W:' GV 823 S15 03 1877 Copy 1 Act of Incorporation CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS AND SAILING REGULATIONS OF THE t. Mgustinc : jntltt |^Iitlj Jleiu J)ork SEARS & COLE, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 45 William St. and 51 & 53 Maiden Lane Gift Mrs. Julian James 1912 LC Control Number tinp96 026230 ^jct 0f |tit0t|r0ratijoti. .^ isr ^ OT TO INCORPORATE THE ST. AUGUSTINE YACHT CLUB The people of the State of Florida represented in Senate and Assembly^ do enact as follows : Section i. R. F. Armstrong, Oliver Bronson, Charles F. Crary, Daniel Edgar, Newbold Edgar, John Low, S. S. Morton, A. E. Douglas, J. H. Janeway, and such other persons as are now associated as a Yacht Club in the City of St. Augustine, or may hereafter become associ- ated with them, are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name of the "Saint-Augustine Yacht Club to be located in the City of St. Augustine/' Florida, for the purpose of the improvement of yacht building and the encouragement of yacht sailing. 4 ACT OF INCORPORATION. Sec. 2. The said Corporation shall have succession by its corporate name for the period of ninety-nine years ; may sue and be sued ; complain and defend in any Court of Law or Equity, and may have and use a Common Seal, and alter the same at pleasure. It shall also have power to make and adopt a Constitution, By-laws, Rules and Regulations, for the admission and government of its members as well as for their suspension and expulsion, for the election of its officers and defining their duties, and for the safe-keeping, management and disposition of its property and funds. It may also from time to time alter or repeal such Constitution, By-laws, Rules and Regulations. Sec 3. The Trustees of said Corporation shall consist of three regular members of the Club, whose election, length of service, powers and duties, shall be defined by the Consti- tution of said Club. Sec 4. For the transaction of the business of the Corporation, ten regular members shall constitute a quorum, and every decision of a majority of said members duly assem- bled as a board or meeting for the transaction of business shall be valid as a corporate act, unless otherwise provided in the Constitution or By-laws. Sec 5. The said Corporation may hold, purchase^ lease, transfer or assign or convey, such real and personal estate as the purposes of the Corporation may require, but the value of the real estate so held or to be held by it shall not exceed at any one time the sum often thousand dollars. ACT OF INCORPORATION. 5 Sec. 6. It shall not be competent for the said Corpora- tion to exercise any powers or privileges not expressly granted by its charter. Sec. 7. This Act shall take effect immediately. Passed the Assembly^ February 2d, iSjj. WM. FORSYTH BYNUM, Chief Clerk. Passed the Senate, February yth, i8yj, ROBERT GAMBLE, Secretary of the Senate. Approved February ijth, i8jy. GEO. F. DREW, Governor. GEO. G. McWHERTER, Speaker of the Assembly. J. L. F. COTTRELL, President of the Senate., pro tempore. I, William D. Bloxham, Secretary of State of the State of Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Act entitled an Act to incorporate The Saint Augustine Yacht Club. In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix ^^-^5^kS:^ the Great Seal of the State, done at Tallahassee, \ V -1 X ^^ Capital, this the fifteenth day of February, LL. S.J I ^ ^ ^g^^ ^^^•^^ W. D. BLOXHAM, Secretary of State, Constitution. ARTICLE I. Name and Object. The organization shall be known as the ^' Saint Augus- tine Yacht Club/' and the object of this Club shall be the improvement of Yacht building, and the encouragement of Yacht sailing. ARTICLE II. Club Membership, Sfxtion I. That the Club consist of Regular, Privileged, Honorary and Life Members. Sec 2. That Privileged and Honorary Members, while entitled to all the advantages offered by the Club, shall not cast a vote or take any part in the management of its affairs, ARTICLE III. The officers of the Club shall consist of : One Commodore, One Vice-Commodore, One Secretary and Treasurer, Who shall be ex-officio a inember of the House and Regatta Committees. CONSTITUTION. 7 One Measurer, One Fleet-surgeon, House Committee and Regatta Committee. ARTICLE IV. Election of Officers. Section i. The Annual Election of Officers, House Committee and Regatta Committee, shall take place. at the first general meeting in February of each year, and said elec- tion shall be by ballot only. Sec. 2. Each Officer shall be elected on separate ballot, and shall hold office until their successors shall be elected and shall qualify. Sec 3. Vacancies maybe filled at any general or special meeting, notice of said election having been given in accord- ance with By-laws. ARTICLE V. Duties of Commodore. Section i. It shall be the duty of the Commodore to take command of the squadron ; to preside at all meetings, and to enforce the laws and regulations rigidly. Sec 2. He may call a special meeting of the Club at his pleasure, and he shall do so at the request of five members, or of any two members of the House Committee. 6 CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE VI. Duties of Vice-Commodore. It shall be the duty of the Vice-Commodore to assist the Commodore in the discharge of his duties, and in his absence to officiate in his stead. ARTICLE VII. Duties of Secretary and IVeasurer, It shall be the duty of the Secretary and Treasurer : Section i. To keep a true record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Club, in a book provided for that purpose. Sec. 2. To keep a correct roll of all the members. Sec. 3. To keep a correct list of the name, dimensions, rig and ownership of each yacht enrolled in the Club Sec 4. To file all documents, records, proxies, reports and communications connected with the business of the Club. Sec. 5. To notify each member elect of his election, and upon his becoming a member, to furnish him with a copy of the Club-book for the year. Sec. 6. To have books printed, as provided by the By-laws. Sec. 7. To post notices of every meeting. Sec. 8. In case of inability to attend any meeting, he shall cause the necessary books and papers to be conveyed to the place of meeting. CONSTITUTION. 9 Sec. 9. To receive all moneys due the Club, and to pay all bills contracted by it; keeping a correct account of the same in a book provided for that purpose. Sec 10. To make a report at the first general meeting in each year of all his receipts and disbursements, and of the amount of money then remaining in his hands. Sec. II. To notify the Club of all members in arrears on the first day of February of each year. Sec 12. He shall be the custodian of all the funds of the Club. ARTICLE VIII. Duties of the Measiu^er. It shall be the duty of the Measurer to measure all yachts belonging to the Club, or engaging in any match-race or regatta sailed under the auspices of the Club ; to calculate their measurement, as prescribed by the By-Laws and Sailing Regulations, and to make a return of the same to the Secre- tary and Treasurer. ARTICLE IX. Duties of Fleet-surge 071, It shall be the duty of the Fleet-surgeon to look after the sanitary condition of the fleet, and to perform such other duties connected with his office as the Commodore, or other officer acting in his stead, shall direct. lO CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE X. Composition and Duties of the House Committee. Section i. The House Committee shall consist of the Flag Officers for the year, and three regular members of the Club, and shall be the Executive Committee of the same. It shall be their duty : Sec. 2. To take charge of all Club property. Sec 3. To publish, from time to time, suitable rules and regulations for the interior government of the Club. Sec 4. To engage and oversee the steward, boatswain and all servants of the Club. Sec 5. To enact and publish a tariff of charges for the Club. Sec 6. To superintend all repairs to the Club-house, Piers, Club boats, and Club property in general. Sec 7. To present a written report of all repairs, etc., at the first general meeting in February of each year. Sec 8. To make an accurate inventory of all property belonging to the Club, which said inventory shall be submit- ted at the general meeting in April, and filed by the Secretary and Treasurer. ARTICLE XI. Composition and Duties of the Regatta Co?nmittee. Section i. The Regatta Committee shall consist of three regular members of the Club, who may not be yacht owners. CONSTITUTION. II It shall be their duty : Sec. 2. To direct all matters connected with regattas and Club matches. Sec. 3. To appoint judges, from whose decision there shall be no appeal. Sec 4. To select the sailing ground and arrange the courses. Sec 5. To determine all time allowances and handicaps. Sec 6. To provide prizes. Sec 7. To present a written report of all Club Regattas and matches at the first general meeting in February of each year. ARTICLE XII. Election and Duties of Trustees. Section i. There shall be a Board of Trustees, to be composed of three regular members of the Club, who shall be elected by ballot, as provided in Article IV, to serve for three years, and in whom all the real and personal property of the Club shall be vested. Sec 2. They shall have supervision and control of all real and personal property that may belong to the Club. Sec 3. All their reports must be in writing and signed by at least two of the Board. Sec 4. Their proceedings shall be secret, result alone being reported. Sec 5. They shall make an annual report of their pro- 12 CONSTITUTION. ceedings during the year, concernmg the condition of the property of the Club, and such other matter as they may think proper, at the first general meeting in February of each year. ARTICLE XIII. Election of Members. Section i. Each candidate for admission, except for privileged membership, must be proposed and seconded in writing. The name and address of the candidate, with the names of the members proposing and seconding him, must be sent to the Secretary and Treasurer, and posted in the Club room for one week previous to being balloted for. Sec. 2. Members shall be elected by ballots only, and an election may take place at any meeting. Sec 3. Two black balls shall defeat an election. Sec. 4. Privileged and Life members shall be elected in accordance with By-laws. Sec 5. Honorary members shall be elected only by the unanimous ballot of all the members present at any general or special meeting. ARTICLE XIV. Meetings. There shall be four general meetings in each year, and ten members shall constitute a quorum for business. CONSTITUTION. I3 ARTICLE XV. Assessments. There shall be no assessments made for any purpose. ARTICLE XVI. Discipline. Section i. Any member guilty of breaking the rules or regulations, or of conduct unbecoming a gentlem:.i, or of wilfully disobeying the orders of the Commodore, or other officer acting in his stead, may, after a fair trial, of which he shall have at least one week's notice, be admonished, sus- pended, fined, expelled from the Club, or deprived of any of the privileges of the Club for a given time, by a vote of two- thirds of the members present at a general or special meeting. Sec 2. All members not in arrears to the Club shall be entitled to vote on all matters relating to the Club, sailing regulations, etc., etc. Sec. 3. Any member who shall withdraw, resign, have his name erased from the Rolls, or be expelled, shall cease to be a member of the Club, and shall forfeit, ipso facto^ all right or claim thereon, or in, or to, its property or funds. ARTICLE XVIL Amendments. Section i. This Constitution may be amended by a 14 CONSTITUTION. vote of two-thirds of the members present at any general or special meeting, but such amendments shall not be valid until approved by a two-third vote of all the members present at a subsequent general meeting. Sec 2. All proposed amendments must be kept posted in the Club room until formally acted upon. l^-%KXViS CHAPTER I. Meetings. Section i. The four general meetings required by the Constitution shall be held as follows : The first on the first Wednesday of January. The second on the first Wednesday of February. The third on the first Wednesday of March. And the fourth on the second Wednesday of April in each year. Sec. 2. In case of absence from the city of the Commo- dore and Vice-Commodore, special meetings may be called by the Secretary and Treasurer, upon a requisition of five members ; but in the notices of said special meetings the ob- ject for which they are called shall be stated, and none but such stated business and the election of members shall be in order. CHAPTER II. Notices. Section i. Notices ofall meetings shall be posted at three public places in the City of St. Augustine. l6 BY-LAWS. Sec. 2. The Club flag flying below the yacht ensign shall signify that a Club meeting will be held on that day. CHAPTER III. Order of Business, At 12 o'clock M. the Commodore, or in his absence the officer of the highest rank present, shall take the chair and call the meeting to order. The members being seated and uncovered, the Secretary shall call the roll. A quorum being present, the Order of Business shall be as follows : I. — Reading of Minutes of last meeting, which shall stand approved if not corrected. 2. — Collection of dues. 3. — Report of Treasurer. 4. — Reports of Committees. 5. — Election of officers and members. 6. — Miscellaneous business. 7. — Adjournment. CHAPTER IV. Rules of Order. Section i. Any member wishing to speak, shall arise and address the Chair. If two or more members shall claim the floor at the same time, the Chair shall decide who is en- titled to it. BY-LAWS. 17 Sec. 2. No motion maybe entertained by the Chair until seconded; and, until decided, no other motion shall be in order, except for the previous question, or to lay on the table, amend, recommit, or adjourn. Sec. 3. All motions and resolutions must be reduced to writing, if required by any member present. Sec 4. When a question is put, every member present shall vote, unless personally interested or excused by the Chair. No member may move a reconsideration of any vote unless he voted with the majority which decided the question. Sec 5. Any member may appeal to the Club from the decision of the Chair ; and, if seconded, the question shall be : '* Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained.^" Sec 6. No member may speak more than twice upon the same question, without permission of the meeting. Sec 7. When the floor is not occupied, a motion to ad- journ is always in order, and is not debatable. Sec 8. Any two members may call for the yeas and nays upon any debatable motion, and the Secretary shall call the names of the members present and enroll the vote. Sec 9. Any of the foregoing Rules of Order may be sus- pended at any meeting, by a vote of two-thirds of the mem- bers present, but such suspension shall terminate with the meeting. Sec 10. Cushing^s Manual shall be authority for the con- struction of the foregoing Rules, and to decide disputed questions of order not herein provided for. l8 BY-LAWS. CHAPTER V. Fiscal Year. Section i. The Fiscal Year of the Club shall end on the 30th day of November, and all annual financial statements of the Trustees and Secretary and Treasurer shall be made up to that date, but not be presented for final action until the first general meeting in February of each year. Sec. 2. The season for the transaction of business by the Club, shall be from the first day of December to the first day of May ensuing. CHAPTER VI. Dues. Section i. Each Regular member, on his election, shall pay the sum of fifteen dollars, dues for the current year. If said sum is not paid within ten days from the time of his election, such election shall be null and void. Sec 2. Each subsequent annual payment shall be fifteen dollars and shall become due at the first general meeting in each year, or upon the arrival of any member in St. Augustine, subsequently to said first general meeting. Sec. 3. Any member absent for one year from St. Augus- tine, shall be allowed to retain his membership by paying the sum of five dollars annually. Sec. 4. Any person introduced by a member of the Club and seconded by another member, and whose name shall BY-LAWS. 19 be entered on a book kept for that purpose, shall, at the dis- cretion of the House Committee, be entitled to all the privi- leges of the Club, except voting, for the period of two weeks and no more, on the payment of five dollars. Sec, 5. Life members shall be elected from the Regular members, on the payment of one hundred and fifty dollars in one sum, and shall be entitled to all the privileges of Regular members without the payment of any further sum, and the amounts received from such commutations shall be retained by the Secretary and Treasurer to form a reserve fund to be used in obtaining a permanent property for the Club. Sec. 6. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be exempt from all dues Sec. 7. No member shall be entitled to any of the privi- leges of the Club until his dues are paid. Sec 8. Members elected during the month of December shall not be liable to pay another subscription until the second January after such election. CHAPTER VII. Sinking Fund, Section i. The Secretary and Treasurer shall retain ten per centum of annual dues paid in, which shall be applied to the retiring of the bonds of the Club. Sec 2. The dues of all Regular and Privileged members of the Club, together with all receipts from whatever source. 20 BY-LAWS. are hereby pledged to the payment of the annual interest on the bonds of the Club. Sec. 3. The payment of interest on the bonds of the Club, and repairs to the Club property, are hereby declared a first lien upon all funds of the Club. CHAPTER VIII. Yacht Squadron. Section i. Every yacht owned, with its sails, spars and appointments, wholly and in good faith, by a member or members of the Club, may be enrolled in the yacht squadron, upon the owner filing with the Secretary and Treasurer a description thereof, containing its name, ownership, size, rig, and the name and address of its builder, if known. Unless excused by the Commodore, for good cause, he shall deposit a model thereof in the Club Room for the use of the Club. From the time of such enrollment such yachts shall be en- titled to the privileges and be subject to the regulations of the Club. Sec. 2. Any yacht while hired by a member of the Club, shall be entitled to the privileges of an enrolled yacht. Club Signals. Sec. 3. The distinguishing signal of the Club shall be a pointed burgee, its width being two-thirds of its length; the device, a white castle on a red field. BY-LAWS. 21 Pendants. Sec. 4. The Commodore, when afloat, will wear a broad pendant, with a white castle encircled by thirteen five-pointed stars in white, on a blue field. The Vice-Commodore will wear a broad pendant, with a similar device on a red field. The Acting-Commodore, under Chapter VII, will wear abroad pendant, red field, without device. Signals. Sec. 5. Each enrolled yacht is required to have a distinguishing signal-flag which must be recorded with the Secretary and Treasurer, also the Club signal; but if lent to any person, not a member of the Club, she may not carry its flag or signal. Sec 6. The Commodore shall adopt and publish to the Club a code of signals for command of the squadron. Cruises. Sec 7. At least once in each season there shall be a cruise of the squadron, in which all the yachts shall be present, unless excused by the Commodore. The time and place thereof shall be decided by a majority of yachts represented by their owners, at any meeting of the Club. Regattas and Races. Sec 8. In each season there shall be one or more regat- tas and races given by the Club. 22 BY-LAWS. Yachting Season, Sec. 9. The yachting season for all matches and races shall be limited to the period between the first of January and the first of May of each year. CHAPTER IX. Senior Officers. In the event of the absence of the Commodore and Vice- Commodore, the oldest member of the Club present shall be considered the senior officer and acting Commodore. In case of resignation and re-election, the date of mem- bership commenced from time of re-election. Each member to be assigned a number in conformity thereto. CHAPTER X. Uniform. A uniform and dress shall be adopted by the Club and worn by the members of the Club at their pleasure. CHAPTER XI. Club Books, There shall be printed, under the direction of the Secre- tary and Treasurer, books for the use of each member, con- taining the Constitution, By-Laws and Sailing Regulations of the Club. BY-LAWS. 23 CHAPTER XII. Seal, The Corporate Seal of the Club shall be circular, with an inch radius. In the centre shall be the figure of Fort San Marco; underneath '''Incorporated iSj^'' Above, "'Or- gamzed 1874^'' and in the rim above, the name, ''St. Augustine Yacht Club^'' and in the rim underneath, the motto of the Club, '' Fiel y Firmed CHAPTER XIII. Amendments. Section i. These By-Laws may not be amended or altered except by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a special meeting called for that purpose. Sec. 2. None of these By-Laws, excepting those in Chapter IV, may be suspended, and such suspension must expire with the meeting in which it is ordered. ^ailxtxg g^jegwlatous. RULE I. Club Matches, That all Club matches, and all yachts sailing therein, be under the direction of the Regatta Committee. RULE II. Distinguish ing Numbers . That every yacht sailing in a match shall wear on her mainsail, in the most conspicuous place, her number painted in black letters, eight inches in length, unless excused by the Regatta Committee. RULE III. Cruising. That whenever the Commodore, or Flag Officer in com- mand, shall direct, the yachts shall assemble for the purpose of cruising under orders, and at least once in every season there shall be a cruise of the squadron. SAILING REGULATIONS. 25 RULE IV. Entry of Yachts, That all yachts be entered with the Secretary at least one day previous to the date fixed for each match, and that when making such entries, lots be drawn for stations. No. i taking the westward station, and the other yachts following in numerical order. RULE V. Sails, That in all matches of the Club there be no restrictions as to character or quantity of sails. RULE VI. Ownership, There shall be in a race at least two contesting yachts of separate and distinct ownership. RULE VII. Ruling of Regatta Committee. The Regatta Committee shall have full power to decide all questions that may arise in the sailing of the Regatta, and also to exclude all yachts which, by their decision, have violated any rule of the Club. There shall be no appeal from the decision of this Committee. 26 SAILING REGULATIONS. RULE VIII. That each yacht must bring back the same persons with which it started. RULE IX. Anchoring. Yachts may anchor during a race without their forfeiting their claim to a prize, but must weigh anchors before restarting. RULE X. Sounding, Nothing but a hand lead and line to be used in sounding during a Regatta. RULE XI. Means of Propulsion. That no other means of propulsion than sails be allowed, and that no oars or sweeps be allowed under any circumstances. RULE XII. Touching Buoys^ etc. A yacht touching any mark, boat or buoy, used to mark out the course, shall forfeit all claim to the prize, unless as in case specified in Rule No. XV. SAILING REGULATIONS. 27 RULE XIII. Courses, Yachts on the port tack must invariably give way to those on the starboard tack ; and in all cases where a doubt of the possibility of the yacht on the port tack weathering the one on the starboard tack shall exist, the yacht on the port tack shall give way; or if the other yacht keep her course and run into her, the owner of the yacht on the port tack not complying with this rule, shall be compelled to pay- all the damages that may occur, and forfeit his claim to the prize. RULE XIV. Courses, Any yacht bearing away or altering her course to leeward^ and thereby compelling another yacht to bear away to avoid a collision, shall forfeit all claim to the prize, and pay all damages that may ensue, unless when two yachts are ap- proaching the windward shore, a buoy or stakebpat together, with a free wind, and so close to each other that the weather- most cannot bear away clear of the leewardmost, and by standing further on would be in danger of running on shore, or touching a buoy or stakeboat, then such leewardmost yacht, on being requested to bear away is immediately to comply, and will forfeit all claim to the prize for not doing so. The weathermost yacht must, however, bear away as 28 SAILING REGULATIONS. soon as the one she hails if she can do so without coming into contact. RULE XV. Rounding Buoys. When rounding a mark, boat or buoy, the yacht nearest thereto is to be considered the headmost yacht ; and should any other yacht in the race compel the yacht which is nearest to any mark, boat or buoy, to touch said mark, boat or buoy, the yacht so compelling her shall forfeit all claim to the prize, her owner shall pay for all damages that may occur, and the yacht so compelled to touch a mark, boat or buoy, shall not suffer any penalty for such contact. . RULE XVI. Courses, Section i. Yachts going free must invariably give way for those by the wind on either tack, whether engaged in the same or different races. Sec. 2. That, in running before the wind, on which ever side the leading yacht carries her mainboom is to be consid- ered the leeside. RULE XVII. Courses. When two yachts (by the wind) are approaching the shore, a buoy or stake boat together, and so close to each SAILING REGULATIONS. 29 other that the leewardmost cannot tack clear of the weather- most, and by standing further on would be in danger of running on shore, or touching a buoy or stake boat, such weathermost yacht, on being requested to put about, is immediately to comply, and will forfeit all claim to a prize for not doing so. The leewardmost yacht must, however, tack at the same time as the one she hails, if she can do so without coming into contact. RULE XVIII. Sfxtion I. That a yacht sailing in a match be com- manded by the owner, or some other member of the Club only, who shall be held responsible for the fair sailing of the vessel. Sec. 2. That on sailing or race days, besides the paid hands, only members of the Club, and of other recognized Yacht Clubs, be allowed on board of any yacht. RULE XIX. That springs be allowed on the same bridle or anchor chain, as the bowfasts, but not to be carried to a buoy, pier, other vessel or fixed object. RULE XX. That yachts must not take hold of any buoy, pier, other vessel or fixed object during a race. 30 SAILING REGULATIONS. RULE XXI. That in any of the Club matches, should one yacht wilfully foul another sailing in the same match, the member in command of such yacht so fouling, shall be liable to ex- pulsion after a fair trial under Art. XV of the Constitution/ RULE XX II. During a regatta, or race, under the auspices of the Club, all yachts not entered must invariably give way to those sailing in such regatta or race, without regard to the previous rules. Disobedience of this rule will be prosecuted under Article XV of the Constitution. RULE XX III. That in case of bad, thick, or calm weather, the Regatta Committee shall have power to postpone. RULE XXIV. Protests. Protests against any yacht or yachts sailing in the same or a different race must be made to the Regatta Committee, in writing, within one hour after the arrival of the protesting yacht. RULE XXV. Measurement, The rule for measurement of yachts of this Club shall SAILING REGULATIONS. 3 1 be as follows, viz. : iVdd the extreme length over all and on the keel together, and divide the sum so obtained by two. RULE XXVI. Calculating Time Allowance. For open yachts the allowance shall be one minute to the foot, for each foot of difference in mean length, for a course of ten miles. RULE XXVII. Yachts may be divided into classes as the Regatta Com- mittee shall deem best. RULE XXIX. These Sailing Regulations may be amended at any general or special meeting called for that purpose, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Itrnform and gtjess. BUTTONS The Club Button shall be milled gilt, of three sizes — large, medium, and small — bearing, as a raised devise, a Castle with the monogram of the Club on the same in basso relievo — the whole surrounded by a cable. CO A TS. Full Dress. — Frock coat of Navy blue cloth, with two rows of large size Club buttons on the breast, seven in each row. There shall be two large buttons on each skirt, behind, at the top, and three inches from the lower edge of the same. Undress. — Sack coat of blue flannel, either double breasted, with two rows of medium size Club buttons, four in each row ; or single breasted, with a row of four medium size Club buttons i.n front. PA NTALOON S. Full Dress. — Of Navy blue or white drill. Undress. — Of blue flannel. UNIFORM AND DRESS. 33 VESTS. Full Dress. — Of white drill or of Navy blue cloth, single breasted, with not more than nine nor less than six small size Club buttons in front. Undress. — The same as Full Dress. NECKERCHIEFS, Full and Undress. — Of black silk. CAPS AND HA TS. Caps. — Of Navy blue cloth, three inches in height, and the top not more than one-half of an inch greater diameter than the base. The visor to be of the crescent shape and not over one and seven-eighths inches at the widest part. Straw Hats. — May be worn in undress, with a plain band of black ribbon. CAP ORNAMENTS. A Castle one and a half inches in length, embroidered in silver with two gilt fouled anchors crossed on the same. 34 UNIFORM AND DRESS. DESIGNATIO N OF RANK. The designation of rank shall be worn on the sleeve as follows : By the Commodore. — Four stripes of gold lace, one-half of an inch in width — the first to be placed two inches from the border of the sleeve, and the others at intervals of one-quarter of an inch. By the Vice-Commodore. — Three stripes arranged in like manner. By the Secretary and Treasurer. — By the Measurer. — By the Fleet-Surgeon. — Two stripes arranged in like manner. By the Members. — One stripe arranged in like manner. By the House Committee. — By the Regatta Committee. — Two stripes arranged in like manner, with a silver em- broidered castle in front, and one-quarter of an inch above the upper stripe. ^nifap Ux ^hiim %&^Ux$, ^i^tu mi Cmtr. Sailing Masters. — For Sailing Masters the dress shall be a single breasted sack coat of blue cloth or flannel, with medium size Club buttons. Vesf — Of same material with six Club buttons, small size. They shall wear upon the right sleeve, in front and above the elbow, a silver embroidered castle two and one-half inches in length. Trousers — Same material as coat. Cap — Of Navy blue cloth, without ornament. Neckerchief — Of black silk. Mates. — Same as for Sailing Masters, but castle to be embroidered in white silk. Crew. — Shirts of blue flannel with wide Navy collar, in each corner of which shall be embroidered in white silk, a castle. Trousers — Of same material as shirt. Necker- chief — Of black silk. C^;^— Round wheel cap of Navy blue cloth with name of yacht on black ribbon in front. Straw Hats, — Same as for members, with name of yacht on black ribbon in front. t\ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 953 793 3