Glass. Book. tj? DIRECTORY OF THE 6 '"^'^ CITY OF CHARLESTON,' FOR THE YEAR 1852. Containing the Names, Occupation, Place of Business & Residence OF THE INHABITANTS GENERALLY, with other information of general interest. PUBLISHED BY J. H. BAGGET / CHARLESTON : PRINTED BY EDWARD C. COUNCELL 1851 y. "i- .1 ^ Of ^\x^ ?.^ EXPLANATION The Name comes first — Occupation second — Place of Business third — Residence last. Where there is but one location given it will be understood as both the place of business and residence, or residence only, with a few ex- ceptions, which will apply themselves to the distinction of the reader. Foi: Baltimore ! Baltimore and Southern PACKET m$ LINE STEAM-SHIP PAIiMETTO! 800 Tons Burthen 400 Horse Power. The new and splendid Steam-Ship, Palmetto, M. Mc* Donald, Commander, will leave NORTH COMMER- CIAL WHARF, TWICE A MONTH. For Freight or Passage, having handsonrie accommoda- tions, apply to WM. ALLSTON GOURDIN, No. 56 East^Bay. Agent. CABIN PASSAGE, $15. STEERAGE, $8. See hand-bills for Day of Sailing. Wm. AUston Gourdin, No. 56 East-Bay, Charleston, S. C, is prepared to make liberal advances on consignments of RICE, COTTON, CORN, SUGAR, Flour, Grain, Hay, &c. REFERENCES : Charleston.— Messrs. Gourdin, Matthiessen & Co., H. W. Conner, George A' Hopley, Alonzo J. White, J. R. Bates. Greenville, S. C— Tandy Walker, Esq. Baltimore.— Tiffany, Ward & Co. Chattanooga, Tenn.— Chandler, French & Co., W. S. Townsend. Iluntsville, Ala.— Cabaniss & Shepherd, J. F. DemovlUe. CHARLESTON AND N EW "YORK STEAM-PACKETS. Leave every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, through in SIXTY HOURS. New Steam-Ship MARION, (1200 tons,) M. BERRY, Commander, and Steam-Ship SOUTHERNER (1000 tons.) J. DICKINSON, Commander. These splendid Ocean Steamers, having handsome State Room accommodations, leave ADGER'S Wharves every SATURDAY Afternoon. Travellers by this Line may expect every possible comfort and attention. For Freight or Passage, apply at the Office of the Agent, HENRY MISSROON, Corner East-Bay and Adger's Wharf. Cabin Passage, $25. Steerage Passage, $8. Two new Steam-Ships will be placed on this route in a short time, which will make it a Semi-Weekly Line. Philadelphia & At- lantic Steam Navi- gation (^o's Line. Between Charleston and Philadelphia. New Steam-Ship ALBATROSS, Captain DIXON, and Steam-Ship OSPREY, Captain POWERS, These splendid Steamers leave Central ERASER'S Wharf, every WEDNESDAY. Through in 60 hours. Having Fine State Rooms, and every possible atten- tion paid to the comfort of passengers, travellers may expect, as well as quick despatch, a pleasant and comfort- able passage by this Line. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Agents, JOHN FRASER & Co., or HOLMES & STONEY, Fraser's Wharf. Cabin Passa2:e, $20. Steerage Passage, $8. 1* R O Q M S. At this Gallery can be seen some of those BEAUTI- FUL DAGUERREOTYPES, which have justly secured to him the AWARDED AT THE TWO LAST FAIRS OF THE South-Carolina Institute for 1850-51. Every style, every attractive peculiarity the art is capable of making, is here adopted, and one style peculiar to himself, which has not been approached by any artist in the country : it is the flesh tone of coloring, which softens the harsher shadows, arid tends to make the sitter look younger and handsomer than in the usual style. For notices of his skill, by good and artistic judges, he refers you to the following, from the press: " We would invite especial attention to the Daguerreotype Rooms of Geo. S. Cook, in King, opposite Hasell street, an artist who adds the charm of taste and skilful painting to that of the Daguerreotype, and produces at once the perfect simil- itude andlhe elegant picture." — Charleston Courier. " Cook is indeed an artist ; not one made by mere dint of mechanical instruction — but one of fine genius, tasteful con- ception, and scientific powers of execution. His pictures are indeed admirable in every quality. The tone and finish of his likenesses, the peculiar appropriateness of the position selected, his just idea of the happy moment of expression in the sitter, make them generally the very finest specimens of the art," — Charleston 3Evening News. Instructions in the art, and stock of every description for sale. Rooms 235 King, opp. Hasell st,, Over James E. Spear's Jewelry Store. 7 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. Wholesale and Retail, No. 235 iKing-St., opposite Hasell,i JAMES E. SPEAR Would call the attention of purchasers to his extensive assortment, consisting of every article usually kept in his line, which will be sold at unusually low prices. GOLD WATCHES, of Taylor, Roskell, Beesley, Tobias, Harrison, and other celebrated makers, in every variety of cases. S3" Also, Gold L'Epine and Anchor Watches, from $35 upwards, t^ Silver Lever L'Epine and Verge Watches. All of the above will be warranted to keep correct time. ar JE2 -^^mj- je: i/l^ jeb. if of the latest styles, such as Necklace, Bracelet, Pin and Ear Rings in setts. Diamond, Ruby, Turquoise and Garnet Stone Rings; Seal, Chased, Plain, and Wedding Rings; Cameo, Stone, Turquoise, >]ourning and Miniature Brooches ; Gold Pens and Pencils, Specks, Thimbles and Lockets; Children's Armlets and Necklaces ; Studs, Collar and Sleeve Buttons. SILVERWARE. Tea Setts, Pitchers, Waiters, Goblets. Cups, Ladles ; Table, Tea, Dessert, Salt, Sugar and INIustard Spoons ; Dinner, Dessert and Pickle Forks; Dessert, Fruit, and Fish Knives, of the best quality. tr^= PLATED WAKE.— Englisli plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters and Candlesticks, of all sizes ; Spoons, Forks, Knives, &c. tl3=- SUNDRIES — Sv7ords, Epaulettes, Plumes, Sashes, Belts, Buttons, Coral Negligees, Necklaces and Armlets, fine Work Boxes, rich China Vases, Fans, Mantle Clocks, Walking Canes, and .Jewels. 1^ m^Sr jm^ jLi at jm^ For Odd Fellows, Masons, and Sons of Temperance List of the Names, and direction of the Streets, Lanes, and Alleys, in the City. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. Aiken Row Alexander America Amherst Ann Anson Archdale Ashley Atlantic Battery Bay Beaufain Bedon's Alley Bee Berresford Borgard Broad Bull Burn's Lane Buzards' Alley Brewster Cannon Chapel Charlotte Church Clifford Clifford Alley College Columbus Coming Concord Cooper Council numbers do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do run from Elizabeth to Meeting do Calhoun to Judith do Judith to Line do Bay to Nassau do Elizabeth to King do Market to Calhoun do Glueen to Beaufain do Calhoun to Spring do East-Battery to Church at the foot East-Bay & King do Reid to Columbus do King to Ashley River do Tradd to Elliot do Rutledge to Ashley Riv'r do King to Archdale do St. Philips to Rutledge do E. -Bay to Ashley River do Coming to Bennett's M. pond do Meeting to King do Beaufain to Wentworth entrance from Coming;, w'd 8 do King to President do VVash'ton to Elizabeth do Washington to Meeting do South-Bay to Pinckney do King to Archdale do King to Archdale do George to Calhoun do Bay to King do Beaufain to Line do Laurens to Calhoun North-eastern line of city do Ashley River to Tradd 10 Cumberland numbers run from Doughty do do Drake do do East-Bay do do East-Battery Elliott do do Elizabeth do do Exchange do do Franklin, do do Friend do do Gadsden do do Gadsden Alley do do George do do Gibbs do do Gillon do do Glebe do do Green do do Green hill do do Guingnard do do Hampden Court do do Hanover do do Hasel do do Hayne do do Henrietta do do Horlbeck Alley do do Hudson do do Inspection do do Jasper's Court do do John do do Judith do do King do do Ladson Court LamboU do do Laurens do do Legare do do Liberty do do Lightwood Alle^ 'do do Line do do Linguard do do Lodge Alley do do Logan do do Longitude Lane do do Lynch -do do East-Bay to Meeting Rutledge to President Reid to Cooper Battery to Calhoun Lower part of East-Bay East-Bay to Church Calhoun to Mary Atlantic whf to East-Bay Broad to Magazine Tradd to Glueen Beaufain to Bennet'sM. P Elliott to Broad Anson to Coming Legare to Ashley River Atlantic whf to East-Bay Wentworth to George St. Phillips to Coming Ashley River to Tradd East-Bay to Anson America to Hanover South to Line East-Bay to King Anson to Meeting Elizabeth to Meeting Meeting to King Meeting to Kmg Wharf to East-Bay Radcliffe to Marion Elizabeth to King Alexander to Elizabeth South-Bay to Line Entrance 23^ Meeting King to Legare Wharf to Anson South-Bay to I'radd King to St. Philips Church to Meeting Cooper riv. to Ashley Riv State to Church East-Bay to State Tradd to Broad East-Bay to Church Ashley r. to Bennet's m. p 11 Marion Marsh M'Bride Lane Magazine Mazyck Meeting Middle Mill Minority Montague Morris Mott's Lane Nassau New Orange Paine Court Philadelphia Pitt President Price's Alley Princess Pusly Glueen Radcliffe Rafer's Alley Reid Roper's Court Rutledge Savage Shepherd Short Sires Sires Alley Smith Smith Lane Society South Spring St. Michaels St. Philips Thomas Tobacco Tradd 1* numbers run from do do e do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do r do do do do do do do do do do r do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Ll'ydo do do do do do do do do do Jasper's Court to Smith Vernon to Calhoun King to St. Philips Archdale to FrankHn Broad to Beaufain South-Bay to Line Vernon to Calhoun Rutledge to Lucas' Mill East-Bay to Wall Coming to Ashley liver King to Coming Pinckney to Anson Mary to Line Tradd to Broad Tradd to Broad Entrance Coming, w'd 8 Q,ueen to Cumberland Beaufain to Vanderhorst Doughty to Spring Meeting to King King to Archdale Spring to Line East-Bay to Rutledge King to Rutledge Market to Guingnard Bay to King Entrance 44^ Meeting Broad to Line Tradd to Broad King to Coming Mazyck to Franklin Spring to Borgard Line to Shepherd Glueen to Cannon Meeting to King East-Bay to King Hanover to Nassau Meeting to Ashley river Church to Meeting Beaufain to Line Vanderhorst to Radcliffe Citadel square to King East-Bay to Ashley river 12 Unity Alley numbers run from East-Bay to State Vernon do do Wharf to East Bay Wall do do Laurens to Calhoun Warren do do King to Smith Water do do East-Battery to Meeting Wentworth do do East.Bay to Gadsden West do do Archdale to Mazyck Wharf do do Laurens to Calhoun Williams Row do do Meeting to R. R. Track Wilson do do Magazine to Beaufain Woolfe do do Nassau to king Wiagg Square Entrance Meeting, w'd 5 WHARVES. The Wharfs are divided from the Streets by East-Bay^ and commence at East-Battery^ and come in the following order: Southern Wharf, Commercial Wharves, Vanderhorst Wharf, Adger's Wharves, Boyce & Co's Wharf, Atlantic Wharves, Dewees' Wharf, Brown's Wharf, Accommo- dation Wharf, Eraser's Wharves, Fitzsimons' Wharves Market Wharf, Dry Dock Wharf, Union Wharves, Marsh's Wharf, Palmetto Wharf, Patton's Wharf, Ben- netts' Wharf, Wilmington Steam Packet Wharf, Kirk- wood & Knox's Wharf, iMcLaren's Wharf, Addison & M'Intosh's Wharf, Smith's Wharf, Dereef 's Wharf. WARDS. There are Eight Wards in the City. The four Lower Wards are divided from the Upper by Calhoun Street ; these are divided by Queen Street one way, and by Meeting Street the other way. The four Upper Wards are divided by Amherst, Wolfe, and Can- non Streets one way, and by King Street the other way. By looking at the direction of the Streets, the Wards may easily be distinguished. DIRECTORY A. Abbott, George, paint, oil and lamp dealer, 97 East-bay " Mrs. milliner and dress maker, 43 Wentworth Abrahams, tailor, 39 Archdale " Elias, 94 Queen " A. H., merchant, 38 State " J. J., silk dyer and scourer, 15 St. Philips Abrams, Abram, machinist, 30 Tradd " Alex, factor, Dewee's whf, 33 St. Philip Adams, E. L. factor, Adger's whf, cor. Smith and Bull " Mrs. 120 King " Alex, clerk, 220 King " W. S. bricklayer and stove dealer, 34 Broad, 82 Wentworth '* A. seaman, 1 1 Middle Addison & Mcintosh, ship builders, Marshal whf '' J. S. ship builder, Marshal whf, 26 Marsh '* George, watchmaker, 185 East-bay '* James, wood factor, 9 South-bay, 15 So.-bay " Wm. mechanic, 26 Beaufain " John, ship carpenter, St. Philip, ward 6 « Alex St. Philip, ward 6 Adger, Jas. & Co. cotton merchants, Adger's whf " Jas. cotton merchant, Adger's whf, King, ward 7 u Rob't '* " " " '« Jas. jr. " " " «' '' W. & J. E. hardware dealers, 54 East bay »* W. hardware dealer, 54 East-bay, Charlotte t' J. E. " " " 200 East-bay " J. R. pastor Anson st. Church, 247 East-bay Adicks, John, bootmaker. King, ward 5 Adkins, S. pilot, 57 East-bay Adsden, Martha, 52 Coming 2 2 AffanassiefFe, D. paint dealer, 37 Coming Agrill, Mrs. S., Callioun Agnew, Jannes, wheelwright, King, Reid Ahrens, C. D. grocer, 165 King « John, clerk, 19 Wall " Henry, clerk, 57 Coming Aiken, Wm. planter, Edisto I., cor, Elizabeth and Judith " J. D. attorney, St. Michael's alley, cor. Charlotte and Alex. Aimar, C. P. accountant, 244 King, 30 Archdale « G. W. clerk, 31 Broad, 30 Archdale Ainger, Mrs E., 39 Tradd Albergotti, T. E. 48 Church " W. clerk. Meeting, 48 Church " T. W. co.nfectioner, 366 King Albers, Frederick, drayman, Wolfe Alburn, John, clerk, 66 Beaufain Albright, Mrs. midwife, 27 Anson " G. tailor, 37 Queen " N. grocer, 19 South-bay Alderson, J. F. door, sash and blind maker, Council, co?. Council and Trc.dd Alexander, Thomas, 12 F'ast-bay '« G. H. T. clerk, 30 East-bay, 19 State " ' R. N. clerk, 25 Vendue range, 48 Bull '' Sam'l,. harbor master, 89 East-bay, cor. Bull and Lynch " H. D. clerk Union Bank, 106 Church " S. rigger, 45 King " J. physician, Calhoun, ward 5 " J. D. clerk and notary Bank S, of S. C., Cal- houn, ward 6 «' Mrs. H., Calhoun, ward 5 Alfs, C. castor oil manuf. King, ward 5 Allan, Alex, carpenter, Rutledge, ward 8 '' Mrs. milliner, " " Allason, Thos. saddler and harness dealer, 293 King Allemong, A. A. attorney, 17 Broad, 61 Meeting Allen, T. P. bookseller and stationer, 116 Meeting, 5 Soc'y Allerd, Thos. clerk, 280 King Allers, C. grocer, Calhoun, ward 5 Alley, J. B. P. cabinet maker, 62 Queen, 80 King Allison, G. bootmaker, 87 Church Alston, R. A. clerk, 143 Meeting, Commercial Hotel " Charles, planter at VVaccamaw, 15 East-battery " Mrs. C. 7 East Battery " Wm. planter at VVaccamaw, Ashley " Catharine, 20 Burns lane Ambler, D. A. hatter, 161 Meetin":, Charleston Hotel Amell, A. M., pro. Sailors' Home," 8 Market Amlox, bootmaker, 38 Q,ueen Amme, H. tailor, 17 dueen " D. A. grocer, 22 St. Philip Ancrum, Hasell, planter, ^ ary Anderson, A. T. accountant, 54 East-bay, 236 King ^' Rob't, accountant, 20 Cumberland, 48 Meeting " A. tavern keeper, 30 Stnte *' W. H. physician, 13 Hasell, 22 Society " Daniel, coachmaker, Jasper's corner " A. C. clerk, cor. King and Market, Victoria Htl ^' A L. clerk, I Hayne, Meeting Andrews, J. J. J. clerk, 24 Vendue range, cor. Society and Meeting A. O. factor, 27 Hasell Angel, Mrs. R. private boarding, Carolina Hotel Angele, Jas. fruiter, 4 Guingard Angres, John, tailor, 99i East-bay Angus, John, milkseller, Nassau '• Thomas C. butcher, Nassau Annely, Miss A. M. 8 Rutledge ^.' Miss A. L. « Ansell, H. L. clerk, 110 East-bay, 279 King " John, cabinet maker, 296 King " F. '• " Anthony, Mrs. J., King, ward 5 Apela, D. grocer, cor. King and Reid Apeler, J. F. grocer. Chapel Apler, cabinet maker, 4 Beau fain Archer, Benjamin, coach trimmer, 47 St. Philip Arlay, James, America Armstrong, W. G. accountant Bennett's mills, Charlotte " D. F. clerk, 155 East-bay, Charlotte " J. A. clerk, 133 Meeting, Market " James, clerk, 35 Hayne', Market " William, clerk, 35 Hayne, Market ^' A. D. clerk, 31 Hayne, Wentworth Armstrong, L. saddler, 47 Coming « A. clerk, Hayne, 17 Middle Arms, Miss, 18 George Arnau, Michael, blacksmith, Calhoun, Washington Arner, J. J. clerk, 238 King, 102 Church Arnold, Thos. printer, 66 Glueen '' F. bootmaker, 100 Meeting " John, stone cutter, 1 1 Tradd 'f R. blacksmith, 129 Church, 7 College " Mrs. L, 15 Smith Arnot, William, painter, 29 Broad Arnholder, William, gas fitter, 16Beaufain Artman, John, coach maker, 5 Archdale Artope, G. P sup't Bennett's mills, Bennett's mills Ashby, L. P. printer, 159 King " Mrs. H. private boarding, 43 East-bay ^' Mrs. E. dressmaker, 159 King " Miss A. 2 West Ashe, Col. John S. 23 Meeting Ash, H. hatter, 149 King Ashton, William, watchmaker, 210 King Aspinwall, Albert, tailor, Henrietta Astle, George, milkseller, 84 King Atkinson, C. com. mcht, 2 Central whf, Mansion House " Thomas, Coming Aubert & Soyer, confectioners, 285 King Aubert, L. M. confectioner, 285 King Austin, Robert, broker, 10 State, Planters' Hotel Aveilhe, P. A. com. merchant, 171 East-bay, George Avery, L. accountant, 157 Meeting, Victoria Hotel Awls, Misses, 8 George Axson, W. J. clerk. Commercial whf, 17 Meeting " J. W. clerk, 35 Hayne, 17 Meeting " H. T. clerk, 24 Hayne, 17 Meeting " C. H. magistrate, 63 Broad, 6 King « Mrs. A 33 Kmg " S. E. ship carpenter, 33 King B. Babcock, W. R bookseller and stationer, 259 King, Plant- ers' Hotel <» W. H. medical student, Planters' Hotel •5 Babcock, T. C. clerk, 259 King, 236 King Babson, Mrs. 55 Stale Backes, F. watchmaker, 82 Meeting BacotjR. W. factor, 13 Southern \vhf,cor. King and Tradd " Mrs. T. W , cor. King and Tradd '• R. D. clerk, 26 East-bay, 61 Coming Bacon, J. C. S. clerk, 192 King, 159 King " J W. painter, 159 Kinn Backus, F. & Co. dry goods, 192 King " F. dry goods, 192 King Bachman, J. pastor Lutheran church, Rutledge, ward 6 , Badger, Mrs. Mary, 116 King Badenhoj's, H. clerk, Rutledge and Spring Baer, Charles, bathing house, 63 Church Bagget, J. H. publisher City Directory, Merchants' Hotel Bahntege, H. grocer, 76 Church " F. W. grocer, cor. Calhoun and Alexander Bailey, S. M. clerk, cor. East-bay and Commercial whf, " J. A grocer, 98 East-bay, Planters' Hotel " J. G. clerk, 219 King, Merchants Hotel " David, attorney, 77 Broad, Hudson " Samuel, seaman, Bedon's alley " Gerard, 50 Meeting « Mrs. M. 49 'Calhoun " R. S., physician, Hudson Bailing, Mrs., Wragg square Bakeman, J. C. grist miller. Market, St. Philip, ward 6 Baker, H. Harned, commissioner of deeds, 281 King " H. F. packet agent and coal dealer, 120 E.-bay, 19 Smith " H. Hern, clerk, 181 East-bay, Lamboll " T. E. tavern keeper, Market and Meeting, King " E. B. clerk. 159 Meeting, 94 Tradd '*' B. E. clerk, 42 East-bay, 20 King " Robert, planter, 249 King " R. B. planter, Ashley river, 8 Lamboll " R. S. pastor St. Mary's Church, 62 Wentwarth *' E. B. engineer, King, ward 6 *' F. A. plasterer, Coming Ball, Isaac, 30 Society « Mrs. E. 25 Lynch " John, planter, Cooper river, cor. Vernon and E.-bay •" W. J. " " " " 2* Ballard, Joseph, accountant, Standard office, 75 King " John, carpenter, Hanover Bancroft, Goodwin & Dawson, com. mer. 94 &, 96 E.-bay " J. & Co. corn, merchants, 94 and 96 East-bay '' James jr. " 15 Coming " James, " " «' Ed. '• " « E. W. dry goods, 143 Meeting, Charleston Hti " W. G. dry goods. 253 and 255 King, <' « J K. clerk, 253 and 255 King, " Banks, H, R. dry goods, 41 Hayne, 75 Wentworth ' *' W . L, clerk, 41 Hayne, 9 Short « Mrs. H. L. 9 Short Barber, F. C. broker, 1 16 Church Barbot, A. commission merchant, 41 East Bay " P. G. accountant, Commercial whf, 41 East-bay " L. J. clerk, 46 Broad, 41 East-bay *' A. A. engineer, " " t: A. O. '• '* " < C. D. clerk, 4 Broad, " '« " A. jr. engineer, " " Barfield, J. S. clerk, 235 King, 9 Franklin Bargman, P. grocer, Rutledge Barh, L, N. com. mer Adger's whf, America Barker & Wardhiw, factors and com. mer. Atlantic whf " S. G. factor and comission merchant, Atlantic whf, cor. Glebe and Wentworth " Theodore, 70 Wentworth « Mrs H. C. 20 Coming Barksdale, Miss M 18 Hasell Barnet, Juliet, Mazyck Barns, Thos railroad conductcr, Columbus " Jas butcher, John Barnwell, Ed. jr. factor, 3 Southern whf, cor. Meeting and Price's alley *♦ Nathaniel, factor, 19 Vanderhorst whf, 43 E Bay " J L clerk, cor King and Market, Mazyck (f B S " " " " " *' Wm pas|or St Peter's church Barrader, Jos railroad engineer, 14 Beaufain Barre, John, spirits dealer, 23 Market, 24 George Barrette, R clerk, 177 King, 76 King Barren, Jos carpenter, 37 Montague Barron, Jos wheelwright, Calhoun, ward 5 Barron, Francis, carpenter, 5 Montague Barrot, Jacob, planter, Drake Barrow, David, clerk, IG East-bay, 2 Magazine Barrow.s, J E carpenter, 26 Mazyck Barry, John, dry goods, King, ward 6 Bartels, Wm tailor, 18 Calhoun Barth, W H C clerk 109 East-bay, 7 Liberty Bartless, W H com mer, 4 Vendue range, Spring Bartlett, F C boots and shoes, 283 King, Coming, ward 6 " Wm, America " Rev J L teacher, 77 Wentworth Barton, A J clerk, 89 Beaufain, 116 Wentworth " J physician 54 Tradd Basset, O printer, 38 Coming Bass, J A clerk, 135 Meeting, Commercial Hotel " Margaret, Coming, ward 6 Bascon, Q, upholsterer. Coming, ward 6 Bates, J R clerk 135 Meeting, Merchants' Hotel " Edwin, clothier 118 Meeting, Pavilion Hotel " E engineer, 72 Church " Miss M teacher, 14 Church " Miss J teacher, 14 Church Battersby, Jos com mer, Adger's whf Batchelder. J pile driver 147 East-bay, King Baum, J A accountant 286 King " J P leather and findings 286 King Baussang. Francis fruiter, 78 King Baxtell, Mrs R R 12 Church Baxter Mrs, King, ward 6 Beach, W H fancy goods 19 Hayne, Charleston Hotel " J S bookseller and stationer 5 Hayne, Bee " E M grain deafer cor East-bay and Commercial whf, Meeting Beamer, Charlotte, St Philip, ward 6 Beattie, Mrs Ann, Cannon Beaufort, A bootmaker 94 Meeting Beaudrot, Jos gunsmith 45 State, 1 Cumberland Beazley, W B dry goods 349 King Becher, F H accountant, 14 Liberty Beckett, W L clerk 253 King, 49 Beaufain Beckman, C J grist miller 61 Market, St Philip " J C " " John •'* JO clerk, Calhoun, ward 6 '8 ■Beckman, A, Coming " J F attorney Ct House square, Calhoun, wd 6 " John laborer, Rutledge, ward 8 " Charles clerk railroad, Radcliffe Bee, W C factor 13 Southern whf, 108 Tradd " J P wharfinger 6 Southern whf, 4 Orange " R R cooper Adger's whf, cor Legare and S-bay " G W clerk 76 East bay, 8 Beaufain " J R ship chandler 123 East-bay, 8 Beaufain " W H sea captain, 33 King " J M collector and notary State Bank, 8 Beaufain " J B out-door clerk State Bank, 8 Beaufain " Henry laborer, King, ward 6 " Mrs J, Rutledge, ward 6 " Wrn finisher, Rutledge, ward 6 *'• Benjamin finisher, Rutledge, ward 6 *' Richard blacksmith, Rutledge, ward 6 " J J carpenter, Cannon " & Tylee, ship chandlers 123 East-bay Beesley, John tailor. King " James tavern keeper 20 Q,ueen Behan, Thomas gardener, Spring Behling, E F tavern keeper, cor Elliott and East-bay Behrans, F W tailor, 93 King Behre, H grocer cor St Philip and Warren " Henry shopkeeper, Radcliffe Beisner, H grocer 66 Beaufain Bekotter, W bootmaker 73 Meeting, 28 Market Belin, A H planter Georgetown district, 93 Broad Belitzer, J clothier 265 King Bell, J L cooper cor E-bay and Boyce's whf, 71 Meeting " Wm planter St Thomas parish, 38 Society " Wm pilot, 73 East-bay " Samuel pilot, 57 Tradd " David accountant Merchants' Hotel, 6 Broad " Sarah dressmaker, 2 Green Bellinger, John physician, 1 1 College « Mrs H, 10 Bull Belser. Mrs L, 20 Friend Benford, Mary J, Spring Benjamin, S A clothier under American Hotel Bennett, W J rice mill East-bay, 28 Montague ■'« J B printer, 109 Church Bennett, C G printer, 109 Church '' J S K assistant teller Union Bank, Charlotte " S P lumber measurer, 98 Beaufain '' E S physician 23 Rutledge " Thomas, steam saw mill west end Calhoun " T B superintendant saw mills, Calhoun Bensch, Charles tavern keeper 143 King Bense, John laborer, Anson Benson, W G auctioneer, Morris Benthan, Emeline pastry cook, 49 St Philip Bentschner, J clerk 265 King Bergman, A trader, Spring Berlin & Nathans, grocers King, ward 6 " R grocer King, ward 6, King, ward 5 Bernard, A W planter Combahee, 6 Legare " Mrs C milliner 257 King Berrie, C J clerk 300 King, 65 King Berry, Thomas clerk 143 East-bay, 47 Calhoun " Francis clerk 18 Broad, 47 Calhoun MrsM, 47 Calhoun " M steamship captain, 127 King Bessent, A W clerk 246 King, cor Meeting and Market Betsel, J M coachmaker, Cumberland Bettison, Elizabeth, 15 Mazyck Betts, W H hardware 80 East bay " J B fancy goods 135 Meeting, 21 Cumberland " EC clerk 155 Meeting, 21 Cumberland '' Charles presiding elder, Calhoun, ward 6 Beverson, J G clerk 13 Beaufain, 11 Beaufain Beylot, Francis cook, Nassau Bia, H clerk 25 Broad, 99^ East bay Biance, A bootmaker 57 Church Bicaise, B P gunsmith 50 State " P P gunsmith 50 State " Mrs Ann private boarding 225 East-bay '' M Ann mantuamaker, Calhoun, ward 5 Bickley,John planter, Vanderhorst " J C clerk 68 East.bay, Vanderhorst Billings. Mrs J, Williams row Bilton, George tailor, 9 Tradd Bing, Gordon carter, Coming, ward 6 " Robert tailor, Morris " John tailor, Morris 10 Binglej, C W 253 East-bay " D P clerk 41 Hayne, 253 East-bay Binns, John proprietor of drays, Hanover Birch, Mrs C A. 12 Coming Bird, J S & Co, fancy and military goods, 225 King " J S fancy and military goods, 225 King , " C H clerk 225 King, 16 Coming ^ '' Wm ship builder 23 South-bay'^ 100 Wentworth '' Cooper wood factor Bennett's mill, 100 Wentworth " Wm jr ship carpen;er, 100 Wentworth Biren, J K cooper, Elizabeth <* Birnie & Ogilvie, hardware 21 Broad " Wm president Bank S C, Smith BischofF, H grocer 55 East-bay " A grocer 163 East-bay " J grocer 5 King Bishop, Henry clerk, 50 St Philip Bisken, H clerk, 80 Beaufain Bisscll, J B clerk 147 Meeting, 36 Wentworth " T L clerk 155 Meetin^g, 36 Wentworth Bize, R B farmer, Wolfe Black, F C com merchant 11 Exchange, 41 Wentworth " S C clerk 11 Exchange, 41 Wentworth " AW notary public 91 East-bay, 11 Savage " EJ clerk 91 East-bay, aueen " Mrs S shopkeeper 41 King " Mrs D baker 1 89 King " A F wood factor Southern whf, 9 Savage " G W mason, 29 Society " Thomas, 29 Society Blacklock, J F factor cor E-bay and Vanderhorst's whf, 4 Bull Blackman, Joseph druggist 17 Broad, 22 Beaufain '' James clerk railroad, 22 Beaufain Mrs S, 22 Beaufain Blackwood, J C clerk Brown's whf, 8 Montague " B G clerk 54 East-bay, Commercial Hotel " MrsH, 28 Pitt Bladen, B plasterer, 30 Tradd Blain, J E A clerk Atlantic whf, 120 Queen " Mrs N T teacher, 120 Queen Blair, Mrs teacher, Meeting:, ward 5 " W McN clerk 151 East bay, Meeting, ward 5 11 Blake, J A clerk 76 East-bay, 10 Water " Peter porter 181 East-bay " H C clerk cor King and Market, 236 King " Etl assistant clerk Bank S C, 10 Water " Mrs J, cor Thomas and Warren " John carpenter, Calhoun, ward 5 Blanchild, S carpenter, Coming, ward 5 " Ed carpenter, RadclifFe Bland, James carpenter, Henrietta Blanding-, W attorney 34 Broad, 2 Logan " O attorney 11 Broad, 2 Logan " Mrs, 2 Logan Blank, Wm carpenter, 6 Middle " Mary mantuaraaker, Coining, ward 6 Blanmyer, Wm planter St John's parish, 273 East-bay Bliss, T W tinner 109 Meeting, 11 Horlbeck alley Biohme, J C grocer 66 Meeting Blondo, E, 70 Anson Bloom, H confectioner 16 King Blueto, John constable, 8 Orange Blum &, Cobia, auction and com merch 26 Vendue range " J Charles auc and com 26 Vendue rann^e, 6 Beaufn " F C lumber factor 98 Beaufain, St Philip, ward 6 " J Andrew teacher, Mary Blya, Patrick dry goods, King, ward 5 Blyding, C accountant 26 Hayne, cor Market and King Boag, C L clerk 24 Vendue range, 24 George " T G clerk Atlantic whf, 24 George Bobbs, Elizur, Henrietta Bocken, H grocer 59 Market Boerin, Mary 81 VVentworth Boerro,E fruiter 60 Market Boesch, J U coppersmith 18 Market " N, French dyer 80 King Boggs, Robert clerk 25 Hayne, 236 King Bohlts, Mrs M grocer 24 Archdale Boils, H L teacher Wentworth, 23 Pinckney Boinest, Mrs M 46 aueen Bolger, H H cabinet maker, King, ward 5 " T W harness maker, Kinir, ward 5 Boll, A M, Spring Bolles, J H clerk 25 1 King, 249 King Bellman, B clerk 16 Vendue range, 1 Horlbeck alley 12 Bonman,D22St Philip " H grocer 320 King Bolzhoz, Theodore moulder, 20 Middle Bomar, proprietor Commercial Hotel cor Glueenand Chch Boncheneau, C bond and register clerk custom house Bonck, Henry nurse hospital, poor house Bonfield, L bootmaker 102 (iueen Eonneau & Mazjck, shipping mchts 7 Boyce & Go's whf " FN shipping merchant 7 Boyce & Go's whf, 106 Tradd '» Miss M 5 Friend " Miss A 5 Fiiend " Miss E 5 Friend Bonnell, Thomas com mcht 13 Exchange, 6 Atlantic " Jacob wheelwright, 6 Atlantic " John 6 Atlantic " John iron mcht Boyce & Go's whf, 84 Wentworth Bonner, John carpenter 302 King Bonnoit, J F clerk 259 King, cor King and Calhoun Bonymaster, 58 Meeting Boome, J S attorney 20 Broad, 10 Middle Boon, W J bricklayer. Bee Boothe, Wm 10 Magazine Bordenave, John tobacconist 103 East-bay, 28 Middle Boring, W H tobacconist. King, ward 7 Borneman, F engraver, 271 King Bose, Peter clerk 192 King Bostwick, Ed attorney 9 Broad, 13 South-bay Bouge, Mrs E 38 George Boultan, Peter 118 King Bonnetheau, E W magistrate 34 Broad Bours, T B dry goods 40 East bay, 41 Church Bouse, John carpenter, Paine court Bowen, Mrs M 24 South-bay Bowers, J A, Line Bowie, J S & L dry goods 122 Meeting " J S dry goods 122 Meeting, 22 Hasell " L dry goods 122 Meeting, 13 Hasell " Robert clerk 122 Meeting, 22 Hasell " J Sheridan clerk 122 Meeting, 22 Hasell Bowls, A 65 Calhoun Bowman, G A accountant 30 Broad, 3 Franklin " Mrs E L 30 Pitt 13 Bowman, mrs M, 30 pitt st Bowriej H J bootmaker 25 beaufain st, 85 wentworth st Boyce, John drajman, ann st " Jerome dr.iyman, 63 anson st Boyling, Patrick laborer, 24 tradd st Bojlan, P clerk cor meeting and market sts Bojlston, H physician, king st, ward 5 " J R dry goods I hayne st, king st, ward 5 " H jr clerk 1 hayne st, king st, ward 5 Bradford, W blacksmith gillon st, vernon st " & Patton, fac and com, accommodation whf " J B fac and com, accom'n whf, huntsville, ala Brady, John clerk brown's whf, 122 church st " Patrick wood factor su)ith's whf, church st " Patrick dry goods 74 king st '' F grist mill 17 bull st, 12 archdale st " mrs E, 11 calhoun st " mrs C, 1 1 calhoun st " mrs M, 11 calhoun st Bradley, C P farmer, sires st " J C tavern keeper four mile house, sires st Braid man, Henry laborer meeting st, ward 7 Brailsford, J M physician 37 east-bay, 15 church st " R M physicianj cannon st ■' mrs, cannon st " W R com merchant 4 gillon st, 1 orange st Branch, J L clerk 1 16 east-bay, broad st Brandes, Peter pussly st Branan, Thomas drayman 13 marsh st Branford, C G coachmaker mary st Brant, C W ship carpenter 2 Washington st " H F confectioner 299 kingst " Thomas mechanic 92 anson st Brawley, J H dry goods 181 east-bay " J M clerk 181 east-bay, 256 king st Bredenberg, J H grocer 87 kingst " C F grocer cor calhoun and st philip sts Breeden, Benjamin grocer cor coming and cannon sts Breen, Michael finisher, meeting st, ward 5 Breese, W C teller bank south Carolina, 3 maiden lane Brenon, Luke guardman 73 king st Brener, Wm grocer cor cannon and smith sts Bresnan, J T clerk king st, 5 liberty st 3 14 Brett, James contractor, radclifFe st Breiver, mrs M 6 liberty st Brewster, C R attorney 65 meeting st, vanderhorst st Bridges, John sea captain, 5 state st Briggs, David planter, 86 tradd st Bright, James cooper 21 1 east-bay, calhoun st Brigcoft, A bootmaker 1 19 king st Brisbane, Wm planter, 20 pitt st " AH professor of belles lettres citadel academy Brisinden, H J professor of music 99 wentworth st BristoU, W B boots and shoes 228 king st " T M boots and shoes 232 king st " J D clerk 232 king st " J A clerk 228 king st " mrs E private boarding 9 horlbeck alley " A tailor, 9 horlbeck alley Britton, mrs H shopkeeper 44 king st " R A printer, 44 king st " C printer, meeting st Broadford, David upholsterer 120 king st " John bootmaker 120 king st " Frances 5 tradd st Brock, H C clerk 220 king st >/ Brodie, Robert lumber factor broad st, 158 east-bay " J W lumber factor broad st, 115 queen st " E clerk broad st, merchants' hotel " J K clerk cor vanderhorst and st philip sts " Furman clerk cor vanderhorst and st philip sts " R H planter at goose creek, 45 coming st " Thomas tailor 21 calhoun st Brookbanks, W gasfitter 6 liberty st Broom, James v^^harfrnger allanlic whf Brown, RE factor southern whf, 43 church st " Robert factor southern whf. 43 church st " Robert & co, factors southern whf '' G W com mer brown's whf, 8 montague st " James public weigher market st, 4 beaufain " & Strobel, ship grocers 147 east-bay ^ J W ship grocer 147 east-bay, 2 george st " A McD accountant 153 east-bay, 8 glebe st " T butcher, 87 market st " J clerk cor king and market sts, king st " & Stone, crockery 147 meeting st " B F crockery 147 meeting st, 154 meeting si 15 Brown, G H clerk 147 meeting st, corner beaufain and st philipsts " J P clerk 1 47 meeting st, coming st, ward 6 " E T clerk 1 16 meeting st, 49 anson st '' EG fancy goods 26 hayne st, Charleston hotel " J M planter, 43 church st " J W clerk southern whf, 106 church st " T barber 61 church st, mary st " George grocer 47 broad st " AS clerk 232 king st " A L watchmaker 236 king st " G B clerk 248 king st, 2 society st " J B engineer, 2 society st " R McO clerk 231 king st, 26 coming st " H N clerk 243 king st, 26 coming st • '' George clerk 253 king st, queen st " J caps 317 king st " A P attorney 30 broad st " AH attorney 30 broad st, greenhill st " Wm 41 tradd st " W S dentist 49 anson st '' J K planter at goose creek, 49 anson st " C P teacher areiidale st, 49 anson st V " John sawyer 2 Philadelphia st " Charles coffee shop 9 queen st " mrs M 9 Clifford st " mrs J private boarding 4 beaufain st " Sarah 14 magazine st " mrs A 39 society st " mrs C 26 coming st " Scott Carpenter 24 coming st " E W builder and contractor 6 coming st " mrs M 23 coming st " mrs S 17 pitt st " W W carpenter cor meeting and mary sts " Malcolm bootmaker st philip st, ward 6 " mrs M seamstress coming st, ward 6 " J D supt public seminary rutledge st, ward 8 " John clerk railroad, vanderhorst st " P W tinner, hanover st Browne, R C grain dealer corner east-bay and commerciai whf, 41 tiadd st Brownell, mrs M J 136 queen st 16 Browning, A F dry goods cor king and market sts, 3 pitt st " C H clerk cor king and market sts, 13 bull st " mrs H 13 bull st Brownfield, J W planter in sumter district, 26 magazines! Brosna, D tavern keeper market st Broughton, W W clerk 253 king st, 49 beaufain st " AT clerk post office. 8 new st " mrs M 37 society st " mrs M 51 wentworth st Bruggeman, H bootmaker 333 kingst Brugman, Peter dentist 14 smith st Brunkards, Wm mechanic 59 tradd st Bruns, H M teacher high school, 11 pitt st " N scissors grinder 58 state st " H grocer 55 anson st " R T accountant central whf, corner wentworth and pitt sts Branson, C H grocer rutledge st Brush, D clerk cor meeting and wolf sts Bryan, T A factor and com mer 3 boyce's whf, 65 broad st " G S attorney 26 broad st, 27 church st " Jonathan paying teller planters and mechanics bank >f " J M hardware dealer 349 king st " John custom house officer, bee st " E B legare st Buchanan, C tailor 1 queen Buck, Henry baker 4 wall st Buckelhoff, grocer 89 queen st Buckholder, J laborer, williams row Bucking, J H painter, williams row Buckley, J merchant tailor 82 meeting st Buckner, A F mason 86 queen st Bucklin, John laborer, 1 Washington st Budd, T G commission merchant 76 east-bay, 21 anson st Buhre, J F grocer cor anson and america sts " D tavern keeper line st Buist, C B attorney, rear court house " G & H attorneys, st michael's alley " G attorney st michael's alley, 3 rutledge st '' H attorney st michael's alley, 3 rutledge st Bull, E coppersmith cor east-bay and market sts, cor east- bay and williams' whf " W Izard planter in st andrew's parish, 100 broad st 17 Bulwinkle, F grocer 101 church st " John grocer 2 king st Bulwinkle, D iirocer 105 queen &t " H 31 coming st " H grocer cor charlotte and elizabeth sts " D grocer cor ann and elizabeth sts " D grocer cor nassau and mary sts Bulow, T L planter in st andrew's par, cor cannon k king Burch, R T clerk 18 broad st, 49 east-bay Burckmyer & Moffet, com merchants 78 east bay " J C com mer 78 east-bay, 22 society st " J G clerk 78 east-bay, 22 society st ■" C Lcom mer 14 hayne, 13 coming " J A com mer 98 east-bay, 13 coming Burdell, T S clerk atlantic whf, chapel st " T J clerk 306 king st, 9 franklin st " F M clerk railroad, calhoun st, ward 6 " Robert mechanic, chapel st ■" mrs E chapel st Burger. S J clothier 273 king st, 63 beaufain &t Burgess, J S printer, 1 1 new st " S E 1 1 new st Burie, J printer, 23 anson st Burke, Samuel boat-builder market whf, 33 wall st " G R clerk 149 meeting st " Michael porter 143 meeting st, 35 queen st " J clerk meeting st, 75 church st " James dry goods 136 king st " L & T dry goods 204 king st " L dry goods 204 king st, 'Zl friend st " T dry goods 204 king st, 27 friend st " A J printer and stationer 40 broad st, 23 tradd " Edmund guardman, 80 queen st " James laborer, 64 queen st " A B physician 5 st philip st " John clerk railroad, meeting st, ward 5 Burkely, John engineer, 27 anson st Burleigh, W H clerk 51 broad st, state st Burn, Wm planter in st andiew's parish, cannon st " Henry planter in st andrew's parish, cannon st " T A wharfinger vanderhorst's whf, 17 coming st Burner, J clerk 108 east-bay " C grocer 39 beaufain st 3* 1'8 Burner, C jr clerk 39 beaufain st Burnham, Wm macliinist, laurens st Burnhain, R W druggist 343 king st Burns, John rice dealer 127 east-bay, 31 kingst " D M clerk 4? broad st '^ O J clerk268 kmgst " John porter 145 meeting st, 32 queen st " M A 10 west st " James laborer, king st, ward 5 " E blacksmith, mary st Burnside, James clerk 54 east-bay, queen st Burrows, S L clerk 2 southern whf, 51 east-bay '* F G clerk commercial hotel, 51 east-bay " — pilot. 51 east-bay " Frederick pilot, 20 church st " J T carpenter 20 church st " Charles carpenter 20 church st " Henry engineer 20 church st Bur}'^, George jjlacksmith williams rov/ Busch, T D grocer calhoun st, ward 5 ^ S grocer 83 beaufain st Bushee, J J carpenter 26 queen st, wentworth st Butler, W B clerk adger's whf, Elizabeth st " B G clerk arlger's whf, Elizabeth st ^' A R clerk adger's whf, Elizabeth st '' R M com merchant 84 east bay. 17 wentworth st " J W clerk 84 east bay, 17 wentworth st " C T jeweller 1 15 king st, wentworth st '' W R upholster 177 king st, 104 queen st " Wra boot maker 83 queen st " John dry goods king st, ward 8 Butterfield, H L proprietor pavilion hotel ■^' A clerk pavilion hotel Butters, Charles clerk 237 king st, 236 king st Butts, John drayman woolfe st Buzby, G W bricklayer 24 bull st Byrean, John meeting st, ward 5 Byrne^ John packer 145 meeting st. church st Byrns, J B boot maker 62 state st '^ G boot maker, 25 state st ^ R boot maker, 25 state st 19 O. Oadow, Wm dry goods 82 east ba}-, planter's hotel Cadren, Jos shoe maker king st, ward 5 Cageney, John teacher cor st philip's and radcliffe sts Cahall, M laborer Cannon st Cain, VVnn planter st John's, coming st, ward 6 " D J physician 20 wcntworth st Calder, Jas jr clerk 82 east bay, meeting st " Alex clerk 26 vendue range, 2 friend st " Jas cabinet maker, 78 meeting st " Wm dry goods 246 and 248 King st, 246 King st Caldwell, E A clerk Central whf, Carolina hotel " R & A P auction & commission 25 vendue range " Richard auction &, commission 25 vendue range, 63 wentworth st " A P auction &. commission 25 vendue range, 74 meeting st " R & J & Co factors 10 central whf " Robt factor 10 central whf, mansion house " John factor 10 central whf, Columbia " J M factor & com merch allantic whf, Judith st " John jr clerk 155 east bay, 310 king st *' J W ship broker 89 east bay, 61 wentworth st ^' J & Son upholsters 310 King st " John upholsterer 310 king st " James upholsterer 310 king st " R W telgh operator, cor meeting and market sts Call, John laborer, 12 Philadelphia st Caloit, J M blacksmith, reid st Calvitt, John blacksmith, reid st Caly, James cooper, 9 marsh st Cambridge, S bootmaker 73 meeting st Cameron, JVIcDermid & Mustard, engineers and machinists, foot of hasell st " Archibald engineer and machinist, marsh st ^ G & H crockery and glass 145 meeting st " G S 145 meeting st, Charleston hotel '« HP] 45 meeting st, Charleston hotel " Susan 21 mazyck st Caminade, H mechanic 21 pinckney st " F turner 21 pinckney st ^' mrs H private boarding 21 pinckney &t 20 Cammer, mrs M J 94 beaufain st Campbell, W M accouniant 28 vendue range, 155 east-bay *' J I- ali'y at law *40 broad st, 84 beaufain st " J M physician 89 broad st Campbell, F livery stables 36 pinckney st, 40 coming st " John pastor st philip's church, I short st " J S G carpenter 46 bull st " L J barber king st, ward 6 " Jos farmer cannon st " Owen bricklayer.349 king st ♦' John clothier 66 market st Campsen & Ellerhorst, grain dealers 6 market st '' J grain dealer 6 market st " George boot maker 129 meeting st, 140 king st « H dry goods 140 king st, calhoun st Canale, A fruiter H market st Candkr, E naval stores 69 east bay Cane, Alfred tobacconist 6 broad st Cannady, Jas clerk 137 East Bay, Broad st " A clerk Idle st bay, meeting st " E carpenter 16 horlbeck's alley Canning, C printer 24 church st Cannon, George dry goods 312 kingst " mrs C A st philip's st, ward 8 '' T W machinist st philip's st, ward 8 '' J sea captain hanoverst Canter, mrs R 8 calhoun st Cantiwell, Thos laborer 7 king st Capers, W G clerk post office, 106 church st " T F broker broad st, 12 Legare st " W bishop st philip's st, ward 6 " Charles cannon st Carberry, John clerk atlantic whf " J B accountant 14 hayne st, charlotte st Cardoza, J N editor evening news. 249 king st " Isaac weigher custom house, 204 east bay Carew & Heart, publishers mercury 121 east bay Carew, J E editor, Washington st " Hamilton clerk 4 vendue range, Washington st '• mrs H meeting st, ward 5 Carew & Hopkins, s c shoe factory, cor king and John sts Carey & Couturier, druggists 35 broad st ^* Thos laborer 64 Queen st 21 Carey, E M drug-gist 35 brond st Carnighan,.Tohn pilot, 71 iradd st Carleghan, Wra dry goods 73 church st Carlisle, mrs 10 wall st Carby, mrs 24 tradd st Carmand, F turn r 188 meeting st " mrs Fi 86 queen st Carney, Peter porter 153 east bay Carpender, VV S planter King st '' mrs M cannon st Carmalt, J W accountant 97 east bay, Carolina hotel Carr & Flynn, drapers and tailors, 30 broad st "CD draper and tailor, 30 broad st, 31 meeting st " J printer, 183 king st *' mrs M 1 1^ queen st " John dry 'goods king st, ward 6 " John laborer 74 tradd st Carrere, W G wharfinger adger's whf, 1 orange st " M E physician radcliffe st Carrington, W watchmaker, 266 king st, 107 wentworth st Carroll, Alex assistant editor courier, pavilion hotel, " B livery stabler 126 meeting st " Ed clerk 306 king st '• J shoe manufature, 65 anson st " T boot maker, 65 anson st " Patrick pla-sterer 178 meeting st " P blacksmith 16 mazyck st *< BR teacljer king st, ward 5 " A fireman line st Carson, Harlee & Co., factors 5 boyce & co's whf " J M factor boyce & co's whf, 25 1 aureus st " Elisha factor boyce & co's whf, 25 laurens st '' D A factor boyce & co's whf, 5 hasel st " W J clerk, boyce & co's whf, 25 laurens st '• F clerk 38 church st '« Wm planter, 90 tradd st " M 15 west st " John farmer, Ann st Carsten, A clerk coming st, ward 6 '• EH city scavenger 24 montague st Cart, F G clerk adger's whf, calhoun st " mrs E 26 bull st " mrs L 26 bull st 22 Cart, Francis clerk, calhouii st, ward 6 Carter, J W clerk cor east-bay and com whf, 48 queen st " A bookseller 163 meeting st " Nelson druggist 153 meeting st, Charleston hotel Carter, John carpenter, 48 queen st " mrs J, grist mill 48 queen st Cartman, Thomas clerk 212 king st Carvalho, S N daguerreotypist 167 meeting st, calhoun st Casey, H 19 franklin st Caskin, John carpenter, america st " Henry laborer, line st Cassidy, John seaman, 24 mazyck st " John bricklayer, st philip st, ward 6 " C grocer, st philip st, ward 6 Cassin, W iVi tinner 2 queen st Castallon, Thomas shopkeeper 5 tradd st Castens, G H clerk cor east-baj' and elliott sts Casy, John clerk 125 east-bay Cater, T M auction and commission 30 vendue range, rut- ledge st, ward 5 Caulfield, James accountant 135 east-bay Caulier, George physician 12 queen st Causse, R clerk 254 king st, 279 king st Cay & Aveilhe, commission merchants 171 east bay " J E 171 east-bay, cor meeting and george sts " J A accountant 171 east-bay, cor meeting & george sts " A A clerk 171 east-bay, cor meeting and george sts Ceaf, Thomas laborer, 24 tradd st Chafee, O J com mer 179 east-bay, 15 george st " N U flour inspector queen st, 121 queen st " C H clerk 179 east-bay, 121 queen st Chamberlain & Bancroft, dry goods 143 meeting st " C V 143 meeting st, Charleston hotel Chambers & White, factors atlantic whf " J S atlantic whf, planters' hotel " BR clerk 135 meeting st, 11 george st " Thomas bootmaker 7 burns lane *' Ann, sires st Champlin, S coastwise insp'r custom house, 28 magazine st " Oliver accountant, 28 magazine st " John mason, 23 franklin st Chandler, mrs M, radclifl^e st .*' T P deputy sheriff, charlotte st 23 Channel, Wm carpenter, coming st, ward 6 Chapin. B A mechanic, columbus st '* Charles book binder 101 meeting st " L coachmdker 40 wentworth st, cor king and mar- ket sts Chaplin, B carpenter, 29 church st " W J clerk 283 king st, church st " mrs, 31 wentworth st Chapman, James com mer exchange st, 4 water st " Thomas E com mer exchange st, 4 water st " R B com mer exchange st, 4 water st " J C clerk 215 king st '* Samuel grist mill 14 tradd st " Perry pilot, 1 atlantic st Charlote, M D printer, 53 east-bay Chartland, mrsC 9 wall st Chase, T P wharfinger union wharves, 96 queen st " PS clerk 142 king st, 96 queen st '' PA clerk 142 king st, 96 queen st Chazal, mrs E C 48 anson st " mrs Ellen 48 anson st " J P physician 32 hasell st Cheesborcugh, J transfer clerk bank of Charleston, 4 went- worth st " E R & Brother, brokers and auctioneers 6 state st " E R 6 state st, broad st « J B 6 state st, broad st " mrs 18 church st Cheney, E jr 99 east-bay Cheney, mrs private board 99 east-bay Cherling, C bootmaker 5 queen st Cherol, Thomas tailor, cannon st Cherrel, Ed milliner 183 king st Chew, T R blacksmith, 3 market st Chewing, Charles grocer 39 st philip st Cheves, C M planter at' savannah, 44 south-bay Chichester, L clerk 161 meeting st Charleston hotel " E V clerk 25 hayne st, 236 king st Childs, mrs J, vanderhorst st China, Thomas J clerk 273 king st, merchants' hotel Chisolm, H L clerk atlantic whf, cor mill and rutledge sts " R G clerk 71 east-bay, rutledge st, ward 6 24 Chisolm, Alex rice mill west end tradd st, 119 broad So " George 13 south-bay " mrs J 45 anson st " mrs, 77 beaufain st " R rutledge and mill sts " O broker and auctioneer 33 broad st, 17 savage st Chrest, John bootmaker 73 meeting st Chrietzburg, mrs C 17 beaufain st " Thomas mechanic, 26 beaufain st " R S carpenter, 60 wentwoith st " J R clerk central whf, king st Christiansen, J grocer 180 king st Christie, David, blind, cannon st Chroder, John grocer st philip and cannon sts Choate, T clerk 84 east-bay, 104 tradd st " HE clerk 19 vendue range, 104 tradd st « mrs S M 104 tradd st Church, J F plumber 20 broad st " mrs M 27 st philip st " CAD bricklayer 27 st philip st Clacius C clerk 13 central whf, 208 king st Clagett, Wm clerk 122 meeting st, Charleston hotel " W H dry goods, calhoun st " Thomas broker and auctioneer 7 state st, 120 tradd st Clarison, J C clerk king st, st philip st, ward 6 Clarke, C druggist 33 market st " S S & G fancy goods 151 meeting st " SS 151 meeting st, Charleston hotel " G E 151 meeting st, Charleston hotel " R A hardware 133 meeting st, 11 george «' H B dry goods 213 king st " Francis tavern keeper 337 king st *' Richard port warden, II church st '< Pringle planter on ashepoo river, 160 meeting st « Henry planing mills 89 beaufain st, 87 beaufn st " Jos engineer, 28 mazyck st " J M turner, 19 mazyck st « John porter 1 hayne st, 27 wentworth st Clarksons & Mey, fac and com mer, accommodation whf *' T B accommodation whf, 4 smith st " R H accommodation whf, 4 smith st « W N physician 83 tradd st 25 Claussen, J C H baker 183| east-bay Clancy, mrs M A warren st Clayton, VV C printer, cor anson and wentworth sts " E J engineer, 6 liberty st Cleapor, C W clerk 110 east-bay. 55 calhoun st " J W 55 calhoun st Cleaveland, J A druggist, 215 king st '' W L druggist, 215 king st Cleiland, J M clerk vendue range, 6 (^ueen st " Mrs S, G queen st Clemon, J L tinner, 48 east-bay Clemont, J P superintendent of streets, amherst st Clifford, L C planter, pon pon, warren st Clifton, A J, 76 church Close, L P H dry good dealers, 340 king st, mer hotel Clyde, T E grocer, 88 meeting st Clysey, Misses milliners, 82 king st Cobia, Henry auctioneer and commission merchant 26 vendue range, 88 wentworth st Cobia, Mrs teacher meeting st, ward 7 Cobb, E VV boots and shoes 141 meeting st, horlbeck al Coburn, Peter carpenter, st. philip st, ward 6 Cochran, W S teller S W R R Bank, cannon st " J C bookkeeper " cannon st " Patrick laborer 44 tradd st " James laborer 20 middle st " T B teacher high school king st, ward 5 " Thos, rutledge st, ward 6 Cock, Rudolph, sail maker, 7 magazine st Cockran, James pastor 80 Broad st CofFay, F A shoes 187 east-bay, 35 state st Coffey, Jeremiah 22 tradd st '■ Jeremiah jr laborer 22 tradd st " mrs M 9 tradd st Coffin, G M factor adger's wharf, 86 broad st " Thomas planter st. helena, 7 rutledge st Cogdell, R W 65 broad st CS clerk bank of state S C " G B mill st Coglan, mrs M 36 mazyck st Cogswell, H clerk 14 hanj'e st, st philips st Cohen, J J factor and com mer central wharf, smith st " IS auc and com mer 29 vendue ran, 15 society st 26 Cohen, N A dry goods 157 east-bay, 46 meeting st " A N jr commission mer 157 east-bay, 55 king st " J H clerk 157 east-bay, 46 meeting st " mrs fruiterer, 71 market st " D D jr clerk cor king and market sts, chapel st " P M & CO druggists 29 Hayne st " P M druggist 29 hayne st, 4 society st '' J H clerk 29 hayne st, horlbeck alley " A E clerk and librarian M L A 4 society st m iss Bell 116 king st " Samuel pedlar 116 king st. ♦' rev mr pastor woolf st church 297 king st " Jacob, broker and auc 20 broad st, 12 friend st « P 6 Wentworth st " H Warren st " D D planter ashley river, chapel st Cohn, L dry goods 159 king st, 55 king st " L accountant 157 east-bay, 55 king st Colburn and Holland, dvy goods cor king and broad sts "' J S cor king and broad " J H clerk, 244 king st, 134 queen st Colcock, J & CO factors, commercial wharf " John 2 orange st " R H 2 orange street " S H clerk 114 east-bay, church st " R W superintendent citadel academy Cole, G F music store, 175 king st « mrs E M 258 king st " John seaman bedons alley " Agnes 15 pitt Coll, Patrick bootmaker, 95 meeting st, 4 anson st Collins, mrs dressmaker 124 church st " J N teacher 86 anson st " mrs milliner 86 anson st " T bootmaker king st, wrrd 6 " W laborer coming st, ward 6 " mrs M private boarding, linguard st Colman, H VV dry goods 217 king st, 18 mazyck st '= George clerk 217 king st, 18 mazyck Colson, Charles dry goods 27 middle st " A gas fitter 4 horlbeck alley " Thomas carpenter 4 horlbeck alley Comier, Francis ship chandler 22 Washington st 27 Cornier, Alex boiler maker 22 Washington Cornier, Ervin boiler maker 22 Washington st " Charles moulder 22 Washington Commins, John shoes and hats 274 king st " Michael clerk 274 king st, 269 king st Comstock, D B accountant 122 meeting, 236 king st Comwell, Amelia L. dressmaker 12 smith st Cohrs, C H clerk 82 east-bay, victoria hotel Conder, W tailor 24 queen st Condict, Jennings & co, saddlery 157 meeting st " S H saddlery 157 meeting st Condy & son, brokers and auctioneers 9 state st " T D broker and auc cor rutledge and bee sts " P broker and auc cor rutledge and bee sts Cone, mrs 98 broad st Conly, James clerk 179 king st '' B laborer 12 horlbeck alley Connell, P O laborer Clifford st Conner, H W president S C R R 9 meeting st *' H W clerk central wharf, 9 meeting st " Jas attorney at law, st. michael's al, 9 meeting st " Wm gunsmith 34 wentworth st " John laborer st philip's st " mrs M calhoun st, ward 6 Conroy, Wm clerk 145 meeting st Conturier, J R E druggist 35 broad st, 21 king st Cook, G S daguerreotypist 235 king st, 236 king st " W clerk 308 king st, wentworth st '' Thos C dry goods 347 kin^ st '' J R 4 gadsden st " Jacob grocer king st, ward 5 " J A grocer cor king and mary sts Cooper & Rivers, attorneys at law 49 broad st " G W attorney at law 49 broad st, 4 franklin st " mrs A 38 wentworth st '« R T porter and ale bottler king st, ward 6 Copes & Black, cotton press 91 church st " J cotton press 91 church, rutledge, ward 6 Corbet & brothers, dry goods 322 king st " James dry goods 322 king st " J N dry goods 322 king st " H D dry goods 322 king st " mrs 24 south-bay 28 Corbet, miss 24 south-bay '' John 23 lynch st " John laborer 7 burns lane Corby, E R blacksmith hampden court " John Hampden court ^•' John blacksmith ilO meeting st Corcoran, J M accountant 147 east-bay, 65 beaufain st " Patrick cattle dealer doughty st " carter cor cannon and smith sts " mrs T dry goods cor cannon and smith sts " Timothy conductor S C R R mary st " Thomas laborer columbus st Cordas, Geo grocer 56 anson st Cordis, John 207 east-bay Cordray, Thomas hard alley Cords, T tavern keeper 55 market st '-^ J J grocer 7 Cumberland st ^' AC baker, 45 Calhoun st '• Geo varnisher spring st ^' Ralph butcher henrietta st Corkle, T M printer east-bay '' Edward east-bay u •\\rj^ laborer bedon's alley Corkrell, Thomas grocer 180 east-bay Corneps, F tavern keeper exchange st " H tavern keeper exchange st Correa, Jos fruiterer 53 market st, tradd st Corregan P M clerk 43 hayne, 195 east-bay " P dry goods 78 church Corrie W C clerk 69 east-bay " S J clerk I Hayne, pavilion hotel Cors, H baker king st, ward 5 Cosgrove, J fruiterer 65 market Cosrie, B tavern keeper vendue range Cotchett, Geo adger's wharf, 9 society st " G M J clerk adger's wharf, 9 society st " C E engineer 9 society st Cotton, mrs E mantua maker, 39 wall st Councell, E C printer and bookseller 119 east-bay, corner east-bay and longitude lane CoursCj Henry machinist sires alley Courtenay, E S import inspector custom house " & Tennant, hardware, 35 hayne st 29 Courtenay, W C 35 Hajne and 38 broad " & VVienges, booksellers and stationers, opposite the post office Courtenay, S G green st - '- W A clerk beau fain st " J stone-cutter, 112 queen st Covelay, Jeremiah mason archdale st Covert, H C clerk 101 east-bay, 3 magazine st " T W clerk 120 meeting st, 3 magazine st Cowperthwait, E R furniture 251 king st, 76 beaufain st Cox, W H grocer 184 east-bay "■ S K pastor, methodist protestant church 6 wall st '' D butcher 40 calhoun st Crafts, W clerk 101 east-bay, 10 broad st " Geo J planter st. and row's parish, 60 broad st Cramer, G W mechanic 19 pinckney st Crane, L clerk 165 meeting st, pavilion hotel " J G dry goods 1 hayne st, Charleston hotel '' David coach trimmer " miss R 1 1 broad st Cranston, E wharfinger union wharf, mazyck st Craven R H carpenter king st, ward 5 Creighton, mrs rutledge st, ward 6 '' Jas planter pon pon rutledge st, ward 6 " John clerk rutledge st, ward 6 Crews, E B auc and com mer 19 vendue range, 1 smith st " Michael steam-boat captain, prichard st " A J dry good 181 east-bay, 17 George st " Abbot laborer st. philip's ward 8 Crip, miss A 41 meeting " miss C 41 meeting Croft, mrs M E seamstress 7 longitude lane " T M accountant 179 east-bay, 44 Wentworth st " mrs S E private boarding, 204| king st Croghan, Stephen laborer bedon's alley " O blacksmith 21 queen st " Michael laborer America st Crcmlay, Daniel bootmaker 30 queen st Cromwell, Samuel professor of music 15 Franklin st Croush, mrs 34 queen st Crosby, mary meeting st, ward 5 Cross, M W mechanic 106 church " W accountant 9 middle st 4* 30 Cross, Henry mason 15 friend " Franklin, ship chandler 15 friend " Sarah 42 st, philip st Crouch, C W teacher, calhoun st, smith st, ward 6 Cruikshank, Samuel tanner 22 queen st, Hanover st Cudworth, J import inspector custom house, 20 Hasell st Culbert, Jas police-office king st, ward 7 " John clerk king st, ward 7, America st " Culbert, Wm cotton dresser, America st CuUinwe, P dry goods 360 king st Cummings, Thomas rigger 73 east-bay ^' J B accountant corner of broad and church sts, wentworth st Cummings, J A clerk, 312 king st Cunningham & Roberson, attorneys, Charleston library " John attorney Charleston library " Andrew cont'r & builder, st. philip st, ward 6 " mrs A henrietta st " Richard henrietta st Curly, Stephen boo'.maker, 56 state st Currie, Alex carpenter 24 Bull Currier, G L 237 king st Current, E guilder 154 king st Curry, mrs C shopkeeper 7 tradd st Curtis, W paint oil and lamp dealer 137 east-bay " E carpenter, 9 franklin st " James carpenter rutledge st " mrs E 11 Calhoun st " miss C 11 calhoun st Custa, mrs dry goods, 10 king st Cuyler, S G clerk 229 king st, 269 king st D. Dacosta, Antonius professor of music, 17 broad st '• W P millwright, 108 queen st Dadin, L H jeweler 155 king st, 148 king st " LA jeweler 155 king st Dagget, W L printer, king st " Shepherd carpenter 11 horlbeck alley " L W machinist 1 1 horlbeck alley '" Thomas, mechanic 25 society st Dagner, Charles ship chandler 26 Washington st Dail, E carpenter 1 Queen st, king st 31 Dalbis, J L grocer 152 east-bay Dalglish, W bricklayer 17 Pinckney Dadas, W bootmaker 56 meeting 9G east-bay Dallrick, mrs E upholsterer, 160 king st Daly, E boots and shoes 306 king st, merchants hotel " John boots and shoes 326 king st, merchants hotel " Michael laborer 20 pinckney " W clerk poor-house 95 queen st Dana, rev. W C pastor central church 19 Laurens st Dand, Ed clerk 115 east-bay Daniel, N W engineer S C R R, 36 st phiUp st " John, fireman S C R R, sires alley " SB tailor 13 anson st Daniels, F pilot 72 church st Dansman, mrs baker 90 king st Dappray, J E dentist king st, ward 8 Darby, F coppersmith 67 east-bay, 325 king st «' J T clerk 279 king st, marion st " O A teacher marion st " W carpenter 50 beaufain st Darcy, Peter porter 153 east-bay « Darcy, T K painter 112 queen st Darr, H L printer 23 society st Dart, Thomas accountant accomodation whf, 236 king st " mrs A 47 tradd st " Wm painter coming st, ward 6 Davant, J L clerk commercial whf Davega, C medical student 150 east-bay, 92 wentworth st " Isaac, attorney courthouse square, 92 wentworth " Mrs. G 92 wentworth Davenport, R L bookbinder cor church and market sts Davey, Robert coachmaker 14 beaufain st David, R L dry goods 265 king st Davidson, W planter Louisiana 66 church st Davis, R C sea captain 56 church st " G Y commission merchant cor east-bay and boyce wharf, cor meeting and queen sts Davis, Isaac B accountant accommodation wharf, cor st philip and beaufain sts Davis, W R com mer central wharf, 3 glebe st » W H clerk 74 east-bay 36 tradd " Moses printer, 3 tradd " J S accountant cor king and market sts, 260 king 32 Davis, Nathan mechanic 1 15 meeting st " C H bricklayer 114 king st " John clerk 40 east-bay, vanderhorst st •' D locksmith and bell hanger 329 king, wairen st " T G attorney at law 20 broad st, vanderhorst st " mrs J 36 tradd " mrs & son private boarding mansion house " Ed private boarding mansion house "- ' ' mrs cor pitt and vanderhorst Daws, carpenter coming st, ward 8 Dawson, W H jr clerk Adger's whf 9 Lynch " F clerk post office, 25 anson st " J com mer 94 and 96 east-bay, 25 anson st " E J clerk 1 16 meeting st, pavilion hotel " & Blackman druggist 17 broad st " Joseph druggist 17 broad st, 25 anson st f' C P 96 bFQad st '* J Ed, m. d., 96 broad st '^ J L, m. d., 48 tradd st '' S P 3 meeting st " Mrs W 3 meeting st « Miss C 38 bull st '' Tobias bricklayer st. philip ward 6 Day, D F clerk 133 meeting st, 260 king st " Fisher- private boarding 260 king st " W B clerk post office, 3 friend st " W H coach trimmer 1 Montague st D'Antignac, Wm factor accomodation wharf DeBow, B F agent Debow's Review, corner broad and east-bay, 6 broad st DeBow, John blacksmith calhoun st, ward 5 DeBuse, Wm clerk columbus st DeChoiseul, M French consul 30 broad st DeGafferelly, J C conductor S C R R, rutledge st, ward 8 DeHay, R H police officer cannon st " Wm watchmaker, king st DeHyams, M D shipper 79 east bay DeLand, C W dry goods 229 king: st, cor king & wentw'h DeLange, J L com mer 1 12 east-bay, queen st DeLeaumont,H accountant adger's wharf, 2 minority st DeLeon, H clerk treasury office 119 queen st Desaussure, J B factor adger's wharf, 32 meeting st " C A insurance agent 35 east-bay, 26 iTieeting 33 Desaussure, H W, m. d., 77 meeting st '' & son, attorneys 23 broad st " HA attorney 23 broad st, 33 meeting st " W G attorney 23 broad st, 31 east-bay '•' L D broker 23 broad st, 33 meeting st DeTreville, E attorney 20 broad st, rutledge st DeVcga, Isaac attorney court-house square, corner broad and meeting sts DeWitt, G farmer 10 beau fain st Deas, miss A dressmaker 77 king st " Henry cor tradd and council st,'^ " T H 39 wentworth st " Jane mantua maker coming st, ward 6 « Eliza C charlotte st Dearcy, Thomas gardener president st Decamps, P E cabinet maker 65 king st " E cabinet maker, 65 king st '■ J carpenter, 65 king st Dehon, Dr T planter Ashpoo, 37 meeting st Delahay, J B sea captain 4 horlbeck alley Delamps, A G clerk 70 east-bay, 156 east bay Delaunay, J P professer 50 wentworth st Delia Torre, A steam saw mill, Washington st, ward 6 Denck, Joseph music teacher 17 friend st Deneau, T E clerk 141 meeting st, 2 liberty st Dener, mrs C 29 mazyck st " Geo farmer christ church parish, 29 mazyck st Denis, G A confectioner 41 Archdale st Denkiik, W M clerk 123 meeting st Denney, mrs 52 dueen Denoon, D H printer 63 broad st Dentrieau, mrs V 10 beaufain st Dereef, R E wood factor dercef wharf " RE jr wood factor dereef wharf Derry, W C clerk 135 meeting, Charleston hotel Deselj Charles planter goose creek, pitt st, ward 6 Desportes, Eliza vanderhorst st Desverney, Francis livery stable cor broad and friend sts, 5 magazine st Devea, D H painter 122 kins: st Deveau, J P factor 29 vanderdorst whf, cor amherst and h an over sts Deveneau, E dry goods 304 king st 34 Deveneau, A wheelwright 349 king st Deveneer, Peter proprietor drajs, rnary st Deveraux, N cooper 170 meeting st Devie, J H French dyer 80 king st Dewar, mrs 39 church st Dewees, John planter Alexander st " W clerk 72 east-bay, alexander st Dewing & Thayer, fancy goods 149 meeting st " L fancy goods 149 meeting st " H fancy goods, 149 meeting st Dewire, James pattern maker meeting st, ward 5 Dexler, 6 tradd st Dibble, P V katter 37 broad st '^ mrs A C private boarding 249 king st " S W clerk 16 east-bay, 249 king st Dick, Henry clerk 67 tradd st Dickinson, Eliza coming st, ward 6 Dickson, S H professor medical college, hudson st Dieckhoff, C grocer Judith st Dienstback, W bootmaker 144 east-bay Dierressen, W grocer cor coming and morris sts Dill, J T factor 13 southern wharf, corner beaufain and wilson sts Dill, S G W constable coming st, ward 8 " Ervin fireman coming st, ward 8 Dillingham, James clerk 43 hayne st, 179 king st Dinaman, C carpenter king st, ward 5 Dinkins, T J clerk cor king and market sts Dishbrow, W W clerk 238 king st Disher. Geo grocer 105 broad st " mrs E meeting st, ward 5 " Robert butcher nassau st Disman, Cornelius laborer morris st Divine, Thomas mason 74 beaufain st " John mason 74 beaufain st " Michael mason 74 beaufain st Divver, J B clerk cor king and market sts, beaufain st " Joseph clerk 300 king st, beaufain st " mrs S, beaufain st Dixon, T E ship carpenter 21 beaufain st " Thomas, tallow chandler king st, ward 6 Doar, Marquis blacksmith hanover st Dobson, Mrs O L 4 smith lane 35 Dodd, Wm carpenter sires alley Doeille, Wm baker king st, ward 6 Dom, Wm grocer 20 state st Donald, John shopkeeper 53 king st Donnell, B W carpenter, cor laurens and Washington sts Donnohoe, D hardware 52 king st Donoonay, Patrick drayman 97 meeting st Doogan, Patrick mason 22 queen st Dooly, John laborer woolfe st Dorbaum & Amme, tailors 17 queen st " C tailor 17 queen st Dorman, J W clerk 85 market st Dora Wm baker 351 king st Dorin, A carpenter 52 queen st Dorrell, John carpenter whims court Dorrill, A lumber mer cor beaufain and lynch sts, bee st Dortic, W T clerk fitzsimon's wharf, 12 wentworth st Dotterrer, H E clerk 1 hayne st, america st " T D machinist america st " Thomas finisher america st Doty, A sign and ornamental painter 38 broad st, 137 king Doucin, P M wharfinger^bpyce & co's whf, 84 beaufain Dougherty, W M & co^asfitting and lamps 292 king st " W M gasfittmg and lamps 292 king st, 19 St. philip st " John wood factor 19 south-bay '' Joseph, grocer 17 south-bay, 19 south-bay Doughty, Charles time-keeper america st Douglas, J F clerk atlantic wharf, Washington st " A M clerk 4 vendue range, Washington st " EC clerl? 300 king st, Washington st " G S accountant 25 hayne st, 236 king st " C jr clerk 47 broad st " miss C shoi3keeper, 53 king st " Mary 4 wilson st " Hannah st. philip st, ward 6 " John clerk Washington st " C St. Andrew's hall, broad st Dowdj Martin bottler 32 anson st Dowie, Geo accountant, i hayne st, king st Dowling, John grower 38 market st " mrs E 116 king st " Joseph painter 11 tradd st 36 Downey, F F clerk vanderhorst wharf, 24 savage st " mrs JVJ A 24 savage st Downing, R 68 church st " M guardman 74 tradd " mrs M 2 pitt Doyle, Jeremiah clerk cor broad and church sts, 22 tradd Drago, A fruitterer, 70 market st " mrs B dry goods 141 king st Drake, G W com mer atlantic wharf, Huntsville, Ala. " Miles dry goods 358 king st Drandy, Benjamin shoemaker^ columbus st Drayton, A K discount and transfer clerk, S W R R bank, 58 tradd st Drayton, J G pastor St. Andrew's parish, 42 south-bay " mrs H B ladson court '• mrs M coming st, ward 6 " Ch planter St Andrew parish, coming st, w'd 6 '^ T H M planter St John's pa'h, coming st, w'd 6 " J S coming st, ward 6 Dreier, C grocer 31 tradd st " E clerk 7 st philip st Droutman, J dry goods church st Drummond, John bootmaker 55 broad st " N engineer 55 broad st Druber, Charles carpenter hanover st Dryer, D grocer 43 wall st " William drayman williams row Duboise, John plasterer, 24 Washington st '' mrs E 86 queen st Due, H A tinner cor king and spring sts Duchne, D drayman cor columbus and king sts DufFus, A W accountant 137 meeting st, 13 Lynch st " G H cotton press dewees wharf, 13 Lynch st '' mrs Ann, 13 Lynch st " J J W clerk 31 hayne st, 71 beaufain st " J A express agent 3 hayne st, 71 beaufain st " Samuel carpenter 40 beaufain st Dufort, A gunsmith king st, ward 8 " J tinner meeting st, ward 7 Duggen, James watchmaker savage st Dukes, W C & son, factor & com mer atlantic wharf " W C fac & com mer, atlantic whf, king st, ward 5 " J R fac & com mer atlantic whf, king st, ward 5 37 Dukes, T C clerk atlantic wharf, king st, ward 5 " J H attorney 61 broad st " mrs M M st philip st, ward 8 " Francis plasterer 12 east-bay Dulin, Rice fac & com mcr central whf, 189 meeting st Dunavant, A J com mer atlantic whf, Chester district Duncan, W clerk 105 east-bay, broad st " L C clerk 143 meeting st, 35 st philip st " A boiler-maker king st, ward 6 " Catherine seamstress coming st, ward 8 Dunham, C T & co, boots and shoes 141 meeting st " C T boots &. shoes 141 meeting, 11 horlbeck al Dunkin, A H attorney 65 meeting st, warren st " B F judge Court of Equity warren st Dunlap, W C 359 king st " W M guard man 7 magazine st " James 3 lynch st " Samuel chandler woolfe st Dunn, James coachsmith king st " J tavern keeper 96 church st " Samuel C clothier 20 hayne st " & Duryea, clothiers 238 king st " Samuel C clothier 238 king st " John city constable 93 queen st " John clerk cor beaufain and lynch sts, 128 queen " Wm dry goods 371 king st '• C dry goods king st, ward 6 Dunning, James butcher reid st Dupont, F upholsterer, 203 king st " D upholsterer, 203 king st '• mrs iM 3 st michael's alley Dupree, John engineer 84 queen st " mrs teacher 27 wall st " Joseph carpenter corner king and spring sts Duquercron, F H clerk central wharf, 96 tradd st " Leopold clerk Mercury office, 96 tradd st Durose, A bookbinder, vanderhorst st Duryea, J M private boarding cor meeting and market sts " R S clerk 84 church st, 110 meeting st " John clothier 238 king st " mrs M A S 9 wall st Dusenberry, Geo State constable, 53 tradd st Duval, J B tinner 298 king st 5 38 Duval, E A tinsmith 298 king st " LA tinner 298 king st Dwight, Mrs C pasirycook 72 king st Eager, W M clerk 1 hayne st, meeting st Earle, J bricklayer 30 calhoun st Eason, mrs C D private boarding 2 Glebe st " R J auctioneer vendue range, 2 glebe st " G W 2 glebe st « R H bricklayer 30 calhoun st " J M (fc brothers, engineers and machinists corner columbus and nassau sts " J M engineer k. machinist cor columbus & nassau sts, drake st " T D engineer and machinist corner columbus and nassau st, america st Easterby, W H clerk 213 king st, 106 church st " Geo 82 tradd st " S D 106 church st Easton, G L sea captain 14 friend st Eaton, Charles stone cutter, 38 market st Eberle, Charles upholsterer and manufacturer, 205 king st Eckhard, mrs M E 31 society st Eden, John engineer 37 maiket st Edes, D B clerk cor meeting and market sts Edgerton & Richards, drapers and tailors 32 broad st " E W draper and ta lor, 32 broad st, 3 orange st «' E S clerk 32 broad st, 3 orange st Edmondston, L A port warden 72 tradd st «' T 8 legare st " Charles President S C Insurance company, 109 east-bay, 8 legare st " H clerk cor king and market sts, 8 legare Edwards, Evan clerk post office 7 logan st " F M clerk central wharf, 7 logan st *' J J clerk 10 central wharf *' J F factor 62 east-bay, 26 wall st « J B 26 wall st '' C L porter bank of Charleston, state st " W S collecting clerk bank charls'n 8 legare st " Morris carpenter 29 beaufain st, 19 college st Ehlies, N grocer 107 tradd st 39 Ehney, P M coastwise insp'r custom-house, 12 pinckney " Edwin blacksmith 12 pinckney st " J J moulder 12 pinckney st Ehricks, H grocer corner meeting and mary sts Egan, John shop-keeper 61 king st Egleston, T R clothier 27 hayne st, commercial hotel " G W attorney and magistrate, 53 broad and king st, ward 6, warren st Egleston, J L transfer and discount clerk State bank, 72 anson st Elbridge, James proprietor drays, meeting st, ward 7 Elder, W T tanner John st Elfe, W import inspector custom-house, 236 king st *' R L barber 28 broad st " Robert city sheriff 1 middle street " Albert carpenter 19 lynch st " Eleanor dressmaker, 31 montague st " Maria charlotte st Elford, F P wharfinger vanderhorst whf, 17 coming st Elfred, J R proprietor drays elizabeth st Elleran, mrs E milliner, 146 king st Ellerhorst, W grain dealer 6 market st " H D dry goods 192 king st Elliott, Thomas O attorney 61 broad st, 2 glebe st Elliott, Dr Gibbs planter, 10 george st Ellis, Jos carpenter rutledge st, ward 8 Elmore, James moulder 12 east-bay Els worth, J T guager custom-house, corneir laurens and marsh sts Elsworth, F B collector 31 society st El wig, Wm carpenter 19 west st " Amelia 55 coming st Emanuel, Nathan 45 beaufain st " Joel 45 beaufain st Emery, J R clerk S C R R unity alley Emmen, Loder clerk 24 archdale st Engelberg, M tailor 71 market st England, mrs M 10 orange st " Wm clerk 10 orange st Englert, W private boarding 43 market st English, James builder and contractor 15 south-bay " James jr 15 south-bay Enslow & Bell, coopers, cor east-bay aiid .boyce's wharf 40 Enslow, J L cooper cor east-bay and boyce's wharf, 128 tradd St " J A importer 110 east-bay, meeting st, ward 5 Enston W & co, cabinet makers 169 171 and 173 king st " Wm cabinet maker, 118 queen st " Alfred cabinet maker 99 queen st *' Daniel cabinet maker 118 queen st Epping, J P M druggist 277 king st Erickson, C wood builder smith's wharf Ervin, W F surveyor-gen fire-proof building, Sumter dist " Dr. John 5 Rutledge st Estill, W jr printer king st " W bookbinder, 5 lynch st Evans, W E & co. factor accommodation wharf ii WE factor accommodation wharf, 2 hasell st " G W factor accommodation wharf, 2 hasel st " James, tailor 67 broad st " B F clerk 101 east-bay, meeting st '^ R tavern keeper 97 market st " J B clerk 35 hayne st, wentworth st " mrs C 57 queen st " W private boarding 373 king st " miss R teacher 373 king st " Sellers carpenter coming st, ward 8 '^ Samuel boiler maker elizabeth st " mrs E america st Eveleigh, Thomas private boarding 297 king st Ewan, John silverware store 127 king st " W H silverware store 127 king st Ev;art, J clerk central wharf, 106 church st Ewbank, Henry hardware 155 meeting st, 17 smith st Ewing, mrs M private boarding 269 king st Ezekiel, P watchmaker 61 broad st, 89 church st Faber, mrs A M Alexander st Fabin, Wm seaman 83 queen st Fairchild, B factor bell's wharf, 1 1 1 wentworth " Rufus, music store 201 king, corner king and beaufain sts Fairly, Arthur clerk 41 broad st, 22 Cumberland st Falk, I L & CO. clothiers 265 king st " Abraham clothier 265 king st 41 Faman, Mary henrietta st Fanning, F D & co, hats and caps 31 hayne st " F U hats and caps 31 hayne st, 2 maiden lane Barnum, O grocer 189 east-bay Farrar, S S & brothers grocery merchants 70 east-bay " S S grocery mer 70 east-bay, 28 society st " J C grocery mer 70 east-bay, 28 society st " CD grocery mer 70 east-bay, 28 society st Faulkernon, Isaac clerk 5 hayne st Faust, Mrs M 21 middle st Favor, Jos planter pon pon, charlotte st Fayssoux, T druggist 3 1 broad st, 4 orange st Fedhazke, E bootmaker 5 queen st Feehan, miss C F 61 anson st '' James porter hayne st, king st, ward 5 Fees, G watchmaker 187 king st Felis, B segar maker 68 state st Fennick, John tailor 7 beaufain st Ferguson, W C currier 22 queen st " J H accountant 145 meeting st, planter's hotel " Emeline 35 george st Ferrell, J J accountant 19 hayne st, 23 st philip " Thomas mechanic 23 st philip " Michael mechanic 23 st philip Ferira, Jason carpenter, morris st Ferrette, J F fruitterer 41 market st '■ miss J 34 archdale st '' Adeline 15 college st " Mary 5 Calhoun st Ferry, W carpenter beaufain st Ffirth, H D 5 mazyck 4t Ficken, J F grocer 13 beaufain st Ficklin, James clerk 19 hayne st, 7 short st " W B attorney 63 broad st, 7 short st " mrs E S 7 short st Fickling. J J bricklayer 30 tradd st Fields, Nathan proprietor Charleston ice house, corner adger's wharf and east-bay Fiegre, Julius hatter 164 king st Figeroux, mrs B milliner 206 king st " B 206 king st Figney, Abraham drayman 7 bull st Fillette, Theo clerk 29 hayne st, 139 kingst 42 Fillette, madame A dry goods 139 king st Fincken, grocer 1 1 south-bay Fink, A & CO tavern keepers exchange st " A tavern keeper exchange st " P J clerk 123 meeting st " B H druggist 369 king st " H laborer st philip st, ward 8 Finckelj J O cotton spinner columbus st Finlayson, clerk 75 east-bay Finley, mrs E 7 atlantic st Finley, W P president Charleston college 12 montague st Fimkemsteadt, G grocer 1 king st Finn, E laborer 1 Washington st Finnegan, J sea captain 12 market st " John tailor 188 king st, 21 Franklin st Fishburn, Robert planter St Paul's pa, 257 east-bay Fisher, John tailor meeting st '• S W clerk 248 king st, 21 friend st " mrs S milliner 252 king st " S planter Summerville, 252 king st " F bootmaker 6 tradd st " John dry goods 209 east-bay Fitch, W M, m. d., 78 meeting st, cor wentworth and pitt st Fitz, John blacksmith hanover st " Wm blacksmith hanover st Fitzgerald, M laborer 26 state st Fitzpatrick, A F clerk 80 east-bay, 52 tradd st " P clerk 100 east-bay, 52 tradd st Fitzsimons, B saddler and harness maker, 282 king st " R T saddler and harness maker 282 king st '^ mrs E 26 hasel st '' C, m. d., 26 hasel st Flack, G W watchmaker 40 anson st Flagg, C B attorney 59 meeting st, 15 archdale st " E B, m, d.,15 archdale st Fleeken, Frederick laborer woolfe st Fleming, Wm clerk cor king and market st, king st " D F & CO boots and shoes 43 hayne st •' D F boots and shoes 43 hayne, Charleston ho'l " Robt candy manufacturer 269 king st " James laborer 20 tradd st Flinn, James clerk 54 east-bay, 29 church st 43 Flinn, John clerk 54 east-bay. 29 church st '' Michael 129 east-bay " Martin, "Miardman america st Flood, J clerk 1 IG church st Fludd, J S clerk central wharf, spring st " mrs spring st Flynn, J T draper and tailor 30 broad st, new st Fobb, Wm clerk 264 king st Forbes, R tin-plate worker and tin roofer 22 tradd st Fogartie, S accountant 23 wall st " A clerk 253 king st, 59 beaufain st " mrs A teacher 23 wall st " mrs S 31 George st " Ed bricklayer, calhoun st, ward 6 Folger, packer 8 middle st Folker, P H teacher cannon st (( E G clerk S C R R, radclifTe st " Octavus clerk vanderhorst st Follin, G tobacconist 169 meeting st, cor meeting and society st Fonda, D A clerk 234 and 236 king st Foote, mrs C 113 king st Foran, J J clerk 181 east-bay, 231 east-bay Force, B W & J P & co, boots and shoes, 21 hayne st " B W boots and shoes 21 hayne st, 1 hasel st " J P boots and shoes 21 hayne st, Augusta Ga Ford, B boots and shoes 99if east-bay, ashle^ st " J D student 23 broad st, 97 broad st " FA attorney 41 broad st, 97 broad st " W H student 97 broad st " Ford, Lewis carver 92 queen st '* miss C H 7 macbride's lane Ford ham, R church st " W R livery stables chalmer st, meeting, w'd 5 Forest, mrs S 91 wentworth st Forest, John pastor 1st Presbyterian church, rear court-ho Foren, J J clerk 361 king st Forrest. Francis bootmaker st philip st, ward 6 Forrester, A engineer 58 anson st Forsyth, W C clerk 350 king st, 30 burn's lane Fosket, mrs S A dressmaker st philip st, ward 6 " Alex mall contractor, st philip st, ward 6 Foster, Charles clerk 37 hayne st, 72 wentworth st 44 Foster, W B clerk Bank State S C, 72 wentworth st Fowle, G M & CO. com mers vanderhorst wharf " G M com mer varrderhorst wharf Fowler, A D clerk 244 king st, 83 queen st " Wm sailor boarding bedons alley '* Jos seaman 68 queen st Fox, mrs M 22 laurens st " Wm wharfinger fitzsimon's wharf, 22 laurens st " Sarah, 38 st philip st Frahna, F coppersmith 34 state st Francis, B shoemaker 174 east- bay " John barber 316-^ king st <' G M saddler 344 king st Francois, S clerk 23 market st Franklin, Linguard cor king and ann st Fraser, J E fac and com mer 1 southern whf, 91 tradd st " John & CO, fac and com mer central wharf " John, fac and com mer central wharf, 3 short st " A clerk 13 exchange st, 30 tradd st " W S clerk fire proof building, meeting st, ward 5 " John J conductor S C R R, 273 king st " Charles, 35 king st « mrs M 91 tradd st " Samuel bootmaker 2 archdale st, beaufain st " John tailor, 16 st philip st, radcliffe st Frazer, C P warm bath establishment 67 meeting st '' J M accountant 213 king st, 67 meeting st Fredsberg, J M clerk 20 east-bay ^ Freeman, W seaman 7 longitude lane " mrs. J america st Freer, Isaac clerk rutledge st, ward 8 French, John clerk 40 east-bay, planter's hotel " Henry overseer Charleston factory, line st Frender, E butcher woolfe st Frey, Jos clerk 201 king st, 50 queen st Fripp, J A 1 Lamboll st Frierson, Miss E 11 burns lane Froeliah, N conductor S C R R, woofe st Froneberger, Caleb boots and shoes 165 meeting, Ch'n h'l Frost, E H clerk adger's wharf, 1 10 tradd st " ED clerk adger's wharf, 110 tradd st " Edward judge 1 10 tradd st " Thomas attorney st michael's alley, 110 tradd st 45 Frost, H R, m. d., 68 broad st, 70 broad st Fryer, W DeL> accountant, 250 king st, 27 broad st " mrs E music teacher 27 broad st Fuller, T A 52 Calhoun st " R clerk cor king and market sts, 204 king st " Benjamin planter st andrew's parish, 24 broad st " mrs M paine court " John guardman, spring st Fulmer, John woolfe st Furman, C M president Bank S C, above bank " R K planter Daniel's Island, 9 ardhdale st Furst, Daniel carpenter bedon's alley G. Gadsden, James factor commercial wharf, 1 1 coming st " James &co factors 62 east-bay, " James factor 62 east-bay, ann st *' T N broker chalmer st, 5 church st " F porter and out-door clerk Bank State S C, meeting st, ward 5 Gadsden, Benjamin planter goose creek, 1 1 coming st " Richard, farmer meeting st, ward 7 " P bishop Charleston district, alexander st Gaetjens, G spirit dealer 104 east-bay, 39 broad st Gafry, John clerk 45 hayne st, market st Gage, James sea captain 98 queen st Gaillard and Snowden, fac and com mer 6 southern wharf P C fac and com mer 6 southern whf, smith lane F P clerk central wharf, 19 state st T P clerk 24 vendue range, court-house square mrs S court house square P C, m. d., 60 broad st 'f mrs E 13 pitt st " mrs E ann st *' A P planter St Andrew's parish, smith's lane " mrs A 3 meeting st Galagher, D clerk planters hotel Galdman, L A butcher 24 st philip st Gall, R W clerk 253 king st, cor wentworth and king st Gallagher, D tinner, king st, ward 6 Gallaway, miss M milliner 181 king st Galliot, Alexis segar manufacturer, 161 east-bay Galy, Arthur 36 anson st 46 Gamage, Edward 30 society st Gambatti, A music teacher 88 king st Gamble, Samuel clerk 179 king st " & son jewellers 185 king st " James jeweller 185 king st " Richard jeweller 185 king st Gannon, R dry goods 130 church st '* T bar keeper planter's hotel " mrs private boarding 42 state st Gant, KufF& Gant, fac and com mers, accomodation whf " J L fac and com mer accomodation wharf, corner of coming and warren sts Gant, Edward fac and com mer accomodation whf, corner coming and warren sts Gant, T J register in equity, court-house " R S clerk 82 east-bay, 158 east-bay Ganthier, F teacher citadel academy, cannon st Garborn, A grocer charlotte st Garden, R H accountant 45 hayne st, 10 middle st " mrs E rutledge st, ward 6 Garden, B druggist 162 king st Gardner, A Y clerk 250 king st " J M watchmaker 250 king st, 15 broad st *' Elias king st, ward 6 " Maria st philipst, ward 6 Garrette, Samuel tailor st philip st, ward 8 " J W clerk 167 meeting st, 104 queen st " G bootmaker 75 church st, 104 queen st •" John planter charlotte st " mrs private boarding 104 queen st Garrick, F blacksmith spring st Garrity, C grocer 22 south-bay " B grocer 5 south-bay " Thomas porter 139 meeting st, 32 queen st Gary, mrs E king st, ward 7 Gates, Thomas butcher, cannon st Gatewood, W C 17 legare st Gaugan, AE warren st Gayer, W J coachmaker 142 meeting st, 146 meeting st Gayser, mrs B 43 archdale st Geddings, Eli physician 16 george st Geddes, mrs C planter, 14 rutledge st Gehis, J H com merchant 32 vendue range, 28 queen st 47 Geiger, P mechanic 121 meeting st Geissel, H grocer cor concord and hasell sts Genther, N baker 4 wall st George, John clerk 40 east-bay " Wiley mason, 58 queen st " Reuben engineer railroad, sires alley Gerard, P G 23 franklin st Gerdis, E grocer cor ashley and doughty sts Gerdts, H grocer 203 east-bay " C H grocer 43 archdale st Gervias, Dr J L, planter st John's, rutledge st, ward 6 Gervias, rev Paul T 23 legare st " Paul T jr, planter st John's island, 23 legare st Gibbon, J & G E com mchts gillon st " John com mcht gillon st, 23 broad st " G E com mcht gillon st, 94 broad st " G 9 new st Gibbs, J S com mcht adger's whf, 5 short st " DrE A lOgeorgest " W G com mcht boyce & co's whf, 29 friend st " J Reeves clerk 56 east-bay, 66 tradd st " J B wharfinger atlantic whf, 83 broad st " J B accountant adger's whf, 83 broad st " HP medical student, 66 tradd st " W H 92 tradd st *' J S coal yard patton's whf, 46 calhoun st " Lewis prof Charleston college, 51 calhoun st " mrs E G 9 short st " B S cor John and elizabeth sts " Mary mantuamaker 25 st philip st Gibson, A E accountant atlantic whf, alexander st '' J R clerk 43 hayne st, 1 hasell st " DC attorney 84 church st, 172 meeting st " mrs E 172 meeting st " mrs C B 21 franklin st " W C freight collector, 2 glebe st " Alexander, alexander st " Wm Columbus st Gidiere, M dry goods 338 king st " Jos clerk 338 king st " John music teacher, 338 king st Gilbert, S H printer, church st " & Chapin, coachmakers 35 and 40 wentworth st / 48 Gilbert, E M 35 and 40 wentworth st, 249 king st Gilbreth, N M painter, 91 market st Gilchrist, R B, U S Judge, chalmers st, 245 east-bay " R C attorney chalmers st, 245 east-bay " James assistant clerk bank south Carolina " J M broker and auctioneer 10 state st Gill, John carpenter, spring st Gillespie, A L dry goods 37 hayne st, Charleston hotel Gillilands, Howell & Co, dry goods hayne st " W H dry goods hayne st, 24 hasell st " WD dry goods hayne st, 29 hasell st " James dry goods hayne st, society st Gilman, S pastor unitarian church, 7 orange st " mrs Columbus st Ginane, James wheelwright, king st, ward 5 Ginard, Dennis drayman, king st, waid 5 Girardeau, mrs M T, 50 broad st " medical student, 50 broad st " E F clerk west end montague st, 28| m'tgue Gist, J L clerk 288 king st, 26 marsh st " B H st philip st, ward 6 Gitsinger, George clerk cor east-bay and adger's whf, 22 Cumberland st *' BR city inspector, 22 Cumberland st Given, James painter, 32 queen st " W boots and shoes 359 king st " Sarah coming st, ward 6 Glade, I H clerk 29 king st Gladen, mrs M 48 george st Glahn, A Von dry goods 230 king st Glaser, John bootmaker 13 queen st Gleason, J E professor of music 10 horlbeck alley " mrs E P private boarding 236 king st Glen D L daguerreotypist 221 king st, beaufain st Glen, T C clothier 261 king st " mrs M shop-keeper 10 archdale st " W Mj m. d., corner meeting and reid sts " John cor meeting and reid sts Glovers & Davis, com raers central wharf " S L com mer central wharf, doughty st ** S com mer central wharf, Orangeburg district |," Adam clerk 54 east-bay, 16 Cumberland st " G A saddler chalmers st, 28 tradd st 419 Glover, mrs C H teacher S C S hall, 7 orange st Glyn, Geo coach trimmer, horlbeck alley Godefroy, A tailor 58 state st Golsmith, Henry clerk court-house square, 54 beaufain st " Maurice, d'y U S marshal chalmer st, 98 tradd «' J H, m. d., 98 tradd st " N nassau st Goldstein, J jeweller 153 king st Gonfreyville, mrs H milk seller cor columbus and nassau Gontvegne, P cutler manufacturer 43 queen st Gonzalez, B com mer 15 exchange st, 4 george st Goodrich, mrs private boarding 80 market st " N E butcher, cannon st Goodwin, G M com mer 94 east-bay, 43 George st " Wm M printer 70 meeting st Gordon, James plumber 127 meeting st " Alex hardware 15 broad st " Miss C 6 west st " L C accountant, st michael's alley, 9 friend st " John grocer king st, ward 5 " C P accountant ashley st *' J B planter Georgia, west end calhoun st " John butcher america st " Robert, bootmaker cor nassau and mary sts " James clerk 349 king st Gorman, mrs M 7 tradd st " Michael laborer 7 tradd st " John laborer 7 tradd st '' James laborer 7 tradd st Gosprey, F carpenter meeting st, ward 5 Gotgen, John grocer 65 east-bay Gouf, Charles bricklayer morris st Gouldsmith, Rice cabinet maker 91 wentworth st Gourdin, Matthiesen & co com mer commercial wharf " Henry com mer commercial whf, cor south-bay and meeting st " R N com mer comm.ercial wharf, cor south-bay and meeting st " W Allston factor 56 east-bay, 21 legare st " P G 43 east-bay '» T, m. d , 106 church st, 31 east-bay " T S attorney 34 broad st, alexander st Gowan & son watchmakers 54 meeting st 6 50 Gowan, A H watchmaker 54 meeting st, 8 south-bay " P watchmaker 54 meeting st, 8 south-bay *' Susan spring st " Sarah, spring st Gradick, C C butcher 28 calhoun st « CO jr clerk S C R R, 28 calhoun st '' Henry, clerk S C R R, 28 calhoun st Grady, James tailor 144 king st " Augustus tailor 157 east-bay, 144 king st •« Patrick drayman 32 queen st " A P collector meeting st, ward 5 Graham, John clerk kayne st, 198 king st " miss A M dressmaker 222^ king st '' Daniel conductor S C R R, marion st Graiiston, Geo bootmaker 28 anson st Grant, F W 176 king st '* Jane brewsters alley " Lucinda paine court Grainger, Charles ship carpenter cannon st J Gravely, John hardware 58 east-bay, 28 broad st " C clerk 58 east-bay, 28 broad st Graves, A D factor howard wharf, 82 Wentworth st " D Des planter goose creek, 4 friend st " Charles 33 society st Graver, H clerk 87 east-bay " John grocer 357 king st Gray, J W master in equity fire -proof bdg, 88 beaufain st " A P clerk fire-proof building, 21 coming st " H y clerk U S C chalmer st, calhoun st, ward 6 '' J B 24 society st " Flora 25 college st '' J F teacher 5 burns lane " AH painter 5 burns lane *' Jane 3 coming st " mrs R 3 coming st Grayson, W J collector custom-house, 64 tradd st " Henry clerk custom house, 64 tradd st Grazer, C A factor and com mcht 13 central whf, 236 king st Gready, J R clerk '^53 king st, 204 king st Greaton^ John inspector Charleston insurance and trust co, 45 tradd st Green & Redmonds, com mchts commercial whf 51 Green, J F com mcht commercial whf, charlotte st " R M clerk commercial whf, charlotte st " J F clerk 54 east-bay, charlotte st " Jacob livery stable 12 chalmers st, 10 Chalmers st " J clerk 12 chalmers st, 10 chalmers st " miss E 30 tradd st " Patrick tailor 19 anson st " W R stevedore, mott's lane " Owen tailor 95 queen st " T P Washington st, ward 5 " J H carpenter, america st Greenhill, mrs 3 greenhill st Greenland, M physician meeting st, 28 archdale st " George mason, 30 middle st Greenleaf, boiler maker, 21 pinckney st Greer, W tavern keeper 131 east-bay, 15 state st " & White, tavern keepers 280 king st " J M bookseller 207 king st Gregg, Hayden & Co, jewelry and silver ware 250 kingst *' Wm 250 king st, calhoun st, ward 6 Gregorie, J L bursar citadel academy Gregory, A cooper, 36 calhoun st " F M cutler 143 east-bay, 26 middle st Grierson, J C mechanic, 108 east-bay " J W clerk 245 king st, 79 wentworth st Griggs, H S treasurer savings institution, 31 society st Griffitch, mrs M J 41 wall st Grimbly, J B planter, 6 south-bay Grirnke, mrs T S 42 south-bay '* T D physician 42 south-bay " mrs 13 savage st " John physician 48 st philip st " Henry planter st paul's parish, cor araherst and bay sts Griner, mrs A baker 10 anson st Groning, Lewis 249 king st Groves, J A clerk 153 meeting st " mrs E private boarding 1 queen st Grouver, Michael saddler 302 king st, laurens st Gruber, G II clerk 222 king st, reid st Gruver, W plasterer, 1 14 wentworth st Guenebault, Thos H professor of french, 156 meeting st Guenveur, S F bookbinder, 118 king st 52 Guenveur, J U accountant, 118 king st " miss J china dealer 118 king st Guerardj J J accountant cor east-bay and vanderhorst's whf, east-bay '^ O J planter st peter's parish, rutledge st, ward 6 Guerry, P C clerk 182 king st, east-bay " G 2 price's alley Gunnison, J A com mcht 88 east-bay, 86 tradd st Gutman, C jeweller 18 st philip st Guy, T B com mcht 106 east-bay " James carpenter, Clifford st '* Joseph carpenter, cannon st Guymer, A accountant east-bay, coming st, ward 6 Gyles, J A magistrate and attorney, 18 broad st He Habenish, C F grocer 4 tradd st Hacker, G S car builder, king st, ward 7 " Thomas machinist, king st, v/ard 7 Hafers, Henry proprietor european hotel Hagan, mrs L 10 Clifford st Hagood, G W piano tuner and repairer 251 king st, 318 king st Hahn, J C clerk 6 market st Hahnbaura, mrs E R 22 pitt st Haig, H M phj'sician 20 meeting st " Alex planter st andrew's parish, ashley st " Geo planter st andrew's parish, rutledge st, ward 6 Haines, mrs Isabella Washington st, ward 5 " George laborer, bedon's allej^ Halgrave, Nancy baker 30 meeting st Hall, A M accountant dew^ee's whf, 10 liberty st " H & W P com mchts central whf " H T com mcht central whf, cor church and queen " W P com mcht central whf, cor church and queen " mrs M S 346 king st " J J furniture 114 king st '^ J A clerk 253 king st, charlerton hotel " Wm physician 263 east-bay " C G clerk central whf, 263 east-bay " mrs 16 liberty st " Charlotte 28 coming st " Jacob fireman, cor columbus and nassau sts 53 Hallaway, R porter hayne st, 70 beau fain st Halsall, W H railroad conductor, columbus st Halson, Wm porter 70 east-bay, cor church and Chalmers Haly, John drayman, king st, ward 6 Ham, W engineer, 91 church st Hamill, Thomas wheelwright 24 Washington st Hamilton, W M accountant 80 east-bay, meeting st " A coach trimmer, meeting st '' J coachmaker, meeting st " Gavin carpenter 6 queen st ' " J L sea captain, 9 queen st '* Diana 8 st philip st Hamlin, James clerk 74 east bay, 1 1 1 wentworth st " G blacksmith, 1 1 1 wentworth st " Edward printer, 23 concord st ** mrs M 1 gadsden st " Thomas mason, 1 gadsden st " John coachmaker, I gadsden st " Moore carpenter, I gadsden st Hammarskold, architect 122 east-bay, logan st Hammond, A L ph^^sician 29 meeting st Hampden, mrs S 12 orange st Hanahan, J C cooper adger's whf, 136 tradd si " James ship carpenter, 48 king st Hanckel, T M & C F attorneys 21 broad st " T M attorney 21 broad st, 17 hasell st " C F attorney 21 broad st, 62 calhoun st " John book-keeper bank state so ca, thomas st Hancker, C F grocer 20 anson st Hancock, H baker, 103 queen st Hannasy, Thomas hardware 38 king st Hannington, Thomas painter, 32 queen st Hauscheldt, P grocer 16 queen st Happoldt, A A clerk 137 meeting st, state st '' J M gunsmith 45 state st " J H gunsmith 45 state st " B G gunsmith 45 state st " CD farmer, cannon st " Wm clerk railroad, cannon st " J P clerk, cannon st " Albert butcher, cannon st " Edward cannon st " C L coach trimmer, 16 wall st 6* ^/ 54 Haupt, J miller, bennett's mill " A J miller, lucas' mill Harbers, J clerk 141 meeting st, cor meeting and ann st§ " H F grocer S coming st " G H grocer 19 coming st Harbess, C H grocer cor meeting and ann sts Harbeson, John dry goods 350 king st, mary st *' J S clerk 136 king st " Joseph clerk 204 king st, mary st Harden, W T R dry goods 8 market st Hare, R W saddler 39 hayne st, 11 hasell st Hargrove, John slater, 6 smith st " Thomas spinner, columbus st Harleston, Ed measurer custom house, rutledge st, ward 6 " J clerk 114 east-bay, rutledge st, ward 6 " Lydia 12 mazyck st " miss E rutledge st, ward 6 " Summers planter, cannon st « T C oharlotte st Harlle, Thomas factor boyce &. co's whf, planter's hotel Harlow, Michael laborer, morris st Harly, Isaac clerk 70 east-bay, 28 meeting st '• H J blacksmith, 28 meeting st " T W boots and shoes corner king and calhoun stSj ridgeville village Harms, C grist-mill cor coming and cannon sts Harper, F M printer, 17 friend st " J M clerk 1 1 broad st Harrall, Hare & Co, saddlers 39 hayne st '• Wm saddler 39 hayne st, 4 glebe st " James druggist 25 hayne st, 46 st philip si Harris, John factor central whf '• C F clerk 54 east bay, 236 king st " H bookbinder, 36 wentworth st " J fruiter 39 market st Harrersburg, H grocer 16 archdalest Harrisson, J W pairits and oils 72 meeting st " John paints and oils 72 meeting st " D W bookseller 17 chalmers st, queen st " James bootmaker 33 beaufain st Harrman, H tanner, cannon st Harron, John clerk railroad, smith st, ward 6 Hart, S N hardware cor king anc] market, 197 meetings! 65 Hart, Samuel bookseller 300 king st, 7 aiken row " C laborer 45 king st " Eliza mantua maker calhoun st, ward 5 Hartman, J F grocer, meeting st, ward 5 Hartz, J H grocer 19 meeting st Harvy, J import inspector custom house, 78 queen st " Geo 7 church st " mrs Isabella 78 queen st " mrs E 23 wall st Haseltine & Walton, boots and shose 137 meeting st " Albert boots and shoes 137 meeting, Charl'n ho'l " Wm dry goods 37 hayne st, Charleston hotel Haselton, D B machinist 91 beaufain st Hasel, Maria 25 Clifford st Haskell, W E planter, St Paul's parish, calhoun st, w'd 6 Hass, John wheelwright 81 queen st Hasset, Roger mason 1 10 meeting st " James laborer 9 tradd st Hastadt, H grocer cor king and woolfe st Hatch L M com mer 120 meeting st, 8 society et " Wm ship carpenter 76 ansoa st " G W pressman church st Hatcher, Benjamin carpenter meeting st, ward 7 Hauck, J H accountant 30 laurens st Haven, mrs E dry goods 10 anson st Havilland, Harrall & co druggist 25 hayne st, 260 king Hawkesworth, W professor Charleston college, 69 broad Hawkins, Rev J 36 wentworth st Hay, R G clerk 155 meeting st " A seaman 40 state st " W M attorney st. michael's alley Hayden, H S jeweller 250 king st, 10 green st " AH jeweller 250 king st, 6 glebe st " Thomas 1 1 lynch st Hayer, John 66 state st Hayne, W E clerk 35 hayne st, 1 church st *' A B, m. d,, 24 king st ** I W attorney general 30 broad st, 6 logan st " W A attorney 48 broad st, 26 king st « Col A P 19 logan st " mrs W E 1 church st " miss M 25 meeting st " miss 56 Hayne, E D carpenter 58 anson st " mrs W D st philip st, ward 6 " mrs E alexander st '' P law student alexander st Haynsworth, C D olerk 243 king, cor meeting and market Hays, mrs M 26 queen st Hazard, John dry goods king st, ward 6 Headly, John brass worker hard alley Heagan, J R clerk 193 king st Heart, John editor mercury 121 east-bay Heath, mrs H 9 calhoun st *' Samuel engineer bee st Heckman, accountant laurens st, wentworth st Hedderly, Geo sires st Hedley, J L 22 king st *' Eugenia 13 west st Heeseman, John clerk 64 meeting st Heesenbutle, G grocer 16 meeting st Hefferon, John saddler, 35 society st Hei, E grocer cor hanover and amherst st Heidt, V house furnisher 271 and 315 king st Heine, W draper and tailor 133 king st Heins, John clerk 12 st philip st '' D grocer 29 bull st " Wm drayman 31 calhoun st Heischel, L grocer 12 st philip st Helinken, C grocer cor woolfe and nassau sts Hel}^, miss E M dressmaker 73 king st Hemmet, Sarah chapel st Henderson, J M D printer 102 church st " Alexander blacksmith 31 wentworth st Hendrix, R E com mer 124 east-bay, pavilion hotel " C F grocer king st, ward 6 *' L G assistant conductor S C R R, st philip st ward 6 «' R F clerk S C R R, cannon st " H W moulder, cannon st Henegar, C clerk 137 meeting st, victoria hotel Henken, H grocer king st, ward 6 Hennesay, Peter porter 219 kmg st, 4 Clifford st *' C shoes and hats king st, ward 6, John st Henry, C W factor vanderhorst wharf, meeting st " W T clerk 25 hayne st, 236 king st 57 Henrj, E clerk 5 haj'ne st, Charleston hotel " EL clerk 244 king st, 3 liberty st '' Henry, W S machinist 14 wentworth st " J T mason 14 wentworth st " E tavern keeper market st, 3 liberty st " Geo meeting st, ward 5 " M C carpenter america st Henshall, C H grocer 1 calhoun st Herbe, M dry goods 67 state st Herckenrath, Wragg & co ship and com mer adgers wh " L J ship and com mer adger's wharf Heriotj W C accountant vanderhorst whf, 71 beaufain st " OB com mer 20 east-bay, 13 Legare st " & Brailsford com mer 4 gillon st " EG com mer 4 gillon st, 86 beaufain st '' G A clerk atlantic wharf, 66 tradd st ^' W J clerk gas works 66 tradd st *' J R superintendent gas works 66 tradd st " W B underwriter 4 broad st, 5 king st " mrs R 23 montague st <' Daniel clerk S C R R, 23 montague st *' mrs D teacher cor thomas and radclifFe sts " mrs E F warren st Hernandez, J J clerk 243 king st, east-bay Hernholm, A fruiterer 333 king st Heron, Geo com mer 1 1 central whf, mansion house " Nicholas judith st Hervy, C L clerk 153 meeting st, 8 liberty st Herrin, W B carpenter 31 bull st Hersey, C W clerk 229 king st, 82 queen st Hertisch, B bootmaker 13 rpieen st Herwig, W worsted dealer 239 king st, 249 king st Hertz, A E accountant adger's wharf, king st " J E clerk 110 east-bay, queen st '* F E accountant, cor king and market sts, 67 king " T E 67 king st Heslope, W clerk 91 church st Hess, Jacob spring st Hevy, mrs teacher 1 1 1 church st Hewess, Elias engineer 10 anson st Hewit, G W clerk 18 vanderhorst st, 13 lynch st " O H P clerk 26 hayne st, pavilion hotel Hey, Henry, clerk 87 king st 5S Heyer, J H grocer spring st Heynes, J D collector 13 prices alley Heyward, T J clerk 40 east-bay, 63 calhoun st " Daniel planter 17 east battery " J B planter 90 broad st ** W H planter 4 legare st " Charles planter 251 east-bay *' mrs A J 63 calhoun st " Arthur planter Georgia, charlotte st " Charles, planter combahee, chapel st " mrs S 3 aiken row " E B H bay st Hickj^, mrs E 8 middle st Hiens, H grocer 103 meeting st Highams & co com mers 71 east-bay " Thomrs com mer 71 east-bay, England Hilken, J H grocer cor coming and spring sts Hill, N B com mer atlantic wharf, Columbia " John fancy goods 60 queen st <' F C artist 13 Clifford st '* W M bootmaker 33 beaufain st " John 19 mazyck *' John carpenter nassau st Hillegiss, mrs C 1 1 Franklin st Hillen, J bootmaker, cor king and ann st Hilliam T restaurant 107 east-bay, 67 broad st Hillier, mrs J private boarding 67 broad st Hills, C E clerk 258 king st Hilson, John grocer meeting st, ward 5 Hinck, H M publisher " Tueton" 3 queen st Hincken, Jacob grocer 32 bull st Hinckley, C E clerk 260 king st, 236 king st Hinnies, Wm clerk 43 archdale st Hinson, mrs seamstress 12 tradd st Hippins, mrs P 10 went worth st Hirsehfeld, H, m. d., 4 chalmer st Hislop, W clerk cotton-piess 31 wall st " mrs S mantilla maker 31 wall st Hobbs, W seedsman and florist king st Hodge, mrs F hanover st Hockaday, W livery stable 3 chalmer st Hoff, J C stationer 10 broad st " John tailor 190 meeting st, st philip st 59 Hoffman, H grocer cor ashley and cannon sts Hogan, M D tavern keeper 125 east-bay, 14 state st " Patrick clerk 125 east-bay " Richard cotton mcht 127 east-bay, radclifFe st " mrs milliner 3 19 king st " Ed laborer, jasper's court Hogarth, H cooper longitude lane, 40 church st Holcombe, E clerk 135 meeting st, commercial hotel Holland, E C wharfinger commercial vvhf, ashley st " P G dry goods cor broad and king sts, cor friend and tradd sts Holey, Henry fireman, line st HoUens, B grocer line st Holloway, C carpenter, 29 beaufainst " Charles carter, 29 beaufain st " Richard carpenter, 38 mazyck st *• Samuel carter, 67 calhoun st " Henry segar maker, coming st, ward 8 " Adeline 3 mazyck st " Mary 17 college st " C raantuamaker 58 calhoun st Holmes, Isaac clerk 13 southern whf " R L clerk vanderhorst's whf, charlotte st " A F appraiser custom house, 13 east-battery " J B physician 85 church st, 13 east-battery " J J cashier southwestern r r bank, 13 east-battery " EH collector, st michael's alley, 13 east-battery *• J H com mcht central wharf, 1 wall st " W P clerk 4 vendue r, cor tradd and council sts '• John carpenter, 110 meeting st " VV E clerk 120 meeting st, charlotte st " J L book-keeper bank of Charleston. 5 pitt st " Dr H INI planter cooper river, 2 council st " M R 2 council st " Drayton col lector, st michael's alley, 1 3 church st " J V gunsmith 64 queen st, 32 coming st « W H charlotte st " EG charlotte st " Auber 35 archda!e st " F M sexton st peter's church, 13 mazyck st " FS professor in Charleston college, 53 st philipet " Lydia 21 rutledgest Holstan, Elias guardman, spring st 60 Holton, M pastry cook, 31 Cumberland st " mrs M mantuamaker 16 Clifford st Honour, John H pres ch'n ins and trust co. John st " WE John st " Thomas bookbinder, mary st " J H jr, penny-postman, cor calhoun and coming st " J Lawrence supt street upper wards, John st Hood, mrs E toyshop 1 16 king st Hook, C clerkj 19 south-bay Hopkins, Hudson & Co, fac and com mchts central whf " L fac and com mcht central whf, augusta Ga " J A cooper adger's whf, 28 church st Hopley, G A & Co, fac and com mchts atlantic whf ^' G A fac and com mcht atlantic whf, cor legare and tradd sts Horas, John poultry dealer, king st, ward 7 Horin, Michael laborer, bedon's alley Hories, W clerk, 38 church st Horlbeck & Brothers, brickburners and layers " H bricklayer, cor calhoun and meeting sts " John bricklayer, cor calhoun and meeting sts " E bricklayer, 7 horlbeck alley '* Daniel clerk court common pleas, court house, cor calhoun and meeting sts " Peter physician 1 1 1 broad st " Elias physician 8 coming st " mrs M 46 beaufain st ** J F grocer cor pinckney and anson sts Horry, A E tailor 62 market st " mrs E 39 meeting st " W B S planter santee river, 39 meeting st " E S planter santee river, 39 meeting st " P T planter santee river, 39 meeting st " J E planter santee river, 39 meeting st Horsey, mrs private boarding 155 east-bay '' F clerk 101 east-bay, 155 east-bay " T M & Co, hats and caps 23 hayne st " T M hats and caps 23 hayne st, 42 anson st Horton, TAP tin and hardware 120 meeting st, 10 glebe st Hosch & Fleming, candy manufacturers 269 king st " Wm candy manufacturer 269 king st Hosegood, George engineer, 89 -| east-bay Hotson, Timothy carter, st philip st, ward 6 61 Houle, H bootmaker 13 queen st Houseman, mrs boots and shoes 99 east-bay Houston, W H builder and contractor, charlotte st " Robert tailor, king st, ward 5 Howard, S E clerk commercial whf, 259 east-bay '' H M naval officer custom house, 259 east-bay " Lee, d'y naval officer custom-house, 259 east-bay " J L clerk central wharf, 259 east bay " T L accountant fitzsimon's wharf. 259 east-bay " M drayman 8 east-bay Howe, Silas 29 archdale st Howell, S S dry goods hayne st, 9 hasel st " S S clerk 135 meeting st, 9 hasel st Howland & 1 aft, com mchts 141 east-bay " W E clerk 141 cor queen and franklin sts " Wm dry goods 244 king, cor lynch and monta- gue sts Hubbell, T C grist mill calhoun st, ward 5 Hubert, C N com mcht 71 east-bay, alexander st Huchet, Theo ship and com mcht 10 adger's wharf, 160 east-bay " Eugene com mcht adger's wharf, 160 east-bay *' J com mer market st Hudson, J R factor and com mcht atlantic whf, Char'n h'l Hudtwalker, T M clerk atlantic wharf, east-bay Huff, W R factor and com mcht accommodation wharf, pavilion hotel " John tailor st philip st, ward 6 " Wm fireman rutledge st, ward 8 Huffman, Rosa 3 bull st Huger and Milliken dry goods 42 east-bay " A M dry goods, 42 east-bay, 52 meeting st " Alfred postmaster 92 broad st " John 109 broad st " Daniel 14 south-bay «' Col F 10 Lambol st '' D E 24 meeting st " Benjamin planter st. John's island, calhoun. w'd 6 " W H, m. d., calhoun st, ward 6 " Benjamin tailor 60 calhoun st " Daniel 61 coming st Huggins, miss Elizabeth private boarding 30 tradd st " John ship carpenter coming st, ward 6 7 62 Hughes, E T clerk vanderhorst wharf, greenhill st '' Thos cabinet maker 70 and 74 meeting st " O planter st James island, I greenhill st Hulbert, J C clerk 116 meeting, 1 society st '' mrs M A I society st Hull & Knevals, drapers and tailors 137 meeting st " AS draper and tailor 137 meeting, Charleston hotel " S J clerk 39 hayne st, pavilion hotel Hulsberg, H grocer 61 tradd st Hume, Thomas M broker and auctioneer 28 broad st. cor thomas and warren sts " Robert planter santee 6 lynch st " Dr W teacher experimental science citadel, corner mill and ashley sts Humme, Henry grocer 102 tradd st Hummel, W druggist cor king and mary sts Hunxphreys, J clerk 243 king st, 8 smith st " VV carpenter 8 smith st " mrs H 8 smith st Hunt, N aiic & com mcht 20 vendue range, 33 anson st " B F & son attorneys 13 broad si, corner wentworlh and gadsden st " B F jr attorney 13 broad, cor wentworth & gadsden Hunteman, J G clerk 29 hayne st, beau fain st Hunter, John coming st, ward 6 Huntington, G M clerk 143 meeting st, 230 king st Huntoon, C S clerk 149 meeting st, Charleston hotel Hurkampt, John grocer 87 broad st Hurst, J L planter's hotel Husda, Wm tailor 37 queen st Huson, Geo machinist 6 anson st Hussey, S E clerk 1 hayne st, planter's hotel Hutchinson, T L meeting st " J H clerk commercial vv^iarf, 99 1 east-bay " C carpenter 120 king st Hyams, M ship broker brown's wharf, 47 wentworth st " H packer 145 meeting st, east-bay " mrs mantua maker 42 king st " Solomon umbrella maker 16 calhoun st Hyatt, McBurney & co, dry goods 37 hayne st " M carpenter sires alley v^ Hyde^ S hardware 139 meeting st, 56 tradd st " G A clothine: 277 kirn? st 63 Hyer, mrs sires alley Hyur, C W musician 113 meeting st I. Uiffe, Charles shoemaker 120 kingst Ingliss, Wm barber 4 queen st Ingraham & Webb, fac and com mchts comercial wharf " G H fac and com mchts, commercial wharf, 18 laurens st Inglesby, W H city treasurer, 4 logan st Inness, C M clerk 23 hayne st, Charleston hotel Irvin, C tavern-keeper 96 church st Irons, W carpenter spring st Isaacs, Alexander accountant, 143 meeting, Charleston h'l lusta, A W iron worker 31 queen st Izard, mrs H 29 legare st J. Jacobi & son, dry goods 221 king st " W J dry goods 221 king st " Nathan, dry goods 221 king st Jacobs, J S clothier market st " G W tinsmith 109 meeting st, king st " D jeweller 338^ king st " J C clerk 9 broad st, 1 1 smith st " Meyer collecting clerk bank S S C, 11 smith st " mrs D H private boarding 82 queen st " mrs M sprmg st '• Rev F pastor 2d Presbyterian church, John st Jackson, F C clerk 199 king st, 63 meeting st " mrs restorer of old paintings 63 meeting st " Geo house furnisher, 275 king st " Geo jr 275 king st " Thomas clerk 275 king st " George sail maker 52 queen st *' mrs A P st philipst, ward 6 " mrs A woolfe st " G W gasfitter woolfe st James, Robert book publisher 103 & 105 east-bay, 115 br'd " Henry carpenter 1 1 pinckney st " Wm pilot 11 pinckney st Jaques, D H associate editor literary gazette " G R shoe dealer spring st 64 Jeaneret, J C accountant boyce's wharf, 46 church st Jeffords, Samuel clerk commercial wharf, 7 smith's lane " W G clerk adger's wharf, cor meeting and m'k't '' R J clerk 76 east-bay, 9 hasel st E A clerk 98 east-bay, 9 hasel st " & Scanlan, blacksmiths, marsh wharf u James blacksmith marsh wharf, 19 wentworth st " J N clerk cor market and king sts, cor meeting and market sts '' mrs private boarding cor meeting and market sts Jenerette, mrs R 5 Philadelphia st Jenkins, John superintendent cotton press 95-| east-bay « W F iOG church st ^' C S clerk 21 1 king st, 98 beau fain st " 3 G engineer 98 beaufain st Jennings, David saddlery 157 meeting st, 6 montague st " AG clothing 26 huyne st, Charleston hotel Jenny, Robert saddler 344 king st Jervy, T D deputy collector custom-house, 3 wall st " J C import inspector custom-house, 104 tradd st " S M 104 tradd st •' Wm attorney 59 meeting st, 22 george st " Lewis book-keeper state bank, 13 george st " J P, m. d., 13 George st Jessen, H grocery merchant 139 east-bay Jesup, Z R boots and shoes 142 king st y Jowitt, John printer 48 broad st John, D E clerk 143 east-bay, planters hotel Johnson, T W import his'r custom-house, king st, ward 6 " T N clerk ceniral w-harf, 107 king st " R jr spirit dealer 98 east-bay " W wood factor" marshall wharf, 73 wentworth st '' C sea captain 89-| east-bay " Andrew clerk 181 east-bay, 14 new street '' O E accountant 277 king st, king st, ward 6 '' J L clerk 149 meeting st, 240 king st " H L clerk, 1 hayne st, Charleston hotel " H D clerk 45 hayne st, king st " J mechanic stoll's alley " Hollis boots and shoes 240 king st " Joseph, m. d., 107 king st »' B umbrella and wire-safe maker 263 and 327 kina: st 65 Johnson, A S clerk 279 king st, king st, ward 6 " C H clerk 159 meeting st, king st, ward 6 *' & Smith tailors 316^ king st " Joseph druggist 11 broad st, 107 king st " mrs S 18 anson st '' James tailor 79 queen st *' miss teacher 126 queen st <' mrs S 1 12 queen st " D P sea captain 14 new street " L grocer 1 1 mazjck st " J S collector 73 wentworth st '' mrs M midwife 14 liberty st " mrs M 19 montague st " W engineer 35 montague st *' Sarah dressmaker 2 green st *' T W Johnson hotel king st, ward 6 •' Wm butcher coming st, ward 6 " Sarah, jaspers court '• S vanderhorst st '= Hagar calhoun st, ward 5 " mrs N hampden court " G A machinist anson st '• James butcher amherst st " John butcher columbus st " John overseer line st Johnston, Crews & Brawlej', dry goods 181 east-bay " AS dry goods 181 east-bay, 193 meeting st " I M C 2cr teller bank of Charleston, 23 pitt st " miss A 26 soulh-bay " miss C 26 south-bay f' D C 71 queen st Joiner, Wm carpenter coming st, ward 8 Jones, A D clerk 26 east-bay, cor broad and mazyck st ^'' AH com mcht 60 east-bay, 94 broad st -' S M clerk 60 east-bay, 94 broad st " E J painter and gilder 2 Washington st " T S deputy secretary of state fire-proof building, king st, ward 6 *' Wm steam boat captain 70 king st " J C clerk 256 king st, 9 pitt st « EC architect 46 broad st, 9 pitt st *' mrs C dry goods 65 state st " E J ship carpenter, 96 anson st 7* 66 Jones, miss Sarah, 1 guignard st ^' miss Susan I guignard st " miss E 1 guignard st " Paul 47 george st " mrs C M 1 1 rutledge st " Wm carpenter 11 rutledge st " Jesse machinist 1 1 rutledge st " John carpenter coming st, ward 8 " Paul carpenter bee st " J H carpenter morris st Jordan, G baker 113 meeting st " Robt miller east point mills Josephs, L H clerk boyce's wharf, 6 green st '• mrs J private boarding cor calhoun and king sts " EC cor calhoun and king st " J J 6 green st *' miss C M 24 burns lane Joy, John laborer harnpden court " mrs 45 church st Judge, C blacksmith 34 market st Jugnot, G steam-boat agent 122 east-bay Jungbluth, J H tavern-keeper, 7 market st Just, Geo wharf builder 34 hasel st Kalaher, Lewis laborer 20 tradd st Kumlah, H clerk 104 east-bay Kanapaux, J T clerk 14 hayne st, 2 gadsden st " C E attorney sheriff's office, 131 king st " C superintendant Lucas mill " J D tinner 46 bull st Kannahan, Denis mason st philip st, ward 8 Kappleman, M H german books 1 19 meeting st Kaufman, A bootmaker 553 broad st, church st •'' mrs A D alexander st Keckeley, Dr E C conductors C R R, meeting st, w'd 5 Keegan, Thos laborer, st philip st, ward 8 Keeling, John carpenter 76 king st " Robt carpenter 76 king st Keena, James porter 80 east-bay, 53 tradd Keenan, J D clerk 40 east-bay '' Wm engraver 250 king st, 21 st philip st Keep, J H grocer 62 anson st 67 Keif, Patrick laborer 13 burns lane Keiffer, John leather dealer 13 hayne and 27 market st Keilsj J S grocer 37 coming st " C carpenter woolfe st Keith, M J register conveyances fireproof building, 1 Aiken row " J A cor lynch and montague sts « P T pastor St Michael's church, 12 lynch st / Keller, C coal yard 51 market st, church st / Kelly, J A boat builder, hard alley " T dry goods 214 king st, victotia hotel " D clerk 214 king st, 4 beaufain st « J G clerk 207 king s% liberty st •' Thomas bootmaker 43 broad st ^ ' James printer 76 anson st " Thomas plasterer 25 montague st " Wm plasterer 44 st philip st " O laborer st philip st, ward 6 «' Michael laborer st philip st, ward 8 " Michael laborer president st " Peter piivate boarding 3 linguard st Kemme, D H clothing 39 broad st, 166 king st Kemp, R P moulder hampden court Kenard, L tanner hanover st Kendt, F clerk 1 89 east bay Kenefeck, John clerk 25 hayne st, 139 king st Kennedy, R A clerk central wharf ^ " P boots and shoes 79 market st « J D hardware 36 market st " John saddler 302 king st " J T tailor 4 coming st " mrs M E 74 wentworth st " John, private boarding st philip st, ward 6 " Denis butcher smith st " Michael guardman linguard st " James boarding 3 linguard st " James laborer america st '• Henry carpenter line st Kenny, J carpenter queen st " Thos horse shoer 33 Wentworth st Kent, Bates & Mitchell, clothing 118 meeting and 268 king st " W A clothing 118 meeting and 268 king st 68 Kent, Samuel guardman sires alley « ' E G woolfe St Kenworth, W clerk poor house Kerr, T J com mcht atlantic wharf, 1 society st <' T T com mcht atlantic wharf " miss S king st, ward 5 ■ Kerrison, C & E L dry goods cor king and market sts '' Charles dry goods cor king and market, 5 new " EL dry goods cor king and market sts, 103 wentworth st Kershaw, mrs A 82 wentworth st Ketchum & Taylor, dry goods, 243 king st " Joel dry goods 243 king st, meeting st, ward 5 " AH clerk king st, 32 queen st Kiddell, Geo clerk 40 east-bay " A clerk 76 east- bay, 23 friend st Kiels, C carpenter Woolfe st Kiep, J P grocer 6 rutledge st Killerman, G clerk 23 market st King, Geo boiler maker 24 Washington st " W S editor courier 26 broad st " W L clerk courier office, commercial house " S H operator telegraph office 26 broad st " OS medical student 26 broad st " G W clerk 106 church st '• mrs chalmer st " J H grocer 123 king st " A dry goods 254 king st, 88 market st " W & F dry goods 267 king st " W dry goods 267 king st, 58 -wentworth st *' F dry goods 267 king st, 58 wentworth st " N S wig maker 278 king st " H C attorney St Michael's alley, 68 tradd st " Mitchel attorney 14 George st » John clerk S C R R, 42 george st " J W & G W proprietors american hotel '' J W proprietor american hotel " G W proprietor american hotel Kingdon, Thos engineer S C R R, rutledge st, ward 8 Kingman, J W clerk corner king and market sts, corner calhoun and coming st " G L clerk 243 corner king and market sts, cor calhoun and coming sts 69 Kingman, John scavenger cor calhoun and coming sts " Eliab penny post cor calhoun and coming sts " Robt clerk 163 meeting st, 4 wentworth st " Samuel book-keeper and transfer clerk planters' and mechanics' bank, rear of bank Kinloch, Geo grain dealer de'wees wharf, 223 east-bay " R A, m. d., 223 east-bay •^ " R millwright 15 bull st f " Benjamin millwright 51 coming st " Frederick librarian Charleston library, mill st " mrs JVl 4 aiken row Kinnay, J bootmaker 144 east-bay " Patrick blacksmith president st Kinsey, G F accountant 26 hajme, cor king & wentworth Kinsley, P E crockery dealer 120 church st Kinsman, H W upholsterer 86 meeting st Kirk, John hack driver 20 pinckney st " S D clerk cor beaufain and lynch st, 8 magazine st " mrs M 8 magazine st Kirker, Robt wheelwright 28 pinckney st, 10 anson st " James wheelwright and blacksmith, king, w'd 5 Kirkpatrick, J & J J factors atlantic wharf " J factor atlantic wharf, 40 east-bay " J J factor atlantic wharf, 40 east-bay y Kirkwood, Wm ship builder foot of laurens st, 17 laurens Klen, E laborer king st, ward 6 Klenke, A clerk 65 east-bay Klesick. A spirit dealer 16 vendue range, 1 horlbeck alley Klinck & Wickenberg, grocers cor broad and church sts " John grocer cor broad and church sts, 84 church " John clerk 29 anson st " Henry clerk 2 middle st '' G F clerk 369 king st Klintworth, H grocer cor Washington and Charlotte st Knauf, T J carpenter 23 wentworth st " Henry engineer 23 wentworth st Knapp, mrs 7 wentworth st Knee, H grocer 38 church st " mrs dry goods 38 church st Kneply, S import inspector custom-house, 73 queen st Knight, J D capt U S navy, elizabeth st Knoblock, John clerk 222 king st, 193 king st '' Wm baker 19 calhoun st I 70 Knoke, Albert grocer 18 state st Knowles, miss E milliner and dressmaker, 202 king" st Knox, Robert wood factor palmetto wharf, 8 pritchard st " ' J B ship carpenter 5 middle st " mrs C 14 green st Kodeweg, F watchmaker 82 meeting st Kohrike, C F grocer 71 corning st Kollman, N grocer 47 church st Koppman, J baker king st, ward 8 Korber, H grocer 8 lynch st Koster, J C grocer meeting st, ward 5 Krackie, F grocer corner rutledge and doughty sts Kramer, mrs L midwife king st, ward 5 " W H cabinet maker king st, ward 5 " Philip laborer coming st, ward 8 " Jacob carpenter spring st Kreeden, F grocer st philip st, ward 8 Krate, Geo grocer 19 wall st Krieton, M grocer cor columbus and nassau sts Kruse & Westman, grocers 311 king st " Jacob grocer 311 king st " A M 25 society st KuefFner, F, m. d., 67 meeting st Kuhtmann, H W com mcht atlantic wharf, 68 calhoun st Kulinski, J watchmaker 104 meeting st Kunhardt, Wm W attorney 51 broad st, 5 wentworth st u \Yn'i portwarden 5 wentworth st Kyall, Wm boatman 20 anson st " Thomas boiler maker 20 anson st Labates, mrs C mantua maker 75 tiadd st Laboard, mrs A spring st " J P clerk east-bay, spring st LaBruse, mrs drake st Lacassagire, E china dealer 148 king st Lacomb, Susan 22 calhoun st Lacoste, T J rigger 4 marsh st " A J rigger 77 east-bay Ladsden, G 12 west st Ladson, J H & co, factors 13 southern wharf " J H factor, 13 southern wharf, 4 meeting st " W H factor 13 southern wharf, 4 meeting st 71 Laendr, Joseph clerk pavilion hotel, 37 anson st Lafar, M L L clerk gillon st, 47 beaufain st " W H clerk 235 kin;j st, 47 beaufain st '• T A pattern maker 47 beaufain st " John moulder nassau st " D B cooper cor rutledge and calhoun st Laffan, J watchmaker 91 church st Lafhteau, S accountant 17 pinckney st Laflitte, E & co agents Savannah steamers, fitzsimon's w " E agent Savannah steamers fitzsimon's wharf, 12 wentworth st " J B agent Savannah steamers fitzsiramon's whf, meeting sts LaGrue, John engineer S C R R, line st Lahman, Daniel clerk 143 king st Lakise, Jacob cap maker 328 king st Lalaue, J A tobacconist 46 east-bay Lalane, P B discount clerk bank of Charleston, 1 18 king Lamb, B clerk 181 east-bay, 191 meeting st " James 191 meeting st " D W, m. d. 41 meeting st, 191 meeting st " James jr 191 meeting st Lambert & brothers, carpet dealers 219 king st '■' Robt carpet dealer 219 king st, 22 wentworth st " Charles carpet dealer 219 king st, 22 wentworth " mrs A st philip st, ward 6 Lambla, Joseph finisher coming st, ward 6 Lamkin & Hurstj proprietors planters' hotel " J W proprietor planters' hotel Lament, D tailor horlbeck alley Lamotie, J A printer 68 meeting st '* H J printer 68 meeting st Lampe, F grocer and coal dealer 49 market st Lanagan, K private boarding cor king and reid sts Lance, D H accountant central wharf, broad st " Francis broker 5 state st, broad st " A J broker 5 state st, broad st " W S cadet citadel, broad st " L C teacher high school, king st " Rev H planter georgetown, charlotte st Landreih, D M seedstore 297 king st Lane, E H dry goods 41 hayne st, Charleston hotel Langdon,E tailor market st, coming st 72 Lange, J H tavern keeper 15 vendue range LanneaUj C H clerk central wharf, 14 state st " B accountant 155 east-bay, 7 pitt st " John clerk 145 meeting st, 7 pitt st " & Burckmyer, grocery mchts 14 hayne sts " F grocery rncht 14 hayne st, 43 coming st " mrs M 22 anson st J Lapeine, A J bookbinder 103 east-bay " Sidney 34 king st " J N dry goods 336 king st Larkin, mrs C private boarding 32 queen st " mrs M 76 queen st Larousseliere, upholsterer 161 king st Larrandga, V A Spanish consul, 33 tradd st Lassall, J B carpenter columbus st Lathrop, Joseph laborer william's row LaurenSj Joseph furniture dealer 52 st philip st " E K 194 east bay " Sarah 1 Wilson st Laurent, A clerk 123 meeting st Laury, H Z clerk 25 vendue range, 63 king st Law, M bootmaker 38 church st Laval, W J clerk comptroller-general office, elizabeth st '' W state treasurer firerproof building, 1 george st Lawrence, mrs S C 6 church st " mrs F 23 lynch st '' E planter coming st, ward 6 Lawton, W M & co factors 13 southern whf, u W M factor 13 southern wharf, 17 rutledge st " Jos & CO dry goods 40 east-bay " Win planter 40 south-bay " R P 24 montague st " J C24 montague st Layman, James 5 wall st Lazarus, B D cor smith and wentworth sts " Joshua president gas works cor laurens andwall " G steam-boat inspector custom-house Leader, mrs M 8 cliflord st Leak, W C grocer king st, ward 7, columbus st Leamont, mrs M 2 minority st Leonard, mrs J 13 friend st Lebby, W engineer and machinist foot hasel, 15 wentw'h " M W clerk 123 east-bay, 29 Cumberland st 73 Lebby, Robt, m. d., 25 Cumberland st, 29 Cumberland st " Robt jr medical student george st, 29 Cumberland " T F printer 183 king st LeBriffe, F painter 17 state st Leckie, Kobt umbrella manufacturer 133 meeting st and 179 king st " John 179 king st " David accountant S C shoe factory. 20 beaufain st Leclere, A clerk 7 molts lane Lee, Andrew blacksmith gadsden wharf " A C grocer cor market and archdale st " Wm sea captain 58 meeting st '' P H accountant 1 hayne st, planters' hotel '' E barber, 53 broad st " F D architect 57 broad st, alexander st "AM sec com ins company 4 broad st, Judith st B F teller state bank, alexander st *' John 78 tradd st " John pilot 19 church st '^ W T carpenter, 4 hard alley " G C grocer 32 archdale st " J T teacher high school, 42 pitt st " mrs 42 Pitt st Leffman, Wm baker 8 queen st Legare, O'Hear & co factors commercial wharf •' James commercial wharf, cor logan and broad sts " J J clerk 16 east hB.y, 43 anson st " James clerk 80 east-bay, 2 greenhill st " S L planter st John's island, 103 tradd st " mrs A 19 hasel st Lege, J G clerk adger's wharf, king st Legg, mrs M 213 east bay LeGras, G H clerk adger's wharf, 206 east-bay Lehre, Thomas alexander st Leiding, H fancy goods 141 meeting st, king st " Ann 14 coming st Leightburn, mrs E B king st, ward 6 Leiker, L grocer I tradd st Leitch, W Y surveyor custom-house, cor lamboll &; legare " G M clerk 133 meeting st, 2 wall st '' R L 2 wall st Leland, J A professor mathematics and astronomy citadel academy 8 76 Lock wood, rnrs C D 73 broad st " S L, m. d., 73 broad st " J A clerk 102 meeting st, atlantic st " * J wheelwright 108 church st, atlantic st " J P attorney st michael's alley " S bootmaker 12 anson st " PL accountant central wharf, 179 king st Logan & Glen, clothiers 261 kingst '^ J C clothier 261 king st " mrs H 4 burns lane ' Wm librarian Charleston librarj', cor st philip and warren sts " Edward butcher nassau st " Martha mill st Lonbat, H scissors grinder meeting st, ward 5 Londegran, W laborer vernon st Long, F H bootmaker tradd st " mrs M 58 king st " A K gasfitlcr 10 smiths lane " J hatter 40 queen st " R A com mcht dewees wharf, 14 mazj^ck st Longman, J H daguerreotypist 233 king st, 204 king st Loper, J W clerk 19 hajaie st, planters hotel " H G paying teller S W R R bank, 19 broad st '' J H engineer 19 broad st Lopez, David sash-door and blind factory, rutledge st, 13 short st " mrs P 41 coming st Lord, Samuel com mcht 110 east-bay, 18 society st " Jacob bricklayer Washington st " J C barber 91 market st, vanderhorst st '^ Robert carpenter meeting st, vanderhorst st " John laborer combing st, ward 8 " J F M bricklayer america st Loryea, A clothier 60 market st, 96 meeting st ^' E clothier 64 state st Love, Charles saddler cor broad and church sts, 46 tradd " miss A milliner 157 king st Lovells, misses warren st ' " Ed clerk accomodation wharf, warren st Lovegreen, L B clerk 253 king, cor king and calhoun sts Lovet, W tavern-keeper bedons alley Lowndes, mrs E B 7 kino^ st McClure, John 15 middle st " W J cannon st Conky, James painter 54 broad st Connell, livery stables 102 church st Cormick, J private boarding 2G market st '' P Philadelphia st Cready, Ed attorney 20 broad st, 18 anson st " clerk custom-house, 81 broad st Cully, W P clerk post office Dermid, D engineer and machinist foot hasel, marsh st " Robt miller chisholm mill Donald, P H clerk 143 east-bay, liberty st " James laborer st philip st, ward 8 " John coming st, ward 8 Donnell, A B clerk cor king and market, 159 king st " Daniel seaman bedons alley Donough, E tailor meeting st " C laborer 64 queen st Dougall. David miller chisholm mill Dow all & CO dry goods 32 east-bay " Andrew dry goods 32 east-bay, 8 meeting st Dowell, R H crockery dealer 21 1 king st, 21 bull st Elharen, W C horse shoer, 24 VVentworth st Fadden, J W clerk 153 east-bay, commercial house Paul, J clerk 288 king st, 4 beaufain st Feely, mrs E line st Feeters, nnrs M A chapel st Gary, F P bootmaker 9 tradd st Gee, C S clerk boyce's wharf, st philip st, ward 6 Gibbon, James accountant 248 king st, 236 king st Gill, J T medical student Carolina hotel Gillivray, A C accountant 1 19 east-bay, 1 1 atlantic st *' W S builder 10 atlantic st " J G accountant court-house, 10 atlantic st Gin, James lumber mcht, rutledge st Gowen, John porter 9 anson st •' Thomas laborer 9 anson st " mrs M A 2 savage st Grady, mrs C 14 anson st Greath, David 98 meeting st Heugh, mrs M 49 beaufain st " Francis attorney 49 beaufain st Innis, B blacksmith 30 chalmer st, 54 queen st 80 x/ Mcintosh, D N ship builder marshal wharf, 96 beaufain '' " W clerk 19 vendue range, 96 beaufain st " " W carpenter president, st " Intjre, Stewart pavilion hotel, 37 anson st " Kay, Robert moulder 24 marsh st " Kenn, James clerk 26 archdale st " Kee, A ship joiner market wharf, 16 pinckney '' Keegan, John blacksmith 180 meeting st *' Kenzie, Cadow & co dry goods 82 east-bay " " B F dry goods 82 east-bay " " HA dry goods 82 east-bay, planters hotel " " A & P B saddlers cor cluirch and chalmersts " " A saddler cor church and chalmer sts " " P B saddler cor church and chalmer sts " " J cabinet maker 11 church st, 83 church st '' " mrs midwife 83 church st " «' D shoeniaker 29 broad st " " mrs M M private boarding 23 society st " " John trader sires st " Kinley, G tailor 74 market st, st philip st <« '< Wm tailor 54 coming st '' " Martha 42 coming st " Kinney, C 1st teller bank of Charleston, 55 queen st *' '• John clerk 21 broad st, st michael's alley '* " Hariet Wragg square " Laren, James east point rice mills " Lean, Stephen carpenter 79 queen st " «' "Wm farmer king st, ward 8 " Leish, James engineer and machinist gadsden wharf, 1 inspection st « " Wm dry goods 82 church st *' " Archibald blacksmith and wheelwright, 4 Cum- berland st " Manar, Michael laborer, st philip st, ward 8 '' Mann, M laborer 38 king st ^" Manus, Thomas grocer 20 souih-bay '" " John drayman 1 4 wall st <' Master, Mdry goods 364 kmg st " Millan, Thomas ship carpenter market st « " J W pressman mercury office, 277 east-bay « " Thomas tailor 104 queen st « '' John private boarding 23 queen st " Namar, James clerk 135 east bay V 77 Lowndes, H D planter santee friend st " mrs 1 1 short st " Wm 1 1 short st " mrs C 30 montague st " C T east-bay Loyal, Charles carpenter woolfe st Lloyd, Wm stock broker 7 broad st, 57 broad st W G clerk 7 broad st, 57 broad st Wm carpenter 138 tradd st E W clerk 138 tradd st S S clerl^ king st, ward 7 Jesse hats and shoes king st, ward 3 Lubs, P S tobacconist 263 king st Lucas T B fac and com mcht commercial wharf, Cal- houn st, ward 6 " J com mcht 68 east-bay, calhoun st, w'd 6 " Benjamin l^ricklayer 4 savage st ** John bricklayer 4 savage st " Wm planter santee river, rutledge st, ward 6 " J H planter rutledge st, ward 6 '' E S planter cooper river, rutledge st, ward 6 '' W N planter santee river, rutledge st, ward 6 " C B, m. d.; rutledge st, ward 6 " R H engineer cor ashley and doughty sts " HE planter cooper river, calhoun st, ward 6 Luchey, mrs J king st, ward 7 Luhrden, C tavern-keeper 149 east-bay Luhrs, John grocer marsh st Lukins, mrs H grocer radclifFe st, Lumkins, S clerk cor king and market sts Lyall, H L printer 4 mazjck st Lynass, B dry goods 212 king st Lynch, C C clerk atlantic wharf, 66 queen st " J G printer 10 stolls alley «= F C tailor 91 market st " Patrick pastor 80 broad st '• miss J 34 archdale st " Thomas police officer amherst st Lyons. J V clerk 157 meeting st, pavilion hotel " Thomas clerk 182 king st " Ellis pastor 48^ coming st '' J J cannon and st philip st " D guard man linguard st 78 Lyons, Denis clerk east-bay, linguard st " mrs i\l A hanover st " J R engineer S C R R, reid st M. McAllister, Charles dry goods 339 king st " Andrew, James clerk 17 king st " Aveeny, Philip clerk 124 meeting st " Bride, P auction and com mcht, 22 vendue range « " P jr clerk 22 vendue range " " M broker i chalmer st " " miss dressmaker 99 market st *' Burney, Wm dry goods 37 hayne st, 29 george st " Caa, W L clerk atlantic wharf, broad st " Cabe, J W accountant head broad st, merchants hotel " " James laborer 13 tradd st " " James engineer 15 pinckney st " Caffer, J boots and shoes 354 king st '° Call, B planter summerville, 100 tradd st " " mrs M A 14 orange st " " J B accountant 17 mazyck st '' " Emmer baker ashley st " " mrs Ann 19 bull st *' Cart, Anthony gilder 225 king st, broad st *' Carter, C laborer vernon st " " D L clothier 193 east bay " " J clothier 193 east-bay " " & Allen booksellers and stationers 116 meeting " " J J bookseller and stationer, 116 meetings!, 14 hasel st " Cartley, J clothing 142 east-bay " Cartney, D carpenter 47 queen st, 41 queen st " " scavenger 33 calhoun st " Carty, M laborer 9 tradd st " Cauly Emma 3 montague st '• Cays, misses 8 friend st '' Clinton, Robt bootmaker 7 burns lane " Clore & Elder tanners John st " " James tanner John st " Clure, Wm clerk 98 east-bay, cannon st <' " R C clerk 2444iing st, cannon st » "EH bootmaker 56 meeting st, 17 queen st '' " Thomas bootmaker 17 queen st AiL/, 7^ 81 McNamar, J clerk 3 10 king st, liberty st " " Michael laborer radcliffe st " Nance, clerk 133 meeting st " Nellage, W H clerk 114 east-bay, 7 hasel st " '• sailmaker 7 hasel st " " mrs E 36 jirchdale st *' Neill, mrs H milkseller 25 king st ''■ " mrs 30 middle st '' " mrs M 2 savage st " " Robt gardenei'st philip st, ward 8 " Nulty, Geo clerk 358 king st << Owen, Seth accountant 25G king st, 37 st philip st " " Patrick 37 st philip st " " Patrick jr clerk adger's wharf, 37 st philip '• Peake, J D clerk 244 king st, 279 king st " Pherson, E 255 east bay " " miss C 137 king st '■ Queen, Donald clerk 70''east bay, duncan st " Swain, W A pastor trinity church 55 wentworth st " Tureons, E W clerk atlantic wharf, whims court « " Warren clerk 143 east-bay, whims court " Walder, stonecutter, 17 queen st « " stone cutter 17 queen st « " coppersmith 17 queen st " Willie, T W clerk american hotel Macbeth, W clerk 139 meeting st, 30 south-bay '• Chas attorney 41 broad st, cor legare and gibbs ^' James cotton broker boyces wharf, 30 south-bay " James, jr clerk adgers wharf, 30 south-bay " Robt cliief clerk market, 5 smith st Macdonald, A T accountant, 165 east-bay Mack, John fancy goods 167 meeting st, Charleston hotel Mackaboy, M gardener president st Mackendow, James bak-er st philip st, ward 8 Mackey, J G 314 king st, 229 east bay " W A sea captain, 21 wall st " James student, 43 st philip st " A G m d, calhoun st, ward 5 Mackie, mrs M, 75 broad st " O J engineer S C R R 75 broad st J Mackintosh, Donald hardware dealer, king st, ward 6 Magee, John steam boat agt vanderhorst's whf, 101 broad " Arthur captain, 101 broad st 82 Magee, Abel ship joiner, market whf, 16 pinckney st " mrs J mantua maker, 1 minority st Maghor, James laborer, 32 king st " Patrick dry goods, 1 12 king st Magrath, A G attorney at law, 29 broad, st philips, wd 6 " Edward attorney at law,^9 broad, bee st " John factor, bee st " Michael laborer, 17 queen st Maguire, M clerk 198 king st, 349 king st '^ Daniel dry goods, 362 king st '* Thomas guard man, ashley st " James metal worker, elizabeth st " Robert confectioner 1 1 church st Magwood, C A 9 smith st ** Henry wheelwright, king st, ward 5 " J H brick burner, st philip st, ward 6 <' Simon planter, st andrews pa, rutledge st wd 6 Mahan, Peter porter 80 east bay, 32 queen st " William porter cor king and market, 32 queen st " Thomas laborer, 22 pinckney st " Daniel laborer, 95 queen st Maher, M clerk, 79 market, 44 state st <' mrs J, calhoun st, ward 5 " mrs dry goods, 36 state st Mahony, James a'ccountant, pinckney st, 60 queen " John hatter, 13 broad st, 39 king " C clerk, 13 broad st, 39 king " John wheelwright, calhoun st, ward 6 Maine, A R 46 anson st «' mrs A, 17 wall st Malaney, H packer, 145 meeting street Malcom M accountant, king st, ward 6 Mallet, F baker, lO queen st Mallory, mrs S private boarding, 101 meeting st Malone, T W attorney, 23 mazyck st " Patirick laborer, amherst st Malstedt M grocer, cor st philip and cannon sts Man, John bncklayer, 23 calhoun st Manders, Wm laborer, president st Mangan, Peter blacksmith, hanover st Manigault, A M factor, vanderhorst's whf, 14 south bay " C H clerk, atlantic whf, 6 gibbs st «' Charles planter, cooper river, 6 gibbs st 83 Manigault, H H planter, coUeton, 12 meeting st " W H do do 12 do " G do georgetown 30 Hasel st " mrs J, cor meeting and John sts Mansfield, Geo steam boat captain, nassau st Many, John laborer, bedon's alley Margartj J H blacksmith, 178 meeting st '' H N do 178 do Margarth, M M, line st MargrifF, Henry fisherman, 5 king st Marion, John confectioneer, 289 king st " miss A do 247 do Marjenhoflf, E H tavern keeper, 81 east-bay Marquis, James wheelwright, Washington st, ward 5 Marsh, James shipwright, 4 concord st, 138 east-bay " James jr do marsh's whf, 16 Hasel st Marshall, R N clerk commercial wharf, 91 broad st " S R clerk, 54 east-bay, Washington st, ward 5 " John brick burner marshal wharf, alexander st " J barber church st " Andrew shoemaker 29 broad st, 120 king st " A W pastor st george c-hapel, 91 broad st « J T baker 60 tradd st '' Samuel tailor 30 anson st " & Bogsden barbers 10 queen st " J H seaman 15 franklin st '» mrs E 21 smith st " Susan 18 burns lane Marshburn, E wharfinger 24 calhoun st '« James carpenter 16 rut! edge st Marshman, R seaman bedons alley Marte, mrs E 70 state st Martens, F VV tailor 77 church st Martin, Robert planter charlotte st " & Bryan, fac and com mchts, boyce's wharf " James, fac and com mcht, 47 anson st " W C sub treasurer, custom house *' J J clerk, 19 vendue range, 19 society st V. '• John, grcrcer, market wharf ^ " J S book-binder, "wolfe st '* Isaac boots and shoes, 85 market st " J G clerk, 5 hayne st, 29 coning st " P B clerk, 232 king st, 29 coming st 84 Martin, H S carpenter, 4 king st u w M insurance agent, 9 broad st, 265 east bay " WE attorney at law, 9 broad st, 5 orange st " J C clerk, 9 broad st^ new pt " Jacob blacksmith, 46 wentworth st. 29 coming st " Mrs E 12 calhoun st " Sarah 27 coming st " Philip cannon st " J B neck ice house agent, cor st philips and van- derhorst sts Martindale & Co, grocery merchants, 56 east bay " CO do merchant, do do, king st Mashburn, E H accountant, 89 east bay, montague st " J H import inspector, custom house, 24 calhoun st Mason, G M accountant, 292 king st, merchants' hotel Manso, A fruiter, 35 market st Masteman, W jeweller, kingst, 9 horlbeck alley Masterdon, P fancy dry goods, king st ward 5 Matherson, JP clerk, adger's wharf, 19 laurens st Matheson, Simons & Co, com. merchants, 114 east bay " M P com. merchant, 114 east bay, cor alexan- der and charlotte sts Matthiessen, F C com. merchant, corn w4iarf, 8 church st *' M T clerk, atlantic wharf, 43 king st " Wm clothing, 143 east bay, 14 Wentworth st Matthews & Ropers factors, vanderhorst wharf " E W factor, do do, 13 short st " G B british consul, central wharf, broad st " missM A 112 Tradd st " mrs A 77 queen st " T D book-keeper, bank Charleston, 43 anson st '* J R planter, st bartholemews pa, 29 east bay '' J F do " " W R do " G A m d, " J B tailor, 34 calhoun st. '* P B carpenter, america st Maule, C S milliner, 287 king st Maum, F carpenter, america st Maxcy V clerk, 40 broad st, 17 south bay Maxwell, P J clerk, 40 east bay, 43 east bay May, C F clerk, central wharf, 8 Washington st " John do do do 9 Marsh st do do 29 do do do 29 do 29 do 85 May, J W atty, rear court house, 62 queen st " John cabinet-makerj 62 queen st Mayers, S dry goods, 33 king st Mayor, O leader german brass band, 50 calhoun st Mayrant, mrs 20 laurens st Maysey, Thos boot-rnaker, 55 broad st Mazyck & Son, facs, commercial wharf " Wm fac, commercial wf, cor alexander & chapel " W S & J facs commercial wharf, charlotte, *' H B clerk, boyce & co's wharf, broad st " P P planter, Santee, 30 hasel st " Alexander planter, Santee, 30 hasel st " Edward 30 hasel st " mrs N B 44 calhoun st " N B clerk, boyce & co's wharf, 44 calhoun st " AH collector, 66 broad st Mealy. John treasurer lutheran church, calhoun st, ward 6 Medler, R fruitter, king st, ward 5 Meetze, Felix proprietor drays, mary st Mehrtens, R clerk, oZ vendue range, 28 queen st '* Geo grocer, Washington st « H do do " C F do 71 church st L clerk, 71 do " J C grocer, 7 st philips st « F do cor coming and vanderhorst sts " Wm sign painter, do do " Henry giocer, cor elizabeth and henrietta sts " J do do do do John sts Meitzler, J boot-maker, 100 meeting st « P do ' do " C do do " Jacob do do Melcher, T clerk, 63 east bay " mrs F millinery, king st, ward 6» " F grocer, do do Meldan, G F grocer, 64 meeting st Melfe, F italian boarding house, 31 market st Memminger & Jervj^ attorneys at law, 59 meeting st «' C G attorney do 59 do cor wentworth and smith sts Mendal, G shop-keeper, 145 king st Mendenhall, M T ordinary fire-proof build'g, 81 meeting st 86 Mendt, D C carpenter, 9 wall st. Menlove & Lesesne, com mchts, accommodation wharf " Edward do do do whf, N Orleans Mensing, H clerk, 133 king st « E H clerk, 165 king st " John N grocer, 187 meeting st morris' island " C clerk, 187 meeting st Menzies, Wm clerk, cor king and market sts, mchts' hotel Merew, J VV planter, st Johns, 7^ burns' lane Merican, last-maker, 104 queen st Meridith, J W conductor, S C R R, reid st " Richard dry goods, king st, ward 6 Merrell, A clerk, meeting, cor meeting and market Messery, L accountant, cannon st Mey, F C fac and com mcht, accommodation wharf, 8 Washington st Meyer, H clerk, 20 east-bay " Morris dry goods, 108 east-bay " E J clerk, 29 vendue range, cor king and calhoun st " Martin, grocer, 129 east-bay '' John clerk, 129 east-bay " J tobacconist, 92 meeting st " J D clerk, 167 meeting st, morris st " & Balman grocers, 320 king st " J D grocer, 320 king st, 295 king st " A clerk, 320 king st « H do do " W grocer, 124 tradd st ** B H spirits dealer, 51 state st " James boot-maker, 53 do " Wm baker, 4 wall st " L grocer, 6 arch dale st " A collector, 21 society st *' mrs A grocer, 50 st philips' st " F C do cor meeting and line sts " O bootmaker, cor st philips and warren sts " Henrj'' clerk, coming st ward 6 " C clerk, cor coming and radcliffe " C Laney m. d., morris st '« J grocer, cor calhoun and coming sts " C do do do alexander sts <' C do Hanover st Meynardie, B P carpenter, line st 87 Meynardie, J D carpenter line st " CD tinner, do Michell, A L jeweller, 266 king st, 116 wentworth st *' R F m. d., 74 queen st « Wm do 74 do " Mydleton m. d., 74 queen st " John butcher, 24 middle st " John st philips' st, ward 6 " J A surveyor and architect, broad st " mrs E coming st, ward 6 Micken, Thos painter, 121 king st Middleton & Co, facs, vanderhorst wharf " Thos fac do do 6 meeting st ** A clerk, accommodation wharf, calhoun st *' HA planter, Georgetown, 44 south-bay « C K m. d., 44 south-bay <' HA jr surveyor, 44 south-bay « F pilot, 16 tradd st " J Izard planter, Wackamaw, 15 legare st " Williams do Combahee, 15 do *< WD carpenter, 12 water st, meeting st " William planter, ashley river, 18 meeting st « W clerk, east-bay, 24 pinckney st « C engineer, 24 pinckney st « Oliver planter, 3 new st " Russell do Stono, st philips' st, ward 6 " R Izard coming st, ward 6 Miessner, E grocer, 134 tradd st Miler, Daniel dry goods, 143 meeting st, Charleston hotel Miles'. S C clerk, 19 vendue range, 116 queen st " 'he account, cor king and market sts, 1 16 queen st " mrs cor king and calhoun sts " Thos clerk's C R R, cor king and calhoun sts *« C R attorney, 20 broad st, 53"beaufain st " mrs S B 53 beau fain st ♦' W P prof mathematics, ch college, 53 beaufainst « J W do literature, do 53 do " F T m d. 53 beaufain st " E K teacher, 53 beaufain st Millar, R S baker, 131 meeting st / Milleney, P clerk, east-bay, 195 east-bay J Miller, S S job printer. 50 east-bay, 7 wall st J « A E do 5 broad st, 43 tradd st Miller, J D clerk, commercial wharf, 22 friend st '^ G do 30 vendue range, king st, ward 6 " J A do 68 east-bay, warren st " A A barber, 140 east-bay, Washington st '■ A P clerk, cor king and market sts, beaufain st " W clerk, 198 king st, 2 rutledge st '' Lewis grocer, 11 king st " Wm cabinet-maker, 167 171 173 king st, 99 queen " J C pastor, wentworth st. methodist ch 65 coming " &■ Burger, clothing, 273 king st " F C clothing, 273 king st. vanderhorst st " Wm teller bank state so. ca. hudson st " J H bootmaker, 32 tradd st " Robt seaman, 2 Philadelphia st " Zadock sail-maker, 229 east-bay '• W H 50 queen st " John drayman, 26 laurens st " Louis boot-maker, 57 wentworth st " W T sail-maker, 19 franklin st '' Frederick, tailor, 12 pitt st " Ed. machinist, king st, ward 6 " James accountant, cannon st " Elizabeth cannon st '•' W porter, jasper's court " T J accountant, warren st " S D rope-maker, vanderhorst st " J W carpenter, do " J C grain dealer, dewee's wharf, mary st " T S teacher, John st, hanoverst Milliken, E P dry goods, 42 east-bay, 162 meeting st " Wm grocer 155 east-baj', cor society & east-bay '' A T accountant, 139 meeting 162 meeting st " Thcs planter, st georges, 162 meeting st Milligan, Ed blacksmith, cor coming and cannon sts " mrs Ed dry goods, cor do do do Mills, Beach & Co grain dealers, cor east baj' and com wf " Otis grain dealer, cor e bay & com whf, 36 meeting " Clark, artist. 9 atlantic st '= S M clerk, 147 meeting st, meeting st " S S grocer, 56 market st, 69 tradd st Milne, A planter, st Johns island, 18 rutledge st Milncr, J G auc & com mcht 21 vendue range 17 society Minburg, R laborer america st 89 Minildus, D G grocer st philip st, ward 8 Minis, Robert planter, 227 east-bay MinnSj rars M st philip st, ward 8 Minto, J clothier 23 market st, 52 king Miot, Albert clerk central wharf, mansion house JVliscaliy, D W clerk 7 marsh st Misdorf, Jacob sea captain 24 savage st Mishaw, John boot-maker 76 meeting st " Joshua 3 college st " Rebecca warren st Missroon, Henry steam packet agt adger's whf 2 east-bay Mitchell, W E clerk southern whf 24 bull st " Thomas clerk commercial whf " J D accountant vanderhorst's whf 98 wentworth " C T & Co com mchts atlantic whf •' C T com mcht atlantic whf 15 meeting st " J S, m. d. 91 meeting st261 east-bay " FA accountant 21 hayne st 98 wentworth " G A clothing 118 meeting st, coming « William clerk 118 do " D clerk 270 king st " C M 270 king st " mrs M milliner 272 king st " T C cabinet maker queen st " E accountant 14 state st " Nelson attorney st michael's alley cor george and meeting sts " A R cotton press 15 meeting st *' miss M A 31 beaufain st " Harriet 23 beaufain st <* A west st " Edward planter edisto island, 12 savage st "^ " William millwright 6 mazjck st " H W clerk meeting st 98 wentworth " JEM farmer st andrews parish cannon st ^' Ann chapel st Mixer, D proprietor Charleston hotel meeting st MacrifF, B A grocer calhoun st Moifet, J R com mcht 78 east-bay 4 hasel st " G H clerk 54 east-bay 198 east-bay " Alexander clerk 54 east-bay 198 east-bay Moise, E W clerk 30 vendue range I college st " C H accountant 133 meeting st 1 college st 90 Moise, Abraham atty court house sq 1 college st " T P clerk 1 hayne st 18 beaufain st «' BF clerk 29 do 18 do " A asst cashier bank Charleston 4 green st " Isaac stock broker 1 19 east-bay 26^ pitt st " mrs R dry goods king st ward 6 Moison, Arthur c!erk 169 meeting st spring st " U machinist columbus st Molle, miss H E 8 savage st Molony, J grocer 1 16 church st Monahan, Richard laborer king st ward 6 MoncriefF, Geo cooper 21 state st Monefeldt, W S dentist 243 king st Montgomery, C W clerk 213 kingst 27 george st " A watch-maker 27 george st " S do 27 do « J W do 27 do Monpoey, Ilouvre planter st andrews pa 40 bull st MauseaUj A carpenter mary st "... Montague, mrs C 108 wentworth^ Mood, W G dry goods 32 east-bay 75T^TR^in st " EM pump and block maker foot hasel cor com- ing and duncan sts *' John silversmith 293 king st " J R m d george st 293 king st " J McC R carpenter cannon st Moodie, A G clerk atlantic wharf Moody, G W accountant vanderhorst wharf east-bay " AH tinsmith king st " W M st Charles coffee house 220 king st Moore, J E clerk commercial wharf 32 savage st *' J clerk east bay cor king and market sts " G A printer 188 king st " J V clerk 157 meeting st 3 middle st " W l^ dry goods 68 market st " H J 70 king st " mrs E 73 church st " Geo pastor beaufort 3 middle st " J O A clerk east bay 3 do '• John clerk atlantic wharf 32 savage st " Wm 32 savage st " mrs F 32 do *' Franklin pattern-maker 3 gadsden st 9i Moore, Robt engineer 3 gatlsden st " mrs St philips st ward 6 " Martin drayman amherst st '' John carpenter sires alley Moorheadj James grocer 26 aichdale st " mrs A coming st ward 6 Morall, Alex, coach trimmer cor meeting and market sts Moran, J M carpenter vernon st " Ed. m. d cannon st " mrs E henrielta st •' F porter 82 east-bay queen st Mordecai, M C com mcht 1 10 east bay 43 meeting st '• T W broker and auct 25 broad st 7 new st '• B broker 9^ stale st 49 wentworth st " miss H 67 beaufain st Moreland, E M clerk adger's wharf 7 south-bay " A 7 south-bay Morgan, Benjamin 16 middle st " J B sea captain 1 1 middle st " mrs F E dry goods 1 1 middle st Morien, portrait painter 349 king st Moroso, A fruiter 3 broad st 6 friend st Morrallo J B & J fruitter 129 king st " JB do 129 do " J do 129 do Morris, Henry dis clerk plan & mec bk charlotte st " J out door clerk bank so Carolina 36 wentworth st *' mrs A 25 beaufain st '' John wheelright king st ward 6 bogard st Morrison, Samuel clerk 127 east-bay " Robt clerk 133 meeting st, 112 queen st " James laborer 79 beaufain st Morse, A H ship-carpenter cannon st " mrs M marion st Mortimer, Jackson moulder 171 east-bay " S H sec & treas ch ins & trust co drake st '' Thomas Washington st ward 5 Morton, W R hardware dealer 133 meeting st king st Moses, E J clerk 20 east-bay meeting st " A J do allantic wharf 1 pinckney st " miss A 6 horlbeck alley " Samuel deputy sheriff 47 wentworth st " Isaiah king st ward 5 92 Moses, L J chapel st " Levy amherst st Mosian, John gunsmith 50 state st Mosimann, accountant standard office 183 east-bay Motta, rnrs S A private boarding 101 king st Motte, Darilla mantua maker calhoun st ward 5 " Jennette pastry cook charlotte st Mottet «fc Huchet, ship and com mchts adger's wharf " E do do do do 321 king st Moultriej Wm barber 106 meeting st 66 calhoun st " miss E dressmaker 99 market st " James m. d. 14 montague st Mountrie, Robt barber 2 anson st Mouzon, H J clerk 1 16 meeting st 183 meeting st *' L H collector 183 meeting st " Charles 4 st philips st Mowry, E C atty 20 broad st 175 meeting st " S & L com mchts 74 east-bay " S do mcht 74 do 175 meeting st " L D do do 74 do 8 hasel st « W S clerk 74 do 175 meeting st Muckenfuss, H & B lumber dealers smith st " H W do do do 86 wentworth st " BSD carpenter president st " H 86 wentworth st Muir, mrs J private hroading 24 broad st *' mrs L W 74 broad st Mullens, mrs 34 church st " D pilot 34 church st " J do 34-. do Muller, H W clerk 135 king st " Rev L 277 king st « T D m. d. 83 tradd st " C dry goods 26 anson st " H grocer cor east-ba}' and calhoun st MuUings, H pilot 3 atlantic st Mullins, W do 99^^ east-bay MuUoy, H E cannon st " ML plasterer xjannon st Mulry, W clerk meeting st 26 wentworth st " L do 35 hayne st queen st Muncreef, A S bricklayer 71 queen Munroe, Brewster & Dunkin, attys 65 meeting st 93 Munroe, Robt atty 65 meeting st 10 montague st' " George clerk 56 east-bay 10 do Mure, Robt com rncljt boyce & co's wharf 68 church st Murden, misses female school 34 society st Murly, H drayman 12 middle st Murphy, Martin porter 135 meeting st vanderhorst st ■' Peter laborer 53 tradd st " 1 homas do 28 state st " Thomas bricklayer 32 queen st " mrs E midwife 23 society st " James clerk hayne st mary st " Patrick maiy st Murray, W C com mcht 26 east-bay cor so bay & church " T A boot-maker 144 east- bay " F clothier 181^ east bay " mrs M 53 king st Charles 53 do '' mrs E 18 south-bay " Jos teacher collegiate institute 7 friend st " James plasterer calhoun st ward 5 Murrell, J H accountant courier office 20 savage st " mrs L 3 wall st '< J J 23 middle st Mustard, D eng & mach foot hasel cor laurens & marsh st Myer, P F clerk 224 king st archdale st Myers, J S tavern-keeper 115 meeting st archdale st " G tailor 34 pincknej^ st " mrs A 14 Clifford st " mrs M ginger-pop maker cor st philips & spring sts " Solomon 5 aiken row " miss H 5 do " J E wood fac reid st Myette, Ed. fisherman 84 king st isr. Nabb, John sea captain 39 george st Nabur, M mantua maker morris st Nachman, A dry goods king st ward 6 " A do 100 anson st Nance, F A grocery mcht I hayne st ch hotel Naser, F 16 coming st Nathan M H coach mak cor mtg & wenth sts 30 st philips " S clerk 4 gillon st 30 st philips st 94 Nathan, A cabinet-maker 30 st philips st " Henry seaman 30 do *' L grocer king st ward 6 " Nathan do do 5 Nayelj Vincent baker 97 king st Najlor, W dry goods 40 east-bay 46 beaufain st Neal W M carpenter 29 queen st NefF, B m. d. 20 calhoun st Nell, Andrew engineer hampden court " Angeline 13 mazyck st Nelly, mrs 349 king st Nelson, Christopher bar-keeper exchange st " Peter barber 169 east-bay ♦' S A clerk 43 hayne st 101 meeting st " Purvis clerk 273 king st 269 king st " Maria pitt st ward 6 Nelme, J W clerk, S C R R John st Nester, John moulder 12 east-bay Neumayer, Lewis clerk 205 king st Neufville, mrs E shop-keeper 53 tradd st Neuman, James trader st philips st Neust, George clerk ferry boats 3 coming st Newbold, mrs 34 went worth st Newell, John gas fitter 4 montague st Narman, Philip wood seller 22 montague st " N ginger pop maker meeting st ward 7 Newton, W N ship-wright coming st ward 6 " J A clerk east-bay coming st ward 6 " capt Wm planter st georges cannon st Niaause, A H errocer cor calhoun and smith sts Nichols & Gibbs com mchts boyce & co's wharf " J C com mcht do do 59 king st " J H dry goods hayne st meeting st Nicholson, J clerk cor broad and church sts Nickerson, G W printer standard office '■' T 8 clerk Charleston hotel Niebuhr, J P druggist 89 king st " JP do cor tradd and church sts Nimitz, A grocer 63 east-bay " C clerk 63 do Nipson, T S clerk 228 kingst queen st Nisbet, Douglas st boat agent boyce & co's wharf Nixon, J B printer and publisher 48 broad st 44 queen st 95 Noble, James naval officer ashley st Nolan, John carpenter 10 anson st " J J do 48 beaufain st " mrs J J private boarding 48 beaufain st Norman, A E clerk 215 king st " G A st philips st ward 6 Norris, W H cooper bennet's mill 20 Washington st " distiller 22 wathington st " H M clerk 157 east-bay 24 mazjck st " James city assessor east-bay lynch st " Samuel fireman S C R R coming st North, E m. d. 79 meeting st " Thomas blacksmith cannon st " Abram drayman calhoun st ward 5 Northop & AUemong, attys 17 broad st " CB do 17 do 50 king st •' mrs L M cor bee and president sts <' LB do do do Norton, J H clerk 29 vendue range 115 queen st " C grocer laurens st " miss R dress-maker 2141 king st " Richard clerk 288 st 318 king st " J 1st book keeper bk Charleston 115 queen st Nowell, J L planter santee reid st NuefFer & Hendrix, com mchts 124 east-bay " G A com mcht 124 east-bay commercial hotel Nugent, Michael clerk 65 anson st O. O'Brien, T livery stables 28 chalmers st " Peter clerk 222 king st 13 college Bt " Ed, carpenter 69 king st " Andrew clerk 261 kingst 95 queen st '' Andrew boot-maker 1 1 anson st " Michael laborer 24 queen st " James mason 95 do " James laborer amherst st O'Callighan, D clerk 116 church st O'Connor, Wm watchmaker 79 beaufain st O'Dot, Vincent confectioner 81 king st O'Driscol mrs music teacher 13 church st O'Garrow, James laborer 83 queen st '« T clerk tradd st 1 1 1 church st 96 O'Hara, Wm clerk 143 east-bay 14 wentworth st " mrs H 18 montague st O'Hear, Jas fac commercial whf st philips st ward 6 " J F coming st ward 6 O'Leary, D saddler 89 church st '' Daniel laborer bedon's alley " Daniel ship-carpenter 4 atlantic st O'Maree, John sec han bookseller 86 queen st 76 queen st O'Neale, T P clerk 122 east bay 20 magazine st " W T do 17 Chalmers st 20 do " James carpenter 20 do O'Neill, R com mcht 135 east bay 58 meeting st " J F do 145 do Chalmers st " James boot-maker 98 meeting st " Thomas do 98 do '- mrs H private boarding 41 queen st " Hugh saddler 41 queen st " mrs E 84 queen st " Francis stone-mason 15 franklin st " rev Patrick st palrick church king st ward 6 " Edmund cor rutledge and cannon st " William laborer cannon st *' Patrick planter cannon st " Patrick laborer 17 state st >/ O'Rielly, J B printer 4 mazyck st s[ O'Sullivan, Thomas printer minority st " J 181i east-bay " John laborer 33 state st O'Wen, L imp insp custom house '« L m. d. 102 church st " L D clerk 13 southern wharf 102 church st. Oakley, R S drugo:ist 150 king st " W C exchange office 26 broad st Oakesj Z B broker and auctioneer 7 state st 72 queen st ] Oarbis, H clerk 123 kmg st Oates, Geo music & bookstore 234 236 king st 234 king '* E H clerk 134 236 king st 234 king st " H T do do do do do do Oberhauser, J druggist 128 church st Oelrick J C piano and organ builder 70 queen st Oetjen Henry grist-mill cor radclifFe and coming sts Oettegeu, John laborer king st ward 6 Oetten, H grain dealer 108 meeting st coming st 97 Ogemall, J C grocer 370 king st Ogier, T L m. d. 37 east-bay, 33 east-bay Ogilvie, J T clerk 15 broad st vanderhorst wharf " Mathew mcht 21 broad st 5 logan st Ohlandt, W grocer 4 market st Ohlrogga, P do cor king and columbus sts Oldenbuttel; H grocer 53 market st Olier, B 40 st philips st Oliver & Aiicrum, tailors 215 east-bay " J H gilder 23 king st " W boot-maker 43 society st 40 st philips st Olney, G W" com mcht 11 vendue range RadclifFe et Oltmann, H clerk cor king and reid sts Oppenheim & Brother, com mcht 102 east-bay " J H com mcht 102 east-bay meeting st w'd 5 " SH do do 102 do cor king & Hudson stg " H W do do cor king and hudson sts Orchard, Saml wheelwright market st Orcutti, L gilder 154 king st 104 queen st " W livery stabler 9 mazyck st Orwell, George linguard st Osborn, George sea captain 38 archdale st Ostendorff, J H clothier 87 east-bay Osterholtz. J grocer cor mill and ashley sts Otgan, John clothier 95 east-bay Otis, Walker 2 church st Ottoleugui, J broker and auctioneer 20 broad Otten, C grocer 18 tradd st '* H do 44 anson st " D B do elizabeth st Otyens, mrs baker 17 tradd st Owens, Stephen clerk 70 east-bay roper's court '< W gardener 40 beaufain st " Hager paine court " Alexander butcher cannon st Oxlade, T C watch-maker 61 broad st 15 middle st P. Pacetti, A marion st Paddock, B C clerk 19 hayne st ch hotel Padron, Antonius segar-maker woolfe st Page, John shop-keeper 105 king st reid st Pahnkin, C H druggist 123 meeting st 9 98 Paine & Lucas, com mchts 68 east-bay *' E T com mcht 68 east-baj coming st ward 6 " capt Tliomas U S N vanderhiorst st Painter, N m. d. calnoun st ward 5 Palmer, B W clerk vanderhorst wharf rutledge st ward 6 " J W do police office 7 hard alley " W S carpenter 11 logan st Pansin C clerk under american hotel Pape, Y grocer cor tradd and legare st Papy, J saddler king st Parker Thos clerk vanderhorst whf cor tradd & logan sts " W S carpenter 60 meeting st " Chas city surv fire-proof b cr lambol & legare st " B J clerk 19 hayne st 6 george st " mrs A G milliner 200 king st '* F S planter goose creek 10 legare st " mrs S J 5 horlbeck alley " mrs M 1 1 Clifford st « W M J 26 george st ^' S D accountant 6 george st " mrs C king st ward 6 " R D planter Washington st ward 5 " misses chapel st Parkeson, mrs M S 74 broad st " John bell-hanger 17 queen st Parks, Geo & Co, booksellers and publishers 41 broad st " Geo booksel & publish 41 br'd st cr queen & ch st Parret, mrs S G 13 wall st Parsell, W N furniture dealer 314 king st mchts' hotel Parsons, Joseph printer 8 burn's lane « T J clerk 248 king st frend st " mrs 8 burn's lane Passailaigue, J E machinist st philips st ward 6 " mrs rutledge st ward 8 " Lewis blacksmith spring st Patarj James sea captain longitude lane Patat, Francis cabinet-maker smith st " James confectioner cannon st " Francis cabinet-maker cannot st " mrs A spring st " Charles painter woolfe st Patch, N carpenter king st ward 6 Paterson, B com mcht atlantic wharf huntsville ala 99 Paterson, Wm accountant atlantic wharf 85 broad st " & Stock ship and com mchts athanlic wharf " J L ship & com mcht ate wf queen & meet'g sts " Wm painter 110 meeting st " George sea captain 22 church st ** S H steam boat insp 61 queen st ** W P carpenter, 6 liberty st " & Burns bl'smilhs & wh'wrights cr met'g & John " F S bl'smith & wheelwright do do " G W collector 40 broad st st philips st ward 6 Patrick, J B dentist 231 king st calhoun st " G farmer king st ward 6 Pattani, J fruit ter 19 market st Patton, W M watch-maker 235 king st 297 king st " John fac and com mcht ace whf huntsville ala " Wm warfinger union wharf 16 laurens st Paul & Brown gro & spirits dealers cor br'd & church sts Dunbar spirits dealers cor b'd & ch sts 20 new st John clerk do do 20 do Pauls, F grocer 21 market st «' F do 15 franklin st «' H clerk 44 stale st Pawly, Rebecca calhoun st ward 5 Paxton, W Y publisher evening news 54 wentworth st Payne, N K book-keeper union b'k 8 green st " R K city surveyor court house sq line st " J S 19 friend st " mrs 18 hasel st Peaucenteler, C laborer williams row Pearce, Richard furniture dealer 40 george st " P meeting st ice house 66 queen Pearson, mrs A 22 smith st " BE carpenter 215 east-bay Pecare, M clerk 334 king st Peirce, Matthews clerk 326 king st Pelder, Philip boot-maker 8 tradd st Pelerin, madame milliner and dressmaker 294 king st Pellegrin, P plasterer 42 market st Pelot, W L clerk 40 east-bay 7 water st *' J A mercantile teacher 167 meeting st 56 calhoun " J Crews clerk 244 king- st 17 george st " J Cooper do 244 do cor meeting and market sts " W M teacher vanderhorst st 100 Pelzer, A P m. d. 2 Beaufain st " G S do king st ward 6 " F S grocer king st ward 8 president st Pendarois, Jacob carpenter rutledge st ward 8 Penniman, J L clerk 243 king st 236 king st Penseed, Margaret st philips st ward 6 Peper, L M grocer cor coming and cannon sts Pepper, A M mary st " P M clerk mary st Percival, John watchman doughty st PeronneaUj H W atty 93 tradd st " W H do 20 broad st 5 gibbs st " Abram laborer charlotte st Perry, R W clerk com wharf cor market and church sts '^' Wm export inspector custom house " Benjamin sec state fire-p'f bld'g summerville so ca " Wm private boarding 45 market st " Ed. clerk hayne st 46 beanfain st « W H do 229 king st 269 king st " A do 181 east-bay 193 meeting st '' mre R 42 beaufain st *' Abraham gadsden st '^ mrs J 2 st philips st " Francis butcher st philips st ward 6 Peterman, H grocer marsh st «' M do 32 meeting st " F do cor church and atlantic sts Peters, Jas out door elk S W R R bank 106 church st " miss Jane 51 anson st *' George seaman 88 queen st Peterson, mrs music teacher 8 middle st Petit, A J tinner 62 market st Petigrew, Wm m. d. 64 broad st Petigru & King, attys st michael's alley " J L atty do do 103 broad st « D do district court 103 do " J Louis clerk cor vanderhorst wharf and east-bay cor market and church sts « capt T U S N 30 bull st « J Ljr 30 bull st Petit, F confectioner 194 king st. " E W ins broker 4 broad st 194 king st Petsch, J D transp agt S C R R meeting st ward 5 101 Petsch, Wm mechanic spring st " AH car-builder line st elizabeth st Petzer, F J fac adgers wharf Peurifoy, Dr A botanic mod vanderhorst st Peysso, mrs M L 57 queen st Phelps, F E clerk 84 east-bay bee st '* mrs M bee st Phillips, Otis grain dealer 126 east-bay 16 new st " J E atty fire-proof building chapel st •< Geo boot-maker 129^ meeting cr queen & state " John atty 84 church st 158 meeting st « C clothier 352 king st " ' mrs C 14 pinckney st " St John ra. d. 44 beaufain st " rev Ed. pas st thos and st denis ch 44 beaufain st " mrs E seamstress 40 mazyck Phimo, Thos clerk 35 broad st broad st Phynney, J printer standard office Picault, mrs C dry goods 57 state st Pickett, John pastor st james church reid st Pierson & Jennings, clothing 26 hayne st cc J s do 26 do Charleston hotel " E clerk 26 hayne st pavilion hotel " W J clerk 238 king st king st Pickering H 9 west st Pinckney, B G clerk adgers wharf 34 meeting st " R Gl jr accountant boyce whf 34 meeting " Chas imp inspec custom house 3 st philips st " H L tax collector fire-proof bid 3 do " Roger, 28 king st " Hopson ass teller state bank 88 tradd st " R Q, surveyor 34 meeting st " mrs H 193 east-bay « C C pastor grace church 15 rutledge st " mrs L 29 pTtt st Pingle, J H grocer cor calhoun and elizabeth sts Plot, J B planter meeting st ward 5 " J F do do do Pitner, A G clerk 135 meeting st Charleston hotel Plane, Tllos clerk cor east-bay & adgers whf 35 east-bay " W A imp insp custom house 35 east-bay Plaspoldt, H laborer st philips st ward 8 Plein, H grocer 80 beaufain st 9* 102 Plemeau, J F coppersmith, meeting st ward 5 Plenge, C tailor 94 meeting st Plessman, W mattrass-maker cor king and reid sts Flogen, P H boot-maker cor king and ann sts Poincigon, A cooper 19 tradd st " E tinner 1 1 queen st Poinsett, P barber 205 east-bay Police, F 78 church st Pollin, W B tavern-keeper 20 queen st Ponjaud, A 25 hasel st Pooser, H ordly serg guard house amherst st Pope, J J atty 61 broad st 42 bull " Wm baker 18 tradd st *' J J law student 2 glebe st Popenheim, J F planter goose creek st philips st ward 6 Poppan, D clerk 1 i muzyck st Porcher, F J cotton broker adgers wharf 7 water st " Peter m. d. 53 church st " F Y do 119 do " Peterjr 53 do " CJ 53 do " P J broker and auct 25 broad st 28 south-bay <* Frederick prof ch college 34 south-bay " mrs 34 south-bay " miss 34 do « F P m. d. 28 wentworth st " miss C cor smith and calhoun sts Porte, Rebecca pastry cook 51 coming st Porter N M grocer 222 king st 13 college st « B F atty 41 broad st " W D do 30 do 1 pitt st " Wm 13 college st Post, R pastor circular church 22 meeting st Pctli, mrs m Judith st Potter L T com mcht 147 east-bay Charleston hotel Poughree, L picture seller coming st ward 6 Powell, J V carpenter 349 king st Powers, Ed. drayman 97 meeting st " F grocer cor state and market sts " Wm laborer st philips st ward 8 Poyas, miss H S 76 wentworth st " W R engineer 76 do " mrs 124 tradd st 103 Poyas, James planter santee 2 aiken row Pratt, George engineer 120 wentworth st " CD clerk 19 hajne st Charleston hotel Pregnell, Henry carpenter IG rutledgc st Prellion, Rose 23 college st Prendergast E dry goods 131 king st Presslcy, B G atty 41 broad st 13 coming st Preston, Jas com^ mcht 100 east-bay 66 queen st " John S planter Columbia hudson st " Jos. 12 hasel st Price, Jas clerk^ southern wharf 83 broad st " T saddler 2 Chalmers st " W J mechanic 108 king st " EL clerk stplls alley 108 king st " mrs M 10 st philips st " mrs M 59>coming st " Alfred hardware dealer 24 hayne st 59 meeting st Pritchard, G G m. d. 150 east-ba}^ i' Wm cleik 1 hayne st 32 pinckney st " W H pyrotechnist 2 society st " Paul ship-carpenter 1 gibbs st Prince, H T market whf " S G printer 211 east-bay " EC clerk 147 meetmg st meeting st ward 5 *' miss Sarah 108 king st " H clothing 299^ king st king st " Geo drugs and botanic rned 330 king st '' E J clerk east-bay 76 tradd st " mrs S dry goods 211 east-bay " mrs S do king st ward 6 " mrs E chapel st « S H clerk S G R R chapel st " J H do east-bay do « A L do S C R R woolfe st " Henry sea captain 6 minority st Pringle, R A boot and shoe deal 30 east-bay 20 society sts " J R com mcht adgers wharf 9 legare st <« M A do do broad st « W A & E J attys cor broad and church sts « W A atty cor broad and church sts 18 meeting « E J do do do 9 king st << W B planter santee 9 king st " mrs E 160 meetin.s: st 104 Pringle, B G 20 society st Printan, Barney laborer 16 mazyck st PrioleaUj W H clerk 114 east-bay 38 meeting st " C K do central wharf 4 gibbs st " J Ford m. d. 96 meeting st 38 meeting st " T G do 96 do 38 do '• F C col clerk plan & mec bank 3 legare st " mrs 3 meeting st Prior, S T clerk 175 meeting st 26 burns lane " BR accountant 43 hayne st liberty st " John clerk 37 hayne st 3 wentworth st Proctor, W E clerk 82 east -bay 25 wentworth st « H G do 153 do 25 do « Wm do 141 do 25 do / Prothro, N B lumber fac west end broad st 256 king st Prout, Daniel laboi'er 7 burns lane Puckerhaber, Jno grocer cor ashley and bee sts Purcy, mrs A 27 mazyck st Purse, R S soda foundary 37 market st 34 anson st '♦ R E L clerk 37 do 34 do '« J S upholsterer 267 king st ** T F accountant king st ward 7 rutledge st ward 8 " Benjamin cooper bee st Pye, Henry fireman S C R R coming st Q. Gluackenbush, T L grocer 116 church st auale, rare M 337 king st Q,uashj Ed, m. d. 2 college st " mrs R H 2 do " Francis planter st thos st cor rutledge & spring st " Martha 40 pitt st Q,uigly, W A clerk 39 Hayne st 148 meeting st " C boot and shoe dealer 76 church st Quinby, J H king st ward 5 Quinn, Daniel wheelwright vernon st " Michael laborer do '^ Michael mason 20 tradd st Gluinen, mrs B president st Q,Qire, Ann jaspers court R. Rabb, Jas pump & block mak market wf 32 pinckney st 105 Rabb, John engineer Charleston fac amherst st Rabe, Robert livery stabler george st 43 callioun Radcliffe, J T 7 college st " N brick-layer spring st Rahall, Patrick tavern-keeper 124 meeting st Raine, H J clerk work house 41 beaufain st Ralf, C do 11 south-bay Rame, C baker 83 east-bay Ramkin, mrs J 85 tradd st Ramsay, W G m. d. 11 tradd st " miss M teacher 62 broad st " miss G do 62 do Ramzan. mrs M meeting st ward 5 Rankin, G F clothing 27 hayne st Charleston hotel " G painter 1 19 king st Kanorth, H J engineer S C R R spring st " E J do do hampden court Rantin, Wm M daguerotypist radclifie st Rappman, John shoe-maker 158 king st Raveneau, teacher 51 broad st Ravenel & Co., ship & com mchts 16 east-bay " Wm do do mcht 16 do 9 east-bat'y « A F do do do 16 do 2 do *' F G do do do 16 do 2 do " Jas fac & com mcht 22 east bay 19 east-battery •' Henry prest union bank 114 tradd st " Daniel do plant & mec bank 23 east-battery " S & J m. d's. 2 east-battery " John 2 east-battery '' mrs Eliza 58 broad st Raymond, H H atty 21 broad st 2 water st Read, J R clerk 237 king st 249 king st " J Harlston planter georgetown 4 rutledge st Reaux, Francis clerk 134 queen st Rebb, Lewis contractor and builder 27 bull st Recardy, Jos tavern keeper 115 east-bay Rechtglaut, H tailor 37 queen st Reddock, A carpenter 81 do Redfouz, E F drayman 62 state st Redmond, W S com mcht com wf cor legate and tradd sts " George fruiter 1 10 king st Reed, mrs seamstress 120 king st " J P dry goods king st ward 6 106 Reeder, Oswell grocery mcht king st ward 8 " M B clerk king st 76 wentworth st Reedy, J A clerk cor east-bay and market sts guignard st " mrs JVl private boarding 195 east-bay Reeves, S L jun carpenter 184 meeting st " MS prof music warren st '•' Solomon carpenter reid st Reibet B grocer 82 anson st Reid, G P cashier bank so ca 18 newst *' Geo clerk central wharf 18 do *' Andrew accountant vanderhorst st " Jas accountant church st charlotte st Reigne, A P clerk 18 queen st Reims, John do 345 king st Rein, John trimming weaver calhoun st ward 5 Reincke, Geo tailor 191 kins: st '« Geo do 348 do Reinhardt, cutler manufacturer 121 meeting st " A boot. maker 119 king st Reix, G tavern-keeper 195 east-bay Rekopa, Geo cabinet-maker 296 king st Rendels, Thos private boarding 5 market st Rene, B carpenter coming st ward 6 Renneker, J H grocer 134 king st head queen st Rentz, mrs A John st Reshland, W boot maker 95 meeting st Revels, F C barber cor vanderhorst and king sts Rews, Wm laborer Washington st Reynolds & Co, coach-makers 85 meeting st " GNjrdo maker 85 do 28 hasel st " R F do do 85 do cor legare & lambol sts " G N cor legare and lambol sts " Bishop 80 broad st '^ mrs A 51 anson st " Wm pro drays cor hanover and reid sts Rhett & Robson, facs and com mchts atlantic wharf " B S fac & com mcht atl wharf rutledge st ward 6 B m. d. 91 meeting st cor americaand mary Roland ast clerk plan and mech bank C H atty 20 broad st cor america and mary sts J S do 20 do do do & Schroder attys st michaels alleyj 107 Rhett, Wm atty st mich alley cor east-bay & laurens sts " R Barnwell planter vanderhorst st Rhodes, Sarah st philips st ward 8 Rice, J W auc & com mcht 17 vendue range 26 society st " H S not pub 85 east-bay cor east-bay & longitude I " N clerk 75 east-bay cor east-bay & longitude lane '• mrs private boarding do do do '' G J clerk 133 meeting st 9 lambol st •' Wm judge city hall 9 lambol st Rich, John watch-maker king st ward 5 Richards, W C ed so literary gaz 249 king st " E A clerk 21 vendue range 1 12 wentworth st " G R ship-smith 130 east-bay 251 east-bay " madame A milliner 230 king st " F draper and tailor 32 broad st 112 wentworth " Margaret morris st " Loresa amherst st Richardson & Brother bell-hangers 89 meeting st '< C Y bell-hanger 89 meeting st '' J C E do 89 do *« John steam-boat capt 1 15 meeting st " F D atty 49 broad st; Richburg, J C clerk 30 east-bay cannon st Richon, "Lewis sail-maker 15 st philips st Riddell, J S planter 8 lynch " J H ladies' shoe-maker 137 king st Ridgaway, J clerk cor meeting and market sts queen st Riefly, Thos fac southern whf cor meeting and queen sts " Wm shoe dealer 104 meeting st *' Alexander laborer 24 laurens st " Patrick amherst st Riggs, J S harness-maker 185 meeting st st philips st w 6 " J S jr broker and auct 4 state st Righton, J M imp insp custom house 8 bull st Riker, Robt engineer S C R R spring st Riley, Wm state ass fire pf building 13 church st " J J painter 32 queen st Ring, G E auc and com mcht 291 king st 9 bull st " G do do 297 do 30 savage st " D A 30 savage st Rinker, C F m. d, 104 king st Riols, B 48 wentworth st Ripley, N F Ip & oil delr 262 king cr st philips & beaufain 108 Rising, W C book-keeper Charleston hotel Rivers, David S warfinger atlantic wharf 99-i east-bay " W H printer 24 beaufain st " J E atty 49 broad st 36 wentworth st " W J teacher 22 coming" st 182 raeeting st Elves, H P cabinet-maker and undertaker 125 king st Roach, Wm clerk cor east-bay &• adgers wf 1 1 society st " Ed wharfinger atlantic wharf 11 society st " BM clerk 126 east-bay 11 do " mrs E 1 1 society st " J B clerk 24 vendue range 20 montague st " mrs 20 montague st " Pvlaurice laborer 178 meeting st " Ed tailor 10 smith st " N planter smith st ward 6 '' Henry carpenter cannon st Roassis, J Segar-maker 66 state st Robb, Jas grocer and spirits dealer 198 king st 2 rutledge •' Jasjr do do do 198 do 2 do " W clerk east point mills 2 rutledge st Robbins, A fruiter 9 market st 70 market st Rober, John clerk market wharf Roberts, A M do southern do 1 burns lane " Stephen clerk 233 king st 8 vernon st '■^ A J printer 23 tradd st *« J F clerk 13 Chalmers st 122 wentworth st " W A bootmaker 95 king st ' J S boot and shoe dealer 233 king st 254 king st " J F accountant state st 122 wentworth st " Isaac 10 rutledge st " Saml blacksmith 44 coming st Robertson & Blacklock, facs cor vanderhorst wrf & e-bay " Alex, fac cor vanderhorst whf east-bay battery " Jas com mcht vanderhorst wharf 37 church st " F M insp drugs custom house maiden lane " Geo cot bro cent wrf cor south bay & meeting " L F atty 46 broad st 43 east-bay " F M m. d Charleston Hotel I maiden lane " George moulder 18 wall-st *' George music teacher 25 mazyck st '< Wm mechanic 16 calhoun st " Jas pro drays calhoun st ward 5 " Maria pitt st ward 6 109 Robinson, Alex, clerk 1 1 central wharf 7 broad st " John do 11 G east-bay Judith st " & Caldwell facs and com mchts atlantic whrf " J K fac and com mcht atlantic wf Judith st '• ED clerk 153 east-bay 155 east-bay " mrs Ann 41 king st " J J pilot 41 do " ST cashier plan & mec bank Judith st " W J clerk S C R R radcliffe st " S A out door elk bk of Charleston king st wd 5 " JVlrs S J teacher 90 anson st " R king st ward 5 " David fireman cor columbus and nassau sts " John do do do Robion, miss dry goods 42 queen st Robson, J N fac & com mcht atl wf cr meeting & went'h " mrs S A 36 wentworth st Roddy. Martin laborer 10 Washington st " mrs M 23 st philips st Rodgers, T L superintendant bennett's mills '^ James carpenter warren st Rodrigues. dr B A dentist 95 meeting st Roesster, F locksmith 18 st philips st Roeth, mrs M 12 liberty st Rogers, E H & Co. fac adgers wharf " EH fac adgers wharf king st ward 8 " T L clerk do do 43 archdale st " Wm do courier office 41 tradd st " Murray medical student Carolina hotel " SB jeweller 156 king st " T \V clothier 242 king st " A tailor 13horlbeck alley " Miss E mantua-maker 12 Clifford st " mrs M E 6 orange st '< J R clerk city council savage st " T J 13 archdale st " C king st ward 6 « E H & Co, grocers king st ward 8 " S W clerk king st ward 8 Roggy, C 13 water st Rohlfing, H boot-maker 129^ meeting st 140 king st Romaine, A C mason america st Roman, VV druggist king st ward 6 10 / 110 Rondal, P boot.maker 94 meeting st Roos, David clothing 68 state st Roosevelt, Hyde & Clark, hardware dealers 139 meeting v^ " H L hardware dealer 139 meeting chas'ton htl Roper, mrs 30 society st '* B D atty st michaels alley 1 1 meeting st '• Richard fac vanderhorst whf 27 leg are st " Benjamin 25 legare st Rose, A G president bank Charleston 9 rutledge st " Jas do so west rail road bank 74 broad st " miss A rutledge st ward 6 " dr Arthur planter cor rutledge and mill st '' mrs E ann st " John laborer columbus st Rosenkranz, A clerk 1 63 east bay Ross, James port warden 17 exchange st " James blacksmith 28 vernon st " Wm do motts lane '' mrs E C tailoress 24 pinckney st '' mrs Ann 265 east bay " John engineer hanover st RouUain, A coach-maker 102 meeting 5 glebe st Roumillat, J clerk 141 meeting st cor east-bay & anson st " A confectioner 63 broad st Rouse, W M watch maker 2 queen st Roux, F clerk 70 east bay queen st Royal, L tailor horlbeck alley Roye, N A tinner 7 queen st Ruddock, T D music teacher 23 pinckney st Ruffin, Henrj' laborer king st ward 8 Ruffio, Charles clerk 271 king st ward 6 Rumillatti, J clerk meeting 171 east-bay Rum.kin, J S tavern-keeper 28 queen st Jas laborer 20 tradd st Rumpheh G H clerk 159 meeting st Runner, G grocer cor meeting and reid sts Russ, Benjamin ship carpenter 16 Washington st " John do 16 do " Richard brick-layer, 16 do Russell, Charles clerk 103 east-bay middle st " J B do 29 hayne st cor broad and king st " John bookseller 256 king st 9 pitt st " mrs M cor kiner and broad sts HI Russell, Albert carpenter 8 orange st " Fortin tailor 10 pilt st " Peter laborer st philips stward 6 " Richard mason anierica st " J B wheelwright hanover st Ruth, Jas laborer savage st Rutherford, mrs private boarding, broad st Rutjes, A J confectioner 174 king st Rutland, J W printer east-bay Rutledge, H R ast clerk to dp col custom house vander- horst and smith sts " John plan'r st george st cr vanderhorst& smith " J R book-keeper so w rail road do do <' mrs H P 101 Tradd st « EC 101 do " mrs S 193 east-bay Ryan, W K fac & com mcht boyce & go's wf 64 kmg st "" ' John jr clerk do do 64 do " John sen appraiser of goods custom house " H J printer 32 tradd st " J coach-driver 97 market st " T E clerk 85 meeting st 1 1 archdale st " TC clerk 141 do 42 church st " W private boarding 89 church st «' W H engineer pinckney st 89 church st " J S stock and exch. bro 36 broad st " Thos & Son brok's and auc 12 state st 11 archdale i' VV B broker and auctioneer 12 do U do '< mrs H 21 middle st " O M 1 1 archdale " Peter live stock dealer king st ward 7 " mrs Julia st philips st ward 6 « Matthews carpenter president st S. Sabitou,Robt seaman ashley st Sachlelben A teacher 51 wentworth st Sage, Wm clerk 145 meeting st 30 pinckney st Sahlaman H grocer 2 middle st « C grist mill calhoun st ward 6 Salas, R clerk central wharf queen and church st Salinas, A J broker and auc I state st franklin st Saltan, Thos R ship-carpenter mary st 112 Saltus, T W clerk central wharf 25 rnazyck st Salvo, Jas clerk 110 east-bay 88 king st ••' mrs dry goods 88 king st '^ G painter 166 do '• V M grocer king st ward 8 Sams, D D m. d queen st 106 church st Samson, S glass stainer 186 kmg st " J deputy assessor 98 tradd st <• A J 98 tradd st Samuel, M tailor 340 king st Sarbs, A clerk cor king and columbus sts SaspotaSj J A butcher nassau st " F C mill Wright, nassau st Sass & Rives, cabinet makers & undertakers, 125 king st >' G W do do do 125 do '' J K 3d teller bank Charleston, 34 society st Sassard, John steamboat captain, 16 vernon st SathfFe, John wheelwright king st ward 5 Satterwhite, G W clerk cor king and market sts 279 king Saunders, Thos fac bell's wharf alexander st " A W O accountant 5 hayne st com'l hotel " S barber church st chalmers st " S brick-layer pitt st ward 6 ^' Jos do do do " Thos do calhoun st ward 6 '' W T carpenter ashley st " John brick-burner alexander st *' J T mason 49 george st Savage, miss S 34 savage st " Thos fisherman coming st ward 6 " Sylva 7 montague st Sawrie, J T clerk 1 hayne st king st SayleSj A A engineer 15 franklin Sajlor, mrs L C 15 meeting st Sayre, J A clerk 29 hayne st 23 east-bay Sayers, Thos private boarding 12 market st Scaife, Hill & Co, com mer atlantic wharf " C T com mcht atlantic wharf Chester dist Scanlan, S E blacksmith marsh st 14 wentworth st " C ship-smith 37 king st « CA do 37 do Scarling, H tailor 92 meeting st 41 queen st Schachte, John tavern-keeper cor king & vanderhorst sts 113 Schatchte Wm clerk cr king and vanderhorst sts Scharfull, H clerk king st ward 6 Schanner, Simeon laborer st philips st ward 8 Scharlock, Alex police officer cor meeting and queen sts Scheib M tailor 92 meeting st Schem, mrs S shop-keeper 27 tradd st Schewfisie, A carpenter 166 king st Schirmu J F cooper com wharf king st " W H do do 46 queen st Schlechtren, mrs private boarding 29 state st Schleyer, Henry carpenter motts lane " C grocer cor rutledge and line sts Schlimmermeyer, John clerk 15 vendue range Schlinmeringer C clerk 101 church st Schmetzer, C butcher ashley st Schmidt, J M clerk central wharf 43 east-bay " D W do 1 hayne st 27 Cumberland st " & Lebby, m. d. 25 Cumberland " J W m. d. 25 Cumberland 27 Cumberland « W conductor S C R R 17 liberty st " mrs. E 15 montague Schnierle, John mayor 21 pitt School, Philip engineer SCR R st. phillip's st ward 8 Schouboe, F police officer society st Schreiner, grocery mer. gillon st 231 east bay Schriaars, D clerk 1 1 king st '' D do 3 south bay Schroanvvervell, John laborer woolfe st Schroder, W H assistant bennett's mills 1 34 meeting st F fruiterer 62 meeting st H W att'y at law st. michsel's alley 24 george " John sailmaker 184 meeting st '* John grocer 7 Cumberland st " H do 85 queen st '< F cabinet maker 6 archdale st " C grocer 12 rutledge st Schrogens, John fireman woolfe st Schulken, F grocer 9 pinckney st «' H do 9 do Schulye, J W clerk king ward 5 Schultz, H clerk 95 east-bay " J H clerk saw mills 102 beaufain st Schew, B dry goods 101 king 58 broad st 10* 114 Schwalke, A clerk king ward 5 Schweitze, O watchmaker 190 king st Schweitzer, O jeweller 335 king st Schwerin, J clothier 319 do Schwertz, H clerk 57 market st Scigwald, Henry engineer concord st Scinlin, Jas laborer 24 state st Scott & Deveaux, factors vanderhorst whf '< B F do do do 18 coming si " J J clerk do do 18 do *' EC acc't mercury office 44 society st " H clerk 181 east-bay meeting st " T millwright 68 anson st " mrs N B 44 society st Scraig, A sea captain 104 wentworth st Screvens, R E factor 62 east-bay meeting st ScruggSj Drake & Co. com mcht atlantic whf " J W com mcht atlantic whf huntsville ala Seyle, John carpenter 14 buUst Seabrook, E M att'y at law 61 meeting st " Wm planter James island 121 broad Sebring, Ed president state bank calhoun ward 6 Seckendorf, Isaac dry goods 184 king st Seely, A clerk 23 hayne 236 king st Segelty, J F fruiterer king ward 6 Sehmetzer, Louis engineer coming ward 8 Seighler, clerk 348 king st Seignious, Charles 366 king st " F P turner meeting st Seirs, Peter clerk east-bay spring st Seixas, J M com mcht atlantic whf 204 east-bay '-' DC do do do do 204 do Senor, J Y barber king ward 8 Sergeant, Geo boots and shoes 89 market st Service, mrs S 1 1 friend st Seydel, A clerk cr broad and church anson st Seyle, Charles 204i king st " P W clerk Johnson's hotel king st Seymour, R W att'y at law meeting 13 franklin st " J T 69 coming st " A A dressmaker 101 queen st " S milliner 101 queen st '* WW tavern 101 queen st 115 Shackelfoid & Graeser fac and com mcbt central whf " F R fac and com mcht central whf 10 hasel st " J Mcom mcht IjI east bay 43 church " Ed engineer 9 college st " mrs E 9 college st Shaffer, F J att'y at law 20 broad cr calhoun and pitt sts '♦" F planter georgetown do do do Shalloe, Michael clerk 274 king 269 king st Shana, mrs A shop-keeper 103 king st Shaper, E clerk 47 king st Sharlow, John blacksmith line st Shaw, Jas housefurnishing store 176 king st " Charles conductor S C R R columbus Shayer, Peter laborer st. phillip's ward 8 Shea, Geo tailor 9 trade! st Shecut, L A clerk central whf 27 pitt st ■ " Wm conductor S C R R king ward 6 Shelton, mrs H 274 king st Shepherd, Wm clerk 120 meeting merchant's hotel " clerk 99^ east-bay coming st Sheppard, T C wharfinger boyce's whf 11 wentworth st " W A saddler 40 coming st « J J do 34 do Sherfesee, Wm clerk 208 king 166| king st Sheridan, P M bootmaker 74 king st " Michael slater 6 smith st '' Patrick laborer calhoun ward 5 Sherry, John laborer king ward 8 Shields, C painter 112 queen st Shiffer, H W india rubber store 270 king Charleston hotel Shingler, J S planter goose creek 20 george st « T J clerk 20 george st " H P 20 george st Shirer, J E accountant adger's whf cr king and woolfe sts « Michael clerk atlantic whf do do do do u G S do do do do « J B machinist do do do do << C P butcher ashly st " mrs H sires st Shirlet, mrs E calhoun ward 5 Shirmer, J F 124 king st Shokes, capt Geo calhoun ward 5 « Henry pump and block-maker hampden court 116 ShokeSj J C engineer hampden court Shoote, mrs sires st Shortj Jas accountant king ward 7 Shrewsbury, Geo butcher st phillip's ward 8 Shuckman, Lewis fancy goods 205 king st Shuler, mrs E seamstress cr nassau and line sts Shulzj mrs H H 6 aiken row Siams, Geo carpenter king ward 8 Siddons, Jos confectioner queen st " L L jeweller 266 king merchant's hotel Siegling, John music store 227 king " John junr att'y at law court house sq 227 king " Henry clerk 227 king st Siegmundt, C H clerk 139 east-bay Sievels, J A clerk 370 king st Siffy, Henry 18 friend st \, Sigwald, C B clerk 43 hayne 49 east-bay " mrs M 10 burns' lane " Thos carpenter 10 burns' lane " Henry engineer 10 do do " H W do hampden court Silcox, D H cabinet maker 224 king 22 magazine st " Jas clerk 224 do 22 do Silliman, mrs E 21 Cumberland st " H K clerk 135 meeting 21 Cumberland st Simmins, J A accountant central whf 270 king st Simmons, J ward pastor st. Stephens' church montague st " miss M longitude lane Simons & Sons, factors vanderhorst whf " Thos Gdo do do 50 bull st " Thos G junr. do do do 50 do ^^ J H factor do do rutledge ward 6 *♦ Harris factor and sec'y santee canal adger's whf thomas st " R L com mcht 114 east-bay 20 rutledge st " S do do 114 do 26 montague st " R W printer 7 atlantic st " J C paint and oil dealer 226 king 1 1 bull « N clerk 226 king st " Jas att'y at law 77 broad st " T Y m. d. 49 tradd st " T Y junr. att'y at law rear court house 49 tradd " W F painter 49 queen st 117 Simons, F W P sea captain 144 queen st " Lewis planter 26 montague st " R S machinist 50 bull st " mrs C L smith st ward 6 " C W farmer mary st Simons, Rose spring st Simoiiton, C H ati'y at law 05 meeting 267 east-bay " Jas 267 east-bay Simpson's, misses teachers 59 went worth st Sims & Nance, grocery mchts i hayne st " J T gro mcht 1 hayne st cr meeting and society " Wm Gil more author smith st ward 6 Sinclair, mrs M 193 meeting st Singleton, Thos 4 aikin row Singletery, J J line st Sinkler, John planter st. Johns' 7 lamboll st Sire, Francis marion st Sires, Jos crrpenter radcliffe st Slack, John porter 157 meeting st Slarech, John sea capt 9 queen st Slawson, H junr. accountant 8 archdale st Sloan, EBB clerk 37 hayne commercial hotel Sloman, J W blacksmith 37 king st ■' John 29 wentworth st " misses music teachers 29 wentworth st " mrs E 33 bull st Sloper, A foreman S C shoe factory cr King and John sts Sinter, mrs M 37 george st Slyter, Henry carpenter 5 mott's lane* Skrine, T C associate editor southern standard " W A druggist king st ward 6 207 king st Small, W C clerk 143 meeting calhoun st " J S clerk cr king and market 7 liberty st " Robt clerk 137 meeting 7 liberty st " Robt private boarding 7 liberty st " Jacob baker 193 king st *' Stephen painter 38 pitt st f' 1 hos carpenter coming st ward 8 Smallwood, B upholster 3 marsh st Smidt, D carpenter spring st Smith, J E junr. elk cr e-bay & adger's wf 87 wentworth " T P dry goods 40 east bay 82 beaufain st " J L accountant boyce's whf meeting st 118 Smith W J coastwise inspector custom house smith's whf " T D clerk atlantic whf meeting st '"' W E clerk atlantic wharf east-bay '' Sidney clerk accommodation whf " Jas insp weights and measures market 32 society " & Whilden, ship chandlers 60J east-bay '' B F ship chandlers 60|e-bay crjohn & meeting st " W B & Co. com mcht 60 east-bay " W B com mcht 60 east-bay 95 broad st " J R engineer calhoun st " A grocer marsh st " W H turp factory foot calhoun cr meeting & John " R C ass't do do do do do do " Benj do do do do do do do " E pilot 57 east-bay " John porter 147 meeting kingst " A P soda water bcttler 97 meeting " John tavern-keeper cr meeting and market sts " N W clerk 139 meeting water st *' J A clerk 35 hajme 87 wentworth st " H S clerk 35 hayne 87 wentworth st ^' Joshua engineer 136 meeting " J J G clerk 1 society " W C clerk 14 hayne charlotte st *' John pilot 72 church st " S carpenter 1 1 chalmers st " rnrs M milliner 132 king st " John furniture 152 king st " miss R A milliner 196 king st " & Longman, daguerreotypist 233 king st " H S daguerreotypist 233 king 236 king st W H clerk 259 king 72 church st U G do cr calhoun and king sts cannon si Walter D att'y at law 31 broad 297 king st W Henry clerk 35 broad 21 franklin st A C cashier union bank 125 east-bay miss J A private boarding 69 broad st " miss E 7 1 broad st " J E teller union bank S7 wentworth st " G M cash book keeper union bank 10 wentworth " mrs 34 south bay ^' W R planter ashley river 2 gibbs st " Ed clerk boyce's whf 8 atlantic st 119 Smith, Pringle planter savannah river 18 meeting st " mrs H 1 new st " mrs U dressmaker 12 archdale st " John clerk st. phillip's church 10 magazine st " mrs E L 10 wentworlh st " Julius C 10 wentworth st ' '' T A 10 do " O clerk hayne 45 wentworth st *• P F teacher 54 do *' J E carpenter 44 bull st »' Emily 26 smith st " Catherine 16 smith st " Jane 45 st. phillip's st " mrs B fruiterer king- st ward 6 " Benj cr meeting and John sts " mrs E St. phillip's st ward 6 " mrs C coming st ward 6 " Flampden engineer S C R R rutledge st " James mechanic calhoun st ward 5 " W B engineer do do " mrs A v/ashington st vv^ard 5 »' Joseph ship-carpenter henrietta st " miss L Judith st " miss S do " Charles car-loader sires alley Smitt, H A clerk cr king and market sts 279 king st Smythe, Eneas clerk 157 meeting st queen st " Thos pastor 2d presbyterian church spring st Smyzer. Henry ship-joiner pritchard st Snider, Wm clerk 288 king 318 king st Snizer, Henry bootmaker 13 queen st Snowden, W E fac anl com mcht 6 south whf 202 e-bay Sohlke, G H clerk 82 church 2 liberty st SoUie, Henry junr clerk adger's whf cr pitt and bull sts " mrs 65 church st " Henry agent mount pleasant ferry co. 6 bull st " Francis clerk vendue range 6 bull st Solomons, Dr. J R dentist 95 meeting st " Thos painter 5 minority st " E J 42 calhoun st " & Polock, dry goods 281 king st Sommers, E dry goods 334 king st Sopteen, M baker king st ward 5 120 Soyer, Alfred confectioneer 285 king st Spakle, E porter 118 meeting st society st Sparnick, H export inspector custom house 19 queen st Spear, J E jeweller and watchmaker 235 king st a WW pastor grace church 12 bull st Spegel, C laborer spring st Speght, F boot-maker 69 wentworth st Spefssegger, T C grocer 17 pinckney st " W accountant 17 pinckney st •' E grocer cr america and amherst st « T W tobacconist columbus st Spell, John guardman rutledge st ward 8 Spelman, A grocer 45 market st Spencer, G W clerk 250 king 271 king st " mrs M private boarding 271 do " Seth broker and auc state and chalmers 271 do « Allen engineer S C R R 279 king st «' mrs A private boarding 279 do « D 26i smith st Spenkin, M grocer 25 savage st Spicer, miss A 12 Cumberland st Spiegel, W watchmaker king st ward 6 Sprague, J W grain dealer 4 hayne st 277 east bay " H B clerk 4 hayne st 277 east-bay Spratt, L W attorney at law court ho sq 38 wentworth st Spreckles, C grocer 29 anson st Sprigg & Brady, wood factors smith's whf " Ross wood factor smith's whf hampstead st Springs, R clerk I hayne st Charleston hotel Stadecker, Isaac dry goods 184 king st Staffard, J F tinner 5 state st Stafford, J carpenter columbus st " H R carpenter line st Stall, Frederick ashly st « Wm finisher hampden court St. x\mand, M W clerk 179 east-bay 27 friend st Stanfield, A baker 42 queen st meeting st Stanhouse, Thos drayman ann st Stanton, John porter 219 king st Starr, W P clerk victoria hotel Steckley, John tavern keeper cr st philips and line st Steedman, T import insp cus ho cr coming & cannon st " W B accountant 31 hayne vanderhorst st 121 Steed man, Louisa 12 mazyck st " Sarah 32 calhoim st " Jas clerk 250 king vanderhorst st Steele, E C m. d. 61 market 28 bull st ♦' W N clerk 26G king- 39 coming st Steele, Walter hatter 231 king 3 beaufain st " J H clerk 23 1 do 39 coming st " Jas billiard table keeper cr elizabeth and mary sts Steen, Thos proprietor merchant's hotel Steiger, D grocer calhoun st ward 5 , Steinke, F baker 115 church st V Steinmeyer. J H steam saw mills gadsden st 100 beaufain " J F carpenter calhoun st " John laborer 13 smith st Stelling, E H grocer 29 king st Stelljes, P grocer king st ward 6 Stemmermann, H grocer 18 bull st " A clerk 18 do Stender, Henry dry goods king st ward 6 Stepleton, C carpenter line st Stephens, E B newspaper and periodical agent 5 broad st 300 king st " m'rs dress maker 300 king st Sterling, R S grocer 15 market st king st ^ Stevens & Betts, hardware 80 east-bay " Joel hardware 80 east-bay 51 tradd st '• J R clerk 189 king 57 king st " C Ei rec teller pla & mec bank smith st ward 6 *• Wm 42 tradd st " mrs R 89 wentworth st *' Amelia 5 montague st " Judith 67 calhoun st " John segar maker king st ward 6 Stevenson, W clerk 25 hayne st king st Stewart, W J printer 28 wall st " A A packer 147 meeting st state st « M M 95 church st '^ Jas upholster 161 king st " R L cashier bank south Carolina 3 smith st *' mrs J 5 greenhill st '• S drayman st philips st ward 6 Stillman, J deputy boarding officer cus ho 8 horlb alley " A R clerk cr king and market sts 2 mazyck st 11 \ 122 Btineback, A clerk 145 meeting 236 king st Stinenrietz, mrs M jones hotel 65 broad st Stockj J Y ship and com mcht atlantic whf 1 1 montague " N B clerk atlantic whf 1 1 montague st Stocker, J J clerk central whf 59 church st '' J M wharfinger palmetto whf 59 church st " H R j^rocer cr market and anson sts '' H clerk 43 v/all st " J D clerk 86 east-bay 59 church st Stocking, D S grain dealer com whf 12 south-bay Stockman, mrs L dry goods king st ward 6 Stoddard E B & Co. boot and shoe dealers 165 meeting st " E B boot and shoe dealers 165 meeting Charles- ton hotel ^' H boot & shoe dealers 45 hayne Charleston hotel " SB clerk 45 hayne Charleston hotel Stohr, B clerk 66 market st StokeSj E R book-binder 59 broad st Stoil, H C clerk 304 king st ann st " JC do 804 do do " mrs C ann st Stone, R G crock'ry dealer 147 meeting st coming ward 6 " miss M mill st * Stoney, Theo factor com whf 36 meeting st " S D clerk atlantic whf 26 hasel st " Dr. C F druggist 245 king 26 hasel st " mrs E 26 hasel st Stoppelleim, LC carpenter 29 montague st Sioy, J W bookseller 258 king st Strainger, B gilder 225 king st liberty st Stralford, T G carpenter 118 wentworth st Strausj mrs M 68 queen st ^' Jas seama.n ashly st StrattoD, W baker 76 market st Strawinskij F T dancing school 3 broad st Streckfuss, J F grocer cr morris and st philips sts Street, Thaddeus com mcht boyce s whf hampstead '^ H T & Brother grocery mcht 64 east bay " H T grocery mcht 64 east-bay 6 society st '' S A do do 64 do 3 do Strobelj R Fl cr rutledge and bee sts " D H clerk adger's whf cr liberty and stphilip sts " mrs cr liberty and st philips sts / 123 Strobel, B M ship grocer 147 east-bay 249 east-bay " M D teller bank south-carolina 3^ smith st " D fireman sires alley Strohecker& Ewbank, hardware 155 meeting st '« HF do 155 do " J P clerk 155 do 9 beaufain st " C C do 35 hayne 9 beaufain st '^ mrs 9 beaufain st " mrs H 81 do Stromer, H J mantua-maker 1 1 west st Strong, C grocer cr coming and warren sts " Geo carpenter hampden court Stroops, Geo do 14 beaufain st Strouse, Geo leather-dealer king st ward 6 Stuart, J W attorney at law st. mich alley vanderhorst st " Saml carpenter 16 rutlcdge st '' Harper & Co. com mcht at! antic whf " J P com mcht atlantic whf 5 meeting st StufFell, Henry carpenter 10 liberty st Stunkens, H tailor 104 queen st Sturges, J T accountant 29 hayne st calhoun st " mrs 26 south -bay Suares & Co. cabinet makers 284 king st '■ J E cabinet maker 284 king 293 king st « B tailor 13 middle st Sullivan, H W fac & com mcht atl whf cr chu & battery " Timothy pastor 80 broad st " Thos shop-keeper 22 state st " mrs M T 72 anson st '• M drayman linguard st Summers, Rev. T O editor 15 hasel Sureau, F bootmaker 9 st. phillips st Sussdorf & Leiding, fancy goods 141 meeting st " G fancy goods 141 meeting st Sutcliffe, mrs D line st Sutlers, Capt. T asst harbor master 89 east-bay 2 friend st Sutton, A acct centra! whf mansion house . Swain, R W clerk 253 king st cr king and wentworth sts Sweegan, E F do 120 east-bay 61 state st " M grocer 61 state st Sweeney, Jas ship carpenter 76 anson st " B private boarding 14 market st Swicken, Thos clerk 244 king st 124 Swinton, W H lumb fac w end montague 28 montague st " E A carpenter meeting st ward 7 " mrsMC do do " Rebecca mantua maker 57 anson st Syfan, Charles engineer S C R R spring st Sylvester, C clerk 86 meeting st Syme, T P do cr king and market sts beaufain st Symmes, Thosguardman hanover st " W L accountant do Symons, John rigger 44 tradd st Seyle, Saml poor house mazyck st T. Taber, T G clerk cr east-bay and adger's whf cr coming and radcliffe sts " W R teller b'k state so ca coming and radcliffe sts Tackman, W clerk, cr chuich and tradd sts '' Wm do 36 tradd st Taftj A R com mcht 141 east-bay 29 laurens st " David clerk 141 meeting st king st Tager, H grocer, 32 pitt st Tagliorani, A fruiterer, 75 market st, linguard st Tampletj C D clerk, 39 hayne st, 1 1 hasel Tarr, J B grocer. 146 east bay " F do 146 do Tatan, C clerk, cr king and market sts, tradd st Taveau. A L attorney at law, 20 broad st, 20 rutledge st Tavel, R A boarding offi mercurj^ and courier, pritchard st Taylor, W M factor, 13 southern whf, 58 meeting st " J H & Co, auc and com mcht, 17 vendue range '' J H auc ifc com mcht, 17 ven range. 26 society st " mrs A 6 king st Thos clerk, 179 king st " J M fancy goods and military dealer, 225 king st T R boot and shoe dealer, 241 king st " O dry goods, 243 king, 249 king si •' T B accountant. 243 do, 297 do " miss H R 30 tradd st *' mrs M S 6 lamboll st " Jas painter, 209 east bay " Geo seaman, 3 motts lane *' mrs 117 queen st " Isaac tailor, 41 society, 30 society st " Jos conductor S C R R, 43 st. philips st 125 Taylor, mrs M spring st " M laborer, mary st " Charlotte coming st, ward 6 " Isabella nassau st Teague, J N clerk, 14 hayne, king st, ward 7 Teap, miss M milliner, 166 king st Teasdale, R import inspector, cus house, wragg's square " mrs E 8 liberty st Teber, W R attorney at law, st raichael's alley, coming st Tenberg, clerk, 104 east-bay Tenhet, mrs Isabella 7 minority st v/Tennett, J B hardware dealer, 35 hayne st, south-bay Tennent, J S book-keeper plant & mechbank, 60 anson st " Wm brick burner, cooper river, 60 anson st Tenny, D G lace dealer, 237 king, 236 king st Tannlunson, A upholster, 160 king st Teppe, F clerk, 338 king st, st philips st, ward 6 " A do 343 do do do " W constable, do do Terry, Silas carpenter, 60 meeting st " J tavern-keeper, 28 market st " Wm joiner, longitude lane Tessier, E L inspector commercial insurance company " E sea captain, 48^ coming st Thackam, F clerk, sires st " F carpenter, spring st Thames, J E clerk, 248 king, 48 calhoun st Tharin, E C auc and com mcht 24 ven range, america st Thayer, Wm acct, boyce & co's whf, 61 beaufain st « T H exchange broker, 18 broad, 76 broad st " E fancy goods, 149 meeting st, Charleston hotel « T W accountant, 37 hayne, 236 king st « T n junr. clerk, post office, 43 east-bay <« Eben teacher free school, 20 mazyck st Thee, J H amherst st Thees, Henry clerk, cr east-bay and elliott st, 18 tradd st Therears, Carew 10 coming st Therling, F bootmaker, 325 king st Thiele, E tailor, 17 queen st Thierman & Pringle, com mchts, adger'swhf " Herman do do do broad st Thomas, S accountant, 165 meeting, 9 wentwovth st «' S J collector, 48 broad st IP 126 Thomas, Wm stone-cutter, 76 tradd st *' Wm clerk, merchant's hotel " J M carpenter, woolfe st Thomlinson, R saddler, 157 meeting", 16 liberty st Thompson, Thomas boot-maker, 144 east-bay " J P printer, 113 broad st " Theo sea captain, 89^ east-bay '^ R H accountant, 141 meeting st. church st " F saddler, cr broad and church sts, do " T boot maker, 87 church st *' N painter, 126 king st " John seed store, 264 king st '' J M clerk, 253 king, cr king & wentworth sts *' Henry do bedons alley « W B 44 tradd st " Wm mason, 18 wentworth st «' mrs H 1 bull st " Geo bricklayer and contractor, 10 glebe st " Thos finisher, king st, ward 8 " Jas spindle-worker, line st Thomee, John tailor, king st, ward 5, cannon st Thornly, Geo engineer, 28 mazyck st Thorn, J G spinner, america st Thread crafte, Jos 1 savage st Thrower, mrs C 27 beaufain st Thurston, E N acct, cr vand whf & east-bay, 45 anson st Tibbetts, mrs A 48 george st Tiedeman, J F clerk, 18 tradd st ^' Wm do coming st, ward 6 '^ O grocer, cr calhoun and Washington sts Tierney, J coach driver, 102 church st *' Jas laborer, 1 Philadelphia st Tietyen, J H cannon st Tilton, mrs R private boarding, 24 pinckney st " EM engineer, 24 do '^ N O do 24 do '* W C clerk, cr Cumberland and meeting sts 24 do Timmashank, J grocer, 178 east-bay Timmerman, H watchmaker, 31 tradd st Timmons, W L hard w dealer, 153e-bay, 13 wentv/orthst ^' GC 51 broad st " F R m. d, 4 smith's lane « JR 4 do do 127 Tincken, flenry tailor, 18 tradd st " John grist mill, america st Tinbrook, miss Emily berresford st Tinin, Martin laborer, st. philips st, ward G Tinkman, miss 32 vventworth st Tinsly, Saml seaman, reid st " Thos moulder, do Tisman, C mary st Tityen, Henry, clerk, cr king and mary st Tobias A & Sons, com mchts, 86 east-bay " A com mcht, 86 east-bay, 96 wentworth st " J L do do 86 do 96 do " TJ do do 86 do 96 do " A L sec so ca ins com 109 east-bay, 26 church st " C H attorney at law, 26 hayne, 26 church st '•' V J do do broad, 26 church st " Isaac 26 church st Tobin, J clerk, 78 church, 195 east-bay *' Richard clerk, 29 church, 195 east-bay " Richard farmer, amherst st Tomas, W seaman, bedons alley Tomates, E painter, 49 queen st Tomlinson, J clerk, 41 hayne st '.' FF do 133 meeting st Tonhey, Maurice bootmaker, 17 queen st Tonchone, Julia, calhoun st, ward 6 Toomer, H V m. d. chapel st " miss H Judith st " Robt painter, 80 wentworth st " mrs A 57 calhoun st '' HP bricklayer, 57 calhoun st " Lawrence, planter, ashepoo, thomas st Torre, P D attorney at law, 48 broad, 117 broad st Tori ay, mrs E 27 beau fain st " Joseph planter, meeting st, ward 5 Torrent, John rigger, 10 pritchard st Torrey, miss A 8 new st Torrington, mrs M 23 tradd st Toussiger, mrs E 20 water st Townsends, Crane «fc Co. dry goods, 1 hayne st Toy, Jos drayman, amherst st Tracey, Maurice printer, 30 tradd st Trapier, Rev, Paul pastor calvary church, 37 meeting st 128 Trapier, miss M E 6 logan si Trapman L & Co. com mchts, 20 east-bay « L do do 20 do do Trenholm, G A com mcht, central wf, rutledge st ward 6 *' C L com mcht, fitzsimon's whf, 18 smith st " EL com mcht, central whf, liverpool Trescot, C F sea captain, arch dale st " Henry cashier state bank, 4 anson st Triest, Maier clerk, southern whf, market st Trist, J clothier, 87 market st Trobblefield, John carpenter, spring st Trou, A W jeweller and engraver, 187 king st Trott, T C clerk mercury office, king st " AW do 131 meeting, 79 do « mrsEM 71 do ' mrs C Y 35 tradd st Trout & DeLange, com mcht, 112 east-bay " T B com mcht, 1 12 east-bay << Thos do do 20 do cr pitl & wentworth sts " W 76 beaufain st Troy, Thos watchman, president st Trumbo, C C bricklayer, 55 tradd st Tucker, R H com and ship mcht, boyce's whf " John planter, cooper st Tuesdale, mrs F 20 bull st TuUy, Thos calhoun st, ward 5 Tupper T & Son, com mchts, brown's whf « T do do do do 52 tradd st « . S Y do do do do 60 church st *' T junr. accountant do do 52 tradd st '• F clerk 52 tradd st " James master in equity, 52 broad st Tupp, C clerk, 180 king st Turly, mrs MA 15 franklin st TurnbuU, W O clerk, 279 king st, hasel st " Andrew 14 meeting st " mrs R 1 logan st " mrs A 15 calhoun st Turner, mrs S 27 archdale st '« Richard tallow chandler, woolfest Turns, Peter shoemaker, st. philips st, ward 6 Tutley, Wm carpenter, 16 rutledge st Tweed, mrs teacher, charlotte st 129 Tweedy, W H clerk, I hayne st, king st Twohill, Daniel police officer, cr anson and hasel sts Tylee, N ship cha,ndler and wire manuf, 123 east-bay, 34 Chalmers st " N junr. clerk, foot hasel, 34 Chalmers <' CA do 103 east-bay, 43 do « J VV L do 103 do 34 do Tyrrell, J M do 80 do 155 east-bay U. UfFerhaidt & Cainpson, dry goods, 140 king st <' VVm do do 140 do Uivhlen, D grocer, cr tradd and church Ulmo, P H master work house, 24 pitt st Utes. John printer, 115 king st Vaerfelder, S bootmaker, 73 meeting st Valentine, S 42 society st Varner, Charles 28 mazyck st Vanderhorst, Elias planter, ashepoo, chapel st " Martha pastry cook, 1 17 kingst Vanderzee, H dry goods, 41 hayne st, Charleston hotel Van Dyck, John clerk, 39 hayne st Van Ness, Joel S do 80 east-bay, 51 tradd st Vannoy, J li do 118 meeting, 358 king st ^Vannogle, J A do 149 do v Vunwinkle. hardware, 308 king, 63 coming st Venning, J M factor & com mcht, gadsden wf, charlotte " W C clerk, gadsden whf, charlotte st '• J L do 6 savage st / " H M lumber factor, gadsden whf, 16 society st '• D B student, 16 society st Vente, vice cc/usul, 30 broad st " Eugene m. d. 15 beaufain st Verea, Robt 20 water st Veree, John carpenter, 6 pitt st Vernon, mrs M cr cannon and ashly sts '* Henry carpenter, cr cannon and ashly sts Veronee, T W clerk, adger's whf, meeting st, ward 7 " Saml proprietor drays, do do " W tinsmith, cr state and linguard sts " GH do do do do 130 Veronee, W B tinsmith, cr state and linguard sts Vial. Jos fruiterer, 102 king st Vidall, Lewis sea captain, 3 minority st '' Lewis jnnr. clerk 3 do Villepigue, P T fac & com mcht, accom wf, 4 college st " PA clerk, accommodation whf, 4 college st Vincent, Hugh ship chandler, 75 east-bay " J W clerk, 69 east-bay " J C do 1 havne st, east-bay '' W J do 24 do Vocelle, A gunsmith, 50 state st Vogartank, G gadsden st Voight, Charles bootmaker, 83 king st Volarse, L upholster, 161 king st Volger, Bernard segar manufacturer, 345 kingst Von Dohlen & Farnum, grocery mchts, 189 east-bay " " C gro mcht, 189 east-bay, pavilion hotel " " A fi^rocer, 46 state. 88 anson st « Glahn, B clerk, 230 king st " " M grocer, 1 coming st " " C do cr coming and radcliffe sts " " H do Columbus st " Kolnitz, H guardman, cr st. philips and cannon sts " Ronne, John clerk, 134 king st « Santen, F do 208 do Voorhies, mrs M 8 orange st Vose, Carson planter, goose creek, rutledge st, ward 6 W. Waggener, F clerk, 37 market st Wagner, S J store-keeper, custom house, 1 14 queen st " T D com mcht, central whf, 1 w^all st '' E planter, christ church parish, 1 wall st " K R clerk, 19 vendue range, coming st, ward 6 " GO private boarding, 159 king st " mrs G coming st, ward 6 " Edw pastor holy communion, coming st, ward 6 Walcutt, J clerk, 129 church st, king st Waldron G Z & Co. clothing, 27 hayne st '* G Z clothing. 27 hayne st, Charleston hotel Walker, J F accountant, boyce's whf, rutledge st, ward 6 " J com mcht, 28 vendue range, king st " G W gro mcht, 56 east-bay, rutledge st, ward 6 I3i Walker, J C clerk, 101 east-bay, 155 east-bay " Joseph stationer, 101 east-bay, 5 hasel st " & James, book publishers, 103 & 105 east-bay '• E J clerk, 1 1 east-bay, pitt st « & Seabrook, attorneys at law, 61 meeting st " H P attorney at law, Gl meeting st, trade! st " John blacksmith, market st, 100 king st " J M attorney at law, 32 broad, 4 council st " Geo architect, 32 broad, 13 logan st " W H cotton press, dewees whf, 4 council st " & DufFus, cotton press, dewees whf " rnrs Ann 15 wall st '• H D carpenter, 2 wilson, 18 magazine st t' W S & Brother, marble cutters, 4 anson st r. w S do do 4 do a D ^ do do 4 do '« Sarah 14 st. philips st " Wm engineer S C R R, nassau st '' John butcher, coming st «'• R T factor & com mcht, boyce's whf, 259 ebay Walkinshedd, Wm saddler, 4 magazine st Wall, E P tailor, 28 st. philips st Wallace, Thos dry goods, 288 king, 318 king st Wallace, R A baker, cr king and tradd sts " H grocer, 67 trade! st <= London painter, 10 st. philips st Wallen, U clerk," hayne st, market st Wallers, J H tavern-keeper, meeting st, ward 7 Wallis, E bootmaker, 41 state st Walseman & Reincke, tailors, 191 king st '• Wm tailor, 191 do Walsh, Patrick clerk, 35 hayne st, market st Walton, J M bt & shoe dealer, 137 meeting, 79 wentwortl Walters & Walker, factors and com mchts, boyce's whf '• E W fac & com mcht, bcs wf, cr Wife & meeting " G H do do do do do do " W clerk, king st, 106 church st '' rnrs E 94 went worth st Wanicker, H carpenter, woolfe st Ward, John wharfinger, adger's whf, 25 pitt st " J J clerk, 215 king st «' miss S A 24 smith st '= miss M S 24 do 132 Ward, mrs M M 19 george st « H A 24 do Wardeil, mrs S vanderhorst st Wardlaw, W A fac & com rncht, all whf, cbarles'n hotel Warem, John sail maker, 1 1 iradd st Waring, T R cashier bank state so ca, cannon st " H S m. d. 57 meeting st " P H planter, st. pauls parish, 10 gadsden whf " T S medical student, 10 do do « P H do do 10 do do " Theo mason, 5 gadsden whf " MA planter, st. paul's parish, st, philips st " J B planter, st. John, charlotte st Warn, A 5 west st Warpken, H G bootmaker, sires st Warnkerr, J accountant, 139 east-bay Warnes, Thos spring st Warren, C seaman, 86 meeting st " B W clerk, 29 hayne, 10 calhoun st Warlon, Geo bricklayer, america st Washington, Maria radcliffe sts Wasting, Lydia henrietta st Waterbury, W C police officer, cr Cumberland & meeting Waterman, grocer, 63 market st <' C clerk, 87 king st " John grocer, cr c.eeting and mary sts Waters, Wm clerk, market, 6 pinckney st " W^ F do 87 broad 6 do " A B druggist, 17 calhoun st Waties, J P import inspector, custom house " T D clerk, central whf, cr vanderhorst and pitt sts . Watkins, C W overseer, sires st Watson, Alex private boarding, 19 tradd st " Thos sea captain, ^ atlantic st Wattles, J M glass-stainer, 186 king st Watts mrs & miss Smith, milliners, 196 king st Wayne, D G carpenter, st. philips st, ward 6 Wear, John cordwainer, 45 meeting st Weaver, A fruiterer, 346 king st Webb, T L factor and com mcht, comr'cial wf, cannon st " W L clerk, commercial whf, cr cannon & rutledge " DC do 40 east-bay ** W R mechanic, 132 east-baj^, 14 middle st 133 Webb, Warren R clerk, 155 east-bay, commercial hotel •' Michael shipping master, 85 east-bay, 8 water st " &, Rice, shipping masters, S5 east-bay " W gamer, 40 king st Websr, C clerk, adger's whf, east-bay " J ship-joiner, Washington andiaurcns sts " John bootmaker, 119 king st " P tavern-keeper, 33 queen st " F bootmaker, cr king and ann sts " Geo tavern-keeper, mary st Wedejerner, F carter, 32 bull st Wedow, Jacob guardman, st. philips st, ward 8 Weed, J B clerk, 161 meeting, 249 king st '' Alfred engineer S C R R, coming st, ward 6 Weens, N laborer, morris st Weelholz, J P clothing, 133 east-bay Wehlert, J C grocer, cr coming and duncan sts Wehman, F do 135 king st Weinberg, B dry goods, 29 market st Weiskopf L painter, 30 beaufain st Welch, R M gentleman's furnishing store, cr meeting and market sts. Charleston hotel " M C clerk, 147 meeting st, hampden court " SB bookbinder, 101 meeting, 9 smith's lane «' W H do 101 do 1 St. philips st " Michael laborer, 8 Philadelphia st " John mary st " John junr. carpenter, mary st " Wm finisher, mary st Welden, John laborer, warren st Weller, C saddler, church st Wellin, Saml beaufain st " Ed carpenter, meeting st, ward 5 Wells, W B clerk, cr king and market sts, 204 king st '• Robt carpenter, ISO meeting st " Hagar alexander st Welsman, J T com mcht, 165 east-bay, 16 church st " Jas ship and com mcht, boyce's whf, 2 church st Wemann, F clerk, 18 queen st, king st Wendelken, M H grocer. 8 wall st " H grocer, cr hanover and columbus sts Wenning, W L planter, alexander st Werneka, C overseer, spring st 12 134 Werner, C iron foundry, cr Cumberland and state, 43 state " H grocer, 42 queen sL Werson, L sculptor, king st, ward 8 West C H & Son, ship chandlers, 77 east-bay " C H ship chandler, 77 east-bay, 3 church st " E A do do 11 do 3 do " C H junr. ship and com mcht, boyce's wf, 3 church " Preston livery stables, 85 meeting, 97 queen st " mrs E C proprietor victoria hotel WestendorfF, C P L 8 anson st " J S clerk, meeting st. 8 anson st '« G W sea captain, 8 do Westman, G grocer, 311 king st Weston S & J tailors, 100 queen st '« S tailor, 100 queen st <' J do 100 do 1 green st " F planter, pee dee, drake st ". A millwright, calhoun st Westurland, C F sea captain, 6 savage st Wetherhahn, P clerk, 208 king, 19 market st '' M clothing, 19 market st Wever, A A tavern-keeper, 51 broad st Weyman, mrs A C 63 beau fain st Welelkin, John laborer, coming st, ward 8 Whaley, W attorney at law, 20 broad, 19 rutledgest <« B F do do 20 do 9 george Wharton & Petsch, car builders, line st " Thos do do line and woolfe sts Whelen, mrs A 15 Clifford st Whilden, B F elk, vanderhorst wf, cr meeting and queen " mrs private boarding, do do do " W clerk, 56 east-bay, Washington st " Jas ship chandler, 60| east-bay, 16 magazine st " W G clerk, 250 king st, beaufain st " W H do 338 do 7 archdale st " Robt engineer, 7 archdale st Whitaker, E 3 st. raichael's alley " mrs M St. philips st, ward 6 White, J B coastwise inspector custom house, 21 iegare st '' E B architect, civil engineer and surveyor, 122 east bay, 42 meeting st " J H factor, atlantic whf, iriansion house " CO com mcht, 92 east-bay 135 White, I D clerk, central whf, 26 savage st " W M do 120 east-bay, liberty st *' W J ass't bennett's rice mill, 3 wentwoith st " John marble yard, 1 17 queen st " W R cleri^J 243 king st, wentworth st '' James tavern-keeper, 280 king, 13 rutledge st " Robt furniture dealer, 342 do " Jos senr. confectioner 356 do *' Josjunr. do do do *' John do do do <' W F do do do " A J brok & auc, 27 broad st, cr tradd and meeting " B O Am. d. 21 legare st " C G m. d. 19 state st " Geo planter, christ church parish, 271 east-bay " Charles steamboat captain, 58 queen st " Sims 26 savage st « W W clerk, southern whf, 26 savage st " mrs P shop-keeper, 16 friend st " Susan 12 mazyck st " Maria 21 college st Whitemore, mrs private boarding, 58 meeting st " G soap & candle manufacturer, radclifFe st Whiting, E M turner, calhoun st, ward 5 " W carpenter, 116 church st Whitney, T A broker and com agent, franklin st " J clerk, 26 hayne, 58 meeting st " O L do 301 king, 10 smith's lane '• C G bro & auct, 3 slate, 5 franklin st " F H soap & candle manuf, cr meeting & reid Whittier, S accountant, 151 meeting st Wickenburg, F R grocer, cr broad and church sts Wiech, Henrj' printer, calhoun st Wienges, G W bookseller, opposite post office, John st " C clerk, exchange st, 12 water st " E fireman, cr columbus and nassau sts " Geo guardman, columbus st '* J J cotton dresser, do '• Jacob 17 montague st Wieters, F clerk, 63 market st Wightington, P rags-store, 34 mazyck st Wighlman, J T 96 meeting st " mrs 32 chalmers st 136 Wightman, J H painter, 85 tradd st " Wm ed south ch advocate, meeting st, ward 5 Wilbur, T A clerk, 21 vendue range, 115 wentworth st " W G ruler, Charleston hotel ti WW auc & com mcht, 301 king, 115 wentworth Wild, B boiler maker, 2 inspection st Wilder, T D clerk, 153 east-baj, 20 savage st " J M do 277 king st Wiley, Banks & Co. dry goods, 41 hayne st " A S m. d. meeting st, 269 king st " mrs M 14 atlantic st " Saml grocer, 361 king st " W J clerk, 361 do 16 green st " Jas crockery, 375 do Wilkening, J H grocer, 57 market st Wilkens, mrs 11 lamboU st " ML student, 1 1 lamboU st '« GM do 11 do Wilkie, G W import insp, cus bo, 14 horlbeck's alley " J G clerk, 27 broad, 14 horlbeck's alley " O 25 do vendue range, 8 liberty st *' mrs W B 8 liberty st Wilkinson, J W attorney at law, 7 broad, 16 south-bay " Francis butcher, coming st, ward 6 " E trader, do do « P O fireman, do do 8 Wilks, J M bootmaker, 55 broad st «' C H factor, vanderhorst whf, 13 meeting st " John planter, St. andrews' parish, 13 do Wille, S fancy goods, 208 king st Williams & Butler, com mchts, 84 east-bay " John com mcht, 84 east-bay, baltimore " E H clerk, central whf " Henry do 20 vendue range, 52 beaufain st '' W B factor, central whf, 275 east-baj^ " J W clerk, 28 vendue range, 52 beaufain st " J steward, 66 meeting st '' Daniel clerk, 33 market st " H H & Co. hat and cap dealers, 159 meeting '< H H hat and cap dealers, 159 meeting, I lib'ty " W S clerk. 1 hayne, 32 pinckney st " G P seedman and florist, 331 king st '• mrs C 19 beaufain st 137 Williams, mrs D 52 beaufain st " Paris barber, 41 society st *' Saml K printer, king st, ward 6 " Henry proprietor drays, king st, ward 6 *' mrs J cr ashly and spring sts " Mary smith st, ward 6 " mrs J spring st Williamson, John brok & auc, coming st, ward 6 " mrs rutledge st, ward 6 " capt smith st, ward G Williman, C accountant, 71 east-bay, 70 tradd st " J atty at law, st. michaels' alley, 43 east-bay « A B m. d. 70 church st " Jacob clerk, court house, east-bay " mrs calhoun st, ward 6 Willington A S & Co. proprietor courier " AS editor courier, new st Willis, John G boot and shoe dealer, 182 king st " B G clerk, 265 king, 269 king st " Henry broker and auctioneer, 50 broad st, queen st Wills, J W clerk, 21 hayne st ^Wilmans & Price, hardware dealers, 24 hayne st " A F hardware dealer, 24 hayne, 6 hasel st Wilson, J E clerk, central whf, montague st " Saml m d. lO new st " W M mail agent, 10 new st " W A watch rnaker, 95 east-bay, east bay '« J M boot and shoe dealer, 43 hayne, 6 new st « Thos ship carpenter, 10 tradd st " r»rs M 113 queen st " mrs 17 hasel st " mrs E dress maker, 46 society st " Geo bootmaker, 31 wentworth st " Angus teacher, 90 do " Jos student, 90 do « mrs E 90 do « Abram planter, st. paul's parish, 21 montague st «' Wm 21 montague st '« George bootmaker, 7 burns lane " John king st, ward 6 « mrs J dry goods, king st, ward 6 « John cabinet maker, do do '• A B planter, st. george's, st. phiUps st, ward 6 12* 138 Wilson, Hugh planter, cr mtledge and spring sts " mrs F S thomas st " ■' R W attorney at law, thomas st '•' St. Julian thomas st " J B clerk, post office, 10 hew st •^ mrs M E 15 church st Wiltberger, J R druggist, 245 king, 23 laurens st Windelkin, C grocer, cr king and line sts Wineman, F druggist, 29 hayne, 4 society st Winestock, M fancy goods, 295 king, 306 king st Winberg, John wharfinger, atlantic whf, 276 king st " mrs J fancy goods, 276 king st Wing, Robt locksmith and bell-hanger, 121 kingst Winkleman, D clerk, 83 beaufain st •' O do cr king and line sts Winningham, H carpenter, columbus st Wincy, John engineer, 84 beaufain st Winred, John carpenter, 2 Cliffords alley Winslow, E agt wilm'ton boats, ft laurens st, 43 beaufain Winthrop, J A factor, adger's whf, 99 tradd st " H ra. d. 32 society, 95 tradd st Wniyard, John planter, america st Wise, E clerk, adger's whf, east-bay " A painter, 130 king st "^ Isreal carpenter, coming st, ward 6 Witchel, C grocer, king st, ward 6 Witchen, F laborer, sires alley Witherby, Joel boot and shoe dealer, or king and market, merchants hotel Withers, mrs 15 savage st " mrs M st philips st, ward G '"' Wm butcher, do do Whschens, C grocer, 27 college st Witsell, John acct, 135 meeting st, cr queen & meeting Witte, P F bootmaker, 20 tradd st Witter, A printer, 6 friend st Wittschen, F clerk, 115 church st " H baker, 115 do Wohlken, H clerk, 49 market st " L fruiterer, 49 do 31 do Wohlers, grocer, 30 coming st Wolff, J M clothier,- 332 kmg st " Wm bootmaker, 28 anson st 139 Woltman, H clerk, 29 bull st Wood, Geo grocer, 81 market st, Cumberland st '' L S accountant, I hayne, 236 king st " G W E clerk, 21 hayne st " E J C 233 king st " mrs S 233 do ' " Wm finisher, 7 motts lane '* Daniel hanover st Wooddrup, John clerk, 29 hayne, 100 tradd st Wooddy, Thos blacksmith, meeting st, ward 5 " jas seaman, america st Woodman, C sea captain, spring st Woodruff, T book-binder, 47 king st " Josephus printer, 39 archdale st Woodside, John tavern-keeper, 191 east-bay " S A clerk, 191 east-bay " Wm do 147 meeting st, 191 east-bay Woodward, T superint'ent bennett's mill, 8 Washington st " John engineer, 105 meeting st " mrs E S 20 mazyck st Wood worth, mrs E spring st Worrill, J W clerk, 165 meeting st, victoria hotel Woss, John sea captain, coming st, ward 6 Wotherspoon & Porcher, cotton brokers, adger's whf " Robt cotton broker, adger's whf, 80 tradd st Wotten, Henry bricklayer, calhoun st, ward 6 Wragg, T L ship and com mcht, adger's whf. 72 broad " W T m. d. 64 wentworth st '• Henry carpenter, spring st Wrede, J clerk, 108 east-bay Wright, T B do 71 east-bay, mary st " C T dry goods, 122 king st " mrs H fancy goods, 178 do J D painter, 38 tradd st '2 '^ miss A 34- archdale st " Saml butcher, 7 burns lane R S mechanic, mary st '• Celia, coming st, ward 6 Wulbern, C clerk, 55 east-bay " H grocer, 54 state st Wurfell, H fruiterer, 86 church st Wurthman, H grocer, spring st Wyly, A C clerk, 37 hayne st, victoria hotel 140 Y. Yanson, mrs 124 tradd st Yates, F W clerk, vanderhorst whf, commercia! hotel " J junr. boarding officer, cus ho, cr water & church " J L clerk, 151 east-bay, church st " E L do 89 east-bay, cr eastbaj^ and broad sts " F S book-keeper bk south Carolina, cr e-bay & broad " J D sheriff, 9 church st " W B pastor mariners' church, 25 east-bay *' Dr. Wm planter, 6 church st *' John engineer S C R R, nassau st Yattro, G W watchmaker, 266 king, 286 king st Yeadon & Macbeth, attorneys at law, 41 broad st " Richard attorney at law, 41 broad, 56 wentworth " mrs W radclifFe st You, mrs M A 8 archdale st ''DC 8 do Young, P H clerk, boyce's whf, 155 east-bay *' J do 44 broad, 33 church st " W do 44 do 33 do " Henry do 201 king st '' Thos pastor st. michael's church, 27 meeting st " mrs 12 new st *' Martha 48 coming st Zachariah, mrs corset store, 147 king st Zealy, Jos discount clerk union bank, 25 bull st Zeigenbein, W tailor, 18 calhounst Zeigler, M W coachmaker, 24 wentworth st Zell, W clerk, 6 maiket st Zerbs, H grocer, cr duncan and pitt sts Zerenow, John inspector gas works, 26 wentworth st Zergmann, E tobacconist, 64 market, king st Zimmerman, W A clerk, cr king and market sts, ann st Zogbaum F & Co. music store, 201 king st " F music store, 201 king st, cr king & beaufain Zollicoffer, G clerk, cr meeting and market sts Zylstra, J P ship grocer, 59 east-baj'', 51 king st 141 Civil Officers for the District of Charleston. Commissio7iers of Cross Roads, in the Parishes of Si. Philip and Si. Michael — Dr. Wm. G. Ramsey, Chair- man. — Dr. David Geiger, James F. O'Hear, Thomas B. Heriot, Dr. Wm. Yates, J. C. Bradley, Wm. C. Main, Thomas H. Deas, Superinlendent^ Charles W. Simons. Clerk and Treasurer. Commissioners of the Poor. — Dr Wm. G. Ramsey, Dr. David Geiger, James F O'Hear, Thomas B. Heriot, Dr. William Yales. Commissioners of Public Buildings. — C. I\I. Furman, Chairman; T.J Gantt, John Schnierle, B. F. Hunt, P. C. Grimball, of St, John's Colleton, James Ferguson, and Wm. Cain, of St. John's Berkley. Commissioners'io take Bonds of Public Officers. — Chas. M. Furman, Jno. Magrath, Ker Boyce, H, W. Peronneau, and H. Gourdin. Assessor for the Parishes of St. Philip and St. Michael, — Wm. Riley.. Port Physician. — Thomas Y. Simons. Escheator. — F. A. Ford. Physician and Surgeon for the Jail. — P. C. Gaillard, M. D. Arsenal Keeper^ in Charleston. — R. W. Colcock. Powdtr Receiver and Keeper of the State Magazines. — Steedman Yeadon. Inspector of Flour. — N. U. Chaffee. LIST OF MAGISTRATES. Judicial Magistrates. — T. O. Elliott and G. W, Cooper. Ministerial Magistrates. — T. Martin, Chas. H. Axson' L. F. Robertson, John A. Gyles, [to hold Magistrates' Courts within the City of Charleston, for the trial of all Criminal Cases, relating to persons of colour, and for the trial of all causes small and mean, relating to matters of debt or other demand, arising from contract, to the amount of 820 ; and also, to all cases of domestic attachment and 142 distress warrents, for rent] G. W. Egleston, and E W Bounetheau, for Charleston Neck, with the same powers. By the Act of 1839, every Magistrate, before entering upon the du- ties of Ihe office, and within ninety days, must quality before the Clerk of the Court. 68 Magistrates for St. Philip's and St. Michael's, exclu- sive of the eight Judicial ; each Magistrate elected for four years. The following have qualified agreeable to law. Magistrates for St. Philip's cj- St. MichaeVs Parishes' — J D Aiken, Alex H Brown, George Buist, J B Camp- bell, Joseph H Dukes, W G Desaussure, J P Deveaux,C M Furman, T J Gantt, Fisher Gadsden, David C Gibson, William A Hayne, George S Hacker, John H Herron, Wm Jervej, M I Keith, H~enry C King, W W Kunhardt, Francis Lance, Wra P Lea, senr. Henry D Lesesne, Robt Macbeth, A G Magiath, John Michel, A Moise, Patrick M'Ovven, C B Northrop, James Paine, J C Norris, W H Peronnean, Wm D Porter, John Phillips, Philip J Por- cher, W A Prmgle, John E Rivers, jr., VVm Riley, Alex Robinson, Chas H Rhett, B D Roper, jr., Thomas Ryan, Thos R Salter, R W Seymour, C W Simons, S Thomas, Peter Delia Torre, James Tupper, Jacob Willimxan, J D Yates, Richard Yeadon, and S C Warnock. Magistrates in the Parishes Charleston District. For Christ Church — Henry S. Tew, Thos. J. Legare, F. Gregorie, T. M. Wagner. For St. Thomas & St. Dennis— John H. Massey, J. B. Poyas, E. Phillips. For St. John's, Berkley — F. W. Easterling, James Gail- lard, jr., S. W. Barker, James Sinkler. For St. Jame's. Santee — C C Pinckney, E H Trescott, J. G. Shoolbred, A. C. McClellan, P. Manigault, Thomas P. Jerman. Foi St. Stephen's— V/m. Dubose, John S. Palmer, S. L. Deveau, W. D Bonneau. For St. James, Goose Creek — Alfred Schuler, I. Brad- well, senr., John B. Earnest, John S. McCullev, Adam Smithy W. H. McCall, John J. Browning. 143 For St. Andrew's — On the Island, R. Lebby, Ravvlin Rivers. On the Main — George Haig, W. B. Seabrook, For St. John's Colleton — Wrn. Whaley, T. A. Baynard, E M Seabrook, Kinsey Burden, jr., James LaRoche, W, Beckett, Ed. Bailey, Wm. McCants, Richard LaRoche, R. E. Jenkins, W. N. Clarkson, J. Jenkins, E. Seabrook, B. S. Whaley, W. Sams, Benj. M. Jenkins, Daniel J. La Roche, on Edisto Island. Notaries in Charleston District. S Alexander, J D Alexander, R Anderson, C H Axson, A A Allemono;, H H Baker, J M Bee G W Bee, J B Bee, A W Black, E W Bounetheau, Jenkins Browninor, J Ballard, J F Beckman, Benjamin Bross, F M Burdell. D Bailey, Francis Berry. W G Benson, H Buist, E Candler, T P Chandler, T H Calvert, John Cheesborough, Samuel Champlain, Clarence J Cochran, J C Cochran, R W Cogdell, Edward S Courtenay, Thomas D Condy, James Culbert, Isaac Davega, L D Desaussure, Augustus G De Camps, Robert DeLeaumont, A R Drayton, Joseph H Dukes, Alfred H Duncan, G W Egleston, T R Edeston, W B Foster, F A Ford, Wm S Fraser, R C Gilchrist, Fisher Gadsden, T N Gadsden, T J Gantt, Richard Gantt, G M Goodwin, M Goldsmith, H C4oldsmith, John Greaton. Charles Guenther, C P Gordon, T S Gourdin, C F Hanckel, Wm B Heriot, E B Heriot, E G Heriot, E Heriot. John Herron, Isaac E Hertz, J C Hoff, J R Horsey T C Hubbell, Thos M Hume, B F Hunt, jr., J B Irving, Lewis Jervey, T W Johnson, J S Johnson. W H Inglesby, C E Kanapaux, Matthew I Keith, J Kingman, S King- man, P B Lalane, F Lanneau, C H Lanneau, Wm P Lea, sr., T P Lockwood, jr, Nath'l Levin, IMoses Levy, C M Logan, R A Long, John C Lozicr, J C Lawton, R Macbeth^, Thomas Martin, Jas W May, J Michel, John D Miller, A Moise, T W Mordecai, Hcn'ry Morris, S H Mor- timer, L J Moses, Sol Moses, J H Murrell, E C Mowry, J P McCall, J B McClure, E McCrady, J C JXorris, J Nor- ton, Z B Oakes, Joseph F O'Hear, J J Parker, W Patton, E W Petit, S H Patterson, B F Pepoon, Wm Perry, H L Pinckney, John E Phillips, Wm A Plane, J R Rogers, C H Rhett, Isaac S Riddell, J F Roberts, James Ross, F L 144 Rouxj A Robinson, A G Rose, John G LaRoche, B D Roper, jr., H S Rice, J M Righton, Wm Riley, Joseph Samson, J K Sass, F Schouboe, John Seigling, jr., A C Smith, T Smith, Jas Smith, James Short, W P Shingler, Harris Simons, Thos Y Simons, jr., R L Stewart, Ed C Tharin, T H Thayer, S J Thomas, J E Tobin, H Tres- cot, E DeTreviile, N Tylee, V J Tobias, H J Valieau, H E Vincent, J A Wagener, H P Walker, T R Waring, J J R Westcoat, GPL Westendorff, T A Whitney, James M Wilson, Henry Willis, jr., D S Wingate, Jacob Williman, John Williamson, W W Wilbur, B J Whaley, and Jer Yates, jr. STATE CONSTABLES FOR THE PARISHES OF ST. PHILIP AND ST. MICHAEL. John Williamson, S W Dill, J D Kennedy, Moses Levy, Sol. Moses, J J Bluett, George Dusenbury, Thos, Hyatt, Wm. Teppe, T J Troy, John Dunn. Police of the City of Charleston. JOHN SGHNIERLE, Mayor. ALDERMEN. Ward No. 1 — Alexander Gordon, John Drummond. Ward No. 2— W Alston Hayne, E W Edgerton, C D Carr. Ward No. 3— Wm M Martin, W H Gilliland, William Kirkwood. Ward No. 4— Dr. J Bellinger, E B Crews, J H Stein- myer, Dr. E North, Ward No. 5 — John H Honour. Ward No. 6— F C Blum. Ward No. 7 — George S Hacker. Ward No. 8 — Oswell Reeder. OFFICERS LOWER WARDS Clerk of Council, John R Rogers. Recorder, Hon William Rice. 145 Clerk of the City Court, H Pinckney Walker. Attorney, Wm D Porter, 4 years. Sheriff, Robert Elfe. Treasurer, Wm H Inglesby. Assistant Treasurer, H H DeLeon. Inquirer and Assessor, James C Norr's Deputy Escheator, F A Ford. Coroner, J P Deveaux. City Surveyor, Charles Parker. Harbour Master, Samuel Alexander. Deputy Harbour Master, Thomas Su:tis. Messenger of Council and keeper of City Hall, &c. Richard Smith. Keeper of St. Michael's Clock, James M Gardner. Superintendent of Public Cemetery, John D Browne. Keeper Lazaretto, G Crietzburg. Port Wardens, James Ross, L A Edmondston, C Lin- ing, W Kunhardt, H S Rice. City Apothecary, C F Stoney. City Inspector, B R Getsinger, senr. City Register and Clerk of Board of Health, Dr J L Dawson, Superintendent of Streets — Up. Division, Jno. Kingman. Superintendent of Streets — Lower Division, O Chisolm. Captain of the City Guard — A Roumillat ; 1st Lieut. Charles E Kanapaux ; 2d Lieut. P Champlain ; 3d Lieut. John A Wagener. Orderly Sergeant — Samuel Hamell. Police Officers — For the Lower Wards — Moses Levy, Alex Scharlock, D Twohill, W C Waterbury, Thomas Maher. For the Upper Wards — Benj Bross, Jas Culbert, Robt H DeHay. OFFICERS UPPER WARDS. Captain of Police — Thomas Dixon ; 1st Lieut. Police, Thomas B Symmes ; 2d Lieut. Police, M H Pooser. 13 146 Physician of the Poor— Eastern Division, Dr. W M Glenn. Physician of the Poor — Western Division, Dr. George S Pelzer. Superintendent of Streets, J L Honour. Deputy City Inspector, J P Clement. Master Work House, T F Purse. Physician Work House, Dr. W H Anderson. Surveyor, R K Payne. CITY CONSTABLES. Ward No. 1— P V Dibble, P W Ravenel, James P Ogilvie, Campbell Douglass, junr. J M Shackelford. Ward No. 2 — R Roper, Thomas Riley, Wm Laidler, A Price. Ward No. 3— G W Brov^ne, R H Johnson, J G Smith, W L King, Theo. Huchet, John G Milnor. Ward No. 4— H S Hay den, Wm Harral, E H Lane, F L Roux, D Barrow, J H Weyman, R J Eason, John Walton. Ward No. 5— J C Beckman, W E Honour, T C Dukes^ Ward No. 6— JF Steinmeyer,T L Sanders, S D Miller, Ward No. 7— T B Eason, J Thornley, T B Dotterer. Ward No. 8— John Lord. SHIRRAS' DISPENSARY. Shirras' Dispensary. — Ward No. 1 — George Bryan, A E Miller, John Greaton. Ward No. 2 — John Eraser, Michael Lazarus. Ward No. 3 — J J McCarter, John H Schriner, James Marsh. Ward No, 4— K L Simons, Wm Birnie, J McKegan, J F Blacldock. Physicians to the Shirras' Dispensary, Dr. H Winthrop, for the Western, and Dr. John S Mitchell, for the Eastern Division. 147 Trustee ex-officio — The President of the St. Andrew's Society ; the President of the Medical Society, and the Mayor of the City. THE BANKS Are open for transacting business every day, (Sundays Public Fasts, Thanksgiving Days, Christmas Day, and the Fourth of July, excepted,) from 9 o'clock in the morning, till 2 o'clock in the afternoon. BANK OF CHARLESTON. No. 12 Broad, cr. State-street. Capital $3,160,000. A G Rose. President. R L Stewart, Cashier. Directors. — W C Courtenay, Ker Boyce, L M Wiley, G A Trenholm, Henry Gourdin, W B Pringle, Wm H Gilliland, T Street, Alexander Robertson, J S Bowie, C T Lowndes, T G Wragg. First Teller, Chr. M'Kinney ; Second Teller, I M C Johnston; Third Teller, J K Sass ; Discount Clerk, Peter B Lalane; 1st Book-keeper, per ac. J Norton; 2d Book- keeper, per ac. T D Mathews ; Book-keeper, pub, ac. J L Holmes ; Collection Clerk, W S Edwards ; Transfer Clerk, J Cheesborough; Cash Book-keeper, H E Wal- polo ; Porter, Charles L Edwards ; Out-door Clerk, S A Robinson ; Solicitor, James L Petigru. |I3" Offers of new business every day — of Renewals on Monday. Transfer of Stock on Monday and Thursday. BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Corner East Bay and Broad-streets. Capital $1^000,000. William Burnie, President. George B Reid, Cashier and Transfer Clerk. Directors. — J C Blum, James Bancroft, Jas Gadsden, 148 William Calder, Thomas Middleton, William McBumejj A R Taft, J T Welsman, George Buist, Daniel E Huger, junr., Alex Gordon, A S Johnston. Tellers, M D Strobel and W C Breese ; Book-keeper and Collection Clerk, F S Yates ; Discount Clerk and Bill Book-keeper, W S Caldwell ; Cash Book-keeper, E B Lining; Assistant Clerk, Edward Blake; Out-door Clerk and Porter, T Morris ; Notary, A W Black ; Soli- citor, J M Walker. t^ Offering day for new business every day — Regular Discount day Thursday. Transfer of Stock every day. STATE BANK. No. 22 Broad-street. Capital $1,000,000. Edward Sebring, President. Henry Trescot, Cashier. Directors. — James H Ladson, Samuel P Ripley, George Gibbon, George M Coffin, E W Bancroft, H S Hayden, H A Desaussure, M P Mathiessen, John E Cay, R Mure, T Trout, T G Budd. Teller, Benj M Lee ; Assistant Teller, Hopson Pinck- ney ; Book-keeper, Lewis Jervey ; Collection Clerk and Notary, James M Bee ; Transfer and Discount Clerk, J L Egleston ; Out-door Clerk, John Bell Bee ; Solicitor, H A Desaussure, |j3=* Offers of new business every day — of Renev/als on Wednesday. Transfer of Stock every day but Wednesday and Thursday. UNION BANK. No. 125 Bast Bay. Capital $1,000,000. Henry Ravenel, President. A C Smith, Cashier. Directors.— A Tobias, S Mowry, jr., J A Winthrop, M King, Otis Mills, S S Farrar, John L Hedley, H T Street, Charles N Hubert, W Mazyck, jr., Wm B Smith, George Brown. 149 Teller, J E Smith ; Assistant Teller, I S K Bennett; Discount Clerk, Joseph Zealj ; Book-keeper, N R Payne; Colleclion Clerk and Notary, Henry D Alexander; Out- door Clerk and Cash Book-keeper, C M Smith. in= Discount day on Wednesday ; Offers ma;y be lodged on Monday and Tuesday ; Answers returned on Wednesday. Transfer of Stock, Thursday and Saturday. PLANTERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK. No. 1 19|- East Bay. CAprxAL $1,000,000. Daniel Ravenel, President. C H Stevens, Cashier. Directors.— Robert Martin, Wm Aiken, Wm Bell, Wm Ravenel, James Lamb, A S Willington, Wm Adger, J J McCarter, S G Barker, C T Mitchell, J K Robinson, Ed P Milliken. Book-keeper, J S Tennent ; Receiving Teller, Chas H Hanckel ; Paying Teller, Jonathan Bryan, jr.; Transfer Clerk and keeper of Ledger of Public Offices and Institu- tions, Samuel Kingman ; Discount Clerk, Henry Morris; Out-door Clerk, R Rhett ; Collection Clerk and Assistant Clerk, F C Prioleau; Solicitor, Edward McCrady ; Nota- ry, Henry Morris. Agent at Camden. — John Rosser. irt* Offering day for Discount, Friday. Answers giv- en on Saturday. Offers also considered every day. Transfer of Stock every daj^. SOUTH-WESTERN RAIL-ROAD BANK. No. 19 Broad -street. Capital 8865,525. James Rose, President. James G Holmes, Cashier. Directors.— G A Hopley, M C Mordecai, H W Peron- neau, G B Locke, James Legare, P J Porcher, W J Gray- eon, W C Gatewood, I S Cohen, William Patton, C A Magwood, O B Hilliard. 13* 150 Teller, Henry G Loper ; General Book-keeper, Ex- change Clerk and Pension Agent, J C Cochran ; Book- keeper and Collection Clerk, J R Rutledge ; Discount and Transfer Clerk, A R Drayton ; Out-door Clerk and Por- ter, James Peters ; Notary, A R Drayton; Solicitor, T M Hanckel, ll^' Offering Day for Discount, Thursday. Discount Day on Friday, and answers given the same day. Bills of Exchange and business paper not intended for renewal, discounted every day. Transfer of Stock every day, BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. No. 14 Broad, cr. State-street. C M Furman, President. T R Waring, Cashier. Directors. — T Lehre, J P Deveaux, R G Stone, George Rohertson, P M Cohen, E Carson, W C Dukes, George H Walter, S L Glover, E W Mathewes, James L Gantt, H F Strohecker. Tellers, Wm Miller and W R Taber ; Book-keeper, John Hanckel; Discount Clerk, Wm B Foster; Collec- tion Clerk, Myer Jacobs ; Clerk and Notary, J D Alexan- der ; 2d Assistant Clerk, Charles S Cogdell ; Porter and Out-door Clerk, F Gadsden. |I3^ Offering Day for Discount, Friday — Ansv/ers re- turned on Monday. BRANCH BANK STATE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, AT COLUMBIA. R H Goodwyn, President. John Fisher, Cashier. Directors. — J J Cbappell, James Fenton, Wade Hamp- ton, M L Brown, I D Mordecai, James Cathcart, W May bin, Lewis Pou, Robert Bryce, Amzi Nelly, W Rey- nolds, John T Mickle. Teller, J L Clark ; Discount and Collection Clerk, N Ramsay ; Assistant Clerk, D S Yates, tC^ Offering days— Mondays. Discount Days— Thurs- days. 151 BRANCH BANK STATE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, AT CAMDEN. Thomas Salinoml, President. D L Dcsaussure, Cashier. ^ Directors. — John Cantey, A D Jones, Benj Perkins, W^ __jA An^runij W Kennedy, L L Whitaker. Discount Clerk, Jesse Nettles ; Book-keeper, B B Sal- mond. Inspectors of Stemnboats. Inspector of Steamboat Hulls, for Charleston District, Capt. J. Greaton. Inspector of Steamboat Boilers, S. H. Patterson. Commissioners of Deeds in South- Carolina. Appointed by the Governors of other States. Maine — T Tupper. New Hampshire. — J S Woodman, G W Egleston. Massachusetts. — Ed. R Newhall, Peter Oliver, Abram Jackson, jr., H H Baker. Lewis F Robertson. Connecticut. — G W Egleston, and H H Baker. New York. — B F Hunt, jr., Joseph H Dukes, H H Baker, Geo VV Egleston, Lewis F Robertson, W A Prin- gle, Thos. P Lockwood, jr. Maryland. — Isaac Devega, and H H Baker. Virginia. — C B Northrop, and L F Robertson. North Carolina.— H H Baker, and H C King. Georgia. — A H Brown, H H Baker, John R Hayes, E G Fleriot, Isaac Devega, Wm A Quigley, A P Moise. Alabama. — W B Heriot, H H Baker, H P Walker, S H Brodie. Florida.— W B Heriot, and H H Baker. Mississippi. — H H Baker, H P Walker, and Lewis F Robertson. Louisiana. — H P Walker, Jacob Williman. California. — Honry H Baker. Texas. — Henry H Baker. 152 Charleston Savings Institution. Office at the Apprentices Library Society, Meeting-street, Robert Martin, President. Thomas Lehre, Vice Pres- ident. J F Sehirmer, Secretary. Henry S Griggs, Treas- urer. Trustees. — Wm Bell, Wm Gregg, Jos Johnson, George Kinloch, Albert Elfe, T Tupper, Geo N Reynolds, B J Howland, James M Caldwell, J W Caldwell, Wm Kirk- wood, Wm M'Burney, W L Porter, Geo B Locke, J H Taylor, J C Blum, Chas H West, SS Howell, J T Wels- man. J B Betts. Board of Investment. — C H West, G B Locke, G Kin- loch, J W Caldwell, Jas M Caldwell, and the President, Vice President, and Secretary. 23" Open Monday and Thursday Afternoons from 4 o'clock^, till sun- set, and on Saturday nights from the ringing of the first to the last city bell. The interest on deposits is computed from the third Wednes- day of January, April, July, and October, at five per cent, per annum. Dividends not drawn are credited to Depositors, and draw interest from the date at which they were declared. At the expiration of every five years, a Surplus Dividend is also paid, consisting of the profits of the Institution, over and above the expenses and semi-annual dividends al- ready paid out or credited. V^ Applications for Loans must be left with the Secretary. CUSTOM HOUSE IN CHARLESTON. Sub Treasurer, Wm M Martin. Collector, Wm J Grayson. Assistant Calculating Clerk and Deputy Collector, Thomas D Jervey. Book-keeper, Charles Boucheneau. Abstract, Debenture and Calculating Clerk, Wm T M'Cready. Bond, Register and Record Clerk, Nathaniel Levin. Assistant Clerk, H Rutledge, Naval Officer, Henry M Howard. Assistant Naval Officer, Lee Howard. Surveyor, Wm Y Leitch. Measurer, Edward Harleston. Weigher, Isaac Cardoza. Gauger, John T Elsworth. 153 Appraisers of Foreign Goods, Arthur F Holmes, and John Brjan, jr. Coastwise Inspectors, S Champlain, W J Smithj P M Ehney. and J B White. Permanent Import Inspectors, J M Righton, Thomas Steedman, C Pinckney, J P Waties, T W Johnson, E S Courtenay, John Harvey, G VV Wiikie, Jas C Jervey. Jas Stillman, Jas H Ma§hburn, Wm Elfe, John Cudworth, S Knepley, Wm A Plane, Richard Teasdale. Inspector of Drugs, &c , Dr. F M Robertson. Steamboat Inspector, G Lazarus. Store-koeper, Samuel J Wagner. Boarding Officer, J Yates, jr. Export Inspectors, Wm Perry and H Sparnick. Messenger, James Hines. Office Hours.— From the 21st March to the 2lst Sept. from 9 till 2 o'clock ; and from the 21st September to the 21st March, from 10 till 2 o'clock. POST OFFICE— CHARLESTON, S. C. Alfred Huger, Post Master. Evan Edwards, Assistant. Eastern Mail—Bne ii-i A. M., Closes 2 P. M., daily, via Wilniington, N. C. Northern or Georgetown Mail. — Due dailj', (except Monday,) at 9 A. M., closes daily, (except Sunday,) 1 P. M. Southern or Savannah Mail. — Due daily, 2 P. xM, Clo- ses daily, 7J- A. M. Western 31ail.— Ui Train, due daily, 2 P. M., Closes daily 6^ A. M. 2d Train, due daily at 4 P. M,, Closes daily at 10 ^ A. M. Country Mail— Due 2 P. M., Closes 5 P. M. Blue House Mail. — Due Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 A. M.J Closes Monday, Wednesday Friday, 6 P. M. Beaufort and Blufton Mail.— Due Tuesday 12 M., Clo- ses Thursday 6 P. M. Va'/ice^s Ferry Mail. — Due Sunday and Thursday 2 P. M., Closes Monday and Friday, 5 P. M. Pineville Mail. — Due Monday and Thursday, 2 P. M., Closes Tuesday and Friday, 6 A. M. Key West Mail. — For West Indies, Mexico. South 154 America, California and Oregon, due 4th and i9th, leaves 8th and 22d of the month. RATES OF POSTAGE. Single Letters, pre-paid, under 3,000 nriiles, 3 cents ; over 3,000 miles, 6 cents. Single Letters, unpaid, under 3,000 miles, 5 cents ; over 3,000 miles, 10 cents. Half ounce a single letter, every additional half ounce an additional rate. All printed matter, except Newspapers and Periodicals, sent to regular subscribers from the office of publication, to be pre-paid, according to weights and distance. Charleston Gas Light Compamj. Joshua Lazarus, President. John R Heriot, Secretary and Cashier. Directors,— Henry Gourdin, Oiis Mills, George S Cam- eron, M C Mordecai, S H Hayden, Robert Martin, and John F Blacklock. Society for the protection of Property at Fires. G W Egleston, President. J H Ladson, Vice President. Directors. — 1st Wm Bird; 2d Benj Lucas; 3d H F Strohecker; 4th L A Edmondston; 5th R M Butler ; 6th Samuel Fogartie. H S Griggs, Treasurer. T Tupper, jr. Secretary. South- Carolina Rail Roads. Between Charleston and Hamburgh S. C, opposite Augus- ta, Geo.^ and Columbia and Camden, S. C. DEPARTS DAILY. Office at Depot, Mary street — Open from 9 to 2 o'clock, passengers' Depot, John street. Depository, Line street. One Train leaves daily at 8, half past 11 and 5 o'clock, for Hamburg and Columbia, and Camden, and all inter- mediate places. Passage to and from each place $4. Three cents per mile to all intermediate places. H W Conner, President. Directors. — Wade Hampton, Andrew Wallace, Wm B 155 Pringle, A Burnside, Robert Martin, John Bryce, G A Trenholm, C J Shannon, Alfred Huger, Wnn C Dukes, Henry Gourdin, John Caldwell, L J Patterson, Ker Boyce. Commissioners to act on the part of the State. — John Buchanan, J E Calhoun, J M Desaussure, Jas H Adams. J D Petsch, Superintendent. Thomas Waring, Auditor. J R Emery, Secretary. F M Burdell, Forwarding- Agent. John King, jr., Chief Agent. Charles J BoUin, at Columbia. W J Magrath, at Hamburg, N D Baxley, at Camden. Greenville and Columbia Rail Road. President, Hon. J B O'Neall. Directors — At Columbia, John S Preston and Dr. E Sill. At Charleston— Wm Patton and D Blake. At An- derson — J P Rees and Gen. Whitner. At Abbeville — T C Perrin, Joel Smith and Dr. F G Thomas. Newberry — Col S Fair and Drayton Nance. At Fairfield — J S Lyles. Wm Spencer Brown, Chief Engineer. James L Gantt, Secretary and Treasurer, The ofHces of the President and Secretary have been located at Columbia, Charlotte and South- Carolina Rail Road. President, E G Palmer. Directors. , B F Taylor, Jas Martin, J Buch- anan, S McAUily, J A Bradly, Ed Avery, W W Elms, J W Osborne, A B Davidson. Chief Engineer, W M Stockton. Nashville and Chattanooga Rail Road. President, V K Stevenson. Chief Engineer, Georgia Rail Road Company, From Augusta to Atlanta 171 miles. President, J P King. General Superintendent, F C Arms. Agent at Augusta, F Midlara. At Atlanta, W P Orme, At Athens, A Grant. 156 Western and Atlantic Rail Road Company, From Atlanta to Chattanooga^ 140 miles. Chief Engineer, V/m L Mitchell. Agent of Transportation, E R Mills. Agent at Dalton, W D Fulton Memphis Branch Rail Road. From Kingston on the Western Atlantic Rail Road to Rome^ 17 miles. Agent at Rome, S T Combs. Santee Canal Company. President, James Lamb. Directors — Wm Birnie, George Buist, Chas Macbeth, Robt T Chisolm, J H Tucker, Dr. I M Campbell, H L Toomer, Jacob Bond TOn, P J Porcher, James Simons, P C C^aillard, Thomas Gates. Harris Simons, Secretary 'and Treasurer. Charleston Bridge Company. President, Edward Sebring. Directors — Alex H Brown, W E Haskell. Secretary and Treasurer, George S Crafts. Solicitor, W A Prinffle, Magnetic Telegraph Line. Between Waslmii^^lon, Charlesio7i, and Neio Orleans. Office No. 3 State street, (up stairs) near Broad, Directors — S Mowry, jr., F C Mathiessen, in Charles- ton. Mercantile Agency. Under old Carolina Hotel, Broad-street. Proprietor, B Douglass. Charleston Chamber of Commerce. President, G A Trenholm. 1 st Vice President, William Patton. 2d Vice President, James Chapman. Secretary and Treasurer, Virginius J Tobias. Committee of Appeals— Jas Adger, S Mowry, jr., E P Starr, Wm B Heriot, J L Hedley, and T Tupper. 157 South-Carolina Insurance Compamj. Capital $250,000. Charles Edmondston, President. Directors— Robt. Martin, S Mowry, jr., M C Mordecai, Henry Cobia, C H West, James Gadsden. Secretary, A L Tobias. Solicitor, Joseph H Dukes. Charleston Insurance and Trust Company. Capital $500,000. J H Honour, President. ■ Directors — Thaddeus Street, Geo Gibbon, J Chapman, W C Dukes, Jas VVelsman, C M Furman, J T Welsman, W C Gatewood, A Wallace. James Bancroft, Jos Provost, C T Mitchell, J W Caldwell, R H Tucker. Secretary & Treasurer, S H Mortimer. Inspector and Out-door Clerk, Capt. John Greaton. Solicitor, A G Magrath. Commercial hisurance Com'pany, No. 4 Broad-street. Capital 8250,000--all paid in. Wm B Heriot, President. A M Lee, Sec. & Treasurer. Directors — James K Robinson, RolDcrt Caldwell, H T Street, J H Brawley, G A Trenholm, A R Taft, William McBurney, T L Wragg. E L Tessier, Inspector. B C Pressley, Solicitor. R A Kinloch, M. D., Medical Examiner. Insurance Agencies in Charleston, Wm M Martin, Agent for the Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, Fire and Marine Insurance. Capital 8375,000. Office, 9 Broad-street. Thomas Trout, Agent for the Protection Insurance Co. of Hartford, Ct.; Fire and Marine Insurance. Capital $550,000. Office, Commercial wharf. Gregg & Hayden, Agents for the Hartford Insurance Company ; Fire Insurance. Capital $250,000. Office, corner King & Hasel-streets. Wm Lloyd, Agent for the /Etna Insurance Company, Hartford, Ct.; Fire Insurance. Capital $250,000 Co- lumbia Insurance Company, Columbia, S. C. Capital -$400,000. Office. 7 Broad-street. 14 158 T O Heriot, Agent for the Nashville Insurance and Trust Company, Fire and Marine Insurance. Capital $300,000. Office, 20 East-Beiy. The College of Charlesto?i. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Mitchell King, President. D Ravenel, Vice-President. Charles Fraser, Esq., Secretary & Treasurer. Standing Comnaittee— Mitchell King, Esq., Chairman; Hon. John Schnierle, Mayor ; Richard Yeadon, Daniel Ravenel, and Charles Eraser, Esqrs. Board of Trustees, (including the above named gentle- men) — are, Rev. Dr. Post, Rev. Dr. Oilman, Rev. Dr. Hanckel, J L Petigru, Henry A Desaussure, A J White, Alexander Mazyck, J S Rhett, Dr. T Y Simons, C M Furman, E B White, the Mayor, Aldermen — Bellinger, Hayne, and Gordon. Faculty — Wm Peronneau Finley. President, Prof, of Logic, Political Economy and the Evidences of Christi- anity and Horry Professor of Moral, Intellectual and Political Philosophy — William Hawkesworth, A M., Pro- fessor of Latin and Greek Languages and Literature, and of Greek and Roman Antiquities — Lewis R Gibbes, M D., Professor of Mathematics, Chemistry, &c. &c. — Wm P Miles, Assistant Professor of Mathematics — Frederick A Porcher, Professor of History, Ancient and Modern ; Rhe- toric, Belles Letters, English Composition and Elocution. The Rev. John D Bachman, D D., Professor of Natural History, embracing Zoology, in all its branches ; Physi- ology and Comparative Anatomy, Mammalogy, Ornithol- ogy, &c. The Rev. James W^ Miles, Professor of the History of Intellectual Philosophy and Greek Literature. F S Holmes, Professor of Geology and Palaeontology, and Curator of the College Museum. High School of Charleston. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The Hon. John Schnierle, Mayor, (ex-officio member of the Board.) Rev. Reuben Post, D D., Chairman of the Board. The Mayor; Aldermen — Hayne, Bellinger and 159 Edgerlon. Trustees of the Charleston College — M King, Esq., Richard Yeadon. Esq., Dr. Thomas Y Simons, E B White, Esq. Principal of the High School— Henry M Bruns, A M. Charles B Cochran, A B., 1st Assistant. Joseph T Lee, jr., A B., 2d Assistant. Lucian B Lance, 3d Assistant. David X Lafar. A B , Writing Master. John B White, Esq., Clerk and Treasurer. Charleston Library Society. Henry A Desaussure, Esq., President. Judge Gilchrist, Vice President. Wm Logan, Secretary and Librarian. A H Mazyck, Treasurer. Book Committee — President and Vice President, ex- officio, Hon. Mitchell King, C Fraser, Esq , Professor F A Porcher, Hon. T L Hutchinson, Prof. Lewis R Gibbes. Committee on Accounts — J Lamb, O Hammond, G W Egleston, James Gregorie, E P Starr, and Dr. P G Gail- lard. Col. James Simons, Solicitor. Apprentices Library Society. Dr. Jos Johnson, President. Hon. W D Porter, Vice President. A De Caradenc, Treasurer and Librarian. Directors — G N Reynolds, jr.. Dr. F M Robertson, W Kirkwood, Dr. D J C Cain, Wm Bell, H Clark, Dr. A G Mackey, Wm Lebby, J H Steinmyer, J W Caldwell, and C D Carr. n3^ The object of this Institution is to encourage a taste for reading books of history, science and the arts, and beget a literary taste among mechanics of our city. It was incorporated in 1824, and been instru- mental in doing good. It has, by the fostering aid of the city, been enabled to build a hall for Lectures, besides having room in the lower story for a library and a variety of statuary and ornamenlal presents. It is also the receptacle of many IJooks, &,c. sent as donations for the bene- fit of the young. Every parent, guardian or master should become a subscriber to entitle him to the privilege of giving orders for books, the use of his child, ward or apprentice Mercantile Library Association. W B Heriot, President. J B Desaussure, Vice President. Directors — T G Budd, Edwin Heriot, P J Barbot, C Williman, jr., C Weinges, S P Ravenel, E H Frost. Edwin Heriot, Corresponding Secretary. E H Frost, Recording Secretary. A E Cohen, Librarian. 160 State Military Schools, BOARD OiT VISITERS. . The Governor of the State for the time being, and the following gentlemen : James Jones, Chairman ; address, Aiken, S. C David F Jamison, Orangeburg C. H., S. C. William J Hanna, Chesterfield C H., S. C. Daniel Wal- lace, Union C. H., S. C. John H Means, Buckhead, Fair- field District, S. C. James W Cantey, Adj. and Inspector General, Camden, S. C. OFFICERS AND PROFESSORS. CITADEL ACADEMY CHARLESTON. Major Richard W Colcock, Superintendent and Profes- sor of Civil and Military Engineering ; Capt. A. H. Bris- bane; Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Letters ; Lieut. J A Leland, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy; Wm Hume, M. D., Professor of Experimental Philosophy ; M Gauthier, Teacher of French and ]3ra\ving. Dr. H Boyl- ston. Surgeon. J L Gregorie, Bursar. ARSENAL ACADEMY COLUMBL\, Capt. I Mathews, Superintendent and Principal Profes- sor ; 1st Lieut. H C Tew, Second Professor ; Dr. A H Nagel, Surgeon ; M C Shaffer, Bursar. Trustees of the South- Carolina College. By an Act of the Legislature, passed December, 1825 — The Board of Trustees of the South-Carolina College, consists of the Governor of the State, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Judges of the Court of Appeals, the Circuit Judges of the Court of Law, and the Chancellors, ex-officio, and tioenty persons to be elected by the joint ballot of the Senate and House of Representatives, to continue in office four years. The following gentlemen were elected in December, 1849 : R F W Alston, J H Adams, R W Barnwell, R W Gibbes, M. D., J Buchanan, T N Dawkins, William F Desaussure, J Gillespie, Wade Hampton, David Johnson, J L Manning, C G Memminger, B F Perry, James L Pet- igru, John S Preston, Thomas Smith, F H Wardlaw, I D Witherspoon, F J Moses^ H C Young. 101 Hon. W C Preston, President, and Professor Metaphy- sics, Moral and Political Philosophy. M J Williams, M. U., Professor Mathematics, Mechan- ical Philosophy and Astronomy. R T Brumby, Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology. Francis Lieber, LLD., Professorof History and Political Economy. Rev, R Henry, D. D., Professor of Greek Literature. Charles P Pelham, Professor of Roman Literature Rev. , Professor of Sacred Literature, and the Evidences of Christianity. M Laborde, M. D., Professor of Logic, Rhetoric and Belles Lcttres, F W McMaster, Secretary of the Faculty, and Libra- rian. John S Green, Treasurer. A H Gladden, Bursar, C Loomis, Marshal. Medical College of the State of South- Carolina. The Course of Lectures begins on the first Monday in November. Faculty — J E Holbrook, M D., Professor of Anatomy. S Henry Dickson, M D., Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine. E Geddings, M D., Professor of Surgery. James Moultrie, M D., Professor of Physiology. Henry R Frost, M D., Professor of Materia Medica. T G Prioleau, M D , Professor of Obstetrics. C U Shepard, M D., Professor of Chemistry. St. Julien Ravenel, M D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Dr. D J Cain, Physician to the Marine Hospital and Clinical Instructor. Lectures twice a week on the dis- eases of that Institution. Dr. G B Flagg, Physician to the Alms House. Lec- tures twice a week on Diseases. Demonstrative Instruc- tion in Medicine and Surgery, at the College Hospital. HENRY R. FROST, M. D., Dean. Medical Society of South- Carolina' T L Ogier, M. D., PresicVc^nt. H R Frost, M. D., Vice President. F P Porcher, M. D , Secretary. S L Lock- wood, M. D., Secretary and Librarian. L62 Book Committee — Drs. Julien Ravenel, P C Gaiiliard, H W Desaussure. Trustees of Roper Hospital — Dr. Ogier, [ex-officio) Drs, Campbell, Simons, Horlbeck, Winthrop. Free Schools in Charleston. The Commissioners of Free Schools, at the session of the Legislature in 1849, reported 1023 Schools and 1019 Teachers in the State, in which 9122 scholars were taught; which cost the sum of $40,561. These Schools are under the superintendence of Commissioners for each Parish ; the number in those for St. Philip and St. Mi- chael, are 491. In conformity with the Act of 1835, the following appointments have been made, for the govern- ment of the Schools in Charleston. Rev.C Hanckel, Chairman. Dan'l. Horl beck, Secretary. No. 1. Commissioners — T O Elliott, G S Bryan, Dan'l Horlbeck. Trustees — Rev. W H Barnwell, T F Capers, Dr. P C Gaillard. Teacher— E 'i'hayer, Mazyck-st. No. 2. Commissioners — C M Furman, R Yeadon, and Dr. Sam'l. Wilson. Trustees— Rev. R Post, W S Cald- well, and Rev. WB Yates. Teacher— P F Smith, Went- worth -street. No. 3, Commissioners — Rev John Bachman, and Col. James Simons. Trustees — Rev. A W Marshall, C R. Brewster, Wm Rhett. Teacher — John A Blum, Hamp- stead. No 4. Commissioners — George Buist, and Wm Jervey. Trustees — H D Lesesne, S G Barker, and B Lanneau, Teacher — Miss Sarah B Scott, Society-street. No. 5. Commissioners — Col. Thomas Lehre, and G W Egleston. Trustees — Maj. A O Andrews, W P Miles. Teacher — Miss Ann Fogartie, Wall-street. HOTELS IN CHARLESTON. American Hotel, cr. George and King. By J W & G W King. Charleston Hotel, cr. Meeting and Hayne. By D Mixer. Carolina Hotel, Broad, near Church. By Mrs. Angel. Commercial House, N E cr. Glueen and Church. By G W Bomar. 163 Jones' Ho*e!, Broad, near Meeting. By Mrs. Steirneritz. Mansion House, cr. Queen and Meeting. By Mrs. Da- vis and son. Merchants' Hotel, cr. King and Society, by 1 homas Planters' Hotel, S W cr. aueen and Church. By Lannkin & Hurst. -u t n Pavilion Hotel, cr. Meeting and Hasel. By H L But- Victoria Hotel, cr. King and Princess. By Mrs. West. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Alms House, cr. Magazine and Mazyck-streels. Apprentices' Library, Meeting, near Horlbeck's Alley. Armory, Broad-street, west of Guard House. Bathing House, South end Meeting-street. Citadel Academy, Tobacco street. City Hall, N E cr. Broad and Meeting-streets. Court House, (U S) Chalmers-stree!. Court House, N W cr. Broad and Meeting-streets. Custom House, East-end Broad-street. Fire Proof Building, cr. Meeting and Chalmers-streets. Goal, Magazine-street Guard House, S W cr. Meeting and Broad-streets. Guard House, (piquet) King near Calho ui-street. Hibernian Hall, Meeting, opposite Chalmers-street. High School, Society-street. Marine Hospital, Franklin-street. Market Hall, cr. Meeting and Market sts. Masonic Hall, cr. King and Wentworthstreets. Medical College, west end aueen-street. Military Hall, VVentworth, near King-street. Odd Fellows' Hall, cr. Liberty and King-sireets. Orphan House, Calhoun, near King-street. Post Office, Bay opposite Broad-street. South Carolina Hall, Meeting, near Broad street. St. Andrews' Hall, Broad, near King-street. Temperance Hall, Meeting, neor aueen-street. Theatre, Meeting, near Market street. Work-house, Magazine street. 164 CHURCHES AND THEIR PASTORS. PRESBYTERIAN. 1st Presbyterian, cr. Meeting and Tradd, (Scotch) Rev. John Forrest. 2 Presbyterian, cr. Meeting and Charlotte, Rev. Dr. T Smyth. Central Church, Meeting, near Society, Rev. W C Dana.. Glebe-street Church, Glebe, near George, Rev. Dr. J H Thornwell. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. St. Michael's, S E cr. Meeting and Broad, Rev. Paul T Keith. St. Philip's Church, near Clueen, Rev. Bishop C E Gadsden. St. Paul's, (Upper Wards,) Coming and Vanderhorst, Rev. Dr. C Hanckel. St. Peter's, Logan, near Tradd, Rev. W H Barnwell. St. Stephen's, Anson, near Society, Rev. C Wallace. St. John's, (Upper Wards,) Rev. A W Marshall. Grace, Wentworth-street, Rev. AV W Spear. JEWISH. Synagogue, Hasel, near King, E Lyons, Rabbi. Svnagoo^ue, Wentworth, near Anson, Rev. J Rosenfeldt, Rabbi, UNITARIAN. Church, Archdale, near Clifford's Alley, Rev. Dr. Sam'l Gilman. GERMAN. Lutheran, cr. Archdale and Clifford, Rev. Dr. J Bach- iLan. German, cr. Hasel and Anson, Rev. L Muller. BAPTIST. 1st Baptist, Church, nea. Prar'^d, Rev. J R Kendrick. 2d Baptist, Wentworth, near King, Rev. J H Cuthbert. MARINERS' Church, Church-street, near Water, Rev. WB Yates. ORPHANS' Church, Vanderhorst, near King. No stated minister. 165 METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Trinity, cv. Maiden Lane and Hasel-street. Bethel, cr. Calhoun and Pitt-streets. Cumberland, Cumberland, near Meetin;^. St. James, (Upper Wards,) King, near Line. |rj= The ministers of the above are changed annually by the Methodist Conference. METHODIST PROTESTANT. Church, in Wentworth-street, near Meeting, Rev S K Cox. CONGREGATIOxXAL. Circular, Meeting, near Cumberland, Rev. R Post. ROMAN CATHOLIC. St. Finnbar's, cr. Broad and Friend, Rev. Dr. R S Baker. St. Mary's, HascU, near King, Rev. Dr. P Lynch. St. Patrick, (Upper Wards,) cr. St. Philip's and Morris, Rev. P O'Neil, assisted by others. FRENCH PROTESTANT. Church, S E cr. Church and Queen-streets, Rev. C. W Howard. UNIVERSALIST. Church, cr. Anson and Laurens, Rev. . CHURCHES FOR COLORED POPULATION. Church, cr. Wilson and Beaufain, Rev. Paul Trapier, (Episcopal.) Church, Anson, near Calhoun, Rev. John B Adger, (Presbyterian.) tr^ Most of the above Churches have separate build- ings for their weekly services. 166 Pilots for the Bar and Harbor of Charleston. Boat's Names. Names. Grade. Place of Reside?ice. No. 1. JS. Aldert, Capt. Marion. \ Thomas Daniels full branch, nine feet. No, 7 StoU's Alley. No, 99 East-Bay. 2 CJ. C.Lee, Capt. ^^•r- ) Perry Chapman. Carohne. J Charles eI Lee. full branch. ditto, twelve feet. Church-st, n Tradd. Atlantic-street. cr. Long,lane&, E B. ^^ o (FBurrowsjCapt ^tJu \ Jol^n H. Burke. Palmetto. ^ g^^,j_ ^^^^^^^^ full branch, ditto, ditto. No. 55 Kmg-street. Meeting-st. n s-bay. No. 51 East-Bay. No. 4. 4 W.P.Lee,jr. Cpt i. S. Lucas. \ Geo. W. Davis. full branch. cr. Long.lane&cE B. ditto. do. do. do. do. ^ ^ ( W. M'Donald, C ^°- ^- ^ Isaac M'Donald. ^^«^^- hohnA.Smith. full branch. twelve feet. nine feet. No. 8 Stoll'salley. No.— Stoll's-alley. King, near Tradd. j^ g ( H.A.Mullings, C t Elias Smith. full branch. ditto. nine feet. cr. e-bay & Van, wf. No. 57 Tradd-st, No. 57 East-Bay, No. 7. < J Carnighan.Cp Charleston. \ Wm. Bell. full branch, ditto. No. 30 Tradd-st. No. 73 East-Bay. Caroline. ^W.Mulhngs. full branch, twelve feet. No. — Tradd-st, cr, E-Bay k V wf. No. 9. 5 F. Middleton, Cp Chatham. \G.O. Gladden. full branch, ditto. No. — Tradd-st. No. — Church-st. RATES OF PILOTAGE, for the Bar and Harbor of Charleston. For 6 feet water or under, . 7 do 8 do 9 do 10 do 11 do 12 do $ 9 10 11 12 16 18 23 For 13 and a half feet, . . , , $28 14 feet, 31 14 and a half feet, , . . . 36 15 feet, 38 15 and a half feet, .... 40 16 feet, 50 16 and a half feet, .... 60 17 feet, 70 12 and a half do 25 13 feet 26 Pilots must be furnished with a License. Not to absent themselves, nor hire out their boats, under a penalty of $100, with costs and the loss of License. Cruising or standing out to sea, must offer his services first to the vessel nearest the Bar, except when he sees a more distant vessel in distress, under penalty of $50, Avith costs. Must bring vessels to Quarantine Ground, and remain on board until the Port Physician shall permit him to depart, under the penalty of $50, with costs. Brings in a vessel shall have the exclusive right to take her out again. Shall receive additional fees for boarding vessels to the leeward of the Bar, or for tak- ing charge of any vessel at the distance often leagues from the Bar, shall be entitled to receive $4 for every day of his being on board, previous to her coming into port, over and above the fees established. If directed by 167 the master of an inward vessel to anchor in the Roads, and afterwards to bring her up to the City, shall be entitled to $4 for such extra service. Bringing in a vessel, may demand their fees before she departs, and refuse to carry her out, if such charges are not duly paid ; no other pilot shall have a right to carry her out, on pain of being liable to such pilot for the fees of bringing her in and taking her out, as well as for any other char- ges that may be due to such pilot on account of such vessel ; and when- ever a pilot, entitled to carry out a vessel, is apprehensive that his fees of pilotage may not be paid by her master, or owner, or consignee, after he brings her over the Bar, he shall have a right to demand his fees in ad- vance, or sufficient security for payment thereof; and on failure thereof, to refuse to carry her out, in that case also, no other pilot shall have a right to carry out such vessel, on pain of being liable to the former pilot for the fees of her pilotage. Shall notify Masters of vessels of the duties required of them, by the Port Regulations, To furnish the Master, in writing, his name and place of residence, and the name and number of the Boat to which he is attached. 169 AND FURNISHING ARTICLES, 238 EING-ST., (In the Bend.) CHARLESTON, S. C. ^3= The undersigned would call attention to the of the above constantly on hand, and sold at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE. Those in want of the above, will do well to call and examine. DUNN dc DURYEA. WHOLESALE CLOTHING WAREHOUSE JUST OPENED AT CHARLESTON, S. C. XO^ The attention of Merchants^ and Planters' is respectfully invited to the large and well assorted Stock of Clothing and Furnishing Articles, manufactured expressly for the Southern market^ and which will be disposed of on the most reasonable terms. All orde];s promptly attended to. SAMUEL C. DUNN. 15 170 GEO. ^. HITDE, FASHIONABLE GIOTHINC ESTABLISHMENT, Wholesale and Retail, King Street5 Opposite Merchants^ Hotel CHARLESTON, S. C. The reputation of this House will be sustained. All Garments warranted to please. Ne^v Goods Received Weekly. Feeling a confidence which few can feel in making the promise that all the articles for sale in my establishment will give the most perfect satisfaction in regard to Fabric, Style, or Finish, while the prices (no small considera- tion) will prove a still greater inducement for general pat- ronage. Relying upon the liberality and kindness of friends for support, I solicit a share of your patronage, which I will make it for your interest to bestow, and hope in making your selections of Clothing, you will, at least^ favor my establishment w^ith a call before making your purchases. JOHN T. DARBY, O. E. JOHNSON, A. S. JOHNSON, Wm. M.BELSER, SUPERINTENDANTS. in WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN 30 BROAD-STREET, Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of ClOTHKG, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, AND IN GENERAL. Also, a Fine Assortment of CASSIMEUES&yESTIMS; Which he will MAKE TO ORDER, in the most Fashionable Style, and at TER? LOW PHIGES- 172 FASHIONABLE RETAIL CliOTHIICi AND Outfitting Establishoient, BY iisfiifi 268 KING ST. COB. OF WENTWORTH. Having been long established, the name and reputation of this establishment is well known to our citizens, and takes precedence of all others in extent and richness of stock and favorableness of terms offered to purchasers.— Gentlemen will at all times here find the latest and most fashionable styles of clothing issued, and equal if not su- perior to those made to order in the city. Every article is guaranteed in every respect, and sold at the lowest possible price. Kent, Bates &l Mitchell, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN READY MADE CLOTHING; lie ^ MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, Near Charleston Hotel, The attention of Merchants is called to this Steck, which in extent and variety is unequalled in the southern country. Manufactory 129 Washington Buildings^ William st. N. Y 173 TASIIIONABLE Cr,OTHINC} ESTABLISHMENT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BOYS', YOUTHS', & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, 261 KING STREET, Next door North W. R. Babcock's Bookstore, CHARLESTON, S. C. CAIiHOU CLOTHING STORE. G. Ottle & €o. SUCCESSORS TO JOHNSON & CANFIELD. CLOTHING STORE, No. 199 King Street, Next door to Victoria Hotel, Charleston, S. C. Ahvays on hand, a large and fashionable Stock of READY HADE CLOTHING: At the Lowest possible Prices. SHIRTS, HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, &c. rjUll* 178 FACTORS AND commissioN meeohantS) No. 14 SOUTHERN WHARF, l-i-lToZ'.l GHARLESTON, S. D. GAILLARD & SNOWDEN, f At ft as , — AND — Commission -- Merchants, No. 6 SOUTHEKiN WHARF— up stairs. ^.'^E^wrk \ Charleston, S. C. W. M. Lawton & Co. COMMISSION AGENTS, No. 13 SOUTHERN WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. M. Lawton, > < W. M. Taylor, R. Wainwright Bacot, \ ( Joseph T. Dill. 179 Matthewes & Roper, FACTORS AND Commission -- Merchants, No. 21 Vandeiliorst's Wharf, — up stairs. E.W^Ma«hewes,^ CHARLESTON. Paine & I^ucas, a m> A m w v. l0filftS Or s^% %j^ %M jm m;% ^ ^ — AND — ^ --COMMISSION MERCHANTS,-. No. 68 EAST-BAY, CIiARLESTON, S. C. Dealers in Bacon, Sugar, Molasses, Bagging, Rope, dz:c. E. T. Paine, J. Lucas. J. Van Winkle, 308 King Street, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF HARD-WARE & CUTLERY, UTIN GOODS, BASKETS & WOODEN WARE, BRUSHES, WAITERS; and a large variety of HOUSE KEEPING GOODS which are offered for sale as low as can be bought tn the city. 180 Cor. Columbus and Nassau sts. Ckrlestoii, S. C. Where is continued the Manufactory of STEAM ENGINES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MACHINERY of every VARIETY and kind for Rice-Mills, Saw-Mills, Flour-Mills, Grist-Mills, Threshing Mills. GEARING, SHAFTING, &c. for Cotton Factories. Having the most extensive assortment of Paterns of all kinds, is prepared to execute CASTINGS of IRON and B-:ASS, of any variety. BLACKSMITH'S WORK of all kinds. Repairing of Engines and Machinery. 181 Wharf St. foot of Laurens St. Charleston. Manufacturer of all kinds of LAND, MARLNE, AND LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, also, IRON and BRASS CASTINGS and MILL WORK of every kind ; Rice, Corn, and Saw MILLS. Hoisting Ma- chines for Stores, Horse Powers, &c., Rail Road Wheels, Axles, Springs, &c. BLACKSMITH work in general. Screw Bolts, &c. PRICES & TERMS ACCOMMODATING & REASONABLE. D. JACOBS, Importer and Dealer in WATCHES, JEWElRY.ClflCRS. 33Bh King Street, Charleston, S. O. Keeps always on hand a splendid Assortment of fine Gims, Pistol:^, Rifles, Fine Cutlery, Accordeons. Watches and Jewelry Rep sired at the shortest notice and in the most workmanlike manner. SCHWEITZER, REPAIRER OF Thatches & Clocks. 335 KING STREET, CHARLESTON- Repairing done at the shortest notice. 16 182 C. B. CAEl k CO. DRAFlllfllLORS, No, 30 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. CLOTHS, GASSIMUBES, — AND^ — OF THE LATEST STYLES, ALWAYS ON IJAISD, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CHAS. D. CARR, JOHN T. FLYNN Ten per cent. Discount allowed for Cash. 183 EDGERTON & RICHARDS, DRAPIEU AND M ^ca Mix S s No. 82 Broad St., ('harleston, S. C IMPORTERS OF ^^:::=:i'^^ VESTINGS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, FRENCH AND ENGLISH SILK UMBRELLAS, WALKING CANES, &c., of the newest style. Also, a full assortment of f AlCI ASTICLIS FOR GENTLEMEN'S DRESS. All of which are offered on accommodating terms. E. W. EDGERTON, FRED'K RICHARDS. 184 SS. ^i Draper & Tailor, 133 KING-STREET, 133 keeps constantly on hand, CLOTHS, CAiSISmiEElii, o5 ¥1S¥1M€^^ AND A VARIETY OF of the newest and most fashionable styles, CHARLESTON. S. C. 185 FASHIONxVBLE Furnishing Store FOR GENTLEMEN, Corner Meeting and Market Streets, NEAR THE CHARLESTON HOTEL, where can always be had S H I M T made of Fine Linen and Muslin, in the Latest Fashion, of the best materials, superior work- manship and DAPfSRIfSoELEBRAiiD PATTERN. W. A. DANSKIN is the ORIGINAL INVExNTOR of the system of cutting Shirts by measurement. DANSKIN'S PATTERN has received the unquaHfied com- mendation of genilemen in all parts of the United States, and has been pronounced perfect. The superiority of Danskin's Pattern over all the late imita- tions of it, is universally acknowledged. The yoke is fitted neatly to the neck and shoulders without seams, and conse- quently does notchale and annoy the wearer. Gentlemen's Measures taken, and Shirts made to order at short notice- Also, for sale, UNDER-SHIRTS and DRAWERS of Silk, Cotton, Woollen, and other desirable kinds, SHOULDER BRACES, DRESSLNG GOWNS, RUSSIA BELTS, SUSPENDERS, HALF HOSE. GLOVES, CRAVATS, and POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, hemmed, ready for immediate use, STOCKS, OPERA TIES, Canes, Umbrellas, Soap, Perfumery, And a great variety of other GOODS suitable for Genile- men. |I3^ The prices at this Establishment are unilorm — and the business eo conducted as to secure the custom of those who once purchase from us. 16* 186 IIA R[JBBER WAREHOUSE. No. 270 Ring St. cor. Weiitwortli, Cliarkston. Where may be found the only extensive and exclusive Assortment of every variety of METALIC RUBBER GOODS in the Southern Country ; established in 1847, and connected with the only manufactures of Metalic Goot]s in the United States, The Union India Rubber Company, N. Y. 33* Every article sold at this Establishment is warranted for the ,=|3| purposes adapted, and not to be effected by any climate or any degree of beat or cold. The assortment comprises every article now in Market, (which are many hundreds) and will offer every new thing as introduced at our manufactories. Among the almost endless variety embraced iu the assortment, may be found in part, the following : Metalic Rubber Over Coals, (light, heavy and medium, as- sorted sizes,) Capes, Cloaks, Capes with Sleeves, (made light expressly for this market,) Leggins, Pants, Overalls, Boots lor sporting with high legs, Boots short, Caps with Capes, Sou'^- westers, Ponchos, Saddle Bags, Water and Fire Buckets, Liquor and Cologne Bottles, Cups, Traveling Bags, Air Beds, Air Pillows and Cushions, Life Preservers and Jackets, Fancy- Piano and Table Covers, Crumb Cloths, Shower Matts, Long and Short Gloves, Carriage Cloths, all widths, qualities and prices, Knee and Ankle Boots for Horses, Tents for Encamp- ments, Surveyors' and California Hose, all sizes. Machine Belting, Game Bags, Gun Covers, Bathing Caps, Camp Blankets, Whips, riding and team. Tobacco Wallets, Balls, every size and every price per doz.. Parlor Balls, Foot Balls, Rubber Caricatures of Animals, Lions, Dogs, &c., Doll Heade, Girls and Boys; also, Negro Heads, Teething Rings and Rattles, Counting House Gum in squares, Garters, Shoulder Braces, Body Bells, Breast Bottles, Syringes, Ear and Eye do. Paper Holders, Bab}^ Jumpers ; also, the only assortment of Metalic Rubber Over-Shoes, in this Market, comprising five or six different varieties and Manufactures. All of the above the subscriber is prepared to furnish Country Merchants and the trade at wholesale, and to planters and consumers by the piece, at our Northern prices. H. W. SeiFFER, Manufacturers' Agent, and the only exclusive Dealer in Rubber Goods in the Southern Country. 187 11® £, CQUieill BOOK AND JOB No. 119 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, HAS JUST RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF NEW & BEAUTIFUL TYPE, which, together with that in previous US'?, will enable him to execute ALL KINDS OF PRINTING in a manner not to be excelled in this City. His office is complete in every respect, and with COMPETENT AND TASTY WORKMEN, and his own PERSONAL ATTENTION, the public may be assured of having their orders executed in the NEATEST MANNER, WITH aUICK DESPATCH, and at prices as reasonable as can possibly be afforded. He returns his thanks to his friends and the public generally for past favors, and hopes, by assiduity and attention to busi- ness, to merit a continuance of the same, and respectfully solicits a reasonable share of patronage. 188 CARVALHO'S GRAND SKY-LICHT DAGUERREABI GALLERY. SPLENDID PICTURES. No. 167 Meeting St. OPPOSITE THE CHARLESTON HOTEL At this Establishment, only FIRST RATE PICTURES are allowed to be sold. The Proprietor operates himself, and being a PRACTICAL ARTIST, sitters can with confidence rely upon his judgment. The public voice, througii the me- dium of the press, has pronounced Carvalho's Daguerreotypes to be inferior to none, and equal to any tliat have been made in this country. His scientifically arranged North light is the best adapted to the purpose of taking Daguerrean Portraits. The Gallery is adorned with many specimens of ENGRAVINGS & DAGUERREOTYPES OF DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS. The largest and best German Cameras are used in this Establishment, and by a new process, Pictures of Children, of any age, can be made in a few seconds of time. Pictures taken for Rings, Medalions, Lockets, &c. Strangers visiting Charleston, are respectfully invited to visit this Gallery, whether they wish Pictures or not. The Gallery is open from half-past 6 o'clock in the morning until dark. Persons arriving at night, and about to leave in the morning train of Cars, can have their pictures taken and finished in the space of a quarter of an hour. All Likenesses warranted to give Satisfaction. No extra charge for the new style Ivory Daguerreotypes. S. N. CARVALHO. 189 jBui imMi he: rBT rw^ G A L, L, E M Y, No. 221 King-St. Over W. J. Jacobi & Son's % <^k% Respectfully informs the Citizens of his native State that he is prepared to take PICTURES OF ^JLIj SIZ E S^ in a style that cannot be surpassed. Having all the facilities of light to produce A Good Picture, he pledges himself to give A PERFECT LIKENESS. Mr. Glen returns his thanks for past favors, and respect- fully solicits a call at his rooms. DAGUERREAN STOCK FOR SALE. .4:n| 190 DAGUERIIAN GALLERY AND PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPOT. OLD ESTABLISHED STAND, South-East corner King and Market Streets. Having every facility necessary to the perfection of the art, is prepared to execute LIKENESSES in a style which stands unrivalled. APPARATUS, PLATES, CASES, CHEMICALS, &c.. For sale on reasonable terms. Instruction given in the Art. 191 George S. Cook, NO. 235 KING ST., OPPOSITE BASEL STREET, Instruction in the Art, and Stock for sale. WM BOlONY, MANUFACTURERS OF Hats and Caps, OF EVERY STYLE AND QUALITY, which he offers, at wholesale and retail, cheap for cash. No. 13 Broad-St. opposite state St Charleston, S. C. N. B. Country Merchants are requested to call and examine for themselves. All orders executed with care and despatch. Manufacturer of HAVANA, HALF SPANISH, AMERICAN SEGARS, of the best quality, all of which are warranted to give satisfaction. No. 18 Queen st. and King st opposite the Upper Guard House, Charleston, S. C. 192 TO THE CITY & COUNTRY WHOLESALE MEMCHANT8. The Subscribers would inform wholesale dealers, that they can purchase UMBRELLAS, ParasolSj Walking Caoes, &c. AT THE FACTORY, No. 179 King St. Charleston, S. C. as cheap as at any other Factory in the Union ; as we have a large Factory in New York, and are in the possession of every facility for the manufacture of the above goods, which we are determined shall be sold as low as in New York or any other place. We also import FINEWATCHES AND JEWELRY of every description, and French, English, and German Fancy Goods. Please look at our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as it is the largest in the Southern Country, and will be sold on accommodating terms. ROBERT LECKIE & CO. 193 B. JOHNSON, U IM B R li L L A , PARASOL, Walking Cane and Wire Safe Mannfacturer, 263 K!NG-ST. nearwcmworth, CHARLESTON, S. C. Has always on hand, a large assortment of every article in the above line. Also, the largest supply of ®w^^y Umbrellas xV. B. IN THE STATE. All the above articles are warranted superior to most imported, and sold at a lower price, Wholesale and Retail. BEIMHJSlmB Ts MANUFACTURER OF DENTAL & BHRGICAL INSTRUMENTS, JVo. 191 j?leetiii§-st, Charlesfoii, S C has constantly on hand a large assortment of 'ZM7 IBS. 'VJ SS ^^ 'SEl !iS 9 which he will fit to an}' individual. Recom- mendations of the City Physicians given. Abdominal and Spinal Supporters, Bandages for the cure of Club Feet^ Weak Ankles, &.C., and Surgical Ma. chinery for the treatment of every va_ riety of Deformity, always on hand. All of the above articles are made to order. Particular attention paid to Repairing, Sharpening, and Polishing. 23" By strict attention to business, he flatters himself to gain the confidence and patronage of the public. 17 194 Adolpb John Rutjes, 174 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. WHOLSALE AND RETAIL COlfECTIOllE, Import(ir and Dealer in German and French TOYS, Baskets, Fire-'Works, &c. if lUf i AND of all kinds constantly on hand. DINNERS, BALLS, Parties and Suppers served on the most reasonable terms and at the shortest notice. Orders from the Country thankfully received and promptly attended to. 195 L. M. Aubert, i§liiif i§lil FROM PARIS, 285 KING-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. rANirPACTf RER OP Cordial Almonds, Filberts, Superj5ne Almonds, Italian Almonds, and every kind of French Seed, &c. 6lc. Terms Cash, Hu^h E. Yincent, SHIP GHiillDMB. AND NAUTICAL STORE, No. 75 EAST-BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. Also keeps a supply of Paints, Oil, Varnish, &.c. of the first qualities. COMPASSES TOUCHED. iDCf Agent for sale United States Coast Survey Charts. ^^j[^ Trw7BLTsT, Manufacturer and Dealer in Plain andJapanned Tin Ware, Cooking and Parlor Stoves, Lead Pipe, Copper Force and Cast Iron Pumps, put up; Tin Roofing, Guttering, and all kinds of Job Work in the line done at short notice. 109 Meeting-St., Charleston, S. C. A general assortment of House-Keeping articles on hand. 196 Daniel H. 8ilcox FUiilTUEE 224 KING STREET, Four doors above Market St., east side, keeps constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of FURiyiTUFIE, of his own and Northern Manufacture, comprising Wardrobes, Washstands, Bedsteads, SS; OS JB^ J^^ ^ai 9 CARD, SOFA, CE.NT8E, and other TABLES, c e A III s of ail descriptions, to suit the taste of the most fastidious. Also, materials of all kinds in the Manufacturing line, such as Veneers, Plank and Boards, of Mahogany, Walnut, Maple and Poplar. SOFA SPRINGS, HAIR CLOTH, GLASS PLATES, and VARNISH. N. B. Funerals furnished. Furniture made to order. Old Furniture Repaired and Varnished, and Chairs Re-Painted, The Above work done with neatness and despatch, by competent workmen. 197 Emanuel Currant, 154 KING STREET, CHARLESTON: Manufacturer of LOOKIE GLASSES, Picture Frames AND WINDOW CORNICES of every description and variety of styles, IMPORTER OF for Oil and Water Color Painting, Gold Leaf, by the package, Looking Glass Plates of all sizes by the box. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECIJTED and all kinds of work warranted to be of the best workmanship. 17* 98 i CO c^^ ^^ (IN THE BEND.) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in every description of carfetk: Oil Cloths, India Mattings, HEARTH lUGS^ BOOR MATS, Table and Piano Covers, &c. A large assortment and variety of styles constantly on hand, all of which will be sold as low as can be purchased in the city. WINDOW ic BED made in the latest stlyes, DIAGRAMS taken, and CARPETS made in the best manner and fitted accurately. Floor Cloths neatly fitted and put down. 199 Don't Mistake the Mammoth o^nB fl T 232 "^ SHOE STORE!! The Emporium of Fashion & Quality. As Cheap as the Cheapest. T. M. BRISTOLL'S FASHIONABLE BOOISHOGAITRMK STORE, (SIGN OF THE MAMMOTH BOOT,) 232, Bend of King Street, Charleston, S. C. In Store, 46,000 pairs Boots and Shoes, comprising every variety lor Ladies, Gents, Misses, Children and Servants. Also, a great variety of Travelling & common Trunks, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Vahses, and Ladies' Hat Boxes, at low prices. Just rec'd, 4,000 pairs Ladies' Gaiter Boots from $1 to $2.50. Morocco Slippers, 50 and 75 cents — elegant article. Plantation Brogans, by the package, or to fit measure, — cheap. 200 Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fancy and General Boot, Shoe, and Tnmk STORE, No. 233 KING STREET, (Opposite Hascl,) Charleston, S. C, iOOT MID SHOE STORE, THUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, COMBS AND BRUSHES. Wholesale and Retail. Cor. King St. & Horlbeck's Alley, Charleston. JOEL WITHERBY, -M. ]»A BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Cor. King and Market Sts., Charleston, S. C. p. S. One half the world knows not what the other is about, when they are obtaining such bargains at Witherby's 201 F. C. BLUM, LUlill Mm f Hill FACTOR, West end Beaufain St. Charleston, S C. HENRY CLARK, West End of Bcaufixin Street, STEAM PLANING MACHINE, constantly on hand, WORKED SEASONED YELLOW PINE FLOOmNG, Ceiling, Shelving, Weather Boarding, Tongue, Groove and Square Joint, ALSO, FIRRING AND PLASTERING LATHS. Particular attention paid to Orders, and a Discount made for CASH, for all sums of $25 and over. All accounts to be rendered in quarterly. F. H. LONG-, BOOT mmm. No. 84 Meeting Street, Charleston, S. C. One door South of Cunaberland Street. He takes this methoti of returning his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received by him. and solicts a continuance of the same. He keeps constantly on hand a small stock of READY MADE WORK of the best material. 202 ©[}]/a[S[L[i§Tr HEAl SAW MILL, WEST END mmm -k- mwrnim STREETS. Particular attention paid to SHIPPING AND OTHER ORDERS. John H. Steirimeyer. ■/ BR EAD- v ^- ASSORTED CRACKERS^ v^. S OD A I ^%.W» Lt^^ IbOSTON > Biscuit Bakery, No. ISl Meeting st, opposite Market, Charleston. The sub.scriber has constantly on hand. PILOT AND NAYY BREAD, Wine, Soda, Butter, Lemon, Water, Sugar, Seed, and Dyspeptic Crackers, Ginger Nuts, &c., in Barrels, Kegs, and bulk, all warranted of the best quality, and at low- est prices. IT^^* Boxes assorted Crackers for Families. R. S. Millar. 203 W. III. Dougherty & Co dAH fitters;, AND DEALERS IN GAS FIXTURES, No. 292 King Street, Charleston, S. C. One door North of Society St. G-AS FIXTURES of all descriptions and Patterns, from the most celebrated manufacturers kept constantly on hand ; also, GIRANDOLES, China Janm, and other Mantle and Table Ornaments. 204 Gregg", Hayden & Co., No. 250 King, cor. Hasel-St., IMPORTERS OF fe Clocks vin William and \Va g and P Gregg, WAieH M6VEI1ENTS/ Jewelry & Silver- ¥/ are, Plated and Japanned Goods, CUTLERY, LAMPS, m ,A m- Ff If w WM w> w a HoLise-i^urnishing and FANCY ARTICLES. {ches carefully Repaired— Copperplate Engra- rinting— Diamonds and Cameos Mounted. H. Sidney Hayden, Augustus H. Hayden. SILVER - WARE MAiyUFACTORY, The Subscribers manufacture at their Establishment, 127 Ring Street, one door from Queen, Clitirleston, S. C. Every variety of such as Tea Sets, Communion Service, Pitchers, Waiters, Castors, Cups, Tumblers, Plates, Spoons, Forks, Butter, Fish, Fruit, and Dessert Knives, &c. Also, a handsome assortment of JE"WELRY AND FANCY GOODS, lo which they are constantly adding the newest and best Patterns ol English, French and American Manufacture. J. EWAN, W. H. EWAN. 205 FRANCIS BAOKES, No. 82 Meeting Street, Between Cumberland St. and the Circular Church, CHARLESTON, S. C. WATCH AND CHRONOMETER 'J^JBC J^mL. JEft. JEl Clocks, Musical Boxes, and every variety of Jewelry, made and repaired. Watches and Clocks, of various workmanship, always on hand for sale. lEj^ All work warranted for Twelve AJonths. ^|;:i| L eWJaIEWKI, WATCH-MAKER AND J IS W E £■ B R, DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, & Jewelry, of every description, 104 Meeting Street, Cluirlestoii, S. C. Opposite the Theatre, All work warranted for Twelve Months. A: W: TROU, ^ 187 RING STREET, CDARLESTON, S. C. Has constantly for sale, an assortment of JEWELRY, WATCHES, c I @ c 1 i i Perfumery, Combs, Hair-Brushes, Tooth-Brnshes, Portmoniee, &c., which he ofiers (or sale at the lowest prices. Visiting Cards in every variety of style neatly printed. Stamps and Seals for Societies handsomely executed. tI 1x1 « Door, Sash & Blind iBET' jmL. az:: nr «c© 30^ TfcT' 9 South Side of Council St., near West end of Tradd Street^ CHARLESTON, S. C. Doors, Shutters, and all kinds of Carpenters' work done with despatch. m w M :ft m ^ ft M House, Sign, and Ornamental AT THE OLD STAND, 126 King-street, Charleston. Orders for Painting in all its branches, and Glazing, promptly attended to. 214 IE. SHARES MO. FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS, No. 284 KING ST. CHARLESTON, S. C. Three doors below the Merchants' Hotel. FURNITURE MADE AND REPAIRED. J. E. Suares, Elias Polock. WATp-fflAORS. Corner of Meeting and Chalmers Streets, Opposite the Hibernian Hall, Charleston, So. Carolina. K iiui^m. W^ii:^ §^ m I Hfll'SE CARPEilER t J«iER, No. 1 Queen St. Newly invented improved COTTON SHAVING PLOUGH, cuts 24 inches in width, manufactured to order. Planters who have used this Plough, pronounce it the most complete for ploughing Corn and Cotton. rr^^- OF.DERS from the COUNTRY solicited. .^ 215 E.R. STOKES, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Book Bindery AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, No. 59 BROAD ST., CHARLESTON. All kinds of Books, Periodicals &c, BOUND in any desired style. RULED and BOUND to any PATTERN. Work done with Despatch, and at the lowest city prices. 216 ill Wit ASS ^S Drug and Chemical ESTABLSHi^iENT, gOf King-^t., below the Bend, Charlesioii, S. C, Where is conslantl}' kept on hand, Chemicals of the latest discoveries, well worthy of the .'tteiition of Physicians and Students, who wish to avail themselves of the latest results of practical experiments of the first Chemists of France, Germany, etc. Also, an assortment of Unsiu-passcd by any, foi quality, in this market, and from which are pre- pared a variety ol'Tinctuies, that cannot fail to attract the attention of country practitioners. For the use of Planfers, with such directions as can admit of their being administered with safety by their own hands. Attention is requested to the following valuable articles, prepared only at this establishment; Cleveland's Superior Cologne Water — which received the first premium and a silver medal from the S. C. Institute, 1849, and a diploma, 1850-1. Cleveland's Tetter Wash — warranted a certain cure for Tetter, Ring Worm, Scald Head, Barber's Itch, and all Cutaneous Eruptions. Cleveland's Deobstruent, the greatest Purifier of the Blood knovvp; Sar- saparilla Syrup; Sarsaparilla and Queen's Delight; Cough Mixture, used in every family where it is known ; Worm Medicine and Powders. Dr. E. S. Bennett's Bowel Complaint Mixture; Cough Elixir ; Chol- era Mixture and Pills. Cleveland's German Tincture of Arnicu, for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Etc. CLEVELAND & SERINE'S NE PLUS ULTRA YEAST POWDERS. The many and various preparations now before the public, bearing the name of Yeast Powders, render it necessary that we should apprise them that these Powders are the result of long and careful chemical analysis, and a certain test of their superiority by their use. We challenge the world to produce an article equal for the purpose they are recommended; and we now place them before the public, with full confidence that they will supersede all other preparations for making Bread, Cakes, Pastry, &c. Particular attention is called to the extensive assortment of beautiful and choice articles for the ToiletTable, the Dressing Room and Boudoir, consisting of Perfumery of every kind; Scented Soaps of all varieties; Oils and preparations for the Hair; Powders and preparations for render- ing the skin soft, smooth and blooming ; Dentifrices for the Teeth ; Brushes of all kinds ; Combs, and every article necessary for the nse of the lady or gentleman, or families, whether traveling or at home. Most of these articles have been expressly imported, at great expense in time and money in making the selections. Strangers visiting the city are re- spectfully invited to call and see the variety of articles we have for sale. 217 nR. .ii^jL i;jv^ s VEGETABLE COMPOUND for Ihc cure of DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BILIOUS AFFECTIONS, &c. This medicine is offered to ihe public under the assurance that there is no article in existence having stronger claims to their consideration. Being compounded by a regular Gradu- ate of Jefferson College, and a practising Physician ol' Twenty Years' Standing in Philadelphia, his long experience has con- firmed him in the opinion tliat a compounded medicine was required to prevent and remedy the debilitation produced by residing in low, miasmatic climate, and to counteract the prostrating influences of the many nervous disorders with which the human family are alllicted. Dr. Allen is a well known physician, and has used the above medicine in his practice for twelve years with the most aston- ishing effect, having tested its qualities in above TEN THOUSAND CASES. The effect of this Compound is such as not to interrupt either business or pleasure; requiring only the common restraint of moderation in diet. It is conveyed by the circulating fhjids, and corrects their tendencies to all diseases which originate in Diseased Liver, Depraved Appetite, or Predisposition to Affection of the Lungs. Thousands are lingering upon the brink of the grave, suffering under diseases in some form, whom this medicine would certainly restore to health and society. Its safety and innocence have been fully tested, so that it may be administered to the most helpless and tender infant. The above medicine has for a long time been used with great success in warding off that Debility and Prostration of Strength which is produced from living in a Southern Climale, or in a neighborhood where Miasmata arises from wet and low lands, Bilous and Intermittent Fevers, also Liver Complaint, which is so often mistaken for Cousumption of the Lungs, though if the patient watches himself closely, he may discover the difference. Dr. G. W. Allen is a Avell known physician of the city of Philadelphia, and has used the above medicice in his practice for the last Twelve Years, the result of Avhich has fully proved that it will CURE DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORMS, and he now offers it to the public under this conviction, and trusts it will meet with that patronao-e which it so justly deserves. When the above Medicine is used as directed, a certain cure will be effected in a short time. Prepared only by the Proprietors, DR. GEORGE W. ALLEN, Phila- delphia, and J. A. & W. L. CLEVELAND, No. 207 King Street, Charleston, S. C, and sold by the principal Druggists in the U. States. Having suffered for years with Dyspepsia, and been relieved by the above medicine, I take pleasure in recommending it to my friends. New York, July 1st, 1851. SOLON ROBINSON, 19 218 William Curtis, No. 137 East-Bay, Fourth Store South of Queen Street. CMRLESTON, S. €. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN fiUMIE Fim OR K9 iE^ £iEC & A ^F i&A f9y Camphine, Sperm, Solar, and Whale m Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Japans, Varnishes and Brushes, EngHsh and American While Lead, French Window Glass, Paris and English Green P AIMTS, Paints, dry and ground in Oil, of all colors. fj^ Prompt attention to HOUSE, SHIP, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, in all its branches. [ Your custom^is respectfully solicited. 219 J. P. M. EFFING: Wholesale and Retail DRUCJ-li I ST, Offers for sale all kinds of American & B'oreign DRUGS & MEDICINES: SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, &c., &c. on the most reasonable terms. 277 King Street, opposite Society Street and the Merchants' Hotel, Charleston, S. C PROPRIETOR OF Epping's Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla and QUEEN'S DE LIGHT. ESSENCES, For flavoring Ice Creams, Sauces, Jellies, Custards, Puddings, Pies. &c., viz : Lemoiiy Vanilla^ Almond^ Rose and Preserved Juice of Pine Apples. A Silver Medal was awarded to thcpc Essences, by the First Annual Fair of the Couth Carolina Institute. Also, Syrup of Lemon, prepared out of the pure Juice ; Syr- ups of Gum Arabic, Strawberry, Blackberry, Orgeat, SassalraS; Currant, Raspberry, Ginger, Sarsaparilla, &c. PREPARED BY J. P. M. EPPINC, Chemist and Druggists, 277 King St., Charleston, S. C. 220 Havilaiid, Harral & Co DRUCGISTS, Wholesale, 25 Hayne St, Retail, 260 King St. CHARLESTON, S. C. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN English, French, and American Chemicals, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Paints, Oils. Dye Stuffs, and WINDOW-GLASS, PERFUMERY, Fancy Articles, BRUSHES of all kinds, BRONZES, Fancy Soaps, Trusses, Tanners' Tools, Druggists' Glass Ware, Extracts, Dentists' Gold and Tin Foil, Porcelain Teeth, &c. Together with a full supply of every article usually found in our line of business, which we offer at the lowest market prices for cash or approved credit. The following Patent Medicines (for most of which we are Wholesale Agents) can be obtained genuine, viz: Sands' Sarsaparillla, Jaynes' Medicines, Moffat's Medi- cines, Ayers' Clierry Pectoral, Balsam Coltsfoot, Davis' Pain Killer, Bogle's Hyperion Fluid, Hoiick's Panacea, Rothe's Pain Killer, Pri- or's Pile Omtment, Dr. Clapp's Specific, Swaim's Panacea, Husband's Magnesia. Romtm Eye Balsam, M'Mun's Elixir of Opium, Dr. F. H. Perry's " Dead Shot," Clove Anodyne Tooth-Ache Drops, Beckvvith's Anti Dyspeptic Pills, Beckwith's Anti- Billious Pills, Youatt's Condilion Powders, Pliilotoken or Females' Friend, Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, Huf- feland's Syrup Tar, Rovvand's Tonic Mixture, Oxy- genated Bitters for Dyspepsia, Compound Fluid Extract Buchu, Upham's Pile Electuary, Colleton Bitters for Dyspepsia. N. B. Our connexion with the long established house of " Haviland, Keese &. Co., New York," gives us facilities enjoyed by few houses, for selling pure articles and at the lowest prices. LB D '14