CS 71 .L74 1906 Copy 1 I \n col n HaTik S cVTl cL ':b ooTie^ Glass. Book. Cv ^^ 74 ^ (o Tlie Lincoln, Hanks and Boone Families, BY H^. e!'" ROBINSON. REPRINTED FROM AIISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW. VOL. 1. NO. I. OCTOBER, 19C6, A ^^^^^ ■ \^^ ^ N,- LINCOLN, HANKS AND BOONE FAMILIES. Some Genealogical Notes Illustrating Their Connection. (1) 1. In the year 1620 a Mrs. Lincoln, in Hingham, Count}' Norfolk, England, folded to her bosom a babe which she named Samuel. We have no positive information as to the given names of either the father or the mother. We do know that when the boy was 14 years of age he was apprenticed to Francis Lawes, in Norwich, England, to learn the art of weaving, at that time a thriving industry of that city, the chief seat of Puritanism. On April 8, 1637, Francis Lawes, Lidda, his Avife, with one child, Mary, and two servants, Samuel Lincorne, aged 18 years, and Anne Smith, aged 19 years, were examined for emi- gration to New England, and came over either in the ship John and Dorothy of Ipswich, commanded by William Andrews, or in the Rose of Yarmouth, commanded by William Andrews, Junior, both of which vessels sailed in company, and landed their passengers at Salem, Massachusetts. Lawes remained in Salem, dying there in 1666. His daughter, Mary, married, 1st, John Neale, 2d, Andrew ]\Iansfield. Soon after landing, Samuel Lincoln moved to Hingham, Massachusetts, where he became a proprietor in 1619. It is thought that Thomas Lin coin, who settled at Hingham in 1633, was a brother of Samuel. Samuel (1) Lincoln married about 1649, Martha , by whom he had 11 children. He v/as known both as "weaver" and as "mariner" on the records of Hiugliam. He died there May 26, 1690, aged 71 years, and his wife, Martha, died April 10, 1693. Their children were: i. Samuel, (2) b. Aug. 25, 1650. m. Apr. 29, 1687, De- borah Hersey. He d. March. 1720-1. 1. A paper read at the fourth annual meeting of the Societj-, December 9. 1904, bj- the President of the Society. ^'-^i LINCOLN, HANKS AND BOONE FAMILIES. 73 ii. Daniel, b. Jan. 2, 1652-3, m. Jan. 23, 1677-8, Elizabeth Lincoln. He d. Apr. 29, 1732. iii. Mordecai, b. June 19, d. July 9, 1655. 2. iv. Mordecai, b. June 14, 1657. T Thomas, b. Sept. 8, 1659, d. Nov. 13, 1661. vi. Mary, b. March 27, 1662, m. Jan. 3, 1683-4, Joseph Bate, vii. Thomas, b. Aug. 20, 1664, m. Aug. 3, 1689, Mehitable Frost. He d. Apr. 2, 1715. viii. Martha, b. Feb. 11, 1666-7, d. unmarried, Feb. 12, 1740-1, aged 74 years, ix. Sarah, b. Aug 13, d. Aug. 30, 1669. X. Sarah, b. June 17, 1671, d. unmarried Nov. 28, 1743, aged 72 years. xi. Rebecca, b. Mar. 11, 1673-4, m. 1st, May 14, 1695, John Clark, of Plymouth ; 2d, June 24, 1725, Israel Nichols, widower. 2. Mordecai (2) Lincoln, born in Hingham, Massachii- setts, June 14, 1657, was a blacksmith, and worked at his trade in Hull, where he married about 1685, Sarah, daughter of Abraham and Sarah (Whitman) Jones. From Hull the familj' moved into the neigliboring town of Scituate about 1704, where Mordecai engaged in establishing a furnace for the smelting of iron ore. He became also the owner of saw and grist mills, and appears to have been a thriving, go-ahead man. His wife, Sarah, died about 1708, leaving 5 children, the first four born in Hull, and the fifth born in Scituate. Mordecai married, 2d, about 1710, widow, Mary Gannett, by whom he had one son. He died of apoplexy Nov. 8, 1727. His will, dated May 3, 1727, was proven March 27, 1728. His inventory amounted to £3099, 14s, 8d. His children were : 3. i. Mordecai, (3) b. April 24, 1686. 4. ii. Abraham, b. Jan. 13, 1688-9. iii. Isaac, b. Oct. 24, 1691, m. 1st, Jan. 25, 1716-17, Sarah Cummings; 2d, Mrs.Jael Wade. He died Jan. 15, 1771. iv. Sarah, b. July 29, 1694, m. Feb. 25, 1715-6, Daniel Tower, and d. July 7, 1754. 74 MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW. V. Elizabeth, m. Ambrose Cole, of Scituate, d. Sept. 14^ 1724. vi. Jacob, b. 1711. 3. Mordecai (3) Lincoln, born April 24, 1686, when grown moved with his brother, Abraham, to Monmouth county, New Jersey. There he married Hannah, dausrhter of Richard and Sarah (Bowne) Salter, of Freehold, Monmouth county, previous to September 14, 1714. the date of her uncle, Capt. John Bowne 's will, in which Hannah Lincoln has a bequest of £250. Capt. Bow^ne was a verj^ wealthy and influential man. Richard Salter was a leading lawyer of the province, county judge, and member of the Provincial Assembly. By deed dated Feb. 29, 1720, Richard Salter conveyed 400 acres of land situate on the Machaj3onix river to Mordecai Lincoln, and in another deed dated May 26, 1726, Salter conveyed 100 acres at the same place to Mordecai Lincoln, thjs deed mentioning the grantee as then of Chester county, Pa. A deed from Mordecai Lincoln, dated December 14, 1725, names him as of Coventry, Chester county, and indicates that he was then engaged in the manu- facture of iron. Hannah Lincoln died before December, 1725, having borne to Mordecai Lincoln 6 children, i. Hannah, (4). ii. Mary (4). 5. iii. John (4). iv. Deborah, b. Jan. 1717, d. May 15, 1720. V. Sarah. vi. Ann. b. Mar. 1725, m. Oct. 2, 1744, William Tallman, b. in Rhode Island Mar. 25, 1720, settled near her brother, John, in Virginia. They had 11 chil- dren, only one reaching maturity, Benjamin, b. in Pennsylvania, Jan. 9, 1745-6; m. Nov. 9, 1764, Susannah, daughter of Benjamin and Susannah Boone, b. May 10, 1746. She d. July 28, 1824. He d. June 4, 1820. After his removal to Pennsylvania, Mordecai Lincoln mar- ried, 2d, Mary , who survived him. His will, dated Feb. 22, 1735-6, in Amity, Pa., gives the New Jersey land to his LINCOLN, HANKS AND BOONE FAMILIES. 75 children by Hannah, and the Amity land to his children by Mary, and makes Mary executrix, with "Loving friends and neighbors, Jonathan Robeson and George Boone, trustees." The children of Mordecai and Mary Lincoln were : 6. vii. Mordecai. 7. viii. Thomas. 8. ix. Abraham. 4. Abraham (3) Lincoln, born Jan. 13, 1689, probably went with his brother, Mordecai, to New Jersey. He was a blacksmith by trade, as related in a deed given ,by him Feb. 20, 1737, conveying 240 acres of land that he had bought Feb. 11, 1722, also 200 acres that he had bought March 15, 1725. This sale was preparatory to following his brother from New Jersey to Pennsylvania. His will was dated Springfield, Chester Coun- ty, Pa., April 15, 1745, and was entered for probate the 29th of the same month. The estate consisted of a plantation at Spring- field, and two houses in Philadelphia, which was divided among his children. No wife was mentioned, hence she had probably died, and we have, as yet, no trace of her name. The children, in the order given in the will, i. Mordecai (4). ii. Abraham. iii. Isaac. iv. Jacob. V. John. vi. Sarah. vii. Rebecca, m. Sept. 19, 1750, Joseph Rush. 5. John (4) Lincoln, born about 1712, in East Jersey, went with his father, Mordecai, in 1725, to Pennsylvania. He was left by his father's will 300 acres of land in Middlesex county, N. J., being part of the tract conveyed Oct. 9, 1720, by Richard Salter to Mordecai (3) Lincoln. This land John con- veyed by deed November 8, 1748, naming himself then of Caernavon, Lancaster county. Pa. In 1750 he sold a farm in Union township, adjoining Exeter, and moved to Virginia, set- tling in Augusta county, in the part that was organized as Rockingham county in 1779. His will can not be foimd, as many of the papers in the probate court at Harrisonburg have 76 MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW. been destroyed by fire. But there is proof of his having had 5 sons, perhaps more, besides daughters. The maiden name of his wife is not certainly known, but family tradition asserts that it was Moore. The names of the children positively known were : i. John (5) ii. Thomas (5). 9. iii. Abraham (5). iv. Isaac (5). V. Jacob (5) had David (6), who was father of Abraham (7), b. 1820, living 1903 at Lacy Springs, Rock- ingham county, Va. 6. Mordecai (4) Lincoln, b. about 1730, inherited one- third of his father's Amity, Pa., plantation. He was taxed in Berks county in 1752, and kept store. He was connected with the commissary or quartermaster department during the Revo- lution. His wife's name is unknown. After the Revolution- ary war Mordecai (6) moved to Fayette county. Pa., where his descendants live to this day. There he died in 1812, aged 82 years, and he was buried at Uniontown. His children were : i. Benjamin (5), b. Nov. 29, 1756, settled in Fayette county, Pa. ii. John (5), b. March 28, 1758, when a young mail went to visit his uncle, John, in Va., and tliere had his nose bitten off in a fight, and his father was obliged to go for him. He was taken home to Fayette county, and placed under the guardian- ship of his brother, Benjamin, on the homestead farm. iii. Ann, b. Nov. 22, 1759, m. William Jones. iv. Hannah, b. Dec. 31, 1761. V. Sarah, b, Feb. 25, 1767. 7. Thomas (4) Lincoln, b. 1733, was the second sheriff of BerKs county. He had two sons. i. Hananiah (5), served during the Revolution, subse- quently joined Boone's infant settlement in Ken- tucky, and afterwards moved to Missouri. LINCOLN, HANKS AND BOONE FAMILIES. 77 ii. Michael, served in the Revolution, and immediately after the war closed settled in Union county, Pa., where his descendants live to this day. 8. Abraham (4) Lincoln, the posthumous son of Morde- cai and Mary Lincoln, of Amity, Pa., b. 1736, m. Ann Boone, a first cousin of Daniel Boone. It is said that Daniel Boone used to go back from North Carolina often to visit his friends in Pennsylvania, and his glowing accounts of the south and west probably induced John (4) Lincoln to remove to Virginia. Alter his removal there he was called Virginia John to distin- guish him from others bearing the same name. Abraham was ft member of the legislature of Pennsylvania from Berks county in; 1782, a delegate to the Pennsylvania Convention which rati- fied the Constitution of the United States, also a member of the Convention which framed the Pennsylvania Consitution of 1790. His descendants live in Berks, Chester, Lancaster and other adjoining counties. The children of Abraham and Ann Lincoln were : i. Mordecai. ' ■ ii. James, b. 1766, d. Birdsboro, Pa., 1860, aged 94. iii. Thomas, d. 1864. iv. John. 9. Captain Abraham (5) Lincoln was born near Harri- sonburg, Virginia, in 1751, and lived near Lynnville Creek, Rockingham county. He was a captain of militia in 1776, dur- ing that year presiding at a court martial at Staunton. The record is preserved in the Hustings court, and his name is signed as Abraham Linkhorn, of Staunton. There he married about 1772, Mary Shipley, and there his children were born. In 1782 the family emigrated to Kentucky, settling at Bear- grass Fort, near the present city of Louisville. In the original Field Book of Daniel Boone, in the possession of the State His- torical Society of Wisconsin, is the following entry : ' ' Abraham Lincoln enters 500 acres of land on a Treasury Warrant on the south side of Licking Creek or river, in Kentucky. ' ' In 1784, while at work with his boys clearing the forest, Captain Lin- coln was killed by a lurking Indian, who seized Thomas, 6 years old, as his captive. Mordecav the oldest boy, only 11 at the 78 MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW. time, shot the Indian through the heart. The children of Capt. Abraham and Marv (Shipley) Lincoln were: i. Mordecai (6), b. 1773, late in life moved to Hancock, county, 111. ii. Josiah (6), b. 1776, settled in Harrison county, Ind. 10. iii. Thomas (6), b. 1778. iv. Mary, 6. 1780, m. Ralph Grume. V. Nancy, b. 1783, m. William Brumfield. 10. Thomas (6) Lincoln was born in Augusta, afterwards Rockingham county, Va., in 1778. He went to Kentucky with his father, and as the latter was killed while Thomas was small, he grew up in poverty and privation. The law of entail being then in force, the little property left by Capt. Abraham Lin- coln fell to Mordecai, the oldest son, and the others were forced to struggle. Thomas grew up in ignorance, there being then no schools for the poor, and when old enough he was put to work at the carpenter trade with Joseph Hanks, of Elizabeth- town, Ky. On June 12. 1806. he married Nancy Hanks, born 1783, a sister of Joseph Hanks, both of them being Thomas Lin- coln 's first cousins. She was superior in attainments and in- tellectual power, to her husband, and her memory was ever revered by her eminent son. In November 1817 the family re- moved to Spencer county, Indiana, where Nancy Hanks Lin- coln died October 5, 1818. In 1819 Thomas Lincoln married 2d. Widow Sarah Bush Johnston, of Elizabethtown, Ky. In the spring of 1830 the family moved to Macon county, 111., making several changes thereafter, finally settling in Coles county, where Thomas Lincoln died in 1851, aged 73 years. The chil- dren of Thomas and Nancy Hanks Lincoln were : i. Sarah (7), b. 1807, m. 1826, Aaron Grigsby, d. 1828. ii. Abraham (7), b. Feb. 12, 1809. iii. Thomas, d. in infancy. 11. i\braham (7) Lincoln, born in Hardin county, Ken- tucky, Feb. 12, 1809, moved to Indiana with his parents in 1817, thence to Illinois. He married at Springfield, Illinois, Nov. 4, 1842, Mary Todd, b. 1818, at Lexington, Ky. His eminent life is too well known by all to need repetition here. He died LINCOLN. HANKS AND BOONE FAMILIES. 79 l)y the assassin's bullet xVpril 15, 1865, and Mary Todd Lincoln d. July 16, 1882. Children : i. Robert Todd, b. Aug. 1, 1843. ii. Edward Baker, b. March 10, 1846, d. young, iii. William Wallace, b. Dec. 21, 1850, d. Washington, ' Feb. 20, 1862. iv. Thomas, b. April 4, 1853, d. Chicago, July 15, 1871. Szc'.V^^'^ - HANKS. In the year 1700 a family composed of Uriah Hanks and his wife, Lurana, with two sons, Benjamin and John, left their native place, Birmingham, England, and emigrated to America, landing at Plymouth, Mass. Benjamin finally settled in Conn., while John made his way to Pennsylvania. After some years John Hanks, as the name stands upon the record, citizen of Whitemarsh, stands up before the meeting in the Quaker meet- ing house in Gwynedd, near Philadelphia, and promises to be a true and loving husband to Sarah Evans. With his young wife he moved up the Schuylkill river to Berks county, settling in Union township, neighbor to Mordecai and John Lincoln, antl to George and Squire Boone, father and grandfather of Daniel Boone. About 1758 the families of John Lincoln and John Hanks moved to Virginia, and were neighbors in Rockingham county. The records of Harrisonburg are very defective, but it is cer- tain that Joseph Hanks, a son of John, married Nancy Shipley, an elder sister of Mary Shipley who married Captain Abraham Lincoln. Joseph Hanks moved from Amelia county, Va., with his family, about 1789, and settled in Nelson county, Ky. Thera he died in 1793, as his will dated Jan. 9, of that year, was pro- bated May, 14, 1793. By this will he made his wife, Nancy, executrix, and named 8 children as follows : i. Thomas. ii. Joshua. iii. William, married Elizabeth Hall. iv. Charles, v. Joseph, m. Polly Young. 80 MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW. vi. Elizabeth, m. Levi Hall. vii. Polly, m. Jesse Friend. viii. Nancy, b. 1783, m. Thomas Lincoln. Joseph Hanks, second, set up a carpenter shop in Eliza- bethtown, Ky., in which Thomas Lincoln, his first cousin, with scarcely any education, struggled for a livelihood. Two lines of Puritan pioneer descent had now met, one from Norwich, the other from Birmingham, and the marriage on June 12, 1806, of Thomas Lincoln to his cousin, Nancy Hanks, had united them. Nancy, who was born in 1783, had some education, and her intellect seems to have been stronger than that of her husband, although he was by no means the shiftless ne'er do well that he has been represented. She d, Oct. 5, 1818, on Pigeon creek, Spencer county, Indiana, Abraham Lincoln said "All that I am, I owe to my mother." SHIPLEY. Robert Shipley bought 314 acres of land on September 16, 1765, in Lunenburg county, Virginia. His wife's name was Sarah Rachael. Their children were : i. Mary, who married about 1772, Capt. Abraham Lin- coln. ' ii. Lucy, married Richard Berry and moved ^bout 1789 to Kentucky. She brought up her niece, Nancy Hanks, who was left an orphan young and at her house in Washington county, Ky., June 12, 1806, Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks, first cousins, were married, iii. Sarah, m. Robert Mitchell, settled in Ky. iv. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Sparrow, settled in Kentucky, v. Nancy, m. Joseph Hanks and died in Kentucky not very long after her husband's death in 1793. BOOXE. 1 . The first of this family in America was Geo. Boone, who was born about 1670 at the old family home of Bradwinf»h, abo\it 8 miles from Exeter, England. There he married Mary , by whom he had nine sons and two daughters. The \ LINCOLN, HANKS AND BOONE FAMILIES. 81 entire family emierrated to America, landing at Philadelphia, October 10, 1717. Georire Boone purchased a tract of land in what is now Bucks county, Pa., and called it Exeter from the town in England whence he had emigrated. Of his eleven children I have only been able thus far to trace three sons by name, John (2), James (2), and Squire (2). 2. Squire (2) Boone was married July 23, 1720, in Essex to^vnship. Pa., to Sarah Morgan, and they had 11 children — 7 boys and 4 girls. In 1752 the family moved to North Carolina, settling on the banks of the Yadkin river, eight miles from where the town of Wilkesborough now stands. The children were: i James, killed by Indians in 1773. ii . Samuel, iii . Jonathan, iv . Squire. V. George. 3. vi. Daniel, vii. Edward, viii . Sarah . ix . Elizabeth. X. Mary, xi. Hannah. 3. Daniel (3) Boone was born October 22, 1734, in Exeter township. Pa. He was of a restless pioneer spirit, and early be- gan his adventurous travels, although he had a good education for the times, and was a skilled land surveyor. He removed with his father's family to North Carolina in 1752, and there was married to Rebecca Bryant, August 14, 1756. He d. in St. Charles county, Missouri, September 26, 1820. They had 9 children — 5 boys and 4 girls — as follows: i. James (4), born May 30, 1757, unmarried, killed by Indians. Oct. 26, 1774. ii. Israel, b. Jan. 25, 1759, unmarried, killed by Indians, August 19, 1782. iii. Susannah, b. November 2, 1760. iv. Jemima, b. October 4, i762, m. in Kentucky about 1782. Flanders Callaway, b. in North Carolina, ""^W 82 MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW. June 9, 1753, and had four sons. Their eldest son was Captam James Callaway, b. Fayette County, Ky., September 13, 1783, m. a^out 1805, Nancy Howell, killed by Indians. A bold and intrepid pioneer for whom Callaway county, Mo., Avas named. Other children were John, Larkin and Boone. V. Lavina, b. March 23, 1766. vi. Rebecca, b. May 26, 1768, m. W. Haj^s. A daughter, Elizabeth, m. James Van Bibber in Callaway county, about 1816. He with Nathan Boone sur- veyed Callaway county. 4. vii. Daniel Morgan, b. Dec. 23, 1769, emigrated to St. Louis county. Mo., in 1788, where he married about 1805, Sarah Griffin Lewis, whose father re- moved from the vicinity of Mt. Vernon, Va., where she was born Jan. 29, 1786. He died July 13, 1837, in Jackson county, Mo., and she died there June 19, 1850. 5. viii. Jesse B., b. May 23, 1773, d. 1820. 6. ix. Nathan. 4. Daniel Morgan (4) and Sarah Griffin (Lewis) Boone had children as follows: i. John W. (5), b. Dee. 19, 1806, d. unmarried in 1822. ii. Nathan, b. Feb. 17, 1808, d. unmarried in 1836. 7. iii. Daniel, b. March 27, 1809. iv. Lindsley, b. Oct. 22, 1811, m. Sarah Grooms, d. 1834. V. Edward H. b. July 1813, died unmarried in 1860. vi. Elizabeth L. b. April 22, 1815, m. Jesse White, d. 1850. vii. Alonzo II. b. :\larch 22, 1817, m. Elizabeth Stewart, d. 1873. viii. James, b. 1819, ra. Lorinda Carbo, b. 1852. ix. Milton S. ]). March 11, d. Aug. 1820. X. Cassandra, Nov. 3, 1821, m. a Casby, d. May 20, 1845. xi. Morgan, h. An-. 8, 1824. m. 1st, Disa Stewart, 2d, Mary Ann Randolph, d. 1852. LINCOLN, HANKS AND BOONE FAMILIES. 83 xii. Napoleon, b. Aucr 22, 1828, died unmarried May 20, 1850. 5. Jesse B. (4) Boone was l)orn in Kentucky May 23, 1773. He moved to Kanawha county, Virginia, with his par- ents, and was the first salt inspector of that county. He m. there, Chloe Van Bibber, daughter of Mathias Van Bibber, who was companion and chainman for Daniel Boone in all his Kana- wha surveying-. Van Bibber went to Missouri in 1799 with Daniel Boone, but afterwards returned to Virginia. The James Van Bibber, who settled in Callaway county, Mo., and married in 1816, Elizabeth Hays, a granddaughter of Daniel Boone, was his son . Jesse Boone did not move to Missouri until 1818, ad died there in 1820. His children were : i. Albert Gallatin, b. Kanawha county, Va., 1803. ii. Minerva, m. Lilburn W. Boggs, afterwards gover- nor of Missouri, iii. Panthea, m. a Warner', 6. Col. Nathan (4) Boone, was born in Kentucky about 1777, He married in Kanawha county, Virginia, a Miss Van Bibber, cousin to the wife of his brother, Jesse B. Nathan set- tled in St. Charles county, Mo., and was a member of the Con- stitutional Convention of 1820. His father, Daniel Boone, died at his home on the Femme Osage river. 7. Daniel (7) Boone was born in St. Charles county, Mo., on March 27, 1809. He married in January, 1832, Mary Con- stance Philibert, who was born in Quebec, Canada, in 1813. Her parents moved to St. Louis soon after her birth, and soon died there, and she was adopted by a Chouteau family and taken to Westport Landing, noAv Kansas City. Here she met Daniel Boone, and became his wife. They settled south of Kansas City on a farm, and the husband died there in 1880. Mrs. Boone died in Kansas City this last summer, survived by 9 children, 52 grand children, 28 great grandchildren and 2 great great grand children. Daniel and Constance Boone had 12 children as follows : 1. Elizabeth L. (6) b. Feb. 22, 1833. m. J. S. Stewart, ii. Delila (6), 6. Feb. 7, 1834, m. Samuel Stewart. iii. Mary J., (6) b.July 27, 1838, m. Leonard Fuqua, liv- I g4 MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW. ing now at Waldo Park. iv. Alonzo H. (6), b. May 9, 1840, d. unmarried, Sept. 24, 1859. V. Napoleon (6), b. Oct. 1, 1842, m. Jane Douglass, liv- ing 1904, at Waldo. vi. Theodore, b. Oct. 11, 1844, m. Martha May, living? 1904, at Caldwell, Idaho. vii. Daniel, b. Oct. 25, 1846, m. Martha Web^, living 1904 at Dallas, Mo. viii. Cassandra, b. March 14, 1849. m. Geo. Douglass, liv- ing 1904 in Randolph" Co., Mo. ix. Nathan, b. Feb. 29, 1852, living 1904 in Warreng- burg, Mo. X. Sarah M., b. Feb. 3, 1854, m. W. F. Gordon, living 1904, 4210 Washington St., Kansas City, Mo. xi. John, b. Oct. 1856, living 1904 Waldo, Mo. xii. James, b. June 17, 1862, living 1904, Warrensburg, Mo. LIBRfiRY OF CONGRESS 021 549 722 7