'°. ^ - V. *■ I. o ** -0) =^ °^/f;^ 4 o 6 ,0" c"" "' t ^ ' A^ ' » Q » « ' * ^ ■^' .0' <5 ' » , \J ♦ -J »--^<. ""^ (T >?>' .•-'. * % "■• A 4 o ^ -■ t \. , ' • o. f - "' -g- ■ -^ 1- ' 4 7 ' ^ O o x^'^-V -et. -^ v., - [■* c » ' V ^^ -•^ ^. .,0^- .\ ,^^ ► '^i" o o ^^ h' Jc ^ ^ V ^ °x. 4P ■■■■'■■* - V ' Ov r- C* V' ^^•n^ >^ ^" /:^w^ - .< •5 'S - 'rC> * '•■ '-^ ^° ,.^-^ v- o « o V s ^' ' I ' ' . < '.' -?' ■3 ys V /O Canadian Military Institute ■<^.Q^I^<^. OFFICERS OF THE British Forces in Canada DURING THE WAR OF 1812=15 BY Iv. HOMFRAY IRVING, Honorary I^ibrarian. ^^SSiO-Cs, Welland Tribune Print. 1908 AuiiiOS" ■:>. < <' Entered according to Act of Parliament, in the Year Nineteen Hundred and Eight, by L. Honifray Irving, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. INTRODUCTION " A people which takes no pride in the noble " achievements of remote ancestors will never " achieve anything worthy to be remembered " with pride by remote descendants." — Macaulay's History of England. The accompanyino- lists of officers, who served during the War of 1812-15, are compiled from the records of the grants of land made in Upper Canada to officers, non-commissioned officers and men who had served in " the first flank Companies, the Provincial Artillery, the Incorporated Regiment, the Corps of Artillery Drivers, the Provincial Dragoons, the Marine and General Staff of the Army,"* and in Lower Canada, to " the officers and men of the Embodied Militia, discharged troops and others."** . All those who participated in the Prince Regent's Bounty, as these land grants were called, are indicated by a star in front of their respective names. The names of those who received land grants as above have been supplemented by names from pay lists, appointments and promotions as published in Militia Orders, returns, petitions and correspondence in the office of the Archivist and Keeper of the Records, Arthur G. Doughty, G. M. 0., L. L. D., to whom and his assistant officers I am more than indebted for the facilities and courtesy which have always been afforded me in my searches. The foot notes, in addition to what could be obtained at the Archives, have been gathered from Army Lists, Obituaries in local newspapers, military magazines, etc., etc. The sources of information from whence the names of the *Militia General Order, 21st January, 1820. **Appendix 0, Journals House of Assembly, Lower Canada, 1819. "• INTRODUCTION. .survivors who, in 1847, received the "General Service Medal, 1793- 1814,"-j- are derived, were : — (1)— A list of Veterans of 18] 2-15 in Upper and Lower Canada to whom medals were ^ranttMl. (Canadian Archives.) (2)— Tile Array List for July, 1851. (3)— A list published in the "United Service MagaziiK^' (1849, parts 2 and 3.) The names of the recipients of "Gold Medals" are taken from Sir H. Nicholas' " History of the Orders of British Knighthood." The list of the Regimental Officers of the Regular Army were, for \'arious reasons, withdrawn ; the j^resent printed material being substituted. I desire to acknowledge most gratefully the obligations I am under to Miss Shanly, of Toronto, Mr. Avern Pardoe, Librarian Ontario Legislature, and Mr. Marmaduke Wilson, his Assistant, Lt.- Colonel E. Cruikshank, F.R.S.C., Lt.-Colonel C. S. Jones and the gen- tlemen of iiis staff in the Crown Lands Department, Toronto, as well as to Mr. Hector Caron, of the same Department at Quebec ; nor must my sincere thanks be withheld from Lt.-Colonel A. L. Jarvis, I.S.O., and Mr. Errol Bouchette, i^.i?.*S'. a, two gentlemen whose trrand- fathers and great grandfathers' services are recorded herein. L. H. I. Toronto, 7tli October, 1908.. 1 General Order, Horse Guards, 1st June, 1847. ABBREVIATIONS ^- -Received Prince Regent's land grant for services during tire War. A. B.— Alile-bodied Seaman. Beauliar. — Beauharnois. Bvt. — Brevet C. B.— Companion of tlie Order of tlie Bath. C. C— Canadian Cliasseurs. Can. Fenc— Canadian Fenciblo Regiment. Can. Voy.— Canadian Voyageurs. Enib.— Embodied Militia. F. L. I. — Frontier Light Infantry. F. O.— Field Officer. Gar. B.— Garrison Battalion. G. C. B.— Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. G. C. H.— Grand Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order. G. L. I.— Glengarry Light Infantry. G. 0.— General Order, h. p. — Half-pay. I. F. O.— Inspecting Field Officer of Militia. Incorp — Incorporated Militia Battalion. Ind. Dept.— Indian Department. K. B.— Knight Companion of the Order of the Bath. K C. B.— Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath. K. C. H.— Knight Commander of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order. K. H.— Knight of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order. King's R. R.— King's Royal Regiment of New York, 1777. L. D.— Light Dragoons (now Hussars.) and P. Society.— Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada. L. C. — Lower Canada (now Quebec.) M. G. O. — Militia General Order. M. Leg. C— Member Legislative Council. M. P. P.— Member Provincial Parliament. M. V. A.— Mississippi Volunteer Artillery. N. B. F.— New Brunswick Feucible Regiment, 1813-16. N. S.— Nova Scotia Fencible Regiment, pro — Promoted. Prov. — Provincial. R. C. v.— Royal Canadian Volunteers, 1794-1803. R. M. — Royal Marines. R. M. A.— Royal Marine Artillery. R. N. R.— Royal Newfoundland Regiment, 1803-16. R. V. — Royal Veteran Battalion. S. E. M.— Select Embodied Militia. U. C. — Upper Canada (now Ontario.) U. E. L.— United Empire Loyahst. TjYfi —Officers actually present in either of the actions ot the ibtn, ^^ 17th or 18th June, 181-5. W. I. — West India Regiment. TABLE OF CONTENTS Alphabetically Arranged ABBKEVIATIONS iii. ADDENDA 261 APPENDICES:— Arms and Accoutrements 247 Clothing, etc., prices of 246 Colours— Select Embodied Militia 260 Garrisons 234 Gentlemen Volunteers 236, 267 Militia Pension Boards 258 Miscellaneous Orders 252 NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS— Lower Canadian Militia T. 239 Upper Canadian Militia 237, 272 Pay 244 Prize-Money 257 Rations and Forage 242 Uniforms 248 BRITISH ARMY :— Adjutant General's Department 4 Army Bill Office 262 Barrackmaster General's Department 18 Brigade-Majors 13 Chaplains 20 Colonels on the Staff 10 Commander-in-Chief 1 Commissariat Department 14 • Engineer's Department 15 Field Train Department 14 General Officers and Staff 8 Gun Carriage Establishment 16 Judge- Advocate's Department 19 Medical Department 17, 261 Paymaster General's Department 19 Postmaster.... 19 Prize Boards 261 Quartermaster General's Department 5, 261 Regiments :— 19th Light Dragoons 21 Royal Artillery 21 Royal Engineers 21 1st Foot— Royal Scots 22 3rd " —The Buffs 22 5th " 23 6th " 23,270 8th " —King's 23 VI- TABLE OF CONTENTS. \ . BRITISH A-R-MY-CORPS—iConthuicd.) 9th Foot 90 13tli " ^o 16th " .„ 27th " :;"":":::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::: 4 37th " .„ 39th " .,4 49th " ;p "'" .57th " f. 58th " '""!^!!^^"''"!^''"^^^!!'!;' 24 70th " —Glasgow Lowland ^i 76th " '■■ ;'l 82nd" — Prince of Wales' Volunteers^"". .'.^!r.. ...... ^^r. 24 270 88th " — Connaught Rantjers 94' " S9th " — fjl 90th " ;. 97th " -Queen's Own ^^^^^!^"!!!!!"!!!!!;^;;""""! 25 100th Foot— Prince Regent's Countj^ of Dublin... 9.5 lOLst " —Duke of York's Irish or: 103rd " ;'^ 104th " ].[".ZZ'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.Z 95 10th Royal Veteran Battahon '""""'!".'.!'". '"."^ 27 Royal Newfoundland Regiment 95 Canadian Fencible Infantry 26 Glengarry Light Infantry "'" 26 Meuron's Regiment .' 26 Watteville's Regiment '.'.''.'.'. oq Royal Marines 27 Flank Battalion '"^^"'!^^''!'''"'!^'"!^^"!rr 27 Light Battalion 9y CIVIL ADMINISTRATION : - Administrators o Governor-General and Staff ^'".".'.".!.^'..!.r.!'.'.! 1 261 ERRATA .,„„'"' 269 INDIAN DEPARTMENT:— Engagements ^^o Corps of Warriors ■^'.'.'.^'.'^'.'."''.'^'.. ['."''.'.'.[[[[[' [[[''' 217 Officers — Lower Canada 214 Upper Canada orvq \vdr L.niers 219, 267 INDEX 273 LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA :— Adjutant General's Department lOO Chajilains ,.,^ Commissary of Transports. . ................" '. '. .".'..'.'.'.'.'.'. '. '. " '. '. '. ". '. " '. '. '. 102 Corps — 1st S. E. Batt no oac till •• •• 128,266 ^^^' 130 TABLE Oi" CONTENTS. VII. LOWER CAJ^ADIAN MILITIA— Corps— (C'o»i;/»»rr? J 6th Batt. (Quebec) 135, 266 7tli " (DeChambcValfs) 137 8th " (Three Rivers) 138 Argeuteuil 173 xVrtillery Drivers 113 Beauharuois 191 Beauport 152 Becancour 162 Belceil 188 Berthier 183 Blainville 180 Boucherviiie 189 Canadian Chasseurs 133 Light Dragoons (Coleman's) 112 Voltigeurs 105 Voyageurs 114 Cap Sante 151 Chambly 187 Chasseurs : 1/Acatlio 193 Chateauguay 193 St. Constant 194 St. Pliilippe 194 Coniixiissiariat Voyagcnrs 115, 266 Dorchester Light Dragoons (Watson's^ 140 Frontier Light Infantry 109 Guides, The 163 lie Jesus 177 Island of Orleans 146 L'AcadiG 193 L' Assoraption 181 LaValtrie 183 Longue Poi ntc 172 Lotbiniere 149 Mihtia Light Inr'anti-y 116 Volunteers (Barker's) 110 Montreal Artillery 163 Cavalry (Piatt's) 163 Flank Battalion 164 Incorporated Volunteers 164 1st Batt. (British) 165 2nd " 166 3rd " 168 Nicolet 161 Pointe Claire 170 Quebec Cavalry (Bell's) 140 1st Batt 141 2nd " 143 3rd " (British) 145 County 1.50 Volunteers (Bouchette's) Ill R i ru o n - 1 V i 158 Riviere-du-Chrne 176 Riviere-du-Loup 159 Riviere-Ouelle 158 St. Anne 160 St. Denis 194 Vlll. TABLE OF CONTENTS. LOWEK CANADIAN MILITIA— ConPS—( Continued.) St. Hyacinthe 186 St. Jean du Port Jolie 1,54 St. Marie cle Nouvelle Beauce 150 St. Ours 184 St. Thomas 155 St. Valier 147 Terrebonne 178 Three Rivers 157 Townships — 1st Batt 197 2nd " 198 3rd " 198 ■ 4th " 199 5th " 200 6th " 200 Vaudreuil 174 Vercheres 195 Yamaska 160 Hospital Staff 101 Judge Advocate's Department 102 Paymaster General 101 Quartermaster-General ' s Department 101 Special Service Officers 101 Staff Officers 103, 266 Staff Surgeons 101 MILITIA STAFF :— Inspecting Field Officers 28, 262 Staff Adjutants 28 UPPEE CANADIAN MILITIA :— Adjutant General's Department 31, 262 Chaplains 35 Commands 36 Corps — Addington 55, 264 Artillery, 1st Lincoln (Powell's) 75 Caldwell' s Rangers 95 Canadian Volunteers 98, 265 Canboro 71 Coloured Men (Runchey's) 76 Dease's Volunteers 97 Dundas 45, 263 Durham 62 Embodied (Cartwright ' s) 53 Essex— 1st Regt 89 2nd " 91 Frontenac 54 Glengarry— 1st Regt ... 41, 263 2nd " 42 Green Bay 99 Grenville— 1st Regt 48, 263 2nd " 49,263,270 Haldimand 71 Hastings 59,264 Incorporated Artillery (Cameron's) 39, 270 Incorporated Battalion 37, 270 TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX. UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA— CORPS— (Continued.) Kent 93, 271 Leeds— 1st Regt 50 2nd " 51,264 Lennox 56 Lincoln— 1st Regt 72, 271 2nd " 76,264,271 3rd " 78 4tli " 80,264 5th " 82,265 1st Artillery 75 Loyal Kent Volunteers 93 Michigan Fencibles 96 Middlesex 88 Mississippi Artillery 97 Volunteers (Bulger's) 96 Volunteers (Dease's) 97 Niagara Frontier Guides 71 Light Dragoons 70 Norfolk— 1st Regt 84, 271 2nd " 85, 271 Northumberland 61 Oxford 87,265,271 Prescott., 45, 263 Prince E d ward 58 Provincial Artificers 40 Artillery Drivers 40, 270 Dragoons, (Merritt's) 71 Stormont 44, 263 Voyageurs 98 Western Rangers fCaldwell's) 95 York— 1st Regt 63 2nd " 65,270 3rd " 67 Miscellaneous Appointments 35, 263 Non-Commissioned Officers 237, 272 Paymaster-General ' s Department 33 Prison Provost 35 Provost Marshal 35 Quartermasters 34 Quartermaster-General's Department 31 Special Service Officers 32 Surgeons 34 PROVINCIAL MARINE :— E ngagements 203 Ofacers 203 Ships and Vessels 202 ROYAL NAVY :— Engagements 224 Ofacers 225 Ships and Vessels 222 CIVIL ADMINISTRATION CAPTAIN-GENERAL AND GOVERNOR-IN-CHIEF, &C., &C., &C. * Lieut-General Sir George Prevost,Bai"t., 14 Sept., 11 — 3 Apr., 15. CIVIL SECRETARY. - Honble Herman Witsius Ryland. " Lt.-Colonel Edward Brabazon Brenton, 1 May, 13. ASSISTANT CIVIL SECRETARY. ^^ Ensign Andrew "William Cochran, Quebec Militia, 1 Ma}-, 13. MILITARY SECRETARY. ^ Ensign Noah Freer, Nova Scotia Fencibles, 17 Aug., 11. ASSISTANT MILITARY SECRETARY. ^" Lt.-Colonel William Armstrong, Nova Scotia Fencibles. ^ Lieutenant William Kerable, Glengarry L. Infantry, 18 July, 12. ^' Lieutenant Peter Grant, Royal Scots, 25 Oct., 13. DEPUTY MILITARY SECRETARY. -" Ensign Thomas Trigge, 70th, 25 June, 14. ^^ Lieutenant David Duval, 81st, 25 July, 14. AIDES-DE-CAMP. ^ Ensign Noah Freer, N.S. Fenc. (acting), 11 Nov., 11. " Captain Robert McDouall, 8th, 31 Aug., 12. ^■' Captain H. B. O. Milnes, 1st Foot Guards, 30 Sept., 12. " Captain Foster Lech Coore, 3rd West India Reg't. ^ Bvt.-Major James Forrest Fulton, 98th. '■' Bvt.-Major William Cochrane, 103rd, 18 Sept., 13. Captain John S. Sinclair, R. A., 10 Jan., 14. 12 EXTRA AIDE-DE-CAMP. '^ Captain John Bagwell, 60th, 16 Sept., 14. PROVINCIAL AIDES-DE-CAMP. '■* Lt.-Colonel Pierre de Boucherville, L. C. Militia. '' Lt.-Colonel Michael Henry Percival, L. C. Militia. " Lt.-Colonel Edward Brabazon Brenton, 19 Nov., 12. THE CIVIL STAFF OF CANADA. EXTRA PROVINCIAL AIDE-DE-CAMP. 1" Lt.-Colonel Honble Wm. McGillivray, 14 Nov., 13. CHAPLAIN ATTACHED TO HEAD-QUARTERS. ^^ Reverend George Jenkins, 21 Aug., 14. PRESIDENTS ADMINISTERING THE GOVERNMENT OF UPPER CANADA. '« Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, 9 Oct., 11—13 Oct., 12. ^^Major-General Sir R. H. Sheaffe, Bart., 20 Oct., 12—18 June, 13. ^^ Major-General Francis Baron de Rottenburg, 19 June 13 — 12 Dec, 13. ^* Lieut.-General Sir Gordon Drummond, 13 Dec, 13 — Apr., 15. PRESIDENTS ADMINISTERING THE GOVERNMENT OF LOWER CANADA. ^^ Major-General Francis Baron de Rottenburg, 25 Feb., 13 — 19 Mar., 13. 12 May, 13—13 June, 13. ^^ Major-General George Glasgow, R. A., 14 June, 13 — 25 Sept., 13. ^^ Major-General Francis Baron de Rottenburg, 7 Oct., 13 — 3 Nov., 14. '■ Eldest son of Major. -Gen. Augustin Prevost. B. at New York, 1767. CoL Comdt. 5th Battln., 60th, 8 Sept., 06. Lt.-Gen. in the Army 4 June, 11. Col. 16th Eegt. 17 Feb., 14. Created a Baronet 6 Dec., 05. Died at Belmont, Eng- land, 5 Jan., 16. Gold Medal Martinique. ^ Had been in Paymaster-General's Dep't during American war. Was Civil Secretary to Sir Guy Carleton. Was a Legislative Councillor, &c. Died at BeauiDort, 1838. ^ Ensign N.S.F. 25 Oct., 10. Lieut. Can. Fenc. 25 June, 12. Capt. N.B.F. 25 Oct., 13. Went on h. p. 25 May, 16. Medal "Chateauguay." Was cashier of the Quebec Bank. Married, 1824, Miss Anderson, niece of Philip Van Cortlandt, Dep. Bar. M. General. * Ensign K.N.F. 26 Apr., 10. Lieut. G.L.I. 6 Feb., 12. Served during the war as a Eegimental and Staff Officer. Present at Lundy's Lane. H.p. May, 16. H.M. law printer. Lower Canada, 1826. Paymaster Queen's Volunteers during 1837-38. Editor Quebec Mercury, 1832-42. Died at Quebec, 5 Mar., 45, leaving a son and a daughter, the latter became the wife of Lt.-Col. W. L. Dames, late 66th and Rifle Brigade. 5 Cornet 26th L.D., 1796. Capt. 8th Foot 24 Oct., 04. Major G.L.I.. 1813. Present at Stoney Creek (despatches). Lt.-Col. 29 July, 13. Commanded at Mackinac, which he successfully defended, 4 Aug. 14. Went on h.p. 4 Dec, 16. C.B., 3 Feb., 17. Maj.-Gen., 1841. Died at Stranraer, 15 Nov., 48. Medal "Martinique" clasp. " Henry Banks Oldenburgh Milnes, 3rd son of Sir Robert Shore Milnes, Bart. Born Oct., 1796. Ensign 1st E.G. 1 Nov., 7. Present at Stoney Creek THE CIVIL STAFF OF CANADA. (despatches). Died at Kingston, 25 Aug., from wounds received at Goose Creek, 21 Aug., 13. ^ Capt. 3rd W.I., 3 Mar., 08. Bearer of Brock's Detroit Despatches to Eng- land. Bvt. -Major 8 Oct., 12. Present at Fort Erie Assault (despatches). D.Q. M.G. Sept., 13. App't'd. D.Q.M.G. Nova Scotia, 18 Feb., 15. Lt.-Col. York L. Inf., 1 Nov., 15. H.p. 29 May., 17. * Capt. 98th, 22 Mar. 04. Bearer of Sheaffe's Queenston Despatches to Eng- land. Bvt.-Maj., 28 Nov., 12. Major Can. Fenc, Oct., 14. Lt.-Col. on the Continent, 24 Nov., 25. K.H., 1837. Medal "Chateauguay " clasp. » Went on h.p., 1818. Lt.-Col., 15 July, 24. Inspecting F.O. Nova Scotia Militia, 1824, " See Corps of Canadian Voyageurs. " See Army Staff, Deputy Judge Advocate. 1- Served in Canada as 2nd Lieut., K.A., in 1797. Capt. R.A. 2 Feb., 07. Bvt.- Maj. 4 June, 14. Retired as Lt. -Colonel 14 Nov., 26. See also Army Staff. '■^ Cornet 1st Dragoons, 12 Oct., 09. Lieut. 4 July, 11. Capt. 60th 18 Aug., 13. " See 8th Battalion (Three Rivers Division). " Was Collector of Customs at Quebec. '" Major 21st, 25 June, 08. Bvt. Lt.-Col. 25 Apr., 08. Major 2nd Gar. B., 13 Sept., lb. Capt. N.S.F. 1 Aug., 11. To h.p. 25 Sept., 16. Colonel 12 Aug., 19. Died in Paris, 1837. See also Army Staff, Majors of Brigade and Barrack Dept. '' Had served in the Peninsula. Died at Montreal, 26 Apr., 21, aged 42. '^^ See Army Staff, General Officers. '" Afterwards Honble A. W. Cochran, M. Leg. C, Lower Canada. Born in Nova Scotia, 1792. Died 11 July, 49. See Army Staff, Deputy Judge Advocate. -0 Ensign 70th, 22 Apr., 13. Lieut. 104th, 3 May, 15. H.p. 25 July, 17. " Resigned 14 July, 14, to rejoin his Regiment. To h.p. 15 June, 18. ^- Capt. 28 Oct., 24. THE ARMY STAFF 9 ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. ADJUTANT-GENERAL OF THE FORCES, ^ Colonel Edward Baynes, Glengarry Light Lifantry, Aug., 1807. DEPUTY ADJUTANT-GENERAL. Bvt. Lt.-Colouel Robert Ellice, h.p., 24th Dragoons. 10 ^ Major John Harvey, 6th Gar. Battln., 30 June, 12. ^''A. D. C, Bvt. Lt.-Colonel Wm. Jervoise, Capt. 57th. ASSISTANT ADJUTANT-GENERALS. ^ Capt. Robert McDouall, 8th, 2 Aug., 12. * Bvt-Major John Baskervyle Glegg, 49th, 14 Julv. 14. ' Bvt. Lt.-Colonel Charles tryon, Capt. 88th, 8 Auo-., 14. Major E. P. Sparrow, 61st, 21 Aug., 14. DEPUTY-ASSISTANT ADJUTANT-GENERALS. ^^ Captain James Rowan, Royal Scots, 31 Aug., 12. ^ Captain R. Leonard, 104th, 8 May, 13. ^ Captain H. N. Moorsom, Lieut. 104th, 26 Aug., 13. " Captain G. T. Bourke, 100th, 15 June, 14. Captain Donald McLean, Royal Scots, 24 July, 14. Captain Sackville H. Eaton, Lieut. 62nd. ^^ Captain J. Moorhead, Ensign Volt'g'rs., 25 Aug., 14. Captain H. S. Blanckley, h. p., 23rd, 23 Sept., 14. Captain H. B. Everest, Lieut. 6th, 25 Oct., 14. ^ Captain N. Eckersley, Roj^al Dragoons, 10 Dec, 14. 1 Lieut. 32nd, Aug., 1790. Capt. Mar., 1795. Was at capture of Cape of Good Hope. Major Nov., 1796. Major 78th 23, Apr.. 1800, serving in India. Lt.-Col- onel h.p. Ap., 02. Lt.-Colonel 5th, 1804. Adjutant-General North America, Aug., 07. Lt.-Colonel N.S.F. from 4th Gar. Battln, 17 Sent., 07. Mil. Sec'ry to Brock. Colonel G.L.I., 6 Feb., 12. Maj. -General, 4 June, 14. Died at Sid- mouth, Eng., Mar., 1829. ' Ensign 80th, 1794. Served on the Continent, Cape of Good Hope, Egypt, 1801, Mahratta war, &c., Silver Medal, clas}) Egypt. Arrived at H.Q., 4 Feb., 13. Present at Stoney Creek (despatches), Chrystler's Farm (despatches), Gold THE ARMY STAFF. Medal. Fort Niagara (despatches). Black Rock, 30 Dec, 13, (despatches), Oswego (desj^iatches). Lundy's Lane (despatches). Fort Erie, Assault and Sortie {despatches). C.B., 1815. K.C.H., 1824. Colonel 103rd, 27 May, 25. K.C.B., 1838 Lt. -General 9 Nov., 48. Governor of New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, 1846-52. Died 1852. See also Deputy Qr.Mr. General. * See Gen. Prevost's Staff. * See Army Staff General Officers. * Was D.A.A.G. during Peninsula war. Wounded at Salamanca. Gold Medal Pyrenees. To h.p. 25 Oct., 21. Died 1826. " Lieut. 1st Dragoons, 8 Sept., 1804. Capt., Oct., 11, Major, June, 17. K.H. 1818. Major 60th, 26 Aug., 19. To h.p. on same date. D.Q.M.G. Leeward Islands, 1827. Lt.-Col., 8 Nov., 27. Died 12 Nov., 37. ' Ensign 54th, 1796. Was iu Egypt, 1801. Asst. Engineer at Siege of Alex- andria. Capt. N.B. Fenc. (104th), 28 Mar., 05. Present at Sackett's Harbour (wounded), Lundy's Lane, Fort Erie assault (sev. wounded). Major 27 Oct., 14. Settled at Lundy's Lane, where he died, 31 Oct., 33. Was Lt.-Col. 1st Lincoln Light Infantry. Sheriff of Lincoln. * Lieut. 104th, 12 Nov., 11, from 24th. Killed at Lundy's Lane (despatches). *' A very intelligent and promising young officer." 5 To 6th Dragoons, 30 June, 12. ^" Capt. 89th, 14 July, 08. Capt. 57th, 25 Mar., 13. Present at Black Rock (despatches), Oswego (despatches), Lundy's Lane (despatches). Bvt. Lt. -Colonel 22 Sept., 14. Capt. 8th, 1818. To h.p. from Captcy. 53rd, 17 Sept., 23. K.H., 1835. Maj. -General 9 Nov., 46. See Drummond's Staff. " See Army Staff, Majors of Brigade. 1^ Afterwards Ensign G.L.I. , 24 Nov., 14. To h.p. 25 Aug., 16. '* Resigned 14 July, 14, to rejoin his Regiment. QUARTER]\r ASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL. ^ Colonel Edward Macdonnell, h.p. 105th, 4 Nov., 11. ^ Lt.-Colonel Christopher Myers, 70th (acting). 13 Aug., 12—30 Oct., 12. ■^ Colonel Sir Thomas Sidney Beckwith, K.C.B., 95th, 7 Jan., 13. * A.D.C., Lieut. Wm. Nesfield, 89th, (acting.) DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL. ^' Lt.-Colonel Alleyne Hampden Pye, h.p., 10th West India Regt. ' Capt. Andrew Gray, N.S.F., (acting), 3 Jan., 12—30 Oct., 12. - Lt.-Colonel Christopher Myers, 70th. *■' Capt. H. B. O. Milnes, A.D.C., (acting), 21 Jan., 13. ^' Lt.-Colonel John Harvev^ A.A.G. (acting). May, 13. ^ Lt.-Colonel Wm. Drummond, 104th (acting), 18 Sept.. 13. ^^ Bvt.-Major F. L. Coore, 3rd West India (acting), 18 SL>[)t., 13. 6 THE ARMY STAFF. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER-GENERALS. -^ Captain D. B. Davies, 100th. Captain R. T. Fuller, 41st. ■■« Captain J. T. Caddy, R.A. ^ Captain Andrew Gray, N.S.F., 29 June, 12. Bvt.-Major Pliilip Hughes, R.E.. 21 Nov., 12. -^ Major Francis Cockburn, Can. Fenc, 22 July, 14. Bvt.-Major H. Montgomery, 50th, 8 Aug., 14. ^ Major Nathaniel Thorn, 3rd, 8 Aug., 14. Bvt.-Major R. Roberts. 62nd. « Bvt.-Major H. Balueavis, 27th, 31 Aug., 14. '" Major William Staveley, Royal Staff Corps. DEPUTY-ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER-GENERALS. Lieut. Charles King, R.A., 15 Feb., 12. " Ensign Edward F. Davis,R.N.F., 29 June, 12. ''■ Captain J. B. Irwin, 103rd, 20 July, 12. '-• Lieutenant George Fowler, 41st, 25 Aug., 12. '■'■ Captain G. A. Eliot, 103rd, 9 Dec, 12. '' Lieutenant Felix Troughton, R.A. '■' Lieutenant Thomas Powell, 24th, 6 Mar., 13. "' Captain F. Kirchberger, De Watte ville's, 22 Aug., 13. ' Captain John Maule, 104th, 22 Aug., 13. '- Captain Tito Lelievre, R.N.F., 22 Aug., 13. '' Captain R. P. Skinner, R.N.F. '^ Captain Alexander Clerk, 49th. ^" Lieutenant John Le Breton, R.N.F. (temp.), 29 Jan., 14. "' Lieutenant E. Dewar, 100th. ' Lieutenant Wm. Ranaldson Dickson (acting), 20 June, 14. Captain G. W. Barnes, 89th (acting), 25 June, 14. Lieutenant Edward W. Solomon. 104th (acting), 14 July, 14. Captain Elias Pipon, R.N.F., 18 July, 14. Captain H. Dumaresque, 9th, 8 Aug., 14. Captain H. Saunderson, 39th, 31 Aug., 14. Lieutenant John Johnston, Can. Fenc, 24 Sept., 14. Captain J. Westropp. 58th, 29 Nov., 14. 29 Captain F. Gordon, R. A., 25 Jan., 15. ^ Appointed Q.M.G. from Dep. Br. Mr. -Gen., Cacacla, 4 Nov., 11. Married Anne, sister of Sir William Johnson, Bart., Colonel Townships Militia. Died at Montreal, 30 Oct., 12. " Major, 70th, 1804. Bvt. Lt.-Col. 7 Aug., 05. D. Q.M.G. Jamaica, 1810. Ex- changed with Col. Pye. Arrived 13 June, 12, and ordered to York. Colonel THE ARMY STAFF. (local) 1 Mar., 13. In command at Kingston, 22 Apr., 13. Present at Fort George, 27 May, 13 (wounded 3 times, prisoner). "A zealous and meritorious officer," Vincent's despatch. Exchanged to 100th, 4 June, 13. Eeleased from parole and resumed duty, 14 May, 14. Colonel, 4 June, 14. Present at Fort Erie assault and sortie (despatches). C.B., 1815. Died 3 March, 17. ' Lieut.,71st, 2 Feb.,91. Lt. -Col., 95th, 20 Jan., 03. Served in the Peninsula, Gold Medal, clasps Vimiera, Corunna, Busaco. Colonel, 4 June, 11. Appointed Q.M.G., North America, 7 Jan., 13. Arrived 31 Oct., 13. K.C.B., 2 Jan., 15. Died 1831. * Present at Fort Erie (despatches). Was also A.D.C. to Drummond. * Lieut. 8th, 25 Feb., 08. Capt. N.S.F., 1 Aug., 11. Killed close to the enemy's block-house at Sackett's Harbour. " In him the army lost an active and intel- ligent officer," G.O., May, 13. ® See Governor Prevost's Staff. ' Cornet 25th L.D., 11 Nov., 1794. Capt. 1799. Capt. N.B.F. (104th) 1 May, 05. Bvt. -Major, Apr., 08. From Brigade Major to D.A.Q.M.G. at Burlington Heights, 22 Aug., 13. Present at Lundy's Lane (despatches). Bvt. Lt. -Col., 4 June, 14. Capt. 26th, 30 Sept., 19. * Afterwards Sir Nathaniel Thorn. Served in the Peninsula ; Silver Medal, clasps Talavera, Busaco, Albuhera, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse. C.B., 1831. K.H., 1832. Major-General, 1846. Lt. -General, 1854. K.C.B., 1857. Died 1857. 3 Ensign 16th, 1797. Lieut. 17th, 1799. Exchanged to 26th, 1803. Capt. 27th, 1805. Served under Baird at Corunna, 1808 ; also in the Peninsula, Medal with clasps Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, Cuidad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanaca, Pyrenees, Orthes, Toulouse; at the latter commanded 3rd Batt., 27th. Bvt.- Major for Fuentes d'Onor. Present at Plattsburg. Resigned 29 Nov., 14, as A.Q.M.G., and went to New Orleans. Present at Paris after Waterloo as A.D.C. to Sir Manley Power. Bvt. Lt.-Colonel 12 Aug., 19. Town Major Malta, 22 June, 24. C.M.G., 1833. K.H., 1836. Colonel 10 Jan., 37. Maj. -General 9 Nov., 46. ^" Served in the Peninsula, Silver Medal, clasps Talavera, Fuentes d'Onor, Cuidad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive, Toulouse. Present at Water- loo, C.B., and Bvt. Lt.-Col., 18 June, 15. Commander-in-Chief Madras. Lt.-Gen. and Colonel-in-Chief 94th, Oct., 53. Died March, 1854. " Ensign R. Newf. 7 Apr., 08. Lieut. 8 Oct., 12. Capt. N.B.F. 25 Oct., 13. Present at Chrystler's Farm (despatches.) " Present at Fort Erie assault, prisoner. '^ Lieut 41st, 1806. Capt., Jan., 13. Present at Queenston. 22 Aug., 13, to Quebec. Died at Quebec 21 Apr., 21, aged 54. " Commanded detachment of 100th on expedition to Lake Champlain, Aug., 13 (despatches.) Present at Fort Niagara (despatches). Black Rock, 30 Dec, 13 (despatches), Chippawa (despatches), Lundy's Lane (despatches). Fort Erie assault, wounded and prisoner (despatches.) '* D.A.G.M.G. Miami expedition (despatches.) See R.A. '^ Lieut. 24th, 11 Feb., 09. Capt. G.L.I. , 6 Mar., 13. Was at Fort Erie assault and sortie (despatches). Cook's Mills, wounded. Acting Maj. Can. Chasseurs, 25 Feb., 15. Major Rifle Brigade, 11 May, 15. To h.p. 25 Nov., 18. '* From Brigade Major to D.A.Q.M.G., Montreal Dist. 8 THE ARMY STAFF. " Present at Ogclensburgh (despatches). Relieved Maj. Clerk, 49tli, at York, 24 Mar., 13. H.p. 25 June, 16. Died 25 Sept., 31. ^'* Capt. R. Newf. Nov., 09. Appointed to Prescott, 22 Mar., 13. Gunboats and Marines were under his charge. Present at Chrystler's Farm (despatches.) " At York in 1813. Major Glengarry L.I. 24 Aug., 15. H.p. 25 June, 16. Bvt. Lt.-Col. 12 Aug., 19. *" Present at Lundy's Lane (despatches). Was Adjutant of the Canadian Vol- tigeurs on their formation. *^ Present at Detroit (despatches). Died in Western District from bursting of a blood vessel, Dec. 12. ^2 Lieut. 13bh, 24 Jan., OS. Lieut. N.B.F. Oct., 14. H.p. 1816. *" Was Asst. D.Q.M.G. at Amherstburg in 1807. Bvt. -Major 4 June, 13. " See Adjutant- General's Department. ^^ Son of Sir James Cockburn, Bart. Served in S. America, 1807 ; Peninsula, 1809-10 ; Canada, 1811-14. Governor Bahamas 1840. Knighted 1841. Capt. 60th, 23 Apr., 07. Major Can. Fenc. 27 June, 11. Lt.-Col. N.B. Fenc. 27 Oct., 14. Colonel 10 Jan., 37. Maj-General 1846. Colonel 95th 1853. Lt. General 1854. General 1860. Died at Dover, Eng., 1868. ^* For Upper and Lower Canada, respectively. '' Cancelled 29 June, 12. 28 Resigned 3 Jan., 1812. 2* See also Engineer Department. GENERAL OFFICERS. ^ Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, K. B. - A. D. C. Captain John Baskervj^le Glegf^, 49th. 33 Prov. A. D. C. Lt.-CoL Honble John Macdonell, U. C. Militia, 15 Apr., 12. 3* Prov. A. D. C. Major James Givins, U.C. Militia, 14 Aucr., 12. 3 Major-General Sir Roger H. SheafFe, Bart., 49th, 25 June, 12. ^ A. D. C. Captain Robert Roberts Loring, 104tli, 29 Oct., 12. ' Prov. A. I). C. Lt.-Col. Nathaniel Coffin, 26 Oct., 12. ^ Major-General Francis Baron de Rottenbnrg, Roll's Regt., May 10. A. D. C. Captain Thos. Crosse, 8th, 25 Apr., 12. A. D. C. Lieut. John Lang, 19tli L. D., 12 Aug., 14. ^ Lieut.-General Sir Gordon Druniniond, 3 Nov., 13. '^ Mil. Secretary Captain Colley Lucas L. Foster, h.p. 25 Dec, 13. ^ A. D. C. Captain Colle^'' Lucas L. Foster, h.p. ' A. D. C. Capt. Wm. Jervoise, 57th. THE ARMY STAFF. 9 ' A. D. C. Capt. R. R. Lor i no-, 104th, 25 Dec, 13. '' Extra A. D. C. Lieut. W. Neslielcl, 89th, 25 July, 14. ^' Prov. A. D. C. Lt.-Col. C. A. Hagerman, U. C. Militia, 18 Dec, 13. " Major-General G. Glasgow, R. A., 1 July, 12. '- A. D. C. Lieut. A. L. T. Collins, R. A., 30 June, 13. A. D. C. Lieut. E. Glasgow, 49th, 11 Oct., 14. ^^ Major-General Richard Stovin, l7th, 8 May, 13. '' A. D. C. Capt. S. B. Torrens, 1st, 9 May, ] 3. A. D. C. Lieut. Alex. Jones, 6th, 15 Aug., 14. ^^ BnVadier-General Duncan Darrock, 36th. '« A. D. C. Lieut. George G. Palmer, R. A. m. '" A. D. C. Capt. G. S. Cotter, 69th. ^* Major-General Sir Phineas Riall, K. C. H. '' A. D. C. Capt. J. H. Holland, 69th. 20 Brigadier-General John Vincent, 49th, 8 Feb., 13. -' A. D. C. Lieut. Thos. Barnard, 4l8t, 17 July, 13. A. D. C. Lieut. G. T. Colomb, 96th, 15 July, 14. ^2 Brigadier-General Heniy Procter, 41st, 8 Feb., 13. ^' A. D. C. Lieut. Allan H. McLean, 41st, 25 Aug., 13. A. D. C. Capt. John Procter, 43rd, 26 Sept., 14. 2* Major-General Abraham Louis Chas. De Watteville. ''' A. D. C. Lieut. Rodolphe Steiger, Watteville's, 29 July, 13. A. D. C. Lieut. Albert Steiger, Watteville's, 17 Oct., 13. ^^ Major-General Henry Conran, 1st, 25 Mar., 14. A. D. C. Capt. John Lee, 1st, 25 Mar., 14. ^' A. D. C. Lieut. Thos. Barnard, 41st, 15 July, 14. Extra A. D. C. Lieut. G. T. Colomb, 96th, 14 July, 14. ^ Major-General Sir James Kemp, G. C. B., 60th, 8 Aug., 14. m ^ A. D. C. Lieut. Honble Charles Gore, 43rd, 8 Aug., 14. 2^ Major-General Sir Fred. Philipse Robinson, G. C. B.,8 Aug., 14. ^' A. D. C. Ensign Fred. P. Robinson, Jr., 59th, 8 Aug., 14. •■'' Major-General Sir Thos. Makdougall Brisbane, G.C.B., 8 Aug.,14. A. D. C. Capt. William Hay, 47th, 8 Aug., 14. ^- Major-General Manley Power, 8 Aug., 14. ■ A. D. C. Lieut. T. G. Peacocke, 55th, 8 Aug., 14. 10 THE ARMY STAFF. COLONELS ON THE STAFF. Colonel Archibald Stewart, 1st, 25 June, 13. Colonel Robert Young, 8th, 25 June, 13. ^' Colonel Joseph W. Morrison, 89th. Colonel John Cameron, 9th. ^^ Colonel Lewis Grant, 70th. 1 Ensign 8th 2 Mar., 1785. Capt. 49tli 15 June, 91. Served in Holland under Sir R. Abercrombie ; wounded at Egmout Zee. Was at Copenhagen, Ac. Presi- dent administering Civil Government, U. C, 1811-12. Commanded cxi^edition to Detroit; Gold Medal. Commanded at Queenston, where he was killed, 13 Oct., 12. Gazetted, 6 Feb., 13, a K.C.B. for his services at Detroit. - Present at Detroit (despatches), Gold Medal and Bvt. -Major 8 Oct., 12. Also at Queenston, Fort Erie (despatches), and Lundy's Lane (despatches). Appointed A.A.G. 14 July, 14. Maj. 49th 9 Mar., 20. Bvt. Lt. -Colonel 27 May, 25. Died in Cheshire, Eng., 28 Apr., 1861. ^ Born at Boston, U.S., 15 July, 1763; 3rd son of Wm. Sheaffe, Depty Comp- troller of Customs. Married Margaret, daughter of John Coffin of Quebec. Had served in Canada, 1797, as a Capt. 5th Foot. Took command at Queenston after Brock's death, defeating the Americans. Created a Baronet for his services 1 Dec, 12. Died at Edinburgh 1851. See also Civil Administration. * Lieut. 49th 3 Sept., 06. Lieut. N.B.F (104th) 26 June, 12. Present at Queen- ston, also Lundy's Lane (prisoner). Bvt. -Major 25 July, 14. Capt. 76th 9 Dec, 19. * Brother-in-law of Sheaffe. Ensign 40th 21 Mar., 1783. Went on h.p. from 15th, 1783. Appt'd. Prov. A.D.C. with local rank of Lt. -Colonel. Present at Queenston (despatches). Became Adj. -General U.C. Militia 25 Mar., 15. Died at Toronto, 1846. * Major Hompesch's Hussars, 1795. Lt. -Colonel 60th, 1797. His "Exercises for Eiflemen and Light Infantry" were adopted by the British Army. Com- manded Light Infantry at attack on Walcheren Island, 1809, and at siege of Flushing. Maj. -General July, 1810. Took command of Montreal District 6 July, 12, and of Upper Canada, 1813, and was in command of Left Division 1814-15. Lt. -General 1819. Died at Portsmouth, 24 Apr., 32. His son, Colonel George Baron de Eottenburg, C.B., was Adj. -General U.C. Militia 1855-58. See also Civil Administration. ' Son of Colin Drummond, Deputy Paymr. -General ; born at Quebec, 1771. Ensign 1st 1789. Lieut. 1791. Capt. 1792. Major 1794. Lt.-Colonel8th 22 Apr., 94. Colonel 1 Jan., 98. Served in Holland, Minorca, Egypt 1801. Major- General 1805. Lt. -General 4 June, 11. Commanded at Oswego, Lundy's Lane (severely wounded). K.C.B. 1815; G.C.B. 1817. Colonel 71st Jan., 24. General 27 May, 25. Died in London 1854. See also Civil Administration. * Appointed Mil. Sec'ry from A.D.C. Capt. 96th 4 Aug., 04. Went to h.p. from Capt. 6th West India, 25 June, 14. Bvt. Lt. -Colonel 10 June, 15. Appt'd D.A.G., U.C. Militia, which see. ^ See Army Staff, Adj. -General's Dept. 1° See Army Staff, Qr.-Mr.-General's Dept. " Entered R.A. as 2nd Lieut. 1774. Lt.-Col. 1801. Maj. -General 1811. Lt.- General 1819. Died at Charlton, Eng., 1820. THE ARMY STAFF. 11 ^"^ Entered R.A. as 2nd Lieut. 1 July, 06. Died at PljTiiouth, Dec, 20. " Ensign 17tli 1780. Capt. 1788. Lt. -Colonel 1798. Maj.- General 4 June, 11. Commanded Montreal Dist. Present at Fort Erie sortie (despatches). '* Killed at Fort Erie assault. '■'' In command of Quebec Dist. as Brig. -General, 8 Oct., 12. Brig. -General Upper Canada 8 Feb., 13. Maj. -General 4 June, 13. Transferred to Halifax 22 Oct., 13. Lt. -General 27 May, 2.5. i« To Halifax 22 Oct., 13. " Second son of Rev. Geo. Sackville Cotter. V/as at Waterloo. "Went ou h.p. 1 Dec, 16. Settled in Canada. Colonel otli North York Militia 24 Jan., 3S. Died 9 Apr., 69. Capt. Cotter's experiences at Waterloo are described in Butler's "Historical Events Connected with the 69th Regiment." Mr. J. R. Cotter, Crown Attorney, Simcoe County, is his son. 18 Captain 92nd 1794. Major 128th 1794. Went to h.p. 1797. Major l.jth 1804. Bvt. Lt. -Colonel 1 Jan., 06. Was at Martinique and Guadaloupe, Gold Medal, one clasp. Lt. -Colonel 69tii 1811. Maj. -General 4 June, 13. Present at Chippawa, Lundy's Lane (despatches), prisoner and wounded. K.C.H. 1831. General 1841. Died at Paris 10 Nov., 50. 1^ Vacated appointment 2.5 July, 14. Present at Black Rock (despatches), Chippawa (despatches), wounded, Lundy's Lane (despatches) wounded. 2° Ensign 66th 1781. Capt. 49th 1786. Major 1795. Lt.-Colonel 3 June, 11. Brig. -General (local) 8 Feb., 13. Maj. -Gen. 4 June, 13. Lt. -General 27 May, 25. Had served in the West Indies, the Helder, Copenhagen. Commanded at King- ston Nov. 12 ; at Montreal 22 June, 14. Returned to Europe on sick leave 18 July, 14. Died at London 1848. ''I Present at Detroit, Medal and clasp. Was afterwards a Cai^tain in 71st. 2- Capt. 43rd 30 Nov., 1792. Major 1795. Lt.-Colonel 41st 9 Oct., ISOO. Col- onel 25 July, 10. Present at Detroit. Commanded at Frenchtovai. Brig.- General (local) 8 Feb., 13. Maj. -General 4 June, 13. Commanded the Western District. Present at Sandusky, Moraviantown. Court-martialled for his retreat. Suspended from rank ?.nd pay for sixmonths. Died at Bath, Eng., in 1822, aged 59. "^^ Son of Donald McLean, Clerk Leg. Assembly, U.C, who was killed at York 27 Apr., 13. Acting Brigade-Major at capture of Detroit, Medal with clasp. Present at Frenchtown (despatches), Moraviantown. Vacated appointment 26 Sept., 14. Served as a Capt. in Burmese War of 1825. Returned to Canp.da and lived in Scarboro Township. Was Colonel 3rd East York Reg't. 19 Jan., 36. ■'* Lt.-Colonel 1 May, 01. Colonel 7 May, 12. Maj. -General 4 June, 13. Went on h.p. 24 Oct., 16. Was at Maida, Gold Medal. One of his grandsons is Surgeon- Capt. W. de Watteville, Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. ■'" Married a daughter of Col. Deschambault, Q.M.G., L.C. =« Ensign 49th 4 Oct., 80. Capt. 52nd, 1791. Lt.-Colonel 1st. 1807. Colonel 98th 1824. Lt. -General, 1825. Served in India against Tippoo Sahib, siege of Poudicherry. To command of Brigade (6th and 82nd) in U.C, 11 June, 14. Lieut. -Governor of Jamaica 1816. Died at Epping, 17 July, 29, aged 62. " Ensign 101st 1783. Capt. 113th from h.p. 1784. Served in Holland. Bvt. Lt.-Colonel 1799. A.D.C. and Mil. Secr'y to Sir R. Abercrombie in Egypt. Major 66th 1803. Lt.-Colonel 81st 1803. Served in the Mediterranean under Sir J. Craig. Present at Maida, Gold Medal. Q.M.G. North America 1807. A.D.C. to the King 1809. Maj. -General (local) 1811. Present at Badajoz, Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse, Gold Cross and three clasps. Served during 12 THE ARMY STAFF. 1812-1,5. Colonel 60th 4 Nov., 13. Present at Waterloo, Medal. G.C.B. 1815. G.C.H. 1816. Colonel 3rd West India 1818. Colonel 81st 1819. Governor Nova Scotia 1820. Lieut. -General 1825. Governor- General Canada and Privy Councillor 1828. Colonel 40th 1829. Master-General Ordnance 1830. General 1841. Colonel-in-Chief 1st 1846. Died in London, 1854. ^^ Cornet 16th Dragoons, 21 Oct., 08. Ensign 6th, June, 09, exchanged into 43rd, serving in the Peninsula as A.D.C. to Kempt. Present at Cuidad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Pyrenees, Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse, Medal with nine clasps. Came with Kempt to Canada, and returned with him to be present at Quatre Bras and Waterloo (four horses shot under him). Medal. Served in Canada during 1837-38. K.H. 1838. Maj. -General 1846. Married Sarah, dau. of Honble James Fraser, of Nova Scotia. -^ Son of Col. Beverley Robinson (King's New Brunswick Reg't.) Ensign Loyal Americans Aug., 1778. Ensign 17th 11 Sept., 78. Lieut. 60th 1 Sept., 79. Lieut. 38th Nov., 80. Capt. 1784. Major 127th 1794. Served throughout American War ; was also at Martinique, St. Lucia and Guadaloupe. Commanded a Brigade in tlie Peninsula, being present at Vittoria, St. Sebastian, Nive, Medal and two clasps. Commanded a Brigade at Plattsburg. Was administrator U.C. 1815. K.C.B. 1815. Lt.-Generall825. G.C.B. 1838. Generall840. Died at Brighton, Eng., 1 Jan., 52. ^^ Son of above. ^' Lieut. 38th July, 1791. Major 53rd Aug., 95. Lt.-Col. Apr., 1800. Went on h.p. as Lt. -Colonel York Rangers, 1805. Was present at Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes, Toulouse; Gold Medal. Maj. -General 4 June, 13. Commanded at Plattsburg. K.C.B. 1815. Lt. -General 27 May, 25. Colonel 34th 16 Dec, 26. K. G.C.H. 1831. Created a Baronet 1836. G.C.B. 1837. General 23 Nov., 41. Died 1860. ^' Lt. -Colonel 32nd June, 1805. Maj. -General 4 June, 13. K.C.B. 1815. Lt.- General May, 25. Commanded a Portuguese Brigade in the Peninsula ; present at Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivelle, Orthes, Toulouse ; Gold Cross with one clasp. Present at Plattsburg. Died 8 July, 1826, at Berne, Switzerland. •'^ Attorney-General for Upper Canada at time of his death. Son of Lt.-Col. Alex. Macdonell, 1st Glengarry Militia. Present at Detroit (despatches). Gold Medal. Died 14 Oct., 1812. from wounds received at Queenston. Is buried with h's chief, Sir Isaac Brock, on Queenston Heights. "Attorney-General Lt.-Col. Macdonell, whose zealous co-operation with Sir Isaac Brock will reflect lasting honor on his memory," G.O. 10 Mar., 13. ■'^ Ensign Queen's Rangers, 1791. Capt. 5th 19 Nov., 1803. Indian Agent at York. Present at Detroit (despatches). Appt'd A.D.C. with rank of Major in the Militia. ^^ Had been Ensign 1st Lennox Militia. Served under Colonel Cartwright at Kingston, 1812-13. Present at Chrystler's Farm (despatches), Oswego (des- patches), Lundy's Lane, Fort Erie sortie (despatches). Afterwards Attorney- General U.C, 23 Mar., 37. Judge 15 Feb., 40. Died May, 1847. ^^ Afterwards Sir Lewis Grant, K.C.H. Lt. -Colonel 70th 18 Feb.. 04. Colonel 4 June, 13. Maj. -General 12 Aug., 19. Lt. -General 10 Jan., 37. Colonel 96th 9 Apr., 39. Served as a Lieut, in the 97th on the "Orion" against the French fleet 23 June, 1795. ^' Bvt.-Major 24 Sept., 1802. Major 89th 13 June, 05. Lt.-Col. 11 June, 11. Was commanding officer of tlie Forces at Chrystler's Farm. Gold Medal. Col- onel 12 Aug., 19. Lt. -Colonel 44th 19 Apr., 21. THE ARMY STAFF. 13 MAJORS OF BRIGADE. ^ Captain Tliomas Evans, 8th, 4 June, 11 — Jan., 13. - Bvt. Lt.-Colonel Wni. Armstrong, N. S. F., 6 July, 12. ^ Captain Abraham Paul, R. A., 20 Aug., 12. ' Bvt.-Major John B. Glegg, 49th, 1 Nov., 12. ' Captain Fred. G. Heriot, 49th. ' Captain S. B. Torrens, 1st, 25 Mar., 13. ' Captain Richard Leonard, 104th, 8 Ma}^, 13. ** Captain William Robinson, 8th, 9 May, 13. ^ Captain John S. Sinclair, R. A., 11 June, 13. i« Captain P. Dennis, 104th, 18 June, 13. '' Captain F. Kirchberger, Watteville's, 28 June, 13. '•' Captain G. T. Bourke, 100th, 21 July, 13. Bvt.-Major Henry Skelton, 19th L. D., 22 Aug., 13. " Captain John Hall, Can. Fencibles, 25 Aug., 13. ^ Lieutenant Peter Grant, 1st, 3 Sept., 13. Lieutenant J. P. Hill, 8th, 3 Sept., 13. '' Captain James Dennis, 49th, 4 Oct., 13. '^ Captain W. Gillman, 13th, 17 Nov., 13. Bvt.-Major Harry Powell, 7Gth, 5 June, 14. Captain T. D. Turner, 16th, 15 June, 14. Lieutenant Barrv Fox, lat. Captain Albert D'Alton, 90th, 16 July, 14. * Captain J. H. Holland, 69th. 25. Captain Charles Campbell, 94th, 8 Aug., 14. '-•' Major Robert Anwyll, 4th, 8. ^•^ Captain James Campbell, 45th, 26 Oct.. 14. Lieutenant J. T. Connell, 1st, 7 Nov., 14. ^ Lieutenant Allan H. MacLean, 41st. ^' Captain Matthew C. Dixon, R. E., 12 Dec, 14. Bvt.-Major E. P. Sparrow, 61st. 1^ Captain John Maule, 104th. 1 Ensign 38th Feb., 1794. Capt. 1803. C. B. 1815. Lt.-Colonel June, 25. Maj. -General 1838. Colonel 81st, July, 47. General 1855. Was at Capture of Demerara and Berbice 1796. Served in the Peninsula. Gold Medal for Sala- manca ; Silver Medal with clasps Nivelle and Nive. Marched '2ud — 8th from New Brunswick to Quebec. Served throughout war 1812-15, including Queenston. Mentioned in despatches ten times ; was wounded on four occasions. Married Miss Ogden, sister of Attorney- General Ogden. Died at Quebec 1868. ^ See Governor Provost's Staff. ^ Died at Gibraltar 3 Oct., 14. Kane does not credit him with having served 14 THE ARMY STAFF. in America. The Can. Military Institute possesses 3 MSS. Drill books, formerly the property of "Lieut. A. Paul, 4th Battln., E.A., Quebec, 6 Aug., 1802." '' See Army Staff, General Officers. ^ Appointed prior to Oct., 1812 ; afterwards commanded Voltigeurs, which see. ^ This appointment was cancelled 6 Nov., 1.3, to rejoin his Regt. See Inspect- ing Field Officers. '' From D.A.A.G., Avhich see. Eesigned 26 June, 13. * Capt. 8th 25 Apr., 05. Bvt. -Major 19 Dec, 13. Afterwards Lt.-Col. com- manding Battln Incorporated Militia, U.C., which see. ^ Afterwards Asst. Military Secretary. See Prevost's Staff. '° Believed Capt. Sinclair, R.A. '^ Appointed to the Left Division, U.C. See also Qr.-Mr. General's Dept. '■^ Appointed to Chambly. Was D.A.A.G. 15 June, 14. Colonel in U. C. Militia 10 Jan., 22. ^^ Afterwards Sir James Dennis, K.C.B. Served in Copenhagen campaij^n ; AYOunded in both hands. Present at Queenston, wounded (Bvt. -Major 28 Nov., 12), Fort George, Stoney Creek, twice wounded, Hoople's Creek. Commanded a Division at Maharajpore, 29 Dec, 43. Bronze Star and appointed K.C.B. for his services. " Appointment cancelled 27 Nov., 13. ^5 Relieved Capt. Paul. Had served in the Peninsula, Gold Medal St. Sebas- tian (assault and capture). Bvt. -Major June, 13. Died 1831. ^® On the lines of communication. " Bvt. -Maj. 12 Dec, 14. Became a Maj. -General in 1854. Died at Southampton in 1860. 18 See Army Staff, Qr.-Mr. General's Dept. 1 COMMISSARIAT DEPARTMENT. Commissary-General — - William H. Robinson. Deputy Com. -General — -^ Edward Couche. ^" Peter Turquand. William Thompson (Accounts.) Frederick Drennan. * Isaac W. Clarke. = FIELD TRAIN DEPARTMENT. Commissary and Paymaster — ^^ Larratt Smith. Assistant Commissaries — ^" James Gordon. « Jolm Walker. ^ Leonard Marter. THE ARMY STAFF. 15 Field Train Department — Continued. Assistant Commissaries — ^^ Thomas Hellier Sparks. ^ Edward Jackson. ^ David Boao;. ^ Richard Gihnore. ' Commissary-General ranked as Brig. -General ; Deputy Com. -General as Major, and as Lt. -Colonel after 3 years' service. " Afterwards Sir W. H. Robinson, K.C.H., and brother of General Sir F. P. Robinson. Took charge 25 Oct., 1811. Died at Bath, 10 Feb., 38. ^ At York, U.C, 7 May, 12. Relievedfromduty 5 Oct., 13. Returned 18 Feb., 14. * Asst. Com. -General 31 Mar., 12. Acting Deputy-Corn. -General 1 June, 13. ^ Under the Master-General of Ordnance, afterwards the Military Stores Department. « Disembarked 31 May, 13. Went to h.p. in 1816. " Supernumerary 1 Jan., 13. Retired 31 Mar., 1817. ^ Had been Clerk of Stores. Appointed Asst. Commissary 1 June, 14. ^ Appointed 10 Jan., 14. ^° Arrived from the West Indies and ordered to Kingston, 25 June, 13. " Conductor of Stores, 1798. Clerk of Stores, 1800. Asst. Commissary 24 Oct., 05. Commissary 1 Aug., 13. To h.p. 15 Oct., 17. '^ Asst. Commissary 5 Feb., 08. To h.p. 17 Aug., 17. ^^ Served in the Peninsula. Medal with clasps Fuentes d'Onor, Cuidad, Rodrigo, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. ^ Lt.-Colonel Ralph Henry Bruyeres, R. E. ^ Lt.-Colonel Philip Hughes, R. E. ^ Captain Frederick Gordon, R. A., March, 1813. Isle-aux-Noix. ^ Capt. John Gray, 5th S.E. Militia, March, 1813. Coteau-du-Lac. '' Captain Benjamin Marlow, R. E., March, 1813. Montreal Dist. •* Lieutenant Patrick Yule, R. E., March, 1813. Chambly. ^ Lieutenant Edwin Cruttenden, R. A., 30 Oct., 13. Kingston. ^ Lieutenant Richard C. Steele, R. M. A., Nov., 13. Isle-aux-Nois. ^ Captain Samuel Romilly, R. E., 13 Jan., 14. Montreal Dist. ^^ Lieutenant Thomas Lamont, 49th, 16 Mar., 14. Montreal Dist. " Lieutenant Newdigate Poyntz, R. N., 25 May, 14. Mackinac. ^' Lt.Colonel Gustavus Nicholls, R. E. ^'* Lieutenant John Marsh, R. M. A. ^^ Lieutenant Charles Carver, 9th Foot, 4 Oct., 14. 16 THE ARMY STAFF. Engineer Department — Continued. 1' Lieutenant John Griffin, 37th Foot, 4 Oct., 14. ^^ Bvt.-Major George Wright, R. E. GUN CARRIAGE ESTABLISHMENT. '^ Major Jas. P. St. Clair, R. A. SLEIGH ESTABLISHMENT. ^"^ Lieut. John Fennell, Royal Marines. 1 Served in Hollaud 1793 and 1799. Lt.-Colonel 1806, commanding R.E. in North America. Colonel (local) 1 Mar., 1813. Died at Quebec 15 May, 14. 2. Lieut. R. A. 1793. Served at Toulon, 1793-4 ; Corsica, 1794-7. Lt.-Colonel 1812. Commanding R.E. in Upper Canada 13 Mar., 13. Transferred to Montreal Dist. 11 June, 13. Returned to England 17 Oct., 14. See also Qr. -Mr. -General's Department. ' See Qr.-Mr.-General's Department. * See Lower Canadian Militia. ^ Lieut. R.A. 1793. Capt. R.E. 1 Mar., 05. Served at Copenhagen 1807." Died at Cork 1818. ' Lieut. 29 July, 1804. Present at Oswego ; specially mentioned in G.O. for his ability and zeal. Died at Birkenhead, 1850. « Lieut. 11 May, 1811. Capt. 25 Oct., 13. Maj. -General 1855. Died at Edinburgh 1873. * Had served in Java against the Dutch, 1811. " Served in Sicily, 1809-13 ; Canada, 1813-14. Died 1834. Married Amelia Ann, dau. of Judge Walker of Montreal. '" Appointed as Asst. Engineer. " Midshipman, 1801. Was present at the attack on Copenhagen on board the "Prince of Wales." Lieut. 11 Sept., 07. Appointed to the naval establishment on the Lakes 18 Feb., 14. Commanded the "Netley," Aug. -Dec, 1814. Invalided home Jan., 1815. Promoted Commander 19 Sept., 15, for his services in Canada. '2 Lieut. R.A. 1794. Lieut R.E. 1795. Commanding R.E. in Canada 17 Oct., 14. Maj. -General 1837. Lt. -General 1846. General 1854. Died at Southamp- ton Sept., 1860. •^ Second Lieut. 2nd Battl'n Marines (Artillery). Was Assistant Engineer. Killed at Fort Erie assault, 4 Sept., 14. " Api^ointed Assistant Engineer. '* Served at St. Lucia 1803, Tobago 1803, America 1813-14, Ceylon 1818. Ordered to Nova Scotia 17 Oct., 14. Maj. -General 1837. Lt.-General 1846. General 1854. Died at Cheltenham 1856. ^^ From G.O., 1 March, 1815. '' Served on board the "Arethusa" 1805. Was at Capture of Curagoa 1807, land- ing at Baigno 1809. Was 1st Lieut. 1st Battl'n Marines. Served in Canada 1812- 14; wounded. Was also Staff Adjutant Townships Militia 25 Feb., 14. THE ARMY STAFF. 17 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Inspector of Hospitals — ' Gabriel R. Redmond, h. p., 15 Sept., 12. 2 John Wright, M. D., 10 June, 13. Deputy-Inspector — ' John Erley, M. D., 8 Aug., 14. Surgeons-in-Chief— " William Stewart, late 100th, 26 Sept., 12. ^ James Macaulay. ^ Henry W. Grasett, 19 Aug., 14. Physicians — Edward Keating, M. D. James Wright, M. D., 26 May, 14. ' Edward O'Leary, M. D., 26 May, 14. ^^ George Alex. Morewood, M. D. Statf Surgeons — ^ Alexander Thom, late 41st, 29 July, 13. Thomas O'Malley, late 64th, 23 Sept., 13. 9 Michael Mabey, late Can. Fenc, 11 Nov., 13. 1^ J. Q. Short, 5 June, 14. William Gill, late 13th, 14 July, 14. i« William Caldwell, 8 Aug.. 14. " Christopher Widmer. '^ James Fisher. ^9 William Hackett, Nov., 14. Assistant Staff-Surgeon — ^*' Edward Doughty. Purveyor to the Forces — '^ James White. Deputy Purveyors — ^^ H. W. O'Reilly. ^' Gavin M. Hamilton (acting), 1 Sept., 13. Charles Soare, 8 Aug., 14. Henry Cummins (acting), 19 Aug., 14. '^ Matthew Palmer (acting), 25 Dec, 14. Apothecaries — George Montgomery, 3 Nov., 12. J. Reid, 8 Aug., 14, ^ Promoted vice Baillie, deceased. Arrived 22 Oct., 1812, and ordered to Montreal. Exchanged with Wright. ' Had been on the half-pay since 1795. Served in the Peninsula. ' Surgeon 42nd, 18 Apr., 1800. Served in the Peninsula. * Staff Surgeon Montreal District, 31 July, 12. Acting Deputy Inspector 19 Aug., 14. ^ Garrison Surgeon at Niagara, 1793. Ordered to Montreal 3 May, 13. Acting Deputy Inspector 29 July, 13, also 19 Aug., 14. Was one of the pioneers of York^ 18 THE ARMY STAFF. owning the Park lot between Yonge and University Sts., and extending from Queen to College. Died 1 Jan., 1822. His eldest son, John Simcoe, became a Captain, R.E., and Professor of Fortification, R.M.A., Woolwich. His second son, James Buchanan, served during the war as a Lieut, in the Glengarry L. Inf. ; in after life he was Chief Justice Common Pleas, U.C, 1849 ; Knight, 1859. * With rank of Deputy-Inspector. Had been Surgeon 48th 1 Mar., 1797. Served in the Peninsula. Arrived in Canada 6 Nov., 13. Died at Toronto 1843. His son, George R., was Surgeon 2nd Incorporated Militia, 1839. His grandsons, Lt. -Colonel Henry and Surgeon Lt. -Colonel Fred. L. Grasett, are well-known Canadian officers. ' Asst. Surgeon 52nd, 15 Aug., 1805. « Surgeon 41st, 30 Aug., 1799. Died at Perth, U.C, 1845. ' Acting at Montreal. '" Had been Surgeon in Royal York Rangers and 13th L.D. Served in the Peninsula. " Asst. Surgeon 14th Light Dragoons 15 Aug., 05. Surgeon 24 Oct.. 11. Served in the Peninsula. Medal with clasps Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, Sala- manca, Vittoria. Member Leg. Council, U.C, 1843. Died 1859. " Appointed to Montreal District, 29 June, 12. To Quebec Garrison, 3 May, 13. Retired 25 June, 15. ^■' Arrived 6 June, 13. At Montreal 1 Sept., 13. '♦ Resigned 19 Aug., 1814. ^^ Ordered to York 22 Oct., 14 ; to Montreal 25 Dec, 14. '* Was at Corunna ; Medal with clasj). ^" Was Purveyor's clerk ; appointed to York. ^* Had been Surgeon 26th (Cameronians), 1809. '» Asst. Surgeon 53rd, 1806 ; Surgeon 8th, 1808. *" Surgeon 6th— 60th, 1800-03. ' BARRACK DEPARTMENT. DEPUTY-BARRACKM ASTER-GENERAL. 2 Major George Thesiger, 10 Dec, 11. •* Lt.-Colonel William Armstrong (acting), 18 Aug., 12. * Major Philip VanCortlandt, 20 Feb., 18. •' Lt.-Colonel Wm. Armstrong, Upper Canada, 3 July, 13. * Major P. VanCortlandt, Lower Canada, 3 July, 13. ASSISTANT BARRACKMASTER-GENERAL. » Captain John Geo. Hierliegh, Royal Newfoundland Reg't. ' Placed under the Quartermaster-General ; G.O. 26 Nov'br., 1813. * From Nova Scotia Fencibles ; appointed vice McDonnell, resigned. THE ARMY StAFF. 19 ' Vice Thesiger, deceased. See Prevost's Staff. * Served as an Ensign, New Jersey Volunteers, during American War of 1776- 83. Died 3 Oct., 33. ^ Present at Chrystler's Farm, Medal. Office abolished 5 Aug., 1815. ' PAYMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. DEPUTY-PAYMASTER-GENERAL. ^ -hihn Hale, Esquire. ASSISTANT DEPUTY-PAYMASTER-GENERAL. ^ William Petrie Crawford, Upper Canada. James Jackson, Quebec District. * Robert Yarker, Montreal District. DEPUTY- JUDGE ADYOCATES. * Edward Brabazon Brenton. Esquire, 25 June, 1799. '' Captain John S. Sinclair, R. A., acting, 22 Auor., 1812. ^ Captain Patrick Corbett, 10th R. V., acting. * Captain Courtney Ilbert, R. A., acting. ' Andrew William Cochran, Esquire, acting Nov. 14. MILITARY POSTMASTER. ^^ Daniel Sutherland, Esquire, Montreal, 25 Aug., 12. * Deputy-Paymaster-General ranked with Lt. -Colonel ; Assistant with Captain. G.O. 4 May, 12," * Son of Lt. -Colonel John Hale, com'd'g 47th at Quebec, 1759. Appointed to the Marines 2 Dec, 1776. Lieut. 2nd Queen's Royal 12 May, 79, then serving as Marines. Capt., h.p., 1793. Was Secretary to H.R.H. the Duke of Kent at Quebec and Halifax. Had been Colonel of Militia Battl'n, Quebec Town, prior to 1812. Member Ex. Council, L.C., &c. Seignieur of Ste. Anne de la Perade. Died 1838. One of his sons, Edward, was Cornet in BeU's Cavalry Troop. ' Appointed 24 June, 14. * Judge of Supreme Court, Newfoundland, 1835. See Prevost's Staff. ^ See also Gun Carriage Establishment, as some doubt exists as to the identity of these two Sinclairs. « Arrived 24 Sept., 12. ^ See Garrisons. 20 THE ARMY STAFF. * Served at Helder, 1799. Capt. R.A. 1 Oct., 12. Died in France, 1816. Kane, does not credit him with serving in Canada. » See Prevost's StaCf. '" "Was Postmaster of Montreal, also an officer of Militia. Deputy-Postmaster- General, B.N.A., 1819. CHAPLAINS. ^ Reverend George Jenkins. ^ Reverend Salter J. Mountain, acting, Quebec, 25 Dec, 11. ^ Reverend Jehosophat Mountain, D. D., acting, Montreal, 25 Dec, 11. * Reverend R. G. Short, acting, Three Rivers, 25 Dec, 11. Reverend John Jackson, acting, William Henry (Sorel), Dec, 11. ' Reverend Richard Pollard, acting, Auiherstburg, Dec, 11. * Reverend Robert Addison, acting, Fort George, Dec, 11. ^ Reverend John Strachan, acting, York, Dec, 11. ^ Reverend Geo. O'Kill Stuart, acting, Kingston, Dec, 11. Reverend W. D. Ballayn, Cornwall, 30 Nov., 13. ' Reverend Thomas Norris, Chambly, 15 June, 14. ^•^ Reverend Jos. Langley Mills, 8 Aug., 14. Reverend John Mills. Reverend George Watson, B. A. Reverend John Hewj'ard. 1 See Prevost's Staff. ' Had been Chaplain 1st Royal Canadian Volunteers, 1794-1802. Rector of Quebec. Acting Brigade Chaplain 25 Oct., 11. Exchanged with Mr. J. h- Mills, 21 Aug., 14. ^ This appointment cancelled 24 Dec, 14. Brother of Bishop Jacob Mountain. His son Robert served in the Peninsula, 7.5th Foot. * Rector of Three Rivers. ^ Rector of Sandwich. ® Rector of Niagara. Brigade Chaplain Centre Division, U.C. Died at Niagara, U.C, 6 Oct., 29, aged 74. ' Had a private school at Cornwall, 1807, where he was Rector. Rector of York, 1812. Mem. Leg. Council, U.C, 1818. First Anglican Bishop of Torouto,, 1839. Died 1867. His son, James M., was Captain 68th Foot. ^ Brigade Chaplain, 5 June, 13. ® To Drummond's Head-quarters 21 Aug., 14. 10 Served in the Peninsula. Died at Quebec 13 Aug., 22. See foot note 2. THE BRITISH ARMY Cavalry. — The 19th Light Dragoons, under Lt.-Col. the Honble J. B. R. O'Neill, served in Canada from the 17th May, 1813, to the 6th August, 1817, taking part at the capture of Fort Niagara by- assault, the battles of Chippawa and Lundy's Lane ; it was granted the badge "Niagara" for its distinguished conduct ; the regiment was also represented at Plattsburg. This 19th was disbanded in England 23rd August, 1821. Artillery. — Four companies of the Royal Artillerj^ were in Canada on the outbreak of the war, Major-General George Glasgow being the officer commanding the R. A. in America. The regiment lived up to its motto, "Ubique," participating at Detroit, under Lieut. F. Trough ton '^ ; at Queenston, under Capt. W. Holcrof t ^ ; Fort Erie, Nov. 12, under Lieut. C. King ^ ; at Frenchtown, under Lt. Trough ton ^ ; at Fort George, under Major W. Holcroft'; at Black Rock, under Lieut. R. S Armstrong ^ ; at Chrystler's Farm, under Capt. H. G. Jackson *" : at Fort Niagara, under Capt. Cyprian Bridge '' ; at Fort Oswego, under Capt. Edwin Cruttenden ^ ; at Lundy's Lane, under Capt. Jas. MacKonochie * ; and Fort Erie, 1814, under Major Phillott ^"^ ; nor must Salmon River be omitted. Capt. Holcroft's com- pany, now represented by No. 17, Eastern Division, R. A. '°, was in 181G allowed to wear on its badges and appointments "Niagara," in recognition of its gallantry and good conduct at the capture of Fort Niagara and during the whole of the subsequent campaign. Engineers. — Lt.-Colonel Ralph Henry Bruyeres ^^ was the officer commanding R. E. Amongst its few officers there were Capt. H. M. G. Vigoureux '^, who was mentioned in Sheaffe's despatch for his services at Queenston. Capt. Matthew Charles Dixon, who was present at Detroit (Gold Medal), mentioned in Brock's despatch ; was wounded at Sandusky; was with Procter on his retreat to Moraviantown (pris- oner of war) ; became a Major-General in 185-t, dying at Southamp- ton 6 years later. Lieut. W. M. Gossett ^^ was at Oswego. Lieut. George Philpotts '•* was present at the assault on Fort Erie; he served in Canada during 1837-39. Lieut. Graugreben ^^ was at Ogdensburg. ^ See General Oflflcers, page 9. ' Present at Detroit (Gold Medal.) Bvt. -Major 28 Nov., 12. River Raisin» wounded ; mentioned in despatches. Died on passage from Canada, 26 June, 15- * Served in America, 1798, under Sir Eyre Coote ; in Holland, 1799 ; present at 22 THE BRITISH ARMY. siege of Copenhagen, 1807 ; commanded his company at Queenston. Bvt. -Major. Was at Fort George, Stoney Creek and Niagara, Dec, 13. Died at Sevenoaks,. 30 Jan., 58. * Died in Buffalo, N. Y., whilst a prisoner of war, from wounds received at Fort Erie, 22 Feb., 13. ' Afterwards Major-General, 16 Jan., 59. Died at Lucerne, 18 Jan., 65. Was in command of a gunboat at Prescott, 12 ; was present at Stoney Creek, Black Rock (despatches), Fort George, Fort Niagara ; also Medal with clasp Chrystier's Farm. * Present at Chrystier's Farm (Gold Medal), Plattsburg. Was commanding R. A., Montreal District, during rebellion, 1837-38. Was at St. Eustache and St. Benoit. Lt. -Colonel 12 Aug., 40. ' Took part in the campaign, Niagara Frontier, 1813 ; wounded and mentioned in despatches. Lt. -Colonel 4 June, 36. ^ Specially mentioned in G. O. for his ability and zeal. Served in Canada in 1828. Lt. -Colonel, 1841. Died in 1850. ' Had been in the attack on Buenos Ayres, 1807. Died at Plymouth, Oct., 1815. " Afterwards Major-General, 10 Jan., 37. Died in England, Mar., 39. C. B. Served in Flanders, 1793 ; Helder, 1799 ; capture of Martinique, despatches for Canada, where he served from 1811 to 1817, and 1820 to 1825. " Served in Holland, 1793 and 1799. Died at Quebec, 15 May, 1814. " Died in Newfoundland, 1830. " Colonel 1854. Died 1856. " Died in Bermuda, 1853, as a Colonel. '* F.de Graugreben was Captain, March, 1814, in the King's German Legion (Engineers). Reduced 2 April, 1817. Porter's History gives his name as "Gaugreben." Infantry. — The 1st or Royal Scots Regiment. The first Bat- talion came to Canada in Autrust, 1812, leaving again in July, 1e Dist.— William Stanton. 5 Aug., 12. ^ « Home Dist.— Andrew Mercer, 25 Oct.. 12. East, and \ Stuart, resign'd 6 Dec, 13. ^ John. Di.sts. j Adiel Sherwood, 6 Dec, 13. ^ Midland— William Mitchell, resign'd 25 Sept., 13. ^ Midland— Robert Richard.son, 25 Sept., 13. London— Daniel Ross, resign'd 10 Dec, 13. ^ ^ London — John Roli^h, 10 Dec, 13. ^ •■ Western — James Gordon. PAYMASTERS. ^ Samuel Street— 2n(], 3rd, 5tli Lincoln ; Flank companies, 1st Oxford, 29 Oct., 12. See Deputy Pay-Gen. ^ Thomas McCormick— 4th Lincoln, 2nd York, Kerby's Artillery and Robinson's Rifle Company, 29 Oct., 12 ; resigned 18 Jan., 13. ^ Alexander Pringle — Flank Companies Kent and Essex. * John Sjmiington — 1st Lincoln, 12 July, 12. ^ Had been Lieut. Butler's Rangers ; Colonel of Militia ; Member of Assembly ; Speaker Leg. Ass., U.C, 1805 ; afterwards M. Leg. Council. Prisoner of war, Niagara, 27 May, 13. After his removal to the United States, acting Paym.- Generals were appointed. Died at Toronto, 1842. ' Entered lloyal Navy in 1771. Served until 1786 in East and West Indies, Mediterranef: :i, Siege of Gibraltar, coast of America during Revolutionary War ; a prisoner of war in Spain for 18 mouths ; from 1805 to 1828 in Lower Canada, Prov. Navy on the Lakes, also acting Private Secretary to H. R. H. the Duke of Kent during T. A. Coffin's absence ; under Paymaster-General's and Commis- sariat Depart aents, &c. As Depty-Asst. -Com. -General, was stationed at Am- herstburg in 1828. '■b ' Afterwards the Honourable John Rolph, the celebrated patriot of 1837-38. * From Baby Papers, Toronto Public Library. Taken prisoner at Niagara and sent to Greenbush. 34 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA STAFF. ^ Lieut. 1st Essex ; also in Marine Department in command of gun-boats. « Junior Clerk U.C. Council Office, 1804. Died at Toronto, 1871. His will was the subject of a well-known law suit. SURGEONS. ^ ^ James Muirhead— Flank Companies and Sedentary Militia, 2 July, 12. 'j^ ^ William Lee, Sr. — Flank Companies 1st, 8rd York, 1st Durham and Button's Cavahy. ^ ^ Grant Powell — Volunteer Incorporated Militia. ^ Trueman Raymond — at Gananoque. ^ ^ Hermann M. Eberts — Western District. •^ Rufus C. Henderson, Fort Welling-ton. ^ Timothy Johnson — Flank Companies 1st Stormont. ^ " Elnathan Hubbell — 1st Flank Companies at Bi-ockville. ASSISTANT SURGEON. ^ ^ Anson Smith— To the Militia Forces, 14 May, 13. HOSPITAL MATE. * Cyrus Summer — 3 May, 13. ^ James Graham — 21 June, 13. ' Lived at Newark (Niagara) 1792 ; was Surgeon- General of Militia, 1822 ; died 24 March, 1834, aged 69. ^ Canniff states that he had been Surgeon's Mate in 49th and 24th Foot ; Gentle- man Usher of the Black Rod, U.C. Died at York, 1 July, 1833, aged 70. ^ Son of William Dummer Powell, afterwards Chief Justice, U.C. Born 1799. Present at York, July, 1813. Clerk of the Assembly in 1813-16. Died in 1838, being then Clerk Legislative Council. See Incorporated Militia. * Lived at 20-Mile Creek. Served on Brock'sExpedition to Detroit. Appointed temporary Hospital Assistant on Niagara Frontier, 1812, and continued in service until 1815. Surgeon 4th Lincoln Militia, Jan., 1822. ^ According to Canniff his name is "Herbert Melchior von Eberts." Had been a Surgeon in a Hessian Reg't. during 1776-83. * Lived at Brockville. Died about 1850. ' This may be "Hermanns Smith," who was M.P.P., Wentworth, in 1834. ' QUARTERMASTERS. ^ Robert Innes — Flank Companies, Western District. ^ Daniel Secord — 1st, 4th Lincoln, 4 companies of York. ^ Oliver Everts — 1st Flank Company and Prov. Cavalry atPrescott. ^ Gilbert McMicking — Flank Companies, Queenston to Fort Erie. ^ John McKenzie — Flank Companies, 1st and 2nd Glengarry. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA STAFF. 35 Quartermasters — (Continued.) ^ Benjamin Ewino; — Isfc Northumberland. ^ ^ Henry Metcalfe — Flank Companj^ Detroit Expedition. ^ ^ Alexander Prini^le— 2nd Essex. * James Mcintosh — Kent. Francis Le^-h Walsh — Norfolk. -^ Nathaniel Bell (Dr.) — Flank Companies 4th Lincoln. William McCartney — Flank Companies 1st Oxford. ^ Regimental Quartermasters were authorized about September, 1814. ^ From Baby Papers, Toronto Public Library. ' See 2ncl Norfolk. Metcalf or Metcalfe. PROVOST MARSHAL. ^ Cornet Amos McKenny — Niagara Light Dragoons (acting). PROVOST OF PRLSON. ^ Abraham Unsworth — Western District. BRIGADE CHAPLAIN. ^ Rev. Robert Addison, Centre Division, U. C. (acting). MISCELLANEOUS. ^ * Lieut.-Colonel Honble John Macdonnel, A.D.C., L5 Apr., 12. * Lieut.-Colonel Nathaniel Coffin, Prov. A.D.C., 26 Oct., 12. ^ ' Lieut.-Colonel C. A. Hagerman. Prov. A.D.C., 13 Dec, 13. ^ Major James Givins, Prov. A.D.C., 14 Aug., 12. ^ ^ Capt. William Shaw, Kent Militia. ^ Capt. Reuben Sherwood, Capt.-Superintendent Guides, 23 Oct., 13, between Coteau-du-Lac and Kingston. Capt. Z. Burnham, Captain of Guides on Lake Ontario. ^ From Baby Papers, Toronto Public Library. See Non-commissioned Offlcers. Prisoner of war ; detained at Burlington, U.S. (Montreal Herald, 18 Dec, 13). ' Employed in training the Kent Militia "under an Act passed in Aug., 1812." •^ Taken prisoner at Niagara and sent to Greenbush. The U.C. Legislature voted him £100 for his great care and attention to the wounded. * See Army Staff, page 8. * See Army Staff, page 9. 36 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA STAFF. MILITIA COMMANDS. NAME. COMMAND. ^ McLean, Col. the Hon'b'le Neil — Flank companies at Cornwall. ^ Fraser, Col. William — 1st Grenville and flank Coy's at Prescott. ^ Fraser, Lt.-Col. the Honble Thos. — 1st Dundas and flank com- panies between Cornwall and Prescott. ^ Stone, Col. Joel — Flank companies and other Militia atGananoque. 'j^' Cartwright, Col. the Hon'ble R. — Flank companies in Midland District. ■^ Sherwood, Lt.-Col. Levius P. — Incorporated Militia of Eastern and John- town Districts. ■^ Peters, Lt.-Col. Jolm — Militia in Newcastle Dist., including the flank companies. ■^ Rogers, Maj. David M. — All embodied Militia in Newcastle Dist. ^ Allan, Major William — Flank companies at York. ^ Simons, Major Titus G. — Flank companies 2nd York. ^ Clark, Col. the Hon. TIkjs. — Flank companies between Fort Erie and Queenston. -{^ Claus, Col. the Hon. William — Flank companies between Queen- ston and Niagara. Butler, Lt.-Col. Johnson — Flank comp;inies 1st and 4th Lincoln. -^ Salmon, Major G. C. — Detachments of 1st and 2nd Norfolk, 1st Middlesex and 1st Oxford. •{^ Tousley, Major Sykes — Flank companies 1st Oxford and other Militia in London Dist. ■j^ Talbot, Col. the Hon. Thus.^Flank companies London District and all the embodied Militia. ^ Baby, Col. the Hon. James — Fhmk c'oinpanies and other Militia in Wester; 1 District. ^ Reynolds, Major E. — Flank companies 1st and 2nd Essex. ■^ Baby, Lt.-Col. Jean B. — Flank companies 2nd Essex and other Militia. ^ Allan, Lt.-Col. James — Flank companies, Szc, in garrison at Amherstburg. ^ Burritt,Major Stephen— 1st iiankcomparnes Dundas and Grenville. ^ Bowen, Major Wm. Daniel — Flank companies 1st Norfolk. ^ Crawford, Major Lewis — Micliigan Fencibles and otlier Militia. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 37 THE VOLUNTEER INCORPORATED MILITIA BATTALION. Engagements: — Fort Niagara, 19th Dec, 13. Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14. Siege of Fort Erie, Sept.-Oct., 14. Lt.-Colonel — ^ William Robinson (Capt. 8th). ■^ ^ Allan McLean. ' J. B. Glew (Capt. 41st), 25 Jan., 15. Major— ^ * Titus G. Simons, 25 Mar., 13. Adjutant— ^ '"^ Dennis Fitzgerald (Ensign 41st), 5 Mar., 14— 24 Mar., 15. Quartermaster — ^ George Thrower, (Qr.-Mr. 41st). Paymaster — - William Kenible, (Lieut. Glen. L. I.) Surgeon — -^ ^ Grant Powell. Captains — -{^ ^ James Kerb}^ (2nd Lincoln), 25 Mar., 13. ^ ^ John Macdonell (1st Dundas). -j^ ^° Hamilton Walker (2nd Grenville). ^ " Thomas Eraser (1st Leeds). ^ 1^ Archibald George McLean (3rd York). ^ '^ Daniel Washburn. 5 '^ John Kerr (2nd Grenville). ^ 2^ Abraham A. Rapelje (2nd Norfolk). '^ -i^Mward Walker. ^' William Jarvie (3rd York). Lieutenants — " James Hamilton, 4 May, 13. ^ " Daniel MacDougall. ^ ^* Henrj^ Ruttan (1st Northumberland). ^ Duncan Macdonell (Kingston). ^ ^^ George Ryerson (1st Norfolk). ^ ^* Henry Burritt (2nd Grenville). ^ Duncan Clark (1st Dundas). ^ ^" Alexander Rose (1st Dundas). i^ -' Thomas Humberstone (3rd York). ^ ^'' Dennis Fitzgerald, Adjutant. '' William Chisholm. Ensigns — ^ George Kerljy, 4 May, 13. ^ ■-'* John Lampman (2nd Norfolk), 26 Mar., 13. ^ William Walter- Siujons. ^'' Andrew W. Warffe (Leeds). ^ ■'■■'John Applegarth (2iid York). Henry Kilburn. ^ John Eraser (1st Grenville). 38 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. The Volunteer Incorp. Militia Battalion — Ensigns (Continued.) ^r ^ Ziba M. Phillips. ^ Charles Short. ^ 27 Daniel Brooke (3rd York). ■^ ^ John Kilborn (1st Leeds). fr 29 Daniel K. Servos (1st Lincoln). vV 30 John Campbell. 3' John Macdonell. ^ ^2 Henry Robbins. ^ Captain 8th, 1805. Bvt. -Major 19 Dec, 13. Present at Lundy's Lane (wounded). Died at the Isle of Wight, 1827. "He was appointed to the command "of the Incorporated Militia, and a more judicious selection could not have been "made, not only on account of his military talents, but his invincible good temper "and good humour, which endeared him to the men, and made them take a "pleasure and a pride in obeying his orders and attending to his instructions. " Some idea may be formed of his talents in this way, when I state that in the " course of a very few months he rendered a body of raw lads, from the plough- "tail, as efficient a corps as any in the field." (From Dr. Dunlop's Recollections of the American War). ^ Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, 1812-16 ; Lieut. -Colonel 1st Frontenac Regiment. ^ Served about 6 months with the battalion, but not in the field. Capt. Joseph Barry Glew, exchanged from the 4th Garrison Battalion to the 41st. Bvt. -Major 10 June, 1815. Went on h.p. as Cai^tain York Chasseurs, 23 Sept., 1819. * From Dist. G.O. 14 July, 13; present at Lundy's Lane, Black Rock (des- patches) ; see 2nd York. Died 20 Aug., 29. ^ Present at Lundy's Lane, prisoner. Went on h.p. 25 Oct., 21. ' See Civil Administration, page 1. ' See Militia Surgeons, page 34. 8 Born 1785 ; commanded company of Militia Artillery in 1812 (1st Co. 2nd Lincoln) ; present at Frenchman's Creek, 28 Nov., 12 (despatches); guided a storming party at assault of Fort Niagara, 19th Dec, 13 (despatches) ; commanded the battalion at Lundy's Lane after Lt.-Col. Robinson was disabled, and at siege of Fort Erie (despatches) ; presented with sword of honour by Assembly for the gallantry displayed by him at the capture of Fort Niagara, &c. Member of Leg- islative Council. Honorary Colonel 18 June, 1823. Lt. -Colonel Queen's Niagara Fencibles in 1837. Died at Fort Erie, 20 June, 1854. ' Present at Lundy's Lane (left arm amputated). For previous services see 1st Dundas. ^'^ Present at Fort Erie assault (despatches) ; afterwards Judge Johnstown Dist. Died at Prescott, 8 Sept., 30. Lt. -Colonel 2nd Grenville about 1823. " Present at Lundy's Lane (wounded). '' Present at Queenston (wounded), York, Lundy's Lane, prisoner; afterwards Chief Justice, Upper Canada. For prior services see 3rd York and Q.M.G. Son of Colonel Neil McLean. " For previous services see 2nd Grenville. Having commuted, his half -pay •was cancelled, H.G.O. 22 June, 32. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 39 1* Killed at siege of Fort Erie, Aug. 12th, 1814. ^^ For previous services see 3rd York. ^^ •' To be Adjutant 41st, Sgt. -Major Dennis Fitzgerald vpith rank of Ensign, 15 July, 13." Living in 1854. '' Wounded at Lundy's Lane. ^* Became Lt.-Col. 1st Northumberland 28 June, 25 ; severely wounded at Lundy's Lane. ■^ Wounded at Frenchman's Creek ; for previous services see 1st Norfolk. '° Accidentally wounded at Fort Wellington. ^' See 3rd York for previous service. " Major 2nd Norfolk, 1823. ^^ From Journals U.C. Leg. Assembly, 1816. " Had been a Sgt. in Crook's Co'j^, 1st Lincoln ; Lieut. 2nd Norfolk. ^^ Present at Lundy's Lane, prisoner. *« Had been a Sgt. in Burritt's Co'y., 2nd Grenville ; Sgt. Incorp. Batt'l'n., 25 Dec, 12. -' From 25 March to 24 Nov., 13 (Ont. Crown Lands). Appointed Ensign 41st Foot ; resigned 30 Apr., 14. ** Present at Lundy's Lane, prisoner ; Lt.-Col. 1st Leeds, 1846. -' Guided a column at assault of Fort Niagara ; appointed Asst. Barrackmaster 25 Jan., 14. Lt.-Col. 2nd Wentworth, 9 March, 47. ^° Killed at Lundy's Lane. ^^ Son of Alexander McDonell, Lot 12, 6th Concession, Cornwall. Severely wounded at Lundy's Lane. Died at York 15 Aug., 14. ^* A man with same name had beeu a private in Selby's Co'y., 1st York. *^ Was also in receipt of pay as a Commissariat Clerk ; see 2nd York. ^* Major 2nd Grenville in 1823. CAMERON'S INCORPORATED ARTILLERY COMPANY. Engagement : — Fort George, 27th May, 13. -^ ^ Captain Alexander Cameron, 2 Ma\', 13. ^ Lieutenant John McKinne\^ 6 Apr., 13. 2nd Lieutenants Seth Cook, 6 Apr., 13. ^ ^ William Munson Jarvis. ^ See 1st and 3rd York, Staff U.C. ; served in artillery from 25 Dec, 13, to 24 Feb., 14; died at Hamilton, 25 June, 67 ; present at Queenston, Stoney Creek. * Left the army when encamped at Burlington Heights, without leave, and never rejoined. ' Despatches for Queenston, Black Rock. A Barrister. 40 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. TROOP OF PROVINCIAL ROYAL ARTILLERY DRIVERS.* (car brigade of provincial artillery.) Engagement: — Queenston, 13th Oct., 12. Captain ^ ^ Isaac Swayze. Lieutenants 1^ ^ Peter Mann Ball, Jr. ^ ^ Charles Anderson. ^ * Alexander David Askin. ^ * Robert Richardson. ^ Richard Brown. ^ Born in New Jersey, 1751. Member of Legislative Assembly for Lincoln for 20 years. Had been pilot of the New York Army during American War, 1776-83. (U.C. Crown Lands). Present at Queenston (despatches); died near Niagara, 24 Mar., 28, aged 77. ^ In a petition to tlie Legislative Assembly in 1837 he described himself as "Second Lieutenant." * Transferred to Waggon Department. * Joined the last year of the war. ^ From U*C. Crown Lands Kecords. « Died before 1821. PROVINCIAL ARTIFICERS, i Lieutenant -^ ' James Robertson. ^ "This man had been plundered ; his buildings and farm destroyed. He was employed as Adjutant of Militia in 1813. He gave good information; was at Black Rock on llth July with Col. Bisshopj) ; commanded afterwards the Com- pany of Blacks, in which command he continued till the end of the war." Loyal and Patriotic Society's Report. *Authority for and establishment of this troop G.O. 3 March, 13. § Attached to Engineer Department. EASTERN DISTRICT 1st regiment of glengarry militia. Eng Major 5th Northumberland, 1838 ; Lt.-Col. 4th Northumberland, 5 Nov., 46. ' Major about 1820. M.P.P. 1816, 1834. M. Leg. C. 1834-41. Died 1857. See page 35. * Went to the United States in winter of 1812-13 (Can. Archives). 1st regiment of DURHAM MILITIA.* ^ Colonel Robert Baldwin. 2 Lt.-Colonel William Warren Baldwin, 26 June, 12. Major FLANK COMPANY. i^ Capt. John Burn, 11 July, 12. ■^ Lieutenant John Carr, 25 Oct., 12. ^ Ensign John Tayloi-. Lieut. 25 Oct., 13. battalion companies. Captains Alexander Fletcher, 18 Apr., 12. John D. Smith, 30 July, 12. John Hartwill, 31 July, 12. Sherwood (Samuel ?). ^ ^ Thomas Ward. Lieutenant James Bates. Ensigns Josiah Haskill, 10 Aug., 12. ^ ' Thomas Harris, 25 Oct., 12. 1 Died 24 Nov., 16. ^ Son of Col. Robert Baldwin. Was Treasurer Law Society, U.C, and after- wards Mem. Leg. Council. His son Robert was the celebrated Reformer. Died 1844. * See Special Service, page 32. * Had been a private, Burn's Company. *Scarboro, Pickering and Whitby men, having no officers, did garrison duty with 3rd York at York, October, 1812. HOME DISTRICT 1st regiment of YORK MILITIA.* Enojagementa : — Fort Detroit, Selby's and Robinson's Companies. Queenston, Selby's, under Lieut. Richardson. York, 27th April, 13. Mackinac, LSI 3, Robinson's Company. ' Lt.-Colonel William Graham. Major Sanmel G. Wilmot. ^ ^ Adjutant John Bostwick, 25 Dec, 11 FLANK COMPANY. ^ ^ Captain Thomas Selby. ^ * Lieutenant Reuben Richardson. Captain 25 Dec, 12. ^ ^ Barnet Vanderburgh. RIFLE COMPANY. 'j;!^ ^ Captain Peter Robinson. ^ Lieutenant William Ross. ^ Ensign Ludovick Weidman (Weiderman ?), 13 Nov., 12. TROOP OF CAVALRY. ^ ^ Captain John Button. Lieutenant ^ "^ Cornet William M. Jarvis (Ensign 3rd York). ^ Quartermaster George Playter, Jr. BATTALION COMPANIES. ^ Captains William Tyler, Sr. ^ Willson. ^ John Arnold. James Mustard. Jeremiah Travers, 25 Dec, 12. ^ James Fenwick, 25 Dec, 12. * According to the return of 24 Sept., 13, in the Archives, the Eegiment con- sisted of the North and South Divisions. The former was composed of Tyler's (No. 2), Travers's (No. 8), Robinson's (No. 6), Selby's (No. 4), and Richardson's (No. 7) ; the latter included Willson's (No. 1), Arnold's (No. 3), Fenwick's (No. 9), Mustard's (No. 5), Button's (No. 11), and No. 10 under Lieut. Miles. 64 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. HOME DISTRICT (Coiitinued.J Lieutenants James Miles. Nathaniel Gamble. William Macklem. George Lemmon. John Schultz. ^ George Mustard, 25 Dec, 12. Edward McMahon. Transferred to 3rd York, 21 Oct., 12. ^ 2 Ensigns John Bostwick, 25 Dec, 12. ^ i« William Tyler, Jr., 25 Dec, 12. ^ Andrew Thompson, 25 Dec, 12. :^ " Henry Pingle, 25 Dec, 12. 1^ Thomas Hampton, 25 Dec, 12. 12 Arad Smalley, 25 Dec, 12. Elijah Hawley, 25 Dec, 12. ^ 1^ Azariah Lundy. 1 Had been a Captain, Duke of Cumberland's Provincial Regiment ; Captain York Militia, 1798. ' Had been Sergeant in Selby's, 1 July— 24 Oct., 12. Present at Detroit, Medal with clasp. ^ Present at Detroit. * Was at Detroit, Queenston (despatches). Surrender of York (prisoner). ^ Prisoner of war, Surrender of York. * His company went by land from York to Detroit, mentioned in despatches ; a prisoner of war at Surrender of York. Brother of Sir John B. Robinson. Lt.-Colonel 1st Northumberland. Founded Peterboro, Ont. ; was Commissioner of Crown Lands, &c. Died, unmarried, 1838. ' Commanded the troop 25 Jan.— 24 Feb., 13. Served in various corps. 8 Resigned 22 Oct., 13. ' In a return of 24 Sept., 13, he is entered as "resigned." See 3rd York. ^^ Had been Sergeant in Selby's. " Had been a Sergeant in Button's troop. " Had been a Sergeant. Prisoner at Surrender of York. Captain 2nd North York, 5 June, 26. Lt.-Colonel 6th North York, 1838-39. ^^ Volunteered into the Incorporated Militia, serving two years as a Private. " Had been a Sergeant. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 55 HOME DISTRICT (Continued.) 2nd regiment of YORK MILITIA * Engagements :— Fort Detroit. Queenston, Chisholm's and Applecrarth's Lundy's Lane. '^ Colonel Richard Beasley, 2 Jan., 09. ^* Lt.-Colonel Jean Baptiste Rousseau. i^ - Major Titus Geer Simons, 4 June, IL ^ Adjutant Brady. John K. Simons, 25 Dec, 12. Quartermaster Nicholas McDougal'l, 8 Mav 11 FLANK COMPANY. § 1^ * Captain John Chisholm, 10 May, 11. l!V ^ Lieutenant George King. ^ Ensign William G. Hep1)urn, U May, 11. l^V '' George Chisholm, 25 Dec, 12.' Lieut. 5 March, 16. FLANK COMPANY. § 1^ " Captain William Applegarth, 8 May, 11. 1^ _ Lieutenant Thomas Atkinson, 10 May, 11. 1^ ' John Applegarth (Supernumerary) t^ '^ Ensign William Chisholm, 8 May, 11. Lieut. 25 Dec, 12. BATTALION COMPANIES. ^^ Captains Samuel Ryckman, 29 May, 06. William Bates, 29 May, 06. Thomas Mai-igold, 8 June, 08. James Morden, 9 May, 11. William Hepburn, 11 May, 11. * Hector S. MacKay, 15 Apr., 12. William Thompson, 16 Apr' !"> ' John Mills. Lieutenant commanding a Company, John Weir 6 June 09 Lieutenants David Van Every, 1 Mar., 04. ' " ^ John Applegarth, 6 June, 09. ' See Flank Company Styles Stevens, 7 June, 09. Daniel O'Riley, 8 May, 11. JOn the creation of the District of Gore and thTcounty of Wentworth inisifi this Corps became the "1st Gore Regiment." > " vv eucworrn, m 1816, §See foot note, page 3rd York Militia. 66 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. HOME DISTRICT (Continued.) Lieutenants ^* Emmanuel Overtield, 11 May, 11. 1' Thomas Smith, 13 May, 11. Captain 6 March, 16. ^" Frederick Starr Jar vis, 15 Apr., 12. Ensigns Philip Cody, 6 June, 08. " James Mills, 9 May, 11. Hugh Rose, 10 May, 11. Thomas Lucas, 11 May, 11. Promoted Lieutenant. William McKarley, 13 May, 11. ^2 George Hill Detlor, 26 Oct., 12. David Beasley, 5 Nov., 12. Henry Beasley, 5 March, 13. ^ His funeral took place at Niagara, 17 Nov., 12. ^ Lieut. 2nd West Riding Reg't., Lincoln, 1803; present at Black Rock (despatches), Lundy's Lane (severely wounded). Colonel 2nd Gore Militia, 1824. Died at Flamboro' West, U. C, 20 Aug., 29. ■^ Retired 25 Dec, 12. * Present at Queenston (despatclie.s). * Died on duty, 31 Dec, 12. * Present at Queenston (dcspatclies). A William Applegarth was Clerk in the Commissariat, 25 June, 14. ' John Applegarth was in receipt of double imy, being employed in the Com- missariat. (Can. Archives). * Wounded at Lundy's Lane. ^ Deserted to the enemy in the summer of 1814. '" Eldest son of Asst. Adjt.-General S. Jarvis. Died 1852. " Deserted to the enemy in May, 1812. '^ Living in 1875. '^ Severely wounded at Lundy's Lane. " Of the Township of Flamboro East. Had been Sergeant in this company ; joined after the death of Lt. King. '* Of the Township of Nelson. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. QY HOME DISTRICT {Continued.) 3rd regiment of YORK MILITIA.* Engagements :— Fort Detroit, Cameron's and Reward's Co'ys.. Queenston, Cameron's ; Reward's under Lieut.. Robinson. York, 27th Apr., 13. * Lt.-Colonel William Chewett. i^ 2 Major William Allan. Lt.-Colonel 31 May, 16. Adjutant John Johnson. 1^ George Duggan. l^V ^' Quartermaster Charles Baynes, 18 May, 12. FLANK COMPANY. § l!V ^ Captain Duncan Cameron. * Lieutenant William Jarvie. Captain 25 Dee., 12. 1^ ^ Archibald McLean, 18 May, 12. 1^ ^ Edward McMalion. Captain 15 Julv, 16. 1^ "^ Ensign George Ridout. Lieut. 30 June, 12. Captain 12 July, 16. FLANK COMPANY. § 1^ ® Captain Stephen Reward. Major 31 May, 16. 1^ ^ Lieutenant John Beverley Robinson. Captain 25 Dec, 12. t^ ^° Robert Stanton, 18 May, 12. ^ " En.sign Samuel Peters Jarvis. Lieut.30 June,12. Capt.lO July,16. BATTALION COMPANIES. ^^ Captains Samuel Ridout. -^ Thomas Hamilton, 27 Apr., 12. '^ Jolni Wilson. Playter. *■* John Denison. tV _ '" John Beikio. '^ Lieutenants Duke William Kendrick. '' Graves. Eli Playter, 30 June, 12.^:Captain 13 July, 16. John Endicott, 18 May, 12. Captain 11 July, 16. *This Regiment's designation was changed to "2nd Regiment of York Militia " the former 2nd York being called the "1st Gore." (Militia G.O., 10 July, 16). §0n the morning of the battle of Queenston, Hatt's Co'y, oth Lincoln, was the only force at Queenston ; Chisholm's, 2nd York, was stationed on the brow of the Heights ; Cameron's and Howard's were at Brown's Point, arriving at Queenston as Brock was wounded. 68 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. HOME DISTRICT (Continued.) ^ Ensigns William Smith, 19 May, 12. Lieut. 25 Dec, 12. 2» Donald Mc Arthur, 18 May, 12. Lieut. 12 July, 16. Isaac Lear. Lieut. 18 May, 12. Thomas Matthews. Lieut. 18 May, 12. 17 William M. Jarvis, 20 May, 12. Lieut. 25 Dec, 12. John Scarlet, 21 May, 12. Lieut. 25 Dec, 12. '^ John Wilson, 22 May, 12. Lieut. 25 Tkic, 12. ■'« D'Arcy Boulton, Jr., 30 June, 12. Lieut. 10 July, 16. ^^ James Chewett, 1 July, 12. Lieut. 15 July, 16. ^' Daniel Brooke, 2 July, 12. Lieut. 13 July, 16. ^ 21 Andrew Mercer, 21 Oct., 12. Lieut. 16 July, 16. Glaus. Lieut. 14 July, 12. Georo-e Detlor. ^ 22 William Huntington. ^ 23 Charles Denison, 25 Dec, 12. ^ 2:3 Edward Thompson, 25 Dec, 12. ^ 24 Thomas Hnmberstone, 25 Dec, 12. Lieut. 17 July, 16. ^ 2.5 Georcre Kuch, 25 Dec, 12. 27 George Denison, 8 April, 13. (Supernumerary). 2" John Detlor, 8 April, 13. (Supernumerary). ^ 22 Thomas Denison, 8 April, 13. (Supernumerary). Quesnel, 8 April, 13. (Supernumerary), 1 Came to Quebec 1771 ; served in the British Militia during the siege of Que- bec. 1775-76 ; Captain 1st B-egiment Dundas, 1794 ; in York Reg't. 1798 ; prisoner of war at surrender of York ; Deputy Surveyor-General, U.C, 1802 ; afterwards Colonel 1st York ; resigned 1818 ; died at Toronto, 1849. ' Prisoner of war at surrender of York. Colonel 1st East York. •^ Present at Queenston ; prisoner of war at surrender of York. * Present at Detroit and Queenston ; became Captain Incorporated Militia ; wounded and prisoner of war at surrender of York ; resigned 13 July, 16 ; died in Scotland. This officer's services are constantly credited to Lieut. William Jarvis, of the same Corps. '" Second son of Col. Neil McLean, 1st Stormont ; present at Detroit, Queen- ston (wounded), York, 27 Apr., 13 ; joined Incorporated Militia, which see; also Militia Staff. •^ Present at Queenston ; prisoner of war at surrender of York. ' Was one of Brock's Civil Secretaries. Joined from 1st York, 21 Oct., 12. ^ Present at Detroit (despatches). Lt. -Colonel 1st East York. * Present at Detroit (medal with clasp), Queenston, surrender of York (pri- soner) ; succeeded Col. John Macdonell as Attorney-General, U.C. ; afterwards Sir John Beverley Robinson, Baronet, and Chief Justice, Upper Canada. Died at Toronto, 1863. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. ~ 69 HOME DISTRICT (Continued.) '" Present at Detroit. " Sou of William Jarvis, Secretary of the Province. Born 1792 ; died 1857. Present at Detroit (medal with clasp), Queenston, Stoney Creek, Lnndy's Lane. Colonel 2nd North York, 2 April, 27 ; Colonel Queen's Rangers during 1837-38. 1^ May be identical with Capt. Willson, 1st York, which see. ^^ Prisoner of war at surrender of York. Resigned 12 July, 16. 1* Retired 11 July, 16. Died 28 Oct., 24, aged 70. '* Died on service at York, 1 Jan., 13. ^* From Baby Papers, Toronto Public Library. " Third son of Mr. Secretary Jarvis ; born 1793 ; died 1867 ; present at Queen- ston, Stoney Creek and Lundy's Lane; also at York, 27 Apr., 13 (prisoner and wounded). Colonel 5th Incorporated Militia, Gore District, 1837. "Was Sheriff of Gore District. •® Present at York, 27 April, 13 (prisoner). Resigned 17 July, 16. '* Probably James Grant Chewett, son of Colonel Chewett. ^° Joined the Incorporated Militia, 25 March, 13, which see. -' Was Clerk Executive Council Office, 1804. Had been a private in Heward's Company. Was appointed District Paymaster. '- Had been a private in Heward's Company. ^* Had been a private in Cameron's Company. Present at York, 27 April, 13 (prisoner) . ^* Present at Detroit (medal with clasp) ; had been a Sergeant in Cameron's ; was at surrender of York (prisoner) ; escaped from prison at Philadelphia, 20 April, 14. " Had been Sergeant in Heward's ; promoted Sgt. -Major ; appointed Ensign in Ridout's ; present at York, 27 April, 13 (prisoner). ^« Killed at York, 27 April, 13. (Pension hst, 26 Oct., 16). " Had been Sergeant in Capt. John Denison's ; joined Ridout's Company 16 Oct., 12. ^® Afterwards Member of Assembly, 1816. ^^ Prisoner of war at surrender of York. NIAGARA DISTRICT NIAGARA LIGHT DRAGOONS. § Encrao'enients : — Fort Erie. 9th Oct., 12. Queenston, 13th Oct., 12. ^ ^ Major Commandant Thomas Merritt, — June, 12. 1st troop. § 'j^ ^ Captain Alexander Hamilton. ^ ^ Lieutenant William Hamilton Merritt. See Provincial Light Dragoons. ^ Cornet William Merritt. ^ ■' John Pell Major. ^ Quartermaster Ch;u-les Ingersoll. Promoted Cornet 24 Oct., 12. ^ ' Duncan Clow, 24 Oct., 12. 2nd troop. ^ ^ ^ Captain George Hamilton. ^ Lieutenant John Secord, 28 June, 12. ^ Cornet John Pell Major. ^ Formerly Cornet Queen's Eangers. Present at Queenston ; made prisoner in October, 1813. ^ Present at Queenston. * Was on the Detroit expedition, medal and clasp. See Niagara Frontier Guides. * Deserted to the enemy. ^ Mortally wounded at the cutting out of the "Detroit," 9 Oct., 12. ''' Promoted from Sergeant. ' Was at Detroit with Major Chambers, but not as commanding this troop. '^ From 1st Lincoln. § The 1st troop was raised June, 1812, by enrolment of volunteers from the Militia; it was engaged on the expedition to Detroit, and in the cutting out of the "Caledonia" and "Detroit," for which it was thanked in General Orders. After serving 8 months it was disbanded, 25 Feb., 13. § § The 2nd Troop fell through, owing to some misunderstanding between Col. Clark, 2nd Lincoln, and Capt. Hamilton, about enrolling men for it. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 71 NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) TROOP OF PROVINCIAL DRAGOONS. (NIAGARA FRONTIER GUIDES). § Engagements : — Fort George, 27th May, 1813. Stoney Creek, 5th June, 1813. Black Rock, 30th Dec, 1813. Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 1814 ^ Captain William Hamilton Merritt. Lieutenant Charles Ingersoll. ^ Cornet Amos McKenney. ^ For prior services see Niagara Light Dragoons. Capt. Merritt was taken prisoner at Lnndy's Lane, and released March, 1815. This gentleman was the grandfather of Lt. -Colonel William Hamilton Merritt, commanding the Governor- General's Body Guard, and President of the Canadian Military Institute, 1906. * Promoted 24 Oct., 14. See Provost Marshal, page 35. § This troop was raised 24 April, 13, being authorized by G.O. 3 March, 13 ; was reduced to a Cornet, a Troop Sgt. -Major, a Sergeant, 2 Corporals and 18 Privates, the Captain and Lieutenant being discontinued, from 24 Oct., 14, the name changed, and placed under the Quartermaster-General. CANBORO AND HALDIMAND MILITIA, i ' Captain Askin. Lieutenant ^ Ensign Benjamin Can by. ' Amongst those who received medal with clasp "Detroit" was "Lieut. Charles AskJn, York Militia." A son of Colonel John Askin. ^ Resigned 16 May, 13. § This Militia is from a Return in the Can. Archives. 72 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) 1st regiment of LINCOLN MILITIA. Engagements: — Queenston, Crooks' and McEwen's Companies. Fort George, 27tli May, 13. St. David's, 19th July, 14 Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14. ' Colonel Ralfe Clench. ^ 2 William Claus. ^ Lt.-Colonel Kerr. * Major James Muirhead. William Robertson, June 12. Lt.-Colonel 27 June, 12. ' Richard Hatt. ^ Adjutant Jolui Clark. Lieut. 28 June, 12. ^ Anselm Foster, 2 July, 12. Thoruer. Quartermaster Daniel Secord. FLANK COMPANY. ^ ^ Captain James Crooks, 13 May, 07. ^ ^ Lieutenant Martin McClellan. Captain 2 July, 12. ^ ^° Lieutenant William Powers, 4 Jan., 08. ^ ^ Lieutenant Anselm Foster. Ensign 5 Jan., 09 ; Lieut. 2 July, 12 ^ Ensign P. Vancourtlandt Secord, 2 July, 12. FLANK COMPANY. ^ " Captain John McEwen, 13 May, 11. •^ ^^ Lieutenant Robert Runchey. 'j^ ^^ Lieutenant William Servos. •^ " Lieutenant George Adams, 6 Ma5^ 12. ^ ^5 Ensign Peter Mann Ball, Jr., 2 July, 12. BATTALION COMPANIES. ^* Captains Andrew Heron. ^^ George L. Lawe. ^® George Lawrence. George Read. Resigned 2 July, 12. John Powell. See Powell's Artillery. George Hamilton. See Niagara Dragoons. ^^ John Jones. (To Niagara Dragoons, 2 July, 12 ?) *" James Secord. Jacob A. Ball, 2 July, 12. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 73 NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) 22 Lieutenants George A. Ball. Captain 2 July, 12. -2 John D. Servos. Captain 2 July, 12. Thomas McCormick. '* Elijah Secord, 2 July, 12. '' John C. Ball, 12 May, 11. ' John Clark, 26 June, 12. George Fields. See Powell's Artillery. 2" George Shipnian. James Wilson. Ten Broeck. ^ '' William Woodruff. •^ 2' John Clendennan. Walter Butler. ^ — Beam (Jacob Beam, Jr. ?) ^ John Secord. 2^ Ensigns James George, 8 Feb.. 13. James Secord, 2 Julv, 12 (son of Solomon). -» Henry Pawling, Sr.," 14 May, 06. Lieut. 2 July, 12. ^^ Adam Brown, 5 Jan., 06. Lieut. 2 July, 12. •^' John May. Lieut. 2 July, 12. ^2 Simcoe Ste])henson. Lieut. 2 July, 12. Geoi'ge Darby. ^ Daniel K. Servos, 2 July, 12. To Incorp't'd Militia. ^ ^^ Joseph Clement, 2 July, 12 (son of James). ^* Peter Warner, 25 Oct.,' 12. ^•"^ George Hainer, 6 May, 12. Lieut. 25 Oct., 12. ' William L. Smith, 6 May, 12. Lieut. 25 Oct., 12. 3* John Robertson. 25 Oct., 12. i^ •'« Daniel Fields. James Muirhead (Jr. ?) J. B. Jones. F. G. Swayzie. '^ ^^ Peter Pawling. ^ 38 Richard Woodruff. Joseph Butler. See Powell's Arlillery. '^ Edward McBride. 1^ *^ George Shaw. ' Ensign 8th Foot ; Lieut. Butler's Rangers, '77 ; present at Sandusky, 1782 (despatches). Lt. -Colonel 2nd West Riding Reg't., Lincoln, 1803. District Judge at Niagara. Member of Assembly 1801, 05, 13. See also Militia Staff. ^ Born at Williamsburg, N.Y., 7 Sept., 1765. Served in R.R., N.Y. Captain 74 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) 60th 5 Feb., 1795. Deputy Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs at Niagara, June, 13. Died there 11 Nov., 26, aged 61. Member Executive Council, 1818. ^ Col. Clench wrote the Adjt.-General 1 Apr., 12, enclosing Lt.-Col. Kerr's resignation. (Can. Archives). * Query as to his being identical with Surgeon James Muirhead. See page 34. ° Resigned the Majority 28 June, 12, and joined 5th Lincoln. * Appointed Asst. -Adjt.-General Militia 25 Jan., 13. Afterwards Lt. -Colonel, 5 April, 1834. Born at Kingston, 1786; died in Grantham Township, 1862. ' Mentioned in Militia Orders, 18 July, 14, for his "spirited conduct, vigilance and activity" in attacking the enemy's cavalry ])atrol on the 17th. ® Ensign 3 Sept., 1794; Lieut. 24 June, 97. Present at Queenston (despatches). Prisoner of war 27 May, 13 ; detained at Burlington, Vt. Member of Assembly, 1820 ; afterwards a Legislative Councillor. Died 1860. * Killed 27 May, 13, in opposing the enemy's landing near Fort George. '" Prisoner of war, 27 May, 13 ; detained at Burlington, Vt. " Lieut. 13 May, 07. Present at Queenston (despatches) ; prisoner of w-ar, 27 May, 13 ; detained at Burlington, Vt. ^- Transferred to the command of the Coloured Company. '^ Transferred to the Indian Department. '* Born at Londonderry, Ireland, 1771. Present at Fort George (wounded). Taken prisoner in October, 1813 ; paroled 22 Dec, 13. Died Aug., 44. '^ Promoted a Lieutenant in Provincial Royal Artillery Drivers. Had been a private in Crooks' Company. ^^ A prisoner of war ; detained at Burlington, Vt. There was also a "Private Andrew Heron, 1st Norfolk," who received the medal for Detroit. ^' Attached to Engineers' Department (Can. Archives, M. 118). Present at Fort George (wounded) ; prisoner ; detained at Burlington, Vt. Appointed Gentle- man Usher of the Black Rod, U.C, 1816. See foot note to Capt. Powell, page 75. ^^ Born 1757 ; died 1848. Buried at Virgil, Ont. ^^ Died at Burhngton, U.S., on the 23rd Dec, 1813, Captain John Jones, of Newark, U.C, a British prisoner taken at Fort George. He was interred with military honours. (Quebec Mercury, 11 Jan., 14), *" Present at Queenston (wounded). " Prisoner of war at Ten Mile Creek, 11 June, 13 ; detained at Burlington, Vt. " Ensign 6 May, 06 ; Lieut. 3 Jan., 09. " Present at Black Rock, 30 Dec, 13 (wounded). Died 24 Apr., 47. ^* Ensign 23 May, 06. " Ensign 19 May, 06 ; was a Captain in 1813. See Powell's Artillery. '* Had been a private in McEwen's. " Had l)een a Sergeant in 2nd Flank Company, 4th Lincoln. There was also a John Clcndcnning, Sgt.-Major, 1st Lincoln, who received his land in Nissouri ; John Clendennan's location was in Zorra. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 75 NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) ^^ Present at Stoney Creek (wounded). Pension List 1 Oct., 17. '® See also Ensign Henry Pawling, 4th Lincoln. ^° Died in 1874, Major Adam Brown, aged 76. ^' Died on service, 3 Nov., 12. *^ Query : "Simon" or "Simcoe" as both names occur. '^ See Niagara Light Dragoons. *' Had been a Private, 1st Lincoln. A Joseph Clement died in 1867, aged 76. ^* Formerly a Sergeant. ^^ Died on service 22 Nov., 14. '® Had been a Private, Niagara Dragoons. Medal with clasp Detroit. Died 1873. ■■" A merchant. Had been a Private. Promoted Sergeant, Ball's Company. ^' Born 1784 ; died 1872. Had been a Sergeant, Niagara Dragoons. Medal with clasp Detroit. ^^ Had been Quartermaster Sergeant, 3rd York. Member for Niagara, 1825. *" A brewer. Had been a Sergeant, Niagara Dragoons. *^ Had been a Private in Crooks' Co'y. CAPTAIN JOHN POWELL'S COMPANY OF ARTILLERY, (1st LINCOLN ARTILLERY.) Engagements : — Fort George, 13th Oct., 12. Queenston, 13th Oct., 12. Fort George, 27th May, 13. 'j^ ^ Captain John Powell. ^ ^ Lieutenant John C. Ball. tV ^ George Fields. ^ Second Lieut. Alexander McKee. Resigned 1 Dec, 12. Daniel Spelman, 3 Dec, 12. Joseph Butler. ^ Present at Queenston (despatches) ; prisoner after Fort George ; detained at Burlington, U.S. He, together with Capt. Lawe, 1st Lincoln, were rescued and brought back to Canada, 12 Feb., 14, by a party of Canadian Militi-a from Missisquoi Bay. * See 1st Lincoln. * Had been Sgt. -Major Provincial Light Dragoons. § This Company's strength was increased by taking 30 men from 2nd and 3rd Lincoln. (Militia G.O., 22 July, 12.) 76 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) CAPTAIN RUNCHEY'S COMPANY OF COLOURED MEN. Engaijements : — Queenston, 13th Oct., 12. Fort George, 27 th May, 13. ^ * Captain Robert Runchey, Sr. ' James Robertson. -{^^ 2 Lieutenant George Runchey. ^ See foot note, Artificers. ^ Had been Sergeant in McEwen's, 1st Lincoln. ^ A Robert Runchey was also a private, Niagara Light Dragoons. 2nd regiment of LINCOLN MILITIA. § Engagements : — Queenston, Hamilton's and Rowe's. Frenchman's Creek, Hamilton's and Kerby's, nth July, 13. Niagara, 18th Dec, 13. Black Rock, 30th Dec, 13. Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14 Chippawa, 15th Oct., 14. ^ ' Lt.-Colonel Thomas Clark. 2 Thomas Dickson, 5 Jan., 14. ^ ^ Major David Secord. ^ * Adjutant James Kerby. ^ « Andrew Rorback, 10 Aug., 13 — 11 Mar., 14. Captain 11 Mar., 14. ^ « David Thompson, 11 Mar., 14. 1st company or artillery company. •{^ * Captain James Kerb}^ Joined Incorp't'd Militia. ^* First Lieut. Lewis Clement, 26 June, 12. John McLellan. (McClellan in Crown Lands.) ^^ Second Lieut. Jacob F. Ball. ^^ Alexander Bryson. § " The conduct of the Officers and men of this Regiment has also been highly praiseworthy."' General Riall's despatch, London Gazette, 9 Aug., 14. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 77 NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) FLANK COMPANY. ■^ ^ Captain John Rowe. ^ Lieutenant Anthony Upper. ^ 8 John Burch. Captain 10 Mar., 14. ^ ^ Thaddeus Davis. ^ Ensign John McMieking. Lieut. 26 June, 12. ^ "^^ Christopher Boughner. Lieut. 11 Mar., 14. FLANK COMPANY. ^ " Captain Robert Hamilton. ^ ^2 Lieutenant James Cooper. Captain 25 June, 12. ^ 13 Abraham Bowman, 26 June, 12. ^ '* Ensign James Thompson, 29 June, 12. ^ James Lyons, 30 June, 12. BATTALION COMPANIES. ^^ Captains George Turney. Robert Campbell. Resigned 9 Mar., 14. James Macklem. John Crysler. '9 John DeCoe (De Cow or De Cew). Lieutenants David Bastedo. Captain 26 June, 12. 20 Christopher McDonnell. 2i George Keefer, 1806. Captain 1815. Nicholas Smith. Resigned 12 Mar., 13. Ensigns Jacob Upper, 26 June, 12. John Wilson, 27 June, 12. Lieut. 12 Mar., 14. John Misener. Lieut. 9 Mar., 14. John Couke. Lieut. 10 Mar., 14. 21 Robert Kirkpatrick. Lieut. 14 Mar., 14. John Hainer, Jr. Lieut. 15 Mar., 14. Ebenezer Cavers. Lieut. 16 Mar., 14. 22 Henry C. Ball. Lieut. 17 Mar., 14. John Street. Lieut. 18 Mar., 14. 23 Hall Davis. Lieut. 19 Mar., 14. George Rowe. Lieut. 21 Mar., 14. John Secord, Jr. Lieut. 22 Mar., 14. 1 Present at Stoney Creek, Beaver Dams and Black Eock (wounded, des patches). Colonel 1818. ' Present at Chippawa (wounded, despatches). "The conduct of Lt.-Colonel 78 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) Dickson, of the 2nd Lincoln Militia, has been most exemplary." — Riall's despatch, London Gazette, 9 Aug., 14. ' Formerly of Butler's Rangers ; wounded at Oriskany ; a Member of the Assembly for twenty years. ■ Present at Queenston, Beaver Dams and Chippawa, (•where he commanded the regiment after Colonel Dickson was wounded), Lundy's Lane and the Siege of Fort Erie. * Present at Queenston, Frenchman's Creek (despatches). Joiaed the Incor- porated Militia, which see. ^ A native of New Jersey. Promoted Captain vice Hamilton. Afterwards Lt.-Col., 2nd Lincoln. Died in Stamford Township, 17 Aug., 43. ^ Had been a Sergeant in Rowe's ; present at Lundy's Lane, wounded. " Had been a Sergeant in Butler's Rangers. Present at Queenston (despatches). Killed at Chippawa. ^ Promoted Captain vice Macldem, absent. *• Present at Black Rock, Buffalo, 30 Dec, 13 (despatches). '" Had been a Private, 2nd Flank Company, 4th Lincoln. ^^ Present at Queenston, Frenchman's Creek (despatches). '^ Present at Queenston (despatches). Frenchman's Creek. " Wounded at Chippawa. ^* Wounded at Lundy's Lane. 1^ Wounded at Chippawa. Born 1787 ; died at St. Catharines, 30 March, 18791 '^ Commanded Militia Artillery at Queenston (despatches) ; was at French] man's Creek (despatches). " Present at Frenchman's Creek (despatches, wounded). ** Killed at Chippawa. Son of Lieut. John Turney, Butler's Rangers. '* A prisoner at Burlington, Vt., in December, 1813. Escaped and returned to Canada. -" Killed at Chippawa. ^' Present at Chippawa. '- Guided a column at assault of Fort Niagara (despatches) . Had been a Private. ^' Piloted boats at Black Rock, 30 Dec, 13 (despatches). Had been a Private. "^^ A promoter of the Welland Canal. Died 1858. 8rd regiment of LINCOLN MILITIA. Engagements : — Fort Erie, 27th May, 13. Black Rock, 11th July, 13. Buffalo, 30th Dec, 13. Lt.-Colonel Henry Warren. Resigned 7 April, 13. Major John Warren, Sr. Lt.-Colonel 16 April, 13. Thomas Cummings. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 79 NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) -^ Adjutant Henry Trout. Lieut. 25 Jan., 13. Quartermaster James Robinson, 25 Jan., 13. FLANK COMPANY. ^ Captain John Warren, Jr. Major 25 Jan., 13. ^ ^ Lieutenant Shubael Park, 5 Jan., 13. -^ Ensign Benjamin Hardison, Jr. Lieut. 25 Jan., 13. B^LANK COMPANY. -j^ 2 Captain William Po\vell, 25 Jan., 13. ^ ^ Lieutenant John Johnson Lafferty. Captain 25 Jan., 13. ^ ■* Ensign William Duff Miller. Lieut. 25 Jan., 13. ^ ^ John Putnam. Lieut. 25 Jan., 13. BATTALION COMPANIES. Captains Samuel Street, 2 Jan., 09. « John Hardy, 2 Jan., 09. Henry Boughner, 2 Jan., 09. Henry Warren, Jr. 2nd Major 23 July, 12. John Muirhead, Sr. ^ Lieutenants James Cummings. Captain 25 Jan., 13. *^ John Baxter. Captain 25 Jan., 13. ^ Henry Trout, 25 Jan., 13. Hugh Alexander, 25 Jan., 13. ^ Osias Boughner, 25 Jan., 13. '^ Daviii iMoro^an. James Wintennute. Ensigns Augustus Anger. Lieut. 25 Jan., 13. Henry Wood. "^ Peter Weaver. Jacob Wintermute. ^ ' Henry Weishuhn, 25 Jan., 13. Jacob Gonder, 25 Jan., 13. ^ ^ John Miller, 25 Jan., 13. i^ « George Whitehead, 25 Jan., 13. John Harcourt, 25 Jan., 13. James Thompson, 25 Jan., 13. John Bonner, 25 Jan., 13. ' A land surveyor. * Present at Queenston (despatches). Served from',26 June to 1 Aug., 1'2. Member for Lincoln 1825-29. 3 80 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) * Afterwards Lt.-Colonel. Born 1786 ; died 1859. ' Piloted boats at Black Kock, 30 Dec, 13 (despatches). * Lieut. Lincoln Artillery, 1803. Grandfather of the late Hon. Arthur S. Hardy, Premier of Ontario, 1896-99. '' A Captain on the Staff. ^ Prisoner of war at Burlington, Vt., Dec, 1813. * Had been Sergeant in Warren's Company. ^° Superseded 20 Jan., 18. "Absent without leave." 4th regiment of LINCOLN MILITIA. Engagements : — Queenston, 13th Oct., 12, Butler's and Crooks'. Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14. ' Lt.-Colonel Johnson Butler. ^ Major Jacob Tenbroeck. Adjutant John Taylor. ^ Quartermaster Ball. FLANK COMPANY. ^ ' Captain Abraham Nelles. Major 10 Oct., 14. 'j^ ^ Lieutenant Thomas Butler. Captain 25 Oct., 12. ^ James Dittrick. Captain 1 Jul}', 13. ^ ^ Matthew Crooks. 8 July, 12. FLANK COMPANY. ^ '' Captain Jonatiian Moore. "5^ " Lieutenant Henry Hixon. Captain 1 Jul3^ 13. ^ 7 johi-^ Henry, 1 July, 12. -^ Captain William Crooks. ^ ^ Lieutenant Henry Nelles. Captain 1 July, 13. ^ William Servos. ^ ^ Ensign Peter McCollum. ^ '^ Charles Kennedy, 25 Oct., 12. BATTALION COMPANIES. Captains James Henry. Resigned 16 Feb., 13. William Nelles. Ralph Walker, 1 July, 13. " William Lyons. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 81 NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) Lieutenant Edward Griffin. Resig-ned 16 Feb., 13. G. B. Stephenson. Ensitrn Henry Dochstader. Lieut. 25 Oct., 12. Robert Pettit. Lieut. 25 Oct., 12. ^ ^^ John B. Muirhead. Lieut. 25 Oct., 12. ^ '^ Walter Deddrick. Lieut. 25 Oct., 12. Wilham Chishohii. Lieut. 25 Oct., 12. ^ '* Henry Pawling, Jr., 25 Oct., 12. Lieut. 1 July, 13. ^ '^ Adam Zimmerman, 25 Oct., 12. Lieut. 1 July, 13. Ezra Barnum, 25 Oct., 12. Jonathan J. Pettit, 25 Oct., 12 ; promoted Lieut. -j^ 15 j3j.^gi Smith, 25 Oct., 12. John McCollum, 25 Oct., 12. ^ 15 John Moore, 25 Oct., 12. ^ 1^ John Turney, 25 Oct., 12. Francis Crooks. Peter Hare. John Ta3dor, Adjutant. ^ Major 2ncl West Riding Reg't., Lincoln, 1803. Died on service, 1 Dec, 12. 2 Died at Grantham, U. C, 5 Feb., 30. ^ Prisoner at Lundy's Lane. * Afterwards Hon'ble Abraham Nelles. Captain 1st Riding Regt. Lincoln, 1797. Captain 2nd West Riding Regt. Lincoln, 1803. Prisoner Nov. 13 ; paroled 22 Dec, 13. ° Commanded Nelles' Company at Queenston (despatches). « Joined 16 Oct., 12. ' Did duty from 27 June to 24 Aug., 12. ^ Present at Lundy's Lane (prisoner and wounded). ^ Was promoted and joined in October, 12. ^° Had been Sergeant, Crooks' Co'y. ; wounded at Lundy's Lane. " Paroled by the enemy, 22 Dec, 13. ^^ Had been a Private in Crooks' Co'y., 1st Lincoln. " Had been a private in Niagara Light Dragoons. ^5 Had been a Sergeant in Nelles' Co'y., 4th Lincoln. ^•' Had been a Private in McE wen's Co'y., 1st Lincoln. '^ Had been a Sergeant in McEwen's Co'y., 1st Lincoln. 82 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) 5th regiment of LINCOLN MILITIA. Engagements: — Detroit, 16th Aug., 12, Hatt's Company. Queenston, ISth Oct., 12, Hatt's and Durand' Frenchman's Creek, 28th Nov., 12, Hatt's. Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14. ^ Lt.-Colonel Andrew Bra* it. ^ Major Richard Hatt. ^ * Adjutant John W. Mclntyre. * Newton. ^" Quartermaster Ezra Barnum. FLANK COMPANY. § ^ ^ Captain Samuel Hatt. ^ ^ Lieutenant Robert Land. ^ '' Ensign Daniel Showers. FLANK COMPANY, ^ ^ Captain James Durand, 1 May, 12. ■^ Lieutenant William Davns, 2 Jan, 09. ^ Ensign Joseph Birnie. BATTALION COMPANIES. ^ Captains John Lotrridge. Jacob A. Ball. John D. Servos. ^ Lieutenant Biggar. ' Had been Captain Butler's Rangers ; died at the 15 Mile Creek, Louth Town- ship, 12 Nov., 30, aged 75. ^ Had been Major 1st Lincoln ; Major 1st West Riding Regt., Lincoln, 1803. Present atQueenston (despatches), Fort Erie, 28 Nov., 12, Lundy'sLane (severely wounded). Member of Assembly for Halton, 1818. ^ Present at Queenston (wounded). * Superseded 20 Jan., 13. "Absent without leave." ^ Present at Detroit (despatches), Queenston, Lundy's Lane (wounded). Member for Niagara Dist., 1814; Wentworth, 1817. * Present at Detroit, medal and clasp. Major 3rd Gore. § This Company was the only force at Queenston on the morning of the 13th Oct., 1812. (Life of Sir J. B. Robinson, by Maj.-Gen. C.W. Robinson, C.B.) See footnote to 3rd York Flank Companies, page 67. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 83 NIAGARA DISTRICT (Continued.) ' Taken prisoner on Lake Ontario, 12 July, 13. Died 1858. ^ Born in Wales, 1775 ; died 1833 ; buried at Ancaster, Ont. Present at Queen- ston (despatches). Member of the Assembly for two terms, 1812-20. ' Died on service 29 Nov., 1812 ; formerly in Indian Department. ^^ May be identical vrith Ensign Ezra Barnum, 4th Lincoln. WESTERN DISTRICT 1st regiment of NORFOLK MILITIA. § Engagements : — Detroit, 16th Aug., 12. Frenchman's Creek, 28th Nov., 12. Nanticoke Creek, 13th Nov., 13. McCrae's House, 15th Dec, 13. Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14. Malcohn's Mills, 6th Nov., 14. ' Lt.-Colonel Joseph Ryerson, 11 Feb., 12. -{^ ^ Major William Daniel Bowen, Lt.-Colonel Ist Oxford, 1 Aug., 16. Adjutant Samuel Tisdale. Aquila M. Walsh. Quartermaster Francis Legh Walsh, 11 Feb., 12. FLANK COMPANY. "5^ ^ Captain John Bostwick. Major 1 Aug., 16. 'j^ * Lieutenant George Ryerson. •^ ® George Rolph. FLANK COMPANY. -j^ ' Captain Daniel McCall, 12 Feb., 12. ^ Lieutenant Samuel Ryerson. Captain 23 Oct., 15. ^ Ensign James McCall. BATTALION COMPANIES. Captains Oliver Mabee, 13 Feb., 12. Duncan McCall, 14 Feb., 12. John Backhouse, 18 Feb., 12. "^ James Mitchell. Lieutenants William Smith, 13 Feb., 12. John Dedrick, 17 Feb., 12. William Dill, 18 Feb., 12. Ensigns Jacob Potts. Lieut. 23 Oct., 15. Francis Glover, 15 Feb., 12. Thomas Backhouse, 17 Feb., 12. Matthew Tisdale, 18 Feb., 12. § "The Norfolk Militia, under Captain Bostwick, gave a strong proof of the valor which has uniformly distinguished the Militia of this country when called into action." Bisshopp's despatch, 1 Dec, 12. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 85 WESTERN DISTRICT. (Continued.) Ensigns Romaine Rolph. 8 Aquila M. Walsh, 20 Apr., 13. ' Had been Lieut. Prince of Wales' American Volunteers. Died 1854. * Formerly Lieut, in Indian Dept. Commanded the Militia at Turkey Point, Dover Mills and Port Talbot. G. O. 7 Apr., 13. ^ Present at Detroit, medal and clasp (despatches) ; commanded 1st Norfolk at Frenchman's Creek, 28 Nov., 12, (despatches and wounded) ; present at Nanticoke. Colonel 3rd Middlesex 13 June, 22. * Present at Detroit, Frenchman's Creek (wounded). Joined Incorp. Battl'n. * Son of Dr. Thomas Rolph. Present at Detroit, medal and clasp. Died at Dundas, 25 July, 1875. ^ Present at Nanticoke. Promoted Major 26 Apr., 24. "' Present at Lundy's Lane. * Had been Sergeant in McCall's Company. 2nd regiment of NORFOLK MILITIA. Engagements: — Detroit, 16th Aug., 12. Fort Erie, 28th Nov., 12. Nanticoke Creek, 13th Nov., 13. McCrae's House, 15th Dec, 13. Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14. Malcolm's Mills, 6th Nov., 14. ^ ' Lt.-Colonel Robert Nichol, 12 Feb., 12. ^ 2 ]yj.^joj. George C. Salmon, 11 Feb., 12. Adjutant William Gordon. ^ ^ Quartermaster Henry Metcalfe (acting.) Albert Berdan. FLANK COMPANY. llV * Captain Nathaniel White. ^ 5 Abraham A. Rapelje, 12 Feb., 12. ^ William McCracken. ^ Lieutenant William Gordon, 12 Feb. 12. ^ Jonathan Austin. Captain 13 Jan., 18. ^ « Titus A. Williams. ^ Ensign Isaac Gilbert. Promoted Lieut. ^ Philip Beemer. 8d THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. WESTERN DISTRICT. (Continued.) BATTALION COMPANIES. ^ Captains Samuel Ryerse, 12 Feb., 12. William Park, 12 Feb., 12. William Drake. 12 Feb., 12. William Robinson, 12 Jan., 12. ^ 3 Henry Metcalfe, 21 Jan., 14. ^ William Francis. Lieutenants Benjamin Mead. McFarland F. Wilson. Captain 14 Jan., 18. Jacob Lemon. -^ '^ Abraham Massecar. John Lampman. Joined Incorp. Militia. Thomas Francis. 'j^ '* Ensigns John Conrad, 13 June, 14. ^ '" James McQueen, 13 June, 14. Dennis Shoaf. George J. Ryerse, 27 July, 14. '1 P. Girty. '2 Timothy CoUver. ' Appointed Quartermaster-General of Militia, which see. - Commanclecl detachments from 1st and 2nd Norfolk, 5th Lincoln and York El- its. on Brock's expedition to Detroit (despatches). ' Sergt. Metcalfe acted as Quartermaster on the Detroit expedition, medal and clasp; commanded party which captured American post at McCrae's, in Ealeigh Township, Dec, 1813. "Promoted Captain for his loyalty, gallantry and indefatigable zeal." G. O. 25 Jan., 14. Lt. -Colonel 19 May, 40. * Died on service, 15 March, 14. ^ Joined Incorporated Militia. Became Lt. -Colonel 1st Norfolk, 26 Apr., 24, vice Bostwick promoted Colonel 3rd Middlesex. *"' Present at Detroit, medal and clasp ; taken prisoner at Sugar Loaf Hill, 17 June, 13. Lt. -Colonel Titus Williams died at Port Robinson, 7 May, 79. ' Formerly a Captain 3rd Battl'n New Jersey Volunteers. * Murdered by John Dixon and others in October, 1814. ® Had been a private. Ensign Conrad served at Turkey Point under Williams from 25 Feb.— 24 March, 15. '° Private McQueen was promoted an ofificer for gallant conduct at McCrae's ; had been at Fort Erie, 28 Nov., 12 (wounded) ; Lt. -Colonel 8th Middlesex, 10 Nov., 46. " See also Prideaux Girty, 1st Middlesex, as these may be identical. '^ Deserted to the enemy. '^ Had been a private. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 87 WESTERN DISTRICT. (Continued.) 1st regiment of OXFORD MILITIA. Engagements: — Detroit, 16th Aug., 12. Nanticoke Creek, 13th Nov., 13. Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14. Malcolm's Mills, 6th Nov., 14. ^ Lt.-Colonel Henry Bostwick. 1^ ' Major Sykes Tousley, 19 May, 12. William Brown. ^ ■^ Adjutant John Eakins. Quartermaster Ensign William McCartney (acting). FLANK COMPANY. ^ Captain Marvil White, 5 Sept., 07. •^ ^ Lieutenant Joseph Baker. ^ John Williams. FLANK COMPANY, ^ ■' Captain John Carroll, 'j^ *' Lieutenant Bla Brewster Brigham. ^ ' William Botsford. RIFLE COMPANY. ^ ® Captain Bla Brewster Brigham, 5 Nov., 12. ^ Lieutenant Abner Owen. BATTALION COMPANIES. ^ Captains David Curtis. Ichabod Hall. John Malcolm. Lieutenants Jacob Yeigh. Daniel Brown, William Teeple. Fin lay Malcolm. -^ '^ Ensigns Abner Decow. Lieut. 4 June, 17. Brown. William McCartney. ^ Commanded at Nanticoke, Died at Woodhouse, 27 July, 16, aged 34 (?) '^ Lt. Oxford Regt., 1802. Captain 1807. Commanded Flank Companies, Oxford. ' Present at Detroit, medal and clasp. Identical with Major Eakins, 1st Middlesex. 88 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. WESTERN DISTRICT (Continued.) ^ Deserted and joined the enemy (Ontario Crown Lands Kecords). * Killed by the fire of our MiUtia whilst a prisoner with the enemy, 27 Aug., 14. ® Present at Detroit, medal and clasp. ' "Went to the enemy (Ontario Crown Lands Records) . * Volunteered and served as a Private (Ontario Crown Lands Records). 1st regiment of MIDDLESEX MILITIA. Engagements : — McCrae's House, 15th Dec, 13. Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14. Malcohn's Mills, 6th Nov., 14. ^ ' Colonel Hon'ble Thomas Talbot, 12 Feb., 12. 2 Lt.-Colonel Mahlon Burwell, 13 Feb., 12. ^ Major John Eakins. Adjutant John Potts. James Nevill, 25 March, 14. Quartermaster Sylvanus Reynolds, 29 Dec, 12. FLANK COMPANY. ^ Captain David Secord, 12 Feb., 12. ■^ Lieutenant William Saxton, 13 Feb., 12. •{:^ ^ Ensign Benjamin Willson. Lieut. 27 June, 16. FLANK COMPANY. -{^ * Captain Daniel Springer, 13 Feb., 12. ^ Lieutenant William Bird, 12 Feb., 12. ^ Ensign Joseph Defields, 14 Feb., 12. BATTALION COMPANIES. Captains Oilman Wilson, 14 Feb., 12. Leslie Patterson, 15 Feb., 12. Samuel Edison, 16 Feb., 12. Daniel Rapelje, 25 March, 14. Edward Watson. Lieutenants Moses Rice. Gideon Tiffany, 14 Feb., 1 2. Samuel Axford. Ensigns Daniel Mclntyre, 12 Feb., 12. David Davis. 13 Feb., 12. Samuel Harris, 17 Feb., 12. Prideaux Girty. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 89 WESTERN DISTRICT. (Continued) 1 Founder of the Talbot Settlement. Had been Ensign 66th, 24 May, 1783 ; went on half pay 1784 ; Lieut. 24th, 26 Dec, 87 ; Capt. 8.5th, 21 Nov., 93 ; Major 6 March, 94 ; Lt.-Colonel 5th, 12 Jan., 96. ' "A Member of the House of Assembly ; was active against the enemy on all occasions ; they made a sudden incursion on the Talbot Settlement, found him in bed ill and dragged him away to Detroit a prisoner, and from thence into Kentucky. His house having been burned, all his property destroyed and his family driven off." L. and P. Society's Eeport. * Present at Detroit, medal and clasp. Mentioned in Metcalfe's report for his services at McCrae's. * Present at Detroit, medal and clasp. "Taken prisoner by the disaffected, 1 Feb., 14, who took him to Kentucky ; he returned in time to share in the glory of the battle of the Falls." L. and P. Society's Report. ^ Present at Detroit, medal and clasp. ® Living in 1875. ^ There is a "P. Girty," 2nd Norfolk. 8 See 1st Oxford. 1st regiment of ESSEX MILITIA. Engagements : — Brownstown, 5th Aug., 12. Maguaga, 9th Aug., 12. Detroit, 16th Aug., 12. Frenchtown, 18th Jan., 13. Frenchtown, 22nd Jan., 13. Miami, lst-9th May, 18. Fort Meigs, 5th May, 13. Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14. ^ Colonel Matthew Elliott. ^ 2 Lt.-Colonel James Allan. ^ ^ Major Ebenezer Reynolds. Lt.-Colonel 21 Sept., 13. ^^ George Benson Hall, late Prov. Marine, 21 Sept., 13. ^ '2 Adjutant William DufF. Quartermaster Robert Innis. FLANK COMPANY. ^5^ * Captain William Caldwell, Jr. ^ ^ Lieutenant James Gordon, 6 June, 09. Promoted Captain. •^ ^ William McCormick. Promoted Captain, ^ ^ Ensign Thomas Caldwell. Promoted Lieutenant. ^ ^ Nicholas Lyttle, 12 July, 12. 90 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. WESTERN DISTRICT (Continued.) FLANK COMPANY. ^ ^ Captain William Elliott. ^ Lieutenant John Little, ^ ^^ Ensign Thomas Girty. ^ " ' James W. Little. MAllINE COMPANY. ^^ Captain William Buchanan. Lieutenant ^ 13 Ensign John McCormick, 12 July, 12. BATTALION COMPANIES. ^* Captains Laurent Bondy. 15 William MiUs.^ 16 Jean Baptiste Baithe. 17 Maisonville. Lieutenants John Brush, 5 June, 09. Charles Reaunic. 1^ Alexis Laporte. 1^ Antoine Bonford. -^ '^ Ensigns Charles Fortier. ^ 20 Francis Caldwell, 12 July, 12. 18 Windle Wagley. 18 Peter Scratch. 1^ James Stock well. 1 Member of the Legislature, Essex, 1801-12. Present at Detroit (gold medal) ; Frenchtown, 22 Jan., 13 ; Miami, lst-9tli May, 13. Died on service, 7 May, 14. * Died during September, 1813. ' Commanded Flank Companies, 1st and 2nd Essex. Present at Detroit (medal and clasp), Frenchtown, 18th and 22nd Jan., 13 (despatches). Sheriff for Kent, 1833. * Present at Detroit (medal and clasp), Frenchtown and Miami. ^ Present at Detroit (medal and clasp), Frenchtown (severely wounded); attached to Provincial Marine and commanded a gun-boat. Afterwards Member Legislative Council. ® Present at Frenchtown (wounded). Member of Assembly, 1813-17. ' Present at Detroit (medal and clasp), Frenchtown ; attached to Q. M. Gen- eral's Staff. * Promoted from a private in Caldwell's. Present at Detroit (medal and clasp), Frenchtown and Miami. ' Present at Detroit (medal and clasp), Frenchtown and Miami: see Western Rangers. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 91 WESTERN DISTRICT. (Continued.) '° Died 18th September, 1814. ^' Present at Detroit (medal and clasp), Frenchtown. " Present at Frenchtov.n , Fort Meigs. Died 19 Sept., 13. *^ Promoted from a private in Caldwell's. ^* Killed at sortie from Fort Meigs, 5 May, 13. " Present at Frenchtown (wounded.) ^^ Died during 1812. Repeated, evidently, in 2nd Essex. '' Probably identical with one of the Maisonvilles, 2nd Essex. '^ Superseded 23 Jan., 13, being "Absent without leave." '' Probably identical with Charles Fortier, Master's Mate, who received medal with clasj) Detroit. '° Promoted from a private. Present at Detroit (medal and clasp). Member for Essex, 183.5-40. '^ Member for Kent, 1817. ^' Acting Barrackmaster. 2nd regiment of ESSEX MILITIA. Engagements: — Brownstown, 5th Aug., 12. Maguaga, 9th Aug., 12. Detroit, 16th Aug., 12. Frenchtown, 22nrl Jan., 13. Miami, lst-9th Mav, 13. 1 Colonel William Elliott. ^ '^ Lt.-Colonel Jean Baptiste Baby. - Major Thomas McKee. ^ John Askin, 22 Sept., 13. * Adjutant William Smith, 2 Jul3^ 12 (acting). ' John Gentle, 25 July, 12. '" Quartermaster James Mcintosh. ' Alexander Pringle, 3 July, 12. FLANK COMPANY. 1^ '' Captain James Askin. 1^ ' Lieutenant Alexander D. Askin, 9 July, 12. i^ ' Ensign William Hands, Jr., 9 July, 12!' FLANK COMPANY. ^ ^ Captain Alexis Maisonville. ^ ^ Lieutenant Joseph Parent, 9 July, 12. ^ ^ Ensign Joseph Eberts, 9 July, 12. 92 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. WESTERN DISTRICT. (Continued.) TROOP OF CAVALRY. " Captain William Smith, 9 July, 12. BATTALION COMPANIES, ' Captains Jean Baptiste Barthe. ^ Richard Pattinson. ^ Julien Labute, 9 July, 12. ^ Touasaint Maisonville, 9 July, 12. James WoodH, 9 July, 12. ^ 2 Alexis Labute. ® Pierre Labute. Lieutenants Jean Baptiste Petre. ^ Thomas P. Reaume. ^ Jean Baptiste Labadie. ^ James McGregor. Pierre Reaume. 10 Duncan Mcintosh, 9 July, 12. * Alexis Parent. Dedine Batishon. * William Smith, (Adjutant.) * Ensigns Alexander Pringle, 9 July, 12. ' Bryce Woods, 9 July, 12. ^ Jean Baptiste Ouillette, 9 July, 12. ^ Charles Smith, 9 July, 12. 8 Claude Gouin, 17 July, 12. ^ Hypolite Janisse (acting). * Jacques Parent (acting). * William Shaw (acting). ^ John Gentle. ^ Present at Detroit. * Had been a Captain 60th Reg't., Feb., 1796. Succeeded his father. Colonel Alexander McKee, as Deputy Superintendent Indian Affairs, 1799. Member of Assembly, Kent District, 1796, and of Essex, 1801. Present at Detroit, French- town and Miami. Died about Sept., 1814. His great grandson, W. J. McKee, was M.P.P. for North Essex, 1894-1902. * Superintendent Indian Dept. Died 1 Feb., 1820, in his 58th year. * Present at Detroit. Identical with Captain Smith of the Cavalry. * Present at Detroit and Frenchtown. * Present at Detroit and Frenchtown. Member of Assembly, 1813. His son, Richard, was Lieutenant in 16th Lancers, 1832, afterwards exchanging into the 97th Foot. ' Present at Detroit, medal and clasp ; Frenchtown and Miami. Served also in the Western Rangers. Registrar of Essex, 1831. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 93 WESTERN DISTRICT. (Continued.) * Superseded 23 Jan., 13, being "absent without leave." ' This name appears in print usually as "Garvin." Present at Frenchtown (wounded). Served also in the Western Rangers. " Present at Detroit. Son of Hon'ble Angus Mcintosh of Moy, Hudson's Bay Co'y. Agent. Afterwards the Mcintosh of Mcintosh. " Brother of Col. Hon'ble Jacques Baby. Member of Assembly, Kent, 1792. Present at Detroit. Died 1850, aged 86. 1st regiment of KENT MILITIA. Engagements : — Miami, lst-9th May, 13. Longwoods, 4th March, 14 (Kent Volunteers). ^ ^ Colonel Hon'ble Jacques Baby de Rainville. Lt.-Colonel Major Adjutant LOYAL KENT VOLUNTEERS. § Captain ^ ^ Lieutenant John McGregor. Promoted Captain. -{^ ^ Ensign James McGregor. Promoted Lieutenant. -j^ * Ensign William Peck. FLANK COMPANY, f •^ ^ Captain George Jacobs, Sr., 3 May, 05. ^ ^ Lieutenant William Sterling, 2 May, 05. ^ ^ Ensign John Peck. Lieutenant 2 July, 12. George Jacobs, Jr., 12 April, 13. RIFLE COMPANY IF ^ Captain John Dolsen, 2 July, 12. '' Lieutenant Isaac M. Dolsen, 4 July, 12. ^ Ensign John McGregor, 12 April, 13. CAPTAIN SHAW's COMPANY. IF ^ 9 Captain William Shaw, Sr., 2 May, 05. Lieutenant John Williams. Ensign Christopher Arnold. § Also called Western Volunteers. t From Ontario Crown Lands Records. H From Baby Papers, Toronto Public Library. 94 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. WESTERN DISTRICT. (Continued.) CAPTAIN DOLSEN'S COMAPNY. H ^ Lieutenant Commandino- William Sterling, 12 April, 13. Lieutenant Robert Peek, 3 July, 12. ^ Ensign Hugh MeCallum. CAPTAIN MCCRAE's COMPANY. Captain Thomas McCrae^ ^ Lieutenant David McKargar..^ TROOP OF DRAGOONS. ^ Captain George Jacobs, Sr. Lieutenant ^ Cornet Charles Fisher, 10 July, 12. ^ Eldest son of Hou'ble Jacques Duperon Baby. Born at Detroit, 1763 ; died at Toronto, 19 Feb., 1833, aged 70. Had been Inspector of Finances, U.C., and President of the Legislative Council. Identical with Colonel James Baby. ^ From a pay-list, 25 Aug. — 24 Sept., 12, it is evident that he had been a Sergeant in Captain John Dolsen's Company. Present at Detroit, McCrae's (despatches), and Longwoods (wounded). * Had been a Private in John Dolsen's Company. Present at Detroit. Men- tioned in Metcalfe's Eeport of 23 Dec, 13. Wounded at River Thames, 9 July, 14, Received £50 from the Loyal and Patriotic Society in recognition of "his bravery during the War." * Had been a Private in Western Rangers. * Present at Miami, 1st to 9th May, 1813. ' Served also in Western Rangers. ' Son of Matthew Dolsen. Present at Detroit, medal and clasp. * Present at Detroit, medal and clasp. Had been Sergeant in Jacob's Com- pany. See also Western Rangers. " Formerly a Sergeant of Grenadiers in 5th Foot, in which he served 20 years, taking part in first American War. Discharged in 1794. Made an officer in Militia same year. Three sons were actively employed during the war of 1812- 15, one being killed. (Ontario Crown Lands Records). Present at Miami, 1st- 9th May, 1813. 11 From Baby Papers, Toronto Public Library. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 95 WESTERN DISTRICT. (Continued.) WESTERN RANGERS. (Caldwell's rangers.) Engagements : — Miami, lst-9th May, 13. Longwoods, 4th March, 14. Chippawa, 5th July, 14. Lundj^'s Lane, 25th July, 14. ^ ^ Captain William Caldwell, Sr. 1^ 2 Captain William Elliott. ^ ^ Captain James Askin. ^ * Lieutenant Thomas Caldwell. ^ ^ Lieutenant Claude Gouin. ^ ^ Lieutenant John Peck. ^ 7 Ensign Francis Caldwell. Promoted Lieutenant. ^ Ensign James Heward. ^ ^ Ensign Hugh McCallum. ^ Commancleil up to 24 May, 14. Appointed to Indian Department. Formerly Captain Butler's Rangers. ' See 1st Essex. Appointed to Indian Department. ^ Took over the command 24 May, 14. See 2nd Essex. ■• See Ist Essex. ^ Sometimes misprinted as "Garvin." Resigned. See 2nd Essex. « See 1st Kent. ' Son of Lt. -Colonel Wm. Caldwell. Served upon Lake Erie. See 1st Essex. « See 1st Kent. THE INDIAN COUNTRY MICHIGAN FENCIBLES. § Engagements : — La Prairie du Chien, I7th-19th July, 14.11 Michilimaekinac, 4th Aug., 14. ^ ^ Captain William Bailey. ^ 2 Captain William MacKay, 5th S. E. M., 25 Jan., 14. Bvt.-Major 15 Apr., 14. -j^ Captain John Johnstone. ^ ^ Lieutenant James Pullman. ^ ■* Ensign Jean Jacques Porlier. Lieut. 25 Feb., 15. ■^ Ensign Amable Dusang, 25 Feb., 15. ^ Had been Clerk in Commissariat Dept. at Kingston. Appointed Storekeeper at St. Joseph's, 25 Apr., 12. ^ For previous services see 5t.li Battl'n Select Embodied Militia. Was Lt.- Colonel commanding expedition from Mackinac to Fort Sbelby . Died at Montreal 1832. ^ Appointed Commissary and Barrackmaster at Fort MacKajs 25 Feb., 15. * Joined from tbe Mississippi Volunteers 25 Feb., 15. Present at capture of Prairie-du-Chien ; remained at Fort MacKay until peace. Son of Capt. Jacques Porlier, Green Bay Militia. ^ Had been a Sergeant in the Mississippi Volunteers. MISSISSIPPI VOLUNTEERS. Engagements : — La Prairie du Chien, I7th-20th July, 14.11 ^ Captain Andrew Bulger, 1 March, 15. ^ Lieutenant James Keating, 1 March, 15. -^ ^ Captain Thomas G. Anderson. § Raised at Mackinac by Mr. Bailey (Colonial Oflace Records, C. 257, page 154.) Capt. MacKay appointed to command, 25 Jan., 14 (Can. Archives, M. 195 D.) ; disbanded at Mackinac, 24 July, 15 (Can. Archives, C. 702, page 194.) IT Identical w^ith Fort Shelby ; called Fort MacKay after Major William MacKay. After peace was re-named by U. S. authorities Fort Crawford. THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 97 THE INDIAN COUNTRY. (Continued.) * Captain Joseph Rolette. * Lieutenant Jean Jacques Porlier. Lieutenant Louis Tesson Honore (acting). ^ A native of Newfoundland. Ensign R.N.F., 26 Oct., 04 ; Lieut. 30 July, 06 ; Capt. 23 Feb., 15. Present at Detroit (medal and clasp). Served in command at the Newfoundlanders whilst acting as Marines. Fort George, Dec, 12. Chrystler's Farm, (clasp.) Commanded military expedition for the relief of Mackinac ; naval medal for boat actions, Tigress and Scorpion ; was at Fort Shelby, 3 Nov., 14, to 22 May, 15. Governor of Red River, 1822. Died at Mon- treal, March, 1858. * See below. * Present at Fort Shelby (despatches). Appointed Captain Indian Dept. 1 Sept., 14., which see. * Present at Fort Shelby (despatches). Brother of Lieut. Fred. Rolette, Pro- vincial Marine. * Present at Fort Shelby (despatches). Transferred to Michigan Fencibles, 25 Feb., 15. * Present at Fort Shelby (despatches). Was Commissary to the expedition, and, in addition, acted as Lieutenant in Rolette's Company. MISSISSIPPI VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY. Engagement : — La Prairie du Chien, I7th-20th July, 14. IT ^ Lieutenant Commandant James Keating. ^ Had been a Sergeant, R.A., and was appointed to this office in recognition of his services at Fort Shelby. Received silver medal 1793-1814, with clasp "Martinique." DEASE'S MISSISSIPPI VOLUNTEERS. § Engagements : — La Prairie du Chien, l7th-20th July, 14. IT i^ ^ Captain Francis Michael Dease. ^ Captain Pierre Grignon, Sr. ^ ^ Lieutenant Jean Jacques Porlier. Promoted Captain, § Called Prairie-du-Chien Militia in Lt.-Col. MacKay's despatch. 98 THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. THE INDIAN COUNTRY. (Continued.) •^ Lieutenant Michel Brisebois, Jr. "5^ ^ Lieutenant Joseph Rainville. ^ A cousin of Sir John Johnson. Present at Fort Shelby (despatches.) Ap- pointed Captain Indian Dept., 2 Sept., 14. Was Sub-Indian Agent under Lt.- Colonel R. Dickson. See Michigan Fencibles and Mississippi Volunteers. Lieutenant and Interpreter, Indian Department. CANADIAN VOLUNTEERS. § Engagements: — Michillimackinac, l7th July, 12. La Prairie-du-Chien, l7th-20th July. 14. Michillimackinac, 4th Aug., 14. ' Majors Toussaint Pothier, Sr. * Lewis Crawford. ^ Adjutant Louis Honore. ^ Captains John Johnston. ' Charles Oaks Ermatinger. " Jean Baptiste Nolin. ' Lieutenants Joseph Rolette. Jacques Porlier. Paul Lacroix. ' Xavier Biron. ' See Lower Canadian Militia (Montreal District.) Present at surrender of Mackinac. ' Present at Mackinac, 4 Aug., 14. * See Mississippi Volunteers. * May have been Johnston of Sault Ste. Marie. * Present at surrender of Mackinac. * Illness prevented his going to Mackinac, 17 July, 12. (Les Canadiens de rOuest, Tasse, page 149.) ' Afterwards Captain Mississippi Volunteers. § In Capt. Roberts' expedition from St. Joseph to Mackinac, this corps, whilst under Major Pothier, is called "Canadians," "Canadian Voyageurs," and "Corps of Voyageurs ;" under Major Crawford the name appears as "Canadian Volun- teers." (Can. Archives, C. 676, page 156). THE UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. 99 CANADIAN VOLUNTEERS. (Continued.) * Born at Montreal, 1765. Lieut. Montreal Militia, 1791. Present at surrender of Mackinac ; also at Mackinac, 4 Aug., 14. " Interpreter Indian Department. GREEN BAY MILITIA. Engagements : — La Prairie-du-Chien, 17th-20th July, 14. ' Captain Commanding, Jacques Porlier, Jan., 15. ^ Captain Pierre Grignon, Jan., 15. ^ Lieutenant Powell. ^ See Canadian Volunteers. ' See Dease's Mississippi Volunteers. ^ Present at Fort Shelby (despatches). THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA ADJUTANT-GENERAL OF MILITIA. •^ ' Lt.-Colonel Francois Vassal de Monviel, 9 Oct., 11. DEPUTY ADJUTANT-GENERAL. ^ Lt.-Colonel Xavier Tarieu de Lanaudiere, 9 Oct., 11. ^5^ ^ Major Jean Thomas Taschereau, Noii. Beauce, 28 Sept., 12. * Lt.-Colonel C. Chausse^ros de Lery (acting), 14 July, 13. ASSISTANT ADJUTANT-GENERAL. ^ * Captain Louis Bazile Pinguet, from 2nd Que., 22 May, 12. ^ Captain Pierre Charles Godefroy Chevalier de Tonnancour, 2nd Que., 12 April, 13. ^ "^ Lieutenant William Berczy (acting), 20 July, 13. ^ Served in one of Carleton's Canadian Companies during American War, 1775- 83 ; also in Holland under the Duke of York ; Capt. 1st Battl'n, R.C.V. ; appointed D.A.G., Lower Canada, 26 Dec, 07 ; Adjutant-General 1811 to 1841 ; died at Que- bec, 25 Oct., 43, aged 85. ' Served as an ofBcer in the Three Rivers Militia during the first American vpar ; died during the autumn, 1812. A brother-in-law of Colonel Francois Baby. * Major 3rd Nouvelle Beauce, 5 April, 12. Was succeeded by Michel L. J. Duchesnay, late Capt. Can. Voltigeurs, as D.A.G., on 27 March, 27. Died 1832. * See also Quartermaster-General's Staff. Acting D.A.G. at Montreal, 14 July, 13 ; ordered to Kingston, 20 July, 13. ^ Son of Charles Pinguet de Vaucour, who was a Lieut, in 7th Company, Can- adian Mihtia, during blockade of Quebec, 1775-76. Born at Quebec, 1777; died 3 Aug., 1853. Resigned 12 April, 13. His brother, Lieut. Charles Casimir Pinguet, Can. Fencibles, was at Chateauguay. There was also a Louis B. Pinguet, Ensign 4th S. E. M. ® Heir of Charles Antoine G. Chevalier de Tonnancour ; born at Three Rivers, 1790 ; appointed A.-A.G., vice Pinguet, deceased ; died at St. Martinville, Louis- ana, 24 Aug., 21. ■' Appointed D.A.G., Montreal, during Lt.-Col. Taschereau's absence, G.O., 20 July, 13. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA STAFF. 101 QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL OF MILITIA. ' Lt.-Colonel Louis Joseph Fleury Deschambault, h. p., 109th, 25 Apr., 12. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL. • ^ Lt.-Colonel Charles Fremont, St. Valier Div., 22 May, 12. DEPUTY ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL. ■j^ ^ Captain Charles Chaussegros de Lery, 1st Que. Town, 22 May, 12. ^ ^ Captain James Mihies, 2nd Beauharnois (acting), 28 Sept., 12. Captain Jacob Glenn, Townships Militia. SPECIAL SERVICE. -{^ Lieutenant Ralph Taylor. ^ Born at Quebec, 1756 ; served during the Revolutionary war in Carleton's Companies ; was at siege of St. Jolm's and on Burgoyne's expedition. Lieut. 44tli, 3 Nov., 79 ; Capt. 27 Sept., 87 ; Capt. 60tli 16 Jan., 88 ; Major 3 Aug., 96 ; Deputy Superintendent Indian Dept., 1796; Provincial A.D.C., 1799; died at Montreal, 24 July, 1824. One of his daughters married Capt. Steiger of De Watteville's. ' Promoted Major 1 Sept., 12. ^ "Killed in action." This may have been confounded with the death of Capt. Milnes, D.Q.M.G., page 5. DEPUTY PAYMASTER-GENERAL. ^ Lieutenant John Stewart, 10 May, 12. SUPERINTENDENT OF HOSPITALS. ^ ' Francois Blanchet, Esquire, M. D., 22 May, 12. PRINCIPAL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, CHAMBLY HOSPITAL. ^ ^ George Stubinger. STAFF SURGEONS. ^ ^ Marc Pascal de Sales La Terriere, Esquire, M. D., 1 Dec, 12. ^ George Carter, 21 Nov., 12. 102 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA STAFF. DEPUTY JUDGE ADVOCATES. Captain Antoine Louis Levesque, 2nd Montreal, 22 May, 12 — 15 Dec, 13. ^ Captain Philippe Aubert de Gaspe, 1st Quebec, 23 May, 12. -j^ ^ Captain Joseph Louis Papineau,5th S.E.M.,15 Dec.,13--20 Apr.,19. ^ Ensign Andrew William Cochran, 6th E. M., 7 July, 13. CHAPLAINS. Messire Poulin de Courval, 25 June, 12. * Messire Francois Robitaille, 28 Dec, 12. ^ Dismissed from militia by Governor Craig, in 1808, for being the proprietor of a seditious newspaper. Prevost, however, appointed him to the head of Militia Medical Staff. Member for Hertford, 1809. Died at Quebec, 1830, "entoure du respect de tous." ' The great Papineau. Born 7 Oct., 1786 ; died at Montebello, 1875. Major 3rd Battl'n, Montreal, 3 May, 30. ' See Governor's Staff, page 1 ; also Embodied and Quebec Town Militia. * Appointed Chaplain to the Embodied Militia by G.O., 12 Feb., 13. * This may have been an army appointment. ® Son of Dr. La Terriere, Inspector, Forges St. Maurice, 1775-83. The elder son, Pierre, was Surgeon of the Voltigeurs. Member Leg. Council, 1832. Died 30 March, 72. COMMISSARIES OF TRANSPORTS. Quebec District : — ' Colonel Hon'ble Francois Baby. Resigned Nov., 12. ' Lt.-Colonel F. Vassal de Monviel, 25 Nov., 12—27 Apr., 13. ^ Lt.-Colonel Hon'ble A. L. Juchereau Duchesnay, 27 April, 13. Montreal District : — , 'j^ ^ Lt.-Colonel Hypolite St. George Dupre. * Lt.-Colonel Charles Fremont, 22 Nov., 12. Three Rivers District : — « Colonel Thomas Coffin, 25 April, 12. 5 ASSISTANT COMMISSARIES OF TRANSPORTS. Lieut. Jourdain La Brossie, Sed. Militia, 17 May, 13 — 25 Feb., 14. Lawrence Kidd, 25 Feb., 14. Captain Gabi'iel Leroux, 25 Sept., 12. Captain Jacob Glenn, D.A.Q.M.G. Militia, 23 Nov.,12— 2 Dec.,12. Captain Toussaint, Beloeil Militia, 22 Dec, 12. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA STAFF. 103 Assistant Commissaries of Transports (Continued.) Captain Andrew Dominique Pambrun, Vaudreuil Militia, 22 Oct., 12. Francois Trudeau, 18 Dec, 13. Lieut. P. Papineau, Lieut, of Ferrymen at Longueuil. ' Served under de Beaujeu at Monongahela; Captain Can. Militia, Oct., 1775 ; also throughout siege of Quebec, 1775-6 ; Lt. -Colonel 1778 ; Commissary of Trans- ports, 1779 ; Adjutant-General 1781 ; Chairman of Commission to promote the efficiency of the Militia, 1802 ; Member Leg. Council, 1792. Died 9 Oct., 1820, aged 87. ' See Lower Canadian Militia Staff. ' Member Legislative Council, 1811. Died at Beauport, 17 Feb., 25. * Served during first American war as Commissary of Corvees, 26 May, 1775; Major Canadian Militia, Montreal, 9 June, 1775 ; Member for Huntingdon, 1792-96. Died II June, 24. ' To the Waggon or Sleigh Train of Corvees of De Rottenburg's Division. * Member Leg. Council, 1817. Died 19 July, 41. See Three Rivers Militia. STAFF OFFICERS. ' Lt.-Colonel Charles Michel de Salaberry, 1 April, 12. ^ Lt.-Colonel Hon'ble Charles William Grant. ^^ Lt.-Colonel Hon'ble Olivier Perrault. "5^ ' Lt.-Colonel Joseph Bouchette, 26 March, 13. * Lt.-Colonel Pierre Amable de Boucherville, Prov. A.D.C. * Lt.-Colonel Hon'ble Michael Henry Percival, Prov. A.D.C. * Lt.-Colonel Edward Brabazon Brenton, Prov. A.D.C, 19 Nov.,12. * Lt.-Colonel Hon'ble William McGillivray, late Voyageurs, 30 Sept., 12. ^ Major Archibald McLeod, late Voyageurs, 2 Oct., 12. ^ Major Alexander McKenzie, late Voyageurs, 1 Sept., 14. ^ Major Jean Pierre Rastel de Rocheblave, late Voyageurs, 1 Sept., 14. ^ Captain Hon'ble Edward Bo wen, 16 June, 12. ^" Captain Louvigny de Montigny. ^2 C. F. Grece, for the Sedentary Militia. James Young, Brigade Adjutant, Montreal, 17 Oct., 13. ^ See Canadian Voltigeurs. ' Afterwards 5th Baron de Longueuil. See Beauharnois Militia. ' See Quebec Volunteers. * See Governor Prevost's Personal Staff. Member Ex. Council, 1812. 104 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA STAFF. * See also Corps of Voyageurs. Member Leg. Council, 1814. His commis- sion was to extend to the Indian and conquered countries, and to bear date 30 Sept., 12. Died 16 Oct., 25. ^ His commission to extend to the Indian and conquered countries, and to bear date 2 Oct., 12. ' Sui)posed to be Sir Alexander McKenzie, the celebrated explorer. His com- mission to extend to the Indian and conquered countries, and to bear date 1 Sept., 14. ^ His commission to extend to the Indian and conquered countries, and to bear date 1 Sept., 14. Member Leg. Council, 1832. Died 5 Oct., 40. ' Was appointed Attorney-General, Lower Canada, 1808. ^° Had been Captain 1st Batt. Royal Canadian Volunteers. " Member Ex. Council, 26 June, 12. ^' Died at St. Therese de Blainville, 12 March, 44, Charles Frederick Grece, aged 73. PROVINCIAL CORPS OF LIGHT INFANTRY. § "CANADIAN VOLTIGEURS." Engagements: — Salmon River, 23rd Nov., 12. Sackett's Harbour, 29tli May, 13. Chateauguay, 26th Oct., 13. Chrystler's Farm, 11th Nov., 13. Missisquoi Bay, 26th March, 14. LaColle, 30th March, 14. Cape Vincent, 14th May, 14. Lake Champlain, 26th June, 14. Odelltown, 28th June,— Sept., 14. Plattsburg, 6th- 11th Sept., 14. ' Major Commandant Charles Michel de Salaberry (Bvt. Major 60th), 1 April, 12. ^ Major and Deputy Superintendent Frederick G. Heriot (Captain 49th). Major comd'g 12 Mar., 14; Lt.-Col. comd'g 11 Apr., 14. ' S. B. Torrens (Captain 1st), 25 March, 13. ^ * Adjutant Lieut. John Le Breton (Lieut. R. N. F.), 25 April, 12. ^ ^ Lieut. John Hebden, — Nov., 12. ^ Adjutant of a detachment, James Prendergast, 29 July, 13. ^ Quartermaster Augustin Germain, 25 April, 12. ^ John Porter, — Nov., 12. ^ « Charles McCarthy (Lieut. 10th R.V.), 3 Sept., 13. ^ Paymaster James Green, 25 April, 12. Resigned — Aug., 12. ^ * Lieut. Thomas Place, 1 Aug., 12. ^ ^° Lieut.JohnMoorhead,lJune,14. Resigned 22 Aug., 14. -5^ 11 Lieut. John Stean (49th,) 25 Aug., 14. -^ Surgeon Pierre de Sales La Terriere, 25 April, 12. ^ 12 Robert Ivory, (3rd Foot). ^ 1'' Asst.-Surgeon Toussaint Casimir Truteau, 10 Jan., 13. ^ 1* Louis M. Raphael Barbier, 24 July, 14. ^ Jean Baptiste Herigault. Vv ^^ Charles Alexandre Lusignan, 25 Jan., 15. § Raised by Major de Salaberry in Lower Canada in Spring, 1812. Col. Cruik- shank's "Record of the Services of Canadian Regiments in the War of 1812," (Can. Military Institute Transactions, No. 10,) gives an interesting history of this corps. The flank companies 4th S. E. M., were attached to the Voltigeurs by G. O., 3 Aug., 13, and ten days later, the Frontier Light Infantry. The Vol- tigeurs were disbanded in March, 1815. 106 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. ■^ Captains Joseph Francois Perrault, 15 Apr., 12. To4thS.E.M. 25 Mar., 13. ^ *' Jean Baptiste Juchereau Duchesnay, 15 April, 12. ^ '^ Michel Louis Juchereau Duchesnay, 15 April, 12. ^ ** Benjamin Ecuyer, 15 April, 12. ^ ^' Jean Baptiste Hertel de Rouville, 15 April, 12. ■^ ^ Jacques Viger, 15 April, 12. Dismissed by G. O., 14 Nov., 13. ** William Johnson, 25 Mar., 13. ^ 21 Chas. Tache, from 4th S. E. M., 11 April, 14. i^ " Emanuel D'Auberville, 25 May, 14. -5^ ^ First Lieuts. Jacques Clement Herse, 15 April, 12. Capt. 10 Feb., 13. -5^ " Jacques Adhemar, 15 April, 12. Capt. 20 Mar., 13. ** Edward Louis Prendergast, 15 April, 12. ^ '* Thomas Henry, 15 April, 12. ^ '^ Narcisse Duchesnay, 15 April, 12. Capt. 15 Nov., 13. ^ " John Francis McKay,! 5 April,12. Capt. 25 Jan., 14. ^ * John LeBreton Adjutant. ^ ' Thomas Place, 1 Auo^., 12. Paymaster. ^ ^ John Charles D'Estimauville de Beaumouchel, 25 Dec, 12. » Daniel de Hertel,froni 2nd Emb. Militia, 10 Feb., 13. George Hicks McLean, 25 March, 13. ■^ * John Hebden, 1 Aug., 13. 3" Second Lieuts. Henry J. Bouthillier, 12 Feb., 13. Lieut. 25 Jan., 14. ^ " Louis Guy, Jr., 4 Feb., 13. Lieut. 15 Nov., 13. '^ Simon Clark, from Que. Voltrs., 25 March, 13. ^ William Clark, from Que. Voltrs., 25 March, 13. tV " W^illiam David Johnson, 25 March, 13. Lieut. 25 Nov., 14. -{^ '* Norbert Vigneau, from Que. Voltrs., 25 March, 13. Lieut. 25 Dec, 14. •^ '• Maximilien Globenski, 29 March, 13. Lieut. 8 Feb., 15. ^ " Louis Cramer, 1 Feb., 13. Lieut. 1 May, 13. ^ John Porter,25 Aug.,13, from Quartermastership. ' James Prendergast, 15 Nov., 13. ^ ^^ Pierre Chrystologue Pambrun, 25 Jan., 14. ^ ^' Charles Turgeon, 25 Feb., 14. *" Charles Dumoulin, 25 Feb., 14. i^ " Etienne St. Dizier, 25 Jan., 15. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 107 ^^ Second Lieuts. John Buchanan, 25 Jan., 15. •^ " William Kitson, 8 Feb., 15. Louis Provencher. Joined Canadian Chasseurs, 11 Apr., 14. ^ " James Harvell. ^ John Moorhead, Paymaster. " H. J. Thomas. ' Ensign 60th, 10 April, 1793; Lieut. 25 Aug., 94; present at Martinique; served on tiie Walcheren expedition, 1795; Capt. -Lieut. 13 July, 99; Capt. 10 July, 99 ; Bvt. -Major, 4 June, 11 ; Lt. -Colonel in L. C. Militia, 1 April, 12 ; Major Commandant Voltigeurs, April, 12 ; Commandant and Superintendent and Lt.- Col. in the Army, 29 Sept., 12 ; Major, 18 Nov., 13 ; Lt. -Colonel, 28 March, 13; Inspecting Field Officer, Light Troops, 11 April, 14 ; Commanded at Chateauguay (gold medal) ; was at LaColle ; to h.p. 25 July, 15; C.B. 3 Feb., 17; Member Leg. Council, 1818 ; died 27 Feb., 29. * Capt. 49th, 20 Nov., 06. Bvt.-Major, 10 June, 13. Appointed to Voltigeurs, 25 Mar., 13. Bvt. Lt.-CoL, 11 Nov., 13. Commanded Voltigeurs at Sackett's Harbour, relief of Burlington (July, 13), Chrj'stler's Farm (gold medal, des- patches). Went on half-pay, 25 July, 15. C.B., Provincial A.D.C., April, 21. Colonel, 22 July, 30. Maj.-General 23 Nov., 41. Died at Drummondville, L.C., 30 Dec, 43. " See also pages 9 and 13. * Lieut. Royal Newfoundland Regt., 5 Mar., 07. Resigned Adjutancy 3 Oct., 12. ^ Had been a Sergeant 8th. Present at attack and capture of Martinique (medal, with clasp) ; also at Chateauguay (despatches, clasp). Went on half -pay, 25 July, 15. * Had been Qr.-Mr. Sergeant 100th. Acting Adjutant of a detachment of Voltigeurs under Major Heriot, who writes in high terms of his gallantry (Can- adian Archives, C. 797.) See also 5th S. E. Militia. ' This name also appears as "Porteous." Hadbeen a Sergeant in 8th. Resigned as Qr.-Mr. 25 Aug., 13. ' Reverted to his former rank in the army (G. O. 2 Oct., 16). Died at Drum- mondville, L. C, 1 May, 17, aged 38. « Died 31 May, 14, aged 38. 1" Appointed D.A.A.G. 25 Aug., 14. Lieut. Glengarry L.I. 24 Nov., 14. ^' Sgt. Stean appointed Quartermaster 49th, 14 July, 12. Was Lieut, and Adjutant 49th. Reverted to his former rank in the army, G. 0., 2 Oct., 16. '^ Asst. -Surgeon 3rd Foot, 23 Nov., 09. Reverted to his former situation in the army, G. O., 2 Oct., 16. " Went to the Canadian Chasseurs, 25 April, 14. " From Surgeon St. Ours Sed. Militia. Resigned 25 Jan., 15. " To half -pay 25 July, 15. St. Dizier died at St. Anicet, 13 March, 49, aged 52. '« Lieut. R. Can. Voltrs. 1793-02. Lieut. 60th 2 Jan., 06. Present at Chateau- guay (despatches.) Major 25 Feb., 14. To h.p. 25 July, 15. Prov. A.D.C. to Lord Dalhousie, 28 March, 21. Died 12 Jan., 33. 108 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. " A brother of the above and brother-in-law of Col. Chas. M. de Salaberry. Ensign 60th 9 May, 05. Lieut. 2 Jan., 06. Present at Chateauguay. Resigned 26 Jan., 14. D.A. General, L.C., 23 March, 27. Superintendent Indian Depart- ment, Quebec, 1828. Died 17 Aug., 38. His son, E. L. A. Duchesnay, was A.A. General 23 May, 39. ^* A civil engineer. Present at Chateauguay. Appointed Staff Adjutant 17 March, 14. To half-pay 25 July, 15. ^* Present at Chateauguay. Resigned 10 Dec, 14. '" Born at Montreal, 1787 ; died 1858. A well-known Canadian antiquarian, &c. Author of "Mon Sabertache," &c. Was the first Mayor of Montreal. " To half-pay 25 July, 15. Born 1784 ; died 1826. Major Rimouski Battln., 21 Nov., 18. " Had been Quartermaster in De Watteville's Regt., 1807-14. Went to half- pay 25 July, 15. " Joined 4th S. E. Militia, 11 April, 14. " Commanded his company at Sackett's Harbour (despatches.) Prevost, writing to de Boucherville, says : "Adhemar est un brave, meme a I'extreme." " Went on half-pay 25 July, 15. See also foot-note 43. " He was in orders as having been appointed an Ensign, Can. Fencibles, 1 Sept., 12, which he resigned 25 March, 13. Present at Chateauguay (despatches, medal with clasp). To half -pay 25 July, 15. Was a nephew of the two Captains Duchesnay. Major Beauport Division, 1 May, 18. " His name, according to orders, was "John McCoy." A son of Capt. John McKay, 1st S. E. Militia. Went on h.p. 25 July, 15. Died at St. Eustache, 8 July, 20. " Joined from 1st S. E. M. Promoted Captain 25 Dec, 14. Present at Sackett's Harbour, Fort George, Chrystler's Farm and Plattsburg. Joined 1st S. E. M. as Ensign at age of 15 years, 7 months. Promoted Captain Voltigeurs before reaching his 18th year. Died at Quebec, 8 Jan., 30. (Can. Courant, 16 Jan., 30). " Joined from 2nd S. E. M. Resigned 8 Feb., 15. Was at Chrystler's Farm (medal with clasp.) Lt. -Colonel 2nd Batt'ln York, L. C. 4 Sept., 27. Died in the spring of 1866. 3" To half-pay, 25 July, 25. Died 29 March, 41. " Eldest son of Hon. Louis Guy ; was known as "Le Beau Guy." Had served in the Garde-du-Corps of Charles X. To half-pay 25 July, 15. Became a Lieut, in 89th Foot. Died at Trinidad, W. I., 27 March, 41, in his 44th year. His brother officers placed a mural to his memory in the Cathedral at Port of Spain. " Went on half-pay 25 July, 15. " Present at Chateauguay (medal and clasp.) To half-pay 25 July, 15. ^* Present at Chateauguay. " Went on half -pay, 25 July, 15. "A deserving officer," (Can. Archives, C. 797.) »* Present at Chateauguay, medal and clasp. Born 1793 ; died 1866. To half- pay 25 July, 15. A Captain during 1837-38. " Cramer had been Sgt. -Major in Voltigeurs; appointed Lieut, vice Prender- gast, deceased. Resigned 25 Nov., 14. ^* "Sergeant Pambrun displayed much bravery in action." To half-pay, 25 July, 15. Son of Capt. Pambrun, Commissary of Transport. Born at L'Islet, 1792. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 109 ^^ Kesigned January, 1815. A surveyor. DiedatMontreal.lO Aug., 28,aged59, *" Also described as "Des Meules." Had served as a volunteer in 49th. Ap- pointed to De Watteville's, 25 April, 14. *^ Sergeant Kitson had distinguished himself on several occasions in Upper Canada ; also as a Corporal at Odelltown, where he received a severe v?ound. (Can. Archives, C. 797). Went to half-pay, 25 July, 15, " This name appears in different places as John and James "HatsaU," "Haroils," &c. See 2nd S. E. M. " "One month's leave of absence is granted to Lieut. H. J. Thomas," G. O. 23 April, 14. The insertion of this Thomas may be a repetition of Lieut. Henry Thomas, page 108. " Had been in Quebec Volunteers and 4th S. E. M. " His name also appears as "Edward P." Died 30 April, 13. THE FRONTIER LIGHT INFANTRY. § Engagements : — Odelltown, 28th June — Sept., 14. •^ ^ Major Lewis Ritter (100th,) 20 July, 13. Major Commandant, 25 Apr., 14. ^ Captain Joseph Richardson. Exchanged to 3rd S.E.M.,12 July,13. ^ John Jones. Retired 20 Sept., 13. ^ ' Charles Kilborn, 25 Aug., 13. ^' JosephSt. ValierMailloux,12 July,13. From 3rd S.E.M. ' Louis Olivier Faribault, 25 Feb.,14. From 1st S. E. M. ^ John Savage, Sr. ^ Lieutenant John Savage, Jr., 25 Aug., 13. Dismissed 20 Mar., 14. Ambroise Marchand. From 3rd S. E. M. Hugh McQuarters, 25 Aug., 13. From 4th S. E. M. ^ " Ensign James Harvell, 25 Aug., 13. ^ Alexander Steele. Promoted Lieut. 20 March, 14. Abraham G. Steele, 25 Aug., 13. 7 Robert B. Hudson, 20 March, 14. §The Frontier Light Infantry was formed of two companies drawn from the six BattaUons Townships Mihtia. G.O., 13 Aug., 13, attached them to the Can. Voltigeurs, of which Corps they became Nos. 9 and 10 Companies, by G. 0. 10 June, 14. Major Ritter rejoined his Eegiment. This Corps served from May, 1813, to its disbandment, 24 March, 15 ; the officers were not placed on half-pay. 110 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. INDEPENDENT COMPANY OF MILITIA VOLUNTEERS.il (attached to the frontier light infantry). ^ » Captain Oliver Barker. To Frontier Light Infantry, 25 Feb., 14- 1 Promoted from Lieut. 60th (24 Mar., 04,) to Captain 100th, 8 Oct., 11. Present at Odelltown (despatches). ' From 1st Townships Militia. Exchanged with Capt. Mailloux. * From 2nd Townships Militia. * From 3rd Townships Militia. Lt. -Colonel Stanstead Battln, 12 July, 30. * Appointed to the Indian Warriors, 25 Feb., 14. * Transferred to Canadian Voltigeurs, which see. ' Promoted for his distinguished conduct, G.O. 13 April, 14. Living in 1875. * Commanded an expedition against Derby, Vt., 27 Dec, 13. Thanked in G. O. 9 Jan., 14. See 3rd Townships Militia. Died at Quebec, 8 Nov., 19. » See 1st Battln S. E. Militia. IT Formed at St. John's, 12 May, 13. Wore same uniform as Can. Voltigeurs. THE QUEBEC VOLUNTEERS. § Motto : — "Pro Aris et Focis." ^ Major Commandant Joseph Bouchette, from 1st Que. Town, 25 Nov., 12. « Adjutant George Stewart, 25 Nov., 12. To 4th S.E.M., Feb., 13. Quartermaster Remi Quirouet,25 Nov.,12. To 4th S.E.M.,Feb.,13. ^ Paymaster Thomas Green, 25 Nov., 12. ^ Captains William Johnson, to 4th S. E. M. Joseph Vigneau, to 3rd S. E. M. Joseph Shuter, to 3rd S. E, M, Peter Bedard. Louis Plamondon, to 6th E. M. Robert Christie, to 4th S. E. M. * Theodore Besserer, to 6th E. M. ' Roger Raby. ^ Norbert B. Doucet, to 3rd S. E. M. ^ Lieutenant H. Rolette, to 6th E. M. * Charles H. Gauvreau, to 6th E. M. Simon Clark, to Voltigeurs. William Clark, to Voltigeurs. D. McLean. D. Lefebvre. Guillaume Bouthillier, 25 Nov., 12. ' Thomas Green, Paymaster. ' George Stewart, Adjutant. Thomas Harman. ^ Toussaint H. Goddu, to 3rd S. E. M. Robert Wilkie. ^ Ensign Narcisse Faribault, to 6th E. M. Clarke. Vigneau. Peter Lukin, Jr., to 2nd S. E. M. Hugh McQuarters, to 4th S. E. M. ^ Had been a Lieut, in Provincial Navy. Lieut. R. C. Volunteers, 1793-02. Surveyor-General, L.C., 1804. Author of a number of works on the topography of Canada. Died at Montreal, 9 April, 41, aged 67. §This Corps [Grenadier and Light Companies, 4 BattaUon Companies and a brigade (battery) of Light Artillery] , was raised by Major Bouchette, and com- menced doing garrison duty at Quebec 30 Dec, 12. Its life was of short dura- tion, as the officers were posted to other regiments early in 1813, Major Bouch- ette being appointed an Inspecting Field Officer. 112 • THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. " From the Military Secretary's office. Appointed 1st Clerk, Q.M.G. Depart- ment, 25 Feb., 13, at 7 sh., 6 pence a clay, vice R. Moorhead, resigned. ^ Had been a Lieutenant Royal Canadian Volunteers. * Was 1st Lieutenant Light Company, 2nd Quebec Town. * Was 1st Lieutenant Grenadier Company, 2nd Quebec Town. * Was Lieutenant of Artillery, 2nd Quebec Town. See 3rd S.E.M. ' Was Ensign 2nd Quebec Town. * Was Ensign 1st Quebec Town. ' Had been Sergeant-Major 103rd Foot. CANADIAN LIGHT DRAGOONS. H Engagements : — Beaver Dams, 24tli June, 13. Schlosser, 4tli July, 13. Black Rock, 11th July, 13. Moraviantown, 5th Oct., 13. ' Captain Thomas Coleman, 30 Jan., 13. ^ 2 Lieutenant Benjamin Holmes, 30 Jan., 13. 3 Cornet Pierre Lefebvre, 3 March, 13. Resigned 20 Dec, 14. * George Nelson (acting). Quartermaster Godfrey Eisenhart. ^ Afterwards Lt. -Colonel Hastings Militia. * Taken prisoner of war during Procter's retreat, 3 Oct., 13. Appointed acting Ensign Can. Fencibles, 8 Aug., 14. Was afterwards cashier Bank of Montreal, M.P.P., and finally Collector of Customs, Montreal. * Killed a deserter who resisted him, for which he was tried for wilful murder. (Can. Archives, C. 700, p. 96). Captain Simon McNab, of Moira's Creek, recom- mended for appointment in his place. * Having failed to get his quota of men for a Cornetcy, he joined as a volunteer on Procter's retreat. (Can. Archives, C. 703, p. 216). Acting Cornet, March, 1814. (Can. Archives, C. 704, p. 2). H Enlistment authorized 21 Jan., 13. A levy in the District of Montreal author- ized, G. O. 29 April, 13 ; disbanded 24 May, 15. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 113 CORPS OF PROVINCIAL ROYAL ARTILLERY DRIVERS. § ^ Second Lieuts. James Mason Godard, 6 Jan., 13. 1st Lieut. 30 Mar., 13. Joseph Octavie Bastien, 9 March, 13. ^ ' Thomas Boston, 30 March, 13. Promoted 1st Lieutenant. 2 Richard Frost, 29 Jan., 14. 3 Richard Brown, 25 Feb., 14. 1 Resigned 25 Feb., 14. ' Was Sergt. -Major 19th Light Dragoons. Appointed Fort' Adjutant at Fort Wellington, 22 May, 15. * Was a Sergeant in 19th Light Dragoons. § Formed 11 January, 13, and attached to the Royal Artillery in Montreal Dis- trict. Transferred to the Ordnance Establishment 1 July, 13. Disbanded March, 1815. CORPS OF CANADIAN VOYAGEURS. § Engagements : — St. Regis, 28rd Oct., 12. LaColle, 20th Nov., 12. -5^ ' Lt.-Colonel Honble William McGillivray, 30 Sept., 12. -j^ Major Angus Shaw, 2 Oct., 12. -j^ ^ Archibald Norman McLeod, 2 Oct., 12. ^ ^ Adjutant Lieut. Edward Cartwright, 2 Oct., 12. ■^ Quartermaster James E. Campbell, 2 Oct., 12. ■^ " Paymaster ^neas Cameron, 2 Oct., 12. ^ Surgeon Henrj'^ Munroe, 2 Oct., 12. ^ ' Captains Alexander McKenzie, 2 Oct., 12. ^ * William McKay, 2 Oct., 12. * John McDonell, 2 Oct., 12. ^ ' Jean Pierre Rastel de Rocheblave, 2 Oct., 12. ■^ James Hughes, 2 Oct., 12. ^ Kenneth McKenzie, 2 Oct., 12. •^ * Lieutenants Edward Cartwright. ^ * James Stanley Goddard, 15 Oct., 12. -5^ Joseph McGillivray. Joseph McKenzie. Peter Grant. "^ Bazile Vannier. ^ ^ Ensigns William Hall, promoted Lieutenant. •^ Pierre Perras. ■^ James Maxwell. ^ John McGillivray. •^ ^ Andre Baron. ^ » Pierre Rototte, Sr. ^ Joseph Louis Gaulthier, ^ 1° Pierre Rototte, Jr., 24 Oct., 12. ' See Staff Officers, page 103. * Was Lieut. 41st Foot, 29 Jan., 07 ; appointed Adjutant Voyageurs, 2 Oct., 12 ; Adjutant 5th S. E. M. 25 March, 13 ; Staff Adjutant, 13 Nov., 13 ; went on half- pay from 52nd. Died at Rheims, France, about September, 1819. There was also a Captain Edward Cartwright of the Can. Fencibles, who had been an Ensign in the 60th. 5 This Corps was raised by the North- West Fur Company about October, 1812, and was disbanded at Lachine, 14 March, 13. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 115 * See Staff Of&cers, page 103. This may have been Sir Alexander Mackenzie, who crossed the continent 1792-93, knighted in 1802, and was afterwards mem- ber for the County of Huntingdon. * Was appointed to 5th S.E.M. 16 March, 13, and from that Corps to the com- mand of the Michigan Fencibles, 25 Jan., 14. * Was Ensign Cornwall and Osnabruck MiUtia, 20 June, 1788; present at St. Regis ; Lt. -Colonel 1st Prescott, 1 April, 22 ; was Judge Ottawa District ; diedl840. * A Canadian by birth. Ensign 5th Foot, 1787 ; served in Holland, 1799 ; exchanged into 69th about 1808 ; left the army and enlisted as a private in 72nd ; appointed from clerk in Commissary Department ; re-appointed clerk, 25 June, 13. (Can. Archives, C. 797, p. 101). Died 13 Aug., 14. ' Wounded and prisoner of war at St. Regis, 23 Oct., 12. ' Died at Montreal, 18 Aug., 22, aged 65. * Killed at St. Regis, 23 Oct., 12. See following footnote. " Appointed vice his father, killed in action. See also 5th S.E.M. " Died at Montreal, 8 Sept., 22, aged 65. PROVINCIAL COMMISSARIAT VOYAGEURS. § Head-quarters — Lachine. Superintendent Asst. Com.-General Isaac W. Clarke, 29 April, 13. Deputy Superintendent Dep.-Asst.-Cora.-General John Finlay, 29 Apr., 13. 'j^ Captain Pierre Roy. Lieutenants Antoine Lafreniere. Joseph Timothy Gaudet. ^ Venant Roy. ^ Louis L'Africain. Paymaster and Quartermaster Lieut. Joseph Timothy Gaudet (acting). §The formation of this Corps was authorized inG. O. 8 April, 13, with an establishment of 1 Superintendent (Lt. -Colonel), 1 Deputy Superintendent (Major), 1 Captain, 14 Lieutenants and 1 Paymaster-Quartermaster. THE MILITIA LIGHT INFANTRY BATTALIONS. § ' Lt.-Colonel Hercules Scott, 103rd. 1st Battalion.1T Engagements : — Chateauguay, 26th Oct., 13. 2 Lt.-Colonel William Smelt, 103rd, 24 May, 13. See 2nd Batt. ^ George R. J. Macdonell, G. L. I., 14 June, 13. * Robert Macdouall, G. L. I., 11 Nov., 13. ^ Major Jean Baptiste P. D'Estimauville, Jr., 3rd S. E. M. '" Adjutant John Tupper Connell, Lieut. 1st, 1 April, 13. George Jackson, Lieut. 1st, 23 May, 13. ^ Quartermaster John Duncan, Sgt. 1st, 24 May, 13. 2nd Battalion, f Engagements : — ^ Lt.-Colonel Peter William De Haren, Can. Fencibles, 19 May, 13. 2 William Smelt, 103rd, from 1st Battalion, 6 June, 13. Major the Senior Captain of the Line. 7 Adjutant Charleton, Lieut. 103rd, 25 May, 13. * John Le Couteur, Lieut. 104th. Surgeon Charles Waring, Asst. Surgeon 8th, 28 May, 13. ^ G.O., Quebec, 4 May, 13. Colonel in the Army 4 June, 13. Mortally wounded at assault on Fort Erie. * Cornet 4th Queen's Own Dragoons, 16 March, 1798; Lieut. 11 Dec, 99 ; Capt. 21 March, 05; Major 28 Jan., 08; Lt.-Colonel 4 June, 14; Colonel 22 July, 30 ; Major-General 23 Nov., 41 ; Lt. -General 11 Nov., 51. Present at taking of Platts- burg, Oswego (despatches), Lundy's Lane, Assault on Fort Erie (wounded). Served during Burmese war, 1824-26; was at capture of Rangoon. C.B. 1826. Colonel 37th 11 April, 51. ' See pages 27 and 28. * Appointed during Macdonell' s absence. § The right and left flank Companies of the Select Embodied Militia were by G.O. 12 April, 13, incorporated with the Light Infantry of the Line into two Light Battalions. Disembodied 25 Nov., 13. HThe First Battalion was formed at Kingston, U.C., and was composed of the two flank companies of the 2nd and 5th S.E.M., and the first flank company of the 3rd S.E.M. (G.O. 30 June, 13.) t The Second Battalion was formed at Chambly, and was made up of the two flank companies of the 1st and 4th S.E.M. , and the second flank company of the 3rd S.E.M. (G.O. 30 June, 13.) THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 117 * See 1st and 3rd Battlns., S.E.M., and Can. Chasseurs. « Lieut. 60th, 30 Dec., 1797 ; Capt. Can. Fencibles, 20 Aug., 03. ' Lieut. 103rd, 31 Dec, 07. * Ensign 15 Nov., 10; Lieut. 27 Nov., 11 ; Capt. 15 Aug., 17; went to h.p. 25 Aug., 17. "Capt. Le Couteur served during the whole war as Adjutant to De Haren, who commanded the Light Division under Vincent and DeRottenburg on the Niagara Frontier ; was at Sackett's Harbour, battle of Niagara, storming of Fort Erie, Cross Roads and many skirmishes with the Light Division." (Hart's Annual Army List.) ' Appointed Barrack Sergeant at Fort George, 7 April, 14. 10 Captain 1st 23 Nov., 15. To half-pay 25 April, 16. (La Milice d'^lite Incorpor^e.) 1st battalion select embodied militia, lower canada. § Headquarters — Pointe aux Trembles. Engagements : — Plattsburg, 31st July, 13. Chateauguay, 26th Oct., 13. ^ 1 Lt.-Colonel Louis de Salaberry, 25 May, 12. Retired 25 Oct., 12. - Thomas Pierre Joseph Taschereau, 24 Oct., 12. ^ Major A. L. Juchereau Duchesnay, 25 May, 12. Resigned 24 Sept., 12. Jacques Voyer, 25 Sept., 12. To 4th S.E.M. 26 Oct., 12. 'j^ Major (super) Pierre Laforce, 25 Sept., 12 ; en pied 26 Oct., 12. ^ J. W. Woolsey, 26 Oct., 12. Resigned 29 July, 13. •■* Adjutant Jean B. P. D'Estimauville, Jr., 25 May, 12. James Hinckes, 25 Mar., 13 — 25 Sept., 13. * John C. ReifFenstein, 21 Nov., 13. ^ Thomas Bird Ahern, 12 April, 14. Resigned 8 June,14. 20 Gray, 11 June, 14. Cancelled 1 Aug., 14. ^ ^ Andrew Christian Burke, late 100th, 1 Aug., 14. Philip Ryan (Ensign 10th), 9 Jan., 15. Quartermaster John Coates, 25 May, 12. Paymaster Major Jacques Voyer, 25 May, 12. Major Pierre Laforce, 25 Sept., 12. Major John William Woolsey, 26 Oct., 12. 'j^ Ensign John Jones, 6 Feb., 13. ^ ^ Surgeon Joseph Painchaud, 25 May, 12. Asst.-Surgeon Francois Fortier, 25 March, 13. Chaplain Messire Poulin de Courval, 25 May, 12. Captains Pierre Laforce, 25 May, 12. Promoted Super., Major. John William Woolsey, 25 May, 12. Promoted Super., Major. Bernard A. Panet, 25 May, 12. Promoted Major 29 July, 13. § Embodied 8 May, 12; disembodied at Quebec, March, 15. Isle d'Orleans furnished 191 men ; St. Valier, 440 ; 1st Division de Lotbiniere, 388 ; 2nd Division, 101 ; Nouvelle Beauce, 349 ; 4th Division, Quebec, 276 ; Cap Sante, 276 ; Beauport, 272 ; Baie St. Paul, 260 ; Kiver Quelle, 430 ; and Rimouski, 202. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 119 "jlV ^ Captains Pierre Bazin, 25 May, 12. ^ * Philippe Panet, 25 May. 12. ^ » John McKay, 25 May, 12. ^ Olivier F. de La Gororendiere, 25 May, 12. ' Jean B. Philippe D'Estimauville, Jr., 25 May, 12., Adju- tant. " Pierre Joseph Godfrey de Tonnancour, 25 March, 13. -^ Joseph Isaie Boudreau, 11 April, 14. From Can. Chasseurs. -^ Leon Bernard Leprohon, from Can. Chasseurs, 11 April, 14. ^* Lieutenants Stephen Samuel McKay, 25 May, 12. Captain 25 Sept., 12. '^ James Hinckes, Adjutant. Promoted Captain 25 Sept., 13. -5^ " Georcre Godfroy de Tonnancour, 25 May, 12. Promoted Captain. Joseph de Varennes,25 May, 12. Resigned 6 June, 12. Etienne de Varennes, 25 Ma}^ 12. Resigned 8 June, 12. Joseph Stephen McKav, 25 May, 12. ^ "3 George Finlay. 25 May, 12. Captain 26 Oct., 12. ^ Louis Gari^py, 25 May, 12. Captain 25 March, 13. ■^ Pierre Garneau, 25 May, 12. ^ '* Olivier Boudreau, 8 June, 12. Resigned 25 Sept., 12. •^ Laurent Rolette. Promoted Captain 7 March, 14. ■^ James Prendergast.from Can.Chasseur8,ll April,14. Pierre Perras, from 2nd S. E. M., 25 April, 14. ^ 15 Henry Beaulieu, 25 April, 14; from 4th S. E. M. ^ Peter Lukin, Jr., 25 April, 14 ; from 2nd S. E. M. •^ Ignace Bernier, 25 April. 14 ; from 4th S. E. M. ^ 1^ Jacques Lemoine Martigny, 25 April, 14 ; from Beauharnois S. M. Nicholas Brunet, 25 April, 14. Resigned 25 May, 14. -^ Jacques Raymond Baby, 26 May, 14. * John C. Reiffenstein, Adjutant. ^ Ensigns Jean Etienne Faribault, 25 May, 12. Lt. 6 June, 12 ; Capt. 29 July, 13. Louis Rolette, 25 May, 12. " Thomas Fortier. 25 May, 12. ^ Edouard Larue, 25 May, 12. Lieut. 25 Sept., 12. ^ Seraphin Primeau, 25 May, 12. Lieut. 26 Oct., 12. 120 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. i^ Ensigns Louis M^thot, 25 May, 12. Lieut. 29 July, 12. ^ Antoine Parent, 25 May, 12. ^ Augustine Mercure, 25 Mav, 12. •^ -2 Louis Olivier Faribault, 6 June, 12. Lt. 25 Mar., 13. John Charles D'Estimauville, 25 Sept., 12. To Volti. 25 Dec, 12. Pierre Durocher, 28 Oct., 12, ^ ^ Louis Eustache McKay. Lieut. 25 Mar., 13. ^ Francois Mount. Lieut. 25 March, 13. ^ 26 JqI^q Stephen Holt. Lieut. 25 Mar., 13. John Jones, Paymaster, Lieut. 25 Mar., 13. 21 Edouard Vignau, 25 Mar,, 13. Lt. 25 Nov., 13. ^ '■'' George Johnson, 25 Mar., 13. ^ ^ Andrew Christian Burke, 25 Mar., 13. Promoted Lieut. Felix Brunet, 25 Mar., 13, 1^ Christopher Dease, 25 Mar., 13. Resigned 25 Sept., 13. •^ ^ Charles Galarneau. Lieut. 25 Sept., 13. Louis Benjamin Gamelin, 29 July, 13. Res. 25 Nov., 13. ■^ Hyppolite Lusignan, Jr., 25 Sept., 13. Resigned 8 Apr., 14. J. L. Launiere, 26 Sept., 13. Did not join, •{^ ^ Francois Laurent, Jr. Lieut. 20 Nov., 13. ^ Janvier Paifer (James Payfer), 25 Nov., 13. Lieut. 23 May, 14. ^ Richard Pierre Sauvage, 25 Sept., 13. Lieut.24 May,14, -^ Pierre Paul Lacroix, 25 Nov., 13. Lieut. 25 May, 14. Jacob Graves, 25 Nov., 13. Jean Baptiste Bonenfant,7 Mar.,14, Resigned 8 Apr.,14. Thos. Ainsly Young, 8 Apr., 14. Andre Herigault, 8 Apr., 14. -{^ ^^ Pierre Bernard De Cousse, 25 April, 14, ^ Gregorie Ferre, 25 Apr., 14. ^ 26 Pierre Verrault, 23 May, 14. Edward Starnes, 24 May, 14. Did not join. John Connolly, 25 May, 14, Cancelled 22 Aug., 14. ^ Joseph Edge, 25 June, 14, ^ Henry Stubinger, 16 Jul}^ 14, J. A. Young. Resigned 16 July, 14. ^* Jean Baptiste Langelier. ^ C. H. Gauvreau. ^ Louis Carrier, THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 121 ^ Ignace Michel Louis Antoine d'lrumberry de Salaberry, father of CoL de Salaberry of the Voltigeurs. Served through the siege of St. John's, 17 Sept. — 3 Nov., 1775 ; twice wounded. Was at Saratoga, 16 Oct., 77. Went on h.p. 1788 Major R. C. V. 1793-02. Succeeded Lt.Col. Deschambault as Deputy-Superin! tendent Indians, Quebec Dist., 1801. M.L.C., 1817. Died 22 Mar., 28, aged 75. * See 4th S. E. M. ' Born 1783 ; died 17 Sept., 23. Capt. 1st Batt., Quebec Town. To 3rd S.E.M. 25 March, 13. See also 3rd Battln. and Can. Chasseurs. * See Staff Adjutants. ' Was at Fort Niagara, Black Rock, Chippawa ; resigned from 100th and went to L. C. His name in the Army List is given as "Bourke." He spells his name in Can. Archives, C. 700, p. 92, as "Andrew C. Burke." Died at Laprairie, 6 Sept., 28. s Surgeon 2nd Batt., Quebec Town. ' From Yamaska Division. Had been Ensign Carleton's Canadian Corps of 1775; Ensign R.C.V., '93 ; died at St. Anthony's Bay, L.C.,3 June, 20, in his 62nd year. ® Present at Chateauguay (medal and clasp.) ' Had been Ensign 60th. Died 30 June, 21, aged 56. Capt. J. F. McKay, Can. Voltigeurs, was his son. 1" Died 20 Nov., 13. " From Sed. Militia, Three Rivers ; became Lt.-Col. 3rd Battl'n, St. Maurice. Born 1788 ; died 1828. " Brother of Capt. de Tonnancour, A.A.G. Born 1792 ; died 1824. '' Died at Quebec, 19 Apr., 15. " Living in 1875. '^ Had been Sergt. -Major. ^® Had been Qr. -Master Sergeant. " From Beauharnois Sedentary Militia. ^* Cousin of Sir John Johnson. (Can. Archives, C. 703, p. 106.) •9 Had been a Sergeant. Died 20 Feb., 20. '" Sgt. -Major 2nd — 89th. Appointed Asst. Depty. Barrackmaster at Chambly and St. John's, 25 June, 14. " To Can. Chasseurs, 11 Apr., 14. " To Can. Fencibles 16 Nov., 13. Appointment cancelled 29 Nov., 13. To F.L.I. 25 Feb., 14. " Died at Quebec, 1 Jan., 31. " Present at Chateauguay (medal and clasp). Went to Can. Chasseurs, 11 April, 14. " Died at Quebec, 19 March, 24. ^^ Died 1 June, 25. 122 the lower canadian militia. 2nd BATTALI0N.§ Headquarters — Prairie de la Madelaine. Engagement : — Chateauguay, 26th Oct., 13. * Lt.-Colonel Jean Baptiste Hertel de Rouville, 25 May, 12. -5^ '« Major Pierre Ignace Malhiot, 25 May, 12. Lt.-Colonel 17 Oct.,12. Adjutant Lieut. Michel Curot, 25 May, 12. Captain 25 Mar., 13. '*' John Cameron, Can. Fencibles, 25 Marcli, 13. " John C. Reiffenstein, 25 May, 13. Quartermaster David Lukin, 25 May, 12 ; resigned 25 May, 12. -5^ Rene Boileau, 25 May, 12 ; resigned 15 Sept., 12. Louis Edouard Hubert, 15 Sept., 12; resigned 24 May, 14. ' Jean Baptiste Laviolette, 24 May, 14. Paymaster Lieut. Francois Rolland, 25 May, 12 ; resigned 10 Aug., 13. ^5^ * Ensign Peter Lukin, Jr., 11 Aug., 13. '* Major Benjamin Frobisher, 18 April, 15. ^ Surgeon Joseph Alexis Talham,25 May, 12 ; resigned 25 Sept.,12. ^5^ Jacques Labrie, 25 Sept., 12. ^ Asst. Surgeon Edouard Martineau, 25 March, 13. ^ ' Captains Pierre Rene Boucher de Labruere, 25 May, 12. 2nd Maj. 25 Mar., 13. ^ Pierre Weilbrenner, Sr., 25 May, 12. ^ Pierre Gris^, 25 May, 12. '® Louis J. de Beaujeu, 25 May, 12. Promoted Major 17 Oct., 12. ^^ Stephen McKay, 25 May, 12. ^5^ *^ Piedmont de La Bruyere,25May,12; resigned 25 Oct.,12. ^ * Philip Byrne, 25 May, 12; resigned 26 June, 13. ^ " H. Hatsall, 25 May, 12 ; resigned 25 March, 13. '^ Narcisse Faribault. ^ Lieutenants Francois Victoire Malhiot, 25 May, 12. Captain 23 Oct., 12. ^ Michel Curot, 25 May, 12. Captain 25 March, 13. ^ Francois Rolland, 25 May, 12. Promoted Captain. ^ Jean Bapte Jeremie Testard de Montigny, 25 May, 12. Captain 17 Oct., 12. § The 2ncl Battalion was supplied with men from the following Divisions : — St. Jean Port Joli, .356 ; St. Thomas, 219 ; IstBattln. Montreal, 137 ; 2ucl Battln. Montreal, 234; 3rd Battln. Montreal, 164; Pointe Claire, 292; Longue Pointe,169; Argenteuil, 77 ; Vaudreuil, 243 ; River du Chene, 143. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 123 ^ Lieutenants Guillaume Lamothe,25 Mav, 12. To Can. Chasseurs 11 Apr., 14. J. M. de Tonnancour, 25 May, 12. i^ '« William Porteous,25 May,12. Captain 25 March,13. ^ ''^ Alphonse Dumont,6 June,12. Captain 25 March, 13. ■^ ^ Gamelin Gaucher,6 June,12. Captain 25 March, 13. ■5^ ' Louis Bar beau dit Boisdore, 6 June, 12. Captain 25 April, 14. •^ Louis Edouard Hubert,15 Sept.,12. Quartermaster. ^ ^ Ensigns Jean Bapte Etienne Lavoilette, 25 May, 12 ; Lieut. 25 March, 13. ^ « Pierre Marass^, 25 May, 12 ; Lieut. 17 Oct., 12. -^ 3 Edouard Martial Leprohon, 25 May, 12. ^ Jean Francois Bouthillier, 25 May,12; Lieut. 26 Oct., 12. ^ Louis Edouard Kimber, 25 May,12; Lieut. 25 March, 13. 7 Philippe Vignau, 25 May, 12 ; Lieut. 25 March, 13. ^ Richard Grant, 25 May, 12 ; Lieut. 25 March, 13. Pierre Levesque, 25 May, 12. 8 Jean Barbeau, 17 Oct., 12; Lieut. 25 March, 13. Daniel de Hertel, 26 Oct., 12; to Voltigeurs, 10 Feb., 13. ■^ J. Peregrear (Perrigo). Lieut. 25 March, 13. ^ ' Frederick Eugene Globenski. Lieut. 25 March, 13. Pierre Perras from Voyrs, 25 March, 13 ; to 1st S.E.M. 25 Apr., 14. Peter Lukin, Jr., 25 March, 13 ; to 1st S.E.M. 25 Apr., 14. Gabriel Cotd, 25 March, 13 ; resigned 23 July, 13 ^ Antoine Grise, 25 March, 13 ; Lieut. 25 April, 14. ^ Alexis Campion, 25 March, 13 ; Lieut. 23 May, 14. 8 J. Wallace, 25 March, 13. ^ ^ J. Ryan, 25 March, 13 ; resigned 7 March, 14. -5^ Pierre E. Lafontaine,25 March, 13 ; Lieut. 24 May, 14. ^ Francois Mathurin, 25 Sept., 13. ^ Michel Gamelin Gaucher, 7 March, 14. William Levac, 25 April, 14. Henry Peter Penn, Jr., 25 April, 14. Michel Belotte Dostie, 23 May, 14. ^ ' Juste Melville, 25 May, 14. Pierre Weilbrenner, Jr., 26 May, 14. ^ Thomas Heywood, 27 May, 14. ^ John Kay, 28 May, 14. ^ Amable Lafontaine. ^ Louis Dufresne. 124 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. Ensigns James White. ^ '^ Philippe Globenski. ^ See also Chambly Division. * Died 17 January, 1815. ' Silver medal with Chateauguay clasp. * Resigned 26 June, 13, on account of ill-health, being then at Kingston, U.C. * Served also in Voltigeurs and Frontier Light Infantry. A letter in the Archives states that H. Hatsall resigned from this Battln, having been appointed to the New Brunswick Fencibles ; whilst another says he was made Quarter- master of De Watteville's. * Resigned 24 January, 15. ^ Resigned 25 February, 15. * Had been Sergeant-Major. ^ Had been Quartermaster-Sergeant. *" Sergeant Cameron, Can. Fencibles, was acting Adjutant 25 March, 13. " There is a conflict as to this officer's appointment. See Staff Adjutants, page 28, also 1st S.E.M., page 119. '^ The two Globenskis were sons of Dr. Auguste Globenski. ^^ Son of Samuel McKay, late Royal Americans (60th). Had been Ensign R.C.V., 1798-02. ^* Is this Francois de la Bruere-Piedmont, Ensign Royal Canadian Volunteers? '^ See 3rd Battln Three Rivers (North) ; afterwards a Prov. A. D. C. '^ Present at Chateauguay. '' Medal with clasp Chateauguay. Major Chambly Battln 23 Nov., 18. 18 Died 12 July, 25. 3rd battalion. § Headquarters — Berth ier. Engagements : — Chateauguay, 26th Oct., 13. Plattsburg, 6th— 11th Sept., 14. ^ ^ Lt.-Colonel Honble James Cuthbert, 25 May, 12 ; resigned 25 Sept., 13. ^ ^ Major C. Sabrevois de Bleury, 25 May, 12 ; resigned 18 Mar., 13. § This Battalion was supplied by drafts from the following Militia : — Isle Jesus, 234 men; Terrebonne, 113; Blainville, 93; L'Assomption, 234; La Valtrie, 168; Berthier, 232 ; St. Ours, 165 ; St. Hyacinthe, 202 ; Chambly, 164 ; Beloeuil, 72 ; and Boucherville, 240. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 125 ^ ^ Major Louis Gugy, 18 March, 13 ; Lt.-Colonel 25 Sept., 13. ^ * Major en-second Jean Bapt. P. D'Estimauville, Jr., 25 Mar., 13. ^^ Louis Dulongpre,Sr.,from Chasseurs,ll Apr., 14. '^ Adjutant Lieut. Charles Daly, 25 May, 12 ; promoted Captain. ^ ^ James Miller, 25 March, 13. ^ ^"^ John Cameron. ^ Quartermaster John Patrick O'Doherty, 25 May, 12 ; resigned 12 Jan., 13. ^ Isaac Phineas, 12 Jan., 13. ^ ^ Paymaster Francois Boucher, 25 May, 12 ; resigned 25 Jan., 14. ® Lieut. John Lobsen, 25 Jan., 14. -j^ ^ Surgeon Gustav Iserhoff', 25 May, 12 ; resigned 25 Sept., 12. Samuel Doty, 25 Sept., 12. Asst. Surgeon J. Francois Lionnais, 25 March, 13. ^ Captains J. B. Poulin de Courval, 25 May, 12 ; resigned 25 March, 13. ^ * T^orbert Benjamin Doucet, 25 May, 12; promoted Mfijor-en-second 25 Sept., 13. ^ ^^ Joseph St. Valier Mailloux, 25 May, 12; to Frontier L. L 12 July, 13. -5^ Charles Lemaitre Auge,25 May,12; resigned 25 Mar., 13. Antoine St. Louis, Sr., 25 May,12 ; resigned 25 Mar., 13. ^ Pierre Vezina. 25 May, 12. ^ 24 Joseph Vignau, 25 March, 13. ^ 21 Joseph Shuter, 25 March, 13. ^* Joseph Richardson, 12 July, 13 ; from Frontier L. I. John Gray, from Chasseurs, 11 April, 14. "5^ Timothee Chalon. ■^ Lieutenants Antoine Bazin, 25 May, 12 ; Captain 25 March, 13. ^ Etienne Renvoyze,25 May, 12; Captain 25 March, 13. ^ '^ John Frederick Dame, 25 May, 12; Captain 25 March, 13. ^ '" Francois Dezery, 25 May, 12 ; promoted Captain. ^ »« Charles Daly, 25 May, 12 ; Captain 25 March, 13; Bvt.-Major 7 Feb., 15. J. Loiseau Chalon, 25 May, 12 ; Captain 25 Sept., 13. ^ John Cochrane Antrobus, 25 July, 12; promoted Captain. -5^ Charles Chevalier de Tonnancour, 25 March, 13 ; promoted Captain. 2' Francis McCanty, from Can. Chasseurs, 25 April, 14. "5^ " John Cameron, Adjutant. 126 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. ^ Ensigns Petrus Noiseaux, 25 May, 12 ; Lieut. 25 Mar., 13 ; Capt. 28 Sept., 13. ^ "^^ Benjamin Schiller, 25 May; 12 ; Lieut. 25 March, 13. ^ " Eustache AntoineLefebvrede Bellefeuille,25 March,13; Captain 12 April, 14. 'j^ Joseph Leblanc, 25 May, 12 ; Lt. 25 March, 13 ; pro- moted Captain. ^ Hercule Olivier, 25 May, 12 ; Lt. 25 March, 13 ; pro- moted Captain. ^ William Aird, 25 May, 12 : Lt. 25 Mar., 13 ; Captain 8 Oct., 13. ^ '^ John McGillivray, 25 May, 12 ; Lieut. 25 March, 13. -j^ ^' Joachim Tellier, 25 March, 13 ; Lieut. 25 Sept., 13. ^ 12 George Homrick, (?Homery), 25 March, 13 ; Lieut. 26 Sept., 13. ■{^ '2 Ambroise Marchand, 25 March, 13; Lieut. 27 Sept., 13. '^ Toussaint H. Goddu, 25 March, 13 ; Lieut. 28 Sept., 13. ^ Adolphus Dame, 25 March, 13 ; Lieut. 28 Sept., 13. Louis Charles de Belief euille, 25 March, 13 ; resigned 12 June, 13. Benjamin Kimber, 25 March, 13; died 30 Aug., 13. i:x Henry Harwood, 25 March, 13. ^ Alexis Leblanc, 12 June, 13. "j^ Leon Lemaire dit St. Germain, 30 Aug., 13. Promoted Lt. ^ James M. Prior, Jr., 25 Sept., 13 ; resigned 25 Nov., 13. 1' Andre Terrier, 28 Sept., 13. ^ '^ Michel Roy, 8 Oct., 13. James GrifRn, 9 Oct., 13. ^ 12 Antoine Lemaitre Auge, 25 Nov., 13. ^ '^ William John Dumont, 9 April, 14 ; resigned 10 Feb., 15. -j^ Thomas Aubert de Gaspe. ^ Hyppolite Grandpre. ■^ Janvier Kimber. ^ Joseph Larue. ^ Hyacinthe St. Germain. ^ Edw^ard Starnes. ^ Pierre Guy. ^ John Howard Willis, 10 Feb., 15. 2° Peter Lukin, Jr. ^ Antoine St. Louis, Jr. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 127 1 A Member of Assembly for many years. Legislative Covmcillor, 1811. Was an Ensign, 60th, in 1797. Died at Berthier, 5 March, 49, aged 80. " Had been Captain Royal Canadian Volunteers, 1793-02. * Son of Colonel Barthelem Gugy, Sonnenberg Regt., Chevalier Military Order of Merit ; born at Paris ; died at Montreal, 17 July, 40, aged 70. Had been Ensign in his father's Regt. Member of Legislative Council, 1818. His two sons, Barth, C. A., and Thoma^, served during the war as Lieut. Can. Fencibles and Ensign Glengarry L.I., respectively. * To Can. Chasseurs, 11 April, 14. See also 1st S.E.M. * Medal with clasp Chateauguay. Grandfather of Capt. EmileDoucet, A.D.C. to General Middleton in 1885. •* Had been Sergeant Major 1st (Royal Scots). ' Born 1778, died 1861, being the last surviving officer of the Royal Canadian Volunteers. * Was appointed from Barrackmaster at Three Rivers. " Had been Surgeon in de Rhetz Regt., Brunswick Troops, 1783. '" Served on the gunboats on Lake Champlain. Present at Chateaviguay (wounded), medal with clasp. " Had been Sergeant-Major. ^' Had been Sergeant. '■^ "Son of the Captain William Dumont, who served under Burgoyne and died in Upper Canada some years ago." (Can. Archives). '* Captains Mailloux and Richardson exchanged 12 July, 13. Captain Rich- ardson resigned 8 Oct., 13. '^ Resigned 12 April, 14. '* Transferred to Can. Chasseurs, 11 April, 14. " See 2nd Battalion, S.E.M. '* Medal with clasp "Chateauguay." Promoted Captain ,25 Mar., 13, and Brevet-Major 7 Feb., 15. '* Had been Sergeant. Present at Chateauguay, medal and clasp. ■■^° These gentlemen were recommended for appointment as Ensigns on 21 March, 13. St. Louis had been "Sergeant and Volunteer." " See 5th Battln. ; also Can. Chasseurs. This name frequently appears as "McCarthy." ^^ Retired with rank of Lt. -Colonel, in recognition of his faithful services, 30 Aug., 28. " Major 1st York, L.C. Asst, Adjt.-General,2 Apr., 28 Lt. -Colonel 3 Apr., 28. " Medal with clasp Chateauguay. 128 the lower canadian militia. 4th battalion. § Headquarters — St. Thomas. Engagements : — * Lt.-Colonel Thomas Pierre Joseph Taschereau, 25 May, 12; to 1st S.E.M., 24 Oct., 12. ^ Jacques Voyer, from 1st S.E.M., 26 Oct., 12. ^ 2 Major Louis Duniere, 25 May, 12. ^ ^ en -second 3 ose-ph. Francois A. Perrault; from Volti. 25 Mar., 13. * Adjutant Lieut. Robert Tanswell, 25 May, 12. ^ Joachim Primeau, 8 July, 12. George Stewart, 14 Feb., 13. Quartermaster Jean Masse, 25 May, 12 ; resigned 26 Oct., 12. ^ John McLean, 26 Oct., 12 ; resigned 25 June, 14. 5 Louis Fromenteau, 25 June, 14. ^ Paymaster Henry Cowan, 25 May, 12. Bvt.-Captain 25 Mar., 13. -(^ Surgeon Gaspard Couillard, 25 May, 12 ; resigned 19 Jan., 13. -^ Rene Kimber, 19 Jan., 13. Asst.-Surgeon Joseph McAlHster, from S.E. 25 June, 13. Chaplain Messire Noel, 25 June, 12. ^ '^ Captains Jean Baptiste Larue, 25 May, 12. ^ Charles Huot, 25 May, 12. ^ Louis Boucher, 25 May, 12. Charles Tache, 25 May, 12 ; to Volt'r. 11 Apr., 14. -^ Pierre de Boucherville, 1 Aug., 12. Francos Verrault, 2 Aug., 12 ; did not join. William Johnson, from Que., Vols, 26 Jan., 13 ; resigned 26 Jan., 13. Joseph McGillivray, late Voyageurs, 25 Mar., 13. Joseph Carmel, 25 Mar., 13. Jacques Clem(?nt Herse, from Voltigeurs, 11 Apr., 14. ^ Lieutenants J. Gaspard Boisseau, 25 May, 12 ; Capt. 8 Sept., 13. ^ Edward Pratt, 25 May, 12 ; Capt. 25 Mar., 13. Joseph Blanchet, 25 May, 12 ; Capt. 25 June, 14. ^ * Robert Tanswell, 25 May, 12. § The 4th Battalion was formed from the following drafts : — Beauharnois, 103 men ; L' Acadie, 99 ; St. Denis, 144 ; Vercheres, 101 ; Three Rivers, 323 ; St. Anne, 169 ; River-du-Loup, 178; Yamaska, 280 ; Nicolet, 186 ; and Becancour, 216. Its Flank Companies were attached to the Canadian Voltigeurs, 3 Aug., 13. (Can. Archives, M., 195, C.) THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 129 ■^ Lieutenants Henry Cowan, 25 May, 12. Paymaster. -{a^ Antoine Joliette, 2 Au^., 12, ^ Robert Christie, 26 Jan., 13 ; promoted Captain. 'j^ Remi Quirouet, from Que. Vols., 26 Jan., 18. -j^ Joachim Primeau, 15 Feb., 13; resigned 25 Sept., 13. Felix Brugiere, 25 Aug., 13. ^ David Lukin. Jr., 25 Aug., 13. J. L. Noreau, from Can. Chasseurs, 11 Apr., 14; resigned 24 May, 14. Philippe Leprohon, from Can. Chasseurs, 11 Apr., 14. ^ Ensigns Pierre de Tonnaneour, 25 May, 12. Lt. 25 Mar., 13. " Francois Xavier Pare, 25 May, 12. Lt. 25 Mar., 13. 1^ Charles Fournier, 25 May, 12. Lt. 8 Sept., 12 ; Capt. 25 Aug., 13. ^ Jacques Langevin, 25 May, 12. Hugh McQuarters,12 Feb.,13; to Frontier L.I. 25 Aug.,13. '' Louis B. Pinguet, 1 Aug., 12. Lieut. 25 Mar., 13. ^ Peter Sheppard. Lieut. 25 Mar., 13. ^ ^ Pierre Bouchard. Lieut. 25 Mar., 13; to C.C. 11 Apr., 14. ^ Robert Moorhead. Lieut. 25 Mar., 13. Gagnon. Lieut. 25 Aug., 13. -^ Charles Law, Jr. Lieut. 26 Aug., 13. 5 John Miller. Lieut. 25 Sept., 13. ^ Pierre Joseph Cresse. Lieut. 25 Nov., 13. •§ Germain Feluet, 25 Mar., 13. Lieut. 25 June, 14. Henry Beaulieu, 25 Mar., 13; to 1st S.E.M. 25 Apr., 14. ^ Ignace Bernier, 25 Mar., 13 ; to 1st S.E.M. 25 Apr., 14. 1^ '" Peter Pratt, 25 Mar., 13 ; Lieut. 25 May, 14. Joseph Voyer, 25 Nov., 13. "j^ Luc Vigneau, 9 April, 14. ^ Thomas Kimber, 25 April, 14. ^ 11 Nicholas Bourgon, 25 Apr., 14. ^ " Joseph Dumas, 25 April, 14. '^ Joseph Poutre Lavigne, 25 Apr., 14. * Francos Blondin, 25 Apr., 14. Besserer. Promoted Lieut. A. Poutre ; resigned in Feb., 14. ^^ Francois Brugiere. ^* Joseph * From Ste. Marie de Beauce Division. Born at Quebec, 1775. Ensign R.C.V. 1797-02 ; M. Leg. C. 1818. Died 6 Oct., 1826. '' From St. Thomas Division. Died at Pointe-du-Lac, 29 Aug., 28, aged 74. 130 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. * The Flank Companies of the 4th, under Major Perrault, were attached to the Voltigeurs 3 Aug., 13. (Can. Archives, M. 195, C.) * Dismissed 25 Nov., 13 ; reinstated 17 Dec, 13. ^ Had been Quartermaster Royal Can. Volunteers, 1793-02. * To Can. Chasseurs, 11 April, 14. ' Present at Chateauguay. * Had been Sergeant. * Had been 1st Clerk in Q.M.G.'s Department. •" Had been a Volunteer and Sergeant in Can. Chasseurs. " Had been Qr. -Mr. -Sergeant. " Had been Sergt. -Major. " Appointed Ensign New Brunswick Fencibles, 25 Mar., 14. " Transferred to Militia Artillery, 9 April, 14. ^* From Lieut. 1st Battln Quebec City. Major 4th Battln County and City (Quebec), 3 Aug., 30. 5th battalion. § Engagements : — ^ ' Lt.-Colonel Patrick Murray, 21 Sept., 12. ■^ ^ Major Louis Guy. 'j^ ^ Adjutant Lieut. Augustin Cuvillier. ^ 2" Lieut. Edward Cartwright (Lieut. 41st). 25 March, 13 ; resigned 13 Oct., 13. " Ensign John Scott, 13 Oct., 13. Quartermaster William Metchler. ^ Paymaster Thomas Andrew Turner; resigned 25 Jan., 14. ■^ Jacques Antoine Cartier, 25 Jan., 14. Surgeon George Selby, Jr. ^ * Joseph Farnden (Asst. Surgeon 70th.) Asst.-Surgeon J. Baptiste Herigault. Captains Louis Dulongpre, Sr. ; M.a}or-en-second 25 Sept., 13. ^ ^ John Gray. To Can. Chasseurs 11 April, 14. ■^ Janvier Domtail Lacroix ; resigned 16 March, 13. ^ ^ Antoine Louis L^vesque. To Staff 22 May, 12. ^ " P. Dominique Debartzch. ^5^ Francois Auguste Quesnel. § Embodied by G.O., 21 Sept., 12. This corps became to be known as "The Devil's Own." As the results of some special inspections and reports the regiment was reorganized as the "Canadian Chasseurs," and the name "5th Battalion" abolished. See footnote to Canadian Chasseurs, page 133. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 131 ^ ^ Captains Joseph Louis Papineau, Jr. To Staff 15 Dec, 13. -j^ J. R. Rolland ; resigned 17 March, 13. ^ William MacKay, late Voyageurs, 16 March, 13. ■^ Francois X. Bender. •^ Joseph La Rochelle. ■^ Lieutenants Augustin Cuvillier. Captain 17 March,13 ; resigned 9 Apr., 14. ^ ^ Francois X. Larocque. Capt. 13 Mar., 13 ; to Chasseurs 11 Apr., 14. John Molson, Sr. Captain 25 March, 13 ; resigned 25 Nov., 13. •^ Louis Michel Viger. Louis Bernard Leprohon. Captain 25 Sept., 13. r^ '" WilHam Berczy. Captain 26 Sept., 13; to Chasseurs, 11 Apr., 14. -^ Charles Levasseur. Captain 25 Nov., 13; to Chasseurs 11 Apr., 14. *^ Walter Davidson. * Pierre Antoine Meru Panet. ^ Ensign Charles Bradford, 28 Oct., 12 ; to Chasseurs 11 April, 14. Thomas Turner. Lieut. 25 Mar., 13 ; to Chasseurs 11 April, 14. J. L. Noreau. Lieut. 13 Mar., 13. ^ '3 Etienne Paschal Tache, 17 March, 13 ; Lieut. 26 Nov., 13. ^ '2 Lq^Js F Dufresne. Lieut. 25 March, 13. John H. Powell. Lieut. 25 March, 13 ; to Chasseurs 11 April, 14. " Francis McCanty, 25 March, 13 ; Lieut. 27 Nov., 13. 22 John M. North Carter, 25 March, 13. ^* Joseph Herman, 25 March, 13. -j^ '' John Scott, 25 March, 13. -^ '« L. C. Philippe Leprohon, 25 March, 13 ; Lieut. 26 Nov., 13. Patrick Adhemar,25 March, 13 ; to Chasseurs, 11 Apr., 14. ^^ Pierre Rototte, Jr., 25 March, 13, from Voyageurs ; Lieut. 25 Sept., 13. Louis Dulongpre,Jr.,25 Sept., 13; to Chasseurs 11 Apr.,14. ^ William Morin, 25 Nov., 13; to Chasseurs 11 April, 14. ^ '^ Antoine Lemaire dit St. Germain ; to Chasseurs 11 April, 14. ^^ James Prendergast. Lieut. 13 March, 13 ; to Chasseurs 11 April, 14. Jacques Antoine Cartier. Lieut. 25 March, 13 ; to Chasseui's 11 April, 14. 132 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. ^ Ensign John Henry Power. •^ James Wildgoose. Lieut. 26 Sept., 13 ; to Chasseurs 11 April, 14. ■5^ Louis Pierre Coutlee. ' Major 60th 6 Oct., 1784. Died at Montreal, 1823. ^ Born at Montreal, 23 June, 1768; afterwards a Legislative Councillor. Died at Montreal, 17 Feb., 50. * Medal with Chateauguay clasp. * Asst. Surgeon 70th 12 May, 14. Died at Kingston, U. C, 11 April, 43. ^ Acting Assistant Engineer at Coteau-du-Lac. (G. O., March, 13.) * Present at Chateauguay. ' The celebrated Papineau. * Captain William MacKay, 5th Battalion, to the command of the Michigan Fencibles, from 25 Jan., 14. (G. O., 5 March, 14.) ® Drowned at the Cedars, 13 May, 13. *" Acting Asst. Adjutant-General at Montreal, 20 July, 13. Medal with Chateauguay. " Appointed Ensign Can. Fencibles, 12 Nov., 13. To half-pay 24 Aug., 16. '' Appointed Ensign Can. Fencibles, 13 Nov., 13. Medal with clasp Chateau- guay. To half-pay 24 Aug., 16. " Born 1795. Was at Plattsburg and Chateauguay, medal with clasp. For his account of this campaign see Quebec Literary and Historical Society's Eeport, 1877-78, page 14. Went to Can. Chasseurs 11 April, 14. Knighted 13 Nov., 1858. A.D.C. to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, 13 July, 1860. Minister of Mihtia, 1864. Author of La Guerre de 1812 a 1815, under the name of "UnTemoin Oculaire" ; also, "Some Reflexions Upon the Organization of the Volunteer and Militia of this Province, by a Veteran of 1812." Died 30 July, 1865. " Had been Sergeant Major in DeWatteville's. '^ Had been Sergeant. '* Living in 1875. " Medal with clasp Chateauguay. Went to Can. Chasseurs 11 April, 14. ** Had been Sergeant. ^* See Canadian Voltigeurs. *° See Corps of Voyageurs. '' This name also appears as "McCarthy." See also 3rd Battln. " Captain 3rd Battln. Richelieu, 25 June, 30. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 133 CANADIAN CHASSEURS. §1[ Engatrements: — Plattshurg, 6th-llth Sept., 14. ' Lt.-Colonel Charles de Salaberry, 12 March, 14. ^ 2 Honble Gerald de Courcy (Major 70th), 25 Mar., 14. Major Louis Dulongpre, Sr. To 3rd S. E. M. 11 April, 14. ^ Jean Baptiste Philippe D'Estimauville, Jr.,from 3rd S.E.M. 11 Apr., 14. Thomas Powell (Capt. G.L.I.), acting, 25 Feb., 15. * Adjutant Lieut. Jean de Hertel (Ensign Can. Fenc.,) 11 Apr., 14. ^ 5 William Blondheim, 25 April, 14. Lieut. 10 Feb., 15. Quartermaster William Metchler. Resigned 10 Feb., 15. ^ Patrick Adh^mar. Paymaster Surgeon Toussaint C. Trudeau, from Voltigeurs, 25 April, 14. ^ Joseph Farnden ( Asst. Surgeon 70th), acting, 9 Nov., 14. Captains Francois X. Larocque, from 5th, 11 April, 14; resigned 10 Feb., 15. William Lamothe, from 2nd S. E. M., 11 April, 14. ^ William Berczy, from 5th, 11 April, 14. Charles Levasseur, from 5th, 11 April, 14 ; resigned 12 Apr., 14. Leon Bernard Leprohon, 11 April, 14; to 1st S. E. M. 11 Apr., 14. ^ Stephen Samuel McKay, from 1st S.E.M. 11 April, 14. John Gray, from 5th, 11 April, 14; to 3rd S. E. M. 11 April, 14. John McGillivray, from 3rd S. E. M., 11 April, 14. Toussaint Terri^re. §His Excellency * * * has received from Major-General De Eottenburg his confidential report upon the inspection of the 5th Battalion ; is pleased in conse- quence to order that this Battalion be reorganized to act as a Light Infantry- Corps to consist of 6 Companies, and is to be brigaded with the Canadian Volti- geurs and the Frontier Light Infantry, the whole under the superintendence of Lt.-Colonel de Salaberry, who is appointed to act as an Inspecting Field Officer of MiUtia Infantry. G. 0., 12 March, 14. The Corps of Canadian Chasseurs, to be completed to 500 effectives and drafts be made from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Battlns, S. E. M., of 120 men each. G. O., 11 April, 14. IT This Kegiment should not be confounded with the "Chasseurs Britanniques," a foreign regiment in the British service, 1801-15, which served as marines on the "Ramillies" off the American coast, and referred to in "Kingsford's History of Canada (Vol. VIII., p. 419), and Lucas' Canadian War of 1812 (p. 149) as the "Canadian Chasseurs." \ 134 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. First Lieuts. J. L. Noreau, from 5th, 11 April, 14 ; to 4th S.E.M. 11 April, 14. ^ Francois Xavier Pare, from 4th S. E. M. ; Captain 10 Feb., 15. Jacques Antoine Cartier, from 5th, 11 April, 14. L. C. Philippe Leprohon, from 5th, 11 April, 14 ; to 4th S. E. M. 11 Apr., 14. Pierre Bouchard, from 4th S. E. M. 11 April, 14. Francis McCanty, from 5th, 11 April, 14 ; to 3rd S. E. M. 11 April, 14. Etienne Antoine L. de Bellefeuille, from 3rd S.E.M. 11 April, 14. James Prendergast, from 5th, 11 April, 14. -^ John H. Powell, from 5th ; Captain 25 April, 14. Charles Bradford, from 5th. ^ Pierre Rototte, Jr., from 5th. James Wildgoose, from 5th; resigned 24 April, 14. Etienne Paschal Tache, from 5th. Edouard Vignau, from 1st S. E. M. 21 April, 14. Second Lieuts. John M. North Carter, from 5th ; 1st Lieut. 25 April, 14. "5^ John Scott, from 5th ; 1st Lieut. 25 April, 14. William Morin, from 5th ; 1st Lieut. 10 Feb., 15. Antoine Lemaire dit St. Germain, from 5th ; Lieut. 26 April, 14. Louis Dulongpre, Jr., from 5th ; Lieut. 23 May, 14. ^ Louis Charles Provendier, from Voltigeurs, 1 1 April, 14. 'j^^ Patrick Adhemar, from 5th, 11 Apr., 14; Lieut. 10 Feb., 15. ^ Duncan McDonald, 24 May, 14. ^ Philip Adolphus Barker, 26 June, 14. ^ 5 William Blondheim,25 April,14; Lieut. 10 Feb.,15. Thomas Turner, from 5th, ^ See Canadian Voltigeurs. * Third son of the 26th Lord Kingsale, Baron Courcy. Capt. 70th 24 July, 04 ; Major 4 June, 13 ; Bvt. Lt.-Colonel 25 Nov., 14 ; Major 8th 14 March, 16. Died 1848. ' Ensign K.C.V. 1797; Adjutant 1801; Captain and Adjutant 1st S.E.M., 25 May, 12 ; to 3rd S. E. M. in 1813 ; Major Can. Chasseurs in 1814; second in com- mand of Light Infantry Battalion, under Lt.-Col. Geo. R. J. Macdonell ; was at Chateauguay and Plattsburg. * Ensign Can. Fencibles 12 Dec, 11 ; Lieut. 12 Nov., 13. Died at Montreal 12 Feb., 22. ' The Lower Canadian Crown Land Grant gives his name and rank as "Henry THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 135 Blondheim, Lieut, and Adjutant of 5th S.E.M.," whilst the Upper Canadian Grant is to "Henry Blondheim, of the Town of Perth, Sergeant-MajorDeMeuron'g Regiment during the late war." 6th BATTALION— QUEBEC EMBODIED MILITIA. § Lt.-Colonel Commandant Felix Tetu, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ 3 Major Honble John Mure, 3rd Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ Adjutant Joseph Gary, 3rd Q. T., 20 March, 13. Smith (Sgt. 103rd), 12 April, 13. Quartermaster Pierre Romaine, 20 March, 13, to 20 March, 13. ^ Antoine Parent, 20 March, 13. ' Paymaster Thomas Douglass, 20 March, 13. 'j^ ^ Surgeon Marc Paschal De Sales LaTerriere, 20 March, 13. -^ Asst.-Surgeon Augustin Mercier. Captains John Jones, 3rd Q. T.. 20 March, 13. ^ Michel Berthelot, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13. -j^ George Pyke, 3rd Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ George Symes, 3rd Q. T., 20 March, 13. Gilbert Ainslie, 3rd Q. T., 20 March, 13 ; did not join. « Francois Xavier Pinguet, 1st Q. T., 20 March, 13 ; resigned 22 April, 13. Thomas Lee, 1st Q.T.,20 March, 13 ; resigned in Mar., 14. ^ Jean Belanger, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13. -j^ Louis Plamondon, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, L3. Louis Delamere, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13 ; resigned in March 14. George Vanfelson, 1st Q. T., 20 March, 13. " Claude Den^chaud, 1st Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ Gaspard Massue — Q. T. ^ Lieutenants Louis Theodore Besserer, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13 ; Capt. 25 Sept., 13. ^ George B. Faribault, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ Pierre Bruneau, Jr., 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13 ; Capt. 22nd Sept., 13. ^ Joseph Languedoc, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13; resigned 24 July, 14. § This Corps did garrison duty at Quebec, commencing 25 Feb., 13. "An Em- bodied Militia Battalion, to be formed out of the 3 Battalions of the Quebec Militia, to do permanent duty. The establishment to be 1 Lt.-Colonel Com- mandant, 1 Major, 10 Captains, 12 Lieutenants, 8 Ensigns, 1 Paymaster, 1 Adju- tant, 1 Quartermaster, 1 Sgt.-Major, 1 Qr.-Mr. Sgt., 30 Sergeants, 600 men." G.O., 18 Feb., 13. Reduced to 8 Companies, 24 Mar., 14. The 6th Battalion was dis- embodied at Quebec, 4 Sept., 14. 186 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. ^ Lieutenants Henri Lemoine, 1st Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ Pierre Romaine, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ Francois B^langer, 1st Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ Paul Vallee, 1st Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ Louis Abraliam Lagueux, 1st Q. T., 20 March, 13. * Robert Dunn, 8rd Q. T., 20 March, 13. Daniel Grant, 8rd Q. T., 20 March, 13. Francois Languedoc, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ James Mitchell, 3rd Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ William H. Lemoine. * Ensigns William Andrew Cochran, 3rd Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ ^ Narcisse Faribault, 1st Q. T., 20 March, 13. Charles H. Gauvreau, Ist Q. T., 20 March, 13. ^ Hyppolite Rolette, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13 ; Lieut. 25 Sept., 18. ^ Pierre Chauveau, 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13 ; resigned 24 May, 14. ^ Henry Black, 3rd Q. T., 20 March, 13 ; resigned 16 July, 14. ^ Joseph Martin Chinic, Jr., 2nd Q. T., 20 March, 13 ; resigned in March, 14. John Fletcher, 1st Q. T., 20 March, 13 ; to 1st Que. Sed. 28 June, 13. ^ Webb Robinson, 25 March, 13 ; dismissed 23 May, 14. ^ Duncan Cameron McDonald, 10 Aug., 13. ^ ^ C. David Besserer, 25 Sept., 18 ; promoted Lieutenant. 7 James White, 13 Oct., 13. * Was Clerk in Governor- General's Ofllce, Quebec. Also Sgt. -Major Can. Light Dragoons. ' Was Member for Quebec City, 1825-29 ; and for Saguenay, 1830-34. Member Leg. Council, 1832. ' Was Assistant Secretary Governor-General's Office, Quebec. * See Governor-General's Staff, page 1. ^ There was also a Captain Narcisse Faribault, 2nd S.E.M. ^ Had been a Sergeant. ' James White had also been in 2nd S.E.M. * Son of Lieut. Chas. Pinguet de Vaucour, who served in the Canadian Militia during blockade of Quebec, 1775-76. His two brothers,- — Louis Bazile, was Asst. Ad jt. -General, and Charles Casimir, Lieut., in Canadian Fencibles. Born at Quebec, 1778 ; died 24 Dec, 20. ' Member Executive Council, 1812. Died 17 Jan., 23. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 137 7th BATTALION— sedentary EMBODIED MILITIA. § (De Chambault's Militia.) Colonel Commandant F. De Chambault. Lt.-Colonel Michel Turgeon. Major H. McKenzie. J. M. Mondelet. Adjutant Edward J. Mann. Jacob Graves. Quartermaster Daniel O'Sullivan. Thomas Hunter. Paymaster Augustin Berthelot. ^ Surgeon Robert Nelson. Captains Joseph B. Turgeon. Jacques Archambault. Hyacinthe St. Germain, Sr. Joseph Mailloux. ^ ^ Barthelemi Joliette. Joseph F. Lacroix. ^ 2 Maxime Olivier. James Brown. Charles Porteous. John Sant'ord. Emmanuel Vidrefaire (? Vidreguer). Lieutenants Francois Gignon. Charles Turgeon. John Chesser. •{:x ' Pierre P. de Lanaudiere. Ignace Robitaille. Charles Olivier. ^5^ * Phineas Hutchins. George Graves. Henry Pierre, Jr. Louis Dulongpre, Jr. Ensigns John Kay. Henry Chapman. Joseph Masson. Amable Prevost. Edward Starnes. Michel B. Dostie. -^ ^ Paul Edouard Daveluy. § Disembodied by G. O., 17 Nov., 13, 138 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. Ensigns Pierre Lacaase. Charles Grant. Hyacinthe St. Germain, Jr. ' Received land grant as a Captain in Sedentary Militia. Was atChateauguay. Lt. -Colonel 2nd Battln, Berthier, 17 June, 30. ' Received land grant as a Captain, 6th Battalion. See LaValtrie Division. ' Received his land grant as a Lieutenant in De Chambault's Militia. Died at Montreal, 20 Jan., 24, aged 29. * Received his land grant as a Lieutenant in 2nd Sedentary Militia, Argenteuil. * Member for Montreal, 1827-30. 8th battalion. § (division of three rivers.) Lt.-Colonel Thomas Coffin. ^ Lt.-Colonel Pierre Amable de Boucherville, Prov. A.D.C. Major Adjutant J. Vonlingen (? Voligny) (acting). William Anderson. Quartermaster L. Fromenteau. Paymaster Charles R. Ogden. Captains Stephen McKay, acting 1st Major. P. J. Heron. de Normanville. M. H. Bellerose. Antoine St. Louis. E. Mayrand. - Pierre Vezina. Modeste Prat. Louis Gugy. Antoine Poulin de Courval. Amable Berthelot. Joseph B. Badeaux. Lieutenants Hugh Eraser. William Anderson. Pierre Joseph Cresse. Afterwards in -ith S.E.M. Pierre Gouin. § The Battalion numeral is taken from a reply to an address presented to Colonel de Boucherville on the Corps being released from service, 28 Nov., 13. (Montreal Gazette, 30 March, 13). The Battalion was disembodied on 30 Nov., 13, (G.O., 17 Nov.,) being relieved by the Glengarry Light Infantry. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 139 Charles Gordon. Gonzague Eno. Joseph Louval. Ezekiel Hart. Louis Duchesny. Joseph Godefroy de Tonnancour. John Munro. ^ Ensigns David Grant. H. Atkinson. ' William Hardie. Julien Duinoulin. A. Lemaitre Auge. Bazile Doucet. ' Laurent Baron. Charles Fortier. Pierre Fortier. Philip Burns. Olivier Kimber. * Had been Ensign 2ncl Royal Canadian Volunteers. Died Nov., 57, aged 77. See also Governor's Staff, page 1. ' Had been Sgt. -Major. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC QUEBEC VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. § ^ Captain Matthew Bell, 24 April, 12. Bvt.-Major 4 May, 13. ^ Lieutenant Edward Hale, 24 April, 12. Captain 25 Jan., 15. Cornet William Sheppard, 24 April, 12. Lieut. 25 Jan., 15. Hammond Gowen, 25 Jan., 15. ^ Quartermaster Anthony Anderson, 3rd Quebec Battln. ^ Benjamin Racey, from Ste. Marie Nouvelle Beauce Battln. * Retired January, 1815. Member Three Rivers, 1809-14. Member Leg. Coun- cil, 1823. Lt. -Colonel 1st Battln St. Maurice, 12 June, 30. Died at Three Rivers, 24 June, 49. * Son of Deputy Paymaster-General Hale. Major 2nd Battln, Portneuf, 8 April, 30. ' Died of Cholera at Matane, 23 June, 32. DORCHESTER PROVINCIAL LIGHT DRAGOONS.** ^ ' Captain William Watson. ^ Lieutenant Vital Bourassa, Sr. Died at St. John's, L.C., 5 Sept., 32, aged 42. § Authorized by G. O., 22 April, 12, and attached to 3rd Quebec Battln, under Lt.-Col. Burns. Became an independent corps, 27 July, 12. "Major-General Glasgow returns his thanks to Major Bell and the Quebec Cavalry under his command for their steady and soldier-like conduct during the time they have assisted as volunteers in the duties of the garrison, which the late augmentation of the troops enables him to dispense vrith for the present." M.G.O., 1 Aug., 13. ♦♦Embodied 25 March, 13 ; disbanded 1 March, 15. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 141 DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) 1st BATTALION— city OF QUEBEC AND BANLIEUE. § * Colonel Commandant Jean Baptiste LeComte Duprd *^ Lt.-Colonel Joseph Francois Perrault. Majors Barthelemi Faribault. 2 Charles ChaussegrosdeLery,9 Apr.,12; to Staff 28 May,12. Augustin Germain, 3 Aug., 12. * Jean Baptiste Corbin, 4 Aug., 12. Adjutant Ensign Pierre DeGuise, 20 July, 12. Quartermaster Lieut. Francois Romaine, 7 Aug., 12. * Surgeon Pierre de Sales La Terriere. ^ Paymaster Thomas Douglass. ^ Captains Claude Denechaud, to 6th Q.E. 20 March, 13. ,J. B. Philippe D'Estiraauville, Jr., 28 Mar., 09 ; to 1st S. E. M. 28 May, 12. Francois Baillarge, Sr., 30 March, 09. Francois X. Durette, 19 March, 12. ^* Francois Xavier Pinguet, 20 March, 12; to 6th Q. E. 20 Mar., 13. Pierre Dumas, 1 April, 12. " Philippe Aubert de Gasp^, 2 Apr., 12 ; to Staff 22 May, 12. Joseph Levasseur Borgia, 3 Aug., 12. Gaspard Massue, 3 Aug., 12. « Thomas Lee, 4 Aug., 12 ; to 6th Q.E. 20th Mar., 13. Jacques Leblond, Sr., 5 Aug., 12. ^« George Vanfelson, 6th Aug., 12; to 6th Q.E. 20 Mar., 13. ^ Joseph Dorion, 13 Dec, 12. * Lieutenants Benjamin Lemoine. Henri Lemoine ; to 6th Q. E. 20 Mar., 13. Ignace Dorval. Charles N. Perrault. ' Louis Massue. ^^ Joseph Leblond. " ' Jean Huot. Jean Baptiste Larue ; to 4th S. E. 28 May, 12. Francois Belanger; to 6th Q. E. 20 Mar., 13. Charles Turgeon. H § As established by G.O., 16 Apr., 12. Ordered for permanent duty in G.O., 24 Sept., 12 ; took a week's tour of duty in rotation with 2nd and 3rd Battalions; relieved 2 Jan., 13. Contributed 211 men to 6th Battalion Embodied Militia, 18 Feb., 13. 142 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) " Lieutenants Pierre Rochette. Francois Romaine. Paul Vallee ; to 6th Q. E. 20 March, 13. Ensign Nicholas Vilaire; Lieut. 5 April, 15. Joseph DeBlois. Augustin Wexler ; Lieut. 7 April, 15. Nareisse Faribault ; to Que. Voltrs. Nov., 12 ; to 6th Q.E. 20 March, 13. Charles H. Gauvreau ; to 6th Q.E. 20 March, 13. L. Lemoine Dupuis. Guillaume Bouthillier, Jr. »3 John Fletcher ; to 6th Q. E. 20 March, 13. Pierre DeGuise, 20 July, 12. Antoine Parent ; to Qr.-Mr. 6th Q. E. Francois Girard. Francois Letellier. Edouard Martineau. Louis Abraham Lagueux; to 6th Q.E. 20 Mar., 13. " Augustin Amj'^ot. *^ Michael Byrne. ^ See Commissary of Transports. * See Lower Canadian Militia Staff, pages 100-102. ' Died at Montreal, May, 1825. * Son of Dr. La Terriere, Inspector Forges St. Maurice, 1775-83 ; was after- wards Surgeon of the Voltigeurs. * Member of Assembly, 1808-20 ; Major 1st Quebec, 10 April, 26 ; Lt.-Colonel 6th Battln, Quebec Town and County, 1 Sept., 28; Provincial Grand Master of Masons. Died 2 Nov., 36. * Died at St. Paul's Bay, May, 1825. ' Became Major 4th Battln Quebec Town and County, 4 Aug., 80. * Was afterwards Captain 3rd Battln Quebec Town and County, 31 May, 30. * Captain 3rd Quebec Town and County, 11 June, 30. '" Captain 4th Quebec Town and County, 1 July, 30. " Capt. 1st Quebec County Battln, 2 July, 30. '* Captain 6th Quebec Town and County, 3 Aug., 28. '* Returned to duty with this Battln and resigned from it 24 June, 13. >* Second son of Lt.-Colonel Charles Pinguet, 2nd Battln. Died 24 Dec, 20. '^ Died at Quebec, 5 Apr., 44, aged 92. '* Member for Upper Town, Quebec, 1815-20; appointed Advocate General, L.C., 28 Jan., 19, vice Pyke, resigned. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 143 DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) 2nd BATTALION— city OF QUEBEC AND BANLIEUE. § ^ Colonel Commandant Louis de Salaberry ; to 1st S.E.M. ' Lieut.-Colonel Charles Pinguet de Vaucour, resigned 26 Oct., 12. Major Felix Tetu, 3 April, 12 ; Lt.-Col. 9 Dec, 12. Pierre Bruneau, Sr., 10 April, 12. ' Louis Montizambert. Adjutant Ensign Francois Languedoc. Quartermaster Lieut. Pierre Romaine. Paymaster Thomas Douglass. Surgeon Joseph Painchaud ; to 1st S.E.M. 28 May, 12. Augustin Mercier. * Thomas Haussman, ^ Captains Pierre Edouard Desbarats. Michel Berthelot; to 6th Que. E. 20 March, 13. Michel Sauvageaa, 16 Jan., 09. Francois Duval. Louis Michel Clouet, 17 March, 12. Francois X. Germain, 22 April, 12. Jean B^langer, 4 Aug., 12 ; to 6th Que. E. 20 Mar., 13. Louis Robitaille, from 1st Quebec Batt. 8 Aug., 12. Francois Fortier, Sr. Louis Delamere; to 6th Que. E. 20 Mar., 13. * Bernard A. Panet (super); to 1st S.E.M. 28 May, 12. Lieutenants L. Theodore Besserer; to Que. Vols. Nov. 12; to 6th Que. E. ^ Louis Bazile Pinguet ; Brevet Captain 4 Aug., 12 ; to 6th Que E. George B. Faribault; to 6th Que. E. 20 March, 13. Pierre Brunneau, Jr. ; to 6th Que. E. 20 March, 13. Roger Raby ; to Quebec Volunteers Nov. 12, Joseph Languedoc; to 6th Que. E. 20 March, 13. Charles Guay, 17 Jan., 09. Pierre Doucet; to Quebec Volunteers Nov. 12. ^ Pierre Charles Godef roy de Tonuancour ; to Staff 12 April, 13. Thomas Douglass (Paymaster). Francois Quirouet. Charles Langevin. ■ — — ' . I - . - . — ^ - — — ■ - ■■ ■■ § Ordered for permanent duty, G.O. 24 Sept., 12 ; took a week's tour of duty in rotation with 1st and 3rd Battalions; relieved 30 Jan., 13. Supplied 263 men to 6th Battalion Embodied Militia on 18 Feb., 13. 144 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA, DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Co7itinued.) Lieutenants F. X. Chevalier. Joseph Dorion. Pierre Durette. Pierre Romaine (Quartermaster); to 6th Que. E. 20 March, 13. * Joseph Remi Vallieres de St. Real. ^ Philippe Panet (super) ; to 1st S. E. M. 28 May, 12. * Louis Plamondon ; to Quebec Volunteers, Nov. 12, promoted Captain ; to 6th Que. E. 20 Mar., 13. Ensigns Louis Fortier. -5^ Francois Fortier, Jr. Hyppolyte Rolette ; to Quebec Volunteers Nov. 12 ; to 6th Quebec E. 20 March, 13. Pierre Chauveaux. Joseph Roy. Joseph Carmel. See 2nd Nicolet and 4th S. E. M. Joseph Martin Chinic, Jr. ; to 6th Que. E. 20 March, 13. John Goudie. Francois Languedoc (Adjutant) ; to 6th Que. E. 20 March, 13. Pierre Louis S^guin. Louis Moquin. Charles Jourdain. Etienne Cote. ^ See 1st Select Embodied Militia. ' Served as a Lieut., 2nd Company Canadian Militia, throughout siege of Quebec, 1775-76; his three sons, — Louis Bazile, Francois X., and Charles C. — were Asst.-Adjt. -General L. C. Militia, Captain 1st Quebec, and Lieut. Can. Fencibles, respectively. Died at Quebec, 28 May, 21, aged 81. * Assistant Civil Secretary to Duke of Richmond, 30 July, 18. * Surgeon 1st Battln, Cornwallis, 1 July, 28. * Died at Quebec, Lt,-Col. Pierre Edouard Desbarats, 23 April, 28. * Appointed Judge Advocate of Militia, 21 April, 19. Died at Quebec, 1 Jan., 28. ' See Militia Staff, page 100. ^ Member for St. Maurice, 1814-16 ; Upper Town Quebec, 1820-29. Speaker Leg. Assembly, L.C., 1823-25. Legislative Councillor, 1838. Chief Justice, Montreal, 1842. Died 17 Feb., 47. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 145 DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) 3rd battalion of QUEBEC CITY. § "British Militia." •' Lieut.-Colonel William Burns, 18 March, 12. Major William Smith, 18 March, 12. ^ John Caldwell, 18 March, 12. * William Lindsay, 2 April, 12. Adjutant Joseph Cary ; to 6th Que. E. 20 March, 13. Quartermasters Thomas Richards. Anthony Anderson. Paymaster Thomas Douglass. Surgeon James Cockburn. Captains Archibald Ferguson, 18 Mar., 12; Major 18 Sept., 23. » John Jones, 18 Mar., 12 ; to 6th Que. E. 20 Mar., 13. John Munro, 18 March, 12. David Munro, 18 March, 12 ; to 4th Division Quebec. ' Honble John Mure, 18 Mar., 12 (Grenadier Company). Matthew Bell, 18 March, 12. See Quebec Cavalr3^ ' Gilbert Ainslie, 18 Mar., 12. See 6th Quebec Embodied. * James Irvine, 18 March, 12 ; to Orleans Division. ^° George Pyke, 18 Mar., 12 ; to 6th Que. E. 20 Mar., 13. George Symes, 18 Mar., 12 ; to 6th Que. E. 20 Mar., 13 * Thomas Place, 3 April, 12. James Ross, 15 Sept., 12. Lieutenants Frederick Grant. John Stewart. Francis Hunter; Captain 22 Dec, 13. John Greenshields. Robert Melvin ; Captain 2 Dec, 17. Joseph Cary, Adjutant ; Captain 3 Dec, 17. John Ross ; promoted Captain. John D. Hamilton. John McNider ; Captain 28 Sept., 23. Thomas Wilson ; Captain 6 May, 24. Benjamin Tremain ; Captain 7 May, 24. Charles Gray Stewart ; Captain 5 Sept., 24. Joseph Jones; Captain 13 Dec, 26. Thomas White. ^' Andrew Stuart. § Ordered for permanent duty, 24 Sept., 12. Took a week's tour of duty in rotation with 1st and 2nd Battalions. Believed 21 Dec, 13. Furnished 158 men to 6th Battahon Embodied Militia. 146 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) Lieutenants R. M. Cowan. Thomas Aylwin ; Capt. 6th 5 Aug., 28. Daniel Grant; to 6th Quebec E. 20 March, 13. Peter Patterson. George Hamilton. James Hartwell, Jr. Ensigns James Rogerson ; promoted Lieut. William Hunter : Captain 14 Dec, 26. Robert Dunn ; to 6th Que. E. 20 March, 13. James Mitchell ; to 6th Que. E. 20 March, 13. James Hallowell. James L. Merritt. ' John Neilson ; Lieut. 18 Sept., 83. Henry Black ; to 6th Que. E. 20 March, 13. ' Andrew W. Cochran; to 6th Que. 20 March, 13. " John Cannon. Henry Cowan ; to 4th S. E. M. 28 May, 14. William Oviatt. Cornet Edward Hale, 22 May, 12. See Quebec Cavalry. ^ See 1st Lotbiniere Division. * Member Executive Council, 26 June, 12. * Died at Quebec, 27 May, 24. * Member Executive Council, 22 Aug., 09. * See Voltigeurs. « Memberfor Quebec County, 1827 ; Member Leg. Council, 1837. Died 1 Feb. ,48. ' See Governor's Staff, page 1. Was Clerk of the House of Assembly. Died at Quebec, 3 Aug., 18, aged 66. Had been Advocate-General, L.C. ; resigned 28 Jan., 19. Also Lav? Clerk, Leg. Council; resigned 15 Jan., 19. " Member Leg. Council. Died at Quebec, 25 Sept., 29. 8 B 10 ISLAND OF ORLEANS DIVISION. § * Lt.-Colonel Commandant Jacques Voyer, 5 April, 12. * Major Olivier Perrault, 5 April, 12 ; resigned 24 Oct., 12. » Major Joseph Bouchette, 26 Oct., 12 ; Lt.-Colonel 26 March, 13. * ■ James Irvine, from 3rd Quebec Town, 26 March, 13. §Did garrison duty, Quebec, with Lotbiniere Militia, 23 Jan., 13—23 Feb., 13. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 147 DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) Adjutant Quartermaster Charles Smith. Aides-Major Captain Jacques Leblond, Jr. ; Major 2 May, 22. Lieutenant James G. Hanna. Ensign Olivier Brunet; Lieut. 6 May, 22. Captains Francois Guerard. Ste. Famille. 14 Aug., 02. Jean Labreeque. St. Laurent. Alexis Colombe. Charles Crepeau. St. Pierre. Jean Blouin. St. Jean. Joseph Marie Lepage. St. Francois. Honble John Mure ; Major 26 Jan., 13. Lieutenants Etienne Derouin, 5 Jan., 13. ■ Picard ; dismissed & Jan., 14. Ensigns Robert Smith, 15 Jan., 13. Lepage ; dismissed 6 Jan., 14. ^ To 1st S.E.M. 28 May, 12. * See Quebec Volunteers. * Died at Glasgow, 17 Jan., 23. See 6th Battalion, Quebec Embodied. * Member for Quebec Lower Town, 1810-14 ; Member Executive Council, 1823 Member Legislative Council, 1818. Died 19 March, 27. ^ Member Legislative Council, 1818. Died at Quebec, 27 Sept., 29. ST. VALIER DIVISION. 1 Lt.-Colonel Charles Fremont, 2 April, 12 ; to Staff 22 May, 12. * Major Etienne Ferreol Roy, 7 April, 12. Louis Turgeon, Sr., 8 April, 12. Adjutant Abraham Turgeon. Aides-Major Captains Abraham Couillard de Beaumont. J. B. Cazeau. Lieutenants Jean Langevin. Pierre Perras, Jr., 20 July, 12. Ensigns Thomas Cary ; Lieut. 23 Dec, 13. Joseph Beaumont, 15 July, 12. Lazare Beaumont, 16 July, 12. Captains F. R. Boul^. Beaumont. Joseph Girard. St. Michel. 17 Apr., 12. 148 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) Captains Pierre Tangue. St. Michel. Charles Foueher. St, Michel. Charles Bouchard. St. Valier. Germain Blondeau. St. Valier. Antoine Pare. St. Valier. 18 April, 12. J. Morin dit Ducharme. St. Valier. 17 July, 12. Etienne Carriere. St. Charles. Charles Prevost. St. Charles. Modeste Bourassa. St. Charles. 6 Oct., 07. Lazare Buteau. St. Gervais. Major 11 July, 28. Francois Roy. St. Gervais. 3 Oct., 07. Jean Baptiste Lemieux. St. Gervais. G. Audet dit Lapointe. Lieutenants Louis Bollard, 14 July, 12. Louis Cotin dit Dugal, 16 July, 12. Charles Bernard, Jr., 17 July, 12. Ensigns Pierre Turgeon, 14 July, 12. Guillaume Rosseau, 18 July, 12. Joseph Savoie, Jr., 20 July, 12. ST. VALIER DIVISION. § ^ 1st Battalion — Lt.-Col. Charles Fremont. Major Louis Turgeon, Sr. Captain and Adjt. Abraham Turgeon, 2 2nd Battalion— Lt.-Col. Etienne Ferreol Roy, 20 Feb., 15. Major Abraham Couillard de Beaumont, 20 [Feb., 15. Captain and Adjt., Jean Langevin. Ensign Aide Major Alexis Gosselin, 17 July, 12. ^ See Deputy Quartermaster GeneraL ' Member for Hertford, 1804-20. Lt.-Colonel 1st Hertford, 20 Feb., 15. §As sub-divided by G. O. 20 Feb., 15. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 149 DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) 1st lotbiniere division. § ^ Lt.-Col. Commandant Honble John Caldwell, 4 April, 12. Major Jean Baptiste Tilly Noel, 5 April, 12; to 2nd Division. John Davidson, from 4th Division, Quebec, 15 Jan., 13. Adjutant William Phillips. Major 1 Oct., 24. Aide-Major Ensign Abraham Gibson, 20 July, 12. Captains Louis Bussiere. St. Henri. Jean BoufFard. St. Henri. 80 Jan., 09. Pierre Bussiere. St. Henri. Ambroise Gagne. St. Henri. Jacques Beaudouin. St. Henri. Louis Cotin. Pt. Levis. ' Jean Samson. Pt. Levis. Jean Poiree. Pt. Levis. Resigned Jan. 18. Jean Baptiste Demers, Sr. St. Nicolas. Jean Baptiste Demers, Jr. St. Nicolas. Charles Paye. St. Giles. 17 Dec, 10. ^ Lieutenants Joseph Carmel. Pierre Lambert. Ensigns Barthelemi Poiree, Jan., 13. Augustin Dubut. 2nd lotbiniere DIVISION. Lt.-Colonel Jean Baptiste Tilly Noel. Major Louis Juchereau Duchesnay, 5 Jan., 15. Aides-Major Captain George Hamilton ; Major 1 Jan., 14, Ensign Gordon Horan, 9 Feb., 13. Captains Louis Guay. St. Antoine. 24 Jan., 09. Ignace Duquet. Ste. Croix. Pierre Leclerc. Lotbiniere. 18 Jan., 09. Xavier Adam. St. Jean. ^ Son of Lt.-Colonel Henry Caldwell, who commanded the British Militia dur- ing the blockade of Quebec, 1775-76. Member Ex. Council and Receiver-General, 1811. A Count of Milan in the Holy Roman Empire. Succeeded his cousin as 5th Baronet. Baptized 1775. Died at Tremont House, Boston, 26 October, 1842. ' Member for Dorchester, 1827. Captain Dorchester BattaUon, 19 June, 30. * Lieutenant of Artillery. Appointed Lt.-Colonel Nicolet Division, 12 May, 12. § On garrison duty at Quebec, 23 Jan. — 23 Feb., 13. In 1828, 4th Battalion, County of Buckinghamshire, 150 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) STE. MARIE DE NOUVELLE BEAUCE DIVISION. § Lt.-Colonel Commandant Thomas Pierre Joseph Taschereau, 1 April, 12 ; to 4th S. E. M. 25 May, 12. Major Jean Thomas Taschereau, 5 April, 12; to Staff Sept., 12. ^ Adjutant Lieut. Francois Verrault, Jr., 10 July, 12 ; Bvt.-Major 9 Dec, 13. ^ Quartermaster Ensign Benjamin Racey. Aides-Major Captain John Walsh. Lieutenant Francois Xavier Lefebvre. Ensign Jean B. Beaudouin. Captains Antoine Bazin ; to 3rd S. E. M. 28 May, 12. Guillaume Provost. Ste. Marie. Francois Bonneville. Ste. Marie. Louis Gregorie. Ste. Marie. Etienne Barbeau. Ste. Marie. Louis Mathieu. St. Francois. 13 May, 09. Pierre Veilleux. St. Francois. 31 May, 09. Jean Charles Bedard. Ste. Claire. 11 Jan., 12. Lieutenant Jean Poulin, 13 July, 12. Captain 5 March, 14. Ensign Augustin Plants, 13 July, 12. Lieut. 4 March, 14. ^ Captain Verrault thanked for services in capturing 3 escaped prisoners of war held as hostages, and promoted Major, 6 Dec, 13. ' Transferred to Quebec Cavalry. QUEBEC DIVISION. Colonel Commandant Honhle Francois Baby. 1st Battalion — 4th Quebec Division. 2nd Battalion — Cap Sante Division. 1st BATTALION— 4th QUEBEC DIVISION. § § Lt.-Colonel Jean Baptiste Philippe D'Estimauville, Sr. Joseph Plante. Major J. Davidson, 15 April, 12; to 1st Lotbiniere 15 Jan., 13. David Munro, 15 Jan., 13 ; from 3rd Quebec Town. § The parish of St. Joseph of Nouvelle Beauce declined to turn out for militia service; it was the sole exception in Lower Canada. In 1828, 1st Battalion County of Dorchester. § § In 1828, the 4th Battalion, County of Quebec. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 151 DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) ^ Adjutant Captain Jacques Plamondon. Lieutenant Alexis Gravelle, 14 July, 12. Quartermaster Anthony Anderson. ^ Aides-Major Lieutenant Francois Baby, Jr. Ensign Jacques Raymond Baby ; Captain 8 Jan., 18. Captains Michel Alain. Ancienne Lorette. Jean Baptiste Legarre. Ancienne Lorette. Ambroise Trudel. Jeune Lorette. Joseph L'Hero. Jeune Lorette, 30 May, 08. Augustin Thibault. St. Augustin, Romaine Valliere. St. Augustin. Jean Baptiste Vezina. St. Augustin. Antoine Routier. Ste. Foye. John William Woolsey; to 1st S. E. 28 May, 12. Lieutenant Alexis Gravelle, 14 July, 12. ^ Died at Ancienne Lorette, 25 Jan., 20. ' Major-en-seconcZ, 3 Jan., 18. 2nd BATTALION— cap SANTE DIVISION.** Lt.-Colonel Commandant Louis F. de LaGorgendiere,10 April, 12. ^ Lt.-Colonel George Waters Allsopp, 11 April, 12. Major Francois Xavier Larue, 11 April, 12. Adjutant Paul Morisset. Captains Pierre Auge. Pte aux Trembles. * Louis Joseph Proulx. Pte aux Trembles. 10 July, 06. Francois Trepannier. Pte aux Trembles. Augustin Mercure. Cap Sante. Francois Bertrand. Cap Sante. Joseph de La Chevrotiere. Deschambault. Paul Perrault. Deschambault. Rene Trottier. Les Grondines. 1 Died at Cap Sante, 28 Oct., 37. Member for Buckingham, 1796-1800 ; Hamp- shire, 1814-20. 2 Died January, 1831. "In 1828, the 1st Battalion, County of Hampshire. 152 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) BEAUPORT DIVISION. § ^ Colonel Honble Pierre Amable De Bonne. ^ Lt.-Colonel Jean Baptiste Philippe D'Estimauville, Sr. Major Alexis Caron. Msi}or-en-second Jean Baptiste Poulin. Adjutant Jean Baptiste Duchesnay. 3 Captain Alexis Gravelle. Quartermaster Antoine Parent. Aides-Major Captain John William Woolsey; promoted Super. Maj or. Lieutenants James Gray. William Meiklejohn. Ensigns J. Bte Renaud Charles. Auo^ustin Dey-uise Flamau. Captains Jacques Tobin. Charlebourg. Pierre Giroux. Charlebourg. Antoine Bedard. Charlebourg. Paul Rainville. Beauport. Michel Parent. Beauport. Michel Marcoux. Beauport. 25 May, 12. Gabriel Huot. L'Ange Gardien. Joseph Taillon. Chateau Richer. Louis Cazeau. Chateau Richer. Francois Lessard. Ste. Anne du Nord. J. Giguere. Ste. Anne du Nord. "* Louis Boucher. St. Joachim P. Bolduc. St. Joachim. Huot. St. Joachiro Lieutenants Ambroise Bedard. Pierre Marcoux. 25 May, 12. Francois Simard. Ensigns Jean Dery. Francois Rancour. Benjamin Ritchie. Louis Racine dit Voyer. § On garrison duty at Quebec, 30 Dec, 12. Believed 21 Jan., 13, Captains G. Vanfelson, F. X. Durette, 1st Battln. Quebec Town, J. Belanger, 2nd Battln. Q. T., and Lieut. L. Plamondon of tlie same corps, did duty with Beauport Militia : Ensign C. H. Gauvreau, 1st Battln Q. T., acted as Adjutant. In 1828, the 5th Battalion, County of Quebec. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 153 DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) ^ Served as Lieut, in Carleton's Canadian Companies, 1776. Member Ex. Council, 29 Dec, 1794. See also Quebec Division. ' Served as Lieut, in Carleton's Canadian Companies, 1776. ' Died at Beauport, 5 Aug., 60, aged 87. RIVIERE QUELLE DIVISION. § Colonel Jacques Perrault. 1st Battalion — Riviere Oiielle Division. 2nd Battalion — Rimouski Division. 1st BATTALION— riviere OUELLE DIVISION.* ^ Lt.-Colonel Paschal Jacques Tache. 26 April, 11. Major Peter Eraser. Adjutant Jean Michel Haussman dit Menage. ^ Aides-Major Paschal Tach^. « Captain Pierre Casgrain. Captains Amable Dionne. 17 Feb., 18. Alexandre Roy. Kamouraska. Joseph Dionne. Kamouraska. B. Tache. Ste. Anne. Thomas Pitt. Nicolas Bouchard. Riviere Ouelle. 8 April, 07. Francois X. Boucher. Riviere Ouelle. 21 Feb., 13. B. Roy dit Lauzier; Major in 1813. Michel Hudon dit Beaulieu. Benjamin Roy, Jr. 9 S 2ND BATTALION— RIMOUSKI DIVISION.** ^ Lt.-Colonel Commandant Alexander Eraser, 11 May, 12 ; resigned 1828. Major A^ugustin Trudel, 12 May, 12. Adjutant J. Alexis Morin. §G.O. 4 June, 12, divided Riviere Ouelle Division into two Battalions, under Colonel Perrault. •In 1828 1st Battalion, County of Cornwallis. **In 1828 2nd Battalion, County of Cornwallis. 154 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) Captains Pierre Michaud. St. Andre. [4 March, 1794. Pierre Sirois dit Duplessis (Siroy?). Isle Verte. Jean Baptiste Asselin. Isle Verte. Anselme Robichaud. Riviere du Loup. ^° Paul Rioux. Trois Pistoles. J. M. Michaud. Rimouski. 1 Born 1757 ; died 1830. « Son of Lt.-Colonel P. J. Tache; born 1786; died 1833. Lt.-Colonel 1st Bat- talion, Kamouraska, 22 July, 30. ' Query "Amable Dionne," Major 1st Kamouraska, 10 Aug., 30. * Query Jean Baptiste Tache (brothers of Sir Etienne). Major Ist Kamouraska, 12 May, 30. ^ Major Commandant 2nd Kamouraska, 11 Aug., 30. * Captain 15 Jan., 14. Major 2nd Kamouraska, 12 Aug., 30. ' Formerly of North West Fur Company. Died at Eivi^re-du-Loup, 14 June, 37, aged 75. ^ Major, Kamouraska, 10 Aug., 30. ' Died at Quebec, 5 Sept., 29, aged 61. '" Major 2nd Battln, Cornwallis, 4 April, 28. ST. JEAN DE PORT JOLI DIVISIOJ^.§ ^ Colonel Honble Pierre Ignace Aubert de Gasp6. ^^ Lieut.-Colonel Charles Riverin. Major Antoine Ovide de Lanaudifere, 20 April, 12. ' M.^}OY-enrsecond Joseph Francois Couillard Despr^s, 16 July, 12. ^ Adjutant Captain Simon Eraser, 16 July, 12. ^ Aide-Major Ensign Joseph M. Belanger. Captains Simon Eraser (Adjt.) St. Jean. ^ Francois Fournier. St. Jean. Jean M. Castongu^. St. Roch. Francois Morin. St. Roch. Louis Bresse. St. Roch. B. Morin. St. Roch. J. B. Couillard Despres, Sr. LTslet. J. B. Couillard Despres, Jr. LTslet. Joseph Bosse. Cap St. Ignace. 12 July, 04. §In 1828, 1st Battalion, County of Devon. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 155 DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.) Lieutenants Joseph Prospere Couillard. Joseph Romaine Couillard. Bonaventure Caron. Ensigns Pierre Benjamin Bernier. Jean Baptiste Boss4 Francois Rigaud Bernier. Louis Claude Caron. Louis Marie Morin. ST. THOMAS DIVISION.** Colonel Honble Pierre Ignace Aubert de Gaspd " Lieut.-Colonel Commandant Louis Duniere, 20 April, 12. * Major Joseph Eraser. Lt.-Colonel 21 Feb., 14. Adjutant Captain Francois Cot^. Aides-Major Captain Augustin C. Couillard ; Super. Major 13 April, 13. Captain Andr^ Dubord, 13 April, 13. Ensign Leopold Dubord. Ensign Simon Prudent Blais, 9 July, 12. Captains Charles Tache. St. Thomas. To 4th S. E. M. Francois Cote (Adjt.) St. Thomas. Francois Tetu. St. Thomas. 27 April, 11. Michel Blais. St. Pierre. * Louis Blais. St. Pierre. Jean Baptiste Martineau. St. Francois. Joseph Beaudouin. Berthier-en-bas. Agapit Lavoie. Isle aux Grues. 20 July, 04. Lieutenants Louis Cazeau, 23 May, 12. Captain 6 April, 15. « Anthony Talbot, 8 July, 12. Ensigns Alexis Boulay, 23 May, 12. "^ Joseph Blais, 8 July, 12. 1 Major 1st Battln, Devon, 14 Mar., 14; 1st Battln, L'Islet, 2 April, 30. » Captain 1st Battln, L'Islet, 20 July, 30. " Major 1st Battln, L'Islet, 27 July, 30. * Lt.-Colonel 2ncl Battln, Bellechasse, 5 May, 30. * Major 2nd Battln, L'Islet, 5 April, 30. "In 1828, 2nd Battalion, County of Devon, 156 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC (Continued.,) « Captain 2nd Battln, L'Islet, 5 May, 30. ' Lieutenant 2nd Battln, L'Islet, 29 April, 30. » Member Leg. Council, 1812. Died 13 Feb., 23. ' Member for Devon, 1814-20 ; Major 1st Battln Devon ; died at L'Islet, 17 July, 29. ^° Died at Cap St. Ignace, 22 Oct., 24, aged 82. " To 4th S. E. M., 25 May, 12. DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS NORTH DIVISION OF THREE RIVERS. § ' Colonel Commandant Thomas Coffin, 6 Jan., 1803. 1st Battalion — Three Rivers Division. 2ud Battalion — Riviere-du-Loup Division. 3rd Battalion — Ste. Anne Division. 1st BATTALION— three RIVERS DIVISION. * Lt.-Colonel Louis Charles Foucher. Major Antoine Poulin de Courval, 18 May, 12 ; to 3rd S. E. M. 28 May, 12. « Louis Gugy, 19 May, 12 ; to 3rd S. E. M. 18 Mar., 13. Adjutant Ensign Hugh Eraser. 3 Quartermaster John Patrick O'Doherty ; to 3rd S.E.M.28 May, 12. Charles Ogden, 22 July, 12. Louis Fromenteau (super.) COMPANIES AT THREE RIVERS. Captains Modeste Prat. * Charles Lemaitre Auge ; to 3rd S.E.M. 28 May, 12. » Antoine St. Louis, Sr. ; to 3rd S.E.M. 28 May, 12. Joseph Godfroy de Normanville. « Pierre Vezina ; to 3rd S.E.M. 28 May, 12. 7 Norbert Benjamin Doucet; to 3rd S.E.M. 28 May, 12. * Amable Berthelot. Joseph B. Badeaux. Lieutenants J. Lemaitre Lottinville. Antoine Le Sieur Lapierre. Captain 2 Jan., 13. " Charles Le Sieur. Captain by 1813. " Rene Joseph Kimber. Captain 4 Feb., 14. Charles Gordon. Conrad Enau. ^2 Ezekiel Hart. Captain 29 June, 16. ^' Pierre Joseph Godefroy de Tonnancour, 20 July, 12. J. M. de Tonnancour. To 2nd S. E. M. 25 May, 12. § G. O., 5 Nov., 12, ordered one field officer, witla two companies, foi permanent duty at Three Rivers. See 8th Battalion. H In 1828, was the 1st Battalion, County of St. Maurice. 158 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS (Continued.) Eusigns Pierre Gouin. ^* Joseph Lougval. Captain 17 June, 15. Philip Burns. Charles Fortier. Thomas Martin Coffin. William Anderson. James Johnston. Lieut, by 1813. Amable Toutant, 23 July, 12. " J. B. Duchene, 24 July, 12. John Munro, 25 July, 12. *^ Captains Zachary McAuley. St. Maurice. Pierre Joseph Heroux. Yamachiche. Joseph Bellefeuille. Cap de la Madeleine. Joseph Gauthier. Pointe-du-Lac. ^ Member for St. Maurice, 1792-1804 ; Three Rivers, 1810-14 ; Member Leg. Council, 1817. Died 19 July, 41. ' Member for Montreal West, 1797-1800 ; Three Rivers, 1804-08. Judge King's Bench, 1812. * A school teacher. Died at Montreal, 4 Sept., 29, aged 59. * Major 2nd Battin, St. Maurice, 24 April, 30. * Captain 22 June, 04. Major 3rd Battin, St. Maurice, 21 Aug., 30. « Member for Three Rivers, 1816-20. ' The Medal Roll gives his Christian name as being "Nicholas." It is changed to "Norbert" on the authority of his grandson, Captain Emile Doucet. See 3rd S. E. M., page 125. 8 Member for Three Rivers, 1814-16. ' Major 19 May, 12 ; Lt. -Colonel 2nd Battin, Montreal, 23 Apr., 30. See page 125. ^° Captain 3rd Battin, St. Maurice, 18 March, 31. " Member for Three Rivers, 1832-38. Legislative Councillor, 1843. Captain 1st Battin, St. Maurice, 27 April, 30. Died 22 Dec, 43. '' Member for Three Rivers, 1807-09 ; Captain 1st Battin, St. Maurice, 16 May, 30. ^' To 1st S. E. M. 25 Mar., 13. Member for Three Rivers, 1830. " Captain 1st Battin, St. Maurice, 16 May, 30. 1^ Captain 3rd Battin, St. Maurice, 18 March, 30. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 159 DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS (Continued.) 2nd BATTALION— RIVIERE-DU-LOUP.H Lt.-Col. Commandant Nicholas St. Martin, 16 May, 12. 1 Major Francois Boucher, 16 May ; to 3rd S.E.M. 28 May, 12. * Adjutant Ensign Etienne Mayrand, 27 Feb., 12. Captains Antoine Marchand. Maskinonge. Resigned 18 June,13. Emmanuel Desmarais. Riv.-du-Loup. 11 Sept., 07. ' Augustin Harnois. Riv.-du-Loup. Jean Baptiste Lemaitre Aug^. Riv.-du-Loup. 25 July, 12. Jean Baptiste Martin. St. Leon. Michel Doucet, 3 Jan., 13. Lieutenants Francois Caron, 25 July, 12. Jean Baptiste Lafreniere. Captain in 1813. Amable Lapierre, Jan., 13. Gonzague Enau, Jan., 13. Louis Lebrun. Lieut. 6 Jan., 13. ^ Ensign Pierre Fortier, 27 July, 12. * Isaac Phineas, 28 July, 12. * Alexis Lesieur dit Desaulniers. Lieut, in 1813. Pierre Ringuet, 2 Jan., 13. * Etienne Mayrand. Lieut, in 1813. " David Grant. ' Louis Voligny. Chevalier Sicard. ' Louis Andre Duchesny. Promoted Captain. 1 Lt. -Colonel 2nd Battln, St. Maurice, 1 July, 22. ' Member for St. Maurice, 1816-20. Major 2nd Batt., St. Maurice, 1 March, 27. Legislative Councillor, 1841. Died 22 Jan., 72. * Died at Eivi^re-du-Loup, 21 Jan., 45, aged 85. * Captain 2nd Battln, St. Maurice, 24 Sept., 30. ^ Capt. 1st Battln, St. Maurice, 14 Oct., 27. ' Captain 2nd Battln, St. Maurice, 26 July, 28. ' Major 2nd Battln, St. Maurice, 14 July, 28. 8 Capt. 2nd Battln, St. Maurice, 1 Oct., 27. ^ Paymaster 2nd Battln, St. Maurice, 19 Nov., 27. Uln 1828, became 2nd Battln, County of St. Maurice. 160 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS (Continued.) 3rd BATTALION— STE. AN?;[E DIVISION. § ^ Lt.-Col. Commandant Joachim Lanouette, 20 May, 12. ^ Major Benjamin Joseph Frobisher, 21 May, 12. Adjutant Charles Gouin, 6 June, 09. Captains Joseph Alexandre. Champlain. Hyacinthe Marchand. Batiscan. Amable Marchand. St. Stanislas. Hyacinthe Nobert. Ste. Genevieve. ^ Augustin Joubin dit Boisverd. Ste. Anne. Louis Perrault. Ste. Anne. ^ Died at Ste. Anne de la Perade, 5 Jan., 24, aged 85. ' Appointed Provincial A.D.C. to Sir Gordon Drummond, 15 Apr., 15. See 2nd S.E.M. Member Montreal E., 1792-96. * Died at Ste. Anne de la Perade, 10 Jan., 24, aged 70. SOUTH DIVISION OF THREE RIVERS. ^ Colonel Commandant Marie Joseph de Tonnancour, Sr. 1st Battalion — Yamaska Division. 2nd Battalion — Nicolet Division. 3rd Battalion — Becancour Division. 1st BATTALION— YAMASKA DIVISION. § § Lt.-Colonel J. A. Crevier de St. Francois, Sr. Major Pierre Bazin. To Ist S. E. 28 May, 12. ' Adjutant Lieut. M. J. de Tonnancour, Jr. Quartermaster John Oakes. * Captains Pierre Bazile Pelissier. Yamaska. 10 Sept., 1790. Regise Pelissier, Sr. Yamaska. 26 May, 12. Jean Bapt. Brouillard. Yamaska. Pierre Brouillard. Yamaska. Francois Deschenaux. St. Francois. § In 1828, 3rd Battalion, County of St. Maurice. § § In 1828, 1st Battalion, County of Buckinghamshire. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 16l DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS (Continued.) Captains Pierre Dugne (Duguay). St. Francois. Francois Louis Dumoulin. St. Francois. Jean Baptiste Drolet. Lieutenants Theophile Pelissier. 26 May, 12. Regis Pelissier, Jr. Bazile Cartier. Captain S Jan., 14, Andre Schultz. Paul Bussiere. Resigned Feb., 13. Joseph Forquin. ^ M. J. de Tonnancour, Jr. (Adjt.) Andre Beauchemin. ^ Ensigns Pierre Joseph Chevretils, Jr., 26 May, 12. * Francois Lemaitre Duhaime. Promoted Lieut. Joachim Caron. Francois Depin. Joseph Courchene. J. A. Crevier de St. Francois, Jr. 10 Jan., 14. ^ Bom 1750. Lieut, in Garleton's Canadian Companies, 1776. Prisoner at St. John's. Served in Militia until 1831. Died 22 Nov., 34. ^ Son of above; born 1786. Lt. -Colonel 1st Battln, Yamaska, 1 July, 30. Died Sept., 50. ^ Died at St. Michel, 8 Sept., 18. * Major 1st Battln, Yamaska, 21 Aug., 30. * Captain 1st Battln, Yamaska, 20 Sept., 30. 2nd BATTALION— NICOLET DIVISION.^ ' Lt.- Colonel Commandant Joseph Carmel, 12 May, 12. Major Jean Baptiste Lozeau, 13 May, 12. Adjutant Captain Joseph Franchere. ^ Aide-Major Lieutenant Pierre Joseph Cresse. Captains Joseph Franchere. Nicolet. Etienne Cote. Nicolet. 1 Y)^^., 12. Ignace Lupien. Nicolet. M. H. Bellerose. Nicolet. Jean Baptiste Poulin de Courval. Nicolet. 6 Sept., 07. Jean Baptiste Lat'rond. Bay St. Antoine. IT In 1828, 2nd Battalion, County of Buckinghamshire. IQ2 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS {Continued.) Captains Au^rustin Clair Houde, Sr. Bay St. Antoine. Joseph Lozeau. Bay St. Antoine. ^ Lieutenant Antoine Manseau. Bay St. Antoine. 1 "- . "Joseph Carmel, Lieut, of Artillery of 2nd Battln, Quebec Town to be Lt. Colonel Commandant 2nd Battln, or Nicolet Division. G. O., 12 May, \i. ' Lt.-Colonel 2nd Battln, Yamaska, 26 July, 30. » Served in 8th and 4th Batt., S. E. M. 3rd battalion-becancour division.if ^ Lt.-Colonel Francois Lec^endre, 13 May, 12. Major Ambroise de La Chevrotiere, 14 May, 12. * Adjutant Ensign Laurent Genest. Aide-Major Captain Joseph Rosseau. Captains Jean Baptiste Hebert. St. Gregoire. Joseph Prince. St. Gregoire. Francois Doucet. Becancour. Antoine Leblanc. Becancour. 5 Jan., 12. Ignace Dehais. Becancour. Joseph Turcot. Gentilly. 12 Sept., 07. Eustache Malhiot. St. Pierre. 8 Jan., 12. 1 Lt.-Colonel 2nd Battln, Nicolet, 16 April, 30. • Captain and Adjutant 2nd Battln, Nicolet, 12 April, 30. Uln 1828, 3rd BattaUon, County of Buckinghamshire. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL ROYAL MONTREAL TROOP OF CAVALRY.H ^ Captain George Piatt. ^ Lieutenant Robert Gillespie. ■^ ^ Cornet John Molson, Jr. Quartermaster David Nelson. ^ Member for Montreal East, 1814-16. ' See Montreal Volunteers. ' One of the founders of Molson's Bank. Died 12 July, 1860. COMPAGNIE DES GUIDES.§ •^ ^ Captain Joseph Ignace Hebert, 11 Sept., 12. ^ Pierre Hebert, from 2nd Beauharnois. Lieutenant Constantin Cartier, 11 Sept., 12. ^ Jean Cassaut. ^ Ensign Jean Baptiste Regnaud. 1 Died at Laprairie, 12 Feb., 22, in his 64th year. ROYAL MILITIA ARTILLERY. Captain J. Charlton. Lieutenant William Andrews. IT Ordered for service 8 Nov., 13. Disembodied 24 Nov. by G.O. 17 Nov., 13. This name is inserted from C. 703, Can. Archives. §Levy approved 25 August, 12 ; disbanded 1 March, 15. 164 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) MONTREAL MILITIA BATTALION. § Lt.-Colonel Alexander Auldjo, 6 July, 12. Major Guy, 6 July, 12. Two Companies from 1st Battalion — Lt.-Colonel Auldjo. Two Companies from 2nd Battalion — Lt.-Colonel Hervieux. Two Companies from 3rd Battalion — Lt.-Colonel P. Fortier. MONTREAL INCORPORATED VOLUNTEERS. § * Major James Caldwell ; Lt.-Col. 25 Sept., 13. ' Adjutant Thomas Bird Ahern, late 100th, 21 Sept., 12. ' William Andrews. * Captains James Dunlop (Artillery) ; Major com'd'g 25 Sept., 13. ^ ' Honble John Richardson (Grenadiers). ■5^ ' John Forsyth. * John Ogilvy(Light Infantry); Majorcom'd'g,13 Jan.,14 * Lieutenants David Ross ; Captain 10 Oct., 12. George Garden ; Captain 10 Oct., 12. -jij- William Hallowell ; Brevet Captain 12 Oct., 12. Thomas Blackwood (Artillery). Alexander Allison. ^ '" Thomas Thain. ^ Andrew Paterson. David Ogden. Hart Logan. ^ ^ Robert Gillespie ; promoted Captain. ^ Ensigns James Leslie. Arthur Webster. ' Died 19 April, 15. ' Transferred to 1st S. E. M., 11 April, 14. ' Resigned 5 April, 14. See Royal Militia Artillery. §The Flank Companies of the Militia Battalions of Montreal Town were formed into one Battalion, G.O. 6 July, 12. § Composed of the Artillery Company, the Grenadier and Light Infantry Com- panies and Captain Forsyth's Company, 1st Battalion Montreal City ; incor- porated 21 Sept., 12 ; relieved 28 Nov., 12 ; ordered for service, 8 Nov., 13 ; dis- embodied 24 Nov., by G. O. 17 Nov., 13. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 165 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) * Court-martialled and dismissed from the Militia, 13 Jan., 14. ' Member Leg. Council, 1827 ; Lt. -Colonel Montreal Cavalry, 18 June, 28. Died 27 Dec., 37. * Appointed Lt. -Colonel Kiviere du Chene Battln, 26 March, 14. '' Afterwards Sir Robert Gillespie. * Major in Montreal Artillery, 1828. » Member for Montreal East, 1792-6 ; Montreal West, 1804-08. Member Ex. Council, 1804 ; Legislative Councillor, 1816. Died 18 May, 31. »" Member for Montreal, 1820-24. 1st BATTALION— MONTREAL CITY.§ "British Militia." ^ Colonel Commandant Honble James McGill. Lt.-Colonel Alexander Auldjo ; resigned 25 Sept., 13. James Caldwell, 25 Sept., 13. * Major Daniel Sutherland, 18 April, 12. ' Adjutant Captain Robert Griffin. Andrev^ Paterson. " Ensign Peter McCutcheon, 15 Nov., 13. * Quartermaster Lieut. David David ; Captain 28 April, 12. 5 Thomas Bushby, 10 July, 12. ^* Surgeon George Selby. Chaplain Rev. Mountain. ® Captain Alexander Henry. Francis Badgely. 7 Samuel Gerrard, 29 April, 12 ; Major 4 May, 21. 3 Robert Griffin. ^ « William Blakely; resigned 10 Oct., 12. ® Lieutenants John Forsyth. ^* James Wool rich. Stephen Sewell. Thomas Yarwood. ^° Mungo Kay. William Hunter. Meyer Michaels. Robert Armour, 10 July, 12 ; Capt. 5 May, 21. John Ogilvie ; to Longue Pointe Battln 7 May, 12. * David David ; Captain 28 April, 12. § Grenadiers 1st BattaUon doing duty, 21 July, 12 ; reUeved by G. O., 24 Aug., 12 ; ordered for service at Lachine, 4 Nov., 12 ; disembodied 24 Nov., 13. 166 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) " Ensigns Andrew Porteous ; Captain 5 May, 21. Peter Harkness. Andrew Paterson. David Og^den. Arthur Webster. John McTavish. Thomas A. Turner. ^' Norman Bethune. William Molson, Jr. Alexander Dowie. George Moffat. Joseph Eraser. » Thomas Bushby, 10 July, 12. ^' James Leslie. George Auldjo. ^ Executive Council, 1793 ; founder of McGill University. Died 19 Dec, 13. ' Was also Military Postmaster. Lt. -Colonel on Staff 25 Apr., 15. » Lt. -Colonel 8 March, 21. * Died at Montreal, 30 Nov., 24, aged 60. ^ Member for Montreal East, 1820. Died at Montreal, 5 Oct., 37. * The explorer. Died at Montreal, 4 April, 24, aged 85. ' Major 2nd Battln Montreal City and County, 16 April, 30. * Captain Montreal Volunteers. * Lt. -Colonel Montreal Volunteers, 2 July, 30. See page 5. 1° Editor "Montreal Herald." Died 6 Sept., 18, aged 43. ^' Captain 1st Battln, Montreal City and County, 21 May, 30. " Major Montreal Rifle Co'y, 18 June, 28. *' Was in charge of American prisoners of war from Detroit, 28 Sept., 12. Member East Montreal, 1827. ^* Probably the gentleman who afterwards changed his name to "McGill." 1^ Born in England, 1760 ; died at Montreal, 1835. 1* Died at Montreal, June, 23. 2nd BATTALION— MONTREAL CITY AND VICINITY.§ ^ Lt.-Colonel Commandant Jacques Hervieux, 23 Aug., 09. ^ Major Louis Guy, Sr., 1 Apr., 12 ; to Longue Pte. 7 May, 12. Jean Bouthillier,16 April, 12; to 3rd Montreal, 15 Oct., 13. Dominique Rosseau ; dismissed 14 Nov^, 13. § Ordered for garrison duty, July 12 ; relieved 24 Aug., 12 ; for service 4 Nov. 12 ; for service 8 Nov., 13 ; disembodied 24 Nov., 13. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 167 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Adjutant Capt. Jean Guillaume Delisle, 6 May, 12. Peter MeCutcheon, 15 Nov., 13. Quartermaster Ensign Francois Franchere. Surgeon David Arnoldi, 29 Jan., 14. Captains Jean Baptiste Lefebvre; Major 15 Oct., 13. Michel Dumas ; retired with rank of Major, 22 Dec, 13. ' Toussaint Pothier, Sr. ; to 3rd Montreal, 14 Nov., 13. * Benjamin Beaubien ; Major 19 Jan., 14. Louis Duplessis, 1 April, 12. Francois Desrivieres, Sr. ; Major 26 March, 14. * Louis Roy dit Portelance, 3 April, 12. * Saveuse de Beaujeu, 4 April, 12. Joseph Bedard, 16 April, 12. Antoine Lang, 5 Oct., 12. Jean Guillaume Delisle, 5 Oct., 12 ; Major 14 Nov., 13. Jean Baptiste Delisle. "^ F. Augustin Quesnel ; Capt. (Super) by 1814. ' Louis J. Papineau, Jr. ; Capt. (Super) by 1814. ' Dominique Lacroix; Capt. (Super) by 1814. 10 . Jean R. Rolland ; Capt. (Super) 10 Nov., 1814. 11 Lieutenants Antoine Louis Levesque (Super); to Staff 22 May, 12. Augustin Berthelot. Pierre Charles Dubois ; Captain 24 Jan., 14. Augustin Dumas. Joseph Perrault; Captain 21 July, 15. Jules Quesnel. Louis Pierre Guy. Jean Baptiste Routier. Francois Desrivieres, Jr. Toussaint Pothier, Jr. Louis T. Bouthillier. Charles Lamontagne. Charles Fleury Roy. Francois Delagrave. Icfnace Bertrand. John Shuter. Louis Lamontagne ; promoted Captain. L. M. Viger. i» Hughes Heney; to 3rd Montreal, 16 Oct., 13. Robert Duplessis. Paul L'huissier. J. Peltier, Jr. 168 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Ensigns Louis Partener. Luc Charles Racine. John Jesse Rives. Pierre Lefebvi-e. Jean Baptiate Noreau. Albert Bender. Felix Brugiere ; to 4th S. E. M. ^* Alexander Lusignan. J. C. Grant. E. M. Leprohon ; to 2nd S. E. M. 28 May, 12. ' Died at Isle Jesus, 8 Dec, 28, aged 78. ' Son of Colonel Pierre Guy, who died in 1812. Member Leg. Council ; an archeologist ; died at Montreal, 1840. * See 3rd Division, Montreal ; also Canadian Volunteers, Upper Canada. * Major 1st Battalion, Montreal, 1 April, 1830. * Member for Montreal County, 1808-14. * Member Leg. Council, 1830. Died 19 June, 32. ' Major 4th Montreal, 1 May, 30 ; Executive Councillor, 1837 ; died July, 1866. * Member for Kent, 1808-14 ; Montreal West, 1816 ; Major 3rd Montreal, 3 May, 80. See Deputy Judge Advocate. » Major 2nd Battln, Montreal, 17 April, 30. *" Query Judge Jean Roch Rolland. " Lt.-Colonel 5th Battln, Montreal, 27 Nov., 30. " Executive Councillor, 1833. Died at Three Rivers, 13 Jan., 44. " Son of Charles Lusiniani (Lusignan), late Captain Montreal Militia. 3rd BATTALION-CITY OF MONTREAL AND ITS VICINITY.§ Colonel Commandant Pierre Fortier. * Lt.-Colonel Hypolite St. George Dupre. ' Jean Bouthillier, from 2nd Montreal, 15 Oct., 13. Major Gabriel Franchere, 14 April, 12 ; resigned 28 Dec, 13. » Pierre Hervieux, 17 April, 12; Lt.-Colonel 22 March, 14. * Toussaint Pothier, Sr., 14 Nov., 13 ; from 2nd Montreal. § Ordered for garrison duty, July 12 ; relieved 24 Aug., 12. For service 4 Nov., 12 ; embodied 27 Sept., 13 ; disembodied 24 Nov., 13. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 169 DISTRICT OF MONTREA.L (Continued.) '" Adjutant Captain Louis Charland. 6 Lieut. Hughes Heney, 16 Oct., 13. Quartermaster Lieut. Alexia Bourret. Surgeon B. Herigault. Captain-; William Metchler, 6 April, 12. J. D. Lacroix, 7 April, 12. J. M. Lamothe, 8 April, 12. S. Dumas, 9 April, 12. Francois Xavier Bender, 10 April, 12 ; to 6th S. E. M. Louis Charland, 11 April, 12 (Adjutant). 9 P. Huguet dit Latour, Sr., 13 April, 12. L. Huguet dit Latour, Jr., 14 April, 12. Joseph Robreau Duplessis, Sr., 17 April, 12. * Denis Benjamin Viger. Peter Lukin. ^ Thomas Baron, 2 Apr., 12. Lieutenants Nicholas Meneclier ; Captain 5 Oct., 12. Michel Fournier ; Captain 7 Oct., 12. ' P. Huguet dit Latour, Jr. : Captain 8 Oct., 12. Charles Prevost ; Capt. 8 Oct., 12. Pierre Charland; Captain 9 Oct., 12. ' Felix Vinet dit Souligny. Joseph Roy; Captain 20 Jan., 14. ^ Hughes Heney, from 2nd Montreal, 16 Oct, 13. Charles Racicot. Nicolas Massue. Joseph Desautels. Dominique Benjamin Rollin. Alexis Bourret (Quartermaster). Francois Roy. Gabriel Roy. Louis Dulongpr^, Jr. T. Casimir Trudeau. Etienne Roy. Alexis Laframboise. Jean Marie Cadieu. Aucrustin Perrault. Samuel Gales. Ensigns Toussaint Pothier, Jr. Joseph Herse. Michel Bibeau. Jean Baptiste D^zery. 170 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Ensigns Charles Pasteur. Michel Trudeau. C. Lamontawne. "» ^ See Commissary of Transports. Member for Huntingdon, 1792-96. * Lieut.-Colonel 3rcl Montreal, 27 April, 30. » Lieut.-Colonel 5th Montreal, 29 April, 30. * See also 2nd Div., 1st Battln, Montreal. Member Ex. C, 1838. Died 12 Oct., 45. * See 2nd Division Montreal, 1st Battln. * Member for West Montreal, 1808-14 ; Member Leg. Council, 1829. Died 13 Feb., 61. ' Member West Montreal, 1816. * See Argenteuil Division. 9 A "Pierre Huguet Latour" died at Montreal, 10 Sept., 28, aged 56. 1" Died 3 Sept., 13. POINTE CLAIRE DIVISION. § ^ Lt.-Colonel Commandant Etienne Nivard St. Dizier, 3 Apr., 12. Major Philippe Leprohon, 3 Apr., 12; promoted Lt.-Colonel. * Jean Marie Mondelet, 22 July, 12 ; Lt.-Colonel 23 Apr., 14. Louis Levesque ; Lt.-Colonel 27 Nov., 20. Adjutant-en-paie Thomas Beaudouin ; resigned 19 Apr., 14. ' Etienne Nivard St. Dizier, Jr., 19 Apr., 14. Aide-Major Ensign Gaspard Touche. Charles Marcille. Ste. Genevieve. Lieutenant Joseph. Quartermaster Ensign Stewart Fisher. Augustin Berthelot. Surgeon George Myers. Captains Pierre Roy dit Lapensee. Lachine. Dominique Letaut. Lachine. * Dominique Ducharme, Sr. Lachine. Lieutenant Baptiste Dumouchel. Lachine. Ensign Paul Picard. Lachine. § Ordered for service July, 12; ordered out by G.O. 3 Nov., 12; relieved 26 Nov., 12. Ordered out 8 Nov., 13, serving under Col. De Chambault. In 1820 this corps was the 5th Battalion, Montreal ; in 1828 5th Batt. Montreal County. 3 6 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 171 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) ^ Captains Joseph Binet. Pte. Claire. Andre Legault, 21 July, 12. Pte. Claire. Jean Baptiste Laeonibe. Pte. Claire. Joseph Valade. Pte. Claire. Joseph Mailloux, 17 July, 12. Ste. Genevieve. Michel Deniers, 18 July, 12. Ste. Genevieve. Augustin Neveu, 20 July, 12. He Bizard. George Giroux. S. aux Recollets. Louis Boudreau. S. aux Recollets. Joseph Antoine Berthe. Ste. Anne. ® Lieutenants Baptiste Dumouchel. Lachine. Bonaventure Bregard. Hyacinthe Brunet. Louis Crevier. Baptiste David. Joshua Meloche. Benjamin Mailloux. Pierre Valois. Joseph Payment dit Lariviere, 21 July, 12. ^ Dominique Ducharme, 22 July, 12, Lachine. ® Ensigns Paul Picard. Lachine. Ignace Demers, 20 July, 12. Antoine Proulx dit Clement, 21 July, 12. ^ Dominique Ducharme, 22 July, 12. Lachine. Charles Bowman. Toussaint Cere. Arsene Charlebois. Hyacinthe Lefebvre. Eustache Masson. Antoine Trottier. Charles Nonmandean. ' Member for Montreal West, 1810-14. Died at Montreal, 16 May, 20, aged 58. " Member for Montreal West, 1804-08 ; Montreal East, 1808-09. See Voltigeurs, page 106. * See Indian Department. ^ Dismissed 12 July, 12. Dismissed 6 July, 12. ' Son of Jean Marie Ducharme. Member for Montreal County, 1796. ^ Son of Dominique Ducharme, Sr. 172 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) LONGUE POINTE DIVISION. § Colonel Pierre Fortier. Lt.-Colonel Commandant Louis Guy.from 2nd Montreal,? May,l 2. John Ogilvie, from Ist Montreal, 7 May, 12. Major J. P. Leprohon ; Lt.-Col. 14 Oct., 13. 1 Etienne Guy, 22 May, 12. Adjutant Charles Levasseur. Louis Gravelle. ^ Aide-Major Captain Samuel David, 7 May, 12 ; Major 18 Nov., 13. Quartermaster Charles F. Grece. Surgeon Augustin Munro. Captains Emil Vidrecaire. Longue Pointe. J.M. Jeannot dit Lachapelle. Longue Pointe,16 Apr., 11. Amable Morand. Pointe-aux-Trembles. Jean Baptiste Maillard. Pointe-aux-Trembles. Jean Baptiste Chevaudier. Riv. des Prairies. J. Baptiste Monarque. Riv. des Prairies. Paul Monarque. Riv. des Prairies. Pierre Demers. St. Laurent. Augustin Riche. St. Laurent. Gabriel Crevier. St. Laurent. Gabriel Roy, 3 Jan., 14. Lieutenants Jean Baptiste Archambault. J. Berthelot. J, B. Bricault. Antoine Lepage. J. Baptiste Lecavalier ; Captain 13 Jan., 14. Joseph Prevost, (I.) Prudent Vinet. Ensigns Nicholas Archambault. Maurice Bazinet. Pierre Bazinet, Francois Bricault. Nicholas Bricault. Francois Beaudry. Gabriel Landuette. § By G. O. 16 Apr., 12, all companies excepting that of St. Laurent, were trans- ferred to L'Assomption Battalion. Formed 7 May, 12 ; ordered for service 4 Nov., 12. Served under Lt.-Col. De Chambault with Riv.-du-Chene, Vaudreuil Battalions in November, 1813, in operations against Plattsburg. In 1828 was known as 6th Battalion, Montreal County. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 173 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Ensigns M. Lebeau. Joseph Monarque. Ivan McDonald. Alexander McDonald. Joseph Provost, (II.) Ignace Dumouchel. 1 Member for Montreal County, 1796-1800. * Lt. -Colonel Samuel David, Longue Pointe Militia, died at Montreal, 3 March, 24. ARGENTEUIL DIVISION. § ^ Colonel Patrick Murray. ' Lt.-Colonel William Kell, Sr. Major Archibald McMillan. ' Adjutant Captain Thomas Baron. Aide-Major Ensign Barthelemi Quentin. Quartermaster Benjamin Wallace, 16 Jan., 12. Chaplain Richard Bradford. Captains Simon Leroy. Argenteuil. Joel Bisby. Argenteuil. Thomas Hyde. Argenteuil. Uriah McNeall. Argenteuil. * Jeremiah Meacham. Ridge. Walter Chase. Chatham. Island Noble. Chatham. * Philemon Wright. D. McGregor. James Brown. William Kell, Jr. Lieutenants Judah Center ; Captain 1 Sept., 18. William Cameron. Johnson Smith. Ensigns James Baron. John McMartin. Derrick Ostrum. 1 Ensign 42nd 9 Mar., 1761 ; Lieut. 60th 21 Sept., 62 ; Town Major, Quebec, 24 June, 67 ; Capt. 60th 23 Sept., 75 ; Major 6 Oct., 84. Died at Montreal, 14 July, 1823, aged 74. See 5th S. E. M., page 130. § In 1828, 2nd Battahon, County of York. 174 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) ^ Served during Revolutionary War under Cornwallis, Rawdon and Stewart ; wounded five times ; went on h.p. 1783. Lt. -Colonel 2nd Battln, Argenteuil ; retired 1827. Died at St. Andrews, 5 July, 29, aged 78. * Major 2nd Battln, York, 4 Sept., 27 ; Two Mountains Battln 4 June, 30. * Daniel de Hertel applied, in 1816, for a Captaincy in the place of Jeremiah Meacham, who had deserted during the war. (Can. Archives.) « Founder of the City of HuU, P.Q. VAUDREUIL DIVISION. 1 Colonel Couimandant Honble Michel Eustache Gaspard Alain de Lotbiniere. 1st Battalion — Vaudreuil. 2nd Battalion — Riviere-du-Chene. 1st BATTALION— VAUDREUIL. § Lt.-Colonel Antoine Amedee Filion, Sr., 28 July, 12. ' Major Jean Baptiste Testard de Montigny, 29 July, 12. Adjutant Captain Andre Dominique Pambrun, 80 July, 12. Aides-Major Lieutenant Maurice Maugrain, 30 July, 12. ^ 3 Ensign Antoine Amedee Filion, Jr., 30 July, 12. Quartermaster Eleazar Hays. Captains Francois Cadieu. Vaudreuil. Michel St. Julien. Vaudreuil. 2 Dec. 12. Charles Lalonde. Vaudreuil. Jean Baptiste Lefebvre, Sr. Vaudreuil. Francois Villeneuve. Rigaud. Joseph Chevrier. Rigaud. 3 Dec, 12. Jean Baptiste Fournier. Rigaud. 4 Dec, 12. Thomas Herve. Rigaud. Louis Pregreau. He Perrot. Antoine Michel Leduc He Perrot. 26 Apr., 02. Gabriel Leroux. Soulanges. Philippe Bougis. Soulanges. ^ * Louis Coutlee. Soulanges. Joseph Montpetit. Nouv. Longueuil. 21 Dec, 08. Antoine Bissonnet, Sr. Nouv. Longueuil. § Served under Lt.-Col. DeChambault, together with Riv.-du-Chene and Longue Pointe Battalions, in Nov., 13, in demonstration against Plattsburg, In 1828, 4th Battalion, County of York. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 175 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Captains Antoine Landriaux. Nouv. Longueuil. Hyacinthe Montpetit, 7 Dec, 12. Lieutenants Joachim Bissonnet, 21 Dec, 12. To 5th S. E. M. Louis Pierre Coutlee, 7 Dec, 12. Joseph Henau, 7 Feb., 02. Pierre Marcoux, 9 Dec, 12. Pierre Montpetit, Jr., 8 Dec, 12. John McCuaig, 11 Dec, 12. Dominique Parent, 22 Dec, 08. William Schneider, 3 Dec, 12. A. Dubois. J. Baptiste Legault, 1 Dec, 12. Guillaume Leduc. Hubert Leroux, 3 Feb., 1789. Jean Baptiste Lefebvre, Jr. Ensigns Pierre Asselin. Vincent Belanger, 5 Dec, 12. Antoine Bissonnet, Jr., 11 Dec, 12. Louis Bourbonnais, 8 Dec, 12. Gelin Biron. Isaac Cowan. Edmund Herve. Pierre Henau. Luc Ambroise Lalonde, 3 Dec, 12. Pierre P. Lacroix. Antoine St. Julien, 12 Dec, 12. Regis Loranger, 4 Dec, 12. Charles Leduc, Paul Leroux. Charles Schneider, 6 Dec, 12. Francois Montpetit, 7 Dec, 12. ^ Served under Belestre at siege of St. John's, 1775. Member York, 1792. Speaker of Assembly, 1793. Member Legislative Council, 1796. Retired from command 23 July, 18. Died 1 Jan., 22. * Died at Fort Senneville, Ste. Anne, 29 Jan., 44, aged 68. * Lived at Coteau-du-Lac. Capt. Aide-Major 4th Battln York, 1 July, 28. * Died at the Cedars, 5 Mar., 14. * Son of Capt. Louis Coutlee. "Was afterwards Sheriff, Ottawa, P.Q. Died at the Cedars, 20 Aug., 67. 176 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) 2nd BATTALION— RIVIERE-DU-CHENE § ^ ^ Lt.-Colonel Eustache Louis Lambert Duniont, 1 June, 1807. John Olp^ivy, from 1st Montreal, 26 March, 14, Major Ignace Raizaine, 23 July, 12. Adjutant Captain Hyacinthe St. Germain, 27 Aug., 12. Captains Jean Baptiste Chevalier. St. Eustache. Duncan McGillis, Sr. St. Eustache. Jean Baptiste Ferre. St. Eustache. Etienne Dore. Riviere-du-Chene. ^ Joseph Ethier. Riviere-du-Chene. H. St. Germain. Riviere-du-Chene. Michel Cheval. Riviere-du-Chene. ' John Chesser. Riviere-du-Chene. Joseph Meilleur. Riviere-du-Chene, Francois Bellefeuille. Riviere-du-Chene. Jean Baptiste Dumouchel. St. Benoit. * Jean Baptiste Gastonguay. St. Benoit. Louis Masson. St. Benoit. 15 July, 12. Nicholas St. Onge. St. Benoit. Pierre Gatien. St. Benoit. Jean Ouellet. St. Benoit. Louis Dumouchel. St. Benoit. Capt.-Lieutenant Sebastien Legault. Lieutenants Antoine Amedee Filion. J. A. Berthelot. Joseph Andre Ethier. Ensigns Benjamin Gamelin, 10 Dec, 12. Baptiste Ferr^. Baptiste Chevalier. Duncan McGillis, Jr. ^ Member for York, 1804-08. ' Died at St. Eustache, 1 Feb., 16. ^ Died in Plantagenet Township, John Chesser, in his 59th year, about July, 1828. * Died at Montreal, 23 May, 49, aged 62. § Served with 1st Battln Vaudreuil and Longue Point Battln, under Lt.-Col. De Chambault. In 1828, 1st Battalion, County of York. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 177 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) ILE JESUS. Colonel Commandant Joseph Hubert Laeroix. 1st Battalion — lie Jesus Division. 2nd Battalion — Terrebonne Division. 3rd Battalion — Blainville Division, 1st BATTALION— ILE J^SUS DIVISION. § Lt.-Colonel Joseph Louis de Beaujeu. ^ Major Jacob Oldham, 8 May, 12. Adjutant Ensign Joseph Francois Laeroix. Quartermaster Paul Rolin. Captains J. M. Bellanger. St. Vincent de Paul. Joseph Pepin. St. Vincent de Paul. 18 Dec, 12. Charles Daz^. St. Vincent de Paul. 19 Dec, 12. Joseph Gauthier. St. Vincent de Paul. 20 Dec, 12. Boniface Paquet. St. Vincent de Paul. Joseph Lacasse. St. Vincent de Paul. Joseph F. Filiatreau. Ste. Rose. Francois Ouimet. Ste. Rose. Antoine Daraours (I.) Ste. Rose. Antoine Charets (I.) Ste. Rose. 1 Jan., 08, Julien Leblanc St. Martin. J. Louis Charon. St. Martin. Pierre Duboishaux. St. Martin. Pierre Daz^. St. Francois. 24 March, 04. Henri Descotes. St. Francois. 28 Dec, 12, Joseph Masson. St. Francois. Simon Hotte. Louis Turgeon, Lieutenants Simon Hogue, 18 Dec, 12. Joseph Vandendaigue, 18 Dec, 12. Jean Lacasse, 19 Dec, 12. Pierre Chartrand, 23 Dec, 12, Amable Desjardins, 24 Dec, 12. J. Baptiste Brunette, Antoine Charets (II.) Joseph Cantin. § Formed 4 June, 12 ; ordered for service 3 Nov., 12 ; relieved 26 Nov., 12, In 1828, 3rd Battalion, County of Effingham, 178 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Lieutenants J. Baptiste Constantin. Francois Dutrisaque. Antoine Damours (II.) Pierre Gravelle. Medard Hervieux. Rene St. James. Ensigns Pierre Giroux, 28 Dec, 12. J. Baptiste Bellanger. Joseph Corbeille. J. Baptiste Chauvette. Francois Dugal. Aucfustin Daz^, Benjamin Esty. J. Baptiste Filiatreau. Joshua Gravelle. Joseph S. Hogue. Louis Masson. Charles Maissonneuve. William Whiteford. ^ Died at Quebec, 11 June, 24. Member for Eflangham, 1820. 2nd BATTALION— TERREBONNE DIVISION. § 1 Lt.-Colonel Roderick McKenzie, 8 May, 12. Major Henry McKenzie, 9 May, 12 ; Lt.-Colonel 20 April, 14. Simon Eraser, 12 April, 14. Adjutant Capt. Toussaint Limoges. Aides-Major Captain Charles Chaboille. Lieut. William Porteous. Ensign David Thompson. Captain Joseph Limoges. Terrebonne. 12 Apr., 14. Joseph Clement, Sr. Terrebonne. Pierre Valiquet. Terrebonne. * Joseph Turgeon. Terrebonne. Major 12 May, 14. Louis Charbonneau. St. Henri Masc. Jean Baptiste Renaud. St. Henri Masc. § Formed 4 June, 12 ; ordered out 3 Nov., 12; relieved 26 Nov., 12. In 1828, 1st Battalion, County of Effingham. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. l79 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Captain Joseph Bourgeois. St. Henri Masc. Ignace Crepean. Laehenaye. Jean Marie Mathieu. Laehenaye. Joseph Landre. Cote-de-Grace. Pierre Delfausse. Joseph Brunet. Joseph Labreche. ^ Lieutenants Abraham Ethier. F. Allard. J. B. Charbonneau. N. Vital Caron. Paul Gill. Hyacinthe Prevost. Francois Seguin. Jean Vien ; promoted Captain. Ensigns Pierre Auge. Joseph Clement, Jr. Dominique Charbonneau. Louis Lecours. Joseph Lepage. Pierre Limoges. An — Locas. Louis Varin. Charles Mathieu. Alexander McKenzie. James Porteous. Jean Baptiste Pauze. Jacques Perrault. Jean Baptiste Roy. Pierre Renaud. E. M. Vien ; promoted Lieutenant. ^ Legislative Councillor, 1817 ; died at Terrebonne, 15 Aug., 44. ^ Died at Terrebonne, 28 Sept., 32. ' Living in 1875. 180 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Conthiued.J 8rd BATTALION— BLAINVILLE DIVISION. § Lfc.-Colonel Louis J. Chevalier de Beaujeu. Michel Turgeon, 9 May, 12"; to 7th Batt. ' Major William Porteous, 11 May, 12 ; to 2ncl S. E. 25 May, 12. Adjutant Lieutenant Ignace Robitaille. Charles Gouin, — Jan., 13. Quartermaster Joseph Lamoureux. ^ Aides-Major Captain Honaventure Panet. Ensign Charles Porteous. Captains Germain Lepage. Ste. Anne. Joseph Gagnon. Ste. Anne. Paul Olivier. Ste. Anne. Pierre Raby. Ste. Anne. James Jordan. Ste. Anne. Charles Montigny. Ste. Anne. Augustin J. Boisseau. Ste. Anne. Pierre Filiatreau. Ste. Therese. Pierre Payet. Ste. Therese. Jacques Guimont. Ste. Therese. Jean Baptiste LeGuerrier. Ste. Therese. Paul Lacroix. Ste. Therese. Nicholas Manthet. Ste. Therese. James Whiteford. Lieutenants Louis Perrault ; Captain Jan., 13. Pierre Riche Lafleche, Jan., 13. Charles Gouin, Jan., 13. Jean Baptiste Latour. P. Thibault. S^raphin Bouc. Ensigns Joseph Lanouette, Jan., 13. Louis Boissaud, Jan., 13. Joseph Archambault. Jean Baptiste Moreau. Prevost. ' Left limits of this Battalion, Feb., 18 ; Lt.-Colonel 3rd Battalion, Leinster, 1 May, 28. * Major-en-second 1 Feb., 18. § Formed 4 June, 12 ; ordered out G. O. 3 Nov., 12 ; relieved from service 26 Nov., 12. In 1828, 2nd Battalion, County of Effingham. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 181 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.J L'ASSOMPTION DIVISION. § ^ Colonel Commandant Honble Paul Roch de St. Ours. Lt.-Colonel Jean Baptiste Hervieux. Major Jean Baptiste Brugiere. Adjutant Captain Jacques Archambault. Xavier Lacombe. Qr.-Mr. Fred'k. Dignard. ' Aides-Major Captain Barth^lemi Rocher. Captain Laurent Leroux. * Lieutenant Charles Pierre de St. Ours. Ensign Patrick Malloy. Captains Charles Migneron. L'Assomption. Jean Baptiste Eneau Deschamps. L'Assomption. Francois Proulx. L'Assomption. Laurent Leroux. L'Assomption. * Michel Prevost. L'Assomption. M^dard Brugiere. L'Assomption. 28 May, 12. Joseph Bonneville Peltier. L'Assomption. Joseph Belony Perrault. L'Assomption. Bonaventure Lemire. L'Assomption. Antoine Deschamps. Repentigny. Francois Payette, Jr. Repentigny. Louis Chaput. Repentigny. Jean M. Faribault. Repentigny. J. M. Faribault. St. Esprit. Francois Perrault. St. Esprit. Louis Piquet. St. Jacques. Marcel. St. Jacques. Pierre Dupuis, Jr. St. Jacques. Jean Mireau. St. Jacques. Etienne Turgeon. St. Ours. Pierre Petrimoulx. Joseph Senet. Lieutenants Laurent Dorval, 28 May, 12 ; promoted Captain. Joseph Demarest. Benjamin Beaupr^. Louis Deschamps. Charles Pierre de St. Ours. § See 3rd Division, Montreal — 2nd Battalion. In 1828, 1st Battalion, County of Leinster. 182 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Lieutenants Francois Archambault. Joseph Chaput. Joseph Chalifour. Firniin Dupuis. Jean Baptiste Senet. Mo'ise Sylvestre. Joseph Therien. Joseph Lebeque. Joseph N. Loiseau. Pierre Lebault. Hyacinthe Testu. Antoine Marion. Leandre Prevost. Joseph Rivet. Jean Baptiste Eneau. Antoine Eneau. Ensigns Pierre Richard. Michel Chaput. Patrick Malloy. Francois Aumond. Jean Baptiste Blanchard. Pierre Chaput. Jean Baptiste Cotton. Jean Guildry. S^raphin Lacombe. Jacques Leblanc. Joseph Mercier. Michel Prevost. Antoine Payette. David Pellerin. Jacques Roy. Gabriel Raymond. Pierre Vien. 1 Son of Roch St. Ours (lit Deschaillons. Member Leg. Council, 1784. Died 11 Aug., 14, aged 68. ' Lt. -Colonel Lachenaye Battln. 11 May, 30. * Major 1st L'Assomption Battln. 15 Apr., 30. * Major 2nd L'Assomption Battln. 15 Apr., 30. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 183 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) LA VALTRIE DIVISION. § ' Lt.-Colonel Charles Gaspard De LaNaudiere. Major Joseph Edouard Faribault ; promoted Lt.-Colonel. Jacques Lacombe. ^ * Adjutant Captain Barthel^mi Joliette; promoted Major. Aides-Major Lieutenant Andre Perrault. Antoine Lacombe. Pierre Paul De LaNaudiere. Captains Charles Laporte. La Valtrie. Pierre Mondor. La Valtrie. Louis Laporte. St. Paul. Andre Mondor. St. Paul. Etienne Partenais. St. Paul. 8 Jan., 07. Dominique Martineau. St. Paul. Claude Martineau. St. Sulpice. Jean Huiet dit Chausse. St. Sulpice. Pierre Rottote. L'Assomption, Amable Archambault. L'Assomption. Bonaventure Lemire. La Pointe-du-jour. Joseph Peltier. St. Esprit. Joseph Bellony. St. Esprit. Pierre Laroche. Lanoraye. Francois Bonin. Lanorave. ^ Had been a Lieutenant, 1st Royal Canadian Volunteers. Member for Lein- ster, 1804-08. ' Lt.-Colonel 2nd Berthier Battln, 17 June, 30 ; Leg. Councillor, 1832-50 ; died 21 June, 50. See 7tli Battln, Emb. Militia, page 137. A statue erected to his naemory, Joliette, L.C., 30 Sept., 52. BERTHIER DIVISION. § 1 Lt.-Colonel Honble James Cuthbert; to 3rd S. E. M. 28 May, 12. ^ Major Louis Olivier. Pierre Martin dit Pelland, 27 July, 12. * Adjutant Captain Maxirae Olivier. ^ Lieutenant Joseph Amable Berthelot. § In 1828, 2nd Battalion, County of Warwick. § Disembodied by G.O. 17 Nov., 13. 184 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Captains Pierre St. Valier Mailloux. Berthier. To 3rd S.E.M. 28 May, 12. Pierre Pelland, Jr. Berthier. 30 July, 12. ' Joseph Levesque. Berthier. Joseph Roche. Berthier. Prisque Ferland. Berthier. Jean Baptiste Gilbert. Berthier. Alexis Grandpr^. Berthier. Louis Vadout. St. Cuthbert. Andre Ferriere. St. Cuthbert. J. B. Olivier. St. Cuthbert. -^ Antoine Destrarape. St. Cuthbert. Francois Eneau. St. Cuthbert. * Maxime Olivier. St. Eustache.f 29 July, 12. Nicholas GeofFroy. St. Eustache. Paschal Goulet. St. Eustache. Pierre Cr^peau. Ile-du-Pas. 22 Sept., 12. Lawrence Cramer. Rainezay. 13 March, 12. Pierre de Sorcy. Ramezay. 28 July, 12. Joseph Paquet. 10 Feb., 13. ^ Son of James Cuthbert, Seigneur of Berthier ; Member for Warwick, 1796- 1811 ; Leg. Councillor, 1811 ; died 4 March, 49. * Died at Berthier, 4 Feb., 16. His son Richard was an Ensign, Canadian Fencibles, in 1811. ' Living in 1875. * See 7th Battln., Emb. Militia, page ST. OURS DIVISION. § * Colonel Commandant Charles Louis Roch de St. Ours. Lt.-Colonel Pierre Ignace Malhiot, 16 March, 12; to 2nd S.E.M. Major Francois Xavier Malhiot, 5 March, 12 ; promoted Lt.- Colonel. ' Robert Jones, 16 March, 12. t The Companies at St. Eustache were transferred to the Riv-du-Chene Battln. in 1813. In 1828 Ist Battalion, County of Warwick. § Ordered for garrison duty at William Henry (G.O. 24 Sept., 12); relieved from service 26 Nov., 12 ; ordered for service Oct., 13; did duty at Chambly. In 1828, 1st Battalion, County of Leinster. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 185 DISTRICT OF MONTREA.L (Continued.) Adjutant Louis Tucker. Quartermaster George Graves. ' Surg^eon Louis M. Barbier; to Voltigeurs 19 April, 14. Aides-Major Captain Francois Victoire Malhiot ; to 2nd S. E. M. Lieutenant Michel Gamelin Gaucher. Ensign P. Noyelle de Fleurimont. Captains Pierre Cournoyer. Sorel. Alexis Cardin. Sorel. Francois Renoy. Sorel. Michel Lincourt. Sorel. Joseph Shuter. Sorel. To 3rd S. E. M. Jean Baptiste St. Martin. Sorel. Francois Louis Chapdelaine. St. Ours. Pierre Chapdelaine. St. Ours. L. Chapdelaine dit Lariviere. St. Ours. Athanase Fredet. St. Ours. Francois Lamoureux. St. Ours. Charles Payan dit St. Onge. St. Ours. Denis Jusseaume. Contrecceur. Etienne Paquette. Contrecceur. Joseph Donais. Contrecceur. Jean Baptiste Lincourt. Contrecceur. Joseph Levitre. Francois Quintal. Lieutenants Louis Berard. George Bramley. Charles Chapdelaine. Joseph Cornault. Agapit Duval. Francois Dussaut. Louis Paul Henne. Charles Lafontaine. Jean Baptiste Millet. Francois Ouellet. Jean Baptiste St. Martin. Louis Tremble. Louis Valentin. Ensigns Antoine Cournoyer. Augustin Cardin. Joseph Cournoyer. Jean Chapdelaine. J.^^Baptiste Dusseaux. 186 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Ensigns Jacob Derge. Pierre Fizette. Joseph Lamoureux. Hypolite Lariviere. Benjamin Leroux. Louis Millet. "J. Baptiste St. Germain. * Son of Roch de St. Ours dit Deschaillons. Baptized at Quebec, 24 Aug., 1753 ; Lieut, in Carleton's Companies, 1776 ; Captain Royal Highland Emigrants (84th Foot), 27 May, 83 ; A. D. C. to Lord Dorchester, 1 Dec, 1777 ; to Haldimand, 1 July, 78 ; Bvt. -Major, 94 ; Captain 60th, 2 Dec, 95 ; went on h. p. as Capt. 132nd Foot, 1796. Member Leg. Council, 1808-84 ; died 11 Nov., 34. » Member Leg. Council, 1832 ; died 22 Jan., 74. ' Another order gives the date of his transfer to Voltigeurs as 24 July, 14. ST. HYACINTHE d'YAMASKA DIVISION. § ^ Lt.-Col. Commandant Hyacinthe Marie Delorme. Major Jean Dessaulles, 17 March, 12 ; Lt.-Colonel 26 March, 13. Adjutant Captain Amable Archambault. ^ Edouard Cartier. Quarter-Master Michael Dwyer. Captains Joseph Coiteux. St. Hyacinthe. Louis Gendreau. St. Hyacinthe. Augustin Morin. St. Hyacinthe. * Joseph Cartier. St. Hyacinthe. Pierre Cadoret. St. Hyacinthe. Jean Baptiste Langelier, Sr. St. Hyacinthe. Amable Archambault. St. Hyacinthe. 27 May, 12. Joseph Porlier. * John Dwyer. Pierre Plamondon. Pierre Chapdelaine. Joseph Pallardie. Pierre Frichet. Joseph Raymond. Jacques Robitaille. Charles Lagorce. § Ordered out G. O. 3 Nov., 12 ; relieved from service 26 Nov., 12. In 1828 3rd Battalion, County of Richelieu. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 187 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Captains Louis Archambault. Joseph Bisteaudeau. Roderick Chisholm. Joseph Chapdelaine. Lieutenants Antoine Valin. Jean Baptiste Talon. Jean Baptiste Nicol. Pascal Bourbonniere. Alexis Beauchamp, Samuel Bullock. Louis Biron. Joseph Benoit. Joseph Dandelin. Hypolite Dufresne. Jean Baptiste Langelier, Jr. Francois Valle, 27 May, 12. Ensigns Enos Blin. Joseph Dufresne. Simon Gendron. Joseph Langelier. J. Baptiste L'huissier. Louis Legros. Christophe L'huissier. Louis Pulin. J. M. Langlois dit Germain, 27 May, 12. 1 Member for Richelieu, 1808-14 ; died 26 March, 13. ' Died at St. Hyacinthe, 26 Feb., 41. » Lt.-Colonel 3rd Battln. St. Hyacinthe, 23 July, 30. Died at Abbotsford, L.C., 30 Nov., 53, aged 72. * Died, at St. Hyacinthe, 29 April, 25, Major Joseph Cartier, aged 70. CHAMBLY. ' Colonel Commandant Honble Jean Baptiste Melchior Hertel de Rouville. 1st Battalion — Chambly Division. 2nd Battalion — Beloeil Division. 188 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) 1st BATTALION— CHAMBLY DIVISION.§ Lt.-Colonel James Finlay. Major Jean Baptiste Hertel de Rouville ; to 2nd S.E.M. 28 May,12. Adjutant Captain David Lukin ; to 2nd S.E.M. 28 May, 12. Timothee Franchere. Aide-Major Ensign Louis B. de Lagrave, Captains Julien DePelteau. St. Luc. Honore Joubert. St. Luc. Pierre Ostigny. Point Olivier. Charles Masse. Point Olivier. Michel Prive. St. Hilaire. Leopold R^my. St. Hilaire. Lieutenants ' Ensiirn Alexander Nadeau. '!->' ' Serred in Carleton's Canadian Companies, 1775 ; taken prisoner at St. John's. Leg. Councillor, 1812 ; died 30 Nov., 17. ' Living in 1875. 2nd BATTALION— BELCEIL DIVISION. § ^ * Lt.-Colonel Pierre Guerot. ^ Major Pierre Gris^. Major-en-second Gabriel Marchand, 16 Oct., 13. Adjutant J. Demers. Captain David Lukin, Quarter-Master John Yule. Captains Toussaint Ferriere. Chambly. ' Michel Laraoureux. Chambly. Julien Pi^dalu. Chambly. ■5^ Joseph Courtemanche. Chambly. Andre Vandendaigue. Beloeil. Benjamin Beaudry. Beloeil. Andre Gadbois. Prudent Gadbois. § Ordered for service 3 Nov., 12 ; relieved 26 Nov., 12 ; on duty at Chambly, Sept., 13. In 1828, 2nd Battalion, County of Kent. THEElOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 189 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Lieutenants Joseph Bresse. Bernard Bernard. Francois Lareau. Jean Manie. Joseph Renaud. Charles Tessier. Ensigns Francois Archambault. Narcisse Coursol. Baptiste Dufresne. J. Baptiste Lareau. James White. ' Member for Richelieu, 1792-96. * Lt.-Colonel 2ncl Battln, Chambly, 7 May, 30. ' Died at Chambly, 29 April, 25, aged 70. BEAUHARNOIS. 1st Battalion — Boucherville Division. 2nd Battalion — Beauharnois Division. 1st BATTALION— BOUCHERVILLE DIVISION. § Lt.-Colonel Paul Lacroix. 1 Major Pierre Rene Boucher de Labruere; to 2nd S.E.M.28 May, 12. ^ Louis Rene Chaussegros de Lery ; Lt.-Colonel 1 June, 13. ' Hyacinthe Raymond.fJr., 7 Oct., 13. Adjutant J. R. Chaussegros de Lery. * Aides-Major Captain Ren^ Thomas Vercheres de Boucherville. Joseph P. Lacroix. Ensign Pierre Marasse ; to 2nd S. E. M. 28 May, 12. Francois Viger, J. B. Gendreau. Quartermaster Casimir Denaut. Surgeon F, C. Duvert. § Ordered out by G.O., 3 Nov., 12 ; relieved from service 26 Nov., 12. Embodied by G.O. 27 Sept., 13. In 1828 1st Battalion, County of Kent. 190 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (^Continued.) * Captains Pierre Weilbrenner. Boueherville. To 2nd S. E. M. 28 May, 12. Augustin Weilbrenner (a). Boueherville. Charles Denaut Demuy (b). Boueherville. Jean Baptiste Charbonneau (c). Boueherville. Francois Surprenant. Longueuil. Francois Trudeau, Lon^ueuil. Charles Millet. Longueuil. Charles Leclair. Long-ueuil. Alexis Daigneau, Sr. (d) Longueuil. Alexis Prefontaine (e). Longueuil. Francois Brousseau. La Prairie. Louis Hebert. La Prairie. Joseph Ignace Hebert. La Prairie. See Guides. Jean Baptiste Raymond, Sr. La Prairie. Francois Pinsonnault. La Prairie. -{X Antoine Dupre, Sr. (f). La Prairie. Lieutenants Michel Gatien (a). Joseph Roy (b). Paschal Trudel (c). Alexis Daigneau, Jr. (d) Joseph Dubuc (e). Joseph D. Porcheron (f). ^ Jean Marie Tetreau. ^ Andre Tetreau. Ensigns Chrisostome Racicot (a). ^ Augustin Quintal (b). Etienne Rive (c). Charles Trudeau (d). Louis Etienne Daniel (e). Benoit Dincoinian (£). ■^ James Brisben. Benoit Pinsonnault. Francois Viger. ^ Medal with clasp, Chateauguay. ' Son-in-law of Col. P. R. A. Boucher de Boueherville, 2nd Beauharnois. Leg. Councillor, 1818 ; died 28 Nov., 32. * Appears also as "Moise Raymond, Jr." The letters in brackets are to distinguish the ofificers of the various com- panies as given in the Freer Papers (M. 142, p. 45, Can. Archives.) THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 191 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) * Present at Detroit (medal and clasp). Major 1st Chambly Battln., 17 June, 30. His diary dealing with the war has been published by the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, Montreal, 3rd Series, Vol. III. ^ Major 1st Chambly Battln., 5 April, 30. « Captain 1st Chambly, 17 Dec, 30. 2nd BATTALION— BEAUHARNOIS DIVISION. § Engagements : — Chateauguay. ' Colonel Honble Pierre Rene Amable Boucher de Bouelierville. ^ Lt.-Colonel Honble Charles William Grant, Baron de Longueuil, 15 May, 12. ^ 3 Major Edmond Henry, 15 May, 12. ' Adjutant-en-paye Captain Ambroise Sanguinet, Sr., 15 May, 12. Adjutant Captain Thomas Busby, 16 May, 12. * Lieutenant Michael O'Sullivan. * Captains Laurent Roy. St. Margaret. « Constant Cartier. St. Margaret. 22 Mar., 1798. ® Joseph Larue. St. Margaret. ' Joseph Brun. St. Margaret. * Joseph Cloatre. St. Margaret. ^^ Pierre Lefebvre. St. Philippe. ^ Jacques Robert. St. Philippe. * Etienne Rive. St. Philippe. -j^ * Pierre Hebert. St. Philippe. 4 Aug., 12. ^ « Joseph Marie Longuetin. St. Constant. ^ Alexis Lanctot. St. Constant. Louis Demers. Chateauguay. Jean Baptiste Brouillet. Chateauguay. Etienne Eneau. Beauharnois. 18 Sept., 12. * James Milne. Beauharnois. " Charles Archambault. Beauharnois. 1 Oct., 12. § Ordered out, G.O. 3 Nov., 12; relieved from service 26 Nov., 12; embodied G.O. 27 Sept., 13. Divided into two Battalions, by G.O. 15 Dec, 13. 1st Batt. Beauharnois. St. Constant, Chateauguay and Beauharnois Com- panies, under Lt.-Col. Grant. In 1828 it became 1st Battalion, County of Hun- tingdon. 2nd Batt. L'Acadie. L'Acadie, St. Philippe Companies, under Major Herse. It became, in 1828, the 3rd Battalion, County of Huntingdon. 192 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Captains Alexis Sauvag^eau. Beauharnois. 2 Sept., 12. ^ Bazile Laniarque. •^ Antoine Dupuis. 30 Jan., 14. ^ Lieutenants Antoine Lanctot. 'j^ Theodore Bechard. Jean Cassaus. (Cassene ?) Francois Hebert. Francois Pinsonnault. Francois Robert. ^ Ensigns Francois Lanctot. Frederick Hart. Louis Julien. Jean Baptiste R^niau. Jean Baptiste Viau. ' Born at Cataraqui, 1 Feb., 1735 ; died 2 Nov., 12. Captain in Carleton's Can- adian Companies, 1775 ; taken prisoner at St. John's ; served under Burgoyne ; Member Leg. Council, 1792 ; father of Lt. -Colonel P. A. Boucher, Prov. A. D. C, and Captain Rene T. Boucher (Vercheres), 1st Boucherville. * Son of Captain David Alexander Grant, 84th Foot, and Marie, Baroness Longueuil. Born at Quebec, 1782. Succeeded as 5th Baron de Longueuil. Member Leg. Council, 1811. Held at Worcester, Mass., 8 Dec, 13, as a hostage for the U.S. officers then prisoners in Canada. ■ Lt. -Colonel 1st Battalion, Mon- treal C. and C, 17 Apr., 30. Died at Kingston, U.C, 5 July, 48. * Commanded 1st Beauharnois during Col. Grant's detention in the United States. Present at Chateauguay. Member for Huntingdon, 1810-14. Died at Laprairie, 14 Sept., 41, aged 83. His name is given as "Edme Henry" and "Henry Edme." Lt.-Colonel 2nd Huntingdon, 2 July, 1822. * Member for Huntingdon, 1814-24. Fought a duel with Dr. Caldwell, 11 Apr., 1819, being dangerously wounded. Present at Chateauguay. Major 1st Battal- ion, Montreal C. and C, 14 April, 30. * Transferred to L'Acadie Division in 1814. ® Also given as "Lonctin." ' Living in 1875. * SeeQr.-M. General's Department, page 101. Died at St. Martin, about 1870, ® Died 26 March, 19. ^° At La Fourche, 1813. " Ensign 4th Batt., S.E.M. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 193 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) L'ACADIE BATTALION. § Major Jacques Clement Herse. Quartermaster Michael Dwyer. Captains Joseph Brun. Edouard Cartier. R. K. Chisholm. Pierre Louis Girardin. Joseph Lareau. Laurent Roy. Lieutenants Louis Biron. Louis Girardin. Olivier Hebert. J. Hale. Francois Lafay. Thos. Mai'chesseau, Richard McGinnis. Ensigns Belonie Comeau. Christophe Fortin. Christophe Lucier. Pierre Martel. Joseph Piedeloup. Joseph Poirier. (See page 191.) LES CHASSEURS. § Enc^Hgement : — Chateauguay. COMPAGNIE D'ELITE DE CHATEAUGUAY ^ ^ Captain Jean Baptiste Brugiere. Lieutenant William Dalton, 9 Oct., 12. - Ensign Amable Foucher. CHASSEURS DE L'ACADIE (TWO COMPANIES.) Captain Pierre Louis Girardin, 7 Oct., 12. ^ Louis De Coigne, 8 Oct., 12. Lieutenant Richard McGinnis, 7 Oct., 12. Joseph Piedeloup, 8 Oct., 12. § Under the command of Major de Salaberry. 194 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Conihwed.) CHASSEURS DE ST. PHILIPPE. Captain Paul Theophile Pinsonnault, 9 Oct., 12. ^ Lieutenant Frederick Hart, 9 Oct., 12. Ensign Bazile Boucliard. CHASSEURS DE ST. CONSTANT. ^ Captain Pierre Matte, 16 Oct., 12. Lieutenant Theophile Beffre, 18 Oct., 12. Present at Chateaugnay, wounded. Present at Chateauguay. Capt. 1st Huntingdon, 5 Mar., 27. De Salaberry wrote of him as "Un homme deconnaissances pen communes." Living in 1875. * Died 28 Jan., 31, aged 57. ST. DENIS DIVISION. § ' Colonel Joseph Boucher de Labruere Montarville. ^ Lt.-Colonel Louis Bourdages ; Major 18 March, 12. Major Francois de Laperiere. Joseph Charles Drolet, 10 Feb., 13. Adjutant L. P. Duvert. Quartermaster Joseph Cartier. Paymaster Raymond Bourdages. Assistant Surgeon Alfred Nelson. Aides-Major Captain Louis Coursol, Lieutenant J. Besse. Captains Louis Courtemanche. St. Denis. Jean Baptiste Cadieux. St. Denis. ^ Joseph Gariepy. St. Denis. 8 Feb., 14. Joseph Leblanc. St. Denis. Antoine Benoit. St. Charles. Jean Baptiste Phoenix, Sr. St. Charles. Christophe Marchesseau. St. Antoine. Pierre Cheval, Jr. St. Antoine. Louis Durocher. St. Antoine. § Ordered for service by G.O. 3 Nov., 12 ; relieved from service, 26 Nov., 12 ; ordered on service, Oct., 13. In 1828, 2nd Battalion, County of Riclielieu. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 195 DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) Captains Archange Renaud. St. Max^k. Jean Baptiste Bougrette. St. Mark. Toussaint Drolet. St. Mark. Antoine Marchesseau. St. Mark. Etienne J. Migneault. Lieutenants C. J. T. Bourdages. Baptiste Auge. Louis Brodeur. Francois Cote. Louis Dufresne. Antoine Franchere. Joseph Jeannot. Baptiste Lussier. Christophe Lussier. Louis Leblanc. Augustin Marchesseau. Louis St. Germain. Bazile Dufresne. Ensigns Joseph Aug^. Eusebe Cartier. Baptiste Courtemanche. Louis Durocher. Jean Baptiste Phcenix, Jr. Baptiste Guyon. Pierre Meunier. Pierre Mondor. Bazile Olivier. Godefroy Plamondon. Charles Renaud. Toussaint Tetreau. 1 Died 10 March, 13, aged 70. ' Member for Richelieu, 1808-14; Buckingham, 1815-16. Afterwards Lt.-Col. 2nd Richeheu. Died at St. Denis de Richelieu, 20 Jan., 35. VERCHERES DIVISION. § Colonel Commandant Joseph Boucher de Labruere Montarville. ' Lt.-Colonel Jacques Cartier, Sr., 18 Feb., 08. § Formed 18 Feb., 13 ; embodied by G.O. 27 Sept., 13. In 1828, 3rd Battalion County of Surrey. 196 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL (Continued.) ' Major Eustache Desrivieres Beaubien ; ht.-Coloi\e\-en-second 29 Sept, 13. Adjutant-en-paye M. Le Pailleur. ' Adjutant Lieutenant Jacques Cartier, Jr. ; Major by 1814. Captains Jean Baptiste Charon. Vercheres. Pierre Amyot. Vercheres. Francis Brien. Vercheres. Francois Quintal. Vercheres. Paschal Gagnon, Sr. Vercheres. Paschal Gagnon, Jr. Vercheres. A. V^geart dit Labonte. Vercheres. Urbain Richard. Varennes. Louis Loiseau. Varennes. Pierre Geoffrion. Varennes. Jacques Lemoine de Martigny, Sr. Varennes. Joseph Laberge. Varennes. Jean Baptiste Savarie. Varennes. Lieutenants * Ensign Joseph Ayet dit Maleau. ' Served during first American War. Member for Surrey, 1804-09 ; died at St. Antoine, 22 Mar., 14. Father of Sir George E. Cartier, Minister of Militia, 1867-73. ' Died at Varennes, 3 Oct., 16. * Lt.-Colonel 3rd Battln., Vercheres ; died at St. Antoine, 29 Aug., 41, aged 67. * Living in 1875. THE TOWNSHIPS ^ Colonel Honble Sir John Johnson, Bart. 1st Battalion. 2nd Battalion. Srd Battalion. 4th Battalion. 5th Battalion. 6th Battalion. 1st battalion. § Lt.-Colonel G. McBeath. William Lindsay. Major Thomas McVey, 28 Dec, 13. Adjutants William McCrae. James Drennan. Quartermaster Conrad Deddrick. Surgeon Austin Leonard. Captains Philip Byrne (Cavalry). St. John. Joseph Richardson ; to F.L.I. Menard Grossman. Laeolle. Joseph Odell. Odelltown. John Dewar. Caldwell's Manor. Jasper Cook. Caldwell's Manor. ^ Isaac Wilsie. Hemmingford. Edward Brown. ^ Horace Hibbard. Ormstown. Archibald Ogilvie. Ormstown. Garret Barron. Hichinbrook. Lieutenants James Clark. Henry Emerick. Thomas McLaren. Daniel McCollum. Ensigns Daniel Cotton. Newberry Edie. Louis Marchand. Josephus Vaughan. § Embodied by G.O. 27 Sept., 13. In 1828, this Battalion was 2nd Battln. County of Bedford. 198 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. THE TOWNSHIPS. (Continued.) ' See Indian Department. ' Major 1st Batt. L'Acadie Battln., 24 Aug., 30. ' Originally an American subject. Did not leave Canada during the War. 2nd BATTALI0N.§ Lt.-Colonel Henry Ruiter. Major John Jones ; to F.L.I. Lt.-Colonel 3 Apr., 21. Adjutant Captains Alexander Griggs. Sutton. Moses Elkins. ^ Bella Bell. John Porter. Brome. John Savage, Sr. Henry Powers. John Pickle. Richard Adams. Bolton. Ezekiel Moulton. James Poison. Lieutenants John Savage, Jr. ; to F.L.I. 25 Aug., 13. 3rd BATTALION. § Lt,-Colonel Henry Cull, 2 Apr., 08. En-second Willard, 12 Apr., 14. Major Charles Kilborn ; to F.L.I. Adjutant Captain Jacob Glen. Surgeon Isaac Whitcher, 21 July, 10. Captains Francis Ruiter. Stanstead. Francis TapHn. Stanstead. Johnson Taplin. Israel Wood (Cavalry). James Bod well. David Curtis. Moses Copp. 5 Apr., 08. James Bangs. Francis Bartlet. Barnston. Issacher Norton. Barnston. § In 1828, was the 3rd Battahon, County of Bedford. §In 1828, was the 4th Battalion, County of Richelieu. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 199 THE TOWNSHIPS. (Continued.,) Captains Joseph Ives. Hatley. Simon Kezard. Hatley. 13 July, 10. ^ Lieutenants Messa. Ezra Ball. Ens. 3 June, 05 : Lt. 20 Nov., 07 ; res. Oct., 13. ^ Bodwell. •j^ ' Ensigns Edmund Boynton. Enoch Bailey ; Capt. Nov., 13. Roswell Smith ; Lt. Nov., 13. John Heath, Nov., 13. ' Took part in expedition to Derby, Vt., 27 Dec, 13 ; thanked for services in G.O., 9 Jan., 14. ' Major 5th Bedford, 1 Feb., 28. His son, Edward Southouse, was appointed an Ensign DeMeuron's, 11 May, 1815. 4th battalion. § ^ ' Lt.-Colonel Philip Luke, Sr. 'j^ 2 Major Joseph Powell. ' Adjutant Lieutenant Philip Luke, Jr. ^ Captains Harmonius Best. St. Armand. •^ * Christian VVeyer, Sr. St. Armand. Joseph Baker. Dunham. * Jacob Ruiter. Dunham. -^ John Ruiter. Dunham. ^ James Pell. Dunham. Lieutenants Kraus. ? Krans. Wej^er. Ranz. ? Krans. •^ * John Reychand. ■^ ' George Willis. ^ ' Christian Snyder. ^ ' John Waggoner. ^ Ensigns John Whitney. ^ Benjamin Reynolds. § Embodied by G.O. 27 Sept., 13. In 1828 was the 4th Battalion, County of Bedford. 200 THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. THE TOWNSHIPS (Continued.) ' Lieutenant during Revolutionary War. Died at St. Armand, 3 Jan., 24, aged 70. ' Prisoner of war at Burlington, Vt., Dec, 13. ' Major 2 Jan., 18, vice Powell, deceased. Usually referred to as "Wehr." * Prisoner of war at Burlington, Vt., Dec, 13. Lower Canadian Crown Lands papers give his name as "Rhycard." 5th battalion. § Lt.-Colonel Major Coininandiiig Jesse Pennoyer. Captains Guy Mills. Compton. Felix Ward. Compton. Samuel Heard. Newport. N. Bishop. Dudswell. Israel Hibbard. Orford. David Steel. Brompton. Daniel Miller. Melbourne. Joseph Perkin. Shipton. Elmer Cushing (Cavalry). Shipton. Resigned 27 Mar., 13. William Moore. Kingsey. 6th BATTALI0N.§§ ^ Lt.-Colonel Adam Gordon Johnson. ' Major John Johnson. Adjutant Theophile Lemay. F. M. Petrimoult. Quartermaster John Donaldson. Captains Joseph Carreau. Ste. Marie. Alexis Desbleds. Ste. Marie. 9 March, 04. Pierre Govet. Ste. Marie. Antoine Meunier. Riv. des Hurons. 8 Apr., 08. Pierre Nolin. Sabvrevois. 7 Apr., 08. Norman McLeod (Highland Co'y.) Mt. Johnson. Henr}^ Georgen. Farnham. Bedard. §In 1828 was the 5th Battalion, County of Buckinghamshire (Ascott). §§ In 1828 was 5th Battalion, County of Bedford. THE LOWER CANADIAN MILITIA. 201 THE TOWNSHIPS (Continued.) Lieutenants Louis Marcliand. Ambroise Bedard. Andre Resell Ion. * See Indian Department. * Brother of Sir Adam Johnson ; born 1792 ; died at St. Mathias, 23 June, 41. THE PROVINCIAL MARINE. VESSELS. ON LAKE ONTARIO. * Royal George 18 guns. ' Earl of Moira 14 ^^ Duke of Gloucester 6 ^ Sir Isaac Brock — » Wolfe 22 Building at Kingston .... 24 * Melville 14 * Sir Sidney Smith 12 ON ST. LAWRENCE RIVER. ^ Black Snake. ^ Thunder. ON LAKE ERIE. ^ Queen Charlotte 18 sfuns. ® Lady Prevosb 12 '" General Hunter 6 " Little Belt 2 ^ Chippawa 2 " Detroit 1 8 '' Detroit II 19 '3 Eliza '^ Colonel Myers , ^* Caledonia ON LAKE HURON. Mink. '^ Perseverance. ^^ Nancy 1 THE PROVINCIAL MARINE. 203 ^ Re-named "Niagara" in 1814. ^ Intended to carry 30 guns ; building at Yorli and destroyed by the Ameri- cans, April, 1813. ' A sloop. Re-named "Montreal" in 1814. * Re-named "Star" in 1814. * A schooner. Altered to a brig i 1814 and named "Magnet." ^ A schooner. Altered to a brig in 1814, and named "Charwell." ^ "Capt. Mcintosh of the Embodied and Capt. Davy of the Incorporated Militia are appointed each to command a gunboat. For "Black Snake" — 1 Sgt., 1 Corporal and 20 men ; for the "Thunder" — 1 Sgt., 1 Corporal and 24 men ; 2 R.A. gunners to be attached to each vessel." (Militia Order, Kingston, 8 June, 12.) * A brig. Was at Detroit, 16th Aug., 12. Taken at Put-in-Bay. ' Lady Prevost and Chippawa were schooners. Both were taken at Put-in-Bay. '» A brig. Was at Detroit, 16 Aug., 12. " Originally the "Adams." Captured by Brock and re-named "Detroit." Was re-captured by the Americans and destroyed by fire at Squaw Island, Niag- ara River, 9 Oct., 12. Detroit II. was a brig. '' Chartered from Northwest Fur Company. Lost at Nottawasaga, 14 Aug., 14. " Were at Fort Meigs. '* Belonged to the Northwest Fur Company. Was at Mackinac, 17 July, 12. Captured by the Americans off Fort Erie, 9 Oct., 12, and was one of the Ameri- can squadron at Put-in-Bay. '* Destroyed by the Americans at Sault Ste. Marie. '« Taken at York, 27 April, 13. THE PROVINCIAL MARINE. § Engagements: — Detroit, 16tli Aug., 12. Frenchtown, 22nd Jan., 18. York, 27th April, 13. Fort Meigs, 1st May, 13. Miami, 5th May, 13. Commissioner to Upper Canada Naval Department, (temp.). Captain Richard 0'Connor,Royal Navy,2 June,13. § Was under the Quartermaster-General's Department until 24th June, 1813, when Captain O'Connor, Royal Navy, having been appointed Commissioner of the Navy Department in Upper Canada, all persons and stores were transferred over to him. (G.O. 2 June, 13.) "The officers of the Provincial Marine received their commissions from the "Commander-in-Chief in British North America, and the whole force was "attached to the Department of the Quartermaster-General. On the arrival of "the first detachment of the Royal Navy, these gentlemen were informed that "their commissions could not be recognized by the rules of a service " The greater part of these officers retired from the Marine and took service in " the Militia, where they were permitted to risk their lives without offence to " their feelings." (Coffin's Chronicles of the War.) 204 THE PROVINCIAL MARINE. ' Captains Hon'ble Alexander Grant. •' George B. Hall, 25 Apr., 12. * Masters and Commanders John Steel. ^ * Henry Murney. ^ Louis Ruel. ^ 7 Gustavus Arcvison. ^ First Lieutenants William McDonald. * Francois Gauvreau. Lake Ontario. Theophilus Sampson. Lake Ontario. ^ ^ Hugh Earle. Lake Ontario, Francis Lawrence. •" Fish. Lake Ontario. '^ Francis Purvis. Lake Erie. John Drake. '^ Second Lieutenants Charles Frederic Rolette. Lake Erie. "^ '3 James Richardson, Jr. "5^ " James Patterson. ^ Angus McLaughlin. ^ John Williams. ^ 1^ George Smith. Lake Ontario. ^ '" Stephen Jones. '7 Robert Irvine. Lake Erie. M. L. Green. Lake Erie. ^* William Lowe. ^ Timothy Shea. ^ James Sinclair. Lake Erie. Amos Biggar. " Bremner. ^ ^' Master's Mate James Fortier. I'J G. Collins. / J.Campbell. •^ Sailing Masters Nathaniel Chapman. -^ 2' Jonathan Nelson. Lake Erie. 22 James Miller. -^ -^ Samuel Fortier. ^ William Fleming. Fleet. ^ -^ Pilots Samuel Brock. Lake Ontario. ^ Daniel Purdy. Lake Ontario. ^ John McCall. Lake Erie. ^ "•' Edward Walker. ^ Robert E. Walker. THE PROVINCIAL MARINE. 205 ^ Pilots John Jaffray. i^ ^ William Osborne. ^ James Sinclair. ■^ Alexander Tremeer. ^ Andrew Denike. ^ George Miller. ^ ^ Joseph Kehdrick. ^ James Struthers. ^ John Gordon. St. Lawrence River. ^ ^' Edward Skelton. ^^ Midshipmen John Ridout. ^^ Rohert Richardson, Jr. -ji;^ John Campbell. Louis Beaupre. ^ Samuel Hands. ^ ^» Robert Nelson. ^^ Louis S. Johnston. *' Thomas Barvvis. Storekeeper and Superintendent of York Dockyard — Thomas James Plucknett. •^ ^'^ Surgeons Robert Richardson, Sr. ^ George Baker. 3^ Grant Powell. ^ Assistant Surgeon Benjamin Hall. Pressmaster Captain Edward Jones, Provincial Marines. Clerks (Purser) James Langdon. ^^ Wilson. Clerk and Steward James Giffen. 'j^ Clerk Kingston Dockyard — Frederick C. Barber. ^ Francois X. Rocheleau. ^ Entered Navy as a firstclass Volunteer, 1798. Lieut. 1 Feb., 06. Com- mander 17 Aug., 10. Flag Captain to Yeo on "Prince Kegent" at Oswego, where he superintended boats landing troops. Eeturned to England in 1815. K.C.H., 25 Jan., 36. Retired 1 Oct., 46. ' Entered Royal Navy as a Midshipman, 1755. Ensign 77th Foot, 1757. Served in North America 2 years. Appointed Acting Master and Commander on the Lakes, 1759. Member of Executive and Legislative Councils, Upper Canada, 1792. President of the Province, 11 Sept., 05—24 Aug., 06. Removed from Prov. Marine, 30 March, 12, on account of old age. Died at Grosse Isle, U.C, May, 1813. He received 5000 acres of land, 10 July, 1793, in consideration of his faithful services. His pay as Commander was £165 sterling per annum. * Succeeded Grant as Commander, 25 Apr., 12. Was at Detroit ; mentioned in despatches (medal and clasp). After the Prov. Marine Department was taken 206 THE PROVINCIAL MARINE. over by the Navy, Capt. Hall (styled late Superintendent and Storekeeper, Amherstburg Dockyard) was appointed Naval Storekeeper, Montreal, 25 Dec, 13, at 10 shillings per diem. He died at Amherstburg, 9 Jan., 21. See Ist Essex. * Removed from office, 30 March, 12, being succeeded by Earle. ^ Captain of a schooner unattached. * On the Eiver St. Lawrence. ' Master of a transport at capture of Detroit, and at Fort Meigs. Medal with clasp Detroit. Master of a transport attached to the Royal Navy. • Appointed 2nd Lieut., 12 May, 1805. • Appointed Lieut., 12 May, 1805; Captain 25 Apr., 12, on Steel's removal. Died at Kingston, U.C., 28 Dec, 40, aged 76. '" Appointed First Lieut., 25 April, 1812. *' Was at Put-in-Bay, 10 Sept., 13. Confined in Frankfort penitentiary as a hostage. ^'^ Born at Quebec, 1788. Entered Royal Navy ; was at the battle of the Nile (wounded) and Trafalgar. Second Lieut., Prov. Marine, 4 Oct., 1807 ; 2nd Lieut. and Mate, 24 Oct., 1808. First Lieut, on "Hunter," 25 Apr., 12. Captured the packet "Cayahoga," 3 July, 12 ; was at Frenchtown, where he acted as an artillery officer (wounded); was at Put-in-Bay (despatches), taking command of the "Lady Prevost" on her commander being wounded ; a prisoner-of-war and confined as a hostage in Frankfort penitentiary. Presented with a sword of honour at Quebec, where he afterwards died, 17 March, 1831, aged 48. " A native of Kingston, U.C. Served as a Lieut, from 25 April, 12, to the time of Sir James Yeo's taking command ; as Master and Pilot on the "Wolfe" during the remainder of the war. Was at Oswego, 6 May, 14, losing an arm. " Son of the late Capt. Patterson. Appointed Midshipman on schooner "St. Lawrence, 25 Apr., 12. '* Served on the "Royal George." ^* Commanded a gunboat (U.C. Crown Lands Records.) " Commanded the "Caledonia" until her capture, 9 Oct., 12. Present at French- town ; wounded whilst capturing a gun. Promoted 1st Lieut. Served on "Queen Charlotte" at Put-in-Bay (despatches), succeeding to command on Capt. Finnis, R.N., and Lieut. Stokoe, R.N., being wounded. Confined as a hostage at Frankfort penitentiary. '* Date of appointment, 25 April, 1812. '® Was at Putin-Bay ; prisoner of war, and confined as a hostage in Frankfort penitentiary. '" Present at Detroit, medal with clasp. Was at Put-in-Bay and held at Frankfort penitentiary as a hostage. " On the "General Hunter." " Died on service, 9 Oct., 1814. " Present at Detroit, medal and clasp. "* Query as to his being identical with Capt. S. Brock, 1st Northumberland. *^ Claims in his application for land grant to have been a "Commander." " Served on the "Moira." ^'' Served on the "Prince Regent." THE PROVINCIAL MARINE. 207 "* Son of Thomas Ridout, Surveyor-General, U.C. Served on the "Royal George." Killed in a duel at York, 1817. '* Son of Dr. Robert Richardson. Born at Queenston, U. C, 1798. Died at Amherstburg, June, 1819. Severely wounded at Frenchtown, 22 Jan., 13. Later he was a Lieut, in Provincial Drivers. '° See also Indian Department. In a petition he states that he was a Midship- man on the "Lady Prevost" at Put-in-Bay, where he was wounded and taken prisoner. Died at Amherstburg, 27 May, 1825. *' Afterwards 1st Lieutenant. Served on Lake Erie. Present at Frenchtown, wounded. " Assistant Surgeon Queen's Rangers, 1798-1802. Surgeon's mate at Amherst- burg to 1813. District Judge, Western District, 1807-29. Was at Putin-Bay (prisoner). On his release was appointed Surgeon, Indian Department. Married, in 1793, Madeleine, daughter of Lt.-Col. John Askin. Died at Amherstburg, 1 May, aged 59. His eldest son was the well-known Major John Richardson, author of "Wacousta," "The War of 1812," in which he served as a Volunteer, 41st Regt., afterwards as a Lieut., 8th. He served later as Lieut., 2nd and 92nd Regts. Capt. in the "British Auxiliary Legion" in Spain. His second sou, Robert, was the above Midshipman. *=• On the "Earl of Moira." " Acting 5 Oct., 12. " On the "Queen Charlotte." ** Served also under Yeo. THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT Engagements: — Mackinac, I7th July, 12. Brownstown, 5tli Auoj., 12. Maguaga, 9th Aug., 12. ^ Fort Detroit, 16th Aug., 12. ^ Queenston Heights, 13th Oct., 12. ' Fort Niagara, 21st Nov., 12. Frenchman's Creek, 27th Nov., 12. * Frenchtown, 22nd Jan., 13. York, 27th April, 13. Fort Meigs, 1st May, 13. Miami, 5th May, 13. Fort George, 27th May, 13. * Beaver Dams, 24th June, 13. Sandusky, 2nd Aug., 13. Butler's Farm, l7th Aug., 13. * Cross Roads, 6th Sept., 18. Moraviantown, 5t]i Oct., 13. Chateauguay, 26th Oct., 13. Chrystler's Farm, 11th Nov., 13. Fort George, 12th Dec, 13. Lewiston, 20th Dec, 13. ^ Black Rock, Buffalo, 30th Dec, 13. Chippawa, 5th July, 14. * Rock River Rapids, 19th July, 14. Fort Shelby, 20th July, 14. Prairie-du-Chien, 20th July, 14. Lewiston, 25th July, 14. Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14. Conjocta Creek, 3rd Aug., 14. Mackinac, 4th Aug., 14. Nottawasaga, 24th Aug., 14. Fort Erie, lst-31st Aug., 14. Capture of the "Tigress," 3rd Sept., 14. Capture of the "Scorpion," 6th Sept., 14. Lyon's Creek, 19th Oct., 14. Malcolm's Mills, 6th Nov., 14. THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. 209 1 "They were led yesterday by Colonel Elliott and Captain McKee, and noth- ing could exceed their order and steadiness. A few prisoners were taken by them, during the advance, whom they treated with every humanity ; and it affords me much pleasure in assuring Your Excellency that such was their for- bearance and attention to what was required of them that the enemy sustained no other loss in men than what was occasioned by the fire of our batteries." (Brock's Despatch, 17 Aug., 12.) * "He (Norton) and the Indians particularly distinguished themselves." Sheaffe's Despatch, 13 Oct., 12.) ' "I received the greatest assistance from Major Givins and the Indians under his command." (Bisshopp's Despatch, 1 Dec, 12.) * "The zeal and courage of the Indian Department were never more conspicu- ous than on this occasion, and the Indian warriors fought with their usual bravery." (Procter's Despatch, 25 Jan., 13.) ^ "In this affair the Indian warriors, under the command of Captain Kerr, were the only force actually engaged ; to them great merit is due, and to them I feel particularly obliged for their gallant conduct on this occasion." (Bisshopp's Report to Prevost, Beaver Dams, 24 June, 13.) "The Indian warriors behaved with great steadiness and courage, and His Excellency has much satisfaction in learning that they conducted themselves with humanity and forbearance towards the prisoners after the action." (G.O. 28 June, 13.) * "Their conduct (the Indians) in this affair has given General de Rottenburg particular satisfaction, inasmuch as it affords proof that their zeal in the cause in which we are engaged is undiminished." (G.O. 9 Sept., 13.) ' "Lt.-Col. EUiott, in this, as well as on other occasions, is entitled to my highest commendations for his zeal and activity as Superintendent of the Indian Department ; and I am happy to add that, through his exertions and that of his officers, no act of cruelty, as far as I could learn, was committed by the Indians towards any of their prisoners." (Riall's Despatch, 1 Jan., 14.) ' "This is perhaps one of the most brilliant actions, fought by Indians only, since the commencement of the war." (McKay's despatch to McDouall,27 July, 14. INDIAN DEPARTMENT— UPPER CANADA. ^ Deputy Superintendent-General and Deputy Inspector-General Lt.-Colonel William Glaus, 2 July, 1796. ^ ^ Superintendents-Lt.-Colonel Matthew Elliott, Sr.,Amherstburg. ^ Captain Thomas McKee, St. Joseph. * Deputy-Superintendents — Lt.-Colonel William Caldwell, Sr., 8 May, 14. ^ * Lt.-Colonel Robert Dickson, Western Nations. « Lt.-Colonel William McKay, Mack- inac. 25 Dec, 14. '' Agent — Major James Givins. York. ■j^ Assistant-Secretary — Duncan Cameron. York. 210 THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. UPPER CANADA (Continued.) ^ Surgeons Robert Kerr. Niagara. 27 April, 1788. ^ Robert Richardson. Western Nations. 25 Mar., 14. '" Surgeon's Mate— David Mitchell. St. Joseph and Mackinac. '^ Missionary— Reverend J. B. Marchand. Sandwich. 25 Dec, 12. Storekeepers — Joseph B. Clench. Niagara. "w" George Ironside. Amherstburg. 13 T John Askin, Jr. St. Joseph. " Residents and Captains — John Ferguson. Kingston. 1 Sept., 12. Jean Baptiste Rousseaux, Niagara. 25 Oct., 12. f^ ^^ Captains — William Johnson Kerr. ik '^ Billy Caldwell. Western Nations. ik ^^ John Askin. ik William Jones. ik '' John Wilson. J. St. Germain, 25 May, 13. 1^ ^^ Matthew Elliott, Jr., 19 June, 13. Thomas Gummersal Anderson, 1 Sept., 14. ^ ^^ Francis Michael Dease. Western Nations. 2 Sept.,14. ^* Robert Ramsay Livingston (Miskinankai, "The Fox,") 25 Oct., 14. ^ ^* Lieutenants § Alexander McKee. Detroit. 18 June, 13. ^* Barnett Lyons. Detroit. 19 June, 13. Jacob Graverat. Detroit. 19 June, 13. 'w' ^^ Joseph Rainville. Western Nations. ^^ Michel Brisebois. Western Nations. 5 June, 14. ^ ^ Charles Chandonnet. Western Nations. ^ " Louis Grignon. Western Nations. ^ Ignace La Rose. Western Nations. ^ John Law. Western Nations, lir Jean B. Cadot. Western Nations. 26 Oct., 14. ik ^^ Philippe La Saussaye. Western Nations, 'jij' James Eraser. Western Nations. George McGulpin. Western Nations. ^ *^ William Elliott. Western Nations. ^ Joseph Perrin. Western Nations. ifV Joseph Laperche dit St. Jean. Western Nations. ^ Edward Sayer, 19 June, 13. " William W. Chew, 25 Oct., 12. '^ George Rosseaux, 25 May, 13. § Lieutenants were appointed by Commission, receiving 6 sti. 6 d. a day. THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. 211 UPPER CANADA (Continued.) " Lieutenants Benjamin Fairchild, 25 Oct., 12. ^ Louis S. Johnston, 25 Oct., 14. '* Eneas. Mackinac. 25 Nov., 14. ^ ^^ Duncan Graham. Mackinac. Promoted Captain 6 Sept., 14. ^ '^ John Brant (Anyonewaeghe.) ^ Alexander Ferguson. *^ Interpreters § Charles Anderson. Kingston. 1 Sept., 12. *^ Charles Ayniard. Charles Spenhard. St. Joseph. 25 May, 13. i^ *^ William Solomon. Western Nations. •^ Jean Baptiste Guillory, Jr. Western Nations. 25 May, 13. i!z Joseph Roque. Western Nations. •^ Louis Chevalier. Western Nations. -^ Colin Campbell. Western Nations. 25 Nov., 14. ^ Louis Desaulniers. Western Nations. 25 Nov.,14. Antoine Grant. Western Nations. Joseph St. Germain. Western Nations. 6June,14. ■5^ Pierre Grignon. Western Nations. ^ Francois Laframboise. Western Nations. ^ Joseph St. Pierre. Western Nations. " George Frederick Rapp. Western Nations. 24 Aug., 12. ^ Augustin Roque. Western Nations. ^ Pierre Thierry. Western Nations. ^ Antoine Brisebois. Western Nations. ^ Francois Bouche. Western Nations. ^ Louis Barthe. Western Nations. Samuel Sanders. William Gruette. Thomas Guthrie. George Bluejacket. ** J. B. Sanscrainte. *^ Joseph Drouillard. ** John B. Askin. St. Joseph. " Peter Schwartz. Charles Reaume. Amherstburg. George Martin. ■^ " Alexander Ironside. § Interpreters were appointed by Warrant ; pay — 4 sh., 8d. per diem. 43 44 43 45 40 212 THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. UPPER CANADA (Continued.) ^ Interpreters Francois Xavier Cadot. i^ *" Louis Tesson Honor^. ^ Michel Girard. ^ Thomas Alexander Clarke. Louis Campeau. Michigan Territory. 25 Feb.,13. Henri Honord Mackinac. 5 June, 14. William Mc Alpine. Mackinac. 24 June, 14. *^ John Wilson. *^ James Givins, Jr. York. John Cameron. Matchedash. ' Grandson of Sir William Johnson, Ist Baronet, and nephew of Sir John. Lieut. Royal Americans, 31 Oct., 1787 ; Cai^tain 5 Feb., 95. Succeeded Colonel Alex. McKee as D.S.G. and D.I.G., having previously been Superintendent at Niagara. Was at Queenston (despatches). Fort George. Died 1826. * Served as Captain in Indian Dept., 1777-84. Present at Blue Licks (des- patches), Sandusky (despatches). Asst. Agent for Western Indians, 1790. Deputy Superintendent, 1795. Dismissed 1799 ; re instated, 1808. Present at Detroit, gold medal (despatches). Black Eock, &c., Moraviantown. Died near Burlington Heights, U.C, 7 May, 14, aged 75. See 1st Essex. * Upon the dismissal of Col. Matthew Elliott as Superintendent in 1799, Capt. McKee (4th-60th) was appointed by his father as Acting Superintendent at Am- herstburg. Member for Kent, 1796, and for Essex, 1801. Major 2nd Essex. Present at Detroit (despatches.) Died at the Cascades, about 20 Oct., 14, aged 44. Capt. McKee was the son of Col. Alexander McKee, and had been Ensign 60th, 29 March, 1791. Lieut. 5 Feb., 95. Capt. 20 Feb., 96. * Joined Bird's Corps under Lord Dunmore, August, 1775. Served in Butler's Rangers, May, 1776 — 24 July, 1784. His four sons — William J., James, Thomas and Francis served in the Militia during war 1812-15. * A native of Dumfries. Commanded Sioux and other Indians at Mackinac ; present at capture of "Tigress" and "Scorpion" (despatches.) Died at Drum- mond Island, 20 June, 1823, aged 55. " See Michigan Fencibles, page 96. ' Lieut. Queen's Rangers (1791-1802), 30 Nov. 1791. ' Arrived at Quebec, 13 Sept., 1776, as Hospital Mate. Served on Burgoyne's expedition of 1777 (prisoner) ; also under Clinton; went to Halifax, N.S., 1778. Surgeon Royal Reg't. of New York (Sir John Johnson's), 1779—24 June, 1784; Surgeon to the Loyalists, 24 Oct., 1784; Surgeon Indian Dept., 27 Apr., 1788. Married a daughter of Sir William Johnson, 1st Bart., by Molly Brant. Died at Albany, N. Y., March, 1825, aged 60. " See Provincial Marine Department. " Served in 8th Foot, 1774-83. The "Old Wabino" in Colonel Landmann's "Adventures and Recollections." " Died at Sandwich, 14 April, 24, aged 63. " Was M. A., King's College, Aberdeen ; died at Amherstburg, 31 May, 30, aged 70, being then Superintendent Indian Department. ■THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. 213 UPPER CA.NADA (Continued.) " Died 1818. Was present at capture of Mackinac, 1812. His half-brothers Charles, Alexander and James Askin were officers during the war. Promoted Captain in 1814. '* Married a daughter of Sir "William Johnson by Molly Brant. ^' Son of Surgeon Robert Kerr. Married his cousin Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Brant (Thayendanagea.) Present at Beaver Dams (despatches). Fort Niagara, Schlosser, Black Rock, Chippawa (prisoner). ^* Was at Lewiston, 25 July, 14. Half-brother to Wm. Caldwell. " See 2nd Essex. ** Was at Frenchtown. Superintendent of Issuers with the Right Division, 16 Aug., 13, at 10 shillings per diem. Died 31 Dec, 48, aged 76. " Present at Detroit (medal and clasp) ; also at Frenchtown, 22 Jan., 13 (wounded). '" Was at Frenchtown. " Born at Sorel, 1779 ; died at Toronto, 16 Feb., 1875, aged 96. Was at Prairie- du-Chien. Appointed to Indian Department from Mississippi Volunteers. Received land grant as Captain Michigan Fencibles. See Ontario Historical Society Papers for a full account. Vol. 6, page 116. " Commanded Chippawas at capture of Mackinac. Died at Amherstburg, 1 Feb., 20, being then Superintendent Indian Dept., and Major 2nd Essex. Dease was related to Sir John Johnson, the Superintendent-General. " Served as a Midshipman on the "Argus" for four years ; in the 2nd Batt'ln. R.C.V. 8 years ; in the 2nd-60th 3 years ; commanded a company of Volunteers at capture of Mackinac ; wounded and prisoner at Brownstown ; present at Detroit ; Lieutenant Indian Department, 25 April, 14 ; was at Lewiston, 25 July, 14 ; was at Fort George (wounded and prisoner), 17 Aug., 13; escaped Aug., 13 ; assisted in defence of Schooner "Nancy" at Nottawasaga, 14 Aug., 14; present at capture of "Tigress" and "Scorpion," 3rd and 6th Sept., 14 (despatches.) " See Powell's Artillery. Promoted Captain, 25 June, 14. " Was at Frenchtown. Transferred to Lower Canada, 27 Nov., 13. " Was at Fort Meigs. " Died 1839. '^ Murdered at St. Joseph River by his adopted son, J. B. Chandonnet. " His uniform is described in the appendix. «" Killed at Sandusky, 2 Aug., 13. *' See 1st Essex and Caldwell's Rangers. " Killed in action at Fort George, 27 May, 13. " Promoted from Interpreter, vice Chew, killed in action. " Appointed Interpreter to the Mohawks, 25 March, 1802. ''•^ Son of John Johnston, of Sault Ste. Marie, and his wife Oshaugus-co-day- way-que ; served on the "Queen Charlotte," 1813 (prisoner) ; see Marme Depart- ment. '« Present at Beaver Dams under Capt. Kerr. His name also appears as "Exen." 214 THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. UPPER CANADA (Continued.) " As a Lieutenant went with McKay to Fort Shelby (despatches) ; promoted a step for his services. *^ Son of Joseph Brant (Thayendanagea) ; born 1794 ; died at Mohawk Village, U.C., 1832 ; present at Queenston, Beaver Dams, &c. '® Lieut, and Interpreter Anderson was promoted Lieut. 19 June, 13. Present at Sackett's Harbour and Chrystler's Farm (despatches.) Lieut. Anderson, "Having distinguished himself on several recent occasions as a zealous officer," His Excellency promoted him a Captain in Indian Department, from 25 Nov., 13. (Can. Archives, M. 195 D.) Died at Rice Lake, U.C, 12 Jan., 44. Had been Major 1st Frontenac. *" Was at Beaver Dams. " See Ontario Historical Society, volume 3, page 126. *' Was at capture of Mackinac and Detroit, Frenchtown, Moraviantown and Lewiston. *' Was at Frenchtown. " Was at Frenchtown and Lewiston. ** With Procter's retreat. Died at Kingston, 20 Dec, 1813. " See Mississippi Volunteers, page 97. " Was at Frenchtown. Died at Amherstburg, 16 Sept., 32, aged 48. LOWER CANADA. ^ Superintendent-General and Inspector-General — Colonel Sir John Johnson, Baronet, 14 March, 1782. ^ Deputy Agent — L. J. Fleury De Chambault. Montreal. 1796. ^ Superintendent — Hon. Louis De Salaberry. Quebec. 1801. * Secretary — Adam Gordon Johnson. Montreal. * Archibald Kennedy Johnson. Montreal. 25July,14. ® Resident Agent — J. B. D'Estimauville. Quebec. 4 Dec, 12. ^ Storekeeper-General — George Hawdon. Lachine. James Findlay. Lachine. Acting, 25 July, 14. ^ Missionaries — Reverend F.Painchaud. Restigouche. Reverend Joseph Marie Belanger, 25 Aug., 14. Reverend A. Bedard. Lorette. Reverend F. Guignard. St. Francis. Reverend N. Dufresne. Caughnawaga. Reverend J. Marcoux. St. Regis. Resident Agents and Captains — [Regis. ' Pierre Jean Baptiste Testard Louvigny de Montigny. St. ^' Joseph Maurice Lamothe. Montreal. " Dominique Ducharme. Two Mountains. THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. 215 LOWER CANADA (Continued.) Resident Aj^ents and Captains — ^* Guillaunie Chevalier de Lorimier. Cautrhnawaga. '» Joseph St. Valier Mailloux. 25 Feb., 14. Lieutenants and Interpreters — ^ 1* Jean Baptiste Chevalier de Lorimier. St. Regis. '* Francois Marie de Lorimier. St. Francis. ^^ J. Bertrand St. Germain. Two Mountains. ^' Simon Evans. St. Francis. ^ ^^ Stanislas Vassal. St. Francis. ^' Charles Gedeon Gaucher. '^ Lorimier Verneueuil. St. Regis. ^ ^" Jean Evangeliste St. Germain. Two Mountains. Joseph Charles Boucher de Niverville. Three Rivers. 25 Oct.. 12. ^ 21 Isaac LeClair. St. Regis. 5 Nov., 12. " Louis Biron. '^ Jarvis Maccombe. Caughnawaga. 11 May, 13. *i Louis Langlade. Two Mountains. 25 Aug., 13. ^5^ Solomon Y. Chesley. Noel Annance. 25 Aug., 13. Joseph Antoine de St. Francis. St. Francis. Dominique Parent, 25 Feb., 14 ; Lieutenant 24 March, 14, Barnett Lyons, from Upper Canada. Two Mountains. 27 Nov., 13. Amable Chevalier (Pawquokoman.) Two Mountains. 14 Jan., 13. Interpreters — *■'* Nathaniel Lines. 2* Joseph Biron, Sr. St. Regis. 27 Joseph Biron, Jr. St. Regis. 11 May, 13. Charles Chesley. St. Regis. 25 Dec, 13. Pierre Hubert. Caughnawaga. Antoine Chenier. Montreal. [Sept., 12. Francois X. Lacombe. Two Mountains. 24 Chinic. Francois Annance. St. Francis. ^ 15 Ignace Portneuf. S3 21 1 Son of Sir William Johnson, 1st Baronet, whom he succeeded as 2nd Baronet in 1774. Knighted 22 Nov., 1765. Colonel of the Six Townships Battalions of Militia, which see ; also of "The Indian Warriors." Died 4 Jan., 30, aged 88. 216 THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. LOWER CANADA (Continued.) * See Quartermaster-General of Militia, Lower Canada. ' See 1st Battalion, Select Embodied Militia. * Son of Sir John Johnson, 2nd Baronet, whom he succeeded as 3rd Baronet. Born 1781 ; died unmarried, May, 1843. * Youngest son of Sir John Johnson, 2nd Baronet. Born 1792. * Served during Revolutionary "War as a Lieut, in an Independent Company under Captain Jean Hertel de Rouville ; placed on half -pay at peace ; was Resident Agent at St. Francis until 1796, when he was appointed Capt. 1st Batt. Royal Can. Volunteers, but had to vacate his Indian office ; remained with his Reg't. until disbanded in 1802 ; appointed Interpreter at Quebec in 1804. Grand Voyer, Quebec District. See 3rd S.E.M. ; also Canadian Chasseurs. ' Superseded 25 July, 1814. * Resigned 25 Aug., 14. A "Francois Painchaud" ordained 21 Sept., 05. Died 8 Feb., 38. » Prisoner of war at St. Regis, 23 Oct., 12. Died 23 Feb., 13, ^^ Was also Captain 3rd Batt., Montreal Militia. Present at Chateauguay (despatches.) " Second son of Jean Marie Ducharme. Present at Beaver Dams, Chateau- guay, medal with clasp. Died at Lake Two Mountains, 3 Aug., 1853, aged 89. "Known for his loyalty and important services which he rendered to the Government in the last American "War." (Montreal Transcript.) " Died at Sault St. Louis, 5 June, 24, aged 80. " See Indian Warriors, page 218. '* Appointed Resident and Captain, 11 May, 13, vice Montigny, deceased. Present at Beaver Dams. '* A "Louis Martineau de Lorimier," former Capt. of Militia, died at St. Nicolas, 24 Nov., 50, aged 75, '^ Appointed Resident and Captain, 25 April, 13. " Interpreter 1 Sept., 12. Dismissed 27 Nov., 13, for being "absent without leave." Re-instated 11 Oct., 14. >^ Present at Beaver Dams. Died 2 Nov., 13. " See Indian Warriors, pages 217-218. ^^ Present at Sackett's Harbour, 29 May, 13 ; also at Beaver Dams. "1 Present at Beaver Dams. " Dismissed 7 Dec, 13. '^ See Indian Department, Upper Canada, page " A Chief of the Ottawas, appointed by Sir George Prevost. »^ A "Nathaniel Lines" died at Kingston, 17 July, 13, aged 90. '• Killed at St. Regis. " Appointed vice his father, killed at St. Regis. THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. 217 INDIAN WARRIORS— CORPS DES SAUVAGES.H Engagements : — Queenston, 13th Oct., 12. Odelltown, 19th Aug., 12. Chateanguay, 26th Oct., 13. Beaver Dams, 24th June, 13. Caughnawagas and Iroquois — Resident and Captain Chevalier de Lorimier, 15 Sept., 12. Lieut, and Interpreter de Lorimier, 15 Sept., 12. St. Regis and Iroquois — Resident and Captain Louvigny de Moutigny, 15 Sept., 12. Lieutenant J. Bernard St. Germain, 15 Sept., 12. Interpreter Joseph Biron, Sr., 15 Sept., 12. Lake of the Two Mountains, Nipissings and Algonquins — Resident and Captain Dominique Ducharme, 15 Sept., 12. Lieut, and Interpreter Jean Baptiste de Lorimier, 15 Sept., 12. Interpreter Chinic, 15 Sept., 12. Abenaquis, St. Francis — Lieut, and Interpreter Simon Evans, 15 Sept., 12. Stanislas Vassal, 15 Sept., 12. Abenaquis and Iroquois — Resident and Captain Joseph M. LaMothe, 15 Sept., 12. Lieut, and Interpreter Antoine Chenier, 15 Sept., 12. Charles GedeonGaucher,15 Sept., 12. Interpreter Pierre Hubert, 24 Sept., 12. 1 A Capt. Lorimier taken prisoner 17 Aug., 13. See p. 34, Niagara Historical Society, No. 9. IT From G.O. 22 Sept., 13 ; pay commencing 15 Sept., 12. § The Abenaquis were divided into two parties ; one served in Upper Canada, being present at Queenston and Beaver Dams ; the other at Chateanguay. 218 THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. THE INDIAN WARRIORS. § Engagements : — Superintendent — Colonel Sir John Johnson, Bart., 25 July, 14. Deputj^-Superintendent — Lt.-Col. Adam Gordon Johnson, 25 July, 14. * MajorChevalierde Lorimier,25 July,14. Quartermaster — Henry Munro Fisher, 25 July, 14. Surgeon — Hospital Mate Kennelly. ' Asst. Surgeon — Robert Nelson, 25 July, 14. ^ Captain Lorimier Verneuil. Caughnawaga. 25 July, 14. Lieutenant Jarvis Maccombe. Caughnawaga. 25 July, 14. Ignace Taissons. Caughnawaga. 25 July, 14. Interpreter Pierre Hubert. Caughnawaga. 25 July, 14. Captain — Dominique Ducharme. Two Mountains. 25 July, 14. Second Capt. — Francois Marie de Lorimier. Two Mountains. 25 July, 14. Lieutenants — Simon Evans. Two Mountains. 25 July, 14. Barnett Lyons. Two Mountains. 25 July, 14. Louis Langlade. Two Mountains. 25 July, 14. Captain — Jean Baptiste Chevalier de Lorimier. St. Regis. 25 July, 14. Second Capt. — J. Bertrand St. Germain. St. Regis. 25 July, 14. Lieutenants — Isaac Leclair. St. Regis. 25 July, 14. Joseph Biron, Jr. St. Regis. 25 July, 14. Solomon Y. Chesley. St. Regis. 25 July, 14. ' Captain — Joseph St. Valier Mailloux. St. Francis, Becancour, Three Rivers. 25 July, 14. Lieutenants— Joseph Charles Boucher de Niverville. St. Francis. 25 July, 14. Noel Annance. St. Francis. 25 July, 14. Luc Launiere. St. Francis. 25 July, 14. ^ Interpreter — Ignace Portneuf (Abenaqui Chief.) St. Francis. 25 July, 14. ^ Born 1794. Member for Montreal, 1827. Took up arms under Papineau in 1837. ' Killed 19 Aug., 14. ' Wounded and taken prisoner in a reconnaissance, 10 Aug., 14. * See Indian Department, Lower Canada. * Query : Verneuil de Lorimier, or Lorimier Vermeil. § Four Companies were authorized by CO., 8 Aug., 14. Appointments were to date from 25 July, 14. THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. 219 INDIAN WAR CHIEFS AND PRINCIPAL WARRIORS. § Shawnees — ^ Tecumseth (Crouching Panther.) Onondagas — ^ Ta-Kanentyne. • Shayendakhon. * Kaneaheuntwaght. Sacs — Metoss. ' Ma-ka-tai-rne-she-kia-kiak (Black Sparrow Hawk.) Cayugas- 8 10 Ayanete. Kayentatirhon. Koteyea Mights. Thenyaweghs. 8 Theantacutye. Tekanyontonyon. Teharonghweandots. Kennty oghk w anoron. ^^ Attagwaracyon. ' Thenyaweghs' Brother. Wyandottes — ^^ Roundhead. HURONS — i» Spht Log. ^' Assiginack (Black Bird.) Chippawas f — Kish-ki-wabik. Ottawas — Naiwash. Foxes — Walassika. Kinailounak. KiCKAPOES — Waikitchai. 220 THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. Indian War Chiefs and Principal Warriors (Continued.) Delawares — Pamamai. Petop. Tom. MUNSEYS — John Gray. Wabachkweela (White Horn.) Six Nations — Ounagechtai. Twalwa (Isaac Peters.) WiNNEBAGOES — Wassasskum. MlAMIS — '* Jean B. Richerville. 17 18 19 20 Senegas, alias Ondowaga — Kagneghtague. Hoyatategh. Mohawks, alias Kangenkehaga — John Norton (Teyoninhokarawen.) Toowaghwenkaraghkwen (Thomas Davis.) Kenwendeshon (Aaron Hill.) Karaghkontye (David Davids.) ' Was at Brownstown and Maguaga, Detroit, Frenchtown andMoraviantown, where he was killed. "He, who attracted most my attention, was a Shawnee Chief, Tecumseh. A more sagacious or a more gallant warrior does not, I believe, exist. He was the admiration of everyone who conversed with him." Brock to Lord Liverpool, 29 Aug., 12. (Can. Archives, Q. 315, p. 122.) * Killed at Queenston. ' Is a War Chief. Served during the Kevolutionary War. Twice wounded at Queenston. (Can. Archives, Series C, Vol. 261, p. 27-31.) * A brave faithful Chief, who distinguished himself on many occasions, both in the Revolutionary and 1812 Wars. (Same authority.) * Present at Frenchtown, Ft. Meigs, Ft. Stephenson and Moraviantown. "I was tired of being with them (the British), our success being bad and having got no plunder." (Autobiography of Blackhawk, Boston, 1834.) THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. 221 ' An old Chief who served in two American Wars. (Can. Archives, Series C, Vol. 261, p. -27-31.) ^ A leading warrior, wiio on several occasions displayed the greatest gallantry. He lost two brothers, one at Cross Roads, the other at Chippawa. The latter was Principal Chief of the Nation. (Same authority.) * Wounded at Queenston through the thigh. (Same authority.) ' A leading warrior that on every occasion showed a most gallant and faith- ful heart. (Same authority.) '" A leading warrior in the two American Wars. (Same authority.) '' Served during the Eevolutionary War. " Was at Frenclitown. " Went over to the Americans in 1814. ** "Jean B. Richerville, Chief of the Miamis, to be Captain to head his own Nation." G.O. 25 Feb'y, 13. " Wounded through the face badly at Chippawa, 5 July, 14. He is a warrior who evinced on all occasions? the greatest bravery and firmness. (Can. Archives, Series C, Vol. 261, p. 27-31.) ^® A brave Warrior, who was in every action, sometimes in the vicinity of Amherstburg, sometimes on the Niagara frontier. (Same authority.) " A Scotchman ; present at Detroit ; commanded the Mohawks at Queenston (despatches.) Local Major in the British Army, 15 Feb., 16. See Can. Archives, 1896, page xii. ^® An old Chief, who served during the two American Wars. (Can. Archives, Series C, Vol. 261, p. 27-31.) '* A faithful Warrior on all occasions ; wounded through the thigh and hand at the Ferry, Grand River, Nov., 1814. (Same authority.) '" A Chief by right, gave through courtesy to a younger brother, who acted as such during the war. Wounded through both thighs at the Ferry, Grand River, Nov., 1814. (Same authority.) THE ROYAL NAVY HIS MAJESTY'S SHIPS AND VESSELS ON LAKE ONTARIO. Canada Ship of the line . . 102 guns. ^ St. Lawrence Ship of the line. . 90 ' Prince Regent Frigate 56 ^ Vittoria — Princess Charlotte. . . .Frigate 43 * Ro3^al George — Niagara Ship 22 » Wolfe— Montreal Ship 22 Wolfe Ship 20 " Earl of Moira — Charwell Brig 10 ^ Lord Melville— Star , Brig 14 Sir Sidney Smith — Magnet Schooner 14 ® General Beresford — Netley Schooner 12 '' Duke of Kent — '' Psyche 32 " Cryster (sic) Gunboat — ^* Queenston Gunboat — '^ Niagara Gunboat 2 •' Buffalo Gunboat 2 ON ST. LAWRENCE RIVER. Cleopatra Gunboat 2 guns. Nelly Gunboat 2 '* Nelson Gunboat 2 ^ Lais Gunboat * Quebec Gunboat * Kingston Gunboat * Glengarry Gunboat * Thunder Gunboat Retaliation Gunboat " Brock Gunboat * Black Snake Gunboat ° York Gunboat * Cornwall Gunboat THE ROYAL NAVY. 223 ON LAKP: ERIE. 1^ Detroit IT Ship . . 22 guns. " Queen Charlotte Ship 18 ^^ General Hunter Brio; 10 *^ Lady Prevost Schooner 14 ^^ Chippawa Schooner 3 ' Little Belt. Sloop 3 Erie — 17 ON LAKE HURON. Huron Schooner Newash . Schooner Tecumseth Schooner ^^ Nancv Schooner ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN. 1^ Confiance Ship 36 guns. *" Niagara— Linnet Brig 16 ^' Shannon— Chub Sloop 10 22 Broke— Finch Sloop 10 " Canada Sloop 4 ^' Icicle Sloop 2 Sir George Prevost Gunboat 2 Sir James L. Yeo Gunboat 2 Sir Sidney Beckwith Gunboat 2 General Brock Gunboat 2 Colonel Murray Gunboat 2 Lord Wellincrton Gunboat 1 General Simcoe Gunboat 1 Marshal Beresford Gunboat 1 Sir Home Popham Gunboat 1 Lord Cochrane Gunboat 1 General Drummond Gunboat 1 (Name not known) Gunboat 1 ' Launched at Point Frederick, U. C, 10 Sept., 14. * Launched at Point Frederick, U. C, 14 April, 14. ' Launched at Point Frederick, U. C, 14 April, 14. * Launched at Point Frederick, U. C, July, 1809. ■* Launched at Point Frederick, U. C, 25 April, 13. « Launched 28 May, 05 ; called after Earl of Moira, Master General of Ord- nance, 1806. 224 THE ROYAL NAVY. ' Called after Robert Viscount Melville, First Lord of the Admiralty (25 Mar., 12-27.) Launched 20 July, 13. ^ Built at Point Frederick. Launched Nov., 1806. Destroyed by fire at head of Lake Ontario to prevent her falling into Chauncey's hands, 5 Aug., 14. * Built at York, U.C. Launched July, 1812. '" Receiving ship at Kingston. Called after Edward, Duke of Kent, father of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria. " Her frames sent out from England ; launched at Point Frederick, 25 Dec. ,14. " A schooner. Stationed at Coteau-du-Lac. " Luggers stationed at Point Frederick, U. C. " Luggers stationed at Coteau-du-Lac. '* Sloops stationed at Coteau-du-Lac. '* A sloop stationed at Prescott. " See Provincial Marine, page 202. '^ Destroyed by fire at Nottawasaga Creek, to prevent her falling into the enemy's hands, 14 Aug., 14. '" Built at Isle-aux-Noix. Called after Yeo's first command, a French Privateer captured by him at Muros Bay. Launched 25 Aug., 14. Captured 11 Sept., 14. '" Built at Isle-aux-Noix. Was commanded by Pring during May, 1814. " Formerly the U.S. "Growler," captured by Major Taylor, 100th Regt., 3 June, 18. Called at first "Shannon," after H.M. ship "Shannon." SeeAppendix. " Formerly the U.S. "Eagle," captured by Major Taylor, 100th Regt., 3 June, 13. Galled at first "Broke," after Capt. Broke of Shannon and Chesapeake fame. The name frequently appears as "Tench." " Formerly the U.S. "Mars." Formerly the U.S. "President." tt " Captured by the Americans at Sandy Creek. ENGAGEMENTS. Sackett's Harbour 29th May, 13 Growler and Eagle captured, Lake Champlain. .3rd June, 13§ Forty-Mile Creek, Lake Ontario 8th June, 13 British gunboats captured, Lake Ontario . . . .l7th July, 13 Goose Creek, River St. Lawrence 21st July, 13 Plattsburg 31st July, 13 Saranac lst-3rd Aug., 13 Julia and Growler captured, Lake Ontario. . . .10th Aug., 13 Off Niagara 18th Aug., 13 Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie 10th Sept., 13 Off Genesee, Lake Ontario 11th Sept., 13 Off Burlington do 28th Sept., 13 THE ROYAL NAVY. 225 French Creek 1st Nov., 13 La CoUe Mill 30th March, 14 Oswego 6th May, 14 Otter Creek, Lake Chaniplain 9th May, 14 Sandy Creek 31st May, 14 Ohio and Somers captured. Lake Erie 12th Aug., 14 Tigress captured, Lake Huron 3rd Sept., 14 Scorpion captured, Lake Huron 6th Sept., 14 Lake Cham plain 11th Sept., 14 § See General Order, 4 June, 13, in Appendix. THE ROYAL NAVY. ^ Commander-in-Chiefl Commodore Sir on the Lakes. J James Lucas Yeo, K. C. B. ' Secretary— Lieut. James Laurie, Royal Marines. ^ Pendant Lieutenant — Lieut. John Scott. * Naval Hospital, Kingston — Surgeon Thomas Lewis. Assistant Surgeon Joseph Scott. ^ Commanders — Robert Heriot Barclay. ^ Sir Richard James Lawrence O'Conor. ^ Robert A. Finnis. ^ Daniel Pring. ^ Peter Fisher. ^^ Sir William Howe Mulcaster. ^' Henry Thomas Davies. *^ Francis Brockell Spilsbury. •' F. Hickey. ^* Thomas England. '' Sir Edward Collier ("Manly.") ** George Downie. ^"^ Stephen Popham. ^* Thomas Everard ("Wasp.") '* Augustus Vere Drury ("Dover.") Thomas McCulloch. ^^ Lieutenants — Alexander T. Dobbs. ^^ George Inglis. ^' Newdigate Poyntz. ^^ Thomas Stokoe. ^* Edward Buchan. ^ Charles William Griffith Griffin. ^* George Bignell. ^^ James McGee. 226 THE ROYAL NAVY. 31 32 35 36 37 38 ' Lieutenants — John Scott. ^ James Robertson. ^ Miller Worsley. ^" William Drew. Christopher James Bell. Henry Gibbs. ^* John Garland. ^ Henry Lord Richards. W. Hornby. Charles RadclifFe. Ray n ham. Robert Fitzgerald Hippisley. '' Adam Gordon. *" William Paul. *i M. Smith. *^ Charles CunlitFe Owen. ^ Charles Anthony. ** James Groves. « Robert Gibbes. Thomas Saunders. *® Francis Lyon. ^ Henry Kent ("La Fantome.") ^ William Russell ("Arab.") Edward Rowley. 82 Allen Otty. ^ Alexander Stevenson Pearson ("Ceylon.") ^ Henry R. F. Spence. William Lutman. 85 Nicholas Colthurst. 8* William Blackmore Noble. ^ Charles Croker. ■*^ Provincial Lieutenants — Robert Irvine. *^ Charles Frederic Rolette. *'^ Bremner. *^ Francis Purvis. ^^ Masters — James McKenzie. ^' Brydon. *^ James Richardson. *" George Hyde ("Thistle.") Godfrey Brereton. Mathew Abdy ("Thistle.") John Harris. ^^ Masters' Mates — John Fred. Johnstone. ^ George Hugo. 61 81 THE ROYAL NAVY. 227 " Masters' Mates — Henry Gateshill. 55 J. Campbell. 56 Clarke. 57 Walter Leslie. 58 David Dickson. 59 Charles Creswick. 60 John Grindred. 61 William Hicks. ^ 87 John Williams. 91 Charles Hoare ("Manly.") 62 Pilots— Edward Skelton (Prov. Marine.) ^^ Midshipmen — John Majoribanks. 6'* Edward Loveday. 65 John Hill. 66 William Ellery. 67 John Munnings Johnston. 68 James Foster. 69 Richard Fowke. 70 John Sinclair. 71 Whyms. (? Robert Wemyss.) 72 John Harvie. 72 Hawks worth. 73 James Rowe. 71 George C. Yeo. Robert Fitzgerald. G. Watson. 75 Frederick Johnston. 76 Lee. ^7 William Stephens Arthur. 8° William Gunn. '« C. Knight. '« John Burney ("Tenedos.") 9« J. Embank ("Jaseur.") 90 James Child ("La Fantome.") ^ E. N. Oldmixon ("La Fantome.") 90 James Smart ("Manly.") ^^ Surgeons — Ambrose Blacklock. G. P. M. Young. William Hector. Thomas King. 79 Asst. Surgeons— John McLaren. 90 Joseph Scott ("Manly.") James Mitchell. 228 THE ROYAL NAVY. 78 Asst. Surgeons — Alexander Bernard, William West. Kingston Dockyard — Commissionei' — Sir Richard J.L.O'Conor. 2 June, 13. Master Intendant Clerk of the Cheque Storekeeper Surgeon — Anibro.se Blacklock. 31 Dec, 14, ^ Born 7 Oct., 1782. Entered navy 179.3 ; Lieutenant 1797 ; present at siege of Genoa and at Muros Bay, where heassisted in the capture of the "Confiance," a French Privateer, which he afterwards commanded. Commander 21 June, 180.5. Captain 19 Dec, 07. Captured Cayenne, 1809, for which he was made a Knight of St, Benito d'Avis by the Prince Eegent of Portugal. Knight 20 June, 10. Served in the West Indies, 1811. Arrived at Quebec from England in H.M. ship "Woolwich," 5 May, 13, to take command on the Lakes. Commander-in- Chief on the Lakes, 28 Jan., 14, Took Oswego, 1814. Commander-in-Chief, West African Coast, 1815, K.C.B,, 2 Jan,, 15, Died 21 Aug., 1818, * Present at Oswego. "Lieut. Laurie, my Secretary, was the first who gained the ramparts." (Yeo's despatch, 9 May, 14.) ^ Lieutenant 1805. Transferred to the Lakes from Halifax. Acting Lieu- tenant, "Wolfe," 26 May, 13. Present at Oswego. "Mr. Scott, my first Lieuten- ant, who was next in command, nobly led them (the seamen) on, and soon gained the ramparts." (Yeo's despatch, 9 May, 14.) * From a pay list, 1 Oct.— 31 Dec, 1814. ^ Was at Trafalgar. Lieutenant 1805. Transferred to the Lakes from Halifax and appointed Senior Officer on Lake Erie, May, 13. Commanded British squadron at Put-in-Bay fwounded) ; tried by Court-Martial for loss of ships and honorably acquitted. Commander 19 Nov., 13, Post Captain, 14 Oct., 24. Died at Edinburgh, 8 May, 37, aged 52. ^ See Provincial Marine, where his name should not have been. Entered Navy 1798. Midshipman 1801. Served as Lieutenant (1 Feb., 06,) on "Confiance" under Captain Yeo, Flag Lieutenant to Rear Admiral Sir E, Nagle. Commander 17 Aug., 10. Superintendent and Commander "Duke of Kent," receiving ship at Kingston, 15 Jan., 14. Flag Captain "Prince Regent" 6 May, 14. Present at Oswego (despatches.) Commanded "Princess Charlotte" September, 1814. Post Captain 16 Aug., 15. Knight 1836. K.C.H. 25 Jan., 36. Retired from Navy 1 Oct., 46. ' Transferred to the Lakes from Hahfax, May, 1813. Commanded "Queen Charlotte" at Put-in-Bay, where he was killed. Barclay refers to him as "The noble and intrepid Captain Finnis." ^ Entered Navy as a Midshipman, 1800. Was at Copenhagen, 1801; capture of Buenos Ayres, 1806 ; and storming of Monte Video, 1807. Lieutenant, 1808. Transferred from Halifax to the Lakes, May, 1813. Was at Sackett's Harbour, 1813. Appointed to the command and general superintendence of all armed vessels on Lake Champlain, 19 July, 13. Was at Plattsburgh (despatches) under Captain Everard, August, 1813. Cumberland, 1813 ; LaColle, March, 1814 (des- patches) ; failed in an attempt to destroy the "Saratoga," then building. May, 1814. Commanded the "Linnet" at the battle on Lake Champlain ; tried by a Court-Martial at Portsmouth, England, for the loss of his ship, and acquitted. THE ROYAL NAVY. 229 Post Captain 19 Sept., 15. Transferred to Lake Erie, July, 1816, where he served one year. Commodore 16 Sept., 45. Died in Jamaica 29 Nov., 47. ® Transferred from command of "Conflance" on Lake Champlain to "Mon- treal" at Kingston, 30 August, 1814. '^ Born 1785. Lieutenant 1800. Was First Lieutenant on "Conflance'' under Captain Yeo, at his capture of Cayenne (despatches) ; presented with a gold sword by the Prince Regent of Portugal for his services ; also made Commander Tower and Sword. Commander 1809. Appointed to the North American Station, 1810. Transferred to the Lakes and to command of "Princess Charlotte," March, 1813. Commanded at French Creek. Post Captain 29 Dec, 13. Present at Oswego, where he was severely wounded. Invalided 30 July, 14. C.B. 4 June, 1815. K.C.H., 1831. Knight 13 Sept., 31. A.D.C. to King Wilham IV. Died at Dover, 2 March, 37. '^ Entered Navy in 1794. Was present at Lord Howe's action, 1 June, 1794; surrender of Cape of Good Hope, 1795 ; and that of the Dutch Squadron at Sal- danha Bay, 1796. As a Lieutenant served in Egypt, 1801 (medal.) Flag Lieu- tenant to Hon. H.E. Stanhope. Promoted Commander 28 July, 1806, for his dis- tinguished conduct in the capture of "Guerriere ;" also whilst on the "Albacore" in the engagement with "La Gloire." Commanded "Niagara" 19 Feb., 14, and "Prince Regent" 9 June, 14, to 10 July, 15. Retired 1 Oct., 46. ^' Had commanded "Melville," and at Sackett's Harbour had the "Beresford." Present in actions of 28 Sejit., 13 (despatches,) French Creek (despatches.) Cap- tain commanding "Niagara" 21 May, 14. Present at Oswego (despatches.) Taken prisoner at Sandy Creek. ^^ Commanded "Prince Regent." " Commanded "Earl of Moira." InvaUded 24 May, 13. 1* Bom 1783. Entered Navy as a First Class Volunteer, Feb., 1796. Midship- man 1 April, 97. Promoted Acting Lieutenant 13 Dec, 02, for his exertions in saving the "Centurion" (flagship) from foundering. Lieutenant 17 June, 03. Promoted Commander for gallantry, 25 July, 10. Transferred from Halifax to the Lakes. Commanded "Princess Charlotte," 18 Nov., 13. Present at Oswego, where he commanded the "Magnet." Post Captain 18 Nov., 14. Appointed to superintend the building of a frigate at Penetanguishene. Returned to England, 1816. Served during Syrian campaign, including capture of St. Jean d'Acre, (wounded.) C.B. 18 Dec, 40. Rear Admiral 1 Oct., 50. Vice-Admiral 18 July, 57. K.C.B. 7 June, 65. Died 5 Aug., 72. ^« Lieutenant 1802. Transferred from command of "Montreal," on Lake Ontario, to command of "Conflance," on Lake Champlain. Killed in action 11 Sept., 1814. " Born 1780. Entered Navy as a Midshipman, 1795. Lieutenant 1801. Was at Copenhagen and the Walcheren, in the latter being A.D.C. to the Commander- in-Chief. Commander 1 Aug., 11. Present at Oswego (wounded.) Commanded at Sandy Creek, 30 May, 13, where he and his party were taken prisoners. Post Captain 29 Sept., 14. Died at St. Asaph's, Wales, 25 Feb., 42. '8 Came from H.M. brig "Wasp," then lying at Quebec. Commanded expedi- tion of 1 Aug., 13, against Plattsburg and Saranac. i» Entered Navy as a Midshipman 1793. Lieutenant 29 Sept., 99. Was at Copenhagen 1801 ; bombardment of Havre de Grace 1804. Promoted Com- mander 2 May, 10, for his distinguished services in Sunda Straits. Appointed to "Dover" 17 June, 12. Post Captain 7 Jan., 14. ^o Born 1784. Appointed from Lieutenant "Wolfe" 25 May, 13, to acting 230 THE ROYAL NAVY. Commander "Moira," vice England. Was at French Creek (despatches.) Com- mander 14 Feb., 14. Present at Oswego, where he commanded the "Charwell." He was (then commanding "Star") the moving spirit in the capture of the "Ohio" and "Somers" on Lake Erie. See General Order in Appendix. ^' Son of AdmiralJohn J. Inglis. Born 1787. Entered Navy as a Second Class Volunteer 27 Aug., 05. Present at blockades of Flushing and Brest. Midship- man 1812. Lieutenant on "Royal George," 25 March, 13. Present at Put-in-Bay on "Detroit" (despatches) ; took command of the ship after Barclay's being wounded. " Born 1785. Entered Royal Navy 1798. Present at Alexandria 1801. Invalided from East Indies 1806. Present at Copenhagen 1807. Lieutenant 11 Sept., 07. Transferred to new establishment on Lake Huron 9 Feb., 14, from Lieu.tenant "^olus," North American Coast, from which he was removed at the request of Lt. -Colonel William Mackay, as being unsuited. Commanded "Netley" from August to December, 1814. Invalided Jan., 15. Promoted Commander 19 Sept., 15, for his services. " Lieutenant on "Queen Charlotte" at Put-in-Bay (severely wounded) ; confined as a hostage in Frankfort Penitentiary. '* Lieutenant commanding "Lady Prevost" at Put-in-Bay (dangerously wounded.) Barclay, in his despatch, says he "Behaved most nobly and did everything that a brave and experienced oflftcer could do." "^ Acting Lieutenant "Prince Regent." Present at Oswego (wounded and mentioned in despatches.) Lieutenant 16 Aug., 14. Commander — July, 43. ^® Lieutenant 1801. Loaned from "Dover," then lying at Quebec, to command of "General Hunter." Present atPut-in-Bay (wounded,) in which action Barclay says he "Displayed the greatest intrepidity." Commander 19 Sept., 15. " Commanded "Chub" in the action of 11 Sept., 14, on Lake Champlain (wounded.) Tried by Court Martial for her loss and severely reprimanded for not bringing his ship properly into action. ^* Commanded gunboat "Beresford" on Lake Champlain, 11 Sept., 14 (des- patches.) Lieutenant 17 March, 15. ''* Succeeded Poyntz on Lake Huron. Burnt "Nancy" at Nottawassaga, to prevent her falling into the enemy's hands, 14 Aug., 14. Commanded at capture of "Tigress" and "Scorpion" ; promoted Commander, 13 July, 15, for his services on those occasions. See Provincial Marine, page 203, foot note 12. ^^ Was on the "Linnet" in action 11 Sept., 14, on Lake Champlain (despatches.) Commander Sept., 14. ^1 Commanded gunboat "Murray" in the action of 11 Sept., 14. Lieutenant 1 Mar., 15. 3' Invalided 19 Sept., 14. Had been on "Montreal." '^ Lieutenant on "Detroit." Killed at Put-in-Bay. Barclay refers to him in his report to Yeo as "my gallant First Lieutenant." ** Lieutenant 12 Nov., 1809. While serving as such on "Fox" he cut out a French ship under the batteries of Sapara in the same year ; lost an eye at the destruction of the Dutch squadron at Sourabaya and Griesee whilst serving on "Culloden." Served on "Prince Regent." Commander 20 Aug., 28. '^ Present at Put-in-Bay. ^^ This name also appears as Copleston Radcliffe. Present at French Creek, 1 Nov., 13 (despatches,) serving on "Beresford" ; also in action of 28 Sept., 13, on THE ROYAL NAVY. 231 Lake Ontario (despatches.) In 1814 was commanding "Netley." Killed in the act of boarding at the capture of "Ohio" and "Somers."* Yeo says, "The service lost a very zealous and valuable officer." " Lieut. Eaynham came from H.M. Ship "Ceylon," then at Quebec. Served in flotilla under Captain Downie on Lake Champlain. Deserted. (Can. Archives, M. 389-6, page 257.) ^* Acting Lieutenant "Montreal." ^® Acting Lieutenant "Pysche." *" Acting Lieutenant "Linnet." Killed in action of 11th Sept., 14. "A most valuable and brave oflflcer." — Pring's despatch to Yeo. *' Present at Sackett's Harbour. " Entered Navy as Midshipman, 1801. Lieutenant 13 Feb., 08. Flag Lieu- tenant to Admiral Southby. Taken prisoner by the French at Isle d'Aix, escap- ing after three years' detention. Appointed to the Lakes, 1813, as Lieutenant on "Wolfe." Lieut, commanding "Sir Sidney Smith" in action of 28 Sept., 13 (despatches.) Present at French Creek 1 Nov., 13 (despatches.) Appointed acting Commander Gunboat Establishment 28 March, 14, vice Mulcaster, pro- moted. Invalided 3 March, 1815. *^ Entered Navy as a First Class Volunteer, 1793. Lieutenant 1800. Was at Alexandria, 1801 (Turkish Gold Medal,) and Trafalgar. Served during Wal- cheren expedition, 1809. Took part in action off Forty Mile Creek ; also in those of 11 and 28 Sept., 13 ^despatches.) Appointed acting Commander of the gun- boats on the St. Lawrence from Lieutenant "Wolfe," 21 Sept., 13. Commander 29 Dec, 13. Commanded "Star" at Oswego (despatches.) Invahded 6 June, and returned to England, December, 14. Died 18 Aug., 1846. " Left behind in England when Yeo sailed on the "Woolwich." *^ Sent back to Halifax for misconduct. *^ Born 1794. Entered Navy as a First Class Volunteer, 1805. Served in West Indies under Mulcaster on "Emulous." As acting Lieutenant on "Statira" assisted in capture of four privateers in Chesapeake Bay, 1813. Lieutenant on "Prince Regent." Transferred, at Mulcaster's request, to acting Lieut. "Princess Charlotte" June, 1814, serving on her under Mulcaster, Collier and O'Conor until July, 1815. Lieutenant 18 Nov., 14. " See Provincial Marine. *^ Transferred from "Wolfe" to "Prince Regent," 1 Jan., 14. *5 Present in action of 11 Sept., 14 (despatches) ; was Master on "Conflance." ^ Entered as First Class Volunteer 1805. As Midshipman H.M.S. "Thistle" marched with Capt. ColUer from Halifax to Kingston, winter of 1814. See foot note 90. Appointed Mate "Charwell." In August, 1814, assisted in transporting her gig from Queenston to Frenchman's Creek (20 miles,) and thence through the woods to Lake Erie (8 miles,) resulting in the capture of "Ohio" and "Somers" (despatches.) Taken prisoner about same time and detained until March, 1815. Lieutenant 20 Sept., 15. ^1 Entered Navy as Third Class Boy, 1805. Served in the "Dover" as Midship- man under Capt. A. V. Drury, in which ship he came to Quebec, 1814. Fiom that date until June, 1815, he served as Lieutenant on "Niagara" and in gunboat service on the Lakes. Lieut. 16 Jan., 15. *Drummond in his order calls the boats "Somers" and "Porcupine." 232 THE ROYAL NAVY. *' Appointed acting Lieutenant "Royal George" 12 July, 13. Invalided 7 Mar. ,14. ^' Transferred from Master's Mate, "Wolfe," to "Prince Regent," 10 Dec, 13. ** On the "Hunter." Present at Put-in-Bay (wounded.) " On the "Chippawa." Present at Putin-Bay (wounded.) ^^ Served on Lake Champlain. *■' Midshipman "Achilles" at defence of Cadiz, 1810 (wounded.) Was Mate of "Moira" at French Creek, 1 Nov., 13 (wounded.) Lieutenant 24 Aug., 14. 68 On "Princess Charlotte." Invalided 5 Oct., 14. *' Appointed from Master's Mate "Beresford" to acting Lieutenant "Wolfe" 25 May, 13. Took part in action of 11th Sept., 14 (despatches.) ^ Entered Navy as an A.B. 1805. Present in action off St. Domingo 12 Feb., 06. Was at Putin-Bay (wounded.) Master's Mate "Star." Thanked by Dobbs for his conduct in Capture of "Ohio" and "Somers" 14 Aug., 14. Lieutenant 28 Sept., 15. *' Entered Navy 1805 as a Midshipman, and as such served on "Powerful," taking part in destruction of Dutch shipping in Batavia Roads, also in the Wal- cheren expedition, 1809. Was Mate of "Milford" at siege of Cadiz, 1811. Mate of "Wolfe" at Sackett's Harbour. Commanded a division of gunboats at LacoUe, and the "Linnet" at Plattsburg. Lieutenant 15 March, 15. « Killed in action of 28 Sept., 13. *' Appointed from Midshipman "Royal George" to acting Lieutenant same ship, 26 May, 13. Commanded "Sir Sidney Smith" in the action off Forty-Mile Creek. Transferred from "Royal George" to "Wolfe" 21 Sept., 13. Present at Sandy Creek (despatches,) prisoner. ** Appointed from Midshipman "Wolfe" to acting Lieutenant "Melville" 15 July, 13. Present at Sandy Creek (despatches) in command of gunboat "Lais," (prisoner.) 8* Dismissed 14 Aug., 13. ** Killed in action 11 Sept., 13. «' Acting Lieutenant "Wolfe" 28 Mar., 14. Invalided 8 Mar., 15. ^ Present on "Queen Charlotte" at Putin-Bay (wounded.) *' Entered as First Class Volunteer, 1806. Midshipman 1809. Present on "Linnet" in action of 11 Sept., 14 (despatches.) Lieutenant 1816. '" Present on "Linnet" in action of 11 Sept., 14 (wounded and mentioned in despatches.) '1 On "Magnet." " For the services of Messrs. Harvie, Hawksworth, — See Yeo's order 1st Jan., 14, in Appendix. " Entered Navy as a First Class Volunteer, 1805. Served on "Wolfe" 1813. Taken prisoner at Sandy Creek 31 May, 14. Lieutenant 16 Aug., 14. '* A brother of Sir J. L. Yeo. Had been on "Star." Acting Lieutenant "Prince Regent," 28 March, 14, " Present at Sackett's Harbour (wounded.) '* Served on Lake Champlain on "Confiance." Was in the action of 11 Sept., 14 (wounded.) THE ROYAL NAVY. 233 " Wounded at Fort Erie, 1814. Lieutenant 6 Feb., 21. Commander 11 Oct., 24. '* Surgeon 26 Dec, 07. Transferred from "Prince Kegent" to Surgeon King- ston Dockyard 31 Dec, 14. " Appointed acting Surgeon on establishment from "Moira," 26 Nov., 13. *" Midshipman on "Confiance." Killed in action of 11 Sept., 14. *^ Died on the march, St. John, N.B., to Quebec, 5 Feb., 14. *' Entered Navy 1803. Lieutenant 14 April, 10. Commanded "Star." Com- mander 1 July, 15. Commanded "Montreal" and "Charwell" during 1816 and 1817. ** Midshipman 1803. Came from the "Ceylon," and served under C. C. Owen. Lieutenant 14 Dec, 14. Served on "Niagara" and "Prince Regent" under Col- lier and Davies. Commander 1820. *^ Entered Navy as First Class Volunteer, 1803. Midshipman Nov., 1805. Was at Martinique, 1809, as acting Lieutenant "Pompee" ; the attack on Flushing and defence of Cadiz. Lieutenant 21 March, 13. Transferred to "Melville" from "Wolfe" 17 March, 13. Commanded "Charwell" and "Netley" 6 June, 14, to 1 Dec, 15. ** Entered Navy, 1796. Served as a Midshipman on "Prince" at Trafalgar. Lieutenant 19 Sept., 06. Was Senior Lieutenant on gunboat service. Com- mander 29 Jan., 41. ^* Entered Navy 1803. Was Lieutenant "Charwell" early in 1814. Lieutenant 27 Aug., 14. Returned to England September, 1815. *' Entered Navy as First Class Volunteer, 1806. Was Master Mate on "Prince Regent," "Pysche," under Capt. Fisher ; "Star," under Capt. M. H. Herbert ; acting Master of "Montreal" under Lieut. Otty ; acting Lieutenant on "Netley." Returned to England and was presented with a commission as a Lieutenant, 20 March, 15. ^* Midshipman under Capt. Collier on "Princess Charlotte." Acting Lieuten- ant "Prince Regent," Sept., 14. Lieutenant 19 Dec, 14. Returned to England, 1815. *' Entered Navy as a First Class Volunteer, 1805. Commanded a gunboat on Lake Ontario. Lieutenant 17 Dec, 14. Invalided March, 1815. Commander 4 Oct., 25. 9" Came from Halifax, N.S., marching from St. John, N. B., in winter 1814 to Kingston. 81 Master's Mate "Montreal." Killed at Sandy Creek 31 May, 14. See also footnote 90. APPENDICES GARRISONS. Quebec — ^ Town Major — Ensign Ralph Ross Lewin, 10th R. V. Montreal — ^ Town Major — Thomas Hughes. ^ James Hughes. Chambly — * Commandant — Capt. John Gardiner Herbert, 10th R. V. 24 Feb., 12. ^ Fort Adjutant — Lieut. Henry Smith, 89th (acting.) 24 Sept., 14. Lieut. — Dickson. IsIe-aux-Noix — Fort Adjutant— Lieut. Thos. Triphook, 13th. 2 Oct., 14. Lieut. Jones. Lieut. John Johnson, 13th. 25 Aug., 13. 6 Lieut. John Evans, R. M. 2 Dec, 13. St. John's — 7 Fort Adjutant— Lieut. Thos. Triphook, 13th. 25 Aug., 18. Lieut. J. Richardson, 13th. 7 Aug., 14. Fort Henry — ^ Fort Adjutant — Lieut. J. Johnstone, Can. Fencibles. Coteau-au-Lac — Fort Adjutant— Sgt.Alexander Nichol,10th R.V. 14 Feb.,14. Fort WelHngton — Fort Adjutant — Ensign Charles Harrison, 41st. Lieut. Richard Frost, Prov. Artillery Drivers. Prescott — Fort Adjutant — Ensign John MacKay, G.L.I. 10 May, 13. Kingston — » Town Adjutant— Lieut. Patrick Corbett, 10th R.V. 19 June, 18. Fort Adjutant— Lieut. Percy Baillie, 1st. 2 June, 13. APPENDICES. 235 11 GARRISONS (Continued.) York— ^^ Fort Adjutant— Ensign Daniel Brooke.Srd York. 30Mar.,13. Ensign Fitzgerald. Lieut. Thomas Taylor, 41st (acting.) Fort George — 12 Fort Adjutant— Lieut. J. P. Hill, 8th. 12 Oct., 14. Newark — 1^ Fort Major— Lieut. Donald Campbell, 90th. " Lieut. Thos. Taylor, 41st. 1 Mar., 13. Fort Niagara — " Commandant— Lt.-Col. C. Hamilton, 100th. 19 Dec, 13. Fort Major— Jas. Bryant, Q.M. Sgt. G.L.L 25 Jan., 14. Mackinac — ^* Commandant— Capt. Charles Roberts, 10th R. V. 17 July, 12. Fort Adjutant — Lt. Joseph Lambeth, 10th R. V. ^^ Lt. Andrew Bulger, R.N.F. 25 May, 14. Mackinac and Dependencies — ^^ Commandant — Lt.-Col. Robert McDouall, Major G.L.I. St. Joseph's — ^^ Commandant — Capt. Charles Roberts, 10th R.V. ^* Fort Adjutant — Lt. James Keating, M.V.A. 25 June, 15. '^ Lt. John Radenhurst, R.N.F. 14. Fort MacKay and the Mississippi — 1" Commandant — Capt. Andrew Bulger, R.N.F. 2 Jan., 15. ' Ensign 16 Nov., 09. ^ Held appointment prior to 1797. * Died 11 Sept., 1825, aged 87. * Capt. Nova Scotia Fencibles 16 Sept., 1806. Capt. 10th R.V. 2,3 Aug., 10. * Lt. C.C. Steel (Shiel) vpas erroneously put in orders for "Smith." * Vacated appointment 2 Oct., 1814. ' Vacated appointment 6 Aug., 1814. * Ensign Can. Fencibles 6 Aug., 1807. ' Quartermaster 91st 3 Feb., 1804. Lieut. 10th R.V. 19 Jan., 09. Town Major, Kingston, 31 Oct., 14. Died at Kingston, 30 Jan., 32, aged 62. 236 APPENDICES. 1" See 3rd York Militia, page 68. " Vacated appoiutment 7 Jan., 15. Present at Fort George, Stoney Creek (wounded) ; Colonel 3rd Gore Keg't., April, 1823 ; 12th Gore, 1837 ; District Court Judge, Gore, 1824. Died at Hamilton, Ont., Dec, 1837. '^ Vacated appointment 20 Nov., 1814. " The Loyal and Patriotic Society made an allowance to his widow, Eliza- beth. " See page 28. '* Commanded expedition from St. Joseph's, resulting in surrender of Michi- limackinac, 17 July 12. The honor of commanding this expedition was his sole reward. ^* See page 96. " See pages 1, 4, 37 and 116. '** See pages 96 and 97. Also the General Order, 20 June, IS. '' Present at Chrystler's Farm (medal and clasp.) GENTLEMEN VOLUNTEERS. NAME. CORPS. DATE. APPOINTED TO. Antrobus, Edmund Wm. .Can. Fenc. .4 Apr., 12. . ] oo to ' ' ^ ( 2 (Sep., 12. Lindsay, Alexander Can.Fenc. . 13 Apr., 12.- oc t to ' •^ ^ ( 25 June, 12. Greig, Alexander 8th 7 May, 12. . /^"'''^"j^^^^'^^ ^^ Armstrong, Henry 100th 29 July, 12 Francis, Henry 103rd 31 July, 12 . | ^"^'^"(f ^]|;, 13 Shaw, Richard 49th 3 Sept., 12 . [^"^^^''24^^'^^ 14 ' Thompson, Augustine. . .49th 14 Sept., i2|E"siS^^^^^^^ ^^ Jarvis, George L 49th 14 Sept., isj^^'^'^^'g^^^jlj^ 13 McKenzie, John Can. Fenc. . 9 Oct., 12 /-.J AT A in^i-i (Ensign R.N.F., Gordon, Alexander ..... 104th { ° t., , r, [ Mar., 13. 2-.TT.,,. A, 1 .^ , fEnsign Can. Fenc, ^ Wilkinson, Alexander. . .41st < ^, ^ o McDonald, Donald 49th jEnsign m^ ^^ McDonald, Donald 8th 19May,13 APPENDICES. 237 Gentlemen Volunteers (Continued.) NAME. CORPS. DATE. APPOINTED TO. Brampton, Samuel 100th 24 July, 13 . ] ^"'^'^' 2t^Pgb 14 Fraser, John 100th 24 July, 13 . | ^"'''^" ^'^^j^^' ^^ Richardson, George | nsign^ ^^^^ ^^ Dobbs, William (^"''^'22 Aug., 13. Miller, John Fitzwilliam \ ^ 9q a' o" 13 Bead. 104th {«-■«"«' Z, I,. Lawe, Jolm 100th 25 July, 14 Dame, William G. L. I. . . .25 July,14 Macdonell, James N. S. Fenc.24 Aug.,14 Graeme, Lawrence 89th 15 Oct., 14 16 March, 15 Frederick, Henry James . 1st 25 Aug., 14 . j " ^ -^ j^^^ ^^ o, -r.11 t L r.rAii ( Knsio;n 1st, Savage, Rowland 1st 25 Aug., 14 . ^ » 2 Dec 14 Simpson, Joseph 49th 16 May, 14 . j " *' 23 Nov' 14 Boyce, 1st 17 Oct., 14 '. . . ^ Had been a private in 1st Lincoln Militia. 2 Medal clasp "Detroit." NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS— UPPER CANADIAN MILITIA. Sergeant-Majors. ^ William Robinson, Volunteer Incorporated Militia. 2 Neil McQuarrie. do ^ ' William Knott, Jr., 8rd York. -j^ Robert Moore, 3rd York. ^ John Clendenning, 1st Lincoln. Thomas Feder, 2nd Norfolk. * John Loucks, Ist Dundas. 238 APPENDICES. Sergeant-Majors ( Continued.) ^ Frederick Keeler, Fraser's Dragoons, "j^ George Fields, Provincial Light Dragoons. ^ Gordon Buchanan, 1st Essex. Abram Unsworth, 2nd Essex. ■^ William Everts, Adams' Dragoons. Alexander McDougall, 1st Glengarry. J. C. Stocks, 1st York. Patrick Spencer, 1st Hastings. Daniel Ansley, 1st Hastings. Hugh Fletcher, 1st Hastings, Master-Collarmaker. -^ Joseph Carroll, Provincial Artillery Drivers. Quartermaster-Sergeants, Patrick Benson, Volunteer Incorporated Militia, Samuel Williams, 2nd Norfolk. Thomas Lewis, 2nd Essex, Alexander Pringle, 2nd Essex, -^ Samuel Seaman, 2nd Leeds. ^ William Huntingdon, 3rd York. ^ ^ Edward McBride, 3rd York. Francis Walsh, 3rd York. J. Campbell, Stormont. Staff Sergeants. ^ Edward McBride (3rd York,) York Garrison. « William P, Patrick, 3rd York. ^ Daniel Cassady, Provincial Artillery Drivers, Thomas Whetham, Provincial Artillery Drivers. John Couce, Provincial Artillery Drivers. Pressmaster, William Tindal Slater, Midland District. Billet and Pressmaster. * William Barber. APPENDICES, 239 NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS— LOWER CANADA MILITIA. Sergeant-Majors. ^ Louis Cramer, Can. Voltigeurs. ^ John R. Pearcy, Can. Voltigeurs. -j^ William Jubb, Can. Voltigeurs. Etienne Tremblay, Can. Voltigeurs. ^ William Cunningham, Frontier Light Infantry. ^ George Johnson, 1st S. E. M. 1 Jean'Barbeau, 2ncl S. E. M. J. Wallace, 2nd S. E. M. 1 Joachim Tellier, 8rd S. E. M. 1 Andre Terrier, 3rd S. E. M. ^ George Roy, 3rd S. E. M. 1 Henri BeauHeu, 4th S. E. M. ^ Joseph Poutre Lavigne, 4th S. E. M. ^ John Campbell, 4th S. E. M. 1 Joseph Herman, 5th S. E. M. ^ William Handlin, 5th S. E. M. ^ Etienne Patenaude, 5th S. E. M. ^ 2 Smith, 6th Embodied Militia. Thomas Douglass, Coleman's Cavalry. ^ Samuel F. Gilston, 4th Townships. ^ Christopher Holland, Dorchester Cavalry. * John Tinta, Gaspe District. 29 April, 18. ^ John Daly. ^ William Boston, Montreal Volunteers. John Allen, St. Ours. Pierrre Belanger, Isle Jesus. Laurent Baron, Three Rivers Embodied (8th Batt.) William Hardie. Charles Lafrenaye. Ralph Brewer, 1st Battalion, Quebec. Joseph Namure, Terrebonne. John Cochery, Lotbiniere. ^ Olivier Durocher, St. Denis. Vildebar Marchesseau. Thomas Little, Boucherville. Joseph Marmette, 1st Quebec. 240 APPENDICES. ^ Appointed Ensign in same corps. * Was Sergeant 103rd Foot. Appointed Adjutant in same Corps. ^ Was Corporal 10th Koyal Veterans. * Was Sergeant 10th Royal Veterans. ^ Promoted Ensign. Quartermaster-Sergeants, ^ James Prendergast (from 100th), Can. Voltif^eurs. J. R. Pearcy, Can. Voltigeurs. See Sergeant-Majors. ^ James Lang, Can. Voltigeurs. - J. Ryan, 2nd S. E. M. ^ Thomas Norris, 2nd S. E. M. ^ John Craig Morris, 3rd S. E. M. ^ Ignace Bernier, 4th S. E. M. ^ Nicholas Bourgou, 4th S. E. M. ^ Joseph Dumas, 4th S. E. M. ^ Asa Burroughes, 4th S. E. M. ^ Antoine Vien, 4th S. E. M. -^ Christopher Edie, 6th Embodied. -j^ John Woods, Frontier Light Infantry. -f^ Orpheus Hibbard, Frontier Light Infantry. ^ John Sullivan, Frontier Light Infantry. ^ Guy S Holton, 4th Townships. Etienne Beaupre, Yamaska. Theophile Schmid, Yamaska. John P. Bos wick, Three Rivers. Alexis Rivard, Three Rivers. Samuel Seixas, Three Rivers. Antoine Champoux, St. Denis. Jean Baptiste A. Paradis, St. Denis. Hubert Lapparre. Matthew Connell, Lotbiniere. Alexander Forbes, Vaudreuil. Louis Heaven, 1st Quebec. Joseph Legare, 2nd Quebec. Joseph Sasseville, 2nd Quebec. Joseph Stitson, 3rd Quebec. Francis Coulson, 3rd Quebec. Louis Lucas, Boucherville. Isadore Pilett, Pointe Claire. Joseph Parent, Beauport. APPENDICES. 241 Quartermaster-Sergeants (Continued.) Stephen Joseph Tanswell. Louis Volin, L'Acadie. Edward Carter, St. Ours. P. Danduraud, Beauharnois. Godfrey Eisenhart, Provincial Dragoons. Drum Majors. ^ Robert Duncan, 1st S. E. M. ^ Andrew Perkin, 3rd S. E. M. ^ Joseph Vaillancourt, 4th S. E. M. Fife Major. •^ Edward Connors, Frontier Light Infantry. Band Major. ^ Jean Baptiste Valfrede, 1st S. E. M. ^ Appointed Lieut. Can. Yoltigeurs. See page 105. ' Appointed an Ensign in same Corps. Volunteer. 'j^ Nicholas Bultot, Beauharnois Sedentary Militia. Rations and Forage RATIONS. (G.O. 13 Aug., 13.) Field rations in future to be : — Flour or biscuit 1| lbs. Salt pork lOh oz. or Fresh or Salt Beef 1 lb. Rum I gill, added by G.O. 6 Sept.,13., to be issued whilst actually encamped. (G. O. 12 Sept., 11.) Flour 1 lb. per diem. Fresh beef 1 lb. Pork 1 3/7 oz. Changed to 9 1/7 oz. after 15 Apr., 12. Pease 8/7 pint.;}: Rice 11/7 ozs. Butter 6/7 ozs. after 15 Apr., 12, in lieu of 1 3/7 ozs. pork. (G.O. 25 Nov., 12.) Families of the 1st to 5th Battalions, S. E. Militia, were allowed rations in the following proportions : — Wives, ^ ration per diem ; each child, ^ ration. Officers' family only if drawing one ration. (G.O. 30 Mar., 13.) Troops in Quebec and Montreal Districts to have salt pork 5 days and fresh beef 2 da^'^s ; the pork at the rate of 10 4/7 ozs. per man per day. BAT HORSE RATIONS. (G.O. 27 Apr., 13.) Oats — 8 qts., equal to 8| lbs. (bushel weight 34 lbs.) t If pease not available, troops will be credited with 6 sh. currency per bushel or given 1 lb. flour per man per week. (G.O. 29 July, 13.) APPENDICES. 243 RATIONS AND FORAGE {Continued.) Hay — 1 bundle, equal to 16 lbs. Straw — 2 bundles, equal to 24 lbs. per week for litter (1 bundle equals 12 lbs.) Draught Horse and Ox Rations. (G.O. 13 June, 12.) Oats — 8 qts., equal to 8| lbs. (bushel weight 34 lbs.,) or equal of Indian corn when at same price as oats. Hay — IJ bundles, equal to 20 lbs. (bundle equals 20 lbs.) Straw for litter — 2 bundles or 24 lbs. per week (bundle equals 12 lbs.) For winter months R. A. Drivers' Horses — 1 troop horse 6 lbs. per day. (G.O. 2 Nov., 13.) RATIO OF FORAGE FOR HORSES. (G.O. 29 Juue, 11.) Commander of the Forces 30 horses Major-General commanding a Division 12 " Adjutant-General \ k K " Quartermaster-General J D.A.G. and D.Q.M.G., each 5 " A.D.C. to the Commander, each 4 " Major of Brigade \ , o « A. A. G. and A. Q. M. G.J ^'*^'' Commissary General 6 " Deputy Commissary General 4 " Field Officer commanding a Corps, each 3 " Field Officer not commanding a Corps, each 2 " FORAGE ALLOWED MILITIA STAFF. (G.O. 20 May, 12.) A djutant-General | ^^^j^ 2 horses (.Quartermaster-General J D.A.G. and D.Q.M.G., each 1 " Provincial A.D.C, each 1 (G.O. 8 Apr., 13.) Deputy Paymaster General 2 in lieu of travelling expenses. Pay Provincial Artillery Company — Sergeant 1 sh. 8d. per diem Corporal 1 sh. 6^d. per diem Private 9jd. per diem (Pay list 24 Mar.— 24 Apr., 1813. Toronto Public Library.) Dorchester Light Dragoons — Captain 11 sh. 3d. Army Sterling Lieutenant 8 sh. Cash Sergeant. . 5 sh. Corporal 3 sh. 9d. Trumpeter 3 sh. 9d. Private 3 sh. 9d. Troop to provide and feed their own horses and to be clothed at their own expense ; equipment to be supplied by the Government. (G.O. 13 Aug., 13.) Acting Assistant Engineer 7 sh. 6d. per diem (G.O. Mar., 13.) Provincial Commissariat Voyageurs — (In addition to daily pay for each voyage Lachine to Kingston and return.) Head and stern men 40 sh. Middle men (three per batteau). . . .30 sh. (G.O. 8 Apr., 13.) Royal Sappers and Miners (daily working pay)— Sub-Lieutenant 5 sh. currency Sergeant 2 sh. 6d. currency Corporal 1 sh. 9d. currency Private 1 sh. 3d. currency (G.O. Aug., 13.) APPENDICES. 245 PAY {Continued.) Military Postmaster at Montreal — 5 sh. per diem and subaltern's allowances for fuel and candles. Officers Commanding Gunboats 7 sh. 6d. per diem Staff Adjutants of Militia to receive same pay and allowances as Line Adjutants. (G.O. 26 June, 12.) The three Battalions of Quebec (Town) Militia to do duty by rotation for seven alternate days, receiving the same pay and rations as of the Line. (G.O. Sept., 12.) Sergeant- Majors of Militia will rank with Staff Sergeants of the Line. (G.O. Sept., 12.) Prices of Clothing, Necessaries, &c. (G.O. 7 June, 13.) Flannel Waistcoats 4 sh. 6d. Forage Caps 2 sh. 6d. Shoos, per pair 6 sh. Linen Shirts 5 sh. Flannel Shirts 5 sh. Half Stockings 9cl. Trousers of cloth 9 sh. Waistcoats 4 sh. (G.O. 7 Sept., 13.) Knapsacks 12 sh. currency. Gloves, per dozen 9 sh. (G.O. 16 July, 14.) Gaiters, Sergeants' 2 sh. 6d. Gaiters, Privates' 2 sh. 3d. Stocks and clasps 1 sh. 9d. Trousers, Sergeants' 11 sh. Trousers, Privates' 10 sh. Caps, Sergeants' 10 sh. Caps, Privates' 7 sh. 2(1. Forage Caps 2 sh. 9d. Gloves 9d. per pair Waistcoats, Sergeants' 8 sh. lOd. Waistcoats, Privates' 4 sh. 6d. Waistcoats, flannel 5 sh. Camp Colours 2 sh. 6d. each Canteens 3 sh. 4d. each Haveraacks 1 sh. 8d. each Arms and Accoutrements 1 musket; 1 baj^onet; 1 cartouche box; 1 bayonet strap and scabbard ; 1 musket sling ; 1 breastplate. (From an old receipt, Baby Papers, Toronto Public Library.) Outfit issued to the Lower Canadian Select Embodied Militia : — For each man : 1 pair military shoes, shoe and cloth brushes, knap- sack with straps, neck stock, flannel shirt, stockings, great coat slings, pricker and brush, turnscrew, worm, knife and fork, spoon, razor. In addition, moccasins were issued to the 4th Battalion. (L.C. Legislative Journals.) Uniforms, &c. Horse Guards G. O., 1 July, 11. Staff — All General Officers are to wear one aiofuilette on the rifjht shoulder instead of epaulettes. Plain hats with the usual cord and tassels, with ostrich feathers round the brim. No other officer or soldier is to wear white feathers round the brim of the hat. G. O. of Cavalry are to wear the cavalry feather with the star loop. Regimental cavalry otBcers are to wear the star loop with the dressed regimentals. A. D. C. to G. 0., Cavalrj;^ and Majors of Brigade attached to Brigades of Cavalry are to wear aiguilettes on the right shoulder. A. D. C. to G. O., Infantry and Majors of Brigade attached to Infantry Brigades are to wear epaulettes as heretofore. G. O. 8 June and 11 June, 11, cancelled. G. O., Quebec, 29 Nov., 11. Infantry Officers, with the exception of mounted officers, are to wear leggings of black cloth when on duty, and at all inspections and reviews. Officers to wear their hats straight when on duties of parade. Mounted Infantry Officers to wear shoulder belt and regulation sword with steel or copper scabbard. A uniform pattern of officers' great-coat to be adopted in every corps ; the great-coat to be double-breasted ; the regimental button is to be affixed to the great coat. Staff officers wearing single-breasted uniforms will observe the same form in their great-coats. The distinguishing epaulettes to be worn with great-coat ; sword, belt and sash, are always to be worn outside. Officers will on all occasions conform to the dress ordered to be worn by the troops ; a perfect uniformity to be observed in each corps with respect to fur caps and every article of dress. All mounted officers are to provide themselves with the pre- scribed swords and belts. APPENDICES. 249 UNIFORMS (Continued.) Horse Guards, G. O., 18 Mar., 12. A new infantry cap with a cap-case of prepared linen to be worn in wet weather approved of. Horse Guards G. O., 1 July, 12. Trumpeters' and Buglers' clothing shall in future be of the same colour as that worn by privates. Troops in garrison at Quebec will discontinue to wear fur caps. G. O. 20 Apr., 13. Snow shoes and creepers are to be returned into store. Mocca- sins, 2 pairs of socks and fur mitts were also issued. Great-Coats. — Every infantry soldier shall be furnished at the public expense, in the first instance, with a great-coat. Those for ser- geants are to be furnished without cuffs and collars ; these, which are to correspond with regimental facings, shall be added at regimental H.Q., expense not exceed 1/7. Chevrons on right sleeves may be added at regiments to the sergeants and corporals. Great-coats for troops in Canadas and Nova Scotia and in active service in the field may be renewed, if necessary, at end of everj^ two years. Regula- tions 15 July, 12. The Royal Artillery when detached from Quebec are to do duty with swords only. G. O. 2 Apr., 12. Badge. — "Apres avoir place sur nos tetes des feuilles de bois " blanc (tilleul,) afin de nous faire reconnaitre dans la melee par nos " allies, nous nous engageames." (Journal of Thomas Vercheres de Boucherville, "Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal," 3rd Series, Vol. III., page 84.) Upper Canadian Militia— Green jackets ; red cuffs and collar ; white lace ; blue gunmouth trousers ; felt regulation cap. (Canadian Archives, O.C. 17, page 84, 2 Jan., 13.) 250 A PPENDICES. UNIFORMS (Continued.) Incorporated Militia — Red jackets ; dark green facings ; grey trousers ; gaiters ; waistcoats with sleeves ; forage caps. (Canadian Archives, O.C. 18, p. 71, 7 July, 13.) Upper Canadian Militia — Green jackets ; yellow facings. (Canadian Archives, O.C. 20, p. 24, 21 May, 14.) M.G.O. Kingston, 1st June, 1814. 8. His Honour the President is pleased to signify his desire that all officers on duty shall appear in a scarlet jacket with dark blue fac- ings, yellow buttons, gold lace round the collar and cuffs only, and plain gold epaulettes (according to their rank,) grey pantaloons or trousers, &c. ; cap according to H. M.'s regulations for regiments of the line ; but where such cannot be provided round hats will be per- mitted, with a regulation feather, cockade, &c., on the left side. The jacket to be made according to the King's Order for corps of the line. 4. The uniform of General Staff Officers and of Departments is to be similar to that of the General Staff and Departments of H. M.'s Regular Forces. LOWER CANADIAN EMBODIED MILITIA. 1st Battalion Jackets — blue facings 2nd — green facings 3rd * — light buff facings 4th — black facings (Canadian Archives, O. C. 17, p. 27, 21 Nov., 12.) All Battalions to have scarlet jackets.* (Canadian Archives, O. C. 17, p. 75, 22 Dec, 12.) Ist Battalion Red coats — blue facings 2nd Red coats — light green facings 3rd Red coats — yellow facings 4th Red coats — dark green facings 5th Red coats — black facings 6th Red coats — black facings All Battalions to wear blue trousers. (Canadian Archives, O. C. 18, p. 71, 7 July, 13.) *Scarlet not being available, green was used. (O.C. 17, p. 83, 1 Jan., 13.) APPENDICES. 251 ID UNIFORMS {Continued.) 1st Battalion Jackets — dark blue facintrs 2iid Jackets — yellow facings 3rd Jackets — green facings 4th Jackets — green facings (Canadian Archives, O.C. 20, p. 10, 7 Mar., 14.) VOLTIGEURS — Grey cloth jacket, black collar and cuffs ; grey trousers, black buttons ; Canadian short boots ; light bearskin cap, black tape braiding ; silver lace for Staff Sergeants. (Canadian Archives.) Quebec Volunteers — (Infantry) — Red, turned up with purple, white lace ; officers — velvet facings, silver lace. (Artillery) — Blue with facing of the corps and some appropriate difference in the buttons and breastplace. (Canadian Archives, C. 796, p. 158.) Caldwell Rangers (for service with the Indians) — Dark green plain jacket ; grey pantaloons ; low bucket cap, quite plain. The proposed clothing resembles that provided for Upper Canada; the scarlet collar and cuff, being perhaps too conspicuous, might be taken off, and green, brown or black substituted. (Canadian Archives, C. 797, p. 61.) Coleman's Troop of Cavalry — Blue jacket, red cuff and collar ; white button ; felt helmet with bearskin ; grey overalls wrap- ped with leather, and Canadian beef half-boots to lace iu front. (Canadian Archives, C. 703, p. 63.) Artillery Gunner Drivers, U. C. — Helmet and plume ; blue great coats (Duke of York) ; artillery coats ; gunner driver jackets ; pantaloons — grey, blue or olive, but all of one colour; trousers same as pantaloons ; shirts, strong linen, shirts flannel ; shoes and stockings. (Canadian Archives, C. 703, p. 75, and Q. 126, p. 60.) Indian Department — Scarlet jacket with green collar and cuflfs, plain brass buttons, green braid down the front, gold braid on collar ; vest, scarlet. (Capt. Louis Grignon's uniform is in the possession of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.) Artificers — Grey great coat ; black gaiters ; breeches ; felt cap and plume. Militia Artillery — Coat ; waistcoat ; grey cloth trousers ; grey great coat ; grey gaiters ; felt cap and plume. Miscellaneous General Brock to Lord Liverpool, 29th Aug., 1812. "In no instance have I witnessed greater cheerfuhiess and con- stancy than were displayed by these troops (^. e., the Militia, who voluntarily offered to accompany him to Detroit,) under the fatigue of a long journey in boats and during extremely bad weather ; and it is but justice to this little band to add that their conduct throughout excited my admiration." (Canadian Archives, Q. 315, p. 121.) All able bodied seamen who are willing to enter into the service of His Majesty's Provincial Royal Navy on the lakes and rivers of Upper and Lower Canada are invited to rendezvous at the house of Mrs. Grant, at the sign of the Sugar-loaf, Montreal. Bounty, $20 for each able-bodied and $12 for each ordinary seaman ; pay $8 per month, payable at the end of every two months. (Mo7itreal Herald, 26 Sept., 1812.) G.O. The Sedentary Militia of the Town of York will be reviewed by Sir R. Sheaffe on the 4th April (1813) immediately after church. G.O. Officers of Militia to rank as junior of their respective ranks when doing duty with the line. G.O. 12th April, 1813. The Corps of Embodied Militia are in future to conform to the Rules and Regulations prescribed for the guidance of regiments of the line in every respect where the same are not in variance with the Militia Code of Regulations. G.O. Montreal, 4th June, 1813. The Major General commanding has received a report from Major Taylor of the 100th Regiment, giving an account of a gallant affair which took place yesterday between the gun-boats and detachments APPENDICES. 253 MISCELLANEOUS {Continued.) from the garrison of Isle Aux Noix and the enemy's armed vessels "Growler" and "Eagle" from Lake Champlain, having each 11 guns with 4 officers and 45 men on board, and which ended in the capture of both vessels, after a well contested action of three hours and a half. Major Taylor speaks in high terms of the gallantry of all the officers and soldiers employed on this occasion, particularl}' of Lieutenant Lowe of the Marine Department, Ensigns Dawson, Gibbon and Hum- phries, and Acting Quarter Master Pilkington.of the 100th Regiment, with their crews, and reports the material assistance which he received from Capt. Gordon, of the Royal Artillery, Lieut. Williams, of the 100th Regiment, with the parties on shore, who contributed greatly to the capture of the enemy. The garrison had three men wounded ; the enemy one man killed and eight severely wounded. The Major-General commanding will have much satisfaction in reporting to His Excellency the Commander of the Forces this action, which does high credit to the arrangement of Major Taylor, and to the conduct and bravery of all concerned. G.O. October, 1813. Deserters to be marked on the left side, two inches below the armpit, with the letter "D" one-half inch long, and then transported. G.O. Montreal, 8th October, 1813. The tocsin and other signals of alarm to be sounded in every parish within fifty miles of Montreal. All Militia, without exception, are to assemble with arms, and those who are not possessed of arms with axes, spades, and pickaxes, and repair with the least possible delay to Montreal. The Militia inhabiting the south bank of the St. Lawrence to repair to Caughnawaga ; those on the banks of the Rich- elieu and Yamaska to repair to Lacadie and St. John's. The Militia of Montreal and the north bank of the St. Lawrence to Berthier are to repair to Montreal, where they will receive further orders. From Lt.-Col. Henry Cull, 3rd Battalion Townships Militia, TO THE D. A. G. OF Militia Forces. Hatley, 8th October, 1813. In obedience to the orders of Maj. General Sir Roger Hale SheafFe, dated the 7th August (not received till the 30th September,) I have 254 APPENDICES. MISCELLANEOUS (Continued.) the honour to enclose an exercise return of the 3rd Battalion of the Eastern Townships Militia. There are no arms, accoutrements or ammunition in their possession except the Cavalry, vide return, for the very few rusty, neglected fowling pieces that some few men (addicted to hunting, have to snap three or four times probably at a partridge,) are not worthy to be reckoned. The means of repairing such are generally the nearest blacksmith, if the owner has not suffi- cient ingenuity to tinker it himself. (Canadian Archives.) G.O. Capt'n Mulcaster has represented to me that Mr. Harvie (mid- shipman) volunteered and made a very gallant attempt to blow up the enemy's magazine ill the centre of their canvp, as also to blow up their gunboats in Salmon River. I feel particular pleasure in thus publicly making known my high approbation of this gallant young officer's conduct, and with a wish to reward his meritorious exertions I have promoted that officer to the rank of Lieutenant. Mr. Hawksworth and George Barnet (seaman,) who accompanied Mr. Harvie, have evinced a zeal highly creditable to themselves. I take this opportunity of assuring all the officers of this squad- ron that their promotion will entirely depend on their own zeal, exer- tions and good conduct, as in all my appointments I shall be solely guided by the officers who (in my opinion) have the most merit. Given under my hand on board H. M. Ship "Wolfe," at Kingston, this 1st day of January, 1814. J. L. Yeo. (Canadian Archives, M. 389-6, page 81.) G.O. 4th February, 1814. Staff Adjutants. — The duties of Staff Adjutants of Militia partake in their nature of those of the Major of Brigade. He is the officer of the division of militia to which he is attached, and not the personal staff of the Inspecting Field Officer under whose immediate orders he is placed, and in case of his absence or indisposition the Staff Adjutant is to aid the senior officer in command in conducting the detail or discipline of the brigade or division of militia. APPENDICES. 255 MISCELLANEOUS (Continued.) G.O. 13th April, 1814. In consequence of the representation made to the Commander of the Forces of the distinguished conduct of Sergeant Hudson of the Frontier Light Infantry, His Excellency is pleased to appoint Ser- geant Hudson to be an Ensign, vice Steele, promoted, the above appointment to take place from 20th March, 1814. G.O. Quebec, 20th June, 1815. In consideration of the gallantry of Lieutenant Keating, of the Mississippi Volunteer Artillery, particularly at the capture of Fort McKay, at the Prairie-des-Chiens on the Mississippi River last cam- paign. His Excellency Lieut.-General Sir Gordon Drummond has been pleased to appoint him Fort Adjutant at the post of St. Joseph from the 25th instant inclusive, vice Lieut. Radenhurst, King's Regiment, who will proceed to join his regiment. Headquarters Camp, Before Fort Erie, 13th August, 1814. Morning D.G.O. Lieutenant-General Drummond congratulates the Army on the brilliant achievements executed last night by Capt. Dobbs of the Royal Navy and a party of seamen and marines, who, in the most gallant style, boarded, and after a short struggle carried two of the enemy's armed schooners anchored close to Fort Erie. Accident alone prevented the capture of the third schooner. Those captured are the "Somers" and "Porcupine." The former mounts two long 12-pounders, and the latter one 12. They were commanded by Lieutenants, and had on board 35 men each. The Lieutenant-General laments to find that Lieut. Radcliffe, Commander of His Majesty's schooner "Netley," has fallen on this occasion. He was killed in the act of boarding. He will be buried at 12 o'clock, with such marks of respect as circumstances will permit. Besides Mr. Radcliffe, our loss has been only one seaman killed and four wounded. The enemy's loss is one seaman killed, four wounded. The whole enterprise reflects the highest credit on the ability and spirit of Captain Dobbs, and the gallant party under his com- mand. The Lieut-General felt convinced that it would not fail, from the spirited manner in which it was undertaken. He takes this 256 APPENDICES. MISCELLANEOUS (Continued.) occasion of informing the troops that he has asimilar service for them to execute, and he invites corps and individuals desirous of volunteer- \n^ their service on the occasion to intimate their wishes vi^ithout delay, throug^h their respective Brigadiers, to the Deputy Adjutant- General for the information of the Lieutenant-General Command incf- This order to be read to the corps immediately. (Canadian Archives, M. 389-6, page 161.) Prize Money G.O. Quebec, 30th December, 1813. Distribution of Prize-money : — Private, one share ; Drummer, one share ; Corporal, one and one-half share ; Sergeant, two shares ; Staff Sergeant, three shares ; Subaltern, eight shares ; Captain, sixteen shares ; Major, thirty shares ; Lt.-Colonel, forty shares ; Colonel, sixty shares ; General Officer, eighty shares ; and Commander of the Forces, one hundred shares. The Officer commanding a division of troops making a capture to receive double the number of shares allotted to his rank. Those only actually engaged or aiding and assisting in the capture (except the Commander-in-Chief) are considered to be entitled to share. Prize money awarded per private : — Ogdensburg £2 "Growler" and "Eagle," £5 7 Mackinac £10 Niagara Frontier, June-July, 1813 £0 6 Fort Niagara and other places, in Dec, 1813 £2 Detroit £3 Salmon River, 14-15 Feb., 1814 £0 13 Salmon River, Fort Malone and Four Corners, 19-24 Feb., 1814 £0 5 10 currency 10 currency currency 3 currency currency currency currency 6 currency G. O. July, 1813. In allotting Prize-money for Detroit to Indians, a Chief will share as a Subaltern ; a warrior as a private. Militia Pensions, 1812-15 UPPER CANADA. PERMANENT BOARD. (Created 24 May, 1816.) Eastern District — Lt.-Cols. Honh'le Neil McLean, MacMillan, Donald Maedonell, HonUle Thomas Eraser ; Capt. Archibald G. McLean, late Incorp. Militia. Johnstown District — Colonels William Eraser, Stone ; Lt.-Cols. L.P. Sherwood, Burritt ; Capt. John Maedonell, late Incorp. Militia. Midland District — Colonels William Johnston, John Eer^uson ; Lt.-Cols. Allan McLean, Archibald Maedonell, the Senior Officer Lennox Militia ; Capt. Daniel Washburn, late Incorp. Militia. Newcastle District — Lt.-Col. Peters ; Majors Jones, Rogers ; Capts. Thomas Ward, John Burn. Home District — Lt.-Col. Chewett; Majors Allan, Wilmot; Capts. Peter Robinson, Heward. Gore District — Colonel Beasley; Lt.-Col. Bradt; Majors Hatt, Simons. Niagara District — Lt.-Colonels Hon'b'le Thomas Clark, Thomas Dickson, Warren, Nelles ; Major Robertson, Capt. John Clark, late Asst. Adjt.-Gen. London District — Colonel Talbot ; Lt.-Cols. Nichol, Ryerson, Bost- wick, Burwell ; Major Salmon ; Capt. Rapelje, late Incorp. Militia. Western District — Lt.-Col. J. B. Baby ; Major Reynolds ; Capts. Elliott, William McCormick, John McGregor. APPENDICES. 259 MILITIA PENSIONS (Continued.) MEDICAL EXAMINERS. (Appointments dated York, 23 May, 1816.) Western District — Surgeon Richardson, Amherstburg. London District — Surgeon Graham, Long Point. Niagara District — Surgeon Kerr, Niagara. Surgeon Sumner, near 20-Mile Creek. Home District — Surgeons Powell and Lee, York. General Agent for paying Militia Pensions — Edward McMahon, York. LOWER CANADA. commissioners. Lt.-Colonel F. Vassal de Monviel. Lt.-Colonel Charles Chaussegros de Lery. Lt.-Colonel Jacques Voyer. paymaster. The Adjutant-General. Colours Office of the Adjutant-General of Militia, Quebec, 20th July, 1820. Militia General Order. The Governor-in-Chief^ feels orreat satisfaction in having it in his power to deliver to the officers connnaudino- the Incorporated Militia during the late war those Colours which His Majest\^ had been most graciously pleased to order to be presented to their Battal- lions, as an expression of His Royal Approbation of their services when called upon in defence of their country. His Excellency is not ignorant of the particular circumstance which led to this particular honor being promised to these battalions, and, as considerable delay has unavoidably happened, he thinks it a favorable opportunity of declaring to the Militia of Lower Canada, by General Order, his perfect confidence in their spirit and zeal when called upon. He will direct his attention in a particular manner to encourage and uphold the spirit of patriotism, w^hich he esteems the best and surest defence of the country. Tliese Colours having been received too late to be delivered to the different battaHons before they were disembodied at the Peace, it is His Excellency's pleasure that they should be placed in the charge of the undermentioned officers* until required. The Colours are lodged with the Adjutant-General of Militia, from whom the respec- tive officers will receive them on application. The officers commandino; battalions or divisions will communi- cate this General Order to the officers and militiamen under their orders. By order of His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief. F. Vassal de Monviel, Adj.-Gen. M. F. *lst Battalion — Lt. -Colonel T. P. J. Taschereau. 2nd Battalion — Major P. R. Boucher de Labruere. 3rd Battalion — Lt-Colonel Louis Gugy. 4tli Battalion — Lt. -Colonel Jacques Voyer. 5th Battalion — Major J. B. P. D'Estimauville, ^Earl Dalhousie. ADDENDA Page 1— ASSISTANT MILITARY SECRETARY. Ensign John McLauchlan, 10th R.V. 20 July— 31 Dec, 14. DEPUTY ASSISTANT MILITARY SECRETARY. Ensign Duncan Campbell Napier, Royal Newfoundland Reo-'t. Page 6— DEPUTY ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERALS. ^ Captain Peter Latouche Chambers, 41st. ^ Captain Edward Sabine, R.A. ^ Ensign 41st 1803. Lieutenant 1806. Captain 1808. Bvt.-Major 25 Feb., 15. Present at Detroit, gold medal (despatches.) ^ Lieutenant 1804. Lt. -Colonel 1841. Colonel 1851. Maj. -General 1856. Lt.- General 1865. General 1870. Retired 1877. Died at Richmond, England, 26 June, 83, aged 94. Served in Canada, May, 13 — Sept., 16. Was at siege of Fort Erie (despatches.) D.C.L., (Oxon,) LL.D., (Cantab.) Was astronomer to first expedition to find N.W. passage under Ross, 1818, also in the second under Parry, 1819-20. President Royal Society, 1861-71. K.C.B. 1869. Page 17— MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Staff Suro-eons Donald McLeod. William Randall. Pao-e 20— 'PRIZE BOARD. *& Major-General George Glasgow, R. A. (President.) The Adjutant-General of the Forces. The Commissary-General. The Deputy Commissary-General of Accounts. The Deputy Paymaster-General. The Deputy Judge Advocate. The Military Secretary. 262 ADDENDA. ARMY PRIZE AGENTS. 2 For Niagara Frontier— Capt. G.A. Eliot, D.A.Q.M.G. Dec, 13. 2 Capt. C. L. L. Foster, A.D.C. Dec, 13. ' For Mackinac and Detroit — Capt. Noah Freer, Mil. Secr'y. 19 July, 13. AGENT FOR PRISONERS OF WAR. ^ Captain Francis Kempt, R. N. (acting), Quebec. Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Barclay. «ARMY BILL OFFICE. Director — ^ James Green, Esq. Cashiers — ^ Louis Montizambert, Esq. ^ Claude Denechaud. Esq. ^ George Waters Allsopp, Esq. '' Keable Serjeant, Esq. ^ From Canadian Archives, M. 195. TG.O. 12 Apr., 13.) ' From Canadian Archives, C. 681, p. 304. ' From Canadian Archives, C. 695, p. 29. * Quebec Mercury, 1814. * Appointed as Extra Cashiers, 17 Mar., 1814. « Was in existence from 1 Aug., 12, to 24 Dec, 1820. ' Had been Adjutant of Col. Louis de Salaberry's Militia. His son, Geo. Sheaffe, was Major 10th Foot, 16 Feb., 47. * Had been acting Deputy Commissary-General, 1811. Also Assistant Pay- master of Contingencies, Montreal, 1807. Pao-e 28— INSPECTING FIELD OFFICERS. Lt.-Colonel William Robinson (Capt. 8th,) 28 Nov., 12. Lt.-Colonel Patrick Murray, 5th S.E.M. Page 31— ASSISTANT ADJUTANT GENERAL. Capt. Joseph Frobisher (Ensign Glen. L.I.,) Eastern and Johns- town Districts, 21 May, 13. ADDENDA. 263 Page 35— DEPUTY JUDGE ADVOCATES. Lt.-Colonel C. A. Hagerman (acting,) 25-27 Oct., 14. Capt. Edward Walker (acting,) Incorporated Militia. Page 41— 1st GLENGARRY. Adjutant John McKenzie, 25 June, 14. Page 44— 1st STORMONT. BATTALION COMPANIES. Lieutenant George Anderson. Ensign Stephen Campbell. Page 45— 1st PRESCOTT. Captain William Hamilton. Page 45— 1st DUNDAS. battalion COMPANIES. Ensign Christopher Haynes. Page 48— 1st GRENVILLE. RIFLE COMPANY. Captain William Eraser, 12 July, 12. Lieutenant James Hall, 12 July, 12. Ensign Daniel Jones, 12 July, 12. BATTALION COMPANIES. Captain Abraham Bolton. Lieutenant Stephen Collins. Page 49— 2nd GRENVILLE. Major Gideon Adams. 264 ADDENDA. 2nd GRENVILLE (Continued.) BATTALION COMPANIES. Captain Joel Adams. Captain Peter Grant. Lieutenant M. Burritt. Page 51— 2nd LEEDS. Adjutant Hiram Spafford ; removed 12 Apr., 14. Ensign Prince Sherman, 14 Apr., 14. ■e 55 1st ADDINGTON. BATTALION COMPANIES, Ensign Abraham Amey. Page 59— 1st HASTINGS. BATTALION COMPANIES. Captain Peter Chishohn. Ensign Richard Ellerbeck. ■te Paae 76— 2nd LINCOLN. BATTALION COMPANIES. Captain Robert Grant. Phelps ; resigned 1812. Stull ; resigned 1812. Lieutenant Brown; resigned 1812. Patrick Reiley. Ensiofn Robert Brooks. Page 80— 4th LINCOLN. BATTALION COMPANIES. Captains Robert Comfort. William Carpenter. Ensign James Campbell. ADDENDA. 265 Page 82— 5th LINCOLN. BATTALION COMPANIES. Captains John Aikman. Peter Bowman. William Lottridgre. John Smith. George Carpenter. Israel Dandy. Charles Depew. James Dedrick. Daniel Young. Lieutenants Joseph House. Lewis Horning. Ephraim Land. Abel Land, Sr. Jacob Rymal. Thomas Racey. Michael Shavers. Ensigns Peter Hess. David Kerr. David Kribbs. Abel Land, Jr. Philip Rymal. George Smith. Jacob Springstead. McDou^all. "» Page 87— 1st OXFORD. BATTALION COMPANIES. Captain John Seacord. 11 July, 12. Lieutenant James Harris. 14 " " Ensigns Henry Carroll. 13 " " Francis Carroll. 14 " Isaac Benduck. 11 " Page 98— CANADIAN VOLUNTEERS. ^ John Lambert, Ensign 10th R.V. Honore Bailly. 1 Was in charge from July, 1812. (Can. Archives, C. 789, p. 110.) 266 ADDENDA. Page 103— STAFF OFFICERS. Lt.-Colonel Pierre Guerout, 9 Jan., 12. Page US- PROVINCIAL COMMISSARIAT VOYAGEURS. Lieutenants Charles Archauibault. Andre Baron. Joseph Finlay. Frederick Glackmeyer. Jean Baptiste Herigault. Casimir Jeremy. Hyacinthe St. Germain. William Stevenson. A. Clarke. William Cowie. Page 118— 1st BATT. S. E. M. ^ Captain Joachim Charland. Page 122— 2nd BATTALION S. E. M. ^ Captain Joseph Courtemauche. Page 124— 3rd BATTALION S. E. M. ^ Lieutenant Pierre Lemaire dit St. Germain. Page 128— 4th BATTALION S. E. M. Ensign Francois Blondheim. Page 135— 6th BATTALION. ^ Captain Maxime Olivier. ADDENDA. 267 Pa^e 219— INDIAN WAR CHIEFS. Sioux — Wabasha (The Leaf.)* Chate-wacon-aniini (Little Crow.)* Pottawatomie — Shaubena.* Billy Caldwell* Delewares (Menoinonees) — Tomah. Wee-misate. Winnebagoes — Lassammie. Tete-du-Chien. Page 236— GENTLEMAN VOLUNTEERS. Robert Bunbury, 88th— 26 Sept., 14. •Were at Moraviantown. ERRATA Page 1— For "Deputy Military Secretary" read "Deputy Assistant Military Secretaj \ Page 3— 2nd line— /or "August" read "July." Page 4 — 7th line from bottom— /or "G. T. Bourke" read "George Thew Burke." Page 5 — Delete foot note 13 and substitute — "Ensign 64th 7 Feb., 1800. Was at capture of St. Lucie and Surinam. "Capt. 1st 12 Apr., 07. Present at Corunna ; was on Walcheren Expedition, " 1809. Served as Major in a Portugese Regt. in Peninsula, 1811. Present " at Fort Erie (assault,) wounded. Resigned as D.A.A.G. to rejoin his regi- " ment, 14 July, 14. Bvt.-Major 1815." Page 7— Foot note 9, 3rd line— /or "Cuidad Rodrigo, Salamanaca," read "Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca." Footnote 10, 2nd line— /or "Cuidad Rodrigo" read "Ciudad Rodrigo." Page 7 — Delete foot note 15 and substitute — "Lieut. 11 Feb., 08. Lieut. 24th 14 Apr., 08. Served in Peninsula, "1809-10. A.D.C. to Col. Drummond, 1811. Present at Ciudad Rodrigo "(wounded) ; A.D.C. to Beckwith, commanding 1st Light Brigade. Was at " Craney Island (despatches.) Promoted Capt. Glen. L.I., 11 Mar., 13. " Was at Lundy's Lane. Assault and sortie. Fort Erie, where he conducted " the night attack (wounded and mentioned in despatches.) Thanked in "G.O. for his services. Maj. Canadian Chasseurs 25 Feb., 15. Bvt.-Major "11 May, 15. Sailed to join Wellington's Army in Belgium. Capt. Rifle "Brigade, 16 May, 16. Went to h.p. 25 Nov., 18. A.D.C. in 1820 to Sir S. " Beckwith in Ireland. Capt. 58th 27 Oct., 29. Lt.-Colonel 40th 19 Feb., 38. "K.H. 1837. Died 1839." "I am now reading this record of olden times. Little Powell, a superb sol- " dier, who was then with me, lies dead in the burying ground hard by my "house. How strange. We last parted at Halifax, in North America, 1814, "and in 1844 I stand here by his grave in a land then unknown." (Life and Opinions of General Sir Charles J. Napier, G. C. B.) Page 8— Foot note 21, 1st line— /or "Died in Western District" read "Died at Am- herstburg." Page 10— Foot note 1, last line— /or "K.C.B." read "K.B." Pa^e 12 '^ Footnote 28, 2nd line— /or "Cuidad Rodrigo" read "Ciudad Rodrigo." Page 13— 12th line— /or "G. T. Bourke" read "George Thew Burke." Page 14 — Last Une— /or "Leonard Marter" read "Leonard Marler." 270 ERRATA. Page 15— Footnote 13, 1st line— /or "Cuidad Eodrigo" read "Ciudad Eodrigo." Page 23— 6th Regt — insert in last line, "It bears 'Niagara' on its Colours." Page 24— 41st Regt., 5th line — after "bearing" insert "Fort Detroit, Queenstown, Miami, and" Page 24— 82nd Regt. — Insert in last line, "It has 'Niagara' on its Colours." Page 29— Insert omitted foot note 9. "Colonel George Taylor, C.B., h.p., I.F.O., "and A.D.C., died at Grenville, Ottawa River, in Sept., 1826, aged 55." Page 30— Insert omitted foot note 20. "See Canadian Voyageurs, page 114." Page 31— 7th line— Air "14 Jan., 13," read "28 Jan., 14." Page 32— Foot note 5 — hisert "Was at Chrystler's Farm.— (Montreal Transcript, 17 Feb., 46)." Page 34— Hospital Mate, 1st line— /or "Cyrus Summer" read "Cyrus Sumner." Page 37 — Engagements — Insert : "York, 27th April, 13." "Fort Erie, 12th August, 14." Page 39— Engagements — Insert: "York, 27th April, 13." Page 40— Engagements- /or "Queenston, 13th Oct., 12," read "Lundy's Lane, 25th July, 14." Page 40— Foot note 1, last line— /or "24 Mar., 28," read "11 Feb., 28." Page 42— For "Quartermaster John McLellan (?McKenzie)" read "John McLennan, 25 June, 14." Page 43 — Foot note 1 — Insert "Resigned 18 April, 14." Foot note 2 — Identical with Capt. Donald Macdonell, (Greenfield) ; appointed Lt.-Colonel 18 Apr., 14. Page 44 — 14th line from bottom— /or "David Jaycox" read "David Jacobs." Page 49— 2nd Grenville— Engagements— /or "Prescott, 4th Oct., 12," read "Prescott, 24th Oct., 12." Page 65 — Engagements — Insert : "St. Davids, 22nd July, 14." Page 70— Foot note 3 — Insert "Present at Queenston." Page 71— For "Captain Askin" read "Captain Charles Askin." ERRATA. 271 Page 72 — Engagements— insert ; "Fort Erie, 27th May, 13." "Stoney Creek, .5th June, 13." "Black Rock, 1st Jan., 14." "Chippawa, 5th July, 14." " St. David's, 22nd July, 14." Delete Adjutant Thorner. Page 75— Foot note 33 — The first apphes to John Secord ; the second appUes to Joseph Clement. Page 76 — Engagements — Insert : — "Fort Erie, 2nd Dec, 12." "Chippawa, 15th October, 14," read "5th July, 14." Page 78— Foot note 21 — After "Chippawa" insert "(wounded.) (Pension Hst, U. C. Gazette, 5 Apr., 28.)" Page 82— Adjutant Newton's name was "David." Lieutenant Biggar's name was "William." Page 84 — Engagements — insert: "Fort Erie, 27th May, 13." Page 85 — Engagements — insert : "Stoney Creek (Lake Erie,) 12th Nov., 13." Page 87 — Engagements — Insert : "Fort Erie, 28th Nov., 12." Page 87— Last line but one — Ensign Brown's name was "Daniel." Page 93 — Engagements — Insert : "River Thames, 9th July, 14." Page 100— Foot note "2— for "Died during the autumn, 1812," read "Funeral took place "8 Feb. ,13 ; 103rd Regiment supplying the firing party. (Can.Archives.M.195.)" Page 103— Staff Ofiicers— Lt. -Colonels Boucherville, Percival and Brenton received land grants. Page 105— Lt. -Colonel Salaberry received a land grant. Page 106— Lieut. E. L. Prendergast received a land grant. Last line— /or "Etienne St. Dizier" read "Etienne Nivard St. Dizier." Page 107— Third line— /or "Louis Provencher" read "Louis Charles Provencher." Page 1 OS- Foot note 31, 1st line— /or "eldest son" read "second son." 3rd line— /or "89th Foot" read "81st Foot, 12 April, 27." Page 112— Cornet Lefebvre and Quartermaster Eisenhart received land grants. Page US- Lieut. Frost received a land grant. Page US- Lieut. Gaudet received a land grant. 272 ERRATA. Page US- Adjutant Reiffenstein and Captain B. A. Panet received land grants. Page 119— Capt. P. J. G. de Tonnancour and Ensign T. Fortier received land grants. Page 122— Capt. Louis J. de Beaujeu received a land grant. Page 124— 2nd line — delete * opposite P. Globenski's name. Page 126— 16tli line— /o/- "Ambroise Marchand" read "Amable." Page 128— For "Surgeon Gaspard Couillard" read "Antoine Gaspard Couillard." For "Rene Kimber" read "Rene Joseph Kimber." Lieut. J. Blanchet received a land grant. Page 129— Ensign R. Moorhead received a land grant. 5th line from bottom— /or "Francos" read "Francois." Page 134— 6th name from bottom— /or "Provendier" read "Provencher." Page 135— Lt.-Col. F. Tetu received a land grant. Page 164— Major Guy's name was "Louis." Page 170— For "Major Louis Levesque" read "Antoine Louis Levesque." Page 171— Last name— /o7- "Nonmandeau" read "Normandeau." Page 187— 24th line— /or "Pulin" read "Pouhn." Page 203— Delete all referring to Capt. O'Connor. His name is placed under Royal Navy. Page 204— 1st line — delete "Captains" and substitute "Commander." Page 204— Middle of page— deZcite "*John Williams." His name is placed under Royal Navy. Page 221— Add to toot note 17— "Norton was known by the Indians as 'The Snipe.' (Can. Archives, C. 257, p. 303.)" Pages 237 and 238 — Add foot notes : — ' "Robinson was High Constable at York. Received a land grant. * " McQuarrie had been Sgt.-Major for two years. Discharged 14 March, 1815. * "Knott received medal with clasp 'Detroit.' * "Loucks received medal with clasp 'Chrystler's Farm.' * "Keeler. See foot note 3, page 50, where his name is given as 'Kular.' « "Huntingdon was at York, 14 April, 1813. See 3rd York, p. 68. '' "McBride had been Sergeant, Capt. Cameron's, 3rd York. * "Patrick's name appears in a Military Order, York, 16 Oct., 12. ® "Barber ranked as a Quartermaster Sergeant." INDEX TO NAMES Ships and Vessels are Indexed Under "Ships." Indians' Names AngHcized are in Italics. Aaron Hill. 220 Abdy, Matthew 226 Adam, Xavier 14-9 Adams, Andrevv 48(2) Adams, Frederick 48 Adams, George 72 Adams, Gideon 263 Adams, Joel 264 Adams, John 49 Adams, Joshua 52 Adams, Richard 198 Addison, Robert 20, 35 Adhemar, Jacques 106 Adhemar, Patrick 131, 133, 334 Ahern, Thomas B 118, 164 Aikman, John 265 Ainslie, Gilbert 135, 145 Aird, William 126 Alain, Michel 151 Alexander, Hugh 79 Alexandre, Joseph 160 Allan, James 3G, 89 Allan, William 36, 67, 258 Allard, F 179 Allen, John 239 Allen, John 53, 58 Allison, Alexander 164 Allsopp, G. W 151, 262 Amey, Abraham 264 Amev, Joseph 56 Amyot, Augustin 142 Amyot, Pierre 196 Anderson, 27 Anderson, Anthony 140, 145, 151 Anderson, Charles 211 Anderson, Charles 40 Anderson, Charles 53, 55 Anderson, George 263 Anderson, Joseph 44 Anderson, Thomas G 96, 210 Anderson, William 138(2), 158 A. Andrews, William 163, 164 Anger, Augustus 79 Annance, Francois 215 Annance, Noel 215, 218 Ansley, Daniel 238 Anthony, Charles 226 Antrobus, Edmund W....236 Antrobus, John C 125 Anwyll, Robert 13 Anyone waeghe 211 Applegarth, John 37. 65(2) Applegarth, William 65 Archambault, Amable....l83 Archambault, Amable....l86(2) Archambault, Charles.. ..266 Archambault, Charles. ...191 Archambault, Francois. .182 Archambault, Francois.. 189 Archambault, Jacques.. ..137, 181 Archambault, Jean B 172 Archambault, Joseph 180 Archambault, Louis 187 Archambault, Nicholas.. 172 Arcvison, Gustavus 204 Armour, Robert 165 Armstrong, Henry 236 Armstrong, R. S 21 Armstrong, William 1, 13, 18(2) Arnold, Christopher 93 Arnold, John 63 Arnoldi, David 167 Arthur, William S 227 Asselin, Jean B 154 Asselin, Pierre 175 Askin, Alexander D 40, 91 Askin, Charles 71, 270 Askin, James 91, 95 Askin, John 91, 210 Askin, John, Jr 210 Askin, John B 211 Assiginack 219 274 INDEX TO NAMES. A. Atkinson, Thomas 65, 139 Attagwaracyon 219 AubertdeGaspe,Philippel02, 141 AubertdeGasp^, Pierre 1.154, 155 AubertdeGaspe, Thos....l26 Audet dit Lapointe, G ...148 Auge, Autoine L 126, 139 Auge, Baptiste 195 Auge, Charles L 125, 157 Auge, Jean B. L 159 Auge, Joseph 195 Auge, Pierre 151 Auge, Pierre 179 Baby, Francois 32 Baby, Francois .....102, 150 Baby, Francois, Jr 151 Baby, Jean B 36, 91, Baby, Jacques 36, 93 Baby, Jacques R 119, 151 Backhouse, John 84 Backhouse, Thomas 84 Badeaux, Joseph B 138, 157 Badgely, Francis 165 Bagwell, John 1 Bailey, Enoch 199 Bailey, Wm 96 Baillarge, Francois 141 Baillie, Percy 234 Bailly, Honore 265 Baker, George 205 Baker, Joseph 87 Baker, Joseph 199 Baldwin, W. W 62 Baldwin, Robert 62 Ball, 80 Ball, Ezra 199 Ball, George A 73 Ball, Henry C 77 Ball, Jacob A 72, 82 Ball, Jacob F 76 Ball, John C 73, 75 Ball, Peter M., Jr 40, 72 Ballayn, W. D 20 Balneavis, H 6 Bangs, James 198 Barbeau, Etienne 150 Barbeau, Jean 123, 239 Barbeau dit Boisdore, Louis 123 Barber, Frederick C 205 Barber, William 238, 272 Barbier, L. M. R 105, 185 Barclay, R. H 27, 225 Barclay, Thomas 262 —(Continued.) Auldjo, Alexander 164(2), 165 Auldjo, George 166 Aumond, Francois 182 Ault, George 49 Ault, John 47 Ault, Michael 46 Austin, Jonathan 85 Axford, Samuel 88 Ayanete 219 Ayet dit Maleau, J 196 Aylwin, Thomas 146 Aymard, Charles 211 B. Barker, Oliver 110 Barker, Philip A 134 Barnard, Thomas 9(2), 28 258 Barnes, G. W 6 Barnet, George 254 Barnhart, Charles 57 Barnum, Ezra 81, 82 Baron, Andre 114, 266 Baron, James 173 Baron, Laurent 139, 239 Baron, Thomas 169, 173 Barron, Garret 197 Barthe, Jean B 90, 92 Barthe, Louis.. 211 Bartlet, Francis 198 Barwis, Thomas 205 Bastedo, David 77 Bastien, Jos. O 113 Bates, George 52 Bates, James 62 Bates, William 65 Batishon, Dedine 92 Baxter, John 79 Baynes, Charles 67 Baynes, Edward 4 Bazin, Antoine 125, 150 Bazin, Pierre 119, 160 Bazinet, Maurice 172 Bazinet, Pierre 172 Beach, 237 Beam, 73 Beasley, David 66 Beasley, Henry 66 Beasley, Richard 65, 258 Beaubien, Benjamin 167 Beaubien, Eustache D....196 Beauchamp, Alexis 187 Beauchemin, Andre 161 Beaudouin, Jacques 149 Beaudouin, Jean B 150 Beaudouin, Joseph 155 i INDEX TO NAMES. 275 Beaudouin, Thomas 170 Beaudry, Benjatnin 188 Beaudr3', Francois 172 Beaujeu, Joseph L. de 177 Beaujeu, Louis J. Chev.de 180 Beaujeu, Louis J. de 122, Beaujeu, Saveuse de 167 Beaulieu, Henrj 119, Beaumont, Joseph 147 Beaumont, Lazare 14-7 Beaumont, A. C. de 147, Beaupre, Benjamin 181 Beaupre, Etienne 240 Beaupre, Louis 205 Bechard, Theodore 192 Beckwith, Sir T. S 5 Bedard, 200 Bedard, A 214 Bedard, Ambroise 201 Bedard, Ambroise 152 Bedard, Antoine 152 Bedard, Jean C 150 Bedard, Joseph 167 Bedard, Pierre Ill Bedell, Reuben 53, Beemer, Philip 85 Befifre, Theophile 194 Beikie, John 67 Belanger, Francois 136 Belanger, Jean 135, Belanger, Joseph M 214 Belanger, Joseph M 154 Belanger, Pierre 239 Belanger, Vincent 175 Bell, Bella 198 Bell, Chris. J... 226 Bell, Duncan 57 Bell, Matthew 140, Bell, Nathaniel 35 Bell, William 59 Bell, William 57 Bellanger, J 178 Bellanger, J. M 177 Bellefeuille, Francois 176 Bellefeuille, Joseph 158 Bellerose, M. H 138, Bellony, Joseph 183 Bender, Albert 168 Bender, Francois X 131, Benedict, Joseph 52 Benduck, Isaac 265 Benoit, Antoine 194 Benoit, Joseph 187 Benson, Garrat 57 Benson, Jacob 57 Benson, Patrick 238 B. 272 129, 148 54, 141, 145 161 169 —{Continued.) B^rard, Lonis 185 Berdan, Albert 85 Berczy, William 100, Bernard, Alex 228 Bernard, Bernard 189 Bernard, Charles, Jr 148 Bernier, Francois R 155 239 Bernier, Ignace 119, Bernier, Pierre B 155 Berthe, Toseph A 171 Berthelot, Amable 138, Berthelot, Augustin 137, Berthelot, J 172 Berthelot, J. A 176, Berthelot, Michel 135, Bertrand, Francois 151 Bertrand, Ignace 167 Besserer, 129 Besserer, C 136 Besserer, L. Theo Ill, Besse, J...' 194 Best, Harmonius 199 Bethune, Norman 166 Bibeau, Michel 169 57 Biggar, Amos 204 Biggar, William 82, Bignell, George 225 Billy Caldwell 210. Binet, Joseph 171 143 Bird, William 88 Birnie, Joseph 82 Birou, Gelin 175 Biron, Joseph, Jr 215, Biron, Joseph, Sr 215, Biron, Louis 187, Biron, Louis 215 Biron, Xavier 98 Bisbv, Joel 173 Bishop, N , 200 Bisshopp, Cecil 28 Bissonnet, Antoine, Sr...l74 Bissonnet, Antoine, Jr.. ..175 Bissonnet, Joachim 175 Bisteaudeau, Joseph 187 Black, Henry 136, BlackBird 219 Blacklock, A 227, Black Sparrow Hawk. ...219 Blackwood, Thomas 164 Blais, Joseph 155 Blais, Louis 155 Blais, Michel 155 Blais, Simon P 155 Blakely, William 165 Blakeney, William 53, Blanchard, Archibald 61 131, 133 129, 240 157 167, 170 183 143 135, 143 271 267 218 217 193 146 228 58, 59 276 INDEX TO NAMES. B . — ( Continued , ) Blanchard, Jean B 182 Blanchet, Francois 101 Blanchet, Joseph 128, 272 Blanckley, H.S 4 Bleury, Sabrevois de 124 Blin, Eno? 187 Blondeau, Germain 148 Blondheim, Francois 266 Blondheim, William 133, 134 Blondin, Francois 129 Blouin, Jean 147 Bluejacket, George 211 Boag, David 15 Bodwell, 199 Bodwell, James 198 Bollard, Louis 148 Boileau, Rene 122 Boissaud, Louis ISO Boisseau, Augustiu J 180 Boisseau, Gaspard 128 Bolduc, P 152 Bolton, Abraham 263 Bondv, Laurent 90 Bonenfant, Jean B 120 Bonford, Antoine 90 Bonin, Francois 183 Bonne, Pierre A. de 152 Bonner, John 79 Bonneville, Francois 150 Booth, Joshua 56 Borgia, Joseph L 141 Bosse, Jean B 155 Bosse, Joseph 154 Boston, Thomas 113 Boston, William 239 Bostwick, Henry 87, 258 Bostwick, John 63, 64, 84 Boswick, John P 240 Botsford, William 87 Bouc, Seraphin 180 Bouchard, Bazile 194 Bouchard, Charles 148 Bouchard, Nicholas 153 Bouchard, Pierre 129, 134 Bouche, Francois 211 Boucher, Francois 159 Boucher, Francois 125 Boucher, F. X 153 Boucher, Louis 128 Boucher, Louis 152 Boucher de Boucherville, Pierre 128 Boucher de Boucherville, Pierre A 1, 103, 138,271 Boucher de Boucherville, Pierre R. A 191 Boucher de Boucherville, Reni^ T. V 189, Boucher deLabruere, 194, Boucher de Labruere, Pierre R 122, Boucher de Niverville, Joseph C 215, Bouchette, Joseph 103, Boudreau, Joseph 1 119 Boudreau, Louis 171 Boudreau, Olivier 119 Bouffard, Jean 149 Boughner, Chris 77 Boughner, Henry 79 Boughner, Osias 79 Bougis, Philippe 174 Bougrette, Jean B 195 Boulay, Alexis 155 Boule, F. R 147 Boulton, D'Arcy 68 Bourassa, Modeste 148 Bourassa, Vital 140 Bourbonnais, Louis 175 Bourbonniere, Pascal 187 Bourdages, C.J. T 195 Bourdages, Louis 194 Bourdages, Raymond.. ..194 Bourgeois, Joseph 179 Bourgon, Nicholas 129, Bourret, Alexis 169 ( Bouthillier,Guillaume,Jr.lll, Bouthillier, Henry J 106 Bouthillier, Jean 166, Bouthillier, Jean F 123 Bouthillier, Louis T 167 Bowen, E 103 Bowen, Daniel 84 Bowen, William D 36 Bowman, Abraham 77 Bowman, Charles 171 Bowman, Peter 265 Boyce, 237 Boynton, Edmund 199 Brackenridge, George 51 Braddish, Andrew 51, Bradford, Charles 131, Bradford, Richard 173 Bradt, Andrew 82, Brady, 65 Bramley, George 185 Brampton, Samuel 28, Brant, John 211 Brass, John 54, Breakenridge, James 50 Bri^gard, Bonaventure...l71 Bremner, 204, 249 195, 260 189 218 111, 146 240 2) 142 168 52 134 258 237 55 226 INDEX TO NAMES. 277 B. — {Continued.) Brenton, E. B 1(2) Brereton, Godfrey Bresse, Joseph Bresse, Louis Brewer, Ralph Bricault, Francois Bricault, J. B Bricault, Nicholas Bridge, C Brien, Francis Brighani, B. B Brisbane, Sir Thomas M Brisben, James Brisebois, Antoine Brisebois, Michel, Jr Brisee, Nicholas Brisee, Peter Brock, Sir Isaac ...2, Brock, Samuel Brodeur, Louis Brooke, Daniel Brooks, Robert Brouillard, Jean B Brouillard, Pierre Brouillet, Jean B Brousseau, Francois Brown, Brown, Brown, Adam Brown, Edward Brown, Daniel Brown, Daniel Brown, James Brown, James Brown, Richard Brown, William Brugiere, Felix Brugiere, Francois Brugiere, Jean B Brugiere, Medard Brun, Joseph Brunneau, Pierre, Sr Brunneau, Pierre, Jr Brunet, Felix Brunet, Hyacinthe , Brunet, Joseph . 19, 103, 271 226 189 154 239 172 172 172 21 196 87(2) 9 190 211 98, 210 52 52 8, 24, 269 61, 204 195 38, 68, 235 264 160 160 191 190 264 87 73 197 52 87(2), 271 137 173 40, 113 87 129, 168 .129 ,181, 198 .181 191, 193 .143 .135, 143 .120 .171 .179 Brunet, Nicholas 119 Brunet, Olivier 147 Brunette, J 177 Brush, John 90 Bruyeres, R. H 15, 21 Bryant, James 235 Brydon, 226 Bryson, Alexander 76 Buchan, Edward 225 Buchanan, Gordon 238 Buchanan, John 107 Buchanan, William 90 Bulger, Andrew 96(2), 235(2) Bullock, Samuel 187 Bultot, N 241 Bunbury, R 267 Burch, John 77 Burke, Andrew C 118, 120 Burke, G. T 4, 13, 269(2) Burn, John 62, 258 Burney, John 227 Burnham, Asa 61 Burnham, John 61 Burnham, Z 35, 61 Burns, Philip 139, 158 Burns, William 145 Burritt, Daniel 49 Burritt, Henry 37, 49 Burritt, M 264 Burritt, Stephen 36, 49, 258 Burroughes, Asa 240 Burton, Arthur 44 Burwell, Mahlon 88, 258 Bushby, Thomas 165, 166, 191 Bussiere, Louis 149 Bussi^re, Paul 161 Bussi(^re, Pierre 149 Buteau, Lazare 148 Butler, Johnson 36, 80 Butler, Joseph 73, 75 Butler, Thomas 80 Butler, W^alter 73 Button, John 63 Byrne, Philip 122 Byrne, Philip 197 Byrne, Michael 142 C. Caf^dy, J. T 6 Cadieu, Francois 174 Cadieu, Jean M 169 Cadieux,Jean B 194 Cadot, Francois X 212 Cadot.Jean B 210 Cadoret, Pierre 186 Caldwell, 27 Caldwell, Francis 90, 95 Caldwell, James 164, 165 Caldwell, John 145, 149 Caldwell, Thomas 89. 95 Caldwell, William, Sr 32, 95, Caldwell. William, Jr 89 Caldwell, William 17 Cameron, JEn^&s 114 209 278 INDEX TO NAMES. C. — {Continued.) Cameron, Alexander 39 Cameron, Alexander 44 Cameron, Duncan 67, 209 Cameron, John 122. 125(2) Cameron, John 10 Cameron, John 212 Cameron, John 41 Cameron, Peter 43 Cameron, William 173 Campbell, Charles 13 Campbell, Colin 211 Campbell, Donald 235 Campbell, Duncan 48 Campbell, J 204, 227 Campbell, J 238 Campbell, J. H 41 Campbell, James 13 Campbell, James 264 Campbell, James E 114 Campbell, John 38 Campbell, John 205 Campbell, John..., 239 Campbell, Robert 77 Campbell, Stephen 263 Campbell, Thos. D 48 Campbell, William 42 Carapeau, Louis 212 Campion, Alexis 123 Catib3', Benjamin 71 Cannon, John 146 Cantin, Joseph 177 Cardin, Alexis 185 Cardin, Augustin 185 Carley, Barth 50 Carlcy, Duncan 50 Carman, Michael 46 Carmel, Joseph 128, 144, 149, 161 Caron, Alexis 152 Caron, Bonaventure 155 Caron, Francois 159 Caron, Joachim 161 Caron, Louis C 155 Caron, N. Vital 179 Carpenter, George 265 Carpenter, William 264 Carr, John 62 Carreau, Joseph 200 Carrier, Louis 120 Carriere, Etienne 148 Carroll, Francis 265 Carroll, Henry 265 Carroll, John 87 Carroll, Joseph 238 Carscallen, Archibald 56 Carscallen, George 57 Carscallen, James 57 Carscallen, John 54. 57 Carscallen, Luke 54, 57 Carter, Edward 241 Carter, George 101 Carter, J. M. N 131, 13i Cartier, Bazile 161 Cartier, Constant 163, 191 Cartier, Edouard 186, 193 Cartier, Eusebe 195 Cartier, Jacques A 130, 131, 134 Cartier. Jacques, Sr 195 Cartier, Jacques, Jr 196 Cartier, Joseph 186 Cartier, Joseph 194 Cartwright, Edward 28, 114(2). 130, 270 Cartwright, Richard 36, 53, 54(2) Carver, Charles 15 Cary, Joseph 135, 145(2) Cary, Thomas 147 Casgrain, Pierre 153 Cassady, Daniel 238 Cassaus, Jean 192 Cassaut, Jean 163 Casselman, Z 46, 47 Castongue, Jean M 154 Cavers, Ebenezer 77 Cazeau, J. B 147 Cazeau, Louis 152 Cazeau, Louis 155 Center, Judah 173 Cere, Toussaint 171 Chaboiile, Charles 178 Chalifour, Joseph 182 Chalon, Timothee 125 Chamberlain, J. B 53, 54, 57 Chambers, Peter L 261 Champoux, A 240 Chandonnet, Charles 210 Chapdelaine, Charles 185 Chapdelaine, Francois L.185 Chapdelaine, Jean 185 Chapdelaine, Joseph 187 Chapdelaine, Pierre 185, 186 Chapdelaine dit Lari- viere, L 185 Chapman, Henry 137 Chapman, Nathaniel 204 Chaput, Joseph 182 Chaput, Louis 181 Chaout, Michel 182 Chaput, Pierre 182 Charbonneau, Domin- ique 179 Charbonneau, J. B 179 Charbonneau, Jean B....190 INDEX TO NAMES. 279 C. — {Continued. Charbonneau, Louis 178 Chard, Barcelona 60 Charets, Antoine 177 Charets, Antoine 177 Charland, Joachim 266 Charland, Louis 169(2) Charland, Pierre 169 Charlebois, Arsene 171 Charles, Jean B. R 152 Charleton (103rd) 116 Charlton, J 163 Charon, Jean B 196 Charon, J. Louis 177 Chartrand, Pierre 177 Chase, Walter 173 Chate-wacon-animl 267 Chaussegros de Lery, C ...100, 101, 141, 259 Chaussegros de Lery,J R.189 Chaussegros de Lery, Louis R 189 Chauveaux, Pierre 136, 144 Chauvette, J. Baptiste ..178 Chenier, Antoine 215, 217 Chesley, Charles 215 Chesley, Solomon Y 215, 218 Chesser, John 137, 176 Chettle, Thomas 27, 28 Cheval, Michel 176 Cheval, Pierre, Jr 194 Chevalier, Amable 215 Chevalier, Baptiste 176 Chevalier, F. X 144 Chevalier, Jean B 176 Chevalier, Louis 211 Chevretils, Pierre, Jr 161 Chevrier, Joseph 174 Chevaudier, Jean B ...172 Chew, Wm. W 210 Chewett, James 68 Chewett, William 67, 258 Child, ]ames 227 Chinic, 215. 217 Chinic, Joseph M., Jr 136, 144 Chisholm, Alexander 59 Chisholm, Archibald 60 Chisholm, George 65 Chisholm, John 65 Chisholm, Lev^'is 42 Chisholm, Peter 264 Chisholm, Roderick 187, 193 Chisholm, William 37, 65 Chisholm, William 81 Christie, Robert Ill, 129 Church, Oliver 53, 54, 57 Clark, Alexander 57 Clark, Duncan 37, 46 Clark, James 197 Clark, John 31, 72, 73,258 Clark, John C 53, 54, 56 Clark, Matthew 53. 54, 55 Clark, Simon 106, 111 Clark, Thomas 36, 76,258 Clark, William 106, 111 Clarke, Ill Clarke, 227 Clarke, A 266 Clarke, Isaac W 14, 115 Clarke, Thomas A 212 Clapp, G.D 57 Claus, 68 Claus, William 36, 72. 209 Clement, Joseph 73, 271 Clement, Joseph, Sr 178 Clement, Joseph, Jr 179 Clement, Lewis 76 Clench, Joseph B 210 Clench, Ralfe 32, 72 Clendennan, John 73 Clendenning, John 237 Clerk, Alexander 6 Cloatre, Joseph 191 Clouet, Michel 143 Clow, Duncan 70 Clute, John G 56 Coates, John 118 Cocherv, John 239 Cochran,Andrew W..1, 19,102,136,146 Cochrane, William 1 Cockburn, Francis 6, 28 Cockburn, James 145 Cody, Philip 66 Coffin, Isaac 175 Coffin, Nathaniel 8, 31, 35, 270 Coffin, Thomas 102, 138, 157 Coffin, Thomas M 158 Coiteux, Joseph 186 Coleman, Thomas 112 Collier, Sir E 225 Collins, A. L. T 9 Collins, G 204 Collins, Stephen 263 Collver, Timothy 86 Colomb, G. T....: 9(2) Colombe, Alexis 147 Colthurst,N 226 Comfort. Robert 264 Conger, Designia 58 Conger, Peter 54 Conger, Peter D.... 58 Conke, John 77 Connell,J. T 13, 116 280 INDEX TO NAMES. C . — {Continued.) Connell, M 240 Connolly, John 120 Connors, Edward 24-1 Conrad, John 86 Conran, Henry 9 Constantin, J. Baptisle..l78 Cook, Jasper 197 Cook. Seth 39 Cook, Thomas 53, 54, 55 Coons, Jacob 47 Cooper, James 77 Coore, F. L 15 Copp, Moses 198 Corbeille, Joseph.... 178 Corbet, John 41 Corbet, William 41 Corbett, Patrick 19, 31, 234 Corbin.Jean B 141 Cornault, Joseph 185 Corneau, Belonie 193 Cote, Etienne 144 Cote, Etienne 161 Cote, Francois 155(2) Cote, Francois 195 CotcS Gabriel 123 Cotin, Louis 149 Cotin dit Dugal, Louis. ..148 Cotter, G. S 9 Cotter, James 54, 58 Cotton, Daniel 197 Cotton, E 28 Cotton, Jean B 182 Couce, John 238 Couche, Edward 13 Coulson, Francis 240 Couillard, Antoine G 128, 272 Couillard, Augustin C....155 Couillard, Joseph P 155 Couillard, Joseph R 155 Couillard de Beau- mont, A 147, 148 Courchene, Joseph 161 Cournoyer, Antoine 185 Cournoycr, Joseph 185 Cournoyer, Pierre 185 Coursol, Louis 194 Coursol, Narcisse 189 Courtemanche,Baptiste.l95 Courtemanche, Joseph. ..188, 266 Courtemanche, Louis 194 Coutlee, Louis 174 Coutlee, Louis P 132, 175 Cowan, Henry 128, 129, 146 Cowan, Isaac 175 Cowan, R. M 146 Cowan, Thomas 157 Cowie, William 266 Cozens, Josh Y 44 Cramer, Lawrence 184 Cramer, Louis 106. 239 Crawford, Bryan 57 Crawford, Lewis 36. 98 Crawford, William 56 Crawford, W. P 19 Crepeau, Charles 147 Crepeau, Ignace 179 Crepeau, Pierre 184 Cresse, Pierre Joseph 129, 138, 161 Creswick. Charles 227 Crevier, Gabriel 172 Crevier, Louis 171 Crevier de St. Francois, J. A., Sr 160 Crevier de St. Francois, J. A.,Jr Ill Croker, Charles 226 Crooks. Francis 81 Crooks, James 72 Crooks, Matthew 80 Crooks, William 80 Crosse, Thomas 8 Crouching Panther 219 Cruttendeu, E 15, 21 Crysdell, Joshua 60 Crvsler, John 46, 77 Cull, Henry 198, 253 Cummings, James 32 Cummings, James 79 Cummings, Thomas 78 Cunningham, Hugh 60 Cunningham, William. ...239 Cummins, Henrv 17 Currt, Michel..." 122(2) Curry, John 42 Curtis, David 87 Curtis, David 198 Cushing, Elmer 200 Cuthbert, James 124. 183 Cuvillier, Augustin 130, 131 INDEX TO NAMES. 281 D. Dafoe, Abraham 57 Dafoe, John 54., 57 Daigneau, Alexis, Sr 190 Daigneau, Alexis, Jr 190 Dalev, Peter 54, 56 D'Alton, Albert 13 Dalton, William 193 Daly, Charles 125(2) Daly, John 239 Dame, Adolphus 126 Dame, John F 125 Dame, William 237 Damours, Antoine 177 Damours, Antoine 178 Dandelin, Joseph 187 Dandurand, P 24-1 Dandy, Israel 265 Danie'l, Louis E 190 Darbv, George 73 Darrcck, D 9 D'Auberville, Emanuel. ..106 Davev, Henrv 53, 55. 56, 203(n7) Daveiuy, Paul E 137 Daverne, Daniel 54 David, Baptiste 171 David. David 165(2) David, Samuel 172 David Davids 220 Davies, D. B 6 Davies, Henry T 225 Davis, David 88 Davis, E. F 6 Davis, Hall 77 Davis, Thaddeus 77 Davis, Walter 52 Davis, William 82 Davidson, John 149, 150 Davidson, Walter 131 Dawson, Irwin 28, 253 Day, Jeremiah 52 Dayton, Abrahai:i 50 Daz^. Augustin 178 Daze, Charles 177 Daze, Pierre i 177 Dease, Christopher 120 Dease, Francis M 97. 210 Debartzcb, P. Dom 130 DeBlois, Joseph 142 DeBonne, Pierre A 152 DeChambault, L. J. Fleurv 101, 137, 214 Decoe, John 77 DeCoigne, Louis 193 DeCousse, Pierre B 120 DeCow, Abner 87 DeCourcy, Gerald 133 Deddrick. See also Dittrick. Deddrick, Conrad 197 Deddrick, Walter 81 Dedrick, James 265 Dedrick, John 84 Defields, Joseph 88 DeGuise, Pierre 141, 142 Dehais, Ignace 162 DcHaren, Peter W 27, 116 Delagrave, Francois 167 Delaraere, Louis 135, 143 Dclfausse, Pierre 179 D lisle, Jean B 107 Delisle, Jean G 167(2) Delorme, Hyacinthe M...186 Demarest, Joseph 181 Demers, Ignace 171 Demers, J 188 Demers, Jean B., Sr 149 Demers, Jean B , Jr 149 Demers, Louis 191 Demers, Alichtl 171 Demers, Pierre 172 Demuy, Chas. D 191 Denault, Joachim 48 Denaut, Casimir 189 Denechaud, Claude 135, 141, 262 Denike, Andrew 205 Denison, Charles 68 Denison, George 68 Denison, John 67 Denison, Thomas 68 Dennis, James 13 Denniss, P 13 DePelteau, Julien 188 DePenzier, Luke D 47 Depew, Charles 265 Depin, Francois 161 Derge, Jacob 186 DeRottenburg, F. Baron 2(3), 8 Derouin, Etienne 119, 147 Dery, Jean 152 Desaulniers, Louis 211 Desautels, Joseph 169 Desbarats, Pierre E 143 Desbleds, Alexis 200 Deschamps, Antoine 181 Deschamps, Jean B. E....181 Deschamps, Louis 181 Deschenaux, Francois. ...160 Descotes, Henri 177 Desjardins, Amable 177 Desmarais. Emmanuel. ..159 Despres, J. B. C, Sr 154 Despres. J. B.C., Jr 154 Despres, J. F. Couillard..l54 282 INDEX TO NAMES. Desrivieres,Francois,Sr..l67 Desrivieres, Francois, Jr.. 167 Dessaules, Jean 186 D'Estimauville, J. B 214 D'Estimauville, Jean B. P.,Sr 150. D'Estimauville, J. B. P.,Jr 116, 118, 133, D'Estimauville, John C...106, Destrampe, Antoine 184 Detlor, George! 68 Detlor, George H 66 Detlor, John 68 Detlor, Samuel 57 Dewar, E 6, Dewar, John 197 DeWatteville, A.L C 9 Dezery, Francois 125 Dezery, Jean B 169 Dickenson, Noah 41 Dickson, 234 Dickson, David 227 Dickson, Robert 209 Dickson, Thomas 76, Dickson, W. R 6 Dignard, Frederick 181 Dill, William 84 Dincoiman, Benoit 190 Dionne, Amable 153 Dionne, Joseph 153 Dittrick, James 80 Dixon, M. C 13, Dobbs, Alex. T 225, Dobbs, William 237 Dochstader, Henry 81 Dolsen, Isaac M 93 Dolsen, John..... 93 Donaldson, John 200 Donais, Joseph 185 Dore, Etienne 176 Doren, John 47 Dorin, Jacob 46 Dorion, Joseph 141 Dorion, Joseph 144 Dorland, Samuel 54, Dorland, Thomas 53, Dorval, Ignace 141 Dorval, Laurent 181 Dostie, Michel B 123, Doty, Samuel 125 Doucet, Bazlle 139 Doucet, Francois 162 Doucet, Michel 159 Doucet, Norbert B Ill, Doucet, Pierre 143 D . — ( Continued . ) Doughtv, Edward 17 Douglass, Thomas.. .135, 141, 143(2), 145, 239 Dowie, Alexander 166 Downie, George 225 152 Drake, John 204 Drake, William 86 119, 125, Drennan, F 14 141. 260 Drennan, James 197 120 Drew, William 226 Drolet, Jean B 161 Drolel, Joseph C 194 Drolet, Toussaint 195 Drouillard, Joseph 211 Drummond. Sir G 2, 8 269 Drummond, W 5 Drury, A. V 225 Dubois, A 175 Dubois, Pierre C 167 Duboishaux, Pierre 177 Dubord, Andr(5 155 Dubord, Leopold 155 Dubuc, Joseph 190 Dubut, Augustin 149 258 Ducharme, Baptiste 170, 171 Ducharme, Domi- nique, Sr 170 Ducharme, Dominique. ..171 (2) Ducharme, Dominique.. ..214, 217, 218 Duchene, J. B 158 Duchesnay, A.L.J 102, 118 Duchesnay, Jean B 152 21 Duchesnay, Jean B.J 106 255(2) Duchesnay, Louis J 149 Duchesnay, Maurice L.J. 106 Duchesnay, N 106 Duchesny, Louis A 139, 159 Duff, William 89 Dufresue, Baptiste 189 Dufresne, Bazile 195 Dufresne, Hypolite 187 Dufresne, Joseph 187 Dufresne, Louis 123 Dufresne, Louis 195 Dufresne, Louis F , 131 57 Dufresne, N 214 54, 57 Dugal, Francois 178 Duggan, George 67 Dugue, Pierre 161 137 Duhaime, Francois L 161 Dulmage, Philip 48 Dulmage, Samuel 48 Dulongpre, Louis, Sr.. 125, 130, 133, 134 Dulongpre, Louis, Jr 131, 137, 169 125, 157 Dumas, Augustin 167 Dumas, Joseph 129, 240 INDEX TO NAMES. 283 D.- Dumas, Michel 167 Dumas, Pierre 141 Dumas S 169 Dumaresque, H 6 Dumont, Alphonse 123 Dumont, E. L. L 176 Dumon*^, William J 126 Dumouchel, Baptiste 170, 171 Dumouchel, Iguacf 173 Dumouchel, Jean B 176 Dumouchel, Louis 176 Dumoulin, Charles 106 Dumoulin, Francois L ...161 Dumoulin, Julien 139 Duncan, John 116 Duncan, Robert 241 Duniere, Louis 128, 155 Duulop, James .....164 Dunn, Robert 136 Dunn, Robert 146 Duplessis, Joseph R., Sr..l69 Duplessis, Louis 167 Duplessis. Robert 167 Dupre, Antoine, Sr 190 Eakins, John 87, 88 Earner, Peter 44 Earle, Hugh 204 Eaton, S. H 4 Eberts, H. M 34 Eberts, Joseph 91 Eckersley, N 4 Ecuyer, Benjamin 28, 106 Eddys, B. M 61 Edge, Joseph 120 Edie, Chris 240 Edie, Newberry 197 Edison, Samuel 88 Egerton, Chas. B 28 Eisenhart, Godfrey... 112, 241, Eliot, G A 6, 262 Elkins, Moses 198 EUerbecU, Richard 264 Ellerv, William 227 Ellice, Robert 4 Elliott, Matthew 89, 209 Elliott, Matthew, Jr 210 Elliott, W^illiam 210 ElHott, William 91 Elliott, William 90, 95, 210, Embank,J 227 Embury, Andrew 57 Embury, John 57 —(Continued.) Dupre, H. St. G 102, 168 Dupre, J. B. L 141 Dupuis, Antoine 192 Dupuis, Firinin 182 Dupuis, J. Lemoine 142 Dupuis, Pierre, Jr 181 Duquet, Ignace 149 Durand, James 82 Durette, Francois X 141 Durette, Pierre 144 Durocher. Louis 195 Durocher, Olivier 239 Durocher, Pierre 120 Dusang, Amable 96 Dussaut, Francois 185 Dusseaux, J. Baptiste 185 Dutrisaque, Francois 178 Duval, Agapit 185 Duval, David 1 Duval, Francois 143 Duvert, F. C 189 Duvert, L. P 194 Dwyer, John 186 Dwyer, Michael 186, 193 Emerick, Henry 197 Empey, Philip 44 Empey, Philip C 44 Empey. Philip P 44 Enau, Conrad 157 Endicott, John 67 Eneas 211 Eneau, Jean B 182 Eneau, Antoine 182 Eneau, Francois 184 Eneau, Eienne 191 England, Th -mas 225 Eno, Gonzague 139, 159 Erley, John 17 271 Ermatinger, C. 98 Esty, Benjamin 178 Ethier, Abraham. 179 Ethier, Joseph 176 Ethier, Joseph A 176 Evans, John 234 Evans, Simon 215, 217, 218 Evans, Thomas 13, 23 Everard, Thomas 225 Everest, H. B 4 258 Everitt, Charles 55 Everts, Oliver 34 Everts, William 238 Ewing, Benjamin 35, 61 284 INDEX TO NAMES. Fairchild, Benjamin 211 FairOeld, Stephen 56 Fairraan, Hugh 53, 59 Faribault, Barthelenn....l41 Faribault, Geo. B 135, 143 Faribault, Jean E 119 Faribault, J M 181 Faribauit, Jean M 181 Faribault, Joseph E 183 Faribault, Louis O 109, 120 Faribault,Narcisse..lll, 122, 136, 142 Farnden, Joseph 130, 133 Feder, Thomas 237 Feluet, Germain 129 Fennell,John 16, 28 Fenwick, James 63 Ferguson, Alexander 211 Ferguson, Archibald 145 Ferguson, John 59, 258 Ferguson, John 210 Ferguson, Peter 42 Perland, Prisque 184 Ferre. Baptiste 176 Ferre, Gregoire 120 Ferre, Jean B.... 176 Ferriere, Andre 184 Ferriere, Toussaiut 188 Fields, Daniel 73 Fields, George 73, 75, 238 Filiatreau, J. Baptiste... .178 Filiatreau, Joseph F 177 Filiatreau, Pierre 180 Filion, Antoine A., Sr 174 Filion, Antoine A., Jr 174, 176 Findlay, James 214 Finlay, George 119 Finlay, James 188 Finlay, John 115 Finlay, Joseph 266 Finais, Robert A 225 Fish, 204 Fisher, Charles 94 Fisher, Henry M 218 Fisher, James 17 Fisher, Peter 225 Fisher, Stewart 170 Fitzgerald, 235 Fitzgerald, Dennis 37 Fitzgerald, Robert 227 Fizette, Pierre 186 Flamau, Augustin D 152 Fleet, 204 Fleming, William 204 Fletcher. Alexander 62 Fletcher, Hugh 238 Fletcher, John 136, 142 P. Forbes, Alexander 240 Forester, William 48 Forquin, Joseph 161 Forsyth, John 164, 165 Fortier, Charles 90 Fortier, Charles 139, 158 Fortier, Francois 118 Fortier, Francois, Sr 143 Fortier. Francois. Jr 144 Fortier, James 204 Fortier, Louis 144 Fortier, Pierre 164, 168, 172 Fortier, Pierre 139, 159 Fortier, Samuel 204 Fortier, Thomas 119 Fortin, Christopher 193 Fortune, Joseph 45 Foster, Anselm 72(2) Foster, C. L. L 8(2), 31, 262 Foster, James 227 Foucher, Amable 193 Foucher, Charles 148 Foucher, Louis C 157 Fournier, Charles 129 Fournier, Francois 154 Fournier, Jean B 174 Fournier, Michel 169 Fowke, Richard 2:^7 Fowler, George 6 Fox, Barry 13 Fox, The see Livingstone Fralick, Christopher 53, 56 Fralick. John C 56 Franchere, Antoine 195 Franchere, Gabriel 168 Franchere, Francois 167 Franchere, Joseph 161(2) Franchere, Timothee 188 Francis, Henry 236 Francis, Thomas 86 Francis, William 86 Eraser, Alexander 153 Eraser, Angus 44 Eraser, Daniel 49 Eraser, Daniel 53, 54, 55 Eraser, Donald 41, 42, 48 Eraser, Donald 42 Eraser, Hugh 138, 157 Eraser, Isaac 56 Eraser, James 46 Eraser, James 210 Eraser, John 37, 48, 49 Eraser, John 237 Eraser, John 48 Eraser, John 56 Eraser, Joseph 155 INDEX TO NAMES. 285 F. — (Continued.) Fraser, Joseph 166 Fraser, Peter 48(2) Fraser, Peter 153 Fraser, Richard D 32, 46, 49(2) Fraser, Simon 154(2) Fraser, Simon 178 Fraser, Thomas 36, 46, 258 Fraser, Thomas 37 Fraser, William 48(2) Fraser, William 263 Fraser, William 36, 48, 258 Frederick, H. J 237 Fredet, Athanase 185 Freer, Noah 1 (2) , 262 Fremont, Charles. .101, 102, 147, 148 French, Albert 44 French, Benjamin 44 Frichet, Pierre 186 Frobisher, Benjamin J. ..122 160 Frobisher, Joseph 262 Fromenteau, Louis 128, 138, 157 Froom, James 48 Frost, Richard 113, 234, 271 Fulford, Jonathan 50 Fuller, R. T 6 Fulton, J. F 1 G. Gadbois, Andre 188 Gadbois, Prudent 188 Gagne, Ambroise 149 Gagnon, 129 Gagnon, Joseph 180 Gagnon, Paschal, Sr 196 Gagnon, Paschal, Jr 196 Galarneau, Charles 120 Gales, Samuel 169 Gamble, Nathaniel 64 Gamelin, Benjamin 176 Gamelin, Louis B 120 Garden, George 164 Gariepy, Joseph 194 Gariepy, Louis 119 Garland, John 226 Garlough, Alexander 41 Garneau, Pierre 119 Gastonguay, Jean B 176 Gateshill, Henry 227 Gatien, Michel 190 Gatien, Pierre 176 Gaucher, Charles G 215, 217 Gaucher, Gamelin 123 Gaucher, Michael G 123, 185 Gaudet, Joseph T 115(2), 271 Gaulthier, Joseph L 114 Gauthier, Joseph 158 Gauthier, Joseph 177 Gauvreau, Chas. H... Ill, 120, 136,142 Gauvreau, Francois 204 Gendreau, J. B 189 Gendreau, Louis 186 Gendron, Simon 187 Genest, Laurent 162 Gentle, John 91, 92 Geoffrion, Pierre 196 Geoffroy. Nicholas 184 George, James 73 Georgen, Henry ..200 Germain, Augustin 105 Germain, Augustin 141 Germain, Francois X 143 Gerrard, Samuel 165 Gibbes, Robert 226 Gibbon, 253 GibbF, Henry 226 Gibson, Abraham 149 Gignon, Francois 137 Gigu^re, J 152 Gilbert, Abel 60 Gilbert, Isaac 85 Gilbert, Jean B 184 Gilbert, S.B 59 Gilkinson, William 32, 270 Gill, Paul 179 Gill, William 17 Gillespie, Robert 163, 164 Gillman, William 13 Gilmore, Richard 15 Gilston, Samuel F 239 Girard, Francois 142 Girard, Joseph 147 Girard, Michel 212 Girardin, Louis 193 Girardin, Pierre L 193(2) Giroux, George 171 Giroux, Pierre 152 Giroux, Pierre 1"8 Girty, Prideaux 86, 88 Girty, Thomas 90 Givins, James 8, 35, 209 Givins, James, Jr 212 Glackmeyer, Frederick... 266 Glasford, Paul 46 Glasgow, E 9 Glasgow, George 2, 9, 21, 261 Glegg, J. B 4, 8, 13 Glenf Jacob 101, 102, 198 Glew, Joseph Berry 37 Globenski, Frederick E...123 Globenski, Max.. 106 286 INDEX TO NAMES. G. — (Continued. Globenskl. Philippe 124, 272 Glover, Francis 84 Godard, James M 113 Goddard, James S 114 Goddu, Toussaint H *.lll, 126 Godefrey de Nurmanville, Joseph 157 Gonder,Jacob 79 Gordon, Adam 226 Gordon, Alexander 236 Gordon, Charles 139, 157 Gordon, Fred 15, 253 Gordon, James 14 Gordon, James 33, 89 Gordon, John 22 Gordon, John 205 Gordon, J. W 6 Gordon, William 85(2) Gore, Charles 9 Gosselin, Alexis 148 Gossett, W.M 21 Goudie, John 144 Gouin, Charles 160, 180(2) Gouin, Claude 92, 95 Gouin, Pierre 138, 158 Goulet, Paschal 184 Gowen, Hammond 140 Goyet, Pierre 200 Graeme, L 237 Graham, Duncan 211 Graham, James 34, 259 Graham, William 63 Grandpre, Alexis 184 Grandpre, Hy ppoli te 126 Grant, Alexander 43 Grant, Alexander 204 Grant, Allan 49, 50, 51 Grant, Antoine 211 Grant, Charles 138 Grant, Charles W 103, 191 Grant, Daniel .36, 146 Grant, David 139, 159 Grant, Frederick 145 Grant, John 50 Grant, J. C 168 Grant, Lewis 10 Grant, Lewis 43 Grant, Peter 264 Grant, Peter 1, 13 Grant, Peter 114 Grant, Richard 123 Grant, Robert 33, 264 Grasett, Henry W 17 Graugreben, F. de 21 Gravelle, Alexis 151(2), 152 Gravelle, Joshua 178 Gravelle, Louis 172 Gravelle, Pierre 178 Graverat, Jacob 210 Graves, 67 Graves, George 137, 185 Graves, Jacob 120, 137 Gray, 118 Gray, Andrew 5, 6 Gray, James 152 Gra>, John 15, 125, 130, 133 Grece, C. F 103, 172 Green, James 105, 262 Green, M. L 204 Green, Thomas ...111(2) Greenshields, John 145 Gregorie, Louis 150 Greig, Alexander 28.236 Griffin, C. Vv^. G 225 Griffin, Edward 81 Griffin James 126 Griffin, John 16 Griffin, Robert 165(2) Griggs, Alexander 198 Grignon, Louis 210 Grignon, Pierre, Sr 97, 99, 211 Grindred, John 227 Grise, Antoine 123 Grise, Pierre 122, 188 Grossman, Meuard 197 Grover, John 61 Groves, James 226 Gruette, William 211 Guay, Charles 143 Guay, Louis 149 Guerard, Francois 147 Guerout, Pierre 188, 266 Gugy, B. C. A 28 Gugy, Louis 125, 138, 157, 260 Guignard.F 214 Guildry. Jean 182 Guillory, ^ean B., Jr 211 Guimont, Jacques 180 Gunn, Ronald 42 Gunn, William 227 Guthrie, Thomas 211 Guy, Etienne 172 Guy, Louis, Sr... 130,164, 166, 172,272 Guy, Louis, Jr 106, 271 Guy, Louis P 167 Guy, Pierre 126 Guyon, Baptiste 195 INDEX TO NAMES. 287 H. Hackett, William 17 Hagerman, Chris. A. .9, 35, 53, 54,57,263 Hagerman, Daniel 56 Hagerman, Henry 60 Hagerman, John 50 Hagerman, Nicholas 53, 57 Hainer, George 73 Hainer, John, Jr 77 Hale, Edward 140, 146 Hale, J 193 Hale, John 19 Hall, Benjamin 205 Hall, George B 89. 204 Hall, Ichabod 87 Hall, James 263 Hall, John 13, 28 Hall, William 114 Halladay, Samuel 52 Hallowell, James 146 Hallowell, William 164 Ham, George 55 Hamilton, Alexander ... 70 Hamilton, Chris 28, 235 Hamilton, George 70, 72 Hamilton, George 146, 149 Hamilton, G. M 17 Hamilton, Jamts 37 Hamilton, John D 145 Hamilton, Robert 77 Hamilton, Thomas 67 Hamilton, William 263 Hampton, Thomas 64 Handlin, William 239 Hands, Samuel 205 Hands, William, Jr 91 Hanna, James G 147 Harcourt, John 79 Hardie, William.... 139, 239 Hardison, Benjamin, Jr. 79 Hardy, John 79 Hare, Peter 81 Hare, Richard ^. 61 Harkness, Peter 166 Harman, Thomas Ill Harnois, Augustin 159 Harris, Gilbert 59 Harris, James 265 Harris, John 226 Harris, Samuel 88 Harris, Thomas 62 Harrison, Charles 234 Harwood, Henrv 126 Hart, Ezekiel ...'. 139, 157 Hart, Frederick 192, 194 Hartwell, James, Jr 146 Hartwill, John 62 Harvall, James 107, Harvey, John 4, Harvie, John 227, Haskill, Josiah 62 Hatsall, H 122 Hatt, Richard 72, Hatt, Samuel 82 Haussman, Thomas 143 Haussman dit Menage, J. M 153 Hawdon, George 214 Hawksworth, 227, Hawley, Davis 56 Hawley, Elijah 04 Hawley, Jehiel 53, Hawley, Martin 57 Hawley, Sheldon 53, Hay, R. B 28 Hay, William 9 Hay nes, Christopher 263 Havs, Eleazar 174 Heard, Samuel 200 Heath, John 199 Heaven, Louis 240 Hebden, John 105, Hebert, Francois 192 Hebert, Jean B 162 Hebert, Joseph 1 163, Hebert, Louis 190 Hebert, Olivier 193 Hebert, Pierre 163. Hector, William 227 Hedges, Saunders 61 Henau, Joseph 175 Henau, Pierre 175 Henderson, Rufus C 34 Heney, Hughes 167, Henne, Louis P 185 Henry, Alexander 165 Henry, Edmund 191 Henry, James 80 Henry, John 80 Henry, Thomas 106 Hepburn, William 65 Hepburn, Wm.G 65 Herbert, J. G 234 Herigault, Andr6 120 Herigault, Jean B 105, Herigault, Jean B 266 Heriot, Fred. G 13, Herman, Joseph 131, Heron, Andrew 72 Heron, P. J •■ 138 Heroux, Pierre J 158 Herse, Jacques C 106, Herse, Joseph 169 109 5 254 82, 258 254 54, 55 54, 55 106 190 191 169(2) 130, 169 105 239 128, 193 288 INDEX TO NAMES. H. Herskins, Carey 52 Hertel de Rouville, Daniel lOfi, 123 Hertel de Rouville, Jean 133 Hertel de Rouville, Jean B 122, 188 Hertel de Rouville, Jean B 106 Hertel de Rouville, J. B. M 187 Hervi^, Edmund 175 Herve5, Thomas 174 Hervieux, Jacques 164, 166 Hervieux, Jean B 181 Hervieux, Medard 178 Hervieux, Pierre 168 Hesford, Frederick 57 Hess, Peter 265 Heward, James 95 Heward, Stephen 67, 258 Hewyard, John 20 Heywood, Thomas 123 Hibbard, Horace 197 Hibbard, Israel 200 Hibbard, O 240 Hickey. F 225 Hicks. William 227 Hicock, Nathan 52 Hierliegh, J.G 18 Hill, John 227 Hill, J. P 13, 235 Hinckes, James 118, 119 Hippisley, Robert F 226 Hixon, Henrv 80 Hoare, Charles 227 Hogue, Joseph S 178 Hogue, Simon 177 Holcroft, W 21 Holland, Chris 239 Holland, J. H 9, 13 Holmes Benjamin 112 Holmes, Peter 59, 60 Holt, John S 120 Ilbert, C 19 Ingersoll, Charles 70, 71 Inglis, George 225 Innis, Robert 34 Innis, Robert 89 Ironside, Alexander 211 Ironside, George 210 -{Continued.) Holton, Guy S 240 Homrick, George 126 Honore, Henri 212 Honore, Louis T 97, 98, 212 Horan, Gordon 149 Hornby, W 226 Horning, Lewis 265 Hotte, Simon 177 Houde, Augustin C 162 House, Joseph 265 Howell, John 53, 58 Howell, Richard 53, 58 Hovatategh 220 Hubbell,Elnathaii 34 Hubert, Louis E 122, 123 Hubert, Pierre 215, 217. 218 Hudon ditBeaulieu, M...153 Hudson, Robert B 109, 255(2) Hughes, James 114 Hughes, James 234 Hughes, Philip 6, 15 Hughes, Thomas 234 Hugo, George 226 Huguet dit Latour, L...169 Huguet dit Latour, P., Sr 169 Huguet dit Latour, P., Jr 169 Huiet dit Chausse, Jean. 183 Humberstone, Thomas... 37, 68 Humphreys, Despard ...253 Hunter, Francis 145 Hunter, Martin 25 Hunter, Thomas 137 Hunter, William 146 Hunter, William 165 Huntingdon, William... 68, 238, 272 Huot, 152 Huot, Charles 128 Huot, Gabriel 152 Huot, Jean 141 Hutcbins, Phineas 137 Hyde, George 226 Hyde, Thomas 173 I. Irvine, James 145, 146 Irvine, Robert 204, 226 Irwin, J. B 6 Ives, Joseph i99 Ivory, Robert 105 Isaac Peters 220 Iserhofit, Gustave 125 INDEX TO NAMES. 289 J. Jackson, Edward 15 Jackson, George 116 Jackson, H. G 21 Jackson, James 19 Jackson, John 20 Jacobs, David 44, 270 Jacobs, George, Sr 93, 94 Jacobs, George, Jr 93 Jaffray, John 205 Janisse, HypoHte 92 Jarvie, William 37, 67 Jarvis, F. S 66 Jarvis, George L 236 Jarvis, Stephen 31 Jarvis, S. P 67 Jarvis, W.M 32,39, 63, 68 Jaycox, David 44, 270 Jeannot, Joseph 195 Jeannot dit Lachapelle, JM 172 Jenkins, G 2, 20 Jeremy, Casimir 266 Jervoise, William 4, 8 John Gray 220 Johns, Solomon 56 Johnson, Adam G 200, 214, 218 Johnson, A.K 214 Johnson, George 120, 239 Johnson, John 67 Johnson, John 234 Johnson, John 200 Johnson, Sir John 197, 214, 218 Johnson, Timothy 34 Johnson, William 106, 111, 128 Johnson, William 28 Johnson, William D 106 Johnston, Fred 227 Johnston, James 158 Johnston, John 98 K. Kagneghtague 220 Kaneaheuntwaght 219 Karaghkontye 220 Kay, John 123, 137 Kay, Mungo 165 Kayentatirhon 219 Keating, Ed war I 17 Keating, James 96, 97, 235, 255 Keefer, George 77 Keelcr, Frederick 238, 272 Keeler, Joseph A 61 Kell, William, Sr 173 Kell, William, Jr 173 Kelly, John 61 Kclsey, Samuel 52 Johnston, John 6, 31 Johnston, John M 227* Johnston, Louis S 205, 211 Johnston, William 55, 258 Johnstone, John 96 Johnstone, John 234 Johnstone, John F 226 Joliette, Antoine 129 Joliette, Barthc'lemi 137, 183 Jones, 234 Jones, Alexander 9 Jones, Charles 50 Jones, Daniel 263 Jones, Edward 205 Jones, Elias 32, 61, 258 Jones, Elisha 61 Jones, Henry 50 Jones, J. B 73 Jones, John 109, 198 Jones, John 135 Jones, John 145 Jones, John 72 Jones, John 118, 120 Jont^s, Jonas 50(2), 51 Jones, Joseph 145 Jones, Robert 184 Jones, Stephen 204 Jones, William 52 Jones, William 210 Jordan, James 180 Joseph, 129 Joseph, 170 Joubert, Honorc 188 Joubin dit Boisvcrd 160 Jourdain, Charles 144 Jubb, William 239 Julien, Louis 192 Jusseaume, Denis 185 Kemble, William 1. 37 Kemp, John 57 Kempt, Francis 262 Kempt, Sir James 9 Kendrick, Duke William 67 Kendrick, Joseph 205 Kennedy, Angus 42, 43 Kennedy, Charles 80 Kennedy, John 41 Kennelly, 218 Kenntvoghkwanoron ...219 Kent, Henry 226 Kenwcndeshon 220 Kerby, George 37 Kerby, James 37, 76(2) 290 INDEX TO NAMES. K. Kerr, 72 Kerr, David 265 Kerr, John 37, 49 Kerr, Robert 210, 259 Kerr, William J. 210 Ketcheson, Benjamin ... 60 Ketcheson, William, Jr... 54, 59 Ketcheson, Thomas 54, 60 Kezard, Simon 199 Kidd, L 102 Kilborn, Charles 109, 198 Kilborn, James 52 Kilborn, John 38 Kilburu, Henry 37 Kimber, Benjamin 126 Kiraber, Janvier 126 Kimber, Louis E 1-3 Kimber, Olivier 139 Kimber, Rene 128 Labadie, JeanB 92 Labcrge, Joseph 196 Labrecque, Jean 147 Labrcche, Joseph 179 Labrie, Jacques 122 LaBrossie, J 102 LaBruyere, Piedmont de.l22 Labute, Alexis 92 Labute, Julien 92 Labute, Pierre 92 Lacasse, Jean 177 Lacasse, Joseph 177 Lacasse, Pierre 138 LaChevrotiere, Ambroise de 162 LaChevrotiere, Joseph de 151 Lacombe, Antoine ...183 Lacombe, Francois X....215 Lacombe, Jacques 183 Lacombe, Jean B 171 Lacombe, Seraphin 182 Lacombe, Xavier 181 Lacroix, Dominique 167 Lacroix,J. D 130, 169 Lacroix, Joseph F 137, 177 Lacroix, Joseph H 177 Lacroix, Joseph P 189 Lacroix, Paul 98 Lacroix, Paul 180 Lacroix, Paul 189 Lacroix, Pierre P 120, 175 Lafay, Francois 193 Laflferty, JohnJ 79 Lafleche, Pierre R 180 -{Continued.) Kimber, Rene J 157, 272 Kimber, Thomas 129 Kimmerly, Andrew 57 Kinailounak 219 King, Charles 6, 21 King, George 65 King, Thomas 227 Kirchberger, F 6, 13 Kirkpatr'ick, Robert 77, 271 Kish-ki-wabik 219 Kitson, William 107 Knight, C 227 Knott, William, Jr 237, 272 Koteyea Mights 219 Kraus, 199 Kribbs, David 265 Kuch, George 68 Kular, Frederick 50(n), 272 I/. Lafontaiue, Amable 123 Lalontaine, Charles 185 Lafontaine, Pierre E 123 Laforce, Pierre 118(3) Laframboise, Alexis 169 Laframboise, Francois. ..211 Lafreuaye, Charles 239 Lafreniere, Antoine 115 Lafrenicre, Jean B 159 L' African, Louis 115 Lafrond, Jean B 161 Lagorce, Charles 186 LaGorgenr'iere, Louis F. de 151 LaGorgeudiere, O.F. de..ll9 Lagrave, Louis B 188 Lagueux, Louis A 136, 142 Lalonde, Charles 174 Lalonde, Luc A 175 Lamarque, Bazile 192 Lambert, John 265 Lambert, Pierre 149 Lambeth, Joseph 235 Lamont, Thomas 15 Lamontagne, Charles.. ..167, 170 Lamontagne, Louis 167 Lamothe, GuiU 123, 133 Lamothe, Joseph M. 169, 214, 217 Lamoureux, Francois. ...185 Lamoureux, J oseph 180 Lamoureux, Joseph 186 Lamoureux, Michel 188 Lampman, John 37, 86 LaNaudiere, Antoine O. de 154 INDEX TO NAMES. 291 L. — (Continued.) LaNaudiere, Charles G. de 183 LaNaudiere, Pierre P. de 137, 183 Lanctot, Alexis 191 Lanctot, Antoine 192 Lanctot, Francois 192 Land, Abel, Sr 265 Land, Abel, Jr 265 Land, Ephraim 265 Land, Robert 82 Landon, Asa 51 Landou, Herman 48 Landre, Joseph 179 Landriaux, Antoine 175 Landuette, Gabriel 172 Lang, Antoine 167 Lang, James 240 Lang, John 8 Langdon, James 205 Langelier, Jean B 120 Langelier, Jean B.. Sr 186 Langelier, Jean B., Jr 187 Langelier, Joseph 187 Langevin, Charles 143 Langevin, Jacques ....129 Langevin, Jean 147, 148 Langlade, Louis 215, 218 Langlois dit Germain, J. M 187 Languedoc, Francois 136, 143 Languedoc, Joseph 135, 143, 144 Lanouette, Joachim 160 Lanouette, Joseph 180 La Perche dit St. Jean, Joseph 210 Laperiere, Francois de.. 194 Lapierre, Amable 159 Lapierre, Antoine LeSieur 157 Laporte, Alexis 90 Laporte. Charles 183 Laporte, Louis 183 Lapparre, H 240 Lareau, Francois 189 Lareau, J. Baptiste 189 Lareau, Joseph 193 Lariviere, Hypolite 186 Laroche, Pierre 183 La Rochelle, Joseph 131 Larocque, F. X 131, 133 La Rose, Ignace 210 Larue, Edouard 119 Larue, Francois X 151 Larue, Jean B 128, 141 Larue, Joseph 126 Larue, Joseph 191 La Saussaye, Philippe.. ..210 Lassammie 267 La Terricre, M. P. de Sales 101, 105, 135 La Terriere, Pi rre de Sales 141 Latour, See Huguet Latour, Jean B 180 Launiere, J. L 120 Launii5re, Luc 218 Laurent, Francois, Jr 120 Laurie, James 225 Lavigne, Jos. Poutre 129, 239 Laviulette, Jean B 122 Laviolette, Jean B E 123 Lavoi, Agapit 155 Law, Charles, Jr 129 Law, John 210 Lawe, George L 72 Lawe, John 237 Lawrence, Francis 204 Lawrence, George 72 Lawrence, John 48 Leaf,Tbe 267 Lear, Isaac 68 Lebault, Pierre 182 Lebeau, M 173 Lebeq ie, Joseph 182 Leblanc, Alexis 126 Leblanc, Antoine 162 Leblanc, Jacques 182 Leblanc, Joseph 120 Leblanc, Joseph 194 Leblanc, Julien 177 Leblanc, Louis 195 Leblond, Jacques, Sr 141 Leblond, Jacques, Jr 147 Leblond, Joseph 141 Le Breton, John 6, 105, 106 Lebrun, Louis 159 Lecavalier, J. B 172 Leclair, Charles 190 Leclair, Isaac 215, 218 Leclerc, Pierre 149 Lecours, Louis 179 LeCouteur, John 116 L'Ecuyer, Benjamin 106 Leduc, Antoine M 174 Leduc, Charles 175 Leduc, Guill 175 Lee, 227 Lee, John 9 Lee, Thomas 135, 141 Lee, William, Sr 34, 259 292 INDEX TO NAMES. Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, E. A 126, Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, Louis C 126 Lefebvre, D ill Lefebvre, Francois X 150 Lefebvre, Ilyaciathe 171 Lefebvre, Jean B 1 67 Lefebvre, Jean B., Sr 174 Lefebvre, Jean B., Jr 175 Lefebvre, Pierre 112, Lefebvre, Pierre 168 Lefebvre, Pierre 191 Legare Joseph 240 Legarre, Jean B 151 Legault, Andre 171 Legault, J. Bapt 175 Legault, Sebastieu 176 Legendre, Francois 162 Legrave, Louis B de 188 Legros, Louis 187 Le Guerrier, Jean B 180 Lelievre, Tito 6 Lemaire dit St. Germain, Antoine 131, Lemaire dit St. Germain, Leon ....126 Lemaire dit St. Germain, Pierre 266 Lemay, Theophile 200 Lemieux, Jean B 148 Lemire, Bonaventure 181, Lemoine, Benjamin 141 Lemoiue, Henri 136, Lemoine, Joseph 53, Lemoine, William H 136 Lemoine de Martigny, Jacques 119, Lemon, Jacob 86 Lemmon, George 64 Leonard, Austin 197 Leonard, R 4, Lepage. 147 Lepage, Antoine 172 LepagC; Germain 180 Lepage, Joseph 179 Lepage, Joseph M 147 LePailleur, M 196 Leprohon, Edouard M...123, Leprohon, Leon B..119, 131, Leprohon, L. C. P 129, Leprohon, J. P 172 Leprohon, Philippe 170 Leroux, Benjamin 186 Leroux, G 102 Leroux, Hubert 175 L. — [Continued.) Leroux, Gabriel 174 134 Leroux, Laurent 181(2) Leroux, Paul 175 Leroy, Simon 173 Le Sieur, Charles 157 Lesieur dit Desaulniers, Alexis 159 Leslie, James 164, 166 Leslie, Walter 227 Lessard, Francois 152 271 Letaut, Dominique 170 Letellier, Francois 142 Lethbridge, Robert 28 Levac, William 123 Levasseur, Charles 131, 133, 172 Levesque, A. L ...102,130,167,170,272 Levesque, Joseph... 184 Levesque, Pierre 123 Levitre, Joseph 185 Lewin, R. R 234 Lewis, Thomas 225 Lewis, Thomas 238 L'Hero, Joseph 151 L'Huissier, Christophe...l87 134 L'Huissier, J. Baptiste...l87 L'Huissier, Paul 167 Liddle, Robert D 53, 59 Limoges, Joseph 178 Limoges, Pierre 179 Limoges, Toussaint 178 Lincourt, Jean B 185 183 Lincourt, Michel 185 Liudsav, Alexander 236 141 Lindsay, William 145 54, 59 Lindsay, William 197 Lines, Nathaniel 215 Lionnais, J Francois 125 196 Little Crow 267 Little. See also Lyttle Little, James W 90 Little, John 90 13 Little, Thomas 239 Livingston, Robert R 210 Livingstone, Duncan 52 Lobsen, John 125 Locas, A 179 Lo;,'an, Hart 164 Loiseau, Joseph N 182 168 Loiseau, Louis 196 133, 134 Longueuil, Baron de. See Grant, 131 [Charles W, Longuetin, Joseph AI 191 Loranger, Regis 175 Lorimier, de 217 Lorimier,FraricoisMde..215, 218 Lorimier.Guill Chev. de..215, 217, 218 INDEX TO NAMES. 298 L. — {Continued.) Lorimier, Jean B. de 215, 217, 218 Loring, R. R 8, 9 ' Losie, Joseph J 61 Lotbiniere, M.E.G.A. de..l74 Lottinville, J. L 157 Lottridge, John 82 Lottridge, William 265 Loucks, John 237, 272 Loucks, William 46 Louval, Joseph 139, 158 Louvigny de Montignj, P. J. B 103. 214, 217 Lovedav, Edward 227 Lowe, William 204, 253 Lozeau, Jean B 161 Lozeau, Joseph 162 Lucas, Louis 240 Lucas, Thomas 66 Lucier, Christophc 193 Luke, Philip, Sr 199 Luke, Philip, Jr 199 Lukin. David 122, 188(2) Lukin, David, Jr 129 Lukin, Peter 169 Lukin, Peter, Jr. .111, 119, 122, 123, 126 Lundy, Azariah 64 Lupicn, Ignace 161 Lusignan, Alexander 168 Lusignan, Charles A 105 Lusignan, Hjppolite, Jr.. 120 Lussier, Baptiste 195 Lussier, Christophe P. ...195 Lutman, William 226 Lvon, Francis 226 Lyons, Barrett 210, 215, 218 Lyons, James 77 Lyons, William 80 Lyttle, Nicholas 89 Mc. McAllister, Joseph 128 McAlpine, William 212 McArthur, Donald 68 McAuley, Donald 32, 44 McAuley, Zacbary 158 McAuly, Donald 44 McBean. Donald 28 McBeath, G 197 McBride, Edward 73, 238(2), 272 McCall, Daniel 84 McCall, Duncan 84 McCall, James 84 McCall, John 204 McCallum, Donald 43 McCallum, Hugh 94, 95 McCanty, Francis 125, 131, 134 McCargar, Thomas 48 McCarthy, Charles 105 McCartney, William 35, 87(2) McCaulay, John 55 McClellan, John 76 McClellan, Martin 72 McCollum, Daniel 197 McCoUum, John 81 McCollum, Peter 80 McCormick, John 90 McCormick, Thomas 33, 73 McCormick, William 89, 258 McCracken, William 85 McCrae, Thomas 94 McCrae, Thomas 49 McCrae, WiUiam 197 McCuaig:, John 175 McCulloch, Thomas 225 McCutcheon, Peter 165, 167 McDermid, Donald 41 McDermid, Hugh 45 McDonald, Alexander. ...173 McDonald, Donald 236(2) McDonald, Duncan 134 McDonald, Duncan C 136 McDonald, Ivan 173 McDonald, William 204 McDonell, Allan 41 McDonell, Duncan 41 McDonell, John 114 McDonell, Peter 42 McDonnell, Chris 77 McDougald, Duncan 43 McDougall, 265 McDougall, Alexander.. .238 McDougall, Donald 43 McDougall, Nicholas 65 McDouall, Robert.. .1, 4, 27, 116, 235 McEwen, John 72 McGee. James 225 McGill. James 165 McGillies, Alexander 42 McGillies, Donald 42 McGillis, Duncan, Sr 176 McGillis, Duncan, Jr 176 McGillivrav, John 114 McGillivrav, John 126, 133 McGillivray, Joseph 114, 128 McGillivrav, William 2, 103, 114 McGinnis, Richard 193(2) McGregor, D 173 McGregor, James 92, 93 McGregor, John 93(2), 258 McGulpin, George 210 294 INDEX TO NAMES. Mc. — {Continued.) Mcintosh, Donald 53, 54, 58 Mcintosh, Duncan 92 McInto?h, James 35, 91 Mcintosh, John 44 Mcintosh, John 53, 54, 59(2), 203 Mclntyre, Daniel 88 Mclntyre, Duncan 42 Mclntjre, John 42 Mclntyre, John W 82 Mclntyre, Peter 42, 43 McKargar, David 94 McKarley, William 60 McKay, Donald 43 McKay, John 119 McKay, John F 106 McKaj', Joseph S 119 McKay, Louis E 120 McKay, Stephen 122, 138 McKay, Stephen S 119, 133 McKay, William 96 114, 131, 209 McKay, Wm J 56 McKee, Alexander 75, 210 McKee, Thos 91. 209 McKenney, Amos 35, 71 McKenzie, Alexander 42 McKenzie, Alexander 179 McKenzie, Alexander 103, 114 McKenzie, Colin 54, 56 McKenzie. Duncan 42 McKenzie, H 137 McKenzie, Henry 178 McKenzie, James 226 McKenzie, John 34, 41, 42, 263 McKenzie, John 236 McKenzie, Joseph 114 McKenzie, Kenneth 114 McKenzie. Roderick 178 McKies, B 61 McKinney, John 39 McLaren, John 227 McLaren, Thomas 197 McLauchlan, John 261 McLaughlin, Angus 204 McLean, 55 McLean, Alex 44 McLean, Allan 37, 53, 54(2). 258 McLean, Allan H 9, 13 McLean, Arch. G 32, 37, McLean, D Ill McLean, Donald 4 McLean, George H 106 McLean. John 128 McLean, John 44 McLean, John 50 McLean, Murdock 41 McLean, Neil 36, McLellan, John 42, McLellan, John 76 McLennan, John 270 McLeod, Arch N 103, McLeod, Alex 43 McLeod, Donald 261 McLeod, Donald 43 McLeod, Norman 200 McLeod, Norman 43 McLeod, Roderick 43 McLeod, William 43 McMahon, Edward 64, McxMartin, Alex 43 McMaitli, Donald 42 McMartiii, John 173 McMichacl, John 59 McMicking, Gilbert 34 McMicking, John 77 McMillan, Alex 43 McMillan, Alex 41, McMillan, Alex 42 McMillan, Allan 43 McMillan, Arch 173 McMillan, Donald 43 McMillan, Duncan 42 McMillan. John 41 McNab, Simon 54, McNeal, Uriah 173 McNider. John 145 McPherson, Allan 55 McPherson. Donald 42 McPherson, Murdoch.... 42 McQuarrie, Neil 237, McQuarters. Hugh 109, McQueen. James 86 McTavish, John 166 McVey, Thomas 197 67. 258 44, 258 270 114 67, 259 258 59 272 111, 129 M. Mabee, Oliver.. 84 Mabey, M 17 Macaulay, James 17 Maccombe, Jarvis 215, 218 Macdonell, A 46 Macdonell, Alex. (Col- lachie) 33 Macdonell, Alex 41 Macdonell, Alex. (Green- field) 42, 270 Macdonell, Alex 42 Macdonell, Alex 42 Macdonell. Alex 4§ Macdonell, Alex 43 INDEX TO NAMES. 295 M. — {Continued.) Macdonell, Alex, 43 Macdonell, Allan 41 Macdonell, Allan 43 Macdonell, Allen 43 Macdonell, Angus 43 Macdonell, An^us (Roy) 43 Macdonell, Arch 31 Macdonell, Arch 45 Maodonell, Arch 58, 258 Macdonell, Donald 32, 43 Macdonell, Donald (Greenfield) 42(2), 258, 270 Macdonell, Donald 44 Macdonell, Donald 54 Macdonell, Duncan 41 Macdonell, Duncan 37, 49 Macdonell, George R.J... 27, 28, 116 Macdonell, Henry 58 Macdonell, James 41 Macdonell, James..... 46 Macdonell, James 46 Macdonell, James 47 Macdonell, James 237 Macdonell, John 8, 35 Macdonell, John 37, 46, 258 Macdonell, John 38 Macdonell, John 43 Macdonell, John 44 Macdonell, Ranald 43 Macdonnell, E 5 MacDougall, Daniel 37 MacKay, John 234 Mackay, Hector S 65 Macklem, William 64 Macklem, James 77 Mackonochie, James 21 Maillard, Jean B... 172 Mailloux, Benjamin 171 Mailloux, Joseph 137, 171 Mailloux, Joseph St. V 109, 125, 215, 218 Mailloux, Pierre St. V....184 Maisonneuve, Charles. ...178 Maisonville, 90 Maisonville, Alexis 91 Maisonville, Toussaint.. 92 Major, John P 70(2) Majoribanks, John 227 Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia- kiah 219 Malcolm, 27(2) Malcolm, Finlay 87 Malciilm, John 87 Malhiot, Eustache 162 Malhiot, Francois V 122, 185 Malhiot, Francois X 184 Malhiot, Pierre 1 122, 184 Malloy. Patrick 181, 182 Manie, Jean 189 Mann, Edward 137 Manseau, Antoinc 162 Manthet, Nicholas 180 Marasse, Pierre 123, 189 Marcel, 181 Marchand, Amable 160 Marchand, Ambroise 109, 126, 272 Marchand, Antoine 159 Marchand, Gabriel 188 Marchand, Hyacinthc....l60 Marchand, J. B 210 Marchand, Louis 197 Marchand, Louis 201 Marchesscau, Antoine. ...195 Marchesseau, Augustin..l95 Marchesscau, Chris 194 Marchesseau, Thomas. ..193 Marchesseau, Vildebar...239 Marcille, Charles 170 Marcoux, J 214 Marcoux, Michel 152 Marcoux, Pierre 175 Marcoux, Pierre 152 Markland, Thomas 53, 54 Markland, Thomas 55 Markle, Chris 46 Markle, Henry 46(2) Markle. Jacob J 46 Markle, Alichael 47 Marigold, Thomas 65 Marion, Antoine 182 Marlcr, L 14, 269 Marlow, Benj 15 Marmette, Joseph 239 Marsh, John 15 Martel, Pierre 193 Martin, George 211 Martin, Jean B 159 Martin dit Pelland, Pierre 183 Martin dit Pelland, Pierre 184 Martineau, Claude 183 Martineau, Dominique... 183 Martineau, Edouard 122 Martineau, Edouard 142 Martineau, Jean B 155 Masse, Charles 188 Masse, Jean 128 Massecar, Abraham 86 Masfon, Eustache 171 Masson, Joseph 177 Masson, Joseph 137 296 INDEX TO NAMES. Masson, Louis 176 Masson, Louis 178 Massue, Gaspard 135, Massue, Louis 141 Massue, Nicholas 169 Mathieu, Charles 179 Mathieu, Jean M 179 Mathieu, Louis 150 Mathurin, Francois 123 Matte, Pierre 194 Matthews, Thomas 68 Maugrain, Maurice 174 Maule, John 6, Maxwell, James 114 May, John 73 Mayrand, Etienne 138, Meacham, Jeremiali 173 Meacham, Seth 59 Mead, Benjamin 86 Meiklejohn, William 152 Meilleur, Joseph 176 Meloche, Joshua 171 Melville, Juste 123 Melvin, Robert 145 Mercer, Andrew 33, Mercier, Augustin 135, Mercier, Joseph 182 Mercure, Augustin 120, Merkley, George 46 Merkley, Jacob 46 Merkley, Jacob H 4T Meneclier, Nicholas 169 Merritt, James L 146 Merritt, Thomas 70 Merritt, William 70 Merritt, W. H 70, Messa, 199 Metcalfe, Henry 35, Metchler, William 130, Methot, Louis 120 Metoss 219 Meunier, Antoine 200 Meunier, Pierre 195 Meyers, Adam H 61 Meyers, Daniel 46 Meyers, George W 59 Meyers, J. W 59 Meyers, Peter W 60 Michaels, Meyer 165 Michaud, J. M 154 Michaud, Pierre 154 Migneault, Etienne J 195 Migneron, Charles 181 Miles, James 64 Miller, Daniel 200 Miller, George 54, M. — {Continued.) Miller, George 205 Miller, James 125 141 Miller, James 204 Miller, John 79 Miller, John 129 Miller, John F 237 Miller, Wm. D 79 Millet, Charles 190 Millet, Jtan B 185 Millet, Louis 186 iMills, Guy 200 Mills, James 66 13 Mills, J(.hr 65 Mills, Joseph L 20 Mills, William 90 159(2) Milne, James 101, 191 Milnes, H. B. 1, 5, 269 Mircau, Jean 181 Miscner,"john 77 Miskinankai. See Livingston, R. R. Mitchell, David 210 Mitchell, James 227 Mitchell, James 84 Mitchell, James 136, 146 68 Mitchell, William 33, 53. 54 143 Mcckler. R 28 Moffat, George 166 151 Molsou, John 131 Molson.John, Tr 163 Molson, William, Jr 166 Monarque, Joseph 173 Mouarque, J. B 172 Monaraue, Paul 172 Mondelet, Jean M 137, 170 Moudor, Andre 183 71, 270 .M(mdor, Pierre 183 Aloud t^r, Pierre 195 85, 86 Montgomery, George 17 133, 169 Montgomerv, H 6 Moniigny, Charles 180 Moutizambert, Louis 143, 262 Montpetit, Francois 175 Montpetit, Hyacinthe....l75 Montpetit, Joseph 174 Montpetit, Pierre 175 Moore, John 81 Morre, Jonathan 80 Moore, Robert 237 Moore, William 200 Moorhead, John 4, 105, 107 Moorhead, Robert 129, 272 Moorsom, H. N 4 Moquin, Louis 144 Morand, Amable 172 Morden, James 65 56 Moreau, jean B 180 INDEX TO NAMES. 297 M. — {Continued.) Morewood, G. A 17 Morgan, David 79 Morgan, George 45 Morgan, William 44 Morin, Augustin 186 Morin, B 154 Morin, Francois 154 Morin, J. Alexis 153 Morin, Louis M 155 Moriu, William 131, 134 Morin dit Ducliarme, J. ..148 Morisset, Paul 151 Morris, Alexander 51 Morris, John C 240 Morris, William 50 Morrison, Joseph W 10 Moulton, Ezekiel 198 Mount, Francois 120 Mountain, 165 Mountain, J 20 Mountain, S.J 20 Muirhead, James 34, 72 Nadeau, Alexandre 188 Naiwash 219 Namure, Joseph 239 Napier, Duncan C 261 Neilson, John 146 Nclles, Abraham 80, 258 Nelles, Henry 80 Nclles, William SO Nelson, Alfred 194 Nelson, David 163 Nelson, George 112 Nelson, Jonathan 204 Nelson, Robert 137, 218 Nelson, Robert 205 Nesfield, William 5, 9 Neveu, Augustin.... 171 Nevill, James 88 Newton, David 82, 271 Nichol, Alexander 234 Nichol, Robert 31, 85, O'Conor, Sir R. J. L... 203,225,228, O'Dohertv, John P 125, 157 O'Learv.'Edward 17 O'Malley, Thomas 17 O'Neil, J. B. R 21 O'Reilly, H. W 17 O'Rilev, Daniel 65 O'SuUivan, Daniel 137 O'Sullivau, Michael 191 Oakes, John 160 Odell, Joseph 197 Muirhead, James, Jr 73 Muirhead, John, Sr 79 Muirhead, John B 81 Mulcaster, Sir W. H 2-.^5, 254 Munro, Augustin 172 Munro, David 145, 150 Munro, Hugh 48 Munro, John 139, 158 Munro, John 145 Munroe, Henry 114 Munroe, John 46 Munsell, Benj. R 52 Murchison, Duncan 42 Mure, John 135. 145, 147 Murney, Henry 204 Murray, John 28 Murray. Patrick 130, 173, 262 Mustard, George 64 Mustard, James 63 Myers, Christopher 5(2) Myers, George 170 N. Nicholls, Gustavus 15 Nicol, Jean Bte 187 Nobert, Hvacinthe 160 Noble, Isla'nd 173 Noble, William B 226 Noel, 128 Noel, J. B. Tilly 149 Noiseaux, Petrus 126 Nolin, Jean B 98 Nolin, Pierre 200 Noreau, J. L 129, 131, 134 Noreau, J. Bte 168 Normandeau, Charles. ...171, 272 Norman ville de 138 Norris, James 53, 61 Norris, Thomas 20 Norris. Thomas 240 Norton, Issacher 198 Norton, John 220, 272 258 NoyelledeFleurimont,P.185 O. 272 Ogden, Charles R 138, 157 Ogden, David 164, 166 Ogilvie, Archibald 197 Ogilvie, James 23 Ogilvie, John 165, 172 Ogilvy, John 164, 176 Oldham, Jacob 177 Oldmixon, E. N 227 Olivier, Bazile 19o Olivier, Charles 137 Olivier, Hercule 126 298 INDEX TO NAMES. 0. — {Continued.) Olivier, J. B 184 Olivier, Louis 183 Olivier, Maxime 137, 183, 184, 266 Olivier, Paul 180 Osborne, William 205 Ostigny, Pierre 188 Ostrum, Derrick 173 Ottv, Allen 226 Ouellet, Jean 176 Ouellet, Francois 185 Ouillette, Jean B 92 Ouimet, Francois 177 Ounagechtai 220 Overfield, Emmanuel 66 Oviatt, William 146 Owen, Abner 87 Owen, Chas, C 226 P. Paifer, Janvier 120 Painchaud, F 214 Painchaud, Joseph 118, 143 Pallardie, Joseph 186 Palmer, George G 9 Palmer, Matthew 17 Pamamai 220 Pambrun, Andre D 103, 174 Pambrun, P. Chris 106 Panet, Bernard A 118, 143, 272 Panet, Bonaventure 180 Panet, P. A. M 131 Panet, Philippe 119, 144 Papineau, J. L , Jr 102, 131, 167 Papineau, P 103 Paquet, Boniface 17'? Paquet, Joseph 184 Paquette, Etienne 185 Paradis, Jean B. A 240 Pare, Antoine 148 Pare, Francois X 129. 134 Parent, Alexis 92 Parent, Antoine 120, 135, 142, 152 Parent, Dominique 175 Parent, Dominique 215 Parent, Jacques 92 Parent, Joseph 91 Parent, Joseph 240 Parent, Michel 152 Parish, Eliada 51 Park, Shubael 79 Park, William 86 Parkes, Cvrenius 57 Parrot, James 55 Partenais, Etienne 183 Partener, Louis 168 Pasteur, Charl s 170 Patenaude. E 239 Paterson, Andrew 164, 165, 166 Patrick, William P 238, 272 Patt' rson, James 204 Patterson, Leslie 88 Patterson, Peter 146 Paitinson, Richard 92 Paul, A 13 Paul. William 226 Pauze, Jean B 179 Pawling. Henry, Sr 73 Pawling, Henry, Jr 81 Pawling, Peter 73 Pawquokoman 215 Payan dit St. Onge, Charles 185 Paye, Charles 149 Payet, Pierre 180 Payette, Antoine 182 Payette, Francois, Jr 181 Payment dit Lariviere, Joseph 171 Peacocke. T. G 9 Pearcv, J. R 239, 240 Pearson, Alex. S 226 Pearson, Thomas 28 Peck, John 93, 95 Peck, Robert 94 Peck. William 93 Pelissier. Pierre B 160 Pelissier, Regise, Sr 160 Pelissier, Regise, Jr 161 Pelissier, Theophile 161 Pell. James 199 Pellerin. David 182 Peltier, J., Jr 167 Peltier, Joseph 183 Peltier, Joseph B 181 Penn, Henry P., Jr 123 Pennoycr, Jesse 200 Pepin, Joseph 177 Percival, M. H 1, 103, 271 Peregrear, J 123 Perkin, A 241 Perkin.J seph 200 Perras, Pierre 114, 119, 123 Perras. Pierre, Jr 147 Perrault, Andre 183 Perrault, Augustin 169 Perrault, Charles N 141 Perrault, Francois 181 Perrault, Jacques 179 Perrault, Jostph 167 INDEX TO NAMES. 299 p. — (Continued.) Perrault, Joseph B 181 Perrault, Joseph F. A 106, 128 Perrault, Joseph F 141 Perrault, Louis 160 Perrault, Louis 180 Perrault, Olivier 103, 146 Perrault, Paul 151 Perrin, Joseph 210 Perry, David 56 Peters, John 36, 61, 258 Peters, John, Jr 61 Peters, T 26 Petop 220 Petre, JeanB 92 Petrimoult, F. M 200 Petrimoulx, Pierre 181 Pettit, Jonathan J 81 Pettit, Robert 81 Phelps, 264 Phillips, Elisha 53, 54, 57 Phillips, William 149 Phillips, Ziba M 38, 49 Phillott, Henry 21 Philpotts, George 21 Phioeas, Isaac 125, 159 Phoenix, Jean B., Sr 194 Phoenix, Jean B., Jr 195 Picard, 147 Picard, Paul 170, 171 Pickle, John 198 Piedalu, lulien 188 Piedeloup, Joseph 193(2) Pierre, Henry, jr 137 Pilett, Isadore 240 Pilkington, Edward 253 Pinsonnault, Benoit 190 Pinsonnault, Francois. ..190 Pinsonnault, Francois. ..192 Pinsonnault, Paul T 194 Pingle, Henry 64 Pinguet, Charles 143 Pinguet, Francois X 135, 141 Pinguet, Louis B 100, 129, 143 Pipon, Elias 6 Piquet, Louis 181 Pitt, Thomas 153 Place, Thomas 105, 106, 145 Plamondon, Godefroy....l95 Plamondon, Jacques 151 Plamondon, Louis Ill, 135, 144 Plamondon, Pierre 186 Plante, Augustin 150 Plante, Joseph 150 Piatt, George 163 Playter, 67 Playter, Eli 67 Playter, George, Jr 63 Plenderlcath, Charles 27 Plucknett, Thomas J 205 Poiree, Barth 149 Poiree, Jean 149 Poirier, Joseph 193 Poison, James 198 Pollard, Richard 20 Popbam, Stephen 225 Porcheron, Joseph 1) 190 Porlier, Jean J 96, 97(2) Porlier, Jacques 98, 99 Porlier, Joseph 186 Porteous, Andrew 166 Porteous, Charles 137, 180 Porteous, James 179 Porteous, William 123, 180 Porteous, William 178 Porter, John 105, 106 Porter, John 198 Porter, Timothy 54, 61 Portneuf, Ignace 215, 218 Pothier, Toussaint,Sr.... 98, 167, 168 Pothier, Toussaint, Jr....l67, 169 Potts, Jacob 84 Potts, John 88 Poulin, Jean 150 Poulin, Jean B 152 Poulin, Louis 187 Poulin, Paul 187, Poulin deCourval, 102, Poulin de Courval, Antoine 138, Poulin de Courval, Jean B 125 Poulin de Courval, Jean B 161 Poutre, A 129 Powell, 99 Powell. Grant 34, 37, 205, 259 Powell, Harry 13 Powell, J 131, 134 Powell, John 72, 75 Powell, Joseph 199 Powell, Thomas 6, 133, 269 Powell, William 79 Power, John H 132 Power, Manley 9, 23 Powers, Henr3' 198 Powers, William 72 Poyntz, Newdigate 15, 225 Pratt, Edward 128 Pratt, Modeste 138, 157 Pratt, Peter 129 Prefontaine, Alexis 190 Pregreau, Louis 174 272 118 157 300 INDEX TO NAME8. P . — ( Continu ed.) Prendergast, E L 106, 271 Prendergast, James. .105, 106,119,131. 134, 240 Prevost, 180 Prevost, Amable 137 Prevost, Charles 148 Prevost, Charles 169 Prevost, Sir George 1 Prevost, Hyacinthe 179 Prevost, Joseph (I.) 172 Prevost, Joseph (II.) 173 Prevost, Leandre 182 Prevost, Michel 181 Prevost, Michel 182 Primeau, Joachim 128, 129 Primeau, Seraphin 119 Prince, Joseph 162 Pring. Daniel 225 Pringle, Alexander.. .33. 35, 91, 92, 238 Quentin, Earth 173 Quesnel, 68 Ouesnel, F. Augustin 130, 167 Quesnel, Jules 167 Quintal, Augustin 190 Raby, Pierre 180 Raby, Roger Ill, 143 Racey, Benjamin 140, 150 Racev, Thomas 265 Racicot, Charles 169 Racicot. Chrisostome 190 Racine, Luc C 168 Racine dit Voyer, Louis. .152 Radcliflfe. Chas 226, 255 Radenhurst, John 235, 255 Rainville, Joseph 98, 210 Rainville, Paul 152 Raizaine, Ignace 176 Rancour, Francois 152 Randall, William 261 Ranz, 199 Rapelje, A. A 37, 85, 258 Rapelje, Daniel 88 Rapp, George F 211 Rastel de Rocheblave, J. P 103, 114 Ratchwell, 32 Raymond, Gabriel 182 Raymond, Hyacinthe,Jr.l89 Raymond, Jean B 190 Raymond, Joseph 186 Raymond, Trueman 34 Raynham, 226 Read, George 72 Pringle, Henry 35 Pringle, Joseph 54, 57 Prior, James M., Jr 126 Prive. Michel 188 Procter, Henry 9, 24 Procter, John 9 Proulx, Franois 181 Proulx, Louis J 151 Proulx dit Clement, Antoine 171 Provencher, Louis C. 107, 134,271, 272 Provost, Guillaume 150 Pullman, James 96 Purdy, Daniel 204 Purvis, Francis 204, 226 Putnam, John 79 Pye, A. H 5 Pyke, George 135, 145 Q. Quintal, Francois 185 Quintal, Francois 196 Quirouet, Francois 143 Quirouet, Remi Ill, 129 R. Read, Samuel 52 Read. William 51, 52 Reaume, Charles 90, 211 Reaume, Pierre 92 Reaume, Thomas P 92 Redmond, G. R 17 Regnaud, Jean B 163 Reid, J 17 Reid, John 60 Reiffenstein, John C 28,118. 119, 122,272 Reiley, Patrick 264 R(5my, Leopold 188 Renaud, Archange 195 R^naud, Charles 195 Renaud, Jean B 178 Renaud, Joseph 189 Renaud, Pierre 179 Reniau, Jean B 192 Renoy, Francois 185 Renvoyze, Etienne 125 Rescillon. Andre 201 Reynolds, Benjamin 199 Reynolds, Ebenezer 36, 89, 258 Reynolds, Sylvanus 88 Revchand, John 199 Rhvcard, John 200 (u4) Riall, Sir P 9 Rice, Moses 88 INDEX TO NAMES. 301 R. — {Continued.) Richard, Pierre 182 Richard, Urbain 196 Richards, Henry L 226 Richards, John 54 Richards, Owen 53, 54, 58 Richards, Thomas 145 Richardson, Benjamin.... 61 Richardson, George 237 Richardson, ] 28, 234 Richardson, James, Jr.. ..204, 226 Richardson, John 164 Richardson, John 61 Richardson, Joseph.. 109, 125, 197 Richardson, Reuben 63 Richardson, Robert, Sr..205, 210, 259 Richardson, Robert, Jr. ..40, 53,55,205 Richardson, Robert 53 Richardson, Robert 33, 54 Riche, Augustin 172 Richerville, Jean B 220 Ridge, W 28 Ridout, George 67 Ridout, John 205 Ridout, Samuel 67 Rilsey, John 52 Ringuet, Pierre 159 Rioux, Paul 154 Ritchie, Benjamin 152 Ritter, Lewis 109 Rivard, Alexis 240 Riv^, Etienne 190 Rive, Etienne 191 Riverin, Charles 154 Rives, John J 168 Rivet, Joseph 182 Robbins, Henry 38 Robert, Francois 192 Robert, Jacques 191 Roberts, Charles 235(2) Roberts, R 6 Robertson, James 40, 76, 258 Robertson, James 226 Robertson, John 73 Robertson, William 72 Robichaud, Anselme 154 Robins, William 53, 54, 55 Robinson, David 46 Robinson, F. P 9 Robinson, Sir F. P 9 Robinson, James 79 Robinson, John B 67 Robfnson, Peter 63. 258 Robinson, Webb 136 j^obinson, William 14, 37, 262 oobinson, William 86 TiobJnson, William 237, 272 Robinson, Wm. H 14 Rubitaille, F 102 Robitaille, Ignace 137 Robitaille, Ignace 180 Robitaille, Jacques 186 Robitaille, Louis 143 Roche, Joseph 184 Rocheblave, J. P. Rastel de 103, 114 Rocheleau, Francois X...205 Rocher, Barth 181 Rochette, Pierre 142 Rogers, D. McG 32, 36, 61, 258 Rogerson, James 146 Rolette, Chas. F 204. 226 Rolette, H Ill Rolette, Joseph 97, 98 Rolette, Laurent 119 Rolin, Paul 177 Rolland, Francois 122(2) Rolland,Jean R 167 Rolland, J. R 131 Rollin, Dom. B 169 Rolette, Hyppolite 136, 144 Rolotte, Louis 119 Rolph, George 84 Rolph, John 33 Rolph, Romaine 85 Romaine, Francois 141, 142 Romaine, Pierre 135, 136, 143, 144 Rombough, William 57 Romillv, Samuel 15 Roque, Augustin 211 Roque, Joseph 211 Rorback, Andrew 76 Rose, Alexander 37, 46 Rose, Alexander 41 Rose, Hugh 66 Ross, David 164 Ross, Daniel 33 Ross, James 145 Ross, John 145 Ross, William 63 Rosseau, Dom 166 Rosscau, Jean B 65 Rosseau, Joseph 162 Rototte, Pierre, Sr 114 Rototte, Pierre. Jr 114, 131, 134 Rottote, Pierre 183 Roundhead 219 Rousseau, Guillaume 148 Rousseaux, George 210 Rousseaux, Jean B 210 Routier, Antoine 151 Rdutier, Jean B 167 Rowan, James 4, 269 302 INDEX TO NAMES. R. — {Continued.) Rowe. George 77 Rowe, James 227 Rowe, John 77 Rowley, Edward 226 Roy, Alexandre 153 Roy, Benjamin, Jr 153 Roy, Chas. F 167 Roy, Etienne 169 Roy, Etienne F 147, 148 Roy, Francois 169 Roy, Francois 148 Rov, Gabriel 169, 172 Roy, George 239 Roy, Jacques 182 Roy, Jean B 179 Roy, Joseph 190 Roy, Joseph 169 Roy, Joseph 144 Roy, Laurent 191, 193 Roy, Michel 126 Roy, Pierre 115 Roy, Venant 115 Roy dit LapeDS^e,Pierre..l70 St. St. Clair, J. P 16 St. Dizier, Etienne N 170 St. Dizier, Etienne N , Jr.. 106, 170, 271 St. Francisjoseph A. de..215 St.Germain,J.Bertrand..215, 217, 218 St. Germain, Hyaciuihe..266 St. Germain, Hyacinthe, Sr 137, 176(2) St. Germain, Hyacinthe, Jr 126, 138 St. Germain, J 210 St. Germain, Jean B 186 St. Germain, Jean E 215 St. Germain, Joseph 211 St. Germain, Louis 195 Roy dit Lauzier, B 153 Roy dit Portlance, Louis. 167 Ruel, Louis 204 Ruiter, Francis 198 Ruiter, Henry 198 Ruiter, John" 199 Ruiter, Jacob 199 Runchey, George 76 Runcbey, Robert, Sr 72, 76 Russell, Wiiham 226 Ruttan, Henry 37, 61 Ryan, J 123, 240 Ryan, Philip 118 Ryckman, Samuel 65 Ryerse, George J 86 Ryerse, Samuel 86 Ryerson, George 37, 84 Ryerson, Joseph 84, 258 Ryerson, Samuel 84 Rykely, Andrew 57 Rjland, H. W 1 Rvmal, Jacob 265 Rymal, Philip 265 St. George, Thomas B.... 28 St. James, Rene 178 St. lulien, Antoine 175 St. Julien, Michel 174 St. Louis, Antoine, Sr...l25, 138, 157 St. Louis, AntoineL., Jr.. 126 St. Martin, Jean Bapt....l85 St. Martin, Jean Bapt...l85 St. Martin, Nicholas 159 St. Onge, Nicholas 176 St. Ours, Charles P. de...l81(2) St. Ours, Louis R. de 184 St. Ours, Paul R. de 181 St. Pierre, Joseph 211 Sabine, Edward 261 Salaberrv, Charles M. de... 28,103,105,133,271 Salaberry, Louis de 118, 143, 214 Salmon, G. C 36, 85,258 Sampson, Theo 204 Samson, Jean 149 Sanders, Samuel 211 Sanford, John 137 Sanguinet, Ambroise 191 Sanscraiute, J. B 211 Sasseville, J 240 Saunders, Thomas 226 Saunderson, H 6 Sauvage, Richard P 120 Sauvageau, Alexis 192 Sauvageau, Michel 143 Savage, John, Sr 109, 198 Savage, John. Jr 109, 198 Savage, Rowland 237 Savarie, Jean B 196 Saveuse, Beaujeu de 167 Savoie, Joseph, Jr 148 Saxtun, William 88 Saver, Edward 210 Scarlet, John 68 Schiller, Benjamin 126 Schmid, Theoph 240 Schneider. See also Snyder. Schneider, Charles 175 INDEX TO XAMES. 303 S. — (Continued.) Schneider, Williain ]75 Scholfield, Ira 51 Schultz, Andrt5 161 Schultz, John 64 Schwartz. Peter 211 Scott, Hercules 25, 116 Scott. John 130, 131, 134 Scott, Joseph 225, 227 Scott, John 225, 226 Scratch, Peter 90 Seacord, John 265 Seager, David 58 Seaman, Samuel 238 Secord, Daniel 34, 72 Secord, David 76 Secord, David 88 Secord, Elijah 73 Secord, James 72 Secord, James 73 Secord, John 70 Secord, John 73, 271 Secord, John, Jr 77 Secord, P. Van C 72 Seguin, Francois 179 Seguin, Pierre L 144 Seixas, Samuel 240 Selby, George 165 Selby, George, Jr 130 Selby, Thomas 63 Senet, Jean Bte 182 Senet, Joseph 181 Serjeant, Keable 262 Servos, Daniel K 38, 73 Servos, John D 73, 82 Servos, William 80 Servos, William 72 Sewell, Stephen 165 Sharp, John 56 Shaubena 267 Shaver, 46 Shaver, Adam 46 Shaver, Jacob N 47 Shaver, John 46 Shaver, Nicholas J 47 Shaver, Peter 46 Shaver, Peter 49 Shavers, Michael 265 Shaw, Angus 114 Shaw, y53neas 31 Shaw, George 73 Shaw, Richard 236 Shaw, William 92 Shaw, William, Sr 35, 93 Shavendakhon 219 Shea, Timothv 204 Sheaffe, Sir R.'H 2, 8, 24 Sheek, David 32, 44 Sheppard, Peter 129 Sheppard, William 140 Sherman, Prince 264 Sherwood, 62 Sherwood, Adiel 33, 51 Sherwood, Livius P ..'.... 36, 50, 258 Sherwood, Reuben. ...32, 35, 50, 51 Shipman, George 73 SHIPS :- Adams 203 ('ill) Arab 226 Black Snake 202, 222 Brock 222 Broke 223 Buffalo 222 (Building) 202 Canada (ship) 222 Canada .". 223 Caledonia 202 Cevlon 226 Charwell 222 Chippawa 202, 223 Chub 223 Cleopatra 222 Colonel Murray 223 Colonel Myers 202 Confiauce 223 Cornwall 222 Cryster 222 Detroit (I.) 202 Detroit (H.) 202, 223 Dover 225 Duke of Gloucester 202 Duke of Kent 222 Eagle 224(n22), 253, 257 Earl of Moira 202, 222 Eliza 202 Erie 223 Finch 223 General Beresford 222 General Brock 223 General Drumniond 223 General Hunter 202, 223 General Simcoe 223 Glengarry 222 Growler 224(n21), 253, 257 Huron 223 Icicle 223 Jaseur 227 Kingston 222 Ladv Prevost 202, 223 La Fantome 226, 227(2) Lais 222 Little Belt 202, 223 304 INDEX TO NAMES. SHIPS Linnet 223 Lord Cochrane 223 Lord Melville 202, 222 ^ Lord Wellington 223 Magnet 222 Manly 225, 227(3) Mars 224(n23) Marshal Beresford 223 Mink 202 Montreal 203, 222 Nancj 202, 223 Nelly 222 Nelson 222 Netley 222, 255 Newash 223 Niagara 222 Niagara (gunboat) 222 Niagara (brig) 223 Ohio 231(n36,50) Perseverance 202 Porcupine 231(n), 255 President 224(n24) Prince Regent ...222 Princess Charlotte 222 Psyche 222 Quebec 222 Queen Charlotte 202, 223 Queenston 222 Retaliation 222 Royal George 202, 222 St. Lawrence 222 Scorpion 225 Shannon 223 Sir George Prevost 223 Sir Home Popham 223 Sir Isaac Brock 202 Sir James L. Yeo 223 Sir Sidney Beckwith....223 Sir Sidney Smith 202, 222 Somers 231(n36,50), 255 Star 222 Tecumseth 223 Tenedos 227 Thistle 226(2) Thunder 202, 222 (Unnamed) 223 Vittoria 222 Wasp 225 Wolfe (1.) 202, 222 Wolfe (II.) 222 York 222 Shoaf, Dennis 86 Short, Charles 38 Short, J. Q 17 (Co7itinued.) Short, R. G 20 Showers, Daniel 82 Shuter, John 167 Shuter, Joseph Ill, 125, 185 Sicard, Chevalier 159 Simard, Francois 152 Simmons, Abraham 61 Simons, John K 65 Simons, Titus G 36, 37, 65, 258 Simons, W. W 37 Simpson, Joseph 237 Sinclair. See also St. Clair. Sinclair, James 204 Sinclair, James 205 Sinclair, John 227 Sinclair, John S.... 1, 13, 19 Sirois dit Duplessis, P. ...154 Skelton, Edward 205, 227 Skelton, Henry 13 Skinner, R. P 6 Slater, Wm. T 238 Smalley, Arad 64 Smart, James 227 Smelt, William 27, 116(2) Smith. 239 Smith (103rd) 135 Smith, Anson 34, 53, 54 Smith, Charles 92 Smith, Charles 147 Sojith, Cyrus 59 Smith, George 265 Smith, George 204 Smith, Henrv 234 Smith, Israel 81 Smith, John 265 Smith, Juhn D 62 Smith, Johnson 173 Smith, Larratt 14 Smith, M 226 Smith, Nicholas 77 Smith, Patrick 53, 55 Smith, Robert 147 Smith, Roswell 199 Smith, Terence 50 Smith, Thomas 66 Smith, William 57 Smith, William 68 Smith, William 84 Smith, William 91, 92(2) Smith, William 145 Smith, William L 73 Snetsinger, Nathaniel.... 45 Snipe, The. See Norton, John. Snurr, Jeremiah 42 Snyder, Andrew 47, 48 Snyder, Christian 199 INDEX TO NAMES. 305 S. — (Continued.) Snyder, Solomon 48(2) Soare, Charles 17 Solomon, E. W 6 Solomon, William 211 Soper, Levi 52 Sorcy, Pierre de 184 Spafford, Hiram 264 Spalding, Thomas M 61 Sparham, Thomas 53, 54, 55 Sparks, Thos. H 15 Sparrow, E P. 4, 13 Spelman, Daniel 75 Spence, H. R F .^ 226 Spencer, Benjamin C 53, 54, 57 Spencer, Hazelton 56 Spencer, John 61 Spencer, Patrick 238 Spenhard, Charles 211 Splitlog 219 Spilsbury. F. B 225 Springer, Daniel 88 Springs tead, Jacob 265 Stanton, Robert 67 Stanton, William 33 Starnes, Edward 120, 126, 137 Stavelev, William 6 Stean, John 28, 105 Steel, David 200 Steel, John 204 Steele, Abraham G 109 Steele, Alexander 109, 255 Steele, R. C 15 Steiger, Albert 9 Steiger, R 9 Stephenson, G. B 81 Stephenson, Simcoe 73 Sterling, William 93 Stevens, Styles 65 Stevenson, William 266 Stewart, Arch 10 Stewart, Charles G 145 94 58 79 Stewart, George 44 Stewart, George 111(2), 128 Stewart, Harry 45 Stewart, Henry 44 Stewart, John 44 Stewart, John 101 Stewart, John 145 Stewart, William 17 Stinscm, John 53, Stitson, loseph 240 Stocks, j. C 238 Stockwell, James 90 Stokoe, Thomas 225 Stone, Joel 36, 51, 25.S Siovin, R 9 SirHchan, John 20 Street, John 77 Street, Samuel 33, Struthers, James 205 Struihers, John 52 Stuart, 33 Stuart, Andrew 145 Stuart, G O'K 20 Siuart, Henry 44 Stuart, J'>hn 50 Stubinger, George 101 Stubinger, Henry 120 Stull, ". 264 Sullivan, John 240 Sumner. Cyrus 34, 259, 270 Surprenant, Francois — 190 Sutherland, Daniel 19, 165 Sutherland, John J 43 Sutherland, Joseph 41 vSulherland,"W. R 43 Swayze, Isa ic 40, 270 Swayzie, F. G 73 Sylvcstre, Moise 182 Symes, George 135, 145 Symington, John 33 T. Tache, B 153 Tache, Charles 106, 128, 155 Tache, Etienne P 131, 134 Tache. Paschal 153 Tache, Paschal J 153 Taillon, Joseph 152 Taissons, Ignace 218 Ta-Kanentyne ^19 Talbot, Anthonv 155 Talbot, Thomas 36, 88, 258 Talham, Joseph A 122 Talon, Jean B 187 Tangue, Pierre 148 Tanswell, Robert 128(2) Tanswell. S. J 241 Taplin, Francis 198 Taplin, Johnson 198 TarieudeLaNaudi^re,X.100, 271 Taschcreau, Jean T 100, 150 Taschereau, Thomas P. J. ...118, 128, 150, 260 Taylor, Allan 60 Taylor, George.. ..28, 252, 253(2), 270 Taylor, John 62 Taylor, John 80, 81 Taylor, Ralph 101 306 INDEX TO NAMES. T. — {Continued.) Taylor, Thomas 235(2) Tecumseth 219 Teeple, William 87 Teharonghweandots 219 Tekanyontonvon 219 Tellier, Joachim 126. 239 TenBroeck, 73 Tenbroeck, Jacob 80 Terrier, Andre 126, 239 Terriere, Toussaint 133 Tessier, Charles 189 Testard de Aloiitigny, Jean B 174 Testard de Montignv, Jean B. T .". 122 Testu, Hvacinthe 182 Tete-du-Chien 267 Tetreau, Andre 190 Tetreau, Jean M 190 Tetreau, Toussaint 195 Tetii, Francois 155 Tetu, Felix 135, 143, 272 Teyoninhokarawen 220 Thain, Thomas 164 Theantacutye 219 Thenyawegbs 219 Thenyaweghs' Brother.. 219 Therien, Joseph 182 Thesiger, George 18 Thibault, Augustin 151 Thibault, P 180 Thierry, Pierre 211 Thorn,' Alex 17 Thomas Davis 220 Thomas, H. J 107 Thompson, Augustine. ...236 Thompson, Andrew 64 Thompson, Edward 68 Thompson, David ^^c Thompson, David 178^ Thompson, James 77 Thompson, James 79 Thompson, John 59(2) Thompson, John 53, 54, 57 Thompson, Timothy 56 Thompson, William 14 Thompson, William 65 Thorn, Nathaniel 6 Thorner, 72,271 Thrower, George 37 Tiffany, Gideon 88 Tilly, Noel Jean B 149(2) Tinta, John 239 Tisdale, Matthew 84 Tisdale, Samuel 84 Tobiu, Jacques 152 Tom 220 Tomah 267 Tonnancour, Charles C. de 125 Tonnancour, George G. de 119 Tonnancour, J. M. de....l23, 157 Tonnancour, Joseph G. de 139 Tonnancour, M.J. de,Jr.l60, 161 Tonnancour, Pierre de...l29 Tonnancour, P.C.G. de..l00 Tonnancour, Pierre J. G. de...ll9, 143, 157, 272 Toowaghwenkaraghk- wen 220 Torrens, S. B 9, 13, 105 Touche, Gaspard 170 Tourgeon, Joseph B 137 Toussaint, 102 Tousley, Sykes 36, 87 Toutant, Amable 158 Travers, Jeremiah 63 Tremain, Benjamin 145 Tremblay. Etienne 239 Tremble, Louis 185 Tremeer, Alexander 205 Trepannier, Francois 151 Trigge, Thomas 1 Triphook, Thomas 234(2) Trottier, Antoine 171 Trottier, Rene 151 Troughton, F 6, 21 Trout, Henry 79(2) Trudeau, T. Casimir 169 Trudeau, Charles 190 Trudeau, F 103 Trudeau, Francois 190 Trudeau, Michel 170 Trudel, Ambroise 151 Trudel, Augustin 153 Trudel, Paschal. 190 Trumpour, Paul 53, 57 Truteau, T.C 105, 133 Tryon, Charles 4 Tucker, John 28 Tucker, John G 28 Tucker. Louis 185 Turcot, Joseph 162 Turgeon, Abraham 147, 148 Turgeon, Charles 106, 137, 141 Turgeon, Etienne 181 Turgeon, Joseph. 178 Turgeon, Louis 177 Turgeon. Louis, Sr 147, 148 Turgeon, Michel 137, 180 INDEX TO NAMES. 807 Turgeon, Pierre 148 Turner, Thomas A. .130, 131, 134, 166 Turner, T. D 13 Turney, George 77 Turne^', John 81 T. — (Continued.) Turquand, Peter 14 Twalwa 220 Tweeddalc, Marquis of.. 24 Tyler, William, Sr 63 Tyler, William, Jr 64 U. Unsworth, A 35, Upper, Anthony 77 238 V. Vadout, Louis 184 Vaillancourt, J 241 Valade, Joseph 171 Valentin, Louis 185 Valfrede, J. B 241 Valtn, Antoine 187 Valiquet, Pierre 178 Valle, Francois 187 Vallee, Paul 136, 142 Valliere, Romaine lol Vallieres de St. Real,J.R 144 Valois, Pierre 171 Van Allen, Jacob, Sr 46 Van Allen, Jacob, Jr 47 Vanalstine, Cornelius.... 58 Van Cortlandt, P....; 18(2) Vandenaigue, Andre 188 Vandenaigue, Joseph 177 Vanderburg, Barnet 63 Van der Vocrt, Francis.. 60 VanderVoort, Peter 60 Van Every, David 65 Vanfelson, George 13o, 141 Vankoughnet, John 44 Vankoughnet, Philip 44 Vannier, Bazile 114 Varennes Etieune de 119 Varennes, Joseph de 119 Varin, Louis.... 179 Vassal. Stanislas 215, 217 Vassal de Monviel, F 100, 102, 2o9 Vaughan, John 61 Vaughan, Josephus. 19* Vegeart dit Labonte, A.. 196 218 150 172 Upper, Jacob 77 Urquhart, William 42 Veilleux, Pierre 150 Verneueil, Lorimier 215, Verrault, Francois 128, Verrault, Pierre 120 Vezina, Jean B 151 Vezina, Pierre 125, 138, lo7 Viau, Jean B 192 Vidrefaire, Emmanuel. ...137, Vien, Antoine 240 Vien, E. M 179 Vien, Jean 179 Vien, Pierre 182 Viger, Denis B 169 Viger, Francois 189, Viger, Jacques 106 Viger, Louis M 131, Vilnau, Edouard 120, 134 Vignau, Joseph IIL 135 Vignau, Luc 1-^ Vignau, Philippe 123 Vigneau, ^^^ Vigneau, Norbert 106 Vigoureux, H. M 9, Vilaire, Nicolas 142 Villeneuve, Francois 174 Vincent, John 9, Vinet, Prudent 1'2 Vinet dit Souligny,Felix..l69 Volignv, Louis 1^9 Volin, Louis 241 ^^;;!;;i^es:ir8(2i:i28, 129, 146. 190 167 21 24 260 w. Wabachkwela 220 Wabasha 267 Waggoner, John IJJ Wagley, Windle 90 Waikitchai 21J Walassika ^^19 Walbridge, W'illiam 54, Walker, Edward 204 Walker. Edward 37, Walker, Hamilton 37, 59 53, 263 49(2) Walker, John 14 Walker, Ralph »0 Walker, Robert E 204 Wallace, Benjamin Iji3 W^allace,J l^^, Walsh, AquilaM 84, Walsh, Francis 23b Walsh, F. Legh 35, Walsh, John 1^0 Warburton, A -» 239 85 84 308 INDEX TO NAMES. Ward, Felix 200 Ward, Thomas 32, Warffe, A. W 37 Wariug, Charles 116 Warner, Peter 73 Warren, Henry, Sr 78 Warren, Henry, Jr 79 Warren, John, Sr 78, Warren, John, Jr 79 Washburn, Daniel 37, Washburn, Simeon 58 Washburn, Simon 51, Wassasskum 220 Watson, Edward 88 Watson, G 227 Watson, George 20 Watson, William 140 Way, Benjamin 58 Weatherbee, John 48 Weaver, Peter 79 Webster, Arthur 164, W^ee-misate 267 Weidman, L 63 Wcigar, Jacob 46 Weigar, John 47 Wcilbrenner, Augustin...l90 Wcilbrenner, Pierre, Sr..l22 Wcilbrenner, Pierre, Jr. .123, Weir, John 65 Wcishuhn, Henry 79 Welch, William 47 Wemyss, Robert 227 We«t", William 228 Wcstropp, J 6 Wexeler, Augusiin 142 Weyer, 199 Weyer, Christian, Sr 199 Whetham, Thomas 238 Whitcher, Isanc 3 98 White, James 17 Whitf, James 124, \Nhitf, Marvi! 87 White, Nathaniel 85 White, Thomas 145 Whiteford, William 178 Whiteford, James 180 Whitehead, George 79 White Horn 220 Whitney, John 199 Whyms, 227 Widmer, Christopher 17 Wiest, John 60 /W .—(Continued.) Wildgoose, James 132, 134 62, 258 Wilkie, Robert Ill Wilkins, R. C 61 Wilkinson, Alex 236 Willard, 198 Williams, George B 253 Williams, John 87 258 Williams, John 93 Williams, John 204, 227, 272 53, 258 Williams, Samuel 238 Williams, Titus A 85 58 Williams, William 23 Willis, George 199 Willis, John H 126 Willson, 63 Willson, Benjamin 88 Wilmot, S. G 63, 258 Wilsie, Isaac 197 Wilson, 205 Wilson, Gilman 88 166 Wilson, James 73 Wilson, John 67 W'ilson, John 68 Wilson, John 77 Wilson, John 210 Wilson, John 212 Wilson, McF. F 86 190 Wilson, Thomas 145 Wiltse, Benoni 52 Wiltse, James 52 Wiltse, "Joseph 52 Wintermute, James 79 Wintermute, Jacob 79 Wood, Guy C 45 Wood, Henry... 79 Wood, Israel 198 Woodruff, Richard 73 Woodruff, William 73 Woods, Bryce 92 Woods, James 92 136, 189 Woods, John 240 Woolcutt, Roger 61 Woolrich, James 165 Woolsey, John W 118(3), 151, 152 Worsley, Miller 226 Wright, George 16 Wright, James 17 Wright, Jesse 46 Wright, John 17 Wright, Philemon 173 Wright, Sylvester 50 Wright, William 54 1RD-9 INDEX TO NAMES. 309 Yarker, Robert 19 Yarwood, Thomas 165 Yates, John 28 Yeo, George C 227 Yeo, Sir J. L 225 Yeigh, Jacob 87 Young, Daniel 265 Young, G. P. M 227 Young, Henry 53, Zimmerman, Adam 81 Zwick, Philip 60 59 Y. Z. Young, J A 120 Young, James 53, 58 Young, James 103 Young, Robert 10, 27 Young, Robert 53, 58 Young, Thomas A 120 ^ule, John 188 Yule, Patrick 15 Zwick, William 54, 60 V 1 '\ ^•^ % m -^^ .'<«^,% '^^ ^. ;- ■■'■^A .0 ^ ' • "^ '^^ HO, .-v ^^ 5^^ •'.'«. ""2^.'' . '"^ '^ '"'■-^iaffe^'v" ' ' . . » .0 A .Ov-, o^ ■A ,<• 4^ " « " ^"' ^\ <^ ^ r •V ,v '^'^ ^. ' ' ° ,0 o, .y ^^ . V < * 'S^ ;■/> ,4 o^ O o. » , -1 ' ■: • JO o \^ i S » • ,. *>v ■?. / -v - ■■ ^i>: .V v^^. ■^^^ ■^;. ' < 'l « \'S- '-.: .^ ■— ' V^ -* "t. ■, to. ' <- -i- ■^. ^ V / '« v^^ A <'. 0^ . --t) ■'^ .^ 0' ^^, °^ ' » " " V. % ^ .V .^ Hq.^ •^^. o , •e, d-.-^x "v-.^^ V* '^^ ^ t- r>^ o .^ -^^ . i " A <^. '0^ • / ■> o V ^^ -^ ^ * « , *<{> •V O'^ .V <^^ O' -vv .0 .■^^^ , o " o ^ ^Kp C U 4 \^' V ^^ .S"- •^ ^^-. O ,. '^ O. ' „ , '^ .0' % -if V ' • ' ^ ^%#\^/% ^5^^^ /^""^^ ^^^.^-'<^<* '/% • * ' V ■■ « O , <^ ^ , vV -7'. ' ^I L>^ ..^'.'^ f- o " , '^ -0^ ^o ' -•a- '^o V' O. -t* <\^ V " It 1 ^ v> » ' * * '^ c^ «■ ^') .•-v •^ A'- '^V o V ^^i);'; "%^^^^ /^^^^a^v \.^^ 0^ •" '■'■• ■"-f'^o^ Si 4- •2. »<> - V' A O o , t 'V < V ' . . « ^'vJ .^ .\ SRARY BINDING <• S ^ °W/%^''\^ \N ^ ^S' ^X r. AUGUSTINE . ^ - . ^ V * ' ,/ .oj^l, .\, / . • :,;4;4 ' -^^^ r. AUGUSTINE .^J*-* '"O. ,^'2^' ,oJ^ % ^^ <0 ♦T', •• '>i-- ,-^>^//?jl