»^ . •.•••\c^ \* 9*0 0^ \.[^^'\^ ^^ ' -^^...•.''^^'•-''^♦^ V ^.••^' 0*0 3Pvl». 4 ♦^ o' %.*^ • no 5- .^.eJ^-. \,/ .,^., ^^^^^ 't^-/ \*^^\.\: Maine Railroad at Old Orchard Station with the Saco River Steamer for Biddeford Pool ( two miles down the bay, ) or the cities of Biddeford and Saco, four miles up the river. There is also an Electric Railway connecting Biddeford, Saco and Old Orchard. They are also connected by the Boston &: Maine Railroad. Thus there are opportunities for hourly excursions to any of these places. A charming trip, at trifling cost, is along the beach by the Beach Railroad, — up the picturesque Saco by steamer to the city, thence through a fine farm and woodland country by the Electric Railroad, back to Old Orchard, consuming but a few hours time. i6 OLD ORCHARD BEACH RAILROAD. BEAUTIFUL DRIVES rn H E Carriage Drives in the vicinity of Old Orchard are especially pleasing — some are i through dark forests with overhanging branches, others through a region of fair fields and nourishing farms. Along the highways grow the fragrant wild rose and sweet brier, the bayberry and laurel. As summer declines, the golden rod and purple asters appear waving their brilliant plumes, prophetic of approaching autumn. ( )ne of these charming drives leads to the Cascade, a tine water- fall with a decent of more than tifty feet surrounded by scenery of a wild and striking character. In going to this place, the Kite- Shaped Mile Driving Course is passed. This Course, built by the Maine Horse Breeders Association in 1892, has a Grand Pavilion with seating capacity for six thousand spectators. The Track is constructed on strictly scientific principles, and for the development of swift horses is said to be one of the finest race courses in the world. J. S. L. CASCADE. TABLE OF DISTANCES Old Orchard to Boston, via Boston & Maine R. R., . . . . Rye and Hampton Beach, via Boston tS: Maine R. R., Isle of Shoals, via Boston & Maine R. R, . Kennebunkport, via Boston & Maine R. R., Portland, via Boston tS: Maine R. R., . Poland Springs, . . . . . . . Bar Harbor, ......... Glen House ( White Mountains), .... North Conway, ........ Fabyans, ......... Top of Mount Washington, ...... Profile House, ........ Bethlehem, N. H 50 15 12 35 ,87 80 72 102 118 117 120 PLAN OK LOCATIOX PLAN OK ROOMS IX OLD ORCHARD HOUSE. SANITARY CONDITION OF OLD ORCHARD. ATURE lavished her bounties to make Old Orchard famous, and art has supple- mented her work by bringing a water supply direct from cool, bubbling springs in the secluded forest three miles away. No springs of Maine afford water of greater purity. Science has also introduced a complete system of purifying drainage. Everything has been done to make Old Orchard, in every respect, a Health Resort. GAIETY AT OLD ORCHARD HOUSE. TH E Old Orchard House is so constructed that the faciUties for in-door enjoyment are unequalled. The Music Hall (see plan page 26) is seventy-five feet long and 'orty-two feet wide, and connects with the broad corridor leading to the office and the spaciovis drawing room. Large windows are on each side, and the hall receives both inland md ocean breezes. A Select Orchestra furnishes music during the season. Every morn- ing there is an open-air concert under the music pavilion — and every evening there is music and dancing in the music hall. Grand Balls are given Tuesday nights. Full Dress Parties every Saturday night. German's, Informal Hops, Fancy Dress and Children's Balls, fill the other evenings of the week with a complete round of gaiety. iLmimimiLimnimT OLD 0RCH6BD STHEtT PLAN OF LOCATION OF OLD OKCHAKD HOUSE. CELLAR ■ "T 'T ■ =T=- ROOM CORRIDOR ->n md BILLIARD ROOM OLD ORCHARD HOUSE OLD ORCHARD BEACH MA I NE J. ".SESAR ICK ARCm't 32 PEMBERTOrs Sq. BOSTON BASEMtNT CARRIAGE FRONT VtRANDA family oining. diningI room] Ifamilv B PARLOflS Corridor Orrice A Q F E GENTS T LADIES L d^ id , PARLOR PARLOR " S T Music Room .-3 oojT. ___.. . ..I FLOOR PLAN FIRST PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR OF OLD ORCHARD HOUSE. ' 19 i; U5 13 '119' J 4-2 Uo bsl 36 I34I 32 30 1281 ^ ^~'2?\ 20 18 116 14 |I2 lOl 8 I < SECOND FLOOR PLAN PLAN OF SECOND FLOOR OF OLD ORCHARD HOL'SE ;• -J SERVANTS DEPT 157 ' ' 158 155, , 156 151 I I 152 50 1471 145,143 L!."l* t _ ^ . ^ r~^^..^_ Kb "P — I — \ — ^ I" r : 1351 133 131 129 1127 125 m^ 123 ISh 119 ^<' T i 144' I 146 L=tib 117 IMS 113 III! 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