LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. %.p>.!- eop?ri# fo- Slielff.G 5^ u^c UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. \ HORSES' TEETH: A TBEATISB OX THEIB Mode of Development. PHYSIOLOGICAL RELATIONS, ANATOMY, MICIIOSCOPICAL CHAR- ACTER, PATHOLOGY, AND DENTISTRY; BASES ON THE WORKS OF WELL-KNOWN Odontologists and Veterinary Surgeons; TO WHICH IS ADDED A U a^^ TOCABULARY OF THE MEDICAL AND TECHNICAL WORDS USED. WILLI NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. 1880. Copyright, 1879, by William H. Clakke. Smith & McDougai,, Electrotypers, 82 Btfekmaii St., N. Y. PREFACE. LIKE all Special Works, the present volume will i encounter more or less public prejudice. How- ever, the thoroughness with which Special Works and Articles are usually prepared has somewhat changed public sentiment, and the tendency of the times ap- pears to be in their favor. General Works have their advantages, but thoroughness of detail is not usually among them. It may also encounter prejudice on account of the doctrine of Evolution which pervades its pages; but this should not be, for it refers almost exclusively to the Horse, and, besides, indicates Pro- gress. Nature's laws are immutable, and to oppose them is as foolish as to beat the head against a stone wall. Whatever may be said of the original thoughts in the book, the compiled matter is from the works of well-known authors, some of which are also Special Works. Further, many of the definitions in the Vo- cabulary are from Special Cyclopedic Articles. The w^ork is the result of less than twelve months of research and study, which is some excuse for the small proportion of original matter. While it is not exhaustive, it is believed that a good foundation has been laid whereon to build, and that it will meet the present requirements of the Veterinary Profession, and may also be useful to both Horsemen and Farmers. ly PKEFACE. In order to make the work acceptable to all classes of readers, much of the selected matter has been edited and more or less condensed, a vocabulary of most of the technical words used and parenthetical explana- tions have been made, and an attempt has been made to relieve the monotony of dry anatomy by inserting reference notes and headings that are at least apropos. As I neither understand Veterinary nor Human Sur- gery, an explanation, if not an apology, is required, for as a rule the trained surgeon only should exercise the prerogative of an Instructor. At the request of Stephen J. Cox, Esq., I consented to become the Editor of a book whereof Mr. Charles D. House was to have been author. Mr. House furnished the facts for which he has received credit, and then abandoned the project. Whether I acted wisely or not in completing the work myself, and whether Mr. Cox does or does not deserve thanks for inducing me to begin it, is for the reader to decide. I am indebted to the Astor Library for the use of many books ; also to the Cooper Union ; to Prof. J. M. Heard, of the New York College of Veterinary Sur- geons, for the use of books and for valuable sugges- tions; also to Prof. F. G. Fairfield of the same College for the interest he took in the parts relating to micros- copy, and to Surgeons J. S. and C. C. Cattanach for the use of books and anatomical specimens. To Prof. John W. Draper, of the University of the City of New York, wlio perceived at a glance that the subject is "so sugg-estive;" Dr. George Thurber, of the Orange Judd Company, and W. B. Smith, Esq., of the Authors' Publishing Co., I am under obligation for encourage- ment to persevere in my labors. W. H. C. CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION '^ CHAPTER I. TOOTH-GERMS (ODONTOGENY). Periods at wliicli the Germs are visible in the Fetus.— Den- , tine and Enamel Germs.— A Cement Germ in the Foal. | —The Horse's Upper Grinders said to be developed from Five Germs, th3 Lower from Four. -Similar de- velopment of the Human Teeth 31 CHAPTER II. THE TEMPORARY DENTITION. Twelve Incisors and Twelve Molars.— Why the Incisors are called " Nippers."— The Treatment of Foals Affects Teething.— Temporary Teeth Absorbed by Permanent. 47 CHAPTER III. THE PERMANENT DENTITION. Distinction between Premolars and Molars.--The Bow-like Incisors.— Contrasts between Upper and Lower Grmd- ers and Rows formed bv them.— The Incisors saved from Friction.— Hors3s' teeth compared with those of other Animals.— Measaremeuts.— Time's Changes, &c. 53 CHAPTER IV. THE CANINE TEETH OR TUSHES. Practically Useless.— Diff 3 rent in their Nature from other Teeth — Wers they formerly Weapons of Offense and Defense?— Views of Profs. Darwin, Hanter, Bell, You- att, and Winter.— Time of Cutting a Critical Period. . 75 CHAPTER Y. THE REMNANT TEETH. • Usually rea:arded as Phenomenons.— The Name.— Traced to Fossil Hors-s. in which (in the Pliocene Period) they Ceased to be Fnnt^tionally Developed.— Nature's Meta- morphoses.—" The Agencies which are at work in Mod- eling- Animal and Veqretable Forms."- Why they are often, as it were, Prematurely Lost.— Fossil Horses. . . 94 Vi COjnTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER VI. DENTAL- CYSTS AND SUPERNUMERAKY TEETH. Teeth jrrowing in various parts of the Body. — Some very- Prolific Cysts, Froduciiig a Second, it not a Third, •'Dentition." — Rexjorts and Theories oi Scientific Men. 115 CHAPTER VIL HORSES' TEETH UNDER THE MICROSCOPE. The Dentinal Tubes, Enamel Fibers, and Cemental Canals Descriijed and Contrasted 130 CHAPTER Vni. THE PATHOLOGY OF THE TEETH. , Importance of the Subject. — ^Caries caused by Inflamed 1 Pulps, Blov/s, Virus, and Morbid Diathesis. — Supernu- merary Teeth and other Derangements. — Trephining the Sinuses. — Gutta-Percha as a Filling. — Cleaning the Teeth.— A Diseased Fossil Tooth 136 CHAPTER IX. THE DENTISTRY OF THE TEETH. Eeports of Oases Treated by Various Surgeons. — Gutta- percha as a Filling for Trephined Sinuses. — Teeth Pressing against the Palate. — Death of a Horse from Swallo^ving a Diseased Tooth 175 CHAPTER X. FRACTURED JAWS. How Caused, and how to Distinguish an Abrasion of the Gums from a Fracture of the Bone. — Replacing an Eye, Amputating part of a Lower Jaw, taking a Fractur£d Tooth and Bones out through the Nostril, &c 194 CHAPTER XI. THE TEETH AS INDICATORS OF AGE. Their various ways of Indicating Age.— The "Mark's" Twofold Use.— The Dentinal Star.— Marks with too much Cement. — Tricks of the Trade.— Crib-biting. — \ Signs of Age Independent of the Teeth. T. . . 203 CHAPTER XIL THE TRIGEMINUS OR FIFTH PAIR OF NERVES. Its Nature and thn Relation it bears to the Teeth. — Its Course in the Horse and in Man 216 VOCABULARY 227 INDEX 257 INTRODUOTIOF. The following matter, which is designed to give at least a s3aiopsis of the fundamental principles of dental science, is compiled from the works of the best known odontologists. It is somewhat heterogeneous in its make-up, and is, moreover, considering that it is an Introduction to a -special work, anomalous, being rather an adjunct to than an explanation of the work itself. Its lack of coherency and the few repetitions, the inevitable concomitants of all compilations, are offset by the interest of its historical records and the scope and clearness of its thoughts and deductions. While it does not treat specially of horses' teeth, it is just as applicable to them as to human teeth, or to those of any of the other animals mentioned. It is believed that the student of dental science will find the matter as useful as it is interesting. In his work entitled "The Anatomy of Vertebrates" (vol. i, pp. 357-8), Prof. Richard Owen says : "A tooth is a hard body attached to the mouth or beginning of the alimentary canal, partially exposed, when developed. Calcified teeth are peculiar to the vertebrates, and may be defined as bodies primarily, if not permanently, distinct from the skeleton, consisting Viii INTRODUCTION'. oi' a cellular and tubular basis of animal matter, con- taining earthy particles, a fluid, and a vascular pulp. **In general, the earth is present in such quantity as to render the tooth harder than bone, in which case the animal basis is gelatinous, as in other hard parts where a great proportion of earth is combined with animal matter. In a very few . instances, among the vertebrate animals, the hardening material exists in a much smaller proportion, and the animal basis is albu- minous ; the teeth here agree, in both chemical and physical qualities, with bone. '^I propose to call the substance which forms the main part of all teeth dentine.* The second tissue, which is the most exterior in situation, is the cement. The third tissue, which, when present, is situated be- tween the dentine and cement, is the enamel. " Dentine consists of an organized animal basis and of earthy particles. The basis is disposed in the form * In a reference note in the Introduction to liis " Odontogra- phy," Prof. Owen says: "Besides the advantage of a substan- tive for an unquestionably distinct tissue under all its modifica- tions in the animal kingdom, the term dentine may be inflected adjectively, and the properties of this tissue described without the necessity of periphrasis. Thus we may speak of the ' denti- nal' pulp, 'dentinal' tubes or cells, as distinct from the corre- sponding properties of the other constitueiits of a tooth. The term 'dental' will retain its ordinary sense, as relating to the entire tooth or system of teeth." Wote.— The particular paragraph to which the above note re- fers is from Prof. Owen's " Odontography." " The Anatomy of Vertebrates," having been written about twenty-five years sub- sequent to the " Odontography," and therefore reflecting the Professor's riper thoughts, the extracts made from it were sub- stituted for very similar matter in the " Odontography." II^TRODUCTIOK. IX of compartments or cells, and extremely minute tubes. The earthy particles have a twofold arrangement, be- ing either blended with the animal matter of the in- terspaces and parietes of the tubes, or contained in a minute granular state in their cavities. The density of the dentine arises principally from the proportion of earth in the first of these states of combination. The tubes contain, near the formative pulp, filament- ary processes of that part, and convey a colorless fluid, probably transuded 'plasma.' They thus relate not only to the mechanical conditions of the tooth, but to the vitality and nutrition of the dentine. This tissue has few or no canals large enough to admit capillary vessels with the red particles of blood, and it has been therefore called * unvascular dentine.' " Cement always closely corresponds in texture with the osseous tissue of the same animal ; and whenever it occurs of different thickness, as upon the teeth of the horse, sloth, or ruminant, it is also traversed, like bone, by vascular canals. When the osseous tissue is excavated, as in dentigerous vertebrates above fishes, by minute radiated cells, forming, with their contents, the ' corpuscles of Purkinje,' these are likewise present, of similar size and form, in the cement, and are its chief characteristic as a constituent of the tooth. The hardening material of the cement is partly segregated and combined with the parietes of the radiated cells and canals, and is partly contained in disgregated granules in the cells, which are thus rendered white and opaque, viewed by reflected light. The relative density of the dentine and cement varies according to the proportion of the earthy material, and chiefly of that part which is combined with the animal matter in the walls of the cavities, as compared with the size X IKTHODUCTIOK. and number of the cavities themselves. In the complex grinders of the elei^hant, the masked boar, and the copybara, the cement, which forms nearly half the mass of the tooth, wears dov>m sooner than the dentine. " The enamel is the hardest constitnent of a tooth, and, consequently, the hardest of animal tissues; but it consists, Uke the other dental substances, of earthy matter arrans^ed by organic forces in an animal matrix. Here, however, the earth is mainly contained in the canals of the animal membrane, and, in mammals and reptiles, completely fills those canals, which are com- paratively wide, whilst their parietes are of extreme tenuity. The hardening salts of the enamel are not only present in far greater proportion than in the den- tine and cement, but, in some animals, are peculiarly distinguished by the presence of the fluate of lime." Again Prof. Owen says ("Anat. of Vert." vol. i, pp. 359-60) : *"' Teeth vary in num'ber, size, form, structure, modi- fications of tissue, position, and mode of attachment in different animals. They are principally adapted for seizing, tearing, dividing, pounding, or grinding the food. In some animals they are modified to serve as weapons of offense and defense; in others, as aids in locomotion, means of anchorage, instruments for up- rooting or cutting down trees, or for transport and working of building materials. They are characteristic of age and sex, and in man they have secondary rela- tions subservient to beauty and to speech, "Teeth are always most intimately related to the food and habits of the animal, and are therefore highly INTRODUCTIOiT. Xl interesting to the ph3^siologist. They form for the same reason most important guides for tlie naturalist .in the classilication of animals; and their A'alue, as zoological characters, is enhanced by the facihty with which, from their position, they can be examined in living or recent animals. The durability of their tis- sues renders them not less available to the paleontolo- gist in the determination of the nature and affinities of extinct species, of whose organization they are often the sole remains discoverable in the deposits of former periods of the earth's history." Prof. A. Chauveau says (" Comparative Anatomy of theT)omesticated xinimals") : "Identical inxill our domesticated animals by their general disposition, mode of development, and struc- ture, in their external conformation the teetli present notable diffarences, the study of which offers the greatest interest to the naturalist. For it is on the form of its teeth that an animal depends for its mode of alimentation; it is the regime, in its turn, which dominates the instincts, and commands the diverse modifications in the apparatus of the economy; and there results from this law of harmony so striking a correlation between the arrangement of the teeth and the conformation of the other organs, that an anato- mist may truly say, 'Give me the tooth of an animal, and I will tell you its habits and structure.'" In a letter which I wrote to Prof. Theodore Gill, of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C, I asked what there was about teeth that enabled natu- ralists to tell so much by them. In reply he said : Xii INTRODUCTION'. *' The teeth are quite constant in the same type, are generally appreciably modified according to family, are the most readily preserved in a fossil state, and are in direct relation with the economy of the animal. Hence they furnish the best indications of the relations of the animal to which they belonged, especially in cases where the type was not very different from an existing one. In the case of the older and more aberrant types, liowever, the indications furnished by the dentition should be accepted with great caution." In the Introduction to his " Odontography '^ Prof. Owen gives, besides his own and other men's views, a history "of the leading steps to the present knowl- edge" of dental science (that is, up to 1844), of which the following are extracts : " As regards the teeth, the principle of cbief import to the physiologist arises out of the fact, which has been established by microscopic investigations, that the earthy particles of dentine are not confusedly blended with the animal basis,' and the substance arranged in superimposed layers, but that these particles are built up with the animal basis as a cement, in the form of tubes or hollow columns, in the predetermined arrange- ment of which there may be discerned the same rela- tion to the acquisition of strength and power of resist- ance in the due direction, as in the disposition of the columns and beams of a work of human architecture. " Whoever attentively observes a polished section or a fractured surface of a human tooth may learn, even Vv^ith the naked eye, that the silky and iridescent luster reflected from it in certain directions is due to the presence of a fine fibrous structure. INTR0DUCTI05T. xiii " Malpighi,* in whose works may be detected the gei'ins of many important anatomical truths that have subsequently been matured and established, says the teeth consist of two parts, of which the internal bony layers (dentine) seem to be composed of fibrous and, as it were, tendinous capillaments reticularly interwoven. "LeeuwTnhoek,t having applied his microscopical observations to the structure of the teeth, discovered that the apparent fibers were really tubes, and he com- municated a brief but succinct account of his discovery to the Royal Society of London, which was published, together with a figure of tlie tubes, in No. 140 of their Transactions. This figure of the dentinal tubes, with additional observations, again appeared in the Latin edition of Leeuwenhoek's works, published at Leyden in 1730. The dentine of the human teeth, and also that of yonng hogs, is described as being * formed of tubuli spreading from the cavity in the center to the circumference.' He computed that he saw a hundred and twenty of the tubuli within tlie forty-fifth part of an inch. He was awara also of the peculiar substance now termed the cement, or crusta jwtrosa, which enters mto the composition of the teeth of the horse and the ox. "These discoveries may be said to have appeared before their time. The •contemporaries of Leeuwen- * An Italian physician ; born in 1628 ; died in 1604. He was the first to apply the newly -invented microscope in the study of anatomy. X A Dutch naturalist and manufacturer of optical instruments. His microscopes were said to be the best in Europe. Besides his dental discoveries, he discovered the red globules of the blood, the infusorial animalcules, and that of the spermatozoa. Born in Delft October 34, 1632 ; died there Au^st 26, 1723. Xiv IHTRODtJCTIOK. hoek were not prepared to appreciate them ; besides they could neither repeat nor confirm them, for his means of observation were pccuHarly his own; and hence it has happened that, with tlie exception of the learned Portal,* they have either escaped notice, or have been designedly rejected by all anatomists until the time of the confirmation of their exactness and truth by Purkinje in 1835." Continuing the subject. Prof. Owen further says of the three constituent parts of teeth — dentine, enamel, and cement — beginning with THE DENTIIy^E. '•'Purkinje states that the dentine consists, not of superimposed layers, but of fibers arranged in a homo- geneous intermediate tissue, parallel with one another, and perpendicular to the surface of the tooth, running in a somewhat wavy course from the internal to the external surface, and he believed these fibers to be really tubular, because on bringing ink into contact with them, it was drawn in as if by capillary attraction. " On the publication of this discovery, it was imme- diately put to the test by Prof. Miiller, by whom the tubular structure of the denthie was not only con- firmed, but the nature and one of the offices of the tubes were determined. He observed that the white color of a tooth was confined to these tubes, which were imbedded in a semitransparent substance, and he found that the whiteness and opacity of the tubes were re- moved by acids. On breaking a thin lamella of a tooth transversely with regard to its fibers, and examining the edge of the fracture, Miiller perceived tubes pro- * " Histoire de I'Anatomie ct de la Cliirurgie,-' Paris, 1770. INTRODUCTION". XV jecting here and there from the surfaces. They were white and opaque, stiff, straight, and apparently not flexible. Tliis appearance is well represented in the old figure by Leeuwenhock. If the lamellae had been previously acted upon by acid, the projecting tubes were flexible and transparent, and often very long. Hence Miiller inferred that the tubes have distinct walls, consisting of an animal tissue, and that, besides containing earthy matter in their interior, their tissue is, in the natural state, impregnated with calcareous salts."* THE CEMENT. « The organized structure and microscopic character of the cem!ent were first determined by Purkinje and Faenkel, and the acquisition of these facts led to the detection of the tissue in the simple teeth of man and carnivorous animals. The cemen fc is most conspicuous where it invests the fang of the tooth, and increases m thickness as it approaches the apex of the fang. The animal constituent of this part of the cement had been recognized by Berzelius as a distinct investment of the dentine long before the tissue of which it formed the basis was clearly recognized in simple teeth. Berzelius describes the cemen tal membrane as being less consist- ent than the animal basis of the dentine, but resistmg * If Lord Bacon's theory is correct, the probability is that these tubes contain something besides earthy matter and calcareous saltr,, to wit, spirit. In " Novum Organum " lie says (B. Mon- tagu, vol.xiv, p. 417): "All things abhor a solution ot their continuity, but vet in proportion to their rarity. The more rare the bodies be, the more they suffer themselves to be thrust into small and narrow passatjes; for water will go into a passage which dust will not ^o into, air whix^h water vAM not go into, and flams and spirit which air will not go into." Xvi IKTRODUCTIOK". longer the solvent action of boiling water, and retain- ing some fine particles of the earthy phosphates when all such earth liad been extracted from the dentinal tissue. Cuvier also states that the cement is dissolved with more difficulty in acid than the other dental tis- sues. Retzius,* however, states that the earth is sooner extracted by acid from the cement than from the dentine of the teeth of the horse. *''In recent mammalian cement the radiated cells, like the dentinal tubes, owe their whiteness and opacity to the earth which they contain. According to Eetzius, * numerous tubes radiate from the cells, which, being dilated at their point of beginning, give the cells the appearance of an irregular star. These tubes form numerous combinations with each other, partly direct and partly by means of fine branches of t¥o"oo"^^^ ^^ -g-g-i-oo-th of an inch in diameter. The cells vary in size. The average size of the Purkinjean cells in hu- man cement is jeVo^^^ c>f an inch. In sections made transversely to the axis of the tooth, it is clearly seen that tiiese cells are arranged in parallel or concentric striae, of which some are more clearly and others more faintly visible, as if the cement were deposited in fine and coherent layers.' The layer of cement is found in *Prof. Retzius, of tlie University of Stockholm, informs us that he had heen led by the iridescence of the fractured surface of the substanco of a tontli to conceive that that appearance was du3, as in the crystalline lens, to a fine fibrous structure, and that he communicated his opinions as to the ren^ular arranofement of these fibers to some of his colleagues in 1834, In 1835, having obtained a powerful microscope, he began a series of more exact researches on the intimate structure of the teeth in man and the lower animals, which he communicated to the Royal Acad- emy of Sciences at Stockholm on January 13, 1836, being then unacquainted with the discoveries of Purkinje. — Owen. INTRODUCTION". Xvii the deciduous teeth, but is relatively thinner, and the Purkinjeiin cells are more irregular. '-'In growing teeth, with fangs not fully formed, the cement is so thin that the Purkinjean cells are not visible. It looks like a fine membrane, and has been described as the periosteum of the fangs; but it in- creases in thickness with the age of the tooih, and is the seat and origin of what are called exostoses of the fang, which are wholly composed of it.' These growths are subject to the formation of abscesses, and all the morbid actions of true bone. "It is the presence of this osseous substance which renders intelligible many well-known experiments of which human teeth have been the subjects, such as their transplantation and adhesion into the combs of cocks, and the establishment of a vascular connection between the tooth and the comb. "Under every modification the cement is the most highly organized and most vascular of the dental tis- sues, aud its chief use is to form the bond of vital union between the denser and commonly unvascular constituents of the tooth and the bone in which the tooth is implanted. In a few reptiles (now extinct), and in the herbivorous mammalia, the cement not only invests the exterior of the teeth, but penetrates their substance in vertical folds, varying in number, form, extent, thickness, and degree of complexity, and con- tributing to maintain that inequality of the grinding surface of the tooth whicli is essential to its function as an instrument for the comminution of vegetable substances." * * Cement Mistaken fou Taetah (ODONTOT/iTnosV — Sur- geon E. Mayliew says ("The Horse's Mouth," &c.): "Within the alveolar cavity, the ci'usla petrosa, which becomes of cou* Xvm IKTRODUCTIOIT. THE EK"AMEL. "The higlier an animal is placed in the scale of or- ganization, tiie more distinct and characteristic are not only the various organs of the body, but the different tissues which enter into their composition. This law is well exemplified in the teeth, although in the com- parison of these organs we are necessarily limited to the range of a single primary group of animals. We have seen, for example, that the dentine is scarcely distinguisha])le from the tissue of the skeleton in the majority of fishes; but that its peculiarly dense, un- vascular, and resisting structure, which is the excep- tionable condition in fishes, is its prevalent character in the teeth of the higher vertebrates. "So likewise with the enamel. This substance, which under all its conditions bears a close analogy with the dentine, is hardly distinguishable from that tissue in the teeth of many fishes. The fine calciger- ous* tubes are present in both substances, and undergo similar subdivisions, the directions only of the trunks siderable thickness ftround the fang", is of a yellowish-white color ; but where, as on the crown of the tooth, it is exposed to the chemical action of food and air, it presents a darker aspect, and resembles an accmnulation of tartar, for which indeed it has been mistaken. It fills up the infimdibula of the grinders and lines those of the incisors. It is pierced by all the vessels wliich nourish the teeth." ! The editor of ''The Veterinrtrian " (18i9), in a "review" of Mr, Mayhew's work, says: "Both English and French veteri- nary writers have mistaken the crusta petrosa for tartar, not be- ing aware of its existence inside as well as outside of the tooth." * This word is peculiar to if not originated by Prof. Owen. It is synonymous with the word Ccdciferous (limy). INTRODUCTION". XIX and branches being reversed, agreeably with the con- trary course of their respective developments. The proportion of animal matter is also greater in the enamel of the teeth of nshes than in the higher verte- brala, and the proportion of tlie calcareous salts incor- porated with the animal constituent of the walls of the tubes is greater as compared with the subcrystal- line part deposited in the tubular cavities. "The enamel may be distinguished, independently of its microscopic and structural characters, by its ghstening, subtransparent substance, which is white or bluish-white by reflected light, but of a gray-brown color when viewed, under the microscope, by trans- mitted light. * ^ * The enamel of the molar tooth of a calf, which has just begun to appear above the gum, and which can readily be detached from the dentine, especially near the beginning of the fangs, is resolvable into apparently fine prismatic fibers. If these fibers be separately treated with dilute muriatic acid, and the residue examined with a moderate mag- nifying power, in distilled water, or, better, in dilute alcOliol, portions of more or less perfect membranous sheaths or tubes will be discerned, which inclosed the earthy matter of the minute prism, and served as the mold in which it was deposited. "Prof. Ketzius, who obtained a small portion of organic or animal substance from the enamel-fibers of an incompletely-formed tooth of a horse, conjectured that it was a deposition of that fluid whicli originally surrounds the loose enamel-fibers, and that ^in pro- portion as these fibers are pressed tighter together, and additional fibers are wedged between them, the organic deposition is forced away.' *'Retzius accurately describes the enamel-fibers of XX INTRODUCTION". the horse as presenting the form of angular needles, about ^i^Vo^^^ <^f ^^^ ii^ch in diameter, which are trav- ersed by minute and close-set transverse striae over the whole or a part of the fiber; and he conjectures that if the enamel-fiber be a mass of the calcareous salts, surrounded by an organic capsule, that the stride may then belong to the capsule, and not to the enamel- fiber. The later researches of Dr. Schwann add to the probability of this conjecture; and the absence of the minute striae in the enamel of fossil mammalian teeth, at least in the examples which I have submitted to microscopic investigation, may depend upon the de- struction of the original organic constituent of the enamel. "The enamel-fibers are directed at nearly right ansfles to the surface of the dentine, and their central or inner extremities rest in slight but regular depres- sions on the periphery of the coronal dentine. Thus in the human tooth, the fibers which constitute the masticating surface are perpendicular, or nearly so, to that surface, while those at the lower part of the crown are transverse, and consequently have a position best adapted for resisting the pressure of the contiguous teeth, and for meeting the direction in which external forces are most likely to impinge upon the exposed crown of the tooth. The strength of the enamel-fibers is further increased by the graceful, wavy curves in which they are disposed. These curves are in some places parallel, in others opposed. Their concavities are commonly turned toward each other, where the shorter fibers, which do not reach the exterior of the enamel, abut by their gradually attenuated peripheral extremities upon the longer fibers. Other shorter fibers extend from the outer surface of the enamel toward II^TRODUCTION". XXI the dentine, and are wedged into the interspaces of the longer fibers. In the teeth of fishes, the calciger- ous tubes or fibers of the enamel, which ramify and subdivide like those of the dentine, have their trunks turned in the opposite direction, or toward the periph- ery of the tooth. So likewise in human teeth the analogous condition may be discerned in the slightly augmented diameter of the enamel-fibers at their pe- ripheral as compared with their central extremities. AVhen the extremities of the human enamel-fibers are examined with a magnifying power of 300 linear dimensions, by reflected light, they are seen to be co- adapted, like the cells of a honey-comb, and, like these, to be, for the most part, hexagonal. "The internal surface of the enamel is marked hy fine transverse fines or ridges, of which Retzius counted twenty-four in tlie vertical extent of one-tenth of an English inch of the crown of a human incisor. These lines are parallel and wavy, and, like the analogous markings on the surface of shells, indicate the succes- sive formation of the belts of enamel-fibers that encircle the crown of the tooth. They may be traced around the whole crown, but are very faint upon its inner or posterior surface. Retzius cites Leeuwenhoek as the discoverer of these superficial transverse lines of the enamel, but the older observer supposed them to be indicative of the intervals between the successive move- ments in the cutting of the tooth through the gum. " The enamel, by virtue of its physical qualities of density and durability, forms the chief mechanical defense of the tooth, and is consequently limited in most simple teeth to tlie exterior surface of the exposed portion of the dentine, forming the crown of the tooth. * * ''^ In the herbivorous mammalia, with the Xxii INTRODUCTION. exception of the Edentata, vertical folds or processes of the enamel are continued into the substance of the tooth, varying in numher, form, extent, and direction, and producing, by their superior density aud resistance, the ridged inequalities of the grinding surface on which its efficacy in the trituration of vegetable substances depends." Dr. Boon Hayes's thoughts are thus recorded in a "Medical Circular," extracts from which appear in "The Veterinarian" for 1853 (pp. 535-G) : " In the first place, observe the pulpal cavity, which is to the tooth what the medullary cavity is to bone. Both originate in the same way. Into it passes an artery, a vein, and a nerve. These ramify upon the pulpal surface, the artery carrying blood to the denti- nal tubuli, whence the liquor sanguinis (not blood corpuscles), proceeds to the nourishment of this ap- parently inorganic mass. "In the teeth of some animals this cavity seems to send off diverticula between tlie dentinal tubuli, as if for the purpose of supplying them with more vascu- larity. The dentinal tubes open on the walls of the pulpal cavity, and thence radiate to the enamel supe- riorly and the crusta petrosa interiorly. I think it would not be difficult to prove that caries of the teeth more frequently proceeds from inflammation begin- ning in this cavity than from any other cause. "When the tubes of the dentine are examined with a high magnifying power, and by transmitted light, they appear dark. They are much more minute in diameter than the blood globules; hence the liquor sanguinis alone cm penetrate them for their nourishment; so INTRODUCTION. XXUl that the teeth are in the same condition as bone in this respect. "The dentinal tubes, as before said, appear dark; the hghter and apparently broader masses are the real substance of the dentine. In this, and especially near the layer closest to the enamel, dentinal cells are some- times seen, which may probably be analogous to the lacunae of bone. "If the dentinal curvatures are examined, it will be seen that they are of two kinds. One set is in bold and evident curves; the other is not so e^^dent, but it exists, nevertheless, and a little patience and a high magnifying power will demonstrate the fact that its curves are upon the curves of the first set. The former are called the primary, the latter the secondary curves of the dentinal tubuli (in botanical description, a biserrated leaf). From the tubuli minute bracelets are given off on the sides, and toward the end the tubes terminate, either in cells, by anastomosis, or by looping back upon themselves. "The cement at first envelops the whole tooth, but soon wears off the crown and as far down as the neck. Compared with the dentine and enamel, it is very soft, and more closely resembles bone ; in fact in some ani- mals it is continuous with the bone of the jaw, thus proving its identity. It contains lacunae and canalic- uli, and, when there is a large mass of it, something like Haversian canals. " There is a a^reat analoory between tooth and bone. In the cement there is absolute likeness, and in the dentine analogies too striking to be overlooked, viz., the tubuli, analogous to tlie canaliculi, the intertubular cells, analogous to the lacunre, and the intertubular substance, analogous to the lamina? of bone. In the XXIV INTRODUCTION". enamel the greatest departure is observable, but not wider than its peculiar function suggests; and it must" be remembered, first, that it is the least constant tissue of the teeth; secondly, that its chemical composition is very much the same as that of the dentine and cement, both of which resemble bone. Lastly, the analogy is completed in a review of the mode of tooth development. Thus, upon a mucous papilla a large quantity of gelatinous matter is observable, in which certain cells appear. The gelatinous matter resembles the incipient cartilage in which ossification begins. This papilla is supplied with an artery, which nour- ishes its cells, and the cells gradually so develop that the older ones are pushed outward and form the dentine." HOW MADDER AFFECTS THE TEETH. John Hunter, one of the most celebrated physiolo- gists of the eighteenth century, made many experi- ments on, the teeth of different animals, one object being to determine whether they were vascular or not. His conclusion was that they were not vascular, and he founded his belief partly upon the following experi- ment (" The Human Teeth," pp. 23-4) : " Take, for example, any young animal, as a pig, and feed it with madder for three or four weeks; then kill it. On examination you will find the following ap- pearances: First, if the animal had some parts of its teeth formed before the feeding with madder, they will be known by their remaining of the natural color; but such parts of the teeth as were formed while the animal was taking the madder will be of a red color. This shows that it is only those parts that were formed while the animal was taking the madder that are dyed; INTR0DUCTI02^. XXT for what were already formed will not be in the least tinged. Tills is different in all other bones; for we know that any part of a bone which is already formed is capable of being dyed with madder, though not so fast as th e part that is forming. Therefore, as we know that all other bones are vascular, and are thence sus- ceptible of the dye, v/e may readily suppose that the teeth are not susceptible of it after being once formed. But we shall carry this a step further: If you feed a pig with madder for some time, and then leave it off for a time before killing it, you will find the appear- ances as above, with this addition, that all the parts of the teeth which were formed after leaving off feeding with the madder will be white. Here, then, in some teeth we sliall have white, then red, and then white again ; and so we shall have the red and white colors alternately through the whole tooth.* "This experiment shows that a tooth, once tinged, does not lose its color. Now, as all other bones that *In the concluding part of Moore's " Lalla Rookh" ("The Light of the Harem"), the Enchantress says of an herb with the unmusical name of " Haschischat ed dab:" *' The visions, that oft to worldly eyes The glitter of mines mifold, Inhabit the mountain -herb, that dyes The tooth of the fawn like gold." A reference note to the above is as follows : "An herb on Mount Libanus, which is said to communicate a yellow golden hue to the teeth of the goats and other animals that graze upon it. Niebuhr thinks this may be the herb which the Eastern alchemists look to as a means of making gold. 'Most of those alchemical enthusiasts think themselves sure of success if they could but find out the herb which gilds the teeth and gives a yel- low color to the flesh of the shcsp that cat it. Even the oil of this plant must be of a golden color. It is called HcLSchischat ed dab* Father Jerome Dandini, however, asserts that the teeth of the XXvi IKTKODUCTIOI^. have been tinged lose their color in time, when the animal leaves off feeding with the madder (though very slowly), and as that dye must be taken into the constitution by the absorbents, it seems that the teeth are without absorbents as well as other vessels." The editor of Hunter's " Treatise," Thomas Bell, F.K.S., differed with Hunter about the vascularity of the teeth. He thus concludes a note on the above quotation : " The truth appears to be that the teeth are organ- ized bodies, having nerves and absorbent and circula- ting vessels, but possessing a low degree of living power, and so dense a structure as to exhibit phenom- ena, both in their healthy and diseased condition, which are very dissimilar from those which are ob- served in true osseous structures." ^ TRAN'SPLAKTIN'G TEETH. The transplanting of teeth, which Dr. Hunter says is " similar to the ingrafting of trees," is expatiated upon at some length. He then gives an account of a case of transplanting which he admits "is not gener- ally attended with success," he having " succeeded but once out of a great number of trials." It is as follows (" The Human Teeth," pp. 100-101) : *^ I took a sound tooth from a person's head ; then g-oats at Mount Libanus are of a siher color, and adds: 'This confirms to me that which I observed in Candia, to wit, that the animals that live on Mount Ida eat a certain herb which renders their teeth of a golden color, which, according to my judgment cannot otherwise proceed than from the mines which are under ground.' — Dandlni, Voya'je to Mount Libanus." INTRODUCTION". XXMl made a wound in a cock's comb, pressed the fang into it, and fostcned it with threads. The cock was killed some months after, and I injected the head with a very minute injection. I then put the coml^ into a weak acid. The tooth was softened, and I divided it longi- tudinally. Its vessels were well injected, the external surface adhering to the comb by vessels similar to the union of a tooth with the gum and sockets."* * MM. E. Magitot, C. Logros, and C. Robin, have experimented in transplanting- the follicles or germs of dogs' teeth, an account of which appears in " Comptes Rendus" for 1874. They say : " Our experiments comprised 88 grafts, mostly from newly-born dogs, but some were 22 and even 58 days old. The animals were invariably sacrificed by the pricking of the bulbs, and the jaws were opened at once, to lay the follicles bare. One-half -of both jaws thus served to supply the grafts, while the other was kept for a standard of comparison. The doors on which the grafts were applied were usually adults, but sometimes of the same age and bearing as those that supplied them. The germs were rapidly isolated from the dental gutters, and introduced at once. In some instances they were dipped for a few minutes in the blood's serum of the sacrificed animal, which was kept by the bath (bain-marie) at a temperature of from 30" to 35° C. They were introduced under the skin of the nape of the neck, the top of the head, and the dorsal and lumbar regions. In 36 cases the process of application consisted of a simple incision and the introduction of the graft 2 or 3 centimeters from the open- ing, which was closed by two sutural stitches. In the other 52 cases a special trocar of an interior diameter of 7 millimeters was used, which allowed a swifter and surer transplantation, but it did not appear to exert an appreciable influence on the results. " Ten grafts were made from newly-born dogs on adult guinea- pigs, divided as follows : Whole follicles, 6 ; isolated enamel- organs, 3 ; bulb alone, 1. The results were all negative— caused by resorption and suppuration— corroborating M. Bert's experi- ences in grafis between animals of different zoological orders. " The 78 other grafts were made on newly-born, young, and adult dogs, and were maintained from 13 to 54 days. The 25 grafts that remained 54 days resorbed themselves. The experi- ments in detail were as follows : 1. Isolated whole follicles, 26. 2, Follicles with a portion of the maxillary bone, 5. 3. Isolated xxviii IKTRODUCTIOI^. This appears to prove that Dr. Hunter was right when he said that teeth "are capable of uniting with bulbs, IG. 4. Bulbs witli a cap of rudimentary dentine, 7. 5. Isolated caps of dentine, 4. 6. Isolated enamel-organs, with a slired of buccal mucous membrane, 19. 7. Enamel organs, with a cap of dentine adhering, 1. The results were : Of the first, 7 kept alive and grew steadily, except in one instance, in whicli a disturbed nutrition brought on tlie formation of globulary den- tine and irregular stacks of enamel prisms. The second gave 3 suppurations and 2 resorptions, again corroborating Mons. Bert's experiments. The third gave 3 positive results, in two of wliich a new cap of dentine was produced, quite regular, but globulous and somewhat altered in its nutrition. The other was without enamel. In the fourth experiment the bulbs could not be found ; they underwent resorption. When compared with the preced- ing experiment, this result is astonishing ; but it should be un- derstood that these grafts were maintained from 43 to 54 days. Of the fifth a single one kept alive, but without showing any growth. It remained stationary 43 days. The sixth invariably ended in resorption, notwithstanding we were careful to graft the shred of mucous membrane, which supplies the organ with nutritive vessels. This result is not surprising when the exces- sive frailty of this tissue and its lack of vascularity are consid- ered. Some of the negative grafts were either reduced in size, being evidently in process of resorption, or underwent the oily transformation. Others caused abscesses, and were eliminated. "Conclusions. — 1. The grafts gave favorable results only be- tween animals of the same zoological order. 2. The isolated whole follicles and bulbs may live and develop themselves. 3. The transplanting of more or less voluminous portions of jaws with the follicles failed through suppuration or resorption. 4. The grafts of the enamel-organ, isolated, seem invariably given up to resorption. 5. Under certain circumstances the growth is regular, with no other difference from that in the normal state than a noticeable slowness in the phenomena of evolution. 6. Under other circumstances there is trouble in the formation of the dentine and enamel, the study of which, however, may be ap- plied to the elucidation of the phenomena, still so dark, of tooth development. 7. The experiments are an acquisition to the lit- erature of and may be compared with other surgical grafts." * * For the translation of the above interesting article (from the Reports of the French Academy) I am indebted to Monsieur C. Raoux, of New York. INTRODUCTIOiq". XXIX any part of a living body." Mr. Bell thus concludes a note on the above case of transplanting: " The experiment has an interest attached to it far more important than its having given rise to the tem- porary adoption of an objectionable operation. In the result of tbis experiment may be found an interesting collateral argument in favor of the organized structure of the teeth, and their actual living connection with the body. The vessels of the tooth, we are told, were well injected, and the external surface adhered every- where to the comb by vessels. To what purpose are these vessels formed, what object can be possibly ful- filled by the existence of a vascular pulp in the internal cavity, and a vascular periosteum covering the external surface — so obviously vascular that it was tcell injected from the vessels of a cock's comb, into which it had been transplanted— unless they are intended to nourish the bony substance of which the tooth consists, and to form the medium of its connection with the general system ?'' Prof. Eichard Owen says (" Odontography," vol. i, p. 470) : " The saving of material is the least of the benefits gained by this tubular structure of the dentine. The vitality of the tissue, which Hunter recognized so forcibly, but which, being equally convinced of the non-vascularity of the tissue, he was unable to explain « willing rather to enunciate an apparent paradox or be taunted with dilemma, than yield one iota of either of his convictions'* — is exphcable by the possible and *Prof. Owen quotes from Bell's " notes" in Hunter's "Human Teeth." XXX INTRODUCTION". highly probable fact of a circulation of the colorless plasma of the blood through the dentinal tubes. That some elementary prolongations of nerve may also be continued into these tubes, who can confidently deny ?'' As Prof. Owen says the " teeth are always most intimately related to the food and habits of the ani- mal," it would be interesting and perhaps useful to ascertain what effect sugar and other unusual articles of diet would have on horses' teeth. In the interest of science, experiments appear to be in order. In this connection the following paragraph, a part of whicli may be found in Prof. William Youatt's work, " The Horse " (p. 135), the remainder in '' The Veterinarian," is interesting: " Surgeon Black, of the Fourteenth Dragoons, says til at suo'ar was tried as an article of food durins: the Peninsular AVar. Ten horses were selected, each of which got eight pounds a day. They took it very readily, and their coats became fine, smooth, and glossy. They got no corn, and only seven pounds of hay instead of twelve, the ordinary allowance. The sugar supplied the place of corn so well, that it would probably have been given abroad ; but peace came, and Avith it corn. The horses returned to their usual diet, but several of them became crib-biters. The experi- ment was made at tlie Brighton depot, during a period of three months. To prevent the sugar from being used for other purposes, it was scented with assafetida, but the latter did not produce any apparent effect on the horses." HORSES' TEETH. CHAPTER I. TOOTH-GERMS (ODONTOGEI^Y). Periods at wliicli the Germs are visible in the Fetus. — Dentine and Enamel Germs. — A Cement Germ in the Foal. — The Horse's Upper Grinders said to be dcA^eloped. from Five Germs, the Lower from Four. — Similar development of the Human Teeth.— Monsieur Magitot's Researches. 4 Furrows in what is subsequently transformed into jawbones, in which tooth-germs are, as it were, planted, are Nature's first visible preparation for the develop- ment of the teeth. According to Prof. William You- att, the germs of the temporary teeth are visible seven or eight months before the foal is born. Three months before its birth the germs of the permanent teeth are also visible, a distinct partition separating them from the temporary. At this time, according to Veterinary Dentist C. D. House, the capsules or bags (also called follicles, sacs, &c.), containing the tooth-pnlps* of the * Tlie puh^s from which the teeth are developed should not he confounded witli tliose of the teeth themselves. Tiie latter, com- monly called nerves, on the exposed and pulsating: tops of which some human dentists are so inhuman as to put fillings, occupy "the central cavity of each tooth, and is a delicate mass of connective tissue, cuntuiuing both blood-vessels and nerves." 33 TOOTH-GERMS. future temporary teeth are about the size of small peas. They will bear some pressure between the iSngers, the indentions spriuging back like those of an India rub- ber ball. The nature of tooth-germs and the development of teeth have been studied with some diligence by scien- tific men — Dr. John Hunter, it is said, making the first important discoveries in connection with the science. The discussion of this interesting and, to students, useful subject is left to these men. There is some conflict in their views, but it should be remembered that the extracts reflect the opinions of men from Hunter's time (over a century ago), to 1876. The de- velopment of tooth-germs being the same in principle (though different in detail) in all m-ammals, the matter which follows (as has been said of that in the "Intro- duction"), is as applicable to the horse as to man. In the Introduction to his " Odontography " (Lon- don, 1844), Prof. Eichard Owen says: " In the development of a tooth a matrix of equal complexity v/as first recognized to be concerned by John Hunter, the several parts of this matrix being first distinctly indicated in the ^Natural History of the Human Teeth.' * * * Hunter has been gen- erally regarded by physiologists as being the author of tiie theory that the pulp stood to the tooth-bone in the relation of a gland to its secretion ; that the formative virtue of the pulp resided in its surface ; that the den- tine was deposited upon and by the formative or secre- tive surface in successive layers, and that the pulp, exhausted, as it were, by its secretive aetivit}', dimin- ished in size as the formation of the tooth proceeded, excepc in certain species, in which it was persistent, JOHN HUi^^TER's DISCOVERY. 33 and maintained an equable secretion of the dentine tlirougbout tiie lifetime of the animal This idea of the pulp's function has predominated in the minds of most subsequent writers on the development of the tec til. * ••' * * " Three formative organs are developed for the three principal or normal deutal tissues, the 'dentinal-pulp/ or pulp proper, for the dentine, the 'capsule' for the cement, and the 'enamel-pulp' for the enamel. The essential fundamental structure of each form.ative organ is cellular, but tlie cells differ m each organ, and derive their specific characters from the properties and metamorphoses of their nucleus, upon which the specific microscopical characters of the resulting calci- fied substances depend. "In the cells of the dcntinal-pulp the nucleus fills the parent cell v/ith a progeny of nucleoli before the work of calcification begins. In the enamel-pulp the nucleus of the cell disappears, like the cytoblast of the embryo plant m the formation of most vegetable tis- sues. In the cells of the capsule the nucleus neither perishes nor propagates, but retains its individuality, and gives origin to the mos^; characteristic feature of the cement, viz., the radiated cells. ''The primordial material of each constituent of the tooth-matrix is derived from the blood, and special arrangements of the blood-vessels preexist to the devel- opment and growth of the constituent substances. A pencil of capillaries is directed to a particular spot in the primitive dentiparous groove, and terminates there by a looped network, from which spot a group of nu- cleated cells begins to arise in the form of a papilla. T^ ^ ^ n* *i* "The primary dentinal papilla and its capsule rap- 34 TOOTH-GEPtMS. idly increase by successive additions of nucleated cellSp apparently derived from material supplied by the cap- illary plexus at the base. The capillaries now begin to penetrate the substance of the pulp itself, where they present a subparallel or slightly diverging pencil- late arrangement, but preserve their looped and retic- ulate termination near the apex of the pulp. Fine branches of nerves accompany the capillaries, and ter- minate also in loops. * * '^ The primary cells and the capillary vessels and nerves are imbedded in and supported by a homogeneous, minutely subgranular, mucilaginous substance, the ' blastema/ * * * The vascularity of the dentinal-pulp, and especially the rich network of looped capillaries that adorns the formative peripheral layer at the period of its func- tional activity, have attracted general notice, and have been described by Hunter and subsequent authors. By most this phenomenon has been regarded as evidence of the secreting function of the surface of the pulp, and the dentine as an outpouring from that vascular surface which was supposed to shrink or withdraw from the matter excreted. * * ''' " The enamel-pulp differs from the dentinal-pulp at its first formation by the more fluid state of its blas- tema, and by the fewer and more minute cells which it contains. The source of this fluid blastema appears to be the free inner vascular surface of the capsule. As it approaches the dentinal-pulp the blastema ac- quires more consistence by an increased number of its granules, and it contains more numerous and larger cells. Many of these show a nuclear spot, others a nucleus and nucleolus. The spherical nucleolar cells in the part of the blastema further from the capsule are so numerous as to form an aggregate mass, with a DEFII^TING THE BLASTEMA. 35 small quantity of the condensed blastema in tlie minute interspaces left between the cells, which are pressed together into hexagonal or polygonal forms. * * * The field of the tinal metamorphosis of the cells into the molds for the reception of the solidifying salts is confined to close contiguity with the surface of the dentinal-pulp. Here the cells increase in length, lose all trace of their nucleus, and become converted into long and slender cylinders, usually pointed at both ends, and pressed by mutual contact into a prismatic form. These cylinders have the property of imbibing the calcareous salts of the enamel from the plasmatic fluid, and of comp'icting them in a clear and almost crystalline state in their interior. * * * "The blastema or fundamental tissue of the capsule is, at first, semitransparent and of a pearly or opaline color, but IS soon richly ornamented by the plexiform distribution of the blood-vessels. As the period of its calcification approaches, which is later than that of the dentinal-pulp, it becomes denser, and exhibits nu- merous nucleated cells. The blastema itself presents more evidently a fine cellular or granular structure, in which the calcareous salts are impacted in a compara- tively clear state, constituting the framework of the cemental tissue. The characteristic features of this tissue are due to the action of the proper nucleated cells upon the salts of the plasma diffused through the blastema in which those cells are imbedded, the cells being characterized by a single, large, granular nu- cleus, which almost fills the clear area of the cell itself. If, when the formation of the cement has begun m the incisor or molar of a colt, one of the detached specks of that substance, with the surrounding and adhering part of the inner surface of the capsule in which it is 26 T00TH-GER3fS. imbedded, be examined, the nucleated cells are seen, closely aggregated around the calciiied part, in con- centric rows, the cells of which are farther apart as the rows recede from the field of calcilication. Those next the cement rest In cup-shaped cavities in the periphery of the calcified part, just as the first calcified cells of the thiick cement which covers the crown of a complex molar are lodged io cavities on the exterior of the enamel. Tliese exterior cavities of the cement are formed by centrifugal extension of the calcifying pro- cess in the blastema in which the cells are imbedded. The calcareous salts penetrate in a clearer and more compact state the cavity of the cell, but their progress is arrested apparently by the nucleus, whicli maintains an irregular area, partly occupied by the salts m a sub- granular, opake condition, but chiefly concerned in the reception and transit of the plasmatic fluid, which enters and escapes by the minute tubes that are sub- sequently developed from the nucleolar cavity as calci- fication proceeds. '' The radiated cells or cavities thus formed are the most common characteristic of the cement, but not the constant one. The layer of the capsule which sur- rounds the crown of the human teeth and of the simple teeth of quadrnmana and carnivora, consists simply of the granular blastema, y/ithont nucleated cells, and the radiated corpuscles are, consequently, not developed m the cement which results from its calci- fication. In the thicker part of the inflected folds of the capsule of the complex teeth of the herbivora, traces of the vascularity of that part of the matrix are persistent, the blastema calcifying around certain of the capillaries, and forming the medullary canals. The varieties of these canals are traversed by minute PROF. TOMES'S THEORY. 37 tubules, continued from or communicating with the radiated cells. Those tubules, and the more parallel ones which traverse the thickness of the cement in many mammalia, are the remains of linear series of , the minute granules of the blastema. * * '^ *•' The general form of the dental matrix and its rela- tion w^ith its calcified product, bear a close analogy with those of the formative organ of hairs, bristles, and other productions of the epidermal system. In these the papilla, or pulp, is developed from the external skin; in the teeth, from tlie mucous membrane, or internal skin." * * * * Prof. Charles S. Tomes differs from the views of Messrs. Hunter and Owen as to the pulp's secretive office, claiming that a tooth is formed by a meta- morphosis of its pulp. He says ("Manual of Dental Anatoni}^, Human and Comparative/' London, 187G, pp. 104-5-G) : "' Prior to the beginning of any calcification, there is always a special disposition of the soft tissues at the spot wliere a tooth is destined to be' formed, and the name of ' tooth-germ' is given to those portions of the soft tissue which are thus specially arranged. All, or a part only, of the soft structures making up a tooth- germ become converted into the dental tissue by a deposition of salts of lime within their own substance, so that an actual conversion of at least some portions of the germ into tooth takes place. The tooth is not secreted or excreted by the germ, but an actual meta- morphosis of the latter takes jolace. " The principal tissues, namely, dentine, enamel, and cement, are formed from different parts of the tooth- germ; hence we are accustomed to speak of the enamel- 38 TOOTH-GERMS. germ and tlie dentine-germ. The existence of a spe- cial cement-germ is very doubtful, some writers assert- ing, others denying its existence. ^k * * " Tootli-gernis are never formed upon the surface, but are situated a little distance beneath it, lying in some animals at a considerable depth. Every known tooth-germ consists in the llrst instance of two por- tions, and two only, the enamel and dentine germs. These are derived from distinct sources, the former being a special development from the epithelium of the mouth, the latter from the more deeply lying parts of the mucous membrane. Other things, such as a tooth-capsule, may be subsequently and secondarily formed. The existence of an enamel-organ in an early stage is independent of any subsequent formation of enamel by its own conversion into a calcified tissue, for I have shown it to be found in the germs of teeth whicii have no enamel; in fact, in all tooth-germs whatever. "That part of the tooth-germ destined to become dentine is often called the dentine papilla, having acquired this name from its papilliform shape; and in a certain sense it is true that the enamel-organ is the epithelium of the dentine papilla. Yet, although not absolutely untrue, such an expression might mislead by implying that the enamel organ is a secondary de- velopment, whereas its appearance is contemporaneous with, if not antecedent to, that of the dentine-germ. The most general account that I am able to give of the process is, that the deeper layer of the oral epithelium sends dow^n into the subjacent tissue a process, the shape and structure of whicli is, in most animals, dis- tinguishable and characteristic before the dentine- germ has taken any definite form. This process en- THE ORAL EPITHELIUM. . 39 larges at its end, and, as seen in section, becomes divaricated, so that it bears some resemblance to an inverted letter Y ; or it might be better compared to a bell-jar with a handle. This constitutes the early stage of an enamel-germ, while beneath it, in the mucous tissue, the dentmc-germ assumes its papilliform shape. The details of the process varying in different animals, I will at once proceed to the description of tlie devel- opment of teeth in the various groups." Prof. Tomes's views of the development of tooth- germs in mammals are thus summarized by himself (" Philosoi)hical Transactions Eoyal Societ}^' 1875, part i, p. 285) : "1. There is never, at any stage, an open groove from the bottom of which papilia3 rise up. "2. That the first recognizable change in the region of a forming tooth-germ is a dipping down of a process of the oral epithelium, looking, m section transverse to the jaw, like a deep simple tubular gland, which descends into the submucous tissue, and ultimately forms the enamel-organ. " 3. That subsequently to the descent of the so-called enamel-germ, the changes in the subjacent tissue re- sulting in the formation of the dentine papilla take place opposite to its end, and not at its surface. I "4. That the permanent tooth-germs first appear as offshoots from the epithelial process concerned in the formation of the deciduous tooth-germ (Kolliker), the first permanent molar being derived from a primary dipping down (like a deciduous tooth), the second de- riving its enamel-germ from the epithelial neck of the first, and the third from that of the second (Legros and Magi tot)." 40 TOOTH-GEIIMS. Again, in the Society's Transactions for 1876 (p. 2G5), Prof. Tomes says: '•1. It is desinible to abandon tiie terms * papillary/ *i'oliicular,' and 'eruptive' stages, inasmuch as they are hypothetical and arbitrary, and correspond to no serial conditions verified by observation. "3. In all animals a tooth-germ consists primarily of two strnctures, and. only two — the dentine-germ and the enamel-germ. The simplest tooth-germ never comprises anything more. When a capsnTe is devel- 023ed, it is derived partly from a secondary upgrowth of the tissue at the base of the dentine germ, and partly from an accidental condensation of the surrounding connective tissue. '•'3. The existence of an enamel-organ is quite uni- versal, and is in no vray dependent on the presence or absence of enamel on the completed tooth, although the degree to which it is developed has distinct relation to the thickness of tlie future enamel. "4. So far as my researches go, a stellate reticulum, constituting a large bulk of the enamel-organ, is a structure confined to the mammalia. (It is absent in the armadillo, and I should infer from Mr. Turner's description, in the narwhal also). "5. As laid down by Profs. Huxley and Kolliker, tlie dentine-papilla is beyond all question a dermal structure, tlie enamel-organ an epithelial or epidermic structure. As I believe it can be shown that the enamel is formed by an actual conversion of the cells of the enamel-organ, this makes the dentine a dermal and the enamel an epidermic structure. "6. In teleosts the new enamel-germs are formed directly from tlie oral epithelium. They are new for- mations, and arise quite independently of any portion MONSIEUR CHAUVEAU'S THEORY. 41 of the germs of the teeth which preceded them. In mammals and reptiles, and in some of the batrachia, new tooth-germs are developed from portions of their predecessors. *' 7. In all animals examined the phenomena arc very uniform. A process dips in from the oral epithelium, often to a great depth, its end becoming transformed into an enamel-organ coincidentall}^ with the formation of a dentine-papilla beneath it. The differences lie rather in such minor details as the extent to" which a capsule is developed, and tlierefore no such generali- zation as that the teeth of fish in their development represent only an earlier stage of the development of the teeth of mammalia can be drawn." Monsieur A. Chauvean's theory of the development of tooth -germs is as follows (" Comparative Anatomy of the Domesticated Animals," p. 921) : '' The teeth are developed in the interior of a cavity, named the dental follicle or sac, by means of tlie ele- ments of three germs, one belonging to the dentine, another to the enamel, and a third to the cement. The dental follicle is an oval cavitj^, with walls composed of two layers. The external is fibrous and complete; the internal, soft and gelatinous, is allied at the bottom to the dentine-germ. The latter is a prominence, which is detached from the bottom of the follicle, and has the exact shape of the tooth. Its structure comprises, in the center, delicate connective tissue, provided with vessels and nerves, and on the surface a layer of elon- gated cells. At the summit of the follicle, facing the dentine-germ, is the enamel-germ. It is exactly ap- plied to the dentin al-pulp, which it invests like a caj). 42 TOOTH-GERMS. and is composed of a small mass of mucous connec- tive tissue, covered by a layer of cylindrical cells, and joined to the buccal epithelium by the guhernaculum dentis.'^' According to Monsieur Magitot, the cement- organ manifestly exists in the foal. The base of the dentine-germ has been found, but it disappears rapidly after having performed its function. ' ^'Developinent of the Dental Follicle. — On the free borders of the maxillae, the epithelium of the buccal mucous membrane forms an elongated eminence — the dental ridge. Below this ridge the epithelium consti- tutes a bad, which develops in size, and is sunk in the mucous membrane. This is the enamel-germ. It has a layer of cylindrical cells on its deep surface, and in its center are round cells. After a certain time it is only joined to the epithelium, as already said, by a very thin line of cells, the guber?iaculum dentis. While this enamel-germ grows downward, it covers, by its base, a connective bud which rises from the mucous derma. The two buds are reciprocally adapted to each other, * Concerning the gubernaculum dentis Prof. C. S. Tomes says (" Dental Anatomy," p. 135) : " Another structure, once thought to be important, but now known to be a mere bundle of dense fibrous tissue, is the ' gubernaculum.' The permanent tooth sacs, durinor their growth, have become invested by a bony shell, which is complete, save at a point near their apices, where there is a fora''men. Through this foramen passes a thin fibrous cord, very conspicuous when the surrounding bone is broken away, which is called the c^ubernaculum, from the notion entertained by the older anatomists tliat it was concerned in directing or effecting the eruption of the tooth. The j2fubornacula of the front y)ormanent tooth sacs perforate the alvolus ana [:)lend with the gum behind tlie nocks of the co^vesponamg milk teeth, those of the bicuspids uniting wi+h the pcrj^ste^iri o^ ■th«' !»/"«et'lj of thoir deciduous predecessors." THE DENTIJ^E-GERM TOOTH-SHAPED. 43 and around them the connective tissue condenses and gives rise to the walls of the follicle. It will therefore be seen that the enamel-organ is a dependenc}^ of the epithelium, and the dentine-organ a production of the mncous derma. '^Formation of the Dentine, Enamel, and Cement, — As before said, the germ of the dentine has exactly the form of the fature tooth; consequently the dentine which arises from its periphery presents the shape of a tooth also. The dentine and enamel are developed by the modification of the elements situated at the surface of their germs. The dentine is constituted of the cells of the germ, which send out ramifying and commanicating prolongations — the dentinal fibers — and by an intercellular substance, which is impreg- nated with calcareous matter, and which, being molded around the fibers, forms canaliculi. The enamel is derived from the deep cells of its germ, which are elongated and prism-shaped, and are calcified in be- coming applied to the surface of the dentine. Tlie cement is developed at the expense of the walls of the follicle, according to the mode of ossification of the connective tissue. ^'Eruption. — As the dentine is formed, the, tooth increases in length and presses the enamel-germ up- w^ard. The latter, constantly compressed, becomes atrophied, and finally disappears wdien the tooth has reached the summit of the follicle. In the same way the young organ pierces the dental follicle and gum and makes its eruption externally. "Such is the mode of the development of the tem- porary teeth, and the perminent ones are formed in the same manner. During the development of the germ of the temporary tooth, a bud is seen detaching itself 44 TOOTH-GERMS. from this germ and passing backward, to serve, at a later period, in forming the permanent tooth." In another part of his work Prof Chauveau says: "The follicle in v/hich the incisor teeth are devel- oped shows only two papillis. One, for the secretion of the dentine, is lodged in the internal cavity of the tootli, and is hollowed into a cup-shape at its free ex- tremity; the other is contained in the external cul-de- sac." •^- In describing the simplicity of the structure of the horse's canine teeth (tushes). Prof. Lecoq says: ^'The disposition of tlie developing follicle is in har- mony v/ith the simplicity of their structure. At the bottom there is a simple and conical papilla for the internal cavity; on the inner vv'all, a double longitu- dinal ridge, on which are molded the ridge and grooves on the inner f ice of the tooth." Prof William Youatt's theory of the development of horses' teeth is unique. He is probably correct about the bones or processes being separate, and his claim that they are solidified by the cement is certainly philosophical ; but he differs from all other authorities about the enamel completing the formation of the tooth, for it is a well-known fact that a virgin tooth is enveloped by cement (its protecting varnish), which wears off as soon as the tooth is brought into use. He says ("The- Horse," p. 223): "A delicate membranous bag, containing a ielly-like substance, is fonnd in a little cell withm the jawbone of the unborn animal. It assumes by degrees the shape of the tooth, and then the jelly begins to change GREAT USE OF THE CEMEKT. 45 to bony matter. A hard and beautiful crystallization is formed on the membrane without, and so we have the cutting tooth covered by its enamel. '• In the formation of the grinders there are origin- ally five membranous bags m the upper jaw and four in the lower. The jelly in them gives place to bony matter, which is supplied by little ves- sels, and which is represented by the darker portions of the cut with central black spots. The crystallization of enamel may be traced around each of the bags, and there would be five distinct bones or teeth but for the fact that a third substance is now secreted. (It is repre- sented by the white spaces). It is a powerful cement, and through its agency the bones are united into one .body, thus making one tooth of the five. This being done, another coat of enamel spreads over the sides, but not the top, and the tooth is completed.'' Dr. Robley Dunglison's theory of the development of the human teeth is in principle the same as Prof. Youatt's tlieory regarding those of the horse. In his "Medical Dictionary," article "teeth," he says: "The incisor and canine teeth are developed by a single point of ossification, the lesser molars by two, and the larger by four or five." Surgeons M. II. Bouley and P. B. Ferguson believe that the teeth are the combined product of the secre- tion of the pulp and of the membrane which linos the alveolar cavities. They say that the question as to whether the sensibility of the teeth is inherent in the dental substance itself, or resides exclusively in the 46 TOOTH-GERMS. pulp, is a pliyslological point of which a satisfactory solution remains to be given.* * Of tlie development of teetli ia the human fetus Monsieur E. Magitot says ("Comtes Rendus," 1874): "Seventh Week— The epitlielial eminence and epithelial intiecLion of Kolliker only may be seen at the edge of the jaw. The superior maxil- lary and intermaxillary bones are not united, and the inferior maxillary arch contains Meckel's cartilage only, without any trace of bone. The epithelial bands (enamel-organs) are succes- sively formed in the order of their designation. Ninth — The dentine bulb appears in juxtaposition with the downward ex- tremity of the enamel -organ. This stage occurs nearly simul- taneously for the whole series of temporaiy follicles. Tenth — The wall of the follicle detaches itself from the base of the bulb and rises up its sides. Fifteenth — The exjithelial band begins its transformation into an enamel-organ. The enamel-germ of the first -permanent molar may now be seen springing from the ej^ithelial inflection. Si-xteenth — The wall of the follicle is closed. The epithelial band is broken, and the follicle thencefor- ward has no connection with the surface epithelium. The epi- thelial bands of the permanent teeth, which are derived from the necks of the enamel-organ of tiie corresponding deciduous teeth, appear. Svveideenth — Appearance of the cap of dentine of the central and lateral incisors ; also the bulb of the first permanent molar. Eii/hteenth — Appearance of the dentine caps of the first and second molars ; also the wall of the follicle of the perma- nent molar. Twentieth — Hight of the dentine caps of the cen- tral incisor, lateral incisor, and canine, .059; first and second molars, .039. Appearance of dentine organ of permanent teeth, and iuclosure of wall and rupture of band of first molar. Twenty- fifth — Dentine caps, .07, .054. The permanent follicle walls, which ayipeured after the twenty-first week, have acquired a cer- tain distincmess. Twenty-eighth — Dentine caps, .093, .078. The epithelial germs of the permanent follicles begin their transfor- mation into enamel-organs; dentine cap first molar, .003 to .007. Tldriy-scconel — Dentine caps, .113, .093. The first permanent molar cusps, which form upon the several apices of the dentine organ, have coalesced. Thirty -sixth — Dentine caps, .118, .109; permanent molar, .004 to .039. Thirty-ninth — Dentine caps, .136, .118 ; permanent molar, .039 to .078. The permanent follicle walls close. The dentine caps appear one month after birth." CHAPTER II. THE TEMPORAEY DENTITIOIS". Twelve Incisors and Twelve Molars. — Why the Incisors are called " Nippers." — The Treatment of Foals Affects Teeth- ing.— The Temporary Teeth Absorbed by the Permanent. —The Tushes. The foaFs temporary teeth (known also as milk or deciduous teeth), ure adapted in size and number to the capacity of the jaws and the amount and nature of the mastication required for its sustenance. There are only twenty-four temporary teeth functionally de- veloped. They consist of twelve incisors or nippers * and twelve molars or grinders, six above and six below of each kind. The dental formula is expressed thus: Incisors, f — |; molars, f — f =24. According to Veterinary Dentist C. D. House, who says the care and treatment of foals will affect the growth of their 1;eeth as much as they will their gen- * Horsemen call the incisor teeth "Nippers." The word ex- presses the office they perform, to wit, nipping grass, as well as the word "grinder" does in the case of the molars — grinding corn. They call the first pair of incisors "central nipi^ers," or " centrals," one being on either side of the median line ; the second pair are the "dividers," for they stand between the first and third pairs; the third pair are called the "corners," from their forming the points of the crescent-like figure. 48 THE TEMPORARY DENTITIOJir. enil deyelopment, the foal has no teeth at birth, Na- ture providing a thin, membrane-like covering for the central incisors as well as the hoofs. In two or three days, however, the molars are all cnt. The incisors are cnt in pairs, two above and two below. The first pair ("^central nippers ") protrude in from three to eight days, and attain their growth in about two months. The second pair ('-'divider nippers") are cut when the foal is five or six weeks old. They also attain their growth in about two months. The time of cutting the third pair ('-corner nippers") varies. In some foals they appear as early ^s the sixth month ; in others as late as the ninth. They attain their growth in about three months."^ The temporary teeth are smaller and whiter and have more distinct necks tlian the permanent. Their "shining, milky-white color," Monsieur Chauveau says, is "due to the thinness or absence of the crusta petrosa" (cement). "Their crowns," he says, "are finely striated, and not cannular, on the anterior face." He also says that " they are not constantly pushed out- ward from their cavities, their growth ceasing when they begin to be used." This is probably accounted for by the fact that the temporary teeth are absorbed by the permanent, the proper development of the latter apparently requiring the tooth material of the former. ^ Prof. Owen says : " Monsieur Rousseau, who describes the first dentition as b^ing terminated by tlie appearance of (lie lat- eral incisors, assigns from the seventh to the tenth month as the period of its completion. The appearance of the third deciduous incisors, or 'corner nippers,' completes the stage of dentition called the ' coil's mouth ' by veterinary authors. The deciduous incisors have thinner and more trenchant, normally-shaped crowns than those of their permanent succgssoj's." SHED OR ABSORBED. 49 The incisors, which stand in an almost npriglit position, are smooth and ronnded on the outer sur- face, but grooved on the inner. Their average length, including the root, is about an inch, their width about half an inch. The molars are about an inch and a quarter in length, and nearly an inch in long (antero-posterior) diameter. The short (transverse) diameter of the upper molars, which is about three- fourths of an inch, exceeds that of the lower nearly a half. Surgeon John Hughes says that in proportion to their length the breadth * of the temporary teeth is greater than the permanent. When first cut the in- cisor teeth are very sharp ; the outer edges are higher than the inner, tlie slant resembling that of a chisel. A little wear, however, dulls the teeth, and brings the edges to a common level. The contrast between the edges of the corner incisors, however, is distinct for some time, the outer edge wearing off slowly. There is a marked contrast in the appearance of the incisors at the age of one year and about the close of the second. At the former period they look new and fresh, standing close together, while at the latter they not only look old and worn, but the development of the jaws has caused them to stand apart. Their nar- row necks are also conspicuous at two years of age. The incisors are shed in the order in which they are cut. Nature provides them as they are needed, and takes them away so as to cause the least inconvenience to the foal. During the shedding of the central inci- sors foals have the use of the dividers and corners. The permanent centrals are ready for use before the dividers arc shed, and the permanent dividers are *" Broad til is antcro-posterior diameter; thickness is trans- verse diameter." — R. Owen 50 THE TEMrORARY LE^'TITIO^. ready before tlie corners are shed. However, during the shedding periods, particularly that of the central teeth, foals experience more or less diScnlty in graz- ing ; but if they are given a moderate quantity of soft, green food, their health will not be impaired, nor will they lose much flesh. The central incisors are shed when the foal is about two years and a half old, the dividers at three and a half or four, and the corners afc four and a half or five. The molars, which Prof. Eichard Ow^en says sooner begin to develop roots than the permanent, are shed with even less inconvenience to the foal than the in- cisors. The fourth grinder, the first permanent tooth cut, is ready for use before the first temporary molar is shed, and the fi.fth and sixth are ready before the second and third are shed. The time of shedding the twelve teeth varies somewhat, and the falling off of the "caps" of the uppers v/ill pi-ecede those of the lower teeth several weeks. Tiie thin shells (caps) that fall oil are all that is left of the temporary molars, their roots and bodies having been absorbed by the permanent teeth, except of course that part which has been W'Orn from the crown by attrition. Thus, when Nature is let alone, the temporary teeth are absorbed rather than shed; but when a shell is loose and in the way, it does no harm to remove it. The first molar is shed about the end of the second year, the second about the end of the third, and the third about the end of the fourth. Surgeon W. A. Cherry says that the shedding of the teeth usually occurs in the Spring. Tiiere is, he says, a sufficient interval of time between the shedding of the upper and lower molars for the nev/ teeth in tho UNFUNCTIOKALLY DEVELOPED CAXINES. 51 upper jaw to meet the old ones in the lower; sometimes tlio respective teeth, when the caps fall olf, are not more than the sixteenth of an inch apart. He also says that as the temporary teeth wear down they become less and less dense. While, as before said, it does no harm to remove loose shells, the punching out of a pair of incisors, Wiiich is sometimes done for the purpose of deception, frequently causes serious injury to the permanent pair (which should absorb the temporary, and fill the space that has become too large for it), not to mention the interference with grazing. The temporary teetli are often broken oR at the neck and the sockets injured; tliis sometimes causes the permanent to grow irregu- larly, which in the case of the liorse is a very serious matter, for if the permanent teeth do not meet, and are consequently not worn off by attrition, their growth, which continues throughout life, will cause trouble. There are cases, however, suck as abnormal groAvths, accidents, &c., in which it is necessary to remove the temporary tooth, but the forceps only should be used. When the teeth have been removed for the purpose of deception, the object is to make it appear that tliey Jiave been slied, and that the animal is older than it reallv is. Veterinary authors, as a rule, do not mention the temporary tushes. A few odontologists, however, liave described them. Prof. Owen ('•'Odontography," vol. i, p. 580) says "^the small deciduous canine^ is cut about the sixth month, at the time the third or cnmer inci- sors are cut. Tlie lower tush, owing to its diminutive size, and its being so close to the incisor, "is shed almost as soon as tlie crown of the contiguous incisor is in full place, being carried out by the same move- 52 THE TEMPORARY DEKTITIOIT. ment." Bojanns,* Prof. Owen says, first "drew the attention of vetorinary authors to it by his memoir * De Dentibus Caninis Caclucis/ &c. Bojiinus never found the lower deciduous canine retained beyond the first year. The deciduous canine of the u[)per jaw, being- developed at a short distance behind the incisors, is less disturbed by the eruption of the outer incisor, but is nevertheless shed in the course of the second year. The deciduous canines appear from Camper's f observations to retain their place longer in the zebra than in the horse." Monsieur Lecoq says: " The canine teeth are not shed, and grow but once. Some veterinarians, and among them Forthomme and Rigot, witnessed instances in which they were replaced ; but the very rare exceptions cannot make us look upon these teeth as liable to be renewed. We must not, however, confound with these exceptionable cases the shedding of a small sp*icula or point, which, in the majority of horses, precedes the eruption of the real tusks." Prof. C. S. Tomes says: " The milk teeth of all the ungulata are very com- plete, and are retained late. They resemble the per- manent teeth in general character, but the canines of the horse, as might have been expected — their greater development in the male being a sexual character — are rudimentary in the milk dentition." * " Nova Acta Nat. Curios., torn, xii, part ii, p. 697. 1825." f " CEuvres de Pierre Camper. Paris, 1805." CHAPTER III. THE PERMANENT DENTITION. Distinction between Premolars and Molars. — The Bow-like In- cisors. — Contrasts between tlie Upper and Lower Grinders, and the Rows formed by them. — The Incisors saved from Friction. — Horses' Teeth compared with those of other An- imals. — Measurements. — Time's Changes. — Growth during Life. The Permanent Teeth, owing to their increased size and number, are as well adapted to the needs of the horse as the temporary are to the foal. In the males forty teeth are functionally develoj^ed ;* in the feaiales thirty-six, the latter, as a rule, having no canine teeth. However, their rudiments exist in the jaw\s, and some- times, especially in old age, protrude. Of the forty teeth in the male horse there are twelve incisors, four canines or tushes (also called cannon or bridle teeth), twelve premolars,! and twelve molars. The dental formula is expressed thus : -^•J 3 3 ^ '^v 1 1) ^' -w^v 3^ — 3^7 ^^^-} ^ — 3 — '*^* * The teeth that are not functionally developed are treated of in tlie chai)ter entitled " Remnant Teeth." f "Premolars are teeth in front of the molars ; they usually differ from them by beinjr smaller and more simple in form, and in most animals have displaced deciduous predecessors. But they are not always smaller nor simpler in form (e. g., the 54 THE PERMANENT DElls'TITIOl^r. The incisors and premolars absorb and replace the entire temporary dentition, except the shells or caps described in the preceding chapter, but tbe canines and molars are cut through the gums. In Yeterinary works, as a rule, no distinction is made between a premolar and a molar, the twenty-four back teeth being called either molars or grinders. Prof. 0. S. Tomes says the premolars and mofers "are very similar to one another in shape, size, and in the pat- tern of their grinding surface." There is a difference, however, between the respective teeth, and naturalists make a distinction. The premolars (the three first back teeth), whicli replace the temporary molars, are slightly larger than the molars (the three last back teeth). They have besides a backward inclination, v/hile the molars incline forward ; the respective teeth are thus set toivard one another. Both kinds are properly called grinders. The permanent teeth arc cut in pairs, two in either jaw, the upper teeth preceding the lower from one to two weeks. In the cutting of the canines, however, the reverse is the rule, for the lovvTr teeth precede the upper. About a year's time elapses betv/een the cut- ting of the respective pairs of teeth ; that is, when the central incisors are cut, it v/ill be about a year before the dividers will emerge. The rule is applicable to the premolars and molars also, but the case is different, for tvv^enty-four of these teeth have to be cut during horse) ; nor do tliey always displace deciduous predecessors {e. g., til oy do not all do so in the marsupials) ; so that this defi- nition is not absolutely precise. Still, as a matter of practice, it is usually easy to dJstin^Tiish tiie premolars, and tlie division into premolars and molars is useful." — C 8, Tomes, "Dental Anatomy," &c., p. S5S. TIME 0? CUTTIJTG. 55 the same period of time that the twelve incisors are cut. A permanent tootli attains its growth in about a year. Accordhig to the best authorities, the molar and canine teeth are cut at tlie following periods: The first molars (in veterinary works they are called the fourth, because the three premolars come in front of them) are the first permanent teeth cut. The time of their cutting varies, for the foal's jaws must be suffi- ciently developed to afford fliem room, notwitiistand- ing they are usually the smallest of the six back teeth. They are cut about the beginning of the second year, and are generally ready for use by the time the foal is two years old. The second molars are cut at about tlie age of two years, and are therefore fully developed by the end of the third year. The third pairs, the last of the molars, and consequently the most posterior of all the teeth, are sometimes cut as early as the third year, in which case they would be developed by the end of the third or the beginning of the fourth year. The time, however, may be prolonged six months or more. The canine teeth (tushes) emerge at or near the be- ginning of the fourth year.^- The time of the appearance of the incisors and pre- molars has already been indicated in the preceding ch.apter. However, the following extract from Prof Owen's "Odontography" is appropriate in this place, a=' it throws further light on the subject, and to some extent agrees with the dates already given: '■The fir>t true permanent molar appears between the ebvcnth and thirbcenth months. The second fol- •■• For further particulars concorniniotlierian and ruminant patterns. The crown is cubical, but is impressed on the outer surface by two wide and deep longitudinal channels. It is penetrated from within by a valley, v/liicli enters obliquely from behind forward. This is crt.issed by two crescentic Talleys, which soon become insulated, as in the camel ;^' but a large internal lobe, at the end of the oblique val- ley, presents more of the anoplotherian proportions than is shown by any ruminant. It is at first distinct ; but althongh it soou becomes confluent with the ante- rior lobe iu the existing species of the horse, it con- tinued distinct much longer., and with more of the con- ical or columnar form, in the primigenial horse of the miocene tertiary period. ''The grinder teeth of the horsc^, Ouvierf remarks, Remnant teeth are counted ; and, besides, the odd teetli in both animals appear in the upper jaw. Prof. T. H. Huxley says : " Deepen the valley, Increase the curvature of the (outer) wall and lam'inoe (transverse ridg-es); give the latter a more directly backward slope; cause them to develop accessory ridges and l)illars, and the upper molars of the tapir will pass through the structure of that of the rhinoceros to that of the horse." *"The dental formula of the camel is: I, 1-3, 1-3; M., Q—Q, 6—6=32. The anterior molars are conical. They are separated from the posterior molars, and are sometimes regarded as canines. The upper incisors are also conical, compressed, somewhat curved, resembling canines, and are used for tearing up the hard and strong plants of Ihe desert, on which the ani- mal usually feeds." — Amc^^'can Cyclopedia. f A French naturalist. Died May 13, 1883. " He is regarded as the founder of the science of comparative anatomy, and his knowledge of the science was such tliat a bone or a small frag- ment of a fossil animal enabled him to determine the order, and THE HORSE AN"D THE RHINOCEROS. 67 have a closer analogy with those of the rhinoceros* than might at first be. supposed. The anterior cres- centic enamel represents the termination of the prin- cipal or obli(|ue valley, which is cut olf by a bridge of dentine analogous to that in the leptorhine rhinoceros. The posterior crescentic island is a further develop- ment of the fclds in the rhinoceros' molar, but is much earlier insulated in the horse. *'In the lower jaw the same analogies maybe traced. The teeth, on the outer side, are divided into two convex lobes by a median longitudinal fissure; on the inner side they present three principal unequal convex ridges, and an anterior and posterior narrower ridge. The crown of the grinder is penetrated from the inner side by deeper and more complex folds than in the anoplothere, and still more so than in the rhinoceros even genus, to which it belonged. The time of Cuvier marks the opening of a new epoch in comparative anatomy. He ap- plied this science to natural history, physiology, and to the study of fossils The first edition of "Lccons d'Anatomie Comparee" appeared about the beginning of the i^resent century, and the second was the last work upon v/hich Cuvier labored. For more than thirty years he had collected an immense amount of facts and materials, which are partly embodied in this book. It is a monument of patient industry, a model in arrangement, and a mine of knowledge, of whicli all observers since have availed themselves. " — American Cyclopedia. " " The essential characteristics of the dentition of the genua rhinoceros are to be found in the form and structure of the molar teeth. They diifer essentially from those of the horse by being implanted by distinct roo*p. The normal dental formula of the molar series is: P. M.. 4-4, 4-4; M.. 3-3, 3-3:=28. There are no canines. As to the incisors, the species vary, not only in regard to their form and proportions, but also their ex- istence." — Oioen. 68 THE PERMAKEXT DENTITION". and iDixleothere. * The anterior valley between the nar- row ridge and the first principal internal column ex- pands into a snbcrescentic fold. The second is a short, simple fold, and terminates opposite that which pene- trates tlie tooth from the outer side. The third inner fold expands in the posterior lobe of the tooth like the first, and two short folds partially detach a small ac- cessory lobe at the posterior part of the crown. All the valleys, fissures, or folds, in both the npper and the lower grinders, are lined by enamel, which also coats the whole exterior surface of the crown. "The character by which horses' grinders may best be distino-uished from the teeth of other herbivora cor- responding with thom in size, is the great length of the tooth before it divides into fangs. This division, indeed, does not begin to take place nntil much of tlie crown has been worn away. Thus, except in old horses, a considerable proportion of the whole of the tooth is implanted in the socket by an nndivided base. This is slightly curved in the upper grinders. "The deciduous molars have shorter bodies than the permanent, and sooner begin to develop roots. They may be distinguished from the rooted molar of a rumi- nant, as may also their permanent successors with roots, by their form and the pattern of their grinding surface. The latter may be a little changed by tiie partial obliteration of its enamel folds, but it gen- erally retains enough of its character to show the distinction." * " The species of paleotlierium, wlucli appear to have accom- panied the anoplotheres in the first introduction of hoofed quad- rupeds upon this planet, v/ere characterized by the same com- plete dental formula, namely, forty-four functionally developed teeth." — Owen. AKISTOTLE'S MISTAKE. 69 Monsieur Lecoq's description of the grinder teeth, like the one just quoted, is a contribution to dental science. The repetition of facts ah'eady given is off- set by its additional facts, and its historical informa- tion is as interesting as are Prof. Owen's comparisons. It is as follows ('' Traite de I'Extcrieur du Cheval et des Princii^aux Animaux Domestiques'') : " It w^as believed for a long time that the grinders of Solipeds were all persistent teeth. This error, founded on the authority of Aristotle, w^as so deeply rooted that, although Ruini, toward the end of the Sixteentli cen- tury, had discovered the existence of two temporary molars, Bourgelat did not believe it when he founded the French veterinary schools, and was only convinced when Tenon proved hy specimens, in 1770, that the first three are deciduous. " Generally considered, the grinder arcades have not the same disposition in both jaws. Wider apart in the superior one, they form a slight curve, whose convexity is outward. In the inferior jaw, on the contrary, the two arcades separate in the form of a Y toward the back of the mouth. Instead of coming in contact by level surfaces, the grinders meet by inclined-planes. In the lower jaw the internal border is higher than the exter- nal, while the reverse is the rule in the upper. This circumstance prevents the lateral movement of the lower jaw taking place without separation of the inci- sors, and thus saves them from friction. " Like the incisors, each grinder presents for study a free and a fixed portion. The free portion (the body), nearly square in the upper grinders, broader than thick in the hnver, sliows at the external surface of the former two longitudinal grooves, the anterior of which 70 THE PERMAKEKT DENTITIOIS". is the deeper, both being continued on the incased poi'tion. This is not the case with the lower grinders, "which have but one narrow and frequently indistinct groove. The internal surfiice, in both javv\s, presents only one groove, and that but lirtlj marked. It is placed backward in tlie upper teeth, and is most ap- parent toward the rout. The anterior and posterior faces of the respective teeth, wliieh are in coniaet with each other, are nearly level, but at the extremities of the arcades the isolated faces are converted into a nar- ro^v border. " The grinders are separated from each other by their imbedded portion, particularly at the extremities of the arcades, an arrangement v/hich strengthens them by tlirow^ing the strain put upon the terminal teeth toward the riiiddle of the line. They exhibit a variety of roots. In the first and last, either above or below% there are three, while the intermediate teeth have four in the upper jaw, and only two in- the lower. The root, if examined a short time after the eruption of the free portion, looks only like the shaft of the latter, without any appoarancc of fangs, and has internally a wide cavity. It is not until the tooth begins to be l^ushed from the alveolus and its crown has become worn, tiiat its fano-s are formed. These are at first hollow, and afterward filled, as v/ell as the cavity of the tooth, ])y the formation of new dentine. Erom this time tlie fangs cease to gro^v, but the tooth, con- stantly projected beyond the alveolar cavity, allows the walls which inclose it to contract; so that in extreme old age the sliaft, completely v/orn away, instead of the tooth, leaves several stumps formed by the fangs. "The replacement of the twelve molars is not at all like Vvdiat happens with the incisors. They grow im- KELATEVE SIZE OF THE GPvIINDERS. 71 mediately below the temporary teeth, aud diNride their two fangs into four, the uhsorbing process continuing until the bodies are reduced to simple plates and fall off.'' In measuring the tceih in a large-sized head the following facts and figures were elicited: Length of grinder rows, 7 inches. Space between the sixth grinders, upper rows, measuring from the inner sur- faces, but not including the angles, 3 inches; center of rows, 2}f ; first grinders, not including the space of the angles, 2^. Lower rows: Between the sixth grinders, 2|-; center of rows, 1{-^; first grinders, 1-|-. Upper tush from first grinder, 2-J ; from third incisor, 1^. Lower tush from grinder, 3-|; from incisor, |. Space between the upper tushes, 2 ; between the lower, If. Space between the upper corner incisors, measur- ing from center of teeth, 2; lower, 1||; between the upper dividers, II- ; lower. If. Distance around semi- circle of upper incisors, 4-fg-; around lower, 3|f. As a supplement to tlie above, the following extract is made from ''An Essay on the Teeth" by Surgeon John Hughes ("Veterinarian," 1841, "Proceedings Vet. Med. Ass.," p. 22) : " The upper and lower grinders will measure from 2| to 3 inches in length. In transverse diameter the former exceed the latter in tlie proportion of 7 to 4. The aggregate measurement of the sockets of the up- per grinders is about 7 inches. The first tooth occu- pies one inch and a half of this space, the second 1|-, the tliirdl-i", the fourth 1, the fifth 1, and the sixth 1-J-. The breadth of the corresponding lowTr teeth is about the same as that of the upper." 72 THE PERMAIs^EiTT DENTITION". There is a difference in the structure of all the teeth, and an expert can tell to which socket each belongs. They lit their sockets accurately/'^' are braced all round by the jawbone processes, and receive besides support and protection from the gums, which adhere to them tenaciously and are almost as hard as cartilage. Use and time, however, work changes, the teeth all wearing down, the incisors in particular changing shape and projecting outward. At the age of twelve years the gums begin to slacken, causing the teeth to look longer. The change from the upright position of the incisors, and the increased space between them and the canines, is caused by the elongation of the jaws, which carries the incisors outward. The canines do not change their position, but they become mere stubs. * " The manner of attachment of the human teeth is that termed ' gomphosis,' i. e., an attachment comparable to the fit- ting of a peg into a hole. The bony sockets, however, allow of a considerable degree of motion, as may be seen by examining the teeth in a dried skull, the fitting being in the fresh state completed by the interposition of the dense periosteum of the socket. This latter, by its elasticity, allows of a small degree of motion in the tooth, and so doubtless diminishes the shock which would be occasioned by m.astication were the teeth per- fectly immovable and without a yielding lining within their sockets." — C. S. Tomes, "Dental Anatomy" d-c, p. SS. John Hunter says (" Human Teeth ") : " The fangs of the teeth are fixed in the gum and alveolar processes by that species of articulation called goonphosis, which in some measure resem- bles a nail driven into a piece of wood. They are not, however, firmly united with the processes, for every tooth has some de- gree of motion; and in heads which have been boiled or macer- ated in water, so as to destroy the periosteum and adhesion of the teeth, we find them so loosely connected with their sockets that the incisors are ready to drop out, the grinders remaining, as it were, hooked, from the number and shape of their fangs/' THE HORSE AS A MILLER. 73 Notwithstanding all these changes it is a rare thing to see a missing incisor or grinder. The canines, how- ever, owing perhaps to their sharp points, not only wear out, but now and then, in extreme old age, fall out. The permanent teeth agree with the temporary in but few respects, though the general appearance of the respective teeth is nearly the same. They differ in many respects. Their bodies are larger and denser, and their roots longer and stronger. The grooving of the incisors is the reverse ; the outer surface is usually double grooved, the inner smooth, both being slightly rounded. They are less upright in position, and less sharp, but are more discolored, and the "marks" (in- fundibula) are wider and deeper and wear out more slowly. They attain tlieir growth more slowly, and a healthy tooth continues to grow throughout life. In proof of the last assertion many authorities could be cited, but those that follow must suffice. It is a wise provision of Nature, as but for it a horse's teeth, particularly the grinders, would be worn to stubs in two or three years after tlieir development. Prof. M. H. Bouley and Surgeon P. B. Ferguson say (" Vet- erinarian," 18-14) : "The growth throughout life is a compensation for the enormous w^ear of the teeth, the liorse having to perform for himself that which the miller performs for man ; and thus during a very long time the teeth pre- serve, if not their form, at least their length." Prof. A. Chauveau, referring to the horse, says: " The permanent teeth present in their development a common but very remarkable characteristic, rarely 4 74 THE PEEMAI^EXT DEKTITIOI^. met with in other animals. Th^y are thrust up from the alveoh during the entire life of the animal to re- place the surface worn by friction ; so tliat the crown is formed successively by the various portions of the fang, each of which issues in its turn from the alveolar cavity." Prof. 0. S. Tomes says " the elevation of the tooth takes place quite independently of growth from a per- sistent pulp, and ni fact happens after the formation of its roots." CHAPTER IV. THE CANINE TEETH OR TUSHES. Practically Useless.— Different in their Nature from the other Teeth.— Were they formerly Weapons of Offense and De- fense?— Views of Messrs. Darwin, Himter, Bell, Youatt, and Winter.— Their time of Cutting the most Critical Period of the Horse's Life. The Canine Teeth {laniarii denies), comparatively speaking, are of little practical use; at least tliey are of little use to the modern horse. They have heeu much reduced in size during the evolution of the horse, and, if Mr. C, 11. Darwin's theory is correct, are prob- 'al)ly "in the course of ultimate extinction." They distinguish the sex, it is true, but their loss would not be felt on that account. The horse sometimes uses them in tearing bark from trees, for he is by instinct his own (botanical) doctor, and the bark is his medi- cine. The sharp points of the tushes penetrate the bark more readily than the incisors, and apparently the horse wishes to save his incisors, thus showing his horse-sense. Their nature is different from that of the other teeth, for the incisors and grinders grow till old age. This is not the case Avith the tushes, and, farther, they are never in apposition (superposed), and consequent! V do not wear one another. The lower tushes, as before said, are about three- f^uirths of an inch from the corner incisors, and about three inches and a half from the first grinders. The 76 THE CAKIJTE TEETH. space between the upper tushes and the corner incisors is doable that of the lower, and they are consequently three-fourths of an inch nearer the grinders. The dis- tances may vary a half an inch or more. The space between the tushes and grinders 2S> as already said, called the diastema. The average hight of the tushes when full grown is about three-fourths of an inch. They resemble tri- angles, having broad bases and sharp crowns, the latter being remarkable, says Prof. Owen, "for the folding in of the anterior and posterior margins of enamel, which here includes an extremely thin layer of dentine." They have a slight outward inclination, that of the lower teeth exceeding that of the upper. Their outer surface is oval, the inner (in the young horse) being deeply grooved. As age advances the inner snrfjxce becomes oval also, and the crowns more or less blunt. The root of a tush, which is longer than its body, has a distinct backward curvature, rendering the ex- traction of these teeth almost impossible. The tushes have no "marks" (infundibula), the nerve cavity ex- tending through nearly the entire length of the tooth. ^Monsieur Lecoq says : "The free portion of the tusk, slightly curved and thrown oiitw^ard, particularly in the lower jaw, presents ^ two faces (internal and external), separated from one another by two sharp borders, which incline to the inner side, and meet in a point at the extremity of the tooth. The external face, slightly rounded, presents a series of fine striae, longitudinal and parallel. The internal has a conical eminence in its middle, whose point is directed toward that of the tooth, and is sep- arated from each border by a deep groove. SIMPLICITY OF THEIR STRUCTURE. 77 " The fang of the tusk, more curved than the free j)ortioD, bears internally a cavity analogous to that of the root of the incisors, and, like it, diminishes in size and finally disappears as age advances ; but it is always relatively larger, because of the absence of the infun- dibulum in the canine teeth. " The structure of these teeth is much simpler than that of the incisors, consisting, as they do, of a central mass of dentine, hollowed by the pulp cavity, and cov- ered by an external layer of enamel, on which is de- posited a little cement." As there is more or less mystery about the tushes, and as they are important factors in the consideration of the problem of the evolution of the horse as well as other animals, a few extracts from the works of well- known scientific men, giving their views on the sub- ject, will i^rove interesting if not instructive. Mr. Charles R Darwin gives the following interest- ing account of tushes and their uses in certain animals, among them the horse (" Descent of Man," vol. ii, pp. 245-6-7) : "Male quadrupeds which are furnished with tusks use them in various ways, as in the case of horns. The boar strikes laterally and upward, the musk-deer with serious effect downward. The walrus, though having a short neck and unwieldy body, ^can strike upward, downward, or sideways with equal dexterity.' The Indian elephant fights, as I was informed by the late Dr. Falconer, in a different manner according to the position and curvature of his tusks. When they are directed forward and upward, he is able to' fling a tiger to a great distance — it is said to even thirty feet; 78 THE CANINE TEETH. when tliey are short and turned do^Tn^ard, he en- deavors suddenly to pin the tiger to the ground, and in consequence is daugerons to the rider, who is liable to be dismounted. '• Very few male quadrupeds possess weapons of two distinct kinds specially adapted for lighting with rival males. The male muntjac-deer {Cervulus), however, offers an exception, as he is provided with horns and exserted canine teeth. But one form of weapon has often been replaced in th.e course of ages by another form, as we may infer from wliat follows. With rumi- nants the development of horns generally stands in an inverse relation with that of even moderately Avell- developed canine teeth. Thus camels, guanacoes, chevrotains, and musk-deer are hornless, and they have efficient canines, these teeth being 'always of smaller size in the females than in the males.' Male deer and antelopes, on the other hand, possess horns, and they rarely have canine teeth, and these when present are always of smaller size, so that it is doubt- ful v/hether they are of anyseiwice in their battles. With Antelope montana they exist only as rudiments in the young male, disappearing as he grows old. Stallions have small canine teeth, but they do not appear to be used in fighting, for stallions bite v/ith their incisors, and do not open their mouths widely like camels and guanacoes. Whenever the adult male possesses canines now in an inefficient state, while the female has either none or mere rudiments, we may conclude that the early male progenitor of the species was provided with efficient canines, which had been partially transferred to the females. . The reduction of these teeth in the males seems to ha,ve followed from some change in their manner of fighting, often caused TUSHES TEJT FEET LON"G. 79 (but not ill the case of the horse) by the development of new weapons." In the first volume of the "Descent of Man/' page 139, Mr. Darwin attributes the reduction in size of the tushes in horses to their " habit of fighting with their incisor teeth and hoofs/' and on page 231, of the sec- ond volume, he continues the discussion of canines in different animals as follows: " In the male dugong the upper incisors form offen- sive weapons. In the male narwhal one of the upper teeth is developed into the well-known, spirally-twisted, so-called horn, which is sometimes from nine to ten feet long. It is believed that the males use these horns for fighting together, for ^an unbroken one can hardly be got, and occasionally one may be found with the point of another jammed into the broken place.' The tooth on the opposite side of the head in the male con- sists of a rudiment about ten inches in length, which is imbedded in the jaw. It is not, however, very un- common to find double-horned male narwhals in which both teeth are v/ell developed. In the females both teeth are rudimentary^ The male cach'alot* has a * " Spenn-wliale or cachalot {Physeter macrocephalus). My friend Mr. Broderip possesses a tootli of a male Physeter, with the base open and uncontracted, which measures nine inches and a half in length, nine inches in circumference, and weighs three ])Ounds. An ingenious whale-fisher has carved the chief incidents of his exciting and dangerous occupation on one side of this very fine tooth. The other side bears the following in- &cri])tion : ' The tooth of a sperm-whale, that was caught by the. ship Adam's crew, off Albemarle Point, and made 100 bbls. of oil, in the year 1817.' Below tlie inscription are two excellent figures of the cachalot, one spouting, the ot^her dead and marked for flensing."— Ow;e;i'5 "Odontography," Vol. /, pp. 353-4- 80 THE ca:n'I]s-e teeth. Lirger head than the female, and it no doubt aids these animals in their aquatic battles. Lastly, the adult male ornithorhyn'chus is provided with a remarkable apparatus, namely, a spur on the foreleg, closely re- sembling the poison fang of a venomous snake. Its use is not known, but we may suspect it serves as a weapon of offense. It is represented by a mere rudi- ment in the female." * The foregoing extracts would not be complete with- out giving the viev»^s of this great disciple of evolution concerning the same teeth in man. He says (" Descent of Man," voL i, p. 198) : "We have thus far endeavored rudely to trace the genealogy of the vertebrata by the aid of their mutual affinities. We will now look to man as he exists, and we shall, I think, be able partially to restore during successive periods, but not in due order of time, the structure of our early progenitors. This can be effected by means of the rudiments which man still retains, by the characters which occasionally make their appear- ance in him through reversion,! and by tiie aid of the principles of morphology and embryology.| The early * For further information concerning this strange animal see tlie " Vocabulary." f " The occasional appearance at the present day of canine teeth which project above the others, with traces of a diastema or open space for the reception of the opposite canines, is in all probability a case of reversion to a former state, when the pro- genitors of man were provided with these weapons." — "Descent of Man," Vol. II, p. SOD. \ " The human em'bryo re&ombles in various points of struc- ture certain low forms when adult. For instance, the heart at first exists as a simple pulsating* vessel ; the excreta are voided through a cloacal passage, and the os coccyx projects like a true THE EARLY PROGrXITORS OF MAN". 81 progenitors of man were no doubt once covered with hair, both sexes having beards. Their ears were pointed and capable of movement, and their bodies were provided with a tail, having tlie proper muscles. Their limbs and bodies were also acted on by muscles which now only occasionally reappear, but are normally present in the quadrumana. ^The great artery and tail, 'extending considerably beyond the rudimentary legs.* The great-toe, as Prof. Owen remarks, 'which forms the ful- crum when standing or walking, is perhaps the most character- istic peculiarity in the human structure ;' but in an embryo about an inch in length, Prof. Wyman found that the great-toe was shorter than the others, and instead of being parallel to them, • projected at an angle from the side of the foot, thus cor- responding with the permanent condition of this part in the quadrumana.' * * * When the extremities are developed, * the feet of lizards and mammals, the wings and feet of birds, no less than the hands and feet of man, all arise from the same fundamental form.' (Von Baer)." — "Descent of Man," Vol. I, pp. U-IG. "Each human individual is developed from an egg, and this egg is a simple cell, like that of any animal or plant. The em- bryo, in the early stages of development, is not at all different from those of ether animals. At a certain period it has essen- tially the anatomical structure of a lancelet (the lowest verte- brate), later of a fish, and in subsequent stages those of am- phibian and mammal forms. In the further evolution of these mammal forms, those first appear which stand lowest in the series, namely, forms allied to beaked animals (ornithorhyn- chus) ; then those allied to pouched animals (marsupials), which are followed by forms most resembling apes, till at last the peculiar human form is produced as the final result. Every one knows that the butterfly proceeds frpra a pupa, the pupa from a caterpillar, to which it bears no resemblance, and again the cat- erpillar from the e^g of the butterfly. But few, except those of the medical profession, are aware that man, in the course of his individual evolutiou, passes through a series of transformations 82 THE CAKIKE TEETH. nerve of the humerus ran through a supra-condyloid fora'men. At this or some earlier period the intestine gave forth a much larger diverticulum or csecum than that now existing. The foot, judging from the con- dition of the great-toe in the fetus, was then prehen- sile, and our early progenitors were no douht arboreal in their habits, frequenting some warm, forest-clad land. The males were*" provided with great canine teeth, which served them as formidable weapons."* no less astonishing and remarkable than the xvell known meta- morphoses of the butterfly. * * * An examination of the human embryo in the third or fourth week of its evolution shows it to be ahogether different from the fally developed man, and that it exactly corresponds to the undeveloped em- bryo-form presented by the ape, the dog, the rabbit, the horse, and other mammals, at the same stage of their ontog'eny (germ history), which may be demonstrated by placing the respective embryos side by side. At this stage it is a bean-shaped body of very simple structure, with a tail behind, and two pairs of pad- dles, resembling the fins of fish, and totally dissimilar at the sides to the limbs of man and other mammals. Nearly the whole of the front half of the body consists of a shapeless head, without a face, on the sides of which are seen gilh fissures and gill-arches, as in fishes. •» * * The human embryo j)asses through a stage in which it possesses no head, no brain, no skull ; in which the trunk is still entirely simple and undivided into head, neck, breast, and abdomen, and in which there is no trace of arms or legs," — Ernst Heinrich Haeckel, "The Ewlution of Man,'' Vol. I, pp. 3, IS, 258. * Mr. Darwin continues : " At a much earlier time the uterus was double ; the excreta were voided through a cloaca, and the eye was protected by a third eyelid or nictitating membrane. At a still earlier period the progenitors of man must have been aquatic in their habits, for morphology plainly tolls us that our lungs consist of a modified swim-bladder, which once served as a float. The clefts on the neck in the embryo of man show where the branchiae once existed," &c., &c. DAKWIX OJTLY CORROBORATES HUNTER. 83 Again, on page 138 of the same volume, Mr. Darwin says : "The early progenitors of man were, as previously stated, probably furnished with great canine teeth ; but as they gradually acquired the habit of using stones, clubs, or other weapons for fighting with their enemies, they would have used their jaws and teeth less and less. In this case the jaws and the teeth would have become reduced in size, as we may feel sure from nu- merous analogous cases."* Dr. John Hunter, writing nearly one hundred years before Mr. Darwin's time, says ('' The Human Teeth," p. 29) : " The use of the cuspidati would seem to be to lay hold of substanceSj perhaps even living animals. They are not formed for dividing, as tlie incisors are, nor are they fit for grinding. We may trace in these teeth a similarity in shape, situation, and use, from the most imperfectly carnivorous animal — which we believe to be the human species — to the most perfectly carnivo- rous, namely, the lion." The editor of Dr. Hunter's work, Mr. Thomas Bell, F.R.S., comments as follows on the above extract: " That our conclusions as to the functions of an organ as it exists in man, when drawn exclusively from analogous structures in the lower animals, will fre- * "The jaws, toijether with their muscles, would then have become reduced throiinrh disuse, as would the teeth, throujih the not well understood principles of correlation and the economy of growth ; for we everywhere see that parts which are no longer of service are reduced in size." — "Descent of Man.'" 84 The CANIinE TJEETH. quentlyprove erroneous, is strikingly shown in these observations on the use of the cuspidatus. The simple and obvious use of this tooth, in the human species, is to tear such portions of food as are too hard or tough to be divided by tlie incisors ; and we frequently find it far more developed in animals which are known to be exclusively frugivorous. Not only is its structure wholly unadapted for such an object as that assigned to it in the text, but there is no analogous or other ground for supposing that man was originally con- structed for the pursuit and capture of living prey. His naturally erect position and the structure of the mouth would render this impossible by the means in- ferred by Hunter; and the possession of so perfect an instrument as the hand obviates the necessity of his ever employing any other organ for the purpose of seizing or holding food of whatever description." Prof. William Youatt says ("The Horse," p. 22G): "At the age now under consideration (the fourth year) the tushes are almost peculiar to the horse, and castration does not appear to prevent or retard their development. All mares, however, have the germs of them ill the chambers of the jaws, and they appear externally in the majority of old mares. Their use is not evident. Perhaps in the wild state of the horse they are weapons of offense, and he is enabled by them to more firmly seize and more deeply wound his enemy." * " Prof. C. S. Tomes says : " In the domestic races the tiisks of boars are much smaller than in the wild animal, and it is a curi- ous fact that in domestic races which have become wild, the tusks increase in size at the same time that the bristles become more pronounced. Mr. Darwin suggests that the renewed THEIR PHYSIOLOGICAL RELATIONS. 85 Surgeon J. H. Winter, the author of a work entitled " On the Horse," says : '' It is difficult to assign their use. Their position precludes the possibility of their being used as weapons of offense or defense. They may be viewed as a link of uniformity so commonly traced in the animated world." Prof. William Percivall says that the cutting of the tushes causes the constitution more derangement than all the other teeth, and Prof. Youatt and other high authorities entertain similar views. The present chap- ter, therefore, is a proper one in which to discuss " the effects of dentition on the system generally." The discussion of the subject is left to well-known men. Messrs. Youatt and Percivall were many years ago the editors of "The Veterinarian," but their books are probably the best monuments to their memory. Prof. William Williams is the President of the Edinburgh Veterinary College. Prof. Youatt says (" Tiie Horse," p. 230) : " This is the proper place to speak of the effect of dentition on the system generally. Horsemen in gen- eral think too lightly of it, and they scarcely dream of the animal suffering to any considerable degree, or growth of the teeth may perhaps be accounted for on the prin- ciple of correlation of growth, external agencies acting on the skin, and so indirectly influencing the teeth." A strictly analogous result might or might not follow in the case of the horse. If so, the tushes would probably be used as weapons of offonse and defense. It is reasonable to suppose that they were so used by the early progenitors of the horse, whose large tushes are described in the succeeding chapter by Prof. Marsh. 80 THE CAKIN'E TEETH. absolute illness being produced. Yet he who has to do with young horses will occasionally discover a con- siderable degree of febrile affection Avhich he can refer to this cause alone. Fever, cough^ catarrhal and cuta- neous affections, diseases of the eyes, diarrhea, dysen- tery, loss of appetite, and general derangement will frequently be traced to irritation from teething. It is a rule scarcely admitting of the slightest deviation, that, when young horses are laboring under febrile affection, the mouth should be examined, and if the tushes are prominent and pushing against the gums, a crucial incision should be made over them."* Prof. Percivall says (*• Hippopathology," vol. ii, p. 225) : "There was a time when I treated the subject of dentition so lightly as to think that horses never suf- fered from such a cause. Experience, however, has altered my opinion. I now frequently discover young horses with disorders or febrile irritations the produc- tion of which I hesitate not to ascribe to teething. Many years ago I was consulted concerning a horse which had fed sparingly for a fortnight and lost rap- idly in condition. His owner, a veterinary surgeon, was apprehensive about his life. Another surgeon was of opinion that the ^cudding' arose from preternatural *^ Prof. Youatt's real sentiments are doubtless here expressed, but, unfortunately for bis consistency, on page 227 of tbe same work, in speakina; of tbe deran£:;eraent caused by teetbing in cbildren and dogs, be says : " Tbe borse appears to feel little inconvenience. The gums and palate are occasionally some- wbat bot and swollen, but tbe sli^btost scarification will remove tbis." Perbaps Prof. Youatt, like Prof. Percivall, cbaufred bis opinion late in life, and neglected to remove tbe blemisb from bis book. WHAT CHAiTaED PROF. PERCIVALL'S MIIiTD. 87 bluntness of the molar teetli, which were filed. It was after this that I saw the horse, and I must confess I was ut first quite as much at a loss to offer a satisfac- tory interpretation of the case as others had been. While meditating, however, after my inspection of the horse, on the apparently extraordinary nature of the case, it struck me that I had not seen the tushes. I went back into the stable and discovered two little tumors, red and hard, in the situation of the inferior tusks, which, when pressed, gave the animal insuffer- able pain. I instantly took out my pocket-knife and made crucial incisions through them both, from which moment the horse recovered his appetite, and by de- grees his wonted condition. This case was the turn- ing point in my practice, and caused me to look more closely into dentition. *^The cutting of the tushes, which may be likened to the eye-teeth of children, costs the constitution more derangement than all the other teeth put to- gether; on which account, no doubt, it is that the period from the fourth to the fifth year proves so crit- ical to the horse. Any disease, pulmonary in particu- lar, setting in at this period, is doubly dangerous. In fact, teething is one cause of the fatality among young horses at this period. *^ D'Arboval tells us to observe how the vital energy , becomes augmented about the head, and upon the mucous surfaces in particular. He says: *A local fever originates in the alveolar cavities. The gums become stretched from the pressure of the teeth against them. They dilate, sometimes split, and are red, hot, and painful. The roots compress the dental nerves and irritate the periosteal linings of the alveolar cavi- ties. These causes will enable us to explain many 88 THE CANIKE TEETH. morbid phenomena in horses about this, the most crit- ical period of their lives.' "When young Jiorses are brought to me now for treatment/' continues Prof. Percivall, "I invariably examine tlie teeth. Should the tiisks be pushing against the gums, I let them through by incisions over their summits, and I extract any of the tempo- rary teeth that appear to be obstructing the growth of the permanent. In this way I feel assured I have seen catarrhal and bronchial inflammations abated, coughs relieved, lymphatic and other glandular tumors about the head reduced, cutaneous eruptions got rid of, de- ranged bowels and urinary organs restored, appetite returned, and lost condition repaired. "I am quite sure too little attention has been paid to the teeth in the treatment of young horses, and I would counsel those who have such charges by no means to disregard this remark, trifling as it may appear. The pathognomonic symptoms calling our attention, whether in young or old horses, if not to the teeth themselves, to the mouth in general, are large discharges of saliva from the mouth, with occa- sional slobbering; cudding of the food; difficulty of mastication or deglutition, or both, and stench of buc- cal secretion, perhaps of the breath as well." Prof. Percivall continues the discussion of the sub- ject of dentition and its effect on the health of the horse, dwelling more particularly on the disorder known as lampas. He says: "There is connected with dentition another pecu- liarity in the horse which we must not allow to pass unnoticed. Although the period of teething, properly LAMP.iS CAUSED BY TEETHING. 89 speaking, may be said to terminate at the fifdi year, yet we must recollect it has been satisfactorily demon- strated that there is a process of growth going on in the teeth throughout the remainder of life ; so that m fact, at no period may the animal be said to be free from the influence of dentition. This accounts for lampas occurring in old as well as young horses, and furnishes mv mind with strong proof that the tumidity of the bars "of the mouth is dependent on operations goino- on in the teeth, and on that cause alone. ^ " What we nowadays understand by lampas is an unnatural prominence or tumidity of the cartilaginous bars forming the roof of the mouth, ^^^^^urally, the bars are pale-colored, whereas in a mouth affected with lampas they become red and tumid, losing their cir- cumflecture, and swelling to a level with the crowns of the incisor teeth, and in some cases even beyond them. This apparent augmentation of substance is ascnbable to congestion of blood-vessels, but not to that alone. I believe that in many cases there will be found to be some serous and albuminous infiltration into the cel- lular membrane at! aching the bars to the hard palate, and that this will account for the length of time the swelling sometimes continues, as well as for the httle relief, in regard to their diminution, which in such cases attends lancing of the gums. " Although in young horses it is, I believe, admitted that lampas is caused by the cutting of the teeth, yet in old horses there are those who asci;ibe its produc- tion to other causes, and imagine it has a great deal to do with a horse's health, or rather with his fceduig. That lamnas may in some cases be the cause of tender- ness in mastication, 1 do not deny; but, at the same time, I think I may safely ullirm that in nine cases out ^ 90 THE CANII^E TEETH. of ten the cause of loss of appetite will be found else- where. The reason why lampas appears in aged horses is, in my opinion, as before stated, on account of the continuance of the process of growth in the teeth throughout life, with the nature and law^s of which we are, in our present state oi knowledge, too little ac- quainted to pretend to say why it should exist in one horse and not in another, or why it should only at times appear in the same horse. *''ls lampas a disease? Tlie complaints which daily reach our ears persuade us it is. Every groom having an unthriving horse, or one that docs not feed, is sure to search for lampas. If he finds it, in his mind the cause of lack of thrift is detected, and the remedy obvious — burning- Many a horse has been subjected to this torturing operation, and has thereby got added to his other ailment-s a foul, sloughy, carious sore on the roof of his mouth. " Supposing that lampas be owing to the teeth, do not the teeth require removal, and not the bars of the mouth? In cutting or burning away lampas we mis- take the effect for the cause. If lampas is not produced by the irritation of teething, then I would like to be informed what does cause it." Prof. Youatt says of lampas (" The Horse," p. 219) : ^' It may arise from inflammation of the gums, propagated to the bars when the colt is shedding his teeth — young horses being more subject to it than others — or from some febrile tendency in the consti- tution generally, as when a J^oung horse has lately been taken from grass, and has been over-fed or insuf- ficiently exercised. It is well to examine the grinders, MASHES xVND LANCIKG RECOMMENDED. 91 and more particularly the tuslies, in order to ascertain whether they are making their way through the gums. If so, incisions should be made across the swollen gums, and immediate relief will follow. At times it appears in aged horses, the process of growth in the teeth of the horse continuing during life. ^•The brutal custom of farriers, who sear and burn the bars with a red hot iron, is most objectionable. It is torturing the horse to no purpose, and may do seri- ous injury. In a majority of cases the swelling will subside without medical treatment. A few mashes and gentle alteratives will give relief, but sometimes slight incisions across the bars with a lancet or pen- knife may be necessary. Indeed, scarification of the bars in lampas will seldom do harm, though it is not as necessary as is generally supposed." Concerning "Diseases occurring during Dentition" Prof. William Williams says (" Principles and Practice of Veterinary Surgery," p. 476) : "In the horse the temporary grinders are replaced by permanent ones when he is from three to four years old, and in the ox at from two years and six months to two years and nine months. In cattle the cutting of the permanent molars is occasionally a matter of some difficulty owing to the unshed crowns of the temporary teeth becoming entangled with the new teeth, and thus proving a source of irritation and pre- venting the animal from feeding. In some parts of the country such animals are called 'rotten,' from their emaciated condition, and perhaps from the fetor ema- nating from the mouth. When cattle of this age stop feeding, lose condition, or drivel from the mouth, the 92 THE CAXIKE TEETH. teeth should be examined, and if the unshed molars are causing irritation, they should be removed with the forceps. Hundreds of young cattle have been sac- rificed from this cause — actually dying of starvation. In the horse tlie same condition of the grinders may exist, but it is very unusual. The corner incisors, however, may present the same anomalous condition. Horses from four years to four years and six months old should have their teeth examined occasionally to see if all is going on well. '• Horses at four years old are subject to a distressing cough. At this age the third temporary grinder is replaced by its permanent successor, and at the same time the sixth grinder is being cut. Some irritation exists in the gums during the eruption of all the teeth, and in some instances it is excessive, extending from the gums to the fauces and larynx. This is particu- larly the case with the sixth grinder, and as a result of the extension of the irritation, cough is excited, usually in the morning, when the animal begins to feed. It is loud, sonorous, and prolonged, the horse frequently coughing twenty, thirty, or even forty times without ceasing. It is a throat cough, originating in laryngeal irritation. " The treatment for this, which may be truly said to be a tootli-cough, is careful dieting on crushed food; hay, not much bran ; grass, if in season, or roots if grass is not obtainable ; alkaline medicines, more par- ticularly the bicarbonate of soda; gentle aperients occasionally, if the bowels be irregular. If the faeces are fetid the fetor will be much diminished by a few doses of the hyposulj^hite of soda, the mouth to be gar- gled with some cooling mixture, such as the borate of soda or alum." DEisTITION FEYEE. 93 Of "Dentition Fever" Prof. Williams says ("Prin- ciples and Practice of Veterinary Surgery," p. 479) : " Horses from three to four years old are more sub- ject to this species of dental irritation than those of a more tender age, and it is well known among horsemen that they will stand more fatigue at a more tender age than they will at this. The reason is because teething is now at the hight of its activity. When the animal is three years old, eight permanent grinders are being cut, and four permanent incisors are in active growth within the jaws. At four years of age the same num- ber of grinders are out, and the same number of inci- sors are at a more advanced stage of growth within the jaws, in addition to the canme teeth, which make their appearance about this time. " No wonder then that the eruption of so many teeth is a source of irritation and fever. The best treatment is to throw the animal off woi'k, turn him to grass if the weather permits, or into a loose box in a well ven- tilated spot, and give him rest until the process of den- tition is completed. If the gums are red and swollen, lancing them will prove a source of great relief." On page 503 Prof. Williams, in speaking of crib- biting and wind-sucking, says: "Want of work and the irritation of teething are generally the causes of these vices." CHAPTEE V. THE EEMiS'AIs'T TEETH. Usually regarded as Plienomenons. — The Name. — Traced to tlie Fossil Horses, in wliicli (in tlie Pliocene Period) they "Ceased to be Functionally Developed." — Nature's Meta- morphoses. — " The Agencies which are at work in Modeling Animal and Vegetable Forms." — Why Remnant Teeth are often, as it were, Prematurely Lost, — Fossil Horses and a so-called Fossil Man. The Eemnant or "so-called wolf-teeth" are one of the most interesting features of the horse's dental sys- tem. They are generally regarded as phenomenons, . hut their line of descent is as direct as that of the first premolars (grinders), which have, as it were, almost absorbed them, and have increased in bulk nearly in proportion to the decrease in bulk of the Eemnant teeth. As the word "wolf" is another name for that which is hurtful or destructive, and as these teeth as well as supernumerary teeth, with which, however, they should never be confounded, sometmies do injury, the generic name, " wolf- teeth," is not a bad one. But, since these piirticular teeth are hereditary, being beyond doubt the remains of teeth that were once functionally developed, they require a specific name ; I have therefore adopted the name EsMifAisT Teeth. PROF, marsh's researches. 95 In the evolution of the horse from an animal of about the size of a fox to his present proportions, it is not strange that radical physical changes, of the teeth as well as other organs, should have occurred, or that they are in harmony with Ins bodily requirements as well as his usefulness to man. Small, four-toed limbs would support the body of an animal no larger than a fox or a sheep, but they would require additional size and strength to support the small horse (Hipparion) of the Pliocene period, or the large horse of the present period (Equus). This additional strength was gradu- ally acquired by the enlargement of the limbs and the solidification, as it were, of four toes into one, it being as natural, in conformity to the law of adaptation, for a line of succeeding animal forms to undergo bodily changes as for an individual form to do so. During these metamorphoses equally A-aried and interesting changes occurred in the horse's dental sys- tem, which are described by Prof. 0. C. Marsh, of Yale College, in the article "Horse, Fossil," in "Johnson's Xew Universal Cyclopedia (vol. ii, p. 906). He gives a general description of the changes that have occurred in species of three geological periods, namely, the Phocene, Miocene, and Eocene, those of the two last named having forty-four functionally developed teeth. The part of the article which refers to the teeth is as follows : "In the Pliocene tertiary period the horse was rep- resented by several extinct genera, the best known be- t ing Hipparion (or Hippotherium). The species are small, as the n:ime im])lies, Hipparion being a dimin- utive from the Greek hippos, a ^ horse.' In tlie ui)per molar teeth there is in Hipparion, on the anterior por- 96 THE REMI^AKT TEETH. tion of the inner side, an isolated ellipse of enamel inclosing dentine, and not joined with the main body of the tootii by an istlimus of dentine, as in Equus, at least until the teeth are nearly worn out. Anchippns, also from tlie Pliocene, resembled in its teeth Anchi- therium of the Miocene, a genus now considered as typical of a family distinct from that of the horse. In Anchitherium the molars have short crowns, devoid of cement, and are inscribed by distinct fangs. The Mio- cene species were not larger than a sheep. The Eocene representatives of the group were still smaller, the largest hardly exceeding a fox in size. They belong to the genus Orohippus. The dentition is very simi- lar to that of Anchitherium, but the first upper pre- molar is larger and tlie succeeding ones smaller than in that genus. The diastema, or 'place for the bit,' is distinct. The canines are large, and near the incisors. The crowns of the molars are short and jdestitute of cement, and the skeleton is decidedly equina in its general features. "The gradual elongation of the head and neck may be said to have already begun in Orohippus, if we compare that form with other most nearly allied mam- mals. The diastema was well developed even then, but increased materially in succeeding genera. The num- ber of teeth remained the same until the Pliocene, when the front lower prenwiar was lost, and suljse- quently the corresponding upper tooth ceased to he func- tionally developed.'-' The next upper premolar, which in Orohippus was the smallest of the six posterior * The italics are mine. This " corresponding npper tooth that ceased to be functionally developed," is the identical tootli that now appears as a mere remnant. THE LARGE TUSHES OF OROHIPPUS. 97 teeth, rapidly increased in size, and finally became the largest of the series. The grinding teeth had at first very siiort crowns, without cement, and were inserted by distinct roots. In Pliocene species the molars be- came longer, and were more or less coated with cement. The modern horse has very long grinders, without true roots, which are covered witi* a thick external layer of cement Tl»e large canines of Orohippus be- came gradually reduced in the later genera, and the characteristic 'mark' upon the incisors is found only in tlie later forms. It is an interesting fact that the peculiarly equine features acquired by Orohippus are retained persistently throughout the entire series of succeeding forms." * * " The raicient Orohippus had all four digits of the fore-feet well developed. In Mesohippus, of the nest period, the fifth toe is only represented by a rudiment, and the limb is supported by the second, third, and fourth, the middle one being the largest. Hipparion of the Later Tertiary still has three digits, but the third is much stouter, and the outer toes have ceased to be of use, as they do not touch the ground. In Equus the lat- eral hoofs are gone, and the digits themselves are represented only by the rudimentary splint-bones. The middle or third digit supports the limb, and its size has increased accordingly. The corresponding changes in the posterior limb of these genera are very similar but not so striking, as the oldest type (Orohip- pus) had but three toes behind. The earlier ancestor of the ^roup, perhaps in the lowest Eocene, probably had four on this foot and five in front. Such a predecessor is as clearly indicated by the feet of Orohippus as the latter is by its Miocene relative. A still older ancestor, possibly in the Cretaceous, doubtless had five toes on each foot, the typical number in mammals. This reduction in the number of toes may perhaps have been due to elevation of the region inhabited, which gradually led the ani- mals to live on higher ground, instead of the soft lowlands, Avhero a many-toed foot would bo most "useful." — Frof. 0. C. Marsh. 5 98 THE rem:n'A]s^t teeth. The article closes as follows: "Such is, in brief, a general outline of the more marked changes that appear to have produced in America the highly specialized modern Equus from its diminutive, four-toed predecessor^ the Eocene Oro- hippus. The line of descent appears to have been direct, and the remains now known supply every im- portant intermediate form. Considering the remark- able development of the group throughout the entire tertiary period, and its existence even later, it seems very strange that none of the species should have sur- vived, and that we are indebted for our present horse to the Old World."* * The following extracts from Prof. C. S. Tomes's " Dental Anatomy, Human and Comparative" (pp. 247-8, 2'54-5), explain some of the causes of the metamorphoses described by Prof. Marsh : " He would indeed be a rash man who ventured to as- sert that we had recognized all the agencies wjiich are at work in the modeling of animal and vegetable forms ; but it is safe to say that, at the present time, we are acquainted with several agencies which are in constant operation, and which are com- petent to profoundly modify animals in successive generations. We know of 'natural selection,' or 'survival of the fittest,' an agency by which variations beneficial to their possessors will be preserved and intensified in successive generations; of 'sexual selection,' which operates principally by enabling those pos- sessed of certain characters to propagate their race, while others less favored do not get the opportunity of so doing; of 'con- comitant variation' between different parts of the body, an agency much more recondite in its operations, but by which agencies affecting one part may secondarily bring about altera- tions in some other part. " The doctrine of natural selection, or survival of the fittest, is as applicable to the teeth of an animal as to any part of its organization, and the operation of this natural law will be con- stantly tending to produce advantages or 'adaptive' differences. On the other hand, the strong power of inheritance is tending to NOT TtARE, BUT EASILY LOST. 99 Remnant teeth are not rare, but it is rare for them to persist in the jaws till even middle age. However, preserve even that which, in the altering conditions of life, has become of very li ule us \ Tiius we may understand rudimentary teeth to be teeth which are in process of disappearance, having ceased to be useful to their possessors, hut still for a time, through the influence of inheritance, lingering upon the scene. Some teeth have disappeared utterly. Thus the upper incisors of ruminants are gone, and no rudiments exist at any stage ; others still remain in a stunted form, and do not persist through- out the lifetime of the animal, as, for instance, the first premo- lars of the horse, or two out of the four premolars of most bears. " Teeth are profoundly susceptible of modification, but amid all their varied forms, the evidences of descent from ancestors whose teeth departed less from the typical mammalian dentition are clearly traceable by the existence of rudimentary teeth and other such characters. * * * The power of inheritance is constantly asserting itself by the retention, for a time at least, of parts which have become useless, and by the occasional reap- pearance of characters which have been lost. •- * * Things that are rudimentary ofren teach us most ; for being of no pres- ent use, they are not undergoing that rapid change in adaptation to the animal's habits which may be going on in organs that are actively employed." Horses are not the only animals that have had or are having changes in their dentition. Mr. C. R. Darwin says ("Descent of Man," vol. i, p. 25): "It appears as if the posterior molar or vv'isdom-teeth were tending to become rudimentary in the more civilized races of men. They are rather smaller than the other teeth. In the Melanian races, on the other hand, the wisdom- teeth are usually furnished with three separate fangs, are gen- erally sound, and differ in size from the other molars less than in the Caucasian races. Prof. SchaafFhausen accounts for this difference between the races by 'the posterior dental portion of the jaw being always shortened ' in those that are civilized, and this sliortening may, I presume, be safelv attributed to civilized men habitually feeding on soft, cooked food, and thus using their jaws less. I am informed by Mr. Brnce that it is becoming quite a common practice in the United States to remove some 100 THE KEMNAKT TEETH. there may be cases where they never appear; but it by no means follows that because a horse is not in pos- session of them that he never had any. There are various causes for their frequent absence, but the chief cause is their small size. Remnant teeth of the lower jaw, wliich are very rare, are probably cases of ^' re- version to a former state." * If these latter teeth were not expelled in the j.^^,,^,, ,^^,^ . ^^^.^^^ manner explained below by Mons. si^.e.-oric,inai. Lecoq, the probability is that they would not long- withstand the friction of the bit. The upper teeth, liowever, while they may sometimes be expelled by the bit, are comparatively little disturbed by i^, which probably accounts for their now and then remaining in the jaws for years. Another reason for their per- sistence is that their roots are long in proportion to their bodies. The reason why these teeth should not be confounded with supernumerary or abnormal teeth will appear in the succeeding chapter, which is devoted to the consideration of the latter. Monsieur Lecoq gives cogent reasons for the fre- quent absence of Remnant teeth. He says: " Supplementary molars are sometimes met with in front of the true ones, and there may be four of them, two in either jaw, above and below. They are small teeth, having but little recemblance to the others, are frequently shed with the first deciduous molar, and are not replaced. The first rephicing (permanent) molar is always a little more elongated than that of the molar teetli of cliildren, as tlie jaw does not grow large eDough for tlie perfect development of the normal number." ♦ See the second reference note, page 80. HOW THEY MAY BE LOST. 101 Vv'hich it succeeds, and it frequently expels at the same time tlie supplementary molar; so that if forty-four teeth be developed in the male horse, it is very rare that they are all present at the same time." That Eemnant teeth are usually regarded as phe- nomenons is abundantly proved by some of the ex- tracts that follow. In ''Johnson's New Universal Cyclopedia" (p. 995), article "Horse," it is said: "An additional small tooth is occasionally found in advance of the upper molar series. This tooth, when present, is the smallest of all the teeth, and, as it has neither predecessor nor successor, its nature is in doubt." As the nature of these teeth appeared to be clearly explained in the article "Horse, Fossil," which imme- diately follows that on the " Horse," I wrote to Prof. Joseph Lejdy, telling him I believed the "wolf-teeth" were the remnants of the teeth that "ceased to be functionally developed," and asked his opinion about the matter. Writing under date of "Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1878," he said: * -- * "I think you are right in supposing that the little premolars referred to by Prof. Marsh as the * corresponding upper teeth,' which * ceased to be func- tionally developed,' are the so-called 'w^olf-teeth.'" Another letter, addressed to Prof. Theodore Gill, elicited the following reply, which was dated "Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, D. C, Nov. 25, 18T8:" * * '•'' "The complete dentition of the adult horse is represented by the formula: I., f ; C, i; D., -}-; P. M., I; M., |x2 = 12. The ^ small wolf or 102 THE REMNAKT TEETH. supernumerary tooth that appears in front of the first upper premolar/ is the more or less persistent first deciduous molar (d 1) of the first series, which is not succeeded by a first premolar. The premolars are con- sequently P. M., 2, 3, and 4 of the typical educabilian dentition.^' Prof. Richard Owen, who, like Drs. Gill and Leidy, has a clear conception of the subject, says : " The second incisor appears between the twentieth and fortieth days, and about this time the first small, deciduous premolar takes its place. ^ * " The representative of the first premolar is a very small and simple rudiment, and is soon shed." Surgeon Charles Parnell, in a letter to the editor of "The Veterinarian" (1867, p. 287), says: ' " In reading Prof. George Varnell's articles on some of the diseases affecting the facial region of the horse's head, 1 notice a description of wolf-teeth. He says: *They have been supposed to be the cause of disease in the eyes of horses. This idea, however, is quite erro- neous; therefore I shall not occupy any space in dis- cussing this traditional error.' Well, I can safely say that I have in my time extracted a great many of these teeth, and not merely because they existed, but because there was a weeping from both eyes, the cause of which was attributed to wolf-teeth, and generally in the course of a few weeks the weeping has ceased. But what convinces me that they do affect the eye is that in several cases where there were weeping and Aveak- ness of one eye only, I have found a wolf-tooth on the affected side only, and the recovery of the eye has in- variably followed the extraction of the tooth. The HORSES WITHOUT EARS. 103 mucous membranes and lachrymal glands appear to be the parts affected, undoubtedly from some connec- tion through the nerves. If these teeth are allowed to remain in the horse's mouth, the sight will become more or less impaired." Might not this plan (extracting the teeth), if adopted by all surgeons, eventually rid horses of the so-called wolf-teeth? Nature may be aided or injured. The effect of interfering with nature is illustrated by the following extract from Prof. W. Youatt's work, " The Horse" (p. 154): " The custom of cropping the ears of the horse orig- inated, to its shame, in Great Britain, and for many years was a practice not only cruel to the animal, but deprived it of much of its beauty. It was so obsti- nately persisted in that at length the deformity be- came in some hereditary, and a breed of horses born without ears was produced." Extracting the Eemnant teeth appears to aid rather than injure nature. The practice is therefore as com- mendable as the cropping of the ears is reprehensible, and if the same result should follow that Prof. Youatt says followed the cropping of the ears, it ought to be adopted. C. D. House, an American veterinary dentist, like Surgeon Parnell, invariably extracts the Remnant teeth. He not only claims that they sometimes injure the eyes, but that in some cases, when they encroach on the maxillary branch of the fifth pair of nerves, they cause the horso to act as if insaiie. He saj-s he has more than once extracted these teeth when the " insane " horse was in an onen fiidd. When the tooth 104 THE KEMN'Aiq'T TEETH. is drawn and tlie animal is relieyedy it looks aronnd and stares and acts as if wondering where it is and how it got there. Not more than one horse in twenty pos- sessing these teeth, he says, ever suffers injury to its eyes. It is notewortliy that Mr. House, who is not a regu- lar surgeon, has a clearer conception of the Remnant teeth than many who hold diplomas. However, he makes no distinction between supernumerary teeth and Remnant teeth, all being designated ^^ wolf- teeth ;" yet he believes the Remnant teeth to be natural teeth, and sa3'S he finds their germs in the cells of the jaws at birth. AVhile Mr. House was operating in Worcester, Mass., The Spy (newspaper) says that "in one mouth the wolf-teeth were found to be entirely covered by the gum, and detached from the jaw, so that every time the bit was moved they were turned, crowded, and jammed into the gum.'' Prof Williams says of Remnant teeth ("Principles and Practice of Veterinary Surgery," p. 479): '^ Small supernumerary teeth are often met with in front of the grinders, called Mvolf-teeth.' They have been supposed to be a cause of ophthalmia, but this is doubtful. They can produce no inconvenience ; but if requested to extract them a practitioner can hardly refuse. The best method is to remove them with the tooth-forceps, " The question as to the influence of the teeth on the eyes might perhaps be deemed worthy of discus- sion, inasmuch as the dental nerve is a branch of that which supplies the eyes with common sensibilit}^, namely, the fifth. The older writers maintained that MOO:!T-BLIiirD>TESS. 105 'moon-blindness' was due to wolf-teeth, and the first procedure in the treatment was their removal. Now- adays, however, the supposition is not carried quite so far, and the utmost that can be said is that the irrita- tion of teething may be an exciting cause of ophthal- mia in animals whose constitutions are hereditarily or otherwise predisposed to the disease, and the removal of supernumerary teeth, or lancing the gums, may pos- sibly be followed by some remission of the ophthalmic symptoms." Prof. Youatt thus accounts for Eemnant teeth : ' *'In a fev/ instances the permanent teeth do not rise immediately under the temporary, but somewhat by their side. Then, instead of the gradual process of ab- sorption, the root, being compressed sideways, dimin- ishes throughout its whole bulk. The crown dimin- ishes also, and the tooth is pushed out of its place to the forepart of tlie first grinder, and remains for a con- siderable time under the name o^ 2i zvolf -tooth, causing swelling and soreness of the gums, and frequently wounding the cheeks. They would be gradually quite absorbed, but the process might be slow and the an- noyance great; therefore they are extracted." Prof. Youatt's theory is unique, but it fails to give a satisfactory explanation of the "so-called wolf-teeth." Tliat a tooth should be pushed out of its place is sim- ple enough ; but why would the first upper temporary grinder remain in the gum and take root and the first lower not? That "they would be gradually quite ab- sorbed," is disproved by the fact that they sometimes persist till old age; and this fact also disproves the assertion that "they are extracted." Some surgeons 106 FOSSIL HORSES' TEETH. do not extract them. Prof. Youatt doubtless meant to say tiiey should be extracted. As Remnant teeth are found functionally devel- oped in the jaws of fossil horses— in which they were the largest of all the teeth— a few extracts from the works of well-known men concerning fossil horses and their teeth will be appropriate as a conclusion to this chapter. Prof. Richard Owen says (" Odontography," vol. i, p. 575): " Cuvier was unable, from the materials at his com- mand, to detect any characters in the bones or teeth of the different existing species of Eqiius, or in the fossil remains of the same genus, by which he could distinguish them, save by their difference of size. Among the numerous teeth of a species of Equus as large as a horse fourteen and a half hands high, col- lected from the Oreston cavernous fissures, 1 have found specimens clearly indicating two distinct spe- cies, so far as specific differences may be founded on well-marked modifications of the teeth. " One of these, like the ordinary Equus fossilis of the drift and pliestocene formations, differs from the existing Equus caballus by the minor transverse diam- eter of the molar teeth ; the other, in the more com- plex and elegant plication of the enamel,* and in the * In Prof. Owen's " History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds" (pp. 393-4), the "elegant plication of the enamel" on the crown of this tooth is illustrated. Prof. Owen says : " Fig. 153 illustrates the character, above adverted to, of the complex plication of the enamel, as it appears on the grinding" surface of a partially worn upper molar tooth, the second of the right side. The length of this tooth is three inches four lines, and the fangs had not begun to be formed. One cannot view the elegant fold- ings of the enamel in the present fossil teeth, and in those of TEETH U:N^EAETHED AT ORESTOX, EKG. 107 bilobed iDosterior termination of the grinding surface of the last upper molar, more closely approximates to the extinct horse of the Miocene period, which Herr von Meyer has characterized under the name of Equus caballus 2irimigenius. The Oreston fossil teeth differ, however, from this in the form of the fifth or internal prism of dentine in the upper molars, and in its con- tinuation with the anterior lobe of the teeth, the fifth prism being oval and insulated in the Equus jirimi- geniiis of Von Meyer. " The Oreston fossil teeth, which in their principal characters manifest so close a relationship with the Miocene Equus primigcniiiSf differ, like the later drift species {Eq. fossilis), from the recent horse in a greater proportional antero-posterior diameter of the crown, and also in a less produced anterior angle of the first premolar. I have named this British fossil horse Equus 2JliGide)is. The fossil horse {Eq. curvidens) of South America, which coexisted with the megathe- rium,! and, like it, became extinct apparently before the more ancient primigenial species (Hippotlieria) of the conti- nental Miocene deposits, without being reminded of the peculiar character of the enamel of the molars of the Elasmotherium, in which it is folded in elegant festoons. This extinct pachyderm, which surpassed the rhinoceros in size, resembled that genus very closely in the general disposition of the folds of enamel in the grindinjT teeth, but agreed with the modern horse in the deep implantation of those teeth by an undivided base. The Elasmothere appears, therefore, to have formed one of the links, now lost, which connected the horse with the rhinoceros ; and it is interesting to observe that some of the extinct species of horse, in the analogous complexity of the enamel folds, more closely resembled the Elasmothere than do the present species." f " The teeth of this most g-igantic of the extinct quadrupeds of the sloth tribe are small in proportion to the size of the ani- 108 FOSSIL HOES_ES' TEETH. the introduction of tlie human race, diff3rs from the exiGting horse by the greater degree of curvature of the upper molars." The following account of two fossil molar teeth of an extinct species of horse, discovered in South America, may be found in Prof. Owen's "Fossil Mammalia and Mammaha," (pp. 108-9) :• ^'■Notice of the remains of a species of Eqmts, found associated witli tlie extinct Edentals and Toxodon at Punta Alta, in Bahia Blanca. and loith the Ifastodon and Toxodon at Santa Fe, in Entre Bios. — The first of these remains is a superior molar tooth of the right side. It was imbedded in the quartz shingle, formed of pebbles strongly cemented together with calcareous matter, which adhered as closely to it as the corre- sponding matrix, did to the associated fossil remains. The tooth was as completely fossilized as the remains of the mjdodon, megatherium, and scelidothere, and was so far decomposed that in the attempt to detach the adherent matrix it became partially resolved into its component curved lamella?. Every point of com- parison that could be established proved it to differ from the tooth of the common Equus cahallus only in a slight inferiority of size. "The second evidence of the coexistence of the horse with the extinct mammals of the tertiary epoch of South America reposes on a more perfect tooth, likewise of the upper jaw, from the red argillaceous mal. They are five in number on eacli side of the upper jaw, and, probably, four on each side of the lower. They present a more or loss tetragonal figure, and have the grinding surface traversed by two transverse angular ridges." — Owen. 1^ SOUTH AMERICA. 109 earth of the Pampas at Bojada de Santa Fe, in tlie Province of Entre Rios. This tooth agreed so closeiy in color and condition with the remauis of the masto- don and toxodon, from the same locality, that I have no doubt respecting the contemporaneous existence of the individual horse of which it once formed part. This tooth is figured at Plate xxxii, Figs. 13 and 14, from wliich the anatomist can judge of its close corre- spondence v/ith a middle molar of the left side of tlie upper jaw. "' This evidence of the former existence of a genus which, as regards South America, had hecome extinct, and has a second time been introduced into that conti. nent, is not one of the least interesting points of Mr. Darwin's paleontological discoveries.'' * * Mr. Darwin, in liis work on " The Descent of Man" (vol. i, pp. 2G0-1), says : " Although the gradual decrease and final ex- tinction of the races of inan is an obscure problem, we can see that it depends on many causes, differing in different places and at different times. It is the same difficult problem as that pre- sented by the extinction of one of the higher animals — of the fossil horse, for instance — which disappeared from South Amer- ica, soon to be replaced, within the same districts, by countless herds of the Spanish horse." In his "Journal of Researches" (pp. 130-1-2), Mr. Darwin gives further information concerning the fossil teeth described by Prof Owen, and advances a theory of the introduction of the horse into the " so-cilled New World." He says : " In the Pam- paean deposit of the Bojada I found the osseous armor of a gigan- tic, armadillo-like animal, tlie inside of which, when tlie earth was removed, was like a ^reat cauldron. I also found teeth of the toxodon and mastodon, and one of a horse, in the same stained and decayed state. The latter greatly interested me, and I took scrupulous care in ascertaining that it had been im- bedded contemporaneously with the other remains ; for I was not then aware that among the fossils from Bahia Blanca there 110 FOSSIL HORSES' TEETH. Prof. Thomas H. Huxley says (" Critiques and Ad- dresses," pp. 191-5) : '^ Let us endeavor to find some cases of true linear types, or forms which are intermediate between others, because they stand in a direct genetic relation to them. It is no easy matter to find clear and unmistakable evidence of filiation among fossil animals. After much was a horse's tooth hidden in the matrix ; nor was it then known with certainty that the remains of horses were common in North America. Mr. Lyell has Litely brought from the United States a tooth of a horse ; and it is an interesting fact that Prof. Owen could find in no species, either fossil or recent, a slight but pecu- liar curvature characterizhig it, until he thought of comparing it with my specimen found here. Certainly it is a marvelous fact in the history of the Mammalia, that in South America a native horse should have lived and disappeared, to be succeeded in after ages by the countless herds descended from the few in- troduced by the Spanish colonists ! (1 need hardly state here that there is good evidence against any horse living in America at the time of Columbus). " When America, and especially North America, possessed its elephants, mastodons, horse, and hollow-horned ruminants, it was much more closely related in its zoological characters to the temperate parts of Europe and Asia than it now is. As the remains of these genera are found on both sides of Behring's Straits and on the plains of Siberia, we are led to .look to the northwestern side of North America as the former point of com- munication between the Old and the so called New World. And as so many species, both living and extinct, of tliese same genera inhabit and have inhabited the Old World, it seems most prob- able that the North American elephants, mastodons, horse, and hollow-horned ruminants migrated — on land since submerged near Behring's Straits — from Siberia into North America, and thence — on land since submerged in the West Indies — into South America, where for a time they mingled with the forms characteristic of that southern continent, and have since become extinct." HIPPARIOK AND AKCHITHERIUM. Ill Bearch, however, I think that such a case is to be made out in favor of the liorses. The modern horse is rep- resented as far back as the latter part of the Miocene epoch; but iu deposits belonging to the middle of that epoch its place is taken by two other genera, Hipparion aud Anchitherium. A species of Anchitherium was ^ referred by Cuvier to the Paleotheria. The grinding teeth are in fact very similar in shape and in pattern, and iu the absence of any thick layer of cement, to those of some species of Paleotherium. But in the fact that there are only six full-sized grinders in the lower jaw, the first prem.olar being very small; that the anterior grinders are as large as or rather larger than the posterior ones; that the second premolar has an anterior jDrolongation, and the posterior lower jaw has, as Cuvier pointed out, a posterior lobe of much smaller size and different form, the dentition of Anchitherium departs from the type of the Paleotherium and ap- proaches that of the horse. The skeleton of Anchi- therium is extremely equine. *'In the Hipparion the teeth nearly resemble those of the horse, though the crowns of the grinders are not so long. Like those of the hcrse, they are abundantly coated with cement. In the modern horse, finally, the crowns of the grinding teeth become longer, and their patterns are slightly modified." t Alfred Russel Wallace, F.R.aS., &c., says (^^The Geographical Distribution of Animals," New York edition, vol, i, p. 135): ^' Ting uJata.— The animals belonging to this order being usually of large size and accustomed to feed and travel in herds, are liable to wholesale destruction by floods, bogs, precipices, drought, or hunger. It is for 113 FOSSIL HORSES. theso reasons, probably, that tlieir remains are almost always more numerous than those of other orders of mammalia. In America they are especially abundant. " Tlie true horses are represented in the PUocene by several ancestral forms. Tlie most nearly allied to the modern horse is Piiohippus, consisting of animals about the size of an ass, with lateral toes not exter- nally developed, but with soma differences of dentition. IMext come Protohippus and Hipparion, in wdiich the lateral toes are developed, but are small and function- less, Protohippus being only two feet and a half high. Then we have the allied genera, Anchippus, Merychip- pus, and Hyohippus, which were still smaller animals. In the older deposits v*^ come to a series of forms, still unmistakably equine, but w^ith three or more toes used for locomotion, and v/ith numerous differentiations in form, proportions, and dentition. In the Miocene we have the genera Anchitherium, Miohippus, and Meso- hippns, v\^ith three toes on each foot, and about the size of a sheep or large goat. In the Eocene of Utah and Wyoming we get a step luither biick, several spe- cies having been discovered abjut the size of a fox, with four toes in front and three behind. These form the genus Orohippus, and are the oldest ancestral horse known." The following account of a horse's tooth that was found while digging a well is from The Popular Science Revieiu : "In a paper read before the St. Louis Academy of Science, and reported in The American NaturaUst for March, 1871, Mr. G. 0. Broadhead records some in- teresting facts about fossil horses. Alluding to the fact that horse remains have been found in the altered A TOOTH FOUND IN DIGGING A WELL. 113 drift of Kansas, he says he is now able to announce that similar remains have been discoveredm a well at Papinville, Bates County, Mo. Mr. 0. P. Ohhngei^ while dioging a well, unearthed a tooth at a depJi ot thirty-one feet from the surface ; it was restmg m a bed of sand beneath a 4-iDch stratum of bluish clay and 2'ravel. Beneath the sand containmg the tooth was a gravel-bed five feet in thickness. He sent the tooth to Prof. Joseph Leidy, of Philadelphia, who pro- nounced it to be the last upper molar of a horse, prob- ably an extinct species." In various volumes of the " Proceedings of the Acad- emv of ^^atural Sciences of Philadelphia," accounts oi many other fossil horses' teeth may be found, ot which the following is a specimen (" Proceedings," &c., 1871, p. 113): '^Prof. Joseph Leidy exhibited a specimen of an upper molar tooth, which Mr. Timothy Conrad had picked up from a pile of Miocene marl at Greenville, Pitt County, K C. He believed, from its size and the intricacy in the folding of the enamel of the islets at the middle of the triturating surface, that the tooth belon-ed to the Post-Pliocene Equus complicatus, and was an accidental occupant of the Miocene marl. It mioht, however, belong to a Hipparion of the Miocene period, but the imperfection of the specimen at its in- ner part prevented its positive generic determination/' In the Proceedings of the same Society for 1854-5 (p. 340) is an account of the fossil remains of an am- mal as unlike the genus man as man is unlike the ornithorhynchus. Its exhumation and subsequent exhibition in New Orleans created botii interest and 114 TEETH WEIGHING TWO POUNDS. merriment at the time, for it was not then known that the Americas are not only the richest in fossil animal remains of all the continents, but are probably the first that were inhabited by man. The record is as follows : " Dr. Joseph Leidy stated that he had received from Dr. 'Nott the bones of the so-called fossil man, exhib- ited in New Orleans several years since. The skeleton was eighteen feet in length. There were two molar teeth, each weighing two pounds, and the fragment of a canine. The bones are those of the mastodon." CHAPTER VI. DENTAL CYSTS AND SUPERNUMERARY TEETH. Teeth growing in various parts of the Body. — Some Cysts more Prolific than others, Producing a Second, if not a Third, "Dentition." — Reports and Theories of Scientific Men. — Cases of Third Dentition in Human Beings. The developmerit of abnormal teeth in different parts of the body (the human body as well as those of the lower animals, particularly the horse), is not the least interesting feature in the study of dental science. To judge from the reports that follow, one would think the tooth-substance in some horses w^as an unknown quantity. It would be interesting and useful to know whether in such cases the natural teeth are in a per- fectly healthy state, and whether the temperature is natural, instead of being increased, as during certain periods of teething. While the study of these teeth may not be of paramount importance, it serves to further illustrate the physiological relations of the den- tal system, and ought to assist the surgeon in more correctly diagnosing diseases. Surgeon George Fleming, of the Ro3'al Engineers, contributed a valuable paper entitled '• Dental Cysts, or Tooth-Bearing Tumors,*' to *'The Veterinarian" for 1874 (p. 692), the substance of which is as follows: *^ In The Gazetta Medico- Veterinaria of Milan for 1873 (p. 274), Profs. Limzillotti-Buonsanti and Gui- 116 DEXTAL CYSTS. seppe General!, of the Veterinary School of that city, published a most complete and interesting contribu- tion to our knowledge of the pathology of dental cysts in the horse, well illustrated with wood-cuts, and in- cluding a full bibliographical record and synoptical table of these morbid productions. From their re- searches it would appear tliat dental cysts were first described by Mage Grouille, in 1811.* " These teeth-bearing tumors have received different names. Thus they have been designated 'erratic' or 'misplaced teeth,' 'dental neoplasies,' 'odontocysts,' 'dental degeneration of tlie temporal bone,' 'temporal fistula,' 'abnormal development of teeth in unusual places,' 'auricular teeth,' 'odontocele,' and 'dentiger- ous cysts' or 'teetli tumors.' They may be developed in unusual places, such as the temporal region, the frontal bones, the hase of the ear, the space between the branches of the lower jaw, the lumbar region, the testicles, and the ovaries. Coleman stands alone in his case of a cyst found beneath the right kidney, in which were two small molars and an incisor, attached to a bone that resembled a jaw, though the Milan profes- sors believe the teeth in this instance may have been developed in a testicle retained in the abdominal cav- ity. The most common situation is undoubtedly in the temporal region, as in seventy-nve recorded cases sixty-eight Avere observed there. These cases all refer to the horse. Berger-Perriere, however, found a tem- porary incisor in a fistulous vfound near the right ear * "No mention is made of the Ahhr/evo/iefol iv role yrudoic, or niaxillaiy exostoses of Apsyrtus (' Hipp. Gr.' p. G4\ wlio recom- mends tliat these tumors sliould be carefully and completely removed, or thoy will return -of a larger size." Th3 reference note is a -so Suro-eon Flemin-, are air cavities, which communicate freely with each other, an:l by means of a DELICATE DIAGXOSTIC SIGNS. 153 "At the first appearance of this group of symptoms one is apt to suspicion the existence of glanders, but a careful examination will prove it to be unfounded. On examining the nasi: cavity, the lining membrane will be seen to be smocth, polished, and uniformly rosy, with its normal fol icular openings, and on unfolding the superior wing of the nostril, the salient border of the cartilage presents a neat and polished surface, ivitli- out any little pimples or morbid tint. Xow, we know that in glanders, even of the sinuses, which is often unaccompanied by cankers or other ulcerations, it is in those places certain specific morbid signs may be recognized, which, although very superficial and with difficulty seen by the eye, are nevertheless of great value in the diagnosis. Such, for instance, are the peculiar aspect of the sahent border of the wing of the nostril, with its vivid red tint, the small superficial erosions of the fining membrane, entirely hidden under the fold of the cartilage, and those small granular pro- jections called tubercles. In the jettage from caries nothing of this kind exists. There is a marked diifer- ence in the odor too ; in caries the odor is exceedingly fetid, while in glanders it is almost null. " If, after this attentive examination, the surgeon is still in doubt as to the specific nature of the nasal dis- emall oponing, with the nasal passage also. This opening is situated at the supero-posterior part of the middle meatus, and is guarded by an imperfect valve, which, when pressed upon from within, either partially or wholly closes it. It may also be closed by the mucous membrane beinsr thickened by disease. Internally the sinusas are partially divided into compartments by thin osseous plates, and are lined by a slightly vascular mem- brane, which is continuous with that of the nasal passage, but is not so thick nor so vascular." 154 THE PATHOLOGY OF THE TEETH. charge, it will disappear and give place to a -true diag- nosis when he has examined the month and has had time to weigh and compare all the facts in connection with the case. '•It is more especially relative to diseases of the teeth that u recognized the truth of the old maxim in sur- gery, SiiUatd causd^ tcdlitur cffectusr (The cause be- ing removedj the effect ceases.) For putting irregular teeth in order, the surgeons recommend the use of a coarse, six-inch file, with a handle from twenty to tv/enty-four inches long. How- ever, they say that in their day it was customary among the '"vulgar" to make the liorse clieio a rasp! The process, vvhich they describe, referring among other things to the difficulty of getting the rasp precisely opposite the projections, is too slow, as they admit, to be practicable ; besides it is about as difficult to com- pel a horso to chew as to compel him to drink. For the removal of siipernaraerary grinder teeth or the shortening of natural ones that have grown beyond the level of the other teeth, they recommend the use of a chisel and a hammer; two or three well-directed blows with the latter are usually ^sufficient to cut the largest tooth in two. The surgeon requires an assist- ant or " striker." In the case of the first grinder, the blow^s should be light, otherwise the tooth would be loosened in its socket. In tlie case of the last grinder, *'it is necessary for the operator to be perfectly master of the chisel at the moment of its being struck, for, in escaping, it might strike against the velum palati (soft palate) and cut it through." In performing these operations they prefer that the horse should be in a standing position, as when in a DEE]S;CHED WITH TOOTH-FKAGMEXTS. 155 lying position there is danger of liis swallowing the migments of the teeth. If it is necessary, however, to cast the horse, they recommend that the head rest on the occiput, the operators being as expeditious as pos- sible, to prevent the" animal from swallowing the frag- ments. As the nose points up, the surgeon would have to be expeditious indeed in order to prevent the horse from being drenched, as it w^ere, with tooth- fragments. The surgeons next describe an interesting case of dental surgery, in the performance of which the bone- forceps were used to remove the tushes. They say: "It sometimes happens that the fleshy and bony structures of the mouth are not well proportioned, and when the anima,! is put to work evil consequences re- sult, especially if the tongue is too large for the space between the branches of the jaws. A remarkable case of this kind lately came under our observation in a horse owned by the Earl of Clonmel. The animal, a remarkably fine oi>e, was a very hard ^puller,' in conse- quence of the bit not coming in sufficient contact with the sensitive bars. The space between the tushes was too narrow for the tongue, which, after the animal had been ridden with restraint by a horse-breaker, was cut nearly through at each side. The consequence was the tongue became swollen to an enormous extent, and as the tushes increased the irritation, their removal became necessary. They were cut off to a level with the gums with the bone-forceps, the tongue was scari- fied and bathed v/ith a cold lotion, and the animal was fit for work at the end of a week. " Perhaps at first it may seem better practice in such cases to extract the tushes entirely. But when the 156 THE PATHOLOGY OF THE TEETH, length and obliquity of their roots and the fact of their being situated in the weakest part of the jaw are con- sidered, it is plain that snch a procedure would in all probability be followed by the most serious results, SQch as fracture of the jaw, osteo-sarcoma, &c., the former having happened under our own observation.'' The surgeons recommend (as any intelligeut jiersou would) the removal of supernumerary or abnormal in- cisor teeth. When the tooth is without the normal range it interferes with the prehensile functiou of the lips; when within, it interferes with the tongue. The former, they say, may either be cut off with the bone- forceps or extracted. In the latter case, however, they prefer to cut them off, but admit that some teeth re- quire extraction, for which the use of the crank-forceps is recommended. The Treatment of Caries is the next subject consid- ered. " The only remedy for caries," the surgeons say, "in the great majonty of cases, is the extraction of the tooth. If we were called on to treat the disease at its beginning, cauterizing the black spot would check its progress ; but when the dental bulb has been attacked, the extraction of the tooth is the only remedy." The instrument recommended for extracting teeth is the forceps, and under ordinary circumstances, ihe, surgeons say, fracture of the jaws ought not to occur. They mention as useful instruments the key invented by M. Garengeot, the mouth-screw by M. Plasse, and the lever-forceps by Prof. Simonds, but say ; "Instances occur in which the carious tooth cannot be seized by any of these instruments. For example, when the last upper grinder is diseased, it is sometimes THE POWER OF THE TOKGtJE. 157 impossible to dilate the mouth sufficiently to slide the instrument between it and the corresponding lower tooth. Besides, tlie tongue, however firmly it may be held outside the mouth, has still the power to displace the instrument by the energy of the undulatory move- ments at its base. Again, the back grinders, having ordinarily shorter bodies than the others, afford less hold for the instrument. In some cases they afford no hold at all, as their bodies are worn almost to a level with the gums. '^Lastly, in some cases the exostosis of the root of the tooth is so great that it is, as it were, wedged in the socket, and resists all efforts to extract it. What is to be done ? The disease may lead to grave local complications and dangerous general disorders. In such a case we would recommend trephining the dis- eased sinus and punching the tooth mto the mouth. This operation being very unusual, and the observance of some rules requisite for practicing it, we will con- sider it somewhat in detail. "If, as sometimes happens, the swelling over the sinus is indistinct, it would be wtII to be guided by a prepared head, in order to apply the trephine in the exact place, wdiich is above the diseased root. A large V or crucial incision should be mad-e, and the trephine manipulated till the sinus is laid open. The opening should be extensive rather than confined; it is more convenient to apply upon the parietes of the sinuses three crowns of the trephine, tangent reciprocally at their circumferences; then, by the aid of a sharp in- strument and a small hammer, the angles may be re- moved. "As soon as the mucous membrane of the cavity has been laid bare, the change it has undergone may be 158 THE PATHOLOGY OF THE TEETH. seen, and also the vegetations springing from it. At the bottom of tlie sinus, toward the alveolar border of the jaw, among the vegetations, is a hard, granulated, dry surface, resistant to the touch, of a grayish tint, and analogous to sphacelated bone. This is the sum- mit of the root of the tooth. " The surgeon then arms himself with an iron punch, rounded at the point, which he applies to the root in the sinus, and having further separated the jaws by a few turns of the speculum oris, commands an assistant to strike sJiort, hard blows, tlie surgeon looking at the tooth to see the effect of each blow. Usually the tooth soon gives way, and falls into the mouth generally in two fragments, according to the direction of the caries. Sometimes, however, from the length of the tooth, it cannot be punched entirely into the mouth, being stopped by the opposite' lov/er tooth ; but it may be wrenched out with a pair of long pincers, the handles of which should be separated to increase the power of the operator. When the operation is terminated, the vegetations of tiie mucous membrane, as far as they can be ]*eached, must be excised. To stop the hem- orrhage, and to modify the state of the mem^brane, pledgets of tow, moistened with a diluted solution of nitric acid, or some other caustic, should be applied. *'It is really extraordinary with what rapidity the structural breaches resulting from this operation are restored by the reparatory efforts of the organic econ- omy. The first time we performed the operation we doubted the animal's recovery. The sinuses, laid open by a breach nearly two inches and a half in diameter, communicated with the mouth by an enormous open- ing, the root of the tooth having acquired nearly three times its normal volume. The lining membrane of ' TREATMENT AFTER TIIEPHIKING. 159 the maxillary sinuses, and the frontal also, had suffered the transformation already described to its greatest degree. And, linally, it required efforts almost beyond belief to loosen the tooth and force it from its socket. Still the animal made a good recovery. *' The treatment following the operation should he ^ a? follows: Assiduous attention to cleanliness is nec- essary from the first. On the first day the animal should be deprived of all solid or fibrous food; in fact, a little thin gruel is all it requires, and the mouth should be gargled with an acidulated fluid even after its use. The fluid may be applied with an ordinary syringe. Bleeding is often required, the quantity of blood to be abstracted depending on the energy of the reaction following the operation. " On the day after the operation the dressing should be raised. The interior of the sinus, cauterized with nitric acid, reflects a blackish tint. The odor is repug- nant, and there are generally some remains of putrid alimentary matters, mixed with clots of blood, in the sinus. Detergents, such as Lebarraque's -chlorinated solution of soda, mixed with a gentian wine, should be injected into tlie sinus and the mouth cleaned with acid gargles ; a firm pledget of chlorinated tow should be introduced into the socket, to prevent anything passing from the mouth to the sinus. The regimen should consist of gruel only, the gargles to be used often during the day. " On the second day the borders of the sinus will be a little swollen. Eeparatory work has begun in the cauterized membrane; the eschars detach themselves, exposing a rosy surface of fiivorable aspect to the view. The odor is less repugnant. Continue the aromatic detergent injections, the same food, with the addition 160 THE PATHOLOGY OF THE TEETH. of a little bran, and gargle often. As suppuration be- gins to establish itself, the dressings should be renewed two or three times during the twenty-four hours. " It is not our intention to indicate the progress of the wound and the attention it demands from day to day. The tumefied bones and other structures in the region of the wound 2:)roportionally lessen, and the membrane of the sinus takes on a uniformly rosy tint and the glistening, humid aspect proper to a mucous membrane. The nasal flux finally ceases, the matter that may be secreted finding an outlet through the alveolus into the mouth. The opening made by the trephine contracts itself by degrees, but in extreme cases, like the one we have described, it is never suffi- cient to entirely repair the structures cut away. It may be hidden, however, by a leather or metallic j)late, attached to the check of the bridle." The surgeons claim that the resort to this severe mode of extracting teeth is justified by the success of the operation and its concomitant results, namely, the advantage of injecting the sinuses and preventing un- healthy secretions by them, and the stopping of the discharge from the nose, which had aroused suspicion of glanders. They further sa}" — and a better argument in favor of veterinary dentistry could not well be ad- vanced — that they believe glanders is often caused by the neglect of diseased teeth, and "that the modus operandi of its production in such cases may be ex- plained on the ground of the absorption of pus by the constitution." Of trephining the sinuses they further say; "We have treated many cases of caries successfully by simply trephining the frontal and maxillary sinuses CARIES OF THE SOCKET BONES. 161 and injecting detergents; but in a far greater number the treatment has been unsuccessful.* Yet we believe that if, in addition to trephining, the teeth had been extracted, and a communication established between the sinus and the mouth, the results would have been more favorable. "Monsieur Delafond, in his memoir on the evulsion of the teeth, publislied in 1831, says the operation of trephining is only practicable in the case ot the three first grinders, it being necessary in the case of the three last to make an incision through the zygomatico-maxil- laris muscle and the nervous plexus which is formed on it. We, on the contrary, claim that the fifth pair of nerves will be injured in operating on the three first teeth, but that there will be little injury to the muscle in the case of the three last." The memoir concludes as follows: ^'Caries Attaclcing the Maxillary Bone after the Ex- traction of the Teeth. — When caries of a tooth has in- duced consecutively interstitial suppuration of the spongy tissue of the socket, it is possible that, even after the extraction of the tooth, the disease may at- tack the bone. Then, more than ever, may we dread the tumefaction of the tissues and sarcomatous altera- tions, which are ordinarily the result of persistent sup- puration in the areolge of the spongy substance of the bones. To prevent these dangerous consequences, the socket should be cauterized with the actual cautery, * " Sinuses that may have formed by the matter from ab- scesses in the alveohir processes eatinint may be mixed with the feed every niglit. It is supposed to be useful in cases of catarrh. It is very useful for a cough, but it is too nutritious for a fever. For a cough it should be boiled and given in a bran mash, to which two or three ounces of coarse sugar may be added. Tares, cut after the pods are formed, but some time before the seeds are ripe, lucern, and sainfoin are useful foods. Of the former the variety known as vicia sativa is th.e best." On page 511 Prof. Youatt says '' some greedy horses habitu- ally sv/allow their food without properly grinding it." As a remedy he recommends that chaff be mixed with the corn, cats, or beans, which, being too hard and sliarp to be swallowed with- out chewing, compels the horse to mnsticate his food. He says : " Chaff may bo composed of equal quantities of clover or meadow hay and wheaten, oaten, or barley s'raw, cut in pieces of a quar- ter or a half an inch in length, and mixed well together. The allowance of corn, oats, or beans is added afterward, and mixed with the chaff. Many farmers very properly bruise the oats and beans. The whole oat is apt to slip out of the chaff and be lest. 164 THE PATHOLOGY OF THE TEETH. Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Region of the Horse's Head" ("Veterinarian," 1866-67), and other productions, has made the disorders of horses' teeth a study, and has aided somewhat in clearing the "mystery" that Surgeon Gowing believes will "to a certain extent always remain," for he has succeeded in casting some light on the aetiology of a tooth's greatest enemy — caries. His suggestion as to plugging teeth with gutta-percha is novel, and in some cases might be practicable. However, would not cement, which gives such perfect satisfaction in human dentistry, be preferable ? It is not expensive, and can be as readily introduced into a cavity as gutta-percha; besides, as the cavity must first be thoroughly cleaned (no matter which is used), its use in the end might save time and the tooth be much longer preserved. A horse's tooth that can be got at conveniently, ought to be filled as easily and, in decay of its neck, perhaps a 5 successfully as a human tooth. Prof. Varnell's views are in sub- stance as follows ("Veterinarian," 1867): " Caries of the -fangs of the grinder teeth is rare and generally very difficult to account for. I think that, in the majority of cases, it depends upon external vio- For old horses, and for those with defective teeth, chaff is pecu- liarly useful, and for both classes the i^rain should be broken as well as the fodder. The proportions are eight pounds of oats and two of beans to twenty of chaff." ConcerninfT swallowing without grinding Prof. Youatt further says : " In cases of this kind the teeth should be examined. Some of them may be unduly lengthened, particularly the first of the grinders, or their ragged edges may wound the cheek. In the former case the hors;=^ cannot properly m^.sticate his food ; in the latter he will not, for horses, as too often occurs in sore throat, would rather starve than put themselves to much pain." THE ALYEOLO-DEXTAL PERIOSTEUM. 165 lence, although we are not always able to trace it to such a cause. Inflammation of the alveolo-dental peri- osteum, especially where it surrounds the fang or fangs of a tooth, would tend to this result. Other causes may produce the same effect. Indeed, Avhenever or however effected, wiien the nutrition of any part of a tooth ceases, decay is Ukely to foll*Ow. V\^hen caries beirins from within, it is due to cessation of nutrition, arising perhaps from disease of only a part of the cen- tral pulp of the tooth. If from without, it arises from the periodontal membrane where it meets the gum. " Caries of the cervix (neck) of the tooth is much more common than it is in the fang ; still it does not occur in more than one horse in five hundred. The question will naturally be asked, To what does this tendency to decay belong ? Under such circumstances are we not forced to the conclusion that it must de- pend either upon a defective structure of the tooth, or that the dentine, enamel, and cement are dispropor- tionately developed, or that one of them is defective in its parts ? Another and perhaps the most frequent predisposing cause of caries of the neck of the grinder teeth is that food becomes impacted betw^een them. Its decomposition may not only affect the teeth, but the alveolar processes also." The professor believes that caries of the crown of a tooth is generally caused by the horse biting on a stone or piece of metal during mastication. If the stone is lodged in the cavity of the infundibulum, the pulp of the°tooth may be injured, for, to use the professor's words, '' the thickness of the tooth between the upper part of the pulp-cavity and the bottom of the deepest infundibula is not very great." 166 THE PATHOLOGY OF THE TEETH. Of the treatment of caries of the necks and crowns of grmder teeth, the professor says: '^ As I am riot avfaro of any treatment by which the decaying' process can be stopped, I would as an experi- ment in suitable cases — that is, in those in which the diseased part may 'be got at — phig tlie tooth with gutta- percha, having first thoroughly cleaned the cavity. If ?ae plug can be retained in its place, some benefit may be derived from its use. Believing, however, that the decomposition of food impacted between the grinder teeth is one of the exciting causes of their decay, I would advise that it be now and then removed. It would not only prevent decay, but in cases where decay had already begun, would to some extent check its pro- gress. Indeed, I think the health of the horse would in many cases be improved by the adoption of such a plan." Yfliile the professor recommends gutta-percha plugs for the crowns of slightly decayed grinders, he says that, compared v/ith those of the necks, they are "less likely to be of even a slight benefit, inasmuch as the plug would be removed by attrition." Where the in- terior of the grinder is destroyed by disease, and the usual longitudinal fracture has occurred, he extracts the tooth with the forceps. While, as a rule, the tooth fractures longitudinally, the corners, he says, are some- times broken off. * In commenting on the diseases of the alveolar pro- cesses. Prof. Varnell says: "The causes which give rise to this condition of the maxillary bones are not easy to define. That a horse so affected is from certain peculiarities predisposed to DISEASE OF ALVEOLAR PROCESSES. 167 it, there can be no donbt. For example, tlie teeth be- ing placed at a distance from eacli other, thereby allow- ing the food to lodge between them, mnst be looked npon as a predisposing cause. A strumous diathesis, which I believe to be more common in the horse than is usually supposed, must also be regarded as a predis- joosing cause. The particles of food which become impacted in these unusually wide interdental spaces, after a time decompose and give rise to fetid com- pounds, which act prejudicially on the parts they are in contact with. The membrane which covers the gums, and also that which lines the alveoli and is reflected on the fangs of the teeth, becomes inflamed. The inflammation will extend to the bone, the blood-vessels of which will become enlarged, as will also the Haver- sian canals in which they ramify. The osseous larainaB surrounding these canals v/ill be partially absorbed, and to some extent separated from each other, and the enlarged spaces thus produced will be filled with in- flammatory exudation. Hence the soft, spongy state of the gums and their tendency to bleed from slight causes ; hence also the looseness of the teeth in the alveoli." Of the deformity called Parrot- 3Io2{tJi, and irregular- ities of the incisor teeth, Prof. Varnell says: " This deformity consists in the upper incisor teeth projecting in front of and overhanging the lower ones to the extent in some instances of an inch and a half. The deformity resembles the upper bill of the parrot, which projects over the lower ; hence the name. The lower incisors, from not being worn off by attrition, may become so long that the roof of the mouth is seri- ously injured. The deformity is generally associated 168 tHE PATHOLOGY OF THE TEETH. with an irregular position of the upper grinders rela- tively with the lower. '' Sometimes the horse, when at pasture, is unahle to take a sufficient quantity of food to keep himself in condition, and consequently he is considered legally unsound. But if fed from the manger he experiences little trouble in collecting his food; nor will his ability to masticate it be interfered with, except perhaps in old age. " Treatment. — The treatment can only be palliative. If the roof of the mouth should become diseased and mastication impaired, the only remedy is to reduce the length of the lower incisors. The instrument generally used is a file or a rasp, but the process is so tedious and slow that it is seldom that much good is done. If the sliding-chisel could be brought to bear on them, their length could be readily reduced. Talking on the sub- ject with my friend, Surgeon Gowing, he suggested a modification of this instrument which, I think, would answer very well. "Irregularities of the incisor teeth, both with refer- ence to their position and number, are even.more com- mon than in the grinders, but they seldom cause actual disease." Prof. William Williams, like Prof. Yarn ell, has per- formed his part in elucidating the subject of caries of the teeth, and he has also illustrated the transmission of vitality to them from the outside — through the me- dium of the cement— after it has ceased to flow through the pulp on the inside, the pulp having become con- verted into dentine. It appears that anything that disturbs the equilibrium of this flow of vitality, which is the secret of the growth of the teeth throughout CEMEXT FILLING THE PULP'S OFFICE. 169 life, may cause caries. Prof. Williams says (" Princi- ples and Practice of Veterinary Surgery," p. 470) : *' Caries, dental gangi-ene, or decay, is almost exclu- sively confined to the grinder teeth— although I have seen the incisors in that condition— and may begin primarily in the fang, neck, or crown of the tooth. "' Caries of the fang arises from inflammation of the pulp, and may be caused by a constitutional predispo- sition or external injury. Inflammation of the pulp, however, does not always cause caries. I have several cases on record where the fangs were enlarged from periodontal deposit, with abscesses surrounding the fangs, without caries. Caries beginning at the fangs may be due to the obliteration of the pulp-cavity at an age when the vitality of the tooth depends upon the integrity of the pulp. I need scarcely remind the professional reader that the integrity of the teeth de- pends upon a due supply, hoth as to quantity and quality, of nutritive materials. *'Ori the fangs of a recently cut tooth but little cement is met with compared with that which exists in old teeth. As age advances the cement increases, and the tooth grows from the outside. In man it is generally agreed that after a given time the dentine ceases to be produced, and that the pulp is converted into osteodentine. In the horse the pulp-cavity be- comes obliterated gradually by the pulp continuing to form dentine, the pulp simply giving way to its own product, which ultimately occupies its place and fills its cavity. In proportion as the pulp diminishes the supply of nutriment is lessened, .until at length it is entirely cut off from the interior; to provide for the vitality of the tooth the cement increases in quantity 8 170 THE PATHOLOGY OF THE TEETH. on the fang, and at the expense of the perfectly formed dentine lying in immediate contact with its inner sur- face. That is to say, this layer of dentine is converted into cement by the dentinal laconge nndergoing dila- tation and becoming identical with the hollow spaces or cells of the cement. The tooth now draws its nour- ishment from the blood-vessels of the socket, and thus continues, long after the obliteration of its pul]3-cavity, to perform its part in the living organism. '•This is the natural condition of old teeth. But when the pulp-cavity is obliterated at an early age, by a too rapid formation of dentine, and consequent ob- literation of the pulp when the cement is not yet suffi- ciently developed to supply nourishment to the whole tooth, caries must be the result. Many cases of caries that have come nnder my observation have resulted from this cause, and very often the disease is confined to that part of the cement that dips with the enamel into the interior of the tooth, splitting it into several longitudinal fragments. "Caries of the neck of the tooth is seen in those iiorses whose teeth are wide apart, and is caused by the food remaining in the interspaces, and by decora- position exciting inflammation in the periodontal membrane. Caries of the neck is very commonly met with in the teeth of dogs, sometimes causing abscesses in the cheek. ^'Caries beginning at the crown is due to a portion of the dentine losing vitality and the power of resist- ing the chemical action of the fluids of the mouth. A portion of the enamel of the crown may be fractured by biting a stone or piece of metal contained in the food. Mere fracture of the enamel, however, is insuffi- cient of itself to lead to caries of the teeth in the lower SIFTING THE FEED. 171 animals, for it is a substance that is gradually worn off by mastication ; but the violence which has caused fracture of the enamel, may at the same time have caused such an amount of injury to the dentine that it dies, and progressively becomes decomposed. In man it seems there should be death of the dentine and acidity of the oral fluids before caries can take place, test-paper applied to a carious tooth invariably show- ing the j^resence of free acid, and a very small perfora- tion in the enamel may coexist with a considerable amount of disease in the dentine." Surgeon T. W. G owing, of London, a well-known inventor of dental instruments (veterinary), in an '' Essay on the Diseases of the Teeth of the Horse," which was printed in "The Veterinarian" for 1851 (p. G32), in substance says: "I am aware that the cause of disease of the teeth must to a certain extent always remain a mystery; yet from observation and reflection we may be able to de- duce conclusions which practice will confirm. "Let us consider the two classes of horses that we are principally called upon to attend, namely, the cart or draft-horse, and the hack or carriage-horse. So far as my observations have led me, the latter class are less liable to diseases of the teeth than those of a coarser breed. Now, may not this be caused by the better care they receive in the stable? The good and efficient groom regularly sifts the provender previous to feeding his horses, and thus rids it of stones, glass, &c. Tlie cart-horse and the machine-horse of our London omnibus proprietors, not receiving this atten- tion, are more subject to diseases of the teeth. Be- sides, it is a common practice with carters to sprinkle 172 THE PATHOLOGY OF THE TEETH. the provender with sulphuric acid, and we well know how acids affect the teeth. If such practices be al- lowed, diseases of the teeth may be readily accounted for. " The teeth being lowly organized, soon lose their power of self-preservation. Tney are affected by the general health of the animal. Should the function of the stomach or alimentary track be deranged, the teeth — from the general health of the animal being inter- fered with, and from the local functional derangement — of all parts of the body, are the first to suffer or de- cay. Absorption of the gums, which may be caused by the decayed food that lodges between the grinders, is often followed by decay of the cement, which, being the most exterior as well as the most highly organized of the three substances composing the teeth, is the first to yield." After describing the usual symptoms of diseased teeth. Surgeon Gowing asks : " Who that has observed these symptoms, can hesi- tate for a moment to acknowledge that the animal is suffering pain, which, if we were to say arose from toothache, would not be beheved by our employers?" Prof. W. Youatt says in substance ("The Horse," p. 230) : " Of the diseases of the teeth we know little. Cari- ous teeth are occasionally seen. They not only render mastication difficult, but they sometimes impart a fetid odor to the food, and the horse acquires a distaste for aliment altogether. Carious teeth should be extracted as soon as their real state is known, for the disease is often communicated to the contiguous teeth and to FUXGUS H^MATODES. 173 the jaw also. Dreadful cases of 'fungus hsematodes' have arisen from the irritation of caries. " Every horse that gets thin or out of condition, without fever or other apparent cause, should have his teeth and mouth examined, especially if, without any indication of sore throat, he * quids' his food; or if he liolds his head to one side while he eats, in order to get the food between the outer edges of his teeth. The cause is irregular teeth. Such a horse is materially lessened in value and is to all intents and purposes unsound, for although the teeth may be carefully sawn down, they will project again at no great length of time. Ahorse cannot be in full possession of his nat- ural powers without perfect nutrition, and nutrition is rendered imperfect by any defect in mastication." Prof. R. Owen, in his work entitled "A History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds " (pp. 388-0), gives an account of a diseased fossil horse's tooth which he found at Cromer. He says he is " induced to cite one of the curious examples of disease in an extinct animal from the rarity of its occurrence in the tissue which is the subject of it." The facts of this rare case are as follows: " One of the Cromer fossil teeth, from the lower jaw, with a grinding surface measuring one inch five lines in long (antero-posterior) diameter, and eight lines in short (transverse) diameter, presented a swelling of one lobe, near the base of the implanted part of tlie tooth. To ascertain the nature and cause of this en- largement, I divided it transversely, and exposed a nearly spherical cavity, large enough to contain a pistol-ball, with a smooth inner surface. The parietes of this cavity, composed of dentine and enamel of the 174 THE PATHOLOGY OF THE TEETH. natural structure, were from one to two lines and a half thick, and were entire and imperforate. The water percolating the stratum in which this tooth had lain, had found access to the cavity through the porous texture of its walls, and had deposited on its interior a thin ferruginous crust; but the cavity had evidently been the result of some inflammatory and ulcerative process in the original formative pulp of the tooth, very analogous to the disease called 'spina ventosa' in bone." CHAPTER IX. THE DENTISTRY OF THE TEETH. Reports of Cases Treated by Various Surgeons. — Gutta-Percha as a Filling for Trephined Sinuses. — Teetli Pressing against the Palate. — Passing a Probe through a Decayed Tooth. — Death of a Horse from Swallowing a Diseased Tooth. Horsemen, farmers, and otlier practical men will find much useful information in the present chapter, for it is based on the experiences of Veterinary Sur- geons, whose reports appear in the various volumes of *'The Veterinarian" (printed monthly in London), and to which I am so much indebted for other useful information. It is probably not too much to say that the more generally the chapter is read the fewer horses will be killed in the future for ha\ang decayed teeth, accompanied with a discharge from the nostril. In ^'The Veterinarian" for 1856 (p. 437) Surgeon J. Horsburgh reports the following interesting case, en- titled "Chronic IS'asal Gleet produced by a Diseased Tooth:" '^ About twelve months a^o I was consulted about the case of a mare with a discharge from the near nos- tril. " She had been under treatment for eighteen months, and the superior maxillary sinus had been opened with the trephine. The discharge, however, continued to flow^ both from the nostril and the 176 THE DEIS'TISTRY OF THE TEETH. wound, notwithstanding the trephining had been per- formed a year before I saw the animal. " The defluction had an offensive smell, and the sub- maxillary gland was enlarged, causing sus])icion of glanders. The opening had been made a little too high, so that the central instead of the superior part of the sinus was perforated. I found that the whole mischief was caused by a dise^ised tooth. With the assistance of a smith I removed the tooth, which was split up its middle and considerably decayed- It was more than two inches long, and was bent forward to- ward the cheek. The odor was most offensive. I then opened the frontal and maxillary sinuses, both of which were filled with fetid pus. The wounds were first treated with a weak solution of chloride of lime, and subsequently with an ordinary astringent lotion. In addition to the local treatment, I administered the diniodide of copper. "After a considerable time the wounds were allowed to heal, and the mare appeared much better. But very shortly the discharge began to flow again worse than ever, and the smell was almost intolerable. Deter- mined, if possible, to make a cure of the case, I cut into the sinus again with the skull-saw, taking out a triangular piece of bone about two inches long by one inch and a half broad. At the upper part of the cavity I found some masticated food in a state of de- composition. It had passed through the alveolus into the sinus. Fractured bones were removed, and the opening being extended through into the nostril, a small instrument could be passed dov/n it into the mouth. A weak nitric acid lotion was used to induce fresh inflammatory action, and, if possible, to fill up, by an effusion of lymph, the passage through which CURED INSTEAD OF KILLED. 177 the food was pressed upward from the mouth into the cavity. The external wound was dressed with an ordinary heahng lotion, and tow Avas put into it daily, and pressed downward to the mouth. A little Ulster liniment was also occasionally applied. ^'Before operating, the frontal sinus on the affected side was considerably more bnlging than the other. It is now reduced, and the wound has healed. The dis- charge from the nose has stopped, and there is no smell. Thus, after about two years and a half of treatment, this mare, now only five years old, is able to resume her work, and has every appearance of being likely to remain well. " Had I not been able to effect a cure by the closing of the passage into tlie mouth, I would have tried filling it with gutta-percha. If a discharge w^re to take place again in this case, it would no doubt depend on the existence of a small aperture, and, under such circumstances, I should not hesitate to again cut into the sinus and endeavor to close the opening in the bone with gutta-percha, or some similar substance.'^ Surgeon H. Surmon, in an article ^^ On the Extrac- tion of Projecting Teeth," tells how he saved a horse that had been ordered killed by its owner ("Veterina- rian," vol. ii, p. 2b): " Last year a neighbor of mine had a horse which had been losing flesh for some time, and his appetite Avas gradually diminishing. When I first examined the horse I saw no appearance of disease that could affect his appetite, and looking at his mouth I per- ceived no laceration of the cheeks or other injury. The horse grew worse, became almost a skeleton, and its owner ordered that it be killed. Beinir informed 178 THE DEITTISTRY OF THE TEETH. of the fact, I expressed a wish to examine his mouth once more. I accordingly put a balling-iron into his mouth and introduced my hand, and at the extremity of the grinders I found two teeth, one on each side of the lower jaw, which had grown long enough to press into the roof of the mouth, and thus prevented the animal from eating. I endeavored to extract these teeth with an instrument similar to that used for the human teeth, but without effect, as it could not be got on them. I then contrived an instrument v/hich very simple. When it was passed up the mouth, the tooth became fixed between the divided end of the iron ; the handle being then turned, the tooth was extracted with the greatest ease. From that moment the horse began to feed, and rapidly improved in con- dition. In a short time he v/ent to work, and has done well." Surgeon 0. May, of Maiden, Eng., thus tells how he cured "A Case of Disease of the Jaw" (" Veterinarian," 1834, p. 93): " I was requested by Mr. Earn, of Purleigh, to look at a horse which he told me had a ^cancer' in his jaw. I found my patient, a fine young chaise-horse, looking very poor, and having a constant discharge from the region of the root of the second low^er grinder. There v/as considerable enlargement of the bone, which led me to suspect disease of the tooth, and which, on ex- amination, proved to be true. On introducing a probe into the orifice, I found that it went through the tooth into the mouth. I was inform^ed that this supposed cancer had been under the treatment of a farrier, and that the poor beast bad been subjected to many pain- ful caustic applications. As I was satisfied that no THREE UPPER GRINDERS EXTRACTED. 179 good could be done to tlie jaw as long as the tooth re- mained in it, I decided to extract it. I had an instru- ment made similar to the key used in human dentistry, with a handle like that of an auger. Having cast my })atient and lanced the gum, I fixed the instrument on the tooth and succeeded in extracting it, although it required nearly all my strength. Tliere was but trilling hemorrhage, and the 'cancer' soon got well. I think our patients are more frequently the subjects of toothache tlian we suppose. • Perhaps 'quidding' in many of them might be traced to a carious tooth." In a report of ten cases of diseased t^eth that were treated at the Edinburgh Veterinary College during tlie year 1845, the details of one is thus given in "The Veterinarian" (1845, p. 626): "A cart-horse was brought here with a profuse flow of white, clotty, and offensively smelling matter from the off nostril. The external plate of the superior maxillary bone on the same side was considerably elevated, and pain was evinced on pressing the part. There was no ulceration visible of the Schneiderian membrane, but the submaxillary lymphatic glands were somewhat enlarged. On examination there ap- peared to be disease of the superior maxilla, in which the grinder teeth were involved. Considering the extent to which the facial bones were affected, it was decided, as the only way of effecting a permanent cure, to extract the diseased teeth. The horse was cast, and by means of the ordinary tooth-key three of the upper back teeth were extracted. In a few days after the operation the discharge diminished in quantitv, and under the continued application of proper remedies it entirely subsided, and the horse is now well. 180 TITE DEis"TISTRY OF THE TEETH. "There are in this, as in former reports, cases where the superior maxillary bone and its sinuses have been injured from the elongation of the grinders of the in- ferior maxilla, causing a nasal discharge iu many cases mistalien for that of glanders. They are easily reme- died by shortening the teeth with the cntting-forceps." Surgeon A. H. Santy says (" Veterinarian," 1875, p. 835): "On the 26th of June I bought a six-year-old mare. She continued to work till July 17th, when she was suddenly taken with a slight running from the near nostril, which greatly increased in twenty-four hours. The submaxillary gland on that side -swelled. There was slight tenderness of the throat and loss of appe- tite, which soon passed away. I showed the animal to a brother surgeon, and told him I thought of trephin- ing. He said: * Don't be in a hurry.' It struck me there might be something wrong with the grinders. I examined them, and found the fourth superior near side tooth with a depression on the outside and slightly raised from the surface of the other teeth. There was slight fetor from the food lodging there. I at once cast the mare, and with some difficulty extracted the tooth. I then dressed the wound and nursed the mare for a few days. The discharge from the nostril ceased in ten days. I have the mare now in constant work." The above case deserves consideration for several reasons. Thousands of horses with precisely the same symptoms have been killed because the surgeon could not discriminate between diseased teeth and glanders. The "slight tenderness of the throat and loss of appe- tite, which soon passed away," was the result of the pus *' DON'T BE IN A HURRY.'* 181 finding an outlet, which gave partial relief. Surgeon Saoty acted on tlie advice, "Don't be in a hurry," and consequently had time to think. The depression on the outside of the tooth and its slight projection above • the common level, were signs that the trained eye only will detect. However, had the operation been delayed for a short time, in addition to the depression on the outside of the tooth, the gum would have been more or less shrunken, and the tooth, as a natural conse- quence, would have appeared longer.* Further, in- stead of the tooth being "slightly raised from the sur- face," it might have been beloAV it; for, the inflamma- tion having subsided, and the roots being shortened by the caries, it is liable to be forced deeper into the socket. Its next natural movement, the caries havin^- destroyed its periosteum, is to drop out altogether. As an offset to the foregoing cures, a few cases that terminated in death will be given. Surgeon Samuel Baker, in a letter to the editor of " The Veterinarian " (1845, p. 21G), says: "I was called in by a neighboring farmer to examine a two-year-old colt, which had to all apj^earance a polj'- pus as large as a cricket-ball growing out of the right nostril. Respiration through that nostril was stopped. In order to ascertain its nature, I had the colt cast, and found that the nostril was filled with a hard fleshy tumor, which distended the other nostril also. After making an incision through the ala and side of the nostril, I removed a portion of the tumor, over a pound in weight. But, as still no air passed through, and * Slirinkaf^e of tlie gum, accordinf^ to C. D. House, invariably follows caries of the roots of the teeth. 182 THE DEHTISTRY OF THE TEETH. there seemed not the slightest chance of gaining a passage, I ordered the colt to be killed. " In dissecting the head I found that the cause pro- ceeded from a decayed tooth, at the root of which was a bag of matter about the size of a walnut, which by no possible means could relieve itself." Surgeon Baker does not say v/hich of the six teeth (of course it was an upper grinder of the right side) was diseased. The complications of the case appear to have been unusual, otherwise the bag of matter would have sooner or later found an outlet through the nos- tril. The extraction of the tooth would have probably afforded an outlet through the alveolus ; this failing, the effect of trephining the sinuses should have been tried. Surgeon William Smith, of JSTorwich, Eng., reports a case of caries of the roots of several grinder teeth, accompanied by a discharge from the nostril, which he admits he mistook for ozena. He says ("Veterina- rian," 1850, pp. 381-2): ^^I was requested a few days ago to visit a horse which was supposed to be 'glandered.' I found the animal in a most emaciated and pitiable condition, with a copious greenish and very offensive discharge from the left nostril, with slight tumefaction of the gland on the same side. There Avas no appearance of ulceration, but the Schneiderian membrane had a leaden, dirty hue. Taking all the circumstances into consideration, I ordered the animal's destruction, but had its head sent to my infirmary. " Meeting Surgeon Gloag, of the Eleventh Hussars, I told him I thought I had a case of ozena. He ex- OifE TOOTH LOST AXD POUR DISEASED. 183 pressed a wish to be present at the examination of the' head, and I was glad to avail myself of his assistance. "A longitudinal cut was made on each side of the septum nasi, and a transverse one at a line between the center of the orbits. Anotlier longitudinal cut, dividing the maxillary sinuses, was made just above the fangs of the grinder teeth on each side. By this means we had an opportunity of examining tlie sep- tum nasi on each side ; also tlie turbinated bones, and the frontal and maxillary sinuses. " On the left side we found an accumulation of pul- taceous food, covered v/ith thick pus, completely filling the maxillary sinus, and extending to the turbinated bones. The frontal sinus contained an accumulation of inspissated (thickened) pus, the septum nasi was of a leaden hue, as also the membrane covering the tur- binated bones, which was much inflamed and thick- ened, but there v/as no appearance of ulceration. *•' The difiieulty was to ascertain how the food got there. After careful search, it Vv'as very evident that it could not have passed through the nostril. We therefore gradually dislodged the Ibod and matter, searching for the former's entrance, and at last found a hole in the alveolar space belonging to the last grinder, the fang of which was completely gone, only a small portion of the crown itself remaining. The hole was sufficiently large to admit the little finger. The mystery was solved — the process of mastication had deposited the food in the sinus. The fourth grinder was absent, having been lost evidently from previous disease. " On examining the right side of the head we found the turbinated bones and membranes covering the septum nasi comparatively healthy, but we discovered 184 THE DENTISTRY OF THE TEETH. a cyst, about the size of a walnut^ in the maxillary sinus. It contained limpid fluid, and occupied the space immediately over the fang of the fourth grinder tooth, which was decayed and quite loose, and beloiu"^ the level of the other teeth. The teeth of the lower jaw appeared healthy." Without further examination, Surgeon Smith sent the head to the editor of "The Veterinarian," who says : "The mare (that being the sex according to the teeth) we should take to have been about twenty years old. Her incisors are sound, and so are the grinders of the lower jaw. But in the near (left) upper jaw, the second, fourth, and sixth teeth are in a state of progressive decay, and the same is true of the fourth tooth of the off side. The vacuity caused by the de- fective last grinder has opened a passage to the an- trum, through which the food has passed, and thence into the near chamber of the nose, between the tur- binated bones, where it was discharged through the nostril. This accounts for the irritation on this side of the head, for the suppurated and even ulcerated condition of the Schneiderian membrane, and for the suspicious discharges. It was evident enough that there was no glanders. The very circumstance of ali- mentary matter being discharged through the nostril was enough to prove the contrary." Still another case of destroying a horse for what merely appeared to be glanders is recorded by Prof. * The italics are mine. Compare with comments on Surgeon Santy's cape, page 181. A GOVEENMENT HORSE'S HARD LOT. 185 William Percivall iu his work entitled "Hippopath- ology" (vol. ii, p. 237). He says: "There are instances on record of carious teeth be- ing productive of such evil consequences as to lead, through error, to a fatal termination. The following relation ought to operate on our minds as a warning in pronouncing judgment in cases of glanders, or at least in sucli as assume the semblance of glanders : "A horse, the property of government, became a patient of Surgeon Cherry on account of a copious defluction of discolored and purulent matter from the near nostril, unaccompanied by submaxillary tumefac- tion, or by ulceration of the Schneiderian membrane. For two or three months the case was treated for glanders; but no improvement following, a consulta- tion was deemed necessary, the result of which was the horse was shot. " On examination of the head, the third upper left grinder proved to be carious, one-third of its fang be- ing already consumed and the remainder rotten. The formation of an abscess within its socket had loosened the tooth, and the matter flowing therefrom had estab- lished a passage into tlie contiguous cluimber of the nose. The antrum was also in part obstructed by the deposition of osseous matter. "This is a case which, but for the inquisitiveness of Surgeon Cherry, would have merged into that hetero- geneous class of diseases passing under the appellation of clironic glanders. "My father's museum contained several specimens of carious teeth. One was that of a grinder, the inte- rior of which was black and rugged, from being eroded by ulceration, and the fangs had from (he same cause 186 THE DEI^TISTRY OF THE TEETH. mouldered away. Two others presented brittle exos- toses upon their sides, forming spacious cavities within and communicating with the contiguous teeth. One of them exhibited a perforation through which pus aj^peared to have issued. Both seemed to have been cases which had originated in internal injury." Prof. George Yarn ell closes his series of papers " On Some of the Diseases Affecting the Facial Eegion of the Horse's Head" ("Veterinarian," 18G7), by giving an account of a case of *osteo-sarcoma,' the disease, in his opinion, being caused by carious teeth. The case illustrates the importance of veterinary dentistry ad- mirably. He says : "Further to illustrate varieties of the diseases of the sinuses, I will relate a case of osteo-sarcoma which came under my care in July, 1862. I foand tlie horse had an offensive discharge from the left nostril. The face below the orbit was enlarged, and the eye slightly displaced in its cavity. I also found that the three last grinder teeth in the upper jaw of the affected side were quite loose in their sockets, from which a dis- charge of a highly fetid character issued. Percussion on the side of the face indicated extensive disease, and the enlargement readily yielded to pressure. As there was not the slightest prospect of a cure, I suggested that the animal be killed. '^Post-mortem Examination. — The outer walls of the sinuses, which were very thin, were first removed, dis- closing a mass of disease the seat of v/hich was oppo- site the fangs of the fourth grinder tooth, which was carious. This abnormal growth occupied the maxil- liiry, malar, lachrymal, and a portion of the frontal sinuses, and had also encroached upon the orbit to SWALLOWING A DISEASED TOOTH. 187 such an extent as to displace the e3Tl)all. The outer surface' of the diseased mass was soft' in texture. It had a gelatinous appearance, and when pressed with the blade of the scalpel, a thin, watery fluid oozed from its surface. A section of it presented a grayish-red appearance, with lightish streaks of fibro-osseous mat- ter diverging from its roots and extending irregularly through its entire substance. The facial bones them- selves, in the region of the disease, had in some parts disappeared altogether, wiiile in others the cancelli were much enlarged, their osseous partitions pai-tially absorbed, and their interstices filled with a deposition of a fibro-cellular structure. " Such is a brief outline of this malignant and in- curable disease, wliich I have no doubt primarily arose from caries of the fangs of the grinder teeth." Prof. Renault, of Alfort, France, is the author of an interesting account of a very unusual case, namely, the swallowing of a diseased tooth by a horse, which appeared originally in the '' Recueil de Medicine Vete- rinaire'' for 183G. It is an argument against casting horses for the purpose of extracting their teeth, for had the horse been in a standing position the accident would not have occurred. When a horse's head rests upon the occiput, the muzzle pointing upward, it is as natural — the tooth being free of the forceps as well as the socket — for it to drop into the throat as it is for water to run down hill. The full history of the case is as follows : *' A post-horse, seven years old, had not fed well, and had been losinc: flesh durinof about three weeks. On the 2Gth of November, 1835, I suav him for the first time. The postilion told me that within the last two 188 THE DEIS'TISTRY OF THE TEETH. days he had eaten with more difficulty and pain than before, and dropped ahnost the whole of the hay and corn from his mouth before it was perfectly masticated. He had also observed that during the mastication of his food tlie horse always inclined his head to the left side. "On examining the mouth, I easily recognized the cause of this difficulty of mastication. The gum, at the second grinder of the right lower jaw, was swollen and ulcerated, both within and without. The least pressure on the gum at this spot inflicted great pain, and the animal also suffered when the crown of the tooth was touched. On that portion of the jawbone contiguous to the diseased tooth, was a considerable swelling, hot and painful, which the postilion told me had existed for about twelve days. It was increasing in size every day. The breath w\as only slightly fetid, and there was nothing to indicate caries of the tooth. I expressed the opinion that the caries, if it existed, was confined chiefly to the root of the tooth, and that the ulceration of the alveolar septa beneath, of which there was no doubt, rendered its extraction necessary. " On the following day the horse was cast, and his mouth being kept open by the proper instrument, the key was applied to the tooth. It resisted my first effort to draw it, but, on the second trial, gave way with a peculiar sound, which made me suspect that it was broken. The instrument (gag) was then taken out of the mouth, in order that the tooth might escape, but, to my great surprise, no tooth could be seen, notwithstanding I carefully searched for it. It w^as now plain that the tooth had been swallowed. I then assured myself that the tooth had been entirely extracted, and as, during the operation, the frenulum OPENIN"G THE JUGULAK. 189 of the tongue had been wounded, I deferred the cau- terization of the alveolus till the following day. *• As to the swallowing of the tooth, I gave mj^self very little concern. I did not think that so small a body was likely to form any serious obstruction in the intestinal canal, or that its temporary sojourn in the large intestine could become at all dangerous; so I merely directed tliat the mouth be frequently washed with warm water, and forbade the use of hard food. "29th. I again saw the horse, and no serious con- sequence had yet followed the operation. He ate bar- leymeal mash with appetite, and a small quantity of hay. Two hours afterward he was brought to the School. He was very uneasy, and his belly was enor- mously distended, the sweUing being principally on the right side, where the resonance was considerable on percussion. The horse was continually endeavor- ing to expel something from the anus, and the strain- ing w^as so great that I feared the rectum would pro- trude. The efforts were followed by small mucous dejections, mixed with portions of food. The mucous membrane was of a subdued red color. These symp- toms had been preceded by swelling at the flanks; colicky pains had followed, but they had ceased, and nothing now remained except the enlargement of the belly and the incessant effort to expel the faeces. The artery was full, but the pulse was almost imper- ceptible; the extremities were cold and the mucous membranes of a red violet color. The nostrils were convulsively dilated, respiration difficult and acceler- ated, and the walk staggering; the skin was covered with sweat, and, in a word, the animal presented every symptom of immediate suffocation. On this account I immediately opened the jugular and abstracted about 190 THE DENTISTRY OF THE TEETH. twelve pounds of blood. The patient was very con- siderably relieved. I then ordered all four legs to be w^ell rubbed with essential oil of turpentine. ''There now appeared to me a conuection between these symptoms and the swallowing of the tooth. But where was this tooth ? Entangled in the pyloric ori- fice of the stomach ? I could not perceive any symp- tom of gastric disease. Was it in the convolutions or the caical portions of the small intestines? How then could I explain the distention of the large intestines and the expulsive efforts, so violent and continued? It was more likely that the tooth was lodged either in the colon or the ca}cum, or in the irregularities of the floating colon, and partially or entirely prevented the passage of the faeces. It was hard to believe that in the lapse of two days the tooth could have reached the further part of the intestines. " Having determined on the nature of the disease, I was somewhat embarrassed to ascertain its precise seat. I attempted to introduce my hand into the rectum, but the circumvolutions of the bowels were so much distended with gas, and so completely filled the pelvis, and the mere introduction of my finger caused such violent efforts to expel the contents of the rectum, that I was forced to desist. '' In the meantime the swelling rapidly increased, and again threatened suffocation. I then determined to use the only means in my power to prevent this, namely, to puncture the caecum. This was effected with the trocar used for hoove in sheep, and in an in- stant the swelling subsided, and the symptoms of suf- focation disa])peared. I was then enabled to introduce my hand into the rectum, but I could not discover the situation of the tooth. While exploring the rectum, THE TOOTH IN" THE CmCJJ'il, 191 liowever, the 'caniila' escaped from the csecum. The swelling now began again, and increased with extraor- dinary rapidity. I was about to plunge the trocar into the intestines once more, when I perceived that all treatment was useless. The animal was in the agonies of death, and in a few moments it expired. "The post-mortem examination took place immedi- ately after death. I found in the heart and lun^'s all the lesions which usually accompany death by suffoca- tion. The digestive canal was distended by gas. The stomach was half filled with barleymeal, but not a par- ticle of it was found througliout the whole extent of the small intestines, nor was there the slightest trace of inflammation of the mucous coat. The caecum con- tained a great quantity of blood-tinted fluid, but there was no lesion or redness on any part of its internal face to indicate the source of the blood. Probably it came from the wound made by the trocar. "In the cavity of the cJBCum, toward its point, we found the tooth ; but, I repeat it, there was no inflam- mation of its mucous membrane. There w^as, how- ever, a slight discoloration of the membrane toward the end of the colon ; it was of a slate color, and was probably caused by the sulphuretted hydrogen gas. "Are we to conclude that tlie death of the horse was caused by the tooth? However extraordinary such a conclusion may at first a])pear, I am very much inclined to believe that it affords the best explanation of the mystery. The horse had scarcely eaten for fifteen days. This long fast had produced a compara- tively empty condition of the digestive canal and an augmentation of its irritability up to the moment of the operation. The quietness of the hofse and his appetite and apparent health during the tv/o days pre- 192 THE DEI^TISTRY OF THE TEETH. ceding his death, proved that the tooth passed without obstacle through the first part of the intestinal canal. Having arrived at the caecum, however, which was almost empty, and lying for a greater or less time at the inferior part of its mucous coat, its hard and irreg- ular surface produced irritation ; and as the contrac- tions of this intestine were not efiectual to seize the tootji and return it to the beginning of the colon, the prolongation of the irritation might suspend the diges- tive function of this viscus, augment its secretions, and cause the continual effort to expel the faeces. Hence also arose the gaseous distention of the abdo- men. As to the death of the horse, the tooth was only the indirect cause. The direct cause was suffocation, which was produced by the distention of the bowels." Prof. Bouley and Surgeon Ferguson report two fatal cases of swallowing teeth that came under their own observation. " In the first," they say, '^ the horse succumbed in a tympanitic affection, accompanied by extreme pain, and death was produced by asphyxia." The second case, judging by the short description of it in "The Veterinarian" for 1844, is the identical case just described by Prof. Bouley's fellow-townsman, Prof. Eenault. Messrs. Bouley and Ferguson further say: "Such, however, is happily not always the result of swallowing a tooth or the fragment of a tooth; but even the possibility of such a result ought to make the surgeon cautious. Moreover, the swallowing of a tooth may cause serious consequences at some future time. We refer to the formation of those productions called ^intestinal calculi.' The tooth, on account of its being indigestible, acts as the nucleus for the future SWALLOWIN"G A SOUi>rD TOOTH. 193 calculus, as indeed may any similar body, which fact has been demonstrated by Prof. Morton, of the London Veterinary College, in an excellent paper on 'The For- mation of Calculus Concretions in the Horse.' ''* Surgeon W. A. Cartwright reports that he extracted three grinders from a 'quidding' mare, one of which she swallowed ("Veterinarian," vol. iii, second series, p. 277). The tooth was sound, which may account for the favorable result of the case. * Tlie Enterprise, publislied in Virginia, Nevada, in its issue for December 13, 1878, contains an article entitled " A Stone found in a Horse's Jaw," which is in substance as follows : " For a long time a lump has been noticed in the side of the jaw of a horse belonging to Superintendent Osbiston, of the Gould and Curry and Best and Belcher mines. It was near the jawbone, and no liniment had power to soften or drive it away. Yester- day a veterinary surgeon made an incision, and to his astonish- ment removed a stone about two inches long and one inch in diameter. It is yellowish-white in color, and apparently as hard as marble. Mr. M. M. Frederick, the jeweler, divided it longi- tudinally, and in its center was what appeared to be a petrified grain of barley, whicli was also divided longitudinally. Around this nucleus the stone had formed in regular layers, the rings of which could be distinctly traced. The material of which the stone was composed appeared to be the same as that of the in- crustations on the tubes of boilers. It is conjectured that*the grain of barley pierced the gum and imbedded itself in the flesh, and that the saliva, flowing in, deposited limy matter similar to that which is sometimes found on the teeth of horses as well as men. A small concretion having thus been formed, it gradually grew, the channel by which the grain of barley entered no doubt remaining open and allowing an inflow of saliva." The above case is another proof that Dr. Dunglison was right when he said that calculi "may form in every part of the animal body." 9 CHAPTER X. FKACTURED JAWS. How Caused, and how to Distinguish an Abrasion of the Gums from a Fracture of the Bone. — Replacing an Eye, Amputa- ting part of a Lower Jaw, taking a Fractured Tooth and Bones out through the Nostril, &c. Fractures of the jaws of the horse are of common occurrence. They may exist independently, but they are often complicated with and the cause of diseases of the teeth. Caries of the jawbone proper, and even some of the facial bones, is often communicated to the alveoli, and when necrosis ensues the destruction of the teeth is inevitable. This is as true in the case of the horse as in that of man. The rami (branches) of the lower jaw are common seats of fracture, a frequent cause of which is the use of sharp curved bits ; but rou^h usage by the rider or driver will now and then cause fractures even with a smooth bit. As a rule, at first, the gums only are affected; but in a short time the periosteum and bone are reached. Prof Varnell says : " If the matter that escapes be of a grayish-brown color and fetid, it wdll indicate disease of the bone ; but if it is from a sub- cutaneous abscess, the discharge will be simply of a puiTilent nature, and a speedy cure may be effected by the application of very simple remedies." SUEGEOX FLEMING'S DISCOVERY. 195 When a fracture has been produced, inflammation and fetor will follow, and the horse loses his appetite. If the bone is removed and the horse is allowed to rest for a few daj^s, the wound will heal; otherwise the most serious consequences may follow- The removal of the bone may be effected sometimes soon after the fracture; but if, after cutting into the gum, it be found too firmly attached to the surrounding parts, it is bet- ter to wait a week or two that nature may loosen it. Bones an inch or more in length are often removed. Thus that which at first appears to be "only a sore mouth," may, if neglected, prove the ruin of a valuable horse. Fractures are often caused by external violence. A severe blow, accidental or otherwise, in the region of the roots of the teeth may cause a fracture that will necessitate the removal of both the bone and the teeth. "The lower jaw," says Prof. Youatt, "is more sub- ject to fracture than the upper, particularly at the point between the tushes and the incisor teeth, and at the symphysis (of the chin) between the two branches of the jaw. Its position, length, and the small quan- tity of muscle covering it, especially anteriorly, render it liable to fracture. The same circumstances, how- ever, combine to^render a reunion of the parts easy." The following extraordinary case of accidental frac- ture is reported by Surgeon George Fleming ("Veteri- narian," 1874, p. 694) : "' In 18G5, while stationed near Aldershot, I was driving one day in the neighborhood of Farnborough, when, in a narrow lane, our progress was somewhat checked by a farmer's wagon in front, which compelled us to travel at a walking pac2 for some distance. Dur- 196 FKACTURED JAWS. ing this delay my attention was attracted to the sbaft horse, which had an enormous tumor on the I'ight side of its face. It had such a singular appearance that I dismounted from the carriage and induced the driver of the wagon to halt, when I inquired into the history of the case, and made an inspection of the tumor. It was as large as half a good-sized cocoanut, occupied nearly the whole side of the face^ and was literally a mass of what at first appeared to be fragments of bone, but which, on a closer examination, proved to be imperfectly developed gi-inder teeth. The tumor looked as if it were composed entirely of them. I was informed that, when two years old, the foal had taken fright and ran away, and in trying to get through a gate, a wooden stump ran into its face, making a large hole. The hole filled up, the tumor gradually formed on it, and since that time these 'bits of bone/ as the wagoner called them, were constantly shed from its surface. The growth was so large that the collar was passed over the head with great difficulty. I was so much interested in the case that I offered to keep the animal wdiile the removal of the tumor was attempted; but the farmer could not spare it from work at the time, and I did not have another opportunity.-' * The following accounts of cases of fractured jaws treated by various surgeons are from Prof. Youatt's work, " The Horse" (p. 44:5) : "^ Surgeon Cartwright had a mare in which the up- per jawbone was fractured by a kick at the point where it unites with the lachrymal and malar bones. He applied the trephine, and removed many small bones. The wound was then covered by adhesive plaster, and in a month the parts w^ere healed. MM. REVEL AND BOULEY'S SKILL. 197 " Surgeon Claywortli reports the case of a mare that fell while being ridden almost at full speed, and frac- tured the upper jaw three inches above the corner in- cisors. The teeth and jaw were turned, like a hook, completely within the lower teeth. The mare was cast, a balling-iron put into her month, and the teeth and jaw pnlled back to their natural position; she was then tied so that she c.ould not rub her muzzle against any- thing, and was fed with bean-meal and linseed tea. Much inflammation ensued, but it gradually subsided, and at tlie expiration of the sixth week the mouth was healed, scarcely a vestige of the fracture remaining. " An account of a very extraordinary fracture of the superior maxillary bone is given in the records of the Royal and Central Society of Agriculture in France. A horse was kicked by another horse, fracturing the upper part of the superior maxillary and zygomatic bones, and almost forcing the eye out of its socket. Few men would have dared to undertake a case like this, but Monsieur Eevel shrank not from his duty. He removed several small bones, replaced the larger ones, returned the eye to its socket, confined the parts with sutures, slung the horse, and in six weeks he was well. " Surgeon Blaine relates that in treating a fracture of the lower jaw he succeeded by incasing the entire jaw in a strong leather frame. I have myself effected the same object by similar means. ^' Prof. Bouley says (" Recueil de Medicine Yeteri- naire," 1*838) that he treated a horse whose lower jaw had been completely broken off at the neck — that is, at the point between the tushes and the corner incisor teeth, the detached bone being held by the membrane of the mouth. 198 rilACTUKED JAWS. '•The liorse was cast, the corner tooth on the left side extracted, the wound thoroughly cleansed, and the fractured bones brought in contact. Holes were drilled between the tushes and the second incisors of both jaws, through which brass Avireswere passed. A compress of tow and a ligature, the bearing-place of the latter being over the tushes, surrounded the whole. Thus the jaws were a})parently fixed immovably to- gether. The wires yielded somewhat to the struggles of the horse, but the bandage of tow was tightened so as to retain the fractured edges in apposition. "Th.e wound now began to exhale an infectious odor, and gangrene was evidently approaching. M. Bouley determined to amputate the fractured portion of the jaw, its union to the main bone being apparently im- possible. The sphacelated portion of the jaw was en- tirely removed ; every fragment of bone that had an oblique direction was sawn away, and the rough por- tions which the saw could not reach wT,re rasped off. "Before night the horse had recovered his natural spirits, and was reaching for something to eat. On the following day he ate oats, and no one looking at him would have suspected that he had been deprived of his lower incisor teeth. The next day he ate hay. In a fortnight the wound was nearly healed." 0. D. House, veterinary dentist, performed an unu- sual operation on a seven-year-old horse, the property of Mr. J. T. Allen, of Hartford, Conn. In 1876 a surgeon (?) made an incision in the right cheek and Icnoched out a large part of the fifth upper grinder. The violence of the operation fractured both the tooth and the jaw, imbedding a large fragment of the former in the bone above the socket. A year afterward, the SKILL VERSUS BRUTALITY. 199 horse still suffering and discharging matter from the nostril,, Mr. House was requested by Mr. Allen to ex- amine and if possible cure him. He failed, however, to discover the cause of the discharge, and it was not till the expiration of another year that he determined to probe the case to the bottom, the horse in the mean- time having suffered as usual. Making an instrument of the proper size and shape, he introduced it into the nostril, seized the tooth fragment and drew it forth, the horse at that instant making a deep expiration, which blew out several fragments of bone and a part of the root of the tooth. The animal made a good recovery.* * The Worcester, Mass., Spy for July 13, 1877, says : "C D. House, veterinary dentist, was in the city yesterday, operating on the horses of the Hambletonian Breeding Stud. A case was found where the grinders had been worn rough, and were be- sides slightly displaced, so that the horse in eating lacerated the lining of the cheek. Another case was where a colt's temporary tooth, after being partially forced from its place by the perma- nent, had remained fastened by one fang, and in such a position as to injure the gum while the animal was feeding ; and yet so nicely had the decaying tooth been lodged, that its presence was only detected by the oflfunsive odor. Several cases of inflamma- tion of the gums were found, which were accounted for by tlio presence of tartar. The tartar was removed. " Mr. House says that in all his experience he has not seen but two cases of glanders ; but he has known of hundreds of horses being killed for what was supposed to be glanders. The cause of the discharges from the nostrils in most of these cases arose from disease of the roots of the grinders. Horses are more sub- ject to dis -ases of the teeth, he says, than is generally supposed. The famous sire, Rysdyk's Hambletonian, died of the toothache, as have also many other blooded horses. " Mr. House's mode of operating is unique. He uses no gag, and the animal stands free. He passes his hands over the teeth of the most vicious horses, and was never yet bitten. He has 200 FRACTURED JAWS. Surgeon J. P. Heatli thus describes a case of frac- tured jaw (" Veterinarian," 1878, p. 288) : " In May last I was called to see a horse that had been kicked by another horse. I found a transverse fracture of the left side of the lower jaw, between the first and second grinders, with lesion of the buccal membrane. The bone protruded inward, the tongue hung out of the mouth, and a constant flow of saliva existed. The animal's appetite was good, but there was of course a total inability to masticate. The horse was seventeen years old, but as the farmer (Mr. Gale, of Exniinster, Devon,) could ill afford his loss, I agreed to try to cure him. "I procured a wedge-shaped piece of wood, six or seven inches long by half an inch thick, which, after fitting it between the branches of the jaw^ I well be- smeared with warm pitch and pressed it tightly be- tween the fractured end of the bone. I then fixed another piece of wood of the same length, but two inches thick, which was also besmeared with pitch, outside the fracture, placing a bandage six inches wide over the whole, and tying it over the face below the eyes. operated on Edward Everett, Jud^e Fullerton, Emperor (owned by S. D. Houghton, of this city), and other notoriously vicious horses." The statement about Mr. House's mode of operating is strictly true. His control of a horse appears to be a gift. He never confines a horse, not even in performing the operation of castra- tion. In an " interview" with a reporter of The New York 8mi, printed in 1877, in reply to the question, " How do you know when a horse has tlie toothache ? " he said : " He telh me that he has it." So Mr. House must understand " horse-talk " as well as horse-dentistry. SURGEOJ^ HEATH'S SKILL. 201 "For the first fortnight I do not tliink the animal took more than a gallon of the thin mashes and gruel with which he was supplied; but after that time the use of the muscles of the tongue began to return, and he was able to swallow a little. In about three weeks he could lick up oatmeal and oilcake gruel made thick, and in less than a month I removed the bandage (al- though the sphnts remained for six weeks), as by tliis time he could swallow a little pulped mangold grass, cut into chaff. For nine weeks he could only feed on cut fodder, when he was turned out to grass. At the present time he is in perfect health, feeding on ordi- nary diet and working constantly. The first and sec- ond grinders, which were loosened, appear now to be as firmly fixed as the others." The editor of "The Veterinarian" reports the case of a pony that came near starving from having a stick fastened in its mouth. No fracture of the bone was produced, but the account of the case is worthy of in- sertion here notwithstanding that fact, for it illustrates a class of mishaps to which the horse is subject. He says ("Veterinarian," 1855, p. 330): "A pony was turned into a pasture, and was not seen for several days. The owner found it standing in a corner of the field, looking dejected and thin, Avith a small quantity of viscid saliva escaping from its mouth. He took care of tlie pony for a few days, during w^hich time it took nothing but a little water, which it drank with great difficulty. Our attendance was now re- quested. Examination disclosed a stick about the size of one's finger, firmly wedged across the palate, be- tween the corner incisors. Its pressure had produced 202 TREATMENT FOR ABRASED GUMS. extensive sloughing, so thafc the bone was completely exposed. The pain was so great that the poor animal stoutly resisted our efforts to remove the cause of its suffering. This, however, was soon done, and the parts being cleaned with tepid water, were afterward dressed with Tinct. Myrrhae. Little after treatment was nec- essary beyond the daily application of the tincture, a mash diet, and the substitution of oatmeal gruel for plain water." CHAPTER XI. THE TEETH AS IIs"DICATORS OF AGE. Their various ways of Indicating Age.— The "Mark's" Twofold Use. — The Dentinal Star. — Marks with too much Cement. — Tricks of the Trade. — Crib-biting. — Signs of Age Independ- ent of the Teeth. The incisor teeth of the horse, which, as before said, differ "from those of all other animals by the fold of enamel which penetrates the body of the crown, from its broad, flat summit, like the inverted finger of a glove," indicate age (1) by their cutting; (2) by their growth; (3) by their shedding; (4) by their marks;* (5) by their change of shape ; (6) by their change of color; (7) by their length, and (8) by the degree of their outward inclination. The cutting, growth, and shedding (of the tushes and grinders as well as the in- cisors — the cutting and shedding occurring at com- paratively regular periods, and the growth being grad- ual), indicate age from birth till about the sixth year; tlie marks of the lower incisors from the sixth month till the eighth year; those of the upper incisors, though * Prof C. S. Tomes says "the mark exists in Hipparion, but not in the earlier progenitors of the horse." Prof. O. C. Marsh says : " The largo canines of Orohipous became gradually re- duced in the later genera, and the characteristic mark of the incisors is found only in the later forms." 204 TSE TEETH AS i:srDICAT0K3 OF AGE. perhaps less reliable, during the same period, and for about four or five years longer (say the twelfth or thir- teenth), and the change in shape,* color, and position from about the seventh year till old age. The change in the shape of the teeth is caused by their wear and growth, the wear counteracting the growth and the growth the wear. hi foals and young horses the marks are prol^ably the surest guides by which to judge of the age. One peculiarity of them is that, as the teeth wear down, they approach the jjosterior edge. Besides their utility in indicating age — being composed of enamel (the ad- amantine substance) — they greatly enhance the dura- bility of the teeth — that is, during the first third of the horse's life. As a rule the variations in the size and appearance of the marks will be as follows: f At six months of age they are oblong and distinct in the central incisors, and if not already visible in the dividers, will become so before the seventh month. At one year they are shorter and less distinct in the centrals, and are becoming so in the dividers, but are large and plain in the corner teeth. At one year and a half they are small and round in the centrals, are diminished in size in the dividers, but are still large and distinct in the corners. At two years they are no longer visible in the cen- trals (in some cases these teeth are even shed at this period) ; they are smaller and rounder in the dividers and still plain in the corners. * Surgeon W. A. Cherry, of England, says the shape and gen- eral character of the teeth are much better criterions of age at all periods of life than the marks/ f For the dimensions of the marks (Surgeon Hughes's mea- surements), S3e page 58. WHAT MAY PUZZLE A KOVICE. 205 At two years and a half the centrals are shed; the marks are faint in the dividers, but are distinct in the corners. At three years the permanent centrals are nearly grown ; the marks in the dividers are just visible, and have become smaller in the corners. At three years and a half the marks in the centrals are long and very distinct; the dividers are shed, and the marks in the corners are foint. At four years the marks in the centrals show the effects of wear, but are still long and distinct ; the per- manent dividers are growing, and the marks in the corner teeth have almost disappeared. At four years and a half the marks in the centrals are still large and distinct, and the dividers are about grown. The contrast between the large permanent incisors and the small temporary corner teeth, which have lost their marks, is striking at this age. At five years the marks in the centrals are getting smaller and rounder, but are large and distinct in the dividers ; the corners are usually shed at this age. "At six years," says Prof. Youatt, "the marks of the central nippers are worn out. There will, however, still be a difference of color in the center of the tooth. The cement filling the hole made by the dipping of the enamel will present a brow^ner hue than the other part of the tooth. It vn]\ be distinctly surrounded by an edge of enamel, and there will remain even a little depression in the center, and also around the case of enamel ; but the deep holes in the center of the teeth, with the blackened surface wdiich they present, and also the elevated edge of enamel, will have disappeared. Persons little accustomed to horses are often puzzled here. They expect to find a plain surface of uniform 206 THE TEETH AS INDICATORS OF AGE. color, and know not what conclusion to draw when they see both discoloration and irregularit^y." The marks in the dividers are much reduced in size, but those of the corner teeth are large and distinct. At seven years the marks disappear from the divider incisors, and at eight from the corner teeth. Monsieur Girard thus describes the changes in shape of the incisors, referring also to the disappearance of the marks in the upper teeth: ^* At nine the central incisors become rounded, the dividers oval, and the corner teeth narrower. The cen- tral enamel (mark) diminishes and approaches the posterior edge. "At ten the dividers are rounder, and the central enamel is very near the posterior edge and rounded; at eleven they have become rounded, and the enamel has disappeared. "At twelve the corner teeth are rounded. The yellow band is larger, and occupies the center of the wear- ing surface. "At thirteen all the lower incisors are rounder; the sides of the centrals are becoming longer. The central enamel remains in the upper corner teeth, but is round and approaching the posterior edge. "At fourteen the lower central in- cisors have a triangular appearance; the dividers are becoming long at their sides. "At fifteen the central incisors are triangular, and* the dividers are becomino- so. The forms successive- ly assumed by the dental table of an incisor in con- sequence of fiiction.— 4. Chauceau. CAUSE OP THE YELLOW COLOR. 207 *'At sixteen the dividers are triangular, and the cor- ner teeth are becoming so. *' At seventeen the corner teeth, like the dividers and centrals, have become triangular, the sides of the tri- angles being equal. "At eighteen the lateral portions of the triangles lengthen in succession— first in the centrals, next in the dividers, and then in the corners; so that at nine- teen the lower centrals are flattened from one side to the other; at twenty the dividers are flattened, and at twenty-one the corners also are." The three following extracts give some idea of the difficulties to be encountered in judging the age by the teeth. Prof. Youatt says : "Stabled horses have the marks sooner worn out than those at grass, and a 'crib-biter' may deceive the best judge by one or two years. At eleven or twelve the lower nippers change their original upright posi- tion and project forward. They become of a yellow color, the cause of which is that the teeth grow to offset their wear ; but the enamel which covered their surface when they were j^oung cannot be repaired, and that which wears this yellow color in old age is the part which was formerly in the sockets. The gums recede and waste away, and the tushes wear to stumps and project outward." Surgeon Ewd. Mayhew says ("The Horse's Mouth: Showing the Age by the Teeth") : " That the teeth of the horse denote age appears to have been a very ancient belief, which the experience of centuries has not changed. Within certain limits 208 THE TEETH AS INDICATORS OF AGE. the belief is well founded, for perhaps no development is more regular than the teeth of the horse, and no natural process so little exposed to the distortions of artifice. We are, nevertheless, not to expect that the animal carries in its mouth a certificate of birth, writ- ten in characters so deep that they cannot be obliter- ated or misinterpreted. He who would judge of the age by the teeth must study them, and be prepared to eucounter difficulties. In proportion as he has done the one, and is enabled thereby to overcome the other, will be his success. The qualified judge alone will read the teeth correctly. He will make allowance where certain marks are indistinct or absent, and he will be cautious in pronouncing an opinion. The vet- erinary practitioner knows that the teeth are worthy of attention, and he feels that their indications, scien- tifically interpreted, will seldom mislead." Surgeon J. H. Walsh, in his excellent work, "The Horse; in the Stable and in the Field," says: "In order to be able to estimate the age of the horse by his teeth, it is necessary to ascertain, as nearly as may be, the exact time at which he puts up his milk teeth, and also the periods at which they were replaced by the permanent. Finally it becomes the province of the veterinarian to lay down rules for ascertaining the age from the degree of attrition which the perma- nent teeth have undergone. For these several purposes the horse's mouth must be studied from the earliest period of his life up to old age." Judging the age by the teeth is even more comj)li- cated and difficult than is shown by the foregoing ex- tracts. Among other complications worthy of consid- eration are the following: LIKE CREEDMOOR MARKS, HARD TO HIT. 209 About the ninth year a mark, which is sometimes mistaken for the infundibnlum, or mark proper, ap- pears on the central incisors. M. Girard named it the dentinal'^ stctr^ but it is also called the fang-hole and secondary mark. Dentinal star is perhaps the most proper name, for the mark is "due to the presence of secondary dentine, into which the remains of the pulp has been converted." It may be distinguished from the first formation of dentine by its yellow tint. The dentinal star may not afford, as some authors claim it does, reliable data by which to judge of the age, but its presence is 'prima facie, evidence that the tooth has been worn to the original pulpal cavity. f The more the teeth wear, it is said, the plainer the star becomes. The marks of some teeth arc disproportionately composed of cement, a fact Prof A. Chauveau says he is not aware has ever been taken into account in "cal- * The reason for using the word dentinal in preference to den- tal, in the above as well as in many other cases throughout this work, is very clearly and forcibly given in a reference note (by Prof. Owen) on page viii, f Dr. John Hunter says (" The Human Teeth," pp. 50-1) : " A tooth very often wears down so low that its cavity would be ex- posed if no counteracting alteration were produced in it. To prevent this Nature has taken care that the bottom of the cavity shall be filled by new matter in proportion as the crown of the tooth is worn. This new matter is easily distinguished from the old, for when a tooth has been worn almost to the neck, a spot may be seen in the center, which is more transparent and at the same time of a darker color (occasioned in some measure by the dark cavity under it), and generally softer than the surrounding parts. Any one may be convinced of the truth of the matter by taking two teeth of the same kind, one just full-grown, the other worn almost to its neck. In the latter the dark spot is visible, and if as much material is cut from the former as has been worn from the latter, its cavity will be cut through." 210 THE TEETH AS Il^DICATORS OP AGE. culating the progress of wear." Such teeth would soon wear out, for there is as much difference in the density of cement and enamel as between cartilage and bone. The obliteration of the mark may be hastened in a small or medium-sized tooth by the friction of one that is abnormally large, while a stunted or dead tooth n^ay never lose its mark. The more upright the teeth the faster they wear. It is said that the crowns will be worn to the extent of a quarter of an inch between the fifth and sixth years (when they are most upright), while only about that quantity of material will wear away between the twen-, tieth and twenty-fifth years. A horse's food is a matter also to be taken into ac- count. The mastication of grass, carrots, turnips, potatoes, bread, &c., does not cause much wear to the teeth. However, when grass is procured by grazing, the incisors suffer much friction — caused, not by the grass, but by the teeth grinding one another, for they meet edge to edge, and are employed in this occupa- tion for hours, whereas a ''feed" of com is shelled in a few minutes. In the former case the incisors suffer great friction ; in the latter, the grinders. Again, it is said that "horses fed on salt marshes, where the sea- sand is washed among the grass, or on sandy plains or meadows, are affected by the increased friction of their teeth." But no matter how soft a horse's food may be, if he is addicted to the vice called "crib-biting," his teeth may be ruined before those of the corn-fed horse have even lost their marks. Several trade tricks are also to be noted. Of "bish- oping," Prof Youatt says : " Dishonest dealers resort to a method of imitatins: youatt's compliments to bishop. 211 the mark in the lower nippers. It is called Bisliopingy from the name of the scoundrel who invented it. The horse of eight or nine years is thrown, and with an engTcivc/s tool a hole is dug in the now almost plain surface of the corner teeth, its shape resembling the mark in those of a seven-year-old horse. The hole is then burned with a heated iron, and a j)ermanent black stain is left. The next pair of nippers are some- times lightly touciied also. ''An unprofessional man would be easily deceived by this fraud, but it cannot deceive the trained eye of the horseman. The irregular appearance of the cavity, the diffusion of the black stain around the tushes — the sharp points and concave inner surface of which can never be given again — the marks on the upper nip- pers, together with the general conformation of the horse, will prevent deception. Moreover, in compar- ing the lower with the upper nippers, unless the oper- ator has performed on the latter also, they will be found to be considerably more worn than the lower, the reverse of which ought to be the case. Occasion- ally a clever operator will burn all the teeth to a prop- erly regulated depth, and then a practiced eye alone will detect the imposition." * * Rough oisr the Russians. — Surgeon John C. Knowlson makes the following open confession (" The Complete Farrier, or Horse Doctor," p. 150): "I was hired by Anthony Johnson, of Wincolmlee, Hull, as farrier to a number of horses that were goinj^ to ^loscow, Russia. We had a little gTay, seventeen-year- old liorse, named Peatum, whose mouth I bishoped. He passed for six years old, was the first horse sold, and brought £oOO, Enp^lish money ! I only mention this as a caution to horsemen."' Surgeon Knowlson could liave evidently beaten the late Pres- ident Lincoln in a (wooden) horse trade. 212 THE TEETH AS IITDICATORS OF AGE. Of a deception practiced by sellers of two-year-old foals, namely, passing off an early two-year-old for a late three-year-old, Prof. Youatt says: " The age of all horses used to be reckoned from May, but some are foaled as early as January. A two- year-old foal of the latter date may, if it has been well nursed and fed and has had its central nippers drawn (that three or four months' time may be gained in the appearance of the permanent), be sold at the former date for a three-year-old. To horsemen, howev^er, the general form of the animal, the little development of the forehand, the continuance of the mark in the divi- der nippers, its more evident existence in the corner ones, and some enlargement or irregularity about the gums, from the violence used in forcing out the teeth, are a sufficient security against deception." And again of four-year-old foals: "Now, more than at any other time, will the dealer be anxious to put an additional year npon the animal, for the difference in strength, utility, and value be- tween a four-year-old colt and a five-year-old horse is very great. But the lack of wear in the central and divider nippers, the small size of the corner ones, the little growth of the tushes, the low forehand, the leg- giness of the colt, and the thickness and little depth of the mouth, will at once detect the cheat." The following is Prof. Youatt's description of crib- biting and its effect on the teeth ("The Horse/' pp. 511,519): ^^ The horse lays hold of the manger with his teeth, violently extends his neck, and then, after some con- COLICKY ClUB-BITERS. 213 vulsive action of the throat, a slight grunting is heard, accompanied b}^ a sucking in of air. It is not an effort at simple eructation, arising from indigestion, but is merely the inhalation of air. It takes j^lace with all kiuds of diet, and when the stomach is empty as well as when it is full. " The effects of crib-biting are plain enough. The teeth are worn away and occasionally broken, and in old horses to a very serious degree. Sometimes graz- ing is rendered difficult or almost impossible. Coru is often wasted, for the horse will frequently 'crib' with his mouth full of it, and the gi-eater part of it will fall over the edge of the manger. Much saliva escapes also, wdiich impairs digestion. Crib-biting horses are more suliject to colic than others, and to a species difficult of treatment and frequently dangerous. ''The only remedy is a muzzle, with bars across the bottom sufficiently wide to allow the horse to pick np his corn and pull his hay, but not to grasp the edge of the manger. Some recommend turning out for five or six months; but this will never succeed except with young horses, and rarely with them. Tlie old crib- biter will substitute the gate for the manger. We have often seen him galloping across the field for the mere object of having a gripe at a rail." Prof. Youatt further says that the vice is a species of unsoundness, having been so decided in the courts. It is often the result, he says, of imitation, but oftener the consequence of indigestion. Mischief, he says, is another cause of it. The mouth, it is said, is broader at seven years of age than at any other time; but, so far as judging the age is concerned, this fact (assertion) is of little prac- 214 THE TEETH AS INDICATORS OF AGE. tical use. The facts that follow, however, are of more or less use, and are worthy of perusal. Prof. Youatt says : '^ The indications of age, independent of the teeth, are deepening of the hollows over the eyes ; wrinkles over the eyes and about the mouth ; gray hairs, par- ticularly over the eyes and about the muzzle; the countenance and general appearance; thinness and hanging down of the lips; sharpness of the withers; sinking of the back; lengthening of the quarters, and the disappearance of windgalls, spavins, and tumors of every kind. * ^ * ^1^ mne or ten the 'bars' of the mouth become less prominent, and their regular diminution will designate increasing age." Of another deception Prof Youatt says: " We form some idea of the age of the horse by the depth of the pits above the eyes. There is at the back of the eye a quantity of fatty substance, on which it may revolve without friction. In aged horses, and in diseases attended with general loss of condition, much of this disappears. The eye becomes sunken, and the pit above it deepens. Dishonest dealers puncture the skin, and, with a tobacco-pipe or tube, blow into the orifice till the depression is almost filled. This, with the aid of 'bishoped' teeth, may deceive the unwary. The fraud may be easily detected, however, by press- ing on the part.'' "Frank Forester" (William Henry Herbert), says (" The Horse of America," vol. i, p. 72) : " Much stress is laid by many persons on the depth of the supra-orbital cavities, and more yet on the length and extreme protrusion of the nippers beyond the SUNKEN PITS AI!TD HOLLOW BACKS. 215 gums, as also, in a less degree, on the hollowuess of the back. All these are doubtless indications of age; but I have many times seen colts — got by stallions in ex- treme oge — having all these indications of advanced life in a degree scarcely inferior to those of their sires, be- fore they had yet acquired a full m-outh, much less lost the mark. And more than once I have seen foals, newly dropped, with the deep supra-orbital cavities and hollow backs bequeathed to them by their aged sires before they had got their colt's teeth.'' CHAPTER XII. THE TRIGEMIKUS OE FIFTH PAIR OF KERVES. Its Nature and tlie Relation it bears to the Teeth. — Its Course in tlie Horse and in Man. The thread-like nerves of the teeth are derived from the superior and inferior maxillary branches of the trigeminus or fifth jiair of nerves. In the horse these branches are four or five times as thick as a ribbon and about five-eighths of an inch wide. The ophthal- mic branch is smaller and shorter, its course extend- ing only from the brain to the eye, while that of the two former extends to the lips, running parallel to and about an inch from the roots of the grinder teeth.* The description of the trigeminus and its course is from a lecture by Prof. Youatt to veterinary students, and may be found in "The Veterinarian" for 1834 (p. 121). In the first part of the lecture the nature of the trigeminus— its double origin and function — is expatiated upon, a summary of which is that the sensi- tive and motor roots, are contained Vv^ithin the same sheath; that the sensitive root is so much larger and its fibrils so much more numerous than the motor that * For the preparation of an anatomical specimen showinir the g-eneral course of the trie^eminns, I am indebted to Prof. J. M. Heard, of the New York College of Veterinary Surgeons. THE Two ROOTS. 217 it may still be called the sensitive nerve of the face; that the trigeminus is the only nerve of the brain that bestows sensibility to the face, except a few branches from the cervicals, w^hich may be traced to the lower part of it ; that there arc some anatomical facts which incontestably prove that the motor nerve exists : that Sir Charles Bell laid the root of the trigeminus bare in an ass immediately after the animal's death, and that on irritating the nerve the muscles of the jaw acted and the jaw closed; that he divided the root of the [ nerve in a living animal, and the jaw fell;* that he * " Re-establish:\ient of Sensibility after Resection OF Nerves. — A memoir by MM. Arloing and Tripier was read before the French Academy, November 28tb, on the efiFect of re- section of certain nervous trunks. Clinical facts have several times shown tbat after wounds which have altered or destroyed a portion of a nerve, sensibility returns in the integuments to which the nerve is distributed. MM, Arloing and Tripier made nervous resections in dogs, and saw sensibility reappear after a certain time in the integuments to which the branches of the nerve were distributed, and in the peripheral end of the nerve itself." — Popular Scisnce Eevieio, 1867. "How Motor-Nerves End in NoN-STrviATED Muscitlar Tissue. — A very valuable communication stating the results of M. Henocque's researches has been published in "I'Archives de Physiologie," and may be thus abstracted : 1. The distribution of the nerves in smooth muscle is not only identical in man and other vertebrate animals in which it has been observed, but is essentially similar to all the organs containing smooth muscle. 2. B^^foro terminating in the smooth muscle, the nerves form three distinct plexuses or networks — (a) a chief or fundamental plexus, containing numerous ganglia, and situated outside the smooth muscle ; (b) an intermediate plexus ; and (c) an intra- muscular plexus, situated mtliin the fasciculi of smooth fibers. 3. The terminal fibrils are everywhere identical. They divide and subdivide dichotomously, or anastomose, and terminate by a sliglit swelling or knob, or in a punctiform manner. The ter- 10 218 THE FI]?TH PAIR OF KERYES. divided the superior maxillary branch on both sides, the animal losing the power of using the lips; that Mr. Mayo divided the root of both the superior and inferior maxillary, the result being that the lips no longer remained in perfect apposition, and the animal ceased to use them in taking up his food; that the sensitive root, or a portion of it, after entering the cav- ernous sinus, swells out into or passes through a gan- glion, and that the motor root can be traced beyond the ganglion, uniting afterward with its fellow and forming the perfect nerve; that the ganglion, being composed of sensitive fibrils only, resembles a brain. minal swellinof appears to occupy different parts of the smootTi muscular fiber, but most frequently to be in the neighborhood of the nucleus, or at the surface of the fibers, or, lastly, between them." — The Monthly Microscopical Journal, 1870. " Structure op Nerves. — M. Roudanoosky says that the primitive elements of nerves are tubes having- a pentagonal or hexagonal configuration. As to their' constitution, he says that every nerve has a substratum of brain-matter, and also of the spinal marrow, and probably of the ganglionic matter also. The gray matter, he says, is the fundamental nervous substance, and plays the principal part in the functions." — " Veterinarian^' 1S65, p. 313. In a letter to his brother, G. J. Bell, written in 1807, Sir Charles says : " I consider the organs of the outward senses as forming a distinct class of nerves. I trace them to corres]X)nd- ing parts of the brain, totally distinct from the origin of the others. I take five tubercles within the brain as the internal senses. I trace the nerves of the nose, eye, ear, and tongue j to these. Here I see established connection ; there, the great mass of the brain receives processes from the central tubercles. Again, the great masses of the cerebrum send down processes or crura, which give off all the common nerves of voluntary mo- tion. I establish thus a kind of circulation, as it were." — Medi- cal Gazette. THE COURSE OF THE NERVE. 219 Prof. Youatt's description of the course of the tri- geminus is as follows : "The trigeminus has been described as springiug by a multitude of fllaments from the crura cerebelli, and forthwith running for safety into the cavernous sinuses, and there suddenly enlarging into or passing through a ganglion. The nerve, as its name implies, divides into three parts, the division taking place in the cavernous sinus, after the superior or sensitive root has been joined by the inferior or motor root. Each part, before it leaves the cranium, assumes a dis- tinct investment of dura mater. The branches are named, from the parts to which they are destined, the Ophthalmic, the Superior Maxillary, and the Inferior Maxillary. "The opMhalmic is the smallest of the three. It is formed within the sinus, where it is in conjunction wdth the superior maxillary, v/hich it soon leaves, and, passing through the foramen lacerum into the orbit, subdivides and forms three distinct branches — the Supra-orbital (the frontal), the Lachrymal, and the Lateral Nasal (the nasal). The supra-orbital climbs behind the muscles of the eye, giving filaments to the rectus superior and the superior oblique, and some also to the fatty matter of the eye. The main branch, escaping through the superciliary foramen, is soon lost in ramifications on the elevator of the superior eyelid, the integument of the forehead, and the periosteum. The lachrymal, as its name implies, is chiefly concerned with the lachrymal gland; a few ramifications, how- ever, are sent to the conjunctiva and also to the ciliary glands of the upper eyelid, while a distinct twig of it passes out at the angle between the zygoma and the 220 THE FIFTH PAIR OF KERVES. frontal orbital process, where it anastomoses with the sapra-orbital and with ramifications from the superior maxillary. It is also lost on the integument and muscles of the forehead. The lateral nasal is the largest of the three. Almost at its beginning we ob- serve the filaments that help to form the Ophthalmic Ganglion. They are more numerous and more easily traced in some of our domesticated animals than in others, and the ganglion itself is differently developed, but for what physiological purpose I know not. It is comparatively larger in the ox than in the horse, and sends more filaments to the iris. Four distinct fila- ments may be traced in the ox, but seldom more than two in the horse or the dog. To these fila- ments others of the ophthalmic, that have not passed through the ganglion, afterward join themselves; so that the ciliary are also minute compound nerves of motion and sensation.* * " The best account, however, of this is tomatic. Any tissue or organ thus affected is said to be ' atrophied.' AuRic'uLAR. (The ear.) That which belongs to the ear, espe- cially the external car. B. Batra'chia. An order of reptiles including toads, frogs, and salamanders. Brande. One of the five classes into which the vertebrate animals are usually divided, though some writers have reduced the class to the rank of an order of reptiles, a class with which 230 VOCABULARY. they are popularly confounded. The batrachians are cold- blooded and oviparous, and in most living- species are with- out scales, and the blood is partly aerated through the skin. The young, for the most part, breathe by gills like those of fishes; they assume a fish-like form (as the tadpole), and finally, when adult, with few exceptions, loss their gills and breathe by lungs, like true or scaly reptiles. They generally have limbs, but not always. Johnson's JSF. U. Oyc. Bi'furcation. (A fork.) Division of a trunk into two branches, as the bifurcation of the trachea, aorta, &c. Buccal. That which concerns the mouth, and especially the cheek. C. Cjecum. The blind gut ; so called from its being perforated at one end only. That portion of the intestinal canal which is seated between the termination of the ileum and beginning of the colon, and which fills, almost wholly, the right iliac fossa, where the peritoneum retains it immovably. Its length is about three or four fingers' breadth. The ileo-ccecal valve, or valve of Bauhin, shuts oflT all communication between it and the ileum, and the 'Appendix vermiformis cseci' is at- tached to it. In the horse the csecum (water stomach) will hold four gal- lons. A horse will drink at one time a great deal more than his stomach will contain ; but even if he drinks a less quan- tity, it remains, not in the stomach or small intestines, but passes to the csecum, and is there retained, as in a reservoir, to supply the wants of the system. Youatt. Cal'culus. a diminutive of ' calx,' a iime-stone. Calculi are concretions, which may form in every part of the animal body, but are most frequently found in the organs that act as reservoirs, and in the excretory canals. They are met with in the tonsils, joints, biliary ducts, digestive passages, lachrymal ducts, mamma?, pancreas, pineal gland, prostate, lungs, salivary, spermatic, and urinary passages, and in the uterus. The causes which give rise to them are obscure. Those that occur in reservoirs or ducts are supposed to be owing to the deposition of the substances, which compose them, from the fluid as it passes along the duct ; those which occur in the substance of an organ are regarded as the pro- VOCABULARY* 231 duct of some clironic irritation. Their general effect is to irritate, as extraneous bodies, the parts with wliich they are iu contact, and to produce retention of the fluid wlience they have been formed. The symptoms differ, according to the ■ Sensibility of tlio organ and the importance of the particular I secretion whose discharge they impede. Their 'solution' is i generally impracticable. Spontaneous expulsion or extrac- tion is the only way of getting rid of them. Cancel'li. ' Lattice- work,* The cellular or spongy texture of bone, consisting of numerous cells, communicating with each other.' They contain a fatty matter, analogous to marrow. This texture is met with principally at the extremities of long bones, and some of the short bones consist almost wholly of it. It allows of the expansion of the extremities of bones, without adding to their weight, and deadens concussions. Can'dla. Diminutive of canna, ' a reed.' A small tube of gold, silver, platinum, iron, lead, wood, elastic gum, or gutta- percha, used for various purposes in surgery. Cap'illahy (from cajnllus, ' a hair ')• Hair-like ; small. Capillary Vessels are the extreme radicles of tlie arteries and veins, which together constitute the capillary, interme- diate, or peripheral vascular system— the methce'mata blood channels of Dr. Marshall Hall (that is, the system of vessels in which the blood undergoes the change from venous to arterial, and conversely). They possess an action distinct from that of the heart. Carries. An ulceration of bone—' necrosis' being the death of a bone. It resembles the gangrene of soft parts. It is recog- nized by the swelling of the bone which precedes and accora- ! panics it ; by the abscesses it occasions ; the fistulre which ; form ; the sanious character, peculiar odor, and quantity of the suppuration, and by the evidence afforded by probing. The most common causes of caries are blows, the action of some virus, and morbid diathesis. When dependent on any virus in the system, this must be combated by appropriate remedies. When entirely local, it must be converted, where practicable, into a state of necrosis, or death of the affected part. To this end apply stimulants, tlif^ actual cautery, &c. Cahot'ids. The great arteries of the neck, vv'hich carry blood to the head. 232 VOCABULARY. Car'tilage. a solid part of the animal body, of a consistence between bone and ligament, wliicli in the fetus is a substi- tute for bone, but in the adult exists only in the joints, at the extremities of the ribs, «&c. Cer'vical. Everything which concerns the neck, especially the back part. Ciievrotain'. a species of the geuus Moschus, related to the deer, but having no horns, and otherwise peculiar. It is small, light, and graceful, and lives in the mountains of Asia, from the Altai to Java. Dana. Choroid Membrane. A thin membrane, of a very dark color, which lines the sclerotic internally. It is situate between the sclerotic and retina, has an opening posteriorly for the pas- sage of the optic nerve, and terminates anteriorly at the great circumference of the iris, where it is continuous with the cili- ary processes. The internal surface is covered with a dark pigment, consisting of several layers of pigment cells. Its use seems to be to absorb the rays of light after they have traversed the retina. Cil'iary. Relating to the eyelashes, or to cilia. This epithet has also been applied to different parts, which enter into the structure of the eye, from the resemblance between some of them (the ciliary processes) and the eyelashes. Colon. That portion of the large intestines which, extends from the caecum to the rectum. The colon is usually divided into four portions. 1. The right lumbar or ascending colon, situate in the right lumbar region, and beginning at the C33cum. 2. The transverse colon — transverse arch of the colon — the portion which crosses from the right to the left side, at the upper part of the abdomen. 3. The left lumbar or descending colon, extending from the left part of the trans- verse arch, opposite the outer portion of the left kidney, to the corresponding iliac fossa. . 4. The iliac colon, or sigmoid flexure of the colon ; the portion which makes a double cur- vature in the left iliac fossa, and ends in the rectum. In the horse the colon is exceedingly large, and is capable of containing no less than twelve gallons of liquid or pulpy food. It is of considerable length ; completely traversing the diameter of the abdominal cavity, it is then reflected upon itself, and retraverses the same space. Touatt. VOCABULARY. 233 Com'missures, The point of union between two parts ; thus the commissures of the eyelids, lips, &c., are the angles which they form at the place of union. Comparative Anat'omy. The science which treats of the structure and relation of organs in the various branches of . the animal kingdom, without a knowledge of which it is im- ) possible to understand the beautifully progressive develop- ment of organization, necessary even for the full comprehen- sion of the uses of many parts of the human body, which, apparently rudimentary and useless in man, are highly de- veloped in other animals. This science is also the basis of physiology and the natural classification of animals. American Cyclopedia. Con'dyle. An articular eminence, round in one direction, flat in the other. A kind of process, met with more particularly in the ginglymoid joints, such as the condyles of the occipi- tal, inferior maxillary bone, &c. Congen'ital (from con and genitus, 'begotten'). Diseases which infants have at birth; hence, congenital allectionsare those that depend on faulty conformation, as congenital her- nia, congenital cataract, &c. CoNJUNCTi'vA Membra' xa. A mucous membrane, so called because it unites the globe of the eye Avith the eyelids. It covers the anterior surface of the eye, the inner surface of the eyelids, and the 'caruncula lachry malis. ' It possesses great general sensibility, communicated to it by the fifth pair of nerves. Copyba'ra is the largest known quadruped of the order Ro- dentia, and belongs to the family Cavidss. It is an aquatic animal, a native of South America, and feeds on vegetable food exclusively. Its dentition resembles that ofthecavy, except that the grinding teeth are formed of many trans- verse plates, the number of plates increasing as the animal advances in age. It is inoffensive and easily tamed. The flesh is esteemed good food. It is somewhat smaller than the common hog. Johnson's New Unicersal Cyclopedia. Cokpus'cle A minute particle or physical atom; one of the very small bodies which compose large bodies, not the ele- mentary principles of matter, but such small particles, simple or compound, as arc not dissolved or dissipated by ordinary 234 VOCABULARY. heat. An animal cell, or cellular anatomical element, as a blood corpuscle ; a lymph corpuscle. Webster. Coreela'tion (mutual relation) OF Fokces (otherwise called 'Transmutation of Force or Energy'). A phrase of recent origin, employed to express the theory' that any one of the various forms of physical force may bo converted into one or more of the other forms. The cardinal point in this theory is the doctrine of heat and its relation to other agents, espe- cially to mechanical motion. For example, the heat mani- fesred when we rub two fiat surfaces briskly against each other, is only our own muscular motion checked by the fric- tion, and changed thereby into the heat which the surfaces reveal. On the other hand, this muscular motion is only the heat of our bodily frame expending itself in this way. In either case the energy has hot been annihilated, but only transferred, and appears in a nevv^ form. Johnson's N. IT. Cyc, article revised by J. H. Seelye. Crura. The plural of cms, ' a leg.' Applied to some parts of the body, from their resemblance to legs or roots, as the ' crura cerebri,' ' crura cerebelli,' &c. Cul-de-sac. Any bag-shaped cavity, tubular vessel, or organ, open only at one end. Dana. I>. Dental Canal. The bony canals through which the vessels and nerves pass to the interior of the teeth. Dental Cavity. A cavity in the interior of the teeth, in which is situate the dental pulp. (More properly the pulpal cavity.) Dental Pulp. The pultaceous substance, of a reddish-gray color, very soft and sensible, which fills the cavity of the teeth. It is well supplied w^ith capillary vessels. Dentig'erous. Tooth-carrying, as dentigerous cysts ; one containing teeth. Dermal. Relating or belonging to the skin. Dermatoid or Dermoid. That which is similar to the skin. This name is given to different tissues which resemble the skin. The dura mater has been so called by some. Deter'gents. Medicines which possess the power to deterge or cleanse parts, as wounds, ulcers, &c. They belong to the class of stimulants, or to that of emollients. VOCABULARY. 235 Diabe'tes. a disease cbaracterized by great augmentation and often manifest alteration in the secretion of urine, with ex- cessive thirst and progressive emaciation. The quantity of urine discharged in 24 hours is sometimes 30 pints and up- ward, each pint containing 3| ounces saccharine matter. Dl'APiinAGM. 1. A dividing membrane or thin partition, com- monly with an opening through it. 2. The muscle separa- ting the chest or thorax from the abdomen or lower bellv ; the midriff. Webntei: Diath'esis. Disposition, constitution, affection of the body ; predisposition to certain diseases rather than to others. The principal diatheses mentioned by authors are the cancerous, scrofulous, scorbutic (pertaining to scurvy), rheumatic, gouty, and calculous. DicnOT'oiious. Regularly divided by pairs, from top to bot- tom ; as, a dicliotomous stem. Martyn. DiVERTic'uLTJ^r. A blind tube branching out Crom the course of a larger one. An organ which is capable of receiving an imusual quantity of blood, when the circulation is obstructed or modified elsewhere, is said to act as a diverticulum. Also a malformation or diseased appearance of a part, in which it passes out of its regular course. It is sometimes applied to such a condition of the alimentary canal. Also a hole to get out at. A by- passage. Dugong'. a herbivorous, cetaceous animal of the Indian Ocean, with a tapering body ending in a crescent-shaped fin. The fabled mermaid seems to have been founded on the dugong. Gilbert. Brande, It is generally from eight to twelve feet long, though it is said to sometimes attain the length of twenty-five feet. The upper lip is thick and fleshy, and forms a kind of snout ; the upper jav/ bonds downward almost to a right angle ; the eyes are very small, with a nictitating membrane ; the skin is thick and smooth. Its flesh is said to resemble beef, and . is prized as food. The oil is recommended as a substitute for cod -liver oil. Johnson' .s JV. U. Cyc. DuKA Matek, a fibrous, semi-transparent membrane, of a pearly-white color, thick and very resisting ; lines the cavity of the cranium, and contains the spinal marrow ; protects the brain and marrow, and by its various expansions — the falx 236 VOCABULARY. cerebri, tentorium, &c. — supplies tlie different parts of tlie cerebral mass. E. Econ'omy. By the term 'animal economy' is understood the aggregate of the laws wliicli govern the organism. The word economy is also used for the aggregate of parts which con- stitute man or animals. Edenta'ta. In natural history, an order of animals that are destitute of front teeth, as the armadillo and ant-eater. Bell. Eden'tulus. One without teeth. Em'bryo. The fecundated germ, in the early stages of its de- velopment in utero. At a certain i)eriod of its increase, the name 'fetus' is given to it, but at what period is not deter- mined. Generally, the embryo state is considered to extend to the perio.l of quickening. Encephali'tis. This term has been used by some nosologists (classifiers of diseases) synonymously with ' cephalitis ' and 'phrenitis.' By others it has been appropriated to inflam- mation of the brain, in contradistinction to that of the mem- branes. E'OCENE. In geology, a term applied to the earlier tertiary de- posits, in which are a few organic remains of existing species of animals. Hence the term eocene (recent), which denotes the dawn of the existing state of things. Dana. Lyell. Mantell. In America the eocene strata contain numerous fossils, mostly marine moUusks, but also include some gigantic ver- tebrates, a carnivorous cetacean seventy foet in length, and a shark of which the teeth are sometimes six inches in length. The Wyoming beds have furnished the remains of a remark- able group of mammals, which are thought by. Prof. Marsh to form a new order, and which he has named ' Dinocerata.' The largest of these (Dinoceras mirabilis) had the bulk of an elephant, and was provided with three pairs of horns and a pair of great saber-like canine teeth. JoJin son's K U. Cyc. Epider'mis. a transparent, dry, thin membrane, devoid of nerves and vessels, which covers all the surface of the body, except the parts that correspond to the nails. It appears to consist of minute scales placed one above the other. The epidermic system, in general anatomy, comprises three parts. VOCABULARY. 237 1, External epidermis. 2. Epidermis spread over the mu- cous membranes. 3. The nails and liair. Epithe'lium. Tiie thin layer of ei)idermis wliich covers parts deprived of derma, properly so called, as the nipple, mucous membranes, Jips, &c. Eschar. A slougli, crust, or scab. Escharot'ic. Any substance whicli, when applied upon a liv- incT part, gives vise to an eschar, such as caustic potassa, con- centrated mineral acids, «Sic. Esoph'agus, The gullet. A musculo-membranous canal, extending from the inferior extremity of the pharynx to the upper oritice of the stomach. Ethmoid. Shaped like a sieve. Ethmoid One of the eight bones which compose the cranium, so called because its upper plate is pierced by a con- siderable number of holes. It is situate at the anterior, in- ferior, and middle part of the cranium. Evolu'tion. According to the hypothesis of evolution, in its simplest form, the universe as it now exists is the result of " an immense series of changes," related to and dependent upon each other, as successive steps, or rather growths, con- stituting a progress ; analoorous to the unfolding or evolving of the parts of a living organism. Evolution is defined by Herbert Spencer as consisting in a progress from the homo- geneous to the heterogeneous, from general to special, from the simple to the complex ; and this process is considered to be traceable in the formation of the worlds in space, in the multiplication of the types and species of plants and animals on the globe, in the origination and diversity of languages, literature, arts, and sciences, and in all the changes of human institutions and society. Hrnry Ilartsliorne. The animal kingdom displays a unity of plan or a correla- tion of parts by which common principles are traced through the most disguising diversities of form, so that in aspect, struc- ture, and functions the various tribes of anim:ils pass into each other hy sliffht and gradual transitions. The arm of a man, the fore limb of a qnndruncd, the wing of a bird, and the fin of a fish are homologous, that is. they rontnin the same essential parts, modified in correspondence with the dif- ferent circumstances of the animal ; and so with the other 238 VOCABULARY. organs. Prof. Cope says : " Every individual of every species of a given branch of the animal king-dom is composed of ele- ments common to all, and the differtsuces whicli are so radi- cal in the higher grades are but the modifications of the same elemental parts." E. L. Youmans. Exfolia'tion (from ex s^ndi folium, ' a leaf). By this is meant the separatio2i of the dead portions of a bone, tendon, apon- eurosis (a white shining membrane), or cartilage, under the form of himellee (small scales). Exfoliation is accomplished by the instinctive action of the parts, and its object is to de- tach the dead portions from those subjacent, which are still ^ alive. For this purpose the latter throw out fleshy granula- tions, and a more or less abundant suppuration occurs, which tends to separate the exfoliated part — now become an extra- neous body. ExosTo'sis. An osseous tumor, which forms at the surface of bones, or in their cavities. Exostosis Dentium. Exostosis of the teeth. F. Ferhu'ginous (chalyb'eate). Of or belonging to iron ; contain- ing iron. Any medicine into which iron enters, as chalyb- eate mixture, pills, waters, &c. Fe'tus. See ' embryo.' Fiber. An organic filament, of a solid consistence, and more or less extensible, wliich enters into the composition of every animal and vegetable texture. Fil'ament. a thread. This word is used synonymously with fibril ; thus we say a nervous or cellular filament or fibril. Fis'tula. ' A pipe or reed.' A solution of continuity (a division of parts previously continuous) of greater or less depth and sinuosity, the opening of which is narrow, and the disease kept up by an altered texture of parts, so that it is not dis- posed to heal. A fistula is ' incomplete ' or ' blind' when it has but one opening, and ' complete ' when there are two, the one communicating with an internal cavity, the other exter- nally. It, is "lined in its whole course by a membrane which seems analogous to mucous membranes. Fol'licle. a follicle or crypt is a small, roundish, hollow body, situate in the substance of the skin or mucous mem- branes, and constantly pouring the fluid which it secretes on VOCABULARY. 239 their surfaces. Tlie use of the secretion is to keep the parts on which it is poured supple and moist, and to preserve them from the action of irritating bodies with which they have to come in contact. Foka'men. Any cavity pierced through and through. Also the orifice to a canal. Fossa. A cavity of greater or less depth, the entrance to which is always larger than the base. FRiENUM. A small bridle. A name given to several membran- ous folds, which bridle and retain certain organs. Frontal Bone. A double bone in the fetus, single m the adult, i situate at the base of the cranium, and at the superior part of the face. Function. The action of an organ or system of organs. Any act necessary for accomplishing a vital phenomenon. A function is a special oflace in the animal economy, which has as its instrument an organ or apparatus of organs. Fungus. The mushroom order of plants. In pathology the word is commonly used synonymoasly with fungosity (my- cosis). Fungus H^mato'des (Hacmatodes Fungus). An exceedingly alarming carcinomatous (cancerous) affection, which was fii'st described with accuracy by Mr. Jolui Burns, of Glasgow. It consists in the development of cancerous tumors, in which the inflammation is accompanied with violent heat and pain, and with fungus and bleeding excrescences. G. Gang'lion. Nervous ganglions are enlargements or knots in the course of a nerve. Gastric. Belonging or relating to the stomach. Gastric Juice. A fluid secreted from the mucous membrane of the stomach.- It assists digestion. Gentian Wine (vinura gentians compositnm, or wine bitters). 'Gentiana Lutea' is the systematic name of the officinal gentian. The plant is common in the mountains of Europe. The root is almost inodorous, extremely bitter, and yields its \irtues to ether, alcohol, and water. It is tonic and stomacliic, and, in large doses, aperient. It is most fre- quently, however, used in infusion or tincture. 240 VOCABULAET. Geol'ogt is that branch of natural science which treats of the structure of the crust of the earth and the mode of formation of its rocks, together with the history of physical changes and of life on our planet during the successive stages of its history. It has been inferred that its actual crust must be very thick, perhaps not less than 2,500 miles. Geology de- pends upon mineralogy for its knowledge of the constituents of rocks, and upon chemistry and physics for its knowledge of the laws of change ; and in its study of fossil remains it is closely connected with the sciences of zoology and botany. A knowledge of geology lies at the base of physical geogra- phy, and is essential to the skillful prosecution of minini^ and other useful arts. ^ J. W. Dawson. The facts proved by geology are that during an immense but unknown period the surface of the earth has undergone successive changes ; land has sunk beneath the ocean, while fresh land has risen up from it ; mountain chains have been elevated ; islands have been formed into continents, and con- tinents submerged till they have become islands ; and these changes have taken place, not once merely, but perhaps hLuulrcds, perhaps thousands of times. A. L. Wallace. Prof. Dana says the " earth was first a featureless globe of fire ; then had its oceans and dry land ; in course of time re- ceived mountains and rivers, and finally all those diversities of surface which now characterize it." Gland. (An acorn ; a kernel.) Softish, g^ranular, lobated or- gans, composed of vessels and a particular texture, which draw from the blood the molecules necessary for the forma- tion of new fluids, conveying them externally by means of one or more excretory ducts. Each gland has an organiza- tion peculiar to it, but we know not the intimate nature of the glandular texture. Guana'co. The ' Auchenia Huanaca,' a species of the genus of ruminant mammals to which the llama belongs. It inhabits the Andes, and is domesticated. It is allied to the camel. Webster. The guanaco is especially abundant in Patagonia and Chili, where it forms large flocks. It is about three feet high at the shoulders, and is extremely swift. In domestication it is ill-tempered, and has a disagreeable habit of ejecting saliva VOCABULARY. 241 upon unwelcome visitors. In its wild state it seldom diiiiks water. Its flesh is edible and its skin valuable. Johnson's iV. U. Gyc- H. Haversian Canals. (Canals of Havers, nutritive canals, &c.) The canals through which the V(issel3 pass to the bones. They are lined by a very line lamina of compact texture, or are formed in the texture itself. There is generally one large nutritious canal in a long bone, situate toward its middle. Hia'tus. xV foramen or aperture. Mouth. The vulva. Also yawning. Histol'ogy is the branch of anatomy which treats of the minute structure of the tissues of which living beings are composed. It is divided into ' human histology,' which treats of the tis- sues of man ; ' comparative histology,' which treats of the tis- sues of the lowor animals, and ' vegetable histology,' which treats of the tissues of plants. Each of these divisions may be subdivided into 'normal' and 'pathological' histology, the first referring to the healthy tissues, the second investi- gating the changes they undergo in disease. J. J. Vioodicard. Hoove. A disease in cattle, consisting in the excessive inflation of the stomach by gas, ordinarily caused by eating too much green food. Gardner. Hyper' TROPnY. The state of a part in which the nutrition is performed with greater activity, and which on that account at length acquires unusual bulk. The part thus aflected is said to be hypertrophied or hypertrophous. I. Infiltr ACTION. To filter; effusion. The accumulation of a fluid in the areolae of a texture, and particularly in (he areo- lar membrane. The fluid eff'used is ordinarily the 'liquor sanguinis,' sound or altered ; sometimes blood or pus, faeces or urine. When infiltration of a serous fluid is general, it constitutes 'anasarca' (droj)sy) ; when local, ' oedema.' Intersti'tial. Applied to that which occurs in the interstices of an organ, as interstitial absorption, interstitial pregnancy, &t;. (See ' Suppuration.') Intra-uterine. {lutri, 'within.,' uterus, 'the womb.') That which takes place within the womb, as intra-uterine life. 11 24,2 VOCABULARY. Iris. So called from its resembling the rainbow in a variety of colors. A membrane, stretclied vertically at the anterior part of the eye, in the midst of the aqueous humor, in which it forms a iiini of circular, flat partition, separating the an- terior from the posterior chamber. It is perforated by a cir- cular opening called the pupil, which is constantly varying its dimensions, ovv^ing to the contractions of the fibers of the iris. Isodac'tyle. Hoofed quadrupeds with toes in even number, as two or four, and which have a more or less complicated stomach, with a moderate-sized, simple caecum. Examples: Ox, hog, peccary, hippopotamus. 11. Owen. Li. Lach'hymal. Belonging to the tears. This epithet is given to various parts. Lacuna of Bone. Certain dark, stellate spots, with thread- like lines radiating from them, seen under a high magnifying power. These were first believed to be solid (jEseous cor- puscles or cells (corpuscles of Purkinje), but are now re- garded as excavations in the bone, with minute tubes or canalic'uli proceeding from them and commmiicating with the Haversian canals. The lacunse and canaliculi are fibers concentrated in the transit of nutrient fluid through the osse- ous tissue. Lam'iNA. a thin, flat part of a bone ; a plate or table, as the cribriform lamina or plate of the ethmoid bone. Lamina and lamella are generally used synonymously, although the latter is properly a diminutive of the former. Lesio T. Derangement, djsorder; any morbid change, either in the exercise of functions or in the texture of organs. ' Or- ganic legion ' is synonymous with organic disease. Lipo'ma. a fatty tmnor of an encysted or other character. LiPOiNi^ATOUS. Having the nature of lipoma, as a lipomatous ra ass. LiQTjOU Sang'uinis. a term given by Dr. B. Babington to one of the constituents of the blood, the other being the red par- ticles. It is the eft\rsed material (called yd^sma, coagulable or plastic lymph, intercellular fluid, &c.), from which the cells obtain the constituents of the different tissues and secretions. VOCABULARY. 243 M. Malar. Beloncrlng to tlic clisek, as tlie malar bone. Malar Process. Z/goniatic process. (Cheek bone process.) Masseter, a muscle situate at tlio posterior part of the cheek, and lying upon the ramus ot the lower jawbone. Its office is to raise the lower jaw and to act in mastication. Mas'todon. An extinct genus of quadru[>eds. When alive it must have been twelve or thirteen feet high, and, iucluding the tusks, a'oout twenty-five feet long. The tusks measui-e ten feet eleven inches, about two and a Imlf feet being im- planted in the socket. According to Owen, the teeth are seven on each side, above and below. The molars have wedge-shaped, transverse ridges, the summits of which are divided hj a depression lengthwise with the tooth, and sub- divided into cones, more or less resembling the teats of a cow. In some species there are from three to five ridges to each posterior molar; in other species five or more. 0. 0. Marsh. (The mastod )u takes its name from the mastoid or nipple- like processes of its teeth.) Mastoid. Having the form of a nipple. Max'illary. Relating or belonging to the jaws. Mea'tus. A passage or canal. Median Line. A vertical line, suppdSed to divide a body lon- gitudinally into two equal j)arts, the one light, the other left. Med'ullary. Relating to the marrow, or analogous to marrow. MEaATHE'RiU-M. An extinct, genus of Quaternary mammals. 'Megatherium Cuvieri,' from South America, exceeded the rhinoceros in size, its skeleton measuring eighteen feet in length. The vertebrae of the tail are very large and |x>wer. fnl, and that organ, with tlie lund-legs, seems to have formed a support for the heavy body, while X\v^ liiige fore-legs were employed in breaking the branches from trees or tearing tliem down for food. There are four toes in front and two behind. The teeth, five above and four below on each side, resemble those of the sloths. They grew from persistent pulp", nnl are deeply implantc 1 in the jaws; they have a grinding sarfacL^ of triangular ridges, and were fitted for mas- ticating coarse vegetable food. 0. C. Marsh. Membrank a name given to diffbi-ent thin organs, represent- 244 VOCABULARY. ing" a S]3ecies of supple and more or less elastic webs, varying in tlieir structure and vital properties, and intended, in gen- eral, to absorb or secrete certain linids, and to separate, en- velop, and form other organs. Bicliat has divided the mem- branes into siniple and compound. Membra'na Nic'titans. The ' haw ' of the horse's eje. It is a triangular-shaped cartilage, concealed within the inner cor- ner of the eye, and is black or pied. It is used by the horse, in lieu of hands, to wipe away dust, insects, &c. The eye of the horse has strong mnscle& attached to it, and one, peculiar to quadrupeds, by the aid of which the eye may be drawn back out of the reach of danger. When this muscle acts, the haw, which is guided by the eyelids, shoots across the eye with the rapidity of lightning, and thus carries off the offending matter. Its return is eqmilly rapid, Youatt. (Prof. Youatt denounces the practice of cutting out tlie haw as barbarous, that is, in ordinary cases of inflammation. Ho says that if farriers and grooms were compelled to walk for miles in the dust without being permitted to wipe or cleanse their eyes, they would feel the torture to which they often subject the horse.) Mi'ocEiME. Literally, less recent. In geology, a term applied to the middle division of the tertiary strata, containing fewer shells of recent species than the Pliocene, but more than the Eocene. Lydl. The Miocene is apparently the culminating age of the mammalia, so far as physical development is concerned, which accords with its remarkably genial climate and exu- berant vegetation. In Europe the beds of this age present for the first time examples of the monkeys. Among carniv- orous animals, we have cat-like creatures, one of which is dis- tinguished from all modern animals of its group hy the long-, saber-shaped canines of its upper jaw, fitting it to pull down and destroy those large i^achyderms which could have easily shaken off a lion or a tiger. Here also we have the elephants, the mastodon, a great, coarsely -built, hog-like elephant, ^ome species of which had tusks both in the upper and lower jaw ; the rhinoceros, the hippopotamus, and the horse, all of extinct species. J. W. Bairson. MORPnOLOG'iCAL.. That which has relation to the anatomical VOCABULARY. 245 conformation of parts. Applied at times to tlie alterations in tlie ' for;n ' of the several parts of the embryo, in contra- distiuctioa to ' histological,' which is applied to the transfor- mation by which the tismes are gradually generated. In comparativa anatomy it is applicvl to the history of the modi- fications of forms which the same organ undurofocs in differ- ent animals. MoKPnOL'OGiY is that brancli of zoology, in its widest sense, which treats of the general form (not outline) and organiza- tion of animals, and the principles involved, as well as the correspondence in the various forms of tlie several members and parts, so far as tliey are comparable in any structural characters, but entirely independent of the uses of the parts and organs. It tlius contrasts with animal physiology, "which treats of tlie organization in whol;;, so far as respects adapta- tion to surroundings, as ^vell as the various parts and organs, so far as their uses and functions are concerned. To discover the unity of organization in divers3 forms of the animal king- dom, and the essential similarity in their mode of evolution, are the principal problems within the province of morphol- ogy. Theodore Gill. Mucous. An epithet for all bodies containing mucilage or mu- cus. It is also sometimes used synonymously with gummy. Mucus. A substance analogous to vegetable mucilage, from which, however, it differs by affording subcarbonate of am- monia on distillation. Mucus exudes through the skin, in a state of combination with a peculiar oily matter, and, drying, forms the epidermis. It constitutes, in part, the different epidcrnieous productions, as the hair, nails, wool, and horns of animals, feathers of birds, and scales of fish. It is found at the surface of the mucous membranes, and presents some difference in its composition and properties, according to the peculiar membrane from which it is obtained. Mucus pre- serves the membranes moist, and in a state best fitted for tho performance of their functions. Mu?x-DEEii. A small, hornless deer of Central Asia, inhabiting lofty mountain ranges. It is a timid, active creature of nocturnal habits, and is much hunted for its yield of musk, whicii is obtained from a sac beneath the abdomen, on tho male alone. The flesh is estesmed, though that of tho malo 245 VOCABULAEY. is very rank and somewhat musky. It ranges from Siberia to Tonquin. Johnson's N. IT. Oyc. MCNTJAC, of India, Java, &c. , a small doer, but little over two feet high. The males have small horns ; the females are hornless. Their flesh is excellent. The Chinese muntjac, like the preceding, is often half domesticated, and is some- times bred in European parks. Johnsons N. U. Gyc. Myi/odo^si. An extinct edentate animal, allied to the megathe- riam. Lyell. Nar'whal, or Sea-Untcorn. It is most nearly related to the Vv'hite whale. Belonging to an order in which many of the members never develop teeth at all, it, of all animals, is sup- plied with a tooth altogether out of proportion to its size, and it is, moreover, developed in utter contravention of the rules of bi lateral symmetry, v/hich in e"^ery known case among vertebrates govern the production of the teeth. In both sexes the lower jaw is edentulous. The male, however, is provided, on the left side of the upper jaw, wiih a tusk from eight to ten feet long. It is straight, spirally gi'ooved ex- ternally, and hollowed within into a persistent pulp-cavity. On the right side the corresponding tooth generally remains hi'Jden, smooth, and solid, within the jaw. In addition to these, there are two small rudimentary molars concealed in the upper jaw. The narwhal, which is considered one of the greatest curiosities of natural history, attains to a length of fifteen feet. Its single spiracle or blow-hole is situated on the top of the liead. E. G. H. Day. Necro'sis. or death of a bone, corresponds to mortification of the soft structures, and is as distinct from caries as mortifica- tion is from ulceration. Necrosis is divided into four varie- ties, namely: 1. The scrofulous. 2. The superficial, or that which involves the outer lamellre, and presents itself in the . flat and long bones. 3. That form which destroys the in- i ternal part of a bone, and in which the outer shell is not af- fected. 4. That in wliich the whole thickness of the bono dies. W. Willianis, O. Odontal'gia. Toothache. Obontog'eny. Generation or mode of development of the teeth. VOCABULAEY. 247 ODO^s^TOG'riAPHY. A description of tlie teeth. Odon'toid. Tooth-shaped. Odontot/ithos. a sort of incrustation, of a yellowish color, which forms at the caronse of the teeth, and is called ' tartar.' It consists of 79 parts of phosphate of iime, 12i of mucus, 1 of a particular salivary matter, and 7^ of animal substance, soluble in clilorohydric acid. A species of infusoria, * dentlc- ola hominis,' has been found in it. Odontol'ogy. Au anatomical treatise of the teeth. Oral. Relating to the moutfi or to speech. Oral Epitite'liu:*.!. See 'Epithelium.' OiixiTiioiaiYN'cnus. An eflfodient (digj^inij), raonotrematoua mammal, with a horny beak resembling that of a duck, aud two merely fibrous cheek teeth on each side of both jaws, not fixed in any bone, hut only in the frwm ; with pentadactylous (iive-nngere:l) paws, webbed like the feet of a bird, and formed for swimmiupf, and with a spur in the hinder feet, emitting a poisonous liquid from a reservoir in the sole of the foot, supplied by a gland situated above the pelvis, and by the side of the spine. The animal is covered with a brown fur. It is found only in Nev»' Holland, and is sometimes called Water Mole. Bell. As the name of the order imports, the alimentary, urinary, and reproductive organs open into a common cloaca, as in birds ; mammary glands are present, secreting milk for the young, which are born blind and naked ; there are no prom- inent nipples, and the mammary openings are contained in slits in the integument ; M. Verreaus says the young, when they are able to swim, suck in the milk from the surface of the water, into which it is emitted. American Cyc. ' Duck-Bill,' the English name of the Ornithorhynchus par- adoxus, found in Van Diemen's land and Australia. In its bill-like jaws, its spurs, its monotrematous character, its non- placontal deveiojiment, and its anatomy, it appears to be a connecting link between birds and mammals. The Duck-Bill is the only animal of its genus. It is about fifteen inches long; it climbs trees with facility, and dig.s burrows, often thirty feet long, in the river bank, with one opening above and another belovv^ water. It inhabits ponds and quiet streams, swimming about with its head somewhat elevated, 218 VOCABULARY. often diving for its food, wliicli consists of insects and other small aquatic animals. JolinsorCs N. U. Gi/c. Of all the mammalia yet known, the Ornithorliynchus seems the most extraordinary in its conformation, exhibiting the perfect resemhlauce of the beak of a duck engrafted on the head of a quadruped. Dr. Shaw. Accurdini^ to Ernst H. Hae^kel, these animals " are he- coming less numerous year by year, and will soon he classed, with all their blood relations, among the extinct animals of our globe." Os. A bone ; also a mouth. Osteol'ogy. The part of anatomy which treats of bones. Osteo-sarco'ma. Disease of the bony tissue, which consists in softening of its laminae, and their transformation into a flesliy substance, analogous to that of cancer, accompanied with geaeral symptoms of cancerous alfection. The word has also often been used synonymously with 'spina ventosa.' O'v ARIES (ovum, egg). The two organs in oviparous animals in which tlie ova, the generative product of the female, are formed. They are termed by Galen ' testes muliebres,' since they are in women the analogues of the testes in men. The ovaries in adult women are situated on either side of the uteras, in the iliac fosste ; they are included in the two pel- vic duplicatures of the peritoneum, which are called the broad ligaments. Each ovary is also attached by a round, fibrous cord — the ovarian ligament — to the side of the uterus, and by a lesser fibrous cord to the fringed edge of the Fallo- pian oviduct. The ovary is an oblong, ovoid, flattened body, of a whitish color and uneven surface. It is {- to |^ an inch thick, I of an inch wide, and 1 inch to 1^- long; it weighs from 1 to 2 drachms. M Darwin Hudson, Jr. Oze'na. An affection of the pituitary membrane, which gives occasion to a disagreeable odor similar to a crushed bed-bug. P. Paleontot/ogy. The study of ancient beings. The science which treats of the evidences of organic life upon the earth during the different past geological periods of its history. These evidences consist in the remains of plants and animals imbedded or otherwise preserved in the rocky srata or upon their surfaces, and in other indications of animal existence, VOCABULARY. 249 sucli as trails, footprints, burrows, and coprolitic or otlicr organic material found in the rocks. Pythagoras, Plaio, Aristotle, and othtr ancient,?, allude to the existence of ma- rine shells at a (lis: a'lce from the sea : it was considered con- clusive evidence tliat the rocks containing tliem had formerly been submer^-ed beneath the ocean. Ain. Cyc. Papil'la. Tlie end of the nipple, or an eminence similar to a nipple. Tlie minute elevations of the surface of the skin, tongue, &c. They serve to increase the extent of surface for vascular distribution, or subserve sensitive or mechanical purposes. Some contain one or more vascular loops ; others, nervous elements. Some are surmounted by dense epithelial fila- ments, as those which give the roughness to the tongue. ^^'ebstcv. Par'asite. Parasites are plants which attach themselves to other plants, and animals which live in or on the bodies of other anini'ils, so as to subsist at their expense. The mis- tletoe is a parasitic plant, the louse a parasitic animal. Pari'etes. a name given to parts which form the inclosure or limits of different cavities of the body, as the parietcs of the cranium, chest, «Src. Parot'id. ('About the ear.') The largest of the salivary glands, seated under the ear and near the angle of the lower jaw. It secretes saliva. Pathol'ogy. The branch of medicine whose object is the knowledge of disease. It has been defined ' diseased physiol- ogy,' and * physiology of disease.' It is divided into general and special. The first considers diseases in common ; the second the particular history of each. It is subdivided into internal and external, or medical and surgical. Pelvis The part of the trunk which bounds the abdomen below. Pehiodomti'tis. Inflammation of the membrane that lines the socket of a tooth. Per'Os'teum. The periosteum is a fibrous, white, rer^isting medium, which surrounds the bones every where, except the teeth at their coronoe (crowns), and the parts of other bones that are covered with cartilage. The external surface is united, in a more or less intimate manner, to the adjoining 250 TOCABULAllY. parts by areolat tissue. Its inner surface covers tlie bones, whose depressions it accurately follows. It is united to tiio bone by sinail fibrous i^rolongations, and especially by a pro- digious quantity of vessels, which penetrate their subslance. It unites the bones to the neighboring parts, and assists in their growth, either bj'' furnishing, at its inner surface, an albuminoas exudation, wiiicli becomes cartilaginous and at length ossifies, or by supporting the vessels which penetrate them to carry tlie materials of their nutrition. Petrous. Resembling stone ; having the hardness of stone. Phlegmon, Inflammation of the areolar texture, accompanied with redness, circumscribed swelling, increased heat and pain, which, at first, is tensive and lancinating and afterward pulsatory and heavy. It is apt to terminate in suppuration. It requires the antiphlogistic (opposed to inflammation) treat- ment until suppuration seems inevitable, when the suppura- tion must be encouraged as the next favorable termination to 'resolution.' PiA Mater, The pia mater is a very delicate membrane which overs the brain immediately, penetrates into its anfractuos- ities (grooves or furrows), and envelops also the cerebellum, the sjnnal prolongation, &c. PlTU'iTART. Concerned in the secretion of mucus or phlegm. A name given to several parts. Pituitary Membrane. (Schnaiderian membrane,) The mu- cous membrane which lines the nasal fossae, and extends to the different cavities communicating with the nose. It receives the impression of odors by means of the expansion of the olfactory nerves upon it, and is the seat of smell. Plas'ma. See 'Liquor Sanguinis.' Plastic. That which forms or serves to form. Pleistocene. A term used to denote the newest tertiary de- posits. Jolimon's N. XJ. Gyc. Pli'ocene. In geology, the tenn applied to the most modern of tertiary deposits, in which most of the fossil shells are of recent species. Lyell. With regard to animal life, the Pliocene continues the con- ditions of the Miocene, but with signs of decadence. The Pliocene was terminated by the cold or Glacial period, in which a remarkable lowering of temperature occurred over VOCABULARY. 251 all the northern hemisphere, accompanied, at least in a por- tion of the time, by a very general and great subsidence, whic'i laid all the lower part of our continent under water. This terminated much of the life of the Pliocene, and re- plac3d it with boreal and arctic forms, some of them, like the great hairy Sibs.ian mammoth and the wooJly rhinoceros, fit sttcc2ssors of the gigantic Miocene fauna. J. W. Dawsoiu Pol'ypus. a name given to tumors which occur in mucous membranes especially, and which have been compared to cer- tain zoo[)hyte3. Polypi may Ibrm on every mucous mem- brane. They vary much in size, number, mode of adhesion, and intimate nature. Fibrous polypi are of a 'dense, compact t3sture and whitish color. They contain few vessels and do not degenerate into cancer. Tlic scirrhous or carcinomatous are true cancerous tumors, painful and bleeding. Pons Varolii. An eminence at the upper part of the medulla oblongata, first described by Varolius. It is formed by the union of the crura cerebri and crura cerebelli. Poste'iiior. Opposed to ' anterior,' which see. Pteii'ygoid. a name j^iven to two processes at the inferior surface of the sphenoid bone, the two laminae which form them having been compared to v/ings. Pylor'ig. That which relates to the ' pylorus.' An epithet given to different parts. Pylo'rus. a 'gate,' a 'guardian.' The lower or right orifice of the stomach is called 'pylorus' because it closes the en- trance into the intestinal canal, and is furnished with a cir- cular, flattened, fibro-niucous ring, Avliich causes the total closure of the stomach daring digestion in that organ. It is a fold of the inucous and muscular membranes of the stomach, and is the ' pyloric muscle' of soine authors. Q. Quadruma'na. (Quatuor, ' four,' and manus, ' hand.') A name employed by Blumenbach (in 1791) as an ordinal designation for the monkeys, lemurs, and related types, man ha^'ing been is dated as the representative of a peculiar order named Bimanus. The views thus expressed were for a long time pi-'i ):ninant ; but a closer study of the structure of the forma indicated by those names has convinced almost all livinjf naturalists that they were erroneously separated, and the two 252 VOCABULARY. types are now generally combined in one order named Pri- mates, under whicli head man and tlio monkeys ar6 com- bined tog-ether in one sub-order (Anthropoidea), and con- trasted with the lemurs, which constitute another sub-order (Prosimit.e). Theodore Gill. \l. Rectum. The third and last portion of the great intestine. It forms the continuation of the sigmoid flexure of the colon, occupies the posterior part of the pelvis, and extends from the sacro- vertebral articulation to the coccyx (rump or crup- per bone), before which it opens outward by the orifice called the 'anus.' ReGt'ime. Mode of living; government, administration. Reg'imen. ~ The rational and methodical use of food and of everything essential to life, both in a state of health and dis- ease. It is often restricted in its meaning to ' diet.' It is sometimes used synonymously with hygiene (health). Ru'minant. a division of animals having four stomachs, the first so situated as to receive a large quantity of vegetable matter coarsely bruised by a first mastication, which passes into the second, where it is moistened and formed into little pellets ; these the animal has the power of bringing again to the mouth, to be rechewed, after which it is swallowed into the third stomach, from which it i:)asses into the fourth, where it is finally digested. Websfe): (Several v\'ell authenticated cases of human beings who ruminated their food are on record.) S, Sarco'ma. Any species of excrescence having a fleshy consist- ence^ Schneider lAisf Membrane. See ' Pituitary membrane.' Sclerot'ic, a heavy, resisting, opaque membrane, of a pearly white color and fibrous nature, which covers nearly the pos- terior four-fiuhs of the globe of the eye, and has the form of a sphere truncated before. Sella Tur'cica. (Turkish saddle.) A depression at the upper surface of the sphenoid bone, wliich is bounded, anteriorly and posteriorly, by the clinoid processes, and lodges the pitu- itary gland. It is so called from its resemblance to a Turkish saddle. VOCABULARY. 253 Septum. A part intended to separate two cavities from each oriier, or to divide a principal cavity into several secondary cavities. Serous. Tiiin, watery. Relating to the most watery portion of auiiual liiiicis, or t.) meuibraues tliat secrete them. • SoL'iPED. An animal whose liuof is not cloven ; one of a group of animals with undivided hoofs; a soiid ungulate. Webster. The family ' Solipeda' consists of several species of horse, namely, the ass, the mule, and the quagga. Youatt. Sphenoid. Wedge-shaped. SPiiEXOin Bone. An azygous (single) bone, situate on the me- dian line, at the base of the craniimi. It articulates with all the bones of that cavity, supporting them and strengthening their union. Its form is singular, resembling a bat with its wings extended. Spina Vento'sa. See ' Osteo-sarcoma.' Styloid. (A style, a peg, a pin.) Shaped like a peg or pin. SuBMAx'iLLARY (from siih, 'under,' maxilla, 'the jaw'). That which is seated beneath the jaw. Suppuiia'tion. Formation or secretion of pus. It is a frequent termination of inflammation, and may occur in almost any of the tissues. This termination is announced by slight cliills, by remission of the pain, which, from being lancinating, be- comes heavy ; by a sense of weight in the part, and, when the collection of pus can be easily felt, by fluctuation. Wlu:u pus is thus formed in the areolar membrane, and is collected in one or more cavities, it constitutes an 'abscess.' If ii be formed from a surface exposed to tlie air, it is an ' ulcer.' and such ulcers we are in the habit of establishing artificially iu certain cases of disease. Supra. A common Latin prefix, signifying 'above.' Suture. A kind of immovable articulation, in which the bones unite by means of serrated e;lges, which are, as it were, dove- tailed into each other. The articulations of the greater part of the bones of the skull are of this kind. Sym'physis. a union of bones. The bond of such union. The aggregate of means used for retaining bones in .situ (natural situations) in the articulations. The name symphysis has, however, been more particularly appropriated to certain artic- ulations, as the ' symphysis pubis,' ' sacro-illac symphysis,' &c. 254 TOCABULAEY. T. TeleosTS (or Teleostei). The name of that sub-class of fishes which embraces the great majority of living species, and so desig-nated (by Johannes Miiller) on accomit of the ossified condition of the skeleton in all the representatives of the group. Theodore Gill. Teratol'ogt. a treatise on monsters. TEa'TiARy. Third; of the third formation. In geology, a series of strata, more recent than the chalk, consisting of sandstones, clay beds, limestones, and frequently containing numerous fossils, a few of which are identical with existing species. It has been divided into Eocene, Miocene, and Pli- ocene, which see. Dana. Tinctu'r A Myrrhs. (Tincture of Myrrh.) Tonic, deohstruent (removing obstructions), antiseptic (opposed to putrefaction), and detergent. It is chiefly usad in gargles, and is applied to foul ulcers, spongy gums, &c. Tissue. By this term, in anatomy, is meant the various parts which, by their union, form the organs, and are, as it were, their anatomical elements. ' Histological anatomy ' is the anatomy of the tissues, Avhich are the seat of the investiga- tions of the pathological anatomist. The best division, in- deed, of diseases would be according to the tissues mainly implicated. Tox'ODON. A gigantic, pachydermatous quadruped, now ex- tinct, having teeth bent like a bow. Brande. Transuda'tion. (To sweat.) The passage of a fluid through the tissue of any organ, which may collect in small drops on the opposite surface, or evaporate from it. TREPmNE'. The instrument which has replaced the trepan in some countries. It consists of a simple, cylindrical saw, with a handle placed transversely, like that of a gimlet ; from the center of tlie circle described by the saw a sharp little per- forator, called the center-]>in, projects. The center-pin is capable of being removed, at the surgeon's option, by means of a key. It is used to fix the instrument until the teeth of the saw have made a groove sufficiently deep for it to work steadily. The pin must then he removed. Sometimes the pin is made to slide up and down, and to be fixed in any position, by means of a screw. VOCABULARY. 255 Tko'car. An instrument used for evacuating fluids from cavi- ties, particularly in ascites (serous fluid in the abdomen, or, more properly, dropsy of tiie peritoneum), hydrocele (watery tumors), &c. A trocar consists of a perforator, or stylet, and a canula. The canala is so adapted to the perforator that, I when the puncture is made, both enter tiie wound with facil- ity ; the perforator, being then withdrawn, the fluid escapes through the canula. Tu'beucle. a tumor in the substance of organs, from the pro- duction of new matter ; sensation null, growth sluggish. In pathological anatomy, the term is generally given to a spe- cies of degeneration which consists of an opaque matter, of a pale yellow color. This, in its crude condition, has a con- sistence analogous to that of concrete albumen. It subse- quently becomes soft and friable, and gradually acquires a consistence and appearance analogous to that of bone. Tu- bercles may be developed in diffl-rent parts of the body, but they most frequently occur in the lungs and mesentery. Punic. An envelop. A name given to different membranes which envelop organs, as the tunics or coats of the eye, stomach, bladder, &c. TuRGBs'CENCE. Superabundance of humors in a part. The term 'turgescenc3 of bile' was formerly used to denote the passage of that fluid into the stomach, and its discharge by vomiting. Tympani'tes. a flatulent distention of the belly ; tympany. (Also inflammation of the lining membrane of the middle ear.) u. Un'gulate. Shai^ed like a hoof. Having hoofs, as ungulate quadrupeds. Webster. U'VEA (from uvea, a grape). The choroid coat of the eye ; the posterior layer of the iris. U'VEOUS. Resembling a grape ; applied to the choroid coat of the eye. Y. VAs'ctJLAR. That which belongs or relates to vessels — arterial, venous, lymphatic — but generally restricted to blood-vessels only. Full of vessels. Velu-M Pala'ti. The soft palate. (Uvula.) 256 VOCABULARY. Veb'tebr^. The bones wLich form the spinal column. Tis'cus (plural, vis'cera). One of the organs contained in the great cavities of the body ; any one of the contents of the cranium, thorax, or abdomen ; in the plural, especially ap- l>lied to the contents of the abdomen, as the stomacli, intes- tines, &c. Webste7\ Vit'iieous. Of, pertaining to, or dorived from glass. The vit- reous humor of the oye is so called because it resembles melted glass. Z. Zool'ogy. That part of biology (science of life) which relates to animal life, and, as generally understood, the science which treats of the structure, classification, distribution, hab- its, and derivation of living animals. In its broadest sense, however, zoology includes the structure, relations, and his- tories of extinct as vv^ell as living forms ; but this branch of the science is generally considered by itself under the title of ' paleontology.' The derivation and life-histories of many groups of aniihals have been found written in the records of the past, and many mysteries, not only of relation but of structure, have been solved by going back to find dwarfed organs in full development and wldely-s .^pirated forms linked together. The zoology of the future will therefore include the animal life of b;3tli the past and the present. J. S. Neicberry. Zygomat'tc. That which rebates to the zygoma or cheek bone. INDEX. Alfort, Veterinary College of, 140. 142. AJleu, J. T., 198. Amt'i'icas, the, ricliness of fossil remains of, 114. Anchippus, teeth of, 96. Ancliitheriam, teeth of, 96, 111, lie. Anoplothere, t(;eth of, 65. Antelope moutana, 08. Apparatus, dental, exuberance of particular parts of, 141-3. Apsyrtus, advice of, 116. Arcades (of teeth) anomalies in form of, 140, 141. Arisi"otle, mistake of, 63. Arloing, M., resection of nerves, 2i7. Armadillo, the, 229. Astor Library, the, 4. Babtrgton, B., 242. Bac'jn, Francis, theory of, 15. Bdcer, S., report of, 181, 182. Birauni, Mr., 124. Batrachia, tlie, 229, 230. Bav, Sariyeon, discoverv of, 117. B.^il, C, disc weries of, 217, 218. Bell, a. J , 218. Bji!, Thom-is, theories of, 26, 27, 83. 81. Bcrirer-Perrlere, discoveries of, 116.117. j B.jrzelius, discoveries of, 15. "Bisiio,)iug," modus operandi, of, 211. I Black, Surgeon, experiment of, 29. Blaine, Surgeon, fracture lower jaw, 197. Blastema, the, nature and color of, 34, 35. Boar, the masked, grinders of, 10. Bojauus, discoveries of, 52. Bunliome, M., 127. Bond's Dental Medicine, extract from, 128, 129. Bouley, M. H., development of teeth, 45 ; grinders, 62 ; for- mation of enamel, 61; growth of teetli during life, 73; dis- eases of teeth, 138; diseases and dentistry of teeth, 139 to 162 ; swallowing teeth, 192, 193 ; removal of fractured iaw, 197, 198. Bourgelat, Prof, 69. Brace. Mr., 99. Bioadhoad. G. C, account of f-'ssil tooth, 112, 113. Broderip, Mr., a whale's tooth, 79. Burns, John, 239. CAcnALOT, the, 79. Calcigerous, origin and use of Avord, 18. Cattle, teething period of, 91, 93. Camel, the, toeth of, 66. Camper, Pierre, ou temporary cauines, 52. 358 IKDEX. Canines, temporary, 51, 53. Calculus Concretions, 193, 193, Caries, cause and symptoms of, 114 to 154 ; treatmeat oi", loO to 171 ; definition of, 281. Cartwriglit, W. A., report of, 193 ; fracture of jawbone, 196. Cattauacl), C. C, 4. Cattanacn, J. S., 4. Caucasian Races, teeth of, 09. Cement, the, 9 ; size ot tubes of, 1*5 ; use of, 17 ; mistaken for tartar, 17 ; vascularity of, 17 ; thinness of, 17 ; color of, 18 ; resemblance to bone, 23 ; germs of, 43 ; a protecting varnish, 59, 60 ; cells of, 133. Chauveau, A., harmony of teeth with general system, 11 ; de- velopment of tooth-germs, 41, 42; description of incisors, 58, 59, 00 ; growth of teeth dur- ing life, 73. Cherry, W. A., shedding teeth, 50, 51 ; judging age by shape of teeth, 204. Chevrotaln. the, 78 ; description of, 232. CLiy w^ovth, Sujg , report of, 197. Coleman, Surgeon, cUscoverv of. 116. Coluber Scaber, the, 121. Comparative Amitomy, 233. Conrad, T., discovery of, 113. Cboper Union, the, 4. Cope, Prof, on evolution, 238. Copybara, the, grinders of, 10 ; .descrii)tion of, 233. Cougliing and Teething', 02. Cox, Stephen J., 4. Cuvier, M., 16 ; note on, 66 ; bones and teeth of recent and fossil horse?, 106 ; ophthalmic ganglion, 221. Dana, Prof., geology and evo- lution, 240. ' Dandini, J. , theory of, 26. D'Arboval, teething, 87. Darwin, C. R., tushes of various animals, 77, 78, 79 ; changes in human teeth, 9;.). Dawson, J. W. , geology, 240 ; miocene period, 244 ; plio- cene period, 250. Day, E. C. 11., uarv/hal, 246. Delafond, M., theory of, 161. Denenbourg, F., report of, 123. Dental Cysts, 115 to 126. Dentinal, origin and use of word, 8. Dentinal Tubes, oiRce and color of, 22, 23 ; their two curva- tures, 23 ; the puip, 33, 34 ; dichotomously branched, 131, 1;J3 ; daameter of, 132 ; length of curves, 133. Dentine, the, 8, 14. Dentine Germ, 43, 59. Dentition Fever, 93. Dentition, permanent, 53 to 74. Dentition, tem]>orary, 47 to 52. Dentition, third, cases of, 128. Dinoceras mirabilis, horns and canine teeth of, 236. Draper, John.W,, 4. Dugong, the, 79 ; description of, Duuglison, E., development of teeth, 45; diseases of teeth, 137 ; vocabulary, 227 to 256. Edinbuegh Veterinat^y Col- lege, report of, 170, 180. Editor Veterinarian, comments of, 184 ; report of, 201, 202. Elasmothere, the, enamel fes- toons of molars of, 107 ; con- necting link between horse and rliinocerds, 107. Elephant, grinders of, 10. Embryology, 80 to 82. Enamel, the, 10; tubes of, 18, 1-,) ; color of, 19 ; membranous si 1 cat] IS of, 59 ; plications of, 106. Enamel- Fibers, direction of, 20 ; curves of, 20 ; form and size of, 20 ; diameter of, 134. INDEX. 259 Enterprise, the, 193. jGrouille, Mage, 116. Eocene (period) fossils of, 23f>. jGuanaco, the, 78 ; description Evolution, doctrine of, 7'7 to 79 : of, ■340. 237, 238. Gubernaculum Dcntis, the, 43. Exostoses, 17, IIG. Gurlt, Sarg., discovery of, 117. Faenkel, discoveries of, 15. j Foiraeld, R G., 4. ' Falconer, Dr., 77. i Fakonio, Sur., discovery of, 118. Ferpjuson, P. B., development of teeth, 40 ; pTiuders, G2 ;' the formation of enamel, 64 ; growth of teeth during life, 73 ; diseases of teeth, 138 ; dis- eases and dentistry of teeth, 139 to 162 ; swallowing teeth, 192, 193. Fetus within a Fetus, 119. Fleming, G., dental cysts, 115 to 119 ; fractured jaw, 195, 106. Foithomme, M., temporary ca- nines, 52. Fossil Tooth, a diseased, 173. Fracture! Jaws, 194 to 202. Frederick, M. M., 193. Gamgee, J , report of, 120-3. Garengeot, M , 156. General!, Prof., 116. Geology, definition of, 240. Gill, T., nature of "teeth, 12 ; dental formula f u' horse, 101 ; morphology, 245 ; quadruma- na, 251, 252 ; teleosts, 254. Girard, M., teeth and age, 206, 207. Gloag, Surgeon, 182. Gom pilosis, 73. Goodsir, Prof, 125. Goubaux, Sur., discovery of, 117. Gowjng, T. W., diseases of teeth, 171, 173. Grice, C. C, report of, 123, 124. Grinders, the, 54 ; tables of, 61 ; figures formed by, 61 ; con- trasts between, 61. 62; their own whetstones, 63; roots of, 68,70; shedding of, 70, 71. •Tae'^kel, E. H., embryos, 81-2. Harris, Prof., 3d dentition, 129. Hartshorne, 11., evolutias, cause of, 88 to 91. Lanzillotti-Biionsanti, Prof., on dental cysts, 114. Lecoq, Prof., canine follicles, 44 ; temporary canines, 53 ; de- scription of grinders, 69 to 71 ; do. canines, 77; remnant teeth, 100. Leeawenho^k, discoveries of, 13. Legros, C, experiments of, 37. Leidy, J., letter from, 101 ; fos- sil teeth, 113 ; mastodon, 114. Lincoln, A., 211. Lion, tiie, canine teeth of, 83. Liquor Sanguinis, the, 23, 342. Lubln, II., discovery of, 137. Lyell, Mr., 110. MvcROrs, Surgeon, experiences of, 117-18. Madder, effect of on teeth. 24. Magitot, E.,27; development of tooth-^erms, human fetus, 46. Malpighi, discoveries of, 13. Man, canine teeth of, 82, 83. Man, early progenitors of, 80-3. Marks, dimensions of, 57, 53 ; twofol.l use of, 301. Marsh, 0. C, evolution of horse. 95 t.) 93 ; no ' mark' in teeth of early forms, 293; descrip- tion of mastodon and mega- therium, 313 Mastodon, the, 100, 114, 243. May, C, report of, 178, 179. May hew, E., the cement, 17, 18 ; judging age by teetii, 307-8. Mayo, Mr., experiments of, 313. Meg-utberium, the, teeth of, 107, lo8 ; description of, 243. Melanian Kaces, teeth of, 99. Membrana Nictitans, 244. Mer > chippiiS, the, 113. Mesohippus, the, toes of, 97, 113. Miocene (period) fossils of, 344. Miohipptts, the, 113. Molars, the, 54 ; inclination of, 54. Moon -Blindness, cause of, 105. Moore, T., 35, 26. Morphology, definition of, 345. Morton, Prof., 193. Miiller, Prof., discovery of, 14-5. Muntjac-Deer, the, 77, 78 ; de- scription of, 246. Musk-Deer, the, 78 ; description of 345 Mylodon, the, 108, 346. Nakwhal, the, tushes of, 79; description of, 346, Newberry, J. S., zoology, 256. Niebuhr, opinion of, 25. Nippers, the, 47. NoLt, Dr., 113. Odontolithos, the, 17, 247. Odontonecrosis, 13b. Odontrypy, 138. Ohlinger, 0. P., discovery of, 113. Ophthalmic Nerve, the, 219-22. Oruithorhynchus, the, 80 ; de- scription of, 347. Operating, rules for, 154 to 160. Oreste, Surg., discovery of, 118. Oroliipyms, the, t 'eth of, 96, 97; to-sof, 97; size of, 97, 112. Osbiston, Supt., 193. Osteo-sarcoma, case of, 186. OvvM3n, R., dental science, 8, 10, 12, 28 ; tooth-germs, 32 to 37 breadth and thickness, 49 temporary canines, 51 ; teeth- INDEX. 2G1 in^, 53 ; description of grind- 1 ers, ()4 to GO ; teetli ot aiioplo- 1 there, Go ; do. ruminants, G5 ; ; do, tapir, G5 ; do. rhinoceros, j C7; do. megcitherium, 107 ;| reamant leo:ii, 102; fossil' hors.-'s' teeth, lOo to 109 ; 1 : microscopical appearance of horses' teeth, l;jO lo 185 ; dis- eases of teeth, 137 ; diseased fossil tooth, 173, 174; the' fifth pair of nerves, 235, 32G. Paleontology, 248. Paleothere, teeth of, 68, 111. Parnell, C, remnant teeth, 102. Parrot-Mouth, 167, 168. PatholoQiy of the Teeth, 136. Percivail, W., teething, SQ to 88 ; lampas, 88 to 90 ; dis- eases of teeth, 138, 185, 18G; ophthalmic aanglion, 221. Plasse, M., 156. Pliocene (period) fossils of, 250. Pliohippus, the, 112. Pony, o-reat suffering of a, 201. Portal, learning of, 14. Premolars, the, 53 ; inclination of, 54. Processes, alveolar, diseases of, 166, 1G7. Protolii))pus, the, 112, Pulpal Cavity, relation of, 22, Purkinje, discoveries of, 14, 16 ; corpuscles of, 9 ; cells of, 16. QuADRi MANA, the, 36, 81, 251. Quain, Jonas, fifth nerve and ophthalmic gan ^\^flffSun ■1 ^H y.ivjggg^^^^^^l