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The infor- mation given is not definite in every instance) but it is the best available at the present time. For purposes of convenient reference, there ii appended a list of the State Chairmen of the Woman's Committee of the Council of Nationa. Defense, a list of the Divisional Secretaries of th( Civil Service Commission, and a list of the Di visional Headquarters of the American Red Cross JUL ?■ \ He J C2) ^^ r4 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1. American Service. 2. Foreign Service. 3. Vocational Training Courses. 4. State Chairmen of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense. 5. Divisional Headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. 6. Divisional Headquarters of the American Red Cross. (8) WAR WORK FOR WOMEN. AMERICAN SERVICE. [Revised June 15, 1918.] Accountants. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary: Senior accountant, $2,200 to $4,200; junior accountant, $1,200 to $2,000. Requirements: Graduation from high school and at least two years' expert ex- perience. Agricultural economics, specialist in. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary: Grade 1, $1,800 or over a year; grade 2, $1,500 to $1,800 a year. Americanization. Refer to Committee on Educational Propa- ganda, Woman's Committee, Council of Na- tional Defense. OrU. S. Bureau of Education, Washington, D. 0. Athletic instructors. Refer to Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. Kind of work: Leaders in physical recre- ation. Requirements: Age, 25-36; religion, Prot- estant Evangelical. Or Playground and Recreation Association of America, 1 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. Aviators. No demand for Government service. Business managers. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary, $2,000 to $3,000. Kind of work: To originate and execute improved office methods. Canteen workers. Refer to local Red Cross Divisional Canteen director. Volunteer work. (5) Censors. Refer to Censorship Board, 461 Washington Street, New York, N. Y. Salary: From $1,200. Requirements: Knowledge of one or more foreign languages, especially Scandina- vian; American citizenship. Clerks. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission, Stenographers and typewriters, $1,000 to $1,200 a year. Typewriters operators, $1,000 to $1,200 a year. General clerks, $1,000 to $1,100 a year. Index and catalogue clerks, $1,100 to $1,200 a year. Clerks qualified in business administra- tion, $1,200 to $1,500 a year. Calculating machine operators, $900 to $1,200. Schedule clerks, $1,400 to $1,500 a year. Production clerks, not more than $1,500 a year. Clerks qualified in statistics or accounting, $1,100 to $1,800 a year. Statisticians, $1,800 a year. Multigraph operators, $1,000 to $1,200 a year. Blue-print file clerks, $1,000 to $1,500 a year. File clerks, $1,000 to $1,200— one year's experience in filing or two year's ex- perience in filing by decimal system. Editorial clerk, $1,200 to $1,600 a year. Clerks qualified in modem languages, $900 to $1,200 a year. Coder, $900 to $1,200 a year. Bookkeeper-typewriter, clerk-bookkeeper, $1,000 to $1,200 a year. Freight-car record clerks, $1,200 a year. Map colorist, $720 to $900 a year. Munition loading plant clerks. Freight rate clerks. Passenger rate clerks. Ekspress rate clerks. Steel plant clerks. Machining plant clerks. Powder plant clerks. (6) College women in war service. Refer to Women's Collegiate Section, United States Employment Service,' 1410 Pennsyl- vania Avenue, Washington, D. C. Craftswomen. Refer to Surgeon General's Office, War De- partment, Washington, or Bureau of Nursing, American Red Cross, Washington. Volunteer, trained women needed for di- versional work in convalescent hospitals. (Diversional occupations: Woodcarving, toy-making, basketry, pottery, mechan- ical drawing, clay modeling, rag rug weaving, etc.) Dietitians. Refer to Surgeon General's Office, Food Divi- sion. Or local branch of Food Administration. Or Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. Or local hospital. Domestic science experts. Refer to Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington Avenue, NewYork, N. Y. Kind of work: Cafeteria management. Requirements: Age, 30-50; religion, Protestant Evangelical. Or Department of Agriculture. Or Food Administration. Or divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission Draftsmen. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission Artist draftsmen: Salary, $1,200 to $1,400. Requirements: Age 20-50 years. At least two years experience as artist or artist dratsman engaged in illustrating work. Kind of work: Designing of cover pages, retouching photographs, preparation of pen and ink drawings from photographs, etc. Copyist draftsmen; Salary, $2 to $3.44 per diem. Requirements: High school or common school education with experience as a tracer or copyist draftsman. (7) Draftsmen — Continued . Electrical, or ship: Salary, $4 to $6.40 per diem. Engineering: Salary, $3.04 to $7.04 per diem. Elevator operators. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary, $720. Entertainers. Refer to Playground and Recreation Associa- tion of America, 1 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Kind of work: Entertainments in camp and in camp communities. Or bureau of registration, Y. W. C. A., 4 West 58th Street, New York, N. Y. Or Y. M. C. A., 9th and Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, D. C. Employment management work in factories. Refer to Employment Management Division of War Industries Board, 606 Council of De- fense Building, Washington, D. C. Salary: Fixed by individual factories. Kind of work: Intelligent supervision of women workers in Government factories to the end that employment may be stabilized and labor troubles eliminated. Extension work. Boys' and Girls' Clubs in connection with food production. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary, $1,500 to $2,200. Requirements: Graduation from college or graduation from high school with ad- ditional field work equivalent in time to a college course. Factory and other industrial workers. Refer to Department of Labor, Woman's Divi- sion. Farm work. Refer to Department of Agriculture. Or Federal Food Administration. Or Director of Extension Work, State College of Agriculture. Or State Home Demonstration Agent, State College of Agriculture. Or Woman's Land Army of America, 19 West Forty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. (8) Field examiner. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Entrance salary, $1,200 to $1,800. Kind of work: Work in Washington or in the field investigating cases for awards to dependents of soldiers and sailors when injured. Gas mask plant vsrorker. Refer to Long Island Gas Defense Plant, Sec- ond Street and Jackson Avenue, Long Island City, N. Y. Hostess houses. Refer to Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. Hostess directors, recreational secretaries, emergency secretaries, cafeteria direc- tors, bookkeepers, cashiers. Inspector of small arms. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Law clerk ''counsel." Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary, $1,000 to $1,800. Requirements: Graduation from law school or admission to the bar, and experience. Land law clerk. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary, $900 to $1,600. Requirements: Graduation from high school and at least two years' experience as law clerk. Librarians. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Work: Index and catalogue clerks and li- brary assistants. Or American Library Association, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Work in cantonment libraries, paid and volunteer. Marketing, scientific assistant in. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Masseuses. (See Reconstruction aides.) 65663°— 18 2 (9) Matrons. Refer to Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. Kind of work : Matrons in girls' boarding houses. Or Committee on Protective Work for Girls, Commission on Training Camp Activities, War Department, Washington, D. C. Kind of work: Matron in detention homes in camp cities. Or Red Cross local divisional headquarters. Work in Red Cross houses connected with base hospitals. Or divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Field matrons, Indian Service. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary: $600 to $840. Requirements: Must answer questions re- garding experience in — 1. Cookery. 2. Household sanitation. 3. Sewing. 4. Care of sick. 5. Care and feeding of infants. 6. Home gardening. 7. Social work. Medical interne. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Messengers. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Girl messengers (under 16 years), salary $40 per month. Messenger (over 16), salary $60 per month- Kind of work: Messenger service in Gov- ernment departments. Musicians. Refer to Playground and Recreation Associ- ation of America, 1 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Kind of work: Entertainments in camp and all other community activities. Or Red Cross local divisional headquarters. A limited number is needed for work in the Red Cross convalescent houses in connection with military hospitals. (10) Motor service. Refer to American Red Cross, Motor Corps. Requirements: Work volunteer. All ex- penses paid and car donated by worker. Or State chairman, Woman's Committee, Coun- cil of National Defense. Or divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission, Munitions -workers. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Nurses. Refer to Committee on Nursing, General Medi- cal Board, Council of National Defense, Washington, D. C. Kind of work: All nursing and nurses' train- ing. Or Red Cross local divisional headquarters. Or Army Nurse Corps, Office of Surgeon General, War Department, Washington, D. C. Requirements: Age, 21 to 45; unmarried; graduation from accredited training school ; citizens of the United States or one of our allied countries. Certain requirements waived for the period of the war emergency. Home defense nurses: Refer to Bureau of Nursing, Red Cross divisional headquarters. Relief work in hospitals; Helping visit- ing nurse; Infant welfare work. Practical nurses: Refer to Chairman of National Organiza- tion for Public Health Nursing, 615 Nine- teenth Street NW., Washington, D. C. Kind of work: Prevention of disease and care of sick in homes of civilian population. Nurses (trained) Panama Canal Service, In- dian Service, and Philippine Islands Service. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Requirements: Graduation from school for . trained nurses plus at least three years' experience in hospital. Patent OflB.ce, assistant examiner in. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary, $1,500. (11) Photographers. Refer to Chief of Ordnance, War Department, Washington, D. C. Salary, $720 to $1,200 a year. Requirements: One year's experience as photographer in the operation of a view camera or a photostat machine. Or divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Physicians. Refer to American Women's Hospitals, 637 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Duties: To take the places of men who have gone to the front. Or United States Civil Service Commission. Physical training directors. Refer to Bureau of Nursing at Red Cross divisional headquarters. Work paid or volunteer with industrial em- ployees. Printers. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission, Salary, 50 cents an hour for hand com- positors, 60 cents an hour for linotype or monotype operators. Publicity experts: Refer to local branches of war organizations. Or local newspapers. Or local Woman's Committee, Council of National Defense. Registrars: Refer to Schools Section of Signal Corps, Washington, D. C. Kind of work: OlQBce management and keeper of school records. Or divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service CcJmmission. Reconstruction aides: Refer to supervisor, reconstruction aides, Surgeon General's Office, War Department, Washir^ton, D. C. Salary: $50 per month and commutation. Work with wounded soldiers in base hospitals. Requirements: Good education and train- ing in massage, orthopedics, or handi- craft for wounded soldiers. Or First National Service School, Women's Service (Inc.), 1606 Twentieth Street NW., Washington, D. C. (12) Besearch assistant. Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary, $1,200 to $1,680. Requirements: Education equivalent to two or more years of college work plus at least one year's experience in indus- trial or sociological research. Rural mail carriers: Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Ci\il Service Commission. Scientists: Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Bacteriologists: Salary: $1,800 and upward. Requirements: Graduation from college, which includes a course in biology and at least two years' experience. Bacteriological assistant: Salary: $1,000 to $1,200. Requirements: Two years' college train- ing, or two years' experience in a chemical or bacteriological laboratory. Junior bacteriologists: Salary: $1,440 to $1,800. Requirements: Graduation from college, which includes or is supplemented by two y^ars of laboratory courses. Bacteriological technician: Salary: $1,200 to $1,800. Bio-chemist: Salary: $1,800 to $3,000. Requirements: Age 25-40. Graduation from college, including course in chem- istry. Chemist's aid: Salary: $720 to $840. Associate chemist: Salary, $1,800 to $2,500. Clinical psychiatrist and psychotherapist, assistant: Salary: $1,200 and maintenance. Entomology, preparator in: Salary: $720 a year. Fermentation mycology, assistant in: Salary: $1,200 a year. Finger-print experts. Forest pathology, assistant in. (13) Scientists — ^Oontinued . Geologic aid, assistant geologist: Salary:' $60 a month to $1,500 a year. Herbariiun assistant: Requirements: Two years' experience in botanical work, including preparation of material and its arrangement in the herbariima. Salary, $900 to $1,200. Laboratory apprentice: Salary: $540 to $660. Requirements: Graduation from high school. Laboratory assistant: Salary: Junior grade, $1,000. Senior aid, $900. Junior aid, $720. Requirements: Graduation from high school; must show different amounts of college work, according to grade applied for. Laboratory assistant: Salary: $1,080 to $1,320. Requirements: Age, 20-35. Graduation from high school and from college. Physical laboratory helper: Salary, $600 to $840. Requirements: Experience in physical or chemical laboratory. Laboratory helper in soil physics: Salary: $1,000. Requirements: Common-school education and either additional schooling in chem- istry or physics or at least two months of practical experience in a soil-testing laboratory. Plant pathology: Salary: $1,200 to $2,400. Vassar College has plans for the training of women along this line. Plant Industry (Bureau of) , preparator in nem- atology: Salary: $660 to $1,000 a year. Physicists (assistant): Salary: $1,200 to $1,800. Requirements: Graduation from college and two years' experience in physical metallurgy or two years' post graduation study therein. (14) Scientists — Continued . Chemist's assistant in gas-defense service: Refer to: Surgeon General's Office, War Department, Washington, D. C. Chemist's assistant in Division of Laboratories: Refer to: Surgeon General's Office, War Department, Washington, D. C. For other scientific positions, refer also to General Medical Board of the Council of National Defense, Washington, D. C. Secret Service: The Department of Justice has on only very few occasions and in very special cases ap- pointed women to its investigative force. The department has now about 15,000 ap- plications on file, among which are about 200 women applicants. Secretaries, industrial: Refer to Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington Avenue, NewYork, N. Y. Requirements: A human understanding and a very human interest; a knowledge of the actual industrial conditions to to-day with an industrial viewpoint; a theoretical background of economic and sociological training; a personality to which girls will quickly respond and a sympathetic sharing in the purpose of the organization. Salary: $1,000 to $1,600. Or Red Cross local divisional headquarters. Work in Red Cross houses connected with base hospitals. Work, volunteer or paid. Social workers: Refer to State chairman of the Women's Com- mittee, Council of National Defense or Red Cross local divisional headquarters, depart- ment of civilian relief. Kind of work: Assisting families of sol- diers. Or Committee on Protective Work for Girls, Nineteenth and G Streets, Washington, D. C. Kind of work: Paid positions as field agents, probation officers, supervisors of dance halls, etc. Requirements: Previous training in social work. (16) Social workers — Continued. Or Y. M. C. A., 124 East Twenty-eighth Street, New York, N. Y. Kind of work: Community work in camp cities. Or Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. Kind of work : Work with girls' clubs and in hostess houses in camp communities. Stenographers. See clerks, yoemen. Surgeon, acting assistant: Refer to : Divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Ser\'ice Commission. Salary: $1,800 to $2,500. Requirements: Age 21-45; degree from medical school of recognized standing; experience in infant welfare work, school and community hygiene work, etc. Surgeon (contract surgeon in the Army): Refer to Surgeon General's Office, War De- partment, Washington, D. C. Salary: Same as that of a first lieutenant, with first lieutenant's commutation and quarters. Requirements: M. D. degree. Teachers of the blind (See Reconstruction aides): Refer to Red Cross, of Boston, Mass. Or Red Cross Institute, New York, N. Y. Or Perkins Institute for the Blind, Boston. Or State School for Blind. Teachers of home economies': Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Or Department of Agriculture. Or Federal Food Administration. Teachers in Indian Service: Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary: $600 to $720. Teachers in Philippine Islands service: Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Salary: $1,000 to $2,000. Teachers, radio classes. Refer to Federal Board of Vocational Educa- tion, Ouray Building, Washington, D. C. (10) Telegraph operators: Refer to divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Western Union and Postal Telegraph Cos. provide training schools for recruits. For information, refer to respective companies. Or division traffic superintendent at head- quarters in New York, N. Y., Chicago, 111., Omaha, Nebr., Atlanta, Ga., Denver, Colo., San Francisco, Cal., Dallas, Tex., or to the chief operator in the nearest telegraph office. Salary after training: $50 to $75 per month. 5,000 operators needed in the United States. Telephone operators: Refer to application bureau of nearest tele- phone office. Or divisional headquarters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Translators: Refer to War Trade Board, Washington, D. C. Or United States Civil Service. Or Foreign News Division of the Bureau of Public Information, 235 West Twenty-third Street, New York. Or War College, Washington, D. C. Or Censorship Board, 461 Washington Street, New York, N. Y. Requirements: Expert knowledge of mod- ern languages. Limited number needed. Wireless te^ggraph operators: Little demand for women as radio operators either in the Navy or commercial life. So far only one woman has been appointed. Position secured by competitive examina- tion. Women are ad^dsed to study Morse telegraphy instead of radio, inasmuch as there is a shortage of competent telegraphers. Welfare executive secretaries: Refer to divisional headquai'ters of the United States Civil Service Commission. Entrance salary: $2,400 to $2,800. Quota filled for the present. Yeomen: Refer to Naval Board, 1410 H Street NW., Washington, D. C. Kind of work: Expert stenographers. (17) FOREIGN SERVICE. Canteen workers: Refer to Y. M. C. A., Woman's Overseas Sec- tion, 347 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Requirements: Age 30-45; self reliance, good health, and willingness to endure loneliness and harships, and to obey orders. Or head of personnel, Foreign Service, Red Cross local divisional headquarters. Or Intercollegiate Committee on Women's War Work Abroad, 106 East Fifty-second Street, New York, N. Y. Requirements: Candidates must be be- tween 28 and 40 years of age and of excellent health and character; must enlist for one year, and pay own ex- penses, or be financed to the amount of $2,000 a year; must subscribe to all governmental and association rulings. Clerks. Refer to Red Cross local divisional headquar- ters. Or Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. Work paid and volunteer. Requirements: Age, 25-40; no near rela- tive in the service; citiz^ship neces- sary; 12 months' minimum service in France, Belgium, or Italy. College women in war service. Refer to Women's Collegiate Section, United States Employment Service, 1410 Pennsyl- vania Avenue, Washington, D. C. Craftswomen. Refer to Bureau of Nursing, Red Cross local division headquarters. Trained women needed for diversional work in Red Cross houses connected with military hospitals. Diversional occupations: Woodcarving, toymaking, basketry, pottery, mechanical drawing, clay modeling, rug weaving, etc .) Work paid or volimteer. (18) Dietitians. Refer to Mrs. Gertrude Athertoiij American President "Le Bien-Etre du Blesse," 360 Madiflon Avenue, eighth floor, New York, N. Y. Or Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington Avenue, New- York. N. Y. Or American Red Cross. Or Y. M. C. A., Ninth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C. Farm work in France. Refer to American Committee for Devastated France, 16 East Thirty-ninth Street, New York, N. Y. Requirements: Knowledge of French and agriculture. Work: Volimteer. Blindergartners. Refer to American Branch of International Kindergarten Union, 30 High Street, Springfield, Mass. Duties: Work with children in devastated districts of France. Laboratory assistant. Refer to Army Medical Department, War Department, Washington. Salary, $50, \vith commutation and quar- ters. Requirements: Scientific training or two years' laboratory experience; age limit, 45. Kind of work: Base hospital service over- seas. Matrons. Refer to Divisional Bureaus of Personnel, American Red Cross, Volunteers preferred. Requirements: At least 25 years of age; no relative in the service; willingness to serve six months if a volunteer, or one year if paid. Motor service. Refer to Motor Corps, Red Cross local divisional headquarters. Requirements: Work volunteer. All ex- penses paid and car donated by worker. (19) Nurses. Refer to Committee on Nursing, General Medical Board, Council of National Defense, Washington, D. C. Or Department of Nursing, Red Cross local divisional headquarters. Physicians. Refer to American Women's Hospitals, 637 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Duties: Overseas service. Reconstruction aides. Refer to Surgeon General 's Office, War Depart- ment, Washington, D, C. Kind of work: Special massage, orthopedic care of wounded soldiers; handicraft work for wounded soldiers. Social service. Refer to Committee for the Care of French Mothers and Children, 505 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Kind of work: Social work with French families. Requirements: Good education, ability to pay expenses, some knowledge of French, 4 to 10 months' preparation. Must be Protestant. Or Social Service Section, Red Cross Local Divisional Headquarters. Or Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. Requirements: Age 35 to 50; training in social ser\dce work or the equivalent in experience; fluent French or Italian; citizenship; no relative in service; must serve one year. Stenographers. Refer to Y. W. C. A., 600 Lexington Avenue, New York, N. Y. Telephone operators. With knowledge of French. Quota filled through 1919. (20) VOCATIONAL TRAINING COURSES. Courses in Vocational Training. Refer to State Chairmen of Woman's Com- mittee of the Council of National Defense. Or National Service School, Woman's Service (Inc.), 1606 Twentieth Street NW., Wash- ington, D. C. Courses open at Chautauqua, N. Y., July 15, 1918. Employment Management in Factories. Refer to for general information, Employment Management Division of War Industries Board, 606 Council of Defense Building, Washington, D. C. For entrance to Intensive Training Courses: Harvard University, 6 weeks' course. Nextcourse begins June 24, 191-8. Expenses: No tuition fee if applicant enters at the instigation of some manu- facturer; if on her own responsibility, expenses consist of living expenses and about $16 for books. Or Columbia University, New York, N.Y. Course begins July 8, 1918. Or University of Rochester, N. Y. Sec- ond course will begin about September 1, 1918. Requirements for entrance to Intensive Training Courses: age, at least 25 years; at least high-school education and 3 years' experience in industry . For those who lack practical experience in actual factory processes and the technique of factory management, a preparatory course of two months is being prepared and will open in Pittsburgh, Pa., De- troit, Mich., or Cleveland, Ohio, about the 1st of July. Students will be paid beginner's wages by manufacturers in whose factories they are working. Health 0£B' /^•./ ^oV .G^ r^ a\ '^. C- ^ ^, ■ .^^":r. 1 \rf= 74 XI7 ^- MANCHESTER. INDIANA ^ lo "'^. C*^" ■^^0^ :'^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 140 104 7