L., 1829. Austin, 806. Bessie Silvey, 1410. Charles Adams, 808. Charles Nelson, 1820. Clinton James, 1404. Ella Maria Austin, 812. Emma Alice, 1406. George, 809. Jessie Grace, 1409. Lily Maria, 1405. Lucia Clayton, 1411. Lucian, 810. Mary Jane, 811, 1408. Milan Park, 813. 260 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS Ralph R., 1828. Ruth, 1831. Sarah, 807. William Austin, 1402. William R., 1832. WEED Edward B., 13356. Robert A., 1335a. WHITE Addie, 1703. Austin, 616. Benjamin Eastman, 231. Benjamin Franklin, 609. Bell Blossom, 1210. Byron Barnes, 1206. Charles, 1197. Cora May, 1203. Edith, 1200. Elihu, P. 620. Eliza, 625. Elmira Ellis, 613. Eunice, 618, 623. Gladys, 1702. Harriet E., 798a. Herbert, 1198. Henry Dexter, 627. Howard, 1698. James, 617, 1196. Joanna, 606. Josephine, 1700. John, 230. John Denison, 1190. John Henry, 610. Lucy, 1195. Lovinski, 619. Lena Addie, 1202. Martha Ann, 612. Mary Elizabeth, 611. Milton Gage, 1205. Minnie L., 1191. Montgomery, 232. Percy, 1199. Ralph, 1209. Ruth, 1208. Sadie, 1201. Sarah Porter, 608. Samuel, 233, 607, 615, 1699. Samuel Milton, 626. Stanly Denison, 1190a. Susan, 621. Tamerson, 614. Thomas, 1207. Thomas Lindsay, 622. Vernon, 1701. Victor, 1704. William Barnes, 624. WHITTEMORE Afton Freeman, 1511. Albert Oliver, 899. Alfred Lewis, 897. Cecil Silas, 1502. Cecil Starritt, 367. Celia Ann, 366. Cora Minerva, 896. David Eastman, 898. Edward Walter, 891. Elsie, 1503. Ella May, 1501. Eugene Clifford, 892. Gilbert Ernest, 1505. Hepzibah, 368. Julia M., 894. Lewis Burton, 1510. Lewis O., 890. Leonard Archie, 895. Lucy A., 893. Mabel, 1504. Oliver Cowles, 369. Rodney Eastman, 1819. INDEX TO DESCENDANTS 261 WIGHT Arthur Earle 1231. Catherine Elizabeth, 12306. Clarence E., 1232. Clyde Fulmer, 1227a. Donald Emerson, 12316. Doris, 1230c. Edna May, 1230a. Edward E., 1226. Florence Villa, 1228c Gaylord Clark, 1232a. Guy Vernon, 1230. Harry W., 12286. Lewis, 12276. Lewis Albert, 1227. Lucian Eastman, 1228. Marjorie, 12326. May Arabella, 1229. Myrtle, 1232c. Ruby May, 1228a. Sophia Lorena, 1231a. William Harold, 1233. WILEY Brewster, 907. Jack, 909. Helen, 908. William, 906. WILSON Clara A., 1803. May, 1S04. WILLARD David W. Field, 925a. Henry Kellogg, 947. WILLIAMS Alan Stockbridge, 1513. Alice Brooks, 1552. John Harris, 1554. Mary Kellogg, 1551. Merab Bradley, 1553. Ogden Halsted, 1512. WING Adolphus, 219. Annie M., 596. Charles, 222. Elizabeth Brown, 591. Francis Joseph, 594. George Clary, 593. Gulielmus, 224. Joseph, 221. Joseph Knowles, 227. Julia King, 595. Lucy, 225. Maria, 1173. Mary Huntington, 590. Rufus, 223. Stalham, 226. Stephanie, 1174. Virginia F., 592. Virginia Remington, 1172. Wealthy, 220. WITHERELL Catherine Knight, 1885. Julia Esther, 1886. WOODRUFF Anna B., 1678. Carlton Hurlbert, 1679. Carrie Belle, 1681. Dorothy, 1684. Douglas, 1682. Hermione, 1680. Hope, 1683. Mildred, 1685. Mynduse Rice, 1884. 262 INDEX TO DESCENDANTS WOODWORTH Addison Emerson, 1771. Adrian Marcus, 1772. Charles, 1283. Daniel Grannis, 1279. Evangeline, 1282, 1770. George Smith, 1281. Margurite Ellen, 1769. Sara Barker, 1280. Walter Benjamin, 1773. WORCESTER Charles Frederick, 959. Frances Jane, 960. Joseph Emerson, 962. Mary Elizabeth, 961. WRIGHT Cynthia, 524. Harvey, 523. Lorenzo, 521. Lyman Walters, 522. Samuel E., 525. YATES Carrie Allen, 1663. Jack, 1666. Josephine Amelia, 1665. Mary Averill, 1662. Yola Edna, 1664. YOUNG Mary Augusta, 1454. Elmer Elsworth, 1455. r-l BB-10' Index to Addenda CLIFFORD Frank, 19. CHRISTY Alice, 8. Bertie, 9. BRINK Ellen Marion, 22. Lillian Ruth, 12. Sophia Cooley, 5. Sarah Eastman, 6. GIRANDOT Flora, 17. Frederick C, 23. Frederick R., 20. Hattie A., 18. Mabel A., 19. DRAPER Cyrus, P., 10. Daniel Kellogg, 4. David, 2. Flora, 7. Hannah, 3a. Ichabod, 1. Joel, 3. Helen Theodora, 11. TIBBETS Hiram Orlando, 7a. Sarah Eastman Draper, 76. MINER Bernard, 16. Ellen Marion, 14. Sterling Leroy, 15. Walter Leroy, 13. 'Jr&* ' ■ aV«* :£ » « X? o « O - ^. t ' • V 1R- / ^ ■: .0? ..*••♦ ^b>3 -**_ ***** •* *<*> "£* ** *b. IS.- °?r wj^. * o Jl* ° " * ♦ ^s •te ^>" •^ 4 P*. HiBr- ■^« -va^l ^^ A"- >. voWrw/yC " ° * <*U r. 00885 IROJ. PR 30 r. 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