^ v . ' •<>- >\ u n > ^^ V-' ' .'. 1 * 'K. "^ '* O-w ». -^ ^-.^^%o^ \ » ♦ It" * Sketches of Old Homes in Our Village By MRS. HOWES NORRIS SEA COAST DEFENCE CHAPTER, D. A. R. VINEYARD HAVEN, MASS. Vs Copyrighted, 1921 SEA COAST DEFENCE CHAPTER. D. A. R. PUBLISHED BY GEORGE H. DEAN Boston, Mass. MAY 14 1921 ©CU614692 SKETCHES OF OLD HOMES IN OUR VILLAGE By Mrs. Howes Norris Memory turns back to the times of long ago and the quaint old homes, the low-roofed houses with sanded kitchen floors and deep brick ovens that yield such delicious things to eat; the pantry door stands open and on the shelves are the pew- ter platters burnished like silver, the silver porringer which was brought out every night before retiring to warm the cofTee, handsome lustre pitchers and dainty bits of china. Grandfather sits by the wide fireplace reading his weekly newspaper, and peace and contentment pervade the old homes; there is no striving and reaching out for more and more, — but happiness and comfort. Then outside the homes, in the front yard are rows of hollyhocks under the window; the path to the front door is bordered with cinna- mon pinks — spicy and redolent; there are tall spikes of purple and white lady's slipper and big golden sunflowers nodding in a row, — and lovely chrysanthemums and de- liciously fragrant sweetbrier. I am going to tell you about some of these old homes of our village, and about their occupants. The first seven houses built in the village were: two at the Crossway — now demolished; the late Matthew Luce house, now owned by Mr. George A. Swain and occupied by Mrs. Johnson; the Great House; Mrs. Oliver's; Captain H. H. Bodfish's; Mr. R. W. Crocker's. The first house built on William Street in this place was that of Capt. Richard Luce in 1833, now the Bouvee resi- dence, — and Miss Bina Lambert's, Mr. Geo. H. Swain's and the late Dr. Wm. Leach's were erected three or four years later. At the north end of the village stands the house of Mrs. Molly Merry now owned by Mrs. A. B. Carey. "Aunt Molly" as she was called, was the daughter of Capt. Timothy Chase who fought in the war of the Revolution. She was twice married; her first husband's name was Ketchum, — he was not a Vineyard man and after a time he disappeared, never to return. Molly took a second spouse, Joseph Merry, who was a pilot, — and when he chanced to pilot some vessel. Aunt Molly would stock him up with plenty of stockings and mittens which she had knitted to sell. On one of these trips the vessel was lost with all on board and when the sad tidings were carried to her she exclaimed, "Oh dear, all those stock- ings and mittens gone!" She often loaned money at a large percentage but insisted that the returns be paid in hard money. One debtor paid her ten dollars in pennies. She kept her niece Rebecca busy making pudding bags and the girl would often say to her mother, "What does Aunt Molly do with so many pudding bags?" The use of the pudding bags was discovered when, after her death, about six thousand dollars in hard money was found secreted under the stairs. Some of the bags were so old that they dropped to pieces in handling, but the money was put into grain bags and taken to the bank in New Bedford. Aunt Molly obviously was penurious, — dressed poorly and held on to all she got, tho' once she did build a fence around the cemetery at the Crossway. When her niece Rebecca was about to begin housekeeping soon after her marriage, she presented her with a feather bed and coverlet and it was taken to her new home, but soon after, Aunt Molly sent for it. She thought she might need the bed and she "guessed Rebecca had better send it back" — and she did. She had often made promises of reward for the kind atten- tion her nieces had bestowed upon her. When she wanted 2 them, she would hang out her red cloak as a signal. This red cloak and hood was an inseparable part of Aunt Molly. During the war with England an English frigate came in the harbor and some of the marines stopped at her house. It was always believed that she was amply rewarded for her hospitality for she expressed no fear, but seemed perfectly satisfied. A portion of this house was moved from Chappaquan- sett, — it being the home of Mr. Grafton Luce's mother, Mrs. Rhoda Luce, who lived to be over one hundred years of age. Mr. Luce bought the property of Matthew Merry, who was Aunt Molly's legatee. General Carey bought the property of the heirs of Mr. Luce, and made additions and improvements. The house must be nearly two hundred years old. The old mill that stood back on the hill was purchased and attached to the house and the huge stones that ground the corn serve as doorsteps. This mill was built over one hun- dred years ago and stood on the back part of the land now owned by Mrs. Bouvee, very near Spring Street. Mr. Loth- rop Merry was the builder. It was twice moved, the owner being Mr. Tristram Luce, and it stood on "Mill Hill" until purchased by General Carey. These mills were usually erected on high land to get the wind which was the power used for grinding. The delightfully situated house of Mr. Rudolphus Crocker, was doubtless built by Abraham Chase, Jr., though it might have been the home of his father, who, in his will speaks of his new "homestead" which is now called the "Great House." In a will dated 1760 he gives to his grandsons, Benjamin and Timothy a certain tract of land . . . and their mother shall have the use . . . but by the conditions of this will of 1760, the homestead shall be inherited by a male descendant of Abraham Chase, this being the old English custom. In 1761 record was made of the only child of Benjaniin Chase being a daughter; and in 1768, as shown by a deed, Timothy Chase bought of parties in Providence all their interest in the property of Benjamin Chase of Holmes Hole. This proves that soon after the will was made Benjamin died without a male heir, leaving Timothy the only son in direct line of two Abraham Chases. In May, 1789, the Judge of Probate appointed Ebenezer Norton and Ebenezer Smith of Edgartown and Ebenezer Allen of Tisbury to divide the lands of Abraham Chase, Jr., deceased, which were improved by his widow, Deliverance, now deceased, — the heirs being one son and five daughters. The portion of land on which the dwelling stood was of course given to Timothy who was a miller; the mill stood on the hill back of his house. He served in the war of the Revo- lution as Lieutenant of Militia. Some years later his son Timothy exchanged this property with Tristranr Luce for a farm at North Tisbury which is now occupied by his grandson. Tristram Luce's son Tristram sold the property to R. W. Crocker. Beachside, owned by Isaac and Joseph Chase, was built in 1802 by Squire Thomas Dunham, who for many years was master of a merchantman in the foreign trade. At one time the house was kept as a tavern; from a post swung a sign upon which the rising sun was painted. This tavern was frequented mostly by sea-faring men and a store on the south side of the house was attended by his attractive daughter Sally. Squire Dunham was prominent in town affairs and held several town offices, one of which was town clerk. It is said that at one time he decided to have a clearing out and cleaning up of the accumulation of papers, and many of the old town records were destroyed. He was a pilot also and during the war of 1812, he unwill- ingly climbed out of bed to pilot some English vessel over the shoals. He married three times: the first wife was Polly Holmes, the second, Deborah Norton of Edgartown, and the third, Pauline Hodgdon of Maine, who survived him. After her death, Beachside became the property of Thomas Dunham of New York, a son by the second wife, and a prosperous ship-merchant who owned at one time more ships than any other New York merchant. He expended $10,000 on the property and made it his summer home. At the death of his widow, it was willed to Mrs. Fish and Mrs, Lewin, her sisters, who sold it at auction; and Mrs. Joseph Chase, the granddaughter of Squire Dun- ham, became the purchaser. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lord, the next home adjoining, formerly stood a little north of the Gould house at the Neck. It was moved to the village on wheels and drawn by 40 yoke of oxen. Barzilla Luce had the contract and farmers from all over the Island came to assist. This house was the property of Mr. Lothrop Merry, the grand- father of Mrs. Lord, and has always remained in the family. The next house, moved to Bayside, was built between the years 1801 and 1806, by Benjamin Allen. His daughter married Richard Luce, -^ "Captain Dick" as he was called. Mrs. Luce was very aristocratic in her feelings and con- sidered it quite a condescension on her part to marry him and would refer to it in this way: — "Me, an Allen, marry- ing the son of a woodchopper;" but he was an honest, up- right man and respected in the community. Benjamin Allen was a rank Tory and would assist the British whenever he could. Years ago, Polly Daggett told a story of an English frigate from which two men deserted and, as was the law, a reward was offered for their capture, — though the officers did not desire it. Benjamin Allen captured one poor fellow and when he was taken, handcuffed, on board the frigate, the officer on deck in not very polite language asked why he had brought him. "Don't you know 5 he will be shot?" "You ought to be shot yourself." When Allen referred to the reward, the officer picked up a rusty sword and handed it to him saying, — "Here take this and get out." The other deserter was found by Samuel Look and carried to the mainland, to freedom. Captain Dick, the husband of Benjamin Allen's daughter, was at one time "Boy Constable." He carried a cane with a crook and would hook the boys around the neck and take them to his smoke house. Of course this made him unpopu- lar with the young, though he was really a kindly man. The next owner was Abijah Gill, who resided here several years, and he sold to the Rev. W. C. Hicks; and the house afterward became the property of Mr. Owen. Rudder Grange now stands at Bayside. It was one of the old houses of the village and stood on the Owen tract below Main Street. It has been so remodeled and rebuilt there isn't a vestige of the old house left. It was originally built and occupied by John Hursell. I remember it as the home of Thomas Robinson who came here from Falmouth and was a shoemaker by trade. There were many tenants after his decease until it became the home of Mrs. Christahne Johnson. The houses on this side hill have an unbroken view of the harbor which in the old days meant much to their owners whose entire life was a part of this stretch of water. Next in order comes the house of Mr. Alphonso Smith of New Bedford, the great grandson of the original owner. It was built by Captain Thomas Harlock Smith, a successful sea captain. At one time he kept a store of vessel supplies below his house. He was a son of David Smith, who was on the sea coast defence at the time of the Revolutionary War, and whose second wife was Maria Allen, the Revolu- tionary heroine. A story is told of a brother of Thomas Smith, whose boat was chased into the harbor during the war of 1812 by a 6 Britisher, and when the wife heard of it she said to a Uttle girl, "Here, Sally, hold this baby while I watch those devils cannonade Nathan." This house has always remained in the family. The house known to many as the Dias place on Main Street, now owned by Captain Hartson H. Bodfish, was one of the first built in the village and is consequently quite old. In a deed in possession of the family, dated May 20th, 1741, this house was deeded to Abraham Chase by Sarah Daggett. The place is spoken of as "ye house lot," and the house lot's limits were Holmes Hole harbor on the east and Tashmoo on the west, — and the inference drawn is that the house was built by the Daggetts between the years 1725 and 1741. On March 29th, 1741, Abraham Chase deeded the house to John Whelden, a sea-faring man and the sum paid for the house and lot in both deeds was said to be 330 pounds current money. Abigail, wife of John Whelden, was the daughter of Abraham Chase. In 1795 the property passed into the hands of Thomas Whelden, doubtless his son. The next owner was Captain Joseph Dias, who fought in the war of 1812, and it has since remained in the family, — Mrs. Bodfish being a grand- daughter. The house now occupied by Miss Loretta Daggett was built by Captain Thomas Manter, her grandfather. He was the son of Jonathan Manter, a Revolutionary soldier, and married Hannah Luce. In 1820, while on the pilot boat Superior, she capsized, and Thomas Manter was drowned. The property has al- ways remained in the family. The age is not known but the deed of the land was made in 1802 and it is natural to suppose that the house was built soon after. In the next house lived his sister Parnel, daughter of Jonathan Manter and sister of Parnel, the Revolutionary heroine, born after her death and named for her. This 7 Parnel married Captain Alexander Newcomb; they had sev- eral children and Caroline married Captain Frederick Lam- bert, who resided there and it still belongs to that family. The Captain Jonathan Manter before alluded to, the grandfather of Miss Daggett, was a shipmaster sailing from Boston. He was a man of great energy of character, of fme appearance and very fastidious in his dress, and indeed so particular was he in this respect that he was commonly known among his acquaintances around Boston as "Count Manter." The last Jonathan Manter, who died about 1842, was a man of strong will and from his eccentricities of character he seemed to have made strong impressions on the minds of all who knew him. Even the names of his dogs and horses are well remembered. More than one hundred years ago there were but two horses owned around the harbor. Their names were Romeo and Cape Breton, and Captain Manter owned Romeo. The first cooking stove used in this place or on the island was purchased by Captain Manter and brought over in the vessel he owned and commanded, called the Harmony. Captain Manter owned most of the land from the harbor to Tashmoo and the old Manter house which was destroyed in the fire of 1883, was one of the old landmarks of the village and especially so of Manter Hill, — it being the first one erected on the hill. It was near this house the famous liberty pole stood when destroyed by the three young girls in 1775. The house above Captain Newcomb's, on Main Street, was built for his mother and after her death, became the property of Captain Nathan Smith, who exchanged it for the house now owned and occupied by Postmaster S. C. Luce. The next owner was Mary, widow of Captain William Crowell. Capt. Crowell died at sea. Mrs. Crowell long kept a little store in one front room. Her son, Barzilla, was 8 a veteran of the Civil War, a member of the famous 20th Massachusetts Infantry, — and lost a leg in battle. The house passed to him and after his death it was purchased by Capt. William M. Randall, whose widow is now the owner. The house owned by Mrs. Oliver is the third of the first seven houses built, the two already mentioned being those of R. W. Crocker and H. H. Bodfish. It was built by Jona- than Manter more than two hundred years ago. He was a large landowner and leading man. He had a large family of children and gave each a house lot. His daughter, Re- becca, being single at his death, was given the old home- stead. She was exceedingly plain looking, I am informed, having four lips; but Deacon William Downs, a widower was attracted perhaps not by her face but by her fortune and won Rebecca for a wife. Here he kept a grocery store. Mrs. Love Chase was the next owner. It was afterward sold to my father and after the fire of 1883, was sold by my mother to Capt. Oliver. There have been additions and improvements to this house; the writer has an affection for this old place where her girlhood days were passed. I am reminded of hearing of a little shop near this spot, the home of Jennie Godfrey. Jennie was a spinster and was held in high esteem by the youth of the village from the fact that she sold big glasses of spruce beer at one cent each. She seldom went away from the island but on one occasion, before the days of steamboats and decked packets, took a trip to New Bedford. On her return she embarked early in the morning in an open boat. The wind died out to a calm and continued so all day, and the men in charge were com- pelled to row all the way home under a broiling sun, arriving late at night. Jennie had a mortal terror of marine disasters but always referred to this trip as a most enjoyable one. Ever since, long passages because of calms have been char- acterized as "Jennie Godfrey times." 9 The house now occupied by Edward J. Smith on Union Street, was built by Samuel Daggett, whose son was a fifer in the militia during the Revolutionary War. It was after- ward sold to Dr. Silas West, who could be seen every morn- ing mounting his horse with saddlebags, galloping away to visit his patients. The next owner was Capt. Charles G. Smith whose son now occupies it. I have not ascertained the age of this house, but it is without doubt, over one hun- dred years old. Next to this house, south, stands that of Mrs. Edward Roth. It was built by Capt. Peter West, who married Mary Chase. One day he sailed into the harbor and that evening the marriage took place. The next day the wind was fair and he was obliged to continue his trip. As he stood on the deck, he drew a quarter of a dollar from his pocket and tossed it overboard, saying, "I have married the best and handsomest girl in the world and am master of this vessel; I cast my last bit of money overboard and begin life anew." He prospered ever after. During the French Revolution many of the nobility at- tempted to escape with all their belongings; their household goods were put on vessels sailing for America, they intending to take passage, but were arrested before they could escape. Captain West brought one load of this kind, — maybe more than one — and made a rich thing of the transaction. He was the owner of turtle-like sheds of saltworks that lined the beach below his house. He was the grandson of Major Peter West who fought in the French and Indian wars, and was a prominent man in town. After his death the house was occupied by members of his family, after which Ebenezer Smith, 3rd, became the owner; then Mr. Richard Beetle; and it was inherited by Mrs. Roth. The Great House is one of the first houses of the village. Abraham Chase built it over 160 years ago as in his will, in 1760, he speaks of his homestead. Abraham was the son 10 of Lieutenant Isaac Chase and great grandson of Sir Robert Chase of England. Lieutenant Isaac Chase served in the Royal Navy. The Chases once owned the whole of Holmes Hole. The cemetery at the Crossway was their private burying ground and was later given to the village of Holmes Hole. Abraham was twice married, first to Mary Barnard and second to Mercy Nickerson. After his death Mercy mar- ried Thomas Winston. The harbor used to reach nearly to the front door of this house. There was only a strip of beach between. A little story was told me that after the property passed into other hands, a party was given in the Great House. An Indian fiddler having partaken too freely of the flowing bowl, kissed Violet, a servant, which so enraged the fiddler's wife that she snatched the fiddle from his hands and smashed it over the balustrade in the hall and then herself dropped dead. I have seen a deed given by Thomas Winston in 1777 to Elijah Smith, then it was deeded to his son William and then passed to his sons Elijah and George, the latter the father of Miss Thankful Smith. It was later sold to Capt. Charles Smith, and still later came into the possession of Miss Loretta Daggett, who sold it to Mr. Frank Tilton, the present owner. This house must have been considered a fine one by the appellation attached to it. The house now owned by Capt. Benjamin Cromwell was built in 1812, by Joseph Hammett, whose wife was the daughter of Dr. Rufus Spaulding. When war was declared with England, fearing to remain in the track of war-vessels, they moved to Mattapoisett and Mr. Elijah Hillman bought it. His son Thomas was the next owner of the house and Captain Cromwell purchased of the heirs. 11 The house now owned by Benjamin Norton was built by Samuel Claghorn. His son Joseph kept a tavern, the sign of which hangs in the D. A. R. Historical Building. This sign with its old style lettering and its beer mugs and tunnel painted thereon with the date 1792, is a very interesting relic of bygone days. Joseph married a daughter of Doctor Spaulding. During the war of 1812, they moved to Savannah, Ga. There were several tenants after this. Parmenus Parsons was one. He was postmaster for many years; the postoffice was in the ell of the house and letters were placed in the window. Letter writing in those days was not carried on to any great extent, and I learn that a mail once a week was all the government granted here. As late as 1830, there was no wharf and passengers landed from a packet on the beach. I am told that the first store was on these premises. Deacon Solomon Athearn purchased the house in 1832. The next owner was Deacon Holmes Athearn, his son. In looking over the history of the Methodist Church, I find that the Rev. Joseph Snelling visited Holmes Hole in 1798-9; and in giving a history of his work on the Vineyard, he alluded to what was called a housewarming, that is: when a house was built, the owner on moving into it, gave a ball. He speaks of preaching in this house at the time appointed for the ball, to a crowded assembly; the ball was given up and a reformation followed. The house now owned by Mrs. G. D. Calhoun was built in 1801 by Capt. Seth Daggett, her father. He was a pilot and was often pressed into the service of piloting British frigates over the shoals. One night he heard them coming, and springing out of bed he seized some clothing and rushed for the woods. Imagine his consternation when he found he had taken his wife's clothing instead of his own. 12 Across the street stands the house of Mrs. Lucy Cooper. It was owned by Elisha Luce in 1812. His wife. Miss Heppy, as she was called, kept a little store. It then became the property of Edward Luce; then Benjamin Nye purchased it, and it is now the home of his daughter. Some years ago a college student was home on a visit; he was in those days a fastidious youth, always carrying a cane. As he was passing by this house one day he discovered it to be on fire. He very deliberately walked around to the front door and lifting his cane gave three taps upon the door. Presently the mistress of the house appeared, when in a low courteous manner he informed her that her house was on fire. It was not recorded that she screamed and ran, nor that the aforesaid youth aided in putting out the fire. Your imagination can finish the story. The house now owned by Mrs. Clement Cleveland on this street, was built by Shubael Dunham, and then was pur- chased by Capt. Grafton Luce. I was told that Captain Luce in his young days was fine looking and a beau among the girls. He was engaged to one of the village daughters who, expecting to be married on his return voyage, made all her preparations; but when he came he met a village beauty, Rhoda Daggett, and mar- ried her. The rejected maiden was crushed, but was roused to deliver a curse on him and his family, and then pined away and died. In the strange way that things happen, misfortune seemed to follow him and his to a great degree. A little shop was attached to this house, where Mr. Ar- chibald Mellen of Edgartown kept a store. This was after- ward moved to the corner of the yard and occupied by Mrs. Eunice Crowell. Later it was moved on to the beach and is now owned by Geo. H. Swain. Capt. William Buckley purchased the house of Capt. Luce's widow, and Mrs. Cleveland is his daughter. 13 The house next in order on Beach Street, — once called Quality Street, — known as the Trueman Allen house, was the home of Obed Coffin in 1812, — "Quaker Coffin" as he was called. He was a boat builder by trade and had a shop by the Bass Creek. Near the shop was a float, which re- minds me of an incident. This float was a joy and delight to the children. One neighbor dressed her daughter in a freshly starched gown and told her not to go near the float, but needless to say she straightway wended her foot-steps to this fascinating place. The mother suspected what would happen and followed very soon. Coming quietly behind her, she took little Eliza by the arm and doused her under the water, — good clothes and all, and the little girl's afternoon was spoiled. The children who were present never forgot the wholesome, if severe, punishment. Mr. Coffin's wife, Pheobe, was a good soul who had a garden of roses. Mixed in with the roses were tansy, worm- wood, sage, savory, comfry-root and eives. She was most generous with her roses, giving them to children, — some of whom remember her kindness and generosity. Bartlett Allen was the next owner. Then his son, Tru- man, was the possesser of the house. It is now owned by Mrs. Look of the Mansion House. On the opposite side of the street stands the Branscomb house, so-called. It was built by Jireh Luce, and Doctor Rufus Spaulding was the next owner. He was a man of high standing and the Spauldings were considered among the aristocracy. His children married well and stood high in whatever community they lived. His daughter, Sophro- nia, married Thomas West who owned the house after Doc- tor Spaulding died. I was told that when the Thomas Wests came into the old church, (the first in the village) with its square pews and sounding board, every eye was turned, — Mrs. West rust- 14 ling in her fine gown and Mr. West holding high his head, as they proceeded up the aisle of the quaint old edifice of long ago. Mr. Oric P. Branscomb was the next owner and it is now owned by Capt. Gilbert Smith. The house now owned by Mrs. Lord and Miss Clara Smith, was formerly owned by James Cleveland and then by Capt. Matthew Luce, who was the son of Lot Luce, one of the substantial men of the town. This house is more than one hundred years old; though not one of the very old houses, it shows its age in its wide fireplaces and winding staircase. It remained in this family until it came into the possession of the late Mrs. Grafton L. Daggett. A short distance above on the same street, is the dwelling occupied by Mrs. Johnson and owned by Geo. H. Swain. It was built by Abraham, son of Zephaniah Chase. Capt. Lot Luce bought it and gave it to his son Matthew. Cap- tain Luce had built the house afterward owned by Capt. Henry P. Worth. Matthew married Cynthia, daughter of Malachi Baxter who fought at Bunker Hill. Matthew's daughter, Polly, became the possessor, and then her son George. Mr. Swain has in his possession a pitcher that Capt. Lot Luce, his grandfather had made on a voyage to England, with the picture of his ship "Sarah" upon it. The next house above, owned by the Conroys, is an old one. A deed was given by Heman Merry in 1800 to Ben- jamin Reynolds; how much earlier the house was built, I am unable to ascertain. Benjamin Reynolds came here from Sippican, now Matta- poisett, and owned a httle schooner, "Dehght" of 20 tons. He was called "Daddy" Reynolds and I think his son Ben- jamin carried the same title in his day. 15 Captain Reynolds was a pilot and once carried the war vessel "St. Louis" over the shoals. His daughter, Sophro- nia, became the owner of the house. She was married twice, — first to Henry Buckley, and then to Simeon Parker of Maine. On clearing the house after her death, the following clipping was taken from an old newspaper; though not en- tirely local, it proves the similarity of communities at that time. June 1, 1800. Had company in the evening. Married a couple, fee $1.35. Had a cheese given me, value $1.00. Deacon Ware, a present of beef, value about $0.20. January 4th, Attended to study. Bottle rum, $0.50. January 23rd, Married three couples, fee $6.25. February 4th, Paid a woman tailor for one day, $0.25. July 3rd, Bottle rum at Bardwell's store, $0.50. August 12th, 2 quarts rum at Wilham's store, $1.50. Paid for kilHng hog, $0.17. October 10th, Put into my cellar for winter use thirty barrels of cider, value $32.00. December 29th, Lord's day. Preached from 2nd Samuel, 1-27 — "How are the mighty fallen." Frank Reynolds was the next owner of this house and he sold to the Conroys. The large old-fashioned dwelling just above the Conroy house on this street was owned by "Colonel Dexter" as he was called, who was a blacksmith. His grandson, Hiram, he of "Palace Car" fame, whom some of us will recall along in the 1870's, became the owner of the property and his son, Jonathan, now owns it. Next above, was owned by "Colonel Dexter's" son, Joseph, who married Charlotte, daughter of Malachi Baxter, before referred to. Joseph was a sea-faring man and died at sea. The house is now owned by Mrs. Sarah Legg. 16 The house owned by Luther P. West, further up the street, was moved from North Tisbury previous to 1821. Elijah Luce was the owner and sold to Warren Cleveland, who mar- ried his daughter, Lucretia, whose family resided there many years. Henry Swift was the next owner, who sold to Geo. Swain and he to Luther West, the present owner. The house now owned by George Pierce on Spring Street, was built by Timothy Merry and when the house was erected, it was considered quite out-of-town, as it stood by itself, far from any other dwelling. Elisha Dexter married Mr. Merry's daughter Eliza. Oh! what delicious ice cream and cocoanut cakes were sold by the Dexters to us girls. Benjamin Merry next owned the house; then his son George, who sold to Mrs. Clark. The house now owned by Charles S. Norton and known as the Richardson house, was built about two hundred years ago at Lamberts Cove and floated down to this village on a raft about one hundred years ago. At one time a school was held in this house, and during its history two families have kept house at the same time, — both using the open fireplace for cooking. The house used to stand nearer Main Street and William Weeks, a bhnd man, owned it then. Mrs. Richardson purchased it of Tris- tram Luce and in 1882 it was moved back, the roof changed and a piazza added. On the opposite side of the street is the house now owned by the heirs of Mrs. S. P. Lee. This house was also moved from Lamberts Cove, and its low quaintness tells its age. In 1821 it was owned by Dr. Silas West who about that time sold it to Elijah Smith, then it became the property of Mrs. Sophronia Wade, his daughter, of whom we all think with deep affection and pleasant memories. Colonel S. P. Lee, a civil war veteran with a proud record, was the next owner. He made some additions but the house 17 retains its quaint appearance and is a pleasant summer home. The old Owen homestead across the way was built in 1805 by Edmund Crowell, who was a tailor by trade. He married Deliverance — or Dilly as she was called — daugh- ter of Lieut. Timothy Chase of the Revolutionary War. Mr. Crowell had a shop in the corner of his yard which is now an ell to the house. In the parlor of the house, the wainscoting and cornice is quite elaborate and it is said the work was done with a jack knife, but the most interesting feature of the room is a painting done on the wood panel over the mantelpiece. It was the work of Miss Jane Norton when the house was just finished; Miss Norton taught school in the village but belonged in North Tisbury. The picture represents a village street with a field in the foreground; a row of houses three stories high, with a chimney at each end, face us; and men in knee breeches and women on old style dress appear. A coach has dashed up to the Inn, which we know by the sign hanging from a nearby tree; and carts of hay and a dog are seen. The coloring is extremely dark and it is not a work of art but is most curious and interesting. This house has always remained in the family. The Mayhew Schoolhouse was erected about one hundred years ago by Mr. Nathan Mayhew, for school purposes; but it was often used for religious purposes and many call it "The Chapel" to this day. It had a belfry with a large triangle which answered for a bell. It was used for singing school. Mr. Henry P. Worth taught a singing class accom- panied by his bass viol. If we but knew, there was many a romance begun and ended here; for what better place for the youth and maiden to meet? — and the going home after singing school gave opportunity for delightful conversation and solemn promises. 18 It was used for a carpenter shop by Mr. Richard Hiirsell and later by Mr. Moses Vincent; then by Renear & Hinckley who sold to the Sea Coast Defence Chapter, D. A. R., for its historical room. In the next house is the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shubael Vincent. A part of this dweUing was moved from a lot where now stands the home of Mrs. Mary Beetle. This part was the home of Malachi and Rhoda Baxter; a while after his return from the Revolutionary War, he suddenly disappeared for parts unknown and was gone thirty years. After these long years of absence, a Vineyard man cruising along the shores of Cape Cod in his boat, saw Malachi Bax- ter and hailed him; and although he tried to escape recogni- tion, he gave it up and acknowledged his identity. After some talk he agreed to go home with him, and great was the rejoicing on his return; his family welcomed him gladly and no reason was given publicly for his long absence. The house was moved long afterward to this spot and added to the house of his daughter, Mrs. Betsy Baxter But- ler, who was Mrs. Vincent's grandmother. The house at the Crossways now owned by Benjamin Cromwell, was originally the property of Peter West. Hie bought the land in 1743 of Thomas West, a relation. Peter West's widow lived there many years. In 1791 the property was sold by George West, presuma- bly the son of Peter and Elizabeth, to Jedidah Coffin, whose daughter married Moses Cromwell, the grandfather of the present owner. Peter West who built the house, lost his life in the French and Indian War. He was Captain of a band of forty men who left here, September, 1759, in a sloop for Falmouth; then they marched to Boston and from there took a vessel to Eastport, Maine. From that point they marched to their destination. Not one lived to return. 19 On the day of Captain West's death he was acting major. It is said he fought under General Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham. He was a man of fine personal appearance, of high moral character, active, inteUigent and an accom- plished officer. The house known as the Hebron Crowell house was bought by him of West Luce in 1825. Thi^ house was built by Elisha West, a brother of Peter; doubtless both the brothers built their homes about the same year, 1743, over 160 years ago. The property is now owned by Charles H. Brown. The first meeting house in the village was built about the year 1788. It was located where the Baptist Church that was burned in 1883, stood. It was a very long building without paint, and was called the "Proprietors' Meeting House." It was sometimes occupied by Congregationalists, Methodists, Baptists, Universalists, — or any other "ists" the proprietors agreed upon, — and here the Methodists worshipped until the early part of the year 1832. The interior of this church was fashioned after the style of the old churches of Boston with the high pulpit, sounding board, square pews and gallery running round three sides of the building. The Methodists erected the building which is now the Masonic Hall and it was completed in 1833. The entrance to the building was on the east, — ascending a flight of steps, you entered doors at either end of the edifice. Over the doors and windows were placed fan-like blinds which so distressed Mrs. Cynthia Chase that she saw strange sights. She said, "They were httle hypocrites and saw little black devils dancing over there every night, — and it was wicked and sinful to ornament God's house in such a manner." But her protests were unheeded and the work proceeded. The fittings inside were more modern; a reading desk cov- ered with green baize and trimmed with fringe stood on a 20 raised platform; the gallery was placed across the east end; the pews were similar to those of the present day. The entrance to the vestry where the prayer meeting and Sunday Schools were held, was on the south side. At the dedication on July 11th, 1833, Rev. Daniel Fillmore of New Bedford preached the sermon. The choir was under the leadership of Mr. Henry P. Worth. There was no mu- sical instrument at that time, a tuning fork being used to get the pitch, but a few years later the melodeon now in the possession of Sea Coast Defence Chapter, was purchased. The choir consisted of the following persons: trebles, Mrs. Mary West, Mrs. Mary Crowell, Miss Cordelia Dunham, Miss Caroline Daggett and Miss Rebecca Crowell, — the last two being about twelve years old. Second treble: Miss Emmeline Merry, Miss Jane Cottle, and the Misses Mary and Sophronia Downs. Bass: Thomas Smith, Thomas Bradley, Abraham Anthony, Dr. Leroy M. Yale, John D. Barrows and Thomas Robinson. In 1848, the present Methodist Church was built and this building was sold to Capt. Charles Smith, who named it Capawock Hall. Here the churches held their festivals. They were delightful occasions where every kind of deli- cious cake was on sale on long tables trimmed with box. There were side tables of floating islands and blanc mange in tempting array. There also were held here coffee suppers, and dancing parties and numerous functions to gladden the heart of the young. Within a few years the building was purchased by the Lodge and remodeled, though some traces of the old archi- tecture can still be seen. The fan blinds still remain over the windows and are a delight to my eyes. Not one of the choir who sang at the dedication is now living. And so have all the owners and first occupants of these old homes and buildings, passed with the years. The houses 21 have been remodeled and retouched till they are fading out of the quaint, old-fashioned picture. But there is always an atmosphere of oldness that lingers in some fireplace about some cleverly carved mantel or about the beams in the low ceiling. There seems to be something lingering about the touch of the past, and its grasp is not cold and saddening, but warm and vital and keenly real in its memories. 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