//i^f 014 205 576 4 130 G4 D35 apy 1 CHARTER AND BY-LAWS OB THE GERMAN SOCIETY 0F> THE CITT OF NEW-TORK* VriTg A LIST OF THE MEMBERS- NEW-rORKt PRINTED FOR E. SARGEANI^ By D. if G, Bruce, 1808 3 ^'^o.'ok # PREFACE The German Society in the city of New- York was formed in the year 1784, at a time when the returning peace opened to America the piospect of a friendly in- tercourse with the maritime nations of Europe. The period had then arrived when many foreigners, encour- aged by the bright aspect of a western world, might be expected to emigrate hither. — It was foreseen that among the emigrants, there would be found those who on their arrival would stand in need of advice and assistance, especially if they were ignorant of the language of the country, and its laws. To afford relief to German emigrants, who might ar- rive under such circumstances, with a view to settle in this country, was therefore the primary object for which the society was instituted. The means necessary for carrying the design into ef- fect were small, in the beginning, being no other than what arose from admission money, and quarterly contri- butions of the members ; yet the most pressing calls have at all times been answered, and it is remembered with pe- culiar satisfaction, that in more than one instance the so- ciety have been instrumental, not only in alleviating the distressed situation of their countrymen, but also in de- livering them from oppression. As the society increased in members, and the migra- tion of foreigners, particularly of Germans, became less frequent, the institution was enabled so to manage its funds, as to acquire a small property in real estate, which %vas held in trust by some of the members. The incon- venience of holding property in this manner, \vas, how» IV ever, soon experienced, which induced the society to ap- ply for a charter, and which was granted by the legisla- ture, in the session of the year 1804. At present the funds of the society are chi fly invest- ed in Bank stock, and the quarterly contributions having been relinquished, the annual donations are nearly kept within the limits of the devidends. Any considerable increase of members would put it in the power of the so- ciety still to augment their capital stock, the enhanced revenues of which would enable them to carry more fully into effect, the benevolent design of their institution^ CHARTER. AN ACT, To INCORPORATE ThE GeRMAN SOCIETY IN THE City of New- York, for CHARITABLE PURPOSES. Passed April 6th, 1804. Whereas, Philip I. Arcularius,WiIliam Wilmer- ding, and others, citizens and inhabitants of the citv of New-York, associated as a society, under the style of " The German Society in the city of Nexv-Tork^'' for the lauda- ble purposes of assisting German emigrants, and to af- ford relief to other poor distressed Germans, and their descendants, and by their petition to the legislature have prayed to be incorporated, Therefore, Be it enacted, by the People of the State of Nexv-Tork represented in Senate and Assembly, That the said Philip I. Arcularius, William Wilmerding, Leonhard Fisher Peter Camman, David Grim, John B. Dash, senior, Phi- lip Oswald, Christian Baehr, Christian Schultz, John Gaessner, Alexander Fink, senior, John B. Dash, junior, the reverend Doctor John Christopher Kunze, Christian Wilhelm Wilmerding, Jacob Mark, Blasius Mohr, John Peter Ritter, Isaac Paris, the reverend Henrick Moller, Johannes Mehli, John Harbeck, Charles Newman, Henry Astor, George Gilfert, Carl Ludwig Camman, Doctor 6 George Christian Anthon, Edward Livingston, Sigismund Hugget, John Jacob Astor, Christian Matthias Heil, Da- vid Lydig, George Powers, James Hallet, Henry White, Doctor John William Zeis, John Philips, Francis Childs, John Speyer, Jacob Morton, Christian Rook, Stephen Van Rensselaer, Josiah Ogden Hoffman, Thomas Morris, Samuel L. Mitchell, George Arcularius, Henry Limber- ger, Philip Grim, Henry Ortley, junior, John Fisher, John Bartow Prevost, Alexander Von Pfister, Cornelius Chris- tian Westphal, Jacob Hauptman, Jacob Schieffelin, Henry Heisser, Frederick Shoenewolf, Johannes Schultz, John Morton, William Cammeyer, Martin Hoffman, Freder- ick Beinhauer, Hendrick Scherer, Jacob Bierman, Fre- derick Rausch, William North, Daniel Bowie, the rever- end George Strebeck, George Clussman, John Nicholas Crentzebach, Cornelius Hoffman, Joseph Sterlitz, John Miller, Edward Dunscomb, John Remmey, Benjamin Walker, Anthony Ernest, J. L. Steinback, Matthias Luft, Anthony Rutgers, Daniel Paris, Daniel Baehr, William G. Miller, William Gultzow, George F. Toder- horst, Nicholas I. Roosevelt, Peter Ritter, John Hone, Jacob Sherred, John Nitchie, Henrick Siebeck, Joseph Horn, Lewis Eigenbrodt, Charles Loss, Joseph Meltzer, and their present associates, and all persons being resi- dent within the city or state of New-York, who shall hereafter be members of the said society, shall be, and hereby are, ordained, constituted, and declared to be one body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, by the name of " The German Society of the city of New- Tork^'' until the first Monday in April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, and that by that name they and their successors shall and may have succession, and shall be persons in law, capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being an- swered unto, defending and being defended, in all courts or places whatsoever, and all manner of action and actions. suits, complaints, matters, and causes whatsoever ; and that they and their successors may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at their pleasure ; and also that they and their successors by the name of the Ger- man Society of the city of New-York, shall be in law ca- pable of purchasing, holding and conveying any estate, real or personal, for the public use of the said corpora- tion, provided that the lands, tenements, and heredita- ments which it shall be lawful for the said corporation to hold, shall be only such as shall be requisite for the pur- pose of erecting a house or hall thereon, in which to meet and to transact the business of the said corporation, or such as shall have been bona fide mortgaged to it by way of security, or conveyed in satisfaction of debts pre- viously contracted in the course of its business, or purcha- sed at sales, on judgments which shall have been obtained for such debts, and provided also, that the amount of the real and personal estate which the said corporation are hereby enabled to hold, shall not at anyone time exceed the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars. And be it further enacted^ That the officers of tlie said corporation shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and seven Assistants, who shall hold their oflices for one year, and shall be citizens of this state, and be elected on the last Monday in January in every year, at such time and place in the City of New York as shall be fixed on by the officers, or ascertained by the by- laws of the said corporation. That all elections of the said officers or any of them shall be by ballot, and such persons who shall have at any election the greatest num- ber of votes as President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary or Assistants, shall be deemed duly elected to the office for which he or they were severally chosen and de- signated by the ballots, which were given in at any such election. And the said officers shall hold their respective offices for one year, and until others shall be chosen in their places ; provided that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to prevent any or either of the said officers from being re-elected : That if any vacan- cies shall happen among the said officers by death, resig- nation or removal, such vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the year in which they may happen by a special election for that purpose, to be held in the same manner as the annual elections, at such time or places as shall be fixed on by the officers, or ascertained by the by- laws of the said corporation. That Philip I. Arcularius shall be the first President of the said corporation, Wil- liam Wilmerding Vice President thereof, Leonard Fisher the Treasurer thereof, Peter A. Camman Secretary there- of; David Grim, John P. Ritter, Caspar Meier, Jacob Sherred, John Remmey, John B. Dash Junr. and Henry Heiser the respective Assistants thereof, who shall hold their offices respectively until the last Monday in January next, and until others shall be chosen in their places. And be it further enacted^ that in case it should at any time happen that an election for officers should not be made on any day, when in pursuance to this act it ought to have been made, the said corporation shall not for that cause be deemed to be dissolved, but it shall and may be lawful on any other day to hold and make an election of officers in such a manner as shall have been regulated by the by-laws and ordinances of the said corporation. And be it further enacted^ That all elections and all meetings of the said corporation shall be made and held at a place certain, to be fixed and determined by the by- laws of the said corporation, and that at all such elections and meetings of the said corporation so to be held as afore- said, thirteen members thereof including the President, or in his absence the Vice President, or in his absence one of the Assistants, shall be considered a quorum of the said corporation, and shall have full power to do and transact all business thereof. And be it further enacted^ That the said corporatioi), and their successors, shall have full power from time to time to make by-laws and ordinances relative to the man- agement and disposition of the estate and concerns of the said corporation ; and the regulation of the persons exer- cising the offices aforesaid. Provided that such by-laws and regulations be not repugnant to the constitution or the laws of the United States and of this State. And be it further enacted^ That the board of officers shall at least once every year on the last Monday in Jan- uary, exhibit to the members of this corporation an exact account of the receipts and disbursements of the preced- ing year. And be it further enacted^ That all persons desirous to become members of this corporation shall be proposed by at least two members, one meeting previous to his or their election, which shall be by ballot, and determined by two thirds of the members present at such election — that then he or they so elected, on paying into the hands of the Trea- surer such sum as the corporation by their by-laws shall direct, provided the same shall not exceed the sum of fif- teen dollars, shall have his or their names inserted in the general Register, and shall be entitled to all the privileges and benefits arising therefrom. And to the end that the funds of the said corporation may never be diverted to any other than the charitable purposes for which the institution has been expressly made and created, Be it further enacted^ That the corporation shall, within sixty days after the passing of this act, exhibit to the chancellor of this state a full and particular account of all the estate real and personal then vested in the said corpo- ration, attested by the oath of the Treasurer thereof, that the same is a true and perfect account ; and shall also triennially between the first and last days of May, ex- hibit to the chancellor forthe time being a like account, to- 10 gether with a particular account of all monies by the said corporation expended in the preceding three years, specifying the several purposes to which it has been ap- plied ; and if it should appear to the said chancellor, that any monies, except for the necessary purchases or repair of any buildings which may belong to the said corporation j or for the payment of the Treasurer or Secretary thereof^ or for other charges expressly incidental to the manage- ment of the funds thereof, have been applied by the said corporation to any use, other than for the support of in- digent emigrants and other German poor and their descen. dants, or other charitable purposes, he shall direct the At- torney General of the State for the time being ex-officio to file an information against the said corporation in the Supreme Court of this State : and if upon the traverse the said corporation shall be found guilty and judgment shall pass thereupon, that thenceforth the said corporation shall cease, and become null and void, and the estate real and personal which it may then possess, shall vest in the peo- ple of this State. And be it further enacted^ That this act be and hereby is declared to be a public act, and that the same be constru- ed in all courts and places benignly and favorably for every beneficial purpose therein intended.^ State of New-Tork^ Secretary's office, I certify the preceding to be a true copy of an Act of the Legislature, now on file in this office, [Signed] ARCH'D. M'INTYRE, Dep, Sec'y BY-LAWS, To BE OBSERVED BY THE CORPORATION OF THE German Society of the City of New- York. I. The Charter of this Society, the By-laws, Rules and Regulations of the same, at present made, and such as may hereafter be made, shall be regularly entered, under the date when agreed to by the Society, in a book kept for that purpose by the Secretary, who shall also enter therein the name of each member, specifying the time of his election. II. All meetings of this Society shall be held at pi^ce of the German Lutheran school-house, in William- meeting of ^ ^_ ,j. 1 -1 1 the Socio Street, in the city of New-York, until other- ty. wise ordered by the Society. III. The elections for officers shall be held at the usual place of meeting of the Society, and the ^^^^^^^^^ officers shall be chosen by ballot by a majority of to be by the members present ; which election shall be ^ ° " held under the inspection of three members pre- viously chosen for that purpose by the So- ciety. 12 IV. Any vacancy which may happen among the officers of this Society, by death or otherwise, How va- shall be filled up for the remainder of the year by cancies are , . . , ^ r ^ to be filled ^ special meetmg, to be convened tor that pur- "P- pose, of which notice shall be given at least one month previous to such meeting, and the election for supplying such vacancy shall be held in the same manner as the annual election is held. V. Whenever it shall happen at any meeting of How per-tl^^ Society that a sufficient number of members ions may do not appear to form a quorum agreeable to the ed when^' charter, and application is made for the proposal there is no of a person as a member, the name of such per- ' son may be handed to the officers, whereupon he shall be considered as regularly proposed. VI. All new-elected members of this Society shall pay to the Treasurer thereof the sum of fifteen dollars, at the time of their admission and sign- berrto^pay ^"S ^^^^ by-laws. And all members so elected, fifteen dol- who shall neglect to pay their admission fees ^^^' within nine months subsequent to their election, (after being notified) shall forfeit their right of membership, and be thenceforth considered as not elected. VII. All business relative to the property belonging 1^ to the Society, particularly the transferring of property, stock in anv of the Banks, or the sale of any pro- ^^^ ^° ^® " •'1 transfer- perty whatever, shall first be duly notified to the red or sold Society in one of their regular meetings, and pro- ceeded on in their next. VIIL The board of officers shall meet monthly or of- Board of tener if circumstances require, at such time and ^^^^ place as they shall judge proper, and not less monthly. than six shall be a quorum. They shall in each ^q^^j.^^ month appoint a visiting commitee of two mem- To appoint bers from their board, whose duty it shall be dili- committee gently to inquire into the situations and merits of such German emigrants as may arrive here, and of other poor or distressed Germans, and their des- Theirduty cendants; particularly widows and orphans, who may need assistance from this Society.' And the said committe shall report thereon to the President, . ^ *^^'^' ^ . mittee to who may call a meeting of the board of officers, report to if he thinks proper, to whom they shall make a^"^^^^*^'' like report, and take the orders of said board for their further direction. And in case of pressing necessity the com- Donations . ,. . . by the mittee may present an mdigent person with a committee sum not exceeding three dollars, which donation limited to they shall report to the board of officers at their i^rs. next meeting. IX. The Treasurer shall, before he enters upon Treasurer the duties of his office, give bond to this corpo- i^^^j^^^^ ration in the sum of five thousand dollars, con- 14 ditioned for the faithful performance of the du- ties enjoined upon him. He shall receive and pay all monies belonging to this Society, and shall keep a true and regular account thereof. Toaccount He shall render uhto the Society a just and true for all mo- account of all monies received by him, belonging nies recei- , ^ ved. to the bociety. He shall make no payments of any of said mo- How to ^ies, except upon an order from the President, or make pay- presiding officer of the Society, or board of offi- ments. cers. In case of resignation or removal from office, To deliver \^q sJ^^U faithfully deliver all monies and effects up all mo- , , . 1 X . . 1 . 1 . 1 nies, &c.tobelongmg to the Society withm ten days mto the his succes- hands of his successor, sor. He shall render unto the board of officers quar- terly, and to the Society on the last Monday in When to January annually, a particular statement of his account, accounts of the current or preceding year. X. The Secretary shall keep regular minutes of the proceedings of the Society, and those of Duties of the Board of Officers, and record them in the the Secre-pj.Qpgj. JQyj,j^^|g^ jj^ shrill prepare and send no- tices to the members for the meetings, cause advertisements to be published in the news- papers, and notify the officers, and new-elected members of their election. 15 XL The Board of Officers may appoint a suitable The Board person to be Messenp-er of the Society, whose ^° «^PP°^"^ ^ . ° , -"a Messen- duties shall be such as the said Board may from ger. time to time order and direct ; and who shall receive such salary or other compensation as the Board shall think proper to allow. xir. The Society shall hold four stated meetings , annually, on the following days, to wit, the first meetings on the second Monday in May — the second on °|^JJ^^ ^" the last Monday in July — the third on the last Monday in October, and the fourth on the last Monday in January ; which is the annual meet- ing already established by the Charter of the So- ciety, RULES AND ORDERS. I. On the appearance of a quorum the President shall take the chair and call the members to order* IL If any of the Clergy belonging to the Society are pre- sent, the President shall request the meeting to be opened with prayer. III. Reading the minutes of the Society at their last meeting, and those of the intervening meetings of the officers. IV. The introduction of new members, if any be present V. Balloting for Candidates. VL Proposing of Candidates. 18 VIL Discusslonofsuehsubjects as may be proposed by the board of officers, or by any individual member. VIII. All By-laws shall receive three several readings pre- vious to their being passed ; the second and third reading to be at different meetings, unless the Society unanimous- ly direct otherwise. IX. Any By-law, Rule, or Regulation of this Society may be repealed at any regular meeting of the Society, provi- ded notice of a motion for such repeal shall have been given at a previous stated meeting. X. The President is to be obeyed in point of order when in the chair: he decides on all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society. XL A member speaking shall rise and address himself to the chair, uncovered. When two or more members shall rise at the same time, the President shall name the speaker. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question, unless by leave of the Society. XII. Motions may be made and debates carried on in the. 19 German or English languages : Any member may de- mand an explanation of the subject that has been debated or read, which the President shall give, or request any member qualified to make the explanation. XIII. The President or presiding officer shall have the nom- ination of all committees for transacting any business, subject to the approbation of the Society. XIV. No motion shall be debated, or put, unless the same be seconded. When a motion is seconded it shall be stated by the President before debate ; and every such motion shall be reduced to writing if the President or any five members shall desire it. XV. After a motion is stated by the President, it shall be deemed in possession of the Society, but may be with- drawn at any time before decision or amendment. XVI. A motion to adjourn shall be always in order, and shall be decided without debate. XVII. Petitions, Memorials, and other papers addressed to the Society, shall be read by the President or Secretary. XVIIL Whilst the President is putting a question, no member shall walk out of, or cross the room ; — nor when a mem- ber is speaking, shall any entertain private discourse or pass between him and the chair. XIX. All questions in the Society shall be put in the order they were moved, except that in filling up blanks, the largest sum, and longest time shall be first put. XX. When a By-law shall pass the Society, the President shall certify it, with the date thereof at foot, and the Secretary countersign the same. LIST OF THE MEMBERS OF The German Society in the City of New- York. When elect- ed. 1784 1785 Oct. 9. Jan. 3. Members^ Names. Remarks 1788 John B. Dash, Senior. Philip Oswald. David Grim. Christian Baehr. John-Meyer. Christian Schultz. John Gassner. Alexander Fink, Senior. John B. Dash, Junior. Rev. Dr. John Christopher Kunze. Christian Wilhelm Wilmerding. Feb. 7. Jacob Mark. April 4|Blaze Moore. John Peter Ritter. Isaac Paris. Rev. Henry MoUer. John Mayly. John Harbeck. Charles Newman. Henry Astor. George Gilfert. Carl Ludwig Camman. George Christian Anthon. Edward Livingston. Sigismund Hugget. John Jacob Astor. Christian Matthias Heyl. David Lydig. Dec'd. Dec'd. DecU Oct. 3. 1786 April 3 1787 Jan. 1. July 2. Nov. 7. April 2 Dec'd. ^M 22 JV/ie?i elect- ed. Members^ Names. Remarks 1788 July 2. George Powers. Philip I. Arcularius. Aug. 9 Henry White. John William Zeis. John Philips. 1789 April 1 Francis Childs. J uiy* 1 • John Speyer. Jacob Morton. Christian Rook. 1790 Jan. 6. Stephen Van Rensselaer. July 7. Leonard Fisher. Josiah Ogden HofFman. 1791 x^pril 1 Thomas Morris. 1792 April 4 Frederick August De Zeng. Oct. 3 Samuel L. Mitchell. 1793 Jan. 2 George, Arculariub. Henry Limberger. Philip Grim. April 3 Henry Ortley, Junior, 1794 Jan. 8 John Fisher. John Bartow Provost. April Alexander Von Pfister. Cornelius Christian Westphall. July 9 Jacob Hauptman. Oct. 1 Jacob Schieffelin. Henry Heiser. i 1795 Jan. 7 Frederick Schoenewolf. John Schultz. 21 John Morton. William Cammeyer. Martin Hoffman. Benjamin Walker. Frederick Beinhauer. ■ Henry Scherer. April 1 Jacob Bierman. Frederick Rausch. William North. July 1 Daniel Bowie. Rev. George Strebeck." Anthony Ernest. 4 t.irf«. ^3 JV/ie/i elect- ed. 1795 1796 July 1. 1797 1798 1799 Jan. 25 Ap'l25 July 25 Oct. 10 31 Jan. 30 3Iembers^ Names. Remarks 1800 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 George Clusman. John Nicholas Crentzebach. J. L. Steenback. Cornelius Hoffman. Joseph Sterlitz* John Miller. Edward Dunscomb. John Remmey. Matthias Luft. Anthony Rutger. Daniel Paris. Daniel Baehr. William G. Miller. William Gultzow. Jan. 30|George F, Toderhorsto Nicholas I. Roosevelt. Peter Ritter, Junior. John Hone. Jacob Sherred. John Nitchie. Henry Siebeck. Joseph Horn. Lewis Eigenbrodt. Charles Loss. Joseph Metzler. John L Werth. Casper Meier. Edward W. Laight. Peter A. Camman. Jacob Clinch. Clarkson Crolius. George Sassenberg. George Meyer. Anthony Steenback. John Sidell. John D. Miller. Daniel Fasch. William Klein. George Minuse. Jolin Luff. Ap'l 30 Jan. 19 28 Jan. 27 Mayl2 Oct. 27 25 Jan. 25 Oct. 29 Ap'l 29 July 29 Jan. 27 Mayl2 May 11 dec'd. ^4 014 205 576 4 ^ fV/ien elect- ed. Members' Names, 180; July 2r William G. Miller Junr. ISOSJJan. 25 Philip E. xMulhenburg, Ferdinand HolterhofF. July 25 Balthazar P. Meleck. J Peter Loriiard. Remarks ».■ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 014 205 576 4 %