"i ,/■■ ' J r SB 476 .W15 Copy 1 Copyright 1915 by Wagner Park Nursery Compan' ©CIA39155G Wagner Landscape Service O LOOK upon a piece of ground as a sculptor looks upon a block of marble, with eyes that discern the possibilities for self-expression in terms of beauty — or as a painter _, looks upon his canvas, as the me- dium through which he shall give form and color to the vision that lurks in his own imagination— and by the harmonious mingling of plants and shrubs, trees, grasses and vines, the simulation of Nature in the blending of verdure-clad landscape, sky and water pool, to create loveliness as the background for human life— this is the ideal of Wagner Land- scape Service. The technique of this art is not of particular interest to the average home maker— but its results touch the very lives of every human being capable of appreciating Natural Beauty. We have, there- fore, endeavored to put between the covers of this booklet some glimpses of Wagner Landscape Art in the full blown beauty of realization. The pictures on this and following pages are reproduced from actual photographs of homes and gardens in which Wagner Landscape Art has found expression. From a study of these pictures the reader will derive some conception of the scope and efficiency of our service a service that is as readily available to the owner of a fifty-foot town lot as to the master of a vast countrv estate. Here is a vista of a city street where Wagner Landscape Service has transformed the raw ugliness of the conven- tional town lot into living beauty. In the lower view the treatment of the terraced lawn, the velvet greensward and the perfectly grouped masses of shrubbery, evergreen and deciduous trees produce an almost regal setting for a masterpiece of American architecture. FEB 3 1315 WAGNER Landscape Service implies much more than the mere growing and merchandising of nursery plants. It involves the mastery of the scientific prin- ciples of proportion, form and color — the application of definite working plans to the solution of the apparently simple problems of landscape art. It approaches its work with due reference to the perspective from which its final results must ultimately be viewed. It works with the elemental earth, with bulbous root, with hardy plant and tender annual, with evergreen and plumed grass as the potter works with clay — as the painter works with pigments. AGAIN this service is not confined to ■*- *• the embellishment of the front lawn but extends to every part of the grounds. The stable yard, the tennis court, the garage, the garden walk, the pergola, all come in for their share of attention and all are made to serve an aesthetic purpose, not secondary to their utilitarian function. Unless you surround your house with a landscape well planned and properly planted you lose much of the permanent satisfaction which the home should give. t THK distinguishing characteristic of Wag- ner Landscape Service is its perfect adap- tation to the particular requirements of every individual home or garden. The conventional town lot is relieved of its severity by the artistic grouping of trees and shrubbery. Unsightly vistas are screened behind the vari-colored foliage of protective evergreen and dense-grow- ing trees. The suburban mansion standing in the midst of generous lawn offers splendid opportunities for artistic landscape treatment even as it pre- sents distinct out-of-door problems. It is an important part of the Wagner Service to ana- lyze these problems correctly and to adapt the scheme of plans and planting to the require- ments of each individual case. There is no error more flagrant than the common error of assuming that artistic land- scape effects can be secured by indiscriminate planting on the ' hit-or-miss" plan. Even the most beautiful of plants fail to return the full measure of their glory if planted without due reference to their nature and their environment. Promiscuous grouping of shrubbery, unguided by accurate knowledge of the characteristics and the habits of each plant, is almost certain to result in disappointment. A relatively small amount of money wisely invested in the garden will bring infinitely more satisfaction than a sum spent with prodigal generosity but without intelligent guidance. ■■ ( L-^k.K^ s-i ■ ?>' . ij ail EVEN though you may desire to carry out only a small part of your general planting scheme each year, it will repay you to work ac- cording to our well defined and definitely drawn up plans. By so doing, and in no other way, you will secure the most harmonious and satis- factory results. The limitless selection of shrubs, trees, plants and hardy border ever- greens and ornamental vines and perennials produced at Wagner Park Nurseries make it possible for our landscape service department to give to each individual client the plants that will yield the largest measure of lasting satis- faction. f Where the style of architecture and the natural character of the garden calls for certain treatment, Wagner Landscape Art is quick to take advantage of its opportunities. One reason for the speed with which Wag- ner plantings grow to luxuriant proportions is the fact that Wagner plants are vigorous and sturdy, and they come from Wagner Park Nurseries so carefully packed and so intelli- gently prepared for shipment that they are sure to arrive at their destination with their growing power unimpaired. Having been selected with particular reference to the soil in which they are to be planted, the exposure to which they will be subjected and the specific purpose for which they are intended, they go into the ground with the practical assurance of speedy and vigorous growth. sssS THK lover of the song birds takes a keen delight in seeing these little feathered friends take up their abode in the protecting branches of Wagner Plantings and feed upon the crimson berries of Wagner Shrubbery throughout the long, lean months. The beautiful evergreens, the berry-bearing shrubs will put warmth and cheer into the grayest winter day and make us forget the joys of June. WAGNER Flans insure for the garden a succession of blooming splendor and of riotous color from ear- liest spring until the snow falls. They provide against the bleak desolation of the winter by means of evergreens and conifers and the intermixture of such trees and plants as retain their foliage until the tender buds of returning spring force them from the stems. Whatever may be your particular problem, Wagner insight will show you the solution; whatever the unique pos- sibilities of your grounds, great or small, Wagner planting will discover them and so develop them as to realize for you the fullest measure of enjoy- ment. WAGNER Landscape Artists understand the value of the fountain, the aquatic gardens and the swimming pool as features of landscape art. Contrary to a rather general idea, large grounds are not absolutely necessary to the effect- ive use of water as a means of enhancing the beauty of the garden. Properly designed, formal or informal, according to the general character of its environments and properly surrounded with well-chosen plants and shrubbery the little pool and splashing fountain is equally applicable to the smallest grounds as to the large estate. The clear blue sky and fleecy clouds mirrored in the surface of the pool bring heaven down to earth. R?