V N ^ vV x ^. - >> 6 ' **L> Absolutely first-class goods. Warranted to be superior in material and workman- ship. And fully guaranteed by us. With prices lower than any offered heretofore. Remember that our only. store is now located at No. 10 COLONIAL ARCADE, Formerly of Bond St. If You arc Afflicted with Hernia or Rupture, Here is a Standing Offer. We hereby agree to make any person a present of $5.00 in cash who can produce a reducible Hernia or Rupture we can not hold with a comfortable truss. WRITE FOR DIAGRAMS AND LOW PRICES. Surgical Appliance & Truss Co., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Trusses, Artificial Limbs, Crutches, Elastic Stockings, Abdominal Supports, Suspensories, Braces of all kinds, Surgical Instruments* TEL. MAIN 1S60, C S. WALSH, TEL. HOME 873. REMEMBER NEW LOCATION, NO. JO COLONIAL ARCADE. Doctors... ~> You can perform an OPERATION at # # # NIGHT just as successfully as by day if you use «£* J& «£* *£ & & <£ ACETYLENE GAS. For Lighting your Office and Operating Room. && Just what you have been looking for. The flame is PURE and WHITE and does NOT FLICKER. TWENTY times more brilliant than city gas. Write for catalogue and testimonial letters from Doctors who are using it. NATIONAL ACETYLENE GAS CO. 909-910 New England BIdg. Tel. Main 1695. CLEVELAND, O. PERFECTION IN PURITY.... Ciams Springs ttlater Parts per Grains per Million. U. S. Gal. Sodium Chloride (Na CI) 7.59 0.440 Sodium Silicate (Na 2 Si O 3) 8.59 0.498 Potassium Silicate ( K 2 Si O 3) 18.41 1.068 Potassium Nitrate ( K N O 3) 5.05 0.293 Potassium Sulphate ( K 2 S O 4) 4.35 0.252 Magnesium Sulphate (Mg S O 4) 10.45 0.606 Aluminum Sulphate (Al 2 (S O 4) 3) ... 3.55 0.194 Ferrous Sulphate (Fe S O 4) 0.42 0.024 Calcium Sulphate ( Ca S O 4) 20.59 1.200 Calcium Oxide as Bicarbonate (Ca O) . . . 77.79 4.512 Lithium Chloride (Li CI) Trace Trace The water contains also dissolved gases, expressed as volume per cent., as follows : Carbonic Acid Gas 0.330 Oxygen 0.358 Nitrogen 0.692 CLARUS SPRINGS WATER T^, is unsurpassed as a table water 1 has valuable alterative and tonic properties ♦ ♦♦ ■ * is of great value in sickness and convalescence THE PRICE IS WITHIN REACH OP ALL. One case of 12 one-half gallon bottles for $1.60 per case. We allow for empty bottles and case $1.00, making the water cost only 60c for 6 gallons of absolutely pure water. DRINK PURE WATER. IV s a long step towards Good Health. WH MAKE THE FINEST... giants ginger flle and Carbonated Water A ^ Trom Pnre Clams Springs mater , TO TRY IT IS TO USE NO OTHER. SEND ALL ORDERS TO THE CLARUS SPRINGS CO., 330 PERMANENT BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO. BELL TELEPHONE MAIN 2999. HOME TELEPHONE 107. Central Chemical Company MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. Tel. East 329. 795 Central Ave. CLEVELAND, OHIO, U. S. A. Haake's Eucalyptus Tooth Paste. For cleansing and purifying the teeth and gums. Put up in a handsome counter display package in collapsi- ble tubes. It is the perfection tooth paste on the market. Contains no acid, highly perfumed. Recommended by dentists throughout the United States and by American Journal of Health, Vol. 28, No. 16. SAMPLES UPON APPLICATION. out Risk Sending your Kntoe* Away* ^J'JJV ^» V« V Our clientage numbers several hospitals and many leading surgeons of the city* We are doing their work promptly, reasonably and satisfactorily — and can do the same for you* Ole Ittafte a Specialty of Sharpening THE MOST DELICATE INSTRUMENTS We beg to refer you to F. E. BUNTS, M. D. C A. HAMANN, M. D. A. F. HOUSE, M. D, R. J. WENNER, M. D. G. W. CRILE, M. D. J. L. HESS, M. D. W. E. LOWER, M. D, N. STONE SCOTT, M. D. ♦..Drop us a postal and our man will call. HOME 'PHONE No. 484_ CITY GRINDING CO. 268 Eric Street, CLEVELAND, - OHIO. 5 Cleveland Bomoeopatbic hospital (HURON STREET HOSPITAL) 66 Huron Street, CLEVELAND, O. Tels. Main 677 and Home 763. A General Hospital for the reception of Medical and Sur- gical Cases. Contagious cases not admitted. Accident cases admitted at all times. Worthy poor residents of Cleveland, not incurable or con- tagious, unable to pay anything, are admitted free in the gen eral wards. Physicians from any school can treat their patients in wards or rooms, providing the patient pays the required amount of board. OFFICERS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Hon. M. A. Hanna, Pres't. Hon. Myron T. Herrick, 2d Vice-Pres't Luther Allen, 1st Vice-Pres't. Dr. Harlan Pomeroy, Sec'y. Wm. H. Webber, Treas. For Terms, etc., Apply to W. H. WEBBER, Supt. 6 Medical and Dental Red Book. . . . . A REGISTER OF ALL THE PHYSICIANS, SUR- GEONS, DENTISTS, DRUGGISTS, NURSES, etc., of CLEVELAND AND VICINITY, TOGETHER WITH A DIGEST OF THE STATE LAWS, AND THE 6ITY LAWS PERTAIN- ING TO THESE PROFESSIONS AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS MATTER. COMPILED BY Louis J. Livingston. Published by The Helman-Taylor Co. Cleveland. 1899. Pby$fcian$ y Supply Company, 226 ERIE STREET, COR. SUPERIOR, ELLINGTON BLOCK. * ♦ TELEPHONES MAIN 986 AND 104S. Che name of Euyties on a remedy is a guarantee of Purity, Accuracy ami ijiflb Quality* f GENERAL AGENCY fifth Euyties homoeopathic Pharmacy Co. # ST. LOUIS, MO. w # CONTENTS. PAGES Abbreviations 114 to 117 Addenda 369 to 371 Advertisements .. ..1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, r 10, 77, 78, 123, 124, 169, 170, 182, 201, 202, 228, 232, 235, 237, 239, 300, 301, 302, 326, 338, 358, 372 Akron Classified Directory 307 to 316 Hospitals, Officials, Societies, Etc 304 to 306 Street Directory : 318 to 325 Canton Classified Directory 331 to 338 Hospitals, Officials, Societies, Etc 328 to 330 Street Directory 340 to 344 Cleveland Benevolent Institutions 50 to 53 Buildings, Blocks, Institutions, Etc 118 to 121 Cemeteries 47 and 122 City Infirmary 47 and 79 City Officials 42 to 48 Colleges and Schools 54 to 70 Dentists and Dental Parlors 172 to 180 Detention Hospital 47 - Dispensaries 71 to 76 District Physicians ... 42 Druggists and Pharmacists 184 to 200 Health Officer.. . ;•. ; 42 to 46 Hospitals 79 to 91 Libraries, Museums, Etc 92 Massage 226-227 Medical Publications 93 Mid wives 230-231 Miscellaneous Business., 234 to 240 Nurses 204 to 224 Physicians and Surgeons 126 to 162 Sanitariums • 95 Societies 96 to 111 Street Directory 242 to 299 Training Schools 112-113 Codes of Ethics American Dental Association 32-33 American Institute of Homoeopathy 30 American Medical Association 25 to 30 National Eclectic Medical Association. 31 Colleges and Schools (Abbreviations) 115 to 117 Compiler's Preface 12 Coroner, Cuyahoga County 41 Cuyahoga County Officials 41 Fee Bills Dental 1S1 Medical and Surgical. 163 to 16S Foreword 9 Officials— Medical, Hygienic, Etc 35 to 48 State Boards 36 to 40 State Laws Dental 17-18 Medical 18 to 16 Pharmaceutical 18 to 83 Title Page 1 Town and Country 846 I o Ml COMPILER'S PREFACE. The Compiler herewith presents to the Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical and kindred professions of Cleveland and Vicinity the result of over eight months' persistent, conscientious and harassing labor, in the hope that he has accomplished what he started out to do — the compilation of one of the most comprehensive and useful books of its kind ever published. Al- though, in so doing, he has sacrificed time and recreation and profit, he will consider himself repaid if he receives the commendation of the pro- fessions interested. The Compiler also desires to return his thanks to the members of the pro fessions, and others, who have rendered him valuable assistance, not the least among whom is Mr. Geo. W. Johnston, who was placed in charge of the typographical part of the work. With the exception of the changes resulting from the recent elections, the data has been revised up to the first of April, and in the arrangement the alphabetical order is followed throughout, as far as possible, both as to general and sub-departments and as to individual entries. The latter are as full as the information obtained permitted, every person's informa- tion being entered in full, regardless of patronage. The only real "break" in the alphabetical arrangement occurs in the Cleveland Street Directory in the failure to properly place after East Madison av the following streets, inserted at the end of the "E" streets: East Prospect, EdgehiU rd, Edgewood pi, Edwards av and Eldridge av. All Changes, Errors, Additions, etc., will be found in the Addenda, Pages It may be well to add, in conclusion, that the true Directory is sui generis, having its own field of usefulness, as well as its limitations. It is neither a homily on morals nor a disquisition on etiquette, professional or otherwise. It is truly and essentially democratic. In its columns no dis- tinction of race, nationality, religion, previous condition, etc., is made. Side by side appear the names and data of prince and pauper, Dives and Lazarus, saint and sinner ! The true Directory man knows neither preju- dice against nor favoritism for any person or institution. He is the incarnation of Justice, and, with the impartiality of the ideal jurist, metes out equal representation to all, granting to his bitterest enemy the rights that he would ask for himself. LOUIS J. LIVINGSTON, Originator and Compiler P. O. BOX 66, Medical and Dental Red Book. Cleveland, O., May 1, 1899. 12 DIGESTS OF STATE LAWS. STATE MEDICAL LAW. Section 4403a. Whoever shall make, issue, or publish, for purpose of sale, barter, or gift, any certificate, diploma, or other writing or document falsely representing the holder or receiver thereof to be a graduate of any medical school, or college, or of any educational institution of medicine whatso- ever, and entitled to the powers, privileges, or degrees thereby pretended to be conferred ; or whoever shall sell, or otherwise dispose of, or offer to do so, any such diploma, certificate, writing, or document containing the false representation afore- said ; or whoever shall use his name, or permit the same to be used, as a subscriber, for any purpose or in any capacity, to such false and fictitious diploma, certificate, writing, or docu- ment aforesaid, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to the penalty prescribed in section 4403. Sec. 4403£. Whoever shall make, issue, or publish, or cause to be made, issued, or published, for the purpose of sale, barter, or gift, any diploma, certificate, or writingrepresenting the holder thereof to be a graduate of any medical school, or college, or of any educational institution of medicine whatso- ever, unless such holder shall have, in fact, attended a com- plete course of instruction in such school, college, or institu- tion for medical teaching, which course shall be equal to the average course of instructions in other schools, colleges, or in- stitutions, where the various branches of medicine are taught as a science, in good standing in the state of Ohio, upon con- viction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, nor less than one hundred dollars, or im- prisoned in the penitentiary not more than three years, nor less than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 4403c. No person shall practice medicine, surgery, or midwifery, in any of its branches, in this state, without first complying with the requirements of this act. If a graduate in medicine or surgery, he shall, either personally, or by letter or proxy, present his diploma to the State Board of Medical Regis tration and Examination for verification. Accompanying such diploma the applicant shall file his affidavit, duly attested, stating that the applicant is the person named in the diploma and is the lawful possessor of the same, and giving his age and the time spent in the study of medicine. If the board shall find the diploma to be genuine, and from a legally chartered medi- cal institution in good standing, as determined by the hoar J, 13 State Medical Law— Continued. and the person named therein be the person holding and pre- senting the same, the board shall issue its certificate to that effect, signed by its president and secretary; which when left with the probate judge for record as hereinafter required, shall be conclusive evidence that its owner is entitled to prac- tice medicine or surgery in this state. If a legal practitioner of medicine under the laws of Ohio in force at the time of the passage of this act, but not a graduate of medicine or surgery, as above defined, he shall, either personally, or by letter or proxy, furnish the board an affidavit, duly attested, stating the period during whieh and the places at which he has been en- gaged in the practice of medicine or surgery. If the board is satisfied from the affidavit and other information received that the applicant was a legal practitioner of medicine in Ohio at the time of the passage of this act, it shall issue its certificate to that effect, which, when left with the probate judge for ' record, shall be conclusive evidence that its owner is entitled to practice medicine or surgery in this state. If engaged in the practice of medicine in this , state at the time of the passage of this act, but not a legal practitioner under the laws in force at such time, nor a graduate in medi- cine or surgery as above defined, he shall present himself before the board and submit to such examination as to his qnalification for the practice of medicine or surgery as the board may require. If such applicant passes an examination satisfactory to the board, the board shall issue its certificate to that effect, which, when left with the probate judge for record, shall entitle the owner to practice medicine or surgery in Ohio for a period of one year next ensuing from the date thereof. The board may refuse to grant a certificate to any person guilty of felony or gross immorality, or addicted to the liquor or drug habit to such a degree as to render him unfit to prac- tice medicine or surgery ; and may after notice and hearing, revoke a certificate for like cause. An appeal may be taken from the action of the board refusing to grant or revoking a certificate for such cause, to the governor and attorney-general, and the decision of which officers, either affirming or overrul- ing the action of the state board shall be final. The fee for a certificate issued upon the verifiation of a diploma or to a legal practitioner as above defined, shall be five dollars. For the examination of an applicant, the fee shall be twenty-five dollars. In the latter case the fee shall not be returned in the event of a failure, but the applicant may, within a year after such failure, present himself and be ex- State Medical Law— Continued. amined again without the payment of an additional fee. All fees shall be paid in advance to the treasurer of the board. Sec. 4403<^. The person receiving a certificate to practice medicine or surgery under section 4403c shall, before entering upon the practice, leave his certificate with the probate judge of the county in which he resides, for record. The probate judge shall record the same in a book to be kept for that purpose, and endorse on ihe margin of the record, and on the certificate the time he received the same for record, and make a proper index to all certificates by him recorded. Between the first and thirty-first days of December in each year, the probate judge shall furnish the secretary of the state board a list of all certificates recorded and in force, and also a list of all certificates which have been revoked or the owners of which have removed from the county or died during the preceding year In case of a change of residence, the owner of a certificate shall have the same recorded anew by the probate judge of the county into which he removes. For services under this section the probate judge shall receive the following fees: For recording and indexing each certificate, fifty cents, and for certified copies, the same fees as are allowed by law for certificates or records kept by the probate judge, to be paid by the holder of the certificate. Sec. 4403c. Every person practicing midwifery in this state at the time of the passage of this act, shall within 90 days thereafter file with the probate judge of the county in which she resides, an affidavit duly attested, giving her name, age, residence, the length of time during which, and the place or places at which she has been engaged in said practice, and the special education, if any, which she has received to fit her for such practice. Thereupon, upon the payment of a fee of $5 (50 cents of which the probate judge shall retain as his own fee, and the balance remit to the treasurer of the State Board of Registration and Examination) the probate judge shall issue a certificate, upon a blank form furnished by the state board, which shall entitle the applicant and holder to practice midwifery in this state. Such certificate shall be recorded hy the probate judge, and in case of a transfer of residence, again recorded in the county to which the midwife removes, as provided by section 4403t/, regulating the record of physicians' certificates. The probate judge shall annually, between the 1st and 31st days of December, furnish the secretary of the state board a list of all such certificates issued and in force, and also a list of all such certificates which have been revoked or the owners of which have removed from the county, or died during the year. All persons desiring, after the passage of this act, to enter upon the practice of midwifery in this state, shall appear before the state board and submit to such examination in midwifery as the board shall require. If the applicant passes a satisfactory examination, the board shall, upon the payment of a fee of $10, issue its certificate to that effect, which, when filed with the probate judge for record, as pro- vided in section 4403o prohibit service in case of emergency, or the domestic administration of 15 State Medical Law— Concluded. family remedies; and this act shall not apply to any commissioned medical officer of the United States army, navy or marine hospital service in the discharge of his professional duties, nor to any legally qualified dentist when engaged exclusively in the practice of dentistry, nor to any physician or surgeon from another state or territory, who is a legal practitioner of medicine and surgery in the state or territory in which he resides, when in actual consultation with a legal practitioner of the state. nor to any physician or surgeon residing on the border of a neigh- boring state, and duly authorized under the laws thereof to practice medicine or surgery therein, whose practice extends into the limits of this state; providing that such practitioner shall not open an office or appoint a place to meet patients or receive calls, within the limits of this- state. Sec. 4403^. Any person practicing medicine or surgery as defined in section 4403/" in this state, without having first complied with the provi- sions of sections 4403<: and 4403^, except as herein provided, shall be deem- ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not less than $20 nor more than $500, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than 30 days, nor more than one year, or both. Any person practicing midwifery in this state without having complied with the provisions of section 4403^, except therein provided, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined not less than $25 nor more than $100. Any person who shall file, or attempt to file as his, the medical diploma or certificate to practice of another, or shall file or attempt to file a false forged affidavit of his Jdentity, or shall will- fully swear falsely to any question which may be propounded to him on his "medical examination, or to any affidavit required to be made or filed by him, with the State Board of Medical Registration and Examination shall be guilty of felony and be imprisoned in the penitentiary not more than 5 years, nor less than 1 year. Such fines when collected shall be paid one- third to the person, corporation or medical society making the complaint or furnishing the information, one-third to the poor fund of the county, and one-third to the State Board of Medical Registration and Examina- tion. The secretary of the State Board of Medical Registration and Ex- amination is charged with the duty of enforcing this act. If he have knowledge or notice that the act has been or is being violated, he shall in- vestigate the matter, and upon probable cause appearing, shall file a com- plaint and prosecute the offender. It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney, when requested by such secretary, to take charge of and conduct such prosecutions. i6 STATE DENTAL LAW. From and after July 4, 1892, it shall be unlawful for any person to practice dentistry in this State unless such person shall have first obtained a certificate of qualification issued by the State Board of Dental Examiners of this State. * * * Sec. 4404. Any and all persons who shall desire to practice dentistry in this State after July 4, 1892, except such persons as have been regularly, since July 4, 1889, engaged in the practice of dentistry in this State, or who may hold, or who may hereafter obtain diplomas' from any reputable dental college, shall file applica- tion in writing with the Secretary of Board of Dental Ex- aminers for examination and license, and at time of making such application shall pay to the secretary of said board a fee of ten (10) dollars, and each applicant shall present himself before said board at its first regular meeting after filing his application for examination by said board. * * * '* AH persons successfully passing such examinations, or who may legally hold diplomas from any reputable college of the United States, or any foreign country, or who may have been regularly, since July 4, 1889, engaged in the practice of dentistry in this State, of good moral character, shall be registered and licensed by said board of dentists. * * # # Every person receiving such a certificate of registration and license as dentist shall, before engaging in the practice of dentistry in this State, place and retain in place, while en- gaged in the practice of dentistry in this State, such certificate of registration and license in a conspicuous position at his place of business, in such manner as to be easily seen and read. Every person who may legally hold a diploma from any dental college in the United States or any foreign country, or who has been regularly, since July 4, 1889, engaged in the practice of dentistry in this State, shall, upon application and payment of a fee of two (2) dollars to the Secretary of the Board of Dental Examiners, and producing satisfactory and reasonable proof of the fact that he holds such diploma, or has been so engaged in the practice of dentistry in this State since July 4, 1889, receive a license and certificate of registration to practice dentistry in this State. * * * * This certifi- cate of the Secretary of said Board of Dental Examiners, under i7 State Dental Law — Concluded. the seal of said board, stating that any person is a registered and licensed dentist, shall be prima facie evidence that such person is entitled to practice dentistry in this State. All persons shall be said to be practicing dentistry * * * who shall for a fee paid or to be paid * * * * perform dental operations of any kind, treat diseases or lesions of human teeth or jaws, or attempt to correct mal-positions thereof. * * * * Any person who shall knowingly or falsely claim or pre- tend to have or hold a certificate of registration, or who shall falsely and with intent to deceive the public, claim or pretend to be a registered and licensed dentist, not being such a registered or licensed dentist, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and shall be liable to the penalties provided in this act. The penalties are: — A fine of not less than twenty-five or more than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment for not less than ten days or more than one month in the county jail, or both. STATE PHARMACY LAW Enacted April 2Jst, J898* Who may retail drugs; compound prescriptions; proviso. Sec. 4405. It shall be unlawful for any person not a legally registered pharmacist, to open, or conduct, any pharmacy, or retail drug or chemical store, either as proprietor or manager thereof, unless he shall have in his employ and place in charge of such pharmacy, or store, a legally registered pharmacist under the laws of this state. It shall be unlawful for any per- son, not a legally registered pharmacist, to compound, dis- pense, or sell, any such drug, chemical, poison, or pharma- ceutical preparation, upon the prescription of a physician, or otherwise; provided, however, that a legally registered assistant pharmacist may compound, dispense, or sell, any such drug, chemical, poison, or pharmaceutical preparation when employed in a pharmacy or drug store which i* under the supervision, management and control of a legally registered pharmacist. Provided, also, that nothing in this section shall apply to, or in any manner interfere with the business of a physician, or prevent him from supplying to his patients such medicines as to him may seem proper; nor with the making or State Pharmacy Law— Continued. vending of patent or proprietary medicines by any retail dealer ; nor with the selling by any person of copperas, borax, blue vitriol, saltpeter, sulphur, brimstone, licorice, sage, juniper berries, senna leaves, castor oil, sweet oil, spirits of turpentine, glycerine, glauber's salt, cream of tartar, or bi-carbonate of sodium ; or prohibit any person from selling paregoric, essence of peppermint, essence of cinnamon, essence of ginger, hive syrup, syrup of ipecac, tincture of arnica, syrup of tolu, syrup of squills, spirits of camphor,number six, sweet spirits of nitre, com- pound cathartic pills, quinine pills, and other similar prepara- tions when compounded by a legally registered pharmacist and put up in bottles and boxes bearing the label of such pharma- cist or wholesale druggist, with the name of the article and directions for its use on each bottle or box; nor with the ex- clusively wholesale business of any dealer. Registered pharmacists and assistants, entitled to renewal certificates. Sec. 4407. Every person now registered as a pharmacist or assistant pharmacist under the laws of this state, shall be en- titled to continue in the practice of his profession until his certificate of registration shall expire. Every registered phar- macist or assistant pharmacist, who desires to continue the practice of his profession in this state, shall, within thirty days next preceding the expiration of his certificate, file with the State Board of Pharmacy an application for a renewal thereof. If the Board shall find that the applicant has been legally registered in this state, and is entitled to a renewal certificate, it shall issue to him a certificate, duly signed by its President and Secretary. If a registered pharmacist or assistant phar- macist fail, for a period of sixty days after the expiration of his certificate, to make application to the Board for a renewal certificate, such person in order to again be registered, shall be required to proceed as in the case of original registration. Registered pharmacists of other states ; hoxv registered . Sec. 4409. The Ohio Board of Pharmacy may register as pharmacists without examination, and issue certificates of such registration, to persons who are legally registered as pharma- cists and hold certificates of such registration under the Laws 19 State Pharmacy Law — Continued. of any other State, upon the following conditions : Each ap- plicant for such registration shall have attained the age of twenty-one years, and be registered after examination in the State from which he holds his certificate. The standard of qualification and requirement as to competency in any State shall be at least as thorough as that established by the Board of Pharmacy of this State. The Board shall only recog- nize certificates of registration granted by States wherein like recognition is given to persons resident of this State and holding certificates from the Board of Pharmacy thereof. Period for -which certificates may be granted; revocation of certificate for cause. Sec. 4410. Every certificate, and every renewal certificate issued by the Ohio Board of Pharmacy, shall entitle the per- son to whom it is granted to practice the profession of a phar- macist or assistant pharmacist for the period of three years. The Board may refuse to grant a certificate to any person guilty of felony or gross immorality, or addicted to the liquor or drug habit to such a degree as to render him unfit to prac- tice pharmacy; and may after notice and hearing, revoke a certificate for like cause, or for fraud in procuring the certifi- cate. An appeal may be taken from the action of the Board refusing to grant or revoking a certificate for such cause, to the Governor and Attorney General, and the decision of which officers, either affirming or overruling the action of the Board shall be final. Every certificate of registration and renew r al certificate, shall be conspicuously exposed in the pharmacy or drug store of which the pharmacist or assistant pharmacist, to whom it is issued is the owner or manager, or in which he is employed. Fees to be charged; where deposited. Sec. 4411. The Board shall charge and collect for the issu- ing and registration of certificates, the following fees : For the examination of an applicant for a certificate as a phar- macist, five dollars; for the examination of an applicant for a certificate as an assistant pharmacist, three dollars. In case any applicant fails to pass the examination, the fee shall not be returned to him, but he may, within a year after such fail- ure, present himself and be examined again without the pay- ment of an additional fee. For issuing a renewal certificate to a pharmacist, two dollars; for issuing a renewal certificate to an assistant pharmacist, one dollar. For issuing a certificate State Pharmacy Law — Continued. to a pharmacist on presentation of a certificate granted by another State, fifteen dollars. All fees shall be paid in advance to the Treasurer of the Board, and by him covered into the State Treasury monthly, to the credit of a fund, which is hereby appropriated for the use of the Ohio Board of Phar- macy. The compensation and expenses of the members and officers of the Board, and all expenses proper and necessary in the opinion of the Board to discharge its duties under and enforce the law, shall be paid out of said fund upon the war- rant of the Auditor of State, issued upon a requisition signed by the President and Secretary of the Board. Penalties. Sec. 4412. If any person violates any of the provisions of section 4405, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not less than twenty days nor more than one hundred days, or both. Each day that any person violates any provision of the above named section shall constitute a separate offence. If any person shall file with the Ohio Board of Pharmacy any false or forged affidavit, or shall make under oath any false statement with the intent to secure for himself, or for another person, any certificate of registration, or a renewal thereof, he shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction, shall be pun- ished as provided by law. Whoever, being a registered phar- macist, or assistant pharmacist, fails to display in a conspic- uous place his certificate of registration as required by section 4410, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con- viction, shall be fined not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty dollars, and each day's violation of this provision of the last named section shall constitute a separate offense. The Secretary of the Ohio Board of Pharmacy is charged with the duty of enforcing the laws relating to the practice of pharmacy. If he have any information that any provision of the law has been or is being violated, he shall investigate the matter, and upon probable cause appearing, shall rile a com- plaint and prosecute the offender. It shall be the duty of the Prosecuting Attorney, when requested by such Secretary, to take charge of and conduct such prosecutions. All linos assessed and collected under prosecutions begun or caused to be begun by the Ohio Board of Pharmacy, shall be paid to the Treasurer thereof, and by him covered into the State Treasury monthly, to be credited to the fund for the use of the Ohio Board of Pharmacy. State Pharmacy Law— Continued. POISON LAW Whoever sells or gives away any quantity of arsenic less than one pound, without first mixing therewith soot or indigo in the proportion of one ounce of soot, or half an ounce of in- digo to the pound of arsenic, or except upon the prescription of a physician, sells or gives away any quanity of any article belonging to the class usually denominated poisons, to any minor, or sells or gives away any such article to any person,, without having first marked the word "poison" upon the label or wrapper containing the same, and registered in a book ta be by him kept for that purpose, the day and date upon which it is sold or given away, the quantity thereof, the name, age,, sex and color of person obtaining the same, the purpose for which it is required, and the name and place of abode of the person for whom the same is intended, shall be fined not more than $200 nor less than $20. LABEL LAW Section 1. Whenever any pharmacist, druggist or other dealer in poisons, chemicals, medicines and drugs, whether wholesale or retail, shall sell any drug or chemical, an indiscriminate or careless use of which would be destructive of human life, such dealer shall affix to each bottle or package of such drug, chemi- cal or poison, a label printed in red ink, having on it the name of the article by which it is commonly known, the cautionary emblem of the skull and cross-bones, the words "caution and poison," and in addition thereto at least two of the most readily obtainable effective antidotes to such poisonous article. Sec. 2. Whoever violates the provisions of section one of this act shall upon conviction thereof, before any court having competent jurisdiction, be fined in any sum not exceeding $100 nor less than $10. MORPHINE LA W Section 1. It shall not be lawful for any person, other than a wholesale druggist or other dealer in drugs and medicines, to sell or offer for sale at wholesale, or for any person other than a registered pharmacist or a registered assistant pharmacist, to- sell or offer for sale at retail morphine or any of its salts, in this state, and it shall not be lawful for such person to sell or offer for sale, morphine or any of its salts, in any bottle, vial r envelope or other package, unless the same shall be wrapped 22 State Pharmacy Law — Concluded. in a scarlet paper or envelope, and all bottles or vials used for the above purpose shall contain not more than one drachm each, and shall have in addition to said scarlet wrapper a scarlet label lettered in white letters, and the same must be upon both vial and wrapper, when vials are used, plainly nam- ing the contents of said bottle; and further, that no person shall have the right to change any preparation of morphine from its original package to any other receptacle whatever for the purpose of retailing or dispensing therefrom, but it must be retailed or dispensed only from the original package with scarlet wrapper and scarlet label as aforesaid. Sec. 2. Any one violating the provisions of the above sec- tion shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $10 or more than $50, at the discretion of the court, for each and every violation of the pre- ceding section. 2 3 ig«t$ of the national Codes of €tbic$. ;© a, CODE OF ETHICS OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION- DUTIES OF PHYSICIANS TO THEIR PATIENTS. Section 1. A physician should not only be ever ready to obey the calls of the sick, but his mind ought also to be im- bued with the greatness of his mission, and the responsibility he habitually incurs in its discharge. These obligations are the more deep and enduring because there is no tribunal, other than his own conscience, to adjudge penalties for carelessness or neglect. Physicians should therefore minister to the sick with due impressions of the importance of their office; re- flecting that the ease, the health, and the lives of those com- mitted to their charge depend on their skill, attention, and fidelity. They should study, also, in their deportment, to unite tenderness with firmness, and condescension with authority , so as to inspire the minds of their patients with gratitude, respect, and confidence. Sec. 2. Every case committed to the charge of a physician should be treated with attention, steadiness, and humanity. Reasonable indulgence should be granted to the mental im- becility and caprices of the sick. Secrecy and delicacy, when required by peculiar circumstances, should be strictly observed ; and the familiar and confidential intercourse to which physi- cians are admitted in their professional visits should be used with discretion, and with the most scrupulous regard to fidel- ity and honor. The obligation of secrecy extends beyond the period of professional service; none of the privacies of personal and domestic life, no infirmity of disposition or flaw of charac- ter, observed during professional attendance, should ever be divulged by the physician, except when he is imperatively re- quired to do so. The force and necessity of this obligation are indeed so great that professional men have, under certain cir- 25 Ethics American Medical Association — Continued. cumstances, been protected in their observance of secrecy by courts of justice. Sec. 3. Frequent visits to the sick are, in general, requi- site, since they enable the physician to arrive at a more perfect knowledge of the disease, to meet promptly every change which may occur, and also to preserve the confidence of the patient. But unnecessary visits are to be avoided, as they give useless anxiety to the patient, tend to diminish the authority of the physician, and render him liable to be sus- pected of interested motives. Sec. 5. A physician ought not abandon a patient be- cause the case is deemed incurable; for his attendance may con- tinue to be highly useful to the patient, and comforting to the relatives around him, even in the last period of fatal malady, by alleviating pain and other symptoms, and by soothing mental anguish. To decline attendance under such circum- stances would be sacrificing to fanciful delicacy and mistaken liberality that moral duty which is independent of and far superior to all pecuniary considerations. Sec. 6. Consultations should be promoted in difficult or protracted cases, as they give rise to confidence, energy, and more enlarged views in practice. Sec 7. The opportunity which a physician not un- frequently enjoys of promoting and strengthening the good resolutions of his patients, suffering under the consequences of vicious conduct, ought never to be neglected. His counsels, or even remonstrances, will give satisfaction, not offense, if they be proffered with politeness, and evince a genuine love of virtue, accompanied by a sincere interest in the welfare of the person to whom they are addressed. OF THE DUTIES OF PHYSICIANS TO EACH OTHER, AND TO THE PROFESSION AT LARGE. Article I. — Duties for the Support of Professional Character. Section. 1. Every individual, on entering*the profession, as he becomes thereby entitled to all its privileges and immu- nities, incurs an obligation to exert his best abilities to main- tain its dignity and honor, to exalt its standing, and to extend the bounds of its usefulness. He should, therefore, observe strictly such laws as are instituted for the government of its members ; should avoid all contumelious and sarcastic remarks relative to the faculty, as a body ; and while, by unwearied diligence, he resorts to every honorable means of enriching the science, he should entertain a due respect for his seniors, 26 Ethics American Medical Association — Continued, who have, by their labors, brought it to the elevated condition in which he finds it. Sec. 4. It is derogatory to the dignity of the profession to resort to public advertisements, or private cards, or hand- bills, inviting the attention of individuals affected with par- ticular diseases, publicly offering advice and medicine to the poor gratis, or promising radical cures; or to publish cases and operations in the daily prints, or to suffer such publica- tions to be made; to invite laymen to be present at operations ; to boast of cures and remedies; to adduce certificates of skill and success; or to perform any other similar acts. These are the ordinary practices of empirics, and are highly reprehensi- ble in a regular physician. Art. II. — Professional Services of Physicians to each other. Section 1. All practitioners of medicine, their wives, and their children, while under the parental care, are entitled to the gratuitous services of any one or more of the faculty residing near them, whose assistance may be required, A physician afflict- ed with disease is usually an incompetent judge of his own case ; and the natural anxiety and solicitude which he experiences at the sickness of a wife, a child, or any one who by the ties of consanguinity is rendered peculiarly dear to him, tend to ob- scure his judgment, and produce timidity and irresolution in his practice. Under such circumstances, medical men are peculiarly dependent upon each other, and kind offices and professional aid should always be cheerfully and gratuitously afforded. Art, IV. — Of the Duties of Physicians in Regard to Con- sultation. Section 1. In consultations, no rivalship or jealousy should be indulged ; candor, probity, and all due respect should be exercised toward the physician having charge of the case. Sect. 2. In consultation the attending physician should be the first to propose the necessary questions to the sick ; after which the consulting physician shall have the opportunity to make such further inquiries of the patient as may be necessary to satisfy him of the true character of the case. Both physi- cians should then retire to a private place for deliberation, and the one first in attendance should communicate the direc- tions agreed upon to the patient or his friends, as well as any opinions which it may be thought proper to express. But no statement or discussion of it should take place before the Ethics American Medical Association — Continued. patient or his friends, except in the presence of all the faculty- attending, and by their common consent, and no opinions or prognostications should be delivered which are not the result of previous deliberation and concurrence. Sec. 3. In consultation, the physician in attendance should deliver his opinion first ; and when there are several consult- ing, they should deliver their opinions in the order in which they have been called in. No decision, however, should re- strain the attending physician from making such variations in the mode of treatment as any subsequent unexpected change in the character of the case may demand. But such variation, and the reason for it, ought to be carefully detailed at the next meeting in consultation. The same privilege belongs also to the consulting physician, if he is sent for in an emergency, when the regular attendant is out of the way, and similar ex- planations must be made at the next consultation. Sec. 6. All discussion in consultation should be held as secret and confidential. Neither by words nor manner should any of the parties to a consultation assert or insinuate that any part of the treatment pursued did not receive his assent. The responsibility must be equally divided between the medical at- tendants ; they must equally share the credit of success, as well as the blame of failure. Sec. 7. As circumstances sometimes occur to render a special consultation desirable when the continued attendance of two physicians might be objectionable to the patient, the member of the faculty whose assistance is required in such cases should sedulously guard against all future unsolicited attendance. As such consultations require an extraordinary portion both of time and attention, at least a double honora- rium may be reasonably expected. Art. V. — Duties of Physiciaiis in Cases of Interference. Section 1. Medicine is a liberal profession, and those ad- mitted to its ranks should found their expectations of practice upon the extent of their qualifications, not on intrigue or artifice. Sec 2. A physician in his intercourse with a patient under the care of another practitioner should observe the strictest caution and reserve. No meddling inquiries should be made, no disingenuous hints given relative to the nature and treatment of his disorder; nor any course of conduct pur- sued that may directly or indirectly tend to diminish the trust reposed in the physician employed. 28 Ethics American Medical Association — Continued. Sec. 3. The same circumspection and reserve should be observed when, from motives of business or friendship, a physician is prompted to visit an individual who is under the direction of another practitioner. Indeed, such visits should be avoided, except under peculiar circumstances; and when they are made, no particular inquiries should be instituted relative to the nature of the disease or the remedies employed ; but the topics of conversation should be as foreign to the case as circumstances will admit. Sec. 4. A physician ought not to take charge of or pre- scribe for a patient who has recently been under the care of another membeV of the faculty in the same illness, except in cases of sudden emergency, or in consultation with the physi- cian previously in attendance, or when the latter has re- linquished the case, or been regularly notified that his services are no longer desired. Under such circumstances no unjust or illiberal insinuations should be thrown out in relation to the conduct or practice previously pursued, which should be justified as far as candor and regard for truth and probity will permit; for it often happens that patients become dissatisfied when they do not experience immediate relief, and as many diseases are naturally protracted, the want of success in the first stage of treatment affords no evidence of a lack of pro- fessional knowledge and skill. Sec. 5. When a physician is called to an urgent case be- cause the family attendant is not at hand, he ought, unless his assistance in consultation is desired, to resign the care of the patient to the latter immediately upon his arrival. Sec. 6. It often happens in cases of sudden illness or of recent accidents or injuries, owing to the alarm and anxiety of friends, that a number of physicians are simultaneously sent for. Under these circumstances, courtesy should assign the patient to the first who arrives, who should select from those present any additional assistance that he may deem necessary. In all such cases, however, the practitioner who officiates should request the family physician, if there be one, to be called, and, unless his further assistance be requested, should resign the case to the latter on his arrival. Sec. 7. When a physician is called to the patient of another practitioner in consequence of the sickness or absence of the latter, he ought, on the return or recovery of the regu : lar attendant, and with the consent of the patient, to surrender the case. (The expression "patient of another practitioner" is under- stood to mean a patient who may have been under the charge 29 Ethics American Medical Association — Co?ichided. of another practitioner at the time of the attack of sickness, or departure from home of the latter, or who may have called for his attendance during his absence or sickness, or in any other manner given it to be understood that he regarded the said physician as his regular medical attendant.) Art. VII. — Duties of the Profession to the Public. Sec. 2. Medical men should also be always ready, when called on by the legally constituted authorities, to enlighten coroners' inquests and courts of justice on subjects strictly medical — such as involve questions relating to sanity, legiti- macy, murder by poison or other violent means, and in regard to various other subjects embraced in the science of medical jurisprudence. But in these cases, and especially where they are required to make post mortem examination, it is just, in consequence of the time, labor, and skill required, and the re- sponsibility and risk they incur, that the public should award them a proper honorarium. CODE OF ETHICS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMOEOPATHY. The Committee appointed by the American Institute of Homoeopathy at its 46th session, Chicago, 1893, to prepare a Code of Medical Ethics, made the following statement on the completion of their labors and presentation of the Code pre- pared by them, which was adopted: "Considering it to be very desirable that the Code of Ethics adopted by the various associations of the Physicians of our country should be uni- form in scope and arrangement, and as nearly identical in language as possible, the Committee have used the arrange- ment, and, to a great extent, the language of the Code adopted by the American Medical Association, modifying it vhere changes seemed to be demanded by a proper regard for liberality and for justice, both to patient and physician, or by a due concern for the freedom of medical education, opinion and action." 30 CODE OF ETHICS OF THE NATIONAL ECLECTIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Section. 1. The members of this Association shall exercise toward each other, toward all physicians — eclectics especially — and toward all mankind, that courtesy and just dealing to which every one in his legitimate sphere is entitled, and any departure therefrom shall be deemed unprofessional, undigni- fied, and unworthy the honorable practitioner of an honorable profession. It shall be regarded as unbecoming to engage in any form of practice, or of advertising, which shall tend to lower the physician in the esteem of the community, or to re- flect discredit upon his professional associates. , Sec. 2. While it is the undoubted right of every physician to present himself before the public in an honorable manner, and to state that he makes a specialty of any particular dis- ease, no member of this Association shall advertise himself by handbills, circulars, publication of certificates of cures, or any such means; or associate himself in business professionally with any one so doing; nor advertise himself as belonging to this Association, or any other auxilliary medical society, or any medical college. Any member knowing of any violation of this provision by members of this Association, or of any person not a member of this Association, or any auxiliary medical society, advertising himself as such, shall inform the Executive Committee of the matter, with all the facts in his possession; and it shall be the duty of the Executive Commit- tee thereupon to publish the facts in some public journal circu- lating in the region where such offense has been committed. Discipline of Members* Section 1. Any member may be officially censured, invited to withdraw, or expelled from membership for improper con- duct, or a violation of professional comity. But it shall be necessary for a specific charge to be made in writing, and a copy to be presented to the person accused, or some person acting in his behalf, and another placed in the hands of the president or secretary one month before the time of holding a regular meeting. Sec. 2. All professors or officers of colleges voting and otherwise co-operating in the conferring of the degree of Doctor of Medicine on any person not duly entitled to the same, by the necessary attendance on medical lectures and through examination, shall be considered as liable to the penalties enumerated in this article. 3 1 CODE OF DENTAL ETHICS. Adopted at the Sixth Annual Session of the American Dental Association, Article I — The Duties of the Professiofi to their Patients. Section 1. The dentist should be ever ready to respond to the wants of his patrons, and should fully recognize the obli- gations involved in the discharge of his duties towards them. As they are in most cases unable to correctly estimate the character of his operations, his own sense of right must guar- antee faithfulness in their performance. His manner should be firm, yet kind and sympathizing, so as to gain the respect and. confidence of his patients; and even the simplest case committed to his care should receive that attention which is due to operations performed on living, sensitive tissue. Sec. 2. It is not to be expected that the patient will pos- sess a very extended or a very accurate knowledge .of pro- fessional matters. The dentist should make due allowance for this, patiently explaining many things which may seem quite clear to himself, thus endeavoring to educate the public mind so that it will properly appreciate the beneficent efforts of our profession. He should encourage no false hopes by promising success, when, in the nature of the case, there is uncertainty. Sec. 3. The dentist should be temperate in all things, keep- ing both mind and body in the best possible health, that his patients may have the benefit of that clearness of judgment and skill which is their right. Art. II — Maintaining Professional Character . Section 1. A member of the dental profe&sion is bound to maintain its honor, and to labor earnestly to extend its sphere of usefulness. He should avoid everything in language and conduct calculated to dishonor his profession, and should ever manifest a due respect for his brethren. Sec. 2. The person and office arrangements of the dentist should indicate that he is a gentleman ; and he should sustain a high-toned moral character. Sec. 3. It is unprofessional to resort to public advertie- ments, cards, handbills, posters or signs, calling attention to peculiar styles of work, lowness of prices, special modes of 3 2 Code of Dental Ethics — Concluded. operating; or to claim superiority over neighboring practi- tioners; to publish reports of cases or certificates in the public prints; to go from house to house to solicit or perform oper- ations ; to circulate or recommend nostrums ; or perform any- other similar acts. Sec. 4. When consulted by the patient of another prac- titioner, the dentist should guard against inquiries or hints disparaging to the family dentist, or calculated to weaken the patient's confidence in him; and if the interests of the patient will not be endangered thereby, the case should be temporarily treated, and referred back to the family dentist. Sec. 5. When general rules shall have been adopted by members of the profession practicing in the same localities in relation to fees, it is unprofessional and dishonorable to depart from those rules, except when variations of circumstances re- quire it. And it is ever to be regarded as unprofessional to warrant operations or work as an inducement to patronage. Art. III. — The Relative Duties of Dentists and Physicians. Dental surgery is a specialty in medical science. Physicians and dentists should both bear this in mind. The dentist is professionally limited to diseases of the dental organs and mouth. With these he should be more familiar than the general practitioner is expected to be; and while he recog- nizes the superiority of the physician in regard to the diseases of the general system, the latter is under equal obligations to respect his higher attainments in his specialty. When this principle governs, there can be no conflict or even diversity of professional interests. Art. IV. — The Mutual Duties of the Profession and the Public. Dentists are frequent witnesses, and, at the same time, the best judges of the impositions perpetrated by quacks, and it is their duty to enlighten and warn the public in regard to them. The public has no right to tax the time and talents of the pro- fession in examinations, prescriptions, or in any way without proper remuneration. 33 edical fiygienic, etc., Of f icials of the national, State, County and City Governments* UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT- TREASURY DEPARTMENT. MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE. Office: U. S. Marine Hospital, 371 Lake, Cor. Erie. Tel. Main 580. Dr. Henry W. Wickes, Assistant Surgeon, Marine Hospital Service, in Command. Drs. Wm. C. Manchester and Willis S. Hobson, Resident Physicians. Samuel W. Richardson, Hospital Steward. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. BUREAU OF PENSIONS. Office : 14 Government Building, Superior St., North-East Cor. Public Square. Special Examiners'. Joseph Hall and Isaac D. Laferty. Examining Boards. — First Board: Dr. Joseph E. Cook, President; Dr. Thos. A. Burke,, Secretary; Dr. John H. Belt, Treasurer. Meets every Wednesday, 10 a. m., at 233 Permanent Building, 176 Euclid Ave. Tels. Main 904 and Home 174. Second Board: Dr. Wm. A. Knowlton, President; Dr. G. Aimer Ehret, Secretary; Dr. P. Maxwell Foshav, Treasurer. Meets every Wednesday, 10 a. m., at 20 Nottingham Building, 89 Euclid Ave. Tels. Main '2094 and Home 823. 38 Medical, Hygienic, Etc., Officials — Continued. STATE GOVERNMENT. STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Term Expires R. D. Kahle, M. D., Pres't, Lima, December, 1899 Josiah Hartzell, Ph. D., Vice Pres't, Canton, " 1900 W. T. Gemmill, M. D., Forest, " 1901 Byron Stanton, M. D., Cincinnati, " 1902 J. C. Crossland, M. D., Zanesville, •« 1903 W. T. Miller, M. D., Cleveland, " 1904 Frank Warner, M. D., Columbus, " 1905 C. O. Probst, M. D., Secretary, Columbus, Meets on the Third Wednesday of January, April, June and October, usually at Columbus, though meetings are so?ne- times held elsewhere. List of Cities, Towns and Villages having Boards of Health t with name of Health Officer. Lorain, Dr. Saml. S. Cox Cleveland, Dr. John L. Hess Akron, Dr.Edward S. Underwood Canton, Dr. Jacob F. Marchand Avon, Dr. Truman B. Dailey Barberton, Dr.Cullen H. Whipple Bedford, Mr. Louis C. Whittaker Berea, Dr. Hess, Clerk Brecksville, Brooklyn, Mr. R. E. Stickney Chagrin Falls, Mr. Irwin N. Warner Collinwood, Dr. Peter E. Kerlin Cuyahoga Falls, Mr. Isaac N. Reed Dover, East Cleveland, Mr. Thomas H. Bushnell Dr. Wm. E. Hart Dr. Lester H. Luse Mr. Chas. Radcliff Elyria, Euclid, Gates Mill, Glenville, Mr. Andrew H. Carr Independence, Mr. James C. Neville Kent, Mr L. G. Reed Lakewood, Note. — The Towns with no name following are under the jurisdic- tion of the Township Trustees, who constitute a Board of Health for the Township. Mentor, Newburgh, North Dover, Northfield, North Ridgeville, North Royalton, Nottingham, Oberlin, Mr. Ezra L. Burge Olmsted Falls, Mr. Wm. B. Locke Painesville, Mr. Geo. M. Cranston Rockport, Rocky River, Solon, South Brooklyn (see Brooklyn). South Euclid, Strongsville, Warrensville, Welshfield, West View, Wickliffe, Willoughby, Mr. Willow, Geo. B. Durban 36 Officials— State Government — Continued. STATE BOARD OF MEDICAL REGISTRATION AND EXAMINATION, S. B. McGavran, M. D., Cadiz, Charles A. L. Reed, M. D., Cincinnati, David Williams, M. D., Columbus, H. E. Beebe, M. D., Sidney, N. R. Coleman, M. D., Columbus, H. H. Baxter, M. D., Cleveland, L. F. Towers, M. D., Toledo, ' Term expires 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 OFFICERS. N. R. Coleman, M. D., ... - President H. E. Beebe, M. D., - Vice-President. Frank Winders, M. D., Columbus, - - Secretary. David Williams, M. D., - Treasurer. Hon. J. K. Richards, Columbus, - - Attorney. Meets first Tuesday i?i January, April, July and October, at Columbus. Officials— State Government — Co n tin tied. STATE BOARD OF DENTAL EXAMINERS. A. F. Emminger, D. D. S., President, Columbus. L. P. Bethel, D. D. S., M. D., Secretary, Kent. O. N. Heise, D. D. S., M. D., 16 Garfield Place, Cincinnati. M. H. Fletcher, D. D. S., M. D., 11 E. Seventh St., Cincinnati. W. A. Price, D. D. S., 2238 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. Terms of office expire April, 1901. The members of the Board have power to administer oaths y and the Board has power to hear testimony in all matters relating to the duties imposed upon it by law. The regular meetings of the Board are held at Columbus,, on the last Tuesday of May and November, each year. Ex- amination fee $10. The average required is 75 per cent. The examination includes the following subjects : Anatomy, physi- ology, chemistry, materia medica, therapeutics, metallurgy, histology, pathology, and operative, mechanical and surgical dentistry. Application blanks furnished by the Secretary. Address, Dr. L. P. Bethel, Secretary, Kent. STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. Julius Greyer, Cincinnati, President, Term expires 1899 Geo. W. Voss, Cleveland, " " 1900 Charles Krone, Hamilton, " " 1901 Wm. R. Ogier, Columbus, Secretary-Treasurer, w 1902 F. H. King, Delphos, " 1903 Meets on the second Tuesday of January , May and October, at such places as it may determine. Next meeti?ig at Columbus, May 9, 1899. 38 Officials— State Government — Con tin ued. REQUIREMENTS FOR EXAMINATION STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. |PHARMACISTS. A person must be at least twenty-one years of age, and possessed of not less than four years' experience in the practice of pharmacy. A person holding- a diploma from a school of pharmacy which is recog- nized by this board as in good standing will receive credit on the four years requirement for the time spent in such school of pharmacy, but not for a longer period than two years. Undergraduates cannot obtain credit for school work on the pharmacists requirement. In order to receive credit for school work the diploma must be presented or a certificate from the head of the school as to the date of graduation. In order to receive credit for experience in a pharmacy or drug store an affidavit from the employer must be filed with the application. Blanks for this purpose will be furnished on request. ASSISTANT PHARMACISTS. A person must be at least eighteen years of age, and possessed of not less than two years' experience in the practice of pharmacy. A person who has been under instruction in a school of pharmacy, in good standing as determined by this board, will receive credit for time spent in such school on the two years' requirement, but not for a longer period than one and a half years. An affidavit from employer must be filed with the application as to the length of time spent in any pharmacy or drug store. In applying for application blanks state for which grade you wish to be examined. All applications must be filed with the secretary at least three days in advance of any examination. In no case will applications be ac- cepted for examination on the day which the examination is held. The examination fee is five dollars for pharmacist and three dollars for assistant pharmacist. If an applicant passes a satisfactory examination^ he is sent a certificate of registration without notice and without addi- tional charge. If he fails, he receives a notice to that effect and is entitled to one additional examination within one year without the payment of a second fee. For a second examination a new application must be filed. A person whose standing will not entitle him to registration as pharma- cist may receive a certificate as an assistant pharmacist provided his grades are not below 55% on general average. Applicants have the option of de- clining this proposition; if accepted, a second examination cannot be taken except upon payment of the fee as required in first examinations. All applications must be made under oath before a qualified officer re- siding in the State of Ohio. The law makes it a felony for any person to make a false statement under oath for the purpose of securing registration for himself or for another person. Certificates of registration obtained by fraud or upon false representations may be revoked by the board. The secretary cannot furnish any person his grades on examination ex- cept when directed by vote of the board of pharmacy. Examinations begin about 8:30 A. M., and continue through the day. They usually embrace the following subjects: Pharmacy, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Toxicology and Posology, Prescriptions and Identifica- tion of Specimens of Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. The next examination will b.e held in Columbus, onlTuesdav. Mar 9th, 1899. By Order of the Board of Pharmacy, Columbus, Ohio. W, K. OG IKK. Secretary 39 Officials— State Government — Concluded. IMPORTANT TO APPLICANTS FOR EXAMINATION. Hereafter the number of persons examined in one day will "be limited to Seventy-Five. The applications received up to this number will be examined on the first day of each Board meeting held for examinations, and all over this number will be examined on the following day. In order that any person may know the day on which he is to appear, his application should be sent to the Secretary of the Board in time to receive by return mail a notice of the day his examination will take place, otherwise he may lose valuable time and incur needless expense. It is therefore urged that all applications for examination be mailed to the Secretary at least one week in advance of a meeting of the Board announced for examinations. In no case will a?i applicatio?i for examination be accepted on either the first or second days of any meeting of the Board. Applicants entitled to a second examination within one year from the first must file new applications, but affidavits as to experience, or certificates of attendance upon, or graduation from a school or college of pharmacy, which have been filed with the first application, need not be duplicated with the second. The next meeting of the Board for examinations will be held in Columbus, on Tuesday, May 9, and Wednesday, May 10, 1899, at 335^ South High St. File your application 07ie week in advaiice of the above dates. By order of The Ohio Board of Pharmacy, W. R. Ogier, Secretary, Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 13, 1899. 40 Medical, Hygienic, Etc,, Officials — Continued. CUYAHOGA COUNTY GOVERNMENT. COUNTY MORGUE.— 310-312 Lake St., between Bond and Erie. Tel. Main 430. Dr. John C. Simon, Coroner. Dr. Geo. W. West, Deputy Coroner. A. V. Kurtz, Clerk; Miss Bessie Hayes, Stenographer; D. C. Burns, Chief Keeper; T. J. Farrell and S. E. Gordon, Assistants. CORONER. — The Coroner holds his office by virtue of election by the people of the County. It is the duty of the Coroner to investigate the cause of the death of any person who dies suddenly or about whose death there is any suspicion. It is the duty of the Coroner to investigate every case re- ported to him; to summon a jury and hold an inquest upon the remains of a deceased person if there is any doubt as to the cause of such death; to render a verdict fixing the re- sponsibility for such death; to bind over to the Grand Jury the party or parties accused; and to assist the Prosecuting Attor- ney in the conduct of the case by giving evidence, or such other help as may be in his power to render. If, in the inquest upon the remains of a deceased person, no definite clue can be found as to the cause of death, or the party or parties responsible for such death, the Coroner must render a verdict accordingly. The Coroner supersedes in authority the attending phy- sician or surgeon in the investigation into the cause of the death of any person, where there is a reasonable doubt or suspicion. It is the duty of every physician or surgeon to report to the Coroner all cases of death that come under his notice which in any way seem doubtful or suspicious. CUYAHOGA COUNTY JAIL.— Frankfort St. and Public Square. Tels. Main 380 and Home 770. T/ieo. F. McConnell, Sheriff. Dr. Wm. R. Wall, Jr., Physician. Samuel Lockhart, Nurse. Visitors admitted every day, except Saturday , Sunday and Holidays. + 1 ' Medical, Hygienic, Etc., Officials — Conti?iued. CLEVELAND CITY GOVERNMENT. DEPARTMENT OF POLICE. Edward A. Abbott, Director. PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION. 102 City Hall, 346 Superior St., Cor. Wood. Tels. Main 26 and Home 882. Dr. John L. Hess, Health Officer. Frank Combes, Secretary. Francis J. Peck, Inspector of Food. Bertram Robinson, Inspector of Plumbing and Sewers. DISTRICT PHYSICIANS. District No. 1— A. E. Chatfield, M. D., Wards 2, 3, 4 and 5. District No. 2— T. W. Ranson, M. D., Wards 6, 8 and 9. District No. 3— Elisabeth Murray, M. D., Wards 1, 10, 11 and 12. District No. 4— T. S. Field, M. D., Wards 7, 18 and 19. District No. 5— H. F. Bishop, M. D., Wards 13, 14, 15, 20 and 21. District No. 6 — W. A. Hosick, M.D., Wards 16, 17, 22 and 23. District No. 7— F. W. Herbkersman, M. D., Wards 24 and 25. District No. 8— E. C. Garvin, M.D., Wards 26 and 27. District No. 9— F. A. Handrick, M.D., Wards 28, 29, 30 and 41. District No. 10— W. H. Lucas, M. D., Wards 31, 32, 33 and 34. District No. 11— M. Francisci, M. D., Wards 35, 36 and 37. District No. 12— A. J. Skeel, M. D., Wards 38, 39, 40 and 42. 42 Officials— Cleveland City Government — Continued. DIGEST OF REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CLEVELAND, Relating to the Health Officer. Chap. 30, Subdivision I. Section 433. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer, * * * to enforce all laws, * * * relating to causes of sicknesss. Sec. 434. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer, * * * to enter upon the premises or into the house * * * * of any person within the city to ascertain any nuisance that may there exist, * * * * and to serve a written notice upon owner, agent, lessee, or occupant, to correct or remove the nuisance, » # .* j* If owner, etc., refuse to obey, the Health Officer is fully authorized to put same in proper order, at expense of owner, etc. Sec. 437. The Health Officer shall have power, when com- plaint is made *? ■* * * that any dangerous, infectious or contagious disease exists in any locality or house, to visit such locality or house, make all necessary investigations * * * * to send the person so diseased to the pest houf-e, or hospital, and, if necessary, to disperse the inhabitants of such house or locality. Sec. 438. The Health Officer may, with the consent of the Director of Police, order any furniture, clothing or other prop- erty to be destroyed, removed or disinfected * * * * for the health of the city. Sec. 439. The Health Officer may remove out of the city any person who is not a resident thereof * * * * when he shall deem such removal necessary to prevent the spread of such diseases. * * * * DISTRICT PHYSICIANS. Sec. 440. The District Physicians shall give frer attendance, both medical and surgical, to all destitute poor in their several districts. * * * * They shall keep office hours daily, ex- cept Sundays, in such number and at such places as the Director of Police shall ***■*■* appoint, and they shall vaccinate all persons in their respective districts who shall call upon them at their offices who are unable to pay for the same. * * * * They shall report to the director of police as often as he shall require, the number of cases treated bv them in their districts. * * * * Sec. 441. Any person who shall fail or refuse to comply with any order or notice given to such person by the Director 43 Officials— Digest of Revised Ordinances— Continued. of Police or Health Officer * * * * shall be deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof , shall be fined not more than fifty dollars. SUBDIVISION I. BIRTHS, DEATHS AND BURIALS. Sec. 442. Every practicing physician and every practitioner of midwifery * * * * shall report his, her or their names, places of residence to the Health Officer, and it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to have the same properly registered * * * * in suitable books to be furnished by the city. In the event of any of the said persons above specified, removing to any other place of residence, it shall be their duty to notify the Health Officer of the fact within thirty (30) days after such removal. * * * * Sec. 443. Every physician or person practicing midwifery in the city, under whose charge a birth shall hereafter take place, shall keep a true and exact register of such births, and shall enter the same on a blank schedule to be furnished by the Health Officer, which schedule shall contain a list of the births which shall have occurred under his or her care during the month * * * * and said schedule shall be duly signed by the practitioner in the form of a certificate, at the end of each and every month or within ten (10) days thereafter to the Health Officer. * * * * Sec. 444. Whenever any person shall die in the city, it shall be the duty of the head of the family or some representative thereof, to furnish to the physician or surgeon who attended him during such illness, and of the Coroner (when the case comes under his notice), a statement setting forth * * * * the full name, occupation, sex, color, age, condition (whether married, single, widow or widower) of the dead person, the date of death, the duration of last illness, and it shall be the duty of the attending physician or surgeon to furnish a certificate to said head of the family or representative thereof, containing the foregoing information, together with causes of death * * and said head of family or representative thereof shall present the same to the undertaker * * * * who shall deposit such certificate * * * * at the Health Office of said city. * * * * Sec 445. It shall be the duty of every physician, surgeon, or other attendant at the time of the death of any person, to report to the office of the Health Officer the date of death, name of the deceased, age, sex, color, residence, and cause of 44 Oificials — Digest of Revised Ordinances — Continued. death, both primary and secondary, \vithin twenty-four (24) hours thereafter, and upon blanks furnished by the Health Officer. And in case a person shall die without the attendance of a physician * * * * it shall be the duty of the District Physician in whose district such death occurred to investigate the cause and circumstances of the same, and to make and sign the certificate required, and if not satisfied as to the cause and circumstances of such death, said physician shall report to the Health Officer, who shall refer the case to the Coroner of the county to make investigation and report. Sec. 451. The registry of births and deaths shall be kept in separate books * * * * and shall at reasonable times be open to the examination of persons - interested therein. The Health Officer shall be entitled to receive one (1) dollar for granting each certificate or certified copy of the record of any birth or death * * * * but the said registers shall at all reasonable times be accessible to interested persons without charge. Sec. 456. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this subdivision shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SUBDIVISION III. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Sec. 459. All school trustees, school teachers, school direc- tors, or others having authority in or control of schools, are hereby forbidden to receive into or allow to attend any school, public or private, any pupil not vaccinated within the preced- ing five (5) years or not having had the smallpox or varioloid. Sec. 460. Every pupil entering a school shall bring a certif- icate from a physician stating that he or she has been vac- cinated within the preceding five years, or has had the small- pox or varioloid. Sec. 461. Whenever the condition of any person sick with the smallpox, or other dangerous, contagious, infectious or pesti- lential disease is such as not to admit a removal to the city hospital or smallpox hospital, or if from any other cause the Director of Police shall determine not to remove any person so sick, then the house or place wherein such person is kept, shall be considered as a hospital * * * * subject to such regu- lations as he may prescribe. Sec. 463. It shall be * * * * the duty of every physi- cian, surgeon, midwife or other person attendant upon a case 45 Officials — Digest of Revised Ordinances— Concluded. of smallpox * * * or any dangerous, contagious or in- fectious disease and every householder, tenant or agent in whose house a case of disease occurs, to report every such case to the office of theHealthOfficer within twenty-four hours after first knowledge of the same, giving the number of the house, the street * * * * and the name of the occupant * * * * Sec. 464. The Director of Police shall, when it is deemed inexpedient to send persons suffering with the smallpox or cholera to the City Hospital or Smallpox Hospital, require all such persons to be kept closely confined within their respective dwellings * * * * and shall cause a yellow flag, or suit- able notice, with the name and character of the disease printed in large letters thereon, to be hung or posted up in the most conspicuous place on the front of such dwelling * * * * * Sec. 466. When any person shall have died of small pox, the corpse shall be buried within thirty-six hours after death, and shall not be removed * * * * from the building where such person shall have died until removed for burial * * * * without being taken into any church or other building. Sec. 469. No child shall be suffered to attain the age of one year without having been vaccinated. Sec. 476. Any person violating any of the provisions of this subdivision shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisoned not less than ten nor more than thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the court. Police Surgeon — Dr. Francis B. Norton. 230 Permanent Bldg., 176 Euclid Ave. Tels. Main 1305 and Home 159. 46 Officials— Cleveland City Government — Continued. DEPARTMENT OF CHARITIES AND CORRECTION- 107 City Hall. Tel. Main 1394. W. J. Akers, Director. H. A. Bushea, Secretary. CITY INFIRMARY. {Including Cleveland City Hospital, which see under "Hospitals."} Scranton Ave., near Valentine. Office Wood St., North- East Cor. Rockwell. Tel. Main 691. Edwin Batt, Superintendent. Wm. Hanna, Steward. DETENTION HOSPITAL FOR CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Willow P. O., Cuyahoga County. HOUSE OF CORRECTION. Woodland and East Madison Aves. Tel. East 109. Phil. H. Dorn, Superintendent. Dr. Chas. A. Stedman, House Physician. CEMETERIES. Office : Woodland Cemetery, Woodland and Giddings Aves. Tel. East 117. Conrad Wagner, Supervisor of Cemeteries and Superin- tendent Woodland Cemetery. Wm. T. Long, Supt. Erie Cemetery. Tels. Main 26 and Home 882. Herman R. Zapf, Supt. Monroe St. Cemetery. Tels. Main 26 and Home 882. James C. Palmer, ISupt. Harvard Grove Cemetery. Tels. Main 26 and Home 882. James J. Ray, Superintendent Denison Avenue Cemetery. West Park Cemetery, Ridge Road. (Under construction. Open about May 1,1899.) {For other particulars regardingCetnet erics sec Miscellaneous, Cleveland .) 47 Officials — Cleveland City Government — Concluded. DEPARTMENT OF FIRE. 115 City Hall. Tels. Main 39, Main 40 and Home 881. G. L. Hechler, Director. A. J. Spencer, Secretary. Dr. Dempsy L. Travis, Medical Officer. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Office: 190 Euclid Ave. Tels. Main 659 and Main 2374. H. j^>. Sargent, Director of Schools. L. H. Jones, Superintendent of Instruction. Dr. Leigh K. Baker, Special Teacher of Physical Culture. NOTE: For Akron and Canton Officials see those cities. 4 s Cleveland* <&> Benevolent Institutions* BERACHAH HAVEN, (Faith Rescue and Maternity Home for Women.) Founded November, 1892. 29 Guernsey St., near Lorain. Miss Sarah O. Peck, Founder and Matron. Dr. Chas. F. Dutton, Visit- ing Physician. BETHANY HOME For Indigent, Invalid and Crippled Children, 760 Willson Avenue. Tel. East 928-J. TRUSTEES OR MANAGERS. Mrs. M. C. Worthington, Mrs. I. T. Bowman, Mrs. N. B. Prentice, Mrs. F. W. Pelton, Mrs. Arthur Adams, Mrs. B. D. Babcock, Mrs. C. H. Smith. Mrs. M. R. Carson, Mrs. E. A. Dunklee, Mrs. A. A. Wenham, Mrs. S. L. Pierce, Mrs. M. A. Bradley, Mrs. J. R. Sanford, Mrs. J. A. BidwelJ, Mrs. E. A. Schaeffer. Mrs. H. D. Jones, memorial member. OFFICERS EJECTED BY THE TRUSTEES. President — Mrs. M. C. Worthington. First Vice-President — Mrs. C. A. Dunklee. Second Vice-President — Mrs. A. A. Wenham. Recording Secretary — Mrs. M. R. Carson. Corresponding Secretary — Mrs. A. A. Wenham. Treasurer — Mrs. S. L. Pierce. Assistant Treasurer — Mrs. A.. A. Wenham. ADVISORY BOARD. Mrs. H. W. Norcross, Mrs. A. P. Rhodes, Mrs. A. T. Perry, Mrs. H. Gerould, Mrs. T. A. Selover, Mrs. L. A. Castle, Mrs. E. J. Cutler, Miss Mary Saxton, Miss Tibbie Pelton, Mrs. C. B. Squire, Mrs. T. B. Livingston, Mrs. Isaac Reynolds, Mrs. A. E. Whiting. STANDING COMMITTEES. Chairman of the Home — Mrs. M. C. Worthington. 50 Benevolent Institutions — Contin ned. ADMISSION COMMITTEE. Mrs. M. C. Worthington, Mrs. N. B. Prentice, Mrs. F. W. Pelton. PURCHASING. Mrs. N. P. Prentice, Mrs. S. L. Pierce. CUTTING. Mrs. M. R. Carson, Mrs. E. A. Dunklee. Mrs. A. A. Wenham. ENTERTAINMENT. Mrs. E. A. Dunklee, Mrs. A. A. Wenham, Mrs. H. J. Boggis, Mrs. E. B. Squire, Mrs. L. A. Castle, Mrs. A. R. Duncan, Miss Sarah Williams, Mrs. T. P. Robbins, Mrs. Isaac Reynolds, Mrs. S. L. Pierce, 'Mrs. E. J- Cutler, Mrs. H. W. Finley, Mrs. O. N. Olmstead, Mrs. George Sharer, Mrs. M. A. Bradley, Mrs. Arthur Adams. Matron — Mrs. Lois A. Dicks. Home Physician — Dr. Harlan Pomeroy. Auditing Committee — Dr. and Mrs. Henry Gerould. Legal Advisor — Mr. S. Q^ Kerruish. Regular Meetings of the Society — Tuesday of Each Week at the Home. Annual Meeting — October. DORCAS INVALIDS' HOME FOR INCURABLES. Founded 1867 by the Dorcas Society, of Cleveland. 600 E. Madison Ave. Tel. East 808. Drs. G. J. Jones and H. W. Richmond, Physicians. Mrs. Cordelia M. Dunsha, Matron. Visiting days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Any person desiring to become an inmate of the Home, must make ap- plication in writing, enclosing particulars and references to the Chairman of Admission Committee or to the Secretary. An applicant must be a resident of the city or vicinity, or under the care of a resident. No person having a contagious disease, nor anv insane person will be admitted. The applicant must bring satisfactory references as to character and disposition. (See Miscellaneous Societies.) 5 1 Benevolent Institutions — Continued. ELIZA JENNINGS HOME FOR INCURABLES, of the Young Women's Christian Association, Founded 1888. 783 Detroit St. Tel. West 151. Dr. W. E. Trego, Physician. Mrs. J. E. Hanvey, Matron. Mrs. Darwin E. Wright, Chairman; Mrs. Luke Lascelles, Secretary,. 269 Washington St., Tel. West 539 J; Mrs. C. A. Cadmus, Treasurer Mrs. Wilbur S. Bailey, Mrs. I. B. Bassett, Mrs. A. P. Buel, Mrs. Chas. Cathcart, Mrs. J. C. Coffey, Mrs. J. L. Culley, Mrs. C. E. Ferrell, Mrs. M. A. Hanna, Mrs. Henrv Lower, Mrs. D. R. Knisely, Mrs. N. C. Brewer, Mrs. S. C. Moore, Mrs. L. Nicholson, Mrs. W. E. Perkins, Mrs. C. H. Presley, Mrs. Geo. Presley, Jr. r Mrs. C. A. Selden, Miss S. E. Selden, Mrs. E. H. Seymour, Mrs. W. B. Smith, Mrs. L. S. Skinner. Mrs. A. R. Teachout, Committee meets at the Home, the last Thursday of the month, 2 p. m. An applicant, to be eligible for admission to the Home, must have lived in Cleveland and vicinity during the five consecutive years preceding her application. She must bring satisfactory testimonials of good character and the certificate of a responsible physician, stating the nature of her disease. Terms of admission at present, two hundred and fifty dollars. If a patient is possessed of money other than he/ admission fee, she will be required to place such funds in the hands of the Treasurer, the interest of the sum to be used for the benefit of the patient during her life* At her death both principal and interest will revert to the Home. Address for further information, the Secretary. RAINBOW COTTAGE FOR CONVALESCENT CHILDREN. Founded 1891. Incorporated 1896. Lake View Ave., bet. Superior and St. Clair Sts., GLENVILLE, O. Mrs. Louise Johnstone, Matron. OFFICERS. Mrs.Wm. L. Harkness, President. Mrs. L. Dean Holden, Vice-President. 984 Euclid Ave. 2013 Euclid Ave. Miss Anne L. Hatch, Secretary. 1895 Euclid Ave. Miss Marion A. Parsons, Treasurer, 662 Prospect St. Mrs. Kenyon V. Painter, Chairman of Publishing Committee. 696 Euclid Ave. TRUSTEES. Miss Elizabeth N. Billings, Mrs. W. L. Harkness, Miss Anne L. Hatch, Mrs. L. Dean Holden, Mrs. John D. Maclennan, Miss Helen R. Morley, Mrs. Kenyon V. Painter, Miss Adella Prentiss, Mrs. Belden Seymour, Mrs. S. L. Smith, Mrs. Herbert Wright, Mrs. Robert H. York, Miss Mary H. Ricks, Miss Marion A. Parsons. 52 Benevolent Institutions — Concluded. From President's Report, 1898. "Rainbow Cottage occupies a unique position among the many charities in Cleveland. It does its own work in its own way, and fills what would otherwise be an empty place. In almost all large cities the hospitals have their convalescent homes where they can, with safety from all neglect or careless treatment, send patients who should leave the hospitals, either for the change, or for the fresh air, or as a bridge connecting two hospital periods. Cleveland hos- pitals have no such place under their immediate direction. Therefore many a child is sent by them to Rainbow Cottage, where the same doctors •carry on their work, and a most efficient matron obeys their orders. * * * * A great many children, before some critical operation, need building up and preparation for the hospitals. Rainbow Cottage doors are always open to such. Many children after serious illness would die if there were no place for them to be taken during convalescence. Rainbow Cottage welcomes and restores them to perfect health, sometimes changing them even beyond recognition by the parent. Rainbow Cottage is bound by few rules, therefore accomplishes much. The children are conscious of no rules, being governed entirely by love and kii. Tness. When incurable crippled children are brought to us we keep them long enough to give them good health, and then place them in homes that exist for that purpose. Bethany Home has taken several children for us. Rainbow Cottage is as yet only a summer home. The demands upon it are of course much greater in summer, but some winters it is with many regrets that children are refused. The Cottage has two summer holidays, Fourth of July, and a picnic, and two winter holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas." THE RETREAT. J^J A Reformatory-Maternity Home of the Young Women's Christian Association* Founded 1868. 1450 St. Clair St., Cor. Kirtland. Tel. Main 498. Mrs. James Adams, Matron. Dr. Jessie Boggs, Physician. Mrs. Geo. H. McGrew, Chairman; Mrs. W. J. Hayes, Secretary, 705 Prospect St.; Miss Mona A. Kerruish, Treasurer. Mrs. W. A. Babcock, Mrs. C. E. Johnston, Mrs. Henry Chisholm, Mrs. W. S. Kerruish, Mrs. R. M. Choate, Mrs. Harry \V. King, Mrs. H. B. Corner, Mrs. J. M. Lewis, Mrs. John J. Davis, Mrs. James Mason, Mrs. L. A. Ferguson, Mrs. John R. Smith. Mrs. James R. Garfield, Mrs. \V. T. Smith, Mrs. John C. Hale, Mrs. Ambrose Swasey, Mrs. H. A. Harvey, Mrs. John Thomas, Mrs. E. C. Higbee, Mrs. A. Zehring, Mrs. S. T. Wellman. Committee meets at The Retreat the last Tuesday in the month, at 10 a. m. An applicant is admitted to The Retreat with the understanding that she remain six months, as a shorter period of time would not enable the institution to carry out its reformatory principle. An admission Fee of twenty dollars, with fifteen dollars additional for hospital service is charged. Special arrangements are made with applicants unable to pay this sum, and, also, with those coming from other places. Applications for admission may be made in person on Thursdays be- tween the hours of three and five o'clock, or at any lime by Letter, ad- dressed to the Matron. 53 Colleges and Schools* CLEVELAND COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. (Medical Department of the Ohio Wesleyan University.) (Formerly Charity Hospital Medical College and Medical Department of the University of Wooster.) Established 1863. 132 Brownell St. Telephone Main 2345. TRUSTEES. EX-OFFICIO. 1889 Rev. James W. Bashford, Ph. D., D. D., President of University.. OHIO CONFERENCE. 1891 Morris Sharp, Washington C. H., 1898. 1891 Rev Isaac F. King, D. D., Columbus, 1899. 1885 William T. McClintick, A. M., Chillicothe, 1900. 1894 Zenas L. White, Columbus, 1901. 1883 David S. Gray, Columbus, 1902. NORTH OHIO CONFERENCE. 1869 Rev. Aaron J. Lyon, D. D., Delaware, 1899. 1876 George Mitchell, A. M., M. D., Mansfield, 1900. 1896 Calvin Whitney, Norwalk, 1901. 1890 John M. Naylor, Tiffin, 1902. CINCINNATI CONFERENCE. 1870 Phineas P. Mast, A. M., Springfield, 1898. 1894 Hon. Wm. R, Warnock, A. M., Urbana, 1899. 1885 Richard Dymond, Cincinnati, 1900. 1886 Rev. Bp. Jno. M. Walden, D. D.,LL.D., Cincinnati, 1901. 1876 Rev. Richard S. Rust, D. D., LL. D., Cincinnati, 1902. CENTRAL OHIO CONFERENCE. 1879 Hon. William Lawrence, LL. D., Bellefontaine, 1898. 1894 Charles E. Slocum, M D., Ph. D., Defiance, 1899. 1885 Hon. Charles Foster, Fostoria, 1900. 1888 Rev. Elias D. Whitlock, D. D., Bellefontaine, 1901. 1878 Rev. Leroy A. Belt, D. D., Kenfon, 1902. 54 Colleges and Schools— Continued. WEST VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. 1886 Hon. G. W.Atkinson, Ph. D., LL. D., Wheeling, W. Va., 1898. 1895 Rev. Archibald Moore, Wheeling, W. Va., 1900. 1897 Charles W. Lynch, Clarksburg, W. Va., 1901. 1898 Marcus A. Kendall, Charleston, W. Va., 1902. ASSOCIATION OF ALUMNI. 1884 Hon. Charles W. Fairbanks, A. M., Indianapolis, Ind., 1899. 1890 Sylvester W. Durflinger, A. M., London, 1900. 1896 Lemuel D. Lilly, A. M., Columbus, 1901. 1892 Hon. John M. Pattison, A. M„ Milford, 1902. 1888 Wilson M. Day, A. M., Cleveland, 1903. BOARD OF CENSORS. W. C. Bunce, M.D., President, Oberlin, O.; W. S. Hough, M.D., Cuya- hoga Falls, O.; C. J. Warner, M. D., Wooster, O.; F. J. Guittard, M. D., Charm, O.; R. D. Jacobs, M. D., Vinton, O.; F. W. Firmin, M. D., Find- lay, O.; W. O. jenks, M. D., Nottingham, O.; F. D. Bain, M. D., Kenton, O.; Geo. W. Mealy, M. D., New Wilmington, Pa.; J. P. Strayer, M. D., Oil City, Pa.; A. S. Metzler, M. D., Baltic, O.; N. S. Everhard, M. D., Wadsworth, O.; R. S. Hubbard, M. D., Bedford, O.; Wm. C. Frew, M. D. r Coshocton, O.; J. R. McElroy, M. D., New Comer^town, O.; B. B. Scott, M. D., Mt. Vernon, O.; B. B. Loughead, M. D., Hudson, O.; I. H. Stoll, M. D., Wooster, O.; T. Clarke Miller, M. D., M^ssillon, O.; G. S. Peck, M. D., Youngstown, O.; Geo. Mitchell, M. D., Mansfield, O.; Thos. B. Leschelles, M. D., Meadville, Pa.; Harvey D. Hockenberry, M. D., W. Sunbury, Pa.; E. W. Moore, M. D., Franklin, Pa.; John A. Hobson, M. D., Flushing, O. OFFICERS. Rev. James W. Bashford, Ph. D., D. D. Delaware, O., President of the University. C. B. Parker, M. D., M. R. C. S. Eng., Chairman and Dean. C. F. Dutton, M. D.. Treasurer. N. Stone Scott, M. D., Secretary. H. E. Handerson, M. D., Registrar. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. B. B. Brashear, M. D., Atlantic City, N. J., Emeritus Professor of Clinical Medicine and Applied Therapeutics. Charles F. Dutton, M. D., Professor of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. Marcus Rosenwasser, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Women. Albert R. Baker, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. Clyde E. Cotton, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Henry W. Rogers, M. D., Professor of Medical Diagnosis and Clink al Medicine. Geo. W. Crile, M. D., Professor of Principles of Surgery and Applied Anatomy. William E. Wirt, M. D., Professor of Orthopedic Surgery. Martin Stamm, M. D., Fremont, O., Professor of Operative Surgery and Clinical Surgery. H. C. Eyman, M. D., Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases. N. Stone Scott, M. D., Professor of Genito- Urinary Diseases. Daniel B. Smith, M. I)., Professor of Diseases of the Eye, Bar and Throat . Charles B. Parker, M . D., M. R. C. S. Eng., Professor of Clinical Surgery. 55 Colleges and Schools — Conti?iued. Guy B. Case, M. D.. Professor of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases. Samuel W. Kelley, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Children. Joseph F. Hobson, M. D., Professor of Casualty and Minor Surgery. John Perrier, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. H. E. Handerson, M. D., Professor of State Medicine and Hygiene. John G. Spenzer, M. D., Ph. D., F. C. S., Professor of General and Medi- cal Chemistry and Pharmacology. Charles E. Slocum, M. D., Ph. D., Defiance, O., Professor of Psychology and Ethics. John B. McGee, M. D., Professor of Therapeutics. R. E. Skeel. M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. Nathan Weidenthal, M D., Professor of General Pathology. B. W. Holliday, M. D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudeuce. Oren E. George, M. D., Associate Professor of Anatomy. Robert Pollock, M. D., Lecturer on Materia Medica. H. M. Page, M. D., Hiram, Ohio, Lecturer on Anthropometry. F. C. Taylor, M. D., Lecturer on Histology. J. C. McMichael, M. D., Lecturer on Physiology. Thomas C. Martin, M. D., Lecturer on Diseases of Rectum. R. G. Schnee, M. D., Lecturer on Bacteriology and Pathology. C. J. Aldrlch, M. D., Lecturer on Clinical Neurology. Wm. O. Osborn, M. D., Lecturer on Physical Diagnosis. A. F. Spurney, M. D., Lillian G. Towslee, M. D., Assistants in Diseases of Women. Wm. E. Shackleton, M. D., Edward S. Lauder, M. D., Assistants in Dis- eases of Eye and Ear. Morris D. Stepp, M. D., W. E. Lower, M. D., Assistants in Surgery. Martin Friedrich, M. D., Ignatz Friedmann,M. D., Assistants in Medicine. J. C. McMichael, M. D., Assistant in Diseases of Children. T. C. Steuer, M. D., Assistant in Physical Diagnosis. N. C. Yarian, M. D., C. G. Foote, M. D., W. H. Merriam, M. D., Assistant Demonstrators of Anatomy. Henry B. Houghton, M. A., Instructor in Latin. H. C. Crumrine, Assistant in Histology. Miss Grace D. Outland, Assistant to Secretary and Registrar. Henry Griffin, Janitor. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. The course of instruction covers four years and is divided into two periods. During the first and second years the instruction is given by recitation, laboratory exercises, demonstrations and daily quizzes. In the third and fourth years the instruction is given by lectures, clinics, dispensary service, and bedside instruction. CALENDAR. Alumni annual meeting, ..... May 3, 3899 Commencement exercises, May 3, 1S99 College opens September, 1899 Thanksgiving, November 30, 1899 Holiday recess begins, .... December 23, 1899 Holiday recess ends January 2, 1900 Washington's birthday, .... February 22, 1900 56 Colleges and Schools — Continued. GRADUATING CLASS *899. Bayne Eugene D. C Cleveland, O. Bingham Chas. A., M. D Cleveland, O. Biskind Israel J Cleveland, O. Boulee Ontario H., M. D Cleveland, O. Champlin Henry D., M. D Cleveland, O. Davis George Y Rogers, O. Evelyn Robert St. C Cleveland, O. Hall Charles A., M. D Cleveland, O. Iddings George S., M. D Cleveland, O. Jarosch Martha H Cleveland, O. Meredith Wm. G., M. D _ Cleveland, O. Nuss Wm B r ookly n , O . Pardee W. C, M D Cleveland, O. Pease Ralph C, M. D Chardon, O. Perry Arthur H, M. D Berea, O. Snearer Wm , Jr., M. D, Cleveland, O. Tims Wilmer A., M. D Cleveland, O. Wall Wm., Jr., M. D Cleveland, O. William Robt. W ." Cleveland, O. 57 Colleges and Schools — Continued. CLEVELAND HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE. (Formerly Western College of Homoeopathic Medicine, Western Horn ceopathic College, Homoeopathic College for Women, Cleveland Hom- oeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland University of,Medicine and Sur- gery, and Cleveland Medical College.) Established 1849. 53 Bolivar and 62 Huron Sts. Tel. Main 1337. OFFICERS. Hon. H. C. White, A. M., President; Rev. Chas. D. Williams, Vice- President; Jotham Potter, Secretary; Harlan Pomeroy, M. D., Treas- urer; Robert G. Baird,M. D., Deputy Treasurer. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Hon. H. C. White. A. M.; Rev. Chas. D.Williams; S. C. Smith; R. E. Burdick; G. J. Jones, M. D.; Hon. W. B. Sanders; R. H. Boggis; Hon.G. B. Solders; J. G. W. Cowles; V. C. Taylor; W. A. Phillips, M.D.: J. W. Conger; John F.Whitelaw; H.H.Baxter, M.D.; M. A. Bradley; Jotham Potter; W.J.Morgan; W.D.Drake; Calvary Morris; Harlan Pomeroy, BOARD OF CENSORS. H. C. Houston, M. D., Urbana; John A. Gann, M. D., Wooster; Almon Gleason, M. D., Cleveland; H. E. Beebe, M. D., Sidney; W.J. H. Emory, M. D., Toronto Canada; R. B. Johnson, M. D. Ravenna; H. A. Sherwood, M. D., Warren; W. B. Carpenter, M. D., Columbus; J. C. McCauley, M. D., Rochester, Pa.; H. B. Van Norman, M. D., Cleveland; O. S. Run- nells, M., D., Indianopolis, Ind.; A. W. Reddish, M. D., Sidney; J. W. Covert, M. D., New Castle, Pa.; Dewitt G. Wilcox. M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.; W. B. Croft, M. D., Medina; H. E. Ramsey, M. D., Allegheny, Pa. OFFICERS OF THE FACULTY. William A. Phillips, M. D., Dean; Gaius J.Jones, M. D., Vice Dean; Charles C. True, M. D., Registrar; Harlan Pomeroy, M. D., Treasurer; Robert G. Baird, M. D., Deputy-Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. William A. Phillips, M. D., Chairman; Gaius J. Jones, M. D. ; Charles C. True, M. D.; Harlan Pomeroy, M. D. FACULTY. John C. Sanders, A. M., M. D., LL. D., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics* Thomas P. Wilson, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Physiology. David H. Beckwith, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Sanitary Science. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Hon. H. C. W T hite, A. M., Judge of Probate Court, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. 58 Colleges and Schools — Conti?iued. THEORY AND PRACTICE. Gaius J. Jones, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and Differential Diagnosis. Chas. C. True, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. George E. Turrill, M. D., Professor of Physical Diagnosis and Diseases of the Organs of Respiration and Circulation, and Clinical Medicine. Hudson D. Bishop, M. D., Professor of Dietetics. J. Richey Horner, A. M., M. D., Professor of Neurology and Electro- Therapeutics. MATERIA MEDICA. Harris H. Baxter, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica. Justin E. Rowland, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica. Robeit J. Cummer, M. D., Lecturer on Pharmacy. SURGERY. J. Kent Sanders, A. M., M. D., Professor of Surgery and Clinical Surgerjr. Herbert L. Frost, A. B., M. D., Professor of Surgery and Clinical Surgery. Wm. T. Miller, M. D., Professor of Clinical Surgery. Kent B. Waite, A. M., M. D., Professor of Genito-Urinary Surgery. William E. Wells, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Rectum. Hudson D. Bishop, M. D., Lecturer on Minor Surgery. GYNAECOLOGY. James C. Wood, A. M., M. D., Professor of Gynaecology. P. B. Roper, M. D., Lecturer on Minor Gynaecology. OPHTHALMOLOGY AND OTOLOGY. William A. Phillips, M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology. Byron B. Viets, M. D., O. et A. Chir., Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology. ANATOMY. A. B. Schneider, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Demonstrator of Anatomy. Ernest O. Adams, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. W. E. Trego, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy. N. T. B. Nobles, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy. F. G. Gilbert, M. D., Lecturer on Osteology. Daniel J. Bryant, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Benj. B. Kimmel, M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. PHYSIOLOGY. George W. Gurnee, A. M., M. D., Professor of Physiology. George C. Radcliffe, M. D., Demonstrator of Physiology. DERMATOLOGY. George W. Spencer, M. D., Professor of Dermatology. 59 Colleges and Schools— Co?itinued. OBSTETRICS. Harlan Pomeroy, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. Edward H. Jewitt, A. M„ M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. Arthur F. Baldinger, M. D., Professor of Clinical Obstetrics. Hiram W. Richmond, M. D., Lecturer- on Obstetrics. RHINOLOGY and LARYNGOLOGY. George H. Quay, M. D., Professor of Rhinology and Laryngology. John B. Woodworth, B. Sc, M. D., Lecturer on Rhinology and Lar- yngology. CHEMISTRY. Frank L. Crobaugh, B. S., Professor of Chemistry. PAEDIATRICS. Eliza J. Merrick, A. M., M. D., Professor of Paediatrics. C. S. Cutter, M. D., Professor of Paediatrics. SANITARY SCIENCE. Alvan L. Waltz, M. D., Lecturer on Hygiene and Sanitary Science. DENTAL SURGERY. J. R. Bell, D. D. S., Lecturer on Dental Surgery. HISTOLOGY. C. M. Thurston, M. D., Lecturer on Histology, Bacteriology and Prac- tical Pathology. LATIN. F. O. Reeve, A. M., M. D., Instructor in Latin. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION. DIDACTIC. A certain amount of didactic teaching is given as a foundation for clinical illustration. Starting with anatomy and physiology as a basis, the student is conducted by a progressive course to a full appreciation of the kind of instruction he will meet with in the various clinics. CLINICAL. Students have opportunities to test their ability to make diagnoses and prescriptions, under the immediate guidance of a teacher, of such cases as they will be liable to encounter in their future practice. The adjustment of the chairs has been made with a view to give the most thorough training. CALENDAR. Alumni meeting, ..... April 4, 1899 Commencement exercises, .... April 4, 1899 Preliminary examination, . . . September 19, 1899 Session opens, . September 20, 1899 Thanksgiving day, .... November 30, 1899 Christmas holidays begin, . . . December 23, 1899 Session re-opens, ..... January 3, 1900 6o Colleges and Schools — Continued. GRADUATING CLASS, J899. Adams Frank E Bellowsville, Pa. Allen EnosB Trenton, N. J. Austin Henrj J, . - Geneva, O. Banks Chas. W West Bridgewater, Pa. Bissell Fred C Oberlin, O. Bradshaw Chas. E Redfield, O. Brainard Albert J Cleveland, O. Bunnell Louis M., Jr : Scranton, Pa. Cannon Carl J Cleveland, O. Cecil, Jay L Youngstown, O. Cleaves Wm. R Cleveland, O. Davies Sara Columbus Grove, O. Doan Edward B Utica, N. Y. Ellison Geo. W Guy's Mills, Pa. Fenneman Prudence Hamilton, O. Ginn Chas. M Miamisburg, O. Groesbeck Fred'k B Buffalo, N. Y. Henderson John W Cleveland, O. Hill John C Austin, Tex. Hunt Harry E Columbus, O. Jackson Rose F Bucyrus , O . Johnson P. Magnus Cleveland, O. Keiser Romeo O., M. D Bryan, O. Krieger Albert G Liverpool, O. Lyde Florence A Cleveland, O. McLain Richard W Litchfield, Mich. Mercer Augustus W Steubenville, O. Moore Chas. L, Orangeville, O. Morgan Van V.. Silver Springs, N. Y. Mount Garry Lysander, N. Y. Murphy Chester H Williamston, Mich. Murphy Emma A Williamston, Mich. Murphy Mary C Cleveland, O. Niles Johnston Ashtabula, O. Nixon Isabelle B Mt. Vernon , O . O'Grady Geo. W Lancaster, O. Olin Jeptha M Medina. O. Orwig James B., Jr Titusville, Pa, Porter Albert Cleveland, O. Price Wm. H Cleveland. O, Richards Chas. J Ashtabula, O. Ruder Jacob A Berea, O 61 Colleges ond Schools — Co?itinued. Schwartz Edward J Salem, O. Shepherd Thos. P Wooster, O. Walters Ethel W. H Sterling, O. Warner Samuel New Castle, Pa. Watson Fred L Albion, N. Y. Westbrook Major H Brantford, Ont. Wilkins Geo. R Union City, Pa. Wilson Wm Akron, O. Wright Chas. J Edinboro, Pa. CLEVELAND SCHOOL OF SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICS. 523 Superior Street. Robt. Sheerin, M.D., Medical Superintendent. 62 Colleges and Schools — Continued. CLEVELAND SCHOOL OF PHARMACY. 316 and 319 City Hall, OFFICERS. E. A. Schellentrager, Founder and President; G. L. Hechler, Vice-President; John Krause, Ph. G., Treasurer ; Joseph Feil, Ph. G., Secretary, 79 Hough Ave. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Philip Acker, Term expires, 1903 John Krause, Ph. G., " " 1902 E. B. Lane, M. D., " " 1901 E. A. Schellentrager, " " 1901 J. H. Peck, M. D., " " 1900 Eugene R. Selzer, " " 1899 George L. Hechler, " " 1899 SOLICITOR. Daniel F. Reynolds, Jr., Esq., 7 Case Building. FACULTY. Joseph Feil, Ph. G., Dean, Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Director of the Chemical Laboratory, Henry V. Amy, Ph. G., Ph. D., Professor of Pharmacy and Director of the Pharmaceutical Laboratory. Henry W. Stecher, Ph. C, Professor of Botany and Professor of Pharmacy Emeritus. William F. Kuder, Ph. G., Professor of Materia Medica and Microscopy, Director of Microscopical Laboratory. J. H. Beal, Sc. D., Ph. G., Scio, Ohio, Lecturer on Pharmacal Jurisprudence. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. The course of study of this institution has been elaborated and it is the intention of the Trustees and Faculty to con- stantly keep in advance of the needs of the Pharmacist, so that the graduate of the School can feel at home in the front ranks of his peers at any and all times. The Cleveland School of Pharmacy, being organized and chartered under the laws of the State of Ohio, confers the degree of Pharmaceutical Chemist upon all graduates of the School. Three years attendance are required of every student : the various grades are designated as Freshman, Junior and Senior, and to pass from the lower to the next higher grade, a successful examination must be made. 63 Colleges and Schools — Continued. To enter the School the student is required to have at least one or two years of High School or Academy instruction, but the minimum requirement is an education at least equal to that necessary to enter the Cleveland High Schools. Each class has three sessions per week of three hours each ; afternoons, two to five, and evenings, seven to ten. An at- tendance of at least seventy-five per cent, of all lectures and laboratory exercises is essential to enter examinations. No charge is made for ordinary chemicals and use of ap- paratus in the various laboratories, but unusual breakage, wasteful use of drugs and chemicals, and damage to any school properties, must be additionally paid for. Students must provide themselves with the necessary text- books, sponge, aprons, towels, note books, etc., and will be held responsible for the order and cleanliness of everything placed in their care. The School has no rules of discipline, but a gentlemanly conduct and deportment in the full sense implied by the word "gentlemanly" is demanded of every student on penalty of expulsion. While the Officers cannot agree to secure situations for students from out of the city, it will be their aim to assist them as much as possible, and a register is kept for this purpose. CALENDAR. 1899-1900. Instruction closes, - March 31, 1899 Examinations, - April 3 to 7 inclusive, 1899 Commencement, - - - April 27, 1899 Tickets issued, - - - Sept. 1, 1899 Instruction begins, - - Sept. 25, 1899 Thanksgiving Day Recess, - - Nov. 30, 1899 Holiday Vacation begins, - Dec. 23, 1899 Lectures resumed, - - - Jan. 8, 1900 Washington's Birthday Recess, - Feb. 22, 1900 GRADUATING CLASS. Jilek Alois Cleveland, O. Maurer Albert J Cleveland, O. Messerli Adolph Cleveland, O. Palmer Sterne R Cleveland, O. Rabenstein Edward Cleveland, O. Schulze Paul Cleveland, O. Spieth Bemis V . Wood River, Neb. Witte Frederick R Cleveland, O. Wood Frederick J Cleveland, O. 64 Colleges and Schools — Continued. DENTAL COLLEGE OF WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. Established 1892. 262 Prospect St. (Bangor Bldg., next to Y. M. C. A. Bldg.) Member of the National Association of Dental Faculties,, the National Association of Dental Examiners, and the National School of Dental Technics. TRUSTEES. Charles F. Thwing, D. D., LL. D., President, Cleveland; William H. Upson, A. B., Akron; JSbenezer Bushnell, D. D.,. Cleveland; Timothy D. Crocker, LL. B., Cleveland; John Hay, LL. D., Washington, D. C. ; Samuel E. Williamson, LL. D., Cleveland; Liberty E. Holden, A. M., Cleveland; Edwin R. Perkins, A. B., Cleveland; Samuel Mather, Cleveland; William H. Baldwin, A. B., Youngstown; Joel M. Seymour, A. B., Norwalk; Edward P. Williams, A. B., Cleveland; Henry M. Ladd, D. D., Cleveland; Hiram C. Haydn, D.D., LL. D., Cleveland; Charles M. Russell, A. B., Massillon ; Moses G. Watterson, A. M., Cleveland; Washington S. Tyler, Cleveland; Alfred A. Pope, Cleveland; Herbert A. Hitch- cock, A. B., Hudson; Henry R. Hatch, Cleveland; Lewis H. Jones, Cleveland; Worcester R. Warner, Cleveland. Ebenezer Bushnell, D. D., Secretary and Treasurer, office in Adelbert College Building; B. F. Whitman, Auditor. FACULTY. Charles F. Thwing, D. D., LL. D., President. Henry L. Ambler, M. S., D. D. S., M. D., Dean, Professor of Operative Dentistry and Hygiene. Will Henry Whitslar, M. D., D. D. S., Secretary, 29 Euclid Avenue, Professor of Dental Anatomy and Pathology. George Henry Wilson, D. D. S., Professor of Prosthesis and Metallurgy. John W. Van Doom, D. D. S., Professor of Dental -Medicine. John F. Stephan, D. D. S., Professor of Operative Technics. Calvin S. Case, M. D., D. D. S., Chicago, 111., Professor of Orthodontia. George N. Stewart, M. A., D. Sc, M. D., D. P. H., Professor of Physiology and Histology. 65 Colleges and Schools — Continued. Carl A. Hamann, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Perry L. Hobbs, Ph. D., Professor of Chemistry. William T. Howard, Jr., A. B., M. D., Professor of Bacteri- ology. Louis P. Bethel, M. D., D. D. S., Kent, O., Assistant in Bac- teriology. John R. Owens, D. D. S., Anesthetics. Harry A. Garfield, Lecturer on Dental Jurisprudence. Charles E. Hurd, D. D. S., Demonstrator of Prosthetic Dent- istry. William G. Ebersole, M. D., D.D. S., Demonstrator of Opera- tive Dentistry and Oral Surgery. Weston A. V. Price, D. D. S., M. E., Electro-therapeutics and Dental Electric Appliances. Herman C. Kenyon, D. D. S., Demonstrator of Prosthetic Dentistry. Daniel H. Ziegler, Curator of Museum. Professor Whitslar, Superintendent of Operative Clinics. Professor Wilson, Superintendent of Prosthetic Clinics. Miss K. G. Frankle, Clerk of Operative Clinic. Miss Stella Frankle, Clerk of Prosthetic Clinic. Frank Bernard, Janitor. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION. The methods of instruction consist of lectures, recitations, demonstrations, clinics, and practical work in the chemical, physiological and bacteriological laboratories. Complete courses are given in the technic of operative and prosthetic dentistry, as well as in orthodontia and steel. Clinical material is abundant and in great variety. Anatomy, chemistry, physiology and histology are studied in the Medical College. With the general work in these sub- jects special instruction for dental students is interwoven. During the hours for clinics the Professors in charge devote their whole time to the work of instruction. All practical work must be performed in the College, and every effort is made to present students from practicing dentistry illegally. Regular attendance at all of the courses of instruction and clinics is required. No student excused from the technical or practical courses. CALENDAR. 1899. 1 June Thursday Examinations begin. 14 June Wednesday Annual Alumni Association Meeting, at 2 p. m. College Amphitheatre. 15 June Thursday Commencement, 10:30 a. m. 66 Colleges and Schools— Continued. SUMMER VACATION. 3 Oct. Tuesday Session opens. Examinations for admission from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Opening exercises at 2 p. m. ■23 Nov. Thursday Thanksgiving Day. No lectures. ■21 Dec. Thursday Holiday recess begins. 1900. 3 Jan. Wednesday Exercises resumed. 52 Feb. Thursday Washington's Birthday. No lectures. 1 June. Friday Examinations begin. 13 June. Wednesday Annual Alumni Meeting, at 2 p. m. College Amphitheatre. 13 June. Wednesday 3 p. m. Class Day Exercises. 14 June. Thursday Commencement, 10:30 a. m. DENTAL MUSEUM AND LIBRARY. A Dental Museum and Library is being formed. It is earnestly requested of those who have specimens or literature of any interest to dental students, that they make contribu- tions. Each specimen and book receives proper care, and credit is given the donor. GRADUATING CLASS, J899. Andrews Ross Willis Scroggsfield, O. Apple Arthur Dick Meadville, Pa. Atwater Almon Lee Kingsville, O. Auxter Liscomb Dalzell Oak Harbor, O. Baldwin Homer Aaron Guy's Mills, Pa. Barnes Varney Edward. Cleveland, O. Bridgeman George .New Martinsville, W. Va, Costello William Edward Cleveland, O. Eaby Harry Poe Wooster, O. Finch Leigh Lawrence Richf ord , N . Y . Gilmore Samuel Taylor Petersburg, O. Grossman Emanuel Cleveland, O . Gunn Frank Joseph Cleveland, O. Kelley Jay Carleton Geneva, O. Mistr John Cleveland, O. Mottinger Charles Creighton Inland, O. Nash Jay Kimmel Youngstown, O. 67 Colleges and Schools — Co?itinued. Norton Edward Lee Madison, O. Olds Frank Lyman Cleveland, O. Rupert James Alfred Sandy Lake, Pa. Stevenson Frank Watson Cleveland, O. Stewart Cameron Robertson Toronto, Ont. Taylor Charles Edward Kirkton, Ont. Van Dorsten Oscar John Navarre, O. Weaver Samuel Marshall Ravenna, O. Webber John Barton Medina, O. White Charles Nelson Cleveland, O. Wright Douglas Austin Huron, O. Ziegler Dan Hendrix Philadelphia, Pa. 68 Colleges and Schools — Continued. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. {Formerly Cleveland Medical College, Medical Department of Western Reserve College, Medical Department of Adelbert College of Western Re- serve University). ' ESTABLISHED 1843. Erie Street, S. E. Cor. St. Clair. Telephone Main 401. TRUSTEES, Charles F. Thwing, D.D., LL. D., President, Cleveland; Hiram C. Haydn, D.D., LL. D., Vice-President, Cleveland; William H. Upson, A. B., Akron; Ebenezer Bushnell, D.D., Cleveland; Timothy D. Crocker, LL. B, Cleveland; John Hay, LL. D., Washington, D. C; Samuel E. Williamson, LL. D., Cleveland; Liberty E. Holden, A. M., Cleveland; Edwin R. Perkins, A. B., Cleveland; Samuel Mather, Cleveland; H. Kirke Cushing, M. D., LL. D., Cleveland; J. Homer Wade, Cleveland; Washing- ton S. Tyler, Cleveland; John H. McBride, Cleveland; Harry A. Garfield, A. B., Cleveland; Jarvis M. Adams, A. B., Cleveland; Herbert A. Hitch- cock, A. B., Hudson; Alfred A. Pope, Cleveland; Louis H. Severance, Cleveland; Ebenezer Bushnell, D. D., Secretary and Treasurer. Office Adelbert College, Cleveland. FACULTY. Charles F. Thwing, D.D., LL. D., President. Henry J. Herrick, A. M., M. D., Professor Emeritus of Hygiene and State Medicine. Jacob Laisy, A. M., M. D., Professor Emeritus of Anatomy. John E. Darby, A. M., M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Thera- peutics. Hunter H. Powell, A. M., M. D., Dean, Professor of Obstetrics and Pediatrics. John H. Lowman, A. M., M.D., Professor of Medicine and Clinical Medi- cine. John P. Sawyer, A. M., M. D., Professor of Medicine and Clinical Medi- cine. Perry L. Hobbs, Ph. D. (Berlin), Professor of Chemistry. William T. Corlett, M. D., L. R. C. P. (Lond.), Professor of Dermatology, Syphilology and Genito-Urinary Diseases. Henry S. Upson, A. B., M. D., Professor of Neurology. Conway W. Noble, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. George C. Ashmun, M. D., Registrar and Bursar, Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. Dudley P. Allen, A. M., M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery. Benjamin L. Millikin, A. M., M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology. Carl A. Hamann, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Frank E. Bunts, M. D., Professor of the Principles of Surgery and Clini- cal Surgery. Hunter Robb, A. M., M. D., Professor of Gynecology. G. N. Stewart, M.A. D. Sc, M. D. (Edin.), D. P. H. (Camb.), Professor of Physiology and Histology. William T. Howard, Jr., A. B., M. D., Professor of Pathology, Pathologi- cal Anatomy and Bacteriology. William H. Nevison, A. B., M. D., Lecturer on Minor Surgery and Band- aging. 6 9 Colleges and Schools — Concluded. Edward F. Cushing, M. D., Ph. D., Professor of the Diseases of Children. William H. Humiston, M. D., Associate Professor of Gynecology. Charles F. Hoover, A. M., M. D., Professor of Physical Diagnosis. John M. Ingersoll, A. M., M. D., Lecturer on Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. William R. Lincoln, M. D., Lecturer on Otology, Rhinology and Laryn- gology. Torald Sollmann, M. D., Lecturer on Pharmacology. Henry A. Becker, M. D., Demonstrator of Surgical Appliances. COMMITTEE OF ADMINISTRATION. Drs. Powell, Sawyer and Lowman. LABORATORY ASSISTANTS. Robert H. Cowley, A. M., Demonstrator of Pathology and Bacteriology.. Thad D. McFarland, Ph. G., Demonstrator of Chemistry. Adolf Cudell, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. CLINICAL ASSISTANTS. Frank S. Clark, A. M., M. D., Assistant in Obstetrics and Pediatrics. William E. Bruner, A. M., M. D., Assistant in Ophthalmology, Lakeside Hospital Dispensary. Oscar T. Thomas, A. M., M. D., Assistant in Gynecology, Charity Hos- pital Dispensary. Harold T. Clapp, A. M., M. D., Assistant in Gynecology, Charity Hos- pital Dispensary. Walter R. Lincoln, A. B., M. D., Assistant in Gynecology, Lakeside Hospital Dispensary. Harrison G. Wagner, M. D., Assistant in Medicine, Lakeside Hospital Dispensary. Norman O. Paulin, M.D., Assistant in Medical Clinic at Charity Hospital, D. K. White, M. D., Assistant in Surgery at Charity Hospital. E. B. Rhodes, M. D., Assistant in Surgery at Charity Hospital. C. C. Stuart, A. M., M. D., Assistant in Ophthalmology at Lakeside Hos- pital Dispensary. Roger G. Perkins, A. M., M. D., Assistant in Pathology at Lakeside Hospital. Andrew Flower, Curator and Prosector. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. The course of study in this college, for the degree of Doctor of Medi- cine, is of four years' duration. The school year or session continues eight months. Theoretical and applied branches of study are arranged with reference to their bearing upon and preparation for each other, and the effect of the whole course. Instruction is given by lectures, reci- tations, laboratory work and clinical demonstrations. CALENDAR. Final Examinations begin, . . . May 22, 1899 Commencement Exercises, .... June 15, 1899 Examinations for Admission, . . . October 4, 1899 Session opens, ..... October 6, 1899 Holiday Recess begins, . . . December 23, 1899 Exercises resumed, .... January 3, 1900 GRADUATING CLASS, 1899. Crowell Wilbur S Traverse City, Mich. Rhu Herman S Marion, O. Taylor Arthur C East Cleveland, O. Tetlow Herbert, A. B Westerly, R. L Tidd Charles C Clark, Pa. 70 at «rf Dispensaries, e^ *£ CHARITY HOSPITAL DISPENSARY* Marion, N. E. Cor. Perry. Tel. Main 298-J. Open daily, except Sunday, from 10 A. m. to 12 m. DISPENSARY STAFF, MEDICINE. Dr. J. P. Sawyer, Director. Dr. N. O. Paulin, Physician in Charge. SURGERY. Dr. F. E. Bunts, Director. Dr. D. K. White and Dr. E. B. Rhodes, in Charge. GYNECOLOGY. Dr. W. H. Humiston, Director. Dr. H. T. Clapp and Dr. O. T. Thomas, in Charge. CLEVELAND GENERAL HOSPITAL FREE DISPENSARY. 153 Orange. Tel. Main 2862. Open daily, except Sunday, from 8 to 9 a. m. and 1 to 2 p. m. DISPENSARY SURGEONS. Dr. Joseph F. Hobson, Director. Dr. N. S. Scott. Dr. M. D. Stepp. DISPENSARY PHYSICIANS. Dr. Martin Friedrich. Dr. J. C. Steuer. DISPENSARY GYNECOLOGISTS. Dr. A. F. Spurney. Dr. Lillian Towslee. DISPENSARY OCULISTS, AURISTS AND RHINOLOGISTS. Dr. W. E. Shackleton. Dr. E. S. Lauder. DISPENSARY NEUROLOGIST. Dr. C. J. Aldrich. DISPENSARY PEDIATRISTS. Dr. J. C. McMichael. Dr. M. G. Kerruish. DISPENSARY GENITO-URINARY SURGEON. Dr. G. B. Case. 7i Dispensaries — Continued. CLEVELAND HELPING HAND MISSION AND MEDICAL DISPENSARY. 66 Michigan Street (formerly Striebinger House.) OFFICERS. J. W. Collie, Superintendent; F. H. Mencke, Ass't Sup't; Drs. A. W. and I. S. Herr, Dispensary Physicians; Henry DeFleuter, Chorister; Mrs. H. C. Cunningham, Matron; Mrs. N. H. Richmond, Housekeeper; Ernest Numbers, Thomas Parcell, Department Assistants. ADVISORY BOARD. R. H. Kennedy. W. H. Wakeham. H. H. Burkholder. A. G. Haughey. R. I. Francis. Intematio7ial Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association. MEDICAL DISPENSARY. This feature of the work has been added this year and is under the care of competent physicians, who hold themselves in readiness to answer calls among the poor and destitute and give them the needed care. Five hundred dollars is needed at once for this branch of the work in securing proper appliances and facilities for caring for the sick poor. VISITING NURSES. It is desired to put into the field at once, visiting nurses, who will visit the sick poor, clean, heal and cheer the inmates, and teach simple but vital lessons in hygiene and sanitation. Hundreds of poor mothers and children are to-day in ■destitute circumstances who can be greatly relieved and benefitted by the visit of a tender-hearted nurse who will bring skill combined with Christian kindness. Those who en- gage in this work are willing to work for mere maintenance, receiving just enough to cover board, clothing, car fare and sanitary supplies. Four hundred dollars will support a visit- ing nurse in the field for one year. 72 Dispensaries — Continued. DISPENSARY OF DENTAL COLLEGE, WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY, 262 Prospect Street. Open from 1 to 4 p. m. daily, except Saturday and Sunday. DISPENSARY STAFF. Operative Department. — Dr. W. H. Whitslar, Director; Drs. W. G. Ebersole and H. C. Kenyon, Assistants; Miss K. G. Frankle, Clerk. Prosthetic Department. — Dr. G. H. Wilson, Director; Drs. C. E. Hurd and H. C. Kenyon, Assistants; Miss Stella Frankle, Clerk. DISPENSARY OF WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY AND LAKESIDE HOSPITAL, Lake St., n. e. Cor. Muirson. Tels. Main 540 and Main 1539. Open daily, except Sundays and Holidays, from 1 to 2 :30 p. m. DISPENSARY STAFF. Medicine. — Dr. J. H. Lowman, Director. Dr. C. F. Hoover, Physician in Charge. Dr. H. G. Wagner, Assistant. Surgery. — Dr. D. P. Allen, Director. Dr. W. H. Nevison, Surgeon in Charge. Dr. H. A. Becker, Assistant. Obstetrics. — Dr. H. H. Powell, Director. Gynecology. — Dr. Hunter Robb, Director. Dr. Walter R. Lincoln, Gynecologist in Charge. Nervous Diseases. — Dr. H. S. Upson, Director. Dr. H. L. Spence, Neurologist in Charge. Ophthalmology.— Dr. B. L. Millikin, Director. Dr. W. E. Bruner, Ophthalmologist in Charge. Dr. C. C. Stuart, Assistant. Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases. — Dr. W. T. Cor- lett, Director in Charge. Diseases of the Nose, Ear and Throat. — Drs. J. M. and William R. Lincoln, in Charge. Pediatrics.— Dr. E. F. Cushing, Director; Drs. F. S. Clark and J. J. Thomas, in Charge. J. S. Knowles, Superintendent. Dr. W. J. W. Woolgar, Clerk of Dispensary. 73 Dispensaries — Continued. GOOD SAMARITAN DISPENSARY of the Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College. Organized 1862. 62 Huron St. Tel. Main 1337. Conducted under the auspices of the College, and designed to care for the worthy poor of the city. Method of manage- ment recently changed to conform with the plan adopted in the great Universities of London, Vienna, Berlin, Paris, and New York. The work is being carried on in the College building, where the different floors are especially fitted up to accommo- date it. All service is entirely gratuitous, and each patient is under the care of a specialist and is given the same courteous attention as in private work. Open daily, except Sunday, from 12.30 to 1.30 p. m. DISPENSARY STAFF. DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS. Heads of Department, Dr. Harlan Pomeroy, Dr. E. H. Jewitt; Chief Assistant, Dr. A. H. Baldinger. DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL MEDICINE. Heads of Department, Dr. C. C. True, Dr. G. W. Gurnee; Chief Assistant, Dr. E. O. Adams; Assistant, Dr. W. B. Glendinning. DEPARTMENT OF GYNAECOLOGY. Head of Department, Dr. J. C. Wood; Chief Assistant, Dr. P. B. Roper; Assistants, Dr. W. E. Trego, Dr. R. G. Baird. DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY. Heads of Department, Dr. J. K. Sanders, Dr. H. L. Frost; Chief Assistant, Dr. H. D. Bishop; Assistants, Dr. N. T. B. Nobles, Dr. B. B. Kimmel. DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY AND OTOLOGY. Heads of Department, Dr. W. A. Phillips, Dr. B. B. Viets ; Chief Assistant, Dr. H. E. Chapman; Assistant, Dr. Tomo Inouye. DEPARTMENT OF RHINOLOGY AND LARYNGOLOGY. Head of Department, Dr. G. H. Quay; Chief Assistant, Dr. J. B. Woodworth; Assistant, Dr. F. E. Chase. DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS. Head of Department, Dr. C. S. Cutter; Chief Assistant, Dr. D. J. Bryant. 74 Dispensaries — Continued. DEPARTMENT OF GENITO-URINARY SURGERY. Head of Department, Dr. K. B. Waite ; Chief Assistant, Dr. E. W. Gurley. DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY AND ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. Head of Department, Dr. J. Richey Horner; Chief Assistant, Dr. G. C. Radcliffe. DEPARTMENT OF DERMATOLOGY. Head of Department, Dr. G. W. Spencer; Chief Assistant, Dr. W. H. Phillips. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS. Head of Department, Dr. G. E. Turrill; Chief Assistant, Dr. A. B. Schneider. DEPARTMENT OF DENTAL SURGERY. Head of Department, Dr. J. R. Bell. *% DISPENSARY OF GERMAN HOSPITAL. 210 Franklin Avenue. Tel. West 333. Open daily, except Sunday, from 10 a. m. to 12 m. Medical and Surgical diseases daily; diseases of women and children and nervous diseases, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday; diseases of eye and ear and of nose, throat and chest, Monday, Wednesday and Friday; skin diseases, Wednesday and Saturday, 2:30. p. m. (See German Hospital .) 75 Dispensaries — Concluded. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S FREE DISPENSARY. 133 Woodland Ave., near Erie St. Open daily, except Sunday, from 10 a. m. to 12 m. Dr. Mary H. White, Physician in Charge. Dr. Tomo Inouye, Assistant. OFFICERS. Dr. Myra K. Merrick, President. Dr. Martha A. Canfield, Vice-President. Dr. Martha M. Stone, Secretary, 914 Prospect St. Dr. Kate Parsons, Treasurer. VISITING STAFF. Drs. Annette T. Winship, Louise Toles, Kate Parsons, Har- riet B. Chapman, Emily B. Robinson, Martha M. Stone and Eliza J. Merrick. Surgeon : Dr. Hamilton F. Biggar. 16 The Doan Turkish Bath •AND., Swimming Pool For Ladies and Gentlemen* Open day and night, including Sundays* Under new Management* J>J'^»J>J»J'J>J» C P. SCHMITT, Proprietor, iac\ ia~> "CDTtr cnr 'phone, main 2137. Z4U-Z4Z HKlrL o 1 ♦ special rates to clubs. H. J. Sherwood, ...Drugs... 979 Woodland Ave., CLEVELAND, 0. TELEPHONE EAST 65, A full and complete stock of H. K. Mulford Co.'s pharmaceu- tical products, including Compressed Tablets and Tablet Ticturate; Elixirs, Wines* Syrups* Fluid Extracts* etc. Diphtheria Antitoxin, Glycerinated Vaccine, Lymph (in tubes). Orders for the above will receive prompt attention. 77 Call Bell TeL Main 1386 for Ambulance or Invalid Carriage. Our Invalid Carriage has been carefully con- structed, every detail having been looked into to insure comfortable and easy riding for the patient. J. & W. KOEBLER BROS., 421 WOODLAND AVE, OPP. IRVING. FAIRMOUNT HOME. Pleasantly located within a half block of Cedar Ave. car line. Steam heat. All mod- ern conveniences. Large grounds. This is a private home devoted ex- clusively to the Scientific Treat- ment of Alcohol, Morphine, Opium, and other Narcotic Habits. Every ad- vantage known to medical science will be given pa- Bl tients. Write for particulars. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Wm. H. Hopkins, Manager. A. J 900 Fairmount Street, . Pressey, M. D., Med. Director. OFFICE HOURS: A. M. TO 12 M., I TO 5 P. M. MRS. M. A. DOWD, DENTIST. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WORK A SPECIALTY. 30 SAVINGS AND TRUST BLDG. 44 EUCLID AVENUE, CLEVELAND, OHIO. at of Hospitals* a? at CHARITY HOSPITAL. (£7. Vince?it De Paul Charity Hospital.) Perry St., South East Cor. Central Ave. Tel. Main 298-J. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine. Sister Charles, Superior. President of the Board, Dr. H. J. Lee. STAFF. Consulting Physicians. — Dr. H. J. Herrick, Dr. G. C. Ash- mun, Dr. B. W. Holliday, Dr. J. H. Lowman. Consulting Surgeons. — Dr. G. C. E. Weber, Dr. D. P. Allen. Consulting Ophthalmologist. — Dr. B. L. Millikin. Consulting Dermatologist. — Dr. W. T. Corlett. Visiting Physicians.— Dr. H. J. Lee, Dr. J. E. Cook, Dr. J. P. Sawyer, Dr. T. A. Burke. Visiting Surgeons. — Dr. F. E. Bunts, Dr. C. A. Hamann. Visiting Gynecologist. — Dr. W. H. Humiston. Visiting Ophthalomologist. — Dr. W. E. Bruner. Pathologist.— Dr. W. T. Howard, Jr. HOUSE STAFF. Dr. H. M. Hall, House Physician. Dr. C. L. Carlisle, House Surgeon. Dr. C. O. Jaster, Externe. MATERNITY DEPARTMENMT. Dr. H. H. Powell, Physician in Charge. Dr. J. J. Thomas, Assistant. Relatives and friends are allowed to visit ward patients on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 2 to 5 p. m. CITY INFIRMARY. Scranton Avenue, near Valentine. Office, Wood Street, S. E. Cor. Rockwell. Tel. Main 691. Edwin Batt, Superintendent. Wm. Hanna, Steward. Mrs. Ella M. Hanna, Matron. Hospitals — Con tin ued. CLEVELAND CITY HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED 1888. Scranton Ave., opp. Sackett St. Tel. Main 26. Miss Caro- line Kirkpatrick, Superintendent. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. Dr. C. A. Hamann, President; Dr. G. B. Case, Vice- President; Dr. S. W. Kelley, Secretary. CONSULTANTS. SURGEONS. Dr. C. B. Parker; Dr. J. K. Sanders; Dr. W. T. Miller; Dr. D. P. Allen; Dr. N. S. Scott; Dr. F. E. Bunts. PHYSICIANS. Dr. J. H. Lowman; Dr. S. W. Kelley; Dr. C. F. Dutton; Dr. J. E. Darby. OBSTETRICIANS. Dr. H. W. Rogers; Dr. H. H. Powell ; Dr. D. S. Hanson; Dr. R. E. Skeel. GYNECOLOGISTS. Dr. Marcus Rosenwasser; Dr. W. H. Humiston. OPHTHALMOLOGISTS. Dr. A. R. Baker; Dr. H. G. Sherman; Dr. W. E. Bruner. DERMATOLOGISTS. Dr. W. T. Corlett; Dr. G. B. Case; Dr. D. K. White. NEUROLOGISTS. Dr. H. L. Spence; Dr. C. J. Aldrich. VISITING STAFF. Dr. G. W. Crile; Dr. G. D. Upson; Dr. A. F. Spurney; Dr. C. A. Hamann; Dr. J. F. Hobson; Dr. C. F. Hoover. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Dr. W. E. Wirt; Dr. E. P. Carter; Dr. M. G. Kerruish. HOUSE STAFF. Dr. G. H. Fitzgerald, House Physician; Dr. W. G. Stern, First Assistant; Dr. C. M. Hole, Second Assistant; Dr. G. H. Hoffman, Third Assistant. Visiting day, Friday, from 12 :30 to 3 :30 p. m., and by per- mit from Superintendent. 8o Hospitals — Continued. CLEVELAND GENERAL HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED 1894. 274 Woodland Ave. and 153 Orange St. Tel. Main 2862. Miss E. M. Smythe, Superintendent. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. W. F. Carr, Chairman; Dr. Jos. F. Hobson, Secretary- Treasurer; Dr. C. B. Parker: Dr. C. F. Dutton ; Dr. Marcus Rosenwasser; W. M. Day; Leonard Schlather. BOARD OF MANAGERS. Daniel Myers, President; Rev. M. J. Gries, First Vice- President; Mrs. J. M. Lewis, Second Vice-President; C. O. Bassett, Treasurer; Mrs. G. T. Mcintosh, Secretary; Hon. W. J. Akers ; Mrs. C. J. Aldrich ; Dr. C. B. Parker ; Dr. J. F. Hob- son ; D. H. Kimberley; Mrs. Abraham Wiener; Mrs. Siegmund Joseph; Mrs. K. B. Bailey; Mrs. C. B. Parker; Mrs. A. R. Baker; Mrs. N. S. Possons ; Mrs. E. N. Morgan; Mrs. Wm. Thornburgh; Mrs. T. H. Wilson; Mrs. H. P. Mc- intosh; Mrs. C. A. Muerman. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. Dr. Jos. F. Hobson, Chief-of-Stafr. Consulting Physicians. — Dr. C. F. Dutton, Dr. John Perrier r Dr. H. W. Rogers. Visiting Physicians. — Dr. Ignatz Friedmann, Dr. C. J. Aldrich,. Dr. J. H. Belt. Visiting Surgeons.— Dr. C. B. Parker, Dr. G. W. Crile, Dr. Jos. F. Hobson. Gynecologist — Dr. Marcus Rosenwasser. Occulists and Aurists. — Dr. D. B. Smith, Dr. A. R. Baker. Neurologist. — Dr. C. J. Aldrich. Orthopedist.— Dr. W. E. Wirt. Obstetrician.— Dr. R. E. Skeel. Pediatrist. — Dr. S. W. Kelley. Pathologist. — Dr. R. G. Schnee. Dermatologist. — Dr. G. B. Case. HOUSE STAFF. Dr. F. Y. Allen, House Surgeon. Dr. R. W. Williams, Assistant House Surgeon. Dr. J. E. Adams, House Physician. Visiting Days : Sunday, Tuesday and Friday, 2 to 4 p. m. 8r Hospitals — Continued. CLEVELAND HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL. (HURON STREET HOSPITAL.) Established 1867. 66 Huron. Tels. Main 677 and Home 763. Wm. H. Webber, Superintendent. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. President, Hon. M. A. Hanna; First Vice President, Luther Allen; Second Vice President, Col. Myron T. Herrick; Secretary, Dr. Harlan Pomeroy; Treasurer, 'Wm. H. Webber. Term expires 1900, J. H. Wade, Jr., Mrs. D. P. Rhodes, Luther Allen; term expires 1901, Hon. M. A. Hanna, Mrs. L. A. Pierce, Col. Myron T. Herrick; term expires 1902, Mrs. W. H. Waite, S. C. Smith, D. Z. Norton. Executive Committee — D. B. Wick, Joseph Ingersoll, Mrs. John Huntington, Mrs. Calvary Morris, Miss Laura Hilliard. BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS. Miss Laura Hilliard, Mrs. Calvary Morris, Mrs. William Edwards, Mrs. John Huntington, Mrs. A. C. Hord, Mrs. O. J Hodge, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. V. C. Taylor, Mrs. T. D Crocker, Mrs. S. C. Smith, Mrs. George Ingersoll. Mrs. Wil Ham Chisholm, Sr., Mrs. W. H. Waite, Mrs. Philip Morris Mrs. B. J. York, Mrs. Herman Frasch, Mrs. M. A. Bradlev Mrs. Myron T. Herrick, Mrs. D. P. Rhodes, Mrs. R. R Rhodes, Mrs. Dudley Wick, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. M. A Hanna, Mrs. Luther Allen, Mrs. L. D. Dodge, Mrs. F. J. Pank- hurst, Mrs. W. J. White, Mrs. I. N. Topliff, Mrs/H. W. Osborn. MEDICAL BOARD. Consulting Physicians — Drs. J. C. Sanders, D. H. Beckwith and G. J. Jones. Surgical Staff— Dr. H. L. Frost, February, March; Dr. C. D. Ellis, April, May; Dr. W. E. Wells, June, July; Dr. J. Kent Sanders, August, September; Dr. W. T. Miller, October, November; Dr. H. D. Bishop, December, Jan- uary. Gynaecology — Drs. J. C. Wood and P. B. Roper. Ophthalmology— Drs. W. A. Phillips and B. B. Viets. Laryngology — Dr. G. H. Quay. Surgery — Dr. K. B. Waite. 82 Hospitals — Con tin ued. Medical Staff — Dr. H. H. Baxter, January, February, March; Dr. A. B. Schneider, April, May, June; Dr. A. L. Waltz, July, August, September; Dr. C. C. True, October, November, December. •Obstetrical Staff— Dr. Harlan Pomeroy, January, February, March; Dr. A. F. Baldinger, April, May, June; Dr. H. W. Richmond, July, August, September; Dr. E. H. Jewitt, October, November, December. Diseases of Respiratory Organs — Dr. G. E. Turrill. Neurology — Dr. J. Richey Horner. Pathologist— Dr. C. M. Thurston. HOUSE STAFF. Dr. J A. Lytle, House Physician. Dr. G. W. O'Grady, Assistant House Physician. Miss S. B. Stevens, Principal of Training School. Visiting days : Tuesday, Friday and Sunday, from 2 to 4 p. m. CLEVELAND STATE HOSPITAL, Established 1855. Broadway, opp. South end Woodland Hills Ave. Tel. Main 1076. Dr. H. C. Eyman, Superintendent. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. H. B. Perkins, President, Warren; D S. Gardner, M. D., Vice-President, Massillon ; C. N. Schmick, Leetonia ; John S. .Ellen, Willoughby; George D. Gessaman, Youngstown. RESIDENT OFFICERS. E. L. Emrich, M. D., First Assistant Physician; F. C. Hutchins, M. D., Second Assistant Physician; J. F. Kellv, M D., Third Assistant Physician; Willis S. Hobson, M. D., Fourth Assistant Physician; Thomas Austin, Steward; H. C. Robbins, Storekeeper; Mrs. H. C. Eyman, Matron. Visiting days: Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a. m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p. m. «3 Hospitals — Continued. DETENTION HOSPITAL. (See Department of Charities and Correction, Medical y Etc., Officials.) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN HOSPITAL. Established 1896. 136 Franklin Ave., near Pearl St. Tel. West 385. Mrs. C. E. Mueller, Matron. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Rev. J. J. Walker, President; Chas. Seibel, Vice-President; Wm. Wischmeier, Treasurer; F. M. F. Leutner, Secretary"; H. F. Luekens, Louis Morunga, C. H. Helms. HOSPITAL STAFF. Dr. Christian Sihler, President; Dr. C. L. H. Hintzelmann, Dr. F. E. Bunts, Dr. R. E. Skeel, Dr. J. H. Lowman, Dr. M. G. Kolb, Dr. W. E. Lower, Dr. G. W. Crile, Dr. J. J. Buel, Dr. W. A. Knowlton. Visitors admitted daily, from 2 to 4 p. m. GERMAN HOSPITAL AND BETHESDA DEACONESS HOUSE. INCORPORATED- 1894. 210 Franklin Avenue. Telephone West 333. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Rev. Martin Vitz, President ; Carl Young, Vice-President ; Wm. Richter, Secretary; W. H. Kees, Treasurer; Rev. J. H. C. Roentgen, D.D., Finance-Secretary and Superintendent; Rev. August Becker, Rev. Henry Schmidt, Henry Hage- mann, Mrs. Sarah Weber, Mrs. Louisa Brandt, Mrs. Mar- garet Rehburg, Mrs. Margarethe Rauch. Miss Rosalie Knorp, Matron, Hospitals — Continued. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. Surgeons.— Dr. M. A. Boesger, Dr. W. C. Weber, Dr. J. M. Friend, Dr. H. A. Becker, Dr. W. H. Nevison. Physicians.— Dr. Otto Mueller, Dr. F. J. Morton, Dr. C. W. Ampt, Dr. F. W. Daykin, Dr. G. B. Farnsworth. Consulting Surgeon. — Dr. A. F. House. Consulting Physicians. — Dr. H. C. Brainerd, Dr. Chas. Gentsch, Dr. E.J; Cutler, Dr. J. E. Woodbridge. Dr. H. C. Eyman, Consulting Neurologist. Dr. Edward Preble, Consulting Dermatologist. Dr. X. C. Scott, Ophthalmologist and Otologist. Visiting days : Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. HURON STREET HOSPITAL. {See Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital.) 8S Hospitals — Continued. LAKESIDE HOSPITAL. Established 1875. Lake Street, between Muirson and Canfield Streets. Tels. Main 540 and Main 1539. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Samuel Mather, President ; Hon. S. E. Williamson, First Vice-President; W. S. Tyler, Second Vice-President ; H. C. Studley, Secretary; H. A. Garfield, Treasurer; Lee McBride, C. W. Harkness, L. H. Severance, Gen. G. A. Garretson, R. W. Hickox, J. H. Wade, E. W. Oglebay, Mr*. H. B. Hurlburt,. Mrs. M. H. Severance, L. C. Hanna, H. R. Hatch. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. Consulting Physicians and Surgeons — Drs. H. K. Cushing and G. C. E. Weber. Visiting Physicians — Drs. H. H. Powell, J. H. Lowman and H. S. Upson. Visiting Surgeon — Dr. D. P. Allen. Visiting Gynecologist — Dr. Hunter Robb. Visiting Pediatrist — Dr. E. F. Cushing. Visiting Ophthalmologist — Dr. B. L. Millikin. Visiting Dermatologist— Dr. W. T. Corlett. Pathologist— Dr. W. T. Howard, Jr. HOUSE STAFF. Resident Physician — Dr. W. G. Moorehouse; First Assistant,. Dr. E. H. Season; Second Assistant, Dr. W. W. Phillips. Resident Surgeon — Dr. C. E. Briggs; First Assistant, Dr. W. F. Doolittle; Second Assistant, Dr. O.N. Warner; Ex- terne, C. Lull, Jr. Resident Gynecologist — Dr. W. H. Weir; First Assistant, Dr. H. S. Rhu; Second Assistant, A. R. Cunningham; Externe, C. D. Williams. Resident Pathologist — Dr. R. G. Perkin*. J. S. Knowles, Superintendent. Principal Training School and Superintendent Nurses — Miss- M. H. McMillan. Housekeeper — Miss Edith Martin. Steward — J. R, Coddington. Visiting days — Tuesday and Friday, from 2 to 4 p. m. and 6 to- 7 p. m. 86 Hospitals — Continued. LUTHERAN HOSPITAL. {See Eva7igelical Lutheran Hospital.) MARINE HOSPITAL. (See U. S. Marine Hospital.) MATERNITY HOSPITAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. Established 1892. 134 East Prospect Street. Telephone East 73. Mrs. E. C. Stone, Matron. Open at all times, BOARD OF MANAGERS. Mrs. B. F. Powers, 2146 Euclid Ave., President; Mrs. H. D. Bishop, 70 Ingleside Ave., First Vice-President; Mrs. H. A. Everett, 2575 Euclid Ave., Second Vice-President; Mrs. Martin Striebinger, 1180 Central Ave., Treasurer; Mrs. A. G. Carpenter, 125 Streator Ave , Secretary; Mrs. A. E. Pra- ther, 1332 Cedar Ave.; Mrs. W. P. Johnson, 334 Amesbury Ave.; Mrs. W. J. White, Lake Ave.; Mrs. N. Coe Stewart, 71 Jennings Ave. ; Miss Gabrielle Stewart, 71 Jennings Ave.: Mrs. F. C. Adams, 181 Bolton Ave.; Mrs. H.E. McMillin, 2004 Euclid Ave.; Miss Florence Cozad, 56 Mayfield Road; Miss Julia Leininger, 2676 Euclid Ave.; Mrs. Helen Teachout, 197 Kennard St. ; Mrs. Mae T. La Vigne, 197 Kennard St. ; Mrs. Furst. Advisory Board. — Mrs. A. W.Johnston, Mrs. M. G. Watterson, E. C. Parmelee. Fiscal Board. — James Malone, I. N. ToplifT, Mrs. N. Coe Stewart. Regular meeting first Thursday of each month. Medical and Surgical Staff. — Drs. Martha A. Canrield, Harlan Pomeroy, H. D. Bishop, A. F. Baldinger, Jessie Boggs, Eliza J. Merrick. Consulting Physician. — Dr. E. G. Rust. House Physician. — Dr. J. K. Hamilton. 87 Hospitals — Continued. ST, ALEXIS HOSPITAL. Established 1884. 1507 Broadway, cor. McBride St. Tel. Main 1001. Conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis. Sister Leonarda, Superior. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. Consulting Surgeons — Dr. G. F. Leick,Dr. C. E. Cotton, Dr. C. C. Arms. Visiting Surgeons — Dr. J. V. Gallagher, Dr. G. W. Crile. Consulting Physicians — Dr. John Perrier, Dr. A. J. Cook. Visiting Physicians — Dr. L. B. Tuckerman, Dr. F. S. Clark, Dr. J. V. Kofron, Dr. C. F. Hoover. Oculist— Dr. A. R. Baker. Rhinologist — Dr. W. A Shackleton, Neurologist — Dr. H. S. Upson. Resident Staff— Dr. F. J. Schmoldt, House Surgeon; Dr. A. J. Simpson, House Physician. Visiting days— Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, from 2 to 5 p. m. , ST. ANN'S INFANT ASYLUM AND MATERNITY HOME. ESTABLISHED 1873. 21 Marion St. (adjoining Charity Hospital), Telephone Main 298-L. In connection with the Charity Hospital and under the management of the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine. Sister M. Peter, Superior. Dr. H. H. Powell, Physician-in-Charge. Dr. ]. J. Thomas, Assistant. (See Charity Hospital). Hospitals — Continued. ST. CLAIR HOSPITAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. ESTABLISHED 1891. 1354 St. Clair Street, Cor. Belden. Telephone Main 2468. Mrs. Minnie Kirk, Matron. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Dr. A. F. House, President; Dr. J. H. Lueke, Vice Presi- dent; Dr. Robert Bailey, Secretary; John Clauss, Assistant Secretary; Dr. J. A. Heath, Dr. M. J. Carey, Dr. R. J. Wen- ner, R. A. Edmiston, C. E. Burke, C. B. Lewis, G. E. Col- lings. OFFICERS BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS. Mrs. Henrietta French, President; Mrs. H. M. Case, First Vice-President; Mrs. A. F. House, Second Vice-President; Mrs. M. W. Boley, Recording Secretary; Mrs. G. W. Van Camp, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. E. R. Selzer, Treas- urer; Mrs. A. F. House, Chairman of Entertainments ; Mr L. Wilson, Chairman of Purchasing; Mrs. Elkanah Lane, Chairman of Repairs; Mrs. H. M. Rockwell, Chairann of In- ventory; Mrs. H. H. Hodell, Auditor. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. Visiting Surgeon. — Dr. A. F. House. Visiting Physicians. — Drs. M. J. Carey, J. H. Lueke, Robert Bailey, J. A. Heath, R. J. Wenner. Neurologist. — Dr. E. G. Carpenter. Consulting Laryngologist. — Dr. J. M. Ingersoll. House Physician. — Dr. W. S. Crowell. Visiting days: Sunday and Wednesday, from 2 to 5 p. m s 9 Hospitals — Con tin ued . ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED 1892. 1191 Detroit Street. Telephone West 374. Conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis. Sister M. Agatha, Superior. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF. Dr. F. A. Stovering, Chief of Staff and Visiting Surgeon; Dr. J. A. Gilbert, Secretary and Visiting Physician; Dr. J. J. Buel, Ophthalmologist; Dr. J. R.Smith, Consulting Physician; Dr. N. S. Scott, Consulting Surgeon; Dr. Marcus Rosenwas- ser, Consulting Gynecologist. Visiting Physicians. — Drs. P. J. Byrne, J. A. Gilbert and M. J. Parke. Visiting Surgeons. — Drs. H. W. Rogers, F. J. Havlicek and F. C. Taylor. House Physician. — Dr. G. J. Weitz. Visiting days : Sunday and Thursday, from 2 to 5 p. m. UNITED STATES MARINE HOSPITAL, 371 Lake Street, Cor. Erie. Telephone Main 580. Under Control of the U. S. Treasury Department, and for . the temporary relief and treatment of sailors employed on registered vessels of the United States, engaged in merchant service. Dr. Henry W. Wickes, Assistant Surgeon, Marine Hos- pital Service, in Command. Drs. Wm. C.Manchester and Wm.J.W.Woolgar, Resident Physicians. Sam'l W. Richardson, Hospital Steward. Visiting days : Sunday, Tuesday and Friday, 2 to 5 p. m. 90 Hospitals — Concluded. VEGA AVENUE HOSPITAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. ESTABLISHED 1898. 175 Vega Avenue. Telephone West 264. Miss Etta Mandeville, Matron and Superintendent of Nurses. Dr. C. B. Humiston, President; Dr. Jacob Stotter, Vice- President; Dr. L. W. Child*, Secretary; Dr. Martin Fried- rich, Treasurer. STAFF. Consulting Physicians. — Drs. W. A. Knowlton, J. R. Smith, G. H. Gilbert and Ignatz Friedmann. Consulting Surgeons. — Drs. J. E. Cook and Henry Fortlage. Consulting Dermatologist.— Dr. D. K. White. Consulting Neurologist. — D»\ H. L. Spence. Consulting Gynecologist. — Dr. C. B. Humiston. Consulting Laryngologist. — Dr. H. S. Straight. Consulting Ophthalmologist.— Dr. Jacob Stotter. Visiting Physicians.— Drs. A. H. Miller, W. K. Mock, I. W. Bard, G. N. Watson, F. W. Diykin and F. W. Davis. Visiting Surgeons. — Drs. O. E. George, Martin Friedrich, G. D. Upson, L. W. Childs, C. C. Stuart and H. B. Wideman. Visiting Obstetricians. — Drs. W. E. Linden and J. C. Simon. Lecturers to Nurses. — Dr. L. W. Childs, Anatomy; Dr. Mar- tin Friedrich, Physiology; Dr. C. C. Stuart, Principles of Nursing. OFFICERS BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS. Mrs. J. H. Peck, President; Mrs. W. A. Knowlton, First Vice-President; Mrs. J. C.Simon, Second Vice-President ; Mrs. A. Muhlhauser, Treasurer; Mrs. Jacob Stotter, Correspond- ing Secretary; Mrs. W. E. Linden, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Louis Perczel, Financial Secretary. This Institution was started to meet the need of a non- sectarian Hospital for the West and South sides, and has since its existence done a great amount of charitable work. It is the aim of the zealous women workers that not a needy per- son seeking relief from suffering, shall be turned awav unaided. Visiting day : Thursday, from 2 to 4 p. m. 9i Libraries, Museums, Etc* CLEVELAND MEDICAL LIBRARY. 586 Prospect St., near Perry. Tel. Miin 2601. (See Cleveland Medical Library Association). CLEVELAND PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIA- TION LIBRARY. 316 City Hall. DENTAL MUSEUM AND LIBRARY. (See Dental College of Western Reserve University). MUSEUM OF THE CLEVELAND HOMOEO- PATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE. 62 Huron St. Tel. Main 1337. Contains a large number of interesting and instructive path- ological specimens, anomalies, anatomical casts, curiosities, etc. It is the intention to make it one of the attractions of the College, and to this end persons interested are requested to send to the College (at its expense) pathological specimens that will be of sufficient interest to warrant placing them in the Museum. 92 Medical Publications. BULLETIN OF THE CLEVELAND GENERAL HOSPITAL, Quarterly ,65 pp, 8vo. Devoted to the medical and surgical interests of the Hospital and published under the auspices of the Staff at 744 Prospect St. Tel. East 379. Dr. C. J. Aldrich, Editor and Manager Drs. C. G. Foote and F. Y. Allen, Associate Editors. Fifty cents a year. CLEVELAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. Monthly. Offi- cial Journal of the Cleveland Medical Society and the Union Medical Association of Northeastern Ohio. Drs. Henry S.Upson, P.Maxwell Foshay and Hubert L.Spence, Editors. 514 New England Bldg., 129 Euclid Ave. Tels. Main 912 and Home 571. One dollar per year. CLEVELAND MEDICAL GAZETTE. Monthly. Dr. C. W. Smith, Editor. Medical Gazette Publishing Co., Publish- ers,122 Euclid Ave. Tels. M. 348, H.454. One dollar a year. HAHNEMANN ANNUAL, THE. Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College, Publishers. J. A. Black, F. C.Coombes, R. M. Wallace, J. D. Parker, H. H. Crum, F. N. Richard- son, Miss S. B.Harpst, Editors. One dollar a year. HOSPITAL BULLETIN. (See Bulletin of the Cleveland Gen- eral Hospital. ) HOSPITAL NEWS, THE. Monthly. Edited, printed and published by inmates of the Cleveland State Hospital. Tel. Main 1076. SUGQESTER AND THINKER, THE. The Suggester and Thinker Publishing Co., Publishers,523 Superior St. Robt. Sheerin, M.D , Editor. One dollar per year. Devoted to Suggestive Therapeutics and Suggestive Education oi Children, the Power of Thought in the Production and Cure of Diseases, as well as all Psychic Phenomena. including Hypnotism, Telepathy, Spiritism, Visions and all other Occult Sciences. A. B. Howard, M D. W. A. Searl, M. D. "Tair Oaks" Uilla A FAMILY HOME FOB NEBVOUS AND MENTAE DISEASES. ........ CUYAEIOGA EAL'ES. O. 94 Sanitariums * Battle Creek (Mich.) Sanitarium, Branch of, 230 Euclid Avenue. Telephone connection. Cain's Sanitarium, Mrs. Lucy, 60 Delaware Street. Tele- phone Main 2325. Canfield Hospital and Sanitarium, 26 Streator Avenue. Telephone Doan 98-L. Cleveland Electro-Magnetic Sanitarium, 77 York Street. Pairmount Home, 900 Fairmount Street; A. J. Pressey, M. D., Medical Director; W. H. Hoskins, Manager. Opium, Morphine, Cocaine and Alcohol Habits treated. Pair Oaks Villa Sanitarium, Cuyahoga Falls, O. Forest City Kneipp Sanitarium, 40 Longwood Avenue. Pox Sanitarium, 979 Willson Avenue. Kinsman Hospital, 553 Kinsman Street, near Herald Street. Telephone East 839. Dr. Cornelius Baker, Proprietor. Lake Erie Hydriatic Institute and Sanitarium, Miss K. E. Sihler, Superintendent; 51 Windsor Avenue. Private Hospital for Diseases of Women. Established 1888. 874 Scranton Avenue. Telephones Main 2472 and Home 233. Dr. Wm. H. Humiston, Surgeon-in-charge. Private Orthopedic Sanitarium, 477 Prospect Street. Telephone Main 2245-J. Sanitarium of Cleveland School of Suggestive Therapeutics, 523 Superior Street. Robert Sheer ia, M. D., Superintendent. 95 S *£ Societies* *£ *& MEDICAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, CLEVELAND COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICERS.— 1898-99. C. E. Cotton, M. D., Cleveland, O., President. Wm. I. Wood, M. D., Medina, O., Secretary. Chas. L. H. Hintzelmann, M. D., Cleveland, O., Treasurer. The next annual meeting will be held May 3, 1899, in the Amphitheatre of the Cleveland General Hospital, 274 Wood- land Avenue. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, CLEVELAND HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE* Embracing the Alumni of the Western College of Homoeo- pathic Medicine, Western Homoeopathic College, Homoeo- pathic College for Women, Cleveland Homoeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland University of Medicine and Surgery, Cleveland Medical College. OFFICERS.— 1899-1900. President— Dr. J. Richey Horner ('83), Cleveland, O. First Vice-President— Dr. C. E. Sawyer ('81), Marion, O. Second Vice-President— Dr. H. L. Stem ('95), Union City, Pa. Third Vice-President— Dr. W. H. Price ( J 99), Detroit, Mich. Recording Secretary — Dr. A. B. Schneider ('94), Cleveland, O. Corresponding Secretary — Dr. A. L. Waltz ('83), Cleveland, O. Treasurer— Dr. K. B. Waite ('88), Cleveland, O. Executive Committee :— Dr. N. T. B. Nobles ('96), Cleveland, O.; Dr. J. E. Rowland ('91), Cleveland, O. ; Dr. DeW. G. Wilcox ('80), Buffalo, N. Y. ; Dr. T. P. Wilson ('57), Cleveland, O.; Dr. F. W. Somers, ('92), Cleveland, O. Meetings are held . annually, on Commencement Day, at the College Building, 53 Bolivar Street. 96 Societies — Continued. CLEVELAND HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY. Organized July 16, 1895. Object: The improvement of Homoeopathic Therapeutics and other departments of Medical Science. Any Physician of good moral character, who is a legally qualified practitioner of medicine, is eligible to membership. Membership, over 200. Meets in the New Chamber of Commerce, Public Square, on the third Wednesday of each month. OFFICERS. Dr. G. W. Spencer, President; Dr. H. W. Richmond, Vice-President; Dr. N. T. B. Nobles, 275 Prospect Street, Secretary; Dr. A. B. Schneider, Treasurer. BOARD OF CENSORS. Drs. F. W. Somers, A. L. Waltz, H. D. Bishop, D. J. Bryant, J. R. Horner. CLEVELAND MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIA- TION. 586 Prospect Street, near Perry. Tel. Main 2601. Dr. H.E. Handerson, President; Dr. J. A. Stephens, Vice- President; Dr. F. S. Clark, Secretary; Dr. A. F. House, Treasurer; Dr. C. A. Hamann, Librarian; Mrs. Sarah M. Harding, Assistant Librarian. The Library is open daily, except Sunday, from 10 a. m. to 12 m, from 1 to 5 p. m., and from 7 to 9 p.m. Donations of books, journals (bound or unbound), pamphlets, etc., will be thankfully received. The annual dues for active membership are $10.00, which sum entitles the member "to the privilege of voting in the election of officers and trustees, together with full use of the Library." Subscribing members pay $30.00 the first year and $10.00 annually thereafter. They only are eligible to the office of trustee. There is also what is known as a reading membership, about which full information can be obtained from any of the officers of the Association. Applications for membership may be made to the Member- ship Committee : Dr. W. H. Humistoh, 122 Euclid Ave., Chairman ; Or. ]. B. McGee, Dr. J. K. Sanders, Dr. A. F. Baldinger, Dr. 1.. lV Tuckerman. 97 Societies — Contin tied. CLEVELAND MEDICAL SOCIETY. ORGANIZED FEBRUARY 3, 1893. INCORPORATED APRIL 6, 1894. Meets on the second and fourth Friday of each month at the New Chamber of Commerce, Public Square. OBJECTS. To advance the science of medicine ; to promote the in- terests of the medical profession in Cleveland ; and to de- velop and foster a fraternal feeling among the members of the profession. OFFICERS. Dr. H. S. Straight, President; Dr. C. F. Hoover, First Vice-President; Dr. B. O. Coates, Second Vice-President; Dr. R. J. Wenner, Secretary, 141 Handy St.; Dr. Frederick C. Taylor, Treasurer, 128 Franklin Ave.— Dr. H. L. Spence, Dr. J. M. Ingersoll, Dr. William Lincoln, Dr. F. E. Bunts, Dr. G. A. Ehret, Censors. TRUSTEES. Dr. H. S. Straight, Dr. D. S. Hanson, Dr. C. B. Parker, Dr. N. S. Scott, Dr. H. C. Brainerd, Dr. Chas. Gentsch, Dr. C. J. Aldrich, Dr. Hunter Robb, Dr. W. W. Holliday, Pathologist— Dr. W. T. Howard, Jr. STANDING COMMITTEES. Legislation. — Dr. L. B. Tuckerman, Dr. W. E. Shackleton, Dr. J. P. Sawyer, Dr. D. K. White, Dr. A. F. Spurney. Program. — Dr. C. F. Hoover, Dr. H. W. Quirk, Dr. M. D. Stepp, Dr. J. R. Pipes, Dr. Robert Pollock. Publication. —Dr. H. G. Sherman, Dr. W. E. Bruner, Dr. Wm. Lincoln, Dr. D. S. Hanson, Dr. C. J. Aldrich. Growth and Prosperity. — Dr. W. E. Wirt, Dr. I. Friedmann, Dr. C. G. Foote, Dr. T. C. Martin, Dr. E. S. Lauder. Finance. — Dr. J. M. Ingersoll, Dr. C. F. Hoover, Dr. B. O. Coates. 9 8 Term exp ires 1900 1900 a 1900 a 1901 a 1901 a 1901 i 1 1902 a 1902 a 1902 Societies — Continued. LIST OF PRESIDENTS. W. J. Scott, M.D., LL. D. (deceased), 1893. Wm.H, Hum- iston, M. D., 1894. William E. Wirt, M. D., Ph. D., 1895. Joseph E. Cook, M. D., 1896. Marcus Rosen- wasser, M. D., 1897. Aug. F. House, M. D., 1898. H. S. Straight, M. D., 1899. HONORARY MEMBERS. ELECTED. ^1893— George M. Sternberg, M.D., LL.D., Surgeon General, U. S. A., Washington, D. C. *1894— Howard A. Kelley, M.D., Baltimore. *1894— Wm. Pepper, M.D., LL. D., Philadelphia, (deceased). *1894— W. W. Keen, M.D., LL. D., Philadelphia. *1895— M. Allen Starr, M.D., Ph. D., New York. *1895— H. C. Wood, M.D., LL. D., Philadelphia. *1896— N. P. Dandridge, A.M., M.D., Cincinnati. tl896— Geo. H. Fox, A.M., M.D., New York. i-1896— Prof. D. C. Miller, D. Sc, Case School. Cleveland. *1896— James C. Wilson, M.D., Philadelphia. ^1897 — H. Walter Wyman, M.D., Supervising Surgeon-Gen- eral, M. H. S., Washington, D. C. *1897— G. C. E. Weber, M.D., LL. D., Cleveland, U. S. Consul, Nuremberg, Bavaria. ^1897— Wm., S.Thayer, M.D., Baltimore. *1897— T. M. Rotch, M.D., Boston. *1897— C. A. Herter, M.D., New York. 1898— Alfred Stengler, M.D., Philadelphia. 1898— John C. Murphy, M.D., Chicago. ^Lectured before the Society at a Quarterly Meeting. fLectured before the Society at a Special Meeting. CUYAHOGA COUNTY MEDICAL SOCETY. Incorporated 188L Meets first Thursday evening of each month in the rooms of the Cleveland Medical Library Association, 580 Prospect Street, near Perry, The April meeting is the annual meet- ing. OFFICERS. Dr. F. E. Bunts, President; Dr. C. J. Aldrich, First Vice- President; Dr. H. W. Rogers, Second Vice-President; 99 Societies — Continued. Dr. C. C. Stuart, Secretary, 408 Jennings Avenue, Telephone Main 2940-L; Dr. L. S. Chadwick, Treasurer. BOARD OF CENSORS. Dr. J. P. Sawyer, Dr. W. T. Corlett, Dr. H. J. Lee. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Dr. P. H. Sawyer, Dr. H. E. Handerson, Dr. A. G. Hart, Dr. W. A. Knowlton, Dr. J. D. Jones. HONORARY MEMBERS. Dr. Martin L. Brooks, Dr. H. Kirke Cushing, Dr. Gustav C. E. Weber, Dr. Fred'k K. Smith. Medico-Legal Section of the Cuyahoga County Medical Society. — Meets third Thursday evening of each month at Forest City House. Officers: A. H. Weed, Esq., Attorney, President ; Dr. C. J. Aldrich, Secretary, 744 Prospect Street. Telephone East 379. Throat, Ear and Eye Section of the Cuyahoga County Medical Society. — Meets second Tuesday of each month at the offices of the members. Officers: Dr. C. W. Smith, President; Dr. J. M. Ingersoll, Vice-Presi- dent; Dr. W. E. Shackleton, Secretary and Treasurer, 122 Euclid Avenue. GERMAN MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF CLEVELAND. organized September 30, 1898. For the advancement of Medical Science by lectures, the study of interesting cases and reports of progress in medical therapeutics. The qualifications for membership are that applicants shall be regularly registered physicians, recognized by the Ohio State Board of Medical Registration and Examination. The fees are; Initiation, $1.00; Annual dues, $2.00. Societies — Continued. OFFICERS. Dr. Emanuel Rosenberg, President; Dr. Moritz Loewen- thal, Vice-President; Dr. Caspar Schmitz, Secretary, 1425 Lorain Street, Telephone West 292; Dr. Samuel Riegelhaupt, Treasurer. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE. Drs. Jacob Stotter, Max Kahn and Frank C. Felix. The Officers and the Membership Committee constitute the Board of Trustees. Meetings are held every second and fourth Friday, at 8 p. m., at 5 Pythian Temple, 321 Huron Street. THE HAHNEMANN SOCIETY. (Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College). Organized in 1866, and numbers among its members some of the most distinguished men in the Homoeopathic profession. A meeting is held each Friday evening during the session. Its objects are to furnish a general review of the lectures of the week by means of quizzes conducted by members; to culti- vate social intercourse among the students, and to furnish an interesting and instructive course of lectures upon medical and other subjects, which are delivered by prominent men at frequent intervals during the session. The Officers of the Society are: Dr. J. C. Wood, President; R. M. Wallace, Vice-President; J. D. Parker, Secretary; F. C. Coombs, Treasurer. Executive Committee — J. A. Black, Chairman; Miss S. B. Harpst, J. T. Henderson, G. P. Spaulding, R. F. Liver- more. PALMAR ARCH, THE. Founded February, 1898. Incorporated September, 1S9S. A Society of, and for, General Practioners, meeting the first and third Wednesday of each month at The Hollenden, for the presentation of cases, the discussion of medical topics and the general improvement of its members. Any reputable practitioner is eligible to membership. Societies — Con tin ued. SUPREME COUNCIL. Dr. L. E. Siegelstein, President; Dr. W. H. Gifford, Vice- President; Dr. L. E. Siemon, 95 Perry St., Secretary-Treas- urer; Dr. Jacob Schneider, Supreme Speaker; Dr. A. L. Reu- sing, Conductor; Dr. Richard Kittle, Monitor. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Drs. W. G. Meredith, A. C. Buell, J. C. Anderson, G. G. Frost, W. A. Mansfield, C. A. Bingham and F. E. Chase. PHYSICIANS' MUNICIPAL LEAGUE OF CLEVELAND. Organized March 13, 1899. The objects of the League are given in the following Pre- amble to the Constitution: "We, members of the medical profession of the City of Cleveland, believing that municipal affairs have no proper or natural connection with State or National politics, and believ- ing further that the duties of citizenship are higher and more binding than the claims of party, and that no political organi- zation, while conducted in the interests of selfish and ambi- tious men as against the general welfare, can justly claim the support of good citizens; do organize ourselves into a perma- nent association for the following purposes : To use our best endeavors to promote the election of honest and competent persons to office in the city government, and to secure the appointment to subordinate positions of those of like qualifications. To oppose, to the best of our ability, the use of official powers to advance personal as against municipal interests. In short, to do what we can to aid in securing to this city, clean, honest, broadminded and business-like admin- istration of municipal affairs, regardless of the pretended in- terests of parties, factions, cliques or individuals. And we hold that our attitude and action toward municipal government is in no wise inconsistent with membership in our respective political organizations for state and national pur- poses." OFFICERS. Dr. Wm. E. Wirt, President; Dr. J. C. Wood, First Vice- President ; Dr. G.W. Stevenson, Second Vice-President; Dr. Societies — Continued. J. E. Cook, Third Vice-President; Dr. Harlan Pomeroy,. Fourth Vice-President; Dr. F. C. Taylor, Secretary; Dr. R. J. Wenner,^Treasurer. EXECUTIVE BOARD. Composed of the above Officers and the following: Drs. W. A. Knowlton, P. M. Foshay, W. H. Humiston, C. G. Foote, H. S. Straight, J. H. Belt, J. B. McGee, G. A. Ehret, A. F. House, Jos. F. Hobson, H. T. Clapp, O. T. Thomas and H. B. Ormsby. The Executive Board has full power to arrange for its meet- ings and the meetings of the League, and by and with the consent of the League has the power to do whatever in its judgment may be necessary to further the objects and purposes of the League. Any legally qualified member of the medical profession,, resident in Cleveland, who has been recommended by any mem- ber of the Executive Board, may become a member by subscrib- ing to the Constitution and to the preamble declaratory of the views and purposes of the organization. } Young Men's Christian Association of the Homoeo- pathic Medical College. — Organized November 3, 1898. Officers: E. B. Doan, (Senior Class), President; E. E. Esley, (Sophomore Class), Vice-President; R. M. Wallace, (Junior Class), Recording Secretary ; J. H. King, (Fresh- man Class), Corresponding Secretary; E. J. Swartz, (Senior Class), Treasurer. Young Women's Christian Association of the Cleve- land Homoeopathic Medical College.— Organized October 22, 1898. Officers: Mrs. Alice Butler (Junior Class), President; Miss Prudence Fenneman. (Senior Class), Vice-President; Miss Ida Scott (Sophomore Class"), Secretary; Miss Mary Mumford (Sophomore Class), Treasurer. 1 03 Societies — Continued, SOCIETIES-DENTAL. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, DENTAL COL- LEGE OF WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY, Officers for 1898-99— Oliver W. Renkert, D. D. S., (98), Presi- dent, Canton, O. Park E. Sprague, D. D. S., (98), Vice- President, Marietta, O. Frank J. McGannon, D. D. S., (98), Secretary and Treasurer, Cleveland. The object of this Association is to bring together each year those who were associated as members of classes, and to pro- mote their mutual interests. The annual meetings are held on Class Day, at 2 p. m., in the amphitheatre of the College. The programme of the Alumni meeting for 1899, will include addresses by several prominent dentists. CLEVELAND DENTAL SOCIETY. Organized December 4, 1886, for the advancement and culti- vation of Dental Science, the elevation of professional educa- tion and honor, and mutual good fellowship among its members. Any honorable practitioner in the city of Cleveland may be- come an Active Member, and may hold office, read papers, and vote on matters governing the Society. Associate Members are such as the Society choose to elect. They cannot hold office or participate in elections, nor be re- quired to present papers, but have the ordinary privileges of the floor. Meets first Monday of each month, except July and August, at the Hollenden Hotel, for a session and dinner. Officers: Dr. H. L. Ambler, President; Dr. W, A. Siddall, Vice-President; Dr. G. N. Wasser, 1316 New England Building, Secretary; Dr. E. B. Lodge, Treasurer. Membership Committee: Dr. R. A. Dinsmore, Chairman; Dr. F. J. Spargur and Dr. E. J. Chesbro. 104 Societies — Co?itinued. WILSONIAN DENTAL SOCIETY. Organized 1896, for the purpose of placing responsibilities of a mature type upon the students of the Dental College of Western Reserve University, and to inculcate true professional ideas. Each year this society elects its own officers and the President is made Curator of the College Museum, which he holds during his Senior year. Officers— C. R. Stewart, President; W. A. Morris, Vice-Presi- dent; H. S. Lawrence, Secretary. SOCIETIES— PHARMACEUTICAL. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE CLEVE- LAND SCHOOL OF PHARMACY. OBJECT. To advance the interests of the School, to bring its graduates into closer fellowship with each other, to promote socia- bility and good feeling among them, and to advance the science and art of pharmacy ; to encourage and assist under- graduates and to keep a record of the pharmaceutical work and service of its members. All graduates of the Cleveland School of Pharmacy are eligible to membership. OFFICERS, 1898-'99. Eugene R. Selzer, President; James L. Noonan, Vice Presi- dent; Dr. Harrison G. Wagner, Treasurer; M. Louise Carroll, Recording Secretary, 256i Superior St. ; Albert H. Gill, Financial Secretary. EXECUTIVE BOARD. Orin R. Cory, Chairman; George M. Stahl, Dr. D. B. Steuer, J. A. Neuberger, Edna A. Hoffman. HONORARY MEMBERS. E. A. Schellentrager, Prof. Joseph Feil, Prof. Wm. F. Ruder, Prof. Henry V. Amy, Prof. Henry M. Stecher, Dr. J. II. Peck, G. L. Hechler, Philip Acker, John Krause, Dr. E. B. Lane, Eugene R. Selzer. 105 Societies — Con tinned. CLEVELAND PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIA- TION. Regular meeting first Friday of each month, 2 :30 p. m . OFFICERS FOR 1899. Willard M. Fox, Cedar Ave., cor. S. Logan Ave., President: Philip Acker, Pearl and Detroit Sts., 1st Vice President; J. A. Bartlett, 2606 Broadway, 2d Vice President; Henry M. Schlitt, 534 Central Ave., Secretary; Geo. W. Voss, 679 Woodland Ave., Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Joseph Albrecht, Chairman; Otto Zickes, Samuel Aubley, Wm. Handler, E. R. Selzer, C. J. Brezina, G. L. Hechler, F. W. Stecher, Edw. Beckenbach, Philip Lehr, C. E. Renneckar. COMMITTEE ON LIBRARY AND ROOM. Prof. Wm. F, Kuder; Philip Acker, Chas. B. Hildreth, Wm. V. Meyer, George W. Voss. Members appointed from whom the Board of Trustees of the School of Pharmacy may elect to serve as Trustees of the School: G. L. Hechler, W. F. Kuder, E. R. Selzer, H. W. Stecher, George W. Voss. COMMITTEE ON FRATERNAL RELATIONS. Henry Kuhlmeier, Chairman; Kent P. Humiston, T. V. Sords, Carl Schmitt, Samuel Aubley, C. S. Walz, H. D. Flandermeyer, H. J. Fischer, J. C. Gleim, H. W. Lannert, J. R. Ferguson. SOCIETIES— MISCELLANEOUS. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ANTHRO- POLOGY. u T/ie Greatest Study of Mankind is Man." As Anthropology is the Science of Man, the object of the Institute is solely the pursuit of that study, and as the term Man inclndes all human races, all forms of human life are in- cluded in its investigation. The Institute has no theories or preconceived notions or doctrines to promulgate. It is simply 106 Societies — Continued. searching for facts. Its platform is open for the presentation of all reasonable views upon all disputed questions, provided those views conserve the study of Man. The hearty co-opera- tion of all workers and students in this field is invited. It will repay even those who have but a slight interest in it to devote a few hours to its prosecution. OFFICERS. F. C. GofT, President; J. A. Bidwell, First Vice-President; Dr. Aaron Hahn, Second Vice-President; Dr. T. P. Wilson, Third Vice-President; Geo. B. Marty, Treasurer; Dr. Maurice Zeliqzon, Corresponding Secretary; Robert Farren, Recording Secretary. TRUSTEES. F. C. GofT, Chairman; Dr. Aaron Hahn, Conrad Mizer, C. E. Blanchard, Mrs. A. Muhlhauser, J. A. Bidwell, George B. Marty, Mrs. L. H. Symes, Dr. T. P.Wilson. For terms of membership, apply to George B. Marty, Chair- man Membership Committee, 816 Perry-Payne Building, or to the President, F. C. GofT, 1112 New England Building. 35 •- COURSE OF LECTURES FOR 1899. January 5 — The Aryan Race, Dr. Aaron Hahn. January 19 — Intellectual Development. February 2 — The Semitic Race, Dr. Aaron Hahn. February 16 — The Evolution of Life (illustrated}, J. A. Bidwell. March 2— The African Race, Dr. Aaron Hahn. March 16 — Experimental Psychology, Dr. M. Zeliqzon. March 30 — The Indian Race, Dr. Aaron Hahn. April 13— The Art of Right Living, Dr. T. P. Wilson. April 27 — Value of Life's Experiences, Things Seen and Un- seen, Natural Law vs. Jurisprudence. In addition to these a lecture may be expected from Profes- sor O.V. Mason, Curator Division of Ethnology, of the Smith- sonian Institute at Washington, D. C. His Subject will be "Ethnology," with rare stereopticon illustrations. Dr. H. V. Hilprecht, of the University of Pennsylvania, the noted Assyriologist, will give a lecture on Nippur and Ancient Babylonian Civilization. The meetings of the Institute are held, and the Lectures delivered, in the Hall of the Cleveland Board of Education, 190 Euclid Avenue. 107 Societies — Continued. ASSOCIATED ALUMNAE OF TRAINED NURSES OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Organized February, 1897. Membership 2400, representing 24 Training Schools. The Second Annual Convention will be held May, 1899, at New York City. OFFICERS. Mrs. Isabel Hampton Robb, Cleveland, O., President; Miss Helena Barnard, Baltimore, Md., 1st Vice President; Mrs. Joseph Hawley, Washington, D. C, 2d Vice President; Miss Tamar Healy, Brooklyn, N. Y., Treasurer; Miss Jean A. Hopkins, New York City, Secretary. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP Consists of delegates duly elected to represent Alumnae Associ- ations of General Hospitals of not less than 100 beds — giving not less than two full years of training in the Hospital— and of all officers of the Association. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Consists of duly elected delegates representing Alumnae Asso- ciations of small General Hospitals, whose Superintendents are eligible for membership in the American Society of Super- intendents of Training Schools. CLEVELAND HEALTH PROTECTIVE ASSO- CIATION* Organized April 16, 1897. Object: To promote health interests by assisting to secure clean streets and a good sanitary condition of the city of Cleveland. OFFICERS. Mrs. W. G. Rose, President; Mrs. S. P. Churchill, First Vice-President; Mrs. A. F. House, Second Vice-President; Mrs. Stephen Buhrer, Recording Secretary, 327 Franklin Ave.; Mrs. S. M. Perkins, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. H. 108 Societies — Continued. G. Boon, Treasurer; Mrs. N. A. Gilbert, Historian; Mrs. C. 'E. Weyman, Auditor. Current Events — Mrs. J. E. Snow. Committee on Printing — Mrs. J. S. Wood. Committee on Junior Auxiliary — Mrs. M. A. Howlett, Miss Anna Edwards, Dr. Frances C. Hutchins, Mrs. A. L. Basset, Mrs. J. S. Wood, Mrs. H. G. Boon, Mrs. W. R. Pearson, Mrs. Frances Shipherd, Mrs. Stephen Buhrer, Miss Cora Lee, Miss Mary Quintrell. Committee on Music — Mrs. W. R. Pearson, Mrs. W. A. Knowlton, Mrs. S. P. Churchill. / HONORARY MEMBERS. Mrs. Lydia Hoyt Farmer, Mrs. E. B. Hale, Mrs. James Mason. TOPICS FOR PAPERS AND DISCUSSION, Pullman, 111., An Ideal City. Decoration of Public Buildings. Art as a Human Want. The Value of Object Lessons. Children Culture, or What Children Can Do. Tuberculosis. Tenement Houses. The Eight Hour Law. The Health of the College Student. The Home Life. The Moral Influence of Music. Classical Music. National and International Holidays. The German Christmas. Placards of Theatres. What You Put into the First of Life You Put into the Whole of Life. Dietetics and Sanitation Factors in Life Preservation. What Books Shall our Children Read ? Good Roads. Why Should Women Care What Kind of Men Fill Our Mu- nicipal Offices? Coffee Houses. Play Grounds. 109 Societies — Continued. Could Capital be Created Without the Assistance of Labor? The Institutional Church. Vivisection. Money Value of Employees. The regular meetings of the Association are held on the second and fourth Friday of each month at 3 p. m., at the resi-' dences of members. The Executive Board meets on the last Saturday of each month at the same hour. The Annual Meet- ing is held on the fourth Friday in March. Any person may become a member upon signing the consti- tution and by-laws and pledging herself to keep her premises in good order, and to report flagrant negligence on the part of others by postal card of our society, and pay fifty cents per annum and ten cents to the national society yearly. DORCAS SOCIETY OF CLEVELAND. FOUNDED 1867. INCORPORATED 1885. Meets at 604 The' Arcade, every Tuesday at 10 a. m. Annual Meeting, second Tuesday of June. Organized to furnish a home for incurable patients or persons, and to aid in the support of poor widows. OFFICERS. Mrs. G. J. Jones, President; Mrs. R. H. Fetterman, Secretary, 1755 Euclid Ave.; Mrs. A. E. Stockwell, Treasurer; Mrs. A. B. Foster, Mrs. Francis Widlar, Mrs. C. C. True, Vice-Presidents. FISCAL TRUSTEES. H. R. GrofT, 3 years ; H. P. Mcintosh, 2 years; Hon. W. J. White, 1 year. M. H. Nason, Legal Adviser. BOARD OF MANAGERS. Mrs. G. J. Jones, Mrs. A. B. Foster, Mrs. J. T. Hunt, Mrs. Horace Ford, Mrs. C. C. True, Mrs. A. E. Stockwell, Mrs. Richard Snedden, Mrs. J. C. Wilmot, Jr., Mrs. Louis Buschman, Mrs. J. E. Lewis, Mrs. R. H. Fetterman, Mrs. E. J. Blandin, Mrs. W. J. Akers, Mrs. J. G. White, Mrs. Francis Widlar. no Societies — Concluded. Physicians. — Drs. G. J. Jones and H. W. Richmond. STANDING COMMITTEES. Home Admission. — Mrs. J. T. Hunt, Mrs. Horace Ford, Mrs. R. W. Gammel. Purchasing. — Mrs. C. C. True, Mrs. W. M. Allen. Visiting. — Mrs. J. B. Sapp, Mrs. Horace Ford, Mrs. J. S. White, Mrs. E. B. Esty, Mrs. Francis Widlar, Mrs. J. E. Lewis, Mrs. W. J. Akers, Mrs. Louisa Body, Mrs. Wm. Kenney, Mrs. E. M. Bull. Entertainment. — Miss Louise Graham, Miss Eva James, Miss Brower, Mrs. Geo. White, Mrs. H. W. Richmond, Mrs. W. B. White, Mrs. N. H. Martin, Mrs. R. H. Fetterman, Mrs. W.M. Allen, Mrs. Henry Dreher, Mrs. D. J. Johns, Mrs. Wm. Kenney, Miss Clara Blandin. Work.— Mrs. Emma Horton, Mrs. J. T. Hunt, Miss E. E. Gates, Mrs. Wm. Prescott. Grievances. — Mrs. J. R. Baker, Mrs. Chas. Sears, Mrs. J. M. Richards. Emergency. — Mrs. L. A. Benton, Mrs. Chas. Sears. Lunches. — Mrs. W. W. Hathaway, Mrs. J. H. Barber. Linen. — Mrs. Louis Buschman, Mrs. R. W. Gammel, Mrs. Richard Snedden. Arrangement for Deceased Members of Home, Religious Services, Cemetery and Home Grounds. — Mrs. Louis Buschman, Mrs. W. T. Robbins, Mrs. D. H. Keyes. Mrs. Cordelia M. Dunsha, Matron. (See Benevolent Institutions,) Society for the Promotion of theAtmosphericPurity of Cleveland, (Incorporated). Meets at the Y. M. C. A. Building, corner Erie and Prospect Streets, at call of the President. Membership fee $1.00; no dues. Only signa- ture and fee required to become life member. Prof. Chas. F. Olney, 137 Jennings Avenue President; Conrad Mizer, 104 Claremont Street, Secretary. Training Schools* Bethesda Deaconess' House. — 210 Franklin Avenue. Telephone West 333. (See German Hospital). Charity Hospital Training School.— Perry Street, south- east corner Central Avenue. Telephone Main 298-J. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine; Sister Mechtildis, Directress. Cleveland General Hospital Training School.— 274 Woodland Avenue. Telephone Main 2862. Miss E. M. Smythe, Superintendent. CLEVELAND STATE HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR ATTENDANTS. Broadway, opposite South end Woodland Hills Ave. Tel. Main 1076. Term, from September to March. LECTURERS. H. C. Eyman, M.D., E. L. Emrich, M.D., F. C. Hutchins, M.D., J. F. Kelly, M. D., W. S. Hobson, M. D. CLEVELAND TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES of the Cleveland Homoeopathic Hospital. (HURON STREET HOSPITAL). Established 1883. 66 Huron St. Tels. Main 677 and Home 763. OFFICERS. Dr. Harlan Pomeroy, Dean; W. H. Webber, Secretary; Miss S. B. Stevens, Principal. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE. Dr. H. H. Baxter, Dr. Harlan Pomeroy, Dr. J. C. Sanders. Training Schools — Concluded. EXAMINING COMMITTEE. Dr. H. H. Baxter, Miss S. B. Stevens, Miss Laura Hilliard. LECTURERS. Dr. W. E. Wells, Dr. D. H. Beckwith, Dr, E. O. Adams, Dr. C. C. True, Dr. H. H. Baxter, Dr. J. K. Sanders, Dr. C. D. Ellis, Dr. J. C. Wood, Dr. M. A. Canfield, Miss S. B. Stevens, P. T. S., Dr. E. H. Jewitt, Dr. G. J. Jones, Dr. C. M. Thurston, Dr. J. R. Horner, Dr. W. A. Philips, Dr. B. B. Viets, Dr. J. C. Sanders, Dr. Harlan Pomeroy, Dr. W. T. Miller, Dr. H. D. Champlin, Dr. A. F. Baldinger, Dr. H. D. Bishop, Dr. H. L. Frost, Dr. G. H. Quay, Dr. W. E. Trego, Dr. A. L. Waltz, Mr. Wm. Koebler. TRAINING SCHOOL COMMITTEE. D. B. Wick, Joseph Ingersoll, Mrs. Calvary Morris, Mrs. John Huntington, Miss Laura Hilliard, W. H. Webber. Lakeside Hospital Training School for Nurses. — Lake Street, between Muirson and Canfield. Telephones Main 540 and Main 1539. Miss M. H. McMillan, Principal and Superintendent of Nurses. ♦ Maternity Hospital and Training School for Nurses.— (See same.) St. Clair Hospital and Training School for Nurses.— (See same.) Vega Avenue Hospital and Training School for Nurses. — (See same.) "3 «£ Miscellaneous* *& ABBREVIATIONS.— General. Agt agent est estate al alley Evang Luth Evangelical Am American Lutheran Assn Association extn extension asst assistant attndt attendant Fir floor atty attorney Fri Friday av avenue ft foot Balto Baltimore G Glen Bd Board gen general bet between Germ German bldg building Germany blk block Govt Government (Bot) Botanic grad graduate Calif California (H) Homoeopath Can Canada Homceo Homoeopathic chem chemist Hosp Hospital Cinti Cincinnati Clev Cleveland 111 Illinois elk clerk Ind Indiana Co Company Indpls Indianapolis County Infirm Infirmary Col Columbus Inst Institute Coll College instmt instrument com committee com trav commercial traveler Jction junction con connection Jr Junior cor corner ct court Ky Kentucky D Doan La Louisiana DC District of Columbia L D Long Distance dent dental dentist M Main dents dentists m mile dep deputv Mass Massachusetts dept department mass masseur Dir Director masseuse dispensy dispensary Md Maryland drug druggist med medical drugs druggists medicine mfg manufacturing E East mfr manufacturer (Eel) Eclectic mgr manager 8vo octavo M H S Marine Hospital Service (Elec-Thera p) Electro- Mich Michigan Therapeutic midwf midwife Eng England mkr maker e s east side Mon Monday 114 Abbreviations — Con tinued. N Natnl no not practg nr n s NY O Ont opp op rm Pa pharm Phila phys Pi (PM) PP pres prin prof prop pub Home 763 Colonial Arcade, 114 Euclid av and 123 Prospect Columbia Bank Bldg, Broadway and Hamlet Cook Blk, 2008-2018 Detroit, cor Highland av County Jail, Public Square and Frankfort. Tel Main 380 Courtland The, 2 Courtland, cor Detroit Cozad's Blk, 2794 Euclid av, cor East End av Crowell Blk, n s St Clair, nr Doan, Glenville Croxden The, 977 Prospect, nr Case av. Tel East 676 Il8 Buildings, Blocks, Institutions, Etc. — Continued. Curtiss The, 128 Summit, cor Wood. Tel Main 1102 Cuyahoga Bldg, 311 Superior, cor Public sq Tel Main 2354 Deaconess' Home of Cleveland, 99 University DeKlyn Blk, Euclid av and Olive. Tel East 93 Dental College of Western Reserve University, 262 Prospect (Bangor Bldg, Detention Hospital, Willow, O. Office, 107 City Hall. Tel Main 1394 Directory for Nurses (Cleveland Medical Library Ass'n), 586 Prospect, nr Perry. Tel Main 2601 Dispensary of Western Reserve University and Lakeside Hospital, Lake and Muirson. Tels Main 540, Main 1539 Doan The, 244 Erie. Tel Main 2086 Dorcas Invalids' Home, 600 E Madison av. Tel East 808 Dutnall Blk, St Clair and Doan, Glenville. East End Bank Bldg. 2802% Euclid av, cor East End av Edvardus Flats, 133 Handy, nr Euclid av Eldorado Bldg, 80 Euclid av Eliza Jennings' Home for Incurables, 1783 Detroit. Tel West 151 Ellington The, 228 Erie, cor Superior. Tel Main 1255 Erie Bldg, 268 Erie, opp Chestnut Evangelical Lutheran Hospital, 136 Franklin av, nr Pearl. Tel West 385 Exchange Bldg, 451 Pearl, cor Vestry Fenimore The, 57 Collins pi Florence Blk, 1758-1768 Superior, cor Willson av Foote Blk, 258 Pearl Forest City House, Public Sq and Superior. Tel Main 573 Forrest Blk, 2352-2358 Broadway, opp Axtell Garfield Bldg, 121 Euclid av, cor Bond. Tel Main 1869 Garlock The, 430 Euclid av. Tel Main 1351 German Hospital, Dispensarv and Bethesda Deaconess' House, 210 Frank- lin av. Tel West 333" Giddings Blk, 241 Detroit Good Samaritan Dispensary (Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College), 62 Huron. Tel Main 1337 Goodman Blk, 853 Lorain Goodrich House, 368 St Clair, cor Bond. Tel Main 293 Greiner Bldg, 627% Lorain, cor McLean Hamilton Blk, 1519 Harvard, cor Broadway Hanna Blk, 975 Woodland av Hannah The, 628 Superior, jction Payne av and Muirson. Tel Main 2101 Harding Bldg, 64-68 Merchant av, cor Fairfield Harding Blk, 590-600 Pearl, cor Lorain Harkness Opera Blk, 2566 Broadway HathawayBlk, 2791-2799 Superior, cor Doan Heard Blk, 76 Euclid av, cor Sheriff Heil's Blk, 514 Pearl Heyse The, Fulton and York (Franklin Circle). Tel West 177 Hickox Bldg, 185 Euclid av, cor Erie HindeJBlk, 1829-1831 Broadway, cor Union Holcomb The, 550 Payne av Hollenden The, 401 Superior, cor Bond. Tel Main 1877 Home for Aged Women, 194 Kennard. Tel East 277 Honecker Blk, 1200 Pearl, cor Clark av House of Correction, Woodland and East Madison avs. Tel East 109 Hower-Langton The, 2238 Euclid av, cor Doan Huling The, 28 Cheshire Huron St Hospital, see Cleveland Homoeopathic Hospital Hutchinson Blk, 1663-1669 Broadway, cor Portage 119 Buildings, Blocks, Institutions, Etc, — Continued. Industrial Home, 1747 Detroit. Tel West 322 Infants 1 Rest, 1416 Cedar av. Tel Doan 374 Irving The, 44 Chestnut, opp Oak. Tel Main 1769 Kerns Bldg, 1863 Pearl, cor Garden King & Uhl Blk, 143 Euclid av Krebs Blk, 525 Pearl Kroehle Blk, 1896 Pearl, cor Denison av La Bellevue, 682-688 West Madison av, cor Wellington av Lakeside Hospital and Training School, Lake, bet Muirson and Canfield Tels Main 540, Main 1539 Lake View Flats, Summit and Ontario. Tel Main 594 Lennox The, Euclid av and Erie. Tel Main 2224 Lincoln The, Ontario and Hamilton. Tel Main 330 Lindhorst The, 1167 Pearl, cor Walton av Livingston The, Euclid av, jction Huron and Brownell. Tel Main 2305 Logan The, 1494 Cedar av, cor S Logan av Louise Nursery, 388 Forest Lutheran Hospital (see Evangelical Lutheran Hospital) Marguerite Blk, Superior and Wills on av Masonic Temple, 400 Superior, cor Bond. Tel Main 3000 Maternity Hospital and Training School, 134 E Prospect. Tel East 73 Mechanics' Blk, 1671 St Clair, cor Willson av Mehard Blk, 619^ Willson av, cor Sixth av Merchants' Bank Bldg, 166 Euclid av Meriden The, 1000-1002 Payne av, cor Case av Merrell Bldg, 539 Pearl, cor Carroll Methodist Episcopal Deaconess' Home, 268 Woodland av. Tel Main 1362 Miller Blk, 962-968 Payne av Missionary Training School, 23 Fowler, tel con Montefiore Home, 982 Woodland av, cor Willson av. Tel East 450 Morgan Blk, 1615* Broadway, co Willson av Morgue The, 310 312 Lake. Tel Main 430 Morris The, Vincent and Erie. Tel Main 2086 New Campbell Blk, Broadway and Marcelline av New Chamber of Commerce, Public square and Rockwell New England Bldg, 129-131 Euclid av. Tel Main 2980 New Johnson House, 131H Superior Nottingham Bldg, 89 Euclid av Osborn The, 275 Prospect and 348 Huron Pearl Bldg, 1195 Pearl, cor Clark av People's Savings & Loan Bldg, 128 Franklin av, cor Pearl Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 1305, Home 159 Protestant Orphan Asylum, 1460 St Clair, cor Asylum. Tel Main 1947 Puritan Blk, Cedar and Bolton avs, tel con Pythian Temple, 321 Huron Quinby Blk, 1257 Euclid av, cor Willson av Railroad Dept, Y M C A, 959 St Clair. Tel Main 1405 Rainbow Cottage for Convalescent Children, Lake View av, bet Superior and St Clair, Glenville Rawson The, Scovill av and Beach. Tel East 1099 Reid's Blk, 2608 Broadway, cor Harvard Rescue Home, 212 Marcy av. Tel Doan 412-L Retreat The, 1450 St Clair, cor Kirtland. Tel Main 498 120 Buildings, Blocks, Institutions, Etc. — Continued. Rock's Blk, 1004 Woodland av, cor Willson av Root's Blk, 209 D troit St Alexis Hospital, 1507 Broadway, cor McBride. Tel Main 1001 St Ann's Infant Asylum and Maternity Home, 30 Marion. Tel Main298-L St Clair Hospital and Training School, 1354 St Clair, cor Belden. Tel Main 2468 St John's Hospital, 1191 Detroit, cor Elsa pi. Tel West 374 Sargent Blk, 417 Pearl, nr Franklin av Savings & Trust Bldg, 144 Euclid av Schiely Blk, 1232 Euclid av, cor Willson av Schmoldt Bldg, 1117 Superior, cor Alabama Sell Blk, 2099-2107 Superior, cor East Madison av Senior Blk, 1156 Pearl, cor Walton av Seville The, Prospect and Willson av Sims Blk. 302 Viaduct, cor Pearl Stafford Blk, 3425 Euclid av, cor Lake Front av, East Cleveland Stanley The, 442 Euclid av. Tel Main 1379. Stephens Blk, n s St Clair, nr Doan, Glenville Stillman The, Euclid av and Muirson. Tel Main 2025 Stone's Bldg, 50 Euclid av Timmerman Blk, 797 Lorain, cor Fulton Turney Blk, 2547-2549 Broadway, cor Brunner Uebersax Blk, 2267% Euclid av University Club, 692 Prospect. Tel East 1202 U S Government Bldg (P O), Superior and Public sq U S Marine Hospital, 371 Lake, cor Erie. Tel Main 580 Utica Blk, 427-433 Erie, cor Bolivar Van Stan Blk, 2318 Broadway, cor Canton Vega Avenue Hospital and Training School, 175 Vega av. Tel West 264 Victoria The, 198 Dodge, nr Euclid av. Tel Main 2889 Viola The, 210 Summit, cor Erie West Cleveland Bank Bldg, 1595 Detroit, cor Ami ct Western Reserve University, Medical College of, Erie and St Clair. Tel Main 401 Wetzel Blk, 1207 Pearl, cor Clark av Wieber Blk, 483-485 Pearl, cor Jay Women's and Children's Free Dispensary, 133 Woodland av, nr Erie Wooster Medical College (see Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons) Wyandot The, 129 Huron. Tel Main 1803 Y M C A Bldg, 246 Prospect, cor Erie. Tel Main 1024 Young Women's Christian Assn, 317 Euclid av. Tel Main 2211 Za.be! Blk, 342-350 Jennings av, cor Auburn of Cemeteries «£ Agudath Achim — West end Fremont. Anshe Emeth — Fir, nr. Waverly av. B'nai Abraham — Fir, nr. Waverly av. Calvary Catholic — Broadway, foot of McConnell. Chewra Kadisha — North side Baxter, nr. Tod. Denison Avenue — 526 Denison av. East Cleveland Tp. — Euclid av., opp. Carabelli. Erie Street — Erie, opp. east end Eagle. Harvard Grove — Foot of Fremont, 27th ward. Hungarian — Fir, near Waverly av. Kneseth Israel — Fremont, nr. Skinner av. Lake View— Office 5832 Euclid av. Tel Doan 199-L Monroe Street — Monroe, foot of Penn. Moses Edelstein — Fremont, nr. Skinner av. North Brooklyn Protestant — Scranton av., cor. Wade av. Ohavei Emuna — 971 Harvard. Ohew Zedek — Near west end Fremont. Riverside — Pearl, junction Scranton av. St. John's Catholic — South side Woodland av., nr. Giddings av. St. Joseph's Catholic — Woodland av., s. e. cor. E. Madison av. St. Mary's Catholic — Burton, n. e. cor. Clark av. St. Mary's Polish— Brecksville rd., Newburgh. United Jewish — Willett, nr. Bailey and Mayfield rd., e. of limits.. West Park — Ridge rd. (under construction — open about May 1st, 1899). Woodland — Woodland av., n. w. cor. Giddings av. J. C. SCHNOTER'S oooooooooooooooooo Health is derived from the use of the J. C. Schnoter's Suspensory Bandages. — MEN WHO WEAR THEM. . » T „ ooooooooooooo o o o o o Army and Navy Suspensory. Professional Men, Bankers, Merchants, Business Men, Policemen Firemen, Letter Carriers, Horse Back Riders, Oarsmen, Bicyclers, Foot Ball Players, Bowlers, and all athletic people in general. The J. C. Schnoter's (Army and Navy) Suspensories are in constant use by Employ- ees of the various Departments of the United States Government. U. S. Army and Navy; the Postal Department; the Police and Fire Depart- ments; also by all Railroad Employees, etc., etc., throughout the country. Ask your Druggist for them, and if he has not your size in stock, send direct to us. The J. C. Sclmoter Co. are the largest Wholesale Manufacturers of Knitted Suspensory Bandages in the world. They are the Sole Manufact- urers of the "Original Schnoter^s Suspensory Bandages," which are the leading ones on the market — outranking all others. These Bandages have been favorably known and endorsed by the Medical profession for the past 27 years as a sure preventive against Varicocele and Rupture. They are being recognized now as a part of a man's dress, and why not? They are solid comfort in themselves, always relieving one of that l 'tired-out feeling" after exercising. You can accomplish much- more in warm weather and feel less fatigued. Are you aware that inferior goods are being imposed upon unsuspect- ing people as the Celebrated Schnoter's Suspensories? Now, we CAUTION you against buying any Suspensory Bandages except those bearing our name and the inventor's initials {J . C.) befoie the name of Sclmoter on every box and bandage. They are for sale by all the leading Wholesale and Retail Druggists throughout the United States and Canada. MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY THE J. C. SCHNOTER CO., New York. ESTABLISHED 1870. S. T. ELLIOTT, PHARMACIST, 380 Prospect, cor. Brownell. Telephone Main 2989. Cottons, Bandages , .... Antiseptic So/u lions, Etc. CLEVELAND, O. i*3 Cleveland fiealtb food Co. Agents for Battle Creek Sanitarium Health Foods and Sanitas Food Co/s Nut Preparations* DR. J. H, KELLOGG'S HEALTH FOODS: Ambrosia, Bromose, Nuttose, Nut Butter, Malted Nuts, Maltol, Almond Butter, Granola, Granose, Zwieback, Carmel-Cerial, Fruit Crackers, Diabetic Foods, Etc*, Etc* Beautiful Illustrated Catalogue Free* • e • • • Orders by Mail given Special Attention. Special Prices to Dealers. W* E. BEEBE, Manager, Telephones: Main 1340 and Home \ 24. J74 Prospect Street, CLEVELAND, O* 124 IPhysicians and ...Surgeons, CLEVELAND. a Physicians and Surgeons* REGULAR OR ALLOPATHIC. NOTE. — The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows: 1st, Name; 2d, School of Practice; 3rd, College and Year of Graduation; 4th, Office, Telephone and Hours; 5th, Residence, Telephone and Hours. The Year following the word "Reg" (regis- tered) is not the Year of Registration, but of the Beginning of Practice. Where the Office and Residence are the same only one address is given. See List of Colleges and Schools for explana- tion of College Initials. NOTE. — The Telephone Numbers in this Book are as nearly tip to the Date of Publication as pos- sible ; but on account of the constant changes in Telephone Numbers, it is advisable to verify each Number by consulting the latest Telephone Directory. Acker Frank H, W R U, '96. 170 Clinton (not practg— see Dentists) Acker Harry F, deceased Adams J E, C C P S, '98. House ph\ s Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Adelson Simon, Bremen, Germ, Ophthalmic Inst, '76. (U S Refining yP'iyjCo'. 158 River, r«s 53 Laurel (not practg) ADNETT HILLS, Univ Coll. London, Eng, '70. 302 Bangor Bldg, 262 Prospect. Tel Main 2859. Hours, 9 a m to 5 p m. Res 12 New- man av, Lakewood, O. Specialist in Stomach and Nervous Diseases and Drug Habits. Albertson Alfred L F, C M C, '75. 1764 Superior, tel E 871, 8 to 9, 12.30 to 2, 6.30 to 8 Albl Michael A, WR U,'92. 1464 Broadway, tel M 1398- J, 7 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 9 126 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. ALDRICH CHARLES J, Univ of Wooster, '82. Office and Resi- dence, 744 Prospect, cor Sterling av. Tel Hast 379. Hours, 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m. Clinical Lecturer on Nervous Diseases and Lecturer on Anatomy of Nervous System, Coll Phys and Surgs; Visiting Physand Consulting Neurologist to Clev Gen Hosp and Neurologist to City Hosp. Editor and Mgr "Bulletin of Clev Gen Hosp" Allen Dudley P, H U, '80. 278 Prospect, tel M 1179, 1.30 to 3.30, summer res, East Cleveland, tel con Allen Fred Y, C C P S, '98. House surg Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862, res 83 Fifth av Allen Moses L, W R U, '88. 525 Pearl, tel W 153, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Allin John Herbert, removed to Canada Amidon Rebecca S, W R U, '84. 11 The Doan, tel M 2086 Ampt Carl W, Fredk Wm Univ, Berlin, Germ, '95. 1067 Pearl, tel W 382, 2 to 3, 7 to 8 ANDERSON CARL A H, Western Reserve Univ, '86. Office and Residence, 629 Willson av, opp Payne av. Hours. 10 a m to 12 m, 2 to 4 and 6.30 to 7.30 p m; Sunday, 8 to 9 a m, 2 to 6 p m. Late Lecturer on Mechanical Therapeutics (including Massage), Med Coll of West- ern Reserve Univ. Specialist in Spinal Sclerosis, Paralysis and Atrophy. (Also Dentist and Masseur) Anderson John, N U, '95. 405 Lincoln av, tel D 355-L, 8 to 10, 1 to 4, 7 to 8 Arey Clarence O, deceased Argadine John B, removed to Toledo, O Arms Chas C, J M C, '68. 1213 New England bldg, tel M 1113, 10 to 12.30, res 370 Amesbury av, tel D 48-L. Arnold Geo D, U P, '71. 906 Am Trust bldg, tel M 27, res 716 E Prospect ASHBY GEO J, Western Reserve Univ, '96. Office and Residence, 615 Lorain. Tel West 373. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 3 to 5 and 7 to 8-30 p m Ashly Carlton D, reg, '43. Retired, res 364 Franklin av Ashmun Geo C, W R U, '73. 794 Republic, tel D 92-J Aylsworth Chas C, U W, '89. 981 Woodland av, tel E 65, 8 to 10, 1 to 4, 7 to 9 B Babcock Fred W. Actg Asst Surg, USA Bacon Herbert, removed to Bloomville, O Bailey Robert, W R U, '70. 468 Willson av, tel E 872, 9 to 11, 1 to 3. 6 to 8 Baker Albert R, W R U, '79. 28 Clarence bldg, tel M 976, 9 a m to 2 p m, res The Livingston, tel M 2305; summer res, Collinwood, O Baker Cornelius, W R U, '84. 553 Kinsman, tel E 839 BAKER LEIGH K, Western Reserve Univ, '90. Office and Resi- dence, 1325 Cedar av. Tel Doan 465-L. Hours, 7 to 8 a m, 4 to 7 p m Baker Warren A, A M C, '58 BALDWIN ALLEYNE M, Western Reserve Univ, '91. 7 Florence Blk, 1764 Superior, cor Willson av. Tel East 871. Hour?, 8 to 9 a m, 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p m. Res 1682 Superior, Tel East 939-J Ballard Homer C, removed to Columbiana, O BALM HiR WM, Clev Med Coll, '69. Office and Residence, 141 Pros- pect. Hours, 9 to 11 a m, 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m Bard Isaac W, W R U, '74. 1341 Lorain, tel W 189- L, 1 to ;i, 7 to i> Bard Lycurgus A, C M C, '70. 97 Merchant av, tel M 2707. 8 to *>, 1 to :\. 6 to 8 Barger Wm T, S M C, '94. 486 Wade Park av, tel 1) 51 -J. 10 to 1. "> to 7; Sunday, 2 to 4 127 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. Barton Elmer E, U W, '78. 43 Public Sq, tel M 2990, 9 a m to 5 p m, res 735 Case av Bauers Peter F, U W, '78. 1072 Lorain, tel W 150, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, res 181 Liberty Beachler Geo F, removed to Minneapolis, Minn Becker Henry A, W R U, '94. 1200 Pearl, res 1140 same, tel M 2886, 3 to- 4.30, 6.30 to 7.3-J Beebe Gertrude E, removed to Buffalo, N Y Beeman Edwin E, C M C, '75. (Beeman Chemical Co) 76 Bank, tel M 2060, res 51 The Morris, tel M 2086 (not practg) Bejcek Vlasta, temporary res, Prague, Bohemia Belkowsky Isidor M, Univ of Lausanne, Switz, '92. 333 Woodland av, tel M 982, 8 to 10 a m, 7 to 9 p m Belt John H, B H M C, '67. 1434 Willson av, tel E 789-J, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Berlin Wm C K, U W, '95. 637 Central av, tel E 537, 12.30 to 3.30, 7 to 9 Bernstein Saml L, U W, '95. 846 Woodland av, tel E 565, 2 to 4, 6.30 to 8.30 Bester Wm F, W R U, '93. 612 St Clair, 2 to 4, 7 to 8.30 BIG-GAR HAMILTON F, Jr, Univ of Wooster, '96. 2 Merchants' Bank Bldg, 166 Euclid av. Tel Main 234. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 3 to 4 p m. Res 1004 Prospect, cor Case av. Tel East 141. Hours, 2 to a and 7 to 8 p m BISHOP HAL F, Univ of Wooster, '98. 1051 Superior, cor Oliver. Tel Main 292. Res 32 Hillburn av. Tel Doan 390-J. Hours, 2 to 4, and 7 to 8 p m Bissell Albert G, deceased BLISS HORACE C, Clev Coll of Phys & Surgs, '97. Office and Resi- dence, 413 Woodland av. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 4 to 7 p m. Attended Lectures Bellevue Hosp Med Coll, N Y, '89-'91 BOESGER MAX A, Western Reserve Univ, '84. 862 Lorain. Tel West 109. Hours, 2 to 4, 7 to8pm; Sunday, 2 to 3pm. Res 159 Taylor Vis Surg Germ Hosp Boggs Jessie, AV M C, '89. 1 Quinby blk, tel E 30- J, 9 to 12, 5 to 6 Bolich Chas A, removed to the Klondyke Bondy Edmund R, C C P S, '98. 147 Broadway, tel M 3004- J, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Bookwalter Winfield S, D C M, '89. 842 Willson av, tel E 845-L BORTS MATTHIAS, Univ of Wooster, '81. Office and Residence, 975 Woodland av. Tel East 1264-J. Hours, 1.30 to 3.30 and 6 to 8 p m Bowman Gail G, W R U, '97. 22 The Seville, tel E 1069-L, 12 to 3, 6 to 8 p m Boyd James W, McG U, '87. 84 Public sq, 9 a m to 8 p m. Res 424 Willson av Brainerd Henry C, U M, '69. 17 Nottingham bldg, 1 to 4, res 1712 Superior, tel E 854 Brashear Basil B, removed to Atlantic City, N J Braun Emil E, removed to Chicago, 111 Braun Frederick L, deceased Breck Theodore B, removed to Hudson, O Bretz Irving S, C C P S, '97. 19 Birmingham bldg, tel E 25, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, Sunday, 2 to 4, res 269 Quinby av, tel E 907-L Briggs Chas E, H U, '97. Res surg Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Bristol Thos D, CoH Phys and Surgs, St Joe, Mo, '82. 608 Permanent bldg, tels M 1301, H„"175, 9 to 12,1 to 4, res The Livingston, tel M 2305 Brockett, Andrew J, U M, '62. 32 Hawthorne av, until 9.30 a m,5toapm Brokaw Reuben E, removed to Portland, Ind Brokaw Wm F, U W, '90. 1040 Willson av, tel E 209, until 9, 1 to 4, 7 to 8- Brooks Martin L, O M C, '44. Res 289 Prospect, (retired) Brooks S D, removed to San Francisco, Cal Brown Arthur I, W R U, '93. 1414 New England bldg, tel H 570, res 225 Lawn Brown J Francis, Willoughby, (O) Univ, '44. Res 357 Bolton av, (retired) 128 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. Browning Chas H, removed to Oberlin, O BRUNER WM E, Univ of Pa, Phila, '91. 514 New England Bldg, 129 Euclid av. Tels Main 912 and Home 571. Hours, 9 am to 1 p m. Afternoons only by appointment. Res 236 East Prospect. Clinical Asst in Ophthalmology, Med Coll of Western Reserve Univ; — "Ophthalmologist in charge," Lakeside Hosp Dispensary; Ophthal- mologist to Charity and City Hosps Bubna Chas W,CCPS, '98. 678 Quincy, tel D 338, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, res 190 Croton Buel Julius J, Univ of Berne, Switz, '85. 604 Pearl, tel W 156, 11 a m to 4 d m, res 29^ York Bunts Frank E, W R U, '86. 204 The Osborn, tel M 2810, 2 to 4, res 158 Kensington, tel E 696-J Burdick Halbert J, U C N Y, '89. 519 Cedar av, tel E 310, 12.30 to 2.30, 6.30 to 7.30, res 126 Kennard Burke Thos A, W R U, '88. 233 Permanent bldg, tels M 904, H 174, 12 to 3, res 1066 E Madison av, tel D 123- J, 8 to 9 a m, 7 to 8 p m Burkhart Wm R, W R U, '95. 888 Cedar av, res 890 same, tel E 602, 2 to 4, 8 to 9 (also Druggist) Burns J Emmet, U W, '74. 254 Pearl, tel W 283, 8 to 9, 2 to 5, 7 to 8 Burstein S P, removed to New Haven, Conn Burton Erasmus D, see East Cleveland, O Burton Frederick D, see East Cleveland, O Bushnell Sophia Ballard, see East Cleveland, O Butler Chas R, C M C, '65. 334 Euclid av, 9 to 12, 1 to 3 (also Dentist) Butler Geo O, deceased Butler Robert W, removed to Toledo, O BYRNE PATRICK J, Western Reserve Univ, '93. Office and Resi- dence, 299% Viaduct, cor Pearl. Tel West 505. Hours, 9 to 10 a m, 1.30 to 3.30 and 7 to 8 p m. Visiting Physician to St John's Hosp CALHOUN S FREDERICK, A M, Univ of City of N Y, '95. Office and Residence, 69 Crawford Road, near Tilden av. Tel Doan 185. Hours, 9 a m, 2 to 4 p m. Sunday by appointment only Campbell A Douglass, N W O M C, '88. 2209 Superior, tel E 1098-J, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Campbell John S, W R U, '83. 1035 St Clair, tel M 267, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Campbell Oscar B, W R U, '83. 993 Cedar av, tel E 47, 10 to 12, 7 to S Capener Wm H, W R U, '56. 415 Case av, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, Sunday, 2 to 5 res 108 Crawford rd, tel D 141-J Carey Maurice J, Col M C, '82. 1739 Cedar av, tel D 347, S to 10, 2 to 3.30 (also Druggist) Carlisle Chester L, W R U, '98. House surg Charity Hosp, tel M 298- J Carlisle Irwin C, see Glenville, O Carmichael Duncan A, removed to Honolulu, Hawaii, Sandwich Islands Carnes U Maurice, left city Carpenter Eugene G, removed to Columbus, O Carpenter Geo H, V M C, 42. Res 27 Jav, retired Carroll Frank S, C C P S, '97. 2564 Superior, tel D 318, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 (also Druggist) Carroll John G, deceased Carroll Joseph H, removed to Columbus, O Carter Edward Perkins, in Europe Case Calvin S, U M, '84. Prof Dental Coll, W R l\ res Chicago, 111 (also Dentist) [29 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. CASE GUY B, Univ of Wooster, '73. 241 Colonial Arcade, 114 Euclid av. Tel Home 222. Hours, 10 a m to 1 p m, 3 to 5 p m. Prof of Dermatology and byphilology, Clev Coll of Phys and Surgs Chadwick Leroy S, U W, '77. 1824 Euclid av, tel D 69-J, 8 to 10, 3 to 5, 6.30 to 7.30; Sunday, 12 to 2r Chakijian Henry K, removed to Chicago, 111 Chalfant C Mifflin, W R U, '57. 414 Pearl, tel W 166, 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 33 Liberty, tel W 290-L, 12 to 1 Charvat Frank P, temporarily residing in Prague, Bohemia Chatfield Arthur E, U W, '96. 393 Prospect, tel M 1049, 8 to 9, 11 to 1, 4 to 6, 7 to 8; Sunday, 11 to 1 Childs Lyman W, W R U, '94. 1062 Pearl, tel W 343, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Chudzynski Stanislaw, Academy of Medicine, St Petersburg, Russia, '78. 566% Erie, tel M 982, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 CLAPP HAROLD T, Univ of Wooster, '90. 65 Clarence Bldg, 122 Euclid av. Tels Main 2004 and Home 233. Hours, 11 a m to 1.30 p m. Res 350 Dunham av. Tel East 881-J. Asst Gynecologist Charity Hosp Clark Edwin A, removed to Willoughby, O CLARK FRANK S, Western Reserve Univ, '90. 493 Colonial Ar- cade, 114 Euclid av. Tel Main 369. Hours, 3 to 5 p m; Sunday, 12 m to lpm, Res 348 Dunham av. Tel East 859. Visiting Phys to St Alexis Hosp; Asst in Obstetrics and Pediatrics, Medical Coll of Western Reserve Univ Clark Franklin H, U C N Y, '79. 327 Prospect, 10 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 8, Tues and Sat, res 475 Russell av Clark Wm, W R U, '92. 778 Central av, tel E 1038-L, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Clewell Henry M, S M C, '76. 783 Woodland a v, tel E 421, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Clyne James G, W R U, '76. 172 Franklin av, tel W 495-L, 2 to 5, 7 to 8 Clyne John M, W R U, '78. 1863 Pearl, 8 a m to 6 p m, 7 to 8 p m, res 71 Archwood av (also Dentist) COATES BENJAMIN" O, Trinity Med Coll, Victoria Univ, Toronto, '92. 31 Benedict Bldg, 29 Euclid av. Tel Main 1027. Hours, 11 a m to 1 p m, 2 to 4 p m. Res 14 The Croxden, 977 Prospect. Tel East 676 Coffin F Wallace, see Glenville, O Cogan James E, J M C, '95. 1117 Superior, tel M 863, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Cohen Arnold, C C P S, '98. 864 Woodland av, tel E 132, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Colton John G, C U M S, '95. 565 St Clair, tel M 2762-J, 7 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 (also Dentist) Conrad Wm, Univ of Heidelberg, Germ, '93. 933% Woodland av, tel E 885, 10.30 to 11.30, 3 to 4, 7 to 8, res 1249 Slater av, tel E 331-J Cook Albert J, W R U, '69. 2220 Willson av, tel E 14-L, 7 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 9 Cook Joseph E, U W, '* 1. 514 New England bldg, tels M 912, H 571, 2 to 5 p m, res 496 Russell av, tel E 673-J Copeland Wm H, B H M C, '87. 202 The Arcade, res The Hollenden, tel M 1877 Coplan Morris, removed to New York City Corleit Wm Thomas, U W, '77; Royal Coll Phys, London, Eng, '81. 553 Euclid av, tel M 1197, 9 a m to 12 m Cotton Clyde E, 1/ W, '85. 350 Jennings av, res 457 same, tel M 2723, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Cousins Wm B, removed to Mineral Point, O COWELL "WILLAED M, Ohio Med Univ, Columbus, '95. Office and Residence, 1479 Cedar av, cor Logan av. Tel Doan 40. (Also Pharmacist) CRAFTS ARTHUR P, Long Island Coll Hosp, '90. 240 The Arcade. Hours, 9 a m to 5 p m. Res 918 Scovill av. Specialist in Diseases of Nose, Throat, Lungs and Ears Crile Geo W, U W, '87. 204 The Osborn, tel M 2810, 11 a m to 1 p m, ret University Club, tel E 1202 I30 Pnysicians and Surgeons — Continued. Crowe Etienne P, U W, '89. 1968 Superior, tel E 273- J, 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8 Crowe Jessie M H, U W, '90. Res 1968 Superior, tel E 273- J (not practg Cudell Adolf, W R U, '98. _ Med Coll, W R U, tel M 401, res 538^ Payne a v Culp Clyde, removed to Richmond, O Cushing Edward F, H U, '88. 967 Prospect, tel E 38 Cushing H Kirke, LL.D, W R U, '51. Res 786 Prospect, tel E 226 (retired) CUTLER EBEKT J, Western Reserve Univ, '66. 335 The Arcade. Hours, 2 to 4 p m. Res 270 Franklin av. Tel West 223 D DABBY JOHN" E, A M, Clev Med Coll, '61. 18 Benedict Bldg, 29 Euclid av. Hours, 2 to 5.30 p m. Res 850 Doan. Prof of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Western Reserve Univ Daus Wm, W R U, '84. 2005 Superior, tel E 943, 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 9 Davidson Edwin M, U W, '71. 247 Colonial Arcade, tel M 1835, 11 to 12, 2 to 5, res 609 The Ellington, tel M 2201-J DAVIS FREDERICK W, Western Reserve Univ, '82. 128 Franklin av. Tel West 336. Hours, 8 to 9 a m, 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p m. Res 258 Franklin av. Tel West 344 Davis Joel D, W R U, '78. Res 10 Crawford pi (also Pharmacist-retired) Day Edmund A, deceased Daykin Frank W, W R U, '79. 1195 Pearl, tel M 2886, 2 to 3, 7 to 9 Dean Chas W, U P, '72. 133 Prospect, tel M 2258, 9 to 11, 2 to 3, res Willow, O Decker Chas C, U M, '66. 28 Jay, tel W 367, 9 to 12, 2 to 6 Dellenbaugh Christian W, deceased Dellenbaugh Zachary T, J M C, '70. 8 Savgs & Trust bldg, 1 to 3 p m, res 88S Prospect Dennerle Danl C, W R U, '82. 9% Woodland av, res 92 Holmden ay, (not practg — see Dentists) Dennison Alan N, U S A, Med Dept, Washington, D C Deucher Q A, deceased « Deutsch Leopold, S M C, '96. 495 St Clair, tel M 1582- J, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Dial Emory L, W R U, '98. 1847 Lorain, tel W 526-J, 8 to 9, 1 to 8, 7 to 9 DICKENSON JOHN, Western Reserve Univ, '57. Office and Resi- dence, 42 Sibly. Tel Main 2532. Hours, 8 to 9, 1.30 to 3, 7 to 9 Dickerson Egbert S, removed to Cairo, 111 Diemert Francis X A, U M, '83. 150 Washington Diemert Joseph A, W R U, '86. 285 Willson av, tel E 947, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 378 Wade Park av, tel D 375 Doolittle Wm F, W R U, '98. 1st asst surg Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539, res 176 Lincoln av Dotterweich Frederick V, W R U, '95. 780 Lorain, tel W 432- J, 1 to 4, 7 to 8 Douhet Edward J, W R U, '85. 304 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, II 159, res 2080 Denison av, tel W 506 (not practg — see Dentists) Dow Lyman, removed to Bellefontaine, O Dreher Alfred, U W, '84. 107 Qiiincy, tel E 431- T, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Droege Robt C, W R U, '97. 596 Pearl, tel W 156, 9 to 10, '2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 117 Whitman, tel W 581-L (also Pharmacist) Dunlany Wm P, C C P S, '96. 504 Am Trust bldg, 4 to 7 p m, res 78 Fourth av Durstine Frank H, U M, '75. 737 Willson av, tel E 779, 8 to 9, 1 to 8,7 to« Dutton Chas F, B H M C, '61. 28 Clarence bldg, tel M 976, 11 to 12,9 to 4, res 849 Franklin av, tel W 253, 8 to 9 a m, to 7 p m Dyson Eugene B, left city 131 Physicians and Surgeons— Continued. Ebersole Wm G, W R U, '97. 605 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, res 25 Glen Park pi (also Dentist) Eddy Roy C, removed to Chester Cross Roads, O Ehret G Aimer, W R U. '90. 26 Nottingham bldg, tels M 1745- J, H 823, 8 a m to 4 p m, res 956 E Madison av, tel D 462-L Elliott Albert S, W R U, '92. 2794 Euclid av, tel D 187-J, until 9.30, 2 to 4, 6.30 to 7.30 Emrich Edward L, R M C, '92. 1st asst phys Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Ernst Mark, Univ of Budapest, Hungary, '67. 168 S Woodland av, 7 a m to 9 p m Erwin Tames J, U W, '87. 890 Doan, 2 to 4, 6 to 8, res 1617 Cedar av Esch Wm J, U W, '81. 679 St Clair, res 681 same, tel M 1911, 12 to 2, 7 to 8 Evans James, removed Evans Saml C, reg, '77. 465 Kennard, tel E 1029-L Evans Samuel W, W R U, '95. 513 Kinsman, tel E 46, 9 to 10, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9, res 1075 Woodland Hills av Everett P Root, J M C, '56. Contractor, 71 Adelbert (not practg) Eyer Alvin, M M C, '77. 620 Permanent bldg, tel M 1159, H 159, 2 to 5 p m, res 275 E Prospect, tel E 427-J Eyman Henry C, Col M C, '80. Supt Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 FARNSWORTH GEORGE B, Univ of Wooster, '79. Kroehle Blk, 1896 Pearl, cor Denison av. Tel Main 1310. Hours, 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m. Res 677 Denison av Feil Gustave R, U W, '91. 846 Woodland av, tel E 565, 2 to 4, 6.30 to 8.30 Felix Frank C, W R U, '93. 1430 Willson av Fenton Howard M, W RU,'78. 19 Miles av, tel M 1320-L, 8 to 9, 12 to 1, 7 to 9 Field Thaddeus S, W R U, '71. 283 Wade Park av, tel D 478-J, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 m Finefrock Chas B, removed to Fremont, O Firmin John M, removed to Findlay, O Fischer Robert, C C P S, '97. 272 Dunham av, tel E 735, 8.30 to 9.30, 1 to 3, 6 to 7, res 107 Quinby av. tel E 1196-L Fitzgerald Guy H, C C P S, '98. House phys City Hosp, tel M 26 Fleming Joseph J, removed to Carlisle, O Fletcher Hugh M, B C P S, '93. 211 Permanent bldg, tels M 904, H 110, 9 to 11, 2 to 5, 7 to 8, res 73 Sibley, tel E 1119-J Fliedner Frederick, U W, '72. 490 Pearl, 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 160 Wellington av, tel W 196 Focke Geo A, reg, '52. 1156 Broadway, 9 am to 5 p m, res Willow, O Fogg Chas L, U W, '85. 381 Detroit, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Folkeus Carl O, W R U, '86. 639 Superior, res 959 same, tel M 1912, until 9 a m, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 (also Druggist) Follansbee George E, U W, '95. 1357 Woodland Hills av, tel M 697, 11 to 12, 7 to 8, res East Cleveland, O Foote Chas G, U W, '95. 2238 Euclid av, D 156-J, 11 to 12.30, 2 to 4, res 961 Prospect, tel E 632-J Fortlage Henry, Univ of Bonn, Germ, '84. 451 Pearl, tel W 867,2 to 4, 7 to 8 FOSHAY P MAXWELL, Univ of Pa, Phila, '91. 25 Nottingham Bldg, 89 Euclid av. Tels Main 1745-J and Home 823. Hours, 9 a m to 12 m, 4 to 5 p m. Res 32 The Curtiss, cor Summit and Wood. Tel Main 1632-J. Editor Cleveland Journal of Medicine; U S Pension Examiner I32 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued, Foster Argo M, M C M S, '92. 216 Permanent bldg, tels M 904, H 174, 10 a m to 5 p m, res 202 Summit Fought Chester L, res Oak Harbor, O Francisci Miloslav, Univ of Vienna, Austria, '79. 765 Lorain, tel W 504, 12 to 4, 6 to 8 Franke Frank C, W R U, '80. 703 Woodland av, 1 to 3, 7 to 9, res 42 Van Ness av Fraser Geo O, W R U, '76. 202 Cedar av, res 260 same, tel E 432, 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 8 to 9 Fraser .«ohn M, W R U, '81. 581 Erie, tel M 1871, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, res 950 Cedar av, tel E 139 French John S, W R U, '93. 1330 Central av, tel E 636, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, res 71 Plymouth, tel E 429-J FRIED JVC AWN* IGNATZ, Royal Univ of Budapest, Hungary, '87. Office and Residence, 465 St Clair. Tel Main 2393. Hours, 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m. Visiting Phys to Cleveland Gen Hosp; Asst in Clinical Med, Coll of Phys and Surgs Friedrich Martin, W R U, '94. 212 The Osborn, tel H 554, 10 a m to 2 p m, res 907 Clark av FRIEND JOHN M, Western Reserve Univ, '89. Benhoff Blk, 1065 Pearl. Tel West 382. Hours, 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p m. Res 109 Walton av. Tel Mainf591-J Fritch Joseph C, U W, '96. 377 Pearl, tel W 30- J, 7 to 8 a m, 2 to 4 p m (also Pharmcist) Frost Geo M, W R U, '94. 137 Streator av, 10 to 11, 2 to 4, 6 to 7 FROST G GLENN, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '92. Office and Resi- dence, 5, 6 and 7 Merchanst' Bank Bldg, 166 Euclid av. Tels Main 1788 and Home 331. Hours, 2 to 4 and 6.30 to 7.30 p m, Standard; Saturday, 10 a m to 12 m Fry John M, Phila Univ Med and Surg, '67. 54 Kinsman, tel E 65, 2 to 5, 7 to 9 Fry J Morris, removed to Bolivar, Venezuela, South America FRY* ROYCE D, Western Reserve Univ, '83. 200 Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 904 and Home 174. Hours, 9 a m to 1 p m, 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p m. Res 275 Euclid av. Tel Main 1437. Charter Member Cleveland Medical Soc; late Major and Brigade Surgeon, USV; formerly Asst Phys Cleveland State Hosp and Visiting Phys to St Alexis and Charity Hosps Fuller George H, removed to New York Galbraith W Thos, O M C, '76. 602 New England Bldg, res 974 Doan (not practg) Gallagher John V, W R U, '91. 800 Superior, tel M 1349, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Gans Daniel W, removed to Columbus, O Gardner Jesse O, W R U, '94. 2504 Superior, 8 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Garvin Edwin C, W R U, '94. 2728 Broadway, tel M 125, 7 a m to 9 p m Geer Norman M, Col M C, '90. 181 Superior, 9 a m to 8 p m, res 197 Melrose av (also Pharmacist) GENTSCH CHARLES, Georgetown Univ, Washington, D C, "78. Officeand Residence, 167 Franklin av. Tel West 316. Hours. 8 to 9 a m, 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p m George Oren E, U W, '89. 1207 Pearl, tel M 2886, 1 to 3, 7 to 9, res 1101 Scranton av, tel M 554-J Gerould Henry, C M C, '63. 110 Olive Gibson John F, U W, '73. 20S Lake View Flats, tel M 504, 8 to 10. I to 4, 7 to 8 133 Physicians and Surgeons— Continued. GILBERT JOHN A, Univ of Wooster, '72. 334 Pearl. Tel West 365. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Res 116 Clinton Gilchrist Harry L, Asst Surg, USA, Manila, P I Gill John C, W R U, '60. 434 Kennard, 9 to 12, 2 to 4 Gillespie Wm R, O M C, '87. 48 Public Sq, tel M 2990, 10 to 12, 2 to 5, res 442 Euclid av, tel M 1379 Glass George F, see East Cleveland, O Goetz Eugene P, W R U, '85. 1254 Lexington av, tel E 1171-J, 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 6.30 to 8.30 Goetz F Eugene, Univ of Wuerzburg, Germ, '66. 581 Woodland av Goldfinger Julius, U W, '95. 231 Perry, tel M 2158 Goodman Guy T, removed to Mansfield, O Goodsell Fannie E, U W, '84. 109 Colonial Arcade, tel H 217, 10 to 12, res 15 Granger Goodwin Emery M, see Glenville, O Gordon O F, deceased Grace Nathaniel, McG U, '98. Cedar and Bolton avs, tel D 301-J, 8 to 10, 1 to 3.30, after 7 Graff Wm B, in Germany G-RIESE JOHN F, Univ of Mich, '84; Univ of Berlin, Germ, '85; Univ of Munich, Bavaria, '86. Office and Residence, 249 Case av. Tel Main 266-J. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m Griffiths Thos E, W R U, '97. 1496 Central av, tel E 88, 10 to 12, 3 to 5, 7 to 8; Sunday 1 to 2 Groess Edward L, removed to Buffalo, N Y Grossman David W, L N M C, '93. Res 43 Oregon Gunn Ross D A, W R U, '87. 959 St Clair, tel M 1405, 8.30 to 10.30 a m r Tues and Sat, res 25 Windsor av H Hain C Oliver, W R U, '97. 132 White av Hall Harry M, W R U, '98. House phys Charity Hosp, tel M 298 -J Hallock Tohn C, W R U,*93. 691 Cedar av, tel E 1092, 10 to 12, 3 to 4, 6 to 8 HAMANN CARL A, Univ of Pa, '90. Office and Residence, 282 Prospect. Tel Main 2740. Hours 1 to 2 p m Hamlin Cass, removed to State of Washington Handerson Henry E, N Y C P S, '67. 444 Dunham av, tel E 704-L, 9 a m to 12 m s HANDKICK FRANKLIN A, Jefferson Med Coll, Phila, '94. 300 Detroit. Tel West 193. Hours, 11 a m to 12 m, 5 to 6 p m. Res 2508 Superior. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p m Haning N Atwood, removed to Wheeling, W Va Hanson David S, U M, '76. 1419 Broadway, tel M 2081- J, 12 to 2,7 to 9 Hanson H P, removed to Lennox, S Dakota Hart Albert G, J M C, '52. 102 Jennings av, tel M 2726-J, 7 to 8, lto2,6to7 Hartman Irvin H, removed to Reading, Pa Hartwell Shepard H, C M C, '57. 31 Harrison, 7 to 10, 1 to 2 Hausmann Wm, Univ of Greifswald, Germ, '63. 968 Clark av (also Dentist and Druggist) HAVLICEK FRANK J, Western Reserve Univ, '82. 1145 Lorain. Tel West 320. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Res 133 Root. Tel West 199. Visiting Surg to St John's Hosp Hawley Edwin P, W R U, '84. 2233 Willson av, tel M 664-J, 9 a m, 1 to 2.30, 7 to 8 Heath Jerome A, U W, '84. 10 Marquette, tel E 851, until 9 a m, 12 to 2 t 1 to 8 x 34 Physicians and Surgeons— Continued. Heidler Geo K, W R U, '98. 1098 Superior, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Heimlich Daniel, W R U, '92. 521 Woodland av, tel M 1249, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Heitmiller Geo H, U P, '94. 8 Birmingham blk, 10 to 12, 2 to 5 Held Chas E, W R U, '98. 108 Cedar av Hendry Wm, W R U, '96. 618 Permanent bldg, tels M 1159, H 159, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, res East Cleveland, O Hendryx Truman C, U M, '69. 39 Cedar av Herbkersman Fred W, W R U, '88. 1831 Broadway, tel M 2842, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Herr Arthur W, U M, '95. 230 Euclid av, tel con, 10 to 12, 2 to 3fres 446 same, tel M 2587 Herr Henry S, Central Coll Phys and Surgs, Indpls, '79. 1195 Pearl, 10 to 12, 2 to 3, res 57 Marvin av Herr Ida Shively, Northwestern Univ, Chicago, '97. 230 Euclid av, tel con, 10 to 12, 2 to 5, res 446 same, tel M 2587 HEBBICK FREDEBICK C, Western Reserve Univ, '97. 367 Erie, cor Prospect. Tel Main 1022. Hours 8 to 10.30 a m, 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p m. Res 680 Prospect. Tel East 697-J HEBBICK HENRY J, A M, Rush Med Coll, Chicago, '61. 367 Erie, cor Prospect. Tel Main 1022. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 3 p m; Sunday, 10 a m. Res 680 Prospect. Tel East 697-J. Prof Emeritus of Hygiene and State Medicine, Med Coll of Western Reserve Univ Herrick Henry J, Jr, WRU, '94. 367 Erie, tel M 1022, 8 to 10, 2 to 3, res 1956 Superior, tel E 1110-L Herrick H Burt, WRU, '91. 2228 Euclid av, res 2531 same, tel D 142-J, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 6.30 to 7.30 Herrick Wm H, WRU, '66. 214 Permanent bldg, tels M 904, H 105, 10 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 8, res 701 Willson av, tel E 556-J HESS JOHN L, Univ of Western Pa, Pittsbgh, '91. Health Officer, 102 City Hall. Tels Main 26 and Home 882. Hours, 10 to 11.30 a m, 2 to 4 p m. Res 744 Willson av. Tel East 606. Hours, 5 to 7.30 p m Hewitt Wm S, U M, '95. 247 Superior, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, res The Livington, tel M 2305 Hickin Frank W, C C P S, '97. 66 Merchant av, tel M 2724, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 (also Pharmacist) Higley Brainard S, Asst Surg U S Army Hill Aaron A, Univ of Budapest, Hungary, '79. 402 Prospect, tel M 243-L, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Hill Edwin W, see Glenville, O Hintzelmann Cbas L H, U W, '78. 86 Randall, tel W 108, 9 to 10, 2 to 4. 7 to 9, res 134 Harbor Hobson John F, see Lakewood, O HOBSON JOSEPH F, Western Reserve Univ, 'Sd. Office and Resi- dence, 429 Prospect, n w cor Huntington. Tel Main 1861. Hours, 1.30 to 4 p m. Prof of Casualty and Minor Surgery, Clev Coll of Phys and Surgs; Visiting Surg and Chief of Staff, Clev Gen Hosp; Visit- ing Surg Clev City Hosp Hobson Willis S, W R U, '98. 4th asst phys Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Hodgson Joseph W, WRU, '97. Res 273 Huntington (retired Hoffman Gideon H, W R U, '98. 3rd asst house phys City Hosp, tel M 26 Hoffmann Gustavus A, removed to Detroit, Mich Hole Chas M, W R U, '98. 2nd asst house phys City Hosp, tel M 26 Hollenberg Benno A, removed to New York city Holliday Benj W, W R U,'69. 520 Prospect, tel M 136, L.30 to 8.30, t*>.->0 to 7.30 Holliday W Wallace, WRU, '76. 2588 Broadway, tel M LOT, &S0 to 0.30, 1.30 to 2.30, 6.30 to 8.30; Sunday, 9 to 10 am; res 30 Miles Park, tel M 1320-J Hollister Geo S, U M, '92. 357^ Franklin av (also Pharmacist] Hollister Nellie A. removed to Norwalk, O Holmes Edward S, T M C, '86. 1499 Pearl, tel M 2922, until 9, 2 to 5. 7 to \> 1 35 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. Holmes George, Royal Coll of Surgs, Dublin, Ireland, '76. 688 W Madison av, tel W 276-L, 8 to 9, 3 to 4, 7 to 8 Honecker Frank H, removed to the Klondyke Hooper Gilman W, McG U, '76. 662 Quincy, 7 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 9 Hoover Chas F, H U, '92. 282 Prospect, tel M 2740, 1 to 2 p m Hosick Wm A, W R U, '85. 1613 Woodland av, tel E 240, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, res 503 Lincoln av, tel E 1045-J HOUSE AUGUSTUS F, Western Reserve Univ, '71. Office and Residence, 1051 Superior, cor Oliver. Tel Main 292. Hours, 1.30 to 4#tnd 7 to 8 p m. Ex-President Cleveland Medical Society; Visiting Surg and Pres Bd Trustees, St Clair Hosp JHOWARD ALLEN J M, Howard Univ, Washn, D C, '93. 565 Central av. Tel Main 3018- J. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m; Sundays, 9 to 10 a m, 4 to 6 p m. Res 89 Shipherd Howard Wm T, Jr, U Md, '89. Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539, res 88 Dor- chester av, tel E 301-J Howell G W, removed to Kansas City, Mo Howland Anson P, W R U, '96. 63 Livingston, tel E 930-J, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Hubbard R Schuyler, U W, '77. Real est, 809 Am Trust bldg, tel M 2269, res Bedford, O (not practg) Hubbell Wm B, removed to Elyria. O Hudson, Lorenzo D, Willoughby (O) Med Coll, '40. 51 Atwater bldg, 9 to 11, 1.30 to 3, res 154 Oakdale. Hull Bradley, W R U, '74. 340 Euclid av, res same (not practg — see Dentists) HUMISTOIST CHARLES B, Univ of Mich, Ann Arbor, '73. 1066 Pearl. Tel West 343. Hours, 1 to 5 p m. Res 824 Scranton av. Tel Main 2713. Surgeon to Cleveland City Ry Co, and Clev, Elyria & Oberlin, Clev & Berea, and Clev & Lorain Ry Cos HUMISTON WM H, Long Island Coll Hosp, Brooklyn, '79. 65 Clarence Bldg, 122 Euclid av. Tels. Main 2004 and Home 233. Hours, 2 to 4 p m. Private Hosp, 874 Scranton av. Tel Main 2472. Res 275 Bolton av. Tel Doan 104-J. Associate Prof of Gynecology, Med Coll of Western Reserve Univ Husmann Dietrich C, W R U, '78. 546 Detroit, tel W 542, 9 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, res 166 Taylor (also Druggist) Hutchins Fannie C, Univ of So Calif, Los Angeles, '93. 2nd asst phys Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Hyde Wm H, U W, '96. 293 W Madison av, tel W 512, 10 to 11, 1 to 4, 6 to 8 IDDINGS GEORGE S, Clev Med Coll, '96. 168 Huron, cor Euclid av. Tel Main 484. Hours, 8.30 to 10 a m, 1.30 to 4.30 p m. Res Locust Hill, Euclid, O. Tel Glen 83-J INGERSOLL JOHN M, A M, Western Reserve Univ, '93. Nose* Throat and Ear only. 50 Euclid av. Tels. Main 517- J and Home 256- Hours, 10 a m to 1 p m, 4 to 5 p m. Res 516 Euclid av. Tel Main 2623. Lecturer on Diseases of Nose, Throat and Ear, Western Reserve Univ. Ex-Sec Cleveland Medical Soc Ingram James A, U W, '80. 737 Detroit, tel W 501, 8.30 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8, res 23 Courtland (also Druggist) Isom John F, deceased 136 Physicians and Surgeons— Continued. J Jackson Alex A.CCPS, '98. 349 Marcy av Jacobson Theodore T, C C P S,'98. 306 Perry, tel M 982, 11 to 12, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 James Wm S, Col M C, '90. 1519% Lorain, tel W 330, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Jaster Cyrus O, W R U, '98. Externe Charity Hosp, tel M 298-J, res 1148 First av Jay Palmer C, removed to the South Johnson L M, removed to Ravenna, O Johnson Wm D, deceased Jones Arthur W, J M C, '96. 563 Wade Park av, tel D 135, until 9 am, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Jones John D, W R U, '66. 1631 Harvard, res 1635 same, 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6 to 7 JONES J ARTHUR, Jeff Med Coll, Phila, '90. Office and Residence, 1 Marguerite Blk, 424 Willson av, cor Superior. Tel East 871. Hours, 9 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m Jones Nathaniel M, Charity Hosp Med Coll, '66. 258 Pearl, 2 to 5 p m, res 162 Taylor, tel W 234. K KAESTLEN SAMUEL E, Western Reserve Univ, '90.Office and Resi- dence, 50 McLean. Tel West 32. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m, sun time; Sunday, 10 a m to 12 m. Surgeon-in-charge Altenheim; Sur- geon General, Ohio Brigade, U R, K of P (also Pharmacist) Kahn Max, Univ of Wuerzburg, Germ, '96. 689 Woodland av, tel E 190, 9 to 11, 3 to 5, 7 to 8 Kasson Joseph M, deceased Kehres Edward J, W R U, '89. 1675 St Clair, tel E 721, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Kehres Louis J, removed to Warrensville, O Reiser Romeo O, O M U, '98. 2238 Euclid av, 7 to 8, 4 to 6, 7 to 8 Kelley Saml W, W R U, '84. 1150 Superior, tel M 1859- J, until 8, 3 to 5, 6 to 7.30 Kelly James F, W R U, '96. 3d asst phys Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Kennedy James D, Western Univ, London", Ont, '88. (Kennedy & Ker- gan), 9 a m to 8 p m, res The Hollenden, tel M 1877 Kennedy Robt A, W R U, '88, 616 Superior, tel M 1912, 12 to 2, 6 to 8 Kennedy & Kergan (James D Kennedy) 247 SuperiDr Kepke John T, W R U, '90. 1671 St Clair, tel E 805, 10 to 12, 2 to 3, 7 to 8, res 119 White av Kerr Irvine J,CPSC, '92. 777 Willson av, tel E 690, 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 26 Hough av, tel E 1170-L Kerr John W, removed to Belle Center, O Kerruish Miriam G, U W, '95. 1 Birmingham bldg, tel E 25, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, res 1014 Euclid av, tel 1106-J King Orion, W R U, '92. Agt Standard Oil Co, 53 Euclid av, tel M 682, res 1262 Slater av (not practg) Kinnaman Adam S, deceased Kinnaman Chas L, U W, '78; AV R U, '83. 1474 Cedar av, tel D 158-J, 8.30 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 KINNAMAN CHAUNOEY H, Jeff Med Coll, Phila, 'So. i>7<"S Woodland av. Tel East 65. Hoars. S to LQ u m, -J to 4 ami 7 to i> p m Kinnicutt Wm H, C C P S, »98. Phvsical director V M C A. 246 Pros- pect, tel M 1024, res 168 Dodge M7 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. Kinnison Ira E, S M C, '98. 161 Erie, tel M 2280, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Kinsey Geo M, U W, '79, 2 Courtland, tel W 181-J, 11 to 12, 7 to 8; Sun- day, 2 to 4, res 377 Franklin av Kipp Wm F, B U, '93. 137 Sixth av (not practg) Kitchen Henry W, U W, '71. 292 Prospect KIjINE DAVID R, Univ of Wooster, '96. 612 Ontario, cor Central av. Tel Main 2368. Hours, 9 to 10 a m, 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m; Sun- day, 10 a m to 1 p m. Res 152 Beech. Tel East 474. Resident Phys Clev Gen Hosp, '96-'97 Knowlton Wm A, Charity Hosp Med Coll, '67. 530 Jennings av, tel M. 2714, 10 a m to 2 p m Kofron Joseph V, W R U, '93. 1560 Broadway, tel M 1506, 7.30 to 9.30 v 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Kohles Pankratz, reg. 452 Central av KOLB MATTHEW G, Western Reserve Univ, '84. 1007 Pearl. Tel West 205. Hours, 10 to 11 a m, 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Res 128 Vega av Koller John J, Univ of Vienna, Austria, '87. 1646 Broadway, tel M 1573, 7 to 8, 1 to 3, 6 to 9 Konrad Frances S, C C P S, '98. 2120 Broadway, tel M 807, 8 to 10, 2 to 4 Kopfstein Frank T, U W, '96. 2300 Superior, tel E 919- J, 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to8- Kozar Joseph H, C C P S, '97. 16 Edwards av, tel E 88, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Krause Bernhard, Univ of Goettingen, Germ, '53. 132 Woodland av, tel M 1871, 10 to 11, 2.30 to 3.30, res 1465 Willson ave, tel E 991, 7 to 8.30 a m, 12.30 to 2.30 Krause Carl R, W R U, '84, 132 Woodland av, tel M 1871, 8 to 9.30, 1 to 3.30. 7 to 8. res 1465 Willson av, tel E 991 Krebs Paul H, U W, '94. 1007 Pearl, tel W 205, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 LafferWalter B, WRU, '96. 962 Willson av, tel E 814-L, 8 to 10, 12 to 2,6 to & Laisy Jacob, A M, WRU, '53. Prof emeritus of Anatomy, Med Coll W R U, tel M 401, res Syracuse, Neb Lane E Baxter, W R U, '75. 1238 Euclid av, cor Willson av, tel East 330, res 389 Dunham av (not practg — see Druggists) Lane George E, U S A, Med Dept, Washington, D C Lang Charles G, W R U, '98, Res 35 Huntington LAKGE SECORD H, Trinity Med Coll, Toronto, '93. 31 Benedict Bldg, 29 Euclid av. Tel Main 1027. Hours, 9.30 to 11.30, 3.30 to 5 p m. Res 542 Hough av. Tel Doan 229-L Latimer Jay A, C C P S, '98 Laubie Ralph W, C C P S, '98. 302 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159 v 9 to 1,2 to 5 LAUDER EDWARD S, McGill Univ, Montreal, Can, '96. 603 The Osborn, 275 Prospect. Tel Main 1515-J. Hours, 10 a m to 1 p m, 3 to 4.30 p m. Res 2481 Euclid av. Ophthalmic Surgeon, Out-Patient Dept, Clev Gen Hosp Laughlin V Clyde, WRU, '98. 50 Ontario Lee Howard J, U W, '76. 71 Tilden av, tel D 360, 2 to 4 p m Leet W H, removed LEICK GEORGE F, Western Reserve Univ, '85. Office and Resi- dence, 503 Prospect. Tel Main 1476. Hours, 11 a m to 2 p m. Con- sulting Surgeon to St Alexis Hosp LENKER JOHN N, Balto Coll of Phys and Surgs, '86. 601 The, Osborn, 275 Prospect. Tel Main 1515-L. Hours, 10am to 1pm,. 3 to 4.30 p m. Practice limited to Ear, Nose and Throat. 138 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. LeQuesne Danl G R, W R U, '83. 429 The Arcade, tel M 1495, 9 to 12,30, 2 to 5.30; Sunday, 9.30 to 12, res 1074 Cedar av LeSage J Edmond, Laval Univ, Montreal, Can, '94. 797 Lorain, tel W 198, 2 to 4, 7 to 8.30 Levenberg Bernard, Univ of Ala, Mobile, '96. 154 Orange, tel M 982, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Lewin Berthold, Univ of Bonn, Germ, '83. 5 Pythian Temple, tel M 2722, 8 to 10, 3 to 4, 7 to 8 Lewis Joseph M, Charity Hosp Med Coll, '64. 207 Permanent bldg, tels M 904, H 174. 9 a m to 4 p m, res 1264 Willson av, tel E 66 Lewis Joshua G, W R U, '65. 100 Bazetta, 1 to 5 p m Lincoln Walter R, U P, '90. 207 The Osborn, tel M 1519-L, 2.30 to 4, res Euclid Heights, tel D 206-L Lincoln Wm R, U P, '88. 207 The Osborn, tel M 1519-L, 9 to 1, res Euclid Heights, tel D 206-L Linden Washington E, see Brooklyn, O Lindsey Theodore D, W R U, '80. 28 Benedict bldg, res 19 Dorchester av (not practg — see Dentists) LINLEY THOMAS, Western Reserve Univ, '96. Office and Resi- dence, 1595 Detroit. Tel West 585-J. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p m. Examiner for Tribe of Ben Hur Linn Hugh J, removed to Buffalo, N Y Lockwood Harry E, D C M, '97. 440 Gordon av, tel W 578-J, 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8 Loewenthal Moritz, B U, '94. 1200 Case av, tel E 467-J, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Lohrer Jay J, removed to Michigan Long Harry C, W R U, '91. 233 Permanent bldg, tels M 904, H 174, 3 to 5 r 7 to 8, res The Lincoln, tel M 330 Long Leroy F, U W, '93. 56 Walnut Louth Chas E, A E M C, '86. 170 Superior, tel M 1187, 9 to 12, 2 to 5; Sundays, 10 to 12; res E Cleveland, O Lower Francis H, C M C, '94. 279% Prospect, 1 to 5, res 791 Scovill av, until 9am Lower Wm E, U W, '92. 204 The Osborn, tel M 2810, 9 to 11, 1 to 2, res University Club, tel E 1202 Lowman John H, U W, '73; Columbia Univ, N Y, '76. 441 Prospect. tel M 2096, 10.30 to 1 Lucas Valentine C, U W, '88. 1156 Pearl, tel M 2490, 2 to 4, res 375 Ten- nings av, tel M 2534 LUCAS W HARRIS, Western Reserve Univ, '93. Office and Residence, 853 Lorain. Tel West 484. Hours, 8 to 9 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m; Sunday, 3 to 4 pm, Visiting Phys to St Vincent's Orphan Asylum LUCK HENRY C, Univ of Wooster, '94. 9 Clarence Bldg, 122 Euclid av, Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 3 to 5 p m. Res 201 Marcy av. Tel Doan 3-J. Hours, 7 to 8 p m Ludden James W, Univ of the South, Sewanee, Tenn, '94. 474 Detroit, tel W 303, 9 to 11, 1 to 8, 5 to 8 Lueke Alex W, temporary res Vienna, Austria Lueke John H, Univ of Munich, Germany, '67. 708 Willson av, tel E 882 Luton C Randolph, removed to Grand Rapids, Mich M McCandliss Chas E, removed to Cincinnati, O McClain Alvah S, C C P S, '98. 1873 Pearl, tel M 2521, 2 to I. 6 Garden McCurdy David, reg, '96. 113 Alum, 11 to 2, 4 to 8 139 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. McG-EE JOHN B, Western Reserve Univ, '78. 1405 Woodland av. Tel East 349. Hours, 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p m. Res 1551 Woodland av. Tel East 1050-J. Prof of Therapeutics, Clev Coll of Phys & Surgs McGuire Saml B, B M C. '93. 202 The Arcade, 8 to 12, 1 to 5, 7 to 8, res 400 The Hannah, tel M 2101 Mcllrath Miles H, see E Cleveland, O McKay Robt F, OL U, '92. 182 Lincoln av McMichael John C, see Glenville, O McMillin Calvin, W R U, '67. 2128 Euclid av, tel D 445-J, 7 to 10, 3 to 7 McNAMAEA ANDREW J, Univ of Wooster, '96. 504 Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 2427-L and Home 159. Hours, 9am to 12 m, 1 to 3 p m. Res The Livingston, tel M 2305. Late Asst Phys Clev State Hosp; Member Clev Med Soc; Member Am Medico- Psychological Assn M cPeck Elmer E, S M C, '89. 656 Hough av, tel D 353-L, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 McQuiston Henry, W R U, '67. 19 Walker, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 McVeigh James A, removed to Detroit, Mich Mabley H Clifton, W R U, '94. 2088 Euclid av, tel D 47- J, 11 to 1, 7 to 8 MACKS RICHARD, Univ of Greifswald, Germ, '87. 205 The Elling- ton, Erie and Superior. Tel M 2201-L. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 3 to 4 and 7to8p m. Tels Main 1046 (Gem Pharmacy), 1255 (The Ellington). Specialist in Diseases of Women Macleod Geo D, C C P S, '98 MacTaggart Robt G, U W, '84. 451 Pearl, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 84 Liberty, tel W 420- J Magnell August, W R U, '94. 629 Willson av Manchester Wm C, W R U, '98. Res phys U S Marine Hosp. tel M 580 Mansfield Wm A, C U M S, '94. 724 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, 1 to 5; Sunday, 10 to 12, res 3 Glen Park pi JNIarquette Chas J, removed to Peninsula, O Martin Robt Henry, McG U, '96; J H U, '96 389 Cedar av, tel E 743, 3 to 5. 7 to ?> Martin Thomas Charles, Clev Univ Med and Surg, '86; Guy's Hosp Med Schl, London, Eng, '90; Clev Coll Phys and Surgs, '96. Office and Residence, 1077 Prospect, cor Kennard. Tel East 165. Hours, 1 to 3 p m. Lecturer on Diseases of Rectum, Clev Coll Phys and Surgs; Proctologist to Clev Gen Hosp MARVIN ALBERT H, Western Reserve Univ, '91: Univ of Pa, '92; Royal Infirmary, Edinbgh, Scot, '93; Imperial Univ, Berlin, Germ. '94. Limited to Throat, Nose and Ear. 493 Colonial Arcade, 114 Euclid av. Tel Main 369. Hours, 10 a m to 2 p m. Res 185 Wellington. Tel West 489-L Maschke Alfred S, C C P S, '97. 634 Woodland av, tel E 515-L, 1.30 to 3.30, 6 to 8 Maxwell David P, J M C, '81. 131^ Superior, 12 m to 8 p m Melcher A E, removed to Chicago, 111 Mellen Bernard, O M U, '80. 545 E Madison av, tel E 1192-F, 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 8 Mellor Joseph, King's Coll, London, Eng, '63. 1053 Central av,llto 12,2to9 Mellott Saml AV, removed to Washington, D C Merriam Walter H, W R U, '98. 202 The Osborn, tel M 2117, 1 to 3.30, res 62 Streator av, tel D 46-L, until 10 a m. 7 to 8 p m Meyer Albert F, W R U, '83. 424 Woodland av, res 1124 Case av, tel E 142 Meyer Louis G, W R U, '87. 304 Prospect, res 3124 Case av, tel E 142 (not practg — see Dentists) Meyer Wm, deceased Michel Gustave H, W R U, '97. 946 Prospect, 2 to 5 Miles Duane B, C U, '70. 501 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, 9 to 12, 1 to 4, res 970 Cedar av Miller Amanda H, U W, '92. 997 Pearl, tel W 298, 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 140 Physicians and Surgeons— Continued. Miller Helen M, W M P, '84. 1641 Harvard, tel M 936, 11 to 1, 3 to 5 Millikin Benj L, U P, '79. 278 Prospect, tel M 1179, 9 to 12, res 1868 Euclid av, tel D 175-L Milstone Israel, Military Med Coll, Charcoff, Russia, '83. 304 Scovill av, tel M 1540-J, 9 to 11, 4 to 6 Miner Irving C, W R U, '94. 1899 Superior, tel E 912- J, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 MINTIE ALEXANDER E, Univ of Pa, Phila, '69. 211 Superior. Hours 9am to 4pm, 6 to 8pm; Sunday, 10 a m to 12 m. Res 115 Huron MITCHELL CHARLES E, C M, Queen's Univ, Kingston, Ont, '90; Licentiate Royal Coll Phys and Surgs. Office and Residence, 101 The Hannah, 628 Superior. Tel Main 2101. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p m. Ex-Surg Epworth Hosp, South Bend, Ind; Ex- Supreme Med Examiner I O F of America; Ex-Prof Electro-Thera- peutics, Training School, Epworth Hosp, South Bend MIZER THOS J, Univ of Wooster, '96. 9 Tinnerman Blk, 797 Lorain, corFultonTelWest 482-L. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 pm. Res 732 Bridge Moffett Chas C, W R U, '90. 1542 St Clair, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 715 Logan av, tel D 480-J Moore J Mitchell, C C P S, '98. 1960 St Clair, tel E 800, 10 to 12, 2.80 to 4.30, 7 to 9 Moorehouse W G, H U, '97. Res phys Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1589 Morton Fayette J, L I C H, '81. 957 Lorain, tel W 372, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 76 Root Mueller Otto, R M C, '84. 539 Pearl, tel W 460, 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 1070 Detroit, tel W 473-J Munsie James, N U, '98. 1261 Lexington av, 8 to 10, 1 to 4, 7 to 8 Munson Leroy D, Col M C, '81. 2474 Superior, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, res Glenville, O Murray James, removed to Canada Mustard James W, T U, '86. 959 Willson av, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Mylott John P, Coll Phys and Surgs, Indpls, '98. 1737 Superior, 9 to 12,. 3 to 5, 7 to 8 N Nachtigall J A Benno, removed to Germany Nelson Chas F, C C P S, '97. 27 Dorchester av, tel E 925- T Nesbitt Willis G, W R U, '82. Res 273 Harkness av (not practicing) Nevison Wm H, W R U, '97. 409 Prospect, tel M 2567, 3 to 4.30, 6.30 to 7.30 Newcomb Elizabeth, removed to Lowell, Mass Noland Ira N, W R U, '82. 489 Doan, tel D 368, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. res Glenville, O Norton Francis B, W R U, '74. 230 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, 2 to 5, res 150 Kennard, tel E 797, 7 to 9 a m, 6 to 8 p m Nowell Mary E, removed to Allentown, Pa NTJNGESSEB JOHN J, Western Reserve Univ, '85. Office and Residence, 97 Lyman. Tel East 858. Hours, until 9 a m, 12 m to 2 p m, 6 to 8 p m Nydegger Rudolph, Univ of Berne, Switz, '89. 166 Jennings av, tel M 2675- J, 9 to 10, 2 to 3 O Oakley A Frank, T M C, '97. Rep Sharp & Dohme, Balto, res 1488 Pix Obermiller Effie M, see Lakewood, O O'Brien Thomas, Royal Coll Surgs, Dublin, Ireland, '76: W R I . '84. 2318 Broadway, 8 to 9.30, 1 to 4, 7 to 8, res 138 Fleet Oettinger Bernard, removed to Denver, Colo I 4 I Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. OHLIGER CONN R, Clev Coll of Phys and Surgs, '98. ' 341% Pros- pect. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Res, The Douglass Ohlmacher Albert P, N W Univ Med Schl, Chicago, '90. Pathologist City Hosp, tel Main 26, res Gallipolis, O O'Leary Arthur, J M C, '66. Res 601 Scovill av (retired). O'NEILL MARTIN J, A B. A M, (St Ignatius Coll Clev), Univ of Dublin, Ireland, '81; Rotunda Hosp, Dublin, '81; Med Coll of Ohio, Cinti, '87. 327 and 328 Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 1305 and Home 159. Hours, 9 to 11 am, 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m. Mem- ber Cuyagoga Co Med Soc, and Am Med Assn. Late Visiting Surg to St Johns Hosp Ormsby Hiram B, U W, '96. 249 Central av, tel M 2339, 2 to 5, 7 to 9, res 136 Brownell (also Druggist) Orr James E, McG U, '88. 2 Courtland, 8 to 9, 12 to 1; Sunday, 2 to 4 Orwig George A, deceased, Osborn Wm O, C M C, '95; W R U, '98. 202 The Osborn, tel M 2117, 11 to 1, 3.30 to 6, res 459 Russell av, tel E 971-J Oster Louis W, W R U, '85. 1234 St Clair, tel M 792, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to < Oswald B Franklin, W R U, '94. 2010 Detroit, tel W 514-J, until 9.30 a m, 1 to 3, 6.30 to 7.30 OVIATT WM H, Univ of Edinburgh, Scot, '61; Buffalo Med Coll, '69. Office and Residence, 525 Prospect. Hours, 9 a m to 12 m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Specialist in Skin Diseases Page Harlan M. J M C, '92. Lecturer Clev Coll Phys and Surgs, tel M if^-rf 2345, res Hiram, O PAISLEY ALEXANDER C, Western Reserve Univ, '92. Office and Residence, 252 Liberty. Tel W 377-L. Hours, 2 to 4 knd 7 to 9 p m PARKE MILTON J, Western Reserve Univ, '90. Office and Kesi- dence, 331 Prospect, Tel Main 1321. Hours, until 9 a m, 1 to 3 and 6 to 7 p m. Visiting Phys to St John's Hosp; Mem Clev Med Soc Parker Chas B, U W, '77; Royal Coll Surgs. London, Eng, '80. 425 Euclid av, tel M 2549, 1 to 4 Parshall John A, AV R U, '86. Removed Pasini Pietro, Univ of Padua, Italy,'59. 261 Sibley, tel E 670,1 to 3,9 to 11 p m Pasko Henry H, W R U, '84. 2234 St Clair, tel E 960-L, 12 to 2, 6 to 8 Pass Moses D, removed to Ft Wayne, Ind PAULIN NORMAN O, Western Reserve Univ, '95. 25 Schiely Blk, 1232 Euclid av, cor Willson av. Tel East 915-L Hours, 8 to 9, 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 pm. Physician in charge, Med Dept Charity Hosp Free Dispensary Pav Anton F, W R U, '89. 1574 Willson av, tel E 1179- J, 12 to 2, 6 to 8 PAYNE FRANK ADRIAN, Western Reserve Univ, '89. 616 Will- son av. Tel East 829. Hours, 8 to 9 a m, 3 to 5 and 6.30 to 8.30 p m Res 89 Quinby av. Tel East 825 Peck Joseph H, W R U, '83. 40y Wade Park av, tel D 130, 8 a m to 9p m (also Druggist) Peebles Renssellaer R, W R U, '67. Res 31 Courtland (not practg— see Dentists) Pelton Russell P, in Europe (also Pharmacist) Perkins David S, removed to Denver, Colo Perkins Roger G, J H U, '98. Res pathologist Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Perrier John S, McG U, '68. 1014 Willson av, tel E 312-L, 1 to 4, 7 to 9 Perry Alice M, U W, '94. 314 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, 11 to 3, res East Cleveland, O 142 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. Perry Arthur H, removed to Berea, O Perry Stephen W, Asst Surg,U S A Peskind Arnold, J M C, '87; U W, '88. 1354 Willson av, tel E 847, 10.30 to 12.30, Tues and Thurs Phillips Wm L, removed to Buffalo, N Y Phillips Wm W, W R U '98. 2nd asst phys Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539, res 167 Dodge Pickett Fredk S, N Y C P S, '91, 205 Garfield bldg, tel M 436, res 75 Fifth av Piper Wm Wirt, Dartmouth (N H) Med Coll, '66. 1350 Lexington av, tel E 735, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 PIPJES JOHN" R, Western Reserve Univ, '88. Office and Residence, 429 Prospect, cor Huntington. Tel Main 1861. Hours, 11 a m to 1 p m, 5 to 8 p m Plent John B, U C N Y, '91. 1664 Broadway, tel M 1573, 8 to 10,12 to 2, 6 to 8 Poe Arthur C, L I C H, '85. 39 Courtland, 9 to 12, 7 to 9 Pollock Robert, W R U, '92. 747 Hough av, tel D 240, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Pollock Wm H, removed to Huron, O Pousette Wm C, T M C, '97. Cedar and Bolton avs, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Powell Emory A, S M C, '95. 2 Dodge, tel M H41-J, 7 to 9, 12.30 to 2, 6 to 8; Sunday, 3 to 4 POWELL HUNTER H, A M, Va Med Coll, Richmond, '67. Office and Residence, 467 Prospect. Tel Main 2503. Hours, 1 to 3 p m. Dean and Prof of Obstetrics and Pediatrics, Med Coll of Western Reserve Univ Powell, Otho J, removed to Ashland, O Preble Edward, removed to New York city PRENTICE NOYES B, Starling Med Coll, Columbus, '55; Western Reserve Med Coll, '60. 6 Masonic Temple, Superior and Bond. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 2 to 4 p m. Res 993 Willson av PRESSEY AUSTIN" J, Cinti Coll Med and Surg, '76. Office and Residence, 900 Fairmount. Medical Director Fairmount Home Prochaska Otto F, C P S C, '90. 1199 Broadway, tel E 148, 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8 (also Pharmacist) Purpura Giuseppe A, Univ of Palermo, Italy, '91. 44 Coltman, tels M 2747, D 487-J 95. 331) Woodland nv, tel M 982, 9 to 10 a m, 5 to 7 p m, res The Rawson, tel E 1099, 1 to 1 p m Reynolds Robert D, removed to Kelley's Island, O Reynolds Robt R, U W, '81. 5 Nottingham bldg, 10 to 11.30, 12.80 to 4 to 6, res 87 Seelye av *43 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. Rhodes Ellis B, see East Cleveland, O Riegelhaupt Saml, Univ of Vienna, Austria, '86. 659 Scovill av, tel E 266, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Riley James A, J M C, '86; B H M C, '88; N Y P, '88. 1314 Cedar av, tel D 65, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Robb Hunter, U P, '84. 1342 Euclid av, tel E 638, 2 to 4, Mon, Tues. Thurs and Fri Robechek Louis, U W, '95. 145 Colonial Arcade, tel M 942-J, 1 to 5, res 1310 Broadway- Rogers Henry W, U B, '80. 128 Franklin av, tel W 492, 10.30 to 12.30 r res 1319 Detroit, tel W 86 Rogers Mabelle, C C P S, '98. Res 2 Courtlarid (not practg) Rose Emil f : OMG, '94. 1216 Willson av, tel East 219, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Rosenberg Emanuel, Univ of Buda-Pest, Hungary, '91. 1597 Woodland av, tel E 654-J, 8 to 10, 1.30 to 4, 6 to 7 KOSENWASSEK MARCUS, Univ of Wuerzburg, Bavaria, '67. Office and Residence, 722 Woodland av. Tel East 180. Hours, 10 a m to lpm; Thursday, 1 to 3 p m. No hours Sunday. Prof Diseases of Women, Clev Coll Phys and Surgs EOSEWATER NATHAN, Clev Coll of Phys and Surgs, '97. 846- Woodland av. Tel East 565. Hours, 2 to 5 and 8 to 10 p m. Res 99 Seelye av (also Druggist) Ruedy Robt E, removed to Columbus, O RUSSELL ADELBERT N, Univ Med Coll, N Y, '74. 240 The Ar- cade. Hours, 1 to 4 p m. Residence, Collinwood, O. Neurologist and Electrician Russell George C, U W, '80. 312 Prospect, tel M 2577, 1.30 to 3, res 33 The Doan, tel M 2086 St John Erastus L, reg, '96. 1980 Lorain, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 6.30 to 8.30; Sun- day, 2.30 to 4, res 256 Davis av Sadler Loren A, removed to Washington, D C Sager Benson E, W R U, '92. 243 Crawford rd, tel D 64-J, 11.30 to 12.30, 2 to 4, 6 to 8 Sapp Frank W, removed to Pennsylvania Sawyer John P, W R U, '86. 65 Clarence bldg, tels M 2004, H 233, 2 to 4 p m, res 183 Kensigton, tel E 1033-J " Sawyer Pascal H, W R U, '58. 54 Streator av, tel D 38-L, 1 to 3 Sawyer Zenas Blish, U W, '75. 2267% Euclid av, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Sayle John J, removed to Pittsburg, Pa Schmidt Emil, W R U, '92. 1500 Broadway, tel M 1065, 7 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8 SCHMITZ CASPAR, Fredk W T m Univ, Bonn, Germ, '90. Office and Residence, 1425 Lorain. Tel West 292. Hours, 9 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Sec German Med Soc of Cleveland Schmoldt Fredk J, W R U, '98. House surg St Alexis' Hosp, tel M 1001 (also Pharmacist) SCHNEE ROBERT G-, Clev Coll Phys and Surgs, '97. Office and Residence, 2004 Superior. Tel East 1110-J. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8- p m. Lecturer on Bacteriology and Pathology, Clev Coll of Phys and Surgs Schneider F Wm, W R U, '90. 633 E Madison av, tel E 496-L, 2 to 4 Schniewind Frederick, removed to Boston, Mass Schott Morris, C C P S, '97. 335 W T illson av, tel E 24- J, 7 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Schwartz Nicholas F, removed to Auburn, O Scott Alexis Clynton, C C P S, '98, 825 Willson av, 10 to 12, 1 to 4, 7 to S 144 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. SCOTT N STONE, Western Reserve Univ, '89. Office and Residence, 531 Prospect. Tel Main 2994. Hours, 8 to 9 a m, 2 to 4 p m. Sec and Prof Genito-Urinary Diseases, Clev Coll Phys and Surgs; Visiting Surgeon Out-Patient Dept, Clev Gen Hosp and Consulting Surg St John's and City Hosps Scott Xenophon C, C M C, '67; N Y C P S, '69. 457 Prospect, tel M 1052, 11.30 to 3.30 Season Edwin H, W R U, '98. 1st asst phys Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Sechrist Cora S, B S, W M C P, '96. 311 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, 9 a m to 4 p m, res Painesville, O Seidman Arthur, C C P S, '98. 504 Scoville av, tel E 535, 8 to 11, 3 to 6, 8 to 10 Seymour Burton, W, removed to Stockton, N Y Shackleton Wm E, U W, '95. 28 Clarence bldg, tel M 976, 9 to 2, sum- mer res, Collinwood, O Shambs John F, Mia M C,'83. 361 Jennings av, 7 to 8, 1 to 4, 7 to 9 Shaw Byron W, removed to Waunakee, Wis Shaw Calvin, T M C, '96. 1945 Superior, tels E 4 and E 1035, res 106 Wade Park av, tel E 1267-J, 8.30 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8 SHEERIN ROBERT, Western Univ of Pa, Pittsburgh, '96. Office and Residence, 523 Superior. Hours, 9 a m to 12 m, 1 to 5 and 6 to 8 p m. Editor v 'The Suggester and Thinker;" Med Supt Clev u Schl of Suggestive Therapeutics Shepardson Frank E, Col M C, '88; Ind Eel Med Coll, Indpls, '89; C C M S, '94. 230 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, 9 to 2, res 1264 Cedar av, tel D 373 Sheppard Wm J, Charity Hosp Med Coll, '70. 94 Merchant av, tel M 1712-J, 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Sherman Harris G, N Y C P S, '80, 29 Benedict bldg, tel M 2350, 10 to 4, res 289 Harkness av, tel D 77-J Shirkey U S Leroy, Col M C, '91. 1357 Lorain, tel W 447-L, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Siegelstein Louis E, U C N Y, '94. 333 Woodland av, tel M 982, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Sihler Christian, U M, '71. 1009 Pearl, tel W 205, 3 to 4 p m, res 1 Franklin ct, tel W 533, 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6.30 to 7.30. Simpson Andrew J, C C P S, '93. House phys St Alexis Hosp, tel M 1001, res 260 Hosmer Simpson Chas M, Beaumont Hosp Med Coll, St Louis, '90. 58 Harbor, 9 to 11 a m Sipher J Newell, U W, '86. 76 Euclid av, tels M 469, H 452, 10 to 12, 1 to 5, res 96 Arlington, tel E 752-L Skeel Arthur J, C C P S, '97. 1156 Pearl, tel M 2490, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 SKEEL ROLAND E, Univ of Mich, '90. Senior Blk, 1156 Pearl. Tel Main 2490. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Res 175 Walton av. Tel Main 2252. Prof of Obstetrics, Clev Coll Phys and Surgs Slocum Chas E, N Y C P S, '69; J M C, '76. Prof Clev Coll Phys and Surgs, tel M 2345, res Defiance, O Smakowski Casimir, reg, '96. 31 Hill, tel M 982, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9; Sunday, 8 to 12 Smead Herbert E, removed to Toledo, O Smigel Peter S, W R U, '94. 2086 Broadway, tel M 807, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 SMITH CHARLES W, Med Col of Ohio, Cinti, '84. 1 Clarence Bldg, 122 Euclid av. Tels Main 348 and Home 454. Hours, 3 to 6 p m; Sunday, 2 to 5 p m. Res 2 Edvardus Flats, 133 Handy, nr Euclid av Smith Chloe A, W R U, '83. Res 19 Howard (retired) SMITH DANIEL B, Charity Hosp Med Coll, '67. I Case Bid* Superior and Wood. Tel Main 1833. Hours, 10.30 a m to 1 p m. 2.80 to 4.30 p m; Sunday, 10 a m to 12 m. Res, Bedford Tp, A B C Line. Ear and Throat Specialist. Prof Diseases of Eye, Eat and Throat, Clev Coll Phys and Surgs Smith Eugene A, B H M C, '90. 1588 Cedar a\ , tel D 226, 2 to ::. 7 to 8 Physicians and Surgeons— Continued. Smith Frederick K, removed to Warren, O Smith Geo Seeley, H U, '92. 3 Birmingham bldg, tel E 25, 9 to 11 a m, res Euclid Heights, tel D 300-J Smith John R, C M C, '79. 396 Jennings av, tel M 2705- J, 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Smith Louis J, W R U, '87. 40 Goodwalt, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Snively Addison, U W, '80. 444 Wade Park av, tel D 484-M, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 SNOW LEXOR B, Western Reserve Univ, '87; N Y Polyclinic, '87. 35 and 36 Clarence Bldg, 122 Euclid av. Hours, 12 m to 3 p m; Sun- day, 3 to 5 p m. Res 158 Lincoln av. Tel Doan 322. Physician-in- Charge, Infant's Rest, Humane Soc Sollman Torald, W R U, '96. Western Reserve Univ, Erie and St Clair, tel M 401 (also Pharmacist) Somerville Geo H, C M C, '79. 2549 Broadway, tel M 197, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Spence Alex O, W R U, '90. (Spence Bros Construction Co), 2923 Euclid av, res E Cleveland, O, tel D 381- J (not practg) Spence Hubert de Laserre, C H H C, '84; C C P S, '96. 514 New England bldg, tels M 912, H 571; 3 to 5, Mon, Wed, Fri; 2 to 5, Thurs, Sat; res 1160 E Madison av, tel D 457-J, 8 to 10 a m, 7 to 8 p m SPENZER JOHN G, Ph D, F C S, Western Reserve Univ, '84; Univ of Strasburg, Germany, '93. The Douglass, 311^ Prospect. Hours, 12 m to 2 p m, 5 to 7 p m. Res 253 Amesbury av. Tel Doan 357-J. Analytical and Consulting Chemist. Laboratory, 132 Brownell. Tel Main 2345. Prof of General and Medical Chemistry aad Phar- macology, Clev Coll of Phys and Surgs. Spinney Anson B, Keckuk (la) Coll Phys and Surgs, '61. 61 Public Sq, 9 a m to 8:30 p m SPRINGER CHAS H, Univ of Wooster, '82, Office and Residence, 423 Superior. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p m; Sunday, 1 to 4 p m Spurney Albert F, W R U, '87 864 Woodland av, tel E 132, 3 to 5 Stack Thos R, U W, '88 209 Detroit Stamm Martin, Univ of Berne, Switz, '72 Prof Clev Coll Phys and Surgs, tel M2345, res Fremont, O Steiner Adolph, U W, '91. 766 Woodland av 4 tel E 421, 2 to 4, 7 t j 8 Stephens Wm A, W R U, '87. 374 Ontario, 10 to 12, 3 to 5, 7 to 8, res 69 Woodland av, tel M 1707 Stepp Maurice D, W R U, '93. 7 Minnesota, tel M 130, 11 to 12, 5 to 7:30 Stern Walter G, W R U, '98. 1st asst house phys City Hosp, tel M 26 STEUER DAVID B, W R U, '95. Office and Residence, 465 St. Clair Tel Main 2393. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 4 te 7 p m (also Druggist) STEUER JOSEPH C, Univ of Wooster, '95. 9 l A Woodland av, cor Eagle. Tel Main 1074. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m. Res 121 Putnam. Tel East 1174-J. Res JPhys City Hosp, '95-'96; Res Phys Penitentiary Hosp, , 96-'97; Asst Physical Diagnosis, Clev Coll Phys and Surgs STEVENSON GEORGE W, Western Reserve Univ, '72. 1439 Woodland av. Res 1437 same. Tel East 349. Hours, 8 to 9 a m, 1 to 2 and 7 to 9 p m Stewart Geo N, Edinbgh Univ, Scot, '87; Cambridge Univ, Eng, D P H, '90. Prof Western Reserve Univ, Erie and St Clair, tel M. 401, res 873 Prospect Stillman Geo B, B C P S, '80. 1318 Cedar av, tel D 65, res 405 Bolton av, tel D 162-L (not practg — see Druggists) Stoner Harry K, J M C, '85. 6 Quinby blk, tel E 479, 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 5 to 7:30 Stoskopf George, U W, '92. 60 Professor, tel M 1511, 9 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 9, res 645 Jennings av, tel M 80-J (also Druggist) Stotter Henry B, C C P S, '97. 572 Erie, tel M 2445, 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to res 37 Linden 146 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. Stotter Jacob, Royal Univ of Vienna, Austria, '89. 211 Permanent bldg, tels M 904, H 110, 11 to 1, res 148 Bridge, tel W 167-J, 2 to 3, 7 to 8 STOVERING FRANK A, Western Reserve Univ, '89. 327 and 328 Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 1305 and Home 159. Hours, 4 to 6 p m. Res 334 Pearl. Tel W 365. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m STRAIGHT HOWARD S, Western Reserve Univ, '85. 321 Hickox Bldg, 185 Euclid av. Tels Main 2813 and Home 810. Hours, 10 a m to 1 p m, 3 to 6 p m. No office hours Wednesday afternoons or Sundays. Res 1438 Willson av. Tel East 658-L. Pres ClevMedSoc Streator Worthy S, Univ of Ky, Louisville, '45. Res 2139 Euclid av (retired) STUART CHARLES C, Western Reserve Univ, '95. Office and Residence, 408 Jennings av. Tel Main 2940-L. Hours, 8 to 9 a m, 12 m to 1 pm, 7 to 8 p m. Sec Cuyahoga County Medical Society Sullivan Emmett W, U W, '78; W R U, '82. 1329 Superior, tel M 340-J, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Sunkle Robt H, W R U, '98. 938 Pearl Swigart Robt E, removed to Tiffin, O SYKORA JOSEPH, Western Reserve Univ, '75. Office and Resi- dence, 1449 Broadway. Hours, 7 to 9 a m, 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p m Taft Robert E, C C P S, '98. 1357 Woodland Hills av, tel M 697, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Tarr Robt T, C C P S, '97. Broadway, cor Hamlet, tel M 2314, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Tauchauer Albert, C C P S, '98 Taylor Cassie A, U M, '66. 661 Bridge, 10 to 12, 2 to 4 TAYLOR FREDERICK C, University of Wooster, '91. 128 Frank- lin av, cor Pearl. Tel West 492. Hours, 1.30 to 3.30 and 6.30 to 7.30 p m. Res 108 Clinton. Tel West 463-J. Lecturer on Histology, Clev Coll Phys and Surgs; Visiting Surg, St John's Hosp Teetzel Wm McQ, T M C, '96. 129 Franklin av , tel W 588- J, 9 to 11, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Thomas John J, W R U, '93. 667 Hough av, tel D 45, 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Thomas Oscar T, U P, '92. 874 Scranton av, tel M 2472, res 763 same, tel M 2863-L Thompson Frank E, U W, '95. 1207 Pearl, tel M 2886, 10 to 12, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 THORNBURGH HERBERT T, Clev Coll of Phys and Surgs, >98. 5 Chestnut, cor Erie. Tel Main 1528- J. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. Res 637 Prospect. Tel Main 2694- J Tierney J Schell, removed to Sandusky, O Tilden Sara A, W R U, '80. 38 Townsend Tinstman Abraham L, W UP, '96. 1230 Clark av, tel W 530-T, 8 to 10, 1 to 8, 6 to 8 Townsend Clark W, deceased TOWSLEE LILLIAN G, Univ of Wooster, '88. 407-408 The Os- born, 275JProspect. Hours, 2.30 to 4.30 p m, except Thursday. Res 554 East Prospect. Tel Doan 228. Asst to Chair of Gynecology, Clev Coll of Phys and Surgs; Gynecologist Clev Gen Hosp Dispensary TRAVIS DEMPSY L, Univ of Wooster, '78, 2 Body Blk, LlW Payne av. Tel Main 39. Hours, 8 to 8.30 a m, 1 to 3.30 and 6.90 to 7.:;0 p m. Res 24 Body Blk. Medical Officer Cleveland Fire Dept; Med Examiner, Clev Council No 20, National Union Tuckerman Louis B, L I C H, '77. 298 Central av, tel M 1198- J, 12.30 to 3, 5.30 to 7; Sunday, 12.30 to 3 Turner Clifford A, U, M, '75. SO Euclid av, tels M 2177, H 728, 1 to 6, res 16 Church, tel W 103-J, 8.30 to 10.30 a m. 6.30 to 7.80 p m 147 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. u Ulmer Stephen E, J M C, '96. 43 Public Sq, tel M 2990, 9 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 8, res 328 Prospect (also Pharmacist) Umbstaetter Louis, U W, '85. 1561 Woodland av, tel E 654-L, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Upson Geo D, W R U, '89. 302 Hickox bldg, tels M 1300, H 334, 9 to 10, 3 to 5, res 44 S Genesee av, tel D 261-L UPSON HENRY S, A B, Coll of Phys and Surgs, N Y, '84. 514 New England Bldg, 129 Euclid av. Tels Main 912 and Home 571. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m. Res 1160 East Madison av. Tel Doan 457-J. Prof of Neurology, Med Coll of Western Reserve Univ Urban Theodore, U W, '84. 1674 St Clair, tel E 950 (also Druggist) v Van Velsor Danl J, D C M,'89. 84 Huron, 9 a m to 8 p m, res 116 Fourth av Van Velsor Wm W, deceased Vincent Harry D, B M C, '93, 499 Pearl, 1 to 3, 6 to 7.30 Vogt De Friste, Hosp Coll of Med, Louisville, Ky, '84. 59 Scovill av, tel M 1411- J, 9 to 12, 4 to 9; Sunday, 9 to 12 VOGT ROBERT R, Univ of Wooster, '94. Office and Residence, 35 Granger. Hours, 9 a m to 12 m, 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p rn; Sundays, 9 to 10 a m. Practice limited to Diseases of Stomach. Formerly Asst Surg to DrGCE Weber, Charity Hosp w W T agner Harrison G, U W, '94. Res 10 Granger, tel M 777 (not practg — see Druggists) Waldeck Carl E, C M C,'95. 8 Quinby blk, 1 to 5, 6.30 to 8, res 1850 Harvard Walker C Smith, U P, '95. 236 Colonial Arcade, 9 to 12, 2 to 5, 7 to 8; Sunday, 10 to 12, res 42 The Curtiss, tel M 1102 Walter Francis, W R U, '84. 2069 Superior, tel E 1153-F, 7 to 9, 2 to 4, 6 to 8 (also Druggist) WARNER OTTO N, Western Reserve Univ, '97. Asst Surgeon Lakeside Hospital, Lake, bet Muirson and Canfield. Tel Main 1539. Formerly Asst Gynecologist, same Warner Wilbert C, Dartmouth Med Coll, Hanover, N H, '87. 739 Hough av, tel D 277, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 W r atson Geo N, Mo Med Coll, St Louis, '88. 1863 Pearl, tel M 1310, 11 to 2, 6 to 8 Weber Gustav C E, LL D, U S Consul, Nuremberg, Bavaria Weber Wm C, S M C, '88. 405 Prospect, tel M 1107, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Webster Saml J, see Brooklyn, O "WEED THEODORE A, Univ of W^ooster, '77; Royal Soc of Apothe- caries, London, Eng, '78; Royal Coll of Phys, London, Eng, '79; Royal Coll of Phys, Edinburgh, Scot, '79; Royal Coll of Surgs, Ed- inburg, Scot, '79; Licentiate in Midwifery, Edinburg, Scot, '79. Office and Residence, 358 Pearl. Tel West 107. Hours, 8 to 9 a m, 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p m Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. WEEKS JOHN, Reg, '94. Office and Residence, 1673 Cedar av. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 8 p m Weidenthal Nathan, U W, '78. BOO Forest, tel £ 79, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Weir Wm H, T M C, '96. Res gynecologist Lakeside Hosp. tel M 1589 Weisenberg Saml A, C C P S, '97. 431^ Erie, tel M 1540, 9 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, res 404 Scovill av Weitz Geo J, Ind Med Coll, Indpls, '98. House phys St John's Hosp, tel W 374 Welty Cullen F, U P, '90. 412 The Osborn, tel M 1518, 11 to 12, 2 to 4, res The Hollenden, tel M 1877 WENNER RALPH J, Univ of Wooster, '92. Office and Residence 141 Handy. Tel Main 2313. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Sec Clev Med Soc West Geo W, jM C,'74. Dep coroner, 312 Lake, tel M 430, res 241 Detroit, tel W 487-J Weston Herbert T, B M C, '90. 386 The Arcade, tel M 2145, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, res 33 Olive Wheatley Wm E, W R U, '94, Res 35 Wabash, tel E 46 White David Kirk, W R U, '86. 204 The Osborn, tel M 2810, 11 to 1, res 2 Bolton av, tel D 239, until 9 a m, 6 to 8 p m White Wm H, U W, '86. 53 Public Sq, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, res 1073 Giddings av, tel E 1195- J Whitney Geo F, W R U, '86. 582 Willson av, tel E 424- J, 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 6 to 8 Whitslar Will Henry, R M C, '86. 26 Benedict bldg, tel Main 45-J, res 708 Logan av, tel D 507-L (also Dentist) Whittier Wm W, removed to Pittsburg, Pa Wickes Henry W, U Md, '92. Asst Surg, M H S, in command U S Marine Hosp, tel M 580, 9 a m to 4 p m, res 109 The Lennox, tel M 2224 Wideman Ethel M, U W, '95. 2016 Detroit, tel W 16-L 2 to 4 Wideman Henry B, U W, '93. 2016 Detroit, tel W 16-J, 8 to 10 a m Williams Claude W, C C P S, '98. 1363 Lexington av, tel E 733, 11 to 12, 2 to 4 (also Druggist) Williams Richard J, Western Univ, London, Ont, '94. Removed Williams T Benton, W R U, '82. 145 Quincy, tel E 570, 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 8 Wilson G Harold, W R U, '93. 15 Cedar av, 9 to 12, 2 to 5 Wimer John S, W R U, '91. 302 Viaduct, tel W 525, 1.30 to 3.30, 7 to 8 Windisch John S, W R U, '94. 627^ Lorain, tel W 373, 2 to 4, 7 to 83 Sunday, 10 to 12 Winsor Quincy J, W R U, '84. 649 Prospect, tel M 1591, 9 a m to 4 p m Wintrich Carl, Univ of Erlangen, Bavaria, '68. 345 The Arcade, tel M 2993, res Rocky River, O WIRT WM E, AM,Ph D, Univ of Wooster, 'SS; Coll Phys and Surgs, N Y, '89. Office and Residence, 477 Prospect. Tel Main 2245- J. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 2 to 4 p m. Prof Orthopedic Surg, Clev Coll Phys and Surgs; Orthopedic Surg to Clev Gen and Clev City Hosps Wise Wm Dennison, removed to Medina, O Wood Chas L, C C P S, '98. 864 Woodland av, tel E 132, 2 to 1, 7 to Q Wood Wm H, W R U, '98. 562 St Clair, tel M 2629, 10 to 11. I to 5, 7 to 8 Woodbridge John Eliot, removed to Chicago, 111 Wooldridge Chas W, U M, '77. 933*4 Woodland av, tel E905-L, 1 toS, 6to 7 Woolgar Wm J Webster, W R U, '98. Asst phvs U S Marine Hosp, tel M 580, and elk Dispensary W R U and Lakeside Hosp. tel M res 31 Kenmore, tel D 484- L 141) Physicians and Surgeons — C 'on tinned. YAEIAN NOEMAN C, Univ of Wooster, '96. Office and Residence, 1135 Detroit. Tel West 412- J. Hours, 1 to 3 and 6 to 7 p m. Lecturer on Osteology, Clev Coll of Phys and Surgs Yoder James A, removed to Millersburg, O Zapp Karl, U W, 681 Woodland av, tel E 190, 9 to 10, 1 to 3 Physicians and Surgeons* HOMOEOPATHIC. ABELS CHARLES W, Clev Homoeo Med Coll, '98. Office and Residence, 202 Fleet, opp Ackley av. Tel Main 2257. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p m Adams Ernest O, C H H C, '93. 306 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, 9 to 12, res 1004 Woodland av, tel E 1090-L, 1 to 2, 7 to 8 Adams Usher L, O H M C, '97. 895 Lincoln av, 2 to 4 Ambler Henry L, C U M S, '68. 600 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, res 1088 E Madison av (not practg — see Dentists) Anderson Edward H, C M C, '91. 450 Central av, tel M 1520, 9 to 10, 12 to 2, 4 to 6, res 156 Scovill av (also Druggist) ANDERSON JOSEPH C, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '73. 20 Notting- ham Bldg, 89 Euclid av. Hours, 10 a m to 4 p m. Res 1093 Prospect. Tel East 230-J. Specialist in Nervous Diseases Arbuckle Geo W, H M C C, '80. 73 Kinsman, tel E 525, 7 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Armstrong Napoleon B, C H H C, '69. 2566 Broadway, 8 to 10, 1 to 3 B Bacon Casper L, deceased Baerwald E Siegfried, reg, '78. 51 Melvin, 7 to 10 a m, 7 to 9 p m Baird Robt G, CMC, '97. 310 The Osborn, tels M 941, H 804, 11 to 12, 2 to 4, res 24 Kenwood, tel E 781 Baker De Forrest, C H H C, '78. 232 Colonial Arcade, tels M 2212, II 666, 2 to 5, res 344 Franklin av, tel W 364 BALDINGER ARTHUR F, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '89. 678 The Arcade. Tel Main 2667. Hours, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m, except Tues- day and Friday nights. Res 670 Euclid av. Tel M ain 1092. Mem- ber Staff Huron St Hosp; Prof of Clinical Obstetrics, Clev Homoeo Med Coll Ballentine Allen D, removed Bard Francis E. removed to Mantua, O Barnes Henry, C H H C, '92. 1415 New England bldg, tel M 728-J, res 865 Logan av (not practg — see Dentists) Barr Frank H, C H II C, '71. (Barr & Cutter), 2 to I pm, res 166 Kinsman Barr & Cutter (Frank H Barr, Clarence S Cutter), 1080 Woodland sv, tel E 634-L Baxter Harris H, Western Coll Homoeo Med, Clev, '68. o( v 2 The Osborn. tels M 1363, H 520, 1 to 4, res 1474 Euclid av, tel E 182; member State Bd Med Registrn and Examn 151 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. Beckwith David H, E M I, '51. (Beckwith & Pomeroy), 10 a m to 12 m, res 94 Dorchester av, tel E 394, 1 to 3 Beckwith & Pomeroy (David H Beckwith, Harlan Pomeroy), 526 Pros- pect, tel M 643 Benson Clara M, deceased Bergman Charlotte, removed to Texas Biggar Hamilton F, C U M S, '66. 166 Euclid av, tel M 234, 1 to 4, res 1004 Prospect, tel E 141 Bingham Chas A, C U M S, '96. 2822 Euclid av, 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res East Cleveland, O Bishop Geo E, C H H C, '93. 143 Euclid av, tel M 148, res 74 Spangler av (not practg — see Dentists) BISHOP HUDSON D, Clev Homceo Hosp Coll, '90. 204 King & Uhl Bldg, 143 Euclid av. Tel Main 148. Hours, 11 a m to 1 p m, 3 to 5 p m. Res 70 Ingleside av. Tel East 929-J. Prof of Dietetics and Lecturer on Minor Surgery, Clev Homoeo Med Coll; Vistg Surg Maternity Hosp; Asst Surg Good Samaritan Dispensary Blakeslee Emily, removed to Sandusky, O Bollinger Alfred C, C H H C, '75. 1284 Lexington av, 2 to 5 Bowen Henry C, C U M S, '53. 553 Erie, 7 a m to 12 m Brooks James H, St Thomas Hosp, London, Eng, '55. 597 St Clair, 9 a m to 9 p m Bryant Danl J, C H M C, '97. 979 Cedar av, tel E 967- J , 8 to 9, 3 to 5, 7 to 8 BUELL ALBERT C, Clev Homceo Hosp Coll, '80. Room 1, Heard Blk, 76 Euclid av, over Opera House entrance. Tel Main 1361. Hours, 4 to 6 p m. Res 761 Logan av. Tel Doan 102-L. Hours, 8 to 9 a m Burnham James W, removed to Windham, O Calvert Joseph W, left city Canfield Martha A, C H H C, '75. 24 Streator av, tel D 98-L, 7 to 9, 2 to 4 Carey Albert, removed to Bedford, O Carroll Chas W, C H H C, '82. 112 Lawrence, tel M 792,8 to 10, 1 to 3,7 to 9 Carter John T, C H H C, '90. 316 Permanent bldg, tels M 2103, H 159, 10 to 1, res 370 Giddings av, tel E 932-L, until 9 am, after 7pm Champlin Helen K, C H H C, '81. 664 Clark av, tel Main 1517-J CHAPMAN HARRIET B, Clev Med Coll, '96. (Eye and Ear only) 202 Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 904 and Home 174. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 3 to 4.30 p m; Thursday, 10 to 11 a m, 3 to 4.30 p m. Res 3809 Euclid av, East Cleveland, O Charlton Leonard M, C H H C, '65. 148 Merchant av, tel M 2718-J, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Chase Francis E, C M C, '94. 387 Franklin av, tel AV 462-J, 1.30 to 3.30, 6.30 to 7.30 Clendon Clara K, C H M C, '98. 914 Prospect, tel E 681, 11.30 to 2. 7 to 8 Cole Perry A, deceased Collins Eva Furlow, C M C, '93. 170 Prospect , tel H 351, 3 to 5 p m Combes Melville L, C M C, '95. 1004 Woodland av, tel E 491, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sunday, 2 to 4, res 09 Kinsman Craig Claude C, removed Cutter Clarence S, C M C, '94. (Barr & Cutter), 9 to 10.30, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, res 132 Kinsman Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. D Danforth Josephine M, C H M C, '97, 8 Logan pi Davis Herbert L, C H M C, '98. 22 Filbert Deeley Stanton E, removed to Mt Vernon, O Dewey Seymour B, C H H C, '91, 19 Benedict bldg, tel H 828, res E Cleveland, O (not practg — see Dentists) Dickerson Jessie C, C H M C, '98. 189 Central av, 10 to 12, 4 to 8 Disbro Ira W, C H H C, '77. 173 Aaron, tel E 886, 11 to 2, res 2293 Superior, tel E 945, until 10 a m, after 3pm Duket Peter P, removed to Berlin, Germany Eiche Richard J C, removed to Cincinnati, O Eisenhauer John A, C H H C, '72. 325 Scovill av, 8 to 10, 12 to 2, 7 to 8 ELLIOTT JAMBS B, Clev Med Coll, '93. Office and Residence, 90 Bond. Tel Main 1211. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 12 m to 2 p m JEllis Clifton D, C H H C, '88. 433 Pearl, 2 to 5; Mon and Sat, 7 to 8 p m, also; res Lakewood, O FUSTG-LISH VIRGIL P, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '92. Office and Residence, 13 Plymouth. Author of "The Mind and its Machin- ery," "The Doctor's Plain Talk to Young Men," "How to Cure Con- stipation," etc Erskine James H, removed to Oregon Fenton Cora D, C U M S, '93. 19 Miles av, tel M 1320-L, 12 to 4 Foljambe Theodore D, CMC, '91. 55 AVade Park av, tel E 1172- T, 9 to 11, 5 to 7, res 65 Clarkwood av, tel E 1169-J Forward Chauncey B, C M C, '93. (Forward Reduction Co) 806 Am Trust bldg, tel M 2261, res 67 Streator av, tel D 344 (not practg* Fowler Edwin, Western Homoeo Coll, '62. 1439 Broadwav, 7 to 9. 12 to 2, 6 to 9 Frawley John T, C U M S, '96. Removed FREEMAN SETH, Clev Homoeo Hosp Col, '58; Chicago Homoeo Med Coll, '77. 421 Bangor Bldg, 262 Prospect. Tel Mam 2859. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 2 to 5 p m. Res Twinsburg, Summit Co, O Fried Albert Von, C U M S, '96. 1457 Woodland av, tel E 159-1, 8 to 10. 1 to 4, res 1907 E Madison av, 4 to 6 FROST HERBERT L, A B. Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, >86. Office and Residence, 10 Hayward. Tel East 507. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Prof of Surgery and Clinical Surgery, Clev Homoeo Med Coll Gaston James E, removed to Mineral Ridge, O George Mary E, C M C, '93. 1289 Cedar av, 10 to 12, 6.80 to 7.80 Gifford Wm H, H M C C, '91. 86 Cedar av, tel M L482, -J to \. : t< Sunday, 3 to 5 Gilbert Fredk G, C Pl~ H 0, \S9. 1164 Pearl, tel \V 574-1*, 12 to 2. 6 to Gilbert Geo H, C H H C, '74. 1164 Pearl, tel \Y 574-L, 12 to 2, 6 to Q 1 53 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. Gillard Edwin E, removed to Sandusky, O Gleason Almon, C H H C, '73. 2608 Broadway, res 2240 same Gleason John R, C H H C, '88. 232 Colonial Arcade, tels M 2212, H 666 Glendinning Wm B, C H M C, '97. 302 The Osborn, tels M 1363, H 520;. 4 to 6, res The Irving, tel M 1769 Gordon Ira B, P M C, '91. 1980 Lorain, tel W 571-L, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8~ GUELEY EBER W, Clev Homoeo Med Coll, '98; N Y Schl Clin Med, '98. 430 Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 1305 and Home 159. Hours, 11 a m to 12 m, 3 to 5 p m. Res 39 Windermere,. East Cleveland, O. Tel Glen 71-L. Skiascopy and Skiagraphs for the Profession, with Edison's latest X-Ray Apparatus Gurnee Geo W, C M C, '94. 699 Woodland av, tel E 249-J, 1 to 4 H Hall Chas A, C H H C, '88. 305 The Osborn, tel M 2340, 3 to 5, 7 to 8 Handmacher David, C H M C, '97. 2260 Broadway, 7 to 9 a m, 6 to 9 p nr Harper Henry B, see Euclid, O HEDGES ADDA TODD, Clev Univ Med and Surg, '97. 16 Brooks Blk, 433 Pearl. Hours, 10 to 11.30 a m, 3 to 5.30 p m. Res 278- Franklin av Henderson Sarah A, C H H C, '76. 74 Courtland Hendricks Hiram W, A E M C, '84. 244 Euclid av Henninges Wm H, C M C, '96. Vocal teacher, 814 The Arcade, res 112 Mueller av (not practg) Heston Mary E, C H H C, '93. 901% W 7 oodland av, tel E 65, 1 to 4 Heym Rudolph, C H H C, '76. 1150 Woodland av, tel E 1270-J, 7 to 9, I to 3, 6 to 7 HOPKINS GEORGE W, Clev Homceo Hosp Coll, '96. 305 The Osborn, 275 Prospect. Tel Main 2340. Hours, 12 to 3. Res 103 Jones av. Tel Main 2873-L. Hours, 7 to 9 a m, 7 to 8 p m Hornberjrer Edith R, C U M S, '96. 1813 E Madison av, 7 to 9, 1 to 3 HORNER J BICHEY, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '83; N Y Homceo Med Coll, '84. 607 The Osborn, 275 Prospect. Tel Main 1519-J. Hours, until 4 p m. Res 125 Fourth av. Tel East 1023-J. Mental and Nerv- ous Diseases Exclusively. Electro-Therapeutics. Prof of Neurology and Electro-Therapeutics, Clev Homceo Med Coll Hornish Alice B, C U M S, '95. 62 Fulton, 2 to 5 Horr Wm H, C M C, '80. 1004 Woodland av, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 317 Kins- man, tel E 689-J Horwell Guy H, C H H C, '90. 432 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 580,. II to 1, 3 to 6, 7 to 9; Sunday, 3 to 8; res 118 Bolivar Houck Frederick A, removed to Great Falls, Montana Hudson Robt A, C H H C, '86. (H E & R A Hudson) dents, 8 a m to 8- p m, res 536 Prospect Hudson Ward S, C H H C,'77. 2588 Broadway, tel M 197, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 9» Inouye Tomo, C H M C, '98. 133 Woodland av, 9 to 12, res 16 Walnut !54 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. J JAMES WM H, Clev Homceo Med Coll, '98. 2354 Broadway. Tel Main 2197. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p m. Res 2554 Reade Jend Gustav A, P M C, '97. 1194 Payne av, tel E 829, 1 to 3, 7 to 8; Sunday, 1 to 3 Jewitt Edward H, C H H C, '78. 484 The Arcade, tel M 3, 2 to 5, res 672 Cedar av, tel E 938-L Johnson Frederick C, removed to Kenton, O Johnson J Howard, removed to Wauseon, O Jones Frank G, asst surg, USA Jones Gaius J, C H H C, '72. 14 Case bldg, tel M 902, 2 to 5; Sunday, 3 to 4, res 1068 Case av, tel E 184 K KIMMEL BENJAMIN B, Clev Homceo Med Coll, '98. Office and Residence, 1846 Pearl. Tel Main 1609- J. Hours, 2 to 5 p m. Lect- urer on Histology and Demonstrator of Anatomy, Clev Homceo Med Coll. Tel Main \Wl Kittle Richard, CMC, '96. 139 Sayle, tel D 467-J Kraft Frank, Mo Homceo Med Coll, St Louis, '86. 57 Bell av, tel D 7, 9 to 1, Editor "'American Homceopathist" KKAUSS WM G-, Clev Med Coll, '93. Office and Residence, 1005 Lorain. Tel West 48. Hours, 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p m Laronge Louis L, Univ of Berlin, Germ, '59; C H H C, '93. 601 Century bldg, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, res 466 Broadway LaVigne Alex A, C H M C,'98. 197 Kennard, tel E 917- J, 8 to 10,3 to 5,7 to 8 Layton J Geo, CMC, '95. 271 Becker av, tel E 1153-L, 12 to 2 Lewis Fred L, C U M S, '97. 1854 Pearl, tel M 2521,11 to 12, 1 to 3,6.30 to 7.30 Lytle Joseph Allgyer, C H M C, '98. House phys Clev Homceo Hosp. tels M 677, H 763 M McAfee James D, C H H C, '91. 2608 Broadway, 2 to 4, 6 to 8, res 92 Miles Park McClure Albert E, see Lakewood, O McNamara Francis X, C M C, '97. 1648 Superior, tel E 863-L, 2 to 4. 6 to 8 Merrick Eliza ], C H H C, '84. 466 Willson av, tel E 550- 1, 2 to 6 Merrick Myra K, Central Med Coll, N Y, '52. Res 466 Willson av, tel E 550-J (retired) Miller Wm T, C II H C, '78. 4 Clarence bldg, tels M 268, II 160. 10 30 to 1. res 999 E Madison av, tel D 201- J Mottley Christian I, C M C, '91. 18*9 Central av, 8 to 10, 2 to 4. 6 to 8 MURRAY C ELISABETH, Clev Ih>m (l o Hosp Coll, W. Office and Residence, 564 Prospect, cor Perrv. Tel Main 2834, Hours. 3 to 6 p m. District Physician, Dist No"3, Wards 1, 10, 11 and 12 Myers Geo P, C H M C, '98. 89 Erie 155 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. N Newcomb Fred C, removed to Middlefield, O NOBLES NEWMAN T B, Clev Univ Med and Surg, '96. 603 The Osborn, 275 Prospect. Tel Main 1515- J. Hours, 9 to 10 a m, 1 to 3 p m. Res Cathedral House, Euclid av, cor Perry. Tel Main 2800-J. Lecturer on Anatomy, Clev Homceo Med Coll; Lecturer Clev Trg Schl for Nurses; Attendg Surg Good Samaritan Dispensy; Surg Chagrin Falls Electric R R Nyvall Hjalmar, CMC, '95. 532 Central av, tel E 208, until 9 a m, 1 to i o Osborn Homer W, C H H C, '71. 202 The Osborn, tels M 2117, H 534, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, res 1555 Euclid av, tel E 543 Page Fred D, C H H C, '88. 1475 Cedar av, 2 to 4 (also Druggist) Pardee Wm C, P M C, '81. 698 Clark av, tel M 1467, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Parsons Kate, C H H C, '73. 914 Prospect, tel E 681, 1.30 to 4.30 Paterson Wm, CMC, '91. 1419 Lorain, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 52 Higgins, tel W 204-J Peck Edwin H, C H H C, '67. 5 Rockwell, 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, res 729 Republic Phillips Kate Ozmun, CMC, '93. 212 Alanson, 2 to 5, 7 to 9 PHILLIPS WM A, Mo Homoeo Med Coll, St Louis, '66; Clev Med Coll, '92. Oculist and Aurist. 12 Nottingham Bldg, 89 Euclid av. Tel Main 1545-L. Hours, 9.30 a m to 12.30 p m, 3.30 to 4.30 d m. Res 1180 Willson av. Tel East 976-L. Dean and Prof Ophthalmology and Otologv, Clev Homoeo Med Coll Phillips Wm H, C M C, '93. 212 Alanson, 8 to 9, 4 to 6, 7 to 9 Pomeroy Harlan, C H H C, '79. (Beckwith & Pomeroy) 2 to 5 p m, res 116 Ingleside av, tel E 809 Piimm Henry. C H H C, '93. 230 Lake, tel M 1632-L, 2 to 5, 7 to 9 p m, res 1259 Broadway, tel M 1714-J Probert Clarence G, removed to Bocas del Toro, Colombia, South America Pyle Henry G, C U M S, '94. 426 Permanent bldg, tel M 1305, H 159, 8 to 12, 1.30 to 5, res 9 The Victoria QUAY GEORGE H, Clev Homceo Hosp Coll, '83. [(Nose, Throat and Ear). 54 Clarence Bldg, 122 Euclid av. Tels Main 1972 and Home 234. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 1 to 3 p m. Res 4050 Euclid av, East Cleveland, O. Tel Glen 12-L. Prof Diseases of Nose and Throat, Clev Homoeo Med Coll QUILLIAMS FREDERICK F, Clev Homoeo Med Coll, '97. Office and Residence, 2802% Euclid av. Tel Doan 349. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Asst to Prof Quay, Clev Homoeo Med Coll 156 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. R Rabon Janet, Western Homoeo Coll, Clev, '60. 563 Prospect RADCLIFFE GEORGE C, Clev Homoeo Med Coll, '98. Office and Residence, 124 Dunham av. Tel East 735. Hours, 2 to 5 p m. Demonstrator of Physiology, Clev Homoeo Med Coll HANSON THOMAS W, Clev Univ Med and Surg, '94. Office and Residence, 726 St Clair. Tel Main 997. Hours, 2 to 4 p m. Res 659 Lake Reeve Florentine O, C U M S, '94. 2827 Superior, tel D 428-L, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 6 to 8 Reuscher Edward F, C M C, '95. 148 S Woodland av, tel E 715, 7 to 8' 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Reusing Andrew L, C H M C, '98. 1419 Woodland av, tel E 1101- J, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, res 117 Southern av Richmond Hiram W, C H H C, '82. 14 Case bldg, tel M 902, 10.30 to 1.30, 7 to 8; Sundav, 2 to 3, res 177 Hough av, tel E 813-J Riemenschneider Ernest W, C U M S, '96. 1844 Lorain, tel W 38, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Robertson Ewing W, U M, '54. 298 Stone's bldg, 12 to 4, res 38 Glen Park pi Robinson Emily L, C H H C, '88. 2238 Euclid av, tel D 89- J, 8 to 9, 2 to 4 Ronk B Barrett, CMC, '94. 3 Sargent blk, 417 Pearl, tel W 97-J, 2 to 4 p m (see Barberton, O) Rowland Adah M, removed to South Euclid, O Rowland Justin E, C M C, '91. Prof Clev Homoeo Med Coll, 53 Bolivar, tel M 1337, res South Euclid, O Rust Edwin G, C H H C, '80. 11 Benedict bldg, 10 to 1, 2 to 4, res 40 Park Overlook Saint Richard V, left city SANDERS JOHN C, A M, LL D, Western Reserve Univ. >4& Office and Residence, 608 Prospect. Tel East 221. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 pm, Standard. Obstetricy and Diseases of Children, Specialties. Emeritus Prof of Obstetrics, Clev Honuro Med Coll SANDERS J KENT, A M, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '81. 101 to 103 Colonial Arcade, 114 Euclid av. Tel Main 1281. Hours, 9 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 p m. Res 645 Prospect. Tel Main 2168-L. Prof Surgery and Clinical Surgery, Clev Homoeo Med Coll Sapp J A, removed to Salineville, O Sapp Leo W, C H H C, '56. 812 Fairmount, tel D 87-L, 2 to 5 Schild J Gustav, C U M S, '97; C H M C, '98. Removed Schlesselman J Theodore, see S Euclid, O Schneider Adolph B, C M C, '94. 484 The Arcade, tel M 3, 11 to 2, res 381 Jennings av, tel M 2058- J, until 9 a m, 6.30 to 7.30 p m Schneider Jacob, C H H C, '71. 539 Pearl, tel W 460, 10 to L2, 6 to 8, res 44 Harbor, tel W 172 Schneider J Homer, C H M C, '98. 539 Pearl, tel W 460, 2 to 5, res H Harbor, tel W 172 Seidel Albert N, C M C, '85. 208 S Woodland av. tel E 715, 8 to \\ -J to l Sexton Harry L, C M 0, '92. C>^ W Madison av, 2 to I. 7 to 8 157 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. SIEMON LESTER EUGEN, Clev Univ Med and Surg, '96. 720 Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tel connection. Hours, 3 to 6 p m. Res 95 Perry. Tel J Main 2230. Sec-Treas Supreme Council, The Palmer Arch; Consulting Surg United Coml Travelers of America; Med Director Clev Coml Travelers' Assn; Med Dir Widows' and Orphans' Fund Small Stanley G, removed to Uniontown, Pa Smith Arthur B, Asst Surg, USA Smith Dudley, removed to Santa Barbara, Cal Smith Edwin A, C H H C, '88. Insurance agt, 201 Stone bldg, res 6 Is- ham ct (not practg) Smith Jessie W, see Glenville, O Smith Willard W, removed to Philadelphia, Pa Snearer Wm, C H M C, '97. 310 The Osborn, tel M 941,-9 to 11, res 112 Quincy, 2 to 4 SOBEY JOHN P, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '77. 276 Erie, opp Chest- nut. Tel Main 1190. Res 803 Hough av (not practg — see Druggists) Somers Frank W, C M C, '92. 1545 Lorain, tel W 422-J, 8 to 9, 1 to3, 7to8 SPENCER GEORGE W, Univ of Mich, '78. 306 Permanent bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 2999 and Home 102. Hours, 1 to 4 p m. Res 847 Stark, cor Wilbur. Tel Doan 275- T. Prof of Dermatology, Clev Homoeo Med Coll / Steadman Wm F, C U M S, '94. 641 St Clair, 8 to 10, 2 to 4 (also Druggist) STEDMAN CHARLES A, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '84. 502 Per- manent bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 1305 and Home 159. Hours, 2 to 5.30 p m. Res 1278 Cedar av. Tel Doan 94-J. House Physician of House of Correction Steer Wm F, C U M S, '96. 251 Colonial Arcade, tel M 942-L, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, res 57 W^ade Park av, tel E 966-J Stephens James A, C H H C, '81. 4 Clarence bldg, tels M 268, H 460, 3 to 5.30, res 1477 Euclid av, tel E 90 Stone Martha M, C H H C, '77. 914 Prospect, tel E 681, 9 to 12 Stuckenholt Wm H, C M C, '94. 432 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 580, 9 to 11, 1 to 3; Sunday, 9 to 11; res Glenville, O Swan Chas G, see Lakewood, O Swayer John W, C H H C, 78. 1072 Lorain, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8.30, res Lakewood, O (also Pharmacist) Teed Isa C, removed to Chagrin Falls, O Thomas Chas B. C M C, '91. 568 Quincy, tel D 355-J, 8 to 9, 3 to 5, 7 to 9 Thomas Willard B, C H H C, '80. 1006 Woodland av, tel E 135, 8 to 9, 3 to 4, 7 to 9, res 1467 Willson av Thompson Marv P, C H H C, '80. 361 Cedar av, 3 to 5 Thompson Wm'H, C H H C, '80. 361 Cedar av, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Thorpe Lovina, C H H C, '83. 1296 Cedar av, tel D 176-J Thorpe Stanley L, C H H C, '82. 1296 Cedar av, tel D 176-J, 8 to 9, 3 to 6. Thurston Cyrus M, U M, '92. 1 Pythian Temple, tel M 2579-J, 11 to 12, 3 to 5, res Glenville, O Tims Wilmer A, C H H C, '88. 310 The Osborn, tel M 941, 2.30 to 4.30, res 425 Wade Park av, tel D 389 Toles Louise, C H H C, '83. 45 Fulton, 2 to 5 Totten Roy O, C U M S, '96. 57 Chestnut, 9 to 12, 1 to 5, after 7pm Trego W Edgar, CHHC,'94. 1121 Detroit, tel W 401-L, 9 to 10, 3 to 5, 7 to 8 158 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued. 'TRUE CHAS C, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '84. 316 Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 2103 and Home 159. Hours, 2 to 5 p m. Res 1057 E Madison av. Tel Doan 59-J. Registrar and Prof of Theory and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine, Clev Homoeo Med Coll Tubman Thos H, C U M S, '96. 872 Fairmount, 8 to 10, 1 to 8, 6 to 8 Turrill Geo E, C H H C, '79. 508 Permanent bldg, tels M 2219-L, H 114, 9 to 1, res 440 Rosedale av, tel D 504-J V Van Hyning Jennie, C U M S, '95. 92 Claremont, tel M 1343 (also Nurse) VAN NORMAN HORACE B, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '64. 289 Pearl. Tel West 302. Hours, 8.30 to 9 30 a m, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m ; Sunday, 2 to 3 p m. Res 259 Franklin av. Tel West 178. Specialist in Diseases of Nose Throat and Lungs, with Oxygen Treatment Venen Wilford J, see Glenville, O Viets Byron B, C H H C, '80. 307 The Osborn, tel M 2340, 1 to 4.30, res 768 Genesee av, tel D 23-L Von Fried (see Fried) w Wagner Louis H, C M C, '96. 924 Payne av, tel E 532-J, until 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Waite Kent B, C H H C, '88. 506 Permanent bldg, tels M 276, H 159, 2 to 5; Sunday, 11 to 12, res 681 E Prospect, tel D 22-L WALLACE CHARLES R, Clev Homoeo Med Coll, '97. Office and Residence, 90 Bona. Tel Main 1211. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 2 to 4 p m WALTZ ALVAN L, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '83. Office and Resi- dence, 526 Prospect. Tel Main 643. Hours, 9 a m to 12 m, 4 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m. At Collinwood, O, 1 to 3 p m. Lecturer on Hygiene and Sanitary Science, Clev Homoeo Med Coll Walz F Wm, C H H C, '78. 121 Fulton, tel W 313, 3 to 4, 7 to 8 Watson Chas E, removed to Lyman, N Y Weiss Mary, City Hosp Med Coll, Strasburg, France, '63. 536 Quincy (not practg) Wells Wm E, C H H C, '85. 433 Pearl, 2 to 5, 7 to 8, res 37 Root, tel W 56 Wheeler Alex W, B H M C, '63. 455 Dunham av, tel E463-T, until 20 a m, 1 to 4 White Lavilla L, Coll Phys and Surgs, Buffalo, '84. 77 York, 10 to 12, 2 to i White Mary H, C H M C, '98. 133 Woodland av, res 192 Perry Wilder David G, C H H C, '73. 261 Franklin av, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Williams Rachel G, H M C C, '73. 127 Franklin av, tel W 184, 1 to 5 Wilson Nelson B, Western Homoeo Coll, Clev, '65. 27 Fulton Wilson Thos P, Western Homoeo Coll, Clev, '57. 132 Arlington Winship Annette T, Boston Univ, '82. 517 Prospect, tel M 1203, 2 to 5 Witte Lewis H, reg, '60. 342 Superior, tel M 1533, res Lakewood, O (also Druggist) WOOD JAM.ES C, A M, Univ of Mich, '79. 55 Clarence bldg, 122 Euclid av. Tels Main 1972 aad Home 234. Hours, 1.30 to 4.80 p m. Res 326 Amesbury a v. Tel Doan 191-L. Prof of Gynecology, L le\ Homoeo Med Coll; Surgeon Huron St Hosp Woodworth John B, C H H C, '93. 508 Permanent bldg, tels M 2219-L, H 114, 9 to 1, res 68 Glen Park pi, tel D 359-1 WUNDERLICH EDMUND J, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, »82. Office and Residence, 584 Scovill a v. Tel East 667. Hours, 8 to 9 ;i in, 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p m 159 Physicians and Surgeons — Continued, HOfKEOPATHIC AND REGULAR. Barrett Onie A, CM C, '93; U W, '94. 3 Sargent blk, 417 Pearl, tel W 97-T, 2 to 4 p m Bates Chas R, U C N Y, '82; C H H C, '91. 887 Cedar av, 7 to 10 a m, 6 to 10 p m Boulee Ontario H, C M C, '96. 1000 Payne av, tel E 1091-L, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 (also Pharmacist) CHAMPLIN HENRY D, Clev Homoeo Hosp Coll, '82. Office and Residence 664 Clark av. Tel Main 1517-J. Office Hours, 2 to 4 p m Specialty : Mental and Nervous Diseases CUMMER ROBERT J, Western Reserve Univ,'80; Clev Med Coll, '95. 531-532 Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 2363 and Home 159. Hours, 2 to 4 p m. Res 396 Bolton av. Tel Doan 93-J. Hours, until 9 am. Lecturer on Pharmacy, Clev Homoeo Med Coll (also Pharmacist) Evelyn Robt S, C H H C, '91. 528 Prospect, tel M 643, 8 to 10,2 to 5,7 to 8 Meredith W George, C H H C, '86. 720 Permanent bldg, 12 to 2, res 2238 Euclid av, tel Doan 21-J, 9 to 10 a m, 7 to 8 p m Pease Ralph C, C H M C, '98. 695 Central av, 3 to 5 p m Roper Pulaski B, B C P S, '82; C H H C, '94. 1 Pythian Temple, tel M 2579-J, 12.30 to 2.30,res 16 Cullison, tel D 67-L, 4 to 8 Wall Wm R, Jr, R M C. '90; CMC, '96. 57 Case bldg, tels M 2132, H 942, 2 to 5, res The Stillman, tel M 2025 Walters R Wilson, removed to Chagrin Falls, O BOTANIC. OEHLHOFF ADAM, Botanic Coll, Mainz, Germ, '41. Office and Residence, 1553 Clark av. Hours, 8am to6p m; Sunday, 8am to 12m ECLECTIC. Archer Chas A, removed to Warren O Beeman Julius, deceased Bodineld Daniel, Physio-Eclectic Med Coll, Cinti, '78. 425 Prospect, tel M 1977, 10 to 4, 7 to 9 Davi-s Elijah F, E M I, '55. 462 Pearl, 10 to 12, 2 to 5, res 1330 Detroit, tel W 345 # Dow Saml M, Druidic Univ of Maine, Lewiston, '82. 187 Dodge, 9 to 5, 7 to 8 160 Physicians and Surgeons— Continued, Fox Josiah B, reg, '62. 9,79 Willson av, 8 to 12, 1 to 4 Gerhard Thos S, E M -I, '76. Mgr 78 Case bldg, tel M 1488, res 50 Chest- nut (not practg) Green Albert F, EMI, '86. 1239 Cedar av, tel D 138-L, 7 to 8, 12 to 2, 6 30 to 7.30; Sunday, 1.30 to 3.30 Mock Wallace K, E M I, '89. 546 Lorain, tel W 124, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, res 36 Gehring, tel W 468 Roberts Joseph A, removed to Colorado Rosenberger Peter H, deceased Sell John F, removed to Buffalo, N Y SIMON JOHN C,Eclectic Med Inst, Cinti, '89. Coroner of Cuvahoga Co. Morgue 312 Lake. Tel Main 430. Res 1440 Lorain. Tel West 562. Hours, 1 to 3, and 7 to 9 p m - Smith Flora Williams, removed to Bremen, Ind Taylor Porte H W, reg, '75. 469 Prospect, author and magazine writer not practg) Tweedy John A, removed to Marysville, O Webster Henry H, see Brooklyn, O WHITE CHARLES A, Homoeo Med Coll, Chicago, '84. Office and Residence, 620 Denison av. Tel Main 602-L. Hours, 1 to 3 p m Wood David L, removed to Niagara Falls, N Y ELECTRO=THERAPEUTIC. Clark John R, Elec Coll, Cinti, '55. 1590 Dickerman, 8 a m to 12 m Judson Horace, reg, '78. 485 Colonial Arcade, res 3 Logan pi "WEBB GEO F, Natnl Coll Electro-Theraps, Indpls, '97. (Dr G F Webb & Co). Electro-Medical Batteries and Appliances. 359 The Arcade. Hours, 8 to 11 a m, 1 to 6 p m. Res Painesville, O HYDROPATHIC. MUEHLHAUSEB CHRISTIAN G* Water Cure Inst. Tuebingen, Germ, '84. Ofi:?e and Residence, 40 Longwood av. Prop Forest City Kneipp Sanitarium. Specialist in Nature Cure MEDICO=GYriNASTIC. Sparre Baron Henric, deceased Ihl Physicians and Surgeons — Concluded. OSTEOPATHIC. CLUETT THERESE, Am Schl of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo, '96. 40 Savings & Trust B'dg, 44 Euclid av. Hours, 9 a m to 12 m, 2 to 5 p m, Standard. Res 521 Prospect. Examination by appointment Eckert Geo J, Am Schl Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo, '98. 228 Permanent bldg, 9 a m to 4 p m, res The Hollenden, tel M 1877 Giddings Nell Marshall, Am Schl Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo, '99. 1208 New England bldg, tel M 3102, 9 a m to 4 p m, res 138 Amesbury av Hulett C M Turner, Am iSchl Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo, '97. 1208 New England bldg, tel M 3102, 9 a m to 4 p m PHYSIO-MEDICAL. Longee L B, removed to New York NOT CLASSIFIED. Urann Frederick W, reg, '58. 888 Case av CHINESE. Chan Joseph F, Macao, China, reg, '94. 61 Prospect, 9 to 12, 1 to 5, 7 to 8 (also Druggist) GRADUATES, 1899. (See Graduating Classes, Medical Colleges.) 162 Medical and Surgical Fee Bills, REGULAR. Note: These Charges apply only to the large Cities of the State. Tn the smaller Towns and the Country Distriets they areproportionately less. Ordinary office prescription $ 1 to $ 2 Investigation in office requiring considerable time 2 to 10 Visits in city in regular attendance (day) 2 to 3 Visits in city in regular attendance, after 10 p. m. 2 to 5 Visits in country, extra per mile 1 Opinion involving a question of law, or attendance at court as an expert (per day) 10 to 50 Examination for life insurance. 3 to 10 Vaccination . 50 to 2 Urinalysis by chemical tests 2 to 10 Microscopical examination of urine 2 to 10 Consultation visits 5 to 50 Visit in case of poisoning 2 to 5 Administering anaesthetics 5 to 25 OBSTETRICS. Ordinary cases of labor 10 to 50 Abortions same as labor 10 to 50 Delivery by forceps, additional ■ 5 to 25 Delivery of placenta 5 to 10 Embryotomy 10 to 50 Consultation. 5 to 25 Primary perineorrhaphy 10 to 50 GYNAECOLOGICAL. Late perineorrhaphy 25 to 200 Ovariotomy 50 to 500 Laparotomy 25 to 200 Hysterectomy 150 to 1000 Hysterorrhaphy 100 to 500 Trachelorrhaphy 50 to 200 Amputation of cervix 25 to 100 Colporrhaphy ' 75 to 200 Alexander's operation 50 to 200 Colpocleisis 25 to 125 Operation for atresia of vagina 25 to 500 Removal of tumors of labia 25 to 100 Removal of urethral caruncle 10 to 100 Removal of polypi 10 to 100 Endocervicitis, operation for 10 to 50 Curetting 5 to 50 163 Medical Fee Bills — Continued. Vesicovaginal fistula, operation tor. . 50 to 200 Examination by speculum 2 to 10 Dilatation of cervix in stenosis. 10 to 50 Intra-uterine douche 2 to 15 Replacing of uterus 2 to 10 Fitting of pessary. . 2 to 10 SURGERY. OPERATIVE. Trephining cranium or spine 75 to 200 Staphylorrhaphy 25 to 100 Operation for hare-lip 25 to 100 Extirpating mammary gland 50 to 100 Laparotomy 50 to 500 Extirpation of large or complicated tumors 50 to 300 Extirpation of small tumors 5 to 30 Nephrectomy or nephrotomy 50 to 1000 Operation for internal hemorrhoids 10 to 100 Operation for external hemorrhoids 10 to 100 Removal of polypus of rectum 5 to 50 Operation for anal fissure 5 to 40 Operation for fistula in ano 10 to 100 Warren's operation for hernia 10 to 100 Operation for radical cure of hernia 50 to 200 Reduction of strangulated hernia by taxis 15 to 25 Operation for strangulated hernia 50 to 200 Selecting and adjusting truss 1 to 5 Operation for radical cure of varicose veins 25 to 100 Aspirating joints 5 to 25 Operation for necrosis of bone 10 to 200 LIGATIONS. Ligation of sublavian or iliac artery, 50 to 200 Ligation of femoral, axillary, carotid, popliteal or posterior tibial artery 25 to 100 Ligation of brachial artery 10 to 50 Ligation of all other arteries 5 to 25 RESECTIONS. Resection or removal of maxilla 25 to 200 of shoulder : 10 to 200 " of elbow . .... 20 to 100 " of ribs in empyema 15 to 50 14 of head of femur ' 40 to 200 " of knee 25 to 200 " of ankle-joint or foot. . 15 to 100 164 Medical Fee Bills— Continued. AMPUTATIONS. Amputation of shoulder-joint 25 to 150 " of arm 80 to 100 " of forearm or hand 25 to 100 " of finger 5 to 20 " of hip-joint 100 to 200 of thigh 25 to 150 " of knee 20 to 200 of leg 25 to 150 of foot 25 to 50 -" of toes 5 to 20 FRACTURES. Fracture of nose 5 to 10 " of superior or inferior maxilla 10 to 50 11 of clavicle 10 to 25 " of scapula , 15 to 30 " of coracoid or coronoid process 10 to 25 " of humerus. .. • 10 to 25 " of elbow-joint 10 to 40 " of radius or ulna 10 to 40 - " ■ of both bones of forearm 25 to 50 " of small bones 5 to 15 " of ribs 5 to 15 " of femur 25 to 50 of fibula 10 to 25 " of both bones of leg 25 to 50 DISLOCATIONS. Dislocation of maxillary bones 10 to 25 " of shoulder 15 to 40 " of arm 10 to 30 of wrist 10 to 30 " of fingers 5 to 15 of hip 25 to 50 " of knee 15 to 50 of ankle 20 to 40 ' ' of toes . . 5 to 15 GENITO-URINARY AND VENEREAL DISEASES. Syphilis 50 to 200 Gonorrhoea 10 to 50 Gonorrhoea, each subsequent prescription 2 to 5 Operation for removal of stone in the bladder. . . . 50 to '200 11 " sounding for stone in the bladder. . . 10 to 25 " " aspirating the bladder L0 to 25 " " perineal urinary fistula.. 50 to LOO i6s Medical Fee Bills— Continued. Operation for internal urethrotomy 20 to 50 " M external urethrotomy with a guide.. 25 to 100 " " external urethrotomy without a guide 5 to 250 41 " phimosis, or paraphimosis 5 to 20 44 " circumcision 5 to 25 M 44 radical cure of hydrocele 10 to 50 44 " palliation of hydrocele (tapping). . . 2 to 10 44 " varicocele 10 to 100 EYE. Operation for extraction of cataract 50 to 300 44 " discission 10 to 75 " il artificial pupil 15 to 100 Sclerotomy 25 to 50 Operation for strabismus (each eye) 10 to 40 44 " advancement of muscle 25 to 100 " on lid for trachoma (each eye) 10 to 50 44 for pterygium (each eye) 50 to 60 Canthotomy (each eye) 10 to 40 Operation for tumor of lids 3 to 25 44 '* opening of lachrymal duct 5 to 25 • 4 " enucleation • 25 to 150 Glass fitting, ordinary 5 to 10 Astigmatism 5 to 25 EAR. Opening of mastoid bone 25 to 150 Removal of polypus 10 to 40 Removal of foreign bodies 2 to 25 THROAT AND THROAT. Critical examination of lungs 2 to 5 Tracheotomy 25 to 50 Intubation of larynx. . .- 10 to 50 Removal of laryngeal tumors , 25 to 200 Removal of adenoid vegetations 10 to 150 Excision of uvula 2 to • 15 " " tonsil 5 to 25 Removal of nasal tumors 10 to 100 Operation for deflected septum 25 to 100 166 Medical Fee Bills— Con tinned. HOMOEOPATHIC. NOTE: — These Charges apply only to the large Cities of the State. In the smaller Towns and the Country Districts they are proportionately less. OFFICE PRACTICE. Prescription $ 0.50 to % 2.00 Written opinion 1.00 to 5.00 Opinion involving a question of law 5.00 to 10.00 Prescriptton for syphilis, (prepaid) 2.00 to 15.00 First prescription for gonorrhoea, (prepaid). 2.00 to 15.00 Producing anaesthesia 5.00 to 15.00 Dressing simple wounds .50 to 2 00 Introducing catheter 1.00 to 5.00 Opening abscess, superficial .50 to 1.00 Opening abscess, deep 1.00 to 10.00 Vaccination 50 to 2.00 Vaginal examinations 1.00 to 5.00 Vaginal treatments. 1.00 to 5.00 Circumcision 5.00 to 20.00 GENERAL PRACTICE. Visit in town $ 2.00 to $ 3.00 Visit in country, first mile. . 1.50 to 2.00 Each additional mile .50 Way visit in country .50 to 1.00 Night visits, per cent, to be added 50% 100% First consultation 10.00 to 25.00 Subsequent consultations 2.00 to 5.00 Consulting visit by attending physician 2.00 to 5 00 FRACTURES Of thigh, simple $ 15.00 to $ 50.00 Of thigh, compound ; . . 20.00 to 50.00 Of leg, simple 10.00 to 50.00 Of leg, compound 20.00 to 50.00 Of arm or forearm, simple 10.00 to 25.00 Of arm or forearm, compound 20.00 to 50.00 Of clavicle 10.00 to 25.00 Of bones of nose 5.00 to 10.00 Of finger or toe 2.00 to L5.00 Each subsequent dressing .50 to 93. 2238 Euclid av. Tel Doan 150-J. Hours, &30 a in to 5 p m. Res 701 Re- public. Member State Bd* Dental Examiners; Lecturer on Electro- Therapeutics and Electro-Physics, W R I' Dental Coll Dentists — Continued. Qnirk Everett E, removed to Michigan R Ramaley M Curtis, W R U, '97. 1615 Broadway, tel M 2639, 8 to 12. 1 to 5, res 9 Morton av Reed Albert J, U M, '97. 1310 Cedar av, tel D 65, 8 to 12, 1 to 5. Reeves J B, removed to Canal Dover, O Robinson Jere E, reg, '60. 34 Benedict bldg, 8 a m to 4 p m, res 35 Knox Roos John, Univ of Heidelderg, Germany, '54. Res 232 Hamburg (retired) Root Wm E, C H H C, '92. 966 Payne av, tel E 886 Rosensieel James J, W R U, '95. 1519 Harvard, tel M 197, 8 a m to 6 p m, res 100 Miles av Rosenthal Jonas S, removed to Philadelphia, Pa Rowley Tracy D, reg, '83. 4 Birmingham bldg, 8.30 a m to 5 p m, res 1222 Curtis Rybak James F, W R U, '98. 704 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, 9 a in to 5 p m, res 1620 Willson av Sapp Julius B, reg, '68. 52 Clarence bldg, tel H 239, 8 to 12, 1 to 5, res 563 Cedar av Schmitz Edward F, removed to Germany Sherick Albert H, O C D S, '97. 632 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, 9 to 12, 1 to 5, res 275 Euclid av, tel M 1437 Siddall Wm A, U P, '91. 1315 New England bldg, tels M 3032-M, H 572. 9 a m to 5 p m. res 1144 Case av Smellie Harry B, removed to Ypsilanti, Mich ■ Smith Geo A, reg, '96. 957 Lorain, tel W 372, 8 to 12, 1 to 6 SMITH WALTER P, Western Reserve Univ, '97. 948 Central av. Hours, 9 a m to 12 m, 1 to 5 p m. Res 13 Chapel Smith Wm S, reg, '71. 539 Pearl, 8 a m to 5 p m, res 145 Taylor Spaeth John G, Chi CDS, '90. 862 Lorain, tel W 109, 9 to 12, 2 to 6 SPARGrTJR PRANK J, Western Reserve Univ, '95. 1314 New Eng- land Bldg, 129 Euclid av. Hours, 9 a m to 12 m, 1 to 4.30 p m. Res 27 Kirk Springer Otto C, removed to Shanesville, O Stephan Fredk W, removed to Chicago, 111 STEPHAN JOHN P, Chicago Coll Dent Surg, '92. 33 Benedict Bldg, 29 Euclid av. Tel Main 1521. Hours 8.30 a m to 12.30 p m, 1.30 to 4.30 p m. Res 272 Scovill av. Prof of Operative Technics, W R U Dental Coll STEPHAN WILLIAM J. Western Reserve Univ, '97. 123 Colonial Arcade, 114 Euclid av, Tel Home 322. Res 66 Osborn Stevens S Howard, C U M S, '95. 495 Colonial Arcade, 9 to 11.30, 12.30 to 5 Stevens T Howard, N Y C D, '87. 35 Benedict bldg, 9 to 12, 1 to 3, res Ravenna, O Stewart Saml D, reg, Trav agt Diamond Match Co, Barberton, O, res 91 Lincoln av (not practg) Strong Chas R, reg, 93 Lawrence, res 121 Commonwealth av Strong E^rl, reg, '64. (Strong & Bell), restaurant, 46 Sheriff, res 2 Wal- nut (not practg) Suhr Richard A, W R U, '95. 2103 Superior, tel E 1051- J Swain Edgar C, reg, '63. 27 Benedict bldg, 9 a m to 4 pm, res 251 Murray Hill av 178 Dentists — Concluded. Taylor Florence M, O C D S, '96. 407 The Osborn, 9 a m to 5 p m, res 508 Prospect v Van Doom John W, N Y C D, '90. 455 The Arcade, 9 to 12, 1 to 4, res 30 Wilbur Van Tress Herman B.OCDS, '91. 626 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, 9 a m to 5 p m, res 15 Randall VELDHUIS G HENRY, Univ of Mich, '90. Office and Residence, 5 Tinnerman Blk, 797 Lorain, cor P'ulton. Hours, 8 a m to 12 m, 1 to 6pm W Wallace Robert H, removed to Kinsman, O Was>er Geo N, W R U, '95. 1316 New England bldg, tels M 3032-J, H 572, 8 a m to 5 p m, res 27 Dunham pi West Frank L, W R U, '97. 208 The Osborn, 8.30 to 11.30, 1 to 4, res 61 Hawthorne av WHITSLAB -WILL HENRY, Univ of Mich, '85. 26 Benedict Bldg, 29 Euclid av. Tel Main 45-J. Office Hours: From Oct 1 to June 15, 8 a m to 12 m; Saturday, 8 a m to 4 p m. From June 15 to Oct 1, 8.30 a m to 4.30 p m. Res 708 Logan av. Tel Doan 507-L. Prof of Dental Anatomy and Pathology, Western Reserve Univ; Sec Dental College, Western Reserve Univ "Wilcox Amos A, reg, '89. Res 872 Doan (retired) Williams Arthur, K D C, '78. Removed Williams Geo H, removed to Portsmouth, O WILSON GEORGE HENRY, Univ of Mich, '78. 21 Savings and Trust Bldg, 44 Euclid av. Tel Home 242. Hours, Tune 15 to Oct 1, 8 a m to 12 m, 1 to 4 p m; Oct 1 to June 15, 8 a m to 12 m. Saturdays, all day. Res 227 Oakdale. Prof of Prosthesis and Metallurgy, Western Reserve Univ WILSON GEORGE V, Reg, '97. Office and Residence, 1147 Lorain. Tel West 320. Hours, 8.30 a m to 5.30 p m. Res 812 Superior Woodbury Geo F, U P, '91. 493 Colonial Arcade, tel M 369. 9 a m to 5 pm, res 9 Logan pi Wright Harry D, reg, '9l>. 483 Pearl, 8 a m to 6 p m, res 46 Wellington av Wright Martin L, reg, '72. 483 Pearl, 8 a m to 8 p m, res Lakewood, O Wyckoff Wilson C, reg, '92. 1232 Euclid av, Wedncsdavs, res Chagrin Falls, O Yahrer John M, Chi CDS, '97. 1273 Euclid av, 8 a m to 5 p m * 79 DENTAL PARLORS. Bigelow Asa A, reg^SS. 815 The Arcade, 7.30 to 11.30, 1 to 6, res To'edo, O Blair Carl F, W R U, '97. 199 Superior, tel M 1303, 3 a m to 5.30 p m; Sunday, 10 to 1; res 812 Superior Brumbaugh Lawrence M, U P, '80. 170 Superior, tel M 1187, 8 a m to 6 p m, res 56 Chestnut Buck Herbert H, reg, '79. 3 Masonic Temple, Sam to 6 p m, res 819 Hough av Clark James H, O C D S,'90. Asst, 76 Euclid av, res 41 Williams FORD JOHN" D, Balto Coll Dent Surg, '88. 6 Exchange Bldg, 451 Pearl, cor Vestry. Residence same FREY FRANK W, Ohio Coll Dent Surg, Cinti, "95, Mgr United States Dental Rooms, 76 Euclid av. Hours, 8 a m to 6 p m. Res 31 Irvington Guthrie Chas L, O C D S, '94. 199 Superior, tel M 1303, 9 a m to 4 p m, res The Brook-Lawn, tel D 297 Hudson Herbert E, reg, '81. (H E & R A Hudson) 8 a m to 8 p m, res Nottingham, O Hudson H E & R A (Herbert E and Robt A), 236 Superior Hudson Robt A, reg, '89. (H E & R A Hudson) res 536 Prospect Hurd Edwin B, P D C, '90. 80 Euclid av, 8 to 12, 1 to 5, res 35 C^uincy Josselyn Augustus D, P D C, '83. (Josselyn & Smith), res 68 Brookfield Josselyn & Smith (Augustus D Josselyn, Fred W Smith), 166 Euclid av. 9 a m to 4 p m Morgan T Ellwood, LCD, '92. 10 Nottingham bldg, 8 a m to 6 p m, res 28 Cheshire, tel con Patterson Zera D, mgr 170 Superior, tel M 1187, res 101 Rosedale av, tel con Peebles Wm F, O C D S, '94. 199 Superior, tel M 1303, 8 a m to 5.30 p m; Sunday, 10 to 1; res 30 La Grange Phelps Geo H, left city PHILADELPHIA DENTAL PARLORS, 6 Exchange Bldg, 451 Pearl, cor Vestry. Hours, 7 a m to 9 p m Rayner Fredk J, Western Univ, Chicago, '98. 19 Euclid av, res 318 same, 8 a m to 8 p m Rhea Geo S, I D C, '90. 170 Superior, tel M 1187, 8 a m to 6 p m, res 98 Murray Hill av Schiller C Fred, reg, '90. 32 Public Sq, 8 a m to 8 p m Smith Fred W, P D C, '84. (Josselyn & Smith), res 910 Logan av Spencer Stephen L, left city Sprackling Hubert L, reg, "^92. 3 Masonic Temple, 9 to 12, 1 to 5, res 1194 Payne av Throckmorton Edward, reg, '84. 691 Cedar av, tel E 1092; asst 80 Euclid av; res 127 Second av Tripp Howard L, reg, '72 % Asst 80 Euclid av, res 85 Erie Wagner John J, reg. (Wagner & Henahan), res 1098 St Clair Wagner & Henahan (John J Wagner, Jos P Henahan) 1098 St Clair, tel M 1023 WHITE DENTAL PARLORS, C C Williams, Prop. 10 Nottingham Bldg, 89 Euclid av. Tel con. Hours, 8 a m to 6 p m, Standard 180 DENTAL FEE BILL. NOTE:— These Charges apply only to the large Cities of the State. In the smaller Towns and the Country Districts they are propor- tionately less. Examination of the oral cavity $ 1 00 to $ 5 00 Treatmentof pulp cavity (each application) . 1 00 Treatment by prescription 2 00 to 4 00 Killing and extracting pulp 2 00 to 5 00 Extraction of tooth 50 to 1 00 " with anaesthetics 2 00 to 25 00 Filling (gold), minimum 3 00 (All fillings offering more than ordinary difficulty, or taking more than 35 minutes of time, to be charged at the rate of $5.00 per hour.) Fillings— Cement 1 00 to 5 00 " Amalgam 1 00 to 5 00 " Porcelain 5 00 Professional visits 2 00 to 5 00 Appointments missed 2 00 to 4 00 All other services, such as filing or dress- ing of teeth, repairing fillings, or re- moval of tartar, at the rate of $5.00 per hour. Treatment pyorrhea alveolaris 5 00 to 50 00 Artificial teeth, upper or lower set — rubber.. 15 00 to 25 00 Entire upper and lower set — rubber 30 00 to 50 00 Set — Upper or lower — gold 90 00 " — Upper and lower 160 00 " — Continuous gum — upper or lower 100 00 " — Continuous gum — upper and lower. . . 200 00 Partial sets at comparative rates. Crown work, each 10 00 to 20 00 Bridge work (minimum), per tooth 10 00 to 20 00 Replanting teeth 15 00 to '25 00 Regulating teeth 25 00 to 500 00 Reduction of dislocated jaw 10 00 " fracture of the lower maxilla. . 25 00 to 100 00 Consultation 5 00 to 25 00 GRADUATES, 1899. (See Graduating Class ^ Dental College.) 1S1 Benton, Pips * Go. • /// 6t 113 Water St. CLEVELAND, = OHIO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN.... J DRUGS 4 <& o AND ^\ CHEMICALS ..Of Every Description... Manufacturers of <£ & STANDARD PHARMACEUTICALS, FRUIT JUICES, DUROY WINES... 182 W RUGGISTS and PHARMACISTS, H CLEVELAND. 183 Druggists and Pharmacists NOTE : The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows : 1st, Name ; 2d, College, or School, and Year of Graduation ; 3d, Store and Tele- phone ; 4th, Residence and Telephone. The year following the word "Reg" (regis- tered) is not the year of Registration, but of Beginning of Practice. Where the Store and Residence are the same only one address is given. See List of Colleges and Schools for explan- ation of College Initials. NOTE : The Telephone Numbers in this Book are as nearly up to the Date of Publication as possi- ble ; but, on account of the constant changes in Telephone Numbers, it is advisable to verify each Number by consulting the latest Tele- phone Directory . DRUGGISTS— Wholesale. H B DRUG CO, 508 and 510 St Clair. Tel Main 1083 DRUGGISTS— Wholesale, Importing and Jobbing. BENTON, MYERS & CO, (Horace Benton. Daniel Myers, Lucien B Hall, Albert H Van Gorder, Paul Lemperly, Leslie I Metcalf). Ill and 113 Water. Tel Main 406. VAN GORDER ALBERT H, Phila Coll of Pharm, '76. (Benton, Myers & Co). Wholesale Druggists, 111 and 113 Water. Tel Main 406. Res 210 East Prospect. Tel East 499-L Druggists — Continued. DRUGGISTS— Wholesale and Retail. CLEVELAND HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS SUPPLY CO, Dr V H Sturm, Pres. 226 Erie, cor Superior (Ellington Blk). Tels Main 986 and 1046. Gen Agcy Luyties Homoeopathic Pharmacy Co, St Louis, Mo Cleveland Pharmacal & Mfg Co. Fredk M Parsons, pres; Richard Par- sons, vice-pres. 254 Euclid av, tel M 1920 DEUTSCH JULIUS W, Reg, Mo, '83. 74 Euclid av, cor Sheriff. Tels Main 467, Main 2177, Home 151. Res 113 Beech Hopp Lewis C, P C P, '75. (The Mayell & Hopp Co), sec Ohio Pharma- ceutical Assn, res 27 Brookfield Mayell & Hopp Co, (Lewis C Hopp), 198 Euclid av, tels M 1534,M1855,H 204 Parsons Fredk M, reg, '83. Pres Clev Pharmacal & Mfg Co, res 59 Brainard av Parsons Richard, reg, '69. Vice-pres Clev Pharmacal & Mfg Co, res 59 Brainard av Strong, Cobb & Co, (Estate of S M Strong, Lester A and Ralph L Cobb, Edwin L Strong). 112 and 199 Superior, tels M 415, 686, 2399 and 2279 STURM DR VICTOR H, Pres Clev Homoeo Physicians Supply Co. Res The Hollenden. Tel Main 1877 DRUGGISTS— Retail. Acker Bros (Philip and John), 252 Pearl, tel W 233 Acker John, U B, '89. (Acker Bros), res 54 W Roy Acker Philip, reg, 81. (Acker Bros), res 170 Clinton Albl Frank E, reg, '94. Mgr 1363 Broadway, tel M 1479 Albl Michael. Prop 1363 Broadway, res 1406 same, tel M 117i» Albrecht Joseph, C S P, '89. 1330 Central av, tel E 636 Alexander Chas C, P S P, '81. 614 Ontario, tel M 2368, res 65 Jennings av Anderson Dr EdwarcfH, prop 450 Central av, tel M 1520 (also* Physician Asplin John H, reg, '64. 357 Erie, tel M 948, res 134 Brookfield Aubley Samuel, P C P, '89. 2358 and 2590 Broadway, tels M 2197. M 197. res 85 Miles av, tel M 1705-J B Baldner Alfred A, reg, '84. S Woodland and Steinwav avs, rel E 715 Barker Wm J, reg, Mch, '82. Buyer, 100 Euclid av, tel M 318, res 65}^ Woodland ct Bartlett John A, U M, '75. 2606 Broadway, tel M 936, res 26 Miles av, tel M 1320-L Bauer Jonathan M, A P, '90. 59 Huntington, tel M 2028, res S9 Handy Bechberger Chas J, C S P, »9l. 777 Will-on av, tel E (\W Bechberger Henry, P C P, \X5. 535 Kinsman, tel B 16 Beckenbach Edward, U B, >89. (Edward Beckenbach & Co), res Lawnview av l8 5 Druggists — Continued. Beckenbach Edward & Co (Edward Bechenbach), 223 Superior, tel M 114 Bejcek Edward, C S P, '90. 1451 Clark av, tel W 509 Benfield Bros Co, The (Chas W, Herbert E and W Edwin Benfield, Chas- Aulenbacher), 1196 Payne av, tel E 829, and 669 Hough av, tels D 45 r D332 Benfield Chas W, reg, '84. (The Benfield Bros Co), res 136 Murray Hill av, tel D 473-M Benfield Herbert E, reg, '88. (The Benfield Bros Co), res 25 White av Benfield W Edwin, CSP, '92. (The Benfield Bros Co), res 25 White av Bock Frederick, C C P, '85. 1625 Woodland av, tel E 948 Bock Mrs Johannah. Prop 158 Ontario, tel M 1537, res 433 Scovill av Brezina Chas J, C S P, '92. 535 Scovill av, tel E 535 Brinsmade Wesley H, C S P, '88, 638 W Madison av, tel W 511 Brown Fred W, reg, '84. Mgr 1326 Cedar av, res 27 Lawn Bruce James, reg, '73. 544 Prospect, tel M 793, res 16 Grander BKUGGAIER HENRY C, reg, '84. Cook Blk, 2018 Detroit, cor Highland av. Res same. Tel Wesi 514-J Bryant Daniel H, reg, '88. Mgr 100 Euclid av, tel M 313, res 116 Courtland Bubna Wm H, C S P, '86. 677 Quincy, tel D 338 Buescher Chas F, C S P, '87. (Buescher & Ruess) and 1069 Pearl, tel W 387, res 90% Seymour av Buescher & Ruess (Chas F Buescher, Wm Ruess, Jr). 985 Pearl, tel W 298 Burkhart Dr Wm R, N Y C P, '91. 890 Cedar av, tel E 602 (also Phys) Carey Dr Maurice J, reg, '86. 1739 Cedar av, tel D 347 (also Phys) Carr Leslie O, reg, '92. Mgr 1318 Cedar av, tel D 65, res 73 Hough pi Carroll Dr Frank S, reg, '77. 2564 Superior, tel D 348 (also Phys) Carroll Miss M Louise, CSP, '96. Mgr 2564 Superior, tel D 348 Cherdron Carl, P C P, '94. 110 Erie, tel M 578, res 264 Hamilton Christian Robert R, see Glenville, O Churchill Alfred P, U M, '91. 155 Euclid av, tels M 2258, H 684, res 32 Dorchester av Claassen Edo, Univ of Goettingen, Germ, '59. 429 Woodland av, tel M 1342 CORY ORIN ROBERT. Natnl Inst Pharm, Chicago, '96; Clev Schl Pharm, '97. Mgr 1156 Superior, cor Delaware. Res same. Tel Main 2325. Late Pharmacist Lakeside Hospital Czechowski Leo J, reg, '89. 222 Fleet, tel M 2257 D Demming Joseph A, P U, '96. 863 St Clair, tel M 130, res 28 Delaware Deutsch Saml M, CSP, '93. 2758 Broadway, tel M 1766, res 37 Walker DEUTSCH SOL, Clev Schl Pharm, '91. 939 Woodland av. Tel East 864. Res 69 Beech Diemert Daniel A, reg, '82. 1644 St Clair, tel E 947, res 1893 Superior Dollinger Geo A, reg:. '86. 1003 Woodland av, tel E 491. res 1227 Slater av Drach Geo L, reg, '80. 1829 Broadway, tel M 2842, res 140 Aetna DREHER LOUIS, Reg, '67. Mgr Florence Pharmacy, 1768 Superior,. cor Willson av. Tel East 871. Res 483 Central av. Tel Main 2636-J Ebert Adolph G, C S P, '94. Mgr 1403 Woodland av, tel E 349, res Marion blk ELLIOTT SIDNEY T. Cinti Coll Pharm, '84. 380 Prospect, cor Brownell. Tel Main 2989. Res 32 John 1 86 Druggists — Continued. Emde Bros (Christian A and George) 427 Erie, tel M 1546 Emde Christian A, reg, '89. (Emde Bros), res 427 Erie Emde Fred C, reg, '76. 877 Payne av, tel E 1240; mgr 49 Wood, tel M 1493 Emrich Wm, C S P, '90. 3 Woodland av, res 1433 same, tel M 1974 English Geo E, A C P, '95. 383 Franklin av, tel W 586 Fall John D, C S P, '95. 636 Central av, tel E 419, and 1223 Cedar av> tel D 85 Fenton Carnot F, deceased Ferguson James R, reg, '83. 2305 Euclid av, tel D 209, res 19 Centennial Feuer Paul L, C S P, '90. 1002 Payne av, tel E 324 Fischer Henry J, reg, '78. 439 Pearl, tel W 367, res 31 Lohengrin Fisher Henry H, C S P, '91. 1677 St Clair, tel E 805 Fitzgerald James A, C S P, '86. Mgr 1319 Superior, tel M 1514, res 16 Perkins av Flandermeyer Henry H, reg, '75. 493 St Clair and 1156 Superior, tels M 2031, M 2325, res 48 Davenport Flandermeyer Herman D, N I P, '89. 113 Merchant av, tel M 2707 Flood Wm H, reg,' '93. 1403 Woodland av, res 1547 same, tel E 349 FLORENCE PHARMACY, Florence Blk, 1768 Superior, cor Willson av. Tel East 871. Louis Dreher, Mgr Folken.., Dr Carl O, Aurich, Germ, '78. 639 Superior, res 959 same, tel M 1912 (also Physician) Fortlage J Henry, C S P. '87. 1396 Pearl, tel M 2018 Foster Chas E, reg. (Foster & Co), res 24 Bolton pi Foster & Co (Chas E Foster). 691 Hough av, tel E 432 Fox Willard M, reg, '89. 14P2 Cedar av, res 1621 same, tel D 225 Frieseman Wm H, see Glenville, O Fuhrmeyer Henry F, prop 2728 Broadway, tel M 125, res 1650 Harvard Gaube Ernst W, Univ of Leipzig, Germ, '81. 1848 and 2028 Lorain, tels W 38, W 506 Gehrung John M, reg, '83. 158 Quincy, tel E 316 George August H, reg. '75. 150 Superior, res 538 Hough av George Robert H, reg, '92. 957 Lorain, tel W 372, res 101 Scott Gerstacker Michael, P C P, '82. 137 Fulton, tel W 168, res 153 Whitman Gleim John C, 'reg, '84. (Meyer & Gleim), res 230 Beech Glines'Gco W, reg, '82. 147 Franklin av, tel W 184, res 54 Clinton Goodyear Otto R, U M, '91. 1156 Pearl, tel M 2490, res 1097 Scranton av Gouvy C Howard, reg, '85. 693 Cedar av, tel E 1092, res 15 Glendale av Grosse Gottlieb M, P C P, '88. 611 Pearl, tel W 212 Grosse Wm F, reg, '75. 369 Bond, tels M 2321, H 219, res 1059 Lorain, summer res Dover, O Grossman Nelson S, reg, '93. (Grossman & Rigelhaupt), res 309 Scovill av Grossman & Rigelhaupt (Nelson S Grossman, Adolph Rigelhaupt', 137 Woodland av, tel M 2445 H Haa? Geo D, reg, '92. 709 Lorain, tel W 16, res 69 [ersej HAAKE WM H, Phila Coll Pharm, *91. 796 Central av. res same Tel East 329 Handler Wm, P C P, '89. 1897 Pearl, tel M 1310. res 28 Archwood an &1 Druggists — Continued, Hausmann Dr Wm, reg, '84. 968 Clark av (also Phys and Dent] Hechler Edward H, P C P, '92. Mgr 1099 Broadway, tel E 148 Hechler Geo L, reg. '73. 1099 and 1641 Broadway, tels E 148, M 2314 Heller Marx M, P C P, '65. 742 Scovill av, tel E 1103, res 1092 Willson av Hendess Frank C G, Univ of Berlin, '67. 972 Clark av, tel W 510 Herold Ladimir, CSP, '90. 1663 Broadway, tel M 1573, res Horst, O Hevner C C & Co, see Horst, O Heyner Edward G, P C P, '88. (C C Heyner & Co) , res 1342 Harvard (see Horst, O) Hildreth Chas B, P C P, '87. 1277 Euclid av, tel E 25, E 355, res 62 Euclid pi Hoehn Geo J, C S P, '90. 2283 Superior, tel E 945 Honecker Chas, C C P, '95. 1200 Pearl, tel M 2886, res 6 Blatt PI Horst John H, C C P, '76. Mgr 2084 Broadway, tel M 807, res 4 Doloff Humiston Kent P, U M, '77. 546 Lorain, tel W 124, res 79 Erin av Hurst J Blackiston, CSP, '95. 1105 Detroit, tel W 144, res 33 W Roy Husmann Dr Dietrich C, prop 546 Detroit, tel W 542, res 166 Taylor (see Physicians) Ingram Dr James A (Ingram & Rogers), res 23" Courtland (also Physician) Ingram & Rogers (Dr James A Ingram, Ambler J Rogers), 737 Detroit, tel W 501 Jedlicka John J, reg, '88. Mgr 1644 Broadway, tel M 2314 K Kaufmann Wm ], reg, '91. 295 W Madison av, tel W 512 KIEFFER GEORGE, Reg, '70. 620 Lorain. Tel West 373. Res 313 Starkweather av Kraft Emil K, reg, '90. 2791 Superior, tel D 368 Kramer Benj F, reg, '97. 1479 Cedar av, tel D 40 KRAUSE JOHN, Cinti Coll Pharm, '86. 789 Woodland av. cor Case av. Residence same. Tels East 421 and East 782. 370 Wade Park av, cor Montrose. Tel Doan 471 Krebs Enno, CSP, '94. 765 Lorain, tel W 504 Krebs Hermann, reg, '96. 1009 Pearl, tel W 205 Krebs Wm, Univ of Goettingen, Germ, '55. 1261 Pearl, tel W 507, res 452 Jennings av KUBACH E M & CO (Mrs Ella M Kubach), 379 Crawford rd, tel D 384 Kuder Wm F, P C P, '88. 342 Jenning av, tel M 2723 Kuhlmeier Henry, reg, '73. 521 Pearl, tel W 166, res 48 Jay LANE E BAXTER, Reg, '72. Prop Lane's Pharmacy, 1238 Euclid av, cor Willson av. Tel East 330. Res 389 Dunham av (also Phys) LANE'S PHARMACY, E Baxter Lane, Prop. 1238 Euclid av, cor Willson av. Tel East 330 Lannert Henry W, P C P, '85. 1960 St Clair, tel E S00 LAW GEORGE F. Phila Coll Pharm, '82. (National Acetylene Gas Co) 909-910 New England Bids", 129 Euclid av. Tel Main 1695. (Geo F Law & Co), Druggists, Willoughby, O. Res same Lederer Stephen H, C S P, '86. 372 Prospect, tel E 2722, res 61 ihe Wyandot Druggists — Continued. LEBER JOHN, Reg, '86. 1534 Lorain. Tel West 214. Res 217 Taylor LEHR PHILIP, Reg, '73, 1553 Clark av, cor Gilbert, Tel West 564; 1145 Lorain, res 1141 same. Tel West 320 Leick Mrs R H, prop 1361 Lorain, tel W 292 Lickes D»ug Co (Robt P Lickes), 962 Payne av, tel E 886, and 574 Kinsman, tel E 1194 Lickes Robt P, reg '73. (Lickes Drug Co), res 962 Payne av Lindsley Dryden C, reg, '73. 608 Detroi«, tel W 568 Lingan Edmund C, U M, '82. 1061 Lorain, tel W 150 Long Howard E, P C P, '93. 146 Erie, res 152 same, tel M 2280 M Mack John J, reg, '92. 682 W Madison av, tel W 513, res 303 Lawn Mac Laren Alfred L, C S P, '96. 2825 Euclid av, res 2802 same, tel D 349 Marshall Wentworth G, O C P, '86. 261 Superior, tels M 196, M 709, H 964, res 1223 Detroit, tel W 499-L MAY ARTHUR F, N Y Coll Pharm, '81. 109 Ontario, cor Public Sq. Tel Main 1142. Res 121 Bolton av. Tel Doan 266-L Meyer Wm V, C C P, '83. (Meyer & Gleim), res 1124 Case av, tel E 142 Meyer & Gleim (Wm V Meyer, John C Gleim), 301 Superior, tels M 693, M 1676 Miller Fredk J, C S P, '93. 430 Cedar av, tel E 722 Miller Henry, reg, '82. 447 Superior, tel M 1046, res 202 The Hannah, tel M 2101 Morgan Chas H, reg, '74. 563 Wade Park av, tel D 135, res 10 Kenwood Mund John F, reg, '81. 1386 Broadway, res 1356 same N Nichols Wm A, deceased Nydecker Frank L, reg, '80. 1475 Woodland av, tel E 240, res 150 Lincoln av O O'Brien Wm, reg, '74. (O'Brien & Stoskopf), res 19 Bayne O'Brien & Stoskopf (Wm O'Brien, Dr Geo Stoskopf), 60 Professor, tel M 1511 Opperman Ernest, reg, '72. 723 St Clair, tel M 997, res 127 N Perry Ormsbv Dr Hiram B, prop 247 Central av, tel M 2339 (also Physician 1 * Oster Frank C, reg, '94. 1261 St Clair, and 1319 Superior, tels M 792. M 1514 Ott Edward C, C S P, '93. 149^ Pearl, tel M 2922, res 169 Marvin av Page Dr Fred D, prop 1326 Cedar av, res 1475 same (also Physician] Pearce John O, reg, '82. 674 Bridge, tel W 503 Peck Dr Joseph H, reg, "66. 409 Wade Park av, tel I> 130 (also Physician Petersilge Albert, reg. '90. 314 Woodland av, tel M 9>2 Phillips C Ross, reg, '70. 80 Fulton, tel W 508, res 102 Whitman Pollack Henry, C S P, '94. 757 Scovill av, tel E 171. res [571 Centi Prechtel Chas, reg. '94, Mgr 1553 Clark av, tel \Y 564, res 290 Courtland Probeck Geo J, C C P, '85. 223 Detroit, tel W 350, res VI Duane 189 Druggists — Continued. R Rathbun Marcellus A, removed to Monroeville, O EAWLINS CLIFTON M, N Y Coll Pharm, '96. 1253 Euclid av. Tel East 479. Res 1248 Curtis av Remy Eugene, reg, '96. 1496 Central av, tel E 88, res 62 Kenwood RBNNECKAR C E, Reg, '90. 2267 Euclid av. Tel Doan 9. Res 767 Republic. Tel Doan 496- J Ressler John M, reg, '81. 1285 Euclid av, tel E 926, res 349 Willson av Reynolds Frank A, C C P,'74. (F A Reynolds & Son), res E Cleveland, O REYNOLDS F A & SON, (Frank A and Harry D). 2820 Euclid av. Tel Doan 205. 3421 Euclid av, East Cleveland, O. Tel Doan 313 Reynolds Harry D, A C P, '91. (F A Reynolds & Son), res E Cleveland Rigelhaupt Adolph, reg asst. (Grossman & Ritrelhaupt), res 236 Perry ROBINSON GEORGE R, N Y Bd of Pharm, '71; Ohio Bd of Pharm, '85. 392 Cedar av. Res same. Tel East 124 Rosenfelder Andrew W, C S P, '89 Mgr 574 Kinsman, tel E 1194 Rosewater Dr Nathan, reg, '96. 954 Woodland av, tel E 580, res 99 Seelye av (also Physician) Ruess Wm, Jr, reg, '96. (Buescher & Ruess), res 328 Wade av Ruggles Roscius R. Baldwin Univ, Berea, O, '72. 2578 Broadway, tel M 1507-J, res 28 Ruggles Saltsman Edward W, reg, '92. 1095 W T oodland av, tel E 101, res 1571 Willson av Sanderson Ernest J, U B, '93. 267 Kennard, tel E 263 SCHELLENTRAGER ERNST A, Reg, '73. 1111 St. Clair. Tel Main 1023. Res Lake View av, Glenville, O. Tel Glen 27-J. Founder and Pres Cleveland School of Pharmacy Schlitt Henry M, C S P, '89. 534 Central av, tel E 208, res 90 Marion Schmitt Carl, reg, '69. 1871 Pearl, tel M 2521, res 22 Archwood av Schmitt Jacob J, reg, '90. Res 47 Archwood av, tel M 2948- J (see Brooklyn, O) SCHNEIDER KINGSLEY C T, Phila Coll Pharm, '96. Prop Ivy Pharmacy, 66 Perry. Tel Main 1199. Res 678 Euclid av. Tel Main 1221- J SCHNUERER J GEORGE, Clev Schl Pharm, '89; Phila Coll Pharm, '93. 454 East Prospect, cor Watkins. Res same. Tel East 518 Schoenhut Christian H, reg, '61. Mgr 199 Superior, tel M 2279, res Lake- wood, O Schroeder Fred P, Jr, C S P, '96. Mgr 158 Ontario, tel M 1537, res 433 Scovill av Scott Frank G, P C P, '85. 212 Permanent bldg, tels M 904, H 174, res 279 Huntington, tel M 1710-J Seibel Henry C, reg. '90. 2107 Superior, tel E 943 Seith Carl L, reg, '91. 603 Quincy, tel E 946 Selzer Eugene R, C S P, '86. 1492 Superior, tels E 858, E 949 Selzer Otto E, reg, '94. Mgr 1492 Superior, tels E 858, E 949 SELZER'S PHARMACY (Eugene R Selzer), 1492 Superior. Tels East 858 and East 949 Sexton H Albert, reg. (H A Sexton & Co), res 957 Central av Sexton H A & Co (H Albert Sexton), 957 Central av, tel E 420 Sherwood David W, reg, '78. 64 Merchant av, tel M 2724, res 402 Jennings av SHERWOOD HENRY J, Clev Schl Pharm, '85. 979 Woodland av, cor Willson av. Tel East 65. Res 407 East Prospect 190 Druggists — Continued. 'Silberling John H, reg, '70. 351 Jefferson, tel M 2706 Smigel Henry A, prop 2084 Broadway, tel M 807, res 12 Colorado Smith F Colby, deceased Smith J Adams, prop 69 Woodland av, res 212 same, tel M 1707 SMITHNIGHT ALBERT, Reg, '86. 200 Cedar av, cor Sterling av. Tel East 428. Res 32 Irvington ■Smithnight Louis reg, '88. 579 Erie, tel M 1871, res 274 Brownell SOBEY DR JOHN P, Prop Sobey's Homoeopathic Pharmacy. 276 Erie, opp Chestnut. Tel Main 1190. Res 803 Hough av (also Phys) Sords Pharmacy Co (Thomas V Sords), 255 Pearl, tel W 505 Sords Thomas V, reg, '78. Sords Pharmacy Co), res 341 Bridge Spenzer Miss Mary H, reg, '84. Mgr 368 Central av, tel M 97 Steadman Dr Wm F, reg, '76. 641 St Clair (also Physician) S.echer Bros (Henry Wand Fred W) 1066 Pearl, tel W 343; barber supplies, 24 Frankfort, tel M 1465 Stecher Fred W, U Wis, '87. (Stecher Bros), res 60 Mentor av Stecher Henry W, U M, '78. (Stecher Bros), res 819 Scranton av Stern August O, reg, '85. 197 St Clair, tel M 2209, res 504 Lake View Flats, tel M 594 Steuer Dr David B, C S P, '91. 465 St Clair, tel M 2393 (also Physicians) Stillman Dr Geo B, prop 1318 Cedar av, tel D 65, res 405 Bolton av. tel D 162-L (also Physician) Stoskopf Dr Geo, reg, '76. (O'Brien & Stoskopf), res 645 Jennings av, tel M 80-J (also Physician) Szybowicz Louis A, deceased Tielke Henry, regr, '67. 873 Lorain, tel W 108 TIELKE MAXWELL G-, Phila Coll Pharm, '91. 474 Detroit. Tel West 303. Res 151 Clinton Toedtmann Fred C, N I P, '88. 117 Wade Park av, res 145 same, tels E 852, E 1046 Toedtmann Henry F, reg, '84. 1945 Superior, tels E 4, E 1035 u URBAN JACOB P, Reg, '60. 58 and 60 Ontario, cor Hamilton, Tel Main 1801. Res Lincoln Hotel. Tel Main 330 Urban Dr Theodore, reg, '85. 1674 St Clair, tel E 950 (also Physician) V Voss Geo W, reg, '81. 679 Woodland av, tel E 190, res 38 Longwood w Wagner Dr HarrisonG, C S P, '91. 222 Scovill av, tel M 2158, res 10 Granger (also Physician) Walter Dr Francis, reg, '78. 2069 Superior, tel E 1158-F (also Physician] Walz Carl S, S P, '86. 602 Pearl, tel W 156, res 41 Jay Webster Dr Henry H, see Brooklyn, O Weiler Joreph J, P C P, '69. 521 Woodland av, tel M V2\\). res 255 Forest WILDENTHA.LEE BROS, (Gustave A and Otto 1. Props Gordon Park Pharmacy. 2234 St Clair, cor Woolsey. Tel East \U\ I 9 I Druggists — Concluded. Wildenthaler Gustave A, reg:, '79. (Wildenthaler Bros), res 2234 St Clair Wildenthaler Otto L,reg. (Wildenthaler Bros), elk 639 Superior, tel M 1912 Williams Dr Claude W, I C P, '92. 1363 Lexington av, tel E 733 (also Physician) Witte Dr Lewis H, reg, '53. 342 Superior, tel M 1533, res Lakewood, O (also Physician) Y Young Thos C, C S P,'91. 1357 Woodland Hills av, res 1372 same, tel M ( z Zantiny Wm G, reg, '90. 272 Dunham av, tel E 735 Zickes Otto, reg, '83. 1345 Clark av, tel W 259, res 186 Woodbridge av, tel M 1941-L HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACIES. CLEVELAND HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS SUPPLY CO. Dr V H Sturm, Pres. 226 Erie, cor Superior (Ellington blk). Tels Main 986 and 1046. Gen Agcy Luyties Homoepathic Pharmacy Co, St Louis, Mo Scott Frank G. 212 Permanent bldg, tels M 904, H 174 SOBEY DR JOHN P. 276 Erie, opp Chestnut. Tel Main 1190 Witte Dr Lewis H. 342 Superior, tel M 1533 DRUGGIST— Chinese. Chan Dr Joseph F, Macao, China, reg, '94. 61 Prospect (also Physician) PHARflACISTS AND ASSISTANTS. Arnold David R, reg, '62, Clk 198 Euclid av, tels M 1534, M 1855, H 204, res 22 Livingston ARNY HENRY V, Graduate in Pharmacy, Philadelphia College < f Pharmacy, '89; Doctor of Philosophy, University of Goettingen, Germany, '96; Professor of Pharmacy and Director of the Pharma- ceutical Laboratory, Cleveland School of Pharmacy. Room 319, City Hall. Res 107 Streator av Ashbury John W, O C P, '79; I C P, '81. Res 167 Taylor B Baker Alpha L, see Brooklyn, O Baldwin Clement R, C S P, '97. Res 1331 Lexington av Barker John A, reg, '69. Clk 544 Prospect, tel M 793 Beal James H, Sc D, Ph G. Lecturer Clev Schl Pharm, 316 City Hall, res Scio, O Beecher Edward N, reg,'90. Poet and writer, author of "The Lost Atlan- tis," etc, res 92 Claremont Bejcek Ladislav, reg asst, '99. Clk 1451 Clark av, tel W 509 Bender John, removed to Washington, D C Benoit John, reg, '90. Clk 301 Superior, tels M 693, M 1676, res 106 Quincy Berger Saml, C S P, '96. Clk 267 Kennard, tel E 263, res 85 Allen Bigalke Edward G, reg asst, '95. Res 51 Dunham av Bohm Arno E, reg asst, '97. Clk 579 Erie, tel M 1871, res 311 Huntington Boulee Dr Ontario H, C S P, '89. Res 1000 Payne av, tel E 1094-L (not practg — see Physicians) Bowman Owen J, reg, '96. Clk 2267 Euclid av, tel D 9 Braunlich Hugo E C, C S P, '96. Clk 962 Payne av, tel E 886, res 46 Aberdeen Breyer Joseph M, reg, '96. Clk 158 Ontario, tel M 1537, res 1179 Pearl Brown Chas M, A C P, '95. Pharm Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Brown Julius C, C S P, '95. Clk 1069 Pearl, tel W 387 Bruehler Geo H. C S P, 94. Clk 351 Jefferson, tel M 2706, res 239 Dare Burkhardt Rudolph G, reg, '92. Clk 873 Lorain, tel W 108 Carr James A, reg, '97. Clk 59 Huntington, tel M 2028 CASS CLAUDIUS M, Clev Schl Pharm, '93. Clerk II J Sherwood, 979 Woodland av, cor Willson av. Tel East 65. Res 90 Mather Cass Edward J, re°r asst. '97. Clk 36 Euclid av, tel M 1055, res 90 Mather Chalus Frank, CSP, '92, Clk 272S Broadway, tel M 125, res 50 Miles av Cherdron Henry R, reg asst, '97. Clk 1156 Superior, tel M 2825, res 264 Hamilton. CLAUS THEODORE G, Clev Schl Pharm, '84. Clerk Geo KietVer. 620 Lorain. Tel West 373. Res 81 McLean Collins Thos P, P C P, '92. Clk 255 Pearl, tel W 505, res 21 [ay CONNELL ALBERT E, Clev Schl Pharm, '91. City Salesman 11 B Drug Co, 508-510 St Clair. Tel Main 108-?. Res U> Dunham pi Conway James A, reg, '98. Clk 892 Cedar av, tel E 1 24 Cowell Dr Willard M, reg, '98. Clk 1479 Cedar av, tel D 10 also Phys) Cramer Moss J, reg asst, '97. Clk 146 Erie, tel M 2280, res 76 Branch a\ Cummer Dr Robt J, reg Mich, '78. 581 Permanent bldg, tel M 23(3 896 Bolton av, tel D 98- J (not practg — see Physiciansj 193 Pharmacists — Continued. D Davis Dr Joel D, reg, '83. Res 10 Crawford pi (also Physician) (see Kent, O) Davis Joseph 8, C S P, '97. Clk 223 Superior, tel M 114, res 23 Harper DEIBEL OSCAR Gr, Reg, '81. Traveling Salesman Benton, Mvers & Co, Wholssale Druggists, 111 and 113 Water. Tel Main 406. Res Canton, O Deming Andrew, reg, '93. Res 1563 Willson av Dicker Henry W, C S P, '96. Clk 546 Lorain, tel W 124, res 47 Mechanic Douttiel John J, C S P, '97. Clk 1285 Euclid av, tel E 926, res 174 Lyman Dresky Louis W, reg, '88. Clk 2358 Broadway, tel M 2197 Droege Dr Robt C, C S P, '92. 596 Pearl, res 117 Whitman, tel W 581-L (not practg — see Physicians) Dvorak Joseph, C S P, '88. Clk 1386 Broadway, res 45 Fowler Edwards Herbert E, C S P, '97. Res 161 Putnam Eggleston Earnest K, reg, '95. Res 383 Franklin av. tel W 536 Eisenmann Louis C, C S P, '97. Clk 521 Woodland av, tel M 1249, res 148 Putnam Elflein Wm F, reg, '60. Clk 723 St Clair, tel M 997, res 42 Commodore Evans Edward H, reg, '82. Res 2406 Broadway Evers Chas E, reg, '97. Clk 1066 Pearl, tel W 343, res 91 Chatham EYKYN J HERBERT, Reg, '88. Trav Salesman H B Drug Co, 508-510 St Clair. Tel Main 1083. Res 205 Lincoln av Feil Joseph, N Y C P, '80. Sec Clev Schl Pharm, 316 City Hall, res 79 Hough av Felt Fredk D, reg-, '77. Trav Salesman W H Hill & Co, Detroit, Mich, res 1295 Euclid av, tel E 131 Field James W, reg, '73. Res 160 Jennings av Finck Edward J, Ch C P, '89. Res The Victoria, tel M 2889 Flandermeyer August L, N I P, '96. Clk 113 Merchant av, tel M 2707 Fogle J Otis, A C P, '91. Clk 611 Pearl, res 483 same, tel W 212 Fogleson Fred, A C P, '93. Clk 261 Superior, tels M 709, H 964, res 135 Wilbur Ford Wm H, reg, '84. Clk 2820 Euclid av, tel D 205, res Collinwood, O Forrest James T, reg. Res 2417 Broadway Frewin Francis H, C S P, '94. Clk 155 Euclid av, tels M 2258, H 684, res 46 William Fritch Dr Joseph C, P C P, '83. 377 Pearl, tel W 30-J (not practg— see Physicians) FURZB WM S, Reg, '83. Clerk Lane's Pharmacy, 1238 Euclid av, cor Willson av. Tel East 330. Res 127 Hawthorne av Geer Dr Norman M, S C P, '87. 181 Superior, res 197 Melrose av (not practg — see Physicians) GEIGER JOHN C, Reg, '70. Traveling Salesman Benton, Myers & Co, Wholesale Druggists, 111 and 113 Water. Tel Main 406. Res Ph-ladelphia, Pa 194 Pharmacists — Continued. Geissler Geo A, reg,'88. Res 1062 Pearl Gensert John B, reg, '95. Clk 372 Prospect, tel M 2722, res 1101 St Clair Gill Albert H, C S P, '93. Res 80 Brooker av Godman Chas A, reg, '76. City mgr 112 Superior,tels M 415, 686, 2399, res 132 Kensington Groetzinger Wm G, reg, '92. Res 366 Taylor Gulick Geo M, A O P, '93. Clk 2606 Broadway, tel M 936, res 72 Miles Park H Hablesreither Emil, CSP, '93. Clk 1663 Broadway, tel M 1573 HANKEY WM T, Phila Coll Pharm, '91. Chemist Benton, Myers & Co, Wholesale Druggists, 111 and 113 Water. Tel Main 406. Res Willoughby, O HANNON OWEN B, Phila Coll Pharm, '83. Chemist Strong, Cobb & Co, 112 Superior. Tels Main 415, Main 686 and Main 2399. Res Lakeland av, Lakewood, O HANNUM BUEDETTE Gr, Purdue Univ, Lafayette, Ind, '92. Ana- lytical Chemist. Laboratory and Residence, 365 Sibley. Tel East 1065-J Harper Herbert C, see Glenville, O Harris Chas E, A C P, '94. Clk 777 Willson av, tel E 690 Hawkins Frank H, A C P, '91. Clk 261 Superior, tels M 196, M 709, H 964, res 103% Holmden av Hawley Adelbert K, reg, '82. Clk 1492 Cedar av, tel D 225, res 8 Centennial Hell wig Edward F, CSP, '96. Clk 691 Hough av, tel E 432, res Fairmount, O Helms Henry A F, C S P, '94. Clk 521 Pearl, tel W 166, res 27 Hope Henderson John T, reg, '86. Clk 2590 Broadway, tel M 197, res 1824 Finney Herbkersman Gust H, removed to Horst, O Herrman Geo W, C S P, '97. Clk 1156 Pearl, tel M 2490, res 62 Willow- dale av Hettinger Leonard C, reg, '93. Clk 342 Jennings av, tel M 2723, res 860 Pearl Heyner Chas C, reg, '92. Res 2224 Willson av (see Horst, O) Hickin Dr Frank W, C S P, '93. Res 66 Merchant av, tel M 2724 (not practg — see Physicians) Hinson Wm M, A C P, '98. Clk 544 Prospect, tel M 793. res 73 Sterling av Hinst Frank J, reg asst, '99. Clk 1496 Central av, tel E 88, res 30 Parker Hirsch Simon F, reg asst, '96. Clk 951 Woodland av, tel E 580 HISS EDWABD A, Clev Schl Pharm, *96. Clk 1111 St Clair, res same. Tel Main 1023. Specialist as an Optician Hoffman Albert T, reg, '83. Broker, 121 Superior, tel M 1759, res 101 Fourth av Hollister Dr Geo S, reg. Res 357% Franklin av (also Physician) Honecker Jacob J, reg, '83. Res 43 Daisy av Howe Dewey F, C S P, '91. Trav salesman, 112 Superior, tels M 415, 686, 2399, res Lakewood, O Hribal W F, C S P, '96. Ulk 614 Ontario, tel M 2368, res 196 Beech wood Hurt John A, C S P, '96. Clk 3 Woodland av, tel M 1074, res M Warren Huttinger Anthony G, reg asst, '93. Clk 369 Bond, tels M 2321, B 219, res QG Alum J Jewett Geo D, reg. Clk 357 Erie, tel M 948, res 812 Central av Jilek Alois, CSP, '98. Clk 64 Merchant av. tel M 2724, res 64 Kenwood 195 Pharmacists — Continued. Johnson Levi E, reg, N Y and Ohio, '89. Clk 198 Euclid av, tels M 1534, M 1855, H 204, res 193 Dodge Johnson Oscar L, reg, 111, ! 82. Res 3 Fairmount pi (retired) Jordan Chas M, A C P,'96. Clk 369 Bond, tels M 2321, H 219, res Kamm's,0 K Kadel Peter, C S P, '92. Clk 137 Fulton, tel W 168, res 155 Whitman Kaestlen Dr Saml E, C S P, '87. Res 50 McLean, tel W 32 (also Phys) Keeny Guy E, Clev Schl Pharm, '97. Clk 1261 St Clair, tel M 792, res 1319 Superior, tel M 1514 Keiper Franz, reg, '91. Res 78 Woodbine Keiper Ludwig, Kreuznach, Germ, '65. Bkpr 224 Detroit, res 167 same, tels W 218, W 475 (not practg) Kilpatrick James A, removed to New York Kinsev Joseph S, P C P, '93. Clk 109 Ontario, tel M 1142, res 684 H-ugh av KINZEY CALVIN O, Phila Coll Pharm, '99, Asst Chemist Benton, Myers & Co, Wholesale Druggists, 111-113 W T ater. Tel Main 406 Klaus Emanuel, C S P, '93. Res 958 Lorain Knopf H Chas, reg, Clk 636 Central av, tel E 419, res 13 Montrose Kohlmeyer Henry C, reg, '98. Clk 1475 Woodland av, tel E 240 Krebs Carl, P C P, '87. Res 4?2 Jennings av Krebs Otto, C S P, '92. Clk 1009 Pearl, tel W 205 Lange Wm E, reg asst, Clk 534 Central av, tel E 208, res 28 Harper LashWm, reg, '91. Clk 1196 Payne av, tel E 829, res 40 The Champ, tel E 567 Lazier Willet D, reg, '73. Res 247 Clinton Lehr Frank P, C S P, '97. Clk 1145 Lorain, res 1141 same, tel W 320 Loeb Harry E, reg, '96. Clk 109 Ontario, tel M 1142. res 1144 Woodland av LONG- JESSE C, Reg Asst, '86. Clerk Lane's Pharmacy, 1238 Euclid av, cor Willson av. Tel East 330. Res 80 Glen Park pi Lustig Tacob, C S P, '97. Clk 2590 Broadway, res 2773 same, tel M 197 M McDermott Clayton E, C S P, '97. Clk 737 Detroit, tel W 501 McFarland Thaddeus D, P C P, '86. Asst chem Western Reserve Univ, Erie and St Clair, tel M 401, res 112 Princeton McKEAN CHAS W, Phila Coll Pharm, '87. Traveling Salesman Benton, Myers & Co, Wholesale Druggists, 111 and 113 Water. Tel Main 406. Res Erie, Pa McKenzie Hugh H, reg asst, '94. Clk 474 Detroit, tel W 303, res 51 Detroit ct Mac Neil Geo, reg, '94. Clk 2305 Euclid av, tel D 209, res 781 Doan Manre Milo. Hosp steward, U S Army Maurer Albert J, C S P, '97- Clk 957 Central av, tel E 420, res 44 Hollister May Oscar E, reg, '81. Clk 109 Ontario, tel M 1142, res 1015 First av Mayer Fred W, removed to Detroit. Mich Mead Allen H, U M, '94. Clk 69 Woodland av, tel M 1707, res 43 Mer- chant av MEERMANS JOHN A, Reg, '96. Asst 200 Cedar av, cor Sterling av. Tel East 423. Res 17 Blair Meink Fredk W. P C P, '93. Clk 198 Euclid av, tels M 1534, M 1855, H 204, res 216 Hoadley 196 Pharmacists — Continued. Messerli Adolph, reg asst, '97. Clk 1002 Payne av, tel E 324, res 157 Lyman Meyer Chas A, reg, '97. Clk 2028 Lorain, tel W 506 Miller Frank K, reg, '95. Res 545 Hamilton Miller Geo B, reg, '89. Res 1109 Woodland av Miller Victor E, C S P, '95. Clk 110 P:He, tel M 578, res 975 Payne av Mitermiler John A, C S P, '96. Clk 272 Dunham av, tel E 735, res 42 Kinsman Mohlar Wilbur, C S P, '97. Clk 252 Pearl, tel W 233, res 32 Hicks Morse Geo H, reg asst, '96 Clk 563 Wade Park av, tel D 135 Morton Richard L, reg, 111, Res 161 Prospect (not practg) Mueller Joseph H, reg, '95. Clk 439 Pearl, tel W 367, res 812 Clark av Mueller Peter, reg, '93. Clk 1361 Lorain, tel W 292, res 1109 Woodland av N Neuberger John, Ch C P, '93. Res 50 Solon, tel E 148 Neuberger Joseph A, C S P, '97. Res 50 Solon, tel E 148 3STOONAN JAMES L, Clev Schl Pharm, '92. City Salesman Benton, Myers & Co, Wholesale Druggists, 111 and 113 Water. Tel Main 406. Res 30 Clarkwood av. Vice-Pres Alumni Assn Clev Schl Pharm Nuss John C, reg, '89. Pharm Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862, res 5 Dobson ct o Obert Geo M, C S P, '96. Clk 1145 Lorain, res 1968 same, tel W 320 Ocker Harry A, reg, '96. Clk 199 Superior, tel M 2279, res 87^ Professor Offeroski Fred, reg, '94. Clk 1534 Lorain, tel W 214, res 31 Courtland Pagel Herman F, C S P, '93. Res 90 Laurel Parkin Robt J, reg, '85. Clk 199 Superior, tel M 2279, res 170 Clinton Pattison Clarence L, C C P, '92. Clk 198 Euclid av, tels M 1534, M 1855, H 204, res 755 Superior Pearce Mrs Bel L. reg asst, '82. Clk 674 Bridge, tel W 503 Peck Arthur J, C S P, '96. Clk 409 Wade Park av, tel D 130 PECK FRANCIS J, Univ of Mich, Ann Arbor, '91. City Chemist and Food Inspector. (Analytical Chemist). 318 City Hall. Tel Main 26. Res 854 Cedar av Pelton Dr Russell P, in Europe (also Physician) Petersilge Emil, C S P, '95. Clk 314 Woodland av, tel M 982 Pheneger Benj H, removed to Columbus. O Pinhard Tulius H, C S P, '95. Clk 1897 Pearl, tel M 1310, res 329 Walton av iPLACAK HARRY H, Ohio Normal Univ, Ada, '94. Asst Chemist Benton, Myers & Co, Wholesale Druggists, 111 and 113 Water. Tel Main 406. Res 11 Kinder Priebe Fred, reg, '97. Clk 985 Pearl, tel W 298, res 30 Brighton Prochaska Dr Otto F, P C P, '87. Res 1199 Broadway, tel E IIS not practg — see Physicians) Quere Theodore, C S P, '95. Clk 1848 Lorain, tel W 88, res 666 Cordon .o 197 Pharmacists — Continued. R , Jr, reg asst, '97. Clk 1492 Superior, tels E 858, E 949, res 1941 St Clair Richardson Saml W, reg, Maine, Mass, La, '69. Hosp steward Marine Hosp, tel M 580 Richmond Edmund A, N Y C P, '88. Pharm Lakeside Hosp, tel M 153£ Rigelhaupt Ignatius J, removed to Manayunk, Pa Rissmann Alex L, reg asst, '97. Clk 535 Kinsman, tel E 46, res 90a Giddings av Rosenfelder Geo J, reg asst, '94. Clk 679 Woodland av, tel E 190 Roth Louis, see Brooklyn, O HOWE OHAS P, Reg, '84. Clerk H B Drug Co, 508-510 St Clair, res 512 same. Tel Main 1083 Rudolph Fred A, U B, '98. Clk 602 Pearl, tel W 156, res 42 Mentor av Sager Verner E, P C P, '96. Clk 757 Scovill av, tel E 474, res 296 Kennard Schaefer Henry L, reg, '91. Clk 223 Superior, tel M 114, res 176 Becker av Schambs Geo M, P C P, '82. Clk 74 Euclid av, tels M 467, M 2177, H 151, res 137 Beech Schantz Joseph J, reg, '73. Res 15 Plymouth Scheede Louis F, reg, '62. Res 214 Birch Schiely Anthony M, reff, '98. Clk 222 Fleet, tel M 2257, res 76 Wiemer SCHLEE ARTHUR W, Clev Schl Pharm, '95. Clerk C M Rawlrns, 1253 Euclid av, cor Willson av. Tel East 479. Res 46 Portland Schmehl Geo E, U B, '93. Clk 1066 Pearl, res 1166 same, tel W 343 SCHNEIDER EDWARD F, Phil Coll Pharm, '87. Traveling Salesman Benton, Myers & Co, Wholesale Druggists, 111 and 11$ Water. Tel Main 406. Res 375 East Prospect SCHULZE PAUL W A, Reg Asst, '97. Clerk Florence Pharmacy, 1768 Superior, cor Willson av. Tel East 871. Res 503 Willson av Schwaerzwaelder Conrad, reg asst, '96. Clk 223 Detroit, tel W 350, res 9 Brinsmade av Scobey Chas H, removed to Cincinnati, O SHARPE ALBERT L, Clev Schl Pharm, '95. Asst Chemist Benton, Myers & Co, Wholesale Druggists, 111 and 113 Water. Tel Main 406. Res 115 Qjiinby av Sheets Geo F, reg, '72. Res 92 Perry Shoemaker Milton H, reg, '98. Clk 535 Scovill av, tel E 535, res 65T Woodland av Sieplein Chas A, reg. Clk 74 Euclid av, tels M 467, M 2177, H 151, res 629 Hough av Slosson Frank W, reg, '68. Drug mfr, 222 Seneca, tel M 129, res 756- Woodland av Smith Augustus E, reg,'97. Clk 247 Central av,tel M 2339,res 118 Decker av Smith Jacob N, left city Sobey Alfred T, C S P, '96. Res 199 Lincoln av Sollmann Dr Torald, reg, '90. Chemist Western Reserve Univ, Erie and St Clair, tel M 401 (also Physician) Spangler Lewis C, AC P, '97. Clk 1277 Euclid av, tels E 25, E 355, res 29 Olive pi Spenzer Eugene A, U B, '90. Clk 379 Crawford rd, tel D 384, res 370 Central av, tel M 97 Spieth Bemis V, reg, '97. Clk 370 Wade Park av, tel D 471 Stahl Geo M, C S P, '97. Clk 2107 Superior, tel E 943. res 39 Hathaway 198 Pharmacists — Continued. Stimson Warren J, O M U, '98. Clk 1357 Woodland Hills av, tel M 697 Stockhaus Wm, reg, '90. Clk 199 Superior, tel M 2279, res 31 Willett Strope Archie M, N I P,'93. Jeweler, 633 W Madison av, res 26 Goulder (not practg) Swarts Wm J, reg, '60. Trav salesman, 112 Superior, tels M 415, 686, 2399, res North East, Pa Swayer Dr John W, reg, '73. 1U72 Lorain, res Lakewood, O (not practg — see Physicians) SWIFT RALPH B, Reg, '81. Traveling Salesman Benton, Myers & Co, Wholesale Druggists, 111 and 113 Water. Tel Main 406. Res Kingsville, O T Tarr Robt H, P C P, '95. res 193 Clinton Te Linde Geo, Jr, C S P, 'S Tielke Gustav, reg, '71. Tupa Frank, Jr, reg, '84. Tyler Justin A, U M, '68. res 21 Morse Clk 74 Euclid av, tels M 467, M 2177, H 151, 2. Clk 465 St Clair, res 773 same, tel M 2393 Res 54 Mueller av, tel W 303 Resl4Dille Dept mgr 112 Superior, tels M 415, 686, 2399, u Ulmer Dr Stephen E, P C P, '94. pect (also Physician) 43 Public sq, tel M 2990, res 323 Pros- v Vaupel Chas P, reg, '58. Von Tosky Otto R, reg, 8 Votipka Frank A, C S P, Supt 45 Sheriff, tel M 2779, res 234 Hough av ). Clk 447 Superior, tel M 1046, res 518 Hamilton '96. Clk 1829 Broadway, tel M 2842, res 38 Petrie w Walleck Andrew, reg asst, '97. Clk 1625 Woodland av, tel E 948, res 12 Bismarck av Ward Harry H, C S P, '97. Clk 1644 St Clair, tel E 947, res 1898 Superior Warner Wm, reg, '92- Clk 109 Ontario, tel M 1142, res 1609 Willson av Warren I., Vincent, reg asst, '99. Res 91 Giddings av Whipple Harry J, reg, '89. Clk 1105 Detroit, tel W 144 Wilson Wm L, removed to Denver, Colo Witte Fredk R, reg, '98. Clk 342 Superior, tel M 1588, res Lakewood, Wohlgemuih Armin H, C S P, '96. Clk 2578 Broadwav. tel M L507-J, res 51 Burke Wood Fred J, reg asst, '97. Clk 608 Detroit, tel W 568, res 17;> 28d a\ Workman Robt, reg, '90. Clk 150 Superior, res 210 Summit 199 Pharmacists — Concluded. Zantiny Carl, reg, '82. Clk 493 St Clair, tel M 2031, res 21 Stanard Zeidler 0;to A, reg asst, '91. Clk 579 Erie, tel M 1871, res 242 Brownell Zirker Geo D, C S P, '89. Res 50 Leroy pi Zirn Herman J, reg, '92. Clk 1960 St Clair, tel E 800, res 301 Outhw&ite GRADUATES, 1899 {See Graduating- Class, Cleveland School of Pharmacy} ¥ lb. B- 2>ruQ Co., ¥ Wlbolesale IDruQoists. PHYSICIANS' SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. A complete line of Sharp & Dohmes , and The ¥m, S. Merrill Chemical Co's Pharmaceuticals. Agency for Poland, Bethesda and White Rock Ozonate Lithia Waters. Clinical Thermometers, Hypodermic Syringes, Surgical Dressings, Chemicals, Vaccine, Antitoxin, Etc. . . . 'PHONE MAIN 1083. 508-510 ST. CLAIR ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. Julius Koebler. Wm. Koebler. I & W, KOEBLER BROS, » ^Funeral Directors and Embalmers,* « 42J Woodland Ave., opp Irving St. BELL TEL. MAIN 1386^^^^. Ambulance and Invalid Carriage Service. P. S. — We have severed our connection with the Koebler Co. and are now located at the above address. Superfluous Hair, Birthmarks, Moles, Warts and Tumors removed by Electrolysis- (Painless Method.) MISS REESE, facial Electrician and masseuse. «* DR. a. W. KBELER, Chiropodist In attendance. 53 EUCLID AVENUE, STANDARD OIL BLOCK. LANE'S PHARMACY, Cor. Euclid and Willson avenues. Established 1875. ■ Telephone East 330, 202 NURSES, CLEVELAND. iJ& *s &.. St/ *\ 4 *♦/ 203 & Female Nurses* *£ GRADUATED. NOTE :— The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows: 1st, Name ; 2d, Hospital and Year of Gradu- ation, or Number of Years of Experience ; 3d, Residence and Telephone. NOTE : The Telephone Numbers in this Book are as nearly up to the Date of Publication as possi- ble ; but, on account of the constant changes in Telephone Numbers, it is advisable to verify each Number by consulting the latest Tele- phone Directory. Affleck Miss Minnie, Kingston (Can) Gen Hosp, '98. Asst nurse Lake- side Hosp, tel M 1539 Alexander Miss Anna Scott, Woman's Hosp, Chicago, '94. 1503 E Madison av, tel E 88 Ambrose Mis- Mary J, Grace Hosp, Detroit. 347 Sibley, tel E 785 Anderson Miss Bessie C, City Hosp, Hamilton, Ont, '94. 554 E Prospect, tel D 228 Andrews Miss Delia M, Clev City Hosp, '98. Nurse same, tel M 26 Anschuts Miss Fannie, Clev State Hosp, '98. Attndt same, tel M 1076 Anson Miss Hattie R, Lying-in Hosp, Phila, '91. 2023 St Clair, tel E936-J Arnold Miss Lillie J, Bellevue Hosp, NY, '96. 66 Jennings av, tel M 2726-L Arthur Miss Kittie, Hartford (Conn) Hosp, '96. 554 E Prospect, tel D 228 Aves Miss Elizabeth J, Huron St Hosp, '93. 526 Prospect, lei M 643 B Bacon Miss Helen H, Maternity Home, Clev, '94. 64 Alanson Ball Miss Mae A, Huron St Hosp, '96. 573 Norwood av Balzhiser Miss Emma M. Huron St Hosp, '97. 528 Prospect, tel M 643 Bassett Miss Olive D, removed to Scio, O Baum Miss Katherine, Lakeside Hosp, '90. 1000 Prospect, tel E 660 Beane Miss Lola M, removed to Newark, N J Beck Miss Eliza J, St Clair Hosp, '97. 972 E Madison av, tel D 250-T Bell Mrs Belle M, left city Benskin Miss Frances S, Lakeside Hosp, '90. 1000 Prospect, tel E 660 204 Female Nurses, Graduated — Continued, Benson Miss Belle, City Hosp, Hamilton, Ont, '95. 554 E Prospect. tel D 228 Benson Miss Ella, Clev Gen Hosp, '97. 554 E Prospect, tel D 228 Berkie Mrs Fred, Dr Baruch's Hydriatic Inst, N Y, '92. 51 Windsor av (also Masseuse) Bever Miss Helen M, Huron St Hosp, '98. 56 Merchant av, tel M 1995-L Birch Mrs Flora B Mersereau, see Glenville, O Bitterman Miss Alfaretta, Lakeside Hosp, '93. 66 Jennings av, tel M 2726-L Blakeslee Dr Emily, removed to Sandusky, O Bonar Miss Lillian A, St Clair Hosp, '94. 120 Whitney av Bowman Miss Alice, removed to Wilmington, Del Brandau Miss Katherine. Huron St Hosp, '94. 526 Prospect, tel M 643 Brigham Miss Clara C, Rhode Isld Hosp, Providence, '96. 7 Birming- ham bldg, telE 479 Brown Miss Jessie, removed to Erie, Pa Brown Miss Olive, Roosevelt Hosp, NY, '98. Asst nurse Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Brown Miss Rose, Lakeside Hosp, '91. 1000 Prospect, tel E 660 Brush Miss Julia M, Huron St Hosp, '92. 1494 Cedar av, tel D 225 Bunce Miss Ida M, Huron St Hosp, '97. 526 Prospect, tel M 643 Burbank Miss Cora, Clev State Hosp, '98. Attndnt same, tel M 1076 Bushev Miss Lucy May, Huron St Hosp, '97. Asst nurse Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Casterline Miss M Louisa, Huron St Hosp, '95. 164 Oakdale, tel D 227- J Chatfield Miss Clara, removed to Sharon, O Chisholm Miss Annie G, St Luke's Hosp, N Y, '93. 228 Bell av, tel D 65 Christie Miss Jessie, Toronto Gen Hosp, '95. Ward head nurse Lake- side Hosp, tel M 1539 Clemans Miss Emma A, removed to North Dover, O Cleugh Miss Sophia M, Kingston (Can) Gen Hosp, '97. 104 Olive, tel E 1226-J Cleveland, Miss S Hattie, see Glenville, O Cline Miss Sadie J, Canfield Sanitm, '98. Nurse same, tel D 98-L Cole Miss R E, removed to New Haven, Conn Comfort Mrs Anna E, Erie Co Hosp, Buffalo, '97. 874 Scranton av, tel M 2472 Conard Miss Salome, removed to Hillsboro, O Cope Miss Mercy, Lakeside Hosp, '95. 66 Jennings av, tel M 2726-L (not nursing) Cousins Miss Jennie, Huron St Hosp, '91. 554 E Prospect, tel D 228 Cox Miss L May, Lakeside Hosp, '93. De Klyn blk, tel E 1005-J D Dain Miss Jennie, removed to Pottstown, Pa Davenport Miss Minnie, Queen's Hosp, Birmingham, Eng. '73. 874 Scranton av, res 910 same, tel M 2472 Dean Mrs Anna, Clev State Hosp, '94. Attndnt same, tel M l07t> De Celle Miss Genevieve, Clev Gen Hosp, '97. 19 Kenmore, tel E L82 De Celle Miss Josephine, Clev Gen Hosp, '99. 49 Kenmore. tel E (32 Decker Miss Mattie M, Clev Gen Hosp, '97. 268 Woodland .lv.tel M Dorsett Miss Lillian D, Huron St Hosp, >98. 626 Prospect, tel M 648 Doverspike Miss Effie l>, Huron St Hosp, »98, 628 Prospect, tel M 643 Dutcher Miss M Constance, married and removed to Manila, P 1 Female Nurses, Graduated— Continued. Elliot Mrs Frances, Women's and Children's Hosp, '90. 347 Sibley, tel E 785. Ellis Miss Flora L, Huron St Hosp, '98. 526 Prospect, tel M 648 Ellsworth Miss Alice, married and retired Farley Miss Tina B, City Hosp, Cinti, '94. 16 Birmingham bldg, tels E 25, E 355 Ferguson Mrs Anna B, Clev State Hosp, '95. 105 Fourth av Ferguson Miss Dora, removed to Allegheny, Pa Ferguson Miss Laura E, Harper Hosp, Detroit, '98. Head nurse Lake- side Hosp Dispensary, tel M 1539 Flaws Miss Elizabeth, Toronto Gen Hosp, '95. Ward head nurse Lake- side Hosp, tel M 1539 Folsom Miss Sophie, Clev City Hosp, '98. Nurse same, tel M 26 Foos Miss Alice K, Huron St Hosp, '99. Nurse same, tels M 677, H 763 Franey Miss Elizabeth, removed to Detroit, Mich Fritz Miss Martha M, St Luke's Hosp, Denver, Colo, '96. 131 Hunting- ton, tel M 877-J Gandier Miss Annie, Kingston (Can) Gen Hosp, '97. Asst nurse Lake- side Hosp, tel M 1539 Gardner Miss Rose, C'nti Hosp, '95. 17 Birmingham bldg, tel E 25 Gav Miss Lottie, Huron St Hosp, '97 236 Union, tel M 2665 Gill Miss Ruth E, Grace Hosp, Detroit, '96. 1000 Prospect, tel E 660 Gladwin Miss Anna C, Huron St Hosp, '95. 164 Oakdale, tel D 227- J Gleason Miss Minnie, Clev State Hosp, '94. 347 Sibley, tel E 785 Glendenning Mrs. Eliza M, Mich Med Coll, '82. 275 Central av Gosney Miss Harriet, Clev State Hosp, '96. Attndt same, tel M 1076 Griffiths Miss Alice L, removed to Austin, Pa Grimes Miss Nellie B, 111 Trg Schl, Chicago, '97. 279 Huntington H Hall Mrs Catherine, Ohio Hosp for Women and Children, Cinti, '88. 15 Gale, tel D 130 Haller Miss Catherine, Maternity Home, '96. Matron 26 Streator av, tel D 98-L Hamilton Miss Florence, removed to Windsor, Ontario Hazel Mrs Llewellyn (Lou), Clev State Hosp, '97. Attndt same, tel M 1076 Henderson Miss Annie, Women's and Children's Hosp, '90. 61 Church Henderson Miss Jessie, Lakeside Hosp, '93. 347 Sibley, tel E 785 Henry Miss Katherine, Women's and Children's Hosp, '94. 1000 Pros- pect, tel E 660 Heriot Mi = s Mary W, Johns Hopkins Hosp, Ealto, '94. 283 Huntington Hertz Mrs Eliza F, Huron St Hosp, '91. 421 Central av, tel M 1199 Hester Miss Alice M, Wooster Hosp, '87. 97 Chestnut Hilbish Miss Dorothy, Pottstown (Pa) Gen Hosp, '97. Ward head nurse Lakeside Hoso, tel M 1539 206 Female Nurses, Graduated — Continued. Hirschberg Miss Elizabeth M L, Harper Hosp, Detroit, '97. 1400 Detroit, tel W 534-J Hoenig Miss Bertha M, Huron St Hosp, '97. 528 Prospect, tel M 643 Horner Miss Florence, Clev State Hosp, '98. Attndt same, tel M 1070 Horrocks Miss Ellen, see Glenville, O Humphrey Miss Edith M, London (Ont) Hosp, '97. 131 Huntington, tel M 877-J Hunter Mrs Elizabeth H, Rhode Isld Hosp, Providence, '95. 1273 Euclid av, tel E 479 Irvine Miss Florence L, Clev City Hosp, '98. 1097 E Madison av, tel D 330- L J Jackson Miss Annie C B, Woman's Presbytn Hosp, N Y, '98. 349 Marcy av Jesson Miss Angeline, St Clair Hosp, '99. 23 Ansel av, tel E 960-L Johns Miss Lizzie, Huron St Hosp, '88. 526 Prospect, tel M 643 Johnson Miss Bertha, removed to Burghill, O Johnson Miss Gertrude S, in Canada Johnston Miss Annie McAdam, Huron St Hosp, '89. 1299 Euclid av, tels E25 and E988 Johnston Miss Isabelle G, left city Johnston Miss Mary E, Clev Gen Hosp, '96. 268 Woodland av, tel M 1362 K Kavanaugh Miss Mary, Huron St Hosp, '91. St Alexis' Hosp, tel M 1001, res 249 Taylor, tel W 372 Kearney Miss Kathleen, St Clair Hosp, '93. 596 Detroit Keifer Miss Emma, Maternity Hosp, '68. 347 Sibley, tel E 785 Kennon Miss Helen, Clev State Hosp, '95. Attndnt female insane dept. City Infirm, tel M 26 Kerr Mrs Mary P, Huron St Hosp, '98. 526 Prospect, tel M R43 Kirby Miss Aida, Women's and Children's Hosp, '94. 554 E Prospect, tel D 228 Kirkpatrick Miss Caroline, Middlesex Hosp, London, Eng, '84. Sopt Clev City Hosp, tel M 26 XITSON MISS MARY E, Women's and Children's Hosp, Clev, S3. 610 Lake View Flats, Summit and Ontario. Tel Main 594 Koebler Mrs Wm (nee Miss L DeArmand), retired Lamb Mrs Kathryne, Clev City Hosp, '98. Nurse asme, tel M 36 Langworthy Miss Martha, Erie Co Hosp, Buffalo, "97. Night nurse Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1§39 Larimer Mrs Ianthe, Lakeside Hosp, '95. Housekpr 66 Jennings »v, tel M 2726- L Latimer Miss J Hattie, City Hosp, Cinti, '95. 1278 Euclid av. tel K 17" Lau Miss Mamie G, St Clair Hosp, '96. 21 Hack man, tel K B58 Laughlin Miss Anna, removed to Conneaut, () 2 07 Female Nurses, Graduated — Continued. Laughren Miss Elizabeth M, Buffalo Gen Hosp, '89. 347 Sibley, tel E 785* Lee Miss Anna, Huron St Hosp, '98. 888 Doan, tel D 418- J Lewis Miss Elizabeth M, Lakeside Hosp, '93. DeKlyn blk, tel E 1005- J Lewis Miss H Louise, removed to Baltimore, Md Lewis Miss Mary A, Clev City Hosp, '98. Nurse same, tel M 26 Lewis Miss Viola Virginia, Buffalo Gen Hosp, '87. 40 The Croxden, 977 Prospect, tel E 676 Lloyd Miss Jessie E, Huron St Hosp, '98. 526 Prospect, tel M 643 Luttrell Miss Nina, Md Gen Hosp, Balto, '97. Ward head nurse Lake- side Hosp, tel M 1539 Lyman Miss Nellie, Lakeside Hosp, '95. 66 Jennings av, tel M 2726-L M McCann Miss Elizabeth J, Mercy Hosp, Pittsbg, '95. Night nurse Lake- side Hosp, tel M 1539 McClellan Miss Emeline, Rhode Isld Hosp, Providence, '94. 17 Birm- ingham bldg, tel E 479 McCoy Miss Elizabeth, Huron St Hosp, '93. 526 Prospect, tel M 643 McDermid Miss Jean H, Harper Hosp, Detroit, '97. Op room head nurse Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 McDermid Miss Margaret, removed to Detroit, Mich McDonald Miss Margaret S, Buffalo Gen Hosp, '97. Night nurse Lake- side Hosp, tel M 1539 McEwan Miss Frances, Montreal Gen Hosp, '96. Asst nurse Lakeside Hosp, tel M ]539 McGarvin Miss Martha M, Clev Gen Hosp, '98. 26 The Champ, tel E 567 McGregor Mrs Jean G, Huron St Hosp, '88. 1299 Euclid av, tels E 25 and E 988 Mclntyre Miss Agness, N Y City Trg Schl, '94. 29 Guernsey, tel W 320= McKee Mrs Lura M, Huron St Hosp, '99. 528 Prospect, tel M 643 McLeod Miss Agnes E, Huron St Hosp, '94. 169 Florence/tel E 994-L McLeod Mrs Cora, Huron St Hosp, '97. 528 Prospect, tel M 643 McLeod Miss' Margaret, removed to Halifax, Nova Scotia McMillan Miss M Helena, 111 Trg Schl, Chicago, V.4. Prin trg schl and supt nurses, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 540 McNelly Miss Jean. Mercy Hosp, Pittsbg, '97. Night nurse Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 McPherson Miss Catherine, removed to Buffalo, N Y McRill Mrs Grace L, Huron St Hosp, '99. 528 Prospect, tel M 643 Mackay Miss Elizabeth, Harper Hosp, Detroit, '95. Night supvsr Lake- side Hosp, tel M 1539 ' Mackenzie Miss Jessie Ross, Rhode Isld Hosp, Providence, '95. 7 Birm- ingham bldg, tel E 479 Mackey Miss Linden A, Lakeside Hosp, '93. DeKlyn blk, tel E 1005-J Maher Miss Mabel J, Homoeo Hosp, Pitttbg, '92. 2238 Euclid av, tel D21-L P ' *' Mailleue Miss Florence W, Huron St Hosp, '99. 526 Prospect, tel M 643 Mandeville Miss Etta, Lakeside Hosp, '93. Matron Vega av Ho»p, tel W264 Martin Miss Edith H, Montreal Gen Hosp, '96. Housekeeper Lakeside Hosp. tel M 1539 Mathews Miss Lucy, Clev Gen Hosp, "98. 26 The Champ, tel E 567 Matthews Mrs Mary L, Clev Gen Hosp, '96. 268 Woodland av, tel M 1362 Mead Miss MaryJ, Huron St Hosp, '96. 1214 Curtis av, tel E 845-J 208 Female Nurses, Graduated — Continued. Meisterfeld Miss ClaraE , Huron §t Hosp, '99. 554 E Prospect, tel D 228 Meyer Miss Helen H, Lakeside Hosp, '94. DeKlyn blk, tel E 1005- J Meyer Miss Mary L, Lakeside Hosp, '92. DeKlyn blk, tel E 1005- J (also Masseuse) Milburn Miss Maud, Lakeside Hosp, '95. 347 Sibley, tel E 785 Miller Miss Mayme M, St Clair Hosp, '98. 14 Sawtell av extn, tel E 580 Miller Mrs S Relinda, Lakeside Hosp, ,'90. 371 Euclid av, tel M 1315 Mills Miss Metta Z, Huron St Hosp, '99. 7 Cobden ct Milnee Miss M Louise, Mass Gen Hosp, Boston, '91. 815 Case av, tel E E 1184-J (also Masseuse) Mitchell Miss Janet, removed to Detroit, Mich Modroo Miss Amelia, Huron St Hosp, '96. Hosp matron Jewish Orphan Asylum, tel E 196, res 112 Sawtell av Moneysmith Miss Mabel, Clev Gen Hosp, 95. 933^ Woodland av, tel E 580 Morgan Miss Rachel C, Clev State Hosp, '93; Lakeside Hosp, '95. 1000 Prospect, tel E 660 Moseley Miss Hattie C, Maternity Hosp, Clev, '94; Univ Hosp, Ann Arbor, '96. 347 Sibley, tel E 785. Murphy Miss Katherine, Clev Gen Hosp, '97. 406 The Ellington, tel M 1255 Murphy Miss Mary C, Huron St Hosp, '90. 406 The Ellington, tel M 1255 N Neilson Miss Jessie M, Clev Gen Hosp, '97. 554 E Prospect, tel D 228 Nicely Mrs Ellen D, Huron St Hosp, '96. 554 E Prospect, tel D 228 Noake Miss Bessie, Lakeside Hosp, '88. 220 Streator av, tel D 112-J Noake Miss Joanna E, Lakeside Hosp, '93. 66 Jennings av, tel M 2726-L Norton Miss Emma, Huron St Hosp, '92. 528 Prospect, tel M 643 O Ockenden Miss Margaret, City Hosp, Boston, '98. 347 Sibley, tel E 785 Oglesbee Miss S Lou, Huron St Hosp, '94. 526 Prospect, tel M 643 Oothout Miss Augusta, removed to New York city O'Reilly Miss Ella, Huron St Hosp, '86. 144 Perry, tel M 3066-M Orr Miss Mary, removed to New York City Overholt Miss Ida E, Huron St Hosp, '96, 526 Prospect, tel M 643 Palmer Mrs Sarah, Clev State Hosp, '97. Attndnt same, tel M 1076 Parsons Miss Alice A, Pittsbgh Trg Schl,'91. 405 Franklin av, tel W 565- F Parsons Miss Mildred, Clev State Hosp, '96. Attndnt same, tel M 1076 Parsons Miss Viola, Lakeside Hosp, '94. 1000 Prospect, tel E 660 Patterson Miss Bettye D, Sanitm, Evansville, Ind, '98. 874 Scranton av, tel M 2472 Peck Miss Mary A, Huron St Hosp, »94. 517 Prospect, tel M 1208 Penfield Miss Anna, Mass Gen Hosp, Boston, *98; Boston Lying-in Hosp, '94. DeKlyn blk, tel E 1005- J Perrine Miss Jennie E, Blockley Hosp, Phila, *88. Op room head nurse Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 209 Female Nurses, Graduated— Continued. Phelan Mrs Olive, Clev State Hosp, '96. Attndnt same, tel M 1076 Porteous Miss Marguerite, removed Praray Miss Clara M, removed to Providence, R I Pressey Miss Clara A, Huron St Hosp, '94. 554 E Prospect, tel D 228 R Reeder Miss Louise, Clev State Hosp, '98. Attndnt same, tel M 1076 Reeve Miss Alice, Clev Gen Hosp, '97. 9 York, tel W 867 Renner Miss Elizabeth, Allegheny (Pa) Gen Hosp, '98. Asst nurse Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Reynolds Mrs Nora, Clev City Hosp, '98. Nurse same, tel M 26 Ricks Miss Nettie M. Freedman's Hosp, Washn, D C, '96. 86 Cory av, tel D 130 KOBB MBS ISABEL HAMPTON, Bellevue Hosp, N Y, '84. Pres Associated Alumnae of Trained Nurses of the United States and Canada. 1342 Euclid av. Tel East 638 Robinson Miss Anna L, Clev Gen Hosp, '99. 80 Sayles, tel D 527-J Roth Miss Margaret. Maternity Hosp, '98. 528 Prospect, tel M 643 Rounds Mrs Julia, Clev State Hosp. '95. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Roushkolb Mrs Jennie, Clev City Hosp, '91. 205 Lake View Flats, tel M594 Ruetenik Miss Lydia, removed to Ft Wayne, Ind Russell Miss Marv, deceased Rvan Miss Mary, Clev State Hosp, '95. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Sampson Miss LindaW, Clev Gen Hosp, '97. 554 E Prospect, tel D 228 Sauerman Miss Ida, removed to Detroit, Mich Savage Miss Mary, removed to Detroit, Mich Schneider Miss Louise M, married and retired Schwartz Miss Elvira A, Lakeside Hosp, '95. 17 Birmingham bldg, tel E479 Seaman Miss Edith, Erie Co Hosp, Buffalo, '96. Night nurse Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Segner Miss Christina, Clev City Hosp, '98. 317 Siblev, tel E 785 Sercombe Miss Emily C, Huron St Hosp, '89. 116 Edgewood pi, tel E 267 Sercombe Miss Rebecca A, removed to Rochester, N Y Seymour Miss Esther, Lynn (Mass] Trg Schl, '98. 762 Logan av, tel D 40 Sihler Miss Minnie A, Montreal Gen Hosp, '97. Asst nurse Lakeside, Hosp, tel M 1539 Siprelle Miss Thelma M, see Lakewood, O. Smith Miss Anna B, Lakeside Hosp, '94. 66 Jennings av, tel M 2726-L Smith Miss Carrie S, Huron St Hosp, '93. 528 Prospect, tel M 643 Smith Miss Jennie, Maternity Home, '96. 758 Hougrh av, tel D 397-L Smith Miss Lucille M, Clev Gen Hosp, '98. 26 The Champ, tel E 567 Smythe Miss E Mande, Gen Hosp, Hamilton, Ont, '94. Supt Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862. Soles Miss Mae, Clev State Hosp, '94. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Sommers Miss Mary L, Germ Hospital, Chicago, '93. 627% Lorain, tel W 373 Spahlinger Miss Ellen C, Clev Gen Hosp, '96. 268 Woodland av, tel M 1362 Spencer Miss Christina, Lakeside Hosp, '95. &^ Jennings av, tel M 2726-L Female Nurses, Graduated — Continued. Spencer Miss E Ella, Clev Gen Hosp, '98. 26 The Champ, tel E 567 Stanley Miss Martha W, New Eng Hosp for Women and Children, Bos- ton, '89. 175 Bell av, tel D 243-J Stephenson Miss Margaret E, Huron St Hosp, '92. 528 Prospect, tel M 643 Stevens Miss Myra L, Maternity Home, '94. 505 The Ellington, tel M 1255 STEVENS MISS SABAH B, Huron St Hosp, '96. Prin Clev Trg Schl for Nurses of Clev Homoeo Hosp. Tels Main 677 and Home 763 Stevenson Miss Rella, St Clair Hosp, '98. 164 Hoadley Stewart Miss Nina B, removed to Pittsburg, Pa Stewart Miss Ruth M, St Clair Hosp, '95. 27 Dunham av, tel E 4 Stokes Miss Alma E, Canfield Sanitm, '98. 66 Jennings av, tel M 2726-1. Stoner Miss Kittie, Clev State Hosp, '98. Attndnt same, tel M 1076 Storer Miss Clara L, Lakeside Hosp, '95. 66 Jennings av, tel M 2726-L Straight Miss Henrietta, removed to Chicago, 111 Strickland Miss Myra, Huron St Hosp, '94. 164 Oakdale, tel D 227-J Stuart Miss Blanche L, Huron St Hosp, '96. 791 Prospect, tel E 622 (also Masseuse) Summers Miss Susie, Lakeside Hosp, '96. 1273 Euclid av, tel E 479 Sunburg Miss Sophia, St Luke's Hosp, N Y, '93. 228 Bell av, tel D 65 Sutherland Miss Lander, Toronto Gen Hosp, '91. Ward head nurse Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Tait Miss Elizabeth, U S Govt Service, Cuba Taylor Mrs Eliza J, Toronto Gen Hosp, '78. 1275 Lexington av Teskey Miss Mary M, removed to Canada Thompson Miss Hallie (now Mrs Dr C B Finefrock), removed to Fremont, O Thompson Miss Helen, removed to Jacksonville, Fla Thrall Mis* Jessica, married and removed to Buffalo, N Y Tims Miss Jessie M, Huron St Hosp, '90. 425 Wade Park av, tel D 389 Turner Miss Ida E, Clev City Hosp, '98. 347 Sibley, tel E 785 u Ubert Miss Margaret, in U S Govt service v Van Etten Mrs Millie, Huron St Hosp, '94. 526 Prospect, tel M 643 Van Hook Miss Harriet I, Huron St Hosp, '93. 1214 Curtis av, tel E S45-J Van Wie Mrs Emma A, Huron St Hosp, '81. 12 Isham ct von Beseler Miss Marie, Huron St Hosp, '88. 238 Bell av, tel D 40 w Walker Miss Fannie, removed to Hillsboro, O Warner Miss Helen, St Clair Hosp, '98. 1417 Pearl, tel M 2018 Weir Miss Catherine E, Lakeside Hosp, >94. 66 Jennings av, tel M 2726-L Whalen Miss Carrie B, Boston City Hosp, >90. " 10(H) Prospect, tel E 660 White Miss Julia E, Clev State Hosp '91; Howard's Sanitm, Cuyahoga Palls, '96. 581 Sibley, tel E 217 Widdecombe Miss Emily, removed to Ann Arbor, Mich Willett Miss Anna M, Huron St Hosp, '94. 128 Forest, tel E 190 Female Nurses, Graduated — Concluded. Williams Mrs Emma, Clev State Hosp, '96. Attndnt same, tel M 1076 Williams Miss Gertrude E, Huron St Hosp, '98. 528 Prospect, tel M 645 Williams Miss Iletta A, Women's and Children's Hosp, '92. 2238 Euclid av, tel D 21-L Williams Miss Myrna B, removed to Wellington, O Wilson Miss Frances, removed to Kingston, Can Winchell Mrs Ida M, Huron St Hosp '99. Nurse same, tels M 677, H 763 Wise Miss Ada, Clev State Hosp, '97. Attndnt same, tel M 1076 Wood Miss Evelyn, 111 Trg Schl, Chicago, '96. Matron 874 Scranton av, tel M 2472 Wright Miss Fanny F, Lakeside Hosp, '96. 66 Jennings av, tel M 2726-L (also Masseuse) Wright Miss Thirza R, Mass Gen Hosp, Boston, '95. 80 Sayles, tel D 527-J Yates Miss Minnie E, Clev Gen Hosp, '9« ; The Champ, tel E 567 Zane Miss Jessie R. Huron St Hosp, '91. 177 Hough av, tel E 813-J 212 FEflALE NURSES— Experienced. Adams Miss Carrie B, 15 years. 97 Rosedale av B Barnum Miss Isabella G, 20 years. 1 Puritan blk Barry Miss Agnes, 2 years. 1747 Detroit, tel W 322 Bartholomew Mrs Martha A, 8 years. 619% Willson av, tel E 829 Batt Miss Helen, removed to Toledo, O Baxter Mrs Minnie, 12 years. 439 Erie Beal Miss Anna M, 10 years. 58 Halsey Beaumont Mrs Louise L, 25 years. 616 Woodland av Bernhardy Mrs Jennie S, ll years. Matron 388 Forest Berry Mrs Susan C, 16 years. 1482% Cedar av, tel D 40 Best Mrs Mary, 18 years. 284 Detroit, tel W 159 Bielitz Miss Mary T C, 17 years. 5 Halle, tel W 214 Bigham Mrs Mary, removed to Toronto, Ont Bihan Miss Beatrice, 3 years. 629 "Willson av (also Masseuse) Billman Mrs E J, removed to Columbus, O Bohm Miss Mary, 7 years. 1532 Lorain, tel W 214 Bonar Mrs Catharine S, 30 years. 120 Whitney av, tel E 852 JBracken Miss Sadie, rmoved to Greenwich, O Bradley Mrs Elizabeth M, 21 years. 1543 Cedar av Brinker Mrs Carrie, 10 years. 1328 Lorain Brooker Mrs Josephine W, 19 years. 1648 Superior, tel E 858 Brooker Mrs Sarah I, 3 years. 52 Gorman Brooks Miss Lida, 4 years. 206 Turney av Bryant Mrs Eliza, 25 years. Rear 33 Newton Burgess Miss Amy E, 1 year. Matron 212 Marcy av, tel D 412-L Burrows Miss Belle, removed to Brooklyn, N Y Butz Miss Wilhelmina, 10 years. Ev Luth Hosp, tel W 385 CAIN MRS LUCY, 30 years. Prop Mrs Cain's Sanitarium, 60 Dela- ware. Tel Main 2325. Private Rooms in Confinement. Attended Lectures 4 years at St Mary's Hosp, Manchester, Eng Cain Miss L Ellen, 3 years. 60 Delaware, tel M 2325 Caldwell Miss Mary, 22 years. 144 Crawford rd, tel D 129-L Cannon Mrs F L, 4 years. 23 Pelton av (also Masseuse) Cannon Mrs Louisa, 15 years. 23 Pelton av Carlton Miss Marie C, 28 years. 66 Perrv (also Masseuse) Carpenter Miss Jennie, 4 years. 600 E Madison av, tel E 808 Chandler Mrs Elizabeth, deceased Cheyney Miss Mary E, 2 years. 1460 St Clair, tel M 1947 Clark Miss Louise, 10 years. 2020 St Clair, tel E 963- J Cleveland Miss Grace, not nursing Clow Mrs Hattie, removed to Lakewood, O Condon Mrs Hulda, 10 years. 4 Dodge ct Cooksey Mrs Eva, 15 years. 9S Bond Cottier Mrs Melvina A, 30 years. 681 W Madison av Covill Mrs Florence, 8 years. 190 Seelye av, tel E 580 (retired Crosier Mrs Jessie L, 6 years. 25 Birch Crowl Mrs Sophronia E, removed to Otsego, Mich 213 Female Nurses, Experienced — Continued. D Danald Mrs Elizabeth, 24 years. 148 Schieley blk, tels E 330 and E 25 Dauber Mrs Eliza, 17 years. 209 McHenry Davis Mrs Julia M, 30 years. Rear 600 Central av Davis Miss Rachel, left city Davis Mrs Sophia E, 14 years. 1000 Prospect, tel E 660 Day Mrs Augusta P, left city Dean Mrs Almira, 14 years. 125 Irvington Dennis Mrs Anna, 20 years, 14 Engel av DENNIS MRS JENNIE, 10 years. 35^ N Perry. Tel Main 26 (2d Precinct Police Station). Specialist in Obstetrics. Experience in Wooster Univ Hosp; also in Dr. Brandenburg's Surgical Institute Dial Mrs Elizabeth J, 10 years. 1847 Lorain, tel W 526-J Dicks Mrs Lois A, 10 years. Matron 760 Willson av, tel E 928-J Donovan Miss Ellen E, 20 years. 645 Woodland Hills av Dorwan Miss Helen M, 2 years. Nurse City Hosp, tel M 26 Doyle Miss Anna G, 2 years. 915 Scranton av Drayton Mrs Azalia M, 20 years. Rear 600 Central av Dreblow Miss Helen, 3 years. 1768 Worley Eberhardt Mrs Sadie J, 12 years. 76 Holyoke pi, tel E 580 Eichenberger Mrs Catherine, 2 years. 2053 Richmond, tel M { Engelcke Mrs Sophia A M, 17 years. 424 Woodland av Ensign Miss Harriet E, removed to Madison, O Exline Miss Esther, 2 years. 842 Willson av, tel E 845-L Fairbrother Miss Caroline, in the East Fall Mrs Alice, 14 years. 75 Stone t^ay Mrs Rebecca, 30 years. 5 Titus av Fischer Miss Estella, 1 year. Vega Av Hosp, tel W 264 Fischer Mrs Mary, 56 years. 45 Carroll FISH MISS RACHEL L, 9 years. 224 Streator av. Tel Doan 112-J Formerly at Wooster Univ and City Hosps Fitzgerald Mrs Mary, 9 years. St Alexis Hosp, tel M 1001, res 132 Gordon av FOSTER MRS LUIjA, removed to Fair Oaks Villa Sanitarium, Cuyahoga Falls, O Foster Miss Rebecca F, married and retired Franklin Mrs Emma, removed to Newburgh, O Franz Mrs Edith V, 7 years. 760 Willson av, tel E 928-J Freeman Miss Harriet (now Mrs H S Day). Not nursing Freeman Miss Marv E. 15 years. 563 Prospect French Mrs Helen M, 5 years. 1576 Detroit, tel W 502 Fry Mrs Margaret, 8 years, 77 Lawn (not nursing) Fuller Mrs Tulia F, 6 years. 39 Fulton Fuller Mrs Lura C. Left city. 2I 4 Female Nurses, Experienced — Continued. Gardner Mrs Maria J, 12 years. 2367 Elmwood. Gaskell Miss Flossie. Married and removed to Buffalo, N Y Gess Mrs Mary. Removed to Ashtabula, O Gillingham Mrs Jennie S, 20 years. 1214 Curtis av, tel E 845- J Glasier Mrs Ellen L, 25 years. 21 Hough pi Goodman Mrs Josephine, 11 years. 72 Humboldt Graham Mrs Charlotte, 14 years, 1373 Cedar av Gray Miss Lizzie, removed to Geneva, O Green Miss Olive S (now Mrs Loomis), 17 years. 132 Mueller av (not nursing) Griffin Miss Nannie, 7 years. Supvsr female dept, Clev State Hosp, tel M1076 Grimm Mrs Rosina, 6 years. 1416 Cedar av, tel D 374 Gustafson Miss Hulda, 6 years. 629 Willson av (also Masseuse) GUTHRIE MISS CAMMILLA, 12 years. 1000 Prospect, tel East 660 H Hackett Mrs Mary, see Wanless-Hackett Hafley Miss Emma A, left city Hall Miss Margaret, 24 years. 29 Guernsey, tel W 320 Hammond Mrs Marriette, 7 years. 35 Gorman Harding Mrs Fanny L, 12 years. 194 Kennard, tel E 277 Harris Mrs Yetta, 7 years. 174 Orange Haver Mrs Agnes, removed to Manitoba, B C Haywood Mrs Florilla, 26 years. 34 Westlake av Heaffv Mrs Alice, married and retired Heil Miss Sophie, 5 years. 627^ Lorain, tel W 373 Henschen Mis* Clara, 20 years. 13 Judd Hewett Miss Mazie, 15 years. The Garlock, tel M 1351 Heyde Miss Martha E, 5 years. 1494 Cedar av, tel D 225 Higley Miss Nettie M, 10 years. 368 St Clair, tel M 293, res 452 Prospect Hillman Miss Theodora A, 15 years. 540 E Prospect Hitchcock Mrs Josephine, 20 years. 30 Craw av (not nursing) Hogan Mrs Mahala E, 10 years. 179 Bridge Hoover Mrs Mary E, 2 years. 157 Lincoln av, tel D 85 Hughes Mrs Sarah, in the South Hutchinson Miss Mary A, left city J Jackson Mrs Rose F, 5 years. 406 The Ellington, tel M 1255 Jarosch Miss Martha H, 7 years. 118 Quincy, tel E 316 John Mrs Amy E, 2 years. 760 Willson av, tel K 928-J Johnston Miss Anna M, 10 years. Maternity Hosp, tel E 73, res 616 Woodland av, tel E 651 Johnstone Mrs Louise, see Glenville, O Judd Mrs Laura A, 10 years. 1314 Willson av K Keefer Miss Sarah, 23 years. 1232 Euclid av, tel E 330 Kern Miss Tilda, 1 yeaV. 629 Willson av (also Masseuse Kibby Mrs Stella A, 15 years. 308 Russell av, tel E 788 2Ig Female Nurses, Experienced — Continued. Kibler Mrs Carrie, 15 years. 299 Huntington Kiel Miss Florence, 6 years. 101 E Prospect Kingsbarv Mrs Juliet A, 5 years. 94 Bertram, tels D 85, E & Kirk Mrs Minnie, matron St Clair Hosp, tel M 2468 Kittelberger Miss Minnie E, married and retired Kley Miss Matilda. Removed to Dunkirk, N Y Knowles Miss May E, 15 years. 35 Wilbur ct (not nursing) Koester Mrs Carrie, 5 years. 982 Woodland av, tel E 450 Koontz Mrs Mary A, 15 years. 284 Bolton av, tel D 106-J Krafft Mrs Ellen, 5 years. 179 Detroit Kucera Miss Magdalena, 8 years. 23 Fowler Kuttler Mrs Mary, 10 years. 1156 Lorain, tel W 458-L Lacey Miss A Eliza, 1 year. 81 Schiely blk, tel E 915-J Landwebr Miss Emma, 15 years. 46 Evergreen. Larimer Mrs Ella M, 5 years. 17 Minnesota Layton Mrs Ann, see Glenville, O Leslie Mrs Sarab J, 10 years. 1812 St Clair (not nursing) Levy Mrs Lena, 3 years. 234 Woodland av Long Miss Minnie, 13 years. 1571 E Madison av Lonyo Mrs Emelie, 30 years. 881 Clark av Lowry Mrs Mary F, 8 years. 30 Randall Lyons Mrs Harriet L, left city M McDonald Mrs Anna L, 7 years. 1067 Lorain, tel W 168 McManus Miss Nettie E, 6 years. 110 Claremont Macdonell Mrs Louisa, 15 years. 479 Doan Maine Mrs Christina, 8 years. 1248 Central av, tel D 32-J Manchester Mrs Ina, 15 years. 59 Swiss, tel M 26 Markley Miss Pearl, removed to Ashland, O Marshall Mrs Lucy E, 10 years. 9 Wilbur ct MAXWELL MISS MARY J, 22 years. 32 Newton. Tel East 544-L Mayberry Mrs Margaret, 4 years, 169 Floreuce, tel E &94-L Meehan Miss Margaret, 4 years. 18 Charles Meeker Mrs Ollie, 15 years. 254 Pearl, tel W 233 Miller Mrs Anna, 15 years. 22 Valley MITCHELL MISS ELIZA. Over 20 years Supt and Matron of the old Lakeside Hospital, deceased. Requiescat in Pace! Monaghan Mrs Josie, 4 years. 600 E Madison av, tel E 808 . Mooncy Mrs Frances T, 4 years. Maternity Hosp, tel E 73, res 16 Sked Moore Mrs Louisa A J, 30 years. 490 Erie Morris Mrs Mathilda E, 35 years. 78 Smithfield Moss Mrs Jennie, 10 years. 760 Willson av, tel E 928-J Mueller Mrs Clara E, 12 years. Matron Evangelical Lutheran Hosp, 136 Franklin av, tel W 385 Mullen Mrs Winifred, 25 years. 55% Fulton 2l6 Female Nurses, Experienced — Continued. N Neely Mrs Sarah, 40 years. 17 Grant Nelson Miss Carrie C, 24 years. 877 Logan av Nelson Mrs Olive F, 4 years. 1450 St Clair, tel M 498 NEWTON MISS GERTRUDE, removed to Fair 'Oaks Villa Sani- tarium, Cuyahoga Falls, O Nichols Miss Harriet, 7 years. 1324 Zoeter av Nichols Miss Viola M, 10 years. 944 Ansel av (also Masseuse) Nierhoff Miss Mary, 10 years. 91 Penn Nutt Mrs Annie, 7 years. 1050 Scovill av O Oakes Miss Florence, 4 years. 700 Willson av, tel E 928-J O'Connor Mrs Mary, 15 years. 74 Robinson av Orr Mrs Emma, 18 years. 802 Sterling av, tel M 1249 O'Toole Mrs Anna, 18 years. 953 St Clair Passig Miss Libertina, 3 years. Eliza Jennings Home, tel AV 151 Patterson Miss Julia, 25 years 19 Alanson Pauli Mrs Johanna, removed to Horst, O Paxton Miss Mary A, 18 years. 67 Dorchester av, tel E 844 Payne Miss Agnes, 20 years. 758 Hough av, tel D 397- L Payne Mrs Alice J, 5 years. 5 Shafer ct, tel E 580 Pennrich Mrs Hattie, 11 years. 45 Birch Peterson Mrs Mary, 3 years. 21 Howe (not nursing) Pettifor Miss Clara D, removed to Chicago, 111 PL ATT MISS DELLA, 5 years. 7 The Holcomb, 550 Payne av Trained at St Vincent's Charity Hosp Prosser Mrs Mary E, 10 years. 213 Taylor R Read Mrs Elizabeth, 15 years. 64 Hantington Rennebaum Miss Minnie. 3 years, 158 Ackley av Reynolds Miss Margaret F, 4 years. 37 Delaware, tel M 2325 Reynolds Miss Minnie A, 20 years. 73 Schiely blk, tel E 330 Rice Mrs Annetta, 6 years. 136 Putnam Richards Miss Violet, 12 years. 617 Bridge, tel W 503 Ritter Mrs Minnie, 14 years. 221 McHenry Robb Miss Fannie M, 25 years. 283 Washington Robinson Mrs Susan E, 35 years. 287 Humboldt. Roemer Miss Elizabeth, 20 years. 1220 Slater (retired) Rumbaugh Miss Susanna, 12 years. 41 Cheshire, tel M 2806-J [ala Masseuse) Sage Mrs Ellen, 19 years. 244 Viaduct Sauer Miss Anna T, 7 years. 20 Dunham pi Sausse Mrs Anna M, 4 years. 28 Beecher Female Nurses, Experienced — Continued. Schewe Miss Helen F, removed to Germany Schindler Mrs Elizabeth, deceased Schneider Miss Eda, 10 years. 669 E Prospect Schumann Mrs Mary, retired Schwartz Mrs Emilia, 30 years. 1756 Pearl Scuttler Miss Mary, removed to Hanging Rock, la Sears Mrs Felicia, 5 years. 81 Gaylord Sekins Mrs Elvira, 18 years. 22 Bazetta, tel W 513 Shaffer Mrs Ada E, 18 years. 121 University Sharpe Miss Laura A, 14 years. 1645 Euclid av, tel E 285 Shea Mrs Julia A, 3 years. 74 Vienna Sheehan Miss Johanna, 10 years. 1000 Euclid av, tel E 120 Siprelle Miss Gertrude, see Lakewood, O Skinner Miss Elgin M, 8 years. 921 S Logan av Smith Miss Emma, removed to Amherst, O Smith Mrs J Hayden, 20 years. Rear 127 Scott Spencer Miss Lilah M, 5 years. 802 Ansel av, tel D 370-L Sperry Miss Jessie, 2 years. City Infirmary, tel M 26, res 66 Lindus Spoerri Miss Hedwig, 1 year. 212 Marcy av, tel D 412-L Springthorpe Miss Grace I, 15 years. 100 Bond, tel M 2423 Sprotberry Mrs Eunice E, 4 years. 2 Moulton Stackhouse Mrs Caroline, 14 years. 21 Creighton Stadler Mrs Christina, 15 years. Matron 1416 Cedar av, tel D 374 Stephenson Mrs Ella, 7 years. 1479 Cedar av, tel D 40 Stevens Mrs Mary E, 13 years. 10 Fair ct STEWART MISS GERTRUDE, 7 years. 1462 Cedar av. TeE Doan 40 Stinson Mrs Kate, 30 years. 616 Detroit Stone Mrs Luna P, removed to Geneva, O Stowe Miss Sadie B, removed to Marion, O Strause Mrs Rebecca M, 50 years. 20l McHenry Sutton Miss Julia A, 20 years. 14 Melrose av S\ lvester Mrs Anna, 20 years. 185% Central av Tisdell Mrs Annie, 10 years. 1563 Cedar av Todd Mrs Harriet S, 9 years. 27 Beaumont Travers Miss Stella, 3 years. 842 Willson av, tel E 845- L Trimpy Miss Cleopha, 18 years. 1006 Clark av (not nursing) v Valerius Miss Mary, 10 years. 17 Plymouth Van Hyning Mrs Jennie, 10 years. 92 Claremont, tel M 1343 (also Phys)> Van Ostrand Miss May, 2 years. 770 Republic Virgien Mrs Julia, 10 years. 1424 Broadway w Wagner Mrs Mary, 3 years. Rear 17 Davenport Walker Mrs Anna, 8 years. 1801 Finney Walker Miss Minnie, 6 years. Evang Luth Hosp, tel W 385 Wanless Mrs Mary Hacket, 13 years. 23 Mariner, tel M 1395 Watermeyer Mrs L C, 11 years. 1533 Cedar av, tel D 275-L 2l8 Female Nurses, Experienced — Concluded. Watkins Miss Emily, 8 years. 440 E Madison av, tel E 943 Webster Mrs Ellen B, 20 years. 10 Hathaway blk, 2795 Superior Weiss Mi»s Jennie, 10 years. 45 Elton Wetmore Mrs Eugenie L, 15 years. 177 Cedar av White Mrs Ellen C, 12 years. 43 William White Miss Mary J, 25 years. 16 Brooker av White Mrs Olivia, removed to Buffalo, N Y WHITMAN MISS CORA A, 8 years. 763 Scranton av. Tel Main 2863-L, Surgical Nursing a Specialty Whitney Mrs Laura A, 8 years. 1460 St Clair, tel M 1947 Widlar Mrs Eva A, 9 years. 43 Steinway av Williams Mrs Anna J, 7 years. 600 E Madison av, tel E 808, res 75 Mor- rison av Williams Miss Matta E, 30 years. 82 Schiely blk, tel E 330 Winfield Mrs Nora, 8 years. 103 Harmon, tel M 982 Winn Miss Kate, removed to California Winter Mrs Mollie, 4 years. 2L4 Woodland av Wise Mrs Amanda L, 1 year. 1214 Curtis av, tel E 845- J W^olf Miss Amelia, 10 years. 326% Erie Wolf Mrs Laura J, 15 years. 1110 Lorain, tel W 320 Wortman Miss Ella E, married and removed to Bedford, O Wyneken Miss Emma D H, 4 years. Evang Luth Hosp, tel W 385 York Mrs Cora, 1 year. Eliza Jennings Home, tel W 151 FEMALE NURSES— Deaconesses. Albert Miss Margaret, Deaconess Hosp, Cinti, '95. 66 Jennings av, tel M 2726-L Broeckel Miss A Katharina, Deaconess Trg Schl, Zurich, Switz, '73. 45 Norwood av Fuhs Miss Bertha, 3 years. German Hosp, tel W 333 Geiser Miss Varina (Fannie), 7 years. Matron 99 Uuiversity Gerber Miss Adele, removed to Chicago, 111 Gerber Miss Marion, in Armenia, Asia Minor Gerber Miss Rose, removed to Berne, Ind Gloor Miss Paulina, 5 years. German Hosp, tel W 333 Hofer Miss Anna, 5 years. German Hosp, tel W 333 Klare Miss Lessetta, 2 years. German Hosp, tel W 333 Klump Miss Mary, 1 year. German Hosp. tel W 833 Knorp Miss Rosalie, 17 years. Matron German Hosp, tel W :;:;;; Koch Miss Eva, 2 years. German Hosp, tel W 333 Krueger Miss Caroline, 3 years. German Hosp, tel W 8;>:> Rothenberger Miss Selina, 1 year. German Hosp, tel W 333 Stuscy Miss Lena, removed to St Louis, Mo Tchumie Miss Ida, 4 years. 99 University Warkentine Miss Margaret, 5 years. 99 University 219 FEMALE NURSES— In Training. Abbott Miss Ada, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Anderson Miss Elizabeth A, Charity Hosp, tel M 298-J Baglev Miss Alice, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Barnes Miss Gertrude L, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Bennett Miss Eva, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Blight Miss Flo, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Bliss Miss Belle, Canfield Sanitm, tel D 98-L Brooks Miss Carrie, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Bussey Miss Myrtle, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Casserle Miss Margaret, Charity Hosp, tel M 298-J Clark Miss Elizabeth B, Huron St Hosp, tels M 677, H 763 Clohesy Miss Isabel, Charity Hosp, tel M 298-J Cook Miss Minnie, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Crawford Miss Edith M, Huron St Hosp, tels M 677, H 763 Dague Miss Lottie M, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Darling Miss Lottie A, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Davidson Miss Mary L, Huron St Hosp, tels M 677, H 763 DeLaney Miss Anna J, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 DeLong Miss Maude, City Hosp, tel M 26 Doerrer Miss Cora A, Huron St Hosp, tels M 677, H 763 Douglass Miss Daisy L, Canfield Sanitm, tel D 98-L Duffy Miss Minnie, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Ehle Miss Nina L, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Ellenwood Miss Lottie, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Engelfried Miss Clara, Vega Av Hosp, tel W 264 Esworthy Miss Essie, Canfield Sanitm, tel D 98-L Fensler Mrs Emma, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Ford Miss Maud, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Foster Miss Margaret, Huron St Hosp, tels M 677, H 763 Frazer Miss Retta, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Garvin Miss Catherine L, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Gates Miss Syna, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Giles Miss Georgia, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Green Miss Grace E, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Gross Miss Elizabeth, Huron St Hosp, tels M 677, H 763 Hackett Miss Lizzie, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Hayden Miss Mary, St Alexis Hosp, tel M 1001 Hellstrom Miss Hilda, Huron St Hosp, tel M 677, H 763 Herrick Miss Ethel, St Clair Hosp. tel M 2468 Hoel Mrs Alice, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Hoppe Miss Bessie, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Horning Miss Anna B, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Howard Miss Minnie, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Hunt Miss Ada M, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Irvin Miss Verna, deceased, Jackson Miss Anna M, City Hosp, tel M 26 Johnston Miss Anna M, Maternity Hosp, tel E 73, res 616 Woodland av, tel E 651 Johnston Miss Elizabeth, Maternity Hosp, tel E 73, res 616 Woodland av, tel E 651 Kimmell Miss Emma A, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Kipen Miss Agnes, St Clair Hosp, tel M 2468 Langlois Miss Marie L. Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Lewis Miss May, City Hosp, tel M 26 Loew Miss Charlotte, St Clair Hosp, tel M 2468 Loyd Mrs Alice E, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 McDowell Miss Elsie, Huron St Hosp, tel M 677, H 763 Merritt Miss May, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Miller Miss Anna H, Charity Hosp, tel M 298-J Mooney Mrs Frances T, Maternity Hosp, tel E 73, res 16 Sked Morley Miss Mary C, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 220 Female Nurses, in Training — Concluded. Morrison Miss Anna, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Morrison Miss Laura, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1075 Morse Miss Georgia, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Mosher Miss Nina JB, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Nash Miss Jennie, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Newton Miss Nellie, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Noakes Miss Marguerite, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Oberdorf Miss Gertrude, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Osborne Miss Mary, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Parker Miss Hattie, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Patmore Miss Zorada, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Pepper Miss Anna, City Hosp, tel M 26 Powell Miss Cora, City Hosp, tel M 26 Pringle Miss Lucy, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Roberts Miss Maggie, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Robertson Miss Mary, City Hosp, tel M 26 Schoner Miss Anna M, Lakeside Hosp, tel M lf39' Schwab Miss Agnes, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Schwartzer Miss Alma, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Shane Miss Sara, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Sheehan Miss Delia M, Huron St Hosp, tels M 677, H 763 Smelser Miss Lulu, Huron St Hosp, tels M 677. H 763 Spencer Miss Laura L, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Sperry Miss Nina, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Starkenberg Miss Alma, Vega av Hosp, tel W 264 Stockwell Miss Hattie M, City Hosp, tel M 26 Stoeltzing Miss Cornelia, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Sumner Miss Clara, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Taylor Mrs Charlotte S, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Trapp Miss Myrtle, City Hosp, tel M 26 Tuttle Miss Edna L, Huron St Hosp, tels M 677, H 763 Urban Miss Clara, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Walker Miss Beatrice, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Walker Miss Jennie, St Clair Hosp, tel M 2468 Walsh Miss Nellie, City Hosp, tel M 26 Weichard Miss Cora M, Huron St Hosp, tels M 677/H 763 Weimann Miss Emma I, Huron St Hosp, tels M 677, H 763 Wheeler Miss Mabel O, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 WhitelawMiss Alice, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Whitman Miss Clara, Charity Hosp, tel M 298-J Wilhelm Miss Rose, Charitv Hosp, tel M 298-J Williams Miss Helen C, Clev Gen Hosp, tel M 2862 Williams Miss May E, Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539 Woodford Miss Nellie. City Hosp, tel M 26 of S Male Nurses* *£ S> GRADUATED. Colloran J Edgar, Battle Creek, Mich, Sanitm, '97. 174 Prospect, tel M 1340, res Chagrin Falls, O (al«o Masseur) Corbett John N, Clev State Hosp, '96. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Dean Edward, Clev State Hosp, '95. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Doolan Augustus, Clev State Hosp, '95, Attendant same, tel M 1076 Fagan Mark, Sir Jamsetjee — Jeejeebhoy Hosp, Caleutta, India, '71. 916 S Logan av Gililand Martin, Clev State Hosp, '97. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Hazel Llewellyn, Clev State Hosp, '97. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Herron Thomas, Clev State Hosp, 1 93. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Johns Wm G, St Clair Hosp, 96. 1739 Cedar av, tel D 817, res 1781 Wor- ley (also Masseur) Joslyn Joseph, Lakeside Hosp, '96. U S Marine Hosp, tel M 580 Mclsaac John, Clev State Hosp, '98. Night watch same, tel M 1076 Palmer Edward, Clev State Hosp, '98. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Patton Thos P, Clev State Hosp, '93. 1623 Woodland Hills av Peters Henry W, Clev State Hosp, '98. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Roberts Albert, Clev State Hosp,' 96. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Roe Geo P, removed. Shamp Carroll, Clev State Hosp, '98. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Siffert James, Clev State Hosp. '98. Supvsr male dept same, tel M 1076 Skeels Err S, Battle Creek (Mich) Sanitm, '89. 705 Hough av, tel D 378- J (also Masseur) Sparks Joseph W, Clev State Hosp, '98. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Stentz John R, Clev State Hosp, '93. Attendant same, tel M 1076 Wagner John A, Clev State Hosp, '95. Attendant some, tel M 1076 Williams Stanley M, Lakeside Hosp, '96. U S Marine Hosp, tel M 580 Zollinger Heinrich, Burger Hosp, Basle, Switz, '83. Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539, res 14 Dodge (also Masseur) MALE NURSES— Experienced. Adams Michael, 6 years. Attndt City Infirm, tel M 26 Askue Arthur P, 20 years. 1248 Detroit, tel W 270 Bean Chas E, 1 year. 55 Clover Caldwell Dean, 14 years. Attndt City Infirm, tel M 26 Crecelius Dr Wm A, removed to Reedtown, O Davidson Wm A, 2 years. Attndt City Infirm, tel M 26 Deamer John E, left city Fairfield' Thos L, 10 years. 13 Vine Gaede John P, removed to Battle Creek, Mich George Thomas H, deceased Hackenburg Forry J, 2 years. 121 Perry Hackenburg Warren E, 1 year. 121 Perry Hagen August, 18 years. 59 Sears, tel W 51 James C E, removed to Tyrone, O Joos Frederick, 5 years. 39 Norwich Kennedy Michael J, 11 years. Lakeside Hosp, tel M 1539, res 722 Lake Ling Armin, 21 years. Head attndt City Infirm, tel M 26, res 22 Wood- bridge av Lockhart Samuel, 4 years. County Jail, tel M 380, res 288 McHenry 222 Male Nurses — Concluded. McElhinny Christooher, 5 years. 73 Bissel McMullen Alfred H, 3 years. 3 Marion pi Millward John, removed to Lisbon, O Van Dyke B G, removed to Cincinnati, O Zetsche Wm H, 1 year. 34 Harbor MALE NURSES— In Training. Baum Charles, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Brown Frank, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 dough Edward, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Davis Charles, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Eberwein Alfred, Clev State Hosp. tel M 1076 Hanson Ward, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Held Martin, St Clair Hosp, tel M 2468 Hoel Charles, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Houghton Hugh, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Houk Frank, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Hughes John, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1876 McClure John, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 McLaughlin Perrv, Clev State Hosp, tel M lo76 -Orpin Edward, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Penn Omer E, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Rakestraw Clark, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Richards Timothy M, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Rife John, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Scott Lewis W, asst supvsr male dept. Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Thompson Gus I, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Van Epps Elmer, Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 NURSES' APARTflENTS. Beckwith Bld Herald Netrefa Mrs Resale, 7 years. 318 Lincoln av Panskv Mrs Anna t 18 years. 114 Sackett Papez Mrs Mary, 13 years. Rear 35 Mead av Parkos Mrs Mary, 36 years. 1331 Clark av Pehotsky Mrs Catherine, 10 years, 53 Hamlet Prochaska Mrs Magdalena, 13 years, 85 Hamm Proeger Mrs Rebecca (formerly Smith), 18 years. 938 Lorain Schaub Mrs Christina, 10 years. 202 Newell Schimkola Mrs Maria, reg, '97. 98 Starkweather av Schmidt Mrs Augusta, 19 years. 99 Ackley av Schultz Mrs Mary. 20 years. 77 Hill Senghas Mrs Elizabeth, 28 years. 117 Seymour av Smith Mrs Rebecca (see Proeger) Stanko Mrs Mary, 18 years. Rear 433 Grand av Stephan Mrs Marie, 24 years. 1 Emmet Sugajska Mrs Zofia, removed to Colorado Svoboda Mrs Mary, 7 years, 11 Goethe. Tbies Mrs Anna, 26 years, 191 Gauge Tonne Mrs Eliza S, 40 years. 120 Florence, tel E 97 Triska Mrs Thekla, 10 years. 1331 Clark av Ullrich Mrs Bertha, 17 years. 126 Piatt Utz Mrs Frances A, 7 years. 104 Petrie Wagner Mrs Sidonia, 6 years. 68 Isabell i Yaglenski Mrs Rosa, 7 Tears. 10 Berg Zima Mrs Marie, 14 years. 164 llosmer 231 GEO. K1EFFER, ...DRUGGIST... West Side Agency H. K. Mulford Co. Diphtheria Antitoxin Serum for Physicians use 621 LORAIN ST., TEL. WEST 373. CLEVELAND, O. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. E. H. Saxton... UNDERTAKING COMPANY, ^ <£ MRS. E. H. SAXTON, PROP. Furnishing Undertakers. 345 Pearl St., CLEVELAND, O. TELEPHONE WEST 145. c fL & roted!*- LABORATORY, S©4 Gordon Ave. - C. A. ARNHOLD, Prop. 232 miscellaneous Business *>>■<• CLEVELAND. 333 Miscellaneous Business* NOTE : — The Telephone Numbers in this Book are as nearly up to the date of Publicatioji as possible ; but on account of the constant changes in Telephone Numbers, it is advis- ble to verify each Number by consulting the latest Telephone Directory. BATHS. DO AN TURKISH BATHS, C P Schmitt, Prop. 238 to 2*2 Erie. Tel Main 2137 TAYLOR WM E, 23 Sheriff, near Euclid av. Tel Home 932 CHEniCALS— manufacturers of McCue Chemical Co, 151 Perry PRESCOTT CHEMICAL CO, THE, 130 Summit. Tel Main 541 CHEMIST— ANALYTICAL. HANNUM BURDETTE G-, 365 Sibley. Tel East 1065-J CHEMIST — Analytical and Consulting. SPENZER JOHN G, M D, Ph D, F C S. 132 Brownell. Tel Main 2315 CH EMIST5— Manufacturing. CENTRAL CHEMICAL CO, 795 Central av. Tel East 329 CHIROPODIST. KEELER GEORGE W, 401 Standard Bldg, 53 Euclid av COFFEE EXTRACT. J-A-M-O-R-I-O, Pure Extract of Coffe<\ Florence Pharmacy, 1768 Superior, cor Willson av. Tel East 871 DEFORniTY APPARATUS AND TRUSSES— ilfr of LE CRAS THOMAS J, The Osborn, 342 Huron. Tels Main 667 and Home 785 DENTAL SUPPLIES. Cleveland Dental Mfg Co, 236 The Arcade, tels M 2967, H 311 Cogswell Dental Supplv Co, 12-Benedict bldg, tels M 54, H 824 Consolidated Dental Mfg Co, AVeyandt & Johnson, agts, 499 Colonial Arcade, tels M 2237, H 230 Douhet Dental Mfg Co, 304 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159 234 0 people suffering with Sciatica, Nervous Debility, Sexual Exhaustion, Sterility. Dys- pepsia, Deafness, Catarrh, Sick Headache, Prolapsus, Impotency, Rheumatism, Con- stipation, Irregularities and many other nervous and chronic diseases. A sure cure from effects of LaGrippe. References from editors, lawyers, doctors, ministers. bankers and business men, Christian men and women all over the land. This is the only controlled scientific Body Battery endorsed by the medical pro- fession, which can be adjusted to all patients and applied to every organ of the bodj to successfully cure disease. Reliable medical prescriptions and advice for EOM1 USE with every appliance. Every battery guaranteed. Address DR. G. F. WEBB & CO. OFFICE NO. 359 THE ARCADE, CLEVELAND, O. 237 Miscellaneous Business — Continued. LABORATORY. C A A REMEDY LABORATORY, C A Arnhold, Prop. 564 Gor- don av L ABORATORY— Medical-Chemical. SPENZER JOHN G, M D, PH D, F C S, 132 Brownell. Tel Main 2345 MEDICAL BOOKS. BLAKISTON'S P SON & CO, Philadelphia, Pa Galbraith Dr W T, 602 New England Bldg MEDICAL REPORTER. Bassett Miss May Louise, 702 Permanent bldg, tels M 1305, H 159, 9:30 a m to 5 p m, res 878 Fairmount, tel D 347 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SUPPLIES. BENTON. MYERS & CO, 111 and 113 Water. Tel Main 406 BLAKISTON'S P SON & CO, Medical Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa Barton D F & Son, 383 Bond, tels M 1959, H 371 Cleveland Faucet Co, 21 Frankfort, tel M 599 CLEVELAND HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS' SUPPLY CO, Dr V H Sturm, Pres. 226 Erie, cor Superior (Ellington Blk). Tels Main 986 and Main 1046. Gen Agcy Luyties Homoeopathic Pharmacy Co, St Louis, Mo Cleveland Pharmacal and Mfg Co, 254 Euclid ave, tel M 1920 C'eveland Saxlactic Truss Co, 244 Euclid ave Cleveland Truss Mfg Co, 576 Ontario Dayton W H, 231 Miles av, tel M 3091-M Deutsch Julius VV, 74 Euclid av, tels M 467, M 2177, H 151 Galbraith Dr W T, 602 New England Bldg H B DRUG CO, 508 and 510 St Clair. Tel Main 1083 Hechler Geo L, 1099 Broadway, tel E 148 Hendricks Surgical Appliance Co, 244 Euclid av Hessler E M Surgical Instrument Co, 52 Public Sq, tel M- 2070 Hessler E M Truss Co, 53 Public Sq, tel M 2070 Hessler H H & Co, 35 The Arcade, tel M 2592 LE CRAS THOMAS J, The Osborn, 342 Huron, Tels Main 667 and Home 785 Mayell & Hopp Co The, 198 Euclidav, tels M 1534, M 1855, H 204 Mickey G H, 9% Woodland av NATIONAL CARBON CO THE, West Madison and Highland avs. Tel West 407 Ripley Co The, 500 The Osborn SCHNOTER J C CO THE, Mfrs of Suspensory Bandages, New York City Strong, Cobb & Co, 112 and 199 Superior, tels M 415, 686, 2399 and 2279 SURGICAL APPLIANCE & TRUSS CO, 10 Colonial Arcade, 114 Euclid av. Tels Main 1560 and Home 873 Ulmer & Hoff, 224 Champlain WEBB DR G F & CO, 359 The Arcade MEDICINES. KERN'S RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIA CURE, 1673 Cedar av 238 tne Prescott Chemical Co, DISINFECTANTS. . . . Formaldehyde. . . 40 per cent. Solution, 35c per lb., in 10 lb. packages. BO Summit St., J> CLEVELAND, O. TELEPHONE MAIN 541. We are RUNNING When YOU are in a HURRY. T fm Cne Cleveland, Painesville and eastern R.R. Company «$» Cbe Jlkron, Bedford and Cleveland R. R. Co. J. C. Mengensdorf, G. P. A., 616 Garfield Bldg.. CLEVELAND. 0. 239 Miscellaneous Business— Concluded. MINERAL WATER. CLAKUS SPRINGS CO, 330 Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 2299 and Home 107 OPTICIANS. CLEVELAND OPTICAL CO, 404 to 406 New England Bldg, 129 Euclid av. Tels Main 211 and Home 811 PHRENOLOGIST. ENGLISH MRS DR VIRGIL P, Author of "The Student's Text- Book on Character Reading." 18 Plymouth SKIASCOPY AND SKIAGRAPHS. GURLEY DR EBER W, 430 Permanent Bldg, 176 Euclid av. Tels Main 1305 and Home 159. Res Tel Glen 71-L. Edison's Latest X-Ray Apparatus SURGICAL INSTRUMENT SHARPENERS. CITY GRINDING CO. Fourth Floor, Erie Bldg, 268 Erie opp Chest- nut. Tel Home 484 SUSPENSORY BANDAGES— Mfrs of. SCHNOTBK J C CO, THE. New York City TRUSS MANUFACTURERS. LeCRAS THOS J, The Osborn, 342 Huron. Tels Main 667 and Home 785 SURGICAL APPLIANCE & TRUSS CO, 110 Colonial Arcade, 114 Euclid av. Tels Main 1560 and Home 873 TURKISH BATHS. DOAN TURKISH BATHS, C P Schmitt, Prop. 238 to 242 Erie. Tel Main 2137 TAYLOR WM E, 28 Sheriff, near Euclid av. Tel Home 932 UNDERTAKERS. BROWN JACOB H, 201 Prospect. Tel Main 416. Tel East 841-J (Residence) KOEBLERJ&W BROS, 421 Woodland av, opp Irving. Tel Main 1386 MATTMUELLER FREDERICK, 102 Pelton av. Tel Main 1793-J SAXTON E H UNDERTAKING CO (Mrs E H Saxton, Prop), 345 Pearl. Tel West 145 240 Street Directory, CLEVELAND. 241 *& Street Directory* oft Of Physicians, Dentists, Druggists, Pharmacists, Nurses, Masseurs, Masseuses and Midwives ; also Hos- pitals, Colleges, Dispensaries, Training Schools, Sanitariums, etc, etc, in Cleveland and Suburbs — arranged according to STREETS ALPHABETICALLY NOTE — The Number preceding the Name is the Street Num- ■ ber— the one following it, the Telephone Number. Both the Office and Residence of Physicians, Masseurs, Masseuses and Nurses are given; only the Office, or Store, of Dentists, Druggists and Pharmacists, unless residing privately. All Pharmacists and Assistants, not otherwise specified, are entered as Clerks. AARON 178 Disbro Dr I W, physician .E 886 ACKLEY AV 99 Schmidt Mrs Augusta, midwife 158 Rennebaum Miss Minnie, nurse ADELBERT II Everett Dr P R, physician (not practg) , ALABAMA 111 Elf ring H J, masseur ALANSON 19 Patterson Miss Julia, nurse , 64 Bacon Miss H H, nurse 212 Phillips Drs W H and K O, physicians .".*.;.". ALUM 113 McCurdy Dr David, physician AriESBURY AV 138 ... Giddings Dr N M, physician, res 253 Spenzer Dr J Gr, Physician-Chemist, Res D 357- J 326 Wood Dr J C, surgeon, res D 191-L S70 Arms Dr C C, physician, res D 48-L 242 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. ANSEL AV 23, Tesson Miss Angeline, nurse E 960-;L 802 Spencer Miss L M, nurse D 370-L 944 Nichols Miss V M, masseuse — nurse ARCHWOOD AV 47 Schmitt J J, druggist, res 71 Glyne Dr J M, dentist — physician, res ARLINGTON 96 Sipher Dr J N, physician, res E 752-L 132 Wilson Dr T P, physician ARTHUR (Brooklyn) nr State rd — Lex Mrs Fransicer, midwife. AUBURN 41 May Mrs Margaretha, midwife AVONDALE AV (Glenville) 129 Cleveland Miss S H, nurse G 63 BANK 76 Beeman Dr E E (Beeman Chemical Co), phys (not practg)— M 2060 BAXTER n s nr, Todd-CHEWBA KADISHA CEMETERY (Jewish) BAZETTA 22 Sekins Mrs Elvira, nurse 100 Lewis Dr J G, physician . BEAUMONT 27 Todd MrsH S, nurse BECKER AV 271 Layton Dr J G, physician E1153-L BEECH n e cor Scovill av— 77/ 66 Sunburg Miss Sophia, nurse D 66 238 von Beseler Miss Marie, nurse D 40 BELMONT 21 Loewenstern Mrs Charlotte, midwife BERG 10 Yaglenski, or Jaglenski, Mrs Rosa, midwife 243 Street Directory, Cleveland — Conii?iued. BERTRAM 94 Kingsbury Mrs J A, nurse D 85, E 88 BIRCH 25 Crosier Mrs J L, nurse 45 Pennrich Mrs Hattie, nurse 214 Scheede L. F, pharmacist, res BISMARCK AV 13 Milles A O E, Health Food Manufacturer 55 Deak Mrs Tereza, midwife BISSELL 73 McElhinny Christopher, nurse BOLIVAR 53 CLEVELAND HOMCEO. MEDICAL COLLEGE M 1337 Rowland Prof J E, physician Good Samaritan Dispensary — see Huron 118 Horwell Dr G H, physician, res BOLTON AV 2 White Dr D K, surgeon, res D 239 275 Humiston Dr W H, surgeon, res D104-J 284 Koontz Mrs M A, nurse D 106- J 357 Brown Dr J F, physician , 405 Stillman Dr G B, druggist-physician, res D 162-L BOND 90 Elliott Dr J B, physician M 1211 Wallace Dr C R, physician 98 Cooksey Mrs Eva, nurse , 100. . Springthorpe Miss G I, nurse M 2423 369 Grosse W F, druggist M 2321, H 219 Jordan C M, clerk , Huttinger A G, clerk 383 Barton D F & Son, surgical supplies M 1959, H 371 BRECKSVILLE RD (Newburgh) ST MARY'S POLISH CEMETERY BRIDGE 148 Stotter Dr Jacob, physician, res W 167 179 Hogan Mrs M E, nurse . 617 Richards Miss Violet, nurse W 503 661 Taylor Dr C A, physician 674 Pearce J O, druggist W 503 Pearce Mrs B L, clerk 732 Mizer Dr T J, physician, res BROAD (Brooklyn) nr Stimson ct — Stickney R E, health officer BROADWAY (Odd) 127 Citron Mrs Rose, midwife 147 Bondy Dr E R, physician M 3004-J 1099 Hechler G L, druggist E 148 Hechler E H, manager 1199 Prochaska Dr O F, physician-pharmacist E 148 1259. . ..PrimmDr Henry, physician, res M 1714-J 1363 Albl Michael, druggist M 1479> Albl F E, manager 1419 Hanson Dr D S, physician M 2081- J 2 44 Street Directory, Cleveland— Continued. 1439 Fowler Dr Edwin, physician 1449 Sykora Dr Joseph, physician 1507 ST ALEXIS HOSPITAL M 1001 Sister Leonarda, Superior Schmoldt Dr F J, house surgeon Simpson Dr A J, house physician Fitzgerald Mrs Mary, nurse Kavanaugh Miss Mary, nurse Hayden Miss Mary, nurse-in-training 1615 Morgan Blk Ramaley Dr M C. dentist M 2639 cor Hamlet — Columbia Bank Bldg. Tarr Dr RT, physician M 2314 1663 Hutch ins on Blk Herold Ladimir, druggist M 1573 Habelsreither Emil, clerk 1829 Hinde Blk Drach G L, druggist M 2842 Votipka F A, clerk 1831 Herbkersman Dr FW, physician M 2842 2417 F\>rrest J T, pharmacist, res 2547-2549 Turney Blk Somerville Dr G H, physician M 197 Foot of McConnell— CALVARY CATHOLIC CEMETERY BROADWAY (Even) 466 Laronge Dr L L, physician, res 1156 Focke Dr G A, physician 1310 Robechek Dr Louis, physician, res 1386 Mund J F. druggist Dvorak Joseph, clerk 1424 Virgien'Mrs Julia, nurse 1464 Albl Dr M A, physician M 139S- T 1500 Schmidt Dr Emil, physician M 1065 1560 Kofron Dr J V, physician, M 1E06 1644 Hechler G L, druggist M 2314 Jedlika J J, manager 1646 Roller DrJ J, physician M 1573 1664 Plent Dr J B, physician M 1573 1666 Parker Dr R W, dentist M 1573 2084 Smigel H A, druggist M 807 Horst J H, manager 2086 Smigel Dr P S, physician. M 807 s w cor Marcelline av — New Campbell Blk 2120 Konrad Dr F S, physician M 8OT 2240 Gleason Dr Almon, physician, res 2260 Handmacher Dr David, physician 2318 Van Stan Blk O r Brien Dr Thos, physician 2354 Forrest Blk James Dr W H, physician M 2197 2358 Aubley Samuel, druggist M 9191 Dresky L W, clerk 2406 Evans E H, pharmacist, res '. 2566 Harkness Opera Blk Armstrong Dr N B, physician 2578 Ruggles R R, druggist M 1507- J Wohlgemuth A II, clerk ' H5 Street Directory, Cleveland— Co ntinued. BROADWAY (Even)— Continued. 2588 Bank Blk Armstrong- DrLS, dentist . Holliday Dr W W, physician M 197 Hudson Dr W S, physician M 197 2590 Aubley Samuel, druggist M 197 Henderson J T, clerk . . . Lustig Jacob, clerk 2606 Bartlett J A , druggist M 936 Gulick G M, clerk 2608 Reicfs Blk Armstrong Dr R A, dentist Gle'.son Dr Almon, physician > McAfee Dr J D, physician 2728 Fuhrmeyer H F, druggist M 125 Chalus Frank, clerk Garvin Dr E C, physician M 125 2758 Deutsch S M, druggist M 1766 Opp Woodland Hills a v— CLEVELAND STATE HOSPITAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL M 1076 Eyman Dr H C, Superintendent, Hobson Dr W S, 4th asst physician, Emrich Dr E L, 1st asst phys, Austin Thomas, steward, Hutchins Dr F C, 2nd asst phys, Robins H C, siorekeeper, Kelly Dr J F, 3rd asst phys, Eyman Mrs H C, matron, Brown C M, pharmacist. Female Attendants: Griffin Miss Nannie, Supervisor Female Department. Anschuts Miss Fannie, Phelan Mrs Olive, BurbankMiss Cora, Reeder Miss Louise, Dean Mrs Anna, Rounds Mrs Julia, Gosney Miss Harriet, Ryan Miss Mary, Hazel Mrs Llewellyn (Lou), Soles Miss Mae, Horner Miss Florence, Stoner Miss Kittie, Palmer Mrs Sarah, Williams Mrs Emma, Parsons Miss Mildred, Wise Miss Ada. Female Attendants in Training: Abbott Miss Ada, Hoel Mrs Alice, Brooks Miss Carrie, Howard Miss Minnie, Bussey Miss Myrtle, Morrison Miss Anna, Cook Miss Minnie, Morrison Miss Laura, Ellenwood Miss Lottie, Newton Miss Nellie, Fensler Mrs Emma, Oberdorf Miss Gertrude, Ford Miss Maud, Shane Miss Sarah, Gates Miss Sina, Sperry Miss Nina. Male Attendants : Siffert James, Supervisor Male Department. Corbett J N, Palmer Edward, Dean Edward, Peters H W, Doolan Augustus, Roberts Albert, Gililand Martin, Shamp Carroll, Hazel Llewellyn, Sparks J W, Herron Thomas, Stentz J R, Mclsaac John, Wagner J A. Male Attendants in Training : Scott L W, Assistant Supervisor Male Department. Baum Charles, Eberwein Alfred, Brown Frank, Hanson Ward, Clough Edward, Hoel Charles, Davis Charles. Houghton Hugh, 246 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. Houk Frank, Penn O E, Hughes John, Rakestraw Clark, McClure John, Richards T M, McLaughlin Perry, Rife John, Orpin Edward, Thompson G I, Van Epps Elmer. BROOKER AV. 16 White Miss M J, nurse 80 Gill A H, pharmacist, res BROWNELL 182 CLEVELAND COLLEGE OP PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS (Med Dept Ohio Wesleyan Univ) M 2345 Spenzer Prof J G, Physician-Chemist Outland Miss G D, assistant to secretary and registrar 136 Ormsby Dr H B, druggist-physician, re's M 2339 BURTON n e cor Clark av— ST MARY'S CATHOLIC CEMETERY CANFIELD n w cor Lake — Lakeside Hospital,Dispensary and Training School — see Lake CARABELLI oppn end— EAST CLEVELAND TOWNSHIP CEMETERY s e cor Euclid av — Lake View Cemetery — see Euclid av _ CARROLL 45 Fischer Mrs Mary, nurse CASE AV 249 Griese Dr J F, physieian M 266- J 415 Capener Dr W H, physician 735 Barton Dr E E, physician, residence 815 Milnee Miss M L, nurse, masseuse E 11S4-J 878 Hamlen Miss M I, masseuse 888 Urann Dr F W physician 1068 Jones Dr G J, physician, residence E 1S4 1124 Meyer Dr A F, physician, residence E 142 Meyer Dr L G, dentist-physician, residence 1200 Loewenthal Dr Moritz, physician E 467-J CEDAR AV (Odd) 15 Wilson Dr G H, physician 39 Hendryx Dr T C, physician 177 Wetmore Mrs E L, nurse fc 861 -.Thompson Drs W H and M P, physicians 389 Martin Dr R H, physician E 743 519 Burdick Dr H J, physician E 318 691 Hallock Dr J C, physician K 1002 Throckmorton Dr Edward, dentist E lOftl 693 Gouvy C H, druggist E 1002 887 Bates Dr C R, physician 979 Bryant Dr D J, physician 993 Campbell Dr O B, physician 1223 Fall J D, druggist 1239 Green Dr A F, physician D 188-L 1289 George Dr M E, physician . 1325 Baker Dr L K, physician P 465 -L n e cor Bolton av — Pur flan Blk Grace Dr Nathaniel, physician. P Wl-J Poussette Dr W O. physician 1 — Barnum Miss I G, nurse HI Street Directory, Cleveland— Continued. 1373 Graham Mrs Charlotte, nurse 1475 Page Dr F D, druggist-physician, residence 1479 Cramer B F, druggist D 40 Cowell Dr W M, physician-pharmacist.. Stephenson Mrs Ella, nurse D 40 1533 Smith Dr E A, physician D 225 Watermeyer Mrs L C, nurse D 275-L 1543 Bradley Mrs E M, nurse 1563 Tisdell Mrs Annie, nurse 1617 Erwin Dr J J, surgeon, res 1673 Weeks Dr John, Physician 1739 Carey Dr M J, druggist-physician D 347 Johns W G, nurse-masseur D 347 CEDAR AV (Even) 36 Gifford Dr W H, physician M 1482 108 Held Dr C E, physician 200 Smithnight Albert, druggist E 423 Meermans J A, clerk 202 Fraser Dr G O, physician E 432 260 Fraser Dr G O, res 392 Robinson G R, druggist E 124 Conway J A clerk 430 Miller F J, druggist E 722 672 Jewitt Dr E H, physician, res E 938- L 890 Burkhart Dr W R, druggist-physician E 602 950 Fraser Dr J M, physician E 139 970 Miles Dr D B, physician, res 1074 LeQuesne Dr D G R, physician, res 1264 Shepardson Dr F E, physician, res D 373 1278 Stedman Dr C A, physician, res. D 94-T 1296 Thorpe Drs S L and Lovina, physicians D 176-*f 1310 Reed Dr A J, dentist D 6o 1314 RileyDr J A, physician D 65 1318 Stillman'Dr G B, druggist-physician. D 65 Carr L O, manager 1326 Page Dr F D, druggist-physician Brown F W, manager 1416 Infants' Best D 374 Stadler Mrs Christina, matron. Grimm Mrs Rosina, nurse 1462 Stewart Miss Gertrude, nurse D 40 1474 Kinnaman Dr C L, physician D 158- T 1482% . . . Berry Mrs S C, nurse D 40 1492 Fox W M, druggist...' ....I) 225 Hawley A K, clerk 1494 The Logan 8— Brush Miss J M, nurse D 225 Heyde Miss M E, nurse D 225 1520 Graham Dr F W, dentist CENTRAL AV (Odd) 185% . . . Sylvester Mrs Anna, nurse 189 Dickerson Dr J C, physician Mottley Dr C I, physician ;... 247 Ormsby Dr H B, druggist-physician M 2339 Smith A E, clerk 275 Glendenning Mrs E M, nurse 421 Hertz Mrs E F, nurse '.'.' . . .M 1199 565 Howard Dr A J M, physician M 3018-J 248 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued '. 637 Berlin Dr W C K, physician E 537 695 Pease Dr R C, physician 795 Haake W H, Druggist E 329 Central Chemical Co E 329 957 Sexton H A & Co (H A Sexton), druggists E 420 Maurer A J, clerk 1053 Mellor Dr Joseph, physician 1567 . . . Pech Mrs Marie, midwife CENTRAL AV (Even) 298 Tuckerman Dr L B, physician M 1198- J 368 SpenzerMissM H, pharmacist-manager. M 97 cor Perry — Charity Hospital, Dispensary and Training School — see Perry 450 Anderson Dr E H, druggist-physician M 1520 452 Kohles Dr Pankratz, physician 532 Nyvall Dr Hjalmar, physician E 208 534 Schlitt H M, druggist : E 208 Lange W E, clerk 600 Davis Mrs J M, nurse Drayton Mrs A M, nurse. 636 Fall J D, druggist E 419 Knopf H C, clerk 778. ... . .Clark Dr Wm, physician E 1038-L 948 Smith Dr W P, dentist. „ 1248 Maine Mrs Christina, nurse D 32- J 1330 Albrecht Joseph, druggist E 636 French Dr J S, physician 1496 Remy Eugene, druggist E 88 Hinst F J, clerk Griffiths Dr T E, physician CHAMPLAIN 221 Ulmer & Hoff, surgical instrument makers CHARLES 18 Meehan Miss Margaret, nurse CHATHAM 90 Vogt Mrs Fredericka, midwife CHESHIRE 41 Rumbaugh Miss Susanna, nurse-masseuse M 2806- J CHESTNUT 5 Thornburgh Dr H T, surgeon M 1528- T 44 The Irving M 1769 Glendinning Dr W B, physician, res 56 Gerhard Dr T S, physician, res (not practising), 57 Totten Dr R O, physician , 97 Hester Miss A M, nurse CHURCH 16 Turner Dr C A, physician, res .W 108- J 61 Henderson Miss Annie, nurse CLAREMONT 92 Beecher E N, pharmacist-author, res Van Hyning Dr Jennie, physician-nurse M 1343 110 McManus Miss N E, nurse 2 49 Slreet Directory, Cleveland — Continued. CLARK AV 664 Champlin Drs H D and H K, phys : cians M 1517-J 698 Pardee Dr "W C, physician 820 Kriedemann Mrs Wilhelmina, midwife 881 Lonyo Mrs Emilie, nurse 907 Friedrich Dr Martin, physician, res, 968 Hausmann Dr Wm, druggist-physician-dentist 972 .... Hendess F C, druggist W 510 1006 Trimpey Miss Cleopha, nurse 1078.... Eiben Mrs Margaretha, midwife. .. . ... .... n ecor Burton— ST MARY'S CATHOLIC CEMETERY 1230 Tinstmann Dr A L, phvsician W 530-J 1255 Siebert Mrs F M, midwife, 1309 Straschil Mrs Emilie, midwife 1331.... Parkos Mrs Mary, midwife Triska Mrs Thekla, midwife 1315 Zickes Otto, druggist W 259 1451 Bejcek Edward, druggist W 509 .... Bejcek Ladislav, clerk 1553 Lehr Philip, druggist W 564 Prechtel Chas, manager Oehlhoff Dr Adam, physician CLARKWOOD AV 65 Foljambe Dr T D, physician, res E 1169- J CLINTON 108 Taylor Dr F C, physician, res W 463-J 116 Gilbert Dr J A, physician, res. 170 Acker Dr F H, dentist-physician 247 Lazier W D, pharmacist, res CLOVER 55. ... . Bean C E, nurse COBDEN CT 7 Mills Miss M Z, nurse COLFAX 235. ...... Hackathorn Mrs Elizabeth, midwife COLLISTER 119 Kouba Mrs Franciska, midwife COLTMAN 44 Purpura Dr G A, physician M 2747, D 487- J CORY AV 86 Ricks Miss N M, nurse D 130 COURTLAND 2 The Court land Kinsey Dr G M, physician W 181- J Orr Dr J E, physician '. Rogers Dr Mabelle, physician, res 23 Ingram Dr J A, druggist-physician, res. 31 Peebles Dr R R, dentist-physician, res 39 Poe Dr A C, physician 74 Henderson Dr S A, physician CRAW AV 30 Hitchcock Mrs Josephine, nurse 2 5 Street Directory, Cleveland — Con tinned. CRAWFORD PL 10 Davis Dr J D, physician-druggist, ret CRAWFORD RD 69 Calhoun Dr S F, physician ! . . .D 185 108 Capener Dr W H, physician, res D 141-J 144 Caldwell Miss Mary, nurse , D 129-1- 243 Sager Dr B E, physician D 64-J 379 Kubach E M & Co (Mrs E M Kubach) druggists D 384 Spenzer E A, clerk CREIGHTON 21. . .'. . .Stackhouse Mrs Caroline, nurse CROTON 73 Biederman Mrs Mary, midwife 124 Svoboda Mrs Veronica, midwife 190 Bubna Dr C W, physician, res CULLISON 16 Roper Dr P B, surgeon, res D 67-1- CUMBERLAND 19 Jakl, or Jaklova, Mrs Anna, midwife CURTIS AV 1214 Nurses' Apartments (Mrs J S Gillingham) E 845-J Mead Miss M J, nurse Van Hook Miss H I, nurse. Wise Mrs A L, nurse DAISY AV 43 Honecker J J, pharmacist, res DAVENPORT rear 17 — Wagner Mrs Mary, nurse DAVIDSON 18 Oehlstrom Wm, masseur DAVIS AV 256 St John Dr E L, physician, res DECKAND 1 Albaugh Dr G A, dentist DELAWARE 37 Reynolds Miss M F, nurse M 2325 60 Cain's Sanitarium Mrs Lucy M 2325 Cain Miss L E, nurse DENISON AV 526 DENISON AV CEMETEtlY 620 White Dr C A, physician M 602-L 677 Farns worth Dr G B, physician, res 2080 Douhet Dr E J, dentist-physician \\ DETROIT (Odd) 179 Krafft Mrs Ellen, nurse 209 Root's Block Stack Dr T R, physician 223 Probeck G J, druggist W Schwarzwaelder Conrad, Clerk.. .... 241 Gidding? Block West Dr G W, surgeon, res. NN 251 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. 381 Fogg DrCL, physician 737 Ingram & Rogers (Dr J A Ingram, A J Rogers), drugs W 501 McDermott C E, clerk Ingram Dr J A, physician 1105 ... Hurst J B, druggist W 144 ... . Whipple H J, clerk 1121 Trego Dr W E, surgeon W 401-L 1135 . ...Yarian Dr N C, physician W 412-J 1191 ST JOHN'S HOSPITAL W 374 Sister Agatha, Superior Weitz Dr G J, house physician 1319 Rogers Dr H W, surgeon, res W 86 1595 West Cleveland Ba?ik Bldg • Linley Dr Thos, physician W 585-J 1747 Industrial Home W 322 ' Barry Miss Agnes, nurse 1783 ELIZA JENNINGS HOME FOE INCURABLES. .W 151 Passig Miss Libertina, nurse, ". . . York Mrs Cora, nurse DETROIT (Even) 224 Keiper Ludwig, bookkeeper-pharm (not pratcg) W 218, W 475 284 Best Mrs Mary, nurse W 159 300 Handrick Dr F A, physician W 193 474 Tielke M G, druggist W 303 McKenzie H H, clerk Ludden Dr J W, physician 546 Husmann Dr D C, druggist-physician, W 542 596 Kearney Miss Kathleen, nurse • 608 Lindsley D C, druggist W 568 Wood F J, clerk , 616 .... Stinson Mrs Kate, nurse 1070 Mueller Dr Otto, physician, res. . . W 473- J 1248 Askue A P, nurse W 270 1330 Davis Dr E F, physician, res ,W 345 1400 Hirschberg Miss E M L, nurse W 534-J 1576 French Mrs H M, nurse 2008-2018— Cook Blk 2010 Oswald Dr B F, physician W 514- J 2016 Wideman Drs H B and E M, physicians W 16- J 2018 Bruggaier H C, druggist . . . W 514- J DETROIT (Lakewood) 2168 Swayer Dr J W, physician-pharm, res nr Lake av--Hobson Dr J F, physician L D McClure Dr A E, physician W 424- J cor Beech— Ellis Dr C D, surgeon, res W 71 DICKERMAN 1590 Clark Dr J R, physician DILLE 14 Tupa Frank, Jr, pharmacist, res DIX 1488 Oakley Dr A F, physician, res (not practg) DOAN 479 Macdonell Mrs Louisa, nurse 489 Noland Dr I N, physician D 368 252 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. 850 Darby Dr J E, physician, res 872 Wilcox Dr A A, dentist, res 888 Lee Miss Anna, nurse I) 418- j 890 Erwin Dr J J, surgeon 974 Galbraith Dr W T, physician, res (not practg) DOAN (Glenville) 457 Noland Dr I N, physician, res D 13-J 600 Hill Dr E W, physician G 13-J 614 Carlisle Dr I C, physician G 52-1. 668 Layton Mrs Ann, nurse, ret DODGE 2 Powell Dr E A, physician M 1141-J 44. ... . .Zollinger Heinrich, masseur-nurse, res 167 Phillips Dr W W, physician, res 168 Kinnicutt Dr W H, physician, res 187 Dow Dr S M, physician 198 The Victoria M 2889 Finck E J, pharmacist, res 9 — Pyle Dr H G, physician, res DODGE CT 4 Condon Mrs Hulda, nurse : DORCHESTER AV 19 Lindsey Dr T D, dentist-physician, res 27 Nelson Dr C F, physician, res E 925-J 67 Paxton Miss M A, nurse E 844 [88 Howard Dr W T, Jr, physician,res E 301- J 94 Beckwith Dr D H, physician, res E 394 DUNHAM AV 27 Stewart Miss R M, nurse E 4 51. . . . . . Bigalke E G, pharmacist, res 124 Radcliffe Dr G C, physician E 735 272 Zantiny W G, druggist E 735 Mitermiler J A, Clerk. . . . Fischer Dr Robt, physician 348 Clark Dr F S, physician, res E 859 350 .... Clapp Dr H T, surgeon, res E 881- J 389 Lane Dr E B, druggist-physician, res 444 Handerson Dr H E, physician E 704-L 455 Wheeler Dr A W, physician E 463- T DUNHAM PL 20 Sauer Miss A T, nurse EAGLE opp e end— ERIE ST CEMETERY EAST riADISON AV 440 Watkins Miss Emily, nurse 1 545 Mellen Dr Bernard, physician E lli'J-1 600 DORCAS INVALIDS' HOME FOR INCURABLES Dunsha Mrs C M, Matron Carpenter Miss Jennie, nurse Monaghan Mrs Josie, nurse Williams Mrs A J, nurse 633 Schneider Dr F W, physician, K 406-L 956 Ehret Dr G A, physician, res D 462- L 972 .... Beck Miss E J, nurse D S60- 1 999 Miller Dr W T, physician, res D SDl-J *53 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. 1057 True Dr C C, physician, res D 59-T 10(36 Burke Dr T A, physician, res D 123- J 1088 .. .Ambler Dr H L, dentist-physician 1097 Irvine Miss F L, nurse D 380-L 1160 Upson Dr H S, physician, res D 457- J Spence Dr H de L, physician, res D 457- J 1503..'!. .Alexander Miss A S, nurse E 88 1571 . Long Miss Minnie, nurse cor Woodland av — Hou*e of Correction (see Woodland av) s e cor Woodland av— ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CEMETERY 1813 Hornburger DrER, physician 1907 Fried Dr A V, physician, res ELMWOOD 2367 Gardner Mrs M J, nurse ELSA PL s e cor Detroit — St 'John's Hospital — see Detroit ELTON 45 Weiss Miss Jennie, nurse EMMET 1 Stephan Mrs Marie, midwife 122 Gerke Mrs Louisa, midwife ENGEL AV 14 Dennis Mrs Anna, nurse ERIE (Odd) n e cor Lake — U S Marine Hospital — see Lake 89 Myers Dr G P, physician s e cor St Clair— WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY, MEDICAL COLLEGE OF M 401 Sollman Dr Torald, physician-pharmacist. McFarland T D, pharmacist-chemist 161 Kinnison Dr I E, physician M 2280 357 Asplin J H, druggist M 948 Jewett G D, clerk 367 Herrick Drs H J, H J, Jr, and F C M 1022 427-433— Utica Blk 427 Emde Bros (C A and Geo), druggists M 1546 431%. . . . Weisenberg Dr S A, physician 435 Hewitt L M, masseur 439 Baxter Mrs Minnie, nurse opp e end Eagle— ERIE ST CEMETERY 553 Bowen Dr H C, physician 579 Smithnight Louis, druggist M 1871 Bohm A E, clerk Zeidler O A, clerk ERIE (Even) 110 Cherdron Carl, druggist M 578 Miller V E, clerk 146 Long H E, druggist ..- M 2280 Cramer M J, clerk 226 Cleveland Homoeopathic Physicians' Supply Co cor Superior— (Dr V H Sturm) M 986-M 1046 228 THE ELLINGTON M 1255 2^.5— Macks Dr Richard, surgeon M 2201-L, M 1255, M 1046 406— Jackson Mrs R F, nurse M 1255 Murphy Miss Katherine, nurse. M 1255 Murphy Miss M C, nurse M 1255 254 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. 505— Stevens Miss M I., nurse M 1255 609— Davidson Dr E M, physician, res M 220] -J 288 to 242— Doan Turkish Baths M 2137 Masseur.- — Dolan Michael, Hewitt L M, Jones J A, Messer E A, Wullschlager Arthur Masseuse — Rapp Mrs A A 244 THE DOAN M 2080 11 — Amidon Dr R S, physician, res 33 — Russell Dr G C, physician, res Cor Vincent— The Morris M 2086 51 — Beeman Dr E E, physician, res (not practg) 268 ERIE BLDG opp Chestnut— 4th Fir— City Grinding Co H 484 276 Sobey Dr J P, Druggist-Physician M 1190 326% Wolf Miss Amelia, nurse 338 Parsons Dr J W, dentist M 1452 490 Moore Mrs LAJ, nurse 566 Klein Mrs Eva, midwife 566% Chudzynski Dr Stanislaw, physician M 982 572 Stotter Dr H B, surgeon M 2445 EUCLID AV (Odd) 19 Rayner Dr F J, dentist 29. BENEDICT BLDG 11— Rust Dr E G, physician. 12— Cogswell Dental Supply Co M 54, H 824 18— Darby Dr J E, physician, Johnson Dr W H, dentist 19— Dewey Dr S B, dentist-physician H 828 20— Albaugh Dr H M, dentist 22— Burket Dr F S, dentist M 3053- J 26— Whitslar Dr "W H, dentist-physician M 45- J 27— Swain Dr E C, dentist. . 28— Lindsey Dr T D, dentist-physician 29 — Sherman Dr H G, physician 31— Coates Dr B O, surgeon M 1027 Large Dr S H, physician 33— Stephan Dr J F, dentist M 1521 34— Robinson Dr J E, dentist 35— Stevens Dr T H, dentist 53 STANDARD BLDG 401— Reese Miss, Facial Electrician, Keeler G "W, Chiropodist 5th fir — King Dr Orion, physician (not practg) M 682 67-77. . THE ARCADE 35 — Hessler H H & Co, surgical supplies M 2593 202— Copeland Dr W H, physician McGuire Dr S B, physician 236— Cleveland Dental Mfg Co M 2967, 11 311 237— Mathews Dr F R, dentist A! 8< 28- J 240 — Crafts Dr A P, physician Russell Dr A N, physician 315— Bigelow Dr A A, dentist 335— Cutler Dr E J, physician 345— Wintrich Dr Carl, physician M 2098 359— Webb DR G F & Co, Electro-Medical Batteries, etc Webb DR G F, Physician 886— Weston Dr H F, physician M 2146 412— Jennings Dr W M, dentist 429— EeQuesne Dr D G R, physician Ml L96 ?5S Street Directory, Cleveland— Continued. EUCLID AV. (Odd)— Continued. 431— Hess Dr JL, surgeon 450— Furlong, Dr M G, dentist 455_Van Doom Dr J W, dentist 484_ Jewitt Dr E H, surgeon M 3 Schneider Dr A B, physician 601— Dorcas Society Rooms 613— Botten Dr H H, dentist 678— Baldinger Dr A F, surgeon. M 2667 814 — Henninges Dr W H, physician-vocal teacher 876 — Kenyon Dr H C, dentist 89 NOTTINGHAM BLDG 5 — Reynolds DrR R, physician 10 — Williams C C, dental parlors Morgan Dr T E, dentist 12— Phillips Dr W A, physician M 1545-L 17 — Brainerd Dr H C, physician 20 — Anderson Dr J C, physician 25— Foshay Dr P M, physician M 1745- J, H 823 26— Ehret Dr G A, physician M 1745-J, H 823 Pension Board No 2 39 — Tungmann Dr J W, dentist ' 121 GARFIELD BLDG 205— Pickett Dr F S, physician M 436 616— Akron, Bedford & Cleveland R R M 2933 Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern RR M 2933 129-131.. NEW ENGLAND BLDG 404— Cleveland Optical Co M 211, H 811 514— Cleveland Journal of Medicine M 912, H 571 Bruner Dr W E, physician Cook Dr J E, physician Spence Dr H L, physician Upson Dr H S, physician 602— Galbraith Dr W T, medical books 909— Law Geo E, Druggist (National Acetylene Gas Co) M 1695 1208— Hulett Dr C M T, physician M 3102 Giddings Dr N M, physician 1213— Arms Dr C C, physician M 1113 1312— Harvey Dr H F, dentist M 737, H 582 1314— Spargur Dr F J, dentist 1315— Siddall DrWA, dentist, M 3032-M, H 572 1316— Wasser Dr G N, dentist M 3032-J, H 572 1412— Owens Dr J R, dentist M 2522, H 603 1414— Brown Dr I W, dentist H 570 Brown Dr A I, physician 1415 — Barnes Dr Henry, dentist-physician M 728- J 143 KING & TJHL BLDG 204— Bishop Dr G E, dentist-physician M 148 Bishop Dr H D, surgeon, • 205— Hurd Dr C E, dentist 155 Churchill A P, druggist. . M 2258, H 684 Frewin F H, clerk 185 HICKOX BLDG 302— Upson Dr G D, surgeon M 1300, H 334 321— Straight Dr H S, physician M 2813, H 810 cor Erie— THE LENNOX > 109 — Wickes Dr H W, surgeon, res cor Muirson— THE STILLMAN M 2025 Wall Dr W R, Jr, surgeon, res 275 Fry Dr R D, surgeon, res , M 1437 256 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. 317 Young Women's Christian Association M 2211 871 Miller Mrs S R, nurse M 1315 425 Parker Dr C B, surgeon M 2549 553 Corlett Dr W T, physician M 1197 1253 Rawlins C M, Druggist E 479 Schlee A W, clerk 1257 QUINBY BLK 1 — Boggs Dr Jessie, physician E 30- J 5— Johnson Drs W G and T B, dentists E 460-L 6— Barclay Dr J T, dentist E 479 Stoner Dr H K, physician 8— Baldwin Dr C R, dentist Waldeck Dr C E, physician 1273. . ... BIRMINGHAM BLDG Nurses Apartments E 25, E 479 1— Kerruish Dr M G, physician E 25 13^— Hazel Dr A W, dentist 3 — Smith Dr G S, physician 4— Rowley Dr T D, dentist 5— Yahrer Dr J M, dentist 7 — Brigham Miss C C, nurse E 479 Mackenzie Miss J R, nurse E 479 8 — Heitmiller Dr G H, physician 16— Farley Miss T B, nurse E 25, E 355 17 — Gardner Miss Rose, nurse E 479 McClellan Miss Emeline, nurse E 479 Schwartz Miss E A, nurse E 479 19— Bretz Dr I S, physician E 25 —Hunter Mrs E H, nurse E 479 —Latimer Miss J H, nurse E 479 — Summers Miss Susie, nurse E 479 1277 Hildreth C B, druggist E 25, E 355 Spangler L C, clerk 1285 Ressler J M, druggist E 926 Douttiel T J, clerk 1295 Felt F D*, pharmacist, res E 131 1299 Johnston Miss A Mc A, nurse E 988, E 25 McGregor Mrs J G, nurse E 988, E 25 n w cor Olive— DE KLYIST BLK Nurses Apartments E 93 Meyer Miss M L, masseuse-nurse E 1005- J Cox Miss M L, nurse Lewis Miss E M, nurse ....'... Mackey Miss L A, nurse Meyer Miss H H, nurse Penfield Miss Anna, nurse 1477 Stephens Dr T A, physician, res E 90 1555 Osborn Dr H W, physician, res E 543 1645 Sharpe Miss L A, nurse E 286 1863 Millikin Dr B L, physician, res D 176-L 2189 Streator Dr W S, physician, ret 2267 Renneckar C E, druggist Dfi Bowman O J, clerk ■ 22673^. • • Uebersax Blk , . . Sawyer Dr Z B, physician 2305 Ferguson J R, druggist D 909 . . .Mac Neil Geo, clerk 2481 Lauder Dr E S, physician, res 257 Street Directory, Cleveland — Co?iti?iued. EUCLID AV. (Odd)— Concluded. 2531 Herrick Dr H B, physician, res D 142-j 2825 . . Mac Laren A L, druggist D 349 opp Carabelli— EAST CLEVELAND TOWNSHIP CEMETERY 2923. . . . .Spence Dr A O, physician (not practg) D 381-J EUCLID AV (Even) 36 Cass E J, pharmacist, clerk M 1055 U. '.'... SAVINGS & TRUST BLDG S— Dellenbaugh Dr Z T, physician 2L— Wilson Dr G H, dentist.,, H 242 30— Dowd Mrs M A, Dentist 31_Goulding Dr G R, dentist 33_Daniels Dr J R, dentist 40 — Cluett Dr Therese, physician 50 STONE'S BLDG 201 — Smith Dr E A, physician — (not practg) 206— Ingersoll Dr J M, physician M 517, H 256 208— Robertson Dr E W, physician 301— Hamm Dr W C, dentist 303— Dowd Dr Frank, dentist H 714 307 — Brockway Dr C L, dentist 403— Keese Dr P H, dentist H 528 74 ... Deutsch J W, druggist M 467, M 2177, H 151 Schambs G M, clerk Sieplein C A, clerk Tarr R H, clerk 76... ..HEARD BLK 1— Buell Dr A C, surgeon M 1361 3— Frey Dr F W, dentist Clark Dr J H, dentist 4— Sipher Dr J N, physician. . M 469, H 452 80 ELDORADO BLDG 2— Turner Dr C A, physician. M 2177, H 723 5— Hurd Dr E B, dentist Throckmorton Dr Edward, dentist Tripp Dr H L, dentist 9-Haldy Dr W O, dentist 100 Barker W J, pharmacist-buyer M 313 Bryant D H, pharmacist-manager 114 COLONIAL ARCADE 10— Surgical Appliance & Truss Co M 1560, H 873 102— Sanders Dr J K, surgeon M 1281 109— Goodsell Dr F E, physician H 217 123— Ohio Dental Laboratory H 322 Stephan W J and Davis C W Drs, dentists 135— Noville Dr Frank, dentist H 206 145 — Robechek Dr Louis, physician.. M 942- J 230— Jackman Dr WT, dentist M3022-T, H 214 232— Baker Dr D F, physician M 2212, H 666 Gleason Dr J R, physician 235— Holden Dr W J, dentist. M 1835, H 227 236— Walker Dr C S, physician 241— Case Dr G B, physician H 222 247— Davidson Dr E M, physician M 1835 251— Steer Dr W F, physician M 942-L 355— Campbell Dr E A, dentist 359— Horton Electric Obtunding Co M 990, H 734 2 5 8 Street Directory, Cleveland— Continued. 362— McKerrall DrWH, dentist H 215 364. .Horton Dr W P, dentist M 990, H 734 Horton Dr W P, Jr, dentist 374 to 376. .Horton Dr Rollin, Dentist H 706 481..Patchin Dr E L, dentist H 231 485. . Judson Dr Horace, physician 488. . Fonda Dr W E, dentist M 2237 493. .Marvin Dr A H, phy-ician M 369 Clark Dr F S, physician Woodbury Dr G F, dentist 495. .Stephens Dr S H, dentist 499. .Consolidated Dental Mfg Co M 2237, H 230 (Weyandt & Johnson) 122 CLARENCE BLDG l_Cleveland Medical Gazette M 348, H 454 Smith Dr C W, physician 4— Miller Dr W T, surgeon M 268, H 460 Stephens Dr J A, physician 9 — Luck Dr H C, physician . . . , 28— Baker Dr A R, physician M976 Dutton Dr C F, physician Shackleton Dr W E, physician 30— Dudgeon & McGannon (Dr F O Dudgeon, Dr F J Mc- Gannon), dentists H 237 31— Euclid Dental Laboratory (Thos Fairfield) H 237 35— Snow Dr L B, physician 52— Sapp Dr J B, dentist H 239 54— Quay Dr G H, physician M 1972, H 234 55— Wood Dr J C, surgeon M 1972, H 234 60— Bogue Dr W M, dentist 65-Clapp Dr H T, surgeon M 2004, H 233 Humiston Dr W H, surgeon Sawyer Dr J P, physician 166 MERCHANTS' BANK BLDG 2— Biggar Drs H F and H F, Jr, surgeons M 231 6— Frost Dr G G, physician M 17S8, H 331 Newton Dr J T, dentist 9— Bell Dr J R, dentist M 2156, H 188 16— Josselyn & Smith (Dr A D Tosselyn, Dr F YV Smith), dentists. . 176 PERMANENT BLDG- M 1305, M 1504, H 159 200— Fry Dr R D, surgeon M 904, H 174 202— Chapman Dr H B, physician M 904, H 174 204— Poole Dr E W, dentist M 904, II 174 207— Lewis Dr J M, physician M 904, H 174 211— Fletcher Dr H M, physician M 904, H 110 Stotter Dr Jacob, physician 212— Scott F G, druggist M 90 1, 11 174 214— Herrick Dr W H, physician M 904, 11 106 216— Foster Dr A M, physician M 904, II 174 228— Eckert Dr G J, physician 230— Norton Dr F B. surgeon M 1805, H L6S Shepar son Dr F E, physician 233— Burke Dr T A, physician M 901, H 174 Long Dr II C, physician. Pension Board No 1 301— Pease Dr E II, dentist M 1806, 11 L68 302-Laubie Dr R \\\ physician M L805, 11 304— Douhet Dental Manufacturing Co M L885, H 159 259 Street Directory, Cleveland— Continued. EUCLID AV. (Even)— Continued. 304 — Douhet Dr E J, dentist-physician 306— Spencer Dr G W, physician M 2999, H 102 Adams Dr E O, physician M 1305, H 159 3H_Sechrist Dr C S, physician M 1305, H 159 312— Heff elfin ger J H, dentist supplies M 1305, H 159 314— Perry Dr A M, physician M 2103, H 159 316-True Dr C C, physician, M 2103, H 159 Carter Dr J T, physician 328— O'Neill Dr M J, physician M 1305, H 159 Stovering Dr F A, surgeon 330— Clarus Spring Co M 2999, H 107 334— Oarroll Mrs Dr J G, Facial Electrician M 3124-F, H 159 404— Myers Dr C G, dentist M 1305, H 159 426— Pyle Dr H G, physician M 1305, H 159 430— Gurley Dr E W, Surgeon M 1305, H 159 432— Horwell Dr G H, physician M 1305, H 580 Stuckenholt Dr W H, physician M 1305, H 580 • 434— Gillen Dr W W, dentist . ...M 1305. H 159 501— Miles Dr D B, physician, M 1305, H 159 502— Stedman Dr C A, physician M 1305, H 15$ 504— McNamara Dr A J, physician M 2427-L, H 159 506— Waite Dr K B, surgeon M 276, H 159' 508— Turrill Dr G E, physician \ . . M 2219-L, H 114 Woodworth Dr J B, physician M2219-L, H114 531— Cummer Dr R J, physician-pharmacist M 2363, H 159 534— Franks Dr C L, dentist M 1305. H 320 600— Ambler Dr H L, dentist-physician ,.M 1305, H 159 605— Ebersole Dr W G, dentist-physician M 1305. H 159 608— Bristol Dr T D, physician M 1301, H 175 620— Eyer Dr Alvin, surgeon M 1159, H 15$ Hendry Dr Wm, physician M 1159, H15$ 626— Van Tress Dr H B, dentist M 1305, H 15$ 630— Chesbro Dr E J, dentist M 1305, H 159 632— Sherick Dr A H, dentist M 1305, H 15$ 701— Dinsmore Dr R A, dentist M 2427- J, H 119 702— Bassett Miss M L, medical reporter M 1305, H 159 704--Rybak Dr J F, dentist ...M 1305, H 159 720— Meredith Dr W G, physician M 1305, H 159 Siemon Dr L E, physician M 1305, H 159 724— Mansfield Dr W A, physician M 1305, H 159 726— Parsons Dr A L, dentist M 3036-L, H 15$ Parsons Dr P O, dentist M 3086-L, H 15$ 198 Mayell & Hopp Co The (L C Hopp), druggists M 1534, M 1855, H 204 Arnold D R, clerk Johnson L E, clerk Meink F W, clerk Pattison C L, clerk » 230 Battle Creek (Mich) Sanitm, Branch M 3163-J Herr Drs A W and I S, physicians Olsen Miss Lizzie, masseuse 244 Cleveland Saxlactic Truss Co Hendricks Surgical Appliance Co Hendricks Dr H W, physician 254 Cleveland Pharmacal & Mfg Co M 1920- Parsons F M, president — Parsons Richard, vice-president 334 Butler Dr C R, dentist-physician 340 Hull Dr Bradley, dentist-physician 26o Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. Huron — The Livingston M 2305 and BakerDr A R, physician, res Brownell Bristol Dr T D, physician res Hewitt Dr W S, physician, res McNamara Dr A J, physician, res 430 The Garlock M 1351 Hewett Miss Mazie, nurse 442 The Stanley M 1379 Gillespie Dr W R, physician, res 446 Herr Drs A W and I S, physicians, res M 2587 Olsen Miss Lizzie, masseuse, res 454 Reinhart Miss Belle, masseuse M 2587 516 Ingersoll Dr J M, physician, res M 2623 568 Cathedral House M 2800- J Nobles Dr N T B, surgeon, res 670 Baldinger Dr A F, surgeon, res M 1092 1000 Sheehan Miss Johanna, nurse E 120 1014 Kerruish Dr M G, physician, res. E 1106- J 1232.. ..SCHIELYBLK cor Willson av — Nurses apartments: 23— Quirk Dr H W, physician E 330 25— Paulin Dr N O, physician E 915- L 73— Reynolds Miss M A, nurse E 330 81— Lacey Miss A E, nurse E 915- J 82— Williams Miss M E, nurse E 330 102— Hofius Miss M E, masseuse E 912 148— Danald Mrs Elizabeth, nurse E 330, E 25 — Wykoff, Dr W C, dentist — Keefer Miss Sarah, nurse E 330 1238 Lane Dr E B, Druggist-Physician E 330 • Furze W S, clerk, Long J C, clerk 1342 Robb Dr Hunter, surgeon E 638 Robb Mrs Isabel Hampton, President Associated Al- umnae, Trained Nurses of U S and Canada 1474 Baxter Dr H H, Physician, res E 482 1824 ChadwickDr L S, physician D 69- J 2088 Mabley Dr H C, physician D 47- J 2128 McMillin Dr Calvin, physician D 445- J 2228 Herrick Dr H B, physician 2238 THE HOWEK-LANGTON 1 —The Hower, Foote Dr C G, physician D 156- J 2 — The Hower, Knox Miss H M, masseuse 3 —The Hower, Price Dr W A, dentist D 156- J 10— The Hower, Meredith Dr W G, physician, res D 21-1 16 — Nurses' apartments D 21-1. Williams Miss I A, nurse Maher Miss M J, nurse 1 —The Langton, McGill Dr JW, dentist 2 — The Langton, Keiser Dr R O, physician 3 — The Langton, Robinson Dr Emily, physician. D 89- J 2794 Cozad's Blk Elliott Dr A S, physician, D 187- J 28023^. . .East End Bank Bid? Hudson Dr H G, dentist Quilliams Dr F F, surgeon D 849 Randall Winthrop, physician 26l Street Directory, Cleveland— Co ?iti?iu ed. EUCLID AV (Even)— Concluded. 2820 .Reynolds F A & Son (F A & H D), druggists I) 205, D 414 Ford W H, clerk . 2822 Bingham Dr C A, physician 2832 LAKE VIEW CEMETERY (Office) D 199-L EUCLID AV (East Cleveland) 2962 Spence Dr A O, physician, res (not practicing) D 381-J 3000 Bingham Dr C A, physician, res D 247-L 3033 Hendry Dr Wm, physician, res D 492-J 3036 Mcllrath Dr M H, physician 3412 Randall Dr Winthrop, physician, res 3421 Reynolds F A. & Son (FA and H D)druggists D 313 3425 Stafford B Ik Lodge Dr E B, dentist G 71- J Rhodes Br E B, surgeon G 71- T 3491 Glass Dr G F, physician G 79- J 3496 Louth Dr C E. physician, res 3809 Chapman Dr H B, physician, res 4035 Follansbee Dr G E, physician, res G 86-L 4045 Perry Dr A M, physician, res G 86-L 4050 Quay Dr G H, surgeon, res G 12- L 4100 Burton Dr F D, physician G 60 4110 Burton Dr E D, physician, ret.. . G 60 EVERGREEN 46 Landwehr Miss Emma, nurse EAST PROSPECT. 101 Kiel Miss Florence, nurse 134 MATERNITY HOSPITAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL E73 Hamilton Dr J K, house physician Stone Mrs E C, matron Nurses in Training: Johnston Miss A M, Johnston Miss Elizabeth, - Mooney Mrs F T. 236 Bruner Dr W E, physician, res 275 Eyer Dr Alvin, surgeon, res E 427- J 454 Schnuerer ] G, druggist. . . E 518 540 HillmanM'iss T A, nurse 554 Towslee Dr L G, physician, res D 22S Nurses Apartments Nurses : Anderson Miss B C, Meisterfeld Miss C E, Arthur Miss Kittie, Neilson Miss J M, Benson Miss Belle, Nicely Mrs ED, Benson Miss Ella, Pressey Miss C A, Cousins Miss Jennie, Sampson Miss L W, Kirby Miss Aida. 631 Waite Dr K B, surgeon, res D 22-L 669 Schneider Miss Ed a, nurse 716 Arnold Dr G D, physician, res EDGEHILL RD (Euclid Heights.) Lincoln Drs Walter R and Wm R, physicians, res D 206-L EDGEWOOD PL 116 Sercombe Miss E C, nurse E 267 262 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. EDWARDS AV 16 Kozar Dr J H, physician E 88 ELDRIDGE AV (Glenville) 28 Venen Dr W J, physician, res 140 Thur.-ton Dr C M, physician, res G 5G-J 144 Birch Mrs ^ B (nee Mersereau) nurse, ret 166 Carr A H, health officer FAIR CT 10 Stevens Mrs M E, nurse FAIRMOUNT n e cor Euclid av — The Brook- Lawn D 297 812 Sapp Dr L W, physician D 87-L 872 Tubman Dr T H. physician 878 Bassett Miss M L, medical reporter, re D 347 900 FAIRMOUNT HOME (Sanitarium) Pressey Dr A J, Medical Director Hoskins W H, Manager FAIRMOUNT PL 3 Johnson O L, pharmacist, res FIFTH AV 37. Blakeslee Dr J D, dentist, res 75 Pickett Dr F S, physician, res 83 Allen Dr F Y, surgeon, res. . FILBERT 22 Davis Dr H L, physician FINNEY 1801 .... Walker Mrs Ann, nurse FIR nr Waverljr av-ANSHE EMETH AND B'NAI ABRAHAM CEMETERIES (Tewish) HUNGARIAN CEMETERY FIRST AV 1148 J aster Dr C O, physician, res FLEET 202 Abels Dr C W, physician M 225*3 222 Czechowski L J, druggist M 2257 Schiely A M, clerk , 438 O'Brien Dr Thos, physician, res FLORENCE 120 Tonne Mrs Eliza 8, midwife K W 169 McLeod Miss A E, nurse E 994-L Mayberry Mrs Margaret, nurse K 994-L FOREST 300 Weidenthal Dr Nathan, physician 388 Louise Nursery Bernhardy Mrs | S, matron. 428 Willett Miss A M\ nurse 263 Street Directory, Cleveland — Co?itinued. FOURTH (formerly Minkon) 12 Zrostlikova Mrs Rozalia, midwife FOURTH AV 73 Dunlany Dr W P, physician, res 105 Ferguson Mrs A B, nurse 116 Van Velsor Dr D J, physician, res 125 Horner Dr J R, physician, res E 1023- J FOWLER 23 Missionary Training School Kucera Miss Magdalena, nurse FRANKFORT 21 Cleveland Faucet Co, surgeons' supplies M 599 24 Stecher Bros (drugs), barber supplies M 1465 n w cor Public sq — County Jail — see Public sq FRANKLIN AV 127 Williams Dr R G, physician W 184 128 PEOPLES' SAVINGS & LOAN BLDG Davis Dr F W, physician W 336 Rogers Dr H W, surgeon W 492 Taylor Dr F C, surgeon W 492 129 Teetzel Dr W McQ, physician W 588-J 136 EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN HOSPITAL W 385 Mueller Mrs C E, matron Butz Miss Wilhelmina, nurse Walker Miss Minnie, nurse Wyneken Miss E D H, nurse 147 Glines G W, druggist W 184 167 Gentsch Dr Chas, physician W 316 172 ClyneDr J G, physician. W 495-L 210 GERMAN HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY AND BE- THESD A DEACONESS HOUSE W 333 Knorp Miss Rosalie, matron Fuhs Miss Bertha Klump Miss Mary Gloor Miss Paulina „ ¥ c ^ c Koch Miss Eva Hofer Miss Anna nlrses Krueger Miss Caroline Klare Miss Lessetta Rothenberger Miss Selina 258 Davis Dr F W, physician, res W 344 259 Van Norman Dr H B, physician, res W 178 261 Wilder Dr D G, physician 270 Cutler Dr E J, physician W 223 278 Hedges Dr A T, physician, res 344 Baker Dr D F, physician, res W 364 349 Dutton Dr C F, physician, res W 253 357^. . . .Hollister Dr G S, physician 364 Ashly Dr C D, physician, ret 377 Kinsey Dr G M, physician, res 383 English G E, druggist W 536 387 Chase Dr F E, surgeon W462-T 405 Parsons Miss A A, nurse ,W 565- F FRANKLIN CT 1 Sihler Dr Christian, physician, res, W 533 FREMONT foot of— HARVARD GROVE CEMETERY near Skinner av— -KENESETH ISRAEL, MOSES EDEL STEIN AND OHEW ZEDEK CEMETERIES (Jewish) west end-AGUDATH ACHIM CEMETERY (Jewish) 264 Street Directory, Cleveland — Conti?iued. FULTON s w cor York (Franklin Circle) The Heyse W 477 27 Wilson Dr N B, physician , 39 Fuller Mrs J F, nurse 45 . . .Toles Dr Louise, physician 55%.. .Mullen Mrs Winifred, nurse. 62 Hornish Dr A B, physician 80..... Phillips C R, druggist W 508 121 Walz Dr F W, physician W 313 137 Gerstacker Michael, druggist W 168 Kadel Peter, clerk GALE 15 Hall Mrs Catherine, nurse D 130 GARDEN 6 McClain Dr A S, physician, res GAUGE 191 Thies Mrs Anna, midwife GAYLORD 81 Sears Mrs Felicia, nurse GEHRING 36 Mock Dr W K, physician, res W 468 GENESEE AV 768 Viets Dr B B, physician, res D 23-L GERTRUDE (Glenville) 38 Stuckenholt Dr W H, physician, res GIDDINGS AV 91 Warren L. V, pharmacist, res 370 Carter Dr J T, physician, res E 932-L 1073 White Dr W H, physician E 1195- T n w cor Woodland av— WOODLAND CEMETERY GLEN PARK PL 3 . Mansfield Dr W A, physician, res 25 Ebersole Dr W G, dentist-physician, res 38 Robertson Dr E W, physician, res 68 Woodworth Dr J B, physician, res D 359- J GOETHE 11 Svoboda Mrs Mary, midwife GOODWALT 40 Smith Dr L J, physician, GORDON AV 132 Fitzgerald Mrs Mary, nurse 440 Lockwood Dr H E, physician \Y 578- 1 564 C A A Remedy Laboratory (C A Arnhold) GORMAN 35 Hammond Mrs Marriette, nurse 52 Brooker Mrs S I, nurse GRACE AV (Lakewood) 32 Witte Dr L II, druggist-physician, res W 7\>-l. GRAND AV 433 rear — Stanko Mrs Mary, midwife 265 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. GRANGER 10 Wagner Dr H G, druggist-physician, res M 777 15 Goodsell Dr F E, physician, res 35 Vogt Dr R R, surgeon GRANT 17 . Neely Mrs Sarah, nurse GREENWOOD 142 Baumeister Mrs Franciska, midwife GROSS 63 Krausz Mrs Anna, midwife GUERNSEY 29 BERACHAH H A VEIsT Peck Miss S O, matron Hall Miss Margaret W 320 Mclntyre Miss Agnes W 320 HACKMAN 21 Lau Miss M G, nurse ..E 353 HAGUE 11 Wullschlager Arthur, masseur, res HALLE 5 BielitzMiss M T C, nurse W 214 HALSEY 58 Beal Miss A M, nurse. HAMBURG 232 Roos Dr John, dentist, res HAMILTON 545 Miller F E, pharmacist, res :......„. HAMLET 53 Pehotsky Mrs Catherine, midwife HAMM 85 Prochaska Mrs Magdalena, midwife HANDY 133 Edvardus Flats 2 — Smith Dr C W, physician, res 141 Wenner Dr R J, physician M 2313 HARBOR 34 Zetsche W H, nurse 44 Schneider Dr Jacob, physician, res W 172 Schneider Dr J H, physician, res W 172 58. ... . .Simpson Dr C M, physician 134 Hintzelmann Dr CLH, physician, res HARKNESS AV 273 Nesbitt Dr W G, physician, res 289 Sherman Dr H G, physician, res D77-J HARMON 103 Winfield Mrs Nora, nurse M 982 HARRISON 31 Hart well Dr S H, physician 266 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. HARVARD 971 OHAVEI EMUNA CEMETERY (Jewish) 134*2 Heyner E G, druggist, res 1519 Hamilton Blk Rosensteel Dr J J, dentist M 197 1631 Jones Dr J D, physician 1641 Miller Dr H M. physician M 936 1850.... .Waldeck Dr C E, physician, res HASTINGS AV (Collamer) cor Highland Terrace — Dewey Dr S B, dentist-physician, res HAWTHORNE AV 32 Brockett Dr A J, physician HAYWARD 10 Frost DrHL, surgeon .E 507 HERALD 158 Muller Mrs Susanna, midwife HIGGINS 52 Paterson Dr Wm, physician, res W 204 -J HILL 31 Smakows-ki Dr Casimir, physician M 982 77 Schultz Mrs Mary, midwife 104 Hrobony Mrs Maria, midwife M 2445 HILLBURN AV 32 Bishop Dr H F, physician, res D 390-J HOADLEY 164 Stevenson Miss Rella, nurse HOLHDEN AV 92 Dennerle Dr D C, dentist-physician, res HOLYOKE PL 12 Hitch Dr F G, dentist, res 76 Eberhardt Mrs S T, nurse HOSMER 164 Zima Mrs Marie, midwife 260 Simpson Dr A J, physician, res HOUGH AV 26 Kerr Dr I J, physician, re? 79 Feil Joseph, secretary Cleveland School of Phaamacy, res . .... 177 Richmond Dr H W, physician, res E 813 J Zane Miss J R, nurse 542 Large Dr S H, physician, res I> 229- L 656 McPeck Dr E E, physician D 667 Covert Dr D H, dentist D46 Thomas Dr J J, surgeon D 46 669 .... Benfield Bros Co. druggists D l\ 691 Foster & Co (C E Foster), druggists E L89 Hellwig E F, clerk 693^....Moran Dr F A, dentist E 189 705 Skeels E S, masseur-nurse D :; 7 S - 1 739 Warner Dr W C, physician D 277 747 .... Pollock Dr Robt, physician D 240 758 Payne Miss* Agnes, nurse.. ... D 597- L Smith Miss Jennie, nurse D 897- 1 1 803 Sobey Dr J P, druggist-physician, i o>. . ... 26* Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. HOUGH PL 21 Glasier Mrs E L, nurse HOWARD 19 Smith Dr C A, physician, res HOWE 21 Peterson Mrs Mary, nurse HUMBOLDT 72 Goodman Mrs Josephine, nurse 287 Robinson Mrs S E, nurse HUNTINGTON 35 Lang Dr C G, physician, res 59 Bauer J M, druggist M 2028 Carr J A, clerk 64 Read Mrs Elizabeth, nurse 131 Fritz Miss M M, nur=e M 877- J Humphrey Miss E M M 877- J 273 Hodgson Dr J W, physician, res 279 Grimes Miss N B, nurse 283 Heriot Miss M W, nurse 299 Kibler Mrs Carrie, nurse HURON 62 GOOD SAMARITAN DISPENSARY AND COLLEGE MUSEUM M 1337 Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College — see Bolivar 66 CLEVELAND HOMCEOPATHIC HOSPITAL (HURON ST HOSP) AND CLEVELAND TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. . . .M 677, H 763 Webber W H, Superintendent Lytle Dr J A, House Physician O'Grady Dr G W, Asst House Physician Stevens Miss S B, Principal Training School Foos Miss A K, nurse Winchell Mrs I M, nurse Nurses-in-Training: Clark Miss E B McDowell Miss Elsie Crawford Miss E M Sheehan Miss D M Davidson Miss M L Smelser Mis Lulu Doerrer Miss C A, Tuttle Mis E L Foster Miss Margaret Weichard Miss C M Gross Miss Elizabeth Weimann Miss E I Hellstrom Miss Hilda 84 Van Velsor Dr D J, physician 321 PYTHIAN TEMPLE (new) 1— RoperDr P B, surgeon J M 2579- J Thurston Dr C M, physician 5— Lewin Dr Berthold, physician M 2722 342 (new) — Le Cras Thos J, Mfr Deformity Apparatus and Trusses M 667, H 785 348 (new) — The Osborn, see Prospect 115 Mintie Dr A E, physician, res 129 The Wyandot M 1803 168 Iddings Dr G S, physician ..M 484 INGLESIDE AV 70 Bishop Dr H D, surgeon, res E 929- J 116 Pomeroy Dr Harlan, physician, res E 809 268 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. IONA 92 Dusanek Mrs Anna, midwife IRVINGTON 125 Dean Mrs Almira, nurse ISABELLA 68 Wagner Mrs Sidonia, midwife ISHAM CT 6 Smith Dr E A, physician, res 12 Van Wie Mrs E A, nurse JAY 27 Carpenter Dr G H, physician, res 28 Decker Dr O C, physician W 367 JEFFERSON 351 Silberling J H, druggist M 2706 Bruehler G H, clerk JENNINGS AV 66 Nurses' Apartments... M 2726-L. Nurses: , J Albert Miss Margaret, Spencer Miss Christina, Arnold Miss L J, Stokes Miss A E, Bitterman Miss Alfaretta, Storer Miss C L, Cope Miss Mercy (not nursing), Weir Miss Catherine, Lyman Miss Nellie, Wright Miss F F, masseuse, Noake Miss Joanna, Larimer Mrs Ianthe, housekeeper. Smith Miss A B, 102 Hart Dr A G, physician M 2726-J 160 Field J W pharmacist, res 166 Nydegger Dr Rudolph, physician M 2675-J 342 Kuder W F, druggist M 2723 Hettinger L C, clerk 350 ZabeVs Blk Bosworth Dr L L, dentist.. M 2723 Cotton Dr C E, surgeon M 2723 361 Shambs Dr J F, physician 375 Lucas Dr V C, physician, res M 2534 381 Schneider Dr A B, physician, res M 2058- T 396 Smith Dr J R, physician M 2705- L 408 Stuart Dr C C, physician M 2940- L 452 Krebs Carl, druggist, res 457 Cotton Dr C E, surgeon, res 530 Knowlton Dr W A, physician M 2714 645 Stoskopf Dr Geo, druggist-physician, res M 80- 1 JEROME AL 14 Vanek Mrs Barbara, midwife JERSEY 82 Clerx Mrs Mary, midwife JOHNSON (Lakewood) cor Brown av — Clow Mrs Hattie, nurse M 608 JONES AV 103 Hopkins Dr G W, physician, res M 8878-1 JUDD 13 Henschen Miss Clara, nurse 269 Street Directory , Cleveland— Continued. KENILWORTH RD (Euclid Heights) Smith Dr G S, physician, res D 300- J KENMORE 31 Woolgar Dr W J W, physician, res D 484-L 49 De Celle Miss Genevieve, nurse E 432 De Celle Miss Josephine, nurse E 432 KENNARD 126 Burdick Dr H J, physician, res 150 Norton Dr F B, surgeon, res K 797 194 Home for Aged Women E 277 Harding Mrs F L, nurse 197 La Vigne Dr A A, physician E 917- J 265 HurdDr GH, Dentist 267 Sanderson E J, druggist E 263 Berger Saml, clerk 434 Gill Dr J C, physician 465 Evans Dr S C, physician E 1029-L KENSINGTON 158 Bunts Dr F E, surgeon, res E 696-J 183 Sawyer Dr J P, physician, res E 1033- J KENWOOD 24 Baird Dr R G, surgeon, res , E 781 KINSriAN 54 Fry Dr J M, physician E 65 73 Arbuckle Dr G W, surgeon E 525 99 Combes Dr M L, physician, res 132 .... Cutter Dr C S, physician, res 156 . . . Barr Dr F H, physician, res 317 ... Horr Dr W H, physician, res.. .,- .E689-J 535 Bechberger Henry, druggist '. E 46 Rissmann A I>, clerk 543 Evans Dr S W, physician E 46 553 Kinsman Hospital E 839 Baker Dr Cornelius, physician 574 Lickes Drug Co E 1194 Rosenfelder A W, manager LAKE 230 Primm Dr Henry, physician M 1632-L 310-312. . THE MORGUE M 430 Simon Dr J C, coroner. West Dr G W, deputy coroner 371 US MARINE HOS PIT AL M 580 cor Wickes Dr H W, assistant surgeonM H S, in command Erie Manchester Dr W C, resident physician Woolgar Dr W J W, resident physician Richardson S W, pharmacist, hospital ste ward Joslyn Joseph, nurse Williams S M, nurse cor Muirson— DISPENSARY OP WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY AND LAKESIDE HOSPITAL M 540, M 1539 Knowles J S, superintendent Woolgar Dr W J W, clerk. Richmond E A, pharmacist 270 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. bet Muirson and Canfield— LAKESIDE HOSPITAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES M 540, M 1530 Moorehouse Dr W G, res phys Briggs Dr C E, res surg Season Dr E H, 1st asst phys Doolittle Dr W F, 1st asst surg Phillips Dr W W, 2nd asst phys Warner Dr O N. 2nd asst surg Lull C, Jr, externe Weir Dr W H, resident gynecologist Rhu Dr H S, 1st assistant gynecologist Cunningham A R, 2nd assistant gynecologist Williams C D, externe Howard Dr W T, Jr, pathologist Perkins Dr R G, resident pathologist Knowles J S, superintendent McMillan Miss M H, principal training school and supt nurses Martin Miss E H, housekeeper Coddington J R, steward Richmond E A, pharmacist Mackay Miss Elizabeth, night supervisor Ward Head Nurses: • Christie Miss Jessie Hilbish Miss Dorothy- Ferguson Miss L E Luttrell Miss Nina Flaws Miss Elizabeth Sutherland Miss Lander • Operating Room Head Nurses: McDermid Miss J H Perrine Miss J E Assistant Nurses: Affleck Miss Minnie McEwan Miss Frances Brown Miss Olive Renner Miss Elizabeth Bushey,Miss L M Sihler Miss M A Gandier Miss Annie Night Nurses: Langworthy Miss Martha McNelly Miss Jean McCann Miss E J - Seaman Miss Edith HcDonald Miss M S Nurses-in-Training : Darling Miss L A Mosher Miss N B De Laney Miss A J Noakes Miss Marguerite Duffy Miss Minnie Pringle Miss Lucy Ehle Miss N L Sehoner Miss A M Garvin Miss C L Sumner Miss Clara Horning Miss A B Taylor Mrs C S Hunt Miss A M Walker Miss Beatrice Kimmell Miss E A Wheeler Miss M O Morley Miss M C Whitelaw Miss Alice Morse Miss Georgia Williams Miss M E Kennedy M J, nurse Zollinger Heinrich, masseur-nurse 659 Ranson Dr T W, physician, res 722 Kennedy M J, nurse, rr.s LAKE AV (Lakewood) cor Highland av — Obermiller Dr E M, physician LAKE VIEW AV (Glenville) between Superior and St Clair— RAINBOW COTTAGE FOR CONVALESCENT CHILDREN Mrs Louise Johnstone, matron (See Benevolent Institutions, Cleveland^ LAMONT 1669. : \ . .Quirk Dr II W. physician, res r 1> 188- J Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. LAUREL 43 Deihl C H, masseuse 53 Adelson Dr Simon, physician, res 90 Pagel H F, pharmacist, res LAWN 77 Fry Mrs Margaret, nurse 225 Brown Dr A I, physician, res LAWRENCE 93 Strong Dr C R, dentist 112 Carroll Dr C W, physician M 792 147 Messer E A, masseur, res LEROY PL 50 Zirker G D, pharmacist, res LEXINGTON AV 1254 Goetz Dr E P, physician.' E 1171- J 1261 MunsieDr James, physician 1275 Taylor Mrs E J, nurse 1284 Bollinger Dr A G, physician 1850 Piper Dr W W, physician E 735 1363 Williams Dr C W, druggist-physician E 733 LIBERTY 33 Chalfant Dr CM, physician, res 84 MacTaggart Dr R G, physician, res W 420- J 181 Bauers Dr P F, physician, res 252 Paisley Dr A C, physician W 377-L LINCOLN AV 91 Stewart Dr S D, dentist, res 157 Hoover Mrs M E, nurse D 85 158 Snow Dr L B, physician, res...- D 322 176 Doolittle Dr W F, surgeon, res 182 McKay Dr R F, physician 199 Sobey A T, pharmacist, res 318 Netrefa Mrs Rosalie, midwife 322 Levy Mrs A M, midwife 395 Adams Dr U L, physician 405 Anderson Dr John, physician D 355-L 503 Hosick Dr W A, physician, res E 1045- J LINDEN rear 55 — Fleck Mrs Johanna, midwife , LINDUS 66 Sperry Miss- Jessie, nurse , LIVINGSTON 63 Howland Dr A P, physician E 930-J LOGAN AV 708 Whitslar Dr W H, dentist-physician, res D 507-L 715 Moffett Dr C C, physician, res ...D480-J 761 Buell Dr A C, surgeon, res D 102-L Seymour Miss Esther, nurse D 40 865 Barnes Dr Henrv, dentist-physician, res 877 Nelson Miss C C, nurse LOGAN PL 3 Judson Dr Horace, physician, res 8 Dadforth Dr J M, physician 272 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. LONGWOOD AV 40 Forest City Kneipp Sanitarium Muehlhauser Dr C G, physician LORAIN (Odd) 615 . , Bender Blk Ashby Dr G J, physician W 378 Kress Dr Geo, dentist 627%.... Greiner Blk 1— AVindisch Dr J S, physician W 373 19— Heil Miss Sophie, nurse AV 373 Sommers Miss M L, nurse W 373 709 Haag G D, druggist W 46 765 Krebs Enno, druggist W 504 Francisci Dr Miloslav, physician AV 504 797 Tinnerman Blk 5— Veldhuis Dr G H, dentist 9— Mizer Dr T J, physician AV 432-L 11— Le Sage Dr J E, physician W 198 853 Goodman Blk Lucas DrWH, physician : W 484 873 Tielke Henry, druggist W 108 Burkhardt R G, clerk 957 George R H, druggist AV 372 Morton Dr F J, physician. W 372 Smith Dr G A, dentist AV 372 1005 Krauss Dr AV G, physician. AV 48 1043 Moon Dr R E, dentist 1061 Lingan E C, druggist .AV 150 1067 McDonald Mrs A L, nurse AV 168 1145 Lehr Philip, druggist AV 320 • Lehr F P, clerk Obert G M, clerk Havlicek Dr F J. surgeon AV 320 1147 .. .AVilson Dr G V, dentist AV 320 1341 Bard Dr I W, physician AV 189-L 1357 Shirkey Dr U S L, physician AA^ 447-L 1361 Leick Mrs R H, druggist AV 292 Mueller Peter, clerk 1419 .. .Paterson Dr Wm, physician 1425 ...Schmitz Dr Caspar, physician AA' 292 1519%... James Dr AV S, physician AA' 830 Krummhaar Mrs Augusta, midwife AV 214 1545 Somers Dr F AV, physician AV 422- T 1847 Dial Dr E L, physician AA' 526-1 Dial Mrs E J, nurse AV 526- J LORAIN (Even) 546 Humiston K P, druggist W 121 Dicker H AV, clerk Mock Dr AV K, physician W 124 620 Kieffer George, Druggist W 878 Claus T G, clerk 720 Hoffmann Mrs Susan, midwife W 111 780 Dotterweich Dr F V, physician W 482- 1 862 Boesger Dr M A, physician W L08 Spaeth Dr J G, dentist 874 Anderson Mrs S M, midwife W 108 938 ... Proeger Mrs Rebecca, midwife 958 Klaus Emanuel, pharmacist, res 273 Street Directory, Cleveland— Con tinned. LORAIN (Even)— Concluded. 1072 . . . .Bauers Dr P F, physician W 150 Swayer Dr J W, physician-pharmacist 1110 Wolf Mrs L J, nurse W 320 1156 Kuttler Mrs Mary, nurse W 458-L 1328 Brinker Mrs Carrie, nurse 1440 Simon Dr J C, coroner, res W 562 1532 Bohm Miss Mary, nurse W 214 1534 Lehr John, druggist.. W 214 Offeroski Fred, clerk . . 1844 .... Riemenschneider Dr E W, physician W 38 1848 Gaube E W, druggist :.W 38 Quere Theodore, clerk 1980 Gordon Dr I B, physician W 571-L St John Dr E L, physician 2028 Gaube E W, druggist W 506 Meyer C A, clerk LYMAN 97 Nungesser Dr J J, physician E 858 flcBRIDE n e cor Broadway — St A lexis Hospital — see Broadway McCONNELL ft of— CALVARY CATHOLIC CEMETERY ricHENRY 201 Strause Mrs R M, nurse 209 Dauber Mrs Eliza, nurse 221 Ritter Mrs Minnie, nurse 288 Lockhart Saml, nurse McLEAN 50 Kaestlen Dr S E, surgeon-pharmacist W 32 ilARCY AV 201 Luck Dr H C, physician, res D 3- J 212. Rescue Home D 412-L Burgess Miss A E, matron Spoerri M,iss Hedwig, nurse 349 Jackson Dr A A, surgeon, res Jackson Miss A C B, nurse MARINER 23 Wanless Mrs Mary Hackett, nurse M 1395 MARION cor Perry — Cliarity Hospital Dispensary and Training* School — (see Perry) 21 ST AM'S INFANT ASYLUM AND MATERNITY HOME M298-L Sister M Peter, Superior riARION PL 3 McMullen A H, nurse riARQUETTE 10 Heath Dr J A, physician E 851 MARVIN AV 57 Hr.rr Dr H S, physician, res riAYFIELD RD (East Cleveland) Allen Dr D P, surgeon, summer res, t el con 274 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. MAYFLOWER 27 Friese Mrs Minnie, midwife '. HEAD AV rear 85. .Papez Mrs Mary, midwife flELROSE AV 14 Sutton Miss J A, nurse 197 Geer Dr N M, physician-pharmacist, res HELVIN 51. ... . . .Baerwald Dr E S, physician riERCHANT AV 5G Bever Miss H M, nurse M 1995-L 64 Sherwood D W, druggist ; M 2724 Jilek Alois, clerk 66 Harding Bldg Hickin Dr F W, physician M 2724 94 Sheppard Dr W J, physician M 1712-J 97 Bard Dr L A, physician M 2707 113 Flandermeyer H D, druggist M 2707 Flandermeyer A L, clerk 148 Charlton Dr L M, physician M 2718- J MERIDIAN 35 Strietzel Mrs Florence, midwife niCHIGAN 66 CLEVELAND HELPING HAND MISSION AND MEDICAL DISPENSARY, Herr Drs A W and I S, phys MILES AV 19 Fenton Drs H M and CD M 1320-L 231 Dayton W H, disinfectants M 3091-M niLES AV (HorstPO) 257 Heyner C C & Co (C C and E G Heyner) drugs Herbkersman G H, pharmacist, res Pauli Mrs Johanna, nurse HILES PARK 30 Holliday Dr W W, physician, res M 1320- J 92. McAfee Dr J D, physician, res niLFORD 16^2 Menke Mrs Augusta, midwife W 258 HILL (Brooklyn) nr Pearl — Linden Dr W E, physician M 858 MINKON (see Fourth) niNNESOTA 7 Stepp Dr M D, surgeon M L30 17 Larimer Mrs E M, nurse flONROE ft Penn— MONROE ST CEMETERY MOULTON 2 Sprotberry Mrs E E, nurse -/ 3 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. MUELLER AV 54 Tielke Gustav, pharmacist, res W 303 112 Henninges Dr W H, physician, res. 132 Loomis Mrs O S (nee Green), nurse, ret riUIRSON cor Lake — Lakeside Hospital, Dispensary and Training School — see Lake 102 Jones J A, masseur, res NEWELL 147 Hirzel W C, masseur 202 Schaub Mrs Christina, midwife NEWriAN AV (Lakewood) 12 Adnett Dr Hills, physician, res NEWTON 32 Maxwell Miss M J, nurse • E 544-L 33 rear — B ryant Mrs Eliza, nurse NORTH PERRY 35% Dennis Mrs Jennie, nurse M 26 NORWICH 39 Joo's Frederick, nurse NORWOOD AV 6 Ziegler Mrs Emilie, midwife ;.. 9 45 Broeckel Miss A K, "nurse 573 Ball Miss MA, nurse OAKDALE 154 Hudson Dr L D, physician, res 164 Casterline Miss M L, i Gladwin Miss A C, \ nurses D 227- J Strickland Miss Myra ) 225 Dawson Dr J W, dentist, res OLIVE 33 Weston Dr H T, physician, res 104 Cleugh Miss S M, nurse E 1226- J 110 Gerould Dr Henry, physician OLIVET (Glenville) 37 Munson Dr L D, physician, res ONTARIO 50 Laughlin Dr V C, physician cor Hamilton — Tke Lincoln M 330 Long Dr H C, physician, res 58 Urban J P, druggist M 1801 109 May A F, druggist M 1142 Kinsey T S. Loeb HE,) _ „ May O E, \ clerks WarnerWm ) 158 Bock Mrs Johannah, druggist *. M 1537 Schroeder F P, Jr, manager Breyer J M, clerk 190 Fuller Dr Perley, dentist M 3092-J, H 710 Wheeler Miss Nellie, masseuse 374 Stephens Dr W A, physician 27 6 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. 576 Cleveland Truss Mfg Co 612 Kline Dr D R, surgeon M 2868 614 Alexander C C, druggist M 2868 Hribal W F, clerk ORANGE 153 Cleveland General Hospital and Free Dispensary — see Wood- land av 151 Levenberg Dr Bernard, physician M 982 174 Harris Mrs Yetta, nurse 256 Gardner Mrs Hermina, midwife OREGON 43 Grossman Dr D W, physician, res PAGE AV (East Cleveland) nr Euclid av — Bushnell T H, health officer Bushnell Dr S B, physician PARK OVERLOOK 40 Rust Dr E G, physician, res, PAYNE AV 538%. . . .Cudell Dr Adolf, physician, res 550... ... The Holcomb . 7— Piatt Miss Delia, nurse 877 Emde F C, druggist E 1240 924 Wagner Dr L H, physician E 532-J 962-968. .Miller B Ik Lickes Drug Co (R P Lickes) E 886 Braunlich H E C, clerk Root Dr W E, dentist 1000-1002. . The Meriden Boulee Dr O H, physician-pharmacist E 1094-L 1002 Feuer P L, druggist E 324 Messerli Adolph, clerk 1194 Body Blk 2 — Travis Dr D L, physician 3— Jend Dr G A. physician . E 829 1196 Benfield Bros Co (C W, H E and W E Benfield, Chas Aulen- bacher), druggists E 829 Lash Wm, clerk PEARL (Odd) 255 Sords Pharmacy Co (T V Sords) W 606 Collins T P, clerk 289 Van Norman Dr H B, physician W 345 SaxtoD EH Undertaking Co W 146 377 Fritch Dr J C, physician-pharmacist W 80- J 417 Sargent Blk 3— Barrett Dr O A, physician W i>7- 1 Ronk Dr B B, physician W &7-J 433 BROOKS BLK 6— Copper Dr L S, dentist 12— Ellis Dr C D, surgeon Wells Dr WE, surgeon 14 — Boales Dr Archie, dentist 16 — Hedges Dr A T, physician 439 Fischer H J, druggist \ v Mueller J H, clerk ^77 Street Directory, Cleveland— Co n tinned. PEARL (Odd)— Continued. 451 EXCHANGE BLDG 2— Fortlage Dr Henry, physician W 367 6 — Philadelphia Dental Parlors Ford Dr J D, dentist 9 — National Dental Laboratory 28— MacTaggart Dr R G, physician 483-485. .. Wieber Blk l_Wright j) r h D, dentist 3— Wright Dr M L, dentist .Vincent Dr H D, physician. 521 Kuhlmeier Henry, druggist W 166 Helms H A F, clerk 525 Krebs' Blk Allen Dr M L, physician W 153 539 MBERELL BLDG 1— Mueller Dr Otto, physician 6 — Jones Dr L W, dentist 41— Schneider Dr Jacob, physician W 460 Schneider Dr J H, physician W 460 44— Smith Dr W S, dentist 611 Grosse G M, druggist W 212 Fogle J O, clerk 985 Buescher & Ruess (C F Buescher, Wm Ruess, Jr) druggists ; W298 Priebe Fred, clerk 997 Miller Dr A H, physician ' W 298 1007 Kolb Dr M G, physician Krebs Dr P H, physician W 205 1009 Krebs Hermann, druggist. W 205 Krebs Otto, clerk Sihler Dr Christian, physician 1065-1067— Benhoff Blk Ampt Dr C W, physician W 382 Friend Dr J M, physician .W 382 Morrison Dr M H, dentist W 382 1069 Buescher C F, druggist W 387 Brown J C, clerk 1167 The Lindhorst Lick Dr C C, dentist 1195 PEARL BLDG 2— DaykinDr F W, physician M 2S86 4 — Burrows Dr J H, dentist 7 — Herr Dr H S, physician 1207 WETZEL BLK 1— Thompson Dr F E, physician M 2886 3— McCartney Dr F M, dentist M 2852- J ' 4— George Dr O E, physician. M-2886 — Albrecht Mrs Charlotta, midwife 1261 Krebs Wm, druggist W 507 1417 Warner Miss Helen, nurse 1495 Ott E C, druggist M 2922 1499 Holmes Dr E S, physician M 2922 ^1863 Kern's Bldg Clyne Dr J M, dentist-physician Watson Dr G N, physician M 1310 278 Street Directory, Cleveland— Continued. 1871 Schmitt Carl, druggist , M 2521 1873 McClain Dr A S, physician M 2521 1897 Handler Wm, druggist M 1310 Pinhard J H, clerk PEARL (Even) 252 Acker Bros (Philip and John) druggists W 233 Mohlar Wilbur, clerk 254 Burns Dr J E, physician W 283 Meeker Mrs Ollie, nurse W 233 258 Foote Blk Jones Dr N M, physician 834 Gilbert Dr J A, physician W 365 Stovering Dr F A, surgeon W 365 358 Weed Dr T A, physician W 107 414 Chalfant Dr C M, physician W 166 462 Davis Dr E F, physician 490 Fliedner Dr Fredk, physician, 514 Heirs Elk Galentine Dr J F, dentist W 248- J 596 HARDING BLK 1 — Nugent Dr Alvarez, dentist 2— Costello Dr W E, dentist — Droege Dr R O, physician-pharmacist W 156 — Oehlstrom Wm, masseur W 156 602 Walz C S, druggist W 156 Rudolph F A, clerk 604 Buel Dr j J, physician W 156 64S Petruska Mrs Maria, midwife W 483- J 938 Sunkle Dr R H, surgeon -. 1062 ChildsDrLW, physician W 343 Geissler G A, pharmacist, res • 1066 Stecher Bros (H W and F W), druggists W 343 Schmehl G E, clerk Evers C E, clerk Buffett Dr Chas, dentist Humiston Dr C B, physician W 343 1140 Becker Dr H A, surgeon, res M 2886 1156 SENIOR BLK Goodyear O R, druggist M 2190 Herrman G W, clerk Dixon Dr W R, dentist Lucas Dr V C, physician Skeel Drs A J and R E, physicians 1164 Gilbert Drs F G and G H, physicians W 574-L 1200 HONECKER BLK Honecker Ohas, druggist M 28S6 Becker Dr II A, surgeon M 2886 1396 Fortlage J H. druggist MS - jction Scranton av— RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 1756 Schwartz Mrs Emilia, nurse 1846 .Kimmel Dr B B, surgeon ..M 1600 J 1854 Lewis Dr F L, physician M 1896 Kroehle Elk Farnsworth Dr G B, physician Maxwell Dr H U, dentist M 1740- J 279 Street Directory, Cleveland— Continued. PEARL (Brooklyn) nr Krather ct— Webster Dr H H, druggist-physician M 360 Roth Louis, clerk Webster Dr S J, physician cor Mechanic— Schmitt J J, druggist M 833 Baker A L, clerk Lewis Dr F M, dentist PELTON AV 23 Cannon Mrs Louisa, nurse Cannon Mrs F L, masseuse-nurse 102 Mattmueller Frederick, Undertaker M 1793- J PENN 91 Nierhoff Miss Mary, nurse ft of. ...MONROE ST CEMETERY PERRY 66 Schneider K C T, druggist M 1199 Carlton Miss M C, masseuse-nurse 92 Sheets G F, pharmacist, res 95 Siemon Dr L E, physician, res M 2230 121 Hackenburg F J and W E, nurses 144 O'Reilly Miss Ella, nurse M 3066-M 151 McCue Chemical Co cor Central av— CHARITY HOSPITAL AND DISPEN- SARY M 298-J Sister Charles, superior Carlisle Dr C L, house surgeon . Hall Dr H M, house physician Jaster Dr C O, externe CHARITY HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL M 298-J Sister Mechtildis, directress Nurses- in-Training: Anderson Miss E A Miller Miss A H Casserle Miss Margaret Whitman Miss Clara Clohesy Miss Isabel Wilhelm Miss Rose 231 .... Goldfinger Dr Julius, physician .' M 2158 306 Jacobson Dr T T, physician M 982 PETRIE 104 Utz Mrs FA, midwife.. PLATT 126 Ullrich Mrs Bertha, midwife PLYMOUTH 13 English Dr V P, Physician English Mrs Dr V P, Phrenologist 15 Schantz J J, pharmacist, res. , 17 Valerius Miss Mary, nurse 71 French Dr J S, physician, res E 429-J PRINCETON 135 Riopel Dr E E, physician, res PROFESSOR 60 O'Brien & Stoskopf ( Wm O'Brien, Dr Geo Stoskopf), drug- gists * M 1511 Stoskopf Dr Geo, physician M 1511 280 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. PROSPECT (Odd) 61 Chan Dr J F, druggist- physician 123 Colonial Arcade — see Euclid av 133 Dean Dr C W, physician M 2258 141 Balmer Dr Wm, physician 161 Morton R L, pharmacist, res 201 Brown J H, Undertaker M 416, E 841- J res 275 THE OSBORlSr 202— Osborn DrHW, physician M 2117, H 534 Osborn DrWO, physician M 2117, H 534 Merriam Dr W H, physician M 2117, H 534 204— Bunts Dr F E, surgeon M 2810 Crile DrGW, surgeon M 2810 Lower Dr W E, surgeon M 2810 White Dr D K, physician M 2810 207— Lincoln Drs Walter R and Wm R, physicians M 1519-L 208— West Dr F L, dentist 212 — Friedrich Dr Martin, physician . , 302— Baxter Dr H H, physician M 1363, H 520 Glendinning Dr W B, physician M 1363, H 520 Miles DrF L, dentist M 1363, H 520 305— Hall Dr C A, physician M 2340 Hopkins Dr G W, physician M 2340 307— Viets Dr B B, physician M 2340 310— Baird Dr R G. surgeon M 941, H 804 Snearer DrWm, physician M 941, H 804 Tims Dr W A, surgeon, M 941, H 804 312— McAuley Dr F A, dentist H 232 407 — Tow • lee Dr L G, physician Taylor Dr F M, dentist 412— Welty DrCF, physician M 1518 500— Ripley Co The, chemists.. 601— "Lenker Dr J N, physician M 1515-L 603— Lauder Dr E S, physician M 1515- T Nobles Dr N T B, surgeon M 1515- T 607— Horner Dr J R, physician M 1519- T ■279% Lower Dr F H, physician 289 Brooks Dr M L, physician, ret 323 Ulmer Dr S E, physician- pharmacist, res 327 Clark Dr F H, physician 331 Parke Dr M T, physician M 1321 341%. . . THE DOUGLASS ^penzer Dr J Gr, Physician-Chemist Ohliger Dr C R, Physician 393 Chatfield Dr A E, physician M 1049 405 Weber Dr W C, physician M HOT 409 Nevison Dr W H, surgeon M 2567 425 Bodifield Dr Danl, physician M 1977 429 Hobson Dr J F, surgeon M L86J Pines Dr ] R, physician M 1861 441 Lowman Dr J H, physician M 2096 457 Scott Dr X C, physician M 1052 467 Powell Dr H H, physician M 2508 469 Taylor Dr P H W, physician, ret 477 Private Orthopedic Sanitarium. . . M 2215- 1 Wirt Dr W E, surgeon Nf 2945-1 503 Leick Dr G F, health otheer, res M 1478 517 Winship Dr A T, physician . M Peck Miss M A, nurse. M 1906 28l Street Directory, Cleveland — Co?itinued. PROSPECT (Odd)— Concluded. 521 Cluett Dr Therese, physician, res 525 Oviatt Dr W H, ph vsician 531 Scott Dr N S, surgeon M 2994- 563. ..... Church Home Rabon Dr Janet, physician Freeman Miss M E, nurse 637 Thornburgh Dr H T, surgeon, res M 2694- J 645 Sanders Dr J K, surgeon, res M 2168-L 649 Winsor Dr Q^J, physician M 1591 791 .... Stuart Miss B L, nurse-masseuse E 622 873 Stewart Dr G N, physician, res ; 961 Foote Dr C G, physician, res E 632-J 967 Cushing Dr E F, physician E 38 977 The Croxden E 67$ 14 — Coates Dr B O, surgeon 40 — Lewis Miss V V, nurse 1077 Martin Dr T C, surgeon E 165 1093 Anderson Dr J C, physician, res E 230- J cor Willson av — The Seville 22— Bowman Dr G G, physician E 1069-L PROSPECT (Even) 170 Collins Dr E F, physician H 351 174 Cleveland Health Food Co M 1340, H 124 Colloran J E, nurse-masseuse M 1340, H 124- 246 cor Erie, Y MCA Bldg M 1024- Kinnicutt Dr W H, physician M 1024 262 BANGOR BLDG M 2859 302— Adnett Dr Hills, physician M 2859 305— Fenton Dr M E, dentist M 3055-J, H 101 402 — Soper & Riopel physicians 421— Freeman Dr Seth ; physician M 2859- 5th and 6th floors— DENTAL COLLEGE OF WEST- ERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY Dental Library and Museum Frankle Misses K G and Stella, clerks Hirzel W C, masseur 278 Allen Dr D P, surgeon M 1179* Millikin Dr B L, physician - 282 Hamann Dr C A, surgeon M 274a Hoover Dr C F, physician . 292 Kitchen Dr H W, physician, ret 304 Meyer Dr L G, dentist -physician 312 Russel Dr G C, physician M 2577 372 Lederer S H, druggist M 2722 Gensert J B, clerk , 380 .... Elliott ST, Druggist M 2989 402 Hill Dr A A, physician M 243-L 452 Higley Miss N M, nurse 520 Holliday Dr B W, physician M 136- 526-528— BECK WITH BLD G M 64£ 526 Beckwith & Pomeroy (Drs D H Beckwith and Harlan Pom- eroy), physicians Waltz Dr A L, physician * 282 Street Directory, Cleveland— Co?iti?iued. 526 Nurses' Apartments Nurses: AvesMissEJ Kerr Miss M P Brandau Miss Katherine Lloyd Miss J E Bunce Miss I M McCoy Miss Elizabeth Dorsett Miss L D Mailleue Miss Florence Ellis Miss F L Oglesbee Miss S L Johns Miss Lizzie Overholt Miss I E 528 Evelyn DrR S, physician Nurses: Balzhiser Miss E M Norton Miss Emma Doverspike Miss E B Roth Miss Margaret Hoenig Miss B M Smith Miss C S McKeeMrsLM Stephenson Miss M E McLeod Mrs Cora Williams Miss G E McRillMrsG L 536 Hudson Dr R A, physician-dentist, res 544 Bruce James, druggist M 793 Barker J A, clerk Hinson W M, clerk 564 Murray Dr C E, physician M 2834 586 CLEVELAND MEDICAL LIBRARY AND DIRECTORY FOR NURSES M 2601 Hamann Dr C A, librarian Harding Mrs S M, assistant librarian 608 Sanders Dr J C, physician " E 221 680 Herrick Drs H J and F C, physicians, res E 697-J 692 University Club E 1202 Crile Dr G W, surgeon, res Lower Dr W E, surgeon, res 744 Bulletin of the Cleveland General Hospital E 379 Aldrich Dr C J, physician E 379 786 Cushing Dr H K, physician, ret E 226 888 Dellenbaugh Dr Z T, physician, res 914 Parsons Dr Kate, physician E 681 Stone Dr M M, physician.. Clendon Dr C K, physician 946 Michel Dr G H, physician 1000 Nurses' Apartments (Clarke Mrs L L) E 660 Nurses: Baum Miss Katherine Guthrie Miss Camilla Benskin Miss F S Henry Miss Katherine Brown Miss Rose Morgan Miss R C Davis Mrs S E Parsons Miss Viola Gill Miss RE Whalen Miss C B 1004 Biggar Drs H F and H F, Jr, surgeons, res E 111 PUBLIC SQ 32 Schiller Dr C F, dentist 38 Hitch Dr A E, dentist M 1143 43 Barton Dr E E, physician M 2990 Gillespie Dr W R, physician M 2990 Ulmer Dr S E, physician-pharmacist.. . M 2990 52 Hessler E M Surgical Instrument Co If 2070 53 White Dr W H, physician Hessler E M Truss Co . M 2070 61 Spinney Dr A B, physician 84 Boyd Dr J W, physician 283 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. PUBLIC SQ^Concluded) 93 AMERICAN TRUST BLDG- 504— Dunlany Dr W P, physician 806 — Forward Dr C B, physician (not practicing) M 2261 809— Hubbard Dr R S, physician-real estate M 2269 906— Arnold Dr G D, physician M 27 n w cor Frankfort— COUNT Y JAIL M 380 Wall Dr W R, Jr, physician . Lockhart Saml, nurse cor Rockwell— NEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE n e cor Superior — US Goverfiment Bldg (P O) see Superior PUTNAM 50 Taylor W E, Masseur,res 121 Steuer Dr J C, physician, res E 1174- J 136 Rice Mrs Annetta, nurse 161 Edwards H E, pharmacist, res . . QUINBY AV 89 Payne Dr F A, physician, res E 825 107 Fischer Dr Robt, physician, res E 1196-L 269 Bretz Dr-I S, physician, res , .. E 907-L QUINCY 107 Dreher Dr Alfred, physician E 431-J 112 Snearer Dr Wm, physician, res .- 118 Jarosch Miss M H, nurse... E316 145 .. Williams Dr T B, physician E 570 158 Gehrung J M, druggist E 316 536 Weiss Dr'Mary, physician 568 Thomas Dr C B, physician D 355- T 603 Seith C L, druggist E 946 662 Hooper Dr G W, physician, 677 Bubna W H, druggist D 338 678. Bubna Dr C W, physician D 338 RANDALL 30 Lowry Mrs M F, nurse 86 Hintzelmann DrCLH, physician W 108 READE 2554 James Dr W H, physician, res REPUBLIC 729 Peck Dr E H, physician, res 770 Van Ostrand Miss May, nurse. . , 794 Ashmun Dr G C, physician, res D 92- J RICHMOND 2053 Eichenberger Mrs Catherine, nnrse M 936 RIDGE RD WEST PARK CEMETERY (Under construction. Open about May 1, 1899) RIVER 158 Adelson Dr Simon (U S Refining Co), physician (not practg) ROBINSON AV 74 O'Connor Mrs Mary, nurse 284 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. ROCKWELL 5 Peck Dr E H, physician s e cor Wood — Office City Infirmary — see Wood ROOT 37 Wells Dr W E, surgeon, res W 56 76 Morton Dr F J, physician, res 133 Havlicek Dr F J, surgeon, res W 19& ROSEDALE AV 97 Adams Miss C B, nurse 410 Turrill Dr G E, physician, res D 504-J ROWLEY 114 Karp Mrs Henrietta, midwife RUSSELL AV 308 Kibby Mrs S A, nurse E 733 459 Osborn Dr W O, physician, res E 971- J 475 Clark Dr F H, physician, res 496 Cook Dr J E, physician, res E 673- T ST CLAIR (Odd) 197 Stern A O, druggist M 2209 465 Steuer Dr D B, druggist-physician M 2393 TeLinde Geo, Jr, clerk Friedmann Dr Ignatz, physician M 2393 493 Flandermeyer H H, druggist M 2031 Zantiny Carl, clerk 495 Deutsch Dr Leopold, physician M 1582- j 565 Colton Dr J G, physician-dentist M 2762-J 583 Mollen Dr D E, dentist 597 Brooks Dr J H, physician « 637 Dolan Michael, masseur 641 Steadman Dr W F, druggist-physician 679... ...Esch Dr W J, physician M 1911 723 Opperman Ernest, druggist M 997 Elfiein W F, clerk 863 Demming J A, druggist M 130 953 O'Toole Mrs Anna, nurse 959 Railroad Dept, T M C A M 1405 Gunn Dr R D A, physician M 1405 1035 Campbell Dr J S, physician M 267 1111 Schellentrager E A, druggist M 1023 Hiss E A, clerk 1199 Kren Mrs Frances, midwife 1261 Oster F C, druggist M 792 Keeny G E, clerk 1671 Mechanics' 1 Blk Kepke Dr J T, physician E 805 1675 Kehres Dr E J, physician E 721 1677 Fisher H H, druggist E 806 2023 Anson Miss H R, nurse E 086- J ST CLAIR (Even) 368 Goodrich House M 888 Higley Miss N M, nurse, s e cor Erie — Western Reserve Univ, Medical College of — see Erie 508-510.. H B Drug Co, Wholesale Druggists M L083 Connell A E, city salesman Eykyn J H, traveling salesman Rowe C P, clerk 285 Street Directory, Cleveland— Continued. ST. CLAIR (Even)— Concluded. 562 Wood DrW H, physician M 2629 612 Bester Dr W F, physician 726 Ranson Dr T W, physician M 997 822 Borucka Mrs Anna, midwife 1098 Wagner & Henahan (J J Wagner, J P Henahan), dentists. M 1023 1234 .Osier Dr L W, physician M 792 1351 " ST CLAIR HOSPITAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES M 2468 Crowell Dr W S, house physician Kirk Mrs Minnie, matron Nurses in training: Held Martin Loew Miss Charlotte Herrick Miss Ethel Walker Miss Jennie Kipen Miss Agnes 1450 THE RETREAT M 498 Adams Mrs James, matron Nelson Mrs O F, nurse 1460 Protestant Orphan Asylum M 1947 Cheyney Miss M E, nurse Whitney Mrs L A, nurse 1542 Moffett Dr C C, physician 1644 Diemert D A, druggist E 947 Ward H H. clerk 1674 Urban Dr Theodore, druggist-physician E 950 1812 Leslie Mrs S J, nurse I960 Lannert H W, druggist E 800 Zirn H J, clerk Moore *Dr J M, physician 2020 Clark Miss Louise, nurse E 963-T 2234 Wildenthaler Bros (G A and O L), druggists E 944 Pasko Dr H H, physician E 9G0-L ST CLAIR (Glenville) 2441 Horrocks Miss Ellen, nurse G 14- J n s, nr Doan— STEPHENS' BLK Christian R R, druggist ■ G 96 1— Doolitcle Dr J H, dentist G 24-L Goodwin Dr E M, physician G 24-L 3— Coffin Dr F W, physician G 94-L n s. nr Doan — Crozvell Blk s e cor Doan— DUTNALL BLK Frieseman W H, druggist G 63 Harper H C, clerk 1— Ludwick Dr F L, dentist , G 90- J 2— McMichael Dr J C, physician G 90- J 3— Gans Dr W D, dentist 4— Smith Dr J W, physician , G 63 SACKETT 114 Pansky Mrs Anna, midwife SAWTELL AV 112 Modroo Miss Amelia, nurse. E 196 SAWTELL AV EXTENSION 14 Miller Miss M M, nurse E 580 SAYLES 80 Wright Miss T R, nurse D 527- J Robinson Miss A L, nurse. . D 527- [ 139 Kiltie Dr Richard, physician D 467- J 286 Street Directory, Cleveland— Con tinned. SCOTT Tear 127-Smith Mrs J H, nurse SCOVILL AV 59 Vogt Dr D F, physician . . . M 1411 : J 156 Anderson Dr E H, druggist-physician, res 222 Wagner Dr H G, druggist-physician M 2158 304 Mixstone Dr Israel, physician M 1540- J 325 Eisenhauer Dr J A, physician 404 Weisenberg Dr S A, physician, res.. . 504 Seidman Dr Arthur, physician E 535 535 Brezina C J, druggist E 585 ..... .Shoemaker M H, clerk 584 Wunderlich Dr E J, physician E 667 601 O'Leary Dr Arthur, physician, =659 Riegelhaupt Dr Saml, physician E 266 704 Hurd Dr O J, dentist Hurd Dr H R, dentist, ret Selleck Dr S L, physician 742 Heller M M, druggist E 1103 757 Pollack Henry, druggist E 474 Sager V E, clerk ■ 791 Lower Dr F H, physician, res D18 Crafts Dr A P, physician, res $84 Kipp Dr J G, physician E 1188- J 1050 Nutt Mrs Annie, nurse. M 2963-L SCRANTON AV 763 Thomas Dr O T, surgeon, res M 2S63-L Whitman Miss G A, nurse M 2S63-L cor Wade av— NORTH BROOKLYN PROTESTANT CEM- TERY -824 Humiston Dr C B, physician, res .M 2713 S74 Private Hospital for Diseases of Women M 2472 Humiston Dr W H, surgeon Thomas Dr O T, assistant Wood Miss Evelyn, matron Comfort Mrs A E, nurse Davenport Miss Minnie, nurse Patterson Miss B D, i*.urse $15 Doyle Miss A G, nurse 1101 George Dr O E, physician, res M 554- J opp Sackett— CLEVELAND CITY HOSPITAL M26 Kirkpatrick Miss Caroline, superintendent Fitzgerald Dr G H, house physician Stern Dr W G, 1st asst house physician. Hole Dr C M, 2d asst house physician Hoffman Dr G H, 3d asst house physician Nurses: Andrews Miss Delia Lewis Mjs* M A Dorwan Miss H M Reynolds M rs Nora Kolsom Miss Sophie Turner Miss 1 E Lamb Mrs Kathryne Nurses -in -Training: De Long Miss Maude Robertson Miss Mary Tackson Miss A M Stock well Miss 11 M Lewis Miss May Trapp Miss Myrtle Pepper Miss Anna Walsh Miss Nellie Powell Miss Cora Woodford Miss Nellie 287 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. SCRANTON AV— Concluded. nr Valentine— CITY INFIRMARY . M 26, M 691 Hanna Wm, Steward Hanna Mrs E M, matron. Ling Armin, head attendant. Mic" Adams Michael, attendant Kennon Miss Helen, attendant Caldwell Dean, attendant Sperry Miss Jessie, attendant Davidson W A, attendant jction Pearl— RIVERSIDE OEMETERY SEARS 59. . Hagen August, nurse W 51 SEELYE AV 87 Reynolds Dr R R, physician, res 99 Rose water Dr Nathan, druggist -physician, res., 190 Covill Mrs Florence, nurse E 580 SENECA 222 Slosson F W, drug manufacturer M 129 302 Cleveland Store Fixture Co M 1390 SEYMOUR AV 117 Senghas Mrs Elizabeth, midwife SHAFER CT 5 Payne Mrs A J, nurse E 580 9 Bauer Mrs Eliza, masseuse E 65 SHERIFF 28 Taylor Wm E,Masseur, Proprietor Turkish Bath Parlors H 932 45 Vaupel C P, pharmacist, supt M 2779 46 Strong Dr Earl, dentist, restaurant (not practicing) SHIPHERD 89 Howard Dr A J M, physician, res. SIBLEY 42 Dickenson Dr John, physician M 2532 73 Fletcher Dr H M, physician, res E 1119- T 261 Pasini Dr Pietro, physician E 670 347 Nurses' Apartments (Henderson Mrs S E) E 785 Nurses: Ambrose Miss M J Milburn Miss Maud Elliott Mrs Frances Moseley Miss H C Gleason Miss Minnie Ockenden Miss Margarer Henderson Miss Jessie Segner Miss Christina Keifer Miss Emma Turner Miss I E Laughren Miss E M 365 Hannum B G, Chemist, res E 1065-J 436 Smith Miss Rose, masseuse 581 White Miss J E, nurse E 217 SIXTH AV 137 Kipp Dr W F, physician, res SKED 16 Mooney Mrs F T, nurse SLATER AV 1220 ... Roemer Miss Elizabeth, nurse 1249 Conrad Wm, physician, res E 331-J 1262 King Dr Orion, physician, res (not practg) 288 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. SMITHFIELD 78 Morris Mrs M E, nurse SOLON 50 Neuberger John, pharmacist, res E 148 Neuberger J A, pharmacist, res E 148 SOUTH GENESEE AV 44 Upson Dr G D, surgeon, res. . D 261-L SOUTH LOGAN AV 916 .Fagan Mark, nurse 921 Skinner Miss E M, nurse SOUTH WATER m x A Pettifer Thos & Co. dental supplies SOUTH WOODLAND AV 148 Reuscher Dr E F, physician E 715 168 Ernst Dr Mark, physician 208 Seidel Dr A N, physician E 715 cor Steinway av — Baldner A A, druggist E 715 * SOUTHERN AV 117 Reusing Dr A L, physician, res SPANGLER AV 74 Bishop Dr G E, dentist-physician, res STARK 847 Spencer Dr G W, physician, res D 275- J STARKWEATHER AV 98 Schimkola Mrs Maria, midwife STEINWAY AV 43 Widlar Mrs E A, nurse STERLING AV 278 Lechler Mrs Wilhelmina, midwife 802 Orr Mrs Emma, nurse M 1249 STONE 75 Fall Mrs Alice, nurse STREATOR AV 24 Canfield Dr M A, physician D 08-L 26 Canfield Hospital and Sanitarium .D 96-L Tubman Thos, house physician Haller Miss Catherine, matron Knox Miss H M, masseuse Cline Miss S J, nurse, elle Bliss Miss Bel Douglass Miss D L \ Nurses-in-Training Esworthy Miss Essie ) 54 Sawyer Dr PH. physician D s - 1 62 Merriam Dr W H, physician, res D »t"-l 67 Forward Dr C B, physician, res (not practicing V. ... I 137 Frost Dr G M, physician 220 Noake Miss Bessie, nurse D 11-- J 224 Fish Miss R L, nurse D 11J-J 289 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. SUMMIT s e cor Ontario-LAKE VIEW FLATS M 594 Nurses Apartments 205— Roushkolb Mrs Jennie, nurse 208 — Gibson Dr J F, physician, 610— Kitson Miss M E, nurse 128 .... THE CURTISS M 1102 32— Foshay Dr P M, physician, res M 1632- J 42 — Walker Dr C S, physician, res 130 Prescott Chemical Co ...M541 178 Suggester and Thinker The Cleveland School of Suggestive Therapeutics and Sanitarium . . Sheerin Dr Robt, Medical Superintendent 202 Foster Dr A M, physician. SUPERIOR (North Side) Note: — The numbering of Superior street, from the Public Square to Erie street (in the very heart of the city), would hardly credit a country village. Odd and even numbers are to be found on both sides of the street, and regardless of location. In justice to the Officials of the City Engineering Department it must be stated that this state of affairs is not due to them, but to the senseless opposition of a few persons to re-numbering. "We, accordingly, designate the sides of the street as North and South, instead of Odd and Even. 121 Hoffman A T, broker-pharmacist, (not practicing) M 1759 131% New Johnson House Maxwell Dr D P, physician 197 Century Bldg 601— Laronge DrLL, physician 199 Strong, Cobb & Co, retail department M 2279 Schcenhut Christian, pharmacist, manager Ocker H A, clerk Parkin R J, clerk Stockhaus Wm, clerk 2nd floor— Guthrie Dr L L, dentist M 1303 Peebles Dr W F, dentist M 1303 Blair Dr C F, dentist M 1303 211 Mintie Dr A E, physician. , 223 Beckenbach Edward & Co (Edward Beckenbaeh), druggistsM 114 Davis J S, clerk Schaef er H L, clerk 247 Kennedy & Kergan (Dr J D Kennedy), physicians Hewitt Dr W S, physician 261 Marshall W G, druggist M 196, M 709, H 964 Fogleson Fred, clerk Hawkins F H, clerk n e cor Public Sq— U S GOVERNMENT BLDG (P O) 14 — Special Pension Examiners Hall Joseph Laferty ID W. WW. cor Wood— CASE BLDG 4— Smith Dr D B, physician M 1833 14 — Jones Dr G J, physician M 902 Richmond Dr H W, physician M 902 57— Wall Dr W R, Jr, surgeon ....M 2132, H 942 78— Gerhard Dr T S (S Park Stone Co), phys (not practg) M 1488 342 Witte Dr L H, druggist-physician M 1533 Witte F R, clerk W 290 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. 346 cor Wood— CITY HALL 102— PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICE M 26, H 882 Leick Dr G F, Health Officer Combes Frank, secretary Robinson Bertram, inspector 115— Travis Dr D L, med officer Fire Dept. . .M 39, M 40,' H 881 316-CLEVELAND PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIBRARY 316 and 319-CLEVELAND SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Feil Prof Joseph, pharmacist, secretary Amy Prof H V, pharmacist, lecturer and dir laboratory Beal Prof J H, pharmacist, lecturer 318— Peck F J, city chemist ...M 26, H 882 360 Deihl C H, masseur M 2746 Elfring H J, masseur M 2746 400 MASONIC TEMPLE 3— Buck Dr H H, dentist Sprackling Dr H L, dentist 6— Prentice Dr N B. physician 523 Betts, Betts & Dyar, physicians 639 Folkens Dr C O, druggist-physician M 1912 Wildenthaler O L, clerk 959 Folkens Dr C O, druggist-physician, res 1051 House Dr A F, surgeon M 292 Bishop Dr H F, surgeon M 292 1117 Schmoldt Bldg Cogan Dr J E, physician M 863 1319 OsterF C, druggist .M 1514 Fitzgerald J A, manager 1829 ... .Sullivan Dr E W, physician M 340 1737 Mylott Dr J P, physician 1899 Miner Dr I C, physician E 912- J 1945 Toedtmann H F, druggist E 4, E 1035 Shaw Dr Calvin, physician E 4. E 1035 2069 Walter Dr Francis, druggist-physician E 1153-F 2103 Sell Blk Suhr Dr R A, dentist E 1051- T 2107 . . Seibel H C, druggist E 943 Stahl G M, clerk 2209 . ...Campbell Dr A D, physician E 1098-1 2283 Hoehn G J, druggist P: 945 2293 Disbro Dr I W. physician E 945 2791 Kraft E K, druggist 1 Noland Dr I N, physician D 968 2795 Hathaway Blk 10— Webster Mrs E B, nurse 2827 Reeve Dr F O, physician .D 428-L SUPERIOR (South Side) 82 At-water Bldg 51— Hudson Dr L D, physician 112 Strong, Cobb & Co (Est S M Strong, L A and R L Cobb, B I. Strong), wholesale druggists M 416, M 686 tad I Godman C A, pharmacist, city manager. Hannon O B, pharmacist, chemist Howe D F, pharmacist, traveling salesman ... Swarts W J, pharmacist, traveling Salesman .... Tyler J A, pharmacist, department manager 291 Street Directory, Cleveland— Continued. SUPERIOR (South Side)— Concluded. 150 George AH, druggist Workman Robt, clerk 170 Patterson Z D, manager M 1187 Brumbaugh Dr L M, dentist Rhea Dr G S, dentist Louth Dr C E, physician 236 Hudson H E & R A, dentists 301 '. '. '. . . .Meyer & Gleim (W V Meyer, J C Gleim) druggists, M 693, M 1676 Benoit John, clerk 311 CUYAHOGA BLDG 517— Bushnell T H, lawyer, health officer East Cleveland . .M 650 365-367. . The Arcade— -see Euclid av 401 THE HOLLENDEN M 1877 Copeland Dr W H, physician, res Eckert Dr G J, physician, res. '-DrJD, ■ Kennedy DrJD, physician, res. Sturm Dr V H, druggist, res Welty Dr C F, physician, res 423 Springer Dr C H, physician 447 Miller Henry, druggist 7 M 1046 Von Tosky O R, clerk 616 Kennedy Dr R A, physician M 1912 628 THE HANNAH M 2101 101— Mitchell Dr C F, surgeon 400 — McGuire Dr S B, physician, res 800 Gallagher Dr J V, surgeon M 1349 1098 Heidler Dr G K, physician 1150.... Kelley Dr S W, surgeon.. M 1859-J 1156 Flandermeyer H H, druggist M 2325 Cory O C, manager . Cherdron H R, clerk 1492 SelzerE R, druggist... E 858, E 949 Selzer O E, manager Rabenstein Edward, Jr, clerk 1648 ....McNamara Dr F X, physician E 863-L Brooker Mrs J W, nurse .E 858 1682 Baldwin Dr A M, physician, res E 939- J 1712 Brainerd Dr H C, physician, res E 854 1764 FLORENCE BLK 7— Albertson Dr A L F, physician , E 871 Baldwin Dr A M, physician E 871 8— FrainDrG A, dentist E 871 1768 Florence Pharmacy .E 871 Dreher Louis, Manager. Schulze P W A, Clerk 1956 Herrick Dr H J, Jr, physician, res 1968 Crowe Drs E P and J M H, physicians E 273- J 2004 .... Schnee Dr R G, physician E 1110- J 2300 Kopfstein Dr F T, physician E 919- J 2474 Munson Dr L D, physician 2502 Handrick Dr F A, physician, res 2504 . .. .Gardner Dr J O, physician 2564 Carroll Dr FS, druggist-physician D 348 Carroll Miss M L, manager, SWISS 59 Police Station, 10th Precinct M 26 Manchester Mrs Ina, nurse 292 Street Directory, Cleveland— Continued. TAYLOR 159 Boesger Dr M A, phvsician, res 164 JonesDr N M, physician, res W 234 166 Husmann Dr D C, druggist-physician, res 167 Ashbury J W, pharmacist, res 215. .... .Prosser Mrs M E, nurse 269 Kavanaugh Miss Mary, nurse W 372 366 Groetzinger W G, pharmacist, res THIRD AV 218 Deranek Mrs Bertha, midwife TILDEN AV 71 Lee Dr H J, physician.. D 360 TITUS AV 5 Fay Mrs Rebecca, nurse TOWNSEND 38 Tilden Dr S A, physician TURNEY AV 206 Brooks Miss Lida, nurse UNION 236 Gay Miss Lottie, nurse M 2665 UNIVERSITY 99...... DEACONESS' HOME OF CLEVELAND Nurses's Apartments: Geiser Miss Varina (Fannie), matron Tchumie Miss Ida, nurse Warkentine Miss Margaret, nurse 121 Shaffer Mrs A E, nurse VALLEY 22 Miller Mrs Anna, nurse VAN NESS AV 42 Franke Dr F 0, physician, res VEGA AV 128 KolbDrM G, physician, res W 205 175 VEOA AVENUE HOSPITAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES W264 Mandeville Miss Etta, superintendent Fischer Miss Estella, nurse Engelfried Miss Clara, nurse in training Starkenberg Miss Alma, nurse in training VIADUCT 244 Sage Mrs Ellen, nurse 299^ .... Campbell's Blk Byrne Dr P J, physician W 506 302 Sim's Blk Morrison Dr Augustus, dentist W .v_\% Wimer Dr J S, physician W 686 VIENNA 74 Shea Mrs J A, nurse VINE 13: ...Fairfield T L, nurse 293 Street Directory, Cleveland— Continued. WABASH 35 Wheatley Dr W E, physician E 46 WADE AV 353 Brehnke Mrs Amalia, midwife cor Scranton av-IOKTH BROOKLYN PROTESTANT CEMETERY WADE PARK AV 55 Foljambe Dr T D, physician E 1172-T 57 Steer Dr W F^ physician, res <... E 966- T 106 Shaw Dr Calvin, physician, res E 1267- J 117 .Tcedtmann F C, druggist E 852 283 Field Dr T S, physician ,._ D 478- J 370 Krause John, druggist D 471 Spieth B V clerk 409 Peck Dr J H, druggist-physician . ... .D 130 Peck A J, clerk 425 Tims Dr W A, surgeon, res D389 Tims Miss J M, nurse 444 Snively Dr Addison, physician D 484-M 486 Barger Dr W T, physician '. D 51- J 563 Morgan C H, druggist D 135 Morse G H, clerk Jones Dr A W, physician' D 135 WALKER 19 McQuiston Dr Henry, physician WALNUT 39 Rapp Mrs A A, masseuse . Rapp P T« masseur 56 Long Dr L F, physician WALTON AV 109 Friend Dr J M, physician, res M 591- J 175 Skeel Dr R E, physician, res M 2252 WARREN 114 Taitle Mrs Marie, midwife WASHINGTON 150 Diemert Dr F X A, physician 283 Robb Miss F M, nurse'. WATER 111-113. .Benton, Myers & Co (Horace Benton, Daniel Myers, A H Van Gorder, Paul Lemperly, L I Metcalf) Whole- sale Druggists Tel Main 406 Van Gorder A H, Pharmacist (Member of Firm) Deibel O G, Pharmacist, Traveling Salesman Geiger J C, Pharmacist, Traveling Salesman Hankey W T, Pharmacist, Chemist Kinzey C O, Pharmacist, Assistant Chemist McKean C W, Pharmacist, Taveling Salesman Noonan J L, Pharmacist, City Salesman Placak ft H, Pharmacist, Assistant Chemist Schneider E F, Pharmacist, Traveling Salesman Sharpe A L, Pharmacist, Assistant Chemist Swift R B, Pharmacist, Traveling Salesman .... 114 Borden & Selleck Co, druggists' fixtures M 521 294 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. WELLINGTON AV 160 Fliedner Dr Fredk, physician, res 185 Marvin Dr A H, physician, res W 489- L WESTLAKE AV 34 Haywood Mrs Florilla, nurse WEST HADISON AVE 293 Hyde Dr W H, physician W 512 295 Kaufmann W J, druggist W 512 631 Cottier Mrs M A, nurse •. 633. .... .Strope A M, jeweler-pharmacist (not practg) 638 Brinsmade W H, druggist .W 511 682 Mack J J, druggist.. .. W 513 688 La Bellevue Holmes Dr Geo, physician W 276-L Kellogg Dr G L, dentist cor Highland av— K ational Carbon Co. W 407 WHITE AV 182 Hain Dr C O, surgeon WHITMAN 117 Droege Dr R C, physician-pharmacist, res W 581-L WHITNEY AV 120 Bonar Mrs C S, nurse Bonar Miss L A, nurse WILBUR CT 9 Marshall Mrs L E, nurse 35 Knowles Miss M E, nurse (not nursing) WILLETT (East Cleveland) nr Bailey and Mayfield rd, e of limits— UNITED JEWISH CEM- ETERY WILLIAM 43 White Mrs E C, nurse WILLSON AV (Odd) 223 . .Brubach Mrs C L, midwife 835 Schott Dr Morris, physician E 24-J §W/ 2 ....Mehard Blk Parker Dr J E, dentist Bartholomew Mrs M A, nurse B ES6 629 opp Payne av— Anderson Dr C A H, Physician-Dentist, Masseur Bihan Mrs Beatrice, masseuse Gustafson Miss Hulda, masseuse-nurse Kern Miss Tilda, masseuse-nurse Magnell Dr August, physician (not practicing •• $39^.... THE CHAMP E S89 Nurses' Apartments. 26 — Nurses: McGarvin Miss M M, Mathews Miss Lucy,.. Smith Miss LM Spencer Miss K E, Yates Miss M E 53— Reed Dr A W, physician E 295 Street Directory, Cleveland— Co ntinu ed. WILLSON AV (Odd)— Concluded. 701 Herrick Dr W H, physician, res E 566-J 737 Durstine Dr F H, physician E 779 777 Bechberger C J, druggist. E 690 Harris C E, clerk Kerr Dr I J, physician E 690 825 Scott Dr A C, physician 959 Mustard Dr J W, physician 979 Fox Sanitarium Fox Dr J B, physician 993 Prentice Dr N B, physician, res 1465 Krause Drs Bernhard and CR,res. E 991 1467 Thomas Dr W B, physician, res 1563 Deming Andrew, pharmacist, res 2233 Hawley Dr E P, physician M 664-T WILLSON AV (Even) 286 Diemert Dr J A, physician E 947 424 Marguerite Blk 1 — Jones Dr J A, physician E 871 2 — Boyd Dr J W, physician, res 466 Merrick Drs E J and M K, physicians, res E 550-1 468 Bailey Dr Robt, physician E 872 582 Whitney Dr G F, physician E 424- J 616 Payne Dr F A, physician E 829 708 Lueke Dr J H, physician E 882 744 Hess Dr J L, surgeon, res E 606 760 BETHANY HOME E 928- J Dicks Mrs L A, matron Franz Mrs E V, nurse Johnson Mrs A E, nurse Moss Mrs Jennie, nurse Oakes Miss Florence, nurse 842 Bookwalter Dr W S, physician E 845-L Nurses Apartments: Exline Miss Esther, nurse Travers Miss Stella, nurse .* 962 Laffer Dr W B, physician E 814-L 1014 Perrier Dr J S, physician E 312-L 1040 Brokaw Dr W F, physician E 209 1180 Phillips Dr W A, physician, res E 976-L 1216 Rose Dr E J, physician.. . . E 219 1264 Lewis Dr J M, physician, res . E 66 1314 Tudd Mrs L A, nurse 1354 Peskind Dr Arnold, physician E 847 1430 Felix Dr F C, physician 1434 Belt Dr J H, physician E 789- T 1438 Straight Dr H S, physician, res E 658-L s w cor Woodland a.\—Mo?itejiore Home — see Woodland av 1574..... Pav Dr A F, physician E 1179- J 2220 Cook Dr A J, physician E 14-L 2224 Heyner C C, druggist, res WINDERMERE (East Cleveland) 89 Gurley Dr E "W, Surgeon, res G 71-L WINDSOR AV 25 Gunn Dr R D A, physician, res 51 Lake Erie Hydriatic Institute and Sanitarium Sihler Miss K E, superintendent Berkei Mrs Fred, nurse-masseuse 296 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. WOOD 49 Emde F C, druggist-manager M 1493 s e cor Rockwell— OFFICE CITY INFIRMARY M 091 Reiber J C, superintendent n e cor Superior — City Hall — see Superior WOODBINE 78 Keiper Franz, pharmacist, res WOODLAND AV( Odd) 3 Emrich Wm, druggist M 1074 Hurt J A, clerk. QY 2 Mickey G H, artificial limbs Dennerle Dr D C, dentist-physician Steuer Dr J C, physician M 1074 69 Smith J A, druggist M 1707 Mead A H, clerk Stephens Dr W A, physician, res 133. ... . .WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S FREE DISPENSARY White Dr Mary H, physician-in-charge Inouye Dr Tomo, assistant 137. Grossman & Rigelhaupt (N S Grossman, Adolph Rigel- haupt) druggists M 2445 333 Belkowsky Dr I M, physician ........ M 982 Siegelstein DrLE, surgeon M 982 413 Bliss Dr H C, physician... 421 Koebler J &W, undertakers M 1386 429 Claassen Edo, druggist M 1342 483 Fagan Dr F H, dentist 521 Weiler J J, druggist M 1249 Eisenmann L C, clerk Heimlich Dr Daniel, physician 581... . ..Goetz Dr F E, physician 679 Voss G W, druggist E 190 Rosenfelder G J, clerk 681......Zapp Dr Karl, physician E 190 689 Kahn Dr Max, physician E 190 699 Gurnee Dr G W, physician E249-T 703 Franke Dr F C, physician 781 Englander Dr Isidor, dentist. 783 ClewellDr H M, physician K 481 789 Krause John, druggist E 421. E 782 901^....Heston Dr M E, physician B 66 $33%.... Conrad Dr Wm, physician B 885 Wooldridge Dr C W, physician . E 906- 1 . Moneysmith Miss Mabel, nurse E ,580 939 Deutsch Sol, druggist E 804 975 Hanna Blk Borts Dr Matthias, physician.. E 1264-1 Campbell Dr T J, dentist _ Kinnaman Dr C H. physician •979 Sherwood H J, Druggist.. Cass C M, Clerk •981 Aylsworth Dr C C, physician Edson DrC R, dentist 1003 ....Dollinger G A, druggist 1095 Saltsman E W, druggist I 1109 Miller G B, pharmacist, res. n w cor Giddings av-WOODLAND CEMETERY 1403 ....Flood WH, druggist Ebert A G, manager 297 Street Directory, Cleveland — Continued. WOODLAND AV (Odd)— Concluded. 1405 Kelley Dr J E, dentist E 849- McGee Dr J B, physician E 349- 1419 Reusing Dr A L, physician. . ... E 1101- J 1439. . . . Stevenson Dr G W, physician, E 34& 1457 Blanton Dr T W, dentist Fried Dr A V, physician E 159- J 1475 Nydeckor F L, druggist E 240 1551 . McGee Dr J B, physician E 1050- J 1561 Umbstsetter Dr Louis, physician E 654-L 1577 Ewald Dr J S, dentist 1597 Rosenberg Dr Emanuel, physician E 654-J 1613 Hosick Dr W A, physician E 240 1625 Bock Frederick, druggist E 948- Walleck Andrew, clerk WOODLAND AV (Even) 132 Krause Dr C R, physician. M 1871 214 Winter Mrs Mollie, nurse 234 Levy Mrs Lena, nurse. 268 METHODIST EPISCOPAL DEACONESS' HOME M 1362- Nurses Apartments: Nurses: Decker Miss M M Matthews Mrs M L Johnston Miss M E Spahlinger Miss E C 274 CLEVELAND GENERAL HOSPITAL AND TRAINING SCHOOL M 2862" Smythe Miss E M, superintendent Allen Dr F Y, house surgeon Adams Dr J E, house physician Williams Dr R W, asst house surgeon Nuss J C, pharmacist Nurses-in-Training: Bagley Miss Alice Merrittt Miss May Barnes Miss G L Nash Miss Jennie Bennett Miss Eva Osborne Miss Mary Blight Miss Flo Parker Miss Hattie Dague Miss L M Patmore Miss Zorada Frazer Mi-s Retta Roberts Miss Maggie Giles Miss Georgia Schwab Miss Agnes Green Miss G E Schwartzer Miss Alma Hackett Miss Lizzie Spencer Miss L L Hoppe Miss Bessie Stocltzing Miss Cornelia Langlois Miss M L Urban Miss Clara LoydMissAE Williams Miss H C 314 Petersilge Albert, druggist M 982* Petersilge Emile, clerk. 330 Reich Dr Leo, physician . M 982: ^24 Meyer Dr A F, physician Engelcks Mrs S A M, nurse 616 Beaumont Mrs L L. nurse Johnston Miss A M, nurse E 651 Johnston Miss Elizabeth, nurse E 651 634 Maschke Dr A S, physician E 515-L 722 Rosenwasser Dr Marcus, surgeon E 180- 766 Steiner Dr Adolph, physician E 421 846 Rosewater Dr Nathan, druggist-physician E 565 864 Cohen Dr Arnold, physician E 132: Spurney Dr A F, physician :....E132 Wood Dr C L, physician E 132: 2 9 8 Street Directory, Cleveland — Concluded. 954 Rosewater Dr Nathan, druggist-physician E 580 Hirsch S F, clerk 982 Monteiiore Home E 450 Modroo Miss Amelia, hospital matron . Koester Mrs Carrie, nurse 1004 EOCK'SBLK Adams Dr E O, physician, res E 1090-I> Combes Dr M L, physician E 491 Fairbanks Dr D H, dentist Hisey Dr J W, dentist Horr Dr W H, physician 1006 Thomas Dr W B, physician E 135 1030 Barr & Cutter, physicians E 634-L 1150 Heym Dr Rudolph, physician E 1270- J s s nr Giddings av— ST JOHN'S CATHOLIC CEMETERY s e cor E Madison av— ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CEMETERY cor E Madison av— HOUSE OF CORRECTION E 109 Handrick Dr F A, house physician WOODLAND HILLS AV 645 Donovan Miss E E, nurse 1075 . . . .Evans Dr S "W", physician, res 1357 Young T C, druggist M 697 Stimson W J, clerk. ;Dr G ] Follansbee Dr G E, physician M 697 Taf t Dr R E, physician M 697 1623 Patton T P, nurse s end, jction Broadway — Cleveland State Hospital and Training School see Broadway WOOLSEY 234 .Petrolewicz Mrs Frances, midwife WORLEY 1768 Dreblow Miss Helen, nurse 1781 Johns W G, masseur-nurse YORK 7 Reeve Miss Alice, nurse W 367 29% Buel Dr J J, physician, res 77 Cleveland Electro-Magnetic Sanitarium White Dr L L, physician ZOETER AV 1324 Nichols Miss Harriet, nurse 299 DR. ROLLIN HORTON, DENTIST, TEETH PREPARED FOR FILLING AB- SOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN* * <* * # GOLD CROWNS AND BRIDGEWORK.^** Rooms 374-5-6 Colonial Arcade, J14 Euclid Ave*, opp* Bond, .CLEVELAND, OHIO. Telephone, Main U90. SOBEY'S HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 276 Erie Street, j. b. sobey, m. a, Mgr. CLEVELAND, O* 300 INSTRUCTION IN TOeraptiG massage and movements ....GIVEN TO.... PHYSICIANS and NURSES. For further information address DR. CARL A. H. ANDERSON, 629 Willson Avenue, = CLEVELAND, O. 75c. TAYLORS 75c. Turkish, Russian and Electric BAT H S . NEWLY FURNISHED AND MODERN. Massage at your home a specialty. 2 8 Sheriff Street, Only experienced attendants employed. ._. . ^ 1T . J * *■*»%.* (Opposite Opera House. Large Plunge. Open Day and High!. CLEVELAND O W. E. TAYLOR, Proprietor. 301 GEO. BILLOW, Agt, T uncral D irector TELEPHONE 1\. OPEN AT ALL HOURS. Warehouse, Ash St. Offices, Ash St., foot of Mill, AKRON, OHIO. Geo. C. Himmelman PHARMACIST 164 S Main Street C. T. Parks, Pres. & Mgr. Walter R. Dickson, Sec'y & Treas. Cbe Parks Undertaking Co. Located in Handsome New Quarters Prompt and courteous attention given to all calls. Mrs. C. T. Parks will have charge of embalming of Children and Ladies. NewFuneral Car and Pall Bearers' Coach. New Rubber Tired Ambulance in readi- ness for use day or night. Open at all hours. THE PARKS UNDERTAKING CO., Telephone 442. 116 N. High St. near Market, AKRON, OHIO. Try KERN'S Rheumatic and Neuralgia Cure. Kerivs Rheumatic and neuralgia Cure Is a Quick-Selling Medicine because it Cures Quickly. Buy it and be convinced. Sciatica, Inflammatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia Cured. Put up by DR. J. WEEKS, 1673 Cedar Avenue, - Cleveland, Ohio. Trade supplied by Benton, Myers & Co., and Strong, Cobb & Co., Cleveland, O 302 ...AKRON... 3<>3 <£ AKRON, at Seat of Summit Co. — Population, 40,000 — Southern Terminus of the Akron, Bedford & Cleveland R. R.— Electric. BOARD OF HEALTH— City of Akron Meets in City Building 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. Telephone 169, Mayor W E Young, Pres, ex-officio; Dr E S Underwood, Health Officer; Dr I C Rankin, City Physician ; M W Hoye, Sanitary Policeman and Milk Inspector; Wm F Eckert, Plumbing Inspector; Dr W A Sackett, Dr O A Lyon, W E Musser, A H Sargent, J D Chandler, J C Weber BOARD OF PENSION EXAMINING SURGEONS— Summit County Meets every Wednesday morning at 156 S Broadway. Tel 264 Officers: Dr A E Foltz, Akron, Pres; Dr H C Theiss, Akron, Sec; Dr Wm M Boerstler, Peninsula, Treas CORONER— Summit County Dr Edward O Leberman, 102 W Exchange, res 803 same. Tel 514 MEDICAL SOCIETIES Summit Coiaity Clinical Society (Homoeopathic). Organized Jan 15, 1885. Meets 1st Tuesday of each month at the Akron Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 125 S High. Officers: Dr Edwin J Cauffitdd, Akron, Pres; Dr Frank F Finch, Akron, Vice-Pres; Dr Katherine Kurt, Akron, Sec-Treas Summit County Medical Society — Organized Dec 13, 1898. Meets first Tuesday of each month. Officers: Pres, Dr Byron Chapman, Copley; Vice-Pres. Dr W C Jacobs, Akron; Treas, Dr H D Taggart, Akron; Sec, Dr G M Todd, Akron Celsus Club— Organized Feb, 1894. Object: Social and mutual benefit, and the study of the latest medical and surgical procedures. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings of each month at the offices of the members. Officers: Dr J V Cleaver, Pres; Dr A A Kohler, Vice- Pres; Dr C E Norris, Treas; Dr C W Virtue, 126 S Main, Sec PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION Akron Pharmaceutical Association — Organized Oct 24,1894. Meets at the Association Rooms, over 164 S Main, 1st Wednesday in Jan, April,. July and Oct. Officers: C T Inman, Pres; C B Harper, Vice-Pres; G C Himmelman, Sec-Treas. Executive Committee: J M Laffer, Chairman, F A Collins ai.d E H Buehl 304 " Hospitals, Akron — Continued. HOSPITALS Summit County Infirmary — W Exchange Extension, 1 mile' west of limits Tel 243. Office, 186 S Howard, Tel 522. Board of Directors: Jacob Metzger, R Y Robinson and J M Kleckner. City Trustee, Jos Kendall. Dr Wm A Sackett, Messer Blk, tel 690. Physician; SB Stotler, Sapt; Mrs A S Stotler, Matron CITY HOSPITAL OF AKRON Established 1892. 943 East Market Street. - Telephone 606. Miss Marie A. Lawson, Superintendent. Officers: — O. C. Barber, President; Geo. T. Perkins, Vice- President; Jno. B. Wright, Treasurer; Henry Perkins, Recording Secretary ; Jno. C. Bloomfield, Financial Sec- retary. Trustees :— Geo. T. Perkins, D. E. Hill, Geo. W. Crouse, F. Schumacher, E. Steinbacher, J. A. Kohler, I. C. Alden, C. E. Sheldon, Wm. A. Palmer, P. E. Werner, F. M. At- terholt, Chas. Baird. Ladies' Auxiliary Board : — Mrs. J. M. Beck, President; Mrs. R. L. Ganter, 1st Vice President: Mrs. Geo. W. Plumer, 2d Vice President; Mrs. Ira M. Miller, Secretary; Mrs. L. M. Wolfe, Treasurer. Mrs. Wm. B. Raymond, Mrs. J. M. Beck, Mrs. W. J. Frank, Mrs. M. O'Neil, Mrs Ira M. Miller, Mrs. Henry Perkins, Mrs. W. C. Jacobs, Mrs. Ellen Robinson, Mrs. F. H. Mason, Mrs. R. L. Ganter, Mrs. Louis Loeb, Mrs. Geo. W. Plumer, Mrs. H. J. Shreffler, Mrs. Henry M. Smith, Mrs. Ellen Robinson, Mrs. Eli Conn, Mrs. M. Louer, Mrs. Wm. Dempsev, Mrs. J. W. Kelley, Mrs. A. Holm, Mrs. F. Fiebeger, Mrs. F. M. Atterholt, Mrs. D. W. Curtis, Mrs. Geo. Burkhardt, Mrs. Wm. Murdoch, Mrs. Jno. Gross, Mrs. L. Sattler, Mrs. Henry Sprain, Mrs. Philip Yockey, Mrs. I. Philo, Mrs. Carlson, Miss Emma Whitmore. HOSPITAL STAFF. Surgical and Medical: — Dr. W. C. Jacobs, President; Dr. L. S. Sweitzer, Vice President; Dr. Geo. M.Todd, Secretary. Consulting, Surgical : — Dr. W. C. Jacobs, Dr. Elizur Hitch- cock. Consulting, Medical :— Dr. L. S. Ebright, Dr. J. P. Boyd, Dr. W. W. Leonard, Dr. Wm. Murdoch. 305 Hospitals, Akron — Concluded. Visiting, Surgical :— Dr. J. W. Rabe, Dr. H. H. Jacobs, Dr. T. C. Parks, Dr. D. E. Cranz. Visiting, Medical :— Dr. L. S. Sweitzer, Dr. F. C. Reed, Dr.H. E. Conner, Dr. R. B. Carter, Dr. O. D. Childs, Dr. H. D. Todd. Gynecologists: — Dr. I. C. Rankin, Dr. Geo. M. Todd. Oculists:— Dr. A. E. Foltz, Dr. J. G. Grant, Pathologist: — Dr. E. S. Underwood. Receiving Committee: — Jos. Kendall, Henry Perkins. Visitors — No person except a Trustee, Officer or member of the Medical Staff can visit any part of the premises except on business or at the time fixed for visitors, without permission of the Superintendent. On Tuesdays and Fridays, from 1 to 4 p m, relatives and friends are permitted to visit patients. In all cases, however, the Visiting Physicians and Surgeons and the Superintendent may exercise discretionary power as to excluding or admitting visitors. 306 Physicians and Surgeons* NOTE : — The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows : 1st, Name; 2nd, School of Practice ; 3rd, College and Year of Graduation; 4th, Office, Telephone and Hours; 5th, Residence, Telephone and Hours. The Year following the word "Reg" (registered) is not the Year of Registration, but of the Beginning of Practice. Where the Office and Residence are the same only one address is given. See List of Colleges and Schools, Pages 115 to 117, for explanation of College Initials. REGULAR, OR ALLOPATHIC Adams Lucy Harkey, removed to Pittsburg, Pa Adams Walter T, removed to Pittsburg, Pa Alexander H Benham, removed Armstrong Henry A, removed to Publo, Colo Bock Ada F, U M, '90. Sec 209 S Howard, tel 398, res 800 E Market, tel 1673 (not practg) Bowman Dell S, U P, '93. 18 I O O F Temple, tel 678, 9 to 11, 2 to 4. 7 to 8, res 151 Crosby, tel 2 on 678 Boyd James P, L I C H, '75. 143 S Summit, tel 231, 8 to 9, 2 to 3, 7 to 8 Callin Fredk B, J M C, '86. 9 Arcade blk, 7 to 12, 1 to 9, res 214 E Talmage av Chamberlin Wm E, Charity Hosp Med Coll, Clev, '70; U W, '72. 15S S Broadway, 8.30 a m to 8.30 p m Clark Chas E, removed to Pittsburg, Pa CLEAVER J VALE, Univ of Pa, Phila, '87. 200 S Howard, cor Mill. Tel 777. Hours, 9 to 11.30 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Res 635 W Market. Tel 777-2 rings Conn Eli, U W, '76. 230 S Main, res 1104 same, 9 to 12, 2 to 5, 6:30 to 8 Conner Homer E, L N M C, '77. 27 Arcade blk, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. res 2 9 N Valley, tel 280 Davison Cassius C, Col M C, '77. 109 Broad, tel 57, 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 9 Ebright I.eonidas S, Charity Hosp Med Col, Clev, '69 1124 E Market. 1 to 3, res 108 Forrest, tel 68. Postmaster, Postoffice, Broadway and Mill, tel 4 Emery Wm J, removed to Green Spring, O Fehr Peter, U W, '96. 112 W Exchange, 9 to 10.30, 3 to 4, 6.30 to - May av nr Maple, tel 65 Fisher Henry M, deceased 1TOLTZ ABISTER E, Charity Hosp Med Col, '68. Office and Residence 156 S Broadway. Tel 264. Pres Board of Pension Examining Sur- geons' Oculist City Hosp; County Tail Physician Fouser Alvin K, O M C, '76. 161 S Broadway, tel 246, 8 to 10, LS Geer Arthur C, S M C, '98. Mgr 111 N Howard, tel B17, res L85 Clen- wood av (not practg) Grant James G, B H M C, '86. 51 Akron Saygs Bank bldg, tel 248 - to 12, 1.30 to 5, res 105 S Forge Hays Clinton J, removed to Nimisila, O 3<>7 Physicians and Surgeons, Akron — Continued. Hill Corwin T, W R U, '98. 811 N Howard, tel 1814, 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8 Hinman Earle C, O M U, '98. 310 S College, 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Hitchcock Elizur, W R U, '60. (Hitchcock & Sippy), 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 9, res 116 E Exchange Hitchcock & Sippy (Elizur Hitchcock, Asher F Sippy). 116 E Ex- change, tel 174 Holloway Luther M, removed to Salona, Pa Hottenstein Elmer K, J M C, '83. 21 Doyle blk, tel 299, 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8, res 126 Carroll, tel 503 Hottenstein Wm J, J M C, '89. 21 Doyle blk, tel 299, res 119 Coburn (not practicing — see Dentists) Humphrey Clarence M, W R U, '82. 1013 S Main, tel 698 Humphrey Elwyn, W R U, '65. 188 S Howard, 9 to 12, 2 to 6, res 208 Brown Jackson Ion Anderson, removed to New York City Jackson Thomas W, U S A, Med Dept, Washington, D C Jacobs Harold H, O M C, '91. (Jacobs & Jacobs), 9 to 11, 3 to 5, 7 to 8, res 607 S High, tel 256 Jacobs Wm C, O M C, '62. (Jacobs & Jacobs), 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8, res 605 SHigh Jacobs & Jacobs, (Wm C and Harold H) 603 S High, tel 170 Jones A Walter, Q U, '96. 44 Central Office bldg, tel 648, 8.30 to 10.30, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Kohler Albert A, W R U, '90. 19 Doyle blk, tel 299, 10 to 11.30, 3 to 5, res 1083 S Main, tel 393, 7 to 8 p m Leberman Edward O, S M C, '90. 102 W Exchange, 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 9, res 803 E Exchange, tel 514. Coroner Lee James L, U W,'82. 703 E Mill, tel 399, 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8; Sun, 9 to 10 a m Leonard Wellington W, B C P S, '83. (Leonard & Underwood),7.30 to 9, 12.30 to 2, 6.30 to 7.30, res 227 S Union, tel 658 Leonard & Underwood (Wellington W Leonard, Edward S Underwood) 14 and 15 I O O F Temple, tel 23 Merriman Chas R, W R U, '58. Merriman st, 1 mile n w limits Millikin Chas W, U P, '80. 1174 E Market, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8, res 168 S High, tel 212 Montenyohl Edward A, O M C, '95. 301 Everett blk,9 to 11, 1 to 3, 6.30 to 8, res 137 Bluff, tel 756 Murphy Robt M, J M C, '92. 30 Arcade blk, 9 to 12, 2 to 5, res 109 Wooster av Nipple H Newt, J M C, '98. 143 S Howard, until 10 a m, 2 to 4, 6 to 8, tel 824 Norris Chas E, U M, ''SQ. 404 E Exchange, res 500 same, tel 748, 10 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Parks Thos C, S M C,'83. 706 S Main, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8.30; Sunday, 9 to 10, 2 to 4; res 419 Perkins, tel 226 Pixley Sumner, W R U, '47. Res 313 Carroll (retired) Rabe James W, U P, '88. 321 E Market, tel 540, 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 709 E Market, tel 27 Race Albert R, removed Ramsey Wesley C, U W, '89. 412 Everett blk, 9 to 12, 1 to 5, 7 to 8, Tues, Thurs and Sat, res 128 N Summit RANKIN IRVING C, Univ of Pa, Phila, '95. 200 S Howard, cor Mill. Tel 455. Hours, 10 a m to 12 m, 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m. Res 112 Fay. Tel 112. City physician; Visiting Gynecologist Akron City Hospital Reed Frank C, U W, '76. 1140 E Market, 8 to 10, 1 to 2, 7 to 8, res 209 S Arlington, tel 77 Rowe Darius, O M C, '72. 138 S Howard, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, res 137 S Maple, tel 209 3 o3 Physicians and Surgeons, Akron— Con tinned. Sackett Wm A, U P, '93. Messer blk, 8 Main cor Bartges, tel 690. until 9.30 a m, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Schermerhorn Fred, removed Seiler John H, U M, '86. 507 E Market, tel 237, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Shirey James L,SM C, '85. 208 E Market, tel 323, 8.30 to 10, 1.30 to 3, 7.30 to 9, res 283 W Market, tel 263 Shuman John O, Coll Phys and Surgs, Keokuk, la, '77; JMC, '90. 126 Wooster av, tel 525, 8 a m to 8 p m Sicherman Armin, Imperial-Royal Univ, Vienna, Austria, '90. 8 I O O F Temple, tel 660, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Sippy Asher F, R M C, '92. (Hitchcock & Sippy),10 to 12, 2 to 5, res 108 Adams, tel 694 Smith Clifton G, U B, »86. 581 W Market, tel 669, 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Smith Wm H, C C M S, '72. 511 & N Howard, tel 291, 7 am to 5 p m (alsoDruggist) Sturgeon Saml H, O M C, '73. 152 S Howard, tel 666, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8, res 132 Ash Sweitzer Louis S, C M C, '75; NYCPS, '78. 505 E Market, tel 534, 8.30 to 9,30, 1.30 to 2.30, 7 to 9 Taggart Horace D, J M C,'74. 221 E Market, 8 to 12, 2 to 5, res 108 Wood Theiss Gustave A, W R U, '94, 100 Sumner, tel 1714 Theiss Herman C, Col M C,'86. 102 N Walnut, tel 62, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Todd Geo M, U P, '93. 51 Akron Savgs Bank bldg, tel 248, 10 to 12, res 512 E Market, tel 579 Underwood Edward S, JMC, "91. (Leonard & Underwood), 9 to 10, 2.30 to 4, 7 to 8, res 305 S High, tel 3 on 23, Health Officer Virtue C Wellington, C P S C, '97. 1 Abbey blk, tel 509, 10 to 12, 3 to 5, res 133 Bowery, tel 1981 Waldron Lucian P, B C P S, '82 117 S Howard, tel 2 on 701, 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 5 to 8, res 285 W Market Workman Theodore W. O M C, '79. 723 S Main, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 Wright Sam] St J, C MC, 76. 51 Akron Savgs Bank bldg, tel 248, 7.30 to 8.30, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sun, 8.30 to 10,30 am; res 904 E Market, tel 753 HOMOEOPATHIC Baughman Isaac J. removed to Fairlawn, O Bean John L, removed to Medina, O Carter Rollin B, C H H C,'84, 106 Adolph av, tel 12S, 10 to 12, 3 to 5, 7 to S Cauffield Edwin J C, U MS, '95. 309 Everett blk, tel 444, 9 to 11, 1 to 3. 6.30 to 7.30: Sunday 10.30 to 12; res 518 W Market, tel 2 on 444 Childs O D, C H H C, '67. 402 E Market, res 409 same, tel 22, 8 to 9. 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Clapsadel Frederick A, removed to Colorado CftAETZ DANIEL E, Hahnemann Med Coll, Chicago, '77. 8, 4 and ;-» IOOF Temple, 176 S Main. Tel 499. Hours,8 to 10 a m, 1 to 3 p m. Res 115 Crosby. Tel 2 on 499 Dixon Chas A, C M C, '94. 1062 S Main, tel 507. 10 to 12, 2 to -1. 7 to BJ . res 526 E Exchange, tel 878, until 10 a m Dixon W Walter, removed to Rochester, N V Hassenflue John W, C M C, '96. 1123 S Main, tel 888, 8 to 10. I to 8. 7 to ;< Kapp Michael W, C M C, '95. 38 Central Office bldg, tel 2 on 071. 10 to 12, 2 to 4, res 215 Crosby, tel 674 Koontz Edwin J, removed to Wadsworth, O Kurt Katherine, H M C C, 'S2. 113 S Broadwav, tel 1972, 8 to 9, 1 to !. " Lyon Orrin A, C H H C, '81. 1080 E Market, 8 to 9, '2 to L 7 to >. rei E Exchange, tel 643 Murdoch Wm, C H H C, '73. 163 s Broadway, tel 86, until \> :\ m, \2 to 8, 7 to 9 3°9 Physicians and Surgeons, Akron — Concluded. Parsons Willis T, removed to Lucas, O Rockwell James W, HMCC, '77. 125 S High, 8 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 9 Wake Herbert C, removed to Hudson, O Whitmore Wm H, H M C C, '80. Dept supt Sterling Boiler Co, Bar- berton, O, res 1050 E Market (not practg) HOMOEOPATHIC AND REGULAR FINCH FRANK F, Clev Univ Med and Surg, '95; Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp, N Y, '98. 309 and 310 Everett Blk, 205 E Market. Tel 444. Hours, 9 to 11.80 a m, 1.30 to 4 p m; other hours by appoint- ment only. Res 606^ W Market. Tel 10 (pay) ECLECTIC Adams Frank X, E M I, '85. 114 Grant, tel 1704 Foltz Kent O, removed to Cincinnati, O Foltz Wm K, E M I, '59. (Foltz & Todd), res 223 S Union, tel 295 Foltz & Todd (Wm K Foltz, Harry D Todd). 34 Central Office bldg, tel 319, 10 to 12, 1 to 3.30 Merrow Almeda M, removed to Cincinnati, O Merrow J George W, removed to Cincinnati, O Todd Harry D, E M I, '97 (Foltz & Todd). Res 34 Central Office bldg BOTANIC JOHNSON SIDNEY W, Reg, '81. Office and Residence, 213 S Broad- way. Hours, 9 a m to 12 m, 2 to 5 and 6 to8 p m; Sunday, 10 a m to 5 p m. Root and Herb Specialist. All Chronic Diseases Treated. Female Diseases a Specialty OSTEOPATHIC Eastman Eugene H, removed to Detroit, Mich Hulett M lone, American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo,'98. 50& Everett blk, 8.30 a m to 4:30 p m, res 315 S Forge VITAPATHIC Read Ellis D, removed to Detroit, Mich ^ <£ DENTISTS. # <£ Note: The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows: 1st, Name; 2d, College and Year of Graduation; 3d, Office, Telephone and Hours; 4th Residence, Telephone and Hours. The Year following the word, "Reg" (registered) is not the Year of Registration, but of the Beginning of Practice W T here the Office and Residence are the same only one address is given See List of Colleges and Schools, Pages 115 to 117, for explanation of College Initials. 3IO Dentists, Akron — Concluded. Anderson Fred S, removed to Richmond, Ind Benner lrvin R, O C D S, '98. (Chandler and Benner), res Barberton, O Black Louis H, removed to Columbus, O Branch Ernest E, removed to Cincinnati, O Browne Lambert T, reg, '75. 402 E Exchange Buchtel A Percy, W R U, '95. 200 S Howard, tel 455, 8.30 to 11.30, 1 to 5.30 Chamberlain Fred'k N, P D C, '87. 113 S Howard, 8 a m to 5 p m, re3 • 313 N College Chandler Benj C.OCDS, '89, (Chandler & Benner), res Barberton, O Chandler & Benner (Benj C Chandler, lrvin R Benner). 101 E Market, 8 a m to 5 p m (also Barberton, O) Chapman Mason, deceased Childs Alpheus A, deceased Cole Harry W, I D C, '89. 108 S Howard. Sam to 5 p m, res 100 Upson Conner Will B, P C D S, '85. 1 Arcade blk, 8a m to 5 p m, res 108 Oak- dale av Felker Chas, U Md, '90. 100 S Howard, 8 a m to 6 p m Hamilton Thos J, reg, '95. 1138 E Market, tel 232, 8 a m to 7 p m Hendershot Alex M, removed to Wilmington, Del Hill Burt J.OCD S, '88. 102 W Exchange, tel 278, 8 a m to 3 p m, res Tallmadge, O. Hillman Jesse W, O C D S, '88. 41 Central Office bldg, 8 to 12, 1 to 5,. res 117 S Balch Hottenstein Wm J, PC DS, '90. 21 Doyle blk, tel 299, 8 to 11, 1 to 5, res 119 Coburn (also Physician) Keck Harry E, W R U, '98. 6 I O O F Temple, 8 to 12, 1 to 5; Sun 10 to 1, res 109 Bates, Knowlton Frank W.PDC, '88. 119 S High, tel 744, 8 to 11.30, 1 to 5 Lyder Fred H, P D C, '87. (J W and F H Lyder) and (Lyder Specialty Co), res 107 Good, tel 763 Lyder John W. P D C. '69. (J W & F H Lyder), res 107 XMaple, tel 149 Lyder JW&FH (JohnW and FredH). 7 I O O F Temple, tel 115, 8 to 12, 1 to 5 Peterson James H, deceased Renkert Oliver W, W R U, '98. 148 S Main, 8 a m to 8 p m; Sunday 10 a m to 4 p m, res Pendleton Hotel, tel 708 Ruegsegger Danl U, O C D S, '92. 170 S Main, 8 to 11.30, 1 to 5.30, res 111 S College Schiller C Fred, removed to Cleveland, O Sibley Nicholas B, Haskell Poat-Grad School Prosth Dent, Chicago, »96. 156 S Main, tel 784,8 to 12, 1 to 5.30 Slemmons Wm J, reg, '89. 4 Abbey blk, 8 a m to 8 p m Smith Carlos E, P D C, '98. (Smith & Vedder),res 501 E Market SMITH & VEDDEE (Carlos E Smith, John Brooks Vedderl. 316 to 318 Everett Blk, 205 E Market. Hours, 8 a m to 12 m, 1 to 5 pm Stewart Henry P, deceased Thorp Lucien G, reg, '63. Res 149 Lods (not practg) Vedder John Brooks, P D C, '98. (Smith & Vedder),res 501 E Market Waldron Julius C, U M, '80. 16 I O O F Temple, 8 to 12,1 to 5, resSW Park Watters T Fred, UP, '95. 629 S Main, r tel 692, 8 to 12, 1 to 6, res 107 E Buchtel av Whitenack Chas, Chi CDS, '90. ' Asst 100 S Howard, 8 ■ m to 6 p m. res 108 S Union Williamson Geo B, P D C, '87. 414 Everett blk, tel 711, 8 to 11.80, 1 to B , res 513 W Chestnut 3 n Druggists and Pharmacists Note: The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows: 1st, Name; 2d, College or School, and Year of Graduation; 3d, Store and Tele- phone;4th, Residence and Telephone. The Year following the word "Reg" (registered) is not the Year of Registration, but of the Beginning of Practice. Where the Store and Residence are the same only one address is given. See List of Colleges and Schools, Pages 115 to 117, for explanation of College and School Initials. DRUGGISTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Allen, Clark Drug Co The (Sam'l E Allen, Lawrence Clark,. 195 S Howard, tel 164 Allen Sam'l E, U M, '76. (Allen, Clark Drug Co), res 206 N Prospect Clark Lawrence, reg. '93. (Allen, Clark Drug Co), res 610 E Buchtel av Steinbacher Erhard, reg, '51. (E Steinbacher & Co), res 604 E Market Steinbacher E & Co (Erhard Steinbacher, George L Stewart, Alfred G Barnes). 104 E Market, tel 282 DRUGGISTS, RETAIL. Albrecht Fred W, prop 437 E Center, tel 2 on 528, res 108 Spicer Black Stephen K, reg, '66. 100 W Exchange, res 221 same, tel 278 Blocker Henry C, reg, '84. Ill N Howard, tel 317 Buehl Edward H, P C P, '90. Mgr 437 E Center, tel 2 on 528, res 627 E Buchtel av Buell Wm, reg, '68. (Buell & Lemasters), res 1060 S Main Buell & Lemasters (Wm Buell, Wm O Lemasters). S Main cor Bartges, tel 1791 CASE JAMES H, Reg, '76. 132 Wooster av, cor St Clair. Res same. Tel 1781. Night calls attended promptly Chambers Edward C, A C P, '93. 571 W Market, tel 1391 Collins Frank A, reg, '74. 126 S Main, tel 509, res 113 N Broadway Crites Mrs Laura A, prop 920 E Market, tel 1843 Day J C & Co (John C Day, Miller Drug Co, Phila, Pa), 210 W T est Market Dutt Wm, P C P, '96. 629 S Main, tel 692, res 603 Bowery Eberhard Gotthilf, NIP, '91. 408 E Exchange, tel 577 Hahti Harvey G, A C P, '93. (Hahn & McKean), res Andrus nr Steiner av (S Akron) Hahn & McKean (Harvey G Hahn, Harvey T McKean), 1514 S Main, tel 15 (pay) Harper Chas B, Allegheny Coll, Meadville, Pa,'82. (C B Harper & Co), res 105 West HarperCB&Co, (Chas B Harper, John Leavitt). 159 S Howard, tel 574 Heifer Clinton E, reg:, '59 113 S Howard, res 200 N Prospect HIMMELMAN GEORGE C, Reg, '75. 164 S Main. Tel 363, Res 649 W Market. Tel 352 Inman Bros (Sidnev C and Chas T). 1186 E Market, tel 52 Inman Chas T, C S P,'S7. (Inman Bros), res 1031 E Market Inman Sidney C, reg, ^66. (Inman Bros), res 215 S Case av 312 Druggists and Pharmacists, Akron — Concluded. Laffer James M, reg, '69. 630 S Main, tel 7, res 634 W Market, tel 597 Lamparter John, reg asst, '83. (John Lamparter & Co), res 117 Grant Lamparter John & Co (John Lamparter, Frank Selzer). 183 8 Howard, tel 315 Lemasters Wm O, S C P, '91. (Buell & Lemasters),res S Main and Bartges McCann Joseph P, A C P, '91. 400 E Exchange, res 213 Buckeye Rockwell Dr James W, prop 125 S High (also Physician) Sauder John M, reg, '79. (R Sauder & Co), res 1089 S Main Sauder R & Co (Rachel and John M Sauder) t 1089 S xMain, tel 530 Selzer Frank, reg, '89. (John Lamparter & Co), res 307 W Buchtel av Smith Mrs Dorinda A, prop 511% N Howard, tel 291 Smith Dr Wm H, reg, '74. Mgr 511% Howard, tel 291 (also Physician) Spencer Charles, reg, '47. 1117% S Main Warner Augustus, reg,'70. 208 E Market, tel 323,res 283 W Market, tel 263 HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACY Akron Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 125 S High PHARMACISTS AND ASSISTANTS Andree Albert G, reg asst, '96. Clerk 437 E Center, tel 2 on 528, res 230 Carroll Bachman Chas A, removed to Ada, O Bahler Ferd A, S C P, '96. Clerk 920 E Market, tel 1843 Black Sterling K, A C P, '95. Clerk 100 W Exchange, tel 278, res 10S Wooster av Cahoon Earl E, A C P, '97. Clerk 126 S Main, tel 509, res 604% Bowery Chapman J Wesley, removed to Columbus, O Chapman Simeon, Jr, reg asst, '97. Clerk 104 E Market, tel 2S2, res 606 S Main Cleave Wm E, reg asst, '95. Clerk 1186 E Market, tel 52. res 108 Ann Cummins H Rollin, Ohio State Univ, Columbus, '91. Clerk 113 S How- ard, res 200 N Prospect Dixon Arch A, removed to Brimfield, Ind Grether Chas, reg, '92. Res 1055 S Main Hawn Edward W, reg asst, '98. Clerk 629 S Main, tel 692, res 141 Arch Keller Oliver F, removed Krause Henry C, U S Army Kurtz Harrv G, N Y C P, '89. Clerk 159 S Howard, tel 574, res 141 Carroll Neubauer Wm F, reg asst, '98. Clerk 208 E Market, tel 323, res 813 X Howard SELLWOOD JAMES H, Reg, '87. Clerk Geo C Himmelman, Druggist, 121 S Main. Tel 363. Res 137 Carroll Sharpe John A, reg asst, '78. Clk 630 S Main, tel 7. res 112 Allvn Smith Miss Cora M, removed to Connecticut 3*3 at *&> Nurses* «£ ^e NOTE : — The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows :. 1st, Name; 2nd, Hospital and Year of Graduation, or Number of Years' Experience; 3rd, Residence and Telephone. FEMALE NURSES— Graduated. Alexander Miss Martha D, Clev Gen Hosp, '98. 574 W Market, tel 142 Bell Miss Mary B, City Hosp, '97. Head nurse same, tel 606 Buckman Miss Mary E, Lynn (Mass) Hosp, '91. 107 Vine Kriyer Miss Viola, City Hosp, '99, Nurse same, tel 606 Lawson Miss Marie A, Michael Reese Hosp, Chicago, '93. Supt City Hosp, 943 E Market, tel 606 Louer Miss Carrie S, Cook Co Hosp, Chicago, '89. 108 Adolph av (not nursing) Schneider Miss A Mary, Phila Hosp, '98. 121 Holldway Staver Miss Florence M, Western Pa Hosp, Pittsbg, '97, 257 Carroll Stone Miss Eva S, Lakeside Hosp, Clev, '91. 203 Vine Turner Miss Mary, Norristown (Pa) Charity Hosp,'9S. 101 Wood, tel 14S& Viers Miss Lettie, 111 Trg Schl, Chicago, '96. 608 W chestnut, tel 632 White Miss A Annie, St Luke's Hosp, Denver, Colo, '98. 417 Park FEMALE NURSES— Experienced Axtell Mrs Mary E, 8 years. 108 N Union Bair Mrs Nitisha, 22 years. 217 W Miller av Bierwirth Mrs Regina, 10 years. 309 N Maple, tel 570 (also Midwife Bishop Mrs Mary C, 26 years. 714 Bowery, tel 1572 Brodt Mrs Anna, retired Carey Miss Alice E, 8 years. 148 Crosby, tel 2 on 678 Childs Mrs Elizabeth, 18 years. 113 James, tel 286 Davies Mrs Maud B, removed to Kent, O Dreese Mrs Mary, 8 years. 137 Lods Ely Miss Ruth A, 9 years. Ill Adams, tel 466, res 105 Day Franklin Mrs Harriet, 35 years. 1 Southampton Gifford Miss N Josephine, 10 years. 705 N Howard Grindell Mrs Mary A, 27 years. 205 N Maple, tel 307 Hackett Miss Elizabeth, 3 years. 112 Benjamin Hixon Miss Elizabeth, 12 years. 118 N Walnut, tel 62 Hurlbut Mrs Mary J, 4 years. 112 Kirkwood Imfield Miss Mary A, 23 years. 117 Cuyahoga Johnson Mrs Philena, removed to Buffalo', N Y Knowles Miss M E, removed to Cleveland Lee Mrs Eliza. 20 years. 204 W Miller av, tel 828 Longtin Mrs Mary, 20 years. 304 Pine al McElhinney Mrs Anna, 11 years. 103 N Allyn, tel 558 McMullen Mrs Mary, 10 years. 119^ Hall, tel 152 Mantel Mrs Adeline, 1 year. 318 Sherman, tel 1701 Morgan Mrs Elizabeth, 25 years. Rear 133 S Maple, tel 2C9 Pouchot Mrs Josephine, 3 years. 210 River, tel 346 3H Nurses, Akron— Concluded. Rask Miss Sophie E, 5 years. 1256 E Market Rawlings Miss Anna I), 4 years. 106 Warner, tel 2 on 173 Reed Mrs Mattie E, 9 years. 968 E Market (not nursing) Robison Miss Minnie M, removed Saussaman Mrs Mary A, 25 years. 113 Livingston Shoemaker Mrs Amanda, retired Smith Miss Cora M, removed to Connecticut Snell Miss Julia, removed Spears Mrs Viola, 5 years. 603 S High, tel 170 Stang Mrs L A, removed Stevens Mrs Julia E, 11 years. 220 Sumner, tel 340 Stringer Miss Sallie, removed Warden Mrs Millie F, 17 years. 155 Benjamin Warner Miss Frances L, 6 years. 301 S Forge, tel 266 Williams Mrs Alice, 20 years. 412 Washington Woods Mrs Anna E, 5 years. 168 S Balch FEMALE NURSES— In Training. Blaser Miss Amelia, City Hosp, tel 606 Chalmers Miss Marion E, City Hosp, tel 606, res 125 Union pi Haas Miss Ella, City Hosp, tel 606 Whitney Miss Myrtle E, City Hosp, tel 606 MALE NURSES— Experienced Childs Dr Alpheus A,' deceased Piggram Chas A, 12 years. 107 N Allyn of Massage «£ NOTE — The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows: 1st, Name; 2d, College and Year of Graduation, or Number of Years Experi- ence; 3d, Residence and Telephone Pflug Mrs M'liss, 10 years. 142 N Broadway (not practg) Ross Mrs Christa, McG U, '82. 321 E Market, tel 540 THIESE GUSTAV, 7 years. Office and Residence, 121 Sherman <£ <& Midwives* of *£ Note: The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows: 1st, Name; 2d, Hospital, Institute, or College, and Y Graduation, or Number of Years Experience; 8d, Residence Mid Telephone. BIEEWITH MRS REGIKA. 10 years. Office and Resident N Maple. Tel 570 (also Nurse) EXNEK MRS MARIE, Provincial Lyinjr-in Hosp, Zelle, Hanover. Germ, '88. Office and Residence, 302 E Exchange, cor Bro Tel 602 Goetz Mrs Maria L, Royal Coll of Midwifery, Stuttgart, Germ, '77. Grant 3 T 5 Miscellaneous Business* DENTAL SPECIALTY MANUFACTURERS LYDER SPECIALTY CO (Dr Fred H Lyder), 7 I O O F Temple 176 S Main, Tel 115. Manufacturers of Solid Hard Rubber Handles for Dental Excavator and Plugger Points, Electric Dental Motors and Thompson's Flesh Gum Compound DENTAL SUPPLIES McGue T W, 625 E Mill, tel 468 ELECTRIC RAILROAD AKRON, BEDFORD & CLEVELAND R R. Office, 242 S How- ard; Ticket Office, 106 N Howard UNDERTAKERS BILLOW GEORGE, AGT, cor Mill and Ash. Tel 71 PARKS UNDERTAKING CO THE, 116 N High. Tel 442 316 tfc Street Directory, AKRON. 317 at Street Directory at Of Physician s f Dentists, Druggists, Pharmacists, Nurses, Masseurs, Masseuses, Midwives, Etc., of Akron, Arranged According to STREETS ALPHABETICALLY NOTE — The Number preceding the Name is the Street Number', the one following it, the Telephone Number. Only the Office, Store or Residence address is given, except iu the case of a Physician, whose Office and Residence are both given. PUBLIC BUILDINGS ABBEY BLOCK, 126 S Main AKRON SAVINGS BANK BLDG,184 S Main, cor Mill ARCADE BLOCK, 159% S Howard. CENTRAL OFFICE BLDG, 183 S Main, cor Mill CITY BUILDING, 302 S Main DOYLE BLOCK, 224 S Main EVERETT BLOCK, 205 E Market, cor Main I O O F TEMPLE, 176 S Main POST OFFICE, E Mill, s e cor Broadway ADAMS 108 Sippy Dr A F, surgeon, res 694 111 Ely Miss R A, nurse... .464 ADOLPH AV 106 Carter Dr R B, physician ; 128 108 Louer Miss C S, nurse (not nursing) , ALLYN, NORTH 103 McElhinney Mrs Anna, nurse 558 107 Piggram C A, nurse ARLINGTON, SOUTH 209 Reed Dr F C, physician, res 77 ASH 132 Sturgeon Dr S H, physician BALCH, SOUTH 168 Woods Mrs A E, nurse BENJAMIN 112 Hackett Miss Elizabeth, nurse 155 Warden Mrs M F, nurse BLUFF 137 Montenyohl Dr E A, physician, res 756 318 Street Directory, Akron — Continued. BOWERY 133.. . ...Virtue Dr C W, physician, res l f ^81 714 Bishop Mrs M C, nurse 1572 -841. Shoemaker Mrs Amanda, nurse (not nursing; BROAD 109 Davison Dr C C, physician 57 BROADWAY, NORTH 142 Pflug Mrs M'liss, masseuse (not practgj BROADWAY, SOUTH 113 Kurt Dr Katherine, physician 1972 156 Foltz Dr A E, physician 264 158 Ohamberlin Dr W E, physician 161 Fouser Dr A K, physician 246 163 Murdoch Dr Wm, physician 36 213 Johnson Dr S W, physician BROWN 208 Humphrey Dr Elwyn, physician, res CARROLL 126 Hottenstein Dr E K, physician, res 503 257 Staver Miss F M, nurse 313 Pixley Dr Sumner, physician, ret CENTER, EAST 437 Albrecht F W, druggist 2 on 528 Buehl E H, pharmacist-manager. Andree A G, clerk CHESTNUT, WEST 608 Viers Miss Lettie, nurse 632 COBURN 119 Hottenstein Dr W J, dentist-physician, res COLLEGE, SOUTH 310 Hinman Dr E C, physician CROSBY 115. .... .Cranz Dr D E, surgeon, res 2 on 4vn- 148 Carey Miss A E, nurse 2 on 678 151 Bowman DrDS, physician, res 2 on 678 215 .... Kapp Dr M W, physician, res 674 CUYAHOGA 117 Imfield Miss M A, nurse EAST CENTER (see Center, East) EAST EXCHANGE (see Exchange, East EAST MARKET (see Market, East; EAST HILL (see Mill. Bast | EAST TALHAGE AY (seeTalmage A v. Easi 319 Street Directory, Akron — Continued. EXCHANGE, EAST 116 Hitchcock & Sippy (Elizur Hitchcock, A F Sippy), surgeons. .174 302 Exner Mrs Marie, midwife 602 400 McCann J P, druggist 402 Browne Dr L T, dentist 404 Norris Dr C E, physician 408 Eberhard Gotthilf, druggist 577 500 Norris Dr C E, physician, res . . 748 526 Dixon Dr C A, physician, res . . 378 803 Leberman Dr E O, coroner, res. 514 998 Lyon Dr O A, physician, res 643 EXCHANGE, WEST 100 Black Stephen K, druggist 278 Black Sterling K, clerk 102 . . Leberman Dr E O, coroner ' 278 Hill Dr B J, dentist ,278 112 Fehr Dr Peter, physician FAY 112 Rankin Dr I C, surgeon, res , .112 FORGE, SOUTH 105 Grant Dr J G surgeon, res 801 Warner Miss F L, nurse 266 315 Hulett Dr M I, physician, res FORREST 108. ... .Ebright Dr L S, physician, res GLENWOOD AV 135 Geer Dr A G, physician, res GRANT 107 Goetz Mrs M L, midwife 114 Adams Dr F X, physician 1704 HALL 119H .... McMullen Mrs Mary, nurse 152 HIGH, NORTH 116 Parks Undertaking Co The 442 HIGH, SOUTH 119 Knowlton Dr F W, dentist 744 125 Rockwell Dr J W, physician -druggist.. ; 168 Millikin Dr C W, physician, res 212 305 Underwood Dr E S, health officer, res 3 on 23 603 Jacobs & Jacobs (W C and H H), surgeons 170 Spears Mrs Viola, nurse 170 605 Jacobs Dr W C, surgeon, res 170 607 Jacobs Dr H H, surgeon, res 256 HOLLOWAY 121 Schneider Miss A M, nurse , HOWARD, NORTH 106 Akron, Bedford & ClevelaDd R B, Ticket Office Ill Blocker H C, druggist 317 Geer Dr A C, physician- manager 317 511%.... Smith Mrs DA, druggist 291 Smith Dr W H, druggist-physician 291 705 Gifford Miss N J, nurse 811 Hill Dr C T, physician 1814 320 Street Directory, Akron — Continued. HOWARD, SOUTH 100 Felker Dr Chas, dentist Whitenack Dr Chas, dentist 108 Cole Dr H W, dentist 113 Heifer C E, druggist Cummins H R, clerk Chamberlain Dr F N, dentist 117 Waldron Dr L P, physician 2 on 701 138 Rowe Dr Darius, physician 143 Nipple Dr H N, physician 824 152 Sturgeon Dr S H, physician 666 159 Harper C B & Co (C B Harper, John Leavitt), druggists 574 Kurtz H G, clerk 159^ ..ARCADE BIjK 4— Conner Dr W B, dentist 9— Callin Dr F B, physician 27 — Conner Dr H E, physician 80 — Murphy Dr R M, physician 183 Lamparter John & Co (John Lamparter, Frank Selzer), druggists 315 ]88 Humphrey Dr Elwyn, physician 195 Allen, Clark Drug Co (S E Allen, Lawrence CUrk), drug- gists 164 200 Cleaver Dr J V, surgeon 777 Rankin Dr I C. surgeon 455 Buchtel Dr A P, dentist 455 209 Bock DrAF, physician 398 225 Doyle B/k—see South Main 242 Akron, Bedford & Cleveland R R. Main Office JAHES 113 Childs Mrs Elizabeth, nnrse 286 KIRKWOOD 112 Hurlbut Mrs M J, nurse LIVINGSTON 118 Saussaman Mrs M A, nurse LODS 137 Dreese Mrs Mary, nurse, 149 Thorp Dr L G, dentist, res riAIN, SOUTH 126 ABBEYBLK Collins F A, druggist 509 Cahoon E E, clerk 1— Virtue Dr C W, physician 509 4 — Slemmons Dr W J, dentist 148 Renkert Dr O W, dentist 356 .... Sibley Dr N B, dentist 784 164 Himmelman G C, Druggist 303 Sellwood J H, Clerk .170 Ruegsegger Dr D U, dentist 176 1 OOP TEMPLE 8— Cranz Dr D E, surge 3n 499 6— Keck Dr H E. dentist 7— Lyder J W & F H, dentists 115 Jjjdcr Specialty Co (Dr F H Lyder) 115 8— Sicherman Dr Armin, physician . 00Q 14— Leonard & Underwood (W W Leonard, ES Underwood), physicians 321 Street Directory, Akron — Continued. 16— Waldron Dr J C, dentist 18— Bowman Dr D S, physician 678 183 CENTRAL OFFICE BLDG 33— Kapp Dr M W, physician 2 on 674 84— Foltz & Todd (W K Foltz,.H D Todd), physicians 319 41— Hillman Dr J W, dentist 44 — Jones Dr A W, physician 648 184 AKKON SAVINGS BANK BLDG 51— Grant Dr J G, surgeon 248 ToddDr G M, surgeon 248 Wright Dr S S J, physician. 248 224 DOYLE BLK 19— Kohler Dr A A, physician 299 21— Hottenstein Dr E K, physician 299 Hottenstein Dr W J, dentist-physician 299 230. Conn Dr Eli, physician 629] Dutt Wm, druggist 692 Hawn E W, clerk Watters Dr T F, dentist 692 630 Laffer J M, druggist 7 Sharpe J A, clerk 706 Parks Dr T C, surgeon 723 Workman Dr T W, physician 1013 Humphrey Dr C M, physician 698 1055 Grether Charles, pharmacist, res 1062 . .. .Dixon Dr C A, physician. 507 corBartges — B\iell& Lemasters (Wm Buell, W O Lemasters), drugs. .1791 Sackett Dr W A, physician.. 1791 1088. . . . .Kohler Dr A A, physician, res 393 1089 Sauder R & Co (Rachel and JM Sauder), druggists 530 1104 Conn Dr Eli, physician, res 1117^. . .Spencer Charles, druggist 1123. 7. . .Hassenflue Dr J W, physician 333 1514 Hahn & McKean (H G Hahn, H J McKean), druggists. . .15 (pay) MAPLE, NORTH 205 Grindell Mrs M A, nurse 307 809 Bierwirth Mrs Regina, midwife-nurse 570 MAPLE, SOUTH rear 133 . Morgan Mrs Elizabeth, nurse 209 137 Rowe Dr Darius, physician, res 209 MARKET, EAST 101 Chandler & Benner (B C Chandler, I R Benner), dentists 104 Steinbacher E & Co (Erhard Steinbacher, G L Stewart, A G Barnes), druggists 282 Chapman Simeon, Jr, clerk 205 EVERETT BLOCK 301 — Montenyohl Dr E A, physician 309— Cauffield Dr E J, physician 444 Finch Dr F F, physician 444 316— Smith & Vedder (C E Smith, J B Vedder), dentists 412 — Ramsey Dr W C, physician 414— Williamson Dr G B, dentist, 714 506— Hulett Dr M I, physician 208 Warner Augustus, druggist 323 Neubauer W F, clerk , Shirey Dr J L, physician 323 22L Taggart Dr H D, physician 322 Street Directory, Akron — Continued. 321 RabeDr J W, surgeon 540 Ross Mrs Christa, masseuse :,\ 402 Childs Dr O D, physician.. 22 409 Childs Dr O D, physician, res 505 Svveitzer Dr L8, physician 534 507 i Seiler Dr J H, physician 237 512] . Todd Dr G M, surgeon, res 579 709!! . , . .Rabe Dr J W, surgeon, res 27 800 Bock Dr A F, physician, res 1673 904 Wright Dr S S J, physician, res 753 920 ...Crites Mrs L A, druggist 1843 Bahler F A, clerk 943 CITY HOSPITAL 606 Lawson Miss M A, superintendent Bell Miss M B, head nurse Kriyer Miss Viola, nurse Nurses-in-Training : Blaser Miss Amelia, Chalmers Miss M E Haas Miss Ella Whitney Miss ME 968 Reed Mrs M E, nurse, ret 1050 Whitmore Dr W H, physician, res 1080. . . . .Lyon Dr O A, physician 1138 Hamilton Dr T J, dentist 1140 Reed Dr F C, physician 1174 Ebright Dr L S, physician. . Millikin Dr C W, physician 1186 Inman Bros (S C and C T), druggists 52 Cleave W E, clerk 1256.. ...Rask Miss S E, nurse riARKET, WEST 210 Day J C & Co (J C Day, Miller Drug Co, Phila), druggists 283 Shirey Dr J L, physician, res 263 285 Waldron Dr L P, physician, res 518 Cauffield Dr E J, physician, res 2 on 444 571 .... Chambers E C, druggist 1391 574 Alexander Miss M D, nurse 142 581 Smith Dr C G, physician 606%.;;. Finch Dr F F, physician, res 10 [pay 635 Cleaver Dr J V, surgeon 2 on 777 HAY AV nr Maple — Fehr Dr Peter, physician, res. . HERRiriAN 1 mile n w limits — Merriman Dr C R, physician HILL, EAST cor Broadway— POST OFFICE! I Ebright Dr L S, physician-Postmaster 625 McCue T W, dental supplies 703 Lee Dr J L, physician MILL, WEST cor Ash. Billow George, Undertaker 71 MILLER AV, WEST 204 Lee Mrs Eliza, nurse 388 217 Bair Mrs Nitisha, nurse 3*3 Street Directory, Akron — Continued. NORTH ALLYN (see Allyn, North( NORTH BROADWAY (see Broadway, North) NORTH HIGH (see High, North) NORTH HOWARD (see Howard, North i NORTH MAPLE (see Maple, North) north sunniT (see Summit, North) NORTH UNION (see Union, North) NORTH VALLEY (see Valley, North) NORTH WALNUT (see Walnut, North) PARK 417 White Miss A A, nurse PERKINS 419 Parks Dr T C, surgeon, res 22 PINE AL 304 Longtin Mrs Mary, nurse RIVER 210 Pouchot Mrs Josephine, nurse 346. ROCKWELL CT 115 Brodt Mrs Anna, nurse (not nursing] SHERHAN 121 Thiese Gustav, masseur 318 Mantel Mrs Adeline, nurse 1701 SOUTHAHPTON 1 Franklin Mrs Harriet, nurse SOUTH ARLINGTON (see Arlington, South) SOUTH BALCH (see Balch, South) SOUTH BROADWAY (see Broadway, South) SOUTH COLLEGE (see College, South) SOUTH FORGE (see Forge, South) SOUTH HIGH (see High, South) 324 Street Directory, Akron — Concluded. SOUTH HOWARD (see Howard, South) SOUTH MAIN (see Main, South) SOUTH riAPLE (see Maple, South) south sunniT (see Summit, South) SOUTH UNION (see Union, South) SUHMIT, NORTH 128 Ramsey Dr W C, physician, res. SUHMIT, SOUTH 143 .... Boyd Dr J P, physician. ... 231 SUMNER 100 Theiss Dr G A, physician 1714 220 Stevens Mrs J E, nurse 340 TALHAGE AV, EAST 214 Callin Dr F B, physician, res UNION, NORTH 108 Axtell Mrs ME, nurse UNION, SOUTH 223 Foltz Dr W K, physician, ?es 295 227 Leonard Dr W W, physician, res 658- VALLEY, NORTH 208 Conner Dr H E, physician, res 280 VINE 107 Buckman Miss M E, nurse 203 Stone Miss E S, nurse. WALNUT, NORTH 102 theiss Dr H C, physician 52 118 ..Hixon Miss Elizabeth, nurse 62 WARNER 106 Rawlings Miss A D, nurse 8 on 173 WASHINGTON 412 Williams Mrs Alice, nurse WEST CHESTNUT (see Chestnut, West) WEST EXCHANGE (see Exchange. West) WEST MARKET (see Market, West) WEST MILL (see Mill, West) WEST MILLER AV (see Miller Av, West WOOD 101 Turner Miss Mary, nurs" I ' vi 108 Taggart Dr H D, physician res. WOOSTER AV 109 Murphy Dr R M, physician, res . . . . 126 Shuman Dr J G, physician 132 Case J H, druggist 1781 325 THE IMPROVED "YALE" SURGIGAL CHAIR. YALE SURGICAL CHAIR. HIGH-LOW GOULD DENTAL CHAIR. C anton Surgical and* « « » *Dental Chair Co., -Sole Manufacturers of the- "YALE" SURGICAL CHAIRS, GOULD DENTAL CHAIRS, New Model, Improved and High-Low Gould Dental Chairs, Dental Engines, Etc., Etc* 302 to^E^thStre'et, TeIe P hone 27 °- CANTON, O. SEND FOR CATALOGUE— FREE. 326 CANTON. di CANTON, dt Seat of Stark County— Population 40,000. BOARD OF HEALTH— City of Canton Meets in City Building 1st Tuesday in every month. Officers: Mayor J A Rice ; President, ex-Officio; Dr J F Marchand, Health Officer and Clerk; Dr E D Brant, City Physician; Dr L D Blanchard, Inspector of Dairies, Meats and Foods; James Sell, Sanitary Policeman and Milk Inspector; August Boerner, Inspector of Plumbing CORONER— Stark County Dr. Harry M Schuffell, 816 S Cleveland av, tel 480 BOARD OF PENSION EXAMINING SURGEONS— Stark County Meets every Wednesday at the office of the Secretary in Alliance, O. Officers: Dr Sherman Robinson, Canton, Pres; Dr P W Welker, Alli- ance, Sec; Dr G A Shane, Waynesburg, Treas. MEDICAL SOCIETIES STARK COUNTY ACADEMY OF MEDICINE Organised Jan 22, 1889. Meets in Assembly Room, City Hall, Canton, first Tuesday of each al- ternate month. Annual meeting, first Tuesday in March. Officers:— Dr. W. O. Baker, Louisville, President; Dr. R. J. Pumphry, Massillon, Recording Secretary; Dr. J. P. Dewitt, Canton, Corresponding Secretary; Dr. E. M. Tyrrell, Canton, Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. General Surgery— Dr. R. A. Biechele, Canton. General Medicine— Dr L. B. Santee, Marlboro. Sanitation and Hygiene— Dr S S P Barnes, Masillon. Prevailing Diseases — Dr E. G. Myers, Canton. Diseases of Women and Children — Dr James Fraunfelter, Canton. 328 Societies, Canton — Concluded. Canton Medical Club. — Organized 1894, for social and profeessional benefit. Meets 3rd Wednesday of each u onth at the offices of the members. Officers: Dr. A B Walker, President; Dr R A Biechele, Treasurer ; Dr E O Morrow, Sec, 322 W Tuscarawas, tel 276 Galen Club s — organized 1873, for the discussion of scientific and medical subjects- and social entertainment. Meets regnlarly every month at home? of members. Annnal dinner given by the President. Mem- bership limited. Officers: Dr Thos H Phillips, Pres; Dr Elmer G Myers, Sec, 335 S Cleveland av, tel L D 328 DENTAL ASSOCIATION Canton Dental Association. — Organized 1897. Meets 1st Monday of every month at the offices of the members. Officers, Dr C W Potter, Pres: Dr Josiah Hartzell, Jr, Vice-Pres; Dr R O Shoop, 314 S Cleveland av, Sec-Treas. The officers constitute the Executive Committee, ex- oflicio DRUGGISTS' ASSOCIATION Canton Retail Druggists* Association. — Organized 1892. Meets at the call of the President. Officers : P H Barr, Pres; H H Ink, 333 E Tus- carawas, tel 397, Sec-Treas HOSPITALS Stark County Infirmary — N Cleveland av Extension, l / 2 mile north of city limits, Tel 68. Board of Directors: Marion Howenstine, Pres: Henry Bixle r , Sec, and Wm. Hardgrove. J Calvin Lichtenwalter. Supt; Dr S B Post, Phys, 302 E Tuscarawas, tel 247; Mrs Elizabeth Bidwell, Matron. AULTMAN HOSPITAL 825 S Clarendon av. Tel 273. Miss Alice M Montgomery. Supt. Founded in 1892 by Mrs Kate B Aultman and Mrs Elizabeth A Harter, in memory of their husband and father, the late, lamented CoRNELll s Aultman, and conducted under the auspices of the Aultman ffosj Association, Incorporated Officers: — Henry W Harter, President; Joseph Biechele, Vice- President ; W. L. Alexander, Secretary; L. L, Miller, Treasurer. Directors:— Mrs. Elizabeth A. Harter, Mrs. M. B. Barber, Joseph Biechele, David Zollars, Ilenrv W. Harter, L L, Miller, W. L. Alexander, P. H. Barr, H . D. McCrea. STANDING COMMITTEES I Finance and Admissions : — Joseph Biechele, L. L, Miller. David Zollars. 3*9 Hospitals, Canicn- -Con chid f ed. Supplies and Auditing :— Mrs. M. B. Barber, P H Barr, H. D» McCrea. Service and Inspection : — Mrs. Elizabeth A. Harter, Henry W. Harter, W. L. Alexander. Auxiliary Board and Officers: — Mrs. W. W. Clark, President: Mrs. J. L. Higley, Secretary-Treasurer; Mrs. W. A. Lynch, 1st Vice-President; Mrs. Augustus Dannemiller, 2nd Vice-President; Mrs. Chas. Monnot, 3rd Vice- President; Mrs. Louis Hirschheimer, 4th Vice-President. Mrs. Robert A. Miller, Mrs. Maria Saxton, Mrs. N. H. Morrow, Mrs. Anna Young, Mrs. L. L.Miller, Mrs. Mary Raynolds, Mrs. James A. Rice, Mrs Geo. E. Cook, Mrs. C. A. Dougherty, Mrs. Isaac Harter, Mrs. Josiah Hart- zell, Sr., Mrs. Geo. Winterhalter, Mrs. J. C. Mong, Mrs. Edward Rex, Mrs. Sam. Lowenstein, Miss Harriet Whit- ing. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF- Dr. E. J. March, President; Dr. R. A. Biechele, Secretary. Visiting Physicians: — Dr. C.E. Schilling, Dr. E. O. Morrow, Dr. J. P. De Witt. Visiting Surgeons : — Dr. J. F. Marchand, Dr. R. A. Biechele, Dr. S. B. Post. Obstetrician : — Vacant. Pathologist : — Vacant. Consulting Physicians :— Dr. M. C. Foulks, Dr. E. O. Port- man. Consulting Surgeons :— Dr. A. B. Walker, Dr. A. C. Brant. Ophthalmologist: — Dr. E. P. Morrow. Gynaecologists: — Dr. E. G. Myers, Dr. E. J. March, Dr. Ka- therine Burns. Consulting Gynaecologist: — Dr. James Fraunfelter. 330 Physicians and Surgeons* NOTE : — The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows : 1st, Name; 2rtd, School of Practice ; 3rd, College and Year of Graduation; 4th, Office, Telephone and Hours; 5th, Residence, Telephone and Hours. The Year following the word "Reg" (registered) is not the Year of Registration, but of the Beginning of Practice. Where the Office and Residence are the same only one address is given. See List of Colleges and Schools, Pages 115 to 117, for explanation of College Initials. REGULAR, OR ALLOPATHIC Arter David A, Mia M C, '45. Res 336 W Tuscarawas (retired) Barnes Henry F, deceased Beidler Wm, O M U, '97 815 S Cherry, tel 1048, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to n. (also Pharmacist) Biechele Robt A, W R U, '88. 328 S Cleveland av, tel 129, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Brant Austin C, B H M C, '77. 110 N Cleveland av, tel 80, 8 to 9, 1.80 to 4, res 235 W Fifth, tel 3 on 80 Brant Edward D, B H M C, '91. 114 N Cleveland av, tel 300, 8.30 to 9.30, 1.30 to 4, 6 to 8, Citv Physician Burns Katherine, W M C P, '92. 129 N Cleveland av, tel 292. 2 to 4. 6.30 to 7.30 Bye Jonah M, U M, '63. 335 W Tuscarawas Calhoun Franklin P, W R U, '85. 508 Dueber av, tel 495, 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 6 to 8 Clouse Wm H, B H M C, 85; Chicago Polyclinic, 94. 117 W Eighth, tel 1331, 9.30 to 11, 3 to 4.30, 7 to 8, res 225 Lincoln av, 7 to 8.30. 12 to 2, 5.30 to 6.30 Cock George B, reg, '69. Res 207 Cassilly (retired) Conklin Saml A, W R U, '69; N Y P, 85. 325 S Cleveland av, tel 1408, - to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Crane C Wm A, J M C,'97; Phila Polyclinic, '98. Ill N Cleveland av, tel 1641, 9 to 12, 8 to 6, 7 to 8 DeWitt John P, U W, '95. 306 S Cleveland av, tel 198, 7 to 9, 1 to 8, 6 to 8 Douds Byron J, U W, '70. 301 W Tuscarawas, tel 694, res 708 S Cleveland av (also Druggist) Eberle Harry A, McG U, '76. USA, res 1347 Woodland av Evans Charles H, deceased. Exline Clarence E, O M U, '97. 1724 Navarre, tel 788. 7 to 0, 1 to 8, Ferciot Bert J, Mia M C, 94. 207 S Cleveland av, tel ;?:!, 8 to 12. 9 to 809 W Tenth Fleck Horace G, deceased Flickinger Lauren E, W R U, '92, 240 S Market, tel 772, 7 lO», 1 to 8, 7 to 8 Foulks Marion C, U W, '76. 702 W Tuscarawas, tel 280, 7 to 9. 1 to I Foulks Wallace S, ] M C, '97. 106 W Eighth, tel 2 on 880, 7 to 9. 1 to 4. 6 to 8, res 702 W Tuscarawas Physicians and Surgeons, Canton — Continued. Fraunfelter James, L I C H, '71; J M C, '72. 435 S Market, tel 169, 8 to 9, 1 to 3.30, 6.30 to 8 Harmount Simpson J, O M C, 87. 209 High Hart Frank E, O M C, '93. 1017 S Market, tel 467, 8 to 10, 12 to 2, 6 to 8 Heckler Frank A, removed to Columbus, O Hudson J Franklin, W R U, '82. 329 W Fifth, tel 376, 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Jump James S, removed to Tiffin, O Keith Saml T, U M, '70. 207 S Cleveland a v, tel 33, 8 to 12, 1 to 5, 6 to 8.30, res 212 W Ninth Kell Joel B, removed to Limaville, O Kirby Hiram H, deceased Kurtz Helen G C, removed Landor T Henry, McG U,'84. 119 N Cleveland av, tel 392, 8 to 9,1 to 3,7 t- 9 L»ininger Augustus, deceased McConkey Wm J, Univ of Glasgow, Scot, '55. 622 N Walnut, 8.30 to 10, 2 to 5, 7 to 9 McGhie John L, removed to Rcbertsville, O March Edgar J, B C P S, '84; N Y Polyclinic, '88. 322 S Cleveland av, tel 219, 7 to 8.30, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 March Julia E, removed to Youngstown, O Marchand Jacob F, U P, '87. 133 X Cleveland av, tel 225, 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. Health Officer Monroe Christopher M, CCMS, '80. 201 N Newton Morrow Edward 0,SMC, '87. 322 AV Tuscarawas, tel 276, 8 to 9.30, 1 to 3.30, 7 to 9 Morrow Edward P, Mia M C, '83. 405 S Cleveland av, tel 805, 8.30 to 10.30. 1 to 3.30, 6.30 to 7.30 Murdock Wm W, removed to Columbus, O Myers Elmer G, S M C, '89. 335 S Cleveland av, tel L D 328, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Phillips Thos H, J M C, '64. 307 W Fifth, tel 40, 8 to 9. 2 to 4. 7 to 8. res 205 N Cleveland av Pontius Maria Gilmore, Col M C, '83. 231 W Tuscarawas, tel 88, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Portmann Odo E, U W, '71. 138 N Market, tel 91. res 832 same, tel 173, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Post Silas B, J M C, '82. 302 E Tuscarawas, tel 247, 7 to 8, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. res 606 N Walnut, tel con Pyle John S, removed to Toledo, O Reed Joseph L, O M U, '97. 330 E Tuscarawas, tel 436, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Robinson Sherman, U W, '68 425 Lincoln av Sanor John H, W R U, '64. 425 W Fifth Schilling Charles E, Western Reserve Univ, '92. Office and Resi- dence, 439 N Market, cor Second. Tel 204. Hours, 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 p m, except Sunday Schuffell Harry M, W R U, '93. 316 S Cleveland av, tel 460. 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8. Coroner Sechrist Cora S, removed to Cleveland and Painesville, O Shank Jabez B, Mia M C, '78 205 S Market, res 1311 Navarre Simons Charles P, removed Smith Allen V, R M C, '80 124 W Eighth, tel 24, 8 to 9, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Swartz Douglas A, O M C, ^. 1207 W Tuscarawas, tel 1744, 7 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Tyrrell Esther M, W M C P, '94. 127 N Cleveland av, tel 292, 2 to 4, 6.30 to 7,30 Walker Alonzo B, J M C,'81. 319 W Tuscarawas, tel 69, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Walker Columbus T, deceased Welch W A, removed 332 Physicians and Surgeons, Canton— Concluded. Young Frank E, Cinti Coll Med and Surg, '74; Am Univ of Pnila, '76; Univ of Wooster, '81; Western Reserve Univ, '82. Secretary American Association of OrificiaT Surgeons. Inventor of Young's Rectal Dilators and Proprietor of "Health Home," a Private Hos- pital for Chronic Diseases, 1020 W Tuscarawas, near Newton HOMOEOPATHIC CATLiIN MAKCUS M, Cleveland Homoeopathic Hospital College, '68. 419 S Market. Tel 743. Hours, 7 to 9 a m, 12 m to 3 p m, 6 to 8 p m. Res 1130 N Cleveland av. Tel 1611. Pure Homoeopathy a Specialty House Chas E, C H H C, '82. 609 W Tuscarawas, tel 209, 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 6.30 to 8.30 Kelley Geo A, C H H C, '80. 712 W Tuscarawas, tel 418, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Rizer Alfred L, D C M, '72. 318 N Cleveland av, tel 174, 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Talmage Eugene, H M C P, '91. 1035 W Fifth, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Walker Wilson D, P M C, '95. Res 1312 S Cleveland av (not practg) ECLECTIC Chamberlain H Harrison, EMI, '84. 505 S Market, tel 438, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Faulk Henry W, E M I, '78. 417 S Cleveland av, tel 485, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Smith Orlando B, removed Warren Wm T E, removed to Tacoma, Wash PHYSIO-MEDICAL Keeler Chauncey J, Physio-Med Coll, Cincinnati, '49, retired Thomas Arthur, Actg Asst Surg, USA VITAPATHIC Ballard Fredk A, Am Heal'h Coll, Cinti, '90. Clk 229 S Market, tel 1194 res 417 High (not practg) 333 of at Dentists* a* at Note: The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows: 1st, Name; 2d College and Year of Graduation; 3d, Office, Telephone and Hours; 4th Residence, Telephone and Hours. The Year following the word, kk Reg" (registered) is not the Year of Registration, but of the Beginning of Practice Where the Office and Residence are the same only one address is given See List of Colleges and Schools, Pages 115 to 117, for explanation of College Initials. Bush Merrill D, U M, '90. 234 N Market, res 401 Washington av Cardwell Perrin H, reg, '48. 213 E Tuscarawas Dewees John B, P C D S, '80. 225 S Market, 8 to 11, 1 to 5, 6 to 8, res 817 W Eighth Douds Alonzo J, P C D S, '61. (A J Douds & Son), res 323 N Cleve- land av Douds A T & Son (Alonzo J and Frank F), 214 W Tuscarawas, tel 2 on 237, 8 to 12, 1 to 5, 7 to 9 Douds Frank F, U M, '86. (A J Douds & Son), res 323 N Cleveland av Dougherty Chas A, P C D S, '82. County Recorder, Court House, tel 419, res 1200 N Market, tel 3 on 220 (not practg, Dougherty J Frank, P C D S, '84. 104 S Market, tel 429, 8.30 to 11, 1 to 5.30. res 1214 N Market, tel 428 Draime Chas S, removed to Lima, O Elson Charles, removed to Waynesburg, O Elson Edward P, I D C, '83. 200 N Market, tel 456, 8 to 11.30, 1 to 4, res 1001 W Fifth, tel 1073 Hartzell Tosiah, Jr, P C D S, '92. 119 S Cleveland av, 9 to 11.30,1.30 to 4.30, res 319 E Lake Little John M, removed Lothamer Edward O A, L C D, '98. 509 N Cleveland av, 8.30 a m to 5.30 p m McCarty Martin, removed to Youngstown, O March Harter W, U Md, '94. 205 S Market, 8.30 to 11.30, 1 to 5, 7 to 8, res I222W Eighth Mellen Francis X, removed to Bealsville, O Miller Wm H, U M, '78. 105 W Fifth, 8 a m to 5 p m, res New Berlin rd, 1% miles north of limits Mitchell Grant, removed to Pittsburg, Pa Mitchell Hugh B, W R U, '94. 328 N Market, res 1014 same, 8.30 to 11.30, 1 to 5 Phillips Theodore J, O C D S, '83. 130 E Tuscarawas, tel 711, 8 to 11.30 12.30 to 5.80, 7 to 8,res 318 W North Potter Chas W, L C D, '91, 121 S Cleveland av, tel 1112, 9 to 12, 1 to 5 res 603 S Cleveland av Shoop Ralph O, P C D S, '97. 314 S Cleveland av, 8.30 to 11.30, 1 to res 824 N Walnut Tatro Israel J, N W Univ, Chicago, '92. 219 N Market, 8 a m to 8 p n Sunday. 10 to 4 Wible John H, U P, '85. 310 W Eighth, tel 354, 8 to 12, 1 to 5, res 1730 S Market 334 Druggists and Pharmacists Note: The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows: 1st, Name; 2d, College, or School, and Year of Graduation; 3d, Store and Tele- phone;4th, Residence and Telephone. The Year following the word u Reg" (registered) is not the Year of Registration, but of the Beginning of Practice. Where the Store and Residence are the same only one address is given. See List of Colleges and Schools, Pages 115 to 117, for explanation of College and School Initials. DRUGGISTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Blum Frederick, reg, '70. Mgr 136 S Market, tel 2, res 229 E North Durbin & Wright Co The, Miss Hannah Durbin, pres: Miss S P Wright, sec; Miss H D Wright, treas, 136 S Market, tel 2 DRUGGISTS, RETAIL. Barr Petter H, P C P, '60. 202 E Tuscarawas, res 729 N Cleveland av Barr Saml E, P C P, '77. 238 S Market, tel 773, res 211 W Tenth, tel 1511 Beidler Wm, P C P, 92. Mgr 735 S Cherry, tel 1044, res 815 same, tel 1043 (also Physician) Brant James W, reg, '74. 237 W Tuscarawas, tel 2 on 300, res Ashland, O Chapman Chas F, P C P, '81. 139 S Cleveland av, res 335 same, tel 488 Douds Dr Byron J, mgr 301 W Tuscarawas, tel 694, res 708 S Cleveland av see Pnvsicians) Dunlap Geo G, reg, '80. 500 Dueber av, tel 902 Evans Evan M, deceased. Fisher Marcus A, C C P, '85. 435 E Tuscarawas, tel 1178, res 1248 N Cleveland av Ink Harry H, reg, '82. 333 E Tuscarawas, tel 397, res 937 N Walnut Janson Edwin L, P C P, '90. 200 W Tuscarawas, tel S01, res 811 E Third Jump Dr James S, removed to Tiffin, O Koch Louis H, P C P, '91. 120 W Tuscarawas, tel 141, res 1006 N Market. tel 132 KoonsChas W, U M, '79. 919 S Market, tel 1241, res 33* S Cleveland a% Marquis Jennings S, removed Miller Edward C, reg, '92. 1220 E Tuscarawas, tel 722. res 812 Franklin, tel 1163 Montgomery Joseph A, reg, '92. 700 Rowland, res 222 X MeKinlev av Munter Chas, reg asst, '96. 735 S Cherry, tel 1044, res 217 S Young ' Nye Chas N, reg, '69. (C N Nye & Son), res 1303 N Cleveland av Nye C N & Son (Chas N and Wm P), 102 S Cherry, tel 1718 Nye Wm P, A C P, '95. (C N Nye & Son), res 130:5 N Cleveland av Openhimer John H, deceased Pell Earle C, A C P, '92. 301 S Market, tel 258, res 1024 W Tus Schlabach Edward T, C C P, '87. 225 N Market, tel 2 on 280, res Lake, tel 8 on 250 Scribner Carl S, removed Shanafelt Fred P, IT M,'83. 1316 W Tuscarawas, te] 174 1, res 607 He*l ! Sollmann Luitpold, reg. 136 N Market, tel 186, res 1800 S Market, tel 12*2 Young Edward II, S C P, 223 S Market, tel 1198, res 516 8 Market, tel 1>» 335 Druggists and Pharmacists, Canton — Concluded. PHARMACISTS AND ASSISTANTS Antony Chas W, reg asst, '96. Clk 139 S Cleveland av, tel 488, res 91 Washington av Bourgeois Chas A, reg,'82. Clk 919 S Market, tel 1241,res 1111 W Second Darr John W, reg asst,'97. C k 833 E. Tuscarawas, tel 397 res 706 Franklin Deibel Oscar G, Reg, '81. Res 814 W Fourth. Traveliug Salesman Benton, Myers & Co, Wholesale Druggists, Cleveland Douds W T ilbur H, reg, '89. Clk 301 W Tuscarawas, tel 694, res 119 W Ravnolds Evans Matthew S, S C P, '96. Clk 237 W Tuscarawas, tel 2 on 300 Fulton Geo B, left city Hin-on Wm . M, removed to Cleveland, O. Hug Casimir K, reg asst, '96. Clk 200 W Tuscarawas, tel 801, res 1411 Charles Kapper Martin, reg, '80. Clk 202 E Tuscarawas, res 115 W Third, tel 1144 Kelley Jacob, reg, '92. Clk 301 S Market, tel 258, res Hotel Yohe, tel 241 I.indsey Wm B, reg asst, '78. Clk 136 S Market, tel 2, res 617 Patterson Ortt Edwin L, reg, '83. Solcr, 27 City Natnl Bank bldg, res 125 W Ninth Roth Chas R, N Y C P,'98. Clk 433 E Tuscarawas, tel 397, res 1010 S Cherry Stimson Warren J, removed to Cleveland, O Trachsel Albert, reg asst, '93, Clk 1220 E Tuscarawas, tel 722, res 1407 E Fourth Trump Thaddeus, removed to Kansas Weber Chas L, reg, '75. Clk 120 W Tuscarawas, tel 141, res 815 W 8th Wenger Harry F, reg asst, '95. Clk 435 E Tuscarawas, tel 1173, res 1016 Liberty Willis Chas M, reg, '94. Clk 136 N Market, tel 136, res 1029 Liberty *& <& Nurses* ^ <& NOTE : — The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows : 1st, Name; 2nd, Hospital and Year of Graduation, or Number of Years' Experience; 3rd, Residence and Telephone. FEMALE NURSES— Graduated. Ackerman Miss Jeannette, Aultman Hosp, '96. "Edgewood," W Tusca- rawas st, 2 miles w of limits, tel 2 on 482 Clark Mrs Florence, Brooklyn (N Y) Homce Hosp, '97. 306 S Cleve- land av, tel 193 Cunin Miss Florence N, Aultman Hosp, '96. 127 N Cleveland av, tel 292 (also Masseuse) Ferciot Mrs Fatima F, Battle Creek (Mich) Sanitm, '90. 207 S Cleveland av. tel 33, res 809 W Tenth (also Masseuse) Heinz Miss Annie, Aultman Hosp, '97. 1006 Bluff, tel 1551 336 Nurses, Canton — Concluded. Montgomery Miss Alice M, Jewish Hosp, Cinti, '95. Supt Aultman Hosp, 325 S Clarendon av, tel '273 Norman Miss Evangeline, Anltman Hosp, '97. 709 S Cleveland av Numbers Miss Emma E, Aultman Hosp, '98. 322 W Fifth, tel 09 Rackle Miss Cora, Aultman Hosp, '97. 719 Summit, tel 912 Rieger Miss Emma E, Aultman Hosp, '98. 10C6 Bluff, tel 1551 Shaeffer Miss Cordelia, Aultman Hosp, '97. 707 Summit, tel 449 Steiner Miss Ida M, Aultman Hosp, '<:8. 322 W Fifth, tel 09 FEMALE NURSES-Experienced Bates Mrs Clara, romoved to Kalamazoo, Mich Bidwell Mrs Elizabeth, 2 years. Matron Stark County Infirmary, tel 08 Crolius Miss Catharine C, 2 years. 1024 W Fourth (not nursing) Earenfight Mrs Josie M, 3 years. 406 Dueber av, tel 901 Greenawalt Mrs Jennie, 23 years, 1205 W North Green wald Mrs Elsie R, 7 years. 1402 E Tuscarawas, tel 731 * Gross Miss Milda, removed to Boston, Mass Gruenke Miss Lizzie M, 3 years. 814 S Cleveland av, tel 37 Hiner Mrs Susan M, 5 years, 907 Lippert Kiefer Miss Margaret T, 7 years. 901 W Fifth Mason Mrs Elizabeth F, 25 years. 806 LaFayette, tel 993 Miller Mrs Jennie A, retired Moore Miss Levinah, 5 years. 801 W South Mosely Mrs Sarah, 15 years. 1119 Liberty Reichenbach Mrs Mary L, 15 years. 231 S Market Shaffer Mrs Susan F, 15 years. 323 W Seventh, tel 88 Totten Miss Irene, 5 years. Matron Health Home, 1020 W Tusca- rawas Uth Mrs Louisa, 12 years. 1123 Liberty Waechter Miss Mary A, 25 years. 930 Cassilly Wortman Miss Ella E, removed to Bedford, O FEMALE NURSES— In Training. Au Miss Cora M Von, Aultman Hosp, tel 273, res 1011 W Tuscarawas Bernard Miss Mary E, Aultman Hosp, tel 273 Bowers Miss Ida M, Aultman Hosp, tel 273 Buchman Miss Clara M, Aultman Hosp, tel 273 Coffy Miss Lyde J, Aultman Hosp, tel 273 Killian Miss Emma E, Aultman Hosp, tel 273 Royer Miss Amelia, Auitman Hosp, tel 273 Shaffer Miss Ada, Aultman Hosp, tel 273 Weinberger Miss Mary, Aultman Hosp, tel 273 Williams Miss Nellie, Aultman Hosp, tel 273 MALE NURSES— Experienced Harry John C, 7 years. Attendant Massillon State Hosp, res 1 \'M B Second Stackhouse James M, 5 years. 427 N Walnut, tel 868 S Massage at NOTE — The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows: 1st Name; 2d, Hospital and Year of Graduation, or Number of Years Experience; 3d, Residence and Telephone. Bruce Mis Middie E, 3 years, 115 E Raynolds (not practg) Cunin Miss Florence N, Aultman Hosp, '96. 127 N Cleveland av, tel 292 (also Nurse) Ferciot Mrs Fatima F, Battle Creek (Mich) Sanitm, '90. 207 S Cleveland av, tel 33, res 809 W Tenth (also Nurse) Payne Chas H, 3 years. 207 S Cleveland av, tel 33, res 711 S Market Sturm Miss Henrietta E, 5 years. 207 S Cleveland av, tel 33, res 615 N Walnut ** <£ MIDWIFE, ^ ^ Glodde Mrs Caroline, Inst of Midwifery, Dantzig, Germ, '81. 738 S McKinley av Miscellaneous Business. DENTAL AND SURGICAL CHAIR MANUFACTURERS CaDton Surgical and Dental Chair Co The, 302 to 310 E Eighth. Tel 270 RECTAL DILATORS YOUNG'S RECTAL DILATORS, Dr Frank E Young, Inventor, 1020 W Tuscarawas, nr Newton SANITARIUMS Electric Sanitarium, I O O F Temple, 207 S Cleveland av, tel 33 Health Home, Dr Frank E Young. Prop, 1020 W Tuscarawas, nr Newton SURGICAL AND DENTAL CHAIR MANUFACTURERS Canton Surgical and Dental Chair Co The, 302 to 340 E Eighth. Tel 270 YOUNG'S RECTAL DILATORS. (HARD RUBBER) For the Dilatation of the Sphinc- ters and for Irrigating the Rectum and Flushing the Colon. Price per Set: Tubular, $5.00; Plain, $4.00. Address the Inventor: Dr. Frank E. Young, Proprietor HEALTH HOME, A Private Hospital for the Cure of Chronic Diseases, 1020 W. Tusc. St., CANTON, 0. 338 * Street Directory, CANTON. 339 %£ Street Directory & Of Physicians, Dentists, Druggists, Pharmacists, Nurses, Masseurs, Masseuses, Midwives, Etc., of Akron, Arranged According to STREETS ALPHABETICALLY NOTE — The Number preceding the Name is the Street Number', the one following it, the Telephone Number. Only the Office, Store, or Residence address'is given, except in the case of a Physician, whose Office and Residence are both given BLUFF 1006 Heinz Miss Annie, nurse 1551 Rieger Miss E E, nurse . 1551 CASSILLY 207 Ock Dr G B, physician, res. 930 Waechter Miss M A, nurse CHERRY, SOUTH 102 .... Nye CN& Son (C N and W P), druggists 1713 735 Munter Charles, druggist 1044 Beidler Dr Wm, manager 815 Beidler Dr Wm, physician-pharmacist 1043 CLARENDON AVE, SOUTH 325 AULTMAN HOSPITAL 273 Montgomery Miss AM, Supt Nurses-in-Training: Au Miss C M Von, Killian Miss E E, Bernard Miss M E, Rover Miss Amelia, Bowers Miss I M, Shaffer Miss Ada, Buchman Miss C M, Weinberger Miss Mary, Coffy Miss L J, Williams Miss Nellie CLEVELAND AVE, NORTH 110 Brant Dr A C, surgeon 80 111 .... Crane Dr C W A, physician 1641 114 Brant Dr E D, physician 300 119 Landor Dr T H, physician 392 127 Tyrrell Dr E M, physician ....292 Cunin Miss F N, nurse — masseuse 292 129 Burns Dr Katherine, physician 292 133 Marchand Dr J F, surgeon 225 205 Phillips DrT H, physician, res 40 318 Rizer Dr A L, physician 174 509 Lothamer Dr E O A, dentist 1130 Catlin Dr M M, physician, res 1611 CLEVELAND AV, SOUTH 119 Hartzell Dr Josiah, Jr, dentist 121 Potter Dr C W, dentist 1112 139 .... Chapman C F, druggist 4S8- Antony C W, clerk 207 Electric Sanitarium 33- Keith Dr S T, physician, Ferciot Mrs F F, nurse-masseuse, Ferciot Dr B J, physician, Sturm Miss H E, masseuse, Payne C H, masseur 340 Street Directory, Canton — Continued. CLEVELAND AV, SOUTH-Ooncluded. 305 DeWitt Dr J P, physician 193 Clark Mrs Florence, nurse 193 314 Shoop Dr R O, dentist 316 Schuffell Dr H M, physician 480 322 March Dr E J, surgeon 219 325 Conklin Dr S A, physician 1408 328 . . Biechele Dr R A, surgeon 129 335 Myers Dr E G, surgeon L D 328 405 Morrow Dr E P, physician .805 417 Faulk Dr H W, physician 708 Douds Dr B J, druggist-physician, res 709 .... Norman Miss Evangeline, nurse 814 GruenkeMiss L M, nurse :>,7 1312 Walker Dr W D, physician, res DUEBER AV 406 Earenfight Mrs J M, nurse ..901 500 Dunlap G G, druggist 902 508 Calhoun Dr F P, physician 495 EAST EIGHTH (see Eighth, East] EAST NORTH (see North, East) EAST RAYNOLDS (see Raynolds, East) EAST SECOND (see Second, East) EAST SEVENTH (see Seventh, East) EAST TUSCARAWAS (see Tuscarawas, East) EIGHTH, EAST 302 Canton Surgical and Dental Chair Co 270 EIGHTH, WEST 106 Foulks Dr W S, physician J 117 Clouse Dr W H, physician 124 Smith Dr A V, physician 24 310 Wible Dr J H, dentist 354 FIFTH, WEST 105 Miller Dr W H, dentist 235 Brant Dr A C, surgeon, res $ on 80 307 Phillips Dr T H, physician 40 322 Numbers Miss E E, nurse Steiner Miss I M, nurse 69 329 Hudson Dr ] F, physician 425 . . . Sanor Dr J H, physician 901 Kiefer Miss M T, nurse 1035 Talmage Dr Eugene, physician FOURTH, WEST 814 Deibel O G, Pharm (Tmv Salesman Benton, fcfyc Co, Wholesale Druggists, Cleveland), Res.. 1024 Crolius Miss C C, nurse, ret 34 3 Street Directory, Canton — Continued. HIGH 209 Harmount Dr S J, physician 417 Ballard Dr F A, physician, res LA FAYETTE 806 Mason Mrs E F, nurse 993 LIBERTY 1119 Mosely Mrs Sarah, nurse 1123 Uth Mrs Louisa, nurse LINCOLN AV 225 Clouse Dr W H, physician, res 425 Robinson Dr Sherman, physician, res LIPPERT 907 Hiner Mrs S M, nurse Mckinley av, south 738 .... .Glodde Mrs Caroline, midwife flARKET, NORTH 136 Sollmann Luitpold, druggist 136 Willis C M, clerk Portmann Dr O E, surgeon . . .91 200 Elson Dr E P, dentist 456 219 Tatro Dr I J, dentist 225 SchlabachE J, druggist 2 on 250 231 Bush Dr M D, dentist 328 Mitchell Dr H B, dentist 439 Schilling Dr C E, physician 204 832 Portmann Dr O E, surgeon, res 173 riARKET, SOUTH 104 Dougherty Dr J F, dentist 429 136 Durbin & Wright Co The, druggists 2 Blum Frederick, pharmacist-manager Lindsey W B, clerk 205 March Dr H W, dentist Shank Dr J B, physician 223 Young E H, druggist 1193 225 Dewees Dr J B, dentist 229 Ballard Dr F A, physician (not practicing 1194 231 Reichenbach Mrs M L, nurse 238 Barr S E, druggist 773 240 Flickinger Dr L E, physician 772 301 Pell E C, druggist 258 Kelley Jacob, clerk 419 Catlin Dr M M, physician 743 435 Fraunfelter Dr James, surgeon 169 505 Chamberlain Dr H H, physician 438 711 Payne C H, masseur, res 919 Koons C W, druggist 1241 Bourgeois C A, clerk 1017 Hart Dr F E, physician 467 NAVARRE 1311 Shank Dr J B, physician, res 1724 Exline Dr C E, physician 783 NEWTON, NORTH 201 Monroe Dr C M, physician 34 2 Street Directory, Canton — Continued. NINTH, WEST 125 Ortt E L, druggist, res 212 Keith Dr S T, physician, res NORTH CLEVELAND AV (see Cleveland Ave, North) NORTH MARKET (see Market, North) NORTH NEWTON (see Newton, North) NORTH WALNUT (see Walnut, North) NORTH, WEST 1205 Greenawalt Mrs Jennie, nurse RAYNOLDS, EAST 115 Bruce Miss M E, masseuse ROWLAND 700 Montgomery J A, druggist SECOND, EAST 1431 Harry J C, nurse SEVENTH, WEST 323 Shaffer Mrs S F, nurse 88 SOUTH CHERRY (see Cherry, South) SOUTH CLARENDON AV (see Clarendon Av, South) SOUTH CLEVELAND AV (see Cleveland Av, South) south Mckinley av (see McKinley Av, South) SOUTH MARKET (see Market, South) SOUTH, WEST 801 Moore Miss Levinah, nurse sunniT 707 Shaeffer Miss Cordelia, nurse 449 719 Rackle Miss Cora, nurse TENTH, WEST 809 Ferciot Dr B J, physician, res.. Ferciot Mrs F F, nurse-masseuse, res TUSCARAWAS, EAST 130 Phillips Dr T J, dentist. Til 202 Barr P H, druggist Kapper Martin, clerk ... 213 Cardwell Dr P H, dentist 302 Post Dr S B, surgeon 830 Reed Dr ) L, physician 833 Ink II H, druggist 343 Street Directory, Canton — Concluded. 333 Darr J W, clerk Roth C R, clerk 435 Fisher M A, druggist 1173 Wenger H F, clerk 1220. .... Miller E C, druggist , 722 Trachsel Albert, clerk 1402 Green wald Mrs E R, nurse 731 TUSCARAWAS, WEST cor Market— COURT HOUSE Doughterty Dr C A, dentist — Co Recorder 419 120 Koch L H, druggist 141 Weber O L, clerk 2C0 JansonE L, druggist 801 Hug C K, clerk 214 Douds A J & Son ( A Jand F F), dentists 2 on 237 231 Pontins Dr M G, physician 88 237 Brant J W, druggist 2 on 300 Evans M S, clerk 301 Douds Dr B J, druggist-physician 694 Douds W H, clerk 319 Walker Dr A B, surgeon 69 322 Morrow Dr E O. physician 276 335 Bye Dr J M, physician 336 Arter Dr D A, physician, ret 609 House Dr C E, physician , . .209 702 Foulks Dr M C, physician 230 Foulks Dr W S, physician 230 712 Kelley Dr G A, physician 418 1020 Health Home Dr F E Young, Surgeon, Proprietor Totten Miss Irene, Matron 1207. . . . S wartz Dr D A, physician 1744 1316 Shanafelt F P, druggist. 1741 2 m w of limits — •' Edgevjood'''' Ackerman Miss Jeanette, nurse 2 on 482 WALNUT, NORTH 427 Stockhouse J M, nurse 853 606 Post Dr SB, surgeon, res tel con 622 McConkey Dr W T-. physician WEST EIGHTH (see Eighth, We«t) WEST FIFTH (see Fifth, West) WEST FOURTH (see Fourth, West) WEST NINTH (see Ninth, West) WEST NORTH (see North, West) WEST SEVENTH (see Seventh, West) WEST TENTH (see Tenth. West) WEST TUSCARAWAS (see Tuscarawas, West) WOODLAND AV 1347 Eberle Dr H A. physician, res 344 TOWN and COUNTRY. 345 Towns and Villages, Suburban to, or in the Vicinity of, the City of Cleveland, (principally on the Electric Railroads), in which there are members of the Professions represented in the Red Book, and embracing the whole of Cuyahoga County and parts of Lake, Lorain, Summit and Portage Counties. Note — The Order of Regular Entry of Names is as follows: Physicians — 1st, Name; 2d, School of Practice; 8d, College and Year of Graduation; 4th, Office, Telephone and Hours; 5th Residence, Tele- phone and Hours. Dentists, — The same, with the exception of the School of Practice. Druggists* Pharmacists and Assistants — The same, with the excep- tion of the School of Practice and Hours. Nurses* Masseurs* Masseuses and Midzuives-Graduated: 1st, Name; 2d, Hospital and Year of Graduation; 3d, Residence; 4th, Tele- phone. Experienced'. Same, with the substitution of the number of Years of Experience, for the Hospital and Year of Graduation. The Year following the word "Reg" (registerd) is not the Year of Registration, but of the Beginning of Practice. Where the Office, or Store, and Residence are the same only one Address is given. See List of Colleges and Schools, Pages 115 to 117, for explanation of College Initials. AVON (Lorain Co — Population, 600 — On the Lorain & Cleveland Ry — Electric) Health Officer— Dr T B Dailey PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Dailey Truman B (R),C M C. '46. Main st, 11 to 2 Moffett Chas C, (R), removed to Cleveland Yost Obed (R), W R U, '92 BARBERTON /Summit Co — Population, 4,000 — On the Akron & Cuyahoga Falls Rapid Transit R R— Electric). Health Officer— Dr C H Whipple PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Belford Ethan A (R), reg, '72. Baird av, cor Third, tel 46 (also Pharm) Carr Chas B (R), O M C,'90. Sylvester nr Cornell av, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 8 to 9 Cory Kate W (H), C H H C, '80. First nr Hopocan av, tel 69, 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 9 Lahmers Frederick (R), B M C, '98. Moore blk, Tuscarawas av nr Third, 9 to 11, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Mowrey Michael E (R), removed to Wooster, O Rodenbaugh N Fred (R), O M U, '93. 1 Tracy blk, 65^ Tuscarawas av tel 2, 8 to 11, 1 to 4, 6 to 8; Sunday, 10 to 12; res Third cor Lake av Ronk B Barrett (H), C M C, '94. First nr Park av, tel 86, 8 to 11, 7 to < also Cleveland) Whipple Cullen H (H), H M C C, '96. First nr Hopocan av, tel 69, 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 7 to 9— Health Officer Whitmore Wm H (H), H M C C, '80. Dept supt Sterling Boiler Co, res Akron, O (not practicing) 346 Towns and Villages — Continued. DENTISTS Benner Irvin R, O C D S, '98. (Chandler & Benner),res First nr Lake av Chandler Benj C, O C D 8, r 89. (Chandler & Benner), res First nr Lake av Chandler & Benner (Benj C Chandler, Irvin R Bennei). 18 Tracy blk, 65% Tuscarawas av (also Akron) Stewart Saml D, reg. Trav agt Diamond Match Co, res Cleveland, O (not practg) Wood Archie L, W R U, '95. Second nr Tuscarawas av, tel 19, 8 to 11:30, 1 to 5:30 DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS Belford Dr Ethan A, reg, ">86. Res Baird av cor Third, tel 46 (not practg — see Physicians) Covert J Wells, reg. (Covert & Stedman), res Perrysville, O Covert & Stedman (J Wells Covert, Wm G Stedman). Tuscarawas av nr Second Frase Henry B, A C P, '88. (Frase & Sherrard), res 201 Second Frase & Sherrard (Henrv B Frase, Chas C Sherrard). 201 Second, tel 44 Sherrard Chas C, U M, '90. (Frase & Sherrard), res Detroit, Mich Stedman Wm G, reg, '93. (Covert & Stedman), res Tuscarawas av nr Fifth Woolsey Franklin H, reg, '£6. (Woolsey & Blaser), res Baird av cor Fourth Woolsey & Blaser (Franklin H Woolsey, Jonathan W Blaser). Tracy blk, 65 Tuscarawas av, tel 96 BEDFOKD (Cuyahoga Co— Population, 1900— On the Akron, Bedford & Cleveland R R, Electric) Health Officer— Louis C Whittaker, tel Long Dist PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Bean John L, (H) removed to Medina, O Carey Albert (H), C H M C, '98 Cowles Edward M (R), W R U, '97. N S Public Sq, 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9 Dawson Wm B (H), C M C, '94. Main nr P , 7 to 9, 1 to 3, 7 to 9, res North near Main GollingWm F (H), C H H C, '87. Robinson's blk, Main st., 10 to 12, 1 to 4, 6 to 8, res Main nr Columbus Hains C W (H), C H H C, 83. removed to Hudson, O Hubbard R Schuyler (R), U W, '77. Res Main cor Park (not | r see Cleveland) Seidel Rudolph R (R), W R U, '93. Hain's blk, Main St., 9 to 11, 1 to B, 7 to 8 Smith Daniel B (R), Charity Hosp Med Coll, Clev, Y>7 (see Cleveland] DENTIST Spaulding Wm H, reg, '84. Main opp P O, S to 12, 1 to 5, res Dunham nr Washington DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS Forbes Robert, reg, Y>5. Main cor Dunham, tel L D, res 10 1 W McGaughey Isaac H, reg, '85. Main nr Square Maitland John K, reg, '81. Clk Main cor Dunham, tel 1. D Washington 347 Towns and Villages— Conti?iued. BEMENT (Cuyahoga Co — On the Lorain & Cleveland Ry — Electric) Bement Lucy P (R), physician, removed to Foo-Chow, China BEREA (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 2,600 — On the Cleveland, Berea, Elyria & Oberlin Ry— Electric) Health Officer— Dr Hess, elk Bd Health PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Allen Asa S (R),H U, '45- Front st Clark Wm (H), Western Homoeo College, Cleveland, '66. Office and Residence, Bridge near Front. Hours, 8 a m to 12m, 2 to 6 p m Cancer Specialist. Coates Frank M (R), U W,'71. Front st, 9 to 12, 4 to 6, res Beech st Gould Dayton T (R), W R U, '70. Quayle blk, Front st, res N Seminary cor Spring (also Druggist) Gregory Wm M (H;, CMC, '95. Steam's blk, Front st, 10 to 12, 3 to 5' res Bridge nr Seminary Kirkland H Burton (Eel), EMI, '91. Front st, 2 to 4, res Bridge nr Prospect Nadig Henry Hasswell (H), Chicago Homoeo Med Coll, '98. Adjoining Bank of Berea, 7 to 8, 1 to 2, 7 to 8, res n vv cor Grand and Seminary, until 8 a m, 12 to 1, 6 to 7 Pelton Leverett F (H), C H H C, '83. Mattison blk, Front st, res Front cor Grand (also Dentist) Perry Arthur H (R), CMC, '96. 29 Front, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 69 Henry, 7 to 9 am, 8 to 9 pm Smith Arthur A (R), C M C, '96. Sprague blk, Factory st, 10 to 12, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Stuart Parke W,(R), D C M, '86 Warden Corwin G (R), U W, '78. Mattison blk, Front st, res N Semi- nary st DENTISTS Knapp Daniel F Pelton Leverett F, reg. Mattison blk, Front st, res Front cor Grand (also Physician) DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS Francis Henry S, reg, mgr Noble & Stone, Front st Gould Dr Dayton T, reg, Quayle blk, Front st, res N Seminary cor Spring ^also Physician) Husmann Martin, reg, Mgr Nelson's Pharmacy, Front st Mattison Thos C, Baldwin Univ, '69. (T C Mattison & Co), res Semi- nary st Mattison T C & Co (Thos C Mattison, J S Simpsonj. Mattison blk, Front st Nelson Peter, prop, Front st Noble & Stone (O R Stone), Front st NURSES Johnson Mrs Mary H, 5 years. "No — Bottom" road, w of Rocky River Riddles Mrs Ada Shepherd Frank, removed to Grand Rapids, Mich 348 Towns and Villages — Continued. BRECKSVILLE (Cuyahoga Co— Population, 800) PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Bourn Ernest L (R).W R U, '89 Breck Theodore (R), removed to Minneapolis, Minn Kealey John C (R), O M C, '78. 7 to 9 a m, 7 to 8 p m BROOKLYN (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 4,500) Health Officer — Reuben E Stickney, Broad nr Stimson ct PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Linden Washington E (R), W R U, '83. Mill nr Pearl, 7 a m to 9 p m, tel M 833 Webster Henry H (Eel), E M I, '73. Pearl nr Krather ct, tel M 360, res Pearl nr Mill (al-o Druggist) Webster Saml J (R), W R U, '9o. Pearl nr Krather ct, tel M 360, 1 to 4, res Pearl nr Mill, 9 to 10 a m, 7 to 8 p m DENTIST Lewis Frank M, reg, '83. Pearl s w cor Mechanic, tel M 833, 8 to 12, 1 to 5, res Pearl n w cor Mill DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS Baker Alpha L, S C P, '93. Clerk Pearl cor Mechanic, tel M 833, res Pearl nr Broad Roth Louis, reg, '81. Clerk Pearl nr Krather ct, tel M 360 Schmiit Jacob J, reg, '90. Pearl cor Mechanic, tel M 833, res 47 Arch- wood av, Cleveland, tel M 2948-J Webster Dr Henry H, reg, '88. Pearl nr Krather ct, tel M 360, res Pearl nr Mill (also Physician) MIDWIFE Lex Mrs Fransicer, Munich, Bavaria. Arthur nr State rd CHAGRIN FALLS (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 1,250— On the Cleveland & Chagrin Falls Rv — Electric) Health Officer— Irwin N Warner, Pleasant av. P O Box 23 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Cameron Geo D (H), CUMS, '95. Franklin, w of Public sq, 9 to 11, 1 to 3, 7 to 8, res Washington st Curtis Harry W (R), C M C,'52. Public sq, res Washington, nr Public sq Curtis Paul (Eel), reg. Public sq, res Washington, nr sq Doty Herman M (R>, W R U, '73. Pearl, opp sq, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, Main, nr Falls Hotel Haggart Fred S (R), removed to Baltimore, O LeRoy Bernard R (R), W R U,'8o. Franklin, nr M E Church, 1 to t. Royce Stewart (R), reg. Bell av, nr PhilomathU Steel John C (H), C U M S, '97. S side Park, tel 95. 1 to -\ 7 to S. res Orange, nr Main Teed Isa C (H). CUMS, '96 "Walters R Wilson (H & R), Western Reserve Univ, V>7; Cl t> Portage also 1 Jones Chas W, prop 190 N Front, tel 623, res S Newberry, nr Broad Longshore John L, reg. Mgr 190 N Front, lei 628, res S Second nr Broad NURSES-Fcmale Blair Mrs Isabella, Clev State Hosp, '95. Matron Fair Oaks \ Sanitarium. Tel 22 Foster Mrs Liula, 3 years. Fair Oaks Villa Sanitarium. Tel 89 Hammer Miss Carrie, Akron City Hosp, »97. Fair Oak- Villa Sanitarium. Tel 22 3Si Towns and Villages — Continued. CUYAHOGA FALLS— Concluded. Newton Miss Gertrude, 1 year. Fair Oaks Villa Sanitarium. Tel 22 Shreve Miss Gertrude, Clev State Hosp, '97. Fair Oaks Villa Sani- tarium. Tel 22 Sullivan Miss Mary, Clev State Hosp, '95. Fair Oaks Villa San- itarium. Tel 22 Whiting Mrs H, removed NURSES-Male Heacock Fred, 3 years. Fair Oaks Villa Sanitarium. Tel 22 McCahan Irwin, State Hosp, Harrisburg, Pa, '95. Fair Oaks Villa Sanitarium. Tel 22 Taylor Fred W, Clev State Hosp, '94. Fair Oaks Villa Sanitarium. Tel 22 DOVER. (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 500— On the Cleveland, Berea, Elyria & Oberlin Ry— Electric) PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Clemans Celia O(H), C H H C, '93. 2.30 to 4.30, res North Dover, O, till 9 a m Lathrop Geo C (R), W R U, '88 Stoll Christopher W (R), W R U, '93. 12 to 2 DRUGGIST Grosse Wm F, reg, : 75. (summer res — see Cleveland) NURSE Cousins Miss Jennie EAST CLEVELAND (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 3,500) Health Officer — Thos H Bushnell, lawyer, 517 Cuyahoga bldg., Cleveland, tel M 605, res Page av nr Euclid av PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Bingham Chas A, (H), Clev Univ Med and Surg, '96. 2822 Euclid av. Tel Doan 205. Hours, 9 to 10 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m. Res 3000 Euclid av. Tel Doan 247-L (also Cleveland) Burton Erasmus D (R), Clev Univ, '46. 4110 Euclid av, tel G-60 (retired) Burton Fredk D (R), W R U, '79; B H M C, '83. 4100 Euclid av, tel G-60 Bushnell Sophia Ballard (R), W M C P, '89. Page av, 9 a m to 12 m Chapman Harriet B (H), C M C, '96, Res 3809 Euclid av (see Cleveland) Dewey Seymour B (H), C H H C, '91. Res Hastings &\ and Highland Terrace, Collamer (also Dentist — see Cleveland) Foljambe Theodore D (H), CMC, '91. Res Beersford nr Euclid av, tel G 87-J (see Cleveland) Follansbee Geo E (R), U W, '95, Res 4035 Euclid av, tel G 86-L (see Cleveland) Glass George F, (R). Balto Coll Phys and Surgs, '93. Office and Resi- dence, 3491 Euclid av. Tel Glen 79-J, until 8:30 a m, 1 to 4 and 6 to 8pm Gurlev Eber W (H), Clev Homceo Med Coll,'98; N Y Schl Clin Med, '98. Res 89 Windermere av. Tel G 71-L (see Cleveland) 352 Towns and Villages— Continued. Hendry Wm (R), W R U, '96. Res 3033 Euclid av, tel L> 492- J ^see Cleve- land) Lincoln Walter R (R), U P, '90. Res Edgehill rd, Euclid Heights, tel D 206-L (see Cleveland) Lincoln Wm R (R), U P, '88. Res Edgehill rd, Euclid Heights, tel I) 206-L (see Cleveland) Louth Chas E (R), A E M C, '86. Res 3496 Euclid av (see Cleveland) Mcllrath Miles H (R), W R U, '92. 3036 Euclid av Perry Alice M (R), U W, '94. Res 4045 Euclid av, tel G 86-L (see Cleve- land) QuayGeoH(H),C H H C, '83. Res 4050 Euclid av, tel G 12-L (see Cleveland) Randall Winthrop (R), C C M S, '76. Res 3412 Euclid av (see Cleveland) Rhodes Ellis B (R), W R U,'97. 3425 Euclid av, tel G 71-J,10 to 12, 1 to3. 7 to 8; Mon, Wed and Fri at Charity Hosp, 10 to 12 Smith Geo Seeley (R), H U, 92. Res Kenilworth rd, Euclid Heights, tel D300-J (see Cleveland) Spence Alex O (R), W R U, '90. Res 2962 Euclid av, tel D 381 -J (not practg — see Cleveland) DENTISTS Dewey Seymour B, C H H C, '91. Res Hastings av and Highland Ter- race, Collamer (also Physician — see Cleveland) Hitch Albert E, reg, '80. Res 10 Lake Front av (see Cleveland) Lodge E Ballard, Univ of Mich, '93. Office and Residence, Stafford Blk, 3425 Euclid av, cor Lake Front av. Tel Glen 71-J Parsons Percy O, W R U, '95. Res Chapman av, nr Euclid av, Collamer (see Cleveland) DRUGGISTS Reynolds F A & Son (Frank A and Harry D), 3421 Euclid av, tel-D 313 (also Cleveland) ELYRIA. (Lorain C —Population, 5,600— On the Cleveland, Berea, Elyria & Oberliu Ry— Electric) Health Officer— Dr W E Hart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Anderson Root G (R), T M C,'95. 42 Lodi, tel 53, 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Baldwin Harry D (H),NY Homoeo Med Coll, '75. Office and Residence 38 Middle av, Tel 8. Hours, 1.30 to 4 and 6.30 to 8 p m. Specialist in Gyntrcologv and Rectal Troubles Cushing Chas F "(H), C H H C, '61. (Cushing & Cushing\ 8 to 9, 3 to 4, 7 to 8; Sunday, 9 to 10 a m ; res 15 W Fifth, tel 42 Cushing Chas H (H & R), C H H C, '94; U W, '95. (Cushing & Cushing), 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8; Sunday, 9 to 10 a m; res 15 W Fifth, tel 42 Cushing & Cushing (Chas F and Chas H), 20 Cheapside, tel \;\ Hart Wm E (R), W R U,'86. Union blk, Broad st, tel 331, 8 to 11. 2 to I, 7 to 8, res 8 West av, tel 163. Health Officer Hubbell Wm B (R),C C P S,'98. 208 El; ria blk, 9 to 12, 2 to 5, res Lake av cor Lodi Tewell E W (R). Eel Med Coll, Phila, Y>7. 31 W Broad McClure Wm P (H),C H M C,'97. 2 Snearer blk, 9 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, res 08 East av McLean Willbur F, (R), deceased Maynard Orlando T (R),E M 1, '75; W R U,'84, 1 W Third, tel It".. 1 to 3, 6 to 8 Patrick H Wooster (R), B M 0,'98. 202 Elyria blk. 7. SO to 10.20 a < 8.80 p m, res Broad cor West a v. tel 91, (also Cleveland) Towns and Villages— Co ntinu ed. ELYRI A— Concluded. Reefy Phillip D (Eel). E M I, "69. 8 W Third, tel 190, res 10 same, tel 120 Rose Emory G (R) . W R U,*73. 10 West av, 8 to lu, 11 to 4 Sampsell Toel V (R), J M C.*77. 1 W Second, res 12 same, tel 71 Sheffield Edwin E (R). U M.*92. (Sheffield & Sheffield), res Grace st Sheffield Henry S (R). U M."92. (Sheffield & Sheffield). res E Second st Sheffield & Sheffield (Edwin E and Henry S), 2 E Second, tel 108 Sherwood Gilbert R (R), L I C H,'66. E Second st, tel 231, 7 to 9, 1 to 1 DENTISTS Burrell John E, reg. 3 Snearer blk. res 27 W River Greer Hugh D, regr. 49 AV Broad, tel 85, res 59 Middle av Kelsey Chas S, C H H C, '92. 2 Ely blk, 8 to 12, 1 to 5, res 63>^ East av. tel 195 Maddock Percv E, W R U, '98. Andwur blk, res 10 Howe Saunders Burt E, W R U,'97. (Wherrv & Saunders), res 11 E Seventh, tel 315 Wherry John G. I D C,"95. (Wherry & Saunders), res 25 AV Third, tel 389 Wherrv & Saunders (John G Wherry, Burt E Saunders) ,Spitzenberg blk, 21 Broad, tel 2 on 331 DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS Adams Edward C, reg. 24 E Broad, res Middle av cor Sixth Crandall Harry A, reg, Clk 6 cheapside, re< 16 same, tel 25 Dykeman Henry A, reg. Res 43 Furnace, tel 264 Dykeman & Matthews (Henry A Dykeman, Edward J Matthews). 25 AV Broad, tel 190 Eady Henry T, reg. 6 CheaDside. res 16 same, tel 25 Hague Elzy U, reg, '84. 40 W Broad, tels C U 62, City 117, res Third cor West av Kappus Fred C. P U, '98. Clk 40 W Broad, tels C U 62, City 117 Roe Rossel B, reg, "74. 5 AV Broad, tel S4, res 2 AA^ 6th Smitts Bros Trory Chas E. reg. Clk 6 CheaDside, res 16 same, tel 25 AA T ooster AVm F, reg. 45 AV Broad, tels C U 71, City 255, res 51 Mi NURSES Ainsworth Airs Ella, 12 years. 33 West av Howk Mrs Sarah J, 25 years. 43 AV Third ddle EUCLID (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 500 — On the Cleveland. Painesvile & Eastern R R— Electric) PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Harper Henrv B (H), H M C P, "98. Iddings Geo S (R), C M C, '96. Res Locust Hill, tel G 83-J (see Cleveland) Mapes T E (H), removed to Collinwood, O EUCLID HEIGHTS (see East Cleveland) 354 Towns and Villages — Continued. FAIRMOUNT (Cuyahoga Co— Population, 300) PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Allen Dudley P (R), H U, '80. Summer res Mayfield rd, tel G 65-L (see Cleveland) PHARMACIST Hellwig Edward F, C S P, 96, (see Cleveland) GATES MILL (Cuyahoga Co— Population, 200) PHYSI3IAN and DRUGGIST Persons Willis F (R), physician, W R U, '84. 8 to 12, 6 to 8; druggist reg, GLENVILLE (Cuyahoga Co— Population, 2,000— On Shore Li n e ©vision-Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern R R — Electric) Health Officer— Andrew H Carr, 166 Eldridge av BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION Kainbow Cottage for Convalescent Children— Lake View av, bet Superior and St Clair, Mrs Louise Johstone, Matron. (see Benevolent Institutions, Cleveland) PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Carlisle Irwin C, U W, '75, 614 Doan, tel G 52— L, 7 to 9, 12 to 2, 7 to 9 Coffin F Wallace (R), R M C, '68. 3 Stephens bik, tel G 94— L, 2 to 4 Goodwin Emery M(R),W R U, 95. 1 Stephens blk, 9 to 10, 1 to 3, 7 to 8; Sunday, 3 to 5 Hanson Harry P iR), removed to Greentown, O Hill Edwin W, Univ of City of N Y, '74. Office and Residence, 600 Doan. Tel Glen 13 -J. Hours, 7 to 9 a m, 12 m to 2 p m, 6 to 7.30 p m McMichael John C (R), U W, '95. 2 Dutnall blk, tel G 90— T, 1 to 4, 7 to 8 Munson Leroy D (K), Col M C, '81. Res 37 Olivet (see Cleveland) Noland Ira N (R), W R U, '82. Res 457 Doan, tel D 13— J (see Cleveland) Smith Jessie W (H), C H M C, '97. 4 Dutnall blk, tel G 63, 8 to 9.30, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Stuckenholt Wm H (H), C M C, '94. Res 38 Gertrude (see Cleveland Thurston Cyrus M (H), U M, 92. Res 140 Eldridge av, tel G 56— I (see Cleveland) Venen Wilford J (H), CMC, '96. 28 Eldrige av. DENTISTS Doolittle James H, reg, '93. 1 Stephens blk. tel G 24-L, 8 to 12, 1 to B, res Crowell blk Gans Wm D, reg, '94. 3 Dutnall blk, 8 to 12, 1 to 5 IaUdwick Fred L, Western Reserve Univ, '97. 1 and 9 Dutnall Blk, St Clair s e cor Doan. Tel Glen 90-J. Hours, 8 a m to 12 in. 1 to | p m. Res Crowell Blk. 355 Towns and Villages — Co tit in tied. GLENVILLE— Concluded. DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS Christian Robt R, A C P, '95. Crowell blk, tel G 96 Frieseman Wm H, O C P, '80. Dutnall blk, tel G 63, res Doan nr Garfield Harper Herbert C, A C P, '98. Clk Dutnall blk, tel G 63, res 318 Doan Schellentrager Ernst A, reg '73. Res Lake View av, tel G 27-J (see Cleveland) NURSES Birch Mrs Flora B (nee Mersereau), Kensington Hosp, Phila, '95. 144 Eld- ridge av (not nursing) Cleveland Miss S Hattie, Toledo Trg Schl, '97. 129 Avondale av, tel G 63 Horrocks Miss Ellen, Huron St Hosp, '96 2441 St Clair, tel G 14-J Johnstone Mrs Louise, 8 years. Matron Lake View av, bet St Clair and Superior Merserean, see Birch HORST (Newburgh Township — Cuyahoga Co — Population 2,000) ' DENTIST Armstrong Robt A, B C D S, '84. Res 19 Ransom av (see Cleveland) DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS Herbkersman Gust H, C S P, '97 Herold Ladimir, C S P, '90. Res Miles av nr Rice av (see Cleveland) Heyner Chas C, reg, '92. (C C Heyner & Co) and Postmaster, res Cleve- land Heyner CC&Co (Chas C and Edward G Heyner), 257 Miles av Heyner Edward G, P C P, '88. (C C Heyner & Co), res Cleveland NURSE Pauli Mrs Johanna, 5 years INDEPENDENCE (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 1,200) Health Officer — James C Neville PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Knowlton Wm G (R), U W, '95. 2 to 6 p m KAMM'S (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 200— On the Cleveland, Berea, Elyria & Oberlin R R— Electric) PHARMACIST Jordan Chas M, A C P, '96. (see Cleveland) 356 Towns and Villages — Continued . KENT (Portage Co— Population, 5,000— On the Akron & Cuyahoga Falls Rapid Transit R R— Electric) Board oj Health — Meets last Friday of each month at Mayor's office. S Water and Main. Mayor W W Patton, Pres, ex-officio: WW Reed, Sec; I R Marsh, F H Vickers, C C Cackler. C A Phelps, Dr F W Schilling and L M Tracy. L. G. Reed, Health Officer, 120 Mill. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Andrews Wm B (H), C H H C, '90. S Water nr Main, tel 83, 1 to 4, 6 to 8, res W Main nr Mantua, tel 11 Bethel Louis P fH), C H H C, '92. Park av nr Mantua, tel 118 (not practg — see Dentists) Krape Joseph H (R), J M C, '93, N Water nr Main, tel 121, 1 to 3, 6 to 8, res E Main cor Willow, tel 10 Morris Julius A (R), R M C, '70. Link's blk, E Main nr Water, res N "W ater cor Crain av Osgood Wm "W (H), Clev Univ Med & Surg, '96. Office and Residence, 217 S Water. Tel 52. Hours, 8 to 10 a m, 2 to 3.30 and 6 to 8 p ra Price Emmet W (R), U M, '65. E Main nr DePeyster, tel 90 Root Frank W (R), deceased Russell Frank A (H), C U M S, '96. N Water nr Main, tel 129, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, 6 to 8, res Mantua cor Fairchilds av, tel 57 Schilling Fred W (R), O M U, '95. Bulletin blk, N Water cor Colum- bus, tel 64, 1 to 3, 6 to 8, res Summit nr S Water Sherman Aaron M (R). C M C, '51. Res E Main nr AVater Sweenev James S (H), reg, '54. 509 Stow Wright'Percy S (R>, J M C, '96. S Water cor Erie, tel 94, 10 to 12, 1 to 4, 6 to 8 DENTISTS Bethel Louis P, U M, '85. Park av nr Mantua, tel 118. Sec State Bd Dental Examiners, (also Physician) Caris Wm I, deceased Case Gibbon A, reg, '67- E Main nr De Peyster, 8 to 12, 1 to 5 Copper Luther S, reg, '85. Franklin av cor Harris (summer res— see Cleveland ) Kennedy Geo A, W R U. '95. National Bank bldg. E Main nr Water, tel 75, 8 a m to 5 p m Reed Wm W, O C D S, '87. Rockwell blk, Main and Water, tel 27, 8 a m to 5 p m, res W Main cor Chestnut, tel 87 Scott Ira H, O C D S, '98. Res Stow cor'Mantua DENTAL IOURNAL ^Information," established 1898; monthly; L P Bethel. 1> D S, M D editor and publisher; devoted to Dental and Oral Hygiene and general information for Patient and Dentist DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS Case Wm H, reg, '84. Mgr Arighi blk, S Water nr Main, tel 24, re- W Main nr Prospect Davis Dr Joel D, reg, '83. Arighi blk, S Water nr Main, tel 24, res Cleveland, O. Rynard Mis Mary A, reg, '80. Clk E Main opp Franklin av, tel L D (pay), res Park av nr Woodard Rynard Napoleon B, reg, '78. E Main opp Franklin a v. tel LD rer Park av nr Woodard Thompson Robt A. reg, '75. Franklin av nr Main, tel 150, res V\ \ nr Mantua, tel H on 150 Trory Fred W, reg, '89. E Main opp Franklin av, tel I, res B Mi De Peyster 357 Towns and Villages— Co?iti?iued. KENT— Concluded. NURSES Boosinger Miss Hattie, removed to Brimfield O Davies Mrs Maud B, (now Mrs Wm C Rogers), removed to Cleveland Greenlese Mrs Mary J, 7 years. Oak nr Franklin av, tel 22 Haught Mrs Mary J, 20 years. E Summit cor DePyster Kyle Mrs Lena R, Md Gen Hosp, Balto, '91. 114 Columbus, tel 42 Rus ell Mrs Nelson, 38 years. Kent nr S Water Shirtliff Mrs Lorinda C, 30 years. Mantua cor Rockwell, tel 1 Smith Mrs Ettie Gould, 8 years, 109 Cuyahoga, tel 1 Williard Mrs Mary A, 5 years, Carthage av nr Mantua HOTEL ERIE HOUSE, Mrs A L Wilcox, Prop. 112 Erie, nr Water. Tel 140 «* 2£rie IDouse. «* MRS. AGNES L. WILCOX, Prop. Rates Reasonable* \\2 Erie Street, near S. Water* Tel. 140. j» j» > KENT, OHIO. LAKEWOOD (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 2,500 — On the Lorain & Cleveland Ry — Electric) PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Ellis Clifton D (H), CHHC, '88. Res Detroit cor Beech, tel W 71 (see Cleveland) Hobson John F (R), U W, '68. Detroit nr Lake av, tel L D, 8 to 9, 12 to 2, 5 to 7 McClure Albert E (H), CHHC, '92. Detroit nr Lake av, tel W 424-J, 8 to 9, 1 to 3, 6 to 7 Obermiller Effie M (R), Toledo Med Coll, '85. Lake and Highland avs, lto4 Swan Chas G (H), C U M S, '97 Swayer John W (H), CHHC, '78. Res 2163 Detroit, 6 to 7:30, 11:30 to 12:30, 9 to 10 (also Pharmacist— see Cleveland) Witte Lewis H, reg, '60. Res 32 Grace av, tel W 79-L (also Druggist- see Cleveland) DENTISTS Furlong Myron G, reg. Res Cook av nr Detroit (see Cleveland ) Wright Martin -L, reg, '72. Res Cook av nr Detroit (see Cleve/and) 358 Towns and Villages— Continued. DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS Harmon Owen B, P C P, '83. Res Lakeland av (see Cleveland; Howe Dewey F, C S P, '91. Res Detroit st (see Cleveland) Schoenhut Christian H, reg, '61. Res Detroit nr Robinwood (see Cleve- land) Swayer Dr John W, reg, '73. Res 2168 Detroit (not practg — see Phys) Witte Fredk R. reg, '98. Res 32 Grace av, tel W 79-L (see Cleveland) Witte Dr Lewis H, reg, '53. Res 32 Grace av, tel W-79 L (also Phys— see Cleveland) NURSES Clow Mrs Hattie, 6 years. Johnson cor Brown av, tel M 592, P O Box 216 Siprelle Miss Gertrude, 8 years. Tel M 2837-L Siprelle Miss Thelma M, Wallworth Sanatorium. '96. Tel M 2837— L LORAIN (Lorain Co — Population, 5,000 — On the Lorain & Cleveland Ry — Electric) Health Officer— Dr S S Cox PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Baumhardt Adam J (R), Univ of Mich, '95. 321 Broadway. Tel 155. Hours, 9 to 10 a m, 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 pm. Res Fifth av nr Park. Prop Baumhardt's Hospital (also Druggist) Beyer Geo K (H), C H M C, '97. 314 Broadway, 7 to 9, lto 3, 7 to 9 Bowman Geo L (R), U W, '78. 142 Franklin, tel 139,8 to 10, 2 to 4 Cameron Ewan (R), Bowdoin Coll, Maine, '69; B H M C, '72. Steel plant, 1 to 3, res 1706 Penfield av, 7 to 9 a m, 4 to 7 p m Cox Saml S (R), W R U, '86. Health Officer (also Dentist) Ebersole Eva E (H), C H H C, '95. 1737 Livingston av FrederickChas H (R), W R U, '91. Franklin nr Broadway, tel 8, 2 to 4, 7 to 9, res 116 Franklin Garver Abraham N (R), Western Reserve Univ, '79 Office and Residence, 115 Bank. Tel 16. Hours, 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p m. Surgeon of C L & W Ry and Docks Gilbert John R (R), Sewanee (Tenn) Med Coll, 95 Harris Albert T (Eel), EMI, '85. 320 Broadway, 9 to 12, 1 to 4, 7 to 9 Hoffman Wm W (R), J M C, '94; B H M C, '95. 612 Tenth av, tel 124. res 624 Twelfth av Hug Edward V (R), fMC, '93. 321 Broad.way, tel 143, 8 to 9, 3 to 4, 7 to S McGarvey John F (R). J M C, '83. 309 Broadway, tel 23, 9 to 10, 1 to -J, 7 to 8, res 415 Hamilton, tel 107 Mead Jay S (H), U M, '83. Ill Franklin, res 119 same, tel 54. 1.80 to 1. 7 to 8 Monosmith Olney B (R), Coll Phys & Surgs. Chicago, v>. Oculist Office and Residence, 312 Broadway. Tel 137. Hours, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m Parker Henry E (Eel), Bennett Med Coll, Chicago, »78. Clark nr Ten- field av, 7 to 9 a m, 7 to 9 p m, res Clark cor Livingston av Rhodes Orville A (R), removed to New Castle, \\\ Rockwood Chas H (R), removed to North Amherst, O Van Tilburg John M (R), C C PS, '98. 107Duane, tel 10. S to 10. 4 to 7 to 9, res 184 Franklin Young Frank (K), C M C, '72. 1608 Peniield av, tel 90, 8 to 10, - to t. 6 to s 359 Towns and Villages — Continued. LORAIN— Concluded, DENTISTS Cox Saml S, reg (also Physician) Kiplinger Edwin S, W R U, '95. 414 Broadway Purcell Chas W, reg. Ill Franklin, 8 to 12, 1 to 5, res 306 Hamilton Tromblev John E, Chi CDS, '95. 321 Broadway, 8 to 12, 1 to 6, 7 to 8, res Lake View Hotel DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS Baumhardt Dr Adam J, U M,'87. 321 Broadway, tel 155, res Fifth av nr Park (also Physician) Brown Wm M, reg. 1909 Penfield av, tel 135 Flodmg Frank, S C P, '92. 724 Broadway, tel 126 Folkens John H, C S P, '93. 1742 Penfield av Frank F Joseph, reg. 310 Broadway, tel 3 Honecker Bros (Wm and Chas), 320 Broadway, tel 63 Honecker Wm, C S P, '85. (Honecker Bros and Wiegand & Honecker), res Bank nr Re id Rust Beverly S, reg. 612 Tenth av, tel 124 Wiegand Karl A, C S P, '97. Wiegand & Honecker), res 131 Second av Wiegand, & Honecker (Karl A Wiegand, Wm Honecker), E Erie cor Fifth, tel 62 NURSES Flinck Mrs Belle, 223 N Fourth, tel 128 Sage Mrs Villa, 7 years SANITARIUM Baumhardt's Hospital, Fifth av nr Park, tel 155 MENTOR (Lake Co— Population, 500— On the Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern R R — Electric; Health Officer— -Dr L H Luse PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Ingersoll Allen T (R), W R U, '93. 10 to 12, 2 to 4 Luse Lester H (Eel), reg, '63. Health Officer (see Willoughby, O) Smith Arthur B (H), removed PHYSICIAN and DRUGGIST Lowe John W (R), Electropathic Inst, Phila, '84; Vt Med Coll. Wood- stock, '88. 101 Mentor av, Bell and Home tel exchge, C to 9, 12 to 2, 5 to 7 (also Druggist) NEWBUEGH (Cuvahoga Co— Station F, Cleveland P O— Population, 4,000— On the Akron, Bedford & Cleveland R R— Electric) Health Officer— Chas Radcliff PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Emrich Edward L, removed to Wooster, O 360 Towns and Villages — Continued. Evman Henry C (R), Col M C, '80. Supt Clev State Hosp, Broadway opp Woodland Hills av, tel M 1076 Finefrock Chas B (R). U W, '95. Removed to Fremont, O Hobson Willis S (R), W R U, '98. Asst phys Clev State Hosp, tel M 1070 Hutchins Fannie C (R), Univ So Calif, '93. Asst phys Clev State Hosp. tel M 1076 Kelly James F (R), W R U, '96. Asst phys Clev State Hosp, tel M 1076 Radway E J DENTIST Edson Calvin R, W R U, '98. Res Miles av nr Mars Hill av (see Cleve- land) NURSE Franklin Mrs Emma NORTH DOVER (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 50— On the Lorain & Cleveland Ry — Electric) PHYSICIAN Clemans Celia O (H), CHHC, '93. Till 9am (also Dover) NURSE Clemans Miss Emma A, Huron St Hosp, '92 NORTHPIELD (Summit Co— Population, 200— On the Akron, Bedford & Cleveland R K- Electric) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McConnell Le Grand (R), W R U, '85 NORTH RIDGEVILLE (Lorain Co— Population, 400— On the Cleveland, Berea, Elyria & Oberlin R R— Electric) PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Carter John L (R), deceased Gill George (R), C P S C, '96. 12 to 2 Oakes Isaac N (R), Mia M C, '76. 12 to 2 DRUGGIST AND PHARMACIST Geer Chas S, physician, C H II C, '78; demist, C H B C, V- 3^ Towns and Villages — Continued. NORTH ROYALTON (Cuyahoga Co— Population, 200) PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Cumberworth Wm H(R), SMC, '98. Wednesday and Saturday evenings Hamblin Roaldo F (R), W R U, '80. Wednesday aud Saturday evenings PHYSICIAN-PHARMACIST Shildrick Elgin H (R), physician, U W,'96. Wednesday and Saturday, 1 to 4 p m; pharmacist, OCP, '92 NOTTINGHAM (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 550 — On Shore Line Division — Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern R R — Electric) PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Gardner Horace (Bot-Ecl). reg, '50, retired Gardner Wm H (H^, reg Jenks Wm O (R), U W, '74. tel L D Tripp Ira A (R), T M C, '94. Tel L D, 1 to 3 p m DENTIST Hudson Herbert E, reg, '81. (see Cleveland) DRUGGIST Emerich John R, C S P, '90. Tel L D OBERLIN (Lorain Co — Population, 4,500 — On the Cleveland, Berea, Elyria & Oberlin R R— Electric) Health Officer and Village Marshal, Ezra L Burge, 206 W Lorain, tel 68 PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Austin John (H), deceased Browning Chas H (R), W R U, '97. 17 College pi, tel 133, 9 to 11, 2 to 4, res 181 Forest Bunce Wm C (R), U W, '78. 44 College, 9 to 10, 2 to 3, 7 to 8 Childs Mary E D (Eel), removed Everitt Abner B (R), W R U, '83. 27 E College, res 29 same, 9 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Hanna Delphine (R), U M, 'P0. Baldwin Cottage (retired) Hawkins Ellen F (H), C U M S, '96. 17 W College, res 158 same, 9 to 10:30, 2 to 4 Hayward Milton P (H), removed to Lawrenceburg, Ind Jameson Geo C (R), U P, '93. 11 W College, res 148 same, 8:30 to 10, 2 to 4 Johnson Cliffe U (R), CCPS, '96. 216 S Professor Leonard Fred E (R), NYCPS, '92. Res 174 E College (retired) Merriam E D (R), deceased Newcomb Elizabeth (R), removed to Lowell, Mass 362 Towns and Villages— Co?iti?iued. Noble Chas D (R), Univ of Louisville, Ky, '68. Actg Asst Surg, U S A., Columbus (O) Barracks, res 123 S Professor Pyle Harold W (H), C H M C, '97. 9 W College, 10 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 162 N Pleasant Runyon Miriam T (R), Womans Med Coll, N Y, '93. 102 W College, 8 to 10, 1 to 3 Smith Geo E (R), O M C, '62. 27 W College, tel 45, 9 to 10, 2 to 4, res 145 Woodland av Wilson Henry (R), deceased DENTISTS Husted Danl S, U M, '85. 13 N Main, 8 to 12, 1 to 5, res 156 N Pleasant, tel 119 Husted Hubert G, reg, '92. 35 N Main, 8 to 12, 1 to 5, res 182 Allen, tel 119 Siddall James F, reg, '92. 27 W College, res 226 same, 8 to 12, 1.30 to 5 DRUGGISTS and PHARMACISTS Burgess Frank E, P C P, '90. 25 W College, tel 90, res S Professor cor Forest, tel 29 Gardner John M, reg, '83. 7 S Main, res 189 Forest Harmon J Frank, reg, '83. 35 W College, res 130 same, tel 88 Persons Chas W, reg, '96. Ok 35 W College, tel 88, res 414 8 Professor Rowland Ralph B, reg, '93. Clk 32 S Main, tel 72 Rowland Thad H, reg, '83. 32 S Main, tel 72, res 152 E College Smith Henry F, U M, '91. 5 W College, tel 53, res 64 E Lorain Tobin Frank W, reg, '98. Clk 25 W College, tel 90, res 227 Elm NURSES Hodge Rupert, 5 years. 33 W College Wright Miss Carrie, 2 years. 197 W .Lorain OLMSTED PALLS (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 400) Health Officer — Wm B Locke, supt of schools f PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Smith Rufus K (R), W R U, '75. Columbia st, 12 to 2 DRUGGISTS Peltz Joseph P, reg, '87. (Peltz & Simmerer), res Columbia st Peltz & Simmerer (Joseph Peltz, Philip Simmerer), Columbia cor Mill PAINESVILLE (Lake Co— Population, 8,990— On the Cleveland, Painesvillc \ Eastern R R— Electric; Coroner, Lake Co—V>t A G Phillips Board of Health — Meets first Tuesday of each month in Council Chamber, St Clair st. C C Fineran, S T Woodman, John Mai in, C A | C T Radcliffe, Dr C F House Health Officer — Geo M Cranston, clk 3d of Health, office Main st. re W Washington 3 6 3 Towns and Villages— Continued. PAINESVILLE— Continued. PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Amidon Henry N (R), W R U, '84. 145 N St Clair, tel 100, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Axtell S Blake (R), W R U, '80. 119 W Washington, tel 6, 2 to 4 p m Buys Frank (R), W R U, '86. 131 N St Clair, tel 49, 10 to 12, 2 to 4 Carmedy Michael H G (R), W R U, '97. 319 Main, tel 41, 2 to 4, 6 to 9 Dow R F (Eel). 720 Mentor av Evans James (R), B M C, '97 Fisher Abrilla J (H), C H H C, '95. 124 N St Clair, tel H 218, 10 to 12, 2 to 4 GageDrJL(H). 531 Liberty Gardner Albon L ^H— R), W R U, '69; C H H C, '70. 162 N St Clair, tel 88, 7 to 9. 1 to 2, 7 to 8 Grauel Henry W (Eel), E M I,'75. S State cor Main, tel 151, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, res 115 High, tel 58 Hawley Chas M (Eel), Eel Med Coll, Phila, '71. 102 W Erie, tel 77, until 8 a m, 12 to 2, after 7pm House Chas F (R), LICH, '74. 115 S St Clair, tel 34, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Laffer Walter B (R), removed to Cleveland. Merriman David T (R), D C M, '70. 153 E Erie, tel 20, 7 to 9, 12 to 2 Phillips Almond G (Eel), E M I, '88. S State cor Main, tel 2 on 14, 1 to 5 p m, res 169 Casement av, tel 3 on 14. Coroner, Lake Co Pratt Benj F, reg. 231 Bank Pratt Julia A, reg. 231 Bank Root Edward B (R), A M C '56. 115 E Erie, tel H 76, 7 a m to 6 p m Sanderson Chas R (R), W R U, '49. 107 W Erie Sechrist Cora S, B S (R), W M C P, '96. 153 N St Clair, tel 229, 5.30 to 8 p m (also Cleveland) Sherwood Wm H, (R), W R U, '54. 314 N State, tel 17, 2 to 5 Tillotson Loyall H (H), C H H C, '85. 149 S State, tel H 23, 1 to 3, 7 to 8 Todd Frank H (R), removed to Fairport Harbor, G "Webb George F, (Elec-Therap), Natnl College Electro-Therapeutics, Indpls, '97. Office and Residence, 620 S State (also Cleveland) Whitney Eugene D (R), Uuiv of 111, '98. 138 S State, tels 288 and 2 on 109, 7 to 8, 11 to 2, 7 to 8 Woodruff S E. 109 W South Young Daniel M (R), J M C, '40. 95 N St Clair, 7 a m to 6 p. m DENTISTS Fowler Harry E, 132 E South Fowler Wm H, reg. Ill S St Clair, 8 to 12,1 to 4.30, res 132 E South, tel 171 Hisey Milton E, reg. 124 S State Huntoon George, 124 S State Tacques Eugene F, reg. Main cor S State, 7 to 12, 1 to 6 Warren Frank L, P D C, '92. Main cor St Clair, tel 178, 8 to 11.30, 12.30 to 5, res 125 E Washington DRUGGISTS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Smith W F & Co, Main and State RETAIL Austi i W m C, reg. Mgr 343 Main, tel 89, res 324 Richmond Barnes Fred J, reg. ' 222 Main, tel 91 Johnson Albert, reg. Main cor State, tel 11, res 128 S St Clair La Munyan Chas W. 400 Richmond Moodey Robt C. 343 Main, res 231 Mentor av Werner Wm M Co. 312 Main 3^4 Towns and Villages — Continued. PAINESVILLE— Concluded. PHARMACISTS and ASSISTANTS Barnes Mrs F J, elk 222 Main Garrett Harry C, reg. Trav slsmn, res 145 Mentor av Higgins Chas O, reg. Clk 343 Main, tel 89, res 508 S State Park Benj B, U R, '93, Clk Main cor State, tel 11, res 115 GiJlett Seyfried Lloyd T, res 122 Liberty NURSES Benson Mrs Ellen, 405 N State Detzel Miss Helen, 208 N St Clair Detzel Miss Maribel B, St Clair Hosp, '94; City Hosp, Wooster, Mass *97 208 N St Clair Fow4is Miss Minerva, 731 Mentor av Hayes Miss Nella, Cowles House King Miss E Eleanor, 6 yrs. 119 Park pi EOCKY RIVER (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 400 — On the Lorain & Cleveland Ry — Electric) PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Crawford Thos P (R), removed to Kensington, O Hastings Kent K (R), U VV, '96. 8 to 10, 2 to 4, 7 to 9 ' Wintrich Carl (R), Univ of Erlangen, Bavaria, '68. (See Cleveland) DRUGGIST Blass Chas, reg SOLON (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 450) PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Harrington S A (H), C H H C, '68 Staples Henry F (H), C U M S, '96. 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p m SOUTH BROOKLYN (Cuyahoga Co — see Brooklyn) SOUTH EUCLID (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 400) PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Rowland Adah M (H)', C H H C, '92. Tel L D Rowland Justin E (H), C 11 11 0, »9V. Until 9 a m. Y2 to 9, tej !. D Schlesselman J Theodore (H), C U M S, $7. Tel L D pa) 365 Towns and Villages— Continued. STRONGSVILLE (Cuyahoga Co — Population, 200) PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Haskins Howard D (R), W R U, '95. Tel L D, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p m McConnell James B (R), National Med Coll, Washington, D C, '60 WARRENSVILLE (Cuyahoga Co— Population, 100— On the Cleveland & Chagrin Falls R R- Electric) PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Kehres Louis J bavmac\>, 369 BOND STREET, Opp. the Hoilenden Hotel. Tel. Main 2321,Home 219. Registered Pharmacist in Charge,Night sun! Day CLEVELAND, OHIO. 37* 6. HiDSD'S Hew Discoveries -OF- Hi ELECTRIFIED T ^HflTUBflL 818 and BPPLIBtfCES 18 PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTING. The Only Healthful Anaesthetic Devised. G, h. HURD, 265 kenmrd si, Cleveland, ohio. Also Inventor of Vitalized Air, No Pain or No Pay ! ft Genuine novelty for the fountain ana for Home Use * « « * « "The greatest chemists, including the immortal Liebig, who was a devotee of coffee, have for a century exhausted their skill in trying to produce a true extract of coffee, one which, diluted with water, hot or cold, would make a drink equal in everv respect the infusion of the roasted bean. All their efforts were in vain, and it remained for an American, Mr. L. Ore her, a citizen of Cleveland, O., to discover the secret, Mr. Dreher has put his extract upon the market under the name of T A /V\ O f? I C^\ which will make a liquid equal in every J r\ 1V1 \J 1\ 1 W, respect to a fresh infusion, and do it instantly" — National Druggist, St. Louis, Mo., Aug., 1891. address ^Florence pharmacy 1768 Superior, cor Willson ave,, ' CLEVELAND, OHIO. <* <* Telephone 4£tg7Q <]£ Jtij ^ AN