^^m^:mir<^'^. k->mr' ifa LTIMORE B>Pti5 I T Y UE BOOK tfjl Giving a complete list jl of all City Positions and the Salary attached. Also a list of Street Car Routes of the United Railways and Electric Co. Vv^th Schectul*^ Second Edition . » COMPLIMENTS OF H. B. WEISHAMPEL Grocers Specialties Smith's Mom^ fladw Egg Noodles and Empire flacaroni 222 N. anSENE STREET SEE PAGE 10 PUBLISHED BY THE MULES PRINTING CO. 220 W. PRATT ST. ^^. i f IS IS ^ HOT I^UNCH 11 To 1. HRKli DAGATHLLB FFIED OYSTKR ^'^'ITH E'^'ERY DRINK. ]\[AGEL'S CAFE ...CHOICE... Vv mes,L,iquors,Ogars, &c. 1500 E. Baltimore Street, N. K. Cor, Caroline St. C. & P. PHONE. 2-6S-\V MI). PHONH. 601- R BALTIMORE. MD. BOrM PHONES LADIES DINING ROOMS I Pabst Jfotel \ I and Sarden. | 20 WEST BIDDLE STREET, J. R. K. Collins, Prop. 1 C. & p. Phone, Gilmor 2592 Wm. N. Hildebrand Contracting Carpenter aud Builder 8 N. PULASKI STREET ESrrMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. The SPRINGER Sanitaiium For Treatment and Cnre of Nervous and Chronic Diseases re.sulting fom excessive use of Narcotic Drugs or Alcoholic Liquors And the Absolute Removal of the Appetite and Desire for Liquor, Morphine and Cocaine, by the Springer Method XOWSON. MD. /| Z ' /i CITY POSITIONS AND THE SALARY ATTACHED INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS' DEPT. EDWARD D. PRESTON, Inspector. CLARENCE E. STUBBS, Assistant. SALARIES. PER YEAR. Inspector of Buildings $3,000.00 Assistant Inspector of Buildings 1,500,00 Chief Clerk 1,400.00 2 Assistants, each 950.00 16 Assistant Inspectors, each 1,200.00 Inspector of City Improvements 1,500.00 Structural Engineer 1,680.00 Concrete Inspector 1,500.00 Steel Frame Inspector 1,500.00 2 Examiners for Drawings, each 1,200.00 Furnace Inspector 1,200.00 Steam Plant Inspector 1,680.00 Rlectriral Inspertor 1,800.00 3 Assistant Electrical Inspectors, each... 1,620.00 Rlevator Inspector 1,500 00 2 Assistant Elevator Inspectors, each 1,200.00 2 Gasoline Inspector-?, each 1,200.00 2 Permit Clerks, each 950.00 2 Counter Clerks, each 1,000.00 Cierk for Furnaces and Steam Plants. . 1,000.00 2 Clerks for Electrical Work, each.... 1,050.00 Clerk Elevator Work i. 000.00 Draftsman 900.00 r '—Clerk 1,000.00' ipher 900.00 3 STREET CLEANING DEPARTMENT. JOSEPH L. WICKES, Commissioner. WM. A. LARKINS, Genl. Supt. SALARIES. PER YEAR. Commissioner $2,500.00 General Superintendent 1,500.00 Paymaster and Chief Clerk 1,200.00 Assistant Clerk 720.00 Stenographer and Mileage Clerk 900.00 6 Superintendents, each 1,000.00 Superintendent 1,200.00 Superintendent of Machine Sweeping.. 1,000.00 Garbage Inspector 780.00 2 Assistant Garbage Inspectors, each.. 600.00 Superintendent of Garbage 1,500.00 4 Assistant Superintendents of Garbage, each 1,000.00 Clerk 1,000.00 EXPENSES. 132 Street Carts, each, per week $ 18.00 210 Sweepers and Scrapers, each, per week 10.00 22 Foremen, each, per week 15.00 SWEEPING MACHINES, SPRINKLERS, ETC. 19 Drivers, each, per week $ 12.00 Machine Repairer 720.00 Machine Repairer Helper 606.84 CLEANING SEWERS AND INLETS. 4 Foremen, each, per week $ 18,00 9 Cartmen, each, oer week 18.00 9 LalDorers, each, per week 12.00 12 Laborers, each, per week 10. 4 7: C. & p. Phone St. Paul 2257 Res. Phone Gil. 1648- W Maryland Phoue Courtland 4141 A. G. L. Hitaffer 1 1 E. Saratoga St. Vault Lights, Expanded Metal Lockers, Fire Froof Partitions, Metal Office Furniture, Metal Window Frames, Metal Lath, Metal Shingles, Metal Ceilings & Side Walls REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY We cook Smithfield Hams and send them anywhere Our Reidco Coffee at 25c. the pound is delicious. Can you afford not to use it? C. & p. Phones Mt. Vernon 4077 & 165 Md. Phone Coart 1214 Md. Courtland. 4255 C. & P. Mt. Vernon, 3378 R. B. MASON, SUCCESSOR TO WILLIS &, MASON, BUILDING CONTRACTORS, 324 W. BIDDLE STREET- HARRY H. MacLELLAN, - Superintendent. Special Attention to Repairs and Adjustment of Fire Losses. JOHN H. KNOOP & CO. EMIL CARL, MANAGER. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Coal and Wood Coal Delivered in Patent Wagons and put in Cellar Free of Charge, Main Office, No. 6 N. Gilmor Street BOTH PHCNtS R. K. Yard, Franklin St. .x P. B. & W. R. R. gJOVES , ROOFING C. & P. PHONE, GILiVlOR 742. J. FRANK MILLER, insanitary Plumbing and Gas Fitting^ Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, 1516 W. BALTIMORE ST. fURNACES SPOUTINQ LAMPS AND LIGHTING DEPARTMENT. ROBERT J. McCUEN, Superintendent. SALARIES. PUR YEAR. Superintendent of Lamps and Lighting. $2,000.00 As.sistant Superintendent of Lamps and Lighting 1,500.00 Clerk and Typewriter 900.00 Inspector of Gas and Illuminating Oils. 1,040.00 Inspector of Gas Meters 936.00 7 District Superintendents, each, per week 12.50 Inspector at Large 936.00 Inspector of Electric Ammeters 650.00 Collector of Meters and General Me- chanic 936.00 HARBOR BOARD. O. F. LACKEY, WILLIAM D. SANNER, J. FRANK THOMPSON, CLARENCE SHRIVER, M. H. GOODRICH. SALARIES. PER YEAR, O. F. Lackey, Harbor Engineer $4,000.00 Chief Clerk 1,400.00 DREDGING HARBOR. Supervisor Dredging and Leadsman. . .$1,080.00 2 Supervisors, each, per day 2.75 2 Supervisors, each, per day 2.55 Boatman, per day 2.00 Messenger 360.00 Tug Baltimore — Captain $1,020.00 Engineer 960.00 Mate 720.00 2 Firemen, each 660.00 Deckhand 600.00 Watchman ;i6o,oo 7 Latrobe — Captain $1,500.00 Engineer 1,200.00 Mate ' 720.00 Deckhand 600.00 Watchman, one-half of $720 360.00 Full crew for ice and excursion sea- son — Firemen, Deckhands, Coal Passers, each, per day, $1.75 and.. 1.50 . Annapolis — Captain $ 600.00 Eng:ineer 900.00 Assistant Ensj;ineer 750.00 Mate 720.00 Deckhand r. 600.00 Watchman 720.00 Full crew for ice season REMOVAL OF FLOATING MATTF.R. Superintendent, per day $ 2.25 6 Boatmen, each, per day 1.75 1 PUBLIC WHARVES AND DOCKS. \ SALARIES. PER YEAR. Principal Assistant Enfrineer $2,400.00 Assistant Engineer and General Super- intendent 1,800.00 Assistant Engineer 1,500.00 2 Engineers, each 1,200.00 •* Draftsman and Computer 1,200.00 Draftsman and Computer 1,080.00 Clerk and Typewriter 1,080.00 i Inspector of Cement 1,080.00 4 Inspectors, each i. 080. 00 Night Watchm;in 600.00 4 Rodmen, each 900.00 6 Tapemen, each 780.00 Tide Recorder 720.00 6 Dredging and Dumping Inspectors, each .,..-.: yjy 00 Boatman, pei day 2.0U ^ \ - DON T WORRY WITH YOUR FEET Have them Treated and then you can smile BUNIONS, INGROWING NAILS. ALL DISEASES OF THE FEET TREATED Nurse in Attendance for Ladies. Dr. J. H. Liverpool, Jr. . SURGEOAT . GHRIROPODIST On ICE hours: 214 American Bldg- 9 A. M. tob p. M. Suiidavs 10 A. M. toi P.M. Kes 1449 N. CARKY STKKET C. & P. Phone, Gilmor 988. Md. Phone, Courtland 546. CHUPCHES, LODGES CLUBS. SOCIETIES. Can Secure Dates for Picnics, Outings, Etc. EITHER SUMMER OR WINTER. YOCKEL'S PARK KNOWN AS ACTON'S PARK FREDERICK YOCKEL, PROP. Dancing Pavilions Ten Pin Alley and all out Buildings are Thoroughly Repaired and Newly Painted. NEW WALKS, End of Loag Bridge. Brooklyn, A. A» Qq, 9 SMITH'S Home-IVlade Egg Noodles SMITH'S Home-Made Egg Noodles SMITHES Home-Made Egg Noodl^es SMITH'S Home=Made Egg Noodles SMITH, S Home=Made Egg Noodles And EMPIRE Macaroni. And EMPIRE Macaroni. ^ And EMPIRE MacBroni. And EMPIRE Macaroni. And EMPIRE Macaroni. Both in 5 and lOc packages Both in 5 and 10c packages Both in 5 and 10c packages Both in 5 and 10c packages Both in 5 and 10c packages At all Grocery Stores. At all Grocery Stores. At all Grocery Stores. At all Grocery Stores. At all Grocery Stores. H. B. WEISHAMPEL, Jobber of GROCERS' SPECIALTIES, 222 N. GREENE STREET. 10 HEALTH DEPARTMENT. DR. JAMES BOSLEY, Commissioner. DR. C. HAMPSON JONES, Assistant Commissioner. SALARIES. PER YEAR. ]^*^omi-nissioner of Health $3,500.00 ssistant Commissioner of Health.... 3,000.00 L'cretary 1,500.00 rcatistician 1,080.00 ■rrnit Clerk 1,000.00 gistrar's Clerk 900.00 laboratory Clerk goo.OO |\iiisance Clerk 900.00 ^ndex Clerk 900.OO [Inspector of Cow Stables 900.00 [Medical Examiner 1,500.00 Assistant Medical Examiner 500.00 Inspector of Bakeries 900.00 Superintendent of Morgue 900.00 2 Drivers of Funeral Wagons, each... 720.00 5 Disinfectors, each 800.00 Inspector of Plumbing 1,200.00 7 Assistant Inspectors of Plumbing, each 900.00 Inspector of Drains 900.00 Coinplaint Clerk 900.00 Clerk to Commissioner 900.00 Chemist 1,500.00 Assistant Chemist 1,200.00 Stenographer 720.00 Bacteriologist 1,500.00 Assistant Bacteriologist 1,200.00 Assistant Bacteriologist 1,000.00 II Food Inspectors, each 900.00 24 Health Wardens, each 900.00 2 Laboratory Assistants, each 240.00 Laboratory Assistant 600.00 Laboratory Assistant 180.00 Laboratory Assistant to make and de- liver Culture Material 800.00 II S'upt. Inmiigati'on and City Burials $ 900.OO Telephone Operator 360,00 2 Throat Inspectors, each. , . , 500.00 QUARANTINE. SALARIES. PER YEAR. Resident Physician $3,000.00 Assistant Resident Physician 1,830.00 Captain, No. i 840.00 Captain, No. 2 ^ 780.00 Engineer, No. i 840.00 Engineer, No. 2 780.00 Fireman, No. i 660.00 Fireman, No. 2 660.00 Deckhand 660.00 Messenger 660.00 Gardener 660.00 Nurse 660.00 Extra Nurse 300.00 Cook 300.00 Laundress 180.00 Laborer 60.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT. EDWARD M. PARRISH, A. R. CATHCART, GILLES J.. SHAW, Commissioners. SALARIES. PER YEAR. 3 Commissioners, each $1,000.00 Secretary and Clerk 1,500.00 Assistant Secretary and Clerk 900.00 Chief Engineer 2.750.00 8 District Engineers, each 1,500.00 Superintendent of Machinery 1,500.00 Assistant Superintendent of Machinery. 1,200.00 42 Captains, each 1,200.00 46 Lieutenants, each 1,075.00 32 Enginemen, each 1,150.00 34 Assistant Enginemen 1,000.00 "■ Pilots, each 1,000.00 TELSPHONE. GILMOR 1920 W 27 Years with late Mlcliael Heagerty, John T. Heagerty, ..PRACTICAL.. HORSE SHOER 10=12 S. Strieker Street, Diseases of the Feet Permanently Cured with Aid of My Hoof Expanders. . Faulty Gaited Horses Made to Go Properly. ALL KINDS OF PADS. Horses called for and returned at owners ritk. GKO. A. SANDKR. Established ls53. H. SANDER & SONS, J'uneral iJirectors and umbalTTiers, S. E. Cor. Broadvvav and Baltimore Street, C. & p. TLlet>lioiic 1256. 1708-10 Canton Avenue, c. & P, Phone, 2262. Md. Phone, Windsor 21^, Patentees and ]\Iai!ulaclur«"rs of Curia! Casket*, 13 GRAY'S SHOE REPAIR FACTORY 506 W. Pranktin St. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. PHONE OR SEND POSTAL. C & P. PHONE MT. VERNON 3865-M SMITH'S PHARMACY, OWEN C. SMITH, Prop. Pennsylvania Ave. and Dolphin St. Let us Supply you with your Crutches and Trusses, We carry a Large Line of Both. Phone and Mail Orders receive prompt attention, <^joods delivered all over the City. BRANCH STORE, 150! N, Fulton Ave. 14 5 Captains (combination), each $ 950.00 TO Tillermen, each 950.00 10 Assistant Tillermen, each 950.00 46 Hostlers and Drivers, each 900.00 42 Assistant Hostlers and Drivers, each 900.00 200 Pipemen, each 900.00 80 Laddermen, each 900.00 3 Stokers, each 900.00 20 Probationers, each 600.00 Superintendent of Telegraph 2,000.00 6 Telegraph Operators, each 1,100.00 2 Telephone Operators, each 840.00 Lineman 1,200.00 4 Assistant Linemen, each 1,000.00 Batteryman 1,000.00 CITY COLLECTOR. i FRANK BROWN, Collector, E. A. HARTMAN, Deputy Collector. SALARIES. PER YEAR. City Collector $2,000.00 Deputy Collector 2,500.00 Cashier 1,800.00 Assistant Cashier 1,500.00 Bookkeeper 1,600.00 Cash Bookkeeper 1,600.00 Chief Clerk 1,500.00 Piece Clerk 1,300.00 16 Ledger Clerks, each 1,300.00 28 Bailiffs, paid by fees, averaging, each 1,800.00 CITY ENGINEER. BENJ. T. FENDALL, City Engineer. SALARIES. PER YEAR. City Engineer $4,500.00 3 Assistant Engineers, each 2,400.00 5 Engineers, each l»500.oo 2 Itiigiiieers, eaeli » . . .$1,200.00 Chief Clerk and Paymaster 1,500,00 Permit Clerk and Stenographer 1,000.00 Bookkeeper 1,000,00 Stenographer 900.00 Messenger and Clerk 720.00 Driaughtsman (special) 1,000.00 Draughtsman 1,000.00 Paving Inspector 900.00 Footway Inspector 900.00 3 Footway Inspectors, each 900.00 Footway Inspector 1,200,00 General Inspector 1,500.00 Assistant Engineer and Draughtsman, 1,200.00 3 Clerks, each 720.00 .4 Inspectors, each 1,200.00 APPEAL TAX COURT. WTTXIAM H. BRUNE, OSCAR LESER, S. H. FREBURGER, Judges. SALARIES. PER YEAR. 3 Judges, each $2,000,00 Chief Clerk 1,600.00 Assistant Clerk 1,600.00 Writ, Notice and Transfer Clerk 1,200.00 Clerk, Stenographer and Messenger... 1,000.00 Chief Assessor 2,400.00 7 Assessors, each 1,200.00 2 Assistant Chief Assessors ,each 1,400.00 2 Special Assessors, each 2,200.00 2 Clerks to Special Assessors, each.. .. 1,200,00 TEMPORARY. 4 Special Assessors, each $2,000.00 a Clerks, each W00.00 CTOEIt PI Don't go to yotir friends when you need money* Let us send our agent to see you he will exphiin to you how easy it is to get a loan on your Furniture, Organs, etc., without your friends knowing anything about it. Strictly Confidential Drop us a postal Call or Phone West Baltimore Loan & Collection Company Inc. Lexington & Liberty Sts.^ Over Kahn's Drug Store Entrance, 20J N. Liberty St. Phones: C. & P. St Paul 1727 Md. B 6261 BRANCHES: 1915 Greenmouut Ave. 2 N. Frtmouut Ave. 17 Morrison & Hilgartner CARRIAGE 6l VA/AGON PAINTERS Automobile Work a Specialty 1005-07-09 E. Madison Street C & P. Phone. Wolfe 1642 M- -«=s=^ D, B, Ashman Ashman 1009 E, Baltimore St. AND Both Phones Coomes Sowing Machines Bought, Sold and Repaired 1009 E. Baltimore St. Both Phones. Repairers of Motors, Dynamos, Pressing Machines Fans and all kinds of Electrical Work Gas Pressing Irons for Mfg. and Family Use Motors Bought and Sold 18 UQUOR LICENSE COMMISSION. S. STERETT McKIM, BENJAMIN B. SHREEVES, JAMES BOND, Commissioners. SALARIES. PER YEAR. 3 Commissioners, each $2,000.00 Chief Clerk 1,600.00 2 Clerks, each 1,400.00 Clerk and Stenographer 600.00 Counsel 1,200.00 COMMISSIONERS FOR OPENING STREETS. JAMES H. SMITH, W.O. ATWOOD, BUSHROD M. WATTS, SALARIES. PER YEAR. Office— 3 Commissioners, each $1,800,00 Clerk 1,500.00 Chief Engineer 2,500.00 Assistant Engineer 1,500.00 Instrument Man 780.00 3 Rodmen, each 720.00 4 Inspectors, each 1,080.00 Clerk and Real Estate Man i ,500.00 Clerk 1,200.00 Real Estate Expert (as needed) 1,500.00 SUPERVISORS OF ELECTIONS. CHARLES H. CARTER, LLOYD L. JACKSON, HARRY W. NICE. SALARIES. PER YEAR. 3 Supervisors of Elections, each $2,500.00 Gtoeral Counsel X;2oaoo Chief Clerk $2,000.00 Messenger &00.00 Temporary Assistance 2,000.00 Temporary Assistance 1,500.00 Note.— Judges of Election receive $5.00 for each day of registration, and $10.00 for each day of election; Clerks receive $10.00 per day. CITY LIBRARIAN. WILBUR F. COYLE, Librarian. SALARIES. PER YEAR. City Librarian $1,500.00 Assistant City Librarian 900.00 Second Assistant City Librarian 750.00 Inspector and Clerk 750.00 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. GEORGE THOMAS AMES, Superintendent. SALARIES. PER YEAR. Superintendent of Public Buildings. . . .$1,500.00 Clerk to Superintendent 900.00 CITY HALL, SALARIES. 3 Watchmen, each 720.00 Elevator Conductor 720.00 3 Firemen, each 900.00 2 Laborers, each 520.00 Window Washer 520.00 Superintendent of Charwomen 480.00 17 Charwomen, each 300.00 COURT HOUSE, SALARIES. Assistant Superintendent $1,200.00 Chief Engineer.^ 1,200.00 2 Assistant Engineers, each 900.00 Chief Electrician 1,200.00 2 Assistant Electricians, each 900.00 9Q The Presses used in prints ing these books are driv= en by THE RELIABLE ^^Diehl" Motors Try them yourself and be convinced of their reliability under all conditions DIEHl MFilCTiINC CO. ELECTRICAL APPARAl US 217 N. CALVERT ST. Vhos. White Manufacturer of Express and Delivery Wagons Buggies, Surreys, Daytons, Etc. Repairing promptly attended to 754 W. SARATOGA STREET Md. Phone 21 ,^^.^.<:k4# ^^^-* ^^r^-.. Mr. Malone is the leading Engrossing Artist of the Country. His Resolutions, Testimonials, Memorials, Etc., are models of Fine Art En- grossing. Lessons given in all branches of Penmanship and Art. Call to-day. S. C. MALONE, ARTIST PENMAN, 331 North Charles Street. C. & p. Phone Gilmor 19/7-K Residence 2583 OSCAR OLSEN, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Brushes, Hardware, Gas and Electrical Fixtures. Plumbers Supplies. N. W. COR. Payson and McHenry Streets, BALTIMORE, MD 22 3 Firemen, each 9(X).oo 3 Oilers, each 600.00 3 Coal Passers, each • 608.33^ 5 Elevator Conductors, each 720.00 6 Watchmen, each 720.00 Janitor and Timekeeper 720.00 3 Laborers, each 520.00 Utility Man 520.00 Chief Marble Polisher 720.00 Marble Polisher 580.00 Wood and Furniture Polisher 600.00 2 Window Polishers, each 520.00 Court Matron 300.00 Superintendent of Charwomen 480.00 29 Charwomen, each 300.00 CITY HALL ANNEX, SALARIES. Janitor and Fireman $ 630.00 Watchman 720.00 4 Charwomen, each 262.50 Watchman, new 720.00 DIARY CITY COUNCIL. ist Ward- 2d " 3d " 4th « .sth <( 6th " 7th « 8th " 9th " loth " iTth " I2th « 13th " 14th " 15th .oq 4) Keeper West Arlington Standpipe $ ^20.00 Keeper Roland Standpipe. 720.00 Keeper Lake Roland .,...,. 780.00 Keeper Loch Raven 780,00 Gatekeeper Loch Raven 720.00 Superintendent of Dredging 1,000.00 Watchman on Dredge 600.00 SEWERAGE COMMISSION. J. BARRY MAHOOL, Ex-officio. GEN. PETER LEARY. Chairman. WILLIAM D. PLATT. MORRIS WHITRIDGE, IRA REMSEN, CHARLES ENGLAND. J. EDWARD MOHLER. ADMINISTRATION SALARIES. SALARIES. PER YEAR. Chairman $3,000.00 5 Commissioners, each 1,500.00 Secretary 2.500.00 Chief Engineer 10,000.00 Assistant Secretary and Bookkeeper.. 1,500.00 Stenographer 720.00 Clerk 720.00 Messenger 540.00 Office Boy 260.00 CONSTRUCTION SALARIES. First Assistant Engineer $4,000.00 Division Engineers: High Level 3,600.00 Low Level 3,600.00 Disposal Plant 3.600.00 Storm Water 3,600.00 Office Engineer... 2,100.00 Mechanical Engineer 2^00.00 YOU SHOULD JOIN Calvert Hent 1Flo. 3 IkniQbte of tbc flOaccabccs THE strongest fraternal, insurance order in the World, with an invested surplus of over seven and one-half million dollars. Cal- vert Tent has its own sick and funeral fund. Full information can be secured from the Record Keeper, W. O. Mayes, 1515 West Pratt Street, or any of the following officers : Past Commander W. C. St. John Commander Jos h. Rhein Lieut -Commander Clarence S. Tucker Record Keeper W. O. Hayes Chaplain H, Jefferson Physician Dr. W. A. Duvall Sergeant S. G. Griffin Master-at- Arms F. E. Schneider First Master-Guard W. M. Gill Second Master-Guard C. A. Bolton Sentinel G. C. Bolton Picket W. Woodson Meets Every Tuesday Night at Hough's Hall, 1422 Penna. Ave. WRITE FOR API'I/ICATION CARD 69 1895 1908 WHY PAY LESS FUNERAL BENEFITS Than are paid by other Fraternal Orders? JOIN THE AMERICAN FUNERAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION OF U. S. OF N. A. Inc. And pay $250.00 upon the death of each member of your Organization. For Full Information write to HARRY T. BROWN, President. L. L. JOHNSON, Secretary. 1409 MYRTLE AVEe 70 4 Assistants to Division Engineers, each $2,100.00 13 Assistant Engineer. (Grade A>. each 1,500.00 7 Assistant Engineers (Grade B), each 1,200.00 Chief Draughtsman 1,500.00 4 Draughtsmen (Grade A), each 1,200.00 6 Draughtsmen (Grade B), each 1,000.00 2 Draughtsmen (Grade C), each 900.00 II Rodmen (Grade A), each 900.00 13 Rodmen (Grade B), each 720.00 Secretary to Chief Engineer 1,500.00 Clerk and Stenographer (Grade A)... 1,000.00 5 Clerks and Stenographers (Grac B), each 900.00 Chemist 1,500.00 Assistant Chemist 1,000.00 Bacteriologist 1,500.00 Assistant Bacteriologist 1,200.00 Night Attendant '. 720.00 Laboratory Assistant 600.00 Blueprinter 720.00 Cement Tester 900.00 Record Clerk 840.00 8 Inspectors (Grade A), each 1,500.00 15 Trp^ectors (Grade B), each 1,200.00 16 Inspectors (Grade C). each 1,080.00 Clerk and Telephone Operator 540.00 Office Boy loooo PATRONIZE UNION LABOR. The Mules Printing Co. 220 W. PRATT STREET. C. A p. Phone St. Paul 5868. 71 Street Car Routes. BACK RIVER (See Middle River). BRUNSWICK STREET JERKWATER (See Wilkens Avenue Line). CALVERT STREET (1701-1799). Waverly Ave. and York Road: Waverly Ave., St. Paul. North- Ave., Charles, Read, Calvert, Baltimore, Entaw, Camden, to Howard. Re-j turning, same route. CANTON (WOLFE STREET) (2201-2299). Preston and Caroline Sts.: Preston, Wash- ington, Chase, Wolfe, AHceanna. Washington,, Fountain, Chester, Canton .A.ve., Cannon, Hud- son, Canton. O'Donnell, First. Fourth Ave.,, Clinton, to Fifth Ave. Returning, same route,, CAREY STREET (201-299). Park Terminal Station (Fulton and Druid Hill Aves.) : Fulton Ave., Francis, Retreat, Pennsylvania Ave., Cumberland, Carey, Mosher, Carrollton Ave., Fayette, Charles, Fort Ave., to Fort McHenry. Returning, same route to Fay- ette, Carey, Cumberland, Pennsylvania Ave., Retreat, Francis, Fulton Ave., to Park Terminal Station. CATONSVILLE (See Towson and Catonsville Line). COLUMBIA AVE. LINE (See John St. Line). CURTIS BAY (601-699). Fort Ave. and Light St.: Light St., Marshall Ave., across Long Bridge to Brooklyn, then to First, Patapsco Ave., Curtis Ave., over private right of way to Curtis Bay Terminus. Return- ing, same route. DICKEYVILLE (Sec North Avenue Line>. THE HOME OF PAINLESS DRNTISTRY Kull Set of T<-eth. $4 00 up Gold Fillings, H 00 up 22 K. Gold CroVus, $A 00 up *Oth-er Fillings, 50c. up Teeth Pvxtracted Positively Without Pain All Work Guaranteed No vStudents Employed I.arffest in the World I^ady Attendants Pliiladelpliia Dental Parlors 123 N. Howard St., ?PP:.;i:''.^.Lea'aratoga Sts.: Charles. Lexinj?- ton, Howard, Saratoga. Monroe, Edmondson Ave., then over private right of wav to Ellicott City. Returning, same route to Saratoga, to Charles. EMORY GROVE (s^i-^lQoV Lexinrton and Charles Sts.: T^exinrtnn, How- ard. Rirhmond, Linden Ave., Whitelock, Druid Hill Ave., Fulton Ave., Pennsylvania Ave., 71 Park Heights Ave., Slade Ave., Reisterstown Pike, through Pikesville, O wings Mills, and Reisterstown, then Dover Road to'Glyndon, then over private right of way to Emory Grove. Re- turning, same route to Linden Ave,, Fifth Ave., Howard, Fayette, North, Lexington, to Charles. FAIRMOUNT AVENUE (2301-2399). Holliday and Baltimore Sts.: Holiday, Fay- ette, Gay, Lexington, Caroline, Fayette, Wolfe, Fairmount Ave., East Ave., Baltimore, Third, Lombard, to Eighth. Returning, same route. Eighth St. Jerkwater: Lombard and Eighth Sts. to Eastern Ave. Returning, same route. FEDERAL STREET (2701-2799). Federal St. and Eastern City Limits: Federal, Aisquith, Preston, Brevard. Returning, same route. FREMONT STREET (501-599). Charles St. and North Ave.: North Ave., Mc- Mcchen, Division, Mosher, Fremont, to Paca. Returning, same route. Presstman St. Jerkwater: Fremont and Mo- sher Sts,. Fremont, Presstman, to Monroe. Re- turning, same route. GARRISON AVENUE LINE (See North Ave. Line). GAY ST. AND BELAIR ROAD (1501-1599). Baltimore St. and Garrison Lane: Baltimore, Gay, continuing out Belair Road to Overlea. Returning via Belair Road, Gay, Ashland Ave., Ensor, Gay, Baltimore, to Garrison Lane. Ter- minus of city cars, B. & O. R. R., Gay St. Sta- tion (Belair Road above North Ave.). GILMOR ST. (101-199). Park Terminal Station (Fulton and Druid Hill Aves.): Fulton Ave., Pennsylvania Ave., Cumberland, Gilmor, Fayette, North, Guilford Ave., North Ave., St. Paul. Twenty-fifth, to York Road. Returning, same route. Wm. C. Schemer l^hilip Green William C. ScJierep & Co. Successors to JOHN SCHERER & SON Wholesale & Retail SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS Window and Door Frames, Brackets, Mouldings, Stair Work, Porch Work, Interior Finish, Cabinet Mantels, Etc. m, 809, 810 and 812 W. Baltimore St. Near Fremont Maryland W. 5781 C. & P . Gilmor 1310 I/ivery, Hiring and Sale Stables 'uneral and Wedding Carriages a Specialty 1703-1705 W.Baltimore St. 77 DEAL WITH REITZE FOR BEST CLOTHES FIT GUARANTEED. Suits from $J3.50 op Trousers from $5.00 up Tailors of Qixality J. H. REITZE & SON 643 W* BALTIMORE STREET Just 2 Doors West of Arch St Baltimore, - - - Maryland. Phone St. Paul 4209 Don't be Grouchy, but ask for one of NOLAN'S Steamed or Hard Fried Grabs, Then you'll have the smile that won't come off. NOLAN'S CAFE, 17 NORTH HOWARD STREET. i^iw*« ill w. imMEnk fl if® W. MLTllK IT. 71 GORSUCH AVENUE (701-799^- Gorsucli Avenue and York Road: Gorsuch ' Ave., Taylor, Jackson to Harford Road. Re- turning, same route. GWYNN OAK LINE (See North Ave Line). HARFORD AVENUE (1901-1999). Charles and Wells Sts.: Charles, Ostend,. Stockholm, Sharp, Lee, TTanover, B'altimnre, Aisquith, ATadison, Central Ave., Harford Ave., to Hamilton Ave. Returning, same route to- Aisquith. Lexington. Gay, Baltimore, Sharp,. Stockholm, Ostend. Charles, to Wells St. Ter- minus of city cars, Clifton Park gate. This line connects at Hamilton with the Bal- timore and Belair Electric Railway for Park- ville and Carney. JOHN STREET (i2oi-t299>. Columbia Avenue Branch. — Druifl HvII Park (Madison Ave. Gate): Park Terrace, McCulloh, North Ave., John, Lafayette Ave., Park Ave., Liberty, Howard, Camden, Paca, Columbia A\'e., to Gwynn's Falls. Returning, same route. Westport i3ranch. — Druid Hill Park (Madison Ave. Gate): Park Terrace, McCulloh, North Ave., John, Lafayette Ave., Park Ave., Liberty, PToward, Camden, Paca, Fremont, Ridgely, over private right of way across Harmon's Bridge, along Maryland Ave., Fish House Road, to Shore Line Park. Returning, same route. LAKESIDE (1101-1199). Roland Park Terminus: Roland Ave., then over private right of way to Lakeside. Return- ing, same route. LINDEN AVENUE (301-331), Park Terminal Station (Fulton and Druid Hill Aves.): Druid Hill Ave., Whitelock, Lin- den Ave., Fifth Ave., Howard, Fayette, Charles, German, South, to Pratt. Returning, South, German, Charles, Lexington, Howard, Rich- mond, Linden Ave., then over same route as above T.OkRAlNl': Electric Railway to Lorraine Cemetery atid Colonial Park Estates. Meets Mt Holly Cars at West Tertniiuis, get free transfer from Mt. Holly conductor and pay second fare at Dickeyville. MADISON AVENUE (1601-1699). Druid Hill Park (Madison Ave. Gate): Madi- son Ave., Eutaw, Baltimore, Broadway, to foot of Broadway. Returning, same route. MIDDLE RIVER (2601-2699). Holliday and Baltimore Sts.: Holliday, Fay- ette, Gay, Lexington, Caroline, Fayette, Wolfe, Fairmount Ave., East Ave., Baltimore, Third, Lombard, Fifteenth, Eastern Ave,, to Back River, then over private right of way to Middle River. Returning, same route. MT. HOLLY LINE (See North Ave. Line). MT. WASHINGTON AND ELECTRIC PARK (2501-2599). Baltimore and Calvert Sts,: Calvert, Read, Charles, North Ave., Maryland Ave;, Twenty- fifth, Huntingdon Ave., across viaduct, First Ave., Chestnut Ave., Third Ave,, Falls Road, over viaduct to Mt, Washington, then over pri- vate right of way to Belvedere Ave. (Electric Park), Belvieu Ave., Gwynn Oak Ave, to Lib- erty Road (Gwynn Oak Junction), Returning, same route. Union Ave. Jerkwater (Woodberry), Third and Roland Aves.: Third Ave,, Falls Road, Union Ave., to foot of Union Ave, Returning, same route. NORTH AVENUE (1301-1399). Garrison Ave. Branch. — Washington and Pres- ton Sts.: Washington St„ North Ave., Twelfth, Clifton Ave. (Walbrook Junction), Garrison Ave., Belvieu Ave,, Belvedere Ave. to Electric Park. Returning, same route. Digrkified, Refined Suburb COLONIAL PARK ESTATES ''Nothing^ Like it Elsewliere^' See it Today On Terms to Suit Your Pocket Take North Ave., Mt. Holly Cars Change at Windsor Hills to Our Entrance John J. Watson 763 to 769 Calvert Building Salesman on Ground all Day Sunday and Every Afternoon SI The New Electric Railway Extension of the NORTH AVB. MT. HOLLY CARS to ICnrrain? I ! Brings to 3'onr convenience the FIRST Farkj Lawn Plan Perpetual Care Cemetery of this City. Owned and Managed by Baltimore Business Mei 1 1-2 Miles West of Walbrook. PICTURESQUE PARKLIKE PEACEFU Take Mt. Holly (North Ave.) Cars. Office at Cemetery and Union Trust Buildin BOTH PHONES. 82 Mt. Holly Branch. — Milton Ave. and Preston St.: Milton Ave., North Ave., Twelfth, Clifton Ave. (Walbrook Junction), over private right of way to Windsor Hills Terminus. Returning, same route. Dickeyville Extension: Over private right of way from Windsor Hills Terminus to Dickey- ville. connecting at Dickeyville with Lorraine Electric Railway Co. for Lorraine Cemetery and Colonial Park Estates. Gwynn Oak Branch. — Walbrook Junction, (Clifton and Garrison Aves.) : Garrison Ave., Liberty Road to Gwynn Oak Ave. (Gwynn Oak Junction), to Gwynn Oak Park, then over private right of way to Woodlawn. Returning, same route. ORLEANS STREET (2001-2099). Patterson Park and North Aves.: Patterson Park Ave., Monumicnt, Chester, Jefferson, Broad- wn> . "-leans, Aisquith, Fayette, North, Balti- .1 ^arp, Lee, Light, to Light and Wells urning, same route to Lee, Hanover, Aisquith, Orleans, Patterson Park )rth Ave. Ave. Jerkwater (Light and Wells 5l , Marshall Ave. to Long Bridge. R me route. lent St. Jerkwater: From Patter- son to Loney's Lane. Returning, sam PE. NIA AVENUE (1801-1899) Cum and North Ave.: Cumberland, Peniis> ., Greene, Baltimore, Albe- marle, eter, Bank, Patterson Park Ave.. K Ave., Chesapeake, Elliott, Clinton. Third. Returning, same route to E 1. High, Baltimore, Greene, Pcnnsylva imberland. to North Ave. Third St. ^erkwater) : From Toonc to Eastern ning, same route. PRESTON STREET (2101-2199). Park Terminal Station (Fulton and Druid Hill Aves.) : Fulton Ave., Lanvale, Myrtle Ave., . Dolphin, Argyle Ave., Bidclle, Bolton, Preston,, Caroline, Lancaster, to Broadway. Returning, Broadway, Shakespeare, Caroline, Preston, Bol- ton, Biddle, Argyle Ave!^, Lanvale, Fulton Ave., to Park Terminal Station. ROLAND PARK AND HIGHLANDTOWN. (1001-1099). Roland Park Terminus: Roland Ave., Third! Ave., Chestnut Ave., First Ave., over viaduct,, West Huntingdon Ave., Twenty-fifth, Maryland! Ave., Biddle, Park Ave., Howard, Pratt, Bond,, Eastern Ave., to Eighth. Returning, same route. . After 10.00 P. M. the east-bound cars use Lom- bard St. from Howard to Exeter, then Pratt, etc. . SPARROWS POINT AND BAY SHORE PARK (2401-2499). Waiting Station (Howard and Franklin Sts.):: Howard, Fayette, Gay, Lexington, Caroline,, Fayette, Wolfe. Fairmount Ave., East Ave., Baltimore, Third, Lombard, Fifteenth, Easterni Ave. to Eastern Ave. Junction, then over: private right of way through St. Helena.f Dundalk. to and across Bear Creek to Fourth, D, to D and Eighth Sts., Sparrows Point Ter- minus (Waiting Station), tlien continuing over- private right of way to Jones Creek, North; Point Creek, North Point Junction. Fort How ard. Shallow Creek, to Bay Shor^ Park. Re- turnino;. Bay Shore Loop to No-^h Pomt June-' tion, then over the same rout^^ as ab .00 Fayette and Howard Sts 1.24 2.24 3.24 4.24 Pennsylvania and North Aves.... 1.42 2.42 3.42 4.42 I'ark Heights and Belvedere Aves. 1.57 2.57 3.57 4!57 Cars leaving Fort McHenry at 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00 A.M. go through to Park Heights and Belvedere Aves., I'imlico. YORK AND FREDERICK ROAD LINE. Southbound. Arlington Ave. (Waverly) 1.00 2.00 ;?.00 4.00 rireenmonnt and North Aves 1.TJ 2.12 3.12 4.3 2 Fayette and Howard Sts 1.30 2.30 3.30 4.. 'JO Lrviugtou (Augusta Ave.) 1.50 2.56 3.56 4.56 Northbound. Irvington CAugusta Ave.) 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Payette and Howard Sts 1.24 2.24 3.24 4.24i (rreenmount and North Aves 1.40 2.40 3.40 4.40 J Arlington Ave. (Waverly) 1.52 2.52 3.52 4.52 ROLAND PARK AND HIGHL'T'N LINE. Southbound. Roland Park 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Maryland and North Aves 1.20 2.20 3.20 4.20 Fayette and Howard Sts 1.30 2.30 3.30 4.30! Eastern Ave. and Eighth St. (High- landtowu 1.54 2.54 3.54 4.541 Northbound. Eastern Ave. and Eighth St. (High- iandtown 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.0.0 Fayette and Howard Sts 1.24 2.24 3.24 4.24 J Maryland and North Aves 1.34 2.34 3.34 4.34 Koland Park 1.54 2.54 3.54 4.54 GAY STREET LINE. Eastbound. Baltimore St. and Garrison Laup. 1.00 2.00 .S.OO 4.00 Howard and Baltimore Sts 1.13 2.13 3.13 4.13 Gay and Baltimore Sts 1.20 2.20 3.20 4.20 North Ave. and Gay St 1.38 2.38 3.38 4.38 Westbound. North Ave. and Gav St 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 1 Gay and Baltimore Sts 1.18 2.18 3.18 4.18 Floward and Baltimore Sts 1.25 2.25 3.25 425 JiaUimore St. aud- Garrison Lane, 1,38 2.38 3.3$ 438 ■ SB , C & p. PHONE. SOUTH 223.M Fine Coaches for Weddings and Funerals TERMS REASONABLE HOWARD E. TULLEY Formerly with Arms r ng, Denny Co. Undertaker and Smbalmer 43 E. MONTGOMERY ST. PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT 10 Years Practical txperience. L. G. EBERHARDT frfBrription harmarisl 631 W. Lexington St., Cor. Arch. BALTIMORE, MD. Geo. W. Wilkinson John J. Neville Wilkinson & Neville, Monuments, Tombs & Statuary In /V\arb!e and Qraniie. N. E. CORNER MOSHER ST. AND MYRTLE AVE C & P., Madison 20i^ BALTIMORE 59 Broadway Dental Parlors 129 SOUTH BROADWAY. FullSelsof^^^^ 53.00 Gold Fillings $1.00 and up. Mi otiier Filliris 50c The Best Equipped Dental Offices in Baltimore. PAINLESS EXTRACTING 25 CTS. Gas, Vitalized Air and Soniinoforni Adiiiinisleicc ALL WORK GUARANTEED. THE RING 509 N. Howard Street, Opposite Auditorium. STEAM HEATED ROOMS At Reasonable Prices. | .CHAS. J. QEHRING, Prop. CHAS. R^EP, Mgr 90 MADISON AVENUE LINE. _ .^ Southbound. Druid IIill Park 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Madison and North Aves 1.02 2 02 3 02 4 02 Howard and Baltimore Sis 1.13 2.13 3.13 4!l3 Gay and Baltimore Sts 1.20 2.20 3.20 4.20 Broadway and Baltimore St 1.25 2.25 3.25 4.25 Toone and Third Sts. (Canton).. 1.38 2.38 3.38 4.38 Northbound. Toone and Third Sts. (Cnatou).. 2.00 3.00 4.00 Broadway and Baltimore St 1.01 2.13 3.13 4.13 Gay and Baltimore Sts 1.06 2.18 3.18 4.18 Howard and Baltimore Sts 1.13 2.25 3.2o' 4.25 Madison and North Aves 1.26 2.38 3.38 4 38 Druid Hill Tark 1.28 2.40 3.40 4.40 HARFORD AVENUE LINE. Southbound. Hamilton Ave 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Harford and North Aves 1.15 2.15 3.15 4.15 Gay and Baliimore Sts 1.30 2.30 3.30 4.30 Northbound. Gay and Baltimore Sts 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Harford and North Avis 1.15 2.15 3.15 4.15 Hamilton Ave 1.32 2.32 3.32 4.32 The Harford Are. all -night cars run between llamil- ton Ave. and Baltimore and Gay Sts. ORLEANS AND LIGHT STREET LINE. Northbound. Light St. Power House 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Gay and Baltimore Sts 1.16 2.16 3.16 4.16 Patterson Park and North Aves.. 1.35 2.35 3.35 4.35 Southbound. Patterson Park and North Aves.. 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Gay and Baltimore Sts 1.19 2.19 3.19 4.19 i/ght St. Pox^er House 1.36 2.36 3.36 4.3G NORTH AVENUE LINE. Eastbound. Electric Park 12.30 1.30 2.30 3.30 4.30 Penna. and North Aves 12.55- 1.55 2.55 3.55 4.55 Madison and North Aves 12.50 1.59 2.59 3.50 4.59 Maryland nnd North Aves ...... 1.07 2.07 3.07 4.07 5.07 Greenm't and North Aves 1.12 2.12 3.12 4.12 5.12 Harford and North Aves 1.15 2.15 3.15 4.15 5.15 Preston and Wash. Sts 1.21 2.21 3.21 4.21 5.21 Gay St. and North A.ve 1.24 2.24 3.24 4.24 5.24 Westbound. Gay St. and North Ave 12.30 1.30 2.30 3.30 4.30 Harford and North Aves 12.36 1.36 2.36 3.3(5 4.36 Greenm't and North Aves 12.40 1.40 2.40 3.40 4.40 Maryland and North Aves 12.44 1.44 2.44 3.44 4.44 Madison and North Aves i.2.50 1.50 2.50 3.50 4.50 Penna. and North Aves 12.53 1.53 2.53 3.53 4.53 electric Park 1.18 2.18 3.18 4.18 54# H Week Day Schedules FIRST AND LAST CAR On Sunday First Car One Hour Later. DRUID HILL AVENUE. _ FIRST. Park Terminal Station 5.00 Patterson I'ark 5 29 GILMOR ST. AND GUILFORD AVE. Park Terminal Station 5. 00 York Road and Twenty-fifth St 5,46 CAREY ST. AND FORT AVE. Park Terminal Station 4.45 Fort McIIenry 5.33 LINDEN AVENUE. Park Terminal Station 6.00 Pratt and South Sts 6.30 EMORY GROVE. Emory Grove 5.52 Owings Mills 5,18 Pikesville 5.33 Belvedere Avenue 5.49 Lexington and Calvert 6.00 Lexington and Calvert 6.00 Lexington and Calvert 6.00 Lexington and Calvert 6.00 EDMONDSON AVENUE. Walbrook Junction 5.00 12.0i Fayette and Luzerne 5,51 . 12. 5( FREMONT STREET. Charles and North Ave 6.00 12.1} Paca and Fremont Streets 6.26 12.43 CURTIS BAY, Fort Avenue and Charles 5.30 12. 0( Curtis Bay 5.30 12.3(1 YORK AND FREDERICK ROADS. Arlington Avenue 5.00 12.3( Augusta Avenue 5.00 12.3( TOWSON AND CATONSVILLE. Towson 5.48 12.1! Catonsville 5.49 12.06 Catonsville for Waverly 11.23, 11.31, 11.47 P.M. Catonsville for Irvington — 11.54 P.M., 12.18, 12,33, 12.48 A.M. Towson for Irvington 11.26, 11.34, 11.50 P.M. Towson for Waverly — 11.52 P.M., 12.04, 12.27, 12.42 A.M. WILKENS AVENUE. Potomac Street Barn 5.00 11.30 Primrose Avenue ,..,.,,... = =.......». 5.50 12 20 * 92 BOTH Coaches PHONES, For all Occasions WILBUR W. SHRIVER, Formerly with and Successor to LEWIS F. SCHAEFER, iFunrral Str^rtnr nnh iEmbalm^r Main Office, 316 N. Fremont Ave. BRANCH OFFICE, 1526 CLIFTON AVENUE I^ady in Attendance. C. & P. Madison 3277-Y CONSULT DR. NATHAN HERMAN, SPECIALIST Nervous and Chronic Diseases, American Building, NO CHARGE aUALITY PRICES ACCOMODATION MY CONSIDERATION CHAS. E. GRAUEL, IPbarmaciet, Deutsche Apotheke: S. E* Cor. Sharp and Lee Streets, >. E. Cor. Mount and Franklin Streets* 03 Electoral Vote for 1 908. Alabama ii Arkansas 9 California ... lo Colorado 5 Connecticiit 7 Delaware 3 Florida 5 Georgia 13 Idaho 3 Illinois ?.y Indiana 15 Iowa 13 Kansas ] o Kentucky 13 Louisiana , 9 Maine 6 Maryland 8 Massacliusett-' .... .16 Michigan . . 14 Minnesota 11 Mississippi ro Missouri 18 Montana 3 Total Necessary to a choic( Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina. , North Dakota.. Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania . . , Rhode Island . , South Carolina , South Dakota . . Tennessee T>xas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington . . . , West Virginia . . Wisconsin Wyoming 242. THE GOLINDO CIGAR CO. M. ENQELMAN, PROP. 112=20 SOUTH EDEN STREET Manufacturers of The GOLINDO 5c. Cigar The E. Z. 5c. Cigar The HONEST DAVE 5c. Cigar AND THE SILENCIA lOc. Cigar AND OTHER FAMO US BRAND CHARLES F. MULES Sales Agent 1820 W. FRANKLIN STREET C. & P. PHONE, Gilmor 989 94 ROLAND PARK AND HIGHLANDTOWN. FIRST. LAST. '>land Pnrk 5.00 12. 30' llRhlnndtown 5.00 12.:;0' LAKESIDE. 'olanrl Park (1.00 1 2.00- .akoside I'ark G.15 12.1;'> DUNDALK. fliffhlandfown H.-'O 1 1 .50' Dundalk .Tunotion 0.15 12.15 JOHN STREET. ^niifl THII Pfirk 5.00 11.50* Tuid Tlill Pfirk 5.0fi 11.57 'oliimbia Anpiiuo 5..'?0 12.25' • Vfstport 5.44 12.3S NORTH AVENUE, Vasliiiigion and I'reston 5.07 11.54 Olf'clric Park 5.00 12.00 MlUon Avenuo and Proston 5.00 11.30 Mt. HoHy 5.44 12.14 Cars Ipavins: Milton Avonne and Preston Street a1 11.45 and 12.00 P. M. go to Electric I'ark. ELLICOTT CITY. Ellicoit Ciiy 5.40 12.00 Charles and Lexington G.45 12.00 GAY STREET. ' »Test Pallimpre Street 4.50 12.44 P.elnir Rond Terminns 5.15 1.42 We.st Baltimore Street 5.00 12.44 R. & O. Station 5.34 12.50 MADISON A VENT' E. Dniid Hill Park 5.00 12.20 Foot of Broadway 5.35 12.55 CALVERT STREET. Wavorly Avenue and York Road 5. .10 12..''.n Camden and Howard 0.05 1 .05 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. North Avenue and Cumberland r,.00 12.00 Toone St. Terminus 5.44 12.44 HARFORD AVI:NT'E. Ilnmilton Avenue 5.-10 11. -t.*^ diaries and Wells Streets ."':'. 12.07 Clifton Park 5.00 12.00 liarles and Wells Streets 5.43 12.40 ORLEANS STREET. Light Street Barn 5.00 1 2.00 I'atterson Park and North Avenues 5..'>7 12.37 PRESTON STREET. Park Terminal Station 5.00 12.00 L'.roadway Market 5.44 12.44 ark Terminal Station to Preston Street Barn.. 12.16, 12.28, 12.35, 12.42, 12.50, 12.58 A.M. 95 CANTON (Wolfe St.) FinST. LAST. Caroline and Preston, , 5.22 12 00 Clinton nnd Fifth. « , . , . 5 F>7 1 ? PSf» FATRMOTTNT AVENf E. Lombard and Eif?htb St.s 5.00 12. .'',(; Holliday and Ballimore Sts 5.3:i ].00 S ['ARROWS I'OINT. Howard and Franklin 5.30 11.30 Sparrows I'oint 0.27 11 .27 Howard and Franklin 7.00 10.00 Bay Shore Park 8.15 11.15 1 ntpr cars uo to lliiihlandlown only. ELECTRIC PARK AND MT. WASHINGTON. Raltimorp and Calvert Streets 6.00 12.30 Liberty Road and Gwynn Oak Ave 6.03 12.03 MH'IVLE RIVER. Holliday and Baltimore 5.33 11.53 Middle River 6.00 11.30 FEDERAL STREET. Frderal and City Limits 5.30 11.30 Brevard and Preston 5.50 11.50 LAST SUBURBAN CARS. FROM FAYETTE AND HOWARD STS. — For Sparrows I'oint 11.33 P.M. Towson 12.47 A.M. CatonsviUe .•. 1.00 A.M. FROM LEXINGTON AND CHARLES STS.— For Emory Grove 11.30 P.M. Owin^s Mills 12.00 M. Ellicott City 12.00 M. FROM BALTIMORE AND CALVERT STS.— For Eiectric Park 12.30 A.M. :\It. Washiuston 12.30 A.M. Belair Road 11.58 P.M., 1.02 A.M. Lauraville 12.22 A.M. FROM BALTIMORE AND HOLLIDAY STS.— For Back and Middle Rivers 11.33 P.M. C. A. KISER, Graining and Penciling A Specialty. 756>< WEST BALTIMORE STREET. BALTIMORE. MD. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended To. 96 Tbe WhisKey | of PerfectioQ. | CECIL RYE "BOTTLED IN BOND. " TleWMe-BamsclmiilCo. DISTILLERS, HIGHLANDTOWN, BALTIMORE CO., - MD. .. .SECURITY- STORAGE & TRUST C mm Hl-yi ^ FURNITURE STORAGE ; 13 TO 19 NORTH AVENUE, WE \ NEAR CHARLES STREET. i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 432 834 6 |^